HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-21 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotCOMMENTS&
What some
people will
do for
I t's not the night before
om.tm.as, but it's close. This
yar, Christmas fall; on Dec.
25, which happens to be
Thursday. as
you may
It's been a
while since
we've done
the Ouistmas
World Tour.
so let us
continue our
journey to =way tands PETER
fascinating BUFFA
cultures to see
what the rest of these people are
doing that's new and dilf'erent
There are 6 billion of us. We can't
all be shopping.
Let's see. Where were we7 I'm
not going to tell you about the
real St Nicholas again. If you
don't know who he was by now,
he .Is never, ever coming to your
house. But who the heclc was
Good King Wenceslas7 lie was a
ruler In Bohemia (that's the
Czech Republic to you) who
lived around the year 900. He
wasn't a Icing: by~ He was
a Duke. People always Inflate
their resurn~.
We talked about the ~os
and how the whole village gets
together on Chlistmas Day and
goes "ummm" over whale meat,
caribou, seaJ. owl. duck. polar
bear and walrus. which Is why
we're so glad they're up there
and we're down here.
We talked about Denmarlt and
the Ouistmas pixies that live in
the walls and how you haye to
put bowls of rice pudding in the
attic or they play tticlcs on you.
Does it have to be rice pudding?
I have no ldea. I don't make the
stuff up. OK? I just repon It.
If you haw to know, the Royal
Danish Consulate is on Ventura
Boulevard in Studio Qty, at (818)
766-0003. Call them and tell
them you want to talk to
someone a.bout the Ouistmas
pixies and does it have to be rice
Actually, I found a Ou1stmas
tradidon that is even more
over-the-top than the Danish
Cl>.rlstmas pixies. Get your bag.
Wf!re going to Ams4!tdam In
Holland, St Nlcholu' helper i.. a
little devil named "Black Peter."
The story is that St Nlcholu put
the Devil in chains and made
him his slave.
On Ouistmas Eve, St. Nick
checlcs his list, then grabs Black
SM Co.ENTS, P .. eM
Serving the Newport .. Mesa community since 1907
DECEMBER 21, 2003
'A Saturday without soccer? We wouldn't know what to do with ourselves.'
Carol Gaylord, whose daughter Gwen plays soccer
An exhausted Edward Marquez, right, holds himself up with Eric Reeker's help after a Costa Mesa Gladiators game at Tustin Sports Partc
Everybody plays
AYSO is big in Newport-Mesa,
big enough to weather tough times
Deirdre Newman
Daily Pilot
I t's a balmy Saturday aftemoon in
December, and the American Youth
Soccer Organizadon's season is
building to a fevered pitch during
regional compedtion.
The Thxk Pumes from Newport Beach -a
boys' team with shirts the color of a yellow
hlgbligbter on steroids -are duking it out
agiainst the lnfemo, a team from Yorba Unda.
Right next 10 them at the Tustin Sports
Park. the Gladiators from C.OSta Mesa are
battling thelr adversary.
As the games foster a spirit of teamwork
among the soccer players, they also evoke a
sense of camaraderie among the parents and
bond families across generations.
"We become part of a bigger family
because we're all getting along," Lupe Roberts
said as she whooped II up on the sidelines for
the team her son Ouistlan plays on, the
Parents from the two cides are standing
back·to·b;tck. Some watch Intensely while
others bop around the sidelines like the
Energizer bunny, cheering their children and
team on.
AYSO suffered a public smear earlier this
year when the regional commissione.r of the
Newpon Beach organization was accused of
embezzling more than $100.000 over two
years. Anthony Anlsh was arrested in early
October and still faces a civil lawsuit filed by
AYSO in June that seelcs general damages to
collect the amount that he allegedly spent for
his own purposes. Lupe, left, and Bobby Roberts react to a scoring attempt by their
see EVERYBODY, Pase M son's team that fell short during a game at Tustin Sports Park.
Mercµants rake it in for five days
Yacht charters, caterers and restaurants
have a lot of extra work, and a lot of extra
money, during the Christmas Boat Parad~.
Lotlt• H•rper
Daily Pilot
representatives of each agree:
the five days of the boat parad~
require more planning, more
manpower and more tript to
the bank.
"Oh. lt's crazy.· aaJd Beverly
Smith, an ~nt planner al Pa·
c:iftC Avalon Ol&rters In Newport
Beach. -we •tarted booking for
ddl time ol year well In actvance
-like Jut year. We're aJr-.cty
boOting people now for next
Plldftc Aval.on Owtm has
three ~ dedicated to the
boat puade each night that lt
runs. ahe Mk1. oft'ering full ter'V·
Ice event packages for company
parties' and the like. The em·
ployees of the company. lnclud·
tng food aervers. bartenders.
cooks and party organizers,
have their hands full ln Decem·
ber but manage to get through,
she saJd.
"We Just work our people to
death," &be joked. "But nobody
seems to mind the extra
Plua, there Is the added lncen·
dve of having an up~close view
of one of the mOlt celebrated
holiday traditions in the COUD·
cry. the lldded.
"It la just a beauttlul way to
eee the parade. lt II gorpoua."
Kathy Leek. a apobswoman
for AdYentures at Sea Yacht
Owten. ..,eect that the best
way to catch the Ooatlng parade
Is on the water .•
"Everybody wants some sort
o( vessel for the boat parade."
Leek saJd. "People are just clam-
While it may aeem tough to
be on the booking end, man-
agers ln town saJd their ICheduJ-
lng practices and organ.lz.adonal
skills must be ftnely tuned to
ready themselva for the boat
Adw!ntures at Sea recognized
that it WU not Only bit party•
plannen that w.rued to ..U
a)onplde the boM pwade plf •
tldplnta but oouplee and lin·
gles .. well. Rather than tum
away couplel and lln&'e people
Al ~. OectmC>et 21. 2003
80% of Newport-Mesa
schools meet API goals
. Newport-Mesa Unlfie4 School
District officials reported Thursday that
809' of their schools met Academic
Perfonnance Index target llClores for
Some schools reported substantial
Increases. such a.s Whltder and Pomona
elementary schools, which showed
gains four times what the state had
mandated. The API is based on a series
of standardized tests and sets annual
Improvement goals for schools.
• High numbers of students stayed
home from schooJ in the last week
before the winter break. some likely W
with the Ou. School district officials
reported one confirmed case of
influenza A based on Hve throat
cultures taken at Corona del Mar High
School last week. At least 11 district
schools reported more than 10% of the
student body had stayed home or was
sent home slclc.
• The school board elected new
officers this week. Dana Black Is the
new president. Serene Stokes the vtce
president, and Dave Brooks the cleric.
•An anonymous donor gave $20
million to UC lrvtne, matching the
largest single donadon in the school's
history. The money will go to support
10 faculty positions and addJdonal
expenses for the School of lnformatlon
and Computer Science.
-Marisa aNeil
Coldwell makes deal to buy
Newport's Strada Properties
National residential real estate giant
Coldwell Banker announced plans to
acquire Strada Properties, a Newport
Beach-based firm that's seen
exponendal growth since It burst onto
the scene in 2000.
Thrms of the deal were not disclosed.
but the companies said their combined
sales ln the last 12 months reached $5.5
Stntda's two Newport Beach offices
and 225 employees will be added to the
15 offices and 750 agentB that ColdwelJ
Banker has in Orange County.
Company executJves said they'll
combine technology aiid ma.rk.eting to
further the brand identity as a high-end
resldent.lal brokerage.
• Orange County supervisors voted
Tuesday to declare an emergency to
allow trees and plants to be deared in
San Diego Creek. lo prevent a Oood that
could wash sewage Into Upper Newport
Bay. Environmentalists were concerned
about the destruction of anJmal habitat
and questioned performing the work as
an emergency. Crews on Wednesday
began rnartl.ng areas where vegetation
will be deared, and that dearing couJd
begin this week. The S3.3·mlllion
project should last three months.
-Alida Robinson
Review overestimated legal
costs, city attorney says
A review of an independent review
don!! on the city attorney's office found
that the city's legal costs are closer 10
other cities of Its size than the
independent review found
The supplemental review was done
by acting Oty Atty. Tom Wood, who
arrived at the same conclusion as the
independent review-that Costa Mesa
should keep Its legal services ln·bouse.
• Prince or Peace officials have
decided to remove eome of the school's
ficus trees to keep the peace with
neighbors. They will be removing the
ficus trees along Baker Street and
raislng $10,000 lo replace them with a
variety of tree known as yellowwood or
As rare a feat as living to the age of 100 years old is, Terry
Valant& surpasses our expectations of what the life of a
lOO·year-old Is like.
Not only was Terry having a brandy at her lOOth birthday
party on Friday, she was singing songs, slinging jokes and
reminiscing on her younger days.
Most of us view old age with fear. as we feel it means we
will be feeble, forgetful and reliant on others to lalce care of
Although that ls the case for some people, one look at this
photo of Terry toasting with a glass of brandy should give us
all hope and inspiration for our lives ln the coming years.
Terry also gave her advice for living a long life. She alluded
to a dJet of lasagna. spaghetti sauce and homemade wines
from Massachusetts grapes and, the most important thing. a
positive outlook on life. As evidenced by her smile and I 00
years to her life, that may be some good advice.
Attendance at 95th annual Christmas
Boat Parade reported at I .million
A reported 1 mlUJon people turned out over the
five-day Ouistmas Boat Parade to see about 100
elaborately decorated boats parade through
Newport Harbor.
The event, whlch just wrapped up Its 95th year,
Included the "Ring of Llghts" home decorating
contest and awards for the best-decorated boats in
a number of categories. El Navegante, a dazzlingly
decorated boat owned by Sasco Electric. took top
honors this year.
• City leaders got some welcome news when
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced he wouJd
use emergency powers to pay cities milllons to
make up for Jost car·la:x revenue. Money experts.
though, remained wary that Sacramento' budget
crunch couJd hurt cities next year.
•Adventures at Sea Yacht Charters announced It
would ring through the harbor with Its annual
Outstrnas Cont:rare. caroling on gondolas. A dozen
gondolu will depart from the Mariner's Mile area
at 4 p.m. today . headJng north for a 1 Yl·hour
slngl.ng tour of area restaurants.
-June Casagrande
Arrests in alley shooting
made during citywide search
After a citywide, muld·agency search
early Wednesday, police aJTeSted six
locals in connection with a shoollng in
a Costa Mesa alley the night before
ThanbgMng that left two people
Injured, officials said.
Sixty otJicef'!I from the Costa Mesa,
Newport Beach and Santa Ana poll~
departments. and officials from the
county district attorney's office and the
Probation Department, served search
wam1.11ts on $eVeral locations in the city.
In the end, they recovered one
handgun and arrested Enrique Olaguez
and GustaVO Zamora. both 19;
Gulllermo Arturo Ascencio n. 22;
20-year·old Ouistian Hernandez; and
two 17-year·old boys who are not belng
identified because they are minors.
All suspects are being charged with
anempted murder and conspiracy to
commit murder.
• A judge on Thursday dismissed
signlficant charges against two lnland
Valley teenagers accused of raping an
-~f!ve McCrank
brighten s
the waters
off Balboa
during the
unconscious girl, ruling out the
possibility or life sentences for them.
Judge Francisco Briseno threw out
charges of lnOiction of great bodily
lnjury and use of a deadly weapon
against 18-year·old Greg Haldl, son of
Orange County Assistant Sheriff Don
HaJdJ, and Kyle Nachrelner, 19. Greg
Haldl. Naclµ'elner and Keith Spann are
accused of assaulting the
then-16-year·old girl In Don Haldl's
Corona deJ Mar home. The teens. then
high school atudents, allegedly
penetrated the girl with a pool cue.
-Deepa Bharath
"It's an exciting time for
us. Some schools had to
mak.t tmprowment:s of
only a few potnrs but
made h~ jumf!S-71tls is
very good news.
-Dave Broob,
Newport-Mesa Unlfied
School District trustee. on
the latest statewide test
"171is ts not mMnt to be
a money-making
operation for the city.
Red-light runners cause
the most injury colltsions,
and numbers show that
these cameras. ooer a
two-year period. will
bring down red
light-related accitlents l1y
4096 .•
-Kart Sdluler, Costa
Mesa police lieutenant.
on red-light cameras tha1
have caught 4,000
motorists since May
•1 still dorft like the
whole concept of them
declaring an emergency,
and I tlJ/nk. ~ulte frankly. if somebody clwllenged
them on it, they would
have a tough time
defending it."
-Garry Brown.
executive director of
Orange County
Coast.keeper, on the
Board of Supervisors
approving work to clear
San Diego Creek
'Wltl1 real estate today.
we're selling houses in the
over SI -millum price
range. and it l.s a
consumer luxury good. I
think the marketing and
advertising strategy now is
about creating a brand
identity. H
-Stew HJgh. Strada
Properties president.
when his firm was
acquired last week by
Coldwell Banker
'This is a great day for
{the School of Information
and C.Omputer Science/.
We've com£ a long UKl)'
lately. T1ul university has
invested a lot, we've
improued qui~ a bit in
siz.e and research dollars.
and d1ts gift will give us
the margin of exallence to
mooe into the top ranb
nationally. H
-Debra Rk:bardaon.
dean of UC lrvtne's
and Computer Science,
whlch received a
$20-million anonymous
donation. matching the
largest ever made to the
Daily A Pilot
AlcmAGOlll9CMi POSTMASTER: S.nd eddrela SURF AND SUN Polltlcl, buslr~ end erMl'Oflment dlang• to The Newport
reporter. (eoe: 7&M330 8"dl/Col1AI M ... Dally Piiot, P.O . .ik».robl'*"1 latlme&oom Box \ISeO, Cotta Mesa, CA 92828. &.*Me Co9yrlght No newt ltoriee, WEATHER FORECAST SURF ,_,.~~ ~· oom
111Ultr9tlone, editorial matter or
YOL. 97, NO. 355 PHOTOOIW'HERS adveroMments herein ~n be It'll be mody cloudy thl• • The northwelt ewell wlll
Mar11 C. Ouatln, Don Laedl, ~uced without written morning, With 1 20% c:h1nce of bl<* down toc:t.y, ind the 1urf. THOMAI ... JOHN80N S..WMcerri parrnlNlon of copyright owner. light ...m.
Publlahar Photo Editor, Kant lteplOW It'll deer In the lft9moon. once 0Wt"h4NMS, wfll lhrink by
TOHVDOC>ao (IM9) 7&M3158 MADaa HOT\.IN! The wlndt wtll be out of the 15%. The period wlll tighten to
.iw:~ .... ~•~com JoMJ. .... 1941118'2-eoee Welt .. 10 mph. The hight wlll 11 MCOndt, thoUgh.
~111.a Olr9Ct0t Alt Ofnictor I Newt o.1t Chief. Aecord ~ur Comment• about the be82to88. On Monct.y, the nonhwMt
~~ (M8)57<M224 Deity Pl or newt tis-. tt'H be modV olMr tonight. Wiii continue Its ebb, but the
~•,.,.,,_com ~ The lowl will bt from«> to .. h t9'8 of• new nof1hWM1 ............ Our addreae 11 330 W. &-v St., Costa IDfTWQITNf Gina Alaleandat, Loi1 .Andar90f\, The wlndl wll be light. .,. ~by the afternoon. Mele, CA 829Z7. Ofnoe houra are 1..1.Cetwi Daniel Hunt, P8ul Wow1U. =· Fridtv1 8;30 a.m. •Ii p.m. ............. Thtt NWCOmer thould put the
Managing Editor, Dania!~ WWW.IMll.llON.(ltl'll wewe bedt ~by
, ... , 114-4233 ...
aJ.t»Me """"-oom NlWI 81JUlll " .. the fltlot'w Poltcv '° l)f'Omptty w.dlleldey. .,..,. ... OCln1ICt Ill errore of eubmlnoa. BOATING FORECAn --: .......... ,..... cell (M8) 71M32A. ~Edllor. Crime and ooti"8 rapol'W, Ughl-... w11 glw-.,to www . .u •°'11
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Cities support toll road merger.
Joining operations of the San Joaquin
Hills Toll Road and the Eastern and
Foothill roads might keep tolls down .
Allcl• Robinson
Daily Pilot
leaders are backing a plan to
merge opemUons of the San
Joaquin Hills ToU Road with
the Eastern and Foothill toll
roads that they hope will keep
tolls from sltyrockedng.
The transportation corridor
agencies that oversee the toU
roads plan to move forward
with the merger in early 2004.
The plan wiU save the San
Joaquin I IUls ToU Road from
fu1ancial crisis but will extend
the debt obligations of Foot·
hill and Eastern toll roads. It
has the approval of the state
controller's office, which per-
formed an audit at the re-
quest of Assemblyman Lou
Correa ID-Santa Ana.)
"We've been worlcing very
hard on pulling t11e merger
together," ~aid Costa Mesa
Mayor tiary Monahan, a
hourd memhcr of the toll
road's governing agency. "I
ht>hcve thi~ merger will hap·
pen very shortly and will be a
very good thin~."
The F.asrern :u1d Foothill
roll roads run from t11e River-
!.1de Freeway to Irvine and
llanrho Sania Margarita, and
Soup kitchen asks for
more toy donations
Someone Carei. Soup Kitchen
is not getting a<; many toys as it
hoped to receive for the more
than 1.000 children it is expect
ing for ,.its Cliristrnas toy give-
The giveaway will be l \1esday
al Liom Park. The toys need lo
he delivered hy Monday aftC'r-
noon. Drop-off hours are from
8 a.111. lo noon Saturday and
Sunday and from 9 a.m. lo 5
p.m . Monday. Rring donation.,
lo the soup kitch en. at 720 W.
19th St.
Parent Help still taking
toys for needy kids
l'aren1 I lelp USA is still col-
lecting toys for n<'edy children,
c;pokc~woman Sally Kanan•!..
said. rhe group al\o needs gifl
certificate!> for dothes, :.hoes
and food.
Donation!> will he collet.'ll'd
through Christma!> Eve. llerm
can he dropped off al rhc Par
ent l lclp USA office at :no W.
Bay St.. Costa Mc5a.
JWA urges arriving
early for holiday flights
If you're planning to travel
periodically in the Daily Pilot on a
rotating basis. For information on
adding your organization to this
list, call (949) 574-4298.
The organization of women,
committed to promoting
the San Joaquin Hills Toll
Road runs from Newport
Beach to the Santa Ana Free-
way in San Juan Capistrano.
The San Joaquif\ t-Ulls Toll
Road needs financial help be-
cause Its revenues were over-
esllmated, Monahan said.
TI1e projections. were inaccu-
mle because when they were
made at least 10 years ago, the
counly had no other toll
roads to compare with, and
many cities went into a no-
growth or slow-growth atmos-
phere shortly after the toll
road opened in 1996, he said.
Without the merger. the
San Joaquin Hills 1bU Road
will be unable 10 meet its debt
obligations by 2005 and could
begin defaulting on its bonds
in 2012, according 10 the
transportation corridor agen-
"If that happen~. we lose lo-
cal control of the toll road,"
said Gary Adams. a Newport
Beach councilman anll mem-
ber or the San Joaquin 1 lills
1ran!>portation Corridor
Agent-y board.
The board has tried in keep
toll costs down, bur that
might not be pos...,ible if the
road defauJts on its debt,
Monahan said.
1his holiday seal.on. plan ahead,
John Wayne Airpnrr officials
IWA officials arc expecting
passenger levels, which in-
creased more than 15% in No-
vember compared to la~I year.
lo stay high. They expect nearly
half a million people to pass
through the airport in lhe next
couple weeks.
Here are some tips lo ge1
where you're going on time:
•Allow yourself adequate
1imr. fk .;ure to arrive at least
21/z hour~ before your schcd
uled night 10 navigaw increased
traffic and heavy crowds.
•Limit carry-on baggage.
During the holiday season,
most Otght<. are filled to capac-
ity. Overhead storage is at a pre-
mium. Limit your carry-on to
one bag and one personaJ item,
such a<> a purse, briefcase. lap-
top or lliaper bag.
• Don't pre-wrap holiday gifts.
All gifti. -both checked lug-
gage anti i.:arry-ons -thar have
heen wrapped may be subject
10 search.
• Hr prepared for screening.
All carry-on items, including
cell phones, laptops and rum.
will bl' X rayed. Since baggage
c;crccning equipml'nt may
damage film. place it in your
carry-on luggage.
