HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-07 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE COAST TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1982 AP Wlrephoto Actrt>~~t·:-. Mur) 1\-larrin ( l•·fl ) and Jum·t Gavnor, s hown lo~t·llwr in I 97'>. \H·n· ..,c•riou ~I ) inj~1r•·d Sunday night in an n11lor11ohilt• at•t•iclc·nt 111 which l\'1artin'.., 111a11aµ.c·r '~a-. killc·d . Actresses ~stable' after SF accident SAN FRANCISCO !AP> Ac tress Janet Gaynor was breathmg through a rc'Sparatm today to allow her brokt•n rib$ lo heal and Broadway star Mary Martm was expedt•d t11 walk only painfully aflt•r th1· auto accident that killc·d Manin'-. longtune companion Meanwh1lt-, tht.> t.lnv(•r of tht· taxi that was <:arrymg tht' two a c tresses said tht> vc.1n that rammed the cab hro<.1ds1d1• Sunday rught cam<• thruugh tht intersection "ltkC' a hat out of you-know-v. hat .. Poltre said tht• Vdrt d r1\ • r Richard Cato. :In o f S<1 n F rancisco was book1 d (11 r 111 v l ~ t I~" 11 Cl II elf d I ll 11 k "n <I fl'('k 1£-S.\ Ur&VITlji(. 11'\'4'l>llgat1on of ' • h I l' ll I ..i r rn <• n s 1aughl1· r , 111v1•s11~at1011 11f drunk t.lnvang. "l>t'l'dtn~ ;md runnin~ a n •d light l;<1y n o r lht· 75 ye11r old ""'rt>t•n \'(•It-ran who:;t.• work 111 thrt't' srll·nt films earrwd hl'r llll' ftt -.t U~c ar fo r be!> I al'tfl'.S~. u11dt·rwt•nl four h oun. of c;urgt-ry M11nddv Af1, rv. .11 d h1•r v 11al signs wt n · sldhl1· but "the oulc'om<' w 111 111>t h •· decide d for 111.111\. dav-;.' c;aat.I Dr Frank (,. v. ;... , ...... .:.~I.ant chief or surgt•ry .11 S .in ~'r .. n t1'lt1 Ct·n<·r•tl ll1~p1tal 1'\1•t'. Af'TRE~~E~. Pal(r A2 l HB brothers lose Death Valley run Hunt1n1<t<111 Ht .wh I lllllll'f I )1.,1rt .J.11111•~ .1r1d h h l1r11llwr challengt'<I th1• s111lanl-( 11 "iJ"''·•t•H•'' 111 I )t.,1111 \ .• 11, Y .. v .. r 1111 Labor Day Wt•('k1•11d [)(•ath V .Jll\•V won JaCfl~, 29, ctnd hlS hrotht•I l';llll 'J) Ill ( 'ypfl''o.S, pl.11111\ .. 1 (H run from Bad Watc•r 1n l>t•ath V.illi·v 111 Mt Wh1tnt·Y th• lowest pornl rn t'<ll1f11r111.1 .11 :.rn<! f,., '1 111 ·11 '"' "'"' l1·w:1 tn •It• highest pc.·ak 111 tlH st.ill I l.4Hh f1 ·1·1 Tht'Y hcid h11pt•d lo I 11\I I tlw l lh 111111 r 111n1t'\' an fill h1111r-.. But tht•\ d 1d11 t rnakr· 11 11111 or I lc·ath \ .ill1·~ "Man. th,11 tw.1t w ,..., sonwtlung 1°1"4 · V.1 p1l'kt'tl 0111 ••I tlu hottest w('('kr·nd 11( th1· •w.1r "WhC'n we• JotOl up at Jam S,11urd;i) rt w.1!> 1n:s 'kgn~" "It got up to I '..!2 dt•l{rt'C'S rn th1 sh.1111• .uul l gu1..._., tl was LiO to 140 degrc"t-s 1n th• 'tm J<11·ol>'-'wlHI But t>Vf'n 1n th1 • lwat the•\ trcJv1•l1·d >J malt" 111 1 o hou rs 'We learnt'<l ..i lot .md 1t w.1Sn t .1 lot.al loss Wr· pl.m tn trv aRaan tn Oct(ll11·r If tlw .,now and bad wt'alhPr hold off Jacobs ~Id 11 w.1,, so hot that the• two runnt>rs couldn't perspire rv<·n th11l1,1.?h th1•v drank a gallon of w;;ter an hour "All the· m111st1111• '-''<'mc><i to b<> going t11 th1· con • or 11111 bodies" Jacobs o;,11d ht· l<>sl 11 pounds and had leg c ramps 111., brother suffc·n-d tnJllflf'!. wh<·n hts fr"<·t swr·llC'd m the hC'at "But wr·'rc· 111 P4''••k l'Olldtl111n Wr'll 114· going bac:k " COUNTY Viejo thrift shop booming A thrift shop that never shows a profit 1s clom~ a booming business m M1ss1on V1C'p Page Bl WORLD Riviera aurarts the masses The R1v1t>ra, once a playground for the rn:h. is " mecca for the massC's under Fran ce's soc1altst1t governmen t. Page A4 BUSINESS l_,osing the ballle of the budge t More and m ore people are engaging in economic brink.smanship with their family budgets, and losing Page B4 YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPfR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Terrorists free Poles IU:HN, Sw1t1t•1 l11nd \Al') Armed tt•rr 11r1stt1 w ll> a1 t.' thn•ut-..ntnf( to blow up tlw Pul1sh ft:mbussy rclcuiwd two l'lderly wonwn hostages today and nll't fat't' to fat'\.' for tht· hrst tlml· with a government negotiator, a ft·derul poli(:t- '>P<>kt-srruin ~ml Min1:1try, suad & n wmlx>r of tht· :1prt·lul '..!4-mun lTlsis team rrit•t for IUl hour with tht.-gunmen 111 tb1• 1·mb11ssy 11ftn n1ghtl011~ lt•ll'phom• t·unl1.1t·t~ with I ht· ll'rrorasts µolkl' bellL'Vl'U ll1t·n· Wt'fl' H hot1tugt.<s an lh!' t·mbaK:;y , hill lult·r reported tlwn• wt·rc· 011ly 12 Ht-1d1:nt1fll'd tlll' l<tte~t frc·c·d • a µ t 1 v e s o 11 I y ;1 i. 1 • 111 I> ,, ~ ~ y t•111ploy1>t•i; / Tht' ra1dt·1~. tull111g thcm:1t.•lvc·s He rt'fu~t-t.I lo dtsl·uss tht' mt"t.•tJng 111 tlt•U.111 , but said mon· fan·~ lo (ut't' nt.-f(ot1ut1Uns Wt-It' IJkt·lv ' "'l'he Sw1s!> govt•rnrnl'lll l!i COll\J'l\\ t wd to t' nd 111 g l he s w gt' Cl.'> llOVn §Is po&1ble and sa\llng tht· hves of the hostages." hl· l>Clld The spokesman n·flJSt'd w say whot ta<.ll<.'S m1f(ht bl' llM'll 'Thi· Polii.h Rt'volutwnary llonw Army," '>llll an· holt.lmg 111nt• hostage~. un•or d1ng to fl·dt•ral 0Cl1t•1.tls Tht•y arl· demJnd1ng tht' P o lrsh government hft nU1rual law and rt•lea!W:' all pohlll'al pnsont-r.. and have S('t a deadline of 10 a 111 Wl:'d1wsdav I I am PDT) Ulfll h I lub,u ht·r. -.pokesnwn for tht• f1~lt•ral Juslll"I' and Polll"I· L ct t t' Mund a y n 1 g h l, th c· terrorists releai.cd a pregnant worrum from among tht.-host.ages 111 the wh1u.-sluct'O maruuon an the middle of &•rn's d1plomauc sector Thl• woman. 1dent1fwd by Poles in Bt-rn a!> Ma Igor La ta Luczak. a dt'rk typist at tht• l'mbassy. was hosp1tal12t-d for treatment"' for sh<.x:k Hubacht.-r or1g1nully !>uld . I .. Polite havt· agn·uJ 111 bring food ant.I wat.er to th•· d1101 11f the embassy bwlding. ht· ~1d T his morning a dot tor Wd ... p<>rmattcd into the emb..i ... .,y to t r e a t a h o s 1 ;. g ,. w -1 t h hypertenswn. Hubol·ht·r s.ml . I Floating corpse r· ~· . . spotted A """ rrwm·r 111 L ... guna &·a< h told laf1·guJrd'l ht• ~potted the body of a man Cloatmg near Bird lhllk l..itt Saturday, but a M'ar<'h 111 tht• an·.i f<11l1-<l tu turn up .1 drowning vat Um Laguna &'a<.'h Mann\• Sc1rety I >an't tor Brun· B<trrd said tht• -. w 1 m m 1· r . w h o was not 1d .. ntif1t'<I, 'p<>ltt'<.l tht· l.Jotdy of .:1 voung m.in gartx"<f 111 rtxl trunks out tx•ynnt.I Bard Ho<:k a t about :~ :w p nl Saturt.lay Thl' wa tnl~ :..11d he attempted to pull th<' txxJy onto tht> rcx:ks. hut was unahll· tu do so He ~warn <L'lh<>rl' ;ind Cll'("t>mpantt'Cl a lif1•guanJ on a pot.ldlcboard to the rtil'k Whc·n both mc:n were unablt• to lot·atl' tht• body , I 1 f t• g u a rd s c q u 1 p p 1.· d w t t h ... norkl'l.s and mask.!. arrived as did thf• 1:1ty's !k'Uba team Barrd said he called off thC' '<'3rl'h .it dusk ht'CaUSl' of a heavy surgl• and low u nde rwater Vlslbthty PolH'l' sard lh<'v lwh£>vc· llw v1t·llrn nu1y hJv1 lx'< n a Manni· hut no one has lwf'n ff.'p<>rlf'd 1111ss1n~ tu datC' OelfJ "°' l"tooto by Patrlcll O'Oonn.il At !'>Urpri:-.t' birthda) parl) that turned oul to bt' hi!>. la-.s. lliC'k La n t' ... hares his C'ake 'It·.., <J br~ <ll~·an ou I ther<'. and wt• II h ,1v1· to wait until h1• \\ .1...,h1•<., up," Baird said with wift. E ... stwr a t a ''·h·wport BeaC'h rest aurant. Cloudy, windy w1·ath<'r caUS4'<1 .11 t1·nt.lann· ol<>ng Orangt> Coast l>1•tithc•s to cli p Monday. but wat1•rfr1111t uff1c·1,ds <,atd th<· turnouts fqr tht· last holadav wc•t•k1·nd nf th<' <.ummE·r wc·n• .1h<1vP ;ivf'raKt' for thf' lhn't• day 11e •nod Death ends career of NB's Dick Lane I luntmgton l'1ty &·at h. whit h dr(·W tl0.0011 p1·oplt> on both s .11urday ;ind Sunday. thanks in part to the• Pro Surfing Champmn'lhrp adJan•nt to City 1'1N, dn•ppt'(I 111 .1hc1ut :l0.000 on M1111day II u n 11 n ~ l u n s I ii t 1 • b • • .1 t h l's 11•portf'd about till 000 an attt•nd::rntl' t•ac h of tht thtt·1· day~ Al NC'wport Bc-al'h. about 120.000 swarmro to the sands on Sunday with slightly smallrr < r o wdc; o n Saturday and Monday - At LaR\Jna f'(•ac·h ltft•guarcb ri·portC'd :11:1 .000 p1·oplr• on Saturday, 28.000 on Sunday and laRht lTOWds on Labor Day· National W (•athC'r SC'rVH't• fnrc•c-astNs <;a1d shRhtly coolC'r and cloud1.-r wc•ather will prevail along the Orang<' Coast through w I' d n (' s d a y . w I t h h I g h tPmpC>raturcs 1n the• mid 71ls alonR thr h£>a<'h!'S, and 1n lhC' mid 80s 1n inland Orang£> County NATION By STEVE MARBLE Of lhe Dally Ptlol 81atf Pravatt• serv&l'C'<; wrll l1t lwld this W('(•k Cnr telev1s1on pmnc"t•r and personaJlly Dick L.irw. who died Sunday at his Lrdo l'h• homt• 111 N1•wport B<•ath H1• w.1, 8:1 L.Jnl' v. ho g o t his start rn vaudevrllt• and appc·.irt•d 1n hundrC'ds of mov1<'S. was bt·s t known for his exuberant. fast pat·ed broadcasts of wrcstlr ng matches and roller derby gam(>s, punc tuating his c-omm<•ntary with phrases ltk<' "Whoa. NC'lht•" HC' got his tclevtl'IOn start 111 Southern California by doinpt used c-ar ads . frt•quenlly slamming. d£>nl1ng and t'v1•n breaking th£> hC'aps he wai. selling In ont> ad , Laneo reportedly k1ckC'd a car f Pndn whale he was talking and lhl• fender promptly rattled to th<' ground Lanr was born rn 1899 at }lit'<' Anoth er Daley for Chicago? W1lJ Ch icag o have another Richard DaJey m the mayor's o ffice? The son o f the Windy City•s pohtacaJ legen d as we1ghmg his chances. Page C5. TELEVISION 'Taxi' s tar in high gear It's been an unusual year f or the star of U>levision 's "Taxi," Danny DeVito. He tells why on Page BS. SPORTS Lake., Wis . and grew up on .i fam1 /\s a teenagN ht• lourt·d Europ1· with a {lft·u s lit'> spt-t·aalty was trnngtnK uv lw. IC'<'l h from <1 mov1 ng bar at 1 h1 · top of the tent lie• appearro rn 256 rnov1t-s, 1 h1· latt•st being "Kansa <: <.'1!) Bomber" a roller derbv f1l11 1 st.amng Raquel W£>1ch · Lane moved to Cahforn1;1 111 1936 and began broadcasttn~ baseball, horse racing c1nd autnmob1le racing He tumro to wrestling matchC"S latt·r. ht•lpmg bring fame to SU(h wrt-stlt•rs a.' Gorgrous ~rgc· and Don HNI &'rrv He brought an inte nsity to till' dullest of matches. c-allang the· acuon as though descrrbmg thl' final mrnutf'S of a Super Bowl gam<' He• 1s <;urv1vNI by Iii'< w1f£' Esther. daugher Vll'toraa Ann, son Barry M1cha<'I and 11111• granddaugh tcr INDEX At Your S<>rv1c-e A4 Erma Bombt'ck B2 8usin~s 84-5 Cavalcade• 82 ClassifiC'd C5-8 Comics 86 Ot>ath Notices C5 Stan [)(>laplane 82 Edit~nal A6 En tc rtammen t 87 llulmd1t•1 11<:u ftt>d at report.a thtit llw Sw11111 havt.' r ct'eaved pt•1m1st11011 frum Warsaw to ., I o t tll l h t• t• rn b a s s y • 1 h;,ir.it·lt•ri11ng the da1ms as "µun• 111tt•rprt-Utllon of Monday's tornmuniqut.>" from the mart1aJ- IJw rc~1mt' urging Bern to "t•r\.,un· lht• ~'<:Unty" of Polish t.laplomau. Tlw nm1111un1que earned by th1· 11ff111al PoltSh news agenc:y l'AI'. !>aid , "T he S wiss .1n1bi1ssadur 1n Warsaw has ptutlllM'<I 10 lht• fac.'t? of thJS 8(.'l uf tt•rror1sm, thl• authorities o f ha' luuntry will take all r r 1 d 1 " pl' n !>a b I e rru· as u re s to 1 t' '> l •J r t• norm a I work 1 n g t1JrHJ1taon" lU the l'mbassy and tlw M'i.Unty of 11S staff " U.S . sees econo01y recovery TORONTO (AP) The Urutt-d Swtes 1s standing aJone in prl-dll·tmg a quick rebound for thl" world c•c-onomy and dr.5(.'0Unllng the· need for ma}Or ste~ t.o avert an international fm~al Cf1E18, • Trt'asury Secretary Dona.Id T Rt>gan t old bankers and govc·rnmcnt off1c1als from 146 nallons Monday that President Reagan's t'C'Onom1c policies are about to <;pa rk a w o rldwide fl't.'overy Nearly t•vcry other speaker at the op<mmg S<'SSion of the four - day JOllll annual m eeung of the International Monetary Fund and the· World Bank ;:iescnbed the st.a!A.' of the global economy as grim Som e suggested that strains on the world financial sys t em were becomi ng dangerous They called for 1mmed1ate action as dramatic as a new conferen{'t' to ronsrder replacing thC' IMF and the World Bank, redoi n g the wor k o f the landmark 1944 conference at Brett.on Woods. New Hampshire, where• a new world financial ordl.'r was erected from the rums of World War Il Rt•gan said recent declines rn U S inl('rest ratc-s and mnauon "prnv1df' only the hrst mk.hng o f thl' n•al benefits that the US. ,md world t"<'Onorrues will realne from the president's econ omic program" Bc·caus1· of U S policies, Regan said, "The stage has been sl'I fur a strong re<'Overy that 1s bt>cnmtng morC' probable and morP 1mm1n<'nl with each p<L-.smg day " Oth<'r Spt'akcrs presented a gloomtc•r view l-'1nance M1n1ster Ernane Galv1•as of 8 r8Zll, de8lgnated to spc•ak for all Latin American countrll'~. blamed the poli(')es of the developed natio n s for w1dl•n1ng the gap between n ch and poor "In thl• face of this dismal picture the mdust.naJ rountnes. who dc•t£>rmme the economic fatt• of th£> w orld , sit as if paralyU'd," GaJveas said Danish Econ omic Affairs M111 1ster I var N o rgaard, repres<'ntmg the 10 nations of the Eu ropean Common Market, said that since 1980. "Hopes of a revival 111 growth have been repeatedly disappomtcd and at pl'{'S('nt the growth performance o f the world econ omy is still discouraginR " 11 o rosro IX' 8 2 Ann Landt'rs 82 M ov1C'S 8 7 Public NollC't'S C4 Sport<; C l-3 Dr StC'mc-rohn 82 Stock Markets 85 Telt'vts1on BB Theal.(>rs 8 7 Weather A2 Angels, Dodgers gain ground Rams, Raiders cut veterans The California Angels and Los Angeles Dodgers each m oved closer to first place with victories over the White Sox and the Reds respectively. Page C l. •, 'I Some NFL fixtures -including the Rams' Frank Corral and the Raiden' ]v1ark Van F.eghen -find themselves out of a job. ~age C l .. • .. ,., ... ""' Or•nu• COHI DAILY PILOT !Tue1d1y, September 7, 1982 Firs t Lady to help Peruvian tot CTRESSES. ~ "She had mull1ple lraurna and net.>ded rune pmts of blood d she's likely to need more In lady her age. the magnitude of inJurieti ts very critical " She was hstt.'<l in cnucaJ lJut ble cond1t1on today . said rs1ng supervisor Leonard es aynor was fully cunsc1ous t unable to speak because of e r espirator, said Lewis. ·ause of Gaynor's age, he was luctant to say when 91-ie might out of danger Surgeons repaired Gaynor's rn bladder After the rauon, she t'Onunued to bleed om pelvic injuries, LewLS said c also had 11 broken ribs Martin, 68, broke two nbs and r pelvis and had a bruised dney She will be in the spi tal at least two weeks, wis said, and her injunes w1U • BOSTON <AP> Flrat Lady Nancy Reqan wlll ~ whether 1he can help • couple In Quincy adopt " ilck 3 ytiar old Pt'ruvhm orphan, Mn. Reaii1rn'11 prt-u M!Cl'Otar)' Nya. Chlldrt:n'9 Hoeplt&I In Botton h1t.11 agreed t.o admit Anita AJtto for h eart surgery , and an operatton on the t•h1ld la 8Cheduled for Thurwday Anita has a lite expectancy of ubout two more years without the 11urgery. She wa.a born wllh only one of the two normal heart ventricles. Officlals at Children's Hoepltal announced during the week~nd that a fund drive has netted enou gh money f or a downpayment on h08plta1 costs Going .h o m e followlng 1ur1iory, which a lcx:al CA&rdlologiat hu otfertid to do tor tree Mrt1 Kc·uga11'11 p1 l.'1'11 llt:('rt<tury, S hctlu Tutt', tolu tht.-Boaton Herald Amc.-rln an In a Wlt'phone lntA·rvi,·w, "l CM.JI LUl!lure you II will l>e very C'IOIM!ly looked al &nd tf tht·re l:l anything that cwt be done, 11he will do It We'll ~ what's poalble and talk to all the right people." The amount 1'ece1ved from the fund drive wa.t1 not immed1a~ly known, but John Wilhelm, vice president for finance at the hoepital, sald pled~es from the Boston area would 'enable us to admit Anita and schedule her surgery as soon as possible." Hospital offtc1als had said a AP Wlrephoto ke 1t uncomfortable for her ~r w eight for sometime" hen she walks I ~rodu ce r Paul Gregory, aynor's 62-year-old husband, ffered broken legs in the T we u niden tified rock k:is hold hand-m ade signs as they hitchhike home from the l 1S Festival in San Be rna rdino . / T he three-day r ock extravaganza drew ash, Lewis sa1d Both Martt.n d Gregorl' were "stable. ake and doing well." he said over 250.0 0 0 people . K illed was Ben Washer, artin 's longtime personal ger and companion PolJce said a van Sunday rught ove down hilly Franklin treet, apparently through a red ht, and barreled t.nto the right e of a cw· driven by Ronald Mesa cop hurt breaking up party . Gaynor, Martin, Gregory d ashbum were passengers, ing to dmnN at a Chinatown taurant ;"I only saw the van f.or a split , nd and 1t was coming like a 't out of you-know-what," said r ury, who received minor ~um.'S A Costa M esa police officer received minor injuries when officers were called to break up what was described as a punk rock party attended by about 300 at Rea Community Center. Patrick Anthony Craft, 21. Huntington Beach, was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery on an officer at 11 40 pm Sunday, police reported Officer Jo hn Smith was struck in thc- face · Four others 1dent1f1 ed by police as pattygoers were arrested at the fonner echool site at 661 Hamilton Ave The four, listed by police as Nicholas Lippa. 21, Chnstopher Loughran, 19, and Thomas Cla.rk Click , 19. we re arrested on susp1c;1on o f being d runk Mark Owen Stahl, 21. was arrested on susp1 c 1on of interCermg and rcsisttng arrest. Clouds are hack ,.,... alto e•pecled 10 tlnk a ,_ degr-lowe<. With high• ot 88 to 9• And vi11tor1 to Southilrn ---------=---C1Hlorn1a·a mountain area.a mey be <IMlt • r19<levl from tilt! heal by 1n ernoon Of evenlnQ lhundertho w~r• e nd POINT CONCEPTION 10 THE lemperatur .. Ill the ml<I 80e EXICAN BORIJE:H .ANO OUl Nof'lhern <1-1 hlghl forecast MILES -Oute< wet9f'a trom 11 IM 10 I()' <lurlng the holi<11y an Nlcoles 111end to Point -• Hpectll<I lo peak et 100 o~tlOn NOf'th..-St wind• 12 tpclay With no Change exp«:le<I 22 knota with 4 to 8 toot In the t02 to 1 tO-<legree hlgtis ombl"9d .. as through 1oc:11y to•ecut 111 low <111-11 outh 01 San 'Nk:otea ttland Lowa In do•ntow n Loa 911 10 eouthwe•• wind• 8 10 Ar>Qelel could dip to the tow 2 knots with 2 10 4~ foot -70. with • coutal IOw ot ~ 10 tsewhere Mostly 1011th to 70 predicted The Nattonal uthwMI wind• 4 to 8 knoll W ea t ll er Ser v I c • a • y • •OUQh today except soutllweet 1"1ermedtete v1ll•y low• wlll -t 8 10 t5 knoll during range from 82 to 88 with Iha hemoon hourt 1 to 3 fOOI mercury In the o-t tlnl<l"O 10 Ind wave• this allernoon 85 to 95 outh-1 twells 1 to 3 leet B o 1 t e r • t r o m P o I n t orecett Low ctouda and local Co11ceot1on to the M11 1<1can og tonight becoming pertly bo<<le< een ••peel night and oudy during ah11<noon noura morning low ciouos end perlfy .. __________ ._ dou<ly lltlel In the anernoon Wln<le will be mo91Jy 80Vth 10 eouttiwe11 •t ' to 8 knot• with a 1·10-3-IOOt IOUlh-1 awell NM hwMt win<ll ...tff range trom t2 to 22 knoll with 4-to-11-loot aae• lu ther than 80 mllH ot111lor1 lrom San Ntcotu t81en<I · •. '-;. Sllllllll<lr )' Show•• and thun<ler~ preed 11crou the Gull of e•lco early today , lhun<1eratorm1 were Kallere<I through the Wet\, and ctou<11 reed acroH the Ml<lwes1 Into ew England Tllere were m11ny 11>ower1 •nd thunderatorm1 over the 11ern Gull Coa11. w11n wtdely t c e tter e d ah o wera end llll.inderttOfma Over the rest of Flo<lde end tilt! -t•..n GuH Col l! Thun<111r1torm1 11110 ~curre<I over pull of New •••co Utah Colore<lo, r-r11ona N...,eda and Wyoming • Scall9f'ed lllunderatorm• -. torec:Ht for later t0<11y over 1orlda end the ce11tr11 Gull 0111, end widely 1cettered t howen and t1>u11derllhowera """e expected from nortllern Arizona to Utah end -tern OIOle<IO Cloudy eklH with wldely 1c 1 ttered 1how era and l hunderatorma wera pre<lk;t.0 from ... tern K11nH1 thrOUQll the ml<ldle M!Ululppl v.ii.y to Jhe ~ GrH t L.ak" en<I the up~ Ohio Valley Sunny to 1 rt1y ctoudr 11<te1 "'•'• orec:a11 for Iha re1t of the tlorl l•mperature• arounCI the natlorl M r!) tOd•Y range<I from 81 at Merqueh a. Mlett , to 91 Ill PhO«llX. . ) T e mpe ratures NATION Albll"'f Albuq~ ... ~ Atlanta Atlentc; Cty Austin BanlmOr• Bllllngt Blrmlnghm Blemarck Bot .. Boat on Brownavtle Buttalo Burllngton Cue>er CMmtn SC cnanttn wv Ch«ltta NC ~ Chlcego Ck>cinna11 C......en<I Clml>le 8C CokJfnbut Oat-Fl Wth Oey!Ol'I HI Lo PJ~ 74 •5 89 116 7& S2 ao s9 7t 69 93 119 81 6" 112 55 ~ &e 72 '3 82 52 711 511 93 78 oe n se 17 52 ~ 50 81 &4 81 6'4 78 66 70 46 01 81 11 1 79 6" ao 53 96 52 11 5t 19 113 ao ~ The FOfecasl For 8 p.m. EDT Tuesday September 7 •He T etures Dell,,., Del MotM& OetrOl1 Ouluth El Paao Fairbank a Fargo f'lsg111n GrNt Fall1 Hartl<><d He141<la Honolulu Hou11on lndnapU1 J11ck1n MS Jackanvtle June1u Kana City Kno•vllle ttllle Rock Louia'Yllle Lubbodl t.4empflt1 Mleml Milwaukee Mple-St P Naalwllle N-Orteen1 N-Vork NorfOlk No Plane O~la City Om•h• Orl1ndo Phll1dpllll Pnoenl• Piiia burgh P11and, Me Piiand, Ore Pro111<1eno9 ~:tf e11y R9"0 Salt l 911• Ren Ant()fllO • ..... A .. 1 t 1 2 72 79 92 113 97 8-4 7t 56 75 78 81 85 90 79 90 87 ~ 8-4 92 82 79 e4 ea ea 12 7& 13 88 78 75 81 "° Ill 92 n 108 90 72 11 16 19 70 93 ae. 17 '7 08 70 22 SS " 03 87 •5 •3 •8 38 48 45 7' 76 52 66 72 51 16 &e 25 111 113 55 11-4 70 78 t8 55 01 5t Ot 80 7t 80 &4 57 02 59 ae 74 .38 57 85 53 48 80 63 63 53 6e 5e 112 815 • .... .... .... '* 2 aw 2 aw 2 aw J w s..me 75 55 Shreveport 88 59 Sloo1t Fa111 79 53 SI loul1 so 59 St P·Tempa 93 74 St Ste Merle 63 43 52 Spokat1e 78 5-4 SyracuM 75 48 Topekl 114 ae 15 Tuca0<1 t01 74 Tutea 90 94 Waahlngtn 81 53 Wichita !12 83 CAUl'OftNIA Bake<1lleld 97 74 Blythe 101 Eurelca &e 58 Frnno 98 &4 Lane.et..-IXI &1 lot A~ 94 88 Maryavl " Montllfey 117 Needlel 107 Oakl•n<I 71 53 Puo Rol!>ln t01 57 R<ld Stull 98 89 Re<lwood City II() 59 Sac:temento 95 63 Satin•• 78 49 Sin Diego 91 10 Sen Francleoo 77 ~ Santa Berbara 80 611 Smog Whare to oell (loll 1rff) for :.1est ernoo lnfonnetlon: Onlnge County' (800) «6-3t26 lo• A11ge1e1 County. (100) 242-4022 AIYenl09 and 8en a.rn.t<llno oounti.· (IOO) 3417-4710 AOMO El>teoct. c.tltet· (IOO) 242-ceM Tides TOOU- Seoond t\fOll 12·20 p.rn 5.2 Secon<I to-t;49 p.m 1.2 WWDNllOAY ~ high 12:47 • "' 4'.1' ,,,,., low 1.21 '"' 1.7: Seoond hlgtl 12:03 p.m U hoond IOw 1-01 p.m 1.2 lvfl Mt• toda'r 81 7:11 p.m ., rleal w~ •t t ·30 •'" Moon r1M1 fO 01 p.lft .. MU W~ff'f a1 10.33 a m. ' $~.000 dOJX.l'lt for hoepll.lll ~ut.t which (.'Ould exceed $2~1000 wou10 ~ r\f!e<lf"d tor them to ag ree to perform the optirat1m1. The huaplu.l h111 depicted lt1 fund tor tree foreign cu~ The need for fund.a tor the opc-rat16n wa.a reported Fnday, &.nd donat1011.s poured 1n Dr Aldo Cutaneda, lhl· cardlolog1st who has offered to operate, isa1d that the operation w ould not cure the c hild 's t:ondition, but it "will increruie the oxygen concentration in her blood, allowing her to llvt• a more normal Ufe for a number of years." The Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Browns Mills, N .I , also offered to perform the 1urgery and p 1 ovldu ho9pltalliaUon fr~. The child LI l.n the tbmporary c:ustody of Robert and Ohme Ulchak of Quincy, MIUll , ».nd her medle&I vila expl..ree Oct. 19. When Peruvian new1papers r eported the child'• financial pUaht, U1chak Mid, "They're ln quf te an uproar ovttr here. They want to know what the girl I.a doing ln the United Stata and why 1he lan't sett.ina the proper treatment." The Ulch a k 1, b o t h 36, arranged for Anita to be brought here to have the operation. The couple aay they may not be able to afford to adopt her It they a.re torced to return to Peru with her A u i lu Asto Aquadettes oldies but goodies Hy 'l'be Asaoclated Preas Every year, the Aquadettes of Le1Sure World in Laguna Hills tram for nme months to put on a synchro nized s w i mm ing extravaganza, and the fact that the members range in age from 57 to 80 lS no hindrance. "For <1 bunch of old ladies, we're Ill ru. good shape as a lot of young men," said Alberta Lower, 80, the oldest member of the group. She said she never performed anything until she joined the Aquadettes, although now she's a seasonf'<l trouper . "Ever jbody thinks we're a bunch of old ladies, but we're not," said Vt Royer, one of the residents of the Leisure World rellrement community m Orange County, some 50 miles southeaat of Los Angeles. T h e Aquadettes pre pare a two-hour show in which they flow about the pooJ like porpoises, performing somersaults and flips and in some numbers showing their legs lJke chorus girls. "I love to be in the show I love to do the choreography," sa1d Ms. Royer. The theme for this year's show was a magic carpet ride around the world. The women performed to music from Japan, Spain , Scotland and othe r lands. For Doris Murphy, a sleek and spry 73-year-old, it's just the continuation o f an a thletic career S he said she doesn't even get sta~e fri~ht. "Nervous? I have no •need to be ne rvous," s he said. "I 'm swimming more today than I did in practice fo r the 1924 Olympics. I was 15 then, and I'll tell you I have the same charged feeling " Club President Eileen Allen said members o f the group 6"ctice al least once a week. They also m a k e all their costumes and se t s, a n d choreograph their own numbers. "This year we made 125 hata. We sewed from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p .m . every Wednesday," she said - Maude Hansen, the costume c hairman, said the brightly colored hats of netting and other fme material are trademarks of the Aquadettes Reagan facing veto showdown SANTA BARBARA (AP) - President Reagan, flying back to Was h ington after a 17-diry vacation, faces a veto showdown with Congress this week and begins a campaign travel schedule putting him on the road at least once a week until the November electioris. R eagan was due back in Washington today m time for a late-afternoon ceremony to present the nation's highest civilian award to Ambassador Philip Habib, who helped settle the crists in Lebanon At t h e invitation of the president, Habib's w ife was a passenger on Air Force One so she could be at her husband's side at the White House when he r eceives the M edal of F'reedowa Habib, who has spent most of the last three months in the Middle Eut,-also-will confer with Reagan al the White House on Wednesday. Their meetings will focus new attention on the president's Middle East peace plan and the resulting strain in relations with the Israeli government of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. _ With the just-con c lude d vacation, Reagan has spent all or part of 77 days of his 20-month presidency at. his mountaintop ranch, including 37 days this year. Reagan is expected to return to his 688-acre s pread m early October for a short stay over the Columbus Day holiday and also Is expected back at Thanksgi~ ~d Christmas. A day alter H.eagan's return to Washington. Congress goes back intn_sessil:>n, and one of its first actions is expected to be an attempt to override the president's veto of a $14.2 billion supplemental appropriations bill. Reagan is urgmg Congress to approve legislation more to his liking, with nearly $I billion less spending for domestic programs and more for the military. W ith ou t a new bill, the government likely will have no money to meet a payroll for the nation's three million service men and women on Sept. 15. A similar crisis developed at the end of last month, but the admi ni st rati on took extraordinary 1teps to see that the military was paid. Brooks Broth ers peciaJ Order. Your i nd i v i d uality- ' o u r \vor k m an sh i p I la: pnpul.1111\ ,,1 tlu-. "h :p .1rt11h·1H ..tltt..''I' to lht: numhc:r ol nwn wh,1 f111J 11 J1ffi'-ult 1\1 he: f 11t l•J 111 rc:atl v-m.iJ ". c luthtn~ I n ~pct 1al OrJl·r. \OU ~1 ur tl1vt:r\d1 c:J 't.' IC\.. I inn of nvc:r luur hundn:J 1.1hr1'-'· man\ of \\h1d1 .irt.• woven t:'Xclu~1 ve l y for u:. t 1011 . 1h1' l·..111 we offer a n except tonal new tolkl llon ul Italian worslcds. Next. you ma) -.pcnfv van;11urn' on uur own regular model" of ~uih .111J ... pos tw<.-ur. Your dolhing 1s then matlc 111 our w11rkro1)m:. hy o u r 1)wn t:'Xpcrt:. The c h aqo(c for thi:. service ts surprisingly moJ eratc . Suit'\· $41 5 to $630 Sponcoats: $335 to $480 Trou!.cr:.: $120 to $160 Topcoats: $445 to $770 Formal Wear : $45~ to $670 U TA1141SHID 1111 cfiJij~&Ji)/tu.f/ ~~@D furnishtngg forllm. Womm ~loy~ 530 WEST 7TI I STREET, LOS AN OR LBS, CALIF. FASHION IS LANO. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. ·1 I ,Orange Coaet DAILY PIL.OT/Tuelda~. September 7, 1882 .--------------------------+----------------------------------------------- Filling up 21 ,000 (e tt high A U.S. Air FoN·e BI A bom~r ~ides in from right (above) to e ngage an uir-to-air refue li , p-ob c of a KC-135 tanker 2 1,000 feet over no rthern Maine. ri~ht , the refue ling missio n is accomplished. Lenses foll w Reagan SANT A BARBARA (AP) - The mountaintop ovNlooking President Reagan's ranch has been dubbed "Violation of Privacy Peak" by Whatl' House staffers irritated at network camera crews trying to take pictures of the vac·ationmg chief executive. Each day, crews from ABC. CBS and NBS trek up into the Santa Ynez Mountains and focus powerful lenses down on Reagan's ranch, about 2 112 miles away, hoping for a picture of the president horseback riding or -d&ing.-ran<.•ll ehetoes.-• -·-- The competition for the closest s h ~t has been gradually escalating with the arrival of more and more powerful equipment on each Reagan vacation One network c·orrcspondent privately calls 1 t "the stlly millimeter war." This trip. there is unanimous agreement among the crews that CBS took top honors wa th a m otor powered reflector teleS<:o (('ns usually used for astrono work. CBS a meraman Greg Amadon · 1d the network was renting he lens. rated at a max1mu 40.000 milhmeters, for $600 a -k Crom a company in San Fra ·o. On a ~~ent clear morning, CBS was~ e t.o zoom m on the president v. king from his ranch house t.o t.a tables Viewers saw the preside brushing down his horse and r 'ng away. Reagan's privacy. "It affends my sensitivity to pnva<:y," admits CBS producer Susan Zinnsky. However, she argues Reagan gave up his right to privacy when h e ran for president. Even so, she said the cr ews stay on t.he mountain long enough only to get a s hot of' Reagan's activity, usually four or five hours a day, and are not camped out at the observation post around the clock . The CBS ictures are so good The networks' lens and camera lb a.L . A. pr ad~.c.e-'7-L.~--equ~-&l-end underneath-~a­Me1dl1ng~r 1d .he. 1s thmk11tg tent on the· mountaintop to shield about usinQa s1m1lar lens on it from the sun during the day. future trips At night, all the equipment is NBC prodkr Jim Lee said his protected by a guard who also crew's lens, thile not as big as watche~ ov~r a microwave the one usd by CBS. is so transm1ttmg dish. powe:rful th<11t can't be u!W"'d at For his part, the president 1s fuU strength1eeause heal waves not concerned ab o ut th e and haze dis~t the picture. ABC intrusion, according to one aide. and CBS hava similar problem, ''I think he thinks it's a little and 1t show1 up with a wavy silly," said the official. "It's the picture on thlnews. same stuff every day. He feels The Reaga, staff IS not alone sorry for the cameramen who m its concen about the loss of have to go up there every day." Donovan scan~al: How it rnushrcorned NEW YORK (AP) It began as the "dirt scandal," an which the city paid $500,000 for a pile of sand which it already owned But within a week. thlS case of local corruption rnvolved a gangland slaying and new questions about Labor Secretary Raymond J. Donovan's troubled public life. Donovan's headaches seemed to have been resolved in June when special prosec utor L eon Sil- verman said there was not enough evi- den ce to support al- I e g at 1 on s ~ that Donovan OOHOVAN was mvolved with racketeers and knew about payoffs made by his fonner firm. But his problems returned last week with reports that the city had been duped into paying $500,000 to a contract.or for sand it had dug from city property. The firm. Jo-Pel Construction and Truc king Co .. was an important subcontractor for Schiavone Construction Co .. a New Jersey company where Donovan once was the top financial officer. The story contmued, gangland style, Aug . 25 when a 31-year-old man was murdered in his car on a Bronx street. Hundreds of witnesses saw three men speed off in a red Pontiac w hose license plate number was plainly visible. Investigators found two surprises. Th v1ct1m , Nathan Masselli. had .n interest in Jo- Pel So did hilfnprisoned father, who had a nkname "B1Uy the Butcher" ad a record that md1cated he \\S a member of the Genovese cnr? family A key lmllsurfaced the next day: both hher and son had cooperated wh Silverman, who recently hd r eopened his 1nvest1gat10 of reports that Donovan \tS rnvolved with orgaruzed crhe during his career at Schiavone Nathan t.sselli, who had no criminal rea-d. was the second f igu r e 1 th e Donovan mvestigatia to be murdered. In Junf Fred Furrno. a former Tensters union official who had~een interviewed several tin11 by Silverman. was found shoto death m the t~k of his carm Manhattan's East Side. No uspects have been arrested iiJhat case. OCf1c1<19 said that when Nathan Msselli was killed, his father, ~llegrino William MasseUi, lid been scheduled t.o testify ag'1 by Silverman m the renewedDonovan inquiry. Si lve rron reopened the investigatWi last month, but has not said "1at prompted the new probe. The hher had agreed to cooperae in the original investig1ion after Schiavone officials efused to pay Jo-Pel some $~.000 which Masselll claims ifis owed, according to Sllve~'s report. "I'm llpposed to eo away Mondayput I don't have to if I help the government," Masselli r eported l y told Sc hiavo ne counsel Morris Levin last December "They wiU help me if I give them a nyone in Schiavone con s truc tion," Masselli told Levin. After his son's murder, the prison guard on Masselli was tightened and the FBI moved into the case. Silverman told reporters he was "dtstressed at the death of any person who was mvolved in the investigallon I am conducting." The weekend of Aug. 28, a man police-said was one of three seen fleeing the scene of Nathan Masselli's death surr:endered to the Bronx district attorney. Salvatore Odierno, 67, was described by a prosecutor at his arraignment as a veteran soldier in the Gambino organized crime family. He had, said District At torney Mario M e r o la, "survived a lifetime in a very hazardous occupation." Merola succeeded in getting the suspect held without bail· pending a hearing. Odierno's neighbors on Lo/fg Island described him as a friendly yet quiet man who gave them vegetables from his garden. A punting aspect of the Masselli s laying was the clumsiness of the hit. Masselli was gun ned down in early evening near a brightly lighted playground, where there were hundreds of witnesses. And the killers drove oU in a car which could be easily traced. ORANGE COAST-' Cl•-H"led •dvertl1lng 7141142-M71 All other dep•rtment1 &42-4321 Daily Pilat I Thoma• '· Haley Pvbl•V... ond Ch·ef hecut••• Ol*o• Jone AmOfi E•ecvh•• Ed11or L. Kay Schulta Voce P,e1den1 ond Oirector ol Adwe<Ot1ng Mkhoel '· Harvey l>iftcror of Mot~el"'O ICotculolionl Thoma~. Murphln• dolor ' Ro~d Mod.on O<'llfole< Kenn•tfN. Goddard Jr. ()Ir ec>t of ()perotlof>I MAIN OfFICE m Wetl ... it , (•I•-. CA, Mall •-u 8oa IMO, Coale Me~. CA ni.M ,...,,19114 ,., Or .... Ceelt "'*'"""-,_.,. No~ •tonet. llh1t1ra11.,1. ectllorlel m~ or .. vortlM-U lleffi11 may ... r..-M«tll wffi.A _ ................ of,_,...,._, WE'RE CLOSING you are hard to leave Store Closes Sept.