HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-06 - Orange Coast Pilot\ I ~ Surf City S un<lu,-\, fiu a lt· o l the· OP S urfing ( :ora1c· ... 1 a llra(·t~d a la r~t· 1·ro\\ d to tht· II uni in g tuu Bt•a<·h Pi .. r lo \o\C1 ld1 cornpt•tito r ... likt· Aus tra lia· ... ~i mo11 Andc•r..,on. .1 ORAIGf COAST MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1986> YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS D•llY Piiot Photo• by Ch., .. • 8tm1r Israel plans settlements; Reagan irked JERUS ALEM (AP) Tht.> Israeli gove rnme nt def1tttl President Re agan's call for a frc-ez.e on Jew1Bh settlement.:. m LJC(·up1ed Arab ternwry Sunday and approved seven new ones fur the W est Bank. to btt occupied by more t han 2,000 families H ours later, the Rl·agan adm1n1stra t 1on issued a statement condemning the plan a:. "most unwelcome " "We cannot understand why, at a time when broadttr participation in the peace prOC't'SS 1s both critical and possible, Israel has ele<·ted to extend a pattern of activity which erodt'S the confidence of an . and most particularly the inhabitants of West Bank and Caz.a for a JUSt and fairly negotiated outcom(.• lo the peace process," it said. The sternly worded stat.cment was issued in Santa Barbara, Ca!Jf . where Reagan is nearing the end of a 17·day vacation at hl.S ranch . Israeli o fficials insisted the dec1s1on had been on the Cabmet's agenda before &>agan unveiled his proposals Wednesday and was not connected to the American movt- The new settlements w t>re a nnounced after Pnme MmLSter Menac hem Begi n wrote to &>agan telling him Israel stood '!wJ~h total ded1cauon" by its dl•t 1s1011 of l"st Thursday to rtt.)t.'(:t tht' US 1rut1at1ve to lmk thl' Wl'Sl Bank o f the Jordan H1vt•r and Gaui Strip to Jordan About I 3 m1l1Jon PaJestmians llvl· on tht-terntones Israel captun>d from Jordan and F.gypt during tht: 1967 Middle t"ast War A ~pokesman for the World Z1001M Organization's settlement d1v1Mon, Ze'ev Ben-Vose(, said t•at·h n(.·W St.>ttlt>menl on the West Bank would Ix• populated by 300 f amllit-s H l' also said the Cabin et l'omm1tll-t.' on settle ments, which d l'C:1c..led on tht' latest m ove, resolvl'd t hat an eigh t h settlenwnt, previously a pproved for th(.• Caz.a Strip, w ould be filled by 90 lsraeh farrulies who hvt!d 111 the S1ruu town of Yamit unul Isr ael turned over the tc•rr1tory to Egypt last April lsrattl withdrew from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula under terms of tht• Camp David peace accords lsral'l's sNtlemt.>nl policy has movtod more than 25,000 Jews into abou t 100 towns and villages in the West Bank and Gaz.a Strip in the 15 years since l.srael t·aptured the terntones Sc 1 enc<· M 1n1 st e r Yu v a I N<''l•man. a right-wing advocate of anm•xmg the West Bank, said J plans would soon be brought·-· lwfort· th< l'alJtnl'l !i<"ltll•m£•n\ <:omm ll tt't' ,Costa M esa c omes to grips with sign ordinance By JODI CADENHEAD Of the D•lty Piiot St•n Costa M esa C1tv <'11u111 ii members Will take arlOlhc•r tTal k at the c:'ontrovt•rs1al '1gn o rd1nan<:1.' that ha!-. \ f'Xt ti off1c1als and busin{'SSnWn allk1· since I\ was adupu-d m IY74 Modifica tio11s pr<> po ed <>n those erect ed b ef ore 19 7 4 grandfoth(.·ri ng 1t, said, "It's unfair to the new businesses coming into the community. I thmk it's disheartening for them to see their neighbors have the advanl.clgl:" Thtt council 1:. sc.h1·dul1·d to meet Tuesday al 6 30 pm tu discuss CounC"1lman 0011 1 lall s suggestion that th1· ordinantt· h1 · mod1f1ed to l'Xt·mpt pri•'l•r11 non-conforming '>lt(n.'> 1h.t1 .,..,.,.. legal rune \t•<Jr. a1<0 Actuallv th1 <ou1111l v.ll l cons1dPr '1·11rl1n!o( th1· dr ,tf1 ord1nann 111 thl' pl;i1111111~! < on11111 .... ,11ir1 r 1•\ 11•v. 111,..: II 111 ,, ~tUd)o ...._.~ ... Hill 'l\ld'illlj.( II )'•llllh with tlw pl-.11r1111g 1·11n11111--s11111 <ir db d II d II ll I 11 ~ l IJ t p I IJ J l't l olt111<• lh1•1 ll.111 q111ir1-. .. o1 'il'\l'f,d '"llt".1).(ll•'" 1·,11111•1 thr' ~· .11 v. lw11 h t pr11po..,·tl lh,11 tlw 1 It\ .. 1.tlt t,1k1· th1 'ileops ""' .. s-..1 r~· 111 1··~;11111 Jtlf''4 Ill ""'' ... 111 .. 1111111~· sign' .ill11v.1-.I pr 1111 1.1 !'Ii' I H .i I I • • II ' I II d :-I h ,, ' I h .. 11rd111.111• • 1 ... 1111f.t11 111 lot1.,1111·"' ov.. rwr-. who must now change '').('\." thJt v..1 •r1· r1111 1 <vns1dl'rt-'<l 1t·w1I 'I 1 <~ ''"' '' d 11v. 11 to pro pc rt y rl,io!hL' "'"' I I.all ( >nn v11u It'll ... omt•11t1t thc1 t 11 1!'. a legally pt·rrl\lllt'<I cll'tlVlt \ VllU have• an f•lilr!o(a tr on to 11•1 t lwm nm linUl' · Tht "'lo(" .. rd1nc1n11· v.a s .11l11plt>tl 111 I !J7 I to 1•l1mmai.· 1h1• c lu1t1•r of l.1tlo(•' ... 1.l{ns 10w1 nni< 11\' f' I ' h '. ( I t " • ... d " w n t " w n 'k" l11w All non-tonform1ng signs , those that wto•re l'Ons1den.'<i tcx> large o r h igh . were to be remowd by 1984 Latest statistics on file at City Hall show that then• are 4.644 signs m the r1ty Ahout half art• legal 30 pen't'nl are 1llt.>gal and anolht>r 20 percent ;up n on conforrmng, ml•aninR that thry wE·n· one'\' legal Thf' non-conforming s1gru. ctrt> the on(.'S that would bt• a fft.'<.·u.tJ by thl' propoot-d l hangP in the· ord ma n<.'t' U S Festival comes to e nd 'smoothly' I SAN BEHNAHDINO (Ai'> 'I lw hri.:h•· ... 1 1 r11wd ..... 11111at1• l!Ul k' 1', lwc1p f11r thr•-.· days .,f paurnLc; Just 67 of thC'm nc-t'<.lt'Cl Cumpul.t'r whiz Stt'VI' Wmnl.lk' for Sunday wa.., LI 5 111/ll fr 11m ,t Joi 11f ~'i1pll' l.(f'ttmg t.o~wth1·1 to be taken to loc·al hospitals three·day $12 ~ million di'st·rt l/v1o<;t Sc"l.urrty D1n'l.tnr H11h.1rd Wh1·11 ~"'' v..;nt 111 party. 1l '> party wound down Sund.1y v..1lh Nnlc1n San &·rnardino Sht>nff'-; tht•n· a soft rork progrc1m .ind .1 lx•put" Al R;;rnc•tt <oard th!'rt' &•twt'i'll noon Wt'(int'S<lay and g eneral ton!'.c·nsuc; th:it th<· v.t'rP no mnn• than ~11.111111 ~unda;. .iflc·rnoon the ft>:o.llval amb1l1ous l'Vl'nt h;1d .l{tJl\l' f'p..,l\o,;<JI ... t'tunt~ th1l•f St.111 ho.,p1t<1l lt•nl and first ard extremely ~mnothlv Kc•phart <.><;llmatt-d thctt ,ti l••,1:0.1 .. 1.it1ons h.1d rPt 1·1vPd 2,050 Like the first twu days tht 175,000 wnc on hand S.1turd.1\ third and final day of the· US but Cal1fom1a H1ghwa:; Patrol Oran Gro<ie, prl's1drnt of Event Medical &-rv1ces, said thP hospital tases ranged from drug and alt'Ohol overdoses to broken 1See FESTIVAL. Pa11:e A21 All s1gns erected pnor to 1974 would be allowed lo remain mdeftrut.ely unde r the proposed new ordmance as Jong as they were not altered lllegal signs and neon and rotating signs would suU have to rome down by 1984 Se ni or planner Perry Valentine said he 1s afraid that any change m the ordmance nov.. would make 1t more difficult w <·ncforc't' the sign law "We're con cerned with the t>Uecl 1t w ill have on th(' businesses that we are trying to seek C'omplia nce from." said Perry "One of the comfort:-. we've been able to give them l!i that eventually the big sign next door is going to have to come clown too'' Cou n cil member Ed McFarland, a slrong supporter of the sign ordinancC' and an outspo k en cr1ltf' o f T he cou n ci I has tangle d several llffi{'S over the sire of t'Ommerc1al adverusmg In 1979 C-Ounc11m.an Hall w on approval from his colleagues to establish a sign o r dinance romm1ttet> t.c1 study the law Las t year Coun nlwoman Norma lfrrtzog suggested that ISee , IGI'\, Page A2> Driver killed i n FV crash on free way A 56 year-old Carson man was killed early Saturday in a motor vehicle accid e nt on the San Diego rr(.'('way near Magnolia Avenuf' 1n Fountain Valley, Cal1forn1a Highway Patrol off1c1al~ reported F estival Wil' marked by Ofhct>r PC'tP VanderKc1mp rt11~·d scorching hf•at dusty <11r and that h~tm 111 200 000 conflicting trov.d ec;umalC''I W ozniak th1· 31 v1·;_1r old Sunday bt'g<in hnRht and rarlv A I II ..1 I with musrC' from thf' Crateful PP<· <t1niputPr uMl.l{TIPr "" 111 B each es j ainrne d for holiday Eleno Raw w as lulled shortly before I 30 am w hen the truck he was dnving left the freeway after being struck from behmd by a nother vehicle, according to the C HP I put up hLc; own munt·y f .. r tli• Dl>ad E·vent. -..cird Sunday that dr-;p111 As the a[u•moon won on with lagginjo( tirket sales. It appt•;ir., performances by J<'rry JC'ff tht• f<"St1val mav have tunwd .a Walker. Jimmy Bufftott JaC'kson profit · Browne. and F1l'<'twcxKI Mac, the OnC> mncertgcx·r. Ten IJ.•rnlll' Cal1fornta H ighway Pat rol 22, "r Los Angelf'S, c;c·oH1·d ,,, reported that as many p<>oplt> thost· complaining Qf tht• h1 .. 1t appeared to bt• lt'avtng thC' s1tr "If vou wantecl sh.1cl1., y1111 as arriving for thC' hP;idl101n1< should. have stay<'<l homa.,· tlw act, Fl('('twood Mar sunhurnr·d wnm;m °"''d . .,..,,I\ WORLD MEX I CO C ITY (AP ) M t>x1co'c; m1t11mal11t d banks open today with a r<'vamped currt'ncy <'Xchangt• system that slashes the value of the US d o llar. rl ~hang<' aimed at r~lonng m nf 1de n ce m this m1t1un o; rattled ('('()nomy lsrarli soldiers abducted TEL A VIV, lsra£'1 (AP) Eight lsrat-h c;old1t•rs disappeared fro m a f o rward observatwn post Saturday and apparf.'ntly were abducted to Synan he ld Lebanon. the military command said Sunday COUNTY Bums thrive along Coast Th<' "knif(hLc; of the road" may he a vamshm.I{ breed, but a pair of h oboes m Col;ta Mesa and NPwporl Beach find the hvang 1s C'asy Page Bl ... An t ... tunatt'Cl :100 000 people y;mml'd Or .m~c· l'oa.c;t bE>aC'hes for th1 · st'toncl straight day Sund;1y, attempting to escape 1 n I 11 n d h e a t a n d gt' n f' r a II y -;muggv arr, off1c1als reported No nw111r prohlPms wt·rc· reportl'd locallv Th;. < rowd was amonR the rnon· th.in .,111• m1l11on p<>oplc· who fill£'() Southland beal'hes on NATION th<' second day o f the long holiday weekf'nd Temperatures w ere down a bit from Saturday's highs, but the mercury sull chmbt>d to 94 m downtown Los Angeles. I 06 m Palm Springs and 81 in San Diego OrangP County temperaturc-s were reported m the low 90s inland and the h1~h 70s at the Ca ncf•r patients conven e T1•rm1nfllly ill c f\ncer patients fmd 1ht'1r h<-st ... oun·1· of 1 l wrapy 1s t•<ich other Page AH STATE Toxic spill in Long Bes ch LONG BEAC H (AP) -A mile -square toxic cloud from a 4,000-galJon spill of hydrochloric add foreed the evacuation of between 50 and 100 workers and residents a t Long Beach Har bor early S unday. authorities !Wd . , beaches Air qua.lily tnroughout the Southland improved somewhat, with the only fm;l· stag e a l ert recorded 1n melropolitan Los Angeles Th e drive of the other vehicle, who apparently had fallen aslet"'p. was not senousJy injured. I n Sa n· Be r n a r d 1 n o a n c•st1mated 90,000 to lJ 5,000 pt'ople shared drinking w a ler and open-air showers trying t.<1 beat the heat and dust in th<' last day o r the us music festival The name of the second driver was not released as of Sunday rught because the accident was still under investigation C HP off1c1als said it appeared that Razo's truck was overloaded at th(' lime or the mishap INDEX At Yo ur Servire Erma Bombeck Cavalcade Classified Comics Cros.sword Death Notices F.ch torial En tertai nmen t Art Hoppe A4 A7 A7 C6· 10 B5 B5 C6 A6 83-4 A7 SPORTS H oroscope lntcrm1ss1on Ann Land er.:; M ovies National News Pub Li c No ti <'E'S Sports Tt>lt•v1sion Th eaters Weather Rams trading Rutledge A7 B:\ A7 83-4 A 3 C4,C6 Cl-5 86 83-4 A2 The Rams have confirmed that they're sending reserve quarterback J e fC Rutledge to the New York Gian ts. Page C L '1 Orange Coul DAILY PILOrtlueeday, Septemt.11.11 7, 1982 Ree l fun 5 in LA blaze critical t..OS -ANGEL.'i.$ (AP}. -A. fire that kJlled 19 residenta of an aging, overcrowded apartment buildlnK began In a apace between floora, but offlcla.ls said Sunday they atlll don't know why. Five people burned In Saturday's fire remained in "extremely critical " condition Sunday aa investigators searched for clues to the blaze. "The cau1e Is still under mvestlgallon," fire department spokesman Jim Wells said. "They're going through some things today . and will go back out there tomorrow. "At this lim e, there is no evidence to lead them to believe 1t was deliberately set," as officials first suspected, he said. Wells said investigators had determined that the blaze started in the space between the first -floor celling and the second -story floor of the downtown Dorothy Mae apartment hotel. SIGN • • • From Page A 1 any sign legally erected before 1974 be allowed to remain until the business it advertises was sold. City officials decided it would be too difficult to determine if and when a business changed hands. 01~ egfl>de heme Include: II Requett from J-C Glenullu to rwon. pr09«1Y et 3160 Brletol St to bullO two tiv.at()()' o~ bullOlno• Cof1atruc11on ...... apPfoveO by the plennlno commiaelon Jut month 21 Requeal lrom f'r81lk ll•JI-to allow perklno end 1en09Ce1>1ng el 21a.n2 w Wllaon St CONHNT CAUNOAll 31 R9Queat lrom Ille Leukemia Society ol Amerk:e to eolldt I<>< cnertteble porPQMS s.p1 7·2t •I Requeal lrom G end W Towing to lnct-rete. II epj)<OYed, ....tll be -lor public 1-rlng 8-pt 20 et 8:30 p m 6) R9Quea1 lrom polloe o.p.rtmen1 to apend $806 10 allend law enl0<oement conlerenc. In Palm Sprtnoa. Warm sun, cool water a nJ a boy fi~hin~ away thP final hours of hi ~ va<·ation al 81 Approval I<>< !'#0 llQ~tl totllllno $32.600 •llh lnternatlonet Bualneu Machines 7) Completion 01 •O<k ror r"troom et Costa Moae Goll CourlMI T<· Win kit• Park in Costa Mesa seem lo tell lh(• whol<• story of th.-wanin~ s umme r . 8) Approval or lract map• tor tot 1ocetod al 675 w 18111 St, tor conatrU<:tlon ol a condominium 91 Approve! of $5, 184 contract •Ith McGrew Con11tuct1on 10< -line 10) Approval or $25.330 eontracl .,..;1h Rot>en Bein. Wllllam Fr09t 1nO Aaaoc;letes ror englnMnng Mtvteee I 1) Al)Orovet or oontrKt .,..;th Alderman. Shooting suspect held Swill and L-1• not to HCMd $15,SOO 10< 1911"1 StrMI >Mdenlno from Fullerton to Partc. Avenu. 12) Awerd $30 895 lo OJC Corp r0t c.ompu1a<a A 25 year-old Huntington ~ach man was charged wsth ·..ill.empted murder early Sunday 11fter he allegedly shot a friend Jn the leg m what police said was a dtSput.e over a six-pack of l IE'f'r Tht>odoro Rojas, 25, of 725 l lt1ca A vc· was charged in thC' ' '.(,'oa ... 1al COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Some night and morntno log or tow douda ,_r lhe CONt Othenott .. lalr and warm Highs trom the mlO 70. 1111 l>M<:l>M lo 95 lo 105 In vllleys LOWS In tt>e upper SOa eno 609 Mounl&Jn hlgha In the 801 LOW'I lrom 50 to 85 Albuquo ""cl1orege Atlent11 Atlante Cty Autlln 8altlm0<e Blrmlnohm Bo41MI Boal on aunato Cuper Cllet1aln SC Cllart11n WV Cfw1tte NC Cheyenne Chbgo C1nc1nna11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cleveland .( • ..._. Clmble SC .. ~. Sllllllllltr.Y Columt>u• o.J-1'1 Wth Unusually coot wee1 he< Chllleo Denver I h e m I d A I I e n I I c I n d 0.. Moines Appetach1an 1llle3 Sundey wtille Oetroll thunderstorm• lell along the El Peso norlhe<n Grea1 Lak~ anO lhe Fa!rbanka Plains Flags tan AecorO lows for $epl S -• Hertle><d "'' early SunOey In 1everal Honolulu Easlorn Cities In Allenllc City. Houator> N J . the 1emper11ure pluno-<I tnOneplls 10 •8 Oegr-six below the Jacksn MS r11cord 52 sal In 198t Juneau GreensbO<O, N C , r.c0t<1«1 • Kena Clly low or 52. breaking by one Lu Vega• degree me record 8111 In 1987 Liiiie Rock Thunderatorma SunOey Loa A~• a 11 er noon re• ch e d Ir om Loullvlli9 Mlchlgen'1 Upper Panlnaule Memphla acrou Wlaconaln to tout,...,.n Miami Minnesota and n0t1h9"n low• Mllweukee ano tnlo South O&Mole Rain tell Mpl.,..St P from eutefn ColO<•do 9(;1()91 ~ or ... n• Nebr11&ke end lnlo weatern New York Kansas Oltla City In norlh•Ht11rn Wlaconaln. Omah• got•-bell-1lze hell fell. and Wind• Orlando or nflllrly 80 mph •lllppeO Phlllldphla tt>rough &aalorn Mlnnesote Pl'aoenlx Rain also fell 111ong lhe Gull Plttaburgh of Mext<:o. &ero.. FlorlOa ano Ptlend Me along the aouthern Allenllc Ptlel>d, Ore CONI SlllM -• tunny over Salt Lake moel ol lhfl r"I ol the nalton Sen Antoni!) The Nellonal WMthef $ervloe Sen Diego aeld t11el Lab<>< Dey WOUIO b9 Se.n f'ran r111ny over Florid• and central S..nle Aruona. from lo-Mlehlgen 81oua Fell• lhrOUQh 1ow1 Cloudy altlM -•• SI Loult 1n 11ore tor mucfl 01 Mleeovn St P-T emoe enO eastern South Oekote 81 Sta Merle El•••here lelr •eelher wH Sl>C*-predlcled Tue.on High tem~rehJrH Monday TulM 2 ·30 a m shooung. whic h reportedly took place outside his home The v1cum. '2 I year-old Salvas Guzman of Huntmgton Beach, was treated for the wound at UC I Med1 la l C1•1111·r .. nd released. police said A war1n 13) A•ard S 14 48 t to Cu11om Fl00<a to 1n11att c.r~tlng II poOoe depat1ment 14) AwerO $3 t .358 to Toro PecHlc [);1lrlbullllQ Co 10< lewn~a IS) Awero S94,233 lo MoMr L•ndacape ror lmprovemenla to Fair Ortve Parkwey 18) Agr_...,,I wllh Don Cantac:Mal ano Co nol 10 e•ce.c1 $8,840 ror redesign ol Mesa Va<Oe Perk t7) Aw1rO con1r1c1 10 Impact Con11ruct1on Inc nol to exc.eo S 17.172 tor rellorallon or realroom al Rea Communlly Center holiday 89 55 80 11 93 81 8• 82 76 72 84 81 81 78 70 81 79 80 85 77 89 89 79 82 97 63 72 78 85 90 79 90 54 8-4 100 n The For~cast For 8 p .m . EDT Rain~ 45 Mnnrl;.;y' 5Ppfember 6 82 94 79 88 88 82 75 88 78 90 88 92 17 108 80 72 81 Be 93 81 17 75 79 80 93 63 78 101 90 81 92 60 • H1qh T crr•re• a1ure5 Showers il!!1l!I 56 ,.-......:....,....,.,...:-.....:....-,.~-,-~--.~~.--~-::11K""~.--~~"7T-:::>:'-r--... 10 10' 52 66 45 56 •9 53 68 50 57 59 55 52 48 62 48 8-4 -.... 59 L·~·---·~_;_~.:__~~~'--~...;:.~~~~~~~-=~~~--' Bar110 .. Be11umon1 Bio Bur Blyihe Ca1e11ne Cutvflf City Eure!<& FrMnO L•nceater LOOQ Beech Loa Angeles Monrovia Montebello Morilflfey Ml Wiison Needles Ontario Palm Sprlnoa Patadenll Peso Roble• Red Btun Redwood City Reno Secremenlo s& .. San s.rnerdtno San Gabriel San Diego San Francteco Sari11 Ane Sent• S.rbar• Senta Merta Sente Mor>ICA Stoduon hhoe Valley T,_met T0tr1nc. Yume QlC>eM. 103 78 105 88 82 47 107 80 78 80 94 8-4 88 58 98 82 ~ 57 92 88 9• 70 108 82 98 88 87 52 88 88 107 62 102 88 108 82 100 88 101 52 98 88 90 68 93 48 95 6!!• 78 .. , t08 88 100 .. 81 68 77 58 95 &4 80 55 82 so 74 ea ~ 511 81 •t t08 80 811 83 108 80 B'Alres Celro Cooenhagen Geneve Haven• Hong Kong Jen.Nlem L11b0n London Medrld Manila Perlt Pe«lno Rio Romo Sen Juen S.OUI Singapore Tllpel Tel Aviv Tollyo T0tonto VaneOU'>'W Vlennl Calgary Edmonlor> Mor>tr111I OttllWll ~a Toronto 'Vanoovve.r Wlnn!P9Q CANAOA Smog 68 53 93 72 68 52 76 52 90 75 88 8t 88 &4 88 68 75 66 82 59 84 73 8<4 83 88 88 88 81 95 68 91 11 73 83 114 11 88 75 ee 11 81 &4 ea 62 70 M 75 52 59 45 58 <43 72 52 H 44 71 ... 78 47 70 53 82 41 -· IOtecHI lo be In 80t enO Wuf1Jtlil1n 10. rrom ~ Enol•nd ecroee Wlohlt• the GrHt Lek" to the UP99f eAL.,OflNIA MIUlllAll>(>I Velley, the MIMOUrt APC1M Vlltley 68 47 85 37 45 46 72 86 48 57 51 68 78 58 70 51 59 81 57 81 89 58 82 88 71 $4 82 so 44 57 58 10 68 56 58 66 80 75 43 50 68 65 67 89 Am1ta<d1m Atllenl &alrut s.rtln 72 52 88 ea 811 11 73 M 76 53 Valley Ind the n0<1,_n ~alna. Bahrtn.ld •• -i1 H lhe 00<1,_n Padllo 102 68 87 70 Bru1 ... 1 Coae1 Reedlno• naer 90 -• upec19d In Fl<><ld•, In Ille mid 90tl M:l'Oll muon ol TIXU, lltd from 100 10 t 10 throuoh the deMrt Soulh....wt TemperaturH uound the netton 11 3 p m EDT Svndey renged from •8 degr••• et Muquelle, Minn • to 108 degr-at Palm Springe, Clllll li-.....ii?=retn ..... --su~-R_f R_IP_DR __ T Th41 Air Quelrty M~ Olatrlot ~ ~hful air qutllly In "-' reglolle of ·the Soutll OMtl Air IUll\, wllll good .., only In the ~. llo her LAiia. hnnlnO end the Hemal·flllnot9 r~. UnhMltllluf air quellty for ewryone le prectleted In Ula Sen Gabriel end Pomona ve1tey1, Welnut i nd Afverelde·81n 811rn1rdln o 1r11111 with e P011vt1nl SttnOllr<I lncMK of 2<46. Unheellllf\11 air f« -*'IW people .. preclkl1.cl In the 9an F111n1ndo 11\d l ent• Clal'lt1 nHeye and Inland Orange County wllll I PSI of 1H . MelropolltM Loe Angtilee ... 1 ~ I PSI of 171 end IM ~Ill 1'9Q10n1 wlll MVtll • PSI T emperatllrea 76 42 • 11111 •wt •vv Mex I 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 u111e chanoe • •un ~d 12 12 12 " ..... AVV t 1 1 2 .... .... 2 2 2 3 . .... Der SW SW SW w of 131. ' An unid t-ntifi(•tJ rot.·k fan, perched on someone'& shoulders, swings back a nd forth to the· musi<' of rhe Gra1eful Dead Sunday a t the US Fcstivul rm·k c·oru·e·rt near San Be rna rdino. Catalina bus crash hurts three teens SANTA CATALINA ISLAND (AP) -Three teen-age boys were hospitalized when the brakes failed on a charterc..od bus and it overturned on a sloping road Sunday, authonues said None o f the o ther 39 passenger :. was seriousl y injured, but the bus driver collapsed aft.er the aC'C1dent, said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Dave Tellez. One boy .. s hand and wrist were crushed when he was briefly pinned beneath the bus, Tellez said. "The passengers were able to puU 1t off him, to roll it high enough to pull him from under the bus," Tellez said. The brakes apparently fatled and driver Wayne Noll t.ned to bring the bus under control on Little Harbor Road on the ~est side of the island, 50 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, Tellez said Two loading cheap TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) Somt- Americans who buy 1 arge quantities of cheap Ml•x1c:an fuel say they are bemg J31led , fint>d and extorted. Two men from Tul'SOn were released last w<:ck after f1vl' days and nights m Mexican jails They had been trying to bring back 250 gallons of diesel fuel m their diesel-powered pickup "I've been buying fuel in Mexico for years and I've never seen it hkl' this," said John McHaz.lett after his release McHai.lett, 43, and Bob Walz. 60. crossed into Nogales Aug 25, bought about 250 gallons of diesel fuel and tried to recross the border at Nac.'O. They were stopped, detained by customs officers and spent the rught m the Naco city jail. From there they were taken to Nogales, where they spent one night in a federal holding cell and three nights more In the city J3.ll. they said. Last Monday they paid $500 bat! each and $1.200 to a Mexican attorney for their FESTIVAL. a • From Page A1 bon<.'S and that none was serious. serious. The festival site at Glen Helen R e gion al Park in the San Bernardino Mountain foothills was designed to accommodate 250,000 people. S heriff's Deputy AJ Barnett reported 27 or 28 arrests for the c.·venl thr ou gh Sunday afternoon "No serious problems," he said "The onJy thing that was a little unusual was two arrests for receiving stolen or forged ucket.s " He said deputies had rC<'OVl'red 91 forged or stolen conce rt tickets and an unspec1f1ed amount of cocaine. gas jailed rel('ase Their truck is still in MC'x1can custody. Luciano MeJido, in charge of Mexican customs in Nogales, said last week that 30 American vehicles have been seized temporarily from drivers who tried to bring too much fuel back tnto the United' St.ates. Mexko's cheap gasoline has been a lure to Americans for many years . And recent devaluation of the peso has made the fuel even less expensive Brook~ Brother~ Special ()rder. Your individuality- ~I I I our ~·orkmans hip 'I hl· p11pul.1r1t\ 11f I 1l1' dc.:p 11 lllh'llf .tlll''" Ill lhl· lllllllhl'I tif nll'l1 \\ ho I 111d II d1lt1'-ult ''' he llt tcd 111 r l .hh 111.tlk \.1111 h It\).!. t 11 ~pell.ii ( )1 dl't. \II LI nur d1\l'1..,if1l·J 'l' lcl 111111 11 I 11 \'Cr ll1u1 hundrl·J f:thrtl .... Ill.Ill\ 111 whtlh .Ill' \\'\Hl'll cxdus1vclv fo1 u:-. l n aJJ1· L111n, t111 ... l·.111 \\C offer an cll.t.cpt10nal nnv u)lln 111111 11! Italian worsteds. Next. you may "Pl'lth \artat1un":> on our nwn regular model" of ... u11-. .tnd ... porl\\c,tr. Your dnth1n~ 1:-then maJc 111 1lUI \\t1rkrnom<; b\' OUr own expcrt .... rhc l h.1r~l· for th1:, ... crv1cc 1 ~ ... urpnsin~h muJcratc. ~~"'' $41 " t\) $630 Sportcoat~. $.B" to $480 Tr11l"cr' $120 to $160 ·fopcoat:-: $44" to $770 Fn1 mal Wear: $455 to $670 etSTAIUSHIO UU aJ u/J~ o!/J;~GOmfAlffJ/ c®~-X~ furnishingg for llm-:Womcn ~ 8oys 5."\11 WEST 7TI I STREET, LOS ANGELES. CALIF. ..-ASlllON ISLAND. NEWPORT BRAC H. CALIF. .. l t . I • 1 . ' I I 1 ~ ' • s 8 ii In the Front Seat Orange Coeec DAILY PILOT /Monday, September e, 1882 Al County· Club convenes 'First sell-out crowd' h~ars Willie Brown By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(the D•llr "'°' 81•ff lt's caUed Lht· Cc>unty Club. lt meets for lum·h ul tht• Villa F o nta n a, u posh Orang e restaurant. Tht> mt•mbcrship : Ol'ange County's political heavyweights. This week's mt'l't1ng drew what Richard J O'Nc1ll, south copnty land baron (Hanch o Missio n VicJO), restaurateur (Tiny Naylor's) and County Club c h a 1 r m a n , c a I I t• d L h e organizallon'i. r1ri.t sell-out crowd. The attraction'! Another h eavyweight Assembly Speaker W1 lhc Brown The speaker was introduced a round, n ot surprisingly, by Frank Barbaro, a t'Ounty pohucal luminary seeking ell"<:tion to the stale Senate an a newly crcaU.."'CI district in central Orange County. Brown and Barbaro arc fellow Democrats. Willie Brown Richard Robhuon (0.Santa !) to bed at 6 a.m. Ro blnaon didn't make e lun9h. Brown'a addretl wu·a canlld and none-too-aacred analysta pf the Inne r working• of qie Legislature. "God, in the form of Qie speak er. walvea the rule•." Brown obeerved. , Brown suggested there~ au kinds of rule waiven .. LegiBlatons went into a full press in the final days of session. Like a bill on water policy ~t was amended to govern talent agen ts a nd personal manag9J'9 used by ent.ertainen . lirown noted that ~ts must be germane to the bill lo whic h they are attached . "Germanenesa in detennined ~ the speaker," he smiled. "Tha'• the end o f questions abo.)lt germaneness." , United Airlines Chairman of the Board Dic k Ferris, left, joins Capt. William Frey, center , and Capt. Dwig ht Brown on the flig ht d eck of United 's first Boeing 767. United will inaug ura te service be tween Chicago and Denver on Wednesday using the ~ew wide-bodie d , f uel-effil·ie nt a ir<'ra ft. Taggi ng al o n g with the p rocession was Assemblyman Chest.er Wray. D-Westminstcr. seeking re-election this year too. The Assembly spcakt•r arnvt"'CI at the event on schedulC', which many found su rprising since only hour.t earlier about 2 cl m - he had dropped the gavel on the e nd of the l 981-82 legisla tive session. "I put GQv. Edmund G. Brown Jr a nd (stale treasurer) J esse Unruh to bed at 4:30," Brown quipped. "I put (Assembl)tman) Brown concluded his remari.s saying th ere's nothing mofe fascinating than watching tile workings of the Legislature. ; "The quality of the wo'ik product de fies description," l!e said, mysteriously. • • Nader claims Reagan governmei:it's v1s1on narrow WA SHINGTON (AP) In a 750-page, $24 50 book pror1llng the Reagan adm1n1strat1on's top 100 off1 ciaJs. Washington gadrly Ralph Nader finds a government or narrow vision and little compassion that 1s "remote from the realities of hfe for most Americans." t o Nader's colleagu es In those conversations. the writers uncovered some snippets of news. Housing Secretary Sam uel Pu~rce. asked if he sensed a commitment to civil rights in the Justice Department, hedged and became "visibl y uncomfortable," the book said. "It's hard for me to say," Pierce replied. "I don't know, but in time I will know very well I want to watch thE.-se things." legislature would h1L pay d1rt "Congress really needed that," he said of Abscam, the operation which caught some congressmen taking bribes. "And the New York statt• legislature needs that." He dad not e laborate. In the Nixon administration. Watt ran the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and career employee Roy Wood was named his special ~istant. Wood told tht• authors that it became apparent that Watt wanted to ease him out. Watt summoned him and said. "Let's pray about 1t," Wood said, "and down d'n our knees we went . . . We prayed on our knees and I could feel that steely knife twisting in my backbone." Wood's wife Matilda said Watt lat.er called her. "He said he had talked with . dozen researchers w'ho conducted 6GO interviews to gather infonnation about the men at the top. Nader, 48, has been a Washingtoh institution sin ce 1964, when , after graduating from Harvard Law SchoOl, he made a reputation as a consumer advocate and ·government critic. Hila first book, "Unsafe at Any Speed!' helped bring about enactment of the Na tional Traffic and Mot.or Vehicl~ Safely Act of 1966. Nader told a rect>nt news confrrcnc:e that he wa s shoc k ed by th e "cold-blooded atmosphC're" he found when he helped the book's co-authors, Ronald Brownstein and Nina Easton, conduct interviews for "Rt'agan's Ruling Class." He said he found the admin1stratton to be callous ly indiffe rent to the general welfare and to be intent on producing "a government of General Motors, by DuPont. for Exxon." Pierce said h e wo uld quit the government if some thing happened "that I could not absolutely take in m y heart." • Rudolph Giuliani, a former U .S . prosecutor in New York City who now runs the cnminal division or the Justice Department, suggested in an interview that an Abscam-style undercover investigation of the New York st.ate The book said Presiden t Reagan's contention that the Soviet Union en joys milita ry supremacy over the United States drew no e nd orsement in i nte rvie w s conducted with C I A Director W illiam Casey. arms negotiator Edward Rowny and Deputy Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci. "Some people judge it one war, some people judge it the other way,' Casey said in a two-hour session wit h the a'uthors. "I don't thmk you know " the Lord and the Lord felt that w e should return to Georgia," she told the .... - book's authors. In the news conference, Nader sai4 his associates d ecided to profile tht admin~tration because "If the people know who's governing them they will be more likely to have an interest in the procese of government." Of the 100 officials singled out as most mfluenual, 57 granted antef'Vlcws ,- . . The book also brought to light an mc1dent 10 years ago mvolvmg lntenor Secretary James Watt. The book has been published by a Nader spinoff. ttre Preside ntial Accountability G roup. It resulted, Nader said. from a year's work by a He defended the book '• price as "quite reasonable" ln today'• market. lJ.S. crossin Double amputee to .. begin hand walk Bob Wieland, an accomplished athlete and double a m putee veteran of the Vie tnam War, will begin an attempt Wednesday to cross the United States on his hands . He will begin the task at Knoll's Berry Farm in Bue na Park. Wieland plans to take the first of 5,978,720 "steps" at 10:30 a.m. in front of the r e plica of Independence Hall. His journey to the steps of the White House in Washington, D.C. is aimed at raising funds to combat world hunger. The hall is outside the paid adm1ss1on area, and the public may attend as Wieland begins his coast to coast "Walk for Hunger." W ieland lost both legs in Vietnam while on medic patrol. H e be~an lifting weights as a rehabilitation tool and e ventually o~,. ... o ... _, ..... -..4 started competing against non- d isabled athletes In 1977, he broke a world record m bench press by liftin~ 303 pounds. He was the only veteran to be named Outstanding Disabled Amencan Veteran in two states -California and W1sconsm Wieland expects the 3,400-mile walk to require 16 months. He plaru to travel through 24 major c1t1es and many smaller communau es to promote the fund-raising proJCCt \ Visitor Ferdinand E. Marcos, preside nt of the Philippines, will visit the U.S. Sept. 16. • Best qualified 'begging' for · part-time job What might be a sign of the times is stacking up on Irvi.oe Police Lt. Robert Lennert's defk -job applications. "Things must be tough out there,'' Lennert muaed recen'4,y as he pored over several dozen applications he's received in e few days for a $6-an-hour part- time job. Lennert, who'• been ~ employment intervi.ewa tor ttie Irvine Police Department for aOc years, said he's never seen ti> many applications from aucJl highly qualified and ove(- qualified people for such a 1~- level poeition. • I I . I t D.ity Piiot 8teff Ptloto Mc>Niay f,1d1'; If vou do not ~ "°"' -r l>y ~ 30 p m GOii b<llOto I o,,, ano .-OU' coov .,11 l>t aet1\ftWf!ld cur yq,ry own~ fOphn~nt .. I Bob Wieland is set to a ttempt a cross country trek that will take him on his hands to the White House. The event will begin with special festivities at a Buen a Park a mu e ment park. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Ha!.y Publo~ ond (hoef £ "Ku1,.• Oilocer Jane Amari bKu1t¥e fdtlO<' L. Kay Schultz V1n1 P1e1tditn1 ond 01r..:10< of Adv9111••"9 Michael , . HCKVey Duc101 ol Mot~et"IQ tCi<c-'otfOf\I Thomas A. Murphln• Ed"°' Raymond Maclean Controller Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. O.r..:10< ol ()perotlOl't ~!!:" •rw: ~~·t.,'' lo1u'"oo :! C.k>te 16°: m .,.// 'i'Ov' C-OOY _,, tlifl oe•1.,.,., Cla111ft.d advertl11ng 1141142·5e71 All other department1 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE UI WHt ar, SI , C"'te Mtte. CA Mell•ddreM llowlMO,C"'l•-.C'-.mlt C..vrl•l'll ,.., Or-GMll l'lllllhlltnt C-. H• ,.. •• tleriff, IH111lr•ll.,1, ..,...,,., m•ter er ... v•rttM ...... 11 lle,_lft m.., k , ........ llCM wlt- •-1•1 permlH .... of car1"llfll -... r VOL 7J, NO. Ml . -. .... .. ~mot .etyhng- y,. lop pxmts, rJap-CMU watch pocket, teck flap }X'Ckq.t.. arrl wz.lt.qd f>lda.~ 'n-~t.il.e, <1.B5Y canz., durable and ~ruat ~ f'abu~ color.e lim tan, ~> pzwt..<z.r, rud.,~lkw and l<iz.l ly. - • t \J1lnge Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, September •• 1111 .L. Mencken's home Baltimore controversy BAL TIMORJC (AP) -H.L . Mencken, tho NI• Baltimore, never wanted the llmple row houte re he lived for 70 yean to be turned lnto a ~· But nearly three decadea · after ht. death, 4'bate about what ahould be done with the three- lliory Victorian brick home on Holllna Street Continues among the Mencken Society, local Nlldenta apd the University of Maryland. Some members of the society, founded to honor the acerbic editor, author and critic for The Evening Sun, ln Baltimore, Wfnt the house to become a .repoaitory of Mencken's widely ac~attered ~lobs. Newer residenta of Union Square -the west aide neighborhood where the home la located - have offered to renovate it and make it available as a community center. Some older residents, however, Insist that Mencken, who died in 1956 at 75, did not want a muaeum and his wishes should be strictly followed, with the building open to the public only on Its currently restricted basls. Allee Blondell, who has lived next door for near half a century, opposes the idea.of a shrine. "No, no, no way. That will never happen," she aaid. ''He (Mencken} was for no show . . . that was .,.inst his Wishes and against his will." l And the University of Maryland at Baltimore, which was willed the home along with $25,000 by Mencken's brother Augwit, is caught in the middle. "It's not in very good condition," said Carl Bode, an American Studies professor at the university's College Park campus and founder of the Mencken Society, referring to the home's first floor and rear garden. "There's a little bit of furniture left, and it looks desolate .... The university dqesn't know what to do with it." The home itself ,appears to be in a state of ltion and signs of its lnstitutional affiliation are ' rent. Though its interior walls are freshly By PAT HOROWITZ 0( the Delly Piiot 11.tf Calvins corroded DEAR PAT: My daughter bought a pair of white Calvin Klein Jeans and when she washed them, the metal parts on the Jeana rasteit, ruin.1ag the Jeana. She can't remember the name of the slaop at South Coast Plaia where she purchased the je~s. ao we don't seem to have any recourse. Can you possibly locate an address where we can write to the manufacturer? L.J., Santa Ana Heights You can write to Calvin Klein Jeans at 1400 Broadway, Los Angeles 10018. Why butter changes color DEAR PAT: Cu you tell me why U.e color of butter Is different la the winter than in the sammer. Unleas I'm mistaken, It's a lot brighter yellow now than U waa 1D the winter months. W.K., Co1ta Mesa Butter made in the wintertime is painUld, thty are barren. A tire alarm ~11 In a firtt·floor room, one Mencken'• d1n1na room, la painted brfCht red. The room la lilhtecl by larae lluot'e9Cent U&hta aa I.a the kitchen. Larao central · air oondlUonina unita alM> cluh with the Victorian • ambiance. Two years after Au1uat Mencken'• death In 1967, the houae became part of the univentty. Since then, lhe (Int floor haa provided office9 tor the old VISTA program, the 1chool'a Center tor Voluntarism and the School for Sodal Work and Community Plannlna. The top two floora were converted Into low-cost houama for araduate and medical 1ehool atudenta. With the compleUon of a large campus housing project, t)le house no longer will be uaed u a dormitory. Instead, the aeparate apartments pe being rented to two university adminiatralOra who share the expense needed to maintain the houae, according lO school spokeswoman Loulae White. "The university ls delighted to have Mencken House and is trying to find a use for It," Ma. White said. '1What we plan to do ls to survey the need.a for the house and work with people to est.abliah a plan to determlne the cost." One possibility Is to make the first floor into a "rninlconvention center" decorated with period (urniture and bits of Menckenlana for special university events. Recently, the school has· made the building available to th~ Mencken Society for Its meetings. But the greatest problem is finand,ng. _, "I think it's safe to say we're looking for a philanthropist," Ms. White said, estimating that between $50,000 to $100,000 would be needed to restore the home. Bode strongly supports the opening of the house to the public. It's currently open only_ twice a year, in conjunction with an hour tour In October and a neighborhood festival in June, although entrance can be gained by appolntment. ordinarily light in color, while sununer butter is bright yellow. This is explained by the amount of carotene (a red substance found in plants) available to cows In their dlet. Cows eat more green foliage in the summer months, which contains high amounts of carotene and vitamin A, than they do during win&is. Due tn color inconsistencies, the Agriculture Department allows butter processors to add natural coloring, such as annatlO or beta carotene, to butter. A label check wilJ show that some processors say, "color added seasonally." .,. Back-orders heavy DEAR PAT: Yoa belped me once before to set lone overdae mercbaadlae from Encore Bouae. I feel llke u Id.lot, bat I placed another order wUb daem la April for a "foto fJlpuer" and tllree refllla. Tiley baven't arrived and I need yoar help a1ala. I've written twice and 1et absolutely no reapon1e. If I can Ja1t 1et tla11 order or my money back, 111 never do It a1aiD! G.C., Bud.Dgton Beacla Encore House seems to have a real problem supplying ita customers with merchandiae. The laat time' you contacted A YS about a back-order, the firm said It was "almost ready to deliver 9,000 back-orders." Thia time, the flgure of "almost ready to fill back-orders'' baa ri9en to 15,000. There was no explanation about why your letters weren't answered, oor any reaaon given for the flnn ~ . Brezhnev preparing to retire? • :'9fOSCOW (AP) -In an ut.uaual burst of new leaks, uiK>ffidal reports are circulating h e that Soviet President nid I. Brezhnev, 75 and nlcally ill, will retire by the of the year :Government sources, who pl'evlously have refused to dllcuaa the aged leader's tenure id office or health, said Brezhnev probably would quit in 1* December, about the time of t)ae nation's 60th anniversary oAebration. But they said the dnouncement could come as etrly as next month. ,Whether these reports are !11i'e, or are trial balloons Ooat.ed ~ interested parties, la ipOBble to say. What makes em unusual is that 1 \ •emment officials who would 1 Oldinarily deny any knowledge l ate apreading the word among Western report.era here. The aources said Brezhnev ~uld leave office. with ~rdlnary Soviet honors, a c411fied hero who had brought tlte Soviet Union to military ty with the United States his 18-year tenure. asrezrUlev'a predeceseon have her died In office or been ted, and Western experts c utloned that reports of e:ihnev 'a Impending .... IUU ... tion, leaked to West.em rllRinr1tAra, could be part of an l!IM!hMtrated campaign by other tburo members -pouibly ludlng former K0:9 chief Leonid Brezhnev Yuri Andropov -attempting to push Brezhnev out of office. Andropov, wbo 11erves with Brezhnev on the 13-man ruling body and who la now regarded as his most likely IUCCe90r, wu suspected of having started a series of rwnon lut aprlng that Brezhnev had been hospitalized after suffering a stroke. Andropov, 68, wu thought then to have been trying to undercut the allalelSion chances of 70-year-old Konstantin U. Chernenko, a Jongtlme Brezhnev aide and protep. "All the indications point towards retirement, but I wouldn't bet on the timing. He must feel incredible pressure to quit for the chance for enonnoua glory," apeculated a Weatern diplomat. However, he cautioned: "You must remember that It's never happened before." If Brezhnev haa agreed to retire, he haa probably been prodded toward the decialon by his fellow Politburo members, who have reportedly become Increasingly irritated with his inability to do a full day'a work in recent years. The ~ aald there wu growing re.entment that Brezhnev's aidea were performing too many of hiJ major duties. First U.S. nuclear reactor to close PITTSBURGH (AP) -'l'ht! nation's flrat commercial-size nuclear reactor will be cloeed in October and d.Lunan\led after 25 yeara u a training ground for the atomic power incfu.try. The Shlppin1port Atomic Power Station becomes the eighth and I.arsest nuclear plant to be deactivated by the U.S. Department of F.nergy. Ol.vnantllna the power atatlon will COit an estimated $66 million. Arrives in Japa.,i }'orm·er president Richard Nixon gestures as he talks with U.S. Embassy's Robert Mayfield upon arrival at Narita International Airport in Tokyo. Nixon is stopping over in Japan for a five-day pr~vate visit en route to China. ignoring the FTC rule which requires customer notification of a delay 30 days after an order has been processed. You shou:id have been notified and offered the option of wa1Ung or getting a refund. At any rate, your order will be processed "within a few days," according to eu5tomer service representative, Roeemary '[_~y.lor. , Transmission fluid DEAR PAT: I'm a woman who'• trying to Jeana bow to take pr~r care of a car. I know aboat. cbeckiDi the oil and• 1Jaier, bat what aboat tbe tranamJ11lon Bald? Sboald the ea.dlle be bot or cold, and what elae ahoald I do l>efore claeckiDg the flald. level? T.B., Newport Beach Drive your car 10 or 15 minutes before pulling the automatic transmission dipstick. Park on a level spot and after setting the parking brake, let the engine idle while you move tne shift lever slowly through each gear range. Then leave it in park. BeforeJou pull the stick, wipe the grime from aroun th~ and tube. Wipe the dipstick too. Put it firmly, but gently, all the way. The marking on dipsticks vary among automakers. Check your ownen manual for lnfonnation about the recommended level for fluid and for the type of fluid that should be U8ed in your car. · Poultry and salmonella DEAR PAT: A neighbor. told me that • fresh chicken bas salmonella bacteria in it: Kow can this be lf the chicken is properly refrigerated? H.K., Fountain Valley Salmonella bacteria ...... a common cause of food poisoning -are naturally found in poultry. Tl\,ey are killed during the normal cooklne p~°:"(at temperatures above 140 degrees F). Wl'ien handling raw poultry, take care not to cross-contaminate other foods which may not be cooked. For example, a cutting board used for cutting raw poultry shC?uld be thQfO\,lghly ~rubbed ,(a chlorine bleach rinse is a good disinfectant) before it is used for other foods. Always refrigerate poultry as soon as you can after purchase ~ the coldest section of the refrigerator (no-warmer lhan-38 degreses F) and use within a day or two aft.er purchase. Defrost frozen poultry in the refrigerator, in a microwave, or ~er cold running water - never at room temperature. Do not refreeze poultry unless it is still partially frozen without cooking it first. , __ _ · .a '"Got a problem? Then write to Pat., W' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • l getting the answers and action you• need to solve inequities in' fl government and business. Mail• . ~ 9!:Jestions to Pat Horowitz. At ---Your Service, Orange Co.a.Yt Dilly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Casta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered. • ' °'anoe oojet DAIL y PILOT /Mond1y, Septem~r e. 1882 Lana sa.ys she was~ 't all that sexy Former 1creen ttar Laaa 'hrHr .. YI her aexy reputation w11 ju1t a public lm111, and eev ral men In her life probably wer. diaapPotnted becau.. 