HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-03 - Orange Coast Pilot_______________________ ., ________ .,..,...,...-__________ .... __________________________ ..., ........ ,.. .. ' --~ . ORANlil COAIT YOUR HOMETOWN DlllY PAPIR FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER J, 1YU2 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA ~~ CL N r S SCAG targets El Toro for regional airport By F REDER ICK SCHOEME HL Of lhe Oellr l"llo t ltelf Over Ob.)t.'<:tlons from lrv1m• and Orange County ufhC'11.1ls, tht· Southern c~11forn1a Assoc.:1all<m 0 r c u v l' r n Ill t' n t !> h d ) recomml·rHh·d the El Tur o Manm• Cur~ Air Stauon ti!> a site for J rww rt'g1u11aJ airport At a lllt'(•ting Thur.;day m Uk> Angelei.. the SCAG exc.""Cullve comrn1ttt•t• 111bo targeted tht• southerly portion of Camp Pendleton &.!. u regional airport site . Tht-c.·urnm1ttee dropped from considt•rallon 11 proposed ul hihurt: site neaJ' ~ A11t(t•lt'!> 1.ong &>ach !forum Thl· t·unm11ttee's dec:1swn on El Turo came despite ob}l'CllOns o f Is vlnt' Mayor Larry Agran and lllUlllY Bo1ud of Superv1sorb C 'h,•11111an Brut't' Nt>standt· Agrtin predicted any atttm1pl to plat't' a regional airport at El Toro would lead to hundr~.h of rnill111m. of dullan. in damagt• da111L-., Nl-standt· smd "Wt· t·a11't µut air travelers' nghtb abuvt: C't)rn111umty nghts." For four years, SCAG, via an Av1at1on Wor k Program lf-'umm1ttee, has btt·n searching for a site for a regioruil airport that would meet add1tlonul 1tir passenger demand expected in Southern CaMorni11 by 1995 Two y1..•ar11 ago, SCAG had con sidered tht-offshore Lu11 Angelet1-Long &•ach Harbor site to be the lt'admg candidate for a new mternallonaJ-type airport "W e can't put air travele~ 'rights above comniunity rights." SCAU is a qua.'>1-government planning agency that makes recommendations on regional transportation, population growth and air quality issues. But afll'r rece1v1ng cons1dcrable en tlcism of the p roposal, SCAG began looking at other locations, including the El Toro marine air facility and Third g r ad (•r Jai-.on Bis ho p, H, of Founta in Valley gets an old f ashiont'd cooling off o n ont· o f the hottest days of the yea r. Beaches set For big weekend Orange· l'o<Jsl 11 f t·gu.nds .ire· gearing up for a husy Lahor D:1y week(•nd as a c:ontinut·d hl".11 wavt-and inland smog ar1• expc'<:Lt'Cl to drivt' thousands 11f people t.o the· ~'a shorC'S On Thursday. tl'mpt:'raturC"s 111 Nt'wport Bt.•ach rangL'd bt:twt·•·n a high uf HO dl•grC'C·s .rnd " low of fi4 . At nl'arby John Waynt Airport, thl:' nwrt·ury chmh('<l l11 100 dt•grt't'S and ft II t•• ,1 mght low or fi7 WC'alht•r 11ff1uc1b prt'<lt< l mun of tht· 'Mlnll' throu,gh Tur•sdJ\ <1<'tt1mPJnlt'<J hy smoggy ,11r A long tht• Orang<· t'O<l'-1 ~·athl'S, the air quality will Ix· unhC'althful for S('ns1t1ve people, · ... aid a c;p()kt.•swoman for lhl' South Coast Air Quetl1ty ManaR(·ment District "It's unusual along th(• t·oast hut th1• luw. strong 111vt•rs1un l.1y1·r weak wind'> ,1nd hot t1·m 1H•ralur<·s art• all primt• cond1t1ons for low quality ;llr," sh(• ~lid Th<' air quahly 1s WON' inland c;hp said Brain-dalllage d hoy By The Associated Press A $5 5 million settlement ha;, bet>n awardro a 5-year-old boy who was brain damaged at birth by substandard obstetrical cart• and cannot walk. talk or control his hmbs Tht• out of c·ourt settlement was annoumed Wednesday to Orange County Superior c-Ourt 1ur ors as they be~an deHberat1ons on damagf"S in the case of Brancion McGlone, whOS<· parents s1Jro Dr Kenm•th Hobbs of Oranl'o(t' COUNTY Michael and Tw11la MtGlone sought damages for emotional distress and for Brandon's d1min1shed mental capacity and 111ss of potential earnings Brandon has a 12 -word vocabulary. but he seems to have n<'arly-normal mtelhgPnC'C', his mother said His inJurics arr a ttributed to brain damage caused al birth when a l.clnglC'd umb1hcal cord cut off oxygc·n to his brain The Jury f ou nd fur the Mt·G lonl'!. cm Friday in a !I :4 Laguna graduales turn tables Laguna Beach H igh School graduates turned the tables and graded th£> education they received Page Bl OCC hosts 'Vp With People" Up W ith People, appearing a t Orange Coast College t.his weekend, offers a little dance. a little sing and a lot of attitude. Weekender BUSINESS Economy crunch h its Las Vegas Las Vegas used to be immune to economic downturns. Not any more Page C 10. { = ·--~ First stagC' c;mog alt'rts have.' hN:>n issued today an sevPrdl inland c1l1es including Los Alamitos and El Toro A first stage alert means "unhealthful air quality for everyone." said tlw AQMD spokeswoman With th(' lt·mpt·raturcs µred1cted about :w th•gn't'S t'OOl('r along the beal'hl'1>. lifeguards from &>al Beach to San Clement.• say they exper t some of tht• largest crowds of th<· summE>r "With this heat wave. we're gelling rt>c1dy for a busy weekend." <;.<ud Newport Beach lifeguard Lt LoRan Lockabev At Huntingto n Beac h city beach, the most heavily used ocean strand in the cou nty, lifeguar ds p red1C'l c rowds approaching 70,000 on thl· om•- rnlle strand of sarTd "We can't gc-t many more people than that," said lifeguard R ob M o rris "But with the miserable weather inland. that's what Wf''r<> E'Xpt>Ctmg " gets $5.5 million verdict Lawyers for the two sides worked out thP settlement Monday night Travellers Insurance. which carried H obbs' malpractice coverage, w1U buy the McGlones a $I 9 mJllion annuity pohcy that will pay the family a minimum of $5 5 million. The McGlones, who now lave in Placer County, will receive an immediate payment or $300,000, plus annual paymPnts of $JOO,- NATION 000 WI th the first 20 years guaranteed In add1t1on, the McGlones will get another $2.7 mHhon m five-year installments up thr ou gh age 50 The M cG lones' lawyer, William GarJ{aro, will receive $500J>OO Hobbs was found to have "deviated from the standard of care," Gargaro said, because he suspected but failed to check if Br and on 's head was in the normal pos1t1on for a normal delivery. Indiana has a 'better way' Every where, it seems people are using dead bolts and alanns to underscore distrust for strangers. In Indian a recen tly, people showed there can be a better way Page A l l Oregon village crim e target Townspeople in a n Oreg on vi ll age are complaining crooks a re invading their community after its police force was abolished. Page A6. umers face phone hikes ,. Consumers ar e In for 9i0me huge phone rate hicre~ases companies acroa the nation are seeking. Page 85. Camp Pendltt.on The Marine Corpt1 c:onsh1te11tly hlill maintained neither base b1 available for use aa a civilian airport The corps has said relocation of EJ Toro's operauona to another base is nol feasible, and, even 1f It were. assoc1ak'd t'06l3 would be m the billions of dollars The SCAG recommendation rul'\ll counter to an exam1nat1on of regional airport sites by a "blue rilibon" panel or Orange County business and industry t-xerullves It concluded a r t•g1onal airport should be placed 111 Santiago C.an yon in tht" Santa Ana Moun tains eaat of Orange As par t of i l8 action. the SCAG exe('Utive committee caUed for conunued studies of locatmg a regional aU'port at El Toro and Camp Pendleton and creauon of a regional airport authority that ultimately would build any new airport The commlltee alao said San Diego County, which is out oC SCAG's jurisdict ion, should be<'Ome a partner In the regional airport studies Nation 's jobless • . rate rema1ns at postwar high By The A11ociated Press The nat ion's unemployment rat~ in A ugust was 9.8 percent of the work force, unchanged from July, the government reported today Among adult men, the Labor Department said, the jobless rate was a post-World War II high of 8.9 percent . About 10.8 m1lhon Americans were out of work. The August rate marked the six th co n ser u ti ve month joblessn ess has matched or exceeded the previous post-war recession hjgh of 9 percent, set m May 1975, during the business slump brought on by the Arab 011 embargo. On T h u r sday, t h e Labor Departm e n t r e p orted the n umber o f o u t -o f -w or k Americans filing irutial claims for g overnme nt b enefi t s increased to 621,000 in the week ended Aug. 21. It. waa the th ird biggest seven-day filing t his year. T h e number of cw ms filed with state unemployment offices was 13,000 higher tha n in the previous week, the department sald Only twice earlier this year were initial clafalS filed at a faster pace About 640,000 Americans made claims in the Wt'ek endmg Jan. 9, and 623,000 filed for JObJess benefits m the wt-ek ending March 20 By mid-August, more than 4 million people were da1m1ng unemploymen t i nsurance benefits under state programs compared with 2 9 mil lion getting the payments during the same period a year before. Although inter es t rates declmed sharply earlier this month, setting off heavy stock trading on Wall Street, there has been no compai;able surge in retatl spending. Several pnvate analysts say business m~l see evidence of strong consumer spendjng before any Slgruficant rchmng takes place ~sides the recent drop In mt.erest rates, the government's barometer of future economic activity jumped 1.3 percent in July, its fourth consecutive gain New ord ers for manufactured goods rose 2 percent in July, the b iggest gain since .December 1980 But few economists were heartened by t h e 1 percent rebound in retail sales m J uly. even though that followed a 3.3 percent p lunge the mon th before. Hospital backers not quitting fight By JOEL C. DON O(the 0..., Not ..... lrvine Medical Center offlr1aJs began searching for alternatJves for t h eir p roposed hospital t•omp l ex t oday f o l lowing Tuesday's legislative defeat in Sacramento. "IMC is not dead; it's JUSt about lo jump a hurdle," said attorney Dave Baker, pres1dPnl of the medical center. "We are con fident t h a t there are alternatives available and we will be examinin g those 1n detail" Though optimistic, Baker acknowledged that t he options available w ill be considerably more difficult to pursue than the leg1Slative route. A bill that would have helped IMC secure part of the nettSSa.ry land for its facility d ied Tuesday after a fierce legislative battle I Sponsored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson , R -Newport Beach, t h e b ill would have permitted t h e Sadd l eback Comm u nity College District to lease I 0 acres of und eveloped land at its north campus to IMC INDEX At Your Service C.avalcade Classified A4 A l l Dl ,D4-8 C9 C9 02 Comics Cro88Word Death Notices F.dltortal En U!rtainmen t G ardening Horoecope Ann Landen A IO Weekender B6 All Al I SPORTS Medical center off1c1als also JJ l anned to pu r c h ase an additional 22 acres at J effrey Road and Barranca Parkway for the $95.8 millio n h ealth care complex, mclud ing a 222-bed acute care hospital, outpa t ien t clinic and teaching facility to serve Saddleback n ursing and allied health care programs Baker said a meetJng would be held nex t wee k with representatives of the h05p1tal group. Saddleback College and the Irvin e Compan y He said Bergeson has offered to mediate the discussion. One suggested alternauve 1s for Saddleback to give up its option on 20 acres of land it planned to purchase from the Irvine Company. The 10-acre parcel IMC hoped to lease from the coUeg e lies withm that land option. The Irvine Compa n y would m tum lease the land to the hospital g roup under an arrangement that would meet the approval of coUege trustees, Baker said. In the meantime, Baker has (See HOSPITAL, Page A!) Movies MutuaJ Funds National News Public Notices Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Marketa Televiaion Theaters Weather Weekender C l O A3 02-3 Cl -8 All Cll TV Log Weekender A2 Ba8ketball star 'homesick' Kevin Magee. former basketball atar for UC Irvine. ii set to begin playina in Italy. But he says he b very homesick. Paae Cl. - r.-~--'!"""--~~~----~~~~~ ...... ~~-----..---......... ~--..... -----.--------..-............. --.......................................... ~--~~--~~~~----~~~~----~r-rt-·---~--~ ···;-· •r---•• <; s Orange CoHI DAIL V PILOT /Friday, 81pt1mb1r 3, 1912 ______________________________________________ ....,. ________________________________ _ ~' ''' Continued stories Mexico bank chie asks calm HOSPITAL FIGHT • • • 11hown llttlt· conce rn about 11ccuu11on11 that he tried to pollUcally bnbt> Gov Edmund G Brown Jr to &aVl' the BergNOn bill In a lettt'r telexed to th~ governor Tut•sday, B aker threatened to send a mailer to as rnany as 25,000 IMC supporters aliking they vote for Republican U .S . Senate candidate Pete Wilson 1f Brown dad not lend .Auto sought .1n ranch/and arson probe Orange County Fire Department arson mvesUgators <ire seeking 1nformat1on regarding a gray, fou r-door sedan seen at the origin of Wednesday's 600 acre fire in Laguna Hills JUSt moments before flames broke out • A spokesman for the county if1rc department sa id Wednesday's blaze adjacent to the Nelli e Gall Ranch community was "definitely arson." Witnes.5eS said they &aw the gray vehicle parked along Oso Parkway near Nellie Gail Road just prior to the 2:30 p.m. blaze. "We are asking any person having any information on the cause of the fire or on any person seen m the area of the fire origm to call us," said fire spokesman Chuck Murphy. The brush fire, which took more than three hours t o extinguish, threatened hillto p ~ valued between $500,000 #f $1 million. •!!Anyone wnh any infonnauon i:.urged to call the county's ilWorl detail at 538-3551, or the ~ymous WE-TIP hot lme at ~.,) 472-7785. .. ~ 'Pair to face ,,:. ~ount y trial .!:'Two TI) en ha v c p I e a d e d ~noccnt 1n Orange County flt~rior Court to charges they i'!)e<i to pass off phony paintings aj,works by "European mast.ers." C:;.An Oct 15 pretrial hearing "• set Thursday for Lance an. 29. and Jan Samuel 41 , said bailtff's deputy Herrera support to thr btll Brown 111 runn'mtJ agaltuH Wilson In tht• aeruttonal race. A draft of the campaign mailer to be. ae•AL ow..ahortly beforl' elet·tlon was Included In the letter to the govern or . The mailer, In part, said: "Jer ry Brown k illed your family's opportunity for a hospital to servt its need. Jerry Brown did not care about you then, so you shouldn't care about him now. Next week, don't just vote for Pete Wilson. Vote against Jerry Brown J e rry Brown voted against you " · Mad hatters MEXICO CITY (AP) Th .. new pu1lcJent of M~xlco'1 ct"ntral bank aaya the natlonalluulon of prlvtttt" bankJI ordoretJ by Prt!tlident J~ Lopt!z Port.mo don not mean Mexico 15 on the road tu 11udalJJJm, and the tlOvemlng patty plana a maaalve rally today to show support for the measure CarlOfll Tello Macias, prosident of the Bank o f Mexico, on Thur11day urged people with bank deposits to remain calm a nd keep their trust In the nation's banking system. He replaced Miguel Mancera, who resigned as head of the central bank after the government decree Wednesday that nationalized the banks Bank ers, industrialists and business leaders, meanwhile, reacted to the nauonalizauon derrover sheriff's deputies ~ed the pair tned to sell the ~C1 ce r s six purported ltima issa nee master pieces iecuted in the 17th century ~•. owever. sheriff's Lt. Wyatt said the patntings were lieved to be I 00-year old ~nes of the ongmals Four Britis h bobbies load a seven -foot police h elmet onto a plane a l ta nste d Airport in England. The toppe r is to he used in New York a nd Boston fo r a fund driv~ for a British cha rit y. .. • ~ oa."l l<t I .. .. &OUT HE RN C " Llf' ORNtA CO"Sl'-L '-NO M OUNTAIN ARE'-S -Some n1on1 entl morning tao and low clouds ,_ tne coasl otherwise fair and qu11• warm In eoaatel MC1lon• h!Qhe rano1no from ml<! 70s at ~ to 95 to 105 In valleya LOWS In vpper 501 and 60• Mounteln h1Qh9 In 80s lows In &Os ( ' •. ~ •• 'illtll 1'l<l ry Tnundersto1m1 developed T hurS<lty alono and alle•d ol • front extending ''°"' n()(th centrel Tiius thrO<JOh "'kenlU 10 tne Tenneuee Velley and the upper Ohio Valley Farther no rlh . eh o wera dempene<I Lower Mlchlgen end ctoucJe ea1endad aell throuoti New EnglencJ end N-Jereey Sklft 1110 -e cloudy from the central Gull Coaat 1111tet 10 Ille Carolinas. wllh 11 few shower• over eastern Nor1h Caroline Over lhe ea11ern "tl•nt1c, 1roplcal 1torm Be<yt continued to weeken. with 118 winds decrullno lrom e hlg'1 of 70 mph on Wlldnesdey 10 45 mp'1 Thursday For t oday . 1 c attered ttwnde<11orm1 were lorecul o..., Ille Gull r90lon. the Atlantlc Coaat '""" and lh• uppe< Ol'llO Vf114>f ~ly cloudy •klff -e lorec:at for the Pacific NorthWHI, with mo1t1y eunny eklH el..wtiere, except 10< • f-cloud• ov.. the eouthern Ml11f11lppl Velley end eouti-n Plllln• California Smell er all advtaory O'Vflf outer w1t11A from Paint Concec>llon to San NICOIU lelend lor n()(th-1 wind• of 15 10 25 knoll wllh 4 to II, 1001 --Soulh of Sin NlcOIM lllllM WWI to norlh-1 wlnde 10 10 18 knot. Over Inn« we1en, llgl'll varleble wind• well lo 80(ilhweet II to II knoll during ellarnoon• end eventn oa South-I ewelf I to 3 r .. t Chartlte NC Cheyenne C'11c9QO Clnclnnetl Cleveland Clmla SC Columbue Oe!·FI Wlh Oey1on OerlVet Dee MOlnea OetlOll Oulul'1 El Puo Flllrben1<1 FatQO F1119a1111 GrMI Falla Hanford Helen• HonOlulu Houlton 1nonapoe Jeekan J.ekanvtle Kane City Kno•vllle Laa Vegaa Ll111e Rock Loulevttle !.Mmphl• Mleml Milwaukee Mpt•St P Nutwllle New Orleeos New York Norfolk No Piette Okla City Oman• Orlando PNi.dphla Phoenl• PltttbufOh Piiand. Me Piiand. 0'9 ProYldence Reno Rlctlmond Seit lake San Antonlo S.ettle Sllrewpor\ Slou• Falla St Louis SIP-Tampa 9pok-9yrKUM TOC)eke Tuc:eon TulN Wahlngtn Wlcifllte Cooler Saturday 88 71 78 ~4 17 60 83 70 80 68 91 72 75 66 99 78 118 71 ~ 51 79 ,,. 8-4 57 63 50 97 67 60 40 74 1,9 88 45 84 48 83 58 87 50 N•"""91 WHl'>e< ~ 87 H NOAA US ()ept ol C~ce 96 81 I.::::~~.:!...!~:..::::~:::::::..:::_.:::!._,~~~~~--::-~~~~ 88 75 Fronts Cold .-.r Warm ...., O<:clvded ~ Stahonary •• 95 72 92 68 80 68 81 n 105 73 93 72 82 67 90 80 88 83 74 Sil 72 57 85 72 92 73 78 71 86 73 87 54 101 76 78 61 92 70 83 72 t 12 84 78 M 78 63 91 82 75 68 97 50 811 70 88 54 98 77 87 59 98 74 75 52 84 87 89 72 85 58 77 65 80 68 t04 74 941 74 8t 74 89 71 Barstow Beaumont BIQ Bear BIShOP Bly1hll Celltln• Culver City Eurek• Fresno Lake Arrowhead Lancaller Long Beach Los A~elet Monrov 8 Montebello Mont8'ey Mt Wilson NeeOlell Newport ~h Oeklanel Ontllflo Pelm Spnng1 Puaelena Puo Roble9 Rlvertlde Red Blul1 R«twooCI Cl l'f Sacremento Sellnaa Sen Bem.,.dlno San Olego San Francisco San JOM Sente Barbati Santi Cruz Sent• Merle S11nte Monica Stoellton 108 17 112 65 114 42 99 53 113 75 80 68 96 64 64 51 95 62 92 55 t04 60 101 68 102 72 114 6"1 t08 88 70 54 90 73 t ti 80 80 64 79 58 109 68 118 81 1011 87 102 53 108 88 102 81 112 57 93 58 n 50 113 115 1111 119 70 53 84 58 87 $5 e.3 68 S2 63 80 11 96 112 CANADIAN C•toery Edmon1on Montreal Ottewa Regine Torooto Vencouver Winnipeg Mn Min. 80 55 79 49 62 55 83 ~ 76 39 72 59 75 55 68 411 PAN AMl!AICAH .a.capuk:o 93 77 Berbado• 88 77 Bermuele 8& 72 Cu!fceo 90 80 Fr .. port 00 73 Guedala)••• 82 69 Gued-'Oupe 80 76 liavan• 90 n Klng1ton 83 77 Muetlen 95 711 Montemry 99 73 NHHU 90 73 Sen Juan 112 72 T tlQUCIQllPa 85 83 T rlnfded 00 75 VerecnJ? 1111 70 Smog Where lo cell (1011 lr••I for l11t"' emog lnlorme11on· CAL~OfllNIA Teno. Velley S2 4 t Or•~ COunty. (800) 446-3828 Loe .t.noelH Coun1v (llOC) 242-4022 Apple Vllley Mu Min. 105 80 911 71 Th«mel Torrence Yum• t2t 75 97 114 115 111 SURf RIPORT ~ "'-1 iiil't l iiif Mt .... ..... ..... ... .... ~ .... .... ow 2 3 12 I 2 SW 2 3 12 I 2 aw 2 5 14 2 3 SSW 2 5 1!1 2 3 saw --~ Rf\'8felde eno San 8emardlno aounllet. (800) 387-4710 AOMO l!pteOde Center: (llOO) 242-411418 Tides TOO~Y Second IOw 3.51 p.m. Seconel lllgll 9:155 p,m. aATIMOAY I.II II.II Flrll IOw 4:32 a.m 0. 1• Flrtt lllgll 10.41 e.m. 4.t ~ 10W 4:'9 p,m. 1.4 Second lllgll 10:30 p,m. 8.8 Sun Mt• 10011)1 et 7:17 p.m .• rt-Saturday It 8:21 a.m Moon rl... lodl )' II 7:00 p.m., Mt• hturday at •n ._"" ,. with dllmuy Moet aald It will puah Moxlco dt'upor Into ill wut9t receulon In more than half a century "N•llun1altut1on of private banklni will •iiravate the currt"nt lTlflla and will not help tolve any crucial problem," aaJd Carloe AOOdrop Davila. pre1tdent of the Auoclallon of Mexican Bankers. Lopez Portillo annoum.-ed the takeovt'r o f private Mexican bank" nnrt '"""''<l tnugh foreign currenoy exchtn1• contro11 dwina h1I axth and wt 1i.1.t1 of the naUOf\ ~ tie accUMld Me>e.ian bankena of "1aekln1" the country and said the meuut'e8 were aimed at h1Alting the fUi}lt of capital from Mexico. Lopez Portillo aald Mexican apeculaton have taken more than $22 billion o ut of the t.'<>untry ln the paat two y~ars, molnly through foreign bank Arson suspected Huntington fire • in Investigators were probing the "strong possibility" of arson today in a fire that swept through a Huntington Beach water ski manufacturing company shortly after 4 a.m . today. Arson investiga tor Rick Gnlnbaum said the building was equipped with an overnead water sprinkling system but someone had turned the system off and chained and padlocked it. He said there were several ignition points for the fire both inside and outside the Endo's Custom Skis building a t 18262 Enterprise Lane. He said t h e build ing was closed at the time but that a rooftop door was found to be open by investi~ators who believe it waa the place of entry. "There's a strong po8Sibility of arson," aaid Battalion Chief Jim Gerspach who was at the scene with about 20 other firefighters. He estimated damage at about $500,000, mostly to contents. He said there were no deaths or injuries. The company, which took out a city business license in 1977 . manufactured water skis, ceiling fan blades and briefcases, fire .officials aaid. Officlala said the fire in an industrial area of the city near Gothard Street and Ellis Avenue, didn't pose a threat to other buildinga. · Flames, first noticed by a patrolling policeman, w ere extinguish ed in about 20 minutes. eccounta or c.he purchac ot U S real ea ta te. Mexloo hu a {ondp debt of Jal blllion, Jar1..i ln the 1b1rd Wurld, and la su.ft.rlnl from a 60 percent Inf latlon rate. A critical unemployment ptoblem- 40 perunt of the 'wack (Ol'Qt la without job• or underemployed -la ex~ to grow w one u the country struggles with lta moet 1erioua econom ic cri1l1 1lnce the 1910-1920 revolution. In Augu1t the governmen t devalued the pe90 for the eecond time thla year. Dollar and other tranaactiona In f oreign c urrency were declared Illegal by the presidential decree, and the peeo 1s now Mexico'• only legal tender. Only banks will be allowed to accept dollan. People caught 11elling fottlgn currepcy in the black marlcet will fAtt five to 15 yean 1mpri9onmenL Desp i te t hat, private speculators we1e offering tourists arriving Thursday at Mexjoo City'• airport 80 to 100 pesos for each doflar. 'They were. reselling them to departh1' Mexicans for about 150 pelOll each In January, before the first devaluation, the peao was worth 27 to the dollar. The regulations say Mexican.I living along the U.S. border will receive a monthly quota of dollars; the exact amount baa not • been announced. 'The regulations d o not mention any special concessions for Americans or anyone e lse entering Mexico along the border. Spanked boy sets home fire It was JUSl past m1dn1ght Wednesday when an I rvine police officer picked up a 10-year-old boy and hLS younger sister resung at a bus bench at Culver Drive and Waln ut Avenue. The children were celebrating the boy's birthday in a strange fashion: He had JUSt med to bum down their apartment in Tustin and they had run away, police said. The children had walked four miles from their apartme nt in southwest Tustin, where the fire caused an estimated $85,000 in damage before firefight..,rs finally doused it The boy told investigators he started three fires in th e a pa r tment with a cigarette lighter out of spite because his mother bad spanked him. Then he and h is 7-year-old sister took off. Police said the c hildren were going, n ot planning on returning . "I've been in law enforcement for 20 years, and this is the first tlme I've run across something like this," said Tustin police Detective Jim Hein. "Kids ge t mad at their parents all the time but don't usually do something th LS drastic." One firefighter suffered slight smoke inhalation in the blaze, acrording to the Associated Press, but no serious injuries were repor ted A third child, a 3-year-old girl. waa rescued by her father. The names of the family have been withheld by police because the boy is .a minru:... He 1Lin custody today at Orange C-ounty Juvenile Hall in Orange. His 7-year-old sister is next door at the Albert Sitton_ Hyme. Officers initia..ll1'" had thought the missing brother and sister were frightened b~ the fire and hiding, Hein said. But they learned aft.er talking to the boy that he had set the fire because of his spanking on Tuesday. Begin opponent hacks Reagan TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) - Opposition leader Shimon Peres said today that he supports President Reagan's Middle East proposals and wW campa.ign for their acceptance because they open the door for further Arab participation in the peace .process The Labor Party leader's announcement blun tly opposed Prime ~iniste r Menachem Begin's rejection of t°he proposals as a "serious danger" to lsrael and presaged another deep political split in Israel. Earlie r , U .S . De f ense Secretary Caspar Weinberger had told reporters in J erusalem that he was not convinced the reaction of Begin and his Cabinet r epresen ted a final rejection of the proposals. He defended the plan as "a very able a nd d eep ly felt proposal." The United States, sta.ndjng finn behind President Reagan's Middle East f.eace proposals despite Israe 's rejection. is looking for ways to give fresh impetus to the initiative, U.S. officials say. The officials. who asked not to be identified, said the ad.ministraUon will stick by the main lines of Reagan's proPoSals even though they conceded that minor changes are possible. Among the moves officials we r e pondering was the possibility that either Secretary of State George P. Shultz or a specially-appointed n egotiator would make a trip to the Middle East to seek support for the proposals. Sol Llnowltz , Mideast negotiator during the Carter administration, recommended tha t Reagan appoint eith er former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger or fonner National Security adviser Brent Scowcroft u special negotiator At a news conf erence for foreign journalists ln Tel Aviv, Peres said, "I believe the American decisjon is a proper step in the right direction. The Labor Party decided unanimously to see in the American proposals a basis for serious dialogue with the United States and other parties. We are going to put our caae before the people." The Ca binet Thursday rejected Reagan's proposal for Palestinian auton omy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in association with Jordan because they believed it would enable PLO chairman Yaaer Arafat to take over the West Bank and launch "an onslaught against Israel" wilh Soviet and Arab support. Meanwhile. Begin secretly met Lebanese President-elect Bashir Gemayel on Wednesday night to discwls future relations between the two countries and Lebanon's political situation, OBIE SPORTS LTD SELECTED • MEN'S & BOYS' SWIMWEAR 30% to 50% OFF ALL LADIES' SPORTSWEAR 1h PRICE lllHA llL IAI 1111 .... ..,. 111-llll ---~'""-·-----·-·-...~----~~~~~~ ... .. Orange Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Friday, September 3, 1982 Camera-shy, sort of This group of Amish boys tipped their broad-brimmed straw hats to shield their faces from a photographer o n a recent sunny afternoon in Indiana County, Pa. Several though, couldn't resist taking a peek as the camera clicked. "'' Wlrepflolo China's GNP given top priority Communist Party chairman calls for quadrupling output PEKING (AP) -China's Communist Party chairman has called for quadrupling the country's gross national product by a the year· 2000, placing Chm:r - "in the front ranks of the world." Chairman Hu Yaobang, in the industrial and agricultural output' from $364 biJlion to $1.4 trillion by the end o( the century. By comparison, the _1980 U.S. gross natiorm.l produel w~ 1fiOte than $2.6 trillion. for households , teams and mdiv1duals, and allows them to keep or sell some above-quota production. The stability of commodity prices must be maintained, Hu said, but China must gradually , refonn the pricing system, price control and labor and wage systems. /' major economic address this week to the 12th Communist Party Congress. said economic modernization is China's top priority for the rest of this century. Hu affirmed China's open door policy and the n eed for judiciously imported foreign technology. H e called !or rational. readjusted growth, not blind production. Dubious honor due .D~Jega tes to the con.J.?ress aroke into groups Thursday to Begin study of Hu's speech and they keynote address delivered by Hu's mentor Deng Xiaoping. Foreign reporters were not allowed to attend the congress and obtained excerpts of llu's speech from X1nhua , the government news agency. Market forces and the individual and col l ective economy are essential. although secondary to China's socialist eco nomy , he said . The fundamental ajm of economic modernization, he said, is to serve the people and meet their growing material and cultural needs. from gra~e _growers Hu said that while the Chinese economy would remain socialist, the market mechanism and foreign technology imported from the cap1tal1st world would play a role. His speech was a lmost a complete reversal of the one delivered at the last , leftist.- dominated congress in 1976 by the now-demoted Chairman Hua Guofeng. Hua at that time called for continuing "class struggle." Hu said China would strive to quadruple its gross annual Hu said quadrupling output would place China "in the front ranks of the world in terms of gross national product" and increase the people's income "several times over." Per capita income still will be relatively low, he said. but economic muscle and defense will have increased considerably. The new responsibility system in the countryside must be continued because it represehts the will of the masses. he said. The system gives peasants more pay for more work, sets quotas MADERA (AP) -One of the wineries that buys Thompson seedless grapes from Madera County growers wall get a trophy at the end of tht-harvest sea.son, but the winery's officials won't want 1t A group of Madera growers say they will give the winery that offers the lowest price a 6 1h-foot-tall trophy bearing a brass buzzard perched atop a prone farmer. The trophy and a female packet hired to march in front of a Madera restaurant frequented by winery officials are an attempt to protest prices that growers say are plummeting as much as 50 percent. The picket, Christine Lanctot, displayed a sign Wednesday that said "Buzzard wineries are giving Thompson grape-growers the shaft." Grower Allen Elia explained that "last year's price (for Thompeon's) was $200 per ton. 'They are trying to break that price all the way down to $100 to $150." He said those prices are below production costs. Growers fear the slump in prices for Thompsons, one of the most heavily planted varieties in the San Joaquin Valley, will spread to other varieties. Pricing problems are blamed on a large crop, a d ecision by wineries s uch as Gallo not to buy Thoj?lpsons this year and inc"feasing use of French Colombards instead of Thompsons lo provide body to wine. Motorboats lead funeral wilderness • in ELY, Minn. (AP) -The purr of outboard motors broke the stillness of Ottertrack Lake for the first time in years as friends gathered for the funeral of Benny Ambrose, a prospector and woodsman who died a local legend at age 82. The U.S Forest Service bent its rules to allow motorboats into the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for memorial services Thursday for Ambrose, one of the last two people who lived on the 22 miles o f wilderness waterways in northeastern Minnesota. Ambrose's ashes were buried on the peninsula where he lived alone in a o ne-room cabin on D.ity ,... Del•...., ........... Ottertrack Lake in sight of Canada, about 40 miles northeast of Ely. Ambrose, a well-known area guide, trapper and prospector was found dead last Friday by Forest Service rangers next to the burned-out remains of a canvas shelter where he cooked in the summer His' body was taken to Ely, where 1t was cremated. The ca use of d ea th is unknown, but ofCicials think Ambrose. a wiry, lean man with a stubble of beard, s uffered a heart attack. "He was the kind of guy who at 40 degrees below zero would come out of the woods with his wool shirt unbuttoned down to the waist," said Bruce Kerfoot, a local resident. "He was as rough and tough as they come." The wilderness area was closed to property owners in 1974. and the death of Ambrose leaves Dorothy Molter, who lives on Knife Lake about 10 miles from Ambrose. as the only resident. The government allowed the two to remain when it forced other property owners to leave. They were named life-Jong special forest service volunteers. Ambrose was married for 14 years, but the marriage ended when his wife wanted him to leave the woods. We1Te Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number-beJ "" and your message will be recorded, transcribed and de1·vereJ to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hou-answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 ~-COAST --Cla11Nled •dv•rtlelng 714t4142-5en All ottt.r department• 142-4321 Daily Pilat Thomen P. Haley Putil!lhor ond Chlo! heeullve Offocer Jone Amari Eaecvtlvo Editor Thomas A. Murphlna Edrtol L. Kay Schulta Vice Pros~ and Dlrtctor ol Advortl•ing Mkhoel , . Harvey Oireelor of Motlotrng ICwciAotlonl Kenneth N. rd Jr. Director ol MAIN OFFtcE DI WHI..., 51.. C•I• MeM, CA. Mall "4 ..... ao• IMO, C•ta MeM, CA • .,._ c..,,,19M 1'12 Orlft9' Cotti Plllllltlllnt ~. No n ... t ttonH, lllvttroti...•. OOltorlol mantf.,.., •orllM,,....lt N...itl mo11 IN r~oovc:• wit'-" tpeclet 119rml1110o1 Of <_.,r'9M 6wNr. ,, .. That's out," he told a visitor in 1974. Thursday's memorial service was arranged by Ambrose's two daughters, Holly Landmesser of Anchorage, Alaska, and Bonny Wasmund, who lives near Washington. D.C. They stayed at their father's cabin while in Minnesota for the service. TWIST. Crefted from hard twisied nylon yem. INt ere 9'>9ci•lty deelgned fof ye.,. of outstanding performance. Vi- brant colon add to the deelr- ablltty of thll looo-wearlng • 11• belt-.,illng L"9 C"arpet. Amendment potent WASHINGTON C~) - President Reagan's political action committee has taken up the campaign for a constitution.al amendment t.o balance the federal budget, but it's probably too late for election-year action anyhow. Citizens for the Republic, which Reagan founded with leftover presidential campaign funds in 1977, is urging voters to teU their congressmen they want' the balanced budget amendment pried loose for action in the HoJSe. • The Senate already has passed the measure, but it is stalled in the House Judiciary Committee. So supporters are trying an end run that would bring it to a House vote without committee action. ~-. It is a politically promising issue in an e lection year of soaring federal deficits, since It enables Reagan and members of Congress to act, or at least speak, against future deficits while running up record ones. Supporters have been trying to force action in the House with a discharge petition, a procedure under which a majority -218 members -can force a bill out of committee and send it to the floor for a vote. They got 201 signatures be(ore Congress recessed for Labor Day, • issue •.1 • too few and too late. Un'1# Howie rules, a bill forced to the floor by petition c"n' t 69,e considered until aeven Houae work days have pasaed:"M'other rule requires that dlscha~~e petition bills be called up only on the second or fourth Mon.day of a month. • Sept. 13 will be the second Monday, but because of the recess. It won't meet the seven-• 11•1111n11 day rule even If sponsors COQ,>e up with the additional signatures they need. Sept. 27 is the f®rth Monday, but that is Yom Kipp\IJ' and the House will be in recesis. And Congress plans to adjQum tor the decticmcampaien eady.Jn October. I So the calendar is a problem in that direction, and Democratic opposition is a · barrier on the regular legislative route. Rep. Peter Rodino, 0 -N.J., chairmal) of the Judiciary Committee, opposes the amendment. He S8YJ it is of doubtful worth, and that there Is no need "to rush impetuously into amending the Constitution." Rodino said he would bringiit to a committee vote despite hia misgivings, but it is likely to be a while. • ,,,..,. ... Madera-area grape growers hired Christine Lanctot to picket restaurant frequented by vintners with this sign and trophy of a buzzard on a .f'rone farmer. Growers ar e protesting a sharp drop· in prices for .. .. .. ' • • . -. ~ : Thompson seedless gr apes. .. • Sala Thru Sept. 27th'1~~: -· -TRESE lDN PRICES INGWE>E PADDING -AN&>-INSTALI AllON~· 16 DIFFERENT QUALITIES ON SAL! BY ceea Orange Co11t DAii. Y PILOT /Friday, Stptember 3, 1982 oliday travel r isk Y J PAT HOROWITZ ................. · . D~ READERS: The long Labor Day eekend it tradJtlonally one o( the buaie.t ' vel perioda of the year and one of the mot\. eroua due \.o mJxed 1low-movln1 and •peed vehJclJ!etall typee, warns the ational Automobile ub. OuoUne aup pUe should be adequate the 1tate and t atationa on or nee.( roadways will n open during t heir ormal operating ho~. Prices vary as to tlon and can fluctuate significantly even in e same area. Generally, gasoline prices are . about 7 percent higher than during the early m ,..art of the summer. The following prices are averages obtained by NAC several days before the start of the holiday. Actual prices may be higher depending on location and whether or not the individual operat-or decided to increase prices for the busy weekend. · Self-service regular is selling for about .,9,.U.29 a gallon a nd $1.41 for premium. Jc,v.lJnleaded regular will run around $1.37 and to a mlnlmum. The California Hi1hway Patrol reporta that fatal highway acddenta took 71 fives laat year for the threG-day Labor Day period, which wu down from the record 81 the p~IOUI year. NAC urtet holiday travelers who wlll be haullrtg boata or traJlera tocheck the Ughta, hitch, wheel hubs and tires before d.epartlna. When loading thing up to head for home, make certain everything Is properly connected . 81\d the load la secured. Check the trailer hubs for lubricant (particularly iL you have placed a boat In the water), make certain the lug nuts • are tigh t and the tires are Inflated to the recommended p'reaaure. Remember, the amaller w heel.a on trailers turn fut.er than tires on your car and are subject to greater head bu ild-up and the poaalblllty of malfunction. • The crowded highways, hot temperatures and tired ..driven increase the potential .!or accidents, cautions the NAC. However, by carefully checking your vehicle and trailer, leaving plenty of extra time to travel and being well rested before starting home, you should have a safe and enjoyable holiday. unleaded premium, $1.46. The "full" service Jsti~tment will cost more with regular selling no~t $1.41 per gallon, $1.51 for premium, $1.47 '(' xor unleaded regular and $1.54 for unleaded • 19' 'l>remium. Since heavy tr~ffic is expected, Got a problem? ThM write t.o Pat Horo- "ihort de~ys ma1 be expenenced ~t some of ~-1 witz. Pat w/11 cut red tape, getting the the busier stations. Several stations have -answers and action you need to solve in· Luck y numbe r seve n '9 8 started charging more per gallon for using a ..,... equities In government and busines8. Mail 9tf!credit card. 'your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service ' w·o h lds ... b d a uhte D :-11 --ttrr-Law enforcement officials will be ournr---~r-DJaty Pl10r;-?:cr &fn~u;-co,tii n;e:sa-""';,-1--~ .._--A......,.,......,,...._._a~i...o ,.er new~o..to u" r anua.u;. ~§ ----- force, attempting to keep the level of accidents CA. 92626. confe re nce irt Norfo lk, V,a . Danielle is the na tion's seve nth test tube ba b y. Robnsons .- WAMS UTT4 SPECTACULAR* -.. YOUVE . JUST . FOUR MORE DAYS TO SAV.E 1.~~~--------''------4----4 AND MORE ON OUR LARGEST SELECTION EVER sa.88 TWIN SHEET 200·THREAD PRISM SHEDS Save 30%·48%. Only the fine quality of a . 200-thread count shee~ can give you such a ~oft. luxurious feel. Ours gives your bedroom a fresh .bright look. too, with blue. green and pink stripes on no-iron cotton/polyester percale. Flat or fitted. Orig. Sale Twin........................... $17 $8.88 Full............................. $23 $13.88 Queen ....... :.................. $31 $19.88 King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 $25.88 Standard cases, pair.............. ~17 $11.88 King cases. pair.................. $20 $13.88 .. ' .. sa.88 TWIN SHEET 200-THREAD J ARDIN DIOR Save 42%-60%. A sprinkling of pink on purest white Supe'tcale Plus.• a luxurious no-iron cotton/polyester percale woven a silky 200· threads to the square inch. Hfghlighted with lace- trimmed ruffled hems on topsheets and pillowcases. Flat or fitted Orig. Sale Twin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22 $8.88 Full . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . $29 $13.88 Ouet:tn . . ............... : . . . . . $37 $19.88 King . . . . . .................. : . . . $45 $25.88 Standard cases. pr................ $25 $11.88 King cases. pr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28 $13.88 SAVE $110·$230 ON MATCHING COMFORTER SETS. Comprised of polyester.filled polyester/J cotton comforters. polyester/cotton dust ruffle and shams. Twin (twin comforter. solid twin ruffle standard sham) . . . . . . . . . . . . $170 $59.88 Full (full/queen comforter. solid full ruffle. 2 standard shams). . . . . . . . . . $240 $79.88 Queen (full/queen comforter. s~id queen ruffle, 2 St<\ndard shams). . . . $280 $99.88 King (king comforter. solid.king ruffle. 2 king shams).............. $350 $119.88 -Stock on hand at start of sale. " • s110 ~$230 OFF COMFORTER SETS Everything you need to dress your bed beautifully 1s here, in four most exciting patterns. Choose Prism (shown) or also available, Great Oaks, or Impatiens. Twin set: 1 twin comforter. If purchased 1 solid dust ruHle, 1 standard separately Sale size sham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $170 $59.88 Full set: 1 full/queen comforter. 1 solid dust ruffle. 2 standard size shams . . $240 $79.88 Queen set: 1 full/queen comforter. 1 solid dust ruffle. 2 standard size shams . . . . . . . $280 $99.88 King set: 1 king comforter, 1 solid dust ruffle, 2 king size shams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350 $119.88 Hurry, sale ends September 6. Robinson's Domestics/Bedding, 30/54 To or9er, call toll-free 1·800·345·8501. ' (\ I r • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, September 3, 1882 .. Al A Saudi bllllonatr. who lives ln MlamJ and hu a repuiation for 1preedlna around h1a money hu been lnvftecl to vialt Cleveland by unanimou1 vote of the Ci(y Council. Sheik Mohammed al-FUii, 27, hu aald he wW tladly vialt any city which lnvilel him, IO the council pueed the measure thll week. James Neff, a column11t for The Plaln Dealer, wrote in the new1paper'1 editlooe recently that he con~ FUil. whq Jaid: · "I am going to U1ten to my adviaera and do it riaht away, becauae I am aware of the problems Cleveland hat. "We are aoing to take aerioua action ln Clevelan~, Ohio. I wUl buy a home there and havi a place to reet and relax whe I come there to check y invettmenta." • FUil lntenda to donate u to $100,000 to the city and lnveft a few mlllion in local lndu1try, Neff uid. * * * Prlace Cllarlet and .Prlace11 DJau apj)reclated the lift of a WAP~-FM T-1hlrt tor thei~ royal baby, but would like future prHeh ta 1en t to 'charity, a spokeswoman aaya. Earlier thia -.unmer, the radio station, noting ita call letters match the lnltlal1 of Prh1ct William Arda•r nWp LMl1, had eent him a T-1hlrt, hat, bwnpM- 1tlc ker and belt buckle advertlalng WAPL radio in Appleton. Wla. ln a letter received by WAPL-FM, lady-ln-waltJna ADD BeckwUll·Smltla aaid Chartea and Diana were ifateful for .Vita the 1tatlon had aent to Prfnce WUllam. * * * Former a1tronaut Jamee lrwlD, just back from a frul tlea ground search for No~h11 ark, aaya he may return to Turkey's Mount Ararat thll month and make an aerial aearch. Irwin talked of h1a plans at a new• conference at hta office ln Colorado Sprinp, the Chrt1Uan evanaellcal foundation that 1pol'llOl'ed hil trip. He wore a bueball cap to hide ecan and ahaved head resulting from lnjurtee auffered ln a fall on the mountain. * * * A.dmlttlnQ to mixed emoUona, LHlla DavldaoD,of Sylvan Lake, Mich., wW receive the national Grandparent of the Year award Sept. 19 ln New York. "Y•, I'm proud," she said of the award, announced this week. "B u t I have .. lot of disappointment that"more hasn't been done," in Michigan to safeguard grandparents' viaiting rights 1n divorc:e caaea. Jamee lryrin Half million fe-wer students pi-edicted for U.S. schools High schools will be hit the hardest a s enrollments decrease to 5 7 million WASHINGTON (AP) -A students, according to the center. But the nation's achool bill will was graduated from high school hall-million fewer students will It baaed its figures on an analysis keep climbing from $200-billlon last June. be in U.S. ctasarooms this fall, of" the ~hoof-and college -age last year to an. estimated $215.3 The center, which ia part of with high schools experiencing popul~t1ons .and long-range billion tor the 1982-83 schOQl the-U .S . Department of th e largest de c 11 n e in trends m enroilment rates. year, the center forecast. F.ducation, expects high lchool enrollments, federal experts Enrollments have been enrollment to fall by 450,000 to predict. declining steadily since 1970, With th~ aging of the post-13.9 million, with kinderaarten- The National Center for when 51.3 million elementary World Wa.r II "baby boom" to-grade 8 enrollment dipping by F.ducation Statiatlca estimates and secondary school students f::ration -those born from 200,000 to 30.9 million. _ __, .... _,320.000..atudentuu'e...enrollin&-w.e.r enrolled Xhe.-utimated to-l.96L--many elemen1 .. ar...,'Y,,...--""O-ff .... se .... tting.thoee drops.. will be a in elementary and secondary elementary and secondary school schools have been experiencing projected rls& in college schools and colleges this !all. enrollment this fall is 44.8 decllning enrollments tor years. enrollment.a from 12.4 million to That is a drop of ~22,000 million. The laat clasa of bab boomers ·12.5 million, an all-time high, the RObhsons center 1aid. In comparison, college enrollment in 1970 was 8.6 m,iWon. Public schools will enroll 39.8 million of the kinder - garten -t~-12 th grad e pupils and private schools 5 million. The public elementary and secondary schools will cost an..estimat.ed.IDQ,.a biU!Qn~ the ·private .schools $15.3 billion. Public colleges will enroll 9.75 million students and cost $58.2 .. billion, while private colle1n will enroll 2.7~ .milllon and COil $26.5 billion, the center ul8. . . The center also forecast that there will be 2.45 millJon elementary and aecond,ry classroom teachers, 20,000 f~er than last ~ear. With 8 7 0, 0 0 o. co 11 e I e· rnstTuCl61'f amt l'roffflfol'r,·t1Je- total number o teachers will exceed 3.3 million, it aaid. LABOR DAY SALE .. -·--------··-_ _J_ ___________ _ .J OUR BIGGEST FAMOUS MAKER DRESS CLEARANCE STARTS TODAY! WERI •39.99·'134. SAU '19 ... ·•59.M. · SAVE ON llLU FRANCE, llJOU M.J. ORIGINALS, CHAUi, SAMUEL RUE, ANJAC,DW3,MELNAFTE~ LIZ ROBERTS POSITM AnlTUDE, iiOiERTA, DENISE. · Great designs. Fabulous size selection. We're doing a '1ot of name dropping to entice you to come in and collect your favorite components. It's a sale not to be missed. N;tme selection may vary in each store. Robinson's Dresses. 8415011 101135 . . ' SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10-9 SATU"°AY 10-6 . ~ --------------------SUNDAY11-6 MONDAY, LABOR DAY 10-6 .. ,• _____ ,..,.. OUR SPECIAL DESIGNER DRESS COLLECTION IN NEWPORT ONLY. ORIG. '135· •IOO. SALE '59.M·•M9.M. .. SELECT FROM ALBERT NIPON, NIPON BOUTIQUE, t NIPON KNITWEAR, DAVID HAYES, UMI, SOOYUNG UE, STANLEY SHERMAN. Name select!9Q......may vary store to stOFe. A6binSbA's Designer Dresses. 85. , de no-cops town M•yor denie1 crime wone tban before police aboli•lletl CA Vil l'UNCTION, Ore. (AP) -Crimlnala and lltldy charecten have flocked to thla town lince It abollahed tu police foro• 1 ~ year• aao, local merchanu claim. But the mayor •Y• the crirne1'ate la no WOl"M than before. In December 1980, u,ht flnanoee forced thll '°"them Oreaon community of 1,000 people to cloee lta poUc. department. Ever alnce, the only law enfoniemen\ h.u ~.from the Joaephine County aheriff'a offk:e, which h.u a aubltatlon ln to\vn. "Since we s<>t no police force, we've got every kind of rabble here you can tmaaine." Mid JCTY Somme~.L. ~wner of Jerry'• Automotive Service Center. •rnua la a nice valley •. • nice town and we've s<>t 101ne nke people here; U we can aet 'rid of the. . dlrtbao and the dopen, '-'Ce'd be okay.'' 1 leavtr11 city realdenta •••t the mercy of the draw," he aald. • · C.ave JuncUon merchanu ~ntly have 8tarlld arwnbUna about w~t they aay la a 1teep rile in crime ln the downtown area. · Oeor«e Hlll, owner of The One and Only Bake'1, uJd he'• been robbed and vand.aHred ..wn times ln two yean. The buralan .eern to nrtb when the 1herlft'1 deputlea are retpondlna to a traffic accident ln anqther pan of the county, tie aald. "When the aherltf'a away, anyone can ra{IMCk the whole town.'' aaid Hlll'• wife, Nancy. ·~ course we're. dlagusted. Who im't d~t.ed?" she aafd. . The town, a haven for hipples 1n the 1960a and now the heart of a major marijuana·if0Wlfl8 area, . has bec(>me a mecca for "undealrable-loo~ people," saJd Marvin Haynie, owner of the Two-sport man Mayor Irv Whiting coUl\ter~. ''There isn't any crime problem oUt hete, any mofe than there WU two years aao. Thoee people are creating a problem by advertWna that we have no police." But Undersheriff J,im Carlton acknowledges hll eevm deputies have a hard time keeplng the peace in Cave Junction while covering the 400-equare-mile lllinois Valle,. Calls withln the dty get no more preference than calla from out8ide, Sean Cataloa Store. People routinely drink liquor and smoke marijuana on city aidewalks. frightening away customer11, Raynle complained. . •• ... .. "' • . An unidentified surfer , tire d of waiting for that big wave, decid es to try fishing off Rincon Beach near Santa Barbara. :PUBLIC · AUCTION .. •' ESTA TE JEWELRY ·a FINE PORCELAINS, CHiNA, BRONZES, AUQI, FURNITURE, BIL VEA, OILS, Etc. _ FBEE.AO/iflSSION -PUBLIC A_NQ.REALERS WELCOME Don't ml•• this Important salel . I Fine China, Crystal, Porcelalna, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olla, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry lncludlng flne watches, aolltalre diamond rings, earrings, g__old chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE fl6HT Fri., 3rd, Sat., 4th Siii., 5th, 8:30 P.M. ltSPECTION 2:00 P .M. • 5:00 P .M. & 7 -I P.M. s• flchts - romlnent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-l<hown .A .. ~ry In financial trouble: Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. "It's not that there are armed robberies on main street, but it's j,ust a decline ln the 'moral character of the area, ' said Shldey Gooch, a real estate agent. . The llllnols Valley Chamber of Commerce began circu~ting petitions last week callinl' for the City CouncH to contract for additional ~lice protection from the sheriff's offlce. • Chamber treasurer Vic York said the organization wanta the city to put a question on the November election ballot aak1ng Cave Junction'• 664 voters to spend $65,000 for more deputies. The plan, endorsed by the sheriff'• oftlce, would 1 guararuee at least....one deputy ln town..16-.boua a _ day, he said .. Mosquito war wag~d KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -The king has ordered palace guards, aoldlen and other a1aff memben to wage an all~t war .against aedee moequltos tha\ have invaded his palace. - The lnaecta are causing the worst epidemic of dengue fever since 1979 when almoat 100 Malayai.ana died. This year, it has killed 25 people. II you don't smoke, I can TERMS; VIM • MasterCard ·----iHc.-i>tt!L:f9~"t~~sa~vi:::-:.ng"""s --tt----l!~l·hln-'--on o insurance. -n • Personal check -Cuti. Some extended terms,can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: cia1m your rew•d from: Puppet Shon RA88ITT l&SURANC( • 441 Old Newport 9fv14. Riede Marionettes wlll Newport hech, CL provide tun. music and 108 Tustin Ave: (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) .;. U1·7740 Newport Beach ~-CON810NMENT8 ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 P.M. :Invites you to join us for our Call 642-5678. Put • few words to work for ou. P-R:E-SEASON SALE Clothing and Equipment ¥~so%·oFF l\ND MORE Sale Starts Friday, September 3rd Friday, Sept. 3rd •.. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.'• Saturday, Sept. 4th ... 1 O a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 5th ••. 12 noon to 5 p.m . PARKAS Roffe-were$105 .............. Now$49.95 Serac -were s 1 eo ............. Now $94.95 HCC -were $320 ............. Now $149.95 STRETCH PANTS ' Obermeyer-were s11 0 ........ Now $77.95 Serac -were $145 .............. Now $59.95 Roffe-were $130 .............. Now S99.95 SHELLS were $90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Now $59.95 SKIS Rossignol F .P . -w~reS270. Now$199.95 Pre 1100 -were $245 .... Now $149.95 BOOTS Salomon SX90 -were $255 . Now $179.95 BINDINGS Tyrolia 360R -were $140 . . Now $99.95 and much, mucb more ... L1m1ted to stock on hand K2 • Fischer • Olin • LaCroix • Dynamic • Elan • Raichle • San Marco • Dynafit • Koflach Marker • Geze • Ober~eyer • Meister • Demetre • Colm~ • Cevas • Bogner Something New In Newport . . • , The Newport Ski Co11p1ny Ski School . , , It's your 11<1 lk>pe·ck>M to home. Here anyone can Nfefy tMrn to lkl or Improve thefr preeerrt t«hnlque through epecl9Hzed lnatructlon on our endtele, revoMng lkl ramp. It'• covered ao you can 11<1 rM1 or 11*'8 Md .. the equipment you wtff need tor your Clua le provided. The apeed of the IWl1P .. lld,._.eble for any 9bllty .._, -ncMc8 through lldvanc9d. Md the lmOOttl lkllng eurface promotel ....., 11.-nlng Md more attention to proper tectQque. Our highly ........ lld lnltrUator ... cover •II th• fundamental 11c1H• nec111111y to enable "ftrat time"...,. to be confident on thW nr.t trip to tM anow. Advmnoed alder• wtll .,..,... from • ''fine tunk'i'' of their ... • ..., beoome MOr• aware of tlMtr mcNWM1• " II _.. up to • tun Ind • .,..,_ ........ to learn proper ...... teahnlqua For cl•H r•••rv•tlon, oell: 1141a1.3144 -Ski SchOol. ,.. • .,Uttl9St0t9 fantasy for the little ones. Huntington Center Mall Fri. thru Sun. at 1·2·3 & 4, Mon. at 2-3 & 4. . . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /ffrlday, September 3, 1882 Black studeD.t balks at Coiil eder'ate fliig P..aul F. Romberg is quitting u SF State University'J. president ODORD, MWI. (AP) -The fln?'blaok chffrleader at th• Untverah~ of Ml11l11lpJ>I 11 refualni to carry the Cot'lfederat.e tlas onto th• football field, M)'lnl that for many black.a, the Stan and Bart repreeenta yeara of aJ,avery. "l'm Mt rebellinc apinat the unlvenlty or any •yatem, but I am a black •tudent , and I'm •peaktn4 on behalf of black •tudenta, ' •ld John Hawklna, who propOeed that he C4fl')' the •tat.e fJaa lnatead. ''Some bledt atudenta see 'lt N a symbol of white •uprernaey." · Cheerleader• tradi!ionally have carried the Conlederate flag for, athle~t\c. !!Vfn~ at Ole Mias. But Hawku)S W'd •ta news conference thls week "It'!' not been Written anywhere that an Ole Mill cheerleader hu w ralle the Rebel flq." ·Memphis State Unlveratty play• the Olo Ml11 Rebela tn · Oxford as the footbill seaton opens for both schoola on &turday. F.d Meek, a spokeeman for the University of Mlasltalppl, aatd. he had received no complaints about Hawkins' declelon, but that alumni had become upeet when they heard a rumor that all Rebel flap would be $Crapped in favor of Mlsalaaippl state f(ap. ••w e ordered a large M\Hi,sippl flag," Meek safd. 11Somehow tha~ got out that we ordered a ~urich rather than a single one." . Meek said it was up to the cheerludera to decld who would carry fla11 . It wu expected that eome .would carry Rebel '1111. and some - lncludln1 Hawkin• ~ would carry no flaa. 'HawkJ,na, a~Junfot -trom Water Valley, utd that if he did~ ,a Confederate flag, "it would gtve tbe feeling that all black atudenta would choote to wave the flag." The flal la Qffensl'lle to blacka because it reptetents the daya of slavery, he said, but he conced~ it does not represent that to m<»t white students. "I guess white people have been raised saying, 'Our Rebel flag at Ole Mia. My momma and daddy waved It at Ole Miss and I want to wave it there, wo'." he said. ' Robinsons MEET LLOYD WILLIAMS. ~ YOU'LL BE IMPRIS.SED WITH HIS VERSATILITY. Now look what's up his creative sleeve. A marvelous new sportswear collection. -Purelyfemlnine and a little dressier for those of you who have earned executive , status or are about to. Plus an elegant collection devoted totally _to your after·· five hours. Here we show two of his works of art. One to entice you ... from each collection. Right: the velvttt • _,."""3ilii6io"+----------1~r~a~s.ted-1AM.1U1<~~ ..... ~----- l r The full skirt to match, f 102. White silk blouse , $85. Left: the polyester taffeta blouse in black/white, $74. The classic black tissue faille pant. $74. All. 4 to 14. Robinson's Blouses • and Coordinates. 25/'147. To orde{. call toll-free 1·800·345·8501. MAKE A DATE TO MEET LLOYD WILLIAMS in person and be captiv_atetl by his new collections in Newport. Saturday, September 4. Mini-show at 12 noon. Informal modeling until 3:30 p.m. Twenty yeara aao violent rtottn1 rocked the Ole Mlaa campu• when Jame. Meredith became the tint black atudent t(> enroll. "Twenty years ago I couldn't have been a che•rleadert'' llawkfna Mid. 'That ahowa that a lot of progre11 and positive chanae hat been made at the unlveralty, and I'm r.roud to repreaent the achoo in this faoet.'' He auagested a new school flag be destaned "that would cater tD the in't.ereata of the blacks, wo." He sugpated putting Col. Rebel, the achool'a carwon mascot, on the banner. Aaked. whether Col. Re~l, a caricatured figure 'of a whlte. ·. . ' • • , • , , , • ' • • • • • • # t • ' • ' , • ' , • • , .. t , f , • • ' ' # • , • r , • , I . I • I • 4 # ( ' Southern aentleman, would b9. offeneivo, Hawkin• aald "the man In the 1ult with the hat. and cane. never did nothln1 to anybody." • 1f the flll were chan1ed, he 11could wave lt at proudly .. anyone else. But at the pre•• Ume, I don't chooee to," he uJd. • Asked If he had been aubjecied t to threats, Hawkins aald only, : "When you're In the public eye. . i you're going to be subjected to some things." , Hawkins said he had met with ~ University Chancellor Porter i Fortune Jr., who had invited Hawkins to talk with him if he ~ ev~r needed "counsel or moral t support." __;;.J Orang• Cout D~IL y PILOT 1'rld1y, leptember 3, 1NI Edison's gift of light cele.b:eated One original customer remains at New York City site NEW YORK (AP) -One of Thomaa Edl110n11 areatett lift.I - electrlclty for homo and ortlce - wu)>om 100 years aao Saturday when the Pearl Street power ataUon beaan crankins out power to Uaht hla bulbe tor 59 customers in lower Manhattan. It waa the flnt permanent pneratin8 atation tor home and office electricity and "representl the birthplace for the commercial tlcablllty ot lncandeacent ting," said Reeee V. Jenkins, tor of 'the Thomas A. Edi.on· pro_Ject at Rutgers Univenity. T"oday, Sweet'• Res1aurant on Fulton Street rematna the only customer of Edlaon'a still on its orlstnal site. The station Itself waa retired In 1894, its two bulldings were razed long aso and most of the buildings in tile aquare mile Ht up on $ept. 4, 1882, have been succeeded by warehouses and· office buildings. To commemorate the Pearl Street centennial, the museum at the Thomas F.dison Historic Site tn' West Oranse. N.J ., plans to Uaht a bamboo filament lamp, circa the 1880... uatna an old·tlme dynamo on Saturday. Both the ConilOlldated Edlton Co., which clalnu Edlaon 11 a corporate ancestor, and the Power Enatneertna Society have publlahed booklet.a to mark the anniversary. Referring to the electrical revolution aet off on Pearl Street, and It.I Impact on city Ute, the engineers wrote: "Electric motors allowed workahope to be organized more efficiently, and , applied to elevators, allowed buildings to 10 to unthinkable hel~htl. "The electric streetcar and subway gave urban travelers welcome relief from street congestion. Appliances tor a variety of tasks Uahtened work in homes and shops alike. And above all, the new lamps gave the city a sparkle and a liveliness that came to symbolize the best in the modem city of the 20th century.'' According to J enkins, who heads a 20-year project to edit Edison's laboratory notebooks, correspondence and. 11 tlaa tlon papers, doiena of people created light bulba beCore Edl110n. 8ut F.dlllOn'a, with a hlsh-reslatance carbon filament which latted lonae r, waa the flrtt to be commercially aucceaaful, he uld. Broadway had elec\ric arc lighta aa early aa 1880, but thOle glaring lamp1 were auttable only In large public places. Until the Pearl Street station wu built, homes and offices reUed on aaa lights. "Henry Ford dldn't invent the automobile, but what he did do was put a Ford in moat people's , garage. What F.dlaon did was to e1tabli1h a commerclallr, practicable ll&hting system, ' Jenktna said. "The light without a source of power Is rather meaningless." In the four years before tne start-up of the Pearl Street power station, Edison and his researchers obtained more than 200 patents 'tor the components linking the six 27-ton dynamos to the lamps. Meters, junction boxn, ewhchn and IOCketa all had to be Invented, Wiited and manufactured. When the Pearl Street component.a were amernbled and the circuit-breaker cloeed, 400 incande1eent lamp1 alowedlr.l &9 homea, offices and fact.oriea ln an · area bordeG<i by Ferry, South, Wall and N ... u atreetl. Edt.on, half a mile from the Pearl Street stat.Ion fn the Wall Street offices of Drexel, Moraan and Co., turned on the llahta. He wu aaid to have procbilmed to tl)e auembled board of direct.ore of his Edlaon Eleci.rlc llluminatina Co., "I have accomplished all that I promised." To attract cu.et.omen, EdlllOn in the early months provided U,ht bulbs and electricity for free. Within a year, the system wp serving 10,000 bulbs. When the station was retired in 1894, almost 200 F.doon central atatlon Uluminating companies were operating in the United States. Thomas Edison, perhaps the world's most prolific inventor, stands with one of his greatest successes -the incandescent light bulb -at his W ~st Orange, N.J., laboratory. - Restaurant to mark 400t~ birthday with lavish feast P A.lUS (AP) -It will be a aophisticated orgy of conspicuous consumption, snails, eggs, pressed duck and gallons of vintage champagne -when La Tour d'Argent, the oldeat restaurant in Paris, celebrates ita 400th birthday this month. The fi'-'.e separate banquets, beginning Sept. 30, for more than 500 VIPs may raise a few eyebrows in a country going .through its deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression. "Never mind, let them eat cake," says suave 65-year-old owner Claude Terrall as he gaz.es out on the panoramic vier of the Seine and Notre Dame from the seventh-floor restai.arant where dinner can coat up to $90 a pj'rson. ''This is our fete, a real celebration." And be knows that in a country that reveres gastronomy nearly as much as Gothic cathedrals, auch lavish spendington food will be forgiven, by all but the most hard-core leftists. i---"Wa ~boee 1~1114t -beeattee it-mmka the first royal vi.Sit by Kin" Henry m in 1582," ,Terra,11 said in an interview. 'Back then, they were just beginning to eat with forks.'' The banquets for 100 or ao guests each will be largely paid for by France's most prestigious champagne companies. Nd matter that the bubbly did not exist back in the time of Henry ill: Sparkling champagne was not "invented" by the Benedictine monlt Dorn Peri~n until the late 17th century. 'Our dinners will be based on historical menus served to royalty," said Terrall. "Les tres grandes heures de la Tour d 'Argent" -The finest hours of the Silver Tower. Terrail, a tall, dashing man with a blue carnation boutonniere in his impeccably cut lapel, is a ahowman at heart. He always breezes in as if --..a. --mllllri·miaitage entry and lO¥eS the theatrical effects Things ahaped up for Henry Ill's visit on March 4, 1582, when forks were used -an Innovation , brougtlt to France from Italy by Henry's mother, Catherine de Medici. "People .didn't take to forks easily," aaid Terrall. "Even Catherine . . . preferred to uae her fingers." The first grand birthday dinner will be based on Henry's 1582 menu -featurin~~s· eggs, eel • atew, rout capon and deep-fried . Duck prepared in 14 different ways is the Tour d'Argent specialty today -a tradition started in the 1870s by the maitre d'hotel Frederic Delair. The Oct. 21 dinner will pay homage with the Tour's renowned pressed duck starring on the seven- coune menu. Delair alao started the custom of "numbering" ducks, and today more thaf\ 600,000 have been served. ..:1.hate ~1 aj eatJ~"said Tert1U • 110Wi are s · JY raiaed semi-wild on my own property in the Vendee region of Brittany. We order about 500 a week, and every day the neceaaary number of ducka are sent h e re immediately on order. Their necks are wrung -to preterve the blood for sauce.'' Another dinner hosted by Jacques Mouclier, a leader of the French fashion industry, will commemorate the visit of three emperors, including Czar Alexander ll of Ru.ia, in 1867. Duck will appear on the menu: along with tilet of aole and saddle of lamb, 1964 Chat.eau Gi8cours Bordeaux wine, and Dom Perignon vintage 1970 champagne. Terrall'• father, Andre, bought the restaurant in 1914, and Terran rumself has been in the buai.nela aince 1937. Claude Terrail, owner ol Tour d'Argent, 400-year-old Paris - restaurant, chats with diners on balcony overlooking famed Notre Dame Cathedral. The restaurant will celebrate its anniversary on Sept . ..30. of hia restaurant. The Tour d'Argent -whlch boasts three stars 1n the Michelin guidebook -la a perennial favorite with moneyed t.ouriata from New York to Tokyo. -Back in the 16th century, it waa a rouall-and- twnble hostelry, the scene of revelry ancf duels. Once married to the daughter of the late Jack Warner, the movie mogul. Terrall knows everybody in "le ahow-biz.'' He doesn't know the exact guest list yet but hopes to aee some of his old Hollywood friends - who Include Woody Allen, Lauren Bacall, Jack emmon and Shirley Temple -during the fe1Uvities. . New appeal Comedian Flip Wilson's attorney will seek recomideration ol drug arre&t. . ~ Death attendant at doomed bride's wedding EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) -They were childhood sweethearts and romance bloomed with the years. But Paul Fagan· says the wedding ceremony waa really a "parting gift" for his bride, paralyzed by a brain tumor. wedding the "~ gift" of a romance that began when both were in junior ~h school. 'We planned on getting married long before .it (the brain tumor) was diagnosed," he said. "It wu a gesture I wanted to make to her. My brother commented last ntcht that if he could sign a contract that two weelu before his death he would be at a large pa.rty aurrounded by his best friend& and his family, he would sign iL" leg -.... though it had fallen asleep." A brain stem llioma. a type of tumor, was dlqnoeed that April. ''Since nobody had ever ~ that kind of tumor before, there wasn't much reuon to hope," Fagan aaid. "But we thought we might find a m1nde . . . I apent a good deal of my time ca1l1ng all over the country ~ the world.'• when we finrt got ed. But we had "We thought a~tttng manied beard many stories terminally Ill people who could hold for a big event Elizabeth Fagan. 28, died Monday - 18 daya after the wedding. She was buried Wednesday. "It was a good way to say goodbye to her," Fagan said. Several experimental treatments were tried without aucoell. and then die. We thought it would be better to make it a )OQ& engagement. lf would give Betsy ~ to hold on for. She had many ~ul experiences to 80 through and the wed~ gave her aomethlnl to look fonprd to.' "She was ln a wheelchair for the wedding," be laid. "She was totally paralyud and unable to speak for the most part. But I think I heard her mumble 'I do' at the appropriate time in the ceremony. She had been practicing it.'' Fagan and hu bride attended Eaat Lana1ng High SchoOl and the Uni~ty of Mk~an together. After eam1na her bachelor:a degree, Elizabeth took a job 1n Chicago, where Fagan joined her In Septembec 1980. Fagan aaid it wu January 1981 when Elizabeth began to feel a tinallnR in her With Elizabeth enduring chemotherapy, the couple became engaged in September 1981 and moved back to Fat Lamina Jut January. "We had decldeCI to get married a couple. of leara ago but planned on holding of until we were about 30," • Fapn uld. "Betsy'• mec:Ucal condition kind of made ua move our plans up. Elizabeth's family L established a memorial fund in her Pf1DO and hopes to ~to a~ aome type of Her brother Woody St.over deflCribed hla slater as "vibrant, loving and uniquely considerate . . . especially generoua • . . loved to give gilts." 1be fund, he aid, would be "one final gift from Betay." Fa~an, also 28 and an independent producer of industrial films, called the Tribute set for.Vietnam \Var dead Names of 57, 709 victims to be read at Washington rites P-~~~---~~~~- n . E.T. Phone Home WASHINGTON (AP) -The Retired Army Col. Kelvin Hunter among the 25 mArahala. Veterans in "E.T.? Where wheelcblira will .be amons the are you?" names of 67,709 .Americans killed or aald he expected 70,000 people to milling in Vietnam will be read aloud partidp11te in a Conatltution Avenue during a three-day perlod ln the parade to the monument on Nov. 13. Washington Cathedral u part of a He uid veterana would mareh 1n tribute to veteran• scheduled for state un.lia and five winnen of the November. ~ Medal of Honor will be parUcipanta, he aaid. · "I have landed at Among other planned event.a a.re an Huntington Center on entertatnen' salute to veterans with Planet Earth. I'll be actor Jimmy Stewart as master of here to meet the kids Spon1on of the Veterans Day weekend ~ational Salute to Vietnam E Veterans aay they expect to brine SCSpeeS Can 2:K>,OOO veteram of America'• Ionae8t ceremonle1; military unit reunions· an open hOU9e for famWea of thoee kmed ·on Sun. from and missint 1n the war hotted by noon to 2 p.m.!' American Gold Star Mothers, and nationwide reUalous aervlcea and•---:_3,.;:;.----.L.-- war to Wllllhlnlton for the event. • ~ Plana tor the 5-day aalute, Nov. remaJD i ree prayen. 10-14, were announced at a new1 conference ttlil week by Jan Sa:uas. p~en~ ot the Vietnam Veteran. Memorial Fund. 8cru11• b the combat veteran dltefly re1ponalble for a '8 mlWon memoNl riearln1 completion on a two-acre lite between thew~ Monmnent and th9 Llnccaan Memorial. The memorial, made up of two ~ _r~srant~,:=-~ V.C.. kiUed and in the WW, wm no1 • cWcllcated the ..iute ............. chat Wll lnml'pan111d lblO ...... wtD no& be~ ... ~,.... The 1tltue wee added at th• b......._ol~whO~ the or1l1nal detlp -ilarlc. Sandie Fauriol, in char1e of • plann1na the November ICUvitiea, aaid GRANO. RAPID8, Mich. (AP) -th• name-readln1 at the cathedral Many minlmum·MC\ll'itJ ... ,... wlll be conducted by volunteers from Mlchi1an prteona are ~ ___..._ at·• -'-·· --tial ....... aUow9d to 10 fJ9 if theJ turn~ ID """'-• _,_-, ......... _. ..--· di8tant p.._ blcaLIM dMn II no._ Slae Mid the names would be in money to f•tch them b9ck, atate ..,......... order ana a 1Chedule will ottJctM laY· bii ......... ., ~';ber'I can be WIDlam JC.lm9 deputy dlleetlOI OI IPI' r ~for the of the name ot ~r1tlon1 for tit•• Correellona •10-....., •· 'n.11....-_ ... a~pbm~.!.' Department, "" tt1lat 11~1;'8 ll. Jfcw. -~ · · "'"'· fcrild till ,... • .sopc tllt · OD .. !R!r. Chrtat.lan · Th• .... , .. ., 11·:Juc1... •4tt ,.. r1 '*I• be rec1t.e1. daqeroua, ue 9ot ~~~;lililhCallll IMlrft ttil0u1hout \be -!!lo>' ... ~ Iii & ........... 11ae .. ._ ne .. .-,...mtbe 100 m;r:•~ ... ._ 1111..-ud War =.:-.:.-•... .,'C.-:i J ........ "'~-=== • ll'OUP hami ......... -~ ~. • • "FlllLLY! A photo1raphy workshop for becinners 1nd amateurs in Laauna Beach September 8. .... .. Or•nge Coait DAILY PILOT /Frld•y. &.ptember 3, 1082 .Pre•LGllOf ,._,savings On Every ._. Carpet • D . Six Months Free Interest Financing · Just 1/3 down and no interest payments for six months on apptoved credit. No other carpet company beats it! . · Harlow's Exclusive Ten Year Guarantee . All carpet, pad and labor covered ten years from date of installation. No other carpet company ~eats it! Over 51 Years of Service Harlow's has been providing quality products &ince we first opened our doors in 1930. No other carpet company beats it. LJ Brand Name a ·uality Products Every Harlow's location carries the finest, most respected names in _...____ __ ~-----c_a--mils~· No othl3r. .conr~w ~~ · a.~ . ----~_.u.. ... --~===::=::::=:===·-===1r=.=-=*=· ~~ --. ' . . . Custom Made Quality Draperies Every style, color and design imaginable can be tailored perfectly in our owtJ "on the premises" workroom for any home. No other company · · .. beats it! .· . .. Experienced, Courteous Salespeople ·'' The. average Harlow Carpets salesperson has been with us for .over nine years. Their experience will help you with all your decorating needs. Quality Installation ~ Harlow's provides the finest workmanship in the business. Immediate installation on air in-stock items. No other carpet company beats it ! Cat pet. Pad Al;ICI Installation For one Low Sale Price! t This dense plush will stand up to the everyday wear-and-tear of family living .. Easy care nylon fiber constraction makes tnis carpet unmatch~d_tor wear and beauty. A rich, thick, plush crafted from Antron® yarns for years of outstandihg performance. Many vibrant colors add 1o the desirability of this long-wearing carpet. . The ultimate in a richly fashioned plush ~tyfed for your decorating needs. ,With so many sumptuous colors,., this carpet will retain its appearance over years of wear. -. I A vibrant cut and Joop and rugged performance atl wrapped up in one ·beautiflJI carpet. The Ultron® yarns assure quality that lasts. One of Harlow's best values. A luxurious sax9ny plush, mad.e of stain and soil resistant 100°/o nylon yarns-today's most durable carpet fiber. Its many fashlorrcolors make it easy to coordinate with your particular decor .. We've lowered the t>oom on the prices of our gorgeous callfornla Look® llne of carpets. You'll nnd a wide array of right-now colors CERRITOS LONG llACH HUNTINGTON elACH 11«>ie South Street M> E 4th Strwt 15073 Ooldenwnt 11 8 111 No Ga1oe" Growl! F••yl 1Acron ffOm IN c.ntol Miii! fAcfale,......... ' fieftt~ l)oft JoM'I I Coco'tt C114) •·1117 • c211> IM-1119 C21• ..._ Cl'I •mt (71~ 111-711' • (11~ .... 1 4 CCMONA DIL MM LAGUNA MILLI 3131 bit Colit HiQhw.y 23351 Avenlda de la c.tottl IAc•Oll "°"' .... ~ .......,,.,... Clet.-n II TCNO & Lale flcnet .... (714' ,,. tttl 'i f714 Jll.7444 -ft ., 1 .. -STORE HOURS; Mon . thru Sat. 9 am-5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. till 9 Garden Grove open ~ 12'5 l:lguna Hiii Mon.thru frt. N Sat.N:30 Sun.12-6 , ~., 0 .,, .. " • . ~, rs ' JO I 11 ' ) i l J • I a . . ~·· Orange Oout DAILY PtLOT,,rld1y, leptemblr 3, 1112 Lawmakers fumbled on school .finance issue State lawmakers ahowed their colors -mostly yellow -by backing away from sorely needed legislation that could have cuahloned the state's financially strapped school districts by the relatively aimple procedure of ra.iJJing tobacco and alcohol taxes. A measure by retiring Sen. Alan Sieroty that would have provided public schools with an immediate 5 percent budget increase and pumped up to $500 mlllion into the sch~districts over the next two fiscal ears, died without a vote in th waning hours of the Legislature's current session. As had been feared, the lawmakers could not summon enough courage to vote for a tax increase with an elE!ction just weeks away. It was not an admirable perfonnanL'e. They had been aware of the problem all year and, indeed, had promised a year ago to give the schools a 6.9 percent budget increase. Now Sieroty and 53 legislators from both parties have petitioned Gov. Brown to call a special session after the November 2 election to tackle the issue again. With, the state completely out of the bail-out funds that have been used to make up for Proposition 13 tax support losses, many school districts now find themselves in the position of starting a new school ye¥ without teacher contracts. At first it had been hoped that the Legislature would move to produce aome $400 million in school revenue by impoaing a 6 percent oil severance tax, California being the only major oil-producing state without such a tax. That failed to win the needed votes and hope turned to the ao- called "sin taxet" on tobacco and alcohol, where California also lags behind other states ln_coll~ting tax revenue. But even that was too much for the e lection-shy members who shuttled and stalled until it was too late. Republicans favored raising the money, which all agree is needed, by taking funds from other programs, such as welfare, aid to cities and coun,ies and construction projects, in order to avoid a tax increase . But opponents argue that those programs already have been cut to the bone. In fact, the school districts have taken just about all the cuts they can handle -dismissing teachers and other staff, cutting back building maintenance, reducing class hours and course offerings and patching up tattered textbooks. The children, in their crucial formative years, are the victims of these maneuvers. The governor should summon the lawmakers back to Sacramento and keep them there until they clean up a situation that, in an affluent state, can only be called shameful. El Salvador 'progresS' The Middl e East ha s preoccupied the United States all summer, and during that time, many seem to have forgotten the dirty jungle war that is still tearing El Salvador apart. And the violence seems to be on the upswing, despite the R eaga n ad ministrati on's certification in July that the Central American nation's government is making "progress" in safeguarding human rights. A month ago, there was dispute over wheth er the certification was a true statement of the situation. Figures recently supplied by the U.S . Embassy and the Roman Catholic Church showing violence apparently on the rise further tatter the questionable credibility the certification had to begin with. ; Rightly or wrongly, the iO'lpression given is that human rights is a secondary concern of <#ficials chiefly interes ted in cbntinuing military aid, for which the certification is a prerequisite. According to the State I)epartment, the certification was granted because political murders ~ both left-wing guerrillas and right-wing death squads had ctropped from 500 a month last year to 300 per month this year. : The American embassy says . . political slayings numbered 221 .in the two-week period following the July 27 certification. In the two w eeks before, s uc h killings numbered 103. Of the 221, nine were blatned on leftist guerrillas and 87 w e re attributed to "unknown assailants" or simply "found dead." After the Jan. 28 certification (the process is required every six months), embassy officials detected a similar surge in deaths. Church figures show 270 people, 197 of them civilians, kille d from Aug. ~to Aug. 19, which matched the figure for the entire month of June. What may be happening is that once the government is sure anns will be arriving for at least six more months, security forces become less careful with their trigge rs. And the repression continues. Our objective in El Salvador should be to promote a stable regime that respects human rights and assures equitable treatment for its c itizens. Anything Jess breeds the left-wing subversion the administration is trying to prevent. Tacitly supporting repression by certifying human rights "progress" that is difficult to find is no help. frue profile in courage • The late Ingrid Bergman will rio doubt rank in the recoro books ~ one of the very finest actresees in this half of_,..the century; a three-time Oscar winner and a [flotion picture star of the high~t magnitude. Yet she left us, in her death last Sunday upon her 67th birthday, a greater legacy than just entertainment. Miss Bergman swept into the hearts of Americans and much of the world in such vehicles a.<J "The Bella of St. Mary's" and "Joan of Arc" and "Gaslight" and "For Whom the Bell Tolls." In most of her motion pictures, she projected the image of a natural beauty; senaual and sensitive with an aura of lnnooence. 1 Of ten, she was the innocent vict1m ln acreen plot drcumstances where she reacted with strength and courage. She was a supe::ro act.rea. The motion picture-going PJJbllc..had imaeine<l.her peaohal IUe to be on tl\at same high pedeatal where she had been O RANGE COAST Daily Pilat placed by the roles she played on the silver screen. But that was not her real We. Thus when during one period of her career, a scandalous affair developed, her public turned against her . Once again , moviegoers had their fantasies blown away and had to separate drama from the realities of life. Miss Bergman, howeve.r, overcame that adversity. She returned to public favor as an even more skilled practitioner of her craft. The real drama, however, came in the final eight years of her life as she battled against cancer. This may have been her greater legacy. This was not movie make-believe. In the end, she turned out to be a true, real-life profne in courage. She was an inapiration to all who knew her. Ingrid Bergman will be missed. At least part of her Legoey, perhaps not the motl important part, is preserved in film. Themot P. tt.ley ,~ Themot A. Mvrphtne (dtfQf' ...... ~ ta.c..-(d!tot ............ fdolorial ..... fdllor na.-McCe .... ,.......,..., ) Nicaragua: new timehofilb WASHINGTON -Central America is a powder keg that could explode withip the next few months. The impact could m~ke ~l Salvador:'s ~vil war seem like a backfiring automobile. The timebomb is Nicaragua, and the principal combatants would be the leftist Sandinista regime in Managua and their opponents in exile in neighboring Honduras. They have already had numerous bloody clashes. THERE IS GRAVE d anger these skirmishes could precipitate open conllict between Honduras and NIC¥agua. The Honduran forces, armed with U.S. equipment, probably would have a military edge over the Sandinlst.as. Nicaragua therefore might call on Cuba for help. The appearance of Cuban soldiers woulii be countered by lnereasing U.S . involvement. The Cubans, of cou~. rely on the Soviet .Union for annamenta. Thia could bring a confrontation between the United St.at.es and the Soviet Union. A principal catalyst in this explosive equation is Jose Francisco Cardenal, leader of the anti-Sandinista Nicaraguan Democratic Force. He ls a former Nicaraguan businessman. popularly known as "Chicano," who organized opposition to the late dictator Anastasio Somoza. After Somoza's overthrow three years ago. Cardenal served briefly as vice president of the Sandinistas' Council of St.ate. In an interview with my associate Jon Lee Anderson, Cardenal said he quit his council post and took up anns in exile because "Marxist-Leninist elements had begun to monopolize what was supposed to be a council representative of all sectors of Nicaraguan aoctety~" . He said hi~ force, which is already conducting guerrilla o~rations inside G .-.11-c1-11-1-111_1_1 -l--~; Nicaragua, is composed of patriots who want to rid their homeland of its Communist rulers. Cardenal admitted that his troops include former members of Somoza's detested National Guard. "We take anyone who comes to us as a Nicaraguan ready to fight." he explained. "We have ex-Guardsmen, sure -just like we have ex-Sandinistas." The short, stocky exile leade r, prematurely gray in his mid-408. said he has 2,000 to 3,000 active fighte rs operating within Nicaragua's northern province, and claimed, "We have eight to ten thousand more waiting for the word inside Nicaragua . They are under training and waiting for the anns we shall get to them." Cardenal says his guerl'illas have modern weapo ns , Including machineguna, bazookas and shoulder- held guided-mis.We launchers, He hopes to have surface-to-air miailes soon. "One doesn't negotiate with the communists," he declared. "You don't win a war by talking -you win lt by killing, and that is w.hat we are doing, every day, i nside Nicaragua. We will I triumph, too. We will have Managua in six months." HOW CAN HE be ~ confident? There are whispers that Cardenal is the principal beneficiary of the reported $19 million in covert CIA funds that President Reagan approved to destabiliz.e Nicaragua. Cardenal denies this. "We'll take money frofl\ any democratic ln.st.itution or agency," he said. "We need the U.S. government to help us with political pressure. The CIA could help us by relaying information back to Was h ington . But thei r direc t involvement woul~ hurt more than help us· because of their bad reputation in Latin America .•• He would not specify the amounts and sources of his arms supplies, other than ••several Latin Am~dcan countries." Sandinista diplomata in Washington say Cardenal -and other exile groups - are getting their arms ~d funds directly from the Honduran military. A Honduran official in Washington insisted that his country is taking a neutral position between the contending Nicaraguan groups. 1'But Nicaragua is trying to provoke a war," the diplomat • said. ''There have been a series of violations of our territory." Then he added an ominous warning; 'U we are attacked, we'll attack.'' And the chain reaction would begjn. Hand-writing on the gas station -wall It isn't the kind of cau.e that Jane Fonda or Moral Majority leeder Jerry Falwell would take on, but someone ought to try to talk all of ua into drMng our cars less. We spend too much time going places that aren't any better to be in than where we were. We juat can't wait to go in the car becawie we have never given up the dreem that there'• sometning wonderful going on somewhere else. 1 know I waste more time driving than any other way. Saturday afternoon I often take a nap after lunch and rve had the guilty feelplg it'• doin& notbinl, but a Utile nap doesn't compare with a drive when it comes to wasting time. I don't think twice about getting in the car and spending twice the time I'd spend napping in driving to a hardware at.ore to buy glue. I know l have 90tne glue in the houae aomewbere, but I'd rather pt in the car and drive than look for it . LEAVING DOME, driving along a road and then arriving at a destination gives us a falae teNe ol aocompUahment. Osually we haven't really done anything but burn gu. li I wu careful and limited my driving to the times it wu important for me to get tomeW~, I bet rd apend less than hall the time on the road tf\an I spend now. None of us can Imagine what the world wUl be like without me. I'm always wondering how thinp will be moet difierent in 100 yean when none of us la around. I 1uppo1e the biggest change will be brought about by the fact ,~,, -lll-Y-111-11-Y -§1: that people wW be doing without gu and oil. There won't be any left, so they'll have to do without them. 'The blggest buainaa in the world ls oil. Fortune magazine liata the ~00 btaest c:orporatiom in the United Statea uiOExxon is at the heed of the list. nu. week, Exxon announced it's cloRria 850 gas aiatlona. Do you think that is the firat, faraway, cold wind indicating the end of oil? I do. Exxon aays that \he demand for oil is leveling off, but it's leveling off becauae it'• ,etUng more expenalve as it geta .:arce. There can be a tempcnry glut of oil becau.e they've pumped too much out of the pound, but thoee pools of oU under UI &re aotng, goinC. tome· They aren't omana, iheyTre just poola. Exxon hu 20,500 pa stations aero. the country, ao lomng 860 doelln't mean Exxon's going out of bwd.ne9. But when a big, smart corporation atarta cutting back like that, it's not just becaU9e it's tired of washing windlhielda. WE'RE USING ~ gas because our can are lighter and their engines are more efficient. lt'a a good thing, too, becaua the actual pmllne we buy at the pump ls not u good aa it wu 10 yeara ago. A gallon of unleMled 91 octane gaa will push a car designed to uae it about 7 percent further than unie.ded .. that ia only 87 octane. 11\e p. of 10 yean ago that was often as~-96 or 97 octane, with lead in it, w puah a car 14 percent further ' the cheapest unleaded regular ~ ~ buy today. The bandwriq ia on the pa station wall. Closing 850 ~ atationa is only the beginnl.ng. There are atW more th.an 150,000 gas stationa a,round the country and you can bet a )0( of them will be cloeing in the next 26 yeera. StarU.na a campaign to encourace all of ~ to drive lees may not &e necemary. 'Ibe can will juat keep aettina u,bter and liahter, amaller and amalJer • more efficient, but raaollne will aat more and more expensive and there'll be fewer and fewer pa.. to buy it. And then there won't be any way for me to waste time Saturday afternoon except by takin8 a nap. The evolution of Sundays in America "We enjoyed your talk very much," laid the program chairlady, addinl in a bunt of candor, "but perhapa it wa a bit too heavy for a Sunday aft.emoon." Her rotmnent reminded me of how our whole conception of Sunday hu ~ ~· !t'> IYlllY 111111 wllhln thJa century. Untll relatively recent t1mel, It WM frivolity that WM frowned on durlna the Sabbath, not ''hftvtne.I.'' Sunday wu a 8Kl'ed day that IOOl'l became a eolemn day then turned into a drab ~y. Amu.ementa were buan.d, •RC>rta and sames were cenaured, and alrn09t 81\1 kind ot lfneory et\JDyrMnt wu iooked upon aa aro-lmp.let}t ln our Puritan tnldi .... But when the pendulum ~ta.ck. It alW•YI ...... to flO much ~than before. Jt 11 a prtrmry 1a• of~ that .. acdon and reK'tion are equal," but 1~y a c:Uffennt la• appU. to IOdety. ~an alwaya •• IEllW Jn relation to the conditions th.at provoked them. S unday nowadaya la nothtn1 but frivolity and frollckin1. with an obU,atory hour or 90 ln the morning liven over to church' Mf'Vice9 for thoee ~ .UU ~taln tie. to their ancestral A mere century ~o. or even lessr nothin1 lay "heavier" than a Iona Sunday ln th• heartland of America, when almolt no aecular pleaura were r:rmltted, and the atmosphere waa d en with prayera -both for redemption and for relief from boredom. Socletlea aeem to live b y the =axiom that lf .... CUltiOma are 111it, their ewt oppolitee m&.mt be Uberatlna. And when the dour Purlt.an CON»ptiaft of the s.bbtith w '° be YleW9d ... burden. the da..rdb'I of all r.tnlnta eeme to be NIU'dld • a del .. ht. 8~7. ~1.· and then . ever mon IWUQ)', turned lli'to tun du. · When that up,...cl ... mlsht .be expece.d._mGI& Allmk 11 ~ '° pa.y M tunou.a, M IMJ. Ulid IO lft1• Sunday --the nJI' ... .., al •u , ...... of plf ad auto ,..... ADd drtve-la ..wlillmd .......... W1I -•"' tb• arcade ud tla• .,.,.. aad lb• marketplace. I am not taking aidea In this delicate equation; merely callirMr attention to the way we rlcoche\ \r;Tld ly from one extreme to the other -from renderinc l&nto God thoee earthly P1eMur9 that belon1 to Caesar, and then renderina. unto c.aeaar thoee houn ol reflectina anCI reafflnnatlon that beJon1 to God. The only extreme we teetn '° aucc:e.fully avoid is an excem ol moderation. •BOB GREENE •HOROSCOPE Reader coneer:ri·oo about starch"'hlocker safety DEAR ANN LANDERS: Pleae, pleue, pleue. We tn.11t you. Help ua. I am one of thouaanda (maybe milllona) who need to know the abeolute truth about the 1tarch blockera tha't are now on the market and •lllnl like cruy. Are they ~;-Would YOU take the,n? Are there any llde eff Shat might cauee trouble? Goe! ble.._Jou""' lady. do 1ood work. -HIPPY IN HARTFORD " POTSHO BY ASHLEIGH f:lRILLIANT i,':.ir ONE THJMG MASN9 T CMANQ~D! ' TtiE PEOPC'£° WMO WERE MY AGE VEAR.S ~ ARE &,- MV AG TODAY. ·---......... -_, ___ .., .... • )Ii I U HQIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA hlrday, September 4 ARIEs (Marc:O 21-April 19): You locate what bad been hidden, !~t or atolen. Access is gained to vate information. You'll receive invitation to join ...,edllJ. or exclusive club, group, organization. 'i'ou ht be invited tO appear before the media to llbl'rYnnte apedal project. TAURUS (Apli} 20-May 20): What beginf as a d friendahip ~ be tranaforoted into inteme lationahip. You tM:tually are on blink of major · ery. Restrictions will be removed, funding become a~le. Capricorn plays important• :ole. .,, GEMINI (MaS''!l-June 20): Finish rather than nitiate project. Pedple are drawn to you with their Jrobleme. Aasocla~· brings family member for rocational guidant:.'e: Your counsel I.a valuable - Jon't aell younelf •rt. Aries pla~ dominant role. CANCER (J~ 21-July 22): B.r:eakthrough XlCW'9 1n cooun~tions gaf!. Long-diatance call aids 1n ~ pc>;ecttvea. Romance, amtiment. ::reaUvity and ec1':9t1on dominate active ICelW'io ::..eo, Aries, AquatjH' penona figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll .regajn 1en1e-of on. Intuitive-inte1lect i.a on target. Accent alao >n employment. heafth and dietary supplements. :::0-worker or closel a.odate cooperates in obtaining ighta to valuable pmperty. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Maintain low >rofile, make diacreet Inquiries and keep an ~xpeme account. F.mphula alao on legal affairs, >011lble partnerahlpa, publlci ty and news :oncemlng buslneu alliance or mate. Gemini, 3agitt.ariua peraona play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be willing to tear wn for ultimate ~ of rebuildlns on a more 'table bue. Chd' cfetaUa, decect subtle nuances be very much 'ware of plumbing. Accounting UJ'es requi.nt tevtew. You de.erve a better alt. r. SCORPIO Cc:>cm...23-Nov. 21): Loved one may •PPMC to be ultra~. Be patient. pliant. Travel nvitation reoeived .. j)l'eStige gets boost and domestic ;lareup is tempo.raJ'y and can actually prove Jtimulating. Gemloi, Virgo, Sagittarius natives JOUld dominate f~ting mmario. SAGITTARUJS (Nov. 22-D•c. 21): '..JO~tandlng ne~ation.a begin to bear fruit. 3 t on pro~, home, dc:imestic affairs .and 1 ility to enhance> value of domicile. Older vtdual Jenda ~nef:it of experience. What you ii practically'timded you on proverbial silver platter i. I C~RJCORN (bee. 22-Jan. 19): i>efine terms, ~void 1eU-deceptiol),r look behind aceoes for valid ~;Short irlp ,Pq'l}d involve relative or sped.al ~· Key is now divenlticaUon. Display humor ind Yenatillty. Pi*!!' natives play important role. AQUARIUS (Jlin. 20-Feb. 18): Debt la repe.ld, 1uccea1ful inveatibent potential la clarified. F.mphuil on rnonef, power, authority, promoUon and direction. Belatlonahlp grows 1tron1er, :icrmmtment ii medt! and restrictions are removed. Caprieom plays ke1 role. PISCES (Feb! 19-March 20): Cycle hi1h. tudl[r6ent and lntaltion are on target and you iecelve credit long overdue. Take initiaUve, 1tre11 independence, creativity and encouraae new :=ontac1a. Let go of put, take cold plunae Into ruture. W-.r bria\it colon. -. DEAR BIP: s....-bloeken7 Are tlaey aafe? NO. W..W I lake dMIDf NO. An tlaere uy aide elfecu dMat mtp• eaae ,,.. .. , b Mme people, ·YES. TM F ... ud ~ A•mtalatraU.. laa1 buat4 di• aal• of 1tarcll ltlieken .IMleane die •l•HY wut1 .. bow a lel ... U..1 die ~e eOecta. Tlilla actlH wa1 tak•• alter 1everal CHH of voml~ aM dlarrtl• nrt ...,.,.. by 4ecten wlao lilai to bspltallae tlaelr 111rcll·bJHked pedeatt. 'hi• comm•• from Time mapalne, J•IY H, IHI, wUI pat die 11 ... doe lato pnper foet11:'Dr. Victor Herbert, e'lef of Site lllematololJ and aatrJtloa laborator1 at th BrtH Veteraaa Bospltal la New Yon. ..W, "'l'Mre II a dtemlcal la MUI ... t red.eet die ..... of stud .._ettloa. If yw .... , .ipet die •laid. Dea It pee iowa lnto ynr coloa wlMre bacteria ferm•ta Ud make• JH oat of It. ftat P• cu live JH0 uaaea, vomitfil1, abdomtnal erampe .... "ilarrlaea, u ltell aa make yoa aoclally uaeceptable." Tile compalllea wlao make tbeae pllla are H1liltta1 wltla tile FDA over wliletller tbe 1tarcb blocken are a pill or a food. Tiiie covta will have to decide tlall, .-S yoa cu be awe tlaere will be expert• llaed up OD bo~ ..... Of .... ar.....-. No oae laaa beea able to prove tlilat 1tarCll bloebrs prod1ee permaaeat oma1e, bat commn ..... 1laoald sen yo• tlaat yoa cauot coat18ff to pis nt l•dellaltely aad stay 1llm. AIH, tllere 11 DO ..._. .... for 4ltclpllH, ex.ercln ud a ~ la eatlq -bit• for dlele wllo wut lo talle off welpt Alely ucl UEP It off. DEAR ANN.LANDERS: Every now and then you iel.l your ~aden that you have checked wtQl the dictionary to verify a word about which there ii a queetlon. Or you advt.e aomeone to so look up a word. Now I am aak1ni you to look one up. It la "tacky." I have In my ·lap a falrl)' recent laue of Random Howie dictionary. It gives two definitions for the word "tacky." One is "sticky or adheeive-llke." The other la "shabby or dowdy in appearance." In a recent column the word appeared twice and both times it was m.lauted. For the lut year or two this word has been appearing In print frequently to describe an unkind remark pr somethln1 that was done In a manner not considered kosher. Did I use the right word? ·- YOUR NEIGHBOR TO THE NORTH DEAR NEIGHBOR: U yn att aaklq •at &M wor 0 koslter," you are rtpt OD &arael. 81t ' yov crltlcl1m of my OH of die wor4 "taelly" was -well, tacky, ud aadeHn'ed aa wen. I CJIOte from Webster'• Tia I rd Uaabrldfed l)jctlonary of recent vlnta1e: "bavtn1 be ellaracterl1tlc1 of, or aaltable for a Jow-clau penoa; common; lack of 1tyle or 1ood taate." Yow apeloales art accepted. A.ad for lleave11'1 take, set OH of tlaOle bl1, fat dJctloaarlea U yoe plu to elaallen1e anyone tu tbe fat.are. ' Teaching your kids about the facts of life CaJ1 . be easy or awkward. Ann Landers' booklet, "Ho\f, What,' and When to T•Jl Your Child About Sex" can spell the difference. Send 50 cents along with a Jong, stJJmped, self-addressed envelope with your request, to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. ·• Hospitality envelops strang~rs · --• f -• George and Thelma. Washburn, of Hinsdale, m., met a couple named Von and Loia Cook, of Mishawaka, Ind., aome years ago. Althou,h they live hours away from each other, the Waahbuma and the Cooks like to get together a couple of µmes a year, just to say hellQ, Th1a summer they decided it might be nice if they had dinner together. The W..Jlbuma didn't want to aak the >COoka to drive all the way to Hln.sdale, and the Cooke didn't want to ask the Waahburne to drive. aH the way to Mishawaka. So they compromised. They .elected a town midway between -the towlt of Valparaiao, Ind. -and they agreed to meet there for a Sunday dinner. They asked around, and someone recommended a Valparailo restaurant called the White HOUie. The food w,. au~poeed to be good. THE WASBBURNS and the Cooka -all of them are in their 60s -decided to make a dinner reservation for 5 p.m. that Sunday. One of them called to make the re11ervation. Then they made arrangements to meet in the reataurant's cocktail lounge at 3 p.m., talk for a few hours, and then eat. On the appointed day, Georae and Thelma Waahbum drove from H1nadale to Valpara19o. They found the restaurant. on the comer of Jeffenon Street and Route 49. 'nle rw1.aurant wu a beautitul old hou.e. The Cooks were walttnc for them in the park.lnc lot. ._ The Wuhburna -were ao happy to aee th'eir friends that it didn't even strike them u odd that the Cooka' car w111 the onl)' one in the lot. ''You're not aotnc to believe what happened," Von Cook aaJd as the Waahbuma got out of their own car. , • The CooU bad aooe into the restaurant, only to be told th.at it was cloeed for the day. Usually the White Houte la open Sundays and cloeed Mondays -but th1a particular week, It waa cloeed on Sunday becau.e the owners were having a private family party. The party was due to atart in a few hours, 808 Glffllf and the guests would be arriving. "The owners told us to come in when you arrived, and they would recommend someplace else around here," Von Cook said. So the Washbuma and the Cooks went into the restaurant. The own!;fS -twin bfothers, Han:y and John Pappas, both '58 -led them to the cocktail lounge and lnsisted that they· have a complimentary drink. The brothers were apologetic; they explained that the woman who took the reeervation over the phone must have-forgotten that the restaurant was due to be cloeed that Sunday. The Washburns and the Cook.a drank their cocktail• and talked. And then the brothers appeared again. "WE FEEL SO BAD," Harry Pappas said, "we want you to atay for the party. We want you to be our guesta. We lnaiat." The Wuhbuma and the Cook.a didn't know what to make of thia. But they didn't have time to deci<fe. Soon the aueata •tarted to arrtYe. There w ere 7~ people in all; they had come to the restaurant to honor the hiah~echool graduation of the Pappas' niece, a young woman named Cathy PoUlu. Harry Pappas pulled the Waahburns and the Cooke .,.sde. "I know you probabl~ don't feel comfortable with a bunch of strangers,' he said. "Nobody does. So jult mingle if you wi.h -but rm going to eel up your table out on the terrace, where you c.an visit with each other like you planned in the first place." The Pappas brothers moved a table out onto the back terrace. There were plants out there. and a GOIEll 011 BllDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF big backyard, and a fish pond. The Pappas brothers said that the buffet was inside, in one of the big rooms; the Washbums and the Cooks were to eat ai-- much as they wanted. There would be no charge. And so the part~ started. The Washbums and, the Cooks were overwhelmed; they knew no one here, and all of a sudden they were joining people' at the lavish buffet table. They helped themtelves \ and went to their private table on the terrace. . THEY RELIVED OLD times together, but they were interrupted as guests from the party came out to introduce themselves and welcome . them. The-Pappas brothers·came-out, too; they tol<t the story of the White House restaurant -how it had been the family house for years, and how four years ago the brothers had decid~ to make it into a restaurant. The Pappas brothers explained all about the history of the house, and the significance of each room. When the Washburns and the Cooks had finished with their meal and their conversation, they walked back into the house .. The party was stilf in progress. Mn. Washburn didn't know wba\ to say; she couldn't believe that they had been taken in just as if they had been invited. So she stood in the middle of the room full of strangers and said: '"nlank you all. I juat hope you had aa ~ a ' time today as we did." ;..i The people in the room started to say goodbye to them, and the Pappas brothers got up to show them to the front door. "Get home safe," Harry Pappas said. So the Waahbums drove toward Hinadale, and the Cook• drove toward Mishawaka. Mra. Waahbum thought to heraelf: All you hear about is unfriendliness and nastiness; people are suppoaed to distrust each other and keep to themselves in a cocoon of .elf-protection. Once in a while, in a smalJi' restaurant off the main highway, you see another • aide. Both vulnerable. South deals. Openjng foad: King of •. side. North is free to play in that contract or lo correct, usually to the minor suit. Here. North had no problem. WEST EAST the nine of hearts in declarer's hand became the fulfilling card. • Q4 • 10 NORTH •AJtl <:::i KJJOI 0 10173 •• WEST EAST • KQ• • ••uu <:::i Q4Z <:::i A7U o J84 o AKI +tlH +7 SOUTH •Z The London segment of the Philip Morris European Bridge Cup was won by Mar· tin Hoffman and Paul Hack· elt. two or Britain's moet. suc· cessful tournament players. Horrman has long been regarded as one of Europe's finest card players. Here's an example or his technique. taken from that event. West led the king of epades. Declarer started off with eight t.rlckl -Mven clubs and the ace or 1pades. Can you tell which card became the ninth trick? Declarer won the ace or spades and started to run clubs, reducing the hand to this position: <:::i Q4 <:::i A 1 O JI O A.K6 ·-·-SOUTH . - <:::i . 5 0 Q 5 z +z On the lul dub. all three hands parted with a diamond. Now declarer led a low heart to the ten and East's ace. Thal defender took his high diamonds. West slurred the queen of hearts on the second diamond and dummy was for ced to pit.ch both hearta. Now Note that if West retains the queen or hearts and dis· cards a spade. dummy will keep t he king or hearts and • ohly one spade. How d• Y" choose &lie b .. t ope•las 1..d? ci..rie. GorH hat tlM •Hwer. For a co,, •f .. WI.alas Ope•I• tHdt," HDd Sl.85 to "Goro•·l:Hd•," care of t.11111 aewapaper, P.O .... %51, N•rw .... N.J. 0'7648. Make • \ tllodit payaW. &o New.. t 1 <:i n OQU +AKQJIOU The bidding: , So.di Wut Nerdt Eat& INT PUI p.., P ... Hoffman and his partner were playing the Gambling Three No Trump Conven· tion. The opening bid showed a tolid seven·card minor suit with little or nothing on the NORTH +J9 <:::i It J 10 0 10 ·-,.,........ J Postpartum depression temporary DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: Cu yn esplata . tlle blee1 after prepaee1? Tltey're called tlle C~ ~hlet. I am II, u4 for 11 eL9:.':'t.•Y nMM ud I wen ...,... to lilave a riiow dlatllilada.._df91~1lrl,IMeamo.-iae ~ ........ *-.. ll alter ... wa1 llleill. I beeametnta.Meud .... 't ...... AMl..._e u actul ~y. I eeliMa't..., erJ1a1 f• .... , •• -.,...., ••• u,.... ... r .. ....,, ...... Wiiy ._..IM lilave die W... afler ltaYlal a bi'Yf -MRS. E. .DEAi\ MRS. E.: Fortunately, moat youna mothera are happy. They don't have any paetpartum dftpc rim. But, in eome ~. • in yours, havtna a M9I ..., t.rtaen a temporary depe ui... What w •....-1 to be a happy ewnt becaiiim tlnead with thi Ww. , TMn'• no tpedal ar.tment, dlOept time and warance. Whateaw. the ctepr1•on? We don't always know. Yn. it'• ~ w~ ~ CDnlidel' the many pllyalolop:al and pl1t'hoJo&leal chanaee that OONI' dw1nC ariit foUowifta IJl'9llMllC'Y· ror example, there'• th• 1udaen fall Jn tlol~uedon ...,. dellwry. 'ndl mn u..- ph Thlft ~narmal JetdGri .,... dae a.by II liift. 'l'he ~r.-MW a UftWl:Yll .............. Not to .... ch8d. Wt ..... !iuMMI. -..~ .. II and mount. Wa,i ilMMaJd be found to ~ them by an uncleritancllna . . T . JOUI lllAl 1H OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN hueband arid relativea. Sufficient iron and vitamim In an unDle cUet are helpful. Try t.o 1-11 8tr 1 r If the "temporary" blues become mor' permanent, tome patlentl may need psychiatric care. But, lt'I ~to know that in malt...