HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-23 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotti ] A B '• ... • 10 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY I DECEMBER 23, 2003 Greater ticket sales, more efficient spending and concerts outside the Orange County Fair's run.should reduce losses, offici~ls say. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Paciflc Amphitheatre will be rocking again next summer. and fair offi- cials have made a number of changes to try to break even this time. Last year, 10 enhance the re- opening of the amphitheater, fair officials lured top acts such as Bob Dylan and Duran Duran. They ended up lo ing about $500,000. With ~summer's expcriem:e A CLOSER LOOK under their belt, they are focus- ing on spending money more ef- ficiently and increasing ticket sales. said Steve Beazley, 1he fair's chief operating officer. The changes are a way for the fair to avoid financial nsk and of- f er more incentive 10 see the concerts. "Theideais tojus1 shu1down. 10 the exlenl we can. any pol>- sible exposure 10 the amphithea- ter." said board member Frank Barbaro, co-chair of the Padfic Amphitheatre commitlee The Pacific ,Amphithea1re ex- ploded with renewed enel'h'Y last summer after being silencc<l for seven years because of noise-re- lated lawsuits. II hosted 21 con- certs during this year's fair. R111 slarting over meant fair officials didn't have a lot of leverage when negotiating with performer-;. Beazley said. For the 2003 fair, officials llpt·nt $5 'milhon for 1alcn1 an<l $800,000 for production. For the next· fair. the board of dlrec1ors ha.-; approved $3.675 million for the performers for the 21 co11 cerL'>, Beazley said. adding that 11 won't cause the quality of the aces to go down. l'he board also approved pay mg fair performers a ~rnaller b'lMranteed amount up front, See PACIFIC, Page A5 QUESTION Which acts should fair offlclals try to draw to the Pacific Amphitttaatre7 Call our Reader's Hotline • at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mail to dailypilot.$/atimes.com. Please s pell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. Videotape allowed in teen gang rape case Motion by attorneys for assistant sheriff's son to take d istrict attorneys off the case is pending. Deepa Bharath Oa1lyP1lot SAN IA AN1\ A Jt11.lge 011 ~lond.i) bnishl'd a<,idt• thll't' n10tio11' filed bv d1• fense at1orney-. for an lnla11cJ Valley tl'l'll accu,ed of rapu1g an uncon.,c1ous girl JI his father's Corona del ~lar home. includ- ing one involving a kl·y ptcct• of evidenre. Jo.,eph C:av-.illo. 1he ll·ad ,11tornev for See RAPE, Paae A4 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A snowman made from an eyedropper bottle, push pens and a plastic spool is just one of many Christmas ornaments made by Marie Young. PUBLIC SAFETY Jewelry stolen from mall store Local saves it for the tree Marie Young used eyedropper bottles, clothespins and Popsicle sticks to fashion h er Christmas tree ornaments Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Most people look al a deodorant bottle as a way 10 prevent perspiration. Marie Young looked at a deodorant bottle and round inspiration. Young. 87. iook. two deodorant mil-on balls and fashioned a Santa Oaus Olristmas ornament out of it Young has fashioned Christmas ornaments out of eyedropper boules, clothespins and Popsicle sticks. ··Most of the 'tu IT is from throwaway junk." Young said. Young used to devote her arts and crafts energy to crocheting. but arthritis robbed her of the ability to spend long period\ sewing. so she turned to a lower-impact ac1ivily. Burglars make off with $500.000 to $600,000 in jewelry fr om the Fashion Island Robin-,ons-May. Deepa Bharath Daily Pilot FASlllON 1<;11\, I> -Burglar~ l(Ol awa) INSIDE And so a hobby was born that has lasted 20-plus years and decorated more than two decades worth of Olrisunas trees. Her daughter. Pat Nattnm. 68, contributes to the recycled decorations by picking up ob1ects Marie Young's Christmas tree is decorated with ornaments made See TREE, Pa&e AS from common household items. Masked robbers strike at two Costa Mesa motels. See Page A4 w11h hundreds of thousands of dollar:. worth of jewelry early Sunday morning after they pried open a door 10 n department <;tore. <,mashed dis- play ca.,e., and stole clCpen~1\.C nngi., neddaces and bracelet<;, THE VERDICT Wanted: new dog, E nglish a must F or seve(lll years. f had the good fortune of sharing my hou e with a beagle. <:assle wasn't the liveliest dog. She was downright lazy, but that as I've established, left vocallzlng to others. Daily Pil ot ATA GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.dail}pilot.com LETTERS TO SANTA See JEWELRY, Pa&e A4 an e-mall at daltl:Mol@latmes Assembly seat takes another com. PleHa spell your first bruising turn. this time into and last name and Include the counroom. your hometown and phone SeePaaeA3 number. The Pilot will run NEWS respon1e1 on Christmas Day. ~ The Newpon Beacn Fire WEATHER Depanment loses 11 longtime member to an unexpected -was part or her charm. Instead of running around frultleMly searcbinl for rabbits, she spent her time ln a much more product.Ive manner. at leasl from my polnt of view. ROBERT GARDNER them. Cassie preferred to listen. l doubt that I wW ever find a more appreciative or quieter audJence for myatortes. Cassie was somewhat of an anomaly for a beagle, a Roaming suggests movement. which in tum suggests an expenditure of energy. so Cassie didn't roam. but shewnade up for her lack of two of the breed's characteristia with her enthusiastic punult of the third. Food wu Qwte's true love, and there wasn't a drawer In the house that she couldn't open. Mer &he Joined the household, everything edible -Including staples like nour and potatoes - What la on your holiday gift list this year7 A monogrammed handbag7 The latest digital camera 7 Aeg11rdlea1 of whether you have been naughty or nice, we want to know. It wlll be cloudy with a heart attack. cnance of rain today. Tonight SeePaaeM will be cold again. The surf should build through the day SPORTS as a northwest swell fills In. SHPa1eA2 Sage Hill's girls' tennis team captures the sd'tool's flrat She became the perfect conversauonallat -not one or those exasperating people who lllwaya want.'I to Wk about themtelves. I have spent my llfe having to aha.re dialogues with breed that has three defining cha.racterlat:ica. They love to roam, to bay and to ttr. Cassie. SM VERDtCT, P .. • A5 PINse aubmlt your "Letttra to Santa" by calling (949) 842-6086 or sending u1 NEWS league ctiamplonshlp In a girts' sport. The race for the 70th SHPqe A8 A2 Tuesday, December 23, 2003 ;<IDS TALK BACK Bikes ~nd big Barbi es J'he Daily Pilot visited ~range County Head Stan's Costa Mesa t :hild Development ~e nter and asked ~tudents, 'Whar do you want for Christmas?' ·1 want a princess J>lke. • .'f AV\.A tRENSHAW, " p1s1a Mesa "I want a big Barh1e • MARISSA ROSALES, 5 <.o!>ta Me:.a "I want a LindereUa Barbie.· FAUCIA CRENSHAW, 4 Co1'tO Mesa "I want Go Go My lNalking Pup.· jlRYANNA f»EREZ, 5 liuntlngton }\each . . -CDmpikd by Marisa O'Neil LUNCH MENU Because or the wtntec holiday, there Is no lunch being served by the New- pon·Mesa Unified School Dlltrlct th.II~ r ON CAMPUS. IN THE CLASSROOM KENT TREPTOW /OAJLY PILOT From left, Falicia Crenshaw, Marissa Rosales, Tayta Cren shaw and Bryanna Perez work on collages at Head Start's new child development center. An artful head start M.,lu O'Nell Daily Pilot N ot many classrooms have a new ca.r smell. But walk Into t,p~ rewty reopened Orange C:Ounty Head Slart Coata Mesa Oilld Development Center, in brand-spanJclng-new modular buildings, and It smells like a car tha1 just drove off the loL The federally funded center closed In May 2002, and the old facility was demolished. As of Dec. I, the new center, which offers free presch ool to children or parents who m eet lncome qualifications, is open for business and has plenty of open slots for half"· and full-day srudents. On Monday, four sludents in the full-day program sat in a new cl&Mroom, putting the finishing 1ouches on their art projects with glitter, glue and gUttery glue. Bryanna Perez. who was celebrating her fifth birthday. Students enjoy spending the day making projects with glitter and glue at Head Start's new child development center. carefully t.raced rectangles of decreasing size on a piece of red construction paper and sprtnkled golden glitter on top of it. "Look at mine,· Bryanna declared proudly. Sitting next to ber, 4-year-old Tayla Crenshaw heaped red glitter glue ln one spot on her paper. like sparkly ketchup waiting for an extra·speclal French fry. "Look al this,· Tuyta countered. After the students finjshed lheir projects, teacher Laurel Ekstrom had a proposition. "I thinlc we should go out and feed the bunny.· she said, drawing eager gasps from the children. Flower, a gianl black and while rabbit, sat outside in a coop, seemingly oblivious to the. excitemenl her meal was generating. ·Hey. bunny!• Bryanna said casually. As all four students stuclt their faces in the cvn cage door to get a glimpse or the rabbit, Fallcla Crenshaw, Tuyta's twin sister, took a basket filled with bananas and carrots -naturally-and put it inside. Flower sniffed at it, but remained t,tnimpressed for the time be log. "Bunny, bunny, they're right there!" Falicia urged, pointing to the basket. Back inside, FaUcia, Bryanna and Tayla gathered on the floor and worked on puuJes. Marissa Rosales. 5, sat alone in another pan of the room, quietly reading a book. At Ekstrom's urging. the pw..1Je-workers burst into fes1ive FYI Orange County Head Start'a Costa Meaa Child Development Cen1er will be holding an open house Jan. 27 from 10 a.m. to 11 a .m . It is at 2352 Canyon Drive In Costa Meaa. For more lnformatlon, call (949) 631-6603. holiday song. "You better watch out, you better not pout, you better not pout, I'm telling you why,· they sang cheerily, lf a little redundantly. "Santa Oaus is coming to town." Then, right on cue, a tap came at the door. CouJd it be Santa? II was Bryanna's grandfather. dropping off a cake for the class. Obviously this year, Bryanna watched out, dJdn'1 pout and clidn'I pout. • IN THE CLASSROOM 1s a weekly fea1ure in which Daily Pilot education wrrter Marisa O'Neil visits a campus m 1he Newpon-Mesa area and wntes about her experience. SCHOOLS LIST Kiltybroob l<.·5 Beedl Newport ~hU 1(.-6 Main phone: 19491515-0980 Main phone: (9491515-6985 Principal: U!uren Medve 3155 l(lltybrooke Lane. Costa Princlpet: Pt1m Coughlin 300 E. 15th St., Newport Boadl Anendance: (9491515 6985 Main phone. (9491515-6945 Mesa Main phone: (949) 61&-6900 Principet: Judith Chamber• Ree 4-6 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Princlpel. l<..athy Sandlet Main phone: (949) 51~70 601 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa Whlttlef l<.·3 Harbor View I(. 6 Main phone. (7141424 7945 Newport Coast K-6 Attendance. (949) 615-6872 Principal: Ken Killian 1800 N. Whittier Ave . Costa INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS 900 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del 6665 Ridge Park Road, Newpon Main phone: (9491515-6905 Meaa En~~7-8 Mar IJnootn K-6 Coast ~1(.-J Attenct.nce: (9491 515-6836 Pri0C1pal Sharon Blakely 2000 Cliff Orive, Newpon Beadl Pnnc1iuil· Mell1ss1a Christensen 3101 Pacific View 011vc. Corona Prtncipel Monique 1080 Peutarino Ave .. Costa Main phone· 19491515 6990 Principal: Edward llVong Main phone. (9'91515-6940 del Mar VanleeBroeck Mesa Sonon l(.J Main phone: (949) 515-6910 Pripcliuil: Barbara Main phone: (9491615-6976 Principal: John Sanders • Sonora. Costa Mesa Wiison 1(..5 Attendance· (9491515-3342 KalMf J-6 Rothman-Hadclodl Main phone: (714) "2'-7950 PTlnclpet: Christine Anderaon 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa 2130 Santa Ana Ave , Costa Main phone: (9491515-6955 Newport e.m.m.y K-8 Attendance: (714142""4742 Main phone: (7141424-7955 Principal: Candy Sperling T•Wlnkle6-8 Meta Attendance: (9491 515-6808 14th Street and Balboa Main phono: (9491 515·6995 3224 California St. Coata Mesa Principal· St&C)'oHolmes Boulevard, Newport 8eadl ,.,_K-3 Vk:CoN K-5 Principal: Jeff Gall Main phone: 19491 515-6950 Merin«'S K ~ Principe!: DenlM KnutMn 2061 Pomona Ave., c:o.t. Mau 1025 Victoria Sl, Costa Mesa Woodlend l<.