HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-29 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mes a ~ommunity since 1907 MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2003 Dubious disti1lctions 2003 YEAR I N REVIEW The memorable and not so memorable JANUARY ·r hirsty couch potatoes suffered a blow when the Newport Beach City Council said no to a request from Hotties Pizza 10 deliver beer and wine 10 cus1omers with their food. TI1e police deparlmen1 had attached conditions, and the Planning Commission approved Hotties' reques1, but ii wnsn'I enough to convince council members such as Gary Proctor, who said the city shouldn't permit delivery of alcoholic beverages. ln a case In which biting the hand that feeds would have been appropriate, the Orange County Sheriff's Hamor Patrol detained rwo South County men who were suspected oflwing sea lions to their boat with bait and then shootlng at them with pellet guns. An animal control officer and city lifeguard · lieutenant sald they called the harbor patrol after they saw the men through binoculars pointing what looked like a handgun at the animals near the Newport Pier. Authorities detained Thnotby Helgbtkemper, 56, of San Oemeote, and Hal Wtlliams, 67, or Dana PoinL FEBRUARY God said, ·Lei there be light," and the Costa Mesa Planning Commission added, Mlfyou have the proper permits." After residents complained about noise and lighting from l'rlnity Otristian Center's outdoor taping of religious lV progr.un.s, the corno'lission temporarily shut down the outdoor taping while reviewing the center's outdoor activity permiL Neighbors' complaints led the city to decide that the center might need something other than the special events permit ii received In 1996. The city said it began asking the center to apply for a new permit in 2000, but the center waited about twO years 10 do so, claiming that as a religious organization, it didn't need to. Newport Beach City Council members were liberal in their criticism of Councilman Dick Nichols, who surprised them with a suggestion that the speakers in the library's lecture series were slanted 10 the left and should include people more reflective or the community's conservalive views. Nichols aired hjs feelings aboul the "left-wing-leaning" speakers during a meeting at which cou nciJ members were voting whether to release $65.000 for the lecture series, which is paid for by a privale THE YEAR IN REVIEW: PHOTO OF THE YEAR SEAN HILLER / DAILY PILOT Highway Patrol officers try to rescue a man who had ttireatened to take his own life on ttie Costa Mesa Freeway interchange to the southbound San Diego Freeway in March. Both directions of the 405 freeway were shut down. The man fell about 60 feet but survived. For more photos of the year, see P•1• A2.. foundation. Speakers included author Jeremy RiOdn. Pulitzer Priu-wi:nnlns joumallst David Halberstam, former Food and On.lg Ad.m.in.lstratJon Commissioner David Kessler and 1V and radio OewlCOITeftpondentRaySuarez. MARCH Sequlns and tartan plaid don't sound like a winning combination, which could be why drum.mer and singer Ouis Pierce's ·mvis lcil1~ didn't win the sexiest kill contest held by Muldoon's Dublin Pub and C.ettic Bar in Newport Beach. The competition was stiff, as 16 men sang lri.sh songs, danced JI.gs and even tol d jokes to 1aJce home a gold trophy. but the tie-breaker seemed to be when Mark Patrick Henn~y 0Mhed judges h is green St. Patrick's Day underwear. After winning the trophy and a gift certificate for Tummy Bahama's clothing s1ore, Hennessy joked, "My one rcgre1 is that I have to come back m'itl year." APRIL Perhaps ange r managemenl classes would have been in ordl'r for some unidentified vandal!> who Costa Mesa police said were responsible for nine incidents in which windows of cars and homes wt;re broken. In some cases. 1he vandals threw objects at windows. and in others. they used a basebaU bat or a peUet or BB gun, police said. TI1e incidents occurred at dilTerenl times of day in various partl> or town. I A runaway boat wnl> the calch of the day for a Fullerto n schoolteacher who was fishing while floa1lng in a rubber tube near the Balboa Peninsula. Larry Allen. the fisherman. was noa1ing peacefully when he heard cries for help coming from Cole Lane, who wa'I trying 10 puJJ a dinghy up next 10 hi'i sailboat when he lost his INSIDE/OUT Money flowing to water testing Work on areas such as Buck Gully and the Delhi Channel will expand with funds from a state bond. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot State fund!> from Pruposi1ion 13 will p.ty ror an expansion or Orange County Coastl<ceper'!> c11izcn walt'r-rnonitoring pro- gram 1ha1 will .,,art in February. CuastKecpl'r project manager Ray I licmstra said. Propoi.ition 13 is a $2-billion bond for water-quality improve- menl approved by California volers in 2000. ·me first round of funding is now bet:oming avail- able, and Coas1Keeper will get S 180,000, Hlemstrd said. The coastal protection organi- 1.ation began ill> dti7,en moniror- ing in January 200 I with money from the federal Environmen1al Protection Agency. and the pro- gram has been a big succes.s, he said. Vollmleers are lrained 10 measure the Pl I level, conduc- tivity, temperature and other as- pcc1s of water quality in seven 'itreams in three counties. "We have a core of regular people that come out, and some of them have been dolng It for the enlire project. -he said. n1e new funds will aJJow CoastKccper to add at leas1 14 monitoring site!> in northern Orange County, including Buck Guity and the Delhi 01annel, a.~ well as t.rajning new volunleer monllors and offering outreach programs. The added siles will be monilored for rwo years. An annual report with re!>u.hs from the original monitoring program i'i due soon, I liernstra said. Daia from citizen wa1er-moni- 1oring is used by groups such as the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board that need the lnformallon but would have lo spend a lol lo gather ii 1Jiem· selves, he added. Through citizen monitoring. officiaJs have learned that some area~ have bac1eria problems. while others have belier levels or sallnity and conductivity than expected, I liemstrn said. The equipment for the water tests is simple 10 use, said volun- teer waler monitor Nicole Riley or Dana Puinl. rtiJey has been spending about 1wo to three hours H month tl'sting water for C.oal>IKcept'1 fo1 the pasl year. "R<L"irnlly. you taJc1• a sample of the Wdtl'r, ,md you compare it w11h a hunrh of d11Teren1 ma- ch111e,, • c;ht' .,aid. For lhf' new phase or testing. volunleers art' learning to d o "biological assessmenl.~ which lnvolves counting the living or- See WATER. Paa• A3 Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~can Breakdown on the road to Mars WEATHER ~ Loolca like r'91n. S.hpA3 SPORTS Fonner Oregon ~Oenny01Nell, from Corona del M•r, wtll be lnduct9d Into the ROH Bowt H•H of Feme. ... ,...A5 I hadn't seen my old buddy Mark Morton ln awhile. eo I decided one day to drive out to b.ls apartment In Norwalk and take him to• party I'd been invited to. Thia would give us a dlance to pt ca'Cht up. Among ID my f.rtendl from bade home. Malt hM Md the worst tuck In life. When I ftnt 1D1t hlm. be was IMog whh .. mMher, pndmodw and older sister, Btenda, In a small hollM a few blocb frorn mine. His mother wodted 12 hours a day Jn a candy factory, and her~ JOd her mother's Social Security bpltttie family aOoat for a few yean.. Then Mut.'1 grandmother died. Her Job more fmporta{lt than ever. Mark's mother put Brenda ln charge of talcing care of him wbile she was away. Made was a hyperactive, ml5chlef·prone alxth·grader, and after a couple of months of dealing wtth this, flrend• threw up her hands and a~ s~ndlng all of her time al her boyfriend's howse. This was right around the dme Mark dropped out of school Those brtef yean when he was home alone all day were a boon for the rest of his friends. Whenever the mood came upon us to ditch school. we'd go hang out at Mark's, where the cartoons were always blasting and the candy from his mother's factory ftowed. He and I became great friends during this time. We were both big dreamers. and would talk for hours about our plans for the future. I'd tell him about how I would one day be the greatest writer who ever Uved -that or a rode star. Marlt would tell me how he would one day be either the kung fu champion of the wortd or the nm astronaut to dlscover life on Mare. Nothing aeemed fmpouible. The futwe wu a wkle·open road, and even though we were taking our educadon for granted we lcnew - we knew -that someday we would rise to greatness. Then Marks mother dJe<L It was one of those Ughmtng..qulck canc::er horror stories with which Wfl/re all famOllu. She was diagnosed with atomach tumors one day, and cwo months later was dead. Marie almost never poke of his mother after that. Suddenly~ It was as If this woman who had been the central figure In his Ute had never existed. Thia puuled me to no ~nd at the time • f A2. Monday, December 29, 2003 OalyPiot I 2003 The newsmakers YE AR IN REV IE w· The Daily Pilot's photo staff selects the best from the year in pictures STEVE McCAANK I DAILY PILOT The body of Marine Lance Cpl. Jose Garibay arrives for burial ceremonies in April at Riverside National Cemetery. His mother, Simona Garibay, follows. Jose Garibay was killed in March in an ambush in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Aaron Wintterle hugs his grandmother, Costa Mesa resident Vir Jean Olsen, as family and friends wait their tum after he returned from Iraq in April. At 19th Street and Newport Boulevard, Robert Kerr, left, andGeorge Hytkema, right, hold signs to express their opposite feelings about the war that has just started with Iraq. DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT KENT m£PTOW I OM.Y PILOT S~McetW«/OM.YPl..OT • Jaime Vega of Orange protests a Newport Beach cooocilman's comment about "Mexicans• on the grassy areas above Corona def Mar State Beach. • DON LEACH I Dft.Y Pl.OT Costa Mesa firefighters rescue a two-foot monitor Izard inside an aquarkln from a moble hon)lin Hoosier Trailer Court In Auaust. The mobile.home's occupant suffered bums to her feet and legs, and the giant pet Izard aid a snake mo in the aquarUn swvNed the ftames. • . . .. • BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Woman arrested after standoff, search A woman was arrested on SUnday after a standoff' and a search conduct~ with the as~ sistance of the Orange C.Ounty Harl>or Patrol. police said. Newport Beach police arrested Erlb. Amey, 19, from Whittier on suspicion or attempted assault ~fter a Newpon BeaCh police of- ficer was almost run over. The pursuit began at 7:-45 am. after neighbors observed a fe- male in the 1500 blodc of C.Om - wall Lane removing packages from a house. ·we dispatched officers up there, and they saw her sitting in a vehicle which rurned out to be a stolen vehicle from Anaheim.· INSIDE Continued from Al because I knew Mark had worshipped his mother, wouJd ny at anyone with clenched lists if he so much as suspected her name was being disparaged. I've since come to understand that there are some heartbreaks ~o profound we fin d ourselves unable to deal with them. Instead, we lock our grief in a box and bury it deep within us. where it fester.) and slowly poisons us over time. Mark and his sister tried to stay together in the old house for awhile afterward, bu1 soon Arend.a moved in with her boyfriend. Mark took a job a1 a pin.a parlor and found a small apartment in Norwalk. The hit.s kept coming and coming at him, though 1hese new troubles were less the result of bad luck than bad personal choices. Looking back. it seems what happened next was an inevitability. Mark met a girl one Friday night, and nine monlhs la1er was a father at 17. It was <lbout this time that he started to drink heavily, and thats where his troubles really began. It seemed Mark couldn't get out of bed in the morning without stepping into trouble. I'd gel a phone call that he'd been arrested on a DUI. Or that he had broken his arm in a bar fight. Or bad been arre5ted for drunk and disorderly conduct. The more I heard about his behavior, the less I would go out of my way to see him. ·Dude!" Mark greeted me at the door when I showed up to taJce him to the party. The sight of him was something of a shock 10 me. It had been about six months since we'd last gotten 1ogcther, and over that time he'd put on a beer beUy and his facial features had become puffy and rt.'CI. But it was good to see him. We talked and laughed about old times. and got caught up on the present. Mark told me Lhlngs WATER Continued from Al ganisms in water samples, she said. Riley got involved with lhe program when 11he moved to Orange County from San Diego. She enjoys the work because the people are fun and because she gets to help the environ· rnent. she saip. "I have the potential to stop something that couJd be very di· sastrous." she said. Anyone interested in becom- ing a volunteer water monitor can call Orange County C.Oa.sl- Kccper at (949)723-5424. • AUCtA R08fNSON covers business. politics and the orivironment. She may be re&ctled at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at alic/a.robinson /st/mes.com. Monday, December 29. 