1he "w·aan't a real hot1y-tot1y broad." -. The 62.yea.r-old actrell, who wa1 married 1even time• and involved ln eeveral )9ve affairs, was Interviewed for the NBC "Today" show ln aegmenta to be broadcast beginning Sept. 7. Saying "sex was never really me," slte said she never had been romantically Involved with actor Clark Gablek and called late billionaire o ward Hagllea "dull." 11111 I fll:ll law WtdMldly by an airplane, which had flown her to the valley from her home on Martha'• Vineyard. , "1' vi• a private v1ll i." l'l1ary J1cq11ll11 Kenaedy 0111111 1ald. "I\ wu her flret vl1lt to took a..da~ UiJl to Hlatoric Hlltor1c Deerfield," • town tn Deerfield to lnlpec\ homee of the cen ra uactrmen1 tv!lh a ConnectlcuL Valley'• early . lf!dion reoonat.rocted 11 a vllJaae 11ettler1, offlclala aay. of the late UIOO.. • · Computer 1n1Jy1l1 Indicate• Doaa ld F riary, e?<ecutlve that thl1 rear'• Miu America direct.or of the pretiervation, aaJd likely w 11 be Miu North Onual1 ate lunch Wedneeday at Carolina, .. ya a college profe110r the Deerfield Inn and then who h,u predicted correctly two toured the preeerved hornet'. The of the Jut ihree wlnner1. widow of Preeldent Kennedy Northern llllnol1 University and Greek sh l pf. fn g .Pr9fe11or Geor1e Mille r ln TycoonArll&otle Oaa11 I left DeKalb, m .. uid his computer 1tudy h•• led hlm to a p_rellmlnary prediction that EUube" Gray Williama, 22, a Shelby, N .C ., resident and araduace of Convene Collep 1n Spartanburg, s.c., probably will be cholen in the SepJ. 11 flnala. Miller ialOnie computer gave Miu Wl1Jlafb1, a 5-foot-7, l12·pound muaiclan wth brown hair, green eyes and a figure measuring 36-24-36, a one-in-five chance of takJng the title. The profeseor also U.ted the 10 most likely flnallstJ aa being from North Carolina, !J'ex.aa, Colorado, Maine, Washington, l1Unol1, Ohio, Minnesota, Connectlcu1, and Oregon. Copy of Oscar Wilde letter, found .in San Jose, 'authentic' Edited version of 50,000-wor d document could be sole copy of playwright's missive to lover S AN JOSE (A p) -A unedited letter and is convinced Augustin, who came to this claimed the 14-pound document The Augustin version, said "apedally edited" veralon of the it was ordered typed by the country In 1939, told Pepper she "is worth ita weight in gold." Pepper, contains portions in 50,000-word letter author Oscar executor of Wilde's estate and had always meant to get Pepper aaJd the Augustin copy whlch "Wilde addresses Douglas Wild e w r ote in prison to his could be the only such typescript professional advice about-the Wobably was handwrJtten by directly" about their liaison and lover, Lord Alfred Douglaa, has anywhere. document and took i! ~to t he ilde'a execu toJ and ex-rover complains of his behavior dw1ng surfaced in Nort)lem California, teacher when she learnea of his Robert Roes, from which a typed the· legal fight ih which he was and 10 EneJ!sb.prof..._,r saya.he.. . Pep,p;er said the copy, a family special Interest in Wilde. She said copy was made. tossed into prison. is virtually certain it Is authentic. possesston of British-born Alison the typescript has been in her The professor said the Wilde's masterpiece, "The Augustin of Menlo Park, was a family for 60 years,. but can't originally edited version of Importance of Being Earnest," Prof. Robert D. Pepper of San Jose State University told the A88ociated Press he "checked it word for word" with the original specially edited 30,000-word explain how It was acquired. Wilde's letter eliminated all est ab 1 is he d . bi m as a version of the gargantuan letter Pepper, who for 12 years has references to Douglas and was literarr. immortal. His only that became known as "De specialized In the wrltins-, life publiahed more as a phil0&0phical novel, 'The Picture of Dorian Profundis," ("Out of the and times of ·Ure-fa-m~d-essay-than an b1t.ensely pefsonat--Gf'ay,'' eon cerns the n101al De ths.") playwright, author and wit. document. corruption of a man, believed a - A Rob1nsOOs Sale· 250/o OF-F . OUR EXCWSIVE MAND_·CUT,-·----- -FULl·lE-AD CRYSTAL-; Reg. $40. Sale $29.99 each. Our sparkling.mouth· flute champagne, hock wine, highball. brandy or blown crystal is everything you expect fine double· old·fashioned sizes. Or our newest. Anne. crystal to be. And now we're introducing a in goblet, wine. dessert/champagne or hock wine. sensational new pattern. Plan to add to your own Fron') Aogaska. Hurry, sale ends September 30. private collection now. Choose Jasmine or Robinson's Glassware, 86. To order. call toll·free Kimberly in goblet. wine. dessert/champagne. 1·800·345·8501. .i.amlne Anne ------..- .. possible reflection of Wilda'~ thoughts about himaelf. At the peak of his career, wi three of his hit plays running• the aame time, Wilde wa11 accused of having· homosexual relatiorisl with Lord Douglaa by his fathe~ · the Marquess of Queensberry, originator of the rules of boxlnga He was sent to Reading Gaol fctiu two years. )tfJ Broken in health and creatiYlll energy, Wilde-dted-i~ftd three vears after his release. cw . ' .. Or'"G• Oout D~ILV.PIL.OT/Mond1y, hptembet I, 1912 ... Airpo,-t impasse needs· reason, not extre1nes Once again, Oran1e County government ls golng to try to find some solutions w the John Wayne Airport dilemma. · . The problems facing the facility are very real. The airport is a mess. The terminal ts grosaly overcrowdea. Parking is in· adequate. Street access is poor. There are too few permitted daily jet departures w please the five major air C81,'Jiers offering service. In the midst of all this, passenger demand continues to climb. County supervisors thought they had an answer in 1981 when they adopted an airpbrt master 1 . It h~d many objectives. ng them to improve. the · ical facilities, increase the number of permitted daily jet departures and reduce noise exposure to close -in neighborhoods::-The ambitious plan went by the boards aft.er an Orange County Superlor Court judge ruled that envlronment~l ~nalysis on tho plan was inauf flclent. · That brings us to the present day. Supervisors are looking· at new options for the airport. Some are extreme. For example, one proposal would permit 98 jet departures per day -57 more than currently authorized. Another is just as bad. It would do little more than leave the airport much as it ls· today. Somehow, a middre ground must be found. That's going to take a good faith effort by county government, Newport Beach and the airline industry. £lf those parties could pry themselves from the courtroom long enough to sit down and discuss the islues, maybe the existing-impasse could be broken. They should at least try. Reason for ·hope?· In the' middle of August's dog days, the stock market was reflecting the season, languishing in the 700s as the econ·omy wheezed a nd sputtered with no recovery in sight. Slightly more than two weeks later, the Dow Jones Industrial average topped the 900 mark aft.er a historic frenzy of stock trading that set records for number of shares traded one day and ~haltered them the next. About the same time, interest rates cascctaed downward. The prime rate, a key benchmark, dropped from 16.5 percent to 13.5. Other important interest pegs dropped to their lowest points in two years. Does all this mean that dawn is breaking over the nation's eighth postwar recession? Maybe. But our troubles are far from over. A bewildering barrage of statistics and prognostications is being thrown at consumers and businesses, and it is difficult to discern a long-term trend from them. There are blacks, whites and different shades of gray in the economic picture which prevent I that, The drop in interest rates cannot be called anything but good news, of course. The private sector had been waiting for such a break for many months. But whether rat.es have gone down far enough is another question. For example, mortgage rates have dipped to around 15 percent. That's better than the 17-percent figures le nders were offering earlier this year. But for a family to qualify for a standard 30-year loan of $90,000, an income of $45,- 000 would be required. That's far above the median, even in affluent Orange County. Other rates may n ot have dropped far enough to entice consumer purchases of cars or other durable goods. Auto industry analysts feel that even if sales pick up later this year, sales still will be at the ir worst level since 1961. Many companies still are overburdened with debt a nd squeezed by thin profit!>. The business failure rate has become frightening. Last week, 696 firms closed, the most since January 1932, during the blackest days of the Great Depre$ion. At the same time, the unemployment rate is stuck at a very high 9.8 percent level, and shows no signs of a substantial drop any time ~- The Congresslonal BuCiget Office forecasts a 1983 federal budget deficit of $155 billion - despite interest rate cuts and the recently-enacted tax increase. That could push interest rates up again. But other numbers are encouraging. A somewhat arcane measure known as the Index of Leading Indicators, which purportedly foresees economic trends, rose 1.3 percent in July, the fourth straight monthly increase. Factory orders were up 2 percent that month, while durable goods orders increased 4 percent. Energy p:('ices have flattened, and the Consumer Price Index is at an encouraging 7 .3 perc~nt annual rate. Many economists forecast a 6 percent rate for 1982. A n d t h e &-p e c t a c u 1 a r perfonnance of the stock market brings into play the ever- important psychological factor. Such a stupefying change can give consumers enough confidence to open their wallets. The outlook? It's murky, but there's more hope as summer's doldrums end than there was when the season began. Medi-Cal cutbacks eased Last week's massive cutbacks in the stat.e's Medi-Cal program were followed, fortuitously, by some last-minute modifications in benefits that earlier had threatened elderly and underprivileged people. Most notable was the announcement that Medi...cal will continue to pay for limited prescriptions for codeine and codeine compounds~h as codeine-aspirin tablets and certain cough retnedies commonly used for the relief of pain and • di.8comfort. Earlier, state officials had reached the rather callous conclusioJ\ that no payments would be made for the use of codeine compounds simply because the dru~ only reduced pain and dldn t really c ure anYlhlna. • 'Odier proposed' Medi-Cal cutbacks that now will be retained lnclude some coverage for vision care, non-emergency tran1portatlon of patienta, outpatient mental health benefits, and the eligibility of petlenta in nuralng ho~e1 who own real ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat estate. Well-baby clinics and foot doctor office visits also will be retained. However, it is estimated that many of the state's three million Medi-Cal belief iciaries soon will feel the impact of the cutbacks that will save $395 million in state funds -and $632 million when the federa} sh~ is included. There will be a 20 percent • reduction in non-emerge ncy · services, including many surgical procedures for which Medi-Cal formerly paid. Some doctors feel the elimination of much non- emergency surgery could, in the long run, benefit patients. But others fear that reductions in benefit.a for preventive procedures could result in later, more costly complications. At least state health officialt are to be commended for taking another look at some of t he proposed cutbacks. When reductions in the health care program are made, the people who are aettinc hurt are tha.e leut capable of helping them1elves. Themcn P. Holey Putil1"* ,...,,,_A. MUfPhlM fd•IOI Jon. Amari (A.CUI ..... fdofol ...... ~ ldo!Ord '• ldt!Ot "*'-Mleaftn ~[dilot Social Security essential Those who do not love hlm may call California's J e rry Brown Gov . Moonbeam, but most of this atypical American politiciaf)'s controversies are serious and interesting ones. None more so than his running debate with Mayor Peter Wilson of Sa n Diego, his Republican opponent in the U.S. Senate race. WILSON HAS come out with a proposal to lower the Social Security tax for workers under the age of 45. When these workers retire they wil1 only receive a "minimum subsistence level" payment from the Social Security system. These }Yorkers wouJd "still have an opportunity . . . to provide for their retirement income in a different fashion by IRAs (individual retii'ement accounts) or some other means," Mr. Wi1son has said. Mr. Brown does not agree. He is stomping the state sounding tocsins of frightened alarm. I confess that some years ago I wrote several pieces favoring some such plan. I was wrong. It was a differen.t world then and I had a lot to learn about the economy and investing. At the time 1t seemed to me that a person could do a lot better investing his or her money than paying into the Social Security fund which would not be able to come close to paying the principal much less the interest on the contributions. That is still true. As matters stand there is not and will not be enough money to pay younger workers but there is a lot more to this story than that. The argument for making the Social Security system completely or-partiaHy voluntary rests on the assertion that, given the right to in'M?St our own money as we see fit . we can do b e tte r than the ,,,,._, • ~ .. ,. .. . VOi HOffMAI ~ 'government. Md so il"seemed 10 or f5 · years ago. Now we should know better. If Mr. Wilson's proposal had been enacted into law, say, in 1982, millions of Americans would be looking at the prospect of "minimum subsistence level" Social Securi\)' payments at retirement and little more. Investments of every sort have gone sour. Pe.ciple who put their. mone..y in savings and loan associations would have less than a widow's mite to call their own. For a while real estate looked like the way to go. No more. Come to seJJ the house you were banking on to finance a Florida retirement and you learn that you can't sell it or if you can, you have to sell it at a third less than you thought it was worth. Some people were going to beat the ups and downs of recession and inflation by socking their savings in "collectibles ," only the collectibles turned out to be un-sellables as the market for postage ~ps. Coca- Cola trays and glass lamp shades has melted away. The last few years the money market mutual fund paying around 13 percent interest haJ been a safe and relatively lucrative haven for whatever people have been able to put aside. Now, glory hallelujah, the government's announced policy and aim is to drive down interest rates which will cut the return on money market funds. Until the government can demonstrate for a generation or two that it can keep the eccrnomy on an even keel, no substitute for Social Security exists. The t~ns of millions who work and sa.,ve for their old age are not genius investment counselors. They need simple, obvious and safe places to put the money they would no longer be paying in Social Security t.axeS. As of now, there are no such -places. HOW ARE YOU going to know where to put your money when the managers of huge trust and pension funds, who pay •enormous sums for investment advice, don't? College endowments have taken a terrific beating and so have some of the biggest banks in our country. If we each have to be our own private wizard of Wall Street to assure a dignified retirement, a great many of us are going to pass the golden years in rags and on food stamps. ln the elysian fields whe~ the modem conservatives Jive, voluntary or sernl- voluntary is plausible and desirable. In the scramble and scratch existence of life where most of us are forced to live, it is not Gov. Brown but Mr. Wilson who has intoxicated himself on moonbeam cocktails. U.S. lagged behind • ID labor laws Today is the oational holiday set aside in recognition of the organized labor movement. Californians who like to see themselves as the nation's leader in all things will be surprised to learn that Oregon was the first state to reoogniz.e Labor Day as a legal holiday. It wasn't until seven years later, in 1894, that Congress made the day a public holiday. It may also surprise many to learn that the labor movepient didn't originate in the United States. It began in Great Britain in tht> 1700s and by 1825 the British government had adopted laws approving the right of workers to form unions. ln 1871 the government gave full legal recognition to the unions, including the right to strike. AT THE SAME time Great Britain began adopting legislation to reduce industrial hazards and promote social insurance. Far in advance of most countries, the British made legislative provisions for unemployment, sickness and old age. In contrast, early efforts to organize labor in the U.S. were not only !iercely opposed by employers but often the target of government prosecutions. Most famous are the Conspiracy Cases decided in the early 1800s against strikers. It wasn't until 1935 that organized labor flRl WITIRS won full government protection with the passage of the Wagner Act. · - That law guaranteed labor the right to organize by outlawing actions of the employers interfering with the formation of unioN, and made collective bargaining a legal right. At the same time Congress began to p\ay catch-up with British laws providing for unemployment, sickness and old age pensions. ln the years that followed organized labor secured many more laws favoring both the organizations and the workers but even today the U.S. laws lag behind tome of the European nations, especially the Scandanavian countries, in social insurance for the workers. Still there are many who believe organiz:ed labor has gone too far and become too powerful and perhaps, in some ways. it has. Certainly the excesses of some of its leaders have reflected badly on the organized labor movement. But most American workers today are too young to appreciate the great gains for the wage earners which came about solely through the efforts of the unions. AND THE truth is that the labor movement has fallen into decline in membership, partially due to the transformation of the workingman from semi-skilled labor to highly technical jobs such as are found in the computer Industry. ln fact the dwindling memberships of organized labor has sparked a new drive by them to recruit and organize public employees, an area which was never co1l5\dered in the early days of the labor TOC?V~nt. This has given birth to collective bargaining for public employees in the state and local governments and the school teachers as well. War tools no longer constitute 'defense' One of the great impoetures practJced by all nations today ·is the uae of the word "defense" to designate their military apparatus. The fact ll that no such thing exist.a in the modem world. There la only retaliation. Thll truth la too alowly creeping lnto the coNClousness of peoples everywh~. IYlllY 01111 ~ '-) ~ We have a Department of Dtfeme, but lt cannot defend ua; nor can the Ru.iana, nor anyone elae, defend them1elve1 aptnatu.. NaUona were fonned to protect their citizenry, but In the nuclear a1e J"O nation la equipped to do thia any lonpr. It can on.w ttu-.ten an equal, or lfeeter, amount ot devM1atlon. . War h H chanaed lt1 chnacter radically In the nuclear •1• -not merely In a quantitative HnM, but CIUAlitadwly allo. It IA now abnply no .._ than a ~utual 1Uldde PK'. wh advenaey llimultaneouely holdln1 a loaded pjitol to the temple of the other. Hitherto, all history of warfare has been a leeUW, a catch-up game between weapons of offense and the countervailing weapons o( defenae. No sooner was a new weapon deviled than the means to combat it came into existence. Now we have reached the end of that perilous road. For the first time In human hJstory. there is no effective defenae against warheads. There is only fliaht -and retallatJon. We bave developed the moat superb weaponry the world hu evuy known, and epent more for it than eve!' before - but we muat atop pretendln11 to OUl'llelvee and to others, that it eerve. the purpoee of "defenae." >... long as we keep thlnk.lna ln these terma, we will be the vtcUma ol the meet terrible delusion of mankind. IF A NATION can no lonlel' protect ita dvillan ~Uon -ancf no one can doubt that lnlWonl would be tlauptered In • nuclear oanlriJfttatlon -then the whole tndtdoaial caMeP' of ••def._" Ml ~ .-.pt off the &Oerd . Polltb .. not• 1'9UOM1 ck:tpline~ lf ,, were, do:r.ens of wars could have been t avoided in the past -and in the preaent. too, u the Falklands conflict makes plain to the objective obeerver. Power ii an lrnitional element in human af.fain, and now, for the first time, we have morE power than this fragile globe can 1\.IS\ain. We have no "enemy" greater than the common enemy of war. And thoee who prate of "defenae" are deluded or dead to reality. llllllm ..... , .. __ .....,..,._. __ _ ... ....., ................. ,, 11 ........ . ................... ~ . . ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Mondey, September e, 1882 .... ,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOJ of Laguna Beach •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •ART HOPPE 'Moonie' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Plea~e tell your milllona of readen the real truth about. Procter & Gamble'• tie-In with the Moonle1 and the UnUtcaUon Church. I have heard ao many oonfllctina atortee, I don't know what to believe. Procter & Gamble baa been plaaued by tbJ1 off-tbe-waU rumor for more titan two yean ud there la not a tbred of trutb to It. Tiie trademark featarlD1 tile 91u-iD-tbe-mooa a1ala1t a field of 11 stars waa detlped la 1860. It waa flnt 11ed at u ldentlfyiD1 mark on a crate of candles. Tiie 13 ' theory being that one aet of ovart• produces boya, and the other produce. ctrll. You uld the le?< of a child ii det.enn1ned at. the moment of conception and you didn't have much 1' faith In the dozens of echemet that have C11C1Hd >, your deak. You then added, "The only th.Ina l ~> tell you tor sure la that lf you want to aet presnant you muat lleep with a man." . ,,1 You are wrong. I have bMrl lleeplnc with a "' man for the wt four yean and, to my IOITOW, I 81'l1,o NOT pregnant ~u.ee all he does .. aleep, So you,,. had better bone lip on the facta of life a )'OU -an.,, golng to give advice. -NOTHING HAPPENING'~ IN OR.AlfGE OOUNTY 1 m A friend of mine told me that her couain aaw a high-up executive of Procter & Gamble on the ABC newamagaztne "20/20" and he said that since everyone aeema to be oominJr out of the closet these days, he felt lt. waa OK tor big business to 'fess up and cleanse Its toul. Thu executive said his company had made a pact with the Moonies, who assured them that. If they used the Moonie symbol on all their producta, their bualneu would prosper. In return, Proctor & Gamble would give Rev. Sun Myung Moon a huge awn of money for protecting them against the devil. nan re9reseat tile orldaal col0Dle1. ID July, Procter & ?;amble auouced tbt It u DEAR ORANGE: Tbe eeplllemltm .... lleep tald.n1 le1a1 acttoa to 1top tbe spread of nmon wltla" 11 10 common I tbo.pt Hrely my '91al,ei I told my coualn the story sounded like a lot of baloney. She said she doubted lt, too, until she went and l~ked at a box of detergent put out by P & G and sure enough. there waa the trademark -the moon and stars whlch ahe said represented the M~nies and their power. to control good and evil: tbat have maabroomed tato a campaJp to boycott wCMlld be made, bat obvtouly, aome folk• •t U...l'• P Ir G prodact1. Suits bave been flied aiahlit matt bave everyllllDI spelled oat. So -la oner to 1Ddlvidual1 ID Atlanta, Ga., ud Pensacola. Pia., for let pre1aaat, aexaal latercoarae 11 e1aeatJal., IT maklDI 1tatemeat1 or dl1trlbatla1 falae aad owzat. ___ ,, 9·t> mallcioas literature. . , Sta)C tuned It aboa.ld be faaclDaliDI to bear &be Confused about what'B right and what• wrong 1 Clear this up once and foi: all in your column, Ann. If you aay it, the American people Will believe it. -READER IN TENNESSEE . testimony of peopl' wbo seem to bave not~&,, in today• "new morality"? Yo~'re not alone. IJ y~,~ better to do tban circulate Ue1. -WllnHoneet, «owrt·~~t1a-11 .. t1on on your a . DEAR TENNESSEE -and readers In the otber 49 1tate1 and Canada wbo wrote to me about sex queatloru, read Ann Landers' new booklet; 1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: In a recent column "Hlgh School Sex and How to Deal With It -A I 1 someone wrote in with a suggestion on how to Guide for Teens and Their Pa.rents." Send 50 rents , • tbia: Tbe facts are aa follows: • predetermine the sex of a child. It had to do with plus a Jong, stamped, self-addresaed envelope to, 1 • lying all night on the left side or the right aid~. the Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, W, 60611. HOROSCOPE BY.SIDNEY OMARA Tuesday, September 7 ARIES: (March 21 -Aprll 19): Fresh concept proves viable; you are on right track where finances are concerned. Income potential is heightened. New contacts prove valuable. Focus on creativity, independence and location of lost article. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'll regain sense of direction. Emphasis on personality. special appearances and direct appeals. Judgment, intuition are on target. Lead rather than follow -you'll be where you should be at crucial moment. .GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Look behind scenes for answers. Give full rein to intelleCtual curiosity. Means ask questions, make inquiries and open lines of communication. Long-distance call aids in resolving dilemma. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Good lunar aspect coincides with revisions, reviews, ability to make wishes come true. Individual with business experience lends support -this ls rare ltme when you actually get something for nothing. · LEO (July 23-Aus. 22): Gain indicated th.rough written word, aspirations have greater chance for fulfillment if you express ideas. Focus on career, need for change and special understanding with member of opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Long-range plans come into focus. Lunar emphasis on education, publishing, communication, travel and spiritual values. Domestic adjustment is part of scenario. Efforts to beautify surroundings will succeed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define terms. avoid self"(feception and don't co-sign even if asked in a most persuasive manner. Financial opportunities - and liabilities -dominate scenario. Protect privacy. Be discreet, attend clandestine conference. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on contractual ~ements, added responsibility and opportunity to utilize talents in profitable manner. Member of opposite sex pays meaningful compliment, aids in arranging important meeting. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Attend to basic chores, finish what you start and keep resolutions concerning diet, nutrition and health. You reach a wider audience. Sense of drama comes Into play. I CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be ready for new start, opportunity for greater independence , and chance to express self in original, creative, dramatic manner. Restrictions are removed, your abilities are recognized. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on property, home, shelter, long-range project and building permit.a. You are being pulled in two directions simultaneously. Family member seek! to avoid risk. Arrive at intelligent compromise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Key is to be flexible. You'll receive n'lfllerou& calls, messages and invitations. Focus on relatives, trips and ability to be selective. You become mof1! aware of body image, pun:hase of apparel could be on agenda. TV Sports rule 'foul' The U.S. Supreme Court recently handed down a decision refusing to limit the number of professional football games cable television can broadcast each Sunday. To me that means only one thing. That Statue of Justice who pretends to be a blindfolded woman is really an umpire in drag. Who else would sanction Jock Sunday featuring 85 televised sports events from sign-on to ~ flMA 80M8fCI ATWIT'S END -sigJr-offin one day? I don't know who presenled the proposition. but someone certainly ramrodded it through behind women's backs. O.K., SO I RESPECT the law and I'll abide by it, but in the name of mercy, I ask the courts to consider a couple of amendments to keep women happy. U a man sleeps during two consecutive innings or quarters, he should be declared legally dead and his estate probated. Legalized Sunday dating for women married to sports nuts will not only be allowed, but enforced. Admittance to hia chair in front of the TV set will occur only after relinquishing his car keys, checkbook and credit cards to his wife. Live with the possibility that Jany given Monday, Curt Gowdy could be named in an alienation of affection suit and you would have to -offer proof that you had not spent 15 Piours on Sunday with him. IF SPORTS ARE APPEARING on more than two TV sets in the home, a woman has the right to smash one of them with a ti.re iron. There's a lot more at stake hell! than women vs. televised sports. It is now a moral issue. When men are hooked up to these electronic support systems all day Sunday, do women have the right to let them go on living in their catatonic state, with no hope ot functlorUng as a person? Or ls it men:iful •to pull the plugs and watch them writhe in agony as they view their own children in the real world? AB I said to my neighbor last Sunday, "What kind of life does he have in there watching replays, reruns, and overdosing on statistics? rm going in and tum off the set and see what hap~na." >a I leaned over to tum off a speedboat race in the South Pacific a voice threatened to alter the length of my arms. I'm beaten. He's also covered by the temporary insanity law. Reactions to -~iagllosis differ DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: My wife bad . c:ucer of tile breaat. 0111' doctor told ber site had It, advtaed removal of tbe breast and 1lle bad tile operation. Sbe baa adjHted beaattfally and la llappy tbat 1be hew lier problem from tlle bepaalag. On tbe otber band, a aelpbor of ours bad a breast lump ud waa not warned It ml1bt be OMcer. Sbe waa not told tbe mlgbt have ber breaat removed at operation. Wiien 1be woke up ud later discovered sbe bad bad a mHtectomy becau'le of caacerl abe became depre11ed and trted to commit ta clde. Fortuutely, later on abe adjusted to lier condition. My que1tloa 11 tbls: Do yoa tblllk &Ht moat• patients wut to know wbat'a wroa• or wo1lld tbey ratber be kept In tbe dark? Aa for myself, I'd ratller be IAformed titan llave all tile 1ecretlve wlalsperlDg 1otag OD bebiDd my back. I'd llke your opblfoD. -MR. F. DEAR MR. F.: The answer may be 'trite, nevertheless true, that each patient is a special problem. )"our own story about the divergent reactions of your own wife and a neighbor bears this out. It's a delicate problem when and if to tell. GOIEN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF T fOUI HEALTH DR. PETER J . STEINCAOHN Revealing or concealing from a patient calla on much judgment and uncfentandlng. But you will be interested to know, Mr. F., that a recent study indicates that most patients prefer to re.lain hope about their condition. The majority of patients prefer to be anxious because of uncertainty than actually know. And, of course, few patient.a want to know whether or when the illness is likely to prove fatal. But thoee who really want to know can obtain the infonnation. According to the study reported ln Modern Medicine, "When 74 patient• with diagnosed but 11ndisclosed malignancy were Interviewed and observed, 18 knew and 47 suspected they had cancer but only 15 wanted confirmation of their oondiuon. Thirty-two of the patients who suspected they had cancer did not want to know for sure." • Q.1 -Aa South, vulnerable, JOU hold: •AK74 <::1 A93 oe •AK87S The bidding has proceeded: &..a. WHt N.nli EaiM I• P ... 1 0 Pua 'l What. do you bid now? A.-lt It true that, including dlatributlon, your hand 11 worth 20 point.a, but one prin· ciple or evaluation I.a that you 1houldn't count two point.a ror the 1inglet.on in partner'• bid 1uit.. And deaplte your 18 hJgb-c&rd point.a, your hand lacka body and It full of loe.ra. Bid one specie. II part.- ner can't act voluntarUy over 7olir limple rtbtd. It'• unJilt• b' thtt JOU can make a pme. a broken trump ault. hat made your hand look much more lmpret8ive. Now ii the time to be alam-conKioua, and we 1urcesL you make your move u early u poNI· ble. To nt the trump 1ult. by raiafog four dubs la unecon· omlcal -the bidding wlll pt too high. Beat by far ia the immediate cue-bid of three hearts. the right hand for slam. After all. you are unlikely to have two losing 1pade1 and atlU be probing for slam when partner could do no more than aign o(l are..r your first cut·bid. Q.4-Neltber vulnerable, u South you hold: •IU711 <:>AQU Ott •14 The bidding hu proceeded: The bidding haa proceeded: &ut S..t• We.t . Nerti! s C;:) 1 + P ... a• , ... 1 What action do you t.ake? A. -Thia one i, doee. In view of partner'• jump ralle, your hand II certaln17 the equlva· le11t of a t'Ull opealq bid. And the fact thaL the oppoMnt.I have bid heart.a -your.ehort ault -auggest.a that. aU of ,,&rtner'a point.a could be working. We think that 1ou have ju1t enoush t.o offer • reuoaable chan~ &o make four 1pade11 ao we would ao on t.o pme. But we don't blame JOU if you look the more eouervatlve approach and palMd. Knowl"p of partaer'a prodlvltlea Lt the ke7 here. 1A.-True, you have very lit- tle, but partner already know• (hat -after au. you couldn't re.pond to hia open· Ing bid. Nevertheletf. be did invite you t.o bid witlttlla dou· bl.e and he doean't know that you have a fair alx<ard ault. Thererore, we 1u1p1t you bid rour dlamoncb -that la onl7 one level higher thaa you would have had t.o ro had Eut atayed out of the auc- tion. Cl.1-Nel&her vulnerable, u 8outll 1ou hold~ •I ~AIM OQltl •&ttr• The Mddln1 hu proceeded: N .... &.t ..... Welt ...... J 0 J ~ ,. p .. ' Wllat clo TOU bid aow? A. -Partner' a jump i:ebld on . , . Q.J-Both vulnerable, H South JOU hold: •I <:>AQlft O~JI •AQJt The blddtn1 hu proceeded: N~ l!ut S.-. WMt P .. P .. Jc::> ..._ tc;, P .. •• ... '<:> ... t What aeUotl do 7qu tdt? A. -Even thoui• partner pueed on,c..n, and •bowed no eatlllu&aaa after JOUI' club cu•bld, 7our MDCI Lt too rood to tllrow 11 die W.el. We tua-l ooe -.·VJ - a cue-Wd of 8" «moDil• Wttb tlie ldlls Oil Mina ud u,,..,.. .. ,.. .......... partner wUI bow tat. ht llu N .... Ea.t s..tla Weet INT P .. I• Pue I o P ... ? What do you bid now? A.-Wlth your mildly un· ti.lanced hand. you ahould it.ill explort ror a tl*lt con- tract. Jump to three apadH. T~t. conftrma a ftv...ca.rd apade suit and a1k1 ·ptrt.nt~ ~ ral• JOU' ault to 11111• Jf he hu three-eard aupport. If he pel'lilt.1 with thl'H DO &rump. pua -he ii e..llln1 JOU that he hat onl1 a doubleton epade. U-Bot.la vulaeraWi, aa ....~, .. llold: •AUii c::>I 0&1• • .. -. 4 I Q.t-.Nettti.r vulnerable, ai Soat.h you hold: •ta '?l'lt O Kll~ •Ml Tbe blddl .. hu ......... : ............ w .. •• ... PMi to ...._ It> t Wlaat ldlon do 7ou &all•? • ••••er r.r1•1• cl••• ...... &lie ......,,. -&lie .............. ..... De., ....... tlllms,.. •••'t? Claarl.. G•re•'• •• , •• ,.0 •• 1 •rWa•" .m ._..,.. ...... ,.er, ... ........................ ....... ea.a ........... ................... ,.. . "" .... -1··· ...... ti .. ~ .. Deal," tare el a•I• ••114n, P.O . ._ -........... ;I ...... .... ...... :' ...... ..... , .. 3' I POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT STUDIED GEOMETRY, f>UT NEVER FOUND OUT WHE'THER LtFE IS A STRAIGHT LINE OR A CIRCLE. q ___________________________ ,, AIT HOPPf THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER Mail Inust go through. 'I i'• 1. Tf' . ' ., ~ After 37 minutes, \he last. Ruaalan S_$-20 " missile blew up the last undeatroyed tafget in • l America and World War ID WU over. ,~·. A\ the U.S. P08tal Service <:enter in ~e's · Aerie, Utah, a lone survivor -Mail Sorter Second.. • Claa A .E. (Bud) Herkena -crawled painfully ouc.,:, Of the rubble. In his hand WU the Jetter be ~ 1 r' been sorting when World War m broke out. He : ~ d~. the address: 3721 C.omailk Street,.~ ~hit dazed mind rang the stirring words that ... ' the post office's dvil defenBe coordlnatol', Ralph H. Jusell, had delivered before a congreaalonal';-' conunittee in the summer of 1982: In the event of a~ • ' nuclear holocaust., Jusell had promlaed, "thoae that, .. ~ are left will get their mall." "Neither snow nor rain nor }leat nor gloom of{, .. night nor nuclear holocauat," said Herkens grimly. And with tottering steps he headed east. ~ LUCK WAS WITH HIM. In lea1 than five mlles...- he stumbled on a Volkswagen bug that. bad been"'\ blown to bits. He shoved the pieces ~ther and, aa one would expect, it started instantly. ., Driving at night without headlights in order to avoid roaming band's of desperate foragers and living of! Serv-a-Portion packags of mustard and catsup he had liberated from the ruinl of a pair of• golden arches, he managed to reach Keokuk, Dl., in • a week. It took him a month to construct a raft out of • giant Jogs and tattered neckties and by the time he n reached the other shore ol the Mlalimippi near ~ what waa once Baton Rouge, the days were ~~ growing shorter. >-d Skirting the major cities, which were 4*ily i · located by the glows they gave off at nilrht. be 'li., made his way ac::I'<* the South and up the !a.tern aeaboard. . By the time he reached Baltimore, he bad run ~ ' out of su atationa. But he determinedly continued o"' on foot. Then he made a mJstake that c:ountleea "\:\ tourist.a have made over the centuries: He Yillted o ') New York City. <1') Within .even minutes, be waa rellewd of hli11'1'.) cap, hla ahoee, hi.I troU8el'S and hla wtmtle by a "' \ native weertng a T-ahirt that Mid, "I Love the Bil rh Apple." .. Bu\ look on the bright side," Herkerw told himteli gamely. "I atill have the letter." , .. (j~ BE WINTERED IN AN abandoned phone 11 in Stamden, Conn. At the ftnt .... of the "'> thaw, he he.cled -.rly nonh. .:>d the dark, he alm08t fell Into Boston. And ~~ there waa a aerioua thootout when he attempted to "' requJlltkJn. lo the lnter.t of Yaryinl bla diet, a .. re9taurant-alzed jar of plcklee from the Lower N~alla Mom'• and Pop'1 Jltner' (naw Mom's ' Dlrler). ' But. with the advent of .......... bla pl~ tn-s ) lleht. He 1Wam aero. Lake Gt~ Ouinme with l l t1-letter between hJa teeth and a& 1-t crawled iM uhore ln th• little vWace of Lompoc. ba"8nd.rta bruiMd, ICl'ak:hed and tmldatllld. ttr 1cnoci~~.::: =~.:-..: opened and out poked a lholpn bMTel foDow9Cl bJ &M ~,,..... ol an andlnt Dawn-..... . "Ii tbll. by any chance."~ ......... a qua~ YOb, "3721 c..a....,.. ..,...... •• .now.ct ..... old --. IM0~';.~·~111.t.::.----..~ Tiie old man PMed at. tM M 1 WWW iilld· ... ......... Into dn1 ~ ~1 -." .. ..... tlitll1. •• be pun.a ow ,.. bldt O¥W .. ...... HMID\ Occupant.'' t . , Or•noe OOMt DAILY PllOTIMond•y, leptembet e, 1111 Coming to ter~s Wi th cancer Patients f in d will to live in · communion with one an o ther .. MENLO PARK (AP) -One Jamet. the o*rved the work of eeml-clrcle. They clo.e lMlr eyf!I Still, 1he worrlet about ute nlaht, 1oon after Joan Waite Dr. 0 . Carl and Stophanle to Unkllng musk and Ma Waite'• fter her 8e91lona end. The oet')t.er found out •lto b~ cancer, 1he Matthew1-Slmonton at thtt voice, 10ftly urging them to think ~ ll "the fulcrum of my Ufe," 1.tw( woke In 'the dark and felt the Cancer C.ounaeUna and Re.earc:h of nothing but whot they're aaya Later. "The fint time I u1d wa1 all alone. Center In Forth Worth, Texas. ff'Cllng about their disease. •cancer' waa the fil"lt itep toward She wondered why lhe didn't The Slmontona a.re convinL'ed ~. Wal.Le, now a-cent.er getung well." feel brave about her battle wi\h that your odda of beating cancer COUJ\lleJor, Ufta \he phonograph the dread dlaeaee, like the Improve when you know why needle and asks them LO open Dr. William M. Buchholz, a women who wrlte "How I Beat you want to Uve and take a hand their eyes. Finally, a well-cancer apeclall•t, ln~ervlew1 the Big One'' articles In ladles' in your treatment. dre(l3e(f woman says she's both palienta to see If they re •ttonl ~guinea. For the put alx yeani, at their excited and scared. This w~k enough io do exercl1ee that She ached for a place where home In nearby Saratoga, the she learns if X-rays show her alon~ with weekly mu1age and cancer patienta could talk, share Creigh tons s hare d that cancer I~ gon e . The others ' nutr tlonal pdvice, ~~fplement thelr fears and find strength In phlloeophy with l~O cancer pa~ murmur sympathetically. the program. Next, look for each other. tient.s In \he s&n Franclaco Bay An older woman in the chair at people who are willing to Ma. Waite found that comfort area. Tflim they decided the her left starts t.o speak, but onJy examine what ~~ey can do to in an aging mansion. In program needed a home of lt.s tears come out help themselves. February, Magdalen Creighton own. "You ca~ cry here, Florence," · Maggie Creighton then asks If turned \he sprawling house into "The 'will to live' may be says J ean Waite. Florence'• they want to live. the Cancer Support & F.ducaUon intangible and lmpoesible to place husband just died of cancer. She Alva McGarah, a Redwood Center. under a microecope, but It does has it, too. Only in the last three City woman who has a rare Now every Friday. for nine make a dl(ference," says a center weeks of .his life, in visiting the cancer of the lining of the lungs, weeks and a fee of $1,500, cancer brochure. "In a society that often center together, did the couple went to Seattle for pioneering patienta come to the mansion to' equates cancer with death, there truly commurucate after years of s u r g e r y , w h I c h . he a a ya decide why and how they want is a need for a program which marnage, Ms. Waite says. cautio usly, apparently has ·to live, helps patient.a have hope." Fears, disappointments and succeeded. I "There's no miracle. Just good Patients exit the freeway to fragile hopes -their most "I was willing to go to a far- K • K ? "' Wlfetl'IO•o human contact," says Phyllis this well-heeled city south of.San private thoughts pour out in a away place and become \he six\h I m g o n g. Cangemi, a l~ woman who's . Francisco, drive past estates crescendo of emotion." person t.o have the OpenJtion. I ~~_r--.