HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-08 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 • Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2003 ·1N BUSINESS Businesses bristle at insurance requirement State law requiring larger businesses to prqvide health coverage for workers is another example of unwanted state mandates, they say. Alicia Robins on Da1ly P1lot When California voters go lo the polls on March 2, they could see a referen- dum to block. a state law that would l'l'- quire larger businesses 10 provide health lnsurdflce to their workers. Local busine<;s O\Ynen. and organ1za· tions said the law is a concern, bu1 mosUy as part of a pattern of overall government mand\ltes thnr are driving up the cost of doing business. "It''> kind of like wading out in10 the ocean and being hjt by nne wave after anoLher,'' sald Julie Puentes, Orange County Business Council spokes· woman. The new law, the HeaJth insurance Act of 2003, would require businei.ses with 200 or more employees to begin providmg health insurance to em- ployees in 2006. Businesses wilh 50 to 199 workers would have to offer health coverage in 2007. Firms with 20 to 49 workers will be exempt unless the state providei. a tax credit covering part of the employers' costs, and businesses with fewer 1han 20 workers arc fully exempt. A 1:troup of business orga11iza1mn11 un Monday submitted pl'titio111' with more than 620,000 si~marures tu place .1 reft•r end um of the law on the March b,11101. Puenies said i.he doesn't know how many of the 300 bw.im•-.ses of varying siws represented by 1111.• council would be affected by Lill' law. Most of •he quci.tiom. and rnmt•rn11 she'1> heard nr<· abou1 cumula11w in· creases in lhe col>! of doing bm1m.·-...,, she .. aid. Companil'' nre laking multiple h11., 111 INSIDE Por more business news, see Page A2. the form of ri.,ang worker's compensa- tion rns1s, expected 2004 increases in urw111ploymcn1 in.,u rance and annual Ul'I ancrea'>t."':'> for hlNne~es Lhal do pruvrde heuhh an11urance, she said. Al.,o. "bu,incs~es al\' 'liU reeUng from 1lw erwl").'Y n1-.i1>." l\tt•ntes said "We See INSURANCE, Pa&e A4 UCI awaits stem cell vote in UN Researchers fear a decision tha t could ba n a ll cloning of human stem cell s. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lol ' lH lllVINI. Scienlhl'> un earnpu'> who wo1 k with o.,tt'rn cell-. are apprehen- '1vt.• .lbou1 J vole the lJruted Natum .. i!> !>la1e<.1 to tah · 10day on whe1her lO re<;lart work o n a global lrea1y lhJI woulcJ ban all do11ing u:,ing human s1em cells. even al 1t'o., for nwd1caJ re'>t.•arch. 1 luman !.lem cells can he used for two l)'Pe'> of clon ing: reprod uruve, wlurh in volvf'i. cloning another hurnan bean..:. and therupeutic, which use'> embryonic stem cell' .and change'> them to genem1e wh a1- ever 11'>\lle or the body I\ needed lo lreal and lllre disea.,cs. While m m.1 or 1he world J).'Tee~ that re pro<lun1ve donang should be banned. 1hrn• 1.., d1w.111n on the i'>'>ue of therapeu- lll cloning. PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN/DAILY Pll OJ Vi ckie Girling greets v1srtors to her decorated home at 114 Crystal St , which 1s guarded by a giant nutcracker. In Nowmlwr. thl' ll .N.\ legal c.:ommil ll'I' narrowly vull•d 111 po,tpone any de<:1 '>lllll Ull llll' "'lll' for IWO }l'•lf .... lkr;111,t· 1lw vott• wa.' 'o t loc;e. 40 roun- 1111•' 1ha1 o.,upport .1 tolal ha.11 on cloning human n•ll\, lt.'<I h, LO\IJ Urea, may 1ry 10 O\crturn the pm1poncme11t amJ 1111ro<lme a o.,1rkt ha11 of lht•1r ow11 Tour the decked halls UC: trvirw .. rit•n1 i ... 111 '>llrh a:-Aile1'11 t\n- der~1111 lool.. on till' move with discJ.11n "I ht.'hc•vc '>lmngly th<ll .1 rnol'l.' tnlt'Ur gent lOllr't' of .11 tann would Ill' 10 come 10 an UgJ'Pt'ment han111ng hunian reproduc live clonmg, hul ,1llow1n~ '1 1e11l1'>l!. and rc''l'ilrtlwr. Jrouml 1h1• world 10 freely pur.,ut• thrrupcutrt d 1111111g wllhan the bound1> ol '>trill 1•1hical guideline~,'' An der-.011 '><1111. "lllt1ma1cly .• 1.., a <;c1cn11 ... 1. I believe thal rt''t'clf< h along 1h1' t ou r..,e wtll !ind cure' for man~ dt'>l'il'c' .. For the seventh year, Balboa Island homeowners give people a look .at their holiday decorations Luis Pef\a Daily Pilot W el and cold weaLher couldn't keep nearly 1,000 people from showing up to the seventh annual Balboa Island I loliday Walking Tour. aro und the perimeter or the island for beaullficallon purposes, said Meagan Marriott, publicity chairwoman for the event lne home on 203 F.memld Ave. is a1Tecliona1ely lcnown as the fairy tale house, sald Hrika Primeau, daughter of Mary I lardesty-O ayton and Cary Oayton. who have owned the house for two years. Legend has ii that a I foUywood producer built the hom e in 1940 for hls glrlJriend and that many of the whlmslcaJ ftxtures of the home came from i\nden.on , who wr<ilt.' ;1 lcnt•r tn the I J.N 011 Wed m•,clay in fovor of 1ht•r;ipt•utic dn111n>t work.., wll·h th1• llt.'t'\C lrvme Re- <;earth Len1cr at lJCI, whu;h conduct-. re- !>rarch for lrl•a11ng injury ;md disease of llw 'Pinal rnrd Residents open up U1eir homes to guests so that they can see the h oliday decorations The proceeds of the event go toward the Balboa Island lmproveme01 Assn., which uses the funds for improvements 10 the island such as tea.It benches and potted plants See HAUS, Pa1e M A cat named Oreo greets visitors to the house at 115 Amethyst St. One 1ype of re'>C'arch 1hat would be af- fer1ed by a l<ll.\I ban on human doning 1·xplor<.'' how paucnls can be cured using their own DNA. <ihe said. The process, called '>om.Hie c.:ell nuclear transfc>r, in- volve•<, talong out the nucleus of an unfer- tili.7.cd l'R& and replacing 11 with the nu- cleus or a patient's own cell, such as a skin, heart and nerve ceU. 1he goal of this pro· t edure ic; to dewlop '>lem cells that won~ he rejec1cd or dc'>troyed by Lhe patient's .. City wants to change church plan to avoid suit An amendment before the Planning Co mmission would make the city not liable for damage from Prince of Peace's trees. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot COSTA MP.sA -The city docs not wunt to be llabJe for ony _ dlmJI& , clalml or legal actions involving then- cu. 1reea planted by the Prince or Peace churdl along Baker Street or Mesa Verde Drive. Therefore, th Pll61nlng Comrni Ion WOI consider adding condlUoru to th church's master plan that would hold the city blamele for nny damage caused by the trees. Tonight, the commission wllJ consider thls and two other changes to the church' masler plan, In the number of ~tudenta and in the use of the wallcway next to the Balcer Street driveway. Oiurch officials did not return calls for comment on the condition, but A<>mll nearby re !dent say It doesn't go far enough. They wnnt 10 e the ficus trees removed. ·u I U1p and fftll oo their property, and 1 break rny hlp, and I'm ln the h pltal or l'm Incapacitated, I don't wunt money," Gordon rate &aid. • 1 wont the quality of tile thl\t I h. ve 1oday. • Th P\annlng Comml$Slon fl~t con sldcred these changes 10 Lhe church's master plan on Oct. 27. Corruru loners opted to continue the Item to allow church and school officials to have more time co work with the city attorney's of- fice on the language of the condidon. The condition has been changed so It Is amenable to both parties, according to planning staff members. 'The condition ts the result of a lengthy effort by the city to denl with the 6rus trees. which were planted without city approval. Oty officials 6tst made an efron to get the trcts remOYed voluntarily and then a nt a form~ letter to Ptutor Mo.rt Rog- cn1 on July 25, 2002, aaldng the church to remove them and replace them with other tree 'Ole lettet, sent by As51stanl Development Service' Dlrcdor Perry Valanllne, stated tha1 flcu1> tree'! rnn have shallow or surface rooting and pose n dangt>r to city sidewalks. As a matter of public safery, Valantinc required that n1l 6cu~ 1rees within eight feet of the public sidewalk along Mesa Verde Drive Bast and Bak.er Street should be removed and that new city- approvcd tree£ should be plan1ed on Baker StreeL The lener threatened t.hnt fo.1Jure to comply would mean a pullllc hearing to consider revoking the pennlt for the modular buildings. But ubaequent conversation• with I.he plt11nln~ staff and the d ty attorney' office resulted In so~er rhctonc and a S.. CHUftCH, Pa1e M See STEM CEU, Pqe A4 Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~t.com WEATHER It'll be sunny end mostly clear today. SeePqeA2 THINKING ALLOWED Lolita Harper 11 on vecatlon. HoJ column will retum later this WMk. .. A2 Monday, Otcember 8. 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Deeper conditioning New spa offers rejuvenation treatment that goes beyond a simple facial Alie la Roblnaon Daily Pilot I n Southern Qilifomia. the land of smog and skin·damaglng sunshine, people will do just about anything to get younger-looking s.k:in. The Spa of Newport IS hoping to cater to youth seekers wtth new Mlrvices such as the "facial rejuvenation system.· n new three-step treatment that combines microdermabrasion, oxygen therapy and vitamins and amino acids. ·we're bnnging high-tech services Into the apa arena.· spa proprietor Usa Nel'>on said. "Some of the Muff we do. no one else in the area doe~" Since Nelson opened the spa two months ago, the facial reiuvenauon has becom e its most popular offenng. It take!> about half an hour to perform, spa aesthctldan Karen Gile~ said. ' fln.t, the rlient'!, skin ii. cleansed with ammo acids. Then. a m1crodermabrasion treatment using ol(}'Ren 1 given. Finally. an mfus1on of vluupins A. C and E is sprayed on the face' ·1t exfoliates really rucely. to a poin1 where it's much better than a regular facial." said Barbara DIMercurlo. who was having the treatment done Wednesday. DiMert:urio owns F.ssenlial Skin Care on Westcllff Drive. which rents space to the Spa of Newpon. She gets the facial n>juvenaUon treatment once a month. and she notices the dlfferen~ unmedlately, she said. "Your makeup goes on better (after the treatment!," &he said. ~You have a BUSINESS CALENDAR • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to lws.penai§latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event. ea well ••a contact phone number OEC.9 SCORE, counMk>ra to America'• amall buslneu, will have a mari!eting and promotion. workshop from 9 a.m. 10 noon at National University, 3390 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa. The cost 11 $25, $20 wrth preregistration. Information: (714) 550-7369,http://www.scora114.org. DEC.10 The Newport a..c:h Chamber of Commer~ will have a Newport Natwortclng luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd .• Newport Beech. The 8"ent will be expo style. Attendeee ere invlt9d to display their broctiure1 and buslne" card•. The COl't 11 $20 to $25. lnfonnatlon: (949) 72!M400. DEC. 18 The Young Exec:utfviN of Ametice wtll have Paul Motenko, dl1lrman of the DON LEACH/ DAILY PILOT A patient enioys a healthy vitamin fusion treatment from the hands of Karen Giles as part of a facial at Essentials Skin Care. radiant. really smooth complexion.~ Oliropractor Jack GJanglulio, a partner In Spa of Newport. who helped research Its treatments, said the spa is looking to fill the gap between medical .;Ion treatments, which can be painful. and traditional spa therapies, which feel good but may not be effective. For example, laser slcin treatment is "not a comfortable process," he said. board and co-dllef exeCYtive officer of Chicago Plua & Brewery Inc. appear at their breakfatt meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club. 4110 MacArthur Blvd. The cost will be $16 for members and $25 for nonmembers Information: (9491 721-8686. ONGOfNG The Costa Me•• Cham~ of Commerce hosts networidng luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11 :45 e.m. to 1 p.m. et the Costa Mesa Counuy C1ub. The cost is $14. The club ia at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Me.a (714) 885-9090. The Costa Men Communlcato,. Toastmaster• Club~ from noon to 1 . p .m Wednesdays et the Orenge County Department of Education. 