2003 A3 PU1'LIC SAFETY said Sgt. Rob Morton of tho New- port Beadl Polee Oepartmenl MM aftloers rnade contact with AmeY. she aped o«, almost hit1ing ,an ofDoer, Morton said. Police pursued her vehicle for only a rew blocks. to the end or Mariners Drive. where it collided wtth another vehicle. he said. Amey entered a house by an unlocked door on the second Ooor, banicaded herself in a bed.room, and ~tened to shoot herself with a g\Ul. Monon said. Four adults were In the house at the time but were un- aware that someone had entered until police notified them, Mor· ton Said. None of the residents were injured, he said. The su spect jumped from a balcony and fled, Morton said. 1Wo Harbor Patrol officers on a fireboat found the suspect in the area of 1600 Galaxy Drive and alerted Newp-011 Beach po- were going well for him -he'd gotten a great new job and that he had a beautiful new girlfriend. ~Dude! And she drives a Fieror he e.xdaimed. We left for the party in my car -no way was I going to be at Mark's mercy should he get drunk.. We'd been driving awhile and were passing Rose Hills Memorial Parle when Mark said, very softly, "That's where my molher is." I looked over at him. "lleally1 She's buried here?" I ~plied. ·I didn't know that. When was the last time you visited her?~ "No! since the ru neral," he said. · "Let's go see her. 1he n." l -.aid, puJJfog off the freeway. So we parked and got out of lhe car. All around us were rolling green hills filled with headstones and plaque:.. 1 :.u~ested we dnve to the office 10 find out where she was buried. "Yeah -wait, no. She's uwr here." Mark sa.id. So we hiked over a small hill, then Mark turned left and we crossed over another hill. SuddenJy he stopped in his tracks, and there. at our feet, was his motJ1er's gnive. We stood there a long time. Mark's eyes were fiUed with tension, the way he would look sometimes when trouble was closing in on him. He crouched dowfl and started pluclcing away weeds that had grown around the edges of the headstone. l • though! to myself that he might flnaUy speak of his mother then. might say something about the pain or lo:.ing her. But insieud. he ju:.t :.lood up and brushed the dirt from his knees. ·1 low did you lcnow where the grave was, Marie?" 1 asked him. "You said you hadn't been herf' Uce, Harbor Patrol Ginther said. Sgi Dave yard. Police headed to the area. and Amey was cap~d In a back- POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Alt>Ot StrMt: Ari open container in a public partt waa reported In the 900 block al 2:16 p.m. Saturday . • H..tJor &ou-.rd: A false alarm waa 11tf?Orted In the 190<> block at 12:06 a.m. Saturday. • Nwlport Boulevard: Under the influence of a substance was reported In the 2500 block at 12:06 a.m. Sunday. • South Coest Dttw: A burglary was reported In the 900 block al 10:38 p.m. Saturday. • 23 StrNt and Sant.a Anti Aw.nu.: A DUI was reported at 12:50 a.m. Saturday. •Coste M..a ffMwllV and East since tlte funeral ... Mark was silent for a long while. Then he reached up and tapped his chest with his right hand. "I could feel her touching my heart,· he said, and nothing more. And we left. That was 20 years ago. I stiJJ get ne"VS about Matt from time to time. I'll hear that he was arrested on yet another DUI. ·n 1a1 he was on the run from some very bad men. That he'd been picked up for assault and battery. I decided years ago not Arney also has outstanding wammts, he said. -Luis PefliJ a... StrNt: Selling tldcets withoU1 a city permit was reported at 3:65 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • Bedl Bay °""'9: Reddesa driving was reported in the 1100 block at 11:52 p.'m. Saturday. ~West 8atboa BouleYard: Animal noise was reported in the 1100 block at 12;31 p.m. Sunday. •West Cout Highw.y: A physical fight was reposted in the 4600 blodc at 1 :37 a.m. Sunday. • Newport Boulewrd and Wnt Cout Hlghw.y: A drunk driver was reported at 11:28 a.m . Sunday. • OuMI StrNt: A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 1700 block at 1: 10 a.m. Sunday. to visit him anymore. It just wasn't worth the risk. But still I think of those days when we'd hang out for hours at his place, watching cartoons and eating candy. We'd talk about the future, that open road that could take us anywhere -would talce us anywhere. It would take us to the heights of fame, to fonunc. It would rake us all the way to Mars. • DAVID SILVA is 8 nmes Community News editor. Reach him at (909) 484-7019, or by e-mail at dav1d.s1lvaC!Platimes.com. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Montlay t!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steak.s • Seafood • Cocktails • • • Qua1i ry Setvice • • • •••Nighdy Eottttainmcru••• I 111 N1•1t,., 1•11110 11, t ,di ('>4'>> (,4,,_ ""9·H th')~ I 1 'i1u· A\, ( ""'' ''' '·' 11,.,. .. , •• ,.., •• ..J ''•" \.I•,, .. ,.' "'' • ''~•, .... •' a ~ ·''"' < •• ; I • Id R. I I I • C'\C'\ f 1 ' A • • • • t I t A ~ t.t 0 r111 f~ ,.., V 1 & 1 t.> ,.... SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST From partly cloudy, the day will get cloudier toward evening, when there will be a 40% d'lance of rain. The winds will get stronger: from light in the morning to southeast from 10 to 20 mph after midnight. The highs will be from 61 to 66; the lows, from 41 to 48. hiformation: www nws.noaa.gov BOATING FORECAST It's looking like storms on the sea. The inner waters will s tart with southeast winds at 10 knots and waves at 2 feet or smaller on a west swell from 3 to 5 feet. At night, south winds will eventually be from 20 to 30 knots, plus 35-knot gusts. The waves will become 3 feet on a west swell of 5 to 7 feet. Farther out. tho day will begin with south winds from 10 lo 20 knots; they'll be from 15 to 25 knots in the afternoon The waves will be 3 feet on a northwest swell from 7 to 9 feet. h should already be raining by the afternoon. At night, a gale warning will be in effect: The south winds will be from 25 to 35 knots with 40-knot gusts. The waves will be from 2 to 4 feet on a northwest swell from 8 to 10 feet. Expect thunderstorms. SURF The surf will be mostly waist-high today. Water qu•lity: www.surfrider.org TIDES Time 2:54a.m. 8:31 a.m. 1:48p.m. 8:39p.m. Height 4.27 feet high 2.53 feet low 3.91 feet high 0.76 feet low WATER TEMPERATURE 57 degrees Pine Dining, Fille Course Holiday Menu Musir & Dancing /.'Pa t 11ri11r1 Classic to Current hits with DJ HxtraordinairP (;/en flocitiguez Midnight "Kor ber Uwmpagn,, Toasts $75 p rr person •/ rt'f11d1·, 11/1'11//I•/ /Ill 11111/ IJtllrtull/ To Make Your New Year's Reservations Call 949.673.4633 l.ocllkd in thr Historic Balboa Pavilion on Newport Harhor 400 Main Srreet Balboa Vi llage Conventional wisdom says to fully fund your 401(k) before contributing to an IRA. But for many people, the Ro th IRA otters tax-advantaged opportunities to achieve long-term financial goals that no 401 (k) plan can match So before you fund your 401 (k) this year. ca ll Sm ith Barney for our free special report on the important advantages of the Roth IRA. •You can withdraw Roth IRA contributions at any time and the earnings after f111e years, and age 59~ totally free o f income tax or penalty •The Roth IRA otters unique opportunities to h elp fund a first-home purchase o r college educat ion •You can pass on all your Roth IRA money to your spouse or children without any income ta1< • Unlike regular IRAs. your investments keep growing with no minimum age for distribution Call for your free copy of HHow the Roth IRA Really Works. H (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THIS IS WHO WE ARE. THIS IS HOW WE EARN IT.· 660 Newport Center Drive, Su ite 1100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 SMITH BARNEY c1t1qrouP'f' V1'11th fldlrlf.'Y ~ flOI offt1 td• or k'Qal advl(t PledsP consul! your tax/leQal .idv1\or for )UCh guidance A polKy chanqe mdy 1ncu1 IPe<. dllr1 com and may alw 1eq1J11e a med1car ea.tm1na11Qn 01001 C ilMJIOUP Global M"llets lnc Mtmbe! \!Pt Smith Bainey is a d1v1\IQO and '>ef\llte md1~ of C1t1<yoo11 Glob.ll M.wkeh Int dfld •I~ aff1l1dtr\ .:lf1d IS ~ed ..ld '*"red throughout the WOild ClllGROU!' dlld lhl' UmbrellA ()fv1Ce are 11.idernarh and ..eivKe m.i1h or (•l•<OIP or 11s ~tfihall!i and are ll$ed alld rtQ1\ttred 1h1ou9hoot th!' W011d M ~. ~ 29. 2003 DISTINCTIONS ContnJed from Al bcalance llnd fell ln the wa1er. 1be 14.Uboat'a roocor was running, propelling lt lnLo the tern jetty, wbett II era.shed on tbe mc:b. Allen paddled tu. tube aver co the dlfl3hy and rcacucd Lane from che water. MAY lnar.e.d or the pany lhey advertised. members of the Sigma Pi fraternity Bl UQ found lhemselve the subjec1 of a protest over Oiers some considered racist About 40 students proleSted the fraternity. whose Olers for a Onco de Mayo pany read "Drinko for Cinco" and showed a caricature of a Mcx.lca11 man holding two pistols and wearing a sombrero bearing the Sigma Pi logo. One t l11cano student organizat.ion sald 1he nlers and T-shirts lhe fra1emlry was offering perpetuated negative s1ereotype<i. 'Ole fmtemity n.~ponded that It bad employed "bad judgment" and would try to rccllfy rht• :.irualion. 1111: Newpon Beach Ci~ Coundl wasn't stooping to 1ww luws In 1V vi<.'Wing when it voled lo buy u van equipped with l·ameras to rnooitor sewer lines. 11le $127,000 camcm van replaced the city'l> ex:isting IO·ycar-old sysrcm of cameras llml watch for sewage lealc.-, City ~taff said lhe new lOmputer·hased system wtluld .,.,vc the cily money by t'limina1111g several ctlntmru .111achl!d 10 the old camera 11ctwork. JUNE Erstwhile basketball star and professional black sheep Dennis llodman was reponedly pitching .i reality how starring himself running for a local elected office. According to New York Magazim• t olumnlst Marc Malkin. llodman's idea wa~ to move out of his Wcsl Nt'W)lort home lnlu ;i "more conservalivt>" area ur Orange County and rry to wtn fiiends and Influence vnll'l'll there. If 1hey wt!rc11'1 l>usy holding 1heir noSt-'!>, Balboa Village rt·~idents likely applaude<l .i Nt·wpotl lkJeh Ch) Cm1111 ii pla11 10 trup 1m·1h..int g..ii. 11111.JcrgruwlJ ..111d \ cnt it ontu rhc sky through ,1 0d~)>Olt .it tltt• cud of Washington Streer hy the hoardwalk. The inkrM:ctiun or Wa.<.hl11gtu11 Strcc1 dnd Bay Avonue ha.' appun:ntly !>mt·lled bdd for yeurs becJUSC Of wh.11 officials think is organic matwr rotting und1:rgrou11d. Councilman 1bd Ridgeway hor~ to speed in!>tallation or llt<• $200.000 venting system. which already hd.'5 been uSt'd with succcs.' on Balboa M.md. JULY lr wns an unfortunate double whammy two days after the Orange County Pair opened last summer. lwo women were i11jurcd on two separate rides - thl' Adrenaline Drop and the Booster -within hours on the firsr Sunday after the fair opened. Aidyi Sofia-Gom.alez. a La Cnnada-Hintridge resident. left the hospital on crutchtll> one day after the Adrenaline Drop'I n~ts failed to bruk her frttfaU. On th.ta a1tl9Clion. ridt'ra fall frool a trapdoor 110 foet ln the ah:. w1tctbettd by bung~ 001<.b or bamesaes. The seconcJ ln.cldcmt hoppe.ned on 014: Booster ride about seven boWI afltt t1Mt one on lhe AdmWine Drop when a S·lnch met:U pin came loose and struck 23-year-oJd St.cy 1bmadc on 1.he face. Tumack underwent surgery. her mother said. Fair offidals decided to close dowo and ship out the Adrenaline Orop. but the '~ter cortttnued to operate and l.