-· -o,Jt'S j"'U8t an opt•,.J.~Ct_eat_e ~llgw!ram. !lQd9kln~-,,,..Djtjl!'se-esee:c,.,-.iW1o119oMWU<!!..U..A..-.~~ doWD .a. _ _.:u~yjyacjo11s lady who m.l1JiU-r..-0t.-!w¥-~-t~+----t 'Y' ~ ~v.,i...&.f--a!ltd--wl~•<l1~bu~-4eepGlftdiealt.......alOQJ!ae:~ ..... $9g . ...&.p!.z2.k.a~_..JQQlf,& ~. }'0' 'P89F l)\H uh-COr;.--~~, ~~~!,.~, ~;:.iJ' N'S'IJ')"""-"21 giant sculpture called "Awakening" in over her Illness, recently wall and up a curvy road to the middle-aged years, thinks she's time to die'," without the center. W h. ' E p p k · d committed suicide. sprawling house. beaten her cancer. New-found Too often, says Dr. Buchholz, as 1ngton 8 ast otomac ar an a Maggte,asMra.Creightoncalls Sun streams through a bay confidence l ets h er stop cancer patients feel they're passenger jet on its approach to the city's herself, practiced psychic healing window to warm a huge sitting mo urning for h e r broken "helpless pawns of forces outside Natio nal Airport. before she opened the non-profit room where a dozen cancer marriage and see herself as an their control," including doctors suppe>rt center. _With husband patients and loved ones form a attractive.. woman wi!h a full life. and t.herapista. P arents unite over killings ~·· J• SAN DIEGO (AP) -A San Diego couple, convinced thelr Navy son was killed at sea and ~~wn overboard, has written to Dear Abby, a ~tionally syndicated columnist, in hopes of gaining ,. new investigation. r In a letter to AbiRail Van Buren, Frank and 4Aud.rer Lockwood of suburban Imperial Beach ., · ---cntici:.ed "the inhwnan way the I government treats families" by withholding or covering up facts of military deaths. "We are asking your help in reaching other families who want to join in the fight for justice," they wrote. The Lockwoods contend that their son, Mike, was . murdered aboard the missile ,uav testing ship USS Norton Sound on May 5, 1981 while at sea and his body was 'thrown overboard. They said that after the Navy "dragged out \he J.nvestigation for four months, we were told that it :vvas a tragic accident. Our own investigation has ealed that our son was murdered." The Lockwoods have joined Artie and Celeste tian of Dallas, Texas and Marvin and Judy llers of Mason, Mich., to form "Citiz.ens Against 'tary Injustice," a nationwide group wi\h 100 mbers. The Sellers' say their son, Jeff, died of ._dical neglect aboard a ship in \he Indian Ocean .... ,,.,"'" the Iranian hostage crisis. · . The Christians' son, Randall, drowned in San ·ego during recrul\ swimming qualification tests in ugust of 1981. Two Navy investigations cleared arine instructors of any wrongdoing, but tnesses said his dea\h could have been prevented. Charles Burner, attorney for the Lockwoods, ys a private investigation revealed that Mike· kwood may have been the victim of a racial · ttack. Lockwood, a white, had the reputation of being ainst drug use and also against racism of any rm. "He had a lot of friends among the blacks wi\h born he played ball and on the day he disappeared om the ship some graffiti appeared saying, other nigger lover is gone.'" The Lockwoods say the Navy has refused to pen the investigation. • rug warnings ue for mothers WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan dminiatration has proposed that most non- retlttiption d.rugJ carry waminp urging pregnant nursing women to consult their doctors before the medication. • e standard warning, which would be added the labels on the medicine bottle or container, ould read: "As with any drug, if you are pregnant r nuning a baby. aeek professional advice before this product." · e new warning would appear on thousands f non-pre1cription drugs, from aspirin to tihiatamlnes to cough syrups, but not to aalves, orn removers or other ointments applied xtemally. Some over-the-counter sleep aida, laxatives, ergy medlcationa, appetite suppressants and ther pills already bear warnlnp or cautions Mlailllrt uae by pregnant or nW"liillR women. hooping cough lagues Britain LONDON (AP) -A major whooping cough ttreak la IWeeplna Britain becauae parenta are aid that vacclnatm, their babies asatnat the ue may cause braln damage, government· Jdala say.# The natloftal health department launched a mpalp Wedn etday to encourafe parenta to wme their chUdten after 1,94 ca8el of the tendally delldly dileMe wen reported la8t week. the year, there have been 30,000 cum and five have died, the aovemmeni laid. 'n. department laid the Nk of wbooplnc COU8b sr-ter than the rilk of an _.,,.. reection to the ,,_,Cine, except for bebMI who have a history of llOIW\llllkD or Del'YOUll cti8oirden. 1. • 100" SeM StoN • Slitna&.edi T un"'9 • llodr Matrik Pktw. Tube • Ploys up to 2 Hours • <>Yer 300 Tltl.t • Stereo Available "' ~ ---~--.__ ·-.. ....,, Play/Recienf • lemote PauM Centrel • llemenk Tu!Mf 111/llTlllll.I •Dual Level Wash •3 Cycles •Inergy Saver .,121• ----·-- ' THI CUil Ill THE c11m MOHOAV, 81PT. t, 1Na ENTERTAINMENT COMICS TELEVISION ~I Every d~y's holiday for a • • • By STEVE MARBLE 0( .... Dellr ,... ..... The man in the wom~ut boots, dusty jeans and battered work shirt sits behind a bush near the busy Newport Beach intenection. A Pall Mall hangs from his mouth and he ecratches at his grizzled chin, ____ watching the C..@Sl.!llacs and BMWs round the~ ... -~· goes by the name "Traveler" because that's what he says he does best. He's a bum, a hobo, a man of the road and he doesn't mind admitting it. And, at least for the time, he lives in Newport Beach. He sleeps behind bushes, he sleeps in ditches, he sleeps in front yards and, sometimes, he sleeps in jail cells where he gets a free meal. His two-crate system makes traveling a slow, tiring business for him. He makes little progress. He'll drag one crate about 100 yards, retrace his steps and lug the other crate forward. "Travellng's no fun. It isn't romantic like you'd think. I'd really like to get a job and a nice flace to live and eat in swanky places. really would. "I'm a tailor but I've never had a real job. A steady job, you know. It's hard to get a iob 80 1 don't think about it too much.'1 He lights another cigarette and stretches out his feet. Both of his boots have holes in them and he's minus one IOCk. "Money? I always got a little. directions," he laughs, leavln1 some doubt whether he's belnl eertoua. The police say they've become familiar with Traveler and 1et calll daily from clthena wonderlna who hu stumbled into their neighborhood. 1'Jle police say Trave1er eeema like a nice guy, a harmless sort and have opted tO leave him alone. "Well, most cops don't do It th•t way," Traveler offers. "Uaually they're trying to catch me and I end up in Jail and waste all my moner. paying a tine. I think that's why I can t find a job." He spreads out a jacket and leans back on his elbows. "~ou know what I got?" he aalu sud~nly. "I got nothing. I got nothina but old. I didn't mean to travel forever but I just woke up one morning and I was old. "You get old before you know It when you travel all the time." · He adds he intends to go up north, get out of the heat and out of the city. "Newport's no place for someone like me. No job and nobody gives me money. rm going to leave Just u 100n aa I can find my way out ol here." Sometimes I'll do a couple hours of work. I found some money one time and -you know, I beg." Traveler claims to have walked the ' entire length and width of the country, visiting moet of the states. He says be doesn't like Newport Beach particularly but keeps ending up there. "Rich people," he says, blowing out a stream of smoke while watching the fancy cars go by, "they're the worst. They just want me to move on like I'm going to get them dirty or &0mething. "And the cops," h~ says, moving allghtl~ to keep in the shade of the bUlh, 'they try to keep me away from the classy homes. I guet11 they want me out of town." Traveler, as he insists on being called, won't say how old he is and claims he's forgotten when and why he started traveling. "I guess you could say I started because I had a broken heart," he says finally. "A girlfriend, you know. Maybe I've been traveling 50 years. I don't remember." He drap a pair of crates with wheels attached behind him as he travels. The crates are piled with boxes, bap and aacka. He says they contain food and clothing and medicine. The thinp of life. "I like places without people. Places that have wild food, flowers and pretty trees," he says, adding, "I found a place like that once but they built a highway through it." He elaims he'a been trying to get out of Newport Beach for two weeks but kee~ taking a wrong tum. • Everyone gives me wrong ·. Gar.don Davidson i taking a year's break from his duties as director of the Mark . Taper · Forum. Page · ·o . . 0 84. :. Traffic's hum mesmerize& Loo and cockapoo while restless Tra veler relaxes, below. • • .ROAMING -I · ·r oadside :residents By JODI CADENHEAD Ofttle DllllJ Not llaff The rent's free, if you can stand the constant roar of cars whizzing above your head. For weeks and maybe months, Lou, a 35-year~ld transient and his 9-year-old gray cockapoo have been living on a concrete ledge tucked 30 feet above Harbor Boulevard inside the San Diego Freeway overpass in Costa Mesa. The man and ICl'Uffy CUrly are barely visible to the motorlsta who stream past in their station wagons and Toyotas at 50 mph. And that'• the way Lou wants iL He won't even reveal his last name. ''I don't care to aseociate with anyone,'' said the mild-mannered nomad, who eeems both astonished and amused by the interest in h is d.rcwmtances. "I go to sleep at night, what do you do," he answers when asked about his nocturnal habits. Actually Lou curl.a up inside a sleeping bag. After a while the noise of cars overhead and on the street below seems to lade, he said. The bearded hobo is vague about his past, ambivalent about his future and sure of only one thing -it'a gotten too dam exper:Wve to live anywhere but the streets. "What'• the average price of an apartment in Costa Mesa?" he asks. "How do people live?" Lou rolled into town last December. From where, he won't say. For a while ~e lived in hotel rooms, but that was too costly, he said taking a swtg of Pepsi. His last steady job waa working as a lot boy at a car dealership. But that went belly up and now he finds his ho111e high above one of the busiest streets in town .. Of his family he says, staring straight ahead at nothing, "They gave up on me and I gave up_on them." He earns '60 a month sweeping the parking lot of a laundromat and a fast food restaurant. That's enough to keep him supplied in the cans of tuna fish, dog food, Pep&i, beans, peanuts and coffee that line the 3-foot-wide ledge. · "I don't need anybody," he said. "I'm quite happy." ViJiton have to IC.ale a fence and climb a 30-foot cement incline before reaching the ledge tall enough to support a small child. Adults stoop. But guests are admittedly few in the life of a vagrant. "I'm very particular about my frien.ds," said Lou. "I don't disturb anyone and nobody bothers me." Occasionally passers-by notice the be9pectacled man and his dos· The can of Alpo was a gift. Every so often the loyal ~ scamper down the ledge, cross the boUlevard and watch the passing cars from the opposite • ledge. · "I've got a buzz in my ~ar," said Lou, getting up with no warning. Once safely situated acroes the street he 'explained, "I get a funny feeling and I have to move.". Lou admits that be'• cautious about s1aying on the right side of the law. Not. only was the asphalt perch free, but he-. fi~ed it would mak\ hlm visible to . po~. (See ROAMING, Page Bi) Why don't we land .on Marines' territory? OPEN WARFARE DEPT. -Our wonderful regiol\&l outfit, known as the Southern California Association bf Governments, SCAG, for short, ii proving to be just like the proverbial mule. SCAG ia stubborn and unmovable. You'd have to clobber lt wlth a club just to get its attention . .,. All of this was proven once again just the other day when SCAG's heavy thinkers came in with "The Final Solution" for Orange County's regional airport needs. Actually, SCAG came ln with two final aolutlons; El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and Camp Pendleton. which just happens to also be in the poi1e1aion of the Leathernecka. r.' The Final Solutions -,0-.-.-u-.-PH-,-.-, ~I', offered by the SCAG savants l ,~ , came as a surprise to ----------i.....i.-ablolutely nobody. CASTING ASID'E the fact that both mWtary lites have been eyed u pcmible locadona for an international-type commercial jet airport by every offk?ial from the doptcher on up, and then ditcarded, clearly had no impact on SCAG what.oever. _ . MCAS. Let's get it annexed to one of the nearby cities. l It must be recqpUr.ed that like its opposition to joint uae~ or pure civilian uae, the Marines at El Toro miJdlt not fully;< embrace the notion of becoming part of a nearbyJ municipality. , There would, however, be some possible advantages. The, ''city might be able to surround the air station with all kinds ofi local planning, zoning and density laws that would make it impomible for aomebody to snatch the place and convert it lnto a major jetport. , Aa auaeated by the map, the city of Santa Ana might be t able ·to mAX.e aome kind of flanking annexation movement and pull the Marine station into ita city limits. This would probably be a long shot. Santa Ana can't even control a porno movie bowie, ., lta chances of fighting off SCAG might not be too good. LAGUNA BEACH WOULD be another poeilbillty. The Art c.otony bu alrHdy stretched itl city Umit8 out the canyon road and milht have a atnlCht shot at annexing El Toro. Only trouble ii, I.Acuna doeml't teem to know how to get annexatlom pMt the county'• bu.reliucncy. • The SCAG airport cry1tal ballers were obvloualy un.lmprelled with the fact that the United Statee Martne , C.Orp1 hal made it plain it doesn't flant to donate it8 reel nr-da.. "'-' t.'OUld ,.. ... lllJOf ., ......., J:I Taro. \IN am>w9 The dty of lrvlne ii near El Toro now and would have ' the belt lhot at an annexaUon. Th.ii milht make the M.,me. a touch . nervoue. fearing that the way I.rvlne F9I about ' ~~ Qty ~ milht try to llap a bed tax on the ,. est.ate at either location. · Further, the SCAO airport types were apparent!)t obllvloua to another SCAG report that tnclicated the El Toro-Million Viejo aree will draw the heavlm population ,rowth to the year 2000. . lt'1 lllwap ~ to have all thole holne. under takeoff, 1andi!'I and ~t pattmnl. SUpervllor Bruce Neltande, wl)o al.to ii a 8CAG vice . COMB TO TBINK of It. the bat tacUc rni&ht be to aet . one of ow lawmakera ':.,£::h a meU\11'9 throuah the California ~ to a SCAG. Trouble Whh that nodon .. that Jerey Brown would (I probeblJ wto It; • • " Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Sept.mber 8, 1H2 a ck -B ailey . ".:-.. Paula ~Y and Kt'nt Denni.I Pack wt'~ runied du.rtna a tonnal aardcn ceremony at the Qover Shoree no~ of Barbara Aune. They have ettabllahed a home ln Newport Beach. Parenta of the newlyweda are Mn. Dennia ~~of Visalia and Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. _Jtt of Laguna Hllla . . Jennings -Jeffs • , ~udla LouJse J~ffB and Richard Francis J repeated thelr wedding vowa Aug. 7 ln Lady Qu~n of Angels Chlirch, Newport h. They traveled to Puerto Vallarta for a eymoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J effs of Ne wport Beach a nd the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. William Jennings o! Santa Ana and late Willlam J ennings. The bride attended UCLA and will graduate in December from Cal State Fullerton. The ~degroom's schools a re Santa Ana and \...f8pman colleges. I ' Kline • J ohnstone James Jeffrey Kline and his bride, the fonner Jerrilynn Louise Johnstone, are residing- in Newport Beach following a Caribbean honeda~oon. They were 'married Aug. 7 in Glen First Methodist Church. Parents of the newlyweds who are USC gradu ate& are Mr. and Mrs. William S . Jobnatone Jr. of Glendale and ?v1r. and Mrs. James M. Kline of Whittier. Tittle -Long A home in Huntington Beach has been establiahed by J erre Timothy Tittle and his Mr. and Mrs. Kent D. Pack bride, the former Michelle Lynn Long, daughter of David and Beck y Goodoien, Huntington Bea~. .. . The couple's wedding was per.formed Aue 21 in Costa Mesa First United Methodist Church. They traveled to San Luis Obispo for their wedding trip. The bridegroom, eon of Mrs. James T. Tittle / Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings of Huntington Beach, attenda Cal State Long Beach, where hia wife was previously a student. Olsen -McMahan Cath y McMahan a nd Gregg Olsen exchanged wedding vows Aug. 28 in St. Anaelril's Epiaoopal Church. Aft.er a honeymoon vacation ends~ clubs regr~up NEWPORT HARBOR Toastmistre91 Club meeta Wedneeday at U.:15 a.m. at the· Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Hlahway ln Newport,. Beach. For infonnation, call M8-3289. ALPHA XI DELTA Orange County Alumnae will hold ita first meeting of the year at the home of Jerry Money Sept. 18 at 11:30 a.m. For directions, call 639-M74. . OIU,NGE COAST Mothers of Twins Club will ~ at the Fountain Valley Community Cen~ ln Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Ave. at 7:30 p.m. Wedneeday. Nancy Wood, with the Foundation for SexUally Exploited Children, Inc. will be the speaker. For reeervations, call 847-9665. NEWPORT BEACH Chapter of Hwta•eh will preeent a program called ''The Magic of Color," Sept. 13 at 12:30 p.m. in the lfarbor R eform Temple in Newport Beach. For information, call 640-1789. -AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of University Women'• Laguna Beach branch will boet a coffee Sept. 18 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Festival of Arta grounds. For reeervationa. call 951-5109. NEWPORT BEACH ChrtatJan Women's Club will host a ~ Sept. 15 with the theme "Moods and Memories." T he event bqina at 11:45 a.m. at the A1rpol1er Inn in Irvine. Coat of the luncheon la $6.50 and reeervationa may ~ made by calllng 644-2921. IRVINE TOASTMISTRESS Club will bold its ~ meetina Sept. 13 at 11:30 a.m. at the Newpoi't/Balboa S:.vtnp and Loan, 1100 lrY1ne Ave., ln Newpon Beach. For lnfonnation call 953-7570 or 545-8163. ·p.a.Jt.......aloif. ALLAN BEEK ... Mr. and Mrs. James J. Klein ln Mazatlan, they will reside in Costa Mesa. The bride ls the daughter of Caroie McMaha n o{ Corona de! Mar and John McMahan of San Francisco. She attended UC Santa Barbara and UC Berkeley. • · The bridegroom is attending Orange Coast College. His _parents are Mrs. James Olsen of Cypress and C. J. Hefley of Denver, Colo. Teri Michel, Mim i Bro wn and Linda Westfa ll at network luncheon. Founder cited As the crowd gathered in the First Cabin at the Balboa Bay Club, there was aome good-natured muttering among the staff that Women's Networl{. A le rt h ad done it again -oversold. Anna Freeman had done her best, which is. better than best, but quite a number turned up without1 warning for this group's second annual Suffrage Day luncheon. · The program pictured WNA member Diana Springer's grandmother Ruby Fambrough on the day she cast her flrat vote in 1920. One of WNA's founding members, Vivian Hall, introduced Anne McNemey as the great-niece of Alice Paul, the founder of the Women's Political Party and still working for ERA when she died in 1977 •t the age of 92. · Hele n Barrios presented anot her WN·A' founder, Lenore Penfll, with the organization's "Activist" award and Karen Litfin, coord.lnator of the Orange County chapters of the Bilateral Nuclear Freeze addresaed the crowd. Among the listeners were Rochelle Hoffman, Marian Shea, Molly Lyon, Joan Riddle, Kip Gran-. Linda Westfall, Sally Bellerue, Mary Shannon,• Sharl Abel. Carrie Motsch and Nancy Willlams. CANCER ·DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY Traveler lygs his worldly possessions on carts. Lou stashes his pantry on high ledge under freeway. A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZAT ION OFFERING BELOW. COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING ~rpm Page ij1 ROAMING. • • Officera said they had heard about him, but w~ wwure if living ln a public place could be cohsidered trespuaing. Un til the economy improves Lou has no lnientioo of livtna up hia borne beneath the belly of the freeway. • I The buzzing apparently started again. It waa t1rpe to leave. ·, I 1be man and hia dog moved away, but not ~ore Lou said, ''Thia la a very unfortunate way oflllfe." , ' ~42-5678 . ~ut a few words to work for you in ihe • 11i1J Pililt Celebrate L•bor Dav Weeliead At Appearing frt. I llt. '"" I '"'' -UTZ I Amal .... 1,...111, ... ,,,... ........ -un.1111 1..u, a , ... 1e 1 ,... -SOUi 11111111 I fnll I ,..._ -Liii .Ill rt • FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER 1t SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medlcal Center Profe11lonal Bulldlng 18800 Main Street Sult• 105 Huntington Beach, Callf. 841-1871 . " Or_.-nge Cout DAIL V PILOT /Monday, September 8, 1912 Five stages light up this week By TOM TIT!!~ Ot'IN.._,...._ lt'• openln1 week tor the Harbor Blvd. J\.llt north of Cotta Meta. Call 919-&811 for tlcMet lnfonnatlon. Thom pion and Rever nd O.vi<OOn. _ -2!!2.:~ t~~~~ &!~~.! Opa..D{ ~ . ..Qr_ano .,CDWltV ~~Te'a' 6y the aame -9rlll1h comedy team l• "Bull1hot Crummond" at the Newport Theater Art.I Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport_ Beach. Eileen Flahbach is db'ectlng the utlre on detective movlee of the 1930. which features Michael Girenle, Cathy McAuley, Richard HJclu, Prlscllla Regnier Thomaa and Michael T. Kelly. Allo ln the out are Andrew ,._.he~.-!!~~~!!!!~. -------__ ......_ .......... __.. ... . produclna lfOUJ» are celebraUna by pttJna their tint entrlea on the boarda -~thouah one la an Import from San Francleco. Starting the ball rolling Tueaday nl,ht 11 the thriller "Deathtrap' at the Harlequin Dinner Theater. The others all open Friday -"Bullshot Crummond" at the Newport Theater Arta Center, "FJ. Grande de c.oc.a Cola" at the Huntlngton S.Ch Playhouae, "Rain" at the 111111•101 . Westminster Community Theater .and a vi1it.lng show, "By George," at Saddleback College. Ira Levin's "Deathtrap" la the firet Harlequin production that fall• outsld«t the musical or comedy format. It focuses on a veteran playwright (Don Draper) who covets the new work of a former 1tudent (Grey O'Neill) enough to kill him for it. South Coast Repertory's James dePriest is directing. "Deathtrap" will be presented nightly except Monday• at varying curtain times through Nov. 14 at the Harlequin, 3503 S. . "Bullshot Crummond" will play Fridays and Saturdaya at 8 p.m. through Oct. 9 with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Sept. 19 and 26. Reeervationa are being taken at 675-3143 or 642-8119. The "Bulllhot" writers also penned "El Grande de Coca Cola," which premieres at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacliff Village shopping center. Kent Johnaon la directing the all -Spanish language farce set in' a Mexican night club. Clark Burson stars as the master of ceremonies with Joe Rltkes, Neil Kopit, Karen Matheny, Wayne May - berry, Trici• Burson and Lis Mendez completing the cast. Performances are Fridays and STAR -Grey O'Neill will appear in "Deathtrap" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. Saturdays through Oct. 16 with an 8:30 cUl'taln, with information available at 847-44~. The vintage drama "Rain" goes on stage Friday at the Westm'inste r Community Theate r , 7272 Maple St., Wes1minster, under the direction of June Winslow. Lorraine McWilliams and Walter Orange head the cast in the roles of Sadie Robb Kirby, Michelle DeTroy, Edward Stcmeck, MarCla WU.On, Willi• C. Nearhood Ill, Steye Soren1on and Don Barrett. Performances are Friday• and Saturday• at 8:30 through Oct. 9 with tJckell available by call1ng 995-4113. Fr:esh from a )'ear-long run at the Bo,_rding House ln San Francllco (where your correaponden t enjoyed ii Lrnmenaely) is the musical revue "By George," a tribute to the career of George Gershwin. It wlll be preaented twice thla weekend at different locations. Friday's performance will be given at the Irvine High School theater and Saturday's in the Saddleback College auditorium, both at 8 p.m. Curtain is 8 p.m. both evenings with ticke t Information dispensed at 831-l4650. I Als o on the boards a nd continuing through Oct. 3 is the comedy "Cheaters" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pi c o , San Cl e ment e . Performances are given nightly e xcept Mondays at vary ing curtain times, with further information at 492-9950. · uwir...-.. I MANY TALENTS -Hollywood's hottest director takes a whack at symphony music. Steven Spielberg made a surprise , appearance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Lenox, Mass., under the baton of John Williams, who's scored many ! Spielberg movies. • .( .--------------------------------------------------.----------------------------..... liiiiiiio------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ Paul Maz'1rsky stirring up a 'Tempest' ,. AP Wll....,,_to UKE FATHER -Clint Eastwood, 52, and his son, Kyle, 14, will star in the movie "Honky Tonk Man." Kyle plays his father's nephew in the film, the story of a country singer making a comeback. By LINDA DEUTSCH "-leeod ,,_ Wrttor HOLLYWOOD -The famous Hollywood director, lounging in his tropical garde n feeding crumbs to the birds, contemplates the fruits of success and sighs, "This is paradise." But moments late r , Paul Ma:rursky's benign mood shifts as he speaks of "the city" - Manhattan -and h is love-hate relationship with its urban stress. "One of the reasons I live in New York part of the year is to see the bad. I'm crazy," Ma- zur sk y l aughs. "I have to serve my time. "Look," he adds, "New York has a lot MAZU9'1«Y of action, energy. It's much more interesting to photograph. What have you got here? Freeways." Mazursky a.t 52, battling mid- life criais by shuttling restlessly Tiie Retum of the Gre•t Adventure. COITA MEI& n TOMI fOUWTAlll tAlllY OIWlll- Eftllds lktS10I Ed'#Ws ~ Edwlrd5 Foun~ Valley Coty C...ltr 540 HU 581 seeo UI 1500 f7f 4) '349281 COSTA •HA t:Owllds C-. Cenlel 919 4 I 41 I MO P.UO ~l.O ,Oii THla lMOAHMINT) IPGlc. .................................... --------------------COSTA MESA COSTA MUA AS YOU VE NEVER SEEN 11 BEFORE' "WHAT AN INNOVATION!" .J /\NF T '·'f,C,l 1~J ~HWY< Hl~ 1 IM!', .~~i;. -·----awtWnt I IAtOI NOW PLAYING !!,1!111--"""· ==--~-=-n;w "'.,.. --==.... e,;: ..... RF=-..,._ __.._._ ...... , =m:--c---•14•• ~aids Conema Ct11111 Ed.,atds Town Cet11er 919 4141 151 4114 A AA'#.tltiT JUlff :'~: ;:~ ~r;.~ El TOllO WHTMIHTUI Edwa<llS $acldltback UA Ma• 58' 5880 893 05•6 between two coasts, was back in California to unveil his eighth and most ambitious movie, "Tempest," a film which left some critics delighted and others puzzled. It is the story of a New Yorker who Oees to a lush Greek island paradise to find himself. "The movie ls clearly saying when we get into trouble we want to find a paradise to escape it," says Mazursky. "But in the e~'>L you have to go back and confront: t don't think there is any paradise." "Tempest" marks a new phase in the charmed c areer of Mazuraky, a miq-llfe movie from the man who brought us such hits as "I Love You, Alice B. Toklaa," "Bob and Carol and Ted and Allee," "Harry and Tonto," and "An Unmarried Woman." "I was interested in that intensely urban figure who's looking for something moi:e," Mazursky said of the angry architect played by John Ca11avetes. "I think a lot of peor.le are in that position but don t admit it. They don't walk around with a sign saying, 'I am looking for something more,' but they are." Suc h a s earc h firs t le d Mazursky to directing and the world of big-budget Hollywood movies. He was a stage-struck kid from Brooklyn when he began working as an actor .and standup Comic. • "I reached the point at 32 years old when I wasn't working very much. I was heading for middle age,'' Mazursky recalls. "I had an ofter tO wHte &>medy for Danny Kaye's TV show, and I took it. I made the transition from an unemployed actor to a full-time e mployed write r , but I still wanted to play Hamlet." 'then, in 1963, he and Larry Tucker wrote a screenplay, "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas," which became a Peter Sellers hit. By the time they wrote "Bob and Carol and Ted and Alic e ," Mazursky insisted no studio could have the film unless he directed it. "With all my OOieky exterior, 1 waa terrified,'' he admits now. "But I believe there are those moments in everybody's career -seminal moments I suppose --- when you cross a line and it's no\. by accident. I just knew that J couJd direct. <· "I've been scared to death 61 ill kinds of things since then,'' h • · adds, "but not about directing m . t' OW!": ~i3tures." • :: In 1971, with his careei:· established, Mazursky and h~· wife, Betsy, moved with theur two daughters to Rome. "Th4!- '60s were over and we felt like old hippies,'' he says. :. . .. During that year, when hi,:. eldest daughter was 1 4·,- Mazursky dreamed of making a movie about a man and his daughter on a remote iala.nd - much like Shakespeare's "Ihe Tempest " with its magician· prince, Prospero, and hit daughter, Miranda. "The theme i s ill Shakespeare," he aays. "rt inspired me and I took ofl and went somewhere else. Mine is very different from Shakespeare's 'Tempest.' " TH€ ORIGINAL IS BACK. '~ ~ • . IF YOU HAVENrt' SEEN IT- YOU'VE MISSED THE BEST LOVE STORY IN A LONG TIME. •• IF YOU HAVE SEEN rT-ISN'T IT TIME TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN? • • , 1=t w ()•) 111 lu 11.J .. ....... TIME OUT -Gordon Davidson, artistic director of ~e Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles, is taking a ye«r off to "think about the future of theater." Taper chief takes a break By JACKIE HYMAN AModeted "'"9 Wrtw LOS ANGELES Gordon Davidson, longtime artistic director of the Mark Taper Forum, is doing what any ambitious, hard-driving, clear- headed internationally acclaimed theatrical figure would do. He's taking a year off to think. Not so much about personal matters, although after a lifetime in the middle of a whirlwind, the 49-year-old Davidson could use some time with his family, including his wife o f 24 years, Judi Davidson, a busy publicist. But primarily he wants lO think about the theater: what it is, what's influencing it, where it's goinf. and bow to make it better. 'I'm mostly interested in finding out what it is .about the live theater experience that makes it unique and special, how to reach people and touch people," says the director, whose 15-year-old, 742-seat circular theater at the LOs Angeles Music Cenier originated the Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Shadow Box" and the Tony Award-winning "Children ot a Lesser God," both of which he directed. "I'm going to begin collecting my thoughts on the growth of this theater and theater like it around the country and where It will go in 10 years," says •Davidson, who recently received a Gul{Renheim Fellowship that he plans to use in his writing about the non-profit theater movement. Davidson directed "Children" on Broadway and in London, and recently returned from directing it at the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. "It's very gratifying having worked in England and Italy to see how well known our theater is," Davidson says. "There's just the beginning sense that Broadway Isn't the only place where theater is made." · "Und erneath the reason for taking a sabbatical lurks in what can the theater do to improve writing and the quality o( it." Since the Taper began 15 years ago, it has been one of the leaders in the regional theater movement, which has seen world-class plays premiering in such previously unlikely spots as Louisville, Ky., Minneapolis and Houston. This season, the Taper will be in the hands of acting artistic director Kenneth ~recher and managing di.rector William P. Wingate. The slate of plays, chosen by Davidson, includes the Pulitzer Pl'he-winning "A Soldier's Play" by Charles Fuller, Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" adapted and directed by Steve Berkoff, Jules FeiUer's "Grown Ups," Dario Fo's "Accidental Death of an Anarchist" adapted by John Lahr, and a summer repertory festival of two plays, to be announced. Although another director might seize the opportunity to advance his career by moving to New York or aeeking a larger theater, Davidson says his concern is not power but growth. "If I'm growing, I think I can keep the company from stagnating," he S{lys. "But the problem is, you don't always know you're stagnating. "I want to continue in the journey that started in Italy," be says, explaining that he and the actors experienced ••a new burst of creative energy'' at Spoleto. "It's like putting Murine in your eyes." He'll be reading scripts and writing about theater •. but will he be writing plays himself? David9on ducks his head and says, 1o1 don't know," 1 then adds with a slightly embarrassed grin, "That'• a secret." "Underneath the reason for taking a sabbatical lurks in what can the theater do to improve writinft and the quality of it and how we do what we do, • he aays, noting that he is concerned that the theater did not find a world premiere play for this season. "The reaaon is, there is no acript," he says. "Somebody said, 'Gordon ls playing it safe while he's away,' but that couldn't be further from the truth.'" One area Davidson is' exploring Is the development of a cable television wing "that would ' deal with both planning the t,fanSfer of 80l'De plays to cable and even more Important to me, the development of writing for television.'' Rather than creating productions to fit a slot, he would like to eee work that la "experimental and ~-oriented. 1 don't think that med.tum bu touched at all!' Prooea-oriented means .. you Involve you.nelf in the journey not knowlnsr, what the end neceeeerily la. You uy It becaUM t needs to be said, beau.a.e there'• eome lnllght. What does that have to do with ael11ng coffee cw motor oil?'' llU. •• llllO. , ... lla00¥9 N .... Ol M MOTOI PIClUN CCIII Ol MLI MlllA.ATIOM - KDKA pioneers another area AM stereo PITTSBURGH CAP) -KDKA Radio, the nation'• flnt COl1U1lf'rdaUy lloenled t&.at.lon and a broadcasting pion r, hu claimed another btat - the first AM ate~ bcoadcatt. KOKA lnterru9ted lta reaulor pl'Otfl'ammina at 6:03 p.m. on July 23 to prHent ln atoreo a lO·mlnuto announcement about the broadcast breakthrouaJh and what lt. wW mean to llatenena. The broadcaat came juat alter the Federal CommW\ICAUona C.ommlllion 1ranted clearance for AM 1tereo equipment. And It came 83 mlnu* 1h Id ol a broad.cut by KSTA-AM ln San Antonio, Tdx .. which I• broadc:Ndn1 full Ume In •tereo. "We detfnltely wanted to bo the tint lt&Uon on AM ate~. JUat. for the hiatorical value. And we were," aaya Jan Kowalclyk, enatneerln8' manaaer at KDKA who conflnne<f the beat with a. phone call to KSTA. The ataUon toute<t lta clalm In full- pqe newapeper ada. But no one could tell the ~Jfference becautP. AM 1tereo recelven aren't on tht> market yet.. 11We'N aJolna to take the tlme to do It rt1ht, to ,et the belt quality we can. • We want to pe~fect th ay•tem to get the betlt quality we c.an,'1 11he adda. But another mllHtonc has been c:lalmed by KDKA, a 24-hour-a..day. 50,000-watt, dear channel 1taUon and a Group W member. POLTERGEIST It knows what .rcans you. ~ ._ .................... •!_.!l9fjlllilftil!!~~j NOW PLAYING CDITA MEIA • OllA• • WHTMlllllH fdw;1d' C..,,111 Ctntl'I AAIC Or-. M.-fl!Wililt c-tli Wt•I 919 H•I '37 0340 Jet 313S OUlllE UACityCWllllll 93• 3911 AllAMEIM COSTA MESA fUllfftTOll OllAllGE B1ookhu1s1 Edwards r own Cen1e1 Fox Pacific's Orange 011ve In 772 6446 751 4184 525 4747 634 9361 BllEA Matin Brea Plaza 529 5339 "° '"'"' •ccviro '°" ,.,.. uoo•ot»uH .. ,., ,. . ....,.,_ ,.,.. 1h -~llllil , ..... ,.,, I W,I ....-:li tram JUNK CARS to MOVIEITARS ·' . ._._.ACT .... -.CMl .. TllOftlll" * BARQAIN.MATIUES • Monday ttlru SaturdaJ All Perform•nc•• belot• 5:00 PM . f&_,. I,... E1 .... .,..und Holidays) I ,. '-'•llA[IA lt!llAll Mlrooo 01 Ro..c:rol\o LA MIRADA WALi( IN 994'-2•00 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "THE JUNKMAN" lHI ___ ,...,_ .. STAR WARI"-,...... DOl.9Y aftMO ta.ti-a. ••• tea. .... lAl<fWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU ... "HOm WOfltK" CJ01 -----· focwlly OI Condl-OOCI 211/111•9llO "THI IUT UTTU WMOMHOUU • TUAt~ 1111 ----- ..,,., • ., ll4I"'" ""'"'"'"' •• -----·- ............. ,,, _ ......... ,. __ ....... IMPORTANT NOTICU CHllOllEN UND(ll 12 Fii((! ..... .... _ ... ""'tll lM•W..-.111111.Ull'lil Cllll-"-•'°""UICMW.•,._INOUJI .. 110 AM CM-Wini.,,_ aaa... MllOio _... .. rwr., 1•1111 c..l'I _,,... • • .. - AiJ\4 A ~4 J J ... 'ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ....... v ll4I ,..... l'llllT • "" -. ..,... mutt llMTlll .., Clllfll- 8 , ~ ,...,_ J A l/l BUENA PARK OlllVf IN ---------- .. '•A • .. o. I LINCOLN OlllVf IN ~ .......... AM 1'0UGll ~ O¥lll"' 1111 ·~1111 Cllll II IOUllO "ntl CHM.I T Ir 111 -"'"!~41111 --~--·-... .,.. .... - O~ANGf n11,\.t ,. ..,,. """"*I!' .-..r .. ......... .._ T ~ TMS lllTIUI· TElllSSTlllM." CN~ -"t'HI OMAT .,,..., CANR" let ...,, .... so Of 0.0tflGl_k....., lt1·Jffl ....,....,.... .... -"MVATll l.a8e0Ne" I'll Cllll "----- "'"'~'"' .... ....,.. • • llOONDe" .... 4~"- KUK.A broadcast the Ont r~autarly ac:hcduJed proarun. the re.ult.a of the Hardina-Cox pr(tfldentlal elecdon, on Nov. 2, 1920. It 1ave the lndl.l.IU1 the first f ulf. time radio announc r, the Urse advertiser, the firat broadcast of a 1port1ng event (a boxtna mat.ch), the flnl play-by-play of baseball and 1 .. football games, the flr1t regularly ac:hcduled radJo church .ervice, the first radio newsroom, and 90 on. J ' I THE t'"Mltl' CIRCl'M by 811 Keane "It's so hot out there I hove tears all over my body." MARMADl:IKE by Brad Anderson "You haven't seen my lunch bag, have you?" • Jt:DGE PARKER nus WEEK l'M OOIN~ TO CHANGE MV W//N5. l'M OOING-TO eE<:tlN ev NO LONGER W{f ING-MON~VS ~SLP! I'M BEIN~ f-!SLD UOSTA~ Ar 1313 WUMP ST.! I ACROSS 52 LMthers 1 8fougt11 up 55 Churc:tl IATURDAY'I PUZZLE IOI.YID 5 Herring tplr .. 10 Ground corn 59 Secre1 14 De-: Posh 81 Pompeii 15 Eiccnenoe heroine 11 8ulldlng 62 Gamtttlmenl bNln 63 Whhe popler 17 PllMgt &4 Nlnltl: Pref. 18 Venlcle 65 U.K . .,.. 20 Reeene: 86 Creuec:t 2 words 67 lnMC1 22 Pleulrlg DOWN 23 Apple P8f1 1 "Gil -.. 24 Nlrr•1• 2 UncMI 25 '0Pyvmlllon·· 3 Egr ... IU1flor 4 Oilunlt• 28 Brew 5 f'llght 32 EJcltl 6 PrlMy ()flt 33 0on·1 neme 7 QMelfy Nmmlt 44 Loee Pit> S5 loot! lfler 8 Fuat 2t Slit mix . 47 bnp II Contender t Mltlglte 27 ~ 41 Steno WOttc 31 IM•"t need 10 FIMWI com-21 81ot9 up 51 CeMd lleb 40 SMttly PGMf 2t YugoellMI 52 Be moody ., P:inllhtd 11 Hot --: 30 .. --53 Unlcorft ""' 4a Pe, the IMI NII ~ uy" 54 0.dln of 45 11eet bird 12 Sode.,.., a 1 AuM11n .,,.. • "9INlr: ~ ,,., 5& hltdllfl lwor• 13........,one 34 l.cMIW• .. Hind co. tt..., ,.... IO Cllopelr1'1 2 t Plr 1111'1 37 a.... Miid "..... • ....... .. ... ltAf/111 21..... 42~--., .. 't • • •IGGEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) 11The worfd't my oyattr, but I can't STAND oyatera." ··--· . . ' -- Or1n91 COlll DM.Y PILOT/Monday, lepttrnber e, 1N2 NANC'' I'M GOING TO ASK FOR MY MONEY BACK ON THIS NEW DOLL T~E CLERK SAID IT TALKS AND CRIES--- I'VE COE rf ! !'V£ FINAL.l(.) OVEF..(.CJ(IE. ~ FEAA. OF ~Pl~ OFF OF "THE Hl&H DIVE ! . . by Ernie Bushm1ller AND SLEEPS--BUT HE DIDN1T I (,Ol~S I (•t) A1t Mi ,L~'°' 'fOO ~1~ SAY IT SNORES by Kevin Fagan . • ... I (I 1:00. IUMMP....Ullft • 9 JMAY L.EWl8 Ttl.ETHOH An 11nnual tf>Klal, llve from LH V99•• and other locallone, l••tur" • long ll•t ol c: ... brltln and le held for the oen.!1t ol Mut- c:u111 QyttrOOhv. _ (%) * • '" ··circle 01 Two" ( 1980) Rlc:herd Burton. Tatum O'NHI, Oe1plte 1trono parental oppollltlon. • poignant romance de\191· ops bel-• 80-)'Mr-old arllat and • 1><eoc:ociou1 ,_.._ ac:hoolQl1: 'PG' 5:20 (I) JANE FONDA'S CE\..EBAITY FASHION SHOW Jel\fl Fonda and David Stelnl>ilrg ... rc:h tor a dMlgner'1 dream In en all· 1111 1pec:lal l•eturlng high fashion, c:Mbtlty gvesta _ •'l!I madc:ap adventure. 8:30 8 JUNT08 -I JIMMY SWAGGART ~YBR~KLA. INTEAHATIONAL tfOVf\i II *'A "Slnbad And The Eye 01 The Tiger'' (1977) Patric:k Wayne, Jana s.y. mour. The dishing hero battles unearthly c:reatvres and a deadly tloet to remove the c:urse that to.eeps • young prince lrom h15 rlghtlvl pl11ee on the throne ·o· 5:461 A.M. WEATHER 1$:50 ~ 8:00 LA .. MORNING D HEAL TH FIElO 8 CARAA8COl..ElfOASS • A8C NEWS THIS -- MOANING 8 YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES RE HERE'S TO Y UR HEALTH (I) MORNING NEWS CID * * '"' '~Blac:k Beauty ' (1971) Merk laster, Walter Sleuk Bued on the 11ory by Anna Sewell A proud and awesomely beavtllvt horse e•perlenQeS many diverse owners 8:10 ~HANS CHRiSTlAH ANOERSEH'S MAGIC AOVEHTVRE A girl and • boy find adventvra through story- -telflng. _ 8:30 8 CAPTAIN KAHOAA90 G_at~RLY TOOAY 8 ClAUEAY D COMMUNITY F1:£08ACf< tlf FELIX THE CAT • PRESEHTE 8:M (%) * tt "They Might Be Giants" (1971) 090fga C Scott. Joanne Woodward A preMnt·day HOlmet- afld-Watson team trac:lts down~ e•tortl~rlng. '7:00 8 MORNING NEWS D Q!TOOAY 8 700CLUB 8 G000 MORNING AMERICA D THE FROOZLES 9) WOOOY WOODPECKER • BUSINE.SS REPORT 8l) VILLA ALEGRE (R) 0 (I) HOU YWOOO Hollywooo reporter Bill Harrts P<H«tll u~ repor11 on the people and eventa which ara meklog news In the production end glarflor capllal of the movie Industry. 7:30 8 THEAEISAWAY • • FRa> FUNTSTON£ ANOFRIEHOS • YOGA FOR HEALTH Ii> MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING CS) A BETTER PLACE A young girt lelr~ thet hat graduation from college marks her next atep In hie (C)-• * * * "The Spirit OI St loula' (1957) J.,,_ S1ewart. Murrey HltT!fllon. In 1927. CherlaS "'· Lind- bergh becomes the flrll man to fly nonstop llc:fOU the Allenllc Ocean to Par- is II••* "9 To S" (1980) Jana Fonda. Oolly Parton Three working women rebel agelnlll their aubju· gallon by I male c:hau'llnlat boaa.·PG' t :OO. JIM 8AKKEA -. CARTOOHS • MISTER ROGERS (R) .