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to Improve hi1 or her public speaking skills. (714) 444--8783. • The Newport Buch DfsdnguWted Toastmutera Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m . Tuudaya at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The ZJngen Toutm1st8rl Ctub 115f meet. for breakfHt on Tuetdaya from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaz1 Vlll1ge, 3861 S. Bear St, No. B17. The meeting 11 tree for first-time visltora. Information: (714) 241 -1109. "You can't go out in the sun afterward ... and there's too many people that are doing it that are not slcilled." Spa of Newpon employees researched different procedures and even tried them to see which warted best. Giangiulio said The ~ Is to oO'er holistic treatments using the latest technology. he said. The spa also offers more tradldonaJ The Mesa~ Toutmut9rl Ctub 691 In Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tue1daya at Meta Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The N.wport <Antllt' Toatrnesun Ctub 231 meet$ from 1to8:30 a.m . Mondays at the Irvine Co., 810 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 756-1025. The Hal'borllte Tontmut9rl Club meets at 1 a.m. Thurtd•ya at Coco's Bakery Restaurant, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Lido tale Touunut9rl meet horn 8:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays et Fletcner Jonet Motorcara, 3300 J1mboree Road. Newport Beech. (714) 964-5314. •Th• Consumer BuslneM Netwottt mMta at 1 a.m. Fridey1 In the mezzanine at Newport Gateway, 19800 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport BNc::h. Reservat.ic>N: (714) 550-<'785. The bteekfut .....,.., networtdng group meeta every Wednesday from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. at Mimi'• Caf6. Reservations: Angle Stafford, (9491474-2225. The '-dfic: 8ulfMee Xc:hange has breakfast meetings at 1 a.m. Tuesdaya It the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beecn. Free for the first meeting. services, such as facial peels and waxing. Nelson said the spa will expand and move to a new locadon ln February. A sJte has not been finalized, but it will be in Newport Beach. she said. The new location will have five to seven treatment rooms and offer expanded services, Including massage, she said (949) 640-0588. The Newport Coast chaptilr of the AH Lassen's Lead• Club, an lntematlonal group for bu.iness referrals, meets at 7:15 a.m. Tuesdays at Mimi's Cafe, 1835 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (800) 767·7337. The Costa M"a Chapt9r of All La ... n·1 leads Club holds a weekly meeting for bu&lneu professionals to improve their networtlng skills. The meetings are held TuMdaya from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. at Mimi's Cate In Costa Mesa. The caf6 is at 1835 Newport Blvd. (800) 767-7337. The Thalle Chapt9f of the American Buslneu Women's Aun. meets at 6 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Country Inn & Suites in Costa Mesa. Information: (7141 55&-5700. The N.wport Cham~ of Commerce meei. from 5 to 7 p.m. on the fourth Thurtdey of each month for its Newport Sunaet Networtlng Mixers. Information: (949) 729-4400. The Newport Beech Cham~ of Commeroe meets from 7:30 to 9:30 1.m. on the MCOnd Wednesday of each month alternating between a breakfast at the Dally Grill Fashion Island and a noon to 2 p.m . luncheon at the Radluon Newport Beadl. Information: (949) 7294400. BRIEFLY IN BUSINESS Sales look good for Fletcher Jones Fletcher Jones Motor- cars. Newport Beach's Mercedes Benz. dealer- ship, is on the road to exceeding sales projec· tions for 2003, according to a company news re- lease. The tax revenue from the sale of these cars, about $1.4 million, goes to the city, Mayor Steve Bromberg said. The city receives 1 % of the sales tax, and the state gets the reminder, he said. The dealership generates more tax rev· enue for the city than any other business, Bromberg said. Last year, annual sales revenue topped $463 million. This year, the dealership has seen a 14.5% boost in the sale of new vehicles and an 18% increase in used ve- hicles. Teddy bears being sold for charity Robinsons-May in Orange County will do· nate $1 from the each sale of a Gund teddy bear to Oiildbelp USA Group Homes. The organization op· erates three homes in Costa Mesa that provide residential therapeutic treatment to severely abused children be· tween the ages of 6 and 12. E&ch "Wish• bear celebrates love, hope or courage. In addition, three 26-lnch collect· lble bears will sell for $15.99. A set of all three styles In a 13-lnch size will sell for $19.99. The bears are only sold with a S25 mini· mum purchase. Hoag construction gets new director McCarthy Building Companies Inc., a New- port Beach-based gen- eral contracting firm, . has promoted Max A. Burcham from senior project manager to on- site project director at the $127-milllon Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Women's Pavllion·East Tower project. Burcham will be re· sponsible for construe· tlon review, project planning and reporting, maintaining client rela· tions. overseeing project safety and total quality management. Daily A Pilot PHOTOGRAPHERS Martt C Dustin, Don lJ!actl, Copyright: No news atoriel, lllustretlo,,., edltori•I matter or .OVertlaementa herein can be reproduced without written parmlaalon of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN VOL 97, NO. 342 N9waEdlton Glnai Aleunder, Lori Anderton, Oanlet Hunr. P1ut Saltowltl. 0.nJel Stevena NEWS STAFF o...,.t~ Crime •nd COUrtl reporter, C!Mi) 674-4229 dHPll bhar•th•fllt{m. oom June~ Newpon Beecti reporter, (Mt) &7<M23'2 /une.uHQnrt<»•llltJm#com Lofte~ Columnist. cuhu,. raponer, ltcel67~75 loll~ h•rper•llltime..com Deirdre NMmen C:O.ttl ~ ... ~. (i49157...ull deit~Ot.titnas com • ~O'Ntfl Education repclfftr, (~t) 674-4281 tn•"-OMlt•ta(/ffW$.COl1't l.Ufa'-fta Newt UlllWM. (948157 ...... luia ,.,..,.ti,.,,. com Kent TrePIX>W READERS HOTUHE (949) 8'2-4508& Record your commenta about U'le D•ily Pilot or n41W1 tlpe MdreM Our addreu 11 330 w. e.v St., Cotta M"•· CA 92827. Office hours ere Monday • Friday, 8'.30 e.m. • 5 p.m . CoMdlonl It 11 the Pllot'I Policy to PtOmpdy correct 111 error. of aub81.ance. PIMM c.11 (949) ~·· FY1 The Newport SeedVCotta M ... Dally Pilot (USPS-1~) 11 published daily. In~ a.cti end Cotta Meea, 1uti.ct1pdone .,. available only by tubtcl'tblng '° The Tlmea ()fang• Countv (800) 2&2·9141. In.,..., outllde of Ntwpon 8eMh and eo.11 M ... , eubecriptlona to the Deily Pilot•,. Wailable ~ by first Cf-mell for AO PM month. lfllrlcN lnclu<te ell ·~~ lllt8 Ind loeal taQt.I ">STMASTER: &end edd,.... dl•ngee to The N.,_,port ~Mau 0.lly PO Box 1AO, Cotta Me., CA~ HOW TO REACH US ~ The Tlmet Ofange County 1800) 262-9141 AdYetdelnt a .. l#lad !9481 MH678 oi.p.y (948) 6'2-4321 Edleortlf Newa (9481 142-5880 8l)Ona (9'8157~23 New. Fu (IM8) ~170 8poN .._ (Mtl 6150-0170 e.m.M: c1a11yp11ot•'4t1,,...,oom MMrlOIJce ...... Offtae 1948) 142""321 ...... ,.. (t41) 111·7120 Publlthed by T1mel Community Newt, • d•vlelon of the Loe Angetee Tlmaa • Cl2003 Ttmee CN. All rlgh'tl '~ " WEATHER FORECAST h'll be mostly sunny today, with northeast winds at 10 to 15 mph In the morning. The high• wlll be from 60 to 67 degrMa. At night. It'll be ctear. The wlndt, efter lightenlng In the afternoon, wUI be bade up to 10 to 16 mph. The lows will be from 43 to 60. lnfonnadon: www.nww.noaa.QOV BOATING FORECA'ST NOtthwM\ wlndt will be from 10 to 20 biota on the Inner wetera. Tht .,...,_ wlll be from 2 to 3 feet on • weet swell of 3 co IS feet. Al night, tM wfndt wtll be out of tht W9lt and •bout 6 knou tighter, becoming light end variable owmJght. The WIVU w111 •Mnk co 2 fMt or am11.a.r. Ftrther out. l'IC>f1hWett wlndt wlll bl from 16 to 26 moia. :TM 'MYN w111 be trom a to s tMt on a northwest awell of 5 to 7 feet. At night, the winds will ION about 5 knots, and the wav" will ahrfnk to 2 to 3 feet SURF Head-high surf from the northwelt swell will continue ~most of the day. The 1'rst algn1 that the swell ls baciing down will be seen tNa 1ftemoon. Tueeday'a aurf will be waist· to dlesc·hlgh et wttt·f.clng br .. ke, conflnnlng 11. W..qualty: WWW.•urfrider.orp TIDES 11me 1:48a.m. 8;03•.m. 3:215p.m. 10:01 p.m. Helaht 2.3.1 tMt low Sr.thigh .() ........ low 3..5e fMt high WATER TEMPERATURE 81dtg ..... Shoe store taking shoes for a shelter Sole Comfort will':" · give a $1 0 discount on new shoes for old ones to be donated to La ura's House. Allc la Robinson Daily Pilot f"ffiWPORf 8EAOi -While many people are thinking of the fabulous gifts they'd 11.k.e to get . later dUs month. Karen Lazarus just wants old shoes. Shoes that never get worn by their owners may be of use to families who spend time at laura's House, a domestic vio· Jenee shelter for Orange County women and childttn. And l.Aza- rus wants to get people's unused ahoea to them. She's offering a SIO dllcowu on new l!loe pwdwes when people bring In an old paJr of shoes for LAura's House. t..az.aru., and her husband, Mer- vyn. have run Sole Comfort. a shoe store in Corona del Mar Plaza. aince August 2002. The store $pec:ializ:es in comfortable shoes of all types. "We needed a good fashion- (and) comfort-shoe store In this area," Karen Lazarus said. •Hope- fully, we've filled that nlchC. • The Newport Beach store is the second for the lazaruses. who moved to Irvine from South Africa 23 years ago. They also have a shoe store in San Diego. They wanted ro do something dwttable that would benefit their community. and they thought the holidays would be a good tune to do h. he said As a ronner preschool teacher, Karen Lazarus said. she Is panicu- larly concerned about the welfare of children. "We've all got a lot of shoes that we don't wear much." she said. Ml thought it would be a good idea to get gently wom shoes (to do· natel.M Laura's House development of- ficer Barbara James said the 9- yea.r-old organization can use many types of donations. Lauras House strives to reduce domestic Violence through education, out-- reach, suppon programs and shelter, she sald. "We cefU\lnly are very pleased with any donation that we re- ceive," James said. •J>rlvate sup- port is imperarive to continuing service to our clients.• l.a7..a1Us hopes customers will be enthusiastic about the pro- gram and donate IOls of shoes. she said. "l hope we need trucks to take them." Lazarus said. "Hopefully, it will be successful. and we can re- peat It" Sole tomfon. 837 Avocado Ave., will offer $10 off the pur- chase of a new pair of shoes to customers who donate an old pair of any type of shoes. The do- nation program runs though Dec. 31. For information, call the store al (949) 644-5939. COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some of the items the corruniMion will consider Monday: NEW FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT RULES The commis&on will consider an ordinance that would change a portion of the city's code to confonn with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The agency requires that local cities participating in the National Aood Insurance Program adopt updates to floodplain management regulations, flood Insurance study and flood insurance rate maps. In 2002. FEMA updated the Aood Insurance Rate Map that identifies special Hood hazard areas in the city and prepared a preliminary Flood Insurance Study. The study provides updated flood profiles and the boundaries and water surface elevations of the base Ooodplain. It also develops fiood risk data for various areas of the city that will be used lo establish 6ood insurance rates. FEMA will finalize these documents in February. Clanging the code will ensure the city's continued eligibility in the National Aood Insurance Program. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning st.a.ff members recommend the com.miss.loo pass the changes along to the Qty Council for a first reading of the ordinance. APPEAL OF EXPANSION DENIAL The commission will hear an appeal from Doyle Forth. representing property owners Tun and Uz Kuhlmann. The Kuhlmanns want to expand the second floor of their house at 3379 Fuchsia St. On Oct 30. wnlng administrator Peny Va!antine denied the expruuion. Mayor Gary Monahan appealed that decision to allow the commission to review the project in accordance with the new residential design guidelines. Valantine denied the project because it does not meet two criteria of the new guidelines. which became effective Oct. 2. Those criteria are a 10-foot second-story side setback and a-. second-Ooor-to-first-Ooor ratio of 80%. WHAT TO EXPECT Planning staff members recommend upholding the denial of the expansion because two of the guidelines will not be met and because the proposal Includes a long. unbroken building ~<le that creates a negatfve visual effect from the next-door property and the street. Hit sounds like its just not In compliance with the guidelines and the spirit of avoiding the big-box ld.nd of thing,~ commission Ol8irman Bruce Ge.dlch said. PLANNING APPLICATION The commission will consider a request from Tun Roberts. representing the Ussoy Family Th.1st. which owns the properties at 168. 