<J cxpec1ed 10 return nel(t year The &an of a rop·ranldng Bntish official had to pay a steep price for stalking a woman who spurn<.'<.! his advances and then Utreatcnlng her boyfriend and dousing lhe boyfriend 's car with acid. Alastair Irvine. the 26·year-old son of Grear Britain's funner l.ord (hancellor Alexander Derry Irvine. was not only dcpor1ed after he pleaded guilty to committing 1he crimes. but was also ordered by a judge to pay S 1.2 mUlion to the woman's boyf ricnd. Karel Taska. l'aska and Im attorney will have to meander their way through the British legal system to actually get cJ-1elr hands on the money. But one way or the olher, Irvine's attorney, James Hlddet, said, lw didn't think his client would wam to come back to lhc United States ever again. lwin' usually do stick together. Bui who knew they'd Mick together in jail 100? Costa Mesa women Stephanie and Stacie Hrown were arresred 011 ~uspidun of cluld endangerment afte1 one of their r htldren was found wandering the stn·ct and another's child wru. found sipping alcohol from a chiJd\ cup. One of the sisters was p~ed our dmnk on the sidewalk and anolher wru. walldng toward her when poliee arrested lhe twins. Its hard 10 .. ay if M>mcone will ever lee go of a brrudge. Newport Beach resid1:111 James "Uun.'' Person found out the i.cary way. Mo~ than 10 yl'ar:. afrer Person had twlped police arr1:st Francl' Delaney. I hen-owner of I >elaney's Seafood H.estauran1 in Cannery VtJJage. 011 bribery charge!>, l'erson received a menanng leuer threatening 10 lt'dW'hi111 'l1.u1dC"d in the Padf11 ( kt'.U I Ot'l\H l'll l .1talilld and 141.gUllll fl&Lh n1e letter Wd It was from 1Ju~ Multi boy:.· who "go11ogether recently al the Uluew,1lt'r Grill • It alw '\lated that 1lwy Wt'rt' ROlng to do thb for tlwir Mold rnend Fran [ )elane) rJt-J,1nl'y 'kUd he had no idea who wrote the letter. Police arc invcsligating lhe lhreat. AUGUST How many beagles are lucky t•nough to celebrnte their birtliday with a doggy luau? Not many.,But Beasley the beagle, who lives In Nt.>wport Beach wilh his owners Nancy and Dick Hoagland, had that luau at the Bayside Village clubhouse. Heasley was celebrating his seventh birthday with I :J or his friends and their owners. II W-.!b u fun time for Ht<.' pooches becaust' the occasion offered a rare opportunity to nm around and play on the beach. The flLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT Nicholas Jordan sings about an Irishman who discovered America in the tie breaker for the Sexiest Krlt Competition in March. commw1ity managemen1 makes lha l l!Xception only for dogs' birthdays. II started out as a shoplift.Ing ' incident at lhe Kniart on I larbor Boulevard. But then it turned inro something far more serious -a robbery. And apparently, it wa'i all over four pairs or jeans. TI1e shoplifl er allegedly ran out the door with the clothing with the store manager hehind him. The manager g<dbbcd the man, but the fleeing thief didn't give up. The two wrestled over the jeans, and the shoplifter ended up winning Lhat rug of war. He reportedly got away and wa' 1101 found. SEPTEMBER cn1ey may have hel'n renowned philanthropi~1' 111 Ow Newport-Mesa area. l>ut accordinK to prosecutors who tiled the biggesl Lax ·evasion caw evt:r in l.OUnty and 'IJle hi .. rory ~aini.t Hidldrd .mtl Jull•m· Engel. thP couple did 11111 rf'port tllOIC lh...111$10011111111111 111 income aml failed to pay thc state about S 11 million in income laxes berween l 99U and 2001. Disr. Atty. Tony Raclcauckru; sald the couple wa-. Living lavishly In Newport Beach. Dying on a Lear jet, driving beautiful cars and charging pcrsonaJ luxury hems. such as jewelry. to Engel's Costa Mesa company Powerphlnt Maintenance Specialist Inc. If convicted, they could each get up to 16 years and ei~h1 months 111 ... 1a1e prison. The Orange County d h.trlrr attorney was forced to drop child molestation charges agalnst 42-year-old Cary Smith, an admltted pedophile who hac; been locked up for four years in a state psychiatric hospital, officials said. Smith was put In the hospital after writing a letter fantasi7.lng about a Costa Mesa boy. F.a.dier lhls year, the dJstrict attorney had ch0.Jlted Smith with perfonning lewd acls on another Costa Mesa child between September 1996 fOd March 1997. But nn Urange County Superior Coun jutlKl' on !\lei.day dismi~cd all 30 counts against Smith beuiuse the vict.im was 14, not 13, when the alleged crimes happened. which caused lhe stal\Jte of limitations to run out. I le was placed In a hospital for morl' than two weeks for psychiatric evalualion and was then sent back. to lhe state psych1a1ric hospital in Panon. OCTOBER f'cople might complain about the proliferation cf tip jars, but some folks arc taking their protest too far. Oh Those Doughnuts on Newport Boulev-&d In Costa Mesa reported that thieves were stealing grntuit.ies from a large glass jar on their counrer, leavinK owner Sieve Metro to wonder how lo stop the 'ipree One worker chased after a thief who had grabbed the whole jar. nw !>uspecl gave it back, but n ot after giving her a piece of his mind. Melio gul new. digital i.urveillance cJ111cra.' and posted a picture or thr rnlpril i:aught in the act in tu11 :.tore. /\ -.hoppinK·cart l>Weep netted 7'10 rugue trolleys on lhe streets of< ;osta Mesa. The cart corral followed a law passed by the City Louncil in June designed 10 cur down on shopping car1 theft and abandonment. The law calls for $150 fines for each can lhe city collects from a store, after lhe fifth in any 12·month period. Costa Mesa hired Hernandez Can Retrieval Services -at $48.000 a year -to search lhe streets eight hours a day. seven days a week and wrangle runaway carts. A 41 ·year-old Newp<>rt Beach resident went to jail accused of conspiracy to defraud and grand lheft and went back to jail charged wilh three bonus felonJes after a ootched escape .1ttempt. Marie Thomas Georgantas broke out of Musick. Jail in lrvtne with another inmate while he awaJted trial on the original charges. Gcorgantas called a female friend to come pick him up nearby, but neglected to inform her he'd just escaped from jail. When she DailyAPilOt VOL 97, NO. 363 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publien.t TONYDOOtAO EcliU>r JUt1't onl1NO Advefttti~~' ~~~r NEWIB'lN' o.....~ Crime tnd couna ~. IM)PM229 ~.blwrlfll.l«l,,...oom JUMC 1•1de N9wpolt Beed\ f9C)(HW. IMl 574-4232 /UM.~fl~com o.lrdli8 ........ Costa MtN ~. (9"'157~1 dttlttlre.nllWfNnll~ MlflleO'tW ~ 19POfW, (Mil PM29I ~onell•l«fnw.oom , Fll.EPHOTO/OAll..YPILOT The facade of Trinity BrOadcast Network glimmers aftwi~g_ht. showed up, he pushed !"\er out of aD~ Stole a $140 cashme~ the car and drove off. Police ~from Bloorningdale's In arrested.him in Lo Angeles after Fashion Island and got a free a pursuJ& through three cities. pair of bracelets to match. Governor· to-be Arnold Schwanenegger went all terminator on a Bukk. d ropping a wrecking ball on it to display hls feelings about the hiked vehJcle license fees.. In case there was any question, the car had "Davis Car Tux" spray-painted on It. "Gray Davis has tenninated jobs, tenninated business. terminated hope and terminated opportunity." Schwarzenegger said. "Now it's time to terminate Gray Davis." The smashing display took place at a political rally at the Orange CoWlty Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa shortly before he won the election. NOVEMBER Where's the Pied Piper when you need him? Students at Corona del Mar High School smelled a rat -actually, a lot of rats -after a Daily Pilot srory about parents' protes1 of conditions in a special education classroom at the school. The parents expressed concern about rat droppings found in tl1e room, but had more of a problem wiLh the shortage of teacher's aides for lheir children. But lhe rats, which have reportedly been a problem at lhe Back Bay-adjacent school for years. became the stars. what witJ1 visils from tl1e lV crews and all. Newport·Mesa Unified School District officials stepped up lheir cxrermination efTortS, but admitted that lhcy'd probably never be ahle to entirely rid ritzy Corona <lei Mar I rum the pesky pesrs. Believe it or not. that t;ucci purse you bought for 20 buclcs at the swap meet might nor be real. A Westminster couple pleaded not guJlty to charges of selling counterfeit designer handbags at Costa Mesa's Orange Coun ty Marketp lace. Investigators reportedly found more than 2.000 faux Louis V11i11on. fake Kate Spade and nada Prada hags at the couple's home. lf Ulc purses were real, they would have been worth a cool million. lronlcally. that was exactly the amount or their bail. 1Wo homeless men got into a drunken brawl over a copy of Maxim magazine. landing one in jail and lhe olher in the hospital The men. both In their lhirtJes. got into an argument over the "lad" magarine, which features photos of scantily clad women and articles Uk:e "How to: Cure a Femlnlst• and ·The Bachelor Party Bible: The fight escalated, and one or the men beat and ldcked the other, then left lhe scene. Paramedics took the injured man to the hospital with "major facial and head trauma." and police arrested the alleged instigator, who faced an allempted murder charge. A 36-year-old mas.'lage therapist from Laguna Niguel Aldli AoblNof\ Politics, buslnea end environment reporter, {949) 764-4330 allcie.roblntlOflltlMln'IM.com U.Me ~ 8Mlmnt, 1949) 674-oQ98 lu/$.ponafllatlme&com PHOTOORAPHERS Mllft C. Dustin, Don t.eecn, Kent Treptow AEAO£AS H<7TlJN( (949) 642.eoe& Record your commenta about tho Deity Piiot or news tlJ>9. ~ Our llddl'MI II 330 W. 8-y St., Cot'UI Me11, CA 92627. Office hourt 11rt Monday -~. 8:30 1.m. • 5 p.m. Con a nh n. II It thl Pllot'a policy to promptly corf9d ell•~ of aut>tta~. PIMM call (Q.QI i'&M314, FVI The Newpoft ee.cM:otte ~ :== (USPS-t.W.800) le dllly, In~ llMd'I tnd COit.i MM., tublcflpdc)t 11 .,. tvll..,.. only by 1Ublctibl"810 The TlrMe Orenot County (800) 252 ... t4t In .,... outatde ot Newport~ end Ooltl ....... eublctf Ptlont to the Otity "lot .,.. ...,.....,.. only by flrlt ct.. l'Nfl fot S30 per month. (PrlcM Include en IPl)flctblt ttMe end ioc.1 taic11.) Actually, the bracelets were handcuffs slapped on her after a store security officer tried to stop her as she left the store. The officer got one cuff on the woman before she fought him off and fled. Local newspapers and 1V stations showed surveillance video of the woman stuffing lhe pink scarf in a bag. Newport Beach police arrested her at her home when people recognized her from the tape. Officers found lhe handcuffs and a newspaper article about her escapade. DECEMBER Newport Beach resident Dennis Rodman, a seven -time NBA rebounding champion, announced that he had signed with the American Basketball As.5n.'s Long Beach Jam. 1his was after he had checked into alcohol rehab in November to get ready for his big comeback. An(i after a DUI for crclShing a borrowed motorcycle outside a Las Wgas strip club In October. And after falling down drunk on a dodt outside the Cannery restaurant when he got off his speedboat, Sexual Oiocolate. in September. And after various and sundry encounters with lhe law, many for throwing loud panics at his home, since he moved ·to West Newport about eight years ago. Members of the Back Bay Equestrians hoped to Mwork wilh the city and educate lhem on the benefits 10 horse manure" after sihms went up in Sanla Ana Heighrs warning horse enthusiasts tn clean up afler 1heir animab. The signs, wanung of$ IOOlmcs for failure to piclc up waste, came after Newporr Beach annexed the area. 111aking its waleMtualily mks lhP law there, too. Back Bay fa.1ue:.1ria1111 member Jdyne Jones argued lhat horse manure does 11ul l<111 y lht' same heallh risks oll> otlwr .inirnal waste. but city official-. said it still contains putc111ially hdrmful bacteria. The cit y supplied 1rash cans and shovcli. for lht: riders so lhey w1111'1 havt• 111 bring along their own plastic hags. Newport Reach officials i:xtendt.'tl 1he deadline for Dover Drive resident Elmer Thomassen to d ean \Jp