HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-19 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• . t. . " • a1 Serving the Newport-M_esa community since 1907 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2003 PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT Lt. Karl Schuler of the Costa Mesa Police Department goes over some red-light violations at police headquarters. Cameras catch 4,000 Thousands have been cited for running red lights at four intersections since the first camera was installed in May . QUESTION Are the '9d-llght-eamera1 • good klM7 Call our Reader's Hotline at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mell to dallypilot@latimes.com. Please spell y.our name and tell us yaur ? • hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. • ... 2 charges dismissed • 1n gang rape case . Judge's ruling means teens won't face life sentences if convicted for the sexual assault of a 16-year-old girl. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A judge on TI1Urs- day dismissed significant charges against two Inland Valley teenagers accused of raping an unconscious girl, ruling out th~ possibility of life semences for them, if convicted. Judge Francisco Briseno threw out in- fliction of great bodily injury and use of a deadly weapon charges -both ennance- ments -against 18-year-old Greg Haidl, son of Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don Haidl, and Kyle Nachreiner, 19. Greg Haldi, Nachreiner and Keith Spann are accused of assaulting the then:.16- year-old girl at Don Haidl's Corona del Mar home. Greg Haiclrs father was nbt home at the time. The teens, then stu- dents of Rancho Cucamonga High School, allegedly penetrated the girl With :a pool cue. Thwsday's decision means that Greg Haid! and Nachreiner will now face up to See CHARGES, Paee A4 _ ..... Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot EDUCATION District schools climb API ... COSTA MFSA -More than 4,000 drivers have been caught on camera running red Ugh ts at four of the city's busiest intersections. said. "That means this is a big problem for us." Most of the money from the hefty $326 fine per ticket goes to the state and county, he said. In the end , the city gets about $42, money City . Council members have earmarked for the driver's education programs in local high schools. The cameras were first installed at Harbor Boulevard and Adams Avenue in May. In Octo- ber, more were installed at Bristol Street and Anton Boulevard and along Newport Boule- vard at 17th and 19th streets. MWe're producing more red Ught citations than any other city in the country which is be- ing serviced by this company,• Lt. Karl Schuler In the next several months. the city will have these cameras at six more city intersections. .. This is not meant to be a money·maJdng The camera catches a southbound car entering the intersection of Newport Latest results show 80% of schools met improvement goals and 34 % met statewide standard. See CAMERAS, Pase A4 Boulevard at 17th Street half a second late. .. Their holiday lights can be ~? seen clear across country The boat parade, and a certain peninsula home, get ·national attention in a special on the A&E network. Deepa Bharath [jaily Pilot NEWPORT HAROOR-The Kellys love to decorate. All of Balboa Peninsula knows It. BUI Kelly and Gay Wassail-Kelly spent about a month decorating their home, doclc and their tugboat. the Michigan. When it was all done, it took 400 strings of Ughts, several plywood cutouts as tall as seven feet that the couple made with their own hands, and eight-foot blowups. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -District schools. particularly those on the Westside, showed substantial improvement in the latest round of test scores released Thurs- day, some exceeding by about four times their goals for improvement. The 2002-03 Academic Performance in- dex scores for Newport-Mesa Unified School District showed that 80% of schools met their growth targets, which are set each ~ar by the state. Three schools that last year did not meet stand- ards set by the federal No ChUd Left Be· hind Act far surpassed their goals. Theirs is the front yard with 18 Christ- mas trees on it. There's a popcorn tree, a candy cane tree and, the one that's the most popular In the beachside neigh- borhood -the lobster and seashells tree. ln thelr window Is a ceramic plate that sums it all up: "You can never overdeco- See COUNTRY, Pqe M FlE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Gay WassalM<elly and BiU Kelly in front of their Balboa Peninsula home, which will be featured in an AM. special on holiday festivities. ~rts an exciting time for us: school board member Dave Brooks said of the re- sults. "Some schools had to make im- provements of only a few points but made huge jumps. This is very good news." The APl scores are based on indtvidual See APl, Paa• A4 THINKING ALLOWED John Wayne versus Bob Hope. They are two iconJc Americans, both who have contributed countless memories and have been deecrlbed u "great patriotl. * On tbe one band you haw local bay~ who went to Glendale Hiib School and later moved to NeWport Beach. Continuing the lnditfon of academic excelJence, Wayne ... ALLOWID ...... M Daily· Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ tt WHI be mostly tunny with hfgh1 Just reaching Into the 70e, IMP•A2 HOLIDAY TRADmONS ~your famlly haw• = holldly tradhk>n? dldputup!M dtcorettve Qghta? CrMttng edible trealllret In the kitchen? Special prayera or folk tal• that ere •hared around the table? Whatever It i., pi. ... lat ua know by calling (949) 842-6086 or tending u1 1n •mall at ~lleines.com. Plea• apefl your ftrat and last nam9 end lndude your hometown end phone number. The Piiot wlll run the reapon ... on Otc. 23. LETI'ERS TO SANTA Whit II on VO'lf hOllday gift lilt thft yeer? A monogremmed handbag? The ln.t digit.I c:emere 1 A 1hlny new blke7 powers to pay cities and Regardleu of whether you oountles the mllllons they have been naughty or nice, we would have lost after he want to know. Pleeee aubmlt decided to reverse the ca,..tax your #Lettera to Santa" by Increase. calling (949) M2-«J86 or SeePqeA3 1endlng ut 1n e-mail et ~.com. FICUS WILL GO Ptea1e 1pell your flrat and last name and Include your Prince of Peace school officials hometown and phone have decided to remove the number. flcu1 treee along Baker Street. The Piiot wlll run ruponae1 a1 neighbors have asked. on Chrl1tm111 Day. S..Pa1eA5 GOY. OFFERS SPORTS cmESHELP Chy leedere rMCt to Gov. Corona del Mer captured the Newpon-Mesa Dlatrict Arnold~·· wre.tllng d\1mpion1hlp. decillon to "" emergency SeeP ... AlO f AZ friclly, ~ 19, 2003 ON THE Caroling Newport-style · Adventures at Sea will hold its annual Christmas Contrare in gondolas on Monday June CH11r1nde Oa1tyP1lot C hrlstmas cheer will l>c heard on the water, even after the boar parade is gone. On Monday, about 50 r~tng carolers of varying musical ability will blm lhe hart>or to life wi1h song when ~tures at Sea holds its Mnual •Chrl.strnas Contrare" -caroling on gondolas. •We do it every year a'i just our way ol giving back 10 the community.· said Kathy leek. spok~woman for the Newpon Beach cruise company. At 4 p.m. Monday, a d01..en ROndola' wUl depart from the docks behind the company's Mariner's Mlle headquarters. heading north coward the Newport Island area to sing their presclec1ed repertoire of Ouistmas chanteys. 111eir tour wm include musical stops a1 01art House and Villa Nova. two waterfront restauranL~ 1ha1 Adventures at Sea consider; close friend~ in the bu.sines!> community. "We'll be singing all the way ... Leek "1id. "Anyone who war1L~ 10 lis1en rnn 1mt come up to the ~hore and they can be hal k by lhe waler by l'ithcr of those fl"ilat1m111s or even al the bridge at the Newpun blands area or anywhere in there.· Each gondola will have belWt'l'll four and six p~ngers aboan:I -fnendi. of Adven1un·~ at Sea as well as a few .-.pedal guest3. "Every year, we find a charity to ge1 involved, 100.," Leek said. Volunteers for the chosen charily al'(' lnvi1ed to come aboard and sing along. ~he said. "It'!> a way to reward their volunlccrs who work ~u hard all sea.son or all year long.· she ~ald. ·n1e company's gondoUer.> will leall tht' slnginK. addin~ a professional tQuch t<> the sound, ·11w '>111Killg will definitely be henr1feh. • Lttk s.ucf "It m.i} not be performi11g-art quality. hut the hean L.-. 1herc." WHATS AFLOAT • WHArs AFLOAT Is published periodically. If you are planning a nautical event, submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by lax 10 (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to d1ilvpilot~lat1mes.com. SPECIAL EVENT The N.wport Harbor Nautical Museum will MV9 en exhibit opening for "Hooked: The Lure and Lore of Sport Fishing; at the Grand Salon from 10 a m. to 5 p.m. through Feb 29. The museum is at 15t E. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Information: (949) 673·7863, http://www.nhnm.org. SAILING CLASSES Salllf\9 Faacln1tlon off•rs elaas .. In boating safety and saillng year·round for persons with dlaabilitles Free. (94S) 640· 1678. Orange County •mployera can bring thlir employees out to Newport Beadl on weekdays to en1oy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a ctlanoe for groups to worll with the on·board instructor on different sailing techniques whlle they get advice on how to perform well In bu1fne1S. No sailing experience neoeua rv. One'(jay classes cost from $100 to $125. (9491645-9412. PHOTO COURT£.SY or KATHLEEN CLARI< Greg Mohr. owner of Adventures at Sea, aboard one of his company's eight gondolas. 9:30 a.m . lo 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC's sailing center In Newport Beech. The co11 is $120. Information: (94S) 646-9412. Or•nge Coast College'a IChool o1 .. 111ng •nd seamanship will offer a three-week noncredit keelboat claa1, designed for students who've been on boeta but are beginning sailors. The first sectlon will begin Jan. 9 and the second section on Jen. 10 The cost is $199. lnformahon (94S) 645·9412. Orang• Coalt Coll~•'• ld'tool of aaiffng end seamanship wltl offer a six-week basic cruising class from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Jan. 10 at OCC's Sailing Center in Newport Beach. The cost is $516. Information: (949) 645·9412. Oranv-Coeat Col9fle'a Mhoof of .... end seamanship will offer• beginning Nillng class aboard• ahlelds from 9:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m .. beglnnlf\9 Jen. 10 at OCC'a Selling Center. The cost 11 $325. lnformrtlon: (949) 645-9412. o,.nge Coeet Colele'a ldtool ol .... and seamen.hip wtll oW.r 1n eight pert noncredit courM on celntfel end GPS navigation from 1 to 10 p.m. Jen. 12 through Feb. 4 et OCC'• Salllng Centerln Newport Beech. The cost Is $136. The Alling center Is at 1801 W. P9dflc Coast Highway. Information: (949) 84&-9412. shields sailing clan from 1 :46 to 5:30 p.m. Jen. 11, 18 and 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC's aelllng center in Newport Beach. The cost is $145. lnformetlon: (949) 646-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Mllf'lne Watet'Sporta at th• Balboa Fun Zone, yoo can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self.guided tour of the bay In your choice of power and sail watercraft. jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboet, put you sport·flshlng 1klll1 to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above It all on •para.ail flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverages are Included with ell electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat Rentals ct1n put you on th• water in many ways: with single end do uble kayaks, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boata end runabout. for offshore use Of" crulllng the bey. Balboa Boat Rentals also holda two-hour IQvenget hum aboard the etectrlc bey boats, providing group activity for corporations, bf~. nonprofit orgenlzatlons end group ootinga. The hunt padtages Include boats, ttfvfa questions, maps, Polarold cameras and aupplles. The co.i of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering la avellable at en additional rate. For hunt reservation•. cell (949) 673-7200. Orang1 Coast CoH•e•'a IChool of .. Hing and seamanship will offer a five-week noncredit Oranv-eo.t Colege'a ~ ol ..... Md Elec:tlk boet ~ ............ by the hour at Duffy Electric Boatt. 2001 W. Coast HlghMy, Newport Beech. All boats are equipped wtth window endoeure1 and CD pleyera. ReMNatk>ns .,. ~ed. An hour rental Is $75. (9'9) 846-8812. Introduction to Shields sailing class from seamen1hlc> will oW.r en lnte~lete Daily Pilot VOL. 97. NO. 353 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Pu blither TONYOOOEAO Edhor JUf1't OETTING Advertl•lng Ofrec101 LANA JOHNSON Promotion• Director NEWSSTAff' 0-.IMwMh Ctime Ind cou111 reponw, C949115?-M226 deepe.b#vwatn ,.,,,.._com JuneCtt 1•• Newpott ee.t.11 rllpOIUf, l!Mi)~ June.CllMQniOOe•t.t1rnea com ~ .......... Com MeN ~. (M) 157U221 '*irm.~lltinw.com ,MlltlaO..... E~ t'tPOt'*, 1M157...._ m.tlW OMll••tm. c:iorn Aldll~ Polftk:s, bu1il'l8ll9 and environment reporter, (9'9) 764-4330 111/cis robinMH1ifJlatlnl#.oom ~r.\a Newt Mllsi.nt. (9491574-4298 lut..penatll'1timea.oom ~ Matt C. Dustin, Don l..eld\, Kent Treptow MAO£RS HOTUNE (IMS) tw2-8088 Record your commeni. about Iha Dally Piiot or newt tips. AddtMe Our ldd'"9 11 330 W. Bay St., Cotti M .... CA 92627. Otflce hour• ere Monday· Friday, 8:30 a.m. · 15 p.m. ~ It Is the Pilot'• Polley to prompcty correct all "'°" of 1uti.tance. PIN .. c.11 (!M9l ~·· fYl Thi Newport~ Meta Olllly l'llot (USPS-t44-IOC>l It pubfilNd dally, In Newpott 8-dl 1nd eo.t. Mela,=.,. tvt ll ... ontv by bW19 to Thi TIMM Oranoe County llOO) 2&2·11C1. ln a'"' O\ltlldl of Newport~ and CotCe ~. • 1ubeorlpdone to the O.lly "lot ere avaltebte ontv " ~ elaae mall for ~ "'°""'· Pl'lcel lnolude 811 IC lie ft* .net lo09i ,.._,J POSTMASTER: Send addr ... ch1ng19 to The Newpart Boach/Colta MeH Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560. Co1ta M .... CA 92828. Copyright: No newt ltOrlee, illuttratlon•, ed1ton1I mftlr or advertltementt herein c.n be reproduc:.cf without written permlstlon of c:opy11ght owner. HOW TO MACH US Cirwlltion The Tlmet Orange County (800) 252-91•1 ~Ti Qaee11W9.e) &42·5878 ~ (IM9) 642-4321 EdltotW ,... (848) 6'2-6680 "*"(..a) 1574-4223 fMwl ,._(Ml 941-4170 lporw ,.. (841) ell0-0170 l'4Mtl: <»1typ11«•t.11mee.oom ...... ~ ...... Giiie i.."'2-4321 ..._,_(Mle31·7'zt 'Vblltlled by nm.. Community N9w9, I division of tN Loi~ Til'nea. -0100S Tim. CH. NI righ'9 ~. THE HARBOR COLUMN Just in time for the parade A hoy. --~--, background. Well, 1 did not miss the first night of the Newport Harbor Ouisunas Boat Parade. I mentioned in last week's column that I might. as I would be &kippering a private yacht back MIKE WHITEHEAD Many boat owners are invifin8 guests aboard to view the parade. and It is easy to neglect Ufejacket& You must a Ufejacket for each person aboard your boat, even children. For those who will have visiting to Newpon Harl>or from Ensenada on Wednesday. Luclc.ily. the seas were flattened by the offshore winds, and the swells dropped to help m e make a fast voyage up the coast. Once ~aln. when we crossed over into U.S. waters. we diverted to San Djego to request to be cleared by U.S. Customs. I find it interesting that we were the only boar that detoured for customs; two other yachts just kepi going north. So much for homeland security. We noticed an unusual number of military helicopters buzzing around San Diego's entnmce when we were approaching at noontime. and we soon discovered why. There was a submarine being escorted out to sea by naval security, and just inside the jetty entrance. we were allowed to pass by t.Qe ~bmarine very close. I noticed that the sub gives a strange radar image to what a vessel of that sire should display on the screen. While we waited for a customs officer, I noticed that the naval activity did not decrease after the sub's departure. Once again, we found out why: There was an SOO·foot plus LllO amphibious assault ship backing out near the sub station. What a huge vessel! There were lhree tractor tugs assisting the ship off its pier. NavaJ security was very h elpfuJ and allowed us 10 pass the ship on its port side as we beaded for the open ocean. I entered Newport a littJe after 6 p.m .. so I cruised by all the decorated boats lining up for the start of the parade whUe heading for the De Anza Marina. As I passed the Nau tical Museum, it was entertaining to watch the surprise of the skippers when they had to swerve to miss hitting the unlighted parade turning marker floating in the middle of the channel. A little hint ls to light the marker's wttite lights at dusk. especially as most boaters are not familiar with cruising at night and the m arlter's llttJe yeUow flashing light Is lost in the children but no lifejaclc.ets for them. you can borrow a childs llfejacket provided by the BoatUS's Oilld PDF Loaner Program. Simply stop by the Newport Harbor Patrol Office on Bayside Drive where you can borrow a Child's Ufejacket for the evening and then return it the next day. Now, you have no excuse. I recommend the children wear a lifejacket while on the boat and while on the docks. My weather prediction for the parade ls very promising. and I do not foresee any precipitation with the spectacular sunsets Keep ln mlnd that boaters can contact the parade officials on VHF marine radio's working channel 68. The No. l rule is to boat safe and remember the inland navigation rules still apply. • • so boat smart. , ~ This Sunday on my Boathouse Radio Show, we will be honored. once again, with the director of the Califorrna Department of Boating and Waterways. Ray 'huneyo9hl The outreach to boaters that Tuuneyostti does on a consistent basis is unprecedented for any state official and shows that you can be heard by the department's boss-man. If you want to speak lo Tsuneyoshi, call in this Sunday. and time permitting, I will put you on the air with rum. The radio show is aired every Sunday from 4 to 5 p.m . on KCBQ·AM (1170). or listen over the Internet at http://www.boathou.se radio.com . listeners can call in 10 (888) 344· l I 70 to join in on Southern California's only boating talk radio show reaching ports up the coast from San Diego to Oxnard and out to Santa Catalina Island. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHfTEHEAD Is the Pi lot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marihe-related thoughts and atory suggestions by e·mall to mike(fjbosthou•stv.com or visit http:/lwww.boathousetv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST waves will rlae to 3 feet fore while in the evening, end the It'll be pertty cloudy through . west swell wlll get up to 8 to 10 the evening todey, wtth light feet winds for the mc>9t part. Welt There's• c:Nnce of light rein winds at 10 mph wtll pkt up for on the 1ea1 tonight. •time In the afternoon. The hight will be from 69 to 74 SURF degrees. Some~ of fog wMI roll Expect mostly chest· to In efter mldnigh1. The lowt wMf heed-high tets •• 1 new be from .. 10 49. nonhwelt awefl MttfM In. The .......... : IUff wltl jump Into the www.nwa.no1te.flOV CN9lt.ad zone on Saturday, BOATING FORECAST but wtlh rain 1 poatbHlty, ~.,. qwedonebfe. ... CIUll!ly: Vlriebte..._ at 10 llrdl or ligtar will become~ -~""" 10 lcnotl In the afternoon. The TIDES ' MYMwtll be 2 f9't or~ Time Hlilht on •Well IWtll of 3 to 5 9"'. At night. the~ wffl be out of 5:-33 1.m. 5.81fMcNgh lhe not1hwtte from 10 to 15 12".321.m . 0.15fMclow lcnota, end the \Wit IWWlt wtll 1:34p.m. 3.81r..thlgh bt-ttom • to 7 '"" 11:38p.m. 1.13'9etlow Fe"'*~ wind condntona will be lirnlW. The..,.. Witt WATER TEMPERATURE bl 2 .._or lmller on 1 \Wit IW'lll 9'om s to 7 .... The Mdegrwe Cities greet gov.' s aid offer warily Local officials still h ave concerns about the plan to replace money lost by the tepeal of the car-tax. June CaH crand• Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -City offi· ciaJs are offering mixed reac- tionl! to Thursday'11 announce- m ent that the governor will invoke emergency powers to pay cities and counties for Jost car- tax doUars. But city leaders agree that local governments aren't out of the woods yet. