HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-24 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• I A •• Serving the Newport-Me.sa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY I DECEMBER 24, 2003 PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Rosa Valdez, 10, takes cover under her hood as raindrops start falling down at Lions Park in Costa Mesa on Tuesday morning. Wet Christmas cheer A rainy day and congestive heart failure couldn't stop Someone Cares Soup Kitchen founder Merle Hatleberg from attending the organization's toy giveaway. Charlene Olmos, 9, hugs her new friend, "Teddy," during a Christmas gift giveaway organized by the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen at Lions Park. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot M erle 1-IatJeberg had congestive heart failure three weeks ago, which cut down on her normally energetic routine. But lhc fo under of Someone Cares Soup Kitchen appeared at its annual toy giveaway Tuesday, bundled in blankets, refusing !CJ let the rainy weather dampen her Otrislmas spirit "We've been doing lhis for 17 years and every year, it gets better,· MatJebcrg said. Organi7.crl> expected lhe toy gjveaway at Lions Park to draw about 1,000 kJds bul the wet weather diminished the turnout and cut lhe event shon, said Shannon Santos, manager of lhe soup lcitchen. Every child who ca.me still received their two toys; leaving lhe organization with some extra gifts for next year. Santa Oaus made a dramatic arrival on a fire truck wilh sirens blazing and held court at lhe entrance to lhe covered area. greeting families and posing for pictures with lhe lclds on his lap. After spending time with Santa, lhe kids were escorted by volunteers dressed as elves to a lable with toys for lheir age-range and gender. They got to pick out any two toys lhey llked. Nicolette Furgeson, 12, picked out one present lh'llt felt like a book and THINKING ALLOWED Sisters Linda, 10, left, and Lisa Leung,6,say"ho,ho,ho•asthey have their picture taken with Santa. anolher that felt softer. She said she would try 10 wait until Cllristmas to open lhem. Her little brother Sampson, 8, got a Nerf basketbalJ and her older brother, Dylan, got a G.I. Joe action figure. All lhe lcids who volunteered got to pick out one toy. Volunteer Amanda Johnson, l 0, lei out a big "Wow" when she saw how many gifts had heen stuffed inside lhe shoe box she selected. Among her bounty were blue stockings, a toolhbmsh, a lillle purse and hand lotion. Volunteer Casey Klugh. 14. said her first year helping out wilh lhc toy giveaway was rewarding. "I feel good about helping all lhese people," Casey said. "They might no1 See CHEER, Pa&e A4 Fight qn for that one Christmas wish Daily Pilot Prices continue .to break records Offitials expect 2004 to shape up much like 2003, with the va lue of housing continuing to skyrocket. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -A rt•cord-breaking year for home l>ales locally :ind aero~ lhl' ~tale in 2003 will be fo llnwed with more of the l>Utne, although affordabilily is ex - pected to becoml' more of a problem in 2004, hou~mg incJul>try experls said. Median home prices in Newport Beach and Cos1a Mesa climbed 58% and 12% respecl1vely in November, compared wilh lhe saml' month in 2002. da1a from 1he OrangP Coas1 Assn. of HeaJtors showed In Newport Hl'ach lhe median single family home price wa1> $1.9 million, jumping from $1.2 million in November 2002, said Diane Ward. who manages the multiple listing service for the Orange see PRtcls . Paee M PUBLIC SAFETY Explosive day of shopping· Fashion Island stores close Monday after tra nsformer blows up, injuring a woman walking by it. Deepa Bh•rath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -At about 6:50 p.m. 0 11 lhe Monday before Christmas, Fash ion Island wa:; bustling. The lint' for Santa was long. Kids were playing. as aJways. under the famous CJuh.trnao; lree. A hand was charging lhe air with holiday spiril. And tht'n. al 6:53 p.m .. it happened. There wa~ a "boom.· I lundreds of li ttle ligh1s on 1he lrec went out. Slores were plungt'd in darkness and shoppers were 'tunned An undergmuml tnrnsformer on New- port Cenler Drive had C'Xploded, injuring a 33-year-old woman who was passing by. It forced the cenier 10 shut down for lhe night on one of lhe busiest shopping days of Lhe year, officials said. The in1ured woman. who was burned ,See SHOPPING, P•&• A4 roads as required by the federal government See PaaeM B D ear Santa, Hi. Rtmember me? It's Lolita Harper. &om Costa Mesa I know I haven't written you in a long time but my son, Donovan, and I stopped by the mall the other day to visit you. I was the one ln the black top. grumbling about having to pay $15 ror a Polaroid plcture in a flimsy. constructlon-ptlper mme. Ring any bells? only person who wanl'I thJs for O:uistma& Think of bow many names you could cross off your Ust with one feO swoop. There are help those in the surrolrnding Los Angeles area. That's pretty nice, huh? ATA GLANCE ONTH£WEB: - www.~com WEATHER ~ Anyway. I wanted to touch base wtth you because I have just one simple requett. AO I want ror Qu1ltmaa ls a Nadonal Championship b the USC football team. J know your usual criteria Cor IP'8Dting Ouistma wllhes -the whole naughry and nice tbln.g-but we can't undo the hands ol time. so I beve formulated the foDowtna Utt of rNIOns to bend the rula a little ancf pant my wWt anyway. I . I t;p 111 at a buDda ol nb people. nu.st me. Senta. when I uy I am not the ~LOLITA HARPER tflewodd. • the 100-or-so football players, the coaching ataff, the 'frojan athletlc deputment. all the school's students - preeent and past -and the thouaand.s of other adopted Trojans aD owr Might t remind you that USC was ranked the No. l coJleae In the nation ln 2000 by Tune nllpdne bec:ause of Its tmnendOl.11 oommuntry outreach. 1bousaoda and thousands of volunteer houn have been ipent by srudenta and faa.alty members to &et bwoMd wtth and If you Deed a If ttle more nJceness, I offer you the following stutement by DaJJy PUot receptlonistNancy Hopper. She Is just about the ruceat peraon l lcnew, always greedng lhoee who walk thro~gh the front door with a smile and a kind word. Nancy told me she has beeD a 'Irojan ran since her days.on the Los Angeles campus - "long befbre UJ was a gjeam ln (my) father's t!)'e." she said. •Of coune I want that national chmnplonahip." Nancy ..ud. "WeWwa.lled so long and bad to su&r ~ the Lany Smftba and the Paul Hacketa and John Robimon -on the eecond ti.me around. We de.erve It lhla year.• 2. lbaW....,. a-a IMOfliOM'l't ot It will be mostly cloudy today with highs In the low 60s. Thursday. rain is expected to return. SeePa1eA2 NEWS Share Our Selves l)olda its annual Adopt-A-Family program et the fairgrounds. S..P .. eA3 NEWS John Wayne Airport closes SPORTS Newport Harbor Hlgh_glrla t>.lketbetl tek" on Whlmfv. SeehpM A2 Wednesday, Decembet 24, 2003 -.. .. .. LOCALS ONLY .. .. ~ NEIGHBORS Ramonfto.t r..,,,_ founder and rnAJlll81,ng partner of Newport Beach-based Lopez. Hodea, Rettalno Mnmanand Sldkoe, was JlMled •Top Gun· Product ~ of 8, 195 elementary and secondary school teachers nationwide who achieved National Board Certification in 2003 ... Sage Hill Schot>l in Newport Coast recently announced that Katrina Redellhelmer from Newport Beach and Braden Barnett from Ramon Rossi Lopez Uabillty/Mw lbrt Trial Attomey of the Year," by the Orange County nial Uiwyers Assn. •.. Oavtd Raft, an attorney and partner with -Newpon Beach-based -nalionaJ ')mmlgraUon law David Raft firm Hlnon Weder and Perl, wai:. ele<.."ted vke-chalrman nf the Orange County Bar Assn.'s lmmlgration Section. Raft will take office on Jru1. I . O\andra Prough, who tcacJies second gmde al Newport Coast Elementary School, is one Corona del Mar were designated National Merit semifinalists. Sage Hill also announced that Jubane Cdlouette. C.arlo ~ WIDlam Seep>Ultt. aJ1 of Newport Beach. Edward l>ueltat>erg, of Newport Coast and s..n Fankuchm, of Corona del Mar. Were designated as National Merit commended ... Attorney James D. D.uy of Newport Beach's Daily Law Group was awarded the HaJbor Patrol Deputy of the Year award for demonstrated commitment to the department and lo urtlt goals. • NE>GHBORS spotlights edlievements in the community. Please direct notewonhy lnformetion to Luis Peno by fax at (949) 646-4170, or send e-mail to luis.pena~/s1imes.com. PET OF THE WEEK Buttercup llm •~Bullen-up. a httJC' orange tabby female >Yho 1s just about I year old We niclnarned her BeBe Her Coster daddy accidentally fractured her pelvis when he opene<.l the door she w;c, lymg behind la~t year. After her in1ury. she ww. onJy ..ible to drag her legs behind her. She has received physical therapy and 'illpponlve care 10 relieve her hladdl'r, hoping for a full recovery. BeBe's groW1h platelct'6 miraculously regenerated and she has grown In to a beautiful young glrl who walks with a wobbly gale and runs like any other you ng playful animal. BeBe loves IO play with other cats ru1d is available for adoption to that special someone •.1.'ho works from home or ha<, a flexible schedule. During her recovery, Bebe has altended a few local high school 1:ommunity -.ervice programs to encouragC' young people and their faroalic-. 10 get Involved by giving lime to help local animalr.. This Clmstma<., we want to thank our many dcdicaced volunieer foster pnrents who loved each.and every cn:•ature that was fortunatc enough tn have passed thmuKh our organizalion·, ,11 m). Costa Mesa rcside11t Kaw GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED runs perlod1cally in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 5744298 SERV1CE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES Join other business professionals to help small businesses suooeed by lead ing seminara and coaching entrepreneura online. The corps la a nonprofit J:harltable organization Kasakoff is one such valuable caregiver whose loving home is safeguarding two orange and white female kittens named Guida and Greta until the right family in a single story home can be found for the two. Happy holidays! • The Community Animal Network 11 a community-supported animal organizetion linking people and pets through community actlon. See other animals available for adoption at httpJlwww an1malnerworlc.org, 01 stop by Russo's pet store 111 Fashion Island between noon and 4 p m. on weekends Information· 19491 759·3646. or write to the Community Animal Netwof'I( at P.O. Box 8662, Newpon Beacn, CA 92658. composed of 11,600 volunteer business mentors who counsel businesses from nearly 400 offi<:M throughout the country. Call (714) 550-7369. SHARE OUR SELVES CLINIC The clinic, which provides emergency services to the needy In Orange County, is looking for volunteers to deliver and pldc up food from local restaurants and grocery stores, help with medical and dental staff, data entry, assist with food sorting and dla1ribution, to help at the front de.it and some other duties. The group also needs tranalators. (949) 642-3451, e>rt. 257. Daily A Pilot VOL. 97, NO. 3~ THOMAS H. JOHNSON Stew McCnnll Publisher TONVOOOERO Editor JUr:t'fOETTINO ~·~~, Ptomotlona DIAICtor ' Photo E•nor. (9'9) 764""368 6tfl'l/9.mccnmk•111t1n-.com JoeeJ.....,.,. M Director I Newt Delk Chief. 19'9) 57"4224 io#Mlltw•~com ,._.~ Gina~ Lori A.nder8on. Denlel Hunt. PM;1 Slltowtu. Daniel St8Y9nl NEWI~ 0..,.. ....... Crime Ind cou,,. '9PC)ltef, (948)~ d#pe.twrdl·~ JIMeCrna •• Newport 8Md1 l'9POl1IW; (948) 57'""232 June.ceNgrande•l«ln-.com o.lldre Ntwmlln ea.ta Mesa repottw, (IMS) 5?~1 delrdrt1.