-,' pmtpartwn bluet dilappear without C8Ul1nl lllY lel1ow or permanent effOC'ta. , DBAa DB. ITEINCROBN: I Illa•• •• =-rs:;~v ... -v.=J=~=::.:i ~-__ ................ ,.... of.,···~ .... · -··~ "s:! "'-•,. .. ,... ..... .. ... .... ". . , ....,.. _, .. ..,..,. .... , ...... .. .., -llM.N. DSA& IDS. N.: It'• Uklb' lbat wt.t you ..... an oalle4I llerbedn'• ....., of'-_.. ... wUb .......... l ...... ...,wlD ..... With JV'll' ._ °" lhi ~-· I~.:;: ieYenl s-taen• with tueh0 flnPri; irilriaailt yet able to type and play the piano without dlfficulty. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: For tit• C!l' · comple •f m•tla•, my left arm ud ~ lilave f cem&uUJ fallJal a1leep. I all• bve a ~, ......... I cu'• nea 1leep la my 1nal ,..ru.a. MJ arm lllu .. lie Oat at my side, o&MnrtM "8 ••aiil•• ... lilllUlll set wene. MJ Heter •JI" It'~. My pretRre .. Hrmal; I am 17 ... ,a•----• .....,.. .. llMl*'J· J ltope '"cu.._., _..... ' . .. DmAR MRS. B.: =.c. had X-raya oJ you.t ' GlirVtclJ (Wk) tplne! Jif-UN on Ml'W9 1 here will cauae such 1ymptom1. If X·rafa an =::.:"! =~f your.,..... ... Why "'11 '1 DBAll DR. ITSINCROJ..IN~ 7•JHr ::.~=.:t:'..... = ~-..... 1'lflal ........ ................................ .......... , -'M&L 116 mA1' MU. M.: ll'1 ~ lhe ean be t't':J ·~·-===--=::::. ... "' ,.. tJI .... hand .,.. ott.D ~of ... ,....,........ . y • :t • • .. . GARDENING 86 Summer's ·last stand I OF.F &r RUNNING DEPT. -So this ls it. The wonderful three-day U.bor Day weekend is upon us. The last gasp of our summer season. And it comes in the middle of a heat wave. Nonnally, you could anticipate upon the Labor Day festivities that everybody living-'at the beach would be headed for the mountains and all those living in our inland reaches would be headed for the beach. It may not work out that way this time. • Tfie traffic may all be one way. Nobody will really want to drive through the pre-heated basin to get to the mountains. So it's likely to be just one constant stream toward our shoreline-; bays and beaches. ": · .. YOU MAY HAVE SOME 'I •• URP~l~l~ll~·· ~ ~~f;;c~111Jtilaufi~~u'd~ ,~Labor Day . The mai ________ ...,...,..._ purpose of the festivity · to elude labor, not participate in it.•And the longer you can stretch it, the better. , Cunning types, who know how to work it properly, have already figured out a way to flee early from the Laguna grads grade teachers By STEVE MITCHELL Gt" .. .,..,,... .... Nearly a quarter of Laguna Beach High School'• Clau of '81 took advantage of an opportUnlty to ''lt'ade" their alma mattt in a grad41tte follow-up rtudy. In resulta n!le.Med thll week 89 percent of the 60 respondent• uid they are now enrolled in college and were franlt in aaeeasing their hJgh echopl yean. For instance, 32 percent of thoee respon~sald counseling on career p was of Utile help to them, wh e 77 per(lefi\ said the school's guidance department was very helpful in preparing them for a high achool diploma.-· · Bill Barnes, superlntendent of the Laguna school district, said results of the -graduates' survey will be distributed to COUNelOl'I, department heads at the high achool and a committee that develops instructional programs. He said the follow-up aurvey has been conducted annually for about six yeara, addlnff the comments by graduates have been very helpful." Some students expreased regret that they did not study harder, or get Involved in school activities. . Others were critical of elective classes, such as "beach activities" In which students walk to the nearby beach for one period. , "Beach activities la a waste ot taxpayers' 1JlOney," one student wrote: That student should know. "I took five trimesters of It," the student wrote. "It is a pointleu course." Other program1 were lauded by the grad.a. "The Jl!naliah department la a muat, math waa adequate,'' one graduate aald. "More emphaaia 1howd be placed on oomputen." Another IU88etted studpnta should be taught how to write formal term papers. And another said, "Since I am In a univeraity I am panicked becau.e of the lack of science cla11e1 that were stressed during hJgh achool." ' Another wrote, "l have foWld that my math 1kllla were way behind those which we're expected In college." · Yet another was more critical. "Some teachers don't teach. They only give busy work. In one semester at Saddleback (Community 'College) I 'learned more Engliah than I did in the CARE checks expenses By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Suzanne Moore, the three 0('1tie Delly"°' It.ff board members who voted In Members of a group seeking to favor of creating new middle re call three Fountain Valley schools (grades six through eight) School District trustees are In the district. CARE member$ on a difference of opinion on middle schools, not on anything illegal or Improper that the district has done." ~~ur years I took-at LBHS." One atudent , perha~ regreuin1 day1 •pent on Mal'. Beach in1tead of the cJwroom. wrote, "The echool ii too~ You can cut clua whenever you want." But aome of the gradua* Nfilll praiae for the hl&h achool'• programs, pointing out~ cl.aaaes -and instructon -whO were most-helpful. "Excellent Engll1h department," one graduate wrote. "The Regional Occupational Program was o u t1tandin1. Biology waa the best college prep coune I had," another wrote. One art student wrote, "Whatever you do, don't cla.e · the art classes." preparing to inspect district have o such schools. Hii~+--lil.QIWMl:lll0 U...,l*IOTdS" to - --whether expenditures for ·the Two wee s ago the parents Gary Burgner, a business services adrplnistrator for the Ol'l.11ge~ Maybe you could just fence off a piece of beach for your own use. scenes of their labors today. They've got .to go home and ice down their overheated grandmother. They had a toothache t~t was killing them, requiring early departure. They're suddenly suffering from terminal hangnail. Any old excuse to flee the place of employment .will do, so long as it works. That could ~ve Jou half of today off, coupled with Saturday, Sunday'°an Monday. Tuesday then becomes the problem. Once again, the clever ones Will be able to phone in to the boss with a very plausible reason why they aren't showing up at the perspiration factory. They fell asleep on' the beach blanket and are now suffering third-degree iunstroke. While they were at the seashore, rotten thieves grabbed all four wheels and tires off the family heap. They're stranded. They were all set to start in for work Tuesday morning when the dog swallowed the car keys. BIZARRE DECEPTIONS, if they catch the boss off guard because he's a little shaky Tuesday morning himself, will allow the plotting employee to stret.ch a tMee-day holiday weekend into four and one-half days. Not too shabby, when you come to think of it. All of this, of course, will come at the expense of those who now reside in our coastal region and might enjoy a little seashore breeze themselves in this last fling of summer. Since temperatures will be ·soaring to near the • 100-degree mark in many inland reaches, you can figure traffic movement along the coast will be immobilized. Residents of the Newport-Balboa Peninsula better be staking out their own parking places and a~iece f the beach right now. If you live io Huntington h or Fountain Valley, don't risk your chances o ?ach- feeder roads like Brookhurst, Magnolia, Beal: U1e~ard or Coast Highway. Corona del Mar will probably be transformed into one giant parking lot. And downcoast,.don't even think about trying to drive on Lagtlna Canyon Road. YOU SUSP ECT THAT about the only way we'll .escape all this compaction is to pray for rain. The weathennan says the chances for that prayer are just two: slim and none. So stick near your homestead and have a happy holiday. I think I'm going to hide under the bed until it's all over;. Suspect nabbed f ollolVing chase A Canon man la In ea.ta Mesa jail today fol.lowing a hiah •peed purault by Orange "County aherifra deputies in connection with the armed robbery of Sir Ow-la Liquor, 2981 Briltol St., ea.ta ~-. police aaid. Dann)' Hernandez Martlnez, 24, 'waa arreated by 1herlff'1 deputies OD suapldon of armed robbery In Long Beach at l 19th and Pioneer ltrMta followin8 a puraalt that bepn alone the San Dleao Freeway ln Oran1e County, police aaid. About •700 in cash was recovered from the auspect. He ia In jail in lieu of •25,000 bail. :Police aaid that Jeff Clark, formerly with the police department, became suapicloua and copied down the Uceme plate number of the 1u1pect'1 Volluwagen when he 1aw the man pt out of the car in front of the liquor store weartna a full motorcycle helmet that ntd hia f.aoce. Colleges' budget passed· An '87 million budpt for the 1982-83 tchool year hu been ~nl~'g,,= lnMilW, wbo OVllW ~tion a« ann. ccim eoueg 1n o.ia .._, Oolden W• A)ll ... ln RUDllnpm Bwh llDd CmitUne Coll•c•. which le bHed In · fo\O ntatn Valley but offer• ci-~t1he d1ltJ1et, A dl8trict apoUmnan aaid the finandal plan .. ~ p m&Wan i.. t.han the dlstrict'• 1881·82 budpt becaUM of cutbaclu in ltate fundinc. 'Jbe budae\ WM approved by the bmrd Wecm.tay ftiChL . district's new administration group requested records of building and other projects were projects lncluding more than $1 proper. · million to convert McDowell Janet Schmidt, a spokeswoman Schoo l into a new district for the Committee Advocating headquarters. Responsible Education, CARE, "I would be astonished if they saJd the group has been notified found anything improper " said that the district will make its Su rintendent William fuher. records available this week in "~'re all very 11}..UCh above resp>nse to CJ\RE inquiries. board. I'm sure they're looking . ~he said the ina~~tion w.UJ. ..... 1or .something wronil, but I don't take place today at ffie district think they'll flnd it."i"' headquarte.n . Board President. Norton said ~ARE is circulating petitions "They can look into our records: calling for the recall of trustees but nothing there is improper. I Cheryl Norton, Roger Belgen and think this whole recall is based Just d~sserts Who had more fun? Kelly Kreisle of Costa Mesa lapping the end-of-summer sundae at the Orange Coast YMCA or counselors Mike Bell and Linda Schultz cutting loose with the whipped cream? • .. ., Education, which oversees the payment of state funds to local school districts, said he has answered financial questions posed by CARE members. But Burgner said he has seen no eviden c e of ill e gal expenditures by the Fountain- Valley School District. The CARE group is required to collect 6,000 signatures before the end of November ln order to 'torce a recall election. The group has made no announcements regarding the number of signatures coJlected thus far. Ch~fyl Norton Special session · for ~chools urged ' Faced with an impending crisis in public school financing, Assemblywoman Marian BergetQn has added her voice to \he chorus urging the governor to call a special legislative .-Ion following the Nov.ember election to address the problem. "The Legislature failed to address the issue of priorities by holdlng public schoola hoetage • during the political bickering of the waning hours of the legislative aession," declared the Newport Beach..Bepublican, who serves as the Assembly Education Committee's vice chairman. "We have a responsibility to ensure that the future adulta of this society receive more than a mediocre level of education. 1f we cah do something to. ensure that they will recef ve quality education, and I think we can, then it is our responsibility to return to Sacramento to fulfill that role and it is the governor's reaponaibility to call us to that task,'' Bergeson said. A letter urging Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. to call the special session was drafted by A11emblyman Gary Hart, D· Santa Barbara, and signed by 25 legislators, both Democrata 'and Republicans, Bergeson aide Julie Froeberg aaid. The letter waa dated Aug. 31, the closing day of the legisl&tive ..ton. Bergeson complained thit no legidation providing relief to school problem• waa paaaed during.the Auguat.. ae11ion. Schools received no coat-of-llvinS increases In the 1982-83 budget. w c trans ates to program cutbacks, reduced instructional days and hunareds of employee layoffs, she said. Bergeson added that the only significant education measure that received legislative approval this year waa a $35 million augmentation appropriation, SB 1345, aimed at helping special education programs. Tll 11111111111111 i Mr. and Mra. Rlchard Shively of Coeta Meu unce the engaaement of lhelr dauahte~n, Jeffrey ftoaaa, 10n ol Mr. and Mrs. JOlm of e. Oct. 23 wedding ln Calvary Chapel, C.O.ta • la planned. The bride-elect graduated from <xx: and her "• 1ehool ii Santa Ana College. 3103 1hl/a Wa'I : t nftl!P°'' B.a,~. Cali/ 92663 Carol.• Jonn•,. (114) 673-3442 Watters - The ena.,nent of Diane Clarke Watt.ere to Gre1<>ry Roland JOllyn haa been announced by her puental.!vfr. and Mre. Walter Gawn Watt.ere of lnc:lJan weU.. Wattere waa iD'*lua\ed from USC where the waa afflJlated wlth P i Beta Phi. The Future brtdearoom, 1e>n of Mr. and Mra. Roland Merritt JOllyn of Malibu, wu graduated from UCLA and received hla muter'• degree from the American Graduate School of International Manaaement, Glendale, Arb:. A November wedding la planned. Bayn es -Hark ins Mr. and Mn . Richard C. Baynet of Irvine' announce the e ngageme nt of their dauahter , Caroline Elizabeth, to Daniel Michael Harkins, eon of Mrs. Arthur T. Harkins of Allegany, N.Y. and the late Mr. Harkina. An October wedding ls planned. 'J"he bride-elect earned degrees In economics and history from Colgate University In Hamilton, N.Y. Harkins received his undergraduate dt!gree and doctorate of law from the Universi~y of Kansas at Lawrence. Daniel Harkins, Caroline Baynes Paid Polltkal Adv. ALLAN BEEK . 'SIUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY FOR CITY COUNCIL ................ ~ 1922 ~IOI IUD. COSTA MISA-541-11"- Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder'• biggest loss had nothing to do with sports . . . It was the lives of his two daughters who died of cystic fibrosis. "Help me beat the odds" ls the plea the natibnally known oddsmaker makes on behalf of the Cyatlc Fibroslk Foundatlon through television, radio and newspaper ads. According to Gary Kluge, president of the Southern California chapter of the foundation and owner of Kluge Construction Co. of Orange, _ the public service announcements are part of a new nationwide education campaign to help increase awareness and recognition of the disease. . The S nyders' first daughter, Florence, died three weeks after birth but they never knew exactly why. It wasn't \Ultil their son, Jamie, was diagnosed two years later that they even heard of cystic fibrosis. The doctors were blunt and told the Snyders that their son had two years to live and that there was no cure for cystic fibrosis. Although Jamie, who is now 25, beat those odds, another sister did not. Tina was born 12 years later with cystic fibrosis and died after a • two-year struggle against the inherited disease. ) Cystic fibl'06is, according to Kluge, produces a thick mucus that clogs the lungs and intestines. There is now no cure, as CF ra nks as the SUlllT .4 LITERS WlllE Ill A BOX · ~ Chablis, Rose, k Rhine & Burgundy s3 ·.a-a u. thr~ -sept. 12 411 E. 17tlt It., 0.1 • .... l • .,. 141-1114 2111 1..,.rt ""·· .... .,.. l lap 18-1lll L.Aav 1'1111K>nNA LABOR mcitemity boutique DAY SALE country's moat common lnherlted klller of children, and there is no test to Identify the- approxlmately 10 rpilliori carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene. "Sharrng-your fainlly's._painlul experiences, as 'Ihe Greek is doing, is not easy and we are grateful for his help in bringing the cyatic. fibrosis story to the public," Kluge aald . "The Greek" and his wife, Joan, live in Durham, NC, with their children, Anthony, 17, and Stephainie, 22, both of whom do not have CF. Jamie lives in Las Vegas where he attends the University of Nevada and is now on the Foundation's national public relations committee. The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, a n onprofit volunta ry h ealth agency, is to prevent, control and treat cystic fibrosis. Funds raised locally in the Southern Clµi!omia community help support biomedical and clinical research, CF care centers at UCLA. Cedars-Sin ai, Children's Hospital of LA, Children's Hospital of Orange County, USC Medical Centj!r and Long Beach Children's Clinic, and public and professiorial education to increase recognition of cystic fibrosis. Volunteers may call 636-0900. ,,,,,........ LAUNCH PLAN .....-Donald K. Slayton (left), former NASA astronaut a nd now missjon director for Space Se~ices Inc., joins f1tm chairman David.Hannah Jr. at Houston news conference to announce the impending launch of 37-foot Conestoga 1 rocket next Wednesday. College told tQ admit girls PHILADELPHIA (AP) -A judge of the Orphans Court has directed 134-year-old Girard College to admit girls as soon as facilities and programs for them can be provided. In a verbal order given in court, Judge Charles Klein approved this week a petition yom J.he directors of City Trusts asking that girls be admitted to the children's school for the first tirhe since its founding ln 1848. · "It is my opinion that the best mterests ot tne trust will be served by admitting female students · and I will ao direct," Klein said. City Trusts administers all estates left to the chy, including tt}at of the merchant Stephen a--i...i0LAZ:Q, who-lefW'ila mooe~ found a · school for "poor white male orphans," later changed to admit all boys without reglµ'd to race, age 12 and up. Klein said admission of girls to the elementary and secondary school could not start immediately because the physical plant of the school in northern Philadelphia is unsuitable. "This will create monumental problems since the plant is so old and was designed entirely for boys." the judge said. He said the board should hire consultants to determine how best to modify the college. John Lander, Girard's president, said he was not certain when girls would be admitted. "We have to go through all this," Lander said. "It will depend on what the consultants recommend.'' If they recommend a new building, he said, "that takes time." " Lander said the school will have an enrollment of 503 boys this fall. Tabloid off hook on Hinckley letter WASHI NGTON (AP) -The Justice Department has decided not to prosecute a weekly tabloid that published a poem by presidential ' assailant John W. Hinckley Jr. containing a death threat against actress Jodie Foster, a department spokesman says. John Russell, the spokesman,· said that the department notified lawyers for Miss Foster that it has rejected their request to prosecute the National Enqu irer for publishing the poem in its Aug. 24 issue. Russell declined to give a reason for the department's decision. But officials, who asked not to be quoted by name, said the case raised a First Amendment issue of freedom of the press that would most likely make any prosecution fruitless. Hinckley, who is confined to a hospital here for the mentally ill, wrote in the poem entitled "Bloody Love" that he would stab the 19-year-old actress "deep into your bloody heart" and then shoot himself. The Enquir~r said It received the handwritten poem after it asked Hinckley for an interview. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of inaanity on June 21 in the attempted assa.-lnation Of Preslderrt'Rea an on March 30, lDSl.- Attentlon:BoatOwnen t Everything For Boat Parties! Napkins, Cu~s, Plates, Etc ... New & Different Boat & Sea Patterns . PARTY INVITATIONIGALOllEI • 1 . 99vour • Choice Kodak~Fllm Choice of 110/24 or 135/24 film. SO• 0e'!~~ ~Colee® coke. -vw With srno11 • Orang• Co••• DAILY PILOT/f'rlday, September s. 1882 Battered Beirut returns to nor mal Lebanon's ca pital I aces $4 b illion rep air j ob after invasion l 18ElRUT1 Lebanon (AP) -Th 1tree1.1 of Belrut are cloged wlJh can nd v aetabl vtndora, and workmen ahovel a1lde thoi d•brla of tt\ree month• of war a1 life ltl'Ugglea back to normal. The Paleatine Liberation Organization, wJlich for 12 yean ran lta own 1tate within a jtate In eouthem Lebanon, has left. r.foet of ita WarTlon have been acattered around ttte' Arab world. , ;But there are deep uncertainties In the Moalem sector ot the Lebanese caJ?ltal where Yasser Arafat'• guerrillas hole<f up under alege by larael'a encircling army. ''We don't listen to talk any more ... We wlt.nt proof Instead of talk," said Nasr Nasr, pr'o}>rle1or of a fish restaurant in the seaside neighborhood of Rouch•. Nasr surveyed the charred and twisted wreckage of his restaurant, pondering whl!ther he would rebuild. "This ia the \VOrk of 40 years destroyed in 50 minutes. It will coat four million lira ($800,000) to rebuild." - Lebane.e Prime Minister Shafik Wauan ·1 ordered all Lebanese mUitias -Christian ri&htist and Moslem leftist -to get off the streets Thursday and remove their ~dbagged checkpoints. ~ In Christian east Beirut, the rightist Lebanese Fprces militia that was led by President-elect Bashir Gemayel vanished SAT, SUN from It.a poeltlona along the Grc.-en Line frontler d1vldln1 the c•pltal. laraeU offlcert .. id privately their troop1 were keeplr\i "• low profile" -pulllna back h ovy weapons from the Beirut port, for example. In the Moalem w•t, Wauan and French Anibulador Paul MAit' Henry attended a ceremonial pullback of the lefU.t Leban~ Mourabltoun miliU. from the key National Muaeum croeaina point where aome of the hea\rieet battles between larae1'1 anny and Palestinian guerrtllaa had been fought. "The order came down f~m our chief. There wiU be no more guns In the 1treet1 no more uniforms,'' aald a Mourabl\OUn officer named Zolfikar. When Hked If the militiamen would keep their weapons, he res~nded "Yes, of course." '~of today, there ls no east Beirut and west Belru t ," the prime minister proclaimed in a short speech. The capital has been split into warring halves alnce the 197~-76 civil war which pitted leftist Moslems-wlth PLO ailles - against Christian rightista. The arrival o/ a Syrian domlna1ed Arab League peace foree in November 1976 also silenced the guns. overnight f>ut in only a few months, rival private armles were fighting the Syria(is and each other. Many fear it could happen again. FUckJng hit~ worry bead1, 1hlpplnc aaent Jacquet J. Gearaeoura u1d with • ahJ'\18: "If there la no hOpe there ii no Ute, IO we hope for \he beat.' Lebaneae 1overnment otflclal1 have eetlmat.ed It will coet $4 bWJon to make good the lollH 1uffe'red Sn the laraell invaalon and a total of $12 bllllon to rebuild what hu been devaatated llncie 1975. The last of about 15,000 Syrian 80ldlers and Palestinian guerrlllaa left Wednesday, and by Thur'9day morning the acrape of ahoveli cleaning up debris could be heard along Corntche Mazraa, the boulevard where Palestinian and leftist Lebanese offices were concentrated. Red and white Lebanese flags emblaioned with green cedar trees fluttered in place of Palestinian flap In the camps of Bourj el-Barajneh and the Fakhani nelgbborhood, where Arafat had maintained his headquarten. Soldiers of the Lebanese army, who had been banished from west Beirut since before the civil war, walked in twos and threes thraugh the 1treets unarmed and unnoticed. Red-bereted Squad 16 police wlth M-16 automatic rifles and police with holttered pistols have taken control of most Beirut streets. ., ... .,.... JUSTICE SERVED -Membe rs of the Oakland Police Department and passersby help rescue a police horse named Justice, who became startled and fell backward i{lto Lake Merritt. The animal was only slightly injured. ANTIQU·E BAZAAR & FLEA MARKET Boy, 2 , takes Youth family · car Talent Revue ·• • On Sept. 3 & 4 our for JOY ride young sta rs of tomorrow show their ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) -A talent with song, 2-year-old..boY left in the family dance, music and car, s~ted it up and was fashion modeling headin for a drainage ditch entertainment. before la mother managed to Presented at jump in and steer the car into a Huntington Center by tree, police and his mother say. Soviet says Reagan 'cooling rhetoric' in Laguna Niguel A treasureland of antiques ... an outdoor emPOrium of crafts ... plus unique items for vour home. vovr fam11 v and esi:>eciallv vourselt. -Swap & ShoP ltke 11used 10 be. Unhurried, inexi:>enslve, with friendly people Dorothy Shreve William Bowen took his drive Modeling Studio at one afternoon this week In a 1976 7:30 Fri. and at 1:30 Oldsmobile after his mother, and 3:30 on Sat. Jane, delivered lunch at work to his dad, Rodney, police said. If it's oot wheels, you'll move "He wu half asleep" when th~y returned home, Mrs. Bowen said. MOSCOW (AP) -Defense limitation of medium-range Minilter Dmitri F. Ustinov has nuclear weapons in Europe, and said President Reagan has toned said the United States seeks down his rhe1oric because of the military superiority over growin' world peace movement Moscow. The Geneva t~l ks, but still harbors aggressive s1arted In November, are now in intentions. recess. Ustinov, in a speech bestowing Thursday in Italy, the supreme ----bn ace eager to sell. It faster in.a Daily Pilot classified a d .call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viserwill help you She left the younpter in the _car_ .;While she went inside to make a phone call. She said she left the keys in the Ignition, but applied the emergency brake. the Order of Lenin on the anns-allied commander of NATO, U.S. industry city of Kuybyiahev, saj_d Gen. Bernard W. Rogers, said Thuraday the Reagan deployment of U.S. Pershing 2 administration haa adopted a and cruise missiles by the ao.tter to.n.e aJLAJne.an:s -oL Weat.ecn allies will press th "camouf.taging its aggressive Soviets toward "serious course. But 'this will hardly. negotiations'' on diiarmament. I . ln~he-foot hi Ifs of beaullfut Laguna Niguel. In the parking tot of the Ziggurat Building, La Paz & Aliso Creek. ONLY '1 PER CAR If vou've been going to the same otd swap meet week after week, Irv something new this weekend. OPEN 7 A.M. to 3 P.M. Exit the La"Paz off ramp on 1·5 and continue to Altso Creek Rd. 'll.ISO CREEK RD SUMMER CLE1'RANCE 20°/o-56°/o · GPf ! 3 DAY SALE SAT., SUN. & MON. SEPTEMBER 4, 5 & 6 SAVE 30°/o PRE-SEASON SALE RATIAN if' . turn your wheels Into cash. · . "' AJu-mont Americana 4 CHAIRS 42" TABLE Reg.'450 $19800 Telescope INc-Culrs 0.Cllll .. l/8 88Q HaMOCks fro. lisc. C~lst lt111es f rot1 • Mltc.SNITl*'f,. '35" •14P 11915 '129'° '39" UMBRE LLAS COMP\.ETE SELECTION PATIO ACCESSORIES Ol.ASSU. Pi.ATES, Sk.VEAWAAE, SELLCTlOH OF ~UM & CWJR '1/IO#J =--~ o1 ~---""re mo~ 111 I SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HAND 4 CHAIAS, .a· PEDESTAL TABLE. llSTSS855 BRASILIA ' deceive anybody." Ustinov said the Soviet Union The Soviet defense minister, "will not accept an agreement one of 13 members of the ruling that would ensure for the USA Politburo, made no reference to the opportunity of securing Reagan's new Middle East peace unilateral advantages," A few minutes later, William woke up and started the car. He put it in ge~ and began guiding it down the street, police said. initiative. He accused both the United Mrs. Bowen heard the engine and raced outaide to find the car heading for a drainage ditch at the bottom of a hill. He renewed the Soviet States and China of resorting to complaipt that the United States "frenzied anti-Soviet, anti- was not negotiating in good faith socialist campaigns" and "crude in the Ge._.a talks on the lies" about the Soviet threat. Celebrate Labor DaJ, Weekend At Appearing Fr1.111t. fr•• 1 •·•· -UTZ I -llMMEIS •••• 2 ...... I , ••• I I ............. -UVE -llVE •••••r 2 •·•· •• 1 •·•· -SIYUR IROTIERS I frt• I •·•· -UYE .am 2406 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH 675-2244 Children's Pu1t1t•t Shows Riede Marionettes will provide fun, music and fantasy for the little ones. Huntington Center Mall Fri. thru Sun. at 1-2-3 & 4, Mon. at 2-3 & 4 . the b'dspread stoie-... BEDSPREADS BATH SHOP Reg. SALE Twtn 39.95 to 49.95 19.95 to 24.95 Charlam• Reg. SALE F._ 49.95 to 59.95 24.95 to 29.95 Bath 24.00 9.99 Queen 59.95 to 69.95 39.95 to 59.95 Hand 15.00 5.49 Kine 69.95 to 79.95 49.95 to 69.95 Face 4.75 2.49 Royal Velvet . BATH SHOP Bath Rug Fleldcrnt Towel Week Luatre Towel• IALI Bath 11 .50 5.19 Bath Sw•a• Hand 8.50 S.99 1QQOfo NINON $38.00 , Face 3.75 :1.91 60x94 asst. colors Bath Sheet 23.50 11.99 ' (" Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, ~tembet 3, 1802 Phone rate ineriases: A ringing • ID the WASHINOTON (AP) Conaumere lt'rou tho country aro faclna tho proapect of 1harply hiaher local telephone blU.. -ln IOIM cue. more than a doublhur -even before many local ell companies seek boosts before br.eakup in 1984 • telephone companlea count the coet of aeparating from the Bell System. A 1urvey by The Aaaoclated Prem l'\aa found what appean to be a record dollar amount of rate hike requests n ow pending before state utility commisaiona -an estimated $6.2 billion tn annual revenues. Telephone trade groups and regulators believe that's a record total, though 1uch shifting atatiatics are difficult to tabulate. Rate increases are pending in more ~han 30 states, and most were filed without consideration of increased costs that may occur in 1984 when American Telephoru: & Telegraph Co. will spin off its 22 operating companies. Many experts expect a new spurt of rate increases then, but consumers won't have to wait that Ion~ before paying higher blllt. CoNld r: -The Bell Syatt>m rompanle1 now owned by AT&T have requ ated or announced their intentlion to requeat a total of '4.82 bllllon in additional annual revenue. According to AT&T spokesman Pie Wagner, the Bell companies could have rate requesta pendlftl &t'1ln;r-one time in 48 at.at.es plus the Dlatrtct of Colu-mbia. As of the end of August, Wagner says rate cases were pendlng in 31 states. -Two local companies in which AT&T is a minority owner -the Southern New England Telephone Co. and Clncinnatl Bell -have rate requests that total $164 million. -The General Telephone & Electronics Corp. (GTE), the riation's second largest telephone company, says its subsidiaries have requested or announced their intention to request $759.7 million in additional annual revenue from c<>nsumers in 10 ta\n, Report• Crom stat utility commlssluns und from th~ U.S. lndep nd nt Telephone AasoclalJon Indicate roughly $412 mllllon worth of rate hlket tiled by other non -Bell phone companies are 1Ull pendlng. That's despite the 4pproval of an estimated $312 million worth of rate hlke11 for Independent telephone companies during the first slx montha of 1982 ,· a<:eording to Henry Wieland, a spokesman for the independent telephone aaaociatlon. "While I can't sreak from personal knowledge, think It's a supportable conclusion that the rate requests now pending across the country represent a record," said Eric Schneldewind, the chairman of the publlc service commission in Michigan. "We have been saying for aome time that the decisions being reached in Washington would result in very, very sharp lncrea1e1 In 1>a1lc local rattt," added John Bry1on , the ch.airman of the Publ4e UUlltJea ~on ln California. "AJ-\d that'• what .. happontna.'' B)C-allowlna other tirm1 to enter the lona..<ftatarx.-e buaineu, for example, th~ Federal "Cornmunic.ationa Commllalon hu not only eroded AT&T'• monopoly but disrupted the long-1tandlng ry1t.em by which AT&T 1hare1 long-distance r~venue with local companlet1, Bryson says. In Pennsylvania, the local Bell company la awaltlng a de<:Ulon on a $402 mllllon rate hike request -the largest ever requested by any utJlity ln the state. If granted in full, the average consumer's charge just for local service -excluding long-distance and equipment charges -would rise from $7.01 a month to more than $12 a month. In Californla , Pacifi c Telepho ne & Telegraph Is = I EIFlll S a awaltln.i a ruling on a J6.9.9 mWJon rate hike, but this w~k lllcd a notiQe of lt.1 Intention to 1eek an ta&t.~ mllllon lncreue for late 1-983. If both requestl are iaranted in full, the basic realdenc..ial flat· rate for consumer111 In t-he Los A"Tigeles and San Francitco areas would skyrocket from $7 a month to $15.65 a month. In Kansaa, Southwestern Bell Telephone 11 seeking a $63. 7 mlllion rate hike that would boost basic residential rat.es In Topeka, for example, from $8.20. a montQ to $12.10 -a jutnp of 47.5 per cent. . State commissions rarely grant the entire rate request sought by a utility, and many of the telephone proposals pending across th9 country affect other things tM>sldes local service rates; for instance, the cost of installing telephones and the cost of pay telephone calls. But the rate requests appear to bear out the predictions of AT&T -t ,., ........... CRAZY TIME -Two views of comedian Jerry Lewis, who'll be raising money on TV for muscular dystrophy research again this weekend. WE MAVE HUNO.RISOS OF 00-IT·VCXJ:l&elF PRODUCTS ON &AL-6 ~I By FRED ROTHENBERG I.I T-.i.lon Wl'tter NEW YORK -The wee hours of the Jerry Lewis Telethon aren't the best for money pledges, but they're perfect for new acts, dimming stars and comically vulgar orangutans. The annual Labor Day fund-raiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association will run for 21 'h hours beginning at 9 p.m. Sunday. Traditionally, Monday's final six hours of the live, Las Vegas- based variety extravaganza stimulate as much in money donations as the previous 15. That peak pledge period and the opening prime-time slot are monopolized by big names who can attract viewers. But the early, early morning can provide the most spontaneous live television. One year, producer Bob Considine achedul.ed for late night an orangutan act. These were the same hams who upstaged Clint Eastwood in the movies. "Their manager said he couldn't predict what they'd do," says Considine. Sure enough, one of them shocked a sleepy audience with a universally recognized obscene gesture. "It was so much fun that I replayed their act throughout the day," says Considine. , Another mainstay of the overnight period are the unknowns. The way that oft.en works is that an agent might offer a star, if a lesser-known client gets some air time. New talent can pop up at the oddest hours. A dancer in the Andrews Sisters' "Over There" Broadway troupe once caught Considine'e eye. It was John Travolta. Scheduling, haggling with a gen ts, accommodating egos are all part of Considine's Labor Day labor of Iove • .his,iull-tim.e j>h "It's producing a whole TV season in one night," says Considine, who was named after his second cousin. the famous World War II correspbndent and cohnnnist. "Some agents or perfonners refuse to follow certain acts," he says. "Another basic problem is that East Coast acts want to go on when the E.ast is watching. Las Vegas acts want West Coast time." Considine's task ls to produce an entertainment show that's good enough to iJ!t.erest viewers, but not IO riveting all the time that they won't get up to phone in donations. At the same time. it has to be a moving program without beinB ma4.dlin. Considine says he won't schedule an entertainment act right after showing a min.ldoc:wnentary on the i.llne9a. "111 go right to a boring ~hi! corporate S_ponlOf. I don't want people to slo,]! g because Sinatra la ooming on. · ' And, if we're coming off a funny act, I won't have Jerry do a spiel with h1a klda. But, after·a nice ballad, I might suggest an appeal. Jerry has great lDlt1nct8 in this. He prefers hla poster child to be .mbulatory. He •YI be doesn't want to bend over a wheelchair to ra1te a buck.'' 'The tirele11 host. fpr the telethoft' since lt began lrt 1886, LewW-haa been a constant for the mU8Cular d~~ "9~ while bla own career has been .~. ~~~~~--------~-----4 '' 6fJ\RM::,e. . ~Al..E" PRiC-e.S ! COf\AE t~ SOON SO '10\.A WON'T MISS 'f'H~ SPeGTACUL.AC? S"'"'~GS ON WAU.COV~QINGrS, N-QSA'G, VIN'IL: Fl.DOC? 1iLE1 CERAMIG,~._,T A"6> G;)(JARRY TIL.E· Sftl • IPID8 8l!Pt: 81 SANTA ANA 2801 So. Bristol St. (llHt s.n1rt11t It.) 557-1324 - WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach BcUlv•d ears Chairman CharlH L. Brown that local rates wlll fi4e, reaardle11 of what happenf u A'l'"&T'1 a.u Sy1tem companl" are eet tree. That break-up wu appl'OYed !Mt week by a federal Judie and will lake place no later than Febn.w'y 1984. Both Bell and non-Bell , companle& blame th~ current _ spurt of rate hike requettl on , doub)e-dlglt Inflation that hu oiWy recently 1lowed~ 1lower- t ha n -expected growtt}j competition in the long-diatance and equipment marketa, and new regulatory policies designed to accommodate that competition such as faster depreciation schedules. Some regulators maintain that the pending rate cases do refiect the problems of breaking up AT&T. "There's no question ln my mind that the latest filing by• ' Pacific Telephone contemplates the prospect of 'their being . dives ted" by AT&T. aaye California's Brvson. • Orange Oout DAIL. Y ftlLOTll'rtdey, ..,,..., I, 11U • • Irvine show ·lo · blossom Roses. hunger . for their last meal of suminer ) Roee1 will Unser tn bloom until Chrlatmu where wlnteu are •pedally mild like along the cout. They may never even 1hed their leavew. Irvine Garden Club member1 have been cultJvatJna plans all summer for their tall flower 1how, to be held at noon Sept. 2~ at the University Community Park, Irvine. Competition 11 open to amateur flower arrangers and gardenera, who can enter 48 cia- ln the horticulture division and 17 ln artiatio design. Three ribbon awards wlll be given In each class; aelecUon will be made by Natlonal Council judges. · To arrange apace allocaUona, the club uka entry reservations be made a week before \he.$how by calling ,Mrs . John JI'. Walsh, prealdent, at 552-8952. . · Schedules are available from the president or at the Community Services Department of Irvine, co-sponsor. . A VARIETY of horticulture classes will be offered by Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, beginning next week. Classes include "Orientation to Horticulture," "Knowing Your Solis," "Landscape Drafting," "Ornamental Trees," "Nursery Practices and Manage m ent," "Plant Diseases," ''Interior Plantscaping," and "Introduction to Landscape Desi ." ~gistration is being taken through Sept. 10 at the college Admissions Office. A MEMBERSHIP tea is planned by the South ·Coast Garden Club Wednesday at 2 p.m . at the Three Arch Bay Clubhouse, South Laguna .. Dally ................. . Since fall along the Oranae Cout ls Uke • aecond 1prtng, roees 1hould be encour111ed to continue blooming by making 1ure they get the 1upplemental food they ~eed. Feeding becomes a n umber one Item if gardenen want to have cut roeea in their home during October, November and even December. Thia feeding doesn't abeo}utely guarantee roeea for Christmas but without it the pouiblllty will definl tely be eliminated. . The last meal for summer should be given aa early ln September as pouible -no later than mid-month ln most areas. A later feeding may stimulate too much growth at a time when roses should be alowing down and taking a rest. You can -use either dry or liquid fertilizer in the amount recommended by your nuneryman. Second In importance is watering. Don't let up on watering as the warm weather cariles over from summer. So, continue summer watering practices by renewing basins around your rose bushes if they are Inadequate, and be sure to mulch. ALSO PLANNING a membership tea are members of the Laguna Beach Garden Club. The event is to take place at 2 p.m. Friday at the Laguna Beach home of Mrs. William Robb. ONE FOR THE SHOW -Pl~ased with a dried arrahgement, Gail Homolka (left) and June 0orie seem eager t,o create another for entry in the Irvine Garden Clu b's flower show Sept. 25. Aphids are not usually a threat to roses in September but there are other pests that remain.persistent like leafhopper, thrips or mites. Mildew may also visit your rose bushes if you neglect preventative spraying. .. BLOOMS ON -With prop er feeding, roses will bloom through late fall and winter. Fight fire blight Pruning, ch emicals control disease If blossoms, shoots andJoung fruits o.f ornamental plants an fruit trees look like they were scorched they may be victims of .title blight. The blight is a destructive bacterial disease, said Arthur H. McCain, plant pathologist. UC Cooperative Extension. The Berkeley specialist offers information on this common problem and what action you can take against Jt. Among plants attacked by fire blight are those in the rose family, pears, quince, apples, ·crabapples, hawthome and loquat. A combination of factors favor the disease's developme nt -70 .to 85 degree temperatures and high humidity which may be caused by dew, rain, fog or wateril'lg, especially overhead irrigation. Symptoms include sudden wilting followed by shriveling and blackening of blossoms, tender shoots and young fruits. An. infection may advance down a shoot and into the bark of large limbs where dark, sunken cankers are formed. They slowfSr enlarge and may eventually girdle the Umb, The bacteria that cause the disease survive the summer and winter in blighted twigs and cankers. In spring, they ooze forth in milky drops and are carried to blossoms and ahoota by flies, ants, beetles and other insects and splashing rain. Bees and flies play a major role in transporting the bacteria from blossom to blosaom. To control fire blight, prune out diseased twigs and branches, cuttina well below the edge of the infected area. When· pruiling succulent thaue, diluted househofd bleach la an effective disiniectant. Sterilize toola between cuts to avoid further diaeaae spread. When the disease occurs on succulent growth don't 'use excessive nitrogen fertilization combined with heavy watel"lngs. Protect blossoms (th e most susceptible part of the plant) by using copper-containing or atretomycln sprays. The number of applications needed depends on the bloomin g petiod. Make the first application when the average temperatur.e (average of maximum and minimum temperature for 24-hour period) exceed s 60 degrees. Apply 4-to 5-day intervals during high humidity perioda and until late bloom is over. When Wli.ng chemicals, follow manufacturers' directions carefully. Save Like .Never Before! . . . > . : . ~ l • t . ' . -; PARKING LOT INVENT~Y CLEARANCE Sept. 2nd, 3rd, and 4lli Onlyl We're bij1ln1 at the seams with fantastic buys! Fnt COll'MI, first servtdl United CJlantltiesl You may never have a better opportirity to decorate fOI' the holdays at these ridic'*ius prices! 50 to 80%! 11111111 HmM IUTIM IEllPllUll IUPlllU ..•• , .. Startilc at Designer Goofs! Reg. '85.00 Priced for •• '36°0 s491s Immediate clearance I FlllllO . ....... llllTI PIUIWI Designer Prints Alaor1ed Prlntt & 50'~·. 8offd1 Fl~2°• 1hPrice Full Pieces Only Sele Houra 9 •·•·to 6 ,.,... DECORATIVE FABRIC HOUSE M·F 10·5:30 WED. 10·7 SAT. 10·5 1 IOIS IUCUD @ 405 MY. N>UHTM4 VAUIY 963-5659 Local, county, state, nationql and inteTnational events come to your doo rstep""' .._. .in the bright, li ght and liv ely ~ . ,. Good storage critical Proper conditions preserve se~ds By EARL ARONSON ., ...... ~ Red pine tree seeds stored for a record 50 years germinated just as abundantly as new seeds in simultaneous tests at Cornell University's Experiment Station. The rate was 86 pe~nt. The experiment began in 1930 when red pine cones were collected near Cass Lake, Minn., by the New York Conservation Department and the U.S. Forest Service. The 1,500 pounds of extracted seed were sealed In glass fruit and other jars and kept in cold storage at Saranac Lake, N.Y .• a few miles from the 1980 Winter Olympic site, then at New York State's Saratoga Springs Nurser y. Temper ature has been maintained between 32 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit and moisture content at 8 to 10 percent. "is that seeds maintained under proper temperature and moisture conditions can be kept for long periods and still maintain their viability. Naturally. there is consid erable variance among the different species as to how long you can keep them." Generally, he said, pines retail\ ... their oriJPna) gennination and vigor longest. Other species can be aenaitive- to storage conditions and may maintain their vigor for shorter periods, even under the most ideal conditions. During the long storage, several germination tests were made. The last was in 1972 with results the same as in the 50-year test. Heit, who retired in 1972 bu t continues active, said most common hard pines such as Aleppo, Auatrian, Mugho, Jelecote. Japanese black and red, ponderosa and Scotch, will last for a few months to two years without cold. storage if moisture content is below 10 percent. . BOLD ACCENT -Splashes of creamy white o n l arge, deep gree_n_ leaves qf the Dieff enbachia "Exotica Perfection" makes a bold statement 8' an ind<rr accent plant. Iri 1939, when he joined Cornell's seed staff, Claude Heit brought some of the seeds to the university's station In Geneva, N. Y .. and kept them under similar storage conditions. The objective, he related, was to emphasize the importance of good storage conditions to preserve seeds. "What this ·shows," he explained, To illustrate the value of good storage, red pine aeeda from the same lot were kept in open storage in a cool. high-humidity basement with wide temperature fluctuations and were worthless after three years. --~LLO~u·s oarilen ·shop LABOR IJj r lllVEllTORY I REIJUIJT/011 Large selection SAYE 5 PIECE SET EXAMl'l.E: W. • ~ UO...-42" Table end 4 Oltelfs COMPARE THE POU.OWING FEATURES: ,,.,.. conlllfualoft-.. Mllded ~·-•d ""'proof IUnlrUft tublnt. ..... ••"°'* ( IMll•lllW') .... --polnla. ,, ..... """' - poti; ••ar powder oo.-t end own cured at ---for tough lailting *'-"'· ltrtipe-• ..._ .... ullra .... end .... lltOlgllor't for ..... and,..._, llll l!Mce. T .... ld(-..Y) .. top. REG. RETAIL $450.00 •2&1 On All Patio Furniture In Stodt 30'-ra40% .---COUPON--, i MUMS --! 'I REG. 11.79 I ! 19° ·i I 4" POTS I L . U PIRIS SEPT. 2HD I ---------~ OTHER MODELS AT SIMILAR SAVINGS ... ADJUSTABLE CHAISE, GLIDER CHAIR, OTTOMAN, END TABLE, COFFEE TABLE. • Weed control j rules offered Many gardeners claim the most m.iaerable task they· face is weeding. Yet it's one of the mc;lst important chores since weeds compete for nutrients. water and sunlight. Some people wlU ask Runclnla, the Roman goddess of weeds, for help. Gardeneris of a more efficient nature will use effective control techniques. Find out what they are in the University of California Cooperative Extension's three publications: "Vegetable Plantings Without Weeds." 20 pages, covers specific in£onnat.ion on techniques to use for produce plantin&L "Weed Control in Ground c.oven", 16 pages, offers in-depth Information on measuree to u.e for specific ground cover species. "Weed Control in the ltome Landscape," 28 pages, gtvea methods ot control for various home landscape areas. All leaflets describe preventing or controlllng weed growth with chemical and non-chemical techniques . For copies write UC Cooperative Extension Publicathmi;-1'4tt"Harbour-Way ~. IUchmond, CA 94804. Ask for publicatlona, "Vegetable Plantings Without Weeds," #21153, $1.97; "Weed Control in Ground Covera," #2782, $1.97 or "Weed Control in the Home Landacape," #21152, $2.67 . I /111 ,.,, ..,,WI 111/ F'"ltl1 • Cut CARNATIONS I ... N11r o,i·r \ .._,,,,., 111 I ' U.S. Visitor .---r--•-,,.-----~-------~---~~~~~~~....,.....,....,.,....,,,....,,.....,. ............. '?'"'!"-.-----...... --------------"""W"! . • u •. Oranoe Cout DAILY PILOT/,rtday, lepternber 3, 1e82 • I I f t • • ' • Message to ~eg1n: compromise U.S.· wants lsra el to negotiaie after. its victo ry WASHINGTON (AP) -:--· 1t.ronaly that their c:au.e 19 more • PNtident Rea1an'1 new peace 1_•1••1 than a queaUon 4>f refuaffl. l lnhiatlve for tht Middle Eaat -11111.1 • ~·" aend1 llrael an unml1tak1ble The admlnlatrallon hu aald me11a1• that victory on the re~atedly recently that If the battletreld should be followed by for PalHUne Liberation PLO will recocn1m larael'• ri&ht compromJae at the bargaln1n1 Or1anlutlon 1uerrlllu whoM to exla\ aJ¥l ~pt NeOluUon 242, table. . evacuation from Beirut w11 It would be wtJ.Unc to talk with "It la not unknown in human comDleted Wednelday. tu leadera, auch . aa PLO h latory that In the wake of lfe d id not differentiate chairman YllltC Arafat. ~~~nntg and between the PLO and compromlle," a 1enlor official ha.a PU.Uniam when he uJd, •'The Whether the new plan 1oe1 aatd. d eparture of the Palea&lniana anywhere beyond Reagan'• Reagan haa aaked I.arael to give from Beirut d ramatizes more apeech remain• to be aeen. A u p I ta o la Im of over a 11 than ever the homele11n-of 1enior official who b'riefed aoverelgnty over the occupied the PaJ.Unian ~·" reportett had no next atep to Weet Bank and Gaza Strip which "On ly t hrou 1 h broader diacloee, uylng only he hoped the laraell leadership want.a to parddpation In the /:b: = thoee involved will take ~agan'a keep. -moat immediate y by ordan plan aerloualy. He lnaialed it wu While the plan holda ou\ the and by the Paleltln.lana -will entirely conaiatent with the 1978 promlae of a la1ting peace for larael be able to reet confident tn Camp David peace accorda, and Iarael aa the chief incentive, the knowledge that It.a aecurlty he apparently waa correct in that I.arael would have to yield the and int.efUity will be re.peeled by thoae accord1 don't rule out most from It.a previous positions. it.a netgbl>on," he aaid. anyth.lng that Reagan propoeed. poalUona," the official tald, atresalna that Reaatn'• plan la 1ubJect to ne,otlaUon. Not only la the laraell reacdon import.ant to whether anythtnc COme9 of Re•pn'a ldeu, but alaO the l'ffCtlon of the Arab world, particularly Kina Huueln of Jordan and whether he wlll join tn the peace ne10Uationa thaLhe IO far haa apurned. U.S. officlala hope Hweaeln aee1 that he h411 much to gain by ge,tlng back aome contr:ol over the West Bank territory he lost In the 1967 war. The incentive for everyone should be peace, aald the eenior official. "The principal leve~ the UnJled States haa -and l think It. is very powerful leveralle -la the possibility of peace.11' The president called on Israel Reagan alao made what could While there ia no timetable for to Immediately declare a freeze · be a key concession to the PLO, actual negotiat1ons, the official If It 's got Wheels against any new or expanded which in the put haa refuaed to atresaed that Reagan wanted to ,you'll move It Jewish settlements on the West accept U.N. reaolution 242 on a move quickly in the wake of the laster in a Bank or Gaza Strip, among the Middle East solution in part war in Lebanon to propoee a new Dally Piiot Janda .lt occupied in the 1967 because It de4llt with the negotiaUng framework. classffled Arab-Israeli war. Palestinian problem aa a "It was important that we put I Reagan did say -ai.gnificantly "refuaee problem." the U.S. views out there before ttd. ca I -for the fir~ time th~t the ~~~~~~~~~:·~·P~al~~~~~f~~~l~~o~th~e~r~a~g~e~t;f~r~o~ze~n~i~n~to~th~e~l~r~~~~~2~-~~~7~1~~~~~~ United States would oppose II ·creation of a aeparate Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip aa many Palestinians have demanded. l3ut Israel has said it would never allow creation of such a state anyway, and clearly has the military might to prevent it. Rea~an also said that while Israel s military successes in Lebanon have proven its military .,. Whptloeo superiority in the region, armed ., force "alone cannot bring just a . Rent~ Luxury Apartment on Newport Bay. Secretary or Der ense Caspar Weinberger, visiting Israel, sits in the cockpit or a jet fighter a t a n a ircraft factory near Tel Aviv. Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon stands a t canopy. lasting peace to Israel and her neighbors." Reagan's plan envisions giving self-rule to 1.3 million West Bank anti Gaza Palestinians .. in association with Jordan," saying this offers the best chance "for a Aspiri~ may help MIAMI BEACH (AP) - Three researchers say aspirin ·appare ntly helps preve nt I sunburn, although lt.'a unce~ how or why. Taken as directed -three tablets every four hours, or no more than 12 a day -triples human tolerance to the sun, said three skin specialists at Mount Sinai Medic81 Center. "Theoretically, in June, I can go out in the sun for only 30 minutes before I get red cheeks and a red nose," Dr. Stephen N. Horwitz, one of the researchers said. "But I can stay out an hour and a half on three aspirin." durable, just and lasting peace." The nature and degree of Jordanian control isn't spelled out. and is left for negotiations. A aenior administration official saict the borders of the West Bank .would have to be redrawn to reflect Israel's security needs, whic h h e said r e main a paramount consideration. Reagan appeared far more sympathetic to Palestinian need than he has been previously and appeared even to show sympathy Youth Talent Revue '(\~t'-St~ S- I LABo• BAY Sl'Et:IAL On Sept. 3 & 4 our young stare of tomorrow show their talent with song, dance, musk: and fashion modeling entertainment. 125% OFF ALL DRYl'(LEAllllll SEPTEMBER 1st THRU SEPTEMBER 4th PreMnted at Huntington Center by Dorothy Shreve Modeling Stud&o at 7:30 Fri. and at 1:30 and 3:30 on Sat. riok--l.1lir111 • '--•"7•••'11111111 1000 N. COAST HIGHWAY EURYOPS DAISY REG.112.50 $6 98 5 GAL GARDENIAS ... s991 REG. 112.98 -.,_. 1 GAL GAMOLEPIS DAISY REG. '3.50 $1 25 2 LI. ROGERS SOIL ACTIVATOR REG.'4.50 '3 50 ROGERS POmNO MIX ·a• ·&· 494-4144' GILMOUR SPRAYER S 1 o~EG. '14.79 zr MEXICAN LOW BOWL •g• REG. '22.00 SEMINARS COITAUllR GARDEftl · Saturday Aug 28 at 2:00 pm Sunday Aug 29 at 2:00 pm COLOR IN SHADY AREAi $lturday Sept. 4 at 2:00 pm , Sunday Sept . 5 It 2:00 pm FAU IULll Saturday Sept.11 It 2:00 pm Sunday Sept. 12 at 2:00 pm AMBltlC4 'S MOST IJ&4unFVL GitRDBN CBNTBR , Qteft .... ..., ................. MMArllv ..... ,...._ ..................... .... ~RV • INDOOR Pl.ANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES -~---.-. APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $580 TO $1,000. Gracious living in a country club setting that overtooka the ~That's Park Ntlwport. The finest apartment community in fashionable Newport Beach. Here, for your pleasure. a $1~-million Social and Health club, 8 lighted tennis courts. racquet- ball courts, 7 swimming pools. and acres of gar- dens. Leases are available for 1. 2 and 3 bedroom units. Some are elegantly furnished. , Convenie(ltly located on the Upper Bay. 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We w!ll. sell your car as you would but consJder our plusaesl We will ~ortlae, qual- Hy all prospects, take trade-Ins, · ·. have available financing & do all paper WQft<I When your car Is sold all you do ts stop by and pick up a cheekl Call our TRIEX representative to list your cat toda)ll 7 14-646-9303 714·540·9467 BEST · USED CAR BUYS ~ . -111 ·ORANGE COUlllYlll- 1111 •EIOlllJ OIPll UFTIAOI Economlcil 4 c:yt. engine, 4 epeed trans .. air cond., ...,eo C899., pwr. steering & brakes, rear window shade & exceptionally clean Inside & outJ (4:W93F). t5999 1111 TOYOTA OlllW 2 10111 Economlcal 4 speed with air cond .. stereo cauette, exterior trim package & morel Very clean & comptetely «iglnall (:W7YBK). $3ff9 1llO TIJITA OELIOl.!!IT" Poouler 5 speed, with stereo, Ult whe•r. cuatom wheels & more. Exceptionally clean In every reapect. (948VZE). 1171 TIYITl llPll "llllMF" The ultimate Toyota with full power, air condq at•eo. cnilM control tltt wheel, alloy wheels & m~rel (964XMN). 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II )ft. al 191 ar -Ho -Afl"CY, ,_,_.,. __ .......,..°' __ : ....., ..-, °"" -_..,,. l ll01111 I tlt9I cir-•--------:~--------~ I ·-------------• • I ' llllrPllll Brisham You,.,. open1 •eason with shutout over UNL V. CB. l'AIDAV, llPT. 3, 1912 L.... ,Homesick ~agee has /second thoughts· • Kevin Magee has only spent two weeks In Italy, but he's ~ady formed some very definite opinions. SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO from 12 to 11 oi: 10 11pota, they col,l)dn't promllle \he_ former Laken forward Jim Brewer (6-8) on lt. 6-8, 230-pounder a place on tpe roeter. roster. 1 • Not even Ma1ee'1 performanL'e during an NBA · The came .la already a sellout and w11J be summer leq\le, which he led ln rebounding, could televiaed throughout Italy. • convince the Suna. "CaMlba la like the Boston Celtica of thl• ln Veresa (act~y the team is called c.g!ba) country, explain.I l.aaac. "They have won five the Suns are hoping Magee gets the experience he Italian and five European championahip1 in the put "I don't like pm.a and I don't like puta." he saya, sounding somewhat desperate. "I mtaa everything. I'll tell you atraight up I mia the entire United States. I m1sa going places I want to go. I mm doing the thinp r want to do. "At first I was about to go crazy. But I'm trying to get uaed to it." Magee will have to cope. He has n o other choice. The two-time All-American knows he needs thia year ln Italy if he hopes to return and play In the NBA next seuon. coach Bm Mulllpn and Newport Beach attorney Dennis Harwood when the Suns promised no guarantees (ln the fonn of flnances). {leec:fa. 10 yean." Warren laaac, Caglba's aaaiatant coach, says Iaaac aaya Mag~'s experience in World Gameis Magee la progreeslng on achedule. competition ln 1981 naa certainly helped the former "I had a certah\ idea about Kevin before he UCI atandout ln fulderstandlng the ~pean game. "It wu a quick declaion," Magee admits. "I had to chooee whether I wanted to play ln Europe, where the money would be guaranteed, or try out for Phoenix. where it wasn't: arrived," aaya Isaac. "I knew he was a good At the aame time though, Iaaaccautions that Mape rebounder and tough underneath the basket but I has much to learn. think the thing he's showing us is what ~ good "It'• a brand new experience for him," aaya To recap, Magee signed with Veresa of the Italian Leque Aug. 18. Re inked his contract on a Wednesday morning and found himself on an airplane headed.overseas the next day. "I decided I didn't want to go to camp (with Phoenix), not make it, and then be out on the streets. That's why.. I choee to come here." Phoenix reportedly soured oq Magee· for two reasons: a) the Suns wanted him to play power forward and they didn't.kno+.r if Magee could make the transition quick enough after pl.a~ all his life as a center; and b) with NBA rosters being reduced outside shooter he ls. J:v.ac. "He's learning the language, the food , the . "Everh day at practice we work on t"''"-with ~pie, and there's still some adjuatmenta he's " .... "&" making to the type of ball they play he~. him. You ave .to remember, this is eomethlng he "Still, he's one of the focal points of our team. hasn't play_ed bis entire life. When the year la over, And the Italian peop1e have treated him like a If you get the impression the entire affair was a last-minute thing, it was. - Waiting untif the ver'J' last moment in the hopes the Phoenix Suns would sweeten their offer, Magee 90Uli(ht the advice of UC Irvine basketball . ___, ________ ..,._.. Edison High's Don Gibbs will be firing away tonigh t in the Chargers season opener. though, he wiU have that experience." superstar." _ Magee'• first game ln 'Italy is Sept.' 25, when Magee admits rtaly is a far better cry than Cag:iba meets Pantu, which has former University Romania. where he participated in the World of San Francisco center WaUace Btyant (7-0) and (See MAGEE, Page C%) Sea Ki~·gs 8re I08ded This y ear's e dition could be best e ver By ROGER CARUON or .. Delly PW ,..,. With an outstanding summer behind them, a 6-0, 195-pound look, 40-yard field goals virtually in the bank, 4.6 speed at tailback and a bruising, 6-4, 220-pound tight end, among other things, the outlook for Corona del Mar High football appears to be a coach's dream. Only a lack of depth at linebacker and P.Xperience at quarterback keeps CdM Coach Dick Morris in a reserved state. "We're going to be as good as we've ever been in the skilled positions," says Morris. "We have a lot of potential and I think we can do as well as they (the players) want. Among the Sea Kings' goals are simply to be the best team in the 21-year-history of the 1982 OUTLOOK achool, and Morris says it's realistically within reach. Corona del Mar's game wlll begin at tailback wher~ Lance Martin,, the only offensive returning starter, la staUoned. A midget wnen aurrounded by his teammates, ihe 5-7. 16().pound Martin has 4.6 speed in the 4~. He 9COred Qri an 80-yard dash in Corona'• '81 opener, but bla overall effectivene1S wu cut short by ankle lnjurles. Alao. in the 4.7 category is Dave Pattenon. which gives the Sea Klnp perhaps the best one-two tailback punch ln years. The question1 are in the oUenaive line, where size and depth is present, experience is not. Although there is no quarterback with a down's varsity experience, the Sea Kings were especially impressive in the summer passi ng leagues against formidable competition. "'The summer (paaai.ng league) made my vacation,'' aaya Morris. Here'• a rundown by position: QUARTERBACK -Corky Carpenter (6-0, 180 ar.), a defensive starter as a junior, and Paul Watson (5-9, 165 jr.) may hold the keys for the Sea Kings. Both are right- handers, each appears capable of directing CdM to big things, but n e ithe r is a n established player. -RUNNING BACKS -Martin and Patterson provide the Sea Kings with the ~ed. juniors J eff Brown (5-11, 180) and Tyler Johnson (5-9 185) provide the muscle. Brown is being touted as one of the best linebackers in years at CdM and he's a deceiving runner. RECEIVERS -Don Pryor (6-2, 165 jr.) and Dave Schweitzer (l~9, 165 sr.) give the -:;ea Kings ample targets at split e.Jld arul flanker, along with flanker Jeff LaSor (5-9, 160 sr.), who fi~ea to split t im e with Schweitz.er. Jeff hel (6-0, 180 jr.) backs up Pryor, who proved nearly unstoppable during the summer. Rob Richard, at 6-4, 220, ls solid at tight end. The senior returning lettennan is backed up by John Onstott (6-0, 190 sr.), who will be emphasized on defense .. OFFENSIVE LINEMEN -They're big and deep here, with Brett Hughes (6-2, 230 jr.) and Pat Dyaon (6-2, 240 jr.) possibly having the edge. Others --with starting potential: Dan Garratt (6-1, 190 jr.) John Keatin8 (6-0, 100 ar.) and George Argyroe (5-10, 215 sr.). Dave Lawson (5-11, 185 ar.) may have an edge at guard. Keating could move ln here, too, whiCh alao includes Gary Rauach (5-11, 185 Jr.) and Eric Cox (5-7, 155 ar.) Dave Arias (5-11, 185 ar.) is at center, backed by Jim Cunningham (6-0, 190 11'.). DEFENSIVE LINEMEN -Onstott and Johmon are at ends, backed by I,.awaon and Chris Garn (6-2, 170 jr.). Onstott brings a wealth of experience, although each is counted on for backup duty on offense. Brad Driver (6-2, 195 jr.) and Eric Ludswipen (6-2, 225 ar.) are at tackles, backed by Garratt, Dyson, Hughes and Keating. Also with potential; Joel Kenemore (6-3, 255 ar.) F.ric Shaw (6-0, 185 sr.) is at nose guard and provides the strength at that spot which the Sea Kings have become accustomed to. Backing up Shaw is Scott Smith (5-9, 160 sr.). ' LINEBACKERS -Joel Palluck (6-0, 190 (See SEA KINGS, Page C%) ----------------------------~ Malone nearly a76er PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Unless the Houston Rockets are willing to offer a reported $2.2 million per aeason over aix yean. center Moses Malone will p1-y for the Philadelphia 76en next seaaon. Harolc:$ Katz, owner of the 76ers, said Thursday he had reached agreement on the long- term, multi-million dollar pact with Malon e's agent, Lee Fentress. The Rockets have 15 days from the time they receive a oopy of. the offer sheet to match the 76ers' bid for the two-time Nationat Basketball Aaoclation Most Valuable Player. Malone, 28, the league's MVP last season, wam't available for comment, having left Tbunday for the Netherland• on a promotional tour with several 'NBA players. Fentress said, however, that the 6-10 Malone was very happy with th e t er m s o f the Philadelphia oCfer. Edison gets early start in Hawaii Lopez gives · Angels no relief "He's excited at the prospect of Jo!nini the 76ers." aaid Fentre91. "They've got a great team in place now and J.hey have a good chance to win the NBA crown." Malone replaces '1>-11 Darryl Dawkins, who was traded to the New Jersey Neta last Friday for a first-round draft choice and a reported $700,000. Katz and 76en coach Bllly Cunningham aaid they were tired of waiting for Dawkins to reach his potential. By ROGER CARUON or .... .,.., ""°' •""' HONOLULU -'Edison High's Chargers kick' off the 1982 football season a week ea,rlier than usual tonight -battling Punahou High's But 'n mu.here at Kaiaer High School. Coach Bill Workman's Char~n. seeking to begin a new On radio tonight KWWE (1 08 FM) at 10:15 string of victories after their 32-aame winning streak was snapped by Servite ln the 1981 CIF playoffs, enter the 1982 aeuon wtth a new look offenae built around quarterback Don Gibbs and tailback John Stetniaer who earned a ltartlng berth aheed of Derek Griffith&. Leonard Simpeon will at&rt at fullbldc. Punahou awaitl with what ls expected to be • pua-ortented offenlie, bullf around quarterback C h r i s Kobayash i, a 5-9, 1~5-pou.nd 8ell1or who was rated • the No. 3 s-r on the island of Oahu • a junior. lill chief W'let Ja expected to be RJ.cbard Ho.oda and w bn Punahou 1oe1 to the 1round pm! it'• uaually fullbeck AJema Han"tnpm, • &-11, l80-J)C1Wlil Junior, wbo la counted an. Kobaya1h t It a drop back sa-r' out ~ the ~ and ilJot and althauab .. mecb. MJ,ke Pavich, _,. PUnabou II "iimal1 ind not that fut," the But 'n Btu la ex,.cted to ,Sve Sd&lon IOIDe dtltlnct COi ..... DETROIT (AP) -Angel Manager Gene Mauch and his club felt 1ike they had just seen a ghost in the form of Detroit reliever Aurelio Lopez and they were glad to be getting out of town alter l~ the rubber game of their three-game aenes with the Tigers. Lopez, 2-1, pitched six i.nningJ of one-hit relief TbUI'llday night aa the Tigen claimed a 6-3 triumph over the Angels. It wu the first major league victol'y since June 2 for Lopez, who was recalled from the n.zen• Triple-A farm club at Evansville, Ind:, of the American A.xiation just Wednesday. "That's the way Lopez pitched three years ago, when he wu the best relief pitcher in the American League," Mauch said. "His fastball and ecrewball looked especially good. He made aome uncanny pitches on the outside comer to our left- handed hitters. Our right-handed hltten awing at some high pitches and swung themaelves out." Lopez, the 33-year-old right-hander who saved 21 games for Detroit in both 1979 and 1980 before losing the smoke on bis once- blazing fastball, admitted that it waa a big game for him in more wars than one. Detroit pitching coach Roger Craig said the Tigers -wno have been let down teP.MtedlY by their bullpen this season - On TV tonight channel 5 at 5:30 have been waiting for Lopez to ahow his old fo~. "That'• as aood as I've seen him pitch,'' Craig said. "That's the befit fastball I've aeen him have ln three years. This is a big night for Lopey. We were wondering if he could p&tch like that again." Lopez. who st.ruck out five and walked ~ four, came ln to start the fourth inning and allowed only a one-out •Ingle to Rob WilfODi in the ninth. "When he went down to the minors, he juat wun't throwing," Detroit Mana_ger Sparky Andenon aaid. "He threw some pitches tonight, though, that must have been 90 m.p:ll. I never sa~ him look any better." Detroit catcher Lance Parrish 's two homers gave him 26 for the season, a penonal high which aeta a club record for home runs by a catcher in a aeuon - breaking Bill Freeh.an'& old mark of~ aet in 1968. Meanwhile outfielder Fred Lynn of the Angels baa a cracked aeventh rib and will mias at lea.t one week of action. The crack was dlecloeed on X-rays in Detroit, after Lynn collided with the outfield fence ln DetJ:Oit Wedne9day night while rnaki.na a spectacular catch ln a pme won by the Tigers 5-3. Lynn alto suffered a bruised left ahould er and bruiaea IWTOUnding the cracked rib on his left side. Lynn was eXpected to remain wtth the team, which conUnuea a road trip with a aeries at Milwaukee atarting ion.taht. Katz said the negotiatiom with Malone, a free agent, began 10 days ~ and were concluded ln New York ala aeaioll that bepn at 8 p.m. Wednaday and ~ at 5 a.m. Thuraday. The rocket., however, who reportedly ottered Malone $1.? 'million a year ahortl.y before he became a free agent, could block the aianinl· Ray Patterson, Houston general manaaer. aaid he wouJd study the Philadelph ia offer before deddinc on bis next move. "We have options," said Pattenon. "WC? can match the offer, or match the offer and make a trade wtth IQIDeOne elle, (See MALONE, Pace C4) \ ---- ' Orange Cout OAIL.V PILOTlf'rlday, September I, 11U ~~----------------~ Top harness driver Goudreau dead at 34 From AP dl1patc~e1 INGLEWOOD -Shelly Goudreau, one of North Amert.ca'• !!J leading harness tlders, died Thunday, • nearly a week after he wu Injured in a race at Hollywood Park. The 34-year-old Wuw.>r. Ontario, native had been in critical condltion in the intensive care unit at Centinela Medical Center since last Frida . ayee epoll• &utton'• AL debUt Vt• H•Y•• drilled a thrM·run II homec' in \he ninth lnJ\ini to 1pgtl OH •t1o11'1 American IAU\ie dAt&ut with Mtlwai.akff a1 Clevefand arn•d a 1pllt of Thi.artday'a doublo·htader with a 4'·2 vlctory over the er.wen. Jn the open r, Moo• Hui and three Milwaukee relievers oomblned to acatter five hlta •• the Browers handed the tndlana their elahth 1t.talaht loe1, 2·1 . . . ln another Ame"rtcan League aam : back·to-back doublel by Miile 8q1lrH and Vuce Law ln the 10th innina a•ve Chkluo • e.o victocy over Tu.u •.. Jn an annual eXhlbltion came between the Canadian rnaJor·l_eecue clube, the Montreal Expos retained the Peanon Cup by downl.nf Toronto, 7-3. Sml.th auprlae leader at e.c. Open Little-known Mike SmUb fired a l!I 6-under-par 65 Thurtday and took a two-stroke lead over Tom Kite and Jerry Pate after t~ opening round of the B.C. Open in Endioott, N.Y. Kite and Pate held a one-1hot advani.ge over 15 other playen, who were •tacked at 68, three shota oU the pace . . . Veteran International player Jay Sl1el and two other U.S . Walker Cup teammates Goudreau was lnjured advanced with a pair of victories, while when a driving line snaeJ>ed defending champion Natlwllel Croaby was upset as his hol"lle was approaching as match play began In the 82nd U.S. Amateur the quarter pole In the champioru1\lp in lJrookline, Mass. Joining Sigel seventh race and he was in the round of 16 were Walker Cup players Jim thro~ ~ii:d ~·5 p.m. 801C1rleve and Corer Pavla and two All-. Americans, Rick Fe~ of Bri~ham Young and without ever having regained Jim Ballet of Bryant Colleg_e in Smithfield, R.I. co~ouaneea. ~ . . . Robert Baker wiJl meet Wllllam M Y brother died Trombley in the championship rnlltch·of the 23rd peacefully and on beh World Senior Championships in Colorado GOI~ our family and Shell)', I Springs after each advanced with victories would like to express our thanks for the love and Thursday concern expressed by everyone," said his sister, · Nancy Cox of Dallas, who was.with him at the Pastorin! signs pact with Eagles time of his death. The driver underwent sbc hours of surgery Veteran quarterback Dan II last Saturday to remove the pressure on his brain Paatorlal Has agreed "in principle" to after the spill from Regan's Lad. join the Philaaelphia Eagles as the Goudreau, who also was one ol the premiere team's third-string quarterback, the.. _ _ trainers of standardbreds, won his first race in National Football League team announced 1968 and more than 2,000 races in all. His mounts Thu.rsOay. Pastorini, 32, who has played 11 years earned in excess of $12 million. in the NFL including a stint with the Rams, was He holds the record at Hollywood Park for a1ao considering joining the Arizona franchise of the most wins in a meettna with 83. The first the new United States Football League . . . .. eight ptghts of the current meeting, -Goudreau ~Ill Bacber of the Chicago Cubs received the had w.:m 9eVe1l raoe'S'and been in the money with ' first National League Player of the Month award 21 of his 33 mounts. in his career for August, while Nolan Ryan was ~The driver, a frequent competitor in . &elected. the league's top pitcher for the mon~ Southern California, had made his home in . . . "rhe Angell have terminated their Redondo Beach. affiliation with the minor-league Holyoke, Mass., team of the Class Double-A Eaatem League Quote of the day Pierre Boacbard, fonner defenaeman for Montreal and Washington, asked if he could-ever make t~baclc"to ~the NHL: "Only if I learn to play the organ." Campbell tabbed LA coach In USFL LOS ANGELES -The neMy al named coach of Los Angeles' entry • • into the United States Football • League says he'll be starting out with a nucleus of seeond-Une and castoff football players, but says that situation won't last. Hugh Campbell, who has coached the Edmonton &kimos to four Canadian Football League championships, will head the Los Angeles Express when the team opens its aeaaon on March 6, club owners announced at a press conference Thursday at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. DeClnces named AL Player of Month NEW YORK -Third baleman 11 Doug DeCinces of the , who hit three home runs ln ~e twice during August, waa named Thunday as American League Player of the. Month. DeCinces fil\iShed the month with a .392 average and an .825 slugging peroentage.Jiis 38 hits included 11 homers, eeven doubles and a triple for 80 total hues. He drove in 28 runs and scored 21, while ending the month with an eight-game hitting streak. • Among the other nominees for the honor were Baltimore's Eddie Murray, who hit .35C with 10 homers and five doubles, and Boston's Dwight Evans, who hit l1 home runs, three triples, four doubles-and batted .291 for the month. . . . Rollie Dot1cla, the line coach of tbe Pittsburgh Steelers the last four seasons, has been named head coach of the Birmingham Stallions of the Utited States Football League . . . Veteran David Peanon grabbed the P.Ole- position on the first day of the Southern s tock car race in Darlington, S .C. . .. Australian Gres Norman shot a course-record equaling 64 to take the first-round lead in the European Open Golf Championship in Ascot, England. Television, radio Following are the top sports ~vents on TV tonight. Rattng, are: V' V' V' V' excellent; V' V' V' worth watching; ""'V' fair; v forget it. ~. 5 p.m., Channel 4 VVV- NFL FOOTBALL: N.Y. Giants at Miami. Auoucen: Dick Enberg and John nrodle. The Giamts and Dolphins cloee out their exhibition season this. evening in Miami. Th~ Giants, who Jost quarterback Phil Simms ta an injUry last week. are 1-2, while Miami is 1-1-1. 6 5:30 p.m., Channel 5 v v v v BASEBALL: Angela at Milwaukee. Auoacen: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. The Angela' long road trip continues against the F.astern Division leaders this evening with Tommy John (10-10) expected· to get his first start in an Angel uniform. The Angels, wbo ost two out of three ln Detroit, are two games behind pace-setting Kansas City in the Amel'-icall League West chaae. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Milwaukee, 5:25 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittsburgh at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., K.ABC (790). Football -Edison High at Punahou, Hawaii, 10:15 p.m., KWVE (108 FM). McEnroe serves f!.P • aw1n " NEW YORK (AP) -Riding bis booming aerve and moving to the net at every chance, top-eeeded John McEnroe began the defense of his U.S. Open championship Thunday b}l downing a stubborn Tim Gullik.aon 7-6, 6-4, 7-5 at the National Tennis Center. Third-seeded Tracy Austin, the 1981 women'• winner, had to struole to 81ave oU the upeet bid by !l. 6:3 in a aecond-round match-- The night's f.inal match, pitting No. 3 Ivan Lendl of Cuchoelovalda apinlt Tim "Mayotte, was suspended when a heavy thundent.onn hit Louis Armstrong Stadium with Lendl leading 6-4, 1-2, the Czech eervtng at 30-lG ln the fourth pme. . Advancing into the third round of the men's singles were sixth-eeeded Gene Mayer and No. 9 Yannick Noah of France, while No. 13 Mark F.drnond8on of Australia w• upeet by Matt Doyle and No. 15 Raul Ramirez of Mexico loet to Schalk van der Merwe of South Africa. Jn the women's singles, five-time champion ,Cbria Evert Lloyd moved into the third round. No. 10 Berbara Potter and No. 11 Mlma Jau.ovec of Yuplavta became the first women Reda to be ousted. I Mayer defeated Stefan Simonmon of Sweden 6-2, 6-1, 6-1; Noah Ito~ Brian Goufried 6-3, 6-4, 6-4; Doyle IUJ1)ri8ed lbnondeon 1-6, 7-6, 7-5, 6-2 and van der t.lerwe owted Ramirez S..2, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4. . Lloyd needed ).wt 41 minullel to crwh Kelly Henry 6-1, 6-1, while Potter fell to &e Falrbmk of South Africa 6-4, 6-1 and amateur GNtchen R'*t eliminated JaUIOWC 7-5. 2-e, M . Norton, who had won jwt five pmm tn her prevk1u1 two matchee with AUit.in, Md a 5-3 Jead and WM lel'Vina for the tint l9t When lhe WM bl"Oken. Au.Un then took the~ 7-4. The two traded aervlm m.b ln the third mid fourth Pl'* of the ....t let before Amtm broke Norton apln ln the llxth pme to take a 4-2 Jead. She helOher next two lel'Vl9 to lldvanoe tnto the third round, The world'• rlch99t tournament, America'• ,prwma.re iermJa ewnt nm~ Sep&. 12, wta.n the .............. w111-. .... elda. Mann., ....... match whicb bid .... halted bJ rain and a lfP\ falhn W..._..y nilbl. lhowed the lfPlty -lllllllllltJ that ... carried him to three ltnllht U.8. Open tit.I-. It WM ln contrast to the baseline game the world's top- ranked player has demoNtrated in most of his 1982 matches -a year that has eeen him win only one Volvo Grand Prix title and lose his Wimbledon crown to Jimmy Connors. McEnroe and the right-handed half of the tennis-playing Gullikaon twins had traded service breaks and were tied 3-3 before a battery of lights the east aide of Louia Annstrong Stadium went out Wednaday night. Before electricians could get the lights back on, rain, which had delayed play several times, began again and the match wu . postponed until Thu.nday. The two then held 1erve, sending the opening set to a tiebreaker which McEnroe won 7-2. From Page C1 MAGEE • • • Games and of which he once said: "I wouldn't send a dog over there." "The Italian people are real nice, real friendly," say• Magee. "lt'a way better than Romania. At leaat there are no guards walking around here with mllChine IUJll.'' Still, the language barrier ii IOmeWhat Of a problem. "1 don't know what they're saying, and they don't undentand me, eo I'm )Alt trytna to play it cool," •YI M-..e with a chuCkle. Maaee II mak1nc no -=ret of the f-=t he wanta to play 1n Italy onll: one year, thoulh. The Sw., who have Ma1ee s ri1ht1, recently tendered Harwood a con\i'act (an NBA procedure) to lnlure the forward remained their property. "I thJnk thJI II the belt thtn8 for me beaau. 1 ~ a year to work on thlna that I need to do ln order to 19\ into the N&A-;tr M..-tnllsta. .. I'm aoceptltaa It. too. beca..-t'w aot billa to .-y. I haw to male;~ ICllD8 money' "'I jult ~ it'• a one year thlnl. but l mn't t.o for..,. what 1 Pll to ha~. Sun I•• a little dalaDDOtne.I thet I hid to cane here. But rm Pile to nialce the ~ of It." Quarterback Corky Carpenter will direct the fortunes o( Corona del Mar's football team this season. From Page C1 SEA .KINGS LOADED ...... • • • Schwartz to compete in Mesa sr.) is a returning starter, and with Brown, the fullback, the Sea Kings consider themselves very solid. However , lack of depth is a b{g problem. Only Rausch is considered in a backup role and with Brown counted on for starting duty at fullback, it is .one of the key conce rns of Morris. SECONDARY -Carpente r and Patterson return at the comers, but you're talking about perhap; the starting quarterback (Carpenter). Pryor and Martin are also in picture here, giving the Sea Kings enough. Watson and Schweitzer are at safety, backed by Roy Colley (6-2, 170 sr.), while Mike Molinaro (5-9, 185 sr.) ia a returning starter at rover. LaSor is alao capable at ~ver. KICK.ING GAME -Hughes, the 230-pound junior lineman, is a slory wftbin himself as a ~lace-kicker. At Ben Agajanian's kicking achool he reportedly kicked 22 straight field goals from 40 yardl O\lt and booted a pair of 62-yWd tteJd goals. "I 1ent him to the camp to get him exposure," says Mom.. "With him, you just stay away from him and let him kick. "J>unting duties are unclear, but Patte1"80n may end up with the job. Bobby Schwartz will return for the second week in a row to oompete In tonight's speedway motorcycle races at the <;>range County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa with action getting under way at Jj o'clock .• It will allo be the annual Fox Night preeentation of promoter Harry Oxley with all women admitted free of charge. Rozelle sees strike soluiion Schwartz, a regular on. the English ci.rci.dt who started his career at the Costa Mesa track, had a bad night last week when he failed to get out of the two heat races he entered. . CHICAGO (AP) Commissioner Pete Rozelle of the National Football League said Thursday that "there's enough money to be carved up" and that all the 9wners· and players need "is to come up with an equitable deal" to eliminate the collective bargairuns impasse. Rozelle woulcl not make a guess on the poaibllity of a strike but said, "Hopefully, there will not be a strike. In the case of a strike, the owners, the players and the public all would kl&e." Rozelle has remained In the background ·during negotiations and said, "l intend to stay as cloee to the situation as I can, not , get involved and poeaibly serve as an escape valve." Rozelle recalled that "In 1970 there was " problem concerning the College All-star football game and in the last minute l stepped i~ and ~erved as an escape valve to settle the matter." Tonight be will not only compete in the regular program of scratch and handicap-~ but w111 face seven-time U.S . champion Mike Bast in the feature match nice. The regular .euon ends Oct. 1 with the U.S . championships on the line Oct. 9 to concJude the 9e890n. Asked if in the event of a In addition to Schwartz and strike It would be poeaible for the Ba s ~ , Al a n Ch r i st i an of · commiaaioner to st.ep ln and settle • Huntington Beach, Dubb Ferrell, the matter, Rozelle said, "It Gene Woods of Costa Mesa and would take the cooperation of all the other regulan will be on both sides. There is nothing I hand for the program. could do unilaterally. U I could For further information or for find such power, rd uee it. But I tickets to the nationals, call know it ia not there." 492-9933. t -. # Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Frld-v, 8e tember 3 ~6 teams compete in HB this weekend North Huntington Beach occer Club ho1t gigantic youth tournament There'• 1olna to bo a lot of aoc:cer played thla weekend ln HunUn1ton Beach -to aay th" lNit. The North HunUnaton Beech Soccer Club la hoatina lta aMual tournament - and lt'a blger and better than any thfna they've tried before. IOOCI!_ CRAIG SHEFF A total of 96 teama (that'• naht, 96) lnala will be played onday will participate In the thfee.day tourney, afternoon at the followl113 locations: which gets under way Saturday Division I boya (under 19) -3 p.m. morning at eight locations in Huntington Lakeview School. Beach. Division n girls (under 16) -1 p.m. The City Council of Huntington Lakeview School. Beach have even proclaimed It North Division II boya (15-year-olds) -3 Huntington Beach s ·occer Club p.m. Ocean View Hish. Weekend -and well they ahould. Di'11slon II boya (14-year-olda) -1 N th H •i at Be h h d tw p.m., Ocean View Hlsh. or un. n. on ac a · 0 Divlaion Ill boys (13-year-olds) -3 atate championship teams a aeuon ago. I I•· d 19 •~ (th Eaal ) tthe p.m., Hopeview School. locatlona, except for Stacoy and Olen View. • • • CAL STATE FULLERTON'S aocx:er team wu hit with aome bad newa recentlr when aenlor midfielder Mllt- Hunter wu loat for the aeuon wlth a knte lnjury. Anr4 two lettermen - aenlor Mike Hammond and IOphomore Julio Gnaulati, both ful.lbecka -were declared academically lnellaible. But Titan coach Coach AI Mlatri la not P~¥~· t.mf.ressed with the determination 've seen. We'll get better and I'm CQnvinced we can playvery good 80CX:er on a given day. I'm jult not aure whether we have the players to sustain a pressure game. • • • "° un er-..,.am e • es won Divlalon m boya (12-year-olds) -1 state crown and placed second In the H Sch 1 GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE soccer ti alth h f kn f It And th p.m., opevlew oo . na on, oug ew ow o . e Preliminary rounds will alao be held at coach. Greg Ghlca will coach the under-12 team, the Untouchables (now Stacey School in Weiitmlnster for the Fullerton entry In the newly-formed under-14) won the state and Western under-l9 teams, and at Glen View and Southern <..:alifornla Professional Soccer Re~onal titles. Coll Vi h ls Leaaue. · earns from California. ArlZO. na and ege ew sc oo for the under 14 v-bo Other coaches Include: Artesia -Nevada will play in the tourney with yAs. tal f l6 ·u l i in lldebrando Almeida; Cerritos -Bill five bove diviaions and on,. afrls category to O teams WI part C pate ~-·....-e>-each division. Finnerty; Downey -Nick Groen; being held. The ~HB Eagles play at 8 a.m. and 1 Garden Grove -Wolfgang Suhnholz; The boys' divisions include age group p.m. at Stacey School Saturday while Huntington Beach -James Hinch; Long· teams that are 12, 13, 14 and 10, plus the the Untouchables compete at the same Beach .--Peter fy1oore; Mllalon VI~ - PALA MESA .. PACKAGE •i1e50 Spend :5 days end 2 nlQhls 01 Pala Mesa Resort and en1oy unltmlled Qolf on our 6 461 yard championship c:our Deluxe Ques1 room fin e dlnlnQ tennis and swlmmlnQ arc also pert of this comple1e pocbaQe Palo Meso Resorl Is nestled In beautiful North Son DleQo County . an easy drive from home Complete pacttaee lncfudea ..• • I nights deluxe accommodation• ~1Jnllmtted golf with • I dellcloua dinners shared cart ,, • Unlimited tennla , All ta.ea and gratuities Included Phone or write today for resenatlona. (714) 718-5881 or (213)~88-7377 . Speclal tiay over room rate t.U per nlQhl Price for No n Golfen tl<X> (Pacb1111e avallable 7 days a weeb tor lndlvldual reser11111lons only Ra1e1 based on double occu· p11ncy and offer valid 1hmu11h ll/t,/S2) Pata Mesa Resort 2001 South HiQhway 395.'fallbrocib. Callfomia 92028 under 19 bracket. The lone girls bracket times at College Vlew. . Albert Pless; Santa Monica -Peter la open to under-16 teama. _______ R_ef_r_es_h_m_e_n_ts_w_i_ll_be __ se_r_ve_d_a_t _all_. __ K_e_ll...;;.y_: _T_or_r_an_ce_-_.Bo_b-'by;._S_ibbal __ d_. --'---------------------------- ·T ennis regionals slated Charlie Pasarell, the No. 1 men's tennis player In the U.S. in 1967, will conduct a tennis clinic from 9-11 on Saturday for competitors in the USTA-Michelob Light League Regional ch~ionships at Los Ca eros Racquet and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. A total of 38 teams representing Hawaii , Texas, Colorado , Southern California, Washington, Nevada and "' Northern California will be competing in the regionals Saturday through Monday. The Pacific Regional winners will advance to the national finals on Sept. 24-26 with an all- ex pense paid trip to Flushing Meadows, N.Y., home of the U.S. Open. Team championships will be decided in three men's and three women's divisions, based on ability aa determined by the national tennis rating program. Eight-member teams compete against P.layers of equivalent ability in two singles and three doubles matches. Admission is free and play will start at 8 each morning and continue throughout the day. LA hosts 'P it tsburgh LOS ANGELES - After an off -day Thursday, the Los Angeles Dodgers continue their quest for the National League West title this evening when they open a three- game series against the Pittsburgh Pirates at 7:30 at Dodger Stadium. Bob Welch (15-9) will be on the mound or the Dodgers and wlll be oppoeed by Pittsburgh's Don Robinson (14-8). The Dodgers trail fl.rst- place Atlanta by 1 'A games, while the Pirates are in fourth place In the F.ast, 6~ games behind St. Louis. I oArsGu:ED 4)(~ LON · ns wit h opt1 0 ·~----- .. . .. • ~. I ' I • ' ' . • I t I I • ' • • • ,.-: •• : I , l I l I I I I I l l ~ ~ • ' . I t I ' • ' I I I I ~ ' ' . ' ' ' . i t : I I l --.J .ii .. TV's biggest . . football season-.. WTBS joins college lineup Fr. Page C1 ~ - ~g~~~tt~~oSw~ ~?.. !~. ~~~-~~.Yl6!~.~~~~b~· ~n ~nner (5-9, 150 u.) bat probably\ move to defense In Dominic Tucci (5-10, 165 jr.) and strong candidate for a starter's safety, backed by Brian Corbin By LARRY SIDDONS .,..,..,..., In Las Vegas, Nev., College Station, Texas, Athens, Ga., and Pittaburgh, television ls getting ready 10 begin its biggest season ~et of colfege football. That 'biJlesl" can be counted in three columns. First, there are more outlets than f!Ver before, with three networks holding the rights to live national telecasts of NCAA games. WTBS, the Atlanta-based superstatlon which feeds 21 mllllon,cable subscribers nationwide, began the TV schedule Thurs day with Nevada-Las Vegas hosting Brigham Young. It returns Saturday wlth Boston College at Texas A&M, the first game Cor the Aggies under their new • millionaire coach, Jackie Sherrill. ABC, WHICH held exclusive · live national rights for the past 16 years,_ joins the football flood MQn~ay night with ~ cla~h of Top Twenty teams -No. 11 Clemson, the defending national chpmplon, at No. 7 Georgia, featuring All-America tailback Herschel Walker. The game, with Keith Jackson doing play- by-play and Frank Broyles color commentary, will be the first night football ever played at 82,000-•at Sanford Stadium. An old hand returns a week from tonight when the final member of this fall's college grid trio Degins its slate of telecasts. Lindsey Nelson, who handled the play-by-play the last time CBS televiaed college football in 1963, will be behind the microphone for the sam e network when No. 1 Pittsburgh hosts No. 5 North ~Una. Joining the veteran Nelson will be a broadcasting rookie - Pat Haden, retired as a pro football quarterback and making his first start in the booth as color commentator on a nationally televised game. · SECOND,.THE three network.I have rights to a total 'of more than three dozen live telecasts thla fall, compared with 14 ''expoeur~" a year ago qn ABC, 'then the lone outlet. That brings up the third "biggest," and it's apelled with a capital "B." To get the over-the-air r~ to NCAA football, CBS and signed contracts worth a record $263.5 million over four years. WTBS , owned by sportsbroadcasting magnate Ted Turner, paid $17.5 million for the cable rights over the same span. Turner's figure may be the more remarkable, since he must wait for CBS and ABC to clear a game before he achedules it for cable. From Page C1 MALONE • • • "I don't see that we have much of a choice," Patterson added. "We certainly can't start the season without Moses or someone to replace him." Katz said he was confident the deal would stick. ''To match this offer in Houston would be a tough business deal," Katz said. Fentress also predicted that Houston would not match the offer because of the length and terms of the contract. Malone would give the 76ers the one ingredient the team has been missing, rebounding strength, al) area in which Dawkins failed in the eyes of his owner and coach. "Moses brings a great strength to u s offensively," said Cunningham of the cent.er who averaged 31.1 points and better than 14 rebounds a game with the Rockets last seJ)S()n. 19J;glish caught 18 for · 177 Ben Chapman (6-0, 150 jr.) are berth at end, backed by English (5-8, 150). yar but a knee sidelined ·vying for the other-guard spot. and Mike Rodney (5-9, 155 jr.), Ma ~ for the season in the f~ Frank Werner is another LINEBACKERS -Inside are KICKING GAME -Schurb hit gam In a battle for the starting· . .returning s~art~r for the a pair of field goals as a junior fla r position are Sonny Lee Mustangs and lS solid at ce~ter. Ping and Pong (Kyung and Pae). and is reportedly kicking long (5-9, 150 sr.). Frank Trotechaud Adam Scott (5-11, 180 jr.) backs "Ob, yeah, we feel good here," and strong. Allen, Matson or J ohnstarting over (6-165 sr.) and Ron Hayes up e -, -poun erner. they move." David Colby (5-9, mcuw.i• e e punung. (5-155 sr.) Schurb and Werner are definite 165 sr.) and Rob Arevalos (6-0, -By Roger Carlson I th 6 1 205 d w says Carney. "We've got beef and .._. _ _.,_ will handl th · Left-hander makes Angel debut tonight . ,all-league prospect& DETROIT (AP) -Tommy ENSIVE LINE -Mike 175 jr.) back up Ping and Pong, John says fie bas a new lease on Ho rson (6-0, 200 jr.) is a DEFENSIVE LINE -"We Outside linebackers are juniors Walton may play life, and maybe with a little luck, returning starter at tackle and have 90me inside for 1l change," Daryl Pratt (5-8, 165) and Ray a shot at winn\ng 300 games appears solid. The other tackle is says Carney, who, points to Cruz (5-8, 170), backed by Colby. n_ext year in SD . before finishing his career. between Rich Schlesinger (6-0, tackles Robert Dooley (5-11, 190 SECONDARY -Young, the The 39-year-old has l e ft 210 jr.) and Carlos Medina (5-11, sr.) and Scott Nunnelo (6-2, 215 backup quarterback, and Brian SAN DIEGO (AP) -Bill behind the New York Yankees' 195 y.). Peter Schurb (6-0, 185 sr.) at tackles. Backing them up Heller (5-9, 160 sr.), a returning Walton, trying to overcome a foot pressure cooker and put on an sr .• p a blue chip returning are David Rimi (6-0, 225 jr.) and lette rman, are at the corners, injury that forced him to retire Angels unifonn, and he figures starter at guard and is considered Tucci. Dooley is a return mg backed by Crai_R Allen (6-l, 165 from the National Basketball to make his first start with his ~ bo~ide prospect by his coach starter. as is Eric Anderson (5-11, sr.) and Mark Zachery (5-9, 155). Association prematurely, may new team in Milwaukee tonight. ~ play with the San Diego Clippers The veteran left-handed I Meraquas capture competition =~~~0;y~ limited basis._ ~!°~v!f:~':1ti~:!~C::~ Walton, in Hawaii today to Angels "a n.ew chapter in my Karen Madsen won the 13-14-year-old solo synchronized National Junior Olympic championship recently In Memphis and the Meraquas team in the 15-18 competition captured first place. 1'{adsen posted a score of 108.67 for first place in the solo competition to win by more than two points over Tracy Long of Richmond, Va. The Meraquas team of Madlen (Huntington Beaqi), cousin Cheryl Madsen (Costa Mesa), Susan Casey (Mission Viejo) and Dee Cohen (San Juan Capistrano) scored 111.44pointsto110.62 for second place Tonawanda. N.Y. California competitors won all but one of the eight events at the chamoionahips. • • • The Meraq~ held a synchronized swimming figure competition for glrla who had participated . one or more weeks in "the summer swim classes. Follow~ are the results: 7-8-year-olds -1. Amy DeMarco, 11.58; 2. Melissa Oliver, 10.93; 3. Veronica Morgan, 10.08. 9-year-olds -1. Jackie Mercanll, 13.04; 2. Natasha Shaw, 12.20; 3. Wendy Weng, 10.36. 10-year-olds I 1. Kim Cobb, 14.30; 2. Karen Stone, 11.60; 3. Lalira Peck, 11.50. 11-12-year-olds -1. Marjorie Chapius, 11.99; 2. Cheryl Salser, 10.00; 3. Brenda Johnston, 9.18. The Meraquu have announced tryouts for membership to be held Sept. 13-16 at the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex in Irvine. Girls 8-14 are invited to attend with opportunitie. for swimmers on the team ranging from novice and age group programs to national and international levels. For further information, call !>44-6699. • INTRODUCING THE NEW MESA VERDE I' BUILDING IN COSTA MESA • • YOUR CLIENTS AND EMPLOYEES DESERVE ,, OUR OFFICE QUALITY AND ACCESSABILITY • YOUR BUDGET DESERVES OUR NEIGHBORHOOD RENTAL RATES • CALL US NOW TO GET YOUR CUSTOM OFFICE · SUITE READY FOR THE REBOUNDING ECONOMY ... play in an NBA charity All-star life." game, apparently has concluded Closing the New York -chapter that h~'s still not physically -which he wanted strongly to capable .of playing the full do -still was not without a 82-game schedule. tinge of sadneM. Instead, he wants the Clippers "I think any time you spend 3'h -with whom he still has a years on one club, as I did with contract -to let him attend his the Yankees, .you develop some second year of law school at frlendahips," John said. ".I'm Stanford and play one NBA going to misa a lot of things about game a week. playing for tlie Yankees, but it's "Bill will probably enroll no secret that there are other · (Sept. 8) back in school," said things rm not going to miss at Clippers General Manager Ted all." Podleski. "He knows he can play The soft-spoken John, the once a week, but he's frightened. winningest pitcher in th e He feels this is his last shot. American League the past three Realistically, if he plays at all, it years, made it clear he's glad to will be on a limited basis." · be out of the employ of Yankees' $1.49 llKI WRINCH sn $1.95 ' , . owner George Steinbrenner, with whom he feuded more and more openly the past few weeks. "George is George," John said, choosing his words carefully. "He's a very impu.laive penon. I think the difference between George and ~pt getting wider and wider. It-. t.Oo bad, but that's life. "I felt I was being stifled in New York. I wanted a chance to pitch more. I think I still have an outside chance at winning 300 games." John, who owns a 233-169 life-time record, la 10-10 this season with a 3.66 earned run average. He is 52-36 over the past three seasons, but Steinbrenner felt his future was in the bullpen, rather than as a starter. Things began to go sour for John this spring when he and Steinbrenner had t rouble agreeing on terms of a new contract. After the owner ordered John to the bullpen, the issue came to a head a month ago when John asked to be traded from the Yankees, who are flounderinl in the AL F.ast. 10'' Mma SAW Roaslgno,. , .. sa911 Challe~r Skis Reg. $175. · Dynastar ~ulsar .........• $215.00 .. • 89" Elan 903 ................ $175.00 .. • .. K2 366 ................... $295.00 .. 1 .. Olln MK IV, up to 175cm .... $255.00 ... 118P Hexcel 532 ....•...•....• $260.00 ... 1159" Rossignol FP (70 pr. only) •• $270.00 ... 119P Hanson Sundance •••••••.• S2IO.OO .... 111P Helerllng Cobra •••..••.•. $100.00 .. • 49" Nonllca Venus ............ s100.oo .. • 7P -·-Helerllng Prlncen ........ $115.00 . . ---• ....... NonUca Cosmos .....•••.. $145.00 . . --- Nordlca Force 11 .......... s1ao.oo ... •11r Dachsteln World Cup ...... $250.00 ... 1149" Lange XL 900 ............ $225.00 •.. 114r Hererllng Jr. Racer ........ S 60.00 .. • 3r NordlcV Polaris •••.... : .•. S275.oo ... 1159" Non11e1 Lady Po11r11 ...•.• s215.oo ... •1sr· GezeGC30 Reg. $100. '11 lYroll• 160 ......•..... s l&.00 ..... ... Salomon 337 ............• S I0.00 .... ... lafoMOn 828 .......•..... $100.00 .... 'IP . Ml"8r M30 ............ , $120.00 ..•. '7P '11 Look N77R ..........•. $150.00 .... '89" Salomon 727 ............. $135.00 •... 'It• Marker M20 ............. s 11 .oo .... •sr sou• Scott Comp Racer · Poles Reg. $60. Kenna Racer •••....•..•... $45.00 .... •14• . • 5• . Scott Nor-Am J~ ............ $17.50 .. .. Ladles Parkas, s2911 values up to $150. Mens (famous maker) down parkas •....•.•...•.••• s1&0 .... •1r Ladles and mens shells ........ Ml .... 129" Junior shells . . . . . . • • . • • . • . • . S« .... •24• Ladles vests, up to .••...• $60 Vllll •.•• 11 r Mens down vests .............. $70 •. # • 13P 'Ladles-fr Mens lkl sweaters, up to .•..••. $58 nlue •••• 11 P La . •34• dies a Mens bib overalls .••• $65 ... . Lad lei 6 Mena Wind Shirts ....• $35 .... 11 P Separate or Ladles bibs ••...•. $72 .... •24• Ladles I Mens stretch pants ... $120 .... •64• Ladles suits ................ s1&0 .... '7P Kids parkas, up to ...•.•.. $60 nlue •.•• 11P Klil• bJbl,. up to .. , ....... M2 n1u1 •.•. 122" . 111• Junior sweaters .•••••••.••••• $24 .... Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Friday, September 3, 1982 . · of THE ; ., . r I( OVER s5 MILLION ~¥. . I ,JJ IN GEA.R & WEAR.~'. Our customers tell us tfle year's best prices are right here-bar none. Equipment, ~. clothing, accessories. All of the top brands. . ::q· · A mammoth selection. Everything up to 80°/o o,, .• · • 'J . $EPT. 3, Friday, 10 .A.M.-9 P.M:" . SEPl: 4, Saturday, 10 A.·M.-9 P.M.·-.·.·:~ SEPI 5, Sunday, 1·0 A.M.--:-6 ~M. .,.~: Mountain High/ Holiday Hill Lift Tickets 1/2 Price ···~·· · w~h ·.purchase of $25.00 or more Good ~All Year-Any Day CHARGE ITI ~! · .. Use Visa, Mastercard, · Alnerican~Express · cash or PersonalCheCk .. . . kevl~ Margerum John Heinl~ " , }~AU kicks off .. ,. ffitan campaign • ee Cal State Fullerton football team will be a squad with a distinct Orange COast flavor rday when the Titans open their 1982 paign by hosting Northern Arizona University tat 1 ~o'clock on the F\allerton campus. The visiting Lumberjacks feature six players played some ~hool or community oollege in the Orange t area. : · They include: running back Theo Langford (F4iaon), quarterback_._John Heinle (Ocean View), tnde receiver Kevin Margerum (Fountain Valley), 1'01de Ted Pistole (Golden West), lineman Don p .. oacost (Huntington Beach) and defensive Jneman Brad Rolland (Golden West). • Northern Ariwna, 4-7 last season, returns the iaucleus of a pass-oriented team from last year but •af a new coach in Joe Harper, who preferred a more conservative attack while building a Division It 'national power over 14 seasons (96-43-3) at Cal '°ly .San Luis Obispo. ! ~ The Lumberjacks have their all-time leading ~r in senior quarterback Scott Lindquist, who 1JM 4'86 completions in 495 attempts for 3,565 yards. : The Titans have Damon Allen, a sophomore ~ junior Bob Caffrey dueling for the starting ~rback spot. Allen i.s the younger brother of llst year's Heisman Trophy winner Marcus Allen. : Defensively, the Titans have newcomers only -strong safety and defensive end. .,_. IOtOOL ~At rra ... I Edtson Chargers va. Punahou, HawaH _LIVE.!...__XWV TONIGHT 1tr.15 PM FM10I .... --------------~ I i ~ Goll lesson# 1 I : FIOM TOURING ,.o I l z ALAN TAPIE I I f 19 81 Stati1tkal t..ader I I ; In Putting On Tour I I : Plfflq .... ,..,.., LHIHI I I ~ 11111111111 1, a,,.11111111 I 1: 831-9392 I ~--------------~ SET SAIL ~THIS FALLI .. 1 • . . . . . . , . . • . • ' .. . • . ' ; . , . . . #. ; ( p.c.c. 's lat~st donation. TM 65' Alaska ~agle to be uttd In courHs thh fall. ~ f,ange Coast College Salling Academy's fall ogram begins this week w ith more than two zen courses covering almost all aspects of lllng. Whether you are a beginner or an 'xperienced ocean racer. the Academy Is 6'epared to meet your sea-going ambit ions with i staff of top Instructors. two dozen boats, and perfect waterfront faclllty on Newport Harbor. heck out the list below for the course most 5'Jlted to your needs: l WINDSURFING : BEGINNING SAILING . ! INTERMEDIATE STILING I ADVANCED SAILING : OCEAN SAILING ADVENTURES UNDER SAIL IUNDAMENT ALS OF COMPETITIVE SAILING NAVIGATION a S~ANSHI~ INTRODUCTION TO NAVIGATION I o COASTAL NAVIGATION • CELESTIAL NAVIGATION ' fl OCEAN SURVIVAL MARLINSPIKE SEAMANSHIP CRUISING UND•R SAIL SMALL BOAT CRUISING LNING AFLOAT MEDICINE AT SEA" RADIO LICENSING & OPERATION COOKING AND PROVISIONING CRUISING IN MEXICO • • 'S till ch nee to ·salvage the albacore season J'or you Mlt wa~r lf\llere who have been fruatnt.ed by the Jut few alt.cora IMION. there atill 111 an oppor\un1ly IO Mlv• th» MMOI\ Md pu\ a few alble lteekl arid caruwd albeic:ore away for the wlnter monthe. Due to warm water off our coaatllne the lonaflna rnott likely won't be movlna In close enou1h to k>cal pori. to allow aportlllhers to reech them on one day trtpe. The anawer to a 1ucceeaful albacore trtp would be to book on one of the mlnl- lon1 ran1e tripe belna run out of Fl1herman'1 Landing In San Diego. There are aood catches of albacore belna made aome 130 to 160 mllea from Point Coma and only boata on multi~ay fishing tripe can re..ch these large echoola of longflna. · I fllhed aboard the boat Searcher thla week and the light group of analen returned wit~ over 100 alblet -au In the 30-pound clul. For aome reason, the albacore appear to be running very lai'ae thla year, many In the 36-to-46 pound clue. In addition to t)le large achoola of albies in off. AUTO-GEM SPIN-ON OU!pOC!M JIM NIEMIEC lhoN waten there are good num~n or bluefln, blgeye and yellowfln tuna beln1 taken. Some of theee lar1er tun.a arc running In the 12~-to 200-pound claaa. Lota are being hooked but few landed due to their alze. There are a1lo dolphin (dorado) being , caught under floating kelp patties aa well aa aome migrating yellowtall. All In all, September and early October should reward anglers with excellent fl,ahlng conditions an<l a variety of big game flJh for thOle who want to book a mlnl-Jona nlllge trip. For more Information on fl1hlng conditions and openlnl(s on the 1portf l1hers call Fisherman's Landing at 222-0391. S!.H:"f.llBRI #Gem-1 ·144 EACH #Gem-S, 17,33,..0,42.49,64,11 1-89 -- EACH AIR FILTERS HEAVY DUTY 30W MOTOR Oil Th ,.. have n no 1klpjack c.au1ht and th.la mnnt that It. will be a 1o"8 8UIOI\ provtdtnc the water tetnperature ,doeen'l nae too much above 75 d~. Newport, Dena and Huntlrwton harbor marlin flahmnen mt heedlnc out to t.fle 267, 277, Dome and the ridae runnina from the 181 to the 182 ln quest of bllllllh -whose numbere are buildlna dally. This week ahould find good numben of marlin hooked In the channel for the many boata that will be on the water. The aea 11 about 71 degre~a between the 43 and the mainland and 1how1 promlae for a wanning trend that ahould tngger a good bite with 'all the feeden, tallera and jumpen being spotted. Moat fish are striking mackerel colored lures. · . DurinJz the marlin tournament laat week local ani)er Jack Torre landed the third awordflah on rod ana reel this season aa he took a l~O-pounder while fishing aboard the Dorsal, using ~0-pound tackle" , --Autolite--• SPARK PLUGS LIMIT 16 PLUGS For most domestic passenger can. .85QT STANDARD RESISTOR .79.89 . ILIClllC*IC ... ICU llOllll CAUU • Pre1Hoat••••ie:.d to play 76 ._. fwith lED ....in•caftWlilht & key) ..... for CIDf'lt trudi1, ,.....,. ......... 7650la 36!! 8!? SATIN RtDI· MFG by Menroe. 1 3116" lore calibra ted. J-S.riet. CHIVROLfri Cyt. 1tS5-7 6 H0- 2H·2SO(bc. 75-'76 250 fft9.) CHIVROlfT I Cyl. 1955-'61 ~ 213-J07-327 lhc. ~.) FOllD 6Cyl lff0.'14(170-1001fte.I S.l•rfl•Y TELEVISION 11:15 a.rn. (4) -BASEBALL -New York Yankeet at Kanlu City. Noon (2) -U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Early· round covera.,, taped at the NatJonal Tennl1 Cent.er In Fluahlng Meadow, N.Y. 0 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -j Former WBA w elterwetaht chemplod Pi1ptno. Cuevu (29-7) va. taat-rialng contender Donal~ Curry (14-0) ln a acheduled 10.round bout, taped•' San Antonio, Texaa. Allo: Taped cover1ge of the Fifth Avenue Mile from New York City. 3:30 p.m. (3) -BASEBALL -The Angels at Milwaukee. 6 p.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -The Houston Olten meet the De11as CowboYf ln Irving, Texaa. (4) -NFL FOOTBAllL -Cleveland at Loe Angeles Raiden. 7 p.m. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Diego at the Rams. RADIO Butba1l -AnPll at Milwaukee. G:2G p.m .. KMPC (710): Piu1bW'1h al Ood,ere, 7 v.m., KABC (780). Football -Northern Arllona at Cal State Fullerton. 12:40 p .m., KWRM (1370) and KWVE (108 FM); Cleveland at Raiden, 5:40 p.m., KNX (1070): 8atl Die10 at Rama, 7 p.m., KLAC (570). Tennla -U.S . Open report., 9:43, 10:45, 11 :45 a.m., 1:43 p.m .. K.NX (1070). s •• ,,.,, TELEVISION 11 a.m. (2) -NCAA FOOTBALL PREVl,EW -"The C1a.u of '82" features reportf on Pitt's Heiaman Trophy candidate Dan Marino, ne w California head coach Joe Kapp and SMU running backa Erle Otckeraon and Crail Jamee. 11:30 a.ro. (5) -BASEBALL -The AnaelB at Milwaukee. Noon (2) -U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Early· round coverage from the National Tennis Center ln Fluahlrul Meadows. N. Y. ' 1 p.m (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Clev land at ~ An.ltlet Raid l"I, caped S.turday. (l l) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Dies<> at Loi Ansel• Raml, taped Saturday. 3 p.m. (2) -Ull OAKLAND RAIDEM HIGHLIGHTS -A look at the Raidel"I' 7.9 IHIOn, their flrat lotlna. campat1n In 17 yelr1. (7) -SUPER BOWL XVI HIGHLIGHTS -HlahUahta of the cluh between the San FrandlcQ. 4~re and the Cincinnati Bengali. 3:80 p.m. (7) -GOLF -Taped coverqe ot the U.S . Amateur from the Country Club in Brookline, Mua. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Undefeated mJddlewelghta James Kinchen (20-0-1) and Odell Hadley (12-0-1) meet in a acheduled 10-round middleweight bout from St. Joeeph, Mo. RADIO Baseball -Angela at Milwaukee, 11:30 a.rn., KMPC (710); Pitt.burgh at Podgen, 1 p.m., KA.BC (790). 49 EACH PRODUCTS SAVE $1.50 ON Prestone Super Flush or Super Sealer (llJ erryman PRODUCTS BUY BOTH PRObUCTS AND RECEIVE A $3.00 REFUND -~~PRICE_ $1 E!~ I I CASH RfFUND $1 50 from PRESTONE • r------1 YOUR FINAL ~ Prntmr COST ON '} I EITHER (after 91' .. rebate) n.::a: ·~ milluM I ·.:~~.:!t~ .. ~ r PrellOM linUts two refuncft per family per addren. O•AllD 1 ·19 16 Oil. #30160 EACH AM/FM AUTO REVERSE CASSEnE CAR STEREO Bolon<• and fo4.r controls, tape direction controlt, locking faet foward and rewind. #SI 303 SPARKOM4TIC . i'-. re 8997 EACH l-tpea1c.,. COAXIAL-Two 5 114" air tuspeneion with built.fn coaxial 2" twHt•rt. ISIC-'20C HEAVY DUTY BRAKI SHOES - REFUND OFFER Buv 2 gal. at $388per gal. x 2 • #AF552 sr• .. $2°0 less refund by Mail from Prestone '•••IOI\• limlta OM cCKh .. t.md $ 57 6 per family per odclrff&. (S•• tier• for d•toih) YOUR FINAL COST ~· PER GALLON limit 12 Gal GALLON WIDE ANGLE #251 6~! 111a1NG ....-a.IPIDA&. AN'll·THIFT LOCK lns'tant protection-instant ~nstallotion ... .... AL-300 .-.a 13!? .. WIPER DELAY I 'CT • .- t ZEMCO-Automatic intermittent action from 2 to 20 seconds. 8!! CARBURETOR CLEANER 9ox. • Aerosol FUEL TREATMENT · 12oz. ENGINE CLEANER 16oz. • Aerosol YOUR ··· CHOICE ___ .,. SERVICE A WARD -Oldsmobile'1 umtant manager, John Rogera (left), preaent1 the manufa~turer's distinguished "Service Meri Award" to Vern Maxey (center), service rnaJrlalllef':I and Dan Sarrett (right), general sales mana,er, • University Sales and Service in Costa Meaa. Baaed on outstanding customer aatiafactl~n. the award now has been received by Unive · Sales and Service for the third conaecutive year; record equaled by only two percent of Oldsmobile dealers i.n the nation. *** . COSTA MESA ... The United States Cy ' Federation National Championships Comrnltt.ee recently announced that the City of Cosia Mesa been selected as the site to host the '82 National Crlt.erium Championships! According to-the-Championships Committee Coordinator, Jim Harper, Costa Mesa was sel ·· because of a "history o f o utstanding ra~ organization and the tough challenge of the Costa Mesa course." The 1982 Del Taco-Sprite U,S . Natto Crlt.erium Championship, co-sponsored by H.1a1mnr1 Boulevard of Cars of Costa Mesa, will bri~ national attention upon the Southland, leading in the 1984 Olympics Program. Scheduled for th! 25th and 26th -of September, racelt for Women , Jttniors, and Veterans will be conducted Saturday, with the Senior Men's race pl'08J'·ammeot- for Sunday along with 5K and lOK Distance R In addition to the National Champioruhi Bicycle racj!S, the program calls for a unique al.ltp . display and parade, trade show exhibits, a sports · pentathlon, a pre-school big wheel race, and lots [ live band music! , The cit..y bas h osted nine major event including aeven rated by the USCF as "Natio ' Classics." The '82 Criterium Championships J promises to be a race that Costa Mesa and the entire Southland can be proud of! Spectators are I lnvited at no charge to view this exciting weekend I of entertainment! For further information, call I 7141754-5300. ••• I SLEEK AND ROOMY -The rakiah Megutar ii one of two Ford Motor Company concept vehicles which will be displayed at Theodore Robins Fol'd. 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, from September 15 through Sept.ember 22. Built by Ford's Ghia Operations in Turin, Italy , the Megastar is an exam ple of aerodynamically styled vehicles incorporatin radical features which soon may appear in motor vehicles ·traveling the nation's highways. The futuristic Megastar, a wedge-shaped vehicle which will carry five persons, is equipped with a two-liter engine, four-speed manual transmission along with independent front and rear suspension system . •• • • ORANGE COUNTY .•• BELIEVE rr OR NOi'! The Daily Pilot & American Airlines di9cover a short drive to Hawaii! Join in the Daily Pilot I American Airlines Fun Cont.est & win 2 FREE round trip Jickets to HawaUI Just test drive a new or µsad. car at your local car dealership. • 2 ---T1CICm TO HAWAI via AIERICAN AltllNES · lting thll C014lO'! II\ ll\d .... ~ -ot --.. Imel c:.,, cll#"'I ............ lo ... ty l9r .,.....,.. llY , .. ..... tor 2 F"l[ ,_,., Mp llCll9l9 IO KAWAI * A-IC•n Air.._ Mvll -,,_~I .,._. ...,....,,..ii. 11.,,.. ot eoe or-NC>Nll0""'1t1"'1f, Nol/..,_ or ~ ArllMe ~ « .--~ (lllellly OfW .,,....~ t /30111.• "'-~~~~~~~~~~ M*Wt~~~~~~~~~- .... SEE WHAT-YOUR LOCA£ AUTO DEAl.£RS RAVE ro· ()fJ'ER YOU IN roDAY'S PAPER. I I I .--··--- . . ....,.,, U. llAat -.&.¥ rACR 1Mt -ll. UHll IT. . ' i MAJOR LmAGU• IT ANDtNGI AmertoM LMllue WllTIRN DlvtlR>N w l '1at. 08 ICan ... c1ly 11 ae .579 M9M 75 58 .~ 2 ~tt'-70 112 530 ll'A -.. 82 70 .470 14'io OeklMd 58 18 433 19~ r-s2 90 393 24~ Min-'• 48 14 383 21~ IAITU!tf DIVllK>N MllwU.. 79 54 594 Botton 74 .. 580 4'io 8eltit9f<• 73 ae 551 s Oetrolt 17 14 .511 11 N9w Yortc '7 14 511 11 ~ 12 88 478 16'/o Toronlo 11 73 0 5 11'1' TllwldeJ"• ac... Oetro08.4""4e 3 Milw-.. 2-~. CleWlencl 1-4 ChlceQo I . T eJIAI 5, 10 innlngt T ..... l•eo.m.. Ant•I• (John 10-10) •I Mllw•u•H (McClure 1o-f) S.llle (811'1nllter 11-8) a1 Bolton (TudOf ... 9) Mlnn .. c111 (O'Connor 8·5) el B•lllmore (Flannegen 11-10) Oaldano (l.allQfOfd 10. t4) el O.lrolf (Ujelur e.11 Toronto (Clency t t-12) et Cl•••l•nd (And«eon t-11 THU (Schmidt 4-5) al Chlca90 (Hoyt 14-13) New YOfk (Howe 0--0) al K•n••• City (Blue 10.9) NATIONAL LEAGUE WWITlllN DIVlllON Allante ~o Sen Fr•nclec:o Hou1ton Clncl""ell W l ,ot. GI 75 58 564 74 80 .552 1•;, 611 65 .515 8'1' ee 87 .498 e 03 70 474 t2 51 82 .3113 24 IAITlllN DIVlllON SI. Louil ~" MontrMI Pilllburgfl ~ 78 58 .1578 73 80 .548 3'io 71 82 534 611\ 70 63 526 611' 59 75 440 16 51 90 389 24'}1 TlwtMet'• ~ Hoo-~ TOfllPt'•O-Pltt•burgll (Roblneon 14-1) al Dodeef9 (Welch 15-9) A11ent• (Nlel<ro 13·3) II MonlfHl (LH 11-n Clncllln•ll (PHIOre 7-10) •t N-YOfk (Ownbeoy 0-1) Houllon (NlekrO 13-9) •I Pllll•d•lplll• (Cwhon 17 -8) Cl\lc:eoo (Nolft 8-101 et San Diego (Show 11-4) DelMer T"""IDAV'~M~TI (Mllll of ~ '"°'°'''"~'" _,..,., l'llllT llACI. e f11ll011g1 Lohy bale" (\llnztl 19.10 8.40 uo He M•rl ~am (Remlr.t) 11 00 11.40 8ernet0<m Sh.OOW (Slt>llle) 4.90 .... .. 11 Cal ro1y Sl.O (n) It ... SI. (n) II UClA 1.,t.11 at Oreaon 1ICal roly SlO(n et ~ .. 15 Webtf St (n) Utell St. Oct. Z Utah St. (n) at lOftl S.acllSl fu~ Oct. t Pec1flc (n) San Jost St. at CinclnnaU Oct. H at Reno 11 ~mint et SJ St. (n) Oct. Z3 1tSanJose SL(n) Reno at SO St. (n) Oct. 30 Lona S.ICh St. •t Hewai1 (n) II frtsno St. "°'· • F11lltrt0fl It frHno Sl Peclflc (n) New. U 'Montan• St. IH.V (n) ~ '"f> at S.' Clfo. (11) UC 0.Yll (n) •• °"'°" 11 lCU (n) It Hew .... (II) 11 ldlllo (n) 11 Sltnfofd Weber St It SO St (n). 8otlt St. (n) 11 Orecon St at Fullerton ti Ptclfic (n) 11 Caltfo1ni1 11 frlSftO St. (n) Ttx.£1 Puo (n •t fulltfton Idaho SL at IJtlh 11 Utah Sl LB St. (n) P1edlc 11 Nlzon1 (n) frano Sl (n) San Jose St.' (n) 1t urt.V (n) 8YU • 11 Colorldo St. at l8 St. (n) Senti Clar1 (n It Utlll 11 LB St. (n) , San Jo11 St. 11 Pacific 11 BoiSt SL Alto r~: Febuloo,la Too, G1teldO SoY Ft.y, Doon'• l!ay, J•OI Ring, ~. Better• Boa, Wer Alfled, T•le of Triumph. ~ 1·10 116. llCOND ltACI, 6 fur10nQ1 ..... 20 It UNl. V (n) 11 Peciflc (n) Bowline CrMn(n) Fresno SL (n) 11 Fullerton (n) · utlh Sl 1t SJ Sl (n) Bold Pit (V.itnwel•) tUO 7.20 4.80 Surtw Boy (Ollvtr .. ) 4.20 2 80 Deb• Olrl (Hewfey) 3,IO Al10 raced. Oalandoon, GrHn~•r , E11tern Bid, Ou1M'1 PromlM, JohM e Oeflght, 8lUe 8Mllme, BOid Jet, Ptun1 . Rlwt'a Bond. time: 1: 11 316. II DAll.Y DOUeU (8-5) paid '81.80. THIM> llACI. 1 1118 ,,,..., HIQll Ctllber lDll\lay) 9.00 5 00 3 80 w .. AhllMI <Ctt>lla!MI 23 80 • oo Tulle'• OenM (CvftwO ta eo "°'· !7 It ~V (ft) TINTH llACI. One mlla p-8-llollt (9ey!MI) lUO 12.00 UO Ceofaln Plldero tTlamblay) 8 40 s oo ....,.., 11.ec*llY) uo Aleo f9Cied• Jutt • SmooU\le, f)'91~r. Gm N. Ttrlk>rl 80llG A, PUMble, Scooter Key Time· U9 2~ 13 IXACTA (4·1) paid 1215 10 Alltnd1t!C41 8,499 a.c.o..... lotto reced: LMlla Hegre, Well • M-t • NINI LC., Mertderdl, Outgo, Fldelo, Angelle: Netlve. MIMlno In Action. Mike Snlltll • Time. 1 :45' 415. ........, p C•t ln...t, M.V,) II IXACTA (t-9) paid S3115 00 _,, •t.e '°"""" llACI. 8 li;<IOnga. Tom Kit• Ceclly Cetdew (Slbillel 9.00 5.00 4 00 Bobby Wtdklrlll Horllon'• Oreem (MGCl<ron) 3.40 2.80 =. ~ Dell'• Sport (Warren) 13.00 AJIO rllc:ld: Curl-Time, Ubl>y'I Meglc: Frllllll C-Ho .. rlng, LI mitten, Welk M• Home, Mike ~cCu41ough Achltve, My Freekfll Count, Get My Drift, NFL ellNtlffloft eohedute ~ i= L':1":, ~';0<>;15. ,,_, •• 0-Furzy Zoeller 'WT" llAC~. ti 1ur1ong1. "llant• " Tampe Bet. n Bllry JMCkel " .. _~ t t M (C di 8 80 Walhlngton at Clncfnn•ll. n Scot! l:loeh vn..-nowns o • lln · out out New York Gllnte et Miami (CllWlnel 4 •I 5) Jim Simon• Wldtlow (Plnc:evl out out N.W Or1Mni al Mln-1a, n GH MOfOllfl B"lel RoYal (Cerbe)all out Sen Francttc0 et s..ni.. n , Pater J.cobtlltl No pl-or lhOw wege<lrlQ. • ...... Time: 1:11 1115. let~r'• 0--•.,..,inWI IS UACTA ( 1·2) paid S 19 oo GrM!I Bey et New Enolend P•t MoG-911 O.trOll et BuHefo, n Mike Hollatlcl lllttff llACL 8 tvri......i. l'tllllelefpNa •t Pttt~. n Tom WOOderd ~... 111111mor• .. c~. n Richie Kat1 PleHlllQ Tan-(Olllny) 4.00 2.80 2.90 l(eneu City at SL lOiMe, n LllrrY Nellon IJllO~ IF'inuYI 4.00 4 80 Oen 11 Hew York Jett 8"lne MoC It Second N•tlve (A:unu_,) 12.80 HOUM""!n et Oellee, n ' n Jett Mlta.:11 ter IJao rececs· Tuler, W.C. Sheeky, J•to Unit. Cle ve11nd u lo• Ano•IH Reider• Miit• Hll Honfft Bullet, Undercover fall, Olympic (Channel 4 e1 Ill John Creek Goel, Time For a Cinch, FfHI Veldei. Seo Diego et "-(Cllennel 11 •I 7l ... CtldW9ll Grenote Time. 1'10. . Cotleae BNot o.vtlrl Nvumt llAC«. One mile on IUl1. THUllSDAY'l' ICOM ~ ~ LldY TraplUS (Plnc:ey) 5.80 3 60 3 00 enon-i Youne 21. UNLV 0 c:::: , .... Kerblc:: (Oelel>ousuyel 5 oo a 40 ,__ T..,... Rlhll-(McHergue) 5,00 ........ Al10 r•t ed: WHtern S"rlet, M•l•ll, Cotleae eohedYW ::. ~ Battk:I. Teleprlty. Delta Gr_,, Jennifer ,,_In.,,,,_, o.ry ~ Tl<M. 1:37. Syr-VI. Rutger-. llC ENC Rutherford, Dena OulaN¥ II lltACTA (3-1) paid $59 50 NJ. n Mwti O'M.ei>e 12 "Cit lllC (5·1-11·1·9·3) p.id $16,· IATUllOA'l'I OAml Twry DMN 574.80 with live wtnning ticket• (llll ~) Nothern At1zona ~ Slete Fuller1on 8o«I Glider s2 Pick SI• COMC>fltlon paid 11 !50 80 Wflh Artz one St 11 o,-....... Miii• Donald 32-311-94 3344-17 37.acl-87 "7-31-118 :M-S2-te 35-33-N 38-33-118 37·31-N a6·33-N ~ .. U-33-N 38·33-N 35-33-N 34-34-118 3-4-34-18 3+34-11 39-32-88 34-34-18 37-32-68 35-34-89 35-34-19 31-31-19 38-33-ell 37..$2-19 3S-.31-• 35-34-• 35-34-e9 33-3&-• 38-31-• 3e-S3-68 37-32-811 36-33-ee 39-30-ee 3N13-70 35-35-70 37-33-70 37-33-70 37-33-70 31-32-70 35-35-70 11 LB Sl (n) U.f. AIMleUf 42-37-79 39-40-79 41-39-jQ 42-39-81 •2.Je-11 4i..o-12 43-41~'4 ( .................. , "'9uh1 ol SOutnem Clllfomll panldj)lll19 In !he u s. Amal-OOlf CllMlpfonlhlps at Tiie Counlty Club'• P•r 72, 6,898-yerd COIKM: Pint lllMftd • Cr91(1 Steinberg (81\ldlo Clly) def. Randy 5tklnl (Jaclleon, MIM.). l·Ul>: KeVln Slater 111 DflOol def. Greg Starkmen (9everly Ille), 2...i>p; Jiff Johnton (Venture) def, Merk Plummer (~a. Miine). 4 and 3; Coray Pevtn (Ollna<d) def. Oev!O Boeff (Aocllealer, N.Y.), 1-up. 9-4"""4t Bred Heninger (San JOM) def. Steinberg, I and •: Sitter def. O•nny 8rloo1 (Peri., Tex,), I and 2; Roy Billnclln• (Fr.nlclln Parle, nt.) clef. Johneon, I~ In 20 hOIN: P•vln def. Kevin Ollltrl (Parle, T'ex.), 5 and 4. u.a.~ .... ~-:._:1._._ . SI. LQOlle...4for~ 13·8) el San FranclKO (Hemmiker 9-7) ---A°MERICAH LEAGUE ,.__ -na.n •• .Anaets s \e3 winning llck•te (five horMI) ......... . K.nny l<noit ltGfffttftACt!:-1-tM._.. -------~~-·--·~~r:=''lrr-:,.-------•11111 ................ ~--ll-S-Maid ISlbllle) 4 40 4.40 3.20 .• ,.... ~lclO Bl., n Ed 8nMd 35-35-70 ----...,~ 37·33-70 37-33-70 35-35-70 Eliot Telttc:ll« (U.S.) Cle'i°:'rm Gurtetn (U.S.). M . 1·$, ._.; Aoecoe Tanner (U.S.) def. l>er H~ (lhotlclen). 2-8, 8-1, 4-t, ._., M ; Terry Moor (U.8.) del. Butdl Wahl (U.S.), t-7, a.2, 1-3, 1-3; Seo« Oevle (U.S.) def. Danie "'-(South Afrtca). ..... e-2. 1 ... M , 1-4: John McEntoe (U.8.) a.I. Tim OIMkeon (U.S.). 7-8, 6-4, 7-8; SI-Denton tu.I ..... It• I .... ,.,, 'F . '"3, M ; IWn Lendt (encno.tovlklll led Tim Meyotte (U.S.), 1-4, 1•2 (~i CAUFofilltA DCTllOIT eerllbl ebrllbl Downing If 5 0 1 0 Wlllteker 2b 4 t 1 0 Wiifong dh 3 1 1 0 GWlllon cf 4 0 t I Car-1b 4 1 1 I Herndon If 4 1 1 0 ~ ....iec:kton rt 3 1•0 Perrltll c 4 2 2 2 1 O.Clocee 3b 2 O O O Turner dll 3 I 1 O ' Grich 2b 3 0 0 0 Me pll 1 0 0 0 ~ cf 4 O 1 2 Johrton 31> 1 1 1 I Foll 11 3 0 0 0 BrOOl<en1 3b 0 0 0 0 Boone c 40'0 0 LIOI lb 30 12 Cebelllb 1 O O o LNC/I rt 3 0 1 0 Tremmetf M 30 1 O Tot•I• 3134 3 To1111 31810 e lcotebtlM ..... Cellfornla 003 000 000-3 O.trOlt 000 320 Ola-6 OP -C.itlor'nla 2. LOS -c.Mtomle 10, Detroit 4. 2B -c.,.., rr.tnmel. LAIQ&. 38 -Wl'ltteker HA -L.M. Ptrrlell 2 (241 ~ If' H lllJIMIO Witt c1..a.s1 4 8 4 4 1 2 Cotbett " 2 1 1 0 0 ....... *"'21 12 2 ~ 8«.nguet ' 3 3 3 s 3 Lopez IW.2· 11 8 1 o o ' s wtlt pitched 10 I better In the 6th Belle -WltL T -2 32 A -12,547 P'IMT~ ...... 2, INlefte 1 Cie¥91Md 000 010 000-1 5 , MllW9Uk.. 10t 000 00.-2 4 0 SU1ctfffe end kndo, H•"'Y Ill; H .... ,Bernard (T), Flrtoltt (61. Udd (9) Md Yott W-H-. lo-f "l-8vtdlne. 11-8 S-LaOd (2). HR-Clewland, Hl)'M ( 111 •COMO QAMI lndlillll .. ._. 2 CleYelend 000 00 I 003-~ 8 2 Mftwarll.. 010 000 100-2 6 0 Wllllton, Splflner (8) end HMMy, Bendo (9); Sutton Md Slmmon1. w-SplHner, 11 ·8. # l-Sullon, O•I. HR-Cleve4•1'd, H•roro .. 141. HllYM 1121. "-11.ose W""9 ... 8, ......,. • TellAI 030 002 000 o-5 6 1 Chlclgo 003 000 1~1 1-8 13 O Comer. Darwin (10) end Werner, Burn•. Beroju (7). Kern (8) Ind Flllil W-Kern. 1-0 i.:-comer, 1·5 HRe-Teaaa. L John1on (7), ()lllc:ego, Luzln1kl ( 18). B•lnH (201 A-10.310 Top 10 (1.-1 Oft ..... llM9) AMIJllC"I LatM "~ .. 109 471 68 112 344 127 511 103 170 .328 128 411 91 151 321 12& 532 80 168 .311 '" 531 14 167 315 110 420 70 132 .31, 120 429 65 134 312 115 456 97 142 312 Ila 507 76 158 312 104 390 112 121 31!) W WNton, KC Yount, Ml ...,,.,,, Cit GerdA. Tor Cooper, ... car..,..,,.... E.Mlney, 811 Aloe, Bir! McRae.KC LMmcwd, 8en ..._.._ G Thcwnu, Mlweuk ... 34, "9. ,,.._, Ant•I•, U ; Thornton, Cl•••llftel, 28; Cooper, Mllwtuk•. 27 -----"" McAH , l(an•H Clly'-114: Thornton. Clt\oeland, 102; Cooper, M ..... ee, H ; G Tllomea, M ........ 95, Yount, MlfwllUltee, ••• '*NM (11 DedelOl'le) Pelmtr, B•Urmore, 12·3: Vukovich. Mllwllull ... 1Mj Ouldry, New York, 13-5; &utM, Oll(cego, 13-5: Z..., ,.,..._ 1MI Glwa, KenlM City, 17_ .. ] Pllty, o.lrolt, 14-7; Staton, MllWMlltM, lu-o, ., . NATIONAL LaAGW OMllH'°'-OllYw. M11 131 500 76 1118 .332 Meelloetc, PQll 130 •65 81 154 311 Lo. Smlth.:...S,tL 128 llO I 107 158 .a 15 Outlletn,....... 125 414 70 141 .315 Kntgtrt, Hin 133 llOt 82 IM JOt eudmer, Chi 133 542 77 t88 306 ...,_.., ~ 12t 47t 78 149 .305 c.ter. Mil 121 145 76 1at .30ot ~. ""' 120 495 80 148 302 ...... ~ 120 492 12 138 301 ..... -. I ~; "llwM. 32; K.lllclfMll, New Ycwtc, • 1; J, 1'lompton, PltttOurgll, a: klwrllClt. PllRecklplll•, 28. carter, MontrHI, 27; Homer, Attenea. 27; ....,_., ~ f7. ·~ Tr• (Ptncay) 4 40 4 40 3,20 Mont"" SI. at 1.11111\, n Tom ""'1Jllr lmpetlenl L-. {V~) 4.IO N-Mexico et ~ TI!n 8llnpeori a -coupled .._d U. ti Maine Tony Cercll ~:~: Ice Prlneetl, SlltyM McOulr•. Ot-bfinO Shit• ..... MOfgan State at New ~s=eu fime: 1 :43 1115. YorllT • n Ptllf IUl"llf' • lltACTA (1·2) P•ld $4'1.oo. aml)le •• Penn =:.. Mike Reid NINTH llACE. 1 1'18 m11e1 on turf. Jechon Stele 11 Alebem• Slate, n Tommt Vlllentlne Whelp (V~•) 20.80 10.20 8.80 Southern u. "''· Sethune-Cookm•n 11 Bruce OOUO'-Fleet Peul Alllllon (Eetrd) 7.00 6,40 Jec:keonvtlle, n Chip lleck Mr. Lytle (CllC)OaJne). 10.to Miami, I'll, •I f'lolicl• Jodie Mudd "'•o •aced: Prune Pie, Hotmby Hllll, ~~~·Sitt•. n BoOby Cote Styllah Led, Ols1ant Charm, lndlen 0., Sultan N9w 'k el J-M.oleon TerTY Gale , of Swing, Amazlng Eegle. W-n -..y 11 LoUIMlfe, n Tom ClflW Time' 1:4'4 2/5. Kent ltW at Mlf9fltll, n ~ llc:Mlberf9' .. IXACTA (3-1) peld 1317.50. T-A,&f et Mc"'-81.et.e, n y.,_.....,,,., Allene!-: 15,311 ~ ltete M MIMletlppl Nie* Pl1Ce • ood M~ VllWt Stat• et Morrill ·-Cr91(1 Stadler Holtrw Perk SouthMll M'-Ki st-at Murrey State, BlllYEd , ·GlyMon THURSllA Y'I MllA. Tl n ...,..... F'lotl (111tl of u...itlll --_. .... , Furmen .. Nor1ll i;::erolfna St.ate, n Tom Jenklne FlfllT llACI. OM mile pece loulh-1 M'-'f 81tte at Nonllern Alc:lt ,,_,_ Brent a.ti• (Kuebler) 7 eo 4 eo 5.00 Alabama, n Mwti ~ Athfell l ord (Pereg4ne) I 40 4 00 M1 .. 1 .. 1ppl College et HClfthwHMtrn "°991 c.Mn PIM Hell Sttum (l(oer1Jel I.to , loulelana. n Doug~ Ala rleed. Footien F0t1une. Jazz f .. l~. ~Tedi .. ~ D.A. -weionno ldetl Bytcl. le P1t1on N, Ster Rlcl<y, Ouote Mldelle T-1 11" et S•nMall Ed Oouof*IY ~fl( Gunamoke N ltete. n Ron Com"*'9 Tme. 2,00 415. Padllc at South CerottM. n S.... U.C. a UACTA (4-6) paid $124 20 EM1em l(entudly .. South Cerolfna St.et•. "'' Unclee, MCOM> llACL One mill lrot n M*e Mcwl9r SlllG 8owt (Parker) 12 00 5 20 3 80 NortlleHt Lo11l•lene el Southern 0-. Atdler Smtll (Tlatler) 3 90 3 60 M1111111pp1L. n Lee ftMlo SkllOOI (Wine U) 10.20 Duke et T-, n Lou GrlNm Alto rec.cl: A e Todd, 0.-Upo(I • st... &et T-Slat• .. T-Tedi. Morn. HllCtltl<y l.C.P.. Mfnt PrHIO, Pomp•no Hohn. .. ..... Sllllwan A1noet9 SIM, Money ~. ~ Joe llYl*I Time, 2 04 21$. W alee '°'91, n Forreet F9111er TMlllD llACL une mile pece ~ ~ FOf•ler (Pttker} I 00 3 IO 3.00 ONo U. et -...na OHlrl -\..-.rwon Slater• Sterlet (Sherren) 9 40 ~ 80 ~ 8tlW M C'eritr-'MfcNoen Pt!Yfle • ....,, Skfl!per Shannon (Grundy) 2.ao Norihenl iow. M ~•• Mllrli ...,,_ .tll9o raced: 6portltig Son Roclty .aeatch. ..._ Slalll al Eulem llllaolt ~ w.aon HIHbllty HMven, C.utornla Surfer, PteclOua f\lottllWeel-el Mlll'°'8 Tim C»lhem ,. • ....,_ ...... ,..., La--Cofot$ llllta at Mtetourf Ed 8e1eat .,.,......., "" "' ' -Nor1'*'I = et Totaelo, n Tim« ~03 115. 8°""*" ..._._ -........ Kim ~ 13 DACTA (2·7) P•ld Sl32.00. It~-"_,_, n Jecik Ferenz FOUll'TH llACI. OM mile pece GrllnCI VllW; St.llM It We.tern Mfchlgln 8o«I hlCwoocf Scrambling Reil (Fltco) 6.20 5 00 4.20 M!Moufl.Rolla '" WtcNte 81Ale, !' Oon ~ Gogelltlf JoM (Vllndnghm) 8 00 4 llO 'Akron at Y~lllle Rob T"°"""°" Flying Tonye (.,;ecC>ougeU) II to Nortti ,.._ 8"'9 .. 8-lor. n ~~ = ""° recad: Winnie One Time, Pape JOy9, lMltf et 8out'-t T-Ste11, n -Eder -.. St.,. Beclty, Argo Stw, Ctyltet Mon1eray, Boelon C01feg9 .i T911M I.AM, n Mike Nicolailte Monterey Rocket. Can.Oltn Dew Nldlollt atete" T_.. louthern, n Jolln M4lflllllw\t Time. 2.02 tlS. Alt Foroe M Tu!M, n Roel Q"1 FIFTH llACL Une mile -Ab1ene Ct111et1en tM W• T-SIAll, n .... Mc: ........ Keywe JIM 1"'-1 I 1 00 6 20 3 80 ·-·r Ten Percenter (St~menl a 20 5.00 :t.:Aooer .._~Malttlle CINr Nlgtlt (T ...... I 8 40 Al10 rKed. St•ble Hend, Gozo St•r, ...., _...., P•lact IJOht N, ~ H..-. Genetti __,,,, Sliver, Sentu TWlnkle. Avoe '!!!... ~ Tl<M 2-01 4/5 ,,_, .....,...., 13 IX.ACTA (3-5) peld $87 20 :: ~ llXTH llACE.. One llllle -Tlmely Aewerd (Longo) 3.00 2 80 2 40 = ~ You Ct!-(l>Motner) 3 llO 3 00 ...... i;;ij,,,_., UW Wire N (Dunnfgenl 4 60 Roel NuckOlt Al90 rceel. Common Cotton. B Rey ~. D-. ... ...... T ...,_ C e p\lln While. Kenwood Cll•rlH, MT'I UNDtfto (""""'9 ...... ) _ 60 T:;;·;;~ D(ewnlrM, Ir..,, Gene N ::ir;a. 21 bonito, 118 medt...e, f7 rOdl ,...,.. -· ~'7i..~A1~~-4) p.s $27.00 I ' 21 .. nd b•"• 11 •'-PlllMcl 11 L~l~t ICID~~ ... ~~ ~· ........... .' -., _... KVINTI4 llACE. One mltl -· 119 .., ,.,._,,._, -tr a.-Tanllr-'t LOOlilng GOOd (Sherren) 4 00 3.20 2.80 .,,....,, 127 bonito.~ catloo bMe llO lloO Ackll'!Mfl MldnlQlll Peta (Ratelfltord) II 20 S.80 mack .... 1• rode fllll, 3 Mtld ... • Aidt ... c!:: Jovenne Almehurlt (Altc:tllel 3.80 DAM WNA# -147 .,...,_ 31° .,_, 8 Aleo r~ On The S~, Super Ttfdl N, bonito, 178 m•ckerel, H rOOll ""'· 10 Jolln Elem Boorow• Jeck, Entroet Kid, Ofeo llytd, "':l•hMd, l llClllpln, I mtec..i. -Mn Guttenberg Bi~ Donder. N•thant H Al l l ACH -124 •noler• 65 Tom lnekMp .. ltnel;.J·59T 4/S. ) $70 00 =.:~ ~i:~~~o:·= t_~~_! ~ BoorT ~~-..... c A ( 1-1 paid bll9, 2 ~---,..,.., _ 1,.0 ;a;;' b ~";"'"" llCaHTH tu.Cl. One mile trot. 125 Dolllto, 11 llellbut, lOo mackerel ..O lkacldy ~ Pride of Cerllalt (AAd<tnl 4 00 2.60 2 80 Hnd b•M. 300 quffn 11111, 400 Whit• Mllrlc Lye HlrOMly (SprlQOI) l 60 UO °7:':•0711~.~(· OolHIOon ,.,, "-'Y Ome<tt (Flacol 4.40 NIM L11t.in1) -113 Don1'Mee Alto reced· Jlrt•I. Fln•I G•m. Ho11or llnGI«• 63 ~. ,a.-lloM Bound. • .._,.. T\lrlt1y Timi. 1.51 415. T-,.,._ NltfTtf tu.Cl. One mile pece. Alleri ..... Mei-11c Oanc« (Allehle) 31.IO UO 4 20 ~'-=:.. M'llle Frlt.t (Vlllandlnghaml 2 eo 2.eo w~ ... _n 8 .C. Co;int (l.Jo11thllll 4.40 ...., AllO 19Cld' Loo•n• OrHm, Brtml>I• Scr•mble, A•mbllno Kid, Geme "®bl•. ~ ~ WllbrO, Pllflnet, Coc*l)'9 Only Bo)' .. ""',...,..•~·-Tim.-151 315. _... 13 IXACTA (a.2) paid $~24.80 S... .wt • 11teK 11x ca.a.2-1.e-111paidM1<?.P80 "W ~-.... wlllt 11'11 WfMtnQ tleket• (elll llOr-) N Plclc ,,_..,... .... T-- Six cooeoletfon peld 139 20 wllll 211 a.,, Dlloo 2. VtllCOUW'et t '"" OleoowllM Jlllt Mne wtnnfnO IJCl!ett lllW iu-1 ..,-. 2·f) • T.ofl Aii1et, Do111er tiehetlalet1 Ang .. a on Radk> KMPC C1io> An .... on 'TV Chaftnel 'I ilncl8J • ........ ~ 11:30 ,,,. .............. Dodge,. on Aadlo KABC (711) Dodfere on TV Ch•nMt 11 ........ " .... Mond•r • = ·~-:::-4~05 11 , ..... a...5:30 ,_ll ....... 1:3S Tu•ad•r 14 ... et Cllicllo. S'.30 , .......... ,.15 ti ..... a...!:JO ~---)JS Thured8y ..,.. . ............. 5:30 ~lt ....... 7:31 17 ...... , ........ : . ........,_....,,:. ------ ~-70 38-32-70 37-34-71 • H-35-71 31-33~1 38-33-71 35-3&-71 37-34-71 31-35-71 37-;S4-71 38-33-71 37-34-71 37-34-71 ;Ml-33-71 ~-71 37.S..-71 3e-45-7t 34S46-7t 3942-71 3843-71 3744-71 3$oM-71 37-M-71 37-36..-72 M-3e-72 »-33-72 37.U-72 3745-72 37-311-72 ~-72 ~72 ,.,,._72 3141-72 S7.SS-72 3943-72 1943-72 M-33-72 M-34-72 39-33-72 38-34-72 38-33-72 38-34-72 37-38-72 4043-73 38-35-73 s..35'-73 "4~73 M-~&-71 37-3e-73 374'-73 "4&-73 31-16-73 37·36-71 38-37-73 37.Je-73 40-33-73 ~7-73 1747-73 11-31-n llMl-74 M-35-74 3747-74 374'T-74 1747-74 4()44-74 40-S4-74 at-38-74 ~711 3147-71 4144-711 ~~ • 37-38-711 40-3&-711 4045-71 H-3&-711 »39-76 40-36-75 40-ll--71 374-78 40-36-111 4'46-7' -.a-71 37..,._79 41-36-71 41-36-71 ·H41-71 ::=~ 40-at-TI 42·'4-TI .o.a1-n 4148-77 11-41-17 4t.._n ,,.._17 40-37-71 ..._n 4047-77 ..,7_77 ..._.,.. '147-71 •1-M-7t .......................... Gene Meyer (U.S.) Cllf. 8tef111 Simonqon lSWlderl). t-2, e-i, t-1: Hen• Stmoneton SWlden) Cllf. Stan Smlfh (U.S.). 8-0, 7-8, 11·3: Ml19 Wllander (S1 .. den) def. Bruca Mtneon (U.S.). t-2. 7-8, e-1: 'nm Wllkleon (U.S.) def. lltry Stefatlkl (U.S.). t-2. t-2. 3·1, G-8, .. 3; HelN Gunlf1111dt (SWIUertend) def. Etlc: Fromm (U.S.). M , t-7, 7•5, 7-8. ·-··,.,.. 11-.d ........ Ann K1Yornu11 (U.S.) def. Kllhy JClfden (U.S.), 2-6. 1-3, t-3; Beth Herr (U.S.) def Bubar• Gerken (U.S.), 8·2, l ·O: l(lm Stt!nmetz (U.S.) del. Pem CeNle (U.S.). 6-3, W ; ~ SurQln (U.S.) def. Oermellle OhlCo 1u.s.1. r.e. r.a: Bllrber• Roee1 111111VJ def. 8etty Stow (Httlllttand•). ~. a. f:' Zina G•rrleon (U.S.) def. Mich"" Puderova (CWMeilwllkla~ 1-e. 1-2. Allnt White U.S.) def. Corinne Vanier (F'r~ l-1, 6-, 1-3; Claudie KOhde (W .. I O.INlriV) def . ...,,. Blount (U.S.). t-2, a.2; Sendr'9 i.. COfllrl9 (U.$>) 61#. Trey L...- M , .. 1: "'-~ def. Laur• 8erneteln (11.S.). 1 ·6. , lettlam (U.8.1 del. LAie Foroocl (U.8,). 1-3, l-2, ~ Cummlnas (U.S) dal. Loulu Allen (U.S.), 7-8. 8-4; Iva ludarov• (Czechoalovakl•I de l. Jenny l<Jtdl 1u.s.1. w . a.1; l9iOh """ Tf!Ompeon (U.S.) del. Kai• Braher (Brittin), t-1, 6-0; ~ CtOM (U.8,) del. Stecy Mllrgoltn CU.8.). a.1, t-t. ._...__...__. ........ Trecy Autlln (U.S.)1Mf. 8etll Not\on ~,). 7 .. , W ; Pwn 8twW (U.8,) a.I. eh Jevene (lttU*\), 8-0, •1: Manuell MlllMve l&ulotrJll del Kim SMlnm!Mz(U.9.). 6-7 ... 3, 7-&; Chrle.£-1 Lloyd (U'8.) def. Kelly Henty, (U.S.), t-1, f.1: Roe Fllltbri (South AMG.) del. lertlenl Potter (U.S.), 1-4, t-1: Virginie R1111ct (Aomenl•) det. Ann Henrlchaon (U,S.). f.2, f.3; 8etll Herr (U.S.) def. Anne Ma.rte Fern•ndez (U.S.). 7-5, 7·1: Luci• "om•nov (Rom•nla) del. Ann Kfyomure (U.S.), a.2, t-o: Qrftchen RI-" (U.S.) daf. Mime J-(Y~. 7.5, 2-8, 1-4; Vldll Nellon (U.l .f d•t. SUH~ Malelrln (U.S.), 4-11. M , f.2, ...... a""' AaWld 0...... Drew Gitlin.Jim Gurtetn (U.S.) del. Pat Ceth CAuttt...,.Mike .._ (U.8.1. 7-8, 1-3; 8herwooci 81-t·ferdl Tiwen (U.S.) def. Andr" J9ffe1t.Jonathen Smith (Brlteln), •1. 1-4; 8rlld ~Werren Mlher (Autttllle) del. Rlcetdo A.cune..iu.i Cerloe (CN!e), 7·6, .... ; Pat DllPre (U.S.)-Frtndtco Gon.utN ~Puerto Rco) dal. Ma• &tep-Mifle Alfll)ec:tl U.8.). 6-4, 8-3; Fritz Bualvq (U.S.>-Jolltn rlek (South Afrlc•) def. Julio Oo" (llted)..l'>w HjerQU(et (lhotlclen), .. 2, 1-4; Jlr1 Grtfl•t (C1ecnot1ovel(f•)-Erlck tekerelly (U.S.) def. Joh11 Lloyd CBrltalnl·Dlck &toc*ton (U 9 ), a.2, M : !llevl Meteter· Cr•to wntue (U.S.) def. ~ DtLoule-Jeff t:f.!.•~U.8.), t •2. a-t. 1·3: Trecy Purotl (U.S.) del. Clwle lAwla (...,. ZMlllrlcl)-P.,, ~ (AUltrella). ?•t , 4·1 , 1 ·3, 8r•d Drewett . (Alletrlllte)-8cott•McClln (U.S.) daf. Freel ~·Ettk -~(U.S.). 7-8, 7-8 • Ton~-M•tt Mllc:hetl (U.S.) del. ....... ~(U.S.). t-7. 1.-. t-2; Wo)t•k Flbek (Poland)·John l'll:rgereld (Auelralla) det, D•nnl• A•leton·M11ty "-'-(U.S.). M , 8-3; Cltudlo P-tt• lll81YHll• NN1•M (Aomanl•) def. Irle IMttiedt·T~ watll<e (~.S. M , 7..e; John ~red ltole ) def. "9181 ~...,.. ..._JU, .). l-11... l-1; ~ l( ...... M M-(U.S.) def. Miid Ellllt· Geoll' MeoOoftMI (U.S.~ 1-3, 7-8; CN11R at,.,...ome atrode (U.8.) det. Eddi• .,_.._ lloutll All'IOe>leo Pll!I (FlnlMd). 4 .... M,~~ ,.._ (U.8.)-8MlonQ li.onJ CllC. Mn Devle:(:hrli ~~ ... :L~eourn.etllne (U.·.) Nf, Atvero-Jtfme 111'.ltlot (Olllle). .... 1 ... f,.S, B YU bla nks Las Vega s • in ope ner LAS V JtOAS ~AP) -Briatwn Youns . Unlver1hy quarterback Steve Youna threw for 271 yarda to l ead the Cougar• to a convincing. 27 -0 w1n Thurtday over the UnJveralty of Nevada, Laa Vegu ln the opening aarne of the college foo&ball 1euon. Young, showing few lU effecu from the bll1t.erlng heat that reached 108 degrees at kickoff, completed 17 of 21 puaes in the first half and l9 of 26 for the pme u BYU al'redded the Rebel defe~ for a td\al of -t68 yards. The 1outh~w quarterback, who replace~departed BYU All-American Jim McMahon, led the Cougata 20-0 at halftime before BYU elected to go mo.tly with a running fame In the ·1 e co n d h a lf o the non - conference game. BYU jumped to an early 7-0 lead ln the first quarter when Young hit ruhning back Scott Pettie on a 3 .. yard touchdown paaa. The Cougars Increased it tQ 20-0 just before half time when bac kup qua1terback Eric Krzmarzick, who replaced Young for one play after the starter suffered a hard hit,, thr~w a 5-yard scoring pass to back Jimmy Jones. The lead might have been e ven greater, but BYU placekicker Kurt Gunther miaed three field goalrand had another nullified by an illegal procedure penalty in the.~t half. BYU also f~ to capitaliz.e on a first-and -g oal scor i ng opportunity on the Rebel 1-yard line when the UNL V defense stilfened. UNLV, playing its first game under new hM<i coach Harvey Hyde , had trouble moving the ball both on the ground and in the air. The Rebel offense managed only three first downs in the first half • territory onJy once in the half, moving to the Cougar 49-yard line before quarte rback Steve White threw an in~ption. BYU tight end Gordon Hudson was Young's J'avorite target, grabbing eight passes for 132 yards i ncludj ng a 50-yard reception in th~ third quarter. The Cougant'kept the ball on the fround dlf ring the second h a J , s c o r l·n i t h e i r f i n a 1 touchdown on a 1-yard keeper by Young with 2:~ left in the third period. The ~ore climaxed a drive of 69 yar& in wbkh BYU kept the ball on the ground for all 11 plays. Etchells -22 r e gatta gets under way SAN FRANCISCO -Six local 1kippen are here competing for the w o rld Etchells-2 2 championship. 1'he regatta got under way today at St. Francis Yacht Club. Local skippers are Tim Hogan, Gene Williama, Ben Altman , Scott Muon ~ Kent Edler, all from Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and Rick Hawthorne, Balboa Yacht Club. Champlorurup racing on San Franciaco Bay •tarted today with one race each today, Saturday and Sunday. Monday will be • lay day (rest ct.n and the r.ong will reaume..l :I'ueaday ana continue throuah Thunday. Etcbell1~22il•re one of the mos\ popular o~ y.chta lb Newport Be-~ch with 33 regtsiered in ~ local fleet. The yacht wa1 dealcned by Skip Etchells of New York a1 a potential Olymplca a.., but the Soling wa1 choaen over t he Etch ells becauae it waa leas expensive to build. Long Beach hosts show ' . . I )_ _ ()range COut DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 3, 1982 1 . . by Charin M. Schulz -------by Vlrgtl P1rtch (VIP) PUNl.!T THE •IG fiEOaGE .. f,\MILt' CIRCl:I ~ by Bii Keane l f a r i y . 11Y ou'll have . to buy me some new cords, Mommy. I've worn the treods off these." "No, you can't 11nd a mt111ge." by Brad Anderson . "Stop looking at me like that...a lot of people talk to their plants!" I Jl'DGE P AR,kER Hank Ketchum SOMETHING EV'Ef'VTHINC:.'5 MOON Mt:LLIN8 W~. W"ONG! I WANT ec581 YOU TO GO '1ET O.e. ANO ePllNCio HI!" OUT HEfl'E NOW! -WJ.lAM! ~BIFFl BAM! THE CAPEP :.IENG£R YtOO&.P 8E A MOR£ EFFECTIVE CAIME FIGHTEf\ IF H£ PIPN'T MAVE TO U~ ONE HAND TO MOLD HIS CAPE UP WEL'L, 1/M Gl.,AD 10 ~ePDRT -rHA-r MOON HAS GIVfN uP ~O~.f CHIU>l$H CbMIC BOOKS! by Ferd & Tom Johnson YeS·· l S,AW TH~ DEAR goy GOING /NTo AN •• ADULT BoOK STO~E". -.r--~ .. ,, Health Tips. • f.J SHOE NANCl' When you are Jooking under yoo,r ~ser for something you'Ve k>st,don't bump )Qlr htad KIDDIES HAVE vdJ SEEN YOUR DENTIST N0---1 HAVEN'T LATELY? "' GORDO ECHO CANYON Hl't J MiD PE~U.Q ... ! . And don't say I didn't warn you. "by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller THERE HE IS--HE LOOKS FINE by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk I 'D AVOID rr INSIDE: "fflE CAF€T€RIA 100 ! by Kevin Fagan I ~SS I S~O'llE LEr ff 1"~ ()IJf r&RSr. HIS Plc:>N'1" PU"f'A COIN IN 'THe SL-0~ c:>AV6 .1 by George Lemont ·n-fE!N PUT POWN "f"He &UL...L...HORN, WAL..."f' .... Wf! AIN'1" 5-r'ROt<tN' HIS e!c:;() FOR NIX! • J Orano• Coat DAILY PILOT"rlday, hptember 3, 1112 E c o llomic fears h a u lit conlerence of world ·ban TORONTO <AP> -F an of an International lendln, crl1l1 haunt a Wffk of talks by lnanoe mlnl1tar1 and leading bankert aathered from acroea the &lobe ln aean:h of economic curee to the world-wide ~on. Th occaaion ii the 31th annual meotin1 of the two majol" world lendlna or1anlzatlon1, the In\lrna\lonal Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Economic leaders from more than 140 natlon1 are expected to attend MUlona whlch/1•t under way thia weekend. . The ~ t11rlm. Grim about 1 d•terior•tina economic outlook for rich and poor naUont alike; about mount!~ financial 1tralna on the world 1 most Indebted GLITTER FADING -An Omaha, Neb., woman waits disconsolately for her husband as he checks out of the Royal Americana off the Las Vegas strip. The hotel closed earlier this year -sJgn of the city's economic problems. Hard tiines hit Las Vegas Gambling mecca now has to go_ out and sell itself LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Once con s iderea ''r eces - sion -proof ," this city of bright lights and big bucks has been on a losing streak lately with hotel occupancy down, unemployment up and not enough people willing to gamble. The resulting economic ripples have produced an unem lo~nt rate of 10.7 percent in a city £hat did not feel the effect s o f previous recessions. Yet the city's gaming leaders aren't folding. Four of the moet astute hotel people are putting $313 million on the line to purchase or expand four major hotels. "For a number of years, Las Vegas was the only game in town," says Bill Morris of the Holiday Casino. "But now you have an increasing number of countries that permit legalized gaming, you have Atlantic aty and you have race tracks In California open on Sunday. "The fac t Is the town has been prosperous without exerting haelf." he said. "Now we're going to have to go out and sell ourselves." Nearly 16,000 people recently applied for 1,400 jobs at the newly· opened El Rancho Hot.el. Another 2,000 lined up for 96 jobs at a new restaurant. A total of 29,000 residents in thia city of 500,000 are out of work, and Em p 1 o y m·e n t Sec u r It y Department Director Larry McCracken says that number will likely rise in the months ahead. "Many people have long oonaldered Lu.Vegas the land of milk and honey," says Don Payne, diredor of the cit 1 news bureau. ''They figure they can always get a j:>b 1n Vegas. They just seem to migrate here." The Royal Americana and the Silverbird hotels cloeed last year, throwing hundreds out of work, but the Silverbird has reopened with a new name, the El Rancho. Its rejuvenation Lt one of the ciy's bright signs. Ed Torres, owner of the-/daddin, paid $~ million for the old Silverblrd and s p e nt a similar amount remodeling the property. He plans a $20 million high-rise addition. Other h otel owners are following suit. Frank Scott ls doubling his downtown Union Plaza at a cost of $50 million, Hacienda owner Paul Lowden has purchased the Sahara for $50 million and former Caesars Palace chief Clif(ord Perlman has signed a non-binding letter of intent to purch.ue the Dunes for $.Ha ..million. Policy changes are also creating unemployment. Hotel lounges, long a staple on the city's entertainment menu and the launching pad for many of today's stars, are fading. They are being replaced by more profitable keno parlors and slot machines The demiae of the lounges and their musical groups plus a conversion from name entertainers to package shows has left the city's musician's union with a 40 percent unemployment rate. After the Riviera paid Dolly \Parton a record $350,000 for a one-week stint last yeat', many long-time Vegas entertainera and their agentl uaed her salary as a standard for negotiation•. Salaries went through the celling. ~ S teel penalties could co s t U.S. cons umers WASHINGTON (AP) - Imposing penalty duties on subaldized ateel imports could C09t U.S. consumers hundred.a of millions of dollars without helping troubled domestic steelmakera, a Federal Trade Conuni.-ion attorney 1&)'1. "An erroneous finding of Injury could lead to loues for United Stats COlllWllera and the economy of up to '480 million ann\lally,'' FTC attorney Benjamin Cohen laid. Cohen testified before a U.S. International Trade Commilalon hearing on the ~sible steel trade duUes. Amer{ca's major steelmaken have ttq'#ested that the United Sia~ lmpcm. Apart from Coben'1 remarks, the FTC took no formal poetlon oh whether the U .S. lntematlonal Trade Comm1-lon should impoH 10-called countervailing dutlee on Imported steel from 1evera\, forelgn natlona to ofhet sut.ldie:a the forelan sovemmenta srant their companies. Repreaentatlvea of forel&n steelmaken, who uy the U.S . government &>rovldea almilar aubaidiee to lta own companjea throu1h tax lncentlvea, were tcheduled to pretent the ITC with their re1pon1e to the chara-. Cohen Hid t h•t the ITC, before llttlna any dutlea, mUlt be poattlw tbat 1Ubeidl• have cauled man1 ol the domntlc industry'• pr'oblerne. Otherwtle, hi ..,.....cl. duU. wm tnn111 con1umer co1ta even H the dClmmtk ~ C.'IDftUnue to encounw dlffkuhlll. count.rlet; abOUt _. wldenJna rlrt between the United Statet and lta allle1 over trade, economic pollclet and relaUon1 with the Soviet Union. The main diapute at the formal meeUn,1 Involve• money: how much n new loans can be extnc1ed from th United Sta~ and ha induatrlal allies, who contribute the bulk of the fundt for the IMF and the World Bank. Informal dilculaiona will focua on the threata the lnteMlAtlonal banking system faces from a growlna U1t of troubled debtors unable 10 meet payment.I on thelr multi blWon-dollar deb-., auch u Mexico, Argentina, Poland and Cuba. , "Obvlou.aly, there ia danget' in the banking ayatem at thia polnt untll auch tifne as these problems can be worked out," concedes U .S . Treasur y Secretary Donald T. Regan, who la heading the American delegation· along with Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A . Volcker. 111 think we can anticipate that there will be a lot of peulmlsm about the world economic situation and concern about the International financial system," Regan told reporters earlier this week. "But all of this needs to be balanced by a realistic appraisal of some of the poaltlye things that are happening ln the world economy." He noted that inflatlon is easing In the industrial countries, price• for oil have softened, interest rates in the United States have fallen sharply and proepects are brighter for much Improved economic growth in the lnduatrial nations next year. The IMF and World Bank do not see as many silver linings In OVER THE COUNTER the economic cloud1. In their la1.et annual report., they noted that tt1ht-money /ollclt1 adopted by the ln uetrlal countrlH to combat Inflation have produced the lonaett world economic alwnp alnce the 1930t, hlah unemployment and 1teep int.ereat ratet. For the re.t of the decade, the lendlna or1-anhatlon1 aee dlminiahed proepec:ta for •trona economic arowth amona rlcfi naUona .... The poorett naUona flele even 1reater poverty, the lnlUtutfona warn. Anxiety about the longer-term economic outlo9k haa been helahtened by recent ahort-tenn financial criJlea. Cuh ... hort Mexico, the largest Third World borrower, la aeek.lnQ emer1ency loan• ana poetponement of $10 billion ln paymenta oomin8 due on tta $81 billion debt to foreignerl. Other major debtora unable to meet payment.I this year include Argentina: with $36 bllUon ln foreign borrowing; Polandi which owes Western financla DONALD REGAN \ NASO LISTINGS NIW YOl'K ~ -Colrlle \I.,.. 11\lo lnlr<Enr ~ 4Y, PeerNll 11/l '"' Sire.Cl NASDAQ quo al ne ColOGlos 1.n W2 lnltl'llll u .... 24ltl PeNEnt 1"91~ SuNru ComCIH Siii. u 1111.-11\lt IR Pent• • lit.,, .... tre•EI 111'°'""'9 11..-i Mela CmlSlv • 10 11111'1\IOt 11\or 11~ '""PEllP 1'411161/l " _._,on.re br CmwTel l211'1 !lift lnlwtft ..... 11/l Pelrlt• ""'~ T ME IX. ~Pr~ do not C-Pap » 26\17 lwaSoUt ~,. .... PetllMll U UV. l::::= Cordis 21 27\1> ~:r~ 14 14 Pftlla-J1.--lll lrlCll* ..... -... Crotl'9 I,_. 16 t2'-22\lo Piere.SS 12'-12'-, • ...,p markdown o r CutlrFcl s I 1\oa vjJlflY 1·» 11-12 Plnlt,,,, .M " Tel<rnA com,.,l eelon lo r 5?!3:"1 si. ~ ~~~~ f:"' tt~ PionHI s ~JI 1-Tlllnclay. n n.,. "°''I' 10\li II l~101'1 Stock alcl A.i< 0.'(1M I 15 15\17 Ka Ivar P<91GM ~ »"-AEL lnct I~ 14 o ... , ~. 1).16 1 "16 I ).16 Pr1S1eyw1 »'-»"> Toyota s AFAl'rol ts i.11o g:r~ 1611. ,. .... Kaman lO 10\ie Pr09<JI t'-2Y l:'rc!~ AVMQI 4 ~ II 114 KelySy I ~ ,,.._, PllSYNC IJYt l~ A<ICllllS II .. It Dewey El l\• "' Klm~ll 11\lo II Purlit.n 16VI I~ 'fy..iFd ~;, lo I~ OleCrn u ,. Kl119l11I 2Y, 2\lo Piii~ IJ 14 UnM<Gll PlallCru 21 2J KIOolG ,_ 2't't ~r 1~16"1 US Enr Aciv..,OH ~ 4 Poc:utel 20h 21, ~~!l:v 1:11. 1:~ ,. .. ,::.: 7\lo 7h US Sur Alillll 16 I~ OollrGn JI"° Jlh Ray ""' 11"'4 USTro A lcolnc Jl'h U ~t:.~ 17\1> " Kull<... Ulli U V. ,. __ a n v. UVtBll\ AmarH ~ Sh ~23t. L..an<• 1 U1h 24 RoadSv 47\;o 47\1> ~;~ ... APum 5"' Sh OlinltD ~ n.a. LenctRet Jh 4 lloODMy 11 11~ AGr-. 2111'1 2th Dlirlron "'-~ LaneCo 4CM 4114 It-17h1M VMIR :~r ... ~~t~ e11nvnc 1JV. """ Lllnvs 25'\ 2'"11 Saclliet "' . Val,..., EconLeO U'lo Uh Llnlnl .I U V. ,1~ ..... . -~ VanOul "i: ..... ~ ElPatEI ,I_ II"" ~Im • ll'h stlN!Gcl 21 21" Velcro A~ lh 1 E_ .. s ~ le 411'> •I stP ... .. ~ VIC1rast .... ,, t1V. Ele"""I ... "" ~ Wi ~JI krltlt4 • \I ""' ~~ Anadlle .... ~ EllMCI s 17\lt 17\lt l"Oll .._ ..... 1:::-. 1"-""' Aftl$A 1J I ... EnrDev ~It Med\GE 'IAo. 16V. tiloo J:)\I> WarnEI ....... Gd 75 75¥> EnrlMI 11h lh ::r:IPt • • .... I:: 17" 17"' Wlfllnr = llY.:e Eft"w ,_ "' Ill s s JI\'>,,._ woe.. 16\'t Entwtlll f) 14 Marlon )\lo 4 SflMld ,.... J4\j, WHold ArlfeflOp Jiit ~ EqvlSL 4 •Mt MaulLP 10 JI tr.;;; t7 Jl\lo wmorc AllGIU IS Ullt ~i~I ..... "" MarPI 1\11 I llVa " ........ Allanll s 11V. 21 .. s..n i~ ::i~ ~J Mlkona UY, 1t\lt WlterO I Avnlft 16111 \~ armGtt ,..., .. SC91wtr 1J I \It WOIVAlu FICllc:or ltv. Ith NICFarl 7\4 1 WCM'MI lnlUtutlOJ'l tt'l.bWJon, and Cuba, which ti beliewd to O'Wt w .. iem lendera mon"Oaan tl billion. Lenden allo'-~ jtwry after a ruh of mQ>r banK f&llww and corporate benkruptdel, lncludinc the Penn Square Bank ln Oklahoma City, Italy'• Banco AmbroeJano and the bi1 Weat German ~nufacturer AEG· Telefunken. The ahaky flnandal situation puta new preHurea on the 146-natlon IMF, which w11 created alt.er World War 11 to maintain a 1table and 1ecure system of int.emaUonal banking. Backed by fl.nandaJ pledges from ' the wealthy Jl•tlona, the fund makes ahost-term loans to count{iee unable to meet their foreign debta. The 144-natlon World Bank makes a Iona-term loans for major agricultural and induatrial projecta designed to encourage economic development ln poorer nations. Both organbatlona allocate voting aharea baaed on the aJze of a COJ.mtry's cbntributlona. Thia sytem has put the power for 1etting policy in the hands of the United States and Its allies. There ii general ~t that the IMF's lending pool needs to be increased from it.a current llmlt of $66 billion. France hu joined moat Third World countries in seeking to double that amount, but the United States, BrHain and West Germany want a "modest" increase. The United States also is propOsing that the IMF 1et up an emergenc:y fund to handle unexpected request• from nationa such aa Mexico, which la negotiating a $4 billion IMF loan. 1411> u ..,.,, 41 UPS AND DOWNS n . 11ooi ,,_ . Vt ~ .NEW YORK tAPI ~fol-"'9 lltt. Jl'oan ,..,... lM Dwr • • ~r ,. ,,. .. Sloc:lls ..o wer,..., ,....,. ..-wp '1 •J ........ --... --.. • 201. pef(-of c-. r...,..... of -14\r> IS tor~=. Siio SV. No M<.,.I lr-:::r. --U are in<I• J~ J ....... ---... ~•¥•U. ~ ,,_ ditlereKe .::'W::.. :i..r...i-<lotine 6 • .,. bid 11"°9 •• • old pnce. IHli D 1 ... 17 15\1> 1'\'t ~ ~ 2Sl't ~ u" llh llh ......... I.HI .o't. f'ct. 34\lo JS ~ , ... I OIC«p 2"11 Up 41.7 IJ\to l:Rro 2 Ml<• z fllf IS + • Up , .... .wt '5to J Micro l Jh + "" Up au l~ISol'I • K:tlnt JYt • ... Up JU no. 10 s V orG , + 1-. Up U,4 I,_ lift ' BSO-W , .... + 1'-"" u.• "' , .. 7 ACS lfld J • .. Up 111 .,, s I cwco 4 + "' Up U I ~Ith • ;;;-&. F:1Hp 11.A 12• IJ IO ~ p JIA 1 .... IJll. 11 c:.rolln • I P • •• D\lo Dllt u ~ • + IV. Up JU JM.,,_ ll Cofler-' • A + "' Up ••• I~ 17w 14 ..,.., • J Up ,, ... 14\o'o UV. IS GCJllOI I s.-. • ... Up IU "16\17 11 1' ""'°"" 11111 : I'* Up 11.t ~ 6 17 OimLH 14 Up IU 11 .... 11~ 11 Syties ... • l\oo Up J6.4 Bal~ ~ 6V. t;:EtSlv 16'4 = !lellyP .... 7Mt ~:~ 2t'n~ =& m:a -Loi ...... 1 .... 1t Nul"9Y 4VI + .. Up 16.1 ... "" 4JV. e't:1J:n ~ II~ llO us°"" •V. "' Up 14,1 1a~~E 11 11'4 Wr:mw II~ 11~ + • • 11•1• 19-l"IE~ 17llo 17illo Ml tNW ltv. 20\lt t:: n;: Zion I U J~ JI ,...,...., .... ... " Up ls.I ... 11Fr 1014 ~ FtWn In 4\11 ~ ~!ICAP 1'-• ...... -....,i<elll•. ZJ S~Wst ,... + .... Up U,4 faYi.Mll l~l~ Flr.\1111' D 2JVt Mlcllllat SlerlSI 2:-. 2._ 14 u bs"" ~ + ~ Up u.o le911,,. SV. S'-Fiie J'i 22Vt 22\4 11·1' 1J..I ts UACom I,_. + I'll. uo 14.6 lenlPI II IS-141 M f'i.H i. 2S 2Slll1 Miii~ ~17 , .... oc .. 1~ ,~ MIH IG In. II hUL I JI~ J2 hreMO ~,.. ,., .... ...... ~ DOWNS ...... 174 11 Form;r; ' M "" MonfCol ,.., n. 111141GO 12'11 12 .... Fr-II 12 ~ '"" 1n. 81rc1Sen t ·"" Fr-E 1,_ U loli • ..... llrtclV • 4"11 FrwSG ~,, .... "'°""'" 12 12\0o .._ l.Hl _o;i, Pu. ··~ "" """ Fr-.... ~ Mortrn '°""~ I 0..EI '°"' °" K l ._ lhli.16 FllllrHI 11\lo !At ~ .... ,.,. NASDAQ SUMMARY ' ~ 2"'--"' °" 16.7 BrwTem ""' fl\ GnAutm .... ~ 16Y, II J "" -"' °" t4.J 8U<ldle9 IJ'6 IJ GnO....C• lh 2 Nerr9( JIYt 22Yt 4 e= 1 -I °" IU . .,,,... ,. ,. .... Gnlll&I ,. .... \• NO.le 17Vt 17'11 NEW YORK (API --· active -· s .-. -"" °" ll.1 ""~ '°" *-a.:-= 11"' J \oo NetWllS 14"' 144 "":.<.::-• s:c~ '1!'Jlecl A:.'°ect 1i; • Tr!Owft> ~ -"' Off 11.S ~ In 2Yt , .... 8~. 't' 17 =~~& I~ lb ,~ 4 -"' Oft II.I c ,,.. QYj SY>~ -.oc . ... m ,a .,..., 41-.. .-rn t -\lo OH 11.1 c..IW\Sv MV. '1\1'1 Gllln\Jll • ' NleltllA ~ Sll'll S.0Vl'9" s.. .,,.... "' ~ -~ ' -rll 211. -\lo 8:: IO.O C41nraclH Jlh >'-~!.':r 1 7 Nletsn I SIYt JUlt S'l'kH . ... Ut-lh t +l\lo 10 San8ar '"' -1 t.S c;.pf:. ... , ... I. Pol. ~ Nike 8 ...... Intel • . . • . 451,11111 UY> >JW. +I'° 11 lin11DK9 2\1'1 -"' OH t.I C• I 10 I°" HemlP\ 11 11111 NCarG1 12"' 1,._ A=.C , • i.,100 11\;o I"' t I'll 12 r.::r"' ... 10 -I Off t.I CaoAlr II 4\1> ~ Har-IW. 2 NWIN<k 11\lt "" F lllllG t .. ";:.. No tVt + Iii 1J s -..,, OH t.1 C.r.Cp l0\4 %1 Hrpll-Wt .... Nw11PS '"' 17 BT~. 21 -t4W. l4l'll +2 u ~ ..... t v. -.... Off t.I c.lu• I~ 10'4 Ha~ 27W. ,. .. " No•ell n"'• ~o,;" m:: = !! ·;·~ IS PNI • '"' v. Oft L7 CNrlllv 30 1014 Ha I 21 .... 2ll'll vjNucrp IMI "' 14 OllltlCTu 21 -2 Off L7 CtwrnS lt\I> 12l'll =~~ U..22111 0<•-12l'll 1J andOn , . . uuao 11 """ . "' 17 ~Ir I~ -I Off u CMrtH 224 22'-21 ,, .... ~~': -15\lo II AlmoSA '"' "" OH LJ ChrnlAa 14 IS Holobrn 2"11 2\17 . ..__ ~Meecl ....... ....... ~ It ~ 4Mt "' Off u CllHUll IS'h 161'> --u 11\lo OtlFerro l\lt .-. Decll-.................... Ml ,. Hertel s S4 -"" OH a.o ""*' as u~ ~IJR1 J , .... OtlerTP 19'1. Ith Un<llMOld . • ....... , • • • • • . 2.257 J I °"*"" ) -.... Off 7J Clrfk» 6'h ~ IMS lf'll ISl'lll~ PCA Int Siio 5"' Total -. .................... ;\.1't 22 Horii Rs J -\lo Off 1J CIUSoOe I M ..... ...,. •• • ................ Mii 23 ICl"*1l 6\lo -"" Oft 1A ISC IJ'h I~ ,._ .. 1~1 ... ~·.·.·.~:::·.:·.:·.·.·.:·~ tA ............ 6\1) Yt Off 7.1 ~ ~ILJl)I. I r-=p 17~ ~ -OH CltrVtl JJ\I'> J4 Intel 31 .... J7W. .-. MUTUAL FUND NYSE COMPO.SITE ·TRANSACTIONS ~eUT .... 11•~'-llM , ........ 'Me111wv .. •,M1 ... n ,•ac"1 ttaw ... , .. ,MT•Ofl AlfO CllKtlflfAt'l tNC• I ICIU .. I. AllO .. flOttlO n TMI ,_ ••• UO llftflNU 1. • a Cll ~,,_-..... _ ... - I Fluor heads Ja·pan project ,.,.._win le"leea The wieat modular labrlcatlon offon In the world la tak1ft8 place ln Nagoya, Japan, under lhe dlNCtlon ot the Southern California dlvillon of Fl\.M>f' Jr.nalneen Inc., Irvine. • The work lnvolvee fabrication of approxtmat.ely 200 modW. for proceea planta, utillUee and offaite fadUUet for Saud! Petrochemical Co. ln AJ .. Jubell, Saudi Arabia. , • The grua-roota, etl\ylene-~ petrochemlcal fadllty la a joint venture of Saudi Buie Induatriee Corp. ind Pecten Arabian Ltd., an affiliate of Shell Oil Co., Houaton.- SABIC ii a Saudi Arabian govemmenk>wned corporation responalble for the development of petrochernlCala, metall and fertlliz.era ln the kingdom. VTN reports released VTN Corp., Irvine, haa reported resulta for the fourth quarter and filcal year ended May 31. The net loa foe the fourth quarter wu $~1.967, or 28 centa per abate, on 2,055,330 shares outata.ndlni, compared with a net 1oea of $577,009, or 29 cerita, on 1,99~,202 1hares outatandtng for the like period lut year. Revenues for the fourth quarter were $4,954,480 vw. $5,010,663 for the like peri<>d last year. The net 10. for the year was $544,555, or 27 cents, on 2,026,618 averase shares outstanding, compared with a net lcm of •SOt,521, or 25 centa, on 1,983,312 average lhares oui.tandlng last year. Revenues for 1982 were $22,060,618-w. J21,633,914 in 1981. VTN Corp, la a highly diversified international engineering, architectural, planning and environment.al design firm. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK(APl Flnel Oow-J-~ w~Y.•, .. AMERICAN LEADERS JD '"° ~ .. ~:r., :::0 ~.1'!2 JO Tm :157.Sf »7 .• &U.74 JU.71 + •.U IS Ull llU9 llS.7a 111.60 llS.17+ OM •5 Slk l47.'7 us ... MS.'4 JU ... + US '"°"' ......... •.m.• Tr~ .,..... .. .. 1,742..a Utlll • . . . • • 1,Ml,toa ' .S Siil .. . . . .. . .. t.-.100 WHAT STOCKS DllJ HEW YORK (AP) Sep. 2 -~1 AM(&Ol(l T~ 110. ~ Ml 1'90 no s HEW YORK IAPI Sip. 2 METALS n.nda1 M1 1'7 210 . ,,.. 2~ ........ MJ. ., ., 1954 i.2 l NEW YORI< (AP) -SC>Ot nonterroue -ltric* ThwnOey Copper 7CM-73 centl a powld, U.S. delttn•llona. Lead 26-29 cent• a pound. ZJno 40 oentl • pound. dellllered. "" 16.5075 M91. ... w.-QOfllPOllla. ~ 1tr77 cenlt •pound. N.Y. lll••r S7.H5 ~~ ounco. N v. CotMA l90I month c Wed. .._, 1315.00 par ..... ,....,_ S3 t4.ao.l320.00 uoy ounoa. snvrr Handy & Human. 17 .910 per Croy ounoe COLD QUOTATIONS .,-n..Aoenh••-..,_ s-:1ed ~ 9old ~~ ., L...--morning nidng $408.is. vp ts.00 a...... .,,.,_ tlxlflO S4()1.76, Ufl • $450. 'aria 1fto1noon ft•lllG '402.H , up $4.13. ,,.,.,..,. 11xJna '407.10, up IS,15. z:...... .... lftemoon ftldng 1411.00. up te.2& bid: 1411.711 .... HaMJ a ...,_ only dally quota '409.76, up $4.80 . ... ~ oN'J o.Jtt quo19 *40U5. up ........ oNy o.Jtt QU04ll f'atlrtcated '430:2•. up 14.n • ..... ......... -...c l406.00. up ... 14.od. .,.,.. ,_ <:II f r· I Qr11ng41 Oout DAIL y PILOT ll'rlda~. leptember ~. 1112 . A Labor .Day Weekend . Family Event ~·:· The Up With People Show is an internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way into your heart with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this expertly choreographed, colorful festival of music. '· Advance tickets for '7 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Tickets on night of performance are sa at the gate. Event co-sponsored by 0{ange Coast College and Orange Coast Daily Pilot. Coming Sept., 5 and 6 to 9 !ange Coast College auditorium at 8 p .m. • .. I . CIAlllFllB Ftlday, S•Pt•mber 3, 1882 Looking for a career jn sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. . !!~!!!.~ . .'! .• :.-::. !~!!.('!.~(. ... ::: !'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'.'!. ...... !'.!!!!.{'!.!.'.'!. ...... ;.'.!!!!:(•!.!.'.'.~ •••••• 1 !~!!!.{'.'.l1!.•.= .. ~ !'.'.!!!!.('!.bi!:.= !'.'.!!ii.~!.~.'! ...... . ~~~~{ •....•... !.'.fl f!~~!~{ ......... !.~I f!.-.~~~{ ••••••••• !.o.!I f!.~!~{ .•••..••• !.o.!I ff!!t.l!!!'! •••.•• !.~:~11!t.lf!!, •••••• !.~!t t'.'J.~ •• ~~ ••• !.l.ft ~.~.~1~ ••• !~f -,. "" 1111 ,. :: h~ ....... , :,:: All real Mtate ad¥Mlt- IMO ad In Ull• newspapw II 11* tubJIC( to l"-Fedefal ::: Fair Hou1lng Act of •• 19&8 Whlctl ITIU• tt It.- PllllllU •••• Prl.J.e West Bay bayfront. su.,. for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty vle;;-M...ine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 eq.ft. $1,385,000, Oceanfronb. --.. _ Liil llLI 11111 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 IA bath. Lge L.I\,, 2 boat sllPI $1~.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + larie rec. rm. beam ceillnp, (umilhed, patioe. $420,000. :: teoal to advert.IN "any "" prlferenee, nm1tatlon or ::: dllctlmlnatlon baMd on Liii& llU IAYFlllT ... race, color, religion, MX T A vi #--6 bdrm ..... A.... la 1• "' national or\gln or .... goon ew uuua • ,, ..,..,,, P vroom, ll: any Intention to make 'darl< rm, den. Boal .Up. Now $1,000,000, any .uch prater~. 11-IAYllll PUOE mltatlon ors :: dl1erlmlnat1on." pectac:ular bayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, l!: Thi• newtpap9r wlll not 2 ba dn. 2 boat 1paces. Reduced-$1,500,000. ;: knowingly accept any OlllUll. aayl :: advenlllng tor r .. 1 ... .,. a• 1111 wNctl i. In vtolatlon Coronado laland CUit. bayfront lol. 85' boat :: of the law. dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w /terma. ZIOI DOI --:WO -11'0 -- 1 .. -Die - 1111111 Advertis- ers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAIL y PILOT as- sumes liability for ILIFFI ClllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt & lake. $250,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.I' S .. y, d· D• •. '• ~ 61'l 6161 ----the first Incorrect I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\ Insertion only. a'·.-.-.. -.-w-.--···~:.:•• VIEW -•••••••••••••••••••••• 19,000 down and S932 :: IHI lll•lf a month buy• thl• "'11 •••••••••••••••••••••• cla11lc condo with 2 LOT 4'lt C.•11'1 lllJ mutw bdrms, 2 b1th1. = • • ••••••• •••• • • • • • • • •• Mu.at .... t.Na ....-C~. :: 1111,000 ~3 ~ ~u~b rd\114 ~:~~\ffi: even hU flnenelnO and • ---------1 .teller l~ld -OY9I' 1140,0001 Call to-1--171 1214,IOO UlllHIEll JIGO And prklld to Miii 3 m• Bdrm 2 bath ~ In : Harbor VJew HJ>m.._ ,.. Really good tlnanclng = and Miier *'II aldl Re-duced 14.000. Cell to- -day, ~7171 •u -----------*"' - THE ~EAL ESTATERS c:=. ,, ' ' _,...,I ./ • t I • , ~~~~~~~~':" -.... •i.. "· : lflM·UtlS..Pt. ----- = .. Ut 11111tt = ·---Eutllde Coeta M ... 2 Bf. 2 B.. ~. hard- wood floor•. larger lot, ::: cui..cs.MC street. S125, -000. Owner will finance. -= .., .......... . : Ml-llH -1~~~~~~~1 •11• IWIEI ::: 1111111 ::: Beautlful upgraded ... MHI Verd• 2 •tory. ::: Prime comw lot. HU91 -temlly room, big, big bd.-ma, coYlred patio, beautiful grounda. Owner may coneldet • large 2nd Trult Deed. Ctl 541-2318 THE REAL ESTATERS 'I \ Y I < II : ( ·1 > .. ,.. ... ·-W11'1 .. Beautlful decorator COOfdlnetld e11MUtlve retrMt wttl'I wonderM llttlW Of ~ ~ ancl night lahta. told oom- pleeefy fUmWled -"* 2 bdrm homt wtttl ... & ~ .. perfect '°' the dl1crtmlnelln,. Thia WATEAFAON oom- munlty on.t'I boet lllo ~v-llabl• and pool. 1417.500. WATI HI MOH1' HOMI' e-. REAL ESTATE 631·"400 *ITEPITllUa* This sensaUonal beach cottage features an ocean view and sundeck, existing 1st T .D. $110,- 000 is payable at $400.00 per mo. (ne,ative amortization). Offered at 165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. .... , 11111 iff• n11a. ......... (114) 1 ... 1•1 (11•) 112-1111 RESIOENTIAl REAL ESTATE SEAVUS 1&1• YllW llUI 1111,000 This 4 BR 2 BA home has a most agreeable floor plan. It adapts to r. variety of medium to large family requirements. It is ideally locaW<i close to schools & shopping. Owner financing. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ':~=.· SCC\\~~-"f..!rS" -----, ....... ct.At .. -..... _ ........ "'- ._ ........... _,,. b.o .... ,. ...... ._ ....... _... -.."-0...--.R G,......l -11 111'1' .• • B11utltul pool home. ILlfFI • VllW IH •• EOUFFI ••••• I' •• w. VERV auumlbll loan. 3 FM lanOI End unit po- bdrm, 2 bl, AIC. 120, pular "E" pfan. ·l ... llUIT SELL' IUITll New condo 'S BR 2 Ba, seller will carrv ooo cull, 1 142.5oo. 1h1n 1~ nnan .. 20% _ ·" Owner wlll carry bat. dn. t34t,OOO. Denni• O.IH Is 11 •• !ll your down payment at 7~ for 5 yns with (213) 945-4934. Alclcett• Altr. 851.0424 no monthly paymenta. New financing 11 avail. at 11 ~% graduated paymente. !'!'.r.!!.~.~ .. ! ... ! ~.~~!'. ... !.'!f Superb location on ShorecllH Rd. in Monthly investment only $1250. which TllllflO lllE ..,.. TAI m&.ta exclusjve Shoreclifls. gives you $13,600 tax aavlqgs yearly. Prof. dec<>rated, warm 3 ,. llftlTllm Call fast, won't last. 752-6-499 Br. L.A .• D.A .• F.R .• bla San Clemenl• pride of Across from Private beach and cliff view point. Plan IV Realty kltcl'I., high bum a.If. ownership, modern lng1, trplc, plu1 1 prl-Spanlll'I 1ty11 4 untt apt. vale lrg m1nlcured yard houM with oc:ean-hlll• & w/1 3 cw get. A rNJ golf coul'M view CIOM VllUe It 1375,000 and to everything, only 3 you own Ille land. Pa· yMTI old & lhowl Ilk• trick Tenota, e31r 12ee NEWI New own« could Large frontage w ith beautiful single story e levation. Ranch style with used brick front. occupy 3 bdrm., 2 bell'I city & ooean view apt. " apptloable & rwnt the ot"-' 3 apartment• tor Income. Seti« will llllp finance & SAVE buyer thou1and1 of dollaral REDUCED Nlllng prlol of 1295,000.00 II wey BELOW current repl•· c ement co1t lll Pr1nelpa11 ONLYlll Call owner at (7 14) 3 bedrooms, 3 baths & family room. IEEDS -tender loving care. • RED CARPET' IL .... UIUll Vou own the land. 2.000 sq ft, 3Br. lam rm, 2'A Ba, wide GrHnbell, near pool. Far below mark•I 1245,000. Wiii I•••• o pllon. Bier . e«-&ea REDUCED FROM $130,000 TO $411,100 FOR llMEDllTE SILE. LOT ILOIE WIRTH llOD DUL MORE. amCAam Of FOUNTAIN VAUIY Proudly presents the opening of our new office locatlonl WARNER -NEWHOPE PROPERTIES 17151 NEWHOPE AVE., STE. 107 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 142-1131 l.,trHt I.Wt ... . .... .... .... ... J••• Choice loc. Xlnt tin. Prln C••llllOI 1111 only. Own 873--7873. ••••""•••••••••••••••• 1111 FIUIOlll lYAJWU ......... s.tt/41S.1t/I ,, .. 1.00 te lsOO OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1982, 3PM-7PM Looking forw~ra to meeting you, Charlene Rossignol, owner/broker. Et1Httrl11 lr11 2K hln llattttl Elegant N-Engl1nd Urgent Mia. Condo. 2 atyie coun1ry manor lo- bdrm1, 2'~ bl. Xlnt foe. cated on a woodsy arM 1110,000. $12,000 On. lot. 4Br 4ba, 3 lrplca, Payment• $947.60. Call gourmet kttenen, aX1en-owner. 714-861~11 ....,. oak panetlng, de-714-545-1030 OR 1c:~~~::1:l~F~ ~~'i~ME f!!!!\iiiir·J!.~ i'~i·~~iiaid·~:~ CORO.I DEL ••• to flt your need•. Prime on 1hl• 4 bdrm ~ tlgner Ute. 3 car garage -are Ju•t a ,_ of the amenities. Sellar wlll buy down editing loan to 11.5% -lantutlc term1. Cell tor more Information and 1n app1. to .... -~~· ~~~-r.======I dupl... lo down, lo and owner wlll llllp with !)floe, buy part or eH. ldd11.lonal financing. Full llAIT 2 ITlllY m.-rm LmM Darrell. ownr/lgl RE/ prlol It only $132,500. 11.l,000 ••a ftlM MAX 759-1221 Don 't wilt , c all -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 979-5370 NOWI Reduced I Alr .. dy th• Real value tor I 175,000, -..... 601 LIDO 8th FL<X>R Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY Spectacular View '1789,50Q OfflWed It $750,000 CALL 411-2112 lowest priced 2 1tory I Incl. 4 br. 2'A ba, & an lbe area. SpotlMI and addition completed In llPlD \ f >I l I 1l F If ~~ n • t .. • ' •1 .. t r ,~ f ~. ' ap1clou1. 4 Bdrm• l>lu• 1977 con1l11tlng of Immac ulate 3 Bdrm bonua 1'oont.-Lar-tam 11 y -rm w I t-re-e-• 2bath OW!lll''t unl1. and ge IOI , quiet ·~· atandlng frplc:, den & IPllClouf 1 bdrm rent11,1--0-u-1-1-0-,-.-.--g o o d I I n a n c I n g . walk-In 11orag1 clOMt. both with lofted beam ~2313 AdJ. to thla new e.x-celllng1, frplc1 and a Nr golfcourM. All ~ Wiiiiam Cote Br Ok er l)lllllve family area 19 ve<y pr1vat• pool. lo-nltlel. Low dwn °' no tlll blt·ln alee. kll wt cated on one or Corona dwn. Showa Ilk• a adJ. formal dining .,... d•I Mar'• prett1111 model. Cati Moeen, agl. \. Beyond tlll atat• dble 1trHll. 4 block• to Re/Max 759-1221 •-P-lfk--Lld_o _A_du_l_t_Cond __ o....,J door entry I• • huge Llttl• Corona Beach.•--------Br. pool, near holplt , ___ ..._ _____ _ to rm al llvlnn rm w/ 1298 ooo 95% FINANCING n •--• .A __ a. 1-~ • . •yAI' ·BLEI beach. •1-.000. Owner --· .... another frpk:. The MPP •••1J11 " ·""" 111 h 1 A t •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm wing Incl. master -Qualify at 9.9% lnterMt w • P • g en OCEAN FRONT tulle w/1unk1n dbl• rat• anO you can buy l=ijS4i8-iii10i4i4iiiiiiiiiiiiii 3 Br. 1¥• ba condo, 1hcw1r & mlrroreG. thlt 2 Bdrm home or 1• ec:rou ffom blleh and wardrobe. Ex1erlo r '911tll ~ yatd, patio. ~ anct-near~ . groutld• of thll cornw and good location near e•LBOA ISL•rt> Lg uwmabll 11\ pk'9 lot haYe been manlcur--------I bHChH end pOOll. ft ft OWC. Owner hM Just ad & Iha rMt )'9rd hu IY IWID 1129,toO. 844-7\20 reduced price to 1195, • lge covered Piiio. The CdM duplex, belt IOCI ~UAL ma11 BAYFRONT 500 (213) 439-0271 lot II pool•llZed a hU RHlly World -8 w tpaee for creation of Pride or own1r1hlp. llh IJ ...., Props rec vehlcl• 1oc11a. Gr .. t uaum. financing. lllfflll ... I ... Don't "-tllal• to drive 1324,900. MM2..S580 1&1111 llM-P•I .,t•• fllll• 1,,, by: 2ee1 Corvo. Cotta --YllW mt.I Magnificent 2 story on ....... tltl8let4 •••••••••••••••••••••• M11a. OPEN HOUSE S .... 11 L a'-.. ___ large corner lot, near ,._ I ...... SAT. 12:30-5 or by au-0 u-'""'',.on Mell Verde Country 2 Bdrm, 2'nba, low I ... land, 3 Br. 2 Ba. "" ,., b ,.Al-0.J __. ...... tll .... lt down, 1tw.% flnan ..,..., 1PP • & din rm, lg lam rm, all ....,u · """"'"" ·-,,. &i idi• ORANGE COAST amenltlel la trM lot By roof, 1t1tety entty, M.-Call Rich Owner/AO!. Exceptional value. 4 Bdr FINANCIAL REALTORS Ownet i2ov 500 Call 11lcan tlle. Sparkling 1~~~~~~~~ "4-e171 2 Ba, new paint, carpet 957-0701 ,..,.700· 7 ' . pool and 19e. To ... I· ...._.._ -------- & dr1p11. A11ume l~~~~~~~~~I '""" · thla apeclal property, Bluffa small 3 br _"',. OIM IHI flute 1103,000 In loan• for-llllf ,.. 111111 CC#rl -1114 -aill t . llory condo. Good loo ••••••••••••••••••••••• S1098/mo payment. •••••••••••••••••••••• IOI !.~ ~291:..5 o o · Ag 1 · Milt.,.,. • Aakln g S128,901>. Allllmable FHA loan on .,.._.., .., I• i.H llll &31-7370, 541-3548 thla great •tarter home. 11.11~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •••••••••••••.>•••••••• TR \DI l l<l\ \! ~I \I ! ' Tll CROWN POINT • IPYIUll M.L Superbly con1truct•d gated eatate on almost Va acre with epectacullr llllw9. I 1,950,000. 1 • ....,, .. .... .....,1-1 .. CW•4 11-IN) See large ad In Satur- day Dally Pllol A.E. aectlon. ThrM bedroom Hunt-aH-llaMt UM ~,.._...,..~...,..~• L.111 llU llWNIT IUll lngton Beach townhou· - 11 nMda 1 111111 TlC. Thia lowly pool ~ IA~ Bel Aire Home, light tJVt It'• perl•~t IM teatur• twr1fle flnanc-F A H T A s r--1 c lnt1rlor1. 2 bdrm. 1 hOrne OR rental pro-Ing. 4 IQe Bdr'ft\T.'"'ni8'W TERMS ... Owner wlll bltb.. Jfoot ld1dlln. -.. peny. Own« wlll eon-palnl. ,_ parka and ~~~~~~~~ e11ry 111 Tru1t DMd. pended llv, dlnlno ar-. llder INM/optlon. Only 1chool1. Offered at : Prlold to 1111. N11f Udo Young adult• ' pets ue.ooo . Call Jay !~~ot~~· F~w:,e~~ •utlaftM ~!'!r~:.o~1T. !cc~~~~ ~~~~·· 124.500. Hrkl; 0 4 polntment 10 .... call """ 1041 date a large yaehl. $1, -B-yo_w_n-er---1-rvt_n_•_-T_h_• m19u12P11st?M 54<>-1151 ;;(,:/;:i;/"Now~ .. w~~" ~.~. Growe 2 BR/2 Ba, dbl 751-1100 cloM the ucrow In 10 ·----------gar, bMUt upgrd 3 yr days. Aalume my 91A% old. 189,000. On gmblt, VA & 11.7% 2nd 11021 111,000 chm. 832-9199 mo. 4 bd + 2 airy -• -UI '=iiiiii~~~~~-1 I 14 2, 00 0 own/ ag t Live Sin 000Newport ~ --, • ··2 2"'·1 .... ...... Lido ea tOf 1•. . a bdrm. 1 Terrific location ecuth of •AlllR UW. .,.. · "" · .._...,_ ba In private comm. 1111 hwy. Older 3 bdrm. In tl'llt 4 bdrm home bTUt I IH 6 7 3-7 300 Very e1 .. n. Mutt ... ~HERITAGE ·-· REALTORS -- -- home 1truc1ur1t1y OK with timlly rm, fncd •••••••••••••••••••••· i~~~~~~~~~I 875-2742 but In need of aoma yard and tot• or 1x1ru. lllMmH .... ~.,...._~~----I~.~.,~ TLC. R-2 lot with room Owner wlll aulat w/ Popular 'Plan 4', I br, 3br/2ba, tamlly rm, pool, ••••• -A_.hr.:;n~•.19J.'!lrr;:~t! ••• ~ •• t o build 2nd unit. financing. Only S1315, wllott. $94,000 w/91< 11M 7 Older Duplex nllt 45ltl 1240,000 very attractive ooo. Call 979-5370 now. dn, 11012/mo. total. No ~1 54~ ::e5 It NB 3 br 2 ba below market terms. ,_ loan ,..., no qua!. uPttal,.: 2 bf.' 1~ be'. l7141 '7M400· Panettng, ale l muHlple IUl&IT U -downltaln. w• ..... IJUI •n.nn upgtlldll. AdUtt comm. 4 Bdrm, 4be. 3 '*·gar. 11 for 1100.000 or wtll " a •aoR w/pool, tac & lighted Lge laland k"eh. 13715, build to II.lit fOf 1875, "'" tennll eta. Own«/bkr. 000. Mullin AHlly, 000 & up. (pl1n1 & iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml...:55~~~~eoe~2~. -----1 540-2te0 .. '°" 1.o11 ~ ot>talned> Ar- 111 .... .-:r." a.:,~ ag~~~:"-~ IWI MY 714-tw.!i.M~ • 1 1 t., d .. Pool •-• UITll.lffl Duplex on ltll Mnd. 30th '/\ ' ... \'l~llHl 11( Spacloul 39r + 2'ABI. ream .. ome. ' ,_, ""'-Sat/SUn 1 5 2884 NB ..._.... __....._. " --'~-"' tlO • lake vtewa Allum ftn ... .....,. • • It. . ........ , ,.,,_.. llM &Ntf'ttft j~;';';;1r;bl;"';lli1\il';''imil''i'til'ioi :.-::_""""dao~Plbr' ....... ._"P&p1c', 1410,000. . . . C.tllpa St. S205.000. 3 ad In and out. 3 bt.1 2 • _ _.__ .,., • ,,,.. "'"' " 55 ..y29 Bdrm, 3 bath, lge famlly ba. upeta1ta. t bf., 1 lML -xtra 10 2 car garage Owner/agt, 1 · rm. Call Sandy, Agt. downttalrt. Min. 10" 111-4444 111-1111 w1wtne oe11ar °' dartt llE IF TIE 497~. down owe beMnoe .. .... KL ..... In Broadmoar Har~or View Hltlt. Owner wlll MT ~ rm. Mutt Hll ASAP. Patter.on/Plltt• R.E. 13.9% '°' 5 yrs. 0.--1 ... NWI _~ __ uao ______ , IUT tor 1umm1r r1ntel1. $T&P8 TO IEA~ -S!lL!A 1&-PUAG+4A BAYfRONT 1735.000. Armitage IUPlf deluxe 3 bdrm, 2 INO condo, nMdS taet IQc:atlOnl In TIK111 Root! Aeefty. 714--544-2484 . bath owner'• unit -2 .. ,. on 11'11• adorll>Mi Vla1a. 2 bdrm. 2 be. & cnllV\ bd~~tallrll 1386~1 EHttld• 3 BA 2 da den11 •P"s' .. !!,vet. aTlkh' .. to """" lS lllJS -"'-P' country ltYI• with P• 01. "'"' w lelltln quan.,. above garaoe. ~ and tennta. 1258, 1 11 1 u, 1111,.. carry t2150,000 at 12% *tl•l•• A•klng 1185,000. Fl-llOO. Mt• ...... II lnter•t. No polntl for 5 _ r nanctng i. good. Call ,.. land. °"'-tending m ,_ ~· Nr. oomm. pool. 4 agt. 142~ IMlY view from thll tu-Priced to ~ aeeo. rm 3 bath, 142t.OOO • ..,... I"-' JM -1-'11'-11-1-1-.-------i xury condo ooo. 15~ down and UlllltlOOI: t1()MI: ••••••••••"• .. ••••••• ---•s• BAVFRoNT owner wtll FlNAHCE et Aeaitore 87MOOO ISUll llllM L .. M/J:io~or Pur-,1 P~~2ES ~~:a.;:. ':Ta:! Redec:orated 31~ 2Ba ohaM. VOUA MW 1850 ~ then 3 'I' <*t Pf°'*1Y on prime tooanon. Ger-aq. ft. (plUa dbl o-aae VNVfNV •1 LWe ( .. /LM) 1hla clou to the LOOK age, aundec:k,\ patio•. w/Gt*W) Deluxe Con· ~ hlcih rtae (I-~ OCEAN. Cell Nr. No. Bay. OwT'8f will do. GrHt park aide 8 ... : tH0",000, l.... • .... I ......... our new """''' co n •Id • 7r '.!!' • n • locatlon, next to all fffJ CMllsDltlavM '3000/mo Incl. utlt. & (l1 .. ) lH l•I WMlcly r.atUN 875-5319, 8 ~5cw1 thopplng a thea ter•. _;...· _____ __.._1 M100 teM. fumlthed. • I 11 T 11 I W • Hn• you rHd t0d9Y'' =.~ ~-~ w,:::.r~ ~~-:; J:;_.f~•t Aot. Alta ""ci-.-,,-.~,-IM----aa•E Cl~llfled Ad1? fl not, neretllp w/quellty ~ corner ·1o1. Ate, up• liiiiii~~~iii!ii!~iiiiil &..iJiJI J. ... -you,.. m6allno the beet w/\ax ~ gr1d11. tl 11,000 In I' ••• ";'~•••••••• .~ ..._. ·----In the ---In townl 114,. 3 1 • 5 0 ~ 5 0 r ~ 1&7·20il .. ,. ... '°' .... a ....... ., ... ...... 1 -·-~-1 ... 2 2000 t 9drm plua din with Located HwtlOr lawn 11~,~~"r~~Cl~w~llfl~lecle5~~ .. ~-;ll~===~J~la; ... · · If IWID .,_,111 be'f "'"· ~ Memorllll I*\ . ...,.... H•••u••H•••••••••H •MlSA Vl!llOE 3 9r WI MCI ~ b..ic1a the prtoa 1111 ... llOl1lloe cool & 1p1. AtMll'l'i• CON003 low down, attr ...... '°'Ille°' ...... &4110 ......... ,.. 1111,IH LAGUNA BEACH ••Liquidation S.u Jbft,2Hth, ........... ......... ,2...,. ::AJ.1H.t00. P .P. F:fl7:~:~.l?r =-=·~·zt.=: te~c-Wz I/ J.'fM • UIUILI '--....., 1an = ~.: ::... .,.. ... iUMllUI ••• ~w 3 ledrOOfll home. ~ n'llt"nl'•r.Km ... ~ ' I M I IA. l .C. ,.._, _ ....... 1ot1n et 11 Y1U1 M ... =."';'6=:"8w:: OMC. Only I 109,000. llAUTlf'U\. t•'"---...... ,rlftl Oftry. Owfter. OU> WON.a •-•-• 111-1111 T~ OCIAH flMJNT 11111." .. --Co. ~= ... ~Al. ~ -:"·.:"':. '°l'r:i • ::: •1•=-•"=.:, ·m~ • Tenore. Ht·t'ttt or"°" 410n't ,-.. •gun 11 C1111ltllf' , .. -------- •1...,11 "cir .. fMt'' ..... rr.; -.. a =II IV ... ..-....... .... .. . .. ......... .... ,,.... ,., .......... ne._ ..... =..wCll ... ...,..., ........ "'"'°'cl'H •''" • a ..... Mii 14N11 , .....,.. ,_..... a • • • .._. { . • . • • ' I ...,.- ! • I I i I ' ' I • ' J. , , • • ' ' . • t ! I ( Bigfoot ~ade a big .deal Hamlet uses legend for tourist-drawing fest .. PmJC ll)TIC[ PtalC *1T1Cl MtJC ll)T1C( . ::.'.~ PfOTfT'IOUI _,II.II MiWWW ai•IH WOltfMf Mattel MA-. ITATIMIWT llMm lfA~ " YOUa ,.O,.UY .. IN ~~wino !*toll&.,. ~ .::.::-1ne '*'°" I• ctolllf ,HIOLOIUllC HCAUll 'fOU Tll.I IMl'O"TIAt 1HO I L.OV1NO ll'AI, 2421 ~ ::vL1tJ1" ~~ ~-~N .: :o't: lllle ~ llvd .. Anitn.im, CA IM , Colta ..._, OA tm7. wmtoUT AM'f COURT AOTI01t1 ta~iNIAOOK TILi, INC • • MtrlA Mlfoedel Moe«ly, 1112 IM 1 .. ~1 M9J M'M Ille leMl 1 rtaM C1lllornl• corpor1t1011, 1151 e. :~Of .. Huntington leloll. CA e -.. Jfft Heffftl fl' ·a lllle OOflete INd., Anllhelm, CA Thie ~le oondUOteCI by 111 ........ .., ...,.... • .._...., 12eoe. lndMduel. •11• ••JMHll •IYI ,e11WI le• Tiiie bu'"-t. COflclUOttd by I Merta ~--MoCft1y ..... aM • .,.._.. _....... ltwel ~f)Otlllon Thie tlltemlnt WU -.cl with tN _.. ............. WI Mlille LlnbrOOlt Tiie, IM. County CW1I Of Ot111191 County on ef ..._.. WM t .... 41& "8y Malley tecty Aug fO 1N2. Thie amount II 14t11481,Sf II Of Thll llatllll'Mll\I WU illfd with lht ' ,,_ Jl/A'f 27, 1112, Ind wlN lllC,....1111111 County Clerk ol Ot11109 COl.ltlly Ori Publl•h•d 01er1ot 00111 O•lli 'tOllf ~t l>eOOIMt OUlfetll, You ..... ~·ti 25 ltU Piiot ....... 1• ""' 2fl a-1 • 111 ''"Y not h1vt 10 P•Y tl'I• ent11e ,....,_ ' ,, .. ,.. • ......,, .,, ""· • ~ • "• ..ci1WWW ==r MA-. lfA '!'lie followlnf ~'°" II Cf.oll)O ~ .. OOL,L.API. 11'6 W ... cllff Ot , NftPOrt 8Mcll, CA HMO Mell 9, Flnt, 04 t.lftdt ..._ Or., NeWpor1 Beleh. CA 92NO, Thie bU~ It eondlie!ed by 111 lndl\'ldull Ntll. f'lnt Thll lllltll'ltnl WU llled with 1111 County Ollttl Of Orange Counly on ~ 20, tN2 '*"' •ubll•ll•d Orano• Coe11 Dally Pt101. ~ 21. 8ac>L a. to, 11. 11112 817M:l Wl~LOW CREEK, Calif. (AP) -"Baafoot" meana btJir buck.a for U\l• trny Northern "California hamlet, ill town park araced by a lO-foot.-hl1h wooden atatu of the huf , hairy man-beut aald to lurk n rusged mountain• hereaboute. For about 15 yeara "Blsfoot Daya," scheduled this year for the Labor Day weekend, haa drawn increaaingly larger crowda of people who leave behind lncreaelngly laraer 1um1 of money with local rllerclw\ts. 11nptld portion 01 yov1 eccount, Publl•h•d 01eno• eo11t o111y -UN-l7 ------------ r:ven though full p1yrnen1 wll Pilot, Aug. 27, Sept. s. to, 1?, ttH "8l.IC NOTICE "8JC fl)TIC( dlmanded, but you mull PIY tl'Mt 3e 1a.82 amount ll•ted ll>0119. '1CTmOUI llUllNIN K...-1 Aftlf lhr .. montlll trom the dew "8.IC ll)TIC( ..... ITATDmNT FICTITIOUI _ .. 1 People taacin.ated by recurring bfgfoot tales won't be let down - because one of the long-armed beast!, allo known as eaaquatch, will be ln the town that bills it.lelf aa the "Bigfoot Capital of the World." Actually. It's going to be Dave Martinez, a 6-foot-5-inch, 300-pound local bartender and beer truck driver who dons a costume and spends the holiday cbaeing girls and "scaring children out of seven year's growth," according to a local ·ch ambe r of Commerce spokeswoman. Martinez, adds Chamber secretary Eunice Marcum , "makes the best bigfoot you ever saw in your life. He's huge, and he fits the costume to a T." I# ......... . The town plans a parade, a dance, a tug-of-war, egg toMes and other somehow Wl88Squatch-liJte events -except perhaps for a mud-wrestling contest. Up to 7,000 people are expected to show up in the town of. about 2,800 residents -and spend up to $12,000. The "Bigfoot Capital of the World" claim is emblazoned on the masthead of the local newspaper, the Kourler, along with a drawing of one of the mythical creatures. BIG FELLOW -A 10-foot wooden image of the Bigfoot creature stands watch over Willow Creek, Calif., home of the "Bigfoot Days" festival. Kourier publisher Jess Garst, a former composing room supervisor for the Los Angeles Times, says he's "not exactly too strong a believer in bigfoot myself. But I don't play it down much." "Why should I? It's lnieres~. it's good for buslnea and I can t prove it's not true," he adds. Garst periodically prints accounts of auquatch sightings or related storiea -including reporta that tend~ to PoQb..poOh- the legend. He aays people lrom all over the country take the weekly paper "for no other reason but to keep up on blgfoot." Unlike Gant, Marcum takee saaqu.atch accounts more seriously -even though she admits "Bigfoot Daya" le not . , ; ntended-to-ad-Yanee-a anthropological . studies of the creatuJ"e and ls done "at.rictly for promotion and fun." Navy to oust three lesbians NORFOLK, Va. -Three female sailors aboard the repair ship Vulcan wUl be dlscharged from the Navy bec8use they are lesbians, authorities say. The Norfolk-based Vulcan, which is being overhauled in Boston, was the first Navy ship to rec;:eive women in the Navy's expanded women-at- sea program in 1978. The three to be discharged were among 10 female sailors named in an investigation that began in May alter the ship's captain. Capt. James E. McConville, said he received complaints that "some form of horna;exual activity was going on." The Vulcan investigation followed by two years a si.mil,ar Navy probe initially involving 24 women sailors aboard the missile test ship USS Norton Sound, based at l...ong Beach. Calif. The Navy declined to release the names of any of the women involved ~ the Vulcan investig.ation, saying tbey are prohibited.. to do so under the Privacy Act unlesa the c.aaes go to court-martial. LL Cmdr Bob Prucha, a Navy spokesman here, said two women, a petty officer and a seaman, waived adminlatratlve board. hearings after admitting their homosexuality. They did not want to contest their caaea and have agreed to leave the service, he said. Two otl\era, both petty officers who faced homollexual miaconduct charges, went before the administrative board. The commanding officer recommended th.at one be diacharged and the other be retained tn tlae eervioe. Two othera, a eeaman and a petty officer, did not go before an administrative board becauae an invee~tion showed that one had fraudulently enlisted and the other was unsuited for enliatment. Two were cleared, and tbe cases of the ninth and 10th are pending. f r4oord1tlon of hi• document I---~;;;;.;;...;.;~~---The tollowlng perton I• doing ..,... ITA,_,. (Wllioh d•t• of r-datlon ac>l>M'• l'fCnnoul .,._,, bldlMM al: The following petlOlll .,. 6olf'O hereon). unleU the obllQallon being MAim etATIMINT ,ACADE. 2000 Beryl L1n1, bu1111M1 11: rOl'eclOMCI upofl petmrte 1 IOllQff The toltowlng peraon 11 doing ~Belen, CA HteO. IOUTH COAIT CLAUH period, you l'laW ontf the llQal~t bllllnell M! OerllM Lutgen-Tile 2000 9lfyl MAHAGEMENT, S233 Per11 Cenlet to.etoe> 1111 torectotu<• by pl no l.00180H. 1!141·D Ad•m• ~/~ Hftport Beach, CA 112eeo. °'""'· lull• 310, Cotti ....... CA the en11rt 1mount d1m1nde by AvtfWe, Colt• MMe, CA 92828. T1111 bvllnlN 11 conducted by 111 112828. yout'ortdl1or. Miro A. Petty, "4 8p(l1'1Qfleld. lnOMdual. Amt r I o 1 n M • d Ice I To l\nd out tlle amount you muat Col11 MtM. CA 02t28. OeniM 1.utgen-'T11e ln1e1netlon11. Inc , a Oalaw1rt pay, or to arrenge f0< payment to Tilll butlntM le conducted by an Thie 1i.1-t wu flied with 1111 COl'porlllon, 414 N. Carndttl OrM. 11op th• fbrec1oeu1t, or II your lndMdual. County Clerk or Otano• Couf!1Y on e.veriv Hlllt, CA 90210. lprcpetty 11 In torecloeure for •fl'I Mtto A. Petty AIJO. f1, tH2. Tiiie bullnel9 It oonduc:ted by I othef ....-on. oont1et· Thie •t•tement w11 flied with the fW1f1 corporation. SECURll't' PACIFIC NATIONAL COunty Cleltl of Orenge Couf\ty on Publl•hed Orange Co1t1 Dally Ame11ean Medlc:al BANK, SPECIAL ASSETS DEPT. H Aug. 18. ttl2. Piiot, Aug. t3, 20, 27, 8af>t. 3, lff2 lf!tem11tona1. Inc. 13·5. 333 s. Hope Street. LO• ,,..,, 35M-e2 J-A. RM Angelu. C1llfornle 90071. Publlthtd Oren11• CoHt Delly -----------Alllttant Sec;retary Telephof!e: ArH code (2 13) Piiot, AIJO. 20, 27. lept. 3, to. 1N2 f'tBJC MOTICE Thie mt-• wM ftled wtttt 1t1e &13-&587. 34176-82 -----------County Ol«lt of Orange County on II you hive lny quetllOnl, you 1-----------,ICTITIOUI 8Ul .. 18 A_ug, g, 11182. 1hould contlot 1 11wyer or the P\111.IC ll)JIC[ NAMI! ITATl•NT government agency wtlloh may haYI 1--~~..;,..~.;;.;..;.;;.---Tl1e following par1on1 are doing lntured '/OUf loan. JICTTTlOUI IU ... 11 ~ u: Remamber, YOU MAY LOSE ...... ITATllmNT PANORAMA WEST, 508 2g111 LEGAL AIGtlTS IF YOU DO NOT Tiit following p1r1on I• doing StrHI, Newport Beaeh, Calllornl• TAKE PROMPT ACTION. bvtllllll U I g26e3 111.- Publlthed Or1nge CouJ Oalty• Piiot, Aug. 13, 20, 2'7, s.c>t. 8, 1118~ Nt2-12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH, That C & N ADVERTISING, 5081 Properties West, Inc .• Cal1lornl1 P\alC ll)JIC( E<IUITABLE O'EEO COMPANY •• Clnlbridoe Avt.. WMtmlNlet, CA corpor•tlOll,. 508 2111h Street. ITATEMENT cw MANDOIW co1por1tlon, ,, duly •PPOlnted gMM. Newport 8eec:h, C•lllornla 92663 OF Ull! OF FICTIT10U8 Truatl9undet1 d~ of trull d1ted Nnn1 S ue Koeller, 873 t Prbptrtles w .. t. Inc. IUllNlll NAME May t, tll81, m.cle by Herman M Slltpott Or .• Hununoton Btec:tt. CA 01111 H. Sml1h. Cooper u Trvetor, 10 MC:Urecertlln 92&4e. PretkMnt The follow Ing p111on1 hnl obllgetlon1 In favor of Securll~ Tllil ~II oondUcted bY If\ Thi• 11111men1 wH llled with the ~~~11,:,uM of Ille Fletltloul Peclllo N1tlonal Bank, 1 N1tlonll lndlvldual. County Clerk or Otano• County on _ Ba11klng AllOcilllon .. Benallc:lary, Nl9na Sue Koeller Auguit 215, t982· WESTCLIFF NURSES REG., 1817 rec:or~MIY IS, 11181 .. ln1trument Tilll ltll-1 WM filed with the F1M103 Wt11cllll Or , Ste. 2011, Newport nof .=sose in .. ~ d14104~eoe ....1:22, ~tv8Clerkt""'2of Orange County on ~~!"lhed21 .. ~ange' ,Couto t7 ~11y82 Pllol, 8Mcn. CA g2eeo. • o ,.,_,oc:r n .... Off"-o ,....,. fr • '"' · "-•· • ..,...,i. 3• · • • The Fictitious Bueln••• Nam• 1111 der of Orange County and ,,...,. 3na.82 11 1n11rument no. 51-4471118 ol Publlthed Oran~Co111 Oalll ------------relerred to above WH lll1d lu Orenge COUnty on June 3, 1911. lot AngelH County, C1lllort1la, Pllot,AIJ0.20.27. t.3, 10, 191 PtllJC ll)TICE Rourt Inc., • C1tllornlt deleriblng proP9f11M !herein. 34171-82 I 11117 W ... lff,... S Th1t the beneficial ln1erM1 under flCnTIOUS llU ... 11 c;orporll on, Mt... """ 19· 1uch deed o1 trull end the .,._.,. MtliJ~ ......... IT'" __ ..... 209• Ne)port Beach, CA 92680. nlllU\I nu ~ ,._ .. •"' ,. • Tiii• buslnMS wu conducled by 1 obllg1tlon1 H oured t hereby The following Plf_,. we doing corpor111on lncludlng • note fo1 tile sum ol l'tCTITIOUI .,_,, ~ 11: Ro 1 1750,000.00, .,. pr-lly held by ...... ITATDmfT E & E POWER SWEEPING, Ro~=~~ :=ard the undertll)ned: thtl a bfNCh ol. The tollowlng pereon 11 doing t0t7L w. Billh<>P St., S111ta Ana, CA Pre81den1 and defeult In, the o~tlone for ~ u: 92703. This nttemenl wN hied with 1111 which ~deed of trutt ,, MOUrity OLINE. 2eoo Park Newport, HEE TU KIM. 1017l w. Bishop, Cou Clerk I Or Coo hal occurf9d In thll payment hu Newport Beldl. CA 112seo. Bini• Ana. CA 92703. A n~5 1g92 ° lllQ9 nty on not bl9n Mlde ot: Lon• Ulrlch , 2eoo Park CHUN J . KIM, 1017L w. ug. • . fffDU The entire ptlnclpll bllance Newport, Newport 8uon, CA 8'9hop, Santa Ana. CA g2703. Published Orange CoHI Dall~ plu1 eccrued lntetMI. wnlen eum g2&e0. . Thi• bu1lnH1 11 conducted by Pllol •·~ 27 .,_,,, 3 10 17 1"• repreHnt• the obllge11on1 ol Tllla tiuw-11 condUC:led by an lndMdualt, husbend and Wife. '....,,. ·.,..,.. · · ' ... Herm1n M. Cooper under that lndMdual. Hee Tu Kim, 3772 -8 2 cer11ln Ganerel Continuing Lone Ulr1ett, Chon J. Kim Guaranty dlled July 31. 1g7g, By Thie etatement wN flied with the Thia 1teltme11t w .. llltd wttn the "8.IC NOTICE Ille termt of the Oen«al Continuing County Cltrit of Orange Coull~ on eounty Cltf1I of Of"-. County on --,,.,--------- Gu1ranty, Herman M. Cooper Aug. 18, 1912. AIJO. 10, 1982. FICT1TIOU8 .,... .. guaranteed MY and all obllg1tlon• ,,_.,. 1'1llOM N,... ITATl...n' of Tr1nspow« Tow Comp1ny. Published Oran11• Co111 Dally Publlehed Oran e Coaet Dally The fotlowlng par90;,e -doing That by,_, of tudl breeeh the Ptto4. Aug. 20. 27, sept. 3, 10. 1"2 .e1iA1 · nd~ 3411M~ VANDERBILT INVEST~ENT nder ield daed of tru•I, hll COMPANY 17092 Pullmen Street exeeu1td and 'dallvered to said duly PUBUCJIOT1CE P1B.IC ll)TICE lrvlne. OalH 0 ornla 92714. ' 1ppolnted True tee a written '1Cnnoul .,._11 ACTITIOUS .,.._11 . . Relph Clodl, I 18 Via H1vre. Oecleratlon oC Default and demand ....... IT .. --. ......... IT•-Newpott Beeeh. Callfomla 929IO. for Hie, Ind hU depoal1ed With -.. ,._...., -.. ,._, John W. Clattl. 5832 HIQhQa11 Hid dUI'/ appointed Truttl9 1IUCh The following pareon II doing The foltowlng Plf'IC)nt •• doing Terr-. tl'Vlne, Cellfomle g21l6 . butlnMI .. : bull,_ 11: T~·-~ .•• deed of tru•I and 111 doeumint• KNAPP MFG. co .. 1308·A NEWPORT HEALTH CENTER. ·-......,,_ la oonduded by a evidencing obllget1on1 1ec:ured Looan Ave .. eo.te Mell. CA 92626. 3515 Plaeentla. Ste. 303. NftpOtt llmlted pert'*8hlp. t~. and Nia decHted and doee John w Qtr1I hereby declare all 1um1 eeeured Oeule Marie Flemln,. Ste 8eac:n. CA 112883. Thi• 1111-i -flied with the lhtntby lmmedll~dUe. tnd ha Route g157, F'tMllln, CA 1123 t . S1even Jefferey Smith M,O., County Clerk 01 Orange County on ... __. ...... __ .. d-eby ..._... to Thie butln1e1 l1 conducted by an 5511 Emerald Bay, Lagune Beech, ,. • .,. 11 1 .. 82 .,_,.., ..... ~ -.. lndlvldual. CA 112851. ...,. ' • . cauee the property dHcrlbad In Delete M. Aern:3 , ·-Bauernfeind Ph.D .• 22792 MuMef • ¥-Mid ~<»ct d.e9d at ltUlt to bt -'' A......,. • uw •old In eocordince with th• 'Thll 1t1tement -n with the Atturae Or., Mr111on Vlefo, CA 1-FelroNlcl C>fWe I I h f I II f t .. _ County Clerk of 0rll'IQ9 County on Q2&g1. prov • ona t ereo o u • 'I ,,.. Aug. 11, l9l2. This bvW-11 conducted by an ..,,... ,00 ~lol'I• -ad tMreby. '1*12 unincorporated auocta Ion oth« P.O. lloa 1.-n Oiied: July 29• 1982 Publl•hed Oren~Coe•t Dilly than a ~· ......., Celltoml8 112711 ,-SECURITY PACIFIC •-NATIONAL BANK Piiot, Aug. 20, 27, 3, 10. 1H 2 S. J . h M.O. Publlahed Or1n11e CoH1 Dally By: w. A. Muneter, Jr.. ' 3e8M2 ........_ lMl"I ._,.,,,~Ph.D. Pilot. Aug. 20, 27, Stc>t. 3, to. 1"2 Aast. V1ce Pruldent .. _statement -.-.. wttl'I the 3707-82 RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1982 ____ "8.IC-___ llJ_nct ____ COunty Cllr'k of OflflQe County on l----------- AS INSTRUMENT NO. 12448413. l'tCTITIOU8 ........ AIJO. IO, 1~· ,,_ PlBllC NOTtcE Publl1hed Orange CoHI Dally NAm ITATPmNT Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dilly •----------- Piiot, Sept. 3, 10, t7, 24, 1982 Tiii followlflil par1on I• doing Piiot, AIJO. 13, 20, 27, Sept. 3, 1912 1,_..!;!1,,!!!_,.. 3897..a2 buell'9M It: 3811-82 ~rwvn .,..,...., """ =----------M-80 RECORDS, 115410 CAL•OftNIA "8.IC NOTICE Ad-, Coll• Meet. CA 9282tl. "8.IC ll>TICE COUNTY Of OMNQa flCTmOUI ....... NEIL G. DENISON, 1300 Q11ar1Uan1lllp ol aDWARD Q. ,..... ITATl-.N'T Adlme. No. 29-8, eo.ta ....... CA l'tCnnoul ....... ROllNSON eftd waND'f ... T 11292$. NAMI ITA,....,.,. fllOelMIOM, MlftOra. he folio.wing per1ori I• doing T1* ~ 11 .onductad by an The following pereon• .,. doing NO: A·1MMI bullneu ... • lndMdual ~II: NOTIC• Of HaARtNO Of COLONIAL PRESS. N59 8clM . Nell Olnleon MONEY MARKET 1707 $ NimON fOft ~Of Avenue, Wastmlntter. CA. Thie ltll-t WU Ned with the 8roold1uret. Anehllm, cA g2804. • OUARDIAM cw llMNORI (NMON MARIE v. WILK. 9847 lark COunty °""of Orange County on Alo hard Salford, 17170 AHO HTAft) Circle, Founlaln Vetey, CA g270I. cAuguet 10 1912 Bluewater L.n. HuntlllillOll Beach T 0 : AL I c I A w Is E. JEAN' Thie bUlllllll le eonducted by Ill ' • ,~ CA 9294g, .:_ ' MALKEMU8, JEAN GARLAND lndMdual. Marie V Wlllt Pul>n~Orltlge CObl OaJly H'lrord Jeffu~ Von, 1 .. ~ W Ol.~HVH . EOWAAO G - ..... ,_ •• 1 . I • ..._. ..,..h ...._ Piiot A4JO 13 20 27 s.c>t 3 1N2 Emerald Bey, Llguna 8Mcll, CA ROBINSON ANO All PERSONS ,._ .. 1 ee'lell WU ,._, ..,, .,,. , ' ' ' ' ' • 3587..ai 9*2. INTEAESTEO HEREIN: County Clar1I Of Qrange COunty on 'Thie~" conducted by a PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thll -----~..,;.;..;_....-.;..;,,,.,...--I Augull 25. 1982. ,,.,., .,._.,. MftTll'r oener1f per111er1Np. REBECCA l YNN ROBINSON ha PtCllTIOUe ........ ..-.... ""''--Jeff Voa Iii«! • PetJtlOn tor Appointment of Publl1hed 01ange CoHI Dally ACTTnOUS .,..... Thia ltltement -ll1ed with the Gua1<11an Of Ille per9009 and M1•• Foreign teachers shifted STILLWATER, Okla. (IJ>) -Oklahoma Staie University filled half it.a freshman English teaching pos1lions with foreign-born instructors this fall, then shifted them to other jobs when their command of the half the number offered The =:A:='r, doing Pllol, Aug. 27• $9'>t. 3• to, ~,~~~ ..,._ ITATllmNT County Clerk of Orenge County on Ol tlll at>ovc named mlnore. at the university. They ~ • ·· ~~~ICI ~ .,. doing AIJO. 18• 1"2· F..m 1or" =r=: ;;~ 1=": ~o~ were re as a i g n e d t 0 COAST AUCTIOH co., 1838 Ml.IC ll>TICE ---ed c 'CIOCIC A.M In Olpert ta of"" wri . la'--,._..... Avenue. No. 201, Coeta SHADOW HIGH REFUCTIONS P1.tbll•h 200reri11• out Delly 00 c . t ·s "*,n c t ting UJ or re9eal'Ch u.a. CA 92127. K-01411 17407\t Sll•hort or Newpor Pilot. Aug. , 27, sept, 3. 10. 1912 r•nge oun Y uper or our '6Me and f JIM F\.AA!AU, 1131 "-'lit FICT"10Ul llUllNIH 899dl CA 92ta3 " 3MM2 louttd at 700 CMo Center Drtw pro,,.._-a ew were Awnue. No. 201, eo.ca ...._CA NAME ITATDIVtT o iana Cornwall 7407Y. W•t. Sent•,.,,., CamomlL Alllw re~igned to teaching 92127. The tollowlrig pareon Is doing SaMhote Or., N9wpot1 8-cti. CA rta.IC MOTICE to u ld petition tor further upper level English Thll atat_,t .... flled"""" the ~ u: 929e3· parllc\AlarL -County Ctetk of Or111191 COunty on c L A s s I c A N T I 0 u E vi ck I Gr .. n. y . 14 0 7 'h , I c T IT I 0 u • • u II N • • • Diiied: Augu1t 20, t982. language was questioned, officials say. clalles. Augult 10, 1982. RESTORATION. 24 28 Newport 8191hor• Dr .. N9wpot1 Beldl. CA NA•·~ MAWR. tTNCKUM. ~·eec ,_ 81vd .. COtt1 Mela, CA 92827. 92t113. 'file lollowlng PlftonS .,. doing Cllartle W. ,......,_ "8JC llJT1C( "8JC ll)IOCE Publllhed Orenge Coast DlllY AGOP ABRAHAM AGOPIAN. •Thll ~ 11 conducted by a bull.-e at: AltefMye tw ~.-.-NO'TICll ll¥Jf'llO _. ORANOa COU•TY IUPaRIOR Piiot AIJO. 13, 20, 27, lept. 3, 1tl2 5a3e Vlrglnll Ave .. Loi Angelel. CA llmlted l)lrtneretllp. VPA. INC .. 4425 J•mboree Rd.. Publlth•d Orange Coaat ~Illy 8G fTa NO. -COURT ' 3576-82 90038 Vicki O~ Suite 1go, Newport Beach. CA PllOt, Aug. 27, 28, Slpl. 3. IN The 23 f oreign teaching uslstant.s, all of them gl-aduate su,adents, had been usigned to 43 freshman English comporitinon classes, NOTICE 18 HEREBY OfV£N ttiet 7't c:Ma C..... DrM Weef lnO~ II c:ondueted by an ~ty 1~ ~ ftled~ '!: 112~·1 OE O PR 0 0 U C TI 0 N 310l~ Mlled Pf~ ... lie,...._, by ..... AM, C••llll _,., rtaJC ll)TIC( .-,gop Al>fllltm AQOPlen AIJO. 10. 11182 ARTIST$,,! NC.. I Cal If o r n 11 P\BlJC ll)TIC( the City of Coet• Mele, 10 wit: Tiie Pl.AINT'IFF: JOHN 0 . ADAMS mnc1 Thi• ttatement wu flied with the ~,_, corporation, 4425 J•mboree Rd.. • • .----,. _ _. ef ....... City Could, P.O. Box 1200, Odllta ALYCE S. ADAMS ORANOI COUMT'f IU,.RIOR County Ctetk of Or111ge County on P\lbltthed. Oranot Colet Delly HewPOt1 8Meh, CA g288(), ........... ~ -· -MHI. Calllornl• 92828, on or DEFENDANT: l!OWAR.P R COURT A•lll, 24, 19112. Plot. AIJO. 13. 20. 27, Secit. 3, 1982 Thie~ .. condUCled by. • .... of c ...... !*ore the llolK of t ,:00 Lm. on OAVENf)ORJ; HAAOLD o. ADAMS; "'°· .. -... ,,_., ........... ~1...... ,., ... Frtd41y, 5ep1tmber 10, 19112.11111111 ROBERT A. DOTSON; MOTEL IMte AM, c• 111111111 ........ ._ Vld p d I C-'J ef °' ..... ';~~::;:;::;:;::::;::;:;~~~~ be111eraepOllllblli1yof""~'° INVESTMENTS, 1 C1lllor11la Publl•h•d Orange Co111 Diiiy eo ro uot o n 100 CMe c..,._ °"" .... -: dettwr hll bid 10 tlll ciy ., pTOartnerehlp; LA!..'!'..~~~!t; :!":... ~°'!:':!:' Piiot, Aug. 27, 8af>L 3, 10, ~~2 PWllC ll)T1CE Artl911, Inc. Bren Leltutt, PrM. ... .. Ana,~ 11191 HAalO. LAW~MT. OUYI Office by Iha PfO~ '""°"' ced L ."::1•Clllfor'nll,..-~~-~·..,_,, PLAINTIFF: CROWN CORK & ---.. Thlt 1111ement -Ned wltll 1111 PLAINTIFF: TRANSAMERICA tlml. Bide wll be ~ °'** I MUTEl. a c.llfOmll l*'tlierlfllp: SEAL COMPAHY, INC. "8JC NOT1C( rNAMm7ATUmNT County C... of Orange County Ofl TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Mortuarv • Cerrelerv and r.-d lloud at 11:00t:m .• Of11 PICKWICf< INN, INC., acorporlllon; DEFENDANT: FRANK ANDREW d Auguet 23 1g82. C1Hlornla corporation Crematory eoon ,,...,. ... prectlOll>le on Ind 00£8 1 tt:r::" 25. ~ CULLUM and~ 111WOUQll xx. 1'1CTmOUI ..,..... ~ ~ petlOM.,. olnQ • ,.....,. DEFENDANT: RICHARO L. 1625 Gisler Ave Friday. s.c>tember 10, 11182., In ltie ...... lndUllve ...... ffATWN'T BAL TRAVEL and BUSINESS Publl•hld Orenge COHI Dall) WILLIS, end DOES I tllrougll XX. Costa Mesa ~~~~1[!,~t. .=r.::=,._.. CA•~-The follo.wino pareon I• dolflt AHD LL~ TRAVEL. 130 Ea.t Pilot.Aul) 27,Sept.3.10, ~1~ lndullve. 8'WOMI 540-555.4 112'28, tor 1he furnlthlng of 11le .... M9J ............. .J: NOTICl1 Y• M911 .......... ~~ORT MAILBOX, 2424 ~lreet, Coela Mela. callfomla c ... ......., •te7 VARIOUS TRUCKS. ...... ,.. .... ..... TM wt.., ............. ,.. ~.!°'7 rt llvd .• Coit• ....... c. A ~-H .• "'tr-'-, -1 • -~....... P18JC MtliJICE NOTK:al y ........ ~ ..... . PtHCll&OTHUS llU. tlOADW A 'f MOITUARY 110 Bro adwav Costa Me&a 642·9150 IALn I IHGllOM SMITH I TVTHl.LL WHTCllff CHAfltl 427 E 17th St Cos1a Mesa 648-9371 -NllCI MOTHBS SMITMS· MOITUdY 627 Main St ~nhnQton Beach S36-6S39 P ACll'IC YllW t•rle'llAl PMK Cemttt-ry Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3600 Pttelllc View Drive NewQbrl Beech I 644•2700 .,._ MICOllMCll M011'VA•I L41Quna Buch 49-HM1 5 LaQunaH1t11 .,.~ Sett Juan C.Ptttrano 4115·1778 c I Addltlon1I ••1• of 111• ,..,....... ...... .,.. ........... ,.. '11111....,. .... ·--.. _,, 0 -· .... ,,_,....,v ""' TMMW'I,..,. ............. ,.. epecMlclllb• ~ lie oblallled .. .. .... ••1 F ....... ,.. ...... ..... • ..... ..... .,; l Ab •J1•1 1105 E Cour1, Oos1e MeH, Oalltornl• ITATDmMT °" WJTHDRAWA&. ......... ,..., ........... ....... the Oflkle of tM l'un:Nlllnl A8ll1t W you wlltl to Miil the lldVloe of .._ .....,.,a1n ....... ~nn•• • c :~n. · 9212e. ""* ,.. ~ ....._ • _,.. .._. It 77 Fllr Or Ive, Co111 M•H1 Ill attor..ey In tllll m1tter. you Av 110 I u.'. II ". 1111. """°' .. " 1· Rlt• M. Strain. 907 Lombard PARTNI ...... ~TINO .... MfortMlloll .,...., CallfomlL 8ldt llflOllld be......,,_ JflCIUld do ao PfompU'J eo 1twl 'JO'W .......... It,,._..,_. ~ conc:IUcted by an Court, Co1t1 M111, Callfornl1 UNDlt' 1f you wlltl 10 .-tM ecMoe oe to the lllt«'lllon of tfw Qty aartl, wrttten f'ellPClllM, 1f any, rn.y be ....., ...,.. w,... A 1' 1 wenn. l ~ 92929. ftCTITIOUe Wat..,._ 111 111orney In thl1 matter, ~°" within Mid ..,... lllftlt, In • ....., ~on 1lflll. .......... w. ,....... ...... Thie llalemeftt W.. Mid wlUI 1he TNI bullnell le condUOted by an The foll owl no pereon hll lhOUld do eo promptly eo ttlll 'fO!lt ~. ldtnlllled on the outllcle -a 'V 110 I U at• II "• 11 • • •• ..... Lee .. ..,._,,A ... CountY a.ti of Orange County on lndMdual.;.., M St _.._ withdrawn u a general par1Mf from wtllletl reeponM, II any. may be with the Bid Marti NUmber mnd the ........... II lrlliMIMI ,... ...... Aug, ii, 1982. ..... . ,_, the .,.,,,_. Ol*ltlrlO under the flled on time. OpenlnQOMa. ........... w..... •• .. • 1. TO THI! O£FEHDNfT; A°""' ,_,. ~ .. ~~~~ llctlllOUI butlneu 1111111 of A'f1101 U•••• ...... . • ve.dlerw l~•mlNI•• ::-t ~-:rt':'r'n ~. ::-• .:-~ .. ::::.:--... comptllnt hll llMft flled by tlle ftubll•lled ~•nte Co11t O.. llY Aug. t. lM2. _ GOLFLAP8, 18211 WllllClltf Ott\le, ~~~!..'~"el• ,..-1 • " plalntltt IOtiMt you. Ptlol, ~. 20, 27, ~. 3, 10, tte2 • 11_... N9wpot1 Beedl, CA 92tl0, --_, 111 •• • •P•clflcatlon1. An.y enct all ...... a. II you wl•h to det1nd tlll• '880-82 Publllllad Oranw_ Coast 0=1 Th• llctl\loue bll11n1u n1me --.,. W. ,......, ...... exc119t1on1 10 tlle ~ncatloM •1 U11•ct ctetH 1ollolttr el 1_,ii, you -'· wtthlft ao csaya -.. ....... 1 .. 20 2 .._ 3 1 etatemtnt fOt tM~ • •-. &.ee la ...,_,r ... ,,.,.. be ~ .._. Ill Ille tlld. ooneelO de llfl lbOoNO 9" .... •'"-11111 tufft"'°"9 le IWV9d Ofl .,._Ill' IMnH' ,.._., .._, ,., • • _.. • Med Ol'I ... ...,. 2, t In IN ...... anc:1f.._,,.IO,..IOf1"1r11 ttem"' 1a11nto, ct1berr1 hecedo ~ t'lll With thll 6ourt 1 ""'*' '"~ ""'~ 311$-U ot 0r.;R lJI U•t•d de1•a 101101tar •• the epeolflc9llol• lfllll be groundl 1M11dll1&11Mnta, de etll maiterl, pl11dlng rn re1ponu to tile fllCTTnOUe Wll Full Iii~ end Addttll ol the aonM)o de 1111 abogado Aft "" fOf ,..Ion of "" tlld. .. ,....,. ... ..,.... II hey .ioune. QOmlllalftt. I" • JueUoe Court. )'OU ..... IT A~JIT PmUC ll)TIC( P4teon Wltl'ldtlWlllO: •• " n I 0 • d • b • , I. II a c • , to Eedl bid lfllll 1111 tor1'I Ille M ~ • J911J1 Ida• a...po, lftlll6 Illa wltll IM oourt 1 Wfttteft -~ol~nt per1on I• doing ___ .,,,... ..._ I.......,. lmmedllllfl*11•. ~ .... Mll'l«I. n1mH lftd rllldenoll Of 111 1. TO TtC ~: A Olwll ~ Of 01U11 an ort1 ""8dlftl ---~,,,_ 1tU Cef'Mfll.... IU '911)UM1a eec:ttta. II 1'aV ...-, .,., ................... In GO!ftfl91ftt .... ~ "*' by .... '° .,. ..,.. "'"" doGUl~ ~ IAUIOA DRAPERY SERVICI. ....-nA,_.-r . .....,.,, ..... CA -puecle .., 19Q111rada • tlal'flPO. the Pl!P°'ll. If th• bid fa bl.: --.:r= you. "'°" .... IO you cto 10. yOUf "''"" win .. 1425 Vllll09 Wl'i Ooet• Meu. CA Tiie follolllrll l*tOlll .. 6o1rto ,_.... 1. TO THt DIE~'. A .,. GOl'POladoft. -.. ,..._ llf ....,. ...... 'JOY l'llUlt, w191111 enteted 11POft ,,,..._tlofl ot ,._. t2tH ' ~ ,r0 ,. 0 w T H x 1 • P\lbllehed Or•riGe Ooeet 011ly co~•·~ been Hiid bY IM ='=-""°or-:.":.;:;':: :!:":n:'..:''!e:'.::':.:.1: ~a:::.O:r:\::t.= LIM~::un~::~.~:: ~! =..F ~ = "1tal.Aug 27.9-\.3.10, ~i1~ =tt111..s.'~r:'..~ wMllW mora IWll Oftl olltDer,... ...-. ~ • 1111 ODI,....... ••ldect M Ille 0001-lt, "'*"' '"'41. cA • • II d•V• 1tter thl• IUlnfllOH 11 =lhe lllld Iii.,•...., •• or U.-.,.. '° '°' '°"'..,. .. OO\llct 1..ult lft Oatftlll'llMftt Of 'ntll bl.tllN9 II oondl.lot9d by'" Olen'n l 011rhart 1211 PWUC ll)JIC( MtWd on~· fllt wltll ttlll _.,. • -----................................ UOfl °' ........ teltlllQ °'......, • llfCll*t'I lndMdull. . • """"" ,..,_ to the .......... . of II ..,.,.. ........... • oawt Ml...., 1 Of otfiet rellel reQUelteii lft e!M urry l. llrlle~ l11wortllf pr~ve, Hunttng1on NUmDUI .,..... Unlall you do eo. ~ ......,. .. lflCI II*"----. ... llllddetll .............. ~ 1Dt tlle ,_.. -Ttlll 1111 , .... Wll llM -"fl t111 919111\. CA..... ..... eTAW be ..,._... Ofl .,,.._,'°" ol IM eo1a piopi........., °' .-. elltlt1 ,.._.,,. it "' ........,., ..., -~;,:. wWI •Mill .. ...._ CountY Olarte of Otange COUl'lty on uwrenoe 0 . Schley, .. H The tollOWlnO !*'IOI"' .,.. clolN pltllltl", and Ihle oourt IMY ...., 1 ttwt doel ~under 1tlcllMOul oouttl ,...,.. In t•'"'"''""' of .. •......,tit 1111 -· ,_ AMI· 21, 1112. Harbor Key Olrcte, Hununotoft ~ • ~ IOliMt you tat.._...., ,-.tllelllld .... Mlfl.. ......~,,..,..,~ ........................ ,.. , ,,.... 919111\.CA...... ftlllA ftl.U•, 1111 lle:•ldectilttle-•-11 ..... n•M• or U1aotlblctcter wllll • Ot °'"' ,..,... lft tl\e -:a; 1 1 _,, -. • Publllhad Orange co .. 1 01111 ..,?::. ~...:-....,by a Wlltlftlfttt•r A••"ue· Qerfe:i ooulf r••Oll In oarn11111H11t .. dfflOftltlOfl ' OWlllt ...... _ ....... •' ... "'-... " . "°'· A119. 11 • ...,. '· tO, ,~ 1112 -'o -°'°"9l CA...... ...... ••lflCI of '"Ofl9'I or.,,......, "DI~ Ctll• rto~ltkHll ft•M•f"i DATID: ... ~ U'9,...,1, -3171 .. I t::::r~' Tn• Nlltl ftllllll..1 1 u,' Of •tllef ,.n •• reque1teci ....... P'~1. .......,, RO notltlo.ll 1.8 A.. • LD A. WHCH, • MotnlftllkM AWftUa #1, G.,den ~ ___ _._._.... Cleft ~ NI ................... Qiowe,CIMornle...... CMTIONo..,,..,n.117t ....... I • t .......... .. ~ IC.llltl9ml A...... ~...,, v. ........ ~ Clif', ..... ~ ~ "" ~ TOlfl DH ""'"'-' ~ 1.91" lrtndl. Oov"tf "eootilef. lfl OIH t ~-~ ~. fO, ,_ Mtnl~"""9 h. ._ . ==-=--:=-· ~" ..... ='niiiMiil -°'~ -'="'I:!::.,_.-=:. ....... -=, ........ °"""'' ... __ ... ~...:........---.= -!iiEit: ,_OWi_.. _._ ...... -L .. _.,m , -2•0. ,,.. wnr ....,__ ., -ACT10N .. ,_ ' 'nte *'"""' A ..... I I co..· Maile !J'!l!I a. .. . -Clll o • t. I •II -tl9d.... ==-.. '1:,;&·-~-.. ~ ~ ,..,............. ~~-°'91110Mllr• ='-~~ .. ,-..... ............ ~:.... Deity .,....,.. ,...., ... .. \S ,,.. ... flllt. .. :~ ar... o...e:.,_ ,,.,_.. ~ 0.-0. DAILY PLOT ,.,.,.... ar... =l ~ 0....0-. ~ ...... ""' I,• fr, It. 1'!.. 11191. ..,._a, to.. .t'J; It,,_ lllWa DIMCTOft't' ,._ Aut-•I. .. n, ..,._ Auf. 11. llllt. f, •10, 17. _... .... .... ....,., tlMI l ,,,.;.:;.;:...m:.i:::;......o~..-;m.--...;;;;; __ .__ ____ 4~ •. ~------- Orange. Colet DAIL V Pit.OT /Ftlday, 8eptember 3, 1982 •• I ---;. -- ----,/ - -,-- MLIC llDTICl ... ___ """!MUG~~..,~-"'"""""'~-~' ,.IC M>m g.c fl>ra Ml.IC MmCl " MUC flJT1U r.aec M>TICl • , Ml.IC-Moncr ~--~-111!~~~:t.T.t'11:n'= ITAW='l•lllHSIT -Jl~~cJ..-i' •• .,.~ Mmtaue ..... -~-=Tll'tw.I MOTa:.1,:::...uu 'NIM -~1111•"••01CVHell. 11,fllit Of UleCW . .. ''" Tiit folloltMf _,. U.tTA,...,. -.._ ....... . YiiiijiiflflM.. •OT fjlff O•tt• ...... 0.ltfOllll:iJ: NTmOUe .._ .. um NOTtOI J#.,..=~ IM.8 IMIMM M ..,.-.. .,. ~'°':"If per.one we dolnf ..J;.t:tr ::no. fA. ... ,,_.. T -~.!!',::..,,,., I 14 , "'· : ~~ -:.::,,. '"• fohowl1t1 ,.,. .... lit -it N.4MI l..nncie A Yowne . l.-ION "Hou .. ou llUA INCHANTID '0""" 1121 TO "°"'"y OWNIAI T 0 H"VIC• COMl'A"". ~ ~ ""°" 1~ ....... ,. ........... uet., ... ,.......... IO.r T 'V~ OllllU.IJllQ ""OOMM tH '"" w. l•lllo• ttvcl '" "'••POrl vov AAI IN Of,AVU UNO "A •PPOlnl•d Tr11t ltt wnhr , .. Tiit l late Water "•uuroo '1';t;~dlno Ille lollowlno ~~ .. A VINUI 00Y00U!,~.21'AUl.TUHOl"A Otnter Ortva, 1111 'lotr, Ot•I• '-" CAtltt1 ' OHOOFT,.UIT.OATlOJ0·20IO fol6oWlftt fftOt\Md OMO Of., .. Contr04 lottd on llel\all Of ltMli IOOl!loellone AllOCI ATlt Ill I IT II I "'" • ....,.r DATID ~y 1, M--. CA HIM Jiltry Wltllatll H•OlnO t 1H W UNLIH YOU TAKI ACTION TO WILi. HI.I. AT l'Ut~IC AUCTION and Ille U.t . lnwttOltllltlllt l . I Oratt l11vlro11mental Impact COtta ...._.. cA ua1 • 1 1 • r'"o I UHlt.11 YOU TAKI ACTl()flij l!on "-toufc.e Inc • Ill Olllo ._.. INd IA ~ IMGti0 PAOT!Cf YOUA l'lllOPlltTY, IT TO THI HIOHHT 11001!111 '0" ftrotecuon AQenCY flat tWOYld "'8oft, loecllle l'ten A~l l 7 .... ~~· "'OlfCT YOU" ~"n& Corporttton .... TOWll Center CA t2MI • ' • MAY &E SOLO.AT A l'UlltC IALE CAtH ~ey•b't .. ""'-of .... In grent l11ndtno'tor. ••••r ll'·U ·01A, •Ptolllo Pl•n lie ~lllOUt ---NMll MAYlllOLOATAl'Ull.IO ~2·1 IUI Ploof, COtt• ....... CA l.lnOt 011111 llgge, Htl w ,, YOU NHO AH l!>CPLANATION ~ ~ OI "'-UnltMoc!= t.oltmalton ftelllllle l)lennlno Mud t111pltmtnlallo" ••rllltl AtHllt referred 10 lb OH ... ltled 1" ., 't'OU NUO AN l)(P~NATIOff 1.... .. " lalOOt INd fA Ntwpof1 IMctl 0 r TH t NA f u RI 0,. l HI! .. ¥•· tin. tncl lnltr•I wttltln llle l t nla MMgtfllt Wat~ l'ttltton R·U · 10 I nd Zona r.:o-Cou.nty on o.ctnlNf ll, 0' TH l NAT U "I 0 ~ TH l Cob~ N, Ke tter• 118 Town CA tHfl ' ' PAOCUOINO AOAINllT YOU, YOU IO tt1C1 now 11110 by tt 1MOet Miit Otelrlot a.11d llH req\flrff tlllt e lic~tlOll P.,mh zi0H 0 tst, tor JAMH W RAY IN I lflll PlllOOU.OINO AGAINST YOU. 't'OU Ce "ter Drive, 11111 Floor, Coelt Thie~ It OOl\M1ed by e IHOULD CONTACT ts LAWYlR 0 .. d Of Tr11t1 Ill 1111 property C::1 r::ra:':.:::n:",:: ~:::~· .::,''/:, ~:,i:;~~ II .. =i:ri ~:~~I. 7111 •~u~~~s!:f~t, ~.~~;10 ~ C:,:· .. conduc1tc1 by• OtNWll ~~Olne ~.~==..:2tq~~;·,:.;:,~ "'Tt'ufT'O~ti;fM MEIHKAt, of Ille tacttlllt• pltn Tn• a a11te Wtrd Dl.,.toprntnt Corp., U·I. 11 ,.._,. MIN.' CA Hf 1 a.111., AACI ~TGACJI. INO .. It lillllMd '*''*'""P· • Th" t1111Ment wu flied wtth 1111 H outy eppptnted tr111IH under '"1.tnmarrlecl man Mero1rll1 W11tt r:>tetrtot .. Leed CttlOllOO, 111., to ttntncl lht bUlld~ "rHOMAt Wll.1..1 , .. ·I. 11'!1 puty appointed Trvecee Under tlld 8:'ti--~ott. Inc CounlY OletW OI Ori/IOI County on tnd purauen1 10 D•td of Trutt I IN E Ft CI AR 't'. o AO f" Aftnc~e rupone tble for ~~LMIMoil, and n00t ttearello 81 ,..,_.• .......... ,.. .. ,· .... ., pureutnt lo Deed of Trutt rlCOfdld v1 N. Ktlltf ~r .. __ ..,., iO. tltl ttcofded Oecemblf 11, tHOl •• COAPORA TION. • O•t•w•r• ... ... prvy19!0nl of Solcl!lo Ptlln 12-41 to "....., -· ..... .,_ Mty 1 1ff1 • lnt4 Ho '"4 In ~ttw vio.Pr-.1 ,,___, t11•t. No. 1112110, tn book 13170, COtl)OfttlOn :,er::~ ,.c~~ii/~~:.::r-:1~: llil)w .,, exoepllOn to Ille 1111111miirn ll =:"J.:.~~H·~~ •. 17111 book ;4CM.; PllOt Mo. °' °"'°'91 Thie et•terntnl WM lilld wtlll the lllubll•ll•d Ortn.Qt OOHI ~ page 81&, ol Olflclll Alcordl In Ille Recordtd October ao. IHO .. dr•ll enwonmet1ttt lmpecl ""'°" llOOr ., .. ratio 01 llP·l2.01! to ' PHii.ii' M l'Ullll.OHQ. 21012 "-d• Ill'"' of!lcl Of lht County Co\ln~ Cltr1c OI 011111141 Counly on Piiot. AllQ. 13, 20. 27, hp!. 3, Jte2 ofllce of '"' Co\llll'f Rlcofdlt• Of tnetr. No. 44973 In bOOll 1a111. •nd dtetrtbuttct It to re1pon1lbl• ~~~~~~':i:,;"~~ :~·10•::.~~ Lott COit, uPa Hiiia, CA 't1w. ~~:,'n1:r w°LL<>•:r~1To;~~[(c =, :: ~:!; 35p.ei ~;!c?tec1c:':"Zio~'~~1~1~fn~~ = 1~~~~! =d'!:'°:6g,~ agtneilellndoonc1rtlldpert1Nlor re11tew of• llOtellolltct complex FAANK J. HA,lfNI,., 30H2 AUCTION TO HIOHllT 11001~ A...,_,••Law PlllUC NOTICE m en. WILi. 8HL AT PUILlC Ooun~ldd..0 01truetdetof11>9' rtvttw Ind comment•. A publlo wllll verteno .. from land1caped PINO 0.. Vallt, LAQ\Anl Nlguel, CA FOR CASH lP•Y•blt., 1111'19 ot .... • T .. 11 Ctllllf Dffl• l(-A1&&4' AUCTION TO HIGHEST 81001!R '"'I ng propwty: hltrlng w•• lleld lo dllOUH lht f::bacll tnd perkt!1 r...,.~11 ,.,,.,,,. 92977, In ltWfUI -o"t 01 .... United ...... IOO --FOR C"SH I b'& I I I PAACl!L 1' ,. .. elmpl• title I• llndlnge Ind reoetve tddlltont pr__...1...,. t i'"" 8 B..._1~i Tlll•bUllMMwuconc:hicrtedbye *ttltl) ~';o''N'"'·s M"usT BE C ...... FtCTmOUllWalHlll " 1 pay1 ,.e11meo Mt · ttVlt d I A It I ........ , .._ ... OI .. ... .. .... OA -NAMa IT;'1'IMIHT In ltwlul mo"•Y 01 th• Unlltd Condominium Unll No. 2IO (the, W:. an tlcommen 1· ne lllrwt, Int C2 ZOnt. ltmlttd l*llll!'llltp, TENDERED IN CASH CASHIEAS ,,_, The lollowlng pereon te doing St11 .. 111 lht nor1h Iron! entrtnet "Untl"), H ehown 11pon Ille :N 1~1 tmpaat rec>or~"': For further lnlormatlon on the Thie tlll""4!ll wu tlled wtlh the CHl!CK8, OR Ct!RTIFIED CHECKS. Pubfttllld Ortnjlt COit! Ottly butlMll u ot Ille county Col.lflllOUHi 700 ClvlC Condominium Plan (enlltltd comm1nt1 rt~:' ~~.:'!rea 11 1or above eppttcettone, teltphont County ~11r:,:1 Orenge County on Al lht fro111 en1r1nct to tll• old PllOI, A!JO, 20, 27, llj)t. 0, 10, 18f2 DIAMOND UPHOt.STER't' 2428 Center. Drive wo1. StnU~ Ana. "Condominium Plan for lot 1 Of Dltlrlct apP,ovel end otr111\c:etlon tt ~~~~~48 gr.Pei:.~~ =:-111°~00'"' A1111U•1 · 1 • ,11t411 00rn•lllll1nC1ou, ~·~.Cour81vlh«id "b'•loetwat••lldn 37oe-i Ntwporl eoulevero Cott• M•H C111torn11111 tight, tllte end 1nte11tl treat No. 10587"), County 01 •II adjourned publlo 11e1 1 The ' • • 0 6•' "" CA 921127 • ' conveyed 10 and now h••d by II Oran~, Sl•lt of Celllornla (11\t, dJ ,; 'II t "9 7 7 Fa r Drive . Coetl Moo. P11bllthed r•n.11.• COHI Delly Sycamore 81 • BrotdWly Stnt• AOOP ABRAHAM AQOPIAN undlf H id Dted 01 lruet In th• "Pltn '), rlOOfclld on July 12, 1t1t, :C.:Ou~::T .. ::;11~9 ,~:• be~n C•lllornlt, PllOI, A\111 13, 20. 27, &,Pt. 3, 11112 Ana, Cttll. tit ~lgllt mte tnd in11r .. t rta.IC NOTIC( 58311 Vtrglnti Ave No 1 Lot pro.,.r1y eltulled In Hid Co11nty H ~umenl No. 15e1l>, tn bo<* DI inc': Boa d 2:0oegu •r Publlehed Orange CoHI Otll~ 3817·82 conveyed to ano' now held by· tt Arioetet CA 90038 · · ' and Sl•I• dttertbed 11 13228, Peote 7t 10 118 lneluM , M!,dty, s!i,t:"~rio~. ;118~:~i Pllol, 8191, 3, 1982 3895-8 "8.IC N()TIC( under ••Id Deed of Tr11at 1n Ill• HOTICI Of' fhle bualneet 11 c:onductlld by en Unl1 123 ol Lo• 4 of Trtc1 NH u Olltofat Record•, ol 11Jd Oranoe lhl Fleld Olttce of the Dtetrlcl PtOPlflY llt111ted In tald County ""11111'9 IM.I Individual I* map rec:orded In 8ooll 12868 County, which Plan ptr1elne lo tlltS loeal9d II 27204 EUI le Pu Roed l'tlll.JC NOTICE "1CTITIOUI .,..... end Siii• deeeflb4NI u ; T.I . NO. .,.,.. .\GOP Abrlhem AooPltn PtgH 10I8·106 I tncluelv• ol proplfly dHCrlbld In Tr1ct NO. MIMlon Viejo catttoml• · NAm ITATIMINT Deecflpllon of the tend refetrld 10 On September 24. 1H2119·ta a.m. lhl• llatemenl wae llted wl'lh IN Ottretai Record• ol Orange Coun1y 10587, recotdld In booll .. 9. pegae Publlelled 'Orenge CoHI Otlly YOU AM IN DIJAUL T UNOlfl A The fotlowlnll Plftof1t are dOlng In tlll• Notto. of Salt, In U118t11t of Of Mid day at 1111 tronl enlrena '°' Covniy Clttk 01 Ore.nge COuniy on PARCEL 1. Unll No. 123 u etiown 5 Ind II, Mlteelleneoue Mapt, In 1111 PNol SeptMlber 3 1982 D 11 D Op T" U IT OAT IO bu"'-..: CtlllOfnla, County ol Or~ 1111 old Or1n99 Counl'/ CourthOUM, AUQUll 24 lll82 91\d detc:rlbed In Ille Condominium oltto. ot Ille counly rec:ord« of._, · • 388&-82 NOYIMMtl t. 1m ........ YOU THE 800K'EEZ. 2023 Mlr11nt1 PARCEL •:clot 11 Of ract No. tooated on San11 An• Blvd., P · MMON Ptan1n .,._~'f"'12d8~ •. onp!]!tot>«1018410• 119!.,81• oounp•'Y· "L 2. '"n und........, ."""'l2 TAKI ACTION TO P"OflCT Dr .. Newport &Moh, CA 92ee1. 96921 In Ille tty of Coate M .... between Sycamore 81 A Broadwey, btl h d o c D II """" "" _,,.... .,.. .. RC., " , • .,,_ .,.,,,, YOUR P"OPl"TY, IT MAY a1 Chwyt L. Snow, 2023 Mtrem11 County ol Ora nge , &l•lt of In Ille City ol Sanlt An•, Counl'J ot u • • renge OHi • Y lnelulille. ol Officlll Record• ol uld percent tntt rHI I" end to Ille IOU) AT A PU9&JC IAU. •YOU Of .. Newport BMdl, CA t21M11. Callforni.. u per map reootdlld In Orange, St•t • ol Calllornle, PllOI. Ayg 27· Sepl. 3• IO, 17• 1882 Counly. Common AreH H •flown and -..o AN l~ATION Ol/1 n. Dorothy V. Mlchtet, 1534 bOOll 402 Piii" 22, 23 tnd 24 of Calltornla Truel Deed•, lno., u duly 3822·82 PARCEL 2: An undivided ont dtflned on 11\e Plan. l'tB.IC NOTtCE NOTICE OF DEATH OF NAJ'U"I OP THI PROCllDl.HQ 81nmore Line, Anelletm, CA Ml~ Mepe, In the otllot Of llPC)Ofnllld 11\191•, wilt Nit al public l'UBllC NOTICE lorty•llfet ( 114 let) lnlerNt u t tenanl EXCEPT THEREFAOM ell Oii. gee, AOAIHIT YQU, YOU IHOULD 112806. Ille County Record« ol Uld county. auclton to th• htghtlt bidder tor In QO<Tlmotl In Ille'" lnlerell In •nd "*-• Ind Other hydrOGafbontl, MICHAEL G. ABIFADEL CONTACT A LAWYIJl Polly Breeze, 2932 Redwood, PAACEL 2. An EHemenl lor call, In lewtut monty ol lhe Unlltd T MCMO 10 lh• Common ArN ot Loi 4 of below a deptll 01 500 teet. Without AND OF PETITION TO NOTICI Oii TitUITal'I IALE Coelt Mete, CA 12626. lng reu a nd e9re u 01111 lh• St1ln1 ell P•V•ble tt •h• lime ol NOTtcl 01" TMllftl'I IALI Tr:act 9658, tn Ille City ot trvlnl, •• lht rlghl ot 111rlaoe entry, u ADMINISTl!:R EST ATE NO No. 013'417 Thi• ~ It oonduoled by • WNlerty 5.00 l•I ol the NOttherty ttl•; Ille lollewlng dNCtlbed rHI T.I . No. ea.ea per map lll~tn Book 429, P'GH 30 r~ In lntlru1T11t1t1 of reoord. • On $ep1Mlber 22. 1982 .• , 10:00 ~ .,.rtner9hle>. 36.00 , ... ol LOI 18 of Tract No. propwty eltutllld In the County ol I .. p 0" T .un N 0 TI c I! T 0 IO 33 tnotuslv•. ol Mlactll•ntoul PARCEL 3: An •xoluel'le rlghl .,,d A·lUIU. A M • tt lh• main enlrence ot Cheryll. Snow 9592, u thown on• map recorded Orenge, Stale ol Ctlllornl• end ""°""TY OWNlft: Mapa. record• ot Mid Coun1y, H tuemenl to UM the t>eitoony ., .. To all h eirs, beneficiaries, Lawyet• TIU• 1neuranc:1 Company Thi• t llttmtnl WM flltd wllh tllt tn book 4Q2 PIQM 22. 