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday announced that he would use emergency powers to pay cities and counties millions that they have lost in car tax rev- enues. The round of payments to lo· cal governments will come from about $150 million in budget cuts to a varlery of programs, in- ctuding the two state university systems, and from closi11g a mi· grant farm worker housing facil- ity. among other things. WAI this point, we just can't ~now how much we're going IO get," Newport Beach Adminb· uatiw Servic:es Dlrector Dennis Qanner said. ·Even If I.his rums out the way we hope, there's no way of knowing what we can hope for in the next fiscal year." Danner reponed to the New· port City Council last week that che state crunch had touched the city on more fronts than just the vehicle License ree. City lead· ers were surprised when they got $50,000 less than expected from the county In the form of the Homeowners Exem ption Property Tax Relief. Those fWlds Dow from the state to the coun- Lies. which in tum pass the money along to the cities on a quarterly basis. lnstead of the roughly $75,000 the city expected. it got about $25,000 and an e-mail from county staff saying that the state hadn't paid the county the full amounL When the state paid up, the county would pass it along. it said. Thursday's move by the gover- nor should correct this problem, as well. A spokesman for the of· fice of county Auditor-Controller David Sundstrom said that county staff have been talking with state officials, who assured them that the homeowner tax money would be paid in full to the county. The county expect:. to pay the cities the re t of their quarterly amount on Jan. 9. Costa Mesa Assjstant City Manager Anne Schultz said that, at least in the short term, lhe governor's announcement Is welcome news. Costa Mesa ~toad to lose about $4'.'7 million in vehicle li· cense fees this year after Sacra· mento reversed a tripling of the tax. Newport Beach would have lost about $2.9 million. ~we·re pleased at· this point.~ Schultt. said. "We're still con- cemed about the whole iss\Je of revenul!s for cities, because every lime the state gets into a budget crunch, they take it from us.· Vehicle license fees are taxes coUected by the state on behaJf of cities and counties. During good financial times. Gov. Pete Wilson decided that the slate would share its wealth by reduc- ing by two-thirds the fees it col- lects from motorists and making up the difference to cities out of the state budget. Gov. Gray Da· vis earlier this year annoum:ed that the state could no longer pay this "backfill," in effect tri· piing the lax. Riding a wave of discontent with Davis' movr. Schwar1.eneg- ger was elected on a pledge that he would rever..e the tripling of 'We're s\ill concerned about the whole issue of revenues for cities, b~cause every time the state gets into a budget crunch, they take it from us.' Anne Schultz Costa Mesa assistant city manager the tax. At the same lime, he as· sured cities thal the state would continue to pay them the same amount, though he could not say where he would get the money. Earlier 1his month, Schwarz· enegger rewrscd that position, saying that 1he state was unable to pay cities and counties the full amount. LocaJ governments reacted with outrage, claimin~ that police and fire services would suffer and prompting Schwanencggcr to find the money 10 pay lm:al govem- ments. ·n1ursday's announcement that the governor wouJd enact emergency powers means he can make cuts to state programs without LhP LeJliSlature's ap· prov-ct! to pay the citie'> ,md counrie~. Hundreds still home sick from school There is at least one confirmed case of influ enza A reported at Corona deJ Mar. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -I lundrec.ls of students conlinue to calJ in sick to local school!>, and health officials have reported one con- finned case of influenza A. these- verest type of Bu, at Corona del Mar High School. Last Friday, ahuut 400 student!> stayed home from Corona del Mar. and 11 i.chools reponed thar at least 10% of their students had called in or gone home sick. Schools are s1ill reporting high absence rates thil. week and haw 1>ent letters home to parent~. said Marcia BMarthaler in the district's hcaJth office. "'111ere is usually an Increase in absences in the winter months. hut this is exceptionalJy high," ~he said. 111e confirmed case of the Ou came from five test swabs taken at Corona del Mar I ligh School last week. The other four did not test positive, said Pat Markley. spokeswoman for the Orange County 1 lealth Agency. Newport-Mesa Unified School Oislrict officials have reported M"hools with absenlee rates higher than 10% 10 the health agency to help them trade the ill· ncss. But because there is no re- quirement to repon such data, Markley said, gening definite numben; of people affected countywide proves difficult. NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA Celebrating 40 Years Catering for the Holidays Parry Trays • Baked Rigatoni •Salads Chicken & Veal Dishes • Cold Cut Trays 9th Straight Year! Best Pia.a in Orange County! -OC Weeltly Lunch Served / Prom 11 am Until 4pm OUTDOOR PATIO Mon-Thurs. I lam·9:30pm Fri.-Sar 11 am-I O:OOpm CLOSED SUNDAYS lN HARBoR C ENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd., Suire K-1 Com Maa 49 722-7566 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale s1099 Reg, •14.99 . Now through December 21 COSTA Mii.SA 17'111ht:RTr.OMV.NIJlR(C~Of'11Tlt A SAH'n\ANAI l'UsnN MARKKTPLAU ms aCAMIH<> Rt11.t.,(llM" Kn11 ll us1 Cl~lOAO CRNTU lltVOOt <1" 8.uMl'IUI 1·{8Ge) S'1-6176 Some I lunrington Beach '>Chooli-. have also reponcd high number.. of ;ibsenc~ 10 the agen· cy. she said. So tar, nu one ruL~ died from the nu · in Orange County. l~t week. Newpon 1 larbor and CoMa Mesa high !>Chooh and Mariners. Wilson, Ilea, Sonurd and Pomona elementary schools also had more than 10% of their students home sick. j larpcr Preschool reponed high numbers of sick children last weei and this week. Health offi· ciaJs rop.y take throat cul(.\tres at that school 10 tCSI for the nu. RMarthaler said. .~ "lhc numbers (of ill srudentsl seem to be coming down," she said. "llut lai;t week al I larper, thL'Y went down and went righl back up. We're reaJly hoping win· tcr break will help resolve this. I .... think ~·re '>l'Cmg the hulk. lof cases! righ1 now." Flu symp10111~ ran include a f1· ver, headacht', cxtTt'mC tirnlnci...,, dry cou~h. -.on• throat, runny ur stuffy nose and muscle aches, ar cording 10 tht' l '.enters for Dbea.-.r Control and t>rt•wntion. Patient., may also experience nau.,ea, vomiting and diarrhea, which arc more common in children. Taking gencr.il pre<.<Hnion!> washing hands frequently. cowr- ing the mouth when roughing or sneezing can help .;1em 1he sift'ead of the lht Supt. Robert Uarbol said at Tuesday's M:lmol board meetmg that although they want children in school as much as possible, the district is encourctging parents to keep ill children home to reduce the chance of !>preading 1hc ill ness. frlday, Oecembef 19, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Fr4nk Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm I n r H,.,,, '"''''"'' (' f #11/ (949) 6 <!6-7 944 Steaks • Seafood • COCktalls • .. Quality Sttvia:• .. '"Nightly Entertainment,... I(,•)~ 11 "Hh.~ A\.t",, ( o'-f•• :\.-1«",,1 I•·"•"" 11 ~...-.. \t~ \ ... f1~ "· \t1 • U61"' 9f"'• •' t UI PLACE YOUR BOAT PARADE ORDERS NOW! • Odi rta11rn • Mrat & Ch~ Tn1" • fruit & vrg .. ubl .. rfattt"I'!> . • Sandwich rlatr~n • 1.a.ugna & hnd1it~J.1 rnay• Whoksom~ V EGETARIAN SANDWICH $399 ca . l.nnon or uq11ik1 H ERB R OASTED C HICKENS C HICKEN HALFS $599 ca. ,,,,,. ... ,,fl.l,l>lt#.,l4J1 .. 1,.J, JuJ. t• 1-..M,1'M,Ji# ""'°"' ,,.,_./; OPE\ Christ1111ts he ":UO .\\I .· rn11'\I $2 99 lb. f/IH<J 25111 /1.1kr l'iU• //1r l • • • • 5 LB. R USSETT POTATO BAG F RUIT SALADS $1 59 c:a. $399 ea. I 1\1 '\II '\I \I ' )I 11 I • I \I ' ' • ,1 'I I • 1 I •. 'I 'I! ' • 'I I. • 'f • '\1 'I· I 1 I I '' • I 'I ' ' I. l>,/u ,.,..,1 I 1.,.t, ' El Toro Bravo Chips & Tor~'/t! • Homr Styk Ta~lrs t Jl..YMkria efHeml1llillh 5aU111ga • (.&ltstino's B«for TurkQ fer~ Wt Cncy Boar's Hw!Drli Pro ur.ts East 17th St.• Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 Mon Sat 8 OOAM lo 7:00PM • Son 9 OOAM lo 6·00PM .. _ ........ A4 fnday, Dece~r 19, 2003 CAMERAS PUBLIC SAFETY Continued from Al · BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Kitchen fire causes $70.000 in damage A heated pot that was left una1tended on a stove start- ed a fire that caused $70,000 In damages to a Co- rona del Mar home on TI1ursday afternoon. New- port Beach 0.re offlciaJs said. No one was in !}le house. ond t11ere were no reported Injuries. officials said. Firefighters received the l all n1 about 2:45 p.m. after a passerby, a contractor for the local homeowners asso· elation. saw smoke coming out of vents along the roof of the home in the 30 block of Whitewater in the Jas- Qline Creek area, said Jenni· 8r SChul7.. spokeswoman for the fire department. When he got closer to the home he saw the kitchen drapes on fire and called !rn.11he wd. The man tried to put out 1he fire using a garden hose. but the windows blew out because of the intense heat, POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • B•ker St,..t •nd Grace l..8ne: A traffic accident Involving injuries wes reported al 3:41 p.m. Tuesday. • Bristol StrHt: Vandalism was reportedln the1300 block at 7:08 p.m. Tuesday. • Harbor Boulewrd: A vehicle burglary was re po rted in the 2200 block at 5:57 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boulevard: Po•seasion of drug paraphernalia was reported m the 2400 block at 10:50 p.m .'Tuesday. . • 80utlt Coast or(ve: A n1Hmrl<n:n'r'Wllffeported in lhe 900 block at 1:43 p.m. Tuesday. • Wallac. Av.nue: Vendellsm was reported in the 2000 block at 7:08 p.m . Tuesday. • Whittler Avenue: A comme rcial burglary was rt~ in Che 1800 bloclc at • 1 :47 p.m. Tueaday. • West 19th StrMt: Grand lheft was reported in the 700 CHARGES Contmued from Al 55 years and fuUI mo nths in prison as opposed to 70 years to life, officials said. A different judge, during a hearing earlier lhis year. had dis- missed similar enhancemen1s against 19-year-old Spann. Judge Briseno. who took more than three weeks to rule on the matter and watched a 20-minute video of t11e alleged rape. said in a written ruling that there is "in- ~ufficlent evidence of any signifi- cant or suhsta11tinl physical in- Jury." But the judge also remarlced that the defendants were "en- gaged In alleged acts of sexual ahusc and se;{ual degradation" of the vi~Um and acted witli "complete disregard for the wel- fare of another person who is ob- viously uncouscious. • Still. aJl that does not offer evi- dence that the defendants "in- tended to use the pool cue as a deadly weapon." the judge said. The ruling shows that "the judge felt this was not a violent gaol rape,• ..id Joseph Cavallo, lead attorney for Crcg Haidl's de- fense terulL ··me prost-'CUtion has clearly overcharged me defendants in this case." he said. '"lhe dJstrict attorneys omcc ls concerned only .about the number of years. not U1c pursuit of Justrce. Tills decision luul rendered o devas- tadng blow to the prosecution's case.~ Deputy Dist. Any. Susan SChrocder saJd that the ruling docs nothing mm>e than reduce the number of years In prison the defendants face. if convicted. "lt docs not change the baste cbnrges. and It doesn't change the crime hself: she said. "The Schub. Wd. It took. 2.4 fint. ftghttrs about 20 minutes to extinguish the fire. Oleckpoints set in Newport-Mesa Tbe Costa Mesa and Newpon Beach police de· partmeots wW conduct separate sobriety check· points tonight <psta Mesa police wilJ team up with California Highway Patrol officers and set up the checkpoint on the northbound side of Newj)ort BouJevard at Flower Street. The check- point will operate from 9 p.m. Friday to 2 a.m. Satur- day. Newpon Beach police will have their checkpoint on the northbound side or Jamboree Road north of Santa Barbara Drive from 9 p.m. Friday to 3 a.m. Satur- day. MoJorlsts will be given information about the dangers of drunk driving. Both cities have also de- ployed special DUI en- forcement reams during rhe holidays. block at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • w..t B•lbcMI Boulev8rd: Battery was reported In the 1900 btoclc at 5:22 p.m. Wedr:iesday. • Bayside Drive: A boat burglary was reported in the 1600 block at 9:31 a.m. Wednesday. • C.nyon I.a.net Drive: A garage burglary was reported in the 100 block at 7:11 p.m. Wednesday. • C.rob Street: Vandalism was reported In the 3000 bloclc at 4:13 a.m. Wednesday. ~ ~~t>dvt.~V1md.11UtUrt was reported in the 2100 block at 8:34 a.m. Wednesday. •Udo Partl Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 600 bloclc at 3;11 p.m. Wednesday. • N.wport C.nter Drive EHt: Petty theft was reported in the 300 block at 12:53 p.m. Wednesday. • Pleytl: Grand theft was reported in the 500 blode at 2:44 p.m. Wednesday. judge still says in his ruling that 1.he defendants had no regard for the victim's welfare,• Judge Briseno also denied the defense's petition to lake the case back to juvenile coun, "vali- dating that this is aduJt, feloni- ous conduct," Schroeder said. "We intend to take this case to trial and prove the charges," she said. ·111e defense has argued that tJ1e incident was nothing but consensual sex between four teenagers. "Tilis was all part of a week· end-long sexcapade by f the vic- timl." Cavallo said. I le said I.he HaidJ family is "'overjoyed by the decision." "But we're also maintaining cautious optimism because this case isn't over," Cavallo said. The case remains an "ex- tremely serious case" with dire consequences for the defend- ants. said John Barnett. defense attorney for Nachreiner. ·nus judge's decision does rule out Ufe sentences, which is a significant reduction.• he said "But I don't believe ii diminishes lhe charges in any way." The case is e.xj>ected to go to a jury trial in March. Greg HaJdl's attorneys have filed several motions to dismiss chc case based on prosecutortal misconduct. They have ftled an- other morion asking that the court not accept .tie Vf deotape of the incident a& evfdeoce because they say it was stolen Crom the defendants. The Judge Is eq>ected to benr arguments on those modont on Monday at tho Cential Justice Center in Santa Ana. • D££M IHNt,\TH cov.rs public .. tttty •nd COUl1s. Sh• may be reltdled et (949) 574-4228 or by e-mell et dHpa,bh•,..rhOl•tlntH.oom. operation fot the clty; • Schuler said. "Red·lilhl runners cause the most injury collisions, and nwn- bers show that these camem. over a two-year period. will bring dawn red llght·,.ted accidents by40%." Intersections With these c.arn· eras post alerts to drtvt!rs as man- dated by the law. 'Jhe cameras snap 30 frames a second when a violation occurs. lt then sends the digital images tQ a roadside com- puter that stores them and sends chem to a processing center In Rhode Island API Continued from Al student performance in a variety of standardii.ed tests, including the California Standards Test and California Achievement Test. The st.ate has set an overall goal of 800 points. out of a possible l.000. but sets improvement levels for each school on a case-by-case basis. Statewide, 2 I% of schools made the target of 800. ln New- pon-Mesa, 34% made It. Most schools that did not make 800 still met their individ- ual goals. Pomona Elementary School. which needed to improve last year's score of 570 by 12 points, reported a score of 614. Wilson Elementary increased last year's score of 553 by 38 points. greater than the required 12, Whittier Elementary School needed to increase lest year's score of 602 by 10 points and in- creased by 4o. "We've been refining programs for five years now," Whittier Prin- cipal Sharon Blalcely said. "Our teachers coUaborate. discuss data and teach to students' needs. We have a history of being at the bot· tom !with test scores), and we're the poorest school. But our test scores are rising," .Whittier •. WlJson and Pomona are all listed as Program Improve- ment sch ools based on results of another assessment. the Ad· equate Yearly Progress repon un- der the No Oilld Left Behind Act. Those three schools. as weU as most of the schools that did not COUNTRY Continued from Al rate." Producers at the A&E channel seem to agree with the couple's Otristmas ideology. On Thurs- day night. the Kellys' home and the Newport Harbor Oiristmas Boat Parade were fea11Jred among the top·20 festive loca- tions in the country in a special program titled "Ultimate Holi- daytown USA." The program is actually a con· test, and each of the towns that are featured will be ranked, said Gail Ossipoff. spokeswoman for the Newport Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau, who ac;lced the Kellys if they would partici· pate. Ossipoff sald she entered "Balboa Village" because of the elaborate decoracions in the peninsuJa and the isJand and ALLOWED Continued from Al attended use where he played football and beat Notre Dame not once but twice. Mega points for the Duke on that one. Hope. who was &om in England and raised in Oeveland, may not tug at local heartatrings. but he worked his way into the hearts of Ml Arnedcans. making geographical boundartes practlcally meantngf ess. Wayne arguable has the physical advantage, standing at 6 feet 4 Inches. And whlle Hope donned a cowboy hat in some fllmt. Wayne wa,, the guy you didn't want 10 make med - that'• for 1ure. ln a O.t Oght. you've ge>tta bet on the Duke. Then again. Hope dJd uy his hand at amateur boxln& fighting under the name ·Pa~ &11t. • so be couJd have somo fancy foocwork and fut bands that could pmer a win ln that aspect. When It comes to wltS; Hope lt the front-runner. He alway. bad 1 atwp tongue and a quick delivery. Wbile W.yne WU 00 durQply, Hope wu known for his mccilUAent humor tltld way wtthwOc&. '°u could aqp.te undl cte.lh about who WU more peldotJc. • 8ocb worbd with cbe United s.mc. Orpnbadon to enhlrtllinld lrOOpl and pw ~ dme and money co the~ or dUI councry f.n J.deu o --'--'-------~--~ - ~ company sa"Hm the lm· ·1 once had a lady who came 10 -.. and tends "legltlmate. viola· and said she ddh'en ft.Owers and dons btck to the ea. Mola po-couldn't aeo the light change be: llce. name deputmes'lt ofDcer8 cause she bad bees in the car. then look at mese "1olat1ons and Schuler sak1 "But we saw the approve the dbldoOI. The dckzU t.,,e together. and there wett no are then malled off to the vi9la· , bets.• ton wtth eve ~ lndudlng lt makes the issue straight and thoee ot the drlvtr's face and vehl· simple and easy for the officers to de 1lCleNe plates. handle. be said " ThcMle who believe they did not "There ls no dispute here. run a red ligJlt are ~ to Schuler said. "These are very ob· view the tape at the police depen · ~ou.t vtolation.s." ment. Schuler aakl. 'Jbe• <ieptut· He said the city has not had l)lent has about 30 such viewtngs one traffic collision to date that or hearings per week, he said couJd be attributed to ditvers' los· "Jt saves us having to go to Ing their concentration because court,· Schuler said of a camera flash or stopping and He said W>lators come up with being rear-ended . wild excuses to avoid the steep Councilwoman Libby Cowan fines. said she is "anw:ed at how effec- tive the cameras are." ''l'm curious to see bow other Int~ are a&cted because or the cameras.