~•111t1rrw.oom Malt.O"Nll Educetlon ~. (949157 ...... tnMll&OM11•111t1mt1e.oom FOR A GOOD CAUSE Charlotte Kies C harlotte Kies was playing Santa Oaus on Tuesday - dropping off toys donated to Parent Help USA 16 displaced families living in motels. Kies has been volunteering for the Costa Mesa organization since 1998 when she met Parent Help fowider Sally Kanarek. Both were brin~ng presents to ch ildren living in a motel in Anaheim -Kies through her church and Kanarek through her organizatlon. As a volunteer, Kles accompanies Kanarek 10 motels, reaches a parent education class and helps distribute clothes to familles. She also assists in coordinating getting donations and picking up food. "The goal ls to meet their basic needs first, llnd then offer counseling and support,• Kies said. Kies has a masler's degree in clinical psychology and has always worked with kids, she said. She is a project Uaison with the Orange DUI ARRESTS ThtM people h8ve been emtSted on suaplclon of drilling under the lnftutnce of .n lnto)dcant. They have only been erretted on euapidon of• crime and, 11 wtth ell "'"**' are cona~ Innocent until prowd guilty. COSTA MESA SUNDAY • Rlcerdo E,..,,._, Rodriguez, 27, Costa Mete Seturday • Ectw.rd Miguel Mems, 24, Apple Valley • Eric Net foellen, 38, Merine Def Rey • M'°'911Edw9tdDbcon,61, Oce.n.ide Volunteering where she's needed County Olild Care Inclusion Project through the Orange County Department of Education. She volunteers as much as she is needed, she said. ''I had no Idea tha1 such poverty existed in Orange County." Kies said. "I saw how Uttle (the families! had. and it tugged on a heartstring for me." Kles said it was difficult at fLrst to gain the trust of the motel families when she firs1 started volunteering with Parent Help since they were getting bursts of support and attention tha1 would disappear just as quickly. "The families weren't so trusting because some groups would come in and leave when the spotlight was gone," Kies said. .. . . Once they allow you in. you do get something out of it. •Anthony Aoyd Engels, 34, Orange •Mery Jene Mekahenoff, 21, Pico Rivera • Loula Humberto Soto, .-S, S."'8 Ana • LIN Moreene Santot, 23, Yucatpe Friday • Robert Scott Stoveken, 29, COlta Mesa Thurtdri · • Lule Cerf~ Aguirre, 23, Santa Ana w.dheedey • Mlc:heel Craig Holllnghurst, 47, Newport Beedl NEWPORT BEACH SUNDAY • George Clehbome Morte 111, 49, Mammoth l.alcea • Nedhlr ~eh PourteymOOf, 21, Newpon 8eectt It was definitely a blessing to be there." Providing support and supplies for the motel families helps to prevenl child abuse by relieving the families of some of their daily stress. Kies said. Some of the families have chUdren with special needs. which can also cause stress, Kies said. The class she teaches illustrates how 10 discipline children.without hurting them and without passing judgment, Kies explained. "We'd always be there afterward if they had thingi:. they wanted to share that they didn't want to talk about in front of the group." Kies said. Parent Help is always looking for volunteers. Kies stressed. "Parent Help is an amazing place to volunteer." she said." ... Whatever gifts someone has to give. Tune is really a gift that:S valued here.~ -St.ory by Deirdrp Newmn11, plioto by Kent Treptow • Martt Emerson Ramsey, 30, Laa Vegas • John Paul Delong, 30, Univertlty Heights, Ohio Setul'day •,Jordan Benjamin Meyer, 21, Anaheim Hilla • Evan J ames foster, 26, Orange • Leo Jamea Najera. 32, Mlaion Viejo Friday •Alen Roy Kaye, 36, NeoNPOrt Beach • Han'la Gua Lewi•. 22, Huntington Beach •Brian Sterilng Ambroee, 40, Laguna Beed1 Thut9day • Marcelo Miura Mefo, 21, Huntington e..dt Wednetday • Nofvald Lawrence Ulvestad, 62, Laguna Beedl • Henry Aguiler. 41, Fullerton -- Aide Robinlon Politlca, bu1lne11 al'ld environment repofter, llM9l 764-4330 a/lcl11.roblnt10nOl11tlrrn..oom U.l!Wfte News ••lstant. (!MS) 574-4296 lull.1»Mtllatffn#.oom PHOTOORAJIHERS Martt C. Dustin, Don lAach. POSTMASTER: Send addresa changes to The Newport Beach/Coste Meu Dally Piiot. P.O. Box i 560, Costa Meea, CA 92626. Copyright: No newa atorln, illustratlona, editorial matter or adVertlsements her91n can be reproduced without written perml11ton of copyright owner. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST It'll be mostly cloudy today, with a 30% chance of rain In the afternoon. The winda will be light through the evening. The highs will be from 65 to 70 degreea. It 11 atertlng to feel Ilk• Chrlatmes WNther. 7 feet. At night, the swe ll will be westerly from 6 to 8 feet. SURF I Santa seems to be bringing quality sets. The northwest will increase for head-high end overhead surf at many west-facing breaks. The waves will be about the aame on Christmas Oay, but the weather Is in question. On Friday, before the latest northwest he• badced off, another northwest will arrive. l<ent Treptow MAD£AS HO'flM (9'91 5'2..eoee Rtcord your comments about tM Dally Pllot or news tlpe. Mdreee Our eddreu la 330 W. Bay St, Colt.a MOM, CA 92627. Ofnce hou,. are Moncny • ~v. 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. C«rNdCM• It It the Piiot'• policy to promptly co1Tec:t all em>,. of aut>.i.nct. Pl .... call (IM9) '16M32•. FYI The Newport Bet<M::oeta M ... Dally Piiot IUSPS-1'4-800) II publtahed d911y. In Newport 8Mdl Ind Coe1.t Meu, 1Ubect1ptlona Ire 1v1ll1b4e only by tublortblng to The Tlmea Orena-County (IOO) 252-81' 1. In ,,.... outalde of Newi>ort htdl and Coat• Maaa. 1ubact1ptlon1 to th• Dally Piiot '"' av1ll1ble only by ntat ct ... mell for S30 per mon1fl. (Pricae l~uc:t. ell epplloeb4e lltlll9 and loC4ll taJc-.) C2003 Tlm411 CN. All rig~ ~. At night. It won't be quite as cloudy. The lows will be from .-Sto &2. ~ www.nw..no. .. (JOV BOATING FORECAST Wlndl will be light on the Inner weten, out ot the northeact to eatt In the morning and out of the llOU1hWNt In the lftemoon and through the night. The wevta will be 2 fMt or smeller on 1 · W9lt Mell of ti to 7 #Mt. Out flrthtr, WMt wlnd9will be trom 10 to 15 knots. The W9V9I will be 2 fMt or emtHer on• nofthwttt 1.U ffom 5 to w.-qualtty: www.turfrlrhr.org TIDES Time 2:43a.m. 9:04a.m. 4:29p.m. 11:07p.m. ~ 2.10fMt tow 7. 10 '"' high • 1. 71 fMt low S.93 r.et high WATER TEMPERATURE 67 deg,... Sharing their time and m<?ney Families, businesses and organizations donate items to the Share Our Selves' holiday gift program. MarlH O'Neil Daily Pilot S ubwbans, mJnivans and moving trucks filled with holiday gifts lined up 20 · deep Tuesday morning at the Orange Cowity Fairgrowuls for Share Our Selves' annual Adopt-A-Family Program. Hundreds of vohmteers hustJed with cans and dollies to off-load boxes of food, clothing and toys that will go to about 1,500 Orange Cowity families just In time for Ouistmas. Local residents, companies.and service organizations donated items for anywhere from one to n families. ·sos is such a worthy cause and this Is so timely," said Frank Consoli, who adopted 10 families with his service group, OC Us In Action. "It teaches us and our children that we can make a difference and take a responsibility for our lives.· DOUGLAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT From left, Chris Born, of Marie Callender's Restaurant, delivers gifts to Share Our Selves, while Alex Morton, and Jovanni and Jose Gomez unload the supplies at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Costa Mesa's Share Our Selves provides year-round emergency assistance for families In need This Is the 34th year for the holiday Adopt ·A· Family Program. which primarily serves families in Santa Ana and Costa Mesa schools who would otherwise have little to celebrate at Ouistmas.. In addition to connecting donors with needy families, Share Our Selves provides food and toys for about 300 families. "People get preoccupied with 'orange' aJens and things like that," said program coordinator Therese DeGroot. "Today we can be on chlld aJert." Donors who participate get a short description of the family or families they are sponsoring. sometimes even Including letters from the children, DeGroot said. People can then buy items specifically tailored to that family's needs. Tuesday morning. Share Our Selves volunteers had it down to a &"}'Stem. directing traffic into the fairgrowids, loading labeled boxes of gifts onto cans and stacking them in two large buildings, sorted by school Donations included bicycles, toys and giant boxes filled with food. "It's kind of tiring but it's fun," 16-year-old Anne Rizzacasa said as she ran with a dolly to unload more boxes. Some local companies kept the volunteers extra busy with entire truckloads of goodies. Then clothing retailer Hot Thpic, based In the city of Industry, donated enough for n families. "!Employees! used to do a gift exchange but we thought it would be better to do something for other people," said Amy Malone, a department manager at Hot Topic's bead office. "Now we do this instead." Last year. Hot Topic donated enough for 63 families, Malone said, but each year of the six it has participated in the Share Our Selves program, the group has challenged themselves to give to more families. Newport Beach residents Kim and Allen Younnan brought jackets, games, school uniforms and food for a Otristmas dinner for a 7 ·year-old and I I-year-old ~.a 13-year-old boy and their parents. For confidentiality reasons, they will never mee t the family, but that just adds to the Santa spirit for some. "This is the most Ouistmasy thing we do," Kim Yourman said. "We reaJly enjoy this." Not quite a white Christmas But a wet one is expected for Newport-Mesa, where as much as an inch of rain could fall on Thursd ay. Lolita Harper Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Residents who did not ask Santa for ga· Joshes, a raincoat or umbrella for Ouistmas are out of luck. as weather experts predict a large storm -dwarfing the sprinkling of Tuesday-to roU in Thursday. Noel Isla, a forecaster for the National Weather Service, said Newport·Mesans can expect a half-inch to an inch of rain £rom a storm that Is moving in from the northwest. Isla said Thurs· day holds a 60% to 70% chance of rain, with high temperatures ranging from 58 to 64 degrees. "The amount of rain we had (Tuesday) has been really light," ALLOWED Continued from Al the human touch. We all lcnow that the BS. l mean. the BCS (Bowl Ownplonship Series) is seriously flawed. Cmon Santa. the National Otampionship has been detennJned by a computer with a faulty microchip. USC was ranked the No. 1 In the A.Mociated Press poll - determined by human sports writers -and the coaches' poll. The 'fiojans deserve that championship. I know, Santa. that you have felt pressure In your own organl.zadon to tum production over to computers and machines. It was rumored In the early 1990s that the North Pole Board of Din!ctora even threatened to repJace you lf you did not atreamllne manufacturing and stan laying off some of your "Utde helpen." But you held your ground, lcnowing that no machine can add the aped.al magk: to toys that llw eMll can. It la In that ame sptrit that I ask you to give the championablp to the people's choice -use. s.~W. ................. " I didn'l want to l'elOlt to dW ooe but lltbe !rat t-o...,... aren't eflOUlh. I muet. CJ'm only naughty when I ha¥e to be.) M you we aware, I un a IDllDber ot that •liberal ~" \tJu know, thole joum8lllU who ba've _.sao.pllnlal .......... ibe m.-ud ... ., lllklrll aclbeWOltd. ~a.. a.. Mt> !"',.... "°'4 cu lndulay lsla said. "The stronger storm should be arriving Ouistmas Day." The extra precipitation doesn't bother Valerie Leon , who was picltlng up her son £rom Ouis· Lian Montessori School in Costa Mesa on Tuesday. At least the rain gives some inclination of a change in the season and makes it feel a little more like winter, the Huntington Beach resident said. ~ws not a white Ouistmas but at least there is rain,· Leon said. Newport Beach resident Jason Parillo, was not as thrilled about the expected downpour. Parillo was filling his tanlc at the Shell gas station on the comer of Baker Street and Fairview Road has ignored evidence of poMible labor violations at the Nodh Pole. Widespread accounts of 20-hour workdays with no overtime; ridiculous dress code iMues and discrimination of those over 4 feet 2 Inches tall. For the most part. we trust Santa would never treat his beloved elves maliciously. But when undeserving teams receive the gift of playing for an NCAA National OtamplonshJp, we begin to wonder what's really going on under the veil of goodwill. 