--~8th Savings u~ uper . ~~vi ng! all size~ to soo;0 off Quant1t1es Limited available· •LADIES' BETTER BLOUSES Orig. $20-$32 ............. Now 9.99 •ALL LADIES' SWIMWEAR Orig. $12-$25 . Now 3.99-5.99 •LADIES' CASUAL PANTS Orig. $16-$26 Now 5.99-11.99 •WOMEN'S SUMMER TOPS Orig. $8-$15 ..... Now 1.99-2.99 •MISSES' 2 PIECE SHORT SET o rig. $18 .................... Now 4.99 •POL VESTER PULL-ON PANTS Orig . $12 .................... Now 3.99 •ALL LADIES' SKIRTS Orig. $16-$29 ............. Now 6.99 ACCESSORIES •ALL MEN'S & WOMEN'S SUNGLASSES Now 250/o off •SELECTED WATCH BANDS Now 50% off •SELECTED EARRINGS Now 50% off COSMETICS •ALL REVLO ... COSMETICS Now 50°/o off •ALL CHARLES OF THE RITZ- Fragrances Include, Jean Nate, Enjoll, & Rive Gauche Now 50% off •ALL PRiNCE MATCHABELLlc Includes make-up & fragrances Now 30°/o off , PATIO ;:JRNITURE •5 PIECE SET 0 Y ACHT HARBOR" Orig. $439 .... ~ .. ~r!!Y. ...... Now $249 •CHAISE LOUNGES Orig. $189 . ........... .. ..... .. Now '99 SHOES •WOMEN'S CONVERTIBLE SANDALS orig. s21 .... : ............... Now 7.99 •BfUEFS, A-SHIRTS or T-SHIRTS Polyester/cotton. Package of 6 Value $13 ., .................. Now 7 .99 •MEN'S NOVELTY T-SHIRTS or19. $7.50 ................. Now 1.99 I •MEN'S SWIMWEAR Orig. $11-$18 ............. Now 3.99 · •MEN'S PANTS . orig. s20-s24 .............. Now 9.99 •MEN'S CASUAL' SLA'F4'S Orig. $20-$26 .......... OW 9.99 . •MEN'S SPOATCOATS . orig. $55-$70 .......... Now 29.99 ,,, CHILDREN'S •GIRLS'SUMMEA TOPS or19 . 3.50-$6.50 ........... Now 4r •GIRLS' ATHLETIC SHOATS Orig. 3.so-ss .............. Now 1.99· •GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR Orig. $8 ...................... Now 1.99 •BOYS' SWIM SUITS Orig. $9-$12 .............. . •BOYS' BETTER SHIRTS Orig. $9-$15 .: ............. Now 3.99 •BOYS' 100% COTTON JEANS Orig. $11-$14.50 ........ Now. 4.~ •BOYS' CANVAS JACKETS Orig. $14 .................... NOW· 5.99 VIDEO & CAMERAS •NIKANOS IV-A with 2 len ... 1 only . orig. s120.9a ............ · Now $449 •ASTEROIDS VIDEO CAATAtDGES Orig. $29.95 ..... :...... Now· 14.99 BEDDING •SELECTED BEDSPR!AD8 . : Orig. $40-$65 ... Now ~o/o on •SELECTED SHEETS, PILLOW SHAMI a BEDSKIRTS . , Orig. S 19-$30 .:: Now 50%' Oft ". JC Penney IJ~~ Newport Beach only 'hey show how io. meet men F~CES D'EMILIO The climax ~f a day of th~y set dreamy-eyed when dlta~lntm •nt.f Nol ~very man ,,_ •ttw fant.a1l1lna. 90uJ-eearchlna and picturing the man they want to you meet you havt> to marry. SAN FRANCISCO -From common-aenae thinktn1 11 90 marry, aaya Bartholomew. Men are juat u detperat and ~ wlndow of Carolyn Keila.ma' mlnuttl to hear what five men -She went about her 1ean:h for confua d at women when ll lk-up ap&111nent, you can aee from a 22-year-old llnaut1tlca a man In a aJJgh\ly dlfterent way. comes to tlf'\dlng a potcntJal date. e M • r I n a S a f e w a y trainer to a 8~-year'l<old·l•h ' She made a ll1t of Important Men are crushed when you tum permarkel, a legendary "meat "•liver tox" type -WaJ\t to aee qualltle1, then cro11ed out them down. Men are flattered rket" for San Franclaco In, and hear from, a woman. anythlnl that. waan't eacnlla1. when you ask them out. aip,lel. "Whatever your phyalcal Her Indepe ndence was, but Kellama aaya It'• aU common jGet.tlng picked up at the characteriatJca are, there'• a man even that could be aacrlflced sense, but aome women rtood to ~wllng grocery emporium ls out there who Uk.ee youn," aald when 1he met the man of her hear It from someone else. She subject of jokes ou hear 100n Kellana, 38 and a widow. "Sort dream• in January. That's the te 1 h wom e n, "If you're a r you move to ~an Franclaco. of like the advice my mother aamemonthahemetKellamaand Interesting, people will be F r man Y Yb u n g a Ing 1 ea. used to give me -there'• more dlacovered they "both had a lot Interested In you." She calls It wever, the joke losea ita humor than one fish ln \he sea, honey, of men In \heir lives and they ·"The. Dale Carnegie" approach to the months pus by, datelea. even for you." both knew a lot of single women datJng. · common complaint among Kellams, who bookl 1peechee who didn't." Other tips from the two wpmen In this city where an for a 11 vi n g, a a ya ah e's A a o f t e n h a p p e n a , women: Most people don't stiow eftimated 15 percent of the lnterviewed about 70 men to find Bartholomew'• dream man, their true colora, If they have pfpulation is homosexual is that out what they want In a woman. whom she'll marry In October, any, In bars. eheck out men on a lf9 man isn't gay or married, he's The research wasn't exactly wasn't a mllllonaire. 'plane and ask one after you land in.demand, or he'a quite stuck on scientific, but the resulta were "I figured I could make to share a cab with you. Yes, you ~lf. · interesting. Far from seeking enough money, but that I needed can meet men ln social clubs and One solution -for $70 and 8 ~ Playboy cover material, men someone to manage my money," classes. hqu.rs 'Of your time, ~ellams and want "spiritual qualities," like ah~ said of her fiance, whom she One friend signs up only for Sye Bartholomew wtll tell you eyes that reveal soul and good met at a seminar. classes that let you get a full how to "Master \he Fine Art of posture, Bartholomew says. Remember, she tells women, refund if you drop out after two Meeting Men,." Since you don't have to be when ma~ your shopping list . or three sessloM. That's two or The fee nught dissuade some. gorgeous to meet Mr....B.ight,. lbe for-a man, 'it isn't carved in three times to check out your But Bartholom.ew, originally wome~ou can learn how to marble." ~t.es and decide If anyone -trPm -Grte~1c.h ... Jl:.1141laad , meet a roan, jus.t like you can Most of the advice at the intrigues y6u. o~e er Cockney accent to learn how to get a job. seminar has been given -and "You never know where your "~pecia l ize in meeting But while women may be ignored -before. knight in shining armor wlll ~onaires." hard-nosed about career goals, Big expectations lead to big show up," says Bartholomew, 29, _, .......... Sue Bartho~mev (left} and Carolyn Ke llams disluss ihe a rt of meeting m en. For $70 and ei[ht hours of your time, they'll show yo~ too. ! Now Europe's masses are playing along the f am~d Riviera -. <• change for centuries, but Surface change is evident at a democratization is encroaching. glance. NICE, France -The Riviera France's Socialist government The rich and famous who still this season features a be11ch war · has ordered the demolltlon of migrate here stay mostly within starring Brigitte Bardot, a battle private walls bloc.king -access to their landscaped precincts, between writer Graham Greene beaches, including Miss Bardot's. leaving the masses in public and the local Mafia, Socialists New taxes have thrown real view. -aoaking the rich, and hordes of estate into chaos, and unsold Enough gold-lame glitter and nude extras. million-dollar villas flood the bare -breaat~d insouciance f 'market. remains, in a setting of gardens No longer the preserve 0 , Petty crime -known as and Napoleonic spendor, to give crowned heads and literary "petite violence" -is blamed Nice the 24-hour feel of an luminaries, the Cote d' A.zur -h Fr h R' · · locally on NOrth Africans here Asbury Park run wild. t e e~c iviera ls now. an under relaxed immigration The lighted "C" ia out at the elegant, if overrun, s~erume po. licies and on penniless Palals de la Mediterranee, so \he playground for Europes masses. b~ckpackera who sleep on looming word "ASINO" casts a ~r.a!a...fl~-Whe~ae+dy air e..,e• the •ilea and medieval walls have resisted paused on their strolls. beach front Promenade d es I Anglais. The promenade's six merchants grumble tk most focused on caslno tak(!Overs, real traffic lanes clog with greasy-won't pay $2 for a cup coffee. estate scams and· drug deals, all haired kids in convertibles In between, vegetabl patches with the alleged protection of making kissing noises at pas&ng and empty lots overf with certain authorities and police blondes. campers, ~nts and trairs wi\h officers. O~tside, scruffy youths with license plates from falfway Cannes, with thriving casinoe, backpacks look in horror at the around the world. a wait-list at the yacht basins and posted menu prices and cross the Along the coast, nEfspapers patrols with Getman shepherds boulevard to eat tomatoes and are filled with signs of tle times: to keep the riffraff at bay, cheese on the sand. They sleep in gang Ugh ts betwea North exudes its old ambience. But it, \he train station, on beaches and African laborers and JeJ toughs; too, has changed. • in parks where \he city has not deaths from druglcwerdose; Now at the Carlton Hotel, yet" planted st icky bushes to people stabbed b:,tnuggers~ fewer than one car in 10 in \he discourage tl\em. wealthy Leban~ese l!lieved of.. flowered driveway is a Rolls- Furlher west, beyond what jewelry in spec heists. Royce. Others include a jeep purists call the Riveira. St. This xear , sin Gral'l am wi\h Arizona plates, owned by a Trepn hM ite ttS'*el l ,~pePeel'\'°"~ --<GETP!re""e""nlflle-JB•' if'lbehe~l!it-f!htstt:!' ~e,.~inwtei&-ttthM>e~.!iSeiettdtH!t:-ln-peeh ,is.ee., A:llRM·~· ...--'!! summer population increase. but Riviera Mafia, at!ntion has heard as much as English.' Give your appliances the afternoon off. other applianc~ And the total electrical load Gt1 get too heavy. So use your air corilitioning sparingly. When you're hane, please set it no lower than 78'?When you go out, turn it to 85° 01higher. That way you can help li ten the peak load, delay building )ow power plants, and help provide ough electrical power on w~y By PAT HOROWITZ Of"the D.., Not lteff DEAR PA~ WW yoa pleaae ~elp me wllla die wk of obtahaiDg my $1%.H ref111ld for a retaned 1weater from Sportpagea ID Dalla1? I've wrltteD, called ud alway• am told dley are takiag care of It, IMlt DOllalDI bappeu. I ordered th 1wea&er Ju. H ud retaned It Feb. lt becaue It clld.D't flt. , D.C., Lapu Beacla A)'S contacted Sportpages. Although no explanation was offered for-the delay, your refund check is being issued immediately. Battery problem solved DEAR PAT: I have a Japueae travel alarm clock ID Deed of Dew bat&erlet. SlDce dtere't DO model Damber or brud ume oa the clock, I am laav1D1 a U..d time replacta1 tile batteries. I need UM3, RI or AA batteries. Do yH now where I can ftad daem! C.L., Butlngton Bea~ Marvac Electronics, 1817 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Mesa, carries the batteries you need. Naming hurricanes DEAR PAT: Who 1tarted die caatom of namlDg tropical hanica.ne1 after women and wlaen did it be1ln? Al10, wlaat year were mea'1 name• added and can uyone aaggest a Dallle for harrlcaaea? l..E., lrvlDe It all began casually enough with a hurricane called Marla in the 1941 novel, "Storm," by George R. Stewart. The practice grew during World War II and In 1953 it became official National Weather Service policy. A U.S. proposal that both male and female name1 be adopted for hurricanes, starting tn 1979, was accepted by a committee of \he World Meteorological Org~tlon. Al\hough hurricane names are choeen ln advance, you could ~·suggestions to the National Weather Service Headquarters, Chief, Public Servlcea Branch, 8060 13th St., Silver Spring, Md. 20910. Moving lips a11ailable \ DEAR PAT: I bow profes1leul moven pn~1=lpfel tips for tMtr cu1omen, "' 11 u like daat avallQle for ,..,ae wllo jut reat a tnd: ud lllffe tMmHl .. 111 l!m · ..,.. .. ,., •llCll a mon ... ewld ae w pod adCVlce abo•t laow t. ,.ell tile tnek. L.L, C..ta Meta , Pacldna dpa. alona with io.d.lna advice1 are available ln a free, ~pap sU1de lrom the U-Haul Co. Request: Movtna Gulde, Dept. MM, P .O. Box 2iG03, Phoenix, Ariz. 8G036. .. A town is like a model electric train. When the electrical load is evenly distributed throughout the day, there's enough power to go around. But on hot afternoons, factory, office and home air conditioners come on. Add washers. And dryers. And ovens. And enoug to go ound all day long. . to .go~un .. I Child actor laws need teeth? LOS ANGIL.ES (AP) -tu 1ona u there have been moviee,· then have been children .ct.lna ln them. But aft.er the death of two children ln a movie ecddent 1Mt month, 80fD8 otfidall uy effona to enforce the 1trict. chlld·labor law• are hampered by mild penaltlea and, h'l 1ome ca1e1, parent.a who are too happy thelr ktd1 are in the movies to be vtallant. . The two children who were killed along with actor Vic Morrow when a helicopter went out of control on a fiery movie aet wete workina too late at night and had no work pennJta, state officlala aald. Some hope the accident will help effort.a to stiffen penallties for violators of chUd·labor law. "/u a general deterrent, the penal ti ea are low. They are antiquated and need to be revised," ·said state Labor Commiaaioner Patrick Henning. He lntenda to propose tougher penalties in the next aession of the Leglalature. Crimlnal violations of the state Labor Code dealing with children are considered mi8demeanora, and the penalties range up to $250 and six months in jail. Civil penalties range from $100 to $1,000 depending on .whether the offenses are life- endangering. "U you've got a $100,000 day and you might get fined $500 for working a child overtime, it's no bi& deal," said Colleen Logan, regional director of the state Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. "Even if the My-ca Dihn Lee, Jodie Foster, Liada Blair violation ls crimjnal, they will go out of control. only get a fine. They never get .a1 "It was absolutely illegal," jail." w Logan said. '1The children Within 60 daya, her office will shouldn't have been there at that begin a series of hearings on hour. They (the producers) revisions to close gaps in the law, didn't have work permits for the not or;ily for Hollywood but for chlldref\. They were using other dangerous jobs, such as explosives, in which case tl)e replacing targets at shootinJ( children wouldn't have been ranges and selling flowers at permitted to work at all. There freeway ramps where children was no teacher to look out for are in danger of being hit by can their welfare." or robbed. The accident happened on a set "Basically, we have a good law -if it iJ o~yed." Logan said. Morrow, My-ca Dihn Le, 7, of Cerritos and Renee Shinn Chen, 7, of Pasadena1 were killed at 2:30 a .m . July 23 during a Vietnam War ane. Explosions being detonated in a river about 50 miles north of Los Angeles caused a low-flying helicopter to for a movie being produced by Steven Spielberg for Warner "Bros. Inc. Three individuals have been slapped with $5,000 clvU fines each for violating child labor laws, and state officials are investigating possible criminal violations. "I was shocked that the children were working at 2:30 in the morning and that there was no welfare worker." Mid Gene Reynolds, a child 1tar in the ~9201 and moet r9'Contly executive producer of the "Lou Grant" TV aeriee. "Pan of tho problem la that we alwaya eeem to need eomethina more 1pectacular to top each other, and everybod{. wants to ru1h because tfme 1 money," Reynolcb aald. Parenti can be another part of the problem. "Some parent.a are IO pleued' to have thelr children tn mpvle1 that they aren't aa vlgllant aa they would be," Logan aaid ... For 1ome, the money la a factor." "I don't think it (the accident that killed Morrow and the two children) waa becawie of a lack of regulations. It was just BOmething that allpped through the holea," aaya Kim Fellner, spoke1woman for the Screen Acton Oulld. The flnt law protecting child actors WU puaed in 1929. "There were problems With minors in dangerous jobs not not only in the movies but l!l every industry. when our laws were passed tn the 1920. to protect them," said Frank Bacon, an investigator for the state Division of LabOr Standal:da Enforcement and the chief investigator on the Morrow case. "I remember 1eelng old Mack Sennett silent movies with kids chasln. around in cars and such things,' he said. A child now must have a job promise, a health certificate and at least a "C" average to get a theatrical work permit. A child can spend no more than eight Fighter Flight Entertaiqer. Robert Goulet smiles after. an orientation night in· an F -4 Phantom jet at Nellis Air Force Base recently. Goulet, currently performing in Las Vegas, is an active supporter of Air Force programs and was able to hop a ride in the jet fighter. hours a day on the set, and three of them must be allotted for education by a teacher who also looks out for the child's well- being. Logan decided the sex scenes in "Taxi Driver" were too explicit for teen-age actress Jodie Foster, and she refused to permi actress Linda Blair to undergo' grueling five-hour make-up sessions for "The Exorcist." ' 1 Both movies were shot outside ~ California. .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'•· Farming board 100 years old SACRAMENTO (AP) -It was created a century ago to study "diseases of the vine." The state Board of Viticultural Commissioners, founded in 1880, evolved into the California Department of Food Agriculture which today gets into just about every aspect of the state's farming. The work ranl{es from protecting consumers from bad food to protecting farmers from bad. pests, controlling the quality and keeping track of the quantity of food grown in California. · It takes the efforts of 1,600 full-time people and 2,000 temporary employees working with a department budget of $17 million and uaiated by county agricultural staffs throughout the at.ate. Sometimes, the agriculture department finds itaelf in the midat of controversy u when it ii involved in balancing the need to protect crops from bugs with environmental concerns over 'widespread uae of pesticides. But more often, various units of the department are involved in technical work of interest mainly to segments of agribuainess affected by particular controls. "It's basically a regulatory agency," aaya Dick ,Thompson, the department's public information 1 officer. The Food and Agriculture Department's regulations have broad.impact on the health of the at.ate'• agribusiness industry and the food it supplies to oonsumera in California and ellewhere. Here's a brief description of the department's eeven divisions: -Animal industry division inspects meat and dairy products to make certain they are "safe, wholeaome and properly labeled." Inspections alaO are aimed at preventing animal diseases which could cause eerlous financial 1Cl88el to producers. -The plant industry division provides reaearch data to avoid harmful pests and weeks. The reteareh is uaed for home gardens, forests and parka as well aa farms. -The inspection services divbon regulates the ,manufacture, labeling and sale of fertilizen, feed and drugs, inapection and certification of fresh fn.aita, vegetables, nuts and other crops for grade. quality, condition Gld weight. -The marketing services diviaion prod~ crop and Uvest.ock reports, including each county's annual summary of its grom crop values for the previowa year. This diviaon also administers 30 marke:& orders for individual crope and the state's marketing program. • -'Ille pest management division regulates ~ reptration, sale and uae of pesticides. -The measurement standards division tries w make certain that the weight ar volume in thino camumera buy att as stated. Thia divilk>n reaches well beyond apulture into 1uch areas aa the accuracy of guoline pumps and the quality of petroleum producta. -Finally, the Division of Fairs and Expositions financially uaistl and aupervl.les the .tate fair and 80 local fairs where farmers ahow off the best of the crops they've grown that year. I 0 'r ~c 1J(1>t111rr:-{r .lft't' '.0~ . I· l I , Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, lepttimber 7, 1912 ark resiaents merit ~quitable treatment f As the ea"lifornia Legislature want to convert the buildings into ~ved into the final hours of its homes for park employees or for p effort was made to olfer the like. =on last week, one final last-transient rental to biker clubs anq e equity to residents who rent Logic would ask lt the tageJ at the · newly-created cottages restrict beach access now, stal Cove State Beach Park. how will that access suddenly t effort failed. improve when stat.e employees or 1 The controversy involves the biker club members are occupying ~ct that the cottage dwellers are tbose same buildings? der state eviction orders and, El Morro's mobile homes nless there is some kind of stretch al.ong the beachtront and gislative or judicial int.ervention, up into the adjacent canyon. How rpust get out by June 30, 1983 i! is it that these residenti~ uses do t.Jiey·are part-time residents. Full-not apparerttly restrict beachgers time· residents have another year while the cottages at Crysfill Cove 'df grace. • 'do? • The inequity here is . that The plain fact of the matter is ·dents of El Morro Trailer Park, that the two situations are very mediately downcoas.t from similar. It would take a wild st.al Cove and also part of the stretch of the imagination to state park property, were granted determine that one place has 20-year leases. easier public access than the other. There is no reason under logic It could be argued with some that the Crystal Cove residents logic that· state officials made a should be treated any differently terrible error in granting the from the El Morro residents. 20-year lease extensions at. El State Sen. Paul Carpenter, Morro and that all of the park D-Cypress, attempted to quietly lands should have been cleared for place a rider on an unrelated bill public use. · that w ould have granted the P erhaps. But that isn't what Crystal Cove people 20-year happened. Clearly, residents of leases, just like El Morro. the two areas were treated in an Some legislative forces lined uneven manner. One gro~p was up opposition and it became allowed to stay 20 years. The k n o w n t h a t t h e B r o w n other was given walking papers. administration would oppose State officials should now Carpenter's proposal. So he regroup and mend the error of withdrew the rider rather than their inconsistency. Crystal Cove place the entire bill in jeopardy of residehts should be. granted the -failure. same kind of grace that was S o m e r a t h e r f l i m s y offered at El Morro. arguments have 1>eerr-offered-tt>-~ ••If that is attvmptish , suggest that the Crystal Cove officials might well find that the situation should be treated permanent and longtime Crystal differently from adjacent El Cove residents could be a real Morro. One is that the Crystal asset in the evolutionary Cove cottages restJ:ict a~ to the development of the state beach beachfront. State officials say they park. An underh.anded trick It was a glaring example of the sort of legislative trickery that c8n take place in the last-minute scrat:nble as a session of the Legislature draws to a close. An illogical bill that appeared to have been killed last year, suddenly resurfaced and was passed 20 minutes before midnight last Tuesday: -· The highly controversial measure introduced by Senate Republican leader William Campbell, prohibits cities and counties from banning the sale of fireworks. At present 82 cities, including s uch major centers as Los Angeles. San FranciSco and San Diego, ban such sales. When it was first introduced last year, fire officials and city representatives from throughout the state trekked to Sacramento to oppose the measure. It passed the ·Assembly, but failed to win Senate approval and was presumed defunct. It now turns out the bill had remaine.d in the Senate's "unfinished business" file so Campbell, after remaining silent on the matter all year, resurrected • it on the last day of the session and succeeded in winning a favorable 21 to 16 Senate vote minutes before the deadline. The Hacienda Heights senator freely admits that he introduced the bill as a favor to a friend who heads an Anaheim-based firm that is the largest producer of so-called safe and sane fireworks .in the country. Fireworks interests have long been fighting to overturn local laws prohibiting sales. In a singularly illogical twist. the measure, while requiring that sales be permitted, does not seek to restrict cities' rights to control or limit where "fireworks may be set off. In short, their use, but not their sale, may be banned. A Los Angeles city councilman bas rightly called the measure "special -interest legislation at its wo~." He, along with other lOcal government and fire officials, is urging· Gov. Brown to vew the bill, which is a clear attempt to undermine local control of a situation deemed potentially dangerous. · TPe governor should lose no time in doing just that. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of ~heir authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd I Non·-voters pay Q. If you don't vote ln Australia, you have to pay a fine. Any other country'? A. Belgium and :Ecuado~, too. The smallest pacemaker -about the alr.e of a wristwatdl -lasts 14 years. Q. What's the standard height of doors ln Japan now? , A. lt'a 5-feet-11.5-lnches. Thirty years .,o. the l1andard door height there wu 5-feet-8.l~tnches. Avera,e 20 year-old Japanese man now s1ands 5-feet-6.4 lnchea tall. Average But a recent study of varioua professionals ln Europe concludea that dent&ta over there are the biggest tax dodgen. Q. In ~usine98 -ieiter, when you write a money amount like ''fortY dollars," shouldn't you alao write (t pa.renthettcelly in figures like ($40)? A . Why? To make it harder to forge a different fieure? Or to insist not once but twice on the exact amount? Either w~, it'• none too cordial. It's insulting\ in feet. Fleas rlm about 80,000 t.o the ounce. •20:-year-old Japaneae woman la Q. Why In the world would Prtnoe 6·feet-1. 7 inches t•ll.' Average Charles of England siand on hla head Japeneae two pnerattona 880 was for three mlnu\es every day? cionaderably more than two ~he:e A. It's ln hla daily exerc:t.e. routine. aborter. · Remember, you can defrost ~ Do den.tilts cheat on their tl'ftler fairly quickly. lf you \lie yc)ur taxel7 Unthinkable! Not around here. • electric hair dryer. ORANGE COAST '.Daily Pilat ' Themot P. Haley l'ublllll« Thomae A. Murphlfte' 'I fdifOr JaMAIMtl t..c.~ ldllOr ...... KNIWch , ...... '°" ldl!Of nieiMIMICeftn l~ldltor PLO targets U.S. diploniats WASHINGTON -The Palestine be responsible for the attacks on Liberation Organization has declared Americans based in the Paris embassy. "open season" on American diplomats in Intelligence sources say the. Habash France. This vengeance against people may have collaborated with an Americans will spread t.o other countries even more radical group known as Abu which have accepted PLO guerrillas Nidal. from Lebanon. Eventually, the terrorism Las t N o v em be r , t he act i n g could reach the United States it.sell. ambassador. Christian Chapma!l, was These warnings have been circulated Q at the highest levels in Washington. The chilling secret assessment is that no American diplomat is safe from ' r ~s:~~tion and that some inevitably JACI ANDIRIDI· ~ iRIN!f.ELLIGSN~~eJ't' by a ion ·. believe that the defeated and embittered duck · behind his. car, and the shots PLO will probably disintegrate into missed. radical splinter groups. Perhaps the most Two months later, a military attache dangerous faction Is headed by George was shot and killed as he left his Habash, who is described in intelligence apartment in Paris. An unknown reports as "nihilistic" and "ruthless," assailant simply walked up to C6l. with a preference for .. dramatic and CharlE!$ Ray, pUl.led out a pistol and blew violent" methods. bim away. He has been quoted as bitterly ·. The~. a couple of weeks ago, a bomb blaming the United States for the Israeli intended for the commercial counsetor, onslaught that broke the PLO's power in Roderick Grant, exploded near the Eiffel Lebanon. But he has always b een Tower. Grant escaped, but a member of viciously anti-American. Intelligence the French bomb squad was killed and sources believe he ordered a terrorist another critically injured. C41llpaig:n-agalnst Americans even before The French police have establish~ the Israeli invasion. that the same gun~was used to kill both They suapec:t Habash's assassins may the American military attache and an Israeli diplomat. This was also'lhe gun that was fired at Ambassador Chapman. THE MURDERS ff..(VE yet to be solved; at first, the French police pursued the investigations indifferently. · U.S . attempts to get action from the Paris police w ere extraordinarily difficult, a State Department source told my associate Lucette Lagnado. Now French authorities are searching for the terrorists with more vigor. But they have been so tolerant toward terrorists that it may now be impossible to penetrate the. radical community that &Wll-Up-i~.~~~~- The French have let terrorism thrive, a State Department expert said. Fra,nce has become the center of terrorism in Europe. Assassins have no trouble "disappearing.'' he said, after an act of terrorism. In other words, the French probably cannot protect American diplomats or find their assailants. · Footnote: As far back as Jan. 19, I predicted "random attacks" could be expected against American officials. Because it was possible to protect only the top diplomats, I warned, the terrorists "have decided to make middle·leve l American officials their targets." Negative thinking can boost the ego This is it, Readers! I think I've found the secret for eternal optimism. I've discovered how to keep from getting down on myself and rm going t.o pass it along to you. I may eve!\. expand this column and write a book called "The Power of Negative Thinking"! . All my life I 've suffered from periods of depression because I got thlnking about how much better a lot of people do things than I do. All that's behind me. now. Today I'm concentrating on the negative. When I do something badly, all I'm going to think about ls the great number of people who probably would have done it even worse. Conoentra1e on other people's shortcomings. Compare youneU with the worst and forget about the best. WHEN J reread something I've written in the ~t, I often feel terrible about it. It isn t aa profound u Walter •Lippmann. It isn't aa well·phrued u E.B. White. ,It i•n't as funny as Art Buchwald or RU88ell Baker. Well, rm not going to comJ)are myself with those masters any longer. I read the fother day where 20 percent of all · can't rHd or write. Now w&n getwo=abOUthow ~ Ung o ten la, I'm going to think of em. Twenty percent must be abnmt 50 Jlllon peoP.le, and 1 certainly. write tter than mey do. I enjoy cooking and often entertain the notion that 1 do it well. When people come to my bowie for dinner, they tend to flatter me abOut my cooking. but when I go. to France or eat in a good restaurant or even at the home of a few friends who are truly good cooks, I'm ready t.o quit the kitchen. I'm a mediocre cook with high ambitions ancl no real talent. Well._ rm thrpugh comparing myself with genUTne gourmets-and master ·' 1:':, A-l-DY-RD-11-IY_._..ii: ~hefs. Yesterday,·~ i walkecf through . the turnstile at our sucermarket, I looked at what other peop e had in their shopping carts.1 I saw pre-cooked frozen .cherry tarts, boxes of sugar-coated cerul. Brand X hot dogs made of who- knows-what, and pacbged TV dinners. "3Y comparison to these people, I am Julia Child ln the kitchen • On the tennis court, I start thinking I'm playing better and then BOmeOne in the family comes along with a camera and takes a picture of me serving. A week later they show me the picture and it geta a aood laugh all around.· My ,tennia ia obviously a joke. I watch Jimtny Cannon on television and bit tennia is to 'mine what Einstein's mathematics is t.o my arithmetic. With my new theory of negative thinkina, I'm going to atop watching Jimmy Connors and ooncentrate on the people who play tennis worse than I do. There are probably hundreds of them. If I watch the people playing in a public park, I can always spot players I could beat. rm through worryiJl8 about my tennis. A1$ a matter of fact, if there were a national ranking for men over 60 years old, under 5 feet 9 and weighing more than 200 pounds, I bet I'd be in the top 100. LOOKING IN THE mirror mornings can be a disheartening experience for most of us. The trouble is we're comparing ourselves to the mannequins in the st.ore windows. rm forgetting.-the beautiful people. From now on I'm checking my features, my fonn and my manner of dress against the people I see with the frozen TV dinners at the checkout counter in the supermarket. I don't read fast and when I'm reading over someone's shoulder,· they finish before I do, but rm through worrying about it. When I was in the Anny at Fort Bragg, it took half the guys five minutes t.o read a 20·word note from the first sergeant on the bulletin board. I read faster than most of them. And I write better than my fint sergeant did, too. Each one of us has got to start thinking about all the people who do things worse than we do. The United States is full of people who aren't doing thinga very wefi ai all. Theee are the people against whom we should measure our own achievemenia lf we want t.o feel good. (U we don't want to feel good. we sbouldn't of course, but that's another book.) Sch~ol prayer won't solve real prohle01 Plecl1e of Allegiance every morning makee chOdren more 0 patnoUc"? Thej don'\ eiven heed what they .are IQ1na after a few dozen daily repetitlona, lt Ii iuat • formula to be aotten owr with before the real achool day star11. The only way to lndoctrinatl" chlldren la to ahow them how adulta are meant t.o behave -and JWft here, the example will take with nne and not with othen: DUferent children nspond ~ to the ume atimuli, even when they an memben of the ume family. I have no atrodl feellnp one way or the other abeu\ prayen ln tehool. •xcept that I tend to reprd It .u a QQJMUt on the pu1 of. the ~ta, who expecl the 1ehool to rec:tff y all Uielr erron ol omllllon and eommlllkln. . It hM nothlna al all to do with reu,lon tn aft1 bMie--. Rel.,_, la at bonolD a matw ot rela~ ~ do not Mw • a1lb\ to OcbM. "°" aanaol hmW a ftlht =+'With ~ :UJ:l. ~to. -°' -;.;:: ,... "°"9 loall ........ and t1ee what la hap~· the world, at every lever, it la that they diaplay IO little deµnq~. y want desperately to believe the thJno they · have been taught, 'but the world they perceive la a web ol. contndictlone and lnconaiatenctes. We ounelw. have spun thla web and lt la only bJ our ettorta. not by our prayers, tha\ lt can be untanaJed. . 'lJhe i t;e man cometh to the desert Chicagoan st~rts hockey team at Arizona University ·· By ARTH UR H. ROTITEJN ................. 1 TUCSON, Arb. -The lee man, Leo Golemt>Jewakl, QQl'neth. Ht'• come to make lee 1kalln1 and hockey' a reality ln • aeemlnaly absurd aetU.na -the eouthwMtem delert. And, h•'• aUcceedl.n8· "Whether you're In Chlcaao ot Tuc8on or Ed1na. Minn., moat of you.r akatina II done lndoora on artificlal tee," ·Golemblewakl aald. With minimal aupport and unde9adveree oondltlons at belt, he hae •tarted a hockey club team at the University of Arizona which has w:on two champlonahlpe in Its first two full eeaaons. The huvy-aet 32-year-old Chicago native looks as if he'd be more at eaae in a pair of football cleats than lacing on a pair of akates. But don't be fooled. ' Aa a kid he breathed hockey -circa Bobby Hull and his hero, goalie, Glenn Hall, of the 1960s Chicago Black Hawks. His love foc the ice struck. He played goalie for four years at Illinois Benedictine College before spending parts of two aeaaona. in the St. Louis Blues organization of the National Hockey League. When he didn't make it to the Blues, he decided to teach and coach. As a coach on both the high school and Disney World sued INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -An I ndiana , couple have filed a $1 million lawsuit againat Wan Disney W orld, claiming a water r ide at the Florida a m usement park w as unsale. The suit, filed In federal court here, contends Linda Morris of Crawfordsville suffered p oasible permanent e-to brain In a ride on an inner tube descending a aeries of rapids from pools of water. The suit charges Morris was injured on April 3 when she tried to free the inner tube the family was riding after it got stuck on the bottom of one of the poola.. The suit, which was Mligned to U.S. District J udge Cale Holder, seeks $750,000 for damages auatalned by Morris and an additional $250,- 00 0 award to her h u aband, C. Mark Morris. Attorneys conte nd Dianey World was "careless and negligent" in designing the ride by permitting the water level to be dangerously low and by failing to aupervlse the ride properly. Burger maker for cons? J ACKSONVILLE, Fla . (AP) -Th e question of whether to s p end $1,700 of taxpayer's money to buy a machine to make hamburger patties at the city 's Fairfield Correctional Institution II back on the table. collep level, he •ya he'a had to be "th mother, father, brother, coach, ~t friend" and moUvetor. ' 1n dolna ao he rang up 302 wlna, 42 1C>88Cll '8l\d 12 U• during aeven yean at Lyona Town1hlp Htah Schoof In auburban Chicago. That wu before he decided to punue hla desert dreaml. GolemblewakJ flrat vlalted Tucson in 1973 and tell ln love with the detert and mountain•. In 1977, a1 he atarted on a master'• 'decree at the Untveralty of Arizona, he t>eaan thinking of 'I'uceon as ''a great place to 1tart a hockey team." His coaching phlloeophy, he aaJd, ts built on "discipline, dedication and aacrlfice - and that constant urge to give 110 percent. Give a little more." He patterned his coaching techniques after friend Scotty Bowman, now general manager and coach of the NHL's Buffalo Sabres, and describes his game as "a fast- break, Scotty Bowman-type Mont.real Canadiens style. "Play your position, don't fight at all," he says. "We body check when we have to. You've got to be in great condtUop -<PlO we've done it with a 120-foot rinis." The rink they practice on -the only one. in town -is about half ref,ulatlon size. Most of their "home games ' have been i ' ' ! : ,, j • . ' I I j I i I J. j i ! j I ! l ,· i The issue of hand- made va. machine-made patties arose last week w h e.n t he mayor's budget review conunlttee approved a hamburger preu that would turn out up to 1,400 perfectly m old ed four -ounce patties per hour for the 85 Inmates at the pr!Jlon. "-----..... -~ ..... ... , ............ . T he committee members blushed a bit over editoriJ) jabs about the hamburger pre.a in Friday's Jacksonville Journal. ·.'RUFFELL'S UPHOLS'nRY ......... " ......... lfZZ H.UIOI ILYD. COSTA MllA -141°1116" ·').w~M.. ALLAN.BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL ~ .. ..,Ali. ... l!Mt .................. • I ,. ·-......... . .. ,...... ... ·~· played ln T mpo, thoulh they'll play 12 games tn the Tue.on Community Center thl1 ason. CJ9lembiewakl hu taken over operaUon of the Tucaon rink, hoplna to lriatlll thoul(hta of lee akates ambna a populace keyed to sanda.la and tank top&. "I went Into coachinl to try to prove that American kid• can p lay aa well aa Canadian," he aald. "The thing that Uled to get me deep In tny heart was thete k.Jda had no place to go." ' He .11dmits he harbored resentment over the favoritism openly given Canadian players ln college recruiting. But he added, "The biggest problem with American hockey players Is that they haven't had good coaches." At Ari.zona, he led the Icecats to a 1979 record of 5-3. In 1980, they joined the Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Hockey Association and posted a 17 -1 record, winning the. championship, before repeating last. year at 12-5-2, flush with recruits from the Midwest. Golembiewski says that he has one more goal: "I have this desire to be a coach in the NHL -at least an ueistant." · But. for now, he says, his mind is on ' Arizona's future. And during the torrid summer, his thoughts are turned toward cooler weather, pads, sticks, pucks and l,ce. '. - Back in ~litics / Martha rifliths, congresswoman for 20 yean, is the Democratic candidate for lieutenapt governor. She's joined by . running mate Ja mes 'Blanchard at the state's convention in Flint, Mi.ch . VANTAGE lOOs - 9 "'I· "•"· 0.7 mg. nteotme 1¥. per cigem11 by FTC method , .... ·. 0 (I .. Oran • Cout DAILY PILOT/TUlld1y, leptembet' , 1812 Hospice program supported Amendment to tax bill aids terminally ill people WASHINGTON (AP) - When Pat Baker'• hUaband developed a mallanant brain tumor, the couple aareecl on two thlna1: he would not underao dUHcult ltfe-prolon1in1 tfeatmenta, and ahe would care f r him at h ome aa lone aa ble. Becauae of a Loi Angele1 pioe, Mrs. Baker wu able '° both promlaee. Her husband at home .. I "I feel like I aicf eomething for m," ahe saya, leaa than two ntha after his death. "It has n a comfort to me aince. There aa nothing he liked better than t\lS home." Although almost 1,000 hosplce p-ograms have emerged since the 1'rat one opened 11 years ago in Branford, Conn., the movement lo. home care for the dying has been stunted becaus e few insuran c e pla n s c ov e r homemaker. counseling and laat month by Coner-· and volunteert to help relaUvee The amendment, lo.t In the care tor the paUent at home. furor over the tax lncrea1e, Sup~rter1, lncludlna many makea holplce cac'9 retmbunable who have cared for dylna for the 20 mlWon elderly and relaUvee wtth h01pice Uliltance, dlubled Amerlcan1 In the believe h01pioe Pf'Oll'Aml offer a Medicare J>l'Oll'Am· aim p le r, more pe r10na1 With around 300,000 Medicare alterna tl ve to the hlah • cancer deathl reponed annuelly, technoJocy holpltal environment. the new benefit la expected to "I feel eorry ~body doeml't alve ho.plcet their tint larae know about U,' 11y1 Sara atat>J. fundlna bue. Hallam, whme 00-year-old hua- "lt will definitely make lt a lot band, BW, d1ed three yeen aao euler for hoeplce p~rama to of prmtate cancer. "It'• upllftln8. atay alive and provide a full It'• comfortlna. They help you ranae of aervice1. It wlll aho face it. 'nley help you dee! with encourage home health = It. They ~ it very bearable." and hoapltala to develop The hoapice ameradment waa a proarama," said Claire Tehan, audden and late addition to the vice preaident of the National tax bill by Sen. John Heinz, Holl>ice Organization. chairman of the S peel al Pa 1 n con tr o 1 • fa mi l y Committee on Aatng. involvement, home care .. and "Thia repreaent,f a choice that emotional support for the more people ought1o have," said terminally ill patient are the Heinz, R-Pa. cornerstones of hospice care \11 "MOit people think of hospice the United Statea. u havina to do w1th dylng. I \ 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ••• AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICESI can (714) 548:.e&.41 orMa-1111 HElllWOOD MANUfACTOH 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mela, CA '¥lJ!lrl ~er of its integral services. But a major growth apurt is peeled because of a P,rovtsion the $98.3 billion tax blli passed . ~e aome hospioee have their think of it u hav'lni to do with own buildinga or warda, molt are Uving on one'• own terms -For complete ad CO'PY and art services agencies that provide visiting albeit the laat three, six or 12 -rely on laily .... nuraee, lherapistar,_aocl.al __ w_o_r.;...J<e_ra __ roon __ tha...__of.....:y:....our __ ut_e_." ___ __L advertisers all along tfie Orange Coast Windblown The princess of Wales is caught by a gust of wind outside Chelsea Old Church in London last week where she and Prince Charles attended the wedding of one of her former roommates. Death cut linked to tougher laws SACRAMENTO (AP) -Callfornia'a new tough drunken driving laws are being credited with a drop In alcohol-related traffic deaths. ~ 'the Oalifornia Highway Patrol reported t~at the number of fatalities attributed to cifunken drivers in CHP Jumdiction dropped 10 ~t to 421 during the 1~ months endirul June 1, ctmpared to 4&8 during the same pertoo of the previous year. number of druken driver arresta through 1.3 percent to 77 ,065, eompared to 76,099 the 8ame period last year, the report aald. Commasioner Glen Craig said the death drunken drivers dropped for the fint time id three years. }__!_reviously, there had been an increasing ~~·tage of fatal accidents attributed to drunken ~vtng, while at the same time the death rate urolving all drivers had dropped. The total number of fatalities dropped 9.1 percent through July to 1,236 from i ,359 the previous 12 months. But drunken driving remained the primary fact9f in all accldenta, Craig said. Gouncil to curb artistic tributes? LOS ANGELm (AP) -Some city counall mf!'M-t want to hush talkative ooli.,u. who &lliver kllll-winded apeeches with prodmnaUons to ~ans.ta. Some council-memben aa~preeeniatlona have tumed their Friday mee into a "circua" and a ••roo." So Councilwoman St.evenmn ' propoaed the ceremonle1 be apread over the · • eouncil'a two otb~r working day1, 11 well u Fridays. The council aent the matter back to a eommittee for further dilcullion. '!be proclamatiom are han4ed out to artists, 'anceu, muliclan1, •~ti flaure1 and fritertainment celebritlea. t fl9cal year, the 'a 15 memben handed out 862 of the ~ roclNMtlona Pf'tpared b)f • Rx-man Oiy ~ Celt: $140,00() a yeer. . • . 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS AWEEK. IN HOME FEDERAL COUNTRY. · Anytime . bill pay1111nt. Anytime, an)'Wherc -you can pay bills by phone. Or have recurring bills paid au- tomaticaJly. J)irectly from your Home Federal interest cheddf\8 account There's no postage or paperwork on your part. And we send you a complete record of pay· menrs every month wkti your checkJna statement. Now you <an pay bills Just before they're due. Not a minute sooner. so.rou don't gtveup~ ~ sarype11•• Chextra• interest checking advantages. All the time. Chextra's the 5~% account that builds your balance and boosts your budget. With guaranteeg Inte rest all the time. It's also the key to Anytime bill payment. As well as many other Home Federal financia.l services, including Overdraft Protectlon and Check Guarantee when you qualify. lit l*I ~,~\_. .. , TUl80AY,8EPT. 7, 1882 CAVALCADE BU81NE~S COMlCS Proposal. throWs village off track FASTER THAN A SPEEDING WHATEVER: San Clemente, the Spanish Village of our coastline, suffers one vexation that isn't faced by our other beach cities. It has railroad tracks that 1plit the beachfront from the town. The Santa Fe tracks always have been somewhat of an issue in San Clemente. You have to get across the tracks to arrive upon the sands of the main beach. There ii a pedestrian underpass but /'a'\ it's been an issue around TOM MURPHINI .ti4<' towns: tf;:nte likes to ------------be a quiet town·. Sometimes it's so quiet in the village that flies have been noted to doz:e off. Trains periodically hoot, roar and whistle through the place and jostle the local tran~uility. SAN CLEMENTE is currently trying to do .some advance planning, through the year 2000, and the Santa Fe tracks loom as even a larger disruption. Plairl old trains whizzing through the village were bad enough. But now everybody's excited about bullet trains. Indeed, there's a lot of tegional enthusiasm'"for getting the speedy, streamlined trains careening down the tracks between Los Angeles and San. Diego on commuter runs, just like they do in France or Japan. Word has it that in order to accommodate the bullet trains through San Clemente, it would be necessary to triple-deck the tracks back up against the bluffs that rise above municipal beaches. This one looks to be about the right speed for San Clemente ... Well, San Clemente officials have become plain horrified at even the thought of all this. They could envision bullet trains roaring every direction on these elevated tracks, transforming the whole town into something like Disneyland gone wild, with all the rides out of control. CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS warned that current circumstances of fe;eling that the city , is chopped off from its beaches by the present rail system will be ·nothing compared to stacked up bullet rail lines. "We have a freeway that cuts us in half now and we don't need this," declared Mayor William Mocham. It is true that the San Diego Freeway slices through the town, dividing the hilly sections of San Clemente from the older area down toward the sea. Of course, it is also true that a lot of that upper hilly growth developed after the freeway got there. 1 That aside, you can still understand why if San Clementeans are vexed by one set of rails down by the ocean, a multiple stacking up of the system would give the citiz.enry real fita. City officlals seem to be in agreement that if bullet trains are going to start shooting through the place, the tracks ought to be relocated. As a matter of fact, the city brass may start pushing to get the' present tracks removed inland before any bullets start showing up on the rails. SOME PEOPLE of our coastal region may be really enthusiastic about the futuristic bullet trains and the promise of speedy commuter travel. In San Clemente, they like life to amble along at a much easier pace. In the Spanish Village, "faster than a speeding bullet" ia just an expression out of the comic books. 82 84-6 1'86 A young woman detail her descent intQ drug., and her long road to recovery, to Ann Landers. Page 82. T aking th eir licks 0 ~ D When 4 to 6-year-olds competed in an ice cream-eating contest at Swensen's in Huntington Beach, Ladybug the Clown coaxed Michael Carter and Sarah Lasken but Erick Coomes had the best technique for downing thre~ scoops. 'hrif t shop staffers relieve fin~ncial biD.d PATRICK J . KENNEDY .. O.., ..... IUll The Vintage Goods Thrift boppe in Milaion Viejo ia doing a booming business theae days, but never shows a profit. The owners keep enough to pay overhead costs and then give HB negotiating helicopter base I Huntington Beach dty offidala have completed negouatlona to l'PU!Chue property for a police helklopter bMe in an industrial p.n of the dty. 'lbe dty haa mllde an offer of .1.2 mlWon to purchMe 4.8 acres Sully-Miller p-operty, located w-t of Gothard Street and 90Uth f the Joint PowefJ Training ter. -Uy AClmtnlatrator Charlea 1peon aa1d the tranaaction Jaould enter eecrow eoon and that plant for a han1ar and area would IO outrfor about eo days. Mid pcJlllbWtiet are rtn1 explored to ahare the ---""" poUee beUport ... with commercial hellcopten, P<*ibly for conunuter eervb and freight transportation. The alt.e prevlOUlly had been uled u a rock auahina operation and atoraae area, Thompeon aa.ld. FOi' the put four yean, police d4'1>artment hellcoptera have been hawed in a rented banpr at John Wayne Airport. The police depu'tment claima that waited man·houra in round•tl'lp drivinl and flyiftl time to and from the alrDort. the addJUonal c.'09t of avlatlon fuel and ti.. coat of hanfar rent amouril to an annua coat of ·•1oa,ooo. .. . the rest away. "We're a unique thrift shop because we believe everythint{ we do la for the Lord's purpoee, ' said Dee Scienaki, director. 1 She explained that the shop ia a branch of the Misaion Hllls Christian Center. Volunteif.s from the non-denominational church run the shop, which a1Jlo ,. gives food, clothing and furniture to needy people or charities. Items in the shop are donated by local residents, grocery at.orea and bualneaes. Largely becau. the ahop fa in affluent Mt.ion Viejo , much of lta used merchandlte ls top quality ahe aald. ''Everythlna in here la cleaned and the clothlnJ ta preded ao that when we give aomethlna to a needy familr we treat them wtth lntegrlty,' Sdenak.l aatd. But Just how many needy familin are there In ·~ new, and expen1ive, Minion Viejo? P181\ty, ahe M)'L "It's very expensive to live ln th1a arM and any crilia lituaUon can put aomeone in a f1nanda1 bind. 'Qtey may not look Uk.e t.he . . typical low-income person, but because of unemployment, illneaa, a d ivorce or over- spending, t.ney could have real needs." S.he said the thrift shop donatett to about eight famllles a week. "ThJJ really lan't • bualnea, .. ahe said. "But we do sell aome expensive merchandiae and that helps pay overhead COlt.s. "Every month we give away or donate our profits and start at the bottom aaam." In the put year, ahe estimated the shop donated $8,000 to Christian charities, plus numerous lifta to needy fam.Wea. She added church volunteers allo have collected beda, blanketa and plWel'Yed food IO the 6,600 aquare·foot shop, at 2S8M Via Fabrlcante, can al.IO aerve u a diau1er relief atation. The shop wu started aboU'\ 18 months a10, after church memberw held swap meeta and ...... --fOt' ~•y two .yean to ralle money to rent a bulldlna. She Mid mott of the neecfy farnWel are recommended by the church, but ahe aald the thrift lbop helpe anyone truly needy . Director Dee &lenald .. .,., Vlntap COOdi Thrift Shopp_e aelli tome expenal~e merehandlee and donatee all prolita. .· -Orange c o .. t DAILY PILOTITL!elday, Septembef 7, 1982 •ANN LAND~RS •STAN DELAPLANE •ERMA BOMBECK Former adaict gives re~l do.p·e on drug scene DEAR ANN LANDERS: I recently read ln your column the U1icle about the 16-year--old airl who wu married and hat a baby. You printed Mr letter eo othera in her peer IJ'OUP could relate. I ho~ you wW print th1a letter for the aame reuon. My epllode WU not presnancy -lt WU dr\Jal .. I ~ from a nelah.borhood where there wun't much to do. I didn't start on pot becau.. I thought it wu 0001. I started beau.lie I wu bored, and pot and partyina made th1nal .eem better. I know it wu dumb bUt that'• what I thouaht. Some people uy pot doean't lead to harder druaa like LSD and speed, but it did with me. All of a sudden IJlY life became unreal. I couldn't remember what had been said to me an hour before. I wu totally bu.med out. My arades went to hell, and I got Into real trouble at home. I had three bad car acddenta and wu lucky I wasn't killed. .... 6y PHIL INTERLANOI o1 Laguna Beach Cl,.., ..... ,.;;;;;;. s-... w;;w ...... ·--~ ··~r ... on second thought. I won't be able to make it to the game." T rou1 HfAlTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN Impairment of senses , DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: Fer die put Gree years I 'a•e acq•lred a .. dUfereDt" taste ud smell. Even*lq tut.a ... smells like sometlllq bualq -llke ~1e. I..,..., eat at all beeaue yoa cu ... entud I uve M appetite ... er dtese CODdltlou. I uve lost wetpt, uve beceme HrV ... ud depressed. At times I set se umeated I uve to stay la bed. I uve beea to muy Meten, all of w~ aay lt ls a awbbora coadldoa for 1'Mdl diere · Is DO defbalte e11re. I am H yean okl. Please &ry to belp me. -MR. D. DEAR DR. sTEINCROHN: la ~ moa~,4)f Marcb 11111 denloped .Ut was dlaposed utile fla. T'e aftermatlt abo.t U days later was eomple&e Ion of taste aad smell. My docter ""\ referred me to a apeclalht. After a brief . examlaadoD lie Wei lie CMJ• mot llelp me. • \ EveryG!q.i_eat or 4rlak wa__yeey Nd.Jal ud ameli. Yoe cu't lmaclH ltew llllontWe It Is a. uve all food ... drlak tute bad. AuWq '"cu effer la ~ way of advice will be moit welCOme. - MR.O. )DEAR MR. D. AND MR. 0 .: ~may love CODlpell.Y but I don't think it will make you feel bet1er to know that an estimated half million people In thia country suffer from IOllle Impairment of taste and smell. Of1en there is a history of nu or 80IDe injury to the heed. There may be other rec'°" such M naul polyps, severe burru1, wearing dentures, heavy llDOk:ing. Sometime9-the condition appean after surpry or a stroke. Occuionally drup Uke L-dopa for Parkinson's, grlleofulvin foe funpl tnfectiom and thiatide dluretb will caw.e symptoml. I recall one patient with hypothyroldilm whoee 1e1We of tMte and mnell returned after treatment with thyroid hormone. The problem ls being studied and not over)ooked. For example, many patients have been helped by takina sine trea1ment. Tute and smell abnormallUes often occur ~· Here are aome of the adentWc def.lnitiaM: BJPOleHla: Lessened ability to tute or rec:qpWDe aalty, sweet. IOW' ot bluer subst.anl.w. llnosmla: Leaened ability to recopi1e va~ DJslftlla: Dl.storUon of bol'mal talte. DJ9itmla: Distortion of normal smell c.eeceata: Perverted tmte, the le!IWation of foul, obnoxlow smell ..,O.t.ed with lnhaliDI the odot ot food or perfumes normally c:onalcfered ~t. 11 ApM1a er .AMemta: A tot.al km of abdlty '° tMie OI' ...n. T..W and smell an cloee~ted. ror ........... ~ 10." bold your nmt Ii'• diffteult '° ~ between the tMte of an apple and an onion. ' HAR DR. ITBIN<.'BOBNi I .. a Yletlll el ... aattMb.ADl~llMllrta ... allM ...... I ,.,,_ fer •UJ . I~ ht I lteU••• .._ l•i .,...__.... :..-.,.-MLW. OOMMDCT: ~ lln't hard ~; lt'1 a medldne. U JOU take ..,u1n you ~ be wtWril • ... __.. medbdaal wa haw b ID'lt-Thlj --1.Y 1-a the ..wrtty of the ..... au.ek bUt ,......, ~· .u.:a. Think ltowiiand ~ Wiil iuft.r ..... Mr. w. , . ( LlkJ the reet of you out there, I never believed what the.doctors and oowwelon u.ld about how drup c;ould affect a peraon's mind and ~. I laUl}led at the columna you wrote and thouaht you were nutty. The lut tlme I cruhed, all thne thouahta came back to me. rm off druaa now, thanka to a very wonderful and ·~ auy-who came into my life. He helped me put the pieoee topther. Without him. I probably would have killed myself one way or another. this, listen to what I'm 1ot11.Lnc you -or you 'wW face the ooruiequencee someday. Thank you, A.nn, lt=print thil letter. I know It isn't written welli_!O put it ln proper form. -LUCKY 1N LOu1S A . i DEAR LOc&Y: I made very few cU.,ft. Tiie .. form" WU J••I Ible. Glad YH made It Mn. Here'• a letter IUt mlp& 1lve yoe kWa • dope a Idea of wut yoa are P9tfla1 you parea&s &Uoep. DEAR ANN: Our wonderful son •pent four years in the Marines. He never touched alcohol or dNo before he went in, but he came out 10 me.ed up ft WM hard to believe he wu the same penon. nearly back to normal, bu a job and is cSotnc well. What he needed WU a lot of patMnce and a lot of love. 'nwlk God, we had the ~ to live It to him. My heart aches for the pareota who have to ao . through all that pain. I ;.a.t want them to know ll's worth it. -'l'IRP:D .MAMA IN PATERSON DEAR MOM: BIHi yo• for die comfort ud eaeo1ra1emeat Jb•r letter wJll 1lve te etllen. Parats tiRoae kids 1re • dope _... all Ute llelp &My cu 1e&. It'• ~e wont klM of lleU. 1'UUt for 1ur1a1. Are drugs OK JI you learn how t.o control Chem? Qan they be ol Mlp'! TM amwen are in Ann Landen' all-new booklet, '?be Lowdown on Dope." For uch boolc.1et ordered, ~nd '2. plw • fong, llell-""""'-ed, .wnped envelope (37 Cll!Jlr. ~) to Ann I.Maden, P.O. Box 1Jgf}$, ChJt:a8o. IIJ. 60611. Before I took drup I wu in great ahape, mentally and phyalcally. Now I have to 11op and put my thouahta together. It's noi u bad u it Uled to be. rm~Gowly reaainfnrwhat I kllt, but rm really scared that I mignt not-recover totally. He couldn't remember anyth.lna for man than a few mlnutee. HJa ey• would ao out of fOCU6 and his speech WU alurred, It WU hard on all members of our family, but we refU8ed to give up. 'lbe t8t thin& we did wu take him to a Clinic where -did. "5~'6C·~ ~ation.-"°""' _ __,.. ___ ...._ ____________ -+--4 we talked to him Cand u.tene<1>. IOfnettmea BAJ SHOn eight houri 1U a time. Slowfy he. aiJ1le around. He la rv . So all you IUY8' and gals out there who read . Daughter's whim fed SAN FRANCISCO -Disaster , and the prospect of it, is a female delight. If you don't have girl children around the acatter, rent one. You'll have the time of your life. Mine called and she said; "I'll be over for dinner. Get a lot of sunflower seeds and aome bitter lemon." ,, S1All DI UPI.Alf AROUND THE WORLD I said : "Who are we golng to entertain? A bunch of pigeons?" She aald: "It's my new dleL I'm only allow~ (Though beyond a few simple diagrams, the doctor one cup of sunflower aeeda and three bitter lemons probably knew as litUe u the next man.) adaf' merit=da~potllnt~~.!.t~~:C,uch)lt THERE WAS ALWAYS DISASTER on the horizon around our houae. when daughters went on die ta. Like they could D At 8 years old, it was kidnappers. "There was of starvation. fami1 But wtee Mother Nature has theae kids fiaured this girl at achool who wu kidnapped. The · y ouL They diet for a day -much caDJ.nc of frlenda: got~~ ~i·she was all bruiBed and icky." "Yes, rve been on it for four hours now! Just a half Well, they didn't know her name, She wasn't a glass of grapefruit juice. Tonight I'm allowed one in their ,.1_ "18lUY~a::ybQd~ow.a...aboul-it, You ~ mo-nung-.-. back into the bacon,@ and_lo_ts_cin ask~-" . ~ - of toast. "You don't want me to STARVE, do you?" During the kidnap era, they came home from she said indignanUy. 9Chool ln a covey. Like quail. It was lively when the snatchers were abroad. "There was this man ln a THE STEWARDESS HAD a pitcher of orange car by the comer. And he had a funny look." juice In one hand, a bottle of champagne in the I said: "What kind of a funny look?" other. "Would you care for a glaaa?'' she aald. "It was just funny. You know." They were "You couldn't break out an icy martlnl, could · digusted. What a stupid question. "Everybody you?" I said. I never got on the champagne route. knows a funny look. Ask anybody." By the time I had the money for it, I was hooked on North Beach red. THERE IS THE FIRST high heels era. "When She brought me the drink. An olive with a red you walk around kind of wobbly." There's a time of pimiento warhead aubmer.red in it. forts. A time you .sleep on the floor and lis1en to "Thank you ," I said. r'Th.ank· you," she said. I Stevie Wonder. said: "No, I thank YOU. You brought the drink." We've been on die\ time for almost a year. She said: "Of course, sir. Thank ')'OU." We're ~ to look like one of "Charlie's Angels" Women puzzled the poeta. They couldn't have on TV.• She weighs only 95 pounds!" Sigh. written without them u you plainly eee when you I said: "Wllf you have the sunflower seeds look over the antho~. M08t poeta lean toward a touted? Or do you eat them as is?" · grumpy attitude: "When lovely woman stoops 'to I picked aome up at the grocery store. I got folly." That-eort of thing. three bottles o f bitter lemon. (Hey, whatev er Sherlock Holmes could tell your profeasion by happened to Commander Whitehead?) the mud on your boota. But he said to Dr. Wataon. __ !_got a steak and aome salted nuts and & couple ''The fair sex is your department, my dear Wataon." of Milley Waya. You never can tell. 'Terrible TOos' linger A couple of years ago, mothen everywhere oolated a chunk of frustration out of their Ume frame and called it the "Terrible Two.." flMA IOMllCI BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT PEOPLE MIGHT . LIKE ME SET'TER IF" THEY K~EW MORE ABOUT ME, (OR , IN SOM E CA SE S, ~ L.ESS). ~ C..1• ~ .. ......,._Alt ........ .-..., ... IMLl_C-.-_..._ HOIOSCON BY SIDNEY OMARA Weaetaay; Sepmftbff I ---- ARIES (March 21-April 19): Collect and analyr.e; utiliz.e powers of dilcrlmination. You'll . encounter shrewd, knowledgeable people. Cycle hi~h -money-making idea coulc:l bear fruit . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You can dictate term•. Judgment, intuition are on target. CirclUnltances turn ln your favor -timing is acc~rate, important contacts dominate exciting aoenario. Popularity increues . GEMINI (Ma y 21-June 20): You obta in information which aids in removing reatrictions. Money due from aurprile aource. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persona figure prominently. Hosptal visit may be on agenda. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): There are numeroua opportunities to re-establlsh oootact, to renew career J)C*ibillties. Calla, mei8aget relate to desires and 80Cial status. You'll be asked to express view. in writing or before the media. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Doon which bad been~ cloeed will now be ope.ned. Cycle shows auocetBful dealings with persons ln positiona of authority. Money picture brightens, pu.rchue of luxury item or art object is distinct possibility. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Long-range view is necessary. Distance, language barriers can be overcome. Define terms, see placee and people. in realiatk: light. Lunar emphasis on ccmmunication, travel, publishing, education and spiritual values. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You get finantjal faets of life. Spotlight on cloee aaeociate, partner or mate. Dig deep, reject superficial indicat1o~; you can strike pay dirt if peraiatent. The la6el stuck and today it sUll conjures up a picture of a 36-lnch child with a lighted fuae oom1n8 out of each ear, three seta of feet and eight anna whole main purpo9e in life is to measure the ltrt!9 factor of a mother. Little la aald about the "Terrible TOOi .. " FOR THAT MA'M'ER, no ~ is quite sure at what ap the Terrible Tooe •trike9. but It zeroee in oo chUdren who amoet:lmes auffeT from Jt for the rest of their lives. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Refuse to be chided into snap decisions. Qmsider time, CXl8ts and potential -individual who aeeka your coume1 may u '°" ~an ~question, -yoU~-t.toorw.---4.lbeo::--uloold...-"'n,.g for110methlng fot noth1ng. Don't. waste time on psychic vampires. ~·you want to alt on your mothet's lap, you're SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Follow AT WIT'S END too old. thro~gb on resolutions concemln8 buic chores, No one who hu ever broeched the subject of employment, diet, nutrition and health.. Highlight marrlaae with their puenta haa been anYthina but originality, independence, willlnpesB to pioneer a U you want to stal up late and watch TV, your mother teDa you you re too younc. On the other band if you throw a temper tantrum, your father remlnd8 you you're too old. too )'Otlnl, yet If you cry over it, you're too old. project. U you waeb diabes. you're too alow. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Emotional U you want to play bMketball. the coach t.elll you you're too mnall. An hour or 10 later when you want to play on the 1wln1•, the play1round supervl8or t.ella )'OU you're too tq. WHEN YOU EAT YOUR lee cream, you're =-~op~.:;isy~~t ': =~ stufflna it in too falt. ...-u you're ambtd.oua, you want too much and are eecwity and revillon of 1epl -areemenL Your p-andmC>ther teUa you you're too IDlall for the ualninC bta, yet when you ao to the movia and want'° pay a child's price, the manager tella you you're too bli· in too 1:q a hurry. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Check for U you're aatllfied with what you're dolnl loopholes; rules, regulations are not alrtilbL Long. you're too lazy to IUOOeed. distance c:ommunication 8eflCla morale ~ - We have all IU.ffered from the Terrible Toca. invitation is received to ~ affair. We're alwaya too early or too late, too fat or, too U you want to wear heela on a cta,te. you're too tall. thin, too unhappy or too lllly. PJSCD (Feb. 19-March 20): Study AquariUK. In 18 yeera of wrltlna thil column. It hu either mewace for valuable hlnta. .Focua on trl.-, Ideal. been too tone, too lhort. too late, too aerioua, or too formata and relaUves who 8fJek f.avon. UnarthodoX far out. WW I ever be older than too? A.quart.an sharel ualgn.ment and aeeka your counaeL U you want to ride a two-wheel bicycle, you're too short to reach the pedall. GOIEll 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR sHARIF North·Soulh vulnerable. Openinr lead: Two of o. htana ... med any better -To avoid beh'I end pl&7ed, Wfft deals. you • •• would probably w .. i won the ace of epadea NGaTB have been happy to MUM for and ed&ed with hie lut Trump CO.p Tom:f had clown lwo wh9n we ~ our epMle. l>edarer alMI dumlDJ •&.IU beea dowtftl !di uaua tonn ftnt look al dummy. But not ..... eae1' clown to Lhrw <::> •••• at U. ...Wp dllb -lala bid· Tomm7 -he wu ln hll tnmpa. a spade aod a heart, OU dliif wu 8'nJs•t out .el a .......... ........ , st.ill had au ftv• •AIU ...... ..., ...... w .. ff• woa the ftnl trlek In trumpa. West .,.; about to WUT · &UT tlnuallJ fouad clouble-ftmm7 Med with the ace of cfla· ...,. wllat ra' meant •••• . .. wa71 to eon..n &ff trlekt to IHltda and, warned by the ... n they aai that too mueh <:>&JUI ov ... 01 O&ClltHO Dlae.ButtheCleu..,..M• cloublt that. nothl .. ~ wa• or a pod thlar caa be bed. .. , .. • 1141 calaed from t ils bald ... UUl1 '° ha:c: 11 t ln1111p Tomm7 *9 a apade, Hd up for aa1 d...._7 In his suit, M cu the a~ and W•t w11 foreed to run. Ht IOl1Ttl h~ ... ·,..,_,.would klq of elube ancl ruffed • hH DOthl:: "' trulllpl '° •811'7 dub iD ~ hancl. Kit aim w11 mun, a 4hlm1111'• •r.! OAQfl4 ch.-......., • bid of four beu1a to .... u .... , or hil low .-tlte ~mL.IMd. T OAlt oa T•111'1 .... naa. '"•£ u ...... :x.;: .... .....,., d111D1Q'• ••• .... did .. to :.-c ·~ ., ....... ..... ·-... :-:.:.: n. Wddl•s: ............ double .... , to ••• , •• ~ aad the luL ,..... .. ,,. .......... WN& N_. IM& ..... ...... ..... 1ec1 to, ...... .a.It WU n... Daelarer to ...... .,,.... .... ~ ol ... ... •o 4 0 ~~._..,..., nl\ld .. ,.. ,... qultl el va.,. .... .....,.,.. .Q ... ... .... ... "°' .... , ...., ~ ......... ,~ ........ • ten ll'lcb -two epadee, a diamond. two ct.be. two dub rufft and lhrw trumpel A. rouUM Med for Tom1117I -. .... , ., .. ,. ···•· ............... ...,_ ...................... .,...., ....... st>.,.. •••'&? Cbrlea Gere•'• .. , ................. •Ill ..... ,.. ................ ........................ ............ :;,•• ... ...... . ...... ::. a ,j11 ~.g:== Deal," tare .. '"' ••; 911, P.O. ._ -Nel w 11 II, N.I. IN& .... ......=' ............ .... ,, .. Orange Coa1t OAILY PILOT/Tueeday, September 7, 1982 .. OCC ·:bookstore grows tudents pay for tripling &ize of text, clothing outlet ., f For the ffnt time In nearly two decadel , Oronae Coast C.Ollege hN a campua booklto.re that la bis cmouah to eervlce lta 33,000 1tudenta. A alx-month, $600,000 remodellna job wu • completed lut mont}\, nearly tripling the alie of · the faclllty. The project wu funded ent.l.rely by OCC'a A.laoclated Studenta -not a cent of taxpayer mon~y wu uaed. "The atudenta realized about 10 yean ago that th& book11t-0re waa too 1mall, and they decided to do something about It," aaye o.vtd A. Grant, OCC'a dean of Student Affain. ~~b(SG feet, plua proceeda from the 1tudent-n.an anac ban~ bookatore. "' Finally, 'tut wlnter, enou1h money wu ln the bank to ~ the project. OCC'• fltat bookltore cont.alned bArely 1,000 equare feet of fioor •pace and wu located ln the Student Center Building on the C.O.ta Mes. campua. In 1964 a new atructure wu built ln the OCC Quad, between the college'• Forum ~ecture /Hall and 1nack bar. The faclllty con~ a whopping ~.200 aqua.re feet. Recently completed construction of expanded Orange Coast College campu bookstore was paid for by studenl funds. "They began banking their money. That took tremendous foreelght and eelfle91J'leU on their part. They knew that they wouldn't be the ones to benefit from their own efforta -It would be those who came later." "We felt like we had died and gone to heaven when we moved lnto that etore," aaye Harold "Bud" Shu1ter, OCC11 book1tore manager for the past 22 yeara. But Shuster aay1 the feellna wal ahort- THI WIDDING PICTURI llved. "The campu. was growlng ao rapidly at that time that we out-grew the facility In lea than a year." .. In 1964 the college had 10,000 studenta. By · 1970 more than 20,000 were en.r:olled .. __;t;: ~~oe ao'nt!: 'iliATl~-~n·stua'ent government leaders decided to begin putting money away to enlarge the faclllty. With 12,500 square feet, it's now the largest community college bookstore In Orange County. What does Shuster plan to do with all the added apace? • "During the past few years we barely had enough •f.&ce to dis!,!laY all of our required textbooks, ' he says. • Now we'll h4ve plenty of ....., room for all the texts, and we plan to greatly expand our other supplies. "We'll carry a much larger selection of clothing, like T-shirts, sweat shirts, shorts, sweat auita, and backpac.ks. "We'll also have a large trade and reference area in which we'll sell book.a that relate to many of our courses, but are not actually required course texta, plus a large stock of self-help books that relate to our courses and college life." . Mrs. Dale R einholt Mrs. Rubert Cupc1r11s Mrs. Clive Brooks ,Mrs. Brian Wi,l/ison Shuster is also plaru$lg a sma11-gift area'. "We're taking our time ln stocking the store," he says. "Right now it loo a bit empty, but it would be a mistake to randomly buy merchandise just to fill the shelves ln a hurry . We'.re goirur to take our time and choose die ·~--·---.