HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot~. Serving the Newport-Mesa co,mmunity since 1907 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2003 Pulling· up the Arches When his lease is up, the restaurant's owner plans to say farewell to Mariner's Mile locale. Allele Robinson Daily Pilot MARINER'S MILE -Although this Newport Beach restaurant and arguable landmark will close ln a few shon years, the Arches !"on't be falling for good. •• Dan Marcheano. who .has Owned the Arches since I 982. ttas announced plans to open a nt:w, bigger restaurant called the Archei> Grill within a year, but he ts suU finali;dng the location. He'll lceep the original West ~as1 ._ljghway restaurant open tn11il his lease expires in three years. • "We're going 10 move," Marcheano said. "You can chisel piat in stone. Where are we go- ldg to move, that's still up in the arr." I le'd like to stay in Newport Beach and is tallcing with the Ir- vine Co. about a few locations, but he has also had offers in Huntjngton Beach and San Oe- mente, he said. CITY HALL The new restaurant will seal about 275 people, compared with the 120 seats at the existing restaurant. Maccheano expects to more than double his staff and add at least 120 menu items to the already staggering 350 choices he offers. With a history stretching back to 1922, the Arches was the first restaurant in Newport Beach to get a liquor license. It has served the likes of Humphrey Bogart and still caters to the family of the late John Wayne, Marcheano said. Once it shuts its doors, the Arches wiU be the latest in a string of restaurants along Mari- ner's Mile to close in the last sev· eral years. Others that have shut down include Wmdows on the Bay and Aysia 101. Several factors led to those res- taurants do Ing. Newport Beach Asst. City Manager Sharon Wood said . The difficulty of mwng left rums on West Coast Highway and parking availability can be issues for restaurants, and the shalcy economy is also part of the mix. she said. In other cases, property own- ers may have development plans See ARCHES, Pa1e A4 PHOTOS BV KENT TR(PIOW I DAJLV PILOT Traffic backs up at a security checkpoint as Orange County sheriff's deputies look inside vehicles entering JtNA on Christmas Day. Traffic stretched for more than a quarter mile, as deputies stopped vehicles for random inspections. No holiday forJWA Newport adopts Marine attitude Travelers from all over flock to the airport on Christmas Day for a variety of reasons. Brooke Ashley Francis couldn't think of a berter place to spend part of her Christ- mas morning lhan John Wayne Airport. Ashley said while doing a ballet rouline on lhe b.1se of the John Wayne statue. near the baggage claim. •And I am going to chase Goofy all aroU11d." The Francis family was just a part of the many people at John Wayne Airport. t•ither picldng up family members or say- ing goodbye to loved ones on the most celebrated holiday i11 the United States. Program, similar to Sister Cities, will enable residents to send correspondence to personnel abroad. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot Like lots of other places. New- pon Beach has a couple Sistl'r Cities. But how 1nany towns can claim their own Marine battal- ion? Members of Camp Pendleton's l st Battalion I st Marines -the "1 /I" in military· Ungo -won't be paCrolling the yacht slips of Newport Harbor or sandy beach- es of the Balboa PerunsuJa. But in one of his last acts as mayor, Steve Bromberg "adopted" rhe infantry unit for Newport Beach residents to send morale-boost- ing letters and other items and, in return. get some military rep- FYI To send cards, letters or other items to the First Battalion First Marines. mail them to: In just a few hours. lhe vocal 3·year-old would be in the happiesl place on Earth - Disneyland. · All those interviewed l>Sid the increase in security precaution:. did not deter 1hem from their holiday travel plans. Joh11 Wayne officials limited entrance to Frank Fields and his girlfnend, Valerie Dickey, sport his-and-her Christmas head gear as they wait for his luggage to arrive at John Wayne Airport on Christmas Day. Commanding Officer, BLT 1/1. UIC 39711, FPO AP 96609-9711. "1 am going to see Mickey," Brooke See JWA, Pa&e A4 resentation a1 commuruty events. "We're embracing the I/ 1 as our own." said Bromberg. a for- mer Marine himself. "We're going to establish a close, family-type relationship with them, which could lead to many thlngs. They do so much for us. It's a natural for us to do something for them." Christmas spirit in the pool hall The urut of about I, I 00 hru, been stationed on a ship in the Middle East for abou1 the past eight months. Letters, cards and small Items, even from people they've never met, help them feel more connected to home, said Tim Sloat, a former Marine who approached Bromberg with the Sff MARINES, Pa1e M I don't mean to toot my own horn but I am one generous person. It must have been the spirit of Oulstmas that came over me because each time I executed an ill-conceived pool shot. I set my opponent up for an easy drop. "Merry Ouistmas, Richard,· I shouted during the fifth and nnal game of pool at Games Plus, on 19th Street in Costa Mesa. 1 ran lnto Richard and his friend, "Pablo." 1 hat wa .. n't his real name. He started to utter his real name as we shook hands on the smoking patio but then slopped himself. "'Pablo' is good." me to play a few game'> with them. I agreed. of course. and prepared myself to get royally schooled on the table. he said. LOLltA "Pablo" and "What is a girl like you doing at a pool hall on Ouistmas Day," Richard asked me. "Don't you have any family7" Richard took pity HARPER My family has their big shindig on Christmas Eve, I explained. on a lone reporter, who was working on Olristmas day and invited IT'S A ROCK, FoRSURE Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.datypilotcom On Oulstmas morning my son wakes up at my house. opens his presents and lhen goes with his dad to their big Olristmas Day celebration. This Is the third Ouistmas in a row I have worked for the Pilot because I have nothing better to do. "What's your guys' story.· t asked. "Ah man," Pablo said. "I went to see my ex and my kids and she pissed me off, Sff Al.lOWED, P11e A4 Eastbluff resident thinks h e found a meteorite in the Back Bay. Now he just has to wait for some proof it was heaven-sent. "I remembered the angle and the next day. I walked out there for a look and out of the blue In an open area Is this igneous rock." Gorslcl said lbere are very few rocks In that open area and theTe's this rock that's got a pitted front and a bum mark around it." WEATHER ~ M•rl1a O'Neil Daily Piiot A week ago Sunday, Rick Gorski tucked his son ln bed like he does every other night. then went outalde for a unoke. So fur, Gorslci bas not been able to get confirmation that the rock. ls, Indeed, a heavenly body alnce most ~rts are out for the holidays. In the mean time. he has hit the library and rem up on the subject Rain continues to pelt Newport-Mesa today. SeeP11eA2. APPOINTMENT Governor pk:b Newpon Beach'• A.G. Kawamura to lead the 1tete'1 food and agricultuni ctet>artment. SeeP1PA3 HAPPENINGS SPORTS OOUGl..AS ~/OM. Y PILOT Rick Gorski holds what he betleves is a meteorite that landed behind his condo near the Back Bay. He aat on the balcony of his P..astbluff condominium. which ovaioob Jamboree and the dry, grassy overgrowth at the edge or the Back Bay. Just after Ni ll8bted his cigarette, he aaw a ball or light att1llk put him f'rom the sky, about 50 feet ~ and beard a r.int hiss. 1be rod. which II about the 1.7..e of a hwnan skull. weighs 16 poWlds and has a reddish-orange sheen on partS of It It has a mostly tmooth surface with a few pock ma.rh. bill of metal aod what appears to be melted aand particles on It. Adding to the myatery, Gorski aa.ld that S..ROCK,Pac•M Joel Rubentteln'a efforts helplno the community have garnered him two awards. SeeP11eM !Nine'• Shedy Canyon Gott Club, which wa1 dellQned by Tom Fazio, ha• become • favorite with~ Bud! residents. S..P ... 81 ' l t ,. ON THE MARI< C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Ten Carano, the owner of Seams Newport, specializes in boat bedding and upholstery. She runs the business out of her home. Custom ready to go DHpa Bharath specifically for boats. Daily Pilot "The beds in boats are weird sizes." she said. "So I go in, take Turi Carano jwnped on a boar measurements and then to Caba 18 years ago. customi7,.e depending on what Her father, who worked on my customer wants." boat engines all his life. had just The boats or yachts are built died. in counaies such as Tuiwan. For tb1s Costa Mesa resident When they arrive in Southern now in her 50s, wo~ first California, they're pretty plain mate on that boat was e and bare bones. staytng in touch with her dad. ·1 make them comfonable. • It also helped her figure out Carano said. what she wanted to do for a She pul.8 in mattresses, sheets, living. sofas and will design anything Today. this Costa Mesa else her customer wants to make resident runs her own company, the boar Uvable and enjoyable. Scams Newport, our of her Designing for a boat is home. Carano custom designs dlfferenl from decorating a bedding and upholstery home, she said. WHATS AFLOAT Orange County 9f'llpioyws can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to • WHATS AR.OAT is published enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of periodically. If you are planning a Orange Coast College. The nautical event, aubml1 the School of Sailing and information to the Daily Piiot, 330 Seamanship now offers a chanoe W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA for groups to wort with the 92627;byfaxto(949)648-4170;or on-board Instructor on different by &-mail to dallypllot@ sailing techniques while they get latimes.com. advice on how to perform well in businKS. No sailing experience SPECLAL EVENT neoeasary. One-day classes cost The Newpof1 H•ri>or N.utical from $100 to $125. 1949) Museum will have an exhibit 645-9412. opening for "Hooked: The Lure and Lore of Sport Fishing," at the 0nng8 eo.st College'1 IChool of Grand Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 sailing and seamanship will ott.r p.m. through Feb. 29. The 11 flve-weett nonc:Adlt museum is at 151 E. Coast Introduction to Shields saillng Highway, Newport Beach. class from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Information: (949) 673-7863, Jan. 11, 18 and 26 and Feb. 1 and http://Www.nhnm.org. 8 at OCC's &ailing center in Newport Beach. The cost Is $120. SAJUNG CLASSES Information: (949) 645-9412. SaiMng Fudnatlon ........ in bcmlng sat.ty and aaillng Onnge Coeet Oolege'• sc:hoot of yeeMOUnd for pofSON wtth .. mng and ... manahlp will offer dlsabllltles. Free. (949) 640-• three week noncredit keelboat 1678. cla ... designed for students Daily A Pilot VOL t7, NO. 380 ... ~ Photo Editor, (949)~ 1teVe.l'llCttMkei.tlmee.oom ..... J. .... Alt Olrec:tor,,..... Deale Chief. {IM9) 5'<M224 ~•i.tm..oom ....,,,.~ Gina Alexander, loft Anderaon, ~Hu~PIUI~ Oanlal s..wr. NlWl81Nfl Delifae--Crima end oourts rwporilr, (Ml5)iMZ2t cJMpt.l:lhMrldt•,_.,..aom -.er,,... Nlwpolt 8-tt ,..,.,..,, (Ml~ /41ft8.~•••...,,_com Dllldll8 N1tn•ae eo.i. Meet reporter, ,.., 574-4221 dlitch.~·~ ...... 01W EdUOlllon ,.,,..,, i... ~ ,,...,OM#f.lldrrw..oom "With a home you talce a lot longer,· Carano said. "Bur with a boat. you have 10 finish everything in three weeks or less because many or my customers want to talce their boats to Mexico or some other place right away.· A boat is also no place fo~ k:nidk:nacks, she said. "Space and storage are very valuable on boats," Carano said. For example, she designs sofas and ottomans so they have storage space In them. Her customers also like her "raco bag." which is like a sleeping bag that looks Like a bed cover and can be thrown over the sheets. You can crawt in and sl(!(!p and who've been on boats but are beginning sailors. The first section will begin Jan. 9 and the second section on J an. 10. The oost Is $199. Information (949) 645-9412. o,."94t eo • .i eott.ge'• Khoo! of sailing and seamanship will offer a six-week basic cruising class from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. beginning Jan. 10 at OCC'a Salling Center in Newport Beach. The cost is $515. Information: (949) 645-9412. °'9nge Cont Colege'1 IChool of 1aillng and seamanship will offer a beginning &ailing class aboard a ahlekt9 from 9:30 a. m. to 1 :30 p.m .• beginning Jan. 10 at OCC's Sailing Center. The coat la $325. Information: (949) 645-9412. <>r.,. Cont Cohge'1 IChool of aalllng and seamanship will offer an eight part noncredit cou,_e on celestial and GPS navigation from 7 to 10 p.m. Jan. 12 through Feb. 4 at OCC'a Salling Center In Newport Beach. The cost la $1 35. • Alda Rot* ... Polltlc:a. bualrMlll and environment repoftef, (949) 764'"'330 -'mrobln«N!•l6tlnwf&com "*,... News Nlistanc. (949) 574-4298 lult.penaOlllflmee.com PHOTOORAPHER8 M.rtt c. Oultln. Don Leech, K8rlt Trepcow READ£R8 HOTUNE (949) &42-«)88 Record your comments abou1 the Dally Pilot M MM tips. Addl'8le Our add.._. ls 330 W. Bey SL, Cotte M ... , CA 92821. Offlct hours .,.. Mondey -~. 8:30 e.rn. • & p.m. c:or. ...... It It the Plk>t'a policy to promptly correct ell «n>ra of sub9tance. Pl .... call (949) 7&M324. FY1 The Newport 8eedVCotta Mele Dally Pttot (USPS-144-800) hJ publllhed dally. In Newpott a.ct\ and eo.c.. Mw. IUbacripttof •.,. ~ orttv try eublcirtbllig to The nm.. OtMge County ltOO) 2S2.f141. In.,.... outai. Of Newport..,, and Cotta MeN. subecripdonl '°the o.M-, ~ .... ~"""'try"'-~ mall for -,,., month. ("'1oee lniolude ... ......... andl008lt8W.) not have to malce the bed. The four years Carano spent as part or the crew on the boat to Caho gave her a thorough knowledge about boar inreriors, she said. Mosr of the time, her customers know what they want. "The look that's in now is the Tommy Bahama look.· she said. Her job i.s challenging. which is what makes it fun for her, Carano said. "The biggest challenge is keeping up with the work/ she says. "There are not enough people doing this, which is what keeps me extremely busy. But it's great and the people l meet are always wonderful.· The sailing center is at 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway. Information: (949) 645-9412. 0n"94t Cont eou.g.'s IChool of sailing and seamanship will offer an intermediate shields sailing class from 1 :45 to 5:30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 26 and Feb. 1and8 at OCC's sailing center in Newport Beach. The cost is $145. Information: (949) 645-9412. BOAT RENTALS Whh Mwtn. w.t.rSpotU llt th• Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay in your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport·fishing skills to the teat in a fully equipped Boston whaler, or soar above it all on a parasall flig ht along the Newport coast. Complimentary Ice and beverage• are Included with all electric boat rentals. POSTMASTER: Send eddreu d'langes to The Newport BeadVCo.ia M ... Dally Pllo1, P.O. Box useo. eo.t. Mesa, CA 92626. Cot>yright No MWS tlorift, lllu.tratlona, edltoriel mener "' advert.lae!ll41nta herein a.n be reproduced without wr1tten pennltalon of copyright owner. HARBOR COLUMN A b oatload of thanks ~.A ~w. l'"\..._dme toblta•lbe decoradom off your boat and ltUt ....---~-....,· boelfng ..... I dlao ::=r wlnterdme cnd8lng on our waaerwaya. 1 ftnd the winter .eaon a gntal lime to ID boadng and cndleto deldnadom lib Awloo.. minus tbe aununet1ime c:rowda. Jn r.ct. l'D be tktpperq a new yacht to Medco oii Mo.-lay. My job 00. have a few advantages. lt seems lib nery year Wf!re bleated with warm and perfect' weather on New Ve.O Day, so what a great dsy to go boating. Speaking of being blelssed, Ray 1iu.Deyoshi, director of Califo.,,ta's eo.dng and Waterway1 Department, was 1-\·atudio OD my radio abow last~ He told the listeners what he'• thankful for tbJa boUday -..on. •first thing It the U.S. Coast Guard and all their penonoel who man the boats and the lladonl to California. keeping our waters and boaten safe and secure," Tsuneyoehl said. •t am also thankful tor the U.S. Coast Guard Auldliary ~d U.S. Power Squadrons of California for the time and efrorta they take on the water to conduct wsael safety checb and teach the boaters various upect.s of , boating lklDa and safety. "I Uio want to be thankful fOr all varlous peace ollken, llf~ and ransen who patrol our coastal and in.land waters, maintaining onler and promodng safe boating. "I want to alao say that I am re.lly thankful for my waterways ltd. the boating and watef'W1l)4 scaJf, who have a real can-do attitude. They care about their oontdtuenc:y, and aometimes, I Uke to caJJ them dreal11-enabJc;ra. They mae this department stand out in the state. "I also want lo be than.kfuJ for the recrndonal boaters of California. all the yacht clubs who promote safe, fun boating llC1\0M the whole leQ8th and breadth of this beaudful state or oun. •And 6na1ty l want to pve thmb to capt MJb IUld Cl:wldler; who do enormous good with their ... advice and helpful hlnta lbo\Jt boating. It it m.a.t appreciated and we need to gee )'OU..,...... to the four comers of th9 .we and btla. I feel *Y honoa'9d that ~penooally ......._ boda <JMnck and I for our eflortl tn promodng what 'lllumJOlhi eakl.tJcJUCdollbe beblnd-lbe--- perlODllll who wort bard to mab =---and h'aalwaya a buge pmblelWdJ18• new radio lbow; and .... mmneJy tbanklul for my aew (Omndler Bell. I Bric Hovland. John Hammond. and Lou Montana), you the llltener, my major lpOnlOl'I (Banner , Maltrell and Maridme I lmdtute), my ln-studjo 4 guests. and JCCBQ, whole management belleYed in me. Before I get all teary-eyed, I want to say that I'm really thankful for you -the Daily Pilot reader. lt'a 8:::J: nice receiving your e· and hwinl from the many of you around town who've stopped to tell me how much you enjoy reading my column.