23 and 24 ol deec:rlbed u loltowe, to-wtt. YOU""' .. Dl,AIA.T .,..,_,.A 111ch lerm 11 dellned In Artlcle dHlgntd B-250 on 1h1 Pt•n H creditors a nd continfent 520 N0t1h Miiin StrMt, In 1111 Clly oi County C11rtt ol 0tenoe Coun1y on Mtacetlentoue Mtpe, record• of Loi 47 ol Tree! No. 58118, " DI.ID Of' n.u&T, DATID AUG. M, enlltted "Oellnllton." of 1111 bllng appurtenant lo the Unit .. cred itors of M lchae G. San•• Ana, Countyol Ora~. Sltte Aug. ill, 1982. Orange Counly, Celllomle. lhown on• Map recorded In Book 1111, UN&.111 YOU TAKI ACTION Deoleretlon o f Covenen11, PARCEL4: An exctuetw rlglll and Abifadel and pel'90ns who ~~CCO•~v:v~~~E Cc"'J-~~~~~I~ Pu~.~htd Ort njlt Coa:1'~~ .. ~h:.1~':.n~~ :1g:!:':= ~118Mr.=:~:·J~!~·r:~~ ~1 rTo .. 'T:~~C~oliu:T':O~~~ ~:~~~~g~~ •~s~~J!:~~~~.'.o~I:.~! =:;:~to~~ti!~rn'~~!jc~ may be otherwiae lnterested Clllfornl• corporallon, 11 duly Ptlol, . 20, 27, Stpl. 3, 10. 1962 tht unpaid obllgatlone ol the All Or~ Counly, CttltOl'nle. 1 Al I . t, you Ne 1 o AN tth• "Oed•rellon"). Sp-No. PS-208. in the will and/or estate: appointed TruelH under that 3672-62 lnc:tu1tve Dffd ol Trull and lh• EX~PTtNG •n undivided one-IXl'UNATtON 0, THI NATURE EXCEPT THEREFROM •II ou, gll, YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A A petition has been fUed certain Dffd of Truet executed by obllgellone MCured by Ille ln<:ludlld hall Intern! In tll otl, g11, mlntfale 0, THI PROCllDIHQ AOAINIT mlnerala and olher hydrocerbon 0 EE 0 0 F TR U 8 T 0 A T E 0 b J k G Ablf d 1 in th ELIAS o. OVIEDO and MARY s. Pl8.IC NOTICE encumbrance(•! ol record, wllloh end other hydrocarbon eub1t1noe1 YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A eub1t1nc1a ly1119 below a depth ol OCTOBER a. 1111!<>. UNLESS YOU y ac . a e e OVIEDO Hueband and Wiie .. dllterenct la eat meted ro bl t17.-tyi ng below a depth of 900 IHI lAWY•"· 500 '"' wllhout lily rlghl 10 enltr TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Superior Court of Orange 1ruetore ;..c;0,ded on Novembe; 22 nJm~c=g:NIA 866.63. Thi• figure lnct11dH ell without the rtohl of eurlaoe entry 11 on September ze. 1ga2. 11 10:00 upon lhe surface or 1he 1ub1urlac;e PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A County requesting that Jack 11177, .. tn11rumen1 No. 28346, In '°" Ttta lrUllH'I .... •nd COiia e nd r_.,lld In the Deed lrom Paclllo A.M .. GATEWAY !!ANO SERVICE. ol aald tend above. deplh ol 500 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN G. Ablfadel be appointed aa Book 12465, Page 829, of Oltictal COUNTY"" ORANGE adv•ncee.11 •ny. MldWHI D•v•topmenl co ... INC ... duly euballlUled Trualff feet, •• provided In Instrument• or EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE personal r epresentative to RecOfdt ol Orange County, Sl•I• 01 700 CIY!o Center Dfl¥I WHI. Th• lltttt •ddr•H and olhlf oorporatlon, recorded October 3, under and purau1n1 to Detd of record. · OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST . • C1lllOl'nl1, under lht poww of ute common delignatlon, II any, of Ille 19113 In Book 8744, page 181 ol Trull dtled Augull 24 1981 PARCEL 3: Euement1 as Ml lorlh YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A admm1ster t he e1tate of lhlreln conltlnlld wrn Mii el pybfle lenta ~CA la01 tHI property dNcrtbed ebove le Officl•I Ricord•. reoorded Sep1tmber 2 1'11111 ei In lhe Sec1ton1 enlltled ''Cet1eln LAWYER. Mkha~l G. Abifadel (under euctlon 10 1he ll~hNI bidder for ~~~Jg'~f~Ml~~'f1~~~::1U, purported to be: 990 ModJHkt Commonly known· .. : 523 11111. No. 3803, In book 14208. P-0-Ea .. menll lor Ownere" end #37 102 Scholtz Plaza, Newport the Ind e pendent CNI\, or c:hecll u dacftbed bllo\lf, SHIPLEY'S RENTALS , INC., tnd Ctrc:le, Coate MeH, Cetllornla.. Pierpont Drive. Co•I• Me ... 101411017, of otltclet Record• ln ··supporl , Setllemenl end Beach, CA 92863 Ad · i I ( .,._ t payebte el 1111 time of Nit In tawtut DOES OUOh 25, tncluelv 92627. Calflomta the oltlee qt tht County Recorcter. Enc:roechmenl'' of lhe Atllctt "(II • etreet eocsr ... or common mtn 1trat O~ 0 ..,..ta es money ol 1111 United Stein ol I lhr ~ • The underetgn-4 dlecl1lma 1ny Stld nit wlll be med• wlthoul ol Orange Count y, Stele of enllll•d "EtHmenll" ol lhe dHlgn1t1on I• •hown ebove, no Act). The petition ill let for America wttnout warranty exprea1 c ..._ 171119 ltablftty for any lnc:orrectneee of the covenanl or warrtnty, txpreutd or C.Kfotnte, exewtlld by LOAINOA B. Oec:terellon warranly le given •• to tu hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 or lmp01ted at to ttlle, uu, NOTICll~ ... ""9 been eued. etreet llddrNI tnd Olhtr QO<Tlmon lmptllld, regerdl119 lltlt, pot ... liOn HOUGHTON, an unmerrllld woman. PARCEL 4 EHemen11 H auc:h oornp$et-0< oorrlClneu)." The Ovic Center Drive, West, ln poHtHlon or encumbr•nc ... alt TM -.t _, ..._ _....,.1 JOU c1Ntgn111on. • II any, lhOwn herein. or encum6r1nc:t1, lo Htlely the Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION MMITlltlll ere perllculerty Mt l0<1h benellcl1ry un<11r H id Dffd OI the City of Santa Ana rlglll. tltte and lnterNt now held by ""'*" ,_ ._...., ~;.... Seid H I• wltl be made, b11t obtt9tllon1 ••cured by end TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASM In the Artlcte entllted "Eaeemen11" Trull, by rt1eon of • brHch or "&"•--•· Se ._ 29• It " euch TruttH tn end 10 Ille ,... ,....... ..;;;;:.;: • ~ ..._.. without cov•"•nt or werrenty, pureut nt to Ill• Powe r 01 Sele (ptyeble 11 lime of nte In ltwful ol lhe Declettllon of Covenen11, defaull In Ille oblgattona -..i ~, .... on ptem...,r • lollowlng dHcrlbed property tM lftforMaUon lll6oW _,_ expr-Of tmplled, rtgerdlrig ttlte, conferred In a certlln Deed of Trull, money of lhe Unheel SlatN) el the Condlltona and RHtrlctlone In lhtfeby, heretofore executed end 1982 at 9:30 a .m. etlu•led In the alorneld County end 11 you wltll 10 _. i11e edvtoe ot ~. Of encumbrtneee, to executed by Wiiiiam E. Wille. Jr tnd Nonh Fronl Enlrenct to the Counly "Subjec1 lo." balow (lhe "Maller delivered lo Ill• underetg"t d a IF YOU OBJECT to the Stale. 10 wit en allorney In Ihle melter YOll PIY the remaining prtnctptl It.Im of Pelrld• J. WMll N lruetors, dattd ::ourthouM. 100 Civic Cenler Oflve Dec:teratlon") under Ille Sec:llon written Oec:laratlOn of Oeteull end .ift... f th ti ti Lot 3" ot Tree! No 7465 .. per ehwld do ....... h • the note(•) MOUrtd by Mid Deed of Marc:ll 13, 1181 end recorded N111. Stnl• An•. Celllornte, all neadlrig1 In suctt Attlelt enOUed" Otmand 104' Siie, end written notJot ~;-"'d'6 eioth e pe on. ~u mep recorded tn 8ook 304,' Pegea wrlnen .!g:':"li' 80 1 •I ~ Truet, wllh tnterHI thereon. H Ocloblr 2. 1981 In Book 142411, ·1g111, u11e and tnter1tt con'le\'9d to follows: "Owners Rlghll and Dullea. of brMdl Ind of ellelton 10 caUM a1JUU.1 er appear at e 44 to 46 tnc:lullve ot MllC9ftaneoua flied on~ n · eny, mey provldld In nld nole(•). lldvtnOM, pege llM. Olllcttl Ree01d1 ol Ille Ind now held by 11 undet Hid Deed UllllllH end Ctble Ttlevlelon", th• underetgntd to Hit H id h e aring and 1ta te your Mapa, In 1111 Olfloe ot the County Av 110 j U •I• d 111 •Id 1 11 any, under Ille letmt al the Deed Orange Co\lnty Aecordlt ol lruet tn the property lltuatecl In 'Supporl e nd Setlltment". proe>erty to u11tfy eekl obflgatlone, objections or file written R«:orderofaaldCoun1y. demel\dedo II trlbi'" 1 Pll•d• of Truet, I•••. c:111rge1 and At lht time ot the tntt ta t MldCounlyllldStele detctlbedu: 'Encroachmet11", and "Communlly t nd th1real1tr the underelgned · · i h--t'"'& --··-tbL.IOtal.ame>uQJ oL•t&.~ ...__._.. · -•~ I lllDtr\IM Of the Truel• Ind ol the ~1"''"'•!190 o.Uhf! DQlkl,..JlltJlUll ....L£GAL...D£$CBIP.UO~AJL·.._. F~~~I':, cauMd Mid nollce.otbCNICbtnd of --~ ·~ rte-w t ·~l-ip;1nc:1pa1 balance 1n1erts1 thereon _....,_ -.r11itt "CtttftTl>Ylll"d--OiiCJOl 1mount of the unpaid batanc.uof ctntln LMMtlOICI &ttl .. 111u1teeifl'AR'CE[s:Eii«iieo1 ove< Col Ao r ilietl&i1~1>e~oVltn before the h earing. Your loglther with reUon•bf'/ .. umeted =:' .:."~i. ~IN Truet, 10-wtt: 175,143. 18. obtlgetton secured by the ebove In the S•••• ol Celilorntt , COunty of rr1<:1 9816 u per mep flied In Book 23, 1981. H lnatt. No. 28045 tn appearance may be in pel'IOn c:o111 expen ... and edvlOOft et ....._ 4'IM The beflltlclery 11nder Mid Deed duortbed Deed of Trull tnd Orange, Olly ol Co111 Meu. C14, Pages 15 lo 23 lnctu1tve of book 14300, page 167, ol Hid or by your attorney. 111111~ of 1111 lnlUat pybtlc:lllon of ~I 'ueted d•H• •ollclter 11 of Trull llerttofore executed end 11t1m11ed coete, expeneH, t nd dMOl'tbed u follow•: IAlacetleneoua Mepe, record• of Oltlc:lal l'ec:orde. I F y 0 U A R E A thte Nollee ere $96 452.17. coneelo de un ebo ado tn llte dtllvertd lo 111• underalgned • advanON la S81461.19. PARCEL 1: 1etd Counly, lor Ill• purpoH of Said ute wlll be medt, bul Currenlty detlld Cutotere Cheek• p written Oec:11n1tton of Deleutt end 't'OU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A A eublleHhold In ltlld 10 Unit Jralnage benelJUng on the PfQPlfty wllhoul covenant or werranty, CREDrI'OR or a contingent or Certified Checkl paylb.le 10 the ••unto, dtber • lltctrlo Dtmtnd tor Sal•, and • written DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH .!5 on Loi 1 ol Traci 10526. 11 Jonveylldhereln,Pfovldedlhlleuch expr-or Implied. regardlrig tltte. creditor of the deceued, you TruetH or bidder 11e ·~table 10 :i;::••t~.:n~ :':ta ~·· Noltoeol O..tutt and Elec:tlOn 10Set1. 13, 1981. UNLESS 't'OU TAKE eh own tnd ductlbed In l h• 1relnage •h•ll not unre11onably po ... 111on. or •ncumbranOH, to must file your claim with the Tru11ee provided proper Wede"":'r lltradat ti:fipo_..na. Tiie underetgned oauatd ulo ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Condominium Plan• ("plan"), wnlc:ll ·eatrlc:I the 1n1ended uH end p1y IM rMltlnlng prlnctpal tum flt court or present It to the ldentllic•llon I• •valllble 1 TO TH? DEFENDANT· A ct\-11 Nolle• of Oettull and Etecllon to PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A pltn Wll recorded on 9117/80 In mjoymenl of 11ld Lot A. lht nolt(I) Mc:Urtd by Hid o..ctof• From tnlo etlo . hloh the ' ' Sell 1o be r-ded In the COUnly PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN book 13737, PIGll 1057, t1 eeq1 ol the 11ree1 eddrtH end other Truet, wllh lnlerNt u In nld 00\ll. p e rsonal representative Truetee dH~~ rell~b;:, but for ~~";,~~Int;:,~ b••.n1,'11~ !{1111~~ where the rNI property I• located. EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Oltlciel Record• Of Or111gt Co\lhty. JOmmon deslgnellon. 11 eny. ol lh• provided, advancea, II any, under appointe d by t h e court which Trutlet m ake• no defendt:!ie.Jr'y Yet within Neme, Stretl Addreu tnd OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ·or .. meyber..,ec:orded. 1111 properly deac:rlbe<l ibove t• tht term• ot H id Deed ol True1, within four montha from the repre11111a11on or w1r11n1y, the 10 d•Y• alter 1;,1,0U.:J':moni 11 Telephone Numblf of TruetH or YOU. 't'OU SHOULD CONTACT A PARCEL 2: >urported 10 be. 28 Atderwood, '-· cnergee and 1xpen-of Ille date of fl rat l1tuance of 11reet eddreH or other common MrVed on YoU Iii, with thl court a pereon conducllng H I• 11 ARCS LAWVER. An undivided one lllty-tllth Nine, CA 92714, Tru•I• and ollhe tru111 C<Mttd by l tte 'ded in Sectl dttl91111lon of the ebove dHCr.itled ltten ~ .f Ille ..!-,..,..111 MORTGAGE. INC., II Trutl•. 8y. 01tlld: Auguet 20, 1982 (1165th) lnltrHI H • tenanl In The underelgned T rual H Mid Deed of Trull. Said ult wttl be e rs as provt ,.._,.,_on property It: 3872 Btaclcthorn, ltllfne, ~INI you do to 0...ww d;f'~wtti CIQB CORPORATION, Agent, 8850 Ctllfornl• Trull common In• euMMMhotd wtalt llactelme any Heblllty tor eny held on Friday, Sep1emblr 10, 19621 700 of the Probate ~ of Cttlf. 92807 ' •-Ctn11Y Avenue, Rited•. Ctlllornle Oeeda, Inc. In and to 111 ol the rNI property, nc:orrect,_a of the etreet iddreu at 2:00 p.m .. •1 the Chepmail California. The time fo r ~ pr~y 11 being aotd for the :;a.,:i~~r~ ~·~~a,:; ;,'1.',h: 91334 (213) 3"2..:J.408. 126 121h Slreet. tncludtng wllhoul ltmllallon the 1nd other common dMlgnatlon, 11 Avenue eo1ranoe 10 \ht CMe Cerlt• filing clairna will not expire purpoee ol pey1ng the obltgelione lu<lgmei,1 llQllntt 'JOU fOf tM reflef DATto Auawt 5, 1te2. Suite 11 l. common ., .. •• defined tn th• 1ny anown herein. 8ulldlne,-300 EHi Cllepmen prior to four months from HCurld by Hlcf 0Hd ol Trull demanded [n tbl cornplelnt, wNdl !.~'t!ftTGAGE, INC., ~~~l~ •• ~.942 607 Declertllon o l Cove na nU, S0ald H ie wltl be m1de. blll Avenue, Ille \(11)' ot orllf!.OI. UA the date Of the hearlna IT~, .. lnG..!~of~!Xpet!IM ol tht could rellllt In gtrntthmenl ol "'M . .., ....... S, t,,,"~~b ."...~.~ Condition•. tnd R11trtct1on1 Nllllout covenenl or warranty, At the !Im• ol the tnltJtt o •v• .,.., ..-. n. """" .._ ............. ("Olol••tlon") -Old on 9nlf!IJ 111pr ... or Implied, regarding tl11t. publleetlon of Ihle notice, the totll noticed above Otted Auou-1 12 1982 Wlil)et, tall~ of money Of ptoptft'J Vtc;a PrNldenl vic.PrNl<lenl In Book 13747, PllQt 1545 et eeq. of >OHHalon, or encumbrancH, trnounl of the unpaid ba1tnot of IM YOU MA y EXAMINE Ctlltornla R.c:on\.eyanoe ~t re ltl requet1ed In tl\t P11bll1htd Oft nge Co111 Deity. Publt1hed Ortnge Co111 Deity Olflc:ltt Record• of OrtnQt Counly, 11cludlng ltu, chergu e nd oblfgatlon MC:llred by Ille tbovt the file kept by the court. If Compeny DATED .Aprl 18, 1"2. Piiot, Aug. 20, 27, 8tPt 3. 3198271; .. 2 Pilol, Sept. 3, 10. 17, 1982 ..... 1 •2 on Lot 1 ol Trtc:l 10525 ln 11\e City ,~of tht Trllt ... tnd of the dt1crtbed dHd of 1tue1 •"4 u Mid TnlltM ...., ......, ... of CO.II ,.._• ahown on• mac> 11usta c:rHted by H id Deed of 111tme1ed coete, e11p1n11e. and' you are lnte rest ed In the ey 8uunnt Forehtnd ~A. Blanch. recorded In 800ll 462, P11111t 48, rrust. 1o P•/ 1111 r9tTllllnlng pr~ edvenc•• ta U3,at6 24. To estate, you may file a n!q\HJSt Ellec:utl\le Vice Prtlident ey KeWeen A Ht'/W Pllll.IC NOTIC( 41. tnd 60 o1 Miec.lteneoua Mepe tn """' of the nott(•) -td by Mid determine tilt opening ,bid. you~ with the court to receive MS I Corbin Avenue ~ · tne otta of the COunl'J Recorder of :>eed of Tr111t 10 wit. t 15,900,00 ~1~4). '.37~.3 ,,. I 1 · f h Non.......,... CA91328 l w o' I I l'ta.IC NOTICE CfttJ·~ Nld()rangeCounl'J,or .. 1heymay #Ith lntereet tlllnlon from Mty t1, ..,.'""'"UOUS' 1 . 1.112 :pee la n~ti ce o t e 1213j'701-2358 ,,:..m Cl O, MU""AY NOTICE Of' TRUaTU'I SALi be amended Of r..,_dlld. 1982 at 14.00% p., annum H T.O. SERVICE COMPANY nven ory 0 . e1tate auelll Pubtl•ll•d Oreng• CoHI Delly 14120 ...._ ..... .-..Ml T·140tl T.a. Mo.... EXCEPTING THEREFROM. ;)'Ovtded In ltld note(•) P4U• ~t• :. ~.TJrvtt ... ..._ and ol the petitions, accounts Pllol, Aug 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1962 .......... CA_, NOTICI Of' TRU8TH'I •AL• HOtlca Unite 1 thrOUfh 66, lnc:lullve on u,i snd any ld\llllOM °' St,831 29 wlth ~ ~~· ·~ and ~eports described in 3767·82 (114) ......0. YOU ,.,'R~t:'Df1~uNDEP A YOU AM'. IN D"AUl.T UMOt!" A ~ ~~~-:' thown on nt:'t!'~ary under Mid Deed One Cllyt a;;;;;~ w .. t. Section 1200.5 o f the Pubtlthed Orenge Coaet Dally OEEOOFTRUSTDATEOJUNE 26 g::: .. ::11 ~:,u,::o: e:l".~: EXCEPTING FURTHER or True! hlretofort txlCUled end 0nnot,CAt2t88 . ~ California Probate Code. l't8.IC NOTICE Pilot, AUg. 20• 27• Sepl. 3• 10~2· 1I7 I · UN LE 8 8 Y 0 U TAKE YOU TA.ICI ACTION TO pttOTICT THEREFROM, 111 lmprovtmenl• delivered to lhl underetgned, a 71414S5-82088 B 0 w I e I " 0 Ider ' a 2 ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR YOUll PllOPl"TY IT MAY •• and appurlenancee loelled Of to be written Declaration ot default llld Publlelled rang• Cout Dally Attone)'I al Law 8Hf&er IWI 61111 11t11NfC NQTIC[ PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A IOLD Af A "'9llC 'aALI. •YOU toctltd on uld Lot 1 ol Traci Demand ror Sele, end a wtlllen Piiot. Aug. 20. 27. Sept. 3, 1942. H1U T Pl iet w I NOTICIE Of' TRUITH'a IAU r-. PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Nf:EO AN NOD ... IXl'LANATION OF Titl 10525. Notice of Default end Etectton lo 3713-82 ower au, et . No. ln471 .CPP 2IOll EXPLANATION OF THE NA:IUAE. NATUftt 0, TMI ~ROCllDINQ EX c E p TI NG Fu RT HER Sell. The underelgtlld caueecl Mid -----------P'lrn Street, Lot Aa1e1u, ivou AM ... DEPAUlT UNDIW ~ YOU AAI IN DE,AUl.T UNDEA A OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST AOAINIT YOU YOU IHOULD THEREFROM, •lid~• etMrllellla Nottc. ol Dtlault l/ld Electlon lo l'tlll.IC NOTICE Callfonla t001Z·Ht'I. (UIJIDllD Of TAUIT DATED DllD OF ~RUIT DATID YOU, YOU SHOULO CONTACT A CONTACTALAWYIJl In tnd 10 ell 11\oee rHlrlcted Sell to be recorded lh 1111 county FtCTmOUIMINtEH t!7-7%75. lfDMIAllY IS, tW1. UNLIH YOU .IANUAAY 21. 1W1. UNUlH YOU LAWYER On Seotembtf t41h, 196:l, et 9:15 c:ommon tre11 H thown on Hid wtltrt tM rial P'oC>lftY le loc;aled. NA,. ITATEMENT Published O range Coast ITAJCI ACTION TO ""OTIECT TAICE ACTION TO PllOTICT On Friday. SeplMlber 24. 1982. A.M., WILSHIRE lllECONVEYANCE condominium pltn. DATED August 25, f982. The lotlowlng pereon la doing Dail PU Se t 2 3 9 1982 YOUll PAOPE"TY, IT MAY 8E YOUR l'AOl'l"TY, IT MAY II ti 9:00 t .m ' Tttt1 lnaurenc. and INC .. a CelllOfnll C0<p0<atlon, II RESERVING THEREFROM, AESIOENTIAL EQUITY buelnaa II: Y ot, p · • • • IOLD AT A l'UllLIC I.ALL IF YOU 80U> AT A PUeUC IAL.1 . ., YOU Trull Cornpeny, H •uty appointed duly appotnllld TrullM under tnd tHemente lor ICCHI, tngttl.I, FINAtfCIAL ELITE WALLCOVERtNGS. 3900-82 •ID AN IXPLANATION OF Tit1 NIED AN l!Xl'LANATION Of' ft4I lru•tH under and purauanl to purM11n1 10 Deed ol TNtl recorded egreH, encroechment, tupporl, u uld l1Vllet, I l&A 36th SI. Newporl Betel\, c,. ------------NATURE OF THIE fillOCllDIHQ NATUAI! O, THI l'"OCllOIHQ DHd ol Trull recorded July 31. Jan. 15, tH 1 • • •, u lnU. No. repair, reptacement, me.tn1~, «82 Btrrance Pat11wey, 112663 PllllJC NOTICE AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD AQAIHIT YOU, YOU IHOULD 1979, II lnllr. No. 413-40. In bOok 15266 In book 13913 page 11138 tnd olher purpotN, atl uallown on Suite 170 OREGOR't' KEVIN CLINE, ------------CONTACT A LAWYE"-CONTACT A UWYIA. 13250, P•il• 1557. ol Olllct1t ol 011ic:1a1 RICO<d• In 1lhe ottto. oi lh• Condomtnt11m Pt1n or •• trvlne, CA 112714 118/1. 36111 St. Newport Beach. CA NOTIC·I Of' TitUITifl'I IALI On Sec>ternber 24, t982, •I 11i00 NOTICI Oii TIWITll'I IAU Reo<:rde In the OfllQe of Ille Counly the Counly Recorder of Ottnge defined In the DtclarellOn. (714) 552-4855 92883 l-No. •1'11N-4 e.m., St•tewlde Forec101ure UHMR Dll&D Of: TWUIT Reoorder of Orenge County, Coun\y, s1111 01 Cetllornlt. PAACEL 3: Mtry 8. Btnlon. Thie buelnea 11 condUC1ecl by en m ~ ServtcH. Inc. " duly appointed Tf' Ho. f0t1Y Cllllornla. Elteeultd by AOY N HUNTEA and Non .. xotuallle HHmente lot AMli Secy, ll)dMdutl: On Fr1dty, 8191Mnblr 10, 1982 ti Truelff under end purs111nt to ~ No, .-,.1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION MARGAREf M HUNTER huabllld e co e .. , In 9 r e .. , e gr e", ~ 1.,n, f'INMW Gregory K Clint 11:00 o'clock 1.m .. FINANCIAL Deed ol Truet recorded Mlfell 4, NOTICE te hereby given lhtl TO HIGHEST SIDOER FOR CASH end wtle WILL SELL AT PUBLIC encrot1chmen1, auppor1. end tor ._ llan_e PtnrJ~ 1""9110 Thlt alll-I was llled wtrh ,,. FEDERATION. INC .. I Delaware IH 1, H lnetr. No. 4624, book SERRANO RECONVEY AN CE OR CASHIER'S CMECK, (payable at AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER other l>Uf'POM6, ell u 111own In Ille 1n1ne, CA 12714 Counly Clerk ol Orange County on ~rJ>Orlllo". H Tru1t•• or 13988, peg• 7112. o l Otllclel COMPANY. 1 Ctlltoml• oorporallOn llme of..,. In lawfUI money of the fOR CASH (payable et time of Nit Condominium Plln end • d4lttnecl Pubtlehed Orange Coast Delly A~ll 20 1982 • 1ubtllt11led Tt111t H 11nder Ind Aecorde, uec:ulld by: l & M N IN•I•. or llUCOINOf' trlllt•, Of Untied SltlH) at tht toolh tror11 In lawful money ol th• United In Iha OeClliMlllon. Pilot, Aug. 27, Sip! 3, 10, 11112. ' ,.,_, pureuanl to Ill• dHd of tru1t IAHoctttH, 1 P1r1nerehlp, u aul>lllMllCI INtl• pureuanl to Ille entrance lo the Old Orange County Stet .. ) at the front en1renc:e to tllt PARCEL 4 3826-82 Published Orenge Cont Delly J ~~nonp:r. ~'e 1:1 JM:::. ~~· ~ ~=-C!!ri~~:! ~ ~ ~~~~ 9f~:St t;( EMNOJ'N~~ ~;::u;a.,,~:'. '"~= '(:.= ~~~.~~~n~•n c8o~~:~ ~~~rt~~:': 1~~=-~:, ~"}~~ Pllll.IC NOTICE P11o1, Aug 21, Se9L 3, 10, ~~ Recorde. County Reoorder Of IOI Ctltlornl1, Wilt. SELL AT MARDINI , hutbend end wttt and Wt1t 61h Slreet), Senti Ant. be._,Sw;amoreSt t.Btoectwey 110526 thown a nd defined u f'ICTmOUlllU ... ll 0nnot Counl'/. Clllfomle. ntmlnQ PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Recorded Februery 18, 1981 In CelltOf'nlt , Ill tfgl\I, lltle tnd Int-I Sante Ana. Ctllfomla0 att dgll1 1lt~ ttelr1eled common.,.... wtllcll are .... ..-IT'"._._... rtaJC N()TIC[ thertln u Tr1111ora: GEORGE M. BIDDER FOR CASH (peyeble at Boole 13951, Page tt22, IM!rumetlt con~d lo end now htld by It end ln!Metl conveyed to and' now edt-11 witll and tppurtenant to -,.,~, LAZAR UK I nd D 0 R 0 THY ~lme ol Nit In lewflA montY of tht No. 19974 of Offldet Recotdl In Ille under Mid Deed ol True! In the held by tt under u1c1 Deed of True1 Uld Pt1'eole I, 2. 3, and 6 dwct1bed TM totlowlng Pl'tonl are doing "1CTTT10UI .,.... .. lAZAAUK. United St•IH) at: Soulh fronl olflqe ol lhe County Recor.,., ol property 1t1u11ed In Hid County In th• properly ettulled In Hid hefeln bu*-.._ ..,._ ITAn.NT WILL SELL, al pubic tuetJon to ltntrenoe ID IM Orange Counly Old Orengt Counly, Cellfornlt, and end Slllt 6-lbld •a: County tlld Sllte ~ •. PARCEL 6: AOUA1.AST, 2803 Witt Cout The lotlowiflg P91'Mn I• dOlng Ille~ blddlr lor catfl peyeb611Co11rlhouH, City of St nlt Ane, pursuanl to Ille Notto. of OeflWll Loi 208, TrlCI 21122 • P« m.,, lot 102 of Trect No 292.2 In An undivided one 1111y.flNh Ht911way, Newport Stach. CA ~ea: •t time ot Hie, euh muel be In 8181• of Celllornlt. tit right, 11tte tnd end Etecllon 10 Sill lhereund., recorded tn Boole 118: PllQM 3 to Ille City of Coe1a ......_ Cou.,t( of c 11551111 ,.. t1mp1t tnt-1 In end 12663. MARIA0S CLEANING SERVICf, tewNt money of the Untt.cl stat ... lnlttllt oonwyed 10 end now held recQJd•d Aprtt 13, 1982 tn 18 lnctuetve ol Mltcelleneoue MllPI Orange. Stat• of Cetitomla. MI* lo Ill• lrt\Provtm•nt• •lld SPINDRIFT YACHTS, 2803 10862 'Nlondl St .• Garden OrO\le; 81 the North entranoe to !tie Orange by II under Uld Deed of Truet tn the tnelrumtnl No. 82.128813 ol Mid In Ille ottic. ot !he R«:O«llr al Mid mep rlCOtded In Book l18 Pegtt $ appurttnanoe• on Loi 1 of T~ WHI CoHt Hlgllway. Newport CA 92943. • I County CourthouN loceled tt 700 property tltueted In H id Counly Offldet Alc:orde. wttt SEU on Sept. county to 111 lncluetve of Mlec.tta,_111 10625 ("tmpt'o .... n·1eo11") JYbjlct to Blllcll, CA 921183. Mar\t E.· Flore, 10662 Rhorldt CMc Ctnl• Ortye W• Cl~ llnd Slett dNcribld u ; l.ol 7 lllcl 11. 11182 •I 9:15 • m .• It IM floont Truetor Of reooro owner: L0Ul9 J . fl'lf>I, In the Offlol Of the Coumy tht term• end oondltlont of the Thie buslneee le eonduetect by a Sl:!, Oardtn Grow. CA 12643, W• Eighth Sir ... ). In Iha City of IM Sou1tl9Mt"1'/ on.-lltlf of lot II entrtnct 10 the Old Oret1111 Co\lnty BERGER Recorder ol Mid county. OICtaratlon. and the terme end corporation. Tllll ~le oonducted by tn I Sen .. Ant, Couney of Orange, Stat• In 8lodt 64t of Corona del Mw, City CourthouM, loeated on Santa Ana Th• atrHI 1ddre11 end other • • ·~recotded Mer 12 11111 condltlon1 ol Ille MHter LHH Spindrift 't'tot\tl lnclMdual. of Ctlllornlt, all rt.Ohl, tut•. end ol Newport Beech, Co11nty of Blvd~ b•t-n Sycemor• Strfft common ONtgntllon, II any, ot \ht 1ne1. No. 1e1se IK, 1i81I p.,e recorded 8110159 In 800il 4633. RA. Bell, Prae. M"'1ll E. Floft Int-I now held by " under._, Orenge, 8tt1e ol C•Hlorntt . H end Bro•dwty, San I• Ana, rH I prop.,ty dncrtbed 1bove le 19201_. P1ge 274 et Hq. ol Olflclat Thie etatement wu llled with the T1'1e llat_I _ fllllcl with Che D1td ol Truet In tllt proptrty ehown on •map recorded'" booll Cllilomla. 11 publlCI llUCllon, 10 the pyrported to be: no etr~ tddr9" Tiit ttr"t tddreu and 0111., flleciofdl. Ooun1y Cletk ol Orange Co\lnly on Col.lnl'J °"'11 ol Orange County on tltll•led In uld County and 8t•t• 3. pegee 41 tnd 42 of Mlleellaneoua lllglleet bidder tor cutt (P•Y•bfe 11 or othlr common dafOtJ•llon h .. common dteignlllon If eny of the Th• •lr1tl addreu end otller Auguet 25. 11182 Aug. f8, 111112. deeeribld u : Mepe. reoordl ol Orange Counly, lhl tlmt ol Nie tn 1aw1u1 money ol bHn furnl1hed. You m1y Obltln r .. r pro.,.rly CIHCribed above 11 ~ deelgnelton, " eny, of 1111 ,,.107 •...n Lot 187. Trect 1812. In the C1ly Clllltomta.. the untted Stat .. ). att right. mte. dlreollone lo 1111 property by p1,1rportlld to be' 1eoe Bak• 81 rNI propeny deecrtbed ebove 11 Pubt11lled Orange COHt Dally Publlthtd Oran11• Coe" Dally or Coat• MeH, H ptr map Tiie •ttHI •ddrH• and 0111er end tnter1tt, conveyed lo tnd now eubmtnlng •written reqUN1 \itl\!'lln Cotta Mwa. e..f • ·· P'lrported to be· 406 errgtllon ~.Aug. 27, Slpt. 3,'10, 17, 1982 Piiot, Aug. 20, 27, a.pi. 3, 10. 1Mt recorded tn Book &3, PllQ9t 47 tnru common dtefgn8110n, tt eny, ol tM held by 11 under ulO aMd In the 10 d•'fl from tlll flret pubtlcllllon of Tht undtrelgned frue1u SPMge, COttt •• Callfornl&. 3777-82 *' 12 49, Mlecet11n10111 Mapa, In th• real property deecrtbed above 11 proper1Y elluat•d tn ••Id County Ihle nolto. lo: Ootenne M. 01 ... Clo dltcilalm• 11111 lfabtltly for any Tiit u11dtftlgn1cl Tr111tH PUBltC NOTICE otftee of the Co\lnty Aeoordet of p11rporfed lo be: 807 Orchid end stit• and c1Her1bld u tolfoWI; Proctor end Pr()Cl\pr, 3320 Witt lnoorreot-of tM atrMt ldd,... dttoltlmt •"Y tlablllty tor eny ....C NOTICE Orange County. Avenue. Corona del Mar. CA Lot 39 of Tritt 5781, In the City or Victory Bt'ld., Burb.,k, Cellfornlt and other oonwnQn dttlfnatton If lftoor*'""' 04 1111.,,... lddr--=n.,.----.. K-oMM 8.tCI property II ellO reported to Th• 11nderttgned Tr uell• Colt• M .... u I*' map recordlCt 111505. Alttntton: Mttlln A. any, lfl°'¥1\ ,_..,,, ' and o"* OOll'tmon detignetlon, If __. -'ICTITIOUI llUllNlll be commonly known•: 2175 Slate dl1otalm• eny lleblllly lor a"y 1" boot! 214, Pao' 11, 12 llld t3 of Proc:1or, Jr. Seid "'' wtlt bt made, blll fll"I, ltlOwn fltttln, Nam 81'A~ HAMS ITATUmll'T Slrfft, 0011.11 M•H, Ctlltornla tnciorreet,_ of Ille etr ... addr ... mllClllaMoUt tnaf)t, tn IM otfloe of Tiie 11nderelt:1 !'ltd Tr11tt•• without co111"1n1 or warranty, ltld ttl• wlll bt m•d•, but ~o:;-1no .,.,-aon It clotng Tiie lotlowlng p.,eon I• dotno 92927. and 01Mr oommon dellignalton, II the counly recorder of Mid count11. dlectelm• •ny trabttlly lor any 1xpr ... °' 1mp11tc1 r-oarOlnt -. wHllout covtnant or werrenty, . v.U llWlrllH .. : Seid H ie wtll bt mtdt, but ""'f, efloMI herlllt\. Prop•rty tddrtu I• purportedly lncrTeCtneee of 1"-ttr•t eddr-po11111IOt\, 01 ~br~1 to ..,,,_. or Implied, regwdlng tttle, eo.t!· .~. TOYS, 1865 9, H.,bof. DESIGN SHOWCASE, 2428 without cov1nant or werr•"'Y Said HI• wlll be made, but known .. : 2701 Ct11ety Or!V9, Cotlt and other common dttlgnatlon, It Pt'/ IN~ ptlllClpel """OI POtttHlon1 or tnc11mb11not1 M--. CA Nt2f, N-porl Boutev11d, Colle M ... , llllPf-0< llnplled, regatdtng tltlt, wllllo11t coventnl or wtrrenty, Mttt. CA 92626. tny. etiown '*""· Ille note(•) tteut.o bYMICI OMCI Of l"cl11cllng IHI, ollugt1 and flfftlflOt Roetl(, 11 "'* Ct •• CA 92827. PGuttelon OI tneumbranc:e.. to llllP'-Of lmt*lld. reprdlno tltle. Tiit total tmoun1 01 ,,,, 11npalC1 8tld u l• wltl b• m•CI•, bul Trutt, •ltll 1n11r .. { '"•'""· ......... °'""' TNIC .. Ind of tM ~ ~.CA t2MO AGOP ABAAHM AGOPIAN. ~ ttle remelnlnO *""of tilt~ po11 .. 1'on, Of tneuml>ranc:ee. 10 ~ of 1ht otlllgatlOn Meured wlll\0111 covena nl or warranly, pr~ In Nici nott(e). ~ 1t11ttt cr .. ...i 11y H id O..d ol ~It oonduclld b'J en 11138 Virginie Ave , No 1, Loe HClfftd by .. Id d1ed, lo wit: ptiy the 'emeinlnO ~ eutn of by thl PfO~ly 10 bl 1otd and •llPf-Of ltnptled, reg11otng 11111, H eny1""'* 1t11 ltrfl'll ol IMI iiiCj Tr111f. to pay Ille r1m1lnl"O lllldMdUel. AnQ411M, CA llOOU. , .. 1H7 .H . With lnttr1tt from !tie note(•)....,... by Mid Deed of reHonabt• t1tlma1ed ooele. poeMWton, or enc:umbr•nc:.e. to 0 1 Tr11at. ftlt. chert•• and prlnclpelt IUfl'I or 1111 notlCt) ,,_ ..== ,:r-Mtcl...,. Vie 1'ht1 lMMlnw II oonduotlO by tn 81PtM1blr 15, 111t tclvanc••.' Trull, wllll lnctf .. t lhtreon, H ·~ ana ad¥.,_ M Ille tinw P•Y th• 11np1ld bal1nee of th• ,...,..._Of IM n.c. and ot .._ MClllr9d tar llllld o.ed of Tf\IM to lndlllldlltl ourre111ty no"•· tt'lcl coett and ~ollldtd "'a9'd nott(e), ed'lencee. of th• lnlllt t Pllbtlcetton of lh• note(•) MCured by Hid Deed of trutl• cr1alld lly Mid o... of wit· 1117.110 ot• w1111 '"'•rttt ~Of Ol'tngl OOumy on AooP AbrlNl'n ·~~ ~ Q#T~ ~ 10 be f/f"I, llftdtf IM lltlJll Of Mid Deed Noaoe o1Saltle1186,444.33. Truet, to-wit ..... 178.00, inoludlnt TNat, tlltnlon lfom ~ 5, 1tlt et -. ,_ Tiiie ~..,.Mad wid\ 1"' 11,611.00 M flt Mid lloOtil ~. ol Tr1111. r11e. oll1rg11 •"d Only currently dilld CHiiier'• 11 provided In H id note(•). Tiii total MIOllnt ot tnt ""'9d 13.21 per ce11t p1r e11n11m u l'vt>tltflld Or9nal Co•I 0.ll) County Clllrtc of Ortr199 COUfl1Y Oii Ind al oet. Mftl .._.. teOllrld by ~of tM TNMI tlld Of tM Chee:'• or Cerlllled Cllec:kt are adv-ti any, llOder 1tMI terme of ~ ot "'9 ot111ga1Dt1 _,,..by prO'Mecl tn Mid lllltt(I) '*-OOttt . l1, lapt. tea """"' 24, 1N2 lllld _... ot wet. 1r11t1t ort1114' by ttlcl O..d 01 aceepttlllt 10 ._ Truee.t~~ Mid Deed Truec, .._, cwgee lfWI Ill• preperty to •• eotd afld Ind..,.,.,_ IMda tw ~. Plot. Aue. 20. 11, a. ?!:...!.-,._ The l\atN, ttflt1 add,... and TNtl, for "'' M!0\11'11 ftalOMtll'/ proper ldelttltlGetton .. ~of tM TNIM and of,.. ,. .. 01\lltl• Hll1H11d coat• .......... ~ -\~ ot -P11bll1hed Oreno• Con• o~ ..... llOI .. ~ OI "" T'ruttee ~ tO '* t34.o2Ut. a.tct ...... be~. bU1 wtlllout tr11et1 crHled by Hllf Oeld ot ....... ...,.. .. --........ of undlriytrtO ""' INll 1----.. ---.,.--------1 l'llol, Allf. 27, Sacl1 $, 10, .!!..&~'!! are: FIMinclltl f'lderetton, lno., ROt ""Nl'l••otwy"""' Mid Deed -·or -ien~ ... °' TNll of IM lllltlll pubtfQ9tton ot IN..... ~ -·----~~~---.... -.:illlll:!!lt ~ ...... ..,, c.twr City, OI Tr\ltC her«ofote tKICllleCI and lmplted regarding tlttt. POllllthllfl TN~ undlt Mid OeeCI Noa ot .... ••a.m• ""-~ utldtt Mid OMCI "S::l"'8 .. --PWlJC NOl1C( tOno. tl13> 204-tl40. clttlvetld 10 Ill• ""dlfelgned • or enc11mbttf1Cfl, 10 tltlefY tlll Of Ttutt '*"°'~ 1..oulecl encl Tiie -...-.. wndlr t.d o... Of Trute ""9Cofott •llMeCI and I tfj •W YOU AM IH DIFMJLT UHDM A wrltW Oul .. 19lcltl., Oefeult end lndeblldnllt*"'9d Wtelel Oellcl. dtlllltrtd to '" vn-...Md • OI T""' ...,...,. ......... "" -~ 10 tlll Ufldt"''"" I nie ....... ""'°"'.,. OOlrll MhhOUI. ILJbil OHO~ T"'-'IT ~TID APM..!!i 0.lftend f« lete, tncl • wrtt1111 ~ tf1t let and..,.... Of IN wrl11tn 0.Wtti611 of D.rai.ilt tlld dellffr .... 111111 ~ 1 """"' OIC*Mlon Of dlflilllt Ind .._ 11; ..... ITA,_-, tM1. UNlUt YOU TAU ACT""' Notice Of OJI'_,.. tncl l!lllcltfon to tru .... Ind Of 1"-crutta Ol'llltcl by O.m•nd to~ la ... tl\cl a Wfltlen wr11tt11 OMV ....... 0111i11C n Dtf!llllCI fOf lite, 11141 a wrttt111 NATUM&. IMAW, 1111 MMe nit foltowl"9 ""°" It dol"I TO "'°1'ecT y°"" l'ROPIRTY IT .... The ~ .... ~ Mid. Hid died, adv•~ lnettlln4tf, Notic. ~ DellUll and li.ctlon to DemMd '°' .... ... • "'''*' .... Of °"*"' and i!lllotloft co V•cle I , ... , Ceet• ~ OA """*' •. '4AY. 80l.O AT A l'ueuc IALL ~-of ~ and l!leollon 10 With '"'""!.!!..!'..~ tl*eln, w to bl rtcOrWd In !tie ClOllntY Notloa Of Dtl9ult ·-........... "" ~"" ..... llld .... • • IEVlftllT '1111 ,ftOTICllON, '" YOU ... IO AN IXltt.ANATION ... lo ......... In tlll county and tht ~J;;;; of u.. notl lilllltft IN, ... ,,.,.,,, te IOcleted. .... Tiit ~ ......... Noltte ot D1111Mtf·11141 ---IO :r ~ = , ....... 1~ Avt ''A". Oolta ..... ~~~~'o1t:1'~::1Ni~ :~u~ ~~ r.::'f:.'7e:2~attd. :".:::Pf~==~ Tlj~=:,~~~ :=:::~to=:.::::..:==:,:,:-~ = U ' a ...... CA CA ~ Mloflell T°"""', 101f YOU IHOULO OONTACT A llMewldeF~e Or\TEOAtlOUtl IO, 1ou. COMPAN~, 314. 0 Wllelltre l!Vd .• rMI~.!~ l)Mr.~-1t11 Cerel A, Ct1wforcl. ttllO CNTMM It., C:O.ta M•a. CA l.A=-~Auvwel 1112 ::.:rt,:.' HA,.AN0°1ialCO..VaYAN05 ~.~r~-:.~:.•otnl• ... O.•O. -·WIM.m.·..... . ~=-..,,,...,"'°· :::.".,. COUit. C1'f•H. CA-::-......_.~--~l=dO!\. ino. ~o. co. tta~i:i c:w',0o10 Ollltd:~r~"!cs =~.:.. r:'.l. ""'-DrM. ..=.,-;::-.:,~duz· i.r • lndMMtcie.vt -.. T.... . .,, ~Nino. Ytot ,,....,.., (2°19t) 1 Tr\1111 ~ 1.oe A11Dt11e, CA I0010 LOI Allltl9I. CA IC)Oll ....... tT;,,, • nlll """'1•11 -... wlltl tlll TMt Ofllolt .... '*""°' Allt. • Miii T....... l .. Mid T,,,...., I (lt't .... ,.,, (1111 ..... 1.. nlll ................. "" Cllulllw °"" .. Orlfll9 ~ °" ~ OA '°"° e J.E. CONIWAl.l., tv· ._. .-i~~-· ~ W... ...._. Olo ,,_I......, OouMj a.ti°".., to, • -ft, 1111. ... (1141 llWltO "'..... frlllltl ... ~ ,........ ~ v.,,...,... ·rs Onnet a... ~ "°'· Alie II>. ,.., ......... O••not CoHt Ottl)', Pllblllllitd 0,..,. a... Ollfy "'°' lt11btltflld Or•ntt Coatt Dally ""'41111«1 Orente CoMt Olllr '1iltlllflect Oran .. Cout Delly ,,,......... Or~ .c..t ~blltflld °'!l'W9 o .... n . ...._a. 1112 • "'°'· Ml· 11, tept. 3, 10. tta. ""'· 27,.., 1. 1o. , .. ~ • Piiot. '-·a, 10. f7, 1N1 ,... -..... a 10. 11. 1t11 ·· ............ :s, 10. Ind 11, tt11 Plot.,..._ t0 ,.,, ...... a. '° ,..., ~ 20, 11; ._ s. ~ .1 ~ 11tl1o·ll' S?M-G ...... ' ' ' ' .....,., ~ ' ' I 'ti.... .--;:. .->--- •• ... Orang• Oout DAIL y PILOT 1'rtday, &.ptembet 3, 1982 Cavazos: Legacy molded by~. I!JaD • KlNOSVlLLJ!!, Tex&1 (AP) Of all the Kina'• men, L.auro Cavuoa wu in many waya tho moet remarkable. ror nearly hall a century he wu u identlflable with the K.Jna Ranch u the K.Jnp and Kleberp who tounded it and the cattle and coyo\el who occupted it. On a ranch blQer than aome 1tatee, and u hlatorto u many, he waa the "cow bo11" of the ahowcase Santa Gertrudh Oivtalon. By today'• at.andarda, Cavazos waa under-educated, over- mottvated and church-mouse poor. He waa alao loyal, proud, patriotic and hard-working. It seems appropriate then, nearly a quarter century after Lauro Cavazos' death, to see how that legacy, passed to his offspring along with his genes, has endUred in their lives over the years. Lauro Cavazos was a man of pride, all right. Once, when renegade Mexicans put a bounty on his head, he was more than slightly irritated. What bothered him was the price -a mere $25. He was tall, lean, tough and, if necessary, mean, when he arrived at the King Ranch in 1912 at age 18. He never really left the ranch. He lived, worked, married and died on that storied South Texas spread. At his death, in 1958, he left five children. Fate and football led three of them across the state to the South Plains, where they left 'their stamp on Texas Tech University as indelibly as Lauro left his on the King Ranch. One son, Bobby. an All- Arnerican running back, drifted naturally into ranching. Another, Lauro -Larry -an educator, one day returned as president of the university. The third, Richard -Dick -a military student, became a war hero and a general. "The boys idolized their father so much," a daughter-in-law said recently. "They would do anything for him. Were 'he alive ·i-today, he would be beside himSelf with prid!!." A UHb 11nerallon Texan, Lauro F . C1v1101 waa a d~ndant of \ht man awarded the ortitnal Spantah land lf&J\t that embracH the 1ou\hern dlvlaiona of the Klf\I Ranch, by eome eaUmatee 3~0.000 acrea. "My pat, sreat, treat, 1reat- 1randfather 1old the land to Richard Kina tor 10 cenca an acre," •r.• Bobby Cavuoe, the rancher. 'If I ever meet him, in heaven or hell, I'm go~ to aay, 'Thanka a bunch!' " At the heau of the King Ranch iB the vaquero tradition, a Spanish culture of honemen and cattle. The ranch families are known aa K.Jnel)OI, "the King people." Lauro Cavazos wu a leader, for nearly 40 years a dlvlalon foreman. With King descendants Richard and Bob Kleberg, Lauro Cavazoe played a key role in developing the first American breed o f cattle, the Santa Gertrud la. Except for a voluntary combat stint in World Witr I, the ranch was hla life. He met his wife there and each of his .children was born there. The first, Sarita, was the only daughter. Then came Lauro, Richard, Bobby and, seven years later, Joe. Sarita got her degree at Texas A&I ln Kingsville and Joe at St. Mary's in San Antonio. But it was Larry, Di~ and Bobby, the three middle children, who became widely known in Texas as the Brothers Cavazos. "I guess we were poor," recalls Gen. Dick Cavazos. "In those days. the 1930s, the ranch was not wealthy at all. The oil hadn't come in yet. But we had all we wanted ~ eat. On 11 ranch, you have your garden, and all the beef you can eat and milk you can drink. It was just a super place for a youngster to grow up." Like their father, the brothers Larry, Dick and ~bby became crack shots and gifted horaemen and outdoorsmen. Recalls Bobby: "We had dogs, chickens, rabbits,. raccoons. We even tried to raise armadillos. THE GENERAL ....:... Gen. Richard Cavazos, formerly in cornrrnmd of the huge Ft~ Hood Army base in central Texas, now is stationed in Georgia and heads the U .S. Army Forces Command, with four stars on his shoulders. Once we brouchl home five or a1x bAby wlldcata. lt wu alwaya like a zoo out there." With Sarita nearln1 hl1h ec:hool a1e, the elder Cavaioa moved hll clan to K.lnpvllle, a town enoornpuaed by the ranch. "Ded built a houee in town," Larry Hy•. ''In hi• conatant ln1l1tence on our setting an education, he buUt that house two block.I from the elementary achool, one block from Texaa A&l Collep and within walklng distance of the high tchool.11 City dl1traotlona aaide, the ranch remained dominant ln th~ family'• Ufe. "It wu a very special place at that ·time," said Larry. "The ranch was quite Isolated and aelf-encompaaslng. There were thouaands of ducka, geete, deer, javallnas . . . all a part of the beauty of that country." There were hard timeasll -times ol drought, of spines off prickly pears to f the cattle, times of floods. Says Dick: "It really la a hard, hard land and it makes for good, good people. Your word, your behavior~ your -handahake, they all meant something. . "The vaqueros Indelibly impressed upon me the idea that there was no reason why a man should ever tell a lie." From their mother, now 82 and living in Kingsville, the Cavazos siblings inherited strength and determination, says one family friend. "She did anything to keep the family going." But It was primarily their father who shared their early lives. "He was singularly the most impressive person I've ever known," says Bobby's wife, Nancy. For the Kinenos, Cavazos often served as "the judge, the jury, the whole shebang," says Bobby. He recalled that hla father packed a pearl-handled Colt .45. "When a ranch hand got drunk and rowdy, dad would knock him in the head and tie him to a tree until he sobered up." Regarding hill -own children. Cavazos stressed two things. He wanted them educated and he w\mted his aons to obeerve their military duty. "There's been .- Cavazos in every war," says Bobby. "We're proud of that." The Cavazos brood la proud as well that all got college degrees, all married college graduates, all stayed married. "Son," Lauro once told his namesake, "educate yourself. It's the one thing nobody can ever take from you ... It is forever." The message took. "I have pushed hard on that, especially with minority groups," the Tech president aaya now. "I am convinced that education la the key to many thlng:s. If you have sufficient education, you can solve almost any problem in the world. Famine. ~logical -problems. Nuclear problems. Racism. They're all solved with education." Dick was between Korean and Vietnam wars when his father died. The memocy is still vivid. ''Friends of Dad's came from all over the world, friends we hadn't seen in years.• "But we could not grieve. We felt It waa such a privilege that he had lived, and that he lived his life to the fullest. He had done everything he set out to do. He was such a fine, fine man, and he ha9 been such a great example to us." Instead of mourning, the family barbecued a steer and celebrated not death but life. "It turned into a first-class party," says Dick. AP Wlrepholo LEGACY . LAUDED -Lauro Cavazos, a foreman at the historic King Ranch for 40 years, left a legacy -his children, three of whom became known as the brothers Cavazos. Below is Lauri "Larry" Cavazos, president of Texas Tech University. . Customs needs dogs NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Taking off on the U.S. Marines' advertiled quest "for a few good men," the U.S. Customs Service is recruiting - "for a few good dogs." "la thla your dog?" Customs officials asked In a news release. "-Gn!tta you at the door with a 'gift' in hls mouth. "-Would rather play 'fetch' than eat. "If your dog has a frantic desire to retrieve, he or she might be just what the U.S. Cu.atoms Service is looking for." The CUatoms Service wants doga that are In good shape, preferably 1 ~ yean old, of either aex, to team with Customs officers to search for drugs at ports of entry. "It's exciting employment -for both doR and man," the releue aald. If a mutt washes out of basic training, Cu.atoms will return it or find another home for It, at no expense to the owner. Diablo to start up? SAN. FRANCISCO (AP) -The troubled Oiablo Canyon nuclear power plant may be cloeer to start-up date. The f~deral Atomic Safety and Licenalng Boe.rd hu authorized a . Ucenae to operate the 1plant'1 flrat reactor at full power. The board'• action, however, waa only a procedural victory for the uUUty, beca1,11e the Paific a. and Electric Co, and the Bechtel Power Corp. are 1tlll worklnl \o atral.rhten 642·5678 out error• In the earthquake-safety deaign of the plant's equipment. Before the plant's IUlpended 1kenle to load nuclear fuel and begin low-power te11tlng can be restored, that effort must win the ,full approval of the Nuclear Rffulatorv Commlaaion. The ~ board is an incWpenderit arm of the comm.llaton and in lt'a 250-pa1e ruling i\ WM careful to note that only the comml8llon can llaue a final operatlna ~. Put a Jew ward to work for you in the ....... . '1r.!.!~1!.'1!1 ..... '1m.~.1!.'1!1 ..... ~M•/ ... , ... , ..,.,, 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 • ••• W!."!! •• ~! .•..... ~ ........ ~ff .... Tll 111&.1'11 1M ,..., W• • .. llYltTllm ..., ...... San Oltm«lte pride of llllUf QWnerehtp, modtrn Natur•t O.Ot!lermal HOI 8pMIM ltylt 4 unit apt. SP<lnga on 12 dMded hOUM With OCMn·hlHI I ICr.. with Nat't Fotelt DOii COUl'M view. Ctota on 3 aldM and OY8' on fo everything, ont1 . 3 1200 " of lronlaoe on YMI• old & lhowl Ilka Warm Sprtnoa Cr .. k. NEWI N.-owner GOUid Only e ml from World occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath Famou• Sun Velley city & ootan View apt. ti applloabta, & rent th• Skiing. Extraordtnery 11 f opp. tq develop I prl· 0 her 3 apartmenll or vat• <ft>rpora•• or rlll-lncome. Selle< wttt Mlp gtou'• rttrtat Olltf'td rh':n:. s:,v~o~~ ror a limited ilme only. REDUCED Mlttng prlot I 185,000 caalllll of $295,000 00 la way CONTACT: BELOW currant rapla· David v. V. Hllmbech cement cosllll Prlnctpale tDAHO REAL TY AS· ONLYlll can owntf' .. soc. C714> 2oa.12&-H99 842-0138 Geoffrey Buahalt HOLLAND REAL TY !!m!!.t!!l!.'.'T.l/!!f 2~;°'"=...o. Niel Wt.II Polltlve Cull now. At· Hamlltatr Lake Ftonl tractive terms at $309, REDUCED 180.000 lo ooo. 1595,000. Owner fin. Taylor, Crow & Co. 7 14 • 8 4 8 • 3 2 T 8 or 842-1243 '()( 845-3178 714-337-3835 agt. lllWNIT Rlllfl1 0.t 1111111 Rare Nwpt HI• 4-ptex. 3 lt4P.1!f. lflO br owner'• unit, lga STEAMBOAT .. SPRiNGS: auumable lit. Only COLORADO. For real S2S5,000. Bob Younk«. eatate Info on thla world 831·1286. Remax. ramoua aid area, tuc:lced wl1 111 I.it I• away lo the apac1acutar •••••••••••••••••••••• Colorado Rocktee. call NEWPORT LOTS* T o I I F ' I e 2 adJolnlng $89,000 ea. 1-800-525-5508. Coto- 631-" 179 rado West Real Eatate. Cllll IEIA J1ad.,, 111•1, ..... .,,,.,.. • --~~'.!!'. •••••••• 1!.'!f ,. H•lll MllllY Ptr•ltl •• lie ha1· IW. llTATE •• Ill 0 hJt. .... 840 11th Street 11•tr4111tlH aHll• Paso Robtea 93448 I • I• • I I l I • 0 0 0 • 76 acres. 55 acrea tn h1tr/ AcHt, Wet• young vineyard. Drip ter1 1,1 FIHHlll Irrigation. 2 houaaa . • aa T •• o ( Ill Balance of ground rea· • • It• dy for planting. $700, 1,.rat1) 000. Terms. .... ,.,., ,,,,,,,, • ... ,, 1400 •......•..........•... GREAT ESCAPES too acr ... Whitt grapes In atxth IMM. Fuft froat protection ayalam, ataked & wired. 114,000 per llCfe. Tarma avail· able. Cell Kan Mark• at (IOI) Hl·1IOI i .P I L 0 -.T See mountain property -~Ul!MI• l:n:ll~ .co~ ... able Tetevlalon In South Orar. Co. on T.V .R.E ch.11nel 29, ntghtly II 7pm., or ... , ,,,,,, .... -WUtir ,,.- Tlmee Minor channel 3, Friday, Sat & Sunday evea. For more Info: .....•..........•.•••• Have $350,000 dn for epta, ofc bldg w/ poalttve caeh !tow. Dann i • & Aaaoc . 873-7311 Great Eacapaa, Box Buyer haa $5000 down 2817, Big Bear Lake, for 3 br houae, and Caltl. 92315 or call . $500 par month for C 714/866-9490. p a y m e n I a . 714-"95-9637 evea. 1----..,.--... ,.i. L •• • !~[,"sl:'.~ ;;;;;;·;;;:;;;~···· into -~·hi~···-;;;; A :e usable c;.··i:;·;o:. .. viAA9Lv·;; Cash. call WINTER rentals. Aeglr Daily Pilot Propenlel 97s-.cooo classified WINTER RENTAL • 642-5678• 3 bd, 1'JI ba, S750. S ~·~~~~~~!I ~~ or 873-3915 l..Wrll• '"1 1--------i ..................... . S Oceanfront wlnt« rental. ~l 67 Per Dar 2 bl', 1 ba, compl. r• • furblahed. Garage. hat'• ALL you pa -sh91'/dryer. Utn paid. for a 997·3970, 8 to 5. I 30 day ad In the NIU PIUT FOllt> ADS ARE FREE F lllWlll "'""'' DO IT NOWI Cal: 142·1171 I lit ftr laffra Your Dally Piiot .Service Oireclory Repr-tatlve E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 M2·Nll, at. HJ Buying and Mlllng at a rtHonabte price-that'• what ctaulfted ta alt about. 842-5e78 YOUCAll COUllT 011 LASSIFIED. To help you sell Items you don't need .. To help you find Items you'd like to' buy 1 To help you publlcln en event or m•k• in 1 ---· 1nnounc1ment I .. Orange Coa1t OAIL.V PILOT/Friday, Septembet 3, 1982 --the Complet ..... !f!f!~ .... "1!m.f•!r!!'!H.'4 .. ~.ffh~ .. !~!f!J~e.'!. .. ~.r.t •• •.~ •• !I.~~ ~" A,111•n11 A,.,,.,,,,, 't•talf ,,. a.-4'11 •~·1.U ,. Allf fM ~ I 111'1.,.J.W '1•,.nldlll ""'"nl•'l4 ........ n.T:':'::' ...... ..-r. ................ .. &.. ''·""" I• u~ .......,, IHIA 1111 ~ ..... , ''',,., n •·•··••••••••••••••••• ..... :r ••••••••••••••.••••• :~ ••• r........... l'ern.N 21-20 ~ Aa.J ••• ~ Jin Tr. .............. ::ii ..... ...~ ........................... m::r...... ......... .. •• r.T'lr.fm .......... lpot1e11 !'11teld• d•· ••r.111' .......... T.~U a bd, 2bl, IPI. '900 mo, Oc••" view. 1>e1u11ru11y c.,.., 'f' #u llJJ e.11 #n1 JIM *---' ..... ..,, I lllTE ~.~'"w~O!..~N Wlf'fTllF\ RENTAL 11'Q 1br, lltctltcl 4 Ir 20&. ~ llACH ..,gelnll Lr9 3 let & S600 llO\lrlly to-luin. tOWf\hOUM. trplo, •i'iTro••• ••o••••••u •••••••••••••••••••••• • .-.-.~i;; • ....:r: .... U.'•• "'r.,..., "' ·-• wnh 1'.4ba, utlll lncld, non· rented before. Own., + 111 move In cotl pool & pallo. $1t5tmo. Lro 1br, b•oh •Pl. 2 flld1 CM nr 17th a1. 2 STIPS TO 8~CH Pllllll =~Oitl • ta.30• amkr, no f •t•. 152& tM. rtlouter. 2 lddt Ole, no den. qu11n1 kll, Cl•· 6'45·5'135. 1173·010& bfke from Bio Coron1. 8r, nl~ yerd, 1525 mo. 1 8r dupt-.. Oldeet & l1roeet egenoy. 7f.4.7955 mo 915.6.4 1 peu, no 1moklng. llOl'W ---utile pd, 076 mo, Joyce Walt11, 831-1289, 942-9970 AH ~lent• ter"ntd with ___ ...;.........;,.;..;... __ ' a 8 I o I m o . C 1 I I cteoor. netufll roek frpl Bluff• :J br1 tarnlly, 2'4 ,. 11 J••f &73'-1153 egt. O\Mlt 2 ... pJ..,· .g ... io. ,...,..Ot & rtlertneeL Dur.ltit to •hire. fir•· "''"· llM, 1 BA, 1 blk a.u 7"11, *"I. 180 Piiio I!" l ermt bath, S1.•o0 mo. Agt. " •• '•.1.ll•••,.•'"••'•••••••••10.•0·0 "' •• "'"'' p ..... •-I ,... ,,_ '" -"' &« 83ee 144 03to ~ I • '114 1Br, enctoetd r,110, ulll pool, no . 1 1 H Credlte: Colmoooltten ......... v .. w O -••n.. l rom OCHn Or t>ly. E'·•..._ .. 8r, 2, ...... tr...,., S:SH • ' STUNNINO lerna 1 8r. NI IN _,. I I Cl I 16111 at Newport OOOd MO<""..,. Af'Mflca. end S.,. MMter IUlte 203'A e Bey '360 mo ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ~1 .... _ .. u 53., .... 10 .~ ••••••••••••••••••••• nc u ed. 10 mo. • "'"" ..... 111 -• In ........... , .. Oen be . ...;, Set/Sun. 2 patloe, deole, dbl II• .._, _,,...,. 8 -• ••-•••-Oerdtn Apt., PoOI l rte 1 U. 2 U, I U. a 5 7. 4 I 2 I "om e H e I O ht I I 6211 The 1'omofrow 8hoW. a"'n'd .. , ... ~...._t"n' e1~k" 11-• • tach oer w/...,, opnr. Anlatlo 3 8r 2belh $69&. -·--· .,8 ... f43S/rno. l'lO w. Newly decor Ou pd. 6'42-0380 WOfk • 642-7~ ........ M1-1111 8.,........ .. .. -::. ... ~ $780, 11tlteel ~ MC. 8•1•1'J lnod for klde, 1.-S 1 th. '"' __. "'--hf pool -"""' ... -&I. ... .. ,''' ...... ger, u... • • Sh_,. 2 ldrm 1 b• OcMnfronl ~ 1 8r IMmedlltalu, l308 rno . .., , Avail Sep1 1. 831 .. 264 ohumlng locale. 2 BA plu• Cltn With 3 .---, YIWll· bbg Adult• no pell -·... • wood a OIMI tll ..... Male 35-45 lhf &bl' 2t>I ..... --.. -~ .. ""22 ~;·kY~·;;,·;.;;.;: NITA •a ~!~·8191 Bell Riiy • ~!!h've·r~e.u111ty000bld,Or"ii~2· 81::,.urwwtu1 •h•d~ •Ppte, 642,-8073. ' • =~~25 /~~pert~:' PL:.':: no pe11. non-a~1er~_";gi hM "' s .C.Pleu/Frwy. "'"""VVV•, ......,..,, 1 Pool. t.nn'. Cou,11 .... -. 2 t•• w1ter p1d atlo ••" •118 "'OI. Plfton pref. H50 Spe. $225tther• utile. 1U11H •·•Ill ~~11 00 •• ' 1 3 Bd ' lh4el .... lt•t llPfl llYlll Yttr1'1· Cell Done Ch · d-IC pool Ja· cu··I .,.,.... e75-3823 1141-4913. ~!~ ••• ":f';, ••••••• ~ •• n \I IW. rm, n-...... 0( AAAeot, IP• Chettlr. 644·&200. .... ' ' -' .......meliBllll Sp1clou1 2B t t m·--· 3ba l guHt hOUHr ; 2 bdr°rn', 2,Abl, Huse 4 Am , 2be, ltnnlt CO\lftt, volt.yball ~ m Piiio. blllnl~ ::a.· fpl~. 1 BA, 313 33rd 8t., 2 Fem roommate wanted -llH -·-11800/mo wlnt~ rental mull la I"' /W I' court, reo room. Jr 1 ••••T11 bl1C1 10 t>ch ••50 _,.. to ah• f n Oceen IAVINE PhOne llf'llW9'• or 12200/mo yrly. new Cape COCI. Pool, • m ,~ w cp 0• bdrm , 1430. Call _._ Conor••• Ap 1· '.., • ••rv. re ur I • f II pd tee. recreetlon erea, p't/I Juet now 1450. call 55.7-0075. Beautifully lendtcaped 1142-1675. Sittre Mgmt. 641· 1324 Front winter ren1t1. Leo no. con · rm, ut Al • 714n59-o<M7 pello, b1lcony, win• 539.9191 Beat Alty -oer<l•n •Ptl Pool & II C. •• I Doh. Avelt. 9/15. $3U. eetrz MrV•, etc. eo •• · • down1tr1 lndry no ••••••\-;................ 640.9745 tmm1culate wood1y oen1r & lg• ger1ge. f... ll••ll•s ... • Spe Petlolldecti• No E. Sid• 2 br, 1 be, • 'Y•l•I• _,, t-240-7005 •It e PM Cl.. 1Pac9 1180/up. ch1rmer. A-nuy ,.. Decoretor wall pepar, lnf•• JJll IHI 3140 pell. ••10 ••ts !)eta. M30 'mo, 21 i:A E. llllY II T1HS NI Vouno Prol••lonal. open --------modeled and redeco· draper!•• and more. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ s:;85 :: ;;70 18th Pl. 944-0452. In Sen C'-!tel Near minded m•I• •••'k• 450 eq. ft. ll.00 per llC!· reted. 2 bdrm. 1'..t b1 S 1 0 5 O I mo . Ca I I LUIElll 3 Br, w .. tclllf, mo. to ESTITI UYIM 225<> Va uerd NEW 2 Bdrm. apt. with ••me for 2 bdrm. 2 t>• ft .. 400t Birch., N.8 . lnoludlng dining room. 548·2239. 10:30 lo 11130 3 Bdrm detached mo. $1250. Agt.·H. Beautiful parll-llk• eur· S40.9erl8 Of "t2•4905 DI•• 1.,,.l•I ., .. , bullt·lne, eerpetlng, Irvine home. Gerig•. Agent 64l·5032 Le r Pcek1eunny d ee~ pm. horn .. In excellent arH Frederick, 631·1288 roundlng1. Terr1ced ....... : ••••••••• :'~.~·. drapes, leundry teclllty. yard. Non-•moker. $395 1917 Weelcllff. N.B. 268 over oo no can~on. 3Br, 2Be Condo nr M1-Avellable lmmedl1te1y: 1218 Devon Ln. pool. Sunken gu bbq, L•ro• 28r. 2 Bethe UIJt 1 •4r• under root eerport• for mo lnt:I utll. 551·4255 to •OOO eq. It. 181. bike to beae end rlnere Pk, elHn, Ill I•-$800/mo on 1 YHr N t T 3B 2'hb aparkllng foµnt1ln1. 398 w. WllllOO Utll. P . 1••0 mo. ... 2 ce,re,,publllfc tenn11 ev•• 113S.-0450 dey1 floor. Agent 641-5032 etorH. Winter rentel cill. $760 mo. •97.21•9 1ee1e. flue other• to P err. ' 8' epa, Sp1clou1 room1 s-a-'"" ' co • ••50 .. '" • ........, ger*"e $725 ~ v,. '"" 1·""'"" ,., 842-490" bdrm1 auall. •"• •eo• ur go courH Female to lhr 2 bdrm, ·-LI-...... ... ~9f15o3 Nancy chooee ltom. We're th• """'' 552.io74 .. ~. r1ete 1dlnlng. •hrM. We111kk· "" ""°" "' " Agl • .... .,..v '" right behind property, 2 ba NB. apt, $250. .., ·u; • .,...,, ..,,.. '111 klteh utll·pd now~ , 2 bdrm, t bl, •PPll· kitchen a oablne11. 151 E. 2111 548•2408 2 br, mature tenant• S t 1 I e P • r k & 1 roome. From 11.11 • Such 8 dell lbl' wlh [lo cell tor IMMI n c 011t1, omt e 3 Bdrm, 2 Bathe se25 w1lklng dl1tanee 10 720•1845 ..,.. From 1 room to 3 •• -.-..-;•••••••••••••••• OC RENTALS 750-3314 ~i l\bodbrtdge 1nces, drep11, qulat Walk 10 Hunt ington only. i•r. $425 mo beech ... clOM to ..,...,.,M/F 26-33 prof only, no IQ tt. No IMM reQIM· LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm, fem • R II beech toe $525 mo. Center. S Speclou1 2 Br. 1 Be. 493.07 1 or 493-8280 thing I S475/month. lllTlkr, cleen, to lhr 2br, ed. Ad). Alfporter Inn. rm, 4 Bl, $1700 mo. KOOL OFF 2br wlpool. ea U LHM to 71 11&3. Aval! 1 Bdrm-furn, 505 •425. 3 Br. 1% Be. Webb Aeelly. Avallable October 1, 2'hbe new condo, CM. 2172 Dupont. ~ AM. lg SSf.JUOO Sept 15th. Drive by 1t5 2 Bdrm-turn, lrqtn $605 $475. Leunery lac .. OCEAN VIEW 1 b t b one or two 1dul11 only Oave, &31-4391 _11;;.;3;.;:3_.3;.;:2.;,.2.;,.8 ____ _ OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, bekere l(Jtoh MORE l9Hflarrann Pin•> lt\ln~ 25th St. NB Call 2 Bdrm·Townhouea pool. 5411-95~0 12·7PM. r, a. & no pell. Cell owner at lProl. non-smoker, tamale Airport •re• _ Exec. 1 Ba S700 mo. Biii •47• ' 1175~H8 evea 11urn. S425 mo. 2 br, 2 be, (714) 642·0138. to ehare 3 end den • " •EITALS ... S550 mo. no pell: Sultea. From 2215-4150 Grundy, Altr, 87S.6t61. OC·AENTALS 750-3314 " SUPER OE .. L 3rm w/ from •v75 1 B ... d k old Id ho e In Newport h $1 ft 5 ,. N I Ulllltl I I ··~----7 t 4 • 8 5 5 • 1 1 2 1 0 r r, P•• ec . wor m 1q. . ,,.,. eq. ' .. _ tlf I h f 1 to bdrma. 11artlno CO"" 0 pe 1· M ,.. ...::9LI -=a.-551.233•, charm. 1pectecular Shorl8. Waahet. d .... r, M any x 1re1. C ell .... au u ome or qua· Single?? Been unit wt 11 seso-10 s1395. kl ch 111r-' 1325 LA QUINTA HERMOSA -.. .,. o 111\ed peraoh1, gracloua pltlo, utll-pd, yd $325 oc At EN' Tu .. L· 7' ,."33 18211 Perleelde Ln, 1 FAlllU IPTS ll tl I ~ wc' walk to beach cio,mk m,. E!'l te~rt!~ _5_5_7_·7_1_0 ____ _ living. 12500/mo lee OC·AENTALS 750-3314 • ,. .,.,. 14 blk Beautiful 9erden 1pt1. U If•• ..,9., ontaet Mgr 11 we 0 .......... ut ... Executive ottlee eulte, 875-1530 On the Weter. Super w ol Beaeti, 3 bike S. Patloeldeck•. No pell. lf1tl 3140 apt C. 332 Encino Ln. 1n°1 u d 8 d $ 3 5 O corner of 405 Fwy, Neer Santa Ane Helghte 3Br. h 3B 3b 2 chlldr-...-.-~. •••••••••••••••••••••• •-··· 4AAA 1145-9587 .... ., ...... ., ...... T_...e -OCEANFRONT duplex. big yerd. vacant. $600 • erp r e, water of Edlf1Q9f ... 547·5441. ""' .......,.,.., Del poollld t I -_., n ""' ..,..., -v •-wlnter $750. 2 Br 1 Be. mo. Bkr. 546-08t4 pd . Dock e "111 j 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath $565 ux;b 2 be x rbel If· •••••••••••••••••••••• MIF to 1hara Beaehlront leaae. t600 IQ.ti. at 904 frpl, g•r. 840-4111 $ 1 0 0 0 I m 0 . Ag t. i ..... ,,.,.. 141 3911 w. Wiiton ge r, •• IOI, Laguna Beach Motor Inn hOUM In Sunset Beach. h. Cell 751-11191 --""'--------EASTSIDE DUPLEX. 1 Br 642·3073 or 673·7737 ••'••00••••••••••••••• 1131-5583 or 1142-4905 dawllr, l 'h miles beech. 985 N. Pacific Cat Hwy. Sun/Send/Surf plua -ir••r11-·'P I & 1 b th ••sot LuJ11.1ry atudlo. free HBO. No peu. $500/mo. B 0 Fountain Valley pmoe __.. .. ,., 111• 1 · .., mo. New Exec. home on phone, maid ""'· apa, Luge 2 Br. 1 B1. with 536-8362 Lllgun• ch. illy/ •P•· Private entrance. 1p1ce, 2500 1q.ft. 1t 2 etory, 4br, 4 bath•, 832-5086 $ ,.0 ,. di 1 d Wkly/ Kitchen evell. $500 dining rm, giant acreen WATER. 2 Bdrm•. plue 130 wk. 499..., 1., garege, w, eun ry M••111••s WALi Low winter ratea. 213-592-1541 or 60• a It. Good PJ>0-1 BDRM -1 BATH with den, dock available. j ·~i rm: $495. _,. " ,. sure, good perking, TV, hot tub, mod. kltch. gerege. $450. E'alde. $2500 yrly lee Agt Jl~I lfM• 1" Aleo lrg 2 Br. 1 Be; Lge 1 & 2 br twnllM 494""29• 2 l3-Sll4-9024 Telbert & Broolehurlt. 2 car encl. perking. 832-5086 't573 CAMMJ)a·l!Nllf£ 642-3073 or 873-7737 · •••• ••••••••••••••••• $490. apta, lrplc, dlahwalfler. Fem. nlQI room, plee.lant Sh81e luxurlou1 home In Cell 751-11191 A Y 111 S •PI · t 5 • •---------OCEANFRONT Ohi 2-4 Avell 9-1. 1145-6625 encl gw. Nr Huntington area E/Slda C.M. nr L""une with lncn1dlble ---------875-7650 • Beckbl'J, 1700 IQ tt 3 Br Woodbridge-on the 111\e. IOUI VIEW Br. By week Of month. Herbour From s 475 -.. 400-900 PLUS 1400 IQ 2 Ba. Fenced yard. Execull'll 3 bd 2.,.., be n....uxe ~ 2 B 2 be 1173-7873 Don't -11 only 1 lerge 3 ""'lldr-'oK ...... .,.,..,· 0 CC . $ 100 I m o . olty & oceen YI-$500 ft Penthouee Bey1roni Winter, 34th. St. 2 Br. kld1/pet1 OK. $800/mo. ••1ny "'~·eel s'1•001mo' ..,... ,...,_ r, ' Br. evell with 2 Ba .. I "'" -· ,,_,-vou 831-7958 494-7200 . nicely furnlehed. utile 831_1370. Aek for Jim. 1... ~u5 5 2 .. 9 5 • 9 lrplc. deck, g1r. Secur. 2&3 Bdrm winter rentals pe1lo In quiet area Suite. perking, petloe. pi l d $500/mo eaae . • ... gate. one for $835, 008 on N-port Penln. $525 large fool $875• CdM. nr beech, greet AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE-873-1003 876-64l7. . Elegent 3 Br. 2'h Ba, 2 55t·2193 Of 987·8857 $595. B-t03 Sun11t up. Agt, 575-1642. 6•5-3311 or 675-6949 . ~~/~"o.26:~~25~ouse. to lhllre .:iih prof , ... --Su_b_·-le_t_Ex_ec_._o_ft_loe __ 1tory pool/tennis fur· T rtl k 2 t Bluffs Condos, corner of · ..., Prime airport •~-·-on WEEKL V Av11JI Sept 3Br ' , u eroe exac. mu • Victoria & E. Pacific Winter rental, 3 BA, 2 • PINE BLUFF '"PTS ponalble temale 25-30. ..,....... 2b I L · nlehed $1100. Unfurn er·• Cl-2'L be $1350 ., Pool •P• b·-"bay Npt ••acArthur Blvd Pr•~ a on cane . ge sun-s950 • ""'• ,.. • • Ave, C.M. See 11,.1 IMn Ba, waterfront. A~ 9/8. 1 Br. with loh, & 2 Br. 2 • • ...,. • 2 bdrm, 1'..t be COM '"' · ,,.. deck. 646-1397 PA.OPEATY HOUSE :.,~~:58 6 4 4 • 9 0 6 0 ' c 111 . 5 4 5. 9 5 9 8 or $800. 730·3 7 77. M·F Be. Child ok, on the Chrlatlan Mele pref ept. 3 blle1 lo bch. Pool reduced. Mull '"' Junior 1 Br. veraelllee, 842·3850 842·1010 9 842·8722. 760~883 8"5 Bluft1, pello, view, frplc, • Sec1irttyGalls 851"1910 & gardener lncl'd. 111, 497-6034 on court. $595/mo E'slde C M 3 Br 2be ..._ bd, 2 be, wet ber, nice lllUT llEITALS Peninsula 2Bt Iba, ~ blk encl ger.. vu stove, • P~1 & Rat Room Femlpf hroo':ti &Id bath, ~~!'10 MO' Wk.,.., 6~1~':11~-. CdM dlx eulllte. A2!C55' 2131887-3292 day•, · · • .,,.. large yard, no peta. to bch. Vrty. $600/mo. dlehwalher, epe, lndry • 11 l BR Pat!O /\Pis comp oue o prv. emple pkg, ut pd. " 213,387 5900 yerd. frpk:, 2 car ger, s 9 3 o. 8 3 1 • 1 6 1 5 . • Br 3 a.. comm . .....,... Aeen•. 67s.~890 eves & rm. $600/mo. 11 CM. S290 mo. .,.., ulll. home 760-6859 E. c.1 Hwy. 875-11900 • · pool, Jaz. S725t mo. 493.7766 ...,.... • 1a•Ot11 Lw1cap1no 1131 0412 0 & 831•7905 or 831-0303 $1300mo w nds. SPMC 631·6107 • Oisltwasherl4 8805 • On the beech. Be my 2000 aq tt olflce epace ,u~~~·;:~~O p~t be~~~: HURRY NICE lbr wllf>• 3 Br 2 Ba. $1250/mo to Winier Rental. 1, 2 & 3 2 bdrm, 1 ,~ be. Fire-• Jog 10 8tacll 6 ShOps Apt wttll 'h bath, mature guelt tor Labor Dey tor 111. Cl • 111all now. 1 & f 1 2 liar hHlla pool. blt-ln1, more $480 mo bdrms. Newport Penln-ptece. Dlihwuher, prlv employed, Adams/ Hlf· 1-iolldeya, $60/day, prl· 825 W. 19th St. Calta ~ eo=en~foue C:.r-3 bdrm, 2 be oondo. DC-RENTALS 750-3314 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 car, sula. Play• Real Eetate patio. Gar. NCI pets. bor. $200/mo. 54S:67t3 vale room & bath, non Meaa. 645-8830, He _,!,.lone. I ZAO lee .J YI· Yard. Ger, pool, tennl1 ,,.,. Sbd .3b Ja fa comm. pool $1050/mo 673-1900 • S520 mo. 543·5478 rif olftoe 957·55'8 1mokers preferred . Mra. Northrup. Lola Miiier agt 631·1286 c ourt1. ·s900'.'-~·8945 ~m. pres1ioloua~ .:CeC:qU:. 2 B r 2 9 1 . 0 a r . BEACHFRONT RENTAL Nice 2Bdrm 2 be. Most 3 Br. houae, 2'h Bl. 497-1457 Heather. SUNNY Newport 9Mch Of 873--0&72 c 1 b . $ 1 o 7 5 m 0 , $Q1S/mo • 2 Bdrm. Winter $S50. 1 utll pd. ..22 Hemllton Bachelor apt, ~-l'! old, kitchen prlv., Jacuzzi, Pref. F to lhr t>eeut. 4 br PetlO Office. 833 Dovw, WATERFRONT HIGH RISE CONDO $3000 mo turn. 2 BA. 1 Ba, eep unit, 229 760-9307. ~:~o~l:er:.3 ~', ;r~ Bdrm Winter $475. SI. v 1340 mo. UIH f""d, non = & parle~. Lagun1 home w/frplc, Baek Suite 2. $308/mo. A Albert Piece. $575 WlllU•I 1131-27t1 Yearly $575. 3108 w. $525/mo 5484177 lllTlkr. 980-2118 lguel 495-93 0. Bey, $235. 548-e155 _83_1_.1_094 _____ _ mo. 111 & lut & '250 2 bdrm, 2 be. ArepUlce, Bluffs 4 Br $t300l mo 10 Oceanfront 573-1573, LlllllY OOIHS 1 Br. 3 bike to beactl, Large bHutlful room Fln1nclelly raaponelble 1111 IPAll - 2 Br oceanfront hee. def: 642-6368, Devin garage. No pete. $1195 mo. Spilt level. Auety 646-5902 $330/mo Inc. utll. No with prlv1te beth tor Femlle 25-39 to lhare Attrac:tlwl ruatlc upetelre Winter $800/mo. Exclu-R. mo. Avail OCt 1. Guinther, egt. 831-1266 in block to beech. 2Br ft te le. Ost Plaza pete. 536-8541 rent near beeeh. Klteh & oceHlonll Holtell, N111ng. We aupply desk, llve egt. Alta 752-5710 4 Bdr 1'4 Ba. quie t 499-5775 STEPS TO BEAC.... lba. $525. Utll pd. Frplc, elegant French Freah 2Br 1 ba, & pmllegea. $300 per mo. 45' Motor-Sailor docked 1p1ce, copier. You Lido Wat-'ront .... 0~ .....,,hborhOod, cloae to " 646-5743 wtndowa, AC, In home br-"", -cl ~ar. O/W, Cell In Newport, has central eup""" ""-~ & •"'5 .., "'' " "~ • ....,, BEAUTIFUL 4 BA 1 Br duplex. MCU(I"', 2Br 288. 18r no-petva". $ tS/mo. 968-2951 · air, heel, 2 beth1, mo""'pr"""'d'~•'•k •"'c8'"11 -~~ furnS..~-~073'':g, ~e.,".01~'.' 1'0/1h.opj~"50o EXECUTIVE HOME 642-8970 loea1freat/Vlewl 1Ba &'1tudlo•. 842-2897 ahower. kitchen, all 1144-7211. • . 2t3/947-3437 Huge family room, fOf· 2 B 2 ba den HI h 2 Ind 3 bdrm. Ldry. t B r & etudlo Incl ' IM• I"''' 4ISI eleotrlo. Please Hnd ---------2 Br, 1ge llvtng rm, patio. mal dining, 2'..t be, lge '· • • nr g gar., flrepteoe. $850 and Wlhrl dryr allo lncWdea 2 br. 1 ~ ba twnhse, Uc;,;.d""~d··,:·~; reaume, current photo, 2000 eq ft w/500 eq ft gerage. $600, MO. dep. EI Slda loc. Beeutllul, utll room. One of Ir· Sehl, S:0&.3M2 up winter. 640-47114 pvt club wltennla $415 + $375 <let>· Nr home. Xlnl cere, 24 pereonal beckOfOUnd to etorege, O.C. Airport 773-0432 & 673-6187 u~reded 3 bf, 2 be, vine'• llnMtl $894 mo. eouru gym poote )a-Beach Bkld •I McFad-hour-. 951_..819. P.O. Box 35-B, Balboa eree. $2000/mo . ---------1 frplc. pool, 2 eer gar. 1 yr lee. George Gofd· Spacioua Udo Ille home. euzz19' aaunu bMUtl· d4n Quiet older Plf'IOn lllend, Cellf. 921162 851-$28 ····-"-'•r.··l-&.~ ~d .paktlolt •. news1ooocrp1mo'•.· ~m. 8'lr. 833-9191 3Br, hobby rm Of ofc, THE fully deeoreted'ctbhM & pref. No pell. 893-4894 •• ,,,, #m& "" CCiit -beech GnNI --... ;;;;;··-;;;;:a;•t•IE .. U.;;;:a:;;;-., ....... 111111 ..... -""" r. •---,6 ••~I n•rden room, dlnlnn rm, -· ..... more. From •• ,.,... • •'-p ••••••'••••••••••••••• ' In 2 _, . hou _, '"-•••••••••••••••••••••• 642-1825 or 6'8-&908 .,. .... ~ ,. • .,., -.,. """"""' ~ a•••,. •• •••• .1.•1 ...... rooni ••OtY • P tv t omo. $495 •••t•l jjfJ i---------••'••••••••••••••••••• country kllch w/brlck. mo. Incle moet utll 100. • &.. ••~• .._.. _,.,~ $425/mo 114().4255 . Br !_! ,,_~ .. · • .,,. ...................... NIQI 3 BA 2 ea, den, EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 Upper deck, pool. p.,. ''GOOD 649-3421. 3841 Bear St. _.,_., _... Wkly rental• now evall. . , ....... vm.-.... .. IEITILS Mesa d•I Mar, grdnr. no Ba. frplc, brick pa,10 tlally turn If dHlred. (btwn sunflower & N~R··ae.Ac".i."2•;,~·; S10S & up. Color TV. Discriminating & flnan· A,,._.I~ S«vloe ... $40 · pell. $895. Sierra Momt with epa. St500. 2131 Avail Sept 11, ~1600. McArthur). be, OH. wtr. cable pd. Phonea In room. 2274 c1111y reeponslble Fe-7 2-6408 ~~~~1y~,:~1y-w1n1er, co. 541-1324 875-2255. 875-3680 LIFE" 2 Br. w. ee .. frplc. pool. s • 2 5 • 0 0 Pet 1 . Newporte.':'?.i .. ~M. ~h~:e ~~;e~Y Ya"e~r:no sBo. L2AGSuUltNA. 3_,1AGredh •aeon RULn nolher 3Br w/pool. a 3 Br 2 B•. ocean YU, BIG CANYON VIEW •P•. •ll•ched gerag1. 960-1~ . 1y. .. • .,.. . . " 2B kit h $825/mo, Arch Beech >Clnt value. $1126/mo 2 · No t A II PromontOf')' Pt. Town-Hwy Vlllblllly. 497·2351 PllP KiJa '!~eese:l.e & ~i Hg11 . Avall 9 1 1 :ii ~./:y\.;.r:. eq.tt. ~:~:~.,1~ se25r!,~·531".:9&4°0w. ~l.~~.~t .. ~ 8 EACH ARE A ~:';· ,:::,•cu~i Low budget etudicM>fllce MOllE•EIT IM. II Belt Alty 833-9212 aft 3PM. Barrett Alty, 1142•5200 o 1 r •ct or• Free $550/l'l'IO. 2 er. l'..t Be. BLUE LAGOON town· $84/wk photo. penonel back-evelleble, nr O.C Alr-53M190 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT s I.Ind. y TownhOuH, bllcony, hOUH, on the oceen ground to P.O. Bo• port. ea. per ft. Mitt• lll•l 113 SHARP 1 BDRM FLAT Nu 3200' tux hm on Wea1elllf area. 2Br 2be Bruneh•BB0'1• lndry rm, eer port, all Ilda of the hwy. 2bt, Aefrlg«etor·Mald-Pool 35·B. Balboa lel1nd, Crow ,t,oenl. 842·1243, $325 bluff. 180 deg. vu ol condo. 2 petloe, pool, Partles•Plu1 bft·lna. Avell Sept. 2be. pooll, tennle Nwpt Blvd a Wlllon Calif. 92662. _114_5-3_1_7_6 ____ _ V1naHle1/F1r1\ Beat • tee 539-6190 b•rbor, eurt, mtna, 3br, nr 1hop1 & buue. much more TSL Mgmt 6'42·1603 court1, Pl'Vt beech, S850 Colll Mel& 648-9755 Femel1 25/or over 10 ..... rt hHlla Bachelor apt, lerge & !!ba, aecur111.•, 11un:,s, $650/mo. 642·0494 o RE AT per mo. Edoewattt h 38 2 h .::di' , excellent comm. Eutalde 4 br, 2 be. larie '7 Arc .. • T $326, utlllll• Incl. Sm. 1 ...... ,...... Vee':/ on the beach, 1 •r• ' be ouee. Office IUlte over'foo•dno Ip • . $ 1 8 0 0 I m . om • .... 1•1eo1 YI " "' A I 0 N : ~ ... """""' Biibo• 111-ftd •75-5216 N .. ~ L f lltles. $1125/mo. NB yard. Kld1lpet1 o . 496-7009. 1.11 • T 8 n n 11 • F, e 1 1>4. 1892 Newport Blvd, hot room, kltcihlf*t• ~· · " -port Har.,.,.. ••1 ... Utred/ltfwa 18110 mo. Property 2 meat~ bdrm IUltea, OIUOn4 CPto 1 pro CM 831-7392 ·~JI lt•t.6 3111 '-el'lowu . $260/mo. Fem lo anare N.~. Con-ep.oe evlll1ble. Awox Large 3Br home on HouH, 642-3850 or Beeut. 3br exec home. dbl gerege, ape, all ahop )•2 Health Nr t8thl Pomone. 1 Br 1 •••• ••••••••••••••••• p1u1 MC deposit 2308 do, fully 1urnt1hed, 1 , 0 0 0 • q f t · W.1-... uell ~t 15 ....., 1142-1010. Incredible city & ocean x tr as . S 7 5 0 mo . Clubl•Seune• 0 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo W ooae.iitront ~ non-amkr. $250 + ~ 714-645-7100 -... ....,.. , .. , v•~ Sl"50lmo 2807 ...... ........ ea. upetllre. IW. car-rentela. Ville Rentela. .......... 7,. •1:.. Don bull. $1 150/mo. US1lllE Aha'Leou"na. 49,i.7200 ~~ Hydromuaage• port, water pd, 1 Child 87S-4912 Brok•. .,.....,, v -.,..., ~"i~~~I lmmed. IWll UIUlll leytrelt 0.He 1 BR, 1 ea..,s:s75 mo. N-1Br & study. N-Swlmml~•Golf OK. no ~· 1450. Agt.. Pine Knot M otel on Exec. Sullu Incl. Un ... m on Udo p-.... ...... 2 BR 2 Ba s550 mo Art111 ·s unique 2 Br cpu & mini bllnd1. OfMng Range no t ... MS.2000 Cout H-. NB. Stepe LB p't/1 rm w/pYI beth, E. reeept .• aec'y '""'· "' .,. ..,. ' ... . houlle. m· quiet $750 $ BE AU TI FU L ~, 2Br. den, eecurlty bldg. Bkr. 759-1234 Oceanalde. 800 yrly. ... p .... T 11 ., NT 8 •• 1 Bd, 1 88 duplex. utll to ooeen. Wkly "'"· Ide C.M. Family at-oonf. rm.. kit.. m•ll $2500/mo. & ulll. 97-5500 11111 Inc. 673-5350 .., .. .. " "' •• 1145-0440 moephere 842-9835 hand•g. Reaponelve to •· •-..a.--I wthe1 S I n g I• 1 , 1 & 2 pelcl. $375 mo . .v25 to Waterfntd h•I New':"s BA 2,~ be 2 Br, view, llape 10 THE BLUFFS 2 story, 3 Bedroome•Fumlahed move In. Agt, 6715·1842. COUNTRY CLUB LIV-lnl ••n 4l1S Rell able, depandeble your buelneH neede. 111-1400 twnhae, PYI patlO, 2 cer beech, $1100 pr mo. br, 3 ba, exec condo, & Unlurnlahed•No Sperkllng cleen, 2 br, w. ING •••••••••••••••••••••• roommate wanted, will ~dJ·,.,,40~,:.~ J~,~~: Oerrell, •ot. RE/MA)( den. lml dlnl. gdn patio. I Pttll•Models Open be, ••75 Utll. peld IN NEWPORT BEACH PY1 room•. Lovtno c;.,e, accept ehlld. $250 + "' from $32"' ........ ••••• JalMI hl•u 3111 gar, l*r. 759-1234 759-1221 end unit, •1200 mo, deify 9 10 6. ... A 10111 environment bel. dleta. rural.,... 24 utll. 1148-6&38 " .........,._., ••••••o •••u•o•••••• lltAll 7 1 4 . 8 4 O. 8 3 7 9 .1 OILWOO~ :rr~ ~:i:-11 children epertment community hr. care. 559-7107 Of M ...,11 M/F to ehf 2 NEWPORT EXEC SUrTES On the beach. 2 er 1ux. LANDLORD c1oeen·1 ffl.~~.!'1.~!!..1.J..!f 833-2009 I a • 1eeo wa1i.C.. 1142-4.905 on the Upper eey. Prf.. 131.1247 Bdl Fun eerAoe. r...onable condo, oce1n vu, M-eere ebOut money! OCEAN VIEW 3br, 2 .. II 2\ti •• • .,... n te clubhou11 and I lnl.U 4M bf, 2 be ept, Nwpt 1 • r 1te1. XI n t I o o . C\lflty 1750/mo. 600 E. .,_rent for frpla, $1075 mo. 1422 "' -.,.....-6-EASTSIOE 1 bd lot• Of he11th •P•· 8 ttnnll .!'!!'!~•••••••••••••• Pool, Jee, \enn 1 · 752-8408 Oceentront. 997-8382, _,. T 7,.,. ... .,,. Fem rm $1250 IM "" _......,, •-.,. • .,... rt 7 """" -'~-t $400/mo. Incl. utll1. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 838-3094 4BA 2'A be wl gourmet IJTeoe Way, ....,.._. v. 8"-eo53 .......... qu.... p.,, .....,., oou '· """'1' ....,.. 0 IOIAIPlll1' Depollt. 548..o929 kit • •---" •-f ...,.,.. 1t .. '1... utile lncld, no pelt, bu1lne11, elrport, Fa-1_...,_ p--i--I -..:....·------•-11... 1 1 di ,......,, --• _._ Tiii ILIPFI 880 Irvine 631-3548 AM or 111 lhlon lllend. Convenient -• -I AHp: *iiTF""to aher• 2 _,_ onna n, •• -.-..-•00•••••00••••••• 4 ehop1 on llte. Unlur-2 1try 4bf, • ba, dining, , l ... , 3-1 custom decor thruout. DC-RENTALS Spec. 4 br, 3 be, 2200 (at 16th) pm. bdrm. Ftpc, oar, yd . •••• !!.!!!':~ •••••• ~. rock ITpl, ullll ~Id, 1-5br'• $200 to 12000 IQ. tt. twnhome. Lovely (714) 64.5-1104 Eutllde t Bdrm, •m•ll nlshed bechelor1. 1 & 2 giant TV ICretn, hot 1285 p l us ;;; utll. Pen. Point, 4 br, 2 be, 2 pool. EZ terme $350 750-3314 open 7-deye dec0<, poolside aettlng. ...,.,. ..... /It but cozy, Iota QI n1tur11 bdrm •Pt• end town-tub, modernA .u kltc:h, 2 91C81'5 _ll4_5-_1eea _______ 1 "'"'----Av-"·..._ f ptce tlOI UNOERMARKET Avall. 9115. $1300 mo. ' wood . Rent $390. houMI. gar. .,.,, now to 1 • ..,.,,.,_ --$11001 pa eis.~gar. Rent•RAJI W•telltf 3 Br, din, ol-Ag1 640 5560 1700 16th St. a5 9152 $540 • $1000 875-7650 Female wanta lo ahar8 2 tmmedlately ';U.1 537-t910 :;~.S:O ~-=· 11j 1.;. ~?f;~:J ~~t~ ~ o,g 2 2 bdrm, 1 be, =:a1un~!,~~ r.afl• 1aw.m1 !!~ r!'.i~:,:ru~ ~ ~:C:1:!:".!: ocean Front duplex. 3 1410 11111 1-&37·1458 °' 548-50211 C.-'tfl••• 3111 · -1 prlY pafio. bullt In atove dealgner l'\.lrn1ture and BEACH.FRONr .. wimFi Npt Hel0h11· 1142-2t5t to llngle 120 eq ft of. BR comp IVm 2 1g pa-Juet 1n t.,;. .. "'* 2Br For leue Of ..... option, ••••;c:••••••••••••••• and dlehwaaher. En-1ce .. 1orlH. Move In RENTALS Npt ecn. Oct F to ehr nlOI 2br/1ba ..,, flee• 1ub·l•H•d by tlol nr Belboe Pier. 2 cpt1. acoent decor, cool $1500/mo 5 Br .., ...... 41 b~, 2b.,_b•. diam. rm, cloud ger Ample today or rHerve for to Ml'J, 2 BA, or 3 BR. w/eame, NB. S300 utll• oU. profelelonell. a.-bike 10 S.y & an ahopl. ehady yerd. 4 kid• a · " •-rp.... "' yar . 2 c., 2 Br. Wint•. garage, no parkl';-9. Laro• yard eummer monthe . newl'J remodeled . pd, (213)425--2731 cret1rlal, ~tlonllt, Sll50 mo. 9 moa. 404 &:!t Meny othere 81 ~~de ~Y ~· ~0 e ::Ot ger. G1 oo1d loe. '850 1>et1, 1t1p1 to8 e118nd. area. e Conoreaa St.. S1mertly lllmllhed mod-714•544•24114, co•• M/F to ahr ~r !!!!!>h!~~~''1t' ~-· E.n..---front. 673·"'"•1 Alt F mo nc • gardener, Open H'OuH at un C o 1 t 1 M • e a . e 1 open deity. .., .,,,,_ ... _ ..,.._, """ ~9.r,ilo 1145-lO«. water & traet\. 493-24•8 12·5. 520ll Neptune. 213·181·7813 beau1. 3 Br condo. C.H•• l•l #u 3UJ Newport C;•t. 28r du· On JemborM Rd at GREAT a.. eeperete 11¥ rm. tro :9ie. F:e.,:ett1inv. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• LANDLORDS/REALTORS ple.11 condo. Attach git, c..J...JaJ••I 38r, atepe to Mnd, $600 Utll pd, 1 bl', $300/mo. Sen Joequln Hiiie Ad. Bdr, ga.r, walk to oceen. •• IMI Latge 5 Bd Home. Falt ,, .. tenant pro-dining ., ... pool, ten-lalU11lu• 34U mo. t'Y· 8¥1111 now. Quiet. Patio, nr beh. 1~·1100 Esc•ncs AYell 1011. 309'h Irle.I ~~~~~~~~~ Coron I de I M 8 r . \lld«I. Celt Belt l\etlty nle, clbhH, 17 Wiid •••••••••••••••••••••• 675-5 10 evee/wltndl. Sept. 1 & 1S ~ ..-ftrl:. 1173-5602 Of ,.,_ Adi! S17001mo 539-8194 OooM. Tleonderoga to <>;"~r::11 ~..:. ~· 3 br, 2 be, lrple, lg• Huge 3 bdrm. 3 bl, pr:tV $750/mo. 3 Br. 2 81. See mountain pr~ 532 DellV Piiot &42-4300 Off1CE. SPACE.cctM 7ec>-8708. 675-2144 II 1.,. IUI Intrepid to WlldQOOM. •tr~ NO p;t;'.' A~ luxury-typt 1pt. Stepa petlo. No pete. $1100 encted gerege. weNt to ~!~ "t~~ ~ 24 tva. Coat~· 450+-:1 fl Ouplelt. 2 er & den w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• $1150, 714 543-2407 811 653 1141 ve to w1ter. Sept-June. mo. 851·2176 be1c11, yard/balcony. South Orenge Co 00 Femeie Roomnlate want· •"8111. · 844-84 fl'J)lc. So. of PCH. Im-HOME FOR RENT 3 BA 2 B• IPlll ....... NB . • $ 7 9 5 / m 0 A e I 1 ... _... I 3 BR " Won't IU1, cell tor eppt. T.V.R.E. eh1nnel 29, ed lmmedlai.ly to ahere h••lthe ...... m. e . • 8 0 0 m 0 . 4 Br $150. F«1Cld yard. cond o 3 o•ragH BIG CANYON 2 br, 2 be, 8 7 3 • 3 0 6 7 ; ........ ,m, 4'14 BA, TSL Mgmt 1142·1803 nlotllly •t 7pm 0( Tlmtl 3 Br. 2 Be. CdM. Aek 714/538-7714 garage. Klch & ge11 poole. Cloee 10 Ho.Q tenn11. pool, $900 evall (213)869·5985 No Pete. S575 let, lut, 1 bf / refr end MTrrot Cl'lanntf 3, FrJ.. IOf Victoria 720-1902 FM IMM: 3 ldleoent Jumlne Creek, elegant 3 welcome. 545·2 00, Hoep. 1785/mo. Bkr. Oct. W.7897• t BR, l.i26, ... blk to ;t11~488~ i5~:2~~2119 • pa;krni~,400.9' call d1y, S•t & Sunday Reep. M 25.35 to anr =u~.,.~~:=;. r::. er. femfly rm. 11epa lo egent, no '"· 1148-7332 f•lf'IM•,.. beach. 1 gar IJ*)I, no 575-0el aft 5. eve1. For mofl Info: IOYely, unfutn. 2 br, 2 dr.... BMutlful Ylew. ·~· .. tennl•. $1600 .... ,,..,.. 2 BR remodeled hM w/ ,.,.,,.-' 1sa p. t I . f C>. r. 0 n . STUNNING large 1 Br. CONDO IC>8CioUI 3 BR. Ore•t EICIPH . Bo• bl Promontory Pt, N.B. HIOf'llV upoteded. "'°" e 5-2740. ....} '"' gar, t'A bile off eend. ••••••••••oo•••••••••• 875-9722 ~1~~ ~hi S~ 2 BA_. lrpl, dlhwf, lndry C28811171 •• ~9 31S.-W0rlalc01~j 1400. Abon, 87M204. te>tlonlet MNtce s>fO- MUI YIEW ·····oo.RiHTA'i:a····· =~~· Alk 1°' Bni. A~~d~r fo•:nhJo0u1e~111r~ A1'rt•••" * 20t. 1ee. ~ eo. ~. =~u;v, 3pe~~~P:;~: 7t4tMW4ec)' Prot ~ll'Mr, MtF. to ~~ie11181~~· o~"8::'": "Old" Herbor View 1-5bf"'I $200 to '2000 lr'Ylne. 2 bd plue den, fltlll'lllU. Plaza, S .A. Luxucy a51·K22. Lake Tlhoe on water ~.~':;,·, 2::. ~:· ::i!; group. ldMI '°' branch S.CUon. 3 br, 2 be1 7150-3314 open 7.cjl)'I llY I ... NW one the nloett In the •••••••••••••••••••••• Condo, ""/pool. $575. 2 ... 2 .. A ....._ ... 25• No w/boat dook. •Br 3ba HU mo. + i.. utll. offtoe or P9f'IOI\ In "-huo• yerd, bHmea 3 bf, 2 be lrvlne Terr. development. $825/mo ,.,.,. /1~ 1111 No P91•· 933-8974. .., ... ""'" .., h Comp! tum 7eo.17n · flnancl11 field. PfeMe eelflnge frplc Lu•ury Condo. evall 811• 2 Br home. 11400/rno Incl. •••••••••••••••••••••• pete. AOfOM from Npt ;~:,, ::'· &52 2115 ~ c 111 (714)710·1111. homet' $1390 mo. :~!".=· ~·..:;:: gardener. 1e19 Bonnie 2 8A 1 ea. no pt11. yr'ly, 2 br, nr OCC. oar/pttlo 8dl Gott CourM. Office ..,.. 97s.os11• MALE TO SHARE N"'l>0'1 Qein1er. 7f!O..Oe83, 1144-8722 sa7151mo. htll•;t 1 ooone. 1175 -1541, l'l'!!lii!4 lf.OI ~~~::'.'· d41cle, aeoo. L~~g.7 ~~1:cs'o.K:~o tn M . 645-485& NWPT BCH CONDO ,_.PUB 3 BR 2 a.. fplc, lllew. dep. 9H-5577 1fter ll73-22A2 •• ....... ..... ... Dove YUILY ~'1J!.Jt./k:'!!1!J!f 646-4224 642·~~1 2M e.. t7ttl It. CM new pejnt & cpte, $1, 4:30. EASTBLUfF Exie. hof\'11 WINYEF\ 80. BAYFRONT 1 BR 1be, n· ecroH elrHt from lll•'ft WAlm MIF non-emkr llhr uuM 1400 eq ft to 2100 ..__ ooo mo. Agt. 1eo-oeo1 Nr t>ch 3br w/atunntno a bf. 2 ba. den, formal !x:;.•.:,:>·,~;:na. '550/r> u~9 1ne1. E'alOe ~ 2Bt 1ba. bHeh. 2 bd. 1 tie. Proteutonat m••• ~ .. ~'=: M,~ """"°' ,_ ft. Uttl I 2 Bdrm collage -2 kltch room '°' kid 1635 dining, 2 frl)ls. gatden 1 11-2& lncd ytrd. Ow, ~' ••ltler/dryer, cari>ort. 26·35 non•ernoker to "' ~ .... mo. tlflftOl'lll Incl. a.. '*ii adulta pref. No pet1. DC-RENTALS 750-3314 patro. ~it!IO mo _._...._,, f8nlllW 1 bdrm, ptly fUm., yrty pit ok. U 75+uc. !Me-4407 et11re "llke-new" I Incl. e7M392 """MW120. • 1700. Oevt, AOt &42.o:MIO. :T..-.":;;:'••••••••u••• 16.21/mo. 307 Coier. l ll1•2421 .., Acrou from b11cll, 8clrm., 2 bettl Ian Juen MIF IN"""-2 bf. 2 bl. Soallntt Down? 0 .0 . &51-o875 2 Br condo. CIMl't CS. Nwpt Terr condO 3 BR Ila. 1111-' in. 973-5132, 873-1931 2 Bt, 2 be deluxe apt, tlf'lght & llry 2 Bt pe-~rano oondo. Fir• Tennla. l)OOI. 1333 Inell. lnnoll? Oflloe .i "9o eor. lrptc, cloH to 2•2 ... no .-. $725 ........... m •••• ;.';l' 24411 Eder\ ".,. 1125 tlo ........ rm s1so' 1mo pteoe .......i 1aouu.1 & utile. ....._5447 N 8 ,. 1 NIOI 2Br t'Abe tn C1"4x. lbtaotl. -4678/mo. Mike p"00j •111 1,...-1c·1-1 .. 0,· IAYFAONT. Wt"t•r. 2 ..,... mo 1111...u2e · _.:.. ................... · .....,.. · · o•ncy ... 1nt1r. ••c I.IV rm w/fr$>IO, eundec:tc, Crow, Aot 142•1421. .. .... ,;.,..,,., • " • IA 2""'". 1 w lfi A" ~-'! ~1 · · , . ..,. -only "'1"ut•• t~ the Mii' ...-IUffllr •o etw '""" In Newport nr .,,......~-.,.. ., .,, beaoll l De"I Polt'l ' """'"' 11' 8 ~ tull)' ICIU4PPed & 9 1 r. a o o t hwy. &45-3178 . 1peill1nc... H Olmo, ..... • .. ......... E.alde ~ In a llfM 2 ~.,. tie, den, up-t1.,Clor. 1300/montl\ btachfront, nd t , ........ 1~ · • ft. NU/mo, 323.,. t..art(. Br 2 a. OOtldo IOI ety llluffe .,.., 3 br. 2'h bl 173-3724, 113-4109 2 bdrm. 2 bl:..:::· toteet. Alfl'to.1..~· Ind. 'JI , -"'°· ~ ,_. of tM u ....... NI 7"-1110 ONO ~ cw ..._ 'eq"'°· ..-n. &ae.14&3 wttd)'I. 9trt\IM pool t.Mi. ety' condo. 2 car gar. w/ ..,... yrty • ....,.,,_ "· 2 If 2 la '°"' /\veil MCMU4 Cell Gtrhanl et (71~ View OCftfrnt. No Ltig. he wit "'°' lie. 1 "'° #!.-...... lllf 17001mo-.:11ez ' • :o~~e:.a:o-= ,.,,,.. .... '111 r.1~,.\7~~~95 . HL5i74~·~,"~~~·· , .... ,.."'°'"· U1·1040 or (1 U ) fllrn,2brbLS400/mo. hewlt'f'.aMl?t Tr.Ir.nm........... bclfm 2 be. ,.., l)elnt •••••••••:n'•••••••••• 187 .. 111 211/ltl-at46 carport, opt1. drp1. -.e11L Ovor SO ptor. pref. OW • M 1~=~'2000 O'rpu' l drp1. Tt11i Wattrlront 4 BA lam rm. V10· "a'!!!" •2.10 tlcf\. Of (714) 17'-3MI ..... •· OCletl ...,.. t111 W. ._ IHPPdl 417·70'9. ~ ...... '&.... ~ tlome tiae tet a bl, 40 lllP rNY tie rm -SS " lndfy ·-· 111 T~. h1 ml .....,,CIU) 111-1841 -. fWMTa MecleCI 91t1boa I aouttvo lult1 " te 71().~14 ·open 7~ llvtn.afi -rm w /fr••· aull. 12010/mo. 111 IMt 1)1 Cltp 1'19 "428. 1 bf. ut .. pd, 417 to bdt, tnod Yd. oer. __ ,._ ........ • COfltHt 1aro"t Goll' Ille .._, eaOo mo,+ • __ ~·== • ... 2 .. A •L t13-4ele. -1• ...... • .. ,t •1'" ..... 27 E ltY 9tlboe No S*I. re11ov.ted. IHI mo ........ -• • • Miii feMlll ...,.. WI • -• ..,,_ ·--• ~ -· -on "' 90r'I 1tand n11 trplo, 11110• . ,..... • ·-" · "......, • s.1.f1H 7M loon Pl e11-e111 vttl pdl ~~ mno.wmt ID. Cllf. MO-f1'1t •· __ ,.,. .,._..111•1111e1•11•1ll111.~ .. • :::.r'.::·2= = yord "'='d 1'91fo I N!WPOAT CAUT Agent C... ft! #II 1/.¥. 1 OonClo Mlle..,.,.,, tar ...... N 0 WOftCWiii worta ..... oow Mw 'C• .. 11pp1d ..... 11111 II AM. oo HOT Dtll'UM ::T'" ~ 0 r21 ~~ :'. ::C.:.. ~0001~ ~ ......... ...... • • t ~~AlY:EA~" 11t ,._,·Al~·:. • ,..., .. , 0..0 of tftopptno. rlt"t et "-"°'' flolnt. I • •::!~ :.~,: .. Tl1Nl.!!!8. lt75 mo. llallmo. lnot • ..,-. lurn. 11200 furn. ..IHL•"' fl rmi7 • '''II· po~IJ_ utll pd, ltudlo °" ttte bMOll • .,..1111111• ~ 1'1•b!:..,.t10n·•,,.otcor. ~.'wMt .,._ .._... & •• 1.,, Appl Agt, &4$-02M ""'wltwlltt • ..,.Mt. No .,... l440/mo . ...,,1,. ....,. *-; _.......,. DlllY "tot 01 ... 1n~ --........ ..._...,.. I IA , llA ...... pM N7-0701 W...mont 4 ., a be, ~ .'!t"· ht i 'f:r: 3 !:in2 =-.~~ I er. , ... e :a,r-..:s ~·. = = .:::=-: ....... C°""*9 bllWe '°" '""' ....... ,,.., =MO 1lltl ,.._I Have aomiifi1iii to Mii? UOIO/rM, 40 ft Doet 10-12. t tt,_. 9agonlo. peta. 111/Uf-1271 lllO/IM. No..... W O-lf#OlllC1.~ CIM ... I M-vtlOr' ._ CIMl ........ ll._ • .._. ...... • lllt • 111-"'22. a. •Id -w" .... a11p 11¥811. 11i...... (2131H ... 1H7 -.. 7Wt7i.cllll 141 teat ....._ ~1M yeu ...... .,. Q_.11 -II I .... 4 I f , ' I • 1 DI Orange Cout DAILY PeLOT /,rtdmy, llPtember I, 1812 --------· h.tzfl!111!1 •• ••••••••• ~!'1; •••••••••••• ~-""'··········· ~~"·'l·~~~... ~!~.c ••••••.••••••• 111'!.'f!~! •••••••••••• ~~.c.ff!?!~ ••••. r~.'lfl. ............. ~ ............. . lt.~!e!J>!l for a :)() day ad In IM IAILY PIUT lllYIOI lllHTllY DO IT NOWI W fer Sadr• Your Pally Piiot Service Directory Repn1Hnt1tlv1 142·M11, ext. H2 lnlanl lo 3 yrt, my O.M. home. I '" day, Lio. 880 19013. 784.8231 DP .. lllHITml C.M. arM. 848-11769 Babytlttlng In my l\ome, nr V1<:1orl1, C.M. 842·11482 B1by11ttlng by CHRIS· TIAN mother, Mon.Fri, CUITOM wood paUo ,IT Child Cere, 7:~ 10 ~ttom l'leflnlttllng.,urn OUMP JON ~· jenll0tl.i Mr• PNr ... AM't f0t tiom. .,,. ....... AOOf' M,Alllll covert, die*• & tenoee 1:30, b~ YO ored. a 11\tetloft·All ~air• & Small Moving Jobe vlcll, trained 11111, ~e 1vllll. lmmed .. lull)' Pelnftng· All typeel S,fCIALllT IU.l1Q by t Hoh er (Mu t I re Cell fOf Ml. 844-82M Cell Mll<f 841-13111 bOndld & Int UnlCIMn Ina. IH·IH~ Vickie, Want IN .bttl7 20 Yft Fr .. Mtlmate 170-2721 RANDY M1-ot21 ~1 AO" 2 & up, a..J,,_I_ HAULIHO·OMOINO l~t~ml Of Npt Be". 1·921-1080 lllP 11111. guet A.ft ..-AfN..V "°°'9NQ..- QUALITY CARP!NTllllY organized aotlvltlH, r:":l'••'T:a••••••• • •••• cltmollllon cltan·up a • 200 •mfl• I n I U ' Id • 0 a V !i Sltak•INnQ...como. Patio CO\llfl, dOott & C.M. "0"'1 nr Nwpt Tllll Cone<ete ~ tr" remo-•--~--•-'•1, i ...... r.••••••••••••• 138·6521. 9¥1 ut..17w l.IO. 4 19232. 841-t213 Hg11 ei.m. 84a...ea1 --~ ,. , .. m11 wtndowa. ComDI. petcho ToP1)9(1/remo~. Clean vat. ••••••• •• •••••••••• .. I. bl ,.,,. Ing & pelntfJ\;. '•""' Cfatrlflfll &.•11'1 up, I awn r 1 n 0 v , Oul<:IC ""'· '42·7631 L&llltaAPtll by Richard Sinor. Lie .• IJ!~.tC ••••••••••••• •••••Pl••••••••••••••• HOiman, l;4t5'103. •••••000'•r.'9uuu 761·3478 PROF SERVICE RtMOnal>ll, retlal>ll. 2IOM4. 13 ytl of happy 'arthlng lnt.,IM OMIQn MOBIL.I SERVICE C~,_, lflftH Oad~t1r1:n,;ef7.oacl~~t1~M~O~W""IN~~~1,..;.~CILEA~N"'.""":'U':"!P:"='S Hauling ~ yrd olten up Wayne 4H-7284 tooal OUtlOf'l*'I, HANOINOl lTAIPPIMQ Aetcr.-na/Nlw IOfMN ... ,,..~•••••••• • • • •••• •• Quallty 2nd to none, Haullf"tQ ~ncsacap!~ tell l clMn. FrM "' Yard Malnl. & CINnup. Thank you, 831·4'410 Vita-MC Scott 846-0325 NB/CM 84t.t&62 ---------1 NCSt!:~~~al~~~=° landel Conat. Lie FrM Ml. "42·990T 873.0548 Sod, 1prln1Cl•t•, roto, Cu1tom work, Int & •>et, ASR PAPl:RHANGINO ,.,.,,,. , .. ,.., ll1tt•ll1• hnl~• dry. ,,..or;,, 839•1682 418170. 648-4271 JH1lt'• Oardenl"" HAULING & CLEA~·UP tree rmvl, drainage, llC'd 20 yre In area, rell. 1 yr1 local e.1Cp. Guar. ••••••*'••t•••n•••••• HB. 1180·<4553 •••••••••~•·•40•l.... :•• Ydalnarag ... Prop. mnt lllllaldt weeding. Qrlan H.,b 521-8012 aft 5:30. work. PrloH 1t1n at Alarm Co. (Llc'd), Se· JAYS' "8P!AK!ASV" 8hampco l tltam cllln, l,J, ....... t let Cleen·UPI, tr .. trim l e~\..o9531831.oee6 " 688·2263 • C"NYON P"INTING • i~ 18/roll. A* 919..0853 curtty 1yttem1 for hof'M Prof. Barlandln" S.rv. L'· '"""'e•• ... _odll malnl • ..,Y, 1$4'0·8035 "' "' .. • ................ ..~ .. .,.,., • Col0t brlllhtenera, wht ''" -" ""' .,.,., • lntleict tandtoaplng. Fr" vre In 0 .0. Sall1factlon Eicpert wallcoverlng In· & ";";'jj";'a ~· ;;·i;' A~~8~~:~2~5ff~:~4~ar crpt1 • 10-min. bleeoh. ..~~d8'~~. Ca~~~!:. lwtllet L11•1•lll1C !~~~!!!~'!!I........ "'· Sod, tr" & lhrub guar. 494-4841 1t1llatlon. RMI. prlcM. •a ........ Hall, llv/dln. l'MI 115; .,...,. .,...,ttM.,....,.... T t 1 o1 ROBIN'S CL""NINO lnllallatlon 81a1on11 Oon1uttant A11lnnment _.,..._.,_ • ......, ______ _ •-1vi room *7.50: QOUCh '" rm, 04tfl. nupl, """ . QUALITY PAINTING • ~~~~~~~~ l•l/•111 -nlni c,,,.. •-'-ril•f. c.ment work. Fr" Mt SerYtc. • a thoroughly color for any occMlon. Ext/Int r• ratH 581·8590 lr,tldltn •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1 ; Cl'lr 15. 01111. lllm. • ....... nm.•••••• • Call 549. 1804 anyllme. · Olean houM. 540·08!1 Xlnl rafa, relllbl•. Call UC B3482711 53s.2388 1-.----. __ --1---1 • •••••••••••••••••••• ~!! ... ~IJ!M.£.tJJ!,f!... GENERAL BUSINESS pet odOf. Crpt repair. DecOtllOf' etyla Int, bar1,1---------Plantwork, 400-3472, rlJ!I --n1 SERVICE & REPAIR Applied, re-applled, SERVICES 15 yre exp, Do worj( mantels, llbrarlM, ~h Tll Ulll Miii Joan'• Oltanlng SerYlc. 876-oaoe EXTERIOR PAINTING ••;.•.;BRYANT'S•,;;;·•• van Oppen• 8atvlct guar .. ln1ur1d. llc'd. ~·•,P htg~,amo•:ublJ:i.;:"Y mYNff. Refa. 531·010t !'Y!.!..',alMd P~ ': .. J! Lawn-tr ... anrub lnatell Off~ .... Apte-~t~~87 1...1/ uJ Cu1tom work. FrM "'· WatlGOve(lng Removal (7 •1 ~.;, ..... •14891. 730·1900 lrM · EXCEL CARPET CARE • """'ng. lie • ...,..,.."'"" TrM trlm/rtmOYal · • :-:'•••~•~•••••••••••• Rau. + fine Int. & All TypM. 842•1343 ___ 1_ .. _...,_..-.. __ """-- eetlmat... Recordk .. plng, tu Jactl Buffington "'-""' Lawn Mlllnt/Rototllllng TIRED OF HASSLES? YIMI WIW 1 ta In Ing . SI eve. prep, Bu1ln•11 counMI· Ownerlopetator •••••••••••••••••••••• FrM Mllm111 648-<8065 Qullllly c~ hetf 11 For • trM feat lheet. 547-4281 ' ltl C.n ~·.'!!!~t.I.•.'!!!!.... Ing. 4 ... 99 • 11125 :... Carpet, uphol, ., .. rug •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN QUALITY WEEDING & '*'' Reta. 745 call Hairy w ..... At· RALPH'S PAINTING .c;.in;d·;.;,-;-·5,j,;:• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH -cleaning. WC)(I( guar. hlkprt, dally maid ltl'V, Malnt Remember the 3 OIAL·A·MAIO. Quallty & I or n e y a I L aw . Int/ext. Rau. rat11. Bonded. I 11/day (every Dependable, atlordable, OP Bulin.a ''Doctor" Free Eat. 845-tn 1 olllct GIHnlng, or pt R'a: ReHonable, Rell· Ser y . N r A 1 your 553-0290. Ref. FrM "t. 538-99118 3rd wk free). 831· 1234 '"' .......•••••......•.•. TILE INSTALLED AU Klnd9. Guaranteed e"tntlal Anawerlng Boolla/ Data/Word ,. 1/,.. cleaning, 1135-2118 ab ... Rick. 497-3070 p h 0 n e I 3 61 S 4 5 ---------1 1ervle1, 11cretar111 & Procealng .,,,.,,,,,.-nnlt "•o .... ,,; · .,,..,., Painting: our ramify tr• r!f!!ff. !'!~¥11 •••••• Reta. John 840-9217 ,,,, ,.,.,,. ••••••• •••••••••••••• ,,__U Simmon• Gardening • _ .... __ -.._.,.._• ______ 1 ••. •••"'•••••••••••••• dltlen for over 100 yrel bu1lnes1 M<Vlces. mall to Min on-alt• vlllt Cement·Ma.onry·Blootc ":':t."":0•••••••••••••••• Cln~p• lawn care full Cuatom home cleaning & 8RICKWORI<: Small Job•. lntle>et. Lie. 3482152. bo• rental, word pro· SM Htra time 125hr. Wall..Cu.t. work. Uc. DRYWALUACOUSTIC comm '& reeld malnt. comp .. te mild Mf'Viee. Newport, Cotta M.... FrM Mt. 881·39t8 Conaultatlon & Hand Made Fram111. 40 yaare E>eperlence. 848-5141 ..•.•....•..........•• I LOW RATF.S I TrM trimming l remo- val • cF ',.!,!_,I~ g . dT • 1 • • • __ <_7_14_> __ 64_5_·5_1_1_11 __ 1 #381057 Rob 647·2883 ~'"· amt Job ~ t148-0G84 Prof., bonded & lne. Irvine Ref• 975.3175 -ST• , ...... ............ or er entry. "'-.. l•tl •'-&.~.!I Concrete-amall or tge 11 yre. exp. Bud ---------1 U I I S f -----------•• P.,_,.,•~leue buy de1k --•• 552·"58" "'AROENING SERVICE n c ean ~111m1 o Brlckwork·1mall or !fi' 25 ..,.1 '""· • •· • .,'3"~l. ••, •n~J~ -..-·~ ' •••••••••••••• •••••• loba. Remo\19, ....,lac:. • ~ "' N t n-~ 8 1200 ,. .... ....., ...., ... r1° ,,, •· I all clMnupt a mowing 554-7017 ~ rtnlal. Cablneta & C.=try ·-.. Ctean-upa, tr" ..v. & P """'· ~ Jobi. 100'1 local r 1. n .... _~ I Ref• ,. ... _. •••••• ••• ••••••••••• ANSWER NETWORK or rlf)alr. 845-a5l2. Wall textur .. ·Aeouatk: hlllN"". 641·1008 Pete Quallty H~·~•--nl"" Since 191111. 845-4512 1"':°..=". ·,...".,•·,..,..11 ·0l""""ck ED'S PLASTERING 7'"'7320 ( k I • v) Small IObl & eplllre Hang-Tape.SIMI 1tud1 .... ""'~-... ,,,...... ....... ...,.. ·-- ...,.. H or "' · FrM EttlmatM1145-2003 N~'1c)if~~~~~LL Lio 3SQ9<44 1 532 55<49 Bul..,111 wl a p1reonal touch. V'lflM· ... l•·ltHe Bllt'a Painting, lnt/e>et R:!~!::!~~·:~=~~8 ~ ....---A••llllfll KITCHEN FACELIFT FrM "' 538-2807 . • • •••••'"•••••••••••••• CM , Irv, NB. Beth ALL TYPES MASONRY R ... d/comml. II yre t kp. flll lllYJll .rr................... A I II I II"" kltch . DRYWALL TAPING Carpentry • Maaonry 850..0933 L'-349•79 838 3812 s c H"'h I PLASTER PATCHING ··Tr•• Work with • REAL ESTATE "Y ng •>e 1 ... • ----......,..----All Texture• & Aoou1tlc Roofing • Plumbl'l ---------"'· .. • · 11 arM. "' qua . R11tuccoa. lntleict. 30 Conlcianee". Trimming en c1b. w/reat wood. 011peratel Petlo work. FrM MtKevln 875 9088 0 11 SI 11 B&M Hou•eoleanlng • ~ 6 materlal1. Lo price. d · ResldenUallC.omm'I 5 1 v 1 I I I n 0 w I Fr" d .. lgn. Lo prices • rywa • ucco • • ANtonablt. Call Bente •n•• , r • 9 1 1 1 . A • f 1 . y r 1 . N • a t . P • u I & removal by Hower 873·1919 842.0881 Xlnt ref1. 497·7354 IJHldlll Remodel J.B. 8411-9990 Balboa 1111nd 875·3810 •••••••••••••••••••••• 488 57\7 5<45·2977 Dolloff. P.O. Boic 34, he.~!t ............. . Drt11ewaya, Parking Lot Repalre, Sealooatlng. S&S Aaphlt 831·4199llc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. R11/coml. Lie 397804 842· 1720 ~!!!!'!~1! ••••••••••••• Per1on1llzed, tow coll legal 1ervlce1. Ind . famlly, bull. ln1t111 con· aultlllon ''"· 553.0290 Olvorce-SupPort Change All Family M1tter1 Atry Koftrotn 848-4375 ...................... Ban'• Malntenence Serv *1•1 11¥111* '::"'."..,..,.·-=-,......,.,..,..,,.,.,.----,,-1-,.-m---1--1-Coat• M ... , Ca. 921127, Clll!,•llf. C111•/t "'' , ELECTRICIAN-Priced Plumb-alee-carpentry Baohetor'1 Hteeleanlng Top quallly. Speol1I QUALITY WORK • neat, .!!. ••. ._.!!, •• !/!.!!. Ph. 842·11132 0~~;·h;ngl~g·•·,;;;~;.· •••,<,;~·b;ih;•_;,;•••• rlgh1. frM .. 11mate on Painting Call 964_5231 & Laundry Serv. Karen, car• In llandllng. 25 yr• , ..... honest. Rel•. Lio. Pool terVlce 1-f<-ltl-i--.---- cablnet1. paneling, etc: cuetom & comm. large or amall lob•. 540·2111111850·0892 ticp. 287107. Oa111 984·1°'45 Malnlenanc. & repair. .! ... ~/..••••••••••••• Painting, cement. Rtfl. FrM nt. 1140·2082 Lie. 3118821. $73-0350 HIRED HANO. WILL J•llll•r D.11•811 Competitive RatM PAINTER NEEDS R1uon1ble rat11 . Moat aubj.ctl, 1<·14 -J_e_rry __ 64_8-_4_4_1_3 ____ 1-:,.,,.,&...,.,,,,...,~,...-=-,._n_____ LIC'O ELECTRICIAN TRAVEL! Many dlverM ~~:·····,··""1 ···, ·,·s·1·0· No overtime. 730·1353 WORKI 30 Y" eicp. 8112·1832. Day/eve SS & 110/llr. .,,. •• -Qual work A ... ratn chorn. Wiiiie 842·3491 ~-n pro"' ona , , STARVING COLLEGE Int/ext. Acouatlc cell· I ~ I'' V.'•-l Mr. M0tgan 845-5178 FREE EITillATtll •••••••••••••••••••••• F · 1 T • • .;.1 •"'72 CALL HANDYMAN JIM re1/oomm 1peotall1t STUDENTS ••ovlNG Inga Lio 366780 Fr" ••-• ••• _. .. I R11sonable prlcet; rm. HARBOR TRINITY PRE· rM .. · om "" .,,., 847·2378 lor ''" con: "' · · · ••••••••••'• •••"•••••• Wl•lw CIHm•r. proleulonal work SCHOOL. DAY CARE ELECTRICIAN Malnt.. plumb. repair, 11 CO. Lie, T124-438 "t. R1mod & 1ddltlon1, lrM •••••••••••••••• ••••• cuatom work 1001 No CENTER. Coat• Mna. Sml loba/Repalra. Lie. P•l~~~\e~t~m au · Insured. '41·8427 Davia Painting 847•5188 dnlgn & Ml. Oulll & "Let the Sunehlne .ln" Job too imall or too Opening Sept 13. Full 233108-C-lO. 5<48·5203 ---------i INTERIOR WALL WATCH US GROWi SPIRIT Painting. Never low ratea. Steve, Call Sunlhlne Window blgl Cablnlli, kitchen and ~ day care. 7AM RESIO/ COMM'LllND. Carpentry • Cablneta DESIGN PrHtlge Moving. Low under blddad. S1t11fao-752-9558 Cleanlng, Ltd. 548-9853 remodll a lll'llthed car· to llPM. Regllter NOW. Plumb. Drain Cleaning Arrange your art, l1mlly ratH, fantullc Mrvlce. tlon Guar. Int/ext. 1•1-N/.--l -------20% Monthly OltcOUnt pentry .. elect/ plumb/ Corner Baker & Fair· 20 ~"· po my own Electrical • Tiit photoa etc. lor lull .,._ State wide. VIN & MI C. comm/rea. 53&-0134' •••••~'-•••••••••••••• c1blnet1/ c:ounlertopa. I view. 558·4336 or L .... 2780~1 .,· •••9128 __ R_er_1_. _0on __ 986-o __ 1_.(9_ Snehflltleeol71~h~~5-b38e713uty. lntured 543-8482. Cal. Low11t ratHI Prompt, Huber Roollng·all IYPM. Mt~I ,!~pllllelng !'!~tltlhlng.I do tvtrythlng from 1tart1_5_se-_1_1_e1 ________ "' ___ .. _ ... _ .... _ ... __ 1 __ , ___ ... _.,.. ___ ·_1 T·137,124. neat prof ... lonali. 15 N-·recover-dtck• , ... _.. ..,..... to llnl1hl Call Brad at 'Graveyard Shift' lie. **NORTH STAR** Get GREEN c:ath yra exp. a.4S.se&4 Uc. #411802. 549.9734 YH'· II you hl\19 a cem-(714) 171·HM chlld care, lge F.V. Eleo1rlcal ContrKti>f forWHITEtlephantl Alway•• ••I t I n Trade your old 11ulf for --------..,..1c·-,Ullfled---A-d-----1 per lh1t'1 not getting ~ave eomethlng to aell7 home.l_ptenty of alpg Lie. New aervtce. 220 with a Claaalfled Ad claHllled·rHCS the ada new good I" with a Have tomethlng to NII? I, your~ uled, Mii It now wtth • Cluatlled ad• do It well. c1 ... 1necs Ad.1 842·5878 rm•. R lnlte. 941.22n clrculta. 24 hr 845--4174 Cell fS.42·6878 9Y8fy day. 842·5878 Clalatlled ad. 842·6818 Clualtled ads dO It well. llOp lhopplng center. CIUllfled Ad. ~ for Merchendl•• under 11,000. 31NES OLLAAS • DAYS \l\C ACJ ~ Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't l sell, we'll run tt another 3 days FREE. One Item . • per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or I -commercial ad$. Call today for full details • CLASSIFIEDs642-567S ....._.... ......_..... (Non•Nfundebae. Extra llnee S1.00) tor your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 = ,.,i,.,,, ,,.,,, .4110 "-•• .. ,, ... ,.; l11MUJ1 . ,,,. !'.~'1..Vf ~ ... ~'!. .... !.{ !¥ !•JI. .'!Mt'!. .•.• '!.~'.! !'.'l..'!.~tt!. .•.• !.'.'!f !~'1. .'!!!'.'!!. •••• '!.~ '.! !'.'1..'!.~~ •.. !!.!f ¥!!1..!~!'!. •••• '!.~'!f !'.'1..'!!!'!!. .••• '!.~!f h.~t,~t~~~~~iv~·~;~ l•ru•ll•/ ......•............... COEDS -Would love to Dedicated Spanlah 1um DELIVERY Fill ouaa lml"Mdl1te Ing In tr· Permanent PI T S•IH Saltlptl'90n: good op. • aulte ptu1 warehouM In ,,.,, ',, .. , party wl1h you. Call Sue IPHklnrc lady wllhH Insurance Agency, NB. vine Law Office. Min 1 poalllon In retell fan portunlty for Ind•~· preatlgloua dH~n cent· ...................... or Kathy anytime . llYt ·ln ob oaring for Full Um. for local dell· 945.9000 yr eicperlence. Knowtege atore. Some weekend dent contractor or ., bn Redhllt, 1778 sq. "''' ' ,, .. , ,,,. 2131804-3233 elderly Ot Ill. Loe ,.,, Pretti~ Wn verlea. Eltcellent driving of CPT Word Prooeator work r~ed. We wlll atralght oomml11lon. ....•...•..•.•.•••..•. FILE CLERK. P.T, helpful. Call Laurie train. 7 3411 720-1858. It. 875-3882 from 10·5; Alkt;i 11&0 II da wk. LOOKt TO ADO record required. 844-9539 111er 8. ...... """ 842.·3 12 11· 1 Mon,·Frl. Mu1t have 833.-3822 TO OUR STAFF ................ " otllce e>epertenee and , /fl•• •• ,. •• ,. s. ... Comm'! or bull. office FOUND ADS PHOTO MODELS lllUll lllnJllU • 1 Make-up Artllt 117·9112 •r. I•· uoo typlnJ' 1klll1. LIUL ll•nllY Supplement your In· IETllE11 w/phone & 700 1q ft of ESCORTS/DANCERS Adventurou1. •••ka • 1 Manlcurltt 9·9871 EO M/F/H Newport Center Rtal come by doing Int.,. Loo\jng for extra In· OU'tCALL 24 HRS .... yard In C M on Pia· ARE FREE work u travetltng com-FOOD PREP. plua dell Eatat• Litigation firm Mtlng t~hone ..... come? Try Part· Time ctnlla. $250/mo HMHl panlon, body guard, Cttent ... not ~ry Dental counter. 7am·3pm. ,. need• 1xptr L•s•I wort! on behalf of na.. Hiii, Tu11day thru 848-3332 driver, etc. Xlnt •P· Ex perienced R.D.A. s.c·y, xtnt typing,' le· Ilona! companlH. $4 Friday, II AM to 12 Cal: Richard Ouellette dr Mon-Frt. t>eneftta, -lephOne & shorthand • Reta II llOrt at 21150 peatLnOt, matu,., rell· 200 Newport Center needed for Or1hodontle Harold 495 E. 17th 11, per hr. ouar. p1u9 tu-Noon. Ap~ PENNY-· Avon, 1685 eq 11 plus SUNNY'S Eucutlve able, ob1erv1nt. pracib In Miiiion Viejo CM. mu1t. Salary open. crettve bonu. lno.nttve SAVER. 1 ~Ila 8 e&r garage. 641·8777 142-1171 s1r-~1on: 4944481 Newport Beach ., ... 830-3703 &40-96() pr,ram1. Sal .. expr. AY9, Coete Meta, Alk Offlce.Ml..outcall 1!!1..'!e.'!!. ...• !.'.!': Beeuty Dental Friday type person for Live-In houaekeeper, pr , but wtU train the fM Mra.. Whitt llllSEllY 831-6377 Orange County'• Flneat ,,... .... buay medlcel dlltrlbu· cook. Mature adult right peraon. For ln1er· mm. I HT HISE Loll: Peralan Pauport .......... ,,. Salon need• elegant, tor. E>eceu. typing & home In MIUlon Viejo . vtew e&ll M1. Kruk at #513927 . talented, hair atyllat. .... ,., ...... , apelllng lk Itta • muat. 5<45-5778 Typ~~~s{h~~tcs. Top .. 1abff1hed Mesa *** Exp11ndl~ Newport Good Ill around otnce Lg private room with locatk>n. For Information 642-1108 ltl11ti1 P1rtor Beech er It card co. Top Salary, For quallty Dental aMp Incl AIR needed. bath. Room & Boero PIT Reeeptlonllt, front call haa openl~ln thalr RIVE GAUCHE Precttc. In CM. MatUf'e, Ptua Salary. Paid Vaca· ontc. ap$)Mllt'ICI, cs.-MEl FUCHS Loll. White ancs fray HAIR SALON 111per'1'. per1on1bte. Benefil•. ~ negot~ !Ion. Cell 875-3148, pendable. good typing t>oonllplng. s.ct9t11Y tabby lemale. Vic o the OJ*! 2.4 hrl • dey ICCOU.ltlng t. Appl~ Nawport Beach 831·1420 able. 841·28 5 btwn Nlary plu1 travel MIM PAVILION REAL TOR LakM Northwood. H .. 1 deya. week cant1 mua1 haW 2 yn 640-8187 10-12. after 5 pm 642·282<4, 1klll1. Great working comm. lll-1120 collar & 1191. da JICUJZI. s.una. Loc.11 :=. aoc:tng & 1 yr Dental Alal•tanl Full Time, Pat1·tlme r• dayt etmo1phtre/ ai rport 540-2500 848-1282 ..., 731·2288 •• well aa Tourl1t1. prect I tkper, 10 k~ ~ Have you beeli IMIC"· Maintenance/ Gardener, • , • a . Ca II Judy eict 1408 Bet 5-7 '-'••lrl1/ · BankAmerlcerd, Amer· adding mach toucli, IUT Pllf ·Tim Ing for 1 rewarding pair department rec.Iv· prefer over 40 yra. IOt 1156-1491 4$00 LOii 2'A Wkt: gray M lean E>epreaa, Ol""9. All calculator. Contact w. M • TIWI career opportunity Ing clerk. Some Nlel. UAL man llLll SECRETARY. fRNT OFC l t bby cit, neut., welcome 714/845·3433. Selby , Mon·Frl • wherr:.J:our e>eperlenc4ld Must be neat. 545-11485 apt. complex, eicperl· AdY Agency. Good !r: ...................... "Teeger", vie. Balboa Be a 1tlephone promo-ence nec•11ary. Need 2 l>Cptr. people In N.B. 31175 Birch. 3660 Blvd & C St. R-1rd. 2112 Harbor Bl. CM 8AM ... :30PM 759·7900 tlon clerk for local Chai . e t~IM will General Help, Hrn up to 54W55e, 12-7. commero111 and lndu· Ing and phone vo ee aq. It. or 1111 MIA 873-5847 Relaiclng maaaaga by lPllMIT Ml. newapaper. Private be uMd an appreclat· $400 WMk liking tnep atria! real 11tate fer ....,,tlal. Shorthand a zone. Agent 541-5032. tennl1 proa from La· deek. caaual attire. Only ad? II eo, we 1n111te you 1hot1 In your area. MANAGER OPPORTUN· 1UCQ4111fUI and growing plu1. Opportunity 10 Lo1t Diamond Hamllton FantHtlc opportunity to Jotn ua end lhare In Amateur ~hot~raphetl ITV for Ice cream llM•. advanc.. Selary com· $750 up. 2160 11 lndu· Watch, vie No. Hunt-guna Beech. Wayne Of wl~rowlng compeny. requirement 11 a good the groW1h of thla oar· needed, I F t me, no Mull have experience. tlrm. Beet working oon-men111rata with eicpert. strlal • Office. 18101 ln~ton Bell. Reward! teve by appt. 10.9PM Im . opening IOf well phone YOlee and Iota of Ing dental ollloe. XLNT e>eper Of Nlllng req·d. Be1cll area, aalary dltlont In Newport enc•. Call Carol, 10 Redondo Circle # M & T 648-2817 groomed ept mro. oou-enthu1l1am. benefit• Include medical og_en . ·846·8844. call Beach. 7141848·5051 tm-12 pm. 557..()842 Huntlnjton. Beach. 119 .291)8 Houra Write lo Unl\'trSal, P. 0. Dancera for Bachelor/ pie et dlx 2 o u'hlt tnaurance. 11400 It Boic 310, Montebello, 1 5pm. U•hllllT 842·283 . Loat: Cocker :can111 M Bachelorette Part111. compleic. Apertment -+ Moo-Fri. 5;30-9:30PM qualltled. Newport 11•nut11111 Set 9:30AM-1:30PM Ca 90840 Who enjoyl people and l1tr••rt·llrJ1rt . ~ppy. butt or. Nwpt 736-8538 Ot 658-4538 1atarl. Expr'd only. 184.oo to ltart. Beach. 54e..seo2 Management handle bu•v to C.F.O. of Npt 8dl gll 557·9061 X5211; 835-5 211 ...... c an Fin. Svcea. Firm. Offlce /lndu1tr l 1I eva 875-03871842-9959 •nlLlll PL• After 111 week, lhare In Dental/Front Office. Bullock• South cout .............. phonH. Muat be fa· Cftall1ooc, Reepon. poll-4,000.14,000 sq ft All FOUND. Money Call 645-3648 ART CENTER with di· plttntrlhlp PfOflll. pltlHnt, bu1v 11t•· haa lml"Mdlate op«llng ll&•t. Tr1l1H1 ahlon con1clou1. For tlon. ~· Incl. A /C Hvk Pwr and Vtr'lt oparatlona and FM lnteMlw, blfalled office need• ~t Mlon full time. 1tatll1lcel, S H alt.. & Lighting. 1n1 for R&O betWMn 5 PM and 8 •cAPEZJO MASSAGE• cilenll wor1d-wlde .... can an• ePM ant. front ofc mJ.'· for rutl time Grill Coot!. ..... , .. ...., ARD OUELLETTE and l ow r ate s . PM 20 mln.·125. By ~t. educated parson with 142-llll E>eper nece11. 4' ay Mu at h8YI prevloua 200 Newport Centi!' Or. aptitude for numben. 7 2 0 -011 21 , 213-864..()403 cooking e1tpertanca. Start VoU' new ctr-:::;r. req 'd. Call 10-9PM. 54&-040 good office 01111, WO r k weak . CM on our 3rd lhlft. eemlng Newport BMct! 123 213·927-4404 ambition and wllllngMM .n 112 845-7580 Thi• poaltlon ent1t111 Found: F Golden Ret. Wanted : Rook / to conform to rigid emptoC. to all com· SA. UC> to $4.50 u you IUTllUIT llLP Placentlal 17th St, 1500 f.u p. S un111 B oh . Rocilabllty. New W1w lletarJ 1141 pany nta.. medleal, become more ••p'd. ~-a.I Incl. office. S450 on lea 731·1181, dr-CX>de. 26-30 hoUrt You wtll be promoted to DAYTIME SHIFT Medi Band thet = dlrec> to ttart; dlance for futl IOlT SllOW Pert time PM and dental, paid vacation. DELI PERSON; HOS· llM. llTATI mo. 946·1 1114 d ya, (213)592-5982 tlon. Have r d oom-Pie... apply Bullock• rngmt. l •uparvlaory 845-9543 -· Picture· time execuuv. poeltlon HouMWlvea, 1tudent1, weelctnda. 4000 Hllarl1 leve11 . Cell : TESS & SANDWICH Full time -,.., _.,. $1ot llWlll pany axper. and ftnenclll partlcipa. Way, Newport 8Mcil. South Coatt, Peraonnel CATERER. Paradl•• tape ~11111. Rep~ p/tlm• temp. help: olllce, 3333 Brlltol, 714·537-4840. Inter· llcenH deetrabte but ···'"' WHtH "" Abylllnltln. male, 5 mo. lion. 84 ...... 6 842·5881 Ylewl held every Wed. Cafe • Flllhlon llland, not neoa11ary, 8w1y Cla111 led Ad #78 , Cuhler, tleket tak.,a. Coala MtH, Mon·Frl, 90().0 Newport Center. ••.••••••......•...•.. 57th & Saalhore, w .. 1 Dally Piiot. PO Box etc. ~ply 1180 A·8 Oomeatlc 10AM·5PM. E.O.E. 7-8 pm at 111 Del Mar, South L,une Offlcle; Retp. F detlrH clean, Newport. 831·5323 1seo. Coat• MMe, c.. ATT(INEY MOtll a, C.M. between LIYl•ln hou11keeper, Cotta Mela and eY«"I ~ In peraon 3~5pm, Coldwell ankat. Call eunny •Pl on Pen. or on tllru Fr1day. Loll: Turtleroc:k Ridge. 028211. 2 anc1 e pm weekda:y1. cooklnt cteenln~ & llNIEI Thura 9•m-noon at Suaan Aoe for re:; lllanda, for Oct. Yrly New edmltlM 8"k~ Call Hett her at T.L.C. eYln 54S. 2.41 1390 N Oat. Hwy., Lag. Reetauranll ment, 1a 1-08 e or 1215·1315. 9611·84111 Fem. tortolM lhell Cat, uw. M wtll Vllft entry level pOlltton. wanted for Fri. & Sat. IJllQ l0t Sue gry beck, wllt under· lone F. Leave mag. ,,.,,., • Potlttve, enable. &4e-3tee btr t/3. 12 ... PM. ~ Sun. avallabl•I fOf Bctt E. 0 . E. lllT /Ill • IUPI 4ft.1UO. •Ide, h11 wide wht Saturd:t lnttMIW. 720 Ei.ctrleal ewport Beach pit FIT. Vetvet Turtle. Atk 95 J. Tucaer BOOKKEEPER 1 .. 1 .... ;i.rnt/ 1tr1pe down "°"• Vf/lf'/ W. 19 II St •• Coate ELEOTllGAL TllT •hop. Mull be HP•· NUTfUTIONAL fOf Ulurlt 511 F aahlon Secy/Rec•t ~· BIO REWARD. ,.,,_" Me I a . 1 0 • 3 • rlenctd & rellabte. CONSULTANT lllend. 1s. •• ,. 7778, 770-0828 i.nlm '"' 714--846-9'350 Malure. e houri P•r lllllEEI 051-388a Great money maker • •....•.....•.......... ~ound: Gold chain w/ '#Mic. Veterlnarlafl . frM tralnl~. For mora RESTAURANT Typing/ ~am-l•1un1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·8180 a..5 PM TUllll Halrdr...., wanted, rent ....... /~ mar lklle e for Attractl\19 marr. couple Auto o.tlllllng Info. c1111 8 1-82119. ... ~!~!!l ••. 11!! medalllon. Identity. 8tev.'1 o.talllng 11 now Minimum 2 yr engl· tl)aoe. Alao Manlcurlet • young l>YaY Santa Ana 780-0827, 957-1222 p,1v11 private danca hiring compelent and ..... ..,., PIT 538-4890/842-4548. Part·tlmt rs' ofc. Oealre ........ oftloe.. Swbfnlt emptoy· 11111111+11~. e11on1 & act aa Want exp er' d non· neerlng degree requlr· oofl or S ltVdenl If· rnent t11ttorv tnotudlnt Found: F blonde Leb eecor11. Name & photMI "'90!lllble people for llTIOller for hMY)' AIC ed. FllOIH~ located In Hardware Set11 PIT, terl'IOOnl. 831.M80 Wlltnel/Wllhr ~.~i: •·· · ~nalt · ~·1 wtco m'I mh1, Aug. 20, nr IMnl # to PO Boic 274, G.O. euto datalll~. IE•petl-San Juan ttrllnO for aeml retired type, Appcr. overlay. 2900 '\u"· Ranc h Mrkt, N.B . 921<42-0:174 enc• pre erred. ..P.Ayabl• W/Safa~ tMtlng clrcu t ~Hlllf'I In Wton. Crown Her • PART TIME POSITIONS. Darlana, lanta Alla pr-tty anilque II· 842·&008 831..etOO Syt; good at pro ancf et.<:ti1cel dl1tr1bu-ware, 3107 E. Cit Hwy, High Income, Cllt Mr. .... IOIYlng, anatyalno, tMt. 92702 neea w/apac:lou1 2 br. 2 lfla.r!!rft!!!! •••••••••• tlon equipment, U.L. CdM Cepoblenoo M4..e 111. ..... /W...., Found lg• Blue Point "" ..... Shoulcl ha\19 F/C ab1111)'. ba home. I 1115,000. Cartlll•i circuit• for TEACH EA -PR I· Tl'mt. Sl1m111, Vf/lf'/ frlandty. i.hll1, Exper In VW l Pora.-a.12 hr/wt< • llexll>ll. 10,000 and 25,000 Help wanted l0t HOYM NIT Tim Mvttbl•~ SCHOOL, tmmed Jul. CM 842-73311645·&434 842..0100. .. ~ .... !.~ cMI. T oolt MCllMIY• 840-t1t3, 11:30·5:30 empt A. I, 0 . Applicant Oleanl"f4 Company. WIN l!WI lltd/O< -..ekendl . Ume employment, t. Call as11-11 a r train uat ha\19 car. AallCJOnalbta edUlta. OYll' APPLY IH IEASON neflta. Harbor ... Info HMllW• C,\OfflfRIHOU8EWARES must llve In .,... In. "',.,,.,,,., 811'1end« for ... CIOCe• 1"1••--...... &per ~-APQly ter\lltWt el Jf_NIOOllllN lnter11ted In h•:r~ 21, w1ttl out•tandlng, ----840-1t1t ••• 'lm!P.!!l ••• l.~!f Stolen: 2 Jet 1kl1, 1 alone. Uoeneed, rMtuf'I at Crown Hardware, ELECTlllllO PAO· llCPl!ld ~ny. attractive par90natlt1M red. :"I' )'ltlOw & wtll. pr~. Ml aeee ""· lltd ~ r1PM. Hew· 3107 E. Cat Hwy , CdM DUCTS, AnaNlm. Catt '-· tee-1 to work with yowth 11t ~ tiOlloW Or. Teedllf'I All't 1 wht blu. Aewetd. ~ c.ntar, *O LAG l!ACH Sp1clal ctaaH1 tor Partnar1hlp: t 12,000 Call 141-1821. ~.,e.'!1. .... 1.rJ.f Coett Hwy, CdM. .llU,.. 830-2011 for tppolnt• High IOhoo4 youth went-~·M: 10·U). 0111 hlltdlolPPM --. a caah HCured. Should ment ad tor ytrd wor11, tat-• • 142 ... 321, Ellt. Retell 8elltparaon, fOf 64M654, or C.M. Po-r:. COlllf9 ..,, ,....d. ~ return ~100,000 no. Dept. Practlelt n11t11, fl\fl.ln, ~ttlr needed Mon, for voter '9\''tratlon 111111111 ~··'~"' 349. EO£ chlldrana •t~. e!fi: 80, Jllnt \l9lettOft I th(J year to pany • Newport area. Loe.ti Twae, Wad, for llttte 2 'I' drt\le, Paye IO·l100 c and Oovar. Par1 ... MndWlctl mak· Oflly PIT, FIT, P lie lnturanoe b•ll•flta, lected. M r . Culler L.oe1: B* Kitten, M.. e ...... 957~. X10I ~ Npt ldl Area, deity. Paid twto. ...-1y. Piil Tim 648-e2UI •r, daya 10.2, Hear Marcfte. CM. "42-4714 ~ 1:3CM. United "4--8111. moa old, no collar, Npt Live-In Howtekaaper, . tn.o322 760-1121 7~ Be e oarrter oounMIOf .......... atrpor1, w. 141-6211 81111 I Cu1t. llfv .. .. ~Alloo., !!'!fT •• 'Y~!~ .• le.f Hllll trH, 750· 1240 Compernon Seak• pro-MIY8ITTUI ........ '-. fOf a local '*tlpaptl. dellOI .... •tOf'I, 11th santa Ana. no 1¥11. No ex~i.no. n~ needed for worktnt mlMnt pOtltlOn, ,._.., ....,.., tor 4 mo. Okt. Oonectentloua, 1tMdy ,.,. It OM. PltlfM now. Ttll9pMne .... $46.000, lhort term, 40% Found: Injured Golden 131-1113 ... , 1·1:30. C .M . i::;aon. Wiii maintain Hry. ork o~ 12 ::•• feml~ In ........ """'' Oot. Call •ft ,.,, ... ..._ r?c .... LT.V., ~ well eecur-Lab Cat Hwy Dana ~a hOUra a ..-. & to Httw. llqw'd 4'M for Interview. pottan~rmanent ttart ptu1 additional b .. Cfl, U00. S 000/ ad. 483-?e 4 point E H T A E'P A E N f U Ill IABYllTTM. 7AAMAM l'900rda. y .. of· Int lltd ~ !~ ~ """ klda. M2•t»I ..... Cell 111-1111. 811·9121 A8818TANT • lar•· .... of Plr1'*""P'• • hOfN ............ 2 Wor •v•n nt•· We ~,,,.,, rtenced Propar yl I .,..,.,. YMlt ._ ""' :J.""' IOI len ~ tin par •• 146-14ft tt9lft )'GI.I to beooml • llLll (llTll..L-, '!t':J'••• ........ SCRAM-LETS , Offlc./ Proleot/ lue. ....... nu a.... Inn • A,.... tun !Obi tMlfoN ..,,,, iouttl OOUf'lllfOf. Celt Nlorl*1,.,... ....... !!!! Menaoat. loolltc..png. 11111• ., :::,~._0:.:i:-; mtn'I .:J:11WWJoslO N Id llftf'ftldlet.ty • Coli~. Mwr· lllYll11D HOUlll<HPEA l6r mo-...,...., 141-4Ut, 04' l4lell for......., .. °' u.um.a ANSWERS ~y~tac;: efter 1 :00 JIJM . ,..., ....... 11om9n1a11.,a. Houri, .., .......... tlllnO. Promotton, JIJllll. WllllllU .... rnetin. 30-40 '"' PA'ffQ.L l•IMP•tlOn fOI' plant S.t. No ..... MIMW' lJeUflf . a.teed !xo1t11nt retarenoee. "°""' ,_. OMI kant-llllaoquetb•ll • "9•1111 14:1-N71, .. , s11. wll Incl, wknde. ~· otlaln~ atore. '"" and pert• .... c.11 ........... , •• lpecl. ting In 111 & Orotn • W~ Ma.~la1 .. 1ff r.::•Uon. Needed to Otllb, In """"'· &II I ,ANTAITIC !AllllNIHOI ........... °'"°' In lntne ••• l)cper .,. .... , .... 14CM141. AMI t """ Znd IUHION8 LllOVf"I• Nlou.. wo•Hn In "'1 "°"" ,.,.. laturclaw9. In.GUI I IJCC6tln9ty elmpte, WI Hou•=•:. Mon llW\I ..... =°" ~ 14WMI -.0111 TO't lltlCt 11Mt Aobt. tatu.r NH/OM ~:IJ!*~ IMklnt wen 1n MedlOlll ttm•. Cell Dan• at to 4. an eapandlnt to '"· ~· Hewpol1 eor to • CflerVt of fM·~-~l. ~Oii.• Id ...... Of'I • llllCI oar. Thi ....,. or Derita! .,_ Of"°9 or 141-7117. It no .....,, D l L 1v11111y11 To c K Orange County and .... 11 a. fHtawraftt oyroll. To--.;::::---belted radlala ata 10 local bual~111 . "-'All lcaep ,.,.,. to Mad ..... I......,.. ICl'IOWlnf _...., _.. =.;..: .ao '* 2·1t 1 .....oe 1 t 1111m-tpm, Tue1•l1t. to bl,,..,.,•....,.. . -----bad ttlay tlava IU-4"410t • ••II at r 1aaona1>11 beNlta. -HlrOld "" Mot9 ,.,,..... .,. ~ ............. ~ ,.....,.....,.., """" "' NliilPOft ..... WtOOW HAI SU for NIONS. e•••a '° ...... I. tftll It CM In WI ~· Dall "111 ~bug . ""' COlfllfllfllUr•t• wit ptlOl'.ll • F-., ..... TD'l~10K~ ~ ... , .. ~ -. . ......,,. ... ., ..,, "you ·--.._,,Call MMllt No c " Cheoel, "" yo.II ld¥er1 .... ig """" ..... IAHt. ~ ..., that'• not 11111111 t1u. .,,. ttem• '""' • Cui=:...,. .,....., ""'" llllol •em all "9 IMfttM .~ -'''"tty. 0111n1eon I ...... ,......,. ll'••IMIZI ~ In town? CIW « Cortllle fOf lft ~ Wlttl a a.-., M CIM Mlp )'GI.I melC = lil.L l4Ae llelM • ~. aell It now """ a ~ Nol Oliallllad M. & ...... Ml ... Hn Aaaoc. IJS,7t11 .,. Ml·MTI OIMltledMl......n c...-...M. -Cell Nowt......,. of,..., ...... 141-11 _ 0My "911 OllUlflld Ad. ........,., J--~ ~ .....•.... fl\'li!!S•r•••llEIJl!ff WllTMINITI" AIMY ANTIOUI MAU t1fl1 ~AIM. GAROf.ll Q"OVI! 664.ttOS Ant. bl.lftet, tiger oak, c:tew ,.... mint. $875, Reoord pl•ytr wt oyllrider rode. too. E¥91 720-0509 COLLICTOAS ·Story- boOlt Dolle, $17.H 11. Ml•to68. Hand 01rv1d antique ltofll putel T'wln e.dt. l160/eactl. 549--0208 Saver al pleoaa wicker. mtlpl9 Yllllty !>411t mllc:. "'""· 91~eo. ..... , •..... . .. ..... Elactrlc. 1140. Oak dawfoot cabinet, worit• pert. •150, 780-9555 ~ ....... Know111 1900 c:lrc:•. Setvtc:e for 12. Whtlplnk goldleaf edge . 1760/offtr ... Orange Coat OAILV PILOT"rlcMy. lept.mber 3, 1182 ., DJIM,, ...... Mff INN.'Nt........ .. ...,.._ • "'1f. flP.P. II.ff •:;so11IH/ tlM -., ,..,.., ,.,,, "" ..,.. """ ~ ••*'•• .-. it$ !f!'!£·~., ,,. .~._;.;:;, .. ,,;.t .. Mtttw ....... r .... n .. A.ffrmtdft. ... ._ -,. ca.din. 1-tw •· l'ftn· Wal A• 1, King u •Ii _. ' '"'"· 11,000 10. W!lm.A11 CH~ ltOI ,.,.. Ct) ti! een. ..... ,,_ ck uu •a..!,•d "' ..... bWd '°" .,,.. ~ ~,; .;. S:::U:' ••• '"'· VAMAHA. ... .. ... .. ""·.1. ,... ....... ·,,,, ..,.._.., ""!'°',· Miii t "''' 1tend1 . 1 ._.. ...n, 9fllr liOO CALL 9'41 .. 711 flu, 14•·410• lfl: ..._, Giit, boolllnll , Dt .. llf & mlro pl111 ' -~ .. , l'fll, ..... Ul41N. 7ta•MCM ~ ("°llf) =-r...~ .:..:-::-· Chet. IHO. 173·1311. 'xl"1.~f •:!....J..•1on••: 1100 ~ ... '7S HOHOA IOCM A• ... ,....... .,. '""d v .................... "'"' 1 ... 11?1 ;,•UO ••• -;mm ••••••• T.~f 1'1111 *"'· l7IO or .-.. ••• m.r::•••••••t1• "" -· __, __ • .. ""'"' •••dtd , .... ~ !!f•IMt ............. , ,,.... offer. .. .. 770 1~~~.:>~8 u:oo,~~Y~.,~1.:1.d· booko ... ldllll. ,.,..... .. • • ... • •• """lltal"'6f' ~. 114/a"~HOO. Yll'llalla 1Y-IOA .,.... Of AOVIA'rlllM ~ DaOlt tOCklna ot\elr. I"· 8TUU.INQ Ill.VI" 41 11-.lf•ttf aMf 4"4-410t t llll HIO ·,erteot The r.:: of 11_,.,1 Id· 1t11 OMO Vendure o.llWll oondltlon. "91-pllet, Qrend letoque eor.11' nn ••••~ r ...... ...... • t d b hlol ton, xlnt ooncl. 0800. eonablal •lt-tl711 U. Wallaoe. 11100 DUKI 1'0" SAL.I fll.111 ffl! ~ ..,, ,,__.., ~11 In ~v:.nic: (714)140-~t41 "utTIO DINING TABLI ·IOH. 0.1lt• and malohlno 1e~·.,;b11°0·;.:-)..ii:W , ..... 1•1 •1• OIUllfl•d 1dvtrt11lng bf!~MW 11.IJ ~•~•••••••• ~!f .~••••••••••• WfTH l'OU" CHAIM SINOI" llWINO ma• :"'I~ ~.-= wlteq. 111ntlM Hiii Mint oond. ldl llftCler COklmM dote not In• ••• ••••••• •• CA"POfllT SALE • avn 81113 lemlly ..,., ,utn lt60 ..... 1ao-1oa1 chin. ponl.ble. 171 ooft U:tOO. CALL Liiia ow. MIOO. wetr= II MN MOO. cludt any eppllcebl• WI PIY 1:30•4. P'urn, tool1, (•Int), boy1 20" blllt, 6-po bdrm Mt, a11c:.i1. 511 .. 128 DAWN l·IPM M·I'. 11Mttt, M&-CM ;=.· ,.=· 0::::: TIP Ml I II Hedge 1r1mmtr, t1n1, Ohendtl*. Olft*, toYI oondltlon $4H. J~-117if US.MOO 11' Sloop, •Int oond., mA.UTI '"' fOf air po11ut1on1 -, _ wtr cooler. much more. lugg•ll' king bd1prd t411.,..1U .:r.e;'•••••••••••••• -wilt....,. "9adV to NII. YAMAHA, 100 co. conltOI ~ otttlflca. fN ---Ull 2tl\t Marina Ave. Bal (rutllbfn), Ant IGhOOI Men'• IPC>• 1ot 1-Wl2 -·-11000. 714-141-9003 llectrlc ...,, onl't 3000 .... Illa. dtlk Siik ectMn fr.,,,. 1,d•y only-Sat 1114· Odd• dl1mond fin/· apr. M1111 Mii omoe turn•· 1 NM IMl.ttta ~~t•~ =.,:f.o"~ ILll 111111 You won't b•ll•v• 111 temp~. 2 twn hdbrd1: pr.:c1'·1~amEMtUWlll 17100, tk s200. '""· Low price for ll' ._. m . . • cherot1 11nllM other· ,.../Miii From bran bed to 10111 S1lln11 (MIU Bl • · 831 .. 271 PIP qulok NII, lnol large e1C>1 8, galley, dinette, '12 Honda OoldwlnO In-wlM .....,,111ed by the 24ao Harbor 81Yd. Wood.) ' I •• l I IXIO dllk Mite Nre +. ,.,._, 111.trN, lltOO, teretatt. 14200. ..,..--11.-.0, many lttml lrom Oak di I t bit l Mllllty ... ecaw teme n lovueat' ma Ching "•-•1 6-7 ICN«tlllt. COITA MU.A antique• to new. 81t. S•t only 9.3 ClothloQ, n n.8 room • Ylf'Y good ahape. 1•2 • bl 1 PYt party 17~ 84 <444. • llll .. •• Sept 4, 8AM·4PM. & bib l1tm1 ·,;,otor~~ e uphol1tertd cl'ialra. yre o(d, vet exem In-c1111r, oor. t •· mp. 7' 8A80T t300 'll y••••• W a-..'1 Sun. Sept 5, IAM·3PM. r•o'•· tot'• of good ~~~ond . uoo. eluded. W1111441 now MA·5501 <la. lmmac. oond. M111t ... 1 >Ont 0:::--l'Mn'/ .,, .. ~~;;·iii..i1600'* ... 1•t 300 Ony1t , Balboa mlec. 3037 Fernhlath. • 1876. 840-QOOO n.... I ••IMf Ht-87t0 rune greet, eharpl '74 Ford Courlef wllhell WI llY llland. AMER. OAK ANTIQUE T:aN Bl!~ rt: box :ro· Nugget Drop end 21" W~~i:d~··iab;••u::;d 14' HOBIE CAT, 11178, 11000 fltm. """3171 0000/obo 540-82" \ aa HM aa•• Sun. only 10·•1 Appll-roll top <leek. •le. set 114;.~'t emt. • oheln, 101111 over 2 piano, llPPM'll"Ct muet 8860. ,73 Honda XL.2IO, 2t00 •-= .......... anc:... 10011, drt1M1 only. 111m. 280 E. 15th, o u n cu. t 115 0 I P P be Mint. Miid "°' bl &&7.-...0, 831·7180 ectual ml. rvna & IOOka -'I -ft.a 12·18, mlao. turnlture CM. $4&-5383. Walnut Hlghbow wt 831-11278. 1unotton11 J1n11 or l.ldo 1~ ~tt~r •t1oo Ilk• nu S5IO 4t7-11t7 Mii 121 Cotetna Av · If ~ d • ' ~ .... • · •••••••••••••••••r ..... _,,. _______ ·.....,...--1s111Sun 9-2. 3297 lowl m ror. 4 -raweta. ""'ltd 1111 JO'JCI 7ee.-M37 llao Sabot 50. Both ·u Honda XL1US, -. ,.&"11 GRAND PATIO SALE St. 651·85117. Plano, 1115.j ~xc:.llent c:ond. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1r1-__. ._-... 11111 XJnt 1trMt or dirt, X1nt oond. Shay repllc:u; plc:l(upt Sat, Sun, Mon. 10 AM ate<to, lV. refrlg. c:WI· 5411-29 W..e.4 nM ~-•-875-7873 1850. 652.aG14 a coupea. 4 10 chooM 221 Amet.hyet net, 8-trk player, mfac. Oorgeou1 c:ontem~rery Wtthnt ....... M4-7ee7 II' llll••I•' 8*t "I ya•a•a IT• lroml (0087'81) (Stk. COHHfll C MEVROLE T . . { ·.·. PATIO SALE ANTIQUES All In xlnt c:ond. walnut bdrm Mt, pc:a. llfTIWllTlll ~ ..... . NII · r -A3093). PrloN llartlng & "JUNQUE," Furn, 3 Femlly Salt. Seti 1750• Ph 957•1251 317112 Camino Cepl· WALNUT, Bench t1,000 ~~~/~t1'50'J. Dy Needa ==· 9575· It ..;;;=======- dlaht1, ~lo·•·brto, S un/Mon 10-5 PM . Conltmp. redwood & 1treno, San Juen Capl-78().0655 832-1212 , E y 1 a •Y tl,tlll -llYD )41>--1 l OO coke m1c: · Sit 4 & 850-0444, 1851 l<tnt· "''her Chair end Otto-1tr1no I, tJ. '-4• •IH 731-8084 .. ,. 1 •• .,, ,,_, Top dollara for Sports Sun 5. 9am-4pm. 213 ucky Pl. CM. Stereo, men. $200. 957-1251 493-1023 .'r.! ••• r ......... :;,... bl 15, 0. Saller IMtll•MM 1111 Care, Bug1, Cempere, Topaz, Bal ltlt. 1pllra, l1mp1, tebl ... "New" E1tec:ullv1 <leak .. , Jl l•O SCUBA OEAA CLOlum -!h d y Ith •••••:t•••••.,..••••••••• 914'1, Audl'I CdM High School Crou baralool1. c:hllra, ml1e d lel her Chai 1200 11Ullt UH•I eomr::e 1300 apw.,. • MIQn, 'fl '81 Chevy Luxury van Alie fol UIC MOR Country O.r.nt S•••. h1ehtd Item•. Merine/ In I r. • ···········-·········· (714 W-0907 Triller. XLN:f" Cond. 34 000 ml r-.... et.: -···-lot• to chooi'e from. bOallno equip. all kind•. Ph 1157-1251 A,:.lq:h mal'l~~-C:~ ::Ji!; .......... ___ ... •2150· .541-M47 r.O, c:ac>l't tifl"':' pNah - .... 11 ,,,, 328\t Amtthy1t, Bal IME •••LY HI It 4 yellow luft•d '•Ivel & record ........ .,5.00; --· CAI. 25. '82 EnMll•da I nt . Mu. I •• 11 e*'111 .. '.!..Al!' ..... ~r.;~••••••••••• Isle. -dining rm c:hre. leO all. bllhroom i.-;·merblt "WIYI Toole," 5'8", rtCI wtnntr, brl1tol $15,500/ofr. 842-2211 1 _., ..,...,, HARBOR AREA ~'°'~a~:"'$'.~ 842-3787 type" llnlc In 1 door & twin 11n: •wallow tell, c 0 n d . • 1 0 • 6 0 0 . '78 KINGS HIGHWAY 28' '63 Studebaker Chem-HUNT~~~~ BEACH 78().11555 APPLIANCE SERVICE ~l!~~!~!••••• .1~ 1372 t ~pie "st 2 1wn mattreea Mia w/ 2 dreww c:ablnt1 plUI ~~~ c:!:r.hitto't~n::: 551~71 2 roof air, dMh w, U pion 5 p ... c:pe. Na -----•-•----- Wt Mil recond .. guar. SUPER PATIO SALE CM . fr•mH $100. Kg II matc:hlng 2 door well Aleo O'Ntlll Spring lritMI II + lilt KW 11911. micro, "*' c: • r . I 3 7 5 0 . WllTEll eppllanoet. &4~77 602 E. Bay All. GrMt l'/M1 comlortlf wldult c abinet & "marble Sult ·l l zt L. SIO. F••nv ...,..,......., lnc:ludll Ure ride & ladder bolt 2131592·1792 T f•Hl.U. V11Jn ruffle $60. Brn lthr 8' type" wall ahelf, all for ..... 1 .,....,...._ 1111c::h. c:nitM. YlirY C...,,, I llY ~ bargain•: printed • ••••••••••••••~•••••• couc:h, c:helr, ottoman only I 100.00; hor11 848--8474 lnboerd dltHI, •llP wau mlintaln9d. 1111 N '"4 ..... leHe4I Laa 057-8133 ~·~·· ~u/ d 111 'r Fri/Sat. Chrl1tm11 & $160. 2 Orlentel type blenktt·S20.00; MW c:ar fV, WJt avail. S23,llOO. Pv1. Ply. Harbor. S.A. 564--7221. 104e Ford Woody W9- Freezer ewlmwg:ar.n •ho~rt!'. Misc:. atoc:k. From ct• erM rug• 4)(5, 3X4~50. floor m1t1 (4)-120.00; Biii. 1't.t.. lfll 559-0428 128,llOOIOBO. gon, $13,000. 1200 pent•. dreHH, klda' algner showroom. Muetl M1hog buti.r cotfM tbl new 14 Inch llghl alloy ;,: t2' Salling Dinghy, s a. s 54e-4754 cloth ... oddl & ends. more. 85« O.trlc:h Cr. St25. e75-2871 rlm1 (BMW'a) HI of r:P:~k••;;.i•j~·~;:,• dellgn, wldolly, 1860. ·~~eoi.M iul'~l,p~~:; 1920 Ford Model A Fri-Mon. 10·8. (Corner Elllsl Newland.) CRIB white, eturcly, Bu-4·1200.00; two new Qu1dr1phonlo. lt850 875-1960 or 833-8701 Town Sed1n, $.10,000 Freezlf upright, lmpertal IYllmlll IMI c:onllnental llMI b91ted n e w , n 0 w I 8 !5 o . lounge, alM9I 8. AC, Late modal Toyot11, VolYOI, Plc:kupe l Vans. Cell ua todayl ~v.r dfu~ crr~·.2~ ~~~.4!!.!~~•••••• A~<}A~~~S m1ioe~Ar~1-rtir~· r,·:~·~ r~~.ri~~/7Ch~ri 955-2380. ·~:.:d~ ::.:· ~1:·~:: ~:~:7m:~~:ox~~~; l ~813n l~~u~t5b;~~~ $860/bllt 831·2228 N~0IOEH8S~RLEHO~? o:~g F rn appllenc .. end Complete 5 place bedrm &42·0131. S.!_!~~~~~OIO!..,_!.V·= ~2;tew • · S~m11, If or.1_81_&-&_1_8_1. ____ --1 --======~~!,_ WHIRLPOOL FREEZER PolnMtti'a, CdM~· m~ac:"ttema. 9867 Ellla Ht with matlrtHH. --bl .... ,,_...t, .. I c:a.,..._,, 1-g9 · · ·'58 CHEV 2 dr .. wgn. -3 'JT'I okS, Ilk• new. S11/Sun 9-8 LI k. n. w . • 3 0 0 . 8 I 20' long * cond. $275. 551·51 I 32' Claulc CrulM aloop, '82 CUSTOM COACH clNn & olaallc: $3000. WI "' $260. 848-9927 Coltectlbltt, women'1 & --------~ 978-1037, 54o-6338 ft. ~75-1491 Wtytlrne':" ... I lfMla Bii Flnland. Brl1tol, c:onv. OMC Suptrlor 548-1541 USED CARS & TRUCKS .. ~ ..... 1 .. cu ... no ~_..1, gtrl• c:lothH. g1mt1, BHll'!fl•• lfflt fl•-•_ s•FE If • custom lntr. many ••· c:haHll, micro, blt-ln1-,..,.--0-LOS--Cu-1-1--S--1 COME IN OR CALL ,_.,._,. v " ..... bOokl, MUCH MORE. •••••• •••••••••••••• -·--"' ,.. W-1-MI tr11. Mu1t ltll llnen vac:. wllhldry9f, food v• · • ... up. FOR avoc:ado, xlnt. 1175. Sal. only. 9-3. 417 Or-Large Garage Salt. ~ l9tt Hist .... l Major Model 1712 .. ~:-J5e............. evall . S28,000obo center _, jaCka wtll conv. txMI. c:ond. full flll ........ 642-8571 c:l\ld. pll1nc11. ctothlng & PRICES START AT: $200 (714)ee2-0ll07 ... ,,, Hll 875-83111 dye trade.' 554:7221, 'Cox pwr. 12e0... 8«-8829. Cof'INer·o.Llllo Olattwaaher. poneblt, 5 8 am e • · Be ' I n n I n O Mattr-& Found. aet •••• ••• • • • ••• • • •• ••• • • Motor Hom• 1, 111 1 'I '1 T ·11111 mYllltlT ~.~~.~-r~ ~!~.!!!!! ........... &A~;~~M5e~~t ~':i:~n ~n'f;f.tt~ T=t!,.::,a1,~~ z= !1~ ..l1·:::!.h: Trtr, 1::!tL~.t~v.r. _H_ar_bor __ • .._s.,,..A...,,...,,__,..,.,...,--1 e.c:1pt1on11 oar, Star 18211 BEACH BLVD. s160. $42--ll571 .... _.,, Or. Queen s1•Y·Klno 1187 548-4754 alt 5. trl,, mint c:ondltlon. ljke new. S3000 or '78 SUPERIOR HK ml. mllt "baby" blue. HUNTINGTON BEACH _. ... u Sole Bed• 11117 I rt II ._ $3300. 548-1830 mile• °'*· 831·2855 Twin bed1, pop, aper• Owner lor 20 yeara has Mf-1111, IM8-Ul1 ~ Lady Kenmore .,., llz• E y. r y s u n d. y . MOVING furn. mlec. ..,. ... roof rlldl all lllndt of I t I I d I I .... ChrlltmH trff dl1h" Sola & IOYI ... , S197 Ttllh OIL ...... -, .... ,.. ,,.,,_ lalJj.nrl• IOll • lC t r ••I • • w n . u1 c:omp • • ov ng wuher, Ilk• new, $150. 81m-3pm. Orange by Spode, $400. 9642 MANY OTHER ITEMS • -, -•• 'R":'.-;:;:r............. I 2 8 5 0 0 I 0 B 0 '"toratlon. Alklng $17, 1182-8770 COaet College. Fairview S f t D HB 9 5 DISCOUNT FURNITURE .W. llftl-1 ._. 8allboard • 8t0Ck, UMCI, • • 000. EJcctl. lrw•tment. UPRIGHT FREEZER t.!~l~~~l~On rr:~~ th~r.~s9u'n. c:~ only.·' 1950 Htrbor Bl'ld. NEWPORT B°i:ACH. Full r;;'~;M••a;•A; $850 or belt ofr. r.t,7221· 911 Harbor,1_4_16-85 __ 1_-ea_u_._. __ -1 white, teo/OBO, buy e ;1 . , Se I I 1 r COSTA ME~A 1131-84509 Femlly. Rt11leable. '°'*· Miii Oracle. Kiin 644-8678 lfl 2PM , '20, MODEL A, FORD. Ul'ltz. 751·70711. Bt1kttblll backbrd & CHAIK.R. Qfll!'' HOO or bt1t ofltr. d r I ed . • 2 9 5 BF .... ,. n1-'78 HI OHLAND 31 • Dr l ya It ho mt . RMtrv1tlon1/ Info. baaket, 5ll7 redwood allydl, $; 751-8375 , • ..,. ~ bed, 3 AC, r.oof 13250/obo. 873•2912 W~-Oryw-RtfrlQ. 1~~~~558-~5880~~~~t deck. Anllqu11. mite: naug111 ... ,,!..125. F •• ,26 213llt7-1eot ..,., H11 popJ hltc:h, 12K ""· 4541---------1 ..... iwuhll'·Frllaf 1: furn. 17892 El Nopll. 55 """" ra1U ... etronome • ·99 40hp EYIN\Jde lhort •••••••••••••••••••••• OMC eng, lrg b• i. _. .W, Xlnt cond. 646-5141 8tO MOVING BALE·9AM (Sla1er/ Oldnwat) 11111111'1 .. Boogie board with IMatl ehafted, c:IHn, Lake • 1111 ft 1howtr, dinette. Like '87 Ilka new c:ondltlon. P t bl di h h Sat Only. 1813 Ponde-0 s le K E T t $30, 5 drwr c:htil1 $30. Mead motor S700. ••-Newt BIUa btc 122.900 .... ..,. 080. 831-3458 or a t I Wll e r, roll SI. CM (M111 w11age &I n...,_en, ::'!!...'. B AU IFU c:uatom Lift top d9llc $35, Fr 546-4754 ef'I 5. --"""-$1"'....,.,..,,.."' 1-.........,--------1 bulc:hlf btk top. $60 uhef -·1-... ....., mad• bedroom Ht. P1'111 dr...., & mirror Thia one hal onty 82, our ~-.,,....,..,_,. MOVING SALE 544--0120, 648-9337 Verde). Dralllng Table, c:om· Deak, dr .. ..,, c:orntr 1145. Deale a. c:hr $95. 2 ...... •••is. 000 mlllll (ltOHSM). COx Motor Homea. "1 ·94 & '85 T-Blrd• GIBSON AIR SWEEP MOVING SALEI Btda, plett. Loaded with Ml9C group, 2 beda, qull1ad 8aH bolt.,. az 7 $20. No 30' MOO 1 No llLY Nlll Harbor. 8.A., 564-7221. $15001$21150 Xlnt cond 13000 BTU air c:ondl-c:abinaot•. wood, plc:ture Bargain•. Set-Sun-ccwera & plllo'lra. Lilt• 551·88118 32 17;,. 811~7 -..... '1.Um fr,..J 111i OrHt value & gd tlonlf $200 6411-etea tramee, more. Ch11pl Mon,-8-4 pm. 10101 new · "'to ~eclatt. • ...... ~............. ~IP· • · • SO. to $200. 808 Joann, Jon Day Drive. HB New $22501 Sell tor Round Irle> LA to Chi-AYOll "'°'°' mount YallWllll Ideal for the ""*""-" 1594 SEARS aleotrlc: drytr, CM. Sat Sept 4 to Sun 983·8222 $1595. 545·9223. c:ago. Valid 1 yr. 1780 Make Offer 18711 IMct'I 81Yd. !amity or 11Y1 In " -1811---------1 $125. Elacironlo aenaor, Sept 12 11-4 valUa Sac: l400. caah 8«-63-45 HunMI':; Beach 8c:ot1m1n, load• of Repllca of 1934 Fradtr· u"' ....... · • Photo & dar1crm tQUlp. Lrg eolld Pecan dallc, 973-34e1 1 rtiedY 1C Nuh 1h1rp fun & ,_....,....,. ANTIQUE OAR.AGE SALE Bt.6X bike, "A" r:ord orig. C:Oll $100, HC:. EYlnrudl 08 11HP mo-•J-. ::':m.. S1to0. ~; cla8llC. VW q . Df1wn Whlrlpool Elletric: C1o-• Hundreds of 1tam1 for perta, 1111 eupple. lO'JI, S300. 538-7022 ...... ....... tor. $375. 4I PL ........ Morning Canyon at P• only 2575 ml. Aaklng tcondh" Dryer;..~2~7L Od ult. Chrs. 13 . .._ Mir· doll hbookouM, ~~.!~~~ 8 Pc Olk Din s.t $300. __ .. ra..... M....... ~1 .,_......__, ..._,... H••. c:lflc: CoHt Highway, $6500. MS.-2745 eve . '40, .......... ..., rora $4.-$15. Bric:·•· toot•. •· ,..,.........., 4 Potter bed cn.t a. """' .--_ .... , Homettt o.r-M a ""'._' ,_..,,......, -Cor c1411 Mer Tel Top Dolar Paid F« YOUT Can Jl•I• 1 • U.1111..,_, 2828 Hllfbcw BNd. CON Miia 640-5630 Premium pr1cN Plld for any Ulad a.r (foreign or dorna9tlc:) In good condition. S.. U1 F'ntl ~Ol TH COAST Dodge br.c: 25-to '6. Fri only 1t1m1. Set only t -4, c:h 1150 4 P Maho-Lagune e.ecfl Fte1IYll • °SMG' bor loc:. Near Public: ona · · ~ ft..i MM If Atft1otrator/Frlllnf 1822 Monrovia, CM. 1015 12th It. He on g:,. bd;m ~ •150. Or01.1nda. Prine, Video 000 ...._ MIW. • Dock . • 1 5 . O O O. 144-1628. :••••••••••••••••••••• ~8 llarbnr tthd $60 L.akt Par11. 25.Y RCA Colo; TV & Callno Gamea. ~ 541-a11 5$4-232t 'H INTEANATIONl.L l'i"ta ~"°"" ~OJ.10 549--0204! •oARAOE SALE -~ I S & dandng. 11 AM • 11 NEW 20 HP Mltlnl ~ SLIPS eYllll HuntlngCon J ...... ,.,,. TraYelaM. D1200, 4x4. H,_, c:eetl lmmadll.-. Rtfrlg«ator, white with SAT/SUN '--ul •• ff 200, 780-0213 PM. Sit 89Pt 4. FUN :;,:ne. 2 oyl wlgt« boll. H • r b 0 ;, r B 1 ~ , I •••••!.......... --88601080 &45-8"8. 1T.-y'our -hlc:le. D·-o-' '-17 ... toota, houlehokt, ~k• ~••••••• •••••••••• FOR •LLI • ~ 714/•"'_. -,.,.7• 1111 ··~ ...... '" ....... IOP nMdr. c:u "· moped, btd1. 322S Garage Sale (In llOUM) ......,... , ... a. "' ""• "~ " 7 1 4 -I 4 0 -5 5 4 . •••••••••••••••••••••• rr.b meatlc or foreign. lf89. 5511-7211 Dakota Unu1u1I 1tam1, furn.. ()ptna up. mlnor9d In-..,,, ,..,, lffl 646-7788, Autobody ~ needl •••••••••••••••••••••• 551...US 19 cu ft !Tott fl'• Seaca appic.. S1V Sun/Mon aide. $800. 553-0175, s.tko Oold Dtgltal Oii<<>-•••••'•••••••••••••••• I projlcta, '10 to 82. Imp Muet NII 1975 Datsun ---------FW""' Int llmOnd YARD SALE SAT. M . 1oam. 30275 Via Raata. 841--0154. nograph W•tc:h. 8r1nd ClaHIC: 18' L1p1tr•k• .. ..!', ,,.. & Oomeltlc:'"' otn.... l'tc*up. Or•I condition ...... ,.,_,.,, ~· ~ ' '500 Hllehld tteme, c:hlldren • new. 81111 In pl11tlc. Century bey boel, 4 c:yt, Ila 1111 In.dee. N..-tOIAlll. $S New tire•, 1hock1 & ••••~···~•-;:•••••• 7 e 0 ·• 8 0 0 0 "'p 1 tty. a. adult•' olothtt, decof. #1111•• VI•'• OIUI top Olr11 Or9Mtng Retell ueo, 11klng 019y. $3500. 116-8181 •••••••••••••••••••••• Save Mon.y $S • no bralt•. "9klno $2400 .... al 1111 720--0617 pc:a, bed & bath 1tern1, •••••••••••:/•••••••••• Table S25. $150. M2·2897 11 ft ......... Junk, 2nd offtcl wvtoa. Darlene, 492·3327 or •••••••••••••••••••••• aorne fum many ml1e Country Ytrd Sale. El MM20e I' T...e .... 85 HP CM1tbo1td with 213-944-8452 831-4875. ·ea Sunbeam 4 cir, look• ~Wfl.. llJI Qda.. 102i'C911cord St: Toro Rd. 4'h ml E. of 5 PC BDRM SUITE Alexender doU1, Terry F11t1r, tuner, Hier, t,..,, N9w int. Gold with PAINT & lltt bodV wortt, '73 DATSUN good , rune good. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~North. ~~:01~~· Sat/Sun 0000 COND. $250. ~:..: l mite. E"91 then A Jet •kl, with red~ S2000 OBO. up to 60% off your wl ahtll, auto, m1g1. 112111S. 557-6859 PVBUCFURNITUAE FllhPolla,RMll.10epd • 545-34150fll57~178 trllltr. l'lltdl motor. da 1157-113110 ,"' ~!>.,CSY •hop Ht. Biii 7n~~-'!'I . $1100 ... 11n 8ar -SU • ..,..,, t.Mt IT'S NOT A MIRACLE $1200. 12' mlml •kl 1144-ltll -~ --•••••••••••••••••••••• *IUCTINI* ~a, 2a ore:~ Sn •• -..................... Buff9t/Room DMdlr Ju1t c:ommon lenle. b0a1, 2 aeetw. 4!1 HP --~------i-::-:-:::::::":":-=--=:-::-:::--:-::-·l.....;..:..;:...:.::.;;.:.. ____ -1 • W ... , ... n I M1 · 1 · 1 t I. 0 It FBRIOLS Sall bolt; 17x42x70, 3 dwrt, 3 LOM tpprOJC. 10 to 30 Mere. I 1,000. 840-7481 PARTING OUT '71 ..,. '77 FORD C760 Heavy hen FrWn l.-11 CM. Moped; 5,000 BTU A/C; dra, $125, Wiii dtl. lbl per month. Sat. and '74 Carver 26' mint ~........ tang c:onvert, r111. duty Yin. 22' bolt, OM roei~!~ ::,·~~:~,.lu~~ N.W. i uMd 'bdrm Itta, Elec:. typewriter, blkff, men, woman. kid• Clo-557-0927 etfec:t111e. 100% Hiia. cond Lot of~ .,.. ..,.,.,_ ... 1141 pr1cM. 417-2185 lft. I ton llft gale, Mdt doora cond. Ult,..,,, S13,400 dining rm, llYlng rm drlll pre11, 9" 11w. the1. Clarinet; lamp• Soflbed $150 15" aotld faction guaranteed Ill tell M tr!,. 81e-;5111 •••••••••••••••••••••• •ee Pondle Parts, .,.. & roll up r .. r. Many OBO. 845-8211 EVft, I II 'I I tralltf & more. 548-7589 end mite. Fr1 & Sal 3 ..... '........._;_ ...,,. """'' c:an Iott a............. · ...... 12H 1 n a 1 1 utrM. Guaranteed n9W •"'7"""""'~ ,._ urn ure, "' gere or, and 4. 8-3 PM 2312 ..... ome --· .-;v "· ~I Chrll or~'-;. BOSTON WHALER 13W ~• g • n 1 0 . • n · engine, dr1YI train, Ml-""'__.. -•-~,.~ tms· = Big Garage 8•1•1 811. FrancllCO Or. 141-4378 54&-7192. 40 MPH JohMon. IUPlf Xlnt cond. 846-5848 574840, '31 7180 cf*"' tna. $8100. pp '711 50008. 5 llPd. A/C, OF MISC. 9 -4. Something for MOVING SALE 8w lloola, custom made. cond. wltraller. muet 1Ht Puctl Moped, xlnt (4) 8 Lug wt..-& "'" 14().2078. am/FM c:aee. Ml pwr. SAYE SAYE SAYE =-~~.~= ~~: Furniture, eleotrontca, ~· ~·, ~-~ ~Ill 1111 4•7•3331• c:ond. ~ ::i:.:,1;~~01..~;91 Toyota '18. AMIFM s-. :1~1~~~~u~i5-:~oo . wa honor BofA, MC, & muc:h more. 274 CeCll draft. equip, Kroy* 10 m 1 t c: h s ~ • 7 ~ '78 25' Cabin CrulMr, · ' reo Cl I Hitt. Smell VISA. Caehlef'• Chick• Pl. 1on1, r11e ltthol, Atrlc:an .a.MOt2 · Luggage. New V1r<11 e "mrbrtdg•. VHF..t RDF. Turn to today'• c:IMll~ x ••-1.___ ~a7mpe1r1 •h•ll t2175. '7t Audi 50008 Lo ml. a Caeh. NO PERSONAL art, misc:. o111. more, · pc:a Mt, never u .. d. d . loedad. •14,000. for the beat buy•. - -"' 3-te CHECKS PL.EASEi Food YUi SILE 848-•5114. 2027 Com-Doub I• mattr11a. Moc:h• brn . $200. (71) 5114-8422 &42-5878 •· $25. te0-M78 ,71 CHEV '.t ton PU Auto, air, 1nrl, lelM buy out 18150. MO-t515 IVl!lablt. ltema IUbjec:t UT -Ill rnodort, ~ bOJClprlng.I and frame, 640-IMO '82 Ooraett, 111 ft CC, ,;;:;;=:;;;;;===========:ti w/C8f'l'4*' lt'9lt. $2300 to Pf...... 11 • • I ,. • ...._.,. .. , brown vtnyl ermc:halr TOOL SHED bfand ftberglala. 76 HP Evin-or on.. 1182-8770 '11 ....... ..,.. &llTm Olrtl Bunk Bed• wllh Din;;-~ furn be-:,W0~ = 10x13. 1250. new. rude 08 Hied. OelY.-Boat picture ads provide 2075',. ~ EIM1, CM Ladden. 0r....... Clo-droom furn. TV1, ~. tabla, wftltt vtnyt. floral 8U 03&4 nlz9CI trallat. In water thll & TO'JI. gaa BBQ, eewtno ~ and Oenllh occ:aalonal Fl REPLACE. dec:ofativ. n 0 w. s k Ip • "a 11. 133-11825 Me 8811 245 Tulane Road c:hlnt, ai--. mite. c:halra. tl.ble temp and portable, w/f111 .. hMI· _87_3--1133 ______ _ Colt• Miia 764-1909 25e to 1200. 507 Allio. ~urea. c!:r.'5! PflOld "'· S100. 831·2250. fer .. M...., .,_,., ,,. Neug c:tn, ~age. pie:-NB Sat/Sun 10-4:30 n good . 548-3088 ae ft Or.net ~ .. >Onl -:::i::,_••••••••••••••• t f & h a Incl ••RBER ,. .... IR $""" d SI a I Olrl'I Schwinn Beach ura ramee. muc Find whet you went In Rattan lum. "' pc: Mt '"" "'"" '"" c:on · "P' "'· 511, crul1tr, l80. Boy' I more 2441 Rote Ln. CM. Dally Piiot Claulflada. Met. IOla. rac:HnW, ol· MfERICAN MADE 5 00 . FI n . A y 111 . 955-2554 toman. table, plant 545-31&15 or 957-8178 84()..M()() ~~~~~~~~ .......... ·-------~~ eland. NHdl uphol. NEW ALBACORE POLE _M_U_S_T_L_IO_U_l_D_A_T_~-28-. Ex«cyc:le '50. 548-30ea ._ "' hH ,. Fn lffl S300/b9t ofr. 840-2885 wlPenn 6 llOOSL or 140 Wtllcreft Nov• wltrlr. * WllYll + Unl-8Ht, Cook Bfoe. berl, SNmano DX !»' dale. OOOd ~ondltlon only· Todd 631-1132, SCHWINN g lrl1, fld, BantMI bltll, training wMela.161. 8411MI. SCHWINN c:onv, blue, Pixie bike, training ........ 161. 148 .... Bofl Mlddl9 -., lltM· Wlgtlt 10 epeed, 13P. ~!JI~ Boye IJ IP· Rott Dte. mond CN!Nr. bite WI re0 trtm, 1111. -., a lock tnold . call ~2170. .,_ . •• /fJ.'tff!t! ••••• 11.ff ... ,n. ~ ....... ........ 4·.20' long: .... .... WOOd ttnolng. Oii .... or Ken •n1t1111e, 17&-1411. !It. ........... .. IHIH TZU AKO PUP• ,.., a... ... ,., ....... ,,.d .... ,.. a ... ,. from 1111. 11•- ~••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• au.., a bed. ,,,. moa t9'11. M5. 541-1832 ft •. •Int oond. 1M Old Enolllh Sheep Ooa. Baby Bunnl11. gray, old $1"" ,._,. •-~ • oo tlkll It pp female, 10 moe. olc1. bllldl. t>uff, r..ity cute. • "'"· .,,_ ............. RolllWl!'I wlchetlt & more · 1226. Caefl. 657·227t ~27 rAd 1877• 842-4)00• 24 + toole, 21 dra-.re. '4Sn230 or 754-eN2 hr•. L $350. ea1.oe21 1N1 11· 0ufftlld a1ec:tr1c: i... 1 1Y.-dold,tal llhotd•· HE Oll.llY King IZ bdrm Mt wltfl>I .. -... -llUnd\. Unblll<teble. All fttU ere • r • n • • 546-5tl38 d,....,, armolrt & 2 ..... • color i. ~ 1'9C1, Niida lovtna tiom.. >Ont ntt. atendl Cll'wd elk l.lkt new lClnt tor TV. 9" •ttM Incl compt •I c: h 11 d r • n ·FREE l<ITTENS (4) 8 wk• wood tt50t obo 1700 086. 111-1225, c:am. l llPfl(,t .. ....C H01'\loottabl1. Daye otd box trelned. ~7 · Fl h 1 k wtttt t dtclc1, 1tereo0 1¥111. 21a120'-3313, Wknd• 54e-$s21 •00 ~anion .... •1•.r..un. 1-m•d ,2 ooo £\191 714/t6'-4e&t Dtllt bdrm Mt, Wldble 1 I, .,. ·-'" . ' ' -.,.--------1 Brtttany Splfllll, ~. dNIMt & 2 n1t1 ltMdt. after p.m. 720-0IN AtKS,~~· lhotl, 3 'If' old, Fam .. ~. taaOtotM>. t4Wta7 E*1rie "ove S100 0010r ... l•H• U, --. -· to loYlnO home w/room s o It ' h If 7et-5281 . to run. No cl~ 1011 Twtn bdrm wt, 04ln bl TV I • boo • • • 1171, alt ..i-. 011'1, A .,_,.....,. Bo(Zol ~ale p I e a 1 e • W d y I bunll bide, ~.l-S100 lamp. 545-3909. Rdr, lllp, 0WC at 1~, 14 mo. AKC, ;. .. d, 1 5 2 . 1 1 3 o. om• or bit °"· ..._-.t1 Must ... : ...,.. ~. :lo 110,000 ctwn, m. -._..., "6-1521 7f0.2M6 Mr. Tor'ra. Bdrm Mt: (1 "'°' dd). 2 vending meohlnu •7.-~7• 2tJ-4ti-Snt, -.-1-v dbll ..... 2 ~ 2 (IOdl, gum). a.1 ofr _v_........,.. ____ _ Aeo. Cooker 8penlel, ,,__, bookoH•• 1 dbl• '42·622'. '83 Sid Cref'I wtttt tr..., male, 10 moa, 1150 1uiulJte Ma ...__ 2 ....;. ..___ Midi WOttt MOO ' 090 tea-5208 eft 8·30 •••••••••••••••••U.';l --· ..,. --•· Sele: DrtlMr, blllee, ,....,. ~r~• '_.. " ' ' . · ** ~* 2 nlte 1tend1. All toolla. tubl.. ..._ m1ec. _., -.,, ... pm. u.. AplOI, AKC pup. I BUY JI( matotMno. ~ Ill Of M2 ... 7M, ..... 1410 13' '°"'°" wtlltlr. 1M1. .... Home ralaad with Good lllld ,urnttur. & MP· 4tf..1_, I DIHO WHEEL 40 hp Mere. taOO. Cell CIN. Adotable per.o-~RI ..... Waaher l dryer• Ken-~AN 1 -"°"" 21S/874-IOS4 ='"• ~=·· from or SIU '°' You mot• h¥Y duty: IVO-It llM. r,: •. ":t.14" '78 Flb«fOml, a .n .. •I mTBI 111191 cedO, 11 ,,. old, ... fftr. llOO ft 11111 .... AKC 8,AIMQIA SPA 141 •• Mt ... llfldlr -.r9"1y, MOO Ot , !?!!..!'-~· .~ ,.. VHF. T" te1>1. lCln\ NIEL WM .,.,, now -._._ ... MP. _..QOI __,, IMIW8Clw-v.'" oonct •1otoo °'* 1111. ft' .. WM I llY Pl&IM o:.i rm aet· Olk M " ~ =::.""'°to"Y ... ti6=7tt1 IMI now •'"· All in-· ...... lOOO *Ill ..._ & "9t uam. Lit . '57 .. 133 :;. ~· ,!_ oNft. = eq ft. ~ ~ wtlltlr, I 'J'9 old. Tflru lun . only .Burgundy Ohair •1H, oond.~-~OI' lntttllvteion w/I game ~~:00"::•(1';:') MCMOIO. Uk• ,,.., Ml.let ... 1111> 4fl.1-~ llOO. UA. ;-· • ,._ ,.. ... 5M-7711 ..,,....,. -- i:n'Jf. ......... u.i. I ft tww Ind tlW eofll H~~.:i:; = Q11111t Y .. O 011tflt. 1r ... .., Lamllt. T~ ..::::-· .. 2 lldor· table, llke MW 1150. w/I ore t UOO Aeooider, tunw/ttmer, C>ftl1,4 .... -~~ twll.a~ 631-771' a.472 -. ' N:A ooeor .._. w/ ............... of Tum ::-.. • ~ old. '4W42t ~ """" ... ......... ,,. .-. •1.000. of Oll!IW1 ..... .. rm table/I ohelr1. ~Ill!'°-..._. 0t JllCllll91 tor ...., Of9M. ~ luney · '°t:•= 1 'it Y • • r Go Id• n ttlOO ~ oNne -· ...... new. ...,.1 -ourtelfte. "9trlev~Oollll mix, oelMMt l300 .,., .... , 17 ....... MCMut Plllllll llil9 .-M .,.,, 11 '" 1re1t temp•rmtnt, 9-.. '°' oNne -.,_ .. -.l-l °" OM "'m· ltur• "-"' levlnt home. WNi. l'rencfl PYo\<lnOlll SllO. Llk• new. Like •••· 711. r::z'."1,J=.,t;. •7·70ll ,._, triple dr.....-& nlgftt f71-NN Ot MCMt• ..,...., '*" 171-1'47 · I Wll cM ldttlftl ....,. NM. doullll t ._ Two ... ...., I~ ...,.., -' -. ,.. M4io0i Of m1ttr11'" I °N•ePr· _, ~.,. • '11 ttarerett, 17' ......._ Inge wtth Ir.,.., bfWn . Cl.I ..,.. ~ ~~ •rerYIHr. . Ylnyt .,...,.. & .. I. Oii ..... ., 1Ht, htnCl·oerved ic*' .. ,.., OGldl I ft YA A AlllPt~liriiiifllli£~1 Mllclalel'I c-.. ...... ''"' .. OOUl*Y --. ...., ............. ,. .. , "'""' 11lnyt.· ,..,., a Ar111•t1rt 1111. 111111 fl/I//.....,....., 1V"'9. ..__ Oerlllft OOOllllOllel ........ ,.., llt ll~•tfl. ...,.,, ,_., ........ 21' E~ ~ .. ......, CNlll, ...... UtiF. compw, oovier9. Perlect c:ondttlOfl t tt,500 123-45e7 Set ~ courM for fat HIM wt1tt • Dally Ptlot boat picture Ml. heh Saturday, the Delly "'°' • ofter you Ml IPll09 that not only cteecrlbee YtNf bcMlt, but ptoturee H • weft. The prtoe le Sl&*•nteed to bUOy "lfN6 aplrtt• -146 If .. .. .. '**"·Md olM/.., " you prowtde the ptcture for • 2 oolufM S" Ml. llSPWTEll ..., 1111 1•1 TIYIT& -8hOr1 b9d, new OIUtdl, tire•; xln• cond. '5500 otter. 840-8709 9¥11/wtendt. '11 vw dteall pldl up. All txtrH. Exc:ellent ooncl ............ . '7 4 COUttar Plclcup, ll'd ~ t/1$192, 4PM. ~......,bide to MIH Con1olld•t•d Water Dlatrtct, 11115 Pteolntla AY9. CM. M, 521 ml, ...U to hlafl bidder. a.atnnlng bld •1200. AVfliI. to -by •Pf.t: Ron Wlnelow. 83 ·1200 IPllllL ....... N9w 'II Jeep CJ'1. 19 \9 01'10011 lrom. ln-dodla wtnch jembOfM plokeg• •nd much -SAY£ THOUIANOS M.000 ml. P9rf. cond. $13.000 Of ~ .... M . at 1431 mo. d• 21S-T2t-7534, ev b9for9 • 71 .... 2-11182 '11 ........ tS,000 ml, AC. PB. PS, lfVf, •12.000. 8n-&467. ... 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• .• , .. 131-ICMO ....... --·--214111 ........... 'kwy (A~~ ... ) Open ..... .... ..sf~ ./ .. /II 'l'LT ~Wm.I' H2• HelW -.ct .. CM ~ MMOb ...... mo .. 1111'1 In .... '14 forct Plr Up, OMll* NIDI. I t'J ttonl ..... xlnt. ~-~ • '71 -~....i. 4 epd .. thodla. .... .......... tnlff. {11TI"YB) ~ WOfllK ~ 'M * '1't aaot: 9llt0 .. AIC CHEVY ttatf ton Iona ~llOI;· 4 epd., b9d ..... 4 IP ....a ....... IYNN~ ttoor, apue tenk•· ,..... d Newttltu . OllltO"· • 'IO HOI; .... btlll-. eto. 100 wen IMt. (lllZOI(> etereo o-'lonel. Call '* • ._ MO., enlrf. t •I· I Tit ew11 , (~--171 . 1410MI . ..a ...;.....;....;..;....;_..;.~---'-f -w ...... #9 :-av ~ Ill leLllll ,;;;-;;;;;;ii!;ii~;l Tiii""" a......, All t ....... ....., ~':::.~.11•• ~~~~!!!==~;!~~~~~~~:LJ~;!!!!!!i!!!~~~;;:~::::!~!!:!~~!!l.l!!!!~~::::!:!!::~~~~~==~::a:::::: Oodllan. :; • __., .. ' I ' .. .. MW,.~ •••••• ~.'.'!.~!l'!fftttt, •.•... ~.'.'!!.!t!mttt ••.•..• Mt'A.tMtw..~: ... MWt.~ •••••• f!M.rnt .••.•••••• M¥h."11. •••••••••• M¥h.PIJll. ..••• ~~ MW..'111. •••••••••• ~ l/llf •••••••••••• t'.(f llff •.•••..•••••. l.~ff ~ftfft.~ •• llff ~ .......... l!Jf t'Nfl!wlP ...... 1. •• tllln .......... l!(l Fk1!111 ......... 11. !tfftff ......... ff.'!f~'lr. .......... 1!11 ililiil .._ """''* ... aao li>t• eonwir1 Mat 1 .,. r.-. CCI'• ... ·u vw hu1tet>11. ·11 c.m.wo ~·.,.,er' '11 MIYILD ·~.~·ro .. ~~· =. 'lA~ ~~ ..,_.,~ .. ....., OOOd bOOV a !!)QIM ._,,, gon, Auto .... 111< lftllte. 1 •1aoo111e11 «r. Dltl\'I owner M • •r1o1 u t ... I......... b•ttery, 11t11d lttter 17K, • ..A--..._.. .... :. ('ADii i AC · 11000 111-1404 own1t. "un• good Ml_..71 N1.of14 control Tift wN, rldlO _ .. , 11111 Dtlt•d ,.01111, _ _._-;.;..."""...;..-;;,,,J,;;•...,;......,,~;.1 ~ ,. "' ' $ ....... 111ao 010. c.ii a.1 • A•lllnl 11100 010 ....... w.... .- '74 flit 114· ... NOI 144'>tolS. ,., vw IYt. reblt tnt. 411 • 3 1 t • v. d. t e··:r.: with rOOI GOid n::r.1 ::it Wfllt II NllTIAI T100I CLEARANCE Good oond. 11100. ---..... --..... MW ''*''· Nnl nood, •"•-11"'" ~.o •'d Air. con . A•b .inn, Aut-•1'-·•r ~,..... , ... 63•.eoe• ...............lnw ,, • .,..... .,., ntldl paint • ""lntf --... -tlQ I ' '""""" .. "' um fl ' 2991• ,...,_ ..... ....,..., "' 811M-ltfVlot-LMtlng "' ~..... olrnRro••••••••Uel work. 11100 010: '17 CllNto, 8 oyi 280 am/Im, air oonci , •uto.. ·rm 43 • whlll, 11.feo (206"8) ~rAR\/E ••.Jf 1.'Hf ....... ·n TAI nu ena a 915.2513 auto run• good. oood f>Wr. 11r. a br1llt1. '8'4 ·~ MUSTANO conv. 1111......, + t11 SALE! N...ll \...rl R n-;n ••••••••••• 'I'., '17 Mtrqtd .. 40081.. clutch, 11ln1 cond •... .,di . O'Ond. 13000. 11111..-111 (921XIN) oomplttt rtbullt. nw 01p. coal ··nou.1e, ~ IC'fl-T. .u MTlllt new t1dl1I tire•. ICll\t 1011 top• .3400/ofr 1911 vw dlMtl, I •Od,.. a ·magnon P•lnl/lltH, orig. rim•. Aetldull "'17.44, totll "-.u.7 "~-i::·llMW We 01n lltlpl ltlor• oonc1.t to ml. 114,000 848·1110 ' ' dr, t>Mul. •and melalllo, Ctnnl1I 11.M f8CI. tlr, lloht ~IOW w/ ol payment• for 41 -:.:=~~..,~~::.;:.:;•• you buy, oheok our .848·7430 e11u. ••~ oaH 8un-••••••••••••••••• •••• blk lntr. I 1~, lmOO month• .. 700 40 +tu. ----..;....~ unb .. ttblt 1111ot1on, •70 MBZ 2400 P 1 7t Trlumoh TA 7 «>n· rool, air, Mlch.ttna. 1tK Ill II flllfl • oert. 110,95 080, tavtno-and 1efWie to-• er Yin, wtlltt, 2&,000 ml1 mtlee. M9150, 84544011 We ha~ a good N1eo-, dlyl 148·8222. IYH a magnon '78 BMW 2002, 110, "'"· deyt oond. All fwr, Alo, •Int oond. btend•a or 64S.7471, tlOn of NIW 1 useo ~nt•~C/"' ... "'U 832·4051. BIMIP\lfltlt amltm cue lllftl•wv t~rt.1512' tOO/ofr. werr., AC, AWFM oue, '74 Panel Bu• 10.000 ml CMvr01et11 tV ~ -,l-8_M_u_1_1e_n_g_H_1r_d_to_p_, • New pak\t end Chrome, ...... I 11.,.:,:.1 17,000. 001·2193 or on motOf. AM1'M ~ , arbor BIYd •I Fllf Or with rebUlll eng. 11700 new Mloht lln r•dla.11. -.. .,.. '71 • 210SL, Arabltn &02·1548 "'2ot In Cott• Mtu Of beat ponti~/,....., Mint oond 18800 or 2850 l:iatbor ~. Orey. 54K Oflg. mllM. BMutlfUI TM '70, ,..,. w/equaHztt. 940 • ., 64~ 549. 1457 844.0541 IV\, MIClll U b • I I O t I • r • t COSTA MESA Blk lntr. W11tport, laot Interior, perteot *'H BUO IHS. dlr• _1_1_4-M _ _.1-_03_H ____ , 140 .. 1140 us.1212. 109• •Int eng1ne, ~ :~:::. 7,~~. PE~e~: '°!or~~~ ~. -:;r: ·~11:.~·~;a .~g. 4:~, H11':' c'!te ·~::' 0r ·79 5281. Auto, 111C111tn1 d T 0..1 1141 d•rlve treln, St er flee, AUTO SALES 8'48·2888, 538·9848 lmm1c cond. $2400. 1141-4300 541-1457 cond. All e•lr••· 114, Hon •· oyote, D•taun. -:r.••••••••••••••••••• 25001080, 1!50·9105 t9~5~5~2~l_!!l8~· .,..----.-.lii~i!ii~~~ii!i~iiil 500. 494·4388 •11 rn•ke•, 1199 dotl II. '88 Opltt Ced•ll• 000<1 '78 s ttll "'OK I Ml .,_, IT'l 1111 ••n• .. -,,,, IHI ,.,, . . No lll or 1111 No d• · 1 00 P re, " m • ... nt rwn ,._, •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Mut'*"g Mach I, ve7 'II p••Ulll •-potlt. No lie tM. o.llv· tr1n1por11t1on 4 • m • a h • c o n d . •••••••••••••••••••••• llnml I II 'll fO•I -· '" _,, .,. •ny 1e .... t>uyt 1ny 848·2743 •II 4pm. '3000/010. 873.e438 # 1 Vtltt .... ., • • " uod oond. lo m • Reblt Turbo 400, lh•rr. car over our 0011. All '75 Opal Sport1~gn. V.ih llTI II lrHCt '""'11 t,~n•.~o:i~iO : :11:1~ · OIUlfrJ lttlllrt 500· 551-5159 lnllde a out. Make o • S 1ver1 L •••I ng. Yellow. tan lntr. Xlnl ••••• !'!m!f........... "rt (Ser. 4268). It"""--WrNttl 01',.1t/11 .,,,,, fer. • .... "'832 834-0189 con d . M u I I It 11 • llf -wflh •• ••••• •••••••••••••• • ~~~~~-~·~~~~ 1con979d. 3Al20r l, __ ~9..d. 'amm/ltnml ,80 Honda CVCC Hatch~ 844·8281 1111 YW *'*• lllV OILY 121111 9 puaenger roof '79 Olde Del w1gon, I.:: ....,..., _ IAllPll UI LUllll •WAii lltefftltt rack. wind defltc10f, 11r lo1ded. tmm1c. Mutt 12 POITl&O .12000 cut atareo. 84K ml back, 43,000 ml, fwy, ,,..,., 1141 OVERSEAS DELIVER'\' OOW/Q\illl St cood., crulM , pwr. llr. Mii $8850. 84 .. 0937 $8200 648-20811 ~300 obo MUST SELL •••~••••••••••••••••• Thia one hel' onty 82,000 EXPERTS NEWPORT B"• 'c·H & brlkM. (110AR81 ,72 OLDS 98 •780 Automatic, llr cond., '77 830 CSI, IUIO, llr, em/Im cau .. fl.Ill pwr, 11lnl cond. Priced tor quick Mlel 759-0932 S4S.5U1 'IO 505SO Otl. 4 epd, m11Ml (890HSM). I"" -11"" a magnon 0 ••1 2!.3 . pwr 11 .. rlng, tm/tm C.-' 111$ , 38K ml, Ivory, 2 'If un· ..... •YI -• vi (578135) ~-r.•••••••••••••••••• 77 HONDO CIVIC lllck limited mllt1g• wirr. WU • , EY•• 844-5469 1111 ...... + tu 77 C1prl Ohl•. V8, 4 $1700 or otter. Air 1unrf ahowroom llLY lllll Yt&.Yt 'IO lllZA '71 CUTLASS L9, V8, C1p. coet S93lo. Real· epd, AIC, aunroot, am/ 54S.3415 or 957-8178 oorid Av111'1or purchlM M Ill• 1988 Herbor Blvd. Sporty 2 door Chevy nt' subr tuto, AC, 45K mt, duel ~232.59, 10111 of ~~d~28~~5s.~~ '76 Civic. 5 epd, look• & 01 lee. '9500, 4'8-0973 YILllWMll COSTA MESA. with moon rool, touvrn, po l~C/ U S3750/0BO 845-7202 payment• $9918.32 +, dya, 831•3472 eves. drives greet! $2550/t>eet ltllfit 1160 1.,11 ..... llM. Ml·HOI 140·1411 am/fm 1tereo/.1epe. tlr IV Terri. lax. otter. 848-21<43 •• .................... ....... ..... cond., atyllHd 11111 Harbor Blvd at fair Or m .. ,,.. 1110 '78 Cl le 45 000 Ill 1tll NllOll .. 2 -'70 Volvo. Oood cond. wheetl, auto.. conaole. In COiia MH• 'II ILn ,..... ••• a. agnon •••••••••••••••••••••• v . • m I, -•a;vvv $1825. Ctll ~iwe.n 7 (OMD839) 549·4300 54g.1457 .,.,.,.., -850_1-17,. 1110 .'Tsu. 210 moving, mull Miii Xlnt 124 _,. , & 10 pm. 538-2078 ~ -v cond. Mtkt olfer. Thie one hu l""Y toyl 74 Bug, xlnl cond., nu a magnon '71 FORD Maverick 5 apeed tren1mlnlon, 538-2884 141esMO). tlr11 & paint, 55K orig. ·•itn n.~ Good cond. 3 new tlrff: '78 cu11111 Suprem• t' sub 1977 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI (HATJ') s5995 197'9 CADILLAC ILDO•ADO COUPI (83-4042) •10,995 ---1971 CADILLAC llVILLI (971VNI) s3995 1912 8UICK "'AllC AVINUI" 4 Da. llDAN (10TT650) s11,995 . 19IOCADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (1117ZEMI s13,995 low mllH, e11.cell1nt ml $2900/bll 983--e313 11 'I .,_ .. 50 494-3211 pon 1ac/ 'Jiu condlllon, cletn, AMI '12 100 OPf 11IOO OILY lllll · ' ••••• •••••••••••••••• 1 econ . .., · Broughem. Loaded, 33, VI or ctya 87M186. l.oYIM fllfflll IHI • ''73 Ford M1vetlck, V8, 000 mllft. PP 538-7490. FM radio. 2 new tires, 844-4700 -11&1• 'll Jml •••••••••••••••••••••• t /subr 1912 CADILLAC '83 llcenH paid & 'll I _,,, A ,,, -llW"'•-Come tn & ... Newpor1 pon ·~c U AC, AM/FM ttereo, PS, '72 TOfonado, nu eng, Hert>or1n ,.8'~d1ee.1 .... F1lr Or CtM•laON SID•N MUST SELLI $3895. •-• •••r• •-_,, White/Ian w /root. a.ech'• nneat Mleetlon tV auto Irena. $1000/t>eat welerpump, red., luet """ .., ,.. ,.. C•ll 875-3017 or 5 spud, ttereo, air 18711 BMcn Blvd. $7350. 8'45-8272. of prevloualy owned HBlbor Blvd 11 Fair Or olr. 833-1450 IV... pump, pelrlt Job. $525. 549-<4300 5411-1457 "AUTOMATICtaANI. 842-0138. cond. Extra cl .. n. M . Huntlnglon Beach '78 RABBIT Por1oh1'1, Audi'• and In Cotta Miii '72 Ford L TO. Beau car. 720· 1101 '76 Formu11 TA radial• AND SUNIOOf" ,,,-000. 642-1178 M2·2tl0 lnt/tJCI Ilka new, runt Vot ..... 1w . 549 .. 300 549·1457 Excellent cond. $1595 IJf!'!Hll fHO magi, $2s0o/beat ofr'. JH111 113 MEISTER II'"'· •t•rao. $2595 lilt OIRltln or beat olr :· ••••••••••••••••••• Mutt ••II 11111 wknd. ( 1CAZ458) •••••••••••••••••••••• 080. Miki 831·4815 5"'8·2322 79 Plymouth Horlton 559·5127 Mary s10 995 1114 .IEllH PORSCHE/1111 4<45 E. CA ... t Hwu otllVITTI '70 Torino Convertible TC-3, 29,000 ml, xlnt •&. "' "I ,,,, ff 0 ' HALO '83 BAJA BUO 1835 eng. N~port"':'·--h-, Thi• one It 111tr1 cleenl Rebll ~d c;ond 12300 cond. Auto, air, AM/FM, •••••II• I• '!< 13831 HlrbOf Blvd good cond. $1000. .... ......... (15712) ' • . $3500/bll ofr. 638·2951 •••••••••••••••••••••• '1912 c•DILL·c This one 11 1 convert· · 873.2912. 873.o900 · Call trcla R. dyt '83 T·Blrd, Cluslc, 58)( ,.. ,.. Ible roedtterl (829NA.I). Garden Orove AllC IH OILY 12111 8"'4·9080; ev• 875-1731 IHllll IHS ml. Auto, all power, wilt. PLllTWOOD OILY 14111 11~1-'i"'" ·~,.Bk~~: ,~~~·. ~~.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.. ...... Llattl• IHS ···~1r;·1iiiiiii··· •2950/0BO. 840.0389 •IOUGHAM .111 llUIH Ill II $1500/0BO, 658-5110 '78 Hornet Stat. Wgn. VILllW&lll •••••••••••••••••••••• '89 Landau, 2dr, PS/PB, (1EAl.545) aa l14 131·2311 leave meaaga. Top cond. Econ 8 c:yl 18711 Beach Blvd ·14 Muk IV, T8,000 ml., a.te•atfe, air 1114., A/C, 11lnt cond. $1200. -vt1.11w-u • n II . p w r I . Ir . Huntington Beach. lmmao cond .. full pow-•• ., ... Ult ....... 840·3026 s15 995 18711 Beach Blvd. '88 912, aH Oflg. 5 epd, 72 VW Super Bealle. xlnl $2200/obO, 840·3028 142 HOO er, leather, ntw Urea, I y I ' Huntington Beach red, must .... $8000. mechantcat, new t1r11 & J-'·" HI • etc., mull .... 13500. nl JI WllH •· VHI 1114 '78 8210, 2 dr, 4 WC'· A/C A.M/FM 38 plus MPG, whl, clean. $2950. 983-9385 '71 240Z. $3500.' Must .... thlt week. 873-0667 or 558-7180 ••2 2000 84().7912 or 54 .. 9455. trBl\I. $2300. 497-4163 .. _ 1980 c .. -. 11 •fT •1c firm. 87s..e974 (111111) ••'••••••••••••••••••• -. •••••••1•·1•1·•1••1•••••••• AM/FM"',' :9:·~. S.~oo'. .. ,,.!!r HSO 1211 ••_...~ + tu '74 vag1, cte11n, no #llll 1131 '77 911S Targa, Barton '71 Camper. Need• pelnt. ,.., • .,.... denll, 1uto, good •••••••••••••••••••••• Yellow, lmmec, 48K ml, Aunt ""Y well. 1 1895 54~321. •••••• •••••••••••••• Cap. Co•t 10,750, treoaportttlon . all leather. Bteupkt, 213·592·2110 IOI' the tergeal •n<I bell '62 Bl 2 d 8 cy1 '72 Montego St• Wgn, retldual $5300, total of $800/obo. 848-8518 P/W, A/C, new llrM a Hltcllon ol new and reblt ';9~'· newrpalnt;,, amall V8. auto, PS, PB. payment• tor 48 month• bet. 5 & 8pm. tuneup. Wife'• car. 'n IH1ll uMCI Buick• In Oran · 11,11 0 ;111 cond xlnt cond. $875/bHI $11,085.12 +tu • Offer Good Thru Tuetday, 9-7-82 '79 280ZX GL Package, Ilk• n1w, 26K mllee. 551-9295 or 84S.0792 $18K. 8<45-6778 1 owner, low mllellge, COUnty lodayl $1400}obo. 547-1908 . ofr. 55 .. 8082 a magnon 1p-•f1....., , new pllnt, mint cond, ~ o c ~ "''' 58 Speedater. Need• 12750 obo. 499-1882 ·73 Impala Station wa. 1 -pau, '72 grn otony .... 1 knock• of1en when you 2900 HARBOR BLVO. reetorl,. Conu:>, orig. gon 55 ooo ml Orig Pk Stal. Wgn. Mech. uH reault'Jettlng Dally NABERS l :ADILLAC $7395 9 2 0 ..... B A....,. dlt1-• • · xtnt, nd1 lront grlll. • COSTA MESA '78 B210, grHt econo. '72 P ICtle 914 1 7 XI I wilt wired Int., nu U reectl the Orin~ Coael 540 1860 . 13·5 2· 11 .,,, ug, vvvv con ""• owner, $ 1500. 760-0301 Rune 200 ml by dty eonttac /subar Piiot CllH lled A.de lo mlcal car. $1500/0BO. ·--~11111111111~11111 or . . n bltkM & c:Mch $1200. '71 CHEVY WAOON w/o uelng oll or OVef· •'11 I - 964_7317 In I o u t . 'I' e 11 ow . '540.9928 111 loo ar.., c.... Loou and rune great. heating for put yr. Ubor Blvd 11 Fa.Ir Or m P~One 842•5878 ••••lililiili• HI us ~ 14.850/obcr:-893--0943 Going bad! 10 .chi mutt 2925 Herl>or BIYd. XLNT Trena. 1800. ,Swep lor motorcycle or In Costa MiMB '74 Z c ... n. many extras, fOI TOUI ~I .,MMH 114 2,0 __.. ,811 Bun, rebll '"""· COSTA MESA 980-0205 $700. 84&-3815 anyllme S49 .. 300 54S.1457 Clei9tfled Ada 642-&178 nw tlrae, louvers & -· -• -.,, tpalltf, mull NII $3200 .... XTM.UOA. Prof. reatored, * w. new Int , brka. Need 119-2100 Aim ... ... Aila ... HIO A1l11 •w "" A1l11 Mnt .,,, A11M Mnt 1111 855-8296. mt' If & t>t1 ~}!'t9. ss37eooX r Of· $1700. 642-2219 •••••"•••••••••••••••• •••••"•••••••••••••••• •••••"'•••••••••••••••• •••••l •••••••••••••••• •••••"•••••••••••••••• --------,...,.....-:--·L-.:.:..: .. 9'. v·w· 1 11 •80 VW, Oflg eng, xlnl Century Station Wagon,, '7!.ci°:'::ic.1~ Auna. J~I "' '81 3588 . Yellow. &eel· cond. 1 owner $1500. '78. Mull ~u2300. 548-e037 lent cond. 15700 or 110~ Peart St .. Bii Ille. ___ M_9 ___ --I IOS UllJ 11. CtlU MtSUO W4 1rllde 642~9771 'II -•-••i•••• '79 Riviera Turbo, mint 1981 Oataun, 280 ZX •68 912 Re .... 111 engine. .,.., ..--cond AM/FM A/C White, XLNT Cond. 1974 MAZDA wagon. Good cond~Bett otter. $800/otr. 833·1'450 1300' & take ove' Loaded, with Xtras. Need• TLC. low book. 842 .. 0162, 551•8829 '70 vw Squiraback, pymnt1. 833·8765 A/C, T·bar tun roof, $1800. 98&.2572 sunroof, $1800. PfS, P/W, Mtg type '88 912, $8450, obo. " 1..... CM/llu Hl wheel•. AM/FM Tape 1980 RX 7, tllver/bllck, Orig ownr, alloys, new 4•4• .,.... •••••••••••••••••••••• deck. Crulee Control. 5 moon rool, AC, AM/FM paint, super cond. '71 SUPER BEETLE Tiii UllllST Spd, Priced to sell. cass, alloy whit, loaded. 675-7554 Mech. IOYf\d, .nd• tome SELECTIOI Wllkdaya 1-53S.8103 $8300. 551-8005 body work. muat NII by N1!7t4•-3~714°Wkand1 : '6llllli 1111 ·1~1 9~:/~:~ .. ~KS: S•~ .. s11~2~1~7 .. ,..;..2• of 1111 model, 10 .,, " •••••••••••••••••••••• fr 831-8809 .,,, • .,.. .. v ,,_ .. mll••a• C1dlllac• 1 ~1 Ill Wll Siii _ '69 Muer•ll Mexico 2+2 ° · 1·.-89-Bug--.-No-Ena--llne--.Ba-Ja-1 Soutl'llm Cellt0fnt11 Coupe. Show cond. lor ..... 11 118$ Patti $500. ~78-1031 UI lodeyl auto, ale, •tereo. 83K Ille df9c;rlmlnallng buy· •••••••••••••••••••••• 54()..W8 · ' lllERS Mutt NII. 5-48-8088 !If. Atklng $18,500. Call '74 Renault R·12, <4 apd, -----...,--- Elllla Sale laura. 494-9792 or 4 door. front whl dr. '71 VW 411 SEDAN OlltLLlC 1980 O•t•un 2oosx. 494-1909. A/C, et•eo. mutt NII. Look• and rvn• great. 2800 Harbor Blvd. • •lnl oond. Orig owner, "'""" .... 1140 $1050. 548-8739 ~';o~ g . s 1 4 0 0 . COSTA MESA eccepllng blda. Wkdays •••••••••••••••••••••• 21 lllW llUILTI 141 1110 pleue call, 759 .. 229 O•PAIE·lllOllEI to chooee from '72 SOUAREBACK runt ----·---~ fmul 11Z3 We'll show you over As low u M989 (Mr 11r .. 1. ndt pelnl, AM/ '78 Ced Blarrttz comp111y •••••••••••••••••••••• 100 New & U11d 1380) FM c111. $1300 . car, nu tires, etc. 111111 llllTl'I Mercedff·B•nt. Come The all new '83 AIMance _e_7_3--0_7_42_._____ Load~ 18300. Wkdya •Y ..,_IDI lo & contlder our leaM le tletet Fuegoa, Imm. '89 VW Bug. Cllln. 32 only 892-55" ext 39. FEIUll ~;~n~=~-or 1ong dl•'iiii17 llUT 83'::,~~ ~7:r15, ·11~. E~~111~11~~ .=: I IULDlllP1 HOUM01•Lot211m3~'1'141nc. IM/.lllP/lll&ILT ·79 l/W ConYlrtlble 101ded, low ml, mint " ~ 52• H c •• cond, $2750/0BO pp • ..11 I~~-·, 837·2333 ~~~ ~5-mo ~:,~~52~· 031.0115. '82 RenlUll L• eer Perl 078 But, great •h•pe. '71 Seville. Aelro roof, cond ... 000 d• 1 1 1 ,.._,, crullt, w/w. 57k. · ..-. · cu. om n · w,......,, runt $8550 95S.2551 498-9298, 750.2968 perlecl, low book. ---·------' 3f00 Wiil coaai Hwy. ..ii I 11H $3950. 77S.7903. '77 Fltwd Brm.mln1 pert, Newport e.ach .... ! .. ~ .......... '73 Super lhetle IUIO lu• beauty. Wiii llC &42-9405 #}DE atlck, 49K orig. m l. $51150. 842·3555 HIUll l H&ACARVERLER~IN U.S.A. $3250/0bo. 4~512 • Clualfled 842-7887 '82 400I Auto, brown '82 400IOT. Red '82 400IOT, Blue ~i!a~0:;:c:o erown ~~~(II Believe it ~;;:e:,.m ~:.::::.:t~ff or not! o.r,.retlH LWl l 1112 UM ' h ,,., 11JB ... "'" 4 ... t s a s ort •..•.............•.... ·*FANTASTIC* $345.42 drive to * FIATS * per month plua 11X ti& SEUCTION 48 month clotld and I Pll[.OWflD leue on epprovec:I er• l , ...... .._ .. ,, dll. Cott-$15,375; • _,--.. $852.15 cuh requjred. ,.._ Come In end ..-for FIAT SP1>ERS 1 For Ad Action detalttl (18924). FIAT x l/9's Cal a IUCI llPllTI i .., "a... f,_ 848 Dow Sirwet M Nldll 81ii hij NEWPORT BEACH ' Daly Plot 112-HOO I •o VISOR ·12 sub 99£. gd ang, n • (Trana prblm) mutt tow. I S800/olf1r (213) 642·5678 ~i1~~,7 1 or <213> =~~~~~~~~~ ,...,. 111 I-DI• HAWAII! Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automotive a<is • containing the coupon below1 ~---------------~. ~ ,$>'• ~ ~.-Amerlc•n Alrllne• I ··s;.;s;;.;.;:~~·· --We re A,,.,.,lc.., Air!!'* N1·IMI • •• l>o"'I---•--ao---·------ '12 111111 ,I /I ,.., ., ...... atn......,+tu eep, coti 15lo5, , .... dull 12432, 10111 of pllJIT*l!t 1or 48 mon1t11 S5e18 + tu. (111173) a.magnon pontiac/Du •2...,lWTICmSTO HAWAI via AMERICAN AltLINES 1 ........ ____ ~---~~-- l. =__..;..;....._- o.i.····---J ----···-···-----·---~------ Thi• II the time of year for the belt euto buytt Tak• advantmge of thla' OPJH)rtunlty to Win 2 round trtp tlOk•t• to Hawaii via American Altllnte ALOHA 81RVICE. FRIDAY• SATURDAY• SUNDAY• MONDA Sile ends Monday, Sept. 6th at 9:00 P.M. LABOR DAY SELL-A-THON SHOP IN THE SHADE WE WILL OT IE UNDER· SOLD. UNDER THE ~IG TOP!. A.P.R. FINANCING AVAILAILI* • Up With People singJI, dancm and ldcb up its heeJa on 6t1Nle· Up Wit h Peoi>cle • • • A lot of attitude 'We have a very wpportlw group. We o••• a lot of po1ltive f.edboc:k and ~le ON very open.'' -Barbara Lee " show • .. It's not all peaches and cream," she laid of her Up With People experience. ••you're riding on bules for 16 hours, and the bua breaks down. We put the stage together. There's abt tom of equipment loaded on our truck. AD of a sudden. you're taldna down the equipment in fw rain." Lee added. "One difficult part la everybody COID99 • Individuals and they all expect to be atan. So .,. haft to take them from that individual state and mM.e IUre they work • a teem.'' AD the while amllina and "P""lrina whb a rinc of enth\lllmn in her voice, she ticked off other Rlck:r, wicbta the cut encoUnten. . . 'Movtna 130 people 0Uata1e durln1 a do .. .movlnl ~mk:rophonee without trlpptnc awr die cUle ..• 'ftwe are 11 1.mtnunen11 in the bad. TbeJ a.na th9 mUl6c and then~ coordinate It wttb how fllll we can dance or ... Cavalllnt ~. "If JOU Ye • wooden .... w. • problmm. Tbe .,... \m heels and .. have to lllillD bow to move CJmtllle without nom.; "We haw --to make ~:· Cavallao ~ .... d maybe you can!::/. Into &he micl-' ...... Wl'1 a.II "· : how ........... anad.r -. .. Ji "to "' up ..... with caa£denot, lifGllt ol UI ...,_. ... In julllc Walw but we'll be ... " .... md·Cll tllj '/fl!ll·" -..:-......-..... ........ ~ ... ~ Wldl,.,.. wblall_Lii ... I Md II a nan . t If 11 ..... Tulliame A* ·=···..._ ............ _ .................. m& '1'111 ·-=..-= ...... ==. ::J.~~ I!: I N co O> -C"i ... ! E GI -a. ~ >; "' 'O ~ u.. ~ 'O i 1 ·~ -.2 0:: 'We need to show the young pMple .t this world we can 'That -gave me a message and I . thought, what a beautiful thin9 to do, to put sm"" on pMpl••' faces., ·live to9ether in peace and be happy.' .From Page 1 In all, there are aeven 130,member lip With People cast.a, five that travel including the one that'• performing in Costa Mesa, and two permanently bued groups., one at Sea World during the IUIDIDel' and another that'• been pedcxming at the World'• Fair In Knoxville, Tenn. "We'll C10mP1eteJy covw the United s~ um year,'' Lee lidd. "arid ao into Camda. ~· Mexico, Spain, Italy, Portugal, FTrlaJld, Switr.erland ... "And the show I.a unique. It has a~. One of the numbers we do ii called 'Can You Sing a ~ns o~ Peace?' We have a cast member from &igland," Lee said, "and another from Nocthem Ireland and a Ru.Ian. . . '' Cavallero said the reaaon w joined the ahow three years • wu becau.e ahe believel in what the group ii clolng. "We need to show the Youn& people of th1a world we can live together in peace andbe happy. Up With People can help in that way," Cavallero aaid reca111ng the day ahe inlerViewed to join the cast. "Some of my brothers invl~ me to ao aee Up • • • A lot of attitu4e The lntemotlenal cost of Up Wllh ,..,.. wil ,..._"' ot I p.m. Sunday ancl MendiyOt the lobert I . ,._.. Theater In Oraft99 Ceoat ~. Tlcbtt .. $1 ......... ocl,.... at the deor oncl $7 In octvanc.. The odvancie tlds ... can be ,.,... ............. Tld&etren. .............. ,..,, ............... .... at the 1960a, ~Int the audieM. badt to the •lthh and Mund1 of Motown, •urf musk, tho hootenanny ancl the leatlos. and 25 or 26 . "I had a penonal interview with the cast members," she added, "and I aot 8CC9pf.ea • ..- After her f1nt yeAr with the ll'OUP. Cavallero WU invited bm:it a leCODd and third year and bu b«ome what ii known • an adwnce ma., aotng into ciU.. where the group will perfocm'a week or two ahellllt of the l9t of the crew. "Gabby came here to Coata Meaa from Farmincton. N.M .. '' Lee l9id. "We went In there without a aporwor.'' "When I aot there,'' Cavallero said, ''I started contacting all the newspapers and radio stations calling bairt familtea." You are there with two other Up With People members. I did all that in one week becauae we had to came here.'' With People in Costa Rica." she said. "I wu kind In spite of what miaht wm like overwhelmi~ of dep1 ! II! d that day. . .I bad been working IO odda aoinat auccea, the Fanningtoo ahow came 0 bard and doina good in achool but hlld done poorly well, Cavallero dnowJedaed. A. ii usual for Up on a test. . .I went there with a VERY lollg ~·-With People, it WM mld out. By the time the ahow WM over, they did pu a ''When we pt to a dty," Lee explained, "all amlle on my face. thafa aet ii a car, an office, a tele~ and an ''That save me a ~." Cavallero said, auditorium. We take it from there, the 8bow "and I thoucht. what a beautiful thine to'do, to put out, a.mlnlinl for host famlHa tot 130 cm\ amOea on people's f.ca So after the lhcnf, I went ~~out the theater,~ aure the .. to the inteMew -'on. You have to be between 18 techntce• end II OOITeet. ~ far food." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""'""'~, ___ A_t~th_•~Al~o-~_I•_• __ ---'~~~~~~~~~~~~~....;..~~~~~·~ Despite their Drab "apparel, these Jews are portrayed as. zealous scholars capable of exuberant celebration. The Chosen. • • A beautiful motion picture that explores family love By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the DaU1 Pilot Staff By c urrent ata ndards, "The Choeen" ought to have as much box office appeal as a documentary on garden mail.a. Thia adaptation of Chaim Potok's 1967 best aeDer explores the world of devout Brooklyn Jews during the late 1940s. It has been receiving special }landli.na by ita distributor, Twentieth Century-Fox International Clulica. After a long nm earlier thia year in a sirWe Loa Angelel theater, the film has linally arrived for ita Oranse COunty premiere at F.dwards Lido in Newport Beach. '"nle Choeen" lacks the car cl'89el and special effects to which many young moviegoen are addicted. Ita teen romance plot thread never even reaches the k:iasing stage. Though it is a family drama. admiren of "ICramer vs. Kramer'' and "Ordinary People" may have trouble relating to the unusual domestic customs of thia film'• Hasidic Jews. But moviegoers with an open mind and curiosit)' about different culturee will find plenty to admire - including several exceptional performances -ln thia lovinaly filmed re-creation of very special people growing up in a unique time and place. ''The Choeen" at its core ~xploret t•mlly love and. friendship in a manner lhartranacenda cultural boundaries. The film opens dwinl Wocld War n as Jewiah teem ~ enpcecl in a baaeball game aimed at demonlltrating they are as physlca_lly fit aa any Americana. Reuven Malt.er, a devout but modern Jew, flnda himself squared off against Danny Saunders, a member of the ultra•orthodox Ham.die teet, which emphasb:ea Old World drea and cuatoma. At a tetl8e moment, Danny drills a line drive into Reuven's left eye, sending him to the hoepital. Danny'• initial apo]qpes are bitterly rebutted, but eventually the two become fut frienda. The tt.oryline ....... bit through the middle Met.loo of the film, which becomes a study of Huidic life. De.pte their drab apparel, thae Jews are portrayed u zealous .cholan capable of exubennt celebratlan. But the world of the llMidlc Jewa Robby Benson and Barry Miller playing baseball aJ8o la one of arr8naed marriages and .esresatiop of men and women ln prayer and even d~ a weddin& reception. Danny Saunders, whoee father la rabbi and leader of this community, baa ralaed bia aon throuah the "method of ailence." Outside of reHp-19 study, die rabbi utten not a ainale wont to his son. The frienda6ip between Reuven and Danny la broken in the events leadinff to the establlabment of Iarael in 1948. Reuven's "'thet, a secular scholar, la campaiping tireie.ty for the Jewiah State. Duiny'a father ta just aa atronaly opposed to the fonnation of Iarae1. uytna the Jews must wait for a IDMliah tOJeed them to the Promiaed Land. Danny obeya hia father's order that he atop ~to ~friend. Aa Danny, popular youq actor Robby Semon tometimet tries too bard. to make the audience Jike him. ~ hia quiet~ are fine, his louder~IOl"e anlmated actinl looks man than HMklic. Berry • .en pnvtomly aa a Puerio Rican comic in the movie .. J'ame," doean't have Benaon'a endlbWty problem. He inhabits bia role completely, giviq an inteme ...,.__•a )'OW'& mancln~ to a f.l'lend whose culture be has difficulty undentandfna. Two veteran actors provide atunnina performances aa the young men'• lathers. Maximilian Schell portraY1 Reuven's 8Cholarly father u a man who understands the Hasidic oppcmtion to Israel and continues to respect their viewpoint. Aa Rabbi Saunders, Rod Steiger provides the film'• fineet actinc in a restrained portrait of the wi8e, ~ yet tender Huidic leader. "The Che.en" WM com--'onately directed by Jeremy PaulK;D in New York locations that-have barely chanted since the war ,_,... Kaon. wbme own father waa a rabbi ancf a psycholopt, treats the IDOft modern Jews and their Haaidic counterparts with equal l"e9peC1.. Early in the film, Reuven ex .. e u how bewildered he la by his new HMkllc frtend. ••vou dnm like you come from another century,'' he aaya. ''YOU talk like JOU~ from another planet. And you play bueball like Babe Ruth!' • By the time the film ccmcludet wtth a moYinl explam&ion for rMriJll a child ln silence, Reuven and the audience have come to a better undentandlna of the Halldic Jnn and of the univeral nature of Joye and family 19p111111bWty. -I .... <O O> N • '";r l ~4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t.~ Cornl119Attroctlon•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O> ,... i The ~Mikado ... E i 01Je performance scheduled ; at Laguna·s Irvine Bowl · ~ . -.: Opera A La Carte will perfo.rm Gilbert and . ~. Sullivan's. ''Tlle ){tkado," Se~t. lt at. the Irvine ~ Bowl ftt Laguna &ach. ~ The performance, presented by the Lyric o Opera Aslociation of Orange County, stars Richard ~ Sheldon. founder of Opera A La Carte. ~ Sheldon. who fonned the group in 1970, also directs the performance. ~ Firstperformed at the Savoy Theatre ln a: London in 1885, "The Mikado," enjoyed an initial record-breaking nm of 672 performance'- "The Mikado" exemplifies the unique style of both the compoeer and llbrettiat as Gilbert and Sullivan sweep the opera-goer into a world of Japanae noblemen, young women and the Mikado himaelf. The Mikado, or emperor, bu a son who is in love with a beautiful you ng wpman Who ia promi.led to another. The eoo'a marriage bu abo been i:narranaed. hia to an elderly woman. 'through -delightful aonga and humorous charactera such u the Lord High Executioner and tha...l.a-4.. BUzh ~~l'~l.!ing ~-e, Gilbert and The emperor arrives during Act II of Opera A La Carte'• production of .Gilbert and ~~-=-==- A du lt acting classes scheduled at SCR Beginning acting and singing cia.es tor adults will be taught at South CoUt Repertory 'nleater (SCR) thia lall. The cla8les, ottered throuah SCB'a Evening Conservatory, are taught by theater profemk>nala ln SCR'a 4th Step Theater Canplelc, 6M Town Center Drive, c.o.ta Meu, aero. from South Coeiai Plaza. ' Cluaes begin Sept. 27 and oontinue throu&h Nov. 24. Beginning acting: whk:h emphaaizea We{rGi~•· l ~u MOR£ {I • • .. ····*;··=·VIDEo·· TAPES & DISCS For Rental Or Purchase .N O'H : ~h--..___• TUESDAY SPECIAL Rent 3 Tapes or Discs On Tuesd~ At The Single Day Rate Get A 4th FREEi! improviaation., uie of---, the nature of languap ana the rneantna ot cbanctertiation; wm be tauchJ from 7 to 10 p.m. Wedne8days. The voice ci... fOCUllnar Oil voice pl'Oduction .. it relatee to speech in daily life and in the the.et.er, will be taUlbt from 7 to 9 p.m. Tue.ciaya. Singin g For the Actor, from 7 to 9 p .m. Mondays, la designed to help students improve their sl.ngi.nc abWty and to act while ainling. Enrollment information la available by calJ..lnc SCR at 9~7-2602. UC/ will sponsor series of concerts --UG-Irr.ne wW-1ponaol'-a-aeriea of-outdoor, picnic-style concert.a each Sunday in September. The series begins with a symphony performance of light opera, continues with classic children's tales and contemporary jazz and culminates with an eight-hour feetival ot everything. from country to big band music. • The first three concerts will be staged at 4 p.m. on Sept. 5, 12 and 19 ln Cam2WI Park. On Sept. 26 UCI will host the Orange County Mu*iana' 121h Annual Music Festival. The festival will begin at 2 p.m. The first program features Gilbert and S ullivan'• "H.M.S. Pinafore" performed by the Irvine Symphony and members of the Pacific Master Chorale. The Irvine orchestra, conducted by Larry Gordon, is Orange County's only professional symphony. The orchestra returns Sept. 12 for a-clrlldren's night featuring "The Thieving Magpie" by Roealni, "Tubby the Tuba" by l{Jeisinger and the 46-year-old yeL tlmelea tale of "Peter and the Wolf" by Prokofiev. UCI Chancelloc De:nlel Aldrich Jr. will narrate the atory of dilobed.ient Peter's adventures. On thia evening, the orchestra will be directed by Bernard Gilmore, UCI profemor of I lai'I 'd. ~.~wf...&M..JlaW~~ .... '. of Music, · narrate •Tubby the Tuba." The rhythm quickens 8ept. 19 with Maitland, an eight-piece jazz poup led !Jy <>ranee County compoeer Al Mallland. The group will preeent a procram including the music of Cole Porter, George Genbwin, Chuck Mangione and Billie Holliday. . On Sept. 26 ~ <>ranee-County Mualdana' union will preeent a te.Uval of muldc offering a bit of IOrDething for everybody. For a fee of ~. f..Uval-goera will be admitted to el1h t other campus locations for s pecial performances of jazz, rock. bl.I band, cl.auical, popular and country. Otherwitle concerti in the Campus Park and two restaurant location are tree. Foe more information, call the UCI c.ommlttee for Arq at 833-6379. ·• ~~~~~.--~~~~~~~~~ ...... (_-~~-o_n_s_,_•_•_·~~-)=================================~ ~ -' ~ . A romp in the woods I .. t 'Robber Bridegroon1 __ . • • Momma says, "Don't go into the woods, 'cau.e if you do, aomething is sure to get you. By JIMMY J OHNSON Of U.e Daily Pllo' 8~ . pretty J'OW1f maiden baa much more to lot1e than a - hairy-legged ol' cotton-pidctn' sharecropper." ~ Q. .. There'• all kind of evil lurking there - buggers and bean, and bandits -and, lf you go there, they certainly shall relieve you of your Then there'• the Harp brothers -Big Harp ~ valuables. : 1 . "And everybody know•," momma say5, "• pretty Younf mai.den baa much more to ~. than a hairy-legged ol' cotton picldn' alw'ecropper." Herein lies the tale of Mimimippi authoress Eudora Welty'a popular little novel. "The Robber Bridegroom," which has been turned into a delightful bit of musical comedy at the Laguna Moulton Playhouae. • "The Robber Bridegroom" ii the story of the notorious Jamie Lockhart, bendit of the wooda, whose escapades as a ·robber made the meanest of the mean quiver and wboee ~ aa a -Jowr made all the maidens around Rodney, Mias., want to go for a stroll in the woods. This bit of theatrical humor will finiah a two- weekend run Saturday at the playhowle,-Where it baa been part of the workshop for young performers. . . It'• played atrictly for lauchl. That'• why the forced .:centa won't bother a homtR'*~ boy who milht be klngl.ng for ol' man river and the feel of Miamllppi mud between hla toes. "The Robber Bride s room" takea place aomewhett along the Natchez Trace, a pk:tureeque drive that lta.l'ta at Nashville, Tenn., and wtnda ita way through 1wampc1, 1lou1ha, quaamirea and bayous, finally ending at Natchez on t.M banka of the Milllmippi River. Other than Jamie Lockhart, "The Robber ~ .. la filled with deu.htful cbancten. ~. Rcmmund, played by llebi WheeJel' and Laura Pryzs oda, who finally marries J amie Lockhart. but not befOl'e 8ivinl birth to hia twins. And momma •Y.. "And everybody knows a and Little Harp. Little Harp ia ao dumb he carries 'P h.ia brother'• aevered head around in a large trunk .g to do the th1n.klng for him. 'They do a duet of "Two i Heads are Better Than One" that'• probably the 3 best 8008 in the play. -i Little Harp ii played !>.Y Steven Sloan and w · Greg Miswmki, while Big Harp -the ooe who • doe9 the thinking -is played by Jamie Aiken and (Q Brent Mathia. ~ Rich plantation owner Oliver Musgrove ia played by Tom K4ng and Pat Frazier. Musgrove alllO is Roumund'a daddy and ahe'a the apple of h.ia eye._ Another funny character la Goat. played by Brendan Walsh and Gary Kerr. He bas about as many brains aa a three-day old chinch and if you looked in one ear ~<you could see daylight out the See On Stage, Page 11 ·-------------------------------------------, SOUTH COAST PLAZA VILLAGE PRESENTS OF ClllSE WE'LL ~~,. IE IPEI ILL llY IOI., SEPT. I•, 'til I 11·•· We'll ••• all , .. , ll~Ha1 11io1io il1•1I We 11111 fr1111 111•1, fr11ll fr1it1, 111111 of 111r1 di1ori11tie1 l1ol1dl11 111dl111 · .......... 1 ...... 11en1 Wednesday Night -concerts ) SEPTEMBER 1 ST The Orange Pesters Jazz Band 7:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER 8TH The Long eeactt city College Jazz Band 7:00P.M. SEPTEMBER 1 STK Band x oanoe Band 7:00P.M. SEPTEMBER 22ND The Long Beach city eo11ege Jazz Band 7:00 P.M. .,, SEPTEMBER 29TH R!chard Cruse and the DJS 7:00 P.M. OPEN DAILY 'TIL I Ct = . .,,_ , ...... C:.-w ..... .. WNf 'TL YOU TAan 'Bl '"C ... AM THl9 Mrr ft HAft 'Bl IX~ r---1{1llf :l•Til-----, r-----((11fJilellJ----,r----i<•l!J;liJtJ----, r "°"" OW' 11 ,,.. cvr · "°"" owr 1 1 WATERMELON II ~=-wAn:-a..ELoN : I &• II I I P.-d II •1•• 15• I I ,_..1 ........__ . II 0.... Lb. I I .,_ -I I I !_ ___ 9!_~.:. ____ J !----~~~----'l--~-'~--J I I Ii q II I ~6 ~--------------------------------------~~----·"' __ • __ • __ u_•_ln_• __ •• ____ _.~~--------------------------------------~ O> .... ' j 'Potentials: Creators and Innovators of Ou t'. Time' set -i To Barbara Marx Hubbard, author and leader Cl) of the "futurist" movement, television represents ~ more than an idle aource of amusement. ~ The aim of this Washington, D.C., resident and ;f national lecturer. ia co envision what~ can ..: and sho~ld bring. She has concluded that a> civilization, since incf!ption, has been ruled by a ~ grand design, a natural and evolutionary course ~ toward perfection. I But today, she said, western civilization is ~-"""poised at a critical juncture. Technology has _ deliv~ god-like power. It began with the atqn !2 bomb and it spread into genetic engineering, inlo ii: microelectronics. Now the question is whether this immense power will be raiaed against the world or channeled into fruitful means to produce what she called '•the greatest creative revolution the Earth has ever seen." Enter television. The communications offspring in a technological age, TV has aasw:ned. the mod~ role of society's central nervous system, she eaid. But because of the uneasi.nela with which we carry this new power, the system is still in lts infantile evolutionary stage. ' It responds to pAin. it slgnala fear, it relates t.o bue imtincta, but nothi.na more, ahe said. Hubbard. interviewe<I recently during a visit to c.o.ta Mesa, said she envisions television in a IDOl'e aophiaticated •taae where it can convey sUbtle and prograaive me.ages as well as the simpler ones. She wants televilion t.o achieve a leYel of empathy. And abe la trying to do something-about it. By GLENN SCOTI' Of Ute Dally Pilot 8&alf Hubbard Mid ahe baa known all her guem for yeera, ., llhe had no trouble l1nina them up. for ~ prosranw. which were taped earlier last month in Loa AnaeJes. .. 'This is not a tallt show. It 's an iclea-adion show• I Barbara HuWlard . . I connec:tiona and beoonWJ involved in what she can. oomtnactive and cnative llC'tivttiea. 11 IUC.'CIMdul in Southern California. the same 8eria and outre.:h system can be taken· t.o other ~ket8 until IJ'OU.-have been formed nationwide t.o ~ take boptful lll"ldll toward the, erand--design. -toward enaurinl that power la properly U8ed, She said. Hubbard is the originator and boet of a 13--part series airing Sundays at 9:30 p.m. on KSCl, a little-known station occupying Channel 18 on the UHF band. Jn each cue, she bu approached the innovators with the ume questiom: What are the CN.lities that they 11ee? How did they di.Kover ? How can othen become involved! Hen la not a political movement, although she ..admitted it evenwally==tranafonn politics. For now, ahe aaiC1, lt)l a ~-·----=----1 Said Hubmnl: "I don't e we can make it · . Her program is called "Potential&: Creators and Innovators of Our Time." Aa a tribute to her leaderahip role ih the futurist movement, Hubbard baa lined up a remarkably talented and vtaionary group of guests who will be featured individually during each of the 30-minute aesinent8. Gene Roddenberry, creator and producer of "Star Trek." WU her first guest lut Sunday. Thia · week. Dr. Timothy Leary is .-cheduled. ,. Other guests will include Norman Couains, writer and former editor of 5aturday Review, OD Sept. 12; wrtter Ray Bradbury, Seet. 19;.Califom1a A.lemblyman John Vas:onoellos, sept. 26; and R. Buckminater Fuller, architet·inventor- geometrician, Oct. 3. But her pl'OlrUD does not end there. If it did, it wouldn't be different from other small attempts t.o make TV educationally stimulating. "Thia la not a talk thaw," she insited. ''It's an idea-action show." Durinf..!!e weekly programs, Hubbard ia Wldna aud members '° eend off for what ahe ca1ls the "Potentials Kit." It includes information on her movement, the TV acripta and information on ~vents where viewers can meet face-to-face to dilNa the implic:atiom of the Pf'081'*1D9· At the conclusion of the 13-part teriea, abe hopes t.o Slap an ''inlpiratiooal and networlidnc event" where ~pant8 can gather, make new as a eodety urue. the creative and the comtructive elements a.re communicated o.t televtlt.on. '' The atren1th of Hubbard's ideas and convictiona have att.ract.ed needed donationS foe advertising revenu. and the umtance of many top-flight production apeci.alista who volunteered 1ime to packaae the aeries, said Jack Baldwin, an lrvine resident who la directinc marketing and promotions for the .,... But they're aeeldnc more support to try t.o lift ~ the plateeu of "cult" to mainstream ookina for leaden in buai"ftl and politics who have the eounce and the opportunities to start talldnc about tbele idea," be aaid.. ---~~~~~~~~~~~--~----~ ...... ~ lnfernll .. lon ·. ~~~--~--~~------------~--~~---- (Tb'6 u the Jut of three columna on the 1982-83 .9e1UDO in Uvfng theater along the OraJ1SW! eo..t) Colleges rev up for run at new season B:vTOM TITUS OI "• Dally PUo& 8&atr * ·- .. -----------:----.,,...,...-.. ----------------""""'-( M .. d on WllN )""-------------------'i It was bound to happen. What wu bound to happen? Expansion of the "light" wine field. . When "light" wine. came ~n the market a little over a year ago, everyone had an opinion as to how successful they would be. "Light" wines are lower in alcohol and calories than traditional table wines, and are produced either from early harvested grapes witli less svgar to be converted to alcohol, or In eome c.aaes alcohol is removed from standard wine to yield the lower alcohol levels. • The lower caloric level is aimo.t totally due to low~ iaJcohol. · ~r traditionalists object to "light" wines because they do, in fact, taste and feel light. Some strong critics describe them as wate?. and thin. Proponents of "light" wines~ about their ability to refresh because you can drink more of them, and that the lighter feel allows them to go down much easier. LIGHT CHAMPAGNE -Since roost of the large producers (Gallo is an exception) have come out with a version of "light" table wines In at least white and rose ("light" reds are not part of the trend), it was only a matter of time until other kinds of "light" wines we.re bound to appear. Franzia will be first with ''Light Champagne.'' When I called Franzia president Art Ciocca for confirmation, there was a considerable palltf on the other end of the line before be answered my direct question which included propoeed releale date and price. While there was no attempt to deny such a product was acheduled for releue, thel'e was 90l'Oe hesitancy to talk about it In much detail. Marketing people always want to releaee informatioo on a new product their own way, not have It leM.ed and In print before there's been a chance to even tell their dlatributon and oompeny staff. Ciocca haa agreed to provide a sample well ahead of any general annoa•ncenent. FR-ANZIA UGHT-CH'AMPAGNE (about $3.50) All right , traditionalists, tum up your collective noees if you like, but this is a pretty damed nice wine, CONiderfna the price and ita Intended Wit!. Unlike moat inexpensive, bulk process sparkling wines. it ia not overly sweet and cloying. It la nearly dry in taste, clean and ref.re9h.tna, and it la only 8 percent alcohol Instead of the traditional 12 percent. It ii very euy f.o drink, and the lower alcohol lei. you drink oomiderably more without feellna the effects. Slnce I drink wine f« palate pleuure and not for effect, that aaltl me fine. The wine will be officially releued around Sept. 15 for national distributiol'l. A friend who tasted it with me de..:ribed it u "hot tub" wine. I wouldn't know about that. MORE FROM FRANZIA -Another new Franzia product ia 9Cbeduled for releue perhaps a - month after the-"Ught Cbampqne," and CiOcda confinned ita existence M well, but a ample WMn't po.tble .. the wine hm yet 10 be bo«led. l've•teen the label and it'• very attnc:tive, but foqpve me if rm a liUle 1eeptical about "almond flavored champagne." The 'light' stuff becomes more popular By JERRY D. MEAD Special to Ute Dally Pilot Ciooca says the idea W'8 inapireci by Franzia'• . location In the heart of almood country, and by reports of a trend toward folks adding a few dro(>8 of Amaretto Liqueur to their favorite sparkllrig wine to create a flavored champqne. The almond champagne will al.lo aell for about $3.50, and will be relewd aometime ln October. B~T BUY -f?everal months ago I told you . sa .about a very special wine that waa gotng to be the f last of it8 breed. 'That intonna1ion was both .:curate • and inaccurate. ct The wine I told you about was Franci8can Cask _& 319 Burgundy. and I related that Frand8can was ~ golng out of the &qundy bts!riew eYell though the winery bolds a cOmiderable reputation and a string ~ of gold meda18 for this generic red wine type. o. All of the above, and the fact that the"'1ne was ~ made from t.op quality grape varieties 'w• true. 0 What was wrong was that while I reported the ! suggested price would be $3.~0. it sold for ct conaidel'ably lea. The statement that Cask 319 3 would be the last of Franci8can'• BurjlUf)dy was i accurate as far as lt went, but I didn't lcnow then ~ Oie same-tradition of val~ red-Wine would-still be ? produced under a different name, but featuring a <O much higher percentage of Cabernet Sauvi~n. ~ , Center A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center --~ Bilbo Baggins, 5~1718 • Coco's, 540-9651 • Hamburger Hamlet. 5'4.6-7392 • Miones, 919"61S5 • Reooen's, 540-9672 .--SWensen's, 55S.6937 • ,.._ .... I ' 1-~ t t I l 8 "' CC> O> -M ~ i -! ~ Cll "O \:: u.. ..: .g i 1 ~ -.2 a: -· -I .- -.--------------_.....( . Tobi• to Tobi• )1---------------- Gaetan O's. . . Here is where the prince of pasta reigns GAETANO'S, 4952 Warner Ave., HuntiIJ8ton Beach. 846-2819. Dinner aerved from 5 to 10 p.m. Tuet!Jday through Sunday. Dinner from $7. 75 to $21. Cla.ed Monday. 8-elvatlolu recommended. Gaetauo DiLialo is the type of restaurant proprietor who never had a customer be wouldn't like to meet. Most diners expect their waiter or waltrea to check on their meal.' At this Chartn£ng little 1pot tucked away in a far off comer of Huntington Beach, owner-chef Gaetano is the 1pirited man in r estaurant whiteaJ ampling tableside reviews of his culinary efforts. · Such 11ervice fosien a family-style atmosphere in a restaurant that makes you feel like you've dined in for the evening. Waiters and waitreaees. clad in fonnal attire, offer elegance yet wfrmth. Guesta dine in unimposlna splendor remini.ecent of a quaiQt ltallan c.ale, replete with white linen, By JOEL C. DON Of &he Dally Pilo& Staff modem wicker chairs and ca.ndlea and fresh cut flowen on the table all accented by murals of acenet from the homeland. Gaetano was b~ht up in the reataurant tradition, learning his lkil1a under the tutelace of his parent.I in bJa native Italy. 'nle family moved to Vene%uela,-.eontinuiJla in the reataurant trade before comtns to the United States in the early '60s. They opened the Ciel in Inalewood, soon followed by Buena Park's Lupo IfAbruzzo, after their home town. In November 1978 Gaetano moved to Huntington Beach. Gaetano's offers an abundant aelection from all comen of the entree spectrum; lnclucUna beef, lamb, pork. fowl and fiah ------c.._-................. .,_.. .. .......... ~- aa well as a marvelous array of pasta diJbe1. Spedaltiea include stuffed lobeter, lamb and rabbit, a prized delicacy among thoee who don't auffer from the cuddly bunny syndrome. . Gaetano ii the prince of put.a with 15 different offerings including combinations with beans, spicy hot aauce, broccoli, capen and anchoviee; pees; diced bacon and cheae; oniona, prllc, anchovies and chili pepper; and garlic, onion, celery, bacon and tomatoes. For an extra $6 the put.a diahes can be turned into complete diN1en, with 80Up or salad and coffee. Allo, aome of the specialty putaa, IUch as fettuccine, ~ made fresh. ., Our meal was launched with a aet of appetizers from Gaetano'• t.emptina lilt. The .fried mozzarella ($3.50) WU a treat, breaded and then deep fried to a criapy-chewy texture and drenched in a tangy L'ed See Table t.o Table,. Page 9 Tri .... ''.4 ••.-le et ... rl•• l'leas•res tlt•t ,, .. ••fie wlH •e.-er e•d. T• N t1ee• •••I• ••d •••I• ... •• ,, tre ... refl.,, Seae ....,,,. N.C-ft r-.,, S••• -----------------""~ ____ ri_o_b~l~:-.-to __ Ti_o_b_I_• ___ ),__------------------------------------------------~ ~ From Page 8 sauce. Calamari ($5.~) likewt.e wu praiaed for ita ever-IO tender mone1a of aquid in red sauce. The house dinner salad was rather undistinguished in color and texture but nicely flavored with ita u,ht vinailrette. The iiUnestrone eoup, however, waa pronounced a more appropriate dinner accornpaniplent. It wu fortified with ·a hearty flavor and welcomed abundance of vegetables. We almost wished we hadn't Cll'dered the p.tr of eppe1Uen and an extra buket of fresh brad. The tnditional pasta prelude prior to the main entree. 1ettled just about any remaining h&mger panp IUffered eerlier in the evening. Neve~' guest made room for bia yeel, a thin filet in sauce ($12,50). The meet waa tender and flavorful, topped with muahrooma and acxn:npanied by lightly spiced green beans. My half chicken with wh1te wine sauce and muahrooma ($12.96) wu tender and juicy but a tad too salty for my palate. .,._ be.erta at Gaetano'• will satisfy the avenp sweet tooth with fresh cake, Italian putry, cbeencake and Ice cream. Top off your meal with a deu,htful cup of espaw or cappuoctoo. Jeffers heads music j at Santa Ana College J Gaetano allo often a very special evening for thoee who would like to sample traditional Italian cuisine. Once a month, usually on the third Monday, no mo,re than 60 gueeta are treated to seven or more counes not to be found on the re,war menu. Price tac for the intimate din1.ng Jolyne Jeffers, director of music at the~ ~ experience la t2& per penon, ~ the culintary' Sacrament Church: RoUywOod W1lf be the-fiilenmt-t-- extravaganza includes antipasto, IOUp, two or three director of choral and vocal Pr0s:rama at Sant.a Ana ~ types of put.a, a main coune, #Ui~ chee9e an~-Collep. 2? ci>U~. ' -0 You should plan on spending the entire ' -Replacing Dr. lArry Ball. who ia on Sabt.tlcal-i - evening at the resiaurant, aooordina to Gaetano, leave, Jeffers will coonlinate performances of the :t who has been off~ the feuta fOI' more than 1l Rancho Santiaco Muter Chorale, Concert Chorale ~ dozen years. The next ltallan pt-tq&ether ia 1et for and the earou.ei.. !I: October and you may call the restaW'Ult to make ~ . reeervadona. which are imperaUve for thia evenL A member of the Los Anceles Maater Chorale ... The restaurant abo offers full bar service, and the Ro&er Wagner Chorale, Jeffers baa taught S althou1h only available to diners. Gaetano has at Oranae Coast, Golden West, Long Beach City .N opted apJ.mt a lupc_heon menu 90, that be can and Loe Anples Valley colleges. dedicate hia full talents to tbe•evening fare. Gaetano, in b1a 12-to 14-hour days. has to count on a little blt of time to make the rounds with ru. guests. Stnaen interested in joining any of the choral groups can call 667-3-177 lor information. Rebee.nU are to begin Sept. 7. IF YOU HAVENPT SEEN rr- YOU'VE MISSED THE BEST LOVE STORY ~ IN A LONG TIME... . ' . ., .._ --· ·---.. -·---·~----~' ~ ~'~-----------------------------------------------------r~ Tlt•lnt•rtoln•r• ~t===================================== CJ) -i Jal-t.\es Taylor i James Taylor baa cut. 10 of his albums since "' "Sweet Baby James" was released a dozen years • -. • • Pouring out soul to unseen audience ~ ago. He is 34 now, but still tall and straight, still a ----·~ul'k-'Bin8er.' .am --· -.:r.-~·---;£ On stage, he appears the shy moralist. a rare r- ' . ... -. -veteran wary of stardom and fashion. His hair is ~ thinning, but minstrel-long. His 90flg's are lessons of c compassion , his jokes self-effacing. ~ Taylor' a steady voice, with i\'-. nostalgic I aftertaste, la the tyJ>e to be heat d -Withou t ~ microphones or other fIDpliflcation. A few haye -been lucky to enjoy it that way. I remember stones .2 from North Carolina friends who recalled times he 0: would return home to Chapel Hill and quietly hold coW'\ on the University of North Carolina campus. For the rest of ua, any chance to hear Taylor, to see him uniformed in his button-&>wn suspenders and to sing along on "Fire and Rain," is cood enough. It·waa Thunday for the 12,000 people who jammed the Irvine Meadows amphitheatre for the chance. He was bound to be appreciated from the moment he ambled onto the stage without introduction, looking as if he's just walked into the wrong house by mistake. He'd just started pickinc his way into "Sweet Baby James" when three girll reached up and laid flower bouquets at his feet. Poor Taylor, blinded by the spotlicht. couldn't tell what the girls were up to and jerked away his foot as if they were grabbing for his ankle. Such is the life of the folk~ You pour out your 9001 foe an audience you can't ewn .ee. And all the time you're on display. Taylor played without intermiwl.on fer almost two hours, includlnc three enema He mixed old with new, ortginel tunes with traditional blues. He was becked by a band on such favorites u "Up On the Roof,'' and "Stand and Fblht,'' and u.sed hia acoustic guitar to perfO'rnr-othen; like "Carolina In My Mind" and "You've Got a Friend." In a clever spoof of "recent chanps in my domestJc life,"· meaning bis breakup with Carly Simon, raylor positioned a shiny reel-to-reel tape recorder on stage as a duet partner. It waa particularly ueeful for his eecond encore, '"Shower the PeopJe," becaw.e it pve Taylor a chance to lh'I live with a mat.chle. voice -his own. Openlnc the concert was another Columbia By GLENN SCOTr Of Ute Da117 PUo& 9talr recording artist, Karla BonoU, a Los AnaeJes native who recently reJeued a new album, "Wild Heart of the Young;" A talented-.mgwriter-with-a clear, sharp voice, Bonoff entertained the mill1n& crowd with her worka such as "Someone to Lay Down Bealde Me," and "Lose Again," tunes the uninitiated may a.odat.e with Linda Rcmtadt, who popul8rtaed them. Baaott, however, suffered because IO many in the ............ still arrivlna 30 minute. after Me bepn. Much of that problem la -a.ted with the amphi&b•ter's continuing parkina and traffic circulation problems -and Ua SUCCll!98 at drawing IUCh ... a'OW'dL Thirty minute before the show bepn the IOUtbbound San Dielo Freeway WM baCked up three-quarten of a m1le before the IMne c.enter Drive turnout to the amphitheater. FOi" the late IU'rivalil, the waJk fnlm their can WM another 20 mlnu.._to their-• --- After: the concert, the situation wu even "' w~. It ~ 80 mlnu• fOI" cen to drain from the . Iota. '1lUa ~ ii expected to ew in future yean after nearby streeta are widened few the proJWd Irvine Center eommercial development in the Qoldert 'fnmllit. Fat now, however, lt ii a aood idea to arrive an hour early. The flnt antvala, by virtue ol their parldq ..--. UC> are~ the tint out. "'The Chosen' ... 2!1~.9!!Jl£ year's bes!!" "It touches the heart." ~Aeecj --. ~--~-~~-o_n~s_,_o_s_•_·~--:)=:= From Page 5 other." He's supposed to kidnap Rosamund and throw her in the ravihe. Finally, there's Salome, the evil stepmother to Ravishing Rosamund. She's portrayed by Lindee Brown and Amy Ver-Mulrn, who, on opening night, stole the spotlight. Ver-Mulrn was nothing leas than the wicked witch in ''The Wizard of (n." She -"'waau~ M1rfUHJ\ym?r6t"WAy. __--., There were other su~rtiNi pa.rta which were well cast such as Ki as the Raven. Helen Drury as. Goat's mo~er, unky Jones as Airie, Goat's Sisler, and Dennis Ure as the landlord. • Jamie Lockhart ia played by Jerry Garvin and Steven Fox. GirVin"'toOk the part on operdng nfgh~ and was quite dashing in his plwned hat and cape with his face smeared with elderberry juice. He has a number of· songs, which he does very well, because he has an excellent voice to go along with his good looks. The play is double cast with a complete ensemble and bluegrua band. The band with Marianne Rotstein on the fiddle, Jeff Robimon on the banjo, Biil Kilpatrick on the guitar, Ron Coffman on the gWtar and Bill Heaver on the bUB fiddle ia a real treat. Why they're even better than a week'• supply of moon pies and B-B bats. All in 8.U. it's a hllariOua romp with eome nice kids who work their tails oft to make it an enjoyable evening. And momma says. "U that's what's pn' on in the woods, rve been spendin' too much ti.me look:in' at the tftoes." Keep an eye on the lllily Pillt ~ -WIUa'tt TMK1 -~ • .!/! DALY1,._ ...... "THE llEASTMASTER" OM.YMl.1111 -4 TMCC DOL8Y 8Tm90 E-r .,.. &ntlA· ... ···~ ·-ooc... OM.Y ~Mt ............ '"' DALYl:ll.Ml.11::11 "THE "'THI WORLD SOLDIER" ACCOlllHllG TOGAIP' "HOME WORK" DAILY1,._l:ll ... ,.. .. ... (Ill E.T. TabTllA· 'baaunu.u u -........ -- l • .-. i===================================~( Currently·Scree_nln• )J.--------_.;.. __ __._, ______ _ ~ A MIDSUMMER NIGBT'S'SEX COMEDY; llovz·es now s·howin-g · l6 Rated PG, st.an Woody Allen. Mary Steenbur,en. lY.l. I ~ Tony Roberts. Mia Farrow, Joee ll'ener and Julie ! ~~'1'8U:n'::~':n~~ along Orange Coast · ~ ~ THE SECRET POUCEMAN'S OTHER BALL: • AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated Rated R, St.rs' Pete Towmend. Eric Claptm. and ~ R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger others. A eertee of short pieces biPlightina IOIDe of ~ and Louis Goaett Jr. There are very few aurprt.:s Monty Python'e' llChticka, intenpened witli musical it 'but some beautifully drawn perfonnances in· this momente, thie production should at least keep ..: tale of boot camp and romanoe. lt'snted R becau.e Python fana happy. It's rated R . . .g of ~. eex and adult situations. i E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRDTIUAL: RatedJ>G, ~ ANNIE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Stiii-Henry Thomas,. Dee Wallace, Robert I Burnett and Aileen Quinn._l'be film is baaed oo the MacNatiQhton and Drew Barrymore. Thia bfghly THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, stars Robin Williama, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn Cbe and John Li~w. Thia film gem to the heart of author John Iniiric's sprawling Dovel.·h '8 deep, meaningful and speak.a directly tO what really matters to us, in films and in life .. It's rated R FAST~ AT RIDGEMONT MGR: Rated R, atan Sean Penn, JeQDJfer Juon Leigh, Judge Reinhold, and..Richard RQrxw>uc. Thia~ deala_ with teen-agers pursuing dn.icll and sex and ~re ·aex. It originally was rated X but waa edited down to an R rating. Several impreaaive newcomers in this tale of the carnal aide of high IChooL lt'a rated R becaUle oL ita emphuia on aex and ~ nude acenes. ~ popular -musical acc'l•tme<l 8Cience-fantuy film deala witlf a young 0 _,.. boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer See Currently Screening, Page 13 = HI!! BEST L'ITTLE WHOREHOUSE JN apace. Thia family film has been touted aa· one of ---------------- TEXAS: Rated R, stars Dolly Parton, Burt the best in years. ..,._ 11 81 _..., 1 .... ~--•-...;.._. Reynolds, Dom DeLuiae. There's not much aexy or •... ..... .............. _... lively action in this film, which inflates ~he char8cterl portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention. It's rated R for language, 9eX POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth Williama and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating ie fot auapenae. and bawdy situations. · * 8AllQAIN MATIN-• Moftday .. ru Saturday All Perlonnances Mien 5:00 PM llmlll ._... E••11•11111 ... ltaldlys) av.,• a V • LA Ml~AOA WAl• IN MffOllli! WOM" -----·a. l At<EWOOC· CE N TE~ .,,. ,, • '• l /\. ¥ f '!/\' r, i '1 r ~ ~4 r J. ~ , • r ~ • • , • ~ ..... .,.... ,,. unt "°"" r"' IUD ------ Poc111lf\I of c..:.....ooe1 21a/N1•tll0 .. ~. .. . . ANAHEIM Olli'w'[ IN ~-­"TW.a'Tunu ,_ ., .. ~ 11 WMOMMG~ • TIXM" fll .,.. .. IO-C'!_:!'~-- ..... AY 1MI .-, Pllltf I 1111 -..,.. mMf.....,.. ,.. __ ,,_ ,. •,a a ... BUENA PARK .. ~1~t I" Ufte----·-12M070 ----- LINCOLN , . .,11.lf ,,.. COSTA MllA COITA MIU U TOllO WUT ... TUI Edwards c-na Ce.net Ed'#ards Town Cenlw Edwlfds S.tddllllac:ll UA aw 979 4141 751 ·4184 581-5880 ' 893 0546 MONiMllAllCICW"Tftfloa '*I~ -----------------(Currently Scre•nl"fl ) .. ------------·------·~ 2 i.XDm Pue 12 ON GOLDEN POND: Bated PG, stU. Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn u an aging couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she'• interminably cbeerful They bicker politely until the arrival of their daughter (Jane Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and his IS-year-old boy. 1be PG ratma la for W.CU.· . TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Brfd&H, Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morcan and Barnard Hughe.. Us. I • • Big festival emphasizes shift from 'me1 to 'us 1 ~ Ci ~ SAK-BERNARDINO -·~ow IS""tbe~- shift from the 'me' decade of the 1970s to the 'us' ~ decade of the '80s." "2 So states Dr. Peter Ellis, president of UNUSON ~ Corporation, who along with Steve Wozniak, the r:z corporation's chairman, is producing one of the most !I: arnl>itious musical, as well as· social, events ever _w Rau I Ju 11 a p I a y s presented in California. iD Kallbanos, tM Greek The "Us" Festiyal" is scheduled this weekend ~ who loves his Sony at Glen Helen Regional Park, in San Bernardino Trlnltron as much as County. Billed as the first-of-its-kind mesh of music h Is g 0 a ts 1 n and technology, the festival will not. only feature such musical artists aa the Police, Fleetwood Mac, '-T e-m ~ ~, ·'-< .._,,a--Tom effy and the lleartbreakers, Pat &nitar, c o n t e mp o r a r y Santana, the B-52'1, Talking Heads and Jerry Jeff c o m e d y w I t h Walker, to name a few, but will also present a dramatic ovenones technology fair stressing technological advances in soon to be playing at communications, education, ecology, the home and theat~rs along the art. Ol'ange Coa~. The San Bernardino County Board of Supervilon approved the festival under several conditions. Among thoee, calling foe UNUSON to threatena the lltestylel of a cut of futuristic good pay the county a reported $395,000 and make an . .r~~.a(I~ ~pDma~l~.000 worth of~'!....10 ~ FORCED VENGEANCE: Bated R. atara Chuck amphitheatre. Norrta. David Opetoshu, and Mary Lou.iee. Weller. 0th lm • __ , d irri · Thia film ahoww promi8e bel.nc filnl(lld in pbo~ er provementa u~u e an gat~on ~ but enda in a -=reerl of blociaa. rfonis ~ for the 200 acre campinc are. cm ~ •te, once apin u.. marUa.l arts to clean hou9e. It's rated road repain such as a temporary three-lane R for vioJence and la unsuitable ~children. p to funfte1 traffic dlredly into the park and ~mm ......... on parkina areu. FRIDAY THE UTB :-P ABT J: Rated Steve Wozniak la the principal bllcker' of the Gory in 3-D with a bit of eex thrown in, t.hia is event. finandOI it to the tune of a reported $10 bad. It's so terrible, the fint two Friday 13th mi.llion, • well • form.Ina UNUSON (Unite U• in films don't seem so bad. More mus murders at Song) to orpnl7.ie the event. Womiak la also the Crystal Lake. It's rated R for gore nudity and eex inventor and co-founder of Apple Computers. , STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stan William ' · Wozniak hired BUI Graham to sign other acts. Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing · 8 ..... n •• n... .. .-... i!':.0..-'-...1..-"~~~~""c·-~·~· ... ~..:i<~· '( ~2!.-v..~·....-n.-,,..~~1 'h_~~~~~----·-~~flj'ilel?~ oat"llm t!Jt'Pleft ~~W'WOfl&~-·~-· -lU~""""°..,,.-... "\DI:"-~·-• ,,,,__,3 .uuu.ocu YYUUIMIA IS'JllUI. OU to llllUU! money WIUI uie 'The PG rating la for action ~·by N~ clalaic that tint hit the big screen in 1942. Thia festival, althouab it la reported he hopes for a Meyer · aentl.mental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for movie, record album, video diac and live national · )'OWl8lten of today, just ult w• years a&O· l:>ro9dc.ut of the festival through cloeed~t TV, STAR WARS: Rated PG, stars Harriloo Ford. but rather wants to leave people with 1l ~· Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinw, Mark Hamill and ROCSY OJ: Bated PG, stars S~ Stallooe 'n.e m V that we can all work toseth« to .:>Ive Peter 011h1nc. Thia clwic Georse LucM -=ience-u the gutsy Rocky, who battlet to defend hit our oomrDOO probleml, throu,tl human as well aa fantasy film has been re-re't2 rtd aa the evil Empire crown. The PG ratinc la foe violence. ~ mMm. I EN,ERIAllMEIT GUIDE TAB Ht.INTER ,,I 8t111rlng In "Here Lies Jeremy Troy" ~~ Otnlng and COCktollt Cl"" ~ -Dlnln9 For Romantics . . tlit' scJ11mh a11J s{qlib tf tftt• surf on tlie bt1acli 111 .C.11qu11a -• Tt•11t11rimJ · Frtsli ~'\'ti11 •£11qla11J .C.obstrr 1i11J atftt•r fn·sli · r;;1, · . . . CanJlrl(qlit blc•11Jr,f witli tlit• sprn~· of tlrt· •Pacific ( ltta11 . 8reokfost luoshtoQ' Q!OQI{ .......... 619 Sleepy HoloW lone """"° &eodt L -- ......... .._ __ _,,.,.,. .... -. , ....... --.......-... ~.-.... -~--,....,~--~···-·-.. ----- ~ ~~~~~~~~.....i~~~~~~~~~~~~--4 m '-~~~~~~~~~~....; .... i ·-PLAYS---~ .......... ---What's happening along Orange Coast i "CH.EATERS," a comedy about two~ oouples Q. whoee affairs intermingle, is on stage at Sebastian's G> West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico., San Clemente (J) (492-9950). Performances are nightly except M~ys at ~ varying curtain times through Oct. 3. MacArthur Blvd., Space 111, Santa Ana. Hours noon-5 :2 "THE ROBBER BRIDEGROOM" gives its two Una.I p.m. Public receptloo 8 o'clock lonight. U: performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. at the DUCKS UNLlMlTED ART l1'VVTIIM'Tn.!i 4 ..;.. ~-M~ton ]>la~~. 606 ~~~--~""--'-Hdtif k 1'1:bel:..www6bi~-.~tureL. G> Laguna Beach (494--0743). The cast iS-com--~.,..-.. w 1! mtwoc atuonr-. <>< rncu, "O students in the .Jnyhouae's swnmer workshop Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sept. 11-15. c:: ..-• Admi.9sion free. ~ "SUGAR," the musical comedy bued on the movie i "Sone Like It Hot," finishes its summer-long run at the -DANCE --------------!: Harlequin Dinner Playhouae, 3502 S. Harbor Blvd., just -0 north of Costa Mesa (979-5511) with performances tonight through Sunday. Tile murder myste ry ~ "Deathtrap" arrives Wednesday. -ART------ FIBER ART by Ted Ball and triptychs by Jo-Ann Morgan opening receptlon 5-7 p.m. Sept. 11 at Milli ~ 12732 Main St.,~ -9iew-through Oct. 17. Hours noon-4 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday. "CHINESE ART: T'ANG TO CHING" through Sept. 26 at Bowers Muaewn, 2002 N. Main St., Sant.a Ana. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tue9day-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admillioo by donation. vmm EXHIBITION, "Dreams and Nightmares." opeM Sept. 12 at Long Beach Art Mu.um, 2300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach. Admission $2. Information 1213\ '20.21 UI ART EXHIBIT AND SALE by Co.ta Mesa Art League 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 11 and 12 at Udo Villa£e, Vi.a Opoc1o Street. Newport Beech. GLASS WORKS by Charlel Loa.on and b1a 10n, David, opens Sept. 10 at Designs R.ecyclaGallery, 619 N. Harbor Blvd., Fullen.on Mmiwioo free. ECLECTIC AMERICAN FOLK ART Opens Sept. 10 at Cal State Fuller1on Visual Arti cetitet:Houn MOl\-4 p.m. Monday-J'riday and 1-4 p.m. Sunday. Openm, reception 7-10 p.m. Sept. 10. WATERCOLORS, abeuw:t advertising trademarks and cornemplative olla are in '"lbree Painters" exhibit at 6nruge-6:iwlty Oen11t1 for Cori~ .6~ 36H 'lh SQUARE DANCE CLASS at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, begins 10 a.m. Sept. 15. Infonnallon 759-9471. CIVIC BALLET of Southern California pret1enta "Autumn Showcue," featuring aeven separate blilleta including "Sleeping Beauty -Act. m. is at 8 p.m. Sept. 18 and 2:30 p.m. Sept. 19 at Huntington Beach High School AuditoriWOr ..1905 Main St., Uuntington Beach. Adult admlulon $5, children under 12 $3. Tickets 846-0215. RUDOLF NUREYEV and The Boston Ballet perform "Don Quixote" Sept. 14-25 at Muaic Center Pavilion, Loe Anlelel. Information (213) 467-8121. "EVENING OF NEW MUSIC AND DANCE," praented by Radymade and Dance 1beater West, is at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12 in Grove Festival Amphitheater, ~ r...--._.___."" .-.------ Rudolph Nureyev will appea-with the Boston Ballet in his own production of 'Don Quixote' Sept. 14-25 at the Dorothy c~· ----- ~ETC.·.--------------STREET FAIR, "La Jamaica," spo~ed by Friendly Center ol Qnnee, is nooo-11 p.m. ~ 18 in ORA.l'lGE COUNTY FALL FAIR is Oct. 25-Nav. 8 400 block of Cypn!9I Street, Oranae: Includes~. at Loe Alamitos Race Coune. music, food booU.. pmea. SLIDl:SHOW ON EVOLtmoN OJ'-OOMMUNrl'Y _See __ Di_._ve_ni_·ons, __ P._'lllfe.;;.__1_5--'=""""""'=~-----­ AT FINDHOBN is at 7 p.m. Sept. 11 and 12 by....--------------------· community founder Pew Caddy at William R. Parker -~ Holistic Cen1er ln CClmmunlty Church by the Bey, 148 E. ld ~nt~ 22nc1 st., eom Mea Information 845-0971. o en ~ .. ~~;; MUSICAL PROQ.l}<:nON of the cla-ical epic poem 1~11' -' "General William Booth Enten Into Heaven," is at 7:30 Z;;J · ~ ~me~~~~ ~~~r~~~~ . ragon ---w ..... "°" {2ll) 432·a1m---_ -Ci81Um C111EE MMIWtlN DISHES Speciolizjng In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes . • Lunch, Olru* Ea~ ~ Food To T•ke Out · 471 I Ct • GltAMl-1 ztlJ ~ .... 750-7171 • 711-IOM • COITAMISA -~~ --· _,642°71'2 • 6Jl0Hlt if J o1x11a 1c EITERTAilMENT GUIDE }t I ~ -·~11a1 . . -Ciilsi-IJ _,__ ..... A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful safad1. Impeccable sen/ice in a most bea\Jtif ul setting. Discover Yamato ... a veryspeciaf dining exJ)"erience. ~-------------------------------------4.·~~-----0_l_v_•_r_•_lo_n_• ____ · __ ~~-------------------------------------.~ Prom Page 14 ANAHEIM COMMUNITY ENTERTAINERS 1eeka aingers, music .aroups. dance groups. comedianl and other performen10 preient program1 to elderly and ahut.-lns. lntofmation 827-4041. , SNOOPY AND ALL.THAT JAZZ ice show Is at Knoll's Berry Fa.rm, Buena Park. Aho, Col. Howe's Traveling Circus Extravaganza. -Music·------- ..... sr .. i··--------·-··--------~ DIXIELAND AND MODERN JAZZ mu.ic free coooer1a at 7 p.m. Wed.ne9daya throughout Sept.ember on the Village Green, South Cout Plaza VW..,e, Costa Me.a. GOSPEL NIGHT at Dimeyland ii 8 p.m.-1 a.m. Sept. 17. Performers include Shirley Caesar, Walter Hawlcina and Family, and the Rev. Jame9 Cleveland with the South.em Cali{ornl.a Community Choir. LINDA RONSTADT perform1 at Unlverul Amphitheeter Sept. 14-19. L YBIC OPERA ASSOCIATION OF ORANGE COUNTY preeenta "'!be Mikado .. at 8 p.m. SepL 11 in. Irvine Bowl. Laguna Beach. Information 499-1533. FLUTIST JOHN BARCELLONA perf~ at 8 p.m. Sept. 17 in Cal State Long Beach· Music Center on Athe.rton near Palo Verdo, Long Beach. Adrnislion $4.50. Information (213) 498-5526. "BY GIDRGE." a musical baaed on Genhwtn en. Is at Irvine High School Theater Sepe. 10 and Seddlebdl: College, Mimioo Viejo, Sept. 11. Information 831--4650. AUDmONS for Orange County MMter QoraJe are- Sept. 7, 8 and 12. For audition appolntroent, call 535-0153. IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCH~STRA perl'brm1 "H.M.S. Pinafore" at 4 p.m. Sunday in Campua Park, UC Irvine. Information 833-6379. Achnl"'on tree. "PETER AND THE WOLF" performed by Irvine Symphony Orchettra at 4 p.m. Sept. 12 ln Campu1 Park, UC Irvine. Admlllion free. .-»m,:..YEB~ IOIW=aod darg_ca~Ui.lU~ Irvine Bowl, Laguna Beach, at 8 p.m. Sept. 18. Information 4.IM-6531. VOCALIST CLEO LAINE lliJl8ll jazz. blues and bali.dl at 8:30 t.onigbt ln Hollywood BowL Informadon (213) 972-7294. CHARO pertomw at Knott'• Berry Fann, Buena Park. Saturday through Monday. AUDmoNS FOR South COMt Cbmnber-Slnaen are belnc llCbeduled. Information 640-8730 or 833-7422. PAT LONGO SUPER BIG BAND perfonna at Catalina Cali.no Saturday at Catalina c.a.ino. Infom\lldon on boat transportation and Ucketl 527-7111. TEN CONCERTS by Loe Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra are in 1982-'83 concert .euon of Orange County Philharmonic Society. Infonnation on concerta beginning Oct. 2 at Santa Ana Hlah School Auditorium, 520 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana. Call 644--Mtl. BUDDY RICH performa Sept. $-11 at Disneyland, Anaheim. ' '\ = ~ BASHFULBAGEL I • :· ~ . ' FAMILY R ESTAURANTS ~~~-_, FIVE CON\'ENIEf'!TUK"ATIONS ~~w ~? *IJ&[3@ffi ID£W * . Picnic Rlvorltes The Rev. James Cleveland and the Southern California Community Choir will be featured at Disneyland, al011g with a host or other inspirational musical groups, when the ~c Kingdom plays host to 'Gospel Night' on Sept. 17, sta.rti.ng •! 8 p.m . TAJ<E.OUTS FOR SAT. -SUN.· MON. ONLY! SAVE TIME AND MONEY! '°"•..,...~a.,c.111~ .. ~~ Monday, S&ptember 6th 2:00 p.m. -1:30 a.m ,,;:1-- FANTASTIC SJ?~CIALS FOR YOUR BARBECUE OR PICNIC! All Beef HOT DOGS ... •1: 4+o Lean Round , rt f9 HAMBURGERS. ~ I lb; . •1•e BEEF RIBS . . . 11>. • Poe.to Salad •Colt Slaw • Macaroni Salad ........... JlllNl' PicJdH .... 89t lb. • From °" Deti: Qdced •ROAST BEEF •TURKEY •HAM FIVE CONVENIENTLOCATIONS • COSTA MESA • MI8810N VI&JO • HUNTINGTON B&ACH H-'*A WU-~ 6 A'IW'/ 8-116 lllil • CYPllB88 • LA HABRA v.aa.y View• <>r.s• . H.-a ~ F11larla1 7 Ceaalry laai1 Bu-8-0ae Buff.t 3:00 p .m. to 5:00 p.a . ~-FM I.hoe Broadout from tM Ctuy Hor. by Chm (Cadillac Cowboy) T-Shirta b ftnl l 00 Gu.ta • Raffle Pm. T.V., Belt Buck*, Bela &Dd Conc:.rl 'l'lcbli -Doaq Kenlaaw a ..... Til1ia Doon ~ 2:00 P-J'C\· 11 ceftl l~Ult - < • -I • ' ~ ' '"" '{ l 16. N ' I -.~ IEWNIT IElll 813-111• LIVE ENTERTAlfletENT 7 NIGHTS & DAYS SATIIU>AYS & Slll>AYS FNturlng ' SOUTH CITY Mon. It Tues. ftihts STAN ORI.OW Wed. thru S,..t., 9 pm • 2 am •E PIDA Pl>AYS (forrMKly Iron Bu~ cl Blw ~) NIGHTLY DflN( 8"CIAL8 . CoUJJtry We•tern Ma•lo 8KYLAR BROTHERS WD. ·SAT. SURFTONES SUN.. MON., TUES. FROM I P.M. •lllft .. 4111 . .,.. ....... ·---1111 .• ... .-r -mYllUIT ' ....... .-r ....................... , ... , .. l!lllAND NlnN aMSY OllAND MANO IN unTAlllS llA• "WHERE PEOPLE JN ntE KNOW-GO" 3180 AIRWAY COSTA MESA c... " ... I lkCtn!M 546-9880 ,,.,,,,, ... • •• ••r•• ' MEU.OW JAZZ PIANO AHO VOCALS SUNDAY THAU WIDNllOAY 7-MIONIGHT LANDI.NG 179 E. 17th S1. ~ta Meta tn v-Shopping c.n. 842-9855 MIGHTY FLYERS .MOftlDAY NIGHT FOOTltALL 3 TY'a • LMtJe Sc:Nen Bony· Sept I Clllbalb M J ttle Wttt • '-"' .._. a-. On the cable. • • TV Antenna, Page 3 Pac-Man ... Mg.rty Ingels to be voice of new animated TV series Talk about being astonished. Marty Ingels, well known aa both performer and suoceasful talent agent, was more than a little surprised when cast as the voice of "Pac-Man" ln a new Hanna-Barbera animated Saturday morning series set to air Sept. 25 on KABC (Ch. 7). "Pac-Man" will also air as a Chrimnu prime-- time special. Ingels will head the "Pac-Man" family, which will lnclUde Ma. Pac, played by Barbara MinC\Ja, Baby Pac, played by Ru. Taylor, and a number of new Pac friends and foes in the family comedy with action adventure. AccordinJ[ to Ingels, the coveted lead voice casting was done by recording director Gordon Hunt after having heard 101ne 88 voic8 of every description from every agent tn town. He interrupted auditioning briefly to take a phone call from m,eJa who was pitching a project that would star Robert Culp. "One listen to the ~f-a-kind Ingels ru_p, ~the rest ia Saturday l'DOl'1lin3 show history, .. Ingels aakl Dffcribing the Pac-Man character, M.,-ty obaerved, "Well, the truth la it'• Uk.e none other I've ever aeen or been involved with. I can only say he's a curious crom between Fred Fllntstooe, Popeye, William Bendix, Captain Marvel and Marty InceJa." He belieYa the animated 8el'iea will appeal to "anyone with a young child, a young friend or a young heart. .. Asked how he and the cut do the "Pac-Man" shows -and bow he fits them in with his other buainea activities, lngela replied, "Aa the poor beaten writers, chalnecf to their cardboud dab in the dunaeon o1 Hanna-Barbera. tum out the ICl'ipts -one by one -they eend out~ an ....... alanm for ua (the~) .•• any~. 8f11 dine, anywhere ... and we, obed'ent little tnvlllble Tro)lm tblit we are. drop everythlnc -our .,. ... .._, our ~. our su.raery -and race In there to make all them ~ cartoon 11oundL When they call, there'• no time for anythlnc ei.." InaeJa entered ahow bullnt.9 ln 1857·and "rode the comedy ra1l8 to national __.,....,, • a Ital' ln the 1963 comedy ....... ~ and ,..._,. on A.BC-TV. 'n-da,. ht Clpl'a._ the wwld'1 w.-"celetldty trokeraP' with oftk9 in New York, Chlcaco, Dallaa, London. Tokyo and Loa Anae*-Since ~ brokenae. "he bu been 1...,omtble for more than 400 major ~· from Rudy v OU. tint) to Burt He .un tlnda Ume to perfann from time to time. A~•=ll cndltl .. MIJ'bt Low Jat'' md . llland." "Allo. da17"w ahrQ9 8Dt me on •'Jn Tmdcbt." all .._ t9Jk. 1 lbow'I md ...... lbowa (with .,._ wt& SIUat9J Jon.) and, If 10"' u.t.en hard. • the Wah Dtmey TV md ndlo pcano vo6ce for all theU-IDOYtel (the wcmderful .. .....,.., ,.._~of lMll). Pedonllll• II ,._. when the nnt ain't hllllln' en It," be lllkl Albd what be doe9 far relaxation, Marty replled. "Tm .. ._, .......... fnM fm ...... 