·2 Main phone: (714142'-7965 Attendance: (!M9) 515-6852 2100 M1rul8fa Drive, Newpon Main phone: (9491516-6965 Principal: Julie McCormidc Prtncipal: Judy Laakao 2026 Garden Lano. Coata Moea Attendance: (7141 424-5692 Daily A Pilot Mm AoblMon POSTMASTER: Send eddreH SURF AND SUN Politics. butlneu end environment dlengee to The Newport repon.r, CIM9) 7644130 BeacM:ott. Mau Deity Pilot, P.O. alicia.robllWOfltlllJtimac:om Boie 1660, Cotta M .... CA 92626. WEATHER FORECAST SURF U.Pilft9 Copyright No newt stone.. Newt 8'Siltenc. (948) ~ ilhntratlone. editortal matter or luit.peNtllSlnw.com advertlMmenta hentln can be tt'll be mostly cloudy today, The next northwest swell VOL 97, NO. 357 PHOT'OOR.vt4ER8 reproduced without written with a 20% cha~ of rain In will arrive today and start TltOMAS H. JOHNSON S.....McOri M8ft C. Du«ln, Oon l..Nctl, permission of copyright owner. the afternoon. The wind• will filling in the surf with chest· to Publlaher Photo Editof, Kant Tl"flSlCOW be light through the evening. shouldeffilgh waves. TOHYOODEAO (949) 764-4358 HOW TO REAQt US The highs will be from 64 to 70 On Wednesday, the · Editor Mlt\09.mcaranktllatirr-.oom READfA8 HOT\JNE ~ JUrY'I OETTlNO Joee J. 8aMoe (IM91 &U-eoe6 The Tlmee Or8nge County degrees. northw81t will Increase for AdVGrtl•a Oirector An Director I News D116t Chief, Record your commenu about the (800) 252.11•1 At night. It won't be quite 90 head·hlgh and overhead surf at LANA NSON UM9157'-"1224 Deily Piiot or news tips. Mfeettell19 cloudy. The Iowa will be from many ~st-facing breaks. The Promotion• Director }otM.NnfOIJOlatirr-.com ~ a 11lfled (9491842·5878 43 to 61. waves will be •bout the same News f.dlD'I Our eddrea Is 330 W. Bay St., Coftll Dfilipl9y (9491662-41321 lnfonnatlon: on Christmas Dey, but the EomNOSTAFf Gine Alexander, Lori Anclerlot1. Meu. CA 92t27. Of'lk» hours 81'9 EIMIMtel 8.J.Cehn OerMI Hunt, P.ul Saitowitr. Monday · Friday, 8:30 1.m. · 6 p.m. Newe • www.nws.noaa.gov weather ls In question. On Managing Editor, Daniel Stevene ~ (948) &U·l5880 Friday, before the latMt (949) 67<6-4233 NEWllTAff It la the Piion pollc:y to pn>mptly lpofta llMll 574-023 BOATING FORECAST northwe.t hn bedled off, s./ Cllhntl latltnAoom ~all enora of .utiet.nce. Newe .... 1149164&-4170 •nother nonhweet wHI arrive. o.....~ o...,.-... PleeM call 19491 7&4-4324. lpoftar..(149)~170 The winds will be fight on -..que1ey: ~Edit« Crime and couns reporter, !IM9 l&M32• (949)~ E.rMI: dllllypllot•latl,.,,...oom the Inner waters. out of the www . .utfHc:Mr.0tp ~(JOUleftllflfJrr-.com '*l».bhM9tlttl"1tltlw&oom fV1 Mellll Olloe nofthent to Nit In the The Newport a..cM:c»tl Mela .. ,,_ Ollle (t49) 8'2-4321 NcfWl'dDunn June Cl I I ..... o.::y. Piiot (USPS-144-800) II .. ...... ,_ (149) 831·7128 morning and out of the TIDES ~11poru Editor, N9wpoft 8Mdl ~. pu lthed deity. In NewPoft 8Md't Pubhhed by Tlme1 Community IOU1hwest In the lft9moon I nd nm. 1148) 674-4223 through the night The waves ~ rldl¥tLdunlltllMlm-.oom !Ml~ Ind eo.ta MtM, IUblcrlpdonl .,.. N9w9, 1 dlvlllon of the Loi Angelee 1:66a.m . 1.99fwtlow ........... Junac:wgr.ldlttr~ r1eltable only by IUblarlbing to TM nm. . Wffl be 2 feet or am1ller on a AlllNr'lt City Edttor. ~......,_ Tlm.,Orange County (IOOI WMt IW9Ct of 6 to 7 feet. 8:18a.m . l24fwthlgh (IM8) 57tM288 CON Meal reponer, <Ml ~1 2&2·1141. tn .,.... oullldt of BM F1rther out. WMt wlnda wlH 3:41 J>.m . • 1.84 fMt low mh......,.,,, • .,,_,oom dlinhtlMlnlln·~ NMpoft hldl Ind eo.ta Meta, be from 10to 16knota. TM 10:16p.m . 3.85 fMt high .t.°"9...,. ...... O'IW *'::::':"to the Dllfv Pltot .... waves will be 2 fwt or 1maller Fotvrn'= editor, cotumnltt. eve~ontv ~ flm cl• mtll for ll ~ Edumtlon rtportiw, Ml PM2el S30:: month. Pl'tcee lndude ... Cll003 T1me1 CN. M rightl on a~ tw9fl from 6 to WATER TEMPERATURE loHU.,,.,,,.,.""'"'-'com nNriMt..onlltl~ ~--loeel mi..) ~ 7 Mt. night. the lwell will be waetertv from e to a feet. 67degl'MI Dally Pilot QUIETER THAN THE LIBRARY Assembly race in, court Newport candidate Marianne Zippi's ballot statement criticizing 'good old boys' is cha llenged. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPOHT-MESA -A baJlot sratement by 70th A..sembly District candidare Marianne Zippi !hat refer .. to Republican "good old boy!> n has become the subject of a court battle that will re!>ume next week. Zippi !>ays the challenge 10 her baJlot 5tatement is an af- front to her free-speech rights. But attorney Bmce Peo11er. representing plaintiff Scott Moody. said hi!! cHen1 chal lenged Zippi's ballot statement because ii violates state elec- tions Jaw. Candidates for the state Leg- islature who choose to observe spending limits can purchai.e space to have their 2!10-woid sratements included in -,ample ballots. By law. the tatemenrs may not refer to the candidate's opponents. Zippi's sratement begins. "If you are tired of the 'good old boys' and 'insiders' choosing who runs for State A'lc;embly (they tried to stop me) or think it's wrong for the wealthy person to buy the office, or think there are already too many lawyer' in politics. 1hen vote for me." That srntement violates the prohibition again-.1 mentioning other candidate!. and the state- ment o;hould be changed or the BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Tree pickup set for two weeks after Olristmas Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. along with other cities in Orange County. offer curbside pickup of Ouistmas trees for the two weeks after Olristmas Oay at no additional charge. Just make sure there are no lights or ornaments still attached and no plastic water bowl or metal tree stand fas tened to the base, officials said. A wooden cross secured with a nail is ac- ceptable. Trees taller than six feet should be cut in half for easier handling. All cree will be recy· cled with the exception of flocked trees. which cannot be recycled. Requirements are slightly dJ(. ferent in Newport Beach. Beginning on Dec. 27, Ouist- mas trees will be collected with regular trash in the city. Trees must be cut into pieces no longer than fo ur feet. bun· died with string and set next to containen on regular refuse coJ- lection day. Stands and metal pieces must be removed. No matter wtiat you·ra doing, your hometown newspaper ~Daily Pilot !>ertiom. in question !>hould be re· moved. Peotter '>aid. "ShC'0S refer- ring to Ornck f>eVore, Cristi Lristich and Marianne Zipp1 Oon Wagner ... Peoucr said. DeVorc has been caJlcd a po- liticaJ insider because he's a member of the county's Repub- lican Central Commiltee, and Wagner is the only artorney in the race. Peoller 1>aid. "Those are direct reference~ to each of her opponents. and that is illegal," he said. Rut Zippi said she followed the rules for ballot statements and didn"t menrion any names. "I'm just referring to the poli- ticians who are our there mak- ing choices about who's going lo run and 1hrowing support one way or the other." she said. The parties argued the issue before Commissioner Eleanor Palk in Orange County Superiur Court on Friday a.11d again Mon day, when a further hearing w.u. scheduled for Dec. 30. The issue has another layer. nw deadline to file the chal- lenge to the baJlor statement was Dec. 16. but Moody's chal- lenge wao; filed l,Her than that. according to the Orange County Registrar of Voter ... The Rcgi'>trar of Voters op· posed tlw challenge becaui.P it wa n't fiJed in a timely manner. Orange County Deputy Counsel Leon Page said. Palk. has not yet made a decision on 1hat is-.ue, Page said. Collection will continue until Jan. 10. For more information. call the generaJ ~ervices depart· ment from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at (949) 644-3055. For more inlnrmation about recycling. check the county of Orange Integrated Waste Man- agement Department's Web sire at littp://odandfills.com for the name and telephone number for each city's recycling coordinator. Transportation authority OKs Centerline money The board of directors for ll1e Peotter said the objection was fiJed Dec. 17, and he believes the deadline to .fil e it was the next day. Dec. 18. 7Jppi ..aid the '>ituation is an example of how candidates such as herself who aren'1 anointed by Republican leader· ship have a hard lime running for office. "It's 10 diminbh my candi- dacy. n she said of the challC'nge to her ballot siaternent. "I con- sider it a continuing harassment by !Orange County Hcpublican Party Olairmanl Tom Fuenll"• ... His name is not 011 Jn~1h111g, but aJI the people cu11m·l.'tetl 111 him are part of thi'> ... 7Jppi said 1ha1 Fuente~ 111nJ to discourage hN from running for lhe 70th d1:.trict 'eat and tha1 he said DeVore or Wagner iohoul d run instead. Fuentes denied knowing any- thing about lhe halJor sratement chaJJenge and added thar. a<, a Republican party officiaJ. he plays no role in races before the primary. "rhis i:. the first 11me I have heard of such a chaJlenge. and I h<tve never heard of Mr. Moody," t=uente~ said Monday. While he did taJlc to Zippi about her candidacy, Fuentes said, he didn't expres~ support for OeVore or Wagner. "I made no expre~ion of preference whatl>oever." Fuen- te!. .,aid. "When she asked my advice as to whether she should or shouJd nor run. it was just af· rer '>he had 10~1 her bid for 1he Newport 8each City Council by :.uch a large margin and had run so unsuccessfully as a candi- date." Orange County Trani.portation Authority have approved spending $8.3 million to pro- vide extended preliminary en- gineering and consultant sup- port services on the CenterLine project. During thjs extended phase, consultants will work on ad- vancing the design and refining the proJect scope and cost esti- mates. Preliminary engineering on the Jig.ht rail system, which is planned to run from Santa Ana to John Wayne Airport through Costa Mesa. is scheduled to be complete early next year. Linda Ronnow of Corona del Mar studies for her upcoming real estate broker's exam on an empty Main Beach m Corona del Mar in the afternoon. MARK C. DUSTIN I OAILYPILOT ruesday, Oecembef 23. 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks •Seafood •Cocktails ... Qua.Ill}' Servi«' .. ••'Nightly Entertainment"''' I #lf' H r:lil'I l "l'lll&JIH I ·"' (<>4lJ) (,1•6-7'H4 'h'-)'\ Ii "'int..·"''-~ .. ( o'b• f\:h.·'·' IJoRtu' ,, •r-t••tt \I •N \•If.,.., ' UI • ll.1• ,, "P'"" •I t 411 TUE COMP4NV 401(K) PLAN WHEN YOU ARE THE COMPANY. CALL FOR OUR ONE-PERSON 401(K) GUIDE. Yo u have your own company with no employees. Now you can have your own 401 (k). A one-person 401(k) provides you with the same benefits enjoyed by millions o f company employees. Business owners are permitted to make profit-sharing contr ibutions of 25% of compensation plus a S 12,000 salary deferral cont ribution-S 14,000 if you're 50 or above. If you have a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship or n on- profit entity, our free guide will show you your 401 (k) options. You'll learn: a How contributions may be higher than o ther retirement plans • The benefits of tax-deductible contributions and tax-deferred growth a A range of self-d irected investment options Call (949) 717-5300 or (800) 468-3352 for your free guide 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ' THIS IS WHO WE ARE. THIS IS HOW WE EARN IT.~ SMITH~ c1t1grous)t Sm1rh Barney does nor otter laA or legal aciv1ce Pll'ase conw11 yotJI 1a~1ega1 adv1so1 for such guidance A pahcy change may tll(u• lees dn com. and may also require a med1car ex.im1natt0n C>2003 C1119roup Global Markets Inc Member SIPC Smith Barney is a d1v1s100 and 5el'l•Ct mar~ ol C 111grovp Glob.II Marlo:ea Inc and 11s aff1ha1es and 15 used and rf91St"ed throughout the world C 11 IGROUP and ll'le umbrella Dl''"" a•P r•a<lemar~ sand st1vice marks ol C111co•p 0t •ts af1·hates and are used and ltQ•stered 1hrooghou1 lhe world CELEBRATE ON THE BAY. THIS NEW YE AR 1 S HOLIDA Y. Bogart courted Bac ctll hNc and you can almost envision them twirling around the dclnce fl oor. Now you too can celebrate 1n style al rh e New Year's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom. En1oy a spectacular five course fea!