4. My managing edJtor. S.J. c.ahn -you know, the Notre Dame alumnus -la lapping up the fact that SC got robbed. If in Costa Mesa in preparation for a Otristmas day on the road. He and his girlfriend will travel from Newport Beach to VlUa Park - to his parent's house -and then to Anaheim to her famlly's house, he said. "It's just a lot of time on the road,• he said. "Add rain to the equation and it gets that much better. But nothing can really spoil Otristmas. so it's not that bad." What was bad was the traffic around town and on the free- ways. Although the California Highway Patrol reported no ma· jor incidents, there were the typical fender-benders that seem to Increase with the rain. Another incident was reponed at 3 p.m. at Baker Street and Bear Street. A minor traffic coUlsion was reported at 5 p.m . at the Bristol Street offramp on the nonhbowid San Diego fl"eeway. you grant my wish, you can save yourself the trouble of putting a lump of coal In his stocldng and thus getting your nice white gloves dirty. Just a thougnt. All In all. Santa, it is just fair that the Trojans get the top billing -or the opportunity to play for it, at the very least. I ask that you Intervene with a Utile holiday magic and make this wish come true. Flg)lt on, Lolita Harper • LOUTA HARPER writes column• Wedneadavs and Fridaya. She may be readied et (949) 574-4275 or by •mallet lollta.harpertJlatimtta.com. Steaks I M enu Includes: I • Stelllt d-Lobs~ Combo • Pnile Filet • Fikt Mipon • New York Stelllt • Austrlllian Lobster T4il • AUulu111 King CrAb ~ I Prime Rib I ' on Fri.-Sat. • T-Botu Stelllt • Me"4/Jions of lkef with BordAl.aise sauce • Shrimp (scampi styk) • HAlibut Suak •Swordfish Dinners jndudc choice of S9UR or salad, choice of bakcif P.0l2lO stuffCd baked pota10 or rice pi(af and garlic bread. 169S Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa (949) 646-7944 Iv i.a oe_ea • 4'30 Dlaacr i,I Mrwd from .5'30 Moo-Se&. Ope.o .S:OO pm on Chrietmu &. 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You'll learn: • How contributions may be higher than other retirement plans • The benefits of tax-deductible contributions and taJl·deferred growth • A range of self-directed investment options C.11(Mt)717·SJOO or (IOO) 461-.JJU for your frff guide . 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ,;i .. ----... ... c -• --• -.. --.. -w. .. ----• -• . ... ... -... -..... THll II WHO WI AR&. THll 11 HOW WI IAltN If.• SMITH~: SM'I """'dots not off« I• Ol ieOll ~t. PltlW COMull JOU' ....... edwiSor fof such~ A '*Y _.,NI ital ~ -. • 1111r •,..,. 1l'lldur11~. 0200s c.,_Mll........, 1nc.. Mel!lblr s« ~ .... , ._...,. _ 11MC11 Mt of C~ Globll MMlti lnC. .wl its.._ ...... ,..._Id lhrouglMM flt..-,. ClllGllCU' _, lllt ........ l>Mt"' tr~'""' ilMt !Nib ol c.., ........ "' ... llld ___ ............... 'r 1 TIL0'5 EUROPEAN AUTO HAUS LOWEST PRICES ON PRE.OWNED MBZ • BMW • PORSCHE Come Experience 1 Friendly Way to Buy a Pre-Owned European Automobile 200 W. C.oast Hwy & Dover • NEMpart Beach, CA 949.850.2222 -.doc8ri.com 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale sl099 Reg. sH.99 . Now through December 21 Co<rrA \.t~ " l?nl STJ111 f'ltoo.tr,-\llf ,(Ya,fa Of l'hlt •"'"""A'"' T\.S'n"I M.UKE11'l.AC'E -~ El C "°'""> ltr..u '\I R l \ CaOSSllO<lO C£m'la la\'Th'E °"' 9A#A'4.:A l-{800) 5414176 ' Security tight at John Wayne Airp6rt Officials at the airport and elsewhere in Newport-Mesa are on heightened alen due to raised level of terrorist threat. 0.ep• Bh•r•th OajyPilot NEWPOKT·MESA -Looal public safety oflidals are on a hdghcened state of aJert follow· ing the •orange• alert issued by the Homeland Security Depa.n- men1 last week. John Wayne Airport will imple- ment several road closures be- ginning at -4:30 a.m. today. in· duding the Mic:belsoo Drive entrance to the airport and the direct access road from the San Diego Freeway, airport officials announced on Tuesday. The dosuru were mandated by the Transportation Security PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTAaESA .... 9trMt and '94118rtno Awlnue: A traffic ac:ddent invofving Injuries was reported at 1 "so p.m. Sunday. • 8Mtof StrMt: Petty theft was reported in the 3300 blodc at 3:52 p.m. Sunday. ·~Laneend Minut.man Way. Drinking in public was reported at 2:05 a.m. Monday. • HatbM Boulevard: Vandalism was reported In the 2300 blodc at 7:45 p.m. Sunday. • Vidoria Street An assault was reported in the 500 blodt at 10:22 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • w..t Coast Hithwrf: An auto theft was reported in the 2900 blodt at3:32p.m. • Cotponte Plan: A hit-and-run was reported in the 100 blodt at 1: 12 p.m. Monday. • Evtt. and s..ctril't ctrtv.: A vehicle burglary was reported at 1 :43 p.m. Monday. • ~ Boulewrd: A physical fight was reponed in the 2700 blodt at 12:33 p.m. Monday. • ~ c.mar onw w..t: An auto theft was reported in the 900 blodt at 12:18 a.m. Monday. • s..l*d Court Vandalism was reported in the 100 blodt at 12:51 p.m. Monday. • Superior Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 1500 blodt at 11:1>5 a.m. Monday. • 11th StrMt: Petty theft WU reported in the 1700 blodt at 3:10 a.m. Monday. Admln1stradon. ~bands out alJ diMctiw:a to John Wayne Alr· pon as 1t does to other airports and agencies aD over the coun· try, said John w.yOe Aitpon spotesman Justin MceusUr. "We get veiy SJ*ific insrruc-tions about what to do with air· port security when the aJen. levek. are raJ.sed. • be laid. ~ ~ we get. for example. would be dilferent from what l..AX gets because they are sev- eral times biger than us.. A$ ol today. passengers can enter the tenninal roadway sys- tem from Campus Drive to the south or the dedicated Costa Mesa Freeway offramp from the SHOPPING Continued from Al on her hands, ankles. waist and face. was taken to Western Medi- cal Center In Santa Ana where she remains in stable conrutfon. officials said. FLrefigbters checked loca1 high rises for people who may have been stuck in elevators.. said Newport Beach Police Sgt Steve Shulman. •A firefighter rescued a man who was stuck in an elevator for about 20 minutes in a building on Newport Cenrer Drive,• he said. The shopping center initially lost power on the east side. caus· ing mosl of the stores there to close early. he said. At about 9 p.m.. the res1 of the center be- came dark. Southern California F.dison was able to restore power to the entire mall at about 9:15 p.m .. Shulman said. By Tuesday morning, the ~r company was able 10 fix the problem. said Shayne Voor· heis, spokeswoman for Fashfon Island. ·11 was business as usual to· day.· she said. ·0ur parking lots were full and the center was full of customers.· Businesses were not affected by lhe outage because it hap· CHEER Continued from A 1 get all the stuff that I get so it makes me feel like I'm giving baclc. - Klugh's grandfalher. Carl Lydon, also helped oul. portraying Santa Oaus. ·11ove it,· Santa said. "The more. the merrier.• The toys are donated by businesses and individuals. Som e generous donors shop year-round and bring toys throughout the year, Santos said. "We're so thankful for alJ the people who suppon us.· Santos said. ·we just organize it Ifs the Help keep our city clean! PILOT noi;jh. FYI Vehicles enterins the airport For more Information about roadway as well as 1hoae enter· airport roed closure• call (949) Ing the puktng suucturel will be · 252-5200 or visit ' subfect to random tnspecdona. ~ -.1, ... ,..m. The airport has also ln~ased ......... ·- &ta.mng levels and •instituted ad· ditlonal saf'ety procedW'eS,. said Alrpon Dlttctor Alan M\.trphy. .. -While some of the increased teCUdty measur:eg in place are visible to the public, more semi- dve procedures are not.• be said. M.cCusUr said passengers who are tnl~ during the holidays should expect delays and plan oo corning to the air· pon ahead of time. Ibey should aI?We rwo and a halt hours prior to their sched· uled flight to allow time for park· ing check -in and the securiry screeningprocess,·besaid. Local public safety officials pened near closing time, Voor· beis said. "But this is a very rare occur- rence; she said. "I've never heard of us having an outage like this." Salespeople working the carts near BloomingdaJe's said they were "freaked out" by the outage. "There were rumors Dying around like oazy, • said Michelle Brittell. ·Someone was wonder· ing it this was a terrorist anaclc. Police officers evacuated restau· rants and asked everyone to leave. It was scary and unex- pected." VaJerie De'Angelis. who sells Italian charm bracelets. said she belleved the outage was "bad for business.· •1t was pretty crowded before what happened,· she said. Luciano Alvear, a salesman at lnrugo Palms clothing store, said lhe store "was having a great day until that poinL • ·it seems a little slower than nonnal now." he said oo Tuesday afternoon. "I don't know if it's the rain or the blackout last night. It doesn't seem like two days be- fore Ouistmas. It seems like a regular week day.· • DEEPA BKARATH covers pubhc safety and courts. She may be reactied et (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail at deepa.bharath li latimes com. people in the communiry that make this happen.· As the children received their gifts. Hatleberg sat off to one side with a look of joyous contentment on her face. Luis Armendariz. a volunteer with the soup lcitchen, said he was impressed with Hatleberg's resilience in attenrung the event "Merie is one of my heroes.· Armendariz said. ·she's so devoted 10 the communiry. Even with her health problems. she still goes ou1 and does what sh<> does." • DElADRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa. She may be reacned at (9491 574-4221 or by e-marl at delrdre.newman@latimes com. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items 10 the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St:, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to /uis.pena latlmttS.com; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 57+4298. lnchJde the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. TODAY The Enwtrol imen1lll Nftl19 Cantrlr will present a holiday craft worbhop In which participants can create their own sp9Cial holiday season gifta tor family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is$ \40 per student with a 10% ditcoUnt for members. The,. wtll be a $25 materials fM. lnfonnatk>n: (949) 646-3489. also &aid they were on a heigbl· ened aJert, but weren'I doing anything much d1fl'erent than what they have been doing since Sept. 11. 2001. Orange Counry SheriJf's Har· bor Patrol officials In Newport Beach said they continue to look for suspicious activiry In the hat· bor and make sure they teep stafftng levels high. Police officers ·continue to re- main vigilant/ saJd Costa Mesa police Lt. Dale Birney. "But we don't take any drastic steps till we go to the very high or red level.~ he said. PRICES Continued from Al Coast Assn. of Realtors. Costa Mesa median prices aJso rose since last year, up from $500,000 in November 2002 to $560,000 in the same month this year, she said. "I thought first of aJJ 2003 was a banner year, there's no ques-. lion about that,· said Kent McNaughton, a Newport Beach sales executive for First Team Real Estate. With inventory levels remain· ing low and buyer confidence high. strong sales will last through 2004 and possibly into 2005 and beyond, he said. McNaughton saw his busi· ness triple this year as the lack of available housing pushed more prices into his market, which is homes valued above $3 million. Statewide, this was the third straight year of housing sales in· creases with 2003 showing the highest number of sales ttans· actions in California history, said Leslie Appleton-Young, chief economist for the Califor- nia Assn. of Realtors. The California housing mar- k.et will remain strong in 2004, although a 2% drop in sales is projected due to an expected in· crease in mortgage rates. she said. "We think that's going to start to cool the market a littlt bit be- cause first-time buyers are hav- ing difficulty getting into homes that are appreciating from 15% to 25%, depending on the area," Appleton-Young said. No relief is expected in the short supply of homes, and the affordability index could drop to 19% in 2004, down from 1he 27% of CaJifom ia h ouseh olds that could afford to buy the m e· dian·priced home this year. she said. • ALICIA ROBINSON covers business. pohtics and the environment She may be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at alic111.robinson <V/atimes.com. FRIDAY Th• Environmental Natu,. Cenw will present a holiday craft worbhop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost Is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. lnfonnatlon: (949) 645-8489. MONDAY The,... and Mary Muth Interpretive Center will host en went that will let visitors see and touch different kinds of Insects and to understand how the legs of different Insects do different jobs from 11 a .. m. to noon at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The cost wiH be S-10 for each chlld 5 and older. lnfotmatlon: (949) 923-2295. ·FO.RUM HOW 10 GET PUBUSHED -L.tten: Mall to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • AMdera HotllM: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 648-4170 E-rnall:Send to dallypllotCflatim••.