HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-22 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2003 . IN BUSINESS Eateries expect growth in new year Predictions for Orange County restaurants show a I 0% s<Mes increase, almost twice the statewide figure . Allcla Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Restaurants in the area are expected to go the way of the American waistline and keep on expand- ing in 2004, following and possibly sur- passing a predicted national trend. Restaurants in Orange County expect saJes to grow by 10% in 2004, said Ed Lee. vice president of INSIDE the Orange County chapter of the California Resta~l For more business Assn. and reaJ est.ate d or for Wahoo's Fish Tacos. news, see Page A2. "IWahoo's isl expecting DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT Joey Bishop, a Newport Beach resident and a member of the legendary Rat Pack, invited Rachel Berkowitz of Costa Mesa, right. and Hannah Divolich of Irvine to speak to the crowd before he lighted the chocolate menorah at Fashion Island on Sunday. sales to have at least be- tween 6% to 8% growth in 2004, and that's being conservative," Lee said. "The economy's really good.• A sweet tradition Costa Mesa-based Wahoo's plans to open five or six stores next year; only one of them will be in Orange County. Lee ex- pects to develop stores in cities as far away as Fresno, San Jose and Las Vegas. he said. Local expectations exceed the 4.4% na- tional growth and the 5.2% growth in Cali- fornia predicted by the National Restau- rant Assn., which relensed its projections last week. The Chabad Jewish Center lights a 7Y2-foot tall chocolate menorah at Fashion Island for Hanukkah. DON LEACH I DM.Y PILOT Costa Mesa police investigator Paul Cappuccilti looks over a case file of a shooting from late 1970s. Luis Pel\• Daily Pilot • N ewport Beach Rat Packer Joey Bishop helped set the hoUday spirit by lighting a giant chocolate menorah at Fashi on Island. annual menorah lighting ceremony, which was attended by more than 1,200 people. The Hebrew Academy had children singing several uaditiooal I lcbrew songs. such as the "Dreidel Song.• Members of the crowd swaying back and fourth and clapping as the young children sang on stage. menorah was 7~ feet tal.I and weighed 200 pounds, said Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Olabad Jewish Center. It would be in the Guinness Book of Work Records, he said. In Costa Mesa. restaurants generate roughly $260,000 in saJes tax revenue for the city each quarter, which is about 3% of the city's total sales tax collections, city Fi- nance Director Marc Puclcett said. "We try to bring joy to the community," Mintz said. "We have some very strong restaurants in the community that do significantJy contribute to the community," he said. Ch ef Doug Weinstein, who Fashion Island was I.he site of the Chabad Jewish C..enter's TI1e M!rni-sweel chocolate See TRADITTON, Pa1e A4 Several new restaurants opened ln New- port Beach in 2003. and there are more to come in 2004, said Peggy Fort, Newport See EATERIES, Pase A4 Police reserve officer always hot on a cold case Costa Mesa's 'Detective Cap ' concentrates on unsolved crimes, often a fru strating task. Oeepa Bh•rath Daily Pilot COSTA MP.SA -He's too jolly to be described as the city's Sherloclc I lolmes. His accent is nothing like Hercule Poi· rot's. And he's much too macho to be com- pared with Mlss Marple. But Costa Mesa Reserve Officer Del. Paul Cappuccilli does possess several qualities that these fictitious yet legend- ary crime solvers possessed. Persistence. Patience. Passion. He seeks the thrill of a good light. Not the physical one, but the one posed by catastrophJc situations and dC$perate circumstances.. Cappuccilli is one of the detectives In the department who Is trying to crack et least one of Costa Mesa's unsolved mur- ders. "Sometimes, I just feel Uke tearing my hair out and banging my head against the wall." he says with a laugh. "But.· he added earnestly. "I helieve it's all going to be werth il. And I enjoy it." "Cap." as he is affectionately called in the department, retired four years ago. But the 55-year-old officer returned right away as a reserve officer. "I aJwnys enjoyed the lnveStiJrdtive side of police work.• said Cappuccilli, who started off Investigating crime5 against children and retired after work· ing several years as a patrol officer. It was right before Cappuccllll retired that Lt. Ron Smith started a cold case unjt. 1be department puDed out cases INSIDE/OUT unsolved since 1972. "These cases were unsolved for a rea· son," Cappuccilli said. "They were put away because the detectives had run out of leads." And the challenges multiply dramatl· cally as the years pass. Evidence de· 1eriorates. Wilncsses lose their memory, move out of town or die. Whal jolts these cases back to life is new technology, Cappuccilli said. "We have so many advancements in computer-alded technology," he said. ·we can now analyze ONA and ballistics Uke we weren't able to do 25 years ago." Cappuccilli said he cannot go into de- tails of the cases he is investigating now. but he said he has com e pretty close to solving a case recently. The invesdgadon took him out of state, where be tried to interview the suspect, he said. Cappucdlli believed the man was linked to the. murder, but he had no evi- dence to prove it. Still, he had to try. "I was hoping and praying that he would confess, .. he said. "But he didn't. Instead, he said halfway through our in- terview that he wanted to talk to his at- torney. That's where that ended." Dead ends are to be apecied ~ investigating such cases, CapptiCcllll1 said. But It gets tough when he has to call a grieving family member and tell them that he was unsuccessful. "I hated making that call to that vic- tim's mother and telling her I wasn't successful.· he said. "But alJ she told me was: "You're my only hope. ~t~W Ca.p. Don't give up yet.'" And that's what does It for him. "I was this person's last hope.· he said. "There's no one else to answer to the families. When I first called this S.. COLO CASE, Pq1 'A;4 _ How the check almost stole Christmas Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE I t'a a strange fact, or perhaps It Isn't strange at all, that the worst and the best Ouistmu I ever experienced happened ln the $&me season. I was IMng ln a tiny, one-bedroom apartment in Costa Mesa with my wife. She and I were atudents, wortcfng a combined total of four part· time jobs ' juJt to pey the rent and almoet all of our bllla. In other words. we wm1 poor, and never more to than during tti1I putkular De<81Jber. I had dniahed writing a Flf muwal for a pubtilher In Uguna lJeact\. but be WU taking the 1on1 road ln ,ett1ng around to paying me. DAVID SILVA Th undeBtand bow much worlt I put lnto that golf manual, you should know that at the time I wrote It, l bad played not one game of IQll in my life. The pubUaher 8'1Ured me thal that wouldn't be • problem. whk:h elq)lained why be went out of buelness a ff!W years later. The manual wu essendaUy a oollection of tJpa from a famous .,at pro -tlpt IUCh as eying a string from your club to your shoe to make for a better swing. For three months, I bad to read this pro's child·Uke 8CJ'8Wl on hundnids of notepads and loose sheets of pape(, then walk down to the local golf course to ~ playen and try to ftgure out what the guy WU talking about. But I tlnlahed the manual by my Nov. I deadline and proudly turned It lnto '· my publisher, who told me a check would arme by the end or the wee1c. ey the middle of f>ecember. I wu ldD waiting for It. IMrythlng WU rid1ns 00 th.it check. 1 My wtfe an<fl had a1J'llldy apent ewlY cent of It in our be9de oa ClvilbnM stuff. A tree. omamen11, canla. ....U gifts for our families and a couple of tokens of aft'ectJon for ourselves -the whoJe boUday shebang seemed tied up in that golf manual check amving In the mall Waiting for the check became an obseesion. every day, l would ctD home to see If It an1ved. Bvery ct.)'1 mt wife would tell me It hadn't, and I could hear the growlns ftuatradoo ln her voice. We would w.tch 'IV at night, and every comrnerdal urglng ua to lhop for the bolldayl would ftll ua wtth ..,.. and a atnn,p, breathlese aenM of despair. The delinquent check became a ......... ,...A3 ON THE WEB: ~.~com WEATHER ~ The sun 11 bedc. arwilihfV • few doud9 wlQ be around to g9t In lta way. S..PllpA2 SPORTS CdM High produ.-..., Bottom uvon ftnel deY9 of hia USC footbell Olf'Mf. S..hpA!S A2 MarGy, December 22, 2003 YOUR BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT DONLEACH /OAll..Y Pll.OT From left, Newport Flight Center owner Terri Re pie and flight instructors Ray Tabib and Sep Boutaleb with a training aircraft. The air up there Alicia Robln1on Da1tyP1lot S tuffing an airplane into a Ouistmas stocking probably won't work. but people can stJU give the gift of flight this year with certificates for flying lessons. 'Ille Newport Alght Center is one of several Oight schools at John Wayne Airport participating in the Be A Pilot program, a national. nonprofit program that offers certificates for Introductory Oying le~son for $49 -about half the typical cos1 of a lesson. "It's sort or nn effective way 10 get people l111erested, to 'ice that it's safe." said Terri Rep1c. manager of Newport flight Ct'nter. ·11 WB'> a very good idea." And once tht•y lake their first le~on. .1hout 75~ of them rnrne back for more, i.hc sau.I. A flight school at John Wayne Airport is making it cheaper to get into the cockpit I.earning to Oy at John Wayne Airport means that pilots encounter all types of air traffic, so they're better prepared, Repic said. "The benefit is. once you can fly out of this airport. you can Oy out of any airport," she said. Pilot:. must log about 40 to 45 hours of lessons in the air before they can fly solo, flight instructor Sep Boutaleb said. The Be A Pilot program, which began In 1997. ha:. had great support from the aviation community. program rresident Drew Steketee said. To date, about 200,000 people have signed up for a Oying lesson through the program. he said. The purpose of Be A Pilot is to reintroduce people to personal Dying, which began a decJin e during the recession in the early 1990s, Steketee said. Flight schools suffered another drop in attendance after SepL 11, 2001, but interest has rebounded. "It kind of dramatized to folks Lhat life is short; you might as welJ make the most of it," Steketee said. After a recent advertising push by Be A PiJot. Repic said, she's been getting two to three calls a day about the program and has had many requ ests for gift certificates for the holidays. To get a certificate for a S49 Oying lesson. calJ (888) BE·A-PlLDT or visit l1ttp:llwww.beapilot.com online. BUSINESS CALENDAR to 7:30 p.m. at Skosh Monahan's Restaurant & Pub, 2000 Newport Blvd. The cost is SlO for nonmembers. Information: (714) 885-9090. The Newport~ Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd.. Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. • Send BUSINESS CALENDAR Items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena§latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone , ONGOING , number. The Costa Mes. Ch•mt>.r of Commerce The Meee MeMengen Toutm..-. Club 691 In Coate Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St, Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. JAN.15 The eo.ta Mee. ChemlMr of Commwc:e wtll host a 90-mlnute breakfast boos1 from 7 to 8:45 a.m. at the eo.ta Mesa Counlly Club, 1701 Gott Course Drive, Costa Mesa. The cost is $13 with reservations and $18 at the doQf'. Information and reservations: (714) 885-9090. hosts networtcing luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mes~. (714) 885-9090. The Com Mes. Communk:aton Toastmasters Club meeta from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdav-at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. MeetinQ9 are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her pubflc speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Zingers Tontm..-. Club 11SF mMta on Tuesdav-fTom 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear St., No. B17. (714) 241-1109. JM.28 11'9 C-. Meee Chemt>.r of Com~ will hoct •n ahl'hours business mixer fTom 5:30 Daily A Pilot VOL 97, No. 358 Tit0MAS H. JOHNSON 8-eMDCtw* Publllller Photo Editor, TONYDOO£AO (IM9) 7&M.3158 Editor «ew.mcari•IMlm-.c:om JUf1't OETTINO JoeeJ. .... A=i.l~r Att Dl'**>r, ,...._ Delk Chief, (IMS) 5"'""'2.24 Promotlorw Director ~•,.,,,,_com .......... EDfTING STAff Gina Ai.icandlr, LOl1 Anderlon, 8.J.Cam Denlel Hun\ P9UI Se1towltr. M41nagtng Edlt0t, Daniel s.v.r. (M)PMm NlWISWIF IJ.Cflllrl• /Mknetl.oom .,...,. ..... 0...-0cMAee C1lY Editof. Crime end COU"8 ~-<Ml J&M324 ~ dlin«laflOOW•.,,,,,_oom •1«1nw.eom Natwdo.wt JuNC .... ~Edhot. 19481~ N9wpoft ... ,..,,.,, rltNrd.dut'WJ•"1t""-com IMIPMm .......... µ,.MMlll•••"'*"'-com ~OtyEclk)r, ~ ........ (-~ Coatll Mme~., .. ,~, ,,.,..,1111 •• llOf'l4'~oom dlfntanMmen.hltf"*-"Om ............. .....ow.I FonlM==m~ Eduoldon ""°""· (M) 574-"291 ,....,.,,_,. ...... com ~~CM! The Newport Cet1'llr Toutm..-. a..t> 231 meet8 from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondav-at the Irvine Co., 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Bead'!. (949) 766-1025. Aide Aollli-• POSTMASTER: Send llddr11N Polltb. bu91ne. end -'ronmenl dlangee to The Newport f9PC)lter, (~ ~ Beac:M:osta MMll Dally Piiot. P.O. ala.IObitwon llttimacom Box ttseo, Cost. Mesa. CA 92626 . ........... Copyright No,_ etor1•. N.-........... ,~ ,...,,,,,,..,.,,,.,,.."°'" lllUS1t1llona, editorial mder or flttOTOOMPH(ftS ~ henlln cen be Meet c. Oultln. Don i....cn. reproduced without written Kent Thlptow permission of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US MADIM HOT\ME a..Madon (9481 6'2.eoe& The Tlmee ()qnge County Aeoord ye>ur comments about the (800) 2&2'!1141 Delly Pilot Of newt tlpe. "-"' ..... AM.-a "'9d (9'&91 M2-M78 Our .ctdrtu II 330 W. Bay St, Cost. ~(9'&9)6'2~1 Mesa. CA 92627. Of'RC» lloun are ldlDW Mondey • Friday, 8:30 a.m. -5 p.m. ,.,_ Oon111tu .. (9481 W-MIO " " the Piiot's potlcy to prompdy lpofla(Mt)&7<Mll3 oon-ect all enOtS of tubetanoe. ,._,.,_(IMS) ~170 PieaM cell (9491 ?M-4324. ....... ,.. (Mtl 860-0170 m &mil: dMlyp/1ot•lat1mee.OOIJ\ MalftO.. The Newpon BMc:M:oete Meu ...... a.lee (IM814M2~1 Deity Piiot (UsPS-144-8001 .. ...... ,.. (Mtl 831·712fJ pubtlehed dlilty. In Newpoft 8-d'I Publlthed by Tlmee Community 9nd Cotta MeN. eubecripdonl are News, a dllllalon of the Loi Angelet .... a11M>1e ontv by 111.1becriblno to The ,,,,,__ Timee Orange~ (800) Ir.I n2.e1•itn8'9le~of Newpon 8Mct) and eo.t. Mete. aub9crlpdone to m. Otitv Piiot are ~ onty "fine ct-. mall for S30 pet month. Prtoee lnctudl ... Cl2003 ~CH. All 11ghtl llPP!lcable atate and looel toa) reeerwd. •• THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Wee sea troitble Sum thymes. sum word pears our a reel pane. 1tanslation:The creation of the English language was just part of a bugecosmlc conspiracy to frustrate me and others like me. now. While Webster's New World CoDege Dictionary lists preventative as a variation on preventive, the •01.lcago Manual of Style" ls a little more judgmental. ·Although the JUNE corrupt form Here's a little test to determine CASAGRANDE preventalive is fairly common, the strictly correct form is preventive.• whether you can count yourself In that group: What's the difference between troop and troupe, between disk and disc. between preventive and preventative? lfyou know the answer to all of tbese. then you're doing three times as well as I am. (I'll look up all three ln a minute.) The above are just a few examples that a crack team of Daily Pilot expens came up with after I asked for suggestions on commonly confused word groups. But it turns out I wasn't even educated enough to ask the question. because I dkln't know whac to call these confusing groups. So, with a fuzzy recoUection or a seventh·grade lesson on homonyms, synonyms. antonyms and other -nyms. I set out to find an answer. A homonym, according 10 American Heritage Dictionary on Yahoo!, is "one or two or more words that have the same sound and often tl1e same spelling but differ In meaning.• WeU, that wasn't it exactly. I was thinking more of words with different spellings. So after some peU-meU Internet searching, I came across this word: "Homophone: One of two or more words, such as night and knight., that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning. origin and sometimes spelling.· That's bener. but I still wasn't sure that W"clS exactly what I was trying to say. Luclcily. I'm a journalist. which means I have a certain genius for phrasing thlnS' in a way that conceals gaps In my understanding of any and every subject. Thus, reverting to the "cover-my·bacJcside" phraseology, here are just a couple examples of 1he word groups suggested by coUeagues that 1 hereby term -these confusing word groups." Preventive/ preventative made my list because I never knew which one to use. I do Why is it that every time 1 open this book. I feel like I'm in the presence of someone wielding a hickory stick or a ruler with which to whack my "corrupt" little knuckles? Moviogon .... Apparently, neither of m y . style books cares to weigh in on the subject of troop vs. troupe. Even the dictionary seems a little shaky on this one. Believe it or not. the one with the U ls listed as an Amerlcanism. That's the opposite of the lesson of words such as color/colour and behavior/behaviour, in which the British spelling takes the U. If we are to trust our American dictionary on this one, troupe means ·a group of actors, singers, etc. h whereas troop is much broader: a group of people or animals. Oise/ dislc is the one 1 knew without even looking. I'd be proud, but apparently, it's one everyone seems to know without looking. I'm constantly arnaz.ed by this one because, subtle as the clifference is. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get it wrong. To test this theory, 1 asked Pilot columnist LoUta Harper to explain, off the top or her head. the difference. MI usually think of dislc with a K as computer disk and disc with a C as a compact disc/ Lolita said. Yup. That's it Here's the longer version, according to the cruel Chicago school manns: •'Disk' is the usual spelling. But 'disc' ls preferred In a few specialiud applications, 'compact disc.' 'disc brakes.'" Sea? Theirs know reel pane hear four ewe. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beactl and John W11Vne Airport. She m11V be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.C/ISBgrsndetllatimes.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST waves will be 2 feet or smaller on a northwest swell from 5 to The sun Is bad(. and only a 7 feet. At night, southwest few clouds wilt get In ha wey. winds will be at 10 tcnot., and The winds will be out of the the swell will be out of the west northeast today, from 5 to 10 from 6 to 8 feet. mph during the day and lighter at night. The highs will be from SURF 70 to 75 degrees. At night. It'll be P8rtfv The nofthwMt swell ls doudy. The Iowa Wiii be from bec:*JnQ down, end the IUrf 46to50. tod8y wt_ll be down to mo.tty ....... ft: cn.t-hiQhe at WMt·fednu www.~gov brub. The next not1hwNt will BOATING FORECAST elffY9 Tu.day • --...-,: NcK1tt .... wkMfil. be www.wrfrlcl#.org from 10to11 lcnott Oft the '"'* ......... ~8fld TIDES become '°"""' ••• rtv at 10 n.n. Heltht lcnott in the dem()On. The wewe will be 2 r..t or tmaht 1:01h.m. 1.87r..tlow on•WMt9W9111'omSto8 7:34-.m. lMfMthigtl feet. In the~ • ..,. wlnde 2!64 p.m. ·1.71 '9etlow wtn bl tight end~ t:2Ap.m. 3.M fMtNgh Ftntter out. the wlndl wMI be light 8fld v.,...,.. to begin wttti end btoome 90Ulhettv et 10 WATER TEMPERATURE lcnolaln .. ~The 57~ INSIDE Continued from Al symbol of our low-income scatus, and we began to squabble. Back then. most of our fights were about money, but the ones this Ouistmas season were dl.fJerent. Our words to each other were hurtful, filled with subtle accusations and smoldering resentment It was during one of these squabbles, just four days before Ouistmas. that our friends Sarah and &bby dropped by for a visit Sarah and &bby had gotten engaged right around the time my wife and I had. and we spent a lot of time together. They could not have come by at a worse time. My wife and I had reached our breaking point. and we were recklessly hurling insults and recrtminations at each other with abandon. Sarah and &bby were horrlfied Sarah took my wife into the bedroom and Bobby insisted that I sit down on the couch. He asked me what was wrong.' and I told him about our money problems. about the check that wouldn't come. All the while I could hear my wife crying to Sarah in the next room. "It doesn't sound so bad, David." &bby offered. "It just seems really bad, because you're righl in the middle of it But you've got each other. You've got your health. You've got everything you need to have a good Ouistmas.. Bui what did &bby know aboul money problems? I thought to myself. He and S8.rah both had good jobs. Sarah's parents were wealthy. Still. I knew he was trying 10 help, and I thanked him for that. They left early, an<.l thar night. I slept on the couch. The next day, J called home to see if the check had come. It hadn't, but my wife told me that Sarah had called and invited us over that night She and Bobby were having an early Ouistmas party with a few friends. Han~g out with a bunch of high-spirited holiday revelers was really the last thing I wanted to do. but I was embarrassed about what had happened the night before and wanted to make amends, so I agreed to go. It turned out to be the best decision I'd made in a long time. There were just a few of us at the party, about four~ and a few cbUdren. but the conversation wu excellent Sarah had spent all day cooking and the meal we shared together was delicious. We tokt jokes and made fun of our holiday tales of woe. and surrounded by such company. our financial problems didn't seem like such a big deal after all. Afterward, we gathered in the living room to watch some holiday cartoons, and after that drank eggnog and sang Ouistmas carols by the tree. It occurred to me that I felt good, better than I'd felt in a long while. And I could tell by my wife's face that she did, too. As the evening wound down, we were sitting in the family room when Sarah and &bby's 4-year-old son. Carter, walked in. "Hello." "Hello. little dude.· I said, and I smiled u Are you feeling better nowr he asked "Who said I wasn't feeling good?" I asked him. surprised. "Daddy." Carter said "Daddy said you were feeling sad. He said that's why we're having a party. To make you feel better. Are you feeling better?" My wife and I looked at each other. Could it be that this entire evening was for us? Could Sarah have spent all day cooking. could all these people have come over -just for us? The answer immediately came to us: Yes, they could. That was exactly something Sarah and Bobby would do. And it was like some evil speU bad been broken. ille some evil spirit dispersed, and the holiday spirit retumett. Because my wife and I were never happier those remaining days of Ol.ristmas. We drove around and watched the Ouistmas lights. We decorated the apartment with newspaper trees and cardboard oruaments. On Christmas Day. we volunteered to feed the hom eless. and for presents we wrote each other a long letter of how much the other meant to us. My wife, who had the misfortune of being married to a writer, was forced to read a letter 20 pages long. The long-awaited checlc finaUy arrived Dec. 26. We didn't notice it until five days later. • DAVID Sil.VA Is a Times Community News editor. Reach him 111 (909) 484-7019, or by e-cnail at david.silva@larimes.com. b 0 I I d r • -3 lb. Beef Stick Sale 51Q9'J Reg. SJ.i.99 Now through December 21 ConAMISA 11m SnEET PkOMl!lfA08~ OI' t1Ttt a SNtfA AJ!iA> TIJ811H MAHl'l1'UCE ms ELC.o•HO il5.'C.OU1AA Kms au i CROMIOAO CINTU lal'JllilS OJf llAaAAHCA 1-(IOO) 541-'176 --~----~--~ t GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs per1odlcally In the Dally Pilot on a rotatlng basis. For Information on adding your organflation to this lilt, call (949) 574-4298. JUNIOR LE.AGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerlsm, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. . KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPtCE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' home&. (662) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBEL1 INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staff and docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488-0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that works with persons with HIV or AIDS, is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing compllmentarv therapies auc:tt at ma ... ge, acupuncture and chiroprectlc care. Lisa Toghla, (949) 494-1446. LW·A·PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kittens are needed at the Luv·a-Pet Center at PetaMart in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 461-3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, tidcetlng, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young penion's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school perfonnance and self-esteilm while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOBILE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and oooklng for themselves. Information: (949) 645-8050. • Monday, December 22. 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tu11sday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • COcktails •"Quality Servi ex• .. ""Nightly Earuuinmcor•• .. 1-u>· J,•,,.,..,.,,,,,,n1H ( '111/ (949) (,q(,_7944 l (1')\ In-utt.· A\'"··< .. ,, .. 