his Dover Drive property after he notified them he was in Nevada for medical treatment. TI1e city ordered the cleanup after a slew or complaints from neighbors, some dating l>ack to 1961. The hoUS(' has tin:s on the roof. chairs litterin8 the lawn. and doors formln~ a makeshift fence. At a November meeting with city officials and residents, TI1ornussen practically took contiol, demanding to know the occupations and qualifications of those with complaints. Thomassen sald health problems have kept him from cleaning up his property for the past 42 years. POSTMASTER: Sond address changea 10 The Newport 8eadl/Coata Mesa Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Coste Mesa. CA 92626. Copyright: No r-. atoriea. lllu1t111tlon1, edltorlol matter or odverti1ement1 herein can be reproduced without written permlulon of copyright owner C>2003 Tlmee CN. All rlgMt ~ QUOTE OF THE DAY "{Surfing} gives me a s~rue of who I am, even though that's not who I am." DMll F'lltchlr. senior surfer ~ Ecllor Rldwd Dunn: (94915744223 • Spor1a fax; (9491650-0170 ACADEMY LEAGUE CHAMPIONS DOUGLAS ZIMME.RMAN /OAILY PILOT The Sage Hill School boys cross country team blazed a trail by earning the program's first league championship last fall. Front row, from left, junior Tristan Cordier, senior Chris Chiboucas, Coach Nate Miller and sophomore Zach Chandy. Back row, from left, sophomore David Packard. senior Matt Sanford, sophomore Tim Lefler and junior Mike Voge. COLLEGE FOOTBALL O'Neil relive s Rose Bowl magic Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot A passer turned pastor, Danny O'Neil will get to relive a day of glory when he steps orito the field at halftime of this season's Rose Bowl between USC against Michigan. The former Corona del Mar l Ugh and Mater Oei quarterback. who led the Oregon Ducks to the 1995 Rose Bowl, set five records in earning Co-Player of the Game laurels along with Penn State running back. KHana Carter in a 38-20 Ninany Lions' victory tha1 day in Pasadena. Penn Slate shared the national championshJp that year with Nebraska. O'Neil wiU be recognized in a ceremony at halftime. "It's the 6.rst thing I've been inducted into," O'NeiJ said from his home in Eugene. Ore .• where he is the pastor at Calvary FeUowshlp, a church he started when he moved baclc. there in 2000. Upon graduating from Oregon in 1995. game was tied, 14-14, late in the lhird quarter until Carter scored two of his three touchdowns to break open the contest. O'NeiJ threw for two touchdowns and two interceptions but set Rose Bowl records for completions (41 ), attempt'> (61}, yards (456}, plays 0(74) and total offense (456 yards). "We had two drives a t the end of the first half to try to tie the score." O'Neil recalled. "We were dowra at the 8-yard line and time ran out. The frdll1C is always on my mind, but you don't take the game in until many years later. M O'Neil must juggle his full-time ministry with a family, which will soon add an other member. CX!'Ml and wife Kim are expecting their first cniJd -a girl -in Marth. He is very active in Eugene, leading the Oregon football and wrestling teams -to name a rew -in prayer sessions before competition. "I'm giving back to the athletes and becoming a part of their Uves," O'Neil said. O'Neil spent four years as a pastor at CalV'ary Olapel in Costa Mesa. The fanfare surrounding the Rose Bowl is something O'Neil didn't get caught up in I~ up to the clash with Penn Slate. Former Oregon QB Danny O'Neil will gain induction into the Rose Bow1 Hall of Fame. His parents, Bonnie and Dan. stW Uve in Newport Beach, not far from CdM. where O'Neil began his rise to sports stardom. O'Neil was part of an undereated Sea IUngs sophomore footbaU team and also played basketbaU and volleyball, bur transferred to Mater Dei before his junior ~ason. prompti ng CdM adminislrntors lo "We won our last three games to get into the Rose Bowl, including a come-from-behind victory over Oregon State to win the Pac-10 championship," O'Neil said. "You don't have time to take it aU In. Penn State was on my min d and how we were going to beat them." The Ducks fought tough, though. TI1e See O'NEI. , P11e A6 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT Doiig Fletcher Newport Beach man, who turns 71 today, plans to continue to replenish his soul by riding waves. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot T o prevent the threat of writer's block. Newport Beach resident Doug Re tcher has found a unique source of creatfvfty. Retcber clears bis mind and gets ln touch with bJs soul whlJe riding wave&. But someone forgot to teU him he lhould be retired, playing carda or lawn bowffng. in.stead of surltng. Tuday la Retcber't 71 at birthday. He lw oot retired. He wotb for hit own buslnea oon1ultfni ftrm and hM wrllten a book on hit ex,perienctt. He bu completed bit teeond book. wbAdl 1a about enJO)'lna redrelnnt. Fletcher finds satisfaction in surfing and writing. Surfmg is not a means to quench a competitive thirst You might say he surfs for fun, yet also as for survival. "Surfing Is a place you go, and you forget." he said. "It lc.eeps me young. I have to really work out. It's so hard to pop up like these kids today. You have to be ln shape. You really have to be ln shape." So. 10 be In good health, Aetcher swims at UC Irvine a& part of the m u ters program. He also rides his bl.Ice with the Hammerheads, a cycUng group based ln Corona del Mar. And when he needs a change or pace, he wues up. paddlu out and catches a wave. ·u clean my mind," Pletcher aald. "It give• me a sense or who I am, even though that's not who I am. It's one of the elements of who 1 am: Surfing has alto been a blg part of Fletcher'• lite. Born tn South Africa, he followed ln hi father'• footsteps and took up the sport. Aetcher has been passionately involved with surfing for the past 50 years. He started taldng It seriously when he buUt his own surfboard, with his friend, Seymour Beek. The two took on lhe waves at San Onofre. Today, Aetcher wlU surf those same waters with his family, whJch includes wife Mary, and three children, AJicia ('45 yeaJ'll old). Brad (40) and Jemlller (25). Once a week. Fletcher surfs wilh AJlcla. Fletcher also has six grandchildren. He wtJJ sometimes surf with Brad. or Brad's too. Ryah. Ryah. 16, is on his way to becoming a pro surfer, having already secured sponsorabJp from a clothing line. This summer. Pletcher said he wUJ to go Costa Rica. along with Brad and some friends for, "one last surllng trlp." "My dad was a surfer: Pletcher Satd. "I started surfing. My IOn, Brtd, turfed. My grandson, Ryah, surfs, 110 there ls four generations that surf. That's amuJng.• What's just u amazing ls Pletcher hu remained active despite e nduring a bJp replacement. 1f he had no1 undergone that surgery. there EYEOPENER •DcWy.tm.• Spor'tl .... ot,._ ,~ ... .--.. Jan. 5 honofee DON WATSON Monday, December 29, 2003 A5 Ill Daily A Pilot Ill SpoN Hall of Fame Cele brating the millenniwn SAM GRAYELI Costa Mesa Former Costa Mesa boys water polo star gained stre ngth from support of his family. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot S am Grayeli achieved great success in boys water polo at Costa Me~ High. As a junior, he helped lead the Mustangs capture the CIF Southern Section Divis ion lU championship with a 14·9 title-game triumph over 'lhlbuco I tills. In his senior season, he scored 148 goals and led Costa Mesa back to the section title match. where he scored eight goals in a 12-11 loss to South Pasadena in sudden-death overtime. citi.7.cn, he was not allowed to be officially named on the national youth team. "They went wiLh the alternate; it WclS understandable." said GrayeU, who aJso took. great pleasure in winning for the Mustangs. #We won the Pacific Coast League all four years that I was there !extending the program's streak to eight straight league champion.~hipsJ. • He was named Pacific Coast League Most Valuable Player Sam Grayeli Grayeli graduated from Costa Mesa in 1994. He had played there with his brother, who is 14 months younger. Sam played under Coach Jason Lynch..,who is now the head man for the Newport Harbor boys water polo team, as weU as being the and Cl F Division Ill Player of the Year. At 5-foot-11. 155 pounds (his playing weight In high school), GrayeU had to train hard to become great. But he aJso drew strength and inspiration from the support of his family. Grayeli was born in Iran. After the Islamic revolution in 1979. hjs family left for Paris. ~Us father, Mansour, was a colonel In the Shah's imperial guard and escaped the country to be with his wtfe. Tara, and their two sons, Sam. and the youngest, Robert, who also went on to star at Costa Mesa. Grayeli's father was granted political asylum from the United States and the family moved to Houston when Sam was 6 years old. The GrayeUs also lived in Riverside before settling in Costa Mesa, where Sam made a name for himself In the pool. Yet for all the success he earned with the Mustangs, Gipyeli especiaJJy favored one highlight he experienced outside of Costa Mesa. He earned a spot on the U.S. nationaJ youth team and was considered by some to be one of the top 10 players in his age group of l8·311d-under. But because he was an Iranian could hive been a chance be would be compettna In awtmrnlnJ. He 1WU11 compeddveJy tn hilb tcbool and In the Anny, where be lleo played water polo. 1be water bu -..Dy been assistant coach for the Sailors' girls squad. . GrayeU earned a scholarship to play for use but was a Trojan for onJy lhree months, before transferring to UClA "I wasn't happy lat USCJ. • Grayeli said. ·r ve seen both sides or it and I think. UCL.A was a better fit for me.· ln 1995 and 1996, the Bruins won the national championship and Grayeli thoroughly enjoyed his time. He also cook a bit of pride In h is decision to transfer 10 UCIA "I probably had my hest games against use: GrayeU said. "ll was great to play against them. In the back of my mind, it wasn't int~ntionaJ, but I think. subconsciously. I focused more on U1at game." Graycli earned an undergraduate degree in history and a minor in business. He coached for one season as an assistant at UCIA. then moved on to coach at 1 larvard-Westlake I ligh ror one year. Ever since, he has been worlc.ing in commercial real estate. Grayeli, 27, the latest honoree of the Daily Pilot Sports HaU of Fame. is single and lives in Brentwood. OOH W04 I OM.Y Pl.OT kind to Fletcher and he aald he doesn't tee himMll gMng •urflnl up any time toon. He pt• too much out of It. "You could almott MY there It • '°"' fllldlJ about wrftna,. flecdMr..W. ." .. ,.. .......................................... ~llml .................. illi .. lllilllll .. .. \ I • ------·---- M Monday, Oecemblt 29, 2003 SPORTS O'NEIL WRESTIJNG BRIEFLY • Conbnued from A5 leveJ chrugcs of wtdue lnftuence Ugaff\S( the Santa Ana parochial Adtool. which resulted In an Investigation and subsequent Estancia wrestlers get fresh start Trujillo k~ys : Mesa's win Cl F Souc.bem $ection hearing. A panel of school district principals put the entire Monarchs' athledc departmem un probation for one year u O'Neil went on to quarterback the Monan:hs his final two prep ~asons. "My parents were r.upportlng lhl' trani.ier because or the gn·ater discipUne at Mater Del.· < fl\t'i.I said. "When I transferred, 1 iniunJy had basketball on m y 111ind. but I changed my mind to ploy football the summer before my 1un1or year.· ·1 don't 1h1nk. 11 was a fair 1•\ .1lu.1tJOn from Lhc CdM 111.u ht:~. l'hey weren't too 11p11mi~tic ahoul my future and I d1111't know why." O'Neil said. First-year Eagles coach plans to begin with the basics and build from there. B•rry Faulkner Daily Piiot Fini-year Estancia f-Ugh WTes- tllng coach Br1an..Burgess onlyh as a vague idea of how hia Eagles will Care against the competition this season. But the fom1er assistant at Edison and Fountain Valley. who wrei;tJed at Edison and teaches physical education at Estancia, at least lcnows what Lhey're in for: an unprecedented amount of hard work and dlscipUne. •tn the limited time we've been working out, I haven't had too much of & chance to see these gu)'I Wl'el>- tle, • Burgess saJd, days before the F.agles opened their season with a dual-meet victory <M!!' Univer- sity Dec. 4. "Right now, I'm ay- lng tQ strip everyone down to square one and. start over again.