172 and 178 Merrill Place. The Ussoy family wants to build a five-unit. two-story project with an exception to average individual lot area requiremenL<>. Each lot contains a single-family residence. The existing residooees would be demolished and the lots combined to construct the five-unit projecL WHAT TO EXPECT Planning st.a.ff members recommend rejecting the application because they don't believe there are any special circumstaoces that justify the exception to average lot size. Also. the project doesn't comply with certain criteria of the new · Residential Design Guidelines: the average side setback of 10 feet and the requirement lhat the second story provides visual relief to the side yard through things such as roof plane brakes. "Even if the proposed layout of the five units was modified to make them more or less equal in sli.e. It doesn't look lilce they could meet the 3,500 square foot average and sdll put in the driveway to access the rear uruts," Garlich said. ST. JOACHIM PLANNING APPLICATION Kluger Architects, representing the Roman Catholic Bishop of Orange for St Joachim Olwch at 1943 and 1964 Orange Ave., will request permission to renovate. The bishop propo~ to renovate a convent to mclude living quarters for priests and associates upstairs with community service and meeting facilities downstairs. The bishop is also requesting a pennit to allow use of off-site church parlcing by people attendlng meetings across the street on the convent she. In November 1962. the City Council approved the construction and operation of a residence for teachers at 1943 Orange Ave. Within the past IO years. the church has begun using some of the downstainl rooms for church meetings. The bishop wants to modify the building to better accommodate the meetings by converting the dining room. living room. chapel and two of the parlors to community rooms and the third parlor to an office. The rest of the first Ooor will be modified to Incorporate restrooms for the meeting participants and a lcltchen and dining room for the three priests and BMOdates that will Uve in the three bedroom sultesu~ WHAT TO EXPECT Staff members recommend approving the application because the church has been holding meetings in the convent for about 10 years with no complaints from neighbors. Abo. the church proposes adding five parking spaces behind the convent. More parking would be available across Orange Avenue. "The city is asking if someone crosses the street and tries to sue the city that (the dtyl be held harmles.s,. Garlich said MThe church is trying to do this selectively. So the Church. when I FY1 •WHAT: next Planning Commission meeting •WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today •WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754·5245 last tallced 10 them. they were in agreement with the spirit of the condition. They're 1ust trying tu work out sorne language Lhat they feJt w-..is a little too broad." Monclay, December 8. 2003 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tiusday 6-9pm Fur llrll*, l 'Hli11:u r ·,,11 (9.f9) 646-7 9 4·• Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Qualicy Scn-i~··· • • • N' tgb tly Enten:a.irune111 • • • I ,,,1r; Irvine .. \"c.·., C ..,,, ... \.1,~' l';.._., ....... Mom ... ,. .... ,,,li•llt~..,.. ..... 4(1 • C...._llt 111 Cash lrfOut ...... Cllll • "" "' .. Dtllwry ·~It rtWIStllt • lllltm u.i111111oa • btl11 Attctlo11s • Lttal Apptalsll1 -------• Uca.cl, In~ , .... .-. INSURANCE Coobnued from Al don't hear about lt now, but It' one of those things i.hat'• ~od of looming lri thd background 05 • conct>m: ~lng heoltlleatt coats llld 1tate·mundared ta:kt and fees ls a worry for Rilndy GarelJ. presi- dent of Grant Boys. the Cos1a M~ outdoor and port gear srore. ·AO of those thin~ you mix ii lo and you say at the tnd of the month, 'Gee, there's nq profit left. Why wn I doing thb1'" he De:mlt1 J. GettU hu 18 employees whom h provide. heelch insur· ance with. but he's absorbed douh~·dJgit increases for that coverage ~ac:h of che 1asf two )"l'8A and he tw had to ttduce re~ ror hin ti and his wife w avoJd aski~ hi taf1 to pay more for their IX'ncfitJ. TI\e ~la Mesa and Newport Bcoch chambers of commerce opposed the oew health Insur· nnce law. but neither has taken ao ofnclal posJuon on the refer· end um. . Coste Mesa Olamber Presi- dent Ed Fawcett said the law Is another instanc~ of the state telJ· SAlES EVEllll ... c ... Y~W ..... • -lllllr'l IElll 111...,. 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale sl099 Reg. '14.99 Now through December 21 Co.,,.A M~·"" l'1l11SllUl11'1111'141N"I»1l't•-.1AUI 17111 A"'""'""""' TlsnN M"Rt.ni>t.At'h "Ill~ IJ C:"'ll~J RI"' •"I .... II.Ill\ Rt•,, CRC~ .. ROAO ('•·"",.. R lltVIJlil: O'<'ll ... 1111 ...... " lr\g bua1neasel how to opeiat "I woulddt choose to ba\18 them run my buSioest. and th.a~ what lhey're doing,:' he laid. "The swe nu alre.ady pl'()~ that Ibey don~ know dkldly squat about how to spend thm own money.~ Acootdlog to lnfonnation from the Costa Mesa ClwnlX'r of Commeroe, of the 5,111 bt.m- nesses ope:rutln8 in the city the overwhelming majority-4,830 bu.sinesse.s -employ from one to 49 people. That leaves 28 t Co&ta Mesa businesees that could be affected by the law. How many of those businesses would have 'to make ch4nges Is STEM.CELL Continued from Al Immune system. No sperm is ~ in thJs procedure. and the cells are not tranSplanted into a womb. Anderson said Arthur lAnder, who work,s at UCJ with the stem cells of mlce. said he unde,stands the concern abOut therapeutic human cloo- lng because the proc~ for re- productive and therapeutic clon - ing start out the same. With therapeutic clonift8, though. sci· entists grow the human embry- onic stem cells for only two days and then divide them so they grow into a culture of cells. This culture Is then used to produce the basic elements of various tis· sues. ·aoth are cloning an tmbryo -where you go from there is up to you," Lander said Lander doesn't believe the U.N. should concern itself with AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND 10WN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Meta, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena@lstim tts.com; by fix to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. lndude the time, date and location of the event. aa well as a contact phone number. TlJESOAY The Dorord,y Wllffam Memorial Lecture preMnU "The Epidemic of Childhood Obesity and wt\81 C.n Be Done?" with Or. Floyd Most people don't want to bro.ch the iubjKt of llfe lnsuranc•, beause no one wants to Im glnt the unthlnkable. But just as you work hard to provlde for your family now, life imur•nce c•n ~k• over that duty If something should happen to you; caring for your children, paying for college, covering the mortgage. • A well t1'ought·out. affordabl life in,ur1nce strategy that works within your overall f1n1nc11I plan can h Ip m t your needs now, and take care of your f mlly's n eds later. • To find out hem much life insurance you need. or for a free review of Your c.unent pohc1~ call (M9) 717:5300 or (IOO) 4'&-JJ52. 660 Newport C~ntu Drive, Suite 1100, Newport 8e~h. CA 92660 THll II WHO Wt ARI. nu• .. "°" WI IA"N IT: SMml~ uncenain. A nadooal awwy by the ~ PamDy PoundadOn ~ that of companJe1 IW'· veyed In 2003, 951' of dlOle with SO to 99 employeet already pro· vide aome health ln5ura.nat to wo.d.ets, and ~ of busJ.nesaes with 200 or more wort.en pro· vide hralth beodi For those that wd\.tld haw to make changes. one lnevttabillt1 looms. ofticlab said: deciding whether layoffs are necessary. •ALICIA R08INSON COYel'9 busl~. politlca and the 91Wlronment. She can be reached a't (94917~ or by .-mall at alicla.roblnsontllstl""1#.oom.~ human ceU cloning, ·Not only shouldn't the U.N. have jurisdiction over these sorts of things. they certaJnJy have oo enforcement ability," Lander said. •People'a level of d.iscom· Cort in dealing with tissue or en- abling technology that could l>O' tentJally have negative consequences. like humao don· Ing -that should be dealt with in individual communities and cultures.. • Lander said he Is adamantly opposed to reproductive cloning and would like to see the U.S. create strong rules to prevent this type or cloning. •eertainJy. an out-and-out ban on stuff we don't understand enough about the full potential lot), and reo.lly need to explore to find out, I th.ink that's counter- productive,' Lander aa.ld. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre. newman@lstimes.com. Datt Pilot PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • CMtllr 9lrMt: A penon W*9 f'9PCN'9CI wfCh M open coniafner of 1lcohof In pubfic In the 800 bk><* at 1 :05 a.m. Saturday. • H8lbor and Nnlport ~Resisting en ofticer wu reported at the 9l30 p.m. Seturti.y. • H~ 8ouledtd and West W1leon Strwt: Shopping cart removal wu reported at 12:30 p.m. Saturday. • ..........., t...n.: A person was repotted driving under the Influence In the 800 blodt at 2:06 p.m. Saturday. • w.st 18th Street and Plutt Plac9: Ape~ waa reported canying a loaded firearm in publlc at 2 a.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • AJ1cant9: A party was CHURCH Continued from Al rescinding of the ultimatum. City officials found tha1 the planting of che trees was done without criminal intent, the trees weren'I causing any damage to public property and the planning staff had the authority to approve the ficus trees, even though they're nol on the recommended lis1. Root barriers have since been implemen1ed. reported••• dlsturblnoe In the 1200bfodt•t1:56 e.m. Sundlly. • Nofth Bay Aont end &Mnld~: A.deed animal was reported at 10:07 1.m.Sunday. • WMt Cout Hlghw.y: A apeeding end racing vehicle wes r9p0rted In the 1200 bfodt at 11 :07 a.m. Sunday. • ~om.: An occupied vehicle wn reported as suapicious ln the 900 blodt at 2:63 a.m. Sunday, •BkteGumLaMMMS '<.W Dstve: Illegal flrJW<>t1cs were reported at 12:16 a.m. Sunday. • Eut Newport Centllf o.tv.: A traffic collision with Injuries was reported in the 600 bfodc at 11:30p.m. Sunday. • South Nlcan Hill Ro.cl and ~CoatDrM:A suspicious person was rep6rted at 1:52 p.m . Sunday. lbe other two changes lo the masler plan the commission will consider are allowing a maxi- mum number of 315 studenlS on sile at any one time, withou1 lim- idng the number of preschool versus elementary school Stu· denlS, and allowing use of the wallcway next to the Baker Streer driveway. Some neighbors are concerned that the walkway is too dangerous because the streer is a main thoroughfare and doesn't contain any pedestrian markings 10 connect the school 10 the off-site parking. looking items. ·rm more interested in the spiritual side of Ouisunas." Oinesaid. Oine said she enjoys decorating her home during Olristmas. She opened up her doors to the public because her children are all grown up and ii isn't any fun if no one comes to see what she has done, she said. Ruegger said she liked Cline's cottage because not everyone would his or her home in that style. OOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DM.Y PILOT From left, Karin Hall of Tustin, Milli Andreini of Corona Del Mar, Margaret Torry of Balboa Island and Phyllis Goehring of Newport Beach look at bubble chandelier lights at a home on Pearl Street. The tour also had Olristmas carolers. AJso performing on the lour were the Balboa Bachelors. a trombone ensemble that once played "Silenl Night• for Ronald Reagan, said Randy Wallen, bass trombone player. This was the group's third year playing at the event, he said. •1t (Emerald Ave house) broughl me so much joy,• Lewand said. ·n gave me Ouislmas spirit• Beth Ruegger of Villa Park said that she liked the Emerald Avenue house because the decora1ors had made the best of the space and because ii was bright and lively. "Its individual people aren't afraid 10 express their individuality here: Ruegger said. ·11·s like you go to big tracts and everybody looks alike. Culler, profeuor of pedlatrfca at UC Irvine; "Pediatric Neurology: Whan Newr with Dr. Steve Philips, neurologist at Children's Hospital Orange County; ind "The 50th Annivera&fY of the Ooubfe Helix: Projecting the Future of Genomic Medidne,. with Or. Edward McCabe, dlalr of pediatrics at UCLA These lecturet will begin at 6 p.m. at the Arnold and Mabef Bedlman Center, 100 Academy Way. Information: (949) 824--8202. WEDNESDAY Body o..tgn wil °"9l' • ,,.. aemlMr and demonstnltion on the latest technology on c:etlullte tntatmenta from 7 to 8 p.m. et 100 Newport Center Drive. The event It pn19ented by M•JY Dellene, a masuge ther1pisl lnfonn11k>n and r90lstretfone (949) 722-3556. (JfltfitO~on.rv. Hoeg Holpttll w8I M¥e en evening lung cencer support group dl9CUulon about •eop&ng with the Holldaya • from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer C.m.r. Conference Room A. tnfonnatJon (949) 760-66'2. Jona1t'Mln MofMo. profl• or end director of the Ceni.r for Blomedicll Ethlca et the University of Virginia, wlll preaent ·The History end E1hlca of Hum1n Experiments from the Nazft to the U.S. Mll1taiy• at 4 p.m at tM McDonnell Oouglu Auditorium, et UC Irvine. tnform•tlon end reeervatJont: (949) 82..a299 ntURSOAY TheC..,.Col•,.,..ol ~ COMt Colege wtll hOld. luncNcln 1D ,.._ fundl tor tht occ Oil.bled Studentl Center fTOro 1\ e..m. to 2 p.m. tit OCC. l1*e Will be ~m.nt pcovkted by Tyl« Hoff and IClro ICJro, whC> wltl bf pleyfng wtdt the Harry~ Gree. S...._ Chltdten c.n.. The co.t i9 .. 