• Be prepared lo !>how photo
identification. Bring your
hoarding pass or ticket and a
government-issued photo iden
tification. Children younger
volunteensm, developing the
potential of women and
improving communities through
the work and leadership of
trained volunteers, is seeking
new members. (949) 261 -0823.
Volunteers are needed to spend
four hours per week visiting
patients or doing errands for
them or their caregivers in
communities near volunteers'
homes. (562) 622-3805.
"The ftnt thing you would
have would ltrobably be a
doubling of the lolls.· he said.
While consolidating the
two toll roads' operations will
mean collecting tolls for a few
years longer than planned, it
would probably mean more
stabilily to the tolls over time.
The merger will also allow
the boards to restructure their
debts at current low lnterest
rates. he said. The agencies
would Conn one board and Is-
sue S4 billion in bonds to
cover che restructured debts.
"If no consolldaUon hap-
pens and there's no other vi-
able alternative that's found,
debt for the San Joaquin Hills
Toll Road would extend out to
2062," said Oare Oimaco.
spokeswoman for the toll
roads' governing agencies.
"It's a lot longer than was
originally anticipated."
If the toll roads' debts are
combined, they !>hould be
paid off by 2044, llimarn
said. Once 1he debl i~ retired,
tolls will no longer be
The boards rhat govern the
roll road;; could make a deri-
sion in late January 10 move
forward with tht' merger. lli
maco said.
"Commull'rs who UM' 1he
road every day, they're 11111 go-
ing 10 !>CC any change." 'he:
than I B an~ CXCC'ptl'd.
•Be prepared rn h<tvc your
vehicle inspected. All whides
entering the airport parking
'truc1urc., arc subjel·I to search.
•Before you leave for 1he a1r-
por1. call your airlinr 10 double-
check Oight limes. II will save
headaches if a flight i!> dclayrd
or canceled.
• Make s ure IO check your
luggage thoroughly. Do not
carry on prohibited irrm:-.. c;o
co http://wu1111.tsa.gm1/1111/1lic for
a list of prohibited ilt.'lll'>. and
more information.
•Avoid airport roatlway traf-
fic. Visitors can help avoid
roadway congestion hy parking
in the tcrminaJ garage., when
pi<;king up passenger.. rather
than circling Lhe roadway.
•Visit the airport'!> Web site
to plan your trip. The site. at
liffp:llwww.ocair.com, contains
information about parking.
passenger services, airlines and
Oigh1 schedules, and a map of
the terminal.
Terminal parking is available
rn Al. A2. Bl and B2 ar $1 per
hour, maximum of $17 per day.
l'hcre is aho curbside valer
parking for $20 fnr th1: first 24-
huur period and $4 per hour
beyond that. with a daily limit
of $20.
The Main Street Parking Lot
opens at 4:JO a.m. and has the
lowest daily parking rate~ at $I
per hour, $12 per day with com-
plimentary shuttle service 10
the terminal every I 5 m111u1cs.
Volunteers are needed to assist
Laguna Coast Wilderness Parle
staff and James Dilley Preserve
staff and docents with hiker
registration and general public
orientation. (949) 488-0287.
The performing arts organization
needs volunteers for computer
Input, tlclcetlng, filing and
handling phones. (714)
110 11 1ct1r Iii·(· it.
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Dinner is 1erved from 5:30 Mon-Sat.
Open 5100 pm on Christmas & New Yea.rs Ett
$ 3 99 P£R COUPLE
Includes deluxe accommodat1ons, gourmet buffet
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For guestroom package reservations call
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1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach
M Sunday, OeeenUI 21 . 2003
Continued from Al
who wanted to party on a
yucht, they created a dessert
tour on the last night of the pa-
rade -tonight -for anyone
Interested who has $75.
"This way, everyone can en·
joy the parade in the best po~
sible way." Leek said. "And it"~ a
101 or fun.
ThoS(' at ViUa Nova res1au-
rant have aJso had 10 adapl 10
little hurdles the boat parade
m ight throw in their way. 'llw
Coast Highway restauran1 is al·
ways a hotspot for people 10
come, stay out of the cold, have
a nice meal -maybe a cocktail
-and watch aU the pretty
boats go by, manager Susan
Pmmett said . It was sold out
long before the parade began.
But the restaurant is wildly
popular year-round, and has
the luxury of having very loyaJ
and consistent regulars.
"It is o juggling act. because
the seating for the parade is at
such a premium and we start
taklng reservations so far In ad
vance." Emmett said. "Then
about 5 p.m., we'U get our regu-
lar Saturday folks who come In
looking for their same table, in
thdr section, with their favorite
server, and I have to rum t.hem
away. We'w. had some hean·
breakers. like anniversaries and
Most of the regulars are for·
giving and realize their favorite
restaurant m ust capitali7,e on a
money-making business ven·
ture, she said
"That's the great thing about
our customers,· r:.mm~lt said.
"They really do ICNe us.·
And the business for the boat
...... .-.1111 .....
......... NIPO"ld In
... blodc tit 3;.20 •Jn.
•Daw Ill.-: A oo.n,.,..,.. burglefy ...
IWpOft9d In tlw 1800 blOC*
.. '1;11 Mi.~· •Gil•mod~A
hlt..enckuftwu ~ 111
et. 500 btock at 8:1>4 a.m.
Fttdly. ............... c....
NPQf1(ld et 7:o.t a.m.
Fttday .
• a..l lftlil: v.r.Nam
WM Nl)Of'9d In the 1900
tllodl .. ~ a.m. Midlly.
• 41111 "'-I: A bufglety
blodt at U :&o p.m. Friday.
parade is wonderful. she said.
adding that it is far better to
have It than not. The Villa Nova
op posed decreasing the n um·
ber of nights of the parade be·
cause ll was so good for busi-
HBut if it makes a better pa-
rade, then of course. we under·
stand,· Emmett said. "The pa·
rade Is really what it is aJJ
aboul, anyways."
Bill CroweU. the manager at
Newport Landing Res1auran1,
which overlooks the Balboa
Fun Zone. echoed the <>enti·
nien~ of hi)) industry col-
"This week has been really
strong.· CroweU said. ·II i)) our
heaviest week of the year and
even stronger than last year."
In 2002. Newpon Landi11g
took in about $75.000 during
the five days of the boat pa-
rade. he said. This year. they
are looking at about $95.000. he
Ille restaurant also ha'> lh
hands fuU with catering orders.
While the company docs not
send its employees aboard the
vessels. they do offer pany
pad.ages, CroweU said. Appc·
ti.7.cr tmys are the big thing. he
"Our kitchen hru. done ,t
great job keeping up with the
demand." CroweU said, adding
that all the employees really
rally around this time of the
year. "There is kind of a count·
down to the end; we all get a
little tired. We love it, bur we
are glad when it is over:"
• lOllTA HARPER writes columns
Wednesdays and Fridays. She
may be readied at (949) 574-4275
or by e·mall at
lolita.harper latimes.com.
·• Weight Loss
• Pain Control
• Performance
Continued from Al
The bed ptaa <Ml' An.lah
prompted an outpourlng o(
support in the IOCCef'
cooununlty and former
AYSO-ers Ooc.bd to the
orpnlzadon to help out. said
Duis Sarris. who replaced Aniah
as the regional commlasloner .
There are three dMsions
within AYSO -balanced tea.ms,
an which lcids are ~igned by
ability and age; AVSO Plus. a
more sophisticated level in
which tryouts determine where
kids play; and Pacific SQccer
Oub. in which older soccer
players compete against other
club teams. •
For kids. AYSO is a chance to
play on a team with kids their
own age and hone their athletic
skills. It al~ sharpens their
competitive slcills.
"It's been a great outlet for our
kids,· said Keith Camey. as he
cheered on his son Jake with his
2-year old son, Seth, nestled in
his lap. ·I have a daughter in
IAYSOJ, and even this lirtJe guy
likes to come and kick the baU
Nicolas Sar&eant, who scored
two goals in one of the games
the Toxic Fwnes played Dec. l3,
said he likes playing soccer
because "I'm fast and 1 llke to
Nicolas' quick bursts of speed
on Saturday helped elevate his
team to a 5-0 victory against the
Yorba Linda team, their second
shutout of the day.
His father said Nicolas has
been playing since he was 5
years old.
"He loves the camaraderie,
playing on the team and
winning the wh ole division,· Jim
Sargeant said.
Soccer can also bring siblings
closer through a common love
for the sport.
Alanna Duggan, 13, watches
her brother Sean, I 0, play soccer
after her games are over. She
uses her experien ce to help him
up his game.
"Save it. Sean -it's yours.
Keep your feet down. Good job!"
she yelled one Saturday
mo ming.
Running up and down a
soccer field is also a great
alternative to video games and
watching TV on the week.ends,
Sarris said.
And it imparts valuable skills
that will serve them weU
throughout their life, he added.
"It gives them self-confidence
and teaches leadership -every
week.. we have a different
captain.~ Sarris said. "They learn
how to get along with other
people, typical lessons of life.
Continued from A 1
Peter by the ear and says. "Listen
up, you little beast. 1 'U onty say
this once. The names with 'nice'
beside them get gifts and candy
in their shoes during the night.
..,,e names with 'naughty' beside
them get carried away to a
faraway place. Questions?"
Black Peter says *Crystal clear,
bo~. • and goes to work..
No lcid hM ever been naughty
enough to disappear, of course.
but It does scare the Heineken
out of them.
Here's the best pan. Do you
know where Black Peter takes
the bad kids? Spain. l'm not
kidding -thousands of Dutch
kids living in fear that they're
golng to end up in Spain.
Obviously, they don'lget out
much. Do I want the v\lla in
Costa Del Sol with the
housek'eeper and the large
pitcher or sangria. or the
apartment in Amsterdam in
Mu.sic. Wlth~ut it, there ls no
•WHATS AR.OAT 11 publlahed
~Hy. If you are pl1nnlng a
neutk:af event. tubmlt the
lnfonNdon to the Delly Piiot 330
W. Bay St , Cosi. MeN. CA
92827; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or
Theo..-. ..... bNt wtl
be c:tecorat.d •nd tv•ll•bte
during the Hofldey htede ot
Lights through today.
lnformatk>n: (949) 632-3738,
The ~Heltacw Neudcel
MUNUft"I wlll heve en exhlbii °'**"'for .Hoott¢ Tht Lure
end Lore of $poft Rahing," • the Gntnd 8elol'I from 10 •.m. to IS
p.m. lfWouetl f.eb. 29. The mueeum II ac 151 E. COMt ~ NewportBMd\. I~: {"81873-7883,
.... P1Jrll11._._. ...................
Newport Beach's Veronica Mclean, left, and Tustin's Nicole Thaboulsi battle for the ball in a
Saturday morning AYSO girls' soccer match on the Mariners Elementary School field.
They learn how to lose gracefully
and win just as gracefuUy:
For parents. AYSO i:. the glue
I.hat binds families on the
week.ends. For many, Saturday
soccer games arc a more
tangible harbinger of fall than
the leaves turning colors.
.. A Saturday without soccer?
We wouldn't know what to do
with ourselves.· said Carol
Gaylord. whose daughter Gwen
plays soccer.
Gaylord said that she and her
daughter and other soccer
families also get together to
watch the World Cup, so their
daughters can see professlonaJs
at wcirit.
Even grandparents can't resist
the exhilaration of Saturday
soccer games, joining their
children to root on their
"Everything is positive,
positive. positive, positive
reinforcement," said Pat Palmer.
grandma of Tristan and Sandy.
"I like that atmosphere."
Parent Mary Kanotz is an
ilber-soccer mom: She has two
daughters who play. she coaches
one of them, and she plays in an
adult league. Her embrace of
soccer helps fuel her daughter's
passion, Kanotz said.
"The more involved you are,
the more respect they have for it
because they see it's Important
to you." Kanotz said.
Christmas. I told you that Oliver
Cromwell banned Qiristmac;
carols in England in 1649
because he thought singing
Ouisunas carols was frivolous
and disrespectful. What a-poop.
But here's one that'll knock
your red and green sparkly
snowman socJcs off. When
"Jingle Bells" was written, it had
nothing to do with Otristmas.
James Pierpont compose<l ii ln
1857, called it "One Horse Open
Sleigh" and wrole It as a
Thanksgiving songl You can't
always gel what you wam, Jim.
but sometimes. you get what you
And that brings us to the
mother of all Christmas carols.
"Silent NightH is the most
popular caroJ ln the world and
has been translated into more
than a hundred languages from
the original Gennan. Ach. du
Spea.lcing of .. Stille Nocht,H you
can add this to your "Silent
Night" -Truth or Oare? folder.
The lyrics were written by a
young Austrian priest named
loseph-Mohr. and the music was
year-round for peraona with
dll8bllltle9. Ffee. (949) 640-1678.
brtng their employ"' out to
Newpon Beedl on weekdayt to
enjoy e dey of sailing oourteay of
Orenge Cout Col •. The
~of Sailing •nd
Seamanship now often • chence
for groups to work with the
on-board Instructor on dlff9rent
salting teehnlque. while m.y get
edvioe on how to perform Mitt In
buslneas. No .. mng e>cperienc9 neceuery. One-dty c1 .... , coat
from $100 to $125. (949)
0.-.. Co.t Colegft Mhool
of Niflng •nd -.man-"lp wlll
ofhtr. five week noncntdtt
lntrodocdon to SNetdl ulffng
._ fTom 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Jen. 11, 18 end 25 Ind Feb. , Ind
I It OCC't Miine Olf"1W In
Newpon Beech. The eott I• $120.
lnformetlon: (949) 846-9412.
o..,..c... ~· Nhoo4 of NIHng tf1d Mlmenehip wlll
off9t • ttw.. week noncrd ........ 11 .. 1··--J * wt'°"'9....,. on Niii
When parents are at the
games, cheering their children
on, most of the parents are
usually civil toward the coaches
and each other, said Susan
P..ilmer, wh ose two children
Tristan and Sandy play soccer.
"Everyone is really n ice and
supportive of their teams and
their kids,· Palmer said. "Every
so often. there's an obnoxious
parent out here, but not very
After every game, the
members or each team shake
hands or give each other high
fives and run thoroug}l a tunnel
of cheering parents and siblings.
Each division has an a&'iistant
field director who malces sure
soccer players are treated with
respect. Newport Beach's
director Steve Rasch, who joked
thal "no one else would do it.·
He is entrusred with trying to
prevent child abuse, whether it
be verbal or emotional.
Newport Beachs was also the
lirst region to teach its coaches
the Safe Maven program, which
trains volunteers on issues such
as child safety and how to talk to
After news of Anishs alleged
embe77Jement broke, the
Newport Beach board met and
confinned its resolve to deal with
the situation. The board talked to
vendors. and many of u1ern
agreed to set aside their charges
composed by noted organi'>l and
composer Franz Gruber, who
happened 10 be a buddy of
young Father Mohr. The hymn
was performed publicly for the
first time on Oiristmas Eve 1818
in Mohr'i. parish church, which
was called, ironically enough, St.
Nikolas Oiurch .
The legend that's been ldclci.ng
around for 200 years or so is that
Franz Gruber was supposed to
accompany Mohr on the church
organ. but it had been damaged
by mice -a common problem
with old church organs -and
couldn't be played.
Music historians now think
the "church mouse" story is
false. bogus, phony, and besides
that. not true. Father Mohr was
well known for singing hymns
during mass while
accompanying himself on I.he
guitar. That ~very unusual for
the time. Worse yet, Mohr sung
in German Instead of Latin,
which the parishioners loved,
but the powers that be hated.
They dropped a few hints that
Mohr lose the guitar and sdclc
with Latin, but Mohr didn't get it.
but are beginning 1allora. The
flnlt section will begin Jan. 9 and
the second aec:tlon on Jin. 10.
The 009t 11 $199. Information
(949) 645-9412.
Orene-Coett •• ec::hool
of sailing end Mema
offer• lix·week beak: cru
d ... from 9 •.m. to' p.m.
beginning Jan. 10 at OCC'1
S..lfng Center In Newport Beadl.
TheoostltS615. lntonn.tlon:
(948) 846-9412.
°"'"le COest Colege'• 9Choot
of salting end eeemenlhlp wlll
offer• beginning telling ct ...
ltbollrd • thlelda fTom 9:30 a.m. to
1 :30 p.m., beginning Jan. 10 et
OCC'a Salting c.nt.r. The oost la
$32&. lflformltlon: (M9) 969412.
0.......C...C1l1 .... .-...
of Nfffng and lllmllnlhfp will
ofhlr an tight pert notlCfwdlt
COUrM on~ end OPS
nevtgetlon fTom 7 to 10 p.m. JM.
12 through ht>. 4 .e OCO'I Wing c.nw In Newport IMah. The
CIOll II '131. The ..... «**f ..
.. 19\ W. P9dlo Coell tlgtlw9v. ..........r; ........ 12.
until the division recovered the
funds, said Sarris, who also
coaches an wider· I 0 f)rls' AYSO
Plus team. When fall regisuations
staned pouring in. the clivision
had more financial resources to
work with, Sarris added.
The board also put out a caU
to former AYSO volunteer
referees, and many responded.
Sarris said. In addition to fonner
referees returning, the division
also got 70 new referees.
Rasch is also one of the
returning referees. I le said he
enjoys monitoring the games on
the field because it allows him to
feel like part of tl1e action.
"h's a fun way 10 watch the
game," Hasch said. "I like to
instruct the other referees. I have
a faidy thick sldn and can get
yelled at and don't mind.·
As the fall season winds down,
the Toxic Fumes are the
champions of their league. and
Palmer is looking forward to
more victories.
"TI1e entire team is a such a
great group of boys. and we can't
wail to see what happe ns next,"
PaJmer said. "I do know one
tJtlng-fmy husband), Sandy,
and I, as well as all the other
parents and families of the team ,
will be there supporting and
cheering them on!H
• DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa
Mesa and mav be readied at (949)
574-4221 or by e-meil at
deirdrs.newman (iil/at1mes.com.
By the time that fateful
Otristmas Eve of 181 8 rolled
around, Franz Gruber dldn't have
the heart to tell his young friend
that he was a little 100 hot to be
around. anc..I either Gruber or
someone near htm did a little
"mouse rnischier of their own
on the organ to get Der
Wimpmeister Gruber off the
Alone but undeterred. Joseph
Mohr strapped on his guitar,
took a deep breath, and gave the
very lirst rendition of the
Christma'i carol that conquered
the world. It warmed every heart
that heard it that night, it does
the same now, and it's my
Christmas wish for you. Don't
thank m e. Thank Joseph Mohr.
*All is calm. All is bright
Round yon virgl,11 mother and
child, holy Infant so tender and
mild, sleep In heavenly peace.
Sleep In heavenly peace."
I gotta go.
• ~ BUFFA 1s 11 former Com
Mesa mayor. His column runs
Sundays. He mey be readied by
e-mail at ptrb4 .al.com.
Orange Coest College'• school
of ulllng and eeemenahlp wtll
oifer en Intermediate shield•
aeillng de11 from 1 :"6 to 6:30
p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 25 end Feb. 1
and 8 at OCC's sailing center In
Newport Beech. The cost Is $145.
Information: (949) 645-9412.
With ~llt
the Balboa n Zone. you can
enjoy nautice periencea from
mild to wild. t • • Mff1'uided
tour of the be n your ~olce of
PQMr and I watercreft. jump
the OCHn swell• In• S..-doo
jetboe\. put you aport·fl1hing
sldllt to the teat In • fUlly
equipped ao.ton whaler, or soar
tboYe It ell on • per ... 11 ftleht etong the Newport coast.
Oon\plimentMy ~Ind
~ ,,. lnduded with ell
Oondolatoun ........ brlh9
Gondola Co. of NMport. 3400 'h
Oporto, Suite 102.a. The $76 COti lndudM • .,. ... of.,,.,
ct... aellml, lcl, ........ btritlt. ln&lllc end • Polerold plcue.Wtne•*>Mllllbte .
(Ml 115-1212;
Sixth-graders at Mariners Elementary perform *A Gift for Every Child" during the Oral History Tea.
Students learn history
through word of mouth
Children at Mariners Elementary School
present their interviews with famil y and
family friends from another generation.
Marlaa O'Neil
Daily Pilot
PauJ Albus remembers when
ameniLies such as electricity
were a luxury and movies cost
only II cents.