• Before 8urgeu gets into spe- d.flc technique, be aaJd be will focus on developing' work ethic and concentradon In practice. •even some of the eeniors wbo have been In the program. hadn't gone through a fully structured wrestling practice,• Burgess saJd. ·1 want them to learn how to go through a prac- tice and train correctly. Right away, these guys might have rbougbt they ~ havtng a bard pnctice, and I WU looking 11 it u a 2°" lntcrulty workout. J'm going to be pwhln1 them put what they thought was tbelr limlt.. With 33 athletes In the pro- gram. limited particlpadon Is not a con.cem and Bu.rgess be~ Ueves bis wrestlers have the de- sire to take direction. · In ··the early golng. seruors Ullsses Cardena (the projected starter at 1 l9 powu:ts), Alphonso Pedroza (125), Martin Diaz (J35), Adam Rodrlgue-z (152), Matt 1.ich (160) and Landon Pulizzi (215), form a promising veteran nucleus. Juniors RauJ Cruz (heavy- weight), Caley Carr (130) and Alex Sotomayor (171) are also expected to contribute as upper- classmen. Burgas also bas a group of sophomores, headed by 112· pounder Daruly Alderete. to help mold u he ule. to add stabnlty to a program that has long been ln,Oux. Sophomores Patrick C.Onloo (130), Juny PandW'O (l35), Dan Silverthorn, as well as freshmen Gabe Thaler (140) and Efren Al- varez (189) add further hope for the future. Sopbomorea Noe Canu (145), Hrlck Cisneros (125), freshman Mark Kucbczynski {119), senior Anthony Her'mann and, poten - tially, senior football standout Bubba Kapk.o (heavyweight). are also those who may contribute this season, Burgess said. The F.agles, who host their own tournament Jan. 9-lO, be· gin Golden West League action Jan. 6 agaiQst Ocean View. Senior Susy 1\ujlUo tied a ca- reer-high with 23 points to pro· pel the Costa Mesa High &iris bask.etbaJl team to a 57-al vic- IOry over La Quinta In a consola- don quarterfioal of the Costa Mesa tournament Saturday. 1\ujillo, who drained five three-pointers, scored lS of Mesa's l9 first-quarter poi.J1ts as the MustaJ~ built a l 9-4 lead after one period' and rebounded after an openin~round loss to San Ramon Valley Friday. Senior Ashley KeUy tallied a career-high with 10 points and added five rebound:. for Mesa (5-3). which made nine thrce- pointers. Cassey Brick (ei19lt pou1t:.) made two threes. Mesa blilnles Irvine at I :JO p.m . today in the consolation semifinals. "I Ill' M.tlC'r Dei people wd1•unwt1 me with open arm~. I wa' ,, I 'i yeur-old kid and saw 1lw lront cJoors open for me to Wiil < l'Nl'tl played four sports his '>t·111111 Yl'IH at Mater Oel, but 1t w." .1 q11.irtl•rback camp SCHEDULE Com MeM lOIM'n.lment Consolftlon ~ Costa Mesa 57 l.a Quinta 22 1 ondur1ed hy lolUl l'Jway at '°lt,111furd Lh.it piqued hi!> 1111cn.~t 111 purswng football. ·1 was only 6-foot, 170 pound:. • 111J in tht' Rose Bowl I wa5 165." (I' Neri said . A mild Muturc by today'i. ,t,rndards. l>ut a productiV\· CJlll' on Nl'W Yl'at'<i Day 1995. TODAY B..utbell College women · Idaho State at UC Irvine, 7 p.m.; GSAC Challenge Pikeville College (Kenrudcy) at Vanguard. 7:30 p.m . Community college men · Orange Coast al San Jose toumamen1, TBA High school boys · Estancia Coast Ctasaic championship aemlflnal • Riverside Poty et Estancia, 6:25 p.m .; fifth-piece eemiflnal • Corona del Mar vs. Foothill, 3:15 .m.; Orange Holiday Ctaaic 13th-place aemiflnal ·Costa Mesa vs. CabriOo. 10:30 a.m. at Chapman University; Ceplt.al City Ctaalc pool play -Newport Harbor vs. North Pole, 3 p.m. In Alaska; St Anthony tournament pool play -Sage Hill vs. Renalaaance Academy, 1 :30 p.m. at St Anthony High. High IChool girts -Capital City Ctaulc pool play -Newport Harborva. Monroe (Alaska), 1 p.m. In Alaska; Costa Mesa Winter Ctaaic oonaolation semifinal - Irvine at Coat.a Mesa, 1:30 p.m.; Santiago tournament first round · Corona del Mar at Santiago, 5 p.m .; Marina-Edison tournament 16th-place semlflnal -Estancia vs. South OettaNVest Tomtnce, 6 p.m. Soccer High school girts · Excalibor tournament first round -Newport Harbor vs. Mission Viejo, 11 a.m. at Foothill High. Scc>Nbyau...... La Quinta • 11 5 2 21 Mesa 19 i& 13 10 -51 LI QulnU Verduzco 0, Herrison 2, Omeales 6. Chentaptusouk 11, Manibusan 2, Nguyen 1. J.pt. goals -None. Costa MeM -Brldt 8, Kelly 10, Tn.iJlllO 23, Be. Vergara 7. Br. Vttrgara 3, Akansel 2, Cluff 4. 3-pt. goals -Trujillo 5, Bridl 2, Be. Vergare 1, Br. Vergara 1. ~~~-~ CALL ,0REATY~L.UES -GREAT DEALS # m287'001s IVI AXllVI UIVI DISCOUNT TAO PRICED !Yewml] focus Z'IS : Moonroof NCH 2004 [,\PEDITION XLT : [)\ /) llfllllUlgUllllltQlllUGQlili Sales Price: .'311475 Ford Rebate: 1 ~ mcc Bonus Casft'. . . m'.m!l FMCC Holiday Cash': ~ ~R'=; -'f~ ~~1$1l975 ~72975 TOLL flffr 2 71 7590 62'f 'f Beac h Blvd. Suon.,~ Park (BBB} -I' Hh><.k Nor'" or li•'·l• " •••• , & 9 I l111<·r l 11.HHff' I Legal Hotlcls 2MI Llpl Nollces 2148 L191J Noacel --------llOTICI 1MT11G•s-mr I fw M<JWI Of lllTI GAS Dm<TOI StKIK.A TIOll llO. l-200J.IS2IO~ '"" Or•nee County > mlf•llnn 01~t11ct hi\ .1 .. 1 l•<I ..... ,., (11 , •• ,. hut JHtJ(~\\ lur th• ''"" ll•"P llfly tou1 (541 11111111 II•• lloleclors •ttd t 1 f'l\,Uf1•\ Step I 1 fwoluotlen/ ···""• ,., ..... 111 •nc• t.uunly ">•1111• ''"" 01\tr" t (OC~Ol I All to•""' Wllf r •c fO\J~ J•t-•h\.ihun' •nd ref rt•••• e<) fut multi I•\ tlrlh hll• unlll J_...., 27, 2004, et 2r00 I'·"'· Im 111Jrth~•• of (!>4) Multr r.u Oate•IOI\ IMf'bld) Spc<ofi<alu•n N•l l lOOJ l!>.280 R •I wll•· h 111111 flt• fnllowin• ••41u1t1<>11 •nll l••hntt 1111>< ~" will ht followed • f olu•lf each p1 od 111 I •p~rlltr•llOn• lo; n11n1n1um •rltter1 re llUlllDICOb • "•view 1nd tunlnt 1ttlarencu • lovll• •tndol\ who'" llllldUd 1ppaa" lo mHt minimum •P<1<1IH"1l10nt tu d•monstr•t' the11 111 odu~t and p1ovod• live (5) .. mpl•~ to 1~111 fuo IHlld tut in '""" ll•nrt with Alta•hn11nl l. • OCSO rn,.w rom m11tee will •v•lo•te ind determine or Ille umplt meets ocso·, \tandords for ltfe t•p•Cl•n•Y 11u,.b1llly ufely 11u•I 1ty perlormanc• •nd 1ny 0111 .. r rtth111 deemtd lllfU)IHY • fl \fltu th•t ol mrno mun• of •1ne (I) tu • rnH1mum ol tllrtt (J) mull• 10 dete1.lur. will bfl ~pprovad to be ru<I on In Step 7 Submiltln1 " u111111e OihltlH!I 1l ll 1nrh1cJed IO SI~ 2 UI n11I r1 ..... 11\ll 1 '"""" • .. ndor f(I boil un lh•I prn~u• I Atl ••ndo1 s will b• 111v1l•d 111 bod 111 'itep ? un lh• approved p1oduch ocso •h•ll b4 th• ~I~ juclp n to lh• •qu1l1ty subsl1lullb1IHy and compotlbllrly of pro posed make """ modfll s1.,. 2, lld l'rec•u o .. ntie County S1n11a lion Oostro(f C1hfornra. will 1eque•t soled bid• lrom Bnfdllrt lor lhe mull •· a,.· d•t•••n" pr• 1 pp1 "v•d rn Slep I 8•<h mu\I be 1ec ••v•d 1t tht 01tl11<l'• Allm1"'''"11ve lobby no l'urchu1na 01vl\lnn Office. by lh• rl•le itM l•mt ••I lorth 111 lilep ? •1 wl11d1 tu•"' they wilt b• pubhcly op•ned ind ..... monad at the Purchnmc Ofllce of the 01>l11t1. 108-4<1 £111• Avenue. Fount11n Valley l.1hlorn1t 9~ 7018 Published H4.!wpo1 I tl•~ch Co\to Meu Daily l'lfnt O•C 1mb1u 19. IOOJ M88J ROOO 11¥1111$19S Or•na• County ~•r11 htoon o .. 1r111 <Ot.SD) C•lit01111• W~I IM•I .. Mehtd fl11h 1111t1t J_,.. _., t ,, l004, •• 2.00 P·"'· lt•<ls mu•I II• ror••vel1 al Ut.'>ll • Adm111"t11l11111 I obhy Ot Punh•""K 0••1s1un Oltl(e by lh• rl•le and tune ho .. on •bova ur lorrh •I wit~ It 11me lhey will 11• 1111lll1o ly opened and u ''"''°~d •I 111 .. OC\O l'ullh•'"'I 01111 e 10844 Etl" Av,nue r r1unt11n Y•ll•J C:elr rorn11 97/0A 7011! '"' the follow1na PwLhftt ..... c-v•r- Jllft t i Twt 121 2004 Ch.YTelet/GMC U OO c_. ... (lSPn->V- Sl'fClflCAnotl 110. V-200S-17t Sealed bods must be •ubnoltted on the form tupphed bJ OCSO In tccord1nc1 with 111 p1ovistons of Iha s~1 IKallon• Si>ac1f1<ahons bHI blinks. and further mlorm1flon m1y be 11b1Alned 11 the 1bO•• 1ddr an. telephune ( 114) 962 7411 Publlshf'd Newpnrt Buch Co•h Men Oaoly Pilot Ouember 29, 7003 r884 Rdlllm ..... ... s...... l lie tot10¥11ln& persons "" do11111 business H •I Co••I Mrrcedes Service, b) Mercedes tout s.,,.,u c) South Cn••I M•rulln Serv1c., d) r ...... MB St1wlc•, •) Co1s I MBZ Ser vice, I) Scmlh Coul MBZ Set •oce 1> CoHI MBZ 8MW '\efvt<e. II) South Cont Mil/ BMW Servtee, 304? 0 rntarp11u. Co•I• M~u. CA 92626 John WIHtan Oensmo<t, 13'>86 SWHhhade Way Tu•t•n. CA 92781 Heither Mcl<enrot Oen•mo11, 13586 ~witehh•~• Woy, Tustin, CA 92187 Tho• b1Js1nen is con ducl1d by hu•band and wrla Have you star led dotn1 buslneu ;all Np John W. Densmore This statement ¥110 lllad ¥11llh the County Clerk of Or an1• County on 12/02/03 200Ht .. 7St 01ilr Prlol Dec. 8. 15, lZ. 29. 200J M860 S......tf ... , hflhuf Ac-. ........ The follo¥11in& person hes abandoned the use of the fkhtious 8u~1 nus Hime Oatco M1 11n1, 711 W 17th St Bid& 8 11. Costa Mesi CA92627 The f1<t1tt0us 8uslnen name 1elerrad to 1bon wu fried 1n Oran1• County on I 11 -02. f IL( HO 20026888-41 I Oouetu E T emplln, Truslee. Oouclu E Temphn T1uit dated 3 12 93. 5l8 Rtver side Ave . Ha¥11po1I Buch, CA 92663 fhls bus1nus IS con d11cted by • busmen trust Ooucln E Templrn ltus statement wu filed with the County Cler~ of Oran,. Counly On 12/02/03 200SH .. 7a7 Oally Pilot Oec 8. I 5, 22.29,2003 M859 .......... .......... I ha followlna Pl"""' .,. doma business as R.E Gtoup, 4770 Cam· p111 Or • Sh . 200. t:668orl 8uch. Ce 0111 A lorellt, 4710 Ca"'l"'t Orin . Suite 200, ::A8ort Buch, CA Garr Toll•, 4170 C41rnpw 0r1 .... '""' 200. =orl Benh. CA Wilffam V~lalka. 4710 Cempu• Drive. Suite 200, :~ort 8uch , CA Th~ butlntia n con dueled by: co p1otnerJ Htva you atlttad 11o1n1 buslMUyetf Yu Now I. 2003 Ou7 R. T onfll 11"1 alalt-nt wn ti!M whh tflt Countr Cltlk of Ota11 .. County Ofl 12I02/QJ ... H ... 77S OalY f'liol O.C 9, I 5, zz. tt. l003 M862 llcm. ..... ......... "'41 totloWfft& Pl<Mflt .,. dolfll llu•!Mt• Ill Artl1tlc QUI Oellery, 1011 Avlfll4tt Pico fC•C Sen Cle-te. CA 92'1~ Milflroo lolflllu, 21 fltwvo St.. lf"'"9, CA m1z Thb llllMfttU It t:On "ucted br. 111 lftcHvlclu•I Hew yov at#tl4 Ckllnc bu.llMat 1flf Ho Mahroo Lotfllll111 Thia l laltlMfll wH fllff wttll the Couni, Clef• of Orllnp County "'lZtW/OJ MllHM771 Delly ..... I*. I, 111 22. a . 2003 -.. \ AcllllMllsileu ... s...... The loltowtna person• tlft dome busmeS> a\ Zlrrett1 .. An0c1atn . 37 Reaatla Way. Oana Point. CA 926?9 Richard r renh ltrrella. 37 Ruatta Way Dan• Pt . CA 92629 Carol lee Zuretta. 37 Reaatta w.y. o~n~ Pl CA 92629 lh15 bU\ln@\\ I\ l OU dueled by hu•b~nd and wrfe Have you ~tar led do•nR busrness yet? No Richard f r.nl\ lrrrell.1 This sl•tem•nl wa' fried with the County Cla1k ol Or a nae C1111nty on 12117/03 200169'1454 Dally Pilot Oet 22. 29, 2003, l•n 5. 12. 2004 M8// .......... ... s...... I he follow me pef\Oll\ are C1<11n1 bu~one~ H Oo~umenl StraltlJ Croup, 84'> I Sunk1!>l Circle. Hunl onaton Beach. CA !12646 Steven R Mendell 84!>1 Sunk"I l.11d• Hunt1na1on !ju< II I:• 9?646 Th11 bu11n'u 1, con ducted by "" md1v1dual H .. • you stiifled dcltt111 bu•fness yat1 \'es 10-1 OJ Steven R M•nl1•11 Thi!> sl•lemMI ¥110 tiled with tho County Clark ol Oran1• Counly on 12/02/0) 200UtH771 Ot111 Piiot Dec: 8. 15 22. 29. 1001 M8'i6 Re-. ..... .......... 1 he followlnc panons •re dotna bu!>lnu• 11 WHk.end W111101, 439 Vi• lklo So~i HewPOtt Beach. CA 9:.cw2 Aeat Ow•cl Merket..-,, LLC (CA). 439 Vta lido Sovd, Ht¥11porl Beach, CA 92662 fhli builntu 11 cnn ducted by ltnilted ll•bllil) Co llave "°'' itartad doln& bu11n111 yet? Ytt Jtn I. 2000 RHI Ol1act M11k1tars, LlC. Ooualu P, M.:CrH M1n1tH Thi• statan1tnt wn filed with the Co11nty CIHll of Oranr• Collnty on 12/02/03 IOOM, .. 171 Oail1 _ l'ilol Dec. a. I~. u. n. 2003 1185 ............. ........ Tiie lollowl111 C*toM we dolfll llu1inen Ii a.tco fi4rlM, 111 W 17th St.. II • 11, C0tl1 Meu.CAttt.17 0. t. Tt~lln ' AJ eoclatet i.e. (CA). 711 W. 17th SlrMI II II, Cott• "'"8. CA t2'27 Thb llu11na11 Is t<)ll· ducted by: • "WPOt•tlon Kaw JOU •l•tfd doinll b11tMeU JtH No 0 t '""""" • At aocl1lH. tnc , Oa11lal Ottmgnko, l!cpldtnl lh1s statement wn toled with the County Cler~ of Ot anae County on 12102103 200J6t .. 715 011ly Ptlol Dec. 8. 15. 22. 29. 