· 1bil holiday season, J want you to think about all that we haw to be thankful for with our beautiful harbor and the ocean. We need to thank all of the people who voh.IQteet thet.r time to partjdpate on water--related ' committees and commls!dons, whether they're woddng on water quality. waWr accesa, nautk:al events, or harbor management, just to name a few. Newport Harbor ls this .,. .. !DOit valuable ret0urce and I want JOU'° enjot' lt. I Boaters are the harbor'• best rrtend, so thank you, "the boater,,. who respects the aquatic environment. A:J urban run-off pollution decreues-and yes. it bas decreased -the enjoyment ol our wamw.ys loaeases for all. I want to wiah you a prosperous and happy new year, and my new year'• resolution is to keep bringing the boadng wodd toyou. Tuoe in to my radio show this and every Sunday from 4 to 5 p..m. on ICCBQ·AM (1170), or l.laten over tfle lntemet at lttrp:/fwww.boadtoUH '*'lo.com. You can call in to the toll-he IJstener Une at (888) 344-1170 and join in on Southern Callfemia~ only boating Wk r.dio show ..mJna up the cout from San Dleeo to Oxnard and out to Senta Catalina Jalaod. We~ • ._, WHITIHIAO 11 the Piiot's bollting 8nd harbor ooklmnllil. Send him~ '*'-Ind~ "'°"""'end ttorv~ bv....,tlO,,,..~ "'"'*"°' vWI ~.bollt ~com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Steady rainfall will continue for most of the momlng todey and Include a aftght dtance of thunderstonna. Hlgh1 temper8tUt'ee lhould be In the low 60e t10 80 degrMe and low tempe lhould be In the mid-JOI to low «>a. Wlndl Wll be from the nOfth .ounct 10 mph. The rain should dNr up bv dfnneftime. ~: www.nwa.OON.gov BOATING FORECAST for the lnnw....._wlfd *hould bf from the wnt and nonhwelt at 10 to 15 knotl with 2·foot WW on 8W1 ltlfm swett of 4 to 8fwM. Out..,._, the,. i. a .rnatl Cf'aft acMtory for haardous ..... Wlndt wtll b9 from the w.t Ind nc>fb.-t .. 16 to 26 knots. Ww. lhould be IMtwMf'l 2 Ind 3 fMton • •'UICll4n M'8I from 10 and 12 feet. SUR F TIDES nm. \2:01Lm. 4:2.la.m. 10:40a.m. 8:08p.m. ........ 3.13 fMlhlgh 2.llfMllow 8.18'-thlgh ~.92'Mtlow WATER TEMPERATURE eo~ ' Friday, December 26, 2003 A3 Local to till new soil A.G. Kawamura, of Newport Beach, is the new state secretary of food and agriculture under Gov. Schwarzenegger. Allcl• Robinson Daity Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -After re- tutning to his farming roots. the state secretary or food and agri- culture is seeing the fruits 'Of his labor ln Gov. Arnold Schwamtn· egger's adminisuatlon. A.G. Kawamura grew up in Newport Beach and graduated from Newport Harbor H1gb School In 1974. He and his family live in Newport Beach, but since his appointment to the agricul- ture post In November, he has spent much of his time in Sacra- mento. Before heading the agriculture department, Kawamura worked for his family's business, lrvine- based Orange County Produce, and has served on the State Board of Food and Agriculture and a U.S. Deparunent of Agri- culture technical advisory com- mittee. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to luis.pena@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. TODAY The Envlronmemal Neture Center will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. MONDAY Th• PatH and Mary Muth Interpretive Center will host an event that will let visitors see and touch different kinds of insects and to understand how the legs of different insects do different jobs to help them survive from 11 a.m. to noon et 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The cost will be $10 for each child 5 and older. lnfonnetion and reservations: (949) 923-2295. JAN.6 P.K. Odle, wortdwide instructor for the American Feng Shui Institute, will explain how lhe elemental remedies are implemented where advised, as elegant accessories that complement your decor, to improve health, relationships and prosperity at 7 p.m. at Visions & Dreams 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations and information- (8n) 288-1669. http:Jlwww. fengshuiadvantage.com. JAN.8 ~1 Malbt wiU host a women's support group, a free workshop by Cheri Schatz, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market is at 2.25 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741. (800) 595 6667. "Part of the reason that I felt it was important to come to Sacra- mento was to address the lack of viability for California farmers in the face of. competition. over- regulatlon and soaring produc- tion costs including worker's oompensatipn,· Kawamura said. He saw these problems first- hand In the family business, which Kawamura's grandfather st.a.rted in 1946. II has been a grower end shipper of various fresh produce crops and now grows mainly strawberries and green beans, Kawamura said. A far cry from fanning, Ka- wamura earned 'us bachelor's degree from UC Berkeley in comparative literature In English and Spanish, but he already w-dS planning to head back to the farm. "ln my last two years of college I took a lot of Third World devel- opmenl courses and resource conservation . . . and realized JAN.10 There will be a Comput., Fair at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & EKpositlon Center. The cost is $5 for adults; children 10 and younger get in for free. Information: (800) 800-5600, http://www.ocfair.com. Newport Harbor High School cheerleaders will present their Winter Junior Cheer Clinic from 1 to 4 p.m. at Newport Harbor High. The cheer1eaders who will teach basic cheer techniques and a cheer and dance routine. The $40 fee will cover pom·poms. snadls, extra practice on Feb. 5 and a pregame performance on Feb. 6. Information: (949) 673· 1989. JAN.11 Thant will be a Computer Fair at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $5 for adults; children 10 and younger get in for free. Information: (800) 800-5600, http://Www.ocfair.com. JAN.13 Moth.,'1 Malbt will host ·inflammation & Heart Disease; a free seminar by Judith Todaro, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741. (800) 595 6667. JAN. 14 Mother'• Malbt will host ·Menopause; a free seminar by Andrea Purcell, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information thac I was very interested in the problems of Wlderdevelopment. hunger, [and] nutridon. and lhought that being involved in agriculture would be the natural way to work In that area in the futwe, • he said. Locally. Kawamura has worked on many agriculture issues. even to the'point of getting-bis hands dirty. Orange County fair Man· ager Becky Bailey-Findley said. MIKawarnural was the farmer who literally helped build Cen- tennial Farm at lhe fairgrounds,· she said. "He was there in the dirt helping us do that.• Centennial Farm Is a 4-aae working farm al the county fair- grounds in Costa Mesa thac ho!.IS educational programming. in- cluding field trips for about 7 .000 students a year. Bailey-Findley said. n1e agriculture secretary is a past president of Che Orange County Farm Bureau. a former county fair board member and a founding trustee of Sage I till School in Newport Beach. I le also has focused on the role of agriculture in feeding the and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN.15 lAura Schlesllnget will sign her new book •Tue Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" at 7:30 p.m. at Sames and Noble Booksellers, Metro Pointe. 901B South Coast Drive. Information (714)444-0226. Mother'• Maritn will host "'Cardiovascular Health; a free seminar by Michael Schwartz, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The maritet is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741. (800) 595 6667. JAN.16 A HorTM Remodeling and Decorating Show will be held starting today in buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open from noon to 8 p.m. today. The cost is $5. 75 for adulls. $3 for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950. Mother's Marbt will host •Keys to Weight Management and Optimal Health," a free seminar by Colette Heimowitz. from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St • Information and reservations: (949) 63l -4741, (800) &95 6667. JAN 17 Los Angeles fifefight.r and paramedic John Hidls will sign his first book for young adults. ~My Buddypadl," at 2 p.m. at Borders Books Music end Cafe in Costa Mesa, 1890 Newport Blvd. JAN.9 Th• Environmental N-1111'9 Center will present a Full Moon Walk from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 1601 16th St., Newport Bea<tl. This will be the firs full moon of the new year. The cost is S2 for adults and $1 tor children. Information: (949) 645-3489. "Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Sfnks • Seafood • Cocktails •0 Q.uality Savicr0 • ··~ightly EnlettaiAment"' .. CALL FOR OUR ONE-PERSON 401(K) GUIDE. /,I JI, I 1 l,/flUll• ( d!I "' , ., ) ,, .,, ~., ... I' ,•J, I 1 \ '... ,, • ( ..... I \ 1, \ ·' ' . You have your own company with no employees. Now you can ha'(F. your own 401(k). A one-person 401(k) provides you with t he same benefits enjoyed by millions of company employees. Business owners are permitted to make profit-sharing contributions of 25% of compensation plus a S 12,000 salary deferral contribution-$ 14,000 If you're 50 or above. If you have a corporation, partnership, sole proprietonhip or non- profit entity, our free guide will show you your 401(k) options. You'll learn: • How contributions may be higher than other retirement plans •The benefits of tax-deductible contributions and tax-deferred growth •A range of self-directed investm•nt options Call {949) 717-5300 or (IOO) 461-JJ52 for your free guide. 660 Newport Center Drive, Sui te 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 hungry through bis work with Second Harvest Food 8a.nJc. in Orange. Bailey-Findley sald. As a farm er. Kawamura under- stands the issues facing the fanning Industry as well as the problem..'! Orange County tann- ers encounter in thelr Increas- ingly urban environment. Bailey- Flndley said. For Kawamura. educating the pu.blic about the importance of agriculture ls a top priority. "If we don't find goqd public support for domestic agriculture, ~ may find ourselves with an imported food supply similar to our supply of petroleum,• he said. For now. he's learning his new role and trying to protect his de- partment's programs in the stale budget crisis. but the new job has gone well so far, he said. "Six months ago 1 had no idea that I'd he in this position. but I'm elated." he said. Ml'm very proud to be here " ·celebrate New YearS Eve 1n Style at Spectacular I 1vc f ntertainmcnl Hats. Horns. Streamer·s & other Party I i\vor .,, I >.mc1ng. I xtcn~1ve Champagne and Wine I 1st Valet PM1'1n1,, Ocean View and. of cou1 se 1ncrcd1ble food' ~word Winning PREMIERE _ Seafood and Prime Beef Restaurant in Orange Co~nty._ --- Two SFATING T1Mf s 5:30 pm ond 8:30 pm I og ont1• ""' w1•h\1te for dctil1lcd 111fwni.J\11•11 Jr•d d1rt'<.t1un-. ,,, < tll 9'19 6 73.2100 Book your celebration today ... This is a Party you don't want to miss/ ' -Keep thl.' Party going all night and stay upstairs of our luxurious Ocl.'aniront Bed & 8rl.'oHast '----------/ Book your reservation today! Call 949.675.7300 or visit out website at www.dorymonsinn.<om ld111lo Si11c11 Ben311J1 Monday, Ds,11mbsr 29t1' 71'.M Bren Evsntt Center ln.livldua\ G.atM Ti'ke.t&: $-; adu\ta, $~ c.hi\dre.n Season tickets for the whole amily are on sale now tor · Ill Good for two adul two children, p two free memberships in e Junior Anteater Club. A $120 Valuel To buy Family Pass Season Tickets. please call (949) 824-6202. I ,,,..----·-----~--- AA fnday, ~ 26, 2003 NEWPORT BEACH • WMt CoMt ,..,._,.A hit.and-run WM repcHtld In th• 8 \00 bk><* •• 2:50 p.m. Tueact.y. • Cty9t.91 ......... Dlhe: A traffic accident fnYOMng lnjut1u wet report.ct In th4t 23200 blodt at 11: 11 a.m. Tuesday. • i.ts twenue: Vandatltm wae repom.d In the 700 blod( tt •:AO p.m, n...dly. • fMWport c.... Dltw W..t: Fr.ud wet~ In the 1100 bfodc et 3:08 p.m. Tuee«Uty. . s...-..... Dltw: ,_ theft WM reported In the 2eOO btock et 10:08 1.m. TuMday. • •••hofe o.M: 8llttMy wn~lntt.3800 blod( 11t 9:45 a.m, Tueedey. • Jlth ltrMt: An llttempmd g•rage b&.lrgl•ty WU repoMd In the l500 bled llt 8:03 p.m. Tueedey. • 4ZM ltl..t A hlt..nct-rvn WM ~Jn the 100 bloc*llt 1•a.m. ~. ARCHES Continued from A 1 Lhat don't include restaurants. Marcheono said he's heard his landlortl may rc<levelop the property. but that duJn't play Into his decision to move. Ml just know where I'm at right now, this buiJding has been here forever." he said. "It's tired. We've outgrown 11 •••• I wouldn~ h.ive that much in- terest if (lhe la.ndJordl said 'Stay here.'" L.ack of space caused Marcheano to tum down at least 60 re- quests for banqueta just this month. Dan Marcheano he said. MYou can't gjve up that kind of ANenue, • he said. Right now It's ha.rd to say who might m0\'8 In af\"er the Ardles leaves. Newport Beach Restau- rant ~. spokeswoman Peggy Fort ~ti. Marcheano will be missed In Marinel"s Mile, she aald. "He's got a very loyal foUowing and wc'U all be sad to see the Arches go," &he ..Ud. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Hillary Peterson, right, says goodbye to her friend, Logan, at John Wayne Airport as she prepares to head home to Seattle. JWA Continued from Al the airport from the Sa11 Diego Freeway and Michelson Drive. Can entering from Campus Drive were subject to search. "Airport police stafling levels have been increased and addl· tionaJ security procedures have been instituted," Afrpon Director Alan Murphy said in a news re· lease. "While some of the in· creased security measures in place are visible to the public. more sensitive procedures are not." Bren and Mike Montgomery, from Tuxas. said they could nor tell the difference. "The flight was nk.e -note very crowded -and the fares were cheap,· Mike Montgomery said. Bren Montgomery said the fight would have been perfect if she weren't Oying with an infant. The Montgomery family was visiting the southland for a week and were in a rush to get their va· cation started. Brooke Ashley, who is always buggmg her parents to go to the Mnglc Kingdom. opened Barbie ballet slippers from .Santa and then the money gift: a Disneyfand package. In less than two hours she was on a plane. mother Robbi Franru said. "She is always bugging us to go -right now -and she doesn't understand that we are a state away,. Robbi Pranci& said. "So this morning we told her, 'We are go· ing. We are going right now: And she was so excited." Disneyland was a popular win- ALLOWED Continued from Al so I wanted to go get drunk.. So when my panner here called me and asked if I wanna go shoot some pool. I &aid, 'Sure.' Shoot pool. drink beer, drink beer, shoot pool -l am all for it." Richard, who was the IC$$ outspoken of the two. used 10 work at Games Plus and knew they would be open on Olrlstmas Day. He had no family to celebrate w1th. "Never been married,· he sald proudly, as he set up a beautiful bank shot. that left ter lime activity for Christmas traveleB. as Carrie Van Dyke and her daughter had just spent a week there. Although the time at the amusem'!nt park was happy. the reason behind it W'dS bitter sweet. Van Dyke said her molher·in· law had informed the family at the last minute that she was diag- nosed with a terminal illness and had just days to live. I fer one wish was to take all of her grandchil- dren to Disneyland and so Van Dyke and her daughter made the crip from Washington state. Mwe had to do tJlis quicldy," Van Dyke said. "II really wasn~ our choice to be flying on Christ- mas. Brooke Ashley may not have minded her time at the airport but Long f\each youngster, Mar Quese wimams said he was bored, as he sat in the lobby area of the Continental terminal Mar Quese. his parents. broth· er. sister and uncle were waiting for the matriarch of the family to an1ve from Tulsa. Okla. Mar Quese. 9. and his brother Mar Selles both wore shatj> New Jersey Nets jackets, and their 4-year-old sister, Mar Amaro showed off her brand new, bright pink C.are Bears raincoat The Williams ~re planning on a large family dinner Thursday, Friday, Saturtlay and every other night until 1heir mother leaves. ffWe are going to have a great time all week." said Jesse Wil- liams. Williams sald the added secu- rity was not a problem or a nui- sance. "I guess I have a face you am trusl. H he said, him with only two soUds left on the table. I looked at my five stripes on the green felt and scowled. "Nice shot." I said, forcefully. Despite my poor showing in pool. I was having a blast. These two men welcomed me ln their pool game, and despite lheir rugged and tatrooed exteriors, treated me with chivalrous respect. I was one of.three women In the crowded pool hall, and actually RJchard and "Pablo· saved me from a drunk named Victor, who J anempted to Interview when J first arrived. Victor was away from his family thJs Ouistmaa, as were his pool buddles. He was ln California. from Mexico for work, and was obviously lonely. I excused myself as he tried to steal "solnmente un beslto, • Oust one lhtle klu) and walked outside, where I found Richard and Pablo. Pablo kept the beers Oowing and the tunes rocking, as be made numerous trip• to the jukebox. t wu about to acratch on the nlne ball, when "SWeet Child o! Mine," by Gwu N' Roset blasted Crom the speaker. I was ao excited to bear the aong, I dldn~ even care about my 1hot. The cue ball landed about afx lncbee away frOSD the alx ball and Richard, who wom u a bounty hunter, continued hla domlnadon of the pme. ~laughed and Jobd and uked about career pacN. How cUd I Mplre to a career In Joumalltm, they wanted to know. Four ,ean ln a great Jourbllilm program and here I am, I antwered them. But I WU more lnten111ted ln what II Wiii ....... ..., ....... .................. ·~·~ .. 'I'm very skeptical about everything. But wh en I came down here and saw this crater, that's what convinced me.' Cory O'Connor on his neighbor's, Rick Gorski, discovery. ROCK Continued from Al the rock was the only dry object in the area when he found il The previous day. It had rained and stopped sbortty before his cloee encounter w1th the falling object. "Im very skeptical about everything.