• she said. ·Are people slowing down, or are they ta1ci.og advanf83e of the fact that there are no camerur The council expeas to get numbers from the police depan- menr in Jan~ Cowan said "I think we're sending a mes- sage to the people,• she said. "This ls the only way to stop red- light runners, because the police can't be at every intersection." •DEEM BHARATH C0\18,.. public safety and courts. She may be reached &t 1949) 574-4226 or. by e-mallat cJHpa.bharath@lstimes.com. meet the 800 API, are on the Westside and have a large popu- lation of swdents who are still learning English. Those schools tend to have lower scores be- cause students are· taking tests in languages they have not yet mas- tered, Blakely said APISCORES "Our parents are still learning P.ngl.ish and learning to rei<Iand write,• Blakely said "If you come from a Newport Coast home, you have books since you were in utero and have lit11rate parents who tallc to you. You're more likely to do a good job.• Both Whittier and Pomona el· ementary schools reported that 98% of their students are socio· econom1cally disadvantaged, meaning they are eligible to par· ticipate in free and reduced lunch programs at school. More than 50% of parents at Wilson and Pomona did not graduate from high school, and most are Latino. At the other end of the spec- trum. Andersen Elementary in Newport Beach had the highest API score. at 911. It has no socio- economically disadvantaged stu- dents. l % are Latino, 4% are Asian and 56% of parents at- tended graduate school. Some schools did show de- creases in their scores. CoUege Park, which last year made an 84- point gain, dropped by 25 points this year co 682. Drops after a major spilce are fairly common, said Peggy Ana- tol. director of curriculum and assessment for the district The school also only tests second- and third-graders, limiting its pool of testable students. The overall improvements, also because one of the contest rules was that the towns have a population of not more than 50,000. "Balboa was picked among the top 20 out of 3,000 entries from all over the nation.~ she said . "It's wonderful but not all that surprising. because we have a wonderful parade. beautiful decorations and a warm. home- town feel.~ • Ossipoff pul together a pro· duction crew that filmed the 'Kellys • decorating their home even before Thanksgiving. The tape was then sent to A&E. •w e learned on Monday that we'd made the cut," said Was- sall-KeUy. whose house was also named the winner in the Ring of Lights' competition for "best humor and originality." "And I'm terribly excited about it," she said "It shows the whole nation our town Is spe- cial. It brings much-deserved at- tention to the 95-year-old tradl- ways. Even Steven. Both had oodles of success and popularity. each was too honest to be political. Both had arguably girlie birth names: Wayne was born Marlon Robert Morrison, and Hope, Leslie Townes Hope. Both are Geminis, if you care about I.hat particular detail. Now it all comes down to one thing: Who has got the better airport? ,.., If you haven't heard by now, the former Burbank. Glendale Pua.dena Airpon was renamed In tribute of &ob Mope, who died In his lbluca Lake home. which ts very near Burbank. and had his otficea In the heart of downtown Burbank. Polfdclans up there. many of whom grew up l•ushJna ar Hopda jOkes (one even used 10 rriclc-or-treat at the Hope house) jumped at the chance to have theitown Hollywood·lcoo·named tnmaportation hub. "Orange Countyhu their John w.,ne-we need our Bot> Hope AJrpon." Burbank CouncOman Todd~ told the lk.trblnk. t.det, a .-ier ~of the Piiot 1be ~*to the Dub kept cOmlng up M preu covenp of tbs nun.e c:hanp continued. "1b me. I don't rNnd ti tR c:alled lob Hope Mrpcn. juat Mb Jobn Wliyne Airport WM DllDtld aftlr John Wayne,. Glendlle Cqundbmn Bob \WMlanllld. lt WU Burbank Airport ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Adams Andereen Celifornia CoMeoePark Oa11ts Eatltbluff Harbor View Ka!Mf Killybrooke Lincoln Mariners Newport CoMt Newport ~ttHelghtl Paularlno Pomona Rea Sonor8 Victoria Whi!Mr Wilson WOOdland MfOOLE SCHOOLS E~n Te nlde HIGH SCHOOLS Corona def Mar Cotta Me.a Estancia Newport H•rbOr SMAU SCHOOLS Orange Coast however, show that things are working well in district schools. "We've really been concentrat· ing on teaching to the stand- ards," Anatol said. uwe·re work· ing together to calibrate the curriculum and are teaching standards-based math and lan- guage arts using and standards- tion we have here -our wonderful boat parade." I !er husband, although riot overly enthusiastic about being on television, said he loves the hoHday season. •1 just Wee to decorate," he said. "Our goaJ is to try and get the whole area to decorate. And it always feels better when you're putting up the decora- tions than when you're taJdng them out.• The KeUys said they also enjoy decorating "together." "And every year. it gets crazier than the previous year," Wassall- Kelly said with a laugh. "Or you could say it gets better. As my dad always said, 'You need to get a little bit crazy to keep from going insane." • DEEPA BHARATH co11ers public safety and courts . She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail al deeps.bhsrsth@lstlmss.com. Commissioner Don Brown who inadvertently gave Hope the upper hand in the Hope-Duke challenge. "There couldn't be a more deserving individual than Mr. Bob Hope," Brown said, adding that renaming the facility wouJd be historic because only a few airports in California are named after individuals. Ob yeah? W~ve got a cowboy down here wbo may just disagree with that Both airports are the centet of widegpread public debate over fllgbt path&, noise cape and curfews, and each has a dle·hard group of clt11.ens prepared to fight to the death to ensure neithet one grow. another lnch. , The Airport Worldng Group in Newport Beach may have lll01e money. but havlng wofted at the Leader before coming to the Pilot. I= to know ftndwid that mem of the Aeltore Our i\1.rporu RAgbta orpoltadoQ. or ROAR. ean make your tnee. ehab with • .sd.eways Blance· Mudl Wee Wtyne in hie 1ou1h·guy ro\ee, come to thlok oftt. So. who ts the vtctol'l Wayne or Hope? The cowboy or the com.edianf • It may go down as one of thoee timelesa debata Right up thott whh ~rman wnua Ba.~ • LDlna HANllQ Wfitft oolUmne Wfdneedevt •nd Frtdeys. She mev be rMCNcl et lMt) 174-4276 or l'I( H'Nlllat lollf•,,..,,,.,.,.,,,,.,oom. f 2003 2002 2002-03 API API Growth Growth Base Target 699 670 7 911 900 NIA 799 790 1 682 703 5 720 695 5 889 -NIA 894 899 NIA "'flO 781 2 697 '572 6 . 888 .,. n/e 884 869 n/a m -nl• 816 824 n/a 823 823 n/e 728 734 3 614 670 12 633 627 9 719 731 3 756 748 3 648 602 10 591 553 12 813 770 2 748 719 4 653 641 8 819 803 n/e fJ69 841 8 623 579 11 734 703 6 735 680 6 based report cards. Everyone is stepping up to the bar, and this is a manifestation of teachers work- ing hard." •MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be reached at 1949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at marisa.onell@latimes.com. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 926:17; by &-mail to luis.pens@lstimt1s.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time. date end location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. SATURDAY "Dlvorc.: A New Beglnnln;" is a workshop for men and women in the process of di11orcing or recently divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Ori11e. The cost is $40. Information: (949)644-6436. The Costa M ... -tffwport H•rbor Lions Club will serve hamburgers, cheeseburgers end hot dogs and the Orange County Model Engineers will conduct free train rides from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Goat Hill J unction train station at Fairview Parle. Information: (949) 574-9337. The Al•no Ctub wlel host• fundraiser to benefit Women Helping Women, a Costa Mesa-based organization dedicated to helping women In tranaltlon with funds and a11lstance In achieving self-reliance from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. at 2040 Placentia Ave. Donations of $5 will be accepted. Information: (949) 646-8808. SUNDAY Fuhk»n lsllnd wll hc»t ... annual menorah llghtl09 ceremony at 3 p.m. et Btoomlngde~'• Courtyard. The event wUI be hosted by Rabbi Reuvwn Mintz of the Chabed Jewlah Center in Newport Beadl. lnfonnatlon: (949) 721-2000, hlfP:/!Www.•hopfashlon/Mand. com. llte ............. ,....c... Wilt~· hol~ cnft .. • Church will remove ficus trees Neighbors had asked that the ficus, planted wi thout city approval, be taken out before the groves' roots damaged sidewalks. Deirdre Ne•m.n Daily Pilot remorse was the result of con· templative thought and prayer. A letter that went out to school par· COSTA MESA -Prince of ents quoted verses from the Bible Peace schOQI officials a.re extend· to explain the about-face. ing an otlVe branch to thei.r "We think it's a God-honoring neighborhood by deciding to re· ldedslonl to remove them.• Ker· move ficus trees along Baker slake sald. ·we think we should Street, as neighbors have asked. reach out ln peace, and that's These trees, one of three groves what we're going to do." of ficus trees on the school and · Neighbor Gordon Pate, one of church property, were planted the most vocal opponents of all without city approval. the ficus trees. said he is glad to On Dec. 8, the Plarutlng Com· see the school finally lake action • mission allowed the church lo to reelace some of the ficus trees. keep the trees along Bak.er Street He would Uke to see church offi- because school officials agreed cials continue in the same spirit not to nold the city liable for any by removing the ficus trees along damages the trees may cause. Mesa Verde Drive and along a The reliefof Prince of Peace of-block wall fence that separates ficials at the decision was fol-the church property from Ceylon lowed by a desire to make peace Drive. with the neighbors, who nave "The only objection we nave adamantly opposed the trees, ever had Is t.bat the ficus trees are school administrator Keith Ker-such a pervasive, dangerous slake said. So the church and tree." Pate said. school are embarking on a cam-ln January 1999, the Planning paign to raise $10,000 to replace Commission approved an appli- the Beus trees with a variety of cation that allowed the Prince of tree known as yellowwood or Peace church to put in four po<locnrpus. modular buildings for a school OlUrch officials say their ficus The commission required the TOWN Continued from A4 workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gift.s for .. mily and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost ls $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. TUESDAY The Environmental N1ture Cem.r will present a holiday craft woruhop in which par1icipants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There w ill be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. WEDNESDAY The Envlronmental N.ture Center will present a holiday craft workshop In which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The coat is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Environment•! Nature Center will present a holiday craft workshop in which par1icipants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using 1 variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. The Peter end M.ry Muth Interpretive Center will host an event that will let visitors see and touch different kinds of Insects and to understand how the legs of different insecu do different jobs to help them survive from 11 a.m. to noon at 2301 University Drive, Newpor1 Beach. The cost will be $10 for each child 5 and older. Information and reservations: (949) 923-2295. JAN.10 There will be• Computer Fair at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $5 for adults; children 10 and younger get in for free. Information: (800) 800-5600. http://\.vww.ocfair.com. JAN.11 There will be 1 Computer Fair at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is SS for adults; children 10 and younger get in for free. Information: (800) 800-5600. htt-.:ft\.vww.ocfair.com. JAN. 16 A Home Remodeling end Decorating Show will be held starting today In buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open from noon to 8 p.m. today. The cost is $5.75 for adults, SJ for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950. JAN 17 The TEX*US Guitar Show wiH be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m .. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Dec. 18 in building No. 14 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $10 for adult•. children 12 years old and under are free. Information: (918) 288-2222. A Home Remodeling end Decorating Show will be held today In buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. The cost is $5.75 for adults, SJ for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950. The West Coen Reptile Show will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost Is SS for adulta and children 12 years and under are $3. Information: (714) 82~0. http://www.rsdicalreptiles.com. JAN.18 A Home ~odellng Ind Decorating Show will be held today in buildings No. 10 and 12 and In the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open Mention This Ad For Extra Savings llECOMMINOEO IV POOIATIUSTS -~Make any ~rchase -~of Outerwear. . .. Micro Fleece or ..,.._..._Sult Set and rwcelv• ~.FREE A J-button a ... k Polo Shirt (VlllM •t suJ f4lbjKf 10 1'°'10fl hMll • ~ qipl/e llltr Fll.E PHOTO I DAILY Ptl.OT Costa Mesa resident Gordon Pate's shadow falls across a cracked sidewalk that he worried would be further cracked by Prince of Peace Lutheran School's ficus trees along Baker Street. planting of screening 'trees and shrubs between the buildings and the Baker Street p roperty line. The church planted 30 ficus trees without city approval along a portion of Baker Street. It also ·planted 35 trees on Mesa Verde Drive East and 52 along Ceylon Drive. After the trees were plant- ed, some neighbors voiced their concerns that the tree roots would damage city sidewalks and pose haz.ards to pedestrians. 111ese neighbors wanted the from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today. The cost is $5.75 for adults, SJ for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950. The West Coast Reptile Show will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 years and younger. lnfQrmation: (714) 826-6600. JAN. 22 Ho•g Hospital will host ·Nutrition forthe Lung Cancer Patient;" a daytime lung cancer suppor1 group,.trom 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center, conference room A. The speaker will be Kathy Pham, a Hoag Hospital nutritionist. Information: (949) 760-5542. FEB.26 The Founders Guild of C.u Teresa invites the public to attend a play, ·The Subject was Roses; trees removed. instead, church officials installed root barriers. Kerslake said church officials naven't made any decisions yet about the trees on Mesa Verde Drive. Those are set farther back from the ones on Baker Street and were planted more recently. so there is more time to deal with them, Kerslake sald. ffOur desire always has been, although It may not have been perceived tha1 way, to be a good neighbor," Kerslake sald. •And we'll continue in that vein." at the Newpor1 Theatre on Cliff Drive in Newpor1 Beach. All the proceeds from tidtet sales will be donated to Casa Teresa and Hannah's House. Tic1tets cost $65 per person. Information: (949) 858-5385, (714) 5384860. ONGOING The NftVpC>rt Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newpor1 Center Drive, Newpor1 Beach. Guests are welcome. For more information. call (949) 721-5732. Sole Comfort end Laura's House have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfor1, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House Is committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-6939. Friday, December 19, 2003 A5 I \I /It 11\fi,j\ 1//1 I /'/Ill Starting at $5.95 7 Days a Week 11-4 Includes soup, salad, appetizer & rice Starting at $7.95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 HIGH IN UAL11Y, LOW IN PRICE, BIG IN POK110N, GOOD IN SERVICE Health Conscious Menu A va ilable ' 'r , 1 \(I\ I I I 1 ! '1 ', ! 1/, / I/ / 1 11 , I''' 1, J' , \/ \~·;:/,;,·; ;,1'1111; I ,•,,.,1. (949)759-3388 ~ J,.;,,, Kq1n/1r/«/.%~,,tl'Y'~w1 • GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds • • Customir.ed Order8 •Engagement & Wedding Rings •Repairs While You Wait • 16 Independent Merchants M r ndly. OecefOOet l 9, 2003 FORUM· HOW TO GET PU8USH£D -t..tt.rt: Mall to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Dally Pllo\, 330 W. Bay ~t.. Co11a Mew, CA,92627 • ........ Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 fax: Se~ to 1949) 646-41~0 E-mal:Send to daltyp/lottllatimn.com •All correspondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submission• for clarity a d length. NOTEBOOK HOW TO • Spreading aid tind feeding the soul . ~ ~ONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Me18 City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 76'-5223 Meyor. Gary Monahan Councl: Libby Cowen, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sd'leafer and Chris Steel when we arrived with our coveted coupons. Then there's the one room that the family sleeps in. The parents and their five children, which includes a 15-year-old son, all sleep on the floor of the one room. J abaJya has the dubious honor of being the most lwavily populated refugee camp in the (iaza Strip. and with that, the added Litle of being. per· quare-mile. the most heavily populated area on the planer. There is the city of tabalya, which is made up mostly of families HUSEIN MASHNI The husband died nine months ago of cancer. The wife raises the children nlone and takes care of her mother·in-law, who lives with her In the ugly cinder block and corrugated metal house. There Is an old fashioned washing machine. FreshJy There was nothing deceitful about lhis woman. No need for sympathy; she didn't expect it and didn't radiate an air that demanded It. Since my back was hurting from carrying the heavy boxes, I asked if she knew any young men in the neighborhood who could carry the box from Ille van to her house. originally from the Caz.a Strip rhe neighboring refugee camp t1bsorbed the *48~ refugee~. which means they became refugees in l 948. There are aJso the •6r refugees. I've come out here many times with a Oiristian group that distributes food to t11e families. We get to visit the farnilJes and to learn about them as we try 10 µrovfde a meager mea~ure of .\SSistance to them· a 40-pound box of rice. sugar, tea, split peas. garbanzo beans, regular beans. oil and shortening. Along with rations some of tl1e l'amllles receive from the United Nations once every three months, the food we bring may he the only food these famille~ have to get by. In the families with a father. he Is usually unemployed due to the Intifada. which has dragged on for three miserable years. Other fathers may have physical or mental limltations to where they can'r work. If they couJd. there ts the •tc.lded problem tha t t11en> is no work. Then there arc dw widoWlt. We vhited one today. She has five daughters hl'tween 9 months and 12 years 11ld. All were there to greet lL<t canon eos ~ With Canon H 28 9f Lens Strap and Batter~ washed clothes are hanginR trom the lines. There are mattresses on the floor. There is an open courtyard between the bedrooms. the kitchen and bathroom that water floods inio when 11 rains. ·1 tow do you support your family?• I asked. ·we gel a coupon from here, a coupon from there," she ~id. .. l'hank..s be to God. Somcumes, a relative will give us !>omethang.· Mo~t of the homes in thi~ part of the camp arc about eight foer high. TI1ey have whllcwa11hed walls and the ever-present corrug,1ted metal roofs held down, al times. by heavy cinderbloclcs. There was a woman who told us that she was the man of the house. l ler hu!.hand can't work due 10 phyi.ical limitations. "Do you want to see our castl e?" she joked. ln.