-rtright~~--~ --~ ~ ·---·---------·-_.._ ___ _,,_ ----.--~ S t. Witfrids J!:p1scopal Church. They traveled to Lake Tahoe for a honeymoon and will reside in Fountain Valley. Willison -Sumner Alter a honeymoon on Hawatl and Maui, the fo(Tller Susan Sumner and her husband Brian Willison are residing in Dallas, Texas. Their marriage was solemnized A\16· 7 in Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Sumner, is a graduate of UC Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. William Willison oi New Belhlehem, Pa. are parents of lhe bridegroom, who was graduated from West Virginia University. Cuperus -Rogaski Debby Ann Rogask.i, daughter of Mr. and l Mrs. Je rome Flynt of Huntington Beach, a nd Robert F.arle Cuperus were 'married Aug. 14 in Start Being 1be~\bu want to Bel Mike tb1s smoR JOUJ IMJllAI point I Cill OJ COIN tod1y IOJ I COlllPhllMAIJJJ 1ulys1s IM Pto&U• dilCUSSIO~ . Brooks -· Moodey Despite its diminutive size prior to exP._an1lon, Shuster eay1 the s_tore did a whopping $2.3 million ln sales last year, with a Th e bridegroom , a graduate of lhe University of Redlands, is tt}e son of Mrs. and Mrs. George Cuperus of Huntington Beach. Dunstan's Church, a 17th century vicarage in Princes Risborough, Buckinghamsh ire, England, was the setting for the Sept. 4 marriage of Kathryn Laurell Moodey of Newport Beach• and Clive Richards Brooks of Buckinghamshire. net profit of 11.7 percent. Thia year, he predict.a the sales volume could top the $3 million mark. Reinholt -Hunt Christine Leno re Hunt and Dale Alan Reinholt exchanged wedding vows Aug. 7 in Prince of Peace Lutheran Ch urch. Afterwards they departed for a honeymoon in San Francisco. Their first home will be in Irvine. After a wedding trip through southern England they will reside in Newport Beach. "Even if we only hlt $2.7 million this year I'll be very pleased," he 1ay1. "Thia is a beautiful fad.llty. Our goal now is to develop it to lta full potential. It may take a while, but it'll be well worth the effort." The Costa Mesa High Sc!).ool graduates are the daughter and son of Costa Mesa residents Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reinholt. Robert and Evelyn Moodey of Newport Beach are parents of the bride and her husband is the son of Mrs. Peter Knopp and Gordon Brooks, both of Buckinghamshire. :The bride attend~d Qtis Parsons Art Institute in Los Angeles and her husband attended schools in England. The store is now open Monday through Thursday from 7:3<> a .m. to 7:30 ..P·rl?-·• and Fridaye from 7:30 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. IJW1ng the first two weeks of .::hool, Sept. 7-17, the 1tore will be open Monday through Thunday to 9 p.m .. and Fridays until 6 p.m. C•H for hee 1nfor111alloA ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. ORANGE (714) 547-8228 Dear World MY YOUNG SON etarta to school thie week : .. It's all going to be sort of strange and new to him for awhile, and I wieh you would sort of treat him gently. You see, up to now he's been king of the roost ... He's been boss of the backyard ... Hie mother hae always been near to soothe hia wounds and repair his f eelinge. But now tbinis are going to be different. He's going to walk down the front ,1teps, wave his hand. and start out on the great ad- venture ... It is an adventure that might take him across continents, across oceans ... It's an adventure that Will pro6ably include wars auc:l tragedy and sorrow ... To live hia life in the world he will have to live in will ~ quire faith and love and courage. So, World. I wish you would sort of look after him . . . Take him by the hand and teach him things he will have to know. But do it '8ntly, if you can. He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him a1eo that fOI' every ICOW1drel there le a hero ... that for every crooked poll· t.iclan there ia • pMt and dedicated leader ... Teech him that for every enemy, there le a friend. Steer him a"{ay from envy, if you can ... and teach hiJn the MCret of quiet laughter. In school. World. ~ch him it i1 far more honorable to fail u._n to cheat . · .. Teach him to have faitli in bia own idea1, even lf every· one 1ay1 they are wrona ... Teach him to be gentle wit'h gentle people and toush with Try to give my eon the etrength not to fol- low the crowd when everyone ia pttlna OD the bandwagon ... Teach him to liaten to all men -but teach him allo to fUtS all be bean on a ecreen of truth and take ju.t the sood that aiphona throush. Teach him. lf you can. how to laugh when he's aad ... Teach him there ia no 1bame in teen ... Teach him there can be sJory in fail. ure and deepair In wcceaa. Treat him pntly, World. if you can. But Clon 't coddle him ... Becau• only the tMt of fire mak• fine It.eel ••. Let him have the cour- ap to be impatient ... Let him have the pa- tience to be brave. Let him be no man'• mall ••. Teach bJm al- way• to have wblime faith in himMlf, BecauM th.en ht wW al••Y• have eublime faith In mankind. Thia it quite an order, World. but ... what you can do ... He'• euch a nice Utti. fellow. my IODI By DAN VALENTINE Last week! Perm Sale! toushpeople . Harbor Lawn· Mount dliw. ' , I Go· from so-so to simply sensational. Nova perm; reg. s40 now '3250 ·s~ &~italt~ . SOUTH COAST PLAZA 546-71~& Memorial Park· Mortuary.'Mausoleums ·Crematory SBRYINfPAU 1'Alf'll8 , ..., Oran t CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tuetd1y, September 1, 1812 .,....,..... has an estimated base sticker price of $11,000 BONUS OFFER! . ·24• Get • P• of Joy8tlcka (26-JOOI) tit No Exn ctw'ae When 'tou Pul'CMM Our New 11K Stana.rd Color ComputMI international driving champion, shows off 1983 and with optiefu.'VriJ.}~~t:r· ·-;,- Ford Mustang convertible in Los Angeles. The more. · ~---bt<-~P.tf ~~.t&I f-tJJ _.. - ebtors tunible over the brink · Just Plug In a Program Pak,. to ... . It'• Alao Great for ... • Play Exciting Color Action Games • Teaching the Famtty How to Program • Expreaa Vouraelf In Music or Art • Creating Vivid Color Graphics Une mploym e nt drives many ove r credit cliff • Set Up a Famtty Budget ... and More • Helping the Kids ytth Schoolwork · Hurry-Offer Explrn 9/26/82 By The A11oclated Pre11 A growing number ot p~ople in trouble, Warning: The red ink in your family budget however, face problems because of the loss of a job. could be a sign of serious trouble ahead. "We have a 15 Percent rate of unemployment in T h ousands of Americans are living on Peoria and that's something new," she said. ~ SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE. borrowed money and today record unemployment has driven many of them over a credit cliff, unable The counseling service has join ed local to pay the bills. employers like Caterpillar Tractor Co, and COMPUT~R CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER Credit counselors like Mayneen Dykstra of community organizations in seminars for people Peoria, m., say more and more people are seeking who have been laid off or face the threat of A DIVISION OF TANDY CORP()f'.'ATION . . help with their debts. "We have been swamped," joblessness; one day-long information program PRICES MAY VAAV AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS said Dykstra of the Central Illinois Consumer Credit .~dre~w~l~,OOO~!peo~pl~e~, Dy~ks~tr~a~sai~d:_. _____ _J_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Counseling Service. The counseling service handled 7'l. percent more cases this June than it did last year -an all-time record. By the middle of August - normally a slow month -the caseload was running 51 percent ahead of the same «1onth for 1981. In a telephone Interview In between counseling sessions. Dykstra said rising unemployment is at the root of many people's problems. She also said families often don't realize they are In trouble until it is too late. "I don't think they recognize the danger signals well enough," she said. "It seems to rut many people all at onc;e, particularly, if they haven't been keeping track of where their money is going." Those danger signals, according to Dykstra and other experts, include: -Spending more than about 20 percent of your take-home pay on installment debt. -Putting off paying the bills until later and later each month and making minimum payments only on outstanding debts. · · -Arguing about money.· • -Using credit for everyday expenses like groceries. -Juggling the bills to try to avoid dunning letters from creditors. -Buying things you can't afford on credit to cheer yourself up. The first thing to do when you DO realii.e you're in danger is to "get in touch with your creditors," Dyl<.Stra said. If your past payment record Is good, they probably will be lenient in orking something out. Dykstra said the people who seek counseling come from all income levels and all walks of life. A profile of the people who visited the· counseling service in 1981 showed that the average family had an income of $18,398 and owed $10,144 in outstanding installment debt, not counting mortgages. Th~ average family had 10 creditors and the average age of the head of household was 32.6 years. · rown pitches echnology SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -In a pitch for high •-·h...,.logy, Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. says "the- y way to compete with foreign companies and lgn nations is to be smarter, to work harder to create the incentives that will make all that 'ble." Brown, cha1nnan of the California Commission n Industrial Innovation, said at a recent news erence that the commission's recommendations uld "p~t some fire back into our smoldering ll!Conomy. The 18 -member co mmission's 50 secon:unendations called for the nation to encourage igh technology industries by expanding tax ncentlves, easing an titrust laws on research peration and setting strategies to meet foreign 9!Clonomlc challenges. Thirty-two of the recommendations urged the tion and state to improve education and training acience and education. "li we don't have enough enaineerlng people out of Stanford and Berkeley, lf doesn't tter what Hewlett-Packard or Apple Computer 1enetlc engineering companies want to do ause w e're not going to find the h uman urces to do it," Apple Computer chairman teven Jobs said . . Sch ool admiaaions and graduation ~irer:nenta in acience should be strengthened, the port said. Industry and government should de better pay, perhaP8 moonlight jobs for nee teachers and more computen should be · available to students. · The report also urged greater cooperation mmiiona labor, bwdnela and government in 80lving problema. 11o/o TAX FREE , c•1rN9 WrMlld .......... _,....,.. .... .....,. Of,_.alp•"°!' • POii PUllTHIR NT.a CALL Oft MAIL TO: Cl&OW•ll,'W9edon .. Co. ,., .... ~·~"'" .. ,. _ ............ ,,., ... 0.-111""'9. .................. _ .................... . ·~ f What to do.ii.you should ever smell natural gas. If yo u've ever had a whiff of natu ral gas, you know it's not French pe rfume. But that's one big reason it's so safe. "' We add the smell to natural gas (which is· normally odorless) so you can detect even the slightest leak A slight odor near an appli ance usually means a pilot light is out Bu t if you have any do ubts, just call us. If the smell is strong, open the windows and doors. Q.on't light any matches or tum anything electrical on or off, not eve n the lights. Any electrical switch could cause a spark If your burner flam es (range, furnace, wate r heater) are leaving soot deposits or giving off an acrid odor, call us immedfately. Be careful with unvented room ..........._ .: .... t=:J· ~u-.. : ' . , . . .... l==--..... heaters. Th ey can ca use fire, asphyxia- tion and deadly fumes such as carbon monoxide. If you're not sure if your heater is safe, call the Gas Company. We11 check it And be careful where you dig. Gas lines are under your property, so call us before yo u excavate. We11 help yo u find them. ~ '• Alert everyone in yo ur home and get out Alert your neighbors nearby. Then, call the Gas Company. (But don't use the phone in your home). If the gas odor is outdoors it could be ... Please keep these tips in mind. even more serious than a leak indoors. ~By using natural gas safely and So call us ri®t away. ,. ,.. efficiently, you11 be keeping Even if yo u don't smell gas, we. hope °' ' _ your gas bill as low as you11 kee p safety in mind. o ·possible. Never store any flammable materials . · And that's ~oth~ng to sniff al · ' near a gas appliance or your gas meter. ) . ..... .. • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Tueed ··• - How's this tor a good answer: money. Read our·newspilper; and , cash in on advertised values. discount coupons, food news and consumer reports that can save you money every single week. 'We also save you time. Which is important for busy women . . managing a home, children and many other responsibilities. In the market tor tun? We cover weekend enter- tainment and special events aro.und town . T'I and movies. Recreation . sports. hobbies. a whole package of . interesting news and features to give you a lift! Wheneve r you have the time. So if you've ,beef! feeling a little shopworn lately , get some help. Get the·paper. -What's In ·1t tor you? Th• answer appear~ on every page ot • 81 642-4321 I . ay, Sept.,,,bef' 7, 1882 ·-- . ~ .. I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUMday, September 7, 1N2 THE •'AMIL't' C'IRCC by Bil Keane \II heard a strange noise out in the garage." MARMIADl.:kE by Brad Anderson II f'.1 Cl 11•~ ~ , ..... '-"'" ... "I found dog biscuts ·1n the toaster again!" .11.:DGE ~ARKER . I RE.SOLV~ TO STOP BE.IN<:r FA'f, LAZV ANP CYNICAL . l SHAU. NOW RISE •AT AN EARLY HOUR ACROSS 50 ll1tect MONDAY'S 51 8oy friend PUZZLE SOLYED 1 Homed 52 St11>1 5 Wood 56 Raltet 10 Stoneware: eo Algerian por1 ~ f ~~ ~ f A~ p fr, 6 I Highly ex cit· l-4Conl..C Id u • ~ DI I I . ,. " D I I& u T C M O I I L f , 15 Compolef ~ Skin leeiol'I Dworek 15 "Rein" worn- I f I D If I , " E T T y -·~· LL- .. Mlffce an 1 f7 Not - -ee Kind or p11o- , -: Not at'lll bit 19 Pok• bet 67 Scottlth 20 Aemow gun• river I 21 Fn111 ee 0n 111upo1 23 Contenoert 69 Revell: Obi. 29Hetp DOWN 27C.MI fletWlt: I Sahlfa·Nke n tii.-1111 I H ,., 11• II Ulll SI ~i • •rrJI 011 ... 111 ··" II• !II ITT lll -1 .a 'l~Y- u llPLll ~ .;iurr I II I l 0 II I ~ i .• II l I 11 A ,,,. ID I 0 II It T 2 Wordl 2 ~alan Pfln-24 -de Grtetey: 30 o.te net of c-. Covtrt.y 2 word• 34 MleetMlf del· 3 Slllt• 25 Wranctte• o Amerinds , ty 4 Otporta 27 Dir~ 48 Petilt 35 Purwrlte 5 Mora placld 21 Raging 49 ll•te<I 1 31 Kind of aauoe 6 Pronoun 29 Summoned ~9 A.up at ~wtlght 7 Tc:hrt'. aoc. 31 John Jtcob 52 Pienta : 3t ,.,_td 8 Only lair 63 Sptln9f · 41 Contlln« 9 Pity brtak 32 Wey 6-i Ulll.llUll @ '8ril --" 10 Noted l'IO 33 Church coun· 55 Sall euppott .. 0...., '1 ....., S*1 ell 17 ,,..,,. '4 "Md --12 Thll' Sp, 31·Attornty -58 VflY bad 11111" t3 '*OllYla -st C-ao mower •.. 1t Mln't llllM 3t Lt'IWI t2 Ptndlr WOf1I ff.... H W• • 40 lpOr9d 13 MlflY""" •IGGEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "O•oro-, there'• .... of ICllH Hptel1lly d11lgned f~ you." \; ~ -1 ~ EVER WANT TO Bf P~e:o UNLESS YOU'Re PROMOTED TOO!~ by Harold Le Ooux MY PEN IS LEAKIN6 .. I CAN'T OPEN MY BINDER .. SHO£ ~ANC\' GORDO BOTM PENCILS A~E 8ROKENAHPMV~RA5ER JUST BOUNCED UNDER • SOMEONE'S DES.:: ! 8E WITH '(00 IN A M~EHT, MA'AM ... WE 14.f EmRtENGIN6 TECHNICAL Pt~FICOl TIES! by Ernie Bushmiller by Gus Arriola by George Lemont OH, YOU KNOW, POC.,-OR WHA1"'S- HIS-NAMe DAD SA'/5 •rrS EAS?f "-MoM MIS •1,-'s FUN~ ... ( . • Rival Bond two actresses HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Barbara c.arrera and Maud Adami wtll 100n be on thelr way to London to work ln comped.ni Jamee Bond moviell . . Mill Carrera wtll play evil Fatima tFJUlh ln '!Never Say Never Never Ajain," 1tantna Sean Connery. Mila Adami wW star .. the villain in the title role of "Octopuasy," 1tarring &,rer Moore. Golden Gun,'' laid ah did-not reallt.e ahe WM being Adams. ~"' in..:."l'he Man wtth the cut u Octopuay u tll 1he went into makeup during a test in Lond . "I was very excited," ahe said. ' "After all a woman has never before played the title role in a Bond film -or been in two of the filma." • Mlaa Carrera asked about· th~ two competing Bond films, aaid, 1·weu, JUlturally, ~ hope that ~ FAMILY AFFAIR -Hurne Cronyn (right) • Carradine of the tlolly\voOd Ca.rradines ln the tuma out to be the classic one. Bu!,'Jihope the other and Jessica Tandy, one of the theater's t.Qp ne\\> play "Foxfire" ln New Yorlt. Carradine one does well, too. Surely, there'• toorn for both of ~•~=~~~!'.-a.w:;;;-t-__;iiiiwiiin=iT'- huaband and wife acting teams, join Keith .plays the Cronyns' CO\.Ultcy-singin& star ·aon. them." I Kllrtis weighs anchor:·whenever .he can Even 'Fantasies' have their linJits . HOLLYWOOD (AP) -You've teen "Fantasy laland" and' you'd like to talk to Mr. Roarke about your wildest dream. Well, there's a new NBC daytime show called "Fantules. "• But while it might deliver a new TV .et or piano, there are limits. Columbia Pictures Television conceived the show u a companion piece to "Fantasy lalapd" when it l'Je/I into syndication. Peter Marahall ll the Mr. Rmike for thia game show. Marahall roams the aisles aaklng the studio audience, "Wbat'1 your fantasy?" He geta the usual answen, ~ u .. travel the world," and handa out envelopes of $50. One preppy-looking young man anawen, "I want to have lunch with Greta Garbo!' I The man waa actually a plant, ao that Manhall could explain that ''not all fantule9 can be r.llzed." There'• always Mr. Roarke. - EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT lllOM-TMUM. ... 9:11,1Ck11 F.:.:=.:i IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT- YOU'VE MISSED THE BEST LOVE STORY IN A LONG TIME. •• IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT- ISN'T IT TIME TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN? MU lllWPOllT IUCI MUii IAtwl BfN Plul Edwllds lieWllOl1 CIMdollle S29 S339 C-144 11710 134 2U3 MIU• YIUO Edwards Y• Twin 130 11990 WHTM•TD Edwllds Cinema Wes1 191 393S llO--..-nc ... ·11~ * BARQAJN MATIN••s • Monday thru Saturday All Perfonnencet bef6fe 5:00 PM (&otpl .,... Etltlll ..... * HllWlyt) "THE NNKMAN".,... ----- LAl<EWOOD CENHll SOUTH,..,.,.'" "AN OFFICIR AM> A OENTUMAN" 1111 ----- "ftm>AY ntm 1aTM ,.Af/tT I" I'll ... ., ------ •YOUNQ DOCTOll9 .. I.Oft" .. ---"MGHT-..r1111 --- ..,_AYTMltnM ,.MIT 1"1111 •• ------- -.. -. .... hlt -lol.lala---·- IMPOllTANT NOTICl! CIULOllH UllO(ll 12 fllUI ..................... , ............... .. °""" - . ..,. Ml (NI -• -Sl'UIO "'"'*CM.._ Miii--"""* ---~1·.u.-.............. .. .. "" ...... ANAHEIM 0111\lf IN ~1111 -nm ..':; UTTU .... .,.,, ... t,.,.,.[]11 ._t1e1i.e-te WMClfllllW•TWXAr1111 1,._.llO . ~!'~ -- ..,_AY TMI ,-. "lllfT I 1111 -"TM9 ....,. MAaTD ... Cll( II- I ' t A •Ao.. BUENA PARK (WIVI IN . . . ......... LINCOLN 0 111\lf IN lll'C-....... "''"°" 1 121..010 ... •.• '• - HI WAY 39: •"•' ~ "amcM. CMCIMt ~ AM TW.e'" O¥lll" 1111 1M'flm" ... Cllll " IOUllO "TMa ~•11r .-. ""'!~ ... __ ,._ .. IA HAtH<'I\ , .1 , --·---·--IJMMI ORANGE'"'''" "TMS~Plt -"GiOM •••come" .,... Clllt'1- .... :.o-·· "MYAft IAMOM" 1111 C.fl-~--=- "TMS~­ "OOlll • • .-CW" -_,. _ ... ,.,........., I ··~41191 ..,. ... , ......, CANR" ie! -~ .. ·-··-c ..... 614-9,., -EVENllG-J ... (•) ····~u. Do d I er 1 al Rede. 1:00•• NEWS • CtiA.AUE'8 A~Y._ II WILD, WILD WUT • 8.W.A.T. I~ HAWAII FIVE..O OVEREA8Y ifi MAOIC Of' OIL PAINTINO "lnctlan Summet" CJ) C88NEWS 9 ABCNEWS (C)MOVIE * * "Murd11r Al The W0tld Serles" (1971) Lynda Day George, Karen \/alenllne A young man'1 bizarre kid· napping .Cheme lnvOlvea five Innocent women and Iha final two gemn of the bueball chaml>fonshlp Cll t.40VIE • • • "Tribute To A Bad Man" ( 1956) James Cag. ney, Ir..,• P1pa1 Two con· cemed people 111emp1 lo convince • ranchet 10 llop killing rulller• 1:30• OICKCAVETT Guell! lormer Secretary of Stall Henry Kl11lnger (Perl IJIRI G!) FAST FORWARD "Lasara" Some of the astonishing poaslbthl18S of 1156< energy r•noe from bloodlets microsurgery to pollution meHurament. from Htelllle Image trans- mission to holography. (() NEWS 91 BARNEY MIUER The de1ec11ves have 10 cope with an Irate land· lord. a muakeHollng old· ster and a blind stioplltter tmMOVIE . • • * ,..., "Bringing Up Baby" ( 19381 Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant An erchMOIOQ•ll Hll OUI lo raise a mllllon dollars tor his museum. but ends up Involved with e pretty llOCl•lll• 7:00 8 CBS NEWS 8 HAPPY DAYS AOAIN • A8CNEWS Cl n.ESAINT G» M•A•S•H Col Po1111 llrlkes up 1 W8fm lrlendlhlp with a viii· lllng head nurse. • JOKER'& wtLD •&>BUSINESS AEPOA'T (() P.M. MAGAZINE A Tom Sellecll look-aUke contest~ llleguard1 1n the -•lfy. ---0 E~TAINMENT ' TONIGHT An Interview with Suaan Luccl (8) VIOEO JvKE801C 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured e 1111 Clinic; • perty •• Ille house or ac1or George Hamilton, a look 81 the Aapen-Los Angeles "connec11on " It LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPAHY LaVetne get• a blind dete with Mllw1ukN'1 Men or the Year. • EYEONLA. Featured • report on Los Ange4H' con1rover1lal Or, Tl'IOm•• Noguchi. "coroner on llMI 11ar1". 1 profile of wonning jockey Laffi11 Pin. cay Jr.; 1 report on aero- blctH, Ille latest eKtrciM cra:ze. • M 'Jo.•S•H Hawkeye and B.J • s enoru 10 be nlca lo Frank b.ck· fire Wl>en they Invite him 10 join thelt poltet geme eno he Cleanl lhem OU1. • (() TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL / LEHRER AEPORT • M<>tlEYMAKEAS "Liie lnlU(ance· A National Dilemma" Orange Ooa1t DAILY PK.OT/TUMdly, September 1, 1112 / "2 on the Town" hosts, Steve Edwards, Melody Rogers at 7:30 Ch. 2. [D) YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured "Mummlea Come To Lile" and "Can1- d1a n Mountie Sabre Cll•rge (8) RACE' FOR n.E PENNANT Barry Tompkin• ano Tim McC11rver cover all the t>ases leading to the 1962 World Serles (%)MOVIE * * • 'Breathless" (1961) Jean Seberg, Jean-Paul Belmondo An AmetlCan woman hea a ltegic •Ha.Ir with • nappy-go-lucky crook. 1:00 IJ ([) MO\/IE * * * "Scruples" (Part II ( 1980) Llndaay Wagner, Barry Boalwick Th• young wife of en elderly milllon· atre open1 a HOiiywood boutique. and wllh Ille help ol a hend1ome photogra- pher end • New York lash· Ion designer. lurna 11 tnlO a huge success !RI O QINEWS It MOVIE * * • "Double lndemnlly" ( 19<14) Barbera Stanwyck, Fred MacMurrey. A wom- an plan• 10 murder he< husbend and heve II appear 10 be •n accident 1n Ol'det 10 collect on h11 Illa insurance POiicy D [D) HAPPY DAYS Roger aska Fonzie lor advice on how to change h11 Image wllh women (R) i BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE m P.M. MAGAZINE V•SJI Iha LOI Angeles Bal- tel, a p811enl whose savere chronic depraulon , was alleviated with a brain paoemaker ti) MOVIE I ** "Nero WOiie" (19701 Thayer David, Anne ~A -llhy real· attat• tf\agnate wno leet1 he'a being walche<I by the FBI turna to Nero Wolfe '°' help. • NATIONAL OEOORAPHIC SPECIAL 'Nallonal Parka Play· ground Or Paradise?" Ellor1s by the Natlonal Park Sarvoce lo retlrlcl llMI publtc's acceu 10 Ameri- ca s parka In hopee ot put- ting a hall to environmen- tal damage. pollution and crime are •••mined (R) Ol) MYSTERY "Rumpole 01 The Balley . Rumpole And Tile Age FOi' Retirement" Rumpote't best cllenll, Ille Timaon l1m11y, ...i. his help - Ille eg1ng Petey Tlm$0tl la caught wllh a llolen rellg- IOus work of ert (Part 6) (RIO CJ:)ll<>VlE * • "Lei'• Do II Aglin" ( 111751 Sidney Poitier, Bi.H Cosby A milkman and a lac1ory worket engage tn belltng and hypnotism 10 raise funds 10< their IOdge . 'PG' (B) EARTH. WINO ANO FIRE IH CONCERT The fUZ-funk·rock gtoup combine eAplO!llve singing wtlh compl&• choreogre- phy and ltHh)I apeclal effects In • perlOl'mance llped at the 01kland Coll· seum 1n O•lclend. CaJllor· nla (S)MOVIE • * • "Outland" (1981) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle l A apace mar1hel ln•elllgatea • ruh of myt- letlOUS deatht within • m1n1ng cOlony on one of Juptlar 1 moon• 'R' 0MOlllE1 • • "Mnt acre Al Central High" ( 1976) Andr-Ste- vens, Robert Carradine. A crusade lor revenge begins art0< a ptank thal went 100 tar wu pulled on the quieter lludenta by e group ol bored high· lcilool lrlendt 'R' 1:10 (Q) THE WIZARD'S SON 1:30 D ttl) LAVERNE ANO SHIRLEY Laverne ano Shlrtey'• apartmtnl II robbecl IWIC6 tnoneweek (RIO m OOOCOUPl.t lnvo!VOQ. his ESP. FellK warns e akepllcal Oaca1 ..,,lllft" to attend a gale dinner Ill which he ii to be neme<I ~lswroter of the Year. (Q)MOVIE * * * The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" , ( 111781 • Marilyn Husett. Timothy Bolloma. Former champion 1kler Jiii Kin· mont, renoered • quedn- l)leglC by 1 tragie accident, wrestles with Mff-doubt when • new tove entllfB her tote 9:00 D COUNTRY JAMBOREE D ®' THREE'S COMPANY Jeck'• cooking demon- 11re1oon on a lelevtalon talk show 1en<11 him In !rouble With h.11 bOSI CR) 0 Q PAULHOON( G» MEAV OAIFFIN Gueata: Biiiy Prnton. Elke Sommer, Roger Witaon. May LM Davia. Karo,!." Chr111tan • MYSTERY "RumPOle 01 The Balley Rumpole And The Age F0t Retirement" Pumpole't bast chen11. the Tlmaon lam•ly, -k hll help when •~ aging Petey Tlmaon la caught wolh 8 llolen teliO- IOul work of arl (Part I) (R)O Ol) ffOVA "The Cancer Oelecilves 01 Lin Xian" Chln«l41 9Cie<l• lists have uncoveted IOITle clues on their purtull of • Cute IO< eaophligMI can- cer, 1n etual"9 CetlO« wtuch ctalmt • dlapropor. 11ona11 numbet of 11vn In Un Xlan. (R)Q 8MOlllE * • "Th41 Great Riviera Benl< Robt>ety" I t979) Ian McS~. Wanan Clarke. Fnc:ast redlcall and p10- leasoon11 cttmlnals jOln lorcas to pull ol! the "per. leer· crime (B)MOVIE dtlrelof 1 en unlleallllV lntttM In ••u1nlem ,0.00 I l..OOl<AT UI '"'"'=' J11natll1n leern• 1t111 1111 l\Hf ,.,.. flO'ldenl ... ptenne<l by WI eooentr'IO ltt CUllW4~..-n~ add Jtnnlltf to Ill• cOlteo- tlon !AICJ • Mf\JGH AOAO A LllOtlatl family la IOI· lowed dut'vi<i In.If IOU'M't from •v alUQM cernp 11'1 Thatland through lll•ir reaett11mant In ctrlltll Ohio • HAN> CHOIOU "Boy Or Olrt· S"°"1d The C~ 8e Oun't" A'<><* le taken•• tome -gtng !KlmolQQ'" whlc:h would 1llow proepec:llve pwenl• lo c:hOON their chlld'• M•. IR) (C)MOVIE •• ·~ ''II UVM Aollin" ( 1971) Fted«lc Forrllt, K1tl\1Mn UOyd A niunbet ol couptn find their Joy over having • baby changed Into nerve· thalletlng terror w~ 1he Infant• emerge H ct•wed montlet• 'R' (I) AOMANCe: LOVE IN THEOUNU (Perl 5) • 10:30 D • NEWS (D) THE GOLDEN Jo.OE OF TELEVISION "The Comedt1n" Mlekey Rooney 11.,.1 u 1111 ego- lfallcal comic who lhrlvel u e llar by devouring 11Veryone 11ound lllm Cl) CANCER CONFRONTATIOH Dentel Trevanll hosts '• oocumentary spacial which tocu-on tome of the contro'lltlllee eorroundlng cem;ar. Including lnler- vi-lllllth ln...olved Con- gressm911, cancer reMarch olllelals, doctora and can. eat vlCtlma .. OMOVIE a a "The Hai.Ing" ( 1977) Jeff East, Bred Davia. The member• of 1 ptMllglou• cOllege lr1te<nlly a11emp1 10 hide the death of 1 pledge during hulno, 'PO' (%)MOVIE *•·~"Bad Tlmlno" !1980) Ari Garfunkel. H•n•ey Keitel A po1MUlve PIY· Ql\oanalyat end • atyfllh youn9 woman t>eogln • ttegie ;omance In lllennL. 'R' 1t:OO8 8 (() 0 8 NEWS • SATURDAY NIOHT Hott. Maur--. Stapleton Gue5ta: Unda Ronttedl, Phoebe Snow D YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured: "The Tyt<e On The Motocroaa SPffd· w1y" and "The Cutia Of Junk .. • M•A•S•H A g_,al r-ards 111e 40771h with an Ottlc«a· Club alltM' Hawkeye and Trapper uve hll aon'a Ille. ti) BENNY HIU. Benny goea on 1 blind d•ll. • BUSINESS REPORT G DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MlchMI end Paul lty to teach anantomy the hard WI'/ 11~. <I> TENNl8 Hlghlighll of the U.S Open from llMI Unlled StalM Tenni. At~•tlon Nation· al Tenn11 Cenlet. Ftual'llng Maedow1-Corona Park, N.Y. D 8TONIOHT Hoit· Johnny Carson. G~I. hand-crank phone ow,_ Elden H11heway. e a A8CNEWS NIOH1'UHE D MOVIE * * "UnOer Ten F18Q9" (1960) \Ian Heflin, Cherin Laughton A Getman ehlp cleverly using va.rlout di .. gu1ae1 1volda capture While forcing 8tltleh INpa I0'1Urten6er • THE JEFRR80H8 Mother JeHetaon 111<8 up trouble by Inviting ont of Geofge'a old gltffrlend1 to dll'lnet. • LOVE AMEAICAH STYLE "Love And The TWenger Tut0<" An IHilet•ll but popular elnger falls In love wllh hit tut()(. • CAPTIONED A8C NEWS (B) RACE FOR THE PENNANT • KNXT (2) 7:30 -"2 on the Town." A look at the A1pen-Lo1 Anaele1 ..-"'4.0U.nn~on .. See photo, left. · KNXR (2) 8 :00 -"Scruple1." Rebroadcut of Part I of two-part drama about a mll1Jofl8're'• wife who turns a boutique In'° a huge auoceu. KCET (28) 8:00 -"National Parka: Playaround or Paradtae?" Survey of current atate of the nat.lonal treuure. and the debate over thelr future. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." Jonathan learns that hi• near fatal accident was planned. P•HMCI Into MtVICI •nd mutt c:ontand with on- board h'l"ltfla. • te0rellve contrOI tower 1111<1 cllahe- lllled memorlel. 'PO' 12:00 8 (() ALIC« Alkle 1t•rt1 dating Tom- my'• high tchool principal. CR) • ENTERTAINMENT TONIO HT , An lntervi.w wlll't Suaan Lucci 8 111 FANTA8Y 181..AND A mauled couple get the cnanoe 10 t>eogtn • n- romance, end • brld•lo- 1>41 calla oH lier wedding 10 • promln9111 man. (RI • MOVIE • * • "Thi Godden·· (1958) Kim Slenley. Lloyd Bridges. Ba.Nd on • 1tory by Peddy Chayellky. .\ lonely woman struggle• for Hollywood atardom. • LOllE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Cont~ alon" Wl\9" their ship 11· about 10 sink, Harri• conleuea 10 Blanclle •bout• pall 1ll1lr. (H)MOVlE • * Yt "Mommle 0.arMt" (19111 Faye Dunaway, DI•· na Scarwld Fontn lllm lier Joan Crawford ralees her two adopltcl children In • domea11C 11moec---.-e that varln from luxurloua coml0r1 10 Mdlatlc dled- l)llne. 'PG' tm HAMM~ HOUSE OF HOAAOA "llllilor F1om T"' Gra.ve" An Ametican heir-who wet 11\volved In • murder become& convinced that llMI vlcllm'a gtio.I la Mele· ~=-* • 'h "TIMI H1un1ing Of Juli•" (1977) Ml• Farrow, Keir Dullee Al1et recover- ing from an emotlon•t crl- tJ1, a women pu<ch-a house th1I eppeer1 to be haunted. 'A' 1~.30 a a LATE NIGHT WITH DAW> LETT£RMAH G~t, Dick Cavett. film· maker Howard Smith CRI I COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And TIMI New You" $Mila tellt Eugene 1hal he laelts 1tyte "Love And The High School s-1hear1·' Gladys invilM het old boy· trleod 10 <linnet (%)MOVIE •*lit "Circle Of Two" c 1900) Richard Burton. Tatum O'NMI Oetplte 11rong patlllllal opposition. • poignant comaooe deYel- OPI bet-a tlO-year-old •11111 and • ptecodoul teetMge achOOlgltl. 'PG' 12:.15 8 (J) Mea.OUO A tailor flndt l'llmaelf 11'1 lhe mlddlt of McCloud'a 11'1-0gatlor'o of lhe num- .. rectce1 1:00 I ~ AOO£R8 • * • "Body And Soul" ( 1947) John Gariield.-Ulll Palmer A bo1tar IOllowl • etooked llne from the Wms lo Ille toe> of the fighting rec1t11 Ollly to tr' .,::,:d Wlyt. * • "Return Of The Dr• gon" ( 1972) ~ '--"· Chuc:k Norr1-. A mar1191 wt• pper1 )oufMYW trom Hong Kong 10 Rome 10 help I Irland whO 11 in trou- ble with the mob. 'R' 1:06~MOVIE • *•lit "Blood brother•" ( 1971) RIChard Get•. Tony Lo Blanco. A young man d1r11 lo br11k l•mlly trad- ition bV working In • hoapl· tal w11d fOf children rathet lhln In llMI h11vy oonauvo- llon buelnna 'R' 1:1oa MOVIE *I "Wild Rae.ta" ( tlle8) F1blan, Mlmay Farmer A rebelll6ua ·-·car driver becom11 lamoua lollowtng hl1 reluaet· to "throw" • ,_ 111 NEWS 1:30 G 8 N8C NEWS OVENmHT (l)MOVIE * * "KIU And Kiii AgaJn" (1981) Jamea Ryan, Ann&- llne Ktlel. A mantel ant ••j)jtrt balllea Ille minion• ol • ~-med tclentlat lnttfll on en111v1no men- kind wllh • ,_ mlfld-con· lrOI drug. 'PG' • 2:00• MOVIE •• *"' ''Home 01 The Brave" ( 1949) Frank Love- joy, J-Edwa101, Our· Ing World War II, • black GI with a pllytlcal 111111<11- cap euHera mental tOl'menl al the llanda of hi• white comr•dn. .MOVIE I** "AU Night Long" (19111 Gene Hacilm.,,, Barbra Slrelund. Aller being d«n<>ted from C:OC· flO'•le execu11ve to Ct181n· • •llore nlghl matl909f, I mlddle-agec:I m1n'1 tit• atyle and vllluee ere turned uptJde-down 'R' 2:118 MOVIE • * •lit "Dud End" C 1937) Sylvie Sldnev. Joel Mc:Cfea. You1191ter1 In •11 EUI Al-alum llghl to o'lltlcome their environ· ment. ®MOVIE * • ··s1. Helen•" (1911) Art Ollrne.,. Oevld Hutt- man. An 80·YMt-old man relu-to leeve 1111 small rnort •1191 • geo!Ogllt ptediett • VOlcanlc dlus- ter. 'PG' (%)MOVIE • • • "Btnthleal" (1961) Jeen Seberg. Jeen..Peul Belmond<> An American woman Ilea a lreglc &llak- wllh a heppy.go-luoky c:rook 2:3CllNEWS 2:38 N£W8 2:40 NEWS 2:IO MOVIE • • * '"' "The Hanging Tr .... (1959) Owy Cooper, Marta SGIMlll A <IOCIO< klNa • man wNle reaoulng • gtfl 1nd 11 almost lynclled by f drunken mob. l:OS 8 MOVIE * •lit "Cry VlllgNnCI" (1954) Mark St-I, Mat· Iha Hyer. An H-con detec- tive declarM vengMllOt Uporl lhOM r•pontlble IOI' hi• ptlton 1etm. S: 15 Cl) MOVIE ••• "Oulland" (1981) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A apac. metthal ll'IYMligalM • rMtl of mys- letloue d .. tlle within • mining. GOlonY,.. on one of ~let'e moona. 'R' S:30 • MO't(1I * * • "Hlgll Rlelt'· ( 1N 1) J-8'ollll, CIM¥on Ul- II• A 1110 ot g1Mdy lrlend1 f!IOI th• robbery of 1 11111· lion dollef • Ir om • Seuth ~"""~ dnll dH141r ,. ..... MOVll • • ,., 'll!e Iron M1j0!'" 110,31 "'' o ·a11en, l'IOO«t "y•n flank Cav•t111<lOll'1 acciomplf1hmen1e In W0ttd War I •nd on lhl IOOlball lleld .,., cllr onlcled 1:4t MOVll • • ·cao-ci Helt po141 Juan111 81own. Roberta Collln1 l~N {JOMOVIE * * I "1.()C)fllng F0t ;Mr QOOdb•1" ( 1977) Ol•ll• l< .. ton. TUMClay Wald A IOCllllY tePteUed 8ChOOlteeoher .. tk I IJCllemenl by lttqutntlng lllllQIN 08'1 and luflng var· lou1 men lnt.o one-night ttendt 'R' 4·108 MOVIE * ~ "Lova In Pawn" ( 19521 Be<n11d Braden, 8111ba1a Kelly Wh4Jn a woman rffl- 12H that tha loves Mr hu .. band, It 11 too l•I• I 4j40 (t)MOVIE ,• • *'-' "It Lives Again" ( 1971) Fredetlc Fo""'· Kethlean Lloyd A numb« 01 COUplM find ll\ell Joy over having 1 baby Changed Into ner11e· 1h11ttetlng letror when Iha 1n111n11 emerge 01 clawed mon11e11. 'R' Wedne•if a 11'• Daytf•e Mo"fe9 5:11 CZ> • * • "Shenghat Express•· ( 1932) Marlene Ojetrlch. Clive Brook Pea.- """9" on • train lnclud· Ing a doctor and an edven· !ureas r11n Into renegades 1:05 • * "Tarke The 0111r" ( t9791 Documentary Nar- rlled by P11er Ustinov. The Ille ol a pleytul otter Is treceo from hll birth In a hollow tree 10 his epic: bat· lie with lhe leadet of a nound pack 'G' 8:30 Ct)* I* "Jac;k The Glent Koller ' ( 19621 Kerwin Mllhews, Judi Meredith. Aller resoulng Ille klng'a daughler from • huge monster, a young larm lad II rewarded 10< his heto- 111m. O • • "TarllB TIMI 011er" (1979) Oowmentary. 'Nar- rated by Peter U1tlnov The Illa ol a playful 011er la traced from hit birth in a hOllow tree to hl1 ec>lc bat· lie wtlh the leader of a hound pack. ·G' 8!4& (%) * * • * "Robin And Marian" ( 1976) Seen Con· r1ery. Audrey Hepburn. An older and wlNr J\obln HOOd re11Jtna from 'bellle to Sherwood Forest 10 racl••m Ilia beloved Maki Marian, who hu enteted a conVtl'll and taken het VOWl 'PO' 1:00 CJ:) * * * "The GIHt 9ol· tom Boal" (tee&) Doris Day, Rod Taylot A pllyal· ctt! becomM lnvOlved wllh • °"' who poMI ... met· maid part-lime. 1!30 0 • * ··captain Scarlett And TIMI Mytteron1 From Mara" (19111 Puopeta, Ceptaln Scerletl goes into deep •P-to atop the deadly Mysterons lrom deatroymg Earth 1:46 (%) • * * "They Might Be Giants" (1971) Geo<ge C. Scoll, Joanne Woodward. A presen1...c11y Holmea- 11\0-W•tton team lraclcs down en extortion ring 10:00 CJ:) • • \~ "Urban Cow-bo'I" ( 19801 John nevolta. O.bra Winger A blua-cof· lar worller wt\O tenclea h1m11ll e modern-day cowbOy falls In love with • girl he meet1 In a popular country-'811d·-1ern bar PG' (I) • • • c.tlawey Wen1 Thataway" (t95t) Howard KMI. Freel MacMurray. When a tor~ cowbOy Idol'• film• beQome ~ tar on Tl/ and Ille original .,., can't be loealed, two 11\arp ~8IOI'• try 10 get en tmpersona10t 10 keec> Iii. ~rait Oolng • •• • 6 Aob111Alld Mitt.,, (1t11) 8-Con· ,..,.., lw4ftr1 HeplMlln An Olffl and .. .., f'oOtn HOOO CAll.UIM lrom ballla 10 8"4WWOOCI FOfMI 10 14'<.lalm hi• belOY9d Maid Marian, Wl\O hit anlltf.0 a c:onv..,1 and llMllll ~ VOWt 'PO' 10 )Cl (1.) • * • Rain' t lf321 Joan Cra..,.Otd, Walt., Hutton 81Md on a tlOty by W fOl'flt'MI Mqhem, A llflll·I~ ptt~ on I 80ulh 8•U ltllnd alltmi:llt IO OOnY~I t "fall• •n w<>m•n to the Wl'I" Of putlly MO CN111i1nlly 12-00 D • • ··car,y On 84w geanl" I IHO) Wllllem Hlr1nltl, 8o'1 Monhl'louN An opllmltllc: Brltllh ollla., .,.;~,. wllh hi• ~"'"" th11 IMI cen shapjt up the linMI Platoon -u ,1111 enc0ta to mlWtwy Illa ••• *. DHdllne U SA " I t9&2) Humphtey BoQ111, Kim H\.onlet A l>IQ· CllV MWll)lpet ldllOf bent on gelling 1n expOM lock• horn• with • , pow11ful ~landc:h141f m • • '" "Thunaer In The EHi ( 1953) Alan Ladd, O.bOtall Kett A blind girl e11emp11 10 help relieve ten1lon1 ellet 1 man Niii ~· 10 1 maharajah Ill * * "Knlghtrldett" (11181) Ed Haula. Gary Lahti A group of blk•ra ride with "'••veltnQ renel.