• 800Y 8UOOIE8 <IL 8UHUP SAN OIEOO CH> * * * "Foul Play" ( 1978) GOidie Hawn, Chevy Chua A Hbrerlan antt.11 the aid ol an Inept potioe datac:tlv• altar aha ~ Involved In • blz.lrra -* of mvro.ta and kidnapping attempts. Cll • * "Saturday The • 14th" ( 1981) Richard Ben· Jamin, Paula Prant111. A COYple d~ that ICM houM they',,. lnherttacl Is being occupl9d by vam- pha, gno.11 and -1ad montt•a. 'PO' a:11 {%) * * * "9 To 5" (1090) Jena Fonda. Oolty Parton. Thrff working womep rebel ao-inl1 their IUbjU- I. lNXt (CBS! e l(MfJC CN8C) • KTL..A (Ind.) • l(AaC (A8c;,) e i(l;IMB (C8Sl-' e l(HJ TV (Ind.) e ICCST CABCI e KTTV (l_po.) I e ICCOP•TV (ltld.1 I e KCEt IPBSI e ICOCE IP8SJ •• 1111 Shirley MacLaine stars in 'Turning Point' tonight at 8:30 on KNXT (2). o•tlon by a mile chavvtnllt boss 'PG' l e30 8 · LEAVE IT TO BEAven •-VILLA ALEGRE (R)n t:oO 1111)-0NE DAY AT A TIME(R) D DIFPRENT8TROKE8 II oZZii ANO HARRIET 8 A.M. LOS AH0£LE8 CJ JACK LALANHE G) 0 JERRY LEWIS T£1.EJl4__.Q!j (CONT'Oj • ROMPER ROOM 9 SESAME STREET (R) ilrf" VILLA ALEGRE (R) a_~ue 9:30 9 (I) ALICE (A) D WMEEL OF FORTUNE 8 THE RIFLEMAN 0 MIO MOANING L.A. 0 * • "Looker" ( 1981) Albert Finney, JemH Coburn The mysterious deaths or a Mrlea of 1>eav- t1lul models Involved In a new advertising l)(Ojac:t are blamed on the plas!lc wrgeon who operated on them tt • VICTORY AT SEA C!J ELECTRIC COMPANY CJ) AEROBICISE 10:00 8 (I) THE PRICE IS RIGHT D Q!TEXAS 8 EMEROEHCY D LOVE BOAT (R) ti) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE • VEGETA8LESOUP (RIO GD SESAME STREET (R) cci * * * ·~' Brian's Song" (1971) James Cean, Billy Oae W1tt111ms. Two toolball players ,ahare a rare lriendthip vn111 cancer ciaims one ol them <ID • * · Cannonball Run" (1981) Burt Reynolds. Dom OeLuiM llarloua oddball c:haraclort compete in 11 C:Ol!SHO-C:Olll llUIO reoe. ·po· (SJ * * • "North 9y North-I' ( t959) Caty Grant, Eva Matle Saint An adver111ing man'• Illa 18 c:han9e<1 drattlcalfy when Ile la mlllakan lor a CIA ~nt 10: 10 lZ.) * * • Shanghai Express" ( t932) Ma"- 0..trlCh. Ciiva BrOOll Pu- sengers on a train •ncfud· •no e doctor and an adven- turess run 1n10 r~ 10:30. LOllE. AMERICAN STYLE SI UHITEO STA TE8 11:00 8 AMERICAN AOVEHTVAE D TH£ OOCTOAS • 80NAHZA D FAMIL y FEUO G BULLSEYE tD@ JERRY LEWIS TELETHON (CONT'O) d) MARCUS WELBY, M.O. • lEL.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) 6!) MISTER AOOEAS (R} (I) TO BE ANNOUNCED QINEWS 11:30 9 (I) TENNIS "US Open' Coverage ol Htly rouod mate:'-from the United S111a1 Tennis Association Natlonal Ten- rus Center. Ftv1hing Meadowt-Corone Perk, N Y D QI SEAACM FOR TOMOf\AOW 8 RYAN'& HOPE 0 MATCHGAME • MACHEll / lEHRER RE.PORT 6!) ELECTAIO COMPANY (Rl (C) * * *'• Break• Morar1t" ( 1980) Edward Woodwatd, JllC!t Thomp- son. ~rallana conacrlpt- ed to lloht on El'lglan<I'• aide In the 8o8f Wet decide to floht the Boer guerlHH on their own t.,ITla 'PG' g * ·~ .. A s.p.,ata Peaoe" ( 1972) Pllfll• SI• ¥.nt0n. JOhn Heyl ~hen I prep ac:l!ool lludant tultera I paralyzing fell, hi• 1 roommete ., .. ,... with his own guilt INllngl •bcM the eccidant. 'PG' CZl * • '" "Momtnle O•ar••'" ·nee 1) Faye Olinaway. Olene Sc:arwld. Fou1ea llfm ttar Joen Crawford ,.._ her two adopted chlldran In 1 domestic 1tmoac>flera tlla1 0 CJn.TV 1 Z TV " HBO ce !Cinema• I lTJ IWORINY.,N Y. 17)') IWTBSI Il l IESPNI rt 1 1Snow11,,,.) • $potll9111 - • IC.bll' Na._,\ N•l~fk) varies lrom luxur1ou1 oom- lor1 to Udlttic: dltctpllna 'PG' AFTERNOOH 12:00 D "Fighter Piiot•" ( t978) Will Aober'tt • * * * "The Naked Edge" (1961) Gary Coo- per, Deborah Kan A tono· del1yad latter cau-the r80C)8r'llng ol a 5-year-old murdercaaa. ® • * •;, "Haadln' For Broadw1v" ( 1980) Rax Smith, Vivian Raad. Fovr young, talented and tcered pettormer• go to N-York City to audition lor 1 Broadway ahow. 'PG' D Q!OAYS OFOUR LIVES 8 TWIUGHT ZONE 8 AU MY CHILOAEH ....llAMOVIE • Ola< CAVETT _&L~j.1.A ALEGRE (R)Q 12:30 Cl) * ~ "Under Tile Rain-· bow" (1981) Chevy ChHa. Cenie Flshe_r The 150 midgets wtlo ar-in town lor the hlmlng ol "The Wlz• ard Of Oi." turn • Califor- nia hotat ul)alda-down •. TWILIGHT ZONE • OVEAEASY =-MISTER AOGEAS (RI 1'22..D QI ANOTHER WORLD II ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS 8 ONE UFE TO LIVE • al JERRY LEWIS TELETHON ti!) S~~_tR) 1:30 8 Alf.RED HITCHCOCK PREUHTS 0 ~EWS • SPORTS AMERICA "Hohday Champion•" HIQllllQhll or the N1tioo9I Junior Olymptca track end field linals held at the Uni- versity ol NabrHka and the San Franc:lsc:o Marathon era oruentad. Cl:) * * * * "Robin And Marian" (1978) Sean Con- nery, Audrey Hepburn. An Older end wl-Robin Hood returna lrom battle 10 Sherwood For"t to rac:la1m hi• balOvad Miid Marran. wl\o has entered 1 c:onvaot and taken Mr vows 'PG' D * . ., ''Rocit 'N' Roll High School" (1979) P.J SO!et. Vlnc:ent Van Patten. A budding tongwrller 11 \/Inca Lombardi High tries to get the ~ to rec:ord hat mutllc: wnlla her equally ambitious frlal\d PVf'sue& I he ac:llool heat1 • throb. 'PG' ~COUNTRY MUSIC IJ.S.A. Roy C1art1 l\otlll a rOVMng country~ laetl\'al from he hOmetown of tnd9- pan0ance, Kll\MS, that lnc:lvdes avc:h c:ounlry· western gra11t1 u Metla Haggard, Charlie Rich, Johnny l" and Lacy J, Dlllton 1;45 (%) * * "Agency" (1081) Robert Mitchum, la• Ma)o<s. The MW head ol a major Amerlc:en adverllt- lng firm vaat 1 children'• breakfast drink campaign lo transmit 1ubtlmlnal polltlc;al m8SMQN 'R' 2:00 1• CHIPS (A) TOM COTTLE: Uf> CLOSE(FAI) '9 HOUR ~AGAZINE l =HOSPfTAl ~VE., AMERICAN" STYLE -~COMPANY 2:101 AE.AOeQ6E 2:JO 8UPEAMAN ..,.-a TO YOUlll HEALTH • Mt8Tf.fl AOOEA8 (R) (.iD * * * ''Foul Plly'' ( 1978) Goldia H.-. ~ c..-A Wbn1rlan anllsl• tCM aid of an IMpt pollCa detective alt•r aha ~ kwolwel In I blz•re Mrlea of murd«a and kldnappll\g lltamptl. ~ NCHAN> .... OHi IDMCWNIQtfT (IZ) tWll OtllllTw. AND-I .. MAa10 ADYINNM • tlli tnf • -llnd tO\lelllllf• l~owetl •*Y· .-no "" * * "Tiiey MIOht le OIMtt" (19711 °"'911 0. looll, ~M Wooctwatd. A Pr•Nlll·dly HOIMM- tllld·WlllOll IMm tlecU ~ t1i ••IOl'tlon ring • AAT Of' KIHQ ~ . I ll.IOTMI OOMltANY 1:41 OOOGIJll 'N4AMI 4:00 MID.AU. Loa An.-e Dodoef• at 1 Clndlltteo "8dt I . NIWI ~Caddy'° c t953) Oeall Martin, wry , LIWl1. TWO tc•llwbrelned young "'4N'I Mll>ftk on oomng cat-• wtth di .... 1rni1a r-.tte • ~TUOHa . .....,.....~,.., _eu.we 8ll&T (R) a_ CHAAUl'a AHGELa 4:IO.-ENTllnAIN._ENT TONIGHT I ~f. aTAEET lRI 00 THE RACH IOY8 IN CONCERT The 11mov1 group from rock'• golden er1 P8f'f0f'm their graatett hlte, lnc:k.id- log "C1tllornla Glrta," "SV<lln' U.S A " tnd "Ber· bat1Ann." Cl) MAM TWAIN THEATI\E: TOM AHO HUCK Tom Sawyer and Huekla- befry Finn bring back the foys ol Illa on the Mini ... alppl River 0 * * * ·~ "Sore»r•" ( 11177) Roy Sc:llalclet. Bru- no Cremer. Four deep« ate men risk t hair llvee whlf9 hauling .. plolllve nltro- glycarlna thro.ugh South American tonola• to battle lfl oil-watt lire 'PG' 5:001= NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THEPAAJRIE ilD SANFORD ANO SON ID OVEREASV-Cll NEWS QI WE AT AVE CC)*** "l'llCryTom«- row" ( 1955) Svun Hay- wud, Rlc:herd Conte Actress Liiiian Roth ttruo· oi.1 with 11c:ohOll11m and a f1dlng c:ar-. caJ * * ·~ "Blac:k Baeuty" ( 1971) Mark l•ter, Watt• Slezak BaMd on Iha llory by Anne Sewell A Pfoud and a-*11 baa<J11fvl h0t18 Hperteflc.. tl"IMY diverse owners. IS: 15 (%) * * !!\ "The Kida Ara Alright" ( 1979) The Who. Foot1198 Of -ol Iha rock band'• performancM are lnt•apat9ed with Inter- views of the group mam- befe. 'PG' 11:30 .-~ ~EW8 (MOH) • 8AHFORO ANO SON • E1.ECT1UC COMPANY (R) • SUMCVllM CB)* *"' "Blac:lt Beeuty" (1971) Marl< L811er, Watt• Slal.ak. Baaed on lhe llOI)' by Anna s-u. A Pfoud and ~ t>eeulllut horM experlenc:el maoy diVWH ownar9 8:0018 NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS Wb41n Krl1 i. kldnepped, Jiii comae to the r9'CU9 8 al NCM FOOT8AU. Ctamton Tiger& at 0-gia Bulldogs G WILD, WILD WEST Wast and Gordon deter- mine to loll an ax-Army general'• plan• to gain 1 ~of I MCfet eitpl0$Na tormuta. • HAWAII F1VE.o A~aboaMtlka revanoe wMn Illa boxer'• hand Is ameshed by en ••· f!ihter. • OWREASY Guests: hletorlan Or Abram Sacher, lormer u s. Spaclal EnYOy to ,,,. Mld-Eaat, Ambuaadc>r Sol llnowiU. (A) 0 • MMMC Of Oil PAINTING "Redwood Gr~" Cll C88NEW8 8NeCNEW8 (I) A 8E1'TtR PUCE A young glr1 IMml that Mr graduation ffom oOfM09 matka Mr next etep In tit•. 8:*1. DtCt< CAVETT Guett: dlrK\or apd pro- ducer Harold Prll\ce. t(Pll't 2)(R) • ,AST FORWAN> "G-" A look II titan atlCMVMOfgamMU edvc:atlonal Illa•, mlllltry 1id1 and 1ophl1tlc:1ted =--·· •• "SatlKdty The 14th" (19811 Rlc:tlat'd Berljemln. Paula Pfantlaa. A QOliple d lsciowr that tf'le hOVN they'Ye Inherited It '*'1g oc:c:u~ by veml)lf ... QhOlll and uaor'8cl mon- llera, 'PG' .MOVll *."Agency" (1981) Rob- .,, Mitchum. IAe Majorl. The new head of • !Nl)or Amertcan lld'lertllllng firm I.I-I c:hllclten'I br886'fllal dtWt c:empajgn 10 trenamlt eu~al pollttoal mte-aeo-, 'R' 7:001 ce9NIW8 N9C .... ~DAY9AQMN fON!e II lhot while on a oanlplng trlP wlttl Rooer. Pot• Ind Oledll I THlaMNT w•A•a•H T""*' dOwl\ fOr a fUltn ~ et "°""'· 0'*'-1t ao lr1te i.t r-.. 10 •• • ~ 1n me unn .• • l~aMLO ...... ~ m> , .... MAUZINI ·~-"-~· ent eda MCI dl9ooul!t , .... llava •fl99'11d hit oot- l••tu••: • t"n·•t• ....,..,,._, (C)MCMI •••~".,..•Morn" (IMO) ldwerd w.-tm•d, Jedi~~ --~ toilltll Oft ~· • .-111 ....... Ww dloldl 10 llDfll "'8 KOC& (50) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 - uzvenln1 at Popi." World -renowned soprano Leontyne Price join• John WOllama and the Bolton Pope Orcheetta. KNXT (2) 8:30 -11The Tu.;una Point." Shirley MacLaJne and Anne Baneroft atar u two frienda from baUet 1ehool who are reunited many years _later. KNBC (4) o~oo -"Madame X ." Tuftday Weld stan aa a woman who marries into a wealthy family only to be forced to abandon her husband and daughter . ·• KABC (7) 9:00 -"The Monaatery." Monks at St. Jo.eph'1 Monastery 1lf rural Ma.asachusetta tell their vtewa of what faith and the mona&tlc Uf e mean in these contradictory times. Bow ouetfllu on their own tarma. 'PG' (D)MOVlt! • • • "Ktno Kono" ( 1933) Fay Wrey, Robatl Arrn· 1tr0t10 A monatrou1 ape battlff an army While trying to tat.aln poeaaaslon ol •women c:1ptlva. (%)MOYie * * * "9 To 5" (1980) Jana Foftcla. Dolly Parton Thrff worl<lng • womeo. rebel agelnlt I l\elr tublu- getlon by • mile Cheulllnl11 bo•s. 'PG' 7:a<I 9 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: • vl1U to Mut- tang ~h. 1 legal brothel outalde or Reno. NeYlld1; a prollle ol the Hool.,. Clvb. 0 8 FAMILY FEUD • LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY L1verna·1 handtome c:ov1- ln from Italy com .. to '11111 Iha girts. e w·A·s·H Franl< dec:idaa to maka money by auc:Uoolng ott the camp g&rb11Q8 while Hawlceya'• tova Illa tulfar1 a Mrlou• att1c:k. • CIJ TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I l.EMRE.A REPOfn G EVENING AT POPS JOlll\ Wlllilms and the Boaton Popi era joined by world-renowned aoprano Leontyne Price tor 1 pat· tormance ol Puccini'• "Un 0.1 OI -11edremo.. ·trom Madame Butt•rlly ind aalec:hon1 from llardl'• "Ernarnl "(A) CH) JOHNNY CASH'S AMERICA The cCMJntry mvaic: star parlr.ir~ aalvta to Amer· lc:en history !Ind tradition• with gvetts June Carter Caah, Stav• Goodmao, JOhn Prtna and Rodney Crowell from Kennedy Center In WHhington. o.c . 8:00e CIJ M·A·s ·H Winc:hallar g ata a loothec:ha, but refuMI to -I dentllL (R) I 8 QI UTTL.E HOUSE OH THEPAAINE Jamal II lhot Whal\ ha lnadvenently wallet in on 1 benk robbery In progrwa lPart t)(A) • MOVIE * * • "Strike Up Tl'l9 Band" (1940) Judy Gar· land. Mld!ay Rooney. A high ICl\ool bend staga I show to relM mooey so It cen travel to • national c:ont .. t. D JERRY RE.ED ANO fMN08 Frlafld1 and eMOClat .. loin togathet In • plelclng end tinging rout ol the "Alabama Wiidman," Jerry Reed • P.M. MAQAZJNE Meat e family of Cl919brity phOtogr&PNR. • ~ -'-nambo)'aot adl and olac:ount rataa have lnQllfed hit~· • MOVIE * * • "Ooall\a 11" ( 1980) Frenk Siflatra, a.an M•· Iii\. A group of IOfffltr peratrOOC*'I pulll • ~ h9il1 In Lu Vagu but hat trouble Gaiting lha '"Ol\8Y out ol tl'l9 dty. • 1\1£"'"° AT POPS John WMllem• and the ""°9ton Popa era lolf*' by world-renowned eoprano IAontyne Price tor • pet· tormanoa of Pucc:W'• "Un o.r OI lladremo" from Madame Butterfly and Mlactlon• from Verdi'• "Eto•111. 'L(R) Cl)MOVll * * "All The Matble&" (1911) P9* fallc. 9urt YOVf'Q. A hultlll\g. wi.. onw::ltlng inaneger pulhel hll two female wr•ltaf• toward the top. 'R' .MOW! * ** "9 To II" (1180) J-Fonc:ta. Ooly Parton. Thr" wortdng women rebel agalnlt their 11Ubfu- 9a11on by • male d\euVlnlst boM.'PO' 1:10. Cll MOVIE *** "The Tutnlng Polot" (1977) Anne B1m;ro11, Shltlay Mac:LalM. Two lrlanda from bllll8t tralolng Khoo! woo ~ dlfterem roedl "'lll1Y )'Mr9 Mt1l9r .,. reunited 81\d IOfWd to c1..i wtth their diner- ; 8'NGLU ,._GAZINE An In~ wlttl ~ ) Erin Mofarl of "Hllppy 0.VS" encl ·., Joenl9 Lowa CMl:N''; • lqolt flt detlng fff'Vloe•: COIMCly with ,,.__ Murptly. eGMAT ~ ' I "Mra, Reinhardt" Halen Mlrren and Brad Oav,. lier in Edna O'Brien'• tatevl· •Ion adapcetton ot ,.,, lhon etory •boUt • woni6n who tlnde unaxpac:18d romariQe Whan Iha dlec:ov· era that her huabend 11 having an alfelr. (A) CD) 0MHOMOTHlR'8 lf.OTlMl 8TOflY • t:oo 8 8 MOVIE• ***"Madame X" (1981) Tuudey Wald, Eleanor Parker A young woman ma1rl" Into a -!thy polltlc:al lamflv. end I• then lorced to abandon her huab1nd and devgl!ter bac:aUM ol one tragic mlt- laka. IRI 8 0 A8CNEW8 CLOSEUP "The Monutary" Monka at St. Joseph's Monutwy In rural Muaac:huMlll, ut1tll r_,11y under • vow ol allal\ca. dlsc:uaa their v,_. on faith 11\d Iha mona111c ma. (R) G) MERV GRIFAH Gua1t1· Joan Embery, lat· ry Wilcox, Gloria Allred, Gerry Sliva, Ray Otey • GREAT PEAf~6 "Mra Rall\hardt" Halwl Mlrren and Brad Oavle atar In Edna• O'Brien'• tal9vf· tlon adaptation ol her .&hoct story about -e wom111 who find• unaxpac:taO romenca wt>an IM dlsc:ov- •• that hat hu&bend 11 h•Ylrlg an 1lfak (R) <J:) Cg) MOVIE * * *'" "Brian'• Song" • (19711 Jame• c .. n. Biiiy O.. wur ams'. Two football players ahera a rara Irland· lh'9 unlll c:aocer c:lalms one of them. CB)MOVIE * * "CennonbaM Run" (19811 Burt Reynold•, Oom Oelulu Various oddball ~llarac:t81S compete In 1 cout·t~st auto race. ·pa· (%)MOVIE * * * "Shanghai Expreaa" (1932) Mlflana Dietrich, Clive Brook. Pa• ~· on 1 train lnc:lud· Ing 1 doctor and an adllen· IVf'-rur1 Into renagadM. 10:00 I~. NEWS * * ~ "The GrNt Ameri- can BHuty ContHI" (1973) Eleanor Perk•. Bob Oummlog1. A beauty INtQNnl II dlttupted by UCJIY Nmota concerning -of the ""8flsta, I judge and a PHI winner. ID 18RAEU OIARY Attorney Stanley M. Ro1anblatt Interview• promlnartt ltteall poHllc:al ftgur .. on Iha quMtlon of Plleltlolao.atai.hood. 41 A a41U>'8 art This doc:umentary pr• Mnll a ctoM-up tool< at c:hlldran 1tNggtlng with the daily ltirMt 01 Ylolanoa. hunger. 09Pt88110n end eplrUUll dertc,_ Cl)MOV!f * * "SWMI Sugat" A young woman I• lorOlld to work on 1 plantation. clMP In the jungle. 'R' .MOV1E ** "looker" (1981) Albarl Finney, Jam•• Cotium. The mytt-'Oua delllht ol • ..,.... of bMu- tftut modal• lnvol\19d In • new aoverlllllng profect ere b41med on Iha l)!Mttc: 1Utoa<>n who ~•ad on them 'PO' 10:.IO I HEWS llMELJ DIARY 8tMlay Roi«lbtatt Inter• vlewt l8adlng lef NII polltl.. eel ligur• on the QllMtlon of Pel9ltll\lan Stathoocl. • u.,. CHAONICll • "Surv!Vel In HO\l•ton't Publlc Houlilng'' The l)f Ol>- lema In Houlton'• publlc hoUall\Q are examined. (C)MOWE * • * !II "The Spirit Of St. l..Oull" ( 1957) .,.,,_ 8•- art, MVf'f ay Hemllton. In 1127, Otllftaa A. Un6- bllrgti ~ the lltat man to fly noMt~ aoroae Illa Atlantic 0oHn to Pllf' ... (ll)MOv. * * ""l'M legend Of The L-Ringer" ( 1MO) l(tlft. ton Spltebwy, Ctwtalopfler L.loyd. The Lona Renow and Tonio purtUe ..., arch-enemy, autoh Cl"8llCllilh. llltlO ,_ .... nlPt*I tha ~ Of "'9U6.1PO' MOVtl • • \t "fha t<ldt Are Altlgtil" ( 1171) The WhO ,.. Of IOfN Of !tie tOCll NnO'• 119tf0f,,..,.... .,. '"*'"** with In•· MW9 of Ille If~ INll'I\• bert 'PO' 11i00••<1>111 a NIWa • MTUN>AV NIGHT ~~ Aic:t'latd 9Wln • YOU A8KID 'Oii' IT ,Htured ••A Wiidiy C.,,_ dy 'ICIOIY'' Ind "The AoY RoC1411• MuMUm .. • M•A•t•H Wllal\ Hot Lll>9 dec:ldea 11181 Ula la puatng her by, t"9 dumpe Frtolt and requeal11 trantl., • NNNYHN.L Fred Sounle DtOU<lty lntro- dUCN • n-... find lo add to l\le litt of 11era, • IMJllNlll NPOflT • DOCTO.. IH THI "°'* Young ,,...,_ beoorne tha c1oc1or1' enl8I conc.rn. CB> THE leACH IOVl IN CONOelW The famoua group trorrt rocll'• golden er1 perform • their orut"t hlt1, 1r1c1uo. Ing "Calltorn11 Glfle." "Surfln' US.A .. and "Bar· bar1Ann." H:IO. CIJ TE.HHl8 Hlghllghtl ol the U.S. Open lrom Iha United Stet" Tannie Alloclatlon Natlorl- al Tannla Center. Flualllng M'a1dow1-Corona Perk. N Y D "' THE BEST"" CAASOH ..,011. Johnny Carton. Gva111: 8111 Colby, HO"ll- ard HMMman. Mula and Kris Ande<aon (R) ·= . * * * "The Caddy" ( 1953) O.an Mattln, Jarry L-1•. Two acattarbralned youog inan embark on QOlting c:er-• with dl1utrou1 reeults ' • THE JEFffASOH8 The WIH1-· lormula lor an Improved marriage •lmoet 1uln1 the Jetteraont'. • LOVE, AMEf'ICAN STYLE "love And The Out-Of. Town Cllant" A YOUl\O ••~tlva plar11 to aurpriaa hi• wile. • CAPTIONED ABC HEW8 di A.8CNEW8 HIOHTUNE (l)MOVIE * ~ "Under The RalnboW" 119811 Chevy en .... Clll'ria F11har. The 150 midget• who era In town for the lllmlng ol "Tile Wlza1d 0 1 Oz," turn a Calilornl1 hotel upslda-dowl\ 'PG' .MOVIE • • • "lOOklng For Mr. Good bar" ( 1977) Olene KHton, Tvasclay Weld. A 1oc1arry rapraued 1c:h-ooltaac:har seek 1 ••c:11ement by rraquenttno ll'1Q181 bits and luring var- ious men Into ooa.-nlght etarids. 'R' 12:00 9 Cl) QUINCY Ovlnc:y trlM lo track dOwn 1500,000 In etOlan money that was c:ontamlntted with. deadly~ by Iha tl\lef befor• ha died • EHTEATAINMEHT TONIGHT An Interview with Oleo Campbell. 8 A8CNEW8 NIOKTUNE • MOYIE * * 1-l "Unc:i.t TM Yum Yum Tr"" ( 19&3) Jac:lc Lammon, Carol Lynlay. To antura a harmonious mar- riage, 1 oouple try living together platonlcally, but the a«angament ~ c:omtc.I -'*' thW land- lord trlel Mdudng lh8 vounQledy • LOVE., AMEAtCAH 8TYLE "Love And The Triple Thru t" Sem 11 deloerata to land ott Alica'• anampt1 to marry him "love And The G1'1lah Groom'· Ollie la working hia way through llWIChoOI. 9 MOW: • * * "The Mlaaing Ara OffdlY" (1174) Ed Nelson, Leonard NlrnOy. A boy yeerl\lrlg for a pet 118111 • rat ttom a leb, unlW.,. lhat It It c:ontatnlnatad with I rare, claldly di- CB) UOVIE •** "OUtllnd" (1981) Seen Connery, Pater Boyte. A ec>aca metahal tnYNtlgllt• I reah ol mys. leriOul death• within • mining colon)' on one ot Jupiter' a rnoon1. 'R' t2:tl(%)MCME * * * "They Might Ba Glanls" (19711 0eorve C. Scott, Jolnne WoocNNO. A p..-,t-dey HolfMa- aod·Wataon ta.n trac:lca Clown an e•lor'llon ring. tl:IO. 8 LAn NIGHT WITH DAVID LfTTENAH Gwe1a: Rlc:ll Morenls and Oeve Thornlll ol SCTV Networ11: Alben flM9y: 111tt writ.,. Cart Tleda- mann and 61"*'8n Winer. ; COUltlU • MOVll * * • "Th• letlera" (1972) JoM ~CM. Olna Memll. TIMI ._ of nine people .,. dt-'lolllly ~ w1181'1 llnei.tt .... deleyed -v-.,. flnal. -~AmNCAN ITY\I '\ "LO~ Ati41 The Cfltie Llrla Two ~1 dla- COVtr a looel cwi. ..... l)ftOr'8 number .. "-Altd , .... Soap OcMw•" .. Mda It ~ UI C1C1P1 wllhhetr~ (Q) HAMMM HOUU Of' HOMOft .. ~~··A OOUple who IOat tl\alf natw al born -11\rOVQfl Mffilh oagMct 111\d 11\W lldo9tad Ion act· tno flt inQ8lv 11:80 (C) MOVll * "The Hac>oY Hooktt Ooe• To W•tlllnQIOfl" f 1t?1) Joey ..._11w1on. George Hamtlloo The 1rraprM•lbla Xaviera I-lot· tender IOU•nayt to Iha U 8. C•pltol and uncOYer• ~ very Mnlltlve aacral doc:u- manl• •n• t:OO I = .wfRV * * * "The Counter1811 Treltor" (1982) Wllllam HOiden, Ultl Palmer. The Bfltlth go,,.,nmet1t blaell• malla • neturlllud Sweda Into bac:omlng a •PY 1!9111\et the Nl:til dur'lng World War II 1it0. CIJ COl.UMIO A vouoo man la murdered, alter c:ooperauno wltll hit uncle' in• lllU kid~ to brffk a trve1 fund (IJMoVIE * * "Search Oe11roy·' (t981) King, Don Stroud A for· mer SCMJth VletnamaM ot11c1a1 Hek• r•v•oo• against tlla lour A who ebanclonad hllTi amt>ulh during the 'PG' 1:30 a a Nee NEWS OVERNIQlofT • GENEAUTRY (Q)MOV1E * * "The Man With Bogart'• Feca" (1990) Robert Sacc:hl. OIMa Hus- aay A man dacldal 10 c:hanoe hi• lileatyta and phy11c:a1 appearance to raaemble hit ac:reen Idol 'PG 1 :66 CHJ MOVIE * * * Foul Play" C 19781 Goldia Hawn, Chevy Chase. A hbr111len entlsta the 110 ol an Inept pollc:e datact1v11 altar 1ha bac:Omes mvolvad In a bluirra -In ol mvrdera lttd kldnapplog &ttempt1 2:008 NEWS 0 MOVIE * • "Agency;• ( 1981) Rob- ert Mllc:hvm, Lee Major• The new head of • maJor Amertc:an ad.,.,..1111\11 firm -a cnildren'1 br911klut dt1nk cempalgn to tr11naml1 tubl1m1nl l potltlcal met- aagn. ·n· (%)MOVIE **'h "Mommla Oear81t" ( 19t 1) Faye Ounllwey. Ola- na Sc:arwid For1,.. mm atar Joen Crawford,.._ her two lldoptad c:Nldren In 11 domMtfc atmoaphera lhll VltiM from lu•Vf'IOVS comfort to sedlstlc: dltci- pllna 'PG' 2".30~= * *'"' "Tha Oc:tagon" ( 1980) Chuc:k Norris, lee Van Cleal. A wealthy yovng woman hlra1 11 retired mlt'llal 8'11 dlarTI· pion 10 protac:t her from terToriats trained by Iha mysterious Ninja c:ult. 'R' 2:46 8 NEWS L -.. Cl) L.Aff ·A· TMON A c:omedlan hoat and lour c:omtc: c:ontaatantt who c:ompate •o•lntt one 111\0tber .11111 leaturad In this unoan90<ed comedy o-anow. 3:119 MOVIE • • ·~ "Satan'• School For Glrfl" (1973) Roy Thinnea, Kata Jac:lcaon A Y°""O women antoUI In • privet• achool lor oirts to 1n-11- oa1a the unmotivated IUl- cida of hat ...... Cl)MOVIE • * "AH The Merbln" (1981) Pater Falk, Burt YouriQ A hu9thnQ, _,.. c:rac:t.lng menager ~ hi•,_ ........ _.., .... towerd the 100. 'R' 0MOVIE • • "Sitting Ouc:k1" ( 19&0) MldlMI Emil, Z.aetl Norman. Two 11\ept rnob- atara Ilea to 6.ollth Amert<ie and enc:ountar Iha _, ulignad to klll !Mm. 'R' S:llO CB) MOVIE * • "Cannonball Rufi" ( 1981) Burt A9)'nolda. Oom OelulN. Vatloua oddball dllr11C'18fl ~ In • coeat·to-coeal euto rec.. 'PG' 4: ta (%)MOVIE * • ~ "The Kida Are Alfight" (1979) Til9 Who . Footaee of -ol IM roc:ll bind'• pariotmencea eta lnter~Md Wllti Int«· views ol ,,.,. ~ mem· t>era. ·PG' 4:IO CC) MOVIE *** "TIM Gr•t TellU C>rnamit• OheM'' (1178) Claudie JennlnQa. ~ ~ r-.o tamale ~ t'Obber9 OlllWlt Pob .. they ravage the m• POPMl•c:• with lll11ln9 etlool0Ut1. dynernlta IMMta and outrl980UI d..,.._ 'A' .,. "MONO.AV, 81PT. 9, 1M2 ClAIBIFllD Angels outslugged .White Sox · in vade A~ah ei1n today • MILWAUKEE (AP) -A two-week stint in the minors did wonders for Mark Brouhard. Brouhard, optioned to Vancouver Aua. 12 and recalled laat week, a1ammed a towering two-run homer to cap a five-run Milwaukee alxth inning Sunday. The Brewen went on to defeat the Angela 8-5 and kept their four-game lead in the American Lea,ue Eaat. The Angela, who nave loat a1x of their 1aat eight games, stayed two games behind first-place Kanau Oty in the AL Weat. The Angela come home today to open a atx-game homestand against the Chicago White Sox. Starting the 1 o'clock game wW be Ken Fonch (11-10) against veteran Jerry Koosman (7-6). "I didn't realize how rusty I waa until I got to Vancouver, and it took me at least half a dozen gamea before I felt decent," said Brouhard, who had played little for the Brewers since· Harvey Kuenn took over aa manager June 2. "They said it might help me to pl~a little bit against live plli , and for awhile ev~ry fast down there looked 120 miles an hour," Brouhard bid.· ''But I felt good today," he said. "With a 3-2 count and a runner on third, I waa just trying to hit it hard eome place. Fortunately, I got it up in the air.'' Mark Brouhard buried in the race. I prefer to look at it the latter way." Kuenn said he la happy that the Brewers will play the rest of their schedule against their East Division rivals. "That's the way It ought to be -playing the teams in your division and the teams you have to beat," he said. "I'm glad we're · not going to the West because then you start looking at the scoreboard, and you can't gain on .anyone unless you win." The Brewen erupted for five l rwu in the sixth off to.er Geoff Zahn, 15-7. Jim Gantner waa hit by a pitch in the left wrtat to lead off the inning and left the game. Pinch-runner Rob Pioclolo took second on a aingle by Paul Molitbr. I A sacrifice by Robin Yount moved. the runners up, Zahn retired Ced1 Cooper. But a wild pit.ch by Zahn allowed the tying run to acore and Molitor came home on Gorm4n Thomas' lingle. ' • Don Money then tripled in Thomas. Brouhard, playing left field becauae of an injury to Ben Ogllvie, followed with his third home run of the year to give Milwaukee a 5-1 lead and chue 1 :l.ahn. . The Angela pulled within 5-3 with two runs in the aeventh when Doug DeCincea alngled · and Reggie Jackaon lined hla i 34th home run of the year, tying Thomas for the major-league lead. The Brewen added three runs in the seventh off Rickey St.eirer as Ned Yost doubled and advanced to third on Picdolo'a • 1 bunt. Molitor hit a hard 1 grounder that caromed off , DeCinces' and rolled for an RBI double. Yount singled in Molitor to finish Steirer and Cooper hit a 1 sacrifice fly off Andy Halller. A single by Grich and Don Baylor's 22nd homer made It 8-5 in the eighth. . . D.-, ........... .., GerJ ..... "We can look at this two ways," Angela' Manager Gene Mauch saicl. "We can say we were unlucky because of all the cheap hits they got, or we can say we're lucky we didn't get Brlan. Downing broke up a hitleu battle when he led off the fourth inning against Mike Caldwell, 14-11, with his 24th homer of the season. Caldwell scattered nine hits over eight innings and Pete Ladd hurled the ninth for his third save. Angel Manager Gene Mauch hopes that things are looking up now that his club is returning lo open a six-game homestand -today 1 Marina hoping to fill some holes • ~..!l~~~L.WN A good line on the Vikings of Marina High came a year ago when 1981 prospect.a were dieculeed. The line on Marina was bright, but it wu tempered 38-yeai'-old ex-quarterbllCk. He didn't finiah the eentenoe, ju.It kept finaerina hia lilt of help from the 1981 aophomOre team. A lilt with a lot of namee scratched off. J by the "Wait unW ne.xt year'' statement. 1982 OUTLOOK [•] Coach Dave Thompeon'• Vl.kes went 11-2 and to the CIF Big Flve Conference aem1.finala and there are seven reiumlng starten from that outfit in camp. There are alao very b.(g vacanctea to fill at quarterback and wide receiver. Ken Laszlo and Jeff Frandaen, the pus-catch combo that apearheaded Marina in '81, la DO loncer· In keeping with hla reputation, Thompson aays, "On paper, our offensive. line la u good, or better than the '79 team or last year. And we're strong in the .econdary, at defensive • end, linebackers and DOie guard. Outaldera, however, are convinced Thompeon will come up with a capable replacement for Luzlo. "But, key injuries can bring you back II to mediocrity real quick, eapedally in A look at the record ahowa the last three QBs aa Sam Aiello, Bobby Grandstaff and Luzlo, none with a • the offensive line. I gue. rve been thinh before, but now," continue• t e 1 Rutledge of I icially I dealt to New York I By JOHN SEV ANO or .. r..-,,......,. An outwardly~poeed Jett Rutledge leaned back on a couch in his HWltinaton Beach home. Momenta earlier he had juat returned from Rams Park where he met wt th Coach Ray Malavui, Admln1ater of Football Operations Jack Faulkner and owner Georgia Frontiere. The trio Informed Rutledge what the Dally Pilot had already announced In lta Sunday morning edition -that the four-year veteran quarterblick • had offidally become a member of the New York Giants. '111e news came u no ahock to Rutledge. Nor waa the deltlnation. He had known for I 1 almolt a week. , Faulkner called Rutledp at h1a home around 2:00 SUnday and aked the Alabama lfllduate lf he'd mind driving to aam. Park. I "Have I been tnldedr' Mbd I Rutled&e. 01 think ao," WM Faulkner's amwer. So RutJedae left. Upon hla arrival, he waa lfMted by Geo.rm FronUere, who said: "I dJdnr want you to F· You were like family. a&t Pfople convincld me that dlll wu the beet thine for yoW' ......... J'aulkMr and MalaVllll echoed • 1lmUar aenttmenta. Rutledl• bl'w it WM the rtpt decll6oft. too. 11t'• .... far ma," be would 197 la•. ul wouldn't haw been, bADPY behind VllD Cll' Bert. r.rin )Mvjq with a .-...... in my moiadi. I'm not batter. Thlnjl didn't tab plolCe lib I waa told, but I 1ueaa that'• becau.e of Vince's situation.'.' One must under9tand that Rutledge la a very truatlng peraon. Therefore, when Malavui told the 26-year-old rlaht.-hander he'd have an equal shot foe the No. 1 job after the team aianed Bert Jones, RutJed&e believed hla coech. And when Malavaai told Rutledae not once, but twice, that he had nothlna to worry about after the team atgned Vince Ferraaamo; that t he procedure WM a mere formality 10 the Rama could trade him (Ferr9mo), Rutledp believed his coech .,.in. . · U nfortunately , the Rama' dlf&ulty In tnidl"8 Fernaamo forced them to explore other altematiwa. And, wheb Giants' c.o.ch Ray Perkins made lnquirlea concerning Rut1C:.ift!'• availabWty durtnc the of lMt week. the Rama jumped at the opportunity knowlnc it wun't lOlkal, or healthy, to keep all di.r.. •IJ'm cUlappotnt.ed In the way thlnp turned out.'' admltt.ed ButJedet1 who Wt lalt nlaht tar the .. Apple ... I knew In mmp it Wiii..,..,. to be either Vlme or me. And , the lonf•' It lln1ered the more wa 1 oanYtnold It Wll 11J1n1 to m -· that wa. traded or put on OM tmd • ~.. ' ~-~, tlallt.ttw-:iea ~ whO almoM t.w • ---·---~­... a ,.... •· MalaYllll .. already llt to mu. Rut~ No. ~ ( ... Rtm.BDGE, .... Cl) down's experience as a varalty quarterback before their aen!or teaa0n. ltTll have to be filled by either Bill Marler, a 6-0, 170-pound junior, or Stan Pincu.ra, a 6-10, 165-poUnd aenior who hit 60 percent of his pus attempts as a junior. The only problem in that atatlatlc is that Pincura attempted only five puaes, netting 60 yarda on tboae three completiona. Marler connected on half of his two paa.es for eeven yards. ''Quarterback la the bJaest penonnel factor we have on 0Hen1e," says 'nlom1J9011, a diadple of the veer. "I hope one can atand out right away becawie lt'a really diffiaµt to tiet two ready to start at the same time.' Here's a rundown by position; QUAR TERB ACK -Marler ls consider,a<f the better runner, and bigger me and ii stronger. PiJlcuR ia a little smoother, aooordinR to Thompeon. Each. of the preceding t1l.ree quarterbacks at Marina were defensive backs as junion (Laszlo would have been but waa Injured) and Thompson aaya Marler could step into the secondary now, too, but won't. RUNNING BACKS -Thia ta one of Marina's big weapons, es~y with 5-9 , 160-pound Eric Karman, who appeared late in the p.layoffa and aoored on a 58-yard touchdown run. Clint King (6-0, 180 sr.) gives the Vikes a verx good 1-2 punch out of the veer, and Clark1 Pattenon (5-10, 160 ar.), Rich Rector (5-8, 155 jr.) and Kenny Gunn (5-7, 145 jr.). provide quality depth. (See MARINA, Page C3) Dave Thompson 'Rookie mistake' helps LA LOS ANGELES (AP) Pittsburgh rookie right fielder Doug Fobel took the blame for the Pirates' 10-in.ning, 2-1 lo. to I L09 Anaelea, saying "I made a rookle miatake ... I wun't u aggreulve aa I abould have 1 been.'' Fobel, 23, playing in his tint major league game, let a buee loaded fly ball by Loe Anaelea On TV today channet 11 at 4 rookie Grea Brodt fall into ahor1 riaht for a alnale that let the wlnnina nm come home. "I waa undel' the ball. It WM l · mine all the way," robe) laid, "But I he.rd center fielder Lee Lacy =gi 'l'hrow home, throw . ' tl'°"'8ht he WM cagJna nw off.'' ~~~.~~ knew-= what I wm ~ lie'• a • He waa contw.a, That'• all ..... ii to lt." 1119 Yldary mapped a w.-' pm• loeln1 1treak for the Dacll m who IDIW.t within l M pmee of flnt-place Atlanta. Plt1ilburlh fell .. Into fowth. 4"' ...... behind 8&. Louil In &beRa*-ll.-.. .... liirl ...,... ....... bla llxtb -.1 .. NU8lnl &om ... ~~"~~-=-..~-.-Y in"'--........ .._., hltl ln eltbt ....... Lail'1 -= McWIU&amt, who lciit to tbe ~ 1-0 In P1"81M&Nh -~..,. ao. aUowM ave blti ID ...,.,....,,... } - ~· \ \ Or1nge Ooeet DAILY PILOT/Monday, hptembef 8, 1882 Nastase, Connors, McEnroe advance at Open NEW YORK (AP) -Crowd favorti. IUe Nut.uo, the "clown prince of tennla.'' n:xW h1a perfttt.ly tJmed on-court anUat and Johan Kriek'• errora to upeet th• 10th-teed.cl South Ab1can 4-8, 7-6, 6-7, 6-8, 6·2 Sunday_ and advance to the round-of-16 in the U .S . Open Tennla Champlonahlpa. In the night'• final match, MC<>nd-teeded Jimmy Connon put down an upaet bld b y 18-year-old Jlmmy Ariu to polll a 6""4, 4-6, 6_., 6·1 victory. Alao advanclna Into the round-of-16 were defending champion John McEnroe and five-time' women'• champfon Chris Evert Lloyd. . Arias, completing hla second year u a pro, was leading 4-1 in the \hlrd eet before Conno~·,.~ three-time winner of America's premiere teruua . event,~ \he next flve p.rnea to take• 2·1 JMd ln ••· <:onnon than roll.t out to a 4·0 lMd tn th• fourth Mt before Arial h•ld. TM left-handed native of Belleville, 01., took the next two Carnet to wrap up tho thtrd-round victory. For Nutue, who won America'• premiere t.ennia event 10 years aco, lt wu' the flnt time be hat reached the fourth round alnce 1976. With Kriek aervtna in \he tlna1 aet, he double faulted to match point, 30-40, then aced NU1ale to pull to deuce. The Romanian, who thought the aerve wu Iona, ruahed to the net and beaan ec:ream1ng at the Uneawoman who had called the ball aood· He reached match point twice more, the th1.rd one coming when Kriek, atandlng at the net. Orioles rally to win eighth straight Kea Sla1letoa'1 two-run pinch-11 hit triple and a fielding error by Minneaota th1.rd bueman Gary Gaen! produced three runs in the sixth inning aa streaking Baltimore rallied for a 5-4 victory over the Twins Sunday afternoon, stretching lta winning streak to eight in a row and 15 out of its last 16. Winner Storm Davis 1 ' allowed one hit over the final four innino in 1 relief of· Deaal1 Marflnei weaver to retire, remain as consultant From AP d11patcbea BALTIMORE -The Baltimore •. Orioles announced Sunday that Earl Weaver, who wW retlre after 14~ years as manager at the end of this season, wW remain with the organization for the next two years as a special consultant. A three-paragraph release ,.id Weaver wW serve primarily as a major league scout, covering Florida-baaed clubs in the spring and selected teams during late August and September. "I don't think Earl would exclude himaelf from doing somethin~ 1pecial at other times,' GeneTal Manager Hank Peters said prior to Sunday's game with the Minnesota Twins. "It'll be just like all along," said Weaver, 'TU do wuva whatever rm .iolct" Weaver said he would like to help out at Baltimore's minor league camp, which is near his Miami home. expresaing a desire to present the orientation speech and a base-running talk he has been giving for more than 20 years. But any decisions along thoee lines, Weaver said, would depend on the wishes of the new manager. The yet-unsigned contract, Weaver sald, Includes a clause that forbids him to manage any team other than Baltimore. "This is my choice," he said. "I want to work with Baltimore at least two years, and may"'be longer:•· --- Cardinals slip another notch In East Fred BrelD.lDs hurled a six-hitter 11 in pitching the first complete game of his career and Cllamp "Sammera delivered a two-out pinch single to snap a 1-1 tie in the bottom of the eighth to give San Francisco a 5-1 victory over St. Louis and a sweep of thelT three-game series. The loss was co1tly to th~ Cardinals, whose lead in the National~ F.ast was shaved to just a half. game . . . Elsewhere in the NL Sunday, Mllle Scltmldt and George Vacllovlclt hit consecutive first-pitch homers off Nolan Ryan in a three-run sixth inning to trigger Philadelphia to a 4-3 victory and a sweep of that series . . . Rick MUler and Gene Garber limited Montreal to only one hit -Al Oliver's leadoff homer in the second -but Atlanta l06t a 2-1 decision when an e.rror by shortstop Rafael RamJrez in the bottom of the ninth allowed the deciding run to score . . . Keltlt Moreland's two-run homer highlighted a four-run Chicago fifth inning as the ~ubs rolled past San Diego, 5-1, on the combined seven-hitter by Randy Mana and three relievers . . . EW1 Valdlttae's three-nm homer keyed a seven-run second inning to help New York trounce Cincinnati, 10-2. Peete wins third tourney this year CalvlD Peete aurvived a double-!1- bogey on the fint hole Sunday and went on for a record-breaking 19-under-par 265 to win the B.C. Open golf championahlp in F.ndioott, N.Y. The triumph was the third thl1 year for the 39-year-old Peete, who hilted hil 1982 winnings to $281,361, lifting him from ninth to sixth on the money liat . . . Jay Stael. a 38-year-old veteran, won the U.S. Amate ur cbamp- ion 1hi1> with an 8 a nd 7 victory over young David Tolley. an upatart from the Univenity of South Carolina who hid up.et four rivals en route to the final ~ ... Jo.Aue Caner ahot five birdJ• in a row and c:N18ed to a 6-under-par 66 after the aecond round of the LPGA Rall Charity C1-'c in Sprtnafield, m. . . . Roy Smalley homered from both aides of the plate , -only the 12th american League player 'fo ever accomplish the feat ln one game -as he drove in alx ru.ns and helped New York crush Kansas City, 18-7 . . . Jerry Remy slid home safely on Carl Ya1tnem11d'1 llNGLITON fielder's choice grounder with' the bases loaded and nobody out in the bottom of th.e 10th as Boston came from behind to nip Seattle, 6-5. The Red Sox rallied for three runs in the bottom of the ninth to send the game into extra innings . . . Rance M11111Dllll hammered a two-run homer to highlight Toronto's 6-5 win at Cleveland . . . Right-hander Jack Morri1 fired a two-hitter to help Detroit topple Oakland, 8-1 . . . Larry Parrlsla, Jim Sandberg and Backy Dent rapped out three hill apiece to lead a season-high 19-hit attack as Texas sna,pped Chicago's six-game winning ~treak with a 10-7 · triumph. Baseball today On ihla date 1n baseball in 1948: The Pittsburgh Pirates turned over six double plays en route to a 2-1 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals. On this date in 1943: At the age of 16 yean, eifhl months and five days, Philadelphia A s pitcher Carl Scheib became the youngest player ever to appear in an American League game. On this date in 1905: Chicago White Sox ace "Big Ed" Walsh hurled two complete game victories in the ·same day, beating the Boston Red Sox twice, 10-5 and 3-1. Southern 500 a Labor Day tradition David Pearson and Darrell • Waltrip will lead the way at the start of today's Southern 500 Grand National atock car race at Darlington International Raceway in South Carolina. The 500-mile event has been a Labor Dat:k"tion for 33 years . . . Detroit running Billy Sims, out of training camp with a contract dispute, wW meet th18 week with the owner of the National Football Le~e club in hopes of endlng his holdout, publlahed reports aaid Sunday. Sima has been absent from the Lions since veterans reported to training camp July 29. Televlslon, radio Following are the top aporta events on TV today. Ratings are:•vvV'" excellent; .,...,,,.... worth watching; V'" fair; " forget it. 4 p.m., Clwmel 11 V' V' V' V' BASEBALL: Dodgen at Cincinnati. Auoancen: Vin Scully and Roa Porter. Fresh from a IO-inning 2-1 victory over Piuaburgh which moved them to within l ~ games o1 fint.place Atlanta. the Dodgen begin an important road trip which allo lncludes atopa in Atlanta and Houaton. Tonlcht. Loe Angeles fac~1 Reda' ace Mario Soto (11-10). while countering with left-hander Jerry Re\.181 (13--10). I p.m., Clwuael 7 V' V' V' COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Clemaon at Georgia. Auoucen: Keith Jaclmon. The defending national champion Tipra beam their campaign aplnat Southeutem eonterence powedlOUlte Gecqia. OTHER TELEVDION 11:30 a.m. (2) -V.I. OMN TENNIS - Early round a>VerH8 taped at the NaUonal Tennll C.etiter in Fl-Meadow, N.Y. BMeba1l -Dodpn at CindimaU. 4 p,m._, KA.BC (790); ~ ai AnpJI, 1 p.m.1 KMPC (710). Temu. -U.S. ODeri reporta, 9:45, 11:45 a.m., 12;45, 2;40 p.m., rtNX (1070). lll'Mlhed tho baU Jona. On the next point, Kri4'k hit a back.hand volley that ..Ued lonf and nt Nutue leaplna into the air ln alee. ln the Mventh aame, Nutate m1'MCi one aame point. Then, u a plan takina off from nearby LcOuardla airport flow overhead, Naataae 1prawlod on the COW'\, covertna up hla head. 111 thouaht I behaved pretty aood for me," aaid Nutate, who preferred tallcJna a'bout Kriek. "H•' too upeet. He sett too much down on hi If. never lay• aafe," he paid. • ~u aervePJ 1eveii ace• to only two for Knelt, who Md 21 double faulta. Naatue double taul t.cS 13 ttmee. "It w., nice to have everybody root tor me/' N•t.aM l&ld. 0It wu a nice chqe. Before, they would alt be -aa1n1t me." u McEnroe, eeekina hit fourth conaecutive title, > shook off a letharlfe ltart Jo cruah Vl.nce Van Pat1en 6·3, 6·2, 6-3, while Lloyd dominated Kate • Latham 6-2, 6-1. In other women'• matchea, amateur EllM ' Burgin upaet ninth--aeeded Bettina Bunp 7-6, 7·6; No. 6 Wendy Turnbull of Au.atralla •topped Weat .i Gennany'a Claudia K.ohde 7-5, 5-7, 6-!; No. 13 • • Kathy Rinaldi ou11ed Duk Hee Lee ot South , 1 Korea 6-2, 6-1 and No. 16 Zina Garrt.on atopped • ~ Heather Crowe 6·2, 7-5. . In the men'• 11.nglea, No. 4 Gulllermo Vllu / defeated Mike DePatmer 6-3, 7-0, 4-6, 6-1; No. 8 Eliot Teltacher •topped Chrl1 Lewi• of ~ew Zealand 4-61 7..6, 6-3, 6-(), and No. 12 Steve Denton out.luted Mel .Purcell 4-6, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. , Bill Walton goes low to dig one out Sunday during volleyball exhibition at Huntington Beach Crosby tourney ·to be shifted Event to be changed to a Sund~y-Monday format in '83 The 552 Club isn't letting any grass grow under it.a feet in planning the next Crosby Southern golf toumame.nt at Irvine Coast Country Club. Far from it. Ch.airman Gordon Bowley has announced that the competition will be changed from the usual , Thunday-Friday dates to a Sunday and Monday event. The dates are Jan. 16-17 and the start Will be opposite the final day of the Los Angeles Open. "With the change in the PGA tour format this coming year, we had to make aome changes," Bowley says. "With no more qualifying on Monday, the pros now must sign~two weeks in advance of any tournament they w to play in. "We wW write to touring pros in December and give them the nformatlon about our tournament. "We are alao working very closely with the Los Anaelea Open committee and when the cut is made on triday, we will be there to try and get players to come here who aren't in the L.A. Open linal rounds. . "Our purse will be increaaed from $25,000 to $33,000 next year and we hope to exceed the $72,000 we rabed for the hospital last year. Our budget figure exceeck that amount." THE PRO FIELD I.a limited to 72 players from the pro ranks and 72 amateurs who are paired with a pro for the two daya. The proa will be selected from the tour, from the top Southern California PGA pros, local play\ng proe on aatelllte tot.ars and from the senior tour. The Crmby Southern committee has several other ideu in mind for the future but l.an't ready to dlvu!O.