2003 M869 ~ ....... ... s...... The follo¥111na person• •r' do1na bu''""'~ ~' Armen Oe~1an' 260 Newpolt t:•nr .. r 01 #240. Htwpu1 I Bu1.h. CA92660 Ao"'"'' for taollan De s1ans In' (Cl\), 260 Newport Cenlat Or . • ?40. Newpur I Buch CA 91660 Hu§ bus1nes' '' , 011 dueled by 1 1 or po• •loon Have you \tarted do111~ bu"""'' vet' Ye• M3V 11 /OOJ Armtn G11~011•11 Ot '1gn\ ltu At,.,.. n Cr111uo.rn Pr t''\trl~nl Tlr" 'l•lcrnent Wal hied w1lh Utt Cou11tr I.fer~ nl O•MRt Cou11ly nn I 'l/07 Ol 200S6t6'7H 0•1ly Ptlol Dec IP. I 5 22.29.2003 M855 Mlle. .... ... s....... Th• foll11w1n1 pe"on• •re d•HrlR busme" .. ~ C:nsta Meu Sotc~r You th le .. aue CO M S Y l • 1991 Polllon• Ave Co\I ,, Mu• <:A9'/6?1 f.•••r P•dlOU. 1991 Pnmon~ l\v• . Cost• Mes.. Cl\ 9267/ Juui Ouule 2116 PU!>Orl St Co•I• Mew. CA 9?6?7 llll' h11.,nu1 ts con llut ted by co partners Have you ''"' ted dome bu•lnen yell Ho Cne1 Pedtot• lhf1 tl•lunenl wu filed ¥11ilh the County Clttk of Or 1n1e County on 12/I I/OJ 200S4t67'5t Dally Pilot Dae I~. 22. 19. 2003, Jan 5, 2004 M81~ ......... ... s...... The lollowin1 peoont •re ttotna bu1lntn as OHC Studio,, n41 l~lh SI t8, W•Umh"tlf, CA 9?683 Chad lo¥11tll MtH• 4 Amr ~•y. l•del• Randi, CAlmlM l>eflll Coplan WI"" .. '. 7741 t!illl St 18. Wn lmiMl•I. CA 92683 This bu~u " con dtKlect by • eanaral pertr1ership H•v• you 1terltd dotn1 bu"Mu yell Ho Chlld My.,, fllb ,,,,_.mtnl w•t f11td wtlh lht Co11nty C"'ll of C>Bnt• Co•mty on 12/02./03 IOOMt661 .. 011ty f'ltot Dec. I , 15. n. tt. 2001 M863 llcm. .... ......... Tiit followlftt P«IOft• .. e dolnl b-" •. CCOIU u~ Corj)Oletlon, uoz cor11 c11u.a. Newport Beach. CA 92660 ECONZ USA Corpon lion (CA) 3107 Corte Tht tollow1ne ''""'"'" Calela. Hewporl Buch 11 e do111a bu"""''·•~ CA 92660 A & fl tndu>ltrol )rl ThlS business is cor• vices, 230 [ d>I llftu11 dueled by. a corpor;allon A•e . Sanl• l\na. Cali lt••e you slartad do1na lornoa 9210/ business yet7 Ho Edear R Au>lln 27881 £CONZ USA Corpora Maiden L•n• M""on lo(ln, Brent llaar Pres• Voeio, C•hlorr11,1 'J/t.<U dent This hu"""'' I" con This sl1temenl ¥1•> du1 I'd by tn 111d .. 1i1111tl tlltil with the Counly llave you \l .. 1 ltd do1n11 Clark ot Oranc• Counly hus1ntn Vtl 1 on 1210? /03 No 200J6t6676a Ed Au>lln Deity Pilot Dec 8, I!>. lh" sl•le111~nl Wh 22. 29. 2003 M858 llled w1lh tllr to1111lv The totlo¥111na pe"on> art' doinc bu>lness n C1l1forn1• Rehab1htatt0n & S1><1rls lht111py 27401 Io• Allos Suite 488 Mlssoon Yoejo. CA 92691 Alan Ed¥1111 d Voael, 5775 Boin Avenue. Suite IOI. Hun11n11on Buch C1 92549 This busrn .. s ,. con ducted by· an 1ndiv1dual H .. e you stat ted do1n1 business yet' Yes 09/l3/200J Al•n [dwtr d Vnael lllts •lalemenl w•' ltled ¥1111h the County Clerk of O"n1e County on 12/02/03 200'6966776 O••ly Pilot Dec 8, 15 ?2, 29. 1003 M861 ,... ...... "-S...... Tiit 10110 .. lna persons ar • dolna business n A Number One Motornr l 10, 3/J Wn l Bay Strut •AIOJ. Coste Mau , CA 92627 Ooveis•lrtd Autoniotl•• CroUCI. tnc (CA),' 37J Wast Bay Street, #IOl, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 l'hls bu:.iness IS con ducted by • corpoulton Ila,,. )'Oii started dotn1 bu .. nen7et7 Clerk ol Orang~ c .. 1111ly on 12/04/0J 20036'6705' Daily Pilot O~t 8 I 'I ?2. 29, 2003 M8/I RdtttMW.U ... s...... 1 he lollnwrna ''""no, are doing bu\ineu •• Dock Rveer \ Cu I 7'.J Men Or Custa Mn• CAl 92627 Dick Ru2e1' 119 Mna Or Cosla MosA r l\t 9?627 lh15 bU~lliU\.\ ·~ l.Ull dueled by •II lndmrl11al ~Ye Jl•U \I•• l~il tl<lllll bll\lnO\' 1~1· Y•s NOV 7001 Ulck Rogol\ 1h1S 'lat.,mtitnt W4'' filed wolh Ill~ l'uunty Clerk of Or•na~ Cn11nty on 12/02/0J 20036966779 Daily Pilot Do< 8. I~. 22. 29. roo.1 _ ~ AdlM...-U ... s........ The lollnw1nc pel\un\ are do•na l>u•oneu ~' rtie Ktrnwood Gull Discount. /6?0 8e .. ch Blvd . 8urn1 Pa1h CA 90620 Richard A Slrefe. /6~ Oa1cll 81•d . Buena Park, CA 90620 T hos bu\ine ·• ,. r on dueled by •n md!v1d111I Hne you \lor led dom& l11t\lfll!lo\. 'tfl1 h•6 07 ku hdld II \t~ele 1 hts \t tttumtrnl Wd\ lolml w1lh lh• l.!uu11lv rterk ot OrJni:e County 011 lhOl10S 2003&96&112 Ua1ry Pilot flt• 8 I'• ) ·i, ~. ;IOQ~ --M!ll>I RctlllM ...., llmeS....... I"" lollnwmK P8""" ,u • dotna busin~s~ .,~ flur l•nl1'• l\lhlrhc, l1 I l!u1 31. Oolboa lsl<11111 I • .., .. 1 '"" !l/66/ P•lll.od A Borlonrl JI / c .. , .1 ll~lbo• •~•nu ( ..... ,. ... ~ !17661 fhl\ hU\IUt'~' IS. Ulf1 1lu<.h••I tiv .111 lnrhvirlu .. 1 H,.v. you •l•r led 00111~ hU'-tHe'\~ 1rf' YM ll 1111/ p,.1111 A Hntlitlld 1111\ .1.o1~111 .. 11t ... , fil•l1 w1lh Iii. C'•11111ly · C:IN~ ul 1.11 .anw• County on ll/19 OJ 20036tU771 011ly t>1r..1 De• '17 79 1001, Inn !,, 17 2003 MMO rd!IM 9lflillllu llmeS........ lf1n lullnwon& ptrson .. , (" t1rnnw bU\IOCS\ "'' Ap11h,.1t (.cuh·, 111111 •I '>Pr voe"' 14661 Mvfnr o RoAd •C 111\hn (;A 'l?/llO Hll h "11 I ftll!l~y I 4(ib I MyJorrt 11u.1d 1r., 111•,hn ('A9VllO Tiu' bu\.Ht•··' " c nn due led br •n /ndovutu•I ll~V• yuu ''" l~d dlltni( bw.meu 011 v., 8/1/ffi()J R1dt•r<I I llojlffty 1111• •l1lt11ltrll W#\ l•l•ll w11h lh,. 1;1111111, 1.1~1 I\ ol 01111~• ,., uni~ on l?/0710:1 200369'677 7 Daily. P~ol Otc !I l!i 22 29. 200 M86(, Yn 11 ·25 OJ 01versilled Auto niotivt Croup, Inc . Andrei HUMl, President This 1ttt•m•nl ¥111\ filed with tht Count1 Clerk of 0,.na• County on 1V02/03 200Ht .. 772 Dally fi'llol Oec 8. 15. 22. 29, 2003 M8!>4 ,.... .... ......... PLUG IN TIM followln1 l*M>fl• era t1owi1 hulineu H AAA I lmozone, 9601 T tfhen Or., Hunlinrton Bell. CA 92&46 Oaotfr•J Ki.wn1, MOI Tellln DI., HuntJnston k h,CA92&4e Thlt bu1IMH Is CM· ducted br. en tr1dlvi4!u1I lfeve )'OU t lMlt" dolna llu1lnest 7etf "° CtOffTty lll11fn1 Th I IUltlNftl WIS filed wltfl "'9 CoUtltr Cterft of Or en,. Countr Ofl I 2J02/03 teut ... , .. Ddr ftllot Dee I, 15~ 22. Z9, 20QJ Mll67 Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to f ind services from electronics and plumbers. to landscapers a11d painters. Dally Pilot 1 1, it .. .t 1 o1111n111•11t\ r.1 .d ., 1 . ~~~~~~~~~- ' How to Place A CLASSIFIEJAD' By Fax By Phone (949) 631~94 (IM9l 642-S678 1"'-r.w.,.._ ............. By Mail/In Per son: 330WNBay~ Ca.ta~ CA 92627 At ~wpon Btvd. & Bay SL Hours: r -·':-'".:i .. · _ .......... °"""'"·-·--··-· ... J E · • · · ' 11 · I. Telephone 8:30am-.S:OOpm Moncby-Fnday Walk In 8.30am·5:00pm Moncby-Fnd.ly ...-----Policy---- Ratcs and dcadhnc1 uc subjeC1 to change without 00l1ce. The publisher reserves the right to censor, reclassify. rcvi\e or rcjc~ any classified advenisemcnt. Plettse repon My error 1bn1 may be in your clusificd ad immediately. The Daily Pilot 11ceepll) no liabiln y for a.oy error in an advenii.emeot for which it m11y be responsible excq>C for I.he cost or the space uctuaJly occupied by the error. Credjr can only be allowed for the fir..1 in~nioo. ----Deadlines------. Monday ............ . .... fridny 5:00pm .Monday 5:00pm Tun.day 5:00prn Tuc\day ...... .. Wednesday ... TilurM!ay ....... Wednc:.dlly 5 :00pm t'nday S.tturtb) '>untlll) l11uNl.iy 'i OOpm t-ru.IJ) 3.ClOpm I nJ.I\ 5 OOrm 1..111111a1c11 • legal Mo11ca • Upt Mallca • Lepl Makel • Lepl 11atic11 u I t.1 Natka 2l40 eo11ect111ta1 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.l.~~~iiiiiiiiiii~~iSi~~~~ ICJ1UTOCOIRIACTbGUUJ15 fOl.S Mlmcnbllll n&O MISCEUAHEOUS MERCHAHIMSE AIYllYl5llaT fOl leS School 01strtcl COAST COMMUNITY COLLECl DISTRICT TOf' ss 4 a1coaos nc lllll. Ciiis. t~ S)s .. ~ Newport Belch Suti11ct to cond1t1<>ns P•t1u rrbed by the unden11ned, se•led bids for a Lump Sum Contract are 1nv1ted lot the h1llow1ng Work llOWLANO HAU SllSMK IM ... OVIMINTS & OlflHID MANCTINANCI OESCRIPT10N Of WORK ,.OJICT NO. '90120 UNIVHSITY Of CAllfOlNIA, .. VINE lllVINI, CA.UfOllNIA 92H7 The proposed Rowland Hill Se1sm1c Improvement project wtll shucturally uper•d• the burldmc by crea11111 buttreues on the Cut and West elevations of the bu1ld1n& lhe butlreu.s will be created by new pole loundaltnns and IM addition of ••&hi 26'· 6" b1ys of new concr•te moment frames with concrete slab d1aphra&1T>s between tloon 2 and 6 Enclosure ot the tnmes and slabs will be b1 • convenhonal cu1 la on wall system Other disconllnu1hes on e .. st1na dlephr•ams will be corrected In mechanical chases by means ol cu l lll·ptace conc1ete slabs. There are also ulslln& steel moment frames in the mccha111cal penthouses that will be 1ndependenlly ~tren~thened with tube steel supports. lhe new aru (38,000 ASI ) cruled by the bultresus will be h111shed as clfy tabontOfy and ceneul oHtce space n part of this proiect In addition to the Se1sm1e lmpro•ements. Oeferred Malnlen1nce work will be complet•d Th• mechantcal 1''fslem 1n lhe e•oshnl bu1ldtn1 w1tl underao an intensive renovation 1nclud1111. but not Um1ted lo. Cl) replacement ol 17 Atr Handlin& Units lhrouettoul th• buoldma with the mstallallon of tour new umts on Ille Hrv\ce level, (2) manlfoldin& of 1pp1oumalely 160 root uhausl hns. (3) malallalron of Phoen•• Val•es al fume hoods. In add1hon. the u1slrn1 exterior of the buoldtn& will be el1tslomenc11lly suled, the In• al~r m pull devices 1n the urstm11 buildrov will be lowered to meet.current code. and the roof of the urstrne buoldrne wlll be replaced'" its entirely Conatr uclron cost estimate S 11,711,000 81ddln1t documents will be av;11table lo P1equ1hhed Geneul Contractors a l 10 am. M-4ey, Dec....a..,. 22, 200J. Prequalol1ed ,,,,.,. Contractors may pie~ up free of ch••&• a maA1mum of Irv• (5) Hh of b1dd1ne documenh al On1an and Conshuchon Suv1ctt, Unweis1ly ol Cahlorma. Irvine, 5201 Cahfo1n11 Avenue. Suite 250. l1•1ne, California, 92697 2450 Additional sets may be pwcha,ed at Contractors· cost from Consolodaled R1pro111aph1C\ 81dd1ne Documents will be av111lable lo subcontractors at 10 00 am .. MOft<hy, Det-lter 22, 200J and will be ..sued only al CONSOLIDATED REPROCRAPHICS. 3182 Pullman Sh eet. Costa Mua, CA 92626. (714) 751 2680, All~nhon Moh1mmed Rehm~n 01 Softia Accal NOTE1 rT IS THE SUICONTltACTOAS' HS,ONSlllUTY TO HGISTlA WITH THI UNtVlASrTY oa CONSOUOATlD AlNOGUl'HtCS TO ACltNOWU.DGl AlCllt'T Of THI aOWLAND KAU SltSMt< IM,aOVfMINTS & DfflUID MAINTINAN<t llD DOCUMENTS. UNfVUSITY WlU · NOTIFY SUICONlllACTORS WHO HAVE lfGISfllfD WttH OlSIGN AMO CONSTIIUCTION SUtVKIS Oa CONSOUOATED lllPllOOlllAf'HK S, Of AODlNDA WHKH Altl AVAILAIU AT DlSIGN AND CONSTIUCTION SIAVKlS. TH£ fOUOWINO GlNlllAl CONnAClOllS HAVE lllN ,lt(QUAllfUD TO SUIMIT .. OS ON THIS ,AOJICT: Oetdeft & WIUI-• General COfttrocton, In<. 2 raeaday lrnne. CA 92618 Phone 949 588 2855 r H 949-!>88·?877 OI-. <-•fTV<tl-Co. 10005 Mission Mill Rd Whtlhtr. CA 90608.098:, Phone 562·948·4242 Fu 562 463·4984 nlQUA.llfllD SUICONTllACTOllS ,Cl COftotnKtl°" S.nrlcH, i..c. 200 Burchell SI. Glendale. CA 92821 Phone 818 246 3481 fu 818·247·5775 SOU'AC INC., ... Sett.ti hdflt 2424 Con~eu St. Sen 01e110, CA 9ll 10·2888 Phone: 619·296·6241 fu 619 296 7109 Nete• Tite .. i.cted G..,erol c ... troctor wlll loe re~l,.d to list ....., then lloctrlcol, HVAC Wet & Ory, Gla&lns. ltoofh•t ond Conuel• oubtonttocton wi.. hove loe.., ,r•·1-ltfle4' lty Tloe Unlnrslty of Collfot"nlo, lrvln• c-r•· ,.,....,..ufled ll8'1rlcol Subcontroctort Are1 Alldenon & Heword llectrlt, t..c. Mike ,,._ Uectrl< Ce. t 791 Reynolds 561 A Merc•nllfC! Df lve Irvine. CA 92614 Cota II, CA 94931 3040 l8'9tloctrlc Corporotl°" 5650 Cenhnela Los Anaeles. CA 90045 Oynolectrl< «62 Corporate Cenler Or . Los Al•m1tos, CA 90/20 Hellx lloctrlc. Int. 8260 Camino Sent. I" San Ooego CA 921 ?I SASCOUecwlc 12900 Alondr a Blvd. Ce111los, CA 90703 Stehty & Ce., Inc. 721 Ill Ardmore Los An11elH, CA 90004 Mee f.,.._• lloctrlc 2115 North Main SI Santa Ana CA 97106 f'requollfled HVAC Wet & Dry S...,cOftlrocten Are: ACCO lnglneered Syttem1, Int . 6?65 Son f ernando Road Clend&le. CA 92101 A.0 .lleed& Ce. 4117 Ruff ner St San Oieeo. CA 9ll l I c-trel Air C.-dltlo.,lng C0<porotl- 7JOI N Clusell St Oran~c. CA 92865 Crltcltfleld llhthonlcol, i..<. 188 lechnolO&Y 01 ., Sle Ii Irvine CA 92618 Unhruolty Morelldt M• .... lcel 11>00 N l\rume1 Place Anaheoon, CA 92807 ........ ottfled Glcnln9 s..t.