<,ide the heavy metal door. there was a dark. 5-foo t·by·S-foot bathroom whtt h is really just a hole in the ground Next 10 ii was a kitchen of the same dimensions. Jbere ' was the living room which has no ceiling. When it rains, it pours. ''I'll come get It," she said without hesitation. And I know he could, but having been brought up in America, where we're taught to open the door for a lady, I couldn't Je1 her. So. I carried it on my shoulder from the van through the two· foot-wide streets between these homes, co her house. She said thank you. Not all people say thank you. Some. so accustomed to receiving. take what you give and expect more. At the next house, tllere was a boy named Majed (that's not his real name). I le's 12. His house is ugly. Made of cinderblocks and corrugated steel. You enter the steel door. On the right is the 5-foot-by-S·foot restroom and a lc.itchen of the same dimensions next to ii. The living room il> an open courtyard. They bring out their two plastic chairs and insist that we sit and have coffee and tea. Every family, regardless of their situation. does this. We sit. 1nere are three rooms about 20 feet by 20 feet in size. ln one room lives a brother, who is unemployed, and rus family - canon "Bww-Si.« SD 100 DIGITAL C:L?H canon ~ShotS400 DIOIT~L EL?H • 8899 BOOYOHLV •New tmagina Processor s449 cano11 eos iELR1V , ' • Compatible with ff Lenses • Direct Pnnt capability • 3 minutes (15 fps) Movie Mode • Ultra thin compact design canon 7iwerShot A70 DIO ITAL C AMllA • 8299 canon i860 f 3x optical 10<JITI •Movie modi wftll mnd • t 2 shooting mod6s Desktop Photo Printer • Borderless 4x6, 5xl. 8.Sx 11 Pnnts • 4«l3 X 1200 Dpi •5ColorTns • Print Oirt'1tf From enn ~cameras 8149 wife arid five sons, tncludmg 12-year-old Majed. In the middJe room, lives the grandmother and her single daughter. In the third room Uves another brother and his wife and their slx children. The second brother is a p olice man who makes about 1.200 shekels (about $300) a month. That helps suppon everyone under the roof. which isn't really a roof. When it rams, it drips on everything, o n everyone. I asked l2·year-old Majed. who seems too small for his age. what grade he ls in He told me sixth. The grandmother teUs me he is a below·average student. I telJ them I was .also a below·average student. Recause my back hurts, I ask if any young men could help carry the heavy box from t11e van some 200 or so feet awdy to the house. There are none. The mother herself volunteers 10 come get it. Instead. l asked ll-year-old Majed to help me. I le cam e out with me, oblivious that he wa., wearing his mother's medium-heeled plastic ~lippers. We went to the van and took oul the box. I grabbed one side, and he another, We squeei'ed our way through the excruciatingly nanow !>lreets 10 their home. They insisted we si1 and drink coffee aml tea. We did. I wanted to plan! something in Majeds heart. I told the whole family tllat Majed was a great help to me and how he helped me carry the heavy box all the way from the van. I le beamed. Everyone started tal)cjng about what a good young man he il>. . Then we went to a bigger and uglier cinderblock-and- corrugated·sleel home. Beyond the heavy steel door was a wildly smiling teenage girl. I was told she ~vas mentally handicapped. She abo has four sisten. who are eitht>r mentally or physically handh:apped. Altogether, there are 15 children: one of the 'iOru. died recently when he touched an electrical outlet with a wet hand; another son feU from a ladder and broke his back; ano1her son is in jail for politi.cal rcru.ons; another son is nor allowed to leave the West Bank to come back 10 be with his family in (,37a. The father is unable to work. The mother begs from here and there. She gets some assistance from the United Nation1> every few m onths: Oour. oil, etc. It's difficult to believe all that has happened 10 this woman. Iler face shows no sigm of the horrors she has lived an d ,., living through. She 111sic;ts that we sit in the livi ng room on martres-.c' to drink coffee, tea, cola. "Rest and be refreshed," she ~ay<, in Arabic. We don·1 have the time today l ler daughters scurry to cover their head!> or to just hide from u,, m aybe peering from behind 1he bedroom walls and giggling. Although the house is large, there is no furniture in i1. I.lice m O'\I hou'\es in the'\C pans. ii has nu gla,11 to rnver it~ large wimJow!>. When it rains. ii pour,. • HUSEIN MASHNI is a tormer Daily Pilot education reponer who became a Christian missionary in tho Middle East. His an1cles appear in Forum on occasion • KONICA MINOLTA • 40X Meoa·zoom (lOX Opllcal 4X Dtgttal) tquivalent to a 38· 1520mm 'ens •High Resolv11on J ~ etf!ct!Vf mpgap1,e1s • 3 frames per second CITY OF NEWPOR1 BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 844-3309 Meyor. Tod Ridgeway Coundt: Gary Adams, Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan, Oidc Nichols, Steven Rosanaky and Don Webb NEWPORT-MESA UNIAED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985--A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714)42~00 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Board: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Blad(. Clerit Serene Stokes, David Brooks, Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen ,. GOVERNOR Arnold Schwamnegger (R), State capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 E-mall: govemor@governor.ca.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .• Washington, O.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E·mall: presldent@whitehouse.(Jov Fax: (202) 466-2461 0 l<ONICA MINOLTA ~ .,,,,,., t<ONICA MINOLTA • Rfvolut1onary Non·Utend1ng 12X Zoom (3X Optical •X Digital) Lens • LM Video Conferencillg Remote Camera function 8299 0 l<ONIC A MINOLTA Di~GEG400 • Rap.i M System • Oual Memory Card Slot • 0.7 second start·up time 8349 .... :::-::: l<ONIC 1\ MINOLT/\ ~ Zoom 160c DATE r ""'o:l,.,,..,__ • 4 3X Aspheric Zoom Lens • Film Chambef lock protects film • Au1oma11c lilm load1119 8149 ~ ~ l<ONIC /\MINOLTA Zoom 110 DATE r -· -..... .. •38·110mm • Film Chamber locll protects him • Automatic film loading 899 .... ~ l(ONI( I\ MINOL Tl\ Dl~GE Scan DuaL m • 2.820 dpt optical resoluhon • 16-bft MJ conwrsion • Ultra hlgb-$peed use 2.o • True·to-fllm fleOol!ivt-to- l)Olltr.'I -. .. --.i Now8289 72 HOURS FRHMY 8oet 1*11de. Beautifully decoreted yachts, boats, kayak• and canoes will sail along the harbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade through Sunday. Each night, the parade will begin at 6;30 p.m. at Collins Island and last two and a half hours. The parade la hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce. Information: (94S) 729-4400, htrp:llwww.christrr14sbolltparado.com THEATER 'Sweeney' ma.kes the cut in the colleges By Tom Titus Oa1lyP1tot L ocal college theater departments enjoyed a particuJarly ambitious year in 2003; UL Irvine. Orange Coast College and Vanguard University all mounted i.ome highly impressive productions. While it may he comparing elephants and oranges. it neverthcle!>S must be noted that UC! topped the list once more with its slashing, l,1Taph1c production of the Stephen Sondheim musical "Sweeney Todd. lhe Demon Barber of Fleet Street." Direc1or Eli Simon's masterfuJ production wa.o. clearly the class of the colleges this year. but cwo othcr show~ -both from the pen of Wilham Shakespeare -were impressive as well. SATURDAY Turm.ble groove. Cut Chemist, the DJ for cutting-edge hip.hop act Jur&li$1C Five w ill be performing et Detroit Bar 1n Costa Mesa. The night wlll loature several other DJs Detroit Ber 11 et 843 W 19th St in Costa Mena. SUNDAY Swl"g away. Swing lessons are given from 2 to 6 pm. every Sunday er the Avent Garde Ballroom on Newport Beactt by tho Orange County 6w1ng Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed lnformauon lltrp:llocswing com. (909) 656 6119 Friday. December 19. 2003 A7 Runners-up in the coUege drama category were Vanguard's bloody, fu1uristic treatment of"Macbeth" and Orange Coas1 College's rollicking version of "TWelfth Night," set on a movie sound stage in 1939 KENT TREPTOW I DAIL V PILOT Annie Winston is the author of the book, uAdmiral Wright's Hero1cal Stoncals Presents: Darnel Boone and the Battle of Boonesborough." I lollywood. Susan Berkompus directed the Scottish play. while Alex <lo Ison wc1s at the helm of the Tinl>elwwn comedy. Hounding oul the top five were "Fiddler on 1he Roof' at Vanguard. directed by Carey Curti<t Smith, and Keith f owler's robust revival of "Hair" al UCI. Special mention also must be accorded rn OCCs "Sherlock I lolmes and the C1an1 Rat of Sumatra," an ambitiou' mystery under Gol!>on's direction As for ncting honors. UCI':. Robin Buck. though hardly a Mudent, delivered the ouistanding male perfonnarKe in the title role of "Sweeney lbdd." BeM actresc; honori. go to K.11hryn Scott for her compelling interpretation of Lady Macbelh at Vanb'llard. Other outs1anding actors during 2003 were Angel Correa for "Some Men Need Help" at OCC Tim Larson as Macbeth las weU as for Tevye in "Fiddler o n the Roon at Vanguard, Sean Engard in OCCs "The Lesson." Christopher Tillman in Vanguard's "Macbe1.h," and Ben Draper In both "Poor Richard" and" ome Men Need Help" at OCC. Actresses who s tood out at the local colleges were Valerie Rachelle in "Sweeney Todd" ar UCI. Tummy JoeUe Coffin in "Fiddler on the Roof' at Vanguard and Nancy Troia in OCCs "1Welhh Night." Afso im pressing were Sean Gray and Emily Rued In OCCs "Sherlock Holmes and tJ1e Giant Ral of S'1matra" and Teddy Spencer, Amanda Kukuk and Rudolpk Nlemann, all In "TWelfth Night." At Vanguard. others meriting special attention were Matt Grandpre in "Fiddler on the Roof: Mary House and Michael Mulligan In "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" and Adam Eugene Hurst In "Fools." UCl's contingent of Impressive actors included Sara Parry and Ailene Klng in "Lady Wlndermere's Pan." Martin Giannini In •Hair." Jessica Stevenson In "Big l.ove." and Mandy Sthrrueder and Usa Oayton In "The Day Maggie Blew Her Head Off: This winds up our annuaJ bestOWing of honors on the top productions and performances in local professional. community and collegiate theater. Nex\ week's column will spotlight two very special people when the Dally Pilot's man and woman of lhe year In theater for 2003 are revealed. . • lOM mus ,....,1ews 10C1t thNter for the Delly Piiot. HI• revlewt eppear Mdeyt. Her heroical story Paul Saltowitz Daily Pilot A nnie Winston was ti reel Tired of <;truggling with her nvin l>ister 10 get a fledgling business off the ground, tired of banling 10 keep herself and her lhree children safe in the midst of a failing mamage. and iust tired in general. Anyone would be if they spent hours in the middle of the night penning a book. in the ashes of what once was supposed to be a multimedia cartoon company. "I spent several years on and off trying to develop this project with my sister, and we lost all our capital, and that partnership dissolved,· Winston said. "I had been working so long developing this concept and the characters that I felt I had to create something out of it .'' What it became was "Admiral Wright's Heroical Storicals Presents: Daniel Boone in I.he BattJe Annie Winston has ouerco1ne th e odds l o become an author of children's books Boonesborough," a hook of h1.,1oritaJ fiction based on the exploi1~ of On111el Boone and aimed a1 clcmen1ary school children. "I was really inspired to write. because I was broke and I needed to support my kids," Winston said. "I wasn't sure if it would ever get published, but I didn't have that in mind when I was writing .... I just wrote.· When she wasn't writing. she was working as a substitute teacher -l>he wrote at mght after she put her kid!> to slee1) and early In the morning hefore work. "I would have moments where I wouJd think to myself. 'Is this good enough to get published?'" she said. "But l persevered." An acquaintance who had paid to have a book publi!>hed by Sonship Pre'>s in Missouri suggested that she )!ivc the uimpany .1 tall .ind \Cnd her tn<lrlll\l rip!. "I callt•d lhl'rn a11d tultl them that I had .1b-.olu1rly no 111011<'} to g1\ e !hl'm. hut tlwy !<>llll wan1ed 111 rt•,1d \\ h.11 I had," 'he .... lid. The rompany dt•1:1ded 111 pu1 uu1 the book in May 2002. and -.111u~ tllC'n, it has :.cild 10,000 rnp1es llw fir.,t ... tore to carrv 1lw hook \\,11> Balboa l\l<md ' Martha·., HooJ.....ton'. "Sht.' ta.ml' 111111 the '>tore a11d told u' .1ho 111 it. and Wt .. rt• .tlway' eager 10 '>Upport lor,11 Jlllhur\, .. \,ml Kathy •• Wales, co ow11er ul i\larrlm\ Bookston-... 1 lll' thing 1h.11 <;et<. her book apart 1<. hrr ~ht'\ JIWa}"' willin~ 10 1allc to reuder:. and spn·ad the word about what 'he's done ... Wi11Mon ha\ h<'l'll .. pt•alcing ai schools around till' an:a 10 promo1e the book and reading for l hildren in general. BEST BITES FYI •WHO: Annie Winston •WHAT. "Admiral Wright's Hero1cdl Storicals Presents: Daniel Boone 111 the Battle Boonesborough" •INFORMATION: http://www.hero1calstoricals com "II\ re.Lily importunt for kids to '>tan rea drng at a young ,1g<• ... she l>Clid ")I helps develop their 111111ds." 1 he nc'<I step 1s to develop her I kroical Storic;.lls 11110 a scne5 of children·~ hlsto1 ical fiction. She's working on the '>ccond book.. whkh fe:11ure1' l larril'll Tuhm•tn. It 1.., <;(atl•d for releaw 111 1he spring. 1 hNe an· oullinc\ nmshl'tl for 12 more hno ... , ''At thi., point. the plan is to haw 11 pubhshl'd hy !>onsh1p. hut tf tlw lir-.t book keepl> growing the way 11 h,1i, been. it 1s possible a larger publi,her will put it out.~ she '>•lid. 'Tm ju<it foru~ed on p11ttmg to~etlwr the ht''' !>tones and developin~ lh<' hl''' 1.:haracters that I can." Eateries offer festive holiday dining By GrHr Wylder T hese restaurants offer special Ouistmas Eve m enu&: HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY CUISINE At Roy Yamaguchi' Raya of Newport Bach. there's a holiday prix the menu for S30. Yamaguchi ls noted for introducing ·Hawallan Fusion CUisine" to Honolulu In 1988, and now Roy's Restaurants have spread from HawaH to Florida. Roy's makes the moac ol treah local Ingredients, comblhed with Buropean sauces and pungent A&Jan spices. Fresh seafood ls his f ocua -four fresh Hawa1Jan ftsh are served daily-along wfth a range of appetizers. entdes and tantall7.lfll deleerta. Roy's three·coune cUnner includes an 1ppetlur umple plate wtth btby·btdc ribs, a ahlimp attclt and crispy lobster pot stickers. Meat and fish entr~e choices include slow-braised and charbroiled short ribs of beef, tender-braised. new-fashioned mlsoyakl-g1111ed pork pol roast, Roy's original blackened island ahJ tuna and macadamla -nut-crustcd mahi-mahi wfth a lobster essence sauce. Dessert Is Roy's melting hot chocolate souffi~. Roy's of Newport Beach , at 453 Newport Center Drive ln Newport Beach, Is open on Christmas Eve from 5 to 11 p.ITL Call (949) 640·7697. RrTZY SEAFOOD The Ritt. Newpon's five-star restaurant, otren a Oawle."8 Otristmas Eve Jnenu. Otnncr starts with a clas.~c Mllood ma:rdn1 wtth Maine lobster, DwtpntM Crib legs and cocktail ahrbnp. Then thtre are six appedz.er cholcet, ftYI entreea and a O\Jist:mu Eve desscrl sampler. Appetizers include Matne lobMer bisque laced with Armagnac. wild mushroom "cappuccino " with morel foam and "the famous Ritz salad.· with Canadian bay shrimp and Belgian endive. The most traditional en tree Is the roast Oiristmas goose wflh lingonberry sauce, served with sweet a11d our cabbage, warm gala apples and celery root mashed potatoes. The re'lt or the dishes are also seasonal favorites: carved Oiateaubriand or filet mlgnon with Mamaise sauce: Nonh Adantlc lobster tails wiO\ sweet drawn ~utter and French fries: Piero's Osso llucu; and whole lmponed OoveT aole saut~ with capers and lemon. terVed boneless wflh dill pe>Latoea, "hartcots verts and nolsette butter. Olnner Is $85. The RJtt l at 880 Newpon Center Drive In Newport Beach. Call (9-49) 720-1800. ON THE OCEANFRONT Twenty-o ne Oceanfront in Ncwp1irl Reach \erves a traditional Christn1a..\ Eve menu along with 11s regular 111e11u, which feature' award-winning -.e.iJuod and prime bet'f. TI1e set menu i~ $4..! per person. OiJJ (949) 673-2100 or V1'1! l1Up:llww1v.2 I <Xl!fl1tfron1.rom. ••• Local restaurants open for O\rlstmas dinner: CONTINENTAL CHRISTMAS The Archee RC*taurant at 33.14 W. Coast Hlghway In Newport Beach serves a holiday menu. wflh mo l of Its continental cuisine dl bes awilablc. ll's OJ>M from 11 a.m. to 2 a.rt\. C..U (9-49) 6'5· 70n. ' ' M Friday, Oecembef 19, 2003 HAPPENINGS REELCRmcs 'In Ariietj_Ca' is truly capti Vating su,.....free novelties corporate sffts caramel apples volume discounts 8 oL usoned rMlt-away vufflu with f.-.• deluic.e &ift wrap. saoo "') , ) r /frle H r'-71'ar ·r' C HOCOLATES NEWPORT BEACH WESTCLIFF PLAZA. Irvine Ave. at 17th, ntxt to Sul'bucks ~800) 161 4240 wwwho l1·11i:.-•« rum .... <1 < ; 1 H "d Ra 11 1 non ' . . So""1nw Cdifo"'i6'1 Prrmw W'*ifront Spm.l EHfft lbw Pine Dining. Five Course Holiday Menu Music & Dancing Featuring Classic Lo Current hits with DJ Extraordinaire Glen Rodtiguez Midnight ·KorbPl" Champagne Toasts $7 5 per person •L:',rc/11dr.• alroltol. tar a11d 9rn11111y To Make Your New Yea.r's Reservations Call 949.673.4633 Locaud in the Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harbor 400 Maio. Street Balboa Vill age ~ i 1 r l ) l J ! .• : ( j • ' f 1 ( l \I I : 1. I r I l ' l ! ' I . G eorge C. SoOtt once saJd that "the human sptrlt ia stronger tbao anything that can happen to lt." The new mm. •tn America," exempliftes this idea of the human spirit beautifully, leaving audlences with a lump ------in their throat ANDREW NGUYEN and an appreciation ofllfe aver material values. Dlrector Jim Sheridan, who co·wrote ·the script with hJs daughters Naomi and Kirsten Sheridan. masterfully tells a tale of an immigrant father, mother and two daughters struggling to cope with the death of a son, amid a backdrop that symbolizes the American dream. New Yotk City. Paddy C.Onsidine and Samantha Morton play Johnny and Sarah, two youn& parents who accompany their daughters Olristy and Ariel (Sarah and Emma Bolger) to America from Ireland. Once there, the family moves Into a decrepit building housed by numerous murky patrons, including a downstairs neighbor named Mateo, wonderfully played by Djimon Hounsou. As the seasons pass, th.e family encounters joy and sadness, but the death of their son, Frankie, continues to Unger in their minds. Besides truly captivating performances by everyone in this film (including the two girls), there are so many memorable scenes. When the father lugs an air conditioner through the streets, for example, Sheridan doesn't ruin the scene with forced sapplne& or AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bey St., Costa Mese, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 64&-4170; or by calling (949) 674-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nin&-part film history on Alfred Hltchoodc. The aeries will be moderated by retired ace professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held.et OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission 11 $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and OCC students. For more information, call (714) 432·5880. RING Of UGKTS The Commodores Club if the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Ring of Lights home decorating competition In December. Information: (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts, boets, kayaks and ca noes will sail along the herbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade through Sunday. Each night, the parade will begin at 8:30 p.m. at Collins Island and last two and a half hours. The parade ia holted by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beech Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) "YOU 'RE ABOUT TO RECEIV E A DISTRIBUTION FROM VOUR E MPL OYER 'S RETIREMENT PLAN - NOW WHAT ?" The largest si"gle sum of money you receive In your life will probably come from your pension. profit-sharing or 401 (k) plan when you leave your company. •But how should you "accepr -or structure -your d istribution? •What are your choices and options? •What are the tax implications? • What are the costs? Smith Barney tan accommodate the transfer of your distribution Into a tax- advantaged a~count. To help you structure the tax treatment and investment program best suited to your needs, we are offering a free lump Sum Distribution Analysis. Please call: 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THtl II WHO WI ARE. THll II HOW WI EARN IT.