- senc;a 191• and dlaoover lhll the ldeall1tlc 11tuggle agalnll evil exlttl In mod- ern llmea alM>. 'R' CZ) * • "The Water Bable&' ( 1979) Anlmetlon and live ec1ton Ja~ Maton A C01K1geou1 young bOy .. .,.. -•• playful ocean 'creeturn lrom tile wrath of undet· water enemlea. 12:30 CC) * * * "Flaah GOl'don" C 19801 Sam J Jon., Mu \Ion Sydow A trio of earthlings ttavel to the planet Mongo and help 111 oppresaed inhabilanta in the overthrow of the evil Empetor Ming 'PG' 1;46 CZ)**·~ "Mommle Dure11" (1981) Faye Dunaway, Otena Scetwld Forties lolm atar Joan Crawf0<d ral-het two adopted children In a domeallc atmoaphere that varies from luxurlou• com· IO<t to sadletlc dltclpllne. 'PG' 2:00 (8) * * "Cattle Ann .. And lltlle Bn1dlee" ( 1981) Buf1 Unc;astlM'. JoM SHage Two tough outlaws plcll up • pair ol te«i·IQ• glrt1 and take them along on their adV9111ures 'PG· 2:30 CC) * * * .. Jacl< The Glal\1 Killer' ( 11162) Kerwin MlthewS, Judi Mtredllh. Alie< rHCUlng the king'1 daughter from • huge monster, a young larm llld la rewarded IOI' hla hero- ism 0 * * "Willy Wonh And The Ch~le F.ctOf'Y" (197t) G-Wiidt<. Jaok Alt>er1aon. A world lemoua c;ontec1ionet otters • Iii• lime supply of candy to the live wfnn«S of • trM'4.lre hunt 4:00 Q • * ''> "TIMI Scallac. Mob" ( 1962) Robett Sllldl. Keen•n Wynn Crtme· ltghte< Eliot Nua drllWS • light net around Al Capone and his no10<tou1 mob. CC) • • "The Lui Glrette" ( 19711) Suaan An1pach, Simon Ward TIMI true 110- ry or Belly and Joell L ....... l\AelYtlle. wt\O tried 10 ...... • hetd ol glr1ttea (%) * • * "Shenghal bpr'"" ( 1932) MarteM OletriGh. Clive Btooll. P- aenoett on • trlln lnelud· Ing 1 doctor and an .,.,.,._ turess run into reneged•. 4:30 0 • • ·Tarka The Otter" ( ti79J Oocumenlwy Nar· rated by Pe1er Ustinov.' The Ille ol a playful oller la traced from hll blrth In • lloOow tree 10 Illa ec>k: bet· lie with the leed« Of a nound~ 'G' 5:2& CZ> • • "TIMI w11er Baboes • ( 11179) Animation and llve action. J- Muon A courageoua young bOy ....... -11 playful ocean ~ture. from the -elh of under· weterenemlee CHANNEL LISTINGS * * * "Ll)Olclno F°' Mt • Goodbar" l tll77) Ola.ne Keaton. Tueadey Weld. A 1oc1al!y repre11ed schoollaacher •••k• .-1' 1xcllemen1 by lrequenllng alngln b11ra end luring var- loUa men Into one-nlgtit llandl ·R' Barry Toml)llin• and nm McC•"'*' oovet alt the b•-lndlng to 11\e -1912 WOf'ldSetlea JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk --~~~~~~~~~~~~---- 9 KNXT <CBS) ~ 9 KNBC CNBCl (Jj • KTLA (Ind.I at 19!tA8CIABC) CC> a KFM8 (CBS> C!J I> KHJ·TV (Ind.) m •KCST tABCI ;IJ e KTTV (Ind.) '.I: •• KCOP·TV (Ind.I • .e KCET CP8SI • e l<OCE I P8SI On·TV Z·TV HBO (Clnunexl CWORI NY .. N,Y tWTBSI CESPN) ISl'lowtlmel Sp0t1iQlll !Cable News Networltl (%)MOVIE • * "Caged Heal" (1974) Juant11 Brown. Robert• Collini t'.JO 8 111 TOO CLOIE FOA COMFORT Henty lj)jtndt a akl week· end with Jackie and Sara. lfl) Cl PAULHOGAN 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HOAAOA "The M•rk 01 Satan" A voung m0r1uary tec:hnlcla11 (l)MOVIE • • * "~ Play" ( t971) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Cha.M. A Mbfarlan enllata tht aid of a11 IMP( police detective alter ahe beQomel lllvOlved In 8 bWlfre _,.. of inurdet• end kldnawtng ••tempt•. 11:a& (C) MOVIE *.. "Mrplenel" (IHO) Rot>en Hll'I". Julie Hager· ty. Attet an alrtlntr'1 OlflW falls to food~.• nervout lormtW Wlir PllOt la 'Taxi''dispatcher on a roll LOS ANGELES (AP) - Danny DeVlto, munching on nachoe, anlles smualy and asks, "How does it feel to be In a televiaion ahow with your wife as your lead-in and you're ex'pecting a baby?" The amile broadens. ''I thought you'd never uk. rm ao thrilled." DeVito ttara as the dyspeptic dlapa~her, Louis DePalma, in "Taxi,'' the three-time Emmy- wlnning comedy NBC saved. after It wu canceled by ABC. NBC put it on Thunday n11hta followtna tu new comedy, "Cheers.'' DeVito'a wife, Rhea Perlman, playe a waitrell in the qew lhow. They're expectlna in March. . "It's been a siran,e year," the actor MY•· "Rhea and I aot married ln February after Uvlna ~ let 11 yeara. We ao to New York for a party. My ra~· '*" idck and he dies the I night of the~-He was 112. He was ao excited," and he died talking to his friend.a. "I go back to work, I got three-four shows left. It's March 5. We're flying. It'• the last ahow. We're going to have a party. John Belushi, my friend, dies. It'• heartbreaking. "We're in Carmel rela.xlng," DeVlto CW'1lnues. "The phone rinp, It'• our agent. They want Rhea to fly down and read for a new 1ertee. She's bffn an actr~ 11 r!ara· My ~r toQk off wl&h 'Taxi.• Now the'• Fl a pert •h6. can sink her teeth into. She comett home happy .very day. We're on a roll One momina 1· aet a call from producer Ed Welnberaer: 'Th•J canceled yt.' .. Re waa anaered by the cancellation and aot hie ~ not 10J\8 afterw..U wtMm t. -.. hoet of NBC't "S.tw'dllf ' r I !~!!!!!~~~ TUESDAY,SEPT.7, 1982 I .. C5 'T-w.as · sheer labor \ Fiin~, Aiigels endure 8,..6 victory · By JOHN REV ANO or-.....,,.. .... i.tke the kid ~ho puts the Ud on the ciOokie jar jult,prlor to h1a mother walklna into the kitchen, the ~11 got awar. with one ~onday afternoon. Ana, when you·re involved in a pennant race, u the AnPJa indeed are, about the only thing you can do ii sm1le 1heep1ahly and breathe a qh of relief. Deapite llOIM lhoddy play, which made the Anpla look like a Little League team at times, Manapr Gene Mauch'• equad came back twice to. defeet the Cbic.ao White Sox, 8-6, before a Labor Day ~d of 42,804 at Anaheim Stadium. "THE IMPORTANT THING ta that we won," Mid Mauch, after he watched his team conunit four erron Monday. "You know, we don't play badly very Often.'' . Of ~. September marka that time of the bueball leUOO where you can't afford to play badly at all. The Anaell looked like they wanted to hide under t.helr[Woe in the second inning, when the White Sox ecored the first three runs of the game. St.eve ~p and Carlton Fbk reached bue with a pair of legitimate doubles to start the innina. !Sut when Mike Squires reached first becauae starter Ken Forsch had over-run hi. ucrWce bunt for an error; then, after stealing second, Squires went to third when Forsch'• pic.k.off attempt went into center field and came home when Juan Beniquez'• throw akip~ put Ron Jacbon at third and into the Angels' dugout, well, that was ju.It too much for the lana to take. FORTUNATELY, BRIAN DOWNING helped to qu1ckly eraae the nightmare in the bottom of the leCOnd when he belted" a shot off White Sox starter Jerry Kooeman over the left-center field fence with the hues loaded. W L ,.._Ga Kaneu City 78 H .6418 -MteM 17 80 .M2 1 Chfcego 72 84 .529 5~ 0...... .._... •• KANIA• CITY (28) -Hoy e ( 14); Sept. 10, 11, 12, MlnMtota; S•. 13. 14, 15, 1p: S..llla; Sept. 27, 28, 2t. Anoelt; Sept. 30, Oct. 1. 2, 3, Oakland. AWAY (11): Sept. 7, I, SNl1Je; Sept. 17, 11, 18. MlllnM01a; &19t. 20. 21, 22, Anoeit: Sept, 24, 25, 28, Oakland. ANGILa (25) -HOME ( 11): Sept. 7, I , ChleagO: Sept. 10, 11, 12, Toronto;,Sept. 20, 21, 2.2, 1<11r1 ... City. Oct. 1, 2. 3. Texu. AWAY (14): Sept. 13, 14, 15, Chicago; Sept. 11. 17. 11, 18, Toronto; Sept 23. 24, 25, 29, T-; Sept. ·27, 21. 28, ~Chy. CHfCAOO (29),,... HOME (14): Sept. 13 14, 15, ~; Sept. 11, 17, 18, 111, Oallland; Sept. 24, 2S, 29, Mltwlaaota; Sept. 27. 21, 211, SNUla. AWAY (12): Sept. 7, I, Angell; Sept. 10. 11, 12. Oakl81ld; Sept. 20. 21. 22. 23, Seat11a; Oct. 1, 2, 3, MIMMOtl. this season and come back· to win.''. The Angels, despite grabbing a al1m 4-3 lead, saw it d1111pate quickly as White scored single runs in the third, fourth and seven~ inninp to go ahead, 6-4. · THE ANGELS, HOWEVER, adhering to Downing'• phil060phy of staying calm, acored four times in the eighth on three hits and three walks to pull out the game. "Thi.a was a great win for us," explained Doug DeCinces, who started the game at shortstop for the injurttJ Tim Foll. "To play like we did, and then have Brian come up in the next inning and get the big hit like that . . -. well, it certainly came at the right time. "I also thought J ohn Curtis did a fantastic job for us in relief. He was able to keep it close." Curtis, who came on in relief of Forach in the fourth inning, allowed but one run in 3~ innings of work. 0.., Noe ........ "'~ I(...., Reggie Jackson tried to make it to third on a double Monday, "We certainly rieeded a bag play right there after what bad just happened," admitted Downing, whoee home run was No. 25 for the year (the grand slam was his second this season). "The preceding half-inning was probably our worst defensively all year. I knew w e needed some runs badly to get the . team up. "At the time, we were only down three runs in the eecond inning. For this club, that's no reason to panic. we:ve been down a lot farther than that "GENE'S GOING TO USE ME as he sees fit," said Curtis of his role with the club. "I didn't feel any real pressure corning over here because I was in a \Pf!nnant race in San Diego, too. Because of that, coming here didn't present any unwaual expect.at.ions. "Hopefully, I'll just make a good enough imprealon this month w here they'll consider me !or: next year." hut umpire J erry Neudecker saw Aurelio Rodri~ez's tag. (See ANGELS, Page C2) Rams cut Corral, 8 others From AP Dl1patcllea The Rams cut nine players, including four veterans, to reach the National Football League's 49-man limit, a team spokesman said Monday. The veterans were linebacker Marlo Celotto, kicker-punter Frank Corral, wide receiver Jeff Moore and fu llback J air o Penaranda. A.l8o trimmed from the roster were wide r eceiver Ric k y Coffman, UCLA; defensive lineman Ray Coley, Alabama A&M; tight end Kerry Locklin, New Mexico St., safety Miles McPh erson, New Haven. and punter J ohn Misko, Oregon St. That leaves Mike Lansford a free agent signed out of the University of Washington, for the p~kicldng. The Rams are expect ed to resign Corral or Misko after they have cleared waivers. · If both are claimed, then the Rams are expected to sign another punter. Rookie center Bill Bechtold bn Oklahoma waa placed on the injured re9er'Ve list with a back injury, C-elotio waa signed as a free agent after the 13th week in 1981 and played on special teams the fin.al three games of the RUOD. Corral WU drafted by the Rams in 1978 and led the NFL that year with 29 field i(08)a. 43 field goal attempts and 188 points. Moore waa a third-round draft pick from Tenneaee in 1979. Penaranda WU the Rama' final ~ iea:::..1981 and played on -Veteran runnina b9ck Mark van Ee1hen and two other veteran• were amona seven ~.cut by the Loa AngeJe9 Van Eeghen, wlao became the Nationll l'ootball League teem'1 • ali..tima caner-ruahu-m-1aao. ltu1ed in only three pm. ~ ,.er after 107 comecutive ttarta. Alm reJeMed by the club were veteran linebacker Randy M.cClanahan and wide recetv.er llon1I Bradahaw, admln!strative -.cant Don DeBeca aid from the !Wden' offioe in Oakland. J'ou.r rook.Jee ai.o were cut: def..-W end Jwry WUkemon. Ore1on State; linebacker r.d Jacluon, Louiltana Ttcb; defenaive end Jeff Jackaon, Toledo, and wide Neel\'91' Cle .... ~. Ab'1ene CbNUan._ ~ rritlCh of Houston and Bol> Thomu of Chlcaao · ere ~ • .-i of punt.er. and .... ldcken cut. Dodgers finally solver Soto· CINCINN1 TI (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers knew their h itting slump w o uld end eventually, but they didn't expect it would come against Cincinnati pitching ace Mario Soto. Steve Garvey, who knocked in five runs with a home run and a double in a 7-2 victory by the Dodgers over the Reds Monday night, said he usually either strikes out or hits line drives against Soto. That was the case as Garvey struck out twice against Soto, who fell to 11-11 but raiai!<I his major _league-leading strikeout total to 236 with six in six l.nning:I. "Soto had trouble with the location of his fastball tonight," said Garvey. "l hit the home run wh~n I guessed that he was coming in with a changeup." Garvey slammed hit 14th home run of the seuon in the third inning to give the Dodgen all they needed to defeat the Reds, who managed juat two singles off Jerry Reuu until Cesar Cedeno led oU the bottom of the eighth with his efthth home run of the year. Garvey's h omer came with Ken Landreaux and Dusty Baker on bue to give the Dodcers a 4-1 lead. Their first run came in the second when Rick Monday blasted his 10th home run of the seaaon:.. "The Dndaen have been in Jl run ·slump;' Baker said. "We. had to break out becal.188 the law of averages nales. Somebody had. to be pitching when the ball started to drop. if you want to break out of the hitting slump, the guy you would least want to face would b e S o to. He has the beat changeup in the game." Los Ange1et Manager Tom Lasorda said tl\e victory will give the Dodge~ a boost aa they prepare for a two-game 1erlee against the National League West-leading Atlanta Brave1 on Wedne9day And ThUl"lday. "Getting .orne rum off Soto 1a great," said Luorda. "He hM been tough. on \II. Comina into Cincinnatl knowtna it 1a SOto we were facing was t.Ouab.". "I think the race will 80 down to the wire,'' predict.ed Baker. The Dodgen padded their lead in the teYenth inn1na on a leadoff home run by Landreaux, singles by Baker and Pedro Guerrero and a two-nm double by Garvey. I . "l wasn't getting my fastball where I wanted it." said Soto, who gave up 15 hits, the moet the right-hander hu allowed this teUOO. "Garvey must have been looking for that pitch when he hit the home run. I'm not going to let lt Ret to me." The Reda scored aoin in the ninth when Dave Concepcion doubled home a run. The Angels' Don Baylor collided with Chicago's Warren Brusster and the results weren't too easy on the White Sox pitcher. Upsets-they're the real he.art of sports Maybe that's wby Haryung's (heart) brought him back to Laguna Beach rve never been a Yankee fan, or a c.eltlal or Iriah tan, either. For me, the PREP SPOATS real fun WM with the lHO Ph11lls, the · ROGER 1963 UCLA Bru1m. and Iowa, Civln&---~--.,..5'H"1~ Notr9~ ~ to!:V::i:n~~:~ =::; CARLSON out the Art1aW of Lecuna Beech are No. 1. Millkll\ Viejo out1Ua. ~po ,,aft It all. ~ the MU.ts applf'.one of their with m 11-0 triumph ofif6 ...,...,_in patented us-ta it's m1aJadtna to c:all It tht CIP Central ~ bnaJs, but , an u.-ei. tht Caupn .._.. '1-4' vtdaml at l..lpna. lt'a the Cuba in the World 8ertea, It's Slnc:e the 1"8 Cnttview Leape ~~·~Ray Leonard deekinc L~ry ~p team of Hal Akim the .. lfolmes,_.__, lt11 Newport Harbor droppf.nC Aru.ta haw PGlt*I an own1l record of St. Paul. l\'1 wild and cruy fun. 38--79-1(the19'18 tMm'• 7-2 ...n w. Alway. the mwl,_ IChoo1 in Onnlt IDatJed by alx forWt lcmla). Thatja a lot ~ty. the ArUata ~-in a dm. ol .... capaa)e, dra 19'8. It 1 a cbl on the 11\ua, there Al IGIDlt Ya1iditJ in what _field, a couple of 1tra11lfn1 tuba frilnidl •Y about Dmna llal'yunc. the playen, old li'd rellvfnc memorlel ln n-cioach wba hill NlurMd to plde the the ltanda and a UtUe home toWn '9am Ardlta Sha ,_,, trytna to upeet the odds. n.y•ve done .... , lrteDdl are~ I'm. nu'8,'' it IO many timel. admltl ~ " 1 I -A* the 1980 C..pMtranio Valley and "But when ,.a _.. you cd .. really ait back and feel you've aocomPJJabed eomethfna. "W6en I fint came here in 1974 I uid It Wal pomlbla not to wtn and IUD -wtn. "I didn't iw.lly belleYe lt. but I found out, it'• true." At Laauna Beach there la such a thln1 a1 a moral victory. Eam an opponent'• i..pect and there'• nothinc to cry about. Dotna your be9t lm't jult a dicbe. . 'WWi; IO out~l'Mftned and IO out..n . ne crtUclal dlffennce ii depth. We are MYW able to lcrirnmale eplnlt ourmlvw.. it'• alwa11 aplnlt ~ ADd the 1ow9f i.v.11, \MJ h&vm't won two ....-in the I.Mt flve y.an..'' .,...., .... "We're 1ook1na at klda who have never won. and ti'• aet*'I ...,..., " Jlar7unl WM &De Artilel' oo-=b for' fem,_.. wl_a~ to beve ..._ tn Ol'Clll',' bUt a )Qt Of hard wwk f.aOed 10 generate a lot in terms of Wini and lomee, at leut on paper. Hh first two years were 2 -7 'campaipl, then • brtlU.ant defeme Jed to a--.,_! record on the field in 1978, cnly to aee CIF playoff dl'Nml cnmW!d by lix fOl'fett kmm. The Artl•t• 1tlll could hav-. repn.ent.d the South c.o.t LeQue. but Harwna'a fellow ClOldMI cMalt lUni a thum'b1 down decision by a 5-2 ~ 1977 teun w.nt M and law Haryunc .-to be tired for 11U191dly aubmittinl ell'OneOUI d*"-muiat for tu. athleta tn the lllC1nl priGI' to U.. Cll' pnUma. He wmt ott to Cap.tnno Valley •. u ...-cant. watcbed bM ICID (JOlh) IUkle tht ~ to the CD' dtle in ·eo. nbw be'• t.:i at~ Beecb attar the Ardltl ofhnd tbil oM\19 bnneh in hopel U.t ~wdukl l8ft \Mia ,t;n~r;l aIAca. i::.T -.. - \ ( ' Cl McEnroe, Austin ,gain quarterfinals From AP cll1patclle1 . NEW YORK (AP) -Defending ~.-. · champjona John McF.nroe and Tr.icy , , , Auatin moved lnto the quarterflnala . o f th e U .S . Ope n T .-nni• • - CharnpionahJpa Monday along with top..aeded • Marti.Ila Navratilova, while upeeta eliminated nlnth-.eeded Yannick Noah ln the men'1 llnglee and No. 6 Wendy Turnbull. · Kim Warwick of Au1tralla, who Uj)let aeventh-aeeded Jose Lula Clerc of Argentina in the opening round, shocked Noah 5-7, 6-3, 7-5, 8-4 to alao advance lnto the quarters on the hard courts of the National Tennia Center. Turn bu l'l fe 11 t o 18-year-old Gretchen Rush, a wild-ca.rd entry who was just graduated from hiah echool llloDlt09 ln June, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. In a night match, third-seeded Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia topped No. 11 Mata Willand"' of Sweden, the French Open champion, 6-2, 6-2, 6-2. . McEnroe easily ousted Matt Doyle 6-3, 6-4, 6-4; Austin romped paat No. 14 Virginia Ruzici · of Romania, 6-1, 6-3, and Navratilova b~ by Andrea Leand 6-1, 6-2 in the warm, sunny weather. Warwick a1ao defeated Noah ln a Volvo Grand Prix tournament ln Denver ln February where he reached the serniflnala. But, since then, he won only three more atng1es matches before the U.S. Open, the world's richest tennis tournament where the men's and women's winners "lam $90,000 each. The 30-year-old right-hander has been hampered l or the put two yean with tendinitis ill his rtaht shoulder. But after dropping the first aet, Warwick grabbed the ftnrt three pmes of the second, then served out to even the match. Quote of the day "Thank you, thank you, good lo'\fi.ng people. Thia la without a doubt my finest hour." -Willie Stargell'• response as he was belng honored with a day ln Pittsburgh Monday. Braves get bogged down Tommy Bo111 pitc hed six Ii inninga of no-hit ball Monday, but it went for naught as Jeff Leoaanl and Milt May knocked run-1corln1 alngles ln the elahth inning to lift SAD J'rand8co to an 8-2 victory ovea: Atlanta, droppnc the Brave9' lead ·in ~ National Leaaue west to a half-pme ... <»tJ Welall f.lrecf a four-hitter and Bfederlck Perlr;ta1 and Terry Kenedy rf delivered run-9C0l"inl doubles ~ aa San Diego upended Houston, 4 -2 ... Bill Bacuer'• double keyed a three-run fifth inning and the Chicago cum hung on for a 4-3 victory to maintain thei r h o m e jinx over Philadelphia , the 1eventb stral&ht win over the Pbil.Uel thil 1eaaon ... Joa,•I• 90008 AadaJar handcuf ed Montreal on five hits ancl pinch-hitter Georp Headrick broke up a aoorelea tie with a ~ out, nlnth-lnn.lng llngle to lift St. Louia to a l..0 triumph over the Expos. stretching the St. Louis h!ad ln the F.ast to l ~ pmea . . . Toay Peu lined a three-run homer ln the sixth innlnC to cap. a four-nm rally u the Piratea celebrated WWle Staraell Day with a 6-1 victory over the New Yon Meta. Staraell pinch-hit in the efcbth and W.. ar-ted with a two-minute standfns ovation by the crowd of 38,~2. He then lined a lingle to center and was replaced by a pinch· runner. Bannlater, Vand• Berg ttttte KC '1e1• ....... , and M V ..... Btrl combined on 1 thtM·hJUer, TeR Cna homered and BnH Boelate drove tn a J)l.ll' of runa u . Seattle dMlt lCanlu Ctty a 8-2 def .. t Monday, cutun, the KC 1Md 1n the kMritan t.eaaUe West over th• ~11 to one fame . . . kott McGre1or and 8amm1 Sa.war combined on a nY.h1tt.er u Be.IUmote ext.ended I~ wi.nn1nC 1t.reak to nine 1ame9 with an 8·2 victory over the New York Yankeel ... Jim lllce drove ln five rww with four hltl and Carl. Yutnemakl collected hi• 440th career home nm u Bolton rtpoed Cleveland, 10-31 for lta 11th win in Its l.Mt 1~ game.,. .. Dave •deb of Toronto had 'a no-hitter over 6 ~ lnntna• 1 eT1R before throwlna ~ .home nm pitch to Toay Arma1 and flnl.ahec1 'f1th a two- hl\, 3-1 victory over Oakland ... Tom Brookea1homered1n the 10th 1nninC to provide Detroit with a 6-& victory at Milwaukee . . . Jim s..Aer1•1 three-run homer hiahllahted a seven-run fourth-lnnina outb'Urat a1 Texas cruahed Minneaota, 11-1, for a sweep of their doubleheader, aending the Twinl to their fifth atraight io.. In the flrlt pme, BWy Sample cracked a two-run, .eventh-lnning homer to snap a 2-2 tie' and lift Tex.u to a 4-3 victory. . I Georgia upends Clemson, 13-7 From P!A! C1 ANGELS RALl,Y TO BEAT CH·ICAGO J~ * ln thet bt1 four -run t1hth "We've been abl• to come ..._, •~• -,...., ,... ttMO lnnlna for the Anaels, it wH *k 1 lot th.ll year. ovw... 1-0 .. "'~· .. ,... ,. Ju.an Benlqun '1 dunlter to rla.n ht "You ml1ht u y It'• our ~~~ .:;"..,!.;irwi.":.-..=: field with the baw l*ed that trademark. lt'• our type of he'd Tia MtVOUt JOM ,.,un•lf: wvw19 tied the acorei and then catcher victory." naya •ll01tae1 wtian 10ll ....,. .., a -.. Bob 8oone fol owed with a aharp The Anaell, naturally, would •11&1'• "'~1 ''°" 111 ... r: 111a alnCJe t.o rlaht for the ao-ahead rather tal<e the ea1lor route. :.,:.'~., lhll~~~5.' ::., •::r. run. Downlna,c appe d the Downing p robably put It In ~1 '°'out_,.,:'..=,,_:,,.~ ='t comeback when he aent Rudy proper penpectlve, though, baO*'M ~"' ~-!' "°""'" ... Law to the wall with a fly ball t.o when 1omeol\e aaked him If i...--. w••, o~ wttll the ..::I cent.er, which 11COred .Beniquez hlttlni 26 home l'W\I this 1euon =:c'~ '::. tw0 '"'*-.-W: wen _ trom third. (hll prevloua beat wu 14) wa1 a Renko'• 11th, aMlle ~ 111e ""' *'°".Y ~ • 11T=-we IJOl a few bteek.t," tremendou1 •chie vement fo r •month • -.,._-, ... ~ MOndar• ad.ml n--:-"I -•-him game due to • etrllnad tll'!I ~ and ~-. t WU ,._ to . a 1tr.,nad I.ti quadtlollp. He'e ~ a .. , win when we play a little "If you had asked me that in 10-day bul• ... o.car... etar9ed tor '°" raaaedY Wke we dJd. the put, I probably would have and didn't oet • ground ball unea tllt aldlfl ~ it can -t pretty id it bl hrill ., id Inning. OaOlnoaa booted "'• rot.1ftna •-u wu a f t , 18 grounder fOt an •rOf ... ..._ • °' noc. fru1tratln1 when yo..a play Downing. "But Im at a stage tile AllOll• went Into the .-. _... • shabby defeme like we have the now where It's solely important laaoua-laad~ .. Na flaldll10 ~ • • • put WMk. We know we're a for me to be on a champion.ship ~~":. ve . ~ Thewon ~ ..,::=~ betw fieldlna te&rn than that." team." "'°'' with tile White ao.. -. ''We've )lot ... to pla&i¥ Downing gazed around the :::.,•;:,.!!:'\:':::. .... -every llnlJe day," added e lock er room and then added: Jackson. "Tomorrow, we uat "We all don't have too many have to conie beck hard . yean left around here." .O'Connor wins from Page C1 LAGUNA BEACH • • • slowest race in 10 years . ATHENS, Ga . -Seventh--ranked Oeorlfa, with cin.ly limited •II New Coach Larry Bry an. thefre right, maybe I'm er~." play from injured All-American reslgnl!d before he ever coached By ALMON LOCltABEY Henchel Walker, u1ed a blocked a game and on the flrat day of May be h e is, th en again, o-111 ,... ......_ ....., t b Dal Carv and ft Id oa.11 b Kevin nd.lti--1.... th Artists l arned maybe Hary ung knows the Sixty yachts started the 10th . ~er y to de~eat ct!tendlna 8naJonal ~pion' ~ey ~-a .. ,;.ew 81eader. e unique feeling of what it's like a n nu a 1 Dan a Po 1 n t -San · ClellllOn 13-7 Monday J1ilnt ln the natlorially to battle the odda and wln. Clement~ Island race and 36 televWd cdllep football openen tor both te8ms. . "S'ain'I h •• ~peaa!. ~':':..~.!!' .. me. "I tohadvoeita, when he was ·a-t-~w • ·, t actually flnlahed, ma~e Walker, who 1uffered a broken right thumb .. ~-u-,1'..... ,. 134-mile pusage to San 16 daya earlier ln a pre1euon acrlmmage, gqt in tremendous averalon to losing J:!teanceBat 6•3 ,s~~n wBeas ha the llowest ln the hlatory of f nl •'--la ln th f'-h-"' b an"•""1"'" r. u at Aof""6'"na ac • event. or o uy uin:e pJ ya e u:wt till, ut never J "-ae· he aaya, "I was proud of a 5-4 The race started in 11 ..... t air touched the ball. The 200-pound junior gained ~ ''When I went to Capo i't waa record ln 1977 We win a game .... . 22 yards on 11 carries ln the lleCOnd half, 10 of here, we're hap. py." · and fog Saturday at 10 a .. m. and like a dream come true, a Walter them comLna on one of hla typical rushes when Ml hi bel t An b lm the flrat vacht to finish, John he bounced oU aeveral would-be tacklers. tty t ng ng a a e u ............. has a loyal •rf, but L a n don 's Santa Cruz-50 Stadium. When I waa at West b ....... J ... "6 ClerNOn, No. 11 ln the preeeuon ratings, a a i c a 11 y am a 1 1 a nd Kathmanou from San Diego, 9COred firat, taking a 7-0 lead on Homer Jordan's Torrance (the early 70s) we had inexperienced, resulting in a drifted acroea the flnlah line at 6-ya.rd quarterback draw midway through the three wama go to the aemia. t,wo-fold job, teac hing h ts 1 :48~·22 a.m . Monday for an opening period. The touchdown came three "But to end up at Anaheim playe.1'9 how to play and his elap ed time of 37 hours, -48 - playa alter WWJ.am Perry, the Tigers' 310-pound Stadium, with my kid the coaches how to coach. min tes and 28 aeoonda. noeeguard, recovered a fumbfe by Georgia . , _ _._ ......... _k " uarterback J hn f ........ _ t hla 11 a.rd q.-.ncn,.; . . . "I'll t e ll you this,'' savs Official results: qua. 0 ..._ ........ r a own -y ~ ''Every ~--'-ahoul._,,d IOR OVERALL -1. c.lfon1le Gold, Fred ~ Haryung cut himself 1hort, · ~' , o·eonnor. o.ne weet vc; 2. Red 8Nft. T TV S that'• hlatory. Now la reality. here for two years. Its a Anne~. Loe Moetee YC: a . ....,.,.., rOj&nS On &tUrd&y le810ft in humility. They'd learn Steven Promlelotf,-8ovt llwM._n Yadlt Th U l It f S th 11Rlg.ht now we're just going to aome things." . Club Califo~'a t~:ill ~ a~Fto~ --try to keep alive, to stay ln the CLASS A -1. Red 8Nft; 2. l'--.r; SatUrday will be teleVt.ed. bealnn1na game with defenae and maybe So the 1982 aeason approachea 3· c~rs'°B'· -~. ~~. Ff9d at 12!3& on 0.-a..el 9.1l'he pme time --~·i..-gei.--luek;y-eJH>f.feme-and--for ~ink&--&"'~ OW'l'&;-t:-Mwdlc*.rMai; ,_. was awttched for the No. 10 Trojanl and No. score." hla team has ~ood a shot as l..llne, Long a..ch YC: 3. Duet 'Em, s-.n 16-ed ~ ~ from a t contest . . . e anyone or t p ce e PHRF OVERALL -1. Blue Mex. BNoe rank _ __..da ":t! Cal f la ln th Sow ... San Diego YC. Yarberoafla held off a eaperate effort by Everyone hu the unknown leaaue standings, which would Ander.on. capo evc: 2. M..,ia.n. Mel Rlc .. ar Pett)' Monday to Wi n an built-in burnout factor and qualify the m for t h e C IF w1111. Coronado YC; 3. Sunetilne, Ron Haryung d it lf Malanolky, Dana Point YC. unprtcedented fifth Southern 500 Grand a m s some •e playoffs. CLASS A -1. Magician, Mel wine, National stock car race at Darlington doubts. Coronado YC; 2. Kathmanou, John Landon, International Raceway ... SMrley Mllldowney "I'm seven yean older than Capistrano Valley and Mwion ~g~c: 3· Flyer, MlehMI Aoc:koff, Coronado became the flrlt woman to win a U.S. National when I started here ln 1974," he Viejo are shoo-In 1-2 finishers ln CLASS e -1. Blue Mu, Bruce drag ra~ champlonahtp Monday, beating aaya. "I wonder if I have the the league , say the experts , ~::::·J;::, 8J°'~a2·p~~~:°r".::: Conrad tta, her former I crew chief, 1n the drive I had then. I'm hopbl,i for which means No. 3's reward is a Ardent, David and Kitty Huntley, Coronado finals of the Top Fuel ellmlnatlona at a spark to return when we get playoff game on the r oad, ~i'.:s:~~1~Mattlnlqua, o.w Cooper, IndJanapolia Raceway Park. The victory ended lnto the aeuon. against a champion, ln the CIF Capo BYC: 2. Coquette. John Holz, nine years of tn.trattoo' at Receway Park for Southern Conference. Coronado vc. 1 M .. 1~ """ '-~ ~ -"--.. ,_,_._ here "It uld ha bee CLASS 0 -1. Sunthlne, Ron .._ ..... _,, 'Mi, w,._ .._ .,..,,...,_ :usuau WO Ve n 90 easy to Maltnoeky, OPYC; 2. Aphrodite, Jim wu runner-up to Dea Garlits in 197~ . . . 1tay at Capo (as an ..t.lant), That brings us back to the Gruenwald, sovc: s. Claire da ~ Pu J ..... ~ rud at benelf after the 10th i.mteecl I take all thla. Maybe ortgihal idea. I love an up&et. Frazier. OPYC. bole and to tear up thd beck~ and CC*t to th1rd victory in a row, a llx-abot victory at the LPGA Rall Charity CJa.lc ... • M•Uertq took the 1'*l at the top of tht" ltre1Cb and DUlled !way to capture the $150,000 Def' Mar 'll.andk!!p by two lengths over Jte&alberto at Del Mar. Televlslon. radio . Followtnc are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratinp are: ~i/vv excellent; vvv worth watchlna; vv fair; v foraet tt. ~ , 5:10 p.m., Clwanel ' .,.... .,.... .,.... .,.... ~AIBBALL: Dodpra at Clnclnnat1. Aaae•aeera: Joe Garaalola and Tony Kubek. The Dodaer'I try to maintaln their ~ on . Westem bivlllon-leadJ.nc Atlansa toftlCht after dollnc tlie pp to a half-pme M9Dday after lhel11ril Qnclnnati pttch1QI lot. 18 bita. RADIO Ba.!ball -Dodgen at Ondnnatl, 4:30 p.m.! KABC (790); Cbk:qo at Anee11. 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). GET 112 OFF OUR 2-WEEK If you're In Business, you should be ~n INTRODUCTORY COURSE OR DISCOUNTS ON ALL OTHER MEMBERSHIPS THE ORANGE COAST BUSINESS . OUTLOOK Here~ an offer you can't afford to pass up. Come into any partidpating Holiday Spa Health Club tod~ Join now and get 112 off our 2~k intro- ductory short course or a special discount on all other memberships. Coming Sunday, October 3 in the financial section of your local newspaper -the Dally Piiot Holiday Spa Health Clubs offer the finest physi- cal conditioning exercise equipment available. The finest facilities and programs too, including the new Advanced Jazznastics II for women. Don't wait. Call or come in today for a free guest tour. Get 112 off our 2-week intro-. This Montt1•1 Specl•I Fe•turea A focm on the IRVIN• INDUSTRIAL COMPLSX Each Issue of Business Outlook otters you: I • Loc•I torec•m from key bualneu fl9ure1 • First h•nd knowledee of whllt your competlton •re clol119 . • ~eetures on people •nd events In yow - '-... buslneu c0111mun9'J , • Buslne•• growth ,.eentl•I In •nd •ou .... the Or•nt1t1 Coast •re• 4 . j --=---~----~-•,\ \l .... ductory course or a special discount on all other memberships now · Hurf): offer ends soon. • \ ~ 0 I • • MAJOR LEAGUE 81' ANDINQI Amertoen.LMaue WHTlllN DIVllTON K1nu1 Ol!Y A"llel.•• Chle8QO $Miiie Oakland Ta••• Mlnn.101a W L Pel. Ga 78 611 5811 71 80 .. 682 1 72 84 "5211 6'1t 84 72 .471 13'11 611 711 428 19\\ 55 82 .401 23 48 811 ,348 30 l!AITEl'IN DIVlllON Mllw1ukM 81 68 .692 B1tllmor1 71 68 .670 3 Botton 11 59 .668 3'A OetroH 70 65 S 18 10 NewYor'k 69 60 511 11 Ctevel1nd 64 70 .478 15'it Toronto 63 75 .458 19'1t Mondly'• lcofw• ... 8, Chklago 6 Baltimore 8. New York 2 Botton 10. Cleveland 3 Detroit 6. Mltw1ukee 5 ( 10 tnnlnga) Toronto 3, Oakland 1 Tex.s 4-11. MlnnuOta 3-7 Seattle 8, Kanaaa City 2 Todl)''I Q1mH Chicago (Burns 13·5) et Ano••• (JoM 11-10), n . Botton (Denman 2· 1) at Ctevet1na (SorenNn 10-11). n B•lllmore (Ftanagan 12· 10) el New York (Morgan 6-8), n Mtnneaola (O"Connor 6-6) Ill Texaa (Comer 1·5), n De1rolt (Petry 14-7) at Milwaukee (Sullon 0-1), n Toronto (Clancy t 1· 13) at Oakland (McCatty 6·3), n Kanus City (Spllttorll 9·8) at Seatlltt (Moore 6-10), n National League WESTERN OIYllk>N Atlanta Dodgen San Otego San Francisco Houston Clnclnnau W L Pct. Q8 76 61 .S55 76 62 551 ·~ 72 66 .522 ., ... 70 67 511 6 63 74 ,460 13 52 85 .379 24 OtletM I, Yenll-I Battlmor• 020 OOt U0-1 t 0 New York 000 000 002 2 8 I MoGragor. 8taw1r\ (01 anCI O•mPHY. 141ghetll, hl\ocha (8) •nd Caron• W - MCiGraoor, 13• u L Alghettl, •-• • Otawllft 141 Hf\f Bll!l~f. fljpl(an (23J. ~~~a (6) N""' York, 8111 , .'16) A -32,· lted toa to, lndlM• a Bo•ton • 340 ooo 030 -10 10 t Cleveland 00 t OOa 000-S 10 2 lorru, B. St•nlay (8) and Allanton: Sor1neon. And..-. (2), k .. 1on (6), 8tann1111 (II) and Bendo, Nahorodny (7). W TorrN, 8-8. l -Sorenaoo, t0·1'. 8 -e. Stanley (13) ~tRI -Boaton. Rk:• (2t), YNtr1,emekl (14) Ctevetand. Thornton (SOI A -31,8fHI. 91118 JAJ• a, A'• t . T0tonto 000 010 110-3 11 I Oakland 000 000 100-I 2 1 Stteb and Patt•lll, Klogm1111, O'wclllnko (8), Be1rd (8), O"Aqulalo (0) •nd M H .. th. W - Stieb, 14-13, L -Klnoman, 3, II HA - Oakland. Arm .. (241. A -20, 172 Tl!lera I, .,_.,.. 9 Detrol1 ooo 000 t30 1-8 e 3 Mllwaukoe 102 000 020 0-5 11 1 WllCo•. P. Underwood (II). Lopel (10) and Parrllh: Madk:h and Slmmona. w -Witco~. 10•7 L -Madk:h, 10·12. S -Loper (1). HR• -Detrolt. BrOOllana (9). Mltwaukoe. 0g11vl4! 12n A -15,090. l'llllT OAME flaneere 4, Twin• I MlnneAC>ta 000 100 110-J 8 0 r11x.. ooo 002 20•-4 ~ 0 Ha,,.,,a. FeHon (81 and Butera; Sml1heon, Mlr1belta (8), Darwin (8) and B. Johnson.,W -Smllheon, 2·1 L-H1ven1, 8-12. HRl- Mlnneaota, Hrbek (20), Brun1n1ky (171. Texae. Sample (II) 81!CONO QAMI! R9ft08ra t1, Twine 7 Mlnneaota 020 082 021-7 t2 3 ra~• 400 700 oox-11 14 1 Cooper. pagelJa (1). Borla (5) and U ~Hough, Bol(ano (91 1nd Sundberg: W .-Hough, 13-11. L1 -D. Cooper, 0·1. HRa -Mf11net0ta, Hrbek (21), Ward (241, Bush (1). Texu. Sundberg (0~ A -11,817. Marln<H• 8, "oral• 2 Kansas CHy 020 000 000-2 3 2 Seattle 103 010 01x-6 14 1 Black, Castro (3). Tuhe (7) and Wathen: f . 8ann11ter. Vande8erg (Ill and Eaalan. W - F Bannister. 12-10. L -Bled<. 4-6. HAI -Kansai City, Bratt (20).. Seallte, T. Cruz (131. A -10,030. NATIONAL LEAOUE Dodllef9 7, Rede 2 LOI AHOEClll CINCl ... ATI St. Louis Phll1delphta Mon I real Pittsburgh Chicago New York EASTIEllN DIYl810N Su 2b 11 59 !>116 LendrNux abrhbl ebrhlll 5 0 1 0 Hothldr rt 4 0 1 0 cf 4 2 2 1 Ooator 2b • 1 1 0 5230 Conopeton U 4 0 1 t 78 61 .655 l 'lt Biker II 73 64 .534 ••1t MaJdndo It 0000 c.deno c:I 4 111 5 1 2 0 841nch 3b • 0 0 0 73 64 533 41'1 ouarrero 3b 61 77 .442 17 Thomu 3b 0 0 0 0 Vall II , 4 0 .1 0 6135 Orteaaan lb 3000 3111Travlnoc 3000 53 82 392 23.,... Garvey 1b Mondly'• 8cor.. Monday t1 Dodgen 7. Ctnctnnall 2 Aoanlcka rt Chicago 4, Phlladelphla 3 Sclollcia c 2 o o o Soto p 1 0 0 0 300Q.Prlea p 0000 Pittsburgh 6. New York 1 'l'OIQlf' c St. Louis 1. Monlraal. 0 Ruta04t aa 2 o o o land"toy pn 1 O O o •020 Luley p 0000 -· ·~~~~Al,ltll.2__,.,_·~-~~ ::>In 15fego-4. Houston 2"-.. r Totala 42 ~1~·~ Tota11 --3221"2 Todey'a OemN C>oclQ«• (Wright 2· 1) al Clnctnnall (Harrts 2-4), n . Philadelphia (Chrlatonson 8-9) at Cnleago (Ripley •-7) Now York (Z1chry 6·61 al PllUburgh (Sarmiento 6-3), n San Francisco (Barr 3·3) at Atlanta (Cemp t 1·7l. n MontrHI (Lerch 1-0) at SI. Louis (Mura 11-9). n San Diego (Eichelberger 7-11) 111 Houston (DIPlno 0-0). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Anaell I , White Sox I CHIC.Coo CALlfOllNIA 1brh bl ebrhbl RLew ct 6 1 2 O Oownong ti 4 1 1 5 llernzard 2b 4 1'2 2 Carew 1b 4 0 1 0 Belnas rt 5 o o o Baylor dh 3 0 O O Luzinski dh 3 o o o OeClncas u 4 O 1 O Kemp If 4 1 2 o ReJIClleon rl 4 1 2 O Fi91cc 4111Clarkrf 0000 Squlr" 1b 3 2 1 o RoJIClleon 3b 3 2 1 0 VL1w as 3 0 1 2 Kellehef IS 0 0 0 0 Rodriguez 3b 3 O O O Grleh 2b 2 2 1 0 Halrt1on ph 1 o I O Banlquei cl 4 1 1 2 Boor>ac 2111 To1al1 35 6 10 5 To111s • 30 8 9 8 lconb)'lnnlnQ• Chicago 031 100 100-6 Calllornta 040 000 04x-8 E -Forsch 2. Beniquez. OeClnce9. OP -Chicago 1. LOB -Chtcego 6, Calttornl1 7. 2B -Be<neurd, Kemp, V. LAW. 3B -~ JICkaon. HR -BernanAfd (10). Downing (25). SB -Squires (2), R. Law (29~ S -Squlr". SF -V. Law. Downing. Chlcego IP H R ER 88 80 Kootm•n 6 6 4 • • 2 8rulller 1 1 1 1 1 0 Hickey 'h OOOOO Kerfl(L.1·1) 'IJ 2 3 3 2 0 Lyle 1/J 0 0 0 t 1 C.ilfornll Forech 3~ 7 S 4 2 Curtla J .,.. 2 1 1 S Renko (W, 11·6) 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bruutar pltcl>ed to 1 batter In tile 8th. T -3:011 A -•2.804. Ro.Jack i on carew OeCIOOM L.ynn Angel avereg .. •ATTINO AS " H "" R91 ltct. 123 14 40 2 18 .325 433 72 134 2 36 .309 481 78 145 28 8A .301 RI. Jld<eon Grich 423 82 123 18 76 .2111 «4 79 126 34 88 .2112 435 65 118 18 80 .287 B1ylor Beniquez Boone Foll Farg..-i Clark Ketlahar Burtaaon Totall H ... ler Wltl ,.... John 1<1-. 8telrer 2"'" 8andlei Fo<tch f*lllo Goltz Moreno CUf1ltl Cor'b9l1 Thin\ Total• 523 85 138 22 81 .284 138 18 38 1 16 .2111 3118 38 104 7 53 281 420 42 108 2 41 .~2 11 II 17 2 7 .221 80 II 17 2 6 .213 45 11 7 O 1 .1641 46 4 7 0 2 . t&e 4676 895 1282 180 852 .274 l'tTCfflNCI It' H N llO W-L PA 88 51 37 38 2-1 2.25 152~ 148 « 73 8-6 3.42 62 4S 23 40 3-3 3.411 111~ 191 35 58 11· 10 3.60 108 112 37 8fl 7.5 3.85 17 18 II 12 1..0 3.7t 1114~ 1111 5e 88 15-7 3.74 74'h 76 211 60 5-2 3.75 1118\.\ 197 52 87 11-1g 4.03 152 1611 411 77 11.. 4.32 8fl 88 26 37 &-4 4.84 411\o\ 55 .23 22 3-7 4.74 5\.\ 8 2 s o-o 5.oe 76'h 811 34 411 1·11 6.2t ~ 311 8 30 2·2 5.78 1242'1\ 1213 43t 1131 77~ 3.811 kora by INll"I• Loa Angelea 013 000 300-7 Cincinnati 000 000 101-2 DP -Cincinnati 1. LOB -Loa ""9et" II, Clnclnnau 4. 2B -Gwvay. Conoepcloo. HR -Monday ( 1g), Garwy (14), Lendr .. ux (8), c.cleno (8). Loe Afl9elae • H II VI U IO Reuu (W, 14·10) II 6 2 2 1 3 Clnck\Nll Soto (L,11-11) Prlee fl t5 7 7 0 G. 2 0 0 0 1 I L.aley t I 0 0 0 0 Soto pllcha<I to 4 b111ar1 In tM 7th Cuba 4, l"hltllaa I Phllade!phl. 010 000 200-3 10 1 Chicago 100 030 00•-4 9 O Krulcow, McGraw (8) and B. Olar, Roberta (T), BlrCI, w HemanCleZ (7). Tldrow (7). Le. Smit~ (8) and J, Da'ltla. W -Bird, 11-11. L - Krul.ow, 12-9. S -Le Smith (12). A -23. 510 • Plrat" t , Met• 1 N-York 001 000 000-1 7 t Plttlb<rrgh 001 004 20x-6 8 0 F.won.. SISk (8) and Hodgfll; Rnoden and T. Pena, Nlcoecla (II). W -Rhoden, 11-12 L -Fl1<lor>a. 7 ·9. HRa -Pl1tabur9h, T. Pena (10), L.cy(5) A -38,052. CllfdlNlle 1, !xpoe 0 Montreal 000 000 000-0 5 0 St. louls 000 000 OO t-1 7 0 Gulllckaon. Fryman (Ill and Carter. Andujar and D. Porier. W -Andu).,, 11· 10. l -Gullk:keon, 10-11. A -211.1$2. Pactra.4. .Utroe 2 San Diego 001 012 ooo-7 1 Houaton 000 200 000-2 4 0 Wetah and T Kennady: Ruhle, LeCort11 (81. 8oor>a (9) end Ashby w -Welah. 8-5 L - Ruh ... 7-12. HR -Hous1on, Aahby (101. A -9,224. Olaftlal, lka¥ft2 S•n Francisco 000 000 224-8 5 0 ,t,tlant• 010 010 000-2 8 0 Laskey, Holland (7), Minton (8) Ind Mey; Boggs. a.c:trosl1n (1). Moore (7). C. Diaz (8), Dayley (II), Alvarez (91 and Slnatro. W -Holt1nCI. 6-3 L -Moore, 2-1. S -Minton (26~ HR -All•nta. Horner (28). A -9.051. Top 10 (taaMd on 171 at bAI•) AlftlllCAN Ll!AOUE Wiiton. KC Yount, Mil Harrah. Cle GarOla, Tor Murray. Bal L1n1ford. Bsn car-. Af1911• Rice. Ban Cooc>ar. Mil McRM, KC Q •• " t 12 •117 71 131 53.2 107 133 512 93 t27 532 80 124 447 87 108 406 58 114 433 72 119 472 71 130 647 87 137 522 76 Homa Auna H Pct, 165 .339 174 .327 163 .:118 1811 .318 141 .316 128 .315 138 .314 t48 .314 17~ .3t3 161 .308 G. T"-. Miiwaukee, 34, Ila. Jeclt-. Angel•, 14; Thornton, Cl1vat1nC1. 30. Wlnflald, New York, 29'; LM. P1ttlah, Detroit, 27; Coop•r. Mllw111k111, 27: Ogllvte. Mllw9Ukee. 27. "-.. nac1111 McRae. Kanan City, 1111: Thornton, Ci.vetand. 106: Cooper, Mllw1Ukea, 100; G. T'homu, Mllwauk ... 911: Luzlnllll. ChleegO. 92. f'ttctllntl (1' DaolaloM) Palmer. 8alltmor•. 13-3: Vukovlcn, MllWIUkea, 18-4; Gukky, New York. 14-6; Bum•. Chicago, 13-5: z.tin. A,.._, ,._1: Pltry. Oetr~t. 14-7: Gura, KansM City, 17-$; C!Mr. Boston. 13-7. Def..., M0NDAY'8 M 8Ul.T8 (UM of -..Y ~ ... <Id --.1 l'lll8T IUl.CI. t 110 m41., Spray Cologne (Guarta)8UO 22.40 1 UO s11 01 a..u' (H•wtey> 7.40 ~.oo Agltttalr... (Valenluala) :uo ' Aleo racad: Ma. Bold Thama, Strewt>arty Stlcl<1• AU The Odda, Gokl County, Ttoga. Madam& Grompat, VIiia PAClllc, Candy GI .... Tlma; 1;45 116. MCOMO MCL 8 luftono~ W1twford Biiiy (Mera). 7.fO 6.20 3.80 Janaan'1 Prln(:9 (McHargu.) 11.40 II.AO Gama Ot Splat (Oelltlck) 11.20 Alto rec:ad: Bulldog Prentice, Ba Fr.,., Boblto, Wlngdum. l>aJ .. m. T1mar11na. Ninth Inning, Jumlna Pnnce, J.O. Muon. Time: 1;fO. a DAL V DOUkl (2·3) Plld 12115.20, TMlllO llACIL 11/fl ~. Tac:o Tec:o (PlaroaJ ' ~.oo 18.00 a.80 Bad BaCI Lucy (Cutlnada) 3.80 2.80 Latkan (Vatemual1) 6.20 Alto rec:ad: LI Pr"-. LI Verna's Sona11, Pamp•a Cat, She'a A 011, C1ndy'a Val8filinll, Palahll AMI. Tlma: 1:.44 315. .. l!XACTA (6·3) paJCI 15114.00. 'outn'H IUl.CI!. 8 M1onga. Family Polley (Plneayf 5.40 3.20 2.80 Sonlk: Spead (DlllahOUNlr) 3.40 3.40 Att'I Lucky Son (OllVltM 6.80 Al90 rllOad: Otablo Liddle, Nahultlan, Emln.nt Lad, 0t1tant Ahler, Tima F0t Fanllty. Plr1ta Man, Flint Fire. Bold Owen, Jlltrlcecy. Time: t:10 415. -; 'll'TH IUl.CC. Ona mlle on turf. My Natlv. Prjnceu'(Pn..-y) 8.80 5.00 4,00 Topukl (Bleck) 18.40 8.80 Shy Bldd« (Toro) 4.00 AllO raced: OpaleacllnM, Vllal Foret, Corley Moor, Varb•llH, Sk•t• Board, Ona On Tha HouM. Time: 1:35 4/5. CXACTA (11-4) oakl 1517.50. SIXTH IUl.CI. 8 lurtonga. rm Smoochln (UP"atn) 8.40 4.40 3.40 Oevll't Demand (Mtrza) T.40 8.40 It'• Ma Aglln (MoHargua) 14.80 Al90 r""9CI: Aeal Ona. DMClng Down, Qin Sattl<', Wat Of Sea, Golden Ll(ly Batie, Momcat. Fleet ln1rtoua. FabulOut Luek, Pair ol Winge. Time: 1:11. UVl:NTH llACI!. 1118 mite on tvr1, D•• You (Toro) 10.80 6.00 4.00 Golden Flak (811ek) 7.20 5.40 Ruety Canyon (Guerra) 4.00 Aleo raced: Monucht Monlclalr, S..loocl, Pelartn. Boyne Vai1-y. Ttma: 1 t42 2/5. • EXACTA (4·11 paid $134.60. It PICK 8tX (3·5-12·11-7-4) paJd $138. 898.80 wtth one Wllllllf (llx ~); 12 Plcll Six oonsola11on peld $333.00 wtth 139 wfnnMa (llw ~). l:IOHTit AACE. •bOUt 1v. mlla. Muttering (Shoemekw) 11.40 6.20 4.60 ~elbllrlo {Toro) • 10.40 5.20 Exploded (Plncay) 3.00 Also rlC8CI: C1tarm1n, Wlekerr, Ca.)un Pr~. Egg TOM, SllAlo, Rockwall. Tima: 1:57.0. N9fTM MCI. Ona mlll on 1urt. Fut Trell (Olah ... ) 27.20 12 80 5.60 Lorn OoddMI (Upt>em) fl.80 •.40 Northerly Otow (McHetgual 3.60 APol'-Y MIM, Lltn>na, My Slt18', =llleon, Pr1rM Time Player, Newel"• Time: 1:38 315. • UACTA (1-4) plld $578 50. Attendance -24.40-4. ~ood hrtl llONDAY'I M8Ul.n (1tttl of.,,..,,,.,_ -....., "'8T M CL Ona mite ~. ~ Chia! (Mtllaf) 7.40 3.IO 2.IO Glen Inn (Lonoo) 17 .40 8.40 Windy RlnQ9 N (Oragory) . UO Aleo raced: Tulltelll Rldgl, Frotlword, Uzard Lipe, Time Tr11car. HantY• ~ N, Mt. Orlharn Ball. ~· Oeano. Time: 2:01. • -a UACTA 12·7> paid s1112.80. MCOND M CL 1 mite t.rot. HOUb11ta (Ttambley) 19.20 8.00 3.80 ~al Alllfllll (t...ongo) S.20 2.80 Fabian (Paritlnt) 3.AO AllO ta.cad: Aadmond• JoY (dg), Buok StCMI, Danton. Tlc!llat Room, Elllte Co411ne, Del Miiiar. TllM: 2:02. TitMO flACL ~ m ... s-11· Parllng (Peragine) 8.90 4.00 3.20 Atmbroatta {VllllCIQham) 4.90 3.20 tlt~t...Jl!.ill_j8honl -ilO • Aleo raced: Ranoml. Big Spring, L C'• Byrd, J1maa Rhy1hm, Tudor 81y, Andra. Squire Lina TL 'nma: 1:511 4/5, U 11.XACTA (7 .. ) peld 1311.00 l'OUfl'Ttl RACI. OM !!Ille r-. Jaanarnlna (Sh«rlll'I) 84.80 20.20 HIP'!Y ,,..,.. (Rltc:hford) 8.oo 8raR9WIY 8alM (AnclarW«I) Aleo rececl: lndtan M-.gar. H-. Argo Star. W1Mlll Ona St8'11 Beclcy, Artftyll 8<.io«. Awr/ H-. Time: 2:01 7,IO 4.20 6.IO Allal Tima. From nrnc. UCL Ona mlla ~ Huntlf'a B•bll (Sleeth) 8.80 4.20 3.80 eye ~ Scotty (Kuablllfl 4.00 UO And.ya llalph (Goularta) 00 MT't Elcpt-. HGNon Stw, Pape JOo/11. Fot9atw, Ftrl'IWll\I 9111. Time: 2:0 t 416, Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Tue1day, September 7, 1982 .. VINTH "ACI. One mite patMt. • Ctnlabufy Lll'll (lklt.l1d) 68.t/O 21 40 t .IO I 'M4y• HOUM (8t-IMl1) 6 IO 3.80 . I~ Guy I (Plft.arl , ) 00 Aleo rec;ad V'otar, Prl"11tlv• 81rftlk, Howdy 8tar, Frolty Hunter, 0.111t1 8on. Andyt l!Ofl Tim•. 1MS1111 • I.JI.ACTA (M) Qlld li43 lo llOtfTM •ACI. Ona mite ~. BtOOlclleld (AndllraonJ 5 80 4,40 IUO O•bea Hit (..__> Ill 7.~ Ooull-.i (K~J ) 80 Alto 1acaC11 8ootoh Ooubta, Tact HarlllfY, Homa Cn111ca, Recount N, Coot 011)'. lluok Fiily ....,... ltACI. Ona mite ~ LOQllll Otam (811arran ) 3.20 2.80 2.80 806ltll1t (RllChlOtd) 0100 7 .80 OttrlVI (lil)I .. ) 3.40 Allo rac1d: Oarry Junior, W•tbro. C111•-w1y, MP Burnbro, Oookvai Only Boy, RllllMI OOldJ Brow Rafdlf', ' l Tltn9; I 1;67 4/11, U EXACTA (M) plld ... 7.40. S2 PICJ( Ill ( 10· 10·2· 7 ·8· t I peld 14. 5811.20 wl'th elghl winner• (ltva not ... ): $2 Pick Six contoleflon paid $211,40 with 4 Hi winner• (lour hor-t TIN1'H RACI. One mlta pace Ch•mpagn. Prlnca (Hrpl<')44.80 24.80 11.80 T1whlltl Led (Kwnaler) 25.20 8.80 Don Care Ster (Longo) 3.60 AllO rlced:.Semlr\Qte Chiel, Ol'lbbln, Eay O V. Smooth Chari... KB)'lltono Frost, B•by Jlrnat Way, Rtcky Olrec:I. Time: 2;00, S3 Ell.ACTA (2·10) p1td $1.684.20. Attendanc• -1I,134. ·NFL eohedule I UNDAY'8 CIAMEt "-· YI. Orean B•y ., Mllw•uk .. (Ch8rlntl 2 1t 10 e.m.) At11nt~1 1 New York Gl1nt1 Loe A Raider• 11 San Franclaco 81, L a.t New OtlMM Chlcaoo et Detrol1 CleYlllend at s.attlll Houeton at Clnc:lnnltl Kil/IMI City 11 Buflllo Miami 1t New York Jett New Engllnd 11 Balllmora &an Diego at Oen..., Tamp• 8«Y at Mlnneao11 Waahlngton •t .Pllll&4110llta fllONOAV'I ClAMa Pltt1burgh at Oallae (Channa! 7 al 11 p.m) Southern 500 (•I Ollftlnoloft, l.C.) t. Calo Yarborough. Buick Ragll, 367. 115.224 mph. ' 2. Richard Patty, Pon1lec Grand Prix. 367. 3. 0111 E.,nhardt. Ford Thunderbird, 387 4. Sitt Elltott, ford Thunderbird. 387. s. Buddy Biker. PonUIC LaMana. 365 6. Llka Spead. Bulelc Regal, 386. 7. Gaol! Bodine, Ponll1c Grand Prix, 384. 8 Benny Pareona, Bulck Rogal, 364. 9. Buddy Arrington. Dodge M1gnum, 364. 10 Oa.ve M11Clt. Cllavrote1 Monte c.rto, 382. 11 H11ry Gent, Butck ~al, 359. 12. Connie Say10r, OICltmoblla Cu1lau, 357. 13. Joe RuttrnMI. Bulcll Rogel, 367. 14, Kyla Patty, Buk:lt ~al, 355 15. Ok:)( Mey, Bulci< Rogel. 352. 18. J.D. McDuffie, Pontiac Grind Ptt•. 350. t7. Phltlp Duffie, Buick ~al. 3411. 18. Joe Mtlllkan, Ponllac Grind Prix, 343. Ill. Rick Newsome. Chevrolet Monte c.tto, 341. 20. Bobt>y Allleon, Bulcil Rogal. 327. 21 Bot>by Wewak. Chevrolet Monte CarlO, 3 ... 22. Mlltl< Martin, Buick .Ragel, 310 23 Jimmy M .. na. PonUIC Gr1nd Prix. 255. 24. Oarnlll Waltrip. Buk:lo Rigel. 240. 25. Tom Olle, Ford Tllundar61rd, 232. 26. Ron Bouchard. Buick Ragel, 226. 27. O.K. Ulrleh, Bulc:tc Ragat. 225 28. Jody Rld1-y, Ford Thundllft>l<d, 224 211. H.B. Balloy, Pontlec: Grend Prix, 200. 30. TIOI Richmond, Sulek ~al, 177. 31. Ricky Rudd, Pontlao Grand Prlll, 188. 32. Slick Johneon, Buld< Ragat. 151. 33. Mika Polter. Otdamoblle cuu .... 141 34. Nall Bonnett, Ford Thunderbird, 131, 35. Tarry La.bonta. Chevrolet Monte CarlO, 120. 38. Morgan Shapllard, Bulcll ~el, 106. 37. David Paiareon, Bulcl< ~at. 78 38. Ronnie Tl\omu, Pont11e Gt•nd Prtlt, 74 311. Eat1 .can.v-. a..lck Regal, ta. 40. Larlnte Pond. 8utck ~et. :W. Ll'QA (al~llL) JoAnna C11ner, i18,75o 80-68-e7-202 Sulla McAllielor, 112,250 86-&4-811-208 Jo Anti Wiiham, $7,800 84-74-71-209 Cltlly MorM, 17,600 70.71~-209 J.,,.C Colee. 14,458 88-71-72-211 !'•I llfldley, 14.468 71-87·73-211 J""' Alait, 14,4.58 88-70.73-211 Stac>flanle Fatwto, 13,37i 70.72·70-212 Merthe HenMn, l3,S75 87·73·72-212 " ~t:.~ ._.._~ OAt<LANO ATHlUIOt Allnoutle*S th• 111omotlon ol ...... 8•k••· e11rt• COClor041 811{1 Tim Conroy, ~''*'· IWYlfl hll 1114 ~elvlll MOCl<t. t; llOCI K .. rnay, ce1c1111r, 1na Mlt.a av11 '"d Oatryl 8rown, outllt!Owa, from 'ha Minot teaouae • .......... ~ CINCINNATI Aeol -~ Oary Radut. outlletdat, Mike 0'8arry ca1C11Mr, from lndl1naj)oll1 .ol th• Amatlo1n AllOclallon ,OOT9.ALL. .......... ,, ............. _ ATLANTA ,.AlCONS -Cut Jolln J-. puntlf'; Miki Kelley. Qll~•bae*: WHIOn F111,1mutfl8, deflll'llMI tackle: Md Tar~ s-, tlnabtclllf', Placed fony oa In, llMOaclltt, Md Harry 8tanba.c:k. u.e. Ooen • e1e en.w. and, on 1niur.o ,_..,, (al ... w 'f'otti) BAL Tl MORE COL TS Cut 8rlan lihfl'a '"'1h round tlftgla. 0.Roo and "9"dY Burke, wide I~•. Kim W•rwlcl! (Auttrllla) d<ll. Yannlek Ed Smltll •no Clltl Odom. llnao.ot<.,..; Noel) (l'r..-). &.7. 7-3, 7-5, M ; JoM CMa Foote, canlar, Randy Van OMat and ~Enroe (U.8.) def, M•tt Doyle (IJ.ll.I, e-s. Rob Taylor. ollen11.-. lack'"; Ma1v1n t-A. 1-4; 111en Landi (Cueh~akl•I clef Slmt, lullb•c:k; Morgan RM\lea, r\HlnlnQ M•t• WllMdar (Swadan), 8-2, 8-2, 4"2: blCk; Lemont Meecham, COt.-l)8ell, anO 0-Marw (U.8.) def, Bob Lut.i (U.S ), Raoata Pinkney, ... rety, Aoqultad Glenn 8-4, 8·a. e. 1 Hydi, ottenelva tackle, from Otln\tllt for 111 Mllf\'1 llllrd round cloubllle undlacloMCI dr•l1 Choice. Sto* Jol'ln V14;1or ~m1y1·H1111k Pfltlar (U.S.) def. Sinnott, ott.ntlWI ttlcicla. Placed H-Tl1111 V10oen•Danle VI-(South Amoa). Teylor. Clefenllva and. on ln)ured r-. 7·6, a.A: Tom Gulltlllon·i'lm OulHkaon Ptaoad David Humm. qu1rtllfb1Ck; .I.if (U.S.) def, Frlt.i Buahnlng (U.8.)-Johan Oeteney, 11fatr. Lao Wlsnlawakl, noM l<rlek (South Alrlcl), 3-8. 8-3, 6-1: Kavin tackle •nd ~ McCall, tight ano, on Curran-Stave Danton (U.S.). dot, Wo1tat. the ln1etM roetlf'. Flball (Poland)-John Fl~ (Auatr.ila), BUFFALO BILLS -Waived Mika 1·•· 1·8. 8·2: Mark Edmondeon·Klro Kadlah, tlCkle; Lemar Parrleh. comart>.cll: Warwick (/lultralla) def. Tr6Cy Dalall•Met Gana Bradley, qu1tlarback; Oerv P1JrCall (U.S.). 8·4, 7·8, 1-S; Oni.rtee Andaraon, kicker: Mika Humleton, Troda-Morr1• Stroda (U.S.) def. Shlomo llnablCkar; Danny G1rcl1, wfd8 racal\tllt. Gtk:M.lleln (l1tM11-$t•ve Krutevll% Krulevltl.. Ollnnll EClwardJ, dalanllve i.ck!4f; David 8-3. e-3. • · 8a)'la, light and. Ptaoad Malt Kon.r. ...,. ....... ci-t.....,. quarterback; Juatln Oroee, tlCkle: Joey · Victor Ameya·HllRll Pllt1ar (U.S.) Clar· Lumpkin, llnobtcltar: and Robar1 Holt, Pater Flamlng.JOhn McEnroe (U.S.1, 2.e, wtde receiver, on the lnac111ve uat Byron 7·11. 9-7. 6-3. 8-1, Franklin, wide receiver, waa pul on Injured •-·• lo<lrth round alnglet r-v• Tracy Auatln (U.S.) def. "Virgin!• fluzlcl CHICAGO BEARS -Cul Bob Tllomu, (Rom•nlaf.""1·1 tl-3· Bonnie Oedutalt-P1•c:•W.lc:~'-'~ T.K. Eht1brachl, wide ~u.8.) 0.1.' EllM Burgin (u.s.>. e.-0. e-o; ~=: ~::.::'·~f'~;:~.a::;: :C::t~~l. <~:> ~~· 0'::m!,11rC--_ IOQ....IM.ry_POllJL .d.~badl.l;.Jlrao lu.S.) del. Wendy Tumbull (Auatrallt), e.:s, Falrbhlld. ol1antlW. guard. Ouk• Fargueon, 4 • 8 8 • 2 . H 1 n 8 M 1 n d 11 k 0 v a )-wide r-i-and Rod Shoat• and LM (Caec'hoa!Ovak••I def. Vlekl Neleon (U.S.), Kuni. llnablCkar•> Plaoael 8rtan Gebral, 8-4, 8-2: AndrM Jeegar (U.S.) def. 'Kathy 111net>ICkor; C•I ThOrnaa, running blCk and Rlnaldl (U s ) It· 1 6-1 · Martin• Kurt e.clcor and P.,,ry Hlltnatt, guard• ·, • 9' d i A d. L d on 1ne lnactlv• 1111. N1vt1lllOVI u. .) • . n r.. •Ill' CLEVELAND BROWNS -Cut Larry (U.S.), 8-l, 6-2. F Id I I Do St ~...... SI w-·• 990ond r~ ~ r •Y· .. o y; n ump, A-.,ar; ave BUiia Je1n t<lng-Chrltl Evart' Lloyd (U.S.) Mtchuta. qu1tt1tback: Aaron Hiii: dal. Jennifer Qoodllng-Vlj:ltl Neleon, e-1, dalenalw btck; Gao-Davt1, running blCk, 8-o Tom Brown, datanalva end: Miilon Bakllf, · w-•• ltllrd r~ dOOlblea tlghl ltld; Kevin Turn.r. llr>abld<er and K h • d A s tth ~u s , .. _. JI" JerorM King, oorlletbeck. Placed 1.ou11 It Y ... or. an-nn. . "' • " ..,... " lrull1rd. guard·tackle. on 1ha Injured Davl1·H•1thar luCllol1 (U.S. , 8"2· 8-0; ,_ Hal Bettina 8unge·Cl1udla Kohda (WHt DALLAS COWBOYS _ Cut Andy Oarmany) def. Shell• Mcln.rny-BaYerly Frederick, ollenelve teckle: Bruce M ould (U.S.), 8·2, 8·3; Jo,j\nna RulMll (U.S.)-Vlrglnle Ru%1cl (Romania) dar. Thorn1on, delenalve and; Sleva Wlleon, Oran• -Dulor-Berbua Hallquist (U.S.), wide reoet\tllt: Blll-Roe, lln1beckar~ Brien 4-6, 6•4, 6-4; Penny B11rg·B•lh Harr Catpantar; Bobt>y Johneon, 1at111y; Dwlobt (U.S.) d•I LHll• Allan ~U.S.)·Mlm• Sullivan, fullback; Brad Wrtgfit, 1a.-& (Y I I ) 3 a • "-"' "-~ ~, quartarbld< and Aon Spaart. dalanalva ...,.....,,vec; ugoe av• • ""• "" ,.........; ,..._ and .• PJacad Scott McLHn 1nd Jim c ... 1a (U.S.1-Wendy TurnbuH (Australia) Ellopuloa. ltnet>ackers, on the ln)ured def. Patrtzra Murgo (ltaJyHucy Oordon (U.S.), 8-1, 8-1. 1~:v1~ BRONCOS -Roloeaed Fred Mixed doubllla ftrat t""4 Stetnlor1, kleker; Tony Reed 1111d Dan Alyota Moulton.Scott Davia (U.S.) cHI, Plater, Wida receiver•: Clay Brown, ttghl Yvonn. Varmaak..SChetk ven dar M-end: Mett Braswell, ol1enllve 11nam1n; (South ~a~ a-3. larry C1nada, running beck: Davy Seltar1, __ ,..G .. _ (U s ~c--~(A -11 I quertart>eck: Macie Mitchell and M•tt ..,,,. .,.,,...,, · .,-rat -· uatra • Ell ... re, delanalve linemen; •m1 Rol>ar1 L. d'al. Helena Sukov•·Jan Kuk• Jackson, llnabld<er. Traded Olenn Hyde, i9tec:llllovaktel. &-4. e.3; Anna Smith· offensive lineman, to Iha 8altlmora Cotta l\evln Curran (South Africa) def. 8111te tor •n undlecloMd Oran c:holoa. JMfl KJng..Aoblltl V1n't Hol (U.s.1. 8-3, GREEN BAY PACKERS -Cul Kurt 8-3: 8ettlna ~Dick Stoelllon (U.8.) Allerman. lln•back1r: Brad Oetea, def. Tanya H1r1ord-Danle VIMar (South Afr1ce). 7 ·5. a.A: P•ull Smith·...., Pure.ti ollantMI 11ekte: Charlie Riggins, dalenatw S ) ~_. M L Pl ... Tl G· ·"lk and. Plec:ad Ira Mlt1-, wide tl04llv9r, lu. · """· lfY ou •t-· m "" '°" Larry Pholll, guard. and Che! Par1avoedllo. U.S.). 7-8. 7·6, M . unabecker, on tile Injured,_ !lat Mlchelob Li ght THm Tennis R9glonal1 (11 Loe C....._,. llecqwt Incl lpetta Club) 6.6.ratad Man-1. Undt>org Racquat Cluti, Huntington Beech (M i ke Scwalak Rooar Hing, Marlo Patltar. Olcle OuClo, D••• Bohannon. Jon Chrostowski. Mike Ma)dlck. Jarry Pitch, Bob WNllaml. Olck Slrllan, Dave Wiii-. Ban Crigger). 5.6-fai.CI woman-1. UnOborg Racquat _ Club. Huntington a.ec:ll (Hiiiary. Moor, Marll}ln Crigger, Caroline W1tllamt, Liu C1naa, Holly Blare, Diena eanott, Chart-Harbert, Kathy Hau, Diane WenHI, Oet>bl• McCormack, Cindy Hardgrave. 4.5·ratad Man-1. s .. ttla: 4.6-ratad Wornen-1. lnduatry Hiii• Racqu.t Club; 3.5-rated Man-1, G.,d•n•: 3.8-ratld Woman-1. la Canade. (Note: Chemptont (8 pleyera Hohl quatlly tor final• at l'lu9hln0 MOICIOW9, N. y •• Sapt. 24·28.) Deea ... n.Mng A"T'8 LANblNQ (Newport •aacll) -105 anglen. 38 bltl, 1&& bonito, 800 m1ekarel. 5 rock n111. 15 IC\llptn. 2 ~. DANA WtCAtta' -322 angtara. 153 t>aaa. 302 l>onlto. 3 hellbut, 1.400 mec:karel...,.1 rOCll lltll, 4 ICUlpln, 2 y.ilOWtlll, 8 ~-IACH -188 1nglare. 131 b•rracud•, 17 bonito, 11 calTco ben, 2 nallbut, 20 mackaral. 80 aanCI baa• ,62 1c:ulpln. <•••••> -387 angl111. 138 bonito, s haHbut, 1.100 milCkaral, 8 aenc:t bl.ta. 110 q-""'· 810 whrta croak"' I AN DIEGO (H6M La11dlll8) -:111 anglanl, 43 •beootll. ... Ttacfc Md Field ~ ........ ~ .... (It AIMM) ... 10,000-1. Alberto Con (Italy), 27:41.03; 2. War'* 8clllldhauer (E .. t Oarmany), 27;41.2t: 3. Manti Vainio (Flnland~ 27:42.61. WO.N Shot put-t. Ilona Sluplenelt (U881\>. 70-10; 2 . H•l•n• Flbtngero• <011101!01lovakla), H-8~: 3. Nunu Abeafl~ (USSR), 88-3~. HOUSTON OILERS -Cu1 Toni Frftlch, kicker; Ronnie Coleman, running back: Luthe< Bradley. Ed Pryt1 Ind Dlllbart Fowler, HnablCklf'I; Lawis Gllber1. tlgh1 end; Ctaud• Mathew& and Nick Eyt•, ollanalva lineman and Ron Reav••. qu11tarl>1Ck. Pieced Adger Arm11rong, running l>ec:k, Gragg 81ngllarn. Ur>ebecllar: Billy Brooke. wide rec:el-and Stan E<Ntlrdl, running bide on the Inactive roal•r. Plac:ad l<an Burrough, wide racelvaf and Andy Corria, dal•nelva "'-ian--on Iha Injured r-lilt. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS -Cut ~ Tayft>r and Todd Thomu. olfenafva llnamen: Hor-Ballon, rul'lfllng baek: Sluert Andwaon. linebacker; Ourwood Roquamora. aalaty: Biii Ackar. no11 \Kiiie; Joo Hoke, Miiiy; 0.V. Mettln, cornarback: Al S1otnlald. center. and . Robert 8takflY, wide ,_._. Plec:ad Dino M•ngloro. noae tackle. on tho lnjurad ,_.,. lla1. LOS ANGELES RAIDERS -Cul Mar1< V•n Eeohan. runnlno beck; Randy M0Clan1h111, Ed Jackaon. tlnet>ackara; Morr.. B111dlh1W and Cleo Montgomery. Wld9 r.cet-.; Jarry w111<enson Ind Jeff Jackson. defanllva &nO•. Traded UndMy• Maaon, 11c:kta, lo tha Sen Franclaco 411ar't lor a Mure dt1tt pick. PIAC*I Gana Uplhaw, guard, Wlllte Jonea, de1anelve and W1d St111 Ad.,,,. on Iha Injured •-ll•t. • L.OS ANGElES RAMS -CVt Mlrio eetouo, llnabackar; Frank eorr.t, ktck•· ountar· J9'1 Moor• and Riek'( Coltman, wide rece!Vara, Jalro Panar1nda, fullback; Ray Coley, l11lan1lve llnam•n; Kerry Locklin, 1lght end; Mtl11 McPharton. ..111y "1lnd John Mltko, punter. Plec:ad 8111 Badltold. cantor on the ln)uracl -Hat. MIAMI DOLPHINS -W1lved Don Beaallllllu and Ed Tlylor. deftntlw backa; Elmar B•ll•y, wlda racalver; Rex RoOlneon. klcllar: Bob Nellon. d.,.,_111 teckla: Bob Grut>ar, 8111 McKinley. otlanSlw tacllte; Tate Rendle, .. few. and Ed w .. var. olfantln teckla. Placed WOOlty BanMtt. running back; Kan P00411, dallll'tllve and and Dan Jonnaon. tlQl'tt and, on Injured ·-· • MINNESOTA VIKINGS -Cu1 e ... ry Bennatt, defane!va tld<la, .i.ttrey Boyd, wtda receiver: Wayne Schlec:htllf and Mllcll Barg, delenllve aa1t11e11; llld Am~ Bodin. punter. NEW ENOLAND PATRIOTS -Plec:ad JOlln Smith, klclll<'; KWI Colllna, noM tackle and Mika Karrlgan, quanorl>ack, on lrl)ur«I ·-· NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -All!a..o Sam Adema, Jarry 8oyaraky and Fred Stuart, guardl; J-Teytor, tacltte: Mika Spl'feY, comerbaclt; Joe Wells, llneblokar. Jack HOlmaa Olld HOkte G1jen, IVllbaCke; Sten Tellay, puntar: Chuck Ev•n•. defanttve and. PIAC*I on ln)ured ,_ Bobby Soott, quartarbac*. NEW YOAK OIANTS -Cul Mark Raed, quartarback: Mlk• Fried• •nd Mark Sl1waon, wCda recetvera: Pater Raeford, Mtollaal Wiiiiama and Mark s .. 111. defanllYll blldla; Oat~ NldlOlaon lllld And,..... C..tno, linlllleokl<'a; LMT'f Coft9y, run!llno bade; Garry Rl)'lnOllCI. auaro: to McCtuson, c:.antllf, and Ven Ha11ln. tl(lht and. NEW YORK JETS -Cul K~ Lawla, runnl09 becll: Al WMhfnOlon anCI K..U Clauaan, llnal>ICkare: Stave Stapllena, llQhl and; Tony Sultore, guard; Jen Sea View League Football Schedule K .. tnar, ofl9n..... tackle: Jotln 8lncltllton, ClllMnallll end: An<lt• AUQUllin. def'etl ..... llokl•. OavlCI Dumara, cornerba~ll. •nd JOl1n Aoaen, qUattarbec*. PHILA0ELPl11A EAOl.H -Pltcacl Wa/llr 11111'1.y and AodM¥ Patkar, wlCSe raoel'!'llnl ~ ~ AMOf1 ~ and Mike CUfclo1 llneb~11'9! llfed MM, ~ ltlG; OhuOll COmmlek.,., Olll'IW: and Jim KrOl'ln, quartWbldt. on .,,..,_., Pl101d l(an Jenklna, lllllbaok: Jim Frltnolla; and 8tave FOlaOfn. tlQl'tl and, Oft Iba lnlut*i ~ llflt. DATE CORONA DR MAit COSTA MESA El TORO ESTANCIA Stpl 10 Huntington Beach Santa Ana lot Newpotl. Sepl. 91 lot SA Bowt, Sepl. 91 Cypress Ocean View lot Minion-VlefO, s.pi. 91 101 OrOliQa C.oostl Sept. 17 at San Clemente Santiati lot Newpott, . 161 at Mission Viejo Laguna Hills lot Mlsllon Viejo, Sep!, 161 Sept. 24 Capistrano Valley Los Alamitos IOI Newport Hort>orl lot Western, Sep!. 251 at Valencia at San Clemente Ocl 1 Estancia University IOI Newport Horborl IOI lrllinal at Newport Harbor Corona dtt Mir (Tlwndoy, Sept, 301 IOI Nawpott Horborl Oct.. Saddleback Irvine lot SA Bow!, Oct. 91 101 Newport Horbcwl Estancia El Toro lot Minion Vlajo, Oct. 7l Cot Misliorl Viejo, Oc:I, 71 Oct. 15 El Toro Saddle back lot Oronga Coostl lot Newport Horborl Corona d'I Mir Universlty Cot Oronot Cootll (Of Newpott, Oct. 141 Oct. 22 at Irvine El Toro (OI Minion V111jol Costa Mae at Newport Harbor lot MlulOn Vlalol Oct. 29 Costa Mesa Corona de! Mar lot 0r0ft(ll COOJU Col 0rQllOe Coostl University Irvine !at lrvJna, ~· 281 lot NflWP0<1 Helt bat I ""· s University Nl'!l>Ort Harbor lot Newport, Nov. ~I tat s>onoa Coo.ti at Irvine Saddltblck (OI ~1 Hotbotl ..... 12 It Newport Harbor Estancia ((It OrOllOI Coo.11 Saddleback Costa Mau (GI MIQIOn VltjOl fOt ~Coo.ii (II IJllllt at 7:JO) ·-~1 ~ Laguna Hilb IThunclOY, Sofit. 9> Manna Woodbrid&e CyprQs at Tustin et Westminster Saddleback El Toro (OI SA llbw!, s.pt. 301 • IThuttdov. Sept. 391 Costa Mne University (OI Nawpof1 Hotborl lot ,, .. Ina! Newport Harbor st Irvine Corona dtt f'ar 4 Estancia Estancle Saddleback lot N"llOfl Hci!tlor I lot SA 8owl! El Toro Costa Mesa la1~C0011l UnlvtfSity Corot11 Ciel Mar ' sm.DACK Santa Ana Valley IOI SA llowfl Santa Ana IOI SA 80.J;' Sap!. 161 at La Habra Irvine ' (or SA Bowl, Sept. 301 Corona del Mar tor SA 8owt, Oct, 91 Costa Mesa tot Newport Horborl NtwpOrt Harbor IOI SA lowll Est1nci1 • lot Newport Horborl El oro (GI Mlllloft Vlejol Tustin (Of lr¥ina, s.,,i. 16) Laauna Hills 101 Miulofl Vlajol • Costa M.sa lot lr¥1nal Ntwport Harbor lor lr~lflt) Estancia (ot Newp0rt, 0¢!. 141 SaddlebaCk 101 SA 8owll £1 loro IOI lryina, Oct. 281 Corona dtl Mar (GI NfWPOtl, Nov. 41 at '1"' { PfTT88UflOH STEEL.EM -C"1 ""*>' Mflrtln and Wtltlll Sydor, wlcle NOlllYar'f: Frtnlt Wilton, t'Ollt and; JOM O.OruttOIA. running bacll: Tom TabOf. daten1t119 "'*'*' and o..-y &mftll, ~ guard. Plaoeel Kan Oaleftor. oflllnetft taoklit wld ow ~. ~., Oii lr\llll'8d -SAN l'MNCISCO •KM -0\11 Mllw lfMlmatvl, wide "'*-: JoM Oii--. on.netve QUftl 8altdtfl Mart.In Ind Tim Waat111111ton, oorn•rbaok•: N11w1011 Wlllleme. rlif\111110 back; 01119 f'••r, detenalva lineman : Ohuolt l'ualna, :-::~~-~r· lfltrr'~ ~ ..... ~ndu::: .,:::: ofterllM "'*'*'· "°"' ... '-Ga ........ lt8ldar9 tor twO Min .... &ll'llkl. ....... Mba ...,. Ind te.11 ..,,.,.. _,.,.. ....... Oft ... lllJund -llln. TAMPA t.\Y IUCCANffM -W....,.. TO/f'/'1 Dallll 11141 .... 810M, """"'11 INOlltc .. c.... Md AdlNfal Dalwlly l..,,y, dllflMNe bec*e< M ~ IN eocMt lfu1011111eo11, dtlt111lva end•: .Andr•w ....,,.,.. "'° oa.e MllNll!. 111 111111 l l'li loO "'-·~ •. Ind ~--. ~ .......... lmMly~ '-='~~~~an ..... -o..iar. ltati\ •: ...... Olatll. Ollll9 ........ -.IOM IM. ~IM ancta: OllJ De.,..._, T*'Y ---~ ,..,... ... ......,.. 1.-on• J9fft ra altf Offflttn. Lawry, t111•1tuller11 t.•Oll1r11 MoD1111l1l , --~· ~ an ..., ,_... lllon su . l l l 1 I ' I -. . ' i : • ' l I I I .. . Irvine will liost tourney Th Irvine Clubhowle will be the -...no of the Orand Prl• flnala for the ltusu racguetball cou.mament of Southern ·California with reprmentat.lve tffma of ~. the 180-plua clube from Loe An1elee to San Dlago competing. , . • 191 P\aJC NOncl Ml.JC NOnct: MOC ..,_. MUC ll>TU Ml.IC MO~ MUC M>OCl ''°""°"' ··~ ~ STA ftOnol °' ~NU ;onct Al9 711 M01'tC9 CW TllUITft't 1.-U YOU AM ii ... MAT UlmD A NO'l1al fW TllUtTa .. MU bu~:wlllt1 JeftOfl .. oolnv On a.ut!:n-1~ 11 l0-00 .:~~,-,'=~~an: .moe,':.~ .. u ~:::=: =:.::..·.:.t·~J~~ '-;,~fi':..~ 0,.A,ltlC MAIH<ITINO am litcu-co"'· .. Tri.MP ... °' OCTOIQ "· .... .. ~OU .. ,... TD. ""VICI COM,ANY •• UICI AOYION TO 11•oucT AMl .. ICAH llCU .. ITlll , .. ODUOTI 11110 I I gl• D· l!Wt TNllM Ol lu=•· WJ"' ~CTIO .. 'fO Pl•OTIOT YOU ..... Dll'*'T UNDIJIA du"' -ln•ld fnlllM unoer lhe YOUR "R~._ ... ., •• COMPANY •• COf""'•ioo ........... ~ahelm, c1' ' e ' ' TruttM, or thll N~aln ol IHI ltllO,lllTV, It ... ., II NID CW T'RU9f DiTID ._.._.,, totiOwlntdttCtll>ed deed of 1rutl tol.D Af ti YOU 11111olnled frume under m Kenneth "· lmllh 80 I tru11 ueouted by JarnH H. AT A "'9LJO IALI. •YOU II YOU TAICI AOTION TO WU,1. 81LI. At flUILIO AUCTION NllD AN Of 1W foMoWtno deMflMd Hid 01 trueJ Cetawba Ln , Irvine, Ca 02hl. lrannen Ill end Lindt O. lfennen •to Mt Hl'lMATION O• f'MI 'ROflCf YOU" HOltlllnltT TO THI HIOHltT llODIA fiOA MATURI THI HOOllOl .. G Will HLL AT PUlllO AUO'TION Thl9 bullnMI 11 oonduotld by en t1u11>end end wlle, and reoord;(l NATUttl 0' THI lll'ROCllDINO MAY II IOLD ,.T A ltUI IC OAIH jpey1ble el time of eele tn AOAINtf YOU .. L..'fOU SHOULD TO THI HIOHl!IT llDOl" ll'OR lndlvldual AorN 10, IHI ee ln1tnirn«1J No. AOAINIT YOU.1. YOU IHOULD I A I. I · I' Y 0 U NI I 0 AN ltwfUI. money Of the Unli.d 11= CONTACT A LAWTR CAIH (peyel>le el time Of ule In Kenneth A. Smith tSC>Oe, tn IOOll 14011. Page 110. Of CONTAC' A ~-YUl , Ol'lANATtON cw Titll NATUIW all right, Ulle and lnltreet OOll NOnctl °" ,.., • .,. ... IALI lewf(jl rnoneiy al the un11-:c::= Thlt ... 1emen1 WM tlled with the Olllolll "9o0fd• of OrllnOe County, NOTICI cw TllUITll'• •AU Of' TN "'OCUOINO AGUdT to end l\Olll held by 11 undtr NICI NO. 0.-.. right, tltle end lnt«811 County Clettl o1 Orange County on Cellfornla, end purtuant to lhet T.t. ..._ 1-1111/wtl 't'~OU eHOUl.O CONTACT A Oaed ot Tru•I In lht proo•tlv On DotoNr 4, 1912, at 10 oo to end now held ~ It wincMt Mid e1 21 tN2 '*1Allrl Nottoe of Default lh«eundilf on he>lll'l'tbtr ft, 1982, at 10 00 LA•Tllft. hef91n,tnw dMGrfl>ed; A M , •• the meln en111noe to Oeed or Tru11 In 01e proo•n1 ' · • ,,.., reoorded Mer u. uu 11 o'clock • m . on TUMOay, 11 the On tep1t111w 21, 1~. •I t'OO THUST~ Kl!NT M. I.HO and ~· Title lneurenoe Cotnpeny, lletelnatter deaorlbecl: P110111n.c:t Or•no• COHI Oellr ln11tument No H · 111310, of CNOlllatl Avenu. tflll~ 10 Ille A M . Tiii• lneurence ind Tru11 VlllOINIA A 1.llO. ll"*'>Mld end HO North Main Street In the City Of TAUS TOA JOSI PH TIMOTHY PltoC AUO 31, a.pt 7. t4, 21 1082 OfllcHI Aecoroe of Mid County, Wiii Clvlo Centtr 8ulldl110. '°o EH• Company, 1• dult tppolnted Wife u Jo1n119fW!lt lante Ane. County Of Orange, If• .. COOi< end VALEAll JUHi COOK. _ *•·U windetendllUfl'*lttoNldOMdof Cf\epmenAv.,Orange,CA WEST· TrullH under and purauent lo fllNl,.CIARY . lllCURITV I C1llfornle, OALlfOANIA tlueblindendwlf9 TNll ... at pul>llo euatlon for CIMfl !AN MUTUAL COAPOAATION, e OMd Of Tnitl dti.cl Merctl 23. IN1 PAC IF IC M 0 AT 0 A 0 I EC~YANC! COMPANY, a BINE,.CIMIY: WILLI l'AfllOO rta.IC NOTIC( laWM money otth4 Ulllted Stet• Of Celtt0tn1a CotPofatlon.' M TNlt•, recorded MM'ch 21 1 .. 1. ae ln1t CORPORA TI0!1, • oorl>O'ellon C1llt Corporetlon, ea dul~ BANK, N A., • n111ona1 benkln9 --~ ....... --......................................... ,NMttca • oaahler'• Gil9Gll peyetlle Of MibtllMtd TruetM, undel' Ille No. 34034, In 1>ooli 13000, Pev• • ~ded Nov9mbtr ll(), fN1 ., appo ed Truttee under the1 -aatlon OfllMNAHCI NO. *' 10 NICI Truet• drewn on• llete Of DMd of Trutt t•IOl.lt.O by Matellall 177101 Offlclel Aecorde In Ille oltlC;e ln11r. No. 3 tHO In booll t4ll05, Cl«taln OMO of Truel exeoui.d ~ "-ded Dllolmbet O lttO .. Tournament matcnea ·will be conducted in alx regions leadlna up to the fin.ab in Irvine in mid- J anuary. Players will compete in four diviaiona: Open, A , B-C AN OROINANOI• 0' '"' netlonal t>ank, • 1tate or federal K•nn•lh OroHmen end FrancH Of "" Counly A.corder o-.orenoe IMI09 10111 of Offlcill A9cord• In IM KIM M ADAMS, a tingle Miii .. lnttt. No. eea11n bo<* tUll oeoe c 0 UN TY O' OR AN !.~.J credit ~Ion °' • •t•I• or lederel Ann OrOWlltn. llu•b•nd and wt,. County Callfornlel Wilt 8ELL AT offToe or IM ~ord., or Orenf9 truttOf, reGOfded on February 14, teat of Offlclal ~de In tl\9 ofllc» g=:_-;::~.,::: C: 111v111111 •, nd. loan Heoolatlon •• co111rnunHy property, htrtln PUllllO AUCTION TO HIOiil8T Covnty: Mid ci..o or tJutt daiecrlbee 1978, u 1n11rumen1 No. !4001, In of the Aec;ordw of Or~ County: TO CONllCT *ON ... nNC•• domiciled n Ihle 11ate, al tM front ca/lad T111••or. rtcOfdtd OctOblf SIOMA FOR OA8H OR CAl+ilEA'I the l'OllOwtr\o l)rOl*ly; 8ooll 13034, Peoe 228, 01 Otftclel •eld dffd ot llUll 081Ctlb .. tn• • a 1 Tw11 N TH 1 c 0 u NT y entrance to hecuuve borow 30, fOl 1, •• lnttrument No. 40140, CHECK. (peyal>le at urne Of .... In r::•) Unll No. QM Of tlllt oeneln Record of Orange eoun1y, 111111 of totlOwlno property: .. and novice. ORDt•A Cl • Compaoy, 221 South Ole VIila. Sen In Book 1'278 Pt09 l30 of Offlcttl lewtul money Of the United lltet•) omlnlum projtc1 deecrfbed In CelltOfnle, under the fK1Wtr of.... PARCEL I: Unll IU. In lh• -~:.O..: AND THI • .. A Clemente, Cellfomla. ell that right, Aecorde or Orenge Co11n1y, at t~&uth front enttanc19 to 1flt lltt c•rteln Condominium Plan t'*'9tn contained, Wiii NII ti oublle County of Orenge, ll•t• of Tl\9 loerd of 8upeMeor1 of u.. lltlt and lntereet oon~ to end Cellfotnlt wilt .... "f.:l>llC euctlon old enge County CourthouM i'eoOfded 1n l>OOll 10111. Pete 83. ~llon 10 the hlgh"t blddel' tor c.lilornla, u lhown end dMGrll>ld eou Of Or Calif nla. now held by tt under Mid Deed of to "" nigh .. , bid •r tor c .. h. 1oc11 In the 200 8IOck ot W•t OMciel lileoorde, (IUCll l)lan being cufl, or cMatc u detet1bld ti.low, in 111e Condominium Plan r-ded ord~:;r .. 10::::: °' d09I TMt In tlla PfOl*'IY altueted In Mid P•Ytblt r"" 11.,ful money or the Sen11 Ana 81Yd. (fOl'."*IY W• tth h•r•lnafler referred to u "the pey1blt et Ille time ot lale In lewM In booll 12161, oaoee 1011 to 1081 SECTION 1, hc110n 1+12t.3 County end ... ,. deecrtbed .. : llnltld that• et IM Unit of Nie. 8t.). 8tnll Allt, Calllotnlt, all tight, Condominium Plen"), end .. money ol Ille United State• ol lncluelve, Offlolel Record•. of Of lhe Codlflld Ordlnll'OM ot the l.Ol 7 Of Tract 9204, .. 08f rnep IM lnt ... I oonv.)'90 to and now tllle end tn•w•t oon¥l)'IO to iM dieflrl4ld In that C«taln 0ecteta11c>n ""'*1ca, wt11W>Y1 watrtnl)I expt"-Orange c:oun1y, CalllOfnlL CoOnty ot Orang• 11 h•reby thereof recordtd In Book 423, h.td by .. Id Tt¥.et .. un~r .. Id hOw held by 11 und9r Mid OMd .of of Covenente, Condlllone end or lmpll•d u 10 tllle, uu, PARCEL 2 All undMdld 114tat • emended to rMd .. rotlowt! Pao•• 17 10 1t lnclu11v1. Oeed or Truet In the pfoperty TruttlntheprQ91f1Yeltua.led ln Mld ,.Htrlatlon• ror Newport creet poeHUlon or wicumbren~e. all Inter•• u • 1enent In common In "S.0. 7•11-129.3. H-d• to 11r Mlte•lltntoue M•P•. record• of lllutled In Mid County end State COunty end Sitt•~ u; Homeowner• Auocletlon·, rlOflt, !Ille end lntereet now held by the I•• lnter .. t In end to the Each club may enter nelltgellon. Ofange COunty, Callf0<nl1. detcrll>ecl u : 1.ot 27 Of Trtc1 tllOt In the City ,_ded In book lo:Mi, pege MG, 11 H •uch Tru11ee In end 10 the common ., .. 10 lot 4 of Trect No. No Pef9Qn, nrm °' llOfPQfetlon Ttlt 111111 eddreu or other lot 12 ot Tract No. 784 I, u lot Cotta Meea, County of Orat191, Otftolel Record• end 1n Alllendtnel\I followlng ducrlbed propertf 9858. In the Cl1y of tMne, COUnty of 1 • 1 man Y team 8 a 8 •hall undeftake conetruotlon or common dHlgnellon of 1eld 11\own on• map recorded In&«* Stell ot Cellfornle. u peT mep recorded 1n book t0384, page 481, lltu••ed In the eforMald County and Orange, Stele of C•H1omle. u per ~ be!ore the Oct. 8 altwetton wtlk:h rn.11 tl\9 notto. Pf'Ol*'IY: H631 PINO Dttnl, San 297, Pee-I to 5, l>Oth lnalUINe ot recorded In Book 178 Pegtt 3 and Offlalel Aeaorde, and Amendment S••••· to wtl; I mal) recorded In l>OOll 429, pagee i:eoi1tration deadline. crlterte of Subpert .e. Tltle 14. J~ Oaplttreno. Ml•c•lliineou• Mape, record• ot 4 ot MltGelleneou1 M•11•. In the recorded In book 10783, Peoe 518, PARCEL 1: 30 10 33 fnelullve, Mlecellaneou• '"' .. 1 Piil 77 of the COCS. of Federal Said aale wlll ii. m1de without Or111ge County, Callfornla. Ottlae or the Coonty Aec:order of Ott Io 1a 1 A e co rd•, ( • • 1 he Unll 211 t. City or lrvlne, Coonty Map1, Jn the olflce of the ooonty .1ournament eague Aeguletlon• outelci. the e.11terlor aovenan1 or warrenly, exprM• or EXCEPTING 111er11rrom au 011, nld County. 0ee111111on"). eno the Oelareuon of Orange/State of Callfornle, u recoroer ol Hid county, .. 