50 per pet90f'I lnfonMllon: ; like Mission Viejo and South County, but in Newport, everybody does their own thing. It's uniqueness, and nobody is afraid to show their own personalities.~ This was Rueggers ftrsl time on the tour. She said thal she would be back next year. Pat Oine, owner of the 1928 cottage on 205 Top87.Ave., said that she decorated the home in a folk-an style because it is more fun 10 be involved with folk art than more glamorous st8ndsrdtint@hotmsil.com. The Thu..t.y Momlng Senior Women's Club will present its Christmaspartyluncheonanda musical show at 11 a.m . at the Newport Beach Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd. This will be $23. Information and reservation: (714) 842-5863. FRIDAY Fathlon ltlend and Ster 88. 7 Radio will host a holiday toy drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bloomlngdale'a Courty1rd. Customers are encouraged to drop off an unwrapped new toy to be placed under the Fashion Island Christmas tree. Information: (949) 721·2000. http.:l!Www.shopf11shlonls/snd. com. The,R6x Symptlthdo Oyatrophy friendt aupport group wlll meet at 7 p.m. at Cocos, 2750 Harbor Blvd., COS18 Mesa. Information: (949) 660-1212, (7141 491-9400. SATIIROAY sti.rtry't Wood.ftr9d Mexlcln Grill will have• grand opening celebretlon from 11 1.m. to 3 p.m. to help Newport Cont c.,.. ral• funct. for La Hlci9nda dt I• lnmaculeda, a amall orphanage In Tljuan1. The coat wlll be $10 for adults and $6 for chlldr.,,, Shartv'e le at 21119 Newport CONt Drive, Newport Co1at Shopping Center. Information: (M9) 433-7879. J'M Cfty ol COIQ Melia and Torelli RNltv tre IP()ntOtfng the c:Jtv'• enl"IUel Holiday Snow Hiii, •rve been coming here for six or seven years, and it puls me anlo the holiday spuit. and I gel lots of great ideas 10 try to recreate at home," said Kristin Arthur of Costa Mesa "Its gotten me inspired 10 get '11e holiday spirit going al my house.· said Stephanie Wallace of Corona del Mar. • LUIS PENA is the news assistant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail et lu1s.pena@lsr1mes.com. Animals will have a silent auction, live music. a guest speaker. and OCPA's annual ·Peace for Animals" community ceremony at 6:30 p.m. at the Ayers CountJY Inn & Suites Hotel, at 326 S. Bristol St. The cost Is S40 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Information: (714) 751-0CPA. http:l..WWW.ocpsusa.org. The merchants of Bllboa lnvtt. you to watch the students of Newport Elementaiy School as they participant In the annual merchant ChristmH painting program from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Fun Zone area Balboa Village in front of the Ferris wheel. Information: (949) 676-0501. Co.ia MeA Htgh Schoof wtU have a communltywlde campus daanup day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2650 Fairview Road. People wlll meet Inside the main entrance by the Lyoeum. lnfo<metion: Ricardo Dence (7141761-9866. MONDAY Hat.aMt ~ wfll be ho9dng. holiday boutique from 8 1.m. to 6 p.m. at 3107 Killyt>rook Lane, eo.t1 M .... There will be hlnd!Nde crib , Mary Key Co.metlct, Cooade LM JewolfY, Avon Coametk:e ind more. Information: (714) 667·7234. Martha .. 8oolt-.. wMI Mve. champagne book elgnlng for the ·s11errt Screen eootbOOk. bv Joenabefl l.ewft from 11 e.m. to 1 r..m. et 308'h M1rfne Ave., Balbol 1le~. lnfonn1tlon: (949) 873-7186. ~wtlt batrom 9a.m. tonoon ~ ...... .._...., ..... .. the 8elearic Comrnunttf l*nd'a---hOlld8y ~ c.nt., 1175 Baleeric Drive. 'TM decotldng c:one.t. Judging wilt 9Wftt will lndUdt eo tone of go on until 10 p.m, eecf\ d-v enow. h1v i1.d9e •rid• ..,edll vtllt thf'OU9h Dec. 18. Some of the by Senta, S.1111 Wiil 1rrlvt •• , Cl~ are tndtffonel, moat 10-..30 •.m. bv h911copt9f origlnel and belt enimated. lnfonn1tlon: (714) 764--61&8. Hon.ere llfjudged by ~a. lnfotmdOn: Joeme Cooptr, (941) f75..4M1. ' QUOTE OF ntE DAV 11/t's now or never. We want to crush teams." April Ro11, USC vofteyt>all star Sports Editor Rlchwd Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Spom Fax: 19491650-0170 • • EYEOPENER .I}dily~Pi~. Sparta ffall fll Fame ~-r. 0.C. 16 honOIH WllUAMC. WARMINGTON Monday, December 8. 2003 A5 BOYS SOCCER Eagles look to step up Estancia boasts lofty goals coming off disappointing 2002-03 campaign. Steve Vlr1en Da1lyP1lot There is a measuring stick for lhe E'tancia boys soccer team better known as the 1999-2000 Eagles. They were the standard. a high level 10 reach considering they won lhe ClF Soulhem Section Division IV championship. Nevertheless, Fstancia Coach Steve Crenshaw conlinues to use that team as an example in his program. Last year's F~es had lhe potential to measure up to that t999-2000 team, but they never realized their talent, Crenshaw said. This year's team has plenty of talent, as well Now, the question Is: Will it meet expectations? "lb.is year's team is about as close to that championship team as I've seen," Crenshaw said. "These guys have the po· tential to be fun like that. We have a lot of kids who are capable of scoring a lot of goals." MARK C. OUSTIN I DAJLY PILOT The Costa Mesa High girls cross country team bested the seven-school field to claim the Golden West League championship this fall. Back row, from left, Coach Joe Busi, Christine BJelland, Jasmin Day, Emily Cotton, Hanh Nguyen and assistant coach Glenn Mitchell. Bottom row, from left, Alejandra Marquez, Kyla Flores, Stacy Krikorian, and Cassey Bnck. Not shown, assistant coach Nicple Price. Crenshaw said he has a young team, which has brought excitement He ex- pects young players who were on last year's frosh/soph Learn to step up. That frosh/soph squad scored 111 goals in II games last year, Crenshaw said. Jose Luis Garcia scored 47 for lhat team and should be a key player for the F.agles this season. Junior F.dgar Guapo also adds talent, while senior Quiroga Cam- pos will lend support as a midfielder. BOYS SOCCER "We have a wealth of talent at lhe mid· field," Crenshaw said. "(In a scrimmage with Mater OeiJ we had some good showing from our sophomores. They played really well They're not reaJ big. but that never seems to hinder lhem." Mustangs in search of reversal The Eagles should be strong on de- fense, which will draw support from f.duardo Bahena and Alfonso Torres. En- rique Bahena, Eduardo's cousin, is a jun- ior who is ~ expected to help Fstancias show improvemen,t over last season. Better turnout of athletes could mean more wins for Costa Mesa this season. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot rhythm last 'lt•ason. • anywhere. Pius, there ha!> been "We were at the top of the hill," an increase in partkipanti. this Day said. "And then we feU ' season. whereas last year's down to the valley. It was weird. I squad suffered from a lack of It wasn't a good situation." depth. To make matters worse. Day "It's a total reversal from last was suspended for violating a ClF year to this year," Day said. "We're av- Southem Section rule -coaching a eraging 20 players for each level, varsity. said. "We just have to use the personnel we have and incorporate them. We're going to be very competitive." The Mustangs started to show signs of improvement last season. They ended the season with a 2-0 loss in double overtime to Santa Ana. the Golden West League champion. The F.agles finished 7-1 O· l, 4-7 • l in the Golden West League last year. Their bright spot was sweeping crosstown rival Costa Mesa to own bragging nghts as the best soccer team in town. But now they want to claim a bigger territory. Coach Eugene Day, in his fourth sea-team outside the season during lhe junior and the fro'lh /soph. Last year. we son, plans to end the nightmare that school year. I le coached his two daugh-averaged 15. Thai. year, we have the plagued the Costa Mesa I hgh boys soc· ters. Sharon and Jasmin. on a club team numbers and lhat's an exceUent thing to This year's Costa Mesa team has ~ix returnees, including iunior Alfonso Pineda, who was a third-team AIJ-CIF Division IV perfonner as a freshman. Miguel Luna. who was a key player for Mesa as a sophomore, returns as a sen- ior, after missing last season to concen- trate on his studies. "It was disappointing last year.'' Oen- shaw said. "We had a talented team but the kids didn't quite realize their capabil- ities. But this could be a very interesting season. We have a very tough (pre-league schedule!. That should give ~an Indica- tion of what we have. If we can handle the (pre-league opponents! we should be OK for league " cer program last year. of his. He said he was told it was fine to have." The Mustangs went O· I 9-1 and never do so. yet CIF officials ruled it a viola-Yes, last season is definitely over. seemed to find their way in their fir•ll tlon and suspended Day for 40 days. erased from the minds of the Mustangs. year in the Golden West League. The However, the situation has changed They are excited to restore the program's previous two years they had won the tJ., for the Mustangs. They have had their luster and ready to redeem themselves. tle in the Pacific Coast League. but coach through the weeks leading up to "I would say, right now, thi~ team i~ Costa Mesa never seemed to find its the season and he doesn't plan to go close to the one that won league.· Day See MUSTANGS , Pa1e A6 THE NEXT LEVEL April Ross Driven to dominate, former Sailor directs USC toward repeat NCAA championship. B•rry Faulkner Daily Pilot B y Its very nature, volleyball feeds the competitor's soul With point after rally scoring point. rotation after rotation. the challenges are a.s dJverse as they are constant. as unrelenting as they are complex. It Is in this culture of competition that USC senlor AprlJ Ross both excites and excels. Here. where each play quickly drifts Into oblivion. trod Wl<:eretnQnlousJy upon by the rt&lh to make the next, victory I merely a byproduct or the will to conquer, or, as she puts It, crush the oppositlon. Blessed wllh upreme achleddsrn. yean of highly advanced coaching and lhe motivational matrix few can match, the 6-foot· I Newport Harbor High product is a winning machine on the court ... even in the hallways between classes. "I think I'm competitive almost to a fault,• Ross said before leading the top-seeded Women ofThoy to first· and second-round victories in the NCAA championships Friday and Saturday. "It's Just a part of me and I can't really help it. But I've learned to re<:ogniu it and I try to play it down in situations off the court. Uke I'll catch myself trying 10 walk faster than the person next to me at school. It's so stupid." On the court, however. th lmtincts. combined wilh her talent. render the soon-to·be four-time All-Amertcan an tmpostng p~nce that has helped produce a 31 ·0 record thlt season. Including last year; run to the NCAA crown. USC tw won "3 ualgJ\t matches. one shy of the Ne.AA record. And, having already been named Pac-10 Conference Player of the Year, Ros.s is a leading candJdate for Ne.AA Player of the Year, as well, according to her appreciative coach, Mid Haley. "I don't know many kids In lhe country wh'O can do all the things she can do to help her team win," Haley said ·She can play mJddJe. outside or set, she's a great defensive player and a great pMSer. She's Just truly a gifted volleyball player with an all-around game you don't see In players anymore." RQs.,, a team co<aptaln. leads USC In ld.lls (359) service aces (55). ls second in dJgs (305) and Is fourth in blocks (69). Her unique s1cill set allows Haley to pick and chose how to best ut:i.11ze her. "She may not rank among the national l~ders in any one statistical category. but she's good in every one," Haley said. "We're a team by committee and she's de.6nitety the head of the committee.