He shared this tidbit wilh h is
granddaughter, l l-year-old
Lauren Buanagan, when she in-
terviewed him for her oral his-
tory project at Mariners El-
ementary School in Newport
Beach. She and other sixlh-
graders at the school intro-
duced Lhelr subjects at the
school's annual Oral History Tea
on Friday and presented them
with Lheir written reports.
The assembly brought 10-
gelher generations of families in
Lhe school's multipurpose room
to hear the students sing holi-
day songs and talk briefly about
their family members. Everyone
galhered outsjde afterward for
cook.Jes, cakes and refresh-
Corona cMI M.t 7-12
2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport
Principals: Brooke Booth, 7-8;
Sharon Fry, 9-12; (949) 515-0000
Attendance: (949) 515-6005
Costa Mesa 7-12
2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa
Principals: John Garcia, 7-8; Fred
Navarro, 9-12
Main phone: (714) 424-8700
Attendance: (714) 424-8705
2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa
Principal: Tom Antal
Main phone: (949) 51!>-6500
Attendance: (949) 51!>-6505
men ts.
"I did my project about him
because I didn't know much
about his hometown,· Lauren
said of her grandfather, who
grew up in Wheaton, IU. ·r
learned about what things cost
and what utilities they didn't
have back then.tt
Her grandmolher. Judy Albus,
stood in for her husband, who
had to Oy back to Illinois for
medical reasons. The two were
visiting Lauren and her family
for Lhe holidays, and Judy AJbus
was happy to attend Lhe tea.
1Welve-year-old Shawn Sha-
hidi recognized hls grear uncle,
Rogelio Reyes. Reyes served in
the Air Force during the Korean
War and earned a docrorate in
linguistics from Harvard.
Kristine Riva, 11. said she
chose to write about her grand-
mother Rita Slater because
Nshe's always been there for
M~ Colt.ge High School
2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa
Principal: Robert Nanney
Main phone: (714) 432-5732
Newport Harbor 9-12
600 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach
Principal: Michael Vossen
Main phone: (949) 515-6300
Attendance: (949) 61&-6305
Back 8-v Cont. High School
~Vista High School
390 Monte Vista Ave., Costa Mesa
Principal: Deborah Ludter-Oavis
Main phone: (949) 51!>-6900
Bade Bay attendance: (9491
Monte Vista attendance: (949)
"I wicnessed her birth," Slater
said. "l saw her even before her
mother saw her. I've been
meshed with her ever since.·
Peggy Marotta's grandson, 11 -
year-old Andrew Wilkey, has
been interviewing her for the
past six weeks to get all the in-
formation he needed for hls re-
port. But despile aJI Lhe ques-
tioning, Andrew said he was
aJready "pretty close" wilh his
grandmorher so he didn't have
100 many new surprises.
Cade FeitJer. 11 , did his report
about his father's friend Bill
"He was in the Navy, his mom
was a teacher, he was a dentist,·
Cade started.
"What lesson did he leach
you?" his mother prompted.
"Oh yeah,· he said with an
embarrassed smile. "He said if
you put your hear1 and your
souJ into anything, you can ac·
complish it."
• MARISA O'NEIL covers
education and may be reached at
(949) 574-4268 or by e-mai l at
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M Suiday, OeGerrC>et 21. 2003
, We have
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A remodel from the garden up
Armstrong Garden
Center on Newport
Boulevard is in the
middle of a major
AJlcla Robinson
Daily Pilot
COSTA MF.SA -People pus·
Ing lhe comer of Newport Boule--
vard and Victoria Sfreel mJght do
a double-take when they see the
• sitpl noting the wrcmodellng" of
Armstrong c.o.rden Center.
Right now. I.here's not much or
a building I.here. ·u·s a total remodel from the
ground up.· Armstrong public
relations director Oiris Green·
wood said.
The original building wns buJI·
dozed in October. It wai. ont> of a
do-ren or so ston.--s Annstrong
took over about six years ago
from I.he bankrupt Nursery Land
Co., Greenwood said. Before
that, it was another garden busi·
ness and. even earlier. a motel,
he said.
"It was in real poor condition,·
Greenwood said or the old struc·
ture. •Not only that, it wds ugly.
really ugly. It just needed to be
brought up to speed."
It alc;o didn't serve shoppers
well, said Armstrong employee
Rick Pion, who woriced occasion·
ally at the Costa Mesa slore and
will return as its a.<t'>isrant man·
ager when it reopens.
"It had been there for a lot of
years.· Pion said. "Thcfl· were
occasfons when we joked. 'Don't
lean against anything.··
Woricers are now gelling stan -
ed on the new building, which is
slated to open in March. Green·
wood said the concrete slab for
the building was poured last
week. and once that's done.
weather isn't likely 10 delay con·
The new facility will include a
6.000-square-foot, barn-like
building and 40.000 fcN of out·
side s(>ace. The additional room
will aJJow Annstrong 10 offer
• Submi1 AFTER HOURS items to
the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St.,
Cosw Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to
(949) 646-4170; or by calling (949)
Orange Coast College hi offering
a nine-part film history on Alfred
Hltc:hco<*. The series will be
moderated by retired OCC
professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each
session will be held at 6:30 p.m.
one Friday each mon1h. The
events will be hefd at OCC's Fine
Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6 for
adults and S5 for seniors and
OCC students. For more
information, call (714) 432-5880
The Commodores Club If the
Newport Beach Chamber of
Commerce is holding the Ring of
Lights home decorating
competition this month.
Information: (949) 729-4400.
Beautifulty decorated yachts.
boats, kayaks and c:anoea will eall
along the harbor in the 95th
annual Newport Harbor
Christmas Boat Parade through
today. Each night. the parade wlll
begin at 6:30 p.m. at Collin•
Island and last two and a half
houri. The parade i1 hosted by
A construction worker puts a wood beam into place on a new structure at Armstrong Garden Center
in Costa Mesa. The original structure has been completely razed as part of the remodel.
more perennials. bedding plants
and roses outdoors and to ex·
pand its seJection of gardening
s upplies and gifts inside, Green·
wood said.
The "elegant country motiJ
wiU provide a nicer ambience in
the store, which will be similar to ·
Armstrong's Newport Beach lo·
cation, Greenwood said. He ex-
pect.S customers to respond en·
"It's been consistent whenever
we remodel a store.· he said.
·People are j~t really excited
about the new look."
Pion and other employees
from the Costa Mesa garden cen·
tcr are now wor\ing some of the
company's other locations bul
wilJ return in the spring. when
the new building is ready.
"One of the things about Arm·
strong that's great is they made
sure everybody had a home until
lhe new store opened,· Pion
A distance from the skeleton of Armstrong Garden Center's new
building, some palm trees await planting.
One customer eagerly await-
ing I.he store's reopening is Costa
Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan,
who lives a few blocks from the
store. He would have bought a
Olristmas tree there if it hadn't
the Commodores Club of the musicians include guitar players,
Newport Beach Chamber of bass players, singers, drummers,
Commerce. Information: (949) keyboardists and others at 100
729-4400, http://www.c:hristmas • -·~~ain St, Newport Beach. Free.
bo11tparade.com. ls49~.si~, ··-
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churdl
Sanctuary Choir and On:hestra
will present Christma1 concert
works by Bass, Rutter, Hayes,
Stroope, Menotti, Tchaikovsky
along with holiday carols at 4
p.m. today at 600 St. Andrews
Road, Newport Beach. Tidtets
cost $10. lnformatlon: (949)
574-2284, (949) 574-2283.
Child-care reservations.: (949)
Superstar Mariah Cerey will sing
at 8 p.m. Monday at the Orange
County Performing Arts Center.
Tldcets will cost $76 to $140.
Information: (714) 656-2787.
Gulfstream Restaurant In
Newport Beach pntMnta a jazz
trio Sunday through Wedne9day
as regular entertainment at 860
Avocado Ave., Newport Beach.
Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and
6 to 10 p.m. Monday through
Wednesday. (949) 718-0188.
The Studio Caf6 preaenta
Monday Night Jami from 7 to 11
p.m. every week. •w.nted•
Jazz and codctails flow dally from
noon to midnight Sundays
through Thursdays and from
noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and
Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club
& Resort. at 1221 W. Coast
Highway, Newport Beacti.
Information: (949) 645-5000
Walter Lakota and David Alcantar,
the New Yortc Jazz Connection
Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251
E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8
p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and
at 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays.
Diana Ditri joins the duo on
vocals on Mondays. It's free.
Information: (949) 673-9500.
The Bluewater Grill offers live
music Friday and Saturday
nights. Greg Morgan, Nidc Peper
and Kelly Got"dien (known as
MPG) perform classic rod:, R&B
and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays.
Marvin Gregory and MPG will
perform classic rod:, awing and
R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The
restaurant is 81 630 Udo Pa rte
Drive. Newport Beach. Free. (949)
The Rusty Pelican offers the
music of Common Ground from
been closed, he said.
"Its always good to update and
modenilie, * Monahan said. ·1
thinlr. it's going to be a large ben·
efit to lhe community."
Wednesday through S unday. The
band performs fro m 7 to 10 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday, from
8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. Friday and
Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. '··
Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735
W. Coast Highway, Newport
Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431.
Players restaurant Is now offering
live music from 9 p.m . to
midnight every Friday and
Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th
St .• Costa Mesa. No cover charge.
(949) 646·5615.
Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant
in Newport Beach presents the
Rief< Sherman Duo featuring Ritt
Sherman and Alan Remington on
Friday nights. The program
features all your favorites on the
saxophone keyboards. Anthony's
is et 151 E. Coast Highway. (949)
Tate 5, a funk. rode and Motown
act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays
at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E.
Coast Highway, Corona del Mar.
Solo guitarist Ken Sanders
performs classical flamenco
tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays and
Sundays. Free. (949) 675-1922.
Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone
Bridge Band play rod: and R&B et
9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place
Need a Great Gift Idea?
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For Ron-v11tions
• r
Afresh look at the library
I r you haven't been to the FYI
Newport Beach Central All branches of the Newport 4brary recently, yolf1J'l1ght Beach Public library will close at want to check it out over the 1 p.m. WednHday and reopen holidays. The Central Library at 9 a.m. Friday. closed last ~ek for renovations
and refurbishments, and this ls
the perfect llme to take a fresh not pick. up ~ few copies and
look at what the library has to take them home with you for a
offer. week? While browsing through
The Popular Library section, the Popular Ubrary, you'll also
with its collection of the latest discover a large selection oC
bestsellers, magazines, books boob on CD and films in
on cassene or CD and videotape and DVD formats for
videotapes and DVDs, has been home enjoyment.
expanded. It now has more When you stroU ups1alrs,
comfortable seating for those you'll notice that our business
who want to browse leisurely reference collection has been
through the extensive magazine integrated with our reference
collection. Catch up over the collection. Not to worry -a11
holidays on aJ1 those issues of the most useful and current
your favorite magazine that information is still available.
you've been too busy to read. For your convenience, the New
The Central Library and all York Tl.mes and the WaJJ Street
three branches circulate thelr Journal indexes and the
magazine collections, so why "Readers' Guide to Periodical
HOURS Loya musical "La Poiada
Magica; about a band of
Continued from A6 neighbors who joumey to
rediscover the magic of
Hotel's Trianon lounge, 4500 Christmas, will contlnue through
MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Wednesday at South Coast
Free. (949) 476-2001. Repertory. Regular performances
will be at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m.
STAGE today, at B p.m. Tuesday and at
12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All
'A CHRISTMAS CAROL' performances will be on the
South Coast Repertory presents Julianne Argyros Stage, 655
Hal Landon Jr. in "A Christmas Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa.
Carol: which will be performed Information: (714) 708-5555,
http://www.scr.org. through Monday at the Folino
Theatre Center, 655 Town Center STARLIGHT EXPRESS Drive, Costa Mesa. Tickets coS1 Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical
$29 to $44. Information: (714) Starlight Express, with new sets 708-5555, http://www.scr.org. and costumes by John Napier,
will be performed Thursday,
'LA POSADA MAGICA' Christmas Day, through Dec. 28, The Octavio Solis and Marcos Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1 through
Log on to my mbsite Am for cumnt listings
Pam Ward Broker Assoc.
John Jacobs, GRI
29 Ytrar.r in Newport
Bw: 949-642-4400
John's Cell-463-9100
Julia Bland
&lling ... ·Castles to Condo's "
Integrity, Knowledge. Commitment
(949) 632-7210
Calitoml• 9'e1lty
Uterature• are now on the science fiction. mystery,
Index tables next to the romance, graphic novels, teen
tnlcroftlm-rn.lcrotlche cabinets magazines, and boob on
and reader-printers. cassene an.d CD.
The biggest change ls that the If you don't have a chance to
Teen Center Is now upstairs. make it into your nearest
ThJs l.s the perfect location for Newport Beach Public Library,
studying and homework. now don't forget many of the
near aU those resources that library's resources are available
students need for homework. online at
There wiJJ be two dedicated 11ttp:/lwww.newportbeach •
computer terminals for teens to libmry.org. You can access the
use during Teen Center hours. library's catalog, a variety of
and teens wiJ1 have access to databases and lists of
the 24 public computers bestsellers and new titles, and
upstairs. As always, the Teen you can check out the many
Center ls open to a11 library programs offered al the library.
customers durlng school hours.
The teen librarians can • CHECK IT OUT la written by the
suggest a variety of resoun:es staff of the Newport Beach Public
for schoolwork needs, and if Library. Thia week'a column is by
you want to read over the Susie Lamb. For more information
school break, they can always on the Central Library or any of the
recommend several great tilles. branch locations, please call the
The Teen Cen1er offers books to Newport Beac:ti Public Library at
satisfy every tas1e: fantasy. (9491717-3800. option 2.
4 at the Orange County http://ocswing.com, (909)
Performing Arts Center in 6~119.
Segerstrom Hall. Information:
(714) 556-2787. ARGENTINE TANGO
Mp:llwww.ocpac.org. Tango dancing is offered from 8
p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first
DANCE Seturday of each month at
Dansoene Studio, 2980
THE NUTCRACKER McClintock Way, Costa Mesa.
The American Ballet Theatre will Information: (714) 641-8688.
perform Tchaikovsky's "The
Nutcracker# through today at the POETRY Orange County Performing Ans GYPSY DEN CAFE Center. Tickets cost $20 to $80.
Information: (7141556-2787, There will be an open poetry
http://www.ocpac.org. reading night for anyone who
wishes to present his or her work,
SWlNG with music by Liquid Muse, at 8
Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. Jan. 13 at the Gypsy Den
p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Cafe, 2930 Bristol St., Costa
Garde Ballroom in Newport Mesa. Information: (714)
Beach by the Orange County 549-7012, (714) 564-6526, (949)
Swing Dance Club. Information: 472-9028.
Alice Brownell -Broker Associate ,,,,,,,"
"'·. " I .. 1.11, · , _
Specializing in
Balboa Island
Direct Line: (949) 294-6495
Home Office: (949) 673-4547
Email: a/icebrownel/@mail.com
Lido Park Realty
"Ljdo Park Specialist"
60 l Lido Park Or.,
Suite 2-E
Newport Beach, CA 92663
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Al Si.Nay, Oecefllbef 21. 2003
HOW TO GET.........., -L11e1n: Mail to Editorial P9g8EdtorLo1taHalperat1he Dally PHot. 330 W. Bey St., eo... Mee.I, CA 92827 • R1 w1 Hot1rte: Call (949) 642-6086 foo: Send to (9491646-4170
E-mlll:Send to dllllypllotfillatim-.oom •All corr~ must Include full flllme, hometown 1nd phone number (for veribtion pul'pOMI). The ptlot.......,.. the right to edit en sobmlulon• for clarity and length.
Don't pass what
can't be enforced
E ffectlve laws, regard.less
of their merit., are those
that can be enforced
A Costa Mesa-based
environmental groups efforts lo
ccnvince coastal cities to ban
smoking on their beaches certainly
has mt::rit, but its practicality is
NHow in the world would you
enforce that?" Newpon Beach City
Councilman Steve Bromberg has
rightly asked. NYou would have lo
give Ufeguants police power, and
that's not something l would be
inclined to support."
Earth Resource Foundation has
cited the surplus of butts on
beaches as a problem grave
enough for city governments to
add a new law, but do we need
another law that lacks a backbone?
Uttering is already illegal on the
beach, but beachgoers leaving
anything behind -from cigarette
buns to bags of leftovers picked
through by seagulls -usually leave
the sand WlSCathed and
Will the same officials who
enforce beach littering laws enforce
the new anti-smoking law as
Pew reasonable people would
likely say they suppon cigarette
butts on the beach, but maybe
there are more reasonabre
solutions that don't require adding
laws. Stephanie Barger. executive
director and founder of the F.arth
Resource Foundation, has
suggested that cities provide
appropriate receptacles for butts
on beach.es. since some smokers
fear starting fires in trash cans.
Perhaps Newport Beach officials
could raise littering fines, post
some notices of the lnaease on the
beach and pay for new receptacles
with the earnings. This ls, of course,
contingent upon the city making
greater efforts to enforce its litter
The beach, unlike a restaurant or
bar, is an expansive place that
allows a lot of activity to go unseen
Enforcing the ban would be much
more difficult at the beach,
Newport Beach Police Qlief Bob
McDonell has said.
Further. where will smokers go if
they can't go outside? Parger also
cites secondhand smoke as a
problem at the beach, but
secondhand smoke is a problem
wherever one finds a smoker.
Smoking is still legal, and until it
isn't. an effort to single out the
littering smokers deserves lo be
made before writing a law that
punishes them all
Sun will also rise for
Cirque du Soleil
T he fantastic Orque du
SoleU production, which
pays homage to the
nomadic spirit. has found
a temporary home in Costa Mesa
-a city reputed for its
alJ-induslve, live-and-let-live
It is in that tradition that we say
"welcome back" to the
French-Canadian company and its
host of talented perf onners and
production team members,
responsible for the daz:di.ng
creation, "Varekal."
It ls a bittersweet homecoming
for some. as residents recall
painfully loud memories of the
1997 production of "Quid.am." The
breathless whisper of the word.
"Varekai," brought more than a
shiver down the backs of many ln
College Park and Mesa del Mar.
But residents should sleep easy
this time around.
Unlike the production
"Quid.am." which caused nealby
residents to shudder -Uterally -
the musical arrangement of
"Varekai," seenl$ to have a softer
edge. Compositions such as ·Rain
One," feature a light touch on the
piano keys and a woman's
breathless singing voice. Others
follow the same whispering theme,
showcasing ~elod.lc strums of the
guitar and the delicate shaking of
the tambourine.
Even more upbeat songs, such as
"El Pendulo" -which includes
recurring bass beats -or
"Movimento" -with
hand-clapping and shouting-will
most likely be a faint oomparison
to the thunderous symphony of
Although the word tw:Wkai means
"wherever" ln the Romany
language of the gypsies. dlf
location of this extraVagant
production matters very much.
Orque du Soleil oftidaJs have
exhibited good faith by agreeing to
stage their production on the far
northeast comer of the fairgrowlds,
where neighbors would llkety be
less affected by noise.
Neighbors of the fah:ground
boast the luxury of having popular
entertainment come to them so
they can attend without the hassle
of driving long dJstances and
fighting for paiking.
As far as periodic. and often
boisterous, activities at the
fairgrounds; this ls nothing new-
and homeowners knew that when
they closed esaow.
All in all. Mesa del Mar and
College Park residents should be
satisfied, for their qualms have
been beard and addressed. Who
knows, perhaps a nice mklwlnter
stroll to a production of "Varekai"
could become a fashJonable
neighborhood outing.
Sage Hill solves the equation
H ere are a few wordt and
phrases that were toned
about a Sap HW High
classroom thia mooth: binomial
diatribudons, sample alze,
hypothnes and means.
What could poatbty have
compelled the atudentt ln
Noweddine £1 Alam'a Advanced
Placement clau to utter, or ewn
Jutt think. such wordtf Stadstica.
Yet. the m<>1t dutard.ly
mathematical word th1a tJde of
Al ..._for aveJ9 folk. But there.....,. ID be nothlna
awlllll about ....... wbilCh ..
taclding a subject that leaves
most quakfnt in quotient fear.
The meaaage in it ls perfectly
elev, one even the moat
math-phobic can calculate. In
Juat three ahonyean (an easy
number to count), Sage Hill
officials have quickly put
together a remarkably au~
echool, both tn the cla111room
and on the playing field (Juat
check the •PQrta aecdon to fthd
that out).
to Uop la Jutt how much better
the IChool CUl pt. When wll It be.,. ,..,.t Alt« lOf
'''t)U WAHNA TJ!U. HIM ™T WE. A~ ~EP M CAP ?/!11
Red-light cameras in vogue
AT ISSUE: Costa Mesa's
cameras have caught
more than 4,000 violators.