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoaes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submission& for clarity and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES .. City attorney turmoil requires bold action CITY Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (7141754-5223 By Dou1 Sutton I t seems reasonable that any recommendation begin with an understanding of what happened the night of Sept. 9, 2002. This is tough because our present, and previous, City Council members have done their darnedest to cloak everything about that meeting under a veil of secrecy. l say veil because their need for secrecy didn't stop individual council members from repeatedly commenting in public on their charges. Let's ignore for the moment the rumors that started circulating immediately after the council's calamitous night of carnage and focus on what we do know. First, we know that on Sept. 9. 2002, the Costa Mesa City Council voted 5 to 0, in a closed session, to suspend our highly respected City Attorney -with 17 years of city service -Jerry Scheer. Additionally, it suspended our assistant city attorney, who didn't even work for the council. Second, we've learned from Scheer's legal filing he notified both our city manager and our then mayor, Karen Robinson. days before the meeting that "such a session was not permissible under the Brown Act.~ We also know that neither the city manager, nor an outside auomey representing our city interest, attended the meeting so the city was without advice and legal counsel to protect the city. (I'm CELEBRATE no lawyer, but m y guess is It would have been unethical for Robinson to offer legal oplnion in that meeting. and I believe she's way too smart for that.) Third, we know our assistant city attorney, Tom Wood, was soon reinstated as the acting city attorney and in bis first comments be said that first closed council sesslon violated the Brown Act. I infer from his quick rein statement. and the fact that he's still serving as the acting city attorney, that the council was not responding to an emergency that night. So, I expect it could be easily argued that since the meeting was held in violation of the Brown Act, no one should have been suspended at that meeting. Fourth, Scheer personally names in his lawgult only four of the five council members who were serving at that time. charging them wilh conduct that was ~malicious, fraudulent, and, or oppre~ive, and done with a willful and conscious disregard for plaintiff's rights." He adds that the defendants made "statements about plaintiff which were false ... " to the news media, and that those statements were "spoken by the defendants with malice ... ." So. I think we can assume both that someone (Councilman Cllris Steel -not named in the lawsuit) on the council had unsuccessfully tried to slow this thing down and that "f Scheer's charges are very serious. l've been asking the council about this issue for 15 months ON THE BAL and I know enough to' say this whole thing stink& It's obvious to me the present council agrees with me on this. A few months ago, it voted 5 to O (note that a majority three of five were not on the council in September 2002 and are not personally charged In Scheer's lawsuit) to accept the settlem ent and pay close to SI million to make this mess go away. Since Costa Mesa rarely (if ever) settles lawsuits this early in the process. why do so now1 TI1is raises another question. Why do Costa Mesa cow1cil members recuse themselves from participating and voting on the most trivial issues within 500 feet of their homes. which might affect their property values. but partic1pa1e and vote to have the city settle a huge lawsuit in which they are personally charged with serious offenses? Hard as it to believe, the $750,000 that the councll tried to spend to clean up this mess might well be of secondary importance to all of us. If the council initialed some kind of a Machiavellian plot of revenge to oust a long and tru~ted senior city staff member, we should be asking how our city should be restructured. But. the Daily Pilot asked the question #What should Wl' do about the settlement?" so here are my recommendation~: The two sitting council members, whom Scheer personally charged. Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilwoman Ubby Cowan. TH IS NEW YEAR'S H OLIDAY . Bogart courted Bacall here and you can almost envision them twirling around the dance floor. Now you too can celebrate in style at the New Year's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom . Enjoy a spectacular five course feast, dance the night away to Jay Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra then toast with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. Only at the Host of the Coast. $250 per person inclu~ive. Overnight stay dnd kids packages available. For information and reservations call 949 630- 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 92663 949 645-SOOO I Fax: 94 9 630-4215 I www.balboabaydub.com should lnunedlately recuse themselves from participating further in this matter. Confilct of Interest considerations malce it impossible for residents to know whether they're acting in the city's best lnterest or their own. Their unprofessional behavior in this matter to this polnt stops me from giving them any more benefit of the doubt. The actions of our three remaining council members indicate they are not up to the task. Costa Mesa needs leadershlp that's not afraid to say, "We made a terrible mistake," and acts for the best interest of city residents and taxpayers to ensure a fair distribution of costs. That means whether the previous council members named in the lawsuit committed "fraud" and acted with "malice" to oust Scheer -or whether they ~re jusr plain stupid and inept - our present council members failed us all miserably when they assigned all the cost to us and did nothing to insure we won't be subject to similar council behavior again. Present council members not charged by Scheer should immediately vote to assign our esteemed city manager, Alan Roeder, to instruct our outside auomey (or select a different one If he chooses) to reassess the merit of the city's case against Scheer and demand that any course of action be focused upon getting Costa Mesa residents substantive benefit for the amount we're spending. The council and the city must agree in advance to accept the recommendation or Roeder"s appointee. whether It's to settle with Scheer {separately or inclusively with those personally charged). ro go to trial (separately or lnclusively with those personally charged), or to ask those charged, who are still sining on council, to resign. My personaJ preference would be to see Costa Mesa conlinue the case through deposition. Having watched our previous council, I thoroughly believe depositions would quickly get us to the hean or the matter. Lastly. if Roeder's appointee decides H's in the best Interest of the city lo separate the city's response fro m those personally charged, the city should refuse 10 pay for the defense of those personally charged. And, should Roeder's appointee decide council's inltiaJ charge against Scheer was not onJy improperly executed but was without foundation, I'd like him lo initiate whatever process is warranted to discourage a repeat of anything like this. What's most important is that Costa Mesa residents get a commensurate benefit for the cost. Thls was a travesty and is an extremely bitter pill for Cosra Mesa to swallow. but one our council created and one we must learn from and deaJ wilh responsibly before we move on. • DOUG SUTTON Is a Costa Mesa resident. M-vor. Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Sc:tieafer and Chris Steel CITY Of NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (9491 644-3309 Meyor. Tod Ridgeway Coundl: Gary Adams, Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan. Dick Nichols, Steven Rosansky and Don Webb U.S. SENATE •Barbara Boxer (0 ), 112 Hen Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510. (202) 224-3553; or312 N. Spring St., Suite 1748, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (2 13) 894-5000; fax (213) 894-5042; E-mail: boxer.senate.gov/ contactlwebform. •Dianne Feins1ein (D). 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841 ; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: senator@feinstein.senate.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave .. Washington, D.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail· president>!! whllehouse.gov Fax: (2021 456-2461 VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney (R), Capitol Building, Suite 212, Washington, D.C. 20500 E-mail vice.president iilwhitehouse.gov Fax· (202) 456-2461 60% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE. STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 6 P\AY A. MllllON TO WIN THltOVGH DECEMBER 2003, NO l'VRCHA.Sl NECfSSA.aY: SEE OfflCIA.l RUlfS A.T STORES, NEIMA.NMARCUS COM/MIUJON, O« NM &v MA.IL FO« SPECIAL HOlJO~Y HOURS CAU STOllE OR 1 800.NEIMANS. 'ASHION ISLAND 949 1.S9.1900 ~off~ lkbl PfOC:. only. lnl!Kltll lftOAdowm ~how e-t ....... w-.1 ~ ... onfy No odillilmenft b ptlot aoi.t CHANEL• ~ "'-· '-decicir. ieMirY. HciWar Olortel:.i:· ~. Ond CQnCtv 1101 lnc:klded. Mefch0n<t1M ot loll Colf't ~ C.... ..._ "°' lllllLW KIOI fll ~II ~~ 1 • rt'1wb o 111rd TIL0'5 EUROPEAN AUTO HAUS LOWEST PRICES ON PRE.OWNED MBZ • BMW • PORSCHE Came Experience a Friendly W1y to Buy a Pre-Owned European Automobile 200 W. Coast Hw/ & Dover • Newport Beach. CA 949.850.1222 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale sl099 Reg. 114.99 Now through December 2 1 COSTA MESA 17111 STRI l'I' PROMNADl'1Co•Nll or l'trll"' ... '-'" "\ TUSTIN MARK£11>LAt:t-. N!l3 El CAA1f-.(J llhJ\1 •"'llM KU>'> R l' CROSSROAD CEN'TI!R IRVIN•. O!f81\QA A 1·(800) 541-6176 Security tight at John Wayne Airport Officials at the airport and elsewhere in Newport-Mesa are on heightened alert due to raised level of terrorist threat. DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPoRT·MESA -Local public safety officials ace on a heightened state of alert follow· ing the •orange"' alert issued by the Homeland Secwity Depart· ment last week. John Wayne AJq><>(t will lmple· ment several road closures be· ginning at 4:30 a.m. today. In· duding the Mlcbelson Drive entrance to the airport and the direct access road from the San Diego Freeway, airport officials announced on Tuesday. The closures were mandated by the lransportation Security PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Bur 9trMt and '9ulartno Avenue: A trefflc accident Involving Injuries wa• reported at 1 :60 p.m. Sunday. • Bristol Strwt: Petty theft was reported In the 3300 blodt al 3:52 p.m . Sunday. • Georgetown Lane and Mlnut.m•n Wsy. Drinking in public was reported at 2:05 a.m. Monday. • H•rbor Boulevard: Vandalism was reported In the 2300 blodt at 7:45 p.m. Sunday. • Victor!