\hem at the preeent time. . · ~ pro la guaranteed $200 for participating in the tournament with amateurs paying $600 for the PftYilele. There are allo apomon on each tee and IJ'Mll to help rai8e tl\e money for the hospital of which the 5:S2 Club ii the support ll'OUP· It could be quite -" interettina altuation this oominl year when the Sunday competition not only HOWARD L. HANDY -conflicts with the L .A. Open but the finals of the American or National Football Conference playoffs as well. -• • • 'I THREE FORMER CHAMPIONS a.re among 1 the early entrants in the Long Beach.Queen Mary ()pen Golf tournament to be staged at El Dorado " Municipal Coune Sept. 15-19 including Tony Sills (1981) of Los Angeles, Mike Krantz (1975) of Long. Beach and Ray Arinno (1977) of Sacramento. Area entrants lnclude Ray Carruco of Irvine, a• > three-time Golden State winner; Jerry Wisz, a fonner UC Irvine star; Brian Lindley of Costa Mesa 1 and runnerup to Nathaniel Crosby In the U.S. o Amateur championships in 1981; Mark Badraun of "1 Laguna Niguel; Larry Brotherton of Laguna Beach:• · Jim Caapio of Fountain Valley; Tony Campregher J of Huntington Beach; Mike Krantz of Huntington' .Beach; Peter Papke of Corona del Mar; and Larry·· • Collins of El Toro. The field is 80 percent filled at the ~t time and is expected to be complete well ~re the_ pro-am on Wednesday, Sept. 15. ...;,, • • • -7 "' THE llt~ AlliJNUAL Balboa member-guest tournament at Big Canyon Country Club found Jim ) Jones of the hoat club with partner Artie McMillan • of Colonial CC: the low gross winners with a ICOfe of 291. . RUTLEDGE DEALT~. fROM RAMS TO NEW· YORK GIANTS ... Dan Bibby of Big Canyon and Pete Nel8on of .-1 Irvine Cout CC: finiahed aeoond at i96 with Alan Drobka and guest Howard Htaget of Rollinc Hilla CC th1.rd at 302. In the net competition , Dan DeMUle and ., partner Larry Scewart of Phoenix CC-bad a 268 foe ,, top banon followed by Bill Maurhan and sueat.:-.J John Freitu of La Rtneenada CC at 269 and oeor,e. · Fender.:>rl with guest Bob Clarke of La Jolla CC ,I third at 271. From~ge C1 field general when be wu felled by a Detroit lineman and 1oat for the rest of the .-or\ with a broken tee. . . . "Ray even talked about that." aid Rudec.t&- of tbe1r meettna. "He 1 l&id, 'U you only h9dft't gotten hurt ... yeer ... ''Yeeh, I think about it. but 0-t happen for a ...re-on and maybe th1a WM lt. 'That11 hA8tciry now. It'• over. Now rm a Gtanw I.an." Perkint aJ.o talked to Rutledp by pbam at Rama Parle Sunday. "He told me we had a lot of ~ to do.'' aaid Rutledp of the canwr.tion. • In actualU~1 Perktna fHll be bu atolen Rutledp from we Rama. All the Gianta had to live up WM a report.cl mld·round drat~ ~ya No. 4) that oouW -=alata upon bow well Rutledll c.to. ~ • •• No. 2) .• Pwk1nl hat al8o conOded to a few In the ~don that he thlnb Ruiw. .. a better ~. . ~ th8D Fernpmo in temw o( wortdna Into the Olabt; ~ J'rom all lnillcaUone, It doesn't look like Rutled1• la, .. .., to New York to be Scott .......... baup . • . .. --"°' f« Jona. "Bay (~) told me I -rmdy to Dlay; that I WM NMly to be a ~ qum111rbeck. 'l'bat WM ... to ...... ,, aald RuUecllt. "I told dmn I WM wcnied llbout leammC a new IJ8tem. but they Mid it wouldn't tab any Ume at all. · "lt'1..,., lalna Into a new place where you know m> ... And lnto a city that yvu'n totalll uafMdu.r with. rm nerYOm and fti!lted, but it I IOlnl to work out. It'• dettnltaly better d\AI way." -I ulrtn1 Rutled1•, the Glantl 1et a who 1'a1 _.. llmlted aedon ~hit ~ In the NFL. but wbQ ha. mllde the mo1t Of thf oppomanltt• pNHni.cl to blm, ,.... -mDld !4Mll' ........... In ••i. durtnl t ""'-donl. and he !.......W in , , ' each. Ria b.t outnw jlr'06ably occurred ap1nlt Atlanta when h• came off the bendi for the lUnd Pat Haden and led the Rama .to a 37·35 win°"" the hlcona. In that pme, Rut wu,Jl of 20 p r'q fer uo yarda and two ~ Prial' to hl9 injury a8&lnlt the Llon9, Ru~ WM 9 ol 12 for U& yardl. . In '81, Rut ftnilhed by ~pleun, 60 ,percent (30 of ~) of hll PMl'I· Dw1nl the recently· completed pr111--. he •w only two quar1ent of work -bOth ol thole oom1na in the Raml' fint pme aplnllC Dmwr. He wu 8 of 17 for 87 yarda .,alnat the Bl'ClftCOI and WM Mal.ava9''1 wrtl6dal limb, IO to ..U. • Rudedae Wll bmd to play behind an ............ llnit, ~ in eltlht .... durtna ... llieand half. Aftlr dwt, ~ hMrd from Ru-.. apin uDU1 S.turdly Nal>t. "'*' ..... of thil ...... llabcl out. • • • ,,, '.) MDtE FEINGOLD OP Colt.a M .. ll tbe-Jaie.t . player Ui the aree to beeorne eu,tbM for the annual J,. Drambuie R~ Nail hOle-in-one ~after acorlng an ace at Meaa Verde Country Club11rt recently. • •J The winner in the "°'1lpetltloft winl a free trip ,, to Scotland foc two aJona with $1,000. '"'8 winner •t will be announced eerly next year. •i1 L~te goal lift1 Co1mo1, 2-1 '~ &AST .RUTHDPOBD, N.J. (AP) -Jeff B Durpn ....S the fin& -1 ol bll p-ofr11t~w wan a bMdel' wtlh IS••_. aY1q" ~the 0.-a l ·l *tar'Y W. dlit... I •ICitril.....,.-n In dw &It ...-ol • bllMl·thrM Alnll'tcM SO«iel' i-.-pa.Jatt ...... I Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Monday, !!pt.mber e. 1882 Henigan has turned Irvine around Br ROGER CARLSON Of' .. .,.., .......... Weblttr'• hu • defln1Uon for a football. another tor• coech. It doee not, however. U.t football co.ch u an entity. Football'• obvloualy a 11me and a coach la deacrlbeCi aa tralnlns lntenalvely by tnatructlon, demonatratlon and practice. But aa for the football coach, well, there are plenty of them around, ••oh wlth hi• own apeclal brw. Irvine Hl1h Coach T•rry Hentaan bttiN h1a MCOnd. ~ w1th the Vaquerot and lf thlnp continue at the Mme rate u they did a year qo, watch out. Hentaan took over a pl'Olram that waa 0-10 ln 1980, ~and turned It ln remarkable fuhion. No, the Vaqa didn't pt all of the job done, but a 4·6-1 overall record, a 1tunnlnl' us-et (22-15) owr r.ttanda and ' one•potnt -to hMYlly favor.cl 1:1 "Two did more than jult ralll a few eyebrowa. It aalned th• Vaquero. tome w•ll d ... rved retJ*t. Hen~san, however, dCMtan't -... '11 ot the emphw on the bottom line -th• matter of winnlnc and loMal, althouO he ~ too much of the latier wW find matt COIChee another field of endeeVOC'. '"lbere'• nothinc w.rona with "We're not auper d.1.-ifpllned 1n belna prepered to win.'' •YI tht a mllltary eort of way," •Y• l7·jt11-old tanner linebeclutl' at Hen.&pn. "lt'a a matw of the Northern IlJJncU Un1venity. , way an athl4ttt ahould conduct ''But wlnnina wtthln certain hlmltlt. .WCS.Unel ii important. To flM!, "I l'fflly aet us-et eeetna IOlne li'1 not all wln or lole. of \he pro and collep playet1, "Htch tchool football la and youth and hllh achool import.ant, but It'• only • part of plarer1 Uoalna their cool). tht total education picture. We "I've had three people who don't Mk for any Lavon and I have really affected me," don't want our play.n treated cont1nue11 Hen11an. "My father, any dltferenUy. My job Isn't to my brother and Jlm EVttett." prepare kld1 , !or colleae . Everett • Westem HJ1h'1 1eholanhip1. · head CCNICh dwtna the Ploneer1' -"I don't appreciate parenta tlory daya of the early 701 who don't undentand what (twice a ClF Unaltat) and we're trytnc to do." Henion'• flnt 00.. Kenipn hu one year under "Ki put th1n8a ln the proper hJa belt now with Irvine. but he penpecti~~ of what. athletics la can hardly be conf\&lf!d with a all about, aays Henipn. • one-r.:r man To the contr~ All of thla, however, doem t .__ · d f b 1• add up to an 8-6 job. he aa ll'll'en aroun oot a "ln lealOn or off .euon I'm nearly hla entire Ute and hat here bef0n 6 o'clock and ua~y been coachlng for the paat 16 not home too early," admlta years. HenJpn. "And there are palling A blah 11ehool standout ln De ICJ'inunages ln the aununer, too. Kalb, lllinola, Hentaan followed But we try not to waste time to h1a brother'• JMike) footateps do what we think la necere,.Y to lnto coachlt\6 and reaped the get the kida a fair ahot, at leut qo.ch he apmt the flnal 9IMC)n •• an autatant when he • "returned" -SO en--alter an Oreaon Job fell \hrouih. Tlie Centwiona pve Hen1pn a aidellnea tatbnon1al pr1or to thelr Emplre Leque pme wtth Ocun Vlew that ranb with ju1t - about any banquet ap .. ch lmqlnable. It wu very clear juat how much HenJaan had me&nt to the Centurlona. So, Heni,ait beJPnl h1a aecond ·' year at Irvine. ll Olere WM a aurpriae factor aoln1 for the Vaqueros a year a10, lt'• no lonaer available. No one'• taking Irvine Ughtly. ·1 "I thought we could compete the flnt year," aay1 Henigan. "Irvine waa like a any new J 11eho0l, you alway• go through growing palna ... "We 've gained 10 e Henigan, "but hope no one'• • happy' with the record. I .hope there'• better years ahead . for . UI ... benefita ol playing under hJa dad . wtihin...reaaon..'!.-_ __ ----,Henigan-ia--obYioualy counting -<R~ htrhtgtnchool After seven .yeara with on lt. He and his wife, Francine, days. Western High, Henigan went on have relocated to withln a half T erry Henigan begins second year as Irvine coach A lot of hJa dad and brother to coach five yean at Cypre11 mile of Irvine's campus and have rubbed off -controlled High, apd put the Centurion.a on Michael (a aophomore) and dtaclpllne and phlloaophy, In the map. 13-year-old Mark §ive the partk:u.lar. After four yean aa the head Vaquero1 the "transfer ' look. MARINA FOOTBA.LL OUTLOOK. • • From Page C1 RECEIVERS -Glenn Vieira (5-10, 150 ar.) ia a returning letterman at one wide apot, the other figures to be Chip Rish, a aophomore with 4.6 speed. "He's ahead of Frandsen at this time In terms of knowledge," says Thompt0n. "But maybe not with the handa, yet." Other wide candidatee: Mike Crowley (6-3, 180), a volleyball star with po~ntial, Harold Spriggs (6-0, 160 ar.}, Paul Spolldoro (5-10, 145 sr.) ·and Dean Paculba (5-10, 165 ;.). Marcello Motte:ai (6-1, 195 ar.) la a returning starter at uabt end and Thompson aaya he'a aa good a blocker aa he has had at the apot. Also at tifht end: Jeff Ruttemcbild (5-10, 85 Jr.). OFFENSIVE LINE -"Blll Macias could be the beat offenaive lineman In the league," admita Thompson. Macias is a returning atarter and has 6-5 ~, 225-pound size and pass blocking and aggreaalve run blocking ability makes him an obvloua Jll.Pjor college pro1pect. Joining Macias at the other tackle is Jeff Lee (6-4, 230 ar.). the No. 3 tackle as a junior. Tom Piechota (6-2 , 220 ar.) and David Everagerd (6-0, 240 sr.) are at ~ with backup provided by Maaaachuaetts transfer John Lovely (5-10, 205 ar.). Mark Selecky (6-1, 190 sr.), a tight end and linebacker aa a junior, has been moved to center. Mike Mata)' (6-0. 180 jr.) backa him up. "For the moet part we're one-deep ln the offensive line.'' says Thompeon. "Depth ls a real concern here." DEFENSIVE LINE -Jim McLaughlin (6-0, 185 sr.) la a returning All-Sunset League selection at end, joined by Steve Braun (5-11, UlO ar.) on the other aide. Braun waa the No. 3 end aa a junior. Battling for that No. 3 spot now are George Broadhead (5-9, 170 jr.), Sean Destatte (5-10, 160 Jr.), Craig Tobin (6-0, 170 jr.) and Brian Wolsky (5-11, 160 jr.). Three prime tackle candidates are Sean Burke (6-0 , 200 ar.}, Jim Shandrlck (6-0, 190 jr.) and Keeth Phelps (6-0, 195 jr.). Burke .is a returning letterman. Shand rick...,.. thf' ~leading tackler on the freshman and sophomore teams and Phelps has shown aggreeaive moves. Also, Pat Michela (5-9, 175 jr.) and Ruitenschild. At the noae la Lovely, mo1t likely, with Billy Joe Decker (5-7, 160 ar.) and Phelps available. LINEBACKERS -Dave Abbott (5-11, 200 ar.) and Greg Neff (5-10, 185 sr.}, the Vikings' two backups a year ago, aochor Marina's 50-read detenae. Othena: Marc Smith (6-10, 190 jr.). and possibly Broadhead or King. Thompson on King: "We have-to have him on the field, somewhere. He'a a starter Have the Vaqueros turned the corner? at .linebacker, defensive end or halfblllck. We ahould have played l him more 1ut year, but a brui8ed l elbow ano a knee kept him I down." SECONDARY -Thia cou Id be the strength of our defenae," says Thom peon. Comerbacb Marcel Welte (6-0, 175 ar.) and Bobby Lee (5-11, 165 sr.) and aafety Adam Kaae (6-2, 180 ar .) are returning starters. John Whiteman (6-1, 175 jr.}, who led the tophomorel with flve lnteroeptlona and wu the sophomore quarterback, figures at the other aafety. Othera include Mike Padni (5-9, 155 jr.). a bloaoming comerback, along with Plncura or Rector at. the corner• and Marler and Spriggs at aafety. Depth may be a problem, but Irvine's program seems to be in high gear A lot of people around Irvine High feel the corner has been turned. Finally, the Vaqueros' football program is past first base. And, the Vaqs enter the 1982 campaign with 14 returning l e tterme n , inc luding su c h 11 1982 OUTLOOK individuals a s Chris Stately, Johnny Salinas. Mike Zorn and Chris Mandeville, among others. But Coach Terry Henigan is offering no promises, low-keying It to the point of saying: "We can hopefully compe te with everyone else. I think we can be competitive." The Vaqs have a pair of returning starters on offense and defenee and they'll be going at it ln Hentgan's customary fashion l~~n:e~ged-T and 50 reading The winged-T, however, is more of a straight T with a split, end for the mos t part, and Henigan says the fonnation is a help for his somewhat smaller than usual team. "I'm sure we'll be one of the smaller teams in the (Sea View) league," says Henlgan, now in hia second year after guiding Irvine to a 4-5-1 overall mark in '81. Barry Schulenbu.r1 Ullsting. Here'• a rundown by position; QUARTERBACK Mike 7.orn (6-0, 180 ar.) hit 22 of 55 for 394, rar.da and 2 touchdowns •• a jUnlor and will be counted on to take control of the laaue thia aeuon. Backup la provided by Jeff Klein (6-2), 170 aoph.), who bas a good future, but only hat one year'a experience ln football RUNNING BACKS -8aJ.inaa "Depth is a big concern. (6-6,l55ar.)laaretumingatarter We may have quite,• few going with 1ood qulckneu. He both ways and that a not a aood averaaed 4 4 yardl a carry and situation. Our quidme91 la only acorecf 6 Tri. u a 1i .... 1or. He ai.o average " ,.... .. AB f . th lus aide H..V.mi.H·' ··~•Wfbt· 8 paaaes for 54 yarda. ~ e P, , ..... ~. John Scott (5-5, 150 Jr.) often says~ offensive backfield and backup at fullback. The the. nuddle of the defeme appear h a 1f back 1 a pp ea r t 0 be 80~ith nl w1d receiver ln Mandeville (6-0, 180 ar.) and th ~k ~.e ne!. someone Andre Wlllla (6-9, 180 1r.). to~ Mark Bondi'• ah<id" _and Mandeville hu good alze and far hat reall aurfeced apeed, Willia wu one of the so . no one Y · better aophomore runnln& backs "~e need a real ~t at apllt ln the See View League In 198Q en~ sa~~ aomeone to with the 8 -2 1ophomorea. reHynts , outaff is' th'n too Backupa at halfback: John e 1an • 8 1 • • Dre'lOft (5-9, 155 r.·> and Greg woth only Zaverio Brenner and Garcia (6-9, 145 Jr .. RECEIVERS -Roland Figueroa (5-7, 140 ar.) and Elvia Cr\.lz (5-4, 134 jr.) are among the top C1pldidates, although Henlgan aaya he may take a look at Mandeville, at split end, a crucial area ln Irvine's offenae. With virtually one wide receh.~er, the Vaquerot need aomeone to keep the defenses honest. At tight end are Lance Neal (6-0, 175 jr.) and Jlm Martin (5-11, 170 jr.). OFFENSIVE LINE -Rick Grecco (6-1, 230 sr.) la a returninj •tarter, and along wlth Stately (6-2, 220 ar.), a two-year letterman, and Brian De Calr (5-11, 170 ar.), the Vaqs appear tolid at tackle. Gar)'-Scheater (5-10,-175 ar.) and Dan Chlebowsld (5-11, 185 ar.) are at guard, backed by Dave Allan (5-10, 170 ar.). Robble Zangl (5-9, 160 ar.) and Andy Moyer (5-10, 225 Jr.). John Suman (5-10, 165 )'.) hat the Inside track at cent.er, challenged by nm Hamelin (6-o. 195 )'.). DEFENSIVE LINE -The defenae la a problem -in that moa\ of the namea have already been mentioned, two-way duty appean to be a fact of life for several. At ends are Chlebowski and John Petersen (6-3, 170 jr.), backed by Allen, Martin and Ron Johnson (5-8, 160 jr.). Moyer and De Cair are the leading tackles, backed by Hamelin, Caldwell and Grecco. Stately holds the line together at noee Jl\Wd, but is also available for tackle. LINEBACKERS -Schester and Zangl appear solid here. Zangl bas at.arting experience and Scheater alternated as a , junior; Othen: Neal and Suman. SECONDARY -Figueroa started three games for the V aqa before an lnjury cut him down, ao he appears toUd at corner. On the other aide is either Garcia, Mlke Larkin (5-8, 135 sr.) or Steve French (5-7, 145 ar.). 7.om. Kleln or Scott can do it at safety and Mandevt1le la probably the startinl rover, becked by Devron or Mitch Muntz (5-5, 135 jr.). KICKING GAME -Chlebowaki or Scott wlll handle the place-kiddng, but for a punter. Henigan aays he'a still IMJ'Ching h1a tOlt.er. -By ftocer Cl.rlaoa ,San Jose State favorite's role ROadrunners live up ~o name Pnm AP d1apetdtel 1 San Joee State again la \he favorite ln the Paclflc Coast Athletic A..xiation football race du. fall. and, aome oblerven aay I ~ln-<!heek, a darkhone ln the Pacltic-10 title chue.1 ~ Spertana went 9~3 overall i.t yeu with a 6-0 PCAA mark, and their non-cont~ outinp included a 28-6 victory over Stanford. a 27·24 trtwnP.h\ over c.aJ, and a Sl-24 m to 1UDODA State, all Pao-10 1Choo11. Thi. year, u an tncreutn1 number of PCAA achoolt plav I te9IDI from their "b(C bnJtberft conference. San JC»e l'C* on the ro.d to-meet Pllc-10 foea ln tta 1 flnt four 1amea -Oreaon, 8taniorcl, on.on State end c..I. "lt could l>t conal~ed a dlUicwt way to ttart, • Mid lpartan1 Coach Jack Elway. wbOM club alto ~ Zf l:INnt Cal Sta• on r09d before flnaDy ~ home to tat Lone BMch State. .. ;e • ., .. ., Runnlna beck Genld Wlllhlte, the PCAA offenllve player of the year the pMt two ••one, hat moved on to \he Denver Broncoa, but San Joee_!!lll ahould be able to pnente a lot of offen1lve fireworks. Steve CJarUon. ranked fifth nationally l n total offente amoa1 ~last ..an, retunw (cw hJI .mer ..... Utah State bu ie 1tarten beck tram a 1911 -.n tlwt went 5·&-1 and lmt )l9t one PCAA conteat to San Joae State. t:;ont _ ach Stat•, whlch •t.nlllled to • 2·8 neord IMt year, bu OM of the ~I nat lldlled ,,....~ Montl0fnft'1, a 0-8 180· .~ who'• tbe of Wilbert Montcom•r1 of the ~If!~~. 1-8 ta 1911. Ml~ ,. Dmlalt a~~Ji:.• ,......,.._.. The Sea View Lea(Ue la knoWn more • a runnlna JMc\le -ala El Toro, l'.ltanda and Corona del Mar -with the empi-'8 on men.th. Sut with Sadcllet».ck Htah, the Roednlnnen deftaitely 1Iw up to thMr name Ill S. View ~ fOOlball, -nldeMed by a bei:kflekt whkb ~a .-.:r ot runnAnc a.ca with ........ In the 40, behind a ~ With 4.7 cndentiall. UWe lldl hllw a 1-ol Cl'dd& ~ .. ..,. c.o.ch ~ ...... .,t'• ~ our .,...._ nllt. Our Problema are lliiftMbn (no experl•nce) aad the °" ... ,,. line. ••aut we feel we're a ~pla10ff ....... " ~ hlw nine returnln1 1tarter1 and are l'Wltcbi"I to an wm dlfenllft fNa&. Hen'• a rudown .. lh• ......... 1eaaue aafety u a jun.Jor. movee to quart.erbeck; Kevin Btadley (~9. 185 ... ) and Bobby wu.uam. (~7. 150 sr.) sx-4.,S apeed and will alternate at tailbeck. L1N' Slack (5-9, 165 ar.) la at fullback, backed by Glenn Halkett (5-7, 156 ar.). "Our thecJr'y here," aays Witte, "la we need fullbecb ~ enouah to Wet '° the block. ABCSIVBlll -Mlke Csarnt1kl (&·11, 180 ar.) and ea..ar Dlaa (0·9, 140 ar.) are f~btina for the flanker 1pot; TOdd ea .. (9·1. 170 er.) who c:auaht 36li:E" for 4e8 yardl .. a Jllntor returl\1 at wtct• , ... vw. Smith ( .. 2, 200 ~· wbo WU an all-IHIU• -..W end. wm double up at tlitatend. onDmVI: LINS -T9clllm John ........ ( .. l . 21& ... ) - OrllndD ... (1-1"" .~ ... ) ..... jUalor Nnen; .,.. Guardedo (1-10, IN Jr.) la a nturallls .......... .., ... ( .... l TO Ir.) T1 • the other ~. . . • Juvenal Guardado (5-9, 186 er.) bucks up PerH. Marty Crameski (5-11, 185 Jr.) la at center. LINEBACKERS -Bacon •. HalkeU and Slack are vytnc tor~ outalde poata; Peres, Sal Guardado and Rick Alvara (5-8, 180 sr.) are ln-'de. None have experience at the9e tour apota. SBCONDARY -Williama and Bradle_y an th. oomen. a1ona wtth &mny RoctiUues C&-7, lM ar.). IWak and Mike Samuels (8-0. 198 ar.) are at twin eafetlea. DCSINO OAMS -Pelak 11 th• te•m'1 plac•·kfcker, C&am.k1 .. the punt.. KICKING GAME -Karman kicked a 53-yard field goal for a school record in a sophomore game ln 1981 and there appeen to be ample ability in the punting game with Vieira, Gunn or Whiteinan. National champs vie • 1n opener ATHENS, Ga. (AP) -Collete football'• latt two J\ational championa, Clemaon llhd Georgia, collide before a national televlaion audience tonilbt with one burn1nc ~pme quelUon unanawered -the playln1 atatua ol All-American Het9Chel Walker. Colleh Vince Dooley bu lnalated all alon1 that be won't rlak further1. injury to hi• prized 220-pound tailback. Coach Danny Ford U)'I hla Clermon -Tlaeri will be ready foe' Walker anyway and Wallu!r aya if he • autta out he expecta to play. " Walker, who haa amuaed NCAA 11n1Ie MUOD ruahlq .-1· recorda for a lreabman and • aophomore ln hAa ftnt two yean. .• 1 ~ w• llide11ned on Aua. 21 when •. 1 he broke bla rtpt thumb durinl . ·~· ., Clermon, the 1981 national. . , champton, carrlea a 13-.. m• .. wlnninC .... -liofta-t ..... major ooUlee ...... Into the '. battle a1aln1t th• '?aundop, ...... Of th9 ~ 1ltJe ll'l lllO. i: - -~----~--~--------------~~-..-----...,.....-.,----------- Orange Ooa1t OAILV PILOT/~onday, September e, 1912 Newport. Harbor ~--------~ 1!'!~aclf !~~!!!;!!.~- ~ ' . .. -· Team captain High Roler (NHYC) is the top contender. in the Sardinia ~up1\egaua Newport Harbor Yacht Clu~ hland). , ...,, were leadlna in the Etchellt-22 Officiala at Silver Oate Yacht world champlonehlp at St. Club, co-•poNOr of the rec. with Francia Yacht Club after two Dana Polnt ... Yacht ClUb, aafd 'racee. there were hO offldal finlaherw Standlnp after Sunday's third at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Nine boate race were not compiled becAu.ee ha~ given up the race and of prot.esta. motored to San Dieao. Leading after the first two Thia I.a abaplna up into the races with 11 pointl wu Ben aloweat race-in the 10-year Altman of Now port Harbor hiatory ot the· evept. ---------· ___ The race atarted Saturday in light aira that provided bare ateerase way. A few mlnutft after the •tart the boata were out BOATING -----------of eight in a de111e invectlon foS that settled In between Dana Yacht Club and second was Tim Hogan of NHYC with 19 points. Point and the wea.t epd of San Clemente J.aland.~ Defending champj.en Dave Curtia from Marblehead, Maaa. ft h h was in third place wtth 21.7 ic orse race points: Jamee Byrne, Australia, was fourth with 23 points, and to be run today fifth place waa a tie between RUIDOSO DOWNS, N .M. ,Barry Nesbitt of Australia and George Hecht, San Francisco, (AP) -A bMro9m conversation with 25 points each. ,, almoet three decade. ~o ·led to J To ten finiahers in SW'lday'a ~e start of the ·world a richest race-were--r.'Barry Nesbitt. one PC!!· _ _ _ _ _ Australia; 2. Tim Parsons, Hong • From tha t little chat about Kong· 3. John Ravlzza San some unborn ..toab -and an Fran~isco; 4 . Peter A'ntill, inevitable ditfere'nce of opinion Australia; 5. Kent Edler, concerning their qualities and Newport Harbor YC; 6. Dave speed -grew the All-American Curtla, Marblehead, Masa.; 7. F'uturity, an event unique on the James Byrne, Australia; 8. John American sporta acene. Bertrand, San Franciaco; 9. Scott It will be.held tqday at Ruidoeo Mason, Newport Yarl>or YC; 10. Downs, a modern little track John Buestad, San Franciaco, nestled in the shadow of the §low••••• bJ raee Extremely light airs continued to plague the 60 boats that started Saturday at 10 a.m. in the 134 mile Dana Point to San pine-co~e red· mountains in southeni'New Mexico. At about 3 :50 p .m ., 10 ·2-year -old quarter horses will .race one-quarter of a mile. The total value of the face is $2,530,· 000, ", b~t just bow_$ood? Chargers figure to be good, L~ndaluce ' posts win El Toro ffigh's Bob Johnson, is like" every other football coach this time of year. Cautiously optimistic, Johnson feels his Chargers, two-time defending Sea View League champions, will be good, but just how good remains to be seen. "We graduated everybody," says Johnson, whose Chargers have posted back-to-back 7-5 campaigns. "We also lost the leading'rusher (Damon Sweazy) in the county. "It's a brand new year, a brand new season and we have a lot of new faces." It would be hard to imagine anyone could fill Sweazy's shoes. Sweazy, who will play for Cal State Fullerton this-season, rushed for 1,609 yards in 1981. "We feel good about the situation and the season.'' continues J ohnson. "We'll be very competitive in our league again and give some people some ptoblems. At the same time, I don't see a league championship for us yet. ''We're going to be good but we've got a long 'Nr11Y to go and you can't live in the past." The Chargers open the season Thursday night (7:30) when they host Cypress at · Mission Viejo High. Here's a look at the Chargers: QUARTERBACKS-Senior Mike Douglass (5-11, 170) returns to anchor the offense. Douglass completed 52 of ·122 passes in '81 for 953 yards and nin e touchdowns. Douglass' backup will be junior Tom Barr (5-10, 150). R UNNING BACKS-Junior Dan Trickett (6-0, 195) returns to play fullback. Trickett spent mast of last season blocking for Sweazy. When he ciid see the ball .he carried it for 201 ~rds on 39 carries. Johnson, at the moment, is undecided as to who the starting tailback will be. There's a battle currentl)'-·taking place between I ' seniors Jerry Eldridge (5-10, 170) and Blake .Fennell (6-0, 170). WIDE RECEIVERS-Seniors Curt -1Woods (5-11, 160) and Brian Horgan (5-11, 155) figure to start. Both saw limited action in '81, catching on~ pass each . Bac~ing them up will be seniors Mike McLain (5-10, 175) and Tony Warn (5-9, 140). TIGHT ENDS-The only definite player penciled in at this spot is senior Bret Paton (6-1, 195). OFFENSIVE LINEMEN -The player doing the snapping will be senior J oe Muklevicz· (5-10, 190). The guar1ds are senior Paul Svitenko (6-3, 215), a two-time all-league performer, and senior ·1~om H4ley (6-2, 180). The tackles are senior Louis Sergeant (6-4, 230) and senior David Irish (6-0, 195). Backup h elp will be provided by ,seniors Mike Piel (6-3, 195), ~ NM.IC NOTICE NI.IC NOTICE NI.IC NOTICE P\llUC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICE NOTICIE Otr TllUITU'I aAU ~ermine the opening bid, you mi'y NOTICI CW APPLICATION STATEMENT Otr AaANDONfllEHT l~n No, 1150/FREEMAN Call (714) 837--0M&, fOR BANK HOLDINQ COMPANY 0tr UU Of' T,S, No, 8244&-8 , Date: August 18, 1982 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by FICTmou• 8U ... H NAMJ AMERICAN STATE BANK .. duly AMERICAN STATE BANK the Al>Ollcant PNB Fln8tlClal.9fOUP. The followlng peraon h aa appointed TruatH under the •-*Trust... 4885 · M1cArthur Court, Newport abandoned the UM of the llc11tl0us followtna deecrtbec;t deed of truat ll y T , D • S E R V I C & Beach, CaUfornla th•t It l!llH apply to bull,_ name: WILL SlLL AT Pl.1BLJC AUCTION COMPANY, _ the Federal R-8oerd pu~t THE MILK PALACE, 840 W, 'to THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR agent, .:-.. to Secilon 3 of the Bank Holdlng 19th St .• Cost• Meu, CA 92627. CASH (pay1bl4I at time of aale In By: PCJrtCca A. R¥ldall. Comp1ny Act for • bank holdlng The Flct1ttou1 Bu1lneu lewful money of the United StttM)' ~t Seaetwy company. ' Name referred to aboYe wu filed In all right, title Md ln1erMt conwiyed 0.-.Ctty Bfvd., Weet, The Appllcent Intend• to llCQUlre Orenge County an September 2: to and now held by It under tald Oran;e>CA 92988 590,000 (100%) •h•rH of Peclllo 1980, DHd of Truet In the proplihy (714) 835-8288 Netlonel Bink, 4885 MacArthur GERALD JAMES HARUKI, heralnllfter ~bed: , Pu.bll•hed Orang• CoHt O•llY Court. Newport Beach, Calttomla, 14681 WMtfalt, Tintlrt. CA 92680, TRUSTOR; GEORGE FREEMAt.i. Piiot. Aug, ,23, 30, Sept, 8, 1082 The pybllc II Invited, to 14.lbmll ~ bullnMI -condllCted by a ~ 3715-82 wrtuen commenll on hi• apc>tleatlon an lndlvldull, BtNEFIC IARY: ARTHOFER1 ____ _.... ______ to the Fedlfll Rnerve Board at· the Oerlld J. Harukl HOWARD DEVELOPMENT co.. Nl..IC NOTICE Federal R .. erve Bank of 8a11 This et1tement wet flled with the INC. 1-----------Fr1ncl1co. 400 South Saneome nty Clerk ot Orange County on Cbristian (6-8, 160) and Shawn Cardin (6-3, 2U>), The de(ense is alm06t a carbon copy of the offense. DE .. MAR (AP) - Lahdaluce strengthened her claim to an Ecllpee awarct with a 6~-lengtb DEFENSIVE LINEMEN-Piel will be ~in o:t:.J!:·~~~ the nose. man with Sergeant and Irish the 2 ye ld t111· tackles. Paton will be a backup as will • ar-o aes on junior Steve Estey (6-2, 175). S~ydaughter o7'ill'17 · Triple Crown winner• LINEBACKER.$ -:--Cardin will be one Seattle Sle"'(, the 3-5 inside linebacker, Svitenko the other .. favorite, took c:.onun8nd Senior Bill Douglass (5-11, 185) will play on at the ql481'tef 'pole and tile outside, as will Haley and junior Scott ~drew off far the win in ....._~und (5-11, 160) in alternating roles., 1 :3~ 3-5 in the mile. race. Df;FENSIVE BACKS-McLain and ' Christian will be the safeties; Eldridge and junior Jeff Harwood (5-9, 150) the comers. Backup support will be supplied by F ennell. Horgan and senior Lel)JlY Facio (5-~ 140), Pla.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTIC(. ,-lHues N' Answers,' under Bill Shoemaker at 116 pounds. was the 5-2 second choice, and aet the pace from the start. She held on to take second. Recorded June e. 1979 u tnetr. FICTITIOUS BUI.... StrMt, San Francleco, C1lllornl1 September 1, 1942. I No. 7258 In book 13174, page 1501 NAME •TATl! .. NT 94111. The comment period on thlt F1 ..... o1 otf1c1a1 Recordl In the office of The followlng persona are doing 1ppllcallon wlll not end be.fore Publlahed orang• CoHt Dilly the ~order of Orange County; buslneal u : October 1, 1982. Clll Mr. Gordon Piiot, Sept, 8, 13, 2Q, 27. 1982 eald deed of truet deterlbet the M, FERGUSON & HAHN REAL Smith, (4 15) 544 -~229 et the a878-82 followlnQ property. ESTATE, 3000 W, Coast Highway, Federel ReHrve Bank of San PA AC EL 1: Unit 21 , In the Newport '8eech. CA 92663. Franclaco to find out If you have \ County of Orange, 8l1te of HENR I ETTA MA R IE 'eddltlonal time for 1ubmlttlng Callfomla, .. lhO'#f'! on thel certain FERGUSON. 30952 Canterbury St .. comment• on thl• tpplloatlon or It Condominium Plan recotded M1y Laguna Nlgu.i, CA 92877, you """' more Information a.bout 31, 1977 In book f2219,page 1875, LOUIS GLENN HAHN. 16 14.lbmlttlng comment•. The Federll Oflldal Aeetwda, In the office of the Stonelngton, L1gun1 BHch, CA R11erv1 wlll conelder comment•. oounty recorder ot Mid oounty, a2851. lncludlng req1,1e1t1 tor a public PARCEL 2: An undivided 1/64 rtits bull,_ It conducted by a mMtlng or formal hearing 911 the lntweft In end to Lot 1·of Trect No, ;enetal partnerlhlp, apc>llcatlon. If they are r.oelv'ld by 9083, .. P9I' mllC) recorded In book Henriette M. FergulCMI Jh• FeCleral ~e Bank during 39G, Pao-5 Md 8, M~ This etatement wu filed with the the comment period, Mape, In the omc. of the county County Ctetk of Orange County on Publl•h•d Orenge Coaat Dilly recorder of eald county. together September 1. 19S2. , Piiot, Aug, 30, Sept. II, 1982 with 111 Improvement• thereon, f1tMa 31155-42 eicoeptlng therefrom Condominium Publl1hed Orange C<!Ht Delly Unite 1 through 64 tnclullve, located Piiot, Sept 6, 13, 20, 27, 1982 ttier.on, 3932·82 EXCEPT THEREFROM all ell, 1----------- 9 a • • m I n • ra I • a n d o t h • r NI.IC NOTICE llyOrocarbonl, be10w 1 depth ot500 •--FICTITIOU----1-IU-.... --.. -- feet, without the right of aurteee ...... ITA ....... NT entry, .. ~ In ln•tNmertta of ........ ·-record, '"The lolrowtng i>«aon• are doing YOU ARE IN DEFAULT IJtllDER A butl_. u : DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 29. BRANDYWYNE PROPERTIES 1979 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION II, • Limited partnerthlp, 1823 E, TO P,AOT£CT YOUR PROPERTY, IT 11th St .. No. 102, Senta Ana. CA MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. 92701, IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION MERRILL A, MOLTZ. JR., An 0 F T H E N A T u R E 0 F T H E lndMdual, 8e31 Canyon Hiiie Rd .. PROCEEOINO AGAINST You, zou Anaheim, CA 92807. SHOULOCONTACTALAWYE", THE RED BRICK ROAD 1058 WHtward Lane, Coat• BUILDING COMPANY, • CaHfornta Mela, CA. "(" a etreet lddr-or corporation, 0-el Partnw, 1828 common dHlgnatton I• ehown E. 17th St, ,..o, 102, Santa Ana, CA ..,_,no wvranty la Q1wn .. to It• 92701, compllllel-or oorrec:tw)." Th• Red Brloll Aoed Tiie beoeftclely Uftder Mid Deed Building Co. of Trultln"" reMOn of a~ or Merrill A, Molli, Jr., defaull 1 ltie obloetlone _,,_, Pr•. thef'ebY, '*-1°'°'9 executed-and Thie 1tatemen~ w .. flied with the delivered to Itta uncterelgned a County Clenl or Orange Coynty on wntten Oeolaretlon of Default and September 1, 1982. Oemend lot ..... and wnt1en notice ,,... of bf.ad! and of 811ctlon to '** Publleheo oranoe County Delly tll• IUlder~I n•d to Hll Hid Pltot. Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27, 1882 , &lfQPerty to M6d obllgatlonl, 3931-82 ilnd tl'IWMtter he undertlgned C*..t ..... nottoe of bf..ch and of I 9'aOtlon to be "9ootded ... ay 1S, 1992 u tnetr. No. H·1Htt1 In Oflallll Aloofdl • • latd Hie wlll II• m•d•, but without ooven111t or ••rra111y, ..... Ot ""'*""· ~ 1"Jt. pOHIUIOl'I, Ot enoun\bfanoee, to PllY .. ~IGlpel -Of ... ,.,..., -Mid Deed Of r"'"*· .tlfl ,.,..,_ • 111 11111c1 note pro-Mtd, ....... " MY1 Uftder .. ..,... of .... Deed Gt ,,., ~ lllCI ....... of.,. .... of .. ~---.,, o.ct of 'fNlt ........... be Ol'I T~. tri:'* H , 1M2 • t:OO ...... .. OlllpNn .......... -.. "°°"*' 111rdl111i .:_og.::,:~<;."~~n m ....... of tll• ""'" ........... " .. ,..... .. totll ...... .n Pa .... .. 1*18.-i _,,.. IW ... _,.. eHrlltMI dff4 Of •rutt Hd ............... ilMld dHl'IOH II Ht,Uf.OI . To - --~~ -1--· ruBl.IC NOTICE • flCTmOUI 8Ul•H NAmlTA~NT The IOMowlng ~ are doing buelnMIU: \THE MILK PALACE, 840 W. 18th SI .. Coeta Meu. CA 92127, JEFF E. MacDONALD, 11388 St, Pierre Wrt. Oypt-. CA 90830, LYNNE W . ).AaoDONALD, 11388 St. Pierre W1y, Cypr-. CA 90e30. This bullnMI It conduCted by an Individual. · Jeff E. MacC>oNld Thll atal-t WU filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on September 1, 1982. _ f1 .... Publlahed Orange Coaat D!lty Piiot, Sept 8, 13, 20, 27. 1982 3879-82 ) l - Id 11 I I·' I I 1'J 1.' ., .. .. , !r. ' .. /, II • '•' •• .... .. ~ • • •• •• MAJOfl L•AGU• ITANDINOI American Leaaue WH TllUt DMlfoN W L ~ Q8 78 51 .57. 19 eo 55t. 2 72 63 5S3 .... 6 ... 83 72 .417 14~ 611 78 .41 18~ 53 82 .3t2 24~ Mlnneeote 41 17 .351 211~ IAITl !ltf DIYlllON MllwaukM 81 86 .591 ea1umor1 70 511 .1517 4 Bolton 711 59 583 4'A OettOlt H 65 .516 11 New York 08 85 ,515 11 cw..tand 114 88 411 16-A Toronto 82 75 .452 19·~ 1~,·· lcorM Mllweu!IM 8 A~ 5 Detroit a. Oakland I Toronto II. Cteveletld 5 Baltimore 5 Min-•• 4 Bolton 8. SMttle 6 (10 lnnlng1) Tuu 10, Chicago 7 New York 11. KanlU City 7 Toder'• 0.-Chlcego (Kooemen 7·11) at An9el1 (Forech 11· tO) Belllmore (McGregor 12·12) at New v orlc (F\lohlltl 5-7) Bo•lon (Denman 2· 11 II Cle'tllano (Sotenl«t 10.1 ti Detroit (Wiicox 9-71 II MlhweultH (Mldlcll 10.11) Toronto (S'lleb 13· 131 et Oaklend (Kingman 3· 10) MlnnNOte (Haven1 11-11 and Wlllleme 5·8) al T•••• (Hough "12-11 1111d Smlth~n 1·1). 2. t-n Kena81 City (8teelt 4·51 at SHt"e (Bannister 11· 10). n Nation.I LHQue Wl!ITl!llH DM~ Allenla ~· San Diego Se" FrenQleco Houaton Clnclnneu IAITl,.N SI Louie Phtledelphl• MontrNI Pltlal>urgh ~~ork W L PcL Ge ,. 80 .561 75 62 .547 l'-'i 71 68 5111 51A 811 87 .507 8 83 73 .463 14 52 114 .382 25 DIYlllON 711 511 .563 75 eo .558 ~ 73 tS3 .537 3'A 72 .... 5211 4~ eo n .438 11 53 81 .385 23~ IUncleJ'• lcorM OodlJete 2. Pltlabvrgh l ( 10 lnnlngl) MonlrNI 2. Allant• 1 New York 10, ClnctnneU 2 Phtledllphle 4, Houlton 3 Chl~o 5. San Diego 1 Sen l'rtlnCleco 5, St. Louie Tode1•1 ~ l)odeete (Reull 13· 10) el Clnc:lnnetl (Soto 11· 10). n t Phlledelphle (Kn.MOW 12-8) et ChlCagO (Bird 5-11) New Yorlc (FelCOnl 7-11) el Plt19bllrgll (Rhoden .. 121 MontrMI (Oulllcitaon 10. 10) el SI L.oula (Andujar 10·10), n Sen Franctaco (LUl<ey e-10) el Atlante (Cernp 11·7). n San OleQo (Monteluaco 11·91 al Houlton (Ruhle 1·11). n Brewer• I, Aneela S CAUFOflNIA MILWAUKH llbrllbl .Orll bl Oownklg II 5 1 I 1 Moltlor 3b 4 2 3 1 Gtldl 2b 4 I t 0 Youn! H 2 0 1 1 8eylOr dh 4 I 12 Cooper lb 300 I 0.ClflOM 3b 4 I 3 0 Tholnu cl 4 1 I 1 ReJackllOll rt 3 1 I 2 Moort dll 4 t 2 1 RoJllCkllOll lb 4 0 0 0 Brouherd II 4 I I 2 Beniquez cl 4 0 2 0 C.Moora rt 4 0 2 0 FOii ii 3000 Vost c 41I0 Wilfong ph I O O O Oanlner 2b 1 O O O Boorle c 3 0 1 0 PieclOIO 2b 1 2 0 0 Carewph 1000 Tote!• 38 s to 5 Tote!• 31 II 11 7 llCorw Dy lflnl~ 000 100 220 6 000 oos 30x -• E-Molllor DP..Celltornia 1, MllwMlll .. 2 LOB-Calllomll 5, Mllwaulc .. 4 28-Molltor 2. Vo11 3B·Money HR-Dow'nln9 (24). Brouhard (3). Re Jee1tt0n (34), Bmyto< 1221 S· Yount, Pk:clok> S F·Cooper. Cellt0tnl• II' H R I ll 18 SO Zahn(l, 16·7) SY. 8 5 5 1 1 Slelfer 'A 3 3 3 o 0 HaNle< ·~00000 sancn.z 21Y. 2 0 0 0 3 .... ..," .. Cak!welt(W, 14· 11) 8 9 -5 5 I 1 l.8Cld(8.3) I 1 0 0 0 I Stelrer pllehld to lour bellere In the -lh . HBP-Oanlner (by Zahn) WP·Zel>n T ·2 43 A·38,258 Dodger• 2, Plrat" 1 l'ITTHUNH' LOI ANGIL.El elHllbl ebrlllll Lecy cl 6010 Su 2b 4000 J.Ray 2b 5 0 1 0 RulMll • 3 0 0 0 Med1oc:tc 3b I 0 2 0 ~Jt pll I 0 0 0 Thmoln. 1b 4 I 1 0 Belanger H 0 0 0 0 Hebner rt 4IO 2 0 Belt• If 4 0 I 0 Ftobll rt I 0 0 0 0uerrero cl 4 0 2 0 Ealw" 6000 C9Y 3b 3000 Berra 11 3 0 1 I Roenldle cf I I I 0 Nlcoele c 3000 Oarwy lb 3000 McWMName p 3 0 1 0 M.,.... rf 3 0 I 0 J.MHner ph I 0 0 0 Orta ph 0 0 0 0 TeltuMI p 0000 VNger c 3000 Scurry p O O O O Scloec18 ph 0 0 0 8 Meldflelo ph 0 0 0 kooton p 2 o o o Mor9111 pll II 1 I Nlednlr p 0 0 0 0 Broe* ph I 0 11 Totela 311 8 I Tot• 33 2 7 2 ._..,.,....... Plttlburgh 000 000 010 0 -1 Loe AngelM • 000 000 010 I -2 One OUI ~ wlMlnll run eccnd. E-Su DP-Plt11burgh t. LOll- Plllaburglt 11. LO• Angel•• II 28-Guerr•o. Roenlcll• HA-Jo.Mor .... (1). 8-Garwy. l'ftlllllwfh McWlleme T•ulvlCL. t0-1) ScutTy • H flD•IO • 51101 t~ I 1 1 I 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 LAI ........ Hooton 8 11122 Hledenluet(W .3-2) 2 , 0 0 0 1 Sourrt pitched 10 2 blttere !l't .. 10th. HBP·berr• (by Hocton). WP·Hooton. T·2:61. A_...,lil. OrM041 Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, ht>•emt>.r e, 1982 SCOREBOARD A.......tcM L...,_ ......... ~I Toronto 000 221 Olo-1 12 2 Cle¥eland 110 000 210-6 11 , LMI. IU .. J9Cllt9on (71, D. Mun~. (7) and P91telli, Betll•. Otynn (11. ... plllner (I ) and H...-y. W-Lell, 10<lf2. L- 19erk.,, 12· 1 I. S-D. Murray 181. HR-Toronto, Mlllllnllc• (4~ A-8,9U. - OfWM a, TWIM • Mln,_!f 000 022 000-4 j a 8alllmora 010 013 oox-11 I 2 Viola. Redlern (5), Utlle (Ill and But•a; D. MetllnN. 0. Oe"'8 (8) and Oempeey. w -o Dam, &-3. L- Redl«n, 5-11 HRe-M~a, Wetd (23), OMtU t22~ A-32.0ll. YMll-19. "9J• 1 New Vorll 030 434 004-18 15 0 • 4fll!' ... City 030 000 130-1 9 2 Guidry, Frazier (I) and wynegar; Leonerd, Hood (4). CHtro (711· Armatrono (I) ano Wethalt, Slluahl. W-Guldty, 14·5 L-~d. ~. HRe-New \'Ork. Sm•ll•Y 2 114). Wlnlleld 2 (211): !(..-City, Whtie (7). Alic-(10), McRM (23). A-40.801. ........ 10. WNte ... 1 Texaa 203 040 010-10 11 I ChlCagO 100 tllO 000-1 18 0 Butcher, Metleck (4), Schmidt In and Sundberg; Lamp, BaroJu (~). BruHtar (5), Hickey (5). l!ec:arreoe (8) • and Hiii. Flllt. w .... t.letlaek ..... L- e.roiu . 1-5. S-Sch'!\'dl (8). HR-0..lcaQo. V. Lew (4~ A-26,971. fltete I, A'a I Oeklanel 001 000 000-t 2 1 Detroit 005 012 00•-• 11 0 Keough, Owalitlko (3). HMM (5). D' ACQul8\o (7) and M. Haith: Morfll and Fehey, Woeltenllltll w -Morrte. 15-14. L-l<•ough, 11-17. HRa- Oaklend, Murphy (22); Detroit, He<ndon (21). A-111.855. , "-cl ... .. MartMn ti SMttle 011 020 001 0-5 12 0 Bolton 000 000 203 1-1 12 g B. Stoddard, Ste1uon111. ((lucllll (ti). Ven<le Berg (10) and Swett. &llan: Relney. Burometer (8). a.w (10) and Alteneon. Gedmen. w-ei.r, 1&-7. L-Caudll, 11·7. A-22,717. Natlonal LNgue ..... 10. Aide 2 c1nc1nnetl 010 100 000-2 1 I 2 New Vork 070 010 20x-10 II 2 B. Shifley, Hmy91 (2). Lelb<and1 (8) and Trevino: lynch. Oroeco (?) and Bochy. W-lyncll, W l -B.-Shltley. 11-11. S-OrOllCO (2~ HRe-New Vork. V•lenlln• (8). Klnom•n (33). A-13.1144. l'tllMM a, Aetroe I Houlton 001 002 000-3 8 o Phltedelphla 100 003 0011-4 8 1 Ryen. D. Smith (8)' and AN!b~ Byllfom, Ballneen (3), Atlernlranc (I). Menge 17). R Reed (8) and VlfQll. B. Ol&l. W-Anarn"ano· 3-0. L-Ryen. 14·10. S -R. RHd (10). HR1-Philadell)llla, Schmidt (30~ VultO'flch (81 A-33,QISJ r .......,,.~, P. Nlellro. Ailenta. 1~: CanOelwla, fll\lblwall, 1a.5: Aooen. MontrMI. 1 .. 71 c.tllon. ~ 11-1; D. ~. Pltl.tMgh, 1M. Forw:ti. It. Louie, IH: L041er1 San Oleoo. tM: Camp, Allallla, I 1·?, u.a.~ ..... ~--.....:: ........ Jotln McEnroe (U.S.) dll. vrno. VIII P11ten (U.8.), 6-3, .. ::!, W : Gulllttmo \/1111 (Aroentlna) def. Miii• O.P81mer IU.S.), 1-3. 7·5, 4·1, 1-1; IEllot tettachr (U.S.) def. Clwte L"'8 (New ZMlend). 4-1. 7·5. 1-3. 6-0: Tom G\lllllleon (U.8.) def. <:nip Hooper !.). .. 7. M , 7-e, W : Jellne FlllOI Ctllle) def. Fritz 8uehninQ (U.S.). 7-e, • a.2. 1-2: st-Denton 1u.a.1 dll. Mel Pvroell (U.S.~ .. 2. M . M. 11-3, w . JimllW Conn«• (U.8.) def. Jimmy Arlu (lJ.8.), 1-4, 4-1, M , 1-1; Ille Nul-(Rornlf\18) def. JOll.,, Ktlllt (8oultl All1ca). 4-1, 7-e, .. 7. 8-3, &-2; lllodney Harmofl (U.S.) del. Scott OeYle (U.S.), 3-e, M , 1-4. 7-1. ·-.. TNrd~ ...... AndrM JM0et (U,8.) di!. MdrM T-1 (Hlmgary), W , .. 2. Kathy Alnalcll (U.8.) dlt. °'* HM Ula (Soud1 K-). 8-2, .. 1; Chr1I E~ Lloyd (U.8.) dll. Kete Lethlm (U.S.). .. 2. 8· I: Bonni• Geduaek (lJ.S.) def. Wendy While (U.S.), 5-2, 0·3: Wendy TurnbuH (AUllrttlle) ~. Claudie Kohdl 1Wt1t G«mtnrl 7.5, 5-7, 1-3· Ell .. Buroln (U.S. del. Bettin• Bunge (U.S.), 7-e, 7-e: Orelchefl Autll (U.~.J di! JIMlfer Mundel (Soutto Africa), 7•1. W : Zina Gan1eCH1 (U.8.) def. Hett"" Ct-(U.S.), .. a. 7•5. ................... DlllMee VlclOt ~ Pftel• (U.8.1 ... W81'111 p-(Autlr~ Sluon IPhMlpptneal· S..3. 11-2; Shlomo Ollclteteln (lerMI~ -KNlftttJ (U.S.) def, Tim Mayott• Tim Wllkleon (U.8.), M . 1-4; Tien lllltoer>·Oeflle ~ (South AlrtoaJ def. Lloyd Bourn•· l!lelnl Wiiienborg ~i.s..!i S..I, M . ..... Tlllrd ~ CN9 Hooper-Pet« Aettnerl (U.S.) del. Bruce Maneon·Brlan Teec:ller ~.8.), 5-7, M , M ; Brian Oolttned U.S.)-R•ul Ramirez (MH ICO) del. t-Mellter-Otlg Wlttue (U.S.).,8-7, 7-1, 7•5: Pet• ~ McEnroe (U .S .) d e l. Jrr1 Oran•t (CllCl\Oelovakla)-E.rlot< '91<erMy (U.S.). 8-3, .. 2. w-·· ,..,.. 9'0llftCI DouetM Hen• Mendllkov .. Helena Su~ove (CUchotlovaklaJ def. Pam Caaal• Crlottet Manuel (U.S.~ .. 2. ._ .. a--s .,..... JoAnne RuMe11 cu.s.1-Vlrglflle Ruz1c1 (Romenle) del. Yvonne Verm1111 (South Afl'tca)-~ Y-glll (U.S.), ...... e-o: Pel11zle Murvo (tt~Lucy (> c.-1. ~ 1 Goroon (U.S ) def. lude Romanov ChlCagO 000 140 000-5 10 0 (Aomanle)-Lelgh AM ~ (US.). Sen Oleoo 000 001 000-1 7 1 8·4, l·I , 11·4; K•thy Jordan-Anne Martt. PrOl)I (I). w. HemlllCIU~). Smllh (U.S.) del. Ive lludarove- Le Smith (I) and J. 0.vte; lllcela Sllul)erltl• (Clecl>ollovalti.). Ctlttter (5). Grtmn (8). Hewtllne ·I . e-:J, 8-4; Jiii D111l1·HH thlr Swlaher. W-Martz. l ·I. l-Or•wc:ky, Uldlolf (U.8.) def. 8uean Leo-Pam 4·2. A-38,813. Wllyletoee (.t.1111tr•>. 4-8, 7-5, w. Olan• DH lor-llarbu1 Hallqu111 hllOI 2. .,_ 1 t!.S.) dell. Roe Felrtlenk·llMI KloM Atlanta 000 000 100-1 I 3 Soutll Africa), 8·•. 