• With two weeks and foW' prospecdw vlctortea separating her from a cu1mlnaJ1ng repeat national ctwnptonAh.lp, Roa Is Oattered b'f the flowery pra.lle. But w Will not allow It to dewr her &om her gol.l. See EAGLES , P11e A6 And,afteradominantregular season , during which onJy CaJ extended USC to live games and onJy four others avoided a sweep, Ross said she will savor the remainder of her pos<se&uon. "1 loolc forward to the (Ne.AA tournament] more,· she said. "ThJs time of year is what you play for. We feel like It's an ultimatum. Ifs now or never. We want 10 en.Wt teams..· USC meets Texas A&M in a regional semifinal Friday at Nebraska. A victory would propel It to a regional final Saturday against either UCLA or the host Comhuskers. The semifinals and final in Dallas are Dec. 18 and 20. Ross. who plans to obtain her degree ln global business In the spring of 2006, said me plans to take the pring semester off to begin a prof! onal Indoor c::arttr in Europe. She also said she may play on the pro beach tour in the sununer, but foresees a brtef tlnl as a profi Jonal. "I'm excited to experience a different spin on the game. butt only see myself playing for thiee more )Ul'S max." she aid. What then? Sl'M.''s considering law IChool and a potential career tn envtronment&l law. where. not ~the aiakes outweigh any match~ point. • . ' ' SPORTS MUSTANGS ContJnued from AS Senior Barnabe Ortega an<l senJor Omar Ruiz. who was the star tnilbadc for Costa Mesas foot· ball team. should also be con· trlbutors, as well as sophomore Gerardo Oe)&ado and junJor goal· keeper Will.mer Hernandez. "Were going to be totally dlff'er· cnt.~ Day said. "It's just coming together." Ill Daily A Pilot 1111 ports Hall of Fame Cel bruting th ntilleru1iwn DAVE JERANKO E stancia Big-time players step up in big games and he was far from an exception with Eagles. Steve Vlrsen Daily Pilot the shot put and the long jwnp. As the F.agles quarterbaclc. he earned second-team Ail·Centwy League honors in his senior year. In addition, he developed friendships that continue to be a big part of his life. Day said Santa Ana. Orange and Saddlebadc should be among the contenders for the league tide. DON LEACH I DAILY Ptl.OT Junior Atf onso Pineda ( 10) returns for his third varsity season with Coach Eugene Day's Mustangs. W henever there was an important rootball game for the Estancia High Eagles. Dave Jeranlw became e:xcited. He knew he would be a key player as the starting quarterback in an option offense. But what Cal Shores. who played al fstancia. was an assistant coach when Jeranlco played for the Eagles. After Jeranlco graduated BRIEFLY Slammers collect two wins Under-9 boys club soccer team opens League Cup play on strong footing. The Slammers, an under-9 boys club soccer team frorn Newport Beach. started League Cup play In the Coast Soccer League with two WUl!i Nov.16. The 51amme~ defeated West Coru;t United, 3· I, in the fiti.t game while dowrung Co- rona United, 6-0, to win their pool. Brlan Team, Rob Rosenast and Luke Napolitano scored goals in the first game while Ru.sty PMlla protected the net. Tummy Plld1a and Nick McGuJnn-. used their speed and aggres.slveness to keep We.!tt Coast UnJted out of -sconng range. C.Onor Roche, Rabble WU· son, bN Gollll and Reed Wo- lonsky led the midfield. Roche scored three goals in the second game, one a i tl llijiillMitiAi header off a corner kick from Napoluano. Wilson added two goals with a i.ingle tally coming from l;otlis. !lusty Padia led a strong defense and solid goalkeep· In~ came from Tommy Padia dlld McGulnness. Team. Wolonqy and Rose· na~t controlled the midfield. In AYSO Regio n 97 boys under-8 play: •Green Goblins 2, Flame· throwersO: Ille Green Goblins finished undefeated with a win over the Flamethrowers Nov. 8. Joey Grqory scored the game's first goal ln the third period on an asi.~t from Chas Bffk. BttL. found Jake ~U. who ~queered the ball pasl the goalkeeper. to cap the scoring In the fourth period. Goblinl>' offensive pressure was provided by f.ll Botros and Marc GebJke while WW Crook, Buddy Mllchell, Cole Chapln. Andrew Dimas and T.J. Tarazevtta led the de· fense. Newport forges tie •ROLLER HOCKEY: The Newport Harbor club roller hockey team couldn't hold a 3·0 lead and tied San Oe· mente, 4·4, Tuesday. The Sailors (3·0· I I began s trong with Cory Adler s tealing the pudt and com- bining with teammate Cllase Kelly for the first goal. Sophomore forward Rory Campbell added two goals, one on an assist from Vln· cent Mungo, to take a 3-0 first-period lead. Undefeated San Qemente ued the game an the second period and took a 4-3 lead with nine minutes, 40 sec· onds to play in the third quarter. But Campbell pulled New port J !arbor even, 1ak.10g a pal>S from Kelly and sending a wrist shot into the net for the hat trick and the game's final goal. THE EAGLES 00 Juan Cait.aneda 1 Eddie Rubeleeva 3 Adrian Jimeneiz ' Eduardo Bahene 8GeoMaci11 7~Perei 8 RefMI Heman<Mz 9 Pedro OuarUI 10 Luit Met\doll 11 AlltOf Sunsln 12 Narcieo Lumbmu 13 Enrique Bahe111 ,, AlfonlO Torre• i 5 Alejandro Zontllmei:rl 18 Noe M1rtlnw 17 Oecar Garcia 19 Hl.lf'l\bM\o Monilee 22 U. Gatteoot 23 c..i-Gorwitei 29 Qui~ Campoe 'l7 Edgar Gu1po 28 Angel Cirilo 158 Joee Lui. G1n:la Coeafl: Ste\19 Cr.nshaw (nlnd'I yur). EAGLES Continued from A5 Sr. Sr. so. Sr. Jr. So. Jr. So. Sr. Jr, Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Santa Ana became a nemesis for f.stancia last season as the Eagles did not play their style against the Golden West League champion. Crenshaw believes the Eagles will be tn the thick of the league title hunt. "I think we can play with any- one In league;· Crenbhaw said. "We shouJd be right up there." 111e Eagles visit Fountain Val· ley today at 3 p.m . took place on the field wasn't the only reason he loved the games that had that playoff-type aura about them. Tuke the season-opening game against F.clison, for example, in 1977. from the University of ldaho, Shores helped Jeranlco get into the Insurance business. They were omce partners for 15 years. The game of football helped Jerank.o in many areas of his life. He discovered his lave for the F.dison was the powerhouse, the standard for most prep football teams. But the Dave Jeranko game when he was 8. Eagles were mindful they could win. Their coaches, namely head man Jim Bratton, made them believe: "Our coaches really played some mind games with us to gel w hyped up for that game," Jeranko said "They took us out to watch 'Rocky' the night before and they made up a letter from Sytvester Stallone. He was wishing be could be at the game. It wasn't real, but the guys just sucked it up. .. Jeranko also said the Estancia coaches created a fa.lee news article. which was also used as motivation. The story featured a quote from one of Edison's star players, who sai8 he was glad that he was opening up with a soft opponent Apparently. all of the gimmicks wodced. Estancia won. "The celebration was very enthusiastic," Jernnko sald. "We just went berserk." Ille victory was one of many highl.ights Jeranko enjoyed while at f.stancia. where he al~ played defensive back and competed in track and field. scoring points In Thats when his father, Stan, took young Dave to an NFL game at the Los Angeles Coliseum, where the Rams were t.alcing on the Packers. •r remember as if it was yesterday, walking through the tunnel into the stadium," Jeranko said. "(Football has) always been a passion of mine.• Jeran.ko played all levels of football except for pro. He started with the Newport-Mesa Jr. All-American program and, after &tancia. he played for Orange Coast College. As a highlight with the Pirates, Jeranlco remembered throwing three touchdown passes and running for two more to lead a comeback win over Golden West "It was 24-3 in the first half, but we came ba~" Jeranko said. Jeranko, the latest Daily Pilot Sports Hall of Fame honoree, earned a scholarship to play with the Vandals at Idaho. Now 44, he lives In San Oemente with his wife. Eileen. They have two daughters and Jeranko's nephew is lan Morton, who just finished his junior football season at Estancia. JusJ DIMI lll • o;scount NtJt Sate Prlc6 TO I L fRl r 2 71 7590 62 'f 1 O e.-..c h B l vd. Ou~·n•• P••rlc (BBB} • (1 tilrH t... Nc1r tt1 ot Bt·.Htl .t1 'i }'o.. ·11 1,,,,.,, t1.11H1•·) The follow1n1 ptf sons 11 • dolna but.In tu •s 1) Cont Mtrc:tdn S11vict, b) Merctdn Cont S1n11C1, c) So.ulh Cont Mt•c•du ~VICI, d) Cont MB S.1vlct. 1) Cots I MBZ Stf vlct, f) South Coat\ MBZ Str vtct 1> Cout M8Z BMW Sttvlu II) South Cotst Miil BMW Stfvtee. 3042 8 Cnlttptllt, Cotta Meta CA 926M Julln W•llltll 0.namoft, 13SllS Swttllhade Wey, Tustin CA 92712 Huthtr McKenzie 0•1t1mott 1 Hl6 $w .. tahad. Wey h111tn, CAt2782 1111• busln•n I~ c0t1 dueled by llusb•nd end wilt ~I "'you 11 .. 11d cMlna bu "''' y•t7 No n W 01nsmot1 T1111 al1t1rn111t ,.., lt!H •Ith Ult Count)' i. ti Ottn11 County Oii IZ/02/03 ...... ,,. Dal '"°' O.c I, 1!1. 22. • l003 MIG() *-"" ,. I II 'deflltetf ............... Bid& 8 II Co,I• Mesa CA 97627 The F tcllllou• But1n11S1 n1m1 r 1l1rr1d lo 1bov1 wn hied In Or1n1• CouJ1ly Oil I II 02 Fil£ NO 20026883417 Doual" E Templin, Trustu Ooualu E l ff!lpMn lru•t d1t1d J 12 93 !131 Rlvtnidt Ave . Newpotl 11 .. ch CA 91663 ltnJ bu\!nl\\ " ton dut lad by • butonea• lru•I C><>uaJn C Tamplin Tht• 11111m1nt ,.., hltd wtth Ill• County Cltrt. ol 0!1n11 County un 12/02103 200JHH181 Dally 'llot Oet 8, \S, n. 29.1003 Mnll .......... ie..s...... lht followln1 Pt"Ons 1r1 do4n1 llu1lnn1 n Rf Oreup, 4/10 Carn• pua Dr Sit 200, :mso•t 11 .. ch c. G11y R l0ftll1, 070 C."'tM" Orlvt. Suitt 200, ::.;g•tl luch, CA Otr)' Tollt, 4110 ta111P111 Orf'rt, Suitt 200. ~ort ll1tch, CA Wlll!.M V1111t11, '770 Calllf)U1 Mvt, Suitt 200, :~of\ ltHh, CA ft111 lluallllln 1, ,.,. duct!HI Ill! co J!!fl!l!{t • Hnt you st.rite! dolna business yet7 .,., Nov 1 2003 Guy R Torelli Th.,, stattmtnl wn 11141d with tho County Clerk of Ot 1n1• County on tZ/02/03 200S6H617J 011fy Piiot Ott 8, I SJ 22. 29, 200.l M86z RdftlM ..... ... s....... Tiit lollowln1 ""'°"' •t• dolna busk!"' IS Document StrthlY Croup 84!11 8u11-lal Clrcf•.t. H11n1t111to11 BHch, ~ 92646 Steven R Mendell, 14!1 Sunkisl Clfclt, Huntln&ton BHch, C• ~e Thll busln•u Is con d1KliMI b'I an lndMdual H•v• you tl•r l•d dolnt bu1tne11 r•O v .. 10 1'°3 SltVlfl R MtndtR Tiiis t.t1t11m1nt WI' 11 .. d •rlh lM CouM)' er.,• of 0r.,,,, Coun1y on li/02/03 200Ut .. 771 OallY "11ot Ott. I, II, 11, ~.1003 M&~ ,.... ..... ... *'-' Tiit follow1111 ptt10111 •rt llQ1r11 bu•ln•H aa· WHlttnd WlftfOf, 4Jt Vlt LIOo ~J Newport 9.,,,. CA lllti02 ftul (h•tct Ma1i.1t•1•, LLC CCA> Oi YI• LNe Soud. Newporl Be•ch. CA 92662 This butineu ts con· duclt d h ltmlled I t1b"1ty Co liawt you alatled c1o1n1 bualnen ytlf Yu Jen I. 2000 Ruf Drrect MAtktttn. LLC, Oou,i11 P McCtH , M•n•1•1 Thi' statement ,.., ltled wolh lhe Count, Cle1t. ol Ol•fll• C011nty Of\ 12/02/0J 200HfH77S Delly Piiot OK I lS, 12 29, 2003 Ml6!1 MIM ..... ......... The follo•ln1 persons ,,,. dolna bualnesa 11. Otlco Marine, 711 W 11th St., '8·11. Cost• Mtw,CA92827 0 E ltlnl)llft 6 At· Mk.Illes 111< (CA), 7U W 17th SllHt Ill ll, eo111.-....CAmu Th• llu11111u b c.on · ""'ted by • corpor ttion H1vt yeu &tariff doln1 Dlllil'OHI jttf NCI D [ ltf!ltlltn a. At· 1ocl1tn, Inc., Dtnlel Ottmonlco, Prnl4tnl thlt 1tat1rn.nt .,., hltd with lht County Cltt~ of OUlllf Co1111ty on lVOVOl IOOIH .. 7H 0•11~ ,.llot Ote I, t5, 22. 29. 1001 Ma&I nc.. ..... •s...... Tiit lollowl111 pttson1 111 doln1 b11t.lnen " Armen Dulan•. 