1\l, '·' ,, ... ,..., •\ .. ,,,4'1 \l,o• ,_.,If,_ ' WJ • ,,., N ,....,..., •• • oll LOWEST PRICES ON PRE-OWNED MBZ • BMW • PORSCHE ...... ··~ }. M Moldlv. Oecembef 22, 2003 EATERIES Continued from Al lecdom. • Ille laid. ·!ta a dty, we obvlo..Jy haw 1 lot of water· front dining. and lt'I almost lib • detdoadon 10 80 out and dine In our~· Beach Restaurant Aun. spokes-A teatMlent to the success of woman. testauranta In the area ls the Ir- The lndu8try a6red when vine Co. .. BhJfa Shopping c.en,. people art t.:k on ttavft and din· ter, an open-air development ing after Sept. 11, 2001, but New· that was planned to Include port Beach WM leee dec:ted. per-about ~ or the apace u eating hape because of epedal o&dogl estlblisbments and the remaln- such as the boat parade. Fon said. der as stores. lYJ>Jcal shopping "I think that In general. New-centers contain about 15" 10 pon Beach Is very ~ known for 20CJfi restaurant space. our dining and our restaurant se· · ":he lrvlne Co. also has plans Poln•etU• Ba•llet• * 1999 llrol,,1111•-""t"H'fltr' 1Mu11" 'h~"'""'' 11•011 ,..,, fhwn Ivy Toplaryw 99 b '*'"" .t It.,,•••• .. nuttlilit'1"f'-• ,,,., .,,,,._.,,,, ..... t,_"<UfQlt\f Of' 1ll.d11 /run1 12 ltlrnl'fl>ltD IJOUOAY ttOUltll -• 6-lllonclaJ' ...... .,_.,,.. Wedn"adQ -• :S,_i. C"-cd Clut•I-U.J'• FrlclaJ' aad .. l ...... •J' -• ·-OetliAC _,......., lllri4-·Call TodaJ' ,,_a C-.. l.U-1 1308 LOOAN A.Vl:t. 22600 -A-LAMBltRT COSTA M1t8A ~oe"!!r:='f 714 IS41S-03l..O 949 581..-5566 m• I MllMtl6Jl.1m 1119m I °"°'°"... I ::•'29: .., ..... ,_.,. .... ..... ~,,• I .... ... ... .. ~---------------~ CALL FOR OUR ONE-PERSON 401(K) GUIDE. PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Mstol StrNt: Petry theft was reported in the 3000 , •, blodt at 2 a.m. Saturday. • Corillnder Drtw: Auto theft was reported in the 1500 blodt at 8:26 a.m. Saturday . • Feir Dthe: Felony stalking was reported In the 90 blodt at 9 a.m. Saturday. • tt.rbor Boulevllnl: Dumpster scavenging was reported In the 2700 blodt at 7:50 a.m. Saturday. • tt.rt.or Boulevwd: Violation of parole was reported In the 3000 blodt at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Conka Otfw; A dead animal was reported in the 100 blodt at 8:18 a .m. Sunday. • MMlnW.V-.A suspicious suspect was reported in the 1700 blodt at 3:45 p.m. Sunday. • PllvoNI: Ari audible burglar alarm was reported in the 100 blodt qt 4:54 p.m. Sunday. • River Avenue •nd 61 st StNet: A party was reported as a disturbance at 2:40 a.m. Sunday. • S.n ~ Drtw: A petty thefl was reported in the 2600 blodt at 3:55 p.m. Sunday. You have your own company with no employees. Now you can have your own 401(k). A one-person 401(k) provides you with the same benefits enjoyed by millions of company employees. Business owners are permitted to make profit-sharing contributions of 25% of compensation plus a S 12,000 salary deferral contribution-S 14,000 if you're SO or above. If you have a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship or non- profit entity, our free guide will show you your 401(k) options. You'll learn: • How contributions may be higher than other retirement plans • The benefits of tax-deductible contributions and tax-deferred growth • •A range of self-directed investment options Call (949) 717·5300 or (800) 468-3352 for your free guide. 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 - Already having enjoyed several pieces of chocolate, Yakov Newman of Long Beach looks for another piece. TRADmON Continued from Al sculpted the chocolate menorah. removed some sha~ for the children LO eal. but most of the ~ menorah would be taken to Orangewood Oilldren's Home for a celebration there. The Hanukkah menorah is a candelabra with nine candles - one for each clay of I lanukkah and an extra candle to light the others. The holiday commemorates the Hebrews' reclaiming of the Tumple in Jerusalem from the Greeks more than 2,000 years ago. According to tradition, during the rededication, there was only a day's worth of oil for the ner tamid. or eternal light. a lamp that was supposed 10 be kept lighted. but the oil lasted until the Hebrews could get more eight days later. When Bishop. the guest of honor, got on stage, there was applause from everyone in the crowd. Bishop wanned up the crowd with a lif11e humor. "I came here because I heard it would to be the first time in the history of religion your going to have a rabbi and a bishop." Bishop said. Bishop thanked those in attendance and said that he hoped that he made them laugh somewhere in his life. "I think you should all feel COLD CASE Continued from Al woman to tell her we've re- opened the case, she went hys· terical and said, 'I thought you'd forgotten about my baby.'" The raw emotion is as hard to deal with as Is the complex na· tu.re of such cases, Cappuccilli said. "It's like a murder mystery: he said. ·vou st.an in a small cir· cle and ellmlnate people as you go along. You look at alibis they had or didn't have." Except, these mysteries are all too real. "And I have the time to sit back and look at them," he said. ·Sometimes, little thlngs get overlooked, which I may be able lo catch." He sits back and reads exten· slve documents and autopsy re- ports. In several cases, the de- tectives who lnvestJgated them can't be tracked down. •And I wrack my brain about why they didn't do something a • to open at least two new restau· rani. at both FtuhJon Island and Newport C.oaat ahopplng center next year, spokeswoman Nina Roblnaon said With holidlly celebrations and special events keeping restau· ranta busy into January, the fi. nanclal picture ror the lndustry is looking rosy. But Newport Beach. O\amber or Commerce President Richard Luehrs saJd business owners are wary a.bout unsolved problems with unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and the Dalt/ Pilot state's long·tenn electrk:al con- tracts. "There contlnu~ to still be a problem ln lhat the cost of doing business ts signi.Ocantly higher than it was a year ago." he aa.ld. ·This Is a very critical time for business owners ln the state of Cnlifomla, not only for restau- rant owners." • A1JCIA ~covers business, Politics and the environment. She can be readied 111 (9491 764-4330 or by e-mail at allcia.robinson§latimes.com. PHOTOS BY DOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT A crowd of kids gathered around the chocolate menorah as chef Doug Weinstein cut off some shavings for the children to eat. honored to be here. because lhjs is love. and that's important," Bishop said Bishop said !hat It WdS wonderful that people gave up their time to be at the event and that those in attendance should feel honored because of the love at the event. The menorah was lighted by Bishop with a little help from Mintz and Weinstein. "Spiritually, it's nlce to have everyone get together, and its nice to see somll of the shoppers that were here take some interest," said Cally Oein of Irvine. Marta Gabie, who came from Chicago to visit family, said that particular way or why they didn't pursue some leads," Cap· puccilli said. "But sometimes, you just have to live with those unanswered questions." Costa Mesa hac; solved only one unsolved crime since the cold case unit was set up. Lt. Ron Smith said. "But I'm so sure Cap Is very close to cracking !'.Omething." h e said. "I can see It in his eyes. I le has the dedication and the pas· sion it takes." Cappuccilli has taken cold cases "to llil extreme," Smith said. His hard work won him He· serve Officer of the Year last year. "He's gone way, way beyond what an average detective would do," he saJd. "He's lilce a b ulldog. He sinlcs his teeth in and doesn't let go. He has stuck with cases that have run Into brick wall nf· ter brick wall." • DEEM BHARATH covers public safety end courts. She may be reached at (9491 574-4226 or by e-mail at dHpa.f)harsth@latlmes.com. the event wd5 a special treat because she isn't at home to celebrate Hanukkah. Marlc Gery enjoyed the event because it was a wonderful cultural and religious experience in which the entire community can enjoy. "Dig deep within }!Ourself and find what you have special to offer to someone in need," Mintz said. "Spread love. unity. peace, goodness and kindness to those around you. and let us all create miracles." • LUIS PENA is the news assistant and may be reached at (949) 574-4298 or by e-mail at luis.pena(w/atimes.com. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUNO TOWN Items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 5744298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. MONDAY Th• Ofange County Mal'bt Pl8C4I will hold its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' comer, photos wjth Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment~ The Environmentat N8ture CenW will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday aeuoo gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials fJOm 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. lnform~tion: (949) 645-8489. I• a g r I. r r QUOTE OF THE DAY "/know we can win /the Sea View League title] and that's why I th ink we should." Ry• .......... 1. Newport Harbor High boys soccer coach Spot1I Edlor Rlchwd Dunn: 19491 574-4223 • Spot11 'ax: (9491650-0170 GOLDEN WEST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS . ' KENT TREPTOW /O~LY PILOT The Estancia High girls tennis team had its best season in years, winning the Golden West League championship. Front row, from left, Kathryn Kulczyk, Kittiya Sudhikam, Huong Thai, Heather Morton, Sarah Muradian and Yvonne Zaidler. Back row, from left, Coach Rachel de los Santos. Asia Ingram, Sage O'Toole, Hannah Simmons, Sara Stratton and Stacie Nellor. BOYS SOCCER ·sailors anxious for league run Newport Harbor, one goal away from share of 2003 Sea View cl\ampionship. wants it badly this year. Steve Vlr1e n Daily Pilot As first-year • coach of the Newpon Harbor High boys SOC· cer team, Ryan Hernandez made no plans for rebuilding th.is season. The Sailors' 21-year- old head man believes his team ts built to win this season. Hernandez should Jc.now a thing or two about Newport soc- cer. He played for the school be- fore graduating in 2000, then be- came an assistant for three years before taking the head job th.is season. He's well aware of how close the Sailors came to win- ning the Sea View League title last year. Newport Harbor was one goal away from the league champion- ship, as it finished the regular season with a 2-2 tie with Sea View League champion Wood- bridge. · ·1 have a lot of expectations especially because there are not that many changes from last year," Hernandez said. "We did so well last year and we really didn't lose that much. We have a solid defense with a lot of speed and heighl We shouJd win !the Sea View League titJel this year. I know we can win it and that's why 1 think we should." Hernandez remains confident, primarily because he has two first-team all-league returners in seniors Joel Walker and Matt Tra- cy. Senior Olase Kelly, a second- team all-league performer last year. returns along with a strong senior class that includes team co-captain Will Guzman, a mid- fielder, and senior defender Brian Campos, as well as Skyler Taugher. lracy, a sweeper, is I.he other co-captain for the Sailors. "He has a lot of fight and he really wants to win." Hernandez sald of lracy. Hernandez has coached lracy since he was a sophomore and has seen him mature. THE SAILORS 0 Taylor Carver Sr. 00 Juan Cruz Sr. 2 Sean Woods Jr 3 Conrad Williamson Sr 4 Will Trujillo Fr. 5 Michael Gu11afson Sr. ·s Chase Kelly Sr 7 Oavid Manchester Jr. 8 Ruben Trujillo Fr. 9 Joel Walker Sr 10 Will Guzman Sr 11 Skyler Taugher Sr 12 Matt Tracy Sr 13 Adam Pinkenon Sr. 14 Matthew Collier Jr. 15 Detlef Moeller Sr 16 Warren Junowid'I Sr. 17 Nid'lolas Hedriks Jr. 19 Kevin Shearer Jr 21 Eduardo Garcia Jr 22 Brian C.mpos Sr 23 Bryce Henry Sr Coec::h: Ryan Hernandez (first year) The Sailors' senior group has improved as a whole and the ex- perienced players are setting the tone that teamwork. is I.he key to victory, Hernandez said. "I coached the frosh/soph team after I graduated," Hernan- dez said. "The year l started the kids who were freshmen are now seniors. Now they are the big seniors." David Manchester, a junior defender who played on the var- sity team the past two seasons, also figures to be a key player for the Sailors. as will senior mid- fielder Warren Junowich and senior goalie Taylor Carver. Junior Eduardo Garcia, senior Michael Gustafson and senior Detlef Moeller played on the var- sity lasJ year, and they are con- centrating on winning the Sea View League dtJe and then mak- ing some noise in I.he CJF Southern Seclion Division II playoffs. "It's about time (Newport wins the Sea View League titJeJ," Her- nandez said. "This is definitely the year. I'm sure they're up for the challenge for sure. 1 Jc.now they want It." Newport enters the Ttabuco Hills tournament, beglnning Fri- day, with a 4-2 record, including wins over dislrict rivals F.stancia and Costa Mesa. The Sailors losses have come to Sunset League schools Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, the latter a 