>t, dance the night away to lay Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra then todst with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. O nly at the Host of the Cods!. S250 per person inclusive. Overnight stay and kids packages available. For inforrni!lion and reservations call 9 49 630· '? 3ZP4uk !8~ ~~If PdOJt»rl \ 12 21 West Coast Highway I Nt>wport Beach I California 92661 949 645-5000 I Fax : 949 630-4215 I www.balbollbayclub.com M T~. ~ 23. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS 14 arrested during checkpoint patrol Fowteen motorlsta were arrested on suspicion of driving under the lnflu- ence at a sobriety check- point set up Frid1:ty by the Costa Mesa Police Depart· ment, officials said. Nearly 4,000 mo1orists drove through the checlC- polnl on the northbound Ide of Newpon Boulevard at Aower Su;:et, and police POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Harbor Boulewrd: Petty theft was reported In the 3000 blodt at t ;41 a .m. Sunday. • Bristol Street: A vehlcle burglary w .. reported In the 2900 blodt at &: 17 a.m Sunday. • PlaMntt4I Avenue and Wll9on ltl'Mt: A traffic ecddent Involving injuries was reported at 12:68 p.m. Sunday. • Vlc1otta &trMt POH..-ion of drugs was reported in the 700 blodt at 6:03 p.m. Sunday. • Eut 11th Strfft and N.wpoft Boulevard: A traffic accldenl involving Injuries was re.ported at 2:41 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • Eut Bey Avenue: A home burglary was reported ln the RAPE Continued from Al Gregory Haidl, son of Assistant Sheriff Don Haldi, filed several motions. including those alleg- ing "outrageous prosecutorial misconduct.· On Monday, Judge Fr.mdsco Briseno denied a motion to sup- press a et:ntml piece of evidence slopped 1t11d screened 385 • drivers. Friday's cbeclcpolnt was conducted in collabora· tJon with the CalJf ornia Highway Patrol and volun- teers from Mothers Against Drunk Dr1ving. On Dec. 12. 10 DUI en- forcement 1eams patrolled the cJty as part of a special operatJon and arresled l 2 drivers. This was a jolnt ef- fort by Costa Mesa and CHP officers. A second sobriety chectpolnl is scheduled for Jan. 3 on West 19th Street at Meyer Place. 100 blodt at 2:06 p.m Sunday. • Beyslde Drive: A boat burglary w111 reported In the 1300 bl<><* at 12:36 p.m. Sunday. • £astbtuff Drive: Petty the~ wasreportedlnthe2500 blodt at 11 :08 a.m. Sunday. • Evemng C.nyon Rotld: Vandalism waa reported In the 300 blodt at 10 a.m. Sunday. • Mer vi.t. Drive: An auto theft was reported in the 2000 bl<><* at 1 :39 p.m. Sunday . •~rt Cen~ Ortw Eat A commercial burglary was reported in the 100 block at 5:33 e.m. Sunday. •River Avenue: A burglary was reported in the 5300 block at 3:57 a.m. Sunday. • 16th Sttfft: A vehicle burglary was reported in the t900 block at 8:31 a.m. Sunday. in the case -a 20·minute video allegedly made by Greg Haidl and the other defendants. Kyle Nachreiner and Keith Spann. tha1 captures the incident in lu· rid detail The defense had filed the mo· uon saymg that the tape had been stolen by the defendants' acquaintance and handed over inappropriately 10 a Pasadena pohce officer. But Briseno denied the mo· Storewide Clearance 30 to 75 °/o Off ---Sale Starts Now--- 369 E. 17th St 121, Com Mesa (949) 642-5459 • Fire department loses 'huge part' of team Capt. Randy Scheerer. a training chief and a former Firefighter of the Year. dies of a heart attack, leaving a wife and two children. Deep• Bhar1th Da1tyPilot huge pan of the ftre aervtce. not only here in this NEWPORT BEACH -Randy dty, but all <Nt:1 Scbeere(s life revolved around CalilomJa. • teaching. Scheerer was The Newport Beach Fire De· pan of training paronent captain and training programs de- chief devrited the later years of · vised by the his career passing on bis knowl-Ran<fy Califomta Fire edge and experience tQ younger Scheerer· Chiefs~ and firefighters. who looked up to . the state ftre him as their mentor and role marshal's of6ce. He taught fire model. ' tta1ning classes at Rancho San- Now. all those firefighters have tiago College for about 20 years. left is a huge void that cannot be •HJa demlae has put a hole ln easily filled. every project and program be Scheerei died Saturday mom· wu a part or,• Riley said. ing ln his Mission Viejo home of Scheerer'• work was a big part a heart attack. He was 53. of his life, he saJd. The entire department Is in ·He easily worked 60 to 70 "deep shock." Chief Tun Riley hows a week.· Riley said. "And 'laid. he loved every single minute of "We're all resting on our heels it· here: he said. "Randy was a Scheerer started his career as a ftreaghter In Merced, Calif. He }olned the Newport Beach Ftre Department in 1975 and alnce then bas 9eM!d u ftteftgbter, ~ ~ fire captain. battalion chief and ttalning division chief. He wu selected u Firet\ghter of the Year ln 1983. Oeapite his busy work life. he always set uide quality time for bis wife, Marilyn, and children Usa and Mark. said Capt Dave Bowman, his friend and col· league for 29 years. •He always took the dme for hJs family.• he said. "'rbey always did what they did. went on vaca· dons even If they were, some- times, short." Scheerer was also a "very com· mitted Ouistian • and active in his church, Bowman said. "He led the men's Bible study group and worked hard to de· velop a computer networlc: sys- tem for Calvary Olapel Qui.st.Ian High School.• Bowman said . As a person, Scheerer was honest and "very frank.· Bow· man said. FV1 A memorlal Nrvlce for R1ndy SehMrtr Is ICheduled for 11 1.m. Mondly at th• C•lv•ry Chapel of Coeta M•u, at 3100 S. Fairview Roed In Santa Ana. The vlewlng will be on Sundey at Pacific View Memorial Park In Corona del Mar. from 2 to 3 p.m. tor famlly and friends and from 3 to 5 p.m. for the public. •He always let you know when be thought you were doing sometblng good," he said. "But if you needed to be corrected or critJcized. he never. hesitated 10 do that He was a very loyaJ and good friend.· Scheerer developed programs not only for the fire department but for the lifeguards. Newport Beach Ufeguard Capt Eric Bauer said. "He made the lifeguards feel like we are a part of the fire fam- ily," he said. "He didn't finish what he started to do, but the thlnS>' he has done for us will live on long after our time." Masked guntnen rob two Costa Mesa motels Incidents are similar to two in Santa Ana and another in· Irvine, officials say. DHP• Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Masked gunmen, who robbed two local motels on Sunday night. are be- lieved 10 have been responsible for three similar heists in Orange County. officials said. The two robberies in Costa Mesa occurred within 20 min- tion. saying that the defense at· tomeys did not have ~enough facts" about how the tape was taken and given lo officials. But the judge also said that the de· fense could refile that motion if they got more information. The judge decided to leave the mo tion alleging proserutorial misconduct on the part of depu· ty district attorneys Jana Hoff- mann and Camille Hill pendlng because neither of them are still invol~ ln the case. Hoffinann, who was originally prosecuting the case, is on maternity leave. Hill is not one of the trial attor· neys in the case. The defense argued tha1 HiU be taken off !he case because she interfered with defense at· tomeys· access 10 their client and personally instructed a cru- cial wirness not to speak with or answer any questions posed by defense anomeys. Cav-dllo argued on Monday tha1 Hoffmann had illegally ob- tained an order lo prevent the victim frtl m gi\r\ng a deposition ln a civil case 6Jed by Greg Haid.l's mother in a San Bernar- dino court Deputy Dist. Atty. Brian Gur- witz saJd Hoffmann had "made a legal «.>rror· that wai. rectified when the 1udge who had w ued the order struck it. "We don't beUeve there was m isconduct,· he srud. JEWELRY Continued from Al Newpon Beach police said. Police responded to a burgfar alann that went off at Robin- sons-May at about 4:40 a.m. on Sunday, Sgt. Steve Shulman said. "The suspects had already been al the store and had left with 1he merchandise by the tlme the police arrived,~ he sa.ld. Officers got there within ~n minutes of the alann being acti- vated, Shulman said. TI1e burglars, who escaped with SS00,000 to $600,000 wonh of fine Jewelry, were caught on the store'• surveillance vfdeo- lape. Shulman said "They smashed several jewelry cases but couldn't break thtnn because the glass was resistant.· he said. The burgtars. however, wete able 10 remove the jewelry by prying open the back of the cases. Shulman said utes of each other, Costa Mesa Police Le Dale Birney said. The firs t of 1he two robberies happened a llttJe after 8:30 p.m. Sunday at 1he Holiday Inn Ex- press in the 2000 block of New- port Boulevard, he said. Two men wearing ski masks and arm ed with handguns barged into the ho1el's lobby and demanded money from the desk clerk. Birney said. "The clerk ha nded them the m oney. and they ran out tbe door.· he said. The second robbery, which happened a few minutes before 9 p.m. at the Country Inn In the Cavallo called Hoffmaon's conduct "malicious." "I loffmann is an experienced lawyer,· he said. "She knows what she is doing. TI1is was Jana I loffmann at her best invuking herself In a civil case where she had no business.· Cavallo 6Jed another motion on Monday asking that the judge take the Orange County distriC1 anomey's office off the case and refer it to !he state attorney gen- eral's office. The motion characterizes Orange County Disl. Atty. Tony Rackauckas as a "poUticaJ op· portunist" who overcharged Greg HaldJ because he wants 10 show voters that he can pros- ecute the son of Don I laidJ, a high-ranking official, who do· nated money for Rackauclcas' campaign. The motion also stales that Greg HaidJ has been "singled out for harsh treatment" so that "the District Anomey, who has been accused of corruption and mis- conduct in office, can appear in a high profile case to be a suong prosecutor who is tough on sex crimes and achieve a level of re· demption he needs in order to ensure his own political sur· viva!." Deputy Dist. Atty. Susan Schroeder said the motions 6Jed by Greg Haidl's defense team are "frivolous.· 300 block of South East Bristol Street. was almost iden1ical. Birney said. The amount of money 1aken was not wsclosed. No one was hurt in either of Lhe incidents. and no shots were fired, he said. Officials reported two similar incidents in Santa Ana and one In Irvine. Birney said. "We don't know the circum· 1'.tances of the robberies in the other cities.· he said. "But the ones in our city seem very simi- lar." In both Cosla Mesa inci- dents, one of the men was "It's only defense attorneys for one defendant who seem to be filing all these motions when there are three defendants in- volved in this case.· she said. Schroeder said that the district attorney had checked out the "conflic1 of interest" issue now being raised by defense attor- neys. "We had checked with the at- 1omey general's office when we got the case if there was a con· llict of Interest." she said. "And (the attorney generaJI had said there was no conOkt although Don Haldi was a donor and a supporter of the Rackauckas campaign." Schroeder said Greg Haidl is "being treated exactly like hJs co- defendants and other defend- ants who are charged with such crimes." "The~ motions are nothing but an attempt 10 talce the atten- tion from the case and the vio- lent nature of the crime," she said. "We're looking forward to talting thls case to trial and get- ting justice for a 16-year-old girl who was disrespected and vi o- lated." The district auomey an- nounced Monday that his office would investigate an Oct 26 in- cident In whjch Orange County sheriff's deputies reportedly gave Greg Ha.id! preferential treat· ment. not booking him for drug wearing a black sweatshirt and the other was wearing a red jacket, Birney said. It is not unusual 10 find rob· bers targeting specific locations such as banks or hotels. he said. "They'll stick lo that kind of an establishment for whatever reason," Birney said. "These type of incidents don't happen often in our cities, but from lime 10 time, we do see a series of such similar incidents." Anyone with information is asked 10 call the Costa Mesa Police Department al (7 14) 754· 5281. 