~troctoH Arel c-.1 Archltnturol s., 11 7J No Armando SI An aheim, CA 92806 Giroux Glou, Inc. 850 We.I Washrneton Blvd Los Angeles. CA 9001'> reweroi. ... i..c. ~10 Pathw1y Strut Ste A Sanlee. CA 92071 W-""ri ... OJ.st, Iott. 1432fMylord Road 1' ushn, CA 92780 f're ...... lfled•-t1n9 S .... cOflfrtK1tf'o Ar•• IHI 11-11"1 & Wot•!?f"tl"I, Iott . V-te & A"od«tt• a .. t1ns. lotc. 19027 S Hamilton Ave 2550 E. M111lom1 Way Gardena. CA 90148 Anah11m. CA 92806 lefner a .. fl"I Co., Inc. 1490 N Glassel! Or 1n1e. CA 92867 ,,....,otlfled Cor>u •t• Sultc-t..neo Ar11 McClene COflttTllC11M Ce. Prlete c-ttrvc11.., Ce., &..c. 377 W f atlbroo~ Ave Ste 101 13162 Arroyo V1sl• fresM, CA 93711 Ra"cho Sant• M.,1aril1. CA 92688 rwo 111111dalory Pre·B1d Conlerences '"d Pro1ect S•le V1siU wlll be conducted on. ·~· ,_~ S, 2004 ot 1.00 ,.,.. Partlc1p1nls shill meet •l. Oesien f. Construction Services. Unlve<Mty of C11Uorn11. Irvine. !>201 California Avenue. Suite 250, Suflrvan •nd Wrl(hl Conference Rooms. !<vine. ~rfl>f nia 91697 ·2450 and M-4.y, ~ 12, 2004 et 9iJO AM. Part~11>•nts shall meet at· Oestcn f. Construction Sffvicff, Un1Yers1ty of C1htorn11. Ir vone. 5201 Cahfotn1' Avenue. Suite Z!IO, Sulllon end Wrl&ht Conference Rooms, Irvine. California 92697 2450 (Corner of Callforn11 Avenue end Sison Avenue), ATTINDAMU AT IOTH THI Plll-llO CONFIAINCU .... THI NOJICT sm VIStTS AU MANDATORY fott AU '1tlQUMJffl0 ,lllMI CONTIIACTOAS. THI JANUAal S, 2CMM CONHAINCI WIU ClOH AT I.OS ,_ •• THI JANUAaY u , 2004 cONrHINCI Wtu ClOSI AT •·SS A.M. ANY nlOUAllfllO ,.IMI CONllACTotlS AaltlVINO Ania THtH TIMIS Wtu NOT II IUGleU TO PMTtaPAn ... lHI ltD NOCl:SS AS A ,...,.. COtlTUCTOl. A ... OJICl snr v1sn WIU fOUOW lACH ,.,_.. CONfPtUtCE. Only bldders who parltcfl>ate 1n both Ille Pre Bid Conlerencu end P1019<t Siie V1s•U In their entirety, wlll be ellowed lo bid on the Protect es ptlme contractors. For further information, contact Michael Cordov•, Contracts Analyst. Deslan f. Construclion Servlcu, Untv1n1ty of Californle, Irvine, at telephone number (!M9) 824-3089. Suled bids will not b• accepted a lt er 2r00 ,M, T....-Y, J~ 17, 2004 at: Bid Box, front Counter. Ot1lan C. Con1tructlon Setvlcu, Unlvenlty ot C1llforni1. lrvlne, 5201 C1lll0<ni1 Avenue, Sulle 250. Ir vine. Californi• 92697 2450 S.at.d bids will be opH11d al 2.0S PM, T......,, J__, 27, 2004, at: 0.sl&n' Construction s.rv1e1s. Unlvenlly ol CalilornlJ1, Ir vine. 5201 tltefornle A'lll ., Suite. 250. Sulllven end Wr IClll Conf11<1nca lloqms lrvlne, C•hlornia 92691 ·2450. (949) 82~ Bid S.C:urity in 'the 1mount of IOS of lhe lump Sum 81M Bid, lltkldln& 1tt11<n•tes, shall 1ccomp1ny H Ch Bid The Surely 1uu1n1 the 81d Bond shall be, on the Bid Ot1dlme. 111 1dmitt1d s11r1ty lnsute1 (as defined In the C1llfo1nl1 Codi of Civil Procedure Section 955.120). All lnsu,.nca pollcles required to be obt1ln1d by General Contractor sh•ll be •ubjetl to ll>PfO'llll by Univ1nlt1 lot form and 111bstanci. All such pollcles requited bt Unlve<slty for Commetclal Form Oentlf'al Ll1blllt1 end 8usln1" Automobile Lleblllt( sll1N be luues by companlu with e Best r1t1nc of A· 0t better 1nd 1 llnanclal clauihc1hon o VIII or b1ttw. O< •Ith 111 eqvlvt lent r atlflt by St.nd•rd 1nd Ppor't 0t Moody"• All polic!H requlttd by Univ«alt)' for WOf'llw's ~tlon t ftel fn19loy.,.·s llabilrty 111eN be lnutd by comp1nlft with • (i) 8"\ Retina of B+ or bettv ind e flftanclel cla.uifl(atlon of VII If betl11. or with an eciulv•ltnl reline by St1U1dtfd 111d 'oor's or Moody's· or (Q) t111t .,, eecej>l•bll to th• Unlvtnlty. Suell lfts11unc1 shall be wrlll111 to be 110\ ltu thin (H rtqulf•d by f•de<•f end St1l• ol Callfornle law.) Tiie certlflu te ol lrtturance •h•H be issued In the UnlYenllft form The tUCtfftful 81ddef i nd 111 SubcontrKlor• wlff be required to follow the nondltcrlmlnatlon requlftlMftta Ml forth 11'1 Ille lllddllll Oocurnenl• •~ to P•1 pr1v1ifftl1 wart retu al tlle IGQtlor1 ol 1111 WO<lo.. A cop1 of Ille •-•• prevaillft& Plf Wle111 ••1• retM •Ill M on 1111 at Unlvenlty'1 jltlnclf)el fKllil'( olflce •l\d will k med9 av11Mble to •ny lnttlf'Ht.d party l.IPC>ft 1eq11Hl. F« this P'OJIKI, lltt Ulllv•tslty hn inltlatt d •!Id tll1H enl«CI • labor c~· P'Olf•"' ("\.C,.) "' cont«m1nc1 wHll l•bOf Code 11ctlon1 l77l.5(b) and 1771 7, A IW• con11t11ttlon co11l11<tne4 •Ill bl fleld with lltt auccen ful 81ddtt and II• S11t1eontr1ctor• lo lliKwP 1.-11 111d state law t1w rtquf!'lfnlnts to ttlk PfOjKI. Project ldent1flc1hon N1me· Otslrtct I 11n5901- la1ton Maintenance r 1cllily; 1868 Bid Oeedllne. rebtuery 3. 2003 al 2.00 p.m. Bid and Project Documents available •I. Olf1ce ot Ille Physical h cllilies COOfdinator. Aldilh Richey, Coast Community Colleae 01stricl, 1370 Adams Av•. 8101 ·o·. Costa Meu. Ca 92626. (114) '38· 4673 Web Silo. WWW CCCO f.OU/lacrlllies/proiects him W•ll< Throu&h NO WALKTHROUCH Will BE HELO. Place ol 81d Proposal Receipt: Olf1ce ol 01recl0f ot Puechasing, Coast Community CoJte&e 01strocl. Otda. ·o·. 1370 Adams Avenue. Co•t• MesA, CA 92626 Publish Dale Oecemb•r 29, ?003 411d January !>,2004 Board Date: rebrnary 18. 2004 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cuut Commumly Colle&• District of Ounce County, Calolornl.a. achn& by 1nd lhrouah ''' Governing Bo1rd, heremafle• reletred to as "01slr let". will receive np to. but not later then Ille above •bled bid deadltne, sealed bid~ al the place 1de11l1hed abo•e for lhe n•a• d ol a contract for the p1oiect de•crlbed n New Conslruclton ol 8,7')4 square tuol Ma1nlen•nLe f 1c1lily and Perk mg lots 81d• shall be received m the place 1denhlled above. and thnse bid\ •hall be opened and publicly read aloud al lhe •bO•t·Slaled llme ,11ld p'au In accoedance with the prov1s1011\ ol Busines» and Po otessions Code Section 7028.15 and Cahtur ma Pubhc Conh 6C\ Code Sec lion 3300, the 01strn I • requnes lhal lhe bidder pos,e\ the totlow1n11 class1hc111on(s) of conheclor's htense(s) al the lime the Brd I\ Submitted B Any bidder not so licensed al lhe lune ul Bid 0pen'"8 wrll be ,.jecled 4S Nonrespons1ve Con Ir actor. B License Subm1llat ol 81d P1oposals 1\11 Bid Prnposals shell be subm11tet1 on lorm• fu1nl\h~d by lhe OIS\lkl 81d Proposal' must c.onlo1m w1111. and be responstv• lo, the Bid and Conlrnl documenb, copies ol which m<1y be obtained h om the Oos\11<.I .u sel toe th above I 81d and Contract b0<.umenh Do< umenh will be available lanuuy 9. 2003 Blueprints may be purchased for One Hundred Twenty f 1ve Dollar"' (SI 25) dneclly h nm Consohdaled Reproitraptwcs PIHse call Kevm Oe1m1nn or Steve Spana al (114) 7~1 2680. 81d Oocumenh nnd spMthuhons MUST be p1c~d up al the O••lrrcl F actllhes Ofl tce al 1370 Adams Avenue Costa Mesa Cl\ 92626 F o• '"lormalton call (/14) 438 4646 '1 Documents Accompany1ne Bid Propouls (•ch Bod Proposal shall be accompamed hy (•) the requ11ed Bid Secu11ly, (b) Subconlrddors Lisi. (cl Non Collu\lon Alhda•1l. and (d) Statement oC 81ddee ·s Qudlificallons All mlormat10n 01 •t'sponses ul 1 Bidder 1n its 81d P1 oposal and olhe1 documents accompany1na the bid PropoHI shall be comp~te. •ccu••le and true, incomplete. tnaccurate Of untrue r"portsts Of 1nlor m1llon provided lhe1 e1n by a bidder shall be &rounds lor lhe 01sl11cl lo 1eiect 5uch Bidder'<> 81d P1opoul IOI non 1espons1veness. J Conlr1clo" License Clu\lfrcallon In "cnr dance with lhe provisions ol Cat.tornla Pubhc Code §3300. the 01\tnct require~ Iha! Bidders poness the tonowona clns1hc;ohon(s) ol C1hforn1a Contractors License at the lime th'' the Conhacl tor the Work 1s awarded 8 Any B•dller not so duly and properly htensed shall be \ublf'cl lo all µenalloei imposed by ldw Nu payment :.hall be rnade roe work. labor. m•te11als or Hrvicu provided under lhe Cont11r t 10< the Work unleu and unhl the Re21\lr a1 ol Conlrt•ctors • .,,.,..,., In lhe Oi,trict lhal the 81dde1 awarded tho Ctlnlracl 1s properly and duly l1tensed lo r.trlor m lht Work 4 Conlr•cl Tlm4' Sub,lanhal Completion of lhe Wor~ shall be achieved Three Hundred day\ .. 11cr the dale IOI cQmmMc•menl ol Ille Wo1~ "' '"' tnr th 1n the Notice to Proceect 1"11rd by the 01\\Pt l f &•lure lo achieve Sub,l•nl••I C;ompletrun wllhon the Contract loone will result 1n the assosmenl of l1qu1daled O~m•g<\ 5 Bid Security l•ch Bod Propv,nl \hall b• accornpamed by Bid Secu11ly '" dn •mounl nol ten than TEN PE RC[ NT (10'1".) ol Ill~ rnaumum amount ol the Bod Proposal 1nt lusive of any add1ll•e Alternate Bod llem•(s) I a1lure of •"Y brd Proposal to be Accnmp1n1ed by Rod Se<1111ty 111 Ille lo1m and '" the emounl eequued sh•ll e~nde1 auch 81d Propoul lo be non 1.spon\IVt and re1ected by th• 01sl11r.I 6 No W1lhdnwal ol Bod Nil Bidder may wolhdr•w any Bid for a period of S11 ly (60) day• alter the openrnt of Bids Our1n1 lh" lime. •II E110ders shall aua11ntee PflCU quoted '" then respected Btd Peopauls 7 Job Wall! Tllrou&h The 01\lfl<. I will conduct a Non Mandalory Job W•lt. toe lh~ Wurh The Job· Walk, will be conducted brg1nn1112 ~f NON( on NONI Call ( 714) 438-4646 tor m~r1 8 Substitute Secur•ly Prov1>10n\ ol Cal1forni1 Public Contr•cl Codt §27300 \llbsllluhon ol eh&lble and equlvtlenl setu11hc• tor any monies withheld by the Otsl11cl lo ensure th~ Conh 1ctor's perf0<mance undet the C.nntr acl woll he permitted al the request and eapenio of lht l'nnh .. cfor and In contorm1ly with Cahforma Pullhc !'.nnlr 1ct Code §22300 rho fore1101n11 nolw1thstanct1na. the Bidder to whom the Contr 111ct l' •war dell ,1,1111 h•Ye Ten (10) d111y1 lollowln1 •cllon by the O.slclcl's 80 .. d of T1uste1& to award lh11 Contract !CO •uch Bidder to subm1l Its written request to the 01Slr1cl lo p«mi1 the substitution of secunl1t\ IC'I• retentoon under Cahlorn•• Pobhc Cont111c1 Code §7'1300 The latlura of wc:h Bidder to mike such written 111111~1 to 1111 Olslrlct wllhln said le11 ( 10) d•y pe11od shall be deemed • waiver of th~ Bodder·, rl&hls under Calilornle Publlc Contract cod" §2'1300 9. Waiver of lrr1cute11hes The 01~111ct Re'e,.es th• r lrht to r•lect any ot 111 Bid Propo•31s or to waive any luecularltlli or 1nf0<m•lit11~ 1n any Bid Proposal Of In the blddlna. lO. Awa• d of Conte acl The Contractor tor Ille Work, II awarded. will be by action of the O•s h tcl's Board of l rustffs lo the responsible Bidder aubrnlthna the lowu t rupons1ve Bid Propo••I If the Bid Proposal requires Bidders In propose prices for Alt11<n111le Old Items, the Oistr1cl's u lectlon of Allern•le Bid llema, It any, for determln111tlon of the lowest i><lced B•d Propasal and for mcluslon Ill the scope ot t)le Contract lo be awerded shall be In accOfd•Me with th• Instruction for Bidden. 11 Preo lllna Wap R•t.n The CaltlMnl• Otrec:tor ol the Oeptrtmt nl ot lnduslrltl R•lallons has determllled the 1•ntrally preva1Nn1 rates of per diem wa1u In the locality In whlrh the Worlo. Is to bt perf0<mtd 10< this project. Coplea ol lhese dett<mlnation1. tnllti.d •pRtVM.INO WACE SCALE" tr• mlllntalntd •I ttle Olsttlct's Adm1nbt11t1•e Omc.. located al 1370 Adams Ave Cost1 Mn•. C•ll10fnla 92626, alld 11 • •~•llllble at lh• followln1 WEii lite w-.dir.ce 1ov. The ContraC'IOf awarded the Conlrtcl tOI the W0tlo. shall pey nol less than lltt appllcablt prev•lflnl w1ae r •le lor llle cl1aslfk atlon of l•bor provlcltd b1 their respective workttl In h ecutlon of tht Wor~ Puolithed Newport llatch·Cost• Meu Dally Pitol 0.C..mti., 29, 2003, Jenu9'y S, 2004 M881 a NA«. ~. bA>e """" Mike 949 645 7505 ENTERTAINMENT Clllndlrof E"'1ts 1310 (QUAl llOOSltG OfPOl'MITY All real estate adverlt\ 1na on this n•wspaper I) subteel to the I •der al r1n Hous1n1 Act of 1968 1s amended which m1ke$ 11 1lle&al 10 adverl•H • •ny p1el~r enc•. llm1tal1on or d1sc11nun~l1011 ba,rd on r actJ. t.olor, r ~liktou1 sr•. hand1up, fa1111lial •latus <>r nah<>n•t n11~111, or an ontenllon to rn•h •"Y such prtltren•e hrnola t1on of d1\u1mina11on .. I his new•P·•P•r will ont koow1n2ly accept any adver ll>eonenl 101 real !:)late wh1t.h 1s 10 v1olal1on ol the law Ouo reade" &It h'•tby informed that all !lw•ll inas adver11~d rn this newspaper are avoolable on an equal oppor tun1ly basis 1 o compl.ttn of dos c11m1nahon C•ll llUO toll· tree et 1 800·414·8590 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES ~Style Furniture PIANOS i Colle<1iblet ·~_..,._ ... ~ •\I...-• A.MM • ()111'1.(•fvri\rv • $$ CASH PAID $$ WE auv ESTATES • lm"Wd1•t• '~ Wf\oir• ;649-4922., SO,Wcr<f8~T 22t2S. ... 9t. S.... AM. CA 92107 I n.J.it~a.. .. -..r.a.•JtM 3460 JEWB.RY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METAl.S CM•I Celto Need• Old Coin~I Gold, s1lve1. -elry, wetchas, ant~ collectibles 949-642·9"8 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 3610 aucu1 • • • life 's Uncertalntlu H1ppenl Pel Ownett Need Help. Well Mennered Adult Cat• f. Older Docs need ntw homes Adopt Adult At11mat1 th1S )(masl 30 day retu1n Policy www.a11lm1lnelWOfl\ 0111 Wlff9I .,,.. & an &ala h d ' IW1d .... h c.1"C ~ J:) (}fy ~ •• • bbxl ...... MAllred. ftlltl. dewirml!d. tv ~ ~~ ... ...._..."