• SMrm~ f NOW PLAYING ,, " ,. .. ..• ... .. " ,. .. Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton star in the romantic comedy "Something's Gotta Give." melodrama.. Instead, there's a lightheartedness to th.is scene, with upbeat music and laughs. What's. more, the way Sheridan treats this scene is representative of how the other scenes are shot and edited as well-without wallowing self-pity, perhaps reflecting how Sheridan vie)YS his own early experience of moving to America (lilc.e the family in the film). The symbolism In this film Is also noteworthy. appearing quite subtly, but nevertheless speaking volumes about the life of an 729-4400, http://Www. ctiristmssbostpsrade.com. MUSIC CHRISTMAS CONCERT St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra will preHnt Christmas concert worb by Ba ... Rutter, Hayes, Stroope, Menotti, Tchaikovsky along with holiday carols at 4 p.m. Sunday at 800 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach. Tidcets cost $10. Information: (949) 674-2284, (949) 574-2283. Child-care reservations: (949) 674-2283. MARIAH CAREY Superstar Mariah Carey will sing st 8 p.m. Monday at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Tidceta will cost $75 to $140. lnforma1ion: (714) 556-2787, http:ltwww.ocpac.org. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednesday as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. Monday throogh Wednesday. (949) 718-0188. MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Voit Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mamma Gina a1261 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays 1nd Saturdays and at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Dltii joins the duo on vocal• on Mondays. It's free. lnform1tion: (949) 673--9600. immigrant in a strange land. From the children's Halloween costumes to the way Olrisry (who narrates her family's journey) carries the memory of her dead brother, there is an abundance of symbols signifying cultural identity and assimilation. Above all. Hin America" satisfies that simple message that everyone seems to be yearning for this holiday season, that message about hope. Despite a lack of money and health, the characters in this film MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper and Kelly Gordlen (known as MPG) perform classic rode. R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m . Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform claQlc rock. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The restaurant la at 830 Udo Pait Drive, Newport Beech. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 1 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m . Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT Pl.AYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 612 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. No cover charge. (949) 646-5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant In Newport Beach presents the Ride Sherman Duo featuring Ride Sherman and Alan Remington on Friday nights. Anthony's ls at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rod< and Motown act. performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays a1 Carmelo'• Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona def Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders personify the meaning of hope. which is all the more merrier considering what they must endure. . .. -There's definitely a bevy of Oscar-worthy films playing at theaters this holiday season. But . even if you think you've already ' " seen this year's best movies. · there's definJtely room for "In America" this Ouistmas. It's sure to be the best stocking stuffer "' you didn't expect •ANDREW NGUYEN ls a freelance writer from Costa Mesa. performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922. STAGE .. .. 'A CHRISTMAS CAROL' .. I. South Coast Repertory's presents " ' • Hal Landon Jr. In "A Christmas Carol." which will be performed ... ' through Monday at the the Folinc:f 1 • • Theatre Center, 655 Town Center" 1 .. Drive, Costa Mesa. Tidcets cost $29 to $44. Information: (714) ' " 708-5555, http://Www.scr.org. • 11 It 'LA POSADA MAGICA' The Octavio Solis and Marcos Loya musical "La Posada Magica." about a band of neighbors who journey to rediscover the magic of Christmas. will continue through Wednesday at South Coast , Repertory. Regular performance& will be at 8 p.m. Tuesdays 1, through Fridays, at 3 and 8 p.m .. ,, , Saturdays and at 12:30 and 4:30 .~,, p.m. Sundays through Tuesday, and at 12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All performances wlll be on the Julianne Argyros Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-5555, http://Www.scr.org. STARLIGHT EXPRESS Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical "Starlight Express~ with new sets and costumes by John Napier, will be performed Thursday, Christmas Day, to Dec. 28, Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1 to 4 at the Orange County Performing Arts :· Center in Segerstrom Hall. • •· Information: (714) 656-2787, ': http://Www.ocpac.org. 11 .... ------------------------------------------------------------------~ Celebrate New ~arS Eve in Style at Spectacular LNe Entertainment. Hats. Homs. Streamers & other P<lrty Favors, Dancing. Extensive Champagne and Wine List. Valet Parlcing. Ocean View and. of course incredible food! TVvO SEATING TIMES 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm Log onto our website for detailed informati°" and directions. w....21 Q<Mlfiprtmm or call 949.673.2 100 Sook your celebration today ... This Is a Party you don't Mnt to miss/ t . ·, ., •II . " ' ••• .. .. .. u " .,, . ~ .. .. ,. ., ,, ... ... ... •• .;. !':. HAP P EN I NGS Friday, Dec:en1>er 19, 2003 A9 THEATER REVIEW rr---------------~ 'Magica' turns 10 with new twist A•GIE&'S ·· AUrO S .. A 2285 Ne't!VpOrt 8lvd • Co•fo Me•a 8yTomTltu1 Daily Pilot C an it be 10 years slnce South Coast Repertory ~ted a companion holiday play to Its annual main-stage p roduction of ·A QuistmU Carol"? Yes, ·1.a Posada Magica• is roarldng its I Otb year after South Coast Repertory commissioned pJaywright Octavio Solis to stage a Hispanic-themed. yuletide play. The difference between the first production on what was then known as the Second Stage and its current incarnation on the Julianne Argyros Stage. however, is like night and day. The story may be the same, but the presentation has grown to fit its accommodating venue. Solis' play -about a teen-aged girl embittered by her baby brother's death and rediscovering her Christmas spirit -abounds with familiarity, including se~raJ performers who have ta.ken part in as many as eight of the JO productions. This year, director Diane Rodriguez has given her show - particularly its second act-a much wider canvas, injecting new elements ln the segment that see the characters traveling through a paralJel universe as BEST Continued from A 7 NOROICNOEL Gustaf Anden offers a traditional Swedish Ouisunas Day smorgasbord. It's even served daily (except Mondays) through Dec. 30. Gustaf Anders also offers a set menu. Delicacies of the smorgasbord includes mustard, lemon, matjes. Ji.m e and curry herring. smoked salmon with cr~me fraiche, chopped onions and golden caviar. They also have a shrimp salad, curried crab salad, smoked-herring mousse. pickled Baltic herring, scallop wilh pickled seaweed And if that's not enough, there's also whole poached salmon with herb sauce, hard-boiled eggs stuffed with Swedish shrimp or herring, smoked ham, roasted leg of lamb, Swedish meatballs, sausages, cheese, pate and pickled beets. Unusual dishes include smoked reindeer and lutefisk. 'Iraditional Swedish akvavits are available for the perfect smorgasbord beverage. Alcvavit is a strong Scandinavian liqueur flavored with caraway, orange or anise and served ice cold. Lunch is erved from 11 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. Gustaf Anders Restaurant is at 3851 S. Bear St. at Sou th Coast Village. and is closed Mondays. Call (7 14) 668-1737. ••• Local restaurants open for New Year's Eve: STEAKS AT scorrs Scott's Seafood Bar lk Grill celebrates the holidays - Ouistmas E.ve arid New Year's Eve are two big nights. Its annual New Year's Eve tradition is to offer dancing. Starting at 9 p.m., Scott's clears out tables in the dlning room to make a dance floor, and there's a live band. The restaurant normally offers three dinner seatings on New Year's E.ve: the early theater crowd; the people who dine and then leave Cor parties; and the crowd that stays. Scott's, at 3300 Bristol St. in Costa Mesa, provides free party favors and Oaampagne. Call (714) 979-2-400 or visit http:llwww.scottseafood.con1. MOR£ FROM THE RrTZ 1be Ritz offers rwo dinner seatings, one from 5 to 6 p.m .. departing at 8 p.m. It costs $85 per person, plus tax and gratulty (cocktails and wine arc extra). lbe second seating's from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. and includes a caviar bar, music. <$ancing, party moors and fun. 11 costs S 175 per pel'IOO. plu5 tax and gratuity (~ails and wine are 11td4idonal). The set menu tncbles caviar and vodka. with a 4otce of 90up or salad, entree ~with a Rltl chocolate deeitett medley and a CMmpagne toast. Soup or salad cbclcel include Maine lobster bilque laced wfth A.rmlgnac: wild muehroom •cappuccino· they recreate Mary and Joseph's biblical jowney, culmlnaclng in the first Ouistmas. Last year, the first in the new Argyros Theater, "La Posada Magi.ca" Hexed its artistic muscles ln a new, more spacious environment This time around, the production has taken command or its environs. The result Is a joyous experience, whether the playgoer comprehends the frequently employed Spanish dialogue that spices the show, creating ripples or laughter from pockets of the audience. ln "La Posada" -embellished by the musical score of Marcus Loya, who accompanies the caroling along wilh fellow guitarist l..orenze Martinez -a group of Mexican-American neighbors set out oh a posada, galhering food and clothing for the less fortunate as they form the biblicaJ procession. But 14-year-old Grade Is determined to scuttle the celebratory occasion since her own faith has been shattered by her brother's death. The apparently ageless Tiffany EUen Solano returns for her fifth performance as Gracie, growing with each succeeding portrayal Her fiery rebellion Is beautifully offset by lhe heartwarming holiday spirit that eventuaJJy with morel foam; and spring mix salad with goat cheese, pears and walnuts. Entree choices include roast holiday goose with lingonberry sauce; tournedos Rossini wilh goose liver and Madeira sauce; Dover sole Veronique with pink Cllampagne sauce; and Pieros special osso buco wilh ferruccine. A credil card deposit is required wilh reservation. The Ritt is at 880 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach. Cal (949) 720-1800. MORE FROM OCEANFRONT On New Year's Eve, there are two seati11g times at 5:30 and R:30 p.m. at 21 Oceanfront. The firsl seating costs $85 per person, with a two-hour time limjL The second seating is $175, with no time limit. It includes an extra course. live entertainment, dancing, a Moet & Oaandon toast, hats, horns and other party favors. Call (949) 673-2100 or visit lmp:l/www.21oceanfront.com. CHIMAYO'S LAST EVE Chlmayo Grtll's last night of operation is New Year's Eve. Its having an open house from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. with champagne and hors d'oeuvres to thank guests for lheir years of support. Its owner, David Wilhelm, will reopen this localion as Rouge, a French bistro. in mjd-April. Samples from Rouge's upcoming menu will be offered, along with Icy martinis and wine specials. Rouge specials include Maine lobster bisque with sherry cream and parmesan tuile ($12): Burgundy-braised shon ribs with mashed potatoes and horseradish cream ($20); seared scallops on mashed potatoes with OaantereUe mushrooms and lobster sauce ($27); and coq engulfs her --after a nigtitmarlsh experience with a pair of ghoulish thugs-and ber vocal talent is impressive lndeed. Miguel Najera fits comfortably into the role of the wise posada leader in his first appearance with the show. Another newcomer, Elsa Martinez, glows in lhe character of Marlluz. realistically playing the V"u-gj.n Mary. as she actually is about to deliver her own child. Mauricio Mendoza is baclc for a second tum as her dry-deaner husband, sensitive about his bare legs ln the period costume. The consummate scene-stealer, back for a fourth production, ls Sol Castillo as the wisecracking Refugio, whose EMs-Llk.e number, "I'm Your Lucky Santa." successfuJJy breaks the gloomy mood and rocks the audience as well. He and Kevin Sifuen~. the process.ions school security guard, also double most effectively as the masked hoodlums who scare the bejabbers out or our heroine. One of the funniest moments of the show arrives when two overindulging female procession members commandeer a box of chocolates. Denise Blasor (in her eighth appear.tnce) and Carla au vin ($17). . . . Bakeries offering O\ristmas lheme items: FRENCH TREATS Cett SI Bon prepares beautiful French bakery items to take home for Oarlstmas. Oaoose from a traditional Budie de Noel (Ouistmas log). available in three flavors: chocolate, chocolate-Grd.Od Mamier and chocolate-Oiambord. It's made in three sizes: The 7-inch log (serving seven lo 10) for $25; a 10-inch log (serving JO to 12) for $35; and a 14-inch log (serving 14 lo 18) for$45. Ouistmas bombe is a gorgeous pure white Relgian chocolate m~usse made with frt:sh raspberries inside a chocolate mocha cake, covered with white chocolate and decorated with holly and benies. They offer one size only, which serves IO to 12, for $45. A Belgian chocolate truffie torte is made with a fine chocolate pastry crust and filled with rich dark chocolate ganache. A 4· to 5-inch torte (serving two) costs SS.75; a 7-inch tone (serving six LU eight) is SlB.75 and a 10-inch torte (serving 12 to 14) is $29. 75. Special Olristmas cookies include white or dark stars, green Ouistmas trees, ~d stars or dark chocolate reindeer ($.65 to$ t.25) Trays are av&Jable with a selection of high-quality cheeses and pa tes served with garnishes. Trays are based on a pre-person serving slze and served with cwo baguettes for every 10 people. The minimum order for 10 people is a quarter-pound per person for $4.25 and l /3-pound per person for $4. 75. Brie en croule comes in three si7,es: for eight to 10 FYI •WHAT: •La Posada Mag1ca• •WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Julianne Argyros Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, CostaMeu •WHEN: 8 p.m. today; 3 and 8 p.m. Saturday; 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. Sund•v; 8 p.m. Tuesday; and 12:30 p.m. Chrietmas Eve • COST: $20-to 35 • INR>RMATION: (714) 708·5555 Jimenez (ln her fourth) have these roles beautifully nailed. as well as their fantasy characters. "the widows Sandoval," who share a common garment. If you listen carefully.enough 10 the narrator's (Najera's) dialogue, you'll realize the story is told in rhyme, and how its structure fits so elegantly with the modem -day presentation. lfyou've seen "La Posada" in the past, you'U also notice the eicpanded concept of the spookier elements. "La Posada Magica· continues 10 enthrall both English· and Spanish -speaking audiences on its 10th re-enactment H's a joyous "Pellz Navidad" from South Coast Repertory. •TOM TIT\JS reviews local theater for the Deily Pilot. His reviews appear Fridays. people, $18: for 20 to 22 pe<>ple, $35; and for 45 to 50 people, $65. Cest Si Bon is open from 6 a.m . to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; and from 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. The bakery is at 149 Riverside Ave. in Newport Beach. Call (949) 645-0447. NATURAL DESSERTS At SunFlour Natural Bakery. find freshly baked Christmas treats that also make great gifts. A staclcing Ouist:mas tree cookie contains more than cwo dozen star-shaped cookies. perfectly created as a Olris1mas tree. Thees are wrapped in cellophane and tied with holiday ribbon. There's even a festive and simple -no baking required -Cllristmas Cookie Decorating Kit for $14.95. Each kit contains 12 tree-shaped cookies. with three tubes of Icing and a set of sprinkles. It's a fun project for lclds and a nice gift for famlUes. There are two gift baskets to choose from, and a cookie basket The holiday baskets include the Sampler for $49.95 and the Deluxe for $74.95. Each basket has an assortment of coffee cakes, cookies. pastries and bread. The cookie basket contains one or rwo dmo,c•n hand-decorated il'cd cookies. A selection of delicious cakes beautifully decor..ited for 01e holidays start at $29.95; pi es - pumplcin, apple, cherry. cranberry-apple, pecan and sugar-free pumpkin -cost from $7.9,5 to $9.25. The bakery at 427 F.. l 7th St. In Costa Mesa is open Crom 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Frid!lY and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Call (949) 646-1440. The bakery at 2950 Grace Lane in Costa Mesa is open from ·1:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondny to Friday. Call (714) 424-0176. •• ,-.,en,. IOftlllDW• 11111 .. 111.-.. ,. $1.W ...... DIC. JI, 2llS 61 5,, With This Ad LOWEST PRICES ON PRE-OWNED MBZ • BMW • PORSCHE Come E1perience a Friendly Way to Buy a Pre-Owned European Automobile 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover • Newport Beach , CA 949.650.2222 www.t.ilocars.com Spanish-based Zara to Open First We st Coast Boutique at South Coast Plaza Zara, the Spani sh-based "fast fashion" retail er of men's, women's and children's apparel is making its West Coast debut with a sto re scheduled to open Summer 2004. Known for 'affo rdable chi c,' Zara delivers high quality, cutting-edge fashion to its stores weekly with a design process closely linked to the public. A 200 member creative team takes its cues directly from savvy cust omers, resulting ' in an up-to- the-moment selection of trendy appare l and accessories for men, women and children. Unlike most retailers, Zara designs, manufactu res and distributes all of its own clothing. allowing it to bring fas hion to m~et with nearly unprecedented immediacy. Whether Zara, inspired by opened its the runway fir st store or its in Spain in customers' 1975, and needs, Zara's has since ,. merchandise grown to is constantly 600 stores changi ng, worldwide making it in 44 a favorite among those countries. who want The South to stay up-Coast Plaza to-date with location. the latest styles at accessible slated to open next summer, prices. will be the first store west of lntemational retailer the Rockies. I " < l QUOTE OF THE DAY .. n s the tmotiOf1 of the 8011/e of the Bay. This is the most exciting girls game I've coached . ., lrytn Mlddllton, Corona del Mar ilrlS soccer coach AlO fnday, December 19, 2003 GIRLS SOCCER Throw-in thrusts CdMto victory Carnahan's toss ends in Taylor Fallon's game-winning goal, providing Sea Kings with Back ~ay triumph. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot <.OllONA Of.L MAR I .aunch woult.I be an au-urate description of C .ounncy < :amahan'1t throw 1ru.. ·11,l' < .oruna t.lel Mar I hgh '>t·111or 1-eroed in on lwr ldfKcl and Ooat· • 1.-'d a ball that bounced oncP, hit a Newpon I larhor player and rollet.I lo o;ophomore 'foylor Fallon, who sent home the game-winner giving the host Sea Kings a 2·1 nonleagur victory over lhcir Back Bay rivals. "I Wllnted to get it as high a.s possible. I wanted 10 win so bad,· Carnahan, who rs baltling a left ankle she injured in the l)ea'\On opener, said. "It is thro}>bing." fallon said she saw the ball sa1J from the moment ii ·left Camahans hands and fo llowed its mghl. "IKellyl Morgan headed it und it bounced to the ground." Fallon said. "I <.aw the ball and I knew It was going Into the 11el." "The defensive strategy was to mark up. but we didn't do that.· Newport Coach Brandie Ha~ said. "Thal has heen the story all year. We score and then have a letdown.