• StrNt: An assault was reported in the 500 blodt at 10:22 p.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Coast HighWllY: An auto theft was reported In the 2900 blodt at3:32p.m. • Corporate Plaz•: A hit-and·run was reported in the 100 blodt at 1:12 p.m. Monday. • Evita and S.adrfft drives: A vehicle burglery waa reported at 1 :43 p.m. Monday. •Newport Bou'9Yerd: A physical fight was reported in the 2700 blodt at 12:33 p.m. Monday. • Newport c.nter Drive WNt: An auto theft was reported in the 900 blodt at 12:18 a.m. Mondey. • Seabird Court Vandalism was reported in the 100 block at 12:51 p.m. Monday. • Su.,.,tor Avenue: Vandalism was reported in the 1600 blodt at 11:05 a.m. Monday. •11th Street Petty theft was reported In the 1700 btodt at 3:10 a.m. Monday. Administradon, whicb hands out all direct.Ives to John wayne Air· port as It does to ocher airports and agencies all over the coun· try, said John Wayne Airport spokesman Justin McCusker. "We get very spe.dfic instruc· dons about what to do with air· port security . when the alert levels are raised,• be 18.fd. ·nie dlrecdves we get. for example, would be different from what LAX gets because they are sev· era) times bigger than us.· As of today, passengers can enter the terminal roadway sys· tern from Campus Drive to the south or the dedicated Costa Mesa Freeway offramp from the SHOPPING Continued from Al on her hands, ankles, waist and face, was taken to Western Medi· cal Center in Santa Ana where she remains In stable condition, offlcWs said. Firelighters cheded local high rises for people who may have been stuck in elevators, said Newport Bea.ch Police Sgt. Steve Shulman. "A firefighter rescued a man who was sruck In an elevator for about 20 minutes in a building on Newport Center Drive," he said. The shopping center initially lost power on lhe east side, caus· ing most of the stores there to close early, he said. At about 9 p.m., lhe rest of the center be· came dark. Southern California EcUson was able to restore power to the entire mall at about 9:15 p.m .• Shulman said. By Tuesday morning. the power company was able to fix the problem, said Shayne Voor· heis, spokeswoman for Fashion lsland. "It was business as usµal to· day." she said. "Our parldng lots were full and the center was full of customers.·· Businesses were not affected by the outage because it hap· CHEER Continued from Al get all the stuff that I get so it makes me feel like I'm giving back." IQugh's grandfather, Carl Lydon, also helped out. portraying Santa Oaus. "I love it." Santa said ... The mo re. the merrier." The toys are donated by businesses and individuals. Som e generous donors shop year·round and bring toys throughout the year, Sancos said. "We're so thankful for all the people who support us,· Santos said. "We just organize it. It's the Help keep our city clean! north. Vehicles entering the airport roadway as well as those enter- ing the parking~ will be subject to random inspections. The aJrport has also increased staffing levels and •tostituted ad· dJtlonaJ safety procedures," said Airport Director Alan Murphy. •WbJJe some of the increased secutjty measures In place are visible to the public. more sensi· tlve procedures are not,• he said. McCwker saJd passengers who are traveling during the holidays should expect delays and plan on coming 10 the air· port ahead of time. '"They should arrive rwo and a half hours prior to their sched- uled flight to allow time ror park· ing cbeck·in and the security screening process," he said. Loca1 public safety officials pened near closing time, Voor- heis said. ·But this ls a very rare occur- rence," she said. "I've never heard of us halling an outage Wee this.• Salespeople working the carts near Bloomingdale's said they were •freaked out" by the outage. "There were rumors flying around like crazy," said Michelle Brlttell. "Someone was wonder- ing if this was a terrorist attack. Police officers evacuated restau· rants and asked everyone to leave. 11 was scary and unex· pecied." Valerie De'AngeUs, who sells Italian charm bracelets, said she believed the outage was "bad for business." "It was pretty crowded before what happened," she said. Luciano Alvear. a salesman at Indigo Palms clothing store, said the store "was having a great day until that point" "It seems a litde slower than normal now." he said on Tuesday afternoon. "I don't know if it's the rain or the blackout last night. It doesn't seem like two days be· fore Oiristmas. It seems like a regular week day.· • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety and courts. She may be reached at (9491 574-4226 or by e·mall at deepa.bhsrath@latimes.com. people in the communjty that make this happen ... As the childreo received their gifts. HatJeberg sat off to one side with a look of joyous contentment on her face. Luis Armendariz, a volunteer with the soup ldtchen, said he was impressed with Hatleberg's resilience in anending the event. "Merle is one of my heroes." Armendariz said. "She's so devoted to the community. Even with her health problems, she still goes out and does what she does." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN COllers Costa Mesa. She may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by e·ma1I at deirdre.newmsn@lstimes. oom. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e·mall to luis.pena§lstimt1•.com; by fax to (949) 6464170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, as well as a contact phone number. TODAY The Emnronmental Nftlre c.m.r will present a holldey craft worlcahop ln which participants can creete their own specie I holidey aeeson glfta for family and friends using a veriety of meterfals from 9 1.m. 3 p.m. The cost la $140 per student with a 10% dl1CX>unt for members. There will be a $26 material• fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. FYI For more Information ebout elrport roed closures, call (949) 252-6200 or Visit www.OClllr.com. also said they were on a height· ened alert, but weren't doing anything much different than what. they have been doing since Sept 11. 2001. Orange County Sheritr's Har· bor Patrol 'dfficiaJs In Newport Beach saJd they continue to look for suspicious activity ln the hat· bor and make sure they keep staffing levels high. Police officers "continue to re· main vigilant," said Costa Mesa police U .. DaJe Birney. "But we don't take any drastic steps till we go 10 the very high o.r red level," he said. PRICES Continued from Al Coast Assn. of Realtors. Costa Mesa median prices also rose since last year, up from $500,000 in November 2002 to $560,000 In lhe same month this year, she said. "I thought first of all 2003 was a banner year, there's no ques- tion about that,· said Kent McNaughton, a Newport Beach sales executive for First Team Real Estate. Wilh inventory levels remain· ing low and buyer confidence high, strong sales will last through 2004 and possibly into 2005 and beyond, he sald. McNaughton saw his busi- ness triple this year as the lack of available housing pushed more prices into his market, which is homes valued above $3 miJJion. Statewide, this was the third straight year of housing sales in· creases with 2003 showing the highest number of sales trans· actions in California history, said Leslie Appleton·Young, chief economist for the Califor- nia Assn. of Realtors. The California housing mar· ket wUJ remain strong in 2004, although a 2% drop in sales is projected due to an expected in- crease in mortgage rates, she said. ·we think that's going to start to cool the market a littl" bit b e· cause fusHime buyers are hav· ing difficulty gelling into homes that are appreciating from 15% 10 25%, depending on the area," Appleton· Young said. No relief is expected in the short supply of homes, and the affordability index could drop to 19% in 2004, down from the 27% of California househ olds that could afford to buy tl1e mc- dian·priced home this year, she said. • ALICIA ROBINSON covers business. politics and the environment. She may be reached at (949) 764-030 or by &·mail at s/icis.robinson(i'C/atlmes.com. FRIDAY The Environmental Nature Canter will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for famity and friends using a verlety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost la $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee . Information: (949) 645-8489. MONDAY The '-tar and M•ry Muth Interpretive Center will host an event that will let vialtors see and touch different kinds of Insects and to understand how the legs of different Insects do different Jobs from 11 e.m. to noon et 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The coat will be $10 for each child 6 and older. lnfotmatlon: (949) 923-2295. Wednesday, Dec~ 24, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO OET PUBUSHED -~: Meil to Editorial Page Editor Lollte Harper at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hodlne: Call (949) 642-0086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 , E-mel:Send to daflypllotl!llatimes.com •All colT'8spondenoe must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length, COMMUNITY COMMENTARY HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES City attorney turmoil requires. bold action crrv OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hell, n Fair Drive, Costa Mese, CA 92826, (714) 764-5223 By Dou1 Sutton I t seems reasonable that any recommendation begin with an understanding of what happened the night of Sept. 9, 2002. This is tough because our present, and previous, Oty Council members have done their darnedest to cloak everything about that meeting under a veil of secrecy. I say veil because their need for secrecy didn't stop Individual council members from repeatedly commenting in public on their charges. Let's ignore for the moment the rumors that started circulating Immediately after the council's calamitous night of carnage and focus on what we do know. First, we know that on Sept. 9, 2002, the Costa Mesa City Council voted 5 to 0, in a closed session, to suspend our highly respected City Attorney -with 17 years of city service -Jeny Scheer. AddHionally, it suspended our assistant city attorney, who didn't even work for the council. Second, we've learned from Scheer's legal filing he notified both our city manager and our then mayor, Karen Robinson. days before the meeting that "such a session was not permlssible under the Brown Act" We also know that neither the city manager. nor an outside attorney represen ting our city interest. attended the meeting so the city was without advice and legal counsel to protect the city. (I'm CELE BRATE no lawyer, but my guess is it would have been unethical for Robinson to offer legal oplnlon in that meeting. and I believe she's way too smart for that.