I believe that the cameras are the
best idea. without having ttaflic officers
at each intersection. It ls obvious that
many people. who feel UJce no one is
watching, drive irresponsibly. With the
real threat of being caught. people are
more lilcely to follow the traffic laws.
That makes the roadway a much safer
place to be for everyone.
Huntington Beach
The good news is that the red-light
cameras seem to be working, having
caught 4,000 violators. The bad news is
that ugliest com er in the
Newport-Mesa area just got a whole lot
uglier and it Is not going to change
anytime soon. So much for aesthetics.
Newport Beach
At police headquarters, Lt. Kart Schuler of the Costa Mesa Police Department
goes over some violations caught by the city's red-light cameras.
crTY O'I COSTA •SA ec.ta Me.a City Hel, n Fe&r r>rNe, Cotta
Mw, CA 9292t, (7M) 7MQ23
Mllflor: Glfy MotaeNn
Cauulll: Ubbv Cw.~ Maneoot,
Mike Set...-end°'* 9lMt
~ IMclh CltyHll,31DO N1tt1110ft
ltvd.,N9wport ..... ,CA12883.( .. )
MtDOI --= 1bd AidOeMY c ••• Gely Adlm9. ~ Brombefg.
John Hlifflmen, (ti~~
Aoeenlly end Don Webb
cou.&1 •T'RICT Plleltce Oller. 1'10 AcMmt M ., Cotta
-... CA12121, (714) m.-
Clammlu. Wiiiem M. Yage
.._. "'• I~ ..... llfv-, Vici Pr1Jfd1M~ ~George 8":Mn,
My F'll81 IOA encl~ 0. Howtld; ........................ ~
Ol9trict Offtce: 29-A BMr St, ea.ta
MeM, CA 92828, (7ti4) ~ ............... "°'*'a.bot
.... P'Neldlnl MMthe Fluor, \'Ice
PNlldllllDena ..... a.tr~ a.oer.. o.\ltd lkoob, Tom Eg1n, ,MJv
Ftenoo end Und9 5neefl
WA111t DllTNCT
, ...... -.. C09llt Mee-. CA
t2G7, (M) 811-1200
PNeldent Mb.....,, Thady OHlg Hell,
Ft'td ~end....,. E. Shoenberger
P.O. lox 1200, Cott.I MeM, CA
'2821-1l00~ (714) '7M-tcM3
.... '"9ktlnt MlneScNter, .Nm
fenymen, M ptwyy, ONgWoodllde ~
200 K81mua Oflw, P.O. Box 9060, Com
M ... , CA 92828-9060, (714) 81MOOO
Elizabeth D. Pitter, !Mmbef, 'Tn-.
AIM 6, COltll Mw, Newport~
Hell of ~8tkw\, 10 Clvtc C...
Plea. a.,,.. Ana. CA l270'I
• Jim SIM, 2nd Dlltrict Ceo.ta Mella,
.... df)Ort Bw:h), (714) 834--3220
•Thomes WRIOn, &th Dlllrtc:t (Newport
• f* ~. Colt9I Mela, CA 82929,
(7M' 709-MIA
'-d: Pillldli1t Aubef\ A. Smith, Vb
~,_,..WleqUel, Emily
lllnford, P9ggy tWdl, JIMea a..td\,
Dlborlh c.ron.. Lellt A. R-v Ind ,,.. 8eftNlr'O
; OA«y Pilot
Name: Mirna Burciaga
City of residence: Costa Me~
• Education: Associate's in general
: studies, with emphases in fashion
design, business and management;
Leadership Tomorrow graduate
Family: Husband. Sal Burciaga;
, daughters. Natalie and Stephanie; and
son, Sal Jr.
Hobbies: Reading, walking. yoga,
meditation and gardening
'At this time, I am not
running for City
Council. A seat on th e
Parks and Recreation
Commission was an
. appointment; I did not
_campaign for it as a
stepping stone to a City
Council seat.'
; 'Bilingual education was
: never an issue .... My
campaign has always
been for the full
implen1e11tatio11 of a
program of effective
English instruction for
FO R UM Sunday, December 21, 2003 A9
Costa Mesa's 'rising star'
Cost<:i Mesa restaurateur Mirna Burciaga is busy: the education activist and chair
of the county's Human Relations Committee will soon be a parks commissioner
L ook ln the windows of the
popular eatery, El Otlnaco,
and you may firid her at
the helm of a busy lunch
destination. Or perhaps she is at a
Otamber of Commerce event or
running a Costa Mesa Human
Relations Committee meeting. If
not, she is most likely at one of her
children's school eveots or at home
The term Jack of all trades doesn't
come close to describing Mirna
Burciaga. First. because she Is a
woman. but more importantly,
because Jack is considered to do all
trades averagely -mastering none.
That does not seem w be the case
wi th Burciaga, whom
Councilwoman Ubby Cowan
describes as a shining scar.
In the new year, Burciaga will
take her position on the Parks and
Recreation C:Ommission after the
resignation of KeUy Feldman and
an appointment from Cowan. She
has aJso expressed interest in
running for City Council in
November but insists her other
responsibilities come first -at
least for now.
Pilot C-0lumnist Lolita Harper
caught up with Burciaga to ask her
about her community involvement
and seemingly busy schedule. Here
is what she had to say:
How long have you lM!d ln Costa
Mesa and at what point In your time
here dJd you feel the need to get
lnvolwd In the community? Was there
one sped.Oc Issue that sparked your
lnterest, or was It a general dest.te to
I've lived in Costa Mesa for 22 years,
and I have felt involved sine~ my
children began anendlng school.
School affairs became very imporrant,
and the schools certainly are a part of
che commWlity.
Those who are loyal readers of the
Pilot would remember your~
from various storiet on your role bl
ftllng an ollklal complaint against the
Newport-Mesa Unlfted School Dlstrlct
alleging that English-language
learners were not getting the
educadon they are endtled to by law.
Since then, your name has been
synonymous with bllJngual educadon,
but you don't n~ support that
either. Qu1 you explaln where you
stand on bllngual education?
BilinE,rual education \.WS never an
IS!>U<:. Some communities, and
ron~equentJy their scl1ools, have
turned to bilingual education as an
educational support ~)'Siem. Ol1r
schools have not supported the
concept of bilingual education. and
11eithn do I.
Ac. I mentioned earlier, chis has never
been an issue for disl.'ussion in our
school!>. My concern has been 10
provide all studenrs. no1 only
English·language learners, the bei.t
education. In the case of
Engli~h-lru1guage learners. appropriate
instruction in English is a critical pan
of their education, so thar they can
access the core curriculum.
So. I would like to respectfully
questiqn tha1 my name has been
synonymous with bilingual education.
That has never been part of any
discussion with the schools nor with
the i.tate officials. My campaign has
alw.iys been for the full
implementalion of a program of
effective English insrruction for
1:nglish-language learner...
ln January, you wW take your place
on the Parks and Recreadon
Commission. What do you hope to
bring to the pa.00 comml8slon that
hos been mls.!JngT
II is nol abour what is missing. I am
sure that I have qualifications lhat will
be beneficial for the commission. I
hope my experience can help create a
be1ter quali1y of Ufe in my community. I
am commiucd to do my best.
In addition to your upcoming gtg as
a cotn.ml581oner, you will al.so keep
your role as chairwoman of the
Human Relations Committee, as well
as running your business and
household, wh.lJe ra1slng your
children. Whett do you flnd the Umef
I have a lot of experience in business,
and have learned how to select
employees who can be delegated 10
provide management in my absence.
Also. my husband is very supportive;
we share responsi bilities at home. Our
chUdren never lack attention or
supervision. As you might f,'1.1ess. they
are involved in many activities. and we
ure always there lo support them.
I have rakcn many ~orkshops in
leade~hip and management. An
importanl part of the training is lime
I remember the words of a highly
<,uccessful execulive: "If I have
something of great importance 1hat
must be done quickly and done right.
I always look for the busiest person
and ru.L. lurn tu do 11." Another
executive said. "If I have two people
on my management team who agree
on everything, I don't need one of
them." So, you don't look (or reams
who agree on everything; you look for
teams who bring various points or
view, i.o tha1 decisions and :1olutions
are the best for everybody.
You have expresaed your desire to
run for City Council. Do you feel you
have a strong support base for such a
It is premature to tallc about a
support base for a Cily Council
position. I lowever. I do know tha1
many people who are very at:tive in the
communiry have been supportive of
my effor~ on behalf of the community.
I believe that support should not be a
result of recruiting. ii should grow as a
result of people seeing that your
in1erest and efforts are always for 1he
hetterment of the community.
I know It la early ln the campaign
season, but have you given any
thought to what your key running
polnta might bet
At this time. I am not running for
Cily Council. A seat on the P-d.fk.s and
Recreation Commission was an
appointment: I did not campaign for ii
as a stepping stone to a City Council
seat. Now that I am involved in tha.s
very irnportanl community service, and
see an opportunity to possibly serve on
the City Council. I am certainly going to
begin to look al all sides of issues 10 be
sure lhat I have considered all poinis or
view before taking a position.
Please don'l take thjs as avoiding
your quesdon, I just don't want lo he
perceived as a person who has an
immediate, emotional response to
questions and issues. My policy has
always been to be open-minded and 10
weigh carefully any decision that will
affecr many people.
If you could change one lhlng about
the city, wh.at would It be and why?
Again. I w\IJ need more time 10
become aware of the city issue .. and
priorities. I would like to he as
infom1ed as possible before making
Your restaurant, FJ Otlnaco, ls
named for Mexican countrymen, who
are considered brave and laborious.
Qu1 you expia1n the symbollsm or
why you dM* that as the name of
your buslnasT
·111ere was really no attempt at deep
l>)'lllboli m. The name reflects pride
and dedkation. Most imponant, it Is
easy to remember, whkh is good
Wben you are not taking on the
!iChool board, leading a Human
Relations meeting. running your
buslnes1 or strategtzing a run ror CJty
Council, what do you do for fun?
First, let's clarify your opening
comment to this question. I don't "take
on· the school board. When I asked the
sr.ate to evaluare services to our
language learners, my effort was to
have our services reviewed. The
responsible agency was the ~rate board
of education. The state reviewed the
situation and saw that changes were
needed. Then our school board had to
"ta.k:e on" the challenge of providing
adequate curriculum. materials and
I will never be looking for
confrontation, I will always be trying to
see that the people of the commwlity
are receiving the services that they are
paying for and deserve.
To address the second part of your
question, I like lo spend time with my
family. It's fun to be together al the
soccer field and watch my children's
games. I love 10 go 10 rhe movies, and
also on the weekends staying up late
with my son watching good movies.
Going to our wonderful church the
Cemer for Spiritual Discovery tS always
fun; we have a lot of fun events. My
family and I enjoyed dining oul at
different restauran1s during weekends.
What ls your fawrtte thlng about
the hoUday 9e890n, and does your
family have any spedaJ tradJUonal
rhe music, the decorations, the gifts
-you can breath joy everywhere.
There ti. this sense of closeness among
everybody. No matter who you are. or
what traditions you have, you can feel
this unity. Food is one big thing for us.
ln our family, ir's a tradition to cook a
turkey. I use a special recipe from my
grandmother; she passed ii along to
all or uc;. AJso, we have speciaJ food
treats from my husband's side,
tamales, bunuelos, spicy punch, and
of course, some American dishes. I am
bles-;ed to have the opportunity to mix
three different traditions. We attend a
special service at our church on
Ouislmas Eve and make plans for rhe
next year
Any closing thoughtsl
1 appreciatr this opportunity to
exprei.-. my thoughts to your readers.
I believe that the key to effec11ve
government is open communication.
Government exists everywhere. It 1s
officially com prised of school
princ1paJs. dis1ric1 adminislrators.
st:hool boards, commissions, city
councils. etc. But communication has
rwo directions. We should be as
passionate about listening to the
viewpo1n1s of others as we are abou1
expre'ising our own. I pledge to
aJways be available for open
discussion on any Issues, and to make
all Information available 10 everyone
in the community. The voice of an
informed community ma.Ices it easier
for a leader to make decisions.
I lappy hulitlayi. to aJI.
We re y o u g ood this y ear, Newport-M esa?
S o while Sallla is making his
lisr and checking it twice, I
thought I'd come up with
my own for tholle naughty and
lf I could be Santa 1ust for one
day, here are some of the gifts
that I'd hand out, if I had a
sleJgh. And no, I'm not going to
keep this rhyme golng.
remain one of
the best
places 10 live
In the
For Costa
Mesa Mayor
Monahan, I
wish a steady
hand :u the
gavel and
For Coach Craig Pert.lg and
his fl~tancla Mustang football
team, t wtsh a CIF
championship for next season.
Heck. while we are at It. I wish a
championship for all of the
Newport-Mesa athletes.
For Coach Pat Douga., and
his UC! Anteaters, l wish a Big
West Ouunpionshlp and a first
ever lnvttc to the NCAA
tournament In March.
someone el'\e.
For Mel Thoman and his band
of Wedge riders, more and
bigger waves 10 ride. Ditto for all
the surfers at the River Jetties,
Blacldes and more.
For Davey's Locker, Newport
Landing. and the Balboa and
Newpon piers, here's to limhs
for all the anglers.
good family and friends.
For all my friends and my
family, I wish tl1e joy of the
holiday season.
And finally and most of all, for
alJ the readers and advertisers of
the Dally Pilot, f wish conrtnued
success and happy reading
throughout the year. Without
you and your support, we could
not be the newspaper we are
I lappy holldnys.
TONY DODERO ls the editor.
He welcomes your
commerrts on news
coverage, photography or
other newspaper-related
issues. If you have a
message or a letter to the
editor, call hit direct line et
19411 674-4251 or the RNd9n
Hottme at "2-60ll. send it
by e·meil to totry.dod#oll
First of all. for Newport Beach
Councilman Olde Mchols. who
famously told our reporter thal
he opposed the extension of
grassy areas ot Corona de! Mar
State Beach because or all the
·Mexi~s· that go there. I'd
leave a clcket to the Museum of
'Jblerance ln Los Angelf>S. and 1<1
tncou,..ge him 10 aetuo.lty go
speak to those ro11c. .. sitting on
the grass and find out why uiey
like to bang ou1 there.
during on elecdon year that is
sure to bring much tllncor
aimed at the council dols.
For my "Los Angeles~ Rams, I
wflh them a Super Bowl rematch
victory of the New England
Por pollce chiefs Bob
Md>oMU and John Henaley,
fewer crimes to solve, and for
ft.re ch.le& nm Riiey and Jim
J!Jlll, fewer tires to put ou1 and
more lives saved.
For Costa Mesa and Newport
Reach, I wish red·Ught cameras
at every lniersection because
re<l-Ught ftccldents are probably
the single mosl avoidable
carnage on our nntion's streets, If
people would just stop al the red
light as they should.
While wen, ln the holJday
spirit. I wanted to take a
moment and congratulate the
guys at my barbershop, MIDer
Barber PamUy e.rbu Shop,
over on 11 l 8~dway tn Costa
Mesa. across the street from
1\"fan.gle Square.
Wtlnw.oomor ~'" ,.,,,,._e«n, or send It by
mall to 330 W. Bay St .. Co~
Mesa. CA. 92627.
For the Costa Mesa Ory
Council, an answer to the
We.tilde woes and the desl~ of
the lmp~11 to make this city •
better place to Jtve.
For Newport ffeJloh ~
=~·I wish peace wtth G t. unlike his term
before; and for the Greenllght
folb. ' wlah peece wtth the coundl and chit rM!lradon that
tMYwi done the.Ir job *1td
Newpon Beach tJ and will
For Newpon-Mcsa.1 wish a
weat turnout ln next ~ar's
elecdons and goo<! candJdates to
vote for.
'For Newport· Mesa Unlftcd
Supt. Robert 'Barbot. I wish a
year full or problem·ftte school
conttNctlon, far ~ rodenta
to deal wtth at C.Orona dcl Mar
High and bes' of all, the
oondnuadon o( Ning APJ teOret
di trictwide.
For Orange Cow C.Ollege, l
wilh a blg pot ot money ttom
~A.mold Sdtw•....., lO pay for all the eltra m.e. thllt
are~ for the large
amouncs of atUdmts lt attracts
cach year.
For all the merchants,
~taurateun at South Coast
Flaa and Fuhion llland, Balboa
Ptnln9ula. Downtown Costa
Mea. O>mna del Mar, Mariner's
Mile and Ill the peat &hopping
a\Cl ~ lpO(l ln
Newpon·Meea. I with more
a.wtomera to~ and more
rfnp of the CMh regitter..
For SL lo9chtm Chnh. • putor to lled dN ftoc:k. whether
It be Paths Joe•••• .. or Rlther,.,...~or
t'or Newport Beach. I wish a
new alrpon to run and I\ Harbor
Pll.trol &nd 8 landfill and the west
end of Santa Al'U\ Height.a.
For Santa Ana ttefghts. I wish
bags to clan up after their
For the Orange County fair, I
wWl succes!I and no accldent.11
d\.ll'lng t.he 2004 evmt.
For my boU, Publisher Tum
lohmon. and all the writers and
editors and tales and suppon
people of the o.JJy Pilot. I wish
the same for the endre year.
ForJ~~ directoc,,,., Olallam, I wilh a
tpedaJ )'Ur or good heAJth and
I walked 1n the other day to
find the cover of the Dally POot
ports section taped ro thtl front
wtndow of the shop.
ft turns out shop owner Mark
MJll«'I I J -yw--okt son ~
was on the Costn Mesa Pop
Warner's Jr. Pee Wee Black
Muatanp football team that
wenl 13-0 dllJ aeMOD. c.pplng II
off With • wtn qa1nlt the
NanJcu1J ~ lrom HawaU ln
Lu Vegas lut weekend for the
Combined wtlh practice
games and the championship
gnrno, Miller Mys his son's LC41l't
went l9~0.
"We're so proud of him and
th" team.· ~d Miller. who
thanked 1111 his C\J.~tomel'!I and
d1e coaches fur the suppon they
otfc.)f'C(f the ceam.
lf you haven't had a chance,
pop In and visit Mad:. Ca Cottll
Meta local from years ba<*) and
the~ who cuts my haJr,
l.oWI JWcardo. lO My Mno.
and his aon's tam. and him
hoUdayl td them aU.
\ .
AlO ~. DeGember 2l, 2003
• Send AROUND TOWN Items to
the Deity Ptlot. 330 W. 8fV St,
Costa Mesa, CA 92627; bv ~
co luls.,,.na IMim-.eotrt bv fax
to (949) 846--t 170; or by calling
(949) 57 ..... 298. Include the time,
date and location of the even1,, as
well as a contact phone number.
Fa9hlon w.nd wHI holt IU
annual m enorah lighting
ceremony et 9 p.m . at
Bloomingdale'• Courtyard. The
event will be hosted by Rabbi
Reuven Mintz of the Chabad ·
Jewish Center In Newport Bead\.
lnfonnatJon: (949) 721-2000.
The UC Irvine Libraries'
Came Experience 1 friendly Way ta Buy
1 P.re-Owned European Autama~ile
200 W. Cioast Hwy & Dover • Newport Beach, CA
speaker series wfll host m emory
researcher James L McGaugh at
8 p.m .. at the Langson Library, UC
Irvine. McGaugh will sign hie new
book. "M em ory & Emotion: The
Making of Lasting M emories:"
lnfonnatJon and reservations:
(949) 824-5300. 949.650.2222
3 lb. Beef Stick Sale $1099
Reg. 'H .99
Now 1hrough llcce111her 2 1
"'"'' M~'' '' 111 'I ttl 1 I ftwi 1\U '\ltl ( tJM ,, k 'If I , 111 \ \ \ .... \ "' \'
T l .;111\ M \l("I· I Pl \C ~ •11"~ IJ t ''"''' H;1 \I "\tc t\111' MI '
('IUl'\MIO \U('~'fl I( 11<\l'I
U' llARJIA-.( \
The <>ranee County Markst
Place will hold Its Holiday M arltet
Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Orange County Fairgrounds.
Admission will be free. There will
be artisans' and craflers' corner.
photos with Santa Claus and
sea&0nal entertainment.