'General Hospital' TV Q"&A, Page 25 ,1'11111111& ~ 1111111..... -• ·-:·~--~~~ ·· ··~:~~ .... ~~----......... ,.~~l!!~ll!!YI!~~ C'llfll• ........... _ :t:. -~liiii' ~-_,, .... _A ...... . ... -~-= . . Margot Kidder . • • Inside TV, P~ge 28 •Sept. 3 -Sept. 9 • N (I) O> .,... AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLBACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC . MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -~9100 CHEVR OLET CoNNELL CHIYIOLIT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -M6-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD ... THEODORE ROllHS f.ORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-82 I I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA AMA , LINCOLN-MERCURY 1·301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-051 I MAZD A MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT llACH IMPOITS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712-0tOO ' PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-665 I -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IYERSON. INC. 445 E. coast Hwy. - Newport Beach - 6 73-0900 -·---.. MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f VOLKSWAGEN • JIM MARINO VOU<SW A&IH 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARU llE VOLVO 1968 Harbor BNd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 t. I ----- llilyPilat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, ca . . Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-•321 TV.Antenna Cable television still has few bu ..,._..--·~---~_.ii....~~- ( Index ) . TV Antenna ........................................................ Page 3 Da~ Scbed~....., ............ ,"+' ..................... ,Page 4 ~rts Highlights ............................................ v.Page 6 en.ing Schedule .............................................. Page 7 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN .- TV Puzzle .......................................................... Page 25 Of"-..~ .... ...,. Return with us to ............................................ Page 25 Your intrepid columnist is finally plugged in. Daytime Drama ............................................... .Page 26 The cable television constnk.'tion crews DMU'Ched . Letters ................................................................ Page 21 through my neighborhood this summer and wired TV Teasers ........................................................ Page 27 my living room tube into the New At,e of Video. Word Game ....................................................... Page 27 Dickinson Pacific Cablesyatems, which has the Inside TV ........................................................... Page 28 franchise in my city, offers a package deal that C includes 34 basic channels a nd two extra-f~ Channels ) channels (Home Box Offlce and Showtime). I _ . eagerly signed up foe the whole enchi1ada a KNXT <CBS) Well, it's now about one month A.P . (after 6121 W. Sw1llet Blvd .. Los An~eles, Ca. plug-in), and the early impression from this comer e KNBC <NBC> is that cable television is not yet as revolutionary as 3000 W. Alamed_a Ave .. Burbank, Ca: aome proponents would like you to be believe. It e KTLA <Ind.> doea, however, offer viewers a wider choice of 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. programming with a few surprises and a few ~5~~8C (ABtCA)• Los . a~ as .well. -·-·····-· -ro&pec ve., Angeles, Ca. Let's start with the pay movie channel· which (8> KFMB <CBS> . • --. 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca. are one of the big draws in the cable package. • It is e KHJ-TV <Ind.> ~ an abeolute .joy to watch features filma uiledited SS15 MelroseAve .• Los.Angeles,Ca. and without interruption for toothpaste ( lOJ KCST <ABC> commerdala. After growing accust.omed to viewing 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, ca. films in this fashion, it's awfully hard to return to e KTTV <Ind.) chopped up movie pretrentationa on comm.erdal 57~ W. Sunset Blvd.,_ Los Aneeles, Ca. channels. • KCOP-TV <Ind.> There are drawbacks, however. HBO and 915 N. La Brea Ave .. Los Ang'°tes. Ca. Showtime both premiere a handful of widely ( 24) CBS Cable . popular feature films each -month, then show them 8 KCET <PBS> numerous times. Tb make matt.era wone, the two 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los An~elea, Ca. services tend to show the same big name features 8 KOCE <PBS) each month. . :~1,~~~en West St .. Huntinctoo Beach Aa a result, during August a package deal 1139 Grand Central Ave .• Glendale. Ca. sut.:riber who receives both HBO and Showti.me <Z> Z-TV could have watched Bo Derek cavort with an -~Nebraska Ave .. Santa M~J. Ca. orangutan ln "Tarzan, The Ape Man" 12 times. (It ( H > HBO waa ~ enough to sit through the wretched film Time:ute bldg., Rockeleller Cent.er, N.Y .. N.Y. once.) you could have watched a mythical <C> CinemaJt Meduaa cast her stony gaze in "Claah of the 'ntans" Time-We Bldg .. Rockereller Cent.er. N.Y .• N.Y. 16 times. 8 < WOR) Tiie pay channels' idea of creative acheduling was N.Y .. N.Y. to air "Friday the 13th, Part 2'1 on, you gueseed it.. (l7l cwrBS) Friday, Aug. 13. (Showtime showed even more Atlanta. Ga. creativity by making up a double-bill. broadcasting CE> ESPN both the sequel and the original "Friday the 13th" C L )°Se1ect filin.) IS> Showtime Of cQurse, HBO and Showtime offer some <S) Spotlight 1 cC> <Cable News Network) origina pro1ramming. During August, HBO _________________ .:..pr_e.e_n_ted coocerta by the Beach Boys and F.arth, Richard HIU'ria repeats his Broadway role of King Arthur in the HBO Theater present.ation of 'Camelot.' Wind and Fire. The pay channel a1ao aired filmed theater productions of "Bua Stop .... and "The Deadly Game." The plays have impreulve caata that include Margot IOdder, ~ Segal and Trever Howard. (A viewing of "The Deadly Game" turned out to be one of thote delil}ltful cable aurpriset, The suspenseful drama was cleverly written and skillfully ~-> -- Showtime offers an uneven comedy aeries called "Bizarre." It also baa "Aerobicile," an exercise program in which shapely young women stretch and bend to a diaco beat. It probably appeals more to girl watchenJ than to phyaical fitneli buffs. But the two pay channels are only part of the cable package. A pleasant dhlcovery among the buttons on my channel box waa M TV or Music Television. Thia is a 24-hour televised radio station. The channel pla:ra short films made by popular recording artists to promote their lat.est hilS. The films range from traditional footage of the · • band or singer in concert to m1ni-niovles synchronized with the hit single. These can be See Cable television, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN 'HERE * CAT PIOPLI * UNDIR THI RAINBOW * ARTHUI ·* IXCALllUR * CANNllY' ROW * CONAN THI IAR•AllAN ... * IODY HIAl . ift SOMI KIND Of HIRO * IUDDY IUDDY * THI IOllDD ... . !Daytime ~ .8 E \I< >l C\ I '\( ; K 5:00 9 SUMMER SEMESTER ~ 8 RAT PATROL (WED) W o:I G» JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (MON) m MOVIE (MON) , >. ~ 60 MIMICS (1 HR.) (TUE) ~ MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (THU) 5:05@ MY THREE SONS CS) CANCER CONFRONTATION ( 1 HA.) (WEOJ 5: 15!llMO\lJE~um:.:z.o.~-=.-- 5:20(S) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (MON) -5:30 II JUNTOS (MON~ W~. FRI) .2 II PORTRAITS IN PASTEL (TUE, THU) 0::: 8 JIMMY SWAGGART Q DAYBREAK L.A. Cl) LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) i INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) 'l'V-.S LOOKS AT LEAANING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU). (!) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) (!) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) i NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (WED, FRI) I MATH FOR MODERN LMNG (TUE, THU) HOGAN'S HEROES (WED) YESTERYEAR .. 1969 (1 HR) (THU) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM ANO HUCK (TUE) CS) LAFF-A-TtlON (THU) I MOVIE (1 HR., S3 MIN.) (MON) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. '3 MIN.) (FRI) 5:35-THAT GIRL 5:45 · A.M. WEATHER 5:50 NEWS CID SNEAK PREVIEW (FRI) 6:00 II L.A. MORNING HEALTHAELO HOT FUDGE (FRI) CARRASCOLENOASS (MON-THU) ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MOANING NEWS • COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) • YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MA VOA (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK ABC NEWS THIS MORNING (TUE-FRI) JIMMY SWAGGART (TUE-FRI) UP ANO COMING (FRf) REBOP (MON) INFINITY FACTORY (TUE) VILLA ALEGRE (WED) SONRISAS (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH MOVIE (THU, FRI) AA SHOWCASE (TUE) FROM THE 66-YARD LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) HYDROPLANE RACING (WED) MOVIE (1HR,45 MIN.) (MOt.i) TRILOGY (1 HR, 25 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 25 MIN.) (TUE) 6:05 (Ill MOVIE (J) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED) 6:10~ HANS CHRISTIAN ANOEASEN'S MAGIC ~DVENTURE (MON) 6:20 (J) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND ( 1 HR., 30 6:90 CAPTAIN KANGAROO MIN,(FRI) EARLYTOOAY eo·s WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) IT CAN BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (MON) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF ,MANO (WED) FRANKLY f£MALE ~~ GAEA T SPACE CO (TUE-FRI) Fe.IX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) ~~- =SFORUM (~) (THU, FRll HOA8E RACING ~y (R) MON) ~~U,FRI) ~ (1 HR.WHO, 90 .. IN.) (TUE) . I~ ~ LOYED 8EAA8 (1 HR.) a WILLARD AND THE WEATHER - Willard Scott, shown here with his weather map, continues to do the weather forecast as pa.rt of the morning news on NBC's Today,' broadcast weekdays at 7 a.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). 0 MOVIE (1 HR .. 36 MIN.) (THU) 6:351MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (MON) 6:45 MOVIE (1 HR. 45 MIN.) (WED) 7:00 MORNING NEWS I TODAY 700CLUB GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM GOOD MORNING AMERICA (TUE-FRt) • JERRY LEWIS TaETHON (CONrD) MON) CARTOONS (TUE-.fRI) WOODY WOODPECKER BUSINESS REPORT VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q SPORTSCENTER INSIDE THE NFL (J HR) (FRI) COUNTRY MUSIC U.S.A. (1 HR.) (THU) HOLL YWOOO (MON) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS ~VIE (2 HRS .. 18 MIN.) (THU) 7: 15(%) MOVIE (2 HRS., 9 MtN.) (FRI) 7;308THERE18 A WAY SUPERHEROES (TUE-FRI) FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEALTH MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE (MON) RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) A BITTER PLACE (MON) MOVIE 11 HR., 42 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR. 50 MIN.) (MON) MOV1E 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) 8:00 (I) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JCMBAKKER TICTAC DOUGH BATTLE OF THE PLANETS (TUE-FRI) CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (R) BODY BUOOIES MOVIE {WEO.fRt) TENNIS (3 HRS.) (FRI~ MOVIE ( 1 HR., 55 MIN. (MON) e MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) BUS STOP (2 HRS.) (WE(>) MOVIE (1 H~ .. 38 MIN.) (THU) LAfF.A-'rHON (FRI) MOVtE (1 HR., 15 MIN.) (n= STRAW8ERRY ICE ( 1 HR.) ) lWODANGEROU8lAOE'8 U) A BETTER Pl.ACE (WED) 8:06@ MOV1E (FRI) @NEWS (MOH-l'HU) 8: 15iJMOVIE (1 HR.J.!9 MIN.) (MOH) 8:30 LEAVE It TO ~VEA L8EVE 8PtDEMtAH (TUE-fll) ~~,.f> . =~(1Hfl) (Al) .... ~lijMl .1 ."tll\.l ;a; c1iiJS ·~-:--' fJUT\ <.Alt 8:45(1) MOVIE (1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (WED) 9:00 8 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) I OIFF'RENT STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES (TUE-FRI) @) G» JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONT'D) i ON) · I LOVE LUCY (TUE-FRI) ROMPER ROOM SESAME STREET (R) Q DONAHUE • v1UA ALEGRE <R> a TOP RANK BOXING ('FRI) .KASAT£1MONl=---..----~ _:J;'-1.fNC~M~FOO~TB?ACLLLAC:!(T.UE) SPORTSWOMAN (A) (WED) AUTO RACING (THU) LAFF-A-THON (WED) A BETTER PLACt (THU) MOVIE (TUE) 9:06@ PEOPLE NOW (MON-THU) 9:301J (I) ALICE (R) I WHEEL OF FOAtUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING L.A. MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY (TUE-FRI) VICTORY AT SEA ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) I RACQUETBALL (WED) AEROBICISE (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (1 HR, 34 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 26 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (THU) 10:001(1) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON LOVE BOAT (A) (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (TUE-THU) LOVE AMERICAN STYLE VEGETABLE SOUP (R) g · • SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE TRACK ANO AELD (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MIN.) (MON) TENNIS (3 HRS.) (TUE-THU) MOVIE (1HR .. 35 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 15 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE !1 HR, 60 MtN.l (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN. (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN: (THU) MOV1E 1 HR .. 45 MIN. (WED) 10:05 ~MOVIE 10:10 MOVIE. (1HR.,20 MIN.) (MON) 10:30 MY THRtt SONS (TUE-Fm) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE UNITED STATES SUPERCONDUCTING DIPOLE MAGNET (FRI) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) RE80P (TUE) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC (WED) ARTS '82 (THU) CFL FOOTBALL (MON) MOVIE 11 HR. 35 MIN.~ (FRI) MOV1E 1 HR., 50 MIN. (THU) MOVIE 1HR.,32 MIN. (WED) 10:45(%) MOVIE (1 HR., 26 MIN.) (TUE) 11:008 (I) THE YOUNG ANO THI: RESTLESS UE-FRI) AMERICAN ADVENTURE (MON) THE DOCTORS BONANZA FAMILY FEUD TQ BE ANNOUNCED (MON) BUU.8EYE PITFALL FAMILY FEUD {TUE-fRI) .lllfJlr( LEWIS 'tEL.ETHON (CONrO) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 26 MIN.) (THU) . \l·· 1 lJ{ '\( )( )\ 2:30 81 BEWITCHED (TUE-FRI) e suPERMAN @ MOVIE (FRI) @ CHAMBl:R MUSK; SOCIETY OFt.INCOlN CEN- TER (MON) 12:001JTATILETALES (TUE-FRI) @ONEINATHOUSAND (TUE) 0 01) DAYS OF OUR LIVES @DANCE (WED) U TWILIGHT ZONE @ A WALK THROUGH THE TWENTIETH CENTU-U ALL MY CHILDREN RY WITH BILL MOYERS (THU) Cl) NEWS (TUE-FRI) I HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH fJ al MOVIE MISTER ROGERS (A) Cf) BONANZA MOVIE (WED) @)Al l MY CHILDREN (TUE-FRI) HANS CHRISTIA~ ANDERsEN'S MAGIC «D MOVIE (TUE-FRI) ADVENTURE (THU) fJl) DICK CAVETI 00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTB~L (FRI) €1\) VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q SPORTSWOMAN (A) (WED) (C) MOVIE (TUE. THU) NFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW (THV) (E) INSIDE BASE8All: (RJ (TUE) -------~~~~~ .. ~MINf1MeN\.---------m BOXING'"{TRU) --MOVIE 1 HA .. 38 MJN.) (FRI) (H) MOVIE (1 HR., 29 MIN.) (MON) LAFF-A-THON (MON) (S) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 55 MIN.) (TUE. FRI) STRAWBERRY ICE (t-HR.) (WEO) (S) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND ( 1 HR.. 30 JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW MIN.) (WED) iHR., 30 MIN.) (THU) LS) MOVIE (2 HRS., 25 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (WED) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 49 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 'HR.. 24 MIN.) (THU) 0 MOVIE (2 HRS .. 25 MIN.) (WED) 2:35@ HAZEL (FRI) Ct) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 26 MIN.) (WED) @ BEVERLY HllLBILllES (MON-THU) 12:05@ FUNTIME 3:00 8 THE ROCKFORD AL£8 (TUE-FRI) 12:30 a Cl) As THE woRLD ruRN.S cTue-FR1> I DONAHUE U TWILIGHT ZONE RICHARD SIMMONS S) OVER EASY EOOE OF NIGHT I MISTER ROGERS (A) (I) MERV GRIFFIN (TUE-FRI) MOVIE (WED) 8 BEST OF GAOUCHO HORSE RACING WEEKLY (A) (TUE) ([I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY (TUE- HORSESHOW JUMPING (WEO) FRI) MOVIE (1HR.38 MIN.) (MON) 0 • JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONT'D) 0 MOVIE (1 HR .. 39 MIN.) (THU) MON) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) THE WALTON$ (TUE-FRI) 12:35 0!) THE FLINTSTONES CARTOONS 1:00 II 8) ANOTHER WORLD FREEHAND SKETCHING I HOUR MAGAZINE (FRI) ALL IN THE FAMILY (FR1) ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS (MON-THU) MARY TYLER MOORE (MON) D ONE LIFE TO LNE RHOOA (TUE) Cf) OUTER LIMITS BOB NEWHART (WED) ®) ONE LIFE TO LIVE (TUE-FRI) CHICO ANO THE MAN (THU) ®).JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (MON) VILLA ALEGRE (A) Q fm A TRIBUTE TO AlEC WILOER (FRI) MOVIE (FRI) I SPORTS AMERICA (MON) HYOAOPLANE RACING (WED) KINGS TO COMMONERS (TUE) MOVIE MYSTERY (WED) MOVIE (1 HR, 30 MIN.) (MON) fm NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL (THU) • MOVIE ~ 1 HA., 32 MIN.) (MON) ; ~~~7~-rrEET (A) Q 3:05 ~~T~=·~ ~rlm~HU) CfL FOOTBALL (MON. TUE) @CAROL BURNETT ANO FR1ENDS (MON-THU) P. T. BARNUM ANO HIS HUMAN OOOITIES ( 1 3: 15 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR, 26 MIN.) (FRI) HA.1 (FR1) 3:30 9 RICHAAO SIMMONS (mt) I MOVIE (2 HRS .. 9 MIN.) (TUE) I TOM COTILE (MON-THU) YESTERYEAR. .. 1969 (1 HR) (WEO) PEOPLE'S COURT MOVIE (2 HRS .. 45 MIN.) (THU) 8 WH.ArS HAPPENINGll MOVIE (2 HAS .. 9 MIN.) (FRI) ~CHARLIE'S ANGELS (TUE-FRI) 1:05@THE ADDAMS FAMILY (FRI) • DODGER DUGOUT (MON) @ THE MUNSTERS (MON-THU) ta DANCE (MON) 1:15(%) MOVIE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (THU) ELIZABETH SW.ADOS (TUE) 1:30f) (I) CAPITOL (TUE-FRI) SONG WRITERS (THU) U ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS (MON· THU) ART OF BEING HUMAN (MON, FRI) G NEWS SLIM CuasiNE (TUE. THU) @ SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) VOYAGE (WEO) I STRUMPET CITY (MON) HOUR MAGAZINE MOVIE (MON) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) COUNTRY MUSIC U.S.A. (1 HR) (MON) HANS CtRSTIAN ANDERSEN'S MAG1C WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN WINTERS ADVENTURE (MON) {WED) ISl<INNY AND FATTY (TUE) 0 MOVIE (1 HR,31 MIN.) (MON) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL~ (TUE) 1:35@0ZZIE AND HARRIET (FR1) FROM THE 56-YARO LINE (THU) @LEAVEITTO BEAVER (MON-THU) W>EOJUKEBOX (TUE} 1:45(%) MOVIE (1HR..35 MIN.) (MON) .. SEVEN WISHES Of A RtCH KIO (WED) (%)MOVIE (2 HRS .. 9 MIN.) (WED) MOV1E (2 HRS.) (TUE) 1:50.JOeWATCH (WEO) MOV1E (1 HR.,40MIN.) (MON) • ELEVEN'S KIDS (THU) 3:36 (ll) FATHER KNOWS 8£St (FRI) 2:00 8 Cl) GUIDING LIGHT (TUE-FRf) (fl) BOB NEWHART (MON-THU) • CHIPS (R) 3;'6. DODGER PRE-OAME (MON) TOM com~ UP CLOSE (FRI) (!) NASL WEEKL y (TUE) HOUR MAGAZINE (MON-THU) (%)MOVIE (1 HR. 26 MIN.) (TUE) GENERAL HOSP1TAL 4:00 I~ MILLER (TUE-FRt) IRONSIDE ru;nv MOVIE COUPLES _ __....... ·- GENERAL HOSP1T AL (TUE-f'RI) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (TUE. FRt) OPEN LINE (TUE-FRI) M*A*S•H (WED, THU) LOVE. AMEAICAN STYLE MOVIE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT MIXED BAG (TUE) CHARLIE'S ANGELS (MON) QUIZ KIOS (WED) THE FUNT8TONE8 (TUE. Rt) COLLLLL.ECTING (THU) 8A8EBALL ((MONMON) FOOTSTEPS (TUE·FRI) 000GER OUQOUT (WED, THU) ELECTRIC coMPANY (R) CARTOONS (MON-WEI>. RI) MOVIE (TUE), 0&:00 8ANFOAD AHO eON (THV) BUS STOP (~HRS.) (FRI) Ml8TEA ~~ MOVIE (1HR..36 MIN.) (WED) ~STNE Q .. AEROelCtSE (WliD, FAI) ~ (WED. MCME ( 1 HR., 42 MtN~} COtilOE FOOTIALL PAEV1EW (FRI) MOVIE ~HRS., 2 MtN. Ffl INBIDE BME8Al.L ~ .. MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. IPORTIFOAUM (WID1J'.~) - ----- --· ~ I HEPBURN ANO TRACY ( 1 HR) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR.,40 MIN.) (THU) SHORT PICKS (TUE) A BETTER PLACE (tHU) MOVIE ~1 HA., 36 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HAS.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (WED) 4:05@WINNERS (FRI) @GOMER PYLE l(MON-THU) 4: 15 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (TUE) 4:30 8 NEWS (TUE·FRI) 0 NBC NEWS (TUE. f!RI) 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Cl) M" A "S*H (TUE. FRI) Cl) BASEBALL (WED, THU) Cf) YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON. TUE, THU, FRI) Cl) BASESA~'(;g'Jf)) -QI PEOPLE' Rf (TUE·~- 1 GROOVIE GOOLIES (TUE, FRI) DODGER PRE-GAME (WED. THU) SIGNATURE -l ~~ME STREET (A) Q MOVIE (FRI) SPORTSCENTER THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) ~ON) TWO DANGEROUS LADIES (.THU, FRI) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM ANO HUCK l~VIE (1HR., 31 MIN.) (TUE) TRILOGY (1 HR.,25 MIN.) (WEO) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 2 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR,31 MIN.) (WED) 4;35 (ll) BASEBALL (WED-FRI) @ANDY GRIFRTH (MON, TUE) 4:40 I BASEBALL (WED. THU) 5:00 e ltlNEWS I N~(~~~.t~ e BASEBAU. (TUE) HAPPY DAYS AGAIN (FRt) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (MON-THU) NEWS (MON, T\JE. FRI) BASEBAll. (FR1) 11. CLAUOttJS (MON) MOVIE (TUE) BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (THU) THE BRADY BUNCH (TUE. FRI) SANFORD AND SON (MON-WEO, FRI) 9 MIXED BAG (MON. FRI) QUIZ KJOS (TUE) COlLLLLECTING (WED) BOT ANtC MAN (THU) LIVE AT FIVE (MON. WED, THU) • ' OVER EASY MOVIE (~. TUE) · CfL FOOTBALL (FRI) TRACK AND AELD (MON) NFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW (TUE. WED) THE NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE (THU) PARDON ME FOR LM~UE) l~:~i;~: (1 HRJ THE OlOEN DAYS COAT (THU) MOlJ1HR.40MIN.) (mt) MOVIE 1HR.,35 MIN.) (THCJ) 5:05 01) M E (MQN) al) OUR DAILY BREAD (TUE) 5:1Si MOVIE (1HR.,45 MIN.) (MON) 5:25 MOVIE (1HR..29MfN.) (WED) 5:30 C8S NEWS (THU) I BASEBAU. (FRI) ABC NEWS (MON) TI4E SAADY &LINCH (TUE. ml) SANFORD AND SON MOZART: S'YMPHONY NO. 35 I HAYDN: SYM- PHONY NO. 97 (fRt) I ONE IN A THOUSAND (MON) DANCE (TUE) A WALK THAOUGH THE TWENTIETH CENTU- RY WITH 8tLL ~YEM (WED) ~=g:/~ANY.(R) --·~··- BLMCUISINE AA SHOWCASE TOP ANIKSOXIJllQ MOVIE I' HA.. 26 MIN.I MOYIE 1 HA., 46 MIN. MOYIE 1 HA., 30 Mk n~ ~~ WITl"IJ~ Wfni JAMIE MOYIE ~HA.. lO°W...) (THU)• MOYIE 2 HAI., I MN.) (TUE) MOYIE 2'~~~~£n!l?I 1~~1A'IRCA(1HR,15Mll) 2:10(1)~)( : .. ,.r.' r1 •;\ M ... T ~llW-1"'~ .. '2:15(J)M<ME ~. ).--llVOM ) 'ri'uel (~ (•t ·ae -~ •--~---"!ii\wlllillt'!f'I • I ,,. I 11.1•.t ~j~ 11 M l 5 3! 0 - . ( --........ ·-·· ................ .,.-............ ··--···-. 6 i Sports Highlights Friday SEPTEMBER 3, 1982 AFTERNOON :i' 5:30 U BASEBALL Cahfornla Angels at Milwaukee -c Brewers (3 hrs.) ~ ...J ;f EVENING 7:00 INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and -----= ~ Nrck BOontco-ntrpresent higl}light§""Oflrle previous week·s pro football action and interviews with play- ers and coaches. I @SUPER-DUPER BLOOPER CAPER This ~ ball musical comedy special features big league plays and misplays se t to popular music. 7:30@ BASEBALL Pittsburgh Pirates at Los Ange- les Dodgers (3 hrs.) 7:40 (!) KINER'S KORNER 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the Al Carter (Ohio) I Tyrone Crawley (Pa.) 12-round heavyweight bout from Atlantic City. N.J. (R) (2 hrs. 30 min.) • 10:55@ BASEBALL Atlanta araves at Montreal Expos (3 hrs.) 11:30 t) Cl) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the United S1ates Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center. Flushing Meadows~Corona Park, N. Y . . CE) SPORTSCENTER 12:30(E)COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) 1:00 CE) CFL FOOTBAU British Columbia lions at Ottawa Rough Riders (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 1:30m COLLEGE FOOTBAU PREVIEW "Pac 10" ( 1 hr.) 3:30(!:) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE Action highlights lrom the Canadian Football League. (A) "4:00 CE) SPORTSCENTER SEPTEMBER 4, 1982 MORNING 9:30 m THIS WEEK' IN BASEBALL (E) MOTOCROSS RACING 10:00G) AMATEUR BOWLERS' TOUR CID INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlconti present highlights of the previous week's pro football action and Interviews with players and coaches. 10:30 ml NASL SOCCER KICKS (!) SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs. USSR International Dual Meet from Knoxville, Tenn. (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:0011 BASEBALL New York Yankees at Kansas City Royals (3 hrs.) · 0) BASEBALL Regional coverage of New York Yankees at Kansas City Royals or Houston Astros at Philadelphia Phlllies (3 hrs.) ., AFTERNOON • 12:00 8 (I) TENNIS "U.S Open" Coverage of early round matches from the United States Tennis Asso- c1at1on National Tennis Center, Flushing Meadows. Corona Park. N.Y. 12:309 VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOA THE FUTURE "Conditioning" Vic Braden demonstrates five •. important exercises guaranteed to tal<e you from "huff and puff" to "win and grin." (R) D 1:00(1) PKA FULL-coNTACT KARATE Coverage of the World light Heavyweight Championships from 8 Paso. Tex. (2 hrs.) 2:00 I WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN 2:36 MOTOAWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 RACING FROM BELMONT (I) DRAG RACING. Coverage of the NHRA North Star Nationals from bralnerd, Minn. ( 1 hf., 30 min ) 3:05 (11) WRESTUNO 4:00. AGSKIN PREVIEW Harry Kalas hosts this In.- depth analysis of the top collegiate football.Cearns of each major conference, looking at the star players and the schools with the best chances for number one in the national championships. (1 hr.) . 4:05 «?) COLLEGE. FOOTBALL Boston College vs. Texas A & M (3 hrs.) 4:30(1) BASEBAU Cincinnati Reds at New York Mets (2 hrs .. "40 min.) (I) 8PORT9CENTER 5:00e WIDE WOALO OF SPORTS ~: cov- erage Of the Plplno Cuevaa (Mexico}/ Donald Cur- ry (U.S.A.) 10-round welterweiatlt botA from San Antonio, Tex.: CCMWIQe of the Stfl Avenue Mile from New York City. < 1 ,,,., =re c») MJPM-IOWL OP All "~lflnats" l1 hf., 30 min.} BIG SWINGER -Rod Carew, California Angels first baseman, will be swinging for the Jong ball in Milwaukee Saturday when the Angels tangle with the Brewers at 5:30 p.m. on KTLA (Ch. 5). 5:30 D BASEBALL Ca,lifornia Angels at Milwaukee Brewers (3 hrs.) l1J) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled: cover- age of the Piplno Cuevas (Mexico) I Donald Curry (U.S.A.) 10-round welterweight bout from San Antonio, Tex.: coverage of the 5th Avenue Mile from New York City. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([) BOXING Live coverage of the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Kirkland Laing (G.B.) 10-round junior middleweight bout from the Cobo Arena. Detroit, Mteh. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) EVENING 6:00 8 (I) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Houston Oilers at Dallas Cowboys (3 hfs.) D NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Cleveland Browns at Los Angeles Raiders (3 hrs.) 6:30 Ii) FEMALE MUDWRESTUNG "World light· wei~t Championship" 7:00 0 • NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los Angeles Rams vs. San Diego Chargers (3 hrs.) 10:"5. SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE Swxlay SEPTEMBER 5, 1982 MOANING 11:008 Cl) NCAA FOOTBALL PREVIEW A IOOk at the upcoming season with Interviews. features and hlg~hls. ( 1 hr.) 11:30• BASEBALL Callfomla Angels at Miiwaukee Brewers (3 hrs.) ' AFTERNOON 12:00. TENNIS "U.S. Open" LIVe coverage of early round matches from the United States Tennis Asso- ciation National Tennis Center, Flushing Mead<>ws- Corona Park, N. Y. (3 hrs ) Cl) THl8 WEEK IN BA8E8ALL • OAEAT QUARTERBACK SNEAK 12:30 Cl) SAN DIEGO PADAE.8 PM-GAME 111 NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Gafl'l8" Los Angeles Rams vs. San Diego Ch•rgers (3 hrs.) (I) TRACK ANO FIELD Coverage of the l\lo Yan Damme Meet from B~. ~· (3 hrs.) 1:00 8 NFl. FOOTBALL "Pr&-Seeaon Game" Cleve- land Browns va. Loe Angeles Aaidefa (3 hrs.) Cl) BASEBALL Chicago White Sox vs. San 0..00 Padres (2 hll.. 30 min.) • NFL FOOT8All "Pre-Seuon Game" Los Allgeles Aam8 VI. Sen Diego Chergen (3 hnl.) • 8PORT8WOALO SchecMld. 11¥9 COYtfage of the Mf:!k ~ I ~ DeWitt 1<>-round mlddl••itil#\' ' iOtk....._Mo.; cowr-oe $bQWMM!s!M~-;tt•Mlftr Square Garden. New York. N.Y. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:10(!) KJNER'S KORNER ~ 2:05@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU 2:30 ID SAN DIEGO CHARGERS FOOTBAU HIGHLIGHTS "Cliffhangers. Comebacks An~ Char- acter" · 3:00 U DECADES OF GAEA TNESS -YEAR OF ADVERSITY A proflle of the beSt and worst of the 1981 Oakland Raiders season and their prospects tor the future. .., fJ SUPER BOWL XVI HIGHLIGHTS &) BEAR BRYANT: COUNTDOWN TO 315 Host Joe Namath and other great players relive the foot- ball histories of Alabama. Texas A & Mand Kentuc- ky with Coach Bryant (I hr ) · 3:30 fJ @) USG.A GOLF "U.S. Amateur Champi<>n- sh_ip" Coverage of the match-play COl!)petition_!,~'!L. • The Ce1:1Ah)' Gk$:-ar00k~1ne, Ma99 ( 1 hfr, sn m1A.) ___ ...,... CE) HORSE RACING WEEKLY, • 4:00 U SPORTSWORLD Scheduled: coverage of the Mark Holmes I Doug DeWitt 10-round middleweight bout from 81. Joseph, Mo : coverage ot the Oriental World ol Self-Defense from Madison Square Gar- den. New York. N. Y. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) SPORTSCENTER "4:05@ WRESTLING 4:30 CO) SPORTS OF BALANCE 5:00 fJ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Brooks Robinson" Host· George Plimpton. EVENING 10:45 U SUNOA Y SPORTS PAGE "' 11 :30 t) SPORTS ANAL (I) WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP fD TV QUARTERBACKS (!) SPORTSCENTER Monday SEPTEMBER 6, 1982 MORNING 11:30 II (I) TENNIS "U.S. Open" Coverage ot earty round matches from the United States Tennis Asso- ciation National Tennis Center. Flushing Meadows- Corona Pafk, N Y. AFTERNOON 1 :00 fD SPORTS AMERICA "Holiday Champions" Highlights of rhe National Junior Olympics track and field finals held at the University of Nebraska and the San Franci~ Marathon are presented. (1 hr .. 30 min.) (£) CFL FOOTBAU Edmonton Eskimos at Calgary Staiirs (3 tlrs.) 3:30 DOOGER DUGOUT 3:45 OOOOEA PAE-GAME . 4:00 BASEBALL Los Angeles Oodgerti at Cincin- nati Reds (3 hrs.) • EVENING I 6:00 8 ®> NCAA FOOTBALL Clemson Tigers at Geo191a Bulldogs (3 hrs.) 7:30(() ft4COUETBALL ''Women's Arsl Round International Championships" Heather Stupp vs. Kann Walton-Trent (A) 8:00([) SPORTSC~ 9:00([) BOXING Coverage of the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Kirkland Laing (G.B.) 10-round junior middleweight bout from the Cobo Arena. Detroit, Mteh. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:308 (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the United States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center, FlushlnQ Meadows-Corona Park, N.Y. Tuesday SEPTEM8EA 7, 1982 AFTERNOON 5:00 D BASEBALL Regiooal coverage of Los Ange- les Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds Of Baftlmore Orloles at New York Yankees (3 hrs.) • BASEBALL Los A~ Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds { 3 hrs.) EVENING 8:00(1) GOLF ''U.S. Amateur Championships" Cov- erage of the final round from Brookline, Mass. ( 1 hr .. 30min.) 7:30 (I) IN8IOE BASEBALL Cli) RACE FOA TH! PENNANT Barry Tomptdns and Tim McCal'Wf COiiet .. the baes leading to ttle 1982 World Serta 8:001 SPOATBCENTEA 1:30 AACINCI MOM AOOIEVEl T t:OO NCAA FOO'l'8AlL Temple et P.wnr1 St•te (R) (2 tn.. 30 mtnt I SS!sa-Det• 3 -· ----·-------._.... ---... -.:-=====--=~=========:l:!=:=l:&'!!!S:=l!I!::::! ----~~ -- ~--=-----~~~--------------------- Friday \I< >l C\ J:\( ; .\I< >\ · 1 LS 5:30 CZ) "Zoot Suit" (1981. Drama) Danie! Valdez. Edward James Olmos. 6:00~ "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Brid_g_es, Beverly D' Angelo. 6:05 (!!) "Strange Bedfellows" ( 1965, Comedy) Rock Hudson. Gig Young 6:30 0 "W11ty Wonka And The Chocolate Factory" ( 1971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jack Al~rtson ____ __l;15i%)· "Mnmrme Dearest'.:.-(l9tU;:Orama~J;"aVe Dunaway. Diana Scarw1d 8:00(C) "Breaker Morant" ( 1980, Drama) Edward WOOdward. Jack Thompson. 8:05@ "Pardners" ( 1956, Comedy) Dean Martin, Jerr1.._Lewis 8:301:') "Nobody's Perlekl" (1 981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. 9:30(%) "The Water Babies" ( 1979, Fantasy) Ani- mation and live action James Mason. .. 10:00 ~ "Aashomon" (1950, Drama) Machlto Kyo. • T oshiro Mi lune CS) "The Outrage" ( 1964, Drama) Paul Newman. Laurence Harvev .. 10.fU: ... ·---~i"'""'\I "'" n ay 1 nroogn conege (1952, Musical) Virginia Mayo, Gene Nelson. 10:30 0 "Agency" (1 981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors. 11 :00® "Cannonball Aun" (1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Dom Deluise. 11:15(%) "Circle Ot Two" (1981, Comedy) Richard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. 11:30~ "Lady Takes A Chance" (1943, Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur. . \I·· 1 lJC\< >< f\ .\I< >\ IL~ 12:00 0 ''Dangerous Charter"· ( 1962, Adventure) Chris Warfield, Sally Fraser. m "Pal Joey" ( 1957. Musical) Frank Sinatra. Rita Hayworth. a> "Northern Pursuit" ( 1943, Adventure) Errol E!l'nn. Julie Bishop. c.&J "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. 0 "Outland" ( 1981 , Science-Fiction) Sean Con· nery, Peter Boyle. 1:00 ~ "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges, Beverly D' Angelo. Cl) "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Duna- way. Diana Scarwld 2:00 (!) "The Story Of Alexander Graham Bell" · ( 1939. Bt0graphy) Don Ameche. L6retta Young. 0 "Sorcerer" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer. 2:30@ "Ten Days Wonder" (1972. Mystery) Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins. CS) "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. 3:00 ~ "Pinchclitt Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Animated. CO "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980, Adventu1e) Devld Car- radine. Jennifer O'Neill. 3:15 (%) "The Water Babies" (1979, Fantasv) Anl- NEW ASSIGNMENT -Mary Wallace has been named general assignment reporter for KNBC's 'News 4 LA.' Her reports can be seen weekdays on~ the 4, 5, and 6 p.m . editions of the news. mation and live action. James Mason . 4:00 0 "The Pnsoner Of Zenda" ( 1952. Adven- ture) Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr. D "Nobody's Perfekt" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras. 4:30~ "M" (1930. Suspense) Peter LOl're, Ellen Widmann. 5:00(0 "Seven Beauties" (1976. Drama) Giancarlo Giannini. Shirley Stoler. cm "Under The Rainbow" (1981 , Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. (I) "They Might Be Giants" (1971. Adventure) Geor_ge C. Scott, Joanne Woodward. 5:30 U:tJ "Never Never Land" ( 1981. Drama) Petula Clark, Cathleen Nesbitt. l .\ l .'\J'\(; 8:100~'!.~ WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII AVE--0 OVER EASY Guests: historian Or. ~t. Sachar; former U.S. Special Envoy to tl:lP • Ambassador Sol Llnowltz. (R) o ... GD MAGtc Of Oil PAI~· ( 1950, Comedy) Cl> MOVIE "Key To Th: 7 Clark Gable. Loretta Young. A couple meet and fall in love at a mayors' convention held in San Francfs.. ,, co. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) g: Ct MOVIE "Trilogy" (1969, Orama) Maureen - Stapleton, Martin Balsam. Three stories by Truman < Capote are dramatized. (2 hrs.) 6:30 Cl) NEWS r ®) BARNEY MILLER ~ @ STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plunkett's 'Tl novel, a wealthy family struggles through the t\Jrbu-:i lent years of 1907-1914 In Dublin. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) i fl) DICK CAVETT Guest: director and prOducer ~ Harold Prince. (Part 1) (R) !'£> 81) FAST FORWARD .g ~ MOVIE. "Rashomon" ( 1950. Dram,'!) __ ~~~.~'.? i ~o. Toshiro M1luoe Through a sedes o~ ---·an etglifl'i-ceniury Japanese wOOdcutt~r recounts ·g -__,. his.version of a rape-murder to a Buddhist priest ~ and a servanl. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) !.> 6:40 ©)HOKUSAI 7:00 II CBS NEWS c0 &ABCNEWS CD Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE Mark Walton and Jeannie Mil· "> fer. 0THE SAIITT ®>ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT mM·A·s·H m JOKER'S WILD fl!} 81) BUSINESS REPORT CH) INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick ~~!Fa-~l~~~~y~~he!!!vious weef<'s coaches. ( 1 tlr.) .ol.3vecs and CD MOVI~ "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul L.eMat, Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightful heir 10 Howard Hughes' bllllon dollar estate. 'R' ( t hr., 35 min.) @ SUPER-DUPER BLOOPER CAPER This base· ball musical comedy speeial features blg league plays and misplays set to popular music. CZ) MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Burt~. Tatum O'Neal. A 15-year-old schoolgirl, 10 the diStress of her family and friends., sets out in hot ~rsuit of a 60-year-old artist. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:30 B 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to Orange County's Magic Island; meet Renee Sandstrom, a 7 year old singer: Los Angeles Fire Commjss{ooer Ann Reiss Lane. D EYE ON LA. Featured: behind·the--scenes of "Conan, The Barbarian": some of the best overseas TV commerclalS: a report on dieting. • . I. TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: H;~ong. MACNEIL I LEHRER . ~ Guest: WAU STREET WEEK "A~ of Business Douglas F. Lamont. dean o~HiVersity. Administration at ROOSl"Qf\ Pirates at Los Angeles cm BASEBALL P"' 7-~~KORNER 7~fil~rHE DUKES Of HAZZARD Boss Hogg accepts a $10.000 bribe to assure Miss Hatchlpee of winnl~beauty and talent contest. (R) ( 1 hf.) 11 NBENSON It appears that Gove<nor GatHng and Benson are out of jobs when the gubernatOl'ial elec;tlon ends in a three-way tie. (R) 9 NOt1ce--0 . VETERANS it you 8'' on Honorably Discharged Ve1eran of #,,med Forces of 1he United States, In good ,~th. you are entitled to a Double Interment Space (for you and your Spouse) In our Dedicated Veteran's Section at the cost. to you, of only a Single Interment Space plus the Endowment Care Fund Deposit required by State Law. Harbor Lawn, long known for Its Soeclal Considerations to Veterans, la making this Program avaJlable to the Vet•ana of this area. Space la limited and It wtH be M86gned on a flrat come, first wved bUll. To ...,r• your speoe, MAIL THE COUPON TODA YI • ___________ i _________________________ _ IAI,,, un •EllllW , •• I ..,.. 1121 G1a1er Ave., Coete M-, CA. 12121 (ed)ecent to the San Diego Fwy. (405) at H.t>or Btvd. So. I am an Honorably Otecharged V9t•.,, In good hNlth (N81M)-=--------:--~--:-~------ 8 ~ Friday (continued) ~ 0 ENCORE NEWS "November 21, 1962" Highlights. President Kennedy llf11t the Naval Block- ade on Cuba: the Civil Rights Bill is passed: ao increase in food storage and bomb shelter building. (!)PAUL HOGAN m P.M. MAGAZINE Horror film speclal·eflects wiz· ard Rob Bolline: a look al a proe•am that shows teen-agers the gory effects ol drunken driving. Q) MOVIE "Eyes Behind The Stars" ( 1972, Sci- ence-Fiction) Martin Balsam, Robert Hollman. A lash1on photographer and his model suddenly feel !hat they are being watched while on a remote loca- tion (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG "Christo's Valley Curtain" A look at how Christo hu"il an ora~ curtail\ between 1wo -cororado mountains with reactions of people who witnessed 11. fll) '11) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW CC) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges, Beverly D' Angelo. A small town In Florida takes mallers Into Its own hands when by- passed by a new highway. (2 hrs ) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Cannonball Run" ( 1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Deluise. Various oddball char- acters compete in a coast-to-coasl aulo race. 'PG' U hr. 35m1n ) (1) MOVIE "Foul Pia " l Hl7A ~~~ • __ ._._ HaWI' r;.--.----· ~noranan enhsts the aid of an 1rlep1 police detective after she becomes 1nvohted in a bizarre series of murders and kidnapping attempts. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 0 MOVIE "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors. The new he~d of a major American advertising firm uses a children's break- las1 drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 8:300 MOVIE "She Done Him Wrong" (1933. Comedy) Cary Grant, Mae West. Diamond Lil caus- es problems tor the men 1n her life ( 1 hr. 30 min.) fJ ®) MAKING A LIVING Jan meets with her ex- husband. whom she hasn't seen 1n two years. in the restaurant · (R) 0 ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE Cf) IRONSIDE g)ODDCOUPLE @ MOZART: SYMPHONY NO. 35 I HAYDN: SYM- PHONY NO. 97 Kart Boehm leads the Vienna Phil· harmonic 1n Haydn's Symphony No. 97 with Leon- ard Bernstein leading the New York Philharmonic in Mozart's Symphony No. 35. ( 1 hr.) fll) WALL STREET WEEK "America First?" Guest· Douglas F Lamont, dean of the College of Business ~rustrahon at Roosevelt University. tory Ler;g·~ PIPELINE "The Magic Castle: Explora- spec1al chiTor~.enter" Jim Cooper discovers this natural history ano N:t11~ center which houses the 8:35@ ALL IN THE FAMtLv Orange County. 9:008 CJ) DALLAS Bobby's W\I.. when Farraday is murdered and J.N.~.are realized blackmailer. (R) (1 hr.) "Ver as II COUNTRY JAMBOREE fJ ®) THE GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO A gang of wild bikers use Maxwell as bait to gel their hands on Ralph and his super-suit. (R) ( 1 hr.) I PAUL HOGAN MERV GRIFFIN Guests; Robert Blake. Terri Gibbs, Donna McKechnle, Steve Shags. n. ( 1 hr.) fD CRISIS TO CRISIS WrTH BARBARA JOROAN "Mad River Hard Times In Humboldt County" A rural communi1y in California that Is facing enwon- mental and economic disaster due to a timber $hor1- f is profiled. ( 1 hr.) JE.ARY REED AND FRIENDS U.S. CHRONICLE "Survival In Houston's Public Housing" The problems in Houston's public housing are examined. (I) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the Al Carter (Ohio) I Tyrone Crawley (Pa.) 12-round heavy- weight bout from Atlantic City. N.J. (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CIJ MOVIE "Heartland" (2 hrs.) CZ> MOVIE "Mommie Dearest'' (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adapted children in a domestic atmosphere that varle9 from luxurlous comfort to sadistic disc pllne. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 9:05 (fl) MOVIE "The Mouse Thl t Roared" ( 1959, Comedy) Peter Sellers, Jean Seberg. When the Gfand Duchy of Fenwick realil.es lta poor financial status. its people' decides to go to war with the U.S. to l~ro~ the economy. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 9:30a PAUL HOGAN (!) MOVIE "The Day Time Ended" ( 1980. Adven- ture) Jim Dal/ls, Dorothy Malone. An Isolated earth family sulf8fS tl>e n.~ of a space exploek)n of hundreds of years ego. ( 1 t)r., 30 mirl.) t8 STRUMPET CfTY Bated Otl Jemes Ptonkett'a novel, a wealthy family atrugglft through the turbu· lent ~3~f1907-t91"'1n0ubfln. (Part 7) (1hr.) l ~t:AH JOUflW. MOVIE ''Hith Allk" (1881, A~) ...,.,_ HOSTS NEW SHOW -Peter Marshall, who for m o r e than 15 y ears h osted 'The Holly wood Squares,• will be the host of NBC's new daytime game show 'Fantasy,' weekdays at 3 p .m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Brolin, Cleavon Little. A trio of greedy friends plol rhe robbery of a million dollars from a South Ameri- can drua_ dealer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 10:00 8 Cl) FALCON CREST Cole blames h1msell for a friend's tragic accident. and Angela tnes 10 under- mine Chase's power as a county supervisor (A) ( 1 hr) II GLEN CAMPBELL I D•eNEWS 0 STRIKE FORCE Murphy and his squad are called in to Investigate when several hospital patients who were well on their way to recovery i steriously die. (R) (1 hr.) LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW CRISIS TO CR1SIS WITH BARBARA JOROAN "Mad River. Hard Times In Humboldt County" A rural community 1n Calitornla that r,i facing environ- mental and economic disaster due to a timber short· ~ IS profiled ( t hr ) (CJ MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980. Drama) Edward Wooctward. Jack Thompson. Australians conscripted to hghl on England's side in the Boer war decide 10 fight the Boer guerlnas on their own terms. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 46 min.) CID MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Sclenoe-Flctlon) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal inves- liqates a rash of mysterious deaths w1thln a mining mllT.',)I on one of Jupiter's moons 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 M0 \'11- Chevy Chase. 'W The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) are 1n town tor the"nfil$her The 150 midgets who tum a California hotel upSIOl "The Wizard Of Oz." mtn.1 -i 'PG' (1 hr., 38 10:30D e NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Henry Wrong. MATTERS Of LIFE AND DEATH PLAYBOY ON THE AIR 10:65 tm BASEBALL Atlanta Braves et Montreal Expos {3 hrs.) 11:0Q8.Cl)Q))fJD NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M"A•s•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Christo's Valley Curtain" A look at how Christo hong an Ofange curtain between t9'0 Colof'add mountains With reactions of people Who witnessed iJ • ~ BUSfNESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "Butterfly" ( t hr .• 30 mll).) 11:30• (()TENNIS HlghMghtt of the U.S. Open from the United States Tennis Association NatlOtlal Tet'l- nls Center. Flushlng Meadowt--Corona Park, N. Y. G e TONIGHT Hott: Johnny CanlOn Guest: Charles Netson Reilly. (1 hr.) I 9 A8C NEWS NGHTUNE MOVIE "The Prisonef Of Zenda" (1952, AdYen- ture) Stewart Granger, Oeboretl l<«r. An Engfflh-- man fights ott ~ while poelng u the king of a small country, whole ectual king hat b9ef'I kid- napped (2 Id.) · ...._...... •111CMe .. ""·""'"*~ tttee. COliiidf7 8etllraj V1ictor w.ue. An .....,, """"' ..,.... -........ ---- uses lhe filming of a movie as a cover for a gold bullion theft. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOZAR'T: SYMPHONY NO. 35 I HAYDN: SYM- PHONY NO. 97 Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Phil- harmonic 1n Haydn's Symphony No. 97 with Leon- ard Bernstein leading the New York Philharmonic In Mozart's Symphony No. 35. ( 1 hr.) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS • SPORTSCENTER · MOVIE "Easy" ( 1979) "X' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) MOVIE "Mandingo" ( 1977, Drama) James Mason. Susan George. A West African of the Man- dingo tribe 1s brought to a slave~breeding plantation 1n Lou1S1ana before the start of the Civil War. 'R' (2 hrs. 7 min) MOVIE "Bad T1m1ng" ( 1980. Drama) Art Gar- funkel. Harvey Keitel A possessive ps~boanaJyst ncra styf!Stry0Ulfgwoman"begln'1f Ttaglc;-Toman-ee - - ----- 1n Vienna. 'R' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) 11:45 MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( 1981, \tl.dventure) Rictiard Harris. Bo Derek. While accom· panytng her father on a search for the legendary Elephant's Graveyard, a young woman is abducted by an unclv1tized white man who was raised by apes in the jungle. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 1 1:55~ MOVIE "The Octagon" ( 1980. Adventure) Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleef A wealthy young wom- an hires a retired martial arts champion to protect her from terrorists trained by the mysterious Nin1a t!OI r f \•ttt •• ~..., ......... , MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976, Drama) Clint Eastwl)od. Tyne Daly. "Dtrty Harry" Cellahan is 101ned by a female rookie In his pursuit of a group of California revolutionaries terrorizing San Francisco. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) 12:0011 (I) MOVIE "Nunzio" (1978. Drama) David Proval, James Andronica. A young man tries to help his retardeJ brother emerge from his own fantasy world into the mainstream of.daily Ille. (R) (2 hrs.) I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 0 FRIDAYS Guest host: Mark Hamm. Guest Jimmy Bullett. (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "The Command" ( 1954, Orama) Guy MadlSOO. Joan Weldon. A war finally resolves the ~estion of Wyoming's ownership. (2 hrs.) aJ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 12:3011 8) SC'TV NETWORK Guest: Tony Bennett. i ) ( 1 hr .• 30 mm.) COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 9 STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plunken's novel. a wealthy family struggles through the turbu- lent years of l907-1914 1n Dublin. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) (!)COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (A) CD MOVIE "The Garden Of The Anzl-Continls" ( 1971. Drama) Uno Capohcchlo, Dominique San- da Directed by Villorio De S!ca. Anti-Semitism gradually and poisonously invades the hves of two Jewish familles living In Italy before World War II. ( 1 hr , 45 min) 1:00 9 MOVIE "Roman Scandals" ( 1933, Musical) Eddie Cantor. Ruth Etling. A man takes a fun-filled daydream journey back to the time of Caesar and the Roman Empire. (1 hr., 50 min.) • MOVIE "The Curse Of Bigfoot" ( 1972, H0<ror) Wllllam Simonsen, Robert Clymlre. A Yetl·like beast holds a sm~lifo<nla town in a grip of anxiety and fear ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (!) CFL FOOTBALL British Columbia Lions at Ottawa Rough Riders (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ©)MOVIE "Scent Of Heather" (Orama) Samantha Fox A young woman rebels against Victorian propnety 1n her constant search f()( sexual tull.U- ment ( 1 hr .• 25 m~.) 1:308~ATTHE IMPROV .. COUEOE FOOTBALL PAeYIEW "Pad"10" (1 hr.) $Th~NNY CASH'S AMERICA The country music lions w"itffJ!s a salute to American history and tradl- man. John~ June Carter Cash. Steve GOOd- Center In washing~ney Crowell ffom Kennedy (%) MOVIE "Shanghai'blJ hr;: 15 min.) Marlene DHttrich. Clive Brook.~.193~2 •• __?.: Orama) includlng a doct0< and an adventuress~ train gades {1hr .. 20mln.) rene- 1 :40 Cl) MOV1E "Eve 0 1 The Needle" ( 198). Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelllgan. Whlle on a remote Scottish island to meet a German tMJt). marine. an Axis spy find$ theft• from the storm In the cottage or a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr., 51 min.) 1:.S(C) MOVIE "Nightmare" (1981, Horror) Baird Staffofd. Sharon Smith. Oesplte a drug prescription thal It supposed to IOOthe hla homicidal tendenclee, a severety disturbed young men conliouee to com- mltlhatchet ~ial.1 ht .• 37 min.) 1:58 llllOIOtt IM E 2:00 ... I NIC N&W8 OVERNIQHT "Looking FOf Mt Goodber" ( 1877. Ora- ma) CleM Keeton. TU9lday Watd. A IOCldy ~·••d ~ ... IJWIND*'ibf '*~ :=~ at UI , ._. a'id IUCL4 oalWU "*' 1111& ~· ---.,.. (2 .... 16 llW\.) . . L ------- • N . Friday(Continued) 2:05 (!)NEWS 2: 15 (D AN EVENING WITH RAY CHARLES Ray Charles performs many ol his greatest hits -includ- ing .. Georgia" and "Hit The Road. Jack" -in this concert taped in Edmonton, Canada. 2:301) MOVIE "Five Branded Women" ( 1960 Ora- ma) Silvana Mangano, Van Heflin. During World War II. five girls ostracized for their association with Nazi soldiers get a chance to prove their patriotism. (2 hrs.) UNEWS G) M9 VIE "Little M1nis1er" ( 1934, Romance) Katharine Hepburn, John Beal, A Scottish pastor hnds romance for the first time (2 hrs) «!> MOVIE .. Frankenstein's Bloody Terror" (1971, Horror) Paul Naschy. Diana Zura. Frankenstein returns for a blOOdy ma"8ci:•when-a.silver cross ls removed from his heart ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CO) MOVIE .. Zoot Suit .. (1981, Drama) Daniel Val- dez. Edward James Olmos. In 1940s Los Angeles. a cause celebre erupts over the lrsmlng of mell1bers of a Chicano slreet gang tor murder. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min) 2:35 (!) MOVIE "The Las I War" ( 1968, Science-Fic- 11on) Ak1ra Takarada. Yuriho Hoshl. An atomic hblocaust marks rhe end ol Earth's existence. ( 1 hr . 25 min) 2:509 MOVIE .. Kid Millions .. ( 1935. Comedy) Eddie Cantor. Ethel Merman. A Brooklyn tomboy inherits a fortune ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) MOVIE "Cannonball Run" (t981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Deluise. Vanous oddball char- acters compete in a coasHo-coast auto race. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 3:00@6'NEWS CZ) MOVIE "They Might Be Giants" (1971, Adven- lure) George C Scott. Joanne Woodward. A pres- enl·day Holmes-and-Watson team tracks down an exlortion ring. ( t hr .. 40 min.) 3:30([) FROM THE SS-YARD LINE Action highlights lrom the Canadian Football League. (R) 3:35 CC) MOVIE "Fear No Evil" ( 1980, Horror) Stefan Arngrlm, Kathleen Rowe McAllen. An 18-year-old htgh school student delights in decimating his home- r own. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 mm.) 3:40(1) MOVIE "Loose Shoes" (1978. Comedy) Bill Murray, Howard Hesseman. Nothing is sacred in this saltrical look at Hollywood mov~maklng and genre films. 'R' ( t hr.·. 12 min.) 4:00 CJ) NEWS (() SPOATSCENTER 4:05@ BETWEEN·THE LINES 4: 15 D MOVIE "SOfcerer" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider, Bruno Cremer Four dttsperata men risk their lives while hauling explosive nitroglycerine through South American Jungles to battle an oll·well ltre. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 2 min.) 4:208 MOVIE .. Jungle Goddess" (1949. Adven- ture) Wanda McKay. Geo<ge Reeves. A rescue par- ty sets out through an African jungle In search of a you!!9 heiress. ( 1 hr . tO min.) 4:30(!) MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE m MOVIE "Destination Big House" ( 1950, Drama) Dorothy Patrick, Robert Rockwell. Ar innocent and allractive young teacher finds herself in trouble when she inadvertently lends assistance to a mob- ster ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Outland" (1981. Science-Action) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle A space marshal inves- tigates a rash of myslenous deaths Within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min) 4:35@VEGET ABLE SOUP 4:45 CZ) MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 198 t, Comedy) Richard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. A t5·year-old schoolgirl, to the distress of her family and friends. sets out in hot pursuit of a 60-year-old artist. ( t hr., 30mln. · 11 M I Every Sunday NEWESI' MUPPET -Gobo, a member of Jim Henson's newest family of Muppets, wilJ appear in 'Fraggle Rock,' Home Box Office's. first original w eekly series, 'premiering late next season. Saturday \I< >H '\ I '\( I 5:00 (!)CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP CE) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (R) ()) WHAT'S UP AMERICA Featured: a school for stuntmen, the Army of the future: ott-roadraclng with real mudders and their soaped-up buggies; the real Andy Kaufman. (1 hr.) 5:D5 «l) ROMPER ROOM 5:15(C) MOVIE "Lady Takes A Chance" (1943, Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur. 5:3t>DtSPY Cf) NEWARK AND REALITY • HOGAN'S HEROES 5:35 (tl) THAT GIRL 6:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER I SERENDIPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS I PERSPECTIVE FAMILYAFFAIR SATURDAY MOANING GRAPEVINE TWO DANGEROUS LADIES Two spine-tingling tales of two beautiful and mysterious ladies; one suspected-el --practicing the occult. the other a wealthy woman on a strangly deserted Island. 6:05 i CMLISATION 6:20 NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE lHAT'SCAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE SLIM CUISINE DAVEY ANO GOLIATH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS WATCH YOUR MOUTH CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES NATIONALLY KNOWN 9 CH) MOVIE "Greased Lightning" ( 1977, Biography) Richard Pryor, Beau Bridge$. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) :!! • SPOTLIGHT PREVI~ Host Robert Osborne _o looks at the movies. speoials and sports events coming up on SPOTLIGHT. ~ CZ> MOVIE "Breathless" (196t, Drama) Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo. ( 1 hr .. 30.mln.)_ or- 7:00 I KJOSWORLD c THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE (ti SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO GROOVIE GOOLIES FIRST PERSON YOGA FOR HEAL TH MOVIE "Jack The Giant Kiiier" (1962, Fantasy) Kerwin Mathews, Judi Meredith SPOATSCENTER FRAClUAEO FLICKERS .MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( t982. Fan· tasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne_ ( t .hr~ 30 rf'lin.1 -~ ,.. .) 7:05al) MOVIE "On The Beach" ( t959, Drama) Gr:lry Peck. Ava Gardner. 7:30 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS OR. SNUGGLES (11 RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO BIG BLUE MARBLE MOVIE "Hangar t8" (1980. Science-Fk:tion) Darren McGavin. Robert Vaughn. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:00 8 Cl) POPEYE D MOVIE "Heart Of The Rio Grande" ( t942, Western) Gene Autry, Sarah Padden. I MAVERICK WRESTLING MOVIE "The Borrowers" ( t973, Fantasy) Eddie Albert, Tammy Grimes. I SA TUAOAY MORNING GRAPEVINE REBOP-' COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) MOVIE "Agency" (1981, Suspense) RObert Mitchum, Lee Majors. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 8:301(1)TARZAN I LONE RANGER I KIO SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG FAUST The legend of Doctor Faust, who sold his soul to the devil fOf knowledge and power, Is pre- sented as a marionette teleplay. ( 1 hr.) (CJ MOVIE "The Way We Were'' ( 1973: Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. CE) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Pitching And Baserunnlng DrillS" (R) • CID MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979. Drama) Richard Burton, Rod Steiger. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) g MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979, Comedy) P.J. Soles, Vincent Van Patten. ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 9:ooa LEAVE fT TO BEAVER 1(11 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGtEY SPORTSCENTER PLUS 9:301(1) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER I SPIQER.MAN OZZIE ANO HARRIEf 0 HEA THCLIFF & MARMADUKE WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS THE V1SITATION MYSTERY Host: Bob Newhart. Gueats. football coach Gerry Faust, the University of Notre Dame Glee Club. Mother Teresa, the London Players. ITHIS WEEK IN BASEBALL ARTS'82 CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW " MOTOCROSS RACING PURLIE Melba MOOfe, Robert Guillaume and Sherman Hemsley are featured In a pertormaoc;e of the hit Broadway musical based on Ossie Dttvts's ptat..::Purlle Victonous " (2 hta , 20 min ) · 9:45(1) MOVIE "Mommie Deares1" (1981. Drama) .,, 1 Q. ~ -. "' ! ~- ~ · _. co CD N ~Jr~ AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER Creative Jewders1 Inc. N~ ~IM'£ ,£,~.1• 11141 760-6166 A • Original O.tlgnlng • Custom Remounting • Re•tyllng • °"""1M' Coll«tlon of Gold and PlatlnUm Jewelry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • ANE COLORED GEMSTONES . 1. -------~ -'''~----------------~------..:...--------...-..-"'!----~----~--...... --... ~--------~------------------------------------~Saturday (continued) Cl) CJ) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. (2 hrs., 9 min ) ~ 10:00Qff)SPACESTARS <"> U SHA NANA z E G> -Q. G> Cf) fJ @) THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOLD O MOVIE "Yaqui Drums" (1957. Western) Rod Cameron. Mary Castle Cf) MOVIE "The Beginning Of The End" ( 1947, Drama) Brian Donlevy, Robert Walker G) AMATEUR BOWLERS' TOUR II) BOB JONES tJi) THIS OLD HOUSE . el> VOTER'S PIPELINE "The Magic Castle: E.'<plora- tory Learning Center" Jim Cooper discovers this ~ special children's learning center which houses the ...J natural h1slory and history of Orange County. CID INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts ~en Dawson and Nick ~ Bvoniconlt present highlights of the previous week's -pro football actton and 1nte<views with playefs and _g coaches. ( I hr.) ii 10:05(!?), MOVIE "Knu1e Roc~ne --All American" (1940. B1ogrl\PhY} Pal O'Brien, Ronald Rea.gan. , 10:30 0 AMERICA'S TOP TEN II) NASL SOCCER KICKS fl) SQUARE FOOT GARDENING ~SESAME STREET (R) D ct) MOVIE "Shipwreck" (1978, Adventure) Robert LQgan, M1kk1 Jamison-Olson. (£) SWIMMING Coverage of the USA vs. USSR International Dual Meet from Knoxvllle, Tenn. (R) (?hrs .. 30 min.) 0 TOMOAROWS MOVIEMAKERS A selectioo of award-Winning student films from some of today's top~oong filmmakers are presented. 11:008 BASEBALL New York Yankees at Kansas City Royals (3 hrs.) I TARZAN 111 WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Winged Coll" A boy and his uncle find themselves the con1used owl)ef's of a colt born with wings. (Part 3) (R) c:;> e souL TRAIN e ~ HOOD Friar Tuck offers Robin, Will and Ralph shelte< in the forest: Robin and Little John decide to join their two bands. (Part 5) I MICROWAVE COOKERY BASEBALL Regional coverage of New York Yankees at ~ansas City Royals or Houston Aslros at Philadelphia Phillies (3 hrs.) 00 MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwid. (2 hrs., 9 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Hazing" ( 1977. Drama) Jett East. Brad Davis. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11:301(1) Bl..ACl<STAR I AMERICAN BANDSTAND WILD, WILD WEST ROBIN HOOD Marion helps Robin escape, after which he leads a raid on Prince John's slave labor camp. (Part 6) I MAGIC Of 00. PA.INTlNG MISTER ROGERS (R) .\I 11 H.'\< H )'\ 12:009 CJ) TENNIS "U.S. Open" Coverage of early roond matches from the United States Tennis Asso- ciation National TenNS Center. Floshing Meadows- Corona Park. N.Y. 8 LOST IN SPACE (!) MOVIE "The Bandits" ( 1979. Weste<~) Robert Coorad. Jan-Michael Vincent. e MOVIE "Alexander's Ragtime Band" (1938. Musical) Tyrone P OW8f'. Allee ~aye. I THE ROOKIES RICK'S ANIMALS aECTRIC COMPANY (A) MOVIE "Neve< Never Land" ( 1981 , Orama) Petula Clark, Csthleen Nesbitt. CS) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Jackie Cooper. (%) MOVIE "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda. Do41t_Parton ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 12:06Ql) MOVIE "No Man Is An Island" (1962. Ora- ma) Jeffrey Hunter. Marshan Thompson. 12:30 8 PORT'RArT OF A LEGEND 0 MOVIE "Tale Of Gold" (1955, Western) Clay- ton M~ilvefheels. • I~ BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Conditlon1ng'' Vic Br.adeo demonstrates live important exe<clses siuaranc.d to take you from ''huff and puff" to "Win and grin " (R) c:;> • VILLA ALEGRE (R) C · ~ MOVIE "Urban CowfJl>y" ( 1980. Orama) John Travofta. Debra~· Cl) MOVIE "Treeatn Island" ( 1972. Adventure) Orson Wetlea. Kim Burfleld. (1 hr., 3• min.) D MOYIE "BMckbOafd Jungle" (1955, Orama) GWlo Ford. ~ Ftencll. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:00e THE MlMTIRI • MOVE "The Strenp Whhln" (1974, Sclenc&- Flctton) Barbara Eden. George Gllzzard. I ENTERTAN&TT'He WEEK MOYIE "Amlfteart Emplrt" (1942. Wettern) • ON 'l'llB MOVE -Conrad Sam is wealthy Phil Drummond, posing with ms 'I>iff'ren t SCrolces' fami1y -adopted aons Willis (Todd Bridges) and Arnold (Gary O>leman) and his daughter Kimberly (Dana Plato). The NBC serit:S will be moving to Saturday at 8 p.m . this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4). Preston Fosler. Richard Dix. I MONEYMAKERS JOURNEY TO THE SKY The legends. folk tales and 400-year histories of two Texas Indian tribes - lhe Alabamas and the Cooshattas -are explored. U hr.) (EJ PKA FULL-coNTACT KARATE Cove<age of the World Light Heavyweight Championships from El Paso. Tex. (2 hrs.) 1:30e F-TROOP • MOVA "Animal Impostors" The remarkable forms of deGeplloo used by both predatOfs and their intended victims -to eat or avoid being eaten -are examined (R) D (1 hr.) -00 SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris l~s at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Horne Box Office. (D.> MOVIE "The Incredible Voyage Of Stingray" ( 1965. Sc.ience-Pic1ion) Puppets. 2:00 II WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND MOVIE "The Big Land" ( 1957. Western) Alan Ladd, Vrrglnia Mayo. (!) OUTE"A LIMITS 9 MOVIE "The Executioner" ( 1970, Orama) George Peppard, Joan Collins_ • MOVIE "After The Fox" ( 1966, Comedy) Peter Seiters, Victor Mature. I SIGNATURE Guest: Henry Wrong. MARY TY\.ER MOORE ODYSSEY "Maasal Women" The role of women among the Maasal of Kenya, a pastoral society In which cattle are lhe main source filf sustenanoe and wealth. Is explOfed. (R) D ( 1 hf.) >" 00 MOVIE "Greased llgfif,,lng" ( 1977, Biography) Richard Pryor. Beau Bridges. (1 hr., 36 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Action Of fhe Tige<" ( 195 7. Adven- ture) Van Johnson. Martine Carol. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CZ> MOVIE "The Weiter Babies" (1979, Fantasy) An1maUon and live actton. James Mason. ( 1 hr., 26 minl 2:30 8 INSIGHT I GILLIGAN'S .ISLAND RICH MAN. POOR MAN: BOOK I The lives of the Jordache brothers (Pe~ Strauss. Nick Nolte) cross for the last time as explosive events seal their destinies ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) t8 MIXED BAG "Christo' a Valley Curtain" A loOi< at how Christo hung an orange curtain between two Colofedo mountains with reactions of i>e<>ele who witnessed It. I IRELANO: A TELEVISK>N HISTORY BOB NEWHART BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manllow performs a aeleclton of l'lll hits. Including "Mandy." "I Write The Songs.'' ''Cen't Smile Wfthout Yoo" and "Cooacabena." TaP«t at Plttaburgh's CMc Arena. (~ tva.) 2:31l!TOAWEB< ILLU8TMTED 3:00 AGllCULTUAE U.S.A.. ...~ "The Prtde Of The Yankees" ( HM2. Ci)m~~Wrlght. ml MOVIE "Not With My Wile. Yoo Don't" (1966, Comedy) Tony Curtis, Vfrna Lisi. @ M02ART: SYMPHONY NO. 35 I HA YON: SYM- PHONY NO. 97 Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Phil- harmonic 1n Haydn's Symphony No. 97 with Leon- ard Bernstein leading the New York Phllharmon1c 1n Mozart's Symphony No. 35. ( 1 hr.) gi)MOVIE 6!) ARTS '82 CC) MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand. Roben Redford ( DRAG RACING Coverage ol the NHAA North Siar Na1ionals from Brainerd. Minn, ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) (IJ MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" ( t957. Drama) Andy Grtfltlh. Palricia Neal. MOVIE "Ask Any Girl" ( t959. Comedy) Shirley MacLa1ne. David Niven 3:05@WRESTLING 3:30 0 MEDICAL CENTER Cf) ERIC SEVAAEID'S CHRONICLE fD WERE YOU THERE? "The Day When The Ani- mals T'alked" Ninety-year-old educator Rev. Dr. Wil- ham F.aulkner prov"'8$ fresh insights Into Afro· • Amefican folklore. (R) D · Ii) THE AMBASSADORS A man (Paul Scofield) . senl to Paris to rescue a young American friend from the clutches of a worldly Parisienne, 1s aided in his mrssion by a charming American expatnate (l ee Remick) in this dramatization of Henry James' nov· el. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 3:45(%) MOVIE "Shanghai Express" ( 1932. Orama) Marlene Dietrich. Clive Brook. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 4:00 8 PIGSKIN PREVIEW Harry Kalas hosts this tn- depth analysls of the top collegiate football teams ot each major conference. looking at the s1ar players and the schools with the best chances for number one In the national champl0fl6hlps. ( 1 hr.) I HEEHAW MAUDE THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "The Long Goodbye" ( 1973. Mystery) Elliott Goold, Nina Van Pallandt. t8 STRUMPET CrrY Based on James Plunkett's novel. a wealthy family s1ruggAes through the turbo· lent years of 1907-1914 in Dublin. (Part 7) (1 hr.) • QUE PASA. U.S.A.? "Ml Abuelo's Driving School" Pepe and Antonio file suit when they are hit by Adela and Carmen whlle Carmen is learning to drive. <Ji) ~HES NOBODY'S BABY "A History Of Amen· can Women In The 20th Century" This documentary traces the growth of women's roles In the home. at work and at play from the turn of the century to the present -featuring such famous personalities as Mae West. Shirley Temple. Eleanor Roosevelt and many more. ( 1 lw.) Cl> MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Science-flctlon) Darren McGavln, Robert Vaughn. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 4:05 «l) COLLEGE FOOTBALL Boston College vs. Texas A & M (3 hrs.) 4:30 8 FREE-+ALL (!) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds al New York Mets t2 hrs .. 40 min.) • , • • EXILE: THE DALAi LAMA AND HIS PEOPLE William Conrad narrates the story of the exile of Tibet's Dalai Lama and his followers, who fled oo foot to India following the Chinese Communist army's invasion of their homeland. ( 1 hr.) (I) SPOATSCENTER • MOVIE "legend Of The Wild" (2 hrs.) 5:00•111 NEWS I N8CNEWS WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS Scheduled: cover- age of the Piplno Cuevas (Mexico) I Donald Curry (U.S.A.) 10-round weltef'Weight bout from San Antonio, Tex.: coverage of the 5th Avenue Mile from New Yori< City. 11 hr., 30 min.) IM•A•s•H GRaZl. y ADAMS C' SOLID GOLD MOVIE "The Lady From The Sea" Liv Ullmann. I hrs.) LAWRENCE WELK JACK LONDON WITH Wl~LIAM DEVANE The hie of the Caltfomlan author is traced from his youth 10 his untimely death at the age of 40 In a docu- drama starring William Devane. (R) Cl:) MOVIE ''The Conqoef'<>f" ( 1956. Adventure) John Wayne, Susan Hayward. (Ii) MOVIE "Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Facto- # .. (1971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson. hr.,35ml~. SUPER OF BASKETBALL "Semlflnala" ( hr .• 30 min. 5:15(%) MOVIE "Agency" (1981, Sutpe09e) Robefl Mitchum. L" MajOrl. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 5:30 e C88 NEWS I~ ca11fomla Angels at Mi'*8!JI(~ &ewer. (3 hf•·l .,.., i~-a=. Scheduted: CO*· age of the Ptplno Cuevas (Mexico) I OoAlld ~ (U.S.A.) tO-found ftfttf'weiaht bOUt frotn 8"' Antonio. Tex.: covtrage of tht &th A_.,. Mlle trom New Yor1' 0ty (1 tw .. 30 min.) J r -.................. -·------· ...... S3turday (continued) fl) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Hills Of Heaven" A careless accident results In a battle between right and Wroog for three children. (Part 1) Q '1i) SQUARE FOOT GARDENING (£) BOXING .Live coverage of the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Kirkland Laing (G.B.) 10-round junior middleweight bout from the Cobo Arena. Detroit. Mich. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CL) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. L\. L:\ I:\(; 6:00 II CJ) NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Houston Oilers al Dallas Cowboys (3.hrs".) D NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Seascin Game" Cleveland Browns at Los Angeles Raiders (3 hrs.) G .WJlD. WILD WEST &» LAWRENCE WELK «!)MOVIE "Invasion From Inner Ear•" (1974, Sci- ence-Fiction) Nick Holt. Paul Bentzen. Five people returning lfOm a stay in the Canadian wilderness dis- cover that the world IS being ravaged t>y a strange disease and a mysterious red beam. (2 hrs.) fD RICK'S ANIMALS Q)NEWS m WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP "Timber Frame Con- sttuctK>n" Roy Underhill Shows how he raised the basic frame of his shop. (R) MOVIE "This Is Elvis" (1981, Biography) Docu· mentary. Film footage and dramatic re-creations are used 10 tell the story of Elvis Presley's life and career. ( 1 hr . 42 min.) 6:30fJ NEWS fl) PAVAROTII AT JUILLIARO Luciano Pavarotti sings "Per La Gloria" from Bononcinl's "Griselda" and Kwang Chung, Susan Mentzer and Tonio de Paolo perform selections by Puccini, Mozart and Verdi. (R) Q)NBCNEWS 61) MOTOAWEEK (ID MOVIE "The Money" ( 1975) "R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 0 FEMALE MUOWRESTLING "W0<ld Lightweight Championship" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:00 D SHOOT I DON'T SHOOT Peter Falk hosts this special which tests viewers on how they would react in cnlical situations Illustrated by actual police training films. ( 1 hr.) Wherewr )10tl busy 1t111erNy takes you ... foc business 11 pleasure, befoce you ~ -pla1 a stop to Pal Mirtey's. For )J yea'S fllM -Pal Marley, hwnself, l1d moaates continue to present men's fashmS that erme tn liess °' casual! How we've extended' to ladles' tra'Atmas! We MIS hM a ldaway sale 14JSOOS in the attic rocxn. Plus at arllllld the store you'll f lld impected cdlecWes l1d gift 1tans fa any special gift! ~~:::::.::~ - E .T., 'DISNEY STYLE -Andrew K . Freeman and Tracey Gold appear in 'Beyond Witch Mount.sin,' the story of two extrat.errestrial children, to be broadcast on 'Walt Disney' Saturday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). G PAULHOGAN (ti 81 NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-Season Game" Los Angetes Rams vs. San Diego Chargers (3 hrs.) @ A LOOK AT LIV A dramatic retrospective of Ullmann the woman and artist. with Liv 'talking about an, sexuality, rite and her relatlonShip with in mar Bergrtian. (1 hr.) CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT THE MUPf>ETS U.S. CHAONtCLE "Survival In Houston's Pubhc Housing" The problems In Houston's public housing It are examined. · . :2 W MQVI~ "Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure) Ro~ _0 Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson. A widower, his two daughters, a reporter and a runaway are stranded ~ on an Isolated island after encountering a violent storm al sea. 'G' (1 hr~ 43 min.) ~ (fj) SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris loot<s at !> the movies, specials and sports events coming up ~ on Home Box Office. ([)MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" ( t981, Drama) g Marsha Mason. Kristy McNlchol. A New York ~ actress returns from a drying-out cflnlc determined '1! 10 renew her career, her romance with a playwright .t; and her relationShip with her 17 -year-old daughter ~ 'R' (2 hrs.) 3 (.?) MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" ( 1981. Drama) fZ Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Forties film star. It: Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children in.a c.,) domestic. atffi06')hefe-that varies -1rom tuxuricxr.r :_. -.- comfort 10 sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) co 7:051NEWS ~ 7: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7:30 • PAUL HOGAN (!) MUSIC WORLD fli) PRESENTE fl) WEEKEND MAGAZINE I'!) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el highlight six films that the public missed the lirst hme around. including "Ca11te Annie And Little Britches." "Go Tell The Spartans." "Over The Egge" and "Swamp Thing" (R) MOVIE "Breakthrough" ( 1979, Drama) Richard Burton. AOd Steiger. A Nazi sergeant becomes embrOiled In a plot to assassinate Hiller 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35min.) · 8:008 T.J. HOOKER Officers Hoot<er and Romano accidentally discover an Illegal weapons operation. lR) (1hr.) 6 MOVIE "War Gods Of The Deep" ( 1965. Scl- ence-F1ct1on) Vincent Price. Tab Hunter. An under- water city's rulef kidnaps two young women. (2 hrs) · CJ) PAUL HOGAN ti) WRANGLER COUNTRY STAR SEARCH Dennis Weaver hosts a blend of amateor talent on the door- step to stardom, featuring performances by Jerry 'Reed, Merle Haggard, Mel Tillis and Tammy Wynette from the Grand Ole Opry House in NaSh- vllle. (2 hrs.) @ MOVIE "The Lady From The Sea" Liv Ullmann. (2 hrs.) li .,. . .... ... ., __ .. . ... ., . .., .. ·-... -··~ ............... -·------·- N Saturday (continUed) Cl) CJ) ...... fii) STUDIO LIVEI "Freddie Hubbard" ( 1 hr.) 0) DIFF'RENT STROKES Arnold goes overboard '!ting to repay Withs for sawlQ his hie. (A) W MOVIE "Made For Each Other" ( 1009. Drama) Carole Lombard. James Stewart. A young newlywed couple try 10 cope with the ageless prob· lem ot interfemig in-taws ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ct) SPOATSCENTER ·(0 ) MOVIE "All The Marbles" ( 196 t, Comedy) Pete1 Falk. Burt Young A husthng, wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top 'fr t 0.00 Rock ON (2 hrs .• 30 min.) ($) CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travanll hosts a documentary special which focuses on some of the contr oversies surrounding cancer, 1nclud1ng interviews with involved Congressmen. cancer resea1ch officials. dOctors and cancer vic- tin1s 11 he.) "' 0 MOVIE ·· All The Marbles" Peter Falk. Vicki Frede11ck A w1secrack1ng manager takes his two beau11lul rag team wrestlers on the circuit 1n search ot lame and fortune. 'ff ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 6:05@ MOVIE "Mouhn Rouge" ( 1952. Biography) Jose Ferrer, Colette Ma1chand. Amidst the cafe ltfe ol Pans, renowned an1st Tou!ouse-Lautrec struggles With' the disasters and re1oices tn the loves of his hie (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 6:300 MOVIE "Every Day's A Holiday" (1937, Comedy) Mae West. Edmund Lowe. During the Gay N1nehes. a spunky woman manages to negotiate the sale or the Brooklyn Bridge and get the gOOds on a ~rank•llQ f>C>lice oftic1al. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 0) THE FACTS OF LIFE Jo tries to feminize her cousin, a girl who grew up motherless In a house full ol~s (R) 9:00 U WALT 04SNEY "Beyond Witch Mountain·· Two extraterrestnal children possessing psychic gifts leave their Earth sanctuary to search for anoth- er space travelef (R) ( 1 hr.) 0 DIFF'RENT STROKES Arnold goes overt>oard l_!y1ng to repay Willis for saving his life. (R) U LOVE BOAT Everyone turns matchmaker when a man offers a reward for finding a woman 10< him, and a man accompanied by his plain secretary rans for a buxom blonde. (R) D ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Impasse" ( 1969, Adventure) Burt Rey- nolds. Anne Francis. An American and-his lour-man 1eam search for $3 mlllion in gold supposedly hid· den on Malinta Hill. (2 hrs.) (!) WRESTLING 8i) SOUNDSTAGE '"Ella" The Queen of J8ZZ Is 10.ned by Count Basie. Roy Eldridge, Joe Pass and Zoot Sims when she hosts her first television pro- ~min over a decade. (R) D ( 1 hr., 30 min.) tJD MOVIE "The Strange7 At Je.ttecson .t:figh" (1962. Orama) Stewart Petersen, Dana Kimmell. A fatherless teen-ager endures undue hardships at the hands of his new high school classmates while workl()Q to support his mother and slblings. (R) (2 hrs) • ~ MOVIE wurbafl Cowboy" ( 1980, Orama) John Travolla, Debra Winger. A blue-collar wol1<er who fancies himself a modern-day cowboy falls In IOve with a girl he meets in a popular country-and-west- ern bar 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) Cfl FOOTBAU British Columbia Lions at Ottawa Rough Riders (R) (2 hrs .• 30 min.) CID CD MOVIE "Mommie Dearest'° ( 1961. Orama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Soarwid. Forties film star Joan Crawf0<d ralSes her two adopted children In a domestic almosphe<e thaJ varies from luxurious comfon to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 9 min.) Cl) MOVIE 0 'The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romar"ltlf) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South Pacific Island and experience the pangs of first love. 'A' { 1 hr .• 45 min.) 9:30 D THE FACTS Of LIFE Jo tries lo feminize her couSln. a girl who grew up motherless In a houSe Ml of boys. (R) Si) MATINEE AT THE BUOU Featured; .. The GOfil· la" ( l939) starring the Ritz Brothers; a 19'4~: toon: a 1939 short starring Joe Louis; and C~~~t, 3 of "Lost City Of The Jungle'' ( 1948). (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) , · (%) MOVIE "Bad Timing" ( 1980, Drama) Art Gar· tunkel. Harvey Keltet. A. possel8lve psychoanalyst and a stylish y~ woman ~ e t~ romance In Vienna. 'A' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) 10:00• 2 ON THE TOWN ~: a trip-1hrough Australla inciUdes a l<>Ok at th& unique WlldNfe, a mfning r9giofl, and the capitol, Sydney. ( 1 hf.) 9 · M0\1IE • ... The • Sttang« At Jefferaon Hlgh'0 ( 1~2. Orama) Stewar1 Petersen. Dana Kimmel. A falherleSS teen-ager endurei ~ har~ at the ha~ oJ his new high achoQ! detlrnates while wOf'klng 'to 90ppO(t ~ mother and Jlbffngs, (R) · (2 1· .. =~~~~hy ~d~• the!!: dllectlY9 st-toe* ~ Md" ....... ~" '~~ • wonwn ~~•the....._ Qf •• ... . . . .. . ,. ... ~ .. ,. . JO LENDS.A BAND -Jo (Nancy McKeon, right) helps htt cousin t.omboy-ish Terry (Meg an FoJlows) a djust to young womanhood in the 'Jo's Cousin' episode of_ 'The Facts of L ife' on KNBC (Ch. 4) Saturday at 8:30 p.m. her child. (R) D (1 hr.) It TEXAS AND TENNES,SEE: A MUSICAL AFFAIR Asleep At The Wheel, the Cherokee CowbOys, Jlm- m~an, Johnny Duncan, Mickey Gilley. Johnny Gimble. Kris Kristofferson. Roger Miller, Ray Price. Jerry Reed. l anya Tucker and Ernest Tubb get together to pay tribute 10 lhe pioneers of lhe Texas sound. (2 hrs:.) (!) MOVIE ··Beast Of Morocco" ( 1967~ Horror) William Sylvester. Otane Clare. Love spells disaster for a beauCiful woman because of her predrtectlOn for suckillQ the blood of unwspectlng mortals. (2 hrs.) ti> SOLID GOLD - Qj A LOOK AT UV A dramatic retrospective of Ullmann the woman and artist. with Liv talking abOut ar't. sexuality, life and her relationship with J~mar Bergman (1 hr.) U MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" (1980. Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. 'An otherwise unknown gas station attendant Claims to be the rightful heir to Howard Hughes' bllllon dollar estate. 'R0 (.1 hr .. 35 min) 10:30. INSIGHT • ROAD WORK AHEAD PERFORMS CARNIVAL SUfTE (ID MOVIE 0'The Blue Lagoon" (1980, Romance) Brooke Shletds. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote. South Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love. 'R' U hr., 45 min.) c 10:35<17) MOVIE "The Strange.-.. (194l:i, Suspense) Edward G. Robinson. Ofsqn Weftes. A smaHown college professor and pillar of hiS community turns out to be a hunted NazJ war cttmlnal. (2 hrs.) - 10:451 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 • (J) 9. NEWS I ENTERTAINMENT·THIS WEEK MOVIE "The Long Goodbye" ( 1973. MystelW Elliott Goold. Nina Van Pallandl Oet&ctlve Philip Marlowe encounters e host of offbeat characters while loo+ong for his clleors ml$Slng h\Jsband. (.2 .hrs.) e MOVIE "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" ( 1962, Suspense) Bette Davis, Joan Crawford. Two sistert, both former film at~. live a bizarre exis- tence In a terror~ridden house. (2 hra ) · t8 MOVIE .. The Lady From The Sea'' Liv Ullmann. i ~ CEHTtR JotlGHT ·"Great Jazz Vibes! LOO.I Hampton And Friends" P8811 Salley, Dave Brubeck. Zoot Sims, Betty. Cart8f and other j8.zz greats pay a muslcal trit¥e to L'9nel Ha~pton . at a White Houee reception e(ld • concert at Kenne-• tJ= (1~) • MAMEMAHCE 8HoP BUD .. I. EtJM~" ··• . 11: lcTHE ~ ·:· *>VIE "Sweet CNWtty'.'~· ~~ titev • JeM "Mcw.rttn. d ,_ IMdrY .... ·~ • dlnc:lr hell ,.... ..... '-' d -· .... ~tor""' law .net ................. .-(2 ~) ;\ . . . ~...,,,.. . . . , · ' •'. . . . -,. . ,.,. ... .· ~ MOVIE "Land ~ers" ( 1969. Western). Telly Savalas, Ge0<ge Maharis. An Indian-hating town boss is held responsible for a wagon train massacre in Arizona territory. (2 hrs., 15 min.) GD SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Tim Curry Guest· Meat Loaf. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min ) CC) MOVIE "Or111e·ln" ( 1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole. Several Te>tas teen-agers meet during a night ol romance and excitemenl at a dr111e-1n theatre featuring an Improbable disaster lllm. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) CE) SPORTSCENTER ® MOVIE "SI. Helens" ( 1961. Drama) Art Gar- ney. Elav1d Huffman An 60-year-old man refuses to leave his small resort after a geologist predicts a volcanic disaster. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 min.) (f ) MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" ( 1 hr., 30 min ) (~) MOVIE "Sex Ray" (Comedy) A luturis11c man creates a ray gun with the power lo mak·e any wom· an fall hopelessly in love ( 1 hr .. 9 mm ) (Z) MOVIE "Agency" ( 1961, Suspense) Roberl M1tenum, L86 M~or.s. The new head of a major Amencan advertising firm uses ·a chifdren·s break- fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages· 'A' ( 1 hr .. 3~ min.) 11 :45 D MOVIE "Tbe M60l'rsflTile War" ~70, Ora- ma) Richard Widmark. Alan Alda A fede<al agent uses questionable tactics to coofiscate a batch of moonshine from a backwOOds brewery (2 hrs.) 12:000 NEWS 1J MOVIE "Machine Gun Kelly" ( 1956, Drama) Charles Bronson. Susan Cab01. A smaUtime robber is pressed into a kidnappillQ by hlS naggillQ girl- friend (1 hr .. 45 min ) O MAVERIOK (!)MOVIE "Bom To Be Bad" ( 1950, Orama) Joan Fontaine. Roberl Ryan. A superficially Innocent woman Is Jed to .destruction when her true nature Is revealed. g MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. Comedy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. A budd- ing songwriter at Vince Lombardi High tries to get the Ramones to record her music while her equally ambitious lriend pursues the school heartthrob. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 12:308 MOVIE "Arrlvedercl, Baby!" (1966, Come- dy) Tony Curtis, Rosanna Schlaf1ino. A playboy who murders wealthy women to gain their inheri· tances meets his match In a nobleman's widow. (2 hrs.) D SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host: nm Curry. Guest: Meat Loaf. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) _ CE) BOXING Coverage of the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Kirkland Laing (G.B.) 10-round junior middlewetgtit bout from the Cobo Arena. Oetroil, Mich. (R) • (0) MOVIE 0'Sex WOfld" ( 19780 "X' ( 1 hr., 30 12:35 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE m"1~ .12:45 MOVIE "This Is Elvis .. (1981. Biography) Documentary. Alm footage and dramatic re-<:rea· ttons are used to tell the story of EIVis Prestey•s life and career. (1 hr .• 42 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Monster From A Prehistoric Planet°' (.1966. Sclence-F'ictl~n) Tamlo Kawajl, Yoko Yamamoto. Three men discover a young prehistoric creature and enrage the creature's parents by tak- ~ ~pan with them. ( t hr:. '45 min.) § A LOOK AT UV A dramatic retrospective of Ullmann the woman and artist, with Liv talking about art. sexuality, life end her relationship with ~rnar Bergman. EVENING AT THE IMPROV MOVIE "Emily .. (1976, Drama) Koo Start<, Vic- tor Spinetti. In 1920s Engiand, a teen-age g1t1 comes of age through an affair wi1h an American ·schoolteacher. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 1: 10 ® MOVIE "Deadly Blessing" ( 1981. Horror) Ernest Borgnlne. Lois Nettleton. " living nightmare begins for a young woman when she marries into a strict religious sect. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 1:15~ MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes To Wa&h- 1n{lton'· (19n. Comedy) Jotri Heatherton. Geofge .Hamilton. The Irrepressible X8viera l-iollandef lour· neys to the U.S. capital and uncovers some very sensitive ~rel documents. 'R' ( t hr •• 29 min.) • (%)MOVIE "9 To 5" (1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel against their sut>Wtion b)' e male chauvln6$t boes. 'PG' ( t hr . 50 min.) ·. 1:30e MOVE "Dracula'• Castle" ( 1969. Horror) John Ce~ne. Ottp Kruger. A vampire and his wife kidnap yowng girts In order to drink Jheif blood. (2 hrtl 1;35 RATPAn,>l . . . 1:41 lil(WIE "TN Best Yti11a Ot Our Live$" ( UMO. Drema) Fredric Mar'cl\. M)'rnl Loy. Ttwee' • vet.ant mtd thelt WW. ~ to adjust to post-•.,~.;. (3hra.,46~l ... · ; . ()C)IQRT . . . . ' . ) ~ ~ fr.T.~: c 1911) : ... (1 .,, ... :· • ~ ... ,. ,,. ....... ,... ,.. .., : . . \ .._._,...,... ·-...--·-•"'-._._ .... ~ .... ,.....,. .-r..,._.__ ... ·ACUPUICTURE --~-··.I. F°"'*' Chelrmen, ...._of~ Acupuncutre Foundlltton PROFESSOA OF ACUPUNCTUAE, GRADUATE: CHINA ME.OtCAl COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA. 13th Edftton 545-2438 MDll.·W.0."'11 • .............. c.... ,,. .......... ......... UllTAMA OIUJI• FACE-LIFTS SMOKlt6 & PAll-CONTIOL .,ona ..... •-.m .• EW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SP£CIAL Eajoy TeriJUi • Tem,.... ~U.W ............. laf .... , ...... Jap1111e9e CIMf • Beer • :Wlt1e • Saki @ JAPANESE ~guo:. RESTAURANT -NOW OPEN FOB LUNCH lloft. lhnl Pit. 11:11 to 1:11 DlllMf ............... ~ "°"' 4 ......... 171-Hll 3l40 E. COAST lllY. cmolM DEi. .. #EWP.ORT ..... . DA -TSU# ..... ,, .. ,,., #1 ' 1-.. INl1r 11 ln111 01111JI 111. T•MJ ... ...... .._ ....... rrrt~ ......... lnl1111 T I t w ·N Sunday (continued) co ~ complex choreography and llasl\y special effects in a perrormance taped at the Oakland Coltseum 1n M Oakland. C~1fornia ( 1 hr ) C; 8:30 B ODYSSEY Guests Rev. Richard Gillett, Ep1s- &J copal priest and coordinator for the Western Olllce E of Church and Society; Dr Thomas 0. English, engi-£ neer and consultant on environmental-ecological CD earth sciences; Jim Downing and Art Hobba. en Church on lhe Way. Van Nuys; President Or. James A Sanders. Old Testament scholar and theologian, and Associate Richard O. Weis, Ancient Biblical Manuscnpt Center at the School of Theology. Clare- mont 0 PEOPLE 7 CJ) THE L..AMAYES f) MtETINGifME AT CALVARY (!) REX HUMBARD -~ FREDERICK K. PRICE ..Q Ell) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) ii: m KNOW YOUR BIBLE ($')TWO DANGEROUS LADIES Two sp1ne-11ngftng lales of two beautiful and mysterious ladies; one suspected of practicing lhe occult. the other a wealthy woman on a strangly deserted island ; ' (Z) MOVIE .. The Water Babies" ( 1979. Fantasy) Animation and ltve actton James Mason ( 1 hr . 26 mm) 9:00 0 NEWS CONFERENCE fJ A.M. LOS ANGELES THIS WEEK CV 0 ORAL ROBERTS (!) ROBERT SCHULLER @) IT IS WRIITEN Eli,) SESAME STREET (R) D CC) MOVIE "Return 01 A Man Called Horse" (1976. Adven1ure) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. CE)SPORTSCENTERPLUS (ID MOVIE "The Pilot" ( 1980. Orama) Cliff Robert- son. Diane Baker. ( 1 hr. 34 min.) 9:30 IJ Cl) FACE THE NATION 0 GD MEET THE PRESS 0 DAY OF DISCOVERY crJ) KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORAOW BOXING Coverage ot the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Ktrkland Laing (G.B ) 10-round junior m1ddlewe1ght bout from the Cobo Arena. Oelrolt, Mich (R) (3 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Russell, Season Hubley. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 0 MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 10:001) ~EWSMAKERS Guests. Three minor party candidlies for Govern0<. Elizabeth Martinez. James Gnffin and Dan Dougherty 0 ON CAMPUS "A Special Tribute To George Fenneman" D MOVIE .. It's A Gift" ( 1934, Comedy) WC Fields. Baby Leroy. I BACK TO BASICS WONDER WOMAN HERALD OF TRUTH GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS '"Hank Aaron" Host: Reggie Jackson. tD REX HUMBARD ED THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Colde Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congresslonal aclivfties. fl) NEWSCENTER WEEKLY Ii) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 1 O: 15 (%) MOVIE "Agency" ( 198 1, Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Ma)ots. ( 1 ht .. 35 min.) 10:308 INTERFACE I ARTS OF ASIA 0 Kl06 ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: Jon "Bowser" Bauman. comedian Pat Hurley, Linda Gray. (R) ( 1 hr.) 0 ROBERT SCHULLER (f) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at New York Mets lhrs .. 40min.) JERRY FALWaL OPEN MINO CHICO ANO THE MAN MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING 10:35 (fl) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Montreal Expos @hrs., 1s·min.) 11:00 8 CJ) NCAA FOOTBAU PREVIEW A 1oOk at the upcoming season with Interviews. features and TAU< ABOVT PICTVRES i hlights. (1 hr.) MOVIE "Not With My Wife, You Don't" ( 1966, Comedy) Tony Curtis. Vlrna Lisi. • MASTERPIECE THEA TAE "Disraeli: The Chief" The aging Disraeli Is elevated to the House ot Lords and faces one of hi$ greatest dlplomatlc challenges --the Suez conflict. (Part -4) (R) o ( 1 hr.) tm MOVIE "Glrl Happy" ( 1965':" Musical) Elvls Pr8Sley, Sheffey Fabel•. G WASHINGtON WEE< IN REVIEW (R) CC) MOV1E •· Adem's Woman" ( 1972, Orama) 8eau Bridges. John Millt. (8) ~"The Irishman" (1978, Orama) Michael ~·~ Robin NeWl. ( 1 ht., 4'5 min.) -'d89•~.t :: '11 ,_..._ ..... PMk,-.. WI THOUT 'MEATBEA D ' -S a lly S truthers returns to CBS in the role of C}l.oria Bunker in a ne w series, 'Gloria,' this bill. It is the srcry of a separated mother who must make a new life for herself as a veterinarian's assistant on KNXT (Ch. 2) S undays at 8:30 p.m. San Dimas. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) " BASEBAU Cahfornta Angels at MilW{UJJjee Brewers (3 hrs.) 19 THIS WEEK WrTH DAVID BRINKLEY TERRY COLE•WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL STREET WEEK "America First?" Guest: Douglas F;-Lamont. dean of the College of Business Administration at Roosevelt University. (R) .\l ll .l{'\()()" m1ddlewe1ght bout from St. Joseph, Mo.; coverage of the Onental World ol Self-Defense from Madison Square Garden. New York. N. Y. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8'!) MOVIE "Sun Valley Serenade" ( 1941, Musical) Sonja Heme. Miiion Berle. CC) MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Orama) Jack Lem- mon, Robby Benson. MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Little Britches" ( 1981, Western) Burt Lancaster. John Savage. ( l hr . 35 min.) 1: 10 (f) KINER'S KORNER 1:30(!) MUSIC WORLD ti) AOAM-12 1:35CD)THECOUNT 1:50@NEWS 2:000 MOVIE "The Purple Plain" ( 1955. Orama) Gregory Peck, Win Min Than (!)FM-TV - &>'MOVIE '·Jimlhofpe·-Alr American· tt951. ------ Biography) Burt Lancaster. Phyllts Thaxter ®MOVIE "The lady From The Sea" Liv Ullmann (2 hrs.) ©) SOMEONE'S IN THE KITCHEN WITH JAMIE A young boy battles sextSm when he quits his baseball 1eam to help his mom ln the kitchen. MOVIE "The Outrage" ( 1964, Orama) Paul Newman. Laurence Harvey ( t hr., 35 min.) 0 SPOTIGHT SEPTEMBER PREVIEW MOVIE ··Rain" (1932, Orama) Joan Crawford. Walter Huston ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 2:05@THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:308 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND fl) INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Being A Car Deal- er" A car dealer reveals how he got Into the buSI· ness and how he became successful. fl) SAN DIEGO CHARGERS FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS "Clitthangers, Comebacks And Char- Qcler" 81) MOVIE "One In A Million" ( t937, Musical) Son- ja Henie, Don Ameche. · cm THE OLDEN DAYS COAT A young girl learns to better appreciate the splrl1 ot Christmas after she is transported back 1n time by a magical blue coat. 0 MOVIE "Str1bad And The Eye Of The Tiger'" ( 1977, Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. (1 hr. 53 min.) 2:35 (fl) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 3:008 DECADES OF GREATNiSS - YEAR OF ADVERSITY A profile of the best and worst of the 1981 Oakland Raiders season and their prospects for the future. 8 MOVIE "Two Years Bel0<e The Mast'' (1946, Adventure) Alan Ladd. Brian Oonlevy. G SUPER BOWL XVI HIGHLIGHTS I CALIFORNIA CONGRES8K>NAL REPORT 12:008 TENNIS "U.S. Open" Live coverage ot early BEAR BRYANT: COUNTDOWN TO 3 15 Host round matches from the United States Tennis Asso-Joe Namath and other great players relive the foot- c1ation National Tennis Center. Flushing Meadows.-ball histories of Alabama. Texas A & M and Kentuc- Corona.Park. N.Y. (3 hrs ) ~ wtth Coach Bryant. ( 1 hr.) I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL ~MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" (1976, SEARCH Adventure) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. GREAT QUARTERBACK SNE.AJ< (BJ MOVIE "lion Of The Desert" (1981, Orama) PAPER CHASE ··once More With Feeling" A Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed. (2 hrs.. 45 min.) law professor (Robert Reed) gives a top student a CO MOVIE "'Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) low exam score after she refuses his advances. O Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier. hr.) • ©)MOVIE "Free Spirit" (1978, Orama) Eric Porter, 8'!) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS Rachel Roberts. cm MOVIE "Runaway Island" (AC1Venture) Miles 3:3012 WITH YOU Buchanan. Simone Buchanan. 8 USGA GOLF "U.S. Amateur Championstlip" Cl) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Faoe" ( 1980, Coverage of the match-play competition from The Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. ( l hr., 31 Coun!ry Club, ~rookllne, Mass. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) mtn. l i SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE VUKON g MOVIE "Solo" ( 1978, Orama) Vincent Gil, Per-CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW ~Armstrong. (2 hrs.) HORSE RACtNG WEEKl Y CZ) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) 3:35 al) NICE PEOPLE Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 3:"6(%) MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) 12:308 DIRECTIONS "Between Two Worlds: The R1ehard Burton, Tatum O'Neal. Amerasian ChUdren" Herbert Kaplow examines the •:008 MOVIE ··call To Danger" (11H2. Drama) pfighl of Amerasian children Who are frequently sub-Peter Graves, Clu Gulagef. jeoted to&rejudice and exploltallon. (R) 8 SPORTSWOALD Scheduled: coverage of the ill SAN EGO PADRES PRE-GAMI: Mark Holmes I Doug DeWitt 10-round mlddleweight Cl MOVIE "Planets Against Us" ( 1961, Science-bout trom St. Joseph. Mo.: coverage of the 'Oriental Fiction) Michel Lemoine, Marla Pia Luzi. World of Self~Oetense from MadlSon Square Gar-9 NFL FOOTBALL "Pr&-Season Game" Los den. New YOl'k, N.Y. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Angeles Rams vs. San Diego Chargers (3 hrs,) Cl) STAR TREK GD SLIM CUISINE G MOVIE "War Gods Of The Deep" ( 1965, Sci· Cl) TRACK ~D AELO Covtra99 of the lvo Van enc.Fictt0n) Vincent Pflee, Tab Hunte<. Damme Meet from Bruste1s. BelgtUm. (3 hrs.) Cl) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK 1:008 NFL FOOTBALL ''Pre-Season Game" Cleve-• MOYIE "The Long Goodbye" (1973, Mystery) land Browna vs. Los Angele& Raiders (3 hrs.) Elliotl Gould. Nina Van Pelland! 8 MOVIE "A Man And A Woman" ( 1966, • MOVIE "The Gatling Gun"•( 197~. Westarn) • Romance) Anouk Aimee. Jean·Louls Trlntlgnant. Guy Stockwell, WOO<Jy Strode. CJ) BASEBALL Chicago White Sox vs. San Otego 9 A LOOK AT LI\' A dramatic retrospective of Padres (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Ullmann the woman and artist, with L.lv taJktng m NFL 'FOOTBAU "Pre-&Maon Game" Los about art, sexuality, life and Mr relltk>nthlp with Angeles Rams vs. San Diego Cl'largens (3 hrs.) ~mar Ber~ 1 hr.) EOAM-12 ..-•WALL WEEK "America First?" Guest; EVENING AT SYMPHONY SPECIAL: THE CEN-Douolaa F. Lamont. dean of the College of Business AL TOUA Se!~ Ozawa and the Boston Sym-AdrNnlltratlon at Aooeev9tt UnMr91ty (R) phony Orchestra kick off their celebrated 1981 •MOVIE "Return To MeCon County'' ( 1975. Dra- 100th-annlvetuty world tour with a COflC*t tppMr· ma) Nick Nolte. Don Jotlnlon. ance at Tokoyo'a Bunke Ka1kan Hall. (1 hf., 30 • A TAl8UTE TO ALEC WILDER Pirlormenc. by min.) host ~ McPwtllud, WC8llt ~ McCot· • 8PORT8WOALD Sohedul9d: '" CCWll'!Q!_ of ___ ... ..;.:klt~WJ"-~~'..,~ Orchietr• .,. , ... -. . ,.._*'-' J ~ ~ 1o:i0Urid uriCfTn~anJnffmMiliiilflifthia. INI WOt1t ot ft. -.. _.....,._ ·-· ... ··-~ -.._.....,........_ .......... ~,._.. • ~.__.........___ _ _ _.,. ___ w_ .................... ...-,.. • ._. .,_........_....._ •• ._.__.w ••~•..,.,....-.. .,.......,.---.--...... _.. .... ____ •• Sunday (continued) American composer ( 1 hr ) SPORTSCENTER JANE FONDA'S CELEBRITY FASHION SHOW Jane Fonda and David Steinberg search for a designer's dream 1n an all-star special featuring high fashion. celebrity guests and madcap adventure. ( 1 hr. 30 min) 4:05@ WRESTLING 4:30 fE FIRING LINE "Tile Odyssey 01 A Southern Liberal" Guest: Moms ~bram. author of "The Day Is Short " (R) (0) SPORTS OF BALANCE 0 MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harns ( 1 hr , 39m1n.) 5:00 0 KUNG FU 0 fJ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Brooks Robin· son" Host Ge0<ge Plimpton Cl) M•A•s•H 00. STRAIGHT TALK @)NEWS @ STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plunkett's novel, a wealthy family struggles through the turbu· lent years of 1907· 1914 in Dublin (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) Ell) FIRING LINE "The Odyssey Of A Southern Lib- eral" Guest Moms Abram. author of "The Day Is Short." (A) ( 1 hr ) '1!) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila discusses plans tor installing a wOOd·burning stove .and Norm Abram checks the root (R) c:;i CC) AFI SHOWCASE CE) NCAA FOOTBALL Temple at Penn State (R) (3 hrs.) ([) MOVIE "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" ( 1981, Adventure) Puppets CID GYMNASTICS 5:05@ NASHVILLE ALIVEI Guest: Samm1 Smith. ( 1 hr.) 5:30 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS QI) ABC NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTTER I'!) MOTORWEEI( ... CC) MOVIE "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 1966. Come· ~ Doris Day. Rod Taylor. Ci) MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Russell, Season Hubley. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Shan9hai Express" ( 1932, Orama) Marlene Dietrich, Chve Brook. ( 1 hr . 20 min.) l . \ l. '\ I:\( ' 8:00988NEWS 8 MOVIE "The Little House On The Prairie" ( 1974. Adventure) Michael Landon. Melissa Gil- bert. An American wilderness famlly aJtempts to survive in the Kansas of the 1870s. (2 hrs ) (I) CBS NEWS 0 WILD, WILD WEST i IT IS WRrTTEN THE ROCKFORD ALES JERRY LEWIS TELETHON An annual special. live from Las Vegas and other locations. features a long hst of celebrities and IS held for the benefit of Muscular Dystrophy. ( 1 hr.) 8) MOVIE "SS Days At Peking" ( 1963. Adventure) Charlton Heston. Ava Gardner. Tension and Polltlc81 turmoil surrounds the Chrnese Boxer Rebemon of 1900. (2 hrs.) @THE CHAMBER MUStC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER Barbara Hendricks and Stephen Burns sing selections from some of the lamed musicians such as Bach, Arne. Rachmaniotf and others. ( I hr.) I GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD NBC NEWS NOVA "Animal Olympians" The beauty. endur- ance and power of animals in the wlld are juxta· posed with Olymplc athletes perlormlng leats which have parallels In the anlmal kingdom. (R) hJ ( 1 hr.) CH) MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps' (1978, Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. A man becomes the quarry of both the police and a secret group of foreign agents operating In England when ... -"'IYORCE MEDIATION---. A NON-cOMBATIYE PROCESS COUN8ELOR-AnORNEY RAM REA80NAllLE COST FOR PURTHD N'O CALL 752·1084 9'allut GlllflF, A..._, ann ••11r, •cc ~~~~~~~----------------------------------------------~~-------------· SAYING FAREWELL AGAIN -Vera Brittain (Cheryl Campbell) and fi'ancee Roland L eigh ton (Peter Woodward) are separated once more as she resumes her duties as a World War I volunteer nurse in 'Testimony of Yo uth' on KOCE (Cb. 50) Sunday at 8 p.m . he is Ira~ for a slranger's murder. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 42 mini 6:05 WEEK IN ~EW 8:30 FIGHT BACK THE WORLD TOMORROW ON VIEW l lNSIGHT eNEWS MOVIE "Torch Song" ( 1953, Drama) Joan Crawford, Michael Wllding. A Broadway star loved secretly by a blind pianist leads an empty and unsatisfying life. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ' 7:00 9 Cl) 80 MINUTES , D S BOAN TO THE WIND A young warrior returns to camp with the first white man the vlllagers have ever seen. (t hr.) D CODE RED Danny stows away aboard a hell· copter being used to transport explosives to an oll well fire. (R) ( 1 hr.) I PAUL HOGAN JIMMY SWAGGART JERRY LEWIS TELETHON An annual special, live from Las Vegas and other locations, features a long list of celebrities and ls held for the benefit of Muscular Dystrophy. (2 hrs.) m JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONrD) 9 DANCE "Balanchine's Davldsbundlertanz:e" George Balanchine leads this ballet based on the life and music of composer Robert Schumann. ( 1 hr) • ARTHUR RUBINSTBN "Oeauville" Rubinstein reminisces about his many trips to this city by the sea and visits Russian opera dills Gallana Vlshneys- kaya and her husband, Mstlslav Rostropuvict\. ( 1 hr.) ID VICTORY GARDEN Bob Thomson r<Jturns to the Aoriade flower and vegetable e>thlblt!on In Amster· dam, HoUand. CC MOVIE "Ms. "45" (1981, Drama) Zoe Tamerlis. Jack Thibeau. After being raped twice In ooe night a mute woman kills her attacke< and sets oft on a vendetta against the violence of men. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) (n> MAKING OF STAR WARS ' • 15 CZ) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( t976. Romance) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser ::2 Robin Hood returns from battle to Sherwood Forest g to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian, who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr.. ;! 45 min) 7:05@NEWS 7:308 FOCUS ON BRITAIN ' c8 8!) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS .,, CC) MOVIE "Rashomon·• ( 1950. Orama) Mach1to ~ Kyo, )'osh1ro Mifune. Through a series of flashbacks, -<_111 an eighth-century Japanese woodcutter recounts his version of a ra pe-murder to a Buddhist priest and a servant. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 8:00 tJ (I) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE ~chle's "new.:.: uninsured truck crashes into Reggie Jack- son's car. (l'i) . D fl) CHlffS A former officer who was imprisoned for taking bribes helps Jon and Ponch nab his for-~ mer partners in crime (A) ( 1 hr ) 8 ENTERTAINMENT TfflS WE.EK D M0VfE "Sidney Sheldon's Bloodline" (1979. Drama) Audrey HepbUrn, Ben Gazzara Alter her lather dies. a woman inherits one of the world's wealthiest corporattons and becomes the target of her scheming relatives. at least one of whom is a murderer (Parental d1scrett00 is advised) Q (3 hrs) · fJ IT IS WRITTEN (!)MAUDE e MOVIE "Adventure In Venlana" (1974) DoctJ. mentary. Narrated by Doug McClure. The plight of Caltfornia's wild boar. a species threatened with ext1nct1on. Is explored. (2 hrs ) @ STRUMPET CITY Based on James Plun~eN's novel. a weallhy family struggles Jhrough the turbo- lenJ years of 1907-1914 in Dublin. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) fD NOVA "The Cancer Detectives Of Un Xian" Chi· nese scientists have uncovered some clues In their pursuit of a cure for esophageal cancer, an eluslve cancer which claims a disprnportionate number of ltves in Lin Xian. (A) o (1 hr.) 8!) MASTERPIECE ,-..EATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera Brittain Is determined to go to Oxford deSpite the obstacles placed in her path by tradition and her loving but unenlightened father. (Part 1) 00 ) D (1 hr.) S~SCENTER - MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, w'1SeCracklng manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the ~ 'A' (1 hr .. 55 min.) (QJ MOVIE "The Great Muppet Caper" (1981, Comedy) Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg. Reporters Kermit. Fozzie and Gonzo trace a fabulous stolen Jewel to Lond<>n. 'G' (1 hr., .to min.) Cl) MOVIE "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Drama) John TravOlta. Debra Wlrtger. A blue-«>llar worker who fancies himself a modern-day cowboy falls In love with a girl he meets In a popular country-and-west- ern bar. 'PG' (2 hrs., 12 min.) lit MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Sca.rwld. Forties lilm star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children In a domestic atmosphere that varies lrom luxurious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 8:05 (Ill JERRY FALWELL 8:308 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME Barbara and Mark decide that they want a qolck and easy wedding oeremony. (Part 2) (R) llTHEWOALOTOMORROW (!