260 Newport Center Or , 1240.L.._f!tWport 8Hcll, CA 9illlC>U Armen Cr1ttrl1n Ot alan• Inc (CA) 260 Newport C1nt11 Dr , '240. Newport 8Hch. CA92e60 Tl111 buslntts 11 con ducted by a corpoution H•WI }'OU llMlld doil'll bustn1u 11t1 ., .. May 12. 2003 Armen OricOft.n Ot- 11~111, In c , Armen Gr Oflan, ,.resldtfll l is 1t1t1m1nt wat. hied with lht County Cftff\ of 011n1• County on tZ/02/03 200H t .. 7H Daily l'~t O.c ·~ •• !..t•J '2, 29. 2003 """"'' ........ ... -.... 1he follolOll\I IHl'•Olll ,,. dome twilMls u OHc; Stu~ 7741 15th St. II, Wt1tm1n1ttr. CA t2tl3 Ct!•-Lo••lt Mytn. 4 Arny war. t 1dtf1 ll1nc11, CAm94 Otrlll Collltn Wlnq.,, 7141 t&th St •&. w .. 1rnln1tar, CA 12113 Thlt ll1'4ln1ttt It con ductt4 l>J' • c•ntt•I ptrtntnhlll Htv• JOU ltlll'IM ~"' buslnns yel? No Cllad Myers Thll lltl•m•nl WIS lilld •llh the County C141rll of Ottna• County on 12/02/03 200J6t6676' Delly Pilot Oec 8, I!>, 22. 29. 2003 M863 ~ ...... "-S....... The followln1 persona .,, d<>ona bUSIMU II ECONZ USA COfpoutoon. 3107 Corte C1l1ta ~~or l 811ch, CA ECONZ USA COfpou llon (CA). 3107 COfl• Ct14111. Ntw"rt Btach, CA92660 1 his business It con due ltd by· a corPo> 11te1n HIYI YOll l ltrttd dolrtfl b~IMu yeU No ECONl U$A COf11or1 hon, 6r1nt A111, PIHi d nt Thl1 1t1t11Mnl .,., ftlH Wilt! the Covnt)' Cr.ti! ol Or1np Count)' Oft 12/02/0) 200H H '7 .. Deity ,.llot °" I , lS, 22, 29, 2003 ..... fktMil..-. .......... lht follow1n1 pj>tton• art dolna but\11 .. 1 H C•lllOf'ftil Rehablllt..llon a. Si'>orh lhtttt1y, 27401 Lot Allot, Suite 4U, M1ulo11 V•IO· CA t~tl Alao (dwv4 ypu! 2l40 Llpl Nalcll -Up! llallca !1775 8 0111 Avenue, Suol• IOI, Huntinaton B1~ch, Ca 92549 Thi•. busJRIH Is COl'I• ducted by· en lndlvlduel Hevt you 1t11t1d dolll& buslntH 111? 'r'ta 09/13/2003 Alan £dw11d Voa•I Th11 statement wu filed with the County Clt1ll of 011np County on li/02/03 10016'66776 Oltlly _ Pilot Otc 8, 1!>. '/'/ 29 2003 "'861 The lolto•lna peno11s •r• doll\& buslntss as: A Numt>.1 One Molotc.f LTD, 373 Wut 111)' StrHt U103, Cott• Mtu,CA9Z611 O~vttsllltd Autornot1111 (lroup, Inc (CA), 313 W11t tey SltHt.L.!103. Co1t1 Mesa, CA 90¥7 fllla ~tlf\Ut It COii dllcled by 1 corporation tuve f04I at11tt4 dolr1( ~tlM'* .J•I? v .. 11 Z5 OJ 01vw11ti.d A11tomoti.1 Croup, Inc., Andres Nunu, l't ttldtnt Tll11 •t•l•t11tnl .,., ftltd .,Ith th• County Clerk of Ortnp Cou"I)' 011 li/02/03 tOOUtH,7' D••lr. P'ilol Otc. I. 19, 22.Zl,XJOJ ~ ll011Q Of AltW1101110 Sll.AlCOllOUC IMIAGIS ............. .....,,,;., To Whom It May Concern: The Ntmt(s) ol 1111 Appllc1nt(1) Is/ trt. FU(lU {NTtRTAINMENT llC The applluntt lotted tbove .,, 1ppl1in1 lo th1 Oefartment ol Alc:ehol c ln1111t Control to sall alcoholic bevart1t1 at 1870 HAltlOlt ll VD S fl A200. COSlA MCSA, CA 92627 Type ol tlc1nu(1) Allolltd fOf: 47 ON· ~Lt CFN£RAl lAflNO PlllCf ,.u'lltl1h1d N••port luclt Cotta ~ Daily Pilot OK1111bff I. 15, 22,2003 Rem. .... ...s...... T'ht folio., Ill '""'°"' llrl Hin• btMlnMJ .. MA lhnotone, MOl hll'ltll Of , Hu11hn(ton lth,CAl"4t Ceof"'t l<lttlnt, 9601 h!Mn Or., Hununaton lclt, CA 11264t lflo• b\ltlnttt. It con d11ct•d by '" llldMd11•t til¥t JOU ltllttff Hint bl.lt.1ntu11tl Ho Geoffrey ICIMlnt hied •ilh the County Cltr~ o1 Or1n1• County on 12J02/03 200H f H710 Otlly Pilot Otc. 8, l!l..t 22. 211. 2003 M86' ~ ..... ........ The lotlowlna pe11on1 •f• dolna bualnes• H '. A • A lndustrlal S.. • victs, 230 Etst Alton Avw.. Sanlt Ant. Cali lor11i. 92707 £c1&11 R Aus\111, 22181 M•tdtn Lant, Mluion 'lltjo, CaltlO(nla 92'92 This buakltu is con 41vct*4 bJ' en lndMdu•I Hive you 1twtld dolnt b11t1neu y1t? No Ed Au1t111 Tltlt 1tatement w•t fllt4 with t"-County Clerk ot Or1np County 01112/04/03 t00Ut670H O•fft Pilot O.C. Ii.JI. 22. 29,2003 -11 ........... "-S...... The fotloVrill& tltltotn .,. 4'>1111 binlntt.t .. Tht lf.,tUt• IM, MO W. 17111SI.10 '2. Cotta Mesa. CA 02827 l'*tu Almeta Haru1, 1187 Irvin• Ave., Costa MeNI, CA ~7677 Tltlt bUtlnffl I COii• 4ucl•cl lly' 111 hlcllvliu1I lilwt fOU •lat ltd dolnl 1111.in .. 1•tr "' Dw1y Atraeta H1NL This altltrntnt •as llltd with tile County Cieri! of Oltna• County on 11/21/03 IOOH H H tl Dally Pilot Nov 24, Dec. 1, II, 15, 2003 "'850 Ac-. .... ... ........ Tht folio., 111 11tnons •re dolns b111l11tu as. DICll Roe«J Co., 1711 Maa Or , Cfata ....... CAL.t2'27 Olcll Rottr1, 179 Mesa Or., Cottt ....... CAL mn Thia bWl!lftl la COii• d1Kt~ lty M'I llldlY\clllel HIYI you •tat1td dolna 111n1neu v•lf 'r'11,HOY2003 Okli Re111111 Thl1 1t1t1ment w11 fifed with tht Cou11ty Cltr• of Or•nc• Co~mty on t2/0V03 HOIH .. 77t O•Olt P'llot Dec. 11 J_Si 22. 21. 2001 ... DK-2411 How to Place A · CLASS IFIEAD By Pbone 19491642-S67ll By Mail/In Person: 330 Wt<J. Bay S~t Costa MN. CA 92627 -----Policy---- Rates and deadline• are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclasslfy. revite or reject any classified adveni1Cment Please report any mw thM may be an your classlfied ad immediattly. The Daily Pilot accepta no ltabihly for any error in an advertisement for which lr may be responsible except for the cost of lbe space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for rhe first insertion. SERVICE DIRECTORY ~,, -For Ali Your Home and Business Needs --llf T By Fax (949) 631-6594 <"-... .,,,._ ........... wclt11i-bdw01 ,m..-.1 At N~port Blvd. & Bay St II ours: Tc~phone 8JOam·HXJpm Monday·Fnd•> Walk-In 8 'l(Mm 5.00pm Monda)'·Fnd.i) --~-Deadlines---- Monday ....... .. .Fnday S:OOpm Monday S:OOpm Tue.di)' 5:00pm Wcdnesda)' 5:00pm Friday ............. Thunday 5;~ Slllunl1y .. ..... .. .. Friday 3~ ~"--Eich Wtdt For-Only Sl2 per fttk (4wedt minill=) •<.I..._ ti "4'1 S74-424S Tue~)' Wednc....Uy Thunday Sunday .. . ........... Friday 5:~ uoat Nc*ca 2l40 I Leoat MoUca 2940 Legal tiliiC8i llOllCI TO COllllACTOIS <Miii& fOl llDS School District COAST COMMUNITY COLL£C£ DISTRICT Project ldtnhllc1hon N1me·011na• Coast Colle11 Bulldlna Automation System Upar ede: 1866 Bid Oetdllne: February 4, 200.t at 2.00 p rn. Bid and Project Documents 1vall1bl1 at Office ol the Physical Facilities Coordinator, Ardith Richey, Coesl Community Collea• District, 1370 Adams Ave . Bid&. "D", Costa Meu. C1 92626. (114) 458 4673 Web Sile WWW.Ceco EDU/b c11tt1es/prolects htm Wilk Throuah: Wilk Throuch I$ Nol Requ1red Dale; unu1ry 13. 2004 Time 10.00 a m Orin,. Co11t Collete M11nten1nu end Operehons Faclllty, on Memm1c Avenue belwttn H.,bO< 8oulev1rd end F 11rv1ew Rd. Costa Mese CA 92626 Pltase call (714) 438·4646 for map Place of Bid Propoul R1c11pt Offlte ot Dotector ol Purch.uina. Coast Community Collea• D1st11ct. Bld1. ·o . 1370 Adams Avenue. Co,11 Miu CA 92626 The lollow1n11 petsons are do1n1 busonoss 11 Applied Ceotechn1c11 Services, 14661 Mylord Road. #C, Tuslon, CA 92780 Richard T H11tey, 14661 Mylord Road •C. Tustin, CA 92780 This business os con duct1d by 1n 1nd1v1du1I H•ve you sta1 led dom11 bustneu yet? Yes 8/1/2003 Rteherd·T H1at1y Thos statement was toed with the County Clerk of O"nae County on 12/0Z/03 20036966777 Our Lease Has Explredf EVERYTHING MUST GO/ Hoag Volunteer Thrift Shop. 670 W. 17th St. IF-2, Costa Mesa (near comer of Pomona & 17th) Open Tues .. Wed , Thurs. 10 am · 3pm (949)722-9106 HOMESFORSAU: RESIDENTIAL.RENTALS ORANGE COUNTY 5400 ORANGE 7400 VNMllea c....te nur Ho.._ sec. pted. 11 mend stlldOo 1v•1I t2 18 S'97Smo leue 949 493 0379 hvlne TURTLE ftOCK CAM,US VllW H OADMOlll 3 homes 3' 4br $549.000 $615,000 $624,000 Owner/A&1nt 800-640·~1 S TllADA 21 r>SltU,.._ DR 3br dwn mstr 3 ~ba 3SOOst. Flyer VKtual rou1 www bu·home1 com Sl.670.000 COUNTY Balboa Island YIAAlY llASlS FINI NIWPOltl HOMIS A........., 1bt Iba h4 cd Hi GRUNOY llW'l'OllS A/C, w/d. fTf&, ITWc:ro, d,lw, 949-675-616' nu upt/pllnt, did<. CMJIO"I SlS!l&no yrly 949-673 ni9 He_,.... St-M 2br 2ba Corona del Mar newer cer pet, p11t ' t1 .. 2 c tandem c•r. wdllll· UPS. aat 949 293 ~ 21r. lie Apt. Brt&ht & UDO ISU STUDIO Sunny fp 2 Carports Larte closet & bath. $13SO mo 432 Soward sunny oposurt SIOOOm 949-640-t 201 Aal 949 675 6161 '•nlft•11le lbr lb• p1tio, l11epl1ce, sh.,ed w/d hkup1 I Cir ... Ate. I Aal $1!JOO/MO 949-293 4630 Publish Date· December B, 2003 end December 15, 2003 Board Date: r ebruary 18, 2004 Dally Pilot Dec. 8 IS, l,... 1505 22. 29, 2003 MB66 _u.._____ HOME Aat/OWnll. 949 631 0300 21K , ....... h•rbo< vt1w\ mister surte. walk· 1n cloHb . root top deck & spa laundry 1v•1I now SJOOO 949 722 9292 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cont Community Coll•&• Olstrkl of Otan&e County. Cahtorn1a, •c1tn11 by and lhrouah its Coverninc Bo .. d, h111111after relerred to u "Otstr1ct", w11J rec11ve up to. but not 11111 thin the abov11-stated bod d11dhn1. sealed bids 11 the place 1denl1hed above for the 1w1r d of a contr1ct lor the pro1ecl described n Supply 1nd install neceuary Repnters. Routers 01 Lon to Ethernet Convulers or Lon to fiber Converters lo he bu1ldln1 mlo eus1tn11 campU$ hbtr optic batkbone All bidden must be Honeywell Authomed Control' In tear a tors (ACI) The system to be supphed and installed must be Honeywell Xl !>000 == ~! :c:' = ~ FURNISHINGS RESORT/ M.taaaoo's ... t 9 ;j) 00 v•"•noN BRA/'(') l'€W ~ 2b 'l !;.\} wd ~ slllrim """ • ..vi., l'ONd ~ ()(JI -de!tt w <Utt Ip. pr .. urpctt. .,... kl bdl ~ ,_.... Frirtl alb limllllnl for busy Endocrlnol-Oey office on Newport Bch f •• resumes ~ 8856 Automobiles Series Controllers Lonw0<ks Standard Bids shill be received In the place 1den1tt1ed above, and those bids shalt be opened and publtdy rud 1loud al the above·stated lime and place In accordance with the prov1s1ons ot Bus1neu and Profusions Code Section 7028 I~ end C1llforn11 Public Contract Code Sec tion 3300. the D11tr1ct requires that the bidder poun the follow1111 ctusiflutlon(s) of contractor's hcenH(s) at the time the Bid 1s Submitted B Any bidder not so licensed 11 the lime ot Bid 0Pfl111n1 will be ,.,.c11d es Nonresponstve Contractor B LteenH Subm11t1I of Bid Proposels All Bid Propouls shill be tubm1t11d on IOI ms furnished by the Dlstrocl Bid Prooo~ls must conform with. ind be rupon11ve to, the Bid and Contract documenh copies of which may be obt11ntd from the Olstroct 11 set lorth 1bove I Bid and Contract Documents The Bid and Contrect Oocumenb ue av11l1ble at the loutton sttled above for a non-relund1ble p1yment of Twenty f ive ($ 25) per set Payment shall be m1de by check p1yable to Cont Community Colleae District 2 Documents Accompany1n11 Bid Propose ls [ 1ch Bid PropoHI shell be accomp1nl1d by (•) th• required Bid Security. (b) SubconlratlOIS L11t, (c) No11 Collusion Affod1v1t; and {d) St1t1menl of Bidder's Quahflutlons. All 1nl0<m1hon 01 rnponses of • Bidder 1n oh Bid Prooosal and other documents a<co1T191ny1n1 the bid Proposal shill be tompl1t1 1ccurate and true: •rteomptete, m1ccur1t1 or untrue responses or onformation provided lheretn by 1 bidder shell be IJ'OUnds for the Dlstnct to re1ect such B1dde1's Bid Propos.at for non respons1veneu 3 Contractors License CluS1f1c1t1on In The tollow1n11 pe,.ons are do1n11 busmess IS The Kernwood Coll Discount 1620 Buch Blvd Buena Park CA 90620 RKhard A Steele 1620 Beach Blvd , Buen• Park. CA 90620 This business ts con ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you sl•rled do1na business yeti Yu 6/02 Richard A Steele ThlS statement was filed with the County Cler~ of 011n1e County on IU02/03 2003696'772 Daily Pilot Otc 8. 15 22. 29. 2003 ~7 Rdit6M lusiwn .... s ....... The lollowona persons are do1na bus1ntss •• Artistic Gilt Callery. 1011 Avemda Pico •C C, San Clemente. CA 92673 Mahroo l otfaltan. 26 Nuevo St , lrv111e, CA 92612 Thos bu5lnus I) con ducted by an 1ndtvldu1I Hive you started do1111 busoness yet? No Mahroo lotf1h1n fh1s statement was hied with the County Clerk of 0,.1n1e County on 12/02/03 2003'96'771 011ly Pilot Dec 8 I 5 22, 29, 2003 M86-4 accordance wtlh the prov1s1ons of C11tlorn11 Publtt Collectlblel/ Code §3300, the District requ11es thet Bidders possess the tollow1n1 classillcahon(s) ot Calllorn1a Memorabllla 1160 Contraclora License at the lime that the Contrilt l lor the Work is 1wuded B Any Bidder not so duly and properly licensed shall be subject to all penaltles imposed by lew No payment shill b• m•de tor work, labor mater11ls or services p1ovld1d under the Contract IOI the Work unlen TO .. $$ 4 RICOllDS ETC Jm. Classic. Etc. 50s ' OOs Jll Mlle. $pit. too. &ll'IP\ Mike 949·645 7S05 and unlll the Rea•strer ot Co11tr1etors v'""" to ENTERTAJNMENT the OtStrocl th1t the Bidder awarded the Contr1ct 1s prope•ly and duly licensed to perform lht Work Cllendarof 4 Contrect Time Subsl1ntt1I Complelton ol the Wo1ll shell be 1chiev1d Two Hundred forty d1ys Evlnll 1310 1ft1r the d1t1 for commenctment of the Work H -------- "' torth in the Notice to Proceed issued by the 011trlcl f11lure to echoeve Subst1nt11t Completion within the Contr1ct Time will rlSUll 1n the 1ssnsm1nt of Liquidated 01m1a11 5 Bid Security. Each Bid Propoul shall be 1ccomp1noed by Bid Securoty m an 1mounl not ten than TEN P£RC£NT (10"? ol the m111mum •mount of the Bid Propoul. 