~ said his Mfghbor, Cory O'Connor, st.anding near the &p0t where Gorski foUL'ld it "But when I came down here and saw this crater, that's what convinced me." The oval-shaped divot Is about IO-inches long and four-inches deep. not as large as a meteorite wouJd usually maU. saJd Don Yeomans, manager of NASAS Near Earth Object Program Office at the Jet PropulsJon laboratories in Pasadena. Nine times out of 10 when someone thinks they've found something. Yeomans said. its nothing. Generally, the real thing will be heavy and solid. have a black or brown surface. be unlike other roclcs in the area and will attract a magneL Gorski said the rock. which he's named "Rlk:kr after his 14·year·old son. seems to qualify. "An asteroid is a roclcy or metallic object that orbits around the sun. mostly between Mars and Jupiler." Yeomans explained. "Occasionally they run into each other and send smaller chips into orbit lf one runs into Earth's atmosphere and starts burning, that's a meteor. lf it makes it to the earth's surface, that's a me1eorite." Most of the time, people find meteorites in unpopulated areas like the desert or polar caps. but once in a while they tum up in a MARINES Continued from Al idea. ~oat was on the receiving end of a simlJar program when he was stationed in Vietnam during that war. · •Sometimes, cities would adopt units,~ he said. "We'd get cards and leners and little pack- ages sent to Lltese 17-, 18-and 19·year-old kids who aren't get· ting diddly lsent to them nor- mally)." Because the 1 / l is now over· seas, Sloat said, the relationship will start out a little one-sided. Once they come back, likely in April, they will return the favor. "It's dangerous," Richard said. "You get shotguns polnted In your face and dogs chaslng you off properties.• ~Pablo" said he just found work as at a lumber shop. He ' gets to dabble 1n landscaping and construction, while work.Ing for a really great company, be said. "I do whatever they teU me to and I love It,~ he said. I aaked him about the tattoos he bad done on both his arms. I pulled up his &leeve and started writing what I saw. "Hey, you aren't deterlblng my Ink. are your be said. •Shoot. that ls a death wish. I might u well tell you my real name, addrels and social aecurlty number." ltwuabanh admonlahment, but his smile made me !eel at ease. M the rain got harder and m y losing record got greater. we finally called tt a day. My new friends. of tw0 hours, made sure I had a ride home and that I wu OK to drive ln the raJn. They asked repeatedly how far l bad to go and needed asaurance that I would be aafe. "Well, Merry Ouisunu. Lolita." "Pablo" aa.ld u we tidied up our table. "Thanb for jofninl UI." "'Jbank you for having me and otherwtae sacrificing an afternoon or reel pool,· I wd. "Plablo" went home to bJ11 new girlfriend and .Ucha.rd just went home. I wmt btck to the newuoom. Thll would be a Outatmu I wouldn't toon foraet. • LOUTA HAl•B't wrt-. oolumnt ~•nd Fri~. ~•mev be reecMd 81CM)114-4271 °' bV ...,.. .. ,.,...,.,.,.. ...,,,,.._oom.. OOUGl.AS ZIMMERMAN/DAILY PflOf Rick Gorski reaches down to touch what he believes is a meteorite that landed behind his condo near the Back Bay. populated area Yeomans estimated tJrnt "hundreds" of meteorires make it to Earth each year. "They're perfectly harmless unless they hit you on L11e head,~ he said. ·An Egyptian dog was lcilled and a lady in New York had one go through the trunJc of her car." lf Gorsld's is a genuine meteorite and not a "meteorwrong" as collectors call them, its value could be out of this world. rught now there's a huge marltet, Yeomans said, and some space rocks are worth "more offering a color guartl for com- munity events, reading to chil· dren and coming up to pay visits to the city. A commlnee that Bromberg put together will come up with ideas for the budding relation· ship, organl7lng it like a sister city program. He will act as its li- aison. Until they return, Bromberg said. Newport Beach residents can show their support by send- ing things 10 their new battalion -evJln beyond the holiday sea· son. Nonperishable items that can be easily carried in a back· pack work best if people wunt to send ~. Sloat said. "Paperback books and maga- zines -you can't beat that,~ he said. uvou spend 90% of the time than gold." But until Gorski find:. someone to analy1.e Utt: i.pecimen, Gor<;ki can only wish that the shooting star he saw in the sky is the one he now ha~ in his home. Min life you have to be in the right place at the right time," he sald. "I guess I'm lucky. My neighbor told me: 'I'm TJ years old and I've never even seen a meteorite:·· • MARISA O'NEIL covers education She may be reactied at (9491574-4268 o r by e-mail at marisa.one1f1<21fatimes.com . waiting for something to happen. And handy wipes are great They might go two or three weeks without a shower, and even though they might not be in the desert, they're still in dirty places, breaking thjngs." Sloat i.aid he approached New- port Reach because of its ptox· irnlty to r,amp Pendleton and its population's si7.e and willingness to get involved with good caW;es. The sa~ndy beaches and ocean breezes don't hurt, t::ither. "Marinl'S, in particular, Me young gu)'l> from various partS of the country:· City Manager I lomer Bludau said. "They're go· ing through a difficult lime. Get- ting tJtem to come to Newport Beach :md getting them to enjoy Lhemselve' would be great." FRANCES BOICE 101 years old October 30, 1902 -December 20, 2003 Frances Musser Boice wae the loving mother of 4 children: Walter Boice, Anne Halverson, and LuBelle Boice (her son s= Boice pre-deceased her aa did her belovf(i h , Ct.tee Boioe.) She WU the edof9d arandmothef to 5 ~: Nicole and Meta Boice, Marte ltatvereon, IQfn Hlilv#lon t..ncuter, and Heidi Halverson Wolf. Fran~ ~ 8 gr'Mt~: Dale Harvey, Jake and JeMie ~. and tftlhy, Mathew, and Hannah Woff. Her~ d mlM her~ attttude and gl'Mt eenae of humor. 8om In P90fta, lllnola in 1902, at aige 2 her parents moved to OlendM, CA wt*9 her aleter, Ann waa born. Francn plmyed the sMrtO for her elementaty echoof fOf the children t,o men;tt to cfae .very morning. She wu active In her church, whete her mother ptayed the organ. Upon graduation from aMncWe H6gh ~. lhe chOM Occidental'• 60 Yew Alumni Ctub. It WU at OcdMntal that she met Ch811es Boice, whom lhe m.n1ed and lived on hi• Mzona cattle ranch for 13 yeara, rWelnQ 4 chlldren. The farnlty moved to Newport Beach, CA tn the 1t40'9, whef'9 ahe llvec:f until 2003. Theta ahe wu actWe • • foundtng member of the Lu Relnaa Auxlllary of the ~ 1.MQue of N9WP<Ht·M~1 volunteered at H09Q ~ .. lntenelve cant unit and for me Newport Harbor Art Mueeum. Francee WM a 0..00... tor St. Andrew. Prelbyt8ft8n Churdt and acttYe In Ctrc ... from ltl ~ In Newport SMch. She WM mac> dedic8led to her P.E.0. Chapter NQ .net the ~ Of the ~ Revotut1on. She took ~ P'tde in 1* Dutoh enc.ate>r1 Mtofng to found In New ""Valk (New~) and of her relatlvee In the llMnola ~ who fought In the Ctvft W•. In Francee'a 101 y..,. ette wltnMMd the extraordfnaiy achievement• of th• 2C)Ch ~ two Wortd Wan, the <net OeotMalon, Ind 211t· oenuy ~SM nw•. lad to 8 out Of 7 conttnenta lltd hed.,....., riwwy countrlea. Frtenca end fllmtly wtll honor thle ~ lady of fun arid ~ at a memoMI Mf'vto. cllebrllting her tona ltfe on ~ 0.cember 30 at 11 :00 a.m. at St. ~ndr.WS 1en Church, eoo at. ~ Aolld, NT' .-.. •In llu of aow.., rwMnlbl•M>M fMY .,. Mnt to AndrwWe ~ Churoh mhlletrtfe or to the P.E.O. '"Soholtlp ~ M l?OO Or.nd~ e. ~Iowa 50312. · AMoee 80loe .. be bulted ... to '* tKl9band ~" ffOl9ll UM\. Gia 1111::, CA. Daily Pilot Friday, Deceoi>er 26. 2003 Al FORUM HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -L.a.n: Mail to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotlne: Call (949) 642-«>86 Fu:~ to (949) ~170 E-mell:Send to dallypllot~fatlm-.com •All comtspOndence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriflcstion purposes). The Pilot re.erves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. COMlllRTY COMMENTARY .. .. . . • City'.s legal limbo sheds . ·light on upcoming election . " IJGeoffW.tt Doug Suttoni Oujstmu Eve commentaiy, Clty attorney turmoil requinls bokl 'ICliorl." addreeliog the abysmal way our elected oflldals bungled the fonne{ City A~ Jerry Scheer affair, chronJded for all of u& the mialteps our leaden took u they stumbled through this pro<:ell OD our behalf. The poor~ used tn this whole de shakes one's faith In our leaden to no small degree. Y<>u know thinp are bad when ColJncilman Outs Steel comes out of this situation looJd.ng lib the voice of reason. for goodnesa sakes. The poor judgment used by Mayor Gary Monahan in his post-settlement comments have apparently caused Scheer to reconsider the $750,000 amount agreed to, ao be has re.flied his case and is getting a running start at the city coffers once again. I'm not for a minute stating that be was not entitled to compensation for the purported mladoings of the then City Coundl-quite the contrary. PalnfuJ as this whole situation has been for all Involved, lt could have-and should have -been resolved by now. I don't agree with Sutton's proposal that the Individual council members involved -past and pre84ml -should not be defended by the d ty. As emotionally appeal.b\g as watching these people stew In their own juices might be to some ~ It la not a aood eolution tor die -'dmta d du. dty. It la. Obftoully. dillkuk enou&h to altmCt dediaDd, kllellectuaDy' ID8IUre. hml--wodin& people to the arena of public eemce wlcboul leeftng them virtually naked. In a lftOWltDllD. wtthout dty support IPCl protection &8 they., about trying to do the dty'a bullnma. With ._Ihm a year left belo~ we,-the ...,._ed voters of Co$ta Mesa-have Ul opportunity to determine the future of this city by electing a new majority on the Oty CouncU, it ia not too early to be8ln to ueesa the candidates as they swface. The~ ha already begun. as witneued by recent appointments of potential candldatea to d%commissions. Now is the time ir us to begin paying close attention not only to the public uttdances of potential caodidates, but to their action.a. aawell. We need to be aware of their 8atlOdadom and tty to undeatand their undedying motivea • mey tOlll their bata In the ring. Are their plt to eerve all 1he people ot dUa dty or only a dilgrunded few1The1alt time we allowed that kind of feer·beeed emotion to lnluence our dedslonl in lhe W>dng booth it resulted lo Steel being elected. We cannot lllJord to make that same lcind of m.IMab apjn. Hud as it may be to bdiew. th~ are actually own frightening potmdia1 candidatee roir public omce than Sleel. Tblil9 are thoee who may be conilderina a nm for a coUnCI seat who haw demonlbatlld m underpjonlac ofintollllnnCe dml could tes tbla dly ll*t IDll opoee tt io MDdk>na haa baCh atate and ledeRl gcMmJDeDI agenda Further mracerbattDa· dm problem la lbe new policy, appJOY9d ~the acyCouncl .... sprtng. wbk:h permill-. coundl member to appoinl- vktually unoppoeed-. . band-p1c.bll choice for both che Planning and Pub and Recrfttion oorrum.lonl. lbll means thar tbe pbllolopby a.-s by a n.anow-mlnded matorltf on the council could be cariied down througb thme comm1-1ona -the members of wh.lcb eene exciusM!ly at the ~oltbeir appointing cound1 mmnbeL The potential tOr Jong-term damqe to this city is almost impoeslble to overstate. As I have awed before. now may be the time for dm.dty io co~ elec:doo of coundl members by dlatrtct rather than at-large. A council doniliJeted ~ a geopaphically-retared ~ with only che lnlmlllll of a inld sectlon ol this dty m the •lott6--oo ... t of their plam. wlD not .w .a the residenll of tbia dly..a. The election ii only 11 lhart mo"thl away. • QEOff WllT •• ·~ Meu resident and regular contributor to the Piiot READERS RESPOND At police headquarters, Lt. Karl Schuler of the Costa Mesa Police Department goes over some of the violations caught by the city's red-light cameras. FILE PHOTO/ DAILY P1LOT Red-light cameras still a hot topic AT ISSUE : The Pilot asks readers, 'Wha t d o you think of Costa Mesa's red-li ght camera system?' I don't like the new md-light cameras ;md here are some of the reasons why. At mos1 signals. when a red-light runner is pulled over, the officer will talk to the driver and ask why they ran the red Light. During that questioning the officer can determine iJ the offi cer is drunk has a medical problem and he can also run a check on the driver for warrants or to see if the car is stolen. None of this can be achieved by taking a photograph of the car. When an officer issues a ticket it's to the driver. who may not be the registered owner. Most of these cameras use radar enforcement to stop speeders. Officers also use modem teclmology but there is human involvement, whlch I beUeve, is bener than a camera. I think these "big brother~ cameras give a false sense of security that all drivers will now stop for red lights. I have seen drivers speed up to beat the camera's Oash and I have seen them slam on their breaks when the signal turns yellow. . l strongly prefer the humm1 clement and effectiveness of police officer involvement. But if the city must stay with this camera concept they should at least rethink wl1ere the ci tation money should go. How about expediting the repairs of our community streets so drivers can concen trate on traffic signals instead of dodging potholes? MARK HARRIS Costa Mesa Please, please put them up at any and every intersection. After living in Newport Beach for 33 years. I have seen rc:d -light running become an epidemic. In our neighborhood, there was a horrible death a couple of years ago. of a mother and her children. I am totally in favor of it and thanks for the coverage. JIMTHOBE Newport Beach I definitely support the re<l·light camera~. I think they are really needed. ROSE MCVICKER Costa Mesa I feel that the red-light cameras are an exceUent idea and I wish they were at more intersections. I think it will save a lot oflives and accidents by catching these people that go through Lhe red lights. KATHY COX Costa Mesa 72 HOURS FRIDAY Wine cutJnes. HI-Time Wine Cellena °"91'1 wine tMtlngt from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Frideys and from 1:3010 8 pJI\. Seturdey9. f« more Information. can (!MS) 860-&483. , A6 ~rtday, December 26, 2003 Always roolll on his plate Joel Rube ns tein has wo rk ed tirelessly with severa l organizations to help those that are less fortunate than he is. By P1ul Saltowltz Da1lyP1lot Joel l!ubens1cin has never been much for following convendons. Tell him he can't do c;omethlng and that'll drive him even harder. Tell him there's noi enough lime and he'll just laugh. After being told he'd never walk following a polio diagnosis as a chlld. he went to therapy and eventually beat the odds. I k 's been ln'41lvt!d with more comrnilll'L~. boards m1t.I volunteer groups than \t'Cnl.!> poS!.iblc .uuJ not evl'll non-1 lodgkin., I ¥mphoma can brt!ak hi.., spmt. "If you havt! a Kood outlook. yuu can accomplish any1hl11g you want to," Ruhcn~tein said. I le rcrer& to hirru.elf as a 17-ycar-old ~tudc in a 67-ycar-old~ body • .md the proof is in the puddin.g. 1 .. ven after being diagnosed with cancer a year ago, he srUI serves as a national trustee of the Amyo1rophJc Lnteral Sclerosis Assn. -an ailmenl commonly referred 10 as l.ou Gehrig's Disease, whid1 claimed his father anJ his brother. I le is the dlrec1or of Uig Hmthers/Slo;tcrs of Orange County, is a tnJMcc of the U.S. Committee of Sports for Israel and Is on the board of dlret:tors of the Yosemite National Institute Rom In Baltimore. Rubcn .. tein came to California 111 1960 with 1he hopes of becoming a newspaper or television rerxiner. Circumstances led him to a uireer in publk;elatiorn., in which he spent time as director of mJrkcling for bor.-' toys for the Manel lbys Company and as a panner m the public rcla1ion10 firm nubenstein, Wolfson and Co. In the early 1980s he was approached by Peter Ucberroth to be In charge of the corporate marketing for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. "'There was no money and he asked me if I could .uJord to take the joh without pay for a while .... I told him I could handle that," Rubenstein said 11w Olympia. tumed out be the most profitable in history, fmlshlng with a $223-mUlion surplus. lllal money helped star1 the Ama1eur Alh.letic Foundation m Los Angele~ Arter thar. Ud>errolh look a job as the commii>Siorwr of Major Lcal(UC Baseball and asked lluhcmtein to JOln him to help re-organize the markedng of baseball. "That was the mos1 fun job I ever had," Hubcnstein saJd. SATURDAY &.,,.. -.t. And'9W Lloyd Webber'• muslcll Starlight Express, with rtfNI leta end costumes by John Napier, will be perlormed Dec. Tl to 28 end 30 to 31 end Jan. 1 to 4 et the Orange Coonty Performing Art• Center~n Segerstrom Hall. For more Information, call (714) 556-2787 or vialt htrp:ltwww.ocpac.org. SUNDAY ~time. A Sunday brunch featuring interr:iatJonal 1eafood and .alad'buffets. routs carVed to order and breakf"t favorites is held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacAlthur tllvd., Newpon Beadl. Meal• typically cost $30 - $40 with champagne. For more information, call (949) 476-2001. Daily Pilot THEATER Two lo cal actors stand above cro wd in 2003 Tom Titus Daily Pilot 111is is tf1e final column in a series reviewing the year 2003 in lOCfll theater. T he true measure of a stage performer is one's abilicy to create an infinite number of strong. contrasdng characters and sustain them to the point where the actor appeaIS to be assimilated by the, persona presented to the audience. Local theater is blessed with a number of these talents, but two in particular have entertained and entranced playgoers over many, many years, both on the professional and communHy theater level. Acting is their life's work, and they do it superbly. Both are professionally trained and each has a litany of stage credits, both as leading players and in character parts, spanning several decades, to the sheer deUght of their audiences. They are Don Took and Teri Ci.ranna, the Daily Pilot's man and woman of the year in theater for 2003. Took is the senior member of South Coasl Repertory's coterie of fow1ding artists. joining the troupe that was to become the repertory 40 years ago. Ciranna comes from across the pond in London, where she trained alongside such future luminaries as Peter O'Toole and has become a familiar, mos1 welcome face on the stage of the Newpori Theater Arts Center, among other venues. 