8·2 : He na Mon.,_, 010 000 001-2 I O 1ndllltov1·H•l•n • Sullove Mahler, O•ber (I) and Slnatro; =oelovaltl•l Clef. 8enClra L" Rogera Mel Cart•. W-~ 1 .. 7. l'wn TllQl*den (U.8.). 7·5, L-Oerber ..... HA-Montreet. OIYer t-4i 8hlle Md!..,,.., 91\erty Mould (20). A-56,807 IU.8.) dll. Mary Lou PIMlk·Wanely Qlante .. Cat ..... 1 St. Loula 000 001 000-1 6 0 San Frenclaco 000 00 I 0411-5 6 1 Sluper, r,-Martln (8), Keat (i)'iiiCj D Ponw; 8relnlng and May. w- 8relnlng, M . L-Stuper, .. 5. HA- Se n Frencl1co, C Davie (15). A-111.sn Top 10 (lleeed •171 9t ..... ) .-..CAN LIAGUI Q .. " " "°" W. Wiiton. KC 111 483 71 le& .342 VOUfll, MM 130 521 105 173 .328 E. Muney. Bal 123 442 17 141 ..311 Harrah, Cle' 132 50I 82 112 .318 Oarcla. Tor IN 532 80 1• ..818 C-, .,..... ,,. -11 "' .111 LanalOrd, a.. 107 401 !>II 129 .314 Coopw, Ml 129 &43 15 t70 .313 McRae. KC 13e 518 T8 Ill ..811 Rice. a... 119 417 .. 144 ..80I ............ 0 . Thom••· Mllweultee . 34; fle.MctllOfl, A,...... M; Thornton, CleYlland, 211; Wli'ifleld. New York. at; l .M. Parrlah, OelrOlt. 27; Cooper, Mllw8Ult... 27. .............. M<:A88. ~ Clly. , 11: 1llotnton. Clewlend. 104: Coopw, MllMUll ... II; G. ThomH, Miiwaukee , II; Luztnllcl. Chlceoo. 12. ...... ,,. .,........) P......,, 8alllrNlrl. I~ VUkOV!cft, Mllweuk•. 1t-4; Ouldty t#ft York, 14-5; Burne Clllelgo, 13-5: z.M, Aft9ela. 11-f; Petry Detroit. 14-7, Oure, KlnHI Clly, 17·1: CIHr. Bolton. 13--7 NATIONAL LIAOUI OMflH...._ Ollvw, Mii 134 110 11 170 .333 lo.8tntttt, Stl 131 510 11 t 113 .1aO Madloclt. Pal> 133 417 II 151 .311 °""*"· ail 127 470 70 , .. .311 ~ LA t• _., 11 111 .Ill Buclt-. Chi tse &64 71 170 .IOT' Knlgllt. Hin 13' 511 .. 1541 .aot Oener, Mtl 121 483 741 141 .IOI 0.-, Mii 123 50I 92 1112 .IOO. Morgan, SF 110 N4 17 115 .2tt ..._ ...... Kingman, New York, 33: Murilhr, Alllnta. 32; Sdwnltlt, f9tll1_.,... IO;· J. 'Thornj)eon, "'"9burgll. 2t; Car1er. Mont..... 27; Homer. At~ 17: o.wr-. ~rt. .... ......... \ MYrplly, Atlanta. "; Clattl, San rancllco, t4·h ~. Moml'ell, t2; ucl!ner. C loe90 , I t ; Clft•r. onue el, 111: J . Tllompaon, Pltllllurgh, ... White (U.8.). 5-7, 1 .. , 7-11: Martina New•tllov•Parn Shriver jU.8.) def. Anne M•rle Femandez·Tr~ ~· (U.S.~· .. I, M ; Pen~8elh1Herr (U.S. def. EllM Bur Moulton (U.S •• 84, 1 ... 1· · AM Klyomurl {U.S. Betty Stove (Netherlenda) di!. Jo (Brttaln).Andt91 T-1 m HunoarY). 1·5. w . e.1. lAtlle Allen U.S.}-Mlme J-(YugoelrM) def. anne ft"Oml>oltt (Awlr~lklMte Glldueelt (U.S.). 1-e. &-1: R°"9 C..- (U.S.)-Wancty 'Turnbull (~) ... 9eltl Hor1on (U.8.)-EltrabMll 8eywe (Aultrella), •2. e-o. """ ltMNt ..... 0.-... 81111• JHn King-Robert Ven't Hol ~.) Clet. Kim Sltlnmetl..cnlQ Wltlue s.>. 8 ·4. 8-2; Anne Smllll S.)-l(IWI Curren (South Atrtcel dell. F•lrbenlt · (Soutll Alrtca)oeruce HldlOll (U.8.). w ..... 1-e. Mlchelob ~ Reglonele (.t LAI • 7 w ) ..... u~ "'°"'*" Ce11tom1e def. T-. a.a: Southern Celllornle def. Peclllc HorthWllt, 5-0. •-.. u~ Northern Callfomle def. T-. 3-2; ........ def, lnlermoutl~. a-2. • t. 1.c.o.... ( ................ . -CeMn PMle, 141.IOO m Jerry Pell, 1211.700 m 117 ......... 73 fl.IDy z ..... 111.100 61-12-17-71 ,,. Cr9lg Stadia(, • 13,200 ___ .,. m Mill• 9t111nanl I 10,4150 Tom Kite. '111.450 m 71 .......... k -10.1o-e1 87-87-14·73 Mtonlo Cerll•i ... .850 70-72·87-17 0ou9 T_..., .... ""'7-17-73 m Gary McCoto. '1.700 Don~. 17,700 m 70-70.70..7 ee-11 ...... Bot> Glider .... IOO 70-.,,..._.7 Merk Celca..-tll. 11,IOO 11.-.1o-ee m 8Mu Baugh, 15,500 74-e7-73-86 Barry JHCllll, 111..1~ 61-72-fo-et Peter JecoOMrl "500 61-72-11-70 Torn Puttnr, Q,50/i • 70-72-17-70 Jtm s~. u.~ aa.1u1-12 Jell MllCll\lll. 13.347 et-71·71 ... 8oOby Clem9ett. 13.347 74-*7 I ... Mil• &ullvan, 13,3'47 72·70-61-141 Frenlt Comer..1_ 13.~7 ... 71·7t·70 OI Morgan, N ,3'47 ... 70-71·71' Ed 8nMd, 13.3'47 70-71-18-71 Wayne lrfl. 13,347 88-7o-et-73 •t ,George Arctt«. 12.MO 12·70-7t..- 8cott SWnpeon. 12.ao ee-12-19.11 " Jim Colber1. 12 ,280 61-86-7 t· 7 4 -D.A. Welbtlog. 11. 180 72· 70. 0 Bob Eutwood, I I, 180 73-16-;r:l- "-" Celdwell. Sl,880 -.1 11 Bruce IMln. 1 U80 ee-1 13 i.-d ~ •1.88070-7 -11-73 -Tom Jenltlnl. I 1 ,52$ Mike Smith, 11,525 Scott Hoch I 1.525 vano. Hee/n; .• •1.626 ... Terry Olel\I, .1,270 ~ Weteon, I 1,270 T1m Slmpeon, S 1,270 L«ry ~. I 1,270 -Thomae Ony, 11.033 Kenny Knox, 11,033 Ed~· 11.033 Merk 0 Melfa, 11,033 -Mldc Soll, 1850 Pll McOOWlll, 18!50 Forr .. t fellllr. 1850 .97 L«ry Mia, • 713 Joe'""*'· '713 Mii• Holland, 1713 Ed Florl. '713 71·72-71-811 65-74-71·73 118-18· 73-7 4 11.10 .. 1-13 70.72·72·70 72-18-74-70 70-70.71·73 ee-12-10-n 71-18-75-71 70-73-71-71 72-71-70.72 10-73-14-18 118-73-75-70 ee..73-12-73 72-71·6'·75 75-17-74-71 72·70.73-72 88-71-73-74 71-71..ff.71 Del ... IUMDAV'9 MM.Tl (., .... ....,_..., ""'9T MCI. I l\.WtOnoL L~ l.CMr (t,ioCml) UO 4.00 UO MOlllleut LllPln (Ot\198) 11.40 1.00 Predllectlon (lllllclt) 5.40 AllO reoed: AePd Ember, Tregle Bell, f'lnk'" to Dickie, Jadt TM BNr, Ml\oen, VIVIYlt'IOQftl. flme: 1:09 115. • MCOND Mca. 8 fultonoe. Acup\lnetlKI (""-ll! 1.00 4.40 3.IO Tuff 10 8Nt (MoCenon) 2.80 2.80 p~ Kheld (Bladt) 1.00 A19o reoed: 8on Olllanl, 8er10llnl, Blad! Bullet, Tio• Tewa D-. Ooodby9 J.V., 8kMIW Tiki, Bold Rooty. Time: l:OI. U DAILY DOUILI (9·2) peld '32.10. ,..._, M CI. 8 lllrtonae. Aln9 of Erin (Sbll U6 3.IO 2.80 Rememt>er Hotly (OlllNy) UO 3.40 Slod< St>llt (Plncey) 3.00 AllO reoed! UM!-. FUl'lllY One. College Money. Time: 1:10. M OACTA (a..) peld "4.00. fOUfmt U CL I 11111 mllM. ClubltouM tDlhMYl 7.00 4.IO 3.40 Wrlt'n on the Wind (Toro) 8.80 5.IO Caroeon (Pl,_y) uo Aleo reced: Chergeur. Tllt nto, Cennlllln. Iron Ally, Lauritz.' King'• Teble. 8eldele FINI, Nor Street Time: 1:43 1111. ...-rH M CL 7'A lllr1onQI on tUtf. OelMnda (Shmkr) 7.80 3.80 3.00 P• Purple (Slblle) UO 3.20 Oaranda (Pierce} 1.00 ""° '-:>edi ~ ...... Uttte Mo, •Chuck 0 LUClt, kippy, ,,_., Mltle. Tim« 1:.211 315. II IXACTA (11-3) pejd 171.00. IO!TH M C•. One mite. Slngte Flower (Siii) 8.IO 3.20 2.80 • Olympic Bronze (Olhely) 2.80 2.80 ~ Tllrll 10rteoa> 3.80 Alao raced: Me. Netlve S1r .. 1, TOU(IMIMe, Morning Tlme. Nat Comee Love, Beoe11nore. T1m« f:37 415. llWJfTM U CL I luflonga. Tu. Cmmroe (Pncy) 11.20 3.20 2.80 Stencharry (\leienzuela) 4.IO 4.40 Red Rodce1 (Toro) 8.80 Allo reced: Big PrHentellon. With Liberty, Jet Tr.,,.., 00-0emaa. 00 -Flnleh«I Int. dllquelilled and plllCld ... I. Tlme: l:OI 3/5. • ECACTA (1·7) paid 173.00. '2 Pie« IOI (2-5-1~1-1) pllld 11,8".40 with N w1nNng tlcketa (llK llOrMI). 12 Pick 81• COMOletloft pllld IM.eo with 1,412 wlnNnll tldl ... (five ~). IJONnt MCL One mite. L.andeluoe l'= 2.IO 2.20 2. 10 1-N' ..,.. (ShmlcrJ 2.40 a. 10 a,ani. AelfMI ·~ 2. 10 Aleo reced. Sharll •own, Nordic P"'-, Jernte'e Oelght l"'-I :36 315. M IXAOTA (4-3) pllld 110.00. .-TM AACa. '" milM on turi. F81t P.-(8blle) 24.20 10.20 8.20 BrMCfllO (Vatenzuete) 1.20 e.oo Royal Buttone ICl!pltalne) 20.20 Al9o reoed: Vlzl«. Febulou9 Reudr1 Refunder, Rembllno Joe. Prlo; Approve !, Foroe ol Reeaon Choptdon, Mr. Mud •' Time: UIO ti& • IXACTA ( .. 10) pllld '297.00. An~ 21,100. HGllWWood Pwtl MMDAV'9 MIULTI (11111 .,, ~ .__ _.,.., .....,. MCL One mite ~ Super Teel (AIClllfd) 7.00 4.80 4.40 Scorpio 0 (K'.UCl•I 4.IO 4.00 Full Jlggtt (Anflle) 10. 10 Alto reced: ~ .i.e. ,_ Wlllt low, Co40NO TllCO. Andy'I Dean. HowCly 8coot, Anclyl Dene. T1me: 2.'()f 215. • IXACTA (t-4) pelCI .. 1.80. ~:=1~,,~a.Ti.20 Skipper'• Foroe (Rllchlel 2.80 2.40 Olar'mlnO Gent (Ac*ermert) 3.20 Alie> rlCICI: ~ Lew, tjev fun, Dlnte Allegro. P1P8 Eddie, P.ier Lo e. T1me: 2:0 I 115. T1tMD MCL One mite ~ K..oc. (Kuebler) 4.00 UO 2.AO femMClo N IOurlnlDltll 3.20 2.40 ,,_. ~ (Oilletl) l.20 Alto '**': QAory ... ... Conon. MlnMMfll fella, ....,._ OelcMI. A Cut1ll. "-9 Girt N, 1',.,._ Tlme: 2:02 2111. ta IXACTA {a-1) peld 111.20, fCMlllTM MCL One mite ~. One Mo HlllblHy (Shh)-5.20 3,40 2.ec Vklolto ("'11r) 10.40 1.0C HI C Sil .. <"-UC Alto f'ICld: C A F-. Mldlllglltt .. In•. Banchl. Celle nl•. Heppy HuMlng. Tirne: 2:00 • """ MC8. One rtllle 0-. Anclyl Fmca (Prgn) 1UO 7.40 4,8( oui.lghl Lori (t.onool 5.40 l.4< H A FOll (8lecllman) 3.4( Alto raced: Siie* 8wlll, Balllboro. Mt Hot Stull, AnClye Wlnllon, Thayer Mlrlt.. Kine. f1111que Lafy. T1me: 2:G} 111. • IXACTA (1-t) pelCI 11.94.70. Camel. Where am~ belongs. 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicoune 1v. per c1gar1111. FTC Repon OEC.\Bl. Warning: The Surgeon Gtnerel Has Determined Th11 Cigarette Smoking 11 p.ngn.a ta Yaur Hutlh. ri!8m1. ~ 9'&1'19..oor.=; 2 2< H~Y{,,; 1~1 UO 5.0<. Sole E:xpedltlon (Todd Ml • 2C A"o recad SunMt Beech. Sn.Uy PMe, Tllr• Flnget9, ~I Roy S, Ughtnln Sllt\'I. Llttle Brei ~. JICN Ho,i Pmaic«, Llama. Tl!M1 :51 2(5. • CTA {1-1) paid 121.llO pr: tri&.f.df>'1 ~ n ·2C VMldo (Coo&tncl) 1 20 3.0C tlantM Mrry (Vellandlnghem) 2.to Aleo reced: Stormy Atleclt, Ove rlnue, Horece E Henover, 9tege110. TUlaneltll. Mendatle Time. 1:67 215. ' M IXACTA' (4-3) peld M3.50. llOHTM flAC~One mtle trot. Noon Star (Spr 1)38.00 •J3.IO 7.40, Final Chip (Oru 'lll 8.00 4.00 Flegg HMIOYlr (Hilimee) 7.40 Aleo reced: lltude. Dear Sir, Arttl(• Mei-. Le M-Ptldl, GOiden Pt1de Blend• Speed • Tim. 2-0t 115. NINTH U CL One m11 ~ Nordtl Tryu !Sith) 8.40 3 80 3.00 Fred 8-(Anoereon) 8.40 11.20 HICI08rOW Lynx (Sprlggl) 4.20 Al~ raced: &rHmer N. S~ Ouellty, Strip Squece, Scoring Drive, Jenny• Led N. Timi: 1:67 3111. IS IXACTA (~I) Patel $101.10. h "CK I ll! (4·1·7·4·11·4) paid 15.214.80 wflh -w1M1ng tlck.U (llbl ,__,. 12 Pldl Six Coneollillon pejd 111.00 with 202 wlMlng tle*et• (~--) TINTH M CI. One ,.. ~. Ory SllCll (P"""'l 8 80 3.80 2.20 Aldan N (Bekar) I 20 3.00 Loyal l9d (Leckey) 2.20 Ai.o reced: Ooclor Don N. ~ Gent N. Captain Padero, Kenaea City, / Sperlcltrou, Anne Kerr Spur. Time: 1:57 3111. ta IXACTA (1-3) peld Sii 40. Attendance: 10,824 • NFL EXHIBITION (INI) NATIONAL CDMRMMC• WEI T DIVISION W L T ~,.PA ,._ 220 .5008181 Sen Frencl9CO 2 2 O .500 51 ee Atlan1e 2 2 0 .500 47 10I New Orlear>I 1 3 0 .2llO 64 88 EAST DIYlllOH , Dalles 3 I 0 760 Q2 Plllledelphle I 3 0 .. 250 t18 N If Olenll I 3 0 .260 68 SI Louie t 3 0 .260 29 WuNngton 0 4 0 000 55 C~DlviatOM Tempt Bey 3 I 0 .150 103 M""-le 3 2 0 .800 15 85 G,...., Bey 2 2 o 500 112 11t OetrOl1 2 2 0 .500 83 ee Ch4CaoO I 3 0 250 88 78 AllEJUCAN CONRM..C:. Bufflllo Mlernl Baltimore New Englencl N.Y. Jlta Wl!IT DM9IOH W L T ~ 4 0 0 1.000 220 500 2 I I .587 2 2 0 .500 130 .250 EAIT OMetON 3 1 0 750 11 211 .N77154 3 2 0 800 IOI 101 I 3 0 250 89 101 1 3 0 .250 71 71 CENTIIAL DIYlllON 4 0 0 1.000 101 89 4 0 0 1.000 10 t18 2 2 0 .600 73 7t 1 3 0 .250 Ill 125 NAIL Dlevoff9 MCGNIJ ftlMIND ~= Coemoe 2, 8111 oteoo t (0-- tetd ...... 1-0) ........ , .. 0- S..ule at Fon Lauderdale (For1 Leudwdlte ...,. --. 1-0) eo..-.. Sen Oleoo ,....,.. a- Fort Lauderd'tll al SH Uia (II ~ ............. San OleOO II o-noe (W 1111 I t) I t ce Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, leptember e, 1812 49ers seek .. From AP .. ,,.&diet . Joe Montana, the San Franc1a:o 49ers' brilllant YC>U.ni quarterblK:k, loel into the new .euon with '. the proepect ot aa•ln workJng In a constantly c~ back1Jeld. And Coach Bill Walah, after doing 1>4td\work subltitutina along the offenaive line in exhibition . B~ voiced a major concern 'Vhen he '8id, "Joe fdon~ mutt be. protected." 'Ibe 49en were the only team In the Nation.al football Conference West without a 1,000-yard rusher 1ut eeuon. The team'• ruahing leader was Ricky Patton, with MS yarda, and he ia gone, cut when the roeter waa reduced to 60 playen. . The potential wealcneaes in the offensive line and beckfield are evident, but there were many ·more uncertainties before last aeuon, and the 49ers were 16-3 in the regular Nation.al Football League sea.on en route to a Super Bowl victory over the Cincinnati Bengals. SAN FRANCISCO was 6-10 in ·1980. Next Sunday in the regular aeason opener with the Loa Angeles Raiders, the 49en set out to prove that the 16-~ mark was no fluke. "We have to forget about last year. The Super Bowl ring la good, but it's just memories. We have to go out and work twice as hard,1' says Ronnie Lott, the comerback who earned All-Pro honors as a rookie. The Raiders, Super Bowl champions in 1980, slumped to 7-9 last season. "I don't know what happened to them, but I feel sure BUI Walsh won't let it happen to our team," says 49ers wide receiver Dwight Clark. The 49ers were the only NFC West team with a winning·record. Injuries struck hard at the Rams division champions from 1973 through 1979,' and the Atlanta Falcons, who took the title in 1980. The New Orleans Saints' 4-12 record under a new coach Bum Phillips, was an improvement from the dismai 1-15 record of the previous season: . THE RAMS are going with Bert Jones, fonner Balumore quarterback, in what they hope will be a comeback aeaaon. Atlanta, in Steve Bartkowski and Alfred Jenkins, has one of the NFL's best passing combinations, but a defensive turnaround is needed The Rams' offensive line is a rebuilt unit, with center Rich Sau) and tackle Doug France gone through retirement, and should be the key to the Rams' hopes. All starters are back on a defense that allowed a distressing 351 points in 1981. Atlanta's defense was one of the NFL's best in 1~80, but opponents 800red 355 points last year. Lmebacker Joel Williams, who had 16 sacks in 1980, was among last year's injured players. New Orleans' George Rogers led NFL rush"ers with his 1,614 yards as a rookie, but the Saints' passing attack was the league's weakest, and pass defense also was poor. The new backup to quarterback Archie Manning is 36-year-old Ken Stabler, and former Penn State lineman Bruce Clark could be a big help on defense. San Francisco's offensive line came of age last aeason. with guards Randy Cross and -John Ayers gaining recognition as two of the best in the NFL at their jobs. But Cross is recovering from an off- seaaon injury now, one reason 49er quarterbacks took some hard knocks from pass rushers in preseaaon games. MONTANA, HOWEVER, has Cl'O!l8ed up many pass rushes with quick tosses to running bac.ks or tight ends, and he throws very well on the run, as proven on the dramatic touchdown pass to Clark in the final minutes of last Janµary'a NFC title game against Dallas. ' Montana completed 63 pereent of his passes last 8e81Pl, his first as a full-time NFL starter. Wide receivers Clark and Freddie Solomon combined for more than 2,000 yards gained. The running attack will again employ several combinations of backs, with fullback Earl Cooper the top returning threat and rookies Vince Williams and Newton Williams among the newcomers. RUii Francia, who had aome All-Pro seasons with New England, ls a new 49er, but he miaied most of awnmer training camp with back problems ao did not challenge Charle Young for the starting tight end job. End Fred Dean, linebacker Jack Reynolds and three rookie backs including Lott were among the atandouta in the 49en' excellent defensive effort last year. Walsh has pt_ten rid of two Super Bowl starters, linebacker U'aig Puki and tackle Archie Reeee, and brought in new men including veteran linebacker Bob llom. HAllOlt U.WM--MT. oun Mortuart • Cemetert Cre"9torv .. '. ' 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S.0-5554 rtMCI NOTHIU l&l. NOAOWAY MOITUAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAU%&180110M SMfTH & TUTHtU. WISTCUH CHAPll 427 E 171h St Costa Mes.a 646-9371 PAC..C ••w ~, ... C..."'V M ortuarv Chapel~ernatory 3500 P.ctllc: View Omit NlwPO" Beach 1444700 FIR THI 'RICIRI Births .....,. Mr. & Mra. Joe JM'fe. Hunltng1on IMc;ti, Girt Mr. & Mre. JOMC>ft Hav.,1011, Huntlnaton llelch. Olrt Mr. ' Mn. Donald Allan, IMie, Girt Mr. & Mr•. Aloherd Knecht, H9wpott llelch. :r Mr. & Mra"°lln Snelgrove, H9wpott lleedl, lo, Mr. & Mra. Todd Hma. H9wpott llelch. Girt """ " Mt. & ,..., Gery""'-. H9wpott llelch. Olrt Mr. & Mra. Gene 811r•on. Hunttnaton llelch, lo, Mr. & Mra.•Stepl'len lrencU, IMM. Olrt "" Mr. & Mre. otepl'len Dolle, H9wpott ..... Boy Mr. & Mrt. Jottetl'len ledll. H9wpott ..... Olrl Mr. & Mr~ro lifr•lro, IMne, Girt Mr. & Mta."~ Wang, """"·Gitt Mr. I Mrt. Aoooo llnfal, HlllltlNton ..... lo, Mr. I Mr9. 0.-DOtlOfl, CoN W..,Qfrt Mr, Md M,.. ,,.,_ Loe.M, HUnttngton ..... ~ Mr. & ..... "'::. MoConMa. o....--..,. Mr. & Mra. """'' ll'llptey, ................. .., .., ................ ......,,. ................ .., Mr. & Mr•. Merll eo.lfM, ,...._Y...,,Qfrt ,_,_ llOnc& CM' ,.,.,. .. IM.I T ............ ............. YOU AM IN Ol'AUL T UNOIA A L.ONQ l>UHM llCUlltlfV (tNITALLM!NTl LAND CONJMl.1 ~~~1~Jh .. TAKI AOTl()H TO '"°lfCT VOUf' P~TY, IT MAY II tOLDAT A llUILIO SALE 1r YOU HllO AN IXPLANATION 0, THll NATU"I OF THE PAOOllDINQ AOAINIT YOU, YOU 8HOUl.O CONTACT A LAWVl!l'l On 8aoi.Mbtf 11 tt12 •I 11.00 o'olodl a.I'll., 8TiWART flTLI OF CALIFORNIA ••• d11rv appoint.cl T NII .. Unclet tn<I pureu11nt to t.onQ Form 8ecurlly (ln1111tmanl) LanCI Contraot With 'owar ol 8•1• ("Oontraot"I rac:oro.ci 09oemb., 18, 19711 .. tn1trument No. HON In 8ooll 119001 Page 1016 of Offlclll Aeoorda In tne office ol the County Recorder OI Or~ County 11•1• of CalllClfni., e11tcutad by A081!AT ALAN KITCHENS. a llnola man .. Vandee, and ELMIJ'I PATTERl(»j and ELSIE w PATTIA80N ... VaodOfl. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST 8100£A FOA CASH (payable at time 01 Hie In lawful 1110neY of the United St•l•l at Iha omc.. of St-1111 TIU• of c.ilfClfnla, 900 Nor1ll Broadway, 81nta Ana, Cellfornla 92701; (714) 11118·1114, all right, Utla and lnt«•I oon~ 10 and now held by II under H id Contract In the prooiinv eltuattd In 4 Mkl County and Stile deacnbed ee; Lot 2 of Tract No. 853, M per map recorded In Boe* 19, Pt1Q8 42 of Mlleeltlneout MIP8 In the Of'lloe ol "ttle Coult~ Aecofdw ol Orange County. The llr••t •ddraH and other common dealgnatlon. If any, of tha real property de1c:rll>ed above 11 purl>Of'lad to be 22119-22117·22117'A Pacllic, CO.ta M .... Calllornl•. The 11ndarelgnad Truat•• dlaclllm• 1ny lfablllty for any lncorractnen of Iha 1trMt 1ddr ... and other common dealgnatlon. II any. lhown herein. Said nl• wlll be made. but wltho111 covenant or werrenty, expr ... or Implied, regarding tltle. po11 .. 1lon or ancumbrancH, to pay the remaining prlnclp1J tum Meurad by Hid Contraot, lo-wit: $45,9311.00, Hid 1mo11n1 not lncl110lng the prlnclpal balance payable on underlylng enc:umbranc:e(1). l'lbjec:t to which Iha rMl property wlN IMI told, with lnt«•t ti.eon. u provided In Mid Contract. MlvanoM, If any, under the 1anna 01 Hid Con1rac1, •-. chargH and 111panu1 of the Truet" end ol tha trust• crffted by Mid Contract. The Vandora undw Mid Contract heretofore llllQUlad and deltverad to the unda,.lgnad a written Dec:laratlon of o.fault and Oatnlnd IOI' Sala, end • written Notice ol 1>efeult and Elaetlon to Sell. The ~ c:auMd Mid Notice of Default and Elec11on to Sall to be recorded In Iha county whir• the rMI proPertY la localed. Al ol Iha lnltlal PllbllUllOn of the Notloa of Sala. the total amount of the unpaid belanoa or the obllgatton aac:utad by Iha praperty lo be Miid, (not Including the-pr1nclpal bllance payable on 11ndertytng tnCllmbr enoa(1). eubjec:I to wtllcl\ Iha rMI PfCIPl'1Y WUI be told) and reaaonably ••llmatad coa111 axpan1aa. and •Ov•nc•• •• o Saptaml>er 21, 19110 u fotlOW11: Total Unpaid Prlnclpal Balance: '45,9311.00 E.IUmatad CO.ti and Ellpen-ol FOfeclOaur•: s 2.0211.20 &tlmatad Advanc.a and Cradlla of Vendor: I 1.6411.10 TOTAL: '49.514.30 Data: AuQult 20, 1912 BnWAAT TrTLE OF CALIFORNIA 18 Nici Tl"\dt .. , 8y: TOM QUEEN, Ill Vice PrlllAdant, CountyM~ o/o~.Ablon & Maeeda 3'00 Wllahlte Bt\14 .• SI.It!• 1700 LCM Anoelea. CA 9001~2874 (213) 38114385 PubllahMI Orange CoHt Deity Pllol. Aug. 30, Se9t. e. 13, 1n2 3804-92 DEATHS ELSEWHERE SCHENECTADY, N .Y . (AP) -Joba SMmbo. 59, a leader of the IntemaUonal Union of Electrical Workera who represented General Electric Co. employees for more than 30 years, haa died. LONDON (AP) - Cllfford Canoa, 75, a British pianiat, haa died of a blood dile&le. LEBANON, Ky. (AP) -FraU L ClteU, 74, who repreaented Kentucky'• 4th Congreellonal Diltrict in the U.S. Hou1e from UM4 to 1966, bu died. INGLEWOOD, CaJJl. CAP) -Slaelly Oo•drea•, 34, one of North America'• leadlna harneH rlden wldi more than 2,000 r~ 1n hia career~-~.!!~ died after beina UlJUR'U in • r.-e at Hollywood Park. CLEVELAND (AP) -Bea. Carrtllpr, 00, pert of an Akron Beacon Jo urnal report.en' team wbJch woo • Pulibler Prillt fOI' covera1e of the lhootln8 at Kent State Unlvrity in 1970. PITTSBORO.&.. J! .C. CAP>-W• aaner, 89,.a ~t North Caroliria Democrat, hae dJed. CLJ:VBLAND (AP) -Dr. Walter 8 . Prlte~. 72. former cblef of 1taff at Unlwn&ty HolpltU of a.wl.lnd mid endi..S with performln1 the fiflt IU CCel"\11 proeedUN to ,..... • patteat '1 failed bw ............. . .. 642-5678 ~.~!'JI ....... «~!!ff.{•!.l~'!.:. .... !'.!!!!.{'!.!•!.• ....... !'.!!!!.!'.~!~'! ....... !'.!!!!.{'.~Ii'! ....... ,,,.~'!. .•..•.••. !~ '1~'.~'.1. ••••....• 1.'.'!I ¥!!'.'.~~! ••••••••• J.'.'!I ¥!.".'.~'.! ••••••••• !.'.'!I !l!!'.'.~'.~ ••••••••• !.~I . --·--.. ---------J LIM llLI ... ,......_,,, ...... , Prime Lldo Nord Mytront. 8 bdrm, II~ bath. ::1 ~~""•,:::,=:ti: Lae L.R .. 2 boat .upe •uoo.ooo. aublect to Ult ,...,., - '•Ir Ho11•lng Aot of Re~led 3 bdnn, 2 bath + lar19 rec. rm. = ~ ..,:-.~; beam oeillnp. fumlahed, 1>9tlOI. '420,000. =.·tc!i""::;, n•n•u •••11 ~~,;.:e, ~· MX Prize Wml Bay bayfront. Sllp1 for 2 boa ta any Intention to m.:! remodeled 3 bdnn. 3. bath S,1,200,000. any ~ prefwenca, N-m I t • t I o n o r Ocean & jetty view.. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 dlacrlrnlnatlOn." bath. 3700 eq.ft. Sl.385,000. Oceanfront. Thia newapepw wut not know1ne1y ec~t any UllA llU IAYFllllT adYenlalftO '°' ,..., -tit• wNdl la In vlolatlon Lagoon ~w from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, of the i.w. dark rm. den. Boat .Up. Now Sl,000.000. ........... ,,.,.. .... EHf•lde, 1lngl• atory llM •• townhome In park-Ilk• 81)9Clou• 3Br + ZMBa, Mttlng. POOi. clubhouN, redWood patio a ape putting yreen and large h d b I .. t I •h•d• rM1 anh1nc• an •~ ' c.. rp c 11111 fre1h 2 Bdrm 2 •tre lg 2 car g•r.o w/wlne cellar or flat beth home with tlr.-rm. Mu•I Mii ASAP. place. S136.000. Ma-5880 '• 142-1200 PETE BARRE IT .. REALTY TlllUOI YllW Baal mod•I, Newport Terrace. Ltg 3 Br 2• Ba townhome w/tront IOcatlon • tlrlt!lng vt.w. "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::il Lovely Bdrm 1u1te & i loft. Call for ttnanclfla detalla. Full price S13f. 000. 761-3191 RANCHO SANTA FE ' C:.'•I I', -i-"° I .1q J~ 1f 1J , • ' , --- *fMllDf• Choice 4br •11~Uv1 ranch atyla hom• In prime TURTL£ROCK loc111onl S 1.200/mc ren1 Ill appilea towwdl purch... In o monthl. Latge, io,, lnt«eet ... •umable loan, tormel dining, lrPlc, and FEE LANO. (7i4)769-1501 °' (714)762-1373. 2070 Sen Miguel Of, N9wpOtt leec:tl. ~ Walker & Lee ..,... bJal '"' ....•................. PAl11DJOl111 Exclualve Balt>oa lelend 1111111 Advertla-IAYlllE PUOE ere should check Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, their ade dally and 2 ba dn. 2 boat speoea. Reduced-Sl.500,000. W""41 ... t lltt neat tGhool and vlHage. Baal covenant buy - 1259,000. Call owner st 714/455-7911 ...... llOrne. For detAIHa, dY9 Otrtti tltf .., os5--01e2: ev1 er3-4et2 report errors Im-ILIFFI ONM lllllllMt ........ , f!~.~!!.'h!..J.~¥. I llUT lffl .. ._. YHr tfter mediately. The. DAILY PllOT aa-Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba aumee llablllty for on largest greenbelt & lake. $250,000. the tlrat Incorrect Fllll• •• 11 •••oN CLASSY 5 BR Dover Shor" ar... de-Wxe throughout, cuatom 3300 aq ft Magnificent pool, ape & fire ring, 3 Cir garage. OWC fl· nanclng. A•klng 1685, 000. Appl. only. Call e40-6CIOO or 769-1111 0.rtll ...... 38r, 2ba, 270 cTeg view. $395,000 , .. Insertion only. .... """ I•-------Brand new 4 br, 4 ba, cu1tom French 4 Br 3bl, $375,000 FM ...... i.i. Normandy Estate on 1 ~ acre hilltop. $1,250,000. , ...... ,., 4Br. 3ba, pool, facuul . $475.000 ..... /hold or $892 ,000 te•. Cell 075-6830 •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,,,.,, =31".................. IVILM ~!!.'1. ••••••••• }~f Fee simple cottage on quJet Deecanao St. (ln --!!lllllililllllililililillilil(..Ela'ta)-$145.000. The Gerrie Co. "',.. Turt~ G~ WOOd-OllllUll 0111 ey, top vt.w. Dramatic 3 Coronado Ia1and cuat. bayfront lot. 8:1' boat Bdrm Jaamln• model. dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/tenna . FOf Cl&laffied Ad ACTION Cell a o.lly Piiot AO-VISOR 842.se1e lil:w;t,r~ • 675-5930 • :11>:r. ... (',I 1111 \ t'tl \I !::tr•d••. rewdood • ""' pool & ten-nle. Owner mo1lv1ted. Reduced to n5o;t>OO. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR Ufllil OOt ti()Ml::S RealiOf'I 075-tOOO .I: M 1 •, J'1•' •... f1" I ,...,,,. m•nn 11muT Giant 4 ~rm bMu1y In Corona del Mar. t..oc:.t· ed In the Hwt>or View Hiiie .,.._ Unbeltevable canyon vteW, gr .. t for the hoataa who lovea to entertain In an lm- p ren Ive home end 1Utrouncltnge. Good fi- nancing paottage. Cati ' 840-2313. TR,.\DITIO\,\L RL\l.T\ .,. CROWN POINT • SPYGLASS HILL Superbly con•tructed oatad eetat• on almost t;. acr. wtttl ~ vtew.. S1.t60.000. .....17 ...... . ....... , ...... . .. "-' 111111tt 1211,- EutMde Coat• M.a 2 Br. 2 ea. home, hard· wood floof•. larger lot, CUI-de-NC •tr•t. 1125, 000. Owner Will finance. COLDWC!LL BANl(eRO ..... Bayfn)nt condo Witt\ alp avallablllty. 2 BA, 2 ~.,.:::·~ 1. ............ ........... 3eO ----of b9Y __,. ~ & ocean from roof .... ..., 1·., ,. ger6en ... -of the (WM 11-1111) many arnanltiee. Adblt See large lld In Setur-financing. day Delly Piiot R.E. -;iii;•5•;•;•5•5•;·~~ Mellon. ii ...... ., .... ......, 111~ ll1-1111 ..., .. .......... ••nmT• BOAT ILIP, prlvtte ~~iiiiiiiii;;:; baactl. Ute end dlMIY • 8 bdnn. 2 bettl home. llllllM Llml ~5.=1 ~ llU -. TALK811 Of •200,000 ,.... Va1Ua toa111 ooo, down & ....., .-ctlfY Incl. 4 br, 21A ba, J en 1at T.O. at 1N for 10 addition OOf'llClieted In ~ ~ all Offerll 1917 con•l11lng of OrlM#/ArlttM 11M117 t • m II y rm w / fr••-;°';17;1-;·10IO:iii&;&ii 1 •tandlnQ ftptc. den & wtlk-ln atonoe ololel. AdJ, to tl'lll new ••- l)enll¥a fMlly --.. the btt-ln .... kit. "' lldJ. formel ~ ..... ~ tflt ..... dtlla door entry II • huge formal llYln9 rin w/ eno4flar '"*· The ... bdrm .. lrlOl. .,....., droom untta. Exoallnt aulte w/1unltan dbl• ........._ 1._ ._ ~ •l'lowtr & mirrored _.. ,...... ---· wardrobJ• J.•-=1 ~ a':t "::: ~ be1r1 1Nft1o11r-lullrnlt on AITD. ""· ad & the ,.., rerd ,_ 000. -1 ' • .... OCMfWd peao. ""' -• IOt la' -1111 d I '*Jm;iii====•= epaoe for orMllOn ofli reo vefllol• aocau. ..... .. Don't 1'1t11ta1e to ClrlW TWo 1tcwy ...... I =·~~ .. ~ .. = .. """ be9utlM "'"" ... "°' llUmlUftcled by 8 AT. 1l:H -1 or by 14,000 t•d IHl•ll•. appt~ OOAIT Ta'1efully d90orateel " NAIQ'I, WLTOM ~ ... "I•"· end alluttere. ,. ... 1111• • fftOdef ....... , =..."'1:11 = ............ - .... Llfl>A ISLE llEMOTilll LIWUT PllOE -l llUU Mot1v1t•d Miier HYI mow 111 3 Bdrm Cotta M .. home now reduo- lld $4,0001 Now. I 105, 900, call nowl 84e-7171 A ,A.BULOU8 VALue for only 8115,000 end owner 11 n .. lbl• on term1 end condttlona. Submit HcMntlM °' tenna or CASHI An axceptlonal WATE9'Ff•ONT home on th• legoon with a privet• ~torr reelderloe for entertaining Wee THE REAL ESTATERS C:: °' deity ~I bedroom• and Mvlftg '"*"• famlly rm whh atep•down bar -0 THE WATE9'. 8pldoua peUo and much more. C.U fot de .... and lnwett now ~the prba go UP. l'ter ~ .. Ip f« 1ar_. yecflt. WA Tf Rf-RONT HOMt~. I'< It~ \I 11111" '•f• "• ft..-t1tat• .. ~Plrot•TH \f • .....,_ ....... DIRECTORY HOUSES FOR SALE 1 89' pin FAM RM ot DEN 31131 Holly Or., Aliso Bch. So.Lag . 499-2857/499-1600 Sa/Sn/Mon 1-4 a BEDROOM 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Mon 1-5 165-4 Sunaet Ridge, Laguna Beach 494-1177 Sun/Mon 1-5 669 Joan St., Costa Mesa' 5-46-2313 $129,000 . Mon 11-2 603 36th SI., Newport Beach 675-9184 $840,000 Sal/Sun/Mon 1-5 I BR plue FAM RM ot DEN 1135 Pembroke, Newport Beactt 845-5555 $284.900 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 615-7060 $525,000 Sun & Mon 1-5 15 Rue Fontaine (Bg Cyn) NB 760-8333 $975,000 2501 Harbor View Or (HrbrVuHls) NB 760-8333 $585,000 Mon 1-5 Mon 1-5 616 Marlgofd, Corona del Mar 67~5511 $365,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-6 4 aEDROOM 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 873 .... 208 $575.000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 225 Via ONleto (Lido lale) NB 631-1400 $575,000 4 ... plue l'AM RM or DEN • 320 s.award (Shorecllffs) CdM 631-1400 *'476,000 Mon 1~15 Mon 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Udo Isle, NB 875-3048/873-2558 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-e5 ••DltOOM ~12 Cerob, Eutbfuff, N.B. 844-1742 $249,000-LH *35 Rtdaetlne Or, Hrbr Ridge, NB 780-1800 $2,850,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 2-e 3 San Sebut..,,, Hrt>r Ridge, NB 780-1800 12.100.000 Sun/Mon 1-6 *12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Ada) NB . 780-8333 •1."6,000" CONDOMINIUMS . FOR SAL! Mon 1-5 1•-PAM••DBI 2846 Vitti Orn1ic9' ~ loll 84CM>020 '315,000 8at18un/Mon 1-6 llOlllU HOll18 PCHI IALI ·---100 Udo"" Or.~ Vig) .. •1-MOO -OQO 8jtl8unlMCift 1-I 700 Ullo M Dr. ltl (Cllw•l'll) .. ' •'-MOO --e./luftlMon t-1 Home+oueat+lnc:oma OWC let • Flex. Tanna 509 Ac:acl• CdM nr bell Spo1feea IJICint Duplex Huge 5bf'/3b.+3br/3bl 4401< own/bkr 845-704S IPYIUll 5 TWtn Lak• Cr. 5 Bdrm Southport. Va-o an I & reduced to $469,500. oa•EO 11101111 Dramatic 3 Bdrm. 4'Aba. Pool, view. Pvt t>eac:hM. $495,000 i... Mllold. 111-HU La-rtHIJ/~ REAL ESTATl 644·6397 ua•Y11Wau s.u.altto W. home on ... land. 3 Br. 2 Ba. ltv & din rm, lg fem rm, all amenlllee, IQ ttee lot. By Owner. $200,500. Call 840-7007. IY IWIEll 1238,500 -3BA 2'A be. 2 llOf)' twnhN, gated MO, pool, tennl•. Jae. aauna, club room. Walk to allopplng, bike to l>Hotl. You own land. 20'Y• down and ueume 12% loen. By •PP~ 7141790-31175 Old COM DUPLEX $330,000 F.P. with $30, 000 down. Terma avail· able. Sus>« lnV99tment. Call John 56~ C.u #eM 1114 ...................... .... ftL...., ,_ 11 YU/11~ With 20% down you can move Into tNa toYety 4 Bdrm hom•. freehty pelnted In and out. Terrlllc loc:aUon. Alklng $147.000. FCK appoint· m•nt to •••· c a ll t:S.0-1151 ii WI •••••u.. In lhl• 4 bdrm home with famlly rm, lncd ~atd and Iota of utru. Owner wlll aulat w/ financing. Only S135, 000. Call 979-6370 now. \f >11 / tlFll ' \ ·. . .. ·. 111.-... ...... Spec:loue 38' + 2~ . r9Ctwood peUo .. ap&. h•ndaorne brick frplc, 111re lg 2 c:er garage w/Wlne cellar Of dal1l rm. Mutt Nit ASAP. 84&-MIO l1Hl/1 .... 9"11 -· LHM/Optlon or P11r· c:tlue. YOUR ,_ 1150 aq. It. (plu• dbl geraoe w/opener) Oetuxe Con- do. GrHt park •Ide locatlon, next to all •hopping & theetera, Incl. all amenltlee. Op- portunity. to etart ow-nerlhlp W/quallty hOfna wltu uvtnge. 714/e31-6055 or 84@-2000. ITIAL IT Low clwn, ~ ioan., 3 Br 2 Bal Aat. Fl'ad Tenore. 031·flH or 131.2111 \ f >I I I It/' ti .IU8T I Ml. TO THI AINIOftT ~..,::=:..,~ ••· H•:.r;.• Glen • •110.000. 71)19 ~ llllft ..... l.MM/Qptlon or .PVr-dlaae. ., ..... c.- pfatt r1"'ot1111 ~ ......... °":'w.... r..-r=n .,, •.Pe.t. ...... , 114-, ... ---· Or A• Cout DAIL V PILOT /Manda • I ' ---r:t:( !!!ft.~ .... !M! ........... l'!.tm.fe~.-.{'A~ .. ,.~.¥~1!1!.iA~ •• lle!M/11 ...... ~·· ~~ •••• -:i!'.l!!.111!.l.'!if,•_, IHI• 1,111 &.u ._. j... •-'-j~ .._., .... , jllf •.wt ,._, 11 ....... rr.rrrn ...... . lililiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiill llPll Jll -.Tll ~irr.,.f'ii•••••••••• ••• t rr.1r.rr:n •••••• 1m1 r.e.-n ••••••••••• ,.,.., ve • ..-n,.r.::r. •• 1'•··· ••• -..i••·····n. .• •••• 7t::i.-... ~ 11.11'1 IUWll'I •• IMa'nllll -..Ut1ful flome t0t ~· .. ..... S1 bd, I be.;-' bet, nloe ~~0,:8 cwtio:=· ~ bloctc to bead!, 21k mzr ........... ~":": U..., Liii • .....,. Ian Olementw SHtcle 04 llfled ~ 9'~ i bdfm, I be oondo. ,•9\•o var, s ,~0, /~~· ptden room, dining rm: 1ba. UH. Utll pd. 2 bl', "' occ. ger/petto Thll lo¥lfy pool home i 1i\. tam rm1 2 IA, owner1hlp, modern IMn,. H 900/mo. 1"· Yard. Oar, pool, t..W. 4tJ.17M ' ~try kltotl w/bt!Glt. 64&-9743 I 4 e O PI u • 1 a o . ,..,int tentflo l\neno-"I " Plen on mator 8~ ttyte c un1• ec>t. 976• 830 I oovrta. MOO. 940-tt48 Upper dd, pool. Par-........... /Ylewt 946-1317 Child 0.1< .• No fl'lo. 4 lge bdnN MW green~t W/MMY up• tloute with OOMl\-<hllle & TIPS TO ICH, S 8r & Of IT).0872 HU .... Y NICI 1bf w/~ 11allK furn If dHlrtd. 2 and 3 bdrm. I.dry, Doge •pelno .. 0''01naert. Ol*kfetetdanclat grad .. lnaludlng thut· GOif oourM view. CIOM engl. (2111 US-HOT, Nloe S BA 2 ... den, ~":r'!\ts"'f~~~ :rLJ:>' 11, IHIOO. gat., "'tplec.. Meo end -E-.tlde.;.:.;_k!_xx-ury--ln-a_plne_ " lfer1 fert, dMIQI* w~ fo everythln~ly t 3t0-64e&, •11-:1511. ..._. del Met, Ofdnt, no up Winier. 640-47"4 fortet. "9fftQ D/W, !Ml. ~rcffa~· ,~w:i1'!: r'•~::!x ~...,., ~1 :w aOWMI' oc:: ...,..,,... g:•· .... , 11ert• Mom• 8::9' pr5:~ ~ 28~ 2.=, den."' High aer 119')9 to Mncl. MOO 2. a ... 'Mu.,("'*'· polnt!Mfll to .... oall ---------l2u.ooo J an v= OClOUpy a 8drm .. 2 betll 2 .. ory. 4bf, 4 betM, . 841-1 24 c i b • I 1 0 1 6 m 0 . • '4W632 mo. yrty: •VIII now. : ~La e H~ g ~, ~ ~: 640-1161 ..._. ... ,,,__el IHI ...... _......... City & ocMI\ ~ ept. If dining rm, gtent 1areen other 31r w/PoOI. a 7CIO-t1307. . eT6·6710 wet/'#l(nclt. "13/"'""·2• .. • ;";'11.tt;' ... 1'.":ee••••••• ~-appllce&>le I. rent the TV, hot tub, mod. kltotl. 21r apeoe age kltall. ltTY UTll/ ... YI 3 br 2 ba frplo lge • ., • ., ...... · VILLI II 011111 other ~ ..,.rtment• fOt 2 oar encl. perking. t<ldl ok. 1925. I Aat ........ 2 rnuttt bdtm 1111111, • 1uxuiy.1ype 'ept. Slept 18r. endOMd petlo, (1111 HAllTIFUI. tnoome. Seller wtll help Av• I I 8 •Pt · 1 5 • fee. 11 a.et Atty 2 bd.rm, 2 be. Flreplact., dbl g•r•11.•, 1pe, all to wetar. 8ep1-June. Included. 1'10 mo. 01.D WORLD , flnenoe & IAVl t>uyet 9715·7960 639-9190 ga1aoa. No peta. "'" xtr ... 17150 mo . 1796 /mo . Refl. 967 ·4924 home . -~HERITAGE REAL.TORS ....---TOWNHOME8 thou .. nd• o1 dollattl SHARP 1 BDRM FLAT mo. Avlll Oct 1. "4-34M • 1 3 • 3 0 5 7 ; 942-0350 weft(, • ..., hlat II# By Howerd Marti co. ~~f D.~:D000Mlllno00 prwloe S3H 4ff.677t ....,, lBr a •tudy. New (2 13)919-5995 Spec. lou• 28r •P•. ,vt TAAoe·i~i~·;·;;;,;•,;: 405.J'2C: 11159;.~0355 IUTIUff BEi.OW 'au~~tltl'9S>I:. Beet • ,.. 639-9190 Cleen 2Br home, •P•· ap•• a mini bllnd1. Furn 2er, ept 1tept t patio, bl11na. Enal r.'· 3Br to &Br home•. Reduoed to l24tl,OOO. cem.nt oottlll Prlnalpela nlor 1 Br. Venalllet, E.uttlde 4 br, 2 t>a, 1wr frplo, 2 oar garage! Ocaan1lde. 1800 yrly. b<:h, grMt loa1tlon & Con II r • • • AP .• • 11"''41 30 yr nxed rate TRADE f()R7 Owner financing. Tri-ONl.Ylll Clll OWf'9( el on court. 1695/mo. yard. Kldtlpel1 o . •PPI, no pate. Aval utll Inc. 873--15350 .., White -•er ~. A ._94_2_·1_1_:1_e_. ----- loen1. Price range level 6 8drm, aec:tuded (714) 21S/U7·3292 dey1, 1110 mo. Property lmmed. 1700 mo. (714) THE BLUFFS 2 ltc>ty 3 t -15-92 to 8-15-93. E. &Ide 2 br, 1 ba, 1220,000 to S280.000. II I HWI ywd, IClhoolt thoe>9fng 142 0131 ~131317-SllOQ. HouH, 1142-3950 or 4t17-7124 bl' 3 1>a, exec condo 975-&et3 downtttt, lndry, no FurnllMd modela ot*'I· IO EA IF I I IT all neer by. Ooen Sat/ • WATERFRONT 942·1010. UNIV. PARK Cathedrel cs.ft. 1m1 din Qdn pe11o: Surf vie'#, 20 itepa t pet.a, l430 mo. 211-A,E. 499-5294 few lnlo. SuntMon. Submit all IMM ,,_,,,.,, ~ HIGH RISE CONDO . UITllll 011Hng1 IVng rm, w/Wflt end unit $ f200 mo Nnd 2 Br n!Oely fur 19th Pl. 844-04152. •=IN Niii :;•ert.1 "'/:;•10~:dda •••••• !.-:.:;r.;;1.:r.':'/ '3000 mo furn. 1 BR: 1 Ba. .. $375 mo. bar. 2br, 2ba, dbl gar, 1 1 4 • 8 4 0 • 8 3 7 O : dplx.' M1ture, r91P. only IA50. 2 Br, refrlg, pe~. U Metr tuft• plua 3 .... 4 ·~',.ro1'1;2 • or Beverel deluxe 4-Plex•. BR 2 B ..... 19(>tleu rMd)' to mow 833-2009 A"• l I 8 •f. t . June oarJ)Oft. Adhl pref, no · IHI ,.. --.. · Incl COVington• In ahol-2 Br OCMnfront Ml. 2 • L .. """ mo. !:'A.u..Cklb IWmng ~21. le50tmo 83 .011c pet1. 724-B J emH. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba, 2 yr• new. lies>• to ••fSlllUI oe 1oca11on1 • low • Winter MOO/mo. Exdu-Bkr. 769-1234 ....., mo. Rel 497·205<. 4 II I~ I& 173-1797 M= ,:: ~~ l~·~g ~~~ESSION -15t>tOOO down. Take 11w egt. Ritt 752-5710 •• ........ I..... &II 752·5040. Ftm rm. 1125<> I.. ~nll -------- daye. Aaeume my O'Ao~ Full price 11,050,000 Chetmlng 2 br homhe over IOent. Pr1n. only. 2 B 1ge IM rm petlo Newer 3 BR 2~ ba 1-... ..... JIU e«-80&3 Da/J1ald-4 I.wt. 2Br, 2poo18e, So. ee,, t VA & 11.7% 2nd 11021 Ag1. 944-0613 wt~t room 1 b•t • Ag 1 · 114 5 • e 1 O 0 : r. ~ ' ,._• twnl'lle, pvt petlo, 2 car :er.,••••••••••••••••• TIE ILtfPI •••••••••••••••••••••• Pleu, ~c. 'MCu ty 4 bd + 2 . IQe brlcle p1tlo & frplo, 540.1399 9waoa. , NO • ...,... bk 'r59·1234 EMERALD 8AY. G Br. Z. •DM I"-' ,,,, gate, bMmed celllng9. mo. ttry llllllM VI~ J.lll f='rench doora. Be1t 73-0432 & 873--8197 · ger, r. • Ba. trplc, brick patio .Spec. 4 br, 3 ba, Q200 •••••••••••••••••••••• $676 mo. Sherry/Donne SUi ,000 own/agt •••••••••••W.••• •••• price In 8ay1horHI #tut•Ja, l>futl1 Derllng 1 BR, 1 blk fr 1111111 with ~ 11500. 2131 lq. tt. twnhome. Lowly 2 BR 1 Ba. no petl, yriy, 079-2300 d)'I. 942-2681· 646-J295 Ill/JU ... 1235,000. Flex. term• .,,.,, 1411 beech, w/ger .. winter LANDLORD doean't eT9-2255, decor, poolalde Mttlng. lnclry fecll, deck, seoo. •1 Br. Tr1plp • 13715. Loft. 1400 eq tt. av.r. Owri./egt •••••••••••••••••••••• rental. ltoO mo, Incl oere •bout ~I Avlll. 9115· 1 1300 mo. 975--0349. New carpet a petnt, no .... ULI looklng M. V. Golf 831-6415 or '51-8300 ... Ylltt Naltt ullt. 790·1H2 Saye rent for 3 Br 2 Ba, oceen w , Agt. 114().5590. P9tl ti •1•Tt1 .. CourH at Lake M. V. NT SPl•I OUTSTAlllDINO 1 a den, 48R 2'-" b1 wt gourmet •925i mo, Arch Beech Eattblutt 38r, 2ba. Avlll ~5~~b~ur't1• 2 2 8 2 P 1 •c ent I a , Hug• one atory, 4 Incl. 10K upgradH. Ull llU llTIUT 2Ba, tundeok few 1 or kit ~h , Avall 0/1. now 11000 /mo . 97&-2578 945-0404 bdrm, .9 inlle beech, 125K, 10% dn, bll. •t ...... TMl·TIMln 1-1 Naturll Geothermel Hot 2 peraon•. seoo mo. formal din, -9212 aft 3PM. 940-0019 Arni• or ~tl"IOUI nel~hbor-12%. P.R. Hickey, egt, ~.l "'· ....... 5..,1..,.. on 12 ~ LM 1 vr. Loft Miiiet cuatom deoOt thruout, HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 83t-4839 ulc for Elllne Bayfront. 3 bdrm, 2 be. Letge 2 Brdt' 11nd8e. with • 855-2982. a ... n-,. ... .,.. ..,__, 1 ock tr.... ulllt p..... Nu 3200' lux .. m on Urge P8tlo. New ~t. garege, w, rt rm, , wllklng d tanct ---------ecret wltll Nat'I Fottet Agt. 831-12M r .,., _,, bluff 180 d""" "vu of Waterlront 4 BR, 3 Be, 11200 mo Y9a11Y. 1485/mo. Avall tl-1. Edl1on HI ~ahool .... ....,, ..... 1111 Charming, ctualc, d .. on 3 lldel end owr on pool, EZ tenna 1350 ....... :... r1 -.mt' 1 3br 12080 mo. Boat 1llp 975-7009. 876-9405 945-9825. boeati huge fam. rm, •• -.-..••••••••••••••••• cortted, land1c1ped, 1200 ft of frontage on •••m Dalruald.J UNOERMARKET ,_....,.,, tu , n , , miy be avall. 973_.eee • ---------dble lot eox2001 Luxu-llW IAfflllT 1unny, open, beamed Warm Spring• Creek. •••••••••••••••••••••• Rent.,..R·U• 3ba, Haurlty, tauna, 2 BR. fplc, 1ge llv rm. utll Cloae to beech, 2 Bdrm, riout aerpetlng thr?!'i: $640,000. Quiet area. '*"'1'· copper plumb· Only 8 ml from World llan'1 1#1 537-91170 'it!. I 1eO0 I mo . UGI UY Incl. S70b mo. Avl 1 Be. 1490/mo. Pool, hout, well~ '!!ti~ Welk to Lido VIiiage. 3 ~ner ~~oU:. ':~~;: Famou• Sun Valley •••••••••••••••••••••• 1410 • Mii C 7009. 1.ux. twnt11 on Ur\N. Dr. 101'1182. 213-507-9595 get. No pet.1. 942-4470. ~~:-"~ •t :~ bdrm. 2.,. bath, bMUt. 000. Slelln~. :=rdln•~ IEIT&LI Jult In time • flnet 28r 2 be~~h. v1:~1·00'':~· m~~ 3~i 21 be, 3 1::o?r"· ..,.., 2 BR. 1 BA. 'rt:· pool, 9% eplrtl ~•kkl:•~lrwty:i ---------:. :0.-porate C: r.ii. ~~~;1~!,!~ly-Wlnter. ~:;v~~ ~ks~ Darrell, agt, RE/MAX ~t ~~~H2. mo lnla1.U Ul1 ~·~!~~A child~~: E~ Al':n~~1:!ooo ~:::~;w~ p~tr~ -f~~u: ll~~:!:'i1~"~~ JIOOll IULn pet. I ~·n~ oth•rl et 75tl·1221 ,,.,, .... "" i"bci~~:·;t,~·;;;·dpi~ .$525/mo. OCs-3415. • float. Steam beth & $195,000 cuhlll PllP Beet ty3-,, !91;.,. w• ... lllU1 11$1 •••••••••••••••••••••• yrty. Mature non·tmkra, 2 BR, 1 BA, old houle, Wl'llr1pool. All doora ~ S:....., .., ••'••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdr 2 Be townhome, nr no pet1. 1750 X 3 no peta, cNld OK. An !m-'!! ••••••••••• !.~f lld oek Really t Lido ealty CONTACT· IUl&IEIEIT LANDLORDS/REALTORS HOME FOR RENT s.c. Plan. AIC, frpl, 2 , 3 / 7 9 ti -4 t '5 ' u1U pd. 415 Hall'llfton • ..,.. .. Open 's et/ Su~M°:~ Devld v. V. Helmbec:h 111·1111 vldertFHt .frCaltM ta..en•,ntRealpro-ty 4 Bdrme. exec. home. DIW. refrlg, etove, pool, 257-97112 $535. 845-3415 r.-. 67~7300 s SOSO. Fenced yard a fP9 & much more. No or (71C) 873-39'8e Tur11erodc, Jdnt nneno-1-5. 803 30th SI. ~ IDAHO REAL TY A -""" •1"'~ garage. Kid• I pet• petl. ,,, & lut req'd. Ing, owner wlll c:erry or 973.97711 or 975-11264 SOC. larfrtet o.Me/lltfr .,....,,, ... welcome. 545-2000. l.eaH. Avall now at 1425· 1 br. utll• pd, 417 exchange. 12115,000. Agt. 208-f29-t1890 On Udo P11k Dr: 2Br a M ... def Mat 48r 2be, Agent, no tee. S700tmo. 0yt 979'-7100, E Bay Balboa No pet•. mle8tiBJIU GOLDEN PROPERTIES TEllllFIO Ill! la CIMfalt lltl ~~~~D8R~Lrv den, 1 e a . b 1 d g . 'f':,(.a<d, frplc, 1750/mo ,__ •Ii el 'ISi evH 775-0390. Mike ,_54_7_-1_15_5 _____ 1 IPliMill- i iiiiii(7i1iC)iii75i2i·i15eiii9iiiiil Prof. decoret.td, wwm 3 ••••••••••••••••o•••• 208-~53 $2500Jmo. It ut. 407-2298 ttr.~ ••• l~••••••o• Dotler'ty. 3 BR. 2 Ba, unfum, Jac:z. S..Utlfully lendto:.,..d Br LA. 0 R., FR big ..... TAI tm111 ....... /Yin 4Br, 28e hie, nr Fe!Mew 4 bf. 2""6e; cpta, drapee, c..l•la( " OClMll view, S1050. no garden •Pll. Pool a 1llT\W llD kltCh., high t>eaft,''ce1r. FM llYUTllm • PAUi IUllT Unlurn 3Br home In & Biker ivlll Oct 1 bit-In gu kit. Av Im-DaJrUald-4 '41$ pett. 2131737-7272 Spe. Patlot/deek1. No Trtlllfw ferMt .... Inge, trplc, plus a pr1. s-"'~ta pr• ... 01 A luxurlout top quellty grMt tocetlon. lArge a 1750 me. 092.0778 f~ med . I 9 2 5 Ag t •••••••••••••••••••••• deyt, 714/1173.0358. Ceto, 1410-IAtS A 1p0Ue11 4 bdrm vate lrg manicured yltd ... ......,,..,, ...,. iuper energy efficient etry. 11250 ai>PI. -tl57-0701 Orengetr• 'condo, S500. C.,.,,, 111 #u JIU 1 Bdrm. 14M-M70 Olenneyre plan In • :'!~ 3 .~ .. 9:.~ = ~~~·:t~ '~~.~:r. mtnuf~ured home, 2 ..,.. lllTAU 2 •. '425/mo. I.lice MW. OCEAN VIEW 3br, 2 1 Br a loft, tennll. pool, ..................... 2250 Vanguerd great locatlon only • .. -l'louM with ~Ill• & ~~ 21 :.~·w!y~fg~~ IYAIUILI .. no pet•. at Hell« Pllk, frpta. $1075 mo. 1422 1treem. NO pet1. Avlll Lrg. 1fbr, -b8.1•ch ~!.1• 2 540-H211 Of 942-4905 lhort wllk to pool and you own the land. Pe-,....., COUfM view. Cloee cou-In ............... • ... Prioel r...,.. from MOO W9ter ""''d 842-3837 Tatrec. Wey 711()..8379. 0/1. 553-11C1 bitll rom won&. t 1 Red ced """ ·-_........... -·..-,... · · · utll• pd, I 75 mo, ~erae 2 Br 2 enn •· u over to every1111ng, only 3 cured edult pll1c, apeo. to $1800. Celt for c»-3 br, l'A ba, fenced llJnlM VI~ 'lf1 Senta An•_.,.. ,werrw/ 973-1153. 1565 ' 120,000 few fut tale. yeet• old & allows Ille• tacular view, big lhaded talll. Oceanfront• av11i. yerd ger 20201•8 •••••••••••"•~•••••••• Fllrvl9111. 