4-2 setbac.k. Wednesday. The Tars open league play Jan. 9 at home against Foothill. EYEOPENER ·Daily~~ SpolU Hill"' I'-(~ ............. Dec. 29 honoree SAM GRAVELi Monday, December 22, 2003 A5 Ill Daily.A Pilot Ill. Sports Hall of Fanle Celebrating the millennium DOUG VOLD ING Corona del M ar CdM girls swim coach, co unselor, relishes all aspects of diverse duties with Sea Kings. Steve Vlraen Daily Pilot F or the past 31 years, Doug Voiding has been teaching and coaching in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. Is he Ured of it? Noway. For Voiding his job just keeps getting better. whether it be coaching on the pool deck with the Corona del Mar High girls swim team or counseling students in his office at the school. Toro. The two remain friends. Voiding stayed in Long Beach to finish college when he transferred 1•1 Long Beach State, where h e concentrated solely on academics, preparing himself to work with children and coach. Voiding earned three master's degrees -in education, counseling and administration. He sald he realized the administrative side of worlcing at a school would give him too much of a distance from what he really wanted to db so he decided to stic.k. with teaching and coaching. "I've enjoyed my whole career of doing what I always wanted to do," Voiding said. "I'm in my 3 lst year. I still enjoy it like I did the first year. I'm lucky. Doug Voiding In 1972, he began his career al Lincoln lntermed1ate, teaching P.E. and coaching flag football. basketball and track and field. When Lincoln doi.ed in 1984 Every year I get this feeling that maybe I'm tired, but I see Lhe new athletes and I get recharged. I have no regrets. I love every minute of it." Voiding said he has always wanted to be involved in either teaching or coachingslnce his childhood days. when he participated in physical education while growing up in Long Beach. He maintained his fervor ror athletics when he attended Long Beach Poly. where he competed in water_ polo and <;wimmjng. With the Jackrabbits, Voiding encountered his first experience with CdM. "I remember riding on the bus on a dirt road to (CdM J high school and lhey handed It to us," Voiding sald. They were great. It's kind of ironic Lhat I've been working here now and this has been my community. But it's great. I've enjoyed it all." After graduating from Long Beach Poly, Voiding went on to compete In water polo at Long Beach City College and played under legendary coach Monte Nitzkowski In 1958 and '59. At Poly and Long Beach CC. Voiding played with Don Stoll, who coaches water polo at El and CdM became a 7-12 school, Voiding moved over lo become part of the S· •' Kin~ I IL became Lilt' gi1 b 1>1v111. dhll'h after being prompted u~ cl student, Susie Paulsen, who asked him to coach the team. Most of Vuldi.ng'1> highlights involve his relationships with students am.l parent&. As far as in the poul. ht singled out the Sea Kings' second-place finish in the CIF Southern Section Division JI fin.ill> last spring. It was the highebl finish in Voiding'!! tenure. CdM also won the Pacific Coast League last spring. its first league titJe since 1994. "It's the personlllitie1> I've had fun with over 1he yean,." said Voiding, lhe lutebt honoree of the Daily PiJo· -iporlb Hall of J-:ame ·'I've de it· thlb for 31 yearb i.u I'm i;, Li11~ la:.t few years in my career. !Coaching and counseling) will probably end at the same time I want to keep doin g It. I enjoy it. I have the want. TI1e kids keep me young, too.· Voiding. 54. liveb in Mission Vieo with wife Stbie, and daughter. Jenmfer, who swims for Capbtranu VaJley High. B•rry Faulkner Daily Pilot • THE NEXT LEVEL As he beefed up his body, Bottom also luund solace in a competitive spirit that propelled him not only in the trenches, but in the classroom. T he sweat and sacrifice have far outnClmbered the fleeting moments of bliss, but Jay Bottom, a business major, has no complaint with the rate of exchange. A junior in Ills final season or football at use the 6-foot-3, 225-pound walk-on out of Corona del Mar HJgh ls scheduled to graduate, after seven unit-packed semesters at the sch ool. ln May. ln addition to his degree, he could also take home a national champlonshJp rl~ ahouJd the 1\'ojans, ranked No. I in both major polls. take care of MJchtgan ln the Rose Bowl Jan.I. But even ii the Wolverines, or the controversial BCS boondoggle that left the lh>jaru out of the Suger Bowl, Intervene. Bottom la thankful he paned up scholarshlp offers from amaller 1chool1 ln order to uaume a amaller oo-fleld role ln what bat become a grand colletlate apertence. • "There were times When I wu worried about whether I mllde the rlgbt decialon." aald Bottom, who II counting down tu. pnM:tice ta.tlont before bl.I ftMl pine 1n Puadtna. •tt WU not only coming to use. but Jay Bottom Former Sea King will complete rewarding walk-on career at USG in Rose Bowl Jan. 1. spending a1J the lime you spend to play football in a program like this. I wondered if I could have done something else with my time. But. It was during a postgame party last season after the Orange Bowl (a 38· l 7 victory over Iowa, Jan. 2), that I reall.7.ed all the hard work had finally paid off. Staying up alJ night with my teammates at the hotel. before heading to the airport, was just very gratifying to know that all the a ruff I'd done meant something." Bouom, the Pacific Coast League Defensive Player of the Year u a aenJor In 1999. foUowed older brother Alex. alto a footb&ll Wl.lk~on one year ahetd ot Jay, to USC. But, In a txo.der aenae, the younger Bottom foUowed hJs heart to the Lo• Angela ~C ICbolanhAJ> o«en to other acbooa.. Ub c.a Poly (San • L.uJs Obispo! and maybe I could have become a blg-tlme player there," Bottom said. "But after visiting my brother one week.end during his freshman year, 1 realized I really wanted the USC experience. How could you not want to come here7 The whole experience here Is just phenomenal." After a sem ester at Concordia UnJverslty tn Irvine, Bottom entered use stepping onto the spring practice field and Into an alternate reality. Ml got my rear end kicked,* he recalled. •1 bad lost 20 pounds from high school, so I wu a 205-pounder golng ~t guys who weighed SQO!plus. Some or them were Ove yeara older than m e and had been some of the beat high echool players In Southem Calllomla. It wu auneaJ atepplna tnco the same drUlt wtth them." 'T m overly competitive," he said. "You can ask my fraternity brothers who have played basketball against me. I might get beat to th1 basket, but I'm not one for gh111g up very easily. You might beat me, but I guarantee you II have some brubcs to shoY• for It.· Soon. Hollow was faring better on the football field, earning a spot on the traveling roster for games, irJcludlng at Notre Dame, and playing in three contest!> "I remember going onto the field for the fin>t time," he recalled. •1 was so excited, I totally forgot my assignment. I just lcept sayiJ1g to 1'nyselfl'm in. I'm In. Don't jump offside.' • A8 a sophomore, he dl'e$Md for every home and·~ glmt and played In all but a couple. Thlt seaso0i after he missed the 'opener at Auburn with an infected heel, has been more of the am .. He h u played M>Cne on special teanu and rotMecl In on defense at nd and lMtie. "This .sea on is the 1ndr you dream of," he •Id. "Winnt.na every week and, now, belng (n the unique situation of being In See BOTTOM.~ M ·-· M Mondly, Dec:amtler 22. 2003 SPORTS BOTTOM BRIEFLY Contiooed from A5 a Rose 80wt wfth a chance lO win a natJonal dwnpfonsh.lp. We have a chance 10 accomplW\ ~we could ever hope to accomplish.· Sailors' Jennings is Sea Vie~eague MVP1 With football, sch ool - Including at least 18 wt.Its per semester, beyond the nom1al load o( 12 or IS -and a social life ccntt'ring around his fraternity. Bottom said he sleeps only about four or ~ hours a nlgbl. in order to SQUeeJ'A! everything In. He plans to travel after gr8duatton. before settling Im o the business wortd, and he looks forward to a less-hectic schedule than his college years. But he also believe his willingness to strive for his accompU hments will translate tnlo success in whatever field he chooses. •AU I've ever done ls work hard,· he said. "I've experienced the pure Joy or playing college football and I think I can apply some of tht: lessons I've learned 10 the business world. II may lake a while, but lf1 keep working a l it, I beUew success is going to happen: Newpon Harbor Hlgh aenlor Alyson Jennlngs W8J named Sea VlcM' League Mo.'it Valuable Player by the c:ircult's gWs volley· ball coaches, blshUgbting five Sailors ohoten all·league. Jennings. a S-foot·9 outfiide hitter and setter, ied the Sailors to the OP Southern Section OM· slon ll·M dtle match and the CIF State DMsion 0 regional semlf:inal Jennings. bound for the Uni- ve~ty of Texas. earned fust· team honors as a junior a,id sec- ond-team all-league laurels as a sophomore. SenJor outside hitter Uiuren Miller. who has colTU1Utted to Baylor, joins Jennings and senJor outside hitter Emily Turner on lhe first team. Miller W-dS a first· team selection as a junior while Turner earned second-team ac· colades last season. Junior middle blocker Kiley 1 lall and senior setter Kellie King each earned second-team alJ. league laurels for the Sallors (26· 7), who have either won or lhaied 10 of the la.It 11 ~ ti· lies. Burnette Lion of Week • MSDTMU.: Vanguard Untvendty men's buted>all player Tun Burnette has been named Uon of the Week by the school. The 6·foot·7 sophomore post player coUected U pointl and 13 rebounds, bis second career doubl.-doub(e, to .key the U · ons' 74· 72 Golden State AthletJc Conference win over vialtlng CaJ Lutheran Dec. l3. He made 7 ot 12 fleld·goaJ at· tempes lo 33 minutes tOr the U· OM. who play host to Malone C.01· lege of Ohio Dec. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Laguna shuts out Sage • SOCCllll: Three first-half goals by the host Laguna Beach High boys soccer team was all the scoring needed in a 3-0 norueague triumph over Sage Hill Wednesday. Taylor King. Trey Phillips and Joey Lebon all found the bade of the net for the Brea.Ura (2· 2·1). Center rnidfleJiler Jullan Smith-Newman and forward 'fyler £llis provided sparks for Sqe Hill 0 ·3). The Ughtning are off until they host Orange Lutheran at 3:15 p.m. Jan. 6. Sailors best Chargers • ROU.BJl HOCDY: Nf/W· port Harbor's club roller hockey team Jumped to a 4-0 first· quarter lead and held on for a 7·2 victory over EJ Toro Tuesday. Ol8ae Kelly led Newport with two goals and two assJsts while brother Prestoo Kelly also Lal· Ued two goals. Rory Campbell and Grant Casserly each had a goal and an assist while Cory Adler tallled a goal and an assist and Jesus So· teto added an assist. VU runners honored •CROSS COUNTRY: Van- guard University men's· cross country runners Robert Jones and John Nelson h1tve been named to lbe Golden State Ath· letic Conference All·Academic team, as well as to the NAIA Scholar-Athlete list. Jones, an l.rl&h·bom senior who transferred &o Vanguard from Orange Coast CoUege,. helRed the Uons fJnJsh fourttf in the GSAC and fifth in Region IT. His tlme of 26 minutes. 32 seconds at the Region U ch.am· pionshJps Ln Fresno was his season best The marketing md· jor carries a 3.59 grade-point average. Nelson, a jwtlor, has posted a 3.67 GPA as a finance major. His best tim e was 27:41 at the GSAC championships. Quartet of Lions lauded • VOLLEYMLL: Senior Lind· say l(ajser and junior Livia Peace top a list of four Van· guard University women's vol· LeybalJ players recognized for their academic excellence. Kaiser and Peace were named NAIA scholar athletes, as well as to the Golden State Athletic Conference AJJ-Aca· dernic team. Uon seniors Sarah Bosch and JamJe Hedin were also named to the GSAC All -Academic squad. Kaiser, a libero, led the team. with 383 digs and bad a passing percentage of .932. A liberal studies major, she posted a 3.66 grade-point average. Peace an outside hitter and m1ddle blocker, had 135 kills and 150 digs In 57 games .. Studying to be an athletic train· er, her GPA is 3.73. Bosch. a 6-foot-1 outside Mt· ter with a 3.5 GPA, played in 25 games this season. Hedin, a psychology major, had a team-best 3.74 GPA. She is an outside hitter. Honorees for both lists must be at least a junior academ i· cally and maintain at least a 3.5 accumuJalive GPA. --~~!~ CALL G,qEAT VALUES -GREAT DEA LS , , ALL287101s MAXIMUM DISCOUNT TAO PRICED *MllbMllJ Sales Price: r .. _.......,,,,...4rfNr'1..., w1tt ~ r , ·H, tt !MHMl&i+p ~~IM one· e.· .M",~75 Ford R6bate: FMCC Holiday Cdslf'. :?1=c;;!,5 Ford Rebate: . • ~ ...--FMCC 8coos Cas/16: , . mmmJ •••••Ill'._...,,.°""' FMCC Hotday Cash': -.zwl ~·19475 ~129975 "9*f rts 0.-G.c Cl1DZD ,_We .. AMllD 'OJ""'-_, St'f +4 Im tw-1.._ •Al 11-. '''° llf / S.,.W IM!ltw Ocll{rl • AmM ftf !Me IMralXJ.r .................. OlllfMllClimf ,,_ fwl't#SllD •f • NIM ~ rill and fNnce wit! l'ord l'lci« CJtdl ID gd nK:C 8-~ Cl!