'We're looking forward to taking this case to trial and getting justice for a 16-year-old girl who was disrespected and violated: Susan Schroeder Deputy district attorney possession after they fOWld him and two other friends in posses- sion of marijuana. Rackauckas also said in a press release that the Sheriffs Depanment is going 10 stop its internal investigation on the matter until his office has re- viewed the issue. Last week. Briseno threw out inlliction of great bodily injury and use of a deadly weapon charges -both enhancements -against Greg Haidl and Na- chreiner ruling out the possibil- ity of life sentences. They now face 55 years and four months in prison if convicted. The next hearing is scheduled for Monday at the Central Justice Center in Santa Ana. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety end courts. She may be reactied el (94S) 574-4226 or by e-meilat deepa.bharath@larimas.com The burglars ~re seen on PHOTO COURTtSY or nt: NEWPOAr ~POLICE DEPARTMENT camera wearing darlc-color ski lty .~.......... R-:... tn.aW with cut outs ror the eya Two t>Yrg1ars were caught on secur ·~at the uu1usons-May at Fashion lstand. and mouth, be said. "We've attn two of them on alarm wu routed through a came,._· Shulman aaJd. ·euc monitoring company. that d0e8n't mean there weren't •So the caD gc>es to them ftnt more: before lt com.• to us; he said. They were alao aeen wtarlnl •0ur response would have been dm-a>k>r tweac.htrt.a and dirt s:num ra.ter tt the caD had come pents, Shulman Mid to \It ftrlt. .. •0ne ot the IUlptCU wore 1 Rk:k)' Lee. a Mittman at hooded IWMbhltt dud bed Witt• Wmb Woa1c:l lnternAUonaJ in lng ltence.d 00 the hoc. bul -ff/ Palhlor:l llllnd. saMt SUnday\ ln· MYen't detmnined wblal dw a · ddenc II a cawe for concem. act~ were.· be .ad. -n IDlbt me tlQd o1......, • Shulman ... cbe .,........ llild LIJlt, who .. WOlbd at cbe store (or a year now. "You th.Ink secwity " reeJ)y f:Wlt a.round here. Jt feels kind ot weird to heu that this happened." He aald he b.ad not b~ abou1 any lnddmtl after the one ln January 2001 In which tlwe masked men &hot a teCW'lty guard at Tradition.al JeM1m a.t- ter & toUed robbety attempt and • flen:e gun battle wtth olndalt. Robbol•Msr bu an- nounced 1 SlO,OOO NWUd for In- • ~IHAMTH ~ DUbllc aeMv and COUtU. She ,,,.., be rNCNd at (Ml) 574-U29 Of bv .-f'l\tll at ~,,,.,,.,,, ...... com. PACIFIC Continued from Al along with a percentage based on attendance, Instead of guar- anteeing the entire amount "It reduces the falr'a potential exposure in the event we have a show U¥t's nQl well attended," Barbaro said. ThJs new pay scheme also en- tices performers to engage in more promotion of their con- cens to boost attendance, Bea- zley said. In addidon, the board ap- proved a new level of pdclng for some 'of the side terrace seats. TREE Continued from Al she sees lying around and giving them to 't'oung. •She is very talented -I'm not. H Nattrass said. Both women also have tons of eyedrop bottles, they said, since they've both had cataracts removed "You might as well make something out of il, H Nattrass said. Young also gets a lot of the pans for her ornaments from her ophthalmologist When she told him about her hobby, he gave her even more eye-drop bottles, Nattrass said Young's ornaments sJt on a small tree on a table next to her front window. One's fashioned out of a vanilla flavoring bottle with little balls of tinfoil for hands and legs, while another, which looks like an elf, has a bottle for a body and nails for arms. Another is made from a spacer that's u.sed in paclcaging ornaments. Young thought it looked lik.e a birdcage. so she put a little ceramic bird in it and added it to the tree. 1Wo clothespins glued together with a red ball of felt are magically transformed into a reindeer. Snowmen have bottles for bodies and pipe cleaners for arms. One of the most creative is a creature composed of a plastic room deodoriur on the bottom and the dispenser nozzle of a VERDICT C'Ohtfrtt1ed from Al had to go in the upper cabinets. In the morning, if I didn't get up at what she deemed a suitable time for breakfast, she'd trot into the bedroom and bat me with her paw until I got out of bed. When her food was put out, she didn't inhale it, but it disappeared as soon as it hit the bowl. Unfortunately, her appetite was her demise. Al Halloween. she got her teeth on a bag of miniarure Milky Ways intended for trick-or-treaters and ate the entire bag, wrappers and all. I took her to the vet, but the combination of all that AROUND TOWN • ~nd AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contac1 phone number. TODAY The &wlronmentlll NR.ire c.rwter will present a holiday craft workahop In which participants can create their own apeclal holiday 1eaaon gifts for family and friende using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The COit is $140 per atudent with a 10% dilCOUnt for membera. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 646-8489. WEDNESDAY The E~oomental Nsture c.rwter will preeent a holiday craft worbhop In whlc::h pertlclpanta can creet• their own apeclal h~ aeeaon gifts for f1mlly •nd frlendt from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The ooet 11 $140 per etudent with e 1°" dlacouirt for membera. There wttt be a $25 m.terlals fee. lnformltlon: (949) 846 8489. FRl>AY 11le Emtrot.,,... ,...,...~ wUI preeent a holktr( cnft worQhop In whldl ptrtldpanta can creet• their own apeclat holiday .-on glfta for f1ml1V and frilndl from t 1.m. 3 p.m. The ooet ii 1140 per atudent with which will be 35" lower than the rut or the terrace. •Tbey're good leab, • Barbaro said. "There's not a bad aeat ln thehouee." Another way fairgoera will benefit from the cbangee la on opening night. All amphitheater seats wm ooat $15 and lnclude fair admiJllon. Board members also reduced the prlc;e of the fair by $2 a day If a concert ticket Is bought for that eve- ning. The fair board is trying 10 lure big-name acts rivaling those it lured for thJs year's fair. It Is considering acts su ch as Jour- ney, REO Speedwagon and Jaclc- son Browne. The amphitheater will alto be settlnl another m.Ueover - this one lndudes $4 mUllon worth of Improvements to ex- pand the atqe and for other upgrades, 1uch as rehearsal space and dressing rooma. Con- &truction on the Improvements will probably start next fall and are expected to be fln1abed by May 2005, Barbaro said. Next year, the amphitheater will host a more diverse offerlng than just fair concerts. Orange Coast College and Vanguard University will hold their graduations there. In June, Opera Paclfic will stage a free concert under the stars, part of the falr's effort to introduce op- era to the maqes, Beazley said. And In Augult, Opera Paciflc wt1l put on a tun opera -"The Pirates of Penzance" -for a two•week run. Board members ate also woo- ing big-name musicians such u Bric Oapton and Elton John, Barbaro said. "Pacific Amphitheatre ls con- sJdered the best, so we're tryin§ to relfily start to utilize It again, Barbaro said. "It's an asset that hu lain dormant 100 long. We ate going to rock 'n' roll." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa MeH. She mav be reached at l949) 574-4221 or by e·mall at delrdre.newn111n@latimBB.com. DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Tuesday, Oecembtf 23. 2003 A5 • 1617 WESTCLIFF ORNE 949-548-4060 NEWPORT BEA C H Marie Young holds a snowman she made frem Styrofoam and pipe cleaners. whipped cream bottle on the top. In between are two round heads. ~Whatever I f~el like putting on it," Young said . Most of the ornaments on her tree this year have been made recently, she said. •· 1 had other stuff last year, but really got busy and made all these things in the last year-and-a-half," Young said. Young is used 10 working with her hands. Her career was chocolate and plastic was deadly, and she never made it home. That was two months ago, and the house has been a pretty empty place slnce. Talking to the air Isn't nearly as satisfying as talldng to an Intelligent pair of brown eyes, so I began to search for a new dog. I was thinking along the lines of a Great Dane or a bloodhound. My bossy daughter nixed those ideas, reminding me of my misadventures a few years ago with a Labrador relrlever. She was pushing for a poodle. Somehow. I just couldn't see myself walldng down the street with a prancing little poodle. Besides. there was the language barrier. I'm preny much stuclc: after • parlez. llOUS." Then, two days ago, she came a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. MONDAY Th• P9tiet and Mary Muth Interpretive Center wlll host an event that will let vlsitora see and touch different kinds of insects and to understand how the legs of different insects do different jobs from 11 a.m. to noon at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. printing and repairing circuits. In her bedroom is a magnificent table of rejected circuits made of platinum and gold. In addition to ornaments, she also makes quilt$ for her growing brood of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She has 11 of the former and one of the Ian er, Young also makes beautiful bowls to place on the mantel out of old Christmas cards. She cuts in and announced, "I think I've found a dog." "What is itr I asked suspiciously. ·A Pomeranian, a Peldnese?" HA longhalred dachshund," she said. I had never heard of such a thing, so I consulted the Ultimate Dog Book. Whal a noble-loo kil18 animal was the long-haired dachshund, so off we went to the lrvine Animal Shelter. We got to pen No. 4, and there he was, a valiant little beast with chestnut-c0lored locks. This was a dog to walk with, but I did have one concern. Leaning down, I said, "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?" His brows furrowed and his tail wagged uncertainly. The cost will be $10 for each child 5 and older. Information: (949) 923-2295. JAN.10 Th.,. wlll be • Computer Fair et the Orange County fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In Bulldlng No. lO at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $6 for adults; children 10 and younger get In for free. Information: (800) 800-5600. ~· out the pictures from about 18 cards, punches holes around the borders and crochets around each piece with silver and gold thread. Then she sews them together and sprays them with clear lacquer for a professional look. TILO'S EUFlOF'EAN AUTOHAUS • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa. She may be readied at l949l 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.newmsn(a//stimes.com. I tried again. "Do you speak English?" He leaped up and down and gave a bark. And so Rusty came home with me. He's spent the first couple of days becoming familiar with his new digs. but we've had time for a few conversations. Theres a bit of a learning curve. He has a tendency to want to express his own opinfon, and I've had to caution him about that, but he's catching on. LOWEST PRICES ON PRE.OWNED MBZ • BMW • PORSCHE Come Experience a Friendly W1y to Buy a Pre-Owned Eurapein Automobile 200 W. Coast Hwy & Dover • Newport Beach, CA • ROBERT GARDNER is a Corona del Mar reaident and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. 