3 Br 1 ~BA, 2 ~118 W WMIOn :bl!'l':i ~~·-7~~.u:'Ow NEWI N9w ~ could patio, lrg landicaped eble. Bitch' St 'senta Anl HOME FOR RENT 1tory, nr SC Plaza, AIC, Dellghtful 1 Bdrm dupl9x 931-5583 Or 942-4005 occupy 3 bdrm •• 2 beth lot, feta than • yeat old. Weterfrtet ..... Hgt 1 $ e 3 o c e 11 3 Bdrm1. $950-1725. upt, drapee. pool, Jeez. nr P": & ooun. Utll 3 Rd 2 Luw U only •a:: .. 5!"'11·11 ''iiiiiimiliililiiiiiiiiil city & oceen view apt. If Appr. 11 $125.000. Cell 111-1411 833-to27. · Fenoed ywd & gatege. patio, dbl pt w/Of**, pd . rplc, petlo. 151 ~12111. s.te-2408 .._... 1• eppllcable a rent the owner (7141 340.,.1150 Kld1 a pet• welCOme. non-•mkr, no pet•. '575/lee. 840-1177 ...... IAIW other 3 epertmtntl tcw or writ• P.O. 27211, LARGE KfTCHEN w/BAP. 545-2000. Agent. no 1700 mo. 71,..534-7029. ~ • 1114 PJn NIGEL OAIL[Y ~ ASSUC1ATES Yo.J own the lend. 2,000 Income. Seller wHI llelp Palm OM«I, Ce, 92290,.,,... ,.,_ llfl 3br, 2ba, den, frpl, 1~1 .... BIO CANYON 2 br 2o• 11:!~.nm........... Wczlfll!.ld 1q tt 3Br fam rm 2'A nn~ & SAVE t>uyer for detlllt. •••••••••••••••••••••• yd, dbl gar, reedy tc• • -. 1 II I II • IL B • Id • 0 b It thouHnd• of doll•r•I On the beeoh, 2 Br lull. moV9 In, le90 mo, "*' .___,, ..... '"' tennll, PoOI. lllOO evall • • • IPllTmlli - n!ar ~O:.. F~~·~ro.,; REDUCED Mlllng pr1oe ,,_..,, ,,,.,, condo, oceen vu, .... 4 ti 7 -2 o 5 2 . Bu u • .-.... ~.RENTALS••••• Oct. '44-7ee7. ::V gatder:«~Gaa ~· Beeutlful gatden apta. ---.-m--IFlll.----.--~ merket 1245,000. Wiii rEL~'!'·c::>~C:t lar:::. •••~••••••••!!.~ =,J~:.~"':97~9F, 752-5040. 1.5bf'a $200 to 12000 E'alde C.M. condo, 3 Br bbg. Ad~ltt, n0 pelt'. Pa1lol/dec:U. No peta. 3Br. 2Y,'"•, "reel tor lea1e option. Bkr . c em• n t coat 111 ,.,.. '""""'.. HOME FOR RENT 750-3314 °'*' 7-dayt 2ba. lge ywd. frplc, 2 942•6073. 2 dllldren weloome;.1t.a11: """ • 944.()134 _...........,... ________ , 3 & 4 Bdrm s1254760 car gar, pool, tez. 2 Bdrm. 2 Batlla ..,.... ttmlble1tyeora1~n~~~c~ng-. l~~~~~~~~~I Pr1nclpe11 ONLYlll call 111 •a ,... Fenced ya;d• & gar: Newport Shor• 3 Br. 2Y. 1725/mo. 931-7005 cw Spacloua 2 Br. 1 Ba. 309 w. Wltton I awner at (714) onan um ,_ egee. Kid• & pell wet-Ba. 2 blodc• to beech, 931~303 $425. 3 Br. ,.,. Ba. 831·5683 Of 942,.4005 1132,llOO. LgelE,!! !!tomll'!__ 142-11•1 Top Juell~ grove l..U.1••~ 3-1 ~-..... 2000 .o...-t cloee to aohool I ten.-•-&.~-~ 1475. Leundry tac., •·--... ,_1 ••• GOLDE"! PROPERTIES • ..-......, ,...,,... • •••••••••:;-:•••••••••• ~ .... '"'"""' ' ..,,.... ' n1e. M2-eel3 •--pool 1§.48..11559 12-7PM -r... -(7'4) 752-15911 plant In repefrult llLllA no .... · lrualMM JIB · . · •••••••••••••••••••••• --'"---'-------1 r J;!,,,lo~.5~0 ~la J1M rj' ~~ ~tedt on OCMt1 Front duplex 3 4 BR. 3 Be. fonnal c11n1n9 W•tc:lff 3 Br. den, of· •••••••••••••••••••••• PINE BLUFF APTS OCEAN VIEW 1br,1 ti.. LM5...,.tfr/3 .. !"' Jf~rWn. s:.':: Remo. "c>.m.,1egt. C.-'111,.. 1111 a rv I-H ve. ~ ~~ BR comp furn 2 lg p.. rm family rm lge co-nee, 2Y. Be, 2 c:er gat, Rtncho San Joequln.1 1 Br. with loft, a 2 Br, 2 1425 mo. 2 br, 2 ti.. "' .,.. ...,. ·-·~7 ·oet. 975-3048 Of 87~2559 ••••X:••••••••••••••• grow ng eme w tloe nr BelbOI PW 2 vWed petlo Sot., en-Qerdener, no pelt 1995. Model TownhouH In Ba. Chlld ok, on ttle 1550 mo. no pell. dreem home. Pool, Jae, E•••ttn.• lr•• IUbdlvltlon potentlll. bike to Bey a ... .,,op.. ergy, ~ve. S1,000 l-937-1459 Of 948-6028 lrvtM. 2 bd plut den, Bluff•, petlo, vt.w, frplc, 7 14 . 8 5 5 . 1121 0 r lake Vlewt. Ii.Mum. nn. H4' lllew lbrbtl El~ant New England ~oP ~.~~~ ~;-11150 mo. o mot. 404 mo. Joen Brac ey, CHARM: EXpended a Br. one the nlcett In the encl gar., gH ttove, _ss_1_-233a __ . ____ _ 1410,000. Urgent ..... Condo .• 2 •"""" count"' rnenor ~ ~ · ' E.Oceenfront. 1173-S981 1175--9000: 944-5125 3 car garage HVH development. $825/mo dJth~~er, IP&. lndry •-;~JIN Owri./1Q1, !151..e829. bd 2•L ... XI t IOc '7'"' ., • . J I I d. .. ,· 728-2148 rm. _,oJ/mo. •1 Dir rmf, ,. .... n · cated on• wooday .,.. 1714t 67).4400.. 3 8r 2 Be '900 yriy. No aeuu • 0 • •v w SPMC 831-9107 "41 Woodbridge 2Br 2ba, $110.000. $12,000 On. lot. 4Br 4ba, 3 frpic9, ' ' pet.a. Avell 9115. •u"-"8 , .... trencll wlndowt, •kY· ... ,,.., lfahua#fl •••••••••••••••••••••• IOwelt prloed Avalon on Peymenta 1947.50. Cell gourmet kitchen,~ IJ1Jt61t.11H J.R. PROPERTI' ~ J-. llght1. 11900/mo. ••~••••••••••••••••• Nloe 2Bdrm 2 be. M09t Delwce ~ xtra fef. corner lot. AIC, up-owner. 71...etl.,.8111 tNe o.it penellng, ct. HAR.OR MANAGEMENT •••••••••••••••••••••• &40-2523, 833-2237. WINTER SO. BAYFRONT utll pd. 922 Hemllton ge 2br, 2 ba, b1tn1, gredH. I 118,000 In 11g1W tile, 3 car ger~ 97M173 OC-RENTALS For leeae or ..... option 4 br, 11200. lncldl u1111. St. dawtlr, 1'Ao mllel beectl. ueumablea. 1157-2045 • .,. Ju11 a fW ot t "---· ~.r .... •••• 71;!'?::•1J200~ S20001..,_ s1sooimo. 5 Br., 1arg.i excel. view 97~2'. 152!1/mo. 548-0417 ~ .. ~ /,J2tt. 1500/mo. .... amenltlH. Seller wlll 1 ---,..,.. ~ .. ...,..... -v-1· ...,.d ............... ............... 3 ... 2 ... ..._.._.condo ......,.._ *'' * t1uy down eldlt1ng I0-1\ ·······••••••••••••••• ·-• ...,..,.,,.., -"""'""' _. .. .._. t-.nlM-4 ""'· ..... -· Beaut. 2 lty, 3 br, 2Y. to t 1.5% • fantHtlc , LMge 5 Bd Home. Nrkh~oom3br ::.!_•ktunnlngld "' ~ .. ~ •1.!.~ Y . Ag• n t :Ttt:::::-.'!........... l{_gl.ldpetlok, pool & epec, IH•l'I WALi b • . 9 'I• % 1 II ti I( term1. Cell for more 'l\ l>tv1.;1ofl llf 1 C 0 r 0 n • d •I M • r · "''• r '"' Id 153., _.. ...-. •.ta..... Cn °· · neer SC Lge 1 & 2 bf twnhle ·-913 I , .. ' • • 11700/mo OC-RENTAL8 750-331C c· ... --Pl•z•. sees mo . .,...,..1 lnlormetlon and en llarbrn n\l'l'lml'lll ln. 7eo-e7oe, 1!75-21,... Newport .Mt. 2 ... du-l•wal• 1111 21a.994-2eee. epta, frplc, dllhWMher, IY OWIEI CONDO, low do'Ml, attr. termt, 3br 2ba, Wllnu1 Square, Stltl,000. 975-0372 Of a57-4tl711. TllTLEllOI Bergaln lele by owner. Lovely llome 2 Br/2 Ba a lend . 1111.000. '51-3933 PllYITE SPA 2 bdnn, 2ba. Plen 3 In Orenge Tr•• Pttlo HomH. Profeaalonally decor•ted. Pluth cwpet, cuttorn lhutterl. Excel· lent amenltlH. I 139, 600. • 1' 601 LIDO eppt. to .... 3 bdrm, 2 ba. MW pelnt. pi.. condo. Attectt gar, •••••••••••••••••••••• end. g.,. Nr Huntlnaton Offered at S750,000 ..,, 11,,,.. Jumlne er.M. etegent 3 crptl & drp1. Thi• dining .,..., pool, ten-Yeerty, 'Ao bite to bctl, lrg '550/mo. 2 Br. 1.,. Ba. Herbour. From $.l75. 8th FLOOR CALL 411-2112 •• er. ftmlly rm, st9')9 to "*1CMng home hU lge nit, clbhH, 17 Wiid 1 Br. geraoa 1625. in-TownhouH, belcony, Children OK. 940-9807 Waterfront Condo ~-"•-"" 1pa & tennl1. &1500. llvlng rm w/free-Gooee. Tlc:onderoge to dry, no pet•. 111, i.t, lndry rm. car l>Oft, Ill 1 Br 3 bike to bMcll ADULTS ONLY ~ •• ::':-::::"A';•••••••••• 975-2740 1tlndln?c trplc, huge lntr9Pld to W~. def>. 117J-.t327. blt·lne. Avail Sept. &3s0/mo Inc utll NO Spectacular View .\ SE£ AO UN~R DANA 2br, trpl: gtr, ocean ~el ~.:.~dw::.:: : Sll50, 714 543-2 1 Winter rent'I. 3 BR. 2 ba. TSL Mgmt 942"1803 pelt. 536-8Si1 . Wll~a78m9,C500ote Hornet for Nie. view. Pl'V1 bdl, no pett, E d Ing• r I 8 o I '•. ILIFFS TIWlll• Wtr1nt. Avlll tte. 18()(). &530-$640/mo. 2 Ir. 1 2 br, ,.,. ba twnhM, Cl-10211 1720 mo, 7CI0-90111. 11125/mo. Incl. gardeQtf 38r + den, 2Be.. Pool. 730-3777, 837·2913 Ba. 1 ltc>ty, ~ crpt. 1415 + $375 dep. Nr 'Broker Waterfront 4 BR. 40' tllp, Nice 2Br 1~ba In dplx. & water. Appt. Agt, Frplc, waah/dry, bit-Ina. 2br '595 mo dtpa, petto, rplc, Beech Blvd at Mded- (714) 7'0-1900 'll . \llhlU\tu eqty S250K, trede 1cw Liv rm w/trplc, tundedl, 957.0701 2 PttlOI. 2 car ptaigt 114 E. BelbOI iifvd. bMtned celllnga, 9l1ded den. OulM otdlr pet'IOn W B •I I• I p, 0 p 0 r 1 g ., • • 0 0 I h w y . BEACH Beraaln•I Lrg 3 ~~·o ~ Greenlbett e 1 ' -5 ti II 1 • ¥-:~Mgmt. 942-1803 pref. No pell. 983--48M 1173-4eee S825/mo. 323~ Lark-+ &40-20tt Yr • • 213-335-4ete 1 er petlo 4 pMx. ept P ..... Udo "'dult Condo a \ r..J llt If tpUm. 536-1453 wkdyt. den, q11Mn1 kit, de• $325, utNltlee Incl. Sm. 1 ldeel fOt ' clean quiet .,,. " ' 5 TWtn LMI• Cr. 8""· alOner 2 l!IA ~ h .. w/ C...• Ml #u 1111 bd. 1982 Newport Blvd, ad u It a . No pet t . Br. pool, neer hoapl111, Wattl 1111 ...... 58r 5ba. o-!:'-o-netvral rode trpl ~· 111' blltl off ..id. •••••••••••••••••••••• CM 931-7302 1390/mo 11111111 + . .....,.. 11•"' ooo .....__ •••••••••••••••••••••• -• ....... u.-BBQ • 1 EZ 'J:1 .............. w ~. v'--.......... 1....... 1 e B' R d ...,_.,, '""• • ..,..._ Buyer ,_ '5000 do'M1 port Mdl w/fwn rm & ptt o term• · ,._ "" ....,, ...,._., ....,., ..._.., •-7 Hf 19th/Pomona. 1 Br 1 1 2 • on• I . w 111 he IP. Ag• n' IHI 1-Mi 1•4 for 3 br houM end bonul rm ~~MC. $305 057-lllm. townhOuM, frplc. ee, upetWt. D/W, eer-545-7931 1146-1044 ••••;:E,4;.;·;RONi°••• 1500 per month tor '2200 mo.' 1eo-1.ee Reni-..A-U. 631-a7o EA&TBLUFF Exec. tiome ~~0:-tto. $89&/mo. J>Oft, _,., pd. 1 chlld 1-2-er-.-,-Ba.--""'*9---.-1 UllUT 1N -3 Br, 1"' ba condo P • Y m • n t • . -........ Artlttlc 3 Br 2betll 1595. 3 bl'. 2 be. den, fonnal OK,~ ~~.20001460. A.gt., ohlld ok, no pee1, water IN VERSAILLES/NEW ecroet from bMot1 tnd 71 ...... 115-"37 evee. "'•-'~ Safely tncd for kldt, din~, 2 trple. garcten Ctlt•.... 1111 no •-· .,...,.. peld, l400. Agent, no SecMtty, pool. Reduoed pier Ind neet ~. _ 3Bt. 2~.:. ~ mo. c ti arm 1 n g 1 o c e I e . p • t o. I 1 2 5 mo 8••ru••N•N••1NG•••••1 ••••••1••er•• 1 Bd, 1 Be duplelc. ut11 .... 545-2000. prtce beeel'9e no r..ny l.g Mllltn9ble 111 p1u1 • ...., ,...,.... ............... 53M 1tl 1 Bee1 Rtty • 942-o350. · erge · peld. 1375 mo. MU to ,..., 1120K. 831-2918 owe. o.r-tiet Jue1 •••••••••••••••••••••• e.u... IUI tee. 4er to bMcll Garden Apt., poo17 10 rec mow In. A.Gt 975-1942 ~ IMd "" liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil r9duced prtoe to lia5, ...,.. I"'-' 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ ' .,..._ 1435/mo. 1 W. ' • •• ••••••••••••••••-1500 (213) 430.0211 ...................... OC-AE.HTAl.8 llKI l&YD poo11t la. :'f.r= 3 11th. 8t. EA8TStDE 1 bd Iota of~· "" .. ~ t~~· Realty World • S W Call UI fot YEARLY Of 1·5br'1 &200 to $2000 Huge 4 Rm 2 be 111!""5 ' 7 .... IT -1 •-wood, quiet, pv1, $395 u1nt rn. 1"' + .~,..; BALBOA ISLAfl> BAYFRONT .. ., .... p WllllTEA rentllt. ,,..-750-331c T-A-tl-• • • · • mo. •-utlla lncld, no pet1, • · mo on.7 -rop1 Propertlel 876-4000 °'*' --.7• iu~lt family ;'/5o ~t ~i •'1 5PM. Beautllul . thady 1p11. 831 ·3948 AM or an d • P o • I t . L • • e • . Od« IHI 61•1t WINTER RENTAL 2 er 1 BA1:::-X~ -5'3~ft1°t Bee1 ;u:•. N'pt Terr. 38r 2.,.ba, 19e. 1•ci!ctc_,., plld. Patio 4pm. 4~10 or·494-27tl . ...................... 3 bd, 1>A be, 1750. = 3::1-9522. 8' tM. pool, gerege. '125 mo. tenn1t ~·-ff; ~ 3 bdrm. s ti.. Of1v •llWI .._. *I 11-111# .,... 1173-2349 cw 973-3915 · 552-7074 court rec rOom 1 petlo. No pet•. S&oo •••-..••••••••••••••••• P"....... •••••••••••••••••••••• -tlltdled 4 8r 2be. NeY9' 5 !">'°" anae1 drape• quiet 5•7 ""'7"' ,.,, .= •• ...._ I•"" 11• ......... Spo11e .. EHt•ld• de-3:7el!:: ~a1~~ gar, 2 bdrm, 1 b•. •PPll· bdrm. 1430.' 0 •11 mo. es1-2115 NO t':f'..:C-~ .. w ftalltl4 ••-T •••-•-•-r. •z-rented before o wner Lan•. e 7 ti · O 9 1 • • • .. """ ... STUNNING lerge 1 Br. 975-4912 lk<*er ..-·~ -,._..,,,. • •1 · 213-~ beach loc. 1626 mo. Gatdln ...... poo1 1. l'9C • i.-... ...... IHI e.1 Alre Home fight •••••••••••••••••••••• pertlcular. 2 kldt ok, no · L .... to 711183 AVllll ... _... 110"w Uhtt s 1 bl', wt1tow. reflo'Q, end i"'•·•··':"::'~·=··=,·=·=··=·~·r••1•:•;•••••••·~~~·;l~l~ .. ~·~l~l~~~i 1nter1or1. a bd 0 rm. 1 OcMnfront winter rentel. P•tt, no •moklng. HOME FOR RiHT _.15th. Dftv. i,y 115 IN,) 1141 .,.., · · t. parking. 1400. call beUI, front kitchen, •· 2 bl', 1 ba, c:ompt. ,._ S ti 5 0 I mo • Ca I I S Bdrm. l'r25. Fenc.d 29th 9t. NB. Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• • 28r. 18a. Neer So. C. 975-0812 aft a. • ...... llf pended llV, ~ .,_ furblthed. Garage, 144-7211, egt. )WG & gerege. t<lde & 1175-3149 e1191 aJITI LNm1 Plue, S.A. 1.uxury AWAP.D WINNER 8k"'9 ""911 3 br ..,.. Vouno adult• ' pet• wuhtll/dryfll. Utll peld. E'llda 3 Br ay, be "1*. p e t • • • I 0 0 rn • . 8-ltlfUI petl(·lllee lllf• Condo, w/pool. 1875. CONDO ~ 3 ~ Ooeen vtewt. a bdrm, 4 ltc>ty condo. Ooocl too. welcome. 124.no. 907-3910. I lo 15. 2 petlot, 'dd, dbl 91• 945-2000. Agent, no 8UPEA DEAL arm w/ roundlno•. T•rraced No pet1. 933-8974. 2 BA. frpl, dttlwr, ~ ti., kit. wtoonvenltnoet, S 1 a t , 6 O o . Ag t . 540-5037 WINTER abr 2 'Ab• tedl pt w/fMio opnr .... OOrt pool Sunken gee bOq ¢1 lfttd Adi. hookup. 3 oarport•, 'i!•':'ie, '':'om::.• d~. arden, 944-6215. By owne1 • lrvlM-The '795. 305 'Montero'. 1750, 1et/laet l360 aeo'. bftM ol'::.:.r~7=14 1pa;kllng fountalna'.S:C: ~ ::.,~ ~~ petle. 17"-iiv OuMrt ~ 3tM'/2be, lwnlty rm, pool, OrOV91 2 BR/2 Be, dbl 8 1 t · 15 t 9 1. • Av!IM Sept 1, IS31-«il4 •••••••••••••••••••••• Speoloua roome. Sepeo- . ~12 000 I "*IY emenltlee. 11eK. ger beeut upgtd a ~ 21s-.335 49". -· -a LlllllD On tlle Water. Super rate cllftlng .,..., Welle· •ufDwlM ......... . ~· ' · Y 1¥ own«. 648 HH Old: Me.ooo. On omblt, 4 Br baytront w/dock. -• -3 Bdrm detached lharp 3" 3ba. weter In clole1•, home Ilk• ~ JtM) a4' . 873-+411 lit-•-U -111,000 dwn. 932-9190 l4000 yrty, l3000 wlnl· ..... .... ... hornet In 9lloellent--. Pd , Do Cle a Ya I I. kitchen & oablneta. ,,,.,, ... ,,, ... ,., ... uut..uueueuuee••l -· ., Aval!. g/10 o.oor.tor ~ . ..,._ Avallable llNMdlately I 100 O I mo. Ag t . Walk to Huntington , -·--• • 4 Bdrm, •be. 3 09' get. I.Ive In Newport Beech . J.A. PAOPEATY ctout 2 bdrm, 2\tbe, HOO/mo on 1 yea; 942~73 or 117'-1737 Center. Kennebunk' port? _, • ..._ Loe lllend kl1dl. 1378, few t 1tl.OOO. 2 bdrm, 1 MANAGEMENT new Cepe Cod POOi IN Fl the to N E h 1 ldtm-f\lrn, l506 2 lk a .. In pv1 aandY 000. Mullen Realty, vb• In private comm, 17s.-e173 J9C. ~ .i.. ;;;t ~ ~. °w.·:: tM ;Alli~•;·~·~ 2 Bdrm-tum from M06 00¥9. Terme ev~. 540-2MO etk,or l.Of'I wy oteen. Mutt ... pet.lo, beloony, wfn-e 1_ tor.._. den, dock evallable. 2 ldrm-TownhouH Isn't that the boat H'rt,soo. can K•n •1 UM ( .. /LMl eT&:-2142 4BR 2BA. winter r.ntet o•ll•r & ioe a•r•o•. -... 1uoo l''Y 1... A,t. furn. that won The America's Cup in '75? '::~!:Js·, 1.1ngo A.I!. Secut'lty hlatt,... (11-~I ~/ I"'# :~.0':,~1!:.• :g .. nn~ =~:: :~: ~Tr:: ~i ~!lfrldfe 941-307 or 973--773 No ~~ulr! free! ~OJ~ --------4 a.: .. ecr.ooo. I.MM ._.._ 11 11a-eeao 1 1oeo1 mo . o • 11 .-I ---I.A OUtNTA HlAMoeA 1, .: ...... l3000/mo Ind. uttl. & ••• ":."::"~........ 141-ttae 10·30 to l:IO ......... ,~ 2 ... ., .. 2 ..... 19211 Parblde LI), 1 )'OU,.. not sure..,.., (Ct wl'olt) l<ennyWnkpor1. rum11 n BAY eaeoo ..... '""*'*'· a B,. 2 llA. a.o. Ptae. i.-. .. ,.,,.. ,,,.. · · • s.s1.-e -.,.. . ..... ... wn. don't,_. bid-you·~ not~ ~ Fabuloua Th• Exel Aot. ""•· Po01. ·JIG., llt,HO, .. ~-;;: •••••••••••• .::'f pm. ~· ft•y,tollw ""'°' dedc1o,'lfl· a.cw. w 04 leeDt\ 3 bllt a. ~nybllnkpOrt 1$ or.,. of 14 clltlnctiYely _,... ...., *'-' Own-76M110 eume 10~%. Ownr. Emereld a.,,, sM bead!, Hr. 29e Condo nr W. eOM ~· one Of Edinger ''47·'441 different 11P111ment f1oc>fp1M1s 11 ~lld Vlaage -"• ..._ ..__ ----..•---------• 2ts.tt0-1.a1 pool•, tennl1 courtt, nner. Pie, olMn, .. fa. mTILI HS. B• 10S unaet ... · In Ho"tl"""""" llUcl'I. SNwlnO VIII-15 a resurt :" _r;:, ..... ·-1. P-1.--,..-• .... ...,., ~•n via'#. 3 Bdrm, oll. 1780 mo. 417.21•t 2 4 9Ull'ltnO Condl»J. comer oil ..._._a.a.A ffd of•~~~Nu .. ,.,...,_ .... ~ ""·--. ...... ... • tto _.. ¥W l.Aed-3ba a guHt llouH. Ntncy : MIO to t• Vlotorla & ~. '""'° :nl.'nT.r;;;n ... T.-.l'I' _., ,.... __ ..., .................. ,..... ... .,, permit• for remodel. ed oteM Nit 'noon • 11800/mo w!nMr ,.,,... --· Ave, C.M .... flf.e ._. t..uicury INdlo, he HBO. Thtfdlld of attltltJOtl )'(kl OBHW. S 1,460,000. Cell outdoor ..... a'*'" If lt'lgot or 12200/mO · yrly. 8ldl. dNt 1~ oall ... , •• H. or pt-, m.ld ...,, ... ·Aperflct~ofNM1WldlMng- 44M-002t. Cerol TMum. • '"9t llOl'N '9Y °"'* ftandlel 714nM«MT ~~ Ml.-nt. IO-(IM3, ttlO WI!. 4M4015 natlld tn 1 tore!t Wltl'I blbtlling br'OOkS and quiet Ner. -~to .. ,..: M41.000, you'll-ab 1mmuu1ete wooee>' A 11CMS14 llllT 1m•• • • ...., ~ ~ Pondl. <®*' ~ netural OtMn brMte Add to .. -tmllll dn. IU 1911 _. Cllermer. ~ti)' ,._ 1(00\,. Ot'fl bf w/pod, .... :!eUhte ••l';en thatttnnlSCOUr1a.JWlmmtng~1jle'fUIW Walt to beeCfl & ~ ILlffl _._ a .... mod.i.d end ""'"°° ta : Ir I ... oomm. pool OOIAH~ Dta I~ • eotMnieftt ~ ,,.., sllOqllng Ind • from ,,.._ older "'*' ,_ ._.,. .;:, =." ~ faltlr In rMed. 2 bdrm. t\t be ballert kif ell MO,.I m S 1:cr:., l1lt0/mo .0 :'n.'1.,.:-" M "*""' ••4*>)mtnund~~i'11100t • plleu·~ WOUid ::"-tN°' :;::.:: =: .. ,.. peen. L-Dally Piiot ~~ ~Ii 004U'Ttj' 1~1• Ui;illil l&OO '"° pteu11y ca11 "°"" 1r:..n ~I ~¥.:0,: =:u::: dn. =..:=:-o.= ~!!.~, blkl to ec:'r"in: ~:.r;~un:.; unea.... :...:. :o:~·,Jo,::· a::.;;0.r .. .,..!:...: °"'""~":""' --~ NW. •t-cMl4 .. ~-= ·~°'-"· Wlnttr rental • ,4 L'...._ I Ir I I a , tar , up. ,..-. • ·-· ~· -2'XX"' _...,. "'°"' '"° 111£ ...... •711MO .,.., ~ 1 I a I ••&IWit • • 417--1 MlJ=. -==~·::-.,.,.~ Fo~ts~1 :'r. =7:r' = = lll!ltOf L~a:; .. of ..... ,.,, •• ,..,., •1' Jllfftf."'1! .. liif =~:-r.. ':r.-. ,..,,, .... -......... 1"'"iiAiiiliii:iNiMifi~ •••cmt .... -:-=.~ r::'ty"~== ~~-:,~,_ •t-IM•m•' ··--:W.."'.':1.~t 1-IMl~~,:....~mvtOlllNOICA '-9 ... a..., ,,.,.. , ~To ..... ~ ed, --~-. i-. .. .,. &.,.._ w111to~ 14;,, '"'"'•J111DllllF'~llrtWtnont10111Nd110 '9ICIM 141.te11 C111 .......,. llld ... o OOIMWRONT I • .,._ -. N ... 1-. ~ .71. 110I ·w. ~ tl'MI .. tm1...,..... IO StNwld V-. ---~~':.:':' 41:_:4':::4e:,:1.:,11:,;:7'.:t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ =· lflld M-Vlw • 1 •• • •:=, &,r,:" 11 • • • • I• • • • =a:r11. tn-,m, ,_.,....-•a. ~ to w • ..- I ., j ) I Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Monday. September e. 1982 leSsimial .Sm-vice Diredary. m w•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'.~;..'lfl!:::.:m.= •• ~.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• -.-.·.~fer.14~.:.:.::!'1.:.;.-.-...... -.-.-.-•• -.-.!:~~~~.; •• ;.~~~.:.=.~.-.-.. -.-.-.-.. -.-.~· #!!!=.~.~. !"-':.:.~.~ •• ~.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• -.-.1:,.;.~.!~!:~=.-.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-.• -.-.-.if;l:M:.;,. ~=.:!lf!:~.!1.::.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• -.~,:~~ •• :.:"9.:.::-.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• -.-.-. Tr;"l':.~~~!~i..:-.•• -.-.-.-.-•• -.-.-•• -:.=.TI~~u;.~~~-=.~.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• ·.-.-.-. -• ~184 Per D!l Olvoro.8upport Chaiite ·-llTlll&Dll HARIOA TR.INITY PAI· •wNOAlH ITA"** • OUMP JON • Y81d Mllnt. & OteanuJ. MLPH'I PAINTING ASA PAPl!RHANOINO Huber Aooftng-all typaa. • All '•mlty M•tlll'I RMaOntble frloff: fut SCHOOi.. DAY CAR! !leatrlcll ContflCIOr & Small Moving Job• lod, 1prlnklere. roto, Int/ext. AMI. ,.,... 7 Y" loc&I 9'CP· 0\181. ucNew. ,,t,ecover110" ~ .... '734 h•t'a Al.I. you Y Att'y Kotfroth 14&.-4375 profa111ona work .. : CBNTl!A COit• M... LI 1 .. 20 Call MIKI! 4Ml-tH1 trH rmvl. drelneoe. Ref. Fr .. eat. 538-HH work. Prlcea 11er1 It .. .,.. • tor • Opening Sept 13. '\II c. New ""' ca. • hlllald weeding 8 ·lan It/roll Aleo 11?9 0853 ROO' 30 d1y Id ld-lttJ.a cuetom work tool No and IA dty cate. 7Atl clrculll . 1.t hf IMf-4174 HAUllNO-ORADINO a . r Palnllng: °"' famlly '''" ' ~ REPAIR In 1118 •••"-"···'··••••••••• Job too amen or too ePM n;...ltt NOW ·~-I.&. ciemolltlon, clean-up. 11"2253 dltlon fOf OVll' 100 Y'•I e11p1rt wallcov.,lng In· SPfCIAl.IST 1254185 NIU Infant to 3 yra. my C.M. blgl C1blnat1, kllcttan ~orner . ihk"er 8& Fair !He.'r!t.m-.~... COncrete & ,,. remo-'-al AU Int/eat. Lio. 341262. 1tatl1t1on. Alu. Pllcel ,, .. 1111mata 170.2728 PlllT home. I hr day. Lie. ~ '.-':t~u!ti view. 618-4335 01 C...etom Aaflnlltllng-Furn val. '::P••••••••••••••••••• Fr .. •t 881·3"8 Con1ultanl ANlgnment "'H!NRY ROOFtNQ..-11 Yta eac 19053. 754~238 cablnetil OOl.fntarlQP9 I 5ff-7787 a lnl.,lorlo-All Repalta Quick ""'· 1142-7839 YIHI WIW MM Pllltm _118_1_.11_5_eo __ ...,..__ Sheka-Shlngle-Comf· • Dl'I UlftmlH do IVll'Y\hlng from llart FI T Chlld Care. 7:30 ,,, Call lor •t 84+8294 HAULINO & CL!AN·UP For • ,, .. fact ahelt, 25 yra •.KP Lie 403941 ,.,,_, ''•"" UC. 415232. 84M 13 ·llllOJtlf C.M . .,... 648·5789 to t1nt1hl Cell Brad II 6 :30, by YO crtd . •1'Hla• Yda/garagae Prop mgt call Harry Waua, At· Bonded Ina R9t1 Colo; ••• ••••••••••••••••••• Roof problaftl? Dont r• 'po IT NOWI (11•) ll1·1tl0 teacher (Ma1Ur1 ••••••••"•••••.,.••••• 831-09!3i831.0e8!1 1:3rn2U. 11 Law, eltJ)8rt 0 H3°0911 °Dlck ••BRYANT'S*'* roof, rap1lr .-1 frle11on Babytlttlng In my home, "'"'-r .. ). Agee 2 a up, MOWING • CLEAN UPS 5 .0 ' ' • WillCOverlng Removal of the coat. Call lM bl fer hlHlre nr v1c1'!~'2·.f.e~· C•r•I i.mn o;Ganlzed •cttvltlaa, Haullng -L.and1eaplng !~~!~!!f ........ •u Blll'I Painting, lnVaxt All Typee. 1142-18-43 951.a90 Your Diiiy PllOI .... ·N·o·"'s··-,··:::..~No····a·11·::.~ C.M. home nr Nwpt Fr .. •t. 8"2·tt07 ROBIN'S CLEANINO ••••• !!(.............. 8ReeldC /comml, He.!:.'~-,,, Can "-•~ DI -1 Bab-•ttl .... Ch t 11111 _,., _,,_.. H E...._ ••• ~•57 ., __ ,..,_ ' t .. '"fOUGlllY BRICKWORK: Small lobe. . at at81 '"" Qtl.. •••••••••••••••••••••• . f.tHal ~~;t1:V mC:ihe':9 &w'taa~~er , Stein Spec:talltt. Fut gll ...... .,.._ Atllltt L*fe..... ....., .. _ · '""4()..()0lfi NewPo<t. Colt• M8H, & meterlale. Lo prtce. Certified HouM Sltl8fl •••••••••••••••••••••• _l;... Mon-Fri. 882-7573, CM dry. Fr .. Mt. 839-1582 c..,,.,,.,, lu11d Tr81 trim, gen. clnupe, clUn tlNM. 5 7 • lrvtne Ref•. 175-3178 Fr.. • 11 . R. f.. Bonded $11/dl.Y (awry R!:~!~t~!:~~. l•l·Hll, Hf, 122 Shampoo & 1t11m clean •••••••••••'•••••••••• cement work. Fr .. Ht. Joan'• Cle&nlng Service Brlckw~rk-1m111 or lge 4H-5717 3rd wk'tr .. ), 831·1234 NB/CM 842·H!l2 ~.a.'!J!~.f!!M!I! ••• Appllad, re-1ppllad. guar .: ln1ur1d, llc'd. 4141191. 730-1900 tree eatlmat ... ~·!!!!!!1.!!.'!!~ •••• 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Dependable, alfOfdable. a11ant111. An1werlng aervlce, aecretarlal & bullnea1 !MlfVlcel, mall box rental, word pro- c 111 Ing . Tele1t - Facalmlle, order entry, Pao«•IMM buy, deek apace rantll. ANSWER NETWORK 780-7320 (Uk lor A.V.) ~~ .. '!!."! •••••••••••• REAL ESTATE Rfllldentlal/Comm'I 873-1919 ~e.~~ ............. . OrlV9Wl'/I, Pllklng Lot Rapllra, Sealcoatlng. S4S Aephlt 831-4199Llc Dan H1ll1>erg Oradln9 & Paving Co. Re1/com1. LIO 397.804 842-1720 ~.'!!!!!1! ••••••••••••• P1t1on1llzed, low 0011 leg11 aarvlcea: Ind., flmlty, busf. lnlt111 con- aultatlon tree. 553-0290 Find what YO,U Wint In Diiiy Piiot CIUlllled•. Ii ........ "'"''" Color br~hlanetl wtii cu I I 0 m r. m 0 d •I• -Call 549-1804 •nY11me. Hou ..... AP1•R•nt111 ~bl 100'• local raf1 QUALITY WORK • neat ,,, Ir .I •••••••••••••••••••••• • addition•. tree ••t. Ottleel. 540-1287 · · h .,_f Lie' '''•If ••J•f. I ..t-L• OENERAL BUSINESS crptl • 1 rnln bleach. Quallty 2nd to none. Tll llUI •-•• Ince 1989. 845·8!112 r1a1., onMI. ""I. • ••••••••••••••• •••••• l,n-•111 SERVICES Hiii, llvldln. rm1 115; Bindel Conti. lie , --t• ........ u-b lni•·'I TIRED OF HASSL.ES? l I 287107. Dave 984-104!1 Coneultatlon & Hand-• •••••••••••••••••••• all b\1$1 avg room $7 50· couch ..., .. ,,.. ' .,,. ,., Qulllty claanlng help 11 ...... ., ........ • ftM Madi Fr"'* 40 yeara SERVICE & REPAIR Help fOf am ,,_ 110· chr 15 Guv ellm 418570. 548-4271 ......JrM trim/removal llerel Raia. H0-7452 ALL TYPES MASONRY PAINTER NEEDS Ex,...rlance. &48-6141 Van Oppen1 Servlct • phone c1ll away. • C · · I IH LIWl't Malnt/Rototllllng Lio 349479 838-3812 WORKI 30 yr1 exp.1 __ ,.,. _______ 1 Co. RecordkHplng, tu ~1 odor. rptic,rapll~ 1 • .1. l•ffllM FrM Mtlmate 548-~5 OIAL·A·MAID Quallty & · Int/ext Acou1tlc call-1l••lflll1ult (714) 838-4888 prep. Bu1lne11 counMI-yre •~P· 5 wor Lio. 308881. Remodlf, Q TY E"'D NO & sarv Nr ·A• Your #trl•• Inga. Lie. 388780. FrM ••••••~•~•,.•••••••••• ""•:-,,,-,-------Ing. 496-1255 myMlf. Rae. 31-0101 Add'n1, C1blne11. UALI W"' I Ph ' $35/1415 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ht, ED'S PLASTERING '"' llHSIOALL EXCEL CARPET CARE 848-8!18811145-4&44 ~.:1:"'·R:!.~:'::, t~~f 540~~9· · • *'·1 •Ylll* . O•vl• P11nt1ng 847-51811 Ne11 patch••. Int/ext. ····ritriNSTALkEo··· GP Bullnaaa. "Doctor" Jack Buffington Dul11tl1 •bl•. Rick. 497-3070 -Cu-at_om_home ___ claan-~-1--& Top quillty. 8peol•I LO)¥HI retHI Prompt, Re1tuec<>1, 845"8258 All Kinda. Guarantied Book./ O.ta/Word Ownar/operitor •••••••••••••••••••••• com'f!:"• maid . car• In handllng. 25 )'fl neat p Offfllonal1 15 PLASTER PATCHING Ref•. John 840-9217 Catpet, uphol, arM rug • KATRINA '8: LIVE·IN Simmon• Oardanlno -exp. r • R I I ,,. t 30 Procaa1lng -cteentng. Work gu11. hakpra, dilly mild ""'· Cln-up1, l1wn care, full Pro " bonded & Ina. Competitive Rat• yra exp. 848·5884 " UCC()I n x . ''" hm11 90 Min on·alte vllit Free Eat. &4S-11.71 office CIHnlng crpt comm & reald m1lnt. Unlcla1n 8y11em1 of No overtime. 730-1353 Yr'. N ••I Pa u I •••••••••••••••••••••• $50 axtre time $25hr. • 8~6-11884 Npt Boh. 850-1200 ...... HfflWI* 54S-2977 I LOW RATES I (714) 1145-5979 Cf•tatf.C.allfN cleaning. 835-2116 STARVING COLLEGE P1lnllng: All typeal ---,.------i Tree trimming & ramo- lf-Lt -#.'-LI-••••••• •••••••••••••• I Dr.w•lJ GARDENING SERVICE a,uallty Hou"fe~~lngh STUDENTS MOVINO Want the bast? 20 yr1 f!!J. .•• '!!!!1.~!/!olf!. val, .,_,.,, ~· Cemenl·Muonry-l)look 1 ••1••••••••••••••••••• Clean-upa, tr88 ""'· & wc M1 P1 8"0"NaB Bu 1 h, co. Uc. T124-438 exp. Salli. gu11. Ret1. Pool MfVlce 111 cleanup• & mowtng ••••••••••••••"'•••••• W1llt-CU1t. work. Lie. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC hauling. 841·1098 Pete • rv, · 1 ln1Ured. 041-8427 ln1ur1d. Call dy1, l\Aalntenance & repair. 554-7017 Cabin.II & Car$jry #381057 Rob 547-2883 Repalr1, tml Job epac. . 850-0933 WATCH US OROWI 838-5528, ev1 838-8708 Raaao nable r1tn. Small Jobe l rt 11 yre. exp . Bud Bul.,.u Unllff Fr" Eatlmat8164 2003 Concr11e-1m1ll or tga 552_9582 •••••'"•••••••••••••• 8&.M HouMCleanlng PrHtlge Moving. Lolll 1• .. tl•• 892-1832 KITCHEN FACELIFT Jobe. Remove. replace Carpentry • M11onry RHIOnable. Clll Bente flt ... tantutle MrYlce .•• ,-.·,;·•"••••••••••••• I --6 IJ ,11 l TIH IUYIOE Ae1tyllng exlitlng kltch-·Of repllr. IMS-8512. Wall t1x1ur-Acouetlc Rooftng • Plumblng Balboa leland 875-3810 State wide. VI .. & M/C. Farthing lnta<IO< Detlgn • .'!!'!"!.' •• ~lt~.!r..!... "Tree Work with a Drlv .. ·Pallot-Walk1 Hang-Ta~Steel •tudi Orywall • Stucco • Tiie Bachelor'I HMCleanlng lnaured. ~3-8482. Cal. ' HANOING/STRIPPINO Remod & addltlona, free Con1elenca". ~rlmmlng en cab. w/real wood. Lie. 3891144 1-532-5549 Remodlf J.B. 848-9990 T-l37,l2~. Visa-MC Scott 645-9325 Q & & removal b" Howard S a v e S I $ n o w I NO JOB TOO SMALL & Laundry Serv. Keren, .. dnlgn & 911. ual , 642-0881 Free 911. 538-2807 DRYWALL TAPING Ben'• Maintenance Serv 540·2618/850-0892 •an/a• lfmtfl WANT ACTION? ~~;-9;~111 . Steve, g~~IM:aa~·c:o;211~;: All Texturel & Acouetlc Plumb-elec-carpentry ' I ,., ······"·············· .Clllllled Ad• 842-5878 -Ph 9•2 1"32 c.z .. afrT Deeper Itel Patio work. Free 911 Kavin 87S-9088 P1lntlng Cllll 964-5231 "' ••• u ••• '.•.r..••·••••••••••• •• NurNt A11't tor home l-.i~~~~;ii6.S.~i;i:,:X>c;:c;:c;c:c;cx;;o;;:c;o;fil · .. • • •••~·-•••"''••••••••••••• Free detlgn. lo pric91.. --::r:--~l------Ooor hanging. remodel, Xlnt reta .. 497•73... 1l11lrlt'1 HIRED HAND. WILL Complete Janitorial Mr· care avlll. lmmed .• fully , n .. Jtv Tum Houstdr"""' by alfl •• cablnet1, panellng, etc. "'" ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• TRAVELI Many dlv.rM vlce1. trained 11alf, ln1. 538-5883 Vickie, " ... '(¥9••1 ... ,, •••••••'•••••••••••••• Painting, cement. Rafi. Cll•.Ut flit ELECTRICIAN-Priced chorn. WHiie 842.3491 bonded & lne. Unlclean 1·921-1060 ' :,~· ".fllDS of OIUUtGE COUftTY ~~~~:·$~O~~r- Jerry 5411-44 t3 •• •••••••••• •• ••• •• ••• right, free e1t1m1te on Sy1tem1 of Npt Bch. la'-t·'a . / M M ..... 5 78 Kitch balh• antrlea large or 1m111 Jobi. CALL HANDYMAN JIM 850 1200 .. ,, ,, Bondtd Im d Uc d r. Mgan .,...,. 1 CUSTOM wood patio ou1tom & comm. Lie. 396621. 873-0359 Malnl., plumb. repair, -••••••• •••••••••••••• \ ~I ~ ... A • t.r• • em• WJu Cl I covers, cMc:k1 & tenoee Fr .. "" 840-2062 -painting. Re1/comm'I, £ul11 .. la• fllE PAllTill ~ ~1 ll'lf/8-" Call lor 1our lrer tttomatr ••••• !! ... !~~.~'··••• by LIC'D ELc" TRICIAN 536-9957/538-3884 •••••••~••••••••••••• by Richard Sinor. Lie 111 • ·' "Let the Suna/\lne lh" RANDY 1141-0822 G d Shll , II Quill. wor11·Reu. r1te1 WllO&PIH 280844. 13 yr1 ol happy ~'"'"4''11.-, c Cl ~ 6Jl•IJll Cell Sunlhlne Window QUALITY CARPENTRY . c~~l~•Y:;,., lg~ F.~ Free Ml. Tom 831"5072 pcr::ti,~~~.:~rng Reuonable. rellabla. local cullom8fl. J ci.en1ng. Ltd. 548-8853 P1t11> COY«&. doon & home, Pl tnty of •IPI ELECTRICIAN Electdcal -Tiie Wayne 496-72114 Thank you, 831-4410 J ..... ! We 1ealu.t your 20% Monthly Discount wlndowa. Compl. patch-rin1. $6/nlle. 84 t-2277 Sml Job1/Repalr1. Uc. "-"· oon 968-0149 Cu1tom wor1c. lot & ext, • 111 ~ recommendation 1$ our • Ing & painting Jim ethl I 233108-C-10. 548-5203 SELL Idle 1t1m1 with a llc'd 20 yra In area. refa. • \"':» ~ .:,. ,. btst advertiwmtnl Sell with EASEi Holman, 548-5103. Ht~":..'tf'ci...i~°"ad~';o ;shop at home. It'• Hll Want Ad Help? Diiiy Piiot Cluamed Ad. Herb 521·8012 •fl 5:30. , "' It'•• B~EEZE Seit Idle lt81T11 842-5e78 It well. 1142-5878. I with clUllfled 1142-5878 1142-5878 842-5878. Cl1181fled Adi 84i~5078 --Clualfled Adi 642-5878 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. (Non-refundable. E•tra llnee 11.00) 3 3 DOLLARS 3 DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 Ollln i.at.i 441C Aa1un•1a11/ ............. ......... ,.,.,..11.; !!!!!~.'.'! ••..•••• !J.~'!¥!.'l..'!!'9~'!. •••• !}.~ * * * IB1byll1ter nMCled Mon, Tu., Wed, tor llttle 2 yr Atlantis P1rlor old gin. Npt B<:h Ar ... Open 24 ht1 1 diy 630-3482, 873-0322 NEWPORT EXEC SUITES Mtf f ftU' Ful! ~. r..-onat>,. ••• • • • • •• •• •• ••• •••••• r 1 t ••. XI n t I oc . Aaataalf•t•I• SJIO ltil lltltl-the Complete Orange ~t Market Place 7 day1 a we .. K lllYSITTEll ' 752-8408 •••••••••••••••••••••• OllTA MEii SCRAM LETS JaC\.lul, Saun1. Locale 200 eq. ft. 10 2800 aq. • II Wiii H Tourllll. wam1m .t,.,:~·:-•. ~~.'L_,, 'li;;';"'!'•,. ,!.'!}!,.'!!.'!!! ••• !.~!f '1!.~'!! .. '1.9.'!!.!.~!fl !iifi!!.!!.ff!!!.!.~'!f ·~!'.~.~~-'!! .... !.~!! ~~.!: ~: ANSWERS ~k=~~rg..n::4Zu ~:,',~,:':. :=d.~~';, ••• '!'::~:!':0!'.s:';. •••••• , •• ,.'!.~!~!! ........... Yeuly on the bHCh, F«nale to lhr 2 bdrm, RMMTE needed, Balboa 400-900 PLUS 1400 eq. 87M700, Anyhow • Piker welcome 714/84s-3433. help In my hOme part· "-n IHii '111 f.'!'!r..n Jiia -,,;1 hotel room, kitchenette AP! N.B. ept, 1250. 1•. houle, $200 mo,+ ft. P911thouM Bayfront en-. Strong 2112 Harbor Bl. CM time. Call Oani at :-:.-:r. •••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• & 1hower. 1280/mo. 720-11145 eVM dep. 873-3149, Suite. perking, pat101. lallanl ltal•I 441~ SPONSOR Relaxlng meuaga by 548-7827. It no answer, 'A Blocl< to baaeh, 2Br, ~u·o:n:=-::.::: •••• IOWFlllT 'Female 25-20 BuelnH• 873-100G c~~;.i·~; .. ;~~~·~;~; Olagruntled theatergoer tennis pro• lrom L•· PLEASE keep trying to park nwpt reverM ~hV. "82'1. $700 mo. eMcll. 873-<415". F. nonarnkr to. ahr 4 br, I ~•n with large houae nr CdM dlx iulte. A/C, w/phone & 700 lq ft ot to ticket 1911er: "For gun1 Beach .. Wayne or call at reasonable 7 "7• ..,.... .,,. • 2'A ba 3rd nr apt trplc, Airport. Wiii lhat• wt1h ample ptig, utM pd. 2855 y1rd In C.M. on Pia-thll much money 1 Steve by 1ppt. 10-9PMi-hOu_r_• ______ _ ... c1 .... ,, U71 Pin• Knot Motel on aunroot, b*ony. lndry. working glrl age 26--30. E. Cat Hwy. 87M900 cantta. 1250/m'O. s~s~~· been • 548-2817 COUNTRYINgLuB LIV-•••••••••••••••••••••• COUt Hwy. N~. SlePI den. Yrty 1275, 111. laat $300 mo. 84&-3332 l·D-.-n-c-.-,.-,-o-r~B-.-ch:--•-:1-o-:"lr/ 8-nklng IN NEWPORT BEACH ••Y • Tiii -to ocean. Wkly r1te1. & dep. 873--4742 754-7555 2:o 1: 81 ~":n '=. Rat all 1tore at 285C Mii I 11ul · SJIO Bach,loratta Parllea P /TIIE TEUEll A tot1I environment In Sin Clemente! Near ll45-0440 -Prof. non-smoker, tamale M/F, nr So. Cout Plaza, 825 w. 19th St. Colla Avon, 11165 1q. ft. plut .,.................... 738-8538 O< 558-8538 Wall• Fargo Bank In apartment community NEW 2 Bdrm. ept. with Int.,.,. 411S to 1hare 3 and den 2 Br 2 Ba, pool, prof. Meaa. 845-8830. 198 8 c.r garage. 841..an1. 'CAPEZIO MASSAGE' N.B. Call f0< Interview. on the UPP« Bay. Prl-bullt·lna, carpeting, •••••••••••••••••••••• home In Newport 25-35, 1220. 98e-2077 Mt1. NO<tt)rup. llllSEllY fOlJND ADS 2o mln.-$25. By App1. K I m De n n I• . vata clubltOuH and drapee, laundry facility. Pvt room1. loving care, Shor.. Wlllhef dryer ll-0407 714/973-6081 hHllh apa, 8 tannla under roof carpotta fOf bal. dlatl1 rw•I area. 24 comm· pool 'tennl•' Roommate wanted: RMp. SUNNY Newport Beach I llT Mii -~10-:...:.9_PM..:.....:...;5-:-4..:.....::::---:-::1---=-::-:-:::=::--- oour11. 7 pooll. dOM to 2 Cati, publlc tennll hr. Clfl. 559-7107 or walk to bMcii utllltiM clean lam or male. Pref Patio Off\c9. 833 Oovaf, ARE FREE Unemployed M wtll Visit 1um bu1lne11. airport. Fa-courta & golf court• 731-1247 lncludid . '$350 . tam. 25yrs to ehr nice Suite 2 . $308/mo. i!::u:.t~c!~~= lonely F LHve m•g. thlon llland. Convenient right behind property, •-J ~z"I 64S-9587 3Br llouM. 1 bloc'c trom 831-1094 can 556-4395 J. Tucker ehop1 on 11te. Unfur-walklng dlatance to Vat•llta ... ,, ,,. " ba8ctl In Newporl. AVllll Cal.· nlltled bachel0t9, t & 2 s t • ' • p a r k & BEACH.FRONT .. wiNTER M/F to Illar• BNChfront Sept 7. 1250. Call K9111 IUI IPAIE -p•vM1SolN ~J~TOR ,,,.. • .i I bdrm 1pt1 and town-beach ... cloae to fMKY· RENTALS Npt Bch Oc1 houM In SunMt Beech. Of Laut1 675-0450 Attraotiv. ru•tle upetalra " IU-Hll ltlmtfl SJIO hou181. thing I S475/month. 10 May 2 BR Of 3 BR Sun/Spand/Surf plul Shr furn hM on Bllboa Mttlng. We .uppty daaky • 111 .. 120 ••••••••••••••••••••pl•• 154(). 11000 Avalfable October 1, newly' ramodiled'. apa. rlvata entrance. lala utll pd non-amkr, 1p1c1. copf1r-. ou Attractive mair. cou e ,, ........... . LOOKIJ4o TO AOO TO OUR STAFF • l Mike-up Ar1l1t • 1 Manlcurl1t Severi! bachelorl and 1 &onanoo:_ two, ... ~~alyt 714-5«-2484. 2$50013.5 .. 2·1 5 ~ 1 or avlll 10-1.' 495-8583. IUpply phone, & 195 pr lala1trUJ Lost: Pwllan Peupon glvea private d1nce Bdrm units r.atu,. nne .,., .,.,, veo•-• .. 873-8238 mo pr daek. C•ll ltald flltJ •513927 leuon1 & act •• Client ... not necnl8IY ct..! t ltvr• and (714) 642-0138. 1 Br. lleep• 4, acuou 213-594-9024 844-7211. •••••••••••••••••••••• 81CC>rtt. Name & phone gMI' I urn M . 1 1---------1 the 1treet from the MIF lhr my E.C M Ml N.B. 3975 Birch. 1000 842-1106 I to PO Box 274, G.G. R'-~a~d ,...._,._..• ICCHIOr ... OVI n 1 Br, pvt dad!, o4d WOfld b •• ch . I 2 9 5 /wk . AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE· furn/unfurn. 1iu~dry,' 2000 lq ft •/500 lq ft MIA ... ..._ ""' ' ...,...,.... •• tod1y or reaarve for charm, apec11culu •75-'"""'• LY _. *"501 aa 787:3 atorage, O.C. Airport ~· ft. ~one . .,_.t Lo1t: Whit• and ,,.y 92142-0274 200 Newpor1 Center Dr • u m m •' m 0 " 1 h • · ocean vu, walk to beech " """"· to lhara with prof r..,_ ... c. -mo . ......,.. a r a a . S 2 O O o I mo. 1-5032· tabby female. Vic 0 the -Newpor1 Beech Smartly turnlltled mod-$495. Contac'I Mgr It L•ke T1hoe on water ponllble fell'lai. 25-30. 8hr ~ 2 br, 1 ba apt, 851..ag2a S750 up. 2180 ft. Ind~ Laku Nonhwood. Hu 111.fl!f!l•I el• open dllly. ept c . 332 Encino Ln. wlbo•t docl<. 4Br 3b• 2 bdrm, 1'.\ b1 COM N.B. Poot. 1242.50. 9/1. atrlal -Office. 18101 collar a tagi. da •• • ••••••••••••••• BNuty A --'-L--' exec hm. Compl tum. apt. 3 bltla to bell. Poot 84~98, 759-1914 llWPtlT llMI ~ondo Circle MM & T 8<48-7282 WV 73l-2288 lf~!'~I., 1 . ._ ~~~ n='f!1~=~ Otl Jambor .. Rd •t ,.rtllnll 1iu--S700/wk. 552-2115 or & oardanar lncl'd. lit, M/F 10 lhr condo OClMll PrlVlt• Offlce ... $495 Huntington. Be1ch. Lott 2'A wk1: grey M ... .,.,,,,. ~ telantad hair etyllet San '4r.f .00 Rd. ..!! .. '!!!~ ..... /!!! _. 975-0311 ::!·10~wk'A 11':~1:8~ vtaw, 1rnen111 .. : 1375 ~~ •• $40 84=....a•-!.;~, .. ~ 'vtiC. "B~rt>'oe Niif Uiiiii:;;.;.;; Top =~OA~E . --------1 IUWlll PAUi IUllT ... honw 7~59 mo Incl utlla. IM2..ce91 752-6408 --.... ~,..., Blvd & C St. R9ward. Mra. BaldWln 651·8332 HAIR SALON YIAILY VIWIE (Monter9)' Country Ck.lb) Pr f F t 111 baa t 4 br Chrlatlan fem rmmata to SO. LAO UNA. 3 Arch off 1c 111ndu11 'ta I 1173-5847 PIANO CLASSE8·5 yr N • w P o rt B • • c h 1cro11 etreet from 3 br. 2 bl, furn., w/ 8 · 0 ' u · lhr furn 2 BR apt HB ..... Od 4,000-14,000 1q ft. All T 5A041a7 N-112 bdrm .. luxury lrplc. Goll, tennll & home w/lrplc, Bt1ck lll'H 964-1248 AMi Bey. 2 ....,, .. avlll. • A/C Hvy Pwr and loll °'9mond Hamllton old•,. Tua · hurl, :::~:,./~e~.d, c~rp:~: apt• In 14 plani. 1 llWlmmlng. Dally, wklY & Bay, 1235. 54&-8155 Hwy Vlalblllty. 497-2351 IJOhllng. Xlnt for R&O Watch, vie No. Hunt-t:10-2PM 551-1532 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 873-8095, 111 42nd St. Bdrm from 1515, 2 monthly rat••· Call Fln1nc1a11y reapon1lbl• Fem to~ N.B. apt*' ..... rt .... , ind low r1te1 . ln~ton Bch. Rawerdl JiM Wa1" 1115 lllT PAIT·l'm bdrm from 1570, Mark, 658-8001 wt(~ Famala 25-39 to lhare NIM, 1 blk to bMctl. Ottloe 111118 over1oo6cl""' 7 2 0. 0 8 2 1 ' 89 ·2998 .!•••••••••••••••••••• -• tlWI 28r. 18a, $575 mo. yrty, TownhouM from $640 & ocuiloni.I HOit.... 12711 mo. 545-1885, Newport Harbor. t..U't 213-927..wo4 lllO llWAll Dedicated Sp1nt1h 841 1 1~ promo- cerport, cpt11. drpa, + poola. tannll. water-i.•WI N a.tt ''" 45' MotOf-Slllor docked 875-4340 IPliC9 avlllable. A&>Prox ~tie/17th St, 1500 AbyNlnl male 5 apeaklng lady wlih91 lion clerk tor local open l>eaml 1118 W. fall•. pond1I Oa1 for •••••••••••••••••••••• In Newporl, hu oantrll Fam rm1te In 20'• to lhr 1 , o o o • q · 1 t , a.f. Incl. office. 1450 57th & ~. w':i ~~ Job ... carLlocng ~r naw1p1pu. Private Balboa. (2l3) 885-2542 cooking & heltlng pllld .... WR WAITlll air. heat, 2 b1th1, 2Br dptx, 1225 + utll. 714-645-7100 mo. 00-1184 dy1, Newpon. 831-5323 ':', ..... king'' $°'1~·8 d• ~·. dllk, ouu•I attire. Only STEPS TO BEACH From San DleQo Frwy Prol e111on1I male 1hower. kitchen, all Sharl 831·2895 845-9543 eVM " 39 ""' .. ,. requirement II a good 1 :12:r· ~~-~~h: =~g =~~3r~ ~r::;:~o.~!. t~ ~~· c:::i~• =:. F. TO SHA NWPT Ex~·8~~~01. J1,U,n1/la;,,I/ Sto!~~2 ·~~:i •. 1 1-:;...-2-~-... -1_2_lllTUllll......,.. ___ ......,....~-1 !,~ and IOll of PIM Knot Motl4, 2 Br. VIiiega (714)893-6198. Bdrm., 2 bath San Juat r.c>.Ell badcr.ound to 97A:J7ft BCH85~~03 recept., HC't Hrvt, tlMMf red, orng, yellow & wftl Advanturoul, Hekl Houri utll pd. tit• mnomnt ..... fM Caplatrano oondo. Fir• Bo• SS-, Batboa conf. rm., k t.. mall •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 wtit & blu. Rl!Wwd. wortt at travelllng oom-Mon-Fr1. 5:ao-..iOPM duo ... Avall. tor ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• plaoe, poot, Jecunl a laland, Callf. 92982 Olliff latd Hll handtg. Aaeponatve to 11"""'1 c • 11 •e 4 II. 8 8 2 7 • panlon, body guard, Sat t:30AM·1~PM 845-0440 Laguna a.actl Motor Inn only minute• to the CdM, 1'1811 belch. OrMt •••••••••••••••••••••• your bu1ln•n need•. __ , .-. 545-455"4, or C.M. P~ d 1 t XI 1 •P $64.00 to etart ad rant. 945 N. PllCllflc Cit H'wy. bHeacbh • 1~a0n0•1 Poln; room In 2 atory houM. lllll11ft ..,.. A~J. 405· Fwy In F.V •.. .OAf!!'!ffl!f ••• r.:!! ~ Dept. ~~ c;n_tu~, r.i. After 111 week,.,,.,.. In Wlltellff .,.._ 2Br 2ba La~una Bch Dilly/ ar or. .. mont $425/mo. 8A0-<4255 IAVINE. Phone an9Wlr· lndlv. ofca. Mo/mo. LIDO ISLE Vtll.AOE Found: lrleh Settlf puppy able. ob1 arvant. partnerahle proftta. condo"' ah· o2p1pat&loab, u=:: Wk y/ Kltcha'n avall. ~~ ~~.,~ .r1~~': Ol1erlmlnattng & nnan-Ina, conf. rm, utll pd, from $325. 9834445. Th• Mole Hole: gift•, M: Lab F; SMc>. mil(. 49....a.481 :: .~ L 0 w w Inter r. t... S.3 1-2 0. 0 0 r ( 114 I II I F 1elry MrVI, etc. Alto ~ 8Plee.cdM home dllOOt ecc.ae. art ltl«1 tall. blk & bm M: '460/mo. 4M2-041M 494-5294 ~ ....... 7.,.. c 1 Y rHponilb 9 •-deek apace. 1150/up. "-~ =· ~........_ :J ft obact1. Oood 11ue. -. -•-blk & bm M; •d• fla1" 11• •.al•llll .. ..,.. • .,.. male 2&-3t Y"" to 540-9145 ..,.._, .. .......-........ """' •••,.•••••••••••••••••• ~ E. Bluftl. M75. 2 br, 1~ Fem. nlol room, plauant •hare luxury 2 ldrm. evell. 14 • 844 t4 1500 eq ft. ~b c:Nptw Shep. mix, brn f . ART CENTER with di-elT 111 __ ba, frplc, 2 car oar.. ., ... E/Sld• C.M. nr .., ........ Promontory Pt. Town--1e11 Wtlllellff, N.a. 258 •-......._ •-ta-·s· corp. ProlecMd tar· =r;,' IMd'I Animal v•r" QPetatlone andt~~~~~~~~ poo:t.'No pet. Mot: 809 O CC . I 1 O O Imo. Contact largHt 0•) home, OV«IOOtl• PoOf, to 4000 1q. rt. tat. uetwoww ~ rl15~ .• 1M2 'J.0007 ...... ! .. Inv. • ~-Ciienti wor1d•wtda aeakll~ Amtgoe Wey. 844-7118 831-7958 Mlle Female ..W:. In Send r .. uma, curr911t floor. Agent 1Mt~2 FOf ..... ; 3 adl-' 4 ,g.7,. • er,,.....,.... Found vie warner & educated perwon with llAT SllW ~.:2nobri>J."1eG~tlc:. Cr~ r~ 2jS' J:!!~ 80. Callf. 54().1718 ~~:~~d ~~~. b:o~ *llUll """'* =u~v~:.~=-::r. ,.=~It. '"' ~:t~'la s:ek-:::::. ~ ~~'°"O~C~I~~ HOUHWIVM, 1tudent1, i5t!I at. Newport S42s1mo. 2155 l ... llTE ~·J::oe •••and. ~=•· ',r~0'11.Ve ! ~Wi:: =~ v,: ... U.U!h:r.u ........ '''· ~1201 ~~o=-~~ ~! ~~.:. ~;:· ~~: H • '.,L'(, 11 · 15 2 5 · Pool. IPlo. bedcbay Npt, · · aq, ft. No ..._ reQlllr· epllonlat Mrvtce Pf'O• Partnerahlp: 112•000 loat: Dog, Reward. to atart: cnanoe tor tu1 llC Apply 1790 A·I 842" · Chrl1t11n Mala pref. flllDI PtOf Fe & eon to aMr9 3 ad. Ad~ Alrpot1er Inn. vtdecl ~lie avatlabtl cufl ...ured. lhould ~own , Aldgaback, time ~ PQlltlOn MonroYI&. C.M. ~ ()ceenfront yearly 1 Br 851-1910 OtdMt & ..,,,_ afll'OY· bd hOIM tn N.B. WMt 2172 Dupont. Call AM. lndlvldk:!!r or 11 a :"'V:U: :i:·O: alender, F. 541-5041: end ftnenc1a1 ~----~-~:'If'..~,~~ wood a. glMI, utM~ 3 Br. hou11, 2.,. Ba. All cllenta actelMCt with conaldar 1 cfllld, Uaflt 833-4223 =· ~ ~~ leoted . Mr. Cutler M&-6317 ttori. Mt 4M8 846-SMe no ~· non~kr kitchen prlv .. 1•cuul, photoa & ,...,eno.. chlld-oere. Over 30. Airport arH -l11ec. ot ,....._. M44111. Lott: 'trl color Papllon ------~------pt_Of. -paraon23 ..,_, poo1 ~ pattclna. L.aguna Cnldlt1: ~ltan 1350/mo. l.v Mau 8uttM. From 226-450 flnancl1t ftetd. Pl.... "Tally" vlo Lelaura ITTQRUC'V aoot<KHPI A w/34 yn f78-3123 Niguel •N-nfo. ooocS Morning ""-lea. 169-9138 aq. ft. 1 1 per eca:. ft. call (114)7t0·1111, Own llelt im.rwt tn CM woncs *· fllewwd. rw n nl.I •XP« tor lrvlfll Ardl. AV! 8"'t 15/0ct 1, yrty Tha TClmOfrow &flow, Female wentl to .,,.,.. 2 Many it t r u . 0 a II ~ CenW. hOIM. Mlr*nUfft dOWn. l30-11211 H.-edmltt.. --:a firm, .. WOt1' w/outllde etepe fr bledl 2 BA 2 Vwty ~ bllc to bdl, lrg ...... M1·1• bd 1 b• home. No 567-7010 8ca1111a Oown? o.o . .,,.,.. In "O.OOO IQU!ty, UM ::;r.,ievet poettton. 90Ctnl on oompMr1llcl ea. •750 mo. Call '°' k1 1 room & ~ 1~'2 ~ -"""1a. no lkxJtlOI 1260 EaecullV9 ottlce aulll, Brtnd\,, Ofllce at ,.. SIM tu DbfttltfAtta.e Ao b b~ l'!fh!!~ ........ :;;u-•--oiw '=t.:'1~ •· wons proo WOIM Ml¢. 875-0124 .. f()f '0 ". n . • u . Npt ...... 142 2111• oomer of 408 -. • ...., oenoy OanMlr, IHO 1°1U11-1ne. OOIDe -Woutd I0¥9 lO w ..... 