*. • • Ari lllllCilll b 72 monlhs ~ 72 payments ol $I J.89 pq $1 IXXl borroll"1. l»il'll ~ <J5h, or l1ade. raw:ies frool I~ to l5~ dependi~ on )001 own oetft· mtne.w as deteimlned rooi ~Cd Individual dttilmstanct.S allow for a h er or lower down D1M11enL ~ customers not I . Jes to new vehicles onl . P.esiden restrldions a v. Retail urchase onl • ~ cm rJ ~ I 2f2JJO'!>. IS< IS711 •m Of PmnOe1 lOAHI ra lSllllOf: lSTIW I. Ul9lll WllO.mnt7 lo 1H h11ts. b111ef1· c11r10, tredlton , <.on· hn&enl u edllot" •nd per•on• who mey oth ltfWIH b<t tnl•nl•d In lhe will Of tilate, Ot both, ol CSTfllf M llANOtlH A PE 11 llON FOR PRO BATC ho been filed by WEHOY OSTrRHOLT In the Su pet kit Cour I of (;ahfornta, Count, of ORANG( lllF Pf 111 ION I OR PROBAll reque •I• Wf HDY OSICRHOl.l be •111>111nl•il •• 11e1 \0llll 1~proenlallv• lo ad m1n .. 1t1 th• t'l•la ul the deodenl Ill( Pt lll l()N •eque•h lhe ci.uct.1>\ • Wiii wnll tOd•Cll\ II 1fly, be •dmolltd t11 prOb1te rite w,11 011d ""' t.od1<lb lft ... II.bl• Im eum111A· rlon on Ille fol• hot hy lhe comt 111{ Pl 11 llON r•QllU I\ authurtly to •dm1n•Jler lh1 ul1lt und•r Ille lndepend•lll Admon" 1r .. 11on of f •l•I•• Ac t ( lh" A11lhor11r wlll •llow lh• fl~"onof '"""'"" '•llv~ to l~~e m4ny •dlOn\ without obtain 11111 1.outl 'PPrun l s~forw l•km& I. .. •••Cl w111y 1n•potl•nt •thOn\ hnWflVfU thtt (Ml \t>n.-1 r•P<•1'4nltl•v• wolf b" requ111d lo 11v<1 nolln to mtert,led persons unlu\ lhtr hove waived llOh t" bf (On\ttOhtd to Iii. prllpo•~d •1 lt(ln ) the 1ndep1ndtnl •d· "''""'"•lion •utho11ty w•ll be cnnl•d un~•~ an 1nte1uted 1u1n on "'"' an obie<.llon to th• Olllrllnn and \hllW\ cood c ~•IH wlly lh• com I ihould not 11r •nl th• authority f. H( ARIN<l on the pe tit Ion ""' M lleld Oil JANUARY 8 2004 al I.~ pm lnOept L7l lo<.•led •I 341 The City Otlve South, Otantt, CA 9'l868. If YOU OflJt.CT lo Ille 11•ntmc ol Ille "'"''°"· roll ~Id ~M el lht llewtna and stat• your ollitCllOflt or foll wrotten obler'llOn• wllll tlw COUtt l).-f0<r lh• hHt 1111 V OIH appear allct m•y ht It• penon 01 by yo ur lltOfMY • tr YOU Afll A CltlOI· TOR 01 co11t1n1•nt u edilnt Of IJ\e d•ffHff, 1ov "'"'' Ille your cl•ltn will\ llle coy< I •nd melt a copy to Ille penof11I 1 epfeMnlt llve eppolnted by Ille court wit~ follf montllt from Ill• date ot lite ftrtl IMUlllCI of letl•n ta pro•IOtd In P1 oll• te Code section 9100 TlM llmt lot hlinc ctell'M will !IOI nph befot• '°'" "'°"'"' from lhe hHl'll!I d1t1 flOllctd l bo'I•. YOU MAY CltAMINC tile file ~-I llJ Ille (~t. " you are • ""'°" Ill· tr e11e4 Ill Ille •t.ate. }'Oii ,..., ,... wttll tM '°'" t • 1111111••' fOf SMclel Notice~'°'"' QI lM> of the fll•rta ot .n lllvltlllCWJ llld APPf'llHI of ut•t• UNI• or of enr petition or -c:C4Ul!t ff fl'O" ... Ill ~obtte C* Mtlioll 1150. A ltt~Ht ,., Si>eclel ... ac. .... ., .. ..... ...... , ..... , J Att-ey f.,. Petit ..... , <NIOl Y. AOAMS, ISQ. TAUIMAN, SIMPSON, YOUNG & SUUMTO. OHi wo•LO THOI cuena, na. 400, ,,o. 101 22670, LONO HACH, CA tol01-H 70 Publhhed Nt wpor I o .. c1 .. cost• Me,.. 0 1111 Pilot D1umber l~. 19. 2'l 2003 Ml 87l Rl~Hi ~ flCIJT't AID wotATOIYP\Amt "9 OUAUTY lSSUIAIKl C015'1TMIT SllVICIS f(J! lll l»MRStTY I» W!JlllA. IMJ( Qu~hht ~hl>I\ pr OJ)O\•I~ •re be111a ~c.epled In '" Clvod• plann1na i nd quality a\\ur•nt.~ con "ullanl ,.,._,,., tot c nmpl• a b•un1~d1< •I lt c•hhn mK:rC> l•b and 11Mllh scotnce 111><>< a tor••' w1tll•ll • u111veu1ly Mv1ronm1nl Co11,ulhnl will pro•lde H noded on call ••1¥11.1\ lo cltenl to ·~'"' on the devel opm~nl •lld qu•hlf •uur •nc~ review ol \U~h Pt Oftc h dlllllll 1>fa11n1ni des1an anll con•lr uc11011 j)hoe\ Seu k.n 'hall bo pro vlded •I • m1111mun1 ol 50,, •I cll~nl'• off ice u• in meefln11 on behalf ol lhe clttnl lhe 1.on1ult 1n1 shall du1allal• ont md1vld11al wflo mttb the crtltrt• n b bh,hed by the Unlven•ly lo provide lh• 11qutKled n•v1cet. lnd1vldutl l fl•ll hold 1 c11<rent rea,.tratlon Ill 1 licenHd .--ichlletl or .,,,,,, .. , (very -"°'' '"" bl mad" tn 1n•urt th11 all 1>«M>n1. r .. 1•1dl<ll \ nf r11ct, rth&IOll. so. colnf. .. thulclty 11nd n1llonal otlcln have aqual 1ccu1 to con tr ad t and othtt bUJlnt n opp<>rtunltlu with lht Unlve1 d ly S.ktcllon of llMI pl.onnln1 tnd qu1t1ty t n ur a nee con1utl1nt •tr•'<•• wolf foltow 1l111d1rd Unlver •llY proc:aduru . Pl t lt1 tnce wlll bt elven to consultanh with ur.b lbhtd otlit:" on Cot1 f0tnl1 IWO propo~ mu1t be 11/blllltllHI With r elev.Ill n11H1llve and ilknlf •fl•• maleli1f r1pru1r1t1n1 •b•l.l•r 10 perlorn• '"' urv <e• requuted Con"1lt111t wilt 1lw be rtQulrt d lo submit 1 cllfunt completed 00 Sl•l•menl of Queltloea tlon• tor111 and ,.~,,.. of the 111dMdual p<o PoMd for lhtM -•ICU . 11on1 with hourly rel• 1ehed11le. •nd 1vall1bil It t, lntludlllc 1) t l•r I dllll, 2) h-• ~, """' wlllch ten be 4k4k •l•d toiet1 to client'' "Of" dwlnc M•t 12 montll1, 3) otnef nkttn& com lllltmtntt durlntr nHI 11 month•. •nd 1) mini mum hot~• ••quired from Ille On1Y«J1t1 fot 1clledulln1 H ·netd•d M<'llUl Q\ltlllkatloll Pf'Oj)OUit wlH "9 tvtll• "" on ~~r. O.· '"""' 22. BIOi. ni. ._ .......... .. .. ~" .... ..," ....... .,, ....... WO't .... & c-.. •h••ll•• Serwlce• ........ 1 (t49} •1•· lltt w '"" .... ..... " ............. k recehtHI In tM Of&. ., ?rm • Cn4r!dge l <H l 1 R I 1 2 71 7590 6211 Bench Blvcl. EJuc-n.-. tP.-.rlc (BBB} -tl Hlufk rJc.rt?1 f>f flr-,H t1 .1 t '• ,liri_ 1•1 l1lt.-.r1 ti,u1qt~) ~ S@rv1ces, Un1ve11Hy of C•litorma, lrvlne, 5201 Cahlornll Ave , Sulh 2SO. Irvine, Callfor n11 92697 24!>0, •llent1on Brend• Ou1nas. Con trach Antlysl by 4r00 , .••• ftl4ey, ,_., 2, 2004. l'ublhhed N•wpor l Buch·Cosla Meu Dally Pilot December 22. 2003 M879 ........... ... s....... lh1t lnllowin& persons •• e do•n& buslneu as. Weehlld Warrior. 439 Via lido Soud. Newpoll Beach. CA 92661 Rul Otrecl M1rket1n . llC tCA). 439 Via lido Soud. Hewpurt Bu ell CA 92662 Tilts bu"""" I• co11 duct~d b y l1n11te d 11.b1llty Co lllY• you star lrd do1na b11s1no s yeti V6 l•n I 2000 RH I 01fecl M11lo.ete1>, UC Douctn P McCru , M1111aer lh1s $1tltment wu ltled with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/0VOJ 200369 .. 715 Daily Pilot Dec 8. 15 77 79,2003 M865 Ac-. .... llmtS...... I he follow Ina ptr"JOns ••• clo•na bullnus as Delco Marine 71 l W 17th St., •B 11 Cosl• "'9sa.Cf.9?677 D f 1,mpttn &. A' SO<'•al•J Inc (CA) /II W 11th Strut llH I, Cosl3 Me.A CA 9'167/ l hi• busmen IS tOn eluded by • • 0< 110< f hon ll•v• you slarllld dotnl b1"'"'" yet' No IJ l l•mohn &. f.s· •OCitlH Inc . D1n1el Delniooo<;o Pru1ct.n1 fh•• •lale1n1111 was filed with th~ County Clot k of Or ~nee County on 12/02/03 2001H•671S 01117 Pilot D1t 8. IS. 22, 29 2003 M869 Ac-. ..... .... -.... fht lollow111a persolls •11 dOlrl( b1nlnt1s as· Ar men oe .. 1n1, 760 N'wpo11 Cenle1 Or . •240, Hewpo.t e .. ,h. CA 91660 At 11111tl Cflaor 1.,, Oe •l•n• Inc (Co\). 200 N1wport Centtr Dr . ·~•o. "•"PD'' B .. ch, c~ 9266o This buaonns It con· due.led b1 • co<po,.Uon Have you \lt1ltd dcMflc bu••Muyet1 Yt\ Mey 12, 2003 Ar!Mn Grfllarl•n 0. \l&n,, Inc., An ntn Gil&o. Ian, PrMldtnt Thi• •l•t•,,..nt w•• flltd Wtlh the Countr c ... -. ol Or•fll'll Cou11ty Oft 12/02/03 HOJ6 ... 7 .. D•ity Pilot ~ 81.J..5.: n. 2'9. ZOOJ MS» Rim. ..... .......... TIM to41owlna pwllOM trt ~ bvliMM H: Cula M•u l ocur Youth Lt a111t • CO.M.S,Y,I.,, IHI Po1119n1 Ave.. Coat• .._a.CAtm7 C.U. f Nr'oa, l ttl l'omo111 An , C0&t1 -...CAtl'U1 le\ut Ouerte. ZI It Petton St , Co.It ..._ CAm27 ,,.. ......... ,. dllct1d by. co partlltrs Heve you slerled dolnc business yet? No CH ar Pedrot• l h11 slel•m•nt wes filed with the Couflly Cler~ of Ounce County on 12/11/0J 2003' .. 7tst D11fy Piiot Dec 15, 2'l. 19. 7003. Jen !>. 2004 M87!i OTT Of COSTA llSA OIAIM CCMITT, CAllClml NOTICE INVITING BIOS NOl'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal SHled pro pouts lor lurnishm1 •II l1b0<, m1terlals. eciuip· menl, tlanlC)O<bllrori end such other l•c•hl11s H may be required tor th• NlWPOlT IOUUVUD 11111 TUil, ADJACJNl TO OUNGl ~OUMTY ••NOUNOS -an f"ttOJ(CT NO. OJ-2', will be received by lh• Coty ol Costa Mesa al the Office ol the City Clerk, 11 f 11< Or1ve, Cost• Meu, C11ifornl•. until the hour of 10.00 o.-.,MeA4ey,'-Y S, 2004, 11 which time they will be opened publicly 1nd reed etoud in Ille Council Ch•mbers SHled proposal& ~•II bHr lht 11111 of lhl wo1~ and name of the bidder but no olher dlst1n1u1shlN& marks . Any bid 1 ec:elved altec the scheduled closinc l•me for the recett>t of bids shaft be 1etu1ned lo blclder un099ned. It shall be> the sole respoosib~lty ol tilt bidder lo He that his btd •~ r ecelved In proper time A HI ol Bod Oocu· ments m•y be oOlflnecl •I the Otfke of the City Entineer, 11 fak 0flVe. Coste M<tsa. C1lifornl1, upoo 11e11refw•4ellle ,..,_, ef Sto.00. a... ..uitt--e c ......... $5.00 mual be Included 11 handled br mall. 8kt l>ocumenb end otllef conb act documenta may alr.o be n am!Md at the Dfflct of the City Clerk of th1 City of Coste Mo e . Bid Oocumenl• will not bt malled unlnl the addlllonal $5.00 cher ae I• lnt!\16ed with p1yment Each bid Nllll l>I made on tht PlotlO'll IOfm, shtela P I tlltoulfl P·I• prn.,ldtd In the c011tr11et document•. and shall be 1cc;omp1nled by • cer • llfHrd 01 ca9'!'-'1 Checll Of • llld bolld to< not i..t lha.n 104 of tllt -nl ol ltlellr llld, "'* .,.r•blt to "" City of Co• • Mn a . No PfotlOMI "'811 be COii• tltMfllf 11ni..1 .ccom· pa111ed bf .ucll cullltt't dl~k. c•lh, Of llldder'• bond Ho bid .W be con• Mdtf'41 " ..... iC .. "'* Oft a Met* ,,..._.. loon fwnlahtd llr tlle Cit\' of Costa MllU "" \1 lllede In llCCOI d!M(e with tflt ptOv~• of tlle ,,opo .. I re(llfil .. -lL t ll<ll Mddef _, ..... • CtMa ••• (Gelwel) !Qtl .. I~. •!'4 .. M ..., __ .. ,...., ... llylew. A Contrac10r ualllt • Cfett OI' dnllftt•tiofl not .ellow11 '" t111 G.llwel ,., ...... w ... o...-. ...... -r .. , ....... te ... , ......... ,.., of tMt U'llt • Cl•oltlotlo "'°'' """' '*'" to " a shown ln the General Determination' effective al Iha lime of Ule call for bids The Co1ltracl0< r.llall comply with the Pf ovl slons of Seclton I 770 lo 1780, lnc:klslve, of the Calltor n1a labor Code: tt11 pr1valllna t1le end sc•le of waaes •s t1b llr.ll•d by the Col y ot Cosl1 Meu . w111ch 11<e on file will> lhe City Clet1' ol lh• City ot Costa Meu, 1nd shall forf11I p1n1ltles prt s cribe d t herein tor noncompliance of u id Code The Clly Council ot the Coty of Cost• Men ru.rves lhe ''fill to re)ecl 1ny and/or all btds JUUE fOlC* o.,..ty City Cler"· City er, .. ,. •••• Daled December 10. 2003 Publlshtd Hewporl B11ch Costa Mau 011ly Pilot December I!>. 22. 2003 M874 ~ ..... ......... The foflowlnc persons are dolna buSH>ns u a ) Coast Mercedes Service , b) Mercedes Coast Service. c) South Coest Mercedes Ser vice. d) Coest MB Service, e) Coast MBZ Servlca, f) Sooth Cont MBZ Str •ice. &) Coast M8Z BMW Service, h) South Coesl MBZ 8MW s.m.. 3047 B Cnterprbe, Coste Mesa,CA92626 John WlllM!n Densmore, 13!>86 SweeUht dfl Way, lu1tln, CA 92782 Hetther Mcll1n11e De n s m ore , 1 3!'186 SWHtshe«H W1y, Justin CA92782 This bu~klen is con duct1d by; husband alld wife Have you star lad doln& busln•u yet1 Ho JoM W 0.MlllOfe This statement "u filed with the Coullty Cl4Wll of Of•nte County on 12/02/03 IOOJHM7at OaMy Piiot ~. 8. 15, 22. 29, 2003 M860 IOICl10--·--(Sl<S.••••w.i .._.,co.1sm.u Notlct It hereby atv•n to etMltllf't of UM wltttln n--4 .. ..., thtt a bu• "" II ebout to be ,,.de ol tM HHh de~(ritMl4 ""°"'· Tht namu and busl ,,.., •ddr-of lite S •ll•r art: l t lln· •01r11t,11, JJI h it I/th StrMl, Coslt MeN , CA ·~' Tht loutlon In C.11 ror11I• of Ille cllle l uteu\I.,. o~ ot the uhr m: s.me " t llfW lrf llltadll7 ~ ...... '" o-. butlnel• n-'"d tfft•-11MCI by '"' ...., .i111tt1 '"'" re-a betot• ttM Ult Md\ lllt W8 Miit Of ~Id to "" .. ,., .. ,,... Tiit ~ _, bv!ll• -eM ..... •f ... !Hlyw '"; l......,llM, am ~ Mhtlon VleJ6, CA flit ....u to be .... •• dRcf!Md "' 1'4*14 u . All FtM"'fUIHl. 'IXlWIS. (.Qlll'lliaffl , l!Wll llQll(. cooo . nL Nf) ...... are lot1led al; 33l En t 17th SlrHI, Custa MeH , Cf.92627 The bus1nus namt used by the seller •I thal location 1s l 1ufl d<om1lch The 1nllcip1ted dale of the u la/lranster I!. J1nuary 9, 2004 at the olf1ce ol. Wut Coast Esc1ow, 2121 r Cont Hwy., •1200, Coroll• Del Mar, CA 926i!S The bul~ u le 1!. not sub1ect lo Cahlornt• U"1form Con1me1cl1I Code Section 6106 'J II so wb)ecl. Ille name and a ddreu ol the pe1 s on with wllum claims m1y be llled '' Liu M Cvons. We~t Coast (sc•ow 1171 £ Coast Hwy . • 1108 Corona Del Mat, CA 92625 and lht In t day for l11tn11 claim~ sh~ll b~ J1nuary 8, 2004 which 11 the bu\me~' day bef0<e the s~le dale specified above SlWR1 SS. teon .. romlt<h, I•/ Miich s1, ........ Gett.rel '""-', IUYlll1 SS. to11tt4erl•nd, /•/ n.-.. lel-1, ~·,~ Published Newport Beach Costa Meu Daily P1tol Decembe1 22, 2003 CNS· "618581 M8/6 .....,., Al 1 '"""" Ac-. ........ The lollowlfl& p111son llu abandoned \~ use of the r1e11tt0us Bus•· ness N•rne Delco Ma· rlne. 71 1 W 17th St. Bide. B 11. Cosll Mesa. CA92627 The f lehllOU\ 811~1n9" n•me refeffed to above wts hied 1n Oranc• County on I 11 02. fllE HO. 20026888A I 7 Ooualu E. ltmphn. T1ustH , Douatu E. Templin lruat d1led 3 22·93. 