}EVENING AT THE IMPROV 9:008 Cl) ALICE Mel's mother comes to Phoenix to invest In real estate and promote her new cook· book. (R) · · 8 • MOVIE "The Wild Geese" ( 1978, Atjyen. ture) Richard Burton. Rog« Moore. A darN group of mercenaries are recruited by a British t)lcoon to restore the deposed president of an African country to power, (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I TOM COlTLE CLOSE-OP ' OR.CHO • JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONrO) CHAMBER MUStc SOCIETY ot LINCOLN CEN- TER Barbara Hendricks and Stephef'l Burna sing selections from some of the famed musicians such as Bach. Arne. Rachmanlotf and others. ( 1 hr.) James L. Zimmerman Cet11fled Pubic Accountant Full ranoe of.~ellted profeslorwtl services for small businesses & lndlvlctu.ls .. I ., ____.... .......... ~-...-..... ............-.-.1 .......... ~ ..... ..-............... ~-........ ......_.. ............. -----. ---. . 16 .......... ·--·-·-·-.......... , ....... -·-···· ··--··-· .. ·-·-···----...--... ·-···,.-· ~Sunday (continued) ' ~ • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vera Brittain is determined to go lo Oxford despite the obstacles placed In her path-by tradition and her loving but unenlightened father. (Part 1) {!l) D ( 1 hr.) ID fl'i'STERY '"Rumpole Of The Bailey: Rumpole And The Course Of True Love" Aumpole defends a teacher charged with the c0truptlon of one of his 15-year-otd female students. (Part 5) (R) Q (1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "'TrlbUte'" ( 1980, Ofama) Jeck Lem- mon. Robby Benson. An Irresponsible Btoadway press agent begins to regret his wasted fife and his tenuous relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) ' ([) TRACK.AND FIELD Coverage of the lvo Van Damme Meet from Brussels, Belgium. (A) (2 hrs., 30min) MOVIE '"Carbon Copy" (1981, Comedy) George Segal. Susan Saint James A successful while businessman discovers that he has a grown son who 1s black. 'PG" ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Agency" (1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Majors. The new head of a major Amencan advertising firm uses a children's break- fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 9:05@0PENUP 9:30 8 (I) THE JEFFERSONS George Is determined to get lamed gospel singer Andrae Crouch to sing at Jessica's baptism. (R) D JACK VAN IMPE Cf) MOVIE "The Cruel Sea" ( 1953, Drama} Jack Hawkins. Donald Sinden. Men aboard the vuinera~ ble Cofvettes must faoe the perils of Naz.I 5'.lb war- fare. (2 hrs., 30 mln.) 10:00 8 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN. M.O. GOftl;O ~ hl9 patient, an aothor of self"°""'P bO<*s. ...oelve threats lon=~R:;~y NEWS IN REVlEW DANCE '"Balanchine's DavldSbotdeftanze" Beorge Balanchine leadS this ballet based'Ofl the life and music of composer Roberl Schumann. ( 1 hr.) e STREET OF DREAMS: A08 MCCOfilEl..L ANO THE BOSS BRASS Baodleader Rob McConnell and the Bou Brass perlOfm ''Street Of Oreems," "My ....,.. Bill" and "Smoke Gets In Ycu E)'M" in • oon- ce1t from Redondo Beech.~ ( 1 hr.) • A TRleUTETOAU!IC-..OS. ~ t.y host Marien McPMllnd. \IOC8li9t ~ Mceot- kle and the ArraingetS' .. oldly o.ehMlfa.,. .... tured In en intimate look at !he life end wcwk. of the American composer. (1 hr.) CID EARTH. WIND N«J ARE If CONCERT The jazZ-funk-roci< Q(oup combine explo$We llngiAg with complex ctioteography and f\ashy epecial efleCts In a performance taped at the Oskland Coliseum in Oakland, California. ( 1 hr.) l:m EINSTBN: 1Ji8MAN BEHIND THE GENIUS Steve Polinsky portrays Albert Einstein In this one- man show taped at the Newbridge Pertormlng Cen· ter in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:05@ MOVIE "The Children1a Hour" (1962, Ora· ma) Avaey Hepburn. Shh1ey Meclalne. Mdco• gossip concerning IN relatlonshlp between two female teachers in a fashionable gll'ts' school br1ngs "them tragedy and social ruin. (2 hrs.. 10 min. l 10:308 LONE RANGER .. JIMMY SWAGGART / Cl) DOTTIE WEST: SPECIAL DELIVERY Grammy winner Dottle West performs live in conoert with ~clal guest Kenny Rogers. g MOV1E "American Gigolo" (1980, Ofama) Richard Gere. Lauren Hutton. A Beverly Hills gigolo beeomes the prime suspect In a murdef 1rwestiga; lion. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 10:461 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 8 (I) NEWS I WILD KINGDOM WORLD VlStON • JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONrD) ta STRUMPET CITY Based on James PkJnkett's novel. a wealthy family struggles through the turbu- lent years of 1907-1914in0ublln. (Part7) (1 hr.) • SNEAK PREVtEW8 Roger Ebert and G9ne Sisk· el look at the changing Hollywood portrayal of homosexuality wi1h scenes from "Maldng Love." "Personal Best" and "Victor. Vtotorla." (C) MOVIE "Adam's Woman" (1972, Orama) Beau Bridges, John Miiis. A wrongly tmp(teoned sallof attempts to win his release by marrying an lnftuenllal ~man. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) • CHJ MOVIE ''Looker" (1981. Scienee-Flctlon) Albert Finney, JemeJ Coburn. The rnyttetlous deaths of a M<iff of beautiful modell involved In a new adveftlslng project ere blamed on 1he plntlC surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( t hf.. 34 min.) CC MOVE "Going Places" (1974. ()l'ama) Gerard Oeperdleu. Jeanne Moreau.~ *Oman'*> hM JI* been rele&Sed af1er ten yeara In prison ltO*I dO'IWn a RESCUE MISSION -Hardy Kruger. as Petttr Coetzee, helps the president of an Afriam nation, Julius Limbani, played by Wimton Nt#hona, escape-prlaon in 'The Wild Geele' on KNBC (Cb-4) Sunday•& g p.m. pair of wandering young hOOdlums. 'R' (1 hr .• 55 min.) {%) MOVIE "Mommle ~rest" (1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scatwtd. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopt~ children In a domestic atmosphere that varies from luxurious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 9 min.) 11:151C8S NEWS 11: 1 30 p~=AL NIGNEW8 WEBCENO IPORTS WRAP-uP "N~AiQCB ~Ttwough A Window" (1972. Ora- ma) John Notman. Bara ey,,... A TV reporter's assignmerlf to'W'OW fw eue with which Pflvacy can violated turns Into a pet'son&I obsesSlon with voyeu~ rism. 'R' ( 1 hf .. 20 min.} Cl) COUNTRY OOES TO ENGi.ANO Mel Tiiiis hosts this country music special filmed In England featur- ing Kris Kristofferson. Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Ofblson. Box Car Willy. Terri Gibbs and Billy Swan. ( 1 hr., 30 mln.1 11:45• THE ROCKFORD ALES e t,K)VIE "The Sound And The Fury" ( 1959. Dra- ma) Yul Btynner. Joanne W<>odWard. A Southern Qit't from a degenetate famly attemPts to make a lite rcx herself. (2 tws.) 12:00• 100 CLUB Featuntd: Olympic track star Bill Lundbefg; the latest lnfOfmatlon on arthritis. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (l)STARmEK (!)MOVIE "The Egg And I" (19~7. Comedy) Clau- dette Colbert, Fred MacMurray. A young couple bUy a Chicken farm and eocounter many trying experi- ences. (2 hrs.) I T ALES OF THE UNEXPECTED CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN ce+-TER Barbara Hendricks and Stephen Burns sing selections from some of the famed musicians such as Bach. Arne. Aaohmanlott and others. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Flash Gordon; The Greatest Adventure Of All" ( 1982, Adventure) Animated. Flash Gordon must convince the warring !actions of Moogo to work together to overthrow Ming the Mercilets and sto~ his conquest of Earth. (A) (2 hrs.) 12: 16 8 MOV1E "Flash GOfdon: The Greatest Adven- ture Ot AN" (1982. Ad\lenture) Animated. Flash Gordon mvst convince 1he warring ftctlOns of Mon- go to work together to overthrow Ming the Merciless and stop his conquest Of Earth. (R) (2 hrs.) all MOVIE "A MldsufMler Nlahl'I Dfeam'' ( t935. Comedy) ,,.mes Cegney, 01Ma de Hlvtlencl. Mlok- 9"/ Rooney. Based on Shakespeare'• ptay. LOlle cre- ates' confuak>n lot MYefal haptels people. (2 hn .. 15mln.) 12:30• MCM£ "Blue Steel" (1934, Wfttern) John W1yrte, EIMnor Hunt. A dlsgui.led U.S. mtrehal convinces a town not to yleld tllelr gold-rich 1,nd to i 889Uflng band (1 hf.) HOME AACHl WEea.. V MOVE ''Outtend" (198.1, 8clltM»-Actlon) SNn Connery. Petet Boyle .. A tpeot rnarlhel flrNM. ., ....... of mytt"'°"9 dMlht wttNn • ~ colony on one of Jupil8f's moons. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.l 12:..0(ID MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" (1977, Drama) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre· quenling singles pars and luring various men into one-night llands. 'A' (2 hrs .• 20 min.) 12:.S8 NAME Of. THE GAME 1:009 e JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONT'D) QI DANCE" "Balanchine's Davldsbundlertanze" George Balanehlne leads !his ballet based on the life.and music of composer Robert Schumann. (1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "CaboBlanco" ( 1981. Suspense) Charles Bronson. Jasoo Robards. An exiled Nazi who has bought off the local police dominates a &mall .Peruvlen-eoastaHC'Wn .during J,he..-"MOs...:B' rrnr :-JZ-min.) CI) PKA FULL-CONTACT KARATE Coverage of lhe. World Light Heavyweight Championships from Er Paso. Tex. (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min..) MOVIE"Ms. 4~ (1981, Drama) Zoe Tamerlls. Jack Thibeau. After being raped twice In one night a mule woman kills her attacker and sets off on a vendella against the violence of men. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) MOVIE .:.:.Ihe...Man..W1tb ~ Face" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey A man decides 10 change his lifestyle and physical appear- ance to resemble his screen idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 minl_ 1: 15(2) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An old- er and wiser Robin Hood returns from battle to Sherwood Forest to reclaim his beloved Maid Mari- an. who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' (1 hf., 45 min.) ~oolNEWS 2:05 NEW1 2:16 •HEW& . 2:30 TOO-' V'S AElJGION i MORNtNG STRETCH rrs YOUR BUSINESS CRAG RACING Coverage of the NHRA Nonh ar Nationals from Brainerd. Minn. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "Sunday Lovers" (1981. Romance) Gene Wiider. Roger MOOfe. Four mi~ged men in ditterent countries are followed as 1hey pursue their amorous adventures. 'R' (2 his .• 7 min.) • MOVIE "Best Friends" ( 1975, Suspense) Rich- ard Hatch. Doug Chapin. During a trip to Call!ornla, an emotionaly distressed young man tries to • destroy hla best friend's rellatk>nlhlp W'lttl hit glrt- fflend. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 mlft.) 2:40Ci:) MCWIE "The Glass Bottom Boat" (1966, Cof:ne<ly) Doria Dey, Rod Taytor. A ph)'lld8t babies lnvotved wtth a girl wtio poses as a mer--ma~l::rime. (1hr.,5omln.) 3:i ~~ETHON (CONTD) ~~"Lion 01 The Desert'' (1981. Drama) Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed. A hard-riding Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts to occupy Libya for 20 years. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 45 min.) Cl} MOVE "Urban Cowboy" .(1980, Dfama) John Travotra. Debra Winger. A bAJe-<:ollar WOOt8f wflO fancies himself a modem.qay cowboy falls 11'1 IOY8 with a girt he meets In a popular oountry-and--west- ern bar. 'PG' (2 hrs .• 12 min.) 3:15{%)MOVIE "Agency" (1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee MajOfs. The new head of a maJor American advertising firm uses a children's break- fast mtnk campaign to transmet subliminal political messages. 'R' (1 hr .• 35 min.) 3:30 e INTERFACE •:OO(!) JIMMYSWAOOART . i~. At Central High" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a prank that went to<> far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of • bofed high-schOol friends. 'A' (1 hr .. 27 min.) 4:051 FUNTIME 4:30 JfM BAKKER 4'35 I DREAM OF JEANNIE ~ MOV1E "Rashomon" (1950. Orama) Machllo Kyo, Toshlro Mifune Through a_.. of flashbaeks .• an eighth-century Japanese woodcutter' recounts his v8'Slon of a rape-murder to a Buddhist priest and• 98Mlnt. ( 1 tv .. 30 mlr'I.) THE BEST In rHdlng enjoyment comn to YoUr home 7 uys • ..ek In the --__......... ·-,. ............. ... ..... .. . \I·· 11.IC\< >< f\ \I<)\' I LS 12:0011 "righter Pilots" (1976) Will Rc,berts .. (1 hr .• 30 min.) e "The Naked Edge" (1961. Drama) Gary Coo- PE!f, Deborah Kerr ® "Headin' For Broadway" ( 1980. Musical) Rex Smith. Vivian Reed. 12:30(S) "Under The Rainbow" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie Frsher 1:30(C) "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. 0 "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. Comedy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. 1:45(%) '"Agency" (1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee MajOfs 2:00(!) "Slay Ride" ( 1972. Mystery) Glenn Ford. Edgar Buchanan. 2:30 "Fout Play" ( t978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Che~Chase. 3:00(JJ "Gal Young Un" (1981, Drama) Dana Peru. David Peck (S) "Young And Free" ( 1979, Adventure) Erik Lar- sen. Keith Larsen. 0 "Jack And The Beanstalk" (1976. Fantasy) Animated. 3:30(%) "They Might Be Giants" ( 1971, Adventure) Geor_ge C. Scott. Joanne WOOdWard. 4:00 U "The Caddy" ( 1953, Comedy) Qean Mar- tin. Jerry Lewis. · 4:30 0 "Sorcere<" ( 1977. Suspense) Roy Scheider. Bruno Cremer. . 6:00(C) "I'll Cry Tomorrow" (1955, Biography) Susan Hayward, Richard Conte. ([) "The Krrllan Witness'' ( 1979. Thriller) Nancy Snyder. Ted Laplat ©) "Black Beauty" ( 1971, Drama) Mark Lester, Waite< Slezak. 5:05 lll) "Guess Who'a Coming To Dinner" ( 1967. Corned ) Sidney Poltief, Katharine Hepburn. John C. "'/ton, M.O.,. Inc. . annou""9 the new location .. ·Of his Office fOf General Practice & Prewnt"-" ~ at ... 400 IE_.T CQllEI 011M . -411,~., ........ . . 72Mll3 otb ~ bt Appoli11meot".' ·• : I . \ l. '\ I '\( ~ 6:0088NEWS I CHARLIE'S ANGELS 0 NCAA FOOTBAU Clemson Tigers at Georg- ia Bulldogs ( 3 hrs.) (J)C8SNEWS II WILD, WILD WEST Cf) MOVIE "Advise And Consent" ( 1962, Drama) Henry Fonda, Charles Laughton. The president's appointment of a controversial secretary of state begins a dramatic aceount of Washington politics. {3 hrs.) · m HAWAII FIVE-0 e OVER EASY Guests: historian Dr. Abram Sachar; former U.S. Special Envoy to the Mid-East. Ambassador Sol Unowitz. (R) Q I NBCNEWS MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING A BElTER PLACE A young girl learns that her graduation from college marks her nel(I step in hie. 6:30 (I) e NEWS @ ELIZABETH SWAOOS "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" Based oo the poems of William Burke Is this presentation a young boy's journe~ from Innocence to eJ(perience. ( 1 hr.) · e DICK CAVETT Guest: director and prodOcer Harold Pnnoe. (Part 2) (R) CO FAST FORWARD . (I) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- ef that the house they've Inherited is being occupied by vampires. ghosts and assorted monsters. 'PG' !_!hr .• fS"min.) a 'MOVIE "Agency" (1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Majors.. The new head of a majo< American advertising firm uses a children's break- fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 7:00.CBSNEWS ,.... ........ ...-... ....... ..._..,.......__ .. ___ -· .... -·--·- '~ - ... . . N Monday (continued) Cl) CJ) ~ 8:05@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 (I) MOVIE "The Turning Point" ( t977, Ora· c-i ma) Anne Bancroft, Shirley MacLalne. Two friends ~ from ballet training school who chose different 15 roads many yeats earlier are reunited and forced to i deal with their differences. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) i m SINGLES MAGAZINE An Interview with actress .... Erin Moran of "Happy Days" and "Joanie Loves "' Chachi": a look at dating services: comedy with >"; Maureen Murphy. ~ 13 ONE IN A THOUSAND A docudrama abOUt a ;: family's efforts to bring a handicapped child through u.. a lifetime of challenges ( 1 hr.) ~ m GREAT PERFORMANCES "Mrs. Reinhardt" ...J Helen M1rren and Brad Davis star in Edna O'Brien's > television adaptation of her short story abOUt a .._ WOO'&A ~ l~11~romaAGe-wheA stle- d1scovers that her husband is having an allair. (R) l1 hr, 30 min.) -..Q Ci: (0) GRANDMOTHER'S BEDTIME STORY 8:35 @ .MOVIE "Three On A Couch" {1966, Come· dy) JeHy Lewis, Janet Leigh. A IT)an tries to cure his psyc~letnst-.,anoee's patients so that they can go on a Paris honeymoon (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 9:00 0 fl) MOVIE "Madame X" (1981, Orama) Tue~Y. Weld, Eleanor Parker A young woman mames Tnto a wealthy pohllc_.I family. and Is then forced to abandon her husband and "'daughter because of one tragic mistake. (R) (2 hrs.) U @) ABC NEWS CLOSEUP "The Monastery" Monks at St. Joseph's Monastery in rural Massachu· setts. until recently under a vow of silence. discllss their views on faith and the monastic life. (R) ( 1 hr) (!)PAUL HOGAN .m MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Joan Embery. Larry Wii- cox. Gloria Allred. Gerry Sliva. Ray Otey. ( 1 hr.) &l) GREAT PERFORMANCES "Mrs. Reinhardt" Helen M1rren and Brad Davis star in Edna O'Bnen's television adaptation of her short story about a woman who finds unexpected romance when she discovers that her husband Is having an alfarr. (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) . ~ MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Orama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) ([)BOXING Coverage of the Roberto Duran (Pan.) I Kirkland Laing (G.B.) 10-round junior middleweight bOut from the Cobo Arena. Detroit. Mich (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) MOVIE "Cannonball Run" ( 1981. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Deluise. Various oddball char- acters compete 1n a coast-to-coast auto race. 'PG' i!_ hr .. 35 min ) aJ MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It'' ( 1981. Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey A young corporate executive runs into resistance when he returns to hrs hometown to revitalize a company brewery. "PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Orama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams. Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Shanghai Express" ( 1932, Orama) Marlene Dietrich, Clive Brook. Passengecs on a train including a doctor and an adventuress run into rene- gades. (1 hr .. 20 min.) 9:30 (!) MOVIE "A Girl In Every Port" ( 1952. Come- dy) Groucho Marx. Mane Wilson. Two Navy pals attempt to smuggle a pa11 ol racehorses abOard their ship ( 1 hr . 30 min ) @ ELIZABETH SWADOS "Songs Of lnncx:ence And Experience" Based on the poems of William Burke Is this presentation of a young boy's 1ourney from innocence 10 experience. ( 1 hr.) 10:00 8 0 m. NEWS U MOVIE "The Great American Beauty Contest" (1973, Orama) Eleanor Parker. Bob Cummings. A beauty pageant is disrupted by ugly rumors con- cerning one of the flnallsts. a judge and a past winner ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ®) A CHILD'S CRY This documentary presents a ctose-up look at children struggling with the dally threat of violence. hunger. oppression and splr1tual dall<ness ( 1 hr) . • 8i) ISRAELI DIARY Attorney Stal'lley M. R06Gflblatt 1A1efVlews prominent Israeli political flgur~ .on ttle q_uestion of Palest.nlan statehood. CS) MOVIE "Sweet Sugar" (Orama) A young wom- an tS forced to work on a plantatlon, deep In the jungle. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) D MOVIE "Looker" (1981, Sclence.-FIOllon) ~lbert Finney. James Cot>Yrn. The mystetlous Heaths ol a aeries of beautilUI models lnYOlved In a new adVertlslng projec1 are blamed on the plaetlc SVfgeor'I who Of)efaled on them. 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 mio.J~ 1CUO.NEWS I SIGNATURE ~t· Otn ~Int 18RAEU OlARV Stanley Roeenb&all lnt9f\tl8WI lhdlnQ lltlMlll political figur• on the ql*f IOn of Palestfnlan Stalhood ' 1 ' .._,.....---. ------~ -_ ENCORE PERFORMANCE -Helen Mirren will portray &Ina O'Brien's 'Mrs. Reinhardt' in Monday's 1Great Performance' on KOCE (Ch. 50) at 8:30 p.m . m U.S. CHRONICLE "Survival In Houston's Public Hous1ng"ihe problems in Houston's public housing are examined. ~MOVIE "The Spirit 01 St Louis" ( 1957. Biogra- phy) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton. In 1927, Charles A Lindbergh becomes the first man to Hy nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris. (2 hrs .. 15min.) ©) MOVIE "The L~nd Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Khnton Spilsbury. Christopher Lloyd. The Lone Ranger and Tonto pursue their arch-enemy. Butch Cavendish, who has kidnapped the president olthe U.S. 'PG' (1 hr .. ·40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Kids Are Alrlgh1" ( 1979, Musical) The Who. Footage of some of the rock band's per- lo1mances are Interspersed with interviews of the gro'!e members. 'PG' (I hr. 45 min.) 10:40(!!) MOVIE "Sheila Levine Is Dead And Living In New York'! ( 1975. Comedy) Jeannie Berlin. Roy Scheider. Based on the novel by Gail Parent A sett- centered young Jewish girl goes husband-hunting In New York City. (2 hrs . 30 min ) 11:00118(1)9 0) NEWS 8 SA TUROAY NIGHT 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT i JOE FAA. NKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL @ MIXED BAG "Nichols And Dimes" Mike Nichols gives his opinion of horse sense and shows his love of horses at hrs breeding farm ·I ~~NR~~~ouse -(.ID THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The famous group from rock's golden era perform their grealest hrts. 1nclud1ng "Cahlornia Girls.'' "Surftn' U.S A " and "Barbara Ann " ( 1 hr ) CO MOVIE "The Sinful Bed" ( 1977. Fantasy) Heidi Kramer. Ken Ride. A young woman's antique bad regales her with stories of the ac11on it'a seen during its hundred·year hlS1ory. 'R' ( 1 hr., 28 min.) 11:3011. (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the United States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center. Flushing Meadows·Corona Park. N.Y. D GD THE BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Car- son Guests: Bill Cosby. Howard Hesseman. Mrusie and Kris Anderson (R) ( 1 hf.) I NEWS MOVIE "The Caddy" ( 1953, ComedY> Dean Maritn. Jerry Lewis Two scatterbrained young men lem~ :::f::::: ~th disastrous resul1s. THE JEFFEASONS . LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE · ONE IN A THOUSAND A docudrama .. about a family's efforts to bring a handicapped Child thrOOgh a hlet1me of challenges. ( 1 hr.) I CAP'TIOfllEO ABC NEWS SPORT8CENTEA MOVIE "Under The A41nb0w" ( 1981. comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie F1eher The 150 mldgeti who ore In town tor the f1lmtog of "'The Wizard Of Oz.'' turn a Cefffomll hotel ~. 'PG' (1 hr • 38 min) • e MbvtE "Looking For Mr. GoOdbet'• ( 1971. Dra-'°'" •. ...... --------- ma) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A soeially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by frtt- quentlng singles bars and luring various men Into one-night srands. 'R' (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 12:008 Cl) QUINCY Quincy tries to track down $500.000 in stolen money that was contaminated with a deadly disease by the thief before Ile died. ( 1 hr.; l<Jmln.} I ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT .ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE (!) MOVIE "Revenge Is My Destiny" (1971, Mys· tery) Chris Robinson, Elisa Ingram. Upon returning from Vietnam, a veteran uncovers a mystery lnvolv· 1!)9 his wile and two men. (2 hrs.) OJ) MOVIE "The Missing Are Deadly" ( 1974, Suspense) Ed Nelson, Leonard Nimoy. A boy yearning for a pet steals a rat from a lab. unaware that 11 is contaminated with a rare. deadly disease . 1 hr .. 30 min.) ---1.,...~-'tlnder The -vum-Ymfl"'1Tee .. \'l963, Comedy) Jack Lemmon-. carol Lynley. To ensure a harmonious marriage, a~couple try living together platonically, but the arrangement becomes comical when their landlo1d tries seducing the young lady. ~hrs.)· LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves- rlgales a rash ot mytterlous deathS within a mining colony . on one of Jupiter's-moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 m1nJ_ 12: 15(.Z) MOVIE "They Mighl Be Giants·· ( 1971, Adventure) George C. Scott. Joanne Woodward. A present-day Hotmes-anO-Wa1son team tracks down an extortion nng. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:308 8) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas ol SCTV Network; Albert Finney; stall writers Carl Tiedemann and Stephen Winer. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 COUPLES U MOVIE "The Letters" ( 1972, Drama) John For- sythe. Dina Merrill. The lives of nine people are dra· matically changed when three tellers delayed one year are finally delivered. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ., LOVE. AMERICAN STYL~ @ EllZABETH SW ADOS "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" Based on the poems of Wiiiiam Burke is this presentation of a young bOy's journey lrom innocence to experience. ( 1 hr.) CE) INSIDE BASEBAU (R) CO HUGHIE Jason Robards end Jaci< Dodson star In Eugene· O'Neill's one-act play abOUt two men from opposite worlds who share 1he loneliness of the big city. (1hr .. 30 min.) ©)HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 12:50 ~ MOVIE "The Happy HOOkei Goes To Wash- ington" (1977, Comedy) Joey Heatherton. George Hamilton. The irrepressible Xaviera Hollander Jour- neys 10 the U S capital and uncovers some Ja-y sensitive secret documents. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) 1:008 GENE AUTRY • (8 MOVIE ··The Counterfeit Trailor" ( 1~ven­ ture) Wiiham Holden. Liiii Palmer. The Bntlsh gov- ernment blackmails a naturalized Swede Into becoming a spy against the Nazis during World War II. ( 1 hr .. 30 mtq,) (!) CFL FOOTBALL Edmonton Eskimos at Calgary Stampeders (R) (2 hrs, 30 min.) 1:1011 (J) COLUMBO A young man is murdered alter cooperating with his uncle in a lake kidnapping to break a trUS1 fund ( 1 hr • 35 min.) @ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE CJ) MOVIE "Search And Destroy" (1981. Ad\len- 1ure) Perry King, Don StrOUd. A former South Viet· namese otticlal seeks revenge against the lour Americans who abandoned him to an ambush dur- ing the war 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min,) 1:3011 Cl) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 8 GENEAUTRY (Q) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" (1980. Comedy) Robert Sacchi. Ollvla Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear· ance to resemble his screen Idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 31 mtnJ_ 1:55 ® MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldlo Hawn, Chevy Chase. A llbranan enlists the aid of an inept poOce detecllve a Iler~ becomes involved In a bizarre series of murders and kidnapping attef1lJ)ts ( t hr. 55 min.) 2:00.NEWS ([) MOVIE "S1tt1ng Ducks" ( 1980, AdvenfUfe) Michael Emll, Zach Norman. Two Inept mobSters flee lo Soulh AmeriCa and encounter the women assigned 10 kill them. 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min,) e MOVIE "Agency" ( 1981, Suspense) Ro.berl Mitchum, Lee Majors. The new head ..Qt..e major Amerioar'l advertising firm uses a chlttl(en•s break- fast drink campaign to tra,.smlt subliminal political messages 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "M<>fMltt Dearest" (1981.tDrama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. F0t1le$ f1lm star Joan Crawford ral ... her two adopted children In a domestic atmosphefe that varlM from lwcurlOuS comfort to .. dietle disciplioe. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 "*") ~~~-AWQ. -:,., t _.._................. ._ .. ,.... ..... , ... _ ..... _ .. ._. --........ ....,. .. _.,_..._.,,,,..__, .. Ttiesday· \I< >I l:\ I :\( ~ \I< )\ · 1 LS 6:00 0 "Trilogy" ( 1969, Orama) Maureen S1ap1e- 1on. Marlin Balsam. CZ) "Caged Heat" ( 1974, Drama) Juanl1a Brown. Roberla Collins 6:05@ "The Truth About Spring" ( 1965, Drama) Hayley Mills. John Mms. -1 6:30 (t) "Murder At The World Sefles" , 1978. Suspense) Lynda Day George. Karen Valentine "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978. Comedy) Jennifer McAllister. Robert V1haro. 7:30 CID "This Is Elvis" (1981, BiogrcwJiy) ~men­ lary. (Z) "Breathless" ( 1961 , Drama) Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo. 8:00 "St. Helens" (1981, Orama) An Gerney. David Huttman. 0 "The Hazing" ( 1977. Drama) Jell East. Brad Davis. 8:30 ~ "Airplane•" (1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Juhe Hagerty. 9:00 (%) "Circle Ot Two" ( 1980, Romance) Richard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. 9:30U "Blackboard Jungle" (1955. Drama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. 10:00CC) "Let's Do It Again" ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Poitier. Bill Cosby. · CS) "The Badlanders" ( 1958. Western) Alan Ladd. Ernest Borgnine. 10:05@ "The Detector" ( 1966, Suspense) Mont- gomery Clift, Hardy Kruger 10:"5 (%) "The Water Babies" ( 1979, Fantasy) Ani- mation and live action. James Mason. 11:300 "The Competition" ( 1980. Drama) Rictlard Dreyfuss. Amy Irving.. .\l l'l .H'\<><>'\ \l<>\.11 .'°' 12:00• "Calvary Command" (1963, Western) John ~ar. Richard Arlen. • "Beat The DevU" ( 1954. Comedy) Humphrey ~rt. Jennifer Jo,ees. • "Separate Tables" ( 1958, Drama) Deborah Kerr. Rita Hayworth. CC) "The Hanging Tree" ( t959, Western) Gary Cooper, Maria Schell. (S) "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. 'CM'!}' Chase. 12:30(%) "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors. 1:00® "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) F,e Dunaway. Diana Scarwid 2:00(!) "House Of Cards" (1968. Suspense) Geo<ge Peppard, Inger Stevens. CC) "Airplane!" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie H~y. - (S) "This ts Etvi~' ( 1981, Biography) Documentary. 0 "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fantasy) Chris Makepeace. Fred Gwynne. 2:15(%) "Shanghai Express" (1932, Drama) Mar- leoe Dtetnch. Clive Brook. 3:00([) "Second Hand Hearts" ( 1980, Orama) Rob- ert Blake. Barbara Harris. 3:300 "Trilogy" ( 1969, Drama) Maureen Staple- •ton. Martin Balsam. 3:46(%) "The Water Babies" (1979. Fantasy) Ani- mation and live action. James Mason. •:OO G "Under Ten Aags" (1960, Adventure) Van Heflin, Charles Laughton. •:30(1) "Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Doc'Omentary. Narrated by Pete< Ustinov. 5:00 Cf) "FlrebaU Forward'' ( 1972. Drama) Ben Gazzara. Eddie Albert. CC) "Land Of The Free" ( 1970, D<ama) Robert Culp. Burgess Meredltl\. CD "Heartbeeps" ( 1981. Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette P~ters. ©)"Free Spirit" (1978. Drama) Eric Porter, Rachel Robefts. 5:3000 "The Kid From Not-So-Big" (1978, Come- dy) Jennifer McAllister. Robert Vlharo. U "The Competition" ( 1980, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. Amy lrvlng. CZ> "Circle Of Two" ( 1980, Romance) Richard Bur- ton. Tatum O'Neal. l.\ l '\I'\( I e:ooeeNEWS CHARLE'S ANGELS C88NEW8 WLD: Wll..O WEBJ ABC NEWS 8.W.A.T. HAWAI flVE..O OY9' EASY Guest: talk 10ow hoet Mike Ooug- lee. (R)~O • GOES AFTER BIG GAME -Bruce Boxleitner will portray Frank Buck, legendary big game bunter and conector, in 'Bring 'em -Back Alive,' to be seen Tuesday at 8 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2) this fall.. • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING CC) MOVIE "Murder At The World Serles;, ( 1978. Suspense) Lynda Day George, Karen Valentine. A young man's bizarre kidnapping scheme involves five innocent woman and the final two games of the baseball championship. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) CE GOLF "U.S. Amateur Championships" Cover- age of the final round from Brooldine. Mass. ( 1 hr., 30m1n) (I) MOVIE "Tribute To A Bad Man" (1956, West- ern) James Cagney, Irene Papai Two concerned people attempt to convince a rancher to stop klltlng rustlers. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 6:05 «?) COUNTERPOfNT "Which Way To Disarma- ment" The issue of nuclear disarmament ls-debated by theologian Wiiiiam Stoen Coffin and British Par- liament member. Winston S. Churchill II. ( 1 hr.) 6:30 ()) NEWS 0 BARNEY M1LlER • DICK CAVETT Guest: foi"mer Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. (Part 1) (R) e FAST FORWARD ([) MOV1E "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" (1980, Western) Kllnton Spilst>ury, Christopher Lloyd. The Lone Ranger an<t Tonto pursue their arch-enemy, Butch Cavendish, Who has kidnapped the president of the U.S. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (D> MOVtE "Bring1ng Up Baby" ( 1938, Comedy) Katharine Hepburn. Cary Grant. An archaeologlst sets out to raise a miffion dollars for his museum. ~ ends up involved With a pretty socialite. (1 hr .. •O min.}_ 7:00 8 C8S NEWS I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A Tom Selleck look-alike con· ltest~~~~~ "Legal Sermes" ENTERT AJNMENT TONIGHT M•A""S•H JOKER'S WILD • BUSINESS REPORT VIDEO JUKEBOX 7:06f7)NEWS 7:30e 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a ski clinic: a party at the house of actor Geo<be HamHton: a k>o6< at the Aspen-Los Angeles "connection." I LA~E & 8HkEY & COMPANY I EYE ON L.A. Featured: a report on Los Angeles' controver81at Dr. Thomas Noguchi, "coroner on the stars"; a proftle of winning jockey Laffltt Pfncay Jt_; a 'E °" aetoblclse, the latest ex..-clse craze. Tic TAC DOOGH ON NEW JERSEY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•&•H StOHATURE Guest: Mel Torme. MACNQ. I L&ffR AEPORT MONEVMAl<ER8 NMOE BA8EBAU. RACE FOR THE PENNANT Betry Tompkins and Tim MoCarvet CoYer al the bne9 ie.dlng to the 1982 Wortd Serles. (J) MCME "Bf•lhleel" (1961. Creme) ~ h o ---w• .. •..,.-•W•--I o ••.,.~-:----;g Seberg, an-Paul Betmondo_ An American woman has a tragic atlair Y(ith a happy-go-lucky crook. ( 1 ~ hr .. 30 min) o 8:0011 (I) MOVIE "Scruples" (Part 1) ( 1980, Ora-- ma) Lindsay Wagner, Barry Bostwick. The young ~ wife of an elderly millionaire opens a Hollywood .• ,..... boultqµft, and with the help of a handsome photo-o grapher and a New York fashion designer, turns ii ~ into a huge success. (R) (3 hrs ) ...,, l tzN£WS :i MOVIE "Double lndemOlly" { 1944, Suspense) '<_g. Barbara Stanwyck. Fred MacMurray. A woman plans to murder her husband and have ii appear to <A be an accident in order 10 collect on his life Insur-~ anc~hcy. (2 hrs.) ~ 1J (!g) HAPPY DA VS Roger asks Fonzie for advice 3 on how lo change his Image with women. (R) c:;> g 8 BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE ~ ~ _CllP..AuUi~ -,... . . -.... ~ a» P_M. MAGAZINE Visit the Los Angeles Ballet: a _. 'patient whose severe chronic depression was allevi· co ated wfth a brain pacemaker ~ e MO\ltE "Nero Wolfe" C 1970, Mystery) Thayer DaVid. Anne Baxter. A wealthy real-estate magnate who feels he's being watched by the FBI tums to Nero Wolfe for help (2 hrs.) ISOUIZKIOS • NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Nahonal Parks. Playground Or Paradise?" Efforts by the National Park Service to restrict the public's access to America's parks In hopes of putting a ~nv1- ronmental damage. pollution and crime are exa- mined.. (R) (1hf.) • fl) MYSTERY "R\Jmpole Of The Bailey: Rumpofe And The Age For Retirement" Rumpole's best cl\- ents. the Timson family, seek his help when the aging Percy Timson is caught with a stolen religious w()(I( of art. (Part 6) (R) D ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Let's Do It Xgaln" (1975. Comedy) Sidney Poitier, 8111 Cosby. A milkman and a factory worker engage In betting and hypnotism to raise ~~~~'PG' (1 hf_, 52 ~In.) <HJ EARTH, WINO ANO ARE IN CONCERT The jazz-funk-roci( group combloe explosive singing with complex ctlo<eography and «ashy special effects In a performance taped at the Oakland Coliseum In Oakland, Californla. ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOV1E "Outland" ( 1981. Sclenoe-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal Inves- tigates a rash of mysterloJJs deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'A' ( 1 hr .• ~9 min.) D MOVIE "Massae1e At Central High" ( 1976, Ora.- ma) Andrew Stevens. Robetl Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins aher a prank that went too far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored high-school f(iends. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 8:061ALL IN TH£ FAMILY · · • 8: 10 THE WIZAAD'S SON 8:30 G:I LAVERNE ANO SHIRLEY Laverne and Shl<ley's apartment is robbed twice· In one .week. ~>.QJONG FROM ROOSEVELT I~~ Bolshoi Ballet In A~ ~. ·: Juliet" Galina Utanova stars In 1hi6 fftrned version of Prokofiev's '-'Romeo And Juliet" chofeographed by Lev LavrOYSky. (2 hfs) . (I) MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwid. Forties film stat Joan Crawford raises her two adopted chHdren In a domestic atmosphere that varies from luxurious comtort to sadistic diecipfine. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 rrJo.) (D> MOVIE "The Other Side Of The Mountain -P8'1 fl" . ( 1978, Drama) Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bot- toms. Former champion skier Jiii Klnmon1, rendered a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestles with sell-doubt when a new love 9"ltef'$her ~fe. (2 In.) 8:35 «?) OUR DAILY BREAD An examination of the black 1memploymen1 problem in the nation through interviews with I.he buSloess community, doct°'a and the unemployed Is presented. ( 1 hr.) 9:001 COUNtAY JAMBOAEE e THREE'S COMPANY Jack's cooking demon- stration on a televlslon talk show lands him In trou-= ~!~~(R)Q (J) MOVIE "Bad Man's Rl\lef" (1972. Western) lee van Cleel. Gina Lollobr1gld8. A Mexican revolution- ary hires the four most wanted men In the West to deStroy a government arsenal. (2 hrs.) e MERV OfWAN Guest•: Blly Preston. Elke Sommer. Roger Wiison, May Lee Davis, l<llron Christian. ( 1 hr.) • MVSTERV ''Rumpole Of The Batley: Rui1lpole And The Age F°' Retirement" FUnpole'a best ci.- ents. the limson !amity. tee+t hit help when the aging P9fcy Tlm90n la caught with a atc:ilen ~ WOfk of art. (Part 6) (R) o (1 hr.) e MOYIE "The Clfeet~ Bank Robbefy" f 1979. Adllent\n) Ian McShene. w.,.,en Clart<e. ~~ r9dicetl end prat•cwlal Cltmlnllll loirl f()l'Oll to pull off the "perfect" crime. (' tv .. 38 =-~A "The CMcer ~ 0t Un >C.;_\'. etj. \.•' ' l-... ., N Tuesday (oontiwed) co O> .... nese scientists have uncovered some clues In their pursuit of a cure 10< esophageal cancer. an elusive cancer which claims a disproportionate number of lives i~ Lin Xian. (R) D ( 1 hr.) · Cl) NCAA FOOTBAU Temple at Penn State (R) ~ hrs .. 30 min.) 00 MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977. Ora- ma) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A~lally repressed schoolteacher seeks excitemenfby fre- quenting singles bars and luring '48dous men into one-night stands. 'R' (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Caged Heat" (1974. Orama) Juanita Brown, Roberta Collins. ( 1 hr., 23 min.) 9:30 8 @) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry i nds a ski weekend wlth,Jackie and Sara. (R) PAUL HOGAN HAMMER HouseoF1-t~- 9:35 lrn MOVIE "The Swimmer" ( 1968, Orama) Burt Lancaster. Janice Rule. While swimming from pool to pool across the Connecticut countryside. a mid- dle-aged man reflects~ hlS past and present. (2 10:~hLOOKATUS --- l ame NEWS @) HART TO HART Jonathan learns that his near fatal accident was planned by an eccentric art collector who wants to add Jennller to his collec- tion. (R) o (I hr.) fli) REFUGEE ROAD A Laotian family is followed during their journey from a refugee camp in Thailand 'through their resettlement In central Ohio. ( 1 hr.) m> HARD CHOtCES "Boy O< Girt Should The Choice Be Ours?" A look is taken at some emerging technologies which would allow prospectrve parents to choose their child's sex. (R) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "It lives Again" (1978, Horror) Frederic Forrest. Kathleen Lloyd. A number of couples find their joy over having a baby changed into nerve- shattering terror when the Infants emerge as clawed monsters. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) (S) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Part 5) 10:30DeNEWS 9 SIGNATURE Guest: Mel Torme. CO) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "The Comedian" Mickey Rooney stars as an egotistical comic who thrives as a star by devouring everyone ar~nd him. ( l hr .. 30 min.) Cl) CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travanti hosts a documentary special which focuses on some of the cootroversles surrounding cancer. including interviews with involved ~ngressmen. cancer research officials, doctors and cancer vic- tims .. (I hr.) g MOVIE "The Hazing" ("977. Orama) Jeff East, Brad Davis. The members of a Pf'esliglous college fraternity attempt to hide the death of a pledge dur· l_!:!S hazing 'PG' ( t hr .. 35 min.) CZJ MOVIE "Bad Timing" ( 1980, Orama) Art Gar· funkel, Harvey Keitel. A possessive psychoanalyst and a stylish young woman begin a tragic romance in Vienna. 'R' ~hrs .. 3 min.) 11:00 8 8 (I) 0 tD NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rr JOE FRANKLIN m M•A•s •H Cl) BENNY HILL DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE . I QUIZKIOS BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "Fiona" ( 1980, Adventure) Fiona Rich- mond. Anthony Steel. A notorious woman journalist recounts her outrageous adventures with some'of Eur~·s leading playboys. 'R' ( 1 hr., 22 min ) 11:30 U (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the United Sl._tes Tennis Association National Ten- ms..Center, FIUShlnQ Meadows.Q)(ona Park. N. Y. D GD TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: hand-crank phone owner Elden Hathaway. ( 1 hr.) I 01) ABC NEWS NIGHTllNE MOVIE "Under Teo Flags" (1960. AdVenture) Van Heflin. Charles Laughton. A German Ship cleverly using various disguises avoids capture while forcing Bnlish ships to surrender. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE "The Bolshoi Ballet In Romeo And Juliet" Galina Utanova stars In this filmed version of Prokofiev's "Romeo And Jofiet" chOreogrephed by Lev Lavrovsky. (2 hrs.) ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry T ompklns and Tim McCarver COV8f all the bases leading to the 1982 World S«ies. Cl) MOVIE "FOUi Play" ( 1978. eome.iW Goldie. Hawn. Chevy Chase. A libtarlan enlists the aid of an Inept police detective after lhe becomes lnvolv9d In a bi.zarre serlet of murders and kidnapping attempts. (1 hr., 55 mln.) . 11:36Gl) MOVIE "Hall A $1J(pence" (1968, Muilcal) Tommy Steele, JlJlie Foster. After a draper•• Mlill· ant ...,.._a.,,... tor*-. be c:o1.....,1 ••••~ • • 111(11 'NI ~ '1 .,, t I.II I ~.~ ''lf1f' fV!I journeys from Hong Kong to Rome to help a friend who is in trouble with the mob. 'R' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 1 :05 CC) MOVIE "Bloodbrothers" ( 1978, Drama) Richard Gpre. Tony Lo Blanco. A young man dares 10 brea_k family tra•ltion by w0<king in a hospllal ward for children rather than in the heavy coostruc- tion business. 'R' ( t hr., 56 min.) 1:10D MOVIE "Wild Racers" (1968, Orama) Fabi- an, Mimsy Farmer. A rebellious race-car driver becomes famous following his refusal to "throw" a race. ( 1 hr .. 30 min,) @)NEWS · 1:300 fl) N8C NEWS OVERNIGHT Cl) MOVIE "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981. Adventure) James Ryan. Anneline Kriel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist intent on enslaving mankind wi!h a new mind-control drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 2:oo m MOVIE "Home Of The Brave" (1949, Ora· ~--~Lo1'e~~~ ...... ~ ........ j 'SCRUPLES' RE·R UN -Barry Bo6twtck s tars as a fashion photograph er. Spider Elliot, and Marie-France Pisier is a t.opllight designer, Valentine, in 'Scruples,' t.o be re- broadcast Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). socialite instead of his old sweetheart. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) ct) MOVIE "Airplane!" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty. After an airliner's crew falls to food poisoning. a nervous former war pilot Is pressed into service and must contend with oo- boa1d hysteria. a secretive control tower and cliche- lllled memorleS. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:00 8 Cl) ALICE Aliee starts dating Tommy's high school principal. (R) e ENTERT AINMElllT TONIGHT D 9 FANTASY ISLAND A married couple get the chance to begin a new romance, end a brlde-t~be calls ott her wedding to a Pf'omlnent man. (A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) · Cf) MOVIE "Red Ball Express" ( 1952. Orama) Jett Chandler. Alex Nicol. Supply trucks oourageousty head through enemy lines to come to the aid or front·line tanks. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "The Goddess" (1958, Orama) Kim Stanley, Lloyd Bridges. Based on a story by Paddy Chayefsky. A lonely woman struggles fOf Hollywood stardom. (2 hrs ) e LOVE;. AMERICAN STYLE CID MOVIE "Mommie Deprest" (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Forties fllm star Joan Crawford raises .her two adopted children In a domestic atmosphere that varleS from luxurious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) (0) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR g MOVIE "The Haunting 01 Julia" ( 1977, Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea. Attar reoovering from an emotional crisis, a woman purchases a house thal appears to be haunted. 'R' ( t hr • 35 12:~n· tJ'I) LA TE 'NIGHT WITH DAVID LEITERMAN Guests: Dick Cavett, filmmaker Howard Smith. (R) 1~6uPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE RACQUETBALL "Men'.s lntetnatlonal Cham- ~nShlps" · W MOVIE "Gas·· (1981, Comedy) Donald Suther· land, Susan Anspach. A radiO OJ and a repor1ef try 16 expose an on magnate's plot to drive up gas Pf'lc· es by contriving an Oii shortage. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) Rich- ard Burton. Tatum O'Neat. Despite str°"9 parental opposition. a poignant romance develops l:>etween • a 60-year-old artist and a precocious teen-age schoolgirl. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:359 ()) MCCLOUD A tailor finds hlmself In the middle of McCloud's lnvestlgatloo of the numl)ers racket. (2 hrs.) 1:00 • BUCK ROGERS • MOVIE "Body And Soul" ( 1~7. Otama) JOhn Garfield. Lilli Palmef. A bo11er follows • orooked line from the elums to the top of the fiQhllng racket Ot\ly 10 relect his old ways. ( f hr • 30 mfn:) • Cl) OFl FOOTBALL Montreal Concordee et ~mu­ ton TIQ8f·Cat1 (R) (2 tn., 30 min.~ CD> MOYIE "Return Of The Dragon' (l972. Mtlflrt- ture) 8'ucaL•.~Mmr».A...W.,...,_, .f1l Jil)'..tlOQl , INf.! I {\ •li,ll\ fl:JIJ1'\I) Q{ll • I ,14 , \ H ~·.im War II. a black GI with a physical handicap suffers mental torment at the hands of his white comrades. Lt hr .. 35 min.) g MOVIE " All Night Long" ( 1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman, Barbra Streisand. After being demoted from corporate executive to chain-st0<e night mana- ger, a middle-aged man's lifestyle and values are turneo upside-down. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 28 min.) 2:10 RAT PATROL 2:05iNEWS 2: 15 MOVIE "Dead End" ( 1937. Orama) Sylvia Sidney, Joel McCrea. Youngsters in an East River slum fight to ov~rcome their environment. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) CH) MOVIE "St. Helens" (1981, Drama) Art Car- ney, David Huffman. An 80-year-old man refuses to leave his small resort afte< a geologist predicts a volcanic disaster. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CO MOVIE "J.D. And The Salt Flat Kid" ( 1978, Comedy) Slim Pickens. While traveling to NaShvltle, two musicians hoping to make it big In country music are sidetracked by a redneck shetltt. 'PG' (I hr .. 30min.) (%) MOVIE "Breathless" ( 1961, Drama) Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Be:zdo. An American woman has a tragic affair wit ppy-go-lucky crook. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:30 (!) MORNING STRET 2:11~ 2:-40 NEWS 01) WORLD AT LARGE 2:50(C) MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" (1959, West- ern) Gary Cooper, Maria Schell. A doctor kills a man while rescuing a girl and Is almost lynched by a drunken mob. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN trn NEWS 3:05 8 MOVIE "Cry Vengeance" ( 1954. 0ra!l'8) • Mark Stevens. Mart~a Hyer. An ex-coo detective declares vengeance upon those responsible tor his prison term. (I hr .. 45 min.) 3:15(1) MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyte. A space marshal inves- tigates ~ rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 · min.1 3:30 (I) NASL WEEKLY O MOVIE "High Risk" ( 1981, Adventure) James Brolin, Cleavon Llttle. A trto of greedy friends plot the robbery o1 a million dollars from a SOUth Amerl· can drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 3:35• MOVIE "The lroo Major" (1943, Drama) Pat O'Brien. Robert Ryan. Frank Cavanaugh's accom· plishments in World War I and on the football field are chronicled. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 3:45 (%)MOVIE "Caged Heat" ( 197 4, Drama) Juani- ta Brown, Roberta Collins. ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) 3:56(8) MOVIE "Looking For Mr Goodbar" (19n. Drama) Otane Keaton, Tuesoay Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring various men Into one-night stands. 'A' 12 hrs .. -05 min.) 4':00(1) JIMMY SWAGGART ~'iZi,~ 4:toe MOVIE "Love In Pawn" (1952) Bernard Braden, Berpara Kelly. When a woman realizes that stle loves her husband, it Is too late. 4:30 i JIM BAKKER 4:35 I DREAM Of JEANNIE 4:-40 MOVIE "It .Lives Again" (1978. Horr0<) FredefiC Forrest, Kathleen Lloyd. A number of cou- ples find their joy ovet havtng a baby changed Into nerve-shattering terror when the Infants emetge aa clawed monsters. ·~· ( 1 hr .. 31 min \ 642-5678 . Put o 1~ worda to work for~ in the ... ednesday I< >I l :\I :\< ; \I< >\ · 1 LS ~:-45 Cl) "Robin And Marian" (1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. ~:OO (C) "The Glass Bollom Boat" ( 1966. Comedy) Doris Day, Rod Taylor. 8:30 g "Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" ( 1981. Fantasy) Puppets. 8:-45 CZ) "They Might Be Giants" ( 1971. Adventure) Ge~e C Scott. Joanne Woodward. J'.OO(C) "Urban Cowboy" ( 1980, Drama) John Tra- -volt a. Debra W1~~. -=-__ =---'------.,...,...,,......,,....,a=away 'wenilhataway" ( f 951, ComedY) Howard Keel, Fred MacMurray g "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn. :05 IJ.Z) "True Grit: A Further Adventure'' '( 1978. Western) Warren Oates, Lisa Pelikan. :30 Cl) "Ram" ( 1932. Drama) Joan Crawford, Wal- ter Huston. \I l l . I{'\< >< >'\ \I< >\ · 1 L ~ .OOG "Carry On Sergeant" (1960, Comedy) Wil- liam Hartnell. Bob Monkhouse. ~a~P.~Rl'Qt.~·S.A ... ( 1952. Drama) Humphrey m "Thunder In The Easr 1 ·--•-i t ) Al Ladd. Deborah Kerr van ure an g "Knightriders" (1981. Adventure) Ed Harris. Gary Lahti CZ) "The Water Babies" ( 1979, Fantasy) Anima- tion and hve action. James Mason. 2:30(C) "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. 1:-45 (%) "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Dtana Scarwid. 2:00(!) ''French Conspiracy" ( 1973 .Comedy) Jean·Louis Trin11gnant, Michel Piccoli CID "Cattle Annie And little Britches" (1981. West- ern) Burt Lancaster. John Savage. .C:OOD "The Scarface Mob" (1962, Drama) Roben Stack. Keenan Wynn. l . \ l. '\ I '\( ~ :0088DNEWS I CHAAUE'S ANGELS WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guest: actress Mercedes McCam- lbri~eC (~~ MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "How I Won The War" ( 1968, Comedy) Michael Crawford. John Lennon. During World War II. a group of bungling British soldiers are assigned to build an athletic field behind enemy lines in Nonh- ern Africa so that the advancing British forces will have a place to play cricket. ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) (!) DRAG RACING Coverage ol the NHRA Norlh Star Nationals from Brainerd. Minn. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CID NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Journey To The OUter Lirn1ts" Nineteen city-bred teen-agers confront some ol nature's greatest challenges at the Colorado Outward Bound School, graduating only after climbing the forbidding 18,715-foot Santa Rosa Peak in the Peruvian Andes. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Never Never Land" (1981, Drama) Petula Clark, Cathleen Nesbitt. A 9-year-old girl escapes her lonetlness by fantasizing abol.lt adven- tures with Peter Pan. 1G· ( 1 hr .• 25 mTn.) Cl) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Faoe" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear- ance to resemble hts screen Idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) Cl MOVIE "Battlestar Galactica: Conquest Of The Earth" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Lome Greene. Kent McCord. The Galactlca reaches Earth closely pur- sued by a CylOO attack force intent on destroying the .e!_anet. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 5:30 O BARNEY MILLEA 121 SONG WRITERS "Charles Strouse" This com-~ ">t such plays as "Annie'', "Bye, Bye Birdie". "APPlaustf• and "Golden Boy" f99tures some lflSlghts of shoW i.;-iness. ( 1 hr.) • OOK CAVETT G~ Q . Gordon Liddy. (Part !(R) - ~FORWARD \ 1ca::r I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABCNEWB P.M. MAGAZJNe.Housewtvea Who are savlrlg gf~IF)' ,_le) ~ e ·~ Olipplnlf ..,, • ll•nd·up comedy competition at ~ ¥C>fk't Cope- eebana. SBE HAS A POWER ~ Tim Matheson and t;;atherine Hicks co-st.ar in 'Tucker's Witch,' . ""' '.· -.u,s.t1>rv series about private mvestigato~~u'-. -orrialte is compllceted by her unreliable powenr&;. •'litrh to ·be broadcast Wednesday at 10 p.m . on-~-rvT (Ch. 2) this fall. I THE SAINT YOU ASKED FOR IT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT l fl) JOKER'S WILD 8D BUSINESS REPORT RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCanier cover all the bases leading to the 1982 w011a Series. ()J MOVIE "The Dark End Of The Street" (1981, Drama) Laura Harrington, Henry Toma'lolewski. A young white woman comes of age in a racially mixed world. (1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Forlles film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted cHlldren in a domestic atmosphere that varies from luxurious comforl to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 7:30 II 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a rellgiouS cult 20 miles north ol Seattle; a look at the clroom- stanoes surrounding the death of actor Bob Crane. I GI) FAMILY FEUD LAYEANE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured; a report on the new cars of the 1980s; Johnny Mountain goes in search of Los Angeles' best hamburger; a look at the world ol blondes -do they really have more fun?; a profile of Of Thomas Noguchi. I. TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT • SIGNATURE Guest Christopher Plummer. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT THE HUNTER ANO THE HUNTED Jose Ferrer narrates a report on tt)e continuing worldwfde search for Nazl war crlmfnals; among those 1nter- v1ewed are Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and for- mer SS offloer Walter Rauff. (R) (1 hr.) (!) SPORTSFOAUM Topic: Television's Impact on ~s. (R) CID YESTERYEAR. .. 1989 This retrospective ol the periOd of anti-war protests, the advancement of clvll rights, the birth of "Doonesbury" and "Sesame Street," Richard Nixon and WOOdstoct< Includes an Interview with astronaut Buzz Aldrin. ( 1 hr,) cm NFL: THE 8EA80N THAT WAS A look back at the 1981 pro football season is highlighted by an inteniiew with the "Player Of The Year," Clncln· natl's Ken AndersOn. ( 1 hr.) .ABETTER~E 7:35a!)NEW8 8:008 (I) MOVIE ''Scruple&" (Part 2) (1980. Ora- ma) linduy Wegnet, Barry 8oetwick. The young wife of an eldefty milllonlllre operw • Hol)'wood boutique, and with the help of a ~ phato- grapher and a New Yen fathlon dellclf'I', tums 11 Into a htJQe ~ (R) (3 hit.) e e PIEA&. ~;.Feetured: • woman Wf'IO refused to"''* home10,... way b a cmlnO; a kltelog COf'lr.t: motonQCI ro111r lk8tel: tootbe" 1n .., tht mud. (A) (1 hr.) • -I .--....--------...---._. --. Channel SO. schedules broadcast on refugees ,... KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach will ~ broadcast "The Refugees: Making it Work,-,n ..,, examination of the a.aaimilatlon of Indochinese S: refugees in Orange County communities at 10 p.m. ~ Wednesday, Sept. 8. - The program, hosted by Jim Cooper, will f discuss local problems concerning the influx of _ refugees and touch on proposed solutions. Results of ~ a recent stlrvey of community attitudes will be 2' aired. .....3... -i'he program Will include representatives of ? the Indochinese community, along with local ~ business and community service leaders. i N '1 MOVIE "Ninotchka" ( 1939. Comedy) Greta Garbo. Melvyn Douglas. A Russian comm1SSSr in Paris to sell confiscated royal 1ewelry Is taught the Hner points of capitalism by a suave playboy inter- ested in returning the jewels to an exiled countess. (2 hrs.) 8 9 THE PHOENIX Bennu is accused of a murder wb1le searching for his ancient partner Mira. (R) ( 1 hr.) I Bill V GRAHAM CRUSADE PAUL HOGAN P.M. MAGAZINE Housewives who are saving grocery money with a coupon clipping club; a stanO-up c~ competition at New York's Copa· cabana. e MOVIE "The Death Of Richie" ( 1977. Drama) Ben Gazzara. Robby Benson. A distraught father struggles desperately 10 cope with the problems "rit~ by his 16-year-old son's drug addiction. (2 a CVi..... ~ilt-makln~TING A look at a contemporary at THE HUNT~!alive In West ~~la. narrates a report ~ ~E HU . Jose Ferrer search !or Nazi war crim~a.~~>ntmulng wortdwlde •viewed ere Nazi hunter Slmoo ~ those Inter- mer SS officer Walter Rauff. (A) p tiP!l/'al and fOf- (C) MOVIE "The Glass Bottom Boat" ( 196b, dy) Doris Day, ROd Taylor. A physicist beccmct involved w1th a girl who poses as a mermaid pan- t1me ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) SPORTSCENTER BIZARRE "Super Dave" MOVIE "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, Comedy) P.J. Soles, Vincent Van Patten. A bUdd- 1ng songwriter at Vince Lombardi High tries lo get the Ramones to record her music while her equally ambitious friend pursues the school heartthrOb. 'PG' (1hr .31min.) 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE • SOAP WORLD PREvlEW t8 A WALK THROUGH THE TWENTIETH CENTU- RY WrTH BILL MOYE'RS An examination of the events. and personalities that have shaped our • world since 1900. ( 1 hr.) I'!) THE OOOMSA YERS Authorities lncltJdlng social critic Malcolm Muggerldge, financier Adam Smith and president of the World Future Society Edward Cornish discuss the possible end ol Western cMllza- lton ( 1 hr.) ® MOVIE "Cattle Annie And Uttle Britches" ( 1981, Western) Burt Lancaster, John Savage. Two tough outlaws pick up a pair of teen-age girts and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 35 min.) <m MOVIE "The Secret 01 SeaguH Island" (1981, Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young American girl tnes to free her blind sister from hef island captivity. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (I) COUNTAY 00£8 TO ENGLAND Mel Tillis hosts this country music special filmed In England featur- ing Krl$'Krlstofferson. Jerry Lee Lewis, Aoy Orbison. Box Car WlMy. Tefft Gibbs and BiHy Swan. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:36 (Ill All IN THE FAMILY 9:00 a • \..e FACTS a= LIFE Natalie gets Into hot watM when ahe takee a strong edltOrial stand for freedom of eicpre98k>rl. (R) • 111 THE FAU. GUY Cott. Howle and Jocty tty to protect an 11-year..ofd glt1 from some deeperate mobsters . .w;. hr.) Ip~ WAN Guetta; Ms1hal er.r.haw Band. Chlttae Nelton Aelly. Wayland Aowera and Madame~t<enne<ty· Ltea Raggio. (1 hr.) e THE OOOMIAVEAB Authartllle ~ IOClel crltlC Mllcolm Muggeildgl, .,._ Adlrri Smith and Pf'ilkilnt of ... WOltd Fueure 8ocllry Edwd Cornlth ~the pa.Ible~ r:A ,.Wf/ltfltn oMllze-tlon. (1 hf.) i • .. ........ It ~ 'Wrlnesday (C9fitinued) CD (I) CFL FOOTBALL Edmonton Eskimos at Calgary Stampeders (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ([) MOVIE "Heartland" ( t 981. Drama) Alp Tom, Conchata Ferrell. A rancher and his housekeeper face the rigors of frontier fife in 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) ,... C') ... .! E «> ... ci «> "' >. m 't> ...: u. ~ _, 9:05@ MOVIE "Hammerhead" ( 1968, Ofama) Vince Edwards, Judy Geeson. A secret agent sets out 10 crack an intemalional plot Involving plans to a nuclear defense system. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) • 9:30 0 87) LOVE. SIDNEY Laurie and Patti are arrested lor participating in a "no nukes" demon- stration. fJ PAUL HOGAN C!l MOVIE "Equinox" ( 1969. Fantasy) Edward Connt1ll. Barbara Hewitt. Four young people uncov-.__ _ _,e"'4'f-418 tertible satanic secnrrm-tmrrrmtt1mlil'i' regTo"=n""s---=~ r- §· ii: of Calilorn1a. ( t hr .. 30 min.) 13 SONG WAITERS "Charles St~se" This com- poser of such plays as ·~Annie". ''l3ye, Bye Birdie", "Applause" and "Golden Boy" features some insights of show business. ( 1 hr.) ~AATS'82 0 MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980. Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin. A housewife finds it hard 10 cope ~hen she suddenly begins to shrink In sue. 'PG' ( 1 hf . 24 min.) • · MOVIE "They Might Be Giants" (1971, Adven- ture) George C. Scott, Joanne Woodward. A pres- ent-day Holmes-and-Watson team tracks down en extortion ring. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 10:000 a> QUINCY Quincy belrtends a nurse who fs suffering delayed stress syndrome as a result of the Vietnam War. (R) ( 1 hr.) DG•eNEWS 8 <!I DYNASTY Blake lashes out at AlexlS, a hitchhiker threatens to announce he had an affair wJth Steven, and the police interrogate Claudia. (R) l1hr.) ~~· 81 LUCY IN DISGUISE The dlscov~ found In · and most complete human Hffie Afar lnterna- Ethiopia by Donald Johan~mented. ( 1 hr.) tionat Research Ex~j~ IT WORK This program 8l) AEfUGEES:...Yttheast Asian refugees and the takes a loo~.Q abOUt their assimilatlon into ~ effort \eolinty.community. ( 1 hr.) Qr~E "Back Roads" (1981, Comedy) Sally . f"teld, Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down-on- his-luck box8f meet and head west in search of a new life. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (S) MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" ( 1981, Horror) Edward Albert. Erin Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frlg~tenlng alien creatures while looking for anolher vessel stranded on a for- bidding planet. 'A' ( 1 hr . 20 min.) 10: 15 CH> BUS STOP The lives of seve<al travelefs change when they are stranded in a small Kansas town Margol Kidder and Tim Matheson star (2 hrs) cm THE WIZARD'S SON 10:30.NEWS 9 SIGNATURE Guest Christopher Plummer. cm HUGHIE Jason Robards and Jack Dodson star in *Eugene O'NeiH's one-act ptay about two men from opposite worlds who share the loneliness of .. the big city. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ 11:ooee•w a:teNEWS l ~~AJ,~HJr JOE FRANKLIN M*A"S"H BENNYHllL COlllLLECTING A look et a ooritemporary 1·1==~e In West Virginia, DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVlE "Alice Ip Wonderland" (1976, Comedy) Kristine OeBell, Jason Williams. A young girl learns about life when she steps through her loof<lng glass into a world lnhat;>ited by Humpty Dumpty, the White Rabbit and the Mad Halter. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) • ca tOMORROW'S MOYIEMAKERS A selection of award-Winning student films from some of today'• top._youog filmmakers are J)'esented. 1 t :10QZ) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves 13 hrs.) 11:308 Cl) T9N8 Hightights ot the U.S Open from the United States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center. Flushing Mea~one Park, N. Y. e. TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carlon. Gltest: Tony Bennett. ( 1 hr.) I 0 A8C NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE ''The Scarface MC>b" (1962, Drema) ROb9rt .Stadt. Keenen Wym. Crime-fighter El6ot Nese draws • ir• net lfound AJ ~ and his lnoc~~TMHIRIHcem> n&.t!.Y ti .<Wl'At.t!M...,..... ~ ·••IMtlon of the events. Ind per90nalflles that hew lfllPtd OU( • -_.,.;; --- BAN THE · BOOKS -Toode (Kim Fields, left) ~d Hai.fie (Mindy .Cohn) look__'?~ Natalie• handiwork as ecJ!.,_to!_ oJ~nning :"per -'-'!.'!~school library -in '&P.:"' -~· episode of 'The Facts of Life' l"rednesday at 9 p.m . on K.NBC (Ch. 4). world Since 1900. ( 1 hr.) 8l) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (E) SPORTSCENTER (S) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. While accompany- ing her father on a search !or the legendary-.fl&- phant's GraV9y&rd. a young woman Is. abducted by an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes In the 1ungle. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 mln.) ca MOVIE "The Tin Drum" ( 1979, Drama) David Bennett. Angela Winkler. A small boy with unusual powers of perception re)etts politics. human com· pan1onshlp and even ad\Jlthood and wanders abOUt his country during the tumultuous years of the Nazi regime, restlessly banging e toy drum. 'R' (1 hr .. 56 min.) (I) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin HOOd returns from battle to Shec'WOOd Forest to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian, who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr •• 45 min.) 1 1:40~ MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Sclence--Fic- t1on) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help its oppressed Inhabitants In the ove<throw of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' (1 hr .. SO min.) 12:008 (I) MOVIE "I Neve< Promised You A Rose Garden" ( 1977, Orama) Kathleen Quinlan, Bibi Andersson. A teen~age schlzophrenic caught up In her own bizarre fantasies Is f0toed to cope with her delUSlons In an psychiatric institution. (A) (2 hrs •. 10 min.) I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 0 LOVE BOAT Julie falls In love Wilh a doctor, a divOfoed couple have to share a cabin, and Vicki becomes a stand-In for an obnoxious television star. IB) (1 hr., 10 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Tender Comade" (1943, Orama) Ginger Rogers, Robert Ryan. Dur1ng World War II, a group of young wives struggle to aocept the fact that their husbands musl go to war. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Marjorie Morningstar" (1958. Drama) Gene Kelty, Natalie Wood. An lmpresSlonable young glr1 falls in love with a mlddte-aged songwr1ter only to dlsoover that he 1$ a faMure. (i hra.) 8 LOVE. AMSICAH STYLE (Q) HMAEA.HOUBE OF HORAOR 12:15(1j) MOVIE "A• The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Peter Falk. Burt Young, A hustling. WIM<lracklng manager pushes hlS two '9mele wr•llerS toward the l<>s> 'A' (1 tw .. 55 min.) 12:30• • LATE NQHT WfTH DAVID LETTEMtAN Gunta: dog trainer Bltblra WoodhOuM, edltot of "Fetmefl Alm9w:" Rey o.igar. (R) ( 1 tw.) l~AMBICAN8TYLE , 80NG MIT-"Ctwtel Strou.e" Thia com-PCIMI of auah pl9yt •"Amie'', "~. 8Y9 Blnll". -~~,;·~·:::: Star Nationals from Brainerd. Minn. (A) ( 1 hr .• 3 min.)· fl ([) MOVIE "Les Bon Oebarras" ( 1980. Orama Charlotte l:.aurler. Marie Tito. The tragic lives c members of a lower-class French Canadian famif are detailed. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 1:00 8 BUCK ROGERS e MOVIE "Bang! Bang I You're Dead" ( 196€ Comedy) Tony Randall. Senta Berger. An America in Morocco becomes entangled in the schemes c spies plotting against the United Nations. ( 1 hr., 3t min.) CO) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981 , Comedy Peter Falk. Burt Young A hustling, wisecrackifll manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward th> top. 'R' ( t hr .. 55 min.) 1:10 0 MOVIE "The Cobra" (1968, Adventure: Dana Andrews. Anita Ekberg The Sec<el Service I __ bl.OUgbL~~dl& Eastem e~eratiel'I et opi um-smugglers. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ~NEWS -J. 1:30 8 fl) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT • CS) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980 Comedy) Robert Sacchi, OIMa Hussey. A mat decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear ance to resemble his screen idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 3 mtn.) (I) MOVIE "Rain" ( 1932. Orama) Joan Crawford Walter Huston. Based on a story by W. Somerse Maugham. A strait-laced preacher on a South Sea: island a11empts to conven a "fallen" woman to tht ways of purity and Christianity. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1 :35~ MOVIE "Urban Cowb<_?y'~JJ..~1a,-w°'b;ke John Travolt~., 12!,l?,r~ Wi<>dern-csay cowboy falls i ~h!> 1Wi'f!Fgirl he meets m a popular country-and western bar. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) 2:00Ga MOVIE "Mary, Queen Of Scots" (1972, Ofa ma) Vanessa Redgrave. Glenda Jackson. Quee Mary of Scotland Is beheaded after she defies t 1 rule of her cousin. Elizabeth I of England. (2 hrs .. 4 mm.) CE) NFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW The teams and play ers for the upcoming season of the American Foot ball Conference are profiled. (R) ( 1 hr.) U MOVIE "Phobia" (1980, SuspenseY P Michael Glaser, Susan Hogan. A group o( ment patients are murdered according to their lndivldu tears. 'A' t1 hr .. 34 min.) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:108NEWS 8 MOVIE "Adventures Of Marco Polo" (19 Drama) Gary Cooper. Basil Rathbone. The trav of 13th-<ientury explorer Marco Polo bring him t China. (2 hrs.) @ RAT PATROL 2:15® MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977, Come <fy) Richard Pryor, Lonette McKee. A sex~tarv fruit picker Is caught In a comic Cf06Sfire betw his union and the J.4ob. and a hypocritical J)'eache finds heaven in a ladies' choir. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 2:30(1) MORNING STRETCH ~~GREY IN CONCERT The versatile talent of the Tony Award-winning entertainer are featur in this one-man show which Includes a salute I Geor~ M. Cohan. (1 hr.) '--• 2:40 B MOVIE "Sebastian" (1968, Comedy) Dir Bogarde. Susannah York. A mental genlos find himself attracted to a woman who also works In decoding se¢tlon of British lntelligenoe. (2 hrs.) i=DATLARGE 3:00 CJ) JOE FRANKLIN ~ ~COUETBALL "Men's International Cha ~ships" (R) ' (Z) MOVIE "Sad Timing" (1$80. Orama) Art Ga funkel, Harvey Keitel. A possessive psychoa 1 and a stylish young women begin a tragic romanc In Vienna. 'A' (2 hrs., 3 inln.) 3:30(1) POWER BOAT RACtNG Coverage of t Power Boet Regatta from Cape Floral, Fla (A) Cl) eaARRE ''Super Dave" D HAMMER HOUSE Of HOAAOR 3:50 00 MOYIE "Cattle Arne And Little BrltcheS (1981. Western) Burt Lancaster. John Sav Two tough outtaws pick~ pelf of teen-age girl and take t~ along on their a~tures. 'PG' ( hr., 35 min.) •OO I]) .Ml/MY SWAOOART CC) MOVIE ''How I WOfl The Wat' (1968. f'~ Mfehlel CrllwfOf'd, John Lennor1. DurW ff"6fld Wa II, a group of bunging BrltWt __...,. are to build •n athletic: ftetd ~~:.,.•In Nort en'I A frlca so tNI• ,,,. edvenctng '°'°" wl ha~icket. (1 hr •. St min.) ~MOVE~ of Terror" (1811, tionor Edwerd Albert, Erin MofM. A ~ encountn 1 COl9M ot fright" llr'G din creetur while loakk10 tor .nothlt veeeet llflndlld on • t . 'A' (1 tw.,20nW\.) m1tJ.!!!t-.1: ", .. SPIN:JW.M'!f"A1'1i '"\1 'Comed't Thursday \I< >IC\ I:\(; .\I< l\' I LS 5:00 (%) "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. 6:00© ''Tribute" ( 1980, Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson 6:05@ "Brighi Victory" (1952. Drama) Arthur Ken· nedl:_. Peggy Dow 6:30 0 "Nobody's Perfekl" (1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras 7:00(l) "Equus" ( 1977. Drama) Richard Burto(l. --P-eler ~1AA, 8:00 CC> "l'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1955. ~ Biography) Susan Hayward. Richard Conte. O·O "Greased t:1gh1n1ng" ( 1977. Biography) Rich· ard Pryor. Beau Bridges. 8:30 0 "legend Of The Wiid" 'PG' 9:30(%) "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dol- ly Parton 10:00© "The Filth Musketeer" ( 1979, Adventure) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress ($) "Ransom" ( 1956. Drama) Glenn Ford. Donna Reed 10:05@ "The Roman Spring Of Mrs Slone" ( 1961, Drama) V1v1en Leigh. Warren Beatty. 10:30 O "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dol- ly Parton 11:30(%) "The Water Babies" ( 1979. Fantasy) Am- ma11on and hve aclton. James Mason. . \ l· .. l lJ t\< >< f\ \I< )\ · 1 LS 12:000 "Great Guns" (1941. Comedy) Stan Laurel, Ohver Hardy G» "The Leff Hand 01 GOd" ( 1955, Drama) Hum- phrey Bogart, Gene Ti'3rney Q) "One Fool In Heaven" (1941. Drama) Fredric March. Martha Scott CC) "Dealh In Venice" ( 1971. Drama) Dirk B9garde. Silvana Mangano. CS) "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980, Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batalov. 12:300 "Ttle North Avenue Irregulars" (1979, Com- edyL Edward Herrmann. Barbara ~arris. 1:00® "Lion Of The Desert" (1981. Drama) Antho- ny Ouinri Oliver Reed 1:15 CZ) "Rain" (1932. Drama) Joan Crawford. Wal- ter Huston. 2:00 (]) "Castle 01 Fu Manchu" ( 1972, Adventure) . Christopher Lee. Maria Perschy. 2:300 "Ttle Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin. Charles Gr0d1n 3:00 ([) "Kmghtnders" ( 1981, Adventure) Ed Hams. Gary Lahti. (%) "9 To 5" ( 1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton 4:00 0 "Botany Bay" ( 1953. Adventure) Alan Ladd, James Mason. /' CC) "Tribute" ( t980, Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson ® "Harry's War" ( 1981. Comedy) Edward Herr- man. Geraldine Page. 0 "Legend 0 1 The Wild" 'PG' 5:00 ::%) "Agency" ( 1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Ma1ors 5:309 "Fonramara" Michele Placido, Antonella Murgia ([) "Won Ton Ton. The Dog Who Saved Holty- woOd" ( 1975. Comedy) Bruce Dern. Madeline Kahn CS> "Harry's War" (Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Geraldine Page. l .\l .'\f'\(, 6:00 8 NOAA FOOTBALL University ol North Ceroli· na Tarheels at University of Pittsburgh Panthers (3 hrs.L I D NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS WILD, WILD WEST THEY CRY ALONE Leprosy. the world's most mlsllnderstoOd disease. and the PfOblems of its soffere<s are explo(ed In depth. ( t ht.) ( ABCNEWS • HAWAII FIVE-0 6\i!:R EASY Guest: Jazz slnder Betty Carter. j>.JBbNEws MAGIC OF OfL PAINTING MOVIE "Honky Tonk Fr8'1Waf' .. .(Comedy) BMu Bridges. Bevef'ly O' Angelo. A smalt town In Floflda takes matters Into Its own hands when by· ~ by a new highway. (2 hfa.) SIMONS ARE BACK -Jameson Parker • (left) and Gerald Mc.Raney co-star as A.J. and Rick Simon, brothers who run a free- wheeling detective agency on CBS's 'Simon & Simon,· Thursday nights a( 9 th.is fall. Their exploits are enlivened b¥ Mary Carver, as their mother, Cecilia, and their pet canine, Marlowe. their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50min.) 8 0 JOAIQIE LOVES CHACHI Joanie and Chachl find a new beau for Annelle. (R) Q G etLLY GRAHAM CRUSADE (!) PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A man claiming 10 be the Lind- bergh baby who was kidnapped over 50 years ago; an animal breeder who keeps 400 exotic pets In his backyard a> MOVIE ''The Jazz Singer" ( 1953, Drama) Dan- ny Thomas. Peggy Lee. A young Jewish boy defies his lather's wish that he become a prayer leader and turns to lhe slage ps a Jazz singer. (2 hrs.) @ BOl'ANIC MAN "On The Limit" Dr. David Bella- my lakes a lo6k at one of lhe first man-made eco- logical disasters 1n Shillong. Assam. the wellesl place on earth til) U.S. CHRONICLE "Since '45" Three decades of American history reveal a changing cullure'.and the media's influence on ii. 6'i) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eberl .and Gene Slsk- ef hpst an iolormat1ve look ~• what'5 new at the mo'11es CC) MOVIE "I'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1955. Biography) Susan Hayward, Richard Conte. Actress Lillian Roth s1ruggles With alcoholism and a fading career (2 hrs) (!) SPORTSCENTER f.s) MOVIE '1Uttle Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol. At summer camp, two leen·age girls compete 10 see who will be the hrst ro lose her virginity. 'R' (1 hl., -J2 min.) 0 MOVIE "A Separate Peace" ( 1972, Drama) Parker Stevenson, John Heyl. When a prep school student suiters a paralyzing fall, his roomma1e wres- 1les with his .own guilt feelings atsOul lhe accident 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 8:30 D ®l CALLAHAN A museum curator and a pretty hlstol'ian pursue an archaeological coun· terfeiter who has stolen a sacred dagger. (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVB.. T m ooocOUPLE 9 MOVIE "Fontamara" Michele Placido, Antonella Murgia A man looks for a t)etter life 1n Rome to get away from the poliflcs and unrest ot Italy during lhe ~earsol fascism. (2 hrs.) fD SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el host an lnfOf'matlve look at what's new at the 6:30 ®) BARNEY MILLEA fD DICK CAVETT Guest: G. Gordon Liddy. (Part cosTA POWER It) <RJws (ii) MOVIE "Greased Lightning" (1977. Biography) ~ASIFORWARO Richard Pryor, Beau Bridges. After World War II, a P.T. BARNUM AND HIS HUMAN OODITIES taxi driver becomes the first black champion in the Richard Kiley hosts this documentary tracing the history of the race-car circU1t. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) career of the "Greatest Showman On Earth." ( 1 8:35@ ALLIN THE FAMILY hr ) 9:00 8 REGGIE Sports Director Jim Hiii profiles the 7:00 D NBC NEWS career. aspirations and personal goals ol Reggie 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ,c ... GIMME A BREAK Nell counsels Katie's 8 A~;!~OOTBALL (Joi ed In Progress) (2 unmarried friend who is about to give birth. (R) ' (I) . n 8 lf'lll BARNEY MILLEA The 12th precinct building hrs.) \Uri NEW YORK REPORT Barney and his men await their new assignments. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT {£'art 2) (R) D (1 hr.) • n J! 0 -~ r 8 .,, ..... Ci Ill> ~ C/) ID ,, -CD 3 i ..... ~ ..... fO QO I\) iTHE SAINT is sold to an Investor as a historic monumer.t e.nd I JOKER'S WILD CJ) MAGNUM;'" P.1. A near-fatal car crash leQves 8USINESS REPORT Magnum an amnesiac and lhe prime suspect In the MOVIE "Paplllon" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve murd• of a gtrl he was hired to locate. (R) ( 1 hr'.) • · " McOueen. Dustin Hottman. A pair of Devil's Island a A TIME f:OR LOVE Mike Conners and Fbeoce . I ' convicts spend their time planning their escape. (2 Henderson host a report on the QfOWlng national h 30 l ) eroblem or child abuse. Guests include Ed Asner. •· rs., m n. Ca C L dd ( h ) (%) MOVIE "Equus" ( 1977, Drama) Richard Bur-1cki "and heryl a . 1 r. ron. Peter Arth. A ~ychlatrist attempts to lind the (!) MOVIE "Against A Ctook"ed Sky" ( 1975, reason which C8used a youth to commit a violent Adventure) Richard Boone. Stewert Petersen. A actijalnst a stable of horses. 'R' (2 hrs .. 18 min.) boy searches fOf his sistef, the Victim of an Indian 7 30 • FAMILY FEUD kidnapping. (2 hrs.) :I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY • MERV GRlFf1N Guests: Tony Bennett, Elayne EYE ON LA. Featured: Johnny Mountain takes Boosle<. Ann Turkel, Diana Mclellan. (1 hr.) to the streets to ask people what tt_ler woold do f0< e IREl..ANO: A TELEVISK>N HISTORY a million dollars: a profile of Playboys Playmate of • MASTERptECE THEATRE "Testament Of the Year. Shannon Tweed: an examination of the Youth" Vera Brittain Is determined to l)o to Oxford growing violence against Los Angeles' gay commu-despite the obstacles placed In her path by tradition nity. and hef' IO\ling but unenlightened father. (Part 1) I MEETTHEMAYORS ill) D (1 ht.) · YOU ASKED FOR IT CE OAAG RACtNG Coverage of the NHRA North TIC TAC OOUGH Ster Natlonall from Brainerd, Minn. (A) ( 1 hr .• 30 SIGNATUAE Guest: Biiiie Jean King min.) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT , ((J MOVIE "All My Sons" ( t9<ta, Drama) Edward FAWLTYTOWEAS G. Robinson, Burt Ulncaster. A son accuses his INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson end Nick father of havlng sold defective pleneS to the govem- Buonlcontl preMnt hlghllghts of tti. pcevloUt week's ment di.Iring the wet. (2 tn.) pro football action and lnt9'Vlews wltt\players and 9:06all MOYIE "The Go-Between" (1971, Orama) coaches. (1 hr.) Julie Christle. Alan Ba•. The~ of en ((J MOVIE "Cerbon Copy" (1981. COmedy) a~t boy aiding a pelr of IOwl'I traumatize George Segal, Susan Saint James. A suooeesfUI him for Mr.. (2 In .. 30 min.) white bo8lneuman dlSCOvefa that he het a grown 9;30 e 2 ON THE TOWfe Featured: .,, eerlal view son who le black 'PG' ( t hr .. 35 min.) from atop Mt. Cook In New Z..-nd: Ml~thlno on Cl) AER08ICl8E Get In ehepe, look good, and feel a glecief; a look at New Zellend'a top aoap opera, gtfft with this phytlcal fltneaa Pf<>grem. jet boating on the StlotO¥lf ANer: • dly spen1 with 7·36 al) NEWS AUITrlen ertiat ~ ... a;oo e. FAME Bruno falll In 10Ye with a top denc:e • e TEACHEN ONLY A girl wt'°'9 parentt have • atuc:lent whO, unknown Jo him. has en ~ble di&-''" •'*<i •• oi.tl9 If lhe CM at8y wtth hef for the eete. (R) ( 1 hr ) WHh•ld. (A) ~ Fond9 A llUbt>om Southern lceet hef MOYIE "MolcOw eo.t't 8ell9W In lMrt" (If) WHAT OH EAFtTH Orlon Been "°9ts this fast• paced, fact-tnled science ... ~~ I ,,. . Fonde, 1>91~ IMIJ''artl ._,.. ~ ' . e MOYIE "Jonbol'' ( 1938, ~· °"""'· I LOO« ALIVE ~ i•,•c I flattce. '~ io,;y;;,.~• ,.,,... '*" ~· tu ·~~~...-ende.: rtt1c44 •fdfW\~~A uo ~ ~ ,..,.. ~~~· ,, • - I .. --·- t4 ('I 'Thursday (continued) co O> move to the big city to pursue their ambitions. (2 hrs . 25 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) Rich- ¢; ard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. Despite strong parental ..o opposition. a poignant romance develops between E a 60-year-old artist and JL precoci04.1s leen-age .! schoolgirl. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 ll'in.) ~ 10:00 f) MAGNUM, P.I. A near-fatal car crash. leaves Cl) Magnum an amnesiac and the prime suspect in the murder of a girl he was l\tf~d lo locate. (R) ( t hr ) CJ fl) HILL STREET BLUES The cops lake on the local gangs 1n a benefit basketball game. and Belker and Washington catch an X-rated marathon when lhey stake out a porno movie house (R) ( t hr.) eommNEWS Q @}-20 / 20 (]) MUSIC MAKERS IN CONCERT "Peter Allen And The Rockelles" ( 1 hr.) fB I REMEMBER HARLEM "The Early Years-1600· 1930" Harlem's early days as a fishing village. a Du tch farming community, a wealthy New York City suburb and a burgeoning black neighborhood are reviewed. (R) ( 1 hr.) '1l) ODYSSEY "The Chaco Legacy" One of the most comprehensive building projects eve' ·-devel- oped -over 900 years ago by the inhabitants of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico --is explored. (R) Q l1 hr) CC) ~OVIE "Fear No Evil" ( 1980. Horror) Stefan Arngrim, Kathleen Rowe McAllen. An 18-year-old high school student delights in declmatrng his home- town 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) IN LOVE _ Susan Hayward and Ray BIZARRE "Two Years Of Bizarre" g MOVIE "Altered States" ( 19806 Science-Ac-Danton co-star in the story of tbe rise and tton) William Hurt, Blair Brown. A Harvard scleo-fall of Hollywood star Lillian Roth in 'I'll tist'c; genetic structure is altered when he conducts Cry Tomorrow,• w be seen Thursday at 8 mind-expanding experiments with i$>1atlon tanks 0 ... r":----~ . 'R' ( h 43 ) p.m. •• '-IJ«:111GA. and_.e.owerful hallUC1nogens. 1 r.. mrn. - 10:15Cft) MOVIE "Outland" (1981. Science-Action) Three country girls with differ~t goals and values Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal inves-move to the big city to pursue thelr ambitions. (2 ligates a rash of mysterlQUs deaths within a mining hrs .. 25 min.) colony on one of Jup1te<'s moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 11:55 (1:) MASSAGE: THE TOUCH Of LOVE The min l steps lnvotved In giving and rooeivlng a massage are 10:30 • NEWS portrayed as couples demonstrate how to relax 13 SIGNATURE Guest: Billie Jear.-King. each area of the body. (E) NFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW The teams and play· 12:009 (I) MCMILLAN &. WIFE Mac lnvestlga1es ers for the upcoming season of the American Fool-when a friend of his and Sally's IS murdered at a ball Conference are profiled. (R) ( 1 hr.) masquerade ball. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) CS) JANE FONDA'S CELEBRfTY FASHION SHOW I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Jane Fonda and David Steinberg search for a O VEGAS Dan·s assistant Bee witnesses a baf· designer's dream in an all--star special featuring high fhng murder. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) fashion. celebrity guests and madcap adventure. ( 1 (!) MOVIE "Gumsh<>e" ( 1972, Comedy) Albert hr .. 30 min.) Finney. Janice Rule. A nightclub emcee turns prl· 11:0088 8 (1) III GD NEWS vate eye and winds up entangled in an African revo-D SATURDAY NIGHT lution. (2 hrs.) G YOU ASKED FOR IT m MOVIE "Strangers When We Meer· ( 1960, Ora- (f) JOE FRANKLIN ma) Kirk Douglas. Kim Novak. A successf\.11 archi· m M•A•s•H tect Is tom between the security of home and family a> BENNY HILL and his love for a married woman. (2 hrs.) @ BOTANIC MAN "On The Limit" Dr. Davtd Bella-I LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE my takes a look at one of the first man-made eco-HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR logical disasters In Shillong, A~m. the wettest FEMALE MUOWRESTLING "World Lightweight place on earth. Championship'' ( 1 hr., 30' min.) ~BUSINESSREPORT 12:10(8) MOVIE "Harry's War" (1981. Comedy) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE EdWard Herrman, Geraldine Page. A small-town MOVtE "Sizzle" ( 1980, Orama) Samantha Fox. postman comes to the aid of his aunt, Who owes lhe Candida Aoyane. The changing American sexual IRS back taxes. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) practices of the past hall-century are illustrated. (1 12:308 fl) LATE.NIGHT WITH DAV10 LETTERMAN hr .. 20 min.) Guests: Steve Allen. boxers Leon and Michael 11:30 8 (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from l inks. filmmaker Howard Smith. (R) ( 1 hr.) the Untt~ States Tennis Association National Ten-COUPLES n1s Center. Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, N.Y. LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE • 1 TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage oJ the Gene I ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE Hatcher (Tex.) I Todd Loogmulr (N. Y.) 10-round MOVIE "Botany Bay" ( 1953. Adventure) Alan lunior welterweight bout from Fort Worth. Tex. (R) Ladd. James Mason. An innocent man suffe<s at the ~hrs .. 30 min.) hands of the cruel captain of a convict ship on Its MOVIE "Delusion" (1981, Mystery) Patricia way to Australia. (2 hrs.) earcy. Joseph Cotten. A private-duty nurse falls in I THE JEFFERSONS love with her patient's handSOme young grandson LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 'A' i.1 hr .. 25 min.) " QI MOVIE "Fontamara" Michele Placido, Antonella 1:00• BUCK ROGERS Murgia. A roan loot<s for a better life In Rome to get e MOVIE "Dementia 13" (1964. Horror) Willlam away from the politics and unrest of Italy during the Campbell. Luana Anders. A psychopath cllnglng to y~eacrs&o~ 1~s.) the memory of a dead sister Is responsible for a "ri ~ ~ NEWS series of axe murders In an lrlstt castle. ( 1 hr., 30 SP<>fll:SCENTER min.) -MOVIE "Rain" (1932. Drama) Joan Crawford, (0) MOVIE "Sex Through A Window'' (1972, Ora· Wallet' Huston. Bated on a story by W. Somerset ma) John Norman, Bara Byrnes. A TV repo<ler's Maugham. A 4ltrai14aced preacher on a South Sees assignment to show the ease with which prf\'acy can Island atlempts 10 convert a "fallen'' woman to the VIOiated turns into a personal obsession Wilh voyeu- ways ot purity atld Christianity. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) rlsm. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 11:35 tm MOVIE "Let's Dence" ( 1950, MU61cal) Betty CZ) MOVIE "Bad Timing" ( 1980,. Ofarna) Art Gar· HUiton, Fred Asealre. A woman enlists the aid of her funkel. Harvey Keltel. A posMISNe psyehoaoafyst former danclog ~rtner In an attempt to retain cus-and a ~yietl young woman begin • tragic romanc;e todi!>f her 110n. (2 tn .. 20 min.) In Vienna. 'R' (2 hrs., 3 min.) 11:"6~ MOVIE "The Afth MUlketetr" ( t979, 1: 1oe MOVIE "There Wat A Croof(ed Men" ( 1970, Adventure) Beau Brldges. Ursula Andreu. 0' Meo-w .. tttn) J<ktt Oouglea, Henry Fonda. In .n 1880t nan and the Thfee Muetteteers become Wwollled WI Ar\ZOM ptleon. a convtcted nuder•' a nometQUt 1nother plan to block the evil Intentions of thl .,._ 9ICIP9 ·~ Ir• t<*ed by .,. old nem 11'1 lhe ter Cardlnal Rachelleu against ~ French ., .. teen· lheirttf who CllPfUntd '*"· ( 1 hr., ao mn) ' 'PG' ( 1 hr., <43 min.) Ill; · WOW: ''Motoow. Doesn't S.V. In TMlt'' 1' tmc NEW8 980. ComedY) Vtfl ~.~~ •. ~, ........ 81·1·1'.•_. ....... i1111 ..... ··A1 .. ~Theilllli1l'~ Peter Falk. Burt Young. A hustling, wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top 'R' (l hr .. 55 min.) 1:35(C) MOVIE ''The Happy Hooker Goes Holly- wood" ( 1978. Comedy) Martine Beswicke, A~am West. The queen of lhe call girls goes to the film capital to-make a mQ\tie based on her autobiogra- phy. 'R' { 1 hr., 25 rffin.J 1:4'01J NEWS 1:55@ OUR DAILY BREAD An examination of the black unemployment problem in the nation through inteiv1ews With the business community. doctors and the unemployed is presented. ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) (8) INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlconli present highlights of the previous week's pro football action and interviews with players and coaches. ( 1 hr ) 2:oo m MOVIE "Sweet Chanty'' ( 1969, Musical) · St11rley MacLa1ne. John McMartin. Tlted o( her tawdry existence. a dance hall hostess with a heart ol gold s,earches tor true love and the simpl& mar- ried hie (2 hrs . 45 min ) MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( t978. Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. A man becomes the quarry ol both the police and a secret grqup ol toreign agents operating in England when he IS framed tor a strl!nger's murder. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.}_ 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2: 10 8 MOVIE "The Assassination Bureau" ( 1969. Comedy) Ohver Reed, Diana Rigg. A shrewd news· paP8fwoman sets a clever trap to expose an organi- zation of hired hit men. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 8 MOVIE "Enchantment" ( 1949. Drama) David Niven. Teresa Wright. An elderly man Is reminded of his past romance when hi$ grandson confronts him with his love Sl<>fY. (2 hrs.) 2:15(1) MOVIE "Harry's War" (Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Geraldine Page. An average American declares war on the IRS. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 40 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH. e MOVIE "The Devil's Hand" (1961. Drama) Robert Alda, Linda Christian A man finds that his innate goodneSS prevents him from ~om1ng a total participant in an evil voodOO cull. (t hr .. 30 min.) GD NEWS 2:4'0 8 NEWS 2:5500 MOVIE "Uon Of The Desert" ( 1981. Drama) Anthony Quinn. Oliver Ree<:t. A hatd-rlcfrng Bedouin leader resists Italy's attempts to occupy Libya for 20 years 'PG' (2 hfs., 45 min.) 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN (1l)NEWS CE) THE NFL STORY: LINE BY LINE A preview ot this week's match-ups. (A) (%)MOVIE "9 To 5" ( 1980. Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Parton Three wonclng women rebel against their subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG" ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 3:05~ MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo. A small town In Florida takes matters Into its own hands when by- passed by a new highway. (2 hrs.) 3:30CE)SPOm'SfOAUM (R) O MOvtJ: "Best F(iends" (1975, Suspense) Rich· ard Hatch. Doug Chapin. During a trip to Cahfornia, an emotlona.lty distressed young man tries to destroy -his beSt friend's relationship with hts girl· friend. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 4:00 (!) JIMMY SWAOOAfrr ~~ears Of BIZarre" 4:05 Ql) FUNTIME 4:1oe MOV1E "Three Legionnaires" (1939) Robert Armstrong. Sevefal World War I bOdd.les spend some time In a Siberian town. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER (I) MOV1E "Llttle Darlings" (1980. Comedy) Tatum O'Neal. Kristy McNichol At summer camp, two teen--age girts compete to ... who will be the hrst to lose her wginlty. 'R' ( 1 hf , 32 min.) 4:36 a> J DREAM OF .IE.ANNIE 4:-46• MOVIE "Green Buddha" (1955, Adventure) Wayne Morr\s, May Germaine. An Investigator sets out to recover a precious Chinese statue that has been stoi.n. (1 hr .. 15 min.) New soap o.,_ra actor never f ors eta hia linea HOU.YWOOD (AP) -Then'•• new Kb' an the NBC _.,apse "'.DtaYI of Our ~w'bo newr ,..... hil Ur-. wm newr'--' ............,..i IDCI newr .. b'andle. The liamt ...-dy Qew from New Yodl to Lal ~ to •dtllaa Car diie -... a. .-kt tw am .. ,... wlda a. own cndlt cmcL W&m .._.if ht ..... tD lb ID die a#"I « DM-1" .... ,,,., .. ~1---ln? , .... 8IOO ii-•. r*t. llltll& lln a m hr of AU I- -·---.._:._.._ -· --------~ 3 Role for Asner • Mona or Kirk 5 Singer Carpenter 6 Coffeemakers 7 Author al Kidnapped: lnll. 8 Mr. Ewell's lnsigne 9 Starred In Gaslight 10 Actor George __ _. -1-l -JOAN-Of Mar(il~- • ACROSS 1 ,5 Shown, co-anchors CBS Morning News 11 Wlllona on Good Times 13 Dahl or Francis 14 Aumonl's "and" 15 All fifty of us 16 MASH roles 17 Mr. Grluard's inslgne 18 -My Children 20 Baxter and Bancroft 22 Mr. Gershwin 23 --do-well 25 Ho or Meredith 26 Plays Wojo 27 -Window 29 007 30 Neighbor of NJ 31 Mr. Borgnlne's sign.off 32 Area- 34 Miss Carter 37 Plays Jennifer 38 TheBlg- 41 TV's Norman 43 Odd Man - 44 Madge Slnclalr role 46 Aumont's "yes" 47 George Bush, currently 48 LeCoq - 49 Plays Magnum 51 Greatest American Hero co-star. lnit. 52 Strilch or May 54 Slssy- 56 Miss Darcel 57 Mr. Connery DOWN 1 Dean -2 Miss Bergman's slgn-oU 12 Paul -• 19 Marvin or Remick 21 Fleming's Dr. - 22 Janis or Fleming 24 Plays Bonnie on CHIPs . 26 Harper Valley mayor 28 Bread or whiskey 29 Actor Ver.een 32 The Odd - 33 Neighbor of Que. 35 Nov•ll•t Tolatoy 36 Plays Julle on Love Boat 37 The Man Who - Cat Dancing 38 -'s Company _ 39 Soccer shutout' 40 Kitchenware 42 Manetti on Magnum P.I. « My Three - 45 Evening at - 48 502, to Caesar 50 West or Marsh 53 Mr. Newley's lnslgne 55 Claude Akln's lnslgne SOLUTION EMER&EICY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho•pltal emergency room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & ~ersonalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPeN: 7 DAYS A'WEIK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.11.-11 P.11. (714) 752-e300 •••RG•NCY DOCTOtlS OPPIC• 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY. •1s.. a your first visit = ·. wtth......... - SH wh•t we hare tb ottW = I .. ( __ TV_O_a __ A~-~-) .Murder was 'Taylor-made' on ABC's 'General Hospital' :!! 0 -~ $ 'Tl :l. ~ Q: Lut tammer, I believe, the A : No. Kin Shriner played Jeb on ~ c llaracter of Diana Taylor OD "Texas" after he temporarily en • "General Hospital" was shot. My departed "General Hospital" a few .g qaeatlon 11, wlao not lier, ud If it was years back. Interestingly enough, Ci Heather, bow did 1be get off? -J.B., when "General H ospital" was 3 St. Loa11, Mo. thinking of recasting the r ol e of i ·A: That storyline began longer ago Scotty, one of their choices was David ... than last summer. The character of Gutherie, who played David on ~ Dian a Taylor W H scuffling with DOOL before Gregg Marx landed the .- Heathe r . Heather's mother, Mrs. role. ·te 1 Grant, came on the scene, noticed the V struggle between the two women, and Q: I woald like to know bow Jackie, paniCked. fearing Diana was going to Jaatin'• wife OD "The Galcllng Llgbt," shoot Heather. Mrs. Grant shot Diana. died. Also, I ml11ed tbe 11tow Jaly 5 It was decided that the death was , tkrpti;. Jal_y t. Was ~e uyda.lag accidental and Mn. Grant never had else exciting tbat llappeaed OD those to pay for Diana Taylor's murder. days? -B.W., Loal1Ville, Ky. A: We're certain many exciting things happened during that week in July, but we do all our recapping in the w eekly summary column. Perhaps you can dig up our summary for that week in your local newspa~r at your neighborhood library. Q: r• like te bow who plays ~e part of Marco OD "One Ufe to Live." I've J•lt started watcbiDg tile 1bow and cu't believe ltow creat-lookln1 tlll• PY 11 .•• till foxy gay marriedl -J.J., Toledo, Oltlo. A : Yes, foxy Gerry Anthony ls married to Joxy Brynn Thayer, who plays Jenny on "One Life to Live." The two are busy decorating a country home. Gerry, who halls from J'ennsylvania, was once a drama teacher and also had his own rock band out in California. Q: Tile mu wlto plays Scouy Baldwla OD "General Bo1pltal" - wu Ile ever David Ba.u.blg oa "Days of Oar Lives?" -S.D., Colorado Sprtap, Colo. Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday in . As for Jackie Marler, she died in a C!:1e crash. She had left Jus tin use she felt. he had been having an affair with Carrie. Whe n sh e realized sh e was wrong, she called Justin, who urged her to return home. She <krided to use Carter Bowden's (J ustin's brother-in-law's) private plane. The plane crashed; part of the fuselage w as found, but no\ J ackie's body. .. , • _ .... L -I --. •• , - N co Cl> .... c? Daytirtie .8 E G> • 0 ~ Erica·is enraged >. ~ at. Silver and Kent u.. ~ By LYNDA BJRSCH .J \ by Si.las. Floyd feeling guilty because he thought Nola had run off. Alan and Mike 1lJSpecl Quint involved in threats to Alan. Josh -making certain Morgan lands job as media spokesperson for Joclyn Corp. Maureen continues to offer Kelly oral support . ONE LIFE TO LIVE : When Rudy goes to put contact lens in, he's almost blinded because the solution has been switch~. Realizing who the culprit may be, Rudy calls Marco, but aa he talks a stranger steals into Rudy's room. When Rudy fails to show up at the next day's shooting, F.d decides to break into the locked dreming room. Tony released from hospital and goes home with his wife Pat. Believin8 they have too many prob~ems to wqrk out, Georgina and .Beau end the engagement. Drew's dating Samantha enrages Asa. ~arco conot!med about F.dwina's edgine911. Mimi unhappy -' ALL MY CHILDREN: Leaming from Pam that j:: Mark's pl'ly folded after brutal reviews, Ellen -decides to see -Mark but he has left town. Kent .2 manages to pay off photographer who snapped 0.: Erica with a paid escort. An angry Erica blames ---.w.r.ieii..an.e.learna her movie-characlekWill beckilled. Silver for the fiasco and is further enraged when Kent does not fall for her seduction srene. Out of prison. Ray Gardner heads for Pine Valley and revenge against Martins. Erica gfves Jenny money to ~y for Jesse's medical care. Daisy admits to Myra she and Palmer are lovers, then persuades Myra that telling Donna would be wrong. Lea.ming - Langley has no cash, Opal threat.ens to tell Phoebe all unless Langley gets money for Opal to open beauty spa. Palmer bUY,S DaJsy Persian cat. ANOTHER WORLD: Mac returns from London. Cass wants Chris to be wary of fortune hunters. Unable to pay his rent, Cass considers Conning a close friendship with Chris. Vic hoping Julia will fall in love with him.. Alice unable to get Diana to accept Rachel. With Blackhawk bankrupt, Rachel gets Sieve to reactivate Frame C.Onstruction. Blaine believes someone is trying to kill her. Brooks and Louise quit working for the C.orys. Ilsa. bead of hustler 11ervice Sandy worked for in Vegas, plans to set up similar operation in Bay City. AS mE WORLD TURNS: Whit wants to J>re9 charges against Margo. Craig is Whit's chauUeur. Once again seeing Juon. Barbara runs out of her hd\.Lse in the pouring rain. A tree falls when struck by lightning and pins her. James sees what's happened but instead of re9C'Ui.ng her runs beck to Barbara's house, and waits for a phone call from Paul to explain that his mother is missing. Barbllra is rescued by James who chastises her for leaving Paul alone. Gunner decides to hire surveillance fot Barbara's home. Promiaing Nick she won't see Steve any more, Betsy is heartbroke n and purposely eats lunch acroai from the construction site. John fumes when Ariel says the hOWle she's building in Jamaica will coet him $1,000,000. CAPITOL: Jordy confe91ea to Lizabeth that he faked being beat up in jail. Matt's s h oulder continuff to trouble him. Judson conside rtng ~ cWef ~ for JVIC now that Philip has s tepped down. Joan has erased the blackmailer's ~ to Phlllp, but he dbes testify to investigaton. Fired from her job at boutique, Kelly seeks job from Danny who is owner of the Easy Rider, but he refl.LleS to rehire her. Wally buys expensive sports car. Tyler abducts Julie to make her listen to his side of the story. Trey learns that Kelly and Lawrence lived together. DAYS OF OUR LIVF.& Mitzi leading everyone to believe she and Doug are about to wed. When Doug ·and Julie stage a fight scene in front of Stephano, he begins to rtelize that they are trying to put aometh.ing over on him. ~ey and Don tell Maggie they believe Evan is involved with the DIMeras. ln an attempt to make David jealous LOVING DOCTOR S -Martha Smith, known r.o many as Babs Jensen on National Lampoon's 'An.imal House,' has joined the cast of NBC's "'Days of Our Lives.' She is the daughter-in-law of Mel Blanc. the voice of Bugs Bunny and many more. She is shown here with Lane Davies, who plays Dr. Evan Whyland on the daytime series, seen weekdays at noon on KNBC (Ch. 4). Kayla flirts with Chris. Later she gets drunk - Chris aenda her home. But when be returns to bis apertment he finds her on ~ bed. Chris ia very attracted to Kayla but he says he does not want to deal with someone who'• drunk and on the rebound. Oliver leads Meliala to the Di.Mera twmel where they overhear that Sarah is Evan's child. Marlena tells Roman he should take back his en1a1ement ri ng Mickey believes Sandy'• ~t ring from Evan. once beJonaed to the DOCTORS: Steve not re.ponding to treatment aa be continues to lapee in and out of a coma. Kit jealous when Mike flirts with nurae Hollis Rogers. Althea thrilled when Matt returns to the hospi1a). Natalie's doctor believes she is booked on pills. EDGE OF NIGHT: Spencer gives Sky a oo.ier on Miles' half-sister April. Troy is workirig for F.ddie. Raven dines with Spencer and shows h1ln the safe deposit key. 'The tri-<lf!ntennial ceJebration of Eden will be shown via satellite. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke thwarts Holly's plans to pUn out money when he jokingly voids the ch«k. Later, during the "boomtown" party, Dan tries to show Luke re.on why oil deal must be a 9Cam. Basil panics and in doing ao, Dan Rooney Is stabbed. Holly and Luke panic and leave. Capt. Ramsey puta a warrant out for Luke's arrest. Ruby stands vigil at Dan's bedaide. Roee takes job as a.lstant therapist and is befriended by Mark. In New York, Johnny win8 hia bout and makes Scotty a very wealthy man. Scotty U. Heather flirt with Alan to further Alan'• reputation as a womanizer. GUIDING LIGHT: Nola ln grave condition due to infec:Uon ahe catqJbt w~ being held captive RANCI&- RYAN'S HOPE: Joe has meeting with chieftains of the syndicate to see if they will let him be even if he is no longer associated with the organization. Pat asks Amanda to be~ acting administrator of the clinic. Kim, jealous of Pat and Amanda's blossoming relatioDJhip, decides to gain sympathy by taking an overdoae of pills and having Pat re8CUe her. Unfortunately, after Kim takes the pills Pat's arrival is delayed. Joe is upeet because Siobhan has shown no faith in him. Mitch sneen when Siobhan goes before police board and aays she has left Joe. Maeve prepares for dance cont.est. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Bryan thinks Warren and Ringo may have illegal dealings. Having taken over the debt-ridden gambling club, Martin steps down from bis post at Tournier Instruments. A.n upset Jo considers divorcing Martin. Liza fea'l'ful Rusty still in danger in Operation Sunburst project. Dane t.ella Swmy be th1nka she was sleeping with Lee while he was gone. An enraged Sunny telb him to get his be1ongino out of the apartmept. Andy admits to Wendy she lied about Keith murdering his wife -( aho admitting Keith was never married. TEXAS: When Stella is hit by falling spotlight at stuc:Uo. po.lice thlnk it was no accident. Aabley admits to T .J. she is carrying Justin's child. Chris furious when Brett believes she caused Stella's accident. Billy Joe may be hosting a game show on KVIK. Doria bugg1ng Marshall Oaks. John tells Vivian he lovee her . YOUNG AND R~. Leaving hospital without beina d.i8charaed. Kevin oonfronta Nikki about her desfre for divorce. She tel.la him the baby she's carrying is oot his, and eventually blurta out that Vrctor is the father. A demoralized Kevin stumbles out of the houle. Paul th.rows Carl out of bar for further proof that Paul cannot stand Carl. When Lewis tells Paul he must end his undercover work, P aul insists on continuing. Catching Andy ld8lling Cindy's hand, Lenny flashes a knife and warns Andy to stay away. Diane's friend Gloria hired by .Jack to take John away from Jill. Carl accepts Jack's job offer as teCUrity guard for O.bot. Carl and Mary ~- 282 3 east coac.I highway 675-10 I 0 cxro1a del mar ( _______ ,_._,_,_._,_. ________ ) Diamond married, has 4 youngsters (, ____ .v __ o_r_d_G __ a_,,, __ • __ -:-_) FILL OJ THE Ml~SING t,EiiEf?? l/.J -r~e ''TV WQROS" 8€LOW. NI I IGIMITI ISITl~LI I I I (, ____ r_v __ i _._o_•_•_r• ______ ) Who were stars of 'Barbary Coast?' NEIL APPEAL -Please tell me if Neil By W. WILSON CASEY ~::.-~:~ '!1d~=~~d and if be bas any children. IMIEI ITI MI I I ILi I IE I ~.~=the two stars o( "Barbary CAast?" The Bro0klyn-bom singer is currently married ~ ~ One of the two, Cash Conover, owned a San to Marcia Murphey, his second wife. He bas four jp j 151· ~K qpl) /tt1 ,........_~ Francisco gambling casino. The other, Je(f Cable, children, two _ Marjorie and Elyn _ by his first ,, IY'"'.,1..~~''f' ~f1r':'"' was an undercover mvestigator for the governor o( wife, and two -Jesse and Micah -by Ms. / f{()I) Ill!"" ~ {)lllS. 'I Califor:rii,a. . . Murphey. Daddy Diamond is 41. · NOW REARiA>JGe IH€ /;.~ rr,r-2. Lloyd Bridges (of "Sea Hunt" fame) starred ~ l.Ei'reJZS You FILLED 1~ ( as "Joe Forrester," the veteran cop who still walked CREED, PLEASE -Wbat religion is Ricbard 1,-0 S'rel.l 'fHE #JAME CF-A \_ the beat instead of a desk job. Who was the cocktail Pryor? I'm asking because be does some very KTi:~N" lounge hostess that hoped Joe would get settled faany send·•ps of Evangelist-type religions and f O,iJADAA.-fJz IN A down with her? was wondering U be was raised as Heb. ~ 11 3. Name the series. Clues: Con a conner . . . I don't know what kind of inroads Evangelism I Lil'I~ p(l#N.: Pete Ry~ ... Private-eye partnership .... CBS made into Peoria, ill., in the '40s, but ~ was _ . . . F.ddie Albert . . . Malcolm . . . Maggie '· . . chriStened in the Rbman Catholic Church. AJJ'Pryor I ... 1 ~1;....._ .... 1 -... 1 __,,__"9-....., Charlie Callas . . . Sharon Glesa. tells it. he got kicked out of Catholic achoo! when • 4. "Police Woman," a apinoff from "Police the administration discovered his grandmother ran S\ory," starred Angie Dickinaon as Sgt. Pepper a locaj whorehouse. •cJ3't"J3S _ ~ Anderson. Who played Lt. Bill Crowley who gave OVER THE MOON -I am an avid fan of ~ 'amiw ;.sw ~¥.J.JJ.til'iN 1*....,.""1ts1'Caoj. ~~< Pepper some toU$th assi~ts? "Tbe Honeymooners" and was wonderlag lilow L---------------------' 5. Name the show that starred Tony Franciosa many episodes were fllmedr....