· The goaJ came with two minutes re- maining In r<!8Ulation and seven min · ules after Newport's Julia Bemay bent CdM goaJkeeper Katie Schiesser with a blast into the right side or the net for 1he tying score, causing CdM Coach Hryan Middleton to throw his water ht>tlle to the ground in disgust. Hemay took a croc;s from senior forward Harbara Jul· 1an, with a.c;.'>lstance from r,ophomore defender Stephanie lambrakh. Afttt th~ first goal we stepped up and sliU knew what we had to do -like pn-.:.lng 10 the feet." Carnahan said. The Sailors (0-7-1) caught the Sea Klngs {3·4 I) in a lull. allowing for the tying l(Oal. MiddJeton said. "If you are ball watching for a ~ccond, the opponent can score and Lha1 hap· pened." Middleton said. "I felt a major- ity or the game we dominated witJl lhe forwanb in the box. We were flat the lir'it I 0 mmute-.. • fhe Sea Kings. who ended Newpon's two-game winning streak in the seri~ warmed up to finish the finaJ 30 min- ute\ of the fm11 half wit.h I 0 shots, but the game remained scoreless until the 47th minute. Sophomore Jessica Mazura's free kick See SOCCER. Pase Al 1 ... Spotta Editor RJcMrd Dunn: 19491 5 7 4-4223 • Spot1a Fu: 19491 650-01 70 HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING EYE OPENER • Ddily~Pik>l B Sporll Hal ol~ ~·~llol<llt.>Cll .. 0 ~•><i• I Dec. 22 honorH DOUG VOLDING OJ Daily Piot GIRLS BASKETBALL Sailors advance to title game Newport Harbor squ eaks out victory over La Serna despite s ubpar performa n ce Thursday. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot CE13JUTOS -Victo· ria s~ leaped high, grabbed the rebound and held it snuggly as the final set:ond ticked off the clock. • For the previous 3 1 minutes and 59 seconds, Newpon liatbor I ligh's girls basketball learn had played one or ics· worst games or the young season , but' somehow the Sailors managed to hold on to a victory. . Newport Harbor scruggled all game wilh turnovers and offensive efficiency. b\lt it came up with the crucial buckets it needed to post a 42·40 win over La, Serna in th\! Onal round of pool play a1 the Cerritos Valley Ouistian touma~. ment. · KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Estancia High's Raul Cruz. top , grapples with Newport Harbor's Fabian Vasquez in their heavyweight match Thursday in the Newport-Mesa District wrestling championships at Corona del Mar. CdM captured the title. The Sailors (5-3), who won all three pool . play games, advanced to th~ championship game at 8 lo night at Ger·• ritos Valley Christian Hlgh. It's the lirst! toumamenl title game for Harbor s~ Coach Jen Thompson took over ~! struggling program three years ago. But• Thompson knows the SaJlors will nee<'l a: better effort than they gave Thun>day it: they hope to bring home lhe champion-: ship uophy. • ; "l know we're a better learn than what; we showed out there," Thompson said . ! King of th~ tnats The encouraging news Is thal so d~: the Sailors, a change from Th~mpson's: first season, when they won JUS1 fout• games. After the victory over La Serna; Thompson's players were discoura&¢! about how they played, something; Thompson said wouldn't have been rec ... Corona del Mar wins district championship as nine individuals bring h ome titles. and Costa Mesa Thursday at CdM. Coach Gary Almquist said he has 41 athlercs in the Sea King wrestling program and Lhat winning has been key for U1e growth. MThat's the hest news ever." said Almquist, who created the district championships. which is in its sec· ond year. (14 5-pound division}, Matt Loeb (130). Brian Feeley (135), John Dean (140), Ian Hogan (152), Ryan Shores (160), Dane Robie (189), Dave Simon (215) and Robbie Richey (heavy- weight). , After finishing in third place in ogniud two seasons ago. ~-' tournament last year on Lheir way lo ls victories, the Sailors conLi.nued their gradual improvement by advancing tO• this year's championship game. ·: ~It's a step up," Thompson said. "1be! girls aren~ excited right now, but they will be tonight· Steve Vlreen Daily Pilot Simon had the quickest pin of the night, gaining the win over Estancia's Landon Pulizzi in 14 seconds. CORONA DF.L MAR -There's strength in numbers. Corona del Mar 1 ligh's wrestling team gave credence ro that state· men! when It won the Newport· Mc~a District championshjps by de· ft·aling Newpon I !arbor, &tancia Costa Mesn won the four-way meet last year, but the Mustangs had just Lhree wrestlers Thursday. Silvio P~lrada, wrestling in the 145-pound division, came away with Mesa's only individual champioMhip. Victor George (103), !Gd Um (119) and Eddie Charca.s {125) won cham- pionships for Newport Harbor, which went 2· I. CdM defeated Costa Mesa, 72-12, then downed Estancia. 69· 1 I. and in With energy lacking because of sidc- nets and the fact that this was the Sail· ors third game in three days. Newport Harbor was almost taken 10 overtime by La Serna. Harbor built a five -polnt lead with 2:55 remaining after Swigart, who fur ished with four points and a team-lead- lng 14 reboundc;, scored after an offen· There were nine wrestlers who won rltles for CdM: Taylor Alston See WRESlUNG, Pa1e Al 1 See SAILORS, Pa1e A11 MEN'S BASKETBALL Douglass gets 1 OOth win in double OT· 'Eaters escape when Pepperdine misses dunk at the final buzzer. B1rry Faulkner Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CEl'ITER -UC lrvlne mens basketball coach Pat Ooughw needed double over· time to reach triple digits In victories at the school And. after 50 mlnutes of action and hundreds of plays that affected the outcome. Oougtass' sev· entb·season mJJestone -an 85-83 double-over· time triumph ove.r nonconfenmce visitor Pepper· dl.ne -came down to a wave of laat·poMeNJon panic. followed by a rewarding sigh of reUe£. •The key was. they mls8ed the dunk at the end,• Douglass said of 6·foot·9 ~e junJor Robert Turner's acrobatic, one-handed putback attempt that rattled off the r1m u the buzzer aounded. be· fore 2,089 It the Bren Bvents Center. this one out, after losing leads in the final seconds of both reguJa· don an<t the first overtime. The victory. the 31st in the last 40 games decided by five or fewer points under Douglass, featured primary herolcs from 7--0 senior center Adam Parada (five or his team and season· bJgh 21 points In the tlm overtime. u well u a crucial blocked ahot 1n the second overtlme. the last of his four rejectiont), aenlor forward Stanis · lav ZUzak (20 points) and sophomore polnt guard Jeff Gloger (14 points and • career-high 11 re· bounds). Sophomore guard MiU Bfevberba'• 13 points also featured some clutdl buc:keu, including a three-pointer to open the ftnt overtime. u well u two free throwl 10 teart the flnaJ five-minute mra session. Etevberba tank the MCOnd of two foul thou with 13 second.a left tn repletion. before Pepper· d!M sophomore Ala. AcUr (a pme·hlgh 32 points) netted a 15·fool i.ner with two seconds left to force me ftnt ~rtfme. But Keith Jarbo's layup, which just averted Parada's swinging bloclc attempt. knolled things once agaln with 34 seconds left In the first OT. Efevberha had the game ln his hands seconds later, but was stripped while entering the lane, and a second extra session was necessary. Flevberba opened the final period with two free throws and, following a 19-foo ter by Acker, Gloger netted a pair from the Un.e with 2:49 left to up the lead to 80· 78. Pvada swatted Jarbo's follow shot inside to l'tt· gain poSaetalon for UCI and ZUUJc cashed It In with a leaning turnaround jumper from stx feeno: widen the lead Acker con verted a three-point play with 2:1>1 left, then followed two 1.uuk free throws with two of b1a own with 45 seconds left to k:eep the deflclt at one. After Ttrrance Johnson picked Flevberha off the.dribble for a ateal. he mlNed an open three· point attempt, prompting a wild acmnble for the rebound. STM McCfWt< /DM.Y PILOT UCl's Jeff Gloget U 0) had 14 Points and 11 rebounds in the 'Eaters' double overtime win. Turner's rebound, collected with his elbow above the rtm, foUowed a m1tted five-foot leaner by Cmihman point guard Shaun Devis. Turner ap- peared to grab {be rim wtth his ftee (left) hand, while trylns to pull the baB through the cylinder with hla right. It WU. 'tiowever, the Antr.lft'I (5-3), who pu1lcd Panda's sweeptng tlJC-foot hook shot gave the hoata a 7t·721Md wtth 2:04 left In the llrst over- time and h6I two free thtowl wtlh 53 tlc:b re· mahl!ng put the~ .. up. 78·74. Zuzak collected the ball, puaing lo etevberha, who called dmeout wtt.b 17 eeconck left after r.o., Ing to the ftoor. Zmlk then aank a free throw whh 10 deb left to prompt Pepperdlne'a lut·dltch 6 1 ...UCl,P11eAll • 1 I I - S POR TS f'r~. Otcen\btf' 19, 2003 All SOCCER 1brl9I (belder) ad midftelder ,..... Se:oanlDe In .... rnlddle ot cbe Int IWf. Senaratne'• blut trom 12 yum out min•• later blt the CIOllbel. BRIEFLY CC>fttnled from AlO &om about 25 yal'da out landed tnalde the boll and forward Ra· cbel Yeleey booted the bd into the net to gM tbe Sea llDg$ the lead. Defense wins it for Mesa 1\te Sallon managed 10 abota -five ln each half -while the Sea K1ngs were held to four &hots in the second half. CdM dodged a bullet after acofing its first goal when New- port junlor layler Glacomaro's 22-yard free kick sailed over the goal guarded by Schlesser, who made four saves. N~rt senior goal.keeper JC.ara DeMille made six saves, in- cluding a leaping deflection of a 20-yard boot by Fallon in the second half. OeMille turned away succes- sive shots by CdM's Morgan. All SAILORS Continued from AlO slve rebound. But the Sailors didn't score again. After a Sailo~· turnover, la Sema's Jenna Failla netted a pair of free throws to cut the lead to three. The Lancers (6-3) got the ball back with 12 seconds left and Failla was once again fouled, this time while sbootlng a three-pointer with one second remaining on the clock. But she missed the first and third free throws and Swigart grabbed the rebound to end the game. The Sailors built their lead af- ter trailing much of the game through patience and precision paMing on offense in the open- ing minutes of the fourth quar- ter. Senior Allyson Stoltz scored Sopholnoret ~ Wriab• and Shannon Arnold puehed the b.u fotward tor Newport. wbkh MJddleton Mid did &n ef- fective Job of pn1ng updeld quickly off retWU, while Heath- er Steven.eon and Junior Erin Hardy made it dilBc:ult for CdM attadcen to clear paths toward the goal. • lotenalty on both aides in- creaaed 1n the aerond half wftb players from e.cb team slldlng m.ore frequently ln attempt to pin possaaion along with marking an opponent a bit closer. •1t•s the emotion of the Battle of the Bay," Middleton, ln bis second year at the helm ofCdM, said. ·This I.a the most exdtlng girls game I've coached.• seven or her nine points in the final period, including Harbor's only three-pointer of the game, which broke a 37-37 tie with 3:37 remaining. Jillianne Whitfield led the Sail· ors with 14 points and 10 re· bounds. Y*'lctlrilllen~ Poolpley ~ H8l'bof 42, Lahm• 40 8cof'9 bv Ouartln La Sem• 1~ e 11 e -40 Herbor I 1A I 12 -42 La s.ma -Bedove 4, J. Faille 7. Rendazzo 9, French 4, A. Faille 3, Coins 0, Stenz 7. Shears 4, MaikHian o. Clare 2. 3-pt. goels -RandllZZO 1. Fouled out -None. Technicals -None. Hllfbor -Swigart 4, Stoltz 9, Whitfield 14, Miller 4. Eddington 6. Trobmen 2. Koon 2, Devan 0, Lawrence 2. 3-pt. goals -Stohz 1. Fouled out -None. Technlcala -None. KENT TREPTOW I DM.Y PILOT Costa Mesa High's Silvio Estrada, top, battles Corona del Mar's Isaac Inouye in their 145-pound <flVision match Thursday. WRESRING Continued from Al 0 the finale the Sea Kings recorded a 50-1~ victory aver the Sallors. MNewport beat us in the first year," Almquist said. -We're 1-1 now, so next year will be the rub· bermatch:" Though they lost to CdM, the Sailors came away pleased. New- port Harbor's Josh Hughes UCI Continued from AlO fon. earned a technical fall victory, 25·9, over Batancia's Danny Alde- rete to lead the Sallora to a dra- matic win over the Eagles. Hughes' victory, which pro· duced five team points, tied the score at 38. But since Newport had the only technical fall of the match, the Sallors won. The win· ner could have been decided by number of wins and most pins, but the teams remained tied, so Hughes' victory proved even more important each one more heartbrealdng than the last." • Nol~ICI Wltb ,lnaeued lotenliry on cWwe, Cott.a Meta Hilb'• boys bMketba11 tellD held San Cle- mente to eitht points or leea in MCh o/ the ftnal three quarters to ecore a 42-38 come-from-behind victory in the consolation brack- et of the Anaheim Convention Center tournament Thursday. The Mustanga (5-2) 'ttalled by eve points at baJft1me and two after the third quarter, but took • the ·lead midway thri>ugh the fowth quarter and never relln- quiabed it 'Ibny Krikorian, wbo flnished wltb eight points and three steak, made a .key steal during the rally. Jeff Waldron. ICOfed a game-high 13 points and grabbed 15 rebounds. eon.oa.don brec:Dt Co9ta ,... 42, .... a.m.m. 38 lcora bv Ouerws Sen Clemente 18 a 1 e -38 Co11a Meta 13 a 9 1& -•2 Sen Clemente-Malev 13, Wodlske 7. Ruainkovlc:h 3, Wood 3, Herrlson 8, Wllleey 1, Piuimer 3. 311l goal1 -Malev 1, Wodiske 1, Ruelnkovich 1, Plulmer 1. eo.t. Meu -Moline 0, Knox 14, Waae 0, Krlkorien 8, Aleton O. Waldron 13, Stankovic! 3-~ goel1 -Knox 4, Krikorian 2. Mustangs stifle Saints • SOCCBR: The Costa Mesa High girls soccer ti!am held visiting Santa Ana without a shot In a S·O Golden West League victory Thursday. Junior midfielder NUani Duarte had two goals and one assist for the Mustangs, who improved to 4-5, 1-0 ln league. Rachel Ronquillo also scored for Mesa, which received assists from Kyla Flores and Kara Jen- kins. Estancia erupts, 6-0 bas.ltetball game Thursday. Jc allo lost a key contributor in junior Brett Hirata, who brob hls collarbone ln the ~nd quarter of a 99-71 loss to Alu· cadero In pool play at the Ar- royo Grande tournament. Senior Pancho Seaborn Led the Sea Kings {3-4) with 22 points, including six three-pointen. Co- rona del Mar will continue pool play with a game against Lom- poc at 5:30 p.m. today. Mf¥to Grande tDUrnlllMllt Pool play Ate.cadero tt~Cotona del Mar 71 Score au.rw. CdM 1 It 1A 20 -71 Atas 33 n 21 21 -M CdM -Northridge 13, R. Lanc:e 9, Freede 11, Seeborn 22. T. Welch 3, K. Welch 4, MecOonald 2, Hireta 2, T. Ulnce 3, Kabeklien 2, Wanhlbe 0, Revnolds 0, Manni 0. 3-pt. goele -Northrldge 3, R. Lance 1, Seaborn 6. Ata1eadero -Berwick 18, Kennedv 7, Maede 2, Devis 19, Phillipa 13, Miles 2, Overl1nd 3. Johnson 22, Short 1, Schltterbedt 1, Hlncklev 8, Jespersen 3. 3-pt. goals -Kennedv 1, Oavis 1, Phillipa 1, Overland 1, Johnson 4, Hlncklev 1, JHper1en 1. Trabuco tops Newport • BASICETBALL: Spencer Ear- nest, a 6-foot-7 senior at Tra- buco Hills High, scored 12 points in the second quarter, in· eluding three consecutive three· pointers, to lead the Mustangs to a 65·42 consolation brae.Itel victory over Newpon Harbor at the Anahelm Convention Cen- ter tournament Thursday. Taylor Young led Newpon Harbor (5-3) with 19 points and seven rebouc:\ds and Jamie Die· fenbach added 11 points and seven rebounds. A.Mn.Im Convention C.ntlf' SCHEDULE TODAY ........,. .. Center tournament et Kennedv. 8 p.m.; Eatencla in Garden Grove tournament, 7:30p.m.; Costa Mes• in Anaheim CC tournament conaolation semifinal• et Katella, 7:30p.m . UCI overcame a 22·10 tum· over deficit by shooting 58.3% from the field (28 of 48) and net· ting 10 of 12 from the line in overtime. UC Irvine 16, ~ie 83 (2 OT) ~ .. · McGowan 8, Plneger 8, Adler 32, John1on 14, Oavls·2, Jert>o 10, Tumtf9. 3-pt. goel1 · John50n 4, Mer 2. Plnegar2. Fouled out· McGowan, Pinegar. Technlcal1 · None. • SOCCBR: The Estancia HJgb girls soccer team trounced ~ visiting La Quinta. 6-0, in a nonleague win Thursday. toumilmirit Consolation bfacbt ll'abuco Hiiis 915. Newport 42 Score by Quut .... Harbor s 11 12 1• -42 Trabuco 1 21 111 21 -ee College women -UC Irvine at San Joae State, 7 p.m . Communitv college men -Orange Coest at Cuy1m11Ca tournament. C9mmunity college women - Orange Coast vs. Sen Diego Mesa st Co11t ChristmH Cleulc, 7:30 p.m. High school bov• -Corona del Mar "'· Lompoc in Arrovo Grande tournement, 6:30 p.m.; Newport Herbor in Anaheim Convention High school girls -Newport Harbor In Vellev Chri.ilen tournament chempionahip geme, 8 p.m. a-. Pepperdine (3-6) shot just 39.7%. "I thought we played well: UC lnllM · Zuzek 20, Okoro 6, Pereda 21, Gioger 14, Efevberh• 13, Ethington 7. C.mpbeli 2, 8nkausk11 Junior Blise Carroll scored twice, while Nauny Abdule, Jaye Hellmlch, Sandra Lopez and Haley Rosner also posted imwlsted goals for the Eagles <2-5-0). H11bor -Allee 0, Mouradv•n 0, Green 5, Perrine 3, Heenan 1, Young 19, Pinesett 1, G1u1ewitz 0, Orth 0, MacBeth 2, Dlefenbech 11. High school ¥v• -Eatenola et Corona del tif•r. 3 p.m.; Cost.t Meu at Senta Airs, 3 p.m. Coach Paul Westphal said. ".We've lost five games we were tied or ahead In the last few min· utes and three of those have come down to the last five sec- onds. We've lost five close games, 2. . 3-pt. goal1 • Zuuk 3, Efevberha 2, Ethington 1. Fouled out · None. Tedlnlcala · None. Halftime· 28-28. Sea IGngs lose Hirata 3-pt. goal1 "tferrine 1, Young 1. ll'abuoo -Cnarleaon 2, Opfelowski 1, Gross 2, Martin 8, Earn•nt 30, Kane 2. Al-Jamie 9. Esguerra 2, Siman 12, Saucedo 0. w.twpolo High achool girls -Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor, 3:15 p.m. Regulation -68-68. • BASKETBALL: Corona del Mar High lost more than a boys 3-pt. goals -Martin 1, Earnest 3. Al-Jamie 1. First OT -76-76. Fouled out -Saucedo. llW I-WllDITIR LI U L VI, AUTO, PWR W1NDOWSADCKI, AIR, aAD SEAT, LUGGAGE RACK AUTO, VI, XLT, SLIDING REAR WINDOW, TRAJUR TOW 'Tl:eodorw Robins Dl1count ... S2,000 Theodore Robins Dlacount .•• $4,000 Theodore Robin• Olacount .•. $1.000 Ford Rebat1 .................... $1,000 Foret R1bate .................... Sti,000 Ford Rebate .................... 11 .000 IETIAV.S •ruvm IETIAV.S $3000 sgooo $4000 4TOa..E,_ .. t1 4Ml141, 4Amla,-. 5 TO CllOGIE FROM VII. n 4A11111, WIMI, W1111, 4M7111, W. 1.ep111o11ca • , ... , ..._ .. 1.111111a11c11 •I 1.1g1111a1ca • Ltga1 Nalcll • llpl 11a11c11 ffc-...... UM court. HOnCE f7 lNJlllE'I bllrv edd ._Ill". Thi loM Ho. ..,..,. Riii _.,lnldlrl&IQZOI.. rn£ P£mlOH r•q11ests ~ ~ ... ND. .... --.... .. ()9 Ho.172f1 AP. ..... c.lb'llla Annlll ca. ... s....... 1uth0<1ty to 1dm1nilllf 4111 1111 Ordlr ND. oammon 2 rl& ..... I QWlt.(15 HalJQe ol T~ ll"°"2ld IO do IMlr-. 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CA 92869 Before t1llln1 cerllln 1n *4' .... , d .. n als WI .. '*' OI ,. ~ ~boat212.J11111'4oftn1p1 Woodward's Hardwer•. vwy lmp0rt1nt 1ction1, r-..d .. pll..._ ~ I tnl .._. lglil1ll JOll. yea, lhlUil .... .._II lllllr Inc , (CA). 2343 H howoer. Ut• p1non1I --~ 'fllll' .,_.. ,.... ... alllt .. Ill COl'llld I -,.. Nolloe II ccmnon ....,.., OI .. l uatln Ave .. S1nl1 An•, reprn•nl1t1ve will be _,..a-.,, On ...... a.a ...... .,.. •dWl\MOll~ 1111 ~ MltillbcMI CA.92705 required to alve notice ~ II 2:00 P.M.. ,.. • _..... • • 10;ll!' *al Mid dly, In,. dllclllld it purporled 10 bl: Thia buslntu K con· to lnterest•d persons Oaldlrt Wlllll l'aw*--_.... ot ....,, i. _. al flt ...... • ,. 1'11 l'llllCllM DIM COllll ducted by: • c0<poutlon unlus they h1v1 w1iv1d ~-~ ~~ _... -e I " Ml ny w IO .. .._ CA • ~ ~-buH1e1nY••.!c:,u.1s1t1tltd clo1n1 no1 .. tic• Of condunt1t~ to) ~-·---~ • -*'*'1-t:re ...... ~C.W401-411 ~.. ... ... _, ne PfOj>OS• IC IOn. -to -"' .. ,...... l ~ M. ....., •wra• In Mid 111r9111 Yu, 11·24·2003 Th• independent •d· ......., on 11111 d .. • CA, ,_ Rrw1l:ill .._ Of ae. COllllllOll Woodwtrds. Herdw1re. ministration 1uthorlty I~ No. Cllftd ._, lllld .,_. d Oorpcilllon. 1 OllllOmll ..,.._ Slid .... • bl Inc.. Willl1m A. Wood· will be 1nnt1d unl•ss -iUIDriW---t't lo!* -1'lult, .., ...._. tol'pOlllllan. lllltii ..,._ INdt .._ _.,...; werd, President 1n lnltrHt1d person Sc>edol Notice (!Ofm DE· ls.4) of th• flllna of an Inventory end apprtlsal of utatt • unts or of eny petition or 1ccount .. PfOVlded In Prob•I• Cod• section 1250. A R1~1111t for Special Nolie• f0<m la 1v11ltbte from the court clerk. A"*-Y fw Petttte.r1 CMOl f.U~L~!