538 Rlnrtldt Ave .. IMwi>O<I Ru th, CA 92663 Thrs bUs•neu Is con· dueled by. 1 business trust Oouajas E. Templin flllt stat•men\ wn filed with the County Clet• of Ol'•llf• C4unty Oft l 2/02.l03 200Mff•717 Oally ~ Piiot Dec: 8, I 5, 22. "· 1001 M8$9 *>00 Of MK SAii Of LD OI PlOPllTT Noltce 1s hereby 11n n that lhe undersla11d will sell ., p11bhc •UCllOn pursuant lo chapter 10, d1v1slon 8 commellCtn& with H Cllon 21700 of the husinus And pr o· fe&StOlls code ur section 1988 ol the c1v1I code of fhe Stale of C1l1forn1a and pur1111nl to com- meu:oal 1.od1 !.eCttOn 7210 t2) the follow1na mtSceflaneous l>Ousehold and pe1sonal properly lo wit ldenllf1ed by n11me and $IOr•a~ unit nurn b~• 1 Bowden r tor enu IC1190 2 laclo.son Cta,.ce TC5787 3 luh, Bob BC \904~ Total ol 3 1 11uom11s, $lor•d at Morris Mov1na & Stor •iie. Inc . a l looltoll of 11610 Sea bo•t d C11cle. Slanton CA 90680 01an1t COUl'ty This sal~ will be competitive h1ddllll on 1/11/04, 10 II M , 1111 Joe l 1 dlock Au e t1oneer , 13418 Lelllnewell Road, Wh1tt1e1. CA 90605. ( 562) 94 I 8602 on said prem~es coullty of Los An11e1e~ Stale ol Cah forn1a loo I adlnd •, Auction· eei . llceon nun1bet 739 SRAO 4 7 16274. will conduct Siie al 13418 Lefllnewell Road, Whit· her. Cahfornifl Sales ts sold with limit •nd r nerve. I lie landlord re.serves lht 111ht to btd at lh~ u le Pu1c11 .. es must be paid fOf 11t \1m11 of pu1chues All pur· chased aoOds are sold. ·as I\". and must ti. removed by l 00 P M., on the day of the sale. All sales • oe usll This sale IS SUbfKI to pr1or uncell1tlon In Ille event ol settlement, between Morr1a Movln& & St or 11e. Inc; . end obll11ted perty Publl1hed Ne wp ort 8H ch-Cost1 Mesa 0.ity Pllol De<.embel \!>, 22. 2003 M87Z ......... "-S..... fh1 followlnc ptrlOfts era doHI& blnlf!OS as: Lwretla &. A\iOCtaln. 31 R11a1t1 Way, 0 1111 Point, CA 916'9 Ridi.td f 11nk Zlrretta, 37 Re111ta W1y. 01n• Pl., CA 92fl29 Carol LM l lu etta. U R•c•ll• Way, D•n• Pt., c••~ Thi, bu.inns i-co11- ducltd by hu•bend a11d ""' H111e you \ta1 tld itolnc busiM u ytl1 No Rieh•rd rr111k llrr11te Tllti •lattmelll w11 llltd wllll UM County Clerk ol Orenp Count)' °" 12/17/03 M0Mfft4H 0•!17 Piiot Ote 21 ~1 2003, Jtn. 5, 12, ZUUll Mll11 Have you started do1na busmen yet? Yes 10-1·03 Slnen R Mendell fhb slatemeot was fifed with the County Clerk of Ou nce County on 12/02/0l 200J6'66771 Daily Pilot Dec. 8, I!>, 2~.29.2993 ~ ,.... ..... -llmtS..... The followma persons are doina business u DNC Studios. 774 l I 5th SI. •B. Wu tmmsler. CA 92683 Ch1d l o well Myer s, 4 Amy W•y. l •dera Ranch CA 92694 O•rtll Coplan W1ne11r 7141 I Slh St #8 Wtslrmnsler. CA 9268 l This business Is con dueled by· a 11ene1 al per tu~rship ttave you ~luted do1n11 business yet? No Ch•d Myeu rho• Jlatement was hied with lhe Cou~ty Clerk of 011nae County Oil 12/02/03 20036 .. 6769 OaUy Pilol Dec 8, l!'I. 22, 29. 2003 M86l Ac-. .... "-*'-" lho lollowtna person1 are dolne buslnus as· ECON/ USA C0<poralinn. 3107 Corte Caleh, ;:66&01 I Beach, CA c c~z USA Cor-pou llon (CA). 3101 C0<te Cale\1, Newport Bu ch, CA 92660 This bus1neu 1s con dueled by.• corpoullon Have you star led do1n1 butlnesa yet? No CCOfll USA Corpou· Uon, Brent Aaar. Pret•· dent Tllit •l•ltmenl was f'lled with the County Clerk of Oreoae County on 12/0Z/03 200MMt7N D1oly Pilot Otc 8, 15, 22. 29, iool M858 .......... ... 5111...e lite followlna 111non1 are doln& business H : Callforfllt Reh1bitlt•tlon & Sports Thetlfly. 27.01 lo• Altot, Svlte 4811. Mluton V,.jo, CA 92691 Att n Edward v.,..1, 5775 Bolu Aonut, Suite 101, Hunflnctvn Btach, Ce 925ot9 This b!Wftet1 Is con ducted lly: 111 lndtllklual H•,,. )'OV ,,., ted doll!& ._._. J!IJ --'fn 09(13/ZOOJ AIJlfl E4-d Voatl l hll &tat-en\ WH tw.. wltll Utt Cou11t1 Cliffll of Or•na• County onl~ ....... ,,. Dally f"llot Dec. I, 151 21. ti, l003 ... l .......... ........ "" ......... ,,.,~ .,. '°"'' ....,.... "; ~ Nlllllllet 0.. Motor~ I. TO, 313 '1nt lay SlrHt f~lOJ, CHft ,._,CADV 0.-... Mt .......... GfHll IM. (CA), 373 Wut i•r StrM...tJ....llOJ, 0-.lf ...... CA ~27 Thi. .,.,.._ II con dU~t~ llr: • COf~ootloll Heft rou •bwt.d ""'-!MIMI• _Jett Y .. 11~ DhwtlfW IW\olllotlve Clfe1111, lac., A.114f•• ....,,'" .... I} Thi$ stelemenl was flied with lhe County Clerk ol 01 an1e County on 12/02/03 2003H&6772 Daily P1lol Dec 8 15, 22. 29, 2003 . "1854 llOTICl Of lPftKA T10I TO Sill AlCOllOUC llVWGU .. ., .... .,,..... ...,..., Jt, 2003 lo Wh om II May Collcern. Th" Ntme(>) ol the Apphc•nl(\) is/ are: f UGU £NH RI AINMI NI UC The apphunh !Isled abOVI! "e <IPPIYtn& to t he Departm ent o f /llcoh ot1c 9 .,ver•&" Co11trol lo •ell •lcohohc b1Veraeu 11 1870 llARBOR 8t V0 SH A?OO, COST/I MESA. CA 92627 Type of ht en\e(') Apph~d for 41 OH SAU GtNl RAI I A llNG Pl ACE Publtshl!d Nt wpor I Buch·CoslJ Me~• D11ly Pilot Dl!Cf'mber 8, 15, 22.2003 M870 Fkfliees ..... , "-S....... lh" fotlowma person$ are do1na businu\ as AA/I l 1mo10ne, 9601 Telhan 01., Huntington Sch. CA 92646 Geoffrey Klu1n11. 9601 l elhan Dt , Hunhn11tnn Bcl1, CA 92646 lhos busonen I\ rnn ducl"d by an 1n\!1•1dua1 Have you star led dc>1na bu•mess yet? No Geoffrey Kla\ini This sl1temenl "''' filed with lht Coullly Cl•rll of Oranp t.:oullty on 12/02/03 20036'667IO 01ily Ptlul Dec 8, l!'I, 22,29,2003 M867 Ac-. .... ... s..... Th• fotlowlnc pel\ons are doln1 bu1IMH IS A & A lndusll'lt l SH vk;ta, 230 lilt Alton Awe.. S11nl• Ana, Call fornle 91707 Ecl1tr R Au1lln, 2288\ Malden Lant, Mlu1an Ylt;o. Cahlotnie 92fi92 This builMU II con dud ed by an lndMdu1I fleva you •ta<ted dolnc buslnen Y•tl "° f;dAuslln Thli '*•le-nt WU filed with 1119 Cou11ly Cleft of °'•n&e County on lW/03 toeMt•7ott Ot lty Piiot Dec. 8, 15. U , Zll, 2003 M811 FictltlM lllsiless "-*'-' The followifll pet)uns aie dome bu)tneu as Ar ltsh c Goll Callery. 1011 Aven1da Pico #C·C. San Clemente CA 92673 M•hroo lotfahan, 26 Nuevo St.. frvlne. CA 92612 Th11 business 1s t Q11 dueled by &n 1nd1v1du1f Have you started do•fl& b11s1ness r•l1 ~n Mahrnn l nll•han fh1s slotrmcnt w~\ ltle11 with the c;o u11tv Cle1h ol 01~n11e County on I ?/0?/0l 2003696'778 Dally Pilot Dec II I!>. 22. 79 2003 M864 fl<tltlM IWnns .._.Stvtt.nt I he follnw1ng p~rsc111~ are dowa bustneS\ ~s. Bm l•nd \ Alhlehc. 311 Coral Balbod lsl~11<1 C•lolorn1• 92~2 PalflGt• A Borl~nll 117 Cot al, Balboa l<lanrt t:Al1lorn1a 92662 Tiu' business ., ron ducted l.ty "" 11td1vod11al H•ve you \l11drcl dnme bu\lnOS'\ yet' y,.\ 11 1917 P~hlrt• A Borland lh" <latement wo f1lrd with the Counlr Cler~ of tJrdllie Counlv on 12/ l <J/03 20036961178 Daily Ptlot 0•< 77 79 ?001 Ian 'i 17 ?001 M880 fldlt6tls w..ss •s....... l h' lollowrng person• ate doon11 bu•1nes.., 11\ • lhe Kernwood Goll 01)Counl. 7620 Bu'h Btvd . Bu•n• Ptrto.. CA 90620 R1charo A Steele, 7620 Buch Blvd., B11an11 • P~rk, CA 906?0 Thi' butlfl1111 11 con • dll(;tod by; an lndMdutl • Hnt you 1t11tled dolnt bUSlntH '(117 Ytt~2 lllcllard A. SIHlt Thi~ l ftUment WU filed wltll tile County Clerk of Ounc:• County on 12/02/03 20036U'172 D•1fy Piiot Otc 8. 1 !I. • n .19. ?OOJ 1451 .......... .......... l h• followlnt per1on1 .,. c1o1n1 b11J1lneu •• Applltd Cleotecll nletl • Strvlcn. 14661 Mytord Road. IC. f111Un, CA • 91180 R1 cf\t1d T Hl&l•l• l~I Myfllfd Roff. •c. Tut ltll, CA 111780 lhJ1 butlnes\ ls con • d~(H by; •n lndMdu•I H1vt 10t1 'lllf ltd dollle b11~1Mupell Y"atlnool "k"-'11 ' ........ This 1i.teme11t WH hied wltll 1111& Coulltt Clef• °" 0!•1111 Cturtty • on 12/0l./Ol 10014 ... ,,, 011ty l'llot Dec:. 8:....!J..1 22, t&. 200l - • ~ f.'! How to Place A CLASSIFIE AD -----Policy------- Rates and deadlines arc subject 10 change without notice. 'll1e publisher reserves the right to censor. rechusify. revise or re1cc1 any clas:.ified adveniscmenl. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot acccplN no liability for any error in an advenisement for whjch it may be re~ponsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit cun only be allowed for the fil'l>t insenion. By Fax (949) 63 I ·6S9-I By Phone 19.l<>l M2 ~67K Dy Mull/Jn Pcrtwn: UO WtSt Bay Strttt C1>-1a MN.. CA 92627 At Nc11.pon Blvd. & Bay St . ~,... --SERVICE DIRECTORY.. ~..,, • For All Your Home and Busiriess Needs _ ~11 1""-t llllWr ,. .... .. ,........,.N ------Deadlines-----.. ••'" qll }'1311-l •1d1t I"'« Qlllt I I lours: ...., • .000 Hoed E.tch Wtck For Only Sl2 pct wttk (4v.cck minimwn) •CIA._..• l'tfl S14-4HS I 11dt I tilt :-.t I\ Ill' D1 1t·c 1 11\ l:.1111.• 1 VISA Tck(lhcifoc 8.30.lrn 5 IXJr-11 Monda) -Fncla) W11t~ In 8:3<Mm·~:00pm Monday· Fn<la > Monda) Tu.·...tay Wl'lh...,"iiiY Thu"d"y 1-ml..iy 5.IX)pm . Monduy .~:OUpm ....... TucMluy .:'i:OOp111 . w ._xtnc....tuy .:'i:OOpm 1-nday !o.uunl:iy .'iu11U.1y .. ThuNl.i) .s·OC'l.m ... .. 1-nda) l 0('1>m h 1tlay H,l()pm ..::..Lep~I Nollcesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim2640-.l.,;;;Lega~I Niiiiiioticesiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiii;;;2640iiiiiii.J.;;i;Lega~t;;i;iNoti~ca;..~2640~Lep~l~Natica~~~-iiii ColledlblaJ Genenil MUSICAL r _Mtmonb __ 1111 __ 11_&0 Announcements 1110 INSTRUMENTS LOTS/ACREAGE la 2lw 2tio ,.,_. •1 Y£A•lY OCEANFllONT efw~ st<V-to bea<h. Available now • Sl67!>m •-/paltl~lrll. Li yd Assoc1at~d Realty $l!lXl Robel t 949-76().1 rJO 94 9 613 3663 ADVllTISllOO fOl .S Subj•CI to cond1t10n$ presu1bed hy thr und""in•d. ualed bods for a lump Sum \ onlrolcl ••• 1nv1ted lor lhe fotlowme Work ROWLAND HAll SEISMIC IMPROVIMU.TS & DlflRRlD MAINTINANCE PROJECT NO. 990 120 UNIVERSITY Of CAUFO•NtA. lltVOU IRVINl, CAllfOllNlA 92697 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Th• p1oposed Rowl•nd H~ll s.,.,mll lmprov•menl pro1et.t Wiii >lrudur ally upc:ude lht bu1ld11111 by crullne. butlres~n on th" l ~st .ond West el@vat1on' ol the 1Ju1ld1ne I he but1<11s.e\ will be created by new pile fu1mdat10M and lh• •dd11ion of eight ?6' 6" bays of new concrele moment lrames with concrete ,1.t. chaphtdK"" br·lween floors 2 Jnd 6 Enclosure ol the lrame• and sl~bs wilt be by a conventiu11dl 1 urtam Wdll sysl•m Othe1 d1scont111u1lie• in eAlstme d1aphr,,11nos will be t0trected tn mecha111c•I Ch•-.e• by '""'"' ul l.SI m plate lu11<1ete slab• lhere dre Jl\o eA1shn1 steel moment Ir a mes in 1111' mel1••111c •I penthc•U\e\ lh•t will br independently slrt111tlhtord with lube steel supports Ille uew ar•a ( 18.000 ASI I c re•ted hy lhe bullr•ue• will be ltnl\hed as dry laboratory and 11ene1 lll 0111111 w•c~ '" 11MI of 111" 111Clrect In addlllon 10 the S•"""' lncpt<IVftment~. O•leffed M•111teMOL• work Wiii b• llltnplel•d rhe mechanccal sys tem 111 th~ e"sltng h111ld111g will under110 an cntenslVe renovatcon 1nclud1ng but not lumled lo ( l) 1eplaomen1 ol 12 A11 lf,mdlm11 Umls throuihuut the bu1l<hnti with the mstallahon of tour nrw un1h on the servttc I••• I (2) n1•n1luld1ne ol app1011mately 160 root 4'•hau't tan,, (3) mstallalton ot Phoe11 .. Valv~\ "I fume hoo1J\ In >dd1t1on, lhe e'lsltng ulortur nt the bu1fdm11 will be elastomerically \e~l•d. the l11r alarm pull ~•vices 111 lhe e11~t1na b111ld1n1i will be lowered to meet cutrenl code and the root nl lhr u1st1n~ b111ld1111 will b• •~plated In 11\ •11l11rty Construction cost est1rnate S 17,711.000 81ddm1 document\ will be av.11,1111~ to PlfQU•ilfled Gener>I Co~r•rlo" al 10 am , M-day. o.c ... b•r l2. 2003. Prequahfced Prim• Conlr•dor~ m•y p11.h up lrH nl Ch••ee • m.t11mum ol hve (5) sots of b1dd1nl) <locumenl' ,11 De\IJln and Const1ud1un Sttvicn, Un,.crsrty ol C•l1lorn1a. Irvine. 5201 Cahfoccu.1 Avcuue. S111IC' ?SO. l1¥111c Cahlorn1a. 97697 24'10 Add1hon•I •eh nMy be purchased al Con It a~IC)I\' r "'' ''°"' ro11\nf1dated R•proeraphtL\ Bidding Onrume111s will b~ .. a•l•bl~ In 'ubconlrddors al 10 00 am M ... doy, Detember 22. 2003 and writ be lssu~d only J I C.t>NSOUOAfCO RCPROGRAPHICS .1182 Pullman Sh~el Cost• Meu. CA 92626 (714) 7!>1 2680 Alttnhun Moh,mmtd Rehman 01 Soll1a Accal NOTfr IT IS THl SUICONTltACTORS' ltlSPONSlllLITY TO REGISTER WITH THE UNIV(ltSITY OR CONSOLIDATED Rl,.ROGltA .. HICS lllel6CKHOWUDGl RlCllPT Of THI •OWL.AND HAU SEISMIC IMPROVlM'INlS & OlHRRlD MAtllHHANC( llD DOCUMINTS. UNIVERSITY Will NOTIFY SUICONTltACTOllS WHO HAVl R£GIS1£RlD WITH DESIGN ANO CONSUUCTION SlRVICIS Olt COHSOUOATED ltlPROGRAPHICS. Of ADOlNDA WHICH Altl AVAIL.AIU AT DESIGN AND CONSTltUCTION SlltVIClS. THl fOllOWING G£NlltAl CONTltACTORS HAVl BUN PRlQUAltflEO TO SUBMIT BIDS ON THIS PROHCT: Gotdon & Wllllom• General Cont~octors, In< 2 fa1~day Irvine CA 92618 Phonr 949 588 285'> ~ aa 949 588 2811 Oltman• Can.-lNdlon Co. 10005 M1u1on Mill Rd Wh1lt1e1 CA 90608 098S Phone S61·948 4747 fa• 562 463 4911-4 PltlQUAUfl£D SUICONTRACTORS PCl Con•lruttl-Servl<H, Inc. 200 Burchell St Cll!ndale, CA 92821 Phoue 818 246 3481 I '"' · 818 74/ ~I IS SOLPAC INC .• dba Solt•k .. octflc 7474 Coner es~ St Sau ll,.Ro Cl\ 92110 ?888 !'hon• 619·296 6141 r •• 619 296 7109 Hot•• Th• .. t .. 