} Third, we know our assistant city attorney, 1bm Wood, was soon reinstated as the acting city attorney and in his first comments be said that first closed council session violated the Brown Act. I infer from his quick reinstatement. and the fact thut he's still serving as the acting city attorney, that th.e council was not responding to an emergency that night So. I expect it could be easily argued that since the meeting was held In violation of the Brown Act. no one should have been suspended at that meeting. Fourth, Scheer personally names in his lawsuit only four or the five council members who were serving at that time, charging them with conduct lhat was "malicious, fraudulent, and, or oppressive, and done with a willful and conscious disregard for plaintiff's rights." He adds that the defendants made "statements about plaintiff which were false .. : to the news media. and that those statements were Mspoken by the defendants with malice .... " So, I think we can assume both that someone (Councilman Olris Steel -not named in the lawsuit) on the council had unsuccessfuUy tried to -;low this thing down and that ~cheer's charges are very serious. I've been asking the council about this issue for 15 months 0 TH E BAY. and I know enough to say this whole thing stinks. It's obvious to me the present council agrees with me on this. A few months ago, it voted 5 to 0 (note that a majority three of ftve were not on the council in September 2002 and are not personally charged in Scheer's lawsuit) to accept the settlement and pay close to SI million to make this mess go away. Since Costa Mesa rarely (If ever) settles lawsuits this early In the process. why do so now7 This raises anOLher question. Why do Costa Mesa council members recuse themselves from participating and voting on the most trivial issues wilhin 500 feet of !heir homes. which might affect their property values. but participate and vote to have the city senJe a huge lawsuit in which they are personally charged wilh serious offenses? Hard as it to believe. the $750,000 that the council tried to spend to clean up this mess might well be of secondary importance to all of us. If the council initiated some kind of a Machiavellian plot of revenge to oust a long and trusted senior city staff member, we should be asking how our city should be restructured. But, the Daily Pilot asked the question "What should we do about the setlJement?" so here are my recommendations: The two silting counciJ members. whom Scheer personally charged, Mayor Gary Monahan and Councilwoman fjbby Cowan. THIS N EW YEAR 'S H OLIDAY. Bogart courted Bacall here and you can almost envision them twirling around the dance floor. Now you too can celebrate in style at the New Year 's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom. Enjoy a spectacular five course feast, dance the night away to Jay Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra then toast with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. Only at the Host of the Coast. $250 per person inclusive. Overnight stay and kids packages available. For information and reservations call 949 630- 1221 west Coast Highway I Newport Buch I California 92663 949 645-5000 I Fu: 949 630·42 t 5 I www.balboabayclub.com should immediately recuse themselves from participating further In this matter. Conflict of interest considerations make It impossible for residents to know whecher chey're acting ln the city's best Interest or their own. Their unprofessional behavior In this matt.er to this point stops me from giving them any more benefit of the doubt The actions of our three remaining council members Indicate they are not up to the task. Costa Mesa needs leadership thats not afrajd to say. "We made a terrible mistake," and acts for the best interest of city residents and taxpayers to ensure a fair distribution of costs. That means whether the previous council members named In the lawsuit committed "fraud" and acted with "malice" to oust Scheer -or whether they ~ere just plain stupid and Inept - our present council members failed us all miserably when they assigned all the cost to us and did nothing to Insure we won't be subject to similar council behavior again. Present council members not charged by Scheer should immediately vote to assign our esteemed city manager, Alan Roeder, to instruct our outside attorney (or select a cUfferent one if he chooses) to reassess the merit of the city's case against Scheer and demand that any course of action be focu sed upon getting Costa Mesa residents substantive benefit for the amount we're spending. The council and the city must agree in advance to accept the recommendation of Roeder's appointee. whether it's to settle with Scheer (separately or Inclusively with those personally charged), to go to trial (separately or Inclusively with those personally charged). or to ask those charged, who are still sitting on council. to resign. My personal preference would be to see Costa Mesa continue the case through deposition. Having watched our previous council, I thoroughly believe depositions would quickly get us to the heart of the matter. Lastly. if Roede r's appointee decides it's in the best Interest of the city to separate the city's response from those personally charged. the city should refuse to pay for the defense of those personally charged. And. should Roeder's appointee decide council's initial charge against Scheer was not only improperly executed but was without foundation, I'd like him to initiate whatever process is warranted co discourage a repeat of anything like this. What's most imponant is that Costa Mesa residents get a commensurate benefit for the cost. This was a travesty and is an extremely bitter pill for Costa Mesa to swaUow, but one our council created and one we must learn from and deal with responsibly before we move on. • DOUG SUTTON Is a Costa Mesa resident Mayor: Gary Monahan Counc:ll: Libby Cowan, Allen Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel crrv OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Mayor: Tod Ridgeway Coundl: Gary Adams. Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Steven Roaansky and Don Webb U.S. SENATE • Barbara Boxer (D), 112 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 312 N. Spring St., Suite 1748, Los Angeles, CA 90012, (213) 894-5000; fax (213) 894-5042; E-mail: boxer.senate.gov/ contactlwebform. • Dianne Feinstein (D), 331 Hart Bullding, Washington, D.C. 20510. (202) 224-3841; or 1111 Santa M onica Blvd., Suite 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E·mall: senator@feinstein.senate.gov PRESIDENT George W. Bush (R), White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington. O.C. 20500 Hotline: (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) (202) 456-1111 E-mail: presidenttii>whitehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2401 VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney (RI. Capitol Building, Suite 212, Washington. O.C. 20500 E-mail: vice.pres1dent@whitehouse.gov Fax: (202) 456-2401 60% OFF ORIGINAL PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE. STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 P\AY A MllllON TO WIN THROUGH OECEMatR 2003; NO PVltCHASt NECESMltY; SEE OHICIAL RULES AT STORES, NEIMANMARCUS COM/MllllON, °" NM av MAil. fOlt SPECIAL HOUOAV MOURS CAlL STOAE OR 1.800.NEIMANS FASHION ISlANO 9A9.7.S9 1900 &wlf'9' off ~lid lldAt pr~ Oflly tnt.rlm moriidoowM lllO)' ho...~ tall~ ~ !MK._.. Otlly No~ lot pr10t .ole•· CHANEL•~. ~a.or.~. Holldar Glor~ • and COfwlv l'IOI indlided ~ 01 LoM cor Owanct C... *"" "°' II ,. I ( . QUOTE OF THE DAY ... Wt flnally seemed to be pumped up and rtady.,, VlcWta lwlprt. Newport Har1)or Hilh 1i1s basketblll player M ~. Oec:en\bet 24, 2003 ...... ~RlcMnlO...: (949)574-4223 . lt*tlfa:(949)6500170 PACIFIC. COAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS STEVE McCR.W< I DAILY P1l.OT The Corona del Mar High girts gott team won the 2003 Pacific Coast League championship. From left. Maggie Nelson, Jonna Kim, Katie McKitterick, Michelle Albrecht. Coach Mike Starkweather, Katie Albright, Caitlin McDonald and Veronica Friedman. GIRLS BASKETBALL Sailors pick up pace for win Swigart scores 14 of her team-high 18 points in final quarter to lift Tars past Whitney. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Newport Harbor senior forward Victoria SWigart (14), right, grabs the ball with one band before WhitneY's Stephanie Chiang can get it. .EYE~-; I ·IMJy~lfu· ---.... tll .... ~ ....... ... Dec. 29 llonotH SAMGRAYEU . BOYS BASKETBALL TarS post road Win Young hits game-winnet as Newport Harbor hands Calabasas its second loss. Tuylor Young hit an 18-foot jump Sll.ot from the left wing as time expired to give Newport Harbor a 53-51 upset ~­ tory Tuesday over host Calabasas ~ '!1 oonleague boys basketball contest. The Sailors (7-4) loolc a two-pbillt lead in the baclt-and-forth affair on a Ja· mie Diefenbach field goal with 28 ~­ onds left. But the Coyotes (8·2), coming off a victory over Mayfair to win the El Dorado tournament and ranked No. ,25 in the Southland by the Tunes, tied the score on a pair of free throws by pl)int guard Drew Housman. t •• With 2.6 seconds remaining, Yoµtig lnbounded the ball to Diefenbach, ~o led Harbor with 21 points. He gave it baclt to Young for the game-winner .. ·u was a very good win for us on t:Qe road,• Newpon Harbor Coach Lar?y Hirst said. • v The Sailors used a rotation of Rafael Mouradyan. Andre Pinesett and Alex Orth on Housman, the MVP of the• El Dorado tournament, putting a fres~Cle­ fender on Calabasas' best player ~ry three minutes and limiting him to five points in the second half and J 4 ~- Young finished with eight points ind junior Brett Perrine added eight points and 10 rebounds. ~ Newport Harbor 53, ~ 51 • Score bv Ouerwa . . Hart>or 13 10 11 19 -53 Calabasas 1• 12 13 12 -J1 Harbcw-Mouradyen 3, Hunter 3, Perrine 8, Heenan 2, Young 8, Pinesett 5, Orth 3, Diefenbach 21, MacBeth 0. 3-pt. goal• -Mouradyan 1, Hunter 1, Perrine 1, Orth 1. •: Fouled out -None. • .. • Tectanlcals -None. ::: : Cebbnw -lkemefuna 2, Babad)ani 3, ••• Housman 14, Einhorn 2. Sanderl 19, t • Fitr,genild 11. .. 3-pt. goals-Babadjanl 1, Houaman 2, Fitzgerald 1. Fouled out-None. Technicals -None. -• ... ... . .... GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Turner chooses Princeton Newport Harbor High senior outside hjtter was a first-team All -Sea View selection this fall. Newport Harbor High senior outside hitter Emily Turner, a first-team All-Sea View League selection this fall, bas com- mitted to play volleyball at Princeton University next season. Turner played three years on the var- sity squad under Coach Dan Glenn and earned second-team all-league laurels as ajunioL "(Princeton) Is on the East Coast. so It will allow me to experience something different." said Turner, who Is unde- cided on a ffiajor. •1 saw the team and I lilce the g1rl.a. A lot of them are from Southern Califol'nla." The Tigers finished 17 -6 last fall, good for second place In the Jvy League. Nine of the t• pJayers hail from Sout:beih California. including sophomore setter Jenny Senske (Mater DeO and Brittany Wood. a middle blocker from Laguna Beach. Turner cooaklered Yale, Georgetown, Brown. USC UClA and UC Be!bley be- fate deciding on Princeton, which lbe likes for it.I prodmlty to New Yodt City. •u ts a 46-mlnute train rfde," she saJd. ".l.J.vlng that c1oee will allow me to Me plays and enjoy dty life. Who woukl pau up that opportunity?" 1be Sallora (26-7l ftn1lbed -.::ond IP CIF Southern Section Dlvll:ion D·M Ind iw:hed the temlftnals of the CIF StMe DtYWon n regk>nlll eemlftnal. l\1mer t.tded blct from emty--- IOll tendladdi In her kneel to~ the SaOon anoct. potent weapon • the net. : She jotr1' r.aow lel1lor l ......... Alylon Jennb9 (Untwnlty of 'nflllt> ancl Lann Miier (B.ylor UntYenky) -bolh AD.Qf' ftnt·telnl OMllon IJ ..,_ dorll-to"'" nadonll Jetten ollnteit. - l f.llllillliim .. Llllt... -l.11111.... -a...-.... ~--~~~~~~ ........................... w ......................... -' n .. f.tlowinc persons The ro1ow1111 l>t'&Onl l'rthl ..... <• Sec. "'' dolftt bu.Mntiff ., .... dolnc 11~,. n: 11700-21707 AS t oU11d.tlon/Otan11e NWI' S.Wvlcea ll2JI Molic9 Is 114nb1 awen County, 11982 S.1 Perk Mou11t lltldJ' Clteft, b1 the undtrllped 11\tt Cltde, ~ltt J. ''•""· fo1111tel11 Vtllt1 CA t public ..... a.It ol tti. Ctlll0tnla 112614 92709 ' followln1 ducrlbed AIOS Strvka Foun Vault 0.1.11 s.,,.lc.s !*'sonal Pl'llP«1'1 wiM be dlltlon Ot•111t Cout1t1 Inc. (()(). 11231 Mount htfd at the holH of 1.45 (CA), 11912 S*ly P•,._ Beldy Circle rovnlain P .M. Ofl the 7th day of Cit., Suitt J, l1vl11e. Veller CA in7oe len11111 2004. The salt C.IJfOl'nla 92614 Tiiis' butlneu Is con· will bt conducted at Thb buslMss Is con-dueled bJ a c:orporatkMI Suro Sa•• Self St°'•· dvdtd by.• cotporaClon lfava '°" i tartad dolna 17392 MurphJ f4ve • !jive you alarled dolnt business yell No Irvine. CA 92614 County bUliMSs yet? Yn, 198S Vault Oata Safvkes, or 011nae. Slate of J<IOS Servlcea roun· tn~ .. ~ Otnt1is Hernan· Callfornl1. The Pfoptrly df,Uon Orantt Co , AJ dtz General M•n-.er Is s lottd by Sure Save it'Obtrta, f'ru1danl. 1ius statement was Self Stor•a•; touted ac Board of Ott, flltd with the County 11392 Murphy Av•. This stetemenl was Cltrlt ol Oran&• County lrvlnt. CA 92614. T)le l,lled with Ult County on 12/04/03 llems to b• solil ,.. Oleft. of Grana• County 200HH7ot 1 fener•llY described u Otl \2/08/0:\ Dilly Pilot Dec 1~1.17, ollowa . furniture, 200S6H7U7 24 31 2003 vv267 clothln(. tool& and/or Dally Pllot Oec 24. 