50.2222 :Make a Senio r's .J{o liday Special by 'Donating to tfie: 2nd Annual Senior Gift Chest To benefit homebound seniors and members attending the Costa Mesa Senior Cent.er Please help us make it as successful as last year! Contact Aviva Goelman at 949.645.2356, ext. 16 CosTA MESA SENIOR CENTER 695 West 19th Street Cost.a. Mesa, CA 92627 Photo· f romes On behalf of my &mily ~d ~ and ~employees here at the Daily Pilot, we want to wish you and youn a wonderful, safC and ~apl>i holiday lalOD. ·It truly is a special time ·in our community. The homes ~ decorated with splendor . . . the boau in our harbors rdlect the j0)'0\11 seuon with lights beyond compare. Our shops and centers aR filled with customers ftking did 1"81''• "perfect gift." It just seems that people, friends and stranFrs alike, are &iencllier at this time of JUI'· Yes, living here in thii Woadcifial part of Southern California, we certainly have a lot to · celebrate and be thanldul for. . But as happy and excited 8"llOSt of us are, it's alao that time of the year when some families arc forced to recall the Pain aDd agony that has filled their liycs in recent days and months. It's .a time when we should all pause and take time to remember the young soldiers,. some from our own community, that have given the ultimate sacrifice to allow us all to remain safe in our homeland. It's a time when we should all pause and ~ time to remember the many families here in our own community that don't have the means to celebrate the season. Some, in fact, don't have the means to pay for a roof over their head or put a meal on the table. It's a time when we should all pause and take time to remember the many families fighting the ills of a m~jor disease. Somehow, it seemed easier is young· children when the holidays just meant sharing with family and opening gifts. What is special, though, is the resolve our community has. Our residents, who are kind and giving, not only make their lives better, but also the lives of others around them. For that I'm especially happy1 Yes, the holiday season is upon us. May you all enjoy the celebration and may love abound. Thanks to you -our readers, our critics and our advertisers for allowing us to be a part of · the local scene. Best wishes, Thomas H. Johnson Publisher I Tuesday, Decembef 23, 2003 A7 HOW TO~~ -Lllai9ra: MaiJ to Editorial Page Editor lolite Harper et the Daily Pilot.~ W. Bay St, Costa MMa, CA 92627 • Reeder'S Hotlne: Call (9491642-6086 Fu: Send to (949) ~170 E-tnel:Send to datlypllot@latim•.com •All co~ must Include fuH name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. HOLIDAY TRADITIONS · Celebrating the holidays Newport-Mesa style • EDITOR'S NOTE: We asked our readers to t1:1ll us their favorite holiday traditions. Thank you to all who responded, and we hope the rest of our readers ere busy enjoying their own special customs. Happy holidays. A h , the joys of the holidays. Right after 'll1nnksgiving. we start creating our Ouistmas card. The purpose. according to my children, is to cause them embarrassment throughout the Unit.ed States. I just want somelhing you don't see at the Hallmark store. This year, both objectives were met. as my kids grace the front of our card as sparsely-feathered birds. The fun doesn't stop there. We make hundreds of truffles that put Godiva to shame. This year, my family claimed membership in labor unions I hadn't heard of previously. Is it true that members of the "Spooner's Union" can't be made to roll, dip or package Lruffies? Once the truffies and cookies are made, ii ls lime for our annual spaghetti and cafOling party. (This year was No. 18). We didn't realize that movink the location of the drinks and appetizers would cause such consternation. Having holiday pasta inst;ead of spaghetti noodles caused way too much anxiety, as guests kepi asking where the Mreal noodles" were. 'n1ankfully, we stuck with the Lraditional red and green Jell-0 blocks. As our extended families have grown, we have added a row1d robin game to our festivities. Most families play it with while elephant gifts. Our families demand somelhing good. So. the action begins orlr:e the gifts are piled in Lhe middle of lhe Ooor. READERS RESPOND 1111~8tf'&oagtn last year's t'rt.Utcake as a re-gift, you wrap It in unrecogni.7.able paper and Jook shocked when ii is opened by poor Uncle Moe. If your gif1 contribution contains what you want most, you hide it under the piJc and open it in the back of the room, claiming it is Aunt Oara's popcorn balls. , FILE PHOTO I DAILY Pl.OT A camera catches a southbound car running a red Hght as it enters the intersection of Newport Boulevard at 17th Street half a second late. We end our holidays with a trip out of town the week after Olristmas. Last year, we saw adults dress up and sound like gophers and razorback pigs, smelled the rancid aroma of Jack Daniels' mash and searched for food not swimming in grease. This year, we plan to slip on the sidewalks, b'e fodder for taxi drivers and freeze our tushes off in Times Square. That week trWaY In the dead of winter reminds us of the great weather in Newport-Mesa, and that "there's no place like home." Signal snapshots met with approval GAY GEISER-SANDOVAL Costa Mesa Thank you for letting us share one of our family's holiday traditions. Every Olristmas Eve, my husband, Steve, and I and our two boys. Reed and Marty, attend the final performance of · A Ouistmas Carol" al South Coast Repertory Theatre. It's so wonderful. We wouldn't miss ii, and it really puls us in the Ouistmas spirit. We started attending when the boys were in elementary school, and they are both now in college. This will be our 10th straight yeai. JANET CALLISTER Balboa Island - AT ISSUE: TQe Pilot asked if Costa Mesa's red -light cameras, which have caught about 4,000 violators, were a good idea. Readers' reactions, for the most part, ·are favorab le. T hanks for your article regarding Costa Mesa's red-light cameras. I must admit lhat when they first appeared, I was very enraged that the city would stoop so low as to install the cameras that in my mind were primarily intended to raise city revenues, not decrease traffic offenders. However, it has caused me to pay more attention to the regular occurrences of vehJcles that continue to enter intersections after their Ught has turned red. My wife and I were even struck by another car that ran a red light a few mon ths ago. Since there were no witnesses, we had to foot the $500 deductible for our repair bill Had a traffic camern been installed in that intersecLion, there would be no question who was at fault. This incident and many other close calls have caused me to change my position on this issue. I think our city needs more of lhese cameras to help keep our streets safe from recld~ traffic offenders. BRIAN DEAR Costa Mesa They're an Idea whose time had definitely come. Many a time I've watched people race through intersections and wish . "Oh where's a policeman, where's a policeman?~ If the cameras keep people from running thro\.lgh those intersections, there will be many people who won't be injured and die in these horrible red-ligh1 running accidents. I also would recommend some cameras at the coroners of our neighborhood stop signs - especially around the schools. I watch soccer moms in their wt>an assault vehicles full of children running through the stops and endangering pedestrians, M well as cars coming from side atreets. I wish there were enough police ln lhe Costa Mesa and Newport Beach to get these people, especially In the Newport Helghta area, as they race their chDdreD toward school, b:reakin&IDI~ not setting good exam~r·the' • COMMUNITY COMMENTARY rest of the community. SHARON BOUDREAU Costa Mesa I think these red-lighl cameras are great and necessary - extremely necessary and mandatory. They should be continued and increased. with installation at othec major intersections. As the Dally Pilot pointed out, red-light runners is the cause of some of the most horrible accidents that any of us can imagine. Red-light violations are not j~ corrunon in Newport Beach but all OYer. When I drive, I'm nervous at intersections because of those people. Anyways, hopefully, this is going to reduce the terrible accidents that occur as a result of those fools who run those red lights. M>Lf SCHWALBE Newport Beach · Miracles are all around us even at the hair salon By Sue Clark M y cosmetologist looked offended when I entered Paza7Z hair salon on Saturday. l lhooght it wu because of my lack of a ~r h.t 10 make arapUt-aecond decision whether to bring you a bottle . ct wine for Oui.stmaS or get here on time," I ukl • "Got out of that one." I thought • i~ me, being on time Is the beat gift. .. lhe Ja!d. 'Ind had a lot of holiday clients, all of whom wan~ cuts and color for ~ .,.,uet. She 9&t me dawn in the ..am.. chair and checked my root& She attl looked frrttated. ~she rett J bad gone too long ~. toUdt·up. "James told me It was ftJ'le undJ thia ~/l .ud. James <*on ls the lalleet boy .. my ........... ~to -mycolurjob for me,,_,., few weeks (whether I want tma IO). Hja Mlthetk set"8e it quite ........ for. nwnbtlr of the baketbaD • team. He isn't afraid to make a tough call •Rock:ln' Around the °'1iatmu 'Dee" began to blut throUlh the salon. The coanetolopt looked up at one ol tbe speabn and aoowted.. "I've hem ...... to this Ouistmu tape ... the taat week. It's driving me nuta." ibe •d. "I can understand you'le blilll*'tof that one." I replied. I WU getting tired of It~ ~ the radio, everywhere I' lablly Md been belttng out thlt Lee clll9c undl I wanted to dl&l ... 'Ibid tnndilhld Che UttJe .,._. tbe llllll.ID .,.mt ~ lllJ lflY. "l'f 1111 JOU whll CIDIDel Mil. l ball lbe WbGle horrible thin& mantc>dlsed. .. "OIC." I tald In die tone one._.., ....... bone. She would IOClll lliii9 ac:t.n In ... hind, Ind .......... ~I needed IO be lkOled enotWt to CID bit down. llAiltnadd.-k.. new~ ...... 91.'I b-b-hlwe. b-b-blue <llrtllmM without you.• a 1quelky .ulcea9ed. "Wtwlt thft ~ k th11tf" I thnn"ht I had heard every holiday song ever written. "Js there something wrong with the CD?" ·or coune there's something wrong with It! \bu'nl liatentng to Porky Pig ~.althoughahe bad stm'ted to trim my hair. Never get a cosmetologtat upeet when she is = ldleora. Foolilbly. I cootinued "PUll(y Pigf su.dnK 'Blue Oui8cmal1 They couldn't uee 1!Mar I tried to atop laughing, but continued to )aUlb. She dh.ed. my hied IO ll ..-tUaJght. "Walt ... )IOU bmr m.next one." the room euc1c1en1J IDied with 1he yowll al I c:tlt chonal MIWlng ",ftlWe Bella." ~~~~ to atop...,..._ ·1t~t0memrictome iliitba.L• Mlduehe:_....,•-. emnt curl put JI tofMber WU obviOUlly ~ and f b.¥9 to Uslen to It aU day~• "Wh"I lctNf r;t m1~ rin vn11 tll-""" ' asked. I was still trying to focus her. "You may not have beard of It,· sbe replied tactfully. "It pretty modem . Jt'a called 'emo.'" "So where do you go to hear thLs ..,,. • asked. I always attempt to show her how hip I am. "Not emu. It's 'eJllO.'" Then even Ttad llarted laughing. She was attempdng to explain that type ot mullc when out of the blue, P\'ank SlnatJa bepD warl>Ung •rm l'entn' toct.y, I'm TO:~:~ didn't even..-..· wby ~lbrk. Newlblk" ....... oG • a.t.lmas CD. Jt-was )Ult tUcb • r8Uet AJ PrankMIUfd into "The Lady" E startecl betdng out the 1frtm. have~of~ID• ~ltwould• Dfil~Cc6e attbe Co«ee Bee & a.~ but here,_ in Puml. In "" ....... the mt ol dMI bysfandera all mlniculoUlty knew the lyrk:s Ind Joined In. Would anyone be doftcy enGlJllh to do1hll1 VAt<l fl ,.,... ... "" In +lo\• nl"Yt rhitl,. getting a weave began to sing with me. Her colorist hummed along, grinning. And,wondcrofwonders,aself~assured teenager went so far as to wave her anock"'CCMR!d arms to the beat Pazazz suddenly became infused with holiday warmth. I folt like we were in a 61m. l'bose that weren't singing were laugh1ng (at u.9. but who cared?) The bb:lm CO no longer teemed annoying. My roots were blond again, and both sides of my hair were exactly one inch lhorter, and not unewn. ThM:I aJeo agreed top me the moral support to grow out my banp. "Call me when you feel like cuttins lbesn. and I 'U talk )'OU QUI af lt." lhe ..... a wa • boltday mlrade. and one of mmr that happen dally ln Newpon·Mesa. You just haw to look for dan.. ~hoUdlys. • 80E ClNIC It. Newpot18-d\ l'Mldent end• high~ guldence oounaelor It ,.. ............. ~~,~ ..... -., I . I I . " i· · QUOTE OF THE DAY 11What a great effort ... Ryen CWry, CdM boys basketbd coach M Tuesdly, Decembef' 23, 2003 1poft1 Ec1eor ~Dunn: 1949> 574-4223 • lpoftl Fu: 1949) 6500170 ACADEMY LEAGUE CHAMPIONS MARK C. DUSTIN / DAILY PtLOT The Sage Hill School girts tennis team won the school's first league championship in a girls sPort. going undefeated in th~ Academy league and advancing to the CIF Southern Section DMslon V semifinals. Front Row, fr~ left, Sarah Geoc~ris, Sara Sweeny, Stephanie La~ger, ~alen Andrews, Laura Webb, Jessica Tsoong and Rachel Hey1er. Back Row, from left, Damene Berman, Meredith Hultman, Grace Graham, Annie Levin, Coach A.G. Longoria, Sarah Flynn, Carissa Cummings and Alie Hsu. BOYS BASKETBALL Servite overcomes Seaborn-led Sea Kings CdM senior guard erupts for career-high 40 points, but Friars still prevail. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot Se~El~igh ~ • basketball team had no defensive solution for Corona del Mar senior guard Pancho Seaborn Monday afternoon. But. fortunately for the host Friars. they consistently came up with answers at their offensive end 10 coun1erac1 Sea· bom's 40·polnt performance and claim a 73·63 nonleague win. The 6-fooi-3 Seaborn. a three-year varslry tarter who had averaged 22 poinls his previous three contests and netted 17 lhree·pointers in his previous four games, was all but unstoppable, once he gor lhe ball. He made his last six field -goal auempts, hit eight of his las1 nine and 12 of his last 14. He fin. lshed 14 of 20 from lhe Held (70CJIL), 6 of 10 from three-point range. and a mod- est 6 of 10 from the foul line. He had 19 points at halftime, en route to becoming the first Sea King to reach the .0-poinl pla1eau since Jeff Fryer scored 41 In a 1986 CJF Soulhem Secdon first-round playoff win over El Modena. a whopping 18 seasons and 495 games ago. "What a great effort,• CdM Coach Ryan curry aald of Seabom's outburst. which Included Increased defen.sJve fo- cus the final two quaners. "After he had 19 at halftime, he said, early ln the third quarter. !hey weren't leaving him open,· Cuny said. ·sut I told him he needed to ftnd a way to get open l{ld It was a credit to him. he was able to do so. Our guys alto did a good Job of getting him the ball and be knew what to do wtth It But (h1s ecortngJ just wun't enough.• Servtte Coach Brad Kenney continu· ally asked his zone defenders to stick with Seaborn on the perimeter, ever\ at the experue of creadng openJnp for CdM In the paint ·0ur focus wu on [SeebomJ and we dJd ow beet to try to contain him," Ken· neytald. MHe'11 bell of a player: 1be other lout CdM atartera con- nected on Just JO of 37 tleld·goal ttlet (27'ft), while Servtte (7·S) had n1ne of tu 11 thtee.·pol.ntera In the ftrat and fo\utb periods. The Prian, who k>lt to Cotta MeM. 57·55. Jn the llth·pllce pme of the Anahlim Comendon (.enter tourna· ment Seturdsy, came ouc emtb11 ln the ant ef&ht nllnUUJI. They drmned 6 ol 8 ttvee.potnt anempu to take a U.13 ltad at the end ot one quarte{. but Mnt EYEOPENER Dlity~~· 5'0Nltlllfl,_ ~ ......... 0.C. 29hon«M S.AMGRAYELI Daily Pilot WRESTLING Sailors continue upward Newport Harbor sh ould maintain progress under fifth-year coach Bulone. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot For a grasp on whal Coach Dominic Bulone has mean! to the New· port Harbor High wres· tllng program, one need only follow the ca· reer of senior standout J(jd Lim. • Um, projected 10 lead the team from the 119-pound class this season, was fourth al Sea View League finals as a freshman, lhird as a sophomore and second las! year as a junior. ·And he was one match away from finishing in the lop six al CJF (Southern Section! finals," said Bulone, in his fifth season al the helm . . BuJone expects Um to continue his upward post.season trend and !here are others expec1ed to display their devel· opment, while helping replace eight seniors losl to gradnation. "We won some dual meets last year for !he first time since I've been her~ and l think our dual-meet team is going to be stronger th1s year," Bulone said. The Tars proved as much by going 2· 0-1 in a four-way meet at Orange High Dec. 10. In addition to Lim, junior heavy· weight Fabian Vasquez (three pins) and sophomore Eddie Cllarcas (I 25 pounds) swept their matches at Orange. while sophomores Victor Grorge (103) and Mike. Bates (I 30) earned two pins that night. Um is determined to break the school single-season takedown record held by his older brolher Bruce. BuJone said he will also count upon senior leadership from Kyle Codey (140), while senior Paul Landers (145) is See WRESTLING, Paae A9 THE SAILORS 103 Victor George So. 112 Josh Hughes Fr. 119 Kid Lim Sr. 125 Eddie Charcas So. 130 Mike Bates So. l~C~~No~wom So. 140 Kyte Codey Sr. 145 Paul Landers Sr. 152 Jessee Marshall Fr. 160 Michael Bixler So. 171 Matt Schnelder Fr. 189 Jeff Landa Jr. 215 David Orellana So. Hwl Fabian Vasquez Sr. Coach: Dominic Bulone (fifth year) PRO BASKETBALL Rodman gets Jam session He signs deal with ABA' s Long Beach franchise. · Former NM standout Dennis Rod· man, a Newport Beach resident, has found a stage to showcase his talents a.a he tries to return to the NBA. The seven-time former NM rebound· Ing champion signed with the Long Beach Jam of the Amerlcan Basketball Assocladon, the team announced Mon· day. Rodman, 42, wbo baa yet to endce an NBA team to make hls comeback a mll· lty, hopes to <liaplay hia abUJtfea wtth the Jam. He played In the NBA for 14 sea· sons wlth five teams, the last of which. ' the Dallaa Maverlcb, released hJm aftet only 12 games on March 8, 2000. RodrMn won't begin practicing wttb ' the team until early January. He hopes to play bil ftrat pme Jan. 161 when lht Jam plays host to Fresno at the Late Beach State Pyramid. "I look forwud to .ulting up with the Jam and playing buketblD again ... ~ man aJd in a team pre.st re.leue. "My ultim&te goal la to pt beet to the NM.• Jam Coach P.a.rl Curetofl, who pl8yed with Rodman wttb the Detroit Plttont, bellew!I Rodman wlU eoha.nce the team. now t-2 whb a wtn Suodly and ,.ttlng atop the eewtb·teUD Jeque. I SPORTS Tuesday, December 23, 2003 Al BRIEFLY Three CdM volleyball players named to first .team TOO#t I 1? lbel Smith, Ensign and Bill gamer first-team All-PCL accolades while Snell is named to second team. Corona deJ Mar High junior outsJde hitter Jordan Smith is a repeat ftrst·team All·Paci.6c Coast League girls volleyball se- lection and joins teammates Lindsey Ensign and Ashley Bill on the squad. Ensign posted a match-high 16 Plls and tallied 15 digs in a three-game sweep for CdM (21 · 10) against Shennan Oaks Notre Dame ln a CJF Southern Section Division DI-A semifinal. With the win, CdM reached a CIF final for the first time since 1997 and qualified for the CJF State Divi- sion Ill tournament. Smith led the Sea Kings, second In the PCL to Nonhwood, with JI kills in a loss IO top-seeded Bishop Mont- gomery in the Division Ill-A fi. nal. Senior captain Lauren Snell (opposite) garnered second- team All-PCL status, providing consistent serving and offense with strong defense. Northwood's Jaci Bayley and Laura Black were voted the league's Co-Most Valuable Play- ers by the coaches. Non6eape Servfte 73, Corona del Mar 63 8cot'9 by Ouett.en CdM 1:i 21 10 19 · 83 SenlitlJ 24 14 11 14 • 73 Con»ne del MM • Wek:t1 6, T. Lance 2, ~born 40, Freede 8. Norfhridge 5, R. Lance 2, Watanabe 0, MaeOoneld 0. 3-pt. goal• • Seaborn 6, Northridge 1. Fouled~ -None. Tec:hnicilt • None. lervllll ·Kanne 15, Forgione 9, Wllllace12, Love 26, Klllen17. McConnell 4. S-pt. goals • Lo\19 5, Kanne 4, Fofgfooe 2, Klllene 1. • Fouled out -None. Tedlnieele • None. SEA KINGS Continued from Af3 more than eight minutes before connecting on a seventh. As Servile cooled off, CdM (5-5) mounted a charge. The deficit was only 28-25 af- ter an 8-1 Sea King run that in- cluded six Seaborn points. The visitors trailed, 38-34. at inter- mission. A Seaborn layup triggered a 6-0 CdM surge to stan the third quarter, giving the Sea Kings a 40-38 lead, their first advantage since 6-5. Servite reclaimed the lead on its lone three-pointer of the third period, with 5:17 remaining in the quarter and entered the fourth stanza with a 49-44 cush- ion. Seaborn started the fourth· quaner scoring with a steal and a layup. but Servile answered with the first of its four final-period three balls, all at critical times. After Seaborn connected from threedom to cut the deficit to 60· 56 with 3:39 left, Servile drained back-to-back threes to reestab- lish control. Servile answered Seabom's fi. nal three ball, with 2:11 remain- ing, with another three of its own to push the lead to 71-61. "When (the Friars) needed an answer, they got it." said Curry. who was encouraged by hls team's effon. "Our job Is to play well and get bener: Curry said. "and we've come a long way from some of our games early in the season. I was pleased with my team, ex- cept for free throws [hitting just 6 of 14). After we got down early. we scrapped and got back lnto It" Lightning honored • VOIJJMWJ..: Sage Hill School sophomores Cat Dailey and Sophia Hillgren were se- lected first-team All-Academy League by the league's coaches. The Lightning (9·8) advanced to the second round of the Divi- sion V playoffs under the guid- ance of Ingrid Gustavson, voted the league's Coach of the Year by her peers. Hillgren. an outside hitter, was a second-team all- league pick last year while Dai· ley, who also saw time at middJe blocker, earned honorable men- tion. Senior captain Samantha Burns and sophomore middJe blocker Vista Murphy were each named to the second-team while freshman setter Kelsey Lawler earned honorable mention. St. Margaret's Suzy Tumble. a senior middle blocker. was voted the league·s Most Valuable Player. Sage runners lauded •CROSS COUNTRY: The Sage Hill School boys crosi. country team, the Academy League champion, featured five runners on the all-league teams, while two girls also re- ceived seu~on-ending honors. Senior Chris Chibouca!>, jun- ior Michael Voge and '>Opho- mores Zach Chandy and nm Lefler earned first-team All· Academy League recognldon. Junior 1Hstan Cordier, who also helped lead the Ughtnlng to the school's first league titJe and its first appearance ln the CIF Southern SectJon Division V fi. nals, received second -team all- league laurels. Mollie McGann, an up-and- coml.ng freshman. stood out for Sage Hill with 11rSt-team All - Academy League honors, while freshman Kara Percival also produced excitement for the fu. ture with a spot on the all- league second-team. Capistrano Valley Christian's Kyle 1 lughes was named the boys MVP. while Patricia Ander- son of Oxford Academy re- ceived the award on the girls side. OCC loses to Cemitos •BASKETBALL: Alisa Carrillo led Orange Coast ColJege with 14 points Sunday. but the host Pirates shot just 25% from the field (12 of 48) and dopped the third-place game of the 2003 Coast Ouistmas Oassic, 70-35, to Cerritos. Carillo, an all-tournament se- lection, was the only player in double figures In scoring for OCC (6· 7) and made five of the team·s 12 sh ots. While she was Corona del Mar's Jay Northridge (3), who had five points, beats Servite's Chris Kanne and prepares to go up for a 1ump shot. Seaborn added six rebounds and rwo a.~ists. whUe fellow sen· ior Adam Freede chipped in eight points, five rebounds, four steals and an assist Sophomore Kevin Welch led the Sd Kings with eight re- bounds. while 'fyier Lance had a team-high five assJsts. Senior Garren Love paced Ser- CdM's Tyler Lance (32) applies fulk:ourt pressure against Servite's Lionel Killens during Monday's game. PHOTOSBV DOUGLAS ZIMM€RMAN/ OAll.Y PILOT vite with 26 polntS. including five three-pointers. while Chris Kanne added 15 points (four threes) and 6-7 sophomore Blake Wallace amassed 17 rebounds to go with his 12 points. CdM returns to action Friday in the fltst round of ~ Coast Oaasic at f.stancla High. The Sea Kings race Norco at 9 a.m. five of nine shooting. the rest of the team finbbed 7 for 39. Freshman Rhondi Naff, from Costa Mesa High, added eight polnts and four rebounds for the Pirates, who were outscored 41 -13 after halftime. Lauren Stepanslcl led the Pi- rates with six rebounds, all of them defensive. But OCC fin- ished the game with just eight assists, compared to 28 turn- overs. Cerritos had 15 assists and 15 turnovers. to.It Clristm111 Clatsk: Third-place game Cenfto1 70, Orange CoHt 35 Centtoe -Yokoyama l, Sima 14. Rodriguez 2, Rivera 6, Amete 9, Lovelace 4, Benjamin 9, A1ono 18, Glbbons7. 3·pt. goal• -Sima 2, Amete 1, A1ono 2. Fouled out -None. Orange Coelt -Chadee 2, Viloria 2, Arganda 4, Shaw 5, Naff 8, Carrillo 14. . 3-pt goal• -Arganda 1. Shaw l Fouled out -None. Halftime -Cerritos, 29-22. UC Irvine hires Leinen •ADMINISTRATION: Oaw Leinen, who has had variou& jobs at UC Irvine for nearly <!U years, has been named director of finance a nd adminbtration by the athletic department. the school announced Mond ay. Leinen was: mo!>! recently. assistant dean for planning and resources in the school of social sciences, since June. 1999. Previously, he served as di· rector of business and finance 1n the school of physical clen- ces for seven years. among other duties. Leinen assumes the position previously held for 12 years by F.d CarrQ.11. who diea In October. High M:hooe bova - N9wport H.