1ed G•nerol Controctor wlll b• reqvlred lo ll•t only tho .. Et .. trltal, HVAC W•t & Dry. Glozlng, Raoflrog and C•nuete 1ubcontra<lon who hov• been pr•-qualllled by Tit• Unlv•nlty of Calllornla , t.vln• Campu•. Pr•quolllled Uectrhaf Subconlracton Ar•1 Ander•-& Howord llulrlt. Inc. Mlk• lrown ll•tlrlt Co. 1791 Reynolds 561 A Mercantile Drove Irvin~ CA 9?f>l4 <.ntalt CA 94931 3040 1.,9•leclrl• Corpotatlon 5650 Centincla Los Ansele\, CA <JllOil':> Dynol•ctrlc 4462Co1porater~nlec Ur lo~ l\lan11tos CA '1(1/IO H•lhc fleclrlc. Inc. 8?60C1tm1110 Sant,• I•• '>•11 OteKn <'A 911 'l SASCO ll•tlrh 12!IOO A1o n<.lr;i Blvd Cw 1los. CA 90703 St•l"}' & Co •• lnr. ?2l N Aldmorr I 11$ flnitele~. CA 90004 Moc forlane fl•clrl• 71 l '> Nnr th M3•n St Sanl.o l\na I' A 9?106 Prequalllled HVAC Wei & Dry Subtonlraclor• Are: AC CO (nglne•r•d Sytl•tn•, In<. Critchfield M•chanlcal. Int. 626'1'iAn1.,n.011110 ~" ool IAA f~c h11nln11y O• SI• II Gl~nd•I• CJ\ •ntot hvin•. l:A '17ftll! A.O. R .. d& Co 417 / Rutfn" SI San 01egu. CA 9~1 l l Control Air Conditioning Corporotlon ?301 N Gla"•ll SI On111&P CA 9286'> Unlvertily Mar•llth Mechanlc al 1000 N Krarme• t'l1t1 fl An•l1t'lnt, CA qJKO/ Prequollfled Gladng Subcontroclort Are: Corm•I Ar.hite.rural Salo 1173 No Ar mantln \I Anaheon1. CA 97/!INi Giroux Glon . Int. 850 We\I Washu1~l1111 Riv<! lo~ AnReles CA ')Otll '1 r' .. 1 ltooflng & Waluprooflng, Inc. 19027 S H•rt111t1011 Av• Gardt!n•, CA 907411 l•tner ••oftng Co., Int l 490 H Cl~•~•ll Or a nee CA 92867 Tower Glat•, Inc. 9.,/0 P~thw 1y Stre~t. Sit A s.1nlre Cl\ 9J071 Wo•dbrldt• Gian, Inc. 14 l?I Mylnr d Roa fl 111 .. ttn r A 'J711tO Von<• & AuotlalH ltooflng, Inc. 2550 ( Miraloma W•y A11ah~1m CA 97806 Prequallfled Caner el• Subconlrocton Are: MtClon• Co"•lruttlon Co. Prl•to Cott•lrucll-Ce.,"''· 377 W r 1llbroo~ Av< Str 707 13162 A11oyo V1sl• f ie~no, CA 93711 R•nchu S•nla Mar1a11t•. CA 92688 fwo m•ndal<>ry Pre B11l r.1111le1"1tlll\ o111d rruf1:< I Sil~ Vl\1h will b~ conducttd un M..,doY.• Januory s. 2004 ol 1100 PM. l'.11t1u 1Mnh ~M~I merl al Deslsn & Con•llut11m: Srr.,~es. Un1Verl1ly of Cahfornt• l•vinP !.1701 c 1hlt•trlhl Avtnu~ Suite ?'>O. Sullivan and W11eh1 \;nnlerence Rooms, lrvme C~llforno1 9769/ ?"YI •nd M~. Jonuory 12, 2004 at 91JO AM. r~t1t<.11'oillli 'h•ll meet al O•"ln & rnn~truclton Servk:es. Un1ve,.1ly of r•1tforn1a hv1ne. '>:101 l.•hlnrn1a Avenue Suite ?!>O. S11ll1v~11 ftld Wrc&hl Conferl!nte Rooms. Ir v111e, r!ahft>•'11J 92697 24'){) (Corner of C1llfo1n1a Ave11ue and 81s<1n Aveicu•) AnlNDANCC AT IOlH lHl "lll·llD CONfllllNCCS AND THl ... OJ(CT Sill VISITS Altl MAND.ATOii\' FO• AU ,.HOUAJ.lfllD ,.lllMl CONTUCTOttS. TNl JANUAllY S. 2004 CONff•INCl WIU ClOSI AT l :OS ... M. THI JANUAllY 13, 2004 CONfl•IN(( Will ClOSl AT 9rSS A.M. ANY NIQUAUFllO ... tMI CONTIUCTORS Alt•IVING Anl• THHI TIMES WIU NOT H llJGtlll TO PAltll(lf'AU IN THC llD PllOCESS AS A PlllMl CONTllACTO•. A "ltOJICT Sill VISIT WIU Poudw lACH ..... 11D CONf(ll(N([. Only blddtH who participate tn both lh• Prt B•d Conferencn and Pro1ecl Site Vil•l' •fl lhe11 entirety, will be allowed to bid on the Pro,ect .u p11me conlracton for fl1tlher tnf0<m•tlon c:ont-r l Mrt hael Corcklva, Contracts An1l1~•. Oe11gn & Con•trur t1on s.,vk:es. Unlv11sily of Cahfnrn1•, Irvine, •I teftphone number (949) 824-3089 Sealed bid• will not be accepted •fter 2100 ,.M, Tw••"°Y• J-•ry 27, 2004 at· Bid Bo•. f 1ont Countu, Oesiin a. Con\trucllon Strv1cu. Un1vtr~1ty uf Cahtorn1a, Irvine. 5201 C1hfornle Avenue, Su1ta 250, lrvfne. C1lllo1 nl~ 92697 2450 Sealed bids will be opened al 2r0S PM. r ... 4oy. J__.-y 21, lOCM. al Oes11n & Con•lru~hon S..vttas. Unlve111ty ul C•lcfornca, lr•lne, 5201 California Ave . Suite 250 Sulh••n and Wrieht Conference Rooms, lrvrne, CAl1lorn1a 9:169/ ?4!10. (949) 824-6630 Bid Securlly In tht amnunl ol tO'l'. of lhe lump Sum Batit Bid, ••cludlna •ll••net~•. •h•ll 1ccompeny u ch 8cd 1 he Surety '"U'"I th• Bid Oond shall be. on the Bid 0Hdllnt. •n •dmlttad Jurety insurer (n defined 1n th~ C.ihlornca Code of C1vfl Prottdur• Sectlnu 955 120) A" lnt.111ence PolKIH requ1red lo be obtained by c~neral Contr.c:IOt sh1h be '.WbjeCI to •PPfOV.I 111 Un1vtt11t1 fOf forn1 ind \ub•lanu All such policies requ11ed by Unlvets1ly IOf Commercl•l F0tm Centi al Ll•blllly •nd R1m11•" Ault1111nbll• l 11bllcl' Aha ll b• ISIUH by comp1nlet wllh • Be•I r1t1n1 or A· or balt~r end , fln•nctel ctn .. f1f •tln1t 11 VIII or bettei, or with an ~qululenl ret1n111 by Sl1n<11trd ll'ld Poor·, or Moody's All pollcfu 1eq11lrtd by Un1v1nlty for W0<ke1 • Compensehon and ltnptoytt's hablllty shall be issued by compan1t• with • (I) (Int Rahnt of 0 • or betttf' a~d • l1nanclat t111sltk al10n of VII or bellet. 01 •1lh an equlvtltnl r•ttnc by Standilld and P00t" Of Mood(s. or (II) lh•t ,... u cept•ble to the Unlnrsfty. Si;ch lnwrence Ml•ll be •1fllen lo be not lffll thin (H r111u11td by federal •nd Slate of C1hl0<nl1 law.) file certllk:ale of ln)urance shell be tasued In ,,.. UnlvMa•ty ~form The succo•fnl Bidder and th Subconlracton will bt 1111ulfad lo follow lht nonch'K•lmlnallOo 1qu!f1m.t1\I• 'M!t fMth 1n tlM 81ddln& Documents and lo P•Y j)ftvalhnc ••a• 11!11S et the loutlol! f the Wor• A tOl>Y of tM COMt•l l)fevaMlnt ~ diem w•c• ttlts wilt bt on ltte 11 Unlvutitf• lnctpel h clllty ollk:t 11111d wfH be n11de 1Y11l1ble lo any tnttf'nttd parly upon requul. f0t. lhls PfO!Kt the Urllvtt•lly h•• 1t11111t11d and \hi ll t1nfo1ce a llbof compltence PfOlfllll ( lCP ) In confounanu with l •bor Codt ,ec;llon\ 1n 1.$(1J) and 1171.1. A p11 conslfuctlon conltrtnoa will be held with the 11ucceutul Otdde1 incl lh $111Kon1taeh>ll IO dlu:uu fedlf1I 111d •l•t• tabO! l1w 'tcivlf•mt11ta to this proiect Ti-a~nuful Oldcter will be 11qul<td lo h•vt the foll<)w1n1 !\l•I• nf Callf0tnla Conti K IOl''I ltteMe currtnt at llll llnie of 1ub1n1ul0n of Ille Bid UCUtH UCINH CODl(S)r ClASSWKATICHh C1net1l lulfdr111 Coftlreclor 8 fH£ ftlGU0$ or lit( UHIV(R$1TY Ol CALtrOR,aA Oec1111bft, 2003 llblWlctcf... t Ouch Costa Mtu 01~ POot l)toc•ml>tf 22 29 1003 •71 Sill you1 11nw11111te4 items thfoUlfl tt.ulfltcl SILL yollf u11wa11t.i It em• tllfOup el .. slfiticl TOP SS .. •1co•Ds nc DUCK SlASON .Im. Cllssl::. Eli. 50s & 81' .. rivet• D1Hk HUfltlltf 8l Allee. sp;. tUbe ~ Clvt. appro• I/ht from Pianos lob/Aatage 3510 Wanted 4740 Costa Mm Mike 949 645 7505 Newpo1t 8uch E•cel ENTERTAINMENT Cllendarof Events 1310 (QUAl HOUSllG OfPOIMITY 1\11 teal "'lftle adve1 "' lllk Ill lhts Mw'PHper IS sub1ecl to the F edcr JI r au Houstnrt Ar t of 1968 •• amend~d wh1l h malo.es 11 111011:.rl 10 advetllse "•••'t 111•fe1 e r1ce. hmlt•t1on ut d•scrimonahon ha•ed 011 race, t..01011 n:ha1on. ~e•. h•nd1c•p, lam1hal •talus or Oi!lhonal Ort&in or .in 1nlenhoo tn m<tkP t\fly ~uch pr efer11111,. linut•• hon or <h,cnm1n.1l1u11 • 10111 hunl111Q •dlacent to •late wateflowl 1 eluae, owner\hlp rnlere•I & appro~ JI!> acre• of land & 1mp'o~emf!nh • ynrn OWfl f am1·1 LOflPOUlld w/s t1 uclure and 2 lt,ulo" Wonderful frl. n111ht HR\)' & wine IJs llnll durtn& duc k ~f"'.l"iiOn • mtrny ea tr•~• ld~al fo1 ? llleud> m lnll1er & son Call Mike •• 110 541 0854 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Miscellaneous Services 2605 St.lnwoy -a•. 6'11 '>('Im cnn<:erl gr•nd. IH!.tul1lul nch '"'"'ld JlflSINlt! cund 48li !M9 64(). 18/9 pp Ca~ 3610 •£SCU( 91 1 lite'\ Uncer l•tnlws Ha1Jp•111 ret Owfl•t~ N•"d Help V.ell Ma1111e1 •<I J\dull Cah & Oldr• Oo2s n•~<I 11ew honu•, Ad11µt Adult Annnal• till\ Xm•'' JO d•y return 1'11l1<y www animalm.1twmk m1:, MmR tanU6 & CA'B ~Ii! Fed & lint 1...W •1 caTe lm c., 0 ~ lllolll1 """. t:knl ...... d. .-..s. ,,..,.,_ li'wtntt.I. ht~ h nvl ll!tln1 " ~ "'" rr <tw1" 174>11 ~7119 WWW tlnltnitlllelwvtk OrK N t W MEXI CO MOUNTAINS 140 AC Only $49.900 (ad1>1tent to Ndt1onal I ore s t) Buuhlul land •bun ddnl w1ldltle, &•edl >rll111g Year round m<1111talt"d rnad lxcel ltnl ltnanun11• Call 866 70? 971 l (C~t ·SCAN) Nnport Beach NCWPOlllT WATlRfltONl 8RANO NC.W HOME 12 Yr Lnd lse ~ox Total $5500/Mo I coo Andrnoo 96!0341fl Ot •on Vl•w llr. llo, B1and new! I tar gdr, $1650/mo Assoccated Rulty 949 675 3711 MISCEUAHEOUS RENTALS 11w.11 ............. ..... qull!t area. tu hwy OCCft'.!I 1993 Ouch St $'945 714 206 6:lll ()t XJ7 235 3117 Mopt• Aphl lonly Gated <.nnHu. ne~• It 1an11le S11u•1 •. 2b• Illa w/gar & ftoK, $1095, lb• Iba w/11a1to. carpo1 l stou2e W.. IMlkt. •<fl• paid Kiron M.fiVl'Ull 8TJ 704 fli49 (.t g;ro N•wport a<rou th• •tre•t 21Jr I !>Ii• no peh SI 19!>/mo 166!:> lrVIOf' Ave •3 94g.no '}4n •203 ( SW., .b 25™'" dw pyt txlltuny. 'ifXll cb5cl. bc.iu rem.xi 11.mit $1""' k>. about n row 11 ,;in.•~ ~ IR/ r 18th SI 28r ,...., uew 1~.-.Vt;,11IJl!I, ? -..M g,Y ~ bar,lly;wd l/? biu(j, lo O.OMI. nlU\I 'Iott Sl~rru 'M9 278 ~ wt betweer1 '1.1111 'ipm only ----sa.. 21/..tao. I II"' I l<Ypol I ( 4(X)' ~· IW'W i)llf.11 & crpt l wcndsnng CJ I SllriO/rno /14 :RI '>8/0 2bc I 7Sbol \Ill the wrth•c le 1>alio clt•lk 111>1!• """'' k1ldw11. wd hi.up •at S7700 949 ?'l I 4637 3br 31.o lt•uH, lllllf'I ••~<1. newly 11•l11rb"l1~cl 7 lat ~·". wrJ ltl.UIJ' s:noo "'" 'M'J 759 oii1 .. f his uew\p.\µtt will not knnwmgly .u ~ "''t ;tny ad~et t"emt_>nl tut t eAI t~lal~ whu fl 1-. 10 vwl"llon ol th" t111w Out ffHldtH .;, {Utt hClt>hy informed thill .111 dw•ll "'&' adv"h~etl 111 lh" nPW\PdPCI die dVAtl•blf' un an equal uppm tumtv bd\I\ IMMl Ull\IL CASHlll US Perl\ton f und1n& S.MY\ '"'" now Ill• 8 yed• ~ of VOUI lul1He pen\100 IMYlllenh C<1ll 800 ~ 117'; !no d r RU nn nbl1g~t 11'11 t\llmat .. '#WW u~prn~mnfundint 1.om •CAI •SCAN) MISCELl.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE RentalToShare 6030 NewportBeacti lb1 7bJ "''"" unol ) billContP'\ ff• 11t•.t1 /llvrm. I t ~l1 nu 111tmt ro com,Jht111 uf dl!lo u11n1n•l1on c .111 llUO toll 1,.r at l 800 4?4 85'}() Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Older Style Furniture PIANOS & Collectlbles .~ .......... ,.....__... .. •\• .. -os•4Jt •ll'f···---... $$ CASH PAID S$ WE BUY ESTATES ~649-4922.: SOUTH COAST AUCTION 2202 So. llWll St. s ... 1a AM. CA 92707 f ... ~ 14 t ,. • lj 3060 Navaro Ru~'· I'» S!>OO $800 Mounted llullalo Head S8IJO ld1fle W Vetdull l'ainlln11 (1940's Santa Fr) "l,n Curand 111as· $500 949 637 l/36 HOME FURNISHINGS Furniture 3435 CHIRU SUIGH BED SolKI wood. br ''"" new 11 bot must '"""" w .. th Sim -S2'~ 9ot9 JD 8.T:il QUHN MATTRESS sn ()'thnpedti br .ind ,_ ~Ill WI plasllc w/watr S.'\C SJI), ""'~~~' 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coo.I Coln Ne•d• Old Cou"' Gold "lvN ,.-.w.-lry, w*1h. htt'\ .1nht1u..,, 'ollcchblo' 9"!1 b-12 9il4H Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 3·ST£El IUllOINGS 36136 'xh>IO. /OJ I '>O New• Nev•• llthvrr r111 ltoy 100-499-2760 Business Opportunities Businesses and Francflises 3905 Al I CASll l'llNIJY Routt Do ynu urn U!OO 111 • do1y1 You1 own local • ~n<ly 1 out~ lndude' 30 m.u h111P1o •fld l~ndy All '"' S9,'19'1 M11lltve11d. 11 C lll!jJ Cl1~11ll 9 fvd llnr ""'"· NY 11/'/9 800 998 VI N!l 1CAL0 SC'ANI #I hilccncl F 1 anchln 11pportun1ly In those fowktnt:. lu work inde p•ndrnlly S8K cnvest ft1P111 r~QUtr,.d lncfud~-. Ir ~1111nv and suppor l tor fr flfH.hl\f\ '/VOf ldwtdt" lull fee• l 888 4~2 G7J7 Nl/O••an View Roam IJ< ••nlront/??nd. Pnv.ite room unfurn ~harr b3 nltl~ p•1d no/"11~ k1l rhenellc lndry. !bl~ tu Newporl 1111•1. S7JOm l',111 SAm 9'19 278 790!> (belwun 9•m !tpm) Stora~lllQe Space For Rent 6060 "" 24hr \lor d&e. 4<X> r.oo-.r umh Pr<fect tor vehte~. low ral~ uM C.wolyn 949 1163 1390 f1[SIOCNTIAI RrNTN.S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa bland A modem llw Ibo "''"" M:.. w/d llOR. mccro d/W, nu apt/pa"'t dfdl. C<Wport Sl'l!bno vrly 949 673 n.9 Balboa Peninsula YLUlY OCEAHROHT 781 18.l •ft "'°' uirpeV pa1nVI~. I< p , P0:nn ~<oUiltod my ~ 673 J9i.J Corona del Mar llr w/IM>th only, 110 k1l1.hen H•tal localu1n, $/~0/mll 470 Nar~c"u' ~~--949 717 4/08 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • I • • • • • v......-.. Condo ~'""" l bl ""''Y I to.111. RAM lul \« I'll.I g;• Puot/1Y111 dub ~ 1se ssr, 949 493 OJl'I UDO ISU STUDIO • ld11te dosel & h•lh 'unny eapO"tlP $1000111 ~949 67':> 6lf>I UDO ISU STUDIO I 31 C9 CIM •t & b,,th. sunny o•pvwrc. $1000m Aal 949 675 6161 Y•any 'llr. Ila. sl"la lu beal h, $1500. mo Assouat•d Rt~lt, 949-6 13-36113 ~l S2J~ •)'19 291 41Ho lbt l '>b·• •undo 174'1• I tlO'>I! tn be h, 7 t •llM It 2d0 Wd ') \IOry CUllllll 1111ol/sp3 Av~1I h111 l 12!100 9'19 ., l 'l 9830 ._, Jy 7.!Ju c.nO>. 7 o;t-v 7 r p <U\1lt -...,...._ in~ ~ _, b.tl ~ WI l. J?.ffi 1146'3Zl(l; "-Udo, un ~amel .!Iv 2ba. l ..... I.Ii". laund '"' dodl """" s:>ilXl 1111 11;.1 pvt ~'11 llltfld ~ SHU I Avarl Jan I 9*}m 97.D NEWPORT HARBOR Community Beautiful 2BR, 28A with tt.-»orView Was $2575 Now $2425 ~ IWdQf l.wlloo, ca,.111(1vded lAfll ~ PMIOa • TUecl EllMes • C ... eti Wood llntllc ~ • Pr-.lf.ICll & ..J'--• 5plfthc .. 