1Wo yeaIS before South Coast Repertory adopted its name, Don Tuche (as his name WdS speUed at the time) was a roommate of Martin Benson at San Francisco Stale. J le foUowed Benson and fellow San Francisco Stater David Emmes to Long Beach, where they mounted a production of"La Ronde" in 1963. Then came three summer shows there in 1964 before the big move to Newport Beach and South Coast Repertory's Second Step Theater in 1965. During that period. h e helped form the Baseball KENT TREPTOW I DAil Y PILOT Joel Rubenstein's hard work and generous heart have earned him awards from tne Baseball Assistance See RUBEMSTEIH, Pase A9 Team in New York and the Weflness Community of Orange County. When that theater opened, the play was Samuel Betlett's "Waiting for Godot,· wtth Thole: In a leading role and Benson supporting. Later he drew audiences and critics' attention in such productions as "The Birthday Party,· "The Caretaker" and "Othello." After South Coast Repertory moved uptown 10 Newport Boulevard 1n Costa Mesa in 1968, Tuok stretched his acting muscles In a number of stellar roles - as Harpagon in "The Miser," Mitch in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and Commander Uoyd Bucher in "Pueblo.· He showed his comic flair with leading roles in "We Bombed In New Haven" and "Room Service." BEST BITES Scott 's does more than just seafood GrHrWylder Dally Pilot Scott's Seafood Grill & Bar opened in Co ta Mesa's theater district in 1969, primarlty serving seafood di.shes. some shared from Its original San Francisco loca1ioo at Scon and l.Dmbard streets. Then Scolt'a lntroduced to Orange County Its first prime-grade steakhouse menu In the m1d-1990s - serving typical New York-style rib~~ Delmonloo's, porterhouse 1eab and mnre, along with classic side dishes. News 1pre&d quJcldy that Scott's was serving fabulous atealc:s and prime teakhouse chalrul noticed. Within ab months. Morton's of Otkago moved ln netuby. IOOO followed by Ruth's Ouis Steakhouse ln lrvtne. then Remlfl8'1 ln Newport Beach. •Prior to 1994 people wete ltuCk Ln a boneltM ~ d\icken breat, tof\a crunch.• aeneral . ' manager/partner Mark Kuehn said. Red meat wasn't in vogue. in Costa Mesa. steakhouses were limited - compeUlion lncluded the Blm and SiXIJer. Scott:. owners aaw that red meat was ready for a comeback and they wanted to be at the forefront of that trend. So they new to New York. and u luck would have It on tbe day they arrived, The New York 1lmel listed the city's lop 25 ah!ak:houset.. They went down the Uat and for one week. they ate at each of the 25 steakhouses -three n111aurants at lunch and fouT resta~b at dinner. oms and reteaurant owners lhlred their cookifll eeaeta: where they bought their~ what CMn1 wen used; and apedal IMIOOlng dpa. They tasted dUlic llde,ctW.. too:~ mushrooma; 1'onnille potatoc creamed aplnach; and totMtO, onion saJac:ts. ey the enc1 oe tbetr mp, 11wy mew what made a perfect New_..,._ It& When bry recumed ID Cotta Mesa. they blind-tasted beef &om nearly 20 compa.nJes to find the best vendor. ' "We wQJ never change.· Kuehn said. •0ur prime• beef ls spectacular -aged 28 days.. Becauee New York'& steakhouaee conslatendy b.d lnfnred brolJers set at 1200 depeea, Scott's lnltalled them. 'Ibey found that traditional char-broUen cook from the bottom up and meat'• ftawrful juices faD into the ftame. Scott'•..,. meat Crom the top. When the meM put& up, the f\does stay .e.led lnlide. Steak cboka Include a dualc l4-ounce New lbrk atrtp ($34); an extremeJy tender 10-ounce flJet mA(p1on ($38); and • &.YOtful. marbled 16-ounce db-ere ($52), 1be Oelmonk:o tteak la not found on the menu. but la Scott'I ~t)l Any 1tellk can be topped with l_Pehed bleu ca.-($4), or ..wd wlda a CaUlomla ...,....., (S.11). 9'1ee lndude. ........... 111med..,.,..... FYI •WHAT: Scott's Seafood Grlll & Bar •WHERE: 3300 Bristol St. In Costa Mesa •HOURS: Open for lunch at 11 a.m. Monday through Friday. A lunch menu end Champagne brunch la offered on W8Bends starting et 11:30 1.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sundey. Open for dinner from 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Thunday end 4:30 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. •INFORMATION: (714) 979·2400, http://www • .cott ... food.com blue cheeee mahed potatoes, or .. ut~ muabrooma ($5). If that's not enough. Scott'• ls equally concerned wtth ~the hlghelt-quallty eeafood. "Wb WOJ not aacrUIA:e quaffry.~ Kuehn said. "We alwtya buy the best -oo..ubtdtutfonS.: Scott'I ~ fiutl flah CM!r)' day1 and IMllTES,,...M Following the company's latest relocation, into the present Folino Theater Complex In South Coast Town Center, Thok gained a n'ew generation offans with b1s door·crubing entrance ns Marley's ghost in the annual production of• A Ouistmas Carol." a role that's kept him employed over m06t or the last two dozen boUday seuons. He also reveled in iwo plays by Roger Reuft', written particularly for Took and his fellow founding art.lsts, •MF()• and '"Hospitality SUite.. • "lt'a been a wonderful joumey," Tuok said. •And lt will condnue. • WhUe 1bok and South Coast Repertory were etching history locally. 'Jeri Clranna was launching a stage career on the community theater~ After training in London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts for two yean -and wfnoiog the IChool'• Shablpeue Prim -Clranna performed profeaionalty ln Bnalend before mavtng to the United States ln 1958. She bepn ln Rklgecre.t and IM lHIA'l'IRt,... M Open ~Saturday 435 N Coast Highway Laguna Be.adl lag\Jnaprlnt.cc.easy.com PkX up " Odlwly Fut~Savkla PlllN11NG •W.Pmtonthe~ • ~ ~. l-3 Cobl "'-• fol • ~ • Ful Color 8WEPRINTING • t-. Vtlwnt. ~ ~ ..... BondCopla £.mall )IOUr plot fll• to u. ol l"tl"noprlnt9eorlhllnbtd COPYING • u.tng the l...-Cowtn8 Tec:hrdogy • ~ Xm>a ~Output • MW Copla 's-1 And l.atve Vobi... • ~ • Folclng • Cutting • ~ • Blnclng • Color Coples ·'~ We Alao Hooe MDOVtG IN\ll'IQ10f8 and occ:a.oriea, ~..-allMd HOUDo\Y CAmD8 oriel PMTY IMlltATIONll ulect your Holiday Card• onllne at ... www.holldaycordwebelte.com/lagunaprlnt HICKORY FARMS· ·40% OFF EVERYTHING HICKORY FARMS· COSTA MF.SA l7"SlRIHl'f<l)Ml/llADI (CORNl-ltOI 17'"&SANfl\ANA) T USTlN MARKETPLACE 291l\ f-1 CAMINO RI Al ( I AR Kms R ll\) CROSSROAD CENTER IRVINE ON B AKRAN! I\ 1·(800) 541-6176 JANUARY HAPP ENINGS 'Return of King' is _engaging; 'Give' is a real delight 1bM !Ir.a ............ of dil "lord ollbe .... craa., ~ ... ilxndlble 4MSltl oldie llal two~ lnlo . ' ltlllOUOdln& llnal loa& Jn dw pn>ceSI. • dbclor,.. Jldlon combhll lhe· ~Kapeol&~epic. with lbe hidmate ICOlY of un8Wy heroes _,..,.to IUB a million oflrnmenle importance to lbe entbe world. The klea ol ordinary people lehdns wliuldy aphlltmonltrOUlml hM ~ appeal Coral ol t& The ac:reet1 is 6lled wtth superhuman ~and wtzanle. -----. good and evil. ftgbdn8 for control ol Middle Earth. Astouodilw special effecta briJll breathtaking life to thomandl of Knlghtt, IDves. Dwarfs, ()raj, nous and many more fantastic aeatures .__.u111_.;:___-1 oem-seen tn any other rum. But while the JOHN apoca1ypt1c war rages. DEPKO the mm gtves equal time "1he gritty efforta o( the Jowly Hobbits entrusled wtth the ultimate task in this eoga Country bwnptlns Prodo and Sani must work their way through a hellish land9cape to throw the forbidden Ring of Power into the vok:ank Ores of Mount Doom and thereby " end Mordor'sreign of terror. Their task is made all the more dillicull by their need to rely on the scouting services of pitiful GoUwn, a blurre crearure deformed by his past use of the evil Ring. Andy Seitls may be the first actor to play a half hLUDan, half computer generated character to be nominated (or an Oscar. Their Intensely personal sttuggSe is in contrast to the grand adventure of sword and sorcery that takes pJace outside of their presence. Ian McJCelJen Is outstanding as the great wizard G&oda)f, who plays equally lmportant roles in !><>th the personal dramas and the epic baUles on the screen. And the battles are many - aod Jong and mlnd-bogling. Most fans who know the 00\'els will not be disappointed in the film. But like many epics, it Is too Jong at more than three hows. It dwe1Js on the plot's events in the physical world at the expense or the mystical and spiritual intrigue th.at took • JOHN..., .. a c-. Mee& rnident and • 9*licw liweatiglltorfor the~ County pubic~ afftoa. A little ditty about 'Jack and Diane' l really llUd ·SomedUng's Gotta Give• although its 1tar1, Jack Nicholson and Olane Keaton, may be playing a version of their public petSonaa. Perhaps it'~ apecial appeal for me Is that I can now be cona.ldered a •woman of a certain age" and find a romantic comedy for the middle-aged set appealing. But more than that, this film .....---.,,..,...,,,...-....., touches on some very fragile. very human points about discovering. or re-'dlscovering, real happiness and meanlng'ln one's life just at a time when you think you've got it aJJ figured OUl. Harry Sanborn SUSANNE CNicholson> is a PEREZ lifelong bachelor, a self-professed serial dater or beautlfuJ young women beca\1$e they're uncomplicated and unqueationing. He was even profiled in New York Magazine as "The Escape Artist." Harry has been dating Marin Barry and Is going to stay with her at her mother's house in the Hamptons for the weekend. He Is caught, in hls underwear, raiding the refrtgerator by Marin's mother Erica. a famous playwright {J(eaton) and her sister Zoe (Frances McDormand) and is mistaken for an intruder. When Erica learns tfatTy ls dating her daughter, she is more rattled at this news than if he'd' been a burglar. There's some very smart dialogue at a dinner scene where 1.oe, who teaches 2004 women" studies at Columbia. rilra on the enJpna °'why it'• perceived .. gnjet when older men date young women. but an older woman ls not conaidered eligfble dating material, period. Oearly, Harry'• reputatioo aod prMenCe in Brfca's ho....e are a major lnitant for her. She can't wait until her houseguest leave.. · Those plans get shot to hell when Hany experiences a mild heart attack and must re<:uperate at Erica._ until his atudly doctor Julian Merur (~u Reeve.) decrees him well enough to tra~L • Julian ls immedJately smitten by P.rica and ub her out. Meanwhile, Hany. per:baps because or hla audden confrontadon wtth hie own mortality, turns unexpectedly "soulful" and be and Brlca gradually diacovel' they actually like each other. Who wtD Erica wind up with -the adoring younger man or the comrnlbnent·sby man who "finally gets her?" The pursuit of the question ls a large part of the fun and the dialogue by director Nancy Meyers ("Baby Boom," "What Women Want") packs some real lnstghts into loneliness, self-discovery and rtating your httrt for that elusive chance at having the time of your life with someone. Dtane Keaton loob amazing, not just for her age, but because ber"face is a reflection of her experience, knowledge and humor. Her performance really deserves recognition at Oscar dme. Nicholson. while playing a familiar character, stlll manages to surprise and deUgbt He even proves quite adept al physical comedy. McDormand la underused but quite effective in her few acenes. K.eaou Reeves ia ... well, Keanu Reeves. I also lilted the efy commentary in tbe costume design. Erica always wears white, but in a couple of scenes where ·she is supremely happy, she lJteraDy blooms with color. lfyousee "Somethlng's Gotta Give" J hope you will be as charmed by it u I was. It's an unexpected holiday treat. • SUSANNE PEREZ lives In Costa Meta and is an executive auistant for a financial Mrvicet company. Networttars uads Luncheon l 1:45 a.m. • Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa "C~ of tlw ~rrs" I Monday, January 5 Education Committae -DARK 110·0 Adams Ave .. Ste. 101 , Costa Mes~A 926~6 • (714) ~~5-90~· fax (714) 885-9_094 • www.costamesachamber.com Tuesday, January6 Lagislative Committee Noon, Chamber Office NOVEMBER NEW MEMBERS A<:.~ AN'hltectural Con.t1trUC'llon Servtres < .. 111 t)umn 11 ll Bmtol St. < nsta MC•\a, CA Q2b26 71 4/4 ~&-<moo voicC' 714/432-7442 fax l'ac(/lr Coos& Cn>dU (Inion Angela Clitherow 180 Newport Center Drive, #1 00 Ni>wport Beach, CA 92660 '149/71 Q·9..!77 voice 1/49/719-Q 258 fa)( Besc Bug George Nila Ma.'fon Grading Engineering Ed Mason P.O. Box 5 I 554 Irvine, CA 92619-1554 Q49/789-7450 VOl<.l' 949/786-3065 fax Merrtll l~ynch Demetrio Kem son 650 Town Cenlcr Drive, #SOO Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714/429-2800 voice 714/429·284 'l fax 901 F South Coast Dnve Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (Metro Pointe ShopptnE: Center) 7J4/913-8016 voice NOV E MBER RENEWALS 42 !JeOl'll JI/ I Orange Coast Association of RealtOfS 32 !J'!Ol'tJJI St.1ter Bros. Markets -Baktor St1't't Stater Bros. Markets -Newport 81\'Cl 22 year1//I Specialty Body Works 18 !Jt!CU'lll ln-N-Out Burgers t611eanll Harbor Village Apartments IS fl60"'// Or~nge County Perlonnlng Arts Center 10~/I N~ Beach Plaza 9 !J(t(Jf'I/ Sigma Promos & Stamps, Inc. The Current t I 1 !Jean! Mohamad Hashem1, CPA 6 yeanl ' A. Mirisdotti Photography 5 yean! South Coast Commercial Bank 3 !/Paf"S/ 17th Street Pronwnade El Chmaco Restaurant 2 !Jt'GNll Orange County's Cfl'dit Union Inside Prospect~, Inc. Maaco Auto Painting & 8odyworlc5 Weekender's U SA Project Cuddle Wlngnuts Restaurant Prime Direct Mortgage Washington Mutual Bank 1 !Jearl MJ's Crafts & Unique Gifts A Touch of Romance Juice tt Up! ~ern Federal Credit Union BREAKFAST~ LUNCH AND AFTER HOURS NOVEMBER 90-MINUTE BREAKFAST BOOST (l ·R) Emcee Dick Se~lm of Rich· Mar Shir1s & Si>:n~; Costa M('sa Mayor Gary Monah.to, speaker and owner o( I Sku~h Monahan·~ Restaur<int & Pub, and breakfa5t spo11~r Dave Elliott, Vanguard Uniwrsity. November RrC'dldiJ51 R.Jtfle Donatiom 1 C.Jtalma Pa)'cn1wr ServrcC', I A Scx:ond Look, I FIX M Auto Serwc-e, O.C Pt>rlormm8 Arts Cenlf"', Gift B.H~l'ts by Rt>kha, Monowams Etc., Wt'C'kend<>r:s USA, Henry's MarkC't Pl.Jee, Tr.imporMtion Comrlor Agencies NETWORKERS LEAD LUNCHEON New group members: Nelson Murcfa (LI of Ndson & Associates and Peter Bares (RI of Goodwill Industries flank Networkers President Mohamad Huhemi. CPA, at a November meeting. AFTER HOURS BUSINESS MIXER John Shumway and Jon \'oung. managers at Plum's CaM & Catering ~l'V(.'(i as our gracious hosts at the November Mixer ... Thanks to thetr diligence and that of the rest of their very c11pable staff, the food and ambiance were excellent! Plum's Caf~ & Catering, 369 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa. i (l-R standing) F~ N..._., Nellon Murcia and <ii Acost.1. (Seated) Cindy Schlllmo and Alberta Mitildafti, relax at the greeting table. November Mixer Raffk Donations Santa Monica Seafood, JUICE ff UPI, Ofrice Ot!po(, Plum'I CaM & Cltering, Prinrer on Wheels, Cata/IN P.J~ Scrvfce, o.c. Pttformins Alts Center, s1wna Marketifl& Marlwl Ortll Ther, Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Thursday, January 15 Wednesday, January 28 Finance CommittH Executive Committee 7:30 a.m., Chamber Office Ambasudors Committee Noon, Chamber Office 90-Minuta Breakfast Boost 7 -8:45 a.m .• Costa Mesa Country Club 1701 Golf Cour$e Drive Board of Directors Luncheon 11:~ a.m., Holiday Inn Costa Mesa 3131 Bristol Street After Hours Buslneas Mixer 5:30 -7:30 p.m. Skosh Monahan's • 2000 Newport Blvd. PLEASE MEET Gail Quinn 11 22 Bristol St. Co\ta Mesa 92&2& 714/43&-9000voice 714/432-7442 fax www4acsi com gquinn@4acsi.com George Nila ·--· .. , James Raven 190 1 Newport Blvd., # 11 Costa Mesa 2%27 949-548-9500 www.cfubvegas.us 901 F South Coast Dr. Costa Mesa 92626 714/913-8016 voice www.BestBuy.com nita266@msn.com Broadview Mortgage Corp. Gordon Currie 17 I 7 S. State College Blvd., Ste. 265 Anaheim, CA 92806 714-939-0100, ext. 16 714-939-0675 fax DocuSource Les Walker C.E.O. 1571 Lantley Ave. Irvine, CA 926'49 949/862-5270, met. 213 voice 9-49/862-5289 fax lw.ilker9clocum.com www.dOcuttc.com ti A P P E N I N 0 S Friday, Oece~ 26, 2003 Al THEATER REVIEW / l • I/ i I'\ 1/1 1 ', l 1 1 ( J. I j ' ·OCC theater tuning up for spring and 'Pippin' •MANOAAIN• • CANTONESE CUISINE • Sutrr J/011rs II .,,,. I 0 P"' Starting at $5.95 7 Day$ a Week 11-4 Includes soup, salad. appetizer & rice I j I \ \ I ,,. I I } \ • I' ! \ I • ' • " • • ! Startin g at $7.95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 By Tom Titus Daily Pilot There may not be as many coming attractions as there were before budgetary problems neces.tjtated some cutbacks in the season, but Orange Coast College still is gearing up for an active spring season. Sb productions, highlighted by a revival of lhe musical "Pippin," await OCC audiences over the spring theater session. Some will be blink-and-you-miss· 'em one-weekend engagemen~. but the activity will be there, nevertheless. Up first in the siJH.how 'pnn~ LiJleup will be an eve111n~ 111 short plays, scenei. and monologues for and abou1 women entitled "TellinK Our THEATER Continued from A6 performed in San Francisco and Upland before moving to Southern California, where sh e took a position as a curricuJum specialist at Irvine Valley College and delved into. the local theater scene. One of the dlminutive (S-foo1-2) actress' most memorable roJes was that of Dotty Otley ln -Noises Off' at the Uiguna Playhouse before that theater became an Equity operation. She earned two MBobbi awanis" for performances al the Huntington Beach Playhouse ln "Ladles in Retirement~ and "Blithe Spirit" This column conferred its "best community theater actress of 2002" title on Ciranna for her commanding performance as Queen Eleanor in the Newport Theater Arts Center's BITES Continued from A6 they wan• ICI U\C ''" ol 1t ('Vl'IY day, Kuehn '-<lilt. Seafood 'cll•r11om Int luck King salmon. Cll1l(·,111 '>l'<t h·"'· Alaskan halihul. 