31. ' ' other household Jlems 2003, Jan. 7, 14, SeUyo,;rCar stored by the fullowl1>& 2004 W279 /,, Ct.1111ifl•d I .. P""=--so ... n .. s,_, ----- ;;HO;;T1CE;;;;;;;;;;;Of;;;;;;;TR;;:USTEE'S;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J;Oeed;;;=of;;;;;;T;;NSI*;;;;;;;. ;:;The;:;; SALE Tl\Jllee Sale No P10091tY hntobe de-00-04990 LOii\ No, iatiecfi. being IOld ..... 8006801709 Tide Order lsO. llw •eetaddrea No 0266474 APN and olher oommon dlaO: 422-512·11 FHA t nation, if atf/, ol b rM1 ().481 Z717113703 You Ale P10091tY dMCrt>ed ~ tn Oefaull undar • Deed la ~ to be: 111311 otTIUlt Dated 12J02198 FEDERAL. AVENUE, UtlleM You Take AG1ioll COST A MESA, CA IQ.Proled YOAJt Property, 92627. Tha unOlnigned I Mey Be Sold 111 Pl.Cllic TNllM cltc:llllrna Mi Sale. II You Need an ~ tor 11'1 lnccrrecf.. ~tiOn ol lht Natu19 ,... of ....... ad- bf "' ProoeedillQI dreee and otw common ~tVou, You Should ~1111'1,lflowrl C«uc;t • laW)'lr On .... be ~8 ... 200'~:.!~ ' tu wWlOUt NA. AA COY9nll'll « WM'lll'lty, COrponliofl u tha "'1t'/ ·~ Of ~. appOlnted TNStee undtf reQMlno Wt. poll· rn:.~.:-~Deed :i :=. to Of pay~ ·'1211~ lnetrumene ~aumd ~~ldai~ =-~,ol~~ an·.,. Office ot lhl R&-lhll90n. .. pro. . 5. Calof ~. 1.,}_ Yided In uJd °*(I). lid-""''---vancee, if Inf, undef flt c:uted y: Juan Gan:ia, a lem1' ol thit Deed ol ·~~. ~s-= ~ ~~:::=-:~ · Md Martl\I "Oniz, a the T ruetee eild of the ~ Woman AU as tru.ia ctealed by said Jolril Ttn11nta, u Trustor, Deed ot Tru1t, loBwit: 'F1eet Uo!1oaoe Coro... s 1n,631 51 (EIHIT\lted} ~,.Y. -Wilt Sell al Accrued !merest and Public AUctlon to the additional advances if Hlgheat Bidder lof Cash 1ny. Wiii Increase \his (payable at time ot sale In tigUle prior to saJe The r&wlul money ot the beoefociarv under aaid CJniled s.1a1et. by cash, • Deed ot l'ruat hllnltolore cashieooa check cnwn iJllllCUled and detiveled to by • ital• °' Ntlonal the undaRlgoed a "'"1\en bank, a dl8Cil dnl""1 by a Oeclatation ol Default "'-" Of tederal cr1idit and Demand for sale, lldlOn. Ot a check dnlwn and a written Nobce ol by • atate 0t tedlt'al Oefaufl and EJection to = and ioan Seti The ~ a don, AVingl caulied said NoOOil ot ....... ilelon, °'1n~ Oefaull and Eleclioo to ..... "'9Clfled Seti to be tllOOfoed in the 5t02 of ltil F1Nncial ~ whtfe the real Cocle and authottad to Pf~ located and '1~~ir= =~:.:.~ . NM:>. OF THE CITY teoOrdatfon Date· HAU. OF BUENA PARK 12111/00, ARM Flnanclel CMCCENTERATtl650 =lldon· P.O Box BEAOi BLVD., BUENA 921 ...... .,~. Diego~ PAA~LC~1 all right, l1tle ~ •nd ,,__~to lnfomMltlon (916) 974- and now held !>Y it under 6099, General said Deed ot TNSt In the lnlormatlon (858) 689- !!fopel1y lltua1ed In said 9735 CARY CHRISTO· county, C.fllomla oe-PHER~ ASSISTANT ecribing the land thef9lll SECRt: 1 AAV 'M more tully dHCrlbed NPP0107819 12/17/03, on tile above mentioned 12124"03. 1 2/31 /03 Poli cy NOTICE OF PETI- TION TO ADMINIS. TER ESTATE OF EUGENE L BER· GER case No A222707 To aM hlllB. t>enefi· aanes, Clldlors, oontln· geot ae(ilOcl, and per- sons wno may OCherwlte be l~ In tfle will Of eslale, Of bottl, of EUGENE L BERGER A PETITION F0A PROBATE has been filed by Kemeth E. 8elVtf on Ille SUper\ot Court ot California. Cooney of ORANGE THE PETrTION FOA PROBATE re-quesJs that Kenneth E Befger be appointed as personal representallYt lo administer the fflate ol the decedent THE PETITION requests the decedent'• win and COdaclls. it any, be admit1e<I to probate. The wiM and any codicils are avaMat>le fOf iJKBml· nalion In the hie lt.ept by Ille oourt. THE PETITION requests auttlOOCy to admlnlsier ttie estate unoer the ~ndent Admtnistralioo of E$talet Act (Th s auttlonly will allow the pe"°6\al rep- resentalMt to '41\e many actions without Obtainong court approval Belo<e takKlg Olftaln VflfY tm- portanl actioN. how· f1'111(, the ptBOnal repre· seotalM! will be requ.red to tjve nobce to irMef. Hied pel'IOOt Unless llley have waMld l'Cl4ioe Ot a>nsel14ed co the ptopOMd ac1ion.) The ~ admnstta· lion autnonty wld be granted lJl1les9 an lnler · ftled person files an objeciion to lhe petition and shows good cause why Ille court should not grant ttle authority. A HEARING on Ille peCitlon will be tield on "--of Acc.ouftt 1-•l.'4•~'1 ~ Nv<Mer: Btte Dated 11/17 /2003 Slclltd. LIH Wlfsoft Tllb notk• II ii.en Ill eccordance with lht pt ovl1lot1• o• Section 21700 et wq ol the Bu\lntn lo Proltnlon• Code ol the Stile of C.t1CO(nl1 Sllel 1ubjtCI to Pf IOI unc.lt.Uon WI the event ol sett1tm1nt between Owner end obll11t1d patty Pubhsh•cl Ntwpor t Bnch·Co,11 MHI Dilly f'ilol Oecembe1 24, 31, 2003 CNS· 6191811 W278 Jlouary 22. 200A al 1 ·45 PM In Dt0C No l73 locat9d ac ~ t Tha City Drive, Orarcie. CA 92613-1571 IF YOU 08.JECT lo .,,. granllng " "" peei-tiOn, -)'OU ehould llppNI' al Ille hearing and ..... l'OUt objec:tb-.. OI Ille written objllc:llotle ~ h court belot• "'8 hHrinO YOAI/ appHr· Ma may be 111 '*'°" 0( by ~ •llOrnlY IF YOU ARE A CREDITOA ot 1 contin- gent ct9drtO< of the c»ceuea, you muat tile your e111rn Wltll tne court and mall a copy to the peflOl'lll tejl(eSentatlvt app<>We<I t>y Ille court wltllln tour monttle from the date ol 111111 IPUanoe of 19fte'1 as prO'llded In Probate Code Hdloo 9100 The time lot filing claims will not elq)h befOte tour monlhll trom the hearing date notlctd above YOU MAY ~M· INE the file kept by the court. ti you are 1 '*'°" 1nwes1eo In the ntate, you may fife with the ooOO a RtqUMI tor Special NOia _Llofm DE· 154) OI the tillhg OI an 1nventoiy and llj)pfalsat of estate a.SMll Ot of any petlbon Ot ICOOUnt as prO'lided In Probate Code HCllOn 1250 A AecJJetl '°' $pec;lal NoCiOe loon II avallable trom the court cl«k AllOmey IOI' petitioner: PHILIP M MADOEN ESO R08ERT R JOHNSON ESO MADDEN JONES COU: &JOHNSON 111 WOCEANBLVO STE 1300 LONG BEACH CA 90802 Newp«t Beach-Costa Mesa Dally CN693969 SEAGER Oeo z.3,24.30, 2003 AllOflHCV 04' PARTY WfTHOUl ATTORNCY I loce, ~ & POWtfl , 38 fed1noloty Drive. Suitt 250, hlrw. Ca 92111 2JOI TELtPHONE NO ~9 1213111 AT TOftNE'Y r OR N.wflO' I Gr.n Townnornn KA.Ml Of COUfU, JUOI· CIAL OISTRICT OR BRANCH COURT, IF Al4Y SUl*lot Court of CaM· 10< nla, County of Or anc• PlAJNTlfF Newpotl Cleft Townhol!les Assoctabon, • Cahtornla nonptof1t mutual B1neftt corpo· ratton DEFENOAIH. Ted llmt net, an lnillvkluat NOYICI or SHllUff'S SAU LEVYING Orf1C£R Or· •nae County Sh Of llrs Dept., 4601 Jamboree Road Room 108, New· pool Be•ch, CA 92660 H1r bor Division LIVYIMe OffKllt JtUNO. HOJOOOOOOH021 <OUllY CASl NO.OIH102142 By virtue ol • writ 11sutd on km• 18. 2003 In lh• above dts\anated Court, upon a JUd&ment entered lanuar y 21. 2003 In favOf of 1ud1· ment cred1tor(s). New- port Glen 1 ownhomu Auoclalion. a Cahforn1a nonprofit mutual benefit c0<porallon and •aainsl 1ud1ment debtor h) led Jemenez, showlna a net ba.tance oC $20.394 15 1ctu1lly due on said 1udiment on the date of the lnuance of u1d WJtl, I have levied upon all rlaht, l1lle and 1nterut of Hid 1ud1ment cltblor(s) in lhP prop· erty In the County of Or an1•. State ol Cah· lornla. described as follows See attached for de SCJtplton nf rul prop· erty Newport Glen Townhnmu ll<soc1atlon a Cal1forn1a nonp1of1t owlual benet1I corpor ll· hon n Ted Jimenez an lnd1~ldu1I Court II. OlltL02842 SHl RIFF 11 llO'l00000035071 I eeal Oescnpttnn of µ1 ope1 fy• Un11 18, c;ou11ty of Or•nae. State of Cahlorn1a. cons1sl1n1 ol ctitam •trspace and surtau clemenll>. ·H ~hown and described m the condom1mum plan lo• Newport Gle n T ownhomu. recorded Apnt 3 1979 1n booll 13097 f'arie 963 lhroutih 978 tntlu.,ve of olftc1.tl records of Orang" County, CahlOfn•a Commonly Known Ad ckess t55S Auaust lane Unit 18 Sant4 An~ He11hh. <:altlo• n1• Record Owner\ led t1mene1 An unniar Jttd man Th ts Proper IY 1s a dwethna II the subiect of lhis sale ts real properly and II has no sh eot addreu or other des· ip1\.loft, diftd.IOfls IC) "s loc:tlt0n llUIY be ob· tH1td ftom the Shettfr• 01fke upon request, P1ospectlve bidden ahould rel., to Secti.tt' 701.510 10 701.680, ltleluiive, ol the Code ot C1v1I Procedure for ptOVISIOnS 11>"" n1n1 t"' terms, cond1Uon,, and etfecl of the "" tnd the lleblllty of defaullln1 bidden NOTICE IS HERl8Y GIVEN Chat on Jenu•t'f 06. 2004, at 10 00 o'clod! A.M al 4601 Jamboree Road Room 108-0.C. SheriCfs Office. City of NewPQtl Beach. County of Ounae. St•te of C•llfornla t will sell et public auction to the hishest bidder. to• cash 1n l•wlul money ol lhi United Stetes, 111 the rl&hl. title and lnletnl of said fudament debt· oc ( s) on lhe above described property, or so much thereof H may be necessary lo sellsfy said e•ecutlon, with accrued mterul end costs Dated Decemba• 10, 2003 01vlsoan. HerbOf APPROXIMATE MINIMUM BIO s .. 22.228 47 ••Ptau1t1ft's wrtllen bid is approtlmately S ••Tt•nsf.,.. tu rs S SS lot each $500 00 ol purchase pm:e M1chHI S. Catona Sheriff Oranre County ly /S / hu ..... ~Do nol take down or delac e a posted notice before th• nle or setr.faclton of 1ud&m•nl Penal Code Section 616 (mt$deme•nClf), Pubhs hed Newport Beach Co$ta Me~a Dai~ Pilot Dacembe• 11. 2 . 31. 2003 W270 SUUOllS IOTAOOI JllllOAl) NOTICE TO OEfE.r«lANl (Avts0 ~ f4cusado) Steven Charles Chnstorf, l«<en Lan N&uven. OOES I to '° YOU Nf£ 8EIHG SUf O BY f'lAIHrff· (A IJd le est.I demand ..,dO)' Sally le, Johnny Huynh. by and lhr°"&f' M t111.itdwl ad tctem Saly Lr, lwnmy Huynh. by and lhr Otlif'I hts p!at dw<l Ml l!tem Sally le, la. Vo, by "nd UV 0001 his SUN diMl ad •tern Lan ~ Van You haw ~ CALEIC>AA MYS after ~ summons tS. ~ on yoo to flle • typewritten r f'5j)OO'le al lllG cwrt A i.,uei or llho<~ """ wlt4 nu1 protect you, YOI• lypt'wfrtten respur~ """' be !fl prQIH!r ~I f(wm rf Yotl want the co111t to he... your ta'-'! tf you do ""' ..... vuo.~ r espoose oo '"' "'· rw may lose the c""'. and yo..-waees. mo<tey and property max be Wleo I-low to Place A ~bbr .... tOlll Ille r.owt. llW• .. 04fW ..... rtqW...nts. You INY w..t lo '*' "' .ttror,.,. rWIC ewry If ra. 0o not ~ .. 1ttan1ty, ~ llWly c•• -i eltor n.y ,...,.,... ..w:. Of ...... ..., oftlca (...S '" u.. phorlt booll). Oopues de qut i. .,,.,....., ... cbcJoo ~ ua.ct .,_ un '*2o • :D IMS CM. lN:WllOS Pl'• pt-lM -~ 9'Cflla. mequN .... 9l1a COiie ~ c.rU o una llameda teWonict no le olr-a protecdon; IU rescioesta nallll • flllKlllin• btrlt que cumc>llr con IH lorm•lldadu leaales A(ll'Ol)l.ci. sJ usted qulere que la corte eKUC;ht IU USO. SI 111led no jXtSenta w rll5j)llOtlta • t~. puecle pe<det el C~UO, y kl puoden qurbw 6U Mlatlo, au dlriero y olr~ COMOsde SU ptopled.ct S4l1 IYGo adoclonM l>Clf Plf'I• de .. COt1t Edsten oboa reqtllSllM llplias Puede que usi.d qu11r1 ll•mar • un ~ lnmedialM»Mle SI no conoce • un ltbopdO, puede llalNll • un _., di ref•enua de abopdos 0 I ON olicina di ~ lfp! <- 11!1 dn ctario ttltlonoLo) CASI MUMllll• ,......,. ..... c ... 1 OJ((07S25 JUOOI llOllRT H. OAWVAN Dlrl.<21 The name and •ddlon ol the court is (ll nombre y du ~cc1on de I• corle u) SUP£RIOR COUR l Of Ci\l.lf ORNIA, /00 Ctvtt Center Ortve West. P 0 Box 838, Sant• Ana. CA 92702 838 For County of Orange Central Ju•ltce Ce111~1 111~ name. •tldr e\s, and tolephon• numb~t nt platnltfl"\ attorn•y. "' pl1111ltCI without •n 1ttorney I• (fl notnbte. la direcc.on y ~I numero de lelefono ae1 '''"'K•do del dem•nd•nl' n del ctemendanl~ que '''' tlene ~ogado. ~~l Sean Le. Sl•IP B•r No 108451, (7141 891 ':>772 . (714) 891 f>69J SEAN I L & /\SSOCIA II S 9061 Bolu Av•nu" C:t11lft ?00 A. W"slmtn\I"' CA 92683 DATlr (fecho) JUN 04, 200S ALAM SlAHR, Cl•rt. '"''-'•). l.y GUSTAVO KU- NANDI Z, De,uty (Dele ..... ) Published Ne wpor t Beach Co•I• Me•• D.itly Pilot Oecftmb~r l 10. 11 ?4. 7003 W762 Wednesda'i, ~ 2(, 2003 A1 -l.1111 .... -llpllllllm ---ClmOf .... aml'fOf- ''Wmlll <119-MIAll. Ml•Clf.._r.t .... ,,\71,hlp, CAnMJ.1571 ,.,... Of SClOloll ..... fOl<.