111111 PMI • LMh bopk.al ~ • Secol!dt to Balboa ltlaM.llJIWelMpptac.Mer. ~ .. ..., •Homes .. .., ....... lleeclt 919 The Legal Department tit the Daily Pilot is pleased to announce a new service now available to new businesses. W1! will now SEARCH the name fo r you at no extra charge, an4 save you the time and the trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search is completed we will fi/,e your fictitious business name· statement with the County Clerk, publish once a week for four weeks as required by law and then fi/,e your proof of publication with the County Cl.erk. Please stop by to fi!.e your fictitious business name statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa. If you cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-4321 and we will make arrangements for you to handle this proctdure by maiL If you should have any farther questions, please call us and we will be more than glad to assist you. Good luck in your new business! M Monday, December 22, 2003 ............ ..., fr...e 3bf 2\la UPI* lawel, petlod 1tyi., art1t v•wi. l car 1•r • .,, S2IOO M9-29l-4631 EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, AND RESUME SEJMCES 8020 ARE 'l'OU lOOlllNG r OR A SPCCIAl CMPIO'l'fl> The brJ1hlot• The Boll Supplement you1 loul tdver liltn& with •Ille wide adv., Us1n1' 100 community neW\l>fP"' rH cllona OYl!t ~ mollton ultlu1 no•n• «~ lu• a 25 wo1d ad Plalt your •d wtlh lhi• lo<•I P•• l1C1p•t1ne nnnP•P•r www c a t ic•n tom (CAI ·scAN) Employment 8500 Clefocel 'AllT-TIMl ClfllCAl Compuler lrtartte r •• resume lo 114 838 93?6 Hotel V MET PAllllG IAMG8 Positions also 1va1l1ble Oooo cw-& Attendilnb Call 949 223-8710 °'fa, rnume to 949 223 871S 1 r / 1 •• on baby/chlldren's .,,., . ..,,..~ • lll4 Opemn1 on Sooth Cout Pla11 Salary • bonus ~ medoc11 949-496 4!>41 SAUS1 Ov1 .... t ,.n.,. w/phon• nla\ e •P C •n U>I< & up phone 949- 862 1474 fat 949 86:i 747'.> • AMllalw • Brld -L,-... -.-ov_1_1 -,-A-o • .,..... .,, Miil 99 e..lck 't9 l'wk AY•- Ultr low m1 aold/lan fthr. m111f, CO, •lloy whb throu1hout SI 1.995 ~n4 I Bll• 949 !a116-Ul88 www.ocpotlM~ C ... lloc '91 Cotero SOit m1 , blll/blk Hhr blll ca11111• roof 80\1 CO. am tm ch•m whl> 1old pka. buok>/racord, hko new '819!1 v5!>1281 Bkr 94'-SH-1111 www.ecpeltl.c..,. Crown Vlct.,.lo •tt lX 22k •ctu•I m1 011a1nal elderly owner. whllt/t•~ int chrm whli. btaul lllt.e new cCHld, S9 995 <tC!67S I 8llt 949 586 1888 www.ocpoltl.ee"' Dodge Suv '00 Dur......, St I ,_, 9 VS. tow m1 nn11 l•cly owner, wMt/blll Int CO rear SHI rHr a1t tow p\11. buulolul as new lund. Sl 2 99S V#Tl?llfJ1 Bllr 9$!lllf>.1888 www.ecpob.,om f•rd '6S M•,.ton9 Cunv~1 l1ble. or 1111n•I ownrr. >uhd car nU51 oi.co,,ery II SOI, d11.11I tow !Ill, l•dr owMd, moonrl1, re1r 111mp IHIOU, rte:Ol'ft, _.,vt .. Mila, '-HIN MAI fK lftt, llttd & toft loP. CO. w11r 36,000 II'!\, S21,500 mini din. loren10 VJaiJ11t ~ 714-211~111 wh .. ls. fabule111 ~ond th1ou1b.oul,1._ I I&, 995 ~1rar-•l9 .... .,,-.- 'DJ MW UJll. S.aulitul Bleck Only 161( ml (191731 SliUIO 1'11.rtl u,.JIHM Blac.11. 21K mi (19899) 525,980 'VI ,_,, •• ,_. Cobu s.i.., Only 7k ""· (19770) Sll.980 '00'-. XIU < .... , Champa1M. 2411 ml (19811) $41 980 'f 7 t••11• tSfOO Silver 67k ml ( 194~1 I Sl1.9llO 'ff l/IHC.4n IJOO T111bo O-l 81Kk (196831.) s.26.980 'O I M"""'' lllfU20 Sllvw 29K"" (19891) S27 980 'fS 'IH'ltlN fl I ,_,,. White l lf)l•O"'< (19752'6) S32.980 'OZ AHi TT O_,re Sliver only !>lo ml (19904C I $34980 '01 a..yu.,.,, '""''" B••ck 321'. mt 09827Cl $14980 '0 I M•rc•"-• CLSOO Whitt. 37K ml ( 19909C) S61980 '4t·S14·1111 w'-s-r,,.. 4 o. 1 ur m1. 8llc"'9l ("'51922) SJl.900 '01 ,..,... ..... ,., Gr1y, 5 spcl, Shwpl (620238) SJl,900 w•.,..•-•.o Crty,loaded,Sl!llrp ( 43866~) $26.900 '" l!IHCHIH SLSOO 59!>rt. loaded, Must SM (101291) $37,!IOQ '01CIHllll«1.c-'-"-22" Chromes. loaded (12218') $42,900 '01 IMX X-S ,,0 Blk/Tan,nav.Lo1ded (M76S93) $35,900 'O' VW l••tle C...v Blue ltather, IOK ml (300?05) $22,500 '01 IMW US CK Conv. 8111, l!>k. Mtnt (V!>tS52) Sll.900 'OZ 111/fW ,., C.- S1IV1r, 911 mu•I ne (X225?1) $49.900 '01111/fWSZSI Blll/Blk. Spa< t, JOK ()(24190) $29,900 949-650-2222 ni.•, .... ., • ., ........... hlocars.com AUTOMOBlES. MISCBJ.ANEOUS Wanted 9045 ..t JIT!CO llllo ~719.90 l"OtlSCHI '01 CAIRtOUT ---T1µh nn1l, mini tondlllon. ...,_, ~ a net. Tr'""- V-Pay Clllll f rot f or" ••s M•,.ta n1 ( nnv" I obi~ 011e1na1 o '#t1t'1 solid t •r, rra.m >d SL&!ro 1b:1 9G ll'J 8'3 GMC S11rllvdoon lSl ZC,00 4wd 70k • mr o.tOld l~n lthr •Ir• ual \uper b or·~ tn"d SI J 99'> v'>'>7•61 8 0.1 .... s ... , ... www.ocpalll.com H-4e ''17 Acc•rd ?d1 tOUP• ( X V IP! on~rn• 69k .blatk a<ev flhr "" f be.1ut1ful unm•1 ked con<l QOlaC•d nun \mkr S7995 f11m •012t>l'H 8kr 949 'R> UH! -·q;;Ci .,,,., Jo911ar '00 S Typo S.0 v6, 35k m1. lull tact w•11 . >ilver •l•tmeal lthr onnd CO m•mor y pkjl. bettut 11~• M"W unm••., ed cond SlJ 49!> •• 1">7167 8k1 9-19 586 1888 www.a<polll.com JOfVor 't7 llJ6 H11t1\h ••crnc cr .. n lln Ith• CO labulOU> 1 ond throu1hout. SI I '.195 vS9721 bkr 949 ~ 1888 -w.o<,..111.com 8500 miles one owner S6?000PP949 J!>I 1119 ftongo lover ''' •.6 llSI 481t. m1 full tact Wiii bfk/blk llhr 18" d um whl> •uverb cond lhrwef\I $22.995 vll7201 Bkr 949 58& 1888 www.oc,abl.com ftan9a lover '00 4.0 SI 16k actual m1 full lad w•rr blk u1m1I lthr buuhlul hke nur cund Must soe to awrcuite s.28.4915 ...017& Bkr 949 !'>86 1888 ___ .. ,... ....... lon9• ltovor 'tS 4.0 Sl BOil •mi. bl•lk1tan lllH \uper b < n nd lh1uu1ihl booh. re•ords SIO 49!> ..o4S829 Biii 949 58 6 1888 www.ocpalt.coftl SELL your stuff through classified! T~ We Cllml! to you w/ad~ Pay SIOO.s500.Slmu.m> 94'-221-SUI BOATS Sallbolts 9520 Se your unwanted Items the easy way I Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 Best place in the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classified 642-5678 ~~ Md~HRSCH ANSWflJtS T() W!KKLV BlllDGE QUIZ Q I • Boch Ylllncntbk. as South )'Oii hold. • KQUll \r OU 5 •A 114 The bMJdint ~ ~: !iOU'I H l\'t.Sf NORTH t'.A..'ff I• l o 1 1'1111 ? Whit oo you bid now'! A • The chief~ of the IUCIJOll b IO kx'.ale D pl)Silblt eta.111..c:ard "'llJor-wil fiL Thal hM iilmldy bttn KCOmplliJicd. Uld. you houlJ tell panncr about h. Bid three hcil_n, Rcblddina your \lt.-card ~pll<le IUll IS MICOOd-best and would muddy 1tw waten Q l · !lk1thet vulncratirC!,}tuw holJ •K76J 1:>AQI o AJI •AB Panner opens lhe bidding "1th ooc heal\ What do ) "'! respollll / A ·There is a conventional b1J 11\.11 de'!Cribc' thi~ hand clUICtly. Jum~ to Ihm: no trump That !.how~ ~Jl(\:•li· Cllll)' '4-3-3-3 di~tribution 11nd I~­Ill p.11nh. Could you paint u dcwcr picture of )OUr holding'l Q J . iU South, \Ulnerablc. you hold .. 9 2 t\ J "CJ J 10 9 J .. Q 116 The b11Jdit1)( hJ.' prlll'CCJcJ; SOUTH w~·r NORTll •.A~,- 1 l• 2 l • What Ol.'1100 do )OU wkc·• A · Only two 011tlt~l~ an: 11vmluhlc. You cllll rebid th~ tl1amooth m Sll"e'» the quahty of the suit. or f"l'' w11h ~uur bWaoccd minimum vpcn tng bid. Smee pattner prom1i.cc.I ~ reb1tl when he bid IWO helll1\, II -.<c1m 'urTeel to ir1vc him the n~hl of w.iy /\llov. tum to dcscn~ h1' hand OI a~ k>" • k'cl '" flO"'hl•.' h) f"L"'"tl Q 4 • Doth vul11cr:1blc. tL\ .'>outh ~uu holll .. 0 If• v 101' ""'" ... ut The blddln.r. bn ~ NOllnT ltA,ff SOUTli wr.sr lNT ,_ 1• ,_ 2• ,_ f What do you btd now? A • You arc cauinJy goloa to pilY In lam. but )OU do not yet know 1n which straln 9f evrn whether you w1U1t l0 cootnct '°' 12 or 13 tricks. Radler than t&U some cooiplcx roulc. bid 1 1111.tu"'l lhtee dWnonds to 1111 problna for the best 11PCJ1 Needle&• lO MIY, 'tlvlt ICtion it In ablinlutc force. lnci4entally, pianncr kno11o' )'OU have four hearu bcc:a.u.se of )'\)Ut original Stayman two clubs. Q ! · Ncitbct vulncniblc, ~ South yuu hokJ: a l6.U QIU O AK IOJ •A4 The lnddtng ha.\ ~·ceded: NOl(T'H EA~T SOUTH WEST I Paw ? Whut do you bid now'! A· An iniua.I rc'pun!ie or one ~pocle " 1nfrnot' 10 the 2.over-1 game lurc..'C Brd two diamonds and follow up by )Up(lOl:ting hearts. Help partner tv1ilu111e his high l'atd' If, in yoor ITll'thod•. two d1Jrllnnd~ "ould noc he gumr-fon·1n11. Jump to 1 ... 0 no 1rump. Q () • As Sooth.' ulneni.hlc, you holJ o A 106 K<.P K 864•9.C 0 The l:lldtling ha' nmccccled: NORTH EAS1r ·sOUTii WF..ST I 2 7 Whal do )'OU bid now" i\ • You lul~c a powerful band, the 1 oluc nt which ·~ cnh~'Od by the lJn~ 11f JiamorM.b coup1ed with fan· t.i,ur.: trump >11ppun Tdl pw\ll(r of )our cxccllcn1 hand b)' cuc-biddm£ th= 1ho1mond.' planning to ~uPf10r1 ...,.,,.,, later rr p;inncr hold! Lhe ril{hl lil~C"· 'lru11 'houltl Ile a r('ul pt>-.s1- h1h11 "Employee." "Em1>leado. " "Arbeitne hme r. '' ~'E l ,,< '' mp oye-. HOME, HEALTH AND SUSWEss ......... TODAY'S 0 'Piot1 CRQSS\vORD PUZZLE 50 ....,., • GM' • 52 Nuktl 53 14112--ss Sul>de """' S6 Slllth away 57 ~ 58 Nonoom6 G 1 WO!Mn C11P II I? 13 NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. rte.eds ••• Callforril• l1w r• quNH lhat conllac ton lak1ns IOb• th1t tolal $500 or m0<t (l1bor Of materiel•) be IM:ensed by the Contractors Slit• LIHnH Board Stile lew etso reql/ffu that conlractors Include t1111f llctnse number on •II eclvertlsllla You Clll Che<ll the l lllUJ o l yOIH llcenud conlr actor at www cslb.ca.JO¥ or 8()0:32l·CSLB Unll· cerlltd contncl01s tallln1 fobs 11111 lolat lua than S500 1111111 al•I• In their 1dv11 tlsernenta that they •r• not llcen1td by th• Contracton State l lcenv e-d.~ IAllOA lfl~'I~ Compell!in aatm Cornrtnlenlty located on the Penlnwlo 407 Jiii St . .....,.., lotdl A· l HANDYMAN '"'1111. reface ceb1neh kill:her\IWv'~ mcJldlRa. Oq 7 I 4 Sot& l'8!. c.,. ctanlng 1111 A ' IJ, '' \ I '' 111·1 " I 14 \1 '1 I' .. dllnlno 3 rooms & hallway •-Ill lncludts preconC11llonlng CAU. TOOAY ·CUM lOOAY kntll 714-121-3142 Otflct 71Wtl-f110 C.,.. Rtpllrt11111 iH Ul'Po CAa.l'IT-0 N•1ml A••._ R11pa1t1. P1tch1n1 lnstaH ,..._ DIWlOPM8f'f Courteous. eny 1111 lobs ~ Wholnaltl9t9 49l~ fartl!Wwde""°9n!enl.com r-11 ............ ...,,-VMC 9'Uflf2!o _,.,.._ -- Computer StfVlca COMPUTER HELP! • ""*or er.,..,_,.. • M fW .._or 111111 ·~or­·~ . ....,,.9--q •• ·~­·Olat~ • o.;,w-.. "'--•»"'1=:~-~ v ... c=..-~ 714-612-2786 concm. & Masonry lrlck l leclit St ... • Tll• Concrete, PaUo. Ortvew1y firte>lc. BBQ. Rer, 25'1'1~ hp f1t1ry 714 557 7594 c:...-......., w.ti c:.m..nt. Bnck, Stone, 11t. °'~ llo. Rellable. ,., job '°° 111111 714-615-Uil 0....,Pllblllhlnl YOVAHOMl IMl'IOVIMINT 'AOJlct' Call a prumbef. • painter. hand)'m•n or any ol lhe .are at services hated htrt In our '""le• dlrtdoryt 'THUE LOCAL SVC l'COf'lE CAH HELi' 'l'OUTOOA'l'l WITTHOEFT DftYWAll All phHes sm/lra job' CllANI 20yrs, 1111 lru nt L<l(XXXl) 714 6l9 1"47 EltdrtcalSIMca SM All JOI lllPlltT lo•al, Quick Ruponse Home. 'l'ard & Dock Elect 20 Yri E op lluncMn Electn: lll'l15870 96eio 7042 1.1.C. llech'h low pr11:es local conlraclor. no IOI> too ;,,,... no job too tMa. Refs l4JO'I r~ LllClo.810?al (7 14)141-1410 --- D·•,,', , ... i' 1•, it1• r 714-715-2828 LMld9clpt nJ 7,. s.- 1.Ml &~"-lllllr\ ""~~ h'lll~~ltll ~--t..-0..ltll °"' i- Tree Service, Yard Cletnup, M11nt1nance, Sprinkler Repair. H1uhn1 (949) 650-1711 ~··~ E~r•:; H111dyman/ 8"edes, T rout>loshoolfna, Home ... Ir nloc»~ 714-Jf6.7219 UClNSIO CONTUCTOA No Job too 1111. M MrVltat Repelr, remodel, fins, Sj)I. -S\IC 9'&64&-36156 floortnWTl.le CUSTOM CIUTM lU Ins~. slltL C#emlc, marble. atonl . ....., lt7S U6120M Ml 71'-612·9961 UMY ...._.. lltpMed R•routon ' 1n1ta11111on Tll 0£AN IM9-673·8065 71•-34M626 71....,.2031 SELL your stuff through classified! Ill "11 Iii( • Ill f'~IR "' 111~mot1 ''"· HanctymarV Home Repair GFM.RAL RF.PAii 'MAINIJ&NCE • llntdcnual • Commcraal No Job 1bo Small Dave Ramllton 949·322-8292 f111 U, Spodellat. All types of rep11rs EleclTt· cal,~ docn wlllltr-heater\. Ille & mou 24/7 days 714·366 1881 (mhdlel '~ Carpentry • Ptumblnl Ofyw1n • Sh.N'co PaHlOna. Tiie & mot• 20-• 'I' tars E •Pltl le nee I JI 714-t6t-S776 JUNIC TO THI DUMl'lll 71•·968 1882 AYAILA8LE fOOA'l'I 949 673 S566 * JltO MASONRY * Any Typ1, Bui Prrces. R1p111 s Ok. Quality Work •nnl!I ~ 714-$31 7643 Venture Concrete & M••-ry 8nck, Block, Slone, Concrete RM/Comm t•747...S 714-965 282• Open 7Dtlya LowRat .. Storage S..Oial• Since 1981 949-845-4645 HST MOVlllS SSS/Mr. Setvln1 All Cities lnsure4 '163844 323-991-1193 32J.&30.997 l cell PUBLIC NOTICE Tloe Calll. ftubllc Ut1lltlt1 Commission rtQUlfH lhlt ell llHd houuhold 1ood1 mo"'" print their ft .U.C CAI T number; limos ind cll1utl111ra print their 'TCP • n11mbef In all IMlv" llumenta It yov h•vt 1n1 question• 1bout lht 1111111)' of • mOYtr, llmo ot chauffeur, call: PVIUC tmUnll CCNUUISMNt ,,,_ ... , 0.-.'• ,_.... '0'1ra tllP Crtaf Prlcel Cuar1nlttd WOfk. Free est. LIJ75602 71 .. 638·1534 7.390-2945 ICl'I CUSTOM l'AINTINe Pron, clean. quality WOfk lnlt1lor/Ht Ind clocks L•7~68 949-400-1054 ltAINIOW m<U MMNT Palntln•-r.vt•t. ~~ Quahty_lob! frtt estimate l•56'J897 714 '36·8888 lcllll!tlol\Of MI T J lllnOtrt SEWER JEnlHG ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK OETECTIOfl Friendly S..vlct t4t-67J-t S04 Plumbing SIW9 AM> DWI <lWlll6 (949) 64S-2SS2 HOHIST & llASOMA8U l'UJMllA r r• Est! Sm rtpWL OCTFCU Oise. 71A ~ 9150 l'AICISI l'lUMllNO Rep1lrs a. Rtmod11in1 FREE ESTIMATE L'687398 71 • 969· I 090 TrttServtce THl STltlt'l'lat Speciallt1n1 tn W1Hpapr Remov1I t•5882•1 949-360-1211 OOLDlN WIST WINDOW sr•vKI S1tlsf1ctlon Cueranletd 9$631·1562 71 .. 966-90rl0 lei Us About YOUR GWGESALEI "' CLASSIFIED 949) 642-5671