'llPl'rtor Mexican Gulf :-.hrrmp ,md fa.rm-fresh oy:-.wr:-.. "It's easier for re-,1auran1:-. 111 pre-open them," Kuehn 1>aitl. "We make <;urc t'Vl'ry !>in~h' onl' is alive. You might have lo wail five minutes, hut tlwy're absolutely frr:-.h." One of ils he!.t :-.eafootl tli,hc·' Is the 01ilean 1,ca Im~' ($2!1). prepared in a un1qut•·lapane'c style cooking melhod. The fhh marinates for 24 hnur' in ,1 byproduct of sake, rice .... ugar a;nd starch. When 11\ hakt'd 11 earamcli1.c:i., which add' a -.wcl'l and yeasty flavor. rhc caJJman appcti7.er i'i al'io cxt·l'llenl - lightly dusted in Oour, Oa'h fried. then sau1(11•d in lemon butter, garlic:. <,hallul'> and wh11c wine ($10). The seafood tioppino is a m~lange uf Alaskan king crah. in -.ea,o;on ()sh, clams. mu&'>l'ls, half of a lobster tail in a Ro111a 1omotn sauce. with toasll'd focarna ($26). Scott's d~cor is llritish West lndles. with planta1ion-s1ylc arched windows, palm 1rces, Stories,• This event, sta~e<l by · OCCs Repertory Theater Company, runs Peb. 14 to 15 and 21 to 22 in the college's Studlo Theater. More monologues are on tap for March 6 and 7 when the Rep produces its brief"Solo Voices" program. 'lbese, as the title suggests, are all one-person attractions. "Pippin,~ the Steven Schwartz musical about the son of the ancient ruler Olarlemagne, has been presemed a1 OCC once hcfore, in 1979. Thii. 1imc around, the college ha'> recruited veteran musical perfom1er/director Be1h I f<Ulsen to Mage its production. 1 lansen, who performed in a one-woman show at OCC las1 Scplember. has gained attention locally wilh such produc1ions as stunning production of"The Uontn Winter." Her signature role, however. is the title character Teri Ciranna in "Driving Mic;s Daisy,· which she performed both for Newport Theater Arts Center and the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. She also exceUed as Cora in "Morning's at Seven" and Abby in ~Arsenic and Old Lace" for the Newport theater. This classically trained actress also has become a popular performer in Newport's summer children's productions. She "uglied" herself up to deliver richly comicaJ performances as the Sea Hagin "Popeye" and Wilch l.elda in "The Princess ceiling fan~ and an l'xh1b11ion kllchen visible from 1J1e ma111 d1111ng room. for parllC'> then· are private and "l'mi-privatt' roomi. and patiol>. All room' l .111 connect for large partie,. With it!> proximity to l >ranw· ( .ounty l'l'rfurming Arh Cc111er~rntj's due<> 1t:-. pan rall•ring IO thcall'r pa1ron'>. "No rna11er whal tinw the curtain got''i down at the rcn1t·1. we will offer a full dinner menu ,1 half-an-hour afler lhe i.how," fo.'.11chn <,;llll. It's alsn on(• uf 1he few rc'itauranls thal doesn't l1<1vc .1 dark hour. from 2:30 to 5 p.m. It wrw~ lunch straighl i1110 tlmner, making it an idt•nl dining rhoicc for busines.s rneC'tinRs and !>outh Coast Plaz.1 :-.hopper<. \cn11's celehrall'S 1he holiday' -Cliri,11na~ Eve and New Year\ l·ve are 1wo of i1s hiJ:gCSI nigh1:-., hul 11 \ clo-.cd on Cl1rist mas. On (}mstmas Eve, Sco11's is a popular dining choice, and II'> annual trndition on New Vear\ Eve i' 10 offer dancing. Starting al 9 p.m., Scon's clear'> out tahlc!. in the dining room 10 make a dance Ooor, and there':. a live band. Scott's provides pany favor~ and Olampagne au gra1is. • BEST BITES runs every Friday. Greer Wylder can be readied at groerwylderin•yahoo.com; at 330 W Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; or by fax al (949) 646-4170. rr---------------~ 1 ANGIE&'S ·· .. -t. I AUFO SPA I 228$ Newport Blvd • Co•to Me•o 6,, : ·= CZID WASH I ... ,numwnmMm I $1." w11n1&11 _, I I It With lhisAd 5,, W'lltt this Ad differenl student-directed one-acts. lhe program usually includ.es classjc and modem works. as well as original pieces b)l the students. HIGH f N UALII'Yi WW IN PRl(l BIG IN POK/10N, GOOD IN SERVICE Health Conscious Menu Available "Little Shop of I lorrors," "Ilntypes." •And the World Goes Round," "Funny Girl: "42nd Street," "Side by Side by Sondheim" and the only locally mounted version of Forbidden Broadway -so enj oyable (20 years ago) that I went back for second helpings so that my children couJd experience the show. Finally, OCG will offer a whwe ofa show May 19 to 22-an advance look at lhe college's annual touring production. nus one, available for staging at local schools, will be an adaptation of I lerman Melville's classk novel I "11fi/\f!\ 11 I • 1 I// I\ /fl/1' /IA/"/ 111(1 1//'1 \,i,r o' \/,,' I (949)759 3388 \/II /'I)/.'/"' It II I I , ., .. ,,. • Moby Dick." under the direction of Alex Golson, who heads the OCC theater departmenl. ~ f'.. \1.. \\ 0 Rs /.f) /:.' ·""' ( ; I .. "cl ·~ -.. I I 'H) tl l ""r " ...... A L.NO A .. AVt ~ tO N Another OCC Repertory show. ye1 10 be de1ermined, will be staged by the Rep April 16 to 18 in tl1e Studio Theater. It'll be a full -length play moun1ed by an advanced directing student in the vein of such past impresi.ive anractlons as "Oleanna • and "S<Jme Men Need Help." '£he colJege will offer ii~ annual "Spring One·Act Play Festival" May 5 to 9 in lhl' Studio, fearuring over a du1.en You can get all the detaili. on OC:Cs theater classes or productions by calling tl1e college at (714) 432·5640. So11thn-n CAJjfoniul.t Prrmin Waterfro111 Spteill/ E11e11t Vniu and the Magic Pea." Most recienUy. Ciranna drew raves as the domineering l~dy Braclmell In Newport's "l'he lmpoJtance of Betni Eamest. • a nue return to her roots as an Englishwoman. Recently retired from her Irvine Valley College position, she fills her time doing television, student films and voice-over work in addition to her locaJ theater appearances. There are few local performers around with the litany or credlts and the finely trained acting "chops" of Took and Ciranna. who command playgoers' allent:lon whether in a leading or supporting assignment. TI1ey are most deserving of the a<:colades "man and woman of the year, .. If not the last few decades; in theater. • TOM TrTUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Fridays. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items 10 the Daily P1101, 330 W. Bay St . Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574 4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College 1s offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hildlcock. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Eadl session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday eactt month. The events will be held at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission ls $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and ace students For more information, call (714) 432-5880 MUSIC MUSIC AT THE GRILL The Btuewater Grill offers hve music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan, Nid< Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rode:, R&B and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory and MPG will perform classic rode, swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The re1taurant Is at 630 Udo Par\! otlve, Newport Beactt. Free. (949) 675-3474. •TOM TITUS reviews local 1hea1N for the Daily Pilot. His reviews appear Fridays. RUBENSTEIN Continued from A6 Assistance Team . .in organi7.ation d1rl'clccl al hclpin~ fonner ball players wilh financial problems. ·A lot of Lhc older player.. were re.iUy in dire '>Lraight~ .rn unahk to afford. wheel chain. and doctor vi;.,its anti 1l1111g' uf tha1 nature," Rubcn;..1ci11 '>did. In lanuary. ht: will he honon·d by BAT wrlh an l'Venl held for him in Nt'w Yorl Later 1ha1 month ht• will lw honored by 1he Wcllnc<,;., C,,ommunity ofllrangt• C.uunty for his effort:-. 111 'uppor1mg 1h.11 o rg-.m iza li u 11. "It's a group for c.mcer pa1ients IU let 1hrrn know 1ha1 they're no1 aJonl' in ~oing through this," hl' 'aid. While ht> t·onlinucs wi1h hi:-. own stnrgglt's with the disl'aM', including chemotherapy, Rubenslein sayl> he will con1i1111t· to pursue opponunitici. 10 do 1hi11gs 10 help hil> rnmmu1111y. "I feel very fort111rn1c 111 my life," he said. ''l'w had a good Ii • d done well. I've put my kid'> th ·ollege and r ve alwa 'een the p ··tive!> in lwl people I've al roo111 on my plate for thinJ:' likt· 1ha1." 291 Eoat l 7"' Stu.el (next to R.o11)' Fine Dining. Five Coursf' Jloliclay Mrn11 Music & lJ<lf1<"i11y Fraturing Classic to <:urrt'fl f hi ts u•it h /J./ l:':rlrcwrclinain• <:fton Hodligun Afi<l11ight ~l\orlwl ·· ( 'lutm(Jagn1• Toasts $75 fJt'r fJ<'fSOfl •J tdlld;•ti; o/,·oh11/, ''" '""' fll•t/111111 To Make Your New Year's Reservations Call 949.673.4633 Locaud in the Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harbor 400 Main Street Balboa Village Ooou Open at 8AM Dec. 26th HAVE YOU GOT IT ALL? --... ----... &.I --• --• -.. --.. -..... .. ------• ... --... -... Many of us have prosperity in our lives but sti ll feel so mething is mi ssi ng! Daybreak wi ll provide you with the tools to help yo u discover Join us for a One Day Seminar DAYBREAK •A greater understanding of yourself •A feeling of perso nal power A NEW BEGINNING Saturday, January 24, 2004 1 O:OOam -5:00 pm Cost: $99. 00* •Joy & Peace •Securi Personal Growth Center/ Daybreak Seminars *Enroll by 1-12-2004 & pay only $69.99 Location: Claremont Inn 555 W . Foothill Blvd. Claremont. CA 91711 433 W. Arrow Hwy. Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 445-9909/ 626· 7343 Fax (909) 626-7346 www.daybreakse mlnars.com Call Now to register @ 909-445-9909 AlO F , ~ 26, 2003 CELEBRATE ON THE BAY. THIS NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY. Bogart courted Bacall here and you can almost envision them twirling around the dance floor. Now you too can celebrate in style at the New Year 's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom. Enjoy a spectacular five course feast, dance the night away to Jay Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra then toast with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. Only at the Host of the Coast. $250 per person inclusive. Overnight stay and kids packages available. For information and reservations call 949 630-4145. 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 92663 949 645-5000 I Fax: 949 630-4215 I www.balboabayclub.com -. ' ( I # . -. . ... -' -. -, • • cfenmiLIVING ADVERTISEMENT _Costa Neuporte: elegant, peaceful senior living Country Club Convalescent If you have spent time looking for a beautiful and peaceful place for one or both of your parents to spend their retirement years, you have probably notJced how difBcult it is to find accommodations that meet your expectations. After enjoying the grounds, I A family owned and operated care facility return to the elegant dining since 1973, Country Club Convalescent Quality living for seniors Avalon, an~ living and Alzheimer's community spedali7.es tn quality living for room for a sumptuous meal. .1 Hospital is a modern, private, skilled nursing Costa Neuport~ also offers ! facility with 54 beds and single or double • seniors. ~lS enjoy spacious pdvate suites, I a sodal activities program .• ans 8r actfts .. I progtam, cable 1V, weekly housekeepln& ' transportation to medical occupancy with a bathroom and shower in lauruhy and l.blen service, and on-site weJ.1nes.9 appointments, shopping and every room. banking, as well as leisure Residents enjoy excellent food. personalized program. . activities. care and a high staff ratio. We provide quahty, Delidous meals are served in the pdvate dining room. Olauffered uansportation available. Costa Neupon~ in Costa Mesa is an elegant senior living residence which will surely put your mind at ease. The grand entrance leads to a beautiful great room which opens onto a magnificent courtyard. Costa Neuporli is home-like care with dignity and respect. conveniently located at 2283 For additional informatton, call (7 14) Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. For 549-3061. You can aLso visit th e Web site by In Newport Beach.· Avalon at Newport West & Villa Ro.sa Alzheimer's Care, 393 Hospital Road, (949) 631-3555; Avalon at Newporl f.ast, 4000 Hilaria Way, (949) 642-5861. additional information, call wggtng onto (949) 646-6300. www.senwrlwusing.n.et/AD/CouritryQubCom•. Make traveling easier by considering your health and preparing ahead Dear Caring Companions At Home: Yoo've jwt retired, and to celebrate, you and your spouse are taking a vacation in Europe. You've got your passports and plane tickets, and your bags are packed Yoo're ready to go, or are you? Have you taken your health into consideration? Nothing can spoi1 a vacation like illnes.5. As soon as you purchase your plane tickets, ask your travel agent what vaCdnations you may need and have them done several days in advance of your departure, in case you have an adverse reaction. Study the areas you pLm to visit What is the climate like? Pack acconiingty: if you're going someplace warm and humid, pack plenty of light colored, loa;e fitting clothing if you are going someplace ro1d, be sure to take along several &'Wea1ers and heavier clothing. To avoid sunburn, bring along a bottle of sun block with SPF 15 or higher. If you wear correctlve lenses or hearing aids, pack an extra pair of gias<;es, and ~ paiIS of oontact lenses along with e:xua deaning ftuld and eye drops. Don't bgetyour sunglM9es,and make sure you have extra batted.es for your hearing aids. Double-dleck that you have packed your presaiption medication and make sure you have a copy of your presaiptiom from your doctor. Some brand names are not avaiJabJe tn certain CO\.Dltrles, so ask your doctor to include the a . anng mpanions .9Lt Jlome Caring Companions At Hom~ is committed co helping seniors remain in rheir homes by providing them with comperenc companion/caregivers. Our companions assisr wich: • Personal Care • Dr. s Appointments • Meals • Companiomhip, Comfort & Support • Light Housekeeping • Medication Reminders • Shopping & Errands • Hospital Discharge All com pani·ons are bonded, insured and highly qualified. We offer an affordable solution and keep in rouch on a regular basis with both client and companion. 881 Dover Dr., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 574-0750 CbuNTR'r' Q _uB G ->NV/\L_ESCENT J-IosF-'IT i'\L, !Ne . C'm11 ztn1 ClulJ Conralesce11tJ l ospil<ll, Inc .. a n10d< r11, prirat<. $kil1Pd nursing fadlit.y is /orated b ehind th< Sm1taJ l11 a Cuunt1y Club in tlu . V(,tt·port B<nch/8ack Bay area/our n1iles Jrmn.} /oag l\/u11oria(jlospital f>resbyterian .~·mall !5 4 IJed Jarility,Jamily 01 01ted and operated since 197:1. <!'5illg lP and double bed ocC11pancy,. with ba!luuom and ,'Jh0t~er i11 f~rery room. •Beautiful su:roundings, quiet, peaceful. <'X~llt>nl J uod, higll .~taff-mt~o'. Short and long Len ns BLl_1.tJ8. I\ eat'<' committed to pr0t'tdmg fine, personal care w ith wannlll, dig nilJJ and resp Pcl in a h ome-like a m wsphere. 20362 Santa Ana Avenue sanm Ana H e ights. C A 92707 (7 t 4) 5 49-306 J Call for a tour and "isit ua on the Web at ,,....111 .... usw••••1 .... /U/C m111m n•••• genetic names of the ~· Keep all p:axiptioo ~in their adgln.11 contatners. and if you have been presa::ibed a narcotic drug ask your doctor for a letter stating that fact. It may make moving through custom.5 eMl.er. Be prepared. however, for your narcotic ~ to be confiscated, as some countries do not allow them under any circ:Wmtance. Qmtad the embassy in the country you are visiting to determine what presaiption ~you may or may not take with you. Happy ttavelingl I'm going into tlte hospital for also used sucx:es.Wlly in many rurgery next mon.th. Om home other sftuati()r\$. People having cart ~Ip me after I return~ cosmetic surgery employ -Delia caregivers during the first week Dear Della, or two following the procedure. Using in-home care services While many people plan on after a hospital stay Is very wing relatives or neighbors to common. Caregivers can bring help while they reruperate; this you home from the hospttal can cause more problems than and stay with you round the it solves. Although usually well clock w1til you are able to be on meaning. relatives may not be your own. They can help with prepared to provide the kind of light housekeeping. medication help that you need. reminders and meals. Caring Cmnpanimis Al Home, Home care Is commonly used 881Dmier0n·ve, Ste. 260, following dJsabling illnesses and Newport &ach. Call (949) after serious injuries, but it Is 574-C750. Enjoy a Spacious Suite, Sumptuous Dining, Entertainment, Bingo, Crafts, Billiards, Beauty Salon, Transportation to Doctor, Shopping, Fun Trips, \ F riendJy Caring People. 2283 Fairview at Wilson Costa Mesa Minimum age 58 For more information p lease call: 949/646-6300 or Fax 949/646-7 428 ' QUOTE OF TIE DAY .. A Tom Fozio-dulgned coune ls a draw and I.hen the quality of I.he facilltiu and sel'llices, that would be the main draw." Robert l.Mhoutl, Shady Canyon Golf Club general manager EYEOPENER !)lily~~· Spmtlltllfl,_ ,....._ .......... Dec. 29 honOf•• SAllGRAYEU AJ.2 f nday, Oeurrbtr 26. 2003 s,or. E.-. ~ Dunft: (949) 574--4223 • lpofts Fu: (949) 650-0170 GOLF GOLF Th is jewel has a steep p rice tag T o say that Shady Canyon Golf Oub exemplifies attention to detail at Its finest would be a gross understatement. The course that opened in January 2002 ls the Mp• in plush, the MC in cleanliness, the ·s· in service. No towel is left s trewn off its stack. The range balls are arranged in a pyramid on the driving range and a smiling face greets you the moment you park your car upon entering the parking lot or the lrvine club and after you have cleane9 off the soft spikes and are ready to drive away from what resembles a walk back in time. The valley Shady Canyon, where residents of this gated community pay $185,000 in initiation fees -if you own property - and $795 In monthly dues, sits in brings you back to a slower pace of life, an escape from the bus tle of Orange BRYCE County, to a seren ity ALDERTON authors like Mark 1Wain and RaJph Waldo Emerson w ould love. The Tom F azio-Oesigned course at Shady Canyon Golf Club in Irvine has six sets of tees and stretches 7,000 yards from the back, playing to a par 71 . This is a golfer's paradise and if I. after playing the par-71 Tom Fazio-designed layout, didn't play another round of golf again, I would be : The price of customer Swanky Irvine club has attracted a large portion of its membe rship from Newport Beach . Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Tucked away in one of the rew remaining secluded spots in Orange County Ues a golfing jewel that has begun alluring new m embers from surruundJng cities, lnduding Newport Beach. Shady Canyon Golf Oub In Irvine Is nearing lts second birthday in January, but in its shon lime, the course deslgned by Tum Fazio -architect of Pelican I llll Golf Oub in Newport Coast -that sits on 300 of the gated community's 1,070 acres, has established a reputation of customer service and top-notch golf that rivals some of the most exclusive clubs In the world. People are noticing. Retired baseball aluger Mark McGwire won the men's dub championship and ls bulJdlng a custom home on a bluff overlooking the course. Fonner major league pltcber Mark Lanpton ls also a member. About 4°" of Shady Canyon's membership balls from Newpon Beach. Corona del Mar or Newport Coast, according to Robert Leenhout&. the d ub's general manager. The Spanis~style clubhouse is one of the attractions of the ultrCH!xpensive Shady Canyon Golf Club in Irvine, where memberships hover around $200,000. Newport Beach -with 20% -has the highest percentage of any city making up Shady Canyon's membership. Irvine is second at 19%. with Newport Coast at 13% and CdM at 7%. An event lntroductng the club at the Four Seasons Resort in Newport Beach in the spring of 200 l klcked off the mat'keting department's push to advertise Shady Canyon. developed by the Irvine Co., but LeenhoulS said word of m outh has been the best marketing tool •Worct spreads quickly in the social circle as to the quality of the club,· h e saJd. -(The club's opening) wasn't broadcast. We didn't talce out full-page advertisements In newspapers.· lnillatlon fees for golf memberships start at $185,000 for those who have pun:hased property and jump to FOOTBALL content. From the first tee until the 18th • green , n o houses o r roads border the S ervl Ce . course, set into a wildlife sanctuary where hawks soar above and 100-year-old oalcs and sycamores reach outward with their branches, as $220,000 for non-property owners. Monthly m embership dues are $795. Social memberships are also available. News of the club reverberated throughout Orange County, especially among folks at Big Canyon Country Oub in Newport Beach. Of Shady Canyon's 200· plus members. 12% came from Big Canyon, the highest percentage among clubs. NC'wpon Beach Country Oub came in second at I I%. Leenhouts credits proximity, as well as a certain level of service, as to why golfers have migrated from the Newpon -Mesa clubs to Shady Canyon. "Big Canyon is a higher-end country club. much Ulce we are.· Leenhouts said. "Big Canyon ls the closest private club to us In term~ of service and initiation fees. People are attracted to us.· Big Canyon General Manager David Voorh~ said there is no competition between clubs for members because Orange County offers so many golfing choices. "So many people like Orange County and they have the wherewithal to join private clubs,· Voorhees said. "There are more options for golf in Orange County than there were five years ago. We are not compedn,g with other clubs for members.• Membership at Bjg Canyon, also owned by the lrvine Co .• has even increased in recent months, Voorhees added. See CLUB, Pa1e Al3 if they were trying to hug the air. This is what Orange County must have lookecl like before development wiped out virtually any semblance of free space. How about ·Paying for Peace,· as a title for a book written about Shady Canyon. Newport Beach residents, which make up 20% of Shady (',anyon's membership, a higher percentage than any other city. are forking over that kind of cash. Hey. if you have the money and like to play golf with a staff that treats you like royalty, Shady Canyon is the place for you. But throwing down $220,000 for initiation fees if you don't own property inside thjs gated community'? ln some areas of Orange County you could blly a h ouse for that much. I guess I have a hard time fathoming spending that much on entertainment, even lf it is on a game I love. In addition to the golf are the amenities Shady Canyon's staff provides. which include locker rooms where no sink is unclean and every towel is folded and arranged in a tight stack. The scent of aftershave emits when you open the door. Every toUetry from mouthwash to sh aving cream is at each sink with a hair dryer plugged in and ready for action. Imagine. ladles, what the women's locker room is lUce. See GOlf, Pa1e Al 3 Mahelona reneges on Oklahoma, selects Tennesse~ Former OCC defensive tackle selects SEC school after feeling cheated by Oklahoma coaches. Bryce Ald•rton Daily Piiot Jeae Mahelona. a eophomore defen- , liw tackle at Orange Cout College lut fall. lflned a letter of Intent Dec. 17 to c:ondnue hll football and ac:ademlc ca-- nm at che U~ly of~ In JCnoiMDe. nnn., reneging on JUa verbal commitment to play at OkJahoma. Mahelona. a 6-root-2, 290·pound All· ~n Conference and aJl·aute leiec:- doo In 2002 u • fJeehman. announced b.le lntendon 10 attend Oklahoma ln October. but changed courae after meeting with Thn- neuee coacbtl and attending the \tohm· teer1 game aplnlt MJsalaaippl State on Nov. is. •1 felt mon com· fortable In ~- ~sse =:'~C:: Mahelona by,. Mabelona _, TUelday rrom r.o.... Hawaii, where he WU vWdng hJ. family for the bolldaya. Mahek>na'a brother, StfMTI M¥eto- na. II a JWlior tailblck at~ Coj .. lep ln Greenville, 'n!nn .• which dlJmed the South~ ConlemlCe c:balQpl· OC\lbAp tbAa HMOn. Mahelona was also disappointed when Mike Stoope left as Oklahoma's oo·defensfve coordinator to take the bead coac:hlng job at Arizona In late NoYember. •ffe told me he would be (at Okla- homa) for four, ftve, lb years." Mahelo- na ea.Id. •1 take nothing away f'rom him becau.e lt II a bullnesa. but be really didn't pve me a ltralght answer lf he would be at Old8boma. He knows a lot about footb.n with the No. 1-rated de-r... ... d'.M mdon." Mahllona Mid c:alll made to Okla· homl a:Mldlel -.aer be verbally com· mttted -were not returned. fw1her 8WllYl.r'I h1a decWon to look eleewtiere. CX:C eo.ch Mib 'nlylor received a phone cd trom 'lmneleee head ooacb Philip P\alme' II the betPnnfng of No· wmber lnquU1ns about Mahelona. ·1 thought he was going IQ Olcla- homa. but a verbal commitment doesn't mean anything," laytor said. ·1 was swprlaed (Fulmer) called my omce. (Fulmer! asked lf I thought be bad a chance (at persuading Mahelona 10 at- tend Tennessee) and I said. 1 don't think you do.'" Fulmer, however, was successful and Mahelona plans on attending dasaes ac Tennessee -with an emphuia on broadcast· and aµeech conununkation -when achool retWDe8 Jan. 11. The Volunteers (10-2) are preparing for their Peach Bowl game apJn8t Oemlon Jan. 2. Arizona State wu allo In the ru.nn1"3 to land Mahelona. coming off an lnJwy- ahorteoed eopbomore aeuon at CoMt. The Hawaii native tallied 19 tackJM and Wee aatb. buc his eeuon wu cut short after the fourth game because of a broken fifth metatarsal In his right foot s ustained in Coas1's season opener Sept. 6. Mahelona visited the ASU campWJ in 'lrmpe In Qctober and was In contact with assistant head coach Tum Osborne and defensive line coach Jed Monacb.i- no. "Thm o.bome was the first guy to start calllng me,• MaheJona aa..ld. ·1 kept ASU In mind, but It came down to my lrfp to Tenneuee." "I told the coaches the tut one (to speak with MahelonaJ la going to get him." laytor said. "It ii lib running a ulet bu&lnees. lf someone 11 eeml-ln- tereeted you slay on it unUI the ftnaJ door " ehut. .. "Everything wo. rked out for a reason.• Mabeiona tafd. CLUB Continued from Al 2 Both leenpouts and Voorhees characteriud relations beiween Shady Canyon and Big Canyon as warm. The clubs held the first Canyon Cup golf tournament last month where club champions from each venue were paired against one another for a round. "It falls bad to being the new kid on the block.· Leenhouts said. •A Tom Fazio-designed course is a draw and then thi- quallty of the facilities and services, that would be the mam draw.· Jerry Anderson, general manager at Newpon Beach Country Oub, said Shady Canyon's prices could also be r1 deterrent. making other area dubs more aruactive 10 those who might not be ablt' 10 afford the higher rates. "It hasn't hun us. lhe members would have left anyway," Anderson said. "It il> like moving from a f-ord 111 a Mercedes.· An element of l>tabihry and friendships are twu reason:. why members might stay al their current clubs -even if they ran afford Shady -instead of jumping ship, Anderson added. "People like the golf course and the camaraderie with other members," he s.ud. "At well-established dubs. peopk know everybody and !hey know the pattern of the club and how it operates.· le is hard to Ufb'lle though, that Shady Canyon's draw ralliatt•s to a large extent from its ability 10 cater to membefl> and guest<. from the moment they enrrr the parking lot. Shady Canyon·~ staff greell> golfers when they park their cars, politely asldn~ if they can .l The golf course at Shady Canyon rs spread across 300 acres, all of which rs designated an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. put the cluhc; 011 a cart. On the driving range, a11 allendant ha' a towel ready to wipe off Lhc Rl<L'-$ .ind mutl drnped 011 the clubs. Range h.11" are Tttlebti. and they are <trranged i11 u pyramid-shapr<l pile as :.ee11 at profe~ional events. You can nrdl'r lunch at tht· ninth tee to he ready whl'n you make the tum and it doc,n't even requirt· picking up a phom• rccC'iver. ( Jub management du.courage<. t1ppmg. An employee wulll be fired 11 tlwy art' found to have 1.tken a11y money. Newport Coast rc~ille111 Brian 1 lirth and wilt' I mi lll'canll' member.. al Shady C.a11yu11 111 April 2002, movmg lrom Marbclla Country Club 111 ~''' luan C..api,tmno. Shady< .. 111yu11 ''''rr ml'mht•r, g.ive the 1 lirth' .i tour of thl' t uUr'>C and Bn.111 I li11h \did thC' dcli.,ion 1111rnn !ht• duh c ;Jnw '<JOn after Lhat tour. .. It was and I~ just a hra11tif11I golf coun.e." Rrlan flirt Ii '><lid. "Meeting MinW of the staff arid wcing Lhr professionali!>m, tlw type of clubhouse a11d .1 lot ol the amenities the duh providt·., all became the deciding facto1 ... Bt'side~ tlw course it~elf, without a doubr, the staff is th<' firwi-.t anywhere." The 4'.l,flOO· ~quare fuol. Spam .. h '>tyled clubhouw fC'ature<. a 1:olf shop, me11\ u11<1 tallies locker rooms with priv111t• lounges anti card roorni,, a casual grill. a tine dining room, a dinin.: terrace and a boardroom. Fa;do de--11-.'lled the p:ir 71 cuur.:.e, whu:h mea. .. un."l. about 7.000 y;ird~ from the bad:. tee,, hchi11d Ullt~·wppings Uf boulder:,, ,1long Shady Crt•t:k and through 'c~mr dcvatiun changes llll' fairway' rm·.irHl1·r through ~wnt ~ycamorl'' .ind oak.-, whik dimbing and dei.n•nding among the 11a11v1• t haparr;il ! )rw ' an .o;c·e dt·nr ;w10.._, 1111' vallt·)' t<> '>llrrour1ding N<·wporr < .u .... t ant.l funlwr Wt''' tn rhe P...infil Ocean. · I loolcd lor a course I knew I would enjoy playing day.in and tl.iy-out," 'aid llirth, who play:,. NET COST $23 .556 #bout three tfmes a wet•k. ~There ls nothing worse than getting bored with a coun.e. It'& difficult lO get bored because every time i!I IJke the first time you played 11:· Sever.tl differeni tee uptfon~ provide golfor; of any <iklll levcl a challenge. Director of Golf Brian Gunson hel~ the :.am~ position at 1umberry Golf Oub in Ayshire, Scotlw1d. for four years before comin~ 10 Shady Canyon in 200~. Golf Digest ranked Tumberry, which has hostc<l the Hrili'lh Open and European OpCJl, as u11c o( the world'i.. top 20 golf dc~linations. · l11e 300-acre courw at Shady Canyon Lncludes large al't'as of permanelllly protected open o;p;tcc, including 63 acn• .. of protet1ed and mairllairl<'d coastal sage scrub. 111r cour<.l' rake~ up jul>t 80 of Lhl' .100 acre<,. , hady Canyon has .1bo been certifkd .L'> an Auduhon Cooper..itivc Sanctuary for 11 .. wildlife and habil<ll management, chc1111cal-1l'>1· reduruon and safrty, w.11cr quality and conservation eOort' Aul I lirth. a textllt· lOll\rdt tor who produces clnthing amt ·1~:.hlrt!> for large manula1 tun·"· came back to servtcc an1I how valuable the $taff makes h1111 lt'\'l as lhe main rea'l<>n he hJ' enjoyed hi<> memhcrl>hip .11 Shady Canyon thu' for "I look for <.ervirc• u11d pc..·rsonnel, how I Jiii 111·.itt·d und how rnurh the stafl rt•,p1·l h work.Ing for tlw t'l11h," 1111111 ,,11d "ll1ey ~W WdY ahm·p 1111• 1.tll111 duty and that ~Ill'' f111 >!'"''" y1111 hrt11K.'. A<. tor 1h1· pr 11 t 111 .111•rtai11 lt·wl oft u,to11w1 "'' v11 , •• 111d golr{ "It\ a ll about wh,11 vou 1 lin1h1' aJ1d what you r.111 hrk ofl. Ander:.011 -.aid. "U 1on t'' .trL' good, ht'althy. 'fhere Is norhing wrong with thl'llr." GOLF Continued from Al 2 There are no signs on the tee boxes noclng how far the hole measures. The scorecard provides that Information. fhls course blends into its surroundings better than any I h<IVt: played -and that indudes Pebble Beach. Don't get me wrong. Pebble Bl'<Kh il> indeed a golfing mecca at th fme1>t that eeps of tracJH1on and sends goose humps down the ·pine. But Sh.illy Canyon makes you feel ltl..t· you have truly escaped 1t·.il11y -even if It 1& for a mere 111111 hour:.. You can ,tilJ 1>ec vilfas .111<l 111rlhon-dollar mansions along l't:hhle':; lairwayi>. This is not th1· ' uw .it Shatly. I hll> is rhe exdul>iVe of the t'\I lus1ve. Ille posh of the poc;h. 11..i'>chaJJ ~lugger Mark McGwire will movt' into a custom-bulh homt' atop a bluff that 11verloc1k., the valley and proh.rhly has a few place1> wht'rl' one ldO '('t! the Paci!'il Oc1·a11 Friday, Decent>er 26. 2003 All Shady h• no1 for tbe fa.int ot fortune. Jf money is oo opdon. go for It. 'IWelve percent of Shady Canyon's membershjp migrated from Big Canyon Country Oub. the most of any club. whUe I I% came from Newpon Beach Country <Jl.b. And there are those golfers who have membership!> at both dub!>. David Voorhees and krry Anderson. general manager~ Jl Big Canyon and NRCC re~pecuvely, don't feel intimidated hy this "new kid on the blod .. " I hey .;;lid golfl'rs in Orange County have one more choke tu rnake whe11 it comes to golf. A lot can .1l-.c1 be sajd of the .,ocral tie' llll'mhcn, al Mesa Vt>rlle Country Cluh, SarH..i Ana Country Uult, Newport and Big C:inyon huve made over the wars, Andrr<.on '>aid. Memlwrs who muld afforll Shady hove ..t..i)•ed het."ause they value the l amaraderic with their buddie:.. he added. Sn many facets, so many itl'lll~ lo pri11nti1e. II I h..i<l thl' money, Sh;\<ly \>.11uld he .1 nice place lo he. I hl' ch oice tl> ur to you SCHEDULE TODAY Basketball High school boys -Estancia High Coast Classic: Corona del Mar vs. Norco, 9 a.m.; Estancia vs Antioch, 6·25 p.m.; Orange tournament at Chapman University: Costa M esa vs. Corona Centennial, 12·10 pm ; St. Anthony's tournament: Sage Hill vs. Anaheim, 1 :30 p .m High school girls - Manna/Edison tournament: ·Hart vs. Estancia. 3:30 p.m.; Costa M esa toumament: Costa Mesa vs. San Ramon Valley, 8 p.m. So'cc:er High S(f)ool boys -Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa at Trabuco Hills tournament. Water polo High school girts -Holiday Cup al Newport Harbor anrl Corona del Mar· Edison at Corona del Mar, 10:40 a.m .; t-tunµ~on ~et Newport H111'6or, ~ a.m. 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 'UfHflltJflllf'~ f111 C111U1rll t U1•v1ith•t N1'\rt11 tn ,tlluw tl\f' nf tlw pAi "l••K Inf fur vt·ll11 I• \f•u u•• l111 .1,.,t 1l '"R'• i>th• W •v iu .lfl M<. 1011• ( 11y1111t11tu•nf,tl clt•h fttll fl,thotfl t•11·111µf •l •'t.11111111~ A1111l11 .tf11111 '"' ti I 4~ fu1 01 I 0111\ HH ,,, JUlhnttlfHI ··~l1tll '"' th·ll4 r.O)h• '""I~ '"' ,, • •1utJ1ltun.1t U\(' f'~' mil \•u1 1onr t nv1tt111~ dl'le1m11Mlum t·•~mpt 6 Pl~1111111K l\f11it11 •*""' PA OJ r,1, for K•u l•r hn\kt. ttHlh1U t/l"ct All' Bl 101 Met11I~ R•AI ( \l•h fnve<tmenl) f ut 11 tOllf11l10 ntll 11\t p~ I m1' 1 .. 1 nfl "'" P•I ku1~ ·•• CIJ/O l090 811\IOf ~lir••t, tu• lllliveolly of Plll)1• 111•. looted •I .!ltM) '"'" 71 SO 81 "lof Sii '~' 111 " l'f>C 1nue f uvn uom"''"'' rl111tMmtnftl100 •••fltot .1 v1t.unu1 .uut 11111r1t1onj1f ,,1pvfr mrHI 11\AHUI f'\\ lt11u111 • 111n11i-111v t11 ,111 " ,. t • t t n ~· 1 n ft u ' t ' 1 ,, I b111t.111111 tu1 .1 .. <1 •• l'>O r."'"""''' Awrflllf· HI .... Ml• /Hflf' f 11~11 u111urnt '' deh 1 mmAh\•U ,. • \•tnµt R f 011ftit1nrt1•I th .. '''"""•nl.•1 ctPl1•rn11nor h1111 ''•t1111pl I 111 fllftht•r 1nfrn11114 I 11111 U'1 t ht• Ahll I f +\lllllll tlttjH• \1•l1•,lftlllH• c / l.t, 7•,4 •, '"'' "' "''it llH• olftt• ·•' Uu f'f,m ""'" (hvu.1ot Honm /f)() /I I .w l>ttv• I 11,1~ M"'·' r ·'hf"" 11111 P11hlt-.hHI N1·w1u•I t At'1t1 h (,tJ•jt,1 Mt''\A (l,uly 1111ul (h~c f'"mbt-t i t> 1nnc I •Ifft the ~ -.1.,ttt1~ t.i11ld11tjl olfHt r t>pf<l, fm~n t w1tt1 :-. 1 ll:l? "I""'• lunl tw•• \lur v ott11.1· bu1h1111~ '"""' •• ~row1rl l··v..r '""'" J)Atk1r11 \h uetun ltu P'"f"• t It hit·.. t; .. ~11 fh1frtW1H1•1J th~tl 11 1\ 1 atl•·••ot11 ,tlly .,,, mpt umh•1 lht1 l•'•lUUt4m1 n\'- uf fht ( ,1l1lur111.• l HVt '''""" ,.,,,, VtMltty "' t unJ.,1 Cl.t\' l CNnw t 1111 Ito• lwn r f ''" V,.1 \tUlt tff \m,tll •'.tr IU ture\) \f\~·11 ,,utlhu 11,.d .w.1·nl 'Kft tl•v•·•t of th1'I tit'' I "IHll IH1•V t1I~ " nnt11 p ol "'''uql \1\ ttw t1l6'Ht\'(\~1 • i1tt111u• •.11111 w111t J f1h1w tr; nf S1U•, 00 It• 1ft•h"v lht '"'' ut U11 •11,0• ,1 l'fllf f tl1Ut• I ht• 1~1i1l1• Atiflf1 ,;ml ,,, tut..tlt t h1ropr u tu uffu • '#1th t tnllllH 111nd1l111n.d u"· pt·,,,ut fut ttrvtjtf;o11 t r n(h "h~rr<t tMt)i:111,~ w1lhtr1 tottllllf'tt.C' f'.u .... ltll Aft•tf 111 llOJ llMb•H lln11lt vAcd Suit~ f ti m "" I (.nnrlllrnllAI thr l'r1m1t l'A Ol htl 11 .. Cl1•1 yl GMlw1111hl '"' lhu1.,cll a11rnt tnr (la•11I I •ro1Ww l111 H"l•l•nr• hu orporat.