*' a Yh 12.,, 96Q4.11}9 www 1nlm1ln&tworlo. Ofl IUllDING SAU. "f onal Clear ancet" Priced lo Sell No Salesman Co Ootect/Savt 20 x 24. $2.900 25 • 30. Sl.900 30 • 40 $5,200 35 • !JO $6 .900 50 • 120 $20.800. Others Ploneee 1 ~54Z2 (CAL "SCAN) AlL SlUl llOGS. 24130 WH $7 ,900, sell $3,90() 2!b!l0 was Sll,900. sell S!l .980 4 9•90 wn ~ ~ S12.!m bl Cal tv.o! Tom &»;&> 7Pi 3905 All CASH CANOY Routt Oo you urn $800 in •• day' Your own lout candy roule Include\ JO m•chlnes and .andv All lor $9,995. M111t1v~11d, LlC 880 Ciani! l\l•d Our P11k. NY I Iii"} 800·998 VI NO (CAL "SCAN) #1 Internet Franch"" oppnr111n11y to !hose loo~•ng to wnrk tndt pendcnlly. S8K onve\t menl 1 equ11ed lnclud~s tr alnme and "uppoc I toe tr •ncllises worldwide Toll Frtt I 888 452 6737 LOlSIACREAGE 4740 NCW MI XI C O MOUNlAINS 140 AC Only $.49,900 (•d1a1 enl to National Fo!f\I) Be•ul1ful land. 1h•ll'l da11I w1ldltte . Qlt•I u t11na v~·· , ound m1lnla1ned road [ H@I lent f1n1ncm11• C111 866 20;> 9711 (CAt "SCAN) MISCEUANEOUS REHTAl.S ReralToShare 6030 Nl /Oc•-View ... ,,. ~ eanfrontfl;>nd Pr1v,t• mom uni um sh•r e ba. ullls pard. no/\mk lltlLhonelle, ln<.lry. lblll lo Newpor t 11••1 $710m Call Sam 949·778 190!> (lletween 9am~5pm) ..... 241lr <,\()C ~. 400 6'X>sl uni~ Pr11 IC!CI lot •~htdes, low r •I~ ~•M Cd1olyn 949 863 1390 Balboa bland o.i.... 2br 2loo capl, ltC Wd bll IO~ dt<I\ mom bay •iew. naol now Sl900mo')49 673 J~ Corona del Mar llr w /bo1h tflly, no kllct•en. creal lotaloon. U SO/mo 420 N•oll\\U~ ~I 949 717 4708 )br l b• hou'e lrnnl y•rd. 1 c gar, S3000 mn 121 Hehotrope Avail l~n ht 949-72 1 !">049 u .. ,,~_.r,.. .... .._ Ql..t --. ez hwy llllClnS 1993 Qudl St $946 714. ~I or 707·~371/ Me,le Aphl lovttly G1ted Comm. near Trl•nale Square, '1br lb~ w/&er f. free. SI09!>, lbr lb1 w/patlo, carport, slot•&• '81!> ....-. nsi peid. Klero ~ 1117 J04.8649 f.1t ml Mewtt-t euen the .rr .. 1 2br l.5ba no t>tb Sll~/mo 1665 Ctvlne Ave #3 94g. 720-9'22 •203 UDO ISll STUDIO L•1&" closet' bath, wnny e~posu1e tlOOOm A1tl 949 675 61bl UDO ISU STUDIO l ur II• CI0$8I & bath \l11111y uposure, $l000m A~I 949 6/5 6161 Ml oft ll'tOW' .., 'l.u.i. ?br 2blo " ""' llltf •lv,g & 1eslalanb. Iii I < pt wd Ag! SlT75 96 ~ 2lr t 9"' ,_ l)Olll\/tJrlll!(. 2·cat Pf•. tJ.ldly•d. 1/2 bb:t. tu "~..Jll. n~I >« SlllA'mo 94'J 718 ~ w1 ~!ftn!liJrnonly 2br 2ba • dtn. upp"' uml. b.oy fl<W~ p•l10, sh.lred W•\her & dryer agl 51850 949 jl<JJ 46.ll 2br I /5bd un the wal~•. I~ p~llo, det ll u11Kr aded kitchen wd ht.up, •&I snoo 949 ?93 4632 lbr 7b.t upp•r u111I I bah~OIHf>' ,,.. m~t t hvrm I ,. t(" tHI fl4'11ll •ii $2300 9-'9 2'iJ 4630 ----lay frDftf lllr ~ll3 npp•r level, peo ood •lyle R• r at view,, I ur ea• agt $2800 ')49 29J 4631 vns.,. Nunort .. 'i•le~/ Cleu~al f'ap "·~wred kl'nwledae nl 11n1 "'"' ture. ptent 10. ( u1111111ter \klll• 8MAlll\ 401 K oppty to adv•n<t1 M11tht Liu 714 %J 8.44/ rrt.oad@.evnno •..!I.Im> SALU1 O•tt .... penon w/phon• '"'"' up larn ~ & 11\1 phone 949- 862 7474 la• 949 86'1 7475 Newport leoth Te,,..la dult os now h111nR up d Barlendf'r) ~•C•~ f. Recpp\1on1\I l •ll 1111 a1>9I (949) 644 00'~ Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 Au1omobiles 9000 lulclo. •99 Patio. Avenu• Ultr low nu told/lo!~ Ith•. 01nr I, CO, alloy whl\ lhr uuahuul. $11 9!1'> v56n~1 Bkr 94~ 586 11188 ... -.eq>clbl.- CodlKo< '91 Crstera SOio. m1 blklblk llhr bl~ c1rn1tge 101 .. 1. 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SI 1.99!> •'191?1 b~r 949·586·1111111 w-.o<ptiltl~- UNO •ovta ?GOO 01 ,, nv,.. y II l -.,.,,., d11AI mnnnrh •••1 '""'P w .1h hul~d "'' I•• W•llr J6,0CJO Ml, $21,0()0 Vhf~ li•t 714222 !1161 Rant• ltover '99 4 .6 II!>! 481. m1 full lacl w •" bl~/blh lthr. 18" , ht 111 whl~ \Uj)erb contl ll•••lljjl\ $22.9'.l> 11t1720l U~r 9•9 !186-1888 www.o<,oltl.cem The a11cceulllf Bklct.< wltl b• rlf(lulftd to fl••• llle followln1 Stile of Ctllfornl• Contrtctor'a lkenM ci1trtnt •I Utt time ot tubmlwlon ot Utt 8 1d: UCJllll UClllSI COM(S)I CLAJNn(AflOlh Gtfllftl lh111dina Co/lb IKlOf MAFIW MJDSTO WCllFOI TOOi 642-5671 PUTARW WOIDSTO WmlfOI YOUI 642-5671 ''Employee. " "Empl.eado." ••ma .. YllllYR CUll&BCii THE M G£NT$ OF 1HC lmlYtflSfTY OI CAl.trORHIA Pub -II le ... u De I'~ PllctlnlNr 22 29 200l "Arbeitnehmer. ,, "Employi.,, .. n. I I,. . ' • . Calilornl• law re 14u11.. thal contrac •~• • laktn& JOI>• that total $500 0< mou (labo< 0t niat.,lals) be licens"d by lhe Contractof\ State license Boud St•te law olw 1eouKn lhtl coutraclofs Include ttlev 1-.ise nurnbet 0'1 ah adv.-1 IS#ll 'I' OU can cl\ecll the <talus of youf tlcenud contrec;tor 11 ww• .c~lb '" aov Of 800·321 CSlB Uni! censed conhacloll tah11111 1ob• that total 11111 lll•n S!JOO must •late In lhelr advertlsemenh thel they are not hctonsed by the Conlfacton State lk:ens. Boafd - SELL .your stuff through classifie d! A· ?HANDYMAN lnstell, retrace cabinets ~ COMPUTER HELP! ......... ""' ...... .......... •lilt•-·~ •lllDPl!ga~·· ·~­·Ob~ ·~"'1oo.A-."'* • io.w;~ ,,.,,,....., uc ~a.-, IOYrw~(Ap. 714-612-2786 ....... Dole 714-!16Tl!I. Concnll & Mllonry ~• H r, , , . · f Ii , ' I t' OI~• , .. 3 IOOl'R$ & Nhly .... lnduOes~no CALI. TOQAY • CUM TOOAY lm11714·32t-3142 omc1nc......,110 ear,.. Rt,alr,tllts lrld1 llecli St-Tiie Concrete. Patio. Orrwway f•eplc, BBQ Rer, 25'1'fs hp. Teuy 114 557 7594 c-......, w ... c..m.nt, Bro, Slone. T ... lltHeWayo.. de: R~. No ,00 loo 'lmlll 714 615 !Qi? I YOUll HOMI IMPROVIMINT PllOJICU Call a plumb~•, pamlef. h1ndyman. 01 any of the areal st1 ••us l"ttd he1• In our ~erv1ce due< tory' !Hf.Sf LOCAL SVC P£0Plf CAN HELP YOU TOOAY' WITTHOlfT DRYWAU All phasH sm/111 jobs CUAHI 20yri. 1811. lree est L4()XW II 4 6J9 1447 ANSW&a TO WUJCLY ut.IDCiJ: ~ Q I · NoJI wlM:nblc. you llOld; 1'llit ~has~· • tt'" l o n o 10 u • 11 SOtmt W£Yr NO«nt tlAST I• ,_ I ,_ Pwtna opcos lbc btddint with one oo ' uwnp. Whac llCtion do you cako7 Wh111 do you bid now? A . A1 no=. your hlrld is unlik.ely ID I Mllale Irick. Al l&*b. ii produce two Of lfirce. If you play ir.n.srcr bids. IJ'lln)- fa illlo ~ lllld I*'· If not. bid two ipllde&. Q 2 • N« vulnenbk .... South you hold. • A 10 9 6 l 1 o ' (I '1' & Q J 10 1 The biddl ng tw Pl'OCl!Cded: ·NORTH EMT' SOUTH WIST I • OM I• Pa. J .... ? Whal llC1JOO do you li!U" A • Be c~ful -lhu lookJi like: a cllw.K: misl'iL 'The rule with ntifib ~ IO get OUI of the auction .. the fiO'I lcghimau: (noo·ron:int) O(>l>Orluniry. Thal momenl ~ amvcd.'Pa.s~. O 3 -~ilhct wlncniblc. a.\ South ~OU hold &KI0141 -llt5 ••654 1 J>altncr open the biddm& wnti ~ spade. Whal l!Cll<lfl do you l&Xt? A ·Thi~ 1~ lhc type of hoklmg Uuu rnakc• weak JUnlp nusc.• M> popular. If lhal weapon is In your 11r.cnal. by all means leap 10 lhrcc ~paidci. If nuc. bid rwo ~ To he sutt. lhi\ hand i.. pathetJcally we&, bul the advan- Ulge of ,>IUfing lhc opponcnb' hid ding ~pace hou kl not ~ OVfflookcd. Q 4 • Both vulnc111blc. a.to South yuu hold: •Q AQJ K Q ll • •KQ11ll A • You have a V1!:fY cOCJd band whb 111 ~Ucna flt for pattncr'• .ult 8eSI I\ 10 ll'llkc ~ "rc:VU'IC" bid of IWO dwnondi., Which I> r(Jf'CUIJ and ~. c:alll vii-. and Follow b)' i;upponing be;tts. Th1\ will pa1n1 the piC1l.ft o< 1 tioe hind w11h Apedie !lhortaae. ha.rt ~ llOd Mllm lnicresc. Lei palfnef' dttcnmnc how 10 pol lh111 ~nowlcdgc Ul wort. Q ! · I\' South. vulnct11hlr. you huld •QJ K 9843 A 116 •AK1 The btddlns lw ~~ WEST NOR'Jll EAST SOlITTI I .._ ,._ 1 Whac DCIJOO Jo you take I A· In the direct ~l. you 1N•1t1IJ ~imply make llll oven:al I of one hellrt. In lhe bul1111Cing Mltll, however. 11 rcopcrung bid 1n a ~ui1 '·' hmitod 111 "°'1V 10-11 points. All ..uooger hand~ "l.lrt wilh a ~t doubt<'. llfld thlot I\ the :IL'llOO )OU .Jl<IUkJ 1altc Q 6 • H1~h ,ulncmblc, you hull.I •AIC98HZ (,)10~ (,)7.l •\W Yc11.1r righl·lumd opponent c>fl<'n' Ille hukll ng with thte<' din inu0<I' Wl'4'\t 1i.:11w <k• you take'/ A • 1111' I' purely £1.iC''"'rl l'uttncr could h..-e qu11e a good hnnJ hut. 1r m.nl of hh 'uJue, are m dubo.. 1Jw1 woukl n111 be: !Jood fur yclll On lhe ocher hand. any hand w11h drmnood \11.unllCS) and Wlllt' \pad.: \Uppc >rt ,·oukl 11111kc g~ lal.:e your ~hnnccs und hill four \1'41'k'' .... piece l•tMwerN ... ~, CeUtoartelllece,._M ct-.afl911 MZ·Mll Eledrtcal SIMCIS SMAl.l JOI IXPIRT local, Quick Re\pon1e Home. Verd£ Dock Elect 20 y" hp °'"*" (lldrit Lll'l:FAJO ~ 10C2 1.1.c. tlMtrlc I ow pncn loal ainlnc1Dr. no pl> too VNI. no ,00 too bl&. Refs upon~ \llCI081010! (714)142-1410 Ce•plete llectrlcel ~ Hew lines, Up- &J<lde5. Troublnhoollna. ndoor~ 714-JB& 7219 UUNSID CONTUUOll No ,00 too ..... "' _ _, Rep111. remodel. ten<. ""'1. !WW SVC ~JllJ6 OIJTOM OOTM 1U lnstlllatiOn, state awamoc, nwt>1e. stone ._... 1•1s llll61'°'4 Jeff 114 617-9961 UMYsa..-.~ec1 Repouhn &. tMl•ffahon fll.E 0£AH 949 673 8065 11• ~ 714 883 2001 714-715-2128 ~rtJTiwSera i-&Spdlr.....,.. -~~ inr.SiUn.a..• ~ .... Olll!~ °"' !-. Tr•• Servlc., Y•1d Cleanup, Maintenance. Spnnkler Repair, Haulma (94') '50-1111 Rf~ TOR£ • Rf PAIR 6 R£MOOll 1NC GIM.UL IF.lAJI 1111.UNmaNCE ·~•Ummimal o Job Tuo sman Handyman/ HomeRet11lr 6-t!C...... ,..,. Catpenb y • Plumbwlc OrywaH • Sh;<.u> PalRllC\lt. file£ mcu 2Qo. Years hpeuence! JS 7'4-9'9-S77• Hauling JUNK TO TIU DUMP'lll 714 968 1882 AVAii ABl I l ODAYI 949 613 5!>66 Hoae Cleaning Ho<i .. a .... 1...-1.,·, Whly/BI whty/Monlhly Refs C1ul 1ate~l lmelds 949-541U;1fb 949 7 /8.{83/ ALAN THI HANOYMAN _M_as_o_lf_rl:_Y ___ _ All work 11uaranteed • JllG MASONRY • Pluml!or11t. Clec::tral, Ooors. Any I ype. OeM P11cn . Fnsh carp*-~~ Reparr< Ok. Que Illy Worlo fla Up Sf>ecleflst. All •7'.nlB .lcJSe 714 ~I 100 tyl)Cll of repan tll!C.tri Cll~~ .... lllf t.ulllfs. hie £ mofe 24/1 day<114 366 1881 AND .-:.;-~ SELL your stuff through classified! MAflW W.STO WOBIOI YCIJI (949 '642-5'71 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tht f.L.tal Departmnit at tk Daily Pilot is pk11Hd 10 announu a new srrvtrr now availahk ta nrw businnsn. ~ will now SF.ARCH rhr Nlmr far JOU at no extra <hargr. and JaW JOU thr ti mt and thr trip to thr Court Hou.s,r in Santa Ana. Thrn, of <Ouru, aftrr thr uar<h is <ompkud wt wi/J fik JOU' fictitious businm namr stdtnnrnt with thr CounfJ Ckrlt, publish o~r a Wttlt far four wulu as rrquirrd by law and rhrn flu JO'" proof of publit-arion with thr CounfJ Clnlt. Plrau stop by w fik your ficririous businrn namr fllltnnmr ar tht Da11J />1/or, 330 W. Bay St. Co1ta MtJa. If yo11 canrwt stop by. pkasr <aU us at (949) 642-432 I and wt wiU maltt dmzni mrmtJ for you t4 hllndk this proctdurr by mail If you shou/J hllvt any farthtr questions, pkast call us and we wili br mart than gLul to assist JOU. Good luclt in your new businm! ()penl Deya Low R91 .. Stontge~ SinC4I 1881 949-&45-4545 HST MOVlRS $SS/~. Ser vona All Clltes lnsurod ~=r~r~~~.~.::f Tlr.3844 323'997 1193 worh. Free esl LIJ7S602 323·630·9971 cell 714 ~ 1534 7 390 2945 PUBLIC NOTICE The C•ltl Public Utrlolres Commission requrres lhat alt used household aoods mover~ p11nt their PUC Cal I number; Irmo' and chautteu1s prrnt their T C P. numbe1 111 all adver lrsemenl\ II you have any question< about the 1eaa11ty of a niovu limo or chautteuf, call PUIUC UTIUTllS COMMISSIOM 100 117-1167 ID'S QISTOM P'AINTING Pron, clean, qualrty worll lnlerk>f/ut end dock< LI 703468 949 .-00 I 054 aMNIOW OICll MAINT P•lnlrn11·•.Ve1t, llou5;\./Ajit Quality job! free lt'lhmale L1569897 714 636 8888 H a Olvislon of MIJT J 1111\Qert S£wt:R JE lllHG ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAA DETECTION f rlend7 Service •4•·• s -•104 -.~.com l •7S2A9frnwreo SIWll ,. DUii QIM9G ('4•) 64S-21U ltOHIST & lllASOHoUU PlUMllR Free Est! Sm repek OC'TfCU Disc. 714 tf"> 9150 THI STRIP'PfRI Spec1al111nc rn Wallpapr'Remoul L158824 I 949 360 I 211 Window Cleaning GOlDINWIST PHCISI PlUMllNG WINDOW SHVICl Repa11s & Remodehng Satri.lactlon Guar unleed FRU f SrlMAH 949-63115627M 966!010 l#f>87398 714·969 1090 SELL your stuff through classified! ' e Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 .'\11/l ;your (·or in Clo.•.,iflr'fl ! Call (949) 642:-5678 GET THE PO I NT? Daily Pilot < ·1:t..,..,ili1·d ad" \\ork for .'011~ J