-bor et Celabee11, 8:30 p.m. ~h ldloot glrta - Whitney et Newport Harbor, 6:30 p.m. A graduate of the University WRESTLING o f CaJifprnia Management ln- stit~te who· earned hls bach· . Continued from Af3 elor s degree at Long ~each State, Leinen played minor- league baseball in the Kansas City Roya11>' organization from 1981 -83. "We are extremely fortunate and excited about the opportu· nil)' to have someone like Oave Leinen join our management staff in the Athletic Depart· ment," UCI Athletic Director Bob Chichester said. "Dave has contributed a great deal to the campus during his career here a t UCL Rccau1oe of his leader· ~hip. experiencl' and personal- ity. he has earned the respect of many people here on campus. We are very enthu!.iastic about his abilities to assist our staff in mecung the challenge~ of pur- '>Uing our goaJs of developing our athletic programs to well· represrnt the quality of 11tu· den1-athle1es and academic community that we have here at UC.I."" an inspirational figure In the lineup. Vasquez. blessed with what Bulone termed a natural wres- tling awareness. helps anchor the upper weights, though Bu- lonc said the strength of the team is its tighter wrestlers. Junior Jeff Landa (189) also has. some experience, while sophomores David Orellana (215). Michael Bixler (160) and Craig Nordstrom ( 135) are joined by freshman Josh I lughes (112), Jessee Marshall (152) and bring promise to the varsity Line- up. ·Bulo11e expects ~a I !ills to be the class of me-Sea View League, with Irvine and Wood- bridge lilcely contending for sec- ond. "Us. FoothilJ and Aliso Niguel should battJl' for the rest of it, .. Bulont' said. Bren Event1 Csnter ~ adu\t&, $~ t.hi\dre.n Season tickets for the whole a mily are o n sate now for jus $5011 ! Good for two adults a n two children, plus two free m emb erships in the Junior Anteater Club . A $120 Value! To buy Family Pa ss Season Tickets, I please call (949) 824-6202. q AlO Tuttdly, Oectrnber 23, 2003 ................. -Upl .... -UplMalcll -l.lllllllCll -....... -....... 2Ml Ulll ...... ........... ........ TM tollOwlftl penona .,., doint buMl\tu es. l BlttOll T1uckJn,, 1902 S1e1n Vhl•L. u1tln, C1llforn11 927911 Lew~ MdftW 91\$011, 1901 Sittre Vi&u , T.- tlf!, Celllcwnle meo Orn buafnw ' son· d~ted llr: en lncfMdu1I Hewe ,ou •tw led doil\I IKIW.u)"ll?Ho l •-B!UOll lhls sl.tlem1nt "'" l~ed wlllt th• C<luntr ci.,._ 111 Oun&• Co11nty on 11/lOM 10NM64''4 DflfY '"°' Dee 9, 16. 23, lO, 2003 ,.,. Poli cy ... --~ On DK...., 10. 2003, tn. Govwnlnc INfd ol the co .. t Ce1«1m11n1ty Colhl£• Ol•lrkt of the Couniy of Otena•. Sl•t• of C.l1for111t, In • •&ul., union, edopted • RHOllltlOn •11thOflllll, Ill• soltcll•lton o l>foe>OUIS to bt rec.ivtd llP to but no leter lh•n • JO p m , on Wednet· Clay. lenu111y 21, 2004. ti lilt Purcl!11!f1A Ot· p.tttmenl of the Oisbiet loul-4 11 1370 ~m• Avenue, 8u1ld1n1 0, Coile MK.I t allforrue, at Wlll,11 time the PfOpoM~ Wiii be flold unUI tlloy •••'on•'"'" bt Iha Qovtt 111111 Bo•t d •t 111111 11cululy tclledultd maet1n1 on Wrdnod•y rtl:Hu11y 4. 2004, tn Ill• Botttl ltoom. at 1111 ObltlCI site '' 6 :JO p m • or es _,, lhlttlftOI IS the •11nd1 IOI lh• Govern· Int loard pwmlt• ~ ....... -· ei.-. Mll.n.4 ..... ~ :::, (S!?..~: = .-. ... , ..... .....,..... JWafac' .. "'9 CWf Mf Dk~ af .. t.c .. a4 ., tt.o N'"1tt· ••• , ,., .. , •• Pl-••ct••l .,,,,. ..., ..... _ .... (tty ... c-.. ·-(eltfanola ~-••••..._ tpfWlll......., l J .77 .. ,.. . ... ,.. ·-·' ........... ,._,, .... ,.,,.t ...... , •' • ,_, .. ...,._t p.r•- l•c1. AH propauls tra lo be In alCllf d.ttlCI '#llh the Pt opo••I Documtnh wtuch 1r • now on file tnd may be secured In the olllc• ol Ille D1t ec lot ol Purch1ulnc of lh• Olatrlcl altar Janua•y S, 2004 Tht Gove<n11t1 Boa•d teservH the prmleae of •e,ect1111 any tnd all proposals Of lo we1~• 1ny trre1ularot1u ot lnlorm1htles 1n 1ny propoul or In lhe pr oposel process Slpa41 /S/ 1..-W. Devit Dt.ecter ef l'w ...._1,,.. c-,c-11y C ..... Dletrlct .,,.11., Published Newport Buch Co~ta Mu• D11ly Pilot December 23. JO, 2003 and Januaiy 6. 2004 T882 S4lmOI COUil Of ~coum OfOIMG( 111u.s.c..l ~ MO.AmSU IOOO TO CllDfTOIS NOTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to lhe t1ed1tor1 a11d contlnaenl aedllo" ol ANN S COOi\. dece dent. that all parson• havm1 cl11ms aca1nS1 the decedent are re Qulf•d to Ille them w1lh the Sul)llnor Cour I ot Cdhlo1n1a. County ol Dran1e. at 341 lht City 0f1Vf, Otanee. Callforn11 92868, and to mall • copy lo C'tolyn Cook, lrustn ol the Cook family Trust. dated September 11 1975. wherein lhe decedent wn l t us tor. at 2862 Ooww l-. St.. l02. r •"' Cllurch, VirlJnll uou. llfttl'llfl tll4I [etllf of four (4) -th• aft• tflt det• of tllt first pvbllutlon °" thh Notkt to Ct04fl\Ofa cw. ii natle• Is mela.d cw p1oon•lli' dellftrtd to you, thirty (30) daya 1ttw tit• d•t• thlt notlu If ma•ltd Of po<io111fly delivlftd to 1°"· °' '-°" mlt't 114tl· tlo4! lo Ille • l•l• clelm. .. provtded In $e(lloft 19103 of IM Prob•I• Code. A Claim form mey be obt1111ed from the c1 .. h ol the Diane• County Supet '°' Cvurl F Of you/ proteHoon, you e re encou• •1•d to lllt your t l11m be •••hhed mail with relu•n receipts requuted Det141 12/2/0J It/ Cw.tr-C..ti 'r•at11, Tit• <1 •11 fa•llr Tr .. t detod Satit ...... ". 1t7S c.e1pc..a. State lw Ma. I st06S 2162 d..,., i.-1, S111te J02, fells Clwrdl, VA 2204! ~70J! 149-I 7JJ 70I 84t·t4U (J .. ) r11et1•"' l're ,., Published Newpor l Buch·Cost1 Mes• 011ly Pilot December 16. 23. J0.2003 T878 MUCMOOO NOTICIOfSAU Noltce is he11by 11ven putsuant to u ctlona 3071 a11d 3072 ol the C1v1I Code of the Shi• of Ca1tforn11 the under· 111ned. SAN TA ANA IOWING. will sell at publtc auction. al 2550 S GARNSEY ST . SANTA ANA, CAL. al 9 00 am on I ·~HM the lollow1nc desc11bed property, to Wtl 2000 CHEV. VIN MIGNCS13W6Y2357073 Said sale Is tor Ille purpose of u t1slyln& lion of the underslaned lor tow1111 and slot•ce toaether with costs of adverhs1n1 a11d ••· penns of ule. Dated lhi• 12th day of Oec. 2003 /s/ Jean Noutary Published Newport BHch·Coste Men Daily Pilot December 23. 2003 1879 How to Place A ..... .... ....... on 1111•/0l JMaHSIH 0.lly ,.llol Dec t 9, Ill. 2l, 200J 1161 T lie followlfta per..ol\I ., 1 dolflt IKISin.tu .s. •> Qefb ''" lhll\I, b) ............ C11tbftffQC, C32 Wye ... llffe, lt1•1M. CA ~2 ......, Z•th.,y S.tll M¥&"olii, · Tiie lollowlftl peraom 432 Wrcllfft. lrwlN, CA .,. 601n1 lluilll1$S IS 92'602 01n Onl1na. 2020 Ari l•ur.n Bloom, 432· Sent• An• Ave "l •. W1clllfe, ft¥1ne, CA Coau Mua. CA 92627 92'602 Huther Whltahr This l11isl~s Is con· ,.111t1&, ~ S.nta Ana d11Cltd by· C0-9 .. ln•rs A-. 0l ", Coll• ~ .... CA line you alerted do1n• 9M27 busineH ytt? Ho Ttflanl W Goll, 7304 Zach M1raol1t Redlands O•lv•. N1wpo11 Thii 1tat1m1nt was Buch, CA 92663 hied wllh Iha County T111s bu"neu I\ con Cw._ of Otanc• County dueled by 1 centt•I on llM/Ol p1rt11enhlp 200S4t67\7S H.tve yov 51.rled doonc Daily Pilot Oac 9. 16, buslnu, yar? Yes, 11/ 23. JO. 2003 1868 2i>/2003 . lhe follow1n1 peuons are dollll busmen n . a) BC,. Creations, b) www.bcpcrotlons com, c) bcpcttal1ons.com, d) BCPcteallons. ~7 Oale Stteet . Coste Mesa, CA 92627 811an C Pettis. 467 0111• Street. Costa Mna CA 92627 TI11s business Is con· ducted by en ondlv1du1I Have you started do1n11 busmess yet? Yes, 07 / 07/2003 Btlan Ptt«s lh1s sblement was ltled with the County Clerk ol Orana• County on 12/05/03 200J6t67242 Daily Pilot Otc 9. 16. 23.30,2003 T865 fldlllM....., ... $......, The followlna per!>ons ate do111a busonus as. MyOpenChecll com. 125 E B1ket, Suite 135. Coste Meu, CA 92626 North Ametlcan Ac· ceptance Corpo1 alion CCA), 125 E Biker. Suite 135. Costa Mesa, Ct.!12626 I his business is con dueled by a torpo1atton Have you started dome business yet? Yes J0/15/03 Notlh Amern:an Ac· ceptance Corporation, Marco J Ras1c. PrMo den I Thn statement wu liled with the County Clerti. QI O!IDH Coyoh Heather Whitake r Pull1$ ThtS 1t1temtnt wu hied with the County Cler._ of Ot•nc• Count, on 12/02/03 200H t'41-36 Daily Pilot Dec 9, l 6. 23. 30, 2003 l869 R<tlliM ..... .... s ........ The ft owmi persons •re 6011 business es •) AWG 1j•markft1nc. b) Autolhmar keters.com, 600 Anion Boulevard. I Ith and 12th floors. Costa Meu , CA 92626 Auto Wholesaler Croup, Inc . (DE). 3078 R1voh. Newport Beach CA92660 lhts businns 1s con ducted by. a corporation Hive you started do1na bus mess yet? Yes. I 0/ 7.712003 Auto Whnfes1f., Group, Inc Bradley CtHnweld C(O lh1s statement was Med with the County Cletk ol Oranee County on 11/03/03 200J6964010 Dally Pilot Dec 2. 9, \6, 23,2003 1862 fidlllM~s ..... s....... The follow1n1 pe11ons et• doing business u · a) The Golden Collat. b) The Galden Haller, I.) www.lt..,tdeticdat.ooon, d) www.tl\e&Oldenllalle< com. •67 Oal• St . Coita Mesa, Ct. 92627 KeUy Lynn Scebtrrn, 467 01le SI., Costa Mm CA92§27 ......... ... s........ The lollowlna person• are 401na bu"nus es 1) F1dal>t; rundlnt Group, b) f1del1ty R••lly Croup, 2'1 W W1I~ SI ••. Cost• Moe. CA 92627 F1dellty lnvtttme111 G•oup, Inc., (Ca), 95~ Boin Ao , Sulla 222. Westnunstor, CA 92683 This business I• con· ducted bt • ~u•p<>r•l111n Havt you $l•tted dome business yet? Yn. 12/ 01/2003 fldetoty Investment Croup, Inc . Oao Phun~ General Man111er Thi~ statement was filed with the County Cl.,k ol 01•nae County on 12/05/03 200J6967'59 Dilly Pilot Dec 9 16, 23.30,2003 T872 NOTICI Of APPWTIOff JO SBULCOHOOC llMUGIS O...t .. ~11111 Gt< .... "· 2003 Wtlom II May I .mcern lht Name(s) or th• Appl1cant(s) I\/ are· SIX EIGHT£(N W!Nl CLUB INC The appllcanh h•ted "bo•e 11• 1pply•n1 to lhe Department o l Alcoh olic Be.er a11e Control to sell atcoholte be-e,,•aes al 2!>0 £ I 7TH ST SlE D, COS TA MESA. CA 92627 lype of hcense(s l Applied fo1 41 ON SALE BUR ANO WINE EATING PLACE Published Nrwport Beach Cosl• Mo• Oa1ly Pilot December 23, 30, 2003. Jdl1uar y 6. 2004 T881 FktlfiM INless ..... s........ E. Co•la Mtt.t. CA QM16 Colllu Jotn 8r111111n. 1S5~ ~' V11tO. Or., L . 129.( Cost• w.a.. CA 92626 Th~ llualn&U II 'Oii d;1cted by '" 111dMd!Aff H•v• you •tarted dOln& bu•1nu1 yet? Yu, IV l //2003 Coll .. n 8renn1n This atatemant wa.s fifed with tltt Cou11ty Cler._ of O.a111• C011nty on IUOl/03 200JH67ott Oe1ly Pilot OK .9, II, 2J. 30, :x>OJ 1861 A<tllleus ksMs ... s....... lhe follow1n1 ~nons •re dolnt busoness u Anchor M11nten1nc1 Hf><> whither A¥e . ..io Co•I• M~sa. Caltforma 91627 A1 dell Stene. 1750 Wh1tl1<1 A•• •40. Cost• r.••u c.1rrorn1a 92627 rh1s bus111en IS con Jcted by an tnd1vidu•I tfave you started dome 1uslnen vet> Yu, 1981 A1doll Stene Th11 ilalemenl wn hied with the County Clerk ol 011nae County on 12/05/03 • 200369'7207 Daily Pilot Dec 16 Zl 30, 2003. Jun 6, 2004 l876 fidtllM lusllKs ... s....... The lot1ow1nc person> 11 e dome business as Ch11st1ne Jones. NMT 2711 £ Coast Hwy , Corona Del Mar. Cah for11la 9?62!> Ch11~tone Jonn, 2711 E Coast Hwy. Corona Del Mar. Cahlo1 n11 92625 Thts business 1s con ducted by •n rnd1v1du•I Have you stat led dOllllC busrnos yel1 No Ct111stu111 Jones lh1s statement w~~ 1tl~d with the County Cletk of O,.nae County on 12/10103 200U 9671t7 Oa1ly P1lo1 De, 16 23 30.2003,Jan 6 2004 T877 .----Deadlines -- Rates and deadlines arc subJCCt to change without nottce. The publisher reserves lhc right to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classified adven1scmen1. Please report any error that may be in your classified 3d immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liab1hty for any error in an advenii.ement fo r whic h it may be responsible except for the cost of the CLASS IFIEAD -[ii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm • space ac1ually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowt:d for the first msert10n ANNOUNClMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2SOS-2490 ByFux (949) 631 -6594 I Pk•~ 1nclU<k your """"' iuwl ~number and 1'('11,ull y1)U b. ... ~ w11h • pntc qum~ ~ Telephone 8:30am-~·00pm Monday-Fnday By Phone (949) 642-5678 .Hours Index By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay S1ree1 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & B11y St. Wal.,-ln 8:30am·S:OOpm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wedne day 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm --- L ESTATE R SALE soos-saso ..... - . ' " L ,. - • 7402·7466 lo IOOWSIO ' l '11dlT t ill' Sn\ in· f)irl'clor.