~· TAUlllM. s..n-, Youete & MUNtoa Ofll WotllD TIADI CIMna, SH. 400, P.O. IOX IHJ~t lO•e llAC", CA toeo1-S670 Publl1h1d N1wpor t 811ch·Cost1 Me11 01111 Pilot O.c1mber 15, 19, 22. 2003 MF873 -.. "h "' ,_.. _ ,,. ._ ..__. filed wlUt the County p•litlon end allows aood ...... ..... ~-~"'°"' .. ~ ~':"x\; :::. -..1 .. •-. • C6Ta :~=~ ~ This •t•ltrMnt wes lilts tn objection to tit•' oaN1rd0t=,:--~ lnllr .. w d rn::'°'wd:-"~ ... IO.:...-: Clerk of Oren1• Counly u11se why the court ... S....... ... ~ ... ~ :.C.~"-~ ,.poM!ollllt~ln 111111dc*'-oruiiu'9 11r ~m~~.. :~~~ltynot ar•nt th• Th• foilowlnc persons "-Noo1. ....... n ...... d .. .. °"'*' Oeld ol T!\111 Mid o.i' al TMC. tlfl 01111 Pilot Ote. 12, 19, A HEARING on the trl dollll business es. "'9 • JaN ....... • n fll .. ftlll Cl-.t ~ llr ~ lrlllnll Md ae. ..,_ a 26, 2003. JM. 2, 2004 petition will be held on •) Goklln West Auto 1ftmDr e-Old llr lllld Olld., ,_. ~ 1 llWllld ~ ~ ... JM F9SI WIUARY 8, 2004 at 1:45 lHalnt. b) Colden WHt o.,,1CllllDll9C.,.. '* ..,_.,.. .,. ....... ..,... ....,,..,.....,. 1Ktm7 ~m .. in Dot L73 ~:r:~"~n~'l!=~.~e;; =tr= 2': =---=-= n:=:-c.:.= ~~=-=(= ........ o,1!!·~~~h~JrJ~: •• cgl ~:!'!i:C."!)~~=: :.. =:':r:. ': I""' .. ._ 19 lllCDlllCU!w.•Pllllft. Ol .. T MdallllNlt 10oll I• 9~00 08JECT 10 ,.,. Fln1ncill s.tvku, () ~.. ~-• ... 1'11 ......... lnlMtinl tlo. ~ -llld 0...111 TMI. 11n t•· f ... tit'--Golden Wttl Flntnclaf. =-. ._,., 1 --_.. llllM11i0f WI ol a 1"' lalli ..,. al Mid u1A1IOfi f:' .;;:.;. .;:.:: al U,~ 1> Qoldtfl West lnaur• ....,.. .._ ._. llJ Olld cl ...,_ .._,, '-_,. Ill ,._. = • .. llni8Cll lnlll ISTllll.... hllilna end tt•te your •nc• S.vlcea, h) Ooldln ·-· .......... --:.=r:-= 11 ,..,_.. ol .. ol HI Nob le WllO.A222Jt7 obetlons Of' file written INnl [qulpm1nt. I) ~--... ~.·. rt ........ =.· ~~· .. · ~~~:~. To Ill hell't, btnetl-ob tlonr.wlththe COIKt ~~s1:;. J~~·cl.!::.~~ -~ 11r ..... n 1 -_, ,_ ...._ clerl.a, crHltora, con· be or• ttie llHflflC. You1 b .._._..,.-~ -Nllll d Dma -.a, HalJQe., wNctl • ~~'Ill unpnt ct"'tou, •nd eppe1te11c• m•y ~In ~~~t :!!r·E:l • .!~~ ..._. ........ -n ...... •Ill. 1'11 _. _,.,_ • ....... • ""' I persona who m1y dth· ptrtOll or b1 your 130 ht Ml • .,.. •-• --• ,....,.. rr.... * Clllolr9 _,...., • 1rw1tt b• intttHt•d In •ll0tt1•r· c'llc9•'' !... Herc•~!. d., !!:L..• .... =--o;;;; .. .af11'71a, Ill .... ... r... ey. ._I\....... the wilt or t1tete, or IF YOU AA[ A CREOI ~~w.;t•E~ltr· '-* ;;:--....:.:= .....,. • .. • " • "'9 ... ti .. •= ,.... 1781 ""'9 M., ~of: UTtl.U M TOR or cont1n1ent ~ ; .= W • e _., .... ---It ..... = ~ Tlmlll.AeCA ~ A ..J.~~ FOft no. ~=~'=-r=-= = ~wet c~: iR•-M ...... ~ !!:!!"!! :...-..::' :"1f ": 11)7"'• ... ,,,, IAfl tin ll'8fl flied lly Wtefl Ille COllf Md !Mii "'= ~ II ,_ M .. .......... .. .......-=..;-9'iiii Cll*'I Old ..., : I ,_"Ml 571-J ""-" Wl'.NDV OSllRHOlT In • c09y to Ill• perlOl'lel dl;ct.0 ''~ • COfPOf•tiofl --• on !@ ... _. -. ,.... -. .. .. 'H...t (7l4t 17). IN ...,.., C-i of llltlf-ballYI .,,oilllld Haft YM ae.tM dOlllf =-.:.:... ., -.................. 91 ,_ .... 1l tWlt, tm. C•=r· Ca1111ty of =:..=. ~ :.a:.~o: w.!wl:t7 _CA......... ... ............. ~...... ~Ht HTlllOff '°"Ille fllat lu11~ of Y•lC>-1 .. ._ --.... n::· ,ROIATl reqyuta "'1tn 11 JlfO~IOtd In Goldtfl W .. t C11ttr• =:.'N.1.:=r• .... s SELL :.i:o~.:·~R~~ :1=~';,.. ~f! f:~~::; ~;;.J,,e:::-' w. !!-. 1:.:3 :r.. lir. °' yow ttuff wour stuff :z='=-.. ::.. -:t =: ,;! ,,:'...:~~ ~ -='="~.:~; iNi"il ........ Al -..r-.=t Hor-.-. 1 .._.......... tllO .-.c.-.t Ille lletflnt det1 notlCH Cltl(k of 0!'"81 C-ty •-• w u • .....,, u•~· TMl'fiTTTIOfllrOllW9t9 ...,., ~~14 ._,._ AM: 11111a clautf1'1dl I 'f · df ti.a H4:t1tr1r1 Wiii 11111 YOU MAY UAMtN£ 111o o-" , t .. _? ,.. ,, g ""m ;r..atWll. • C ISSI le :=:· .. ·~~ .,t c:::-~t::n1n" a°7"-W:. :·t.";:t Wll _. •1 ~..._ .. •• __ "',._ ... ---:. -------1ul4 .... ,., u..-. ,_ -t1yp IA I!• Na ,_, b roolft • Requnt fot .. ' 2640 Lepl Naacel .......... ... s....... Th• followlna P•rsona are doin1 bualnHs es· l •t's Dine In. 929 Governor St . Cost• Mnt,CA92627 Jeffrey Jey W1lss, 929 Governor St.. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Junnie Al•t• Weiss, 929 Governor St., Cosl• Mese. CA 92627 This business la con· dueled by: hu1b1nd 1nd wife Hive you atert•d dolna buslnns y•t? Yes 1982 J11nni9 Altl• Welu This 1t1t1ment was llltd with the County Clerk of Or1n1• County on l2109/03 200H .. 7SIS Oally Pilot Oec. 12. 19, 26. 2003. Jen. 2, 2004 F947 R-.. ..... •s....... The followin1 persons 1r1 doin& buslnus ts Mnsaaeworks, 1755 Or ance Ave Suite f . Cost• Me11. Cellforn11 92627 Dixie Wall, IMS Ant• helm Ave. 1199, Costa M111. C1lif0fnl1 92627 This business is con· ducted by: •n 1ndlvldu1I Htwe you slMted doln1 business yet? Ho Dille Wall This at1tem1nt wes filed with th• County Clerk of Oren11 Co11nty on 12/11/0l 200H .. 71t7 Delly Pilot Dec. 12, 19, 26, 2003. Jan. 2. 2004 F967 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS!! . . . . . . . •. . . . ) At-.. ..... ... s....... The lollowlna persons er• doina business u lopu Wood Finishes 7S5 W 17th SlrHt. Untl I. Costa Mn1. CA 92627 Nerys lope1 Fajardo. 655 Baker St.. Apl. UI04, Co1t1 Meu. CA 92626 Thi$ busmen 1s con ducted by· en lndlVldual Hive you st1r1ed doina bualnus yet1 Yea lO/ll/03 Htfys Lopez f a1.ardo This statement was flied with Ille County Clef'k of Or1na• County on 12/09/03 200'6 .. 7570 Daily Piiot Dec. 12. 19, K. 2003, 41111 Z. 20IM FIM Sell ;your Car In Clanlfl.,/ I • lllltl..._ M Uill..._ ii Lllll..._i • Lillt11tu1 • Liiii ..... -Liiii ..... •llllll .... ~ Ille followlnl pMaons ... dolnc 1111...,..• .. Property Analysis Con •••lttllb. 327 r ul'-r ton Av. .. Ne~t Buch CA ~ Prop.,ty Conwllant Str¥1cH, Inc (CA). JV fullttton f.v. . Ne11wpo1 I Such, CA 92663 Thta buslnon is con ducted by·• c0<porahon Kave you ''"l•d do1111 butJneu yell Ho Jan I 2004 P1opet1y Con,ufl1nt Serw-s, Inc., ,.,,,., W lendl' PrHIOent fh1$ steltment wn filed with t!M County Clt r-of Oren1• County on 12/12/0l 200J69H01 I 01lly Piiot Oec. 19. 26. 2003. Jan 2, 9. 2004 F963 Ac-. ..... "-S...... The lollow111a pet son• are doona bustnea& o liland Romence Honey· moon•. 16212 Rock111war DI • Placanlta CA 928/0 KJmb.,1H Joy Roy. 16212 Ro,i.away Or , Placentl•. CA 92870 This busi'1tn Is con ducltd by· an 1nd1y1du•I H•we you s1arted dome bu\lnan yet? No l<ymberlee Joy Roy This statement wH llltd with the County Cte1k o{ Orana• Countf on ll/21/0J 200369•5 .. 7 Daily Piiot Nov 18. Dec !>, 12. 19. 2003 f.930 ......... .......... flM followl111 ~"on• we dolM binlneu .. PllOIOI ly Ouy, tl22 Cofb1ewn O• • Hu11 tlflaton ha<ll, CA t2eA6 C"uy AuQlof Ad.mt '"· un ~ ... an. H1111 tlfll\Ofl h.cfl. CA ~ Thia bwlMu ii con ductM by: •.n lnd1wldual Hot you atart911 1161111 b111lnau vet? Ytt. I" l!l/03 Cuy AulhOt Adtm) Ill fl'llt ti.element wo f"-d wllll the County C1tti. of Oren .. County on 11/16/0J "°""HU OeMy Pilot Oec ISi. 26, 2003, Jan. 2. 9, ~ f958 fhe followlnc ,.,,ons ere c1otn1 ~slneu as Debi Man•ltrflent of Am91oea. 192 C•mfl•1 Heu .• L•aun• N111.1e1. Cf. 91677 Oebt Manacement of Amtt1n, llC (CA), 191 Cameray Hfl&hts. L111.1 n• Nl1ue1. CA 92677 This busl11tu " con due led bf Li mited l11bMy Co 11 .. e you st .. ted do1n1 bU1.llltU Y•tl Yes 10·25·03 Debi M1na1emenl ol Ameroee U C lh1s statemenl wo filed with the Counly Clerk of Oran&• Counlv on ll/l7/03 200H96UU Dally Piiot Dec 12. 19 26 2003. Jan 2. 2004 F956 Re-. .... ... s....... The lollow1n1 pe1 sons '' e doinc bu11neu •• Ru1ch. 981 Dehh• Ava . Cosll Mn1. CA 92626 Mareo A Hll kOI. 981 01hlla Ave . Costa Mn• CA92626 Th,. business " 'on dwt11d by 1n lndt•1du11 Have you •IJHltd do1na bu•tness yer? No Mari o A Haoer Thts s tatement wn ltled with lhe Cnunrv Clerk ot 01a11ae Counly un 12/09/03 200SH67S91 01lly Pilot Oac 12 19 26. 2003. Jan 2, 2004 F~ Poli cy ......... .......... fhe lollo'Orin1 peoon• .,. dolfll bus.lness es: S A fln1~111. 550 hll1 etinO AYe. ltlOll, Coile Mew.CA92626 A,ma11 Saldalla, 550 Ptulttll!O Ave Klot, Coate Mese, CA 9282' l'hb buslneu I• eon duclM bv. • tlml\acl ptrtnafahip Hawe you 1tart•d dolna bustneu yet1 No Ayman SHdall• This sl1ltrnent waa hied with the County C'-rlt. of Ofan1e Covnly 11'1 12/09/0J tOOS'967S91 Delly P1101 Dt c 12, 19, 26, 2003. Jan 2, 2004 F951 The lollow1n1 persona ate dorn.c busmen 11. Cmp111 Compeny, 177 W 19th St . Svtle V Coste M.u.CA92626 Oe~ln M l urt• & Donald A Muell, Inc (CA). 117 W lilh Sult. Y, Costa Mes•. CA 92626 This busmen 11 con· ducted by: • corporation Have you started clol11& business r•l1 Yes 2001 Oe~1n M l une & Donald A Mu c11, Inc , Ol¥tn l un a/Pr e$<dtnl This stalemtnl wn Med With the County Clerk of Oranae County on l:>/09/03 200JH67S90 D11ly Pilot Dec. 12, 19, 26. 2003. Jan. 2. 200' F942 FlcMM ..... "-S...... lhe lollowln& pt1sons 11t do1n1 bus1neu a1. lnley Elliott C1te11n1. 1428 Posada, Newport Bo rh. CA 92660 l nl•y Cameron llllott. 1•28 Pouda, Newpott Buch, CA 92660 This bu.,nus Is con· dud ed by an 1ndlv1dual lla•e you started do1n1 bu\1nn s yet> Yes 11 '2'5/2003 le,l•Y C Elltoll This sl•t~rnenl WH ltfed with lht County Cle11< ol 011n111 Counly on 12/02/03 200U90774 011ly Pilot D_. '>. 12, 19. 26. 2003 r939 ......... ~ ...................... r ......... ... ...... -:-._....,, .. ........ T~ folt9wl'I& Mtoft• TIM foloWllll ,_ ... , T1lll foloWIM ,__.. TIM'folowlllt paraont •e doin1 ~ u : ete ~ .......... le: ....... _..... ... ., • ..,... ~ u : So Cal lrll~~J UIO A1Mflca11 llltcllealc•I ._, P ... 10ll .._. A.M.E.: 1711 ••"'., v1n.,. W•r i;me, Co•l• Collwttlfle aH JI•.... "'°" ~vwd Unit 7. Dr ., Ne~t 1 .. e11, Mien. CA t2e2I retioft. 11M2 llnott Ave., C..u MaM, CA m21 C.W.•-1 Ttevi. ¥1111 I>« Wei, Suitt 15, Ow.,. Gr-. Petrktr f , ~ • .,.,.... lhr1tu Vlol•h 1310 Villi!te w_,, C204, CA l'.ZMl F0t TM Pall le' F. OMI C.W.....e.ala. 12 W Cbtte ...... CA 92129 Cotey M. lyo11, 11621 Trint, llJI D lhljM Altlot St. •. l~ IM(h, Tilit ~ Is eon Soutll Peelflc Au., A-. Colla Meu, CA ca.tor• -iltK~ bt .,, fftdllrt4uel kft&t kecll, CA 90741 tzU7 n.i. ~ le con· Hive ~OU ''"™' doint Tlllt b11tlne.a .. COii· Tiiis businMI I• COfl• ducted lly. all llldhlldlltl bu\lneu Ylttf du~tM by' an 14\cllvklllel cl>ict.o by: h111lly T111tt Ktve ·Voll •i.n.cl clok\I No • IMM you alerted dolftt .._" }'Oii 1ttrt.d doinl ll!Qlnieu yell Mo lrtvls V•n Der W•I binlMM yet? blnl"'u retl Me1ltu· V. Chlattlla· l'hls stJtte111111t WH No Va, l/Zl/91 Crete hied with tllt County COrey M. Lyon Patrlcll F. Giel lllls 1l1l1.1ntnl wts Clerlt. of Ot~e Covnty Thia st1lt1111nl wH Thia 'tate111tnl wet flied Wltll tlM County on 12/09l'03 fJled with 1111 County fifed with tllt Co.Inly Ci.tit. of Ort nat County 200'6t67... Ci.tk of ()fans• Collllty Cle.rk of Ck11119 County on 12/17/03 011ly Piiot O.C 12, l9, °" 12/09/0J on 12/llVOJ tOOMHMU 26. 2003, Jan. Z, 2004 HOl6H7A7 200MtMS4l Delly ,ltot 0.C, 19, 26, ______ ..;.F.;;.940~ Dilly Pilot Dec. 12:JJ1 Delly Pilot Dec. 19, 26. 2003. J1n. 2, 9, 200' ~.... 26, 2003, Jen, 2. .tw. 2003. Jan. 2, 9, 2004 F966 ..,...._ ------~f!Me~ FMl ......... fie-...... ..... .... lilt follow1n1 p11ton1 ._.r........__. ._--...... tre dofnl butllltU U ; --S.1• on The Coest, 7'61 The lollowlna pvson1 TM tollowltt& p11•on1 Eest Coast Hwr. New 1re clolna bllalMu u : .,, clolns bl.llltlns t i. port Beach, CA 92657 A & B Custom Uphol· C & C Embrotftf~. 1041 M & O Rateunnl Co atery. 2940 Collep AYO. W. 11th St. A·lOl!i, Cosll LlC (CA), 2531 hstblutf Sit A, Coate Met•, CA Mes•. CA 92627 DI , Ntwpoft Beach. CA 9262(; Co'l Apj>wet, Inc , (CA) 92660 Jose David M1d1ld, 1041 W. 18th SI. A·l06, This business is con· 2940 Coll11• Ava .. S\e. Costa Meu, CA 92627 ducted by Um fled A, Costa Mesa, CA 9262$ This busln•u la con· lllb•llty Co Thi$ business is con· ducted by:• ~poratlon Hin you stl'ted clo1n1 dueled bv· •n lnd1Ytdu1I Hne you 1t1rl.td dolfll bu.,neu yet7 No Hive you 11.erled doln& buslnas yet? Yu, July M & 0 Rntau1ant Co bus1neu yet? 16, 1996 llC., R1d11rd Mead I Yes 6/1196 Coa Apparel. Inc . Mena&•• JoM David Madrid Chris co,., President This sl•ttmenl wu Thts statement was Thrs sl1ltmenl was llltd with the County liled with the County flied with the County Clerk ol Oran&• County Cltrlt. of Or1n11e County Cler• of Onnat County on 12/ll/03 on 12/15/03 on 12/09/03 200J696toSI 200l6t61J02 200J6t67Sl9 Oa1ly Pilot Dec 19. 26. Daily Piiot, Dec. 19, 26, Dally Pilot Oec. 12. 19, 2003, Jen 2. 9. 2004 2003, Ian. 2. 9, 2004 26, ?003, nn. 2. 200' f965 f969 f949 The foltow1n1 penons .,, do•na busineu " l & l Appltance, &32 W. B•ker St . Cosl1 Meu, CA 92626 F eh• l apldls, 23!>4 llttelton C11 , Cnsl.t MeM . CA 92626 This business " con ducted by •n 1nd1v1du•I Hoe you started do1na business yet? No r tits l ap1cll1 Th" slatemenr wu filed w1t11 the County Clerk of Or1n11e Counly on 12/16/03 200JHUJJ6 Oa1ly Pilot Oec I q_ 16. 2003. Jan 2. 9. 2004 F959 AclllM...... Ac-. ..... , "-S....... ... ...... Tiie lotlow1n1 peuons .,, doina business ts Vo1c1n1 it, &SO Tamarack Ava . 13603, Bru, CA 92821 Michelle A. Stephens. 650 famuar~ 13603. B1ea, CA 92821 This buslnen Is con ducted by: an 1nd1v1dual Have you st•• ltd doln1 business yet' No Michelle A Stephens Th11 statement wu hied with the County Clerk of Or a nae Counly on ll/03/03 200369'7024 Oatly P1101 Dec. 12, l9, ?6. 2003. Jan 2, 2004 F955 The toHowln& persons tr• doina business as Malcrele Tools, Internet Sales, 2S42 Oaford ln., Costa Men, CA 92626 Chns Haefner. 25'2 Oxford Ln .. Co111 Mt11, CA 92626 This businns Is con dueled by: en individual Hawe you stAtrted clolnc business yell No ChflSHHlntf lhis statement wu filed with the County Clerk of Or1n1• County on 12/16/03 200J69 .. U7 Deily Piiot Oec. 19, 26, 2003, Jan. 2. 9. 2004 f96() How to Place A ........ .......... The tollowln1 penons tre dolr\I bualMU H HtWl)Ofl Cettttl Famlly Clllropt11ctlc, 363 San Mi&u•I Dr. Suite 191, Newport Buch, CA 9~ Mil• Olarado, 363 San Mi1uel Or. Suite 191. Newport Beach. CA 92660 This bustnen " con· dueled by: 10 rndlYldu•I Heye you st11ted clo1111 buslnU$ yell No Mike Diltado This statement was filed with th• County Cltrlt. of 011n1• County on 12/16/03 200S .... H2 Dally Pilot D•c. 19. 26. 2003. Jan. 2, 9, 2004 F9&4 TtlUsAbout YOUR GWGESAUI In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 CLASS IFIEIAD ......... M0Ta °' .,..,._ DeM ,_ TNM. "'9 .... ...-...... 1U'9 IAU T~ .-111 ...... W_.. fhe followlll( pt1 .ona .,,, do1111 bualnat "· C.H.I. Gift 8a$k.tlt, 3'1 f;. 20th SltHI, Costa ....,, Cellto<nil lmi27 • Zll7 Clwllt Clwllom Ooull, 341 E. 20th Stint, Costa Mu, C1hlor11I• 92627·W7 Thi~ buslneas 11 ton• duct.d by· an lndMduel Have yov stetted dolna butlneu yet? No Cll1tlle Ch110m olu11 This statement wu hied • with th• County Cleflt. of Cl! ance County on 12/16./03 t0ol6 .. IU6 Delly Pilot Dee. 19, 26. 2003, Jan. 2, 9. 2004 • f9" ll01ICI Of~ llUIM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that • public heat In& will b• held by th• Cost• Mesa City Council, on Mond1y, January S. 2004. •I 6:30 P.M or u soon as lhar11fter H possible. In the Council Chambers at City Hall. 17 F ltr Orio, Cost• Mua, on the fotlow11111 lttm: Resolution est1bllshln1 ind 1d09ttn1 schedules of rtlts. fees and chlfaes for Frsc•I Year 2003·2004 lor HrY•CU p1ovlded by th• City of Coll1Meu Ir THE AfOREMCN TtONED ACTION IS CHALLENGED IN COURT, the ch•Oenae may be lfm1ted lo only those inues raised 11 lh• public hearin& descr I bed 1n this notice. or 1n w11tten co•respondence dehver ed lo the City Council at, or p11or to, lhe public hear1n1 NOTICE IS FURHllR GIVEN that 11 said time end piece 111 tnltrtsted persons may eppe&r ~nd be heard by lhe City Council on the above 1lem. JULll fOlCIK, OIPUTY CITYCUU Pu .. llahed Newperl leocll-Coato Maio Doltv Piiot December 19,2003 f962 .. No. -I.AIM OWi GOWIMfll or ..,. No. WWWl11 1* ttlftt, . .,...,_. °' ON1w No. llNlllTOU .................. dlM, AM. If DIF~ T Uf'o )Otl>'v'oe,. Ot IN!-DP A DllD 0# .,.._., to ,.y -~ TRUef DATID ........ ~ D'Utt-. UNUl89 .. d lfll "*('1 YOU TAKI ACnON TO ....... lilr .. Died ot fllllOTICT YOUR TNll. lnllMt ~ "'°"""' IT MAY M 11• t1 ,._, IOU> AT A~~-·..,.._. UU.. • YOU HUD ol tfle TNlm !lot lte AH EJC.PUNATICJlll OF ..,... llMUnl (II the TI4I NATUM OF TH& dllie oldie "'=bM- PfllOCUOIN08 oatlon °' .. ot AOMIST YOU, YOU Sele) l'IMD'Wlfr .. t1- IHOULD CONTACT A IN9d to 119 Ml forth \.A WYER. OI\ beloW. Tiie l!lllOUnl 1~ It 02:00 PM, tMY be ~ on ltw CAL.FORNIA AECOM-dly of ..... '** Oi VEYAHCE COMP~1 Sele: THE NOAT't4 SOCCESSOA 8l' FRONT ENTRANCE TO MERCIER TO H. ~ THE COUNTY COURT· MOAT~OE SER· HOUSE 700 CIVIC VICES, IMC ... IN duly CENTER ORlve WEST IPflOIMld TrueaN SANT A AHA, tA l.ega) urlder lllld ~ to l>NctlpUon: -AmoUnt Deed of Trwt ,.._ of unpaid btlanc9 and contld CllZl1W1 •, OU. ClwlJM' 8oc* , =-lne\N-• 1489,407.57 (Ntltnated) "*" 1--'1Cel7 of Street add,... and olfld9I l9COfde In the OChtf common dealo· Office °' ttle ~ n.tlon of ttw ,.., Jlfop-°' ORANOl County, et1Y: 1954 PORT CAR· c.tlfomla, ~ bY: DlGAN PLACE NEW PAUL 00U0U.S KIN~ POAT Bl!Aeti, CA AHO CAROLINI! E. t2MO APN Number. KING, HUSBAHO 'ANO 45&-251-04 The under· WIFI!. .. Truator, lllgnld TNI... dt• WASHINGTON MU-elaNna any Hlblllty lor TUAL BAHi(, FA, .. any rncion.ctneM ol a.nefldaty, wtll eell eC the llrMt lldck9U and publlc auc1'on .... '° other common desii-IN hlghNt blOd9r for n.Uon, If any, 1how11 e.ah, C8ehler'1 ct.ck heftln. The property cnwn by a 11.1111 or IWreto~ dHc:rlbed la national benll, I c.Nh· being aold • II 11•. ler'I cheek drewn by • DATE: 12/01/2003 .• ,.. or tederel credit CALIFORNIA RECON· union, or • c:uhi41r'• VEYANCE COMPAN~, cheek dFIWl1 by a statt SUCCESSOR Br or lede,..I M'llngi and MERGER TO N. A 1o11n llNOCilCIOn, NV· MORTGAGE SER· 1nG1 auoclatlon, or \/ICES, INC, 11 TrvslM Nvtnge bltlll 1peclfi.d 1e1e1 m -n28 or (714) In aeetion 5102 of the $73-1M5 ' DEBORAH Flnanclal Code and BRIGNAC, VICE IUttlorlad lo do t>ual-PRESIDENT CALIFOR· MM In this ...... Sale NIA RECONVEYANCE wlll be !Mid by the duly COMPANY IS A DEBT IPl>Oim.ct truslM u COLLECTOR AT· lhOwn be1oW of all TEMPTING TO COL· right, title, .. nd Interest LfCT A DEBT. ANV conll9)'9d to and now INFORMATION 08- hald by the truatM In TAINEO Will BE USED the tw1'91nef1M 0. FOA TH.AT PURPOSE tcrlbed property under ASAP569106 12105. end pursuant k> the 12112, 12119 CoU (949)642-S6781 Pvt o few words to w0<k fer vou. ---Deadlin es ---- Monday ...................... Friday 5 :OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Rates and deadlines are subjc~t to change w1thou1 notice. The publisher n:.scrvcs the right to censor, reclassify. revise or rcjec1 any classified advertisement. Pl ease report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilol accept~ no UabJli1y for any error in an ndvertisemenl for which it may be responsible except for I.he co l of the space actually occupied by I.he error. Credit can only be allowed for the ftrst insertion. By Fax By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :OOpni Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm By Mail/In Pe rson: (949) 631 -6594 lf'k•~ mc:luck your n.am< ..n.i ""'""' numbet Md ,., II ' 111 '"" biw. l .. 1th • pn« '!U"(C I• Telephone 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Fnday Hours Index 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd. & Bay St. Walk-In 8:30arn-.5:00pm Monday-Friday Friday .................... Thursday Ci OOpm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :00p111 Sunday ....................... Friday 5 :00p111 ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collldlblt&' ......,Ill 11IO TCW S$ 4 U<OltDS nc -~Eli:. Sh .. 8Js a Mat. s.1111. tube 11'11)11 Mlhe 949·645 7~ BmRTAmlff ....,or a.. 1110 --ClfflOl1.-rY All rHI ftttlt tdlltrUs· Ina In lhla MWSl>IPef is allflltct t,o tllt federal h it H0tillftt Act of 19611 •• amandtd which m••u It 111•&•1 to Mfffllst 'eny p1et• tnce. ll111ltet1011 or ~1lllljtlatl0n bes•O on r•«· colofl r~. n•. hancltup. •l'lllll•l •l•IUI or 111tion1I or1t1n, or an lltt.nllon to tn••t Ill)' well tHtf•e~t. M1111te tlon or diter 1Mln1tlon • Thia "' ... "* Mil "°' IUtt•"-'1 teffPt Ill)' .. Ytll'lis.