~ lf 111o9e clalllc in the title role as the flamboyant detective who reruns will ever be back OD ·i·v. I mlll 'em. took on dangerous assignments and beautiful During the 1955-'56 season, ''The (a.k.a. The Hudson Brothers) are as Italian aa women. His sexy lawyer friend, Kronski, was Honeymooners," which had been introduced earlier Sonny, but. that's where the relationship ends. portrayed by Laraine Stephens. as a weekly sketch on the hour-long "Jackie 6. Who starred as "Bronk." the detective who Gleason Show," was given a life ~fJts own. In all, CARTER'S LITl'LE P.AU -My llttJe &lrl drove an old Cadillac, had a wheelchair-confined. 39 half-hour episodes were filmed before a live adores Lrida Caner u W•er Womaa. l~e letll daughter, played a harmonica and was allergic to audience and are currently airing on many local Lyada oa some movies ud 1pedala, Ht wOIMler if cats? stations. So, contact your local stations and tell them 1be plau to rehln u WW. you need a Ralph Kramden fix. It's amaJing what reruns can do; there are -ANSWERS: more letters coming in about. "Wonder Woman"now 1. Doug McClure; William Shat.ner ON THE SONNY SIDE -One of my co· than when lt. first. aited. Nevertheless, Carter bas 2. Georgia (Pat Crowley) worken inst.ts tlaat ~':( BollO is related to Tiie packed away her magic lariat for aooct. She does 3. "Switch" H•dlOD Brothen. A I wager ls rid.bag OD yoar have a new eeries in the works for ens uext. seaaon, 4. F.arl Holliman uswer. in which she'll play an undercover agent, private 5. Matt Helm Despite the last name, Bill, Mark and Brett eye, or some such sleuth. 6. Jack Palance Po.LE TVllN TO CLASSIFIED BECAIJSE THEY II.NOW' cnm PEOPLE MU: SELLDG. Setunc ~h1n11 from mocorc:ydn 10 .,..,__ .... the nalutt ol propk 10 dtacard old ~anc1 1.u upnrw-ror famlltcs lo move and .,-ow. And llw pow..io.11 that ontt 90Wd lhem well outlttt llwlr uw<utnae. Tba• "• lfOod MW9 for you whm c""""" tn ,.,._ llfr~aica - YOU DESERVE TO HELGOOD CAl._L 64WJOO For co.,I•••• r C111ul.tla• I I 20% llSClllT II: I I t7 :!! ~ ~ r- t8 ~ .... a: ~ "' CD "'O -CD 3 i !-> ...& co <» N . . purc:haaorr- Chedl c.-ncd- M may rMK t'- ~•llllle ~ alfordatlk. WISTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFRCI Dr.hlMrtA. ...... Al Sundaes •• • ·= \. .... '_, •\ .... ,.,..., 2043 Wt .. clff Dr .. W. IOI Mewpad .... c .... c:.c ••••• ,.. .......... Most lneurancee Accepted W•'N u.,.,,,. ... What do you like about lb• 0.Uy Pilot? What don't you like? C.11 the number below and your n-. wW be recorded, lnmCribed and deUYW9d '° the al)lll'Ollriate editor. 1'he ..... 24-houl' .......... ..-vb .. , be med to record ...... to the.,.._ Oft _, ..... lliWlbox oontrlbuton lllUlt Inell.Ide their MIDI and ....,... number (CIC' wrUlcatJon. No dl'Nladon mDa. ,a-. T.U i.. what'• on YQW' mMd. -- I I I Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Cones ,/ Al Pirts & Qgts I I I . . . . - -· 18-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~C, _____ ,_n_•_ld __ • __ T_v _______ ) i Margot Kidder free i to do HBO theater l° By BOB THOMAS ~ted~Wrttw ~ MALIBU -''It's boring to play Betty Boop all :2 the time," says Canadian-born Margot Kidder, who it can be seen two non-Boop roles this fall. ci Well, now, Miss Kidder has never really played o Betty Boop. She did portray Lois Lane in the first ...J two "Superman" epics, and aome critics claim ~e ~ roles are similar. But she was able to make Lois -something more than a dumb reporter who couldn't g recognize C1at.lc Kent without }Us ~, n. The type-breaking vehicles are a new movie, "Heartaches," and a pay-television version of "Bua Stop," with Miss Kidder in the Maril~ Monroe role. She talked about both, as well as 'Superman --ffi/J.·w~""itt~S-cnfl!IT 1Uftl'lhe sun-drenched Pacific near her Malibu home. "Heartaches," which is being released by Motion Picture Marketing, is part of the flood of Canadian films made under the government'• movie financing program. Most of them got loet, and "Heartaches" faced that danger. But it hu been embraced by many critics, tim. at the Mill Valley Calif. Film Festival a year ago. then during its early release. They found it an endearing "buddy movie," with Margot Kidder and Annie Potts as the wandering pals, rather than Newman-Redford, Voight-Hoffman, and 10 on. "I was attracted to the original script (by Terence Heffernan); I thought It could be a Can adian 'Midnight Cowboy,'" Mias Kidder remarked. "Here was an outrageous character from the Canadian northw<>ods who had real individuality. "But the producers had this strange 'We can't be Canadian' philoeophy, which has helped make the Canadian film industry a pale imitation of Hollywood. Annie and I kept aaldnl where our cbaractent were from. Finally it WM decided: we were from Detroit. So we ended up u Laverne and Shirley from Detroit." Not really. One critic WU prompted to write that "Margot Kidder will surpri8e alrnolt everyone with her comic tour de force as the peerlel9 Rita." Mias Kidder did everything poaible to remove heraelf from Lois Lane: "I put on 20 pounds. I got the only wig of its kind: bleached hair with black roots. I &bopped for the scroungje:st of clothes and wore buttons that read, 'My body is my own, but I share.' and, 'I'm an alcoholic -in case of emergency buy me a beer.' " Miss Kidder took ~nother long-ch•~ in ( Sport• H'9hll•ht• ) ~mPage6 11:308 (I) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from lhe United.States Tennis As!lociatlon National Ten-~=~eadows·Corone Park. N.t . (Ji) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Bafry Tompkins and Tim Mcearver Covef all the bases leading to the t982 World Series. 12:30(1) RACQUETBALL "Men's International Cham- pionships" 1:00(!) CFL FOOTBALL Montreal Conoordel at Hamilton Ttger-Olts (R) (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 3:30 Cl) NA8l WEB<L y 4:00 Cl) 8POm'9CEHTER Cable television ,From Page 3 interpretations of the song, such as the·· Motels' '10nly the Lonely'' acted out in a a1ngles ba.r, or_ limply a aurrealiatic sketch, such as Fleetwood Mac dre9led as archaeolqp.sts to the atrainl of -.'.'Hold Me." There have been other benefits to being plugged in to cable. For one thing, I'm finally able to receive a crisp fuzz-~ictu.re from KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington . For another, it's simply a lot of fun to uae the remote control unit to jump qWckly from among the 36 ai.tions, particularly when a commerical comes on . It s hould be noted that l've pardly begun exploring the various program options available. My subeciption package also comes with-channels featuring predominantly sports, children's and religious programming. Coastline College also broadcuta television courses over one channel. Finally, there i1 some local origination --tllf'ffin<iilfififfii"~ """ll"t1firlfli""ltia f "Khed ule ainot extremely appetizing at thia point. Obviously, the New Age of Video is still quite young. More innovative programming must be developed to keep pace with the tremendous strides in technology. The commitment is apparently beginning. Thia month, HBO is premiering a filmed theater presentation of Richard Harris in"Camelot." 1be project ii said to be one of the too1t expensive ever undertaken by a pa.y television .ervice. Original programming that provtaes a strong alternative to conventional network television fare al80 should be encouraged on a national and local level. The only problem with my cable package thus far '\ la that the expanded range of video choices makes it even more difficult to tum the damed set oH. Marilot Kidder as Cherie, the chanteuae, in HBO's 'Bus Stop' pl.aytng "Bui Stop" for Home Box Office, which ~ releulng the play to subac:ribera Aue. 22. She faced two huardl: she hadn't been on a stage stnce hi8h IChoo~ she was repeating a role that Marilyn Monroe made her own_ Along with 'nm Matbe9on. Pat Hingle, Joyce Van Patten and Claude Akina, Miu Kidder performed the William Ince play at Claremont College, 40 miles eMt of U. A.ft&ele9. Five cameras taped three of the perf~_plua two days of ddleu ... 4:35 till BASEBAU. Los Ange!M Oodgef1 at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 4:40• BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta • Braves (3 hrs., 20 min.) EVENING 11:30ii (i) TEHNs Hlghllgtlts of the U.S. Open from the United States Tennis Aalociaflon National Teo-~ ~~ .. dows-Corona Patit, N.Y. 12:30(1) OAAO RAQNG Cowf'age of the NHRA North Star Natlonaa from Brainerd, Minn. (A) (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00(1) NFL FOOTBAU PAEVIEW The teems end players f0t the upcoming M8IOf'I of the American • l'=ootbaM Conference are profiled. (A) (1 hf.) _ 3:00 Cl) RACQUETBALL "Men'• lnt8fnatlonal t;ham-plonlhlps" (A) :t.30 Cl) POWER BOAT RACfNO CoYerage Of the Power Boat Regatta from Cape Floral, Fla. (R) .. :00 Cl) 8PORT8CENTEA " THUA80AY'8 8PORT8 ~8.1882 Margulies ia introduced to 'The Thorn Birds' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Stan MaflUliea, the Ernmy-wtnnlna producer of "Boota," recaDa ialldng to Norman Lear befoft aoiDI on Vlation in Tahiti. "Norman told me I would enjoy Tahiti tremendoualy," Margulies aid. '"Ilaen he said. 'Oh, by the way, be sure to It.Op at.lhe airport newa stand and pick up a copy of the WOJbe Thom Blrdl." It'• the perfect book to read tn Tahiti' ... That'• bow Marsulle1 wu introduced to Colleen McCulloucb'I IUpel' bmt seller. Evidently Marsu1Jea couJdnt put the book do'Wn. ffe'a DOW producing "The '1bom Birds" • a nine-hour, $21 mllUon min1 aedeLio be telecMt next apr1na on. ABC. •:35 dZl BA8EBALL Los Angetes Dodger• at Atlanta 8'~1191 (3 hrl.) . .. :40. BASEBALL Loa Angeles ~ at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs., 20 min.) EVENING e:oo. NCAA FOOTBALL University of North Catol- na Terheell at Unl¥ef9lty of Pittsburgh Panthers (3 hrs.) 7:00 (1) NCAA FOOT8ALL (Joined In Progrea) (2 tn.f 9:00. AEOQE Spam Director Jim H• proftll9 the car•. aplretlonl and pettonel gem of A9ggle Jack90n. Cl> DRAG RACING Cowtage of the NHAA North Star Natlonalll from Bfalntfd, Mino. (A) ( 1 tw .. 30 min.) • Dllllif CDAIT YOUR HDMITDWN llAllY PAPER FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 198:? ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS SCAG targets El Toro for regional airport By FREDERICK SCllOEMEllL Of the Dettr Ptlot •t•" Over objrt·t1ons fro111 Ir v111l and Orange County 11ffu·1ab 1111 Southt:m Caltfor 11t.1 1\_~14. t<tt1n11 0 f (j II V l' t ti Ill c• 11 t ' lo <I ' rt•t·c1111mc'nd1·d tlu• El '1'0111 Muntw Corps Air Sta11011 .J...' u slu• for a rww rt-gumal a11 µur t At a mt'i.'ltllH Thursday 111 1 At:. Angt.'lt's, thc• S(.'A(; t'l<t~·u11v1• t·omn11ttee .iho targl·tt·d th• southt'rly µort1on of l'a1111' Pl'ndleton as a n·gwnal ,.11rpot t Sitt• The t'OnHlllllt••· drnppc•d fr<lm C't>llsldt'l'il t 1111\ ,c 111 CIJ>H'>t'd Bed • issue flaring Valley • Ill By PHIL SNEIDEHMA~ Of .,,. Oellr Piiot Stall A d1:-.put1· uv11 .... 110 will Ill' pl•rrn1lted t11 put .uld1111111.d ho:,p1wl bc'ils 111 l'11lmt<1111 V.ilh v ha:-. lrtg~1•11 d Jll l'Xl h,111g1• ttl l.iwsutl:-. b1 lv.1·111 Fifi' 1111 ,, loutllv ha:-.t·d ..,llh:-.1 nl111 twalth Sl!rv1Z·1., and F111u1l.1111 V.tllc Y Communtty I lu:-.p11.ol In .1 :,ull filt·d Tt.111"!.-v 111 Oranj.{I' l'tll'U11l v -.;111H·11or ( '1111r 1 FllP l m 1f1111111•1h F.1111tlv Hl·alth Progr.0111 ltu 1 .L ... kt'il for $1 20 mtllton 111 d.1111.1g1s from Fountain Vo1lkv t'om111ur11tv Hospital, lb1m111g tltl• hosp1t.l1'-. l'arltl•r l;1wsu1t 1c; 111t1·rfpnn~ with plaru. to bu tld ;, h1 l'op1 t<tl Ill lht c1tv f'ountc11n V .illt \ ( 'ornmun11, Hosp1taJ off1nab 1h•11y lhc·v .ir• trying to sahotagi· I-Ill-''<. plans, !!::ut t13r.:! !}I'\"' t'tl°'\ .. m,•-<-tl"IM; U11 F H P pr" J l' l' t c · 11 u I d h 1 n ti 1 • r f'ountain V.ill1 v <.'ornmunrtv' ow n plans to c1dd 11111rr· ht'<.b · Tht• ci1sput1• 11 nt1•1., on th1 state <:'f'rt1f11·;1tc of rH-t"<I pro<'(•Ss that noqu1rrs a fa1 tl1tv tCJ Justify llS t:la1m th.11 add1t111n;d h11sp1t.il bf-ds arf' nPPdc·d 111 1 p;artu ul.11 art'<i A I t· x L 1 t r 1 \ .1 11 I-11 I 1 spokesman "l(ltrl f 1>deral lav. t'xempts h1•,.t th ma1ntt'nanl·• organ12.;.1tL011s, "ud1 ,1, f'HP. frnr11 obtaining a n·rt1f11 .it•· nf ltt't'Ci The fr rm th11-. h;1s b11 11 pr~n~ with pl.ms to butld .o 78 bed n~;.d Ill'"(\ \q l-'111'' corporatt· fH•,1dq11.trtf'r ' .at Br<)(•khurst Stn·l'I .inrl Talh< rt Avc·nut· 1n f'ounta111 Val11·v F.arl1er this v1 ;11 h11wc v1•r Fountain Valli'\ l om11111n11 v Hospital ftl1•rl 'u1t ,1ga111..,1 1111 CH f 1t·<• l•f Sta11·v.1d1• II" tllh Planning and l-'111' Founla111 V.oll1•v ( ·.,mrn111111' llosp1 t;d dd rnl 111'.f 1 .11111 ('1.11i.: Mv1·r. .... ml his t.u illl\" llfl111.d-. b.:lll·Vt lh1• '-I.ill .tj.!< Ill\ '>lt"tJlol llc\t """'' .dl1•V.1·d I'll I' ti> h1 E''<•'lll pt f r11m 1ol11;1111111..: " c1•rt1 f1t ;1t1 · 11f llt'i'(f Mv<•rs s<i1d F11l111l.1111 \'.1 llt·\ Cnmmunitv ..,.,.,,, "Jll lw "'" kt11f 1r...-. own n·r11f11 at• ti .uld hH '""'' lo tl11 hosp1t.1l wh11 h nc1v. It." 222 If FHl' 1., I" rmttlc·d !11 l1111ld a Inc .11 h1,..,p1t.il. F111111t.1111 \'.dlc·\ C4immumtv m,1v hav1• d1fru ullv Ohta1mng r><•rmlSSl!lfl for II 11\\ rl P).p:tns1on. M y"r' 'W11d All WP ".ant !II d11 t"> Iii 1nvolvf'd 111 tl11 pl.1n11111i..' pr0<·c-s.c;," M yN·c; -..11d A froeral 11•rlR•· 111 1,.,.,. An~··l•"' r<•fuRed J<t..,1 w1·1·k 111 d1..,miso., Fountain V.ilJ1•\ ( ·,,mrnunit' " lawc;urt ag .. Hn'I 1h1• ,1;it1· lw.1i1h planning aRt•rn \ Th.ti pmmptc•d Fl If' lo ftlc· fnr dama~·:t'" Th11r"l.1v 111 ( tr.111i,:1· Coun l v I-II I' • 1111k1 .,111.111 I .11 rro\ sa1rl COUNTY uffshort• silt-nt'W' Loft Angeles- Lorrg Rc:i.tt·h Harbor Th•· 1 ornnullt"t''s d1.-<·ls1on on El '1'11111 t'o1111t· dt-sp1h' ob}f'('llOns 1>f 11 vim M.oy11r Larry Agran and , 011111 v flmird of Supt'rv1sors (. 'h.111111.111 Br UC't' Nest.a11dt' Ag1 .111 prNJ1t·l<'d uny a ttempt w µIm t' 11 rt•gional airport al El Tow w11uld ll.'ad to hundreds of 1111111011-, of dollar.., 111 damagl' darm.-. Nt':'.Wndt• -.Jtd "We t'an't put .all 11.ivt•lt·r:. 11l(hts above 111111rnun1t y nghr....," F11r four yP:U"s, .SC AG, v 1a an Av1.ilt1111 Work Prugrarn l'ornmlltt!t", has been 8t'un.·hlng for a silt:' for a regional airport th1il would meet add1t1onal IW" pc1.:.sengt'r dt·mand expt"<.'ted in Southern l'<ihfonua by 199~ Two years ago, SCAG had t·onalde red the o ffsho re Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor site t.o be the leading candidate for a new intemauonal-type wrport _.We can't put air travel ers' rights above <·omn1unity rights." SCAG ts a quasi-government plannrng agt>ncy that makes r<·commendat1ons on regional transporta t ion , p opulatwn growth and air quality J.SSues But a f ter re ce 1v1 ng considerable cr1t1clsm of the proposal.• SCAG began looking at other locatfons, including the El Toro marine air facility and Third ~radt·r Jason Bish o p, 8 , of Fountain Va lley gets an old fa!'hioned ('oolln~ off on one of tht~ hottesl d ays of 1he year . Camp Pt>ndleton . The Manne Corps ronststen tJy has mainuuned neither base is available for use as a c1v1han airport The corps ha& said relocauon of El Toro's operations to another base is not feasible, and, even 1f it were, associated <.'OSts would be in the billions of dollars The SCAG recommcndalaon runs counter to an ex.a.rrun.ation of regional a irport silt's by a "blue nbbon" panel of Orange County business and industry e xec utives It conclude d a Beaches set for big weekend ( l1.mg1 < ·,,,..,t ltf1•1<(u.1rds .ut• ,lo(t•.1rin1< up 1111 ,, t.11 ... \ l..d>1>1 Da\ "''"kt'rtcl .1s .1 nmt11>11t·d 1 .... 11 """' .111rl 111l.111d 'mo~ itrt '''Jl''l lt'tl t11 d!l\I' thco11s.111d ... of l~'flJllt• t1i lhl' Shi ,lJ,.r1" '1'11d.1v, ;11r w.1•, d1·1•1111•d u11h1·;1lthful fnr ""''"''' 1w11pl1 111 < 't1,1.1 MP..,.1 Lagun.1 H•·.u Ii .111.t S.111 .111.111 l '.1prs1ran11 hut no .. mug .tit rL' \\tr• 1••Mlt'<.I f11r thtN' ,1n•.1s r 1r-t ... 1..1g1· 'mog ,clt·rL"> wc·rc· talltod Ill L.i Habr.1 S;int.;1 An;i C'.inycm. An<1h1•1m. Lo., Al.1mtt1~ .ind El Toro RC>StcknL'i in thc""4· olfl'n' \A.I'll oL ... kt'(J lO f!><;tn{'\ drtVllli.l F1111 ... 1 .. 11·1' "'llh th•• South Coast Au ....,u.d1t \ 1\1.111 •Kt nu nt Ll1str11 l <;a1d n11 ", u11d .. 1.1g1 .iii rt.. r1•qu1rrng mnrt· 'itrrn~l·nt pnllut1on-rc·t.lul't11m mc-a~uri·s , wc>re called in Orangt· County They said the smog se1g1· of the past f1•Y. d,1ys 1s c-x pc·cted to subs1dl· ovt•r th1• wr·1•kt"nd ,1o.; lt'mperalun·s modt'ratc· .111.t cm short• wrnds 1ncrC'aS4.' On Thuf".(lav, wmpt"raturt'S in Newpurt &•a< h rangc>d b.>tween a high of 80 degr<'<'l> and a low of fl-{, Al rn•arby John Waynt• Airport, th1• mf'n·ury climbed lo I 00 dPgrf't'S and fell to a night low of 67 First swg1· smog alC'rlS have been 1ssuC'd today in S<'Vt'ral inland nt1£>S. including Los Alamn~ and i-:1 Toro A Cirst stage alPrt rnt•ans unh1·allhful atr 4uality for t•vc'rvom>, · s.11d the· AQMD spokeswoman With tht• ll'mpcratur1.., prc·dtt t<'d .ibout .!Cl dt•grt•t•s coolt'r along lh<· bc·,11'hc·s. ltfl·~ucirth from St•.tl Beath lo San Clf'ml'nl<' say tht·y t'Xl>C't'l some• of the large-st l'rowd s o f lht· c;ummer "With this hf'Jl w,1v1., wr·'rt· gt·tt1ng ready for ;i busy wt'i•kend," s;ucf Nr·wport &at·h ltf Pguard Lt Loi<an Ul(.'k<1bt•\ Al Huntington 8<·01 h l'lly bt·.11 h llw most hc·avlly usccJ O('l'dn strand 1n the· t·ounly, lrfeguardc; predll't l'rowds approachtng 70,000 on th1' I -milt• str:.:ind of sand "We can't g<'l m .. my mnrt' µ<'i>plt• lh;.in that." c;a1d h feguard Hob Morns "nut with tht-mtS<'rable w('atbt·r inland. that'., wh.1t we're expect.mg. Nation's jobless figures unchanged By The Assoclate-d Press Th•· nation's unemploym ent ratR tn August was 9 8 percent o f the work fon:e, unchanged from Jul\. th1· government rPporlNJ t.odav Amon#( adult men, the Labvr TX>partment said, tht• y>bless rat.r wa.c; a post World Wnr !I high of I\ H p1·ri·t·nt About 10 8 m1l!l11t1 A nwr11 .ms werf' nu l of work Thi• August rate marked thP - sixth c:onsecu11ve month Joblessness has matched or exceeded the previous post-war recession high of 9 perTI:.'nt. set tn May 1975, dunng the business slump brought on by tht-Arab 0 11 embargo On Thursday, the Labor Dc>partment repo rt ed the number o f out -o f work Americans f1ltng m1t1al da1rr.s f or government benefits NATION increased to 62 I .000 in the week ended Aug 21 It was the third biggest seven -day fi ling this year The number o f claims filed with state unemployment offices v•as 13.000 higher than 1n th(' previous week. the department said. OnJy twice earlier this year were initial claims filed at a faster pace About 640,000 Americans made claims in the week ending Jan. 9, and 623.000 filed for )Obless bt>nef1r...c; tn the WN'k endinl( March 20 By mid August, more than .i million pPople were cla1mrng unemploy m e nt ins urance benefits under state programs compared with 2 9 million getting the payments during the same period a year before INDEX l .. aguna graduates turn tables Indiana !Jas a 'better w~y ' _ . ~gvn;1 &ach High School graduates turned the tablf's and graded the education they rf'<'E'ived Page Bl ()(:C hos ts 'Up With People' Up With People, appearing at Orange Coast Coll"gc this weekend, offers a little dance. a little sing and a lot of attitude. Weekender BUSINESS Everywhere, It seems people are using dead bolts and alarms to underscore distrust fot:I strangers. In Indiana recently, people showed there can be a better way. Page All. Oregon vi/lase crime target -Townspeople In an Oregon village are complaJntna croo~are invading their community after its pollce foiu was abol.tahed. Page A6. •. At \'gw Send~ .•.•••.. A<l. Cavalcade A 11 Classified Dl.04-8 Comics C9 Crossword C9 Death Notices 02 F.ditoriaJ A J 0 F.ntertainment Weekender Gardenina B6 HOl'OICOJ» A 11 lntermialton Weeke.nder SPORTS regional llll"port should be plared tn Santiago Canyon in the Sant.a Ana Mount.ams east of Orange As part of its action, the SCAG executive committee rnllc>d for continued studies of loc:almg a region.al atrporl at El Toro and Camp Pendleton and cr~auon o f a regional airport authonty that ulumately would build any new airport The committee also 88.ld San Diego County, which is out of SCAG's jurisdiction , sh ould be<x>me a partner in the region.al airport studies Irvine jail limbo • Ill By GLENN SCOTT Of the Defir Pilot S tell T h c 1 r 1 n t "l1 s i v c• pl' l 1 t 1 u n signing campaign is over. and now orgamwrs of a campaign t.o kcc·p jails out of lrvinl' havt- pc-rhaps a morr· n£·rvt--Wr<.ilkmg wsk T hey must wait Ho lly J a l'obs, a Woodbridge n·s1dent who nwrdtnated the pt·t1t1on drive.>, said oppon«nts 11t•xt must wat.c:h w set' wh1•tht•r thl· Orangt' Count y Board nf Supervisors approves funds to procet:d , as c.•x p et'ted, with c•nv1ronmt•ntal n•ports on new J8tl sit~ in thl' rnunty mduding two in lrvml' Thi:' studll'S are t•x pe<.·lt'd lo t.ike at least six more months, with an extra 45-day per10d at • the end for public col)1l'l'ent on lht' findings Using the findings and s taff rP<.'o mmendat1ons. the supervisors then are scheduled lo ch()()S(' a site for a new mode ralR or max1mum·st'<'unty jail by nC'xl :-.pring lt may se(•rn a long wait, but .J.iJ"Obs ant.I otht•r organ1wr; an.- «.eting better about the prospects of that dec1s1on than they did !)(•fore their petition campaign in the· last two wt•c.'ks 111 · August This Wl'l·k the organ izer s tumro over pNH1ons and letters "'~nt'd by 3.257 Irvine residents 11b)l't.'ting to sell"<:tmn of anv .1311 'llt'S m or ne<ir lrvrne .Jacobs said today s he bt•gan thl' drive aft1·r. a m<>agl'r 25 pt' op IP at t f' n d t• d a count y -,pon.sored st'SStOn to d1SCus<; lcx:al mn<'E'rns about the jail sit.es The <;mall showing. compared lo the hug<' crowds t hat a t t (' n d <• d s1m1 l a r St'ss1ons 1n o ther l' o m m u n 1 t 1 c.• s , r a 1 s e d l h r poss1b1ltty that Irvine's apparent .1pathy might c•arn a Jar! by rlPfault. s he said "I just want{'(! to make sun· uur vorees would lx• heard," said Jac'\.~bs. who said she was a1dC'd by Lynn Johnson and Ro bin Blake tn Northwood and other vnlunlt'N'S m the• rl'St of the city Th<' count v's Correc tional Sc·rv1ces Advisor y Committee. assigned t ht• task o f c hoosing possible slt<'S for a new jail. has 1d<'nt1f1ed the location of ex1sung ;uls in downtown Sant.a Ana and the James A Music k Ho n or Fann in El T oro for expansion. A." alternat1v~. the committee p1rkc.'<i thrf.'f' othC'r sites: one in Wc.•1r Canyon off the R1ve rs1de Fn--cway. a second at the site of the Orange County Raceway and a third a t Trabuco Road at Sand Ca n yon A venue near th e Mannes' El Toro Air Station. T he Irvine petitions oppose the racewa y and Trabuc:o Road locations: _.l\nn ~d~r.L Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Dr. Stel.ncrohn Swck Markets Television ~ten W•ther Al I Weekender · ClO A3 02-3 Cl-8 All ,.Cl I TV Log Weekender AJ. Economy crunch hits Las Vegas Consumers face phone hikes ConaUJi>ers we ln for aome huae phone rate incre._ ~ ~ the nation are .eekina, Pap 81. '.:T ~ ~' .. Basketball star 'homesick' LH Vegas used to be immune to economic downturns. Not any more. Paje ClO. \ , \ K evin Magee, former buketball atar for UC Irvine, la set to begin playing ln Italy. But .he says he la very homesick. Paae Cl . - ' Mad hatters Four British bobbies load a seven-fool police helme l onto a plane at Stansted Airporl in England. The topper is to be U! .. cd in New York and Boston for a fund drive for a British ch arity. Teachers preparing ; for start of terID Laguna &•aC'h Umhed School , District teac hers were on : l'ampuses this wee)<, P.reparing , for tth· first day o t school ·Tuesday, whl•n 2,349 stud<•nts -l 118 few~r than last tenn are 1 Pxpected t.o enroll · The d1stnt·t provides free bus transportation to and from school for nearly all students from k 1ndergartt•n through grade· t•1ghL The system has one high st·hool. one intermediate school .tnd two C'lem<•ntary schools Distract ott1c1ats said they ,1nt1c1pate 1.005 students will attend dClSS('S at Laguna Beach High School. 485 will enroll at Thurston lntNmediate School. .md 859 will show Op at the two l'lementary schools. El Morro and ·Top of the World The district's $6 5 million budget is virtually the same as last term's budget and no educational or acuvity programs have been cut, said Bill Barnes, superml(!ndent. Laguna Beach High School has a new football roach m Dennis Haryung . He replaces athletic dir ec tor Wall Ha rera who resigned from th ~ footba 11 program but will continue to oversee athletJt· pro~rams Thl' sch ool ath let1c tt"aml' compet e in the South Coast League and last Yl'ar won several champio nships, 1ncludmg Clf utles in girls and bt>ys tenms and boys volleyball. Thl' girls track and volleyball teams were leagu<' champions 'Sample' parking • garage going up By STEVE MITCHELL or ttM o.nr ""°4 ''•" If yott see 8-fal) plaatk r1iX· with two ('roasarms st1ck111g up ln the air in the Glenneyre Street municipal parking lot next Tuesday, you might want to lah a closer look Laguna Beach ofl11:1uls will erect the temporary pipe in the nuddle of the city lot to 1Llustrat~ two heights for a proposed parlong strUl'ture at that location The c·roc.sarms give• lookers an idea of huw tall a 2 1 1-story parking structure wouJd l>e or a 3 ~-story structure. Asstslant City Manager Terry Brandt sauJ the pipe· will bt· erected Tuesday in order for City Coun<:il ml'mbers and Laguna citizens t.o gl'l a handll• on how tht· pro~ st1'Ucture wnuld tft - _Lil. lJl. r a:li.t1t1n 14) tb&Jl~ The• t-ounc1I wtll mt.'\.'t ut 6 pm 'l'u08day to revww a study on the prop(J8Cd parking structure Laguna Beac·h has nearly $I m1lhon in 11.b p11rk1ng fund fo1 ron8lrucuon of u ~truc·turl' The l ot involved 1s on (i lt·nneyre S trf'et between Laguna Avenue• ahd L egion Strt.'t·t A consult.ant firm hired by the nty rt'commc·nds 11 3 1 i story park1og strul·turc, containing 334 parking s~c·~-s. lw erectt'd cm tht• City lot A c1t1zens 1.:ommitlee, formed lo study tht• notion or a parking structure, 1s n:<.•ommend1ng the City Count·tl t·ons tru c t a 2•.•, story building on the site Ailing Former fir-st lady Bess Truman, 97, has been hospitalize d in Kansas City for the second time in five weeks. Trustees OK contract By a 3-2 marg in, Fountain Valley School Dl.trlct truateea have approved a tentative three- year contract with the district'• 3~0 full-Ume teachers. Final contract langua'e and two p rovl11ons r elatj ng t o reassignment of teachera still muat be approved by the board. But the eenerat contract concepts, giving teachers a 7 percent pay ral.ee for the current year plus expanded insurance coverage, did win the approval of the board ma)or1ty during Thursday's meeting. Trustees Roger Belgen and Suzanne Moore said they did not approve or the additional uuuran1:e benefits, m which the district will pay for health coverage of a teacher's unmediate family members. Banning Ranch center of legal spat By STEVE MARBLE °''"-o.itr Piiot •1•" The Banning Ran1:h . om·e mere grazing land for shet'p but now considered the most cont rov(• rs 1a I dev(• Io pm en t project in Newport &•ach, 1s at the cenll'r or a legal spat that pits supporters and fol'S of the project T h e f a t e o f t h c· 7 5 -a c r e development in west Newport ts .:!~:.;.~~= !:;-; ~·.-.:~et~-.an• ~Or1e1~ .. w1U decide Nov. 2 w hether the project should be killed. S u pporters of the mu) ll- mill1on dollar building plan, billing themselves as Citizens For A Better Newport, filed a lawsuit Thursday asking the court to delete portions o f a bal l ot argument submitted by Two injured in crash es T w o p <' o p I e r l· m a 1 n I hospitalized today following separate accidents m Costa Mesa Thursday Sh('ril Palf1n , 2 1 , o f Huntmgton Beach 1s listed m very c r1t1cal l'ond1t1on at Fountain Valley Community Hospit.al after the small pit·k-up truck sh~: was riding m at 3 a.m. slamml•d into a flatb<'d trailer parked on Pomona Av<•nUl' near 17th Stret>t The driver of thf' car, Ralph Wayne Stm~n. Z4. 6f Fountain Valley, was arn>Sted on suspicion of fl•lony drunkt•n driving He was not 1n1ur<'<.i. Fermin Ramirez T orrc-s. 23, of Cos ta M<'s a , also 1s 1n tht' Fou ntain Valley ll osp1ta('.., u1tens1vc care urnt. f)pponents ot the pro)CCt. Tht· suit. filed by Newpo rt Councilman Phil Maurer. a d1n'<:tor for tht.• support group, charges that \hl• ballot language IS misleadmg A hearing in Orange County Superior Court has been set Sept. 14. The lawsuit comes on the h~ls of another sull, filed last month bv an -0ooonen~ oL the Baruu.~uz. IUtncfi. -· The opponent , counc 1tt candidate Allan Beek . complained that the ballot language drafted by the other side -tl'ie supporters was confusing and misleading. "Clearly," suggested one city official who wished to keep his name out of the ~rowing flap. "this 1s going to be the best court-tested e lection day question in city hist.Qry." The suit filed by the Citizel').S Fo r A Bette r Newpo rt specifically challen~es sev~rn 1 statements tnat are aupposea to · <tppear on the ballot. The challenged statem ents include the prediction the project will mean 10 times more peak •-!"',vW'I \.ia:tii:, 8C'Ve11 Wnl:s --naOT~ airport demand and aeven times more air pollution. The s u it claims these statemenlJI are false or misleading. Jean Watt, an author of the ballot argument, said "the figure are correct and that she has documenlJI to back up that claim. "This is just a word game and has nbth~ to do with the facts," she said "But I don't mind golng to court and gomg through this exercise." Councilman Maurer sa1tl he decided to hlc the suit because "I want the truth. I don't want the voters to be misled. l'm very upset." The support group was formed thtS week and includes hve of the seven ,N~w.oort CCUl.N')I ,mpm~a as directors Several or the "directors .. including Mayor Jackie Heath~ said they were surprised to lea~ they are directors. "I agree wtth what the group 1s d oing," said Heather, "but I don't recall being asked to be a director. Maybe somebody asked me and l forgot " ~\' Cooler Saturday I' 8ooM Boston Brownsvlle ------=--=---eunato Coa .~10/ SOUl HERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN ' .l\REAS -Soina night •nd morning log end low clouds ne11r me coasl 01._wt.e fair and ~q""" Mrm In cout•I IMICl'°"9 Ngh9 nu\gtng trom mtd 709 at b..c'- 10 95 10 105 in vatteys LOWS In upper 50s and 60s Mount•ln highs •n 809 Iowa in 60s Bur11ng1on CMPe< Charla1n SC Chanstn WV CNrttte NC Cheyenne Chle8g<> Cincinnati Cleveland Clmble SC Columt>ua Dal Ft Wth Dayton -------------· Oen.,., 1 ii .. ~. . .. 11 "uu a r y Snowers end thundarstorma oevfll()()ed 10<1ay -d of • co4d pnt 1na1 e•t•nded from the _1._n nail of 1ne Allantw: slet• to the Gull Cont Tllunderalorms pro duc•d torrential rains end n .. 11.1nch hall over portlO<'ll ol n0<1neast OhlO late Thursday with 2 tnchft of rain lalllng 81 Columbul end winds guiling 10 60 mph th•t downed 1rees at l0<a1n OlllO Heavy rain fell over 1111 Soulneast with n&arly an lndl ol prectpllatlon r~poned at Gr-1wood. Mias 11nd Croasvllle. Tenn. A lew thunderstorms In Texu produc:ed wind gu11s 10 60 mph 11 San Anton•o and near F0<1 W0<111 Cool t•mperalur e1 panled the wet _,,_, In orthea•L where hight sd•y-11 In Ille 60t and 70.. 4"artly cloudy tl<les prev1ti.d weal of the Aoekles with ~ 11e11 In lhe de1ert1 of the Southwell Phoenix lied a rec:crd Thuf9d•Y with • 1emper•lut8 of 112 degree• In Albuquerque, N M . 1"-allernoon high ol 97 degr-tied 1 mart< Ml In 19~9 alilorrrl1r Smell cr•tt •dvlaotY o...-outer weter• from Point Cono.ptlon to Swi Nk:olu llland '°' ~ ...+nd• of 16 10 25 knoll w1111 • to 8 1001 MU South of S•n NlcolM llf•nd _, to nO!'tllweet wlndl 10 ti! 18 knot• Over Inner wet.,., tight v111labl• wind• WHt to toulhwast S lo 18 knot• d\H'fng alternoon1 tnd •v•nlngt SouthwMI 11W911 t IO 3 f ... T emperaturel NATION HI La ...... 87 83 oe 97 O.tl 91 81 ·'' 82 90 18 ee 87 1 1• 78 .. ..a 100 7t 91 .. ,., ee 91 '° 70 .02 715 .t3 OM Mo:,_ Detroit Oul\llll El Puo Fa"t>anks Fargo Flag9t•lf Great Fells Hartl0<d Helena Honolulu HOU9ton lndnaplls J9Cie1t1 MS Jactc111vtle K9'\1 City l(noxvllle Lei Vagu Little Rock Loulavllle LubbOClc Mempflta Miami Mllwaoll .. Mpia-SIP NMIWlla N9wOrlMna New YoB Norloltl No P1•11e ()Itta Clty Omehe Qf1ando PNladptll• PN>enill Pltttburgh f>!ltnd. li4e -"'~°'· ~. PtovlcMnca :="City R9rlo Alchrnond 90 62 60 69 97 78 70 S7 t7 111 6A t4 84 47 90 76 82 61 OS 88 68 78 50 77 51 83 57 25 so 52 ;3 91 70 65 75 51 2 o• 99 7S 86 ~ 01 84 55 79 S4 84 Sl 63 47 01 97 66 11 82 45 74 ... 811 •9 6A 52 Sall l alce 88 57 83 70 27 San Antonio 98 74 87 52 S8311141 87 58 117 76 Shreveport 98 73 95 80 Sioux Falls 75 4li 86 ~ St Louis 84 58 115 71 09 St P-hmpe 811 75 112 71 SI Stt1 Mane 81 50 1 03 90 S8 Spa1<1ne 85 60 111 70 13 S'f"ltCUM 77 55 35 105 76 Topette 80 SS 93 71 •5 Tucson 104 81 82 59 05 Wulltngln 91 72 06 93 86 Wk:hltl 89 66 90 71 CAUf'OMf!A 811 82 Bak(l(Srield 98 73 74 55 oe Eureka 64 58 72 63 Freeno 95 118 116 86 82 l.anc&ll1er 104 86 92 73 Loa~ 102 74 85 70 48 M• 1141 95 88 73 Oalclend If' 79 87 411 PMO Robin 102 51 101 87 Red 81ulf 102 70 78 58 Redwood City 82 57 92 71 S.cremen10 93 84 88 68 42 Salina 72 62 112 llO San Otego 88 73 78 55 85 Sen Fr•ncllGo 70 59 78 83 03 Senta 8111rbare 87 58 ~1 82 ~tint• M.n. .a.- 76 89 Stockton 98 90 11 Thermal 121 90 61 Ul<llltt 91 97 57 88181<1"" 1oe 77 89 71 Big Seer S4 •2 SU Rf REPORT B11nop 119 53 C•tallne 80 86 Lalce Arrowhead 92 5S Long Beach 101 68 Monrovia '14 64 Mt Wiii-On 90 73 Nawpor1 a..ctl so 64 On,l,rlO 109 68 P Springs 116 81 Puedena t08 67 San Bernardino 113 65 Sen Jose 84 S8 SanlA Crut 83 58 lahoe V1t1ey 82 41 PAN AllfflUC AH Acapuico Berb•dos 8e.-rnude Curacao FrMPOf1 Ouedelejar• Ou1detoupe ~l•~•n• l(lngaton Meatl•n Monlerrey N•tuu S•n Juen T 41guciglllpe Trinidad l/MfC{UZ... -• -· .. S mog 113 77 88 77 Be 72 90 80 90 73 82 59 80 75 90 77 88 77 95 79 99 73 90 73 112 12 85 83 90 75 ,. • 111:, 70 Where to cell (toll lrH ) for llltM 1 NnOQ lnlomiatlon Orange County (900) 445-3829 Lo• AngalH County. (800) 2•2-4022 Rl119t91de #Id 8.,, 8emllfdln0 oounll•· (9001 ~7~710 .l\QMO ~aode c.nt., (900) 242.....e9 Tides TOOAY 8econ<I IOW 3:151 p.m 1 8 S-.d htQh 1.15& p m 5.1 MTURDAV '1rll IOW 4 sa • m 0 1• ' Flret high 10;41 1 m. 4. • · 8econ<I IOW 4 H p,m. 1.4 8eoond hlgih 10')0 p.m. U Sun Mt1 lodey •t 7 ·17 p.m .• , rt-8aturdey 11 t ·H a.m. Moon tJM• tod1y 11 7·50 p.m~ telt hM-clttr a1 l:H 1.11'1 J Crash damage Sl'ott Coolidge, a clt>rk at Bill Liquor, 1935 1 Beach Blvd., llunlinglon Beach , surveys damage caused b y a n auto that veered oul of control Thursday night and slammed into the side of the store. "'I heard a rumbHng sound and looked up to see the wall caving in. so I jumped over the counte r,,, he said. Police said the dri\ er's name was not immediately available. 1\11 \ \ . ) OBIE SPORTS LTD l~" l~'·.. Hobie's Summer Sale Continues ~ · ~~.. Thru Labor Day Weekend ''RJ... ~If fin' (I (• • I ~17'1, ' V/f/ ! ~ ,, I I ·;;1 .~}~ SELECTED • MEN'S & BOYS' SWIMWEAR 30~3 to 51% ~-Off" · Al[ LADIES' SPORTSWEAR ~PRICE .. ' OlllMHLlll na11e ... ..,. 11.-1111 I .... ,,,., Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Friday, September 3, 1982 H/F STATE Cities hot over f irewo;rks hill .. I t • Crime initiative uphe ld By TIHl A11octaced Pre11 SAN FRANCISCO Propotltlon 8, the inltaatlve that made 1weeping. pro- proaecu tlon c hanges In California criminal law, hu survived a constitutional challe nge before a cloaely divided stat.e Supreme Court. In ~ 1-3 ded.sion Thunday, the court said the Initiative - approved by 56 pert-ent of the voter• June 8 -comrlted with a at.ate ronatltutiona rule llm1Ung lnltlatlvee to a amgle aubjet-t. Proposition 8 "ontaln1 provisions to ullow evidence f .. om some illt-gul police searches and aome wlretaps, limit plea-bargaining, restrict the insanity defense and lengthen sentences for some repeat crimes. Killer gets 6 -year term LOS ANGELF.s -William Ray Pugh, 19, Norwalk, who helped convict William Bonin in 10 homoaexual "Freeway Killer" murders has been sentenced to six years' imprisonment. fie was sentenced Thursday after being convicted for voluntary manslaughter in the death o f H arry Todd Turner, 15, a runaway from the Ant.elope Valley. Bonin is a twice-paroled sex offender sentenced to death for 10 Los Angeles County murders. including that of Turner US F estiva l ope ns today SAN BERNARDINO - The dust-blown vanguard for an expected 100,000 people braved punishing desert heat for what one eager fan called "the conert of the century," mixing megawatts of music with megabytes of computer equipment. The three-day US Festival. LOS ANGELES -A defense attorney, Leslie Abramson , contends a jury perpetuated "barbarism" by recommending the death penalty for Ricky Rene Sanders, 26, who was convicted of four murders in a a combination rock concert and computer fair, officially opened today, but the crowds began arriving Thursday at the 500-acre site in the San Bernardino foothills. Late in the day. freeway traffic to the festival was backed up 1 '>"l miles in two directions West Los Angeles restaurant robbery. The same JUry found Sanders guilty Aug. 20 of killing three people at a Bob's Big Boy restaurant during a 2 a.m. robbery on Dec. 14. 1980. No bail for dra ft r esiste r SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal appeals court has ruled convicted draft registration resist.er Benjamin Sasway, 21, of Vista, must remain behind bars until his sentencing, but his lawyer is- ~&It-appeal. NATION The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused Thursda) to free Sasway on bail, s&M it must give "deference" tc the lower court judge whc. ordered him jailer! until sent.encmg Oct. 4 New strike talks scheduled Negotiators in a Pittsburgh school strike scheduled new talks today, while walkouts closed more schools in Michigan and classes for more than 100,000 students naltonwide remained on hold. Although most schools don't open until after the Labor Day weekend, about 850 teachers a I r eady are on stri kc in M ichigan, affecting 12,350 students. In Illinois. 2,700 teachers were striking in six di s tricts. leav ing 49,000 stud en ts at home In 10 districts in Pennsylvania. 2,335 tl'achers were off the> JOb, idling 45.247 pupils. "Ou truaioou1" 11 the word Newport Bt-1at·h Fire Chief Jim Rttd likes w U8(" In de1eriblng u c.'Onlroverslal st.aw blll ttult would prohibit l'l\les from banning the sale O( rlrt'WOrla. ---ln Newport, fireworks st.ands have been illl·itul •Ince 1932. Reed said city o fficials are angered by the legislation becawie they feel lt would turn bock the clock of progress. They have vowed to dp whatever it takes to prot.ect the half-century old law ln Laguna Beach, the salt\ of fireworks has been banned sihce Huntington fire probed for arson Investigators were probing the "strong possibility" of arson today in a fire that swept through a Huntington Beach water··ski manufacturing company shortly after 4 a .m. today. Arson investigator Rick Grunbaum said the building was equipped with an overhead water sprinkling system but someone had turned the system off and chained and padlocked it. . _..,_i1~~i'4,,. Sh.enLw.uta~t:Ci.L 1gmuon points for the fire both inside and outside the Endo's Custom Skis building at 18262 Enterprise Lane. H e said the building was closed at the time but that a rooftop door was found to be open by investigators who believe it was the place of entry. "There's a strong possibility of arson," saJd Battalion Chief Jim Gerspach who was at the scene with about 20 other firefighters. He estimated damage at about $1 million, mbStly 'to contents. He said there were no deaths or in:unfS. The company. which took out a city business license in 1977. manufactured wat.er skis, ceiling fan blades and briefcases. fire off1c1als said Officials said the fire in an industrial area of the city near Gothard Street and Ellis Ave nue, didn't pose a threat to other buildings. 1931 Ftrt> offlcUU.. lherc alao arc hot under the «>llar over the blU "Thia would abrogate ~ 1 yeanc ut pru"reu," aaJd Laguna Mayor Ndl lt~ttp&ltrl<:k, whohu writW!n Gov Edmund Brown Jr. \.lrgln1 th.i bill be vetoed. In Huntington Beach, wher~ city cou n ci l roembera are c.'Onaiderlng outlawing flreworka stands, several city leaders were swamed over the bill. "I thtnk it's terrible; this is a matter for local jurisdlctipn,' .. said Councilwoman Ruth Finley, adding that she will push for a ban in Hunungton despite the bill. Co.ta Meu and lrvlnc have no re•trlcllon1 o n firework atan<h belnai er«t.ed prior to th .. Fourth of July the only time of/ear firework s c~n bl' sol I n Cu II fom1a. The controver•lul b ill. authored by Senate Republican Leader William c.mpbell, was shelved In 1981 but reappeared early this week ju.at hours before the Le5Palature adjourned. Newf>ort Fire Chief Reed said he was shocked to learn the bill had been resurrected and even more surprised that It won passage. ''ll'a ... well, It'• lntol~rabae,"' Reed aafd. "T he fire chlef1o In California have been w orldn1 toward a complew atatewlde Ian on lhe aaJe of flreworka and c.ben lhis -a 180 d~ switch ... OtflQ'tlala In Laau n a~d . Newport acreed that oven • law does stand, dl1ch a r1I I fireworks In el(her beach c y would remain Illegal. ' The flre.worka ln question~ the so-calle d aafe a nd •• e variety. They can1 be a d beginning three daya before Jljly 4th. They cannot be aold a ffer the holiday. Ali exhausts all appeals, stays jailed His legal remedies apparently exhausted, embattled sculptor Ali Roushan remained jailed. today for de'fying a court order forbidd,ing contruction of a towering artwork outside his Costa Mesa welding shop. Roushan e ntered Orange County J ail Tuesday morning after last-minute attempts failed to stay imposition of the five-day contempt , of cour; .. ~'ll-CJ!f~ im~ ..in~ Thursday, an attorney for Roush an unsuccessfully sougjiit a stay of the remainder of• the jail term from a U.S . District Court judge. An Orange County Sheriff's Department. spokesman said Roushan is~heduled to be released Saturday morning. ; Roushan and Costa Mesa officials have been! battling for two years over the sculptor's refusal, to obtain city approval for three lar ge metal artworks. Or ange Couoty Superior Court J:udg~ Robert Fi!igerald imposed the (ive-day jail sentence aft.er the third of the giant works was erected. · "' Dlllly ""4>1 l"tloto by "•trlell 0'0-nell Artist La wrence Buhka paints protest message, HFree us," on Ali Rous han's prayer tower in Co sta Mesa to pro test the ja iling of the sculpto r . R o us han has m ai n t ained t h e city is attempting to violate his right to freedom o{ expression: the city argues building stand~ must be followed for safety reasons. The city's position has prevailed in court proceedings that went as high as the stale Supreme Court. Mexico bank chief denies 'socialisUJ' MEXICO CITY (AP) -The new president of Mexico's cent ral ba nk sa y s the nationali.zation of private banks ordered by President Jose Lopez Portillo does not mean Mexico !.s on the road to soc1ahsm, and the governing party plans a massive rally today to show support for the measure Carlos Tello Macias, president of the Bank of Mexico, on Thursday urged people with bank deposits to remain cairn and kee p their trust in the nation's banking system. He replaced Miguel Mancera, who resigned as head of the central bank after the government decree W ed nesda y that nationalized the banks. Bankers. industrialists and business leaders, meanwhile, reacted to the nationalization with dismay. Most said it will push Me xico deeper into its worst recession in more than half a century. a.ccounts or the purchase of TJ.S . real estat.e. MeXJco has a foreign debt of $81 billion, largest in the Third World. and is suffering from a 60 percent inflation rate. A critical unemploymenf problem -40 percent of the work force Standoff ends in surre nder NEW YORK -A former me ntal patient, George C . Dalton, 43, who held off police with a grenade and what he c l a im e d was a b omb surrendered 10 hours later after a parade-like ride through Brooklyn on a bomb squad truck, authonties said. apparently dissatisfied with medical treatment, pohet' said aft.er the standoff Thursday. Dalton had earlier tried to commandeer a bus. At various times during the negotiations. he threatened to blow himself up and demanded $200,000 and passage to Saudi Arabia. said Deputy P olice Comm1ss1oner Al ice McGillion Polish Protesters battle with police "Nationalization of private banking will aggravate the current crisis and will not help solve any crucial problem." said Carlos Abedrop Davila, president of the Association of Mexican Bankers. Lope.z Portillo announced the takeover of private Mexican banks and issued tough foreign currency exchange controls during his sixth and last state of I the nation address. is without jobs or underemployed -is expected io - grow worse as the country struggles with its m<>11t serlo1.&1 economic c risis since 1.h e 1910-1920 revolution. In August the governme n t devalued the peso for the aecond time this year. Dollar and other transactiona in fo r eign curr e n cy w ere declared illeg al by t he presidential decree, and the 1J9*> is now M exico's only leg•l tender. Only banks will De allowed to accept dollars. Peop)ie caught selling foreign CUJTetlC)' in the black market will £acF five to 15 years impriaonment. The man, who held the grenade's tngger aft.er pulling the pin to arm 1t, was Anti-Castro group guilty WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Authorities imposed curfews in Lubin and Wroclaw today, trying to impose order after nationwide nots marking the seco nd anniversary o! the suspended Solidarity trade union that left three protesters dead. ln Lubin. sources said officials banned gasoline and alcohol sales, use of private cars and gatherings. closed restaurants and bars and threatened violators with ''for ceful" measures in an effort to stop angry demonstrations after police there shot and killed two workers and wounded 12 other people on Tuesday MIAMI -An explosive device blew in the door of the Venezuelan consulate, and an antl-Casfro terrorist group, Omega 7 , claime d responsibility. police said. No injuries were reoorted in the explosion Thu~y in the hallway of the 14th-floor consulate , housed 1n a down town high-rise office building, a polil"e spokesman sa1d. Police closed roads into the We're Listening ••• Mond<ly·fnCl•Y II YOu c>o IQ ,,.,.. .,,,.,, -· by ~ 30 0 "' toll Deb• 1. p M end your COO)' -''' 0-~_, s.turoey eno S..non 11 you oo noe t::91~m c::r v~r :o:V"'.1tC: -ed What do you like about the Daily Pilot ~ What don't you like" Ca ll the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and del vereJ to the appropriate editor The same 24·hou" answenng service may be used lo record let· ters to t he editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and tclephone numtwr for verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 ORANGE COAST Cl•HlfJed advertlal119 7141142·5171 All other depertment• &42.,.321 .Daily Pilat Tho,,_. P. Hotey Publttllet ond 0... becV!I•" Ottoceo L Koy Sdtult1 V;ce ,,....,. _, Olfector of ~lllflO Th.men A. Murphlne (ditOt lcrymond Mac:Lean Cat1trol« Kenrteth N. OuWCMcf k . Dhet0t ol ()petouom -·-... I MAIN OfflCIE DI West ... St , C•I• MeW, CA. Mell~ .... ueo. C•tA -... CA ... Cepyr!Gfll 1111 0r-. ~It ~wbllthlftl C-.. .... "-·~ 111 ...... 1 ............... "' ..... ., .. ••rllM-U N t•lll .... ., M ~-.. ._ _ .. , P9f'mlttlon of C-.Ytltfll-r southwestern city, clamped a curfew on youths under 18 and restricted adults to their homes, sources said. Curfew also was imposed in Wroclaw The official news agency PAP said Piotr Sadowski. 22, of Gdansk, died aft.er he "fell in the street" during the riots. . . TWllT. Crafted trom hard twisted nylon yams that ere specla.lly de9lgned IO( ye.,.. of outstanding perfomlanc.. Vi- brant colors add to the detlr- • ablllty of this long-weerlng ' 18" t>Mt-Mlllng LMa Carpet ' . • -; -- He accused Mexican bankers of "sacking" the country and said the measures were aimed at halting the flight of capital from Mexico. Lopez Portillo said Mexican speculators have taken more than $22 billion out of the countrY in the past two years, m ainly th rough foreign bank -In January, before the fint devaluation, the peso was worth 27 to the dollar. Sala Thru Sept. 21th THESE LC1N PRICES INCWDE PADDING ~ AND INSTALLATION f Bripam Young 1'9'1DAV, llPT. 3, 1912 H/F COMICS. ! BUSINESS STOCKS C9 C10 C11 ~ ~oinesick · Mag~e . h _aS second ttiouglits Kevh1 Magee-ha:rOJtly"'!pebt t\W weeRi"Tn~-------------ltaly, but he's already formed some very d~fini~ '· SPORTS COLUMNIST from 12 to 11 or 10 rpota, Chey c;ouldn't promJN the 6·8. 230-pounder a place on the roeter. former Lakera forward Jim Brewer (6-8) on tta opinions. "I don't like piu.a and I don't like pula," h.e says, sounding somewhat desperate. "I miss eveiyth.lng. I'll tell you straight up I rnisa the entire United States. I m1sa going places I want to go, I JOHN SEVANO Not even ~·· performance during an NBA awnmer Jeacue, whlch he led in rebound.Ing, could convince the Suna. • rc.ter. . . The ••me .ia already a sellout and will be televiled throughout Italy. "Ca~lba la llke the Bo.ton Celtics of thl1 country, explall\8 baac:. "They have won five Italian and five European champlonshipe in the out miss doing the things I want to do. "At first I was about to go crazy. But I'm trying to get used to it." Magee will have to cope. He has no other choice. The two-time All-American knows he needs this year in Italy if he hopes to return and play in coach Bill ~u.1.Upn and Newport Beach attorney Dennls Harwood when the Suns promised no guarantees (in the form of f.l.nances). "It was a qukk decision," Magee admits. "I had to chooae whether I wanted to play ln Europe, where the money would be guaranteed, or try out for Phoenix, where lt wasn't. In Verea (actuA!ly the team ls called Cagiba) ~· Suns are hoping Magee get.a the experience he needs. Warren Isaac, Cagiba'a aalstant coach, says Maeee ia progreeaing on schedule. . "I had a certain Idea about Kevin before he arrived," says Isaac. "I knew' he was a good rebounder and tough underneath the basket, but I think the thing he's showing us is what a good outalde shooter he is. 10 years." ,-- laaae says Magee'• experience in World Games competltion in 1981 has certainly helped the former UCI standout in understanding the European game. At the same time though, Isaac cautlona that Magee has w.uch to learn. the NBA next season. To r~p. Magee signed with Yeresa of the Italian League Aug. 18. He inked his contract on a Wednesday morning and found himself on an airplane headed overseas the next day. "I decided I dldrft want to go to camp (with Phoenix). not make it, a.rid tben be out on the streets. That's why I choee to come here." Phoenix reportedly aoured on Magee for two reasons: a) th~ Suns wanted him to play power forward and they didn't know if ~agee could make the transition quick enough after playing all hla life as a center; and b) with NBA rosters being reduced "Every day at practice we work on things with him. You· have to remember, this is something he hasn't played his entire life. When the year is over, ' It's a brand new experience for him," says Isaac. "He's learning the language, the food, che • . people, and there's still some adjuatmenta he'• making to th~ type of ball they play here. "Still, he's one of the focal points of our team. U you get the impression the entire affair was a last-minute thing, it was. Waiting until the very last moment In the hopes the Phoenix Suns would sweeten their offer, Magee sought the advice of UC Irvine basketball though, he will pre. that experience."-. Magee'a first game in Italy is Sept. 25, when Cagjba meets Pantu, which has former. University of 'San Francisco oenter Wallace Bryant (7-0) and And the Italian people have treated him llke a superstar." Magee admits Italy is a far better cry than Romania, where he participated in the World (See MAGEE, Pase C%) ------------------------ Sea Kings arec_lo~..--.. .,..__._-i -;.o-.... -~--..._..·--·---==t~~~-.ea-r!s-edftion co uld b e b est ever Edison High's Don Gibbs will be firing away tonight in the Chargers season opener. By ROGER CARL.WN O(ltle o.-, PtloC It.ff With an outstanding summer behind them, a 6-0, 195-pound look, 40-yard field goals virtually in the bank, 4.6 speed at tailback and a bruising, 6-4, 220-pound tight end, among other things, the outlook for C.orona del Mar High football appears to 'be a coach's dream. Only a lack or depth at linebacker and P.Xperlence at quarterback keeps CdM Coach Dick Morris in a reserved Slate. "We're going to be as good as we've ever been in the skilled positions," says Morris. "We have a lot of potential and I think we can do as ~11 as the)' (the players) _want. Among the Sea Kings' goals are simply to be the best team in the 21-year-hlstory of the 1982 OUTLOOK school, and Morris says it's realistically within reach. Corona del Mar's game will begin at tailback where Lance Martin, the o nly offenaive returnina starter, ia nationed:- A m idget wnen surrounded by his teammates, the 5-7, 16Q.pound Martin baa -4.6 speed in the 40. He scored on an 80-yard dash in Corona's '81 opener, but hla overall effectiven~ was cut short by ankle injuries. Also in the 4.7 ca~gory is Dave Patterson, which gives the Sea Kings perhaps the beat one-two tailback punch in years. The questions are in the offensive line, where size and depth is present, experience is not. Although there la no quarterback with a down's varsity experience, the Sea Kings were especially impressive in the summer .passing leagues against formidable competition. "The summer (~ league) made my vacation," says Morris. Here's a rundown by position: QUARTERBACK -Corky Carpenter (6-0, 180 sr.), a defensive start.er as a junior, and Paul Watson (5-9, 165 jr.) may hold the keys for the Sea Kings. Both are right- handers, each appe~ capable of directing CdM to big things, but neither is an established player. RUNNING BACKS -Martin and Patterson provide the Sea Kings with the speed, juniors Jeff Brown (5-11, 180) and Tyler Johnson (5-9 185) provide the muscle. Brown la being touted as one of the· best linebackers in years at CdM and he's a deceiving runner. RECEIVERS -Don Pryor (6-2, 165 jr.) and Dave Schweitzer (5-9, 155 sr.) give the Sea Kings ample targets at split end and flanker, along with flanker Jeff LaSor (5-9, 160 sr .), who figures to split time with Schweitzer. Jeff Prechel (6-0, WW jr.) backs up Pryor, who proved nearly unstoppable during the sununer. Rob Richard, at 6-4, 220, is solid at tight end. The senior returning letterman is backed up by John Onstott (6-0, 190 sr.), who will be emphasized on defense. OFFENSIVE LINEMEN -They're. big and deep here, with Brett Hughes (6-2, 230 jr.) and Pat Dyson (6-2, 240 jr.) possibly h aving the edge . Other s with starling potential: Dan Garratt (6-1, 190 jr.) John Kealing (6-0, 190 sr.) and George Azgyrw. (5-10, 215 sr.). Qave Lawson (5-11 , 185 sr.) may have an edge at guard. Keating could move in here, too, which also includes Gary Rausch (5-11, 185 jr.) and Eric C.ox (5-7, 155 sr.) Dave Ariss (5-11, 185 sr.) is at center, backed by Jim Cunningham (6-0, 190 sr.). DEFENSIVE LINEMEN -Onstott and Johnson are at ends, backed by LaW900 and Chris Garn (6-2, 170 jr.). Onstott brings a wealth of experie nce, although each is counted on for backup duty on offense. Brad Driver (6-2, 195 jr.) and Eric Ludswigsen (6-2, 225 sr.) are at tack.Jes, backed by Garratt, Dyson, Hughes a nd Keating. Also with potential: J oel Kenemore (6-3, 255 ar.) Eric Shaw (6-0, 185 sr.) is at nose guard and provide;i the strength at. that spot which the Sea Kangs have become accustomed to. Backing up Shaw is Scott Smith (5-9, 160 sr.). LINEBACKEJ\!s -1oe1 Palluck (6-0, 190 (See SEA KINGS, Page C%) Malone nearly a76er PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Uniess the Houston Rockets are willing to offer a reported $2.2 million per aeason over six years, center Moses Malone will play for the Philadelphia 76era next season. Harold Katz, owner of the 76ers, said T hursday he h ad reached agreement on the long- term, multi-million dollar J>ilCt with Malon e's agent , Lee · Fentres& The Rockets have 15 days from the time they receive a copy of the offer s heet to match the 76era' bid for the two-time National Basketball Association Most Valuable Player. Malone, 28, the league's MVP last season, wasn't available for comment, having le~ Thuraday for t h e Netherlands o n a promotional tour with several NBA players. Fentress said, however, that the 6-10 Malone was very happy with the terms of the Philaaelphia offer. E dison gets early start in H awaii Lopez giveS Angels no relief "He's excited at the prospect of ~ining the 76ers," said Fentrea. 'They've got a great team in place now and they have a good chance to win 'the NBA crown." Malone replaces 6-11 Darryl Dawkins. who was traded to the New Jersey Nets last Friday for a first-round draft choice and a reported $700,000. Katz and 76era coach Billy Cunningham said they were tired of waiting for Dawkins to reach his potential. By ROGER CAR~ON I O(ltle D..., "°'St.ff 1 HONOLULU -F.dl.son High's 1 C hargers kick off the 1982 I football season a week earlier than usu.al tonight -battling I Punahou High'• Buf 'n Blu here at Kaiser High School. Coach B ill Workman 's Char~ers, seeking to begin a new On radio tonight KWVE (108 FM) at 10:15 string of victories after their 32-game wlnning streak wall snapped by Servite in the 1981 CIF playof(s, e nter the 1982 1eUOn with a new look offense built around quarterback Don G lbba'and tailback J o hn Steiniger who earned a starting berth ahead of Derek GriUitha. Leonard Slmpeon will start at fullback. Punahou awaits with what la expected to be a pus-oriented oflen.e, built around quarterback Chris Kobay a shi, a 5-9, l'l\-pound senior who was rated u the No. 3 pa11er on the i.aland of Oahu as a junior. H1a chief target la expected to be Richard Hoaoda and whc1 Punahou eoe1 to the gro'-'nd pme, lt'• uiually fullback Alerna Harrin1ton, a 5-11, 185-pound Juni«, who is cou.n...S on. Kobayaahl la a drop back .,_.,. outot~. and alot and altboqh bil c MJke Pavich, •JI PUnabou ii I and not that fut," the Buf 'n Blu 11 expK\ed to stve l'.dbon aome cUIUnc1 c:oncerrw. ------- DETROIT (AP) -Angel Manager Gene Mauch and his club felt like they had just seen a ghost in the form of Detroit reliever Aurelio Lopez and they were glad to be getting out of town after losing the rubber game of their three-game series with the Tigers. Lopez, 2-1, pitched slx innings of one-hit relief Thursday night as the Tigers claimed a 6-3 triumph over the Angela. It was the first major league victory since June 2 for Lopez., who was recalled from the Tiaers' Triple-A farm club at Evansville, Ind:, of the American Association just Wednesday. "That's the way Lopez pitched three years ago, when he was the beat relief pitcher in the American League," Mauch said. "His fastball and acrewball looked especially good. He made aome uncanny pitches on the outside comer to our left- handed hitters. Our right-handed hilt.era awing at some high pitches and swung themselves out." Lopez. the 33-year-<>.ld right-hander who saved 21 games for Detroit in both 1979 and 1980 before losing the smoke on his once-- blazing fastball, admitted that it was a big game for him in more wa~ than one. Detroit pitching coach RoSet Craig said the Tigers -who have been let down repeatedly by their bullpen this eeuon - On. TV tonight channel 5 at 5:30 have been waiting for Lopez to show his old form. "That's 88 good as rve aeen him pitch," Craig said. ''niat.'s the beat fastball rve teen him have in three yean. This i.a a big night fpr Lopey. We were wonderi.n8 if he could pitch like that again." Lopez. ~ho struck out five and walked four, came in to start the fourth inning and allowed only a one-but alne.le to Rob WWong in the ninth. ''When~ went down to the "'1non, he jlut wasn't throWing," Detroit Manaaer Sparky Anderson said. "He threw some pitches tonight, though, that must have been 90 m.p~. I never aa~ him look any better." Detroit catch er Lance Parrish's two homers gave him 26 for the season, a peraonal high which sets a club record for home runs by a catcher in a season - breaking Bill Freehan's old mark of 25 set in 1968. Mean'whUe outfielder Fred Lynn of the Angela has a cracked eeventh rib and will rniaa at least one week of action. The crack was disclosed on X -rays in ·Detroit, after Lynn collided w ith the outfield fence in Detroit Wedneeday night while making a spectacul.ar catch in a game won by the Tigera 5-3. Lynn alao suffered a bruised left shoulder and bruises . surrounding the cracked rib on his left side. Lynn wa expected to remain with the teem, which continues a road trip with a . .nee at Milwaukee atar\lng tonight. Katz said \he negotiations with Malone, a free agent, began 10 days ago and were concluded ln New York at a aeesion that began at 8 p.m . Wednesday ancRtnded at 5 a.m. Thunday. The rockets, however , who reportedly offered Malone $1.7 million a year shortly before he became a free agent, could block the aigning. Ray Patterson, Houston ~neral manager, said he would study the Philadelphia offer before deciding on his next move. "We have opt.ions," sald PattenK>n. "We can match the offer, qr q)Atct\ the offer and make a trade with someone ei.e. (See MALONE, Pace Ct> lmpr~ving Mustangs will travel by··air this year Costa Mesa Hiah'a Muatan11 may have the appearance of a split penonallty in terms of coachine becauae of co-coaches (Jim Haaey and John Camey), but there's one very ~flnlte opinion shared. by the Cfeehn u the 1982 prep footoill llN90n fieara. Costa Meaa 's fortunes are on the upswina, with a renewed inte...i in &he opdcn ~ and what appeua to be the t>ta-t and mona-t def...i~ unit In ye.an. •-n.e an ot our olfa• " our Uaht enda.'' ~ H.tlflY, the oftenliw ......,, "We're tatna to be a quk:k hlUlnl &eMD and thrOw tr.. heck out of the foOtblb." "We're~ to have rnon ct.fenlive looka." ..,. eam.y, the def.-.W c.'JDaCh. "~ could be a prob&em, but lnitude and deltre won't be. We're havlna fun, the kkla have reelly pulled tocether-and are workina hard I • Offen1lvely the Muatanaa will be 198~ OUTLOOK • pre=. for Sea View Leape play ~i=r~= dcht.n..alaaiwttha Uank•r and five equen, talented haltb9clil. vytas' for the two blrthl. ~y.ht4..f~la--to revolve around the PlD1 ana Pinc Uirlllllnl at tmlde ........... Pina -"' Pone •• tKilrt1 .......... and a.ch. refer to them. are Koran atandouta Ky Paae (~. 200) .net James KY\Ula (5-U), 190), and Camey .. ya the se. View 1Aque is ·defi{Utely eoinc to pt a tien from this pair. Kyun1 11 Plnf, Pae i• Pona. and Carney ,.ya the latter la "Hell on wheels." There's alto Pan1, who la Jame1 Kim, a 180-pound offenalve ~· ...... • nrilown by ~doll: 4aUAllftllBACU Ha~85 Jr.) WM a IW' ac·aa--• a IOphomore and ta ooutderecl tbe M~'' third na.' In the ~ .... ,1111 :!ti .. J'cMdld b_y Ron Youas (t-0. 190 .) mil llhdl PutvlD (MO, 180 lc!iPh.J. .. rflht-Mr*d. RUNNING BAC&I -Wally. Grant(&.ol. llM> •.)and Bl1l Del'9o (M, 166 •·> are the ~ c:andidat.a at tailbeck when &he Mmianp nm out ol an I. The tuUharka, al~ a..., •YI then ar. nam In a 11'\ae ltJle ol a bloddn.m bid. .W come fnllD ar... Kline (5.9, l~ l:n1k ~ '(1-1; 180 Jr.) and P\IMD. J'ar .... mall Ml'\ eM MUNftll fll\n to nm • tpllt til&'' 'looll. • ',: !Top har~ss driver !Goudreau dead at 34 From AP dJspatcllH INGL.EWOOD -Shelly Goudreau, one of· North America'• E leading harness riders, died Thunday, nearly a wook after he wu injured. in a r~ at Hollywood Park. The 34-year-old Windsor, Ontario, native had been In critical oondlt..lon in the intensi>Je care unit at Cent..lnela Medical Center since last Friday. Goudreatll was injured when a driving line anat>J>ed as his horee was approaching the quarter pole in the seventh race and he was thrown to the ground. He died at 1;45 p.m. without ever having regained oonaciouanesa. "My. brother died 1 peacefully and on behallof OOUOMAU our family and Shelly, I Smith auprlse leader at B.C. Open Uttle-known Mlkti Smltla Clred a 1 l!I 6.under-par 6~ Thuraday and took a two-stroke lead over Tom KJ&e and Jerry Pate after the openJng round of the B.C. Open in Endicott, N.Y. Kite arid Pate held a one-shot advantage over l~ other players, who were stacked at 68, three shots oft the pace . . . Veteran International player Jay Sigel and two other U.S . Walker Cup teammates advanced with a pair of victories, while defending champion Natbanlel Crosby was upset aa mat.ch play began in the 82nd U.S. Amateur championship in Brook.line, Mass. Joining Sigel in the round of 16 were Walker Cup players Jim Holtgrleve and Corey Pavla and two All- A!nericana; Rick Febr of Brlaham Young and Jim Hallet of Bryant Collea_e in Smithfield, R.I. . . . Robert Baker will meet William Trombley in the championship mat.ch of the 23rd World Senior Championshlps fn COlora o ~~/fter each advanced with victories would like to express our thanks for the love and concern expressed by everyone," said his sis·ter, ~ancy ~x of Dallas, who was with him at the Pastorin! signs pact with Eagles rune of hl8 death. last Saturday to remove the pressure on his brain ~astortnt has agreed "in principle" to The driver underwent six houn of surgery Veteran quarterback Dan • after the spill from Regan's Lad. JOln the Philadelphia Eagles as the ------Goudreeu. who-all&-was one-of-the-premiere-team's tbird-at.clng quarterback,~"'----_ ·trainers of s~dardbreds, won his first race in National Footbafl League team announced __ .._ 11"tthlmhnore·tharr~OOO-races-in aH. His mowt~ay-.Paatorini.,...32r.who bas played 11 years earned in excess of $i2 million. · in the NFL including a stint with the Rams, was He holds the record at Hollywood Park for also considering joining the Arirona franchise of the most wins in a meeting with 83. The first the new United States Football League . . . eight nights of the current meeting Goudrea1,.1 Bill Bacber of the Chicago Cubs received the had w.>n seven races and been in the ~ney with first National League Player of the Month award 21 of his 33 mounts. . in his career for August, while Nolan Ryu was The driver, a frequent competitor in selected the league's top pitcher f~r the mon~h Southern California had.made his home in . . . The Angels have ,terminated their Redondo Beach. ' affiliation with the minor-league Holyoke, Mass., . Q~ote of the day Pierre Boucbnl, forp>er deferuJeman for Montreal and Waahing,ton, uked tf he could ever make it back to the NHL: "Only if I learn to play the organ." Campbell tabbed LA coach In USFL U)S ANGELES -The newly [!] named coach of Los Angeles' entry c • into the United States ~ootball • League says he'll be starting out with a nucleus of second-line and cutoff football players, but says that situation won't_kast. Hugh Campbell, who has coached the F.dmonton Eskimos to four Canadian Football League championships, will head the Los Angeles Exp~ when the team opens its season on March 6, club owners announced at a press conference Thursday at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. DeCinces named AL Player of Month NEW YORK -Third baseman Doug DeCinces of the Angela, who hit ~ · three home runs in a game twice - during August, was named Thursday as American League Player of the Month. Decinces finished the month with a .392 average and an .825 slugging percentage. His 38 hits included 11 homers, eeven doubles and a triple for 80 total baaes. He drove in 28 runs and scored 21, while ending the month with an eight-game hitting streak. Among the other nominees for the honor were Baltimore's Eddie Murray, who hit .35C with 10 homers and five doubles, and Boston's.- Dwight Evans, who hit 11 home runs, three triples, four doubles and" batted .291 for the month. team of the Class Double-A Eastern League . . . Rollie Dot1cb, the line coach of -the Pittsburgh Steelers the last four seasons, has been named head coach of the Birmingham · Stallions of the Utited States Football League . . . Veteran David Pearson grabbed the pole position on the first day of the Southern 500 stock car race In Darlington, S .C. : .. Australian Greg Norman shot a course-record equaling 64 to take the first-round lead in the- European Open Golf Championship in Ascot. England. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. ~ 5 p.m., Cbannel 4 v v v NFL FOOTBALL: N.Y. Giants at Miami. Amloaacer1: Dick F.nberg and John Brodie. The Giamts and Dolphins close out their exhibition season this evening in Miami. The Giants. who lost quarterback Phil Simms to an injury last week, are 1-2, while Miami is 1-1-1. 6, 5:30 p.m., Channel 5 V V V V ... BASEBALL: Angels at Milwaukee. Annoncen: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. The An.gels' long road trip continues against the F.astem J>lvision leaders this evening with Tommy John (10-10) expected lo get his first start in an Angel uniform. The Angels, who lost two out of three in Detroit, are two games behind pace-setting Kansas City in the American League West chase. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Milwaukee, 5:25 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittsburgh at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). . Football -Edison High at Punahou," Hawaii, 10:15 p.m., KWVE (108 FM). McEnroe serves up • aW1·n NEW YORK (AP) -RJmng his booming aerve and moving to the net at every chance, top-eeeded John McEnroe began the defenae of his U.S. Open championship ThUraday by downing a stubborn Tim Gullikaon 7-6, 6-4, 7-5 at the National Tennis Cent.er. Third-seeded Tracy Austin, the 1981 women's winner, had to struggle to stave off the upeet bid by Beth Norton, 7-6, 6=3 in a tecOnd-round mat.ch. The night'• final mat.ch, pttting No. 3 Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia apinst 'nm "Mayotte, was suspended when a heavy thunden1onn hit Louis Armstrong Stadium with Lendl leeding 6-4, 1-2, the Czech aervl.ng at 30-16 in the fourth game. contrast to the baseline game the world's top- ranked player has demonstrated in most of his 1982 matches -a y~ that has seen him win only one Volvo Grand Prix title and Jose his Wimbledon crown to Jimmy Connors. McEnroe and the right-handed hall of the tennis-playing Gullikaon twins had traded service breaks and were tied 3-3 before a battery of lights on the east aide of Louis Ann.strong Stadium went out Wedne9day night. Before electricians could get the liahts back on, rain, which had delayed play several times, began again and the mat.ch was postponed until Thursday. · The two then held serve, sending the opening set to a tiebreaker which McEnroe won 7-2. Advancing into the third round of the men's singles were sixth-seeded Gene Mayer and No. 9 Yannick Noah of France, while No. 13 Mark Edmondllon of Australia wae upeet by Matt Doyle From Page C 1 and No. 15 Raul Ramirez of Mexico fm to Schalk van der Merwe of South Africa. MAGEE In the women'• llqles, five-time cbampi'On • • • Chris Evert Lloyd mo¥&ctinto the third round. No. 10 Barbara Potter and No. 11 Mirna JaU80V'eC of Games and of which he once said: "I wouldn't 1end Yugoelavia became the ftnJt women IHdl to be a dog over there." ousted. . Mayer defeated Stefml s~ of Sweden.. "The Italian people are real nice, real 6-2, 6-1, 6-1; Noah stopped Brian Gottfried 6-3, 6-4, friendly," ny1 Magee. "It'• wa1 better than 6-4·, Doyle ~:I ~ 1-6, 7-e, 7-6, ·6-2 Romania. At leaat there are no guar<U walkinc around here wtth machine m ....... and van der erwe ~Ramires 1-2, 6-3, 6-?, ·-- 6-4. · Still, the Lancuaae benier ii 10mewbat of a Lloyd needed Jult 41 mlnuta to crwh Kelly problem. Henry 6-1, 6-1, while Potier fell to Roe J'a1rbank of u1 don't know what they're aayinc, and they South Africa 6-4, 6-1 and emateur Ontchen Rum don't understand me, '°I'm jult tryinC to play it .ellmlnated JaU80VeC 7...&, 2-e, M . cool,"•-u .. --with a chuclcle. I Norton, who had wan Jud five ,...... in her .1• ... ..,._ p.revtoua two matchel with AwUn. hid a &-3 1-d ~ii mak1na no *ret of the (act he wanta ~~A~ ~.e-.:,~ lhe w :hs:i;ave1'd>'.,':7. '::;~~·r=~y ~d~ 1be two tnchd _....,. ..... In dae Harwood a contnct (an NBA procedUN) to 1DMfre fourth pmea of the llllDl let..... lhe forward ........ their pnprty. ' J Norton apfn in the lb6 ~ to .... a .. I think thll 11 the bm tJUns for me becaUM I She heldher next tWO .wa to .SV.-In haw a ,_.... to work on ~ \Mt l Med to do In thlrd~.Grw·. ~" ~ •• ordel' to--' into the NBA. ...-....... ··rm pcemlere......, ... II. Wbift L M _.,.. lt, '°°' beea..-t'w IOl bOla to pay. I have lhelln.liil_cham.... -~· . 1 toalllre-naoney. Malnroe, campl= a e.n lifl Pl llDDe lt'1 a GM.,._ thi!1I. but I cm't ..0 hair.ct by nin and a fel1&n WeclnliMy Nlht. .... 1UN ! .. n aD1M to biappen. 8Ul"e I WM a Utde lhowed the ,.Utyr_.n4 ~ d'8ll bM -'** ~-lhal I liiid tom hn. But rm aom. , h&n to lhne 1tn101 U.S. 0.-aa.-; It W11 In t; 1-lof lt." • . _,. -' j -. • 4 .. •I Quarterback Corky Carpenter will direct the rortunes o( U.rona del Mar's football team this season. From Page C1 SEA KINGS LOADED • • • sr.) is a returning starter, and with Brown, the fullback, the Sea Kings consider themselves very solid. However, lack of depth is a big problem. Only Rausch is considered in a backup role and with Brown counted on for starting duty at fullback, it is one of the k ey con cerns of Morris. · SECONDARY -Carpenter and Patterson return at the corners, but you're t.alkihg about perhaps the starting quarterback (Carpenter). Pryor and Martin are also in picture here, giving the Sea Kings enough. Watson and Schweitzer are at safety, backed by Roy Colley (6-2, 170 ar.). while Mike Molinaro (5-9, 185 sr.) is a returning starter at rover. LaSor is also capable at rover. KICKING GAME -Hughes, the 230-pound junior lineman, is a story within himeelf as a place-kicker. At~ Agajanian's kicking school he reportedly kicked 22 straight field goals from 40 yards out and booted a pair of 62-yard field goe.11 "I sent him to the camp to get him exposure," says Mqrris. "With him, you just st.y away from him and let him ldck." Punting duties are unclear, but Patter90n may end up with the job. Rozelle sees strike solution CHICAGO (AP }"" Comromioner Pete Rozell~ of the National Football League said Thursday that "there's enough money to be carved up" and that all the owners and players need "is to come up with an equitable deal" to eliminate the collective bargaining impasse. Rozelle would not make a ~ess on the possibility of a strike ·but said, "Hopefully, ther~ will not be a strike. In the case of a strike, the owners, the players and the public all would loee." Rozelle has remained In the background during negotiations and said, "I intend to stay as close to the situation as I can. not get involved and pcmibly serve as an escape valve." Rozelle reailled that "In 1970 there was a problem concerning the College All-star football game and in the last minute I stepped in and served as an escape valve to settle the matter." Aslted If in the event of a strike it would be poeaible !or the commissioner to step in and aettle the matter, RoHlle said, "It would take the cooperation of both sides. There ta nothing I could do unilaterally. U I could find such power, rd u.e it. But I know it is not there." Schwartz to compete in· Mesa &bby Schwartz will return for the second week in a row to compete in tonight's speedway motorcycle races at the Orange Count~ Fairgrounds In Costa Mesa With action getting under way at 8 o'clock. It will abo be the annual Fox Night pre.entation of rromoter · Harry OxJey with al women admitted free of charge. Schwartz, a regular on the F.nglish drcuit who started his career at the Costa Mesa track. had a bad night last week when he failed to get out of the two heat races he entered. Tonight he wilf not only compete in the regular program of acra1ch and handicap events but will face seven-time U.S. champion Mike Bast in the feature mat.ch race. The regular IM!880n ends Oct. 1 _ with the 'U.S. championships on the . line Oct. 9 to conclude the teaeon. In addition to Schwartz and Bast , Alan Chrlnian of Huntington Beach, Dubb Ferrell, Gene· Woods of Costa Mesa and all the other regulan will be on hand for the program. For further information or for tickets to the naUonals. call 492-9933 . .. --·~ --~..........._ ____ _ I NB Dbw Jones F·na1 . UP 15.73 Economy talks take on urgency TORONTO (AP) -Worries about a world financial crlai.s and billions of dollars in problem loans are adding a sense oJ urgency to international economic talks getting under way among offlcia~ from more than 140 nations. A dominant theme of the 37th annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. the two major world lending institutions, wlll be the mounting strains on the banking system cauaed by t~e · inability of Mexico, Poland, Argentina and other blg : borrowing countrie& to meet their enormous debts, The finance ministers and central bankers w ho began arriving earlier this week for Monday's fonnal opening seuion are looking for ways to relieve the pres_ures_on. lenders woo .are carrying an increasing ~----1 load of troubled borrowers. Western Digital loses Western Digital Corp., Irvine, has announced its.- preliminary results for its fourth quarter ended June 30. \ Charles W. Missler. chairman and chief executive, officer, said, "Our total losses for the fourth quarter will approximate $3.5 million. However, our operating results from ongoing operations were better than those of the third ouaner but still represented about $1 million of the total fourth-quarter loss. "Another factor affecting our fourth quarter, , "Vhich resulted in additional nonrecurring loaes of about. $1 million, came about from deficiencies in· 8CIOOUnting procedures at aeveral of our subsidiaries." . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADER'S UPS AND DOWNS OOWllS LAA C"9 GOLD COINS 14\li -2"-..... -.... """ -I ... """ -1111 15\lo -n• 2~ -14 ' -" u _, ,,.., -" . -"' .. -1\.t '"' -.... •l't -Iii ~--1111 -l't ~-­n~ -1111 7\li -" '" -l't "" -"' 1t\lt -I ,.,.... -1V, ,. -" Pn Up 17.6 Up 17.1 UP IU Up, U,O Up IU Up 11.7 Up 11,4 Up IU Up 11,1 Up 10.t Up 10.t Up 10,7 Up 10,7 Up 10.0 Up 100 Up t.t Up t.7 Up t .I Up 1.7 Up &.• UP U Up l.J Up •> Pc:L ()fl IU Ofl 10.0 Oft t .I Off u Off u Ott u Off 7.0 Off ..... Off s.t Ott s.t Off 5.7 Ott l.1 Ofl u Ott H Off SJ Of1 u Ort SJ Off so Off u Off ... Off ... Ott 4.7 Oft •• s NEW YORI( (All) -Prlcea '"• Ti!Md.ey of gold cotna, compared wllh Mondey'a pr\Qe. Kr....,...., 1 1roy oa .. IA27.0\ off I0.7& . ..._. IMf, t trOy 01., IA27.75. off I0.7&.. ..... .,.IO.-••· 1.2 troy ounce. Mlt.15, oft 11.00. ,....... -.,_, .. 9102 lroy o.r.. M06.H. Off IOAO. Ul'htf'f I M ' 1S UM.Mt I,.. II ~ t• IUA u ....... s •It ".n.n .. a u .... ...... ..... o .. ,.... " ,,~. "" ... '- MElALS , NEW YOAK (AP) -Spot nonf«Toua "*" prloM toder ~ 1~n oenl• a pound. u.s. o.t.lnallOna Leed 28-29 C*lll • pound Z1M 40-42 oen1' ' pound. dehwed. "" $8.5082 Metala w.... oompoeft• lb. ~ 7&-n e>en1' a pound, N.V. MercwJ $385.00 per ftull. 4 ~ 131 ... 60-S320JJO troy ' N.Y. SILVER ,, \ Handy &. Harman. M.780 pet troy OUl1<l4I GOLD QUOTATIONS 'I 1tJ The A-Uted ,.,_ Selec:led world gold prloN toc:t.ey: ,, Londoft morning nx1ng IA54.75, llP ... 5.00. LOftdoft afternoon fhllng $465.00. up • ... 5.25. IWta ahernoon nxtng '4a5.0 I, up 122.85. ''~ nxing "452.00. up 144.to. Ztiftdl lal• afternoon fixing 1455.00. up $44.00 bid: 1457.00 aeked. .._., • ...,_ ooly dally quota IA55.00. up 144.25. .,...._,. only dally .quot• '455.00. up ~.25. • ......_. onlY delly quot• ·~ ... n..,a. up ssu .. Hlf' . Bigfoot made ~ big deal ' . . Hamlet uses legend for tourist-drawing fest WILIA>W CREEK, Callf. (AP) .,... 11Blafoot." means bla bucka tor lhl1 tfny Northern "California han'\let, (ti &own park lf.c:ed by a 10-foot-hllh wOoden 1tatue of i~ huge, halry man·beut eaid to lurk In r ua1ed mountain• hereabouts. ,, For about 1 ~ yeara "Blsfoot Daya," acheduled. thla year for the Labor Oay weekend, haa drawn lncreulnglY,J&rger crowda of p eople who leave behind lt\cr~ainaly larg er auma of money whh local merchanta. · People fNCinated by recuning btgfoot tales won't be let down - because one o1 the long-armed beaata, a1ao known as suquatch, wlll be in the town that bUla Ueelf as the "Bigfoot Capital of the World." Actually, It's going to be Dave M artinez, a 6 -f oot -5-lnch , ~00-pound local bartender and beer truck driver who doM a costume and spends the holld•y chaaing girl8 and "scaring ch ildren out of seven year's growth," according to a local Chamber o f Commerce spokeswoman. Martin ez, adds Chamber secretary Eunice Marcum, "makes the best bigfoot you ever saw in your life. lle's huge, and he fits the costume to a T." The town plans a parade, a -dance, • tug-of-war; -egg--u.e. and other so mehow unauquatch-li.ke events -except perhaps for a m~d-wrestling contest. Up to 7,000 people are expected to show up in the town of about 2,800 residents -and apend up to $12,000. ~ .... ,.,. .. BIG FELLOW -A 10-foot wooden image of the Bigfoot creature stands watch over Willow Creek. Calif., home of the "Bigfoot Days" festival. The "Bigfoot Capital of _ the World" claim la emblamned on the masthead of the local newspaper, the Kourler, along with a drawing of one of the mythical creatures. Kourier publisher Jess Gant. a former composing ·room supervisor for t he Los Angeles Times, says he's "not exactly too strong a believer in bigfoot myself. But I don't play it down much." "Why should I? It's interestin,, it's good for business and I can t · prove it's not true," he adds. Garst .,periodically pr in ts reason but t'o keep up on bigfoot." Unlike Gant, Marcum takes sasquatch accounts m ore serlou.al>: -eve11 though. Mie • act'OUJ'~~ 8'1'Q~tch t:11ti~ « rea storl~ -inCl~ reports t -1enCl to pooh-pooh ·admits· ''Bigloot Days··· la not intended to a dvance any anthropological studies of the creature ana {s done "strfctry for p~on and fun." .tbe l~nd. He ~ people from a11 over the country take the wee kly paper "for no other Navy to oust ihree lesbians NORFOLK, Va. -Three female sailon aboard the repair ship Vulcan will be w.charged from the Navy because they are lesbiana, authorities say. The Norfolk-based Vulcan. which is being overhauled in Boston, was the fint Navy ship to receive women in the Navy's expanded women-at- aee program in 1978. The three to be discharged were among 10 female sailors named in an investigation that began in May after the ship 's captain. Capt. James E. McConville, said h e received oomplainta that "some fonn of homosexual activity was going on." The Vulcan investigation followed by two years a similar Navy probe initially involving 24 women aailors aboard the rru.ile test ship USS Norton Sound, based at ~ Beach, Calif. The Navy declined to releue the names·of any of the women involved in the Vulcan investlg.alion, sayij)g they are prohibited to do so under the Pri~acy Act unless the cases go to court-martial. Lt. Cmdr Bob Prucha. a Navy spokesman here, said two women, a petty officer and a seaman. waived administrative board hearings after admittiM their hornoeexuality. They did not want to cont&\ their cases and have agreed to leave the service, he said. ~wo others, both petty officers who faced h00109exual misconduct charges, went before the administrative board. The commanding officer recommended that one be discharged and the other be retained in the service. • Two othent, a eeaman and a petty officer, did not go before an administrative board because an investigatJon showed that one had fraudulently enlisted and the other was unsuited for enlistment. Two were cleared, and the cases of the ninth and 10th are pending. ..o1;:•'= ~~.. -=-=-· ~.Br " YOUR ,ro,~ II ... ~~ '*'°"' .... OOlno ~°':-"" '*'°" .. ~olne Tiie fOllOWll\t '"''°" I• doing !°" .. •,cL,o,1"u .. , .... D c,• .. u11 YOU TILi IMPORTI"•· tUO •• LOVIHG llllAI. t •H Hilwpof1 ~~,. 1121 Weeldlft °' ,. '" 't 0 U R l talt Colitoe SMI,. AnaMlm, CA IMS., Coelt ~ CA tata1. ~ 1trtc11.' CA tHIO, " PAYMIMT~1)T MAY H IOLD t210t MWIJ ...,otcltl Moea11y. 1112 Nti11, ,lne, 14 Lin.tt .... Or .. wmtouT uV OOUllT AC~l LiNIROOK TILi. INC., 1 Mliwllo Or., MUMlllOton ltedl, CA Ntlwport IMGh, OA 112MO, ..-... ,.., _, ""9 ... i.et ~ C1111orn11 oorpot1t1on, 1109 I t2Mt. Tfje buel,_ 11 oondUO*I by 111 It •' "I feitr HHUlll r11 ,......, et.ti ~ INYd , Anlt\elm, CA Tillt ~ 11 oonClualed by 111 lndMduei ~ w,.,.... .. •,_I:': e2eot lndMcluel. '"'" a. F1llil llH 'lfllltftle phle per1111 tt• Thlt bullMM It oondUGled by I MW Merotcltl ~ lhle 1latemet1I ... ,_ wllll 1tlt ..... ...-<QI -...... ..,.. OOtPOf•tloll. Thie lllltlmtnt .. tl9d wllft h Col.Inly CWll ot Ottnet eounty on --. ..... .._ ... WI ....... Unt>tOOll Tiie, Inc. Col#\ty OMrtl of 0r.,.. Couft'Y on A119, 25, 1N2 9' ......... ~ 7 ,.7 __. l'ley MU9Y, lecly Auo. fO, 1Mt. P"'11F Thie -· ..... 11t.:: ... .. .,.. Thie ttllem.nl WM llled Wflh ""' \ ,_ Publlthff Ortng• Coett Delly J4M't 27, 1"2, end wlll -untM nty a.II ol Orenoe Courtty on Publl•hed Oren'R, Co••• O=I Plloe, Aug, 21. hpt 3, 10. n1 1M2 Y""' eooounl b9tiOlftlll ourrenl. You ··-··t 28 tNZ Hot .... _ 11 20 ...... I 1 ......... may not have lo P•Y lh• 1n1lrt ...._ ' '** • ....,.. • • • ..,..,~ • ,.__ unpaid por11on ol your 1ocoun1, Publl•h•d oreno• co .. 1 Otlll Ytn lhOuOh lull p1ym1nl WH Pllol Au.n 27 '"-t .. .,. 17 , •• ~. llut you mull pay the • -..· ........... ''" • ll'nOlll\I lltttcl ll)ove. '8 l&-82 t---:PIC=nnoue=~=-==~~ .. :--• ..._ After uv .. MOnlht(tOM thl deft "8JC M>TIC( ..,._ ITATW PM:TrnOUe 1111 lllM of record1t1on of h • docum1n1 Th• tollowino P«•On 11 doing ...._ STA,....W (which dlll ol rtCOl'dttlOll ~· PIOT"10U8 .,._.. buel'*I M . The f011oWt110 dOlng r..on1. unlttt 1ht ObllottlOn Ming ..... ITATl•NT FACADI!, 2000 Beryl L•n•. ~ U ! .,.,_ -IOftclOMd ul)dh P1fmft1 I longer The followlng pereon 11 doing tHwoQn"llMcll, CA tHIO. SOUTH COAIT OLAIM8 petlOd, you hlYe only the legll rlghl bUtiMtl II! benllt WIC141f\>-Tltl, 2000 ltfyt MANAOEMENT, 32" Plftt c.r...r to lloP tht fOfec:tolufe by peyfng LOOISOFT. 1641-D Ad1m1 LaM, Newport Betc:n, CA nMO. Ottw, lklltt 110, eo.te ....... CA 1111 enllr• tmot.tnt demanded by ,.,.,,.,_, Cott• Mell, CA llH:tt. Thie butlfltle 11 c;ondvcrted by en 112eH. your oredllOf. MtrO A. ,._ty, M4 8Qrlngfleid, lndlvtdull. A m e r I c t n M I d I o a I To find OUI Ille lmOUrll you mu11 CotUI ....... CA t2tH. OenlM Llltgen.T• lnternt llontl, Inc .•• DtllWlfl P41V, °' to "''"09 I« payment to Thie ~ II conduc1ed by en Thie etatement -flied with tM corporttlotl, 4 t4 N. ~ QrM, erop lh• torecloeure, or If your lfl<IMdull. County Cler1I of OrMQI County on 8tvel'ly Hiiie, CA ll02 to. 1P<Ol*1r 11 In t0<ecloeur• fOf eny MAlfC A. P9tty Aug. 11, 11182. Thie bullMll 11 conducMd by 1 othef reuon, contect· Thie 9ttttment -fllld with the Ptll1'1 tloll SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONA County C!erlt of Oftngl County on Publl•hed Or•no• COHt Dally 00f1>0f• Ani.rio.n Medic.i BANI<, SPECIAL ASSETS DEPT. H A119. 11. 1992. Piiot, Aug. 13, 20, 27, 81#-.. ~~ lnlemetlOnal. tnc. 13.5, 133 S. Hope StrHt, Lo• P1e.77 I __...., Jamee A. A1Q9 Ang1t11, Callfornle 90071. Publllhtd Or1ng1 COH I Oally Aulettm a.entwy Telephone: Aru code (2 131 Piiot, Aug. 20. 27. Sept. 3, tO.z 11182 l'tB.IC NOJICE Thll lta1_,t -flied with tt1t et3-e587. 3075-82 flCmtOUt M.liiitll County Cleric of Orenoe County on II you heve any quHllon1. you N•MI IT"'TI•.... Aug. ~. 11182. ,_ 1hould contact • lawyer or th• Pllll.JC M)TICf .. .. '"' ,_ C"""' egency which mey have •--~ ...... ...,..------Th• lollowing pe11on1 are doing Publl•h•d OranG. CoHI D::.'J ,, Re':il::.'0ou MAY LOSE "~:A:=· bu~:o,:::MA WEST. 508 29th 'f>llOI, Aut. 13• 20• • &et».~ 1 LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT Th• followlng pereon II doing StrMI. N-pOft Blach, Callfornl• 2..a TAKE PROMPT ACTION. bu*-9 u: 92ee3 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. Thi\ c & N ADVERTISINO, 5081 Proe-tlM WMt. Inc ..• Calltomll EQUITABLE DEED COMPANY, , CMlbrtdgt AYe., WMtmlnlttr, CA corportllon. 608 291h Strtll. corporttlon. I• duty appointed 924183. Newport BMch, Cll!fOfnla 9~ Truet• under 1 deed of trul1 dlled Neena Sue Koeller. 8731 • Propertlee W•t. Inc. Mey 1, 1981, madt by Htrmen M. SallpOtt Dr .• Huntington Bllctl, CA Dini H. Smith, Cooc>« .. Trve10f. 10 MCUr• Clttaln 92&48. Preeldent . obllgallon• In favor of 81c:urll~ Thia bu.W-19 conduc:1ed by en Thi• ll•tement wM llMld with the NIUC NOTICE ITATl•NT Of' ABANDOl•lllNT Of UM CW l'ICTmOUI IU ... 11 ..... The followlng per1on• have oban<k>ned the U9e of lhe Flc:tltloul Bullneu Name: Peclllc t'•llon•l Senk, 1 Nellon.al lndMdull. County Clerk of Orange County on Stnklng Auocltllon M Blnlflc:lary, ~I 8ut Koeller Auguat 25, 1982• WESTCLIFF NURSES REG., 1117 reoordld M~11181 u lnllru!Mllt Thl9 lllltment WM ftled with Ille F1tttol Westc:llfl Dr., Sit. 209, N-port nof .O~ 1'" .. _... d140146~pege 15221 ~ty8Cletk1"82of Orange County on ~~~·thed27 s~engel l~~~t ~=~~ Piiot, Beech, CA 92660. o ....... ._,OGr n t ... Office o .. ....,. fl· " · · "-•· · ,....I. 3· · · The Flctlllou1 8u1lne11 N:m• the Rlco<d« ol Orenge County and '1"'7'1 3178-82 ., 1n111um1n1 no. 81,....71~1~ R®lletMMS Oft~~ttt Otl!u-f==-----..:....----=='i-gll~lo~r~re:'id~to abo1<e •H Ille lu--1 ~' Orange Coun1y on June 3, 1981. r Loe AngelH County, C1llfornl1. Piiot. Aug. 20, 2'T, · 3, 10, tff PUB1JC NOTIC( Roxert Inc • 1 Cetllornle delcrlblng propertlll therein. 3871-82 COfl>Ofallon, 1817 W•tctlff Dr .. St•. Thal the benlflclal lnltreel under AC1TT10U8 M.1 ... 11 209, Ne)port Beacll, CA 92MO. 1uch dHd of truet and lh• PUBIJC NOTICE ..,._ tTATOIEff Thlst>uatneuwuc:onductedtJy• obllgellon• Hcured thtr•b~ Tiie followlng Plt'90N •• doing corpo<atlon. lncludlng • note for tho 1um ol PlCTrTIOUI .,..... ~ ta: l'loJtlrt. Inc 1750,000.00, .,. pr-tty held I>) ..... ITATD9NT E & E POWER S WEEPING, Rounn '/lllld the und«llgnod, thlt • breech of, Th• followlng per10n 11 doing 1017L W. Blatlop St. Senta An-. C.A Proaldent and defaul1 In, the obligallonl lo< ~ M: 92703. Thia 1te1ement wM filed with the Whlc:h IUCh deed of lr\.llt .. ~rlty OLINE, 2600 Perk N-por1, HEE TU KIM. 1017L w. Biah09, County Clel'k OI Ot•noe Coun1y on hM occurred In lhel P•ymtnl hU Newport Blech, CA 112MO. . s.n .. An•. CA 92703. Aug. 25, 1g52 nol~medeof: lone Ulrlch, 2800 Perk CHUN J . KIM, 1017L W. The entire prlnc:lpal 1>et1nce Newport, Newport Beach, CA Blatlop, S1111t1 Ana. CA 92703. plua eccrued lnterHI, wnlc:h sum 9He0. . Thll txi•I""' I• conducted b)' reprH1n11 th• obllgetlon• ol Thll bulln.e le conducted by en lndMdulll, hutblnd Ind wife. Htrma.n M. Cooper under that lndlvtdual. Htt Tu t<lm, c:ertaln General Continuing tone Ulrlcn Chun J. Kim ~ Publl1h1d Oren91 CoHt Delly Pilot. Aug. 27, Sept 3, 10, 17, 11182 317242 Guerenty d1ted July 31. 1979. By Thia etetemenl WM filed wl1h tn. Thia 1ta1-t wu llled with the Pllll.IC NOT1C£ the term• of the G-at Continuing Coun1Y Clerk ol Orenoe County on County Clerk of Orange County on -----------Guaranty, Herman M. Cooper Aug. 18, 1982. Aug. 10. 1982. FICTITK>UI .,... .. "''"Tr:-' •nv f"" "11 n~W..• F11911 f19ICllM ..... ITATlmNT , ~ ;::rw"' OOI Co: , · lo Publllhed OraOjlt <;out D.il~ Publlehld Orange Co .. I Deity The following perecM -doing Plot, Aug. 20, 27, Slpl. 3, 10, 1118.2 Pllo4, Aug. 13. 20, 27. $9PI. 3. 1982 bual-11; Thtl by reuon of IUCh l>tMCh the 3eeW2 3816-82 VANDERBILT INVESTMENT undefllgned, prnenl t>enollclery COMPANY, 17092 Pu111ntn Stt.t, under Hid deed ol 1ru11. hH PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC ll>TICE Wine, Callfomla 92714. ~encl .,._.ed to "'6d duly --l'lCTTT10Ul----.._~--.. --"'--f---111C--TIT1-fO-<UI--•-._--.. ---.. Relph C.loc:ll, 116 VII Havre. appolnlld TrultH • wrll1en NAiii ITATl.MafT ..,... ITAru.Nt .NewpOn ~. Cellfomla 82tt0, o.dlll•tlon of Otlault and demand ......... f............... Jonn w. Clark, 5832 Hlahat1• for ..... 1nd hH depo1lled wllh t>u!.~o:wlng pereon la doing ~ •"'V l*1IOM -doing Terr-. lrvlnt, catlfomla 92115. Mid duly eppolnted trull• aucn Thtl bullflllM 19 conduc:tad by 1 deed of truet and ell document• t<NA,PP MFG. CO., 1308·.A NEW~T Hl!ALTH Cl!NTER. liml1ed pertnerehlp. •Yld•nc:lng obllgetlon• HCUrld Logan A.Ye .. Colll M .... CA 92&28. 355 PltOenll•. St•. 303, "-PO<t John w. Cllll'k thereby, end hH decltred end does Dtule Marie Fltmlng, Ste Beech. CA t.2e63. Thll llA1en'lenl w .. flled wtt.h Ille hereby declere all aume eecuttd Roule 957, Phtltn, CA 92371. S1evtn Jefferey Smith M.D., County Cieri! of Ofenge County on !hereby lmmedlaloly dut. and h.. Thll bu.,.._ ~conducted by tn 559 Emerald Bay, Laguna 8eech, Aug. 1 l, 11182. lleeted and dOM hereby e1ee1 to lndMduel. CA 92651. .......... a y-ceuH lht prop•rty d .. crll>ed In DMa1t M. Aiming Larry 8-nfolnd Ph.D., 22192 AH It .._ u1c1 ~clec:I dMd of INS1 to be Thll ltlletnenl WU flied with the Altllrtl Or., Ml11lon Viejo, CA ~ Df'l'f9 told In a c:cordenc• with th• County Clerk of Otanoe County oo 92891. = foo provl1lon1 1hertof to Hll•IY th• Aug. 18, 1982. Thia bullnell '* conducted by In 111 0 ... 1.-n ol>liglllont -ed thereby ,,_,, unlncorpor11ed 1eeocletton olh« .,;,.;_ Ctllfonlll lll71I 0.ted: Juty 2t 1981 Publlehed Or1nj11 Cout Deity lhttl • partnerwhlp. • F~ 0SECIJRITY P CIFIC Plot, Auo. 20. 27, SlpL 3, 10, 1"2 S. J. Smith M.D. Publl1hed Or1n1:,..Coetl Delly =;T~~'M':!~:.. Jr.. •-.,. ....,..~r 3a85-82 . Thie .... ~~'::~·IN Piiot, Aug. 20, 27, 3, ~<!;o~!: .AMI Vice Preolden1 ~ ""''._ County Clerk of Orenoe County on RECORDED AUGUST 24 1H2 1TTlOUI AucJ. fo, 11182. •---Pllll.--IC-NO-TJCE-.---- AS INSTRUMENT NO. 82-848413. ~ STA==t.. p bll hid 0 C ,.~ 1----------- Publl1hed Oreng• CoHI Deity Th• followlng per10n • doing Pllo~ ,.!g, 13, ;o_n2q,~ S.:.'~. 1:S~ K-Ol., Piiot, Sept. 3, 10, 17, 2•. 1982 ~ II: 3811_82 a ...... fUOft COUflT Of _________ 38_97_~_2•• M-ao ftECORDS. 1600 -----------CAUFOMelA Mimi. Colt• Mell. CA 92928. rta.IC NOTICE COUNTY Of OM.Noa NEil O. DENISON, 1300 -----------Q111rcll1Hlllp •f IDWA"D G. ,.ICTITIOUl IUIMH A<1etn1. No. ~8. Colla Heel. CA FICTTTIOUI ........ "OBINIOM ucl WINDY II. NAME ITATOtEMT 92928. MAME ITATl•NT lloelMaoN, lllMrL The lollowlng pereon I• doing Tillt bu*-le conducted by en Thi followlng ~ -doing NO: A·1'..,.. l>uelneN u: lndlVldual. ~ u: NOTICE Of HIA"INQ OP COLONIAL PRESS, 1M159 Bo1u N.-o.n1ton MONEY MARKET, 1107 S . NllllON fOfl ~CW AYWIUe, Wettlnlnlttr, CA. Thie etaltmlnl -flied with the BrOOktllnl. Anahtlm, CA 92804. OUAM>tAN Of -.c>RI (NMOM MARIE v WILK, H47 Lark County C!erlt of Orenoe County on Rlc:htrd S alford, 11170 ""°TolE.l!ALTllC>l . WISE . JE"'N Cll'Cle, Founleln Vllley, CA 92708. AugYM 10, 11182 .,._,., ln .. Hunllngton 8tech, ,.. ,.. " Thie~ 11 c:onducled by en ,.,_, CA 92849. MALKEMUS, JEAN GARLAND ltldMduel Publllhed Orange co .. I Dally Harold Jeffrey VOH, U5 WOLOSHYN . EDWARD 0 . . Mar11 V Wiik PMot, Aug. 13, 20, 27, s.pt. 3. 1'182. EJMr•ld Bay, l.lgune Bitch, CA ROBINSON AND ALL PERSONS PtJBllC NOTICE Thll ttatement WU flied with Ille 35&7-82 92852. INTEJ'IESTED HEREIN. rtllJC ll)TICE County Clefk ol Ofenge County on Thie t>ulllnMI le conduc:1ed by 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE lhlt -----------1 A\JQ\llt 25. 1982. •-.,. ....,..TIC[ general ~n«V~p. REBECCA LYNN ROBINSON hll Foreign teachers shifted STILLWATER. Okla. (AP) -Oklahoma State University filled half its fresh m an English teaching positions with foreign-born instructors th is fall, then shifted them to other jobs when their command of the language was questioned, officials say. The 23 foreign teaching ulistants. all of them graduatP. students, had been altigned to 43 fres hman English compositinon classes, Ml.JC ll01ICE half the number offered at the university. They were reassigned to writing labs or reeearch projects and a few were reassigned to teaching upper-level English cluees. NI.IC NOTICE l'ICTTTIOU8 .,_.. F1•101 '~ ""' .....,, -flleO e Petition IOf Appointment of NAiii tTAT'llmfT Publl1hed Orange CoH1 Dally , l'ICTITlOUI ....-11 • Thll 1t1t-• wu lllld with the Guardl•n of 1he l*llOfl• and •tll• Thi follo,.lng pereon It doing Piiot, Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10, 17, 11182 MAim STATIMUfT County Ci.tt ol Orenge County on ot the •bowl named mlnon. buelnllt u: 3817-82 Thi followlf1g peraooe .,. doing Aug, f8, 1982. A hMrtng on NICI petition 19 ... COAST AUCTION CO .. 1838 ~ M: ,.,_,.. tor Septembef 15. 1982 11 10:30 Plectntll Awnue. No. 201, l'tB.JC NOTICE SHADOW HIGH REFLECTIONS Publlahed Oren_g• CoHt Dally o'c:tock A.M In OlpertrMnl 3 of I.he ..._,CA HQT. l-0~ 17407~ SIHhore Or., Newpo,-Pilot. A119. 20. 27, Slpt. 3, 10, 1"2 Orange County Superior Court JIM Fl.AAE.AU, 1131 "'-"II PICTTT'IOUI ....... a.di, CA. t2tt3 aee8-e2 localed at 700 Cl'M: Center DfM Awnut. No. 201, Colll ....... CA NA• ITA~NT Dltnt Cornwe ll , 7407'A ., w .. 1. Senta AM. Cellfon)ll. R4lflf 92127. Th• lollow'"g pereon 11 doing ~ Dr., ~ a.di, CA PtJBllC NOTICE to aeld pe11tlon for lurthtr T'hlll • .,.,,,.,t -flied~ the ~ .. 112tt3. ~ County Cltr1t of Ortn09 C'A)Uflty on CLASSIC ANT 1 o.u e Vick I Or .. ney, 'T •.O 7 •it f IC TIT I 0 U t I U 11 NI I I Dated: ~I 20, 1M2. ~ 10, 19t2. RESTORATION, 2426 Newport SIMhore Dr •• ~ 8tec:h. CA TM ~TA ft--: doing WIA=--~~::Aet( ,...... Blvd Coeta MeM. CA 92627 929413. bull l*'IOIW e A*"-"' tw 111 ... u 1r Publl1hed Orenge Coaet Dally AGOP ABRAHAM AGOPIAN, Thie bu"'-II oonduc:ted by 8 = ~ «25 J bot Rd Publlehed Or1nei,Co11t Delly MOTICa 8IWT1llQ ..,. O"ANQI COUNTY IUllll"IO" Plloe.. A119. 13, 20, 27. a.pt. 3, 19'2 583& Virginie A~ Lot Angelel C.A llmlted ptr1ntr9hlp. s It 1t' 0 N.. tmB .. h c-.:. Pilot .. 27 28 t 3 11192 _, ng llO. -COURT 367 ~ ' ' V1c*1 ~ u I , ewoort HC , " . ,.ug, • • • NOTICE 18 HEAEBY GIVEN lt\tt / * C.... C..... DIM.... '\ Thll l>u""-11 conducted by an T'hll etat_,I w .. llled with Ille 92~.I DE 0 p R 0 0 UC TI 0 N .... -.380142 Mtled ~oooealll,.. berectMld by llMe AM. c .. u,,...,.. .,._.,. 111n.,._ lndlvlduel Coun1y a.II of Orenge County on 1 DI-JC ..n.,._ thtCltyofColllMMt,to'lllt:The Pl.AINTIFF:JOHNQ.ADAM8tnc:I n-.n. ""'"''"' • AgOC>Al>rahtmAgopltn Aug. f0, 11182 ARTISTS. INC , a C1 lfornl1 I"~ ""'""" City Counc:ll. P.O. Box 1200. ea... ALYCE 8. AOAMS OlllANQI COUNTY tu••••O• Thi• atatemenl WM flied with Ille ,,..., c;of'potlllon, 0 25 Jembor• Rd .. ---.-tptot--c..n---.. -.._--- ...... Ctllfornlt 92628, on or OEFl!NOANT: EDWA'U) A COURT County Clerk of Or1nge County oo Publlehed Ot1nQ1 Cot ti Otlly ~bu= ;\=ed I> 1 It ... ef C....,,. ~ the houl' of 11:00 Lm. on DAVENPORT; HAAOLO 0, ADA.MS; •.O .... -Aug. 24', 1982. Pltot, Aug. 13, 20, 2'1, a.pt. 3, 19'2 llon · y F• ._ F"rid9Y. ~1a1ltlel 10, 11112. ft lflllll ROBERT A. ~OT80H; MOTEL ...... AM, C...,_ 11191 • '1-1 • 3582-82 cor-pora ' C tr el °'*'91 ~~~;;;;:;;;;:==~~~~bethl r•pontMMll7 of l.hebklW10 INVESTMENTS, t Ct llfornt1 M CNle C1M9f DfM w..t. Publl1hed Orange CoHI Dally Artls3 Inc.. Video Produc:llon 100 c.::"c..... om. .... -: delwr",. bkl '°tile City Cllrtl'• ptrtnt™AZY a-TUCSON. • .......... c ..... ""' Piiot, Aug 27, Sep1. 3. 10, 17, 1982 NI.JC NOTICE . Bren L"*"' PY-. lent. ..... c ..... .,... ontc. by 1111 propef tnnounc.d LTD .• • ptl'°'dllntllp, LAZY PLAINTIFF. CROWN CORK & 3820-82 P'ICfffiOUe. ..... Thil 1111tment -lltcl with tilt PLAINTIFF: TRANSAMERICA HADotl LAW~MT. OUYE Mortua,.., • Cemete,.., Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 fl'tHClHOTHHS llUHOADWAT MOaTUAIT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAln&IBG .. OH SMfT'H & TUTHtlL WISTCllH' CH.Vil 427 E 17th St ' Costa Mesa 846-9371 rtUCI llOTHHS SMfTHS' MOltTUAaT' 627 Ma•n St HuntmqtOf\ Beach 536-6539 tlmt. adl wll be ~ opened I MOTtL. I ClllfVmle pertn11lhlp: MAL COMPAHY, INC. •-.,. 111n.,._ .... -IT"'__. County Clerk of Or~ County°" TITLE INSURANCE CC>Mf>ANY. • end teed.,._,• 11:00 Lnl., « PICKWICK INN, INC., tcorpotldtoft; DEF~OAHT: FRANK ANDREW nmaA ""',..... ........, .:::::.... ~.;........., August 23, 11182 --..,. Cellfornla 00<PQr81ion _, lhtfeefttr • ~acuc:abtl Otl end DOEll 1 ==25, ~ CULLUM end OOES I through)()(. Aennout .,_.. ~"• ....----• ,,_, DEFENDANT. RICHARD L F11d9Y, _ ..... 10. 19'2, In lie MMI • lndullw MAm fTA~ ... , T"•VEL ••d BUSINESS Publlthtd Orange Coaet Oelh WILLIS, tnd DOES I through lCX. Coundl°'*'1blrl,QyHtll,77Fs • CAll-111911 81WDM T"'-f ..... I........ I dOI """" ,.,,. -· ...._ "' 27 ,._ 3 10 11 1"''"J lnc:tu.MI Drive, co· ... _. .... Ctlllornf• llOTICm , ........ --..... CA81 --~:no pereon • ng AND l..EISUAE TRAVEL. ).~ e. ... ...,,, ,..ug • .....,t • • MtM; . tue••• t2828, for tllt hirnlehlng of n. .... llll!J ............ .C NOTICll Y• lwft ._ ...._ NEWPORT MAILBOX. 2424 =,trwl. Coeta MIN. ...,,,omit c-...,..._ *'" VAAIOUS TRUCKS. ...... ,_ ..... llellM ftt MWt _, -.... ....... JM .~r.1 rt Blvd., Co1l1 Mn1, CA ..;_. __ H. "'trllln. 907 LOmblrd rta.JC ll)TIC( NOTICl1 Yow "'" .,_. MMo Addltlontl eete ot lht .................. ..._., ..._. ,_ MllW ._... ..... ,.,. .... _.. o n TM_._,._. ..... ,_ "'*"tlcatlol• ~be_~ • ... .... •H ...... r::,..,.... .... • .... ..._ w'ennH L. Abal11n, 805 £, ~~· Coil• MeH, Ca fornlt ITATR....,. Of' WtTMDRAWA.L wtlholll ,_ MMt .._. ..... tl'le Offtce of the f"UrClNM19 " ~WWI lo Miik lhl ldllloe of .....,,HetlR ...... 111bM. B11bo1 CA 112881 .,_..... noM JOU ......... _..... • .,._ ,._.. 1t 11 F1lr Drive, Coal• MH•, an allOfnl)' In lhl• matter, you Av I Io I u 1 t 1 II "1 e Id 1 • · Alta M. Strain, 907 Lombll'd PAlttMIR ... ON.MTWO tM ~.....,. ClllfcmlL 8ldt ....... bl rwtumed ....... do eo promptly eo ttlat )'Oii' ... llMMo. II Tr ............... ~ .. oonducltcl by an Co11rt. Coll• MIU, Ctlllornlt UNDS" If you with to ... .;,. tdVICt OI to ttlt att9mlon of IN Qty a.t. wtltt.n rnponM, "any. may be .....,....,. u& • 11•111111 w.,_ L AMJIM '282t. ........,......,. ..., l'ICTIT10U8 .._.. ~ an auorney In 1hl• mailer, you llllttllln Mid Unit 111'1111, In •...,... fled Of\ ltme. -_. Ult. r::• .....,. Thie lllCllMftt...,.. flild with IM Thia butllllee 11 ....,,. ....... ,_ "'1 WI The followlng p1t10...,hH ltlolllcl do to promptly eo tNlt youit • enwlop9, ldJrllllM on 1t1t AV I I 0 I U • 11 • "• t 14 • • • .... u. II nAJh n .. Coun1y CIJft of 0r.,,.. County on ~Mt M. S"lln wlltldt.-M 1 gtntrll PJr1nlr ffOftl written rM90"H, If 1ny, mey be wtttl the 8lcl lllRI ~ encl ............ II ........ ,.._ ...... Auo. 18, 1M2 p--..... ... --.=.t -~ ....... ...... the P41rtr*""P oper9'lnQ undlf tM ._on II~ OPll""9 0... ._..,....,. Ull.• 11 I 111 e I. TO THE DEnHOAHT: A cM1 -• ,.,. ----,_,""" .,,. flctlfloue b11tlntu ntlfte of AVllOI Uelt411 llt 1td1 ltClll Did efl1ll .-.r .edl and -_. u& ,....... ..... 110n1pt1tn1 hu beeft n1ec1 by ,... ttvblllfled Oran.91 Cout D•llY ~ = of °'"'99 County on GOLFlAltS. 1125 w.talltf DrMa, ft11tan4ade. If' lrlMtt1I ,_.. every l11m H Mt forth Int •• ._ "'-11 ""'"-' .. ,.._ .....,_ ~ Hot. Al4 20. 27. """· 3. 10. tte ..._. • · ,_ Newport ltedl. CA neeo. ......, _..Ult.• 1 "' • 1 ep1clllctllon1. Any and al Ti 1 . II yov wltll 10 clelend lhlt M6CM12 f>ubllefMMI Ot"t"l;e Coeel O= The flct11lou1 bu1lnn1 ntlft• ,...... .. l.N. ,...., .... t•o.c»11on• to tfll epeolflollt I Uatad deHe eollolter el flWIUlt, yov ~. wt1f1111 IC) d9Y1 --,.,_ 1,.20 ...._.I 1 ....,,_, tor•thl pel1rW'llllp ............ U.la ........ 1n.-""* be -.,. ....., In flt tllld, OOMtto de vn aboOado en tet• en. •Ill• eumtROM It letWd on Ml.JC M>11C( ,.._,, .._ ... • • .._., • fllacl on Aprtl 2, 1NI In flt COVl'lly ...... encl fllllurl eo •...,. ll'Y ""11 In ••unto, d 1berr1 hteerto ~. NI wttll 11119 OOUf1 1 Mftlen M1J.12 Of OrMQI. "81 U•l•d d .. •• tollclttr el the ~II tM1 be lnfnedlet'"**I. di_.. -..ra. pl1•dln1 In rHponH to tll• PICnnout ._.... __ .,. -Full Ne,,,_ end Addt• ot 1111 con1110 d• un •bo0"9 en .... for. ~IOfl flt lie llld. al ~· eeotlta. II Mr ........ oemp1e1nt I" 1 JueOoe Court. ~ NW ITAW r-.... ""''""" ~ WltllelftwlftQ, a 1un1 o , d •II• r I• ll t c er Io Eadl Did 1'1111 ... '°"" "" ""' .,.,.. -........ tllftlpo. ..._. flla with IN OOWI • -~~!!!'*. Ing per-ion II doing -n•--lllUllll.. .... .. ~ ~ ... Ila .... rn--. nllUt ll'ld rttlcl•nttt of 111 1. TO THI OlflNOAHT; A oM plMdlrlg or -.,.~ -~ -1ftl C........... tu,..._.. eeot1ta. 11 hay ...... pereone 11'1c1 .,.,.... lnl...._.. In ~I .... been flled ~ tile io lie tritetad In Ille Un1eM BALIOA DAAPtRY SEAVICE. TM ~ 81'~ ......_ ~ ....... CA -Plfldt.., '9Qltltadt 1 ""11PCJ. the l>'OpoMI. If 1"9 btcl It n..; plJlnllft ....... ,otl. W ~ wWl to 104f do IO, Y°"' «Mf Wiii ... 1425 WllOI w..,. Coect MIM. CA.._~,...---........ .., ,__ 1. TO THI" OIFINOANT: A GMI OCll-llliOn, ....... ,__of ....... 1119 ......... ~ lllull. ""*' _,_,.,. ......., .... ,. .... ,,_ of ..... -"ubll•"'-• "'-a..-CA .... , 0)..., OO!n"llfRI 1111 bfft'I ftltd by Ille ..... ...., WI. en ......... d•p •h• 1111• IUMlftOna .. ~ ----,; ..... .... LMry F ltJllCMcfl 11•1 •3 • u N Q" 0 w T H x I ; ~ ,..,;.21-... .. i ,o;, ttlt .,...,t'111 ----~ If~""" .. on betlelt of IN eorporJillofl ...-..-on raw. ...... 11111 _, • ......,. _... ~ * "'8,..., LllMrty, Huntington BHoh, CA 8.UNGfllOWTH XII, 11IO Ptclflcl • • • . • • lfT4-ll ~ ""'....._,., ~ """'·""""' ......_ "'°'9 tllen·Olle ""'-"""' ....... ~ le .. .......... .....ldlCI ii lie oo;; ..... wNdl "'47. eo...::r-r, """"""°" Tlald\, • • dtyt t ftlf tflll IVll'tlftOftl II = ........ ~ ......... or Ultlell ,.. do to. ~ ........ __ .. cl rffvll In ·--·---· Of nm~ .. oonduct.:I .... '" CA • --· ---OR -· -"""" -OOUl1. ...... Md lie ..w w n ef a. ....., _,,,__.....,, lllclMduJI. .., Gle1111 L. Gterll&ll. 7111 ,._ ,..,,_ -~"""to"" oon1•tttt. --:-....... ~•• ....,.., '!'Cl C:. ':::'.,:'...., • :':"...,•:iJ: ~':I'::! t...-y 1. ll'lllovtoh IHwort"y Drl••· H11nllntton "°'"*" i •••ii ~ ~--~ .....-.. .... ......_ W.. It ~ ._...you"' ... l'lllf ., ... ._ Tillt -~ wt1llleclwith1111 Tlald\. CA.... IMMI eTATW bl .iteNct on '"*'''°" of ... ... ,....... • ..... *' ..... ii .. OOiltlllilllll. ...... .. • ,.. .................. ONle'; Ct9ftl Of °'WIOt County Oii LnrenM D. lclll•y, Ifft TM ................................ encl .... oour1...., .... . ... -.. ....__.,a tOlll4 ,...," 111 ..,,......_,., of ., • __, ..... ....,, ,.. A119, ft, ttlt H•fHr Key C1re11, Huntlf\tlon ....._ • ~ ..,... you ..., "",..., NIM. ............ Ill ...... ~ ..._ 9'......, • llf-"' ........ ......-, .... "-9 ·--._.CA.... PI Z ! A PL U 8. I I I I delft8lldlCI ii 1111-......., -- ... ft••~• ~:.~"=' .~!!.!: ·~--rehl ,..,...., lfl. tM ~--~ .;,::-.., ._ it11bllellld Orenee CoHt Dell\' Tillt ...._ ~ ooidliGlled 111 • W11t1111n11er ,A••n111. o.,._ eovld '''"" In 1•rnl1h1Mnl et ~DI '". f ". -,., ... ,. ,• -. ft .... ;;. MJI J, -"'°4. A119. 21. &tpt, a, to, 17, t"2 lllllllt8ll "t"A:.•:. D --.. Gfolie. CA llM4. ...... 1•1111111 Of~ or......., , .. -. ·-..... nn-ea .-;;;,,;;' . The Nllu ~"•"'.1. I II 11 Of 0111 .. ttllef req""1H In "'9 :-:::-..i.. ........ fie llotlt I.II 4 ' Lii A. • 1------------c Clllllll I.. Molllll ..... A.-I•, e.-.. 0091P11b. ,__._._.,.... II 09lftt Ollrtl Tilll'!!!!.:~":-'.,.. ... ,.. .. .,._°"""*...., DATIONou...-n, 1111 ..,..,rldllrl••t11e ~-iA....., tr:Jiinnwv ......_ ~~"' Ill.~• Toen Out '"•Ill. tlltt L.-A.ll'enoll. Cetinj llltter•tt. In tHe 0 • . Mt· 10. ,_ ,_ :i'~~I. .._ = H ~ -~-· ; ...... · ,_ ... -:: ~~~:::.s ~i=~..:.;: p:;;=i:. _ fJJl •• L Dllr ~ tw1 DllJ or...~.,_., 1lf:y"!!l.JI ll'll~ Or-. ~0.-.. ._ ..... ,-.-.: • ..,, ....... ~1;•,.1,; .... .__ ..w::.:-........ ,,...... Aut-17 ... ~ .... ,, ....... ' •