1uch competition will begin bounderlH of any airport Implied, u to lltle, polMMlon or II••· m1ne'ra11 • end other EXCEPT tller•lrom all oll, gu, of Anneullon lor Lot 4 ol Trect ahown eno defined on that cenaln lerm l1dellnedlntlleAr1k:leent1ti., Nov. 1 with an en~'"" fee (tnctudlng heliport•) evelleble .fot 911Cumbrenceetoaattslytlleunpald hydrocarbon eub11tnoe1 ••more mlnerela end other hydrocarbon 7017. (lhe Dec111elfon ol Condominium Plan recorded June ··oeflnlllona" or the O.Claretlon of -.T publ\O uee or enr.mllltary elfport, blllenoe due on the note Of not.e pert~ulllflY dtterlbed In EXHIBIT tubtt-lying below a depth of Annexallonl. t900rded Oc1otler 11. 22, 1879 In bOolc 1~727. peoe n.1 I, Covenenu. Cond1tlon1 end of $75 per team. ~11 Without ""'' l\011 no the F«l«el MCured by Mid Deed of Tnat, to "A" ettached hereto and med9 a 500 feet from tn. IUftllOe of Mid tt7~ In book 1ose1. Pio• 56i': or Otllclel Record• ol Orenge Reattlct1001 (the ··o.c1eret1on") ·participants will receive Aveletlon Admln etratlon ot the wtt: $84,932.19, i*IA Ille fotlowlng pert thereol, property, but with no rloht ot Oftlctet Aecorda. County. Calltornle recorded In bOolc 12892, peoe 14105, a .... , ... gear bag and l.D. propoaed oon111uct1on, u Htlmeted coll•, eicpen1H ena UHlllfT "A" IUffaoe 9111ry, u rtall'Wd In 099d (bl An undlvldeo 11 t04th PARCEL 2· Oflldel A9c:ord1, of Nkl Counl)'. ouu., required by Subpart B ot Pert n , advanoee et the tl!M ot the Initial recorded Oclot>er 4, 1963. 1n1~eel In end 10 Ille_...,.. An undivided l/441h 1n1er .. 11n EXCEPT THEREFROM alt ott, gu, tag. and r~. and ptMentlng to publlcatlon Of Ihle Noua. of 6eltc ~~2 of Tract No. 7f41. u TruttOf ~ r~ owner: S.J.G. u defined In the Oeclaretlon end In end to lot 8 of Tract No. tO 137 u mlnerele end other hydroctfbone, Honorary chairman Charlie Brumfield, a five-tltne lntematfonal 1lngle1 champion, will conduct free public clinics during that time. For additional Information regarding the Grand Prix, contact Scott Winters at 850-1324. th• DI r • o I or , E MA , a 11,524.36. 297 Peotta •, ~c0r r=~~~~ ProperlfH, Inc .. A Celllornla the Decleralfon or A1111netlon, llhOwn on • Mep rec:orded In bOok below • depth of 500 leet. without O.termlnellon trom the FAA thel NOTICI TO "'~TY OWNIR I' II "' ,..._...,.. Vl Corporetlolt, eleo at S. J • G. being L°' 4 Of Tract 1•tt, u thown 4 2 8 , p •II• 1 4 II Io 5 0 of the rlghl or eurlece enlry, u 1uch aon1truot1on dou not YOU AM• a..Mll. T UNDIJt A Or ace 1,!',..~ty• "4•P•· record• of ProperlfH, Inc • A Callfornla on a map recorded In l>OOll 309. Ml1eellaneou1 Map1, r•cord• of r~ In l0tlrument1 of record. c.on111tute • -hnerd to air ~Oil \"Ml9T, DAtaD ~ 81:c...,,_, • Celltofnla. Corporation 33 end 3.o1 of Mlacetlane<MJ• Orange County, Cellrornla, 1oge111« PARCEL 3: EHemenl• H ae1 naY1Q111on:· 21. 1tl1. UNLISI YOU TAICI g u mlf':~~ 11'*•"°'d" •Ith~. · The-•freet adore .. •no~om-1 epr. rtcorw of-..td Orange with 111 Improvement• !hereon, forth In the Section• ent11ted SECTION 2. Thie ordinance lhell ACTION TO PRO Tl CT YOUR h ' 1 en o t 8 r common deelgnaUon If eny of tl\9 County exc;epllng therefrom Condominium "C«laln EuerMnll IOf Owne11" lake effect end be In full foroe flflONAn, IT MAY M SOU> AT A ~:•J:,~~ ;11::,1=i• lyl':! real properly deecril>ed ab0\'9 I• (ci E11olu1l11• euementl Unll• 245 through 259 lncluelve, 1nd "Support. Settlement ind thlr1y (30) daye from end alter II• ltUDIJC IAl.I. 11' YOU •IO NI turf-01 Mid lend but wll= l11e purported to 119: 3118 Uncoln Wey, eppurtenent to .. Id Unit No. 280, all 1nd 2111 through 312 lncluelve, Encro1chm1nt .. ol the Artlcle puaage. end before the ~TION CW TMI NATUM ilgllt 01 ant • Cotta M .... C111tom11 Off28' u more apecllloalty defined In the localed thereon. enlllled "E11emenl1" of the •J<Plrellon of ftltMn (151 deye lflir Of' THI HH>CllOtNO AOAINIT Ille IUr1 ry uoon eny portion ol The unde1119ned Truetee Condominium ~l•n end the E.ltc81>11ng therefrom all otl. oo Oeclarellon releued to In Parcel 2 the P•Hege, thereof lhall be YOU, 't'OU SHOUlD CONTACT A IMt to =• •=.~ °f1h 0:: dleclelmt eny lleblllty for eny 0eat1rellon. rlghll, mlneral•, mln•ral tlOhll. above. 1>1111\ed rn the Orange Coaat LAWYl9'. °' drltl for Nm. ·=e; 1 1.,! lnaoneat,_ of the etreet eddr-(di A non-excluelve easement natur,1 gu right• ind other PARCEL 4: EaM111ent1 aa eucll Piiot, • ~ publ191\ed DATED: Auguat 11. t992 DMd from Mu~ rH , n nd other oommon dMlgnetlon. II to uae the common arH and hydrocerbob 1ubt1encea 1>91ow a MMmenll are p1r11Culatly Mt fol1h County or Orenge, Slefe of EXECU..COAP LI 8 · o.p,ner • eny, lhOwn herein. flCllttlff of the projtc1 which have depth of 500 feel undw lhe paree4 In A rt I c I e )( 111 ( 2 I en 11 ti• d Calltornla. too•ther with the By: Mike Kuntl, w~: rec':,~P~nt, H~~b•r:1;~d lleld Hie wlll be made but ~ °' WIN be de'lletoped on the of lend herelnabove dHcrlbed, "'&Mmenta" of 111e Otclatatlon of ,,_ of the rnemt1er1 of the Authorized Ager'll Book 1014; 8p-...•I73 • 1 Off"'I ~ without covenant or w1rrenty, fotlowlng deecrlbecl reel property. Without the righl oflur1-entry, u Covenanu. Condltlon1 end Boe.rd of ~'°" voting for 221 S. Ole VIile Aeoorde. • -..... 0 "'• exor-or llnplled, retarding ttu., (I) 1.01 1 of Tract 7852, u shown reaerveo In the deed lrom Quall RHtrlcllona recorOed In book and ~I Ille tame. Sen Clemente, Calil. 92672 The atreet eOd l>Ol-'on, or encumbrencet, 10 on e map recorded In l>ook 302. Aun·Nor lhwood. • Limited 11706, pegee 420 10 4114 lnclutlW, 8=;_-°' .... ,,_=• "' Purl>O'led 10 . 10591 Tc:J·1 1 nole(•I aecured by nld D.ed of Mlacelleneoua Mepa, recor01 of 1979 In book t3034. P8Q41 224 ot Cetlfornle , under lhe aectlon C~~~ .___. .... -(714) 492-e280 ·ommon 08~1 n'=n~f °: 0'"f pey the unpeld bel1nce. of the peg e • 7 to 9 1nc1u11 u o t Partnerllhlp. r-ded F9bruery 14, ptllctat A9c:orO• of Orange County, -r-""-......-Pul>llah•d Orenge Coeal Oally We lrvt · 11141 TNlt, lo-<1111: 158,994.83, lndudJng said Orange-County. Olflclel A9c:otO•. heec:llngt In tuC11 artlcM entl11ed .. Wheelchal• .C-'Y, Celtomle · Piiot, AuQ, 24, 3J. S«>I. 7. 1992 tltld s':te C :o::.lemO:J.14· llhout 11 provided In uld no le( a). EXCEPTING TH~REFAOM thll PARCEL 3. followe· "Ownera' Alghll end SIGNED AND CEATllFIEO THAT _ 378().112 ,,.,.,.,.,,.., .. 1 tltle ~~~u.~ ectvanc:ee, If eny, under the 1erm1 of pot1lon of 11nd Included within An nclu1lve easement tor Outlea. Ullllllee end Cable A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT :!. 0 .,............,., ~ Mid OMd of trual. '-· chargee Parcel t u ehown on 1 mep perking and related Pllrl>OMI over Televl1lon" ... Support and HAS BEEN DELIVEAEO TO THE l'tllJC NOTIC( encum.,,anoee, for the purpoee of and expen-ol Ille Truetee end of rf'COrdeo In l>ook 45, page 26 of lhal porlfon of lot 8 OI lald Trect s.u1ernenr·. "Encroechmenl", and CHAIRMAN OF THE BOAAt> 8,_..,.. C""'-T :~0,~:ua~t~alud~r9d1 ... 1b .. y 1119 1rut11 CfHted by aald Died o! Percel Mepa, record• 01 uld 10137. u llhown on Ei!ttlbll .. ,. .. to "Community Feclllll411 Euernenll". J-Aleundef ..,....,....,.. ..,...., • ""' ""' ,.., Truat. county the Oealarellon ol RMlrlctlona for l>ARct:L 6: An euernent over Lot Clertl etf tM lloer'd Of CW CALWOftMA and eiipenM ortlle TrutlM and ol The b9nil~81)1 un<* aald o..a (2) Loll t. 2 and 3 ol Tract The Spring• Condominium A of Trect No. 9919. •• P9I' rnap Supei~ County °' ~~~ ~... ~i~':v:C::c't~r:'~~I~~ of_.!<~ ~ttofore eiiecutad and 7811, u anown one mal) recorded r~~~ded Aprl!.,.,21, 107&..ln book recorOed In book 414, l>flO" 16 to On ta P ~ 0c~ ....,.... • Inter '1 ld9d hetet • the d•Wff"9"•w .~ unoerelgned a In boOk 308. pagu 33 and ~ or 1 ..-. ll'Ot 8:.tU, end AH9CO<ded 23 lnclutMI, Ml!Mlellaneou• Mlll)I, In F CALIFORNIA I... aen .. AM, CA un " H PfOll 1 . n. and Miiien ~lerellon of O.feutt and Ml1ce111neoua M1p1. record• t>f May 3 19711 In book 12660 pege the ottloe or the c:ompeny reGOrder :-=-.,.,,,,.,.....~ > 111'.0 . ... .. peld prtnclpel and lnlerftt or the Otm1nd tor Sele. and 1 written Mid counly. 579 bbth In Ofllclel Record• of or aa10 county, for the l>Ul'POM of ~-~County·---·-COUNTY OF OAANOE ) MAMUAS:-cw""'CAll2'l'02 ~~~~·lo:f..~-~~:ls',•,•d OeeCS ol Notice of Default and Electlon to EXCEPTING THEREFROM, Orange County, Cellfornla, (her .. n draln•o• '*'•llllng herein •bove '-"• .. '6" .... u.... (SEAL) JUNE AlEXANOER o.ied· A · 2· 5 ; .. · · Sell. The u~ned ceutect Mid however, eny eno all ucluelve refetred lo 11 "Decl1rellon"). u deacflbed land. Pfovlded 11\el IUd'I clubs will hoet a portion Clerk of Ille Boerd of PETITIONER. CONSUELO M. · uoutl n · •92 Notice of o.raufl end Elecllon to HHmenta eppurtenent lo ell Carport Spec11, No 291. Said d11ln19e 111111 not unt,jluon1bly of the fourth annual Sul)9Meora of Orange BUENO WMtern Mutual Sell 10 be recorded In the county condominium unlla excepting said HHmen• la ru,,her dellned and rHtrlct the Intended uH end __ S:OOntv. caHfom!A RESPONDENT. ENRIQUE 0 Corporellon wn.e the reel Pf= It ioc.ted. Unit No 286 now or nereaner deacr11>ed In Artlcles 11and111 of l"8 en)oymenl of U1cS l.01 A Cartateam tBela.nnn1~ cehxaleculenti~vee '· JUNE ALEXANOEA. an of BU~=~-Y LAYO ~.,:-. ~~~~ .. , ~m~ ... :S~~tE A~~1'1A~:.; ~~11on'o in .. °!.8~~..!''°" or the o.ci~.::.'te·l 4· cf~F~~~;Awooo . IAVINE, .. lhe Board or Supervltort. do CAM .. ~ Tel: (714) nt ... 100 COMPANY 800 N Main SI Senti ---:-· ·.. -·-·.._.· ... non-exclualve NMment lor YOU AM .. DU'AULT UNOe .. A for the benefit of t e her.or, oenlfyf lh~t etB • ,..., NOTICll .... IUCh 'rruatee Ane Callfo<nl• 02702 Alln.' J A ls 0 E )( c E p T I N 0 lngrMI egrMI UN r'ld enjoyment 011 0 0, T "u. T 0 ATE 0 National Foundation of ~~ne 0 t • oerd 01 You"-".._ -..d. ni.-' By: Vwflnla Keys wuu'em1, 714/"3-2020 x 1S.. oyce THEREFROM IOO percent of 111 of the Com~ Alee deelgnated 1n OECEM911t 2. ,_, UNUH YOU Wh 1 h I T . ~orn:.'~f on°'t~lll C~~ ma;' cMclde ..... J4MI wtcho41t Tl'Ultee Selee Ottlcet Oete· Auouet 19 1992 rlghU lo oll, Oii ind other the Oeclu1llon Hid HHment TAKI ACTION TO PROTECT e e C a r en n ts September, 1982, the fOf'~ rottr t.eln1 heerd uftlen J•u Publlahed Orenge COHI Dally . Title IMUr'ance and hydroc11bon eub111ncu lylng being further deflMcs end detetlbed YOUR '"Olll'IRTY • IT MA y eE beginning Sept. 16. ordlnence contelnlng two (2 1-..,ond ""'*'JO.,._ flMd the Piiot. A119. 31. S«>I. 7, 14, 19112 Trust Company under, or lhal m1y be produced In Artlclu II end Ill of the SOLO AT A l'Uel.IC IALl. IF YOU ChamJilonships will be eeatlon1 wu PAIMd and ldopt ~ below. 3805-82 u aald Tnitlee from the 1bo11e dHcrlbed l1nd, Declaration. ~O AH IXPLANATION °' THE d id d i h by Ille fotlOwlno llOte: "rou wlell to .... Ule lldwtoe °' By JO)'Qe Wllll•m• togelher with IOO percenl of •11 The total amount ol Ille unpeld NATURE Of THI lll'ROCEIOINO e C e n t re e AYES: SUP~AVISOAS BAUCE an aUorMJ Ill Hile meUer, JfHI P\8.IC NOTICE Publl1hed Orange Cout Delly rlghta to lhe procMde therefrom P<lncipel belanoe Interest thereon AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOUl.O divisions (Open, A ·B and NESTANOE. THOMAS F. AILEY. eMueddoeo.,,..,..., eotMt,_ lt-tt"'•7 Pilot Aue 31 Sept 7 14 19112 •nd lOO percent ol ell right•. together with rNtonabl)l 8111mated CONTACT A LAWYER. C-D) in both Northern AOOEA fl STANTON, HARRIETT r..-., IJl6Mdlflt, "MJ, IMr 1111 ' • • • ' ' 3807-82 bonuau and profit• •ccurlng aotte, expenMa and ldvence. el "(If e ti/Mt ldOr-or oommon IJld Southern California· . M. WIEOEA ANO RALPH B. M,..,. Clft tllM. NOTICE OF DEATH OF therefrom. Pfovlded. "-· lhet lhe time of the lnlllel pubtk:etlon of deal9nallon 11 ehown abov•. no CLARK. Av.ot EVELYN ANN ROTEN l'\BJC NOTICE Grantor welvel end rellnqullllee IM thla Notice llfe 135 431 18 warranty It given •• 10 111 The finals will also DOES: SUPEAVIS~ NOHE Uei.d ha .WO a.m_... EJ AND OF PETITION TO right to UM°' ocwpy °' t~ enter Currently deted c..;..,.t °'**' comp1e1-or correctneea,)"' feature wheelchair and ABSENT: SUPEAVISOAS NONE. ...._.. ,.... ...., _.,. Ud. ADMINISTER F.STATE NO A~~ .. L upon eny portion °1 the llllrl-end ~ c.rtlfied Clledca peyable 10 the The l>enefldary under Mid OMd IN WITNESS WHE.AEOF, 1 h..,. •le ~le • .....-.. qwe u.J. • NOTICI Oii ~• aAL.e 500 feet below the turfec;e, Truetee °'bidder -accieptable to Of Trust. by reuon of a l>r.-dl or pro-celebrity exhibit.ion '*-'"to eet my hMd end emxed ,.........,. •• ..._Leela A·1H'1N. QTD Mo. f7tl meHured vertlcelly lrom lhe Truetee provided proper defauh 1n the obllgatlonl Mand tennis matches with actor Gene the offtdal IMI of ttie 8oerCS ot ""'°"' ulon.,. ..,._ To ell helnl, beneficiaries. "9: Mwee -i-01 aalcS lend.•~ the purpoee ldent1flce11on le eveileblt lllef•by. h«etot~• ex.cuted and Wilder facing pro Mel Supervlaore ol the County of SI Ueted duee ••!loller el creditors and contingent GVAADli\N TA UST DEEO of drilllng '°'· aepllltlng, produGlng. From lnformelfon ..;,hlch the delivered to the under11oned •' Orang9, Stele ol Cellfomla. lhll -te de Ull ....... en eete SERVICES ... oorporetlon • duly •torlng, ltHllno or otherwlH Truttea deame rtfleble but tor written o.ciMatlon of O.feult and Purcell in the latter. 111 dey ol 941plemtler. 19112. ••unto, dell•rre f11oorlo creditors o f Evelyn Aon 1ppolnted TrutlH under thehen<IN119orutlllzlnglUCllOll.guor whlc}I Trualee mall•• no DernendlorBale,endwrltt.nnotlce Teams will consist of JUHi A.LaXA.,.R (MAL) INMdlala!Mft ... • otta INNfe. Roten and persons who may fotlowfng deecrll>ecl deed of tNlt other hydrocut>on or mrneril repreHntetlon or warranty. the ot braecll Incl ot tltc:t.lon to cauM a t 1 .......... __ men and Clen °'the 9oord °' Ml.....,._ .. o ..... ;..,,,el her be otherwise interested in WILL SELL AT PUBllCau1>a1anc ... for ~he purpoH <11 strffl addrHt or other common the underalgned 10 ull Hid ..... ~ u~ a11111nteera °' OfOllll9 algu11e, fMIN• M r , .. letrede a the will and/or estate: AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST exercllltiO Grantor • right• thereto, dellgnallon 01 the al>Ove ducrll>ecl property to Mtlaty aald obllgetlon•. 0 n e W 0 man Wit b a C o u n t J, C a I If or n I e tt.mpo. A tiU haa been filed BIDDER FOR CASH °' u Ml u ree«ved In deedt recorded Mey property 11· 291 STREAMWOOQ and lhereafler the underelgned maximum of seven Pul>ll1herd11ngeCoeatDally 1.TOTHEAESPONOfNT: • pe on forth In Section 2e24h Of tn.17.to72 lnbookl9l2IOl29,pege IRVINE.CALIFORNIA92714 • cauted111dno1k:eofbreachandof ~•-v ...... J:: team. Each lot. September 7, 1992 The petitioner hu flled a petition In the S u perior Court of CMI Code, ell right. tttle and 7, Offldal Record•. end rec:qrded s.io property 19 1>91ng told tor the e1ec11on 10 be -.T..... 3919-112 GOnQllmnQ YQUI' merrlago. 11 you fall <>range County requesting to lnlef'HI conveyed to end now <>-Tll>W 27, 1901 In booll 6967, ·purpoee 01 peytno the obtlgatlona Aec:oraoo Ml)' 11. 19112 .. lnatr. -of-ve team match l=;....:======-=:C.;;.a;o= to Ille• rellPOOM wltl\ln 30 deya Of admlnleter the estate of held by h uncl4lr Mid °"° °" Ms, Ofllclet Aocorda. Hqured by Hlcf Deed of Trutt No. 112· 1112713 In Hid 0111c1e1 w1ll consist of two men's. rta.IC NOTICE the dete that thl• 1ummon• 11 Evelyn Ann Roten. Coat.a Trust In the property hereinett• 1 OU AAI • Dl'4ULT UNDER A lnclUdlng ,_and •JCP8111M of the Aecorde.. 1------------· l«'O'ld on you, )'OUr deltuh may be Oeect1becl: ED 0 f T .. UST 0 ATE 0 TJUtl• and of Sale. Seid Hie wlll l>e me de, but 1lngle1, one women's PUBLIC NOTICE entered end the court mey enter a Mesa. Ca. (under the TAUSTOA: EANIE RIVAS. • tt, 1•1 UNLEMYOU Deted AUQUll 20 19112 wllbout Ciovenent or werrant)', singles, one men's fudtment conttlnl.ng lnfunctlw or Independent Administration R\ole men. l'_AKI! ACTION TO ,ROTICT c AL ' F 0 RN'" eJCP(-or Implied egatdlnf tltle doub·-and one rrux' ed lt-015%1 ottworderloono.mlngdlvltk>not f Eltat.es Act) '1l\e titi 8ENEFICIAAY· SILVINOTOUR PltO,IRTY, IT MAY •E RECONVEYANCE poUMllon or ~ml>ranoee 10 ~--NOTICE OF DEATH OF pr~y egouHJ 1upport child 0 • pe on ZUCCOLLO end ANGELICA SOLO AT A PUMJC IAU. • 't'OU COMPANY .,_ 'alnlng fnc:jpal • of d o u b 1 e a . Te a m a cuatody,' chfld iupport, etiorney la 1et for hearing in Dept. ZUCCOllO, h~b•nCS and wite ... o AN ~TION °" THE .. Mid TNet• r,: not.{:iMCUred~ Mid C:: °' ad ........... will la CARRINGTON B. MacJaE, '-eocu, end"'°" other relief• No. 3 at 700 Civic Cent.er u Joln1 Tenenll. ttATURE Of THI! lll'ROCHDINO By: Suzanne For.nand Tl'Ult, Wiii\ lntweet u 1n Mid note v .. _.."6 p y once ab c. B. MaclUE AND OP ~·.,. grenled by the court. The Drive, Welt, Santa Ana. c.a. A•corded Mey 2. 19110 ••,AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Ex~llve Vice Pr~I provided ed'llanoee, If etr;. under a week. P E T I T I O N T O garnllhment ot weg81. telllnt ot 92701 on September 22, 198~ lnttr. No. 2ltt '" bootc t35H~ONTACT A LAWYIA. 9451 Corbin Avenue Ille terma of Mid Deed or Truat, F o r f u r t h e r money or ptoperty or other court 9 30 pege 1419 of Ofllc:lel Aecordl In 14 Kamelll Court. N9wPOft e.ach, Northfldge Celll 91321 1_ Chargea and 1 the information contact Tim ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. euthortzed proceeding• mey eteo at : a.m . the office ot the A.corder of lfomle 92e63 Tet· 12t3) iot-ri6t Tru1i .. end ol the.~~~ 11y W "'-A·1U75!. rMUlt. IF YOU OBJECT to the = ~ Nlct deed of ITUll .. (If • 11reet addr .. or common. Publl•h•d Orenge Co111 Delly llid Deed of Trua1 UABUn at 860-1342. To all heirs beneficiaries Dated Mey 28 1982 granting of the petition; you bee the o4lowtng .PfOl*'IY: -cleelgnetlon 11 thown ebove, no Piiot Aug 31 Sept 7 t4 S110 Nie wlll be held on Tuoaday. credltora and contingent lBy:EE ... ~artotBRA18NCH~~ ahould either appear at the ci~:'012c~.-::r:.~:,· !;S:.:n,,::;:::.~•oroc::,~~~o It• 3ll3f'..e2 · • · ' ' September 21. toe2. at 2:00 p.m., Rings stolen from Haddix SAN DIEGO (AP) - Two World Series rings owned by Harvey Haddix, Pittsburgh Pirates' pitching coach, were stolen from his hotel room during a National League game, according to a police report. Total value of the ~ amounted to $13,· 000, Haddix told police. They were stolen Monday night from a brlefcue left in his room at the Sheraton Harbor hi.and hotel, he said in a · ipoUce report. • Alto stolen in the • burglary was a $200 gold watch and $75 in cash, pol.ioe aa.ld. NI.IC NOTICl '9Cm'IOU9WM ...... ITA,_,., TIM follO'#lflil l*IOfl 11 doing ...,._._ CONSTRUCTION CON· ltlL TANT I. oo• See1hor1. ~ IMctt. Ca. t2M3 8'~ HowteM Gould, 4008 .... tlor•, Newport ll••ch. Ca. ..., TNa bualntee .. conducted by In ~...._H.Gould ·~:;,. ~ -llltd with tne b6unty Cla!1I of Orange County on -.-21. ttla. ·-Pul>lletled Oranee Couc Dal!Y ,_..._at. 8ept. 1. 14, ~.1. 1Mt <11915-12 credltora of Carrington B. ~fy """-· hearing and atate your recordedlnBook95,'Pegee3tand TMbeneflcteryundeflllldO..O 11111eCh88:111Avenueentrenoe10 Mac:Kie, aka c. B. MacKie LAW~ .. °" obEctlona or file written 32 of M'-ltaneou1 Mape, In 11\eof TNll, by r.uon of . brNCll In rwuc NOTICE ~ h~.c~.n l~::~~~O~n~-:~ and pereons who may be Rl..CZB a ~AUMOUC ob ctlone with the court offic. of the Coonty Aecordef of the obllg•llone aecured thereby, K_.,111 Callfomla. •'---·..1-ln•-._ ... · th •c.,,.......,w • .._-be th h i Y Or~County. llerwlofore exaauted and dellver9d •1 the tlm r th 1 11 1 1 0will~·Cll.:~ ... res""' m e ~CA_.. ~ -ore e ear ng. our Mey 119 eleo known •: 312 to the underalgned e written NOTIC« °' SALi " • 0 • n ' .. ...,or estate: Tet 14) 1117·W1 appearance may be in penon Hen over Or Ive, Co1ta MeH, Dealeretlon of Oefault end Oemend Of' MAL "'°""""' :Ct:',:.!::~ 00::::,: ~~.: A petition haa been filed Pu 111had Or•llil• coaai Oelly or by your ettorney. CelrtomlL or Sele. and written notice ot AT l'NVATt SALE obligation NCured by the ebove by James H. MacKie in the Piiot Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21. 19112 I F Y 0 U A R E A ''(If • llr .. 1 eddreu or l>roadl end ol etec:tlon to c:auae the In the ~.!:~rt of the Slale dHcrlbed deed of ttuel end ~uperior Court o~ Orange 380&-82 CREDITOR or a contingent ::;::,on nod~':':" le 1~~ U::::r:'1~0 :'11';:.1':'~~: of Celllornle, for the Countbior estimated coata. expenMa, and ounty requesting that .. _.,. llft'FM'r creditor of the deceased. you to 111 'aompleteneu or tllerMlter the underlllOned cauMd Orange. tn 1119 maller of UuJe " To det:m'i:",~~11~1,.,, bid, Jame 1 H . Mac Kie be ,.._,,, nu1-. must file your clalm with the COfNC\,_,... tld notice of brHoh and ot Hele, O-..ct. ~ mey call 415~11:·• appointed as personal NOTlCll °" "'9l.IC court or present It to the The beneflclery under Hid et.atlon to .,. reoorded Mey~ Notice le h41reby given ttlet file Oeto: Auguat 19, 19112 ren...-ntatlve to adm.inlster ltmAlllNQ ON A peuonaJ representative OMd Of Truet, by ~ of a 11182 .. 1n11r No. 82·11<>4M7 In underllOMd '#Ill Nit at Pnvetel Nie, AMERICAN SECUAfTlES .-~ B lll'W09ID ZONI CHANGI! breach or default In the C>mClal Atcorda. , to the lllghHt and bHt b dd•r. COMP the estate of Carrington · NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tllet appointed by the court obllg1t1on1 aeour9d thereby Said Hie wlll be made, but 1u1>Ject to confirmation ot Hid .. aa1c1Af~tot, MacKie, Costa Mesa, CA the Ortnge County Boerd of wiOUn four months from the heretofor• ••eouted end •llhout co11en1nt or werrenty, SuPtrlor Court, on Of elter Ille 22nd BY T.D. SERVICE (under the Independent Supervleo" wlll hold e publlc date of first i11uance of ~ Dto 1 trM1 ~ 1• nf>r .. °'Implied, regerdlng title. ~~~.~·.~':"S'=ir1:~2c!~r~:': COMPANY, egent Administration of Estates "9ettne to oonaldor rezoning Of• 3 letten u provided ln Sec:Uon =-~d ";, ec ~·\on : 1 tau J poeM1alon, or encumbr•nce•. 1° Cetlfornlt, county of Orenge, 415f944..901S- Act). The petition is .et for :': ~c:' ~ 'r,t.!:t~ -=~ ~ 700 of the Probete Code of written =~ Of 0br..c:i •;m•nof r,: ,:ee(~~':~":;' C:: !: Oepertment 3, looeted on the 8Y l<AAEN MERKEL. hearing ln Dept. No. 3 at 700 Sand Cenyon Aoed In the Irvine CaJlfornle. The time for •I• ct Ion to ~ e u • e th• True1. wlltl lntor.at u 1n Mid not• eecond floor at 700 Cllllc: c.nter ~ ~ery Civic "Center Drive W est, ereo. fililia claima will not expire ~ltd_:,~~~ provided. advanQet. 11 eny, unesar ~~~1se:,i.~:_1y,,:: Suite ~;8 tomta BM!·· Santa Ana, C A 92701 on Dete ot Hwlng: Septerntler 29, pribr to four months from l~ereet er the und•r:t'on•d :!. 14:: 01 ::' Deed 01 ~":i right, i111e :nd lntt r .. t of Hid W •In u I Cr•• k. C A September 22, 1982 at 9:30 I~-.... H-"-· ... 30 the date of the hearing ceuMCS Hid notice of bre.ctl TrWlee _,::.the 1==.led tw ~ et ttJa lllM of dMttl" and ~P 11 797 0 A.M. ,...,. .,. -""' •· em., or• noUoec:I above. and Of e6octlon to ti. Atoofdld Mid Oeed of Trw1 ., ... tM rigtlt. title end lnlWMJ tllat ub ahed r•nt• Cout Oelly IF YOU OBJECT to the ~ u ~Hall Of YOU MAY EXAMINE Mey 20, 1912 H lnetr. No. Seki Nie wtll 119 held on Tuudey. the •et•t• or Hid d-...d llN Pllol, Aug. 31· Sept. 7• 14• 1182 grantfnc of the petition, you Admlnlatrillon, WW, Civic' Center the file kept by the court. U ~!197 • 01 H id Offlclel September 21. 1912 et :Z:OO p.m. et :i:= 1~0!:'~~1t:!, 11~~t!~ 3133-t2 should either appear at the Plata (corner of Broedway and you are l ntere1ted in the Seid .... wtN be made, but ::: ~.:,~ldf'''~ ~o of Hid deceaMCS. el the llrM of "8.IC NOfi( hearinC and state your a.;:• Ana .Blvd.). s.n: ~ C.. e91.at.e, you may file a request without co .. nent or wanenty, Chipman Av.nu• In 1~· City 0j death. In 8M to IN the certaltt rttt ACTYnOUe ._ .. obEtlon1 or file written No ~e ~ .. to chan with· the court to receive •xor• .. or lmplled, r90erdtno Orenge CalttomlL' . property •ltueted In the City of MAim ITATlllDrf ob tlon1 with the court oe;teln property from th• i~ special notice of the ~~~~~iibr::0'.:·~:1 ::y· 1~! ~~~ ~n;: .. 0 • ,l!.8,/.:':C::~ ~~:tt: !':'~~·11~~~Y :~r1?:!r.~r; TM tottowtng ~.,.. dotnt be ore the hearing. Your ~~·~tY~~u;'~~~·~::i:;:!,~~ Inventory of eatate anete :;:.e1n1nt ~ eum Of CM llllOWlt otthe un~ balMco of the CSMCrlbed .. fottowt.1..'10-wtt: ~ ::.'ose DONUT&. 1734 appearance may be ln penon Highway'" 88fvlce Station" "Sign and of the petitions, accountt T 1 ~Int~ MIO °t*-"~ obllgillon aoaured br the it>ove Lot 23 of 8lock u of Tract No. N-port Blvd., Coata M .... c.. or by your attorney. A9etrtatlon" Dlatrtct. and report• described in N• • W-' M n MIG dncrlt>•d deed o truet and 594. r-ded In IOOll 19, PtGM 92927 IF Y 0 U ARE A TMComrnorael. H._.Oletrtot Section 1200 6 of the llOte Pf'OVlded. ~ "enyl tetltftetld coll• ••pen••• and 25•29• 01 Mlaaelleneoue M•P•. Richard D llH ttt46 ..,..-., • under Iha *-Of Mid DMd or tdvanctt" 1122.iae 24. ' reoorde of the Or1nge County ~ · • CREDITOR or a contingent It •tabt!IMd to PfO\llde.,.. for c..utonda Probete Code. Truet. tee•. ollarou end To deteonl,,. 1.,.· • Ing bid Recorder. ,.._ ~., Ln., Hun11n9ton a-ito, cted.lt.or ot the deceMed you eommer•h-otlwlnt .,.,. °' Walter Seott, AH.trMJ at ..,,.,_ Of IN TNltot end Of · call ,.,14, 937: • -GOm11HMlf) known n: 241 ....... .._ _,,... .... -•·•-wt•l ..... _ ~Y and Hrvloo Including Lew lM E u---.J St 1 lfle INeta or..-i by Mid Dead yO\l,...~Y ,. 23 1N 2 • Ettl ttth s1reet. Coita MeH. T.CS Szuba, 11101 Wellt>rOOll ....... Ul9 your '"6AIJTI WI WJO: Ot19"11d ~ I • ~--ree' °' TNlt. 8elcl ....... .,. hafd --~· • CellfomlL Ct., Huntlnaton Boadl, Ca. 92647 court or present It to the OMPLIANCI! WITH THE Selte ltt, Olet•ele, Ce. on Tu .. Clly, leptemt>er 27, T. · SEIMC£ CO. The ecooutor of the t.lt.ete Lloyd~ .. 177U ..... Cr., penona) representative CALIFORNIA. ENVIRONMENTAL HUI (Ill) tlf.ftn. 1912, It 11:00 •,mil II the ~ =:-p trle*. recelllld. bid Ollt 12,SOO. termu• """'~ ce. NM1 appointed by the court OUAUTY ACT PubUe'htd Ora.n£8" Coa11 Deity front 9f'trtnce to 0 AfllOIAN ~ a.cr.t~ • caen 10 tn. Eatete. Tiie minimum twn1t'": ..:. OOfldUctld .~ • within four monthl fr'Cln the t..!' :..--~ ~*'~. PUIM. Aue, a1, lept. l. 7. lN2 ... A.... ~A~ITM!!~O ~EIWIC~ tlOO OM~ Boul9Vlttd W• ov•rbld mutt I>• • 111.121. Th ~ o' u. d f (I I f .... ...,OPOMCI pr..,_, ,........ .......,..... at ._,.1 r """'_,.· uranee. Or Caltfornla t2eee' tel'm• ot ••I• or oeah In lewtul -.. t • ate o ret 11uance o ••anlfloent elfecc on the I Cellfoml9. 1 ~)~M2 mon•Y 01 the United 8181 .. on ,,_eta*'*! ..,..11.o Witt! Ille letters .. provided ln Sec:tJon envtronm9nt, ,,..,. '#Ill no• lie • y 0 u A A I IN DI f Aul T (7 u .... oonflfm•tton of .... or pelt COunty Qtrtt °' OfWIOt County Oii 700 of the Probate Code of •lonllloant etrecl In 11111 CH• UNOIA A DUD 0' TRUST ~~b:•~1 o:~f~ ~:·~~elly tnd balena. evldeM.d l>y not A\lllllft 27. 1"2 • C J f I Tb t becauM 1119 mltlgatlOn mMM• "9l1C MJTJCl OATl!O MAY 111. IMO. UNl.Qa • ug. 1 .._ • • • ~ by Mor19&119 Of TNlt ~ a i orn a. e time or doaorlbecl 1n NetatlW o.cietatloo you TAK 1 Ac T 1 o N r o _ 31Dt-8! on tit• properl>' 10 •old T•ll Pu1>11at1ed Or•flO• Coai11 Delly fWnc Clairol wtll not expire 12/0SOOI lllMI ~ add9d to tn. '9C'Tm0Ua ™" P..oTECT YOUR ....OPIRTY.J. rT .. -""' llt\Tll'C perctnl or •mount l>ld io I> Pllol A\lg, 31, 94il)I, 1, 14, 11, 1Mt prior to foUr monthl from ptOftC'I. ..... STA....-T MAY •1 llOLD AT A· PU•LIC ~ ""'._ CllC>Oetttd wtth bid •1.ai the date of lhe hearlnl All peraona either favorlnt or The lolloWln(I petlOM.,. ck1tnt IALI. " YOU NIED AN ___ --u lldtOfof*fto'ti.tn...ittno •-""' -- _ _.,__, ........ oppoe111f Ihle propm.a1 -lrMtld ~ "' PLANATION OF T·H( NATUAI .. _,.,....,. -'#Ill ................... ...., II the ef... ..--"' """''~ nu-. •<NV•. 10 .,,...,,. tt1o1r v1ew1 .,.,_ t11e M. K. ~ ...... INC .. e112 H1dl cw THI "filOCIE>IHO AG.AMT MAim ftA~ ~·-1 a aT YOU MAY EXAMINE INtd oA ~ Patti Orlv•, Hunt11111ton .. tch, YOU, YOU IHOUlD COH'l'ACT The IOlowlftO '*"°"9 .,. dolno a.m oO -~ 1..J ' ~~ ... ~ the ft.le kept by the court. It MltWl•ll tlt9' you wlefl to M ~ '"41 A l.AW\'P. °"*'*'II; *1ne 1 hie-' -., .. ,_, You AN Lntaretted In th• btOul"C10tllalCWdOI~ PHOIHUC "AIAAMS, INC.,. Tit• 101e1 amou11t of '"• THlr O"IAT AMlllllOAN pneant ~-thll wNrrMt Tiii...,..... ....... -...... ttttmton et the hMtlftt ""'9C b9 AAtMlne OQfPOrttlOfl 1112 Hr" unpMI IMilMOI Of IN OllllDltlon C\.OTHING COMPANY 17tH ltl\I Dtt9d t~d of llUtlr)lll 11:: 81ta\e, you may file a requ.t lltd w11t1111t Olttll ot.,. aoera 24 '•ti( Ort••· Hununoton 1eeo11. "' ~ Mid ~ fo .,. ,ertc onll, INIM. ~-.1U1f• 1tn tllte ~ AUOWt. OIVIRll,..fD '~~ 11 wl\h \he cour\ to receive nourt or more prior to Ute Cellfornll 1"4f , ......., with ~ ... Mloflell ldMrd luftnln9. 111& ~ 1 ~ 111 ,,. Or .. C::O..e....., CL ll"IC1m0Ue9UI IN 1peclal noUc:e of the ••clutld flt«lnO. ebt oopm -MIOhHI I<. fllupUne.,, 1112. • ~ •tlfMCecl ooet•1 ~~~··Newport Ol lfla h1ate of umt MM H• .. ~~'!.. C!~t.llOl"n' !!.!12 .,._.,AW I to f '9QUlred ~PnDrM.HUrltfnO'on._,., ....._, -~ • fir -.. ..._.. '-.-.. ·-..... ....,..._ -.. ... Thi ~ per-eon re dOlnt ;;d•:, .{.,! .!u!!..'!'4 .... ~ ,or ~ddltlontl 1ntormellon. ce11fOrn1e ea.. --,. 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Tiltl ~ It~~ 1 I °' W ,_.11, 1111 , ~:::-~"(,~ Coeac Del "*' 8 J ~ 11 tMIMdl=:--111 Atteney at 'a.aw 11111 N~ ON:...,.,._ 1' 1tu. ~ ,,.._,,.., 1no a.. ~ itul>lleri.d Orentt eou11~ "°'· A11t1 It, ...... 1• 7• 1111· "'* ·.,.!Iii•_ .. tt TNll .Xi=':r'lllMw1ct11M .......... ,, ........... Sl!ALI =~of ~:-,_.,_• Noc, ... 1?'t~t~ D9ll) Noc ..... I,, ... ?, '4·~i~ =17, ~~~ ~a.ti of °'9rlga ~ on A a•, CA U 7t I , ( 71 C) IUll• .._. °' Or9llea TNll ani ,., .. w 1119111 w1111 "* ~ flew......,,., M .,_ ~~ f'I. ,... llJ.lJM , ~ ~ 1 Courier QR .. OrMte o.unw on /tie ,.,;i ......... • "°"' ACTION ~ °'*'" C.-= ':r ,._. Publlli..4 Oruae C-t Dell7 PuOI ..... C>ra11t9 ~t OaJfy ~ 17, t112. P11111M ,.._..,...:.: ..._ lie Ca.elflld .... polr'lf a.I a .... Auf. *1• .... r, '4. I~ I ~ :e; ~~ ~~ nkll. Al.If SI,,._ I, 1, 1112 _,., '7. Ml I l"\ll»lle ..... °'"'" co.! Oellr OM.V PILOT' ,OU In .. r'8flt....... ~ ,..... .._ • • • • :.:L.:.9!! mo.a '90I. Mii 11, e.c; 1, '4. 11, ttlt MlWtCS DIMCTOftV to llnd "'9 ftoMe ~ou .._ ltt09 • ....,.,. b .lllW -_.. II .. ...,., ...a;.......,. ........,. .... I S • .......,.., I I ' Or•nge Cout DAILY PILOT/TuMdey, a.j)tember 7, 1982 cs Another Daley in Chicago? ~~n~Ro:~}egen~.c:~: ~~:.~~enge m~~':.~r M~~:~~. ......__, ,,_ wrtT One al~n wa a fund-ralRer campaign. C H IC AG 0 The RM D tl\al Dfiley i-34-ycar-old brother "The expeet.atlon• cun be 80 buttons are popplng up on suit William say• I.II deelaned to ra1llc low that even It he'a ordJnary, lapell In City Hall. Banners are seed money for a mayoul peop.le say he's brilliant," said flying bearing the city's most campal8Jl and flnanCCl a poll on ao.e famou1 political name. And it the mayoral race. Outalde polls Politically, too, Daley caJ'\fed appears as if Richard M. Daley is taken recently ahow Dale~ out ~11 own niche. Instead of ready to battle for a family Jeadlng or running neck and neck relylng on support eolely from legacy -the mayor'• office of with Byrne. hi.a father'• cronlee In the regull4r Chicago. There are other algns. Cook Co u n t "1 De mo" r a tire Daley, 40, son of the late D41ey b as started taktng organliatlon, he formed ne¥' Mayor Richard J . Daley, is lessons to lntprove his speakltig alHances with independent Inching toward a public skills. Banners, buttons and T-leaders. 'llrmouneement of his candidacy shirts with the Daley name are "I think Richie has moved in -an event that promises to set being sported about town. In the direction the old man never the stage for a political July,amyateriousbannerurging did," Rakove said. They've donnybrook with a rival who • that Daley be drafted for mayor (Daley and hi.$ aides) adapted to was once his father's protege -drjfted over Mrs. Byrne's Taste the times." , Mayor Jane M. Byrne. of Chicago festival which And when Oaley sought the Currently the Cook County celebrated the city's diverse state's attorney's office In 19804 state's attorney, Daley gave coy ethnic cuisine. he ran u an outsider In a bitter assurances for months that h e primary -smashing the had no intention of seeking the The emergence of Richard M . candidate endorsed by the mayor seat of power his father held for Daley as a mayoral candidate and the once-vaunted party his 21 years. But r ecently he comes as little surprise to father dominated lor two acknowledged for the first ti.me observers who've witnessed a decades. he was seriously thinlaing about political metamorphosis ln Daley The result: Daley has emerged-. ( · 198.,. d since his father died in 1976. runrung or mayor Ul ., an as a tough campaigner, a savvy would make a d ecision in Once considered by. some politician and the candidate most November. critics as little more than an likely to challenge Byrne - Political observers say the errand boy in the Legislature, who laces l n creasi n g decision already has been made Daley, a former state senator, disenchantment among blacks -afld barring some unus ual s hed that image by promoting and liberals, two forces that · t th f improved m ental health and c1rcums ance -e name o helped propel her into of!lce. , Richard M. Daley will be on the nursing home legislation while in What Daley has going most for ball t Springfield. o · him, observers say, is his name. "I'm sure he's going to run," Bu t, the o 1 d 1 a c k I us t er "That is his No. I strength," says Milton Rakove, a political reputation still serves Daley well, said Rose. "The1act that he 1s his sci e n ce professo r at the says Do.n Rose, a political father's son has shown up in all University of Illinois-Chicago. st r a t e gist who h e 1 p e d the polls. People think well of him without having specifics." ,. The name has another benefit, says Phil K rone, a political consultant, cl ose friend and Daley supporter. He said if Daley APWINpMlo LIFE SIGN -Geologist Don Swanson holds a rock with a small yellow bug after finding the insect while looking at rocks in the crater of Mount St. Helens. The steaming lava dome is visible in the background. Brain detect, violence tied runs, there's no need lo announce WASHINGTON (AP) -Many people prone early because "the onl)I reason toward violent behavior appear to have physical paliticians do that is to get name defects in parts of their brains that can be identified recognition." •Jn d 'th ba te f tests h ha \ Str ategy is another.Dale)' a vance Wl a t ry o • researc ers ve strength, says Paul McGrath, a said. f o r m e r a i d e t o B y in e . · Psychologists studying inmates at the Nebraska "Richie and his people are state prison and elsewhere said those with a history extremely cautious," he said. of violent crime score d ifferently on the tests than "They don't do ~nything that non-violent criminals. hasn't got a ... 