-rt tor reel ntote which la In wfolatlOA of tllt llw. O\lf , .. ,.,, .,, hereby lftfot'"' that IN dWell !ftp _..,.,tlte4 In 11\11 ,,.._,._., •rt IVallebM on all ...-1 oppo1t\lnlt1 ..... T• co••"' et .i.a· etlMIMtlolt. ~ HUO tol· "" et I loo.411..etc> • 1010-1770 l ESTATE R SALE 2305·2490 14&.1 Glf1QI/ jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Yard Sales 1'89 WANTED -u-,-,-AM--Tv-. -b-.-d. ANTinUEs houu hold item\. cha\111. !l-couch. clothes & morel 1800 BNy1 ln Ne11wpor1 Older S~ F11miturt Buch er on struh ~~ hv1ne/H1ahland ·~· ..... •C)ll(.,t.,,...._. M CASH~ASO M ......... ., ........... M aoY ISTATl8 ·~,.......,.­... ,. r cmJSIGNMf NTS 1 , .. Us .. Yotl GWGESAlll Ill CWSllD 49 642-5671 Ne-..rt lffdl 1918 Deboteh lane. SAl 8·1. lutnl epph. clotllet, car, fun Of tM whole famllyl Genni Mlounclmlnll 1110 OU<llHAION ,,,,.... ............... 0-. tltlOfO• l/llf fro111 Newport Beacll C.cel ltllt hunllna adltc.tnt lo 11•1• weler1owl r•lu ... OWf1t1.tllp \nlt1 HI 6 •Pr.to• 375 ICIH of lend 6 mptOYtmtnlt • your own ump compound w/1truc lu11 a11d 2 ttallett. Wondertul f'rl nlaht 88Q'• & wine 1astin1 du11n1 dvclt. '"Mii + many nt1ul lcle•I lot 2 frltnOt 0t falhtt & ton Ca" Mille 11 :JIO.MMll54 PUTAFEW WOIDSTO WOllFOI YOUI 94 642·5'71 soos-saso HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Mllcellnoul "'*" -A COO\. lAAVU Jobi Enl!y Lew.I 18 or oldtf. No uptfiance Ntcts ury. Trevel USA u t1bloshln1 Hew •ccounlJ. Unlimited Income and Growth. loll f "' 800· 7~-9885 (CAl •sc~N) ACASHU Cash now f0t slfutlu<td 1tttlement1, annu1ltet end Insurance payoub. 800 79-t 1310 J G Wentw0<th .. IC Wentworth muns CHh now lor alruc tu1ed •e l tlementa . (CAl •sCAN) IMMeOIATt CASHlll US Pension f'undina P•Y• CHlt now f0t 8 Y'"' of your future pension p1y111tnts. Can IOO *· lm ICM t fMf.. 110 ob ll1etlon ot1111•lt. -•.11190n\IOf!fllndl"1 com (CM. •SCAif) ....... -::ii. ·-"'--~ MT/ PAINTINGS -Nawe)o Rup. (!>) $500- S800 Mounted 8ufftlo HHd $800. lat .. W. V1tdult P1inti111 (1940'a Senta ft) "ln Cu1111d-•as" S500 949-632·'736 HOME fUfUISIMS FWftllln -<ttl .. YSl ..... llD Sold~ br.-1 -.. bo•nu.t-~ ..,_l280~ OUlltt MATTllU SIT ~lnlld-• In pllliit wt-r. Sc SllB can ....,,.__, 8/BlfY/ -.,..,., PREaOUI METALS c-tc.... ..... Oki CoNl\I Gold, all-, ,....,,......,.,,..,.. collKtlbiea M-tQ.,... MUml Mll1Ul1fTI ....... .,. ~-== :...=-.. :~!! ~ ... - MIH510 OfftCE FUIUITURfJ IUSIBS EQUftllT ............ E1111•11111t -AIOUT IU<UI C WMIRCHAln New•no COit lo )IOU II :r.:: Medlc1re ICU~. .........,.,. ... cfllios <-*'rJ., Wt nmt you rWt4f' 7 ~~~) US.3\55 c. 3111 IUCUI ti I I.if•'• UncertelnllH H1ppenl Pel Ownon "'ell lie4p. Wtll Ma11nered Adult Ceta • Oldtf Doi\ need new ~ Adopt Mlllt Anilll•lt this XrM.sJ JO di)' return Poller. •-.411111111Mt..,.11.or1 ---&ml ... ,.. ..... ,...~ ..... »a. ... ............... ~ *"'°""" w ~ll!Halt ~ .. ,.. «"*"~....a www.lflil!lellMttworll.ort WCBIAEIJI ...._ •1 I I I .... ... - • ana ..... 2A•JO ... 17.tCll, ... IUOO ltllO -11\IOO• Mil J!!o o. o wu -=Ill -""!'~ -,.. .. Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 -tl Internet franchlH opportunity to thOu k>olt.lna lo wCM"k Inda pendenUy. 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I Ce•hilfH CO'•t P1~1es of Ctlll l-lt l..-O l&Da.l RESORT/ VM:ATION PHOPERJY FORW It •In ,..,.. -SO COLORADO RANCH Slit. 60 AC m.IOO Yttr end closa outl l•ve ll!Ont)' ~w .tlld own •omt of Color•do't bttl l1nd $9ectac111t1 wit!¥' of tlle Aoc:lllu. 1ccH\ to 8000 ttCIH o1 81.M Rec trH Vear rou11cl ae~. '*Itel lftcllldM . betllattt flllOMlfll l ... down P•1111a11t. ult tt4M1toll~---5H3 (CAL• ) ~ . , ' MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS Rental To Shire I030 Nl/Oc-Vlow 11- Ocuntront/22nd. Prtwate room, unlUtn. thart b•. ullla patd no/smll •llchtnttte. lndry lb"' lo Kewpoo-t P* $7lOM C.H Sam 9'9-278 190'J (betw .. n 9em·5c>m) Rooms fur Ritt -.. ~ ·-"· w., ... to be.eh, fuU •1tc11t11 ~v. ultl~d, 1500/mo 9<$7!>-PIHS •l ::c-n:: - ,.. 24hr stor:f.. Q. 600l!lf llfl!b '• eel for llthle:les, ~attt "'" ~n~ 1390 AESIDENTIM. RENT>L.8 ORANGE 7480 COUNTY .......... A ..... Ur1 ... NC4l NC. w/~ .__ mlao, dlw, ~~c.tl>M )lflyMM1J..D'A .... Pulwla ............... 2 car r..· rp d/W. PllbO • um ................... ll1!1CVmo Ml-tn-'4lt. w,..--.4.._ =....,. ... .. ....,. ""'M1·Mn YlAJtl y octAHntOM1 28' 281 aN ne .. Clfp.l PMIV\ilt, I..: 1111· ~II AModatecl Riiy ~ 'WI) t Corona del Mar ClHll I. thwl 40fi Htlootrope (h ont C11I lap). COM. 2bd II••. new k1tc"-n & bflh Ir. hrdwd llr 1n LR I '< car. Sh1<~ WIO 714 336 'Jlnl llr •/lte1h .Ny, no •rtch•n. l'HI lotallno $750/mo 420 Narcl\\us A&t. 949-717 '708 a-. Ne..t; remod b 2b,, 2 c p . -tllllwd ""' "anila ctn Ip no "'., Pllb DXnTto 562-«l ~I;\; la ........ '" ""°'ttlitfl $teps to btN J ~Jr100~~ &ollaMlll llr U70wt I milt to buc.h, "•ul cell•. 1tov~. 111&. ceM 1111 & nt0te I» 'fMttl ... ..,....1421 1~.11 .............. .... ~--Nh\oytc 191.Q Chxdl St twi m D-U>l Of X11 %15 371• ..... ,. ~ lUr =w~.a.d~ O'r11htfW~ l'.U. '9 llr loft, quiet I wooctuy. la pat•o, "o pats, DIS/mo 180 c 2ht ST ,_~ 71tl ••I• .. ,., l oYtly Gated Cdnlm, nur lfl•lllf• Square, h r lb• W/Pf ' ff~ $1Q'i!l, Jbr Iba w/paho, cerp/irt ''°' .......... '""" peld IO•ln Min&p;a• .,.,._ tsll'IX> ...... hy "-' • 2bti .,.., r- i.v.1, period ,,,.., ., .. , ™'''' ... views, 1 cw IM, IC1 -,, .. , .•. -......... .-r ....... ..,... ZIN" l fibt no ,,... 111t!illft0 1115.,.. Aw '3Mf.7ZO.IUZ ll203 ·~·2.511ia•• ,.. .......... cbilt, ....... ...,. llQ5 ,,. ... _. .... Mt•Ml 181E •SL .......... v.-c... ~ U!r-=~ -Incl l'W· dlAI lwl 1111915 79 UDO ISU STUDIO L• .. clowt & b1th, wnnJ uposure. $1000m A&t· 94M7S 6161 UDO ISU STUOto l11p Clo,Wt & b1th, tunnJ HPoSu••· $1000m A(I. 949-675 6161 Y-'Y 21r. 11.; step~ to beech. $1500/mo Assocl1ted Realty ... _.,,_,.., YIAalY OCIAMfltONT AvMl1ble now •$167Sm Associated RH llJ 949-673·3'63 fj(I) off -ti ~ 2i. 2ba ,.,. NP pier. '1ql!5 & rest11.nnb, Ip, I c Wf1 wd ~ $1775 94!).~ Sk, 2'/M Gr......,. ,..._, 1. slry. Ip, w/d. Immaculate! no peb/smk $1195/mo 213 359 6765 9rlle,.MW~ 7-ar .,.,.., badlyard. 1/2 ~ lo oc.n, n'USI -SllDYmo 9e9-VS.~ QI ~1 911111 5prn only. 2br 2ba • den. upper unit. bay views, !>'llo. •hared washer & dryer. 111 $1850949 293 4632 2bt l.75ba on the wale•. ta patro, deck. uperaded kitchen. wd hkup. 111t $2200 949.293 4632 Slw Sbo hovse, quiet area, newly refurbished 2 car ear. wd hkups. $2300/mo 949-759-08/4 lbr 2ba Uppet unol, 2 balconies, Ip, m~lr /lovrm, I c 1a. nu p11nt aet $2300 949 293 4630 lbr 7 5betcondo, 1749$1 clon to bch, 2 c atlftch e•r. wd. 2 story. comm pool/spa. Avail Ian I $7500 949-515·9830 ... :b 2.!D ~ 2 'lily, 7 c ""· ~ -MWll'. ~"""mlldlltllll SI l all 1146Z3-ZKJ> "'-U.. on cannet .b 2M. 1 al' pr' laund tac, ~ ..,... Sl8Xl lbr lbll pYt P8'kq lamd fie $11XXl "'"' iwl-1 949-722 9n! $2800949-293 .t631 Cleflcal PMlf-flal Clnt<AL Computtt lite. ate. F .. ••~-to 714-138-932e, c..11p-..._,.._ needs room •lbalh Ill COM 0t Ntwpoo t, possl ble kitchen acceu. av.ii Jan w Ftb pfeaM ctll Breit 949 673·6700 Vfl.ATION RENTALS Hotel v-= Positions abo naileble, Oocir, c.l1llr & ~ Call~22J 1710« laa resume to 949 223'8715 • In baby/children's ~ .... c.,.wa • pls. 0penln1 In !outh Coe$l Plata Salwy +-bonm + ~94~1. o..tn... 7915 SAl1$1~,__ VACATIOlllBfJAlS w/phone u s up. Earn SJSk & up, phone 949 SAUS & lllfJAU 1162-7474 1ax 949-862·741'fl tf>ain Sirwicsl'alm DMt Contact lllicNel Ants 160-333 TJJl eolfbtvaclbonuom EMPLOYMENT I AGENCY, ANO RESUME SERV1CES 8020 ARC YOU LOOKING roR A SPCCIAL EMPlOYH? The brrKhl~st' Th~ Bnl1 Supplement your loc~I advertrsme with 'late wide adv er hs•ne• ?00 community newsp~pel\ reaching over 5 m1llton cahlorn1 .. ns $450 lor a 25 word ad. Place your ad with this local parl1<:1pat1111 newspaper www cal-sc•n com (CAL •SCAN) IOIN OUR TEAM and make a difference In the Cahlorn1a Army Natoonal Guard you can a•t money for ~Oii•&• and car-lra11nn1. call 1- 800. CO · GUARD . (CAL•SCAN l11lck '9t Par\ Av•-• Ultr low mr aold/tan lthr. mnrf CD. ~Uoy whls I hr ou1othou I, S 11 , 995 "567241 (jiu 9-19 586 1881! www.ocpaM.com Codllloc '91 Catlfo SOii ""· blk/blk lthr. blk Cllllld&e rool. Bo•" CO. •m Im. i;hrm whl•. 11old pk1. boolls/•e•otd>. hlle new $8795 v5!>1281 Bkr 949-SH -1111 www.ec; ...... l.c- Crew" Vlcten• '99 l X 22k •clual mo. orlRonal ~ldtrly owner. while/Ian int. chrm whl•. buul hke new cond, $9,99'.> vt8'2'675 I Blu 949-!18& 1888 -w.eqte~l.ce"' o.-. s-·oo Dwwote Sl T "!> 9 V8. low ""· OltR lady Ownet. whrlt/bfll int CD. reM s.eat, ru1 111 low !>ti&. beaulrtul A> new cond, $12 995 Vf7724'-Jl Bkr 949 5$ 1888 www.ocpab.com Ferd '6S M11•tDftf Converllble, orra1nal ownet. 5-0lld car. nU5t .... $17$) OOo 96 71929(1 Ferd '6S M11•l•ftl Convertible. orr11nal owner, 1ohd car, m151 Id $Ul'Dl cix> 9'8 7J9.29l.1 FORD TEMPO '90 $600 114-957 010!> ~~J..t"Pilot ~~~'WIH Best place In the world to advertiser Call today to r.•ace your ad Classl led842-5678 0 RtADERS California law rt qukes that conlr ac ton takin1 JObs th1I total $500 Of mOft (labor or material!) bt llcenstd by the Contractors State locenu Board Stale law also reqoirn lhal contracton include tllew llcenst number on all IHl't9"1~klll YOll can ci-lt. the ~talus of your llctnud contr1ctor 11 www.cslb ca aov or 800-321·CSL8 U11li· censad contractors hkln1 jobs that total Ins thin $500 must stile in their advertisemenh th•I they are not licensed b~ the Conlr1c:tou State License Board.· fiJJ ~ WIOA ~fl.~ Competltlw lhltn Conveiliently located on the Peiilnsulo 4t7 Jht St • ....,._ A -ZHANDYMAN Instill. rel ace cabrneh ~dOCr~ ~ Oot41714"~1?.l6 ear,.c Cltanlng --HI: A · 111 ' \ I t•11t I , II' I '•I 111' 11 Computer SeMces COMPUTER HELP! ........ °"',... ............ •l'C•• ·~ •\IOI) PllQt 9lirt'Q .. Ill . -mA:lllllt-·~ ~ ·DQllll~~­·IMl6~~.-. uc...--.,~. IOY,.~bp. 714-612-2786 l•lck lleclt St-• Tiie r.o<icrete, Pntro. Orr.1ew1y I !<epic, BBQ Reh ?5V" lxp lerry 714 !>57 7!1!M C---.., W.tl Cenwint. enct., Slone. I lie, Or~*~"° ,., loo ~ 714-61~9061 o.-. .. -. VOi.Ni NOMI IMPltOVIMINT ,.011cn Call a plumbtf, painter, handym1n, o• any ol the !PHI 118fYlcff llSttd heft In our Mnrce directory! lll£SC LOCAL SVC PEOl'l.E CAN HELP YOUlOOAYl ••< ........ lSI ~! 4WI( ,.. • 1'111, llOM/tlfl ltlv. •tr• ... t. ..,,.,b orta eo11d SU.• ¥5~411 llkr •••-se.-• ... ---····-....... 't7 a.-4 2• coupe UC. V•tec Mflllt, 6911 bladlllf.Y ltllt. -1, b .. ut1h1I un1118'lltd cond, 1at1pd, non smllr f799S firm v0l2e7Sl 8kr 99&18111~ Mp. '00 s ,.,,.. 1.0 v6, 3511 ml, luN fillet Wlfr, sllYlf/oal.mtal ltht, mnrf. CD. memory pka • beaut like new 11nmarked cond. $23,495 ¥1752262 Btu 949 586 1881 w-.~.<- J....,. 't7 XJ6 Brlthh raclna 11reerl/l•n llhr, CO. fabulous cond throuahout, $1 l.995 1159721 blu 949-586-1888 --....... .- LAND ltOVllt 2000 01scoveiy II S07. dual moonrfs, rear jump seats, heated ,.,, fac w1rr 36,000 ml, S21.!i00 V2.llll.'Bf km 7\4-222-6161 Mtrce .... 'tl SOOSl low mi. lady owned, boob. records. wht/tan Int. hard & soft lop, CO, m1n1 disc. lo11n10 wheels. labulou~ cond lhrouehout, SIS.995 v-s92417 Bkt 9e9-586-1881l W-.IC:flHl ... CIM PHIWPSAUTO 'l>.J•MW T•sa Beautilul Blitck Only 16fl m1 (19873) $66.980 '02 fertl ,,.,,...,,_ Blac;k, 21K m1 (19899) $25.980 '01 forJMw,_ Cob<a Sliver, Only 7K mo (19770) $23.980 'OO~Xlt· Conv. Champagne. 24k ml. (19817) SAl.980 ''ITtexwtHOO $river. 67k mi . ( 194$31) $17.980 ''I' Mer-c..#t UOO Turbo Diesel Black ( 19683l) $26,980 'OIMercetles MUZO Solver, 29K ml, ( 19892) $27.980 ''IS 'ondt. 9 I I c...,.. While. I 11>lron1C ( 19~26) SJ?.980 'OZ A<Hll TT 0-• Solver. only 511 m1 ( 19904C) $34.980 'OZ Clwyt#H '1 CIV/ter Bla~k. 32K nu ( 1982/C) SI 4.980 'O I Mercetlet CLSOO Whrte, 37K mo (I 9909C) $61. 980 Mt-574-7777 PffW'S AllTO ,,., ..... l'O«SOtf '01 CAafltOUT T1phomc. mint condition. 8500 miles one ownei $62.000PP949 351 1719 It ....... Yer 'tf 4.6 llSl 4811 mo. lull feet W8rl, blll/blk llhr, 18°' t h• m whls. sup~r b cond lhrough1. $22.996 vll7201 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.ecpoltl.<•"' SMAU Joe OPlltl loc•I. Qmcll Response Home. Yard & Oockflec:t 20 Yrs f •P 0.-(teen: tll7M/O ~IOA2. l .l.C. lltctrtc low prices loc411 l.'Ollttactor. no job too !lm3I. no jOb too i., Ref's 14>00 rQlal l#CI0-81070! (714)142-1410 lKINSID CONTltACTott No job hlo VI\. "" .-! Repatr. r •model. l•ns. 9'>11, ,_ SVC 9&645.JllJG CUSTOM OIAlM lU mtalatlon. sllte. Cir .... ....... stone. .... ,,,, 11612044 "" 714-612·9!161 UMY.__R._.ld Revoutin & lmtaNallon Tlt.C OCAN 949 6 73-8065 7~ 714.aBl 2031 Friday, ~ 19, 2003 All Bridge 8v CHAALE8 GOREN with OMAA SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S I ~C~RO~SS"'-lWl..l.MOl.&IR .. D..,.P...,.u .. z_z .. Li.a,E _ WHEllB AJlE 11IE rotJll ~ Nc:llber ~. We~ deals. ~ South hid no problem whh UVCl\.'allina fuur spil(b. wbich ended the llUl.'tklo. NOR111 •2 ~Qll! o J U2 •A 186 43 WEST F.AST We>t led lbe two of l'arb. Which four tric~ did declam l<ltlC, and how were they lold'I ~.0'7' .s ... ! ... AKJ lt9643 'fbb Is 100 easy. South Qt I heart, the ICC of diamonds and IWO trump lricb. thanb to llCClll'lte dcfcn..c Tbr opening bean lead WI,\ WOO by Em with the ruoe, and the defender continued with the Icing. IA-clan.., ruffed wilb the tco. Had w~ ovllf- ru{l'cd, tJ\11 would have been the end of the dcfcmc. Dl,-cb1rcr would win any return. ~w ournps anJ. .1f1er rotx,tding the diamond lk"C, dJJm the ~ of the trick~. O A64J 97 •Q975 •J8 .SOlfl'll •A KJ 1084 J c• 7 K QIO •Kl The bidding: Wl'}tT NORTII tA.,, SOU1lt ln\&Clld of ovcnuffing, h<i"'c'cr, W\.'SI di~nrdcd a diruoond and. try ~ he mtaJ'it, declarer bad to lo:.e 1~0 uwnp lricts and die ~ uf diamund.. -down ooe. This technique 1~ koown as a u\onp prumolioo. When South rufTod wi1h tJie ten. W~1·~ nine WU\ promoted to a sctung tnlmp tru.:k. This situation uccuf\ 11\'\jul'nlly and r.ou Uiould alway~ bf ak'rt 10 the Jl(N>1b1bty of cxeculin~ tho\ tkfen· ~he \.'\.rup .... .._ 4 ... ........ .._ Openi.11g leat: 1Wo or ~ South, declarer at four spa<b, wo.~ defe:ufld one Irick and could do noth-ing uboot IL Which four Irie" did dee 1111\'f I~'! With -.even ~un: trid.\ in heart\, F.a.\I Ciwn!Ctly J'f'Celllpll'(I wnh four lt-.e lto11er '00 4.0 Sf l6k actual 1111, full fact warr. blk/carmel lthr, beautrful l1h new cond Must ue to weoote ae vO 17& Bkr 949 586 1888 www.~.c- It-,• llover •t s 4.0 SC 80k+mo, bleck/tan lthr . s uperb cond throuehl. books. record> $10.49!> v045829 llllr 94!). 586 -1 888 WWW.e< ...... <e• Th's tvr.,._ .......... w Jor-s..r,,,.. 4.0, I l K ml, Blac:ll/Bl (M51922) $38,900 'O I l'onclt. ••nter' Grey, S sPd. Sharp! (620238) $31,900 -oo•-r•..,..•.o Grey, loaded, Sharp ( Ul665) $26,900 ... ---....suoo Sport, Loaded. Mu>I See (107291) $31,900 '01 c..#l#oc '•""""-zr Chromt!S lo3ded (122184) $47.900 'O I •MX X-S .J.O Blk/T•n.nav,loadl!d ( M 76593) SJ<; .900 '03 vw ._,,. ,_,, Blue. Luther. I OK ml (300205> sn.!>00 '01 •MW .JZS CK Conv, Biii, 1511. Mml (Y5455Z) SlJ.900 'OZ •MW M.J c_,, StlvH. !ltl, mus t see (X22S9 l) $49,900 AUTOS WANTED BOATS Sllllolls 9528 1916 CATAl.ltll vn. rcll!r lu1 &1111 pie(, BtMI °"""' rbotrd. w aNs. tr~ bottom paint recent, ea llen5ive lW ams doiw1 " & out. $!i!i(J) 'l&!ro-~ BOAT REPAIRS/ S8MCES BOATSSLfS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 * SUP AVAIL Ut1hht\ incl Balboo Ptnn Bay Island Cove area, se'u"·· home 0-. 949 922 1171 SIPAVAUIU For bo•I parade Lido Island 949 675 4847 '01 •MWS1S I 81V81k. Sport. lOK (X24190) $?9.900 949-650 -2222 Tito'• lw....-Avt...._ hloc.,s com "Employee." "Empleado." RES TORE • RI PAIR & REMODll 1 .. (. "A rbeitnehmer. H "Employe . ., '-111 (..ndlll ,..,.., CMpenlry • PlumbH>R Drywall • Stucco Pa1nhn1. flle & more 2().. Y&llr~ E •Pf!'lencel JI 714-tH-5776 Open 7 Daye LowRatff Stonige Speciale Since 1~1 949-645-4545 Palltlng ET•NITmlCI. INTEIHOll UT[RIOA -----li/Y'fdL( ... ....,.,... • -__., -(--·-~·-~ d ............ ~'41 -..... 714-632·5660 HST MOvtltS $SS/Hr. Chvnt'• ..... 7IYt<. ~.qi Sef vine An Cities lnwr ed GrP•I P11ee1 Gua11nlHd 1163844 323 997 119 l CEM:IAI, lf.ftll 'IWN'l»«Na • RtsidilDI • Oitnmcrtal o Job 7bo Small ... "" St-""•'· All type• ol rti1alts. £1ectrl C.tJI, ~ daofs. waw ....... Ult a 111or• t•n dl1• nc..JM.1111 Hiiiing JUNK TO TMI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAIU\BlC fOOAYI 949-673·!1566 ... llAsomT. Any Type, S.t Prlcn, == Oii, Ou•llty ~ be'14-~H643 323-630-9911 t ell wrn k I ree "' l •315607 714 538 1534 1 390 2945 PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Public Utilities Commonoon requires that all u\ell houuhold good\ movers prrnt therr PUC C•I I numbe1, hmos and ch•ufteuri p11nt therr T C P number in all •dver llseme~t you h .. e any questions about the iecatrt y of a m over. limo 01 ch1ufleur. call. ,UIUC UJIUTIH COMMISSION 100 177-1167 *l'S CUSTOM PAINTING Prol'I, cle11n. qualtly WOik lnle1101/eal and dock> l#703468 !M9 400 105' ltAINIOW CllQJ MMfT Pamlrnc~e.l ~~ Qua1t1·y jObl I re" t!.'!limate l "56989 7 714 636 8888 •le e c!l"1slon ol MBl J eanoett SCWCR J( MING £lCCTRONIC SLAB lEAK 0£T£CTION Friendly Sttvoct t4t -6 7S-t l 04 -~-" l•~I""""" -... CUAm& (t4')'4S-tH2 NOMATI'ER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. Tree Sefvice Big Mike's Tree Service 1r ·a-.1.· Gr.:;?: ·~ <oioorte .--.a..u.·s.14/llr Senb, 11 ,..lf.,_i., 949-400-4277 Will Coverings THI STlllPPlRI SpPu•htlnp 111 W~llpapr Rt•mn•ol L158814 I 949 .l&O 121 l Window Cleaning GOt.DlN WIST PltlCtH PlUMllNG WINDOW SHVICI Repairs & Remod11tn1 Salr\faclton Gt..,"""" •I fRH ESTIMAfl 949631-1562 714 ~'6 '»•• L 11687398 714 969 1090 SEll your stuff through classified! Tel Us About YOUR GWGESAUI In CW SIRED (949) 642-5671 Sttll ;,m,,-(:ttr l1t Chu61.fll'd I I I c D FfNANONG. MUST PROVIDE BUSINESS CARD FOR ElJOlBllITY OF $1000 2 At This Net Cost (694021. 687598) 02 FORD TAURUS SES ISH LIST YEAR-END EVENT (187"'") 27K Mlle, Under f'ectory Werrenty, Full Power, In Xlnt Condition ............................................................................................................... . .......... •to,••• ~~!)'!;..~ ~!;?.!.~u~~ull Power, Under F•ctory Werrenty, Xlnt Velue ................................................. : ........................................................................................................ • t • 9 8 8. ~~~~!~~~!!~~~!.~~!. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. • t ••••• ~~!.~~~~~~~~ ':~!~v~:v'!.~~ ... ~.~~ ............................................................................................................................................................................. • t • e •• 0 ~f.c?~u?o. ~~ ~<!~~~Po-r a.et, LOllded, Lllw .._, Sllve ........................................................ : ......................................... :··· ................................................ • t • 9 8 •• ~~f>~~~~1~!<:J,?~~~~ L..ether, Uncl« Feotory Werr .......................................................................................................................... : ................................ • t • 9 ••• ~~!?a~.P: .. ~~.2~~~~ Moon Root ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ • t • 9 ••• ~~n~~~~y .. ~!,~~.,!~u~';!c!!r'i!ta with Lumber SUpport ........................................... -................................................................................................. ~ ...... • t 7 9 a •• -~1!1i"'!~K0.!-.!.' ~~~!.!.~':!. ~~ .................................................................................................................................................... : .......................................................... t 9. 0 0 ~~~~!.~·~~8~~.~~~n l!nt9t'telnm.nt 8yet. ... -................................. -............................................................................................................................ 4 9 8 •• ~~~O._L.!,'P=~:J~ner~~~Chrome W""4a, cum.te concroe 8Mta, SNrp ................................................................................................................................ • 1 • • • ~~~~L~ ~ ~.?.!!2~ ~~~~ !!:'c,~. aw......• Unooen Oefttfted ayr9na,ooo .... ~ .... , .................... -............................................................. •• t 9 •••