The Environmental Nature c.m.r
will present a holiday' crafl
workshop in which participants
can create lhelr own special
holiday season gifts for family
and friends usmg a variety of
materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The
cosl Is $140 per sludenl with a
10% discount for members. There
will be a S25 materials fee.
Information: (949) 645-8489.
The Environmental Nature Center
will present a holiday crafl
workshop in which participants
can create their own special
holiday season gifts for family
end friends using a variety of
materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The
cost is $140 per student with a
10% discount for members. There
will be a $25 materials fee.
Information: (949) 645-8489.
The Environmental Nature Center
will presenl a holiday crafl
workshop in which participants
can create their own special
holiday season gifts for family
and friends using a variety of -
DECEMBER 25, 2003
11:00 A.M. 5:00P.M.
s47 9s s199s
KIO\ 6 11
KllY.I ~ ANO UllOCR Flt[[
Discover a holiday brunch you'll
wtsh for every day of the year at
Hyatt Newporter. Enjoy a champagne
brunch 1ncludina garden fresh salads,
seafood bar with king crab, pri~ rfb
and chef's made·to·order omelettes,
plus a children's buffet and incredible
desserts. .. and fruitcake If you must.
Its the holidays made tasteful.
For rese-rvatloos call 9~9·n9·6160.
1107 Jal1'\bc>M Road , Newport Beach
materials from 9 •.m. to 3 p.m .
The C09t .. $140 per .eudent;
membws QM• 10% dlecounl
The ... wflJ be a S25 maierw. '"· lnfon'Ntlon: (949) M6-8489.
wfll ~t • ho41day craft
workshop In wt.Id\ partlcipante
can create their own special
holiday eeuon gifts for famlly
and friends using a variety of
materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The .
cost la $140 per atudent with a
10% discount for members. There
wfll be a $25 materials fee.
lnfonnation: (949) 645-8489.
The,._. and Maty Muth
Interpretive Center will host an
evert that wfll let visitors see end
touch different kinds of Insects
and to understand how the legs
of different Insects do different
Jobs to help them survive from 11
a.m. to noon at 2301 University
Drive, Newport Beach. The cost
wlll be $10 for each child 5 and
older. Information end
reservations: (949) 923·2295.
There will be a Compugr Felr
at the Orange County Fair &
E>cposition Center from 10 a.m. 10
5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the
Orange County Fair & E>cposition
Center. The cost is SS for adults;
children 10 and younger get In for
free. Information: (800) 800-5600.
JAN.11 .
There will be a Computer Fair
al the Orange County Fair &
E>cposition Center from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. in Building No. 10 al the
Orange County Fair & Exposilion
Center. The cost is $5 for adults;
children 10 and younger get in for
free. Information: (800) 800·5600.
A Home Remodeling and
Decorating Show w ill be held
starting today in buildings No. 10
and 12 and in the Parade of
Products at Orange County Fair &
E>cposition Center. The show will
be open from noon to 8 p.m.
today. The cost is $5.75 for.adults,
$3 for seniors and free for
children younger than 12.
Information: (818) 557-2950.
The TEX•us Guitar Show will
be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m .. 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m., Dec. 18 in building No.
14 at lhe Orange County Fair &
Exposilion Center. The cost is $10
for adults, children 12 years old
and under are free. Information:
(918) 288·2222.
A Home Remodeling and
Decorating Show will be held
Coday in buildings No. 10 and 12
and In lhe Parade of Products at
Orange County Fair & Exp osition
Center. The show w ill be open
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. The
cost is SS.75 for adults, $3 for
seniors and free for children
younger than 12. Information:
(818) 557·2950.
The West Co•st Reptile Show
will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in
building No. 17 at the Orange
County Fair & Exposition Center.
The cost is $5 for adults and ·
children 12 years and under are
SJ. Information: (714) 826-6600.
A Home Remodetlng and
Decorating Show will be held
today in buildings No. 10 and 12
and in the Parade of Products al
Orange County Fair & Exposition
Center. The show will be open
from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. today. The
cost is $5.75 for adults. S3 for
seniors and free for children
younger than 12. lnfonnatlon:
(818) 557-2950.
The West Coast Reptile Show
wlll be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . In
building No. 17 at the Orange
County Fair 8c Exposition Center.
The c:oet la $6 '°' adutts and $3 '°' owldren 12 ye.Ira and
younger. lnform•tlon: (714)
Hoeg Hotpbl wtll hoat
"Nutrition for the lung Cancer
Patient.• e daytime lung cancer
sopport group, from 2 to 3:30
p.m . at the Hoag Ganeer Center.
conference room A. The speaker
will be Kathy Pham, a Hoag
Hospital nutritionist. lnfonnatlon:
(949) 760-6542.
The foundilrs GuHd ot Cua
Teresa Invites the public to attend
a play, ·The Subject was .Roses,"
at the Newport Theatre on Cliff
Drive In Newport Beach. All the
proceed s from tldcet sales will be
donated to Casa Teresa and
Hannah's House. Tldcets cost $65
per person. Information: (949)
858-5385, (714) 638-4860.
The Newport <Anw
Toastmaster's Club can help you
im prove your public speaking
skills or polish your business
presentations. Members come
from a variety of professional
disciplines and badtgrounds. The
grouµ meets every M onday
mom ing from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at
610 Newport Center Drive.
Newport Beach. Validated parkmg
is available in the parltlng
structure next to 24 Hour Fitness.
Guesls are welcome. For more
information, call (949) 721-5732.
Sole Comfort and Laura's House
have teamed up to help 1hose in
need by collecting shoes from
Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole
Comfort, Corona del Mar Plata,
836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House
is committed to ending the cycle
of domestic violence and
s1rengthening families.
Information: (949) 644-5939.
The City of Costa Mesa's
Recreation Division will have
registration for its 2004 basketball
league for adult players from 8
a.m. to 6 p.m. Jan. 6 to 16 al the
Downlown Recreation Center.
1860 Anaheim Ave. Information·
(714) 327-7563.
The Newport Beach Public
library is holding its holiday food
drive through today. There will be
Share Our Selves bins at the
library for donations of canned
goods and non-perishables.
Donations can be dropped oft
during regular library hours: from
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through
Thursday; from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday and from
noon 10 5 p.m. Sunday.
Information: (949) 71 7-3801.
South Coast Ptan will have
its Santa's Village through Dec. 24
at Carousel Court. Shoppers can
make crafts at the Alpine Wood
Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop
and the Village Bake Shop. The
cost varies per crafl. lnformallon:
(714) 435-2083,
South Coast Plaza will have
its famous carousel transformed
from horses to Santa's reindeer
until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride ls
St Information: (714) 435-2083,
South Coast Plau will have
Santa's Express Train running
through Jan. 4 al the Crate &
Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing
on Level 2. Information: (714)
The Newport·Mka cribbage club
meets on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of every month
from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis
Senior Center, 800 Marguerite
Ave. in Corona del M er. The cost
is $2. lnfonnetion: (949) 646-5293.
The ACLU of Orange County
meets at 7 p.m. the lhlrd Tuesd ay
a a
of every month et the Unitarian
Unlversallst Church, 1259 VIC1orla
St In eo.ta Men. Each month's
meeting will feature a dlfferen1
speaker on issues relating to the
Biii of Rights. Information: (714)
Miley'• In CosUI Mesa
Invites Orange County nonprofit
orgenlzallons that provide
serviON and programs to the
HIV/AIDS community to apply 101
participation in M ecy'a South
Coast Plaza's Pauport In Store
fund-raiser. Thie year's event will
be held on Oct. 4. To receive an
application to participate, call
(7141556-0611, ext. 4231.
Yoga das ... wlll be offe~
Tuesdays and Thursdays from
noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks
at West Newport Community
Center. Registration ls $54 for one
class each week or $100 for two
days a week over nine weeks for
Newport Beach residents. Otherr.
pay an additional $5. For more
information, call (949) 644-3151
Costa M ... '1 ~reatJon Divielon
will provide a lhree hour theme
birthday party for up to 20 guest~
at the Balearic Community Centei
weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m •
Saturdays from 11 a m. to 2 p.tn.
or 4 lo 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4
to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to
12 will consist of lunch/dinner
games, crafts. prizes, cake with
ice cream and supervision by
staff. Parties cosl $250 or $300
For more informa11011 1.;all ( 1141
Five new wines will be served
on Bayside Restaurant's terrace
overlooking Newport Harbo1
every Thursday from 5~30 to l 30
p.m The cost is $15 per perso11
For more information, call (949)
721 1222.
A variety of private, semi·privace
and group swim lessons w ill be
offered 1h1s summur at lhc
Marian Bergeson Aqua lie Cenlc1
at Corona del Mar High Schuul
Options include one on one
instruction on Saturdays and a
Monday through Thursday
program for all ages and le"·'_,
For session dales, tm1es ,md
costs. call (949) 644 3151 or
register in person al Newµon
Bead1 Recreation and Senior
Services at 3300 Newport Blvd
Ch ildren, teens and adults
can now register for summer
recreational boatmy clas~es
offered through Newport Be1:1d1
Recreation Services Classes
begin July 12. Fees vary Call
(949) 644-3151, or visit the
N ewport Beach Recreation and
Senior Services a 3300 Newport
Blvd. for m ore h1lonnation
Profeulonal and licensed S0«9f
trainers with the All-England
Soccer Academy ere available for
one·on-one, small group and
large group training For more
information, call (949) 395·5103
Jew ish Family Service is
sponsoring a teen support group
for high school s1uden1s 1ha1
meels Mondays from 3·30 to 5
p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Uµp .. 1
School in Cos1a Mesa For
informalion or to regis101 call
(714) 445-4950 Pre-registration 1r.
The Arst Page -Fine Children s
Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 111
Costa M esa. offers free story 11rne
Mondays, Wedne~dav Fndayr,
and Saturday~ frorn 9·30 to 10 .JO
a.m . Tuesdays and Thursdayr,
from 4 to 5 p m For more
mformatton, call (949) 645 54,j/
Bayside Re.taurant in
Newport Beach offer ~ wme
tasting every Thursday lrorri !> 30
to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per µarson.
featuring five new w111os each
week. For more infu1111a11011 l.dll
(949) 721-1222.
See TOWN, Paee All
e •
o.il)'Pilot ~
TOWN .. •Divofce: A Nlw l11liw ....
1 \Nolbhop fot men end worn..-.
Continued from AIO dlvorwd or getling dtvorced, Is
held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . at
180 Newpon een. Orfw on the
shOwl you ewfVthlng that you
wanted to know about orchids
third Saturday of tNery month.
Coat I• S40. For m<>t'9 Information,
call 844-6435.
and repottlng doring a free
seminar af 2 p.m. every Saturday,
An ord\ld and tropical plant sale
ff-. toura of the ar...,. County
Performing Art• Center talce
I• held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the gucsta to the dreuing rooma,
20362 Birch St. facllity. po1 lormer's lounge. badcatawe
Information: (949) 766-1211. c.ind on stage at 10:30 a.m. every
V'w1.dnesday and Saturday at 600
OiSCO'IW the MCrWtl of Carbon To<l'm Center Drive, Costa Mesa.
Canyon Regional Part 1s you G1uup tours can be held by
walk through groves of beautjful .. µccldl arrangement. For more
Coastal Redwood trees every inlormatlon, call (7l4) 556-ARTS,
Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is 13,.1, 833.
$4.:Call (714) 996-5252 for more
lnfol'T'('latlon. I he N9wpott a..dl N9wcofMn
Club holds a gener1I meeting on
-TNm Su~ a nonprofit tho third Wednesday of f/l/9ry
organization encouraging month. The organization Is open
women who have been through to all women residents In
cancer treatment to exercise. Nc....vport Beach who have lived In
hosts NWalk and TalkN at 10 a.m . \hf.) area f9wer than five years. For
the second and fourth Friday of more Information, call (949)
the month In front of 64!>·9922, or visit
NIKEgodeas store In Fashion http://www.newcomers·
Island. Members meet for lunch nowportbeach. orp.
after at Atrium court. It is free.
and all fitness levels are 0dsla Senior C.Om holds 1
welcome. For more information 11 .. n~ke breakfast from 7:30 to 10
call (949) 275·3888. u n 1 on the second Saturday of
.-\ c.ry month. Breakfast Includes
Newport Community Counseling P~' ·~..ikes, sausage, coffee and
Center offers a way to stop the v ... 11111:: juice for $3, $1 for
cycle of domestic violence I.I aildrnn. The center is a1800
through the support group In Marguerite, Corona def Mar. For
SAF.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. stands for ••.ore information, call (949)
safety, awareness, faith and o-l4 3244.
empowerment. The group meet!>
Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Yow11 and mythm,
Free. For more information. call ''Yogarhythmics" combines yoga,
(949) 721-8079. d .. nce and fun. The class is held
l1vm 4:30to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays
The Newport Beac:tt Walking Club di 2850 Mesa Verde Drive EaS1,
meets at the comer of Superior ~uite 111, Costa Mesa. For more
and Hospital Road in Newport 111formation, calf (714) 754-7399.
Beach a1 9:15 a.m . and 7 p.m.
everyday. For more information, l11temlth couples with one
call (949) 650-1332 .. Juwish partner are invited to
Purtlcipate in a discussion group
The Newport Beac:tt Cake c11 the Jewish Family Service of
Decorating Club meets from 7 t o Orange County office. Call to
9 p.m. Thursday nights at schedule date and time. The
Superior and Hospital Road in office is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite
Newport Beach. For more G Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950.
information, call (949) 650-1332.
Women 50 and older can join a
The Spanish Speaking Club d1sCtJssion group coordinated by
meets to leern Spanish quick and Juwish Family Services to
easy. For more information. call address issues such es an><lety,
(949) 650-1332. depression, relationships,
lc..nellness and family. The group
The Ann. of Business Services meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m.
host.s a netWortcing meeting that Mondays at the agency offices,
deals with education connections 2!>0 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa
from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Mesa. Preregistration required.
Tuesday of every month at the (714) 445-4950.
Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St.,
Costa Mesa. For more Fnends of the N9Wp0rt Beach
information, call (949) 805-0011 l'ulJlic Library Used Book Store
ere~ fot pwon1 to donetie
boob to replenllh the dwindling
.todt. 8ooka rnev be left .. 1nv of
1N""" brlnc:h llbreriM -
Belboa, MertMra. or COfonl def
Mer -or In the book dOMt next
10 the friendt Book Stont, et 1000
Avocado Ave., Newport Beech.
All h1rdcover ind paperbedc
donation•, with the exception of
megulnea and law boob, wilt be
accepted and are tax deductible.
(949) 759-9667.
The ... lnldtuta ..... free
computer cl11S88 to people with
fading vtllon who have dif'liculty
seeing the computer seteen. The
Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite
Ave., Corona del Mar. offel'9 alx
seaslona. Call to sign up for
clasaet. (714) 821•5000.
7:16 p.m. Wednesdav-at 3400
Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport
Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949)
The Cotta Mesa Chamber of
Commerce hosts networtclng
luncheon meetings Wednesdays
from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the
Costa Mesa Country Club. The
cost Is $14. The club Is at 1701
Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa.
(714) 885-9090 .
A brain tumor support grouS>
meets the first and third
Thursdays of each month from 7
to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer
Center at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag
Drive, Newport Beach. Free.
Registration not required. The
group is designed to help
patients and their families
understand and cope with.the
illness. (949) 574-6232.
The Jewbtl F.mlty SM'Vic9 of
Orange County sponsors a
discussion group for adult
children and their parents from 6
to 7 p.m . two Tuesdays a month
at the Jewish Family Service
office at 260 E. Baker St., Suite G,
Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per
session. Preregistration required.
(714) 445-4950.
The Jewish F.mlly Service of
Orange County has a weekly
parenting support group. Parents
learn strategies for successful
parenting and for dealing with
the feelings and behavior of their
children. The group meets from
10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondays at the
Jewish Family Service office at
250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa
Mesa. The group will cover
managing anger. anxiety and
peer preasure children
experience. Preregistration
required. (71 4) 445-4950.
Slnily, December 21. 2003 All t
For a complete list of treatment options please call
(9 49) 464-6110
Spa Pacifica is located within
Marriott's Newport Coast Villas at
23000 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Co
An array of &erviccs to make your holiday
experience merry and bright.
• Concierge Services
· S1ore information, personal 1/topper
a.f.listan~ tlleatrt and ho~/ i'!f ormalion,
re.uaurant rueroations, Soutlt Coast
Plaza gifl certificates artd ltrol/1!1'"
and whulcltair rentau
• HoHday Cift Guide
-Pirl. one up at any concierge du~.
• Complimentary Pack.age Checfc
• Custom Cift Wrapping
at Select Stores
• Extended Holiday Hours
• Special Seasonal Stores
• Five Valet Parking Stations
Enhance your holiday shopping experience
with family fo :n. photos with Santa. and
the sounds of the cason.
• Santa'• Ph oto
• Santa's Village & Crafts
• Reindeer Carousel
• Santa'• E~reH Train
Live Holiday Mueic
Whe n the shopping is over, re lall and
savor the season at the theatre.
A Christmas Carol
November 29 -December 27
South Coast Repertory
La Po.rada Mtigica
December 9 -24
South Coast Repertory
Tlie Nwcradcn-
American Ballet 'Theatre
December 17 -21
Orange County Performing Arts Center
For additional holiday event information
call the concierge at (714) 435-2083.
Take a break from the holiday buatle to
enjoy delectable cuisine &om awarc:l·winning
South Coast Plaza reataurant1.
• Antonello Ristorante
• Cafe Pascal
• Claim Jumper
• Darya Fine Ptr1ian Cui1ine
• Cu1taf Andert & Back Pocket
• Morton's of Chicago
• Pinot Provence
• Royal Khyber Fine lndian Cubine
• Scott'• South Co11t Plan
• The Clubhoute
• 'lroquet
• Yuj"'1 Kang'• A1ian Biatro .
Buy a spa gift certificate for that special
person on your list and at the same time
treat yourself and release ho liday stress
with a massage. facial, manicure, pedicure
or other luxurious spa treatment .
• Aveda Lifestyle Salon & Spa
• Georgette Klinger Salon
• The Spa at South Coast Plaza
Trying to find the perfect gift?
South Coast Plaza gift certificates are
ideal for everyone on your lisL Honored
at over 280 stores and restaurants at ,
South Coast Plaza. South Coast Plaza
Village. Orange County Performing Arts
Center, Westin South Coast Plaza. South
Coast Repenory and The Spa. Available
at all concierge de1k1.
For more information call 714-435-2083.
¥' -. . . -
"We can1t take care of the
balL We an a poor
basketbaD team right now.~
Sports l., Rk:hwd Dunn: 1949) 57~223 • Sporta Fu: (949> 650-0170
·Daily~Plki • ___ Hll_ ....
~ .........
Dec. 22 llonOr ..
Sunday, December 21 , 2003 Bl
UCI travels with no capital gains.
the result was a 64-56
loss th&t ls sure to sting
throughout the Ant-
eaters' two-week holi-
day haitus.
The Anteaters start·
State. No. 242 ln the Saguin rankinp of
Dtvislon I progra.ma, build an 18-7 ie.d. Sacramento State holds
on for 64-56
nonconference victory
that ends Anteaters'
three-game win streak.
B•rry Faulkner
Daily Pilot
men's basketball team stuck Its collec-
live snout in Sacnunento State's 1,.WO·
seat Hornet's Nest Saturday nJght and
ed slugglahly, came on
strong in the second half. but could not
survive the swanning defense and
three-point shooling of the hosts, who
ended a four-game losing skid to im-
prove to 4-5.
Sacramento's energetic man-to-man
defense and overall Intensity, put UCJ
on Its heels and Into the crossba1rs of
Coach Pat Douglass. who called several
first-half timeouts to try to motivate his
Douglass tried everything from a
quizzical stare, to vein-popping profan-
lry'lo implore his team to compete more
enthusiastically against the fired-up
Hornets before halftime. Hornet senJor guard Brandon Guyton
sank three three-pointers in the first
seven minutes, to help Sacramento
lWo more Sacramento three balls cre-
ated a 26-13 advantage with 4:33 left in
OCC's Carrillo scores 22,
but Panthers' pressure
muffles Pirates in 65-61
semifinal victory.