1fttl It •• Colla ~ ·n~ TyPlnO MO. ic.te' lfa..9321. M ... *45 ltW Sbr, Iba • • HwbOr 8MI. T~e O* aultM In Newpof1 ftr S*'Y wtth )OU. c.11 ... M e • I • 1 0 • 8 . -- ' IA, 313 33rd at., 2 Aoom In prlv home, =. ~J~=: ~.M~I 2 10br-"; ...... 1to0 aq.tt. at toe Airport• • tuly1 '~} •;;"1 ,,_, or Kathy anyllm•. 714141 ~ _C_AS.,.,H_ll...,l'VHOUSIW,,..,.....,.-=~A""NI= ~to bdl, -..ao. mo. there !rent and utll. tj!l-4911. bl p; • "' Na. ft. Cell 1a1-t1t1 ......... 1at>-240 IQ ... aatt 211/804403 ...-. 111per snf. ,,_, 8larN u-. 141·1324 Walk to beeeh. 1250 bl omontory 1• a-:... Mo/Mo 01 lee. ' mo. •••• • •••••••••r.;;• ~o o.t.lllnl -at Crown HetCI•"•• ' ' ' ___ ..,...;;._"_'·-..,....,,_..."'1 mo. 14M1t9 Fem. roomrnate WI.filed t400. Alllon, '7-. 'ountaln ve1i.y Office ,.._wit mo. lie, I mo U. U11UI •-I_ ...,_,.~fie now SlOf ~·Cit "'!r, ~ Ooeanfl'ont ~ 2 8' t .....,. a.a.a. fl 10 attar• tum Ocean °'"' F "°'*"* to l&ok :g.ace. HOO eq.n. at he w/1 'If· m.et1t • ......., .. lie,; -._.. tllrlnt ~eftl Md - -18 1~~~1 =-7r.fJ~.m ..... ~!! ~ A'::."9~-~ tor t br CM ~ • eur•~ :Oo:0:.,:1~:. ~ ft*le ..-._:.: ,p:;;:ilfiitj lft ''' l ~~-==-~~ n~~"':,::.= ... .....,,_? -~ ....... a .. M1 mlL 1·2-4()..700l lft e PM Oct. 1. Up.to U?S aa. Talbert & 8'ootchur9t ._.,....,.., Ind OUTCAU. 14 HM u pre ured wtt1I ..__.,.,. & Lee 3 Ir. 2 a.. .. -. WklY l"lfttall now awa. ~ttllli .,.S-2732 Call n1-ettt ' 11r1:'.!'.!;. 1210/mo. T'O'a .,_ ,.,.. ......., ::1.-00 ' ..._. daOOtdol .. UllM • f!Wt bMctl 2 blkl. No 1108 & up Color TV YCMlnt Pr~. ~ F CdM -AoM. e.tltlr NH/CM 111iM11iii b•klnt dut.... 1.-Y pate. 1800/yurly, ~ In 'room. n1• minded male tHk• M.tom. "°:f""~M ~ ..... -.. •ti. ow ,..,.,... " our ful A.L lroller Id ....,._. Anl IHH• open. ""· fl••••••· 141-1M2 fMwpot\ ..._.CM. lllfl'll tor 2 bdrm, 2 be br & be. AIC/mo 'llltla oc: ...__-..,._ .......... o.. 1414111 f141.G111 IUNNY'I ~ .,.. In VW I ,._.. lOft'I KllaMft Hw Hewpor1 pet, 2., Mf.7441 I lrvlM home. G•r= Inell. f7MMI . ..;~o;;;;;. ~ ; beowttw htte .. to WIDOW HAI iU fer .., ... 1211 a: ' .... T .... QUJ.t_y, ln4'141 1 Ba MPtW untt MOO Y9'd· Non....-ar. .._ or _ .:... .., _,,. ,_, INlll ~ -N, --Up.. o•• -.. -C11 _..,11 --~· Avtll ,_,. 1a E. c H ARE A mo lnol utll. 881-4118 M1' * fUm. 2 br, 2 be. ....., ·-"-I 11111>111111> -• ,.,. ~No ..v::.:=......::::;i-~~ JA ~ ft 9llee l»04iO derl Tennl8. IPOOI. tN3 lnOI. ctuel ontoae Of t ··: t· ..... ft11t NO Credft -· -• Jiii 191 MIU fOf w.-~oaftNT ~wl. Ulla. ....... , N.8. .-. let:\ ft • :zt i.ccA lft ''"'"'-· Deftnlte"' & MCI llllt .... ..... Cltl¥e..-:. .... t'7H11J n l •lllno Myfhlno wltll a .,... oorttrnt. "° l... !!.. !!!..-1 M • ' II. ''"' .,., n•~t'n:i Alloo.. en.nu ._.•-:I )OU .-r ..,, 1h o... lllO ~. Nd • '-MlllCl-Pool CWy ll'llot Pltalltled Ad rum 1111 tM. 1111/mo. ~ ..,, ... ':e. lllttl !ft. "' or Ind TN1t o-11 to..., Cl&:-.. • t, I. 0..... ._, OdM. 1eo;.1• ·~ ~~::.:':~~. eo.t• ,.::: •z::: .. ~ ::t-,,.::;:' . . . ~l1ofe~ prof. pret. Want Ml Cll M&•• ~ ..... ~ ---·er:=r• _, ~ c111 No • ~ =. g.':"'a•i'U lji,'!"i£i ' ·" . / J , ....... -... t _ j - .. ' Orange OOelt OAlLY PILOT/Monday, September 8, 1882 IJJl.!IM'M .... IJ.ff. •• ,MM .... TJ. «-JIJM!t! .... fJ. t.Atlfto•u•m ""'1rn. ....... lllf . ... MU .... hJm .... IJMf .. ~.,. MN All~L MW •• fM!9f •••• • ---...... ,,..... ••••• .-....1n IP.tit • ., ............. ~.......,..., .-+qtt ... qm oiwr. , •. LetNtr•• .. r.nn. ,.., ........ 1 .;.:!Teu •\r~: .. ·::··u.::.... 1., ft.II.;. Mwti...,. oMoc want.i for ''1. & let Wtio ~ .,..._ ano '"'1 eqult, detter09l'll -·.. y • •H• 1 •-~ i.. Mlll.11w4 11CIWI. -·•-. _..._ ".... .,.... f91P, ~ to I* ll lun avtll•l>l•I IOl't oen h111dle ' hey _., '*' king .-t4t-M14 ....... •::..';'Iii ~. INOO. ,, . llcoellrll ~ Hw· ploil 1 Pate qie. NWle , 'id forftl varlout cl•rloe Newport lhoh pet pflonff. Mull I>• fe· tied. c101t11n1. mlto. "°" Wal Unit '1V ...., ....... M r T-.1 IMt ltor loa. NHt ,ubllo ; • r • I I 1 I 0 • ='89oto~ ~ Hsi' Ill~. Muel be ••"9I ttllon oonaoi.ue. ,or Wed. IMt Ion!, Tius. .. ,4 MY91ed •Mfvff. lft ......,.t ~. , .. ,.r tuntr H fer, Do o k . I 1 I , o o o, tlllt2·11H ,., °"' °"' rlenoed t r•ll•ble. IMIQant _., fUI ..._ tam-3pm. \t JOf'dan aa . .......,4, tt~1 •• _ tt1a11 J.. J'' ilc1, with 114-Ult ..., .... ...... !111111 I -, Witt\ l'lltllMer'I and ~ MlHAN> OUILLITT'I ... t (off MICMleon) lro L--. dlftll'8 .... "' 1.ft trtller. ... IUtOt. 11.lPI lftll. Hundngton 1141 ,Wd WOOfti/ w.. " ••n• :9'..!,~~~ Hardwar• lalH ,,,T, IOO ~=Dr. W.. *. :-::., butrtt'7 _ _ ltlOO. ti' mlml •kl Harbour 1 a y, gon, 111,000. Ll111ll .,_, Tu. et Ml NOi eeml 1'911red type, A .. ,,_,, ._., hutCfl ~ a1180 ... I I boet, I .....,.l.~ "' 11 4 . I 4 O. I I 4 I , --lat Hlt1Mlf IM11 ~ pareon Crown ~ lllHIUIT ., ... -..r.i.nTm ....... Mao: Hf.f.U1 ' ::nolh°ene~. 1•~,r::~: Mero. t1.ooo • .-14'1 1417... 1111 ,ord Mod.i A l Coeta Mw &40oM30 • ....... ~ Conaclent1ou1, ltffd peraon. Wiii melntal lmportent perman•n reoordl, A,,,.lV at of flee• Aoom IOI I• Oletnlnle inn. H•ila IPIUTll Prof. offloe Mede 10n to train on mini oomputet. i.ocated I H.B. oall 714-191-0253. •UEIDm.P .... lt01 I!. O.t Hwy, DAYTIMI '"'" Miida • uu L toMd ftec fNNll 1 ,,.., Al now 21' loyl!Mt, 1172, oalMn 40' lllp -f1'llr or ... Town ledan. •10,000 •• CdM Ol!LI Pl!AION: HOI· 18th and Allio A\le, ~ otlt ~ "::· .. .,. · ~ motot,~ wt IOt-ctown mtot. lal· 1111 lludel>oker M'-".~ ...... HOUllCIHner1, mu1t Tl!IS & IANOWICH Newport ~htt, 811, • ~mt ' . IJl..0241 oonct. IMO(), 171-62-bo. eo-... AWlll now. ~.,,,, n.1. hl¥9 good running Cit, OATEAIA. ParadlH lun, Mon. Olothlng, ' --.__, I IS' looton Wha6er lltt ,.._Ible, 14Mt00 :,~fl~ I • I I I 0 0 ~•••••••••••ol'r.~C ',; HP•r prel'd but w/ Oate • FOINon llland, hOUllflOld lterneJ loYe, Ooul>IJ mlltrou. -,_,.,, 40 .... Met "* clli • Ma...-.--........ 1 treln. Cell MS..1131111 800-D ~ Center. flltn., k to l1D. New ~ 8M frame. a-1-t aMI ,.,.. o. ~1 Uvt-ebOard ~llp avlll-CA" IAOAl"CI. 'H 21,0-00 -mltei ,'-J-ully ApPly In pareon 3-0pm, Wedding Oown 1100. brown Vlnyl a rmchair ••nl111nl'f•••••l"ml .John 213111....u;M able, 'It' to IO • ~ ~ OT COIW Pert ' llllllllPll Mon tlml 'l'tclay. Ari deco bd.rm tum Ml and IOVH Ht. 11and· DUf<9 '°" IALI s&' '8 Dr•• Creft in ~· '~13olOK 1 21, ta.mt•. o..f. cier: ~·8.i iunro;'s,£g nHded tor worklllO RESTAURANT 11200 or bll ofl'. Doti-°"'* ~IOan oon. D .. kl a nd matching cl&lllo l>MtOI condition. oro, • ' CNUI Ha·'1M or 010' • new. 1 • prote .. lonal tamlly In ..... •-· nit• hl'I. Noon on. .table, Whl1e Vlftyl, ftorol Oholrl at MOt1ttoe Pl'IOI llOOO down with Kint WANTID: 111p for 25· 111 140 • l•l·HU IYN, Huntington Hrbr. EKpr'd -. and Daniell ~ ot fllO, "9cllfl0emant t.t~ llnonolno avan. O'Day llOOt> Jn axcn. for 917-9114 da'fl. In OOOlllnO end runnlna l""4alt/.... ....b.JI,. ohalrl, table temp Md eoet uaoo . CALL Coll lor detall1 . UH' of boat hlnttd -... '11 WI ... a home et1ent1al. 25 Part time PQlltlOn. Muet ~..-:nr., ............ Okrtur ... a.raa1n -DA WN f ·IPlft M·'· IMl-1813 mut. '57..qet '11 lllLe new .c>ondltlon. HOOO ml Pert nr. per Wk. 8"5-1471 ~ 1vaHable any hour1. Aa"--MiM In good ooncf. 141-aON NS MOO • '11 ..,...__....,m "" ft ... 1 ,,.. tallO 080. 111·:MN t1a,ooo 6i ,,_.;_ "°'.!!_· ........ a,._ eon•a.J ,. ••• ~~ •••••••• ~ rtVWJvt 1 &.a •1 ..,. ..... • _,,_ - MatuN pareon, oai.i """°" ........ _,, ony o riental h••Ylly 01n1ed Two IH ther ';¥;,er•. -e.-trtr. tlOO ft fWI ~. ":.'.."t '21 '°'d Aoed.._, P/U H . at 101 mo. do rla 1tyl• rHtaurant. HOUSEKEEPER. con-651·5522 hutch, 2 le•, repro. *Y. oomtort. ea. fledUow n x 14 to 11 VH,. TA ta be, Xlnt ••• -H. ••••••••••• ll!lf apart with or wtthoui 213-121-71134, 1111 before, Racquetball • hHlt va1eeoen1 Hoep. In H.B. Reataurant '950. 1-ea -SS1' Olli ew, 8~7 j( 11 bOnd paper or cond. StO,~. 11 ft llftlM. · dn. h260. 175-3t71 9 714-142-7"1 ::;,Jn 1~3J:: 1181t Florlda St. l'«)W ACCEPTING Orienta! twlavlly GINN Both Ille• MW. OOUot\ 9 ft Vllllum. IO lln CJOlletclr, 170-7151 85 HP OUlbOerd with ' n.J llrlM ,,.. '11 -........ 1 lo 41 ~ HOUSEKEEPER tor mo-APPLIC ... ATIONS FOR: coffee• t 2 end tal>lel, t111, alto oountry ~ CIHet oondttlOn, X.O. '16 OWENB CBN CASR. trlr. New Int. Gold with ••••••••••••••••••••~l 13000 ml AC PB Pl ,.,, matul'9. 30-40 llra/ YIU rep r o •, I 11 5 o . Armolr• 1185. ftp _. _... No,,..._., 20', xlnt oond, encJ'd r.c1 f1411M1. l2000 080. LAAOEIT JEEP DC!ALEA .,..rl, t12,0oo. i1a-.84a,\ ~ COUH'Tt!NYARD W-k lnol. wknde . Experience nece11ary 1-41211...M1S "2·1H1 no~ ooeta.11 '!~~ hMd, VH,, cleptl\ lndf, da 981-UtO , ev In the W... ... ni•-- for toot & equto renl 494.5294 APPLY: t>etween 2 and . ._1..., ... 81..-. __ .. II*•• ......... pet mo'":.~ •zi lull canvu, belt tnk, 844-7118 deeparatlly Mede •"._. company In Laoun 4, 31 Fuhlon l1land, ...,, ... ~ ft..,.. ,,_ MW· ------you own ............... °'"' extru. Nwpt 111p avell, )'O'll' JUP. ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• · 8ctl. Mull enjoy work lllllUIPll Newport Beech I~ machine, '80. COlh. Wal A· 1. King 11. 714-IM-1252, SIM I I O O O I O B O fi flM HIQheot Dollar Paid :','i~ Ing w/people, good M · 4 h,.. wtc 18 per nour. Relt•urant • 8 5-8024. HMdbOatd. SOK IPfO ..... DM ~ 213-325-2162. ..!!'l!rt~••••••••••• Call Gery Orey , ,4,., lery & benefit plcg. IP-HB. MUii read Englllh. PERSON. FAIDAY Mon Antique Roper 9U itove, matt. 2 nlte 1tond1. AeOerltly lerW)ed~· 't150 11' 8M .., L.lmlll C..,.n. fM ..... llllT •'?°•' ply 1705 so. co11t "2-3267 ttlN Fri: 8:30 to 4:30 '80 C8ll\. Dr .... , & mlro plu1 COlh. 1.,.._1793 aft 12 ,_1 " 11_ •l ...,l lalll.T ',-. t Hwy, LB. tl30 ~ , .....,. l(lt......._ -n 97• -2.. chit. '560. 1734311. OnlY 4 mo. okS. All Fl--2.,2 ........... ~ Blvd, CM or 22800 Immediate opening In If· pm . ...,., I "'-'· "" .,..,.., ,. S&e-7273 berglaM. Aepro of Tum •:o•••••••••••••••••••• " ,. ~....,. BIYd., CM Lambert/St• 1203, El 'itrle Law omc.. Min 1 s 0 . H. r b ~ r BI v d . YOUR DUST COLLEC-IBM ELIECTRIO of c.n1uiy pecttet with I 8 owrtlMd camper, ..,. f48-I023 &45-mo Toro. 'If upertenoe: l(nowtege ~Harbor 11 Cantege Dr.). TOA Couch, Hen:ulon, bfwn & TYPEWRITER I STAND blue Surret top plu1 ' :"::. Jack• & tie l'nfh "" Day Care Alllltant ofh CPfT1WOfdc Proceeaor .A. • may be 10meC>ne'1 col· ~~_!]~ 2 .;:~ 115. t164121 tide curtaJn1. com .. ~416 · '800 oao. •••••••••••••••••••••• L•·•-•IP u . ,11111 Lauri• R ... aurant lec:Ulblel Lat "Carolee'• ,_,,.,_,., with Ml COYW. 12 • Mu.I .... 1971 D•taun --- extended dT care •t 833-3122 CATERINO Service Attic Aaaln" Mii It fOt Cell 548-He7 ..._ -on one cllarge. Pur-..,.,,_-., 1141 Ptdlup. Gre11 condition, 831-2040 4tM941 ::1~' . 8 pm. INTERIOR DESIGNER· need• food preparation. you! lnfO or apc>t: MOVING-l'tlee queen a ;:-n ••••••••••••• ~~ ~ fO< 111,000 of· ...................... New tire•. 1hock1 .. I ... n• - NB wontera. $4 per hr. Fun CA.LL CAROLEE 6pc bdrm ... w/box oanan.. all oOlora ... lefed •t t14,000. PYt llPll 1218 brllk•. Alklng 12400 28402 Mat~ Pkwy II.aim lllJI Home d'H lgn center time: 5 AM-1:30 PM. 118-3442n~ IPflno & mattr .... Xlnt malee itll, malet 120. 1*1>'· 173--3147 Xlnt cond 1411-584t Darlene, "492-3327 or Mllelon Vi.Jo PIT, FIT xlnt comm, wanta prot designer w/ Lori'• Kitchen. 3017 ~~ Daetl, Ou 48", cond 1250. 918·t031, M2-4e24 s.. Ray 245SDA tHO · 83t-48'76. ~'*Y Exit off 1-6) worlc In Oc. MUlt ha¥9 •tab tollowlng, •XI* In H 1 r b or B I · • S ·A • reflnllhlng. tn5 540-e338 MNltaly Mecaw t & In w/o Mr, loaded. MUlt FOXI MOPED, Niii well, '77 FORD C760 Heavy Open Sundl'/I ftelr tor color, wlll tralft. technlo11 & dealgn 979--0747 .._ 080. 876-8206 Conwrtlble Couch, king· '*'I Good .,,:;: t-a Hll. $11,900. or ofr. -~~1~·~·.::rk, duty van. '22' boK, one --------..:....-- M0-5249 upect1 of window RESTAURANT j•.JI.. Hll 11 bed, 175. Or wfll >"9 old. vet eum In-964-6581 · ton Hit 91 e, llde door• ~ llUftlY/DUll l~~'f:~!· ~~~~·u1:1;~· llnteta/ ... t ~~~••••••••••• :..~~°2 corn« group. ctuded. 'wu 11«9 now '69 Owen• 28 II 911 •lttqlln/ & roll ~P rMr. Many .... ,, BLUEPRINT MACH. Oenerou01 comm + HARBOR AREA • 1875. 040-0090 wooden bHuty. Sac in.lfn IJfl u tru . ..,uaranteed new Salee-8erllce-LMalng .,( OPR con1ulllng IHI. Mull Oetttlll APPLIANCE SERVICE Trlple dre1Hr & = 2 PET WHITE OEESE lt~OO . 875·8202, .... ,. .................. ::::·ti~~~~. Ml-'II lztl'I Art lltrtf ':~ for I and 1 cape t have portfollo ol work, Waltrtt1/Wlfftr ::ii Mii r.con149~3'o~7 •land neadl refln GAEAT WATCH OOGSt 831·8000 l1 Ill ltHa 940-2078, pp Nice Selectlonl lt'Chltectural flml In Ir· rell. 2 8-hr dy1 per wk ancee. 125. 142-2532 '20/PR. $400. 830-8872 * '78 2002: 4 1pd., ~ vine. Full/time. Mu1t • noor time. Non-amkr .... I HY APPLWllll MO<lern ' pc xtr~ "8-72'22 ... ,,, ... , . '74 3tO Honda, 8 IC)d, 2 Toyota '78. AM/FM SI• an/rf. (9t1PVB) have own tran1port1· pref. VIUage Home o.. Lee 1157.a133 HCtlonal beige ftaw-"'•-I ,.,. "" ~ Hll Into t pipe, 12,000• ml. reo CHHll•. Small * '78 320!: auto .. AIC ~~9·5120 b•t.1 llgn 140-llt83 Wlltrns/Walttr Cold1po1 Relrlg 1226. , .. , cond, pd l11ee, ;:;:-r. •••• :-:,.¥.f ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• t660. 830-&872 g;~:8 •h•ll $2,178. f8!/,60~201y 4 . UUL llOHTAllJ •• 11 .._ Maytan, O.E. 6' Fr""I: Hll te5o. Tradltlonal ....... lreM 11111 lal 1-M ...... I '76 Y1m1na RD360 IOededl (l78YPC) ipd., DELIVERY Pereon, over Newport Center RHI ..,u ..,.. axperienc:«I dalre""wlltler 198 ~ W1ot1 , hunter green. &44-7M7 ~ 7t4/831-3t00 ' '80 TOYOTA SR5 PICK· * .80 3204 5 18 for L.A. TI~. C.M. Eilft• Litigation firm APPLY IN PERSON 546-11872 . ~\>UOht Iron iota & ' " 41M-<4eoi ' ~~$~5~alA~' UP. 14500 111/rf. (86tZok) apd., 110mee. 3AM-eAM Econ n ed e L I oll1Pr, ~. Kini, '275. Knetle grand, 6 I , ..,,_ IH •·" "" 769-9551 or M7-3~ * 'IO 52., .... /rf ,-1 car No _.._:..Iona •. 1 exp ' •g• TIE IUOI 11111 WllMr·Dty9'-Refrlg. Loe w.n mirror. Stereo nut flnllh, 11128, xlnt II -·n RM eo ... ; -·0··"' · ~50 mo~ ~ ~xt~i :::.~aJic; 819 sieepy Hollow o... DllhwuMr·FrMZ« ;•blnet. w11nu1, 54'', cono. saooo. 840-8140 ;i~~J~bi;·0;1:·~~ii;; Good condition a22s Bt;:~A~~~. ·7~d•D~~~~ (416Z~t-an1 ~1 ~ &40-083 mull. Salary open. LAGIJNA BEACH Xlnt cond. 848-~8 ,::: .P,•:,':· 0:::. =:; ~... "" w/teq. 1unrlH 11111. 844-6216 wortc, $3000. "IM-<472t 208 w. 111, Santa Ma ·~ DELIVER 840-89e0 ULD (UTUL) Wtllrlpool Electric Wllh-135 97._1135 • • • ••••• ...,•••••••••••• Like new . 12600. 'll Im eva CIOMCI Sunday ·; .. Y Full ., and ,.___, Uke MW • BRAND NEW GOLD 80 8'1M18t d d • 2 2 a a Live-In llou .. keeper' ·°' pert/time. Better Almond~. 3 ""' Old: Wldcer llY. rm Mt: eofa, Penn Reell. 1375. . g a con • • ., • CHOICE INVENTORY ~·::~ Ful -"" -..,_ <•Ok. Motm •d•U ::;:: .:::1:::;00 SC '376 "' ..... Ud -2 .. ,,.,, Md ,..... 1",_1001 H-II, ,r.o: ....,._ ,.._..,. IJESPERATEI! VOi.$......,, .~• "9l1lle. Elcoellent dlMng home In Miiiion Viejo. . lor 1917. tM PM 345 CU81om-made OUlhlona, tlon~.:t4 . 848-2258 •• ,., ..... ~/ . m'f llU _ '9COfd ~. Lg privet• room wfth Saleeperaon ror pl1nt 1.....__.... No. J-2 x:•'al cond. $200. S -2t 11 •-t(! ., I 'll .. """".... bath. Room & Board -'"·--·· "Wave Tool•," 5'8", _, -~ I 1M1mna111 7-e}1• Wltn Plue Salary. Paid Vac. •lore. Full and pert-K port dllhwuh-8-7374 Prlndle 18 Cat, xlnt ............. ; ....... . 567 12 Mr.Emmona tlon. ceu .875•3148, ~:;'*' pref«red. ;,'T,~. _,;,1 runn1ngt ft CUiiom 111.n cab.= ~~•h:w~~~,.!;~: cond., nu trlr, l2175 .. 78KINOSHIGHWAY2e' ~r:!'.~·1 ~0~: Ill l1lllll ----------1 alter 6 pm 142-2824, cono. 842-25411 bullt In ipMkera. Spece Jdnt cond. •t90/ti.t otr. 831-3838, •M-1345 2 roof air, dMh ell', 1•5 •5500/of1er. 840·8109 In °tr.!: ::-'ai:!, MlfCh-dl'fl TUm •1_,_ ••-1foto'r•c0o.mpto~5·~t•B,•r~dh A8111ot o,'N•lllL Spur1n0g ow11,!E_.R ~~~E5 2~ ::. r~· &~,-g: 9Y9a/Wknda. ~~ • ~":r.':: :p~~~:~~'lt~ ~~!E~ =~1~ Sales/ Secv ~;,:=;.·:;;~;,;~~ =-t>w~~~ ..M4;;u · · ~ .. i~rre:~ie;! ::i·n::-..n.cs~ ,~ '~i~0i:, T~~~~~ uo ta 81::. BMS. where your experlelad MU11 Ila~ experience. Typing, 11\orlh~nd, * .,.115• + r SURF80ARD 811l..0140 Harbor, S.A. 55'6-722t. bed plclcup. 4 ap 1tlnd 112-all dlalrllde upartlM wltl BHch UH, .. ,.,r. bookkeeping. s.cr.tary Uni-SHI, Cook Bro1. PATIO ~.l1RNi' Bm Jor-Xlnt cond, 5'10", w/ $28,500/080. llbor, •Par• tank•. Open Sunday be UMd and apptedal· open. 148-8844. ca I Nlar; p1u1 tr1wt aa1e1 ban Shimano 0)( pe-den, 45 table, 4 cholrl, laMll, l tOO. 548-40e2 . Lido 14 wltrlr 11100, •77 OMC 28• Pelm New/tlr ... clutch, I MiiMU19Ju_iM..-"M•iN;;-- ed? If ao, we lrwtte )'OU 1~. comm. · • d,ati'. oood oondlllon 2 ch.,..., 2 end tablee. rr. •-~16 alao Sabot '260, Both BHCll, 31K ml, rMr brlkea, etc. 100 watt Hllit'I to join ua end ehat9 In 540-2500 • Todd 536-"32. 1860/obo. 9404140 ~., Xlnt 1 .i-.... • •t•r•o opt1on11. Call lllllT --~h of ...... u xt 1 .. ""' ..... "7 • ...._,. •-•7• 7•7• <Minge, -..,... v, AC, • .. 6 8 7 2 • u .. OfOWll "-GI'· ,..enagement • """' .... "" Fr. Prov. vanl~/dHk, •----u "" v ~ Gen, ,,,_lal $28,500. ".. • " • v • • • & a...-dental ofnol XLNT If f I .L •••••• •••• ••••• ••• • •• ...--648-0943 dava ""' · t I• lrath SECRETARY, FANT OFC Boy'1 Mid~. Hohl· good cond, t t • BEAUTIFUL 26" RCA t2 ft Sidney. lmmac 554-7221 Cox Motor , •. ~n~1~ •a•t. TrtlHH Adv Agency. Good typ-weight tO apead, Jso. 840-8140 Color TV. 2 ·yr wmty. condwood·~Xlnt tor Harbor or SHomH, 911 Herbor, '73 Dodge 9000. Camper quelllle d . Newport Ing Ind phone voice Nearly new Exercycle. Wltlte ..... f148. FrH dellvery. Lake 12H .A. . Speclal. Loaded: 400V8, Beech. S48-S802 lql1 ftlr 0arHr MHntlal. Shorthand 1 16<>. !Me..3088 l2J 54 20e Open SUI\. Comp. 1t •82 CUSTOM COACH c:nilN, air, pa/pb, etc. S ...... ~IAUlno ---------1 Start your ~ Cll'Mr plui. Opportunity 10 GIRLS' SCHWINN · 9-0 TV John'• IM8-t788 Columbla ti' Dey Saller, conv. OMC Superior ~ gd cond. •2950• l(JY' CARVER De ntal/Front Olfloe, on our 3rd lhlft, Mrnlng edv1nce. Salary com· to SPD, LIKE NEW. ,,,,.,,_ 1111 Admlral ootor TV, Lapworth dMIQn, with chHlll, micro, btt·ln , ___ t_ee _____ _. ~ 1 c: ~ c1ea11nl, bu1y H\a• 14. Up to $4.60 U )'OU menaurate With ~ t75 M0-8140 ••••••"/'••••••••••<!•••• t tlO Traller. XLNT" Cond. vac, walh/d~, food '77 Ford F250 Super l'l..JU.] l'Lll'-.c::'lfv1W ll•h•d office nHd1 become more exp'd. ence. Call Carol, 10 · '60,000 cwtlfled rutlliM 842_.979 12160. 6"48-8841 cent«, 1wn, Jaoka, w111 Cab, loaded, Kint oond. -.-111:1~aH11• aE!~r frn~t .. ,otc .. mg.r. You Wit II~ promoted! to am-12 pm. 557~2 11 IPI ••• t llpphlre •• !1!"7t00o7fr. CAL 26 '12 "---·•a trade. 564·7221, Cox I 4 9 5 0 . C . M . ~~''")"'"° .... " .. -... ·,. diy mgm ... 1uperv1ory ll•nllJ/IJll _. ovwf5000 . .,....... Like newl 25 .. color • ..,_,.., Motor Home1, 8tt (7t4)ee2-2390. '78 320I, Auto, Sun rf, :.t;:eow•ek. CM ~~4~5~:-~1 .. 0~ ~n:~,: to CFO of Npt 8dl NEW •1s. 995-3327 ~HUtlfUI Emerald• & COMOle TV. '800 •• \191ue, ~·:~d~ln~·:o ,b:I:~~ Harbor, S.A. ....... 11• Bleu AM/FM Cal, .... =----------1 v1ewe held eYefY Wed. Fin.· S~c ... Firm. \Sapt>hlree trorn,::i '5 mu it U I •350· 65t-4t71 '78 SUPERIOR 291< ml. !=. ............... ~' :e~~~··0~:w J~'~!t DENTO hAL ASSIST! ANT tor 7-41 pm at tit Dal Mer, Cflaltng .• Reepon. poal-~ . rJei' ltonel MO 546-4009 •..a~-h + 1111 TWln bedl,~IP9f9 '71 Dodge Vwi, (T-100). •7a ...... rt o o c, cllelratde, tlon Good ~Incl .. ~ • ._ .... Garrwd aut tic d _ _... ~ ..._.. u -eKper pref, RDA or Coate M.a and ~ · ' · ...,.._ --U....... 1111 oma recor root '9dc, I of oonvon.... ,., • -.... ellglble. ll71-t400 Thur1 8am-noon at tlatlltictll, SH & ...................... ...................... changer/player w/can. Fully eQI .... lndudel • x t r a 1 , • w n . q,t, lharp. . PP. '73 2002. or1g. owner, nw 1390 N Cit. Hwy., Lio· 1p11tude ror numberl, •W llo/n, W..e.4 8M4 L 1,,k.• n • w . 15 o . ~~•,rd dfeHI, 111p s 2 1 . so o / o e o . 1eo-1211 !"O· ex<* cond, '5500. llTll....... 8ctl. E. 0 . E. :l:r. req'd. Cell Redwood 2119 deddng, ...... ...... e7....,.7oe •••o. 23,IOO. ~. Pty. 664-7221· 91t Harbor, 1975 OMC Vandure tl • l6&-l2M. ' :::=. ~ ... ~0':iv1~ Medlcal All'I tor der-SECR:::RY • perm•-~ ~J:io."~, r:; MllWUJm .. ,, ',,.,,., 65~.:: uoo 14 .::-HIGHLAND ;1', m..12~21~· S2500. ·~~81:U.Aul~=.~·~ .. record. Mu11 be rel matology omc.. 4 full nent full/time, needed or I<• n 1 n y t I m • , ~;!:: i!,m!.:,, ~ ~.f!!!t Trlr, Wld dol~, OOYtr, llland bed, 3 AC, roof ,._.., rtalfl II 500. 494-438e able. 8M-t30e dye pr wtc, Mon-Tua.-now, tor 7 pareon Irvine 716-149t. llrano' ~,; ............ ,, •• ,.. Ilk• new. • ooo or posi, hltdl, t2K ml, 454 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·n 830 CSI euto atr Thura-Frl. Wiii train tax & lnv911ment firm. DOME HOME s ., male• offs. t3t·2e65 OMC eng, tro be & • • • ......, AIM 552-t3t3 wtcdys. Requirement.: •cellent KIT 4~1023 ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 1hower. dinette. Like WE PIY amJfm c:e.., full pwr, Part time PM and client reletlona, typing ~ln~ured. ~ 11MtJa #fl I' UllJ WIT CAL 20', S~lnnak.,. Newt Blue bk l22,900 Kint cond. Priced for WMlcendl. 4000 Hilaria llllUL 76 wpm+. Word proc. ciel Convem I a: .... ..mi........... 1751080. Otenoa, r' pu~~g· OUf pl1ce 119.960/090. "' llWI quick ....i 759-0932 Way, Newport Beach. TUlllltP11llllT or legal exp. llelplul. '1q ft. ll39-S5" 0 lllf•ll Ha-2331 ;..~~K" · • Cox Motor Homea, tt1 PM llD •••s 1978 3201, red, mini 142-5881 Worlc 11 home: Current Apply In peraon at 2981 With ecceMOl'lel. ...,., ,,.,,_ Hlfbor, 8 .. A., 554-1221. ..... cond. AJt oond. amlfm JI ORY CLEANERS Medlcal Record Dept. Richter Av.. Suite t02, Clll ml 87M10l 'I ~ "'' lUI '11111 CHI 1tereo. 84K ml Counter cle~, . ew . ·~ r-ulred Full & corner Jemboree, or •••••••••••••••••••••• ~1-t II# •••••••••••••••••••••• '1""1tr, '1...J IJ1' n 1-•-19200 "'8-2088 • • " I I . -:....... .. , . ca I I M r 0 1 It o n Slamaee Hlmalaywi Kit-••-11-r-•• ~:x::-;;.......... Cllm ... boerd ""' lnfln<. •••••••"'•••••••••••u• -1r pref. CdM. 8 . P me ,..., .. , one •viii. • • .... ~.... --. ..... FOR SALE '78 9.t HP 1 w'• Ideal for the fllherman HartM>r 81Yd. 11_'1!/. 1111 7t4ne&-a500 14t-3714. ten, ..,......,.ate pt, Fem, 3 HP 1 pna., 80 ,... E I d I h ft 1ty, litre Hll, 975. f-"" -......... In ft t•: ,..,...a M••a -~ Electrtcet SECRET 7 Wkl lllO. 495-"'4874 vert. ASME code iri, v nru e, on9 I a , 141-7200, 175-5116 s"ft' .., ,.,... ' u """"'" ~ •• ••••••••••••••••••• i.'1 M1W1. ARIAL-work your s•·-~ H'--•· Never uied. 11.,.5. eleo. 1tarter. 1450. Sell .. ···d S oot1man, load1 o f •• tlll '71 cac>rl. 8 cyt, 4 IC)d, ,., Eumuu1 TUT home. Type from ma--·-... -yan Kit· • 9 e o -6 e e 4 o r .,.,., • tock, UMd, 1toroge & l'Mdy to go -1unroot, amlfm tape .~ ..,_ Tr........,/frt lfe. Chine, phone. «rand1, ten, fJealpolnt M., 7 Wkl Term1. 21~. l860 « beet ofr. one ownet. 11500. 487 ... 1.l dee*, bfonu, 90K ml, ., 1 11111111 Full time lor Ml11lon ml.c:. d9'olll, exper w/ $50. 4115-"'4814 '172'5390 NEW 20 HP Marine 844-N71 aft 2PM Momlna canyon at Pa-rune pert. 11900. '·l llAl•EE VleJo radlology office. rell. 10-40 hr• wtc .. P.U. a-. ,,,, BRIDGEPORT mlll • ""1t DleMI ...,.. 2 cyt / clllc Co11t Highway, WI llY 831-36" ,.,,, . 411S-"4700. & dell...., to C.M. Hive :':'A .. ••••••••••••••••• 1225. min. 9 mo, late 'ear b~ne, 1106: People who need People Corona del Mar. Tel. 11.1111111 .77 Capri Ohla. ve, 4 Minimum 2 yr engl· --H ctr & el~ correcting A bMutlM ~al. M ... model. 5'4t~635. 1 .. 162 .. ..,3K7.; • Thel'I wtt.t I"-144-952& ... fl•I ...,... A/C oot I nearing deorM requlr--llft-off ~t«. Type t4 mo AKC NHd• .. ...., " oa1LY PILOT,,. .a •---1 • .... ...,..rm 'A•-' 81~. ,Goodam A ed. ,,,-ecll~led In f/T llrtntll ,... 80WMPM. No Shor· larva yArd. eM.15"8 ~ ,., Went NJ Help? • .. ,..,, _....,., ,..,. -,.._ -8an Juan rano for and runner tor M.D of. thand. Not employed ~ ...................... 142-5818 • SERVICE DIAECTOAY I .. ,,,.,,,. MM oond. '2860. 956-e3!t ":' teetlng brMkerl nee In Mlallon vi.~o. fu!J.tlme elMwtlar9. 15 Reg. Cocker Spanlel, Mtlque INlhooenY cebJ. i. ell about! ................. r.-:.n dyl. 831-3472 ...,.., • Ind eMc:trical dlltrlbu<-No .. II, .... ""' hr.+ ao. m1. 1424494 male, 10 mo1, 1150 Mt with orto.1'CA radle Aut~ Student neodl ..... -· _•,1 tlon equipment. U.L. . •)(pf. nee. ,. .,...., "" 090. N3-620t aft 1!30 & reootd P'eyw..t75.00; pr~ to '82. Imp •••••••••••••••••f!~.. -~;~~~~a .~t~cuJ':.o~J mllllL ~llJ ABC RED DOBERSMAH ~~r::kmln ·~m~1: Boat picture ads provide ~NC:ka. ,.11,e"'to1C::-': 1111IATlll111 .... --.. I c .. ......,._, ... ..,.I -•• -·-Pul>Plel & edultl. M/F. 2 draWer ceblNt ...... Save .,.,__ It . no II apMd tranemllelon, -·...-.,.. . . ..,..__, BUI)' OB·OYN need• --_,.,.. Call 544-8290 dllng 2 door ~ ~ ~..... 2 ~~ low "'"••· exc•ll•nt • mi.I five In .,. In-beck of11ce 1ul1t1nt. Full time • ,.., Mtat• ITIMllnei ....., ~ ,... ... , nd ..,._ OIMoe. -11111 di lo tervlew1 at UNICORN ExPef. Mature. Salary lleenM d .. lrebl• but ,,., ,. r,. M l oab,l,n• & "marble oO 213-944-1462 Top dollr'I tor tpof1I ~n ~: 2CC: ~ ELECTRICAL PRO-open. Houra Monday nol nece1 .. ry Buty •••••••••••••••••••••• type Wiii lhalf, al for ~ PAINT & fte body wortt, Can, BllQI, Campen, ,83 II Id & DUCTS, Anaheim. Cell through Friday. Cell South LeQuna 'on1ce I wt! okS ~edor· only t100.oo: hotH s 9 up to 50~ ott your 1114'a. Audi'• MU8T'c:~t!1 P:HH. 83()..20t1 for appoint· An1wer Ad No. 722, Coldwell Banker. Cali able, male, 8'4 GIMI or blanMt-120.0(>; naw c. :S:"3'2hop HI. Biii Alie tor U/C MGR Call 876-3017 or ment 842.-4300 2, 111'1. Suaan Roe for appoint-8334a03. ft00t mat1 (4)420,00: '-'~ - -142-4t3&. BllTll•I ,_ ment, 881-0838 or Bl1ttany 9pen1e1 ~ 'r" 1t.=· llaht1 ~ 69~a-\' • ..... ... Nall Natinll)' of Nwpt. 4"-1320· a '/fl okS, Fem.'. IC)llyed. ~4~00.00: ~w:• n•"w ~ Tri"'C.:. ~'f!.2. 11111 8eedl ... . WAITD 11 hiring lloenaed nail to IOYlng home wtroom contlnltltel ...., baft9d .,. Pro audlO Mfo. tedl 2 Wfap MANICURIST with Sec /R to run. No cl'y Iott _ ........ ..__ 1"'5nO H• 1100. 113e-1674 HUNTlNGTOH BEACH '/fl eKPen ancJ M W 8 :.,. °'=~ ~~ J ec•t ~ I e I I e . W k d y 1 1w 100. 0 0. Ca II 3 BlUE VAN SEATS with .... >"9 GI' end~ HHlth In•. avell. T~ ~ grem-52-1780 , honu 142-41ae. BASES . tto all, WUTEll M Benefttl . APfJfY '5t-3tll Judith mer llcltee a ""'* for 780-2585 Mr. Torre. 536-t574 In penon yourig buay Senta Me To OOod horn« 8MpMrd mlm Ill I LI • ~PA~AT~ING~OUT="',.....,.,,,7-1..,.Ml-1»--L•t• model Toyot11, 1 I~!~~ .. h =r,ipr:N'T office. &lbfnft ~-MIX. 2 )'f9 okS. 8 to 20' tong, Ht Pit tang convert, re11. Votvoe, fllo!c'uP' & Vane. J .--·-,......, ....., ~ ~ lnlker _ ment hi.tory Including Call 840-4787 ft. 715-1411 anytime. prlcea. 4874116 aft. I Ill __ EJoct_r_ologllt __ wlth __ ~--I ,,_ tralnlnQ. For more ~.~emi: tu.I,..,. MU Freni ~ 125, 'et PorwN hrla • .,.. tel• wented to ,.nt Info, cell et1-121t. Darlene , Santa An• ••••••••••••••••·~':' ~ boerd with ,_. P • n •I on & I II t · apece 1n bu4IY na11 .. Patt-time oen o1c. Daelr9 e2102 **' BUY** ~· ,5 d':..c~.8'; as1.-.o. tst-7180 ~8 .,... 151~1M, o011 or HS 1tUdent • Twhlt'a Me't Good UMd _.._..._ • Prov 1,... & mln'or •IDJ9LI 'llfl temoone. 83t-Meo 8pec1e1 ol11H1 for ~"'i";iij'".-1146. Deek & dlf IN. .... end tonn.i OOY- IYll I .. ,AAT·TIME Appro• 1.. handlc-s>ped tlCSult1. 2 or 8!U. -You ..... ~ • ., 820. ... oa.lef'I prtoee to I ~======~' P41f 'Im or 2-1 on Mon, Thura & '/fl COiiege 4JKP. req'd. 1111181..... 161_... tfle publlo. ~1 1-..... __._ eat. Coat\ __..tar .,..... 1750, ltlnt vecatlon t •--..o tttp LA t ,..... WI M ... 1 -·-oounet6or er, at>My 'tT wottc-;/ ln1uranoe be net111. I• 1111 Ill Mii '™"' vtlltd' 1 ~ t7M ....... M U8ED CAM a TAUCKe for • IOool nanpepw. ....... -.... ... ~:t: .. 8:30--4. United :r.:~ , 'If ••••••• 71............. COM! IN o• O&LL Ho •1tPeflence neoee-r:.-· eome ·-"'· .,. p I ll'f WWWIM ' "'°°' COol\ IMPORTANT HOTICI " .. ~ :::..owe 1.! 946-0404 Santa An& 'rl..s~·· LM te7 .. 1SS 1-1~=--1--....,.-,.-----1 TO NEADEM AHO ... =.... 11ar1 ptu1 1dd1tlona1 .. NII 'Im T I • Ill I .. .. I WIS -AOY9mllAI OonNeM>eUlo 9 ltwe of pertnerahlp'1 -= .::~•:;; N:.,::·~mm:d~::.i. King 1IH waterbed. 111...._ 28' Enc.on Fully eQUlppecl CNIM, ~tf.'!: :.J-.~I~ •Jiil.if :W,°"':· real "'" )Obi !1~;ec~~ :::;:::~':.; :o·:~~~k•~':,d~~ur':. =:c. ~t:!'! 4:J!· ~,:: ':: e -;:,:~;.~· :=.: odve~ ~-:= ~ -~*'' oPPOmft-to work with youth S-t. No llllng. Airport M IMlt, .....,. Also 7to-llS4 wm. OOMMI ._ not In-Mt..-r, I• 1111 -· '°" IMoMelrf _, (~ 10•1'). Ca ll .,_Call.......,. t-12, l'IMltcfllnO .,..,.. tlbtt. t Do. HOMI ICJT'I 12MSl7 otude MIJ t ppl ... l»le !],.t:..,7r9 t : 0 10 p M · 2 , 142-.u21, Ext. 840-44M1. Aft• 1 pm, mo dd. Cole ~ t 1, 1-. ~ \t .._, ..... .,...., ......... ' .. 12. .... IOI 186-()151 000, H C 1400/obo. ~lrrtnlduolofy .p.. ............ ~ .... Ill nllm f& TtMptlone ..._ 11Mllt clol, Conw'19 to 2000 8et your oourM tor fMt ..... ,._ tor olf l*MfOft ,.lttme. l 110 to NGO NII tm earn Big Money bv fie -.W•IM... aq fl. .,...,.. w Wfth a Dally Piiot boat plGUe =:a or-=.,-= •k. Oa fl a ft 2P"'· H•IBm ti.actl, tlOO· t fOOO/ ... NIM ..... NormM ~ ~ •--... ~ "'"'tary praporatton 141 ·17'1. Alk for lntoY wor1IJna wtlfl kldl. .... Cell 631-1511. "'9CU ITAln' AT: tor'• "-to. ,.. w/ lld. ~ -·--7• the__, °'*tel Uftllel .....,,. Geofga. Work ewenln91. We op Br. hcurlty door Maltrw & llound. • b I• o k • 1• · I 11, Piiot Ml offer ~ ad tPece .... 111 n lrltd by .. o.n.w "-· Mm up to tr.in you to beoOrlW • per90n "" to tf.oo '* ,... f9ctof'Y ....., ...... n that not oM/ deecrtbee your ..._ .... ........ ..._, WIP ti OOUMefor. Call lw. ,,...... oondOfft&. Twin 117..U 111 •--.--.---... ---• d ot• In your •rH 1 X14f nlum In ~ ltoclfl. ~ tt41~111 .1 W b09f, but pcturel tt U Wiii. ~~,.:,,TIMI •1na1n11 M ... ~~er...~~ .. ":..':"..!. 111? ,lvfA .. t/l, ... ~--1 Theprtoelt~IO ....., or .... rliCI Cl. ...., flew OOcilo Cut~ M, Mo • MANY 01'HtlR ITtMS C1trl1tm• 1flo.,plnt . bUoy ycMW eptrft9 -148 " .. .._ to """'*• "· o. "'* ....,.. · '°""'.., DllCOUNT ""'""""' '"""''' ... n~ _r., ••• the ptotur9. • ontt 940 aoa a10. Mon-..o, "'* ... '' . cMt\ .--...,_ lhd. ...,. .. t1a ..._., I ~ provide tM ptcture tor • Co -..0. wllno. 1t"1ilo.i011 ~P~ 4:t cotTA MllA==•=Mllllr-l~=;;·i~;~;i :. ed I I OOlumn I " 9d. 1 • .,. lllL m.,. Lido. .._ fllf ~ fttl Im-.._. I ..., peepte In hM to to t 'M. •••tWlf !Md. Hourt floalb... OOMlMfdol ind ~ IMOolll 'ollln ..._ =:'.:-.ml ..,j;. ,... , .... ,. fOr ..... oor ,., WIClll.; I =. ~~ =lltM ... ., .. IUndl ....... ,_,_iii"'~"&.; ml.. ...~ to1:I0 "'1 ............ • Olllee .._ •· llUIL iltlone_, In Newport ... t 1IO e9 1111 ,.._.....,. Hoewr ~ ............ ~1 wkly. Muot M ftNt, ... ._'I' psaA. 0.M. ---,_IOllOblo, ......... •r••· ••·•••o. a "''•..a •n.o?•1 • t0 M llW ...... Mr. DIMr4ll, -M lll!Mf Mi9 141-1111 .,, Cl ltlii•M 0 .. ' ' .; c "-------"-~ ... .. ''"'·Im.~ ..... . : rlf 1 •• : •••••••••• 1.~ff '14 Flat Qood oond. • 1100 138-9004 '1 t Fiii 850 lpldar a Par11 Olf, 1815 H 2·llOOt 1111 "'w ..... A dlld!O. ~. )(Int e•ttflOf. H ,300 Of bat olr. 1145-1442 '75 Flat 129. runt or•at.· 8t1reo 30 mpg. Very clean. Alklng $ 1700 982·5047 ... ,, 11n ..•....•..•........•.• IHl&l~llt We can h Before you buy, c ack our unbe1t1ble aelactlon, aavlnga and 1«111" to· deyl UllVEllSln WJI A IEIYIOE 2850 ~bor BIVd COSTA MESA 140-1140 '80 7ACCOAD l.)(. Green, lltchbk, 11ereo, 111ce1 cond., $5950. 851·1279 pp - '12 100 OPE 11100 1144-4700 'll .... ,. , .. .,, 5 speed, 11ereo. air cond Extra cieln. $4, 000. 842-1178 1978 Honda Civic. Good ' cond. $2500 or beel otter, 631·1993 ""'' 113' ...•....••.....••••••• ,~•: ,u~u• r-1· )ltlf MUDA. ' """' fllfT M.. ,., '1CIUTTI I 1411 WCJ II CtsU 1111.1 id JIM • • Orenge Oo11t DAIL V PILOT /Monday, 89pten\ber I , 1111 fA~.~ ...... ~.~'!!.!!!mttt ....... ~.~ ./ftfftfft ....... fMrr .... ~.=:J ltlWt. ...... Wlf llW..lftl ••••••• ~11 11.'6.flilt...... • ~,Flt .... ._, ftt«fttt.IM~ .. l!.if ~.llM •• ll ,,,,.__•··,n• . "1ii .......... w.w :..:1•1111"' ......... m ~ •• -•••••• 11.tr tm .. 0.t!!.!!1,·•· , "1tl/lt •••••••••• l'l:'lf ... PAll·•I MMI '71 • HOil , Arabian ·H··~ ..... iiO ~......... :J .. .=. .... Tll UllllT 'II lilllU '71 , ,,.D Maver o . 'II fllW We'll l llOW you ovar Olay. 541< o'1Q l'llllea. tu~ I !>Mu. J, JC1nt OOftd. NeW-Millt'i, 1 G0o0 llLllTlll ll>OftY I dOOt Chevy = =: ~=2~r· ........ llr ...... 100 Naw a u .. d Ilk lntr. Whlport, "' 11._,.,.... flWOOf.t.-~ ...... ....,, • with moo11 roof 10uW91 t l.lff • I Meroadae·l•n• coma 54Ml11. .--..aoo1o.u. t40-o1•1. _ of lat• modal, low am/tm tA«fiOt ''-8 ,,,; '7t ,lirrnor1t "' pa pt>, I trtt, • • ti , In a oontldlt ~ INN -er~f ~ Hff f 44 •Oii =:,• g::"!::.' ~ oond.. 1tylf11d a'taet r--:a hit,•' C'll.° S2K ml. Ullf t Y w•111t. arrangementl or lonQ e1Tt•••••••••••••TJ'.1 r.n1TI\••••••••oTl9 M 1t•-' e.r ·~:w=eet•k.• Midi t~ °' .._.., .uto./ oonacM U1 . 112-4316 (111111) tarm nntn0tno. ·n MIDOIT body 111 ·ea "-'**11000~ .. c.!' Perl 111rmr ......... 1r.i 11 .,.· ..... _1~.. 119 llllll (DMMMJ ·10 Tomo COnY9f'tlOll U11 ....... + ._ ~t-or-71• w o r • • • le I n I •M tltl, Hf:ltll feat lnlerlor perfaol •-'-ffYf .......,.. Oall Marcia "· dy• r..iou.i INOO, total °' HOUM ~ lmpQ(tl, lno. aitoal • ......,_, 1nC1 Midi oond. • · .,. leeutlf\l! TM 'JO. ,,_. .,.., ....,.. "' AA .. l I IA a -magn-r-o• n "-bit, gd GOnd, WOO. ~ap. C91t f 10,U01 ~7·2333 ~00/01~ oall an •Al•· ·-.,.. loP. lllnl ... llOOd z.-z;~ ............ u.-.· HOO HartlOt IMYd. • "4-tOIO; WI 976-1111 peymanu tot .. monthl . , a..1-1 e. ;";";n.'r:"l'.~•••n•T•••f drive train, laorllloe. #1 , .... hlllf OOITA MHA .-,,.~ 11.f'• t1t.ott.11 + tu. tr.!. '.ff "1 DEal(R , .. U.S.·. . '29001080. uo-t100 .. ....... ......... -· i• , ... I ., • a magnon I' " " " --•J• ·1-1111 u :-.. •••M•~.:,:.::.•2•:.•9•,•,.,.::: •••••••••••••••••• 78 &ptth, SOK ml, xlnt • • -• ... -.. v ..---' 711 Opel 8por11w11n. ~ m a c h , o o n d • ~-DO 1t11r1ng , New palnh 1 Vallow. Ian lnlr. Xlnt NOOO/OIO. If~ •-'11 EL wtltlred IMth-HalbC>f INd al Fllk o, blltary, ralaad taller oond . Mu11 1111. -"· bHuty, nu tran•, 1n Coat• M... atHL belted radial•. pontiac' /QU ~218 '11 TA1, lo ml, AO, alnt OVl!M!AS DeUVEAY lo•dad, low ml, mint S.M300 649•1457 GOid ::rt m:fl w11111. --...1111JfW\llla""'• lnaldl & ~. IHOO/blt !XPIATS cQnd, 12780/0BO pp. ..1 R .__, 11fl ..-.:,0,,.. . ..,.... W . Na-01M ~1.0115. '73 lmg:.a Station Wa-•"'2r200· CO!_,,.:., .~!...,!~Cl· ::.-A::~ .... ,......... Of'8I WAn ,,.. •.:n:,w .... • •I 5 ooo I o I r..... _...... Hatb« Btvd .. Falt Dr ·eo 805SD o.i. 4 epd, .,....,....,. •11•f _. '90 Cpe de ·v11e. taka oon • m • r g 'ti IT --TllU 1n eo.ta Meu 311K ml, Ivory, 2 yr un· faU 11~ :-••••H"i'll ........ :... Wllft over lowHt monthly owner, •1500· 7&0-0301 -·-300 548-1457 llmltad mllHg• warr. ••••••••••••••••tt••':T N .. luQ. 1oo<>J rrc'"'°"' lHt HarbC>f fJtvd. 11111 payment• for Ci,..ln Hll 81\owroom oond .. Pony __ 54_9 _ _. ____ _ Air. aunrf, 1flowroom LUU A 1111 1111 :;;l.W l~tutc~ t;mu OOITA Ml!SA , l15Q & 1 mo. or ..... o •I·••••••••••••••••• lnl., dlao brtca. pa, auto, 12 PlllTIAO T1000 :'l:e.A:r~ =';; 111$3,... • _. Me·"H . Mlallll ..,Mil ~::~ o!,"~iny1011tr':!: y'll OllllHY .... I ·~~=15:;,~03!ardtop :-::,: ~)ttt '12 P.ugeol 304, naw 45 42 ·1res.v:i::--:. =::, A•-,,,. ' 5ot.o7ee •• l.!. • ..., with rebuilt eng. 11100 11lJ ........ + ... lntr .. bf1<1, 111r1ar. 1980 1 11111 1170010110. •••••"•••••••••••••••• C...,,, Hl1 9 ~It W11hH roof °' 1>111:...~,, ... 1 Cap. G'Oll.doH.18, OBO. 971M>630 par month ptue tilX Nl·toet • ..." eMJ •••••••••••••••h ••••• wff'I ~-Aeeldual '3017.44, total 'ttHI Model 004 SL.. 49 month clOlld end •••••••••••••••••r.or,~. '19 Ctmaro Lo Ml Ona rec ' llml. wood aldel. 114'A Mual. or1g owner, of paym•nll for 48 INN on apprOWd ct• '91 VW ~ P4ok up, Come In & 111 Hewpoft owner. AIC, orulH em/Im, tlr C9ftd., •uto., t2K ac1u11 ml, v.9, month• 19780.40 + l~ Cllimp1,gne . S uper dll. Co•l·l111,375: All 111tr11. l!xoellent leaetl'• nnaet Mlactlon oont~ Tiit ~I rldlo pwr 1tr I' brak11 I 7 3 :1\~~~~ ti . • 7 15 0 0 . ~1111n o:io r:lr~ ·~~ ~~~:-:: ~~r:::.~~~u~~dl~w~~~ U~1~1ig ~ar~ ~~ado~ 'all21Xlm~' 'agnon· ·~:~~·;.·e;;4;~ a. magnon lflllil 1111 detllttl (18924). Par1a .• 900. o1~103'1' Voltcew~. I l~-~~~rJ.I ...................... IUOI ••PllTI 54~ . .. ' .... ~h'-k 1~-logo Cimtl•I . Hll • ~~::,~ond. 2400· pont' /" •• ", MEISTER N=~ :~H i.:?cl.vw~1 ~0~ ...... ~5"' e. ;a:· Hwy ·w··1e.ih·1.·~iia .. ;ii~[: Mntiac/DU ~·.,.~·J:.~~4 Har._~ .•• ~. F-·· °'U PDRSOIE/1111 llZ·OIOO 3 2 mp 0 . 11 40 o. NlwPOf1 ·Beach •• a aood _,. t"' ""' ""'"' -13831 Harbor Blvd. ,_ .. __ ,,.,, te().0205 e'73--0900 lion of NEW & USED HatbOf Blvd II Fair Or Oll•Mlle Hll In Coeta M ... Garden Grove ...,.. I ' AllC "" Chevrolatll In ~la Meea •••••••••••••••••••••• 549-4300 648-1451 '78 sa. Derk blue, bln-lenltt .. 9~·9;~.:;;~ .. '8~pg~Oflg~~·4Jl. ...................... 5411.-4300 54t-1457 'II llll 11&111 UI 12 NITIAO J2000 vwy leail'." Pollahed al· L...aq .... a.. 113~73114, 914-0791 '78 Hornet St••· Wgn. C..llH•l•I . 1131 1500 850-1118 Automatic, 11r oond., ~~3~:25_.:1; 1 · 8 0 0 · 114 131-2113 ..._llllll · '78 Bua, gra't 1hape, !1 t:ndp !c~ : 1 ~ ·ee°i•;,;·~~·)cj;, .. ~~: · pwr. 11eerlng, amlfm '75 MBZ 240D. Perl '71 911T, Look• & rune 111-JM -.aa cu11om Int. w/bad, rune '2200/obo, 940-3020 nlng. cond. Need• tome '72 Toron1do, nu -no. (578135 ..... 1 ' cond. All pwr, Ale. gd, alloya, $4500 t.o.p. ,12 II•••• I /I i39~.0hs!f~.book. lrdlt Hll body work . Great w1t1rpump, rad .. lual 1111 ~+tu 28mpg. $7800/0,r. or $9000. 955-1141. ..,. •••••••••••••••••••••• Tranep. $395 pump, pllnl Job. 1526. Cap. coat S93 • ~ '14 Panel au. 10000 m1 1111 .... IUT 1142·7033 720-110'-dual 14232.59, lotal of 1-210-9512 '81 3568. Yellow. Ex<*· FllJ 1••1111•111 on motor. AM/FM cw Ill II Mniii Z-11. 1,,, IHI ltl•I• H it paymen11 ltt18.32 + .81 380 SL, 7000 ml. lent cond. $5700 or 1111 ......, +tu w/equd:nr. 840-8209 for the largae1 and bait Air cond., 4 ipaed •••••••••••••••••••••• !!•••••••••••••••••••• talC. wire wheel•. $38.000 tr•de 642-9711 Cep. COl1 u.fo5, ,..... . Mlecllon of n-end '71 FOii ·12 2000CC A b t a magnon 080. 213-832-8979. '88 912 Rebuilt engine , dual 12432, total or * 8e BUO Ht5. dlr* UMd Butclta In Orenga trant .. radio & 1 c:uta Uni ou • 1 Good cood Beat olfar · • payment• fM 48 monthl #7444, many mora 10 County todlyl earl (Ser. 4260). O If I I run• & look• ~· 842-0182. 551 8829 . $5618' +tax (119973) choo .. rrom. PETE'S ~ lllf 121111 II fJ ~·rt sooo. •7093. . • . . n AUTO SALES tMe-aeee. • .... .,..,.... ....... .... . ,,.,,., IHI nt' /,..."' For Ad Action CaH a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 '68 912. $0450, obo. a magno 1973 VW Thing, vet')' .__ Oov9,tQ all St 9 P .. Mno« wff'h roof ,.·.··.·.··.··.·.··.·.··.·.··.··.·.·•1111 po tac ~ u Orig ownr, allo)'I, MW • nice. f2,ll80. Call ...,.., IC NEWPOR~ BEACH rack, wind deftectOf. air 1• pafnt, super cond. 65.._..87 ' lll .. lll cond., crul11, pwr. t1r. 'ti FllDlll 4IO Harbor Blvd al Fair Or '78:5~~~~ 2.0, 57K ()(~. pontiac;au ~ ·e:ar:,-r· ~·~I~ #~~~d ·or~ .. ~3 ...... ·3..'!!:.!.nc:yll &' "a h.rakmM.agl110ARA801 n ~ T~~·:2~~r. ....... ~ ......... " ... -.~ .... ' ...... a54 •• '9..--.'.4,,5·1·!! $m~500. 1~0~w~~~141~~n · Harbor Blvd at Fllr Or 1eoocC eng rabll, Int: COSTA MESA . ..,,, _.. ,,.... -__ ..,.,, ••--•••,.. · • 4" llf1, •200011>et orr. 111 2111 11 ea orig cond ·n'A PORSCHE 924 ... ~ .~1au~1•57 951.2525. -s1~ooiobo. 54·1.1906 · pontta' C/DU '89 Landau. 2dr. PS/Pa. I _.,._,.,., ~.-.. ou don't need a gun to /VC, xlnt cond. $1200. Sunroof, or g. ownx1"· , OL _.. d 1 / VW WMlpf\all• Camper, '71 LeSabra, xlnt lraM-•71 CHEVY WAGON "draw faal" when uou 840-3026 36,000 ml, maroon, nt 14 • 11.1 ..... O nt ext, 1982, dleMI, S,000 Ml, ~rtatlon, rune good. ' i--...,.-__,.------cond. $7000. 497·2993 AM/FM etareo, AC. ,15000 firm 942.H8f 15 ....,,. Al\'"" Look• and runt graat. Harbor Blvd 11 Fair Dr place an ad In Ille Dally Run• graat 11200. • · · ......,..._.... XLNT Trana. $800. In Col._ Meu Piiot Wini Adel Clll now 1142·5818 875-83te Ad9 1142-M79 Want Adi Call '42·5878 H0-0205 64t-4SOO 54t-14!17 I 1142·5878. MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • • • ATLAS C HRYSLER-PLYMOUTH NIWPOIT DATSUN IOILOMGPUPONTIAC COSTA MESA DATSUN 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 5"6·193-4 3 blocks soulh of San Diego Freeway Off Harbor Blvd Complete , body shop. Sales Service Parts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5.30 PM. and 8 A.M to 5 P M on Saturday • BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach Tel 752·0900 Call us. W" A the <r.,.. 1 'it .. 1 ' Alla Rnmeo Peugeot Saal> & M .. ~~rat1 • THEODORE ROllNS FORD 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833·1300. At the trlangle of Jamborea. MacAr1hur & Brl1tol behind Vlctorl• Station. Sales. Service, Leasing & Part1. Wa m•ke gr91t dealal • MAHIS CADILLAC 2600. Harbor Blvd., Coit. Mesa. Tel. 5"CHJ100. Orange County a Largest C•dlllac dealer. Sales. SeNlce. Le ... Ing · fD 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892·6651 Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales, Service, Parts. • DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Fleta (n Southern Celilornla" (L.oc.ted 1 mlle north of Soulh Coast Plaza naer Main St. •nd Warner Ave. In Senta Ana.) 120 W. Warner, Sen1a Ana 557·2132 • 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 54().6.410. Serving Orange County lor 16 years. 1 Mlle So. 405. SUNSET FORD, INC. . (Home ol Withe the Whale~ S«O Garden Grove Blvd., W.Stminster. Tel. ~10. • OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Gwden GrCMt Modern sales. service. parts. body, p•int & tire depls. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa 642-0010 or 540-8211 DA YID J. PHILLIPS IUIClt.flOMTIAc.MAUA Laguna Hiiis 837-2400 • Sales • Service • Leesing 2•888 Allcl• P.ntway SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Sin~ Ana. Tel. 558·7811 Your Orlgln•I Dedicated D•tsun Oellef. Tel. 630-9190. Exclualvely Volvo to cover •II yoor Volvo requiramenta. · New•Uted•Sales•Leulng•Parta•s.rvtceeBody Shop Freeway cloM In the hurt of Ortnge County •t Gwden Gre>Y9 Blvd. & Brookhurst . • JOHNSON & SOH UMCOLH MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630 57 Years ol lnendly fam11y service -Orange county's oldest Lin· coln·Mercury dealership • CHICK IVHSOM rotlSCHl-AUOl-VW 4t5 E. Coa\I Hwy., Newport BHct\. 673-0900. Th• only deal.rahlp Ji'I Orange County with theaa thrH grHt m•kea under one roof! • MIRACUMADA W.'ve moved! Our naw loc•tlon ii 1425 Baker Stf'fft, \Cotta Mela. Tel. 545-3334. Stop t>y I visit our brand naw enowroom •nd see why we're Iha #t Mazda daaler In Souther!\ C.llfotnla. Salas, Set"ilc:e, Part• alld Leasing • 0 COMMBJ. CHlftOLIT .2128 H8rbor Blvd., Coit• Mela. ~ 20 y..,. Mrvlng Or•nge County! Sal ... leulng, MfVkla. C.11 ~·1200; epeclal part• lln•; 646-9400: body ahopJ!_ne; 754-04C" ' soutH COAST DOOGE • ALAN M.AGMOM POMTIAC-SUIAlU AMAHmM MAZDA "'Ollr Q.C. ...... ~ ... • IOY CARVB IOI.LS ltOYca.IMW 2888 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-0330. RI/ servl!j.9 spec11llsts, custom van conY8f'Slons. MEWPORT IMPORTS 3100 W. Cont Highway, Newport BHch Tel. 642·~540·1764 The Ferret• Hadqvtr1ert. 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Coata M,M. Tel. 5'4M300. Selee, Service, Lt11lng. "Mr. Go~." •• C1.AlllC AUTOIJ09UI t. ,,.. ........... c:... .. I01 8. Anahetm Btvd .. Anlhelm 966-1820. Jutt north or ..... AM frwy. Oil ANherm 81Yd. C.11 ut flnltl ''WI A"E HAAO TO FINO-eUTWORTH ITI" 1540 JamborH R08d, Ntwp0(1 BMct\. 64CMoM4. s.i ... Service. Pant And Leasing.