\' Hanner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week -....eor Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 1160 Allctions 1413 =..... OfflCE AJRllTUREJ ==-3br 2.5b1 condo, IZ49sl. l ey ''"'' 3br 2ba uppe1 close to bch. 2 c attach level, p111od style. creat ear. wd. 2 story. comm views I Ull aar, .... pool/spa Avall Jan I $2800949 293 ~31 $2500 949-51 ~-9830 -,or-ss-.-.,-cotU>--s-n-c WANTED .Ila. Oiliolic, Ek S>I ' IDs a Nl8c. ~. 11Ale amp!l ANTlnn~~ Mik• 949·U 5 7SO!I ~~ 1311 .... ~ All tHI •tale eOvttlli· Int In tltl1 nt~ It tUbjld to tfM re0wt1 rew Ho11tln1 Act ol IMI •• emend•d wlllcll mak.. ll llltl •I to •dwerliH ·1ny prelt1 e11ce, llmltetlon 01 dlterllllltl1tlon 111"4 Oii '~· Cblor, 11iwton ..... h•ndlc.,i. l•mllT.tf autus °' n1tlon1I Of It n. or •n l11t1ntlon lo m_., 1111 such pttlKtnco, limit•· tlon 0t dlaerlmlllat1011 • Tllls !WwtOlflll will not 11n-1n&tr •«•Pl a11y •d*tlMfMllt for rHI ol1t• wlllch ta In •lolltloft of tlM l.tw. OU!' rHd•ra •r• lltrebr ltlferfMf tltal tll dW911-lnp IHflltrtlMd Ill tllia new~ 11• tni1111'4 on •n tq\lt l Q#Ottunff1 t>..rt. To '0111ttl1ln of di• ulrn!INttioll, ~ HOO IOI '-" •t l·I00-'1~. Oldlf Style F""""" l'IANOS i Colledlblot ·~·,..,._.. ................ Ofllclt,,,...._. .. CMM~ .. .................... MllUYdTATH ............ fr....ty.....CC. ...,.,. COfJSIGW.1HHS -a.a ...... .._a.. CA arm -•'-Col- AFIW WOIDSTO WOIFCI YOUI 642-5671 OUC•SIASON h1-tehcti ........ ( .... •pPtox I/hr lrom Nt•pQf-18 .. ch. Eacel· lent llu"ti"I adlac1nt to •l•I• watarlo~t 1tlua•. ownffMllP lnle1t1l & 19PfO• 375 ecrts ol land & lmpr~emtnb • your own camp compound w/s lructure anO 2 tr 1lters Wonderful F rl • nlaht 880'1 & win• tulln& durlne duck 11uon + many utrul Ideal lcw 2 friend\ cw latllef t son Call Mike ,, 110.~l·OIS' ... ~ IEAWD -•m•••• .... ftmlln 3435 8UUISS CHIHY SUIOH HD EQUNl(1' Sdd WOOd. bnnd -kl --·n-...1 bo• mud-. Worth -.-- SQ) sac m> ~ E.-•lftllll - oue1•un1tHssn aaouT' ILHT11< Or1hap9llc. tnnd ,_ .. WNlllCNAllS New llO ~ '*"* wt-r. Sec Sllrj cost ID you If ...... c.. c111Mr •a.P7 Medicare accepted ~rod Poww· EflBJfY/ -DIWCllJS/ -PIEIOUS EALS c ... c ........ Old Coln1I Gold, tll1t11t, lll_'!flr_I,.._ !•tcftls, ~ (Ol·-~·"48 dl9h (te:OOltMl)'le) °Ne lreet you I WMf Cell 1 dey._ (900) 835 315S (CAl•SCM) 3110 HICUI tf 1 lfl1'1 Uncortel"tl" tltpp111t ,.,, OWNta HMd Help W•ll Mannered Ad11lt Cata 6 Dldllt 0op llfflf lltW homtl. Adopt "4hltt Anlnwllt tllls lCinul lO d.., return P'oficr. www anlmtlnetworll.orc -•I lnt11net rr anchlt.e opporlunlly to ·those looklna to w0t-Incl•· pendtnlly. S8I\ lnvHI· mtnt rtqulrad. lncl11doa tulnlna end support for h 1nclllsu world wide. ToH·fr" l 811452 6737 BUSIN€SS Of>PUllTUM· TY7 AA111ert1M It Sl•ll• wldtl 200 Ce1«1m11nlly ne1"14>.,_., Ruell o¥1f 5 miltlon ~tl!forntan1. 14SO fM • 2' word Id. Cal·SCAH ..... you fl-and -1 Pt.ct yOllr ad wltll 11th loc•I !Nlflklpatll'l1 now., .... www.ctl·tcAll.com (CAl· ~) (CAL •SCAIO ........... ... 2-. alorap, Q).. 600&f ~ Perfect for Ylhlcles. low rites tell C.-otyn 949-863-1390 UDO ISU STUDtO llf&• closet i bath, sunny upo1ura, SIOOOm Afl 949·675-6161 UDO ISU STUDIO L1<c1 closet & bath, 1unn1 uposure, SIOOOm A1t 949-675·6161 Y-ty 21t, ti•, steps lo beach, $1500/mo Auoclatad Realty t4'-67J-H U c.w .... 2bt condo In V9e ..._ W/d., dlltwsltr, s99t (Ondl lit w,..... ...iy, no A•lil .tin 2 Sl5Ckl 71"962· kftch•n, 1tHI location. 6163 °' 7l4-3S\-5274 S750/mo UO f'l'1cl11u1 YIAAl Y O<IAIWlONT Alt· 949 717-4708 Av•ll•bl• noW'• 11675111 a, .. ..... AUCM:lllld R .. lty ===.~cl ~ :9:::3:,'3 ~ PlOO "'1blrt W 1'D-l 3lr 21.111 iw ,. lillr, ~ --...----' ......... ~ 1 c:p Cllll... ;..;.wd;..;.lf!s.;;,;Sl;,;..;115.;..,;;..:-.;;.;:~:;;:,,,,;=- '-......... ., .... .b 2.h mm 2 *"'· shoroc.iffs steps lo beac:h. 2 C /611, CCIB'I \11:"'1 SBJC MW/p9in\/llOof i'c, l.& yd prdltn ""* m bdl w um Robert 949-760-1 ~ ., l SBX> 7l4&l2lai SELL your stuff through classified! Jt111 .. -Alls Lill - Cl«le1I -,Alf-TIMI ClHICAl Computer literate. Fu AleDmodw . resume to 714·838·932$, - CUSS A CDl 1n just 2 t/2 Wffh. Tuition paid Hirons exp111ancad drivers No credit c hecks lone Haul Orlv1n& 1·800·781·2118 w1re1n~cr1t .com (CAL SCAN) Hotel VAUTPAmt& h49e Sw •cfo Dw .... St. T 1i 9 \18. low ml. or IC lady OWllM. Whlte/blll IOI, CD. rear saat. rear atr tow f>k&. baautiful as new cond. $1 2,995 WfTTM11 Blot 9'9 586-UllB •••••• , .... c .... Fer4 ••s M"•'••t Conver It bit, orl&1nal owner, solid car. rn.llt ,.. $17,500 obo 949-719-2943. IWIA&a Positions also available Per4 '' S M ut '1 "1 Ooor, CasNer ~ ~~ Conver t1bl1 . 01111nal Call 949-223·8710 orfu owner• solid car. mat resume to 949·223·8715 9111 Sl8.5Xl obo 949-719-2943. Sales in baby/children's ......,. stA [lll)lnnll a pl& ()pen1na 1n Soult> Coast Plaza. Stluy + bonus + medical 949 .. 96-4541. SAllSr Ovtr.:t ,ere.., w/)>hone sa u op. Earn Uik .. up phoOe !M9- 862 7474 tu 949-862·7475 Ne ...... t lead! T eft11I• '"'" Is now hu1na up"d Bartenders Servers & Recapt1ono.st Call tor appt (949)6C4·0050 0 RE Celiforn11 law re· quires that contnc· tor& taklnii jobs that total S500 or more (labor or mateuals) b• licensed by the Contractors State License Board State law also requires that con tr actors include their license number Oil all adve1t1sina. You c1n check the status ol your lice nsed contraclor at www cslb ca.eov or 800 321 CSLB Unh· censed contraclors hk•n a 1obs that total len than SSOO must state tn the11 adv er t1sements that thty are not hcensed by the Contractors State L1Cense Board " J...,_ 'f7 X" British 1ac1na arun/tan lthr. CO, fabulous cond throuahoul. $11.995 v59721 bkr 949-586-1888 www.ec,.lltt.cMI lAND aov1• 2000 Discovery It 1 sutar. duel moonrft. rur jump snts. healed sut tac Wlrl 36,000 m1, $21,000 ~ ttfl 714-2'12.0161 Merc•4•• '91 SOOSl low m1. l1dy owned. books, records. wht/tan mt. h11d a. soft too. CD, mini disc , Lorenzo wheels, l.tbulous cond throuahout. Sl5.995 ~17 8lu 9&ses.t888 www.ec,elt.cefft SI. ~ Auto Services ULIOA lfl~IJ:~ (01119ttftlvt ltatts Conv~ loc:oted on the Ptillnsula 407 Jht St.~ .... ·7 A -1 HANDYMAN Install, reface cabinels ~doonfM-~ moldlrw. OcM.C / l ... 546-7258 carpet Cleaning ---- - tiff Air flutl I'. r. u11rl (l~.111111\l S~.-ite Cafl)ll dulling SPIClll 3 rooms & Nllway IM.15 Includes preconcMIOlllng CALL TOD.\Y • Cl!All TOOAY Kevin 714-329-3942 Offlc• 714-1191-8110 carpet Repair/Siies ....... , ... 8-ltiflll lllKk Ont1 16K ""· (\9873) $116.980 '91 '-" ,..,,.,,.,, Bladl, 27ll ml (19899) S2UIO '911-J-... Cobra~. Ol\ly 71( "" (19770) S23.980 W"'r.Xltl ~~ne. 2411 m1 (19817) Ml,980 'JTt.x ... iuoo snvw. 6711 mi. 094531) $17,980. 'ffMetteA.fMJo Turbo Diesel Black p9683L) $26,980 ,,IM~ MUtO Stiver, 291( ml (19892) $27 980 'H f'.,..O. fl I c.,.. White. Tl!>tronic (197526) $32.980 'Ot Allfll rr a- s11ver. onl~ Sil m1. (l 9904C) S34. 980 '02 CltryaJ.r f'T crv1 .... Blacll, 3211 ml. (19827C) $14,980 '01 Mere.._ CUOO WMe. 37K ml (I 9909C) $61, 980 '4t-S74-TT77 PHlllS AUTO ,,., ..... _ l'OltSCHf 111 CAUIOUT Tlptron1c, mint condition, 85oO miles, one owner f!F>24<n) PP 94H51 1719 SELL your stuff through classified! lrtck llock S1111e T lie Concrete, Pat10. Driveway Addhtonl& Rtmodellng <:tCARP'Uo CAlt,lT<t foreplc, BBQ Refs 2SY1' Repairs. Palchlns-Install Elp Terry 714·55/·7594 FMmlHG DIVB.orMINT ~ l11rth1nedevelopmentcom ~I/SIM:~ Courleou• any \lte jobs Wholnalel 949 492 0205 SELL your stuff through classified! AND .-:r- 4:.-.:~""'~ (M519122) SJe.900 .. ,,...,..,....., Crty, 5 apd, Sh#pl (620231) $31,900 ..... ...,..._ ... Gte1.LOl6ad.$h4int ( C38l565) S26.900 '" ......... SlSOO Sport, LCMtded, Must See (107291) $37,900 'OtC.,,._IM ... 22" Ctwomea. LOll(lecl (122184) $42,900 'Ot NU X-J j ,O 8111/Tan,nav,Loaded (M76593) $35.~ wvw-...c- Btua.leather. IOI( ml (300205) S22.500 "01 ••w '1J oc COf'V, 8111. 1511. MUii CV54552) $33,900 ,,11•w•,c-s11ver. 9K, most ... (X22591) $49.900 'OllMWSISI 81tVBlh, Spor-t, JOI( (X24 l 90) S29.900 f4f-6S0-2222 Tlle'e l........-~ tllocars.com AUTOS WANTED 0 I N YOU•HOMl IMP'ROVlMntT P'ROJICT? Call a plumber. painter. handyman, or any ot the erHI services listed here '" our service d11ectoryl THESE LOCAL SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOU TODAY! WITTHOlfT DRYWALL All phases 1m/lr11obs CUAMI 20yrs. ta11. lree est L 400030 714-639-1447 Eledr1cal Services SMAU JOI IX'HT local. Quick Response Home. Y11d & Oocl< Elect :a> Yrs hp ~ E.lech: Llfll5f!JO ~1042 1.1.C. llectrlt Low prlcas local conllactor. no Job too smal. no job too l>i8, Ref's ~ ~l LICIO..SHJia! (714)142-1410 ----------~---~-....- Bridge By CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARlli IUld TANNAH HIRSCH Pl.A Y OR OEJt'i.ND? Ncilhct vulnmblc. South deals. declll!Cf or defend five clubs. NOR111 •A _, K095.l2 u• •951 The IUCtiClCI was •traiahlforwani, and five clu\)) was• ~le COii· ll'ICl. Wt$t ltd tbc 1CO of beans. woo by declAIU's ~ a.s Ea.st followed with the four. a wil-prd'crence signal ror dwnond. Declarer crossed to dumm)' v.1lh the .:c of s~ and \cd the two of clu~ the quceo IOSUI& to We5t's king West dutifulJy rcrumcd a lov.· diamond. E.til rose with the 8"C and ~tumctl i he..n (a spade would h:s~c been better). Ou you want to pl11y or clcfcnd'1 WEST •'76542 " 10 0 963 •K7' SOUTH • J IOJ IV A ,_ K8l • AQJ 1063 Suppose you choose to play. You ruff the heart hl&h WK.I IClld the three of clubs, co~cn:d by 1hc four and woo with dummy·~ five' Another he.art ruffed high SCb up dunuuy·~ suit. cross ro the 1ablc with the nine of rrum~. dr.iwtn& the llbl enemy fling. and dummy·s hcalt.\ roru. cm of all your loser.. Opcrung lead· Ten of H~ we llll: a~ain, ready to tell your analytical 'kill\. Study lhe dia· gra.111 above 1111<1. at the crut"ial time. decide whether you would rather Sull. you .tlould have opted to defend. Suppose that. aJkr dtclarer ru fT' a heart ht gh ind k:a11' the lh~ Of cfUb\, )'OU 1n~n tht' $C\ en 1 Oununy'~ nine 11o1n.~. bu1 now the table is ~hoo of 1111 enll)' to run the hearts.. The cootract mu,1 go down BOATS Sailboats l520 l9.l6 CAT~ Zlfl. rols bl Mo pb. fNN dtmt inbowd. u ~. ..,.., bottom o•tnt recent • .--lCWlldm c:lelwl l'I & Ckll ex> 96!l(D.J2SO Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classlfled ad todayl 9 642-5678 FloorinWTJla CUSTOM atlATM TU lnslablton, •t• '* '"*· nwble. stone .... 1975 L 161204ot _., 71«i12-9961 PLUG IN Plug into ttie Pilot Class1f1ed s<>ct1on to l1nd serv1cfs fro rTI elec1ron1cs c1nd plumbers. to landscc1pers a11d painters Daily Pilot C 1,,,,,f,..d ( otttttuuu t y M .trt..t·t1•l.11 1• fflndymln/ Home Repair GF.NFJW. IEl'Alll •~a Masonry * JRG MASONRY * Any Type, 8est Prices. Re£~ 011. Quality Worll ,, Jos.! 71 ... ~1·7643 UMY ...... Repmnd D-'-···' RtCToutln & ln1tallation * ......,,.... • c.otnimtul Mowing & Storage TILE DEAN 949 673·8065 No Job Tho Small 71~ 714-SBl-20.JI Dave llamllton 949-322-8292 - Otrft~·-11k 11 lh1 1p1 l Jm 714-715-2828 ~ w!d Tree s.rvices LH>l~.....,, T'M~""""'I ~ °""'VIScA.ecr'I CW.a ~WrwllllC'-'~ 0.. IAW'9 T r•e Service, Y •• d Cleanup. Ma1nt1nance, Sprtnl<ler Repa11 Haul1na ( .. f ) U0-871 I Hlftdyman/ Home Repair R£ s ronr • fl[ PAIR & REMODEL INC Fla u, Speclall•I. All lypu ot repair \ (lectn eel. pjlimll<rl&. doon, w•tllt hut~. Ille & more 24/7 days 114 366 188 l 6-wl (mstrvdiel ,.~ Carpentry • Plumb1na Orywan • Slucco Paintina. Tole & mor• 20.-Yurs £•per,.nu• JI 714-9'9-5776 Haun no JUMll TO nu OUMPlll 714 968·1882 AVAILABLE TOOAY1 949 673 5566 House Cleaning H.v•e o .... 1neetxp'4 Wkly/81·wkly/~onthly Rers. Great rate\• Imelda 949-SCB-42Z 949-178-QD7 '-""~~ ..,_hon, o.:sei. Custom Quality Wllf1unamlic> 714+42-4271 -- • :. ! ''· '. ··t !''-, •• ' ~ f ~ ' •• • I ;. ~I [ Open 1 Daya LowAatea Storege Specl.ala Since 1981 949-645-4545 HST MOVIRS SSS/Hr. Ser v1na All Ctltu Insured Tl6~ 323·997 1193 323·630 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Cell l Publtc Ut1ltlles Coinm1u1on requ11es that all used household aoods moo>' prtnt theu P UC Cal T number, limos 4nd ch1ufteu11 pronl their T C.P. number in all adve" tl~eme11h fl you have 1ny quutoons ~bout the l•a•hly of a mo._et . ltmo o r 1.hautleur call. 'UIUC UTllfTllS COMMISSION 100 1774 U 7 Tuesday, December 23, 2003 All TODAY'S CRQSSWORD PUZZLE • L•< Uni er aotv1110n 01 "'BlJ llanQ~rt SEWCR J[ I TING El(Cl'RONIC SLAB All T~ el Ro.Ii A'. 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