Bryce Alderton
Daily Pilot
C.OSTA MESA-The search for con-
sistency hit another snag In the road
Saturday night for the Orange Coast
C.Ollege women's
own tournament
Despite shooting
52% from the field,
which included 22
points from sopho-
more Alisa Qmillo, O\affey's preu
caused confusion, fatigue and in the
end, a 65-61 victory Oller the Pirates ln
the 13th annual Coast Ouislrnas Clas-
sic -an event OCC had won five of
the previous 12 years. including last
Chaffey freshman guard Dominique
Bruh -making her first start of the
year -tallied 19 of her game-hlgh 30
points in the second half in helping
erase an eight-point lead Coast held
with just more than 12 minutes to go.
"We cat\'t take care of the ba1L We
are a poor basketball team rtght now."
OCC C.oach Milce Thornton said. "This
is the fourth time in a tournament (this
season( Wf!ve bad a chance to go to a
championship game and we have lost
every time. We made Olaffey's sea-
"To beat Orange Coast In their gym
after they beat the snot out or us twice
last year, once in this townament ...
this is the biggest win ainoe I've been
See COAST, P11e 83
Bob Jensen
Newport Beach dentist played his final contest at linebacker
for USC in 1970 Rose Bowl game against Michigan.
8'Y.ce Alderton
T he Jut time Bob Jensen ltnlpped on the
ahouJder pada and draped a cudlnal and
gold jerWy OYer them WU the 1970 Rote
Bowf pme ptttinc USC apinlt Michigan.
The 55-year-old Newport a.di realdent, who
owns a dental practice in the city, played
linebacker for USC on New YMta Dey In 1970 and
wUl be on the lkltJJnes qatn to watch the
top-1'.llked Ttofana battle the~ Jan. 1. ust defeated MJchlpn, 10-3, to ao Wldeleated
(10-0-1) durtn8 the 1989 eeuon. but dAdn't da1m
the national chamJ>ionlhlp. That honor went to
1\ml, wbic:h beat hon sc&te In the Cotton Bowl
USCI d._ entend the Mk:blfln 1111D8 rated
No. 1 ln the nadon wtlh Jemmi • one ol tbe temn'I
•1t w.a .aw.y. a low«Odns pme," ,._, e.id
about how USC euned ha vktortea that yw. •<>ut
oftnle didn't haw to 1COre becwM the dellme
JlnMn. who bailed hm ~ Hiib In
A .. ,:rJlm. tamed the ..... D1klllwl....,. ol
the Game award while tailback. Bobby Chandler
garnered Oft'enstve MVP laurels.
"Dan Dierdod wu (Michipn'IJ oft'ensJve tack.le
and Jlm Mandich wu their captain who went on
to play for the M1am1 Dolphin.I in 1972 (the onty
Wldet'eated 1e880n ln NFL history!," JeNen aa1d.
"It WU I Foci battle and [MicbJallnJ fought bard I
think there were l 05,000 people there."
USC lost JUlt two games in Jenaen'a three yean
on the varsfty aquad (1967-69). which induded a
national cbampk>nahlp tn 1967.
He wu dratted In the second round of the NPL
• draft by the 0..0.. Cowboya. but found out a week
before the 1970 Rc>N Bowl that be had been
accepted into dental achool.
"It wu hard at llnt becauae room.a ww my
dcket," JeNen eaJd. "I came ftOm a bbae-lollar
tamdy that could never' dord ooDep. I lucbd out
and aot I ec:holanhip. •
r.-i 1ec1thenat1on1n awnp taddee per r pme (19) ln 1916. hh eenior tellOll at~· '
whk:b Included 32 In a pme.
Don Lent. who would guide the Newport Harbor
the flm half and the Hornets took a 28-
17 edge into intecmission.
UCI (5-4) closed methodically after
the break.slicing the deficit to 36-33,
with 13:08 leh in the game.
1\vo Jeff Gloger free throws with 7:48
remaining again whittled the margin to
three points, but consecutive three-
pointers from freshman Alex Bausley
upped the lead to 48-39 with 6:05 left.
UCJ freshman Mark Hill scored three
points in a 7-2 Anteater run that nar-
rowed the game 10 four, but the Hornets
went 14 of 16 from the foul line, most
coming in the double bonus, in the final
Orange Coast
Chades looks
to pass after a
collision with
Burke (22) m
the Coast
Classic on
1:52 to cement what could belts biggest
wkt of the season.
1Wo Ross Scnleder three-pointers in
the final minute maintained some sus-
pense, but a palt of UCI turnovers -they
finished with 20 to continue a negative
early-season trend -helped deny UCJ a
victory heading into Its Big WMt Confer-
ence opener Jan. 3 at home against Cal
Poly San Luis Obispo.
Mike Ef'evberha led the Anteaters
with 11 points, and hJs 4-of-8 field-goal
shooting stood out for a squad that shot
See 'EATERS, Pa1e 83
Let's get·
Estancia nearly rallies
from 10-point deficit in
first half, but Dana Hills
regreups to earn victory.
Steve Vlr1en
Dally Pilot
GARDEN GROVE -Estancia Higb
needs to be more physical.
That's what 13agles boys basketball
coach Russell King said his team
learned after loaing.
72-54, to Dana Hilla In e· the consolation final of
mist Holiday Shootout.
a 12-tea.m townament
hosted by Garden
Grove, Saturday. ~ The Eagles (5·4J neady ' back
from a lo:.tx>Ult defldr mi ugh
the second quar1er, but DarUi · s (7-5)
turned on Its aggressive style again and
held off Estancia.
uThey used their size to their advan-
tage, .. King said. "We need to do a bener
job of playing physical."
The Dolphins built a 2 1-8 lead in the
first quarter, but F3tancia scored eight
points in the final 87 seconds of the pe-
riod. The spurt induded three-pointers
by sophomore Shaun Marldey and jun-
ior Carlos Pinto, who nailed a deep
three with two seconds lef'1, as the
F.agles tralJed 24-16.
Pinto, who earned all-tournament
honors, led the F.agles with a game-high
2.3 points.
Dana Hills went up by 10, early in the
second quarter when Dillon HaJeswonh
convened a steaJ into a layup. The
Eagles came as dose as 28-25, but the
Dolphins closed out the first half with a
12-2 run and never looked back.. They
scored four points on put-backs from
missed free throws in the -~J3 sec-
onds, 1ndUdtng a b~er by
See ESTANCIA. P•1e 83 ..
One good man
can make a
big difference
'll"' •.
W Ith thUM> seuon
upon us and the [ocus on
giving. It seems
appropriate to introduce
you to eomeone who
could euiJy qualify
for many as one or
persons they've
never met.
A former Coeta
Odly Piiot newt
edito{, Johh Gunn
.. been uceodtng
ID h1e >dary starua R~R
around 1be United CAllLION
Scllllll MDMI Cocpt,
Piil and..-... with hill one-ma
tndea'for ID ....... and mwcalft
with lpOltl .. ~
Breakers stop Huntington Beach
McGee scores 17 to
lead Newport-Mesa
in its season opener.
The Newport-Mesa Breakers
eighth-grade All-Net team
opened the season'by defeating
Hw1Ungtoo Beach. 61-24, In Na-
d.onaJ Junjor B;lsketball league
Jamie McGee led aD scorers
with 17 points followed by 13
points and 12 rebounds from
Kyle c.ldwftl. Robbie 8o)<a' taJ-
lied nine points to go with five
a.sslsts for Newpon. the defend-
ing Southern C'.allf omla section
Joe P..bertaar4 (elghl), All
MeahJdn (six). Jonathan HOMe
(sW and Praton Okle)u (two)
capped the scoring for Newport.
ln fifth-and sixth·grade girl.s
• Lalcers 35, Wildcats 2.2:
by eight from . UAnn11 Sert.*
and six from Adina 2'.eplaL
~ lleman 1lnlshed wtth
elghc points while Cynthia
w&aenDan added eight for the
•GlobttrotteJ'8 16, Mavericb
Dunn Sharp scored 11 polnta
to lead the Globetrotters while
ICaMle Stratton provided sttong
The Mavericks had a baJ&oc.ed
scorl11g anack with four polot.s
each from Laun )Jardnelt.
Mepn, WU.On and Catherine
•Shock33, Pirates 13:
JC.8dee Malone led the Shock
with 12 points while Ellle N..w
tallied eight
Hannah Rome and s.ylor
Schroll' anchored the defense.
Donna Et.emllldt and ADie
MoeltOvtta led the Pirates with
four points each while Cami.De
Krahe led the defense.
·~41, Lakerl 16:
SD of iews.. Plltona ICQled in
double lglna to pe the team
lta ftnt win of the le8llCH\.
..... ............ led wtth 14
pointl followed by eight from
~ ........ who Jed a der
feose that ro~ 20 sceaJs. ~·
tus also pabbed eight .rebounds.
c.m.o. ~ finlahed the ' ~ half with a s1'81 and layup to
gtw the Plltona a JO-point lead
1be Pistons' press took its toll
on the La.ken In the second half.
The Pistons (1-1) stretched the
lead to 18 at the end of the third
..,..... Comwell and Cody
Pet.-9 each scored four points
with Peters adding three assists.
ComweD also tallied 17 re-
bounds and three blocks.
Jetlay Dia. scored. three
po in cs.
Undsay Anderaon led the
l<lkers with to points followed In Boyli and Girls dub action:
l!rtn Purcell scored her first
points of the season and added
solid rebounding while o.vl8
Pu.rcdl held his opponent score-
Bob Jensen (51) was captain of the 1969 USC 'Wild Bunch• defense. ranked first in the country.
Sparks rebound vs. Razz-Ma-Tazz
Richley scores nine
points· to ignite
squad after an
opening-game loss.
Addle Rk.hley scored nine
points to lead che Sparks to a
20-12 vicrory over the Razz-
Ma-lazz in Newport-Mesa
third-and fourth-grade girls
NarionaJ Junior Basketball ac·
RJdde ArchJe and Nicole
Hickey t>ach scored four
points for the Sparks.
Kytle Mulvaney and Sen-
eca Jokosky each taUled four
points for the Razz-Ma-l'h7..7-
•Ccllics 25, Gold Ru.sh 14:
Shannon Grtftln and Annie
Alvarado each scored seven
points to lead the Celtics while
Mary McK.ennon and Meiilea
Hergott each tallied five points
for the Gold Ru.'ll,.
Continued from B 1
Ills weekly newsletter by way
of e·ma il from his Aorida
rt.'sidence connects with some
4,750 addresses, and beyond,
with infonnation and
recognition of past and presenc
Marines. ·n1c lisc is staggering.
•Sisters of Hope 25, Lady
Seminoles 15:
Ava Solelmaoy finished
with a game-and season-
high 18 points as the Sisters
of Hope remained unde-
feated. Ally 8raba added five
Sarah Cox led the Semi-
noles with eight points.
• Uquidators 28. Raptors
TI1e Liquidators in1proved
ro 2-0 with the victory.
Alla Andry Jed the Uquida-
lors with 14 points while Tay-
lor Stefano added seven.
Amanda Pa.nil scored I 0
points for che Raptors..
Three L's lead Lakers
•The La.leers defeated the
Mavericks, 37-11 , to kick off
the Newport-Mesa fifth-and
sixth-grade girls National
Junior Basketball League.
Undsay Anderaon led the
The information challenges your
Although he's "retired" from
some 40 years as a respected
and award-winnJng journalist in
the newspaper business, his
schedule often exceeds the
normal work day, and he doesn't
earn a dime for it
"lhis is one reason I do it."
said Gunn,· because you can't
takers with 14 points while
UAnne Su1suk tallied
seven. Laura Martinez led
the Maverlcb with four
In other action:
•Shock 30, Globetrotters
Kylee Malone led the
Shock with 19 points fol-
lowed by KateJyn Baken
Bille Nadal and Saylor
Schroff led the defense.
Du.nm Sharp scored l O
points for the Globetrotters
while "-le Stratton an-
chored the defense.
•Trojans 30. Pi.rates l 9:
Kathleen Etuale finished
with 14 points for the 1\-o-
jans followed by elght from
ICeOy Heenan.
Cynthia Waterman played
staunch defeme.
The Pilates were led by Al-
lie MoUavith five points.
find it anywhere. No one else
does It. nbt even the Marine C.Orps. ..
What be does la scan the
nation's malor newspapers and
with the mind of a computer,
pleb out the items which
Involve past and present
Marines. and sends out a weekly
dispatch 10 everyone on his list
After dabbling on a
:Make a Senior's .J{oliday Spedal
by 'Donating to tli.e:
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Senior Gift Chest
To benefit homebound seniors
and members attending
the Costa Mesa Senior
Please help us make it as
successful as last year!
Cont.act Aviva Goelman
at 949.645.2356, ext. 16
695 West 19th St.reet
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Continued from B 1
football program for three years,
coached Jensen -also a
fullback -at Magnolia
"We used lo play Hasbor in
nooleague games and 1 think we
beat them, 7-0, one year and J
scored the touchdown,· Jensen
Allegiance to USC stayed in
the family.
Jensen's son, Ouistian, a
Corona del Mar grad, was a
member of USC's 2002 men's
tennis team that won the
national championship,
defealing four of the top five
seeds in the Ne.AA
championships to do it
Ouistian Jensen and Trojan
teammate Parker Collins both
played on CdM's 1999 CIF
Southern Section Division I
cbam.pionship squad that
finished 22-1 and earned a No.
2-ranJd.ng nationally by USA
Bob Jensen lives ln Newport
with wife, Jaclde. They also have
a 21 -year-old daughter, Sierra,
who is attend.Ing the UNver'siry
of Colorado at Boulder.
Bob Jensen likes to keep .
active. He plays tennis at
Palisades Tennis Oub and has
'It was hard at first
because football
was my ticket. I
came from a
blue-collar family.
that could never
afford college. I
lucked out and got
a scholarship.'
even entered a few senior
events. He has· climbed the
Grand Tetons in Wyoming three
"Anything to stay on top of the
aging process," he said.
Through the years Bob
Jensen has kept a close watch
on USC football and
particularly this season on
linebacker [Melvin] 'Olamp'
Simmons, who wears No. 5 I,
Jensen's number at use.
"(Simmons) is the co-captain,
just like I was," he said. ·we
have a lot of things in common.
It is a special thing for a guy to
start at USC. There is a lot of
tradition and Coach (Pete)
Carroll has brought that back.·
Before USC's 52-28 defeat of
day-by-day basis, he takes the At a recent reunion in
big dive on Saturday. polishes Quantico, Va., Gunn found
the package on Sunday, and on hl.mseJf with the opportunity to
Monday, e-mails his in-depth introduce himself to Marine
wort. topped with his own Corps Commandant James L
column. Jones, who replied, as Gunn
"I don't make any money, but recounts the moment, "I know
a lot of World War a guys are you."
getting rhis," Gunn. who resides It was enough to take any
in Gulf Breeze with bis wife, Marine aback, and Gunn was no
Joan, said by telep.hone. exception. His response was,
A retired colonel ln the "You do?"
USMC-Reserve. be was at the What began more than four
Pilot in the era of the mid-70s years ago with a coupJe of
and early '80s before moving on hundred "clients• has steadily
to the Register in Santa Ana and built into a mass which is
eventual retirement, although challenging his personal
be~ pretty well made a mockery computer.
of sitting it oal "I send out my e-mails every
lf you're a football junkie you Monday, but there is a limit of
may have been watching PSPN2 l ,000 pet hour, so I have to send
the other day when Wofford about 150 at a time," said Gunn.
College lost to eventual It takes six or seven shots over
champion Delaware. 24·9, in an some 15 minutes. then there is
NCAA Division 1-M semiftnal. the wait for the tum of the hour
That's right, Wofford ls coached before the next salvo, and so on,
by fonner Marine Mike Ayer&. until the mailing is complete.
So Gunn picks up on lt.. as well Overall. more than four hours..
as such items as Colorado His news gathering includes
trading Jusd.n Speier 10 the scanning transactions and
Turooto Blue Jays; the son of obituaries. and sports pages
Leon SpinJcs, Cory, improving 10 from the Los Angeles 'Ilmes to
32-2 as a welte.rwelgJ11 Newsday, and many, many
champion; Grossmont College, others.
on the way to the state JC Despite the quantity and
football final, paced by tight enH reliance only on himself, the
Xavier Campbell; Mike Anderson quality and accuracy defies the
se.rving out his four-game human tolerance.
suspe.Ollion with the Denver Corrections are not a factor.
Broncos; the Wheaton (lli.) He has it right the first time.
ThWlder lmprovlng to 8-0 under A good example of Gunn's
Coach BW Harris in men's work ethic can be traced to the
basketb8JJ; and a oew statue of fact that he was neV01 a
Ted WllU.ams ls unveiled at the registered voter because it was
Ted Wllllams Museum and his mind-set that lt would help
Hitt,ers Hall of Fame in him maintain his own objectivity
liemando. Fla. as a newspaper person.
AD. of coume, have USMC ties. That alone puts him in a club
and lt goes on, and on. Ub which certainly couldn't number
doct.work. on Mondaya. one has more than c:wo or three in the
to hit the •prtnt" feetute to tuu.ton.
obtain the 20 C>t 30-IMF "Once a He has crossed paths with
Marine" document which Armand Hammer, Ronnie Lott,
provides such depth. wmI. it's klJen Wlnslow, £arl Bruce, Don
deftnitefy aorneth!Qg you want to Shula, Glenn Davia. Lou me ln the "John'•" mqaztne rack Boudreau, Macdonald Carey.
wtlele IC mt get the full "'8d.l.ng Hugh O'Brian, Lee Greenwood,
ow:s-the course of the week Art BucbwaJd, Oliver North and
before yet Ulother mJsalle ts Bob Newhart •.. a mere aample
launched. of the big llilt
"I'm bu9let 'now than when I He WM a by ftgure at a ream1
WM woddlig," adm.lts the Collep footblllJ HaJI of PanJe.
72-)'Mf-old Guru\. a tpOl'UI l.nduction ceremony where the
flnadc tlnce hie ciaY9 u a youth UnMnlty of Mlnneaoca\ George
In OUc:qo. "But I have '° much "Son.n.y" Ptanc:k ( t !M 1) wu tun at h, and J can do what I e.iubrined. Gunn's information want. when I want." and material wae lnatrwnental
In ttrma of_~flt. It can IO In the eelecdon of the
)ult .......... )'OU tan... ~".}'!U-old Franck to the ltOrted
whhlD die Mutnt Corpe bulldlnl on the Non Dime
....,_:..__ __ _.,_~--""""--~··---~....,.,--~..__.,..~~-"...;..,......;.._ ........ __ .....,._.._...=-..-.'.!..~..----.1.,~.And,h•oneofGunn'a
Oregon State to conclude the
regular season, Bob Jensen
spoke to the team and showed
him a Rose Bowl ring.
"We went to the Rose Bowl
four times," Bob Jensen said. "I
passed the ring around to the
players to give them a goal. The
effort on pur leatn was really
good and I see the same thing in
chis year's team. Everyone is
accountable to everyone else.
They have hired in a bunch of
guys -like we had -who
praise you at the right times and
ch.ew you out at the wrong
times. n
Judging by the season thus far,
there has been far more of the
former than the latter for the
Community college men
-Orange Coast at
Cuyamaca tournement.
Community college
women -Cemto. at
0renoe Coett tn eout
Christmas Clanlc (third
piece), 2 p.m.
proudest accomplishments.
Over his long tenure there are
a number of moments that fill
Gunn's treasure chest.
Among his most memorable:
Interviewing Vmegar Bend
Mizell; chatting wich California
Governor Ronald Reagan;
meeting Coach Marv Levy when
he brought his Coe College •
(Iowa) basketball team 10 play in
Olicago: visiting Stanford and
Olicago Bears standout Hugh
Gallameau; visiting with Iowa
football coach Hayden Fry;
accommodating Roman Gabriel
when a quarterback for North
Carolina State Ole'd stop by the
office to see if any unused
photos were available); covering
early matches and telephone
interviews with wrestler Yem
Gagne; and, of course, that day
in August as Franck, a New York
Giant as a pro and a WW II
Marine aviator, took his place in
the College Football Hall of
I le has written two books on
Marines in football: "The Old
Core" and "(Quite) A Few Good
And while he is surely the
foremost authority on the
subject of Marines and their
deeds on the playing fields, he
also knows he is constantly ln
the "learning mode."
One of his recent dJscoveries is
Dusty Baker.
While he sends out his e-mails
on Monday, he finds his in-box
stuffed on a daily basis. usually
with 50 or more, aside from the
H1s list of names regarding
Marines on the field of play is in
the area of 10,000, and chances
are lf Corporal Jones ~pins a
no-hitter for the Albuquerque
lsotopes, Gunn will find it, and
so note,
In a word the net result of
Gunn's work is "priceless."