-d to Im ;fff! f'o.1 11111 I'll Ol 41\ 1111 r ()fly Petros.. IUlht><tUIS •aenl fo1 l add Sch•fl man. lo C\I 1hf1•1h f{ot~ HaTbOt' Chnt•h wtthut" ~ 99? ~q II mi!11\h 1•I b111l<lln1t ~' •l•ct ~• 14'> f 1 'hf"f f\\ll"'Olfr with ntt \lh-suu kllla! ·•I M.tr1n,.r t.:1111,11•11 S1 11,,.,1 luc 1ll 1J •I 100 F t\c h•1 Avr.1111• in 1l l1 MP 1no1• I 11v1 MUCMOOO "-iis Dlredw's Use Peniit UP2003-023 (PA2003-IS7) tlJOh< 111011 me ludr' ' ICQUl'\f tu .tlluw fftiltlH rt,.vtttlion-. fr om thf' dev•lll@nl~•ll ,\~roll~"'' nf Ille $<1hl A An~ ""'I:"'' "iruu::lfic f'Lt11 f\r~,, 01), tttC I f f'~Ul;t d lltl '· IUI h.14ifOiC hut fh•I 1111111.,.d tu 'etb»<k' l4'11d•1 1pe tf'quif•tnl-nh .•nd p:ulii. mit tn•t t'UlHHh.hf'. m tu rfl'tlHlf f"d li'nd'·t qH /Ut•1'\ Hu c110pfllrtv '' hH .,,, •t 1n Hie ~f· 4 •Bu"n"""-f'l.;1,, ~1111t,1 /\fl, •tfl'tl(ht' ~ .. ,, .. , llh l'lrn "u•,u ()1q111 t Pljrn11mr l1uc1 lt1' \. U'r r1.,11111 11r/r1il"I 11~ i 1•. .• , h"'"'h t1 h)I '''vH·w Lv rnr f'l,\nomv .,..,,,,,.. tm•·•'' of fhf" '••v nf Nf'Wlffll t Ut•,u h u1• ot .ift; I u111,1l.tlf J tntJM y r, .>004 Wttlll"fl 'UflllYJf"IH ••I lflllll\ ttf\•lt1() lo Hu• ''' 11tt'i t ir.hni1hJ tw •.uh 1111th·d to th~ P1,u11111w n.~1,, .. t n1.-11t hy M1l1Ht~v lirnu.tr V 11 /OC,,M Ul mtlt11 to ht t Hfl\ltfrt 1·'1 m lht Pt.tnr11111t 011 •, '"' tJrt ''hlO U 1llJSH 0¥Cd ;ti th• t1rnt1 nf '""" w th1 11mu·1tl pN "'" ot \I\ dav' will h•l!IO l1nm ttrnl 1t11lr 1ll11 ing wh1rh t1mt• MP( mt"'"'led fMrty •Ir t1f'Vt°'h1pt1WO' o'"" ol tfw IHO(m"d jUtJt~\I otft ,•V ,ltlt•hl., lut puhln tt''ilrW ~od "'"11"' hon .-t thr f'IAnntnr l>•'P·tt t "'""' fttv 1)1 N,.~1u1t t llr t h HOO N~wt'"'' u,, .. , .. ",11 cJ ~,.w,, .. ,, lh .Hh f Ahtmmit «)/(j11'1 l/f>ll I"' turlhM mltu 111 ~.t1nn 'urit.•1 I th' N1•w11tut H"'1•• h 1•1,;n1u11~! llrr>•ilm•nl .1\ 1'34'1) hl\4 1700 .. • NOTICE OF an obf«tJot1 to Ille PETITION TO petition and ~ 0000 ADMINISTI:R cause ¥lily the court ESTATE OF: anould noc Q1"an1 me LOIS JEAN authorifv PATTERSON A HEARING on I~ CASE NO. A2.22768 pehtlon wm be held on To an heirs. 011291G4 at I 45PM rn benel!aanes. creditors. Oelll L 73 located al contingent crlldr!Olll. a/ld 34 t lliE CITY DRIVE pe!'1001 who may OAANGE. CA 92868 ~8-be lnlerested IF VOU 06JECT to the In the 'Hltl oc estate, OI' grantiog of the petition. bolti Of LOIS JEAN yotJ should 111lP98r at 108 PATIERSON heating Ind atate your A PETITION FOR =k>rlt CJ( Ille written PR00ATE has been Iona with the COIJl1 flied by KIMBERLEY the hNMg VOUf PATIE~SON· llf>Pl*lllCI may be 111 KNIEPXAMP In ttie '*'°" or by 'f04J( 5upef1ot Covn Of attorney Ca\itomia, Covnty o1 IF Y'OU ARE A ORANGE CREDITOR °' a THE PETITION FOR oonllngenl credtlOt ol lhe PROSA TE requests lhal deceH•d, 'Pl' must Ille KIMBERLEY 'f04Jf claim wl1h the court PATIERSON and mail t 009'1 10 ltle KNIEPKAMP be peltOnal repteMntatlve appoirted U ptlfaoNI ~ %':. = :,..e:;:~ '° me Hlate ol the datt ol h luuaooe the deoeclent Of 1ettor1 as provided In E PETITION Probllti Code lleClloo TH ':luests 9100 Thi lime fol filing the decldlnl'• wl and Claim• will noc tJIPfnl codiclll, K lllY' be Defont bJf monlhs from admifted IO probe!• ...._ .._&...._ ... ._ ......_... The wlll and •"Y codicill ~-"' ...... """""' '11 avaKabla !of YOU MA y EXN.MNE lt'lt exatnlnation In the tile fife kept by the c:oun It Mot by !tie ooun you are 1 penlOf'I THE PETITION reque&ts lnterffl8d In the estate, autllOflly fO ldmlnl•ttir tne NII-. under the )'OU may lil9 wlttl the ~ OOIJ(I • AeQll9SI IOI' Of Estates 5'1edal NoliOa (lorm DE· AD. ~ llmlt9d lllAhot1ly 1 M) ol the lillng ot an ri.1111 authollly ~ ~ .!:. ~ ~~ec::. wllrlOUt :cs()( ln~ta~ (lbtalnlnO court llPPfOV... CQda ~ 12!0. A etfor9~ -= =:''°"" II ..= ~. .. '*"°"81 from"":-'..:::. , • ...,..... wll be ~ AASH ESO ~to~ nob to OAACVP • & un11M fley ~--= PAn£ASON nob 0t ~ to 2040 MAIN Sf...i tTH Fl.. the ~ IC160n.) IAVIN!, CA921114-7211 Tht fndlpeldlt • ~= t212MO. .......... ~=.·~-.be fi'Wllld wllaa In ·~ 11'11111..-r 1*U1 ... llllM OM. Y P'!LOT Nulu • l ll1Hd1v ... IYt'fl lhttt u1 Hl(1ltu1trnu tt.1\ ,, .. ,.11 • ulwutt,.d hy Mthf'I w.-vlu" ,. lhJhd¥ f lll~f' "fl tul.-t t• H,.f'\U"'' lo l•fttnul 111.-fltmn,11111" .. t ,.,,,,,,.,.Y f•1t tttr<t •• lfll l 01t ,,.,., Cl .... Att• I 1 f'Vlf'WUI& lhtl ,, • NO Th lh,• ,. • .,, 11• • 111 Uw nt11 >Cf" t'\ ,,,,,,, h 1m1 .• llllOll ltt 111lltf hit hum the .ippl1< 1111 Pul1l1ihrd N1 .. , ''' llH< h Co\I 1 M•'" II ul~ f'1lo t 0f'!cemht 1 'tJ ,>O()' 1 ·11~ • AM Frey, ~ 26, 2003 -..... .. -.. -.... --.-......... ... ~ n.co... ...... l .... ~•WWillr..., ·~Oft ~. ,__. ........ -., llOMM>t. "*• ... ., . °" tt. lollewlftl ''-: l. --0....,.111111-t.A 03-17 fOf lllchetd "•tlOd, •tithorlt•d ...,., fO( 'hlllp laHOll, to ~1t11ict 1 1,280 sq. tt .. two·,tory t.l)tftiMn1 unit wltJI Iott bellllld UW.·f.tmlly rnidellce, wltl\ • Wno. condotlOfl., -"'""' 10 •llow • 11111 hlhroom In • llloinclr1 IOOlll alta<Md lo IN IA'et•. lont9d al l'4J Knoa lllrMI Ill All ll?·MO 1one tnvl· ronm1nlel deter min•· lion; latrnpl 2. Mino! Condmonel u .. Pwmil ZA 03 92 IOJ MlctlMI CMt*, avlllo- 1lfed· 111t1nl lo. Cow a.a... A"to I, llC/Todd Cetion, lo ellow incl· d41nlal ietall Mlt' In conjuno llon with • wholeuN bll•lfl•n end lo modify IM condltlOftal use p•r mll tor Ille cun..,t car wn h us., ~tad et 164!> s_ ... Avenue In •n "'° mne. Envitonmenlel deletmi· nation: nafnj)I. 3 Minor Condlllon•I U~• Pa1mrl IA 03 102 for Knln Campbell, •ulhotl1ed e1enl lor C•m•ro •. LLC. for outdoor 't or •s• ol pl.1nls with Incidental retail sai.s In con11mc· hon with wtioleule plant ultt, k>caltd 1t 116 W 6th SlrHI in a MC LOtle, [rnlron11>1nlal del.,mi· n•liOft: eaernpl 4......., O.sicnAn•• Zl\·03· 103 for Brian Heinsohn. •ulho• ind •tent t0< Laurent Kh•· rat, lo upend the HCOnd floor ol • slnal•· lamrly rnldenc•. by I, !>02 1cq It . locat1d al 1912 Kauai Orr•• In an NJ tone [nv,.onrnental dllerminalton Uemt>t Published Newpor I BeAch COih Me .. Daily Pilot Otcember 26, ?003 r91s ..... ...._..lttm ,.,,_ ~ ol Ille City Cowtcll ol 1tM City of Costa MeH, CalitClf nla, am.nc1tn1 Title 13 or th• Co••• Mtu Mlill'lkl!MI c. '".,dint ,~ ~·1--'l ltttlllotlloM to c..,.PY wlltl tM Nattoftal I food lrtaur•nct Proaram Envltonmental 0.1tfml n tllon. C. 9ft19l Ir THC AFOAEMCN llONEO ACTION IS CHAll ENGCO IN COURT, tlM dltlletl&• may be lllftitH to only lhoM l~WH tabed al Ille f,ubllc heM Ina dncr Ibid " 1111 notice, 0t In written CO«Ht>O"dence del1nrtd lo lh• City Council ti. or p< lot to, tM $)\lblk Mll< lnl NOTICE IS r Ufl 0f£ It GIVEN that et 1111 above lime end piece ttl iflltni tld P"•ons may tpflltf and IHt l\e.erd by Ille Cit' C0\11\Cll on the tbove lttm JUUi FOl<Jll, • ...,,., Oty Chtl Publlalitd Nurpor I 8Hcl\ Coste Mtu Daily Piiot Ot ctn•btr 26, 200.J 1911 Tiit lollowln& pe1sons tt• dolna bus1neu u a) Colden We.t llulo LH 11n1, b) Golden Wnl l•tslna. c) Golden WHI Sales end ltHlllL cl) Golden West Equipment le11in1. e) Golden West flnancl1I Services, I) Golden Wt1t flnanc111J, t ) Colden West Insur enc• Services. h) ColOen Wut (quipment. I) Golden Wul f"letl ltasln1, I) ColdlnwHI Aetl E1talt, "l Golden West Real Cattle Ser vrces, 3130 tt111bot Bl•d .. Co&ta Meu. C-' 92626 Colden West Cnttr Pf'"'· Inc (CA), 3130 Hatbot Boultvatd Costa Meu, CA 92626 fhrs busintu Is con ducted by • c0<poc1t10n Have you star lad <lorn& bu"n.sa yet? Yu tO 16 84 Colden West Cntor pusu, Inc , Mrchael W Mayfreld, Pru1Mnl rh.. slaltmenl "" fried wrlh the County Clar" ol Onn1e County on 12/09/0J 200U,.7624 Dally Piiot Dec. 12. 19. 26, 2003. i.n. 2. 2004 f941 Policy ........... ... ...... fllt loffowln1 pe1ao11a trt dolf1t bll'linlD H a) Woodw1rd"1 Au Herd•tre Inc., b ) Woocl•.ttd'a, c) WOOd .,,,d's H.ttdw.te. Inc , d) Au Hatdwatt. •516 C Chipman Avt., Or tnJ4,CA92169 WooO.erd't Ht1clwe1t. Inc , (CA), 1343 N. lu~lln Avt., Santa Ana, CA. 9210!5 Thia bus.nns 11 con· dueled by. • COtJ>Ofaloon Have yew slatltcl dolf't busifleu ytt1 .,.,, ll ·24-200) Woodwards, Hardwwt, Inc . WillrJ1m A. Wood• ward. Preslclenl This 1talM11nt was filed •1lh the County Clelll ol Otan1• County on 12./09/03 tooMff7SN Daily Pllol Dec 12, 19. 26. 2003, Nin 2. 2004 r951 ,... .... "-*'-' I II• follow1n1 pet son• ere cloint busrneu u H41wport Cent•• r amity Chttopuiclic. 363 San Mreutl Di . Suitt 191. ~~ort Buch, CA Mrh Dlcuclo, 363 San Mltu•I 0. Suri• 191, Ne•poll Buch, Cl\ 92660 Thi& bu\1net.\ " con ducted by. an lndrvldual H•v• you ll.tfltd doln1 bu11n•" yet? No Miiie D•audo I hrs statement was fried with the County Clerk of Oran1e County on 12./16/03 200SH6U H D11ly Pilot Dec 19, 16, 2003. J1n 2. 9, 2004 f964 ......... ... s...... Tht lollowin1 l>C"On• ••• cloin& busrnns u C .. C Ernbt0tde1y 1041 W l8tll St. A-106, Costa MeM, CA 92617 Coi Appertl. In~ , (CA) 1041 W. 18th St A 106. Costa ~u. CA 91627 fhls business 1s con ducted by a c0t poc •hon Have you sl•rled dotn1 bu\•ness yet1 'l'u, lulr 16, 1996 Coa l\pparel. Inc . Chris Coa, President lh•• •latemenl was hied wrlh lht County C!t«k of OJ1n19 Counly Oft l 2/09,l03 MOMff7S.t 0-'ly Pltol Oec 12, 19. 2'6. 2003. "" 2. 2004 f949 Rcllla ..... ... *'-' The followina PtflOl\l Aft ~ bu~llllU n let'• Olne In 929 Goornor SI . CA•ll MIH , Cl\ mu lell1ty lay We•u. 929 Governor St . Costa Mffa, CA 92627 1 .. nn1a -'Mila W11u. 929 Govttnor St Cost• Me111.CA9'161l l Ill\ bus>nen rs con· ducted by hu,b•nd •nd wile Have you ~h1tell do•na busineu yet? YIS 1982 )eannle Alel• Weiu Tl\ll st1t1m1nl •n tried with It•• Coun1y Chrt. ol Ount-County on 12/09/03 tooH .. 7SIS Oarly Piiot OoL 11, 19. 26, ?003, Jell l . 200.c f 94 / .......... ... *'-' The fol10w1n1 persons 1r e dolnt buslnen as lopei Wuod r rnlshu. 755 W. 17th Sheet, Unit I, Costa M111, CA 92627 Netya lope1 r1111do. 655 Baker St , Apt UI04. Costa Me~. CA 92626 This busrneu Is con dueled by. an lndlvldu1I Have you star lad dom11. bustneu yel1 Ye• 10/l I/OJ Nerys loptl f 111rdo This stetement was tiled with the County Clerk of Clunie County on 12/09/0J 200Ht47S70 Dally Pilot Dec: 12, 19. 26, 2003. la" 2. 2004 f9U ~ ..... ... s...... The lollow1ne persons "• d0in11 busmen as A & B Custom tJphol st er y. 2940 Colleae Ave Ste A. Cosla Meu CA 92626 Jou Davrd Mad11d. 2940 Collete Ave Ste A. Cost• Mts.11, CA 92626 Tl\1> busrness rs con ducttd by an 1nd1v1<1uar Have you slarhd dou1g busin .. ss yet1 Ves 6/1196 Jose Oavrd Madr Id Th11 sl1ltm1nl was -Lllll ... ............. fried wrlh the County Cl«fl ol Otance Cotinly on 12/l~/03 JON4t4H02 OaHy l'ltol, Dec l 9. 2$. 2003, i.11 2. 9, 2004 ,9', .......... ... s...... Ille lullOwln& p•rwna 11 • ctorn1 busmen •• s ••• ()11 lhe co .. 1. 1661 Ent Coot Hwy, New p0<t Buch. CA 92657 M & D Ruta..,anl Co LLC (CA). ZSJI E.ulblull Or Htwpor t 8.aeh CA 92660 l hl1o bu\tna.u " 'on ducted by L 1m1t~d I l1bllrly l;11 H1v• you 'I•• led doi1111 bu,inu1 yet 1 No M .. O Rutauranf Co llC . RKhit<d Mt1d I Mana&er rh" •latement ... flltd with ti\• County Cllf~ ol Orarree County un 12/12/03 2oos.tu osa 0111y Prlol Dec 19. ?6. ?00.3 l•n 7. 9. ?004 f965 Ac-....a.n ... SW-. Iha lollowlna penons .. ~ do1na business a. Happy Pet, 2025 New po1 I 8ouleva1 d U111t 1, Cost• Mes•. CA 916'/7 P11<1<~ I Crei, lru•lee rot 1 he Pa Inc~ f Grel fru•I, 16Jl 0 ltvrne Avenue Custa Mo.J CA 92627 I hrs bu~oness rs con ducted by I arncly fru'I Havt you slB• l ecl domt bUStneH yet' Yu, l/?3198 PAii 1tk f l..1el Hus slaterrrenl was hied with lhr County Clerk ol Orange Coullly on li'/16/03 200J696U42 O••ly P1lul De• 19. 26. 2003 ,_,, 2. 9. 2004 F961 Adltl.slllsileu .... s ....... The lullowme P•"on~ ill e 110111.: bU\lnC'>\ ,t\ Am tr"·"" Mech.u1u af Consurt111g •nd R°''" ration 11~2 Knoll lln .suite I!> C.d•d~n Gro•t CA 92841 Cor•y M I yun. 16S11 Sou I h I' lllll1• Avr . Sunst 801 h, Cll 'J0/47 lhl'\ business. ts c:on dueled by an tncl1v1dUAI Have you st"' led do1111 tumom xet? No Cote,M.L~ ni. ,1.at~t "'" fite4 •itb 1"41 County Clerk ol Or•nl• C1>1111ty 011 12/0DJOS tooMt'1117 Dtily Piiot 0.c 12, 19, 26. i'OOl, "" 2. 2004 Ft46 ........... ... ...... I ht lollow1n1 .,., ions ., • clolna bvllneu o Empire Compeny. 171 W 19th SI .. Suitt V, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Doro M l11t1e & Donald A Mas.c;i., Inc (CA), 771 W 19'11 Surtt V, Costa Meu. CA 92626 Thl1 businn' is con· ducted by: •corporation H.ve you stlf'ltd dolfll buak\IU VllP Yes 1001 O•vrn M l u11e & Dontkl II Muc11, Inc . Devin lu11e/P1esJdent Thi' 'taltmenl wn lil•d with th• County Cler~ of Onnae County on 12/09/03 100J6t67Sto Dally Pilot Dec 12, 19, 26 2003. Ian 2 2004 f942 RdllM ...... -----lhe lulluw1n1 person~ 11 • clo11111 business as C II I Grit Baskets. 341 C 20th Strut. Costa Mesa Cal1lornra 92627 2337 Ch••he Cllalom Dou", 341 £ ?0th Streel, Costa Mea. Calrlornra 916?7-2337 I hrs business rs con ducted by an 1ndrv1dual H•n you slat led cl01n11 busrness yet? No Charlie Chalom Dou" lh1s SllllernMI WAS flied wrlh lh• County Clerk ul Oriinee Counly on 12/16/03 200!6968426 Oarly Pilot DeL 19 26. 2003. l•n 2. 9 2004 1968 flditiws ""-" .... s ...... I he fnllow1ng p11s11ns ar ~ domg bus.neu. .,. Debt M•n•aernent vi Am"lld 192 Carnt•4Y Hl)I\ lJi:und Nrauel. Cl\ 97617 Oebl Manaaemenl of J\n•erita, llC (CA), 19? Cameray He•ghh, I ~au· na Niguel. CA 9?6// fh1> busrneu Is coo Oucted by. L1mlhd How to Place A Llabildt Co tt."' JOU swtad dolnl busm"'.J•tl Ynl~~"OJ o.bl M1n•1emen1 ot Anltrlc:A, LLC Tlllt slatement wn lllH with llle County Clerl of 0. 11nca County ~ 1V17/0l 10H4 .. Utl Olllty Pilot Oec 11. 19. 26, 2003. l•n 2. 2C* F956 Rcllla .... ......... r he loltowrna pet sons 11 • dolfll bllslnUs as: Property Antlysn Con· 1ullant1, 321 f ulletton 11¥1., ,.._p0<I Buch. CA 926&3 P'roperty Consultant Services. Inc (CA), 327 f ullel-ton Ave . Newpo.-1 Budl, CA 92663 fh1s buStness " con· dueled by . .e torp0<alion Have you stllrltd dorne buslneu yet? Ho Jan I. 2004 Propertv Consuilant Services, Inc . lames w l•ndrs Presrdent fh1s statement wn hied wrlh the County Clerk ol 011n1e County on 12/ll/03 200J .... 01l Oaily Pilot Dec 19, 26. 2003, Jan 2. 9. 2004 f96J Re-. ..... .... s...... The lollow1111 persons tr e dotnt bu sin en n ; A.M.r , 11!>9 Miramar Or . Newport Buch, Cahlor nit 9266 t Marr111 Violeta ChrareH1 Cr••& 92 W l\tbo< St . lon1 Buch, Calif or"'' 90805 H11s business rs con· dueled by an md1vldual Hav1t you ~lnrled doing businns y~t1 No Marrin IJ Ch1a1 ella Cra1e fh,. slalemenl was hied wrlh lht County Clerk ol Olanae County on 1?/17/03 200!6968433 Daily Prlol DeL 19 26 . 2003. Jan 2, '9. 2004 f966 . ........... ........... . CA9268 TI1n bn111eu b COii Miff h All illcfNldval IWw yov •t•tH dolnt 11t111Mn vett Mo Chtla H .. (nw Thlt •laltlMJlt ... lllM wllll tM County Clerk of Or •nc-Cou11ty Oii 12/l &i'O) ,..,....,,, D•fly Piiot Dec. 19. 26, 200.J. Ian 2, 9, 200il F960 ........... ...s..... I he lollO•ln1 ""'°"' 1111 dOlnt ~ n · Peclhc Blue f und1na • 1001 W 17111 St. U1ht U, Costa Mui, CA 92627 Robert lt• Dlcllinson, 600 Hllv1nar. New!X>• t Beach, CA 92660 This business rs con ducted by •n tndlvklual llne YOll st11ted clolnt bu11ness yet? Yes 1998 Rob.,l l .Otcllinson lhls datement •II filed with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/09/03 200J6 .. 7S71 Dally Pilot Dec. 12, 19, 26, 2003. Jan 2. 2004 f945 Re-. ..... .... s...... The lollowlna persons are dorna business as Photos By Guy. 9122 Colbreuan Dr.. Hun trnalon Buch. CA 92646 Cuy Author Adams Ill, 9122 Colbreuan, Hun· trneton Beach, CA 92646 Tt11s business Is con· ducted by· an '"d1vldual Have you started do•nll busmen yet? Yes. 12/ 15/03 Guy llulh0< Adams Ill Hus statement was tiled with lhe Counly Clork ol Or•nee County on 12/16/03 200!HHUS Daily Piiot Dec. 19, 26. 2003, Jan 2. 9 2004 f958 ~r•t?No Arman Sudalla Tiiis slalernenl wu tried wrtll tlll County Clwll of Ofanae Cou"ty OA U/09/03 IMl 6'47St2 Oalty Pilot 0..:. 12. 19, M. 2003. Jan. 2. 2004 f951 Re-. .... ...-..... Tiit tollowln1 pettons llfl dolnt buslneu u : So Cal ht1c10, 1380 Vllla1• Way CZ04, Cost• Mau. C-' 92626 Travis Van Oet Wal, 1380 V11tace Way, CZ04, Coste Mes•. Cl\ 92626 Tiits buS1nns b con dueled by: an lndlvldu•I Hive you slatted dolnc business yell r.o Travis Van°'' Wal fh1s statement •as filed wl!JI the County Clerk ol Dunae County on 12/09/03 200Ht67'46 Daily Pilot Dec 12. 19, 26. 2003. Jan 2. 2.004 . F940 ~ ..... ......... The lollowina persons are doina business u : Ru•ch. 981 Oalllla Ave .. Costa Men. Cl\ 92626 M11ao A. Hachr. 981 Dahl11 llve., Costa Mu •. CA92626 Thrs busrness rs con dueled by an 1ndivldual Have you started de><na business yel1 No Mario A Hacl\er fhis statement was fried wrlh the County Cletll of Dunae County on 12/09/03 2003 6t67Stt Daily Prlot Dec 12, 19, 26, 1003, Ian 2. 2004 r950 Adllills ..... ... s...... The followrna pe1sons are dornc business as. IJ01ctng ii , 650 Tamaract. llve , '3603. Brea, CA 928ZI Michelle A. Stephens. 6:>-0 Tamarack 13603. Bro. CA 9?8?1 This busmen rs c;on ducted by ~n indrvrdual Have you star led dOrn& busrness yet> No Michelle A Stephens I his statement wu flied with the County Clerk of Oranae County on 12/03/03 200Ht67021 O•llY Pllol ~ 12. 19, 26. 2003, ~n. z. 2004 f'956 ftim.11 ..... ... ...... Thi followr"t p«M>ns Ill cloinC bUJifleU H . Lnley [Wott Ctlerifl&, 1429 Posada, Hewpor-t Beach, CA 92tfiO Lealty Cameron EUiotl. 1428 Posad1, Hewpotl Baadl, CA 92660 Thrs bullnt» IS con· ducted by· en llldrv1dual ... ... )'OU •lM'led doinc bll$lnns yet7 Yes I l/25/2003 lnley C Elliott This statement was tried wrth thl 'County Cler" ol 0. ana• County on 12/02/03 200J6t '677.4 Daily P1lol Dae. 5, 12, 19. 26. 2003 r939 ~ ..... ......... The lollo•ina persons are dome business a.s: l & l Appliance, 632 W e.11.. St . Cost• MH.e CA92626 r eh• lapld1s. 2354 L1tlelton C11.. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This busrntu rs con· dueled by· an 1nd1vrdual Have you started do1n11 busrnMS yel7 No fella lapldis Th11 •tt lem4!1\t WU fried with the County Clerk ol Orant• County on 12/16/03 200Ht41U 6 Daily Piiot Dec. 19, 26. 2003, Jan 2. 9. 2004 F959 ,.... ..... ... s...... The lollowln11 persons are doln11 business as Massaaeworks. 175!