-Of- .. TO SIOW CMSI fOI aeAMlOfUll WllllllltAmS27 10 All tNTERESlEO PERSONS: 1 Ptttlione1. SOLOMON DAVIO WARl ftled a petition with this court for 1 decree ch1n1in& names n follows· SO· l OMON DAVID WAR[ to SOLOMON OAVIO f AUNlLEROY WARE 2 Hlf COURT ORDERS that all P••~ons inter ested tn lh1s mill., shalt •PPHI before lhl\ court al tho huJtna lnd1c1ted below lo show nuse II 1ny. why the pelllton 10< ~h1n11e ol nafT>I: lhould not be&• anted NOTICC or HEARING Date IAN 20 2004 Hme. 2 PM Oepl l73 lhe add1eu of the c01Kt 1s ume n noted ebow J A copy ol this Order to Show Cau~ sl!aH be pubhshed al '"•t .,... u ch week tor four 5ucc.n s1v• weells p11or to lhe date set 1or hunna on the petition in the totlowinc new~ paper of aenerel cltcu lallon printed rn this t aunty Newport Beach/ Cosl• Mes. Dally Pilot Dot•t Dlt 0 I 2003 JUDGl SHULA nu, JUDGI Of THI SU"- 111011 COURT Publistled Newpu1 I Bedell Costa Mesa D•lly Pilot December 3. 10. 17. 24, 2003 W264 "*l<Wuf u-4~ Nol•c• ts hereby 111ven lhat the unctentarwd 1¥111 ~t public auction pur· <u1nt lo ch8pte. 10, dtvl\ton 8 commenclna with <ectlon 21700 ol lhl! bus1nes$ end P•O less1ons code Ot sectt0n 1988 of the c1v1I code of rhe State oi Cahforn11 and purluant to com- merw1t code, section 7210 (2) the fotlow1n1 miscellaneous household and personal property to w11 >denltlied by name and s torae• un11 num- bei Gary Hoo,s. Loi I HIOOO Total ol I lot. slored al Two Brolhtrs Muv1n& & Storaae. al 1041 W 18th St Suite AlO?. Costa Mesa, CA 92621. (949) 6'~ 4~45. Oran&• County lh1s sale will b11 compelitrve b1dd1n1 on 7th ot Janu ••1. 2004, at 12.00 noon ol South Coast Aycllop 2202 Souu. Main Street. ti11ntl<laton Buch, Cati Santa Alie. CA 92101. forni. 92646 (714) 9!11·8lll, on Aid fl!IJ bllslnen Is con pre111lsH, Cou11ty of ducted b1 ll"'lttd Or1111e, State ~ C..11· l1.0INl'1 Co. I o r n i a . B 11 f y S Have "/OU 'IMled dolna Humptv i.s. Auel lo•-, bUtlnus yet 1 ltc:ense numbtf 2114. well Yet 11/01/03 c:ooclucl n le •I 2202 011lt.1 Shtebo.r din, South lh•n SI'"'· t'•oduchon~ LLC. Otnfl•l Santa Ana. c.Jifornlt Matlin, Ma1111m1 Mt~ Sales B sold w1tll limit bto and ,._ve, th• ltndkifd Thl1 1t11emen1 wu reserves the rlafll to bid hied with the County at the sel•-Purchases Clerk of Onna• County must be paid 10< at time on 11/19/03 ol purchosu All pur· 200S•t65'71 chued aoods art sold. 011fy Pilot Det 17, 24, "•s IS'. and musl bt 31. 2003, Jan 7, ~ removed by S1turd•y W276 l1nuary 10th, 2004 by Sf'M This sale Is sub19cl ~ ...... to puor cancellelton In ..___ ~ lhe •vent ol setllement - -betwun Two Brothers The lollowlna per~ons Movin.& & Storil&• and are dolo& buslnen as. obllaated p11rty, a) Miiiennium Medlctl f'ublhhecl Newport Resourco , b) KD'S 8uch·Costa Me>0 Diii) Creations. 27202 Celle Pilot December 17, ~ huinltt, C tp1~t rano 2003 W21?1 8..ch, Calllwni. 91624 K•rtn Oe1'9!1111. 21202 ..._..... Ctllt .iu.o1t1, c.t>bll ano ... r---... S.acll, C1HfQfllla 92624 -Thll b"61ntu 1~ ~llfl The tollowin1 ptraont INctfd IJy: Ill 1M1v1dual at• doina ~sinulf. a..: tteve 'fO\I Jt..rteo dmn~ G3 Mot0<spotla, 111&1 bullnt .. Jttl St.ler Awe.. Founleln Yu 02/IS/l999 Valley, CA 9t7Q8 II.Men Oellm111 Marcelo 041ffo1t10, flus tl•ltiMnt w•s t 1161 tl•ltt love . Med with tht Cuunty founl111\ Vallo. CA Ctetk of Of.._e c:ou111y 92708 on \1/18/03 This buslneu is con 200'6HS4t I dueled by. an lndMdu1l Dally Pilot Dec. II 24 ~i.ct ~tit Jl, 2003. l•n 1 ~ 17-03 T-;.;:;l~L---- fttllfc.-0 ~•tfollio e..ts1 TillJ .'"""' ... .....,. nlH wit. tW C.11 n,. Intl pertu11\ Clt1k ot Or1nae County .,e doin& buslnen "' 011 11/20/03 20036,65124 Vodka Kr ea hons I ?7 Dally Pilot Dec 3• IO, lurquo1n Avenue Bal bl>• lsltnd. CA 9266? 11. 24. 2003 W26J• Jennlfe1 Ann ll111c1, fk111111s..... 122 Turquoise Avenue, 81tbo11 Island, CA !12b26 ...S.-. This business '' Lon The tollowln& pe11ons ducted by an 1nd1v1dudl are doma 'business as· Have you s11rte<1 rJ0111l Sparkle Htven. 5332 buslneu yet1 Kenilworth Or , Hun-Yo 11120/0J lln&lon Bch, CA 92649 Jonnifo1 8r11t1 Shores. M1rle Eaton. this 11Ate1nant "'"\ 5332 Kenilworth Or . ftled wilh 1111 Cu1111ly Hun\tnglon Bell, C~ Cltrk of Oranat Co111tlv 92649 on I ? JO? /03 Maqoue Sue £ eton, 200J4t'67JS 5332 Ken1lwo!lh Or 0•1ly f'tlot Ort Hunl1n1ton Bc h. CA JI. 2003. l•n 91649 w I / /4 7 /004 271 Have you started dotnQ bus•...S yel7 No Sheren Ca ton lh11 st.alament wH hied with the County Clerk of Ocana• Count) on 11119/03 200Ut6S.4S Daily Ptlot Dec I 0, I/ 24. 31. 2003 W26!> ,....t.llleu ... s...... 1 he followm1 per \On< •re do1n1 busrness as 011ilal Sk~leboardtn8 Production~. 19102 Canberrn l111", Hun hnfllon Behlh. Cahloin1• 92646 01e1tal Skatebo•rdont Produrt1ons U C (CA), 19702 C1nbC1•1a l•no. RdllM....., •s..... The follow1n1 pPrwn5 are doona busi,..,, •• Sllyward Mlnlstries I :>04 tt.1111 Pleu. Costa Me\•. CA92626 James Ed1...,rd Abet cromb•e, 1204 Huel Place. Costa Me\• CA 92626 llavt you ~•••l~fi d1>ma b1mne\\ yrt' No lame' [ dwor d 1\11N cromb1e. Th,,. "•lemenl w ~s f1l8d with lh• Co11n1v Clerk of Or•""' Counlv on l?/08/0J 20036967422 Daily Pilot Occ I 0 II 24. 31, 2003 W269 ___ Dradlinrs ----.. Rates and• deadli~ arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the nght to censor, reclassify. revise or reJCCI any classified advenisement. Please report any error thar may be tn your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accep1s no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for lhe first insertion. CLASSIFmAD Monday ...................... FnJuy 5:00pm Tuesday .................. Mond:iy 5:00pm ANNOUNClMINTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE .• IUSINESS & FINANCW 2SOS-24to 1111 BrTERTAINMBfT '~$$. MCOIDS nc ClllfD'of Jilli. Clllllc. De. ~ " 00s fwnll 1310 a Mee.~. 1• ~ --------Mike 949 6•5 1S05 fQUMllOISll& QWIOUT YOllHOUSE 'WIJHA .WSAlll CAil ('49)642-5671 OfPOIWT'f All r11I estatt ad .. ,,,. 1na In lhlt neW1paper It IUbjKI 10 tilt t tdtttl r •It Hou11nc f4cl ol 1968 tt 1mendtd which moo ti 1tte1at lo tdverlt11 ·eny prefer ence. tlftllttllon or clls<.tlmlnthon ll•Hd °" IK-. color. ttllalon. HX, htndlcap, l1"'lffa1 st•tld or natioll•l oticln. tit ttl lntt11Clon lo make any 1uch pttltfentt, llmltr tlot1 or cliKrlm\111lton: Tlllt MWJIPIP9f win not knowlfllly accept •ni •dverli•ement for ruf ntate which I• In vloUtton or lht l1w. Our reed.,, trt hereby Informed lh1t aN dw•H lnp tdlttrtlttd In thl• newsp1per art 1vall1blt on 111 equal oppo•lunlCy bH~ fo eompl1tn of di. t1lllllll•tlofl. ~ .. ""°to« ,, .... t·I00-'2~. Hy Fax (949) 6J 1-6594 (l'l<ll"' '"' ludc your nanw 1100 plkme nu111hcr rutd wr'tl t •II r<ttl lmt I. w1ff1 • pt1<C \lUtllt I lly Phon(' (949) 642-:56711 Hours By Mail/In Per~o n: 1 '0 West Bay Street Costa Mcsu. CA 92627 Al Ncwpon Blvd. & Buy St. Wednesday .............. Tue~duy ~{IOpm Thursday ............ Wednesd•\y S:OOpm Friday .................... Thurs<.lay S:OOpm Saturday .................... Fai<lay :H>Opm Telephone 8:30am-H)()pm Monday-Friday .Walk-In 8~JOam-.5:00pm Monday.f-nduy Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Index . -..,..,-..... . . . .' . I ... ----- \ ' ' ' ··-........, ---· -. SOOS·SISO Gtnlrll 1413 Anrmamenb ~WiiiiiiiiiAiiiNT~EDi!iiiiiii 1111 JE.WfJJfY I DIAMONDS/ ANTIQUES OWtf Style FIM"lllturt '1AHOS It CollKdblet ·~· .............. .-... ........ ~, ......... .. CA8tt PAID .. --.. --WI llUY QTAn9 ............. ~ ..... Mmll"' cor JSI Gr, r.1 f ms DUCK S~ON ~-MrTAI O PrlVllf• hcti.......... f'rK\lftlUO ..u; IN.O C.-1pprox I/ht fr(lm Newport BHch. heel lent hunt1n1 •dlacanl Co Slttl watelfOWI rtfur, owntf&hljl 1111.,tjl llJ>PrO• J7!i •cut ofl•nd " lmpro~emen" • yout own t •"11' cOmpQ11nll w/strucl utt and 2 t111len Wood#fllt r rl. 11l1ltl 88Q'a & wine tut1n1 durtn1 4uclt Htson + min, tall••' ldNI !Of 2 fr lefld~ ot tallltt lo SOfl. Cd Mtll.t ti Jl~S.Mll54. C-tC.""4t Old Coins! Oold, allver, !N*Y. w•kl*. tfttlQa.a tollKUbles !M9 642 !Md ..... 3511 ......... ......... ..... lllli QllQl1 ...... - .,..S. Ollll -m nMI. IH()p\ ~l()pl •llOOI Pow pf'* .,,,. "prlllN an1 es cu~tomera & pt peld ~ ~111191111 S.c1e.t t.hopptt1 n«eded fOf local ltOfU, fts 3111 t.uranh a thHlltS. --------Fl.,lblt ltOun. fitn•ll llSCUI 9 1 I llft't r•qulrtd HI00-~90Z• \htc:tf'talnllt1 li•H>enl ut 6048 tCAl •sCAl'I) Pel <>wntrs Nead , titi, Welt Mannered Adult Cab a OCcltr Oop need ,..,. ho~a. Actopl ~ult An!Mtl1 lhl1 Xmas! )() clay rtlUf n Pollc1. www.1nfma1n.twork,or1 • Reach 80,000 Hontes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Cal Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ti tntttntl frtnc:hl\t opportunity to thoH tooluna to wcwli. lndt penct.nlly $81( inveat · menc requrrtd lnc:ludts trelnlny and •U990fl lot lunch su worldwlde. foll ,, .. l 8811 4!1:>-6137 ......... Ge.-va.w llr, , ... llrtn411 llf•I l •Cllf ,N, Sl &!IO/mo Aasocl•t•d lltall'I Mt 971.3777 RUM. PNJPBCI t FORIAl.E Rlt lb I tf..,; c.-,......., 1111 AllZmM""--. 30 •crtt -st4,900. l orden State Land . 8-dA rWldl"' ......... r~·" ..... '*'*' l,f clmtlt.~ ,.,...,.. --,,,..,...... ~ AZ1.fl l ttn 211Z• 52113 (CM. -sc:M) mlMIOUI RBfTAU ..... , ..... Nl/0-Vhw .... 0tHllfrom/22M, f'rt..llt rOOlll, unfiirn, INH ... 111111 paid, flO/Ullll, "~· -~· .. to Nf1wf/IM1/;2 ... Cell s-Jt 1'05 (Mtw.t .... $pin) • ~-'" 2Allt stor;.r.. 400 600st untts. f' eel for ll'thldts. low r•t• cd O•olyTI 949-863 1 l90 ACSIOENTW. FOIT Al.S ORAi& 78 COUNTY ............. YIA&Y o<IMRONT 29t. 288 ... -cerpet/ =~~ c:.. ..... 1• "'/Mttt ~, no ~ltcflen, lftll focatton, ~/mo 420 NNf>MUI Act. M9-717..t70I ~·--· ---~ ~.::--11 .... --._ .... •• a.di • 716.-........ r&il ..,. Gr 11111 , Mopl• Apul luvelr G•led Comm. no•r Tr 11111te Squar t . 2bt I b• w/r•• ~ 1111 $109!>. lb• lb• w/p1t10. carport. stottae '81!1 ""*· h!ll p_•_•d Klttn ~ gn ~ [•I 9<'(X> ...... ,.rt .,..... tit• .~ .. , 2br l 5ba 00 pet> Sll95/mo 166& ww.e ~"" •3 9''). J20. 9'22 I 20.1 lfOO ISU STUOIO ltrt• closet & b1th. sunn1 etposutt, SIOOOm Alt 949 e1~1ti1 Y..t¥ 21,., 1h. ''"'' to beach, Slt.00/"'o Auocltltd Rt•l\Y t4947J~M4S 3br ?bl UP1>e1 umt, 2 balcon•~~ Ip mst1 lf1wrm I c I• nu P~•lll aa1 S2JOO 949 293 4630 Jk, 1.1/ .. , I &II<. I uirpnrl i.00•~1, ll!'W .1()1>1 .... :b ?.!t,il on*>.? lit), & crpt 3 """°""'lll crt 'l ' IJll . ...-1 -ea SI~""' 114 J90 '>810 ~ .... kl b:ll ,._... .,,, l szm 114-&l210i 7br ?b,1 • d•n. upppr unll boy '"'W\, l••llo. loy f r-• Jbr 2b• upper sh•• •II wuh11t a. dryN. lnel, petlod \lyte. &•ell ~II $111'}() 949 Z<JJ 46Jl view•, I UI 11ar, d&I $2800949 293-4631 0 RS A · Z HANDYMAN IMl•ll. r•ltct c•l»oeh ~ PUTlffW WORDS TO WORIFOI YOU! (949) 642-5678 COMPUTER HELP! .,.,.....~,..... •M,_ .... ,, .... •flC•-·~ ·-.. ~·· ~*"" ~= ·l!MoOS~iw-.. ~y .. ~-=--714-612~2786 California law re quires that cont1 ac toll taklns Job• that tot.I SSOO Of moo (WI« or tnaleftals) be IMnlOd lty U. 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Class1f1ec.J ( omrnunity M arkt>tpl.ice STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tiu legal Department at the Daily Pilot i.s pleased lo announce a new serviet now available to new businmes. We wili now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge. and save you the time and the trip to the Court House in Santa.Ana. Then, of course, after the search is completed we will file your fictitious business name statemmt with the County Ckrlt, publish once a week for four wee/ts as required by law and thm file your proof of publication with the County Clerk. Please stop by to file your fictitious business name statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W Bay St, Costa Mesa. ![you cannot stop by. please ca/i us aJ (949) 642-4321 and we wiil malte arrangements for you to handle this procedure by mail If you should have any further q~stions, pl.ease call us and we wiii be more than glad to assist you. Good luck in your new business! 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PWUC UTIUTMt CGaMllMCMI .,, ..... , IWMOW<mal~ P1lntJnc~l ~ Qllallty )obi F 1 M attmtt1 l.'569*91714-636"888 -----CMf) M S..SUI PllKJll ...... Repairs & lltmodellnc FREE ESTIMATE U687391 7 lH69· t090 Rta111t4lul J I M...,,_fl._.a • ....... c.....-w (949) 548-0769 SELL your stuff throuafl classif iedl OOU>O WIST WINDOW SllVKI S.Usfactlon Guaranteed !MUJl-1562 ma.90«> TtlUsAholt Yotl 6ARA6E SAUi II CWSIFIED (949 642-5671 ' •