Some 61 genenals are on his
list of ~plenta. but there ts' aUU room tor more, and you don't
need atara oo your collar. So if
')'OU bave a Marine or fonner
Marine In your family uee. do
h.1m or her a favor and offer d\Js
There'• • aood chance they'll
be {dad )'OU cUd.
Hey! See yo11 next Sunday!
• ROOIR CM ION 11 the fofmff'
IP0"9 edltof for .,,. Delly Piiot. Hiia
oolumn IPPMf'I on Sund8ye, He
.... bt,..,... bv '""*'" ,..~.,..,,,OOlft.
Mesa wins on buzzer-beater
Costa Meta HJgtD boys bubt-Sea JG.ngs take second blD teem 8(X)ftd four po1nla in
the 8na1 17 seconds, 1ndudJog a • &\SDl'MU.: The Corona
buner-beating l()..foot jumper by del Mar High boys basketball
i<>pbomore Tuny Krikorian, to team flniahed second place ln
defeat Servite, 57-55, and claim the mayo Grande lnvitadonaJ
thhd place in the consolation after defeating San Lu.is Obispo,
bracket of the Anaheim Conven-61·57, Saturday.
lion C.enter tournament Saturday. CdM (5-4) trailed, 57·56, late
Sophomore guard Scott Knox ln the fourth quarter, but Pan-
tJed the game at 55 with rwo of cho Seaborn nailed a three·
h1s 22 points on a layup and after pointer wiili 35 seconds left and
a FN.r threw the ball away, Mesa Tyler Lance, who set the screen
regained possession with nine to get Seaborn open, was fouled
seconds left. Junior kfl' waJdron, on the play. Adam. Freede then
who tied his season-high of 23 scored to secure the win. Sea-
points for the Mustangs (6-3), in· born, who earned all·touma-
bounded the ball to Krikorian, ment honors, scored a game·
who first anempled to ~ be-high 22 points, including four
fore lawlCbing the game-winner, three-polnters, whlle Jay North-
Mesa assistant Carl Smith said. ridge and Freede added 16 and
Servile fell to 6-3. 12 points, respectively.
Waldron grabbed 11 rebounds · The Sea Kings went 3·1 in the
while Marko Stankovic (eight six-team tournament, which
points) tallied eight to go with had a round-robin format.
seven by Knox. WaJdron and At:i.scadero won the lnvitallonaJ
Knox each bad four steals. with a 4-0 record.
Mesa converted 5 of 6 free
throws in the foUrth quarter. Moyo GrWlde ~
AnMeim C°""'1tloft Centw
3rd-pl.c. c:onsotatJon
Cosu Meu 57, S..Vlte 55
Sc:Of'9 by au.n.n Costa Mesa 11 u 8 1e -57
Servite 1s 10 13 17 66
Com Meu -Molina 0, Knox 22,
Krikorian 4, Waldron 23, Stankovic 8,
Wase 0, Aleson o.
3·pt. goals -Knox 1, Waldron 4. s.rvtt. -Kitlens 5, Love 19, OoeHng
0, Kinmartin 3, Kanne 10, McConnell
6, Forgione 7, Lu 5.
3-pt. goals -Love 1, Kinmamn 1.
Kanne 2. Forgione 1, Lu 1.
Newport's Glatch wins
title at Orange Bowl
•TENNIS: Alexa Glatch of
Newport Beach won the presti-
gious Orange Bowl interna-
tional tennis championships in
the girls 16s at Key Biscayne,
Fla.. on Saturday, defeating
Laura Vallverdu of Venezuela in
the finaJ. 6-l, 6-3.
Glatch. onJy 14, is ju.11 the
third American to win this title
In the last 20 years. Other no·
table Americans who have won
this event a.re Ch.ris Evert ( 1969)
and Mary Jo Fernandez (1984).
Corona deC ~' 11, San Lula • Obi..,o57
Score by Ouarterw s. L. Obispo 13 18 n II -57 Corona del M ar 15 18 1& 111 -e1
San Lula Obhpo-Clar1t 12,
Wintermayer 21, HyH 8, Rosoff 10,
Mofflett 2, Wearda 4.
3-pt. goals -Clark 2. Rosoff 2.
Corona del Mar -Northridge 16,
Freede 12, Seaborn 22, K. Welch 6, T.
Lance 4, R. Lance 1, Waianabe 0,
MacDonald 0.
3-pt. goats -Seaborn 4, Northrldge
'Eaters win first game
• BASKETBM.L: Kristen
Green grabbed a career-high l I
rebounds and scored 14 points
to help lead the UC Irvine
women's basketball team to its
first win of the season, a 55-41
nonconference victory over
host Sacramento State Satur-
Green recorded her first dou-
ble-double of the season. while
Christina Callaway had her
third with 15 points and a sea-
son-high 13 rebounds. Coun-
ney Ferguson came off the
bench to score 12 points for the
Anteaters (l-6). Sacramento
State dropped to 0-10.
Na u ,.,. oe
UClrvlMM.lw ............ '1
UC lnllM-Urban 5, C.llaW9y 15,
Yadon 3. GrMI\ t•, Ned 0, t:.rgueon
12, Duda e.
3-pt. goals -Green 4, t:.rguson 2,
Urban 1. 8Kramento ...__Ciampi 10,
lcoman 10, Blee* 3, Craig 0, Brown
3. G1tson 9, Peterson 4, Volaard 2.
3..pt. goals -Gatson 1. Fouled out -lcomen.
Helftlme -26-22, UCI.
CdM fini shes sixth
• WRBSTIJNG: Corona del
Mar Higb's wrestling team fin -
ished sixth with just six wres-
tlers in the Big Bear tourna-
ment, which included 20 teams,
Taylor Alston (112-pound di-
vision), Brian Feeley (135), Jon
Dean (140) and Andrew Kele-
gjan (215) finished third In thelr
respective weight classes. Ryan
Shores (160) and Robbie Rkhey
(heavyweight) contributed
founh-place finishes.
Sailors fall to Ke nnedy
•BASKETBALL: The Newport
Harbor High boys basketball
team closed out its action in the
Anaheim Convention Center
tournament with a 55-48 loss to
Kennedy in the 13th-place final
at the Anaheim Convention
Center Saturday.
Junior Brett Perrine scored 13
points to lead the Sailors (6-4).
Jamie Deifenbach had eight
Newport will play at Cala-
basas Tuesday at 7 p.m .. then
the Sailors head 10 Alaska for a
AMMlm Conv.mion C~
13th-Diec. final
Kennedy $5, Newport 41
ScOf9 by Ouacurs Kennedy I 15 1s 17 -11&
Newport 13 IO 12 13 -4
Newport-Mouradyan O. Perrine 13.
Heenan 2, Young 8, Diefenbach 8,
Green 5, Orth 5, MacBeth 4, Hunter
3. Gasowlz o.
3-pt. goals -Perrine 2. Hunter 1. Fouled out -Young.
Baseball camp begins Monday
Orange Coast,
Newport coaches
team up for holiday
hardbaJJ clinic.
A winter baseball camp super-
vised by baseball coaches Joel
Desguin (Newport Harbor High)
and John Altobelli (Orange Coast
CoUege) will run from 9 am. to
noon Monday through Wednes-
day on the Harbor varsity base-
ball 6eld.
Altobelli, in his 15th year of or·
ganlzlng the camps. will guide
players ages 5 to 11 while Des·
guln will coach the 12-to 14-
Cost is $125 if a player is a
Newport Harbor Baseball Asso-
ciadon member and $140 for
Continued from Bl
just 3l.4'ff> on the rug.ht (16 of51).
Gloger finished with nine
points and eight rebounds, while
Matt Okoro chipped In 10 points
and four boards for the visitors.
Adam Parada. UO's 7-foot
senior center. scored seven
points. but collected a career·
high-tying 15 rebounds, Includ-
ing nine In the first 20 minutes.
Guyton finished with 12 points
ror the winners, for whom only
senior reserve Joseth Dawson
(10) scored ln double figures.
Skills such as throwing, catch-
ing. hitting and game strategies
will be stressed. Playing contests
with awards will be held each
Snacks will be served, but
players are encouraged to bring
their own water.
Campers wiU receive a T-shi.n
and other prizes.
Newport Harbor players wiU
assist in the instruction.
Call (949) 451 -2228 or visit
www.newportbaseball.org for
more infonnatlon.
Riptide Gold warm up
at winter nationals
• SOPTBALL: The Newport
Beach RJptide Gold, an un-
der-18 travel fastpitch softbaJJ
team, won the Triple Crown
Winter National tournament in
Bausley, who played just I 4
mlntues, made the most of his
time when It counted most. His
steal set up a E.J. Hanis t:ransl-
don layin that put his team up,
50-45, with 4:34 left and half of
his six boards came at crunch
Sacramento State finished 19
of 52 from the field (36.5%), and
was outrebounded, 47-33. But
the Hornets committed atx fewer
turnovers than UC1. zors -Sacramento State ftesll-
man torwerd Ale>< Bausley llterally
ehot the tights out. wtlen his three-
quartel'OOUrt three-point attempt to
beat the flret-half buzzer connected
Downey Dec. 6-7.
The win qualifies the Rlptlde
for the Triple Crown World Se·
ries in Park City, Utah. and the
eastern nationals in Myrtle
Beach, S.C.. next summer.
Riptide lost just one game in
the tournament and defeated
Long Beach. 6-3, to claim the ti·
tie. Strong pitching waa pro-
vided by Jessica AJvarez, Kelsey
Ferguson (two shutouts) and
Rachel Reekstin.
Kristin Nicholas led the of-
fense along with Katy Erickson,
Julianne Bass (Newport Harbor
High). Alanna Snedlgar and
Heather Lohrman (CdM).
Jessica Hudgins. Dani Brown
and Sasha Grumman (Newpon
Harbor) turned in soUd defen·
sive efforts. Nicholas was
named the tpumament's Offen-
sive Most Valuable Player.
with the sttot ctodc stationed above
the bac*b<>ard and popped the
unit's plug out of tits outlet ... UCI
center Adam Parada had connected
on 17 of 19 field-goal tries his prevl·
ous three gemes, but finlehed Juet 1
of 5 against the Hornets ... Hornets'
eenior center Tol'IY Champion hed a
1immilarly atypical shooting night.
The &-foot-8, 260-poul'lder made Tl
of 37 fieldiJoal attempt• his fir9t
nine games (73%1. only to connect
on 2 of 5 Saturday. Two of hi• ehotl
were blodced . .. The Sacramento
State .women's team shot juet 29%
(15 of 51) and 11 now 0-10 this Ma-
eon, erter a 55--41 lou 10 UCI Satur-
day In a prelude to the men's game.
But Horneta women'• ooedl Don
Muscatel! may be havlng making a
bigger dlffenmce at home. Hie 13-
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See SeMce ~for detalla. °"" "* wftt\ eoupon. Tu. lllCfra.
Sunday, December 21 , 2003 II
Orange Coast's Lauren Stepanski (white iersey with ball) manages to hold on while Chaffey's
0<1minique Burke, left, and Belen Guzman run tf\e trap in Saturday night's Coast Christmas Classic.
Continued from B 1
here," second-year Chaffey Coach
Dawn Baker said
The PantheB sho1 just 40% (17
of 42), but hit on 4 of7 shots from
three-point range and committed
14 turnovers to the Bucs' 23.
Freshman Biava Arganda came
off the bench to score 14 points
and was the only other player be-
sides Gurillo (10 of 12 6eld goaJsJ
to score in double figures for
OCC. Arganda led Coast with five
lWists while Carrillo grabbed a
team-high nine rebounds.
"We have lo find more ways of
getting Alisa the ball.· Thornton
Umillo scored I l of Coast's first
15 second-half points as the Pi-
rates (6-6) built a 50-42 lead with
12 minutes, 9 seconds to play.
A Celeste Haueler scoop shot
gave the Bucs a 52-46 lead with
9:07 lO play, but Chaffey went on
a 15--0 run. using four three-
pointers to take a 61 -52 lead be-
fore Carrillo found Arganda under
the hoop for a layup and she sub-
sequently converted the three-
poinl play.
Coast chipped away and cut
Continued from B 1
Blaine Templeton. who led Dana
Hills with 19 points.
King said his players were not
surprised of lileir ability to rally
and be saw a constant effort
from the Eagles throughout the
''That just shows that our kids
never quit,· King said. "They will
keep playing. No matter what
happens in !the Golden West
League! we'll continue to battle
and compete."
King made reference to the
Golden West League because he
was explaining that all of the
tournament games for l'stancia
yar-old eon, Drew, sank e half-court
shot during a halftime promotion
8ea•11M10 8taea M, UC lnllne 51
UC IMM· Zuzak 3, Otoro to, Parade
7. E~ 11, Gloger 9, ScttrNdef
8, Ethington 6, H~ BukausU. 1.
3-pt. gcHtls • Sctt 2, Zuzalt 1.
Foul.ct out · Giog«.
1'edlnl<*s • None. ~SU.-Lange3.
Champion 4, Guyton 12, Jonee 9,
Freeman 5, DIW90tl 10, Baualay 8,
Hanis e, ThotnJ*lns 4, Pugh 3. Sift. goals -Guytol'I 4, Beualey 2.
Jonea 1, Pugh 1. Foultld out • Champion. Fl'Mmen.
Technicals -Noncl.
the lead to 63-61 with nine sec·
onds to play after a Jessica Oiades
steal and layup. But Coast was
forced to foul and Burke con·
verted her final two free throws to
seal it
"'We wanted 10 pressure their
guards because we knew fatigue
might set in and I thln)c it did a lil·
tJe bit," Bak.er said abou1 lhe Pan·
thers' second half strategy.
Coast took its first lead since
2·0 after a Lauren Stepanski layup
made it 22-20, capping a 13·2 Pi·
rates run through 4:53 of the first
half. The Pirates 1hen erased a 28·
24 Olaffey lead by closing out the
final 5:34 of the half on an ll-2
run with Arganda scoring seven
of those points.
But the Pirates. the defending
state champions, couldn't sustain
the momentum and Thornton
was left looking for answers.
"'The press is always a factor
against us. We are going to get
p~ as soon as people walk
Into our gym," Thornton said.
"We are trying to make things like
last year. but It ls hurting us."
The Pirates host Cerritos at 2
p.m. today for third place.
will be us<.'C.I for preparation for
league play.
"ln the tournaments we play
in, it would be nice to win, bul
that's not the most lmponant
thing." King said. "The impor-
tant thing is lhat wl' are learn-
Pinto taught the Dolphins a
few lessons. I le continually
found ways to the basket and
was clearly F..stancias main
threat At one point. Dana Hills
Coach Tum Desiano yelled to his
players, "'Can't anyone stop
Pinto scored 12 points in the
first half, and 11 in the second.
He was 2 of S from beyond the
three-point line. and 6of15 from
the field
UCI Coach Pat Douglass
Orange Coasrs Celeste
Haueter fires a jumper shot in
the Coast Christmas Classic.
Chlift9y e&. Orange Cout 81
Chatley -Burts 30. Campbell 6,
Romero o. Blake 6, Abrego 14,
H01N11rd 7, L.eDay 2, Garcia O. Davis 0.
3-pt. goals -Abrego 4. Bu rile 2, Blake
Orange Cout -Carrillo 22. Naff 4,
Stepanski 4, Shew 7. Chades 2.
Arganda 14. Van Buren 4. Vilona 2,
Haueter2. 3-pt. goals Arganda 1, Shawl
Halftime -OCC. 35 30
The 1:a~le11 will resume play
Friday at 6:25 p.m. in its own
toumamenl, the Coast Oassic,
facing AJ11ioch.
Oranc• Co.st Optimist Holiday Shootout
ConsoWion final
Dana Hiit n , &tanda 54
Score by auan.n Dana Hills 24 111 13 19 -n
Estarn:1a 111 n 10 11 1>o1
o.na Hllte-Templetol'I 19, Berl 7,
Lorin 11 , Engle 15, Namey 8,
Schumacher 5, Haleswonh 3,
Blackburn 2. Maddodul 2.
3-pt goals -Schumacher 1. Bad 1,
Lorin 1.
Fouled out -Lonn
Estancla -Pln10 23, Sankey 4,
Escobedo 5, Viramontes 2, McOamel1
7. Markley 7, Kopp 6. Meissner 0.
3 pt goal• -Pinto 2. Merldey 2.
McDamels 1
Fouled out -Sankey
Plug into the Pilot
Class1fted section to
find services from
electronu:s and
plumbers, to
landscapers and
Policy How to Place A __ Deadlines---.
Races and deadlines are subject to
change without notice. The publisher
reserves the right to censor, reclassify,
revise or reject any classified
adverosement. Please rcpon any error
that may be m your clru.sified ad
immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts
no liability for any error in an
advcnisemcnt for which 11 may be
rcspornible cllccpt for the cost of the
space actually occupied by the error.
Credil can only be allowed for the first
insert 1 on.
Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm
Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm
By Fax
(949) ~31-6S94
ll'lca.e lntluclc your name and
phone nwnbn llllCl """'U Cli1l
)N Nd .,.,tb I pnc< quole.I
Telephone 8:30am-S:00pm
By Phone
(949) 642-5678
By MaiVln Person:
330 west Bay Street
Costa Mesa. CA 92627
At Newport Blvd. & Bay SI.
Walk-In 8:30am-5:00pm
Wednesday ....... ~ ... : .. Tuesday 5:00pm
Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm
Friday .................... Thursd~y 5:00pm
Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm
Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm
Mtmonlbllla 1160
TO,$$ 4 llCOlOS n c m. o..c. o: !C\ ' ro,
ill Mee Spl<r .. -M1h 949 645·150!>
&Intl 1310
tOUAl llOVSllG
All •ul estate 1dvtrl1•
'"l 111 Ill•• n~w\paper ll
•ub1e1 I lo Ille 1 •IMr•I I~" Hou11na Act ol 1968
H •lll•nded wh11.h
rn•~o ii •ll•&•t lo adv" t"e ·aoy pr~ter
en<.• llm1tal•on nr
d1\u1m111atmn ba\9d on
t•<• tolor r~ttr1of\ '•'
h1ndir•p lam•h•t \l-lu•
Of n1hon4I or11rn <H •n
1nlenliun to ma~e any
•U<h p1elt•e11ce llmll•
t1on 01 d1•v1m1n•lton • lh~ ntw•P•P•• '""" not ~11ow111alv accept •ny
•dvertl\ttnurnl fot ,,.1
Ul•I• wh1eh I\ 1n
v10ldl1on ol the law Out
readel\ ar~ hftr~l>y
informed that 111 dwtll
1nrs edv01 llnd in tilt\
""•'PIP•t ar ~ n~•l•bl<P
on •n eq1111 upportun1ly
To <umplam ul dis
r11m1nallon 'all HUU loll lr~t •t I 800 414 11~90
\11fl J "'"Car ltt ('/a,.lfl~d -'
R SALE soos-saso
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PIANOS i Collectlblft ......... .,......~.
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& 1mp1oomonts • your
own camp comc>ound
w i truc;ture and 2
t11lle11 Wondetful f"
n11ht BBQ'' & wine 1.,1ina dur1na due~
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ldUI for 2 friends or
lath•• &. •on Call Mir.a ,, 310 ~l ·OM4
Altques b Sale 3010
N1vaj0 Ru~. l!>l S~ S800 Mounled Bulfalo
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I 800 836 3464 24/Hn
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Saki wood, lnnd ,_,, apj)<o~ l200sl Good for
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S8XI W1C S250 94&.35&&97 from Ho11949.·5/4-7368
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iewelry. wit~. ~nflquu
collecttbhts 949·642 9448
Bllbol Ptnlnatll
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Ba~ Ave, Do not disturb
occup1nb Droller
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-------MOltl. LOW S20C>'t. s,._, •r, 6'11 ~ AeT. 7l4-S74..0200
concert ermd. belulllul
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48K 949-640-1879 pj)
U SCUI 91 l L•le '
Unc11l11nl1es H1pp1nl
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601 u• Perk Dr #SI Grae UY W/24H.R SEC
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O<IHl(t View llr, 11•,
Br1nd n1wl I ·Cir a••.