> Oranae Ave Suite F, Costa Mesa. Catrlornra 92627 Oi11e Wall, 1845 l\na heim Ave t196. Costa Mesa. Callfornra 92627 lhrs bus1neu rs con ducted by· an 1nd1v1dusl llave you started doing business yet? No 01~1e Wall Thrs statement WllS fll"d with 11\e County Cletk of Oranae County on 12/11/03 200:16 .. 71 97 Dally Pilot Dec 12. 19. 26. 2003. Ian 2. 2004 f957 ...---Deadlines -- Rates and dNdlines arc subject to change without notice. 1nc publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any c lassified advert1semcn1. Please repon any error that may be in your classified ad immcdiat!!ly. TilC Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advcttjscmcnt for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be nlluwed for lhe fi~I inscnioo. CLASS IFIE AD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1no GARAGE SAll IUSINESS & FllWICW C1lh dllH/ ......... 11• tw $$ 4 llKCMJM nc .llrz. Oltilll; Etc. 511' .. «1s .. Mtc, Si*. '* ~ Mlkt 949 645 7~ --~ All teal est.et• adVe#tlt 1111 ftl 11111 new•p11pe1 I\ wll;tel lo Ille F tclei al r.-Houllna Act of 1968 u untncltd whic h mehs It lll•••t to ac1¥trllM ·enJ 1Hef.,. enct, llmllallon or dltai-•Uon based on rtc•1.co4o<. 1111P>n. Ma, 11_.,, l•mlll•I •l•lus OI 111tlontl orfaln, Ot an lntt11tloft lo "'"' a111 _ .. pr-etwenn. limit• tlon OI ~ln•lion,• ·TI*~ •Minot .... wM,dy KC~ tflY ..,...._l fqt Ital 11\•\• wMcll la In Wlolatlofl ol Ill• llW, Ow r'Hd•n ,,. hereby lflfolo!Md ttial •" dwel ........ tlM4 In 11119 M W 41.., .,. evellfl>le .., ....... O(lpO(ttHtlty .... To co111ttl1ln ol d;.· ., ............ c .. HUO tolt- ff .. ;t l·I00-4244HO. 14" 2305-2490 1413 OlcNf SfYte Fwnlbn NH<>S i ~ . ......_._ •W....•...,...•'*'-"""""'" .. ~PAM> .. ................... M IMIY fSTATE8 ............... ~ ........ corJs1r.m.mns I By Fa x (949) 631-6594 1l~a-.e 1nclud<-you•""''"""'"' phunc rruml>tt M>d "C II ull VOii ""'L "'ilh ~ l'f1« 'I'""' i By Phone (94Q) ~2 5678 I lours By Mu il/ln Pc rRon: .no West Bay Street Co<.ta Mc$a, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd & Bay SI. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00prn Tekphunc 8:J0a.m 'i OOpin Monday·l·nduy Walk I~ 8: 10am·5:00pm Monday-h1day Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm CASH FOR STRUCTURCD SetllemenVA.,nully payments II'• your mOf'leyl Gel cash now when you need 11 rno•U ~ .. the~ s.tlli!rnn Pla'dwwa. I «11 <fll0€Y W (CM.~ ( ... , ......... Old Coins! Cold. 1ilvt1. jewelry. w.ldlea, tntiqucr$ collectil>IH 949 642 • '"48 soos-saso ····-· ..... AN EMPIRE SHH Bulldrne Company Pro· vldln1 the Hiahul Oualrty Pre en11111e11d Metal Bulldllll $y1lem1 Htadquarltrtd In Soulhwr1 C1hfornla Call now lot hcloty direct pr lclna 800· !IO!'l • .140 <CAl•SCAIO Index I I lnltrrr~I fr anchlH opportunity lo lho.,, lool\1n& to WIX" 1n<1e per1denlly JllK rnvesl flt•nl l<'Qun•d Include' trelnms 11nd '"Pl)Ol't foe fnnrhlHJ wo•ldwrde TolHrH I 888-452·6737 ~ MOo-t7SO MISCEUANEOUS REHTALS Nl/Oc-v1 ... , •- OceenlronV22nd, Prrvale room, unlurn. dltr• b1. utlh p.trd. 110/srnk , flrlthenelle. lndry. lblk lo Newport I'll•. $130m Cell Sam 949-218 7905 (between 9-m·!i9m) ~llAl.AENTM.S ORAHGE 74GG COUNTY Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Ma,le Aphl Lovely 1fQl olf nae fl ~ 1.., "'"" 3bc 2ba upper Caled Comm. near 3ir 2ll<I ,_ '*' poer, 5'lop5 level, pe<iod style, ttetl VACATIOll Trl•'11ll• Squ11e. 2br lba .. rest..nnb, Ip, l c p views, l c11 1.ar, aat ftCVTAI 0 w/a•• ' Irle. $1 09!>. lbr wd ,tel llm 962!D-41ro $2800 949·293·4631 '""'N--1 lb• w/p1t10, carport, ________ _ s l0<a1e al5 ......,, n.11 ar '" ,_ '*1t/mPlt paid Klern ~ 2ur Pfi119!. t.dl,_ct. 112 fIT1 ~ [Jl gal) l*>ct. lo -must - New.,.rt ecreu the •fT••t 2b• l.5ba no pe\"4 SJ«Jllmo 982JS.1Sm ~ '*-' 9lim-!lpm ~ $11915/mo 1665 ltvine Ave Jltir, 21/.... I pr, I #J 949-7;iCl-942? •203 C#l)OI'\, l400+..t. ,_ llPlll UOO tsll STUDIO Laic• closet., b1lh. sunnyupoiure, SIOOOm A,I 949 675-6161 UPO ISll SYUDIO l11&• clo"I & bath, lunnr nposun. SlOOOm "''· 949 675 6161 a. crpt J ~ crt ll ll!lOr'mo 714-J!l0.5810 ?br 2ba .. den. upper un11, bay YllWS, patio, 5"11sd weshlr .. dr;tr. •at 41850 949·293·4632 2br l 7!1b• on th• waltt. le p1llo, deck, u1>1ud4ld hrtchen. wd hliu(I, •ti $2200 949 293 ~ 2l:w condo 1n V. ..... lb• ~. upper unit, 2 w/d. °""""""· pett condl balconlts. Ip, malr Aval Jiol1 2 $1500 7&.4-962 /llvrm. I c c•. nu paint 6163 or 714"381'5Z'l4 •at 12300 949·293·4630 • SEU your stuff through classified! VACAllllBUlS a...,.. ........ ~owl-.:! Cott11e. pucelull l /3 Hit. $500 Wktnd St400/WIP. 714·658-1050 a tP' x · PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Clas.sifled section to find services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers and painters. Nl"""°"l lllllACt! • tOHA ... v. a:=nd EMPlOYMENl, AGENCY, ANO RESUME §E!MCES $550 WEEllL Y SALARY pou1blt ma ilmt our ules brochures. No operfanct necesary FT/ PT Genuine oppurtun1ty SupphH provided. Cali 708 808 Sl82 (24 Hours) (CAL •SCAN) SALU Ovar 28 Mlhlon Cu1tomtr 1nqulr1ts to d1tt. $5,SOO W1ttr.ly I O•I potenlilll. II IOmt· Ont did 11.. so can youl 2·3 confirmed 1ppo1nt· m ent, daily! Cell C1th1rlnt McF., li~d 888· 543· l 788 Th111peu: tic Slup Product1 • (CAt•SCAN) SAliS1 <M.-. ~ w/phone Hies tlp. 'Utn S35k & up. phone !Mg. 862-7474 tn '.M9 ~ms • l -loy sellaro pperoence prefe11td loWfl'tV• fur niture sto-e. K.11 714-:!ll «J88 Newporf •-•h T•n11lo d11b ls now hirlna oap'd Bartenders Servers & Recept1on1st Call 101 appt (949)644-0050 Pio« your Md lC>d .. y! (1149) 642-567ll '""'"' .,, , .... Av-e uttr low ml 1old/t1n lllw, mnrf, CO, alloy whls throushout, SI 1.995 ~7241 Blu fM9.5ll6-Ullll www.ocpellot- ........ - c.Mlls'MC....Hli ""· 1111\hlll ltlw. b ... c:wri.c. roof, low c~l --f111, ctv .. wllb, IOHI i*c. llookt/rfC«ds, llh new M795 vS57281 8kr. t4t-H4-t ... ---....... - c,_ Vlct.n. 'tt U1 m 1ctu1I Mi. 0tlcin*I .tderly OWl\tf, wllitl/tan Int. ctvm wllb, btaut 1111• new cond, $9,995 vl8267SI 811r ~UlllB www .•• , .......... . Joril ••s M1111ton1 Conver tlblt , oriclnel OWntJ. SOlld Cir. Ind '!" llJ!O) obo 9&~29U GMC Surllurloon LSI 2500, 4wd, 70k + mi, aold/lln ltnr. xtra seat, superb 0.-11 cond SI J, 99S v55246 I 8kr 9'9-Sl~llll www.oqoltl.•- ""4o 'f7 Auor4 2dr coupe EX, V ·tee enalne, 69k bl1ck/arey lthi. sorf. beautiful unmar k•d cond. R•r •a•d. non smkr $7995 f1rm v0126751 Bkr 95$ ue -.Dqllb.arn D YES, &Ell MY CAR Run your ad in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the Huntington Beach Independent to reach over 100,000 homes. Fax us th is form with your credit ca rd # or mail with a check today I lt-~--Crectt-Gartls_D_MC_D_VlSA_D_~_x __ -11 11 1 _ Cad! Cild NwQr Em DU . Oeei-a--os...-.,.__ o~• a-a-~ rrM----o-,.... o--a-eo-. I ., O•-o--...a..-i... Run for a week! If your car does not sell, we'll run it tor another week FREEi All tor j ust $20". 0 5!!1o..i OAMIN_O __ IC RS. Calif or nle law re quwu thet conlrac:· tors la~lna iobs that total S!iOO or more (labor or mat~mols) be llcensed by the Contractors Sllte license 8oerd. Stile. l1w also requires that eontrectort Include thflr license numlMr on ell •dver tos1na You can ctieek the status of your llcensed cont r1c t or it www.cslb.u .1ov or 800-321-CSLB. Unll· censed contr11ctors laltln1 jobs that lot11 less than 1500 niu11 tl•t• In their 1dort111ments that they •rt not licensed by \he Contreclor1 Stitt license Board." o .. ~ oo...eo--o....,_ 11t>r,,4 01--oc-c c.-.-> S1eocro O•v1-a.,,,,.-~ o~ ...... -•»'.,.,...,,. Daily A Pilot If ' fl • INDEPENDENT COMPUTER HELP! • """"fl er.. ,....... • M,., .... fl lllct •l'Cfl91c ·~ ·-l'IOt9"V•. ·~­·Ciel&~ • OlgilliW.O, Pl"*2. "'* ·~~P\ld9t .. uo .~ OredUete. 10Yre~&p. 7 14-612-2786 A -l HAMOYMAH Install, reface ub1neb ~~ ~ Doic 71 4-546-nf)8 Concnte 'Masonry carpet c111mno tlfl llor ll1 r I~ I .lll"'' l.11· 11' 11 If! St . ~I ! . . . 3 rooms & lllllwly •·• lnC'IUdes pf1COllditlonln W TOOAf ·CUM TOOAY Kevin 714·321·3'42 Ottlct 714.ffl-t110 Cll,.t ""'"/Slla lrlcli llocli St-• Tllo Concrete, P~tlo, Orlvtway flltfllc, BBQ Reh 25Yrs Eip. Terry 114·!lS7 7S!M c-,._.., w..t c.-1t. 8tQ. Slo<w. Tit. ~ .. IWiibll. Ho Job loo ...... 71UIS.~ Dtlldap Plbtlllllng Eltdrtcal Services SlllAll JOI fXPIRT Local. Quick Response Home. Yord & Dock Elect 20 'I'~ lio.p OurlCW'I\ Ellcir~ Ltt7151JlO ~1042 l .f.(. llertrlc low pnces local c:onnctor. no ,IOt> too SIMI no jOb loo boa. Refs ..,on recJlllll UC ID-81070! (714)142-1410 c .... ,.leto lloctrlcof Sorw. New "-· Up plNIM. Troublesllootin&. lndoa/IMOlllt 714.J66.7219 UCIMSIO CONTRACTOR No~toosm.M~ Repair. remodel, fans, spe, new PC ~3666 floonnwm• CUSTOM OIATM lU lnstalatioft. *-. c:tlrlri:, nwblt, lblfle ...... 197$ Ll6120'4 Jiff 7l4-612-9'J61 UMY se-.,, Rapff'ed Refoutln • lnst1ll1tlon Tll DEAN IM9 673-806S 714-M6-8526 714-883-2ml o u.rno cAArno fMnlNO DIVBOl'MINT Repairs. P1lchln1. Instill ~ Courteous. 1n11111 jobs. llrthfnade~tnt.com Wholeulel 949·492·020!l ~~1M8616!815 YOU.NOMI IM,.OVIMIMl raoncn Call • plunitHlt. ptlnltr, hendyrnen, or any of the 11 eat 1ttvlcts llslad h1u In OUI 1¥\llct dltactoryl THU£ lOCAl SVC SELL your stuff throu&h classlf iedl PEOf'l.E CAN HELr YOU TOOAYl Fnday, Dec~ 26, 2003 Bridge Bv CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF Md TANNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S I __.c~a .. o .. s..,s ... w..,.o ... a ... o .... r .. u'-9z.z .. L .. E _ AN ENTERTAINING CATASTROPHE Both vulnerable:. Sowh Jcah. lhc l1te.i to challctlae fix Ille tiJJc. WF,ST • 10 9 75 \7 A 3 0 53 •AK 10 5 4 SOtrlll • Ql f.A~'T •AK4J t.KQJ2 ) 7 6 •J 96 : 10 8 5 •>AKO 1094 • QJ II all stancd when South. radler than Alrtina with a ICMibk bid o( une dWoooa. ekc1ecl lO open with an ofJ-ldlter one no tJUmp. But bltltod in with 1 belanc.in1 double, aod pni.. denc:e ml&hl suue~t tNI South •hould run 10 two dlamonlb. However. our Suuth elected IO pau aod West WIL\ deUllhled to cooven to penalties. Why f.ionh elec~ to lblouble fur m.1:ue with a balano.,~ hand and DOI e~etl 11 fhe-card suit is II ffi)'f>tcty that still has II()( been t'~plainccf And e\-CD 1( South thought it was becauo;c Nooh was happy with the conlnlrCt. thert i! no reason why South should be. The bidding. SOUTH WEST INT '--"-~ ,_ .._ Opcnin¥ lcoo: 7 NOllTII EAST .._ Obi Rdbl """' One nl1~ht t'~pc~·t the lrH·I uf bridgr in tilt' liMh of 1hc Life \lu,.1cr PIUI"> 10 bt' the hl~\I. Ooce m 8 141ulc. ~omethin~ lll.'\.ur~ th.it 4uah- fic, a hand fur one of the wont 111l- 1ime di..u~n-Th1' one •~ u.mong~1 II m1gh1 seem that.. with the ace of heart.\ as .11 side en try to the club~. West midlt have elected to lead a cop dub With that lttld, or indeed with any card other lhan a low cllib °' a diamond. the derendcn would hAve b(cn able lo take the lint 11 tricka for 11 1,400 penalty. IMtcad. declarer won the n .... t trick with the queen of club~ W1d milled off six diamond tricks for 11 <oCon: of plus 760 t..ooking al alt four hands. who would have thought thu1 NOl1h-Sooth were going 10 racl.. up o vulncnible game? ~--'-----9004-BOATREPAIRS/ PUTlftW WORDS TO WORK FOR J ....... '00 S Type 3.0 v6. 3Sk m1, full fact wa11, $1fver/oatrneal Ith<. mnrl CO, memory pk1. beaut like new unm•• ked cond, S23,4~ v#752262 Bkr 949·586· 1888 www.otpobl.<om Jo9uor '97 XJ6 Bt1lo\h r ac111& &• een/tan ilhr CO, labulooo\ ~ond throughout . SI 1.995 v59721 bkr 949 586 1888 www.0<pobl.com LANO ROVlR 2000 Oou:o~er y II 7 teller du1I moonrfs, <ear 1ump 'eats, huted s111 f<1c warr 36.000 mo S21.000 \l'2lHi:DI lltr> 714 22'15161 Ron9e Rover '99 4 .6 ~iSE 48k mo lull tact w arr, blk/blk It hr 18" chr m whl\. superb cond tlvooght $22.99'.i vi 11201 Bh r 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com Ron9• Rover '00 4.0 SE 16k aclual mo, full fact warr, blk/,ar m~I lthr beautiful hko new eond Mu•t ue to l!CIPr-te $28~ ¥017896 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.~l.com Rongo Rover '9S 4.0 SE 80k+m1. bl.l<k/l•n ltht. sup•• b 1 o nd throuihl boo\\s r~< 01 d• SI0,495 v045829 81<1 949 !>86 -ISRR www.ocpalt.,om AUTOMOBILES, MISCaLANEOUS Wanted 9045 AUTOS WANTED IUY...,_, 1V"11 a not Tndls. v.. Psy CilSI. f rtOt T°""'V Wit come In you w/r:asH l'lly Sl<Xl.SW>.SHXX>.SDX> 949-228-$648 BOATS Sailboats 9520 191'6 CAlllU'lll VrT roler lu1 auto poliJt. BtNI dioe!'id rbJard, w COYfJ( "!!'Ill bollom paint recent e1"'"5lve ~ dMn " & out sti(j(X) ~500 3?J) Handyma!V Home R1t1alr Ill ">TOR[ • RC PAIR & RlMOOHINC: SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 * Sllf' AVAIL Ulll1t1es rncl. Balboa Penn Bay Island Cove area, secure, oome owner. 9'19 9Z2 nn ~.Pilot YOU! (949) 642-5678 Best place In the world to advertise! Call todar to place your ad Classified 6'2·5678 "E l '' mp oyee. "Empleado." "A rbeitnehmer." "Employe." Handyman/ Home Repair GtMralC~ , . .,., Carp!!ntry • Plumbm11 Ofywali • Stucco Patnt1n1. T 114! & more 20+ Yur\ hperlencel JI 714-969-$176 Moving & Storage ----- T /, ! ,I• ~H[P Mr 1, tJ , >. .. 1· ;.,-,, I Ol*I 7 Days l.owRatM StortlQO Spoclals Slnc.1981 949-645-4546 Ctwtstlen Handymen Hauling HST MOYIRS $SS/Hr. Se1v1n11 All Cities Insured Ch""t'• ...... ~Pf' Tl63844 323-9971193 CrHIPrk elGuar1nt11d 323 630 9971 cen work free tsl. Ll 375602 714 538 1534 7 J90 2945 Fnhc.i-w. :::r-1o1n. w¥1don'door5.-. ,.... boWI & l*1ll1Q SerW <lltool.ft. FrM tlllmm. c.. John 71~ GF.NF.IAI, IEPAJI l IWNTENANCE ·~*Cannmhl No Job 7bo Small DaYe Bamllton 949-32%·1192 Al.AN THI HANDYMAN "11 wort\ auerantetd ~ OJctrbl, Oocn. Flrlllll !!!,2 tic. 964M81Jj fla Up lpeclefftt. All ~· of reptlu Eltctrl- • ,,.,,,...... doors, --""1ara. 11.. & l'nOf. 2.4/7ct•r•11•·366-1111 w,.. ........ ~..,1P1.c •• .. ...,i IM')Ml-5611 JUNK TO THl OUMPlll 714 968 1882 A.\/NLA8l( TOOAY! 949·67J.5!>66 House Cleaning Hw .. c1-1~•r,'" Wkly/Bl-wkly on hly Refs Great ntn! Imelda 94%4M285 9'9-V1Mm7 Llnctsaplng c.-tral.,..... ~ ~.Oesel.CAatom Qualllv Wortr.IMl"IShlp ,,...,.2--4271 Mllonfy * Jao MASONltY * Any Type, 8111 Prl~ts.. R;= Ok, ~utl~ Wen # Jo.M L4-1·7M3 SELL your stuff through classifledl PUBLIC NOTICE The Calol P11bllc Utllltou Commission requoru that all used household 1ood 1 mnver s p1 int their P U C Cel T number: 111110~ 1nd thaufleurs pr tnt the11 T C.P number In ell odver lll•menh II you hav' 1ny questions about lh& 111elity o f 1 mover. limo or chauffeur. cell. ,UIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSM>tt IOO 177 .. a'7 •l'S CUSTOM PMNTING Prol'I, clean, qua~ty work lnterlot/u t 1nd dock& Ll703468 949-400 1054 llAINIOW CllCU M/llllT P•lntlna-W/tl't. ~>41114 Quehty jobl Fret tstinwte Llll569897 714·636 8888 l.oc • Ol\llflOf> of MSTJINll9trt SEW£~ JEntNQ ELECTRONIC SlA8 LEAK OETECTION friendly S«vlc1 f4t -•1S -fl04 www.~.com • 151491 tnllll'., HOlllST& ..... ••• N*I• Fr• [It! Siii ,_... OCTFCU Dfloc. 714-ZlMl!IO 12 t3 NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. THI STalH'E•I Speclall11n1 In Wellpapr Removal llll588241 949-360·1211 OOlDINWIST rllfCISI J'lUMllHO WINDOW SlllYICI Repair& & Rtrnodtllna Satlsfa,tion Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATE ......, .,..I l._ 71• """".,._ Ll687398 714·9&9·1090 """'"""" """ ... ,,.,.........., Alt,.,." ...... ......... c-w (949)~69 SELL your stuff through classified! ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ji TtRUsAbout YOUR GWGESAlll In CWSIFIED (949) 642-5671 , n OBTAIN SHJOO BUSINESS ADVANTAGE REBATE ANO PROVIDE BUSINF.SS CARD OR BUSll'lfE.415 LICENSE. 1 At This Net Cost (Ill Ill' 1) ,_ miulred. 20e per m.ile cbqe <Mr I 000 miks pt'T ~ur On approved crctl11 ON APPROVf'O 1-M('t" l.£VEI n. I & 2 TIERS Rt-llATI' " SJO(XI + S 1000 BUSIM:.SS ADVANTAGE RELIAll:.. 1 At This Payment (JI0\151 ISH LIST YEAR-END rcquirtd. 20e per mile chiuge over 10.500 miles per )tar On app-o'cd ~Tedit. ON APPROVED FMCC LEVFL 0. l & :? TIERS RE:.llATE • $3000 + S 1000 BlJSl:"'>ESS ADVAl'o'TAGE REBATE 3 At This Payment (J071192. 104739, J09322) dllqe O\'U 10 tntles per ~· 0n appro•cd cttdu ON APPROVED FMCC LEVEL 0. I & 2 TIERS. REBATE • S~ + $1000 BUSINESS ADVANTAUE REBATE. 1 At This Payment 010966) EVENT roOVERso ~~7~!:~ J..~~~F~.~~~•"•"'Y· FuU Po-•, <n Xln• COndHlon . •• • •• ... ,. •• . . . ~i",J'SE ... •'I 0 I 8 •• ~~~!~~ :!;?~~ll~~ull Power, Under Fac tory Wemanty, )Clnt Veh.1e ...................................................................................................................... !.' ................................ 8 ... 9 8 • 8 ~~~~!~~!!~f!!!.'?.~!. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. • ...... . ~~~~~'?rp~~!~~:t~ ~~~!~v~~l!.~.~-·~-~-~ .............................................................................................................................................................................. • t 8 t. 8 0 g~fse'?~~. ~!;'~;!!!':,.~.?,~~Power S.et, Loaded, Llka Mew, Save ...................................................................................................................................................... • t 8 9 8. 8 ~~~~~e~!'~~~n~~,~~,?~v'.~~~ L .. ther, uncter Fectorv werr ........................................................................................................................................................... • i 8 1 a8 8 ~7'8~?2~.P!. !'~o~~r!~-~~ Moon Roof ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ • t 8 t •• 8 ~~~~~~mYF~~!,';:'~.~~~'!.~r'!!t• with Lumber Support ...................................................................................................................................................... • i 7 9 •• 8 =~!~~.«~ .. ~~ u'!!~~~!.~~1 ~"!.£?. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. •• t e. 0 0 ~20~!~.?.2~u~!1~l~~a~!?..~~~n •n•rtalnment Syet ........................................................................................................ , ............................................................ ••. 9 ••• e:11~!~~K~~le~ P~!.'t!.~:J~~:t.~ Chrome Wheal•, Cllmete Control S..t•, Sh•rp ................................................................................................................................. 9 8 •• ~~T~~,~~ ~ !:~0.!: ~~~!!4! !!.:'o>s:. etwonwe. uncotn CMlfted eyr.na,ooo Mtte w.,.,.,,ty ................................................................................... •411 • .• a•