1ncluslve of •ny 1ddillv1 Altern1te Bod ltems(s) f 11lure of any bid PrOj)OHI to be Accomp1nted by Bid S1curlty in the fo•m end In the 1mounl requ11 ed shall render such Bid Proposal to be non responsive and rejected by.the Dlstnct. 6 No W1thduwal of Bid No Bidder may w1lhduw eny Bid for • period of S11 ty (60) d1ys 1lttf the Oj)lnln1 ol Bids Duron& this ltme. 111 Bidden shall c•11renlH prices quoted 111 thelf respected Bid Proposals 7 Job Wilk Throu1h. The Dtstrict will conduct • Ho11·M1nd1tory Job-Wahl for th1 WOfk The Job Walk, will be conducted be11nn1n11 1t 10 OD • m on January 13, 2003 Bidders ere to meet 1t Or1n11 Coast Cott11• M11nt1n1nce and Oper 11ton1 F 1c111ty Call (714) 438·4646 tor map 8. Sub1t1tute Security. Provisions of Cellfornle Public Contrecl Code §22300. sub,lllut1on of 1llclblt end 1qulv1l1nt securollts 101 1ny mon11s wlthhtld by the 011trJct to ensure the Contractor's perf0<m1nce under the Contract will be permitted et the request •nd upense of the Contre,tor end In conlOfmlty w1lh Calllornla Public Contrect Code §22300 The for1aoln1 notwilhst1nd1n1. lht Bidder lo whom tlle Contrect Is 1w11dtd sheH hive hn (10) days followlna acbon by th• District's Boerd of Trust-to eward the Contr1ct to such Bidder to submit Its written reque1t to t11e Olslrkl to permit Iha 1ubslltullon of ucurltlts fOf 11t111tlon under C1lllor nla Publk: Contract Code 122300 The f1llur1 of such Bidder to make sud1 wr!Tten request lo the District within said ten (lll) d1y period lhttl be deemed 1 waiver of the lhdder's rllflh under C.lifornl1 Publlc Contr1ct code §22300 9. Waiver of lrr11ul1rltia. The District Re11rves tht rlaht lo relect 1ny or 111 Bid Propo11l1 or lo w1iv1 any lrrtaularllles or lnt0<mttltlt1 In any Bid Propo11t 0< In the blddln1. 10 Award of Contrect The Conl••clOf for th• Work, If awarded. wilt b• br Ktoon of the District'• llotrd of TrustMs to th• rnponslble Bidder 1u•111tttln1 Ille low"t responsive Bid Propo .. 1 If lllt lid f>ropoul requlttt Bidden to propose prlct1 IOI Alternate lld ltema, the Olstrlet's Mltctlon of ~twn1t1 1141 Items, If 1ny, for determln1tlon uf the lownt prked Bid P•GPO••' and lot lnclu1lon In the acope of tha Contract to bt awarded •hell be In Ktordtnc• with the Instruction IOt Bkldtn. 11. Prentlln, waae Rates The Calllornl• OltKI« Of the Otp11 ment of ll'ld111trl1t R1l1Uona hH ckt11mln1d the pMtally prev1lllnc ret .. of pet diem w•&n In tht louHty In which th• Work I• to bt l*f«mtd for this pro1tet. CopHls of lhtM dtt•1Y1ln1Uon1, entltltd "f>RCVAlllHO WAGE SCALC" lft malnt1ln1d 1t the Olstrlcl'• Admlntttfltlve Offices loeatld at U70 Mtmt Av• Cott• Mitt, Ctbf.,nl.t ~. end '" 011t1bl• 11 tilt foll°"'lnt WU tit• www.dlr." IOY. The Co11treetor tWlldH t11t COfttrKt f« the Wotll shall pay not ltH ttr1n tllf 1pP11c1blt ptenU1111 waae r•t• for tht dtt.MIUtlon of lab« JlfOYldM 111 their telC*llVt •ortiwa In HKlltiOft of tilt W~ Plill.l.alltd Ht"'POfl leacll~st• MIN Delly .. llot O.c...,.., I, 15, 2003 .-SJ All rul estate 1dverlts inc In this newspaper Is subtect to the federal fair liousont Act ol 1968 as 1mendtd which m1ku 1t 1lle11I to advertise •any prefer ence. lim1l1t1on or d1scromlnat1on bned on rece. color. reh111on. sea h1ndu;1p, fam11t1I status or n•ltonal ot111n. or an 1ntenhon to m1-.1 any such preference. hm1t1 lton or d11c11m1nalion • Thos newspaper will not know1n11y accept any 1dverh11menl tor 1ul estate which •s 1n v1011tlon of the law Our re1ders u e hereby Informed that all dwell Ina• advertised ln thts n1wsp1per ere 1vall1bfe on an equ1l opportunity bnll To compllln of d11 crrmlnation, cell HUD toll fr .. 111·800-424-8590 1413 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Stvlt Fumlturt P\ANOS .i Colt.dlbles ·~·~ ....... ..,....OM.,_.,.,.,.,. .. CA9HPAID .. ..................... WI auY OTATU ·~~- CONSIGfJMENTS ! I . ' ' I I 8atplaoe l11tlleworld te _..,ertl•I c.11 todar t• 11••0• .-r at1 c1-..11• Ma-ee7e 1211 562 596 0623 Fumltvrt 3435 """ QUllN MATTlllSS sn FOPRRo~rv 2lr tlo,. ,_ p;Mrl\/c.wpet 2ur ~• bldly•d 1n Jsn 1 S31W 91S:!o&Jlll1 rm Of Fil V1CT11S lll:D VOii H01t Orltq>edlc. btand ,_ s!JI ~ biod< "' llte.W\. '""'' -sum.~ 919 278 1'Xl5 u1 ~ 9lrn 5pn1 ~--Offc AHi, ~ Sltdh, Schedu... Phone. O.t1tl SSOO off 111 -. ;>t,, 2ba Ouented, eacetlenl P•Y ,., NP i-rtrwo tu \lllJVl f,,. resume 949 646 3121 IMW '01 U c...,.., 3 0. Sspct 2311 m1. lull feet w1rr1nty. silve</blk lthr. CD, mnrl, 19'n whls, buullful like new cond. fin 1v11I ¥995621 S24.995 • 949-5116-1888 400 ANIMALS RESCUED WITH NO OWNERS MON£ Y OONA TIONS HUMANl SOCIETY C/OPAWS ?40 £ HIGHLAND SAN B£RNAROINO CA.92404 General Announcements 1610 DUCK SU.SON 'rlwofe D11tk Hu,,11"9 Clula appro• I/hr from • " pllista!: w w•r S.te Sl<r> CM\ ..._ 96 l'l5 f!IB7 CHlllftY SUIGH HD Said wood. br end ,_ " bo• nOAI ,,._ Worth Sim -sz,o 9491'>5 l'D17 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS C101t Cel" H .. da Old Coons' Cold '°lvet ie-k y watcN!s 1ntiques coll~t llblH !M9 642 9448 Mountain Property SO COLORADO RANCH S<ile 60 AC $29,900 Vu1 end close out• Save money now and own some of Colorado's but land Spectacular v11ws ot the Roclues. •~ens to 6000 •ere• of BLM Rec area Vur round access elecltel included E acellent f1nanc1n1 low down P•yment. call tod•y toll tree 866 696 5163 (CAL •scAN) Costa Mesa I Ir Sl70m I mile to buch vaul co1h. stove hoe roil fdn & more 11' I 16111 St 949-SU-2421 & rostu.vants Ip. 1 c pr wd Slim 949 293 ~ NP Heltfota 2bt 2b• l'"hl4e ...... ...., IBr lamrm, Ip, hdwd fh, pvt C'.o1t9 w/1-t ~ y.wd yMd S..<e 2110 Corlll Ave, ....,,00 329 ~ ~ SZ".J()-no 94964?·54118 On sln• 9$574-lrol lllTAll : FT/ l Seles 1n baby/children's furni ture stor e opentna on South COllS1 Plau Qe5ei npeuence • salary + bonus + medical 949·4~1 Ma,le Ap11l Lovely Cited Comm ne11 T111n1le Squert 2br lb• w·111' lrtl Sl095 lbr I b11 w pa too. urport lbr 3bo hou11, quiet Me• ntwly refurbished 2 CM ear wd hkups. $2JOO. mu 9'19 759 0874 SAllS1 OV11JOfttl ,.r .. ., w/phont ules .. P E.arn $10"1• ~ -"""' paid Klein~ fVl l0Ulb49 ht CJaXl 2br I 1Sba on the w1ter Ii P•l•u de<k. uptraded ~1tchen wd hkup •al S71.'>0 949 193 463? SB ' U1> phone 96 862 7474 , .. 949-862 71.'15 www11'''"" CtHllloc '91 c.tere SOii ml. blk/blk lthr, blk cerrl•I• roof, Bose CO. 1m Im, chrm whls, aold Pk&. books/rec0<ds, like ntw S8995 v~7281 Bk1. t49·S16-tlll ___ ...,.,_,_ N1wport Beach E1cel ---------MISCEUANEOUS Jent hunt1n1 •d11cent to cats 3610 I SIDE CHAllMfNG. hkt new ?br I !Iba town houso •tyle 7">?7 f Iden Sll7'>/n10 94'! 64? 5488 llASlS AVAILAIU Newport Buen Ntwport Coa't Irvine, 3 ":ib1 from Math Tvter needed tor Aljrebr • C-..Ot• y ' Tr. f1a,_...ID ~ -.....s@~ Chewrelet '•• •-• Cerio 2dr 'oupe, V6, 30K 1ctu1I ml. sllve</pMn m1t1lhc. CO. buutitul like new eond. ~ v8n491 Blu ~!51888 )late welerlowl relua• RENTALS ownenh1p1nt11est' ftlS CUI 9 I I Ltl•'~ $2500T<> Aet 949 ~ --.....-.- epprox 375 acrn of lend Uncer '"""es Happen! ' 1mprov1menh + your Pet Owners N•td Help own cemp compound Well M1nnertd Adult w/ltruct ure and 2 Cats & Older 001\ need 11111•"· Wonderful Fri new humes. Adopt Adult nl1ht BBQ's ' wme Antm•ls tho~ Xmul 30 tl\t1na dunn11 duck d•y return Pohq HHOn • many utru• www an1m1ln1twork ora lde1l for 'l froends or f1thef ' son Call Mike 1t llO 541 0854 Would ltl\e to contact a son11wro1tna ptantst 1n ttthr< blues. 1111 sw1n1 o< pop 11 you are send Phone • or m•1hn11 oddreu wh~re you may bt cont1cted, to D l Ray c o 0 M Adilm1, 1~90 Adams Ave Co•la Mesa, CA 92626 3366 WlflWt ICITTINS & CATS Bollle fed & IWli nried n cm-v lmw. l) 0., hmeo .. l*lixl ...,. """*"'1 '!hits. dllwcrTTel, l'v ~ lnll\lf..,..,., ... ........,. 1'111'1 ~ n.. 12~ 9&64'-?ZJ'l www 1111meln1twork.or1 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Rental To Shafe 6030 CM l . aid• COftdo 2br. Laguna Niguel 11/1ba. no pets. no aaraae no smoke o.-11-'i be< """"' 8-J 'b 'l 'iba ~. 2 slay. 2 c pr. stl.11"'111 ocn -· As.soc pool/let'IOIS, wat< to 1>C11 A'IM .1i>n 3, $2600.lroo 714-Q.3.2100 S600/mo 949 275 2099 4bl 3 !'Iba retfld comm. 3br :lb• upper ltvel ---------pets oil 45(X),mo avl 211 baylront unll period Nl/Oc-n View 11-applAal 9492409097 s tyle &rt vu I c 1111 Ocunlront/12nd Pro •tt S2800 949 193 4631 v•le rm. unfurn. sh•re ba, ut11s p11d. n · sm~ l11tchenette lndry. I blk to Newport pier S7l0m Call Sam 949 218 190S (between 91m 5pm) Ill! on 1llo bell Illy lln 2b 2ba ,_. d!r> ~ ,,..., aaxm~ cm ais sum ooii.m'l'i2'2 CUSSIFIED It's thi solu· lion you're searching/ or- whether you're seeking a Chry.ler 't 6 S.lwltotl uu Conv, 1811 1ctu1t rnf. m1t1lhc areen tan lthr black top. bHutlful Ii~• new cond, 17995 firm vl56nl Blu 949-586-1888 _,......._ Carvett• ••t Ceftw White, onclnal ow,,.r. tow ml, lmm1cul1ta cond SIS,000 562·212 4117 fief JOO -,.,0 &ood cond, new bre1kes/ clutch• shoch S5000 •4t-4J1-7H6 •• ,, '65 ...... ". Converllble, orl1ln1l owner, solid cir, nut $Ill SUl,5Xl abo -~ ACCOMMOQADQNS =~=~r:· 3855 ~~J~~~~e Resorts 2145 AN FMPIRt s rrrt AMl1t1CA•s OUUST & Bu1ld1011 Company Pro lAllGlST Timeshare v1d1n~ thw H11hett C1mp1round Cleanna· Qu1hly Pre en11nHred house Selhn1 • Bu71n11 Metal Bu1ld1n1 Systems • Renttna Best 111 Sales. Hea d~" a r t rr e d 1 n Service & S.t1slac1ton. Southern C1hlorn11 Call Bt1n11n1 Buyers & Sellers now for f telory direct Toeethttt Cell RSI It 800· prtCln& BOO 905 344] 6060 home, apart· ment,petor new occupation! FORD TEMPO '90 $600 714 957 0705 423-5967 (CAL •SCAN) (CAl •SCAN) HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 l ·STlfl I UllDINGS 36x36, 50•80 70x150 NewJ Never Dellveredl ftey 100-499-2760 Mlsctllanloos Servtca Business Oppor1unltla 2605 Buslnases Ind -M-OB-1 l-I T-Y-SC_O_O_lE_R Fflndtlsa SPl CIAllS TS II You or Anyone You Know Hu ev11 Sold Mob1ftty Stoot er J Hen's lhe Ultimate Oppurtun1ty Craftmattc Bed Company Presently Has Over 19 Mllhon Updated Actuel Cu\lomer Inquiries , H iid To Mitch The Prol1le Of A Red Hot Proven Scooter Bu1ers D1 t 1b••• Our lnds lud & More LHch Philosophy Should tell All WHo II.now How Cood It Can Be This IS the Pleet F0t Mel If You Would Cnjoy A Y11r Round Commltlmenl lo Hlah hrn1ncs. No Slow Susons, Join the Un· disputed Kina ot the lHd Bu11n .. s. Natural- ly, All Inquiries Will Be Held In the Stroctest Conlldtnce Cell: Phllllp Dennison I ·877·828· 3731 (CAL •SCAN) ANT1QUES IUlJJll9J BMDBt SUPPLY/ rootJ T ......... 11SS _ TOOLS TOOU TOOU C11ft1Nn• tool•, tbl uw, ~1111th .. 1.up, Hlta..hl ••w, SklH Mw,O.tt• 11ndaaw. lot\ of mite: hind toott .. ,. 7l4 745 15S.S ·~· 04~1 • 1 lntern1t I renchlu opporlunlly lo thou look1na to work 1nde pendently S8K invest ment requued Includes tr1lnlna and support for franch11n worldwide Toll free 1 888 4S2 6737 AISOlUTI GOLDMINll 60 vend1n1 m1lh1nu with ucellent locattons Must Sell 800 134 6982 l.cel "'"''ftl rwte. 80 mechtnes locations 1t1cluded ell htr SIO ~ IOO·SM-7t0t I 800 Vtndrna 90 Ma chines S8,7fi0 The Best Locations I 800 8J6 3464 24/hrs (CAL •SCAN) Bustnea Oppoftunlty Servlca 3910 SWS SS,SOO We.lily 1011 pot1nt111 If some one did it •o can yo11I 1·3 conl'lfmtd eppolnl menh d11ly Cell Cathtrlne Mcf •llnd 1188- 543 17118 (CAl •SCAN) R Estate lnvHtonl Smart Money M111· tine fttn-•d Au1U", feus H the II place In th• U S lo 1nv11t lnrut .. l•I• Find eut wlly w1ilt. ... Lim .. SIA COAIT VIU.AOI 2411 Newport ltMI CM U001t UI00/111 0 W/lllH 9tt 846. 79Jl Nl'9 2'1¥ st or a&e 400 600\f umts ~v \tore veclttdes lows rates Cal C.otyn 949-aU-IJ!ll OMC S..rti1tr..... LH 2500. 4wd 7Dk + mi, 1old/t1n lthr atre seet. 1uferb orl1 cond Sl .119!1 vSS:.1461 Bkr t4t-H6-1Ht www."""'t.- STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • The Legal Department ai the Daily Piwt is pleased to announce a new strviu now availablt to new businmes. Wi-wiU now ~EARCH the name for you at no txtra charge, and save you the time and the trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Thm, of count, after the search is· compltttd wt wi/J fik your fictitious business 1lilmt stattmtnt with the County Clerk, publish once a week for four wtelu as rtquirtd by '4w and thm fik your proof of publication with the County Clerk. · Please stop by to file your fictitious business name stattmtnt at the Dai~ Pil.ot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mtsa. Jf you cannot stop by, please ClllJ us at (949) 642-4321 and wt wiil make amzngtmmts for you to handk this proctdurt by mail If you should haw any farther qU11tions, pkast ca/J us and wt wi/J be mort than glad to assist you. Good luck in your new busintsS! ~ ! f Al MOndl¥. Oecembet a. 2003 ,,,, 1•: -- QttA4"00 BIKlt, wl••f iltw IV09fZ o..c-td IMW1114.'ff 8~.Witnl• , 1m11 Must s.-••w •re• •tt 81ont1. t•n \file• 1~91 Must Sell IMW SH S.'00 or-. ten hllM iYflOIU Dt..-rte<t IMWUOf'OI White, l•n •2..U Muat S.. BMW S40I ·91 Blue, crey miff IVZlll Mu•I S.N BMW740lt 00 81ont.e/len 19151 OtM.uut\led IMW 140k'OO Black l•n 1nte1 l\'94~ Ol•tounled BMW 74<11! 01 Blve/11•1 118A3 Must S.. IMW 74.0tt 'O I Stiver, rr•'f IV86()5 G1e•t Buy BMW /40ol OJ Wl't•t•. IJ•'f 13961 G1ut Buy a.. .. t.i-..•0 2 llla<k, ., • ., IV4l67 G1 .. t Buy .._..~._,_..n Red. b!M:I> •V8109 01-.counlecl M9450-5'1S MM4e ''7 An .,4 2dt <OUl)t [X, V-tec enaln•, 69' b!Kll/SA'f ltlw snrl, beaultful unmertLed <Dnd. 1•a1ed, non """r $8495 vl01267Sl Bkr '*6111!8 ~ J...-'00 S Typ. J.O "6. l!>a ml lull fa~t •a11 "Iver /oahn~al llho . mnrl. CO. m1mo1'f P-&. be.au I hlle new unma1 ked cund S2J995 .. 11s2262 81lr ~9 !>86 1888 -w.oqtel>l.(o.,. ,...... '97 .,. 811h~h tacina areenllan lthl CD, l•bulou\ rond thruu1houl. Sii 99!) '59171 l*r ~9 !>86 1888 --·~··- 'Ti: .. ~.:'' IJSC8 Creal DUI ~T.,.'" rt1t41 Olac:o..ntitd '--XJl'OO ?k'Mn. len •1280 _...ti Sell J..-ll'8-.t lied ten I0859 Ct ut Out MIKlDU <UO '02 Bi.ct.. blK .. IV9'1.17 Oi~ovnllld •r•<IDfS U20 ·o I lJIKll 81~1> IV54S8 °'"o .. nted MPCIDIS IJIOwe 'ff co ... " tan IV4S81 GrHI o .. t MU<IDl.S •tSS '00 Sllve< black •.)11!)9 Creal Oul MUCIOIS H OO 'tS W111ta. tan •J6!IO Prsc:o .. nt•d Ml•<IOH SHOO '00 White. I.In 10!i80 lllust Sell MINI COOf'la '0 2 811141. l'ay I0962 Mutl Sell POltSCHI (.,....,. •tt Blact., black •VUl68 PiKounltd POlt.S<HI (err.,.• 'ff Blue. pay IW049 Musi SaH Q ................ . Sllwar, blaclL •V0139 Olxounled '-'0 1 JUl2611 •. fulT factory warr blll/bll lthr. navl&•llon clVm whls. lonh MW, smells new. l•nlashc ulu• $37 .99!> v4S7829 81u f4t-Sl6 llll __ . ....,.,.,_ ,..,.. ... XJ• v-..... Plas metallic red lln lthr. buulrlul 01 lainal cond muit •e• to apprn,.le '"'"l•d non •mt.• S6995 v/02571 Bkr 949 !186 1888 --·~···- PLUG IN Plug mto the Pilot Class1fred section to find services from electrontCS and plumbers. to landscaper!> and painters Daily Pilot '1«> C1tllorn11 l1w ta· q;*n that contr.c: Ion ttkifll jnbs that lot1I S'JOO 01 mofe (labor 11< m11tw lal1) .,. HctoMd by the Conlreclo•• Stale 1 t<tflH Bo••d Stal• law''"° r•quues lhet ~onh.cton 1nclud4o lllM honw numbef on all advwlts111r You cart ci-1> the •lehlS of YOUI lrc•n•td conl 1ac l or el www nib ca I"" or 800 J21 CSlB Unh censed conlru tois Ull1n1 1oh t111t total len ll11n S500 "'"'' '"'' In their •d'fttllHmenb that they •re not lkenHd by Iha Conlr•cton Shi• l lume &Olltd." ~~ ~ ~~ ....... A · I HANDYM AN In.tall reface ub111ets ~ ,,..... Dole n• ~nse c.,.c Cfa'*'I -till 1\" ll1 I II L.ir 111•1 f I' I' 'j 5f'1 \ll1 .. ..... ~. 3 room. • hllhQy .... lnclllCltt p!K10nClltJonln ail TOUT· CWll TOUY 1m11 714-S2t-3t42 Oftl~I 714-4M-et10 Cl,,.e ... /Sa. 'l)(ADO~~'lT'I) R•p.., 1, Patchin&, Instill Courtaovs eny alt•.lc>M Who ...... , 949 492 0205 eon.-... 1'1MWUUI Whit 121( (ue610) PUIO ,,,~ ...... , ... $1-.11111'11 (19770) 125,1110 '""-"-~ .... .....oniyJ7\MI Sllver, ~ml 0•12) W ,980 ,.,..,_v. Ceslltnffe, 44K 1!11 (I 987A) $2.6,lll!O '""'-•oo SW.. (194$31) Sl7.llll0. 'Y4 Mere.._ HIO Whit• (1982J) $lt,9IO '0111~1500 Sd•tt. low ml (19403) S2,9IO "ISl'.,..,11 Whitt, Tiplronic 09752) UUllO ..,,,,.,... .... _ Sllvtt. 27" mj (1987~) '26.980 'U r..,.,_c.Nc. Conv Whrt• (194111) SHllO '01 '"" ,..,.,,., 8~11. 27K mr (191199) "6.980 949-$74-1717 Pll1fS AllTO ,, ...... LANO aov1a 2000 PIM:overy II S07, dual moon1h rear jump •••ts healed sol fac warr 36.000 1111, $21,900 ~ khl 714-2Zl f>l61 UJlUS U470 '00 0 .4 blec... fray Ith• Inter . low pk1. 431< ml S36.7!>0 949 J!JO !>~2 lll US 'ft ltX J OO Purl Wh1h, 4X4. healed •Uh 1howrm cond luu r•tk. tow pka $19,900 949·3!>0 !>202 '14 M•unrtl·ll Twt>a •low miles. vecy na.• $4200 949 2AO 1012 Ml RCI 01 S 8NZ 01 Sl SOO I oadtd silo• l>poth plla. AMC wtil$, 9fl m1, &howr m tond. 301 hp $52.150 714 969 1 IB7 MUICIDIS 't 2 JOOTI Waaon, auto, aunrool. 3<d seal while tan/ 1nter1or. SI0,500 12511 m1 714 ~9 9942 ,OllSCHI 'O 1 <AllllUT, ............ .....,_, 'wn#OC<-t ..-.~Nev ~.x.non.Lo.o .,, (Pim} IZl.900 ... , ... Whlt/8111. "'"'· co. Sport Wiiis (f'l!it~) $36,too t»I 11..S Ml 811VCry, Pr-"'&. CO, low Ml (M112ll) $34,llOO 'flt~ ...... •i• . ..... .,. loeclld, Moonfloof, low Ml. (122114) $39,900 11.t nil .. sn , • .,.-. l.cM!dld, 22K ' ml, Pwf.ctt <202994> a:zuoo weuoo Wl'tl/T tn P\alinum Serita, Low Ml, CO (0992J 6) '25, 900 'HO.X--810 8lkl9•. Auto, CP, BoH.Ctutl'fb (CM8525) S:Zl.900 "010r..JA.U Auto, AC, CO, R- 5'>" (263427 > $9,!iOO ,,,,,... .... c...,, Only !Oil 1111, CO. Blue/ Biil ( 300205) S22.900 "'S-410 SUI* Clean! CO, Lille Hew (431928) S2S.900 t4t-45~2222 1 .. ·.1....-....,,.._. ,..,.,. '91 <.,.... DX &Oil • ml, •uto, pw, pl, cc uise. wtllte/11•Y Int, iuperb $4995 vl57829 Bkr 949 586 1888 --·~·~- TOYOTA Ma2 'ti whit•. owner sine• '92, ••I ma1nlen1nce, must we to appreciate $3800 obo 949 322 5292 I 800 Chaflly' Oonelt your 'fthtcle dortctly lo lh• or1111n1I. n1t10n•lly ecctaim•d Cha11ty Can 100~ charrty rt0t a used cac de•ler /lund ra1s81 I 800 diarl\y (I BOO 2 4 2 7489) www 800ch1rrtycau ore (CAL "SCAN) Qt • NQdw ~II~• Solllh )'°"\wild. , a 2 ~ 1'1t 1 l J 9 S 4 a A t • t ~~~soon• 10 I• ,_ t WbM c&lon do ~ !Uc? A . You were DOC lovilCd '° lhe pll't)'. Widt DO tit ror p!Wlef'I Miii j04J have no tmrJbi of AfdY Ind. with a sin&le100 In Plf1l)«'a wlt. biddina nnc: no lnmlJI I• fntuiht with dmJer. ~ hOldi.na. bi~ poinll. pa'5 ii l;lQl'1'JCL Sbould lhe IMICtioft die Ihm. partner will be dcUJhted wi&tl your f.ido.IU.il tncb. ShOu.kl lhe ==:,~ doubbna Qpp· Q l . ""'South.~ Y'l" bold. a95 0 A.Kll O AQt7' a A6 The bidihllll bas~ SOlrl1:I 9t'PSt rroaTll £A8r l o ,_ I<;> "'- ' wtllt do yw btd now? A. While you only have I 7 hi&h- card points. your hand b wanb 19- 20 pomls 10 wppon of t-1s. E~en 1f pa1tller has a dead rmn1mum, game should be • n:a.'!Ombk-proposition. Jwnp to four heam. Q 3 • lkl(h vulnenblc, L\ Soulh yoo hold: a A'JJ • 6 K Q912 a k6J2 ~bidding ha.\ oroccedcd. SOU11t Wl'Sf NOltTit EAST J ,_ l a ,_ ' What do you bid now't A -11 1~ tcmpuna 10 bid '"'o clutx. but &houlcl panntr take 11 preference to two duunoods. you wtll feel gullry llbout oat ba\lllla ihown ~ sup. pan. However. your hand L' nOl &ood enoo&b for a lhin:l bid. EVCll thoogh you would prefer four<ard ~correct is to ni:bc to rwo ..pades. a A JI J o K J It 6 4 \. 1 ) • 6 S The biddln.t lw llCOCCll'(lod. NOlmf tM1" 80t1nt WPJn' l ,_ I ,_ la ,._ f Whlll du you bkl now? A -You !lave a &ood bind In wppun of~ but noc qwtt 8')()CI cnou&b IO fon.'e IO came. Ju~ 10 ~ • A.hbouah nu1 forana. 11 ~ Ua VtllldolclaJ. ~Ill )'\lUI I perfectly. Q 5 -AJ. Soulh.•Ylllncl'llblC )\Ill hold· au 9 AJ 11 .,J 63 •1'753 The biddina hu oroceedod: NOR'lll bS1' HOUTll W~,· la ,_ I 1'119 2 .... ' What do you bid now7 A · Tbcsc dliys. •reverse bid I\ fun:· "'I IO two DO lr\lmfl OI' dvft Of upmeJ'a 5uit. Huwever, to SUPJIOCI opcne1'' 1 14Jit cJirectJ y con ti nuca the r~ Theref<ft. )OU cannot btd thnlC clubl now. Comet ii. IO biJ 1wo no 1rump. even thoo&fl you hav~ no spade litoPPCf, atkl MlC wh.u h111>- pens. 1f Nunll bKls lhr« no tnimp, mJUt IO four clubci. Q 6 -Boch vulnerable, 11.' Soolh you hold a A K 76J AJ7 J l65 a 4 The btddmg has lll'OCCeded. SOUTH W~"f NOKTU t:A.'>7 •• .... 2 ,._ T Wh.a1 do Y'l" btd nuw" A • How did this slip 111'1 lt " too CIU)I. ~tt is absolulcly no l'C.ISOCl why. W!lh four diamonds 10 the JXk, you should nol rai~ JlNlncr'\ 'uir. Btd three dua~ and §CIC whal develop!. BOATS 9515 all lasslfled Today 949 642-5678 "1a.slelccalt '9!> ~I bo•I with tower, s tereo. custom co•••, $11,000 562-212 4117 ,,, o.fty &.drk ..... _. r.ond fuly r~ btttwllS/~/ ... dousures odt 17 /mo old SI 4,900 !M9-51 S-O:BI hptton1e mini cond•lton. AUTOllOBl£S 8!>11 mrln one o-' $62,000 PP ~9 JSI 1719 MISCB.lAIEOUS •-.. ·-.,, '·' HSE 41111 mt. lull lact ..... blt./b~ llll•. 18" th•m whls superb cond ltw~l. $13,4!l> Yl1720l 8~r 949 !>86 1888 www .ec,.1tl.cet11 RANGE aovr• 19U l W8 I I SK mt. blue/ten •rt suspen5ion. 1mmac: ulale lhroua:'1out $6495 P/lfi2Bi/IJ) -':hi n~m sun a-.. ll•nr '00 4.0 SE 1611 actual ml, lull lacl ware. bllo./carmal Ith< bHUhlul hke new t ond Mus i se@ lo lllllJ'_.. $28,9'.ll ..017896 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.~l . .-o a..,.. 11.,,., •t s •.o SE 80k •ml. black/len llhr superb cond lhrourht books. record$ $10.~ "°45829 8111 949 ~B6 IB88 -.... ,. .... _ eon..,SeMca COMPUTER HELP! • ,,,...CINl9 ..... .......... •lltw-.r ·~ ............... ·~lobllol Ob~ •Olillll"'-"'-"'* •Me~~-UC 0.-. IOY,.6ina,.. 71-4-61 -2786 conn.. Mllolly l tidl It.di St-Tiie Concrete, P.UO. 0."'9way F1tep1c, ee9 Rera. 25Yr• Eap. Terry 14 557 7S94 C-~Wd C4nwlt. 8rldl. stone. 111, ~ ........... ~ tDo .,,... n441~!1D!il .,.. Plbt1INng YOUllMOal IMNOVlMIMf no11cn C.lh ~tumbef, pelnter. 1ndym1n, °' •ny of the c•t Wf\'left listed • "' ow wvtce •~1or1I TiiUt LOCAi. SVC pt()t>I f CAN Hlll' YOU TOOAYI .,...... ..... wmMOln HYWAU A" pllltMIS tlll/lrt IOb1 ~~"" -71 l ... 1 AUTOS WANTED MOTORCYa.ES BOAT REPAIRS/ SBMCES BOATSSUPSI MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 UftlMCTUCUfT (Liiie • Outfy) 1992 New top $6500 949·644·41U 'U Nerley D_,.,_ • IOAf SUI'* 81tboll Roadlllna lmmacultte Penn up to 14' b .. m. condition, $12.000 call Bay rsl1nd Cove arH, 562 212 4117 secure. 949 922 7777 Bedltcat "'*" SMALi. JOll IXPRT locel. Quick R"ponsa Home. Y11d & Doc~ Elect 2D ~ CUam Ellltt 9&Q)G1()42 AC'l10llll BKTllC \Mil~ ...,,,. -. ........... 714-146-6130 IUJUIU I .I.(. l1.drlc ~ ~ toe.I cootr actor. no !gtl too 111'1111. no jllb loo ~IW• uponreqAllUCI (J;1IJI j714l 14t-1410 ucosrD cONru<toa "° jllb loo -,. ~ R9119k, recnocltl, fens, tllNI. MW Pl': fM9..&15-31M ~ CUS1CMI CJMTM 1iJ ............... cnmlc. nwtlll..,_ ... 1t7S usl.20t4 Jiii n"12a1 llMY---=-R~ .. 111 a !Im Uon Tll OCAH 94M73.ao&S 7~71....-.2nll ==-~ 1'i & Pldlg Sn:a #dlblf 'HMllOo\Wr 714-715- Ne~leedo SOft Sllp 1w1ll1ble $1000/rno call •949-723·3143• ''" Semce, 'l'11d Cleanup, M•lntert•nce, Sprill~let ~ep111, Havlin& (Ht)U0-17a1 Rf\ TOP! • Pl f'AIR Ii. Ill MOIJll INI. J ' t ;\ ~\ y, 111 H 'II H. ,. 11• [J ~I '.. . I ' . . "Employee. " "Empleado. ~' "Arbeitnehmer. " "Emp loye. " CINEIAl. IEPAll 61WNJENAN(J: • ~·Qmmn:ill No Job Jbo S'"411 Danllandltoa 949-322-1292 ..... c....... , .... C-1*11rt • ~. Pryw•b • Stucco PalnlJnC. Tile & more 20t-Y-a £•1*'--1 .,. ......... J11' JU .. I TO THI DUMPlll 714 Ma-11182 AVAllAllE TODAY! MH73·S56e ...._a •• 1..-w•t1 Wlltr/Bl·wlllr/Monlhlf Reh Gt••• ,., ... !in.Ida ~-m<ml ...., HOUOAY HIU' Home • Party Decor. TrM lrlm 11\lflC, Room Malleovtts, Shoppln1 949 459 8270 IHT MOVIJtS $JJ/tk. Servln1 All Cltlea IMUred Tl63844 3ZJ W7 1193 323 630 9971 cd PUBLIC NO CE The Calif ,u.,lc Utilthes Commls.alon r1qu11u lhtl all used ho11uhold aoods 111over1 print lllalr P U C Cal T number limos •nd Ch•ulfeura orlnt their t C.P Mlfllbtf Ill tit adller t"'-nts. If you llavt t ny Qutttlons •boul lh• lt11llly of • "'o•••· lt"'o or ch111ff-, ctll P\llU< UTUTIIS (CNIMISstOM toe.,, ..... , SELL TODAY'S Oat/ Plotl CROSSWORD PUZZLE ICl'S CUSTOM PUITINO Prort, clMn, quality _. lnttrl«/Ht and docks. L 1103468 949-400 1064 IAINIOW ma.I MAINT '•lnllnc WP!, ~ Quality lob! rrte atlmalt l '569897 714-6JS..11888 Pllntll19 Plumbing SIMI NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. TreeSemce MD DWI aw.G (949) U 5-2U2 Ilg Mike's TrH Service =i.., ....... s... =a..:\= fllC....~ 949-40H277 W1llCMrtnp THI STllPf'l•t Spec1al11ln1 In Wallpapr Removal l'588241 ~9 360 1211 Window Clnnl" HOMUT & llfASC*UU ._-. _._ °""'9 f'WMHI s-.b. £apenencec1 I ~r• E.atl Sm,....._ ....,..,. Trecks, Sills, OCTFCUOllc. 7l0J5QJ!IO SCIHnS 714·957·3301 'lfCIH P\UlfllACG OOU>IN WIST Repairs & Ramodflin1 WIMOOW SllVKl FREE ESTIMATE lll'6873" 714 969 \O!IO S11lafacllon Gu•renteed 94HJJ l56Z 714 961>-90«> SELL your stuff tlYough classified!