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TolHr" I 888-452 6737
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Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week
Only $32 per week (4week minimum)
Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245
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(lir 2hl rw P*' po. 5lqllS view, '1 stry. Ip, w1d 2c. aaraae ....... y•d 112
& •estalMts. f\>. l c pt lmmaculatel no peb/smll bloCll to oce.vi. must -
wd 'el Si715 9&293-46.ll Sl795/mo 213 359 6765 $llll}mo 949-Z78 7'Xb cal
btlwt!M 9;vn-5pm only
Newpett leodt. Welk
to b11ch, lull kitchen
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949·675·3009 pms 11 lllwportBNdl
~ v.-~JUl'IO' S,..ForRIM -1tir ,_ Hoac. pted. 1u1
NN 24/v l lOl'lat, ~ MC Ind p PooVtym club
600sf units. Pert.ct for hie lse $975 949-493-0379
sa.r, 2'/ .... I ... I
CWDO<t l~f """' •j)pl
& crpt 3 WlndSone u 1
S 1800/mo 114·3!J0.!>87U
vehdts. tow rates t.a UOO ISU STUDIO
2br I 75ba un the w•I••,
la pal10 de~k. upar •d~o kltch~n. wd h~up J&I
S2200 949 29.1-4632 C.otyn !M9>86J.ll90 Larae closet & b•lh.
sunny tlposure. SIOOOm
Ast 949·675·6161
Lara• closet & b1lh,
sunt1y uposu1e. SIOOOm Aal. 949-675·6161
Ye.ty H r. 11•. sttps
to buch. $1500 /mo
31tr J bo hou1e, uu••I ~ru. "ewly 1efurb11hed
2 Cdr gar. Wd flkups
$2300/mo 949 759 0874
A ,,..,. lt.r lloo hi ceil. Associated Realty A/C. w/d. fie, micro, d/W, 949-67S-36U
3br 2b~ upper unrt 2
balcon1ts Ip m\t1
Iii.rm I ~ e.i. nu pa111l
~et S2300 949 293 46JO
..i crpVPM1l deck, c.por1 YIAltLY OClANFlONT
$1595mo Y'1Y g&QJ.Ja:9 Anil1bl1 now • '167Sm
3br 2 ~b~ tnndn I /4Clsl
clo\e 111 bch ? , ~11.1 h
llr wd 2 \(Of "I '"'" m poot1sP• Avail ld1t l
S2S00949 515 ~
Y1Al1 y OCUM'ltONT
29r. 281, •• new cMP8tl parnl/tlle, 1-<: ,,. , S2DDT1
Al--aid Rly 96m-3863
tonn..iflllt ,
Cl••" & Mewl 406
Heliotrope (Front Cot·
ta19), COM. 21>6, 1111.
new kitchen & bath, Ip,
hrdwd IV on LR l/c p r,
Shat"9d W,-1> 114-Jl6..9800
llr w/!Htttl ...ty, no
kitchen. ar11t loc1hon,
$750/mo 420 Narcissus
Aal 949 7 J1 4708
e..i ~ ,.....,,, :b 2bm.
2 c pr, ,_ hdwd tn. • .,.. en. ti>. no vrio.. l)lllJODmno~~l!i
la ......... In
sftoradiffs steps to budl, ,_,...,.t.llloorwc. I.« yd
S3900 Robw1 94!). ~I ]!JO
....... ,_...,. 3br,
Zb•. s1n1.. r •mlly 2 car ....... ~ Set-&n. 11·2. '22 2lr4 St 91!MJJ.3821
lt.r, 1 ... _. ....... -~ -· ll hwy eccea. 199.l Ch4nll st S!M5 714-
Z()S.6J)J or 707·Z35-37 I 7
t....w. ......, 181
=~~~ aw..-. 9&57'-3131
Me,.le Aptal lovely
Ga ted Comm, n••r
lr11n1t• Squert, 2b( lba
w/11< & lria. $1095, lbf
Ill• w(patio, carport.
11Of111 111'5 "'*· hllt paid l<ltln Mll ... r•lt 877·~ Ext93ll
New~ ecr•H tit•
•ff"Mt lbr l.5ba no pets
SI 195/mo 1665 Irvine Aw
•3 !Mt-nf>.!M.12 a203
Auoc:tated Rt1lty
• • • • • • • • • • •
The Leta/ DepartmPlt at tht Daily P1/01 tS pltasrd 10 announce a ntw sm•1rt
now avai'4blt 10 new busmtsm.
wt-will now SEARCH tht namt for you at no rxtra rhargt, and sai1r you tlu
time and the trip to tht Court HoUJt in Santa Ana. Then, of ruum. aft" thr
searrh is compkt.td we wtll fil.t your fo111ious buJinm namr sraummt with tlJt
County Ckrlt, publiJh ow:t a wttk for four wtelu aJ required by law 11t1d thm flit J'"" proof of publication with the County Cf.trlt. .
Pk~ 1top by to fik your fictitious bufinm 1Jllmt statnnmt at thr Daily PikJI,
330 W. &1J St, Co1ta Mesa. If you cannot Jtop by. pltau raU us at (949) 642-4321
and Wt will maltt arrangements for you 10 handf.t this proudurr by mail
If J<I" 1hou/J haw any forthtr qumions, pf.tase ralJ us and we 1ui/I bt morr than
tlAtl to assist you. Good lurlt in your MU busiMJ!
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Otily Piiot .........
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...... l*lod 1ty ... ., ...
vllws, 1 car pr, 1ft
$2800 949-293-4631
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Omit .... 7tt5
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Cont.ad lllch.I Ants
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rnume to 714·838-9326.
Positions also available·
Door. c.. & -'ltlndants
Call 949·223·8710 or fu
resume to 949-223·8715
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In b1by/chlldren's
lrriUe slln.. ~
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South Cout Pia.La.
S.lery + bonus • mecliQI 949-496 4541
SAUS1 Outgo"t fN>rlon
w/phone ••I~• exp. E~n SJ5k & up pllrme 949-
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•5 0 ll1t1 Jl o AKQ7l
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The bickli"\vr
....... -~ 20 ~=:1' hid .,, ,.,. ,.,,_ 3• 40 ,_ ....
Ult. low ml aold/ten 4• ,_ ,_ ,_
lthr, mnrf, CO, allo1 whls
throu,hout, SI l.995 Openin& lead: Kin& of <>
"56724 8kr 949-586 1888 --~-C~ 'ti Cet-SOii
ml, blk/blk llhr. blk
c1rr11aa roof, 8ose CO.
am·lm, chrm whls. aold
Pk&, books/record&, like
new S8795 ¥!>57281 B~r.
Ht-S16-11tl •-·~l.c-
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llh new cond. $9.995
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h4ae Sw '00 i>__,;, Sl T 11.9 V8. low mt. 0<1&
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tow 1)111. buullful n
new cond, $12,995
W77'1IS7 81.r 96511& 1888 www.ecpa6i.co.,
fer~ ''S Mutt•n1 Conver tlble. 011a1n1I
own11 . solid car. """
.. $17SD abo 9&M29U
ferd '6 5 M,,.t•n1
Convetllble, 01111nal
ownet. solid cat , nm
.. $18.!m obo 9&7J9-29U
GMC Sud111rll•n LU
2500, 4w d, 70lo. • m1, &Old/Ian llhr. •Ira Hll,
superb or11 cond
$1 3,995 v55246 I Bkr
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cond. 11a1 aaed. non smkr
$7995 firm v0126751 Bkr
96518 -.lq)lb.mn
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warr. s11ver/oatmnl llhr,
mnrl. CO, memory pka.
beaul hke new unmarked
cond. S23.•95 v•75Z262 Bkr 949 586 1888
J .... .,. 't7 Xl6 811tlsh
11c1na ereen/tan llhr ,
CO . hbulous cond
thro uahout. SI 1,995
v59721 bllr 949·586· 1888 www.~l.c-
OHlcovary II S07. dual
moonrfs. rear 1ump
sa&ts. healed seat lac
Wi ii 36,000 mi, $21,500
~-q Hn n 1..ms161
It ~m that~ Collp Tommy's
nephew, ltddy. hid inheriled one
ofru1 uocle'a brid,c l&lenU. pMicu.
lar1y the lbillty IO llhloe when ~
breaL b:idly. While Studying in Europe he had die cipponun.11)' IO play
in the European Univenity
Olalnpionihip. won by ll&ly from
Bt1ut1lul Blick Only
161\ ml. (19873) $66,980
'OZ'-"~ 81acl\. 211< ml. (19899) $25,980
'01 hn/1/11.,.,..
Cobra Sliver. Only 71(
(19770) $23.980
·ooJ..-;.u• (.,_,,
Champa1ne, Z<Ul ml. (198\7) $.41,980 .,, ,.Jll ... 1$400
Sliver. 67" m1
( 194!>31) $17.980
.,, • .,, ... uoo
Turbo O~sel Bl•cl\
(196831.) $26,980
'Of Mere.-
MUZO Sliver, 291< ml.
(19892) $27,980
'9Sr81'1dte 91'
(197526) $32.980
Sliver, only 5k ml.
{I 9904C) $3.c,980
'OZ ClfrywJH '1
""'"' Black. 321< mt.
(19827C) $14.980
·or ,..,""'-• ruoo
White. 371( ml.
( I 9909C) $61.980
pltllpscMo ••
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~rl~~ (M:>19'l2) $38,900 .. ,,..,........,
Grey, 5 Jl)d, Sharpl
(620'238) $31,900
w-....•-w•.o Grey, l oaded. Shlrp
('38665) '26,900
'H ..... SlSOO
Sclort. lolded, Must
See (101291) $37,900
'OZC..._,I•< ... 22" Chromes, loaded
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(M76593) $35,900
'OJ VW ,_,,_ C..v
Blue. l11ther, IOK ml
( 3002()5) S2Z,500
'Of ll/llWJISOC
Conv, Bllt. 151t. Mlnt (Y54552) S33,900
SHver, 9K, must -(X22591) $49,900
'01 MW llS I
8"11l, Sc>ort, lOI( (X24190) $29,900
t4t-4to-22U , .... ~
bloc Ill's.com
Mer~• 'ti JOOSl
low mf, l1dy owned,
books, rtcOfds. wht/tan
Int, hard & soft top. CO. mini disc. lor•nlo
wheels, f1bulou1 cond
throuahout, St5,995
~17 8kt 9&51J>.1888
D11 ~"t~ Pilot ··-~1== . "' Best place
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Tipllonic. mint conditkln.
8500 miles, ono owner
$62,000 pp 949·351·1719
lier~• llov« '99 4.6
HSE ._ m1, lull fact
warr, bll\/blll llhr. 18"
chrm whls, superb co11d
thrOUllM, $22,99& vll7201
8 1\r 949·S86·1888 Call today to place your ad
Classlf led &42·5678
Celltornla l1w re
quires that contr&c·
t0<s taktna '°°' that total S500 or more
(labor or male111ls)
114 t4censed by the Contr1clors State
llcenu Board. Stale
law elso requires thal
contrectors Include
their license number
on all lldver1t,.n1 You
c•n check the status of your licensed
cont r 1 c t o1 1t
www cslb.c1 aov or
800-321 -CSlB Unit·
censed conlrectors
l•kln1 Job• lh•l
101•1 less than S500
must sttlt In their
1Cl¥11Usem1nts that
they 1r1 not licensed
by th• Contr1cto1s
Slate llctnM 8Cllld."
your stuff
• ~
In, tall. r efece cabinets ~ ~ DlilC 71 .. 546-72!i8
c.,et Clanlng
• , ~{ 1\ .. ' '. '
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3 rooms I hal!wiy ... 15
lncluel•• precon<SitlonlnQ
ICHln 714..J2t.3MZ Ice 71HtH111
HELP! . ,,...,,""" ....... ... ,. ........
•l'Cor• ·~ •lle"9'"'9•• ·~t.tdmll • 0..11rroOr'a*'41 . •-"'-""'*" •JGH:l'l.ld9e..., ue ~ IOYrw~~. 714--612-2786
COllClltl' MllOnry ..... ....... ,,_ ,, ..
Conaete, P1tJo, Drfvewey
Fireplc, BB~ Rtf'a. 25Yrs
hp. Te<Ty 14·557·7594 c...-....., w.ti
Cement, Brilll, stone. r.. ~ ......... No ~loo wNI T~
.,... "'*··~•·i
C11t t r.:mber,
pelnter. 1ndy1T11n,
« '">'of the t"' se1vlce1 listed re In
our s.rvlc• cllrtctoryl
-.•• ,.~1.c-
All ptiun sm/lr 1 1obs Cl~rs. felr, free
esL l 714-639-1447
Loc1I, Quick Response
Home, Verd & Dock EllCI 2D~~a.:ot: l 9i&Q5(). 7042
8.1.C. 11.nrlc Low price
local cantrtctor. no lob too
smal. no lob too IC. Airs
upan ~ lJICl~llJ.Q
(e.,.,l•t• llectrlc•I ~New "'-· Up-
ar*s. TrouC>leshoo~ tncbr!IMdoar n..:a.121
u<lMSID cotnuoo. No lob 1Do 1111. ,. ........i
Repair. rt~ns, IC)e,,_svc 3666
OlllOll CIUlM 1U ........,,,,.._w~ nwta.--. ... 1'7S
l.Sl21M4"" 714-612·S961 IUIY---=ecl ~Ollllll I. IMla lion
D(AH MM7J..8066 71~ 714a).2Dll
Sill . your stuff
classified I
•-.. lt•v•• ·oo 4.o
SE 1611 1clu1I ml, full
feet wen. btVca1mel
lthr, beautiful hke new
cond Must ue to
~--$211.495 \IOl71196 Bkr. 949-!186-1888 --~I.~ •-to ltever 'tS 4.0 SC 80lt+m1. black/tan
lthr. superb concl
lhrouahl. boot.s. •ecords SI0,4~ v045829 OM 94').
586 ·1888
1976 CAT~ 2Jfl. rollr
1111 llAD plgt. 8MN ... ~ .. CCMJ • ...,
bottom paint recent,
.......... l4llJ1ldal dwl In
& a.A. exi·9&!m-~
1r SUP AVAJl Utlll11~3
Incl B1lb.,. Penn 8~y
lslend Cove 11u, u cur.,
honl4I owner , 949"9l2 1m
bUJini • .rellini.
"'jut lookbtt.
wlttlt JOf1 Mid!
I Hf) UZ,$,76
0 ...... ·-
Tr•• Service, Verd Cl11n11p, M11nl1nence.
Sp< inkier Rep1111. Haullnc
(tO) tS0-111 I
Ill~ ltll'f • l'f f',\I"
Ii. HI Mtllll I l~t.
Sunday, December 21. 2003 ••
1 aac. • .,....
.,. Cried ... kitten
21 K~IOol
78 Bel1tn llngte n SINll.dlfw:e ....ic
80 See WOftd llltrlCllon
82 Small brQcM
83 TIMok8"'
1 qig on
2 6Y"8'*t neighbor
3 Skilled
4 Brlldley and Aaner
5 Job opening
SQ TIUCMr a rw
, 70 8'nlLJ language
71 ~addition
2a. 6tdrt ~ (hWlfl.)
23 Touct\ beee (2 wda.)
2A NON llllmulUI
25PC fteeflet
84 Aw ... ..., • "1ky ea,..... •'*'d
8704tf aP ... theword
118 8lazlng
6 -Haute. Ind.
7 lee creem beverlges
8 Very pleased
9 Of1es tt\e dishes
10 Tennyson he<olne
11 -Plaines Ill
72 Nursery rhyme girl
74 Large tank•
75 1-U s boClom
10 Sushi fish
78 Largest at1ery
26 Dffp-blue mltwlll
28~ eneed
29 Capone toe
30~ 32Busyu --
33 Torlh echOlars
3!i HavQJ digits
38 Cdtill'I tdl
391Urb ldn
40 Left off
42 U.. a Clb.lla1or
43 TlnWl I mlM
4-4 Mot-. c:ivl
45 Honeycomb triltl
47V .... often
48 Entered data
53 Try 11g111n
55 Warrior Prlnoes1
59 l<lnd d energy
61 Cheat piece
62 I.ump d clay
63 Leonatdo ct. -
90 Kuwelll leadefs
91 f)1>e of cherry
92 Pln-while blrde
94 Factories
9S Where halee "" 98 Combine compenies
97 Candy striper
96 H~ F«ry st.
99 Methane or neon
100 Geologic foonltJOnS
101 Software problems
102 Veryamal
104 Rodeo gear
107 Diner sandwiches
109 Penny plncMr
1 13 TV aponsor s
114 Upecale cheeff
115 Aiits tor 10
117 Lb most
~· 118Shaped
like the Earth
119 Troulef pen
120 Piercing screams
122 Big burger
12 Even-ternper9d
13 Basks
14 The chills
16 Mr Brynner
16 Wound around
t 7 Oulback man11.1plal
18 Sale to eat
20 Lock or curl
27 Grassy areas
31 Fiery gems
34 During
36La5t mo.
38 Producer -Spelling
39 Played at
41 Reuben puNeyors
43 Sculpture medium
44 Madonna rOle
46 Fond du -• Wis.
47 Army vetucfe
48 Metric pounds
49 Adhesive
50 F1rst·string ~ayers
79 U&e a steam Iron
81 Charter
82 Ladder pans
83 Trait camei
meet .'
85 First-down yaidage
86~ sorg
8 7 Old !tali an currency
88 Tiny amountM
89 Siren
91 Ouldoes
92 Recipe direction
93 Disguise Items
94 Pipe matenal
96 Not 18V1Shly
98 Oscar or Comet ioo Tangy ttavor
101 Football charge
t 02 V .:ht basins
104 Brand names
105 Finally (2 wds.)
106 Lassos
107 IQ, inlonna"y
64 "The Cit in the tw 123 Sphagnum moss
124 Understanding
127 l<ind of story
51 Oabng. maybe
53 1<1nd ot roast
54 'Bones'
110 L11erery dew;e
111 Dodged, as tawes
1 12 Sct100I i(kj s break
t 13 Hemp products
114 Contradict
65 Knodc 11galnat
66 PC menu Item
67 T fll, l&eng1~
68 Bllkety item
69 Lingerie Item
72 Actor Raul -
73CPR gfwlr
74 Running mate
AIWN'IENANCE * Rt:SidmtW * Coomn::ial No Joh 7bo Small
DawB..Uton 949-322-8292
"• ~ ~•f. All typn af r epalrs. Elec:trl·
cat. ~ doors.. --....... tlTe ' more. 24/1 days 714·366-1181
(1 II ..
AVAl\.AllE lOOAVI Mf.173·5*
129 Movie lioness
on "Star T rel<'
55 Balter s dozen
t 30 Solliet toundef
t3t Grammy winner
to tJvy
56 Blowing up
57 Two-striper
S8 Full ol hol -
60 Denver nrs
61 W1sect8Ck
11 5 Fine dl9he$
l 16 Comedy routines
132 Names
133 JFK amvels
134 H8me6SeS
135 Unravels
1 19 Went to the bonom
120Mtx up
t ~ 1 Swatch al materlaf
125 Want-ad abbr
126 Chatty alien
136 Risks a ticket
63 Space between hl115
65 -cheese dresSlng 128 Sault -Marie, Mich
Any Type But Prtcn .
Rtp11rs 0 -Quahly WOtk
•nnJl m. 11" !>31·7643
Venture Cencret• &
MnMry Brick. 81ock,
Ston.. Concrete RA/Qlmm
l•747"48 714·965·2&24
Tiie Ctllf Public
Utllltles Commission
requlrH that all uMd
llouuhold 1oocl1
lllOVlri rrlnt their ... U.C. Ce T n111n1Nr;
Nf¥S •114 cllaufteura
p#frtl their f C P.
llUMINt In 111 ldvlf •
t1M1M11t1. If you l'l•v•
Illy .-110M lbOUI
ttie l•l•llly ol 1
lllOUr, 111110 Or dleutfwur, c.it; ,_.,.,,., c•••111
Plac eyourod
today I
(949) 642-5678
Pron. clt111. quahty work
lntwlor/u t •nd d«k•
l f703468 949...00-10!>4
u•ow C11<11 MAlfl
P1lntJ"'"'11/11t. HDIW~
Qu•klyJoC>J f rM estlmllte l1569897 714 6l6 8888
• °""''°" or M.ltl J lanllert
Fr"ndty Service
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Wallpapr Removal ' lf~419'9 360 1211 :
S10sl1clton t ueranteed ,
~ 1562 714-9&&!Jl40. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m·
Tell Us About
(949) 641-5671
...... Dlcenillr 21, 2003