100 percent chance of success." Rose agrees, sayms Daley "has done a very good job of putting together and maintaining . a political organiz.ation of his own." Des pite these advantages, various factors could COn)plicate the mayoral race -particularly if there are more than two candida t es . R e p . Dan Rostenkowski, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has 'been urged to run. · The black community also -wants to field a challengel-and if a viable candidate ente rs the fray, most agree it would hurt Daley by siphoning off anti- Byme votes. A black candidate. Rose said, "would hurt Daley first and harder." Daley also faces the obstacles faced when opposing an incumbent who not only is a formidable campaigner but has the power of patronage and her office behind her. These tests, which indicate malfunctions in different parts of the brain, can be used to help predict the violence potential of a new offender, said Dr. Monte L . Scott, who conducted the reseirch on Nebraska inmates. Scott, now with the Veterans Administration Hospiial in Seattle. told the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association that repeat violent offenders have characteristics in common. ' . · In the tests. these prone toward viole nce generally perform poorl)t on simple reading and wriiing tas~. have difficulty discrimlnallng among piich and rhythm patterns In sound and show deficits in abstract thinking. -. The 25 violent individuals, those convicted of crimes.ir\cluding murder, sexual assault and robbery, also did not do well in tasks involving spatial manipulations, Scott said. However, 25 non-violent criminals, those prone toward crimes against property such as burglary or forgery, perfonned withln normal ranges on the tests. Scott said results of the tests, called the Luria·Nebraska Ne uropsychological Battery, support the idea that violent behavior in humans ls related to functional problems in parts of the brain that influence emotion. u Wlrepftoto WILL HE RUN? -Cook Co,unty State's Attorney Richard M. Daley -son of the late political boss -still refuses to comment on the possibility of his running for his father's old job. Despite t h ese obstacles, Rakove said the time is ideal for the challenge. "When the brass ring comes, you've got to grab it and fly," he'. said. "If he's going to do it, this is as good a ti.me as any." "The present study does not suggest that every violent act is a result of cerebral dysfunction," Scott said. "Not every violent offender in this studye showed evidence CJf brain dysfunction. "Even in those persons who are violent and who suffer from cerebral dysfunction, it Is unlikely that the assaulter's ne uropeychological status is the only relevant variable," he continued. -• Bfl:gless plants 1n the future Scou asid in an interview that it la likely portions of. the brains of violent·prone people did not develop as well as those in normal people. Environmental factors such as nutrition could play a role in changing the developing brain of a child, he added. ST . LOUIS (AP) -Scientists are on the threshold of developing crops which won't need fo be sprayed. They will repel bugii and worms by themselves. "Plan ts and in.sects are incredibly versatile chemists," said Dr. Thomas Eisner, a biology professor at Cornell University. ''They attract each other chemically and repel each other chemically." r HAAle>a LAWl4-MT. ouvl Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540.5554 "U CI l l OTHllS HU. H OADWAY MOITUAI Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAL Tl. & I UGHOH SMfTH & TUTHILL WISTCLlllJ CHArlL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64&-9371 rtUCI UOTMIH SMmtS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Huntinpton Beach 53&-6539 McCoaMQ MOITUAl•S Laqul'la Beach 49'·9'15 Laquna Hills 7&8-0933 San Juan C.p11treno 495-1ne c ~ DEATHS ELSEWHERE WARSAW, Poland (AP) -Wladyelaw Oom•lh, the former Poliah Communl1t Party chief ousted from power ln l970 becawie of worker WU'eSl. has died. NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) - PHI E. Molltor Jr., 38, d i r ec t o r o f t h e DEATH llTICll MOOELEP'SKY BERTHA MOGE - LEFSKY 1 real4ent of Anahetm, l:a. t'UMd away on Sept.ember 1, 1982. She la au.rvived by her dauahter, Florence Mo1eleflky_ and 1randdau1nter lJelD Llcbten1tein. C1ravealde aerv:lcea wlll be held on Tueaday, Sept.ember 7 1982 at U:OOAM at the ~ Lawn-Mount Olive Mem· orlal Park. S e rvice• under the direction of Harbor Lewn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Cotta Meaa. 640~6"4. BUGllES LA.DYS K. HUGHD, t of Newport 8-ch, C auod away on &.pt.ombe.r e 1182. Born Uecember io, 1907 ln Portland, O..e1on. She la Take catnip, for example. "It drives eats crazy, but it al.so fums out to be a very powerful insect repellant," said Eisner. "Now suppose we were able to t.ransmit the ability to produce catnip to cotton or to corn, without affecting the taste of the corn or the texture of the cotton," he said. "B~gs wouldn't go near them." Filberts ·'changed' to hazel nuts SALEM, Ore, (AP) -Few people outalde Oregon know what filberts are, 90 state officials have grudgingly decided to increase u se In Preservation Society of Newport County, hu been f ou nd dead In Narrag&Nett Bay. market.ln~8:;ipaigna of the nuts' more popular SCRANTON Pa. (AP) -name -nuts. Frederic A. Btrml•1hm, Bob Gi.lhlr, executive eecretary of the Oregon 70, editor and co-pub1llher Filbert.Commission, aald 98 percent of the of the Saturday Eve nlng commerdal hazel nuts grown in the United S\ates Post from 1967 unlll 1979 come from Oreaon BRONXVILLE. N.Y. (AP) -Claraee J . Myen, 85, retired president and chairman of New York Life Inaurance Co., h11 dJed. and ~ace.-edttor·lno(:bief of "The most freque ntly asked question our E.iwre maaul.ne. l.u died. salesmen get ls, 'What's the difference between a BAD REICHENHALL, filbert and a hazel nut?' There isn't any. It'a just West Germany (A.P) -that here In Ore¥°n, we grow our huel nuts on Nall•m Got•mH•, 87, CO· filbert trees,' said Harry La1entedt, a founder and Pl'fticJent of the horticulturist at Oregon State Univenity. World Jewlah e.on.-for "They can 11ell more hazel null than fllberta 29 yeara and beaa of the becau.ee nobody ever heard of filberts " he added. World Zionist OrpniJ.at.lon ' h b for 12 yeara, h.u died. The hazel nut ii a amall, round, n!ddia • rown nut popular In many European countries. 1urvlved by her ion HUNTINGTON CBN· O~ K1MMr Hueha of TER , Vt. (AP) -Jolla Newport ~ach, Ci. and T e a I J r . , e 2 , a n Stephen K1MMr H\.llhee of anthropolotitt, h.u died of l r v l n e , C a . a n d 2 cancer. He devoted 27 yan 1randchlldren Bryan and w domeetk:aUnt musk oxen Kristine. Mn. Huchel Wal and helDAna J:U.lmoe develop me widow of the late H. cott.ap. tnd'UIU'lel uain1 the Lynne H\.llhel and lhe WM animal'• hJcb-.quallty wool. the owner of the Lampllcht - Interior, Newport _Beach, FLAGSTAFF, Arla. C.. for SO yeata. • r~ (AP) -LHrHce Wrea, aervlcea wm a,. h~ T 6e a former .A.rtlllD8 Court Wednetday, S.:p&em r • of'AppMll and trial JUdce 1982 l :OOPM at Pacific iwho pftllded over the ClMe View Mortuary Cha&Ml. dwt Ultimately led to the In torment Pacific View famed Mlnnda dedlilcirl on Memorial Park, Newport rlfhta for criminal Beach, Ca. Vl11tatlon on ~ hae died ~y.~9,1912 from 4:00PM to 9:00PM llnd on Wtdrwday, a.oc.mber 8 IHI from l :OOAM to 12:00 noon. Pacific Vlow Mortuary dlrec:1on. ea11 ••a-1111. Put • tow w•d• lo work for ou. Court guarded afte r slaying 'OORONTO (AP) -An airport-ltyle 8eCW'ity IYl1em ta operatina for the tint t1me ln the Ontario Supreme Co\.lrt bulldlna where a Toronto lawyer wu thot to death nearly four yeen llO· "It'• a ud commen\ety on condidona," Chief Juat.ice WUl.Wn Howland Mid. But tuch • system .. vical, he aald, beca'--''wt don•t want people to be afnld to come to the courts." "We want to do ewr'Y\hlna pomiba. to off• IJ'Ht.el' protection to the jJu'bUc .ncf the prof•on.'' he Mid. { f ' 'Worthless' land vineyar.d 1 \ BAKERSFIELD, 'fcxaa 1(AP) -In a vall y ringed by flat-toppeod meaa1, tho University of Texas 11 ratting grapes that one day c.'Ould prod~ a Riesling d~ Texa.s or a Cabernet Longhorn. The university, which owns more than 2.1 mllllon acrea ln West Te~"· It trying to pl!t aome of Its land to work ea vincyaras. "The value of th.la land u It ata.nda now i. not much," said Gene Drennan, a vlticulturiat, or grape I expert, who is running the project. "We started ~en years ago looklng at the land and ways tO improve it. We tried a lo"o! things -klwl fruit, jojoba -which wouldn't Uve through the wln~ni. "When we got to grapes, we found aomethlng that would grow. out here/' he said. "Out here" is the 1prawUng rangea between Bakersfield and Fort Stockton. The main vineyards lie in a vallev divided bv Tunis Creek, wt'dch Drennan said is "dry ·99 per cent of the time." The valley is thickly covered with tough mes- quite, cactus and creosote bushes. To clear the land for the vineyards, Drennan's crews used a bUlldozer with a root plow to tear up the desert plants, raked and burned them and then rip~ the ground four feet beneath the surface. "It's a slow process," Drennan said. "It costs $5,000 lo $6,000 an acre to bring the plants to' the third year, when ·they start producing. Anybody who gets into it big in Texas j.s golng to have to ffiOJ.ley." ,,., Money is Drennan's current problem. He. wants lo plant 1,000 acres of grape vines in the valley, but the plans are being held up while an economic feasibility study is done by the university. "From an agricultural standpoint, it's feasible," he said. "It's the best investment we could make agriculturally with our land. Now, they're studying the market." l (\ 12-acre test vineyard was planted near Van Hbr;. Sixty varieties of grapes were planted to dt;terrnine which were best-suited to the arid West Texas region. "Most of them grew pretty well," Drennan said. "Some there wes no market for. U they grow, big deal, you can't sell them. We 'took the best 10 varieties and planted them in one-acre blocks near Bakersfield." Those plants now are coming to. maturity and producing grapes. This time of year, the grapevines look dr)' and dead , their pruned vin es pointing skyward. But. as spring comes, Drennan said, the plants will sprout leaves and flowers rd produce more grapes by July. Last year, Drennan an~his crews planted 160 acres of two varieties ot w ite grapes. They are now planting 80 acres of bite grapes and two 40·acre blocks of red grapes The larger tracts look ·w e like vineyards so far, with only the symmetrical rows of trellises and posts to indicate where the plants will grow. After the ground is prepared, the rows are plotted and drip lines are strung between the trel- lises. The hoses ar e turned on every third day, dripping a gallon of water an hour on the plants. Drennan said the location of groundwater was one of the criteria for choosing the valley, which has two wells. Socful Security session eyed WAS HINGTON (AP) -Senate Finance Committee Ch.airman Robert Dole wants a special post-election session of Congress to solve Social Security's financial problems, possibly with a combination of payroll tax increases and benefit reductions for future retlrees. Dole, R·Kan., said his Democratic counterpart in t he Hou se, Ways and Means Committee Chaim\an Dan Rost.enkowaki of Illinois. also likes the ldea of a lame-duck session to deal solely with Social Security. ' The senator said President Reagan probably "would look with favor on getting It (Social Security) out of the political climate." "I don't know of any time that's less political than right after an election," Dole said. "We could do it. . .between the Thanksgiving and Christmas so-called holidays." Later, White Ho~ deputy press secretary Larry Speakes said there are no firm plana for Reagan to convene a special aession of Congress. He aaid the pl'Mident will follow advfce from Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, and Houae Republican Leader Robert H. Michel on the matter. Twice within the past two years, Congress has refused to oonsfder proposal.a by Reaaan to m,akJ...__ .• the troubled pension system financially aound by slowing the growth of benefits ln future years. .... ,, ' NICE TOUCH -Fred Am>wm»th, Monterey. .-.. key to •car he Jwt won fol'• cmta In a 1 unique coni.t tn which he bad to hold one hana 4'n the 1m car, valued ai $2.eeo, tor tour daya. '12 houn a day. Four othen kept their' band ln and the winner WM dec:icled by lat al the Mon-.y P9nlnM&la Auto c.tar. p ., • D1llJPllat ClASSlflED Tuelday, September 7, 1982 Loohing for a career in sales? See today 's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 . UAL mm Acrtat• rw ~I~ Apiutnwnh f0it ~.1.­liit.c-b fl•op.-11) htol"'fN. P.-\i<Pl'r\) C•OWlt't) &..ob t.:n p.e_, ~=,l~:i:~~:·· ~ ..... \ "'" ~··· ttoua.n to Oit Mu\ H IM'OftW P~rlJ lndv.ltr1•1 l'ropet h Loo for S.lf' MotMlc U1M Trlr t'rt. .. Mounln l>H.er-1 Rourl ~J~~,:r~~op <NI ol !ilal• ~"'~ M•M hu t•.rm• "6"'""' JlUJ lat8lf t.•thH'\JtC' f\ul Elt•lf 'A'•nlf'd RENTALS Hou,.ea f'\,rn11htd lfoutn llnfurnhht"d IC°'91!C• t'\,rn Uf l fll Condon,1Num~ htrn l.'ondom1n1wmt l'nf To•nl'lou.>"' •"6rR To-n"'4N•~• ' ol O\l,pluu "'"'" Oupleu" l nf ApO f"tn Aph Lnh.irn Apt_, t\irn or l of Kwnn Room 4' 8oatd HOl4it Mt1tth t:.:.!~0H:!t11I \tHelaon flf'nhl• Rtt'llaJ,. W ""'•rt·• Cau.rtt '°' R•M Off1tt RtnUl &itll\8\ ll•nhl ll'ld~lll•I fhnl•J ~-"~' Mtt1t•lt 8USIH£SS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE ::::~~· :::::::::: ~~~.) '40NY to 1..-oan MOM)'.IMM• Mort.t••n TO' AHHOUHCEMENTS, PERSONALS t LOST & FOUND SERVICES Antlqun ,.JIPllMl<'tt AoK._ :::r:.:: Meltr••I' Cemtro 6 FquJJtfnf'nl t:al• 00.. n«tG \OW f\ttNlUf't Gan&f' Sait -· -G-• J"'''' Ln·ntor• MM ... Mf')' M1.tttl1•~-' M'tttU•NOu.t 'A •"''~1 -.iUSJtaJ Jru.lrvniff'I\' OfnC"f f'vrn • t ca""•P , ... t..w:~~~:~ 9por1i•I Cooch .90A R•,h1i1rant fter ~:T.ct.o H1r1 Sc.-r.-o BOATS & li'ARIHE £QUIPMEHT Gtrwrat 80aU. M11n1 ~r\11tf' l!lo•U )hnnt-·~QUIP 8oali.PO'At"r 8oalt Mtn( ( harlft Boau.S.11 lolu Sllsw. l'k,..i.h ==~ .. ~~.:~- TRAHSPORTATIOH Atrrrth C.mpw".S.1• ften1 DHtnt C•rt C&=~s.-m• Motor Hmt Seit Rtnt TraUftli.Tnol !~~:!'!"iarh AUTOMOBILE Gtn.rr•I • AMiq,W'I ('1au1n Rttruhoca \ •liil1t't,.., ~ A.u ""'" t Wbet'l Ot1' '' frtKU v-AV\O lA:1.t1n1 AYl.OIWanUG AUTOS. IMPORTED Gtertr•I U aRonwo Awd> ""'l•ft ...... ~, ..... l:all" Fr OttAum Y•rrtn f1•l Hood• .Jecwar J~ll K.,nuMt;hu IAmbor Ollni Matd• lihtttdh Bent NO ltGI Opel P&M•r• ..... ,_ Portch• IW!lauJI Aotl1 floyu """" ~~!. c;:,. T:r .. o::,... V'olkJWU .. Vat•o 14'4 tu"\ llNI tOI• '""' 1111< lo;ol lll.U lllM """ 11164 l!MI '""' llM 11.41 , ..... IUHl 1011 , llMI ·-..-. mo Pullll1her'1 eU.11 All re111 oatote ad~ od 1n this naw1pape1 la tullject to the Fed11rel Felt Hou1lng Act ot 1986 wlllch mak19 It II· 1ogal to advorllae "any preleronco, llmltatlon or dl1cr1m1n1t1on based on race. color, rollglon. sex or natlonal origin, or any Intention 10 make any such p11!11enc:e. 11- m 11a 1 1 o n or dlscrlmln11llon ·• Tiiis ne ... spape1 wlll not :: knowingly accept 11ny ·~~1 ad11ert11lng tb1 real es-:~:: 111te which Is In 11101allon '""'I ol the tow I I -t~ ¥.~~!!!. !~~ -~~{~ ..... . ;"''I RHI E1t1t• -]Atj •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:;: a,,,.,., J ooz ffoH11 101 $alt ...................... O•ne11l I DOZ ··-··················· $214,000 ll&llDOllEDI • A11<:1 orla.d to Miii 3 lldrm 2 t11th home In HllfbOt View Homee. Roelly good 11n1nclng and 11ll4tf wlll lldl Re· •• C•ll<~ ti Jilli LOOK For our naw 11gutar weekly feature BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Saturday In tho Oa1z Pilot Cluallllda 4 IDRll 2 II $10,000 DOWll Takes thl• Mesa V11de beauly w11n a wetbar end BBQ Super CIMO tttroughou1 t3"1• flnan<:· In . 646-2313 ... ,,, ,., '''' ~~!!!!.{'.'.!.aJ.' .•••••• ~'.!!!!.{'.'.!.•.'! ....•.. '.'.'.!!!!.('.'.!J.'! •...•.. ¥.'.~!!!l~!~!~~.'!. •..• jH '!!.~~!~!~.i!!'.~. H'"'" u.1.,.1,•n ········· ...... ....... . ,.. . '"' .. ,... ..... . ..................... . GIH11I 1001 ~!.'.~'..{. ........ !./!~ ••:;11•• IHI .!.'!n!! .•.. !......... I I I 3l01 C!!!~.!!!!! •••••• /.~t1 £a1,H• .,,_.,, 1111 ••••••••••••••• ••••••• • ••••• ~~ •••••••••••••• Patk Ltdo Adult Conoo s •••• !!.!!~.~ .......... LANDLORDS/REAL TOAS ·ceA·.;··v1ew·3·e::::·2 111,000 NWI MOVI! IN NOW W1'll Or pool, near hoapltal, 4 8r blyfront w/dock F11t lr11 tll'llnt PIO• frpll, I t076 MO 1422 TH CROWN POINT .. SPYGLASS HILL Sup11bly conatructec allod Mllto on 1lm011 IA. IGll with apeotaculll view• I 1,950.000 11 .... , ,,, .. .,. .... ,., 1-7 ,. (Wt4 11-IPll) S• large ad In Sltur d1y D1lly Piiot R E Mellon. Rloll ll-'erene ltalttr 711·'444 '111-1111 lllO It. OIOM ttla llllCtOW In 10 be•cll 1 145.'000 Owner 14000 yrly, $3000 Wint· vldera. Call Belt Realty Terrace Way, 7fl0-8370. 38 + %'AB• dayr. ANUme my 9\t~ w 11 t h 11 t P A Q • n t •r Av1ll 8110. 539·81114 I ~:i= pa~IO & api'. VA l t1.7% 2nd l102t 0<40·1044 J.R. PROPERTY Eeateldo 4 br, 2 ba, 11rg1 !f_{•!!!~.J!'J! •••• 1 •• !! hendaom• brick trplo, mo. 4 bd + 2 atry MANAGEMENT yard. Klda/pota olc HOME FOR RENT 1111ra tg 2 oar gartgl I t 42,000 o wn/agt 076·8173 1880 mo Prop11ty 3 Bdrm1 1850-1726. w/wln• c•ll•r or dark 842-258 t, 540-8208 a· ALBOA ISLAND l.,. ... ,,,,. 3141 Houee, 842·3050 or Fenced yard & garag•. rm. Muat 1111 ASAP. r. ................... 842-tOtO. Kida & pell wotc:om•. &46-1880 •t Fii UU .BAYfRQNT Emerald 81y, pvt l>eacn, 4e;,-2ea hM.~rvlew 645·2000 Ag1n1. no .. , .. l•l••I ,,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• PllTlll WllTU ~otualvo 8alb0e' 11land l\Ome. For d-1all1, dY9 1155-0782; IVI 073-4802 IE lllTlllTll IOI pool•. · tennle court•. & Baker avall Oot t 1-f"------- lala IJ hatr ocean vl•w. 3 Bdrm, $750 mo 962-0778 for If, I I i ,,,, ~~,~~ ~n•m11~'0'!ich: 31b18a00&1 gue1at1 hou11.1 eppt. .!.'!n! .•. !!.' ••••••••• h mo w n er renta Newport ShOf'" 3 Br 2Y. ~rtttlglou1 nalP. bor· HI0,000 hll ,,,.. or $2200/mo yrly 2 Br $425/")0• Liken-. Bl 2 block• 10 b9ech e=onw~~1'10~:~~n~~ HI0,000 flaH .. _. 7141759-0047 no pete. 11· Hiiier Ptrk. cloae 10 school & ten: "'•-ti ltl L jJ•f water paid e.42-3837 nle 962-8e83. t>oeet• hug• tam. rm, "' ,.r,,. '"• ., dble lot 00x2001 Lu•u· 171-1170 ••••""••••••.,.••••••••• 3 br · 1 'J\ ba, lenc•d Waatcllff 3 Br den ot-C«f•I ltl • ., JllJ rloue cerro:tlng thr;!i LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm. tam yard, gar 20201-8 r•~ 2y, Ba 2 car·~., ••••••••••••••••• •••• rm 4 Ba $1700 mo Birch St S1n11 Ana ""'• ' • •• '.ft '", ....._, hout. wal paper ... trv I · • · · g11ctener. no Piii I 5. .,.... It .... -h ··"t t ---H~ll $830 Call 7 58 ... 8 502t H---Ln·-t+I"~~ 1 m1gn .....,,t ome .. , OC "'NFRONT 2 bdrm, 83 .1n27 l·t3 ·14 or"" • .,.,~..... '""'"'-188um1ble loan 11 only 3br/2ba, tamlly rm, pool, " • OWC 111 • Flex. T11ma 9% m1ny 1menllle1 178K 1 Ba $700 mo. Biii LAROE KITCHEN w/BAR CHARM· E11pandod S-Br. 809 AclCI• CdM nr bc:h • A,_,I 081.9001 By owner. 548-88e5 Orlhidy, Rllr, 875-8181 ab 2ba den lrpl lrg 3 Cir gar1go HVH Spot .... Vecent Duplex e .;-;;.nd 840-4000 '• • • • J1cunl 101d1d w/ Huot 5br/3be+3t>rl3ba va a EUUIT I .I ltlE Bnutltul hOme for qua-yd, dbl 'lar, ready to troncll ~lndow1, aky· 440l< own/bkr &45-7048 lrn•• IHI 4 Bdrm, 4ba. 3 c1rJ•" llllod persona. gracious move In. 690 mo. R" llghl1. $1800 /mo ·g• I land kltch 75 llvlng. $2500/mo 111 4 9 7 • 2 o 6 2 ' B u • "•0-2523 8""·2237 'AlllL' lm. ~·•.••.•,....•••••• ... ••••!•••••• ._ I ' 876-1530 752·5040 "" ' ~ . • O 0. Mullan R111ty, i---------1~~~~-----1;:;::.:=:-:::.:=:-::~;:;;.-540-2900 Ilk IOI' Lori ff1Ulflt-1Palll. HOME FOR RENT For toaee ~ l .. M option, •1 n1 lllT k 1 n "'"' ••· St500/mo 5 Br .. large • Turtteroc , JC nt nanc-2 story, 4br, 4 baths, 3 & 4 Bdrm S725·S750. yard, tehoote, ahopplng SPYIWI 111111 Ing, owner wtll cerry 0' IEW"IT OllEIT dining rm. giant acreen Fenced yards & gar-n e 1 ' b " A g • n I • 1 ~ 1JCci11nge. $285,000 age• 4'Kld1 & peta wet ' Large <> 1p10 OUI " GOLDEN PROPERTIES 4 bdrm, 3 bathl, fln'olly TV, hot tub, mod. kltch · • 648-11>44 bodrm lam11w rm homo room, larnaat lloor plan, 2 car encl. parkln~. come 545·2000. Agent,,_ ___ . ____ _ ' ' (714) 752· t589 .--no IH. Ne"""Ort C;eal 2Br du-on quiet cut-de-11c. 1ennl1, pool, all bltlna. A v a 11 S e p t . 1 . •---------• ~,, Eatate alzed lot w/ Woodbridge 2Br 2b•, trl-levol. Aaaum• loan of 875-7650 ••I •ii•• Pl•JC condo. Attach gar. N t II ht. bl & IA_... .. I dining area. pool, ten· llWPOf' g • Y lo%eat pr""" ,.,va on on 12"1• & aellor wlll llolp WEEKLY A>11ll Sept. 3Br ltat 3Z40 nla, clbhH, 17 Wiid ooea.n vlewl. Owner wlll c rn11 lol. A/C, up-finance balance. Walk 2bp on canal. Lga aun· ••••••• ••••••• ••• ••••• Gooao Ticonderoga to anllt w /flnanctng. g adea. St 18,000 In to beach Llatod at deck 64a-1397 3 bdrm, 2 ba, new paint, Intrepid to WlldgooH ~1 ·····1x£ou?·1vi····· ~,: RETREAT l~~~~~~~,,~~~~~~;1 NJll Glonl 4 Bdrm b11l!uly In Corono del Mar Local• ""' ad In tile Harbor View ~·;~ Hiiis aroA. Unb611evoble '"'' canyon view. grast tor ~:;'~ lh& hostess w"o loves t~ to e111a1 telrt In an Im· ~~ presslve homo and "'" surroundings Good fl· """ nanclng package. Cal :,:.;; now, 546-2313 ~1' f tl!@,%i' ll.u ...... ...... 1'()1 t:..'v ~t * YCATERFROIT * ton SLIPS PRIVATE COMMUNITY. 3&4 bdrm homes. our SELLERS 'Wiii FINANCE • or • DISCOUNT tor ,.,, casht Better llurry on ~:~ thosol Starting at $499, ...,>J 0001 WILL TRADE FOR ~ BALBOA ISLAND <ll) l1lh1 •• , ,,.,, Rutten •1715-1010* ..... -2700 .,. Ft. OffiOI • 1200 .... ft. On Lot 1201120 UI0,000 IPIOTAOIUll 1111 Now eJCclualvo Laguna Beach'• llnaat Cllrla Abel home on 'A aero wltll fabulOUI VIEW. ln- c redlblo 1andsc1plng with ptlvate pool and 1pa A unlqu• 3 bdrm & Easlslde Costa Meaa 2 den home for partlcular Br 2 Ba. home, hard· buyefa. $1,200,000. wood floors. larger lot, cul-de-sac; 'traet S t25 -ATI l<I RONT 000 Owner will finance. t-tOMI ') lftc. REAL ESTATE Rar lloC•r-'1•, Rltr. 631 1400 141-7721 1750,000. Tom Alllnaon a11um1btee. 857-2046 $195,000. ' crpta & drpa. Thie 5 3 2 07 o ' Torr Y H •no•· llEllFIELI Junior t Br Veraalllee, 11parkll9g home has lga $850. 714 4 -4 844·8200 -on court. $596/mo. llvlng rm w/lrea· 2 BR remodeled hN wr 3Br. 2'ABa, gr1at for 2 t3/887-3292 day•. a111ndlng lrplc. huge gar, 1'h blk• ott Hnd. tamlly or lnllettor. Flex-2t3/387-5900. yard wtcov'd patio & $895 yrly. Ask tor Biii, Ible eaay financing. moral t8042 Warren 11 957.,5880 · $132 900 2 Br, lge ltvlng rm, patio, B 1-_;. ______ _ . . Lido ealty $600 Edlngiert. Oll a GOLDEN PROPERTIES garage. . aac. dop. 1825/mo. lncT. gardener EASTBLUFF Exec. home (714) 762-1589 673-73QO 773·9432 & 673-8187 & water Appt Agl, 3 br. 2 bl. den, formal .' Ow.E• Oarllni 1 BR 1 blk tr 957-0701 dining, 2 trpls. garden n IY OWIER b / ' p • II o , S 1 2 5 0 m o 500 3BR 2' oac ' w gar · wlntll Artlatlc 3 Br 2bath $595 842·0350. $238, -lo\ bl, CONDO. low down, ettr. rental. $600 mo, Incl Setoly lncd tor klda, 1--------- 2 atory twnhae, gated terma, 3br 2be, Walnut 1,..11_ RIME utll 760· 1982 ch 8 rm 1 n i 10c 81 9 . 1 Lg 4Br. steps to beach, MC, pool, tennla, Jae. Sq u a r •. $ 9 9 • O O O. --Newport ShOrea comm uune. club room. Walk 875-0372 or 857-41178. Move rlghl lnl S1>9clous OUTSTANDING 1 & don. 539·619t Ht Alty • · I 2B ... deck t 1 fee. POolltonnla, yrly, lamlly lo 1hopplng. b ko to ---------decil with aparkllng view a. -0 • or or $1195 845 3370 t>eKh. You own land. LOVELY 0p 1 n a o If c ount ry 2 persona. $800 mo. SUPER $&YER mo. • J/!: ~acnab -Irvine BEST IUY Lergost 4 Bdr plan In Mesa del Mar Love!) yard, squeaky clean Al tll1s and tile owner wlM carry Call 11ow belor~ Its gone. 631·7370 545·7836 20% down and assume BRIARCLIFF PLAN kitchen 3 Bdrm and Lae 1 yr. Lots Miiier ,_•_ll_S_P_M _____ _ RANCHO SANTA 12~ loan. By appt. 2 Bdrm-"Ome In Arbor t1mlly room, high cell· Agf.'"931-'1286 H.uge 4 Rm , 2 b,a. Npt Teu. 3Br 2~b .. sp.a. 7 t4/760-3875 L1ko with llreplace, tnga. light and airy. multHamlly w/w CPI g. pool. garage. $725 mo. FE '---------• v1111tad celllng1. moun· PurchaM tor $449,000 B••lf• Uil•t•l1iH JuaL now $450. c11t 552-7074 ............ lffe near tchool and vfllaQe. Beat covenant buy • $259.000 C1H owner at 714/455-79 t t TRID£ taln vllwa. comm. apa or 19.se tor s1llOO/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 539-6191. Best Riiy • --------- " I.. & clubhoute plul low Call Jean Ritter f()f' de-t;,.,,,, 3101 fee. oou• YIEW yo ur boring Income Interest financing. 1175, talla. •••••••••••••••••••••• • HOME FOR RENT Deluxe new 2 Br, 2 ba, prop11ty or outgrown 000 844-7020 142-1200 REllTILS 3 Bdrm $725 Fenced lrplc. deck, gar. Secur realdence with largo J.1111 lUL EIT&TI Yoarty-Woak;ly-Wlntor, yard & garage Kida & gate Ono tor $835, one equity tor thla neat ---------2,3,4 Bdrm•. p e 1 1 w 1 1 c 0 m 1 $595. B· 103 Sunset ~~~~c 3r:;d b:,~o~~m: EXECUTIVE J&COIS REAL TY ~.!5·2000 Agent. no e:~~·~,~on:o•E.~~fr~ with t80 deg ocean HOIE PROP Ave, C.M Sao flrll than IAYFllOIT view In walk·to·beach lmH 3244 call 545·~598 or ,1m SHl,000 corona d•I Mer 1oc1-:~~l~i~o. ~erli:;~,'o~ llAll&IEIEllT ••••••i.(is(sii•••••• 642-8722. 780-0883. ~ EXECUTIVE LIVIH __ _ _ ,~~o~P=iy.o~n'.';t ,~ ~:'u:.'~:·~2~~0:t.h ba. in Turtle Rock II• Clt•fllt IOTI 81&·8113 3 Bdrm datach•d QRE&T REllT&LS TRADITIONAL REALT Y u~: IESA VERDE ur,d. want• to Hll 3 144-1211 HI g h I• n d. G., d. n • • •• ••••• •• ••• • •• • • ••• • t/M till IF homos In 1111c1llenl area. 4 Br 3 Bl. 1.)mm. pool t::,: Real value !or $175,000 ,~ 2 llll nn Ill Bdrm 3 ba Baytront. Homat. Kltchenlfamlly llPER TU lllELTH ' • • .,. Avallable lmm'&dlaloly. S1300mo 11,cl 4 br 2•~ ba & a room with flreplace. Drive by No 6 at 700 S 0 1 3 Br 2 Ba, $1250/mo to · • · hermln9 4 Br. & lamlly Financing at 10% APR. lnt•rlor garden court. Ftl lmlTOllll Lido Park Or. $700/mo, 80 /mo on year ,..<1 addition completed 1 room. 2 t:11lck flreplacea, Asking 1695.000. Beautllutlw decot1ted San Clemente pride of call tor dotalla. liue. Five Others to m3 °Br 2 Ba. 2 car, 1977 co nsisting o country kitchen, quiet l ()Uf: ..._.() ...... r:..: , 1 chooao from W1're the te mlly rm w/lrae rasldenllal area In mo· Uflllll •• ~ "" and 11nd1C8P9d. Stepa ownereh p , modern l1Jfre1t Ct•-'•• ones to cau 'ror leases comm. pool $1060/mo .,.,, walk-In storage closet.1 io% dn. 5229.000 llYllE Tlllllll 000. houee with oce•n·hlll• & Park Dr. 2 Br & den, Woodbridge $975/mo :t.~ Adj 10 this new ax-. Owner carry 10 years 1185,000 golf course view Cloae aecurlty bldg S2500/mo. Have others. Agt Frid 91sndlng frplc, den & dern tract by Buc:cona. RultOf'a, 075·8000 lo pool end apa. $299, Spanlall atylo ' unit 1pt. Unlurnlshed. On Lido (g ~ 2 Br 2 Ba , gar , •.. I>.;) ..,., "' *':'O .,,,, ... .... .... I """ ... /Ull ., -1 -•.M ·~ .. , ... panslva tamlly area Is 144 41i * 11!. MWI* 1at TIME OFFERED 'I -~ ~r:v~~uiin~j,~~1~1k! Wattrfrttt •••H f~~alcy T •nor o 0 3 t • t 2 0 8 the bl\.ln etec. kit w/ • PllOE lEHOTltl Thia neat 3 bdrm 2ba ~ NEWI New owner could 111·1400 55 1·3000 _83_1·_2_7_1t ____ _ &di formal dining area. Ii& • Ith 1800 1 ft D. Beyond tile atete dble , ••): ~·~ ~~0~~~10';;:\~Nb~ :.th ::,~ petlos ~ , '11',ifi'--OCClUPY 3 bdrm .• 2 beth lalt.. llllll 3206 innarrma l'k,.),lnl'"' STE~s8,T~u::cH door entry Is a huge iii !I! llJ ING IOCllld 1cro11 gardene. Owner wlll ,. • r, city & ocean view apt. II •••••••••••••••••••••• llllall "•2 ~970 formal llvtng rm w/ II A22.860() lppllctblo & tint tha On the bNCh, 2 Br lux • "'" ""' another lrplc The sap. street from LAKE 112. TnDenc:eat 1au2~tanlntt.1117 t!', ~ other 3 apenmanta tor i;pndo, ocean vu, •• 2 to 4 bdrma, atanlng Spaclou1 Udo 1111 home. bdrm wing Incl master F .. tur .. 3 br & lormal term A l;;Mhold ... Income Siller wlll help ~rlty $750/mo. 000 E II $850 to 395 3Br. hobby rm or ofc, suite w/sunken dbto FLAMl•IO RtAI dining Owner ualstld tata. Priced to 14111 In l flnanc:. I SAVE buyer Oceanlront 997-8382. garden room, dining rm, shower & mirrored Mesa Verde 4 Bdr 3 Ba .. llnanc:lng It 10%111 Only f... lfS tCaa•• .. ft....i......,. thouaanda of dollenl 838-3094 counlry kltch w/brlcil wardrobe t'xtertor super llOOr plan w/3 car $24•,900 on FEE LANO. ;;, -."';;,"" 111.• .. C' REDUCED aetllng price Upper Clecil. pool. p11• grounds 01 11115 corner' iarage Well priced et .. 759·150t or 752-7373 144-7211 ~~ IHfi IH; of $295,000.00 I• w1y1 .. Jt.. tlally turn 11 desired. 101 1111119 b&6rl manblr1 224,900. 751-3191 M!lm. '. . -::7 •• mEULl •••••••••• l& •• Y ••••• BELOW C\lrrent repla· lt•J. ... I• 3Z01 Avall Sept 11. $1600. oo & tile rear yerd 11111 c • m • n t c 0 1 t 1 1 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-3680 a lge covered patio The-, t t Prlnclp11a ONL VIII Call · l&LUA •--------- 101 is pool·SIZed & II~ I ' , AWARD WINNER owner at (714) Ooten Front d11plex, 3 2 Br. 2 ba. don, nr High 1p1co tor creation o _________ I~~~~~~~;; 11.,11 .,., ll'•.1 Oceln vtew.. 3 bdrm, 4 142-0138 BR comp furn 2 rg P•· Sehl, S~&.3532 roe vehicle access. I~ ~~••••••••••••••••••~ ba. kll,,, w/convenlencel, tloa m Balboa Pier 2 Don t hesitate to drlvet l•m. rm. lg• garden, ll•I lfui IOl4 blk1 to Bay & all shops .. 523 CAM,.,,Da·fRVlffE Naw 1Br & 1tudy. New by 2861 COf\IO, Costa' •U Ylllll patio, formal din. rm, •••••••••••••••••••••• $850 mo. 9 mos. 404 _ cpl• & mini bllndt Mesa OPEN HOU~ tge llv. rm. Qulit C\11· OCEAN FRONT E.Ooeanlronl. 873-5681 Woodbrldgo-orf the lake Oc;eanaldo $600 yrly SAT t2 30·5 or b Ol&lllll do-tac. $812,000 By 3 Br. tV. ba condo. 3 Br·2 Ba 1900 yrly. No Executive 3 bd. 2 'J\ be utll Inc 873-5350 av appt Beautltul 4 Bdrm f1mlly owner. 1c1011 lrom bNCh 1nd pets. Avall 11115. Many Extras! $1400/mo THE BLUFFS 2 atory. 3 ORANGE COAST hOml. featuring IPI i 873 ..... 11 pier and near ahopplng. J.R. PROPERTY I ea a e . 5 5 2 • II 6 4 9 , br, 3 ba, ixec condo. FIN ANCIAL REALTORS NEWPORT ISLAND :,'f'~ :~~: :=.1~~~~~~~~~ L~ .. aumablo let plua MANAGEMENT 651·2193 or 987·8857 den, lml din. gdn patio, 951-0101 Only 10'1• Caeh IOWFI_,, YILU o c. Owner n11 1ua1 875-8173 WNllllHE end untt. s1200 mo. Completely 11modelad -• rleluced price to $1115, , __________ , Owner out of •rH •nd IM9d1 to Mii f••t • throughout with many 2 Br 2 Ba In pvt aandy 500 (2 t3) 4311 -027 t Cflfll ltl lht 3ZZZ 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Areplace, 7 1.4 • 6 4 0 -8 3 7 9 • POOLSIDE smtH Lovely Newport Beach condo with large patlol on greenbelt. Xlnt II· nanclng Assumable loan SI 10.000 at 10 25'/o O wner wlll consider 2nd T D. 11nd 111H option Reduced 10 S 197 ,500 Cell Sall Shlptov. nowt OW c.,ry •nd l8'g• •••umabl• upgrtdH tor the dlec:rl-cove. Term1 1v1ll1bl1. Realty World • s w •••••••••••••••••••••• garage. No pet1. $6115 1....;.8..:..3..:..3..:.2_00_9 _____ _ lo1n1. Cozy cotteg• on quiet Newport mlnallng buyer. Alklng $279,500. Call K1n Prop• Large 5· Bd Homo. mo. Avall Oat 1. 4 II 2~ IA leflfld. Bring creellve ldHe. A•duced 1195,000. For an IP· Kelley, Lingo R.E. Corona del Mar , 499-5770 Fam rm 51260 111 from $290,000 to $249,000. polntmant to -· call 497-3331 · Otitr IHI 111111 $1700/mo · $249,000. 540-1 151 1----------...................... 760-8700 875-2144 UNIV. PARK C11n1dr11 644-8053 t..ua •l•HI IOSJ #1jll• B••H ' celllng• lvng rm, w/wot Eastblutt 3Br 2be. Avall \\'1\ Tl RI RO:'\ T HOMI !:!, l't HI \I I Oii' ,~,,. ...... ""'' , .. ,..,.. .. ._ .. us'"-''", .•. !1.-•.i .... LllO ISLE ROIEI 701 Vll LIH ltH tnJI HI 1·1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R.. 2 boat slips $1,500,000 . '::'•••••••A•••••••••• F•t I.It 1100 Nice 2Br 1'hba In dptx. bar, 2br. 2ba.. dbl ger. n 0 w s 10001 m 0 . YILLE IE OERllE ••···-••••••••••••••• Liv rm w/frplc, aundeck, 1pctlet1 ready to move 540•11019 Arni• or BEAUTIFUL lllllL••p g a r • s o o I h w y . In. Club awmng pool, 3 0838 k I Elli OLD WORLD 24 X 04 wl~ 7'X25' 1825/mo. 323'h Lark-$690 mo. Rat 497·2052, 8 t-81 or ne TOWNHOMES encloHd trll. tight apum. 536-t453 wtlcfyS. Bus 752·5040 W11erlr<;>nt 4 BFJ, 3 Ba, By Howetd Mll1< Co. Interior• lsl1nd kltehen. C. I Iii 3zz4 W .. i 3Z41 S2080 mo. Bbl! •11P from $159,000 L•rge fem. rm. 2 B~. 2 .. !.~ ... !!~ ............. '9'!!~ .... '.~......... may be avlll. ,73-4866 495-32~4 7ll0-9355 BA 540-5937 I 2 BR 1 BA duploK. prvt EMERALD BAY. 3 Br 2 lull All '"' B 1 1 . Th patJo 360 t6\h Place B. Ba. frplc. brick patio •• •••••• ••• ••••••••••• 3 own•; BR/~" e:· di: S~5. 851·9522. with IP•· St500 213/ 3 Bdr 2 Ba townhome, nr •111•1& --ro~. t d ·3 Spotlan Eaatald• de-876-2265. S C Plazl. A/C. frpl, & & --g11, .,..u upgr yr OIW refng stove pool loft. t400 aq It. av.-old. $69,000 On gmbl1, tatchod 4 Br 2ba. ~ 3 Br 2 Ba. oeaen vu. a ·, muCti ~. No looklng M .V . Golf $11,000 awn 832-9198 rented before. Owner $825/mo, Arch B11ch :11 tit a lut r9ci'd Cour" it Like M.V. LIV'I In Newport Bead\ 1)811lcular. 2 kldl ok. no Hgts. Av1 ll 911 LHH Avell now at Incl. 10K upgr1dea. S bd t ~eta, no smokln~. 633·9212 alt 3PM. 5700/mo. Oyt 11711•7100• r.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 125K, 10% dn, bet. al ~o: 1~9'~a~a c~m. 9 5 O I m o · C a I HARBOR OCEAN FRONT evH 775·0390. Mlk& ~-HERITAGE . . REALTORS •w: .... 11ll 911. I :m ---=======:- ""' MAllH VIEW Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath+ large rec. rm. lbeam ce1lings. furnished, patios. $420,000. 12%. P.R. Hickey. 901, V11y cl11n. Muat '" °"4"7211• agt. Nu 3200' tux hm on Doherty. 111,111 llWI 855-2882. 875-2742 E'aldo 3 Br, 2'h tia. frptc, bluff. t60 deg. w of 1....:...;.___: __ ..__ __ _ HIO II *' IH t IHI 2 petloa. deck. dbl et· harbor, aur1, mtn1. 3br. C1sl1•l•I••• PElllSUU HOMES 114 W. Hf tPll UT 1·1 Prize West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boat.I, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. :l: MIMES SU1,000 :~~ Loweat prk:e fM 5 BA .r!J Somerset model. Great :~ financing ($238,000 t11 91• To. at 12~'<% fix.), •loo neutral, lmmacul1to de-:m cor & beautlluJ low ::~ maintenance tandacap- :;: :~ol Call ua lor more. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdnn. 3 m: 144-tOIO bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1.385,000. Oceanfront. 91l1 '1tu .,.. tTN tTU t'lll fT1ll '1n LlllDA ISLE l&YFROIT OOIHA HL IH Laaoon View rrom 6 bdrm, 3 bath, p1'yroom. Terrllle tocetton eovth of dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1 ,000,000. the hwy .. Older 3 bdrm. home atructur11ty OK llYSllE PUCE ..,. but tn need ol eome TLC. R-2 lot with room Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, ,,,.,, ~~40~~dv.,;n:ur~~11!; 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduced 1,500,000. below 1T11111•t term•. 17 t 4t 61l·4400. 121>1 ua.2na HAR80R 'I\ l1iv1~Mmlil ll.1rbrn "'"''lnlt'nl f 11 ILIFFS OllH ' Slngle 810ry end unit, expanded 9 br, 3 be on Largest gret-nbelt & lake. $250.000. FllRWllS IUCI Brand new 4 br, 4 ba, cuttom .French Normandy F.lltate on 1 ~ acre hilltop. I $1,250,000. lYILOI Fee simple collage on quJt-t Dt«-anao ~ F1ata). $145,000. Spaciou1 3Br +' 2Y.81, .!J!r.!! •••• !......... 0.1l1xn/ tlCh gat w/elec opnr. 3b•, 11cur1ty, aauna, U1l•1.I1iH 1415 redwood patio a IP• TllllFIO lllE U.Ill /11 hit lllO $750. t1t/laa1 $350 aec. 1 p •. S 1 8 o o I mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• handaom• brick 1rp1e' •••••••••••••••••••••• Avalt Sept t, 831-8284 4118-7009. E'lldl C.M. condo. 3 Br XI,. I" 2 c•r gir*"'•' Prof. dec:Of'atod, warm 3 llHll T•• e•ILTlll 2ba, lge y11d frplc, 2 w/wln; cellar or d°"a':-k Br, L.A .. O.R .. F.R., big , .. 1=.l~lllll OllTA IEIA Br. vl1w, at•P• to cir g ar . pool. Jez . 8 P knch .• high beam ce1r-"H •• I ... I I I bHch, s1100 pr mo. $725/mo. 83t-7905 or rm. Muat 1111 A A • Inga frplc, plu• • pri-Sen Clement• prld• of ••• rt•• ••• Der11ll. agt, ~E/MAX 831-0303 ·t46-5e80 v•'!' ~g m•'"°"''° yerd own1r1hlp, modern O.Cor1tor perfect, •g•-759-1221 --------- 11111/HNO llYll w/:,.r cer 9ar. A '"' Spanlllh 1tyl1 4 unit •P~ clout 2 bdrm, 2~ a. W Biii 3110 fw•i•••n '" 1.1 v• •t 13 6,000d •pnd ~011"couw1rt11h ~~.·hc111101M In•-:'. ,~:!1io7io:r·,:. oop~ •• '!.'!~ ••••• !......... f•t•ltiH lllS ' you own the Ian . •-• wiww HOME FOR RENT •• •••• •••••••••••••••• LH11/0!)tlon or Pur· tf.lllj to ev11ythlng, only 3 p1t10, b1lcony, w ine 4 Bdrm• IJCIC home R1ncho Si n Jo•quln, ct11M. YOUR new 1850 yeeta old & 1how1 Ilk• cellar & Igo 9ar1ge. sgso F~ncld 'yard & Model TownhouH In aq. n. (plua dbl g11age NEWI New owner could O.Corator wall pepor. · & lnllne. 2 bd p1U1 den, w/,,._._) Deluxe Con-........ ,p 3 Bdrm 2 bath dr1p11lea and more. gir•g•. Kida pet• one the nfQMt In the do~'G';';at park aid• cit;ayocean .,ift, IPI. If $1O5 0 I mo . C a I I welcome. 545•2000• development. $825/mo looallon, n111t to 111 1ppllc•bl• & rent the 5"8·~239. t~SO to 6:30 A9tlflt, no t•. 728-2148 •hopping & thHtera, othlf 3 a1>9rlment1 for pm. w•HI ll•HI 111z 1-.... -~---n-1--.-•• -. Incl. 111 arntnlllll. Op-...... ·-·· Income.. Seller wtll help 1 eon•• 1 B .. TH wtlh ••'•••••••'"•••••••••• 11• fltH vli1U11.,._ It t ..... y ...... 1-...11 2 000 ,,,., • "' ._ 2 ... t d............. • • • ••••••••••••••••• pottun Y o ., .. , '1'11-OU own",. •"'· • flnence & SAVE ~ g•r1g1. $450. E'alde. ..,.., 111• Cl> 1• ............ WINTEA SO. BAYFRONT nerahlp w/qulllty home aq ft, 38<, fem rm, 2~ thou11nd1 of dolltral 832.50ee bit-In g.. kit. Av Im-4 br 11200 lnolCI• utlla. w/tp aavtng.e. 81, wide GrHnb•ll. REOUCEO Mlllng prloe m. d . I 8 2 6 Ag t iu:ei view .875-ee29 7 1<4 I 0 3 1 -5 0 5 5 0 r neer pcol. F•r below of 1295,000.00 II w1y Eleglnt , Br. 2Y. Ba. 2 857-070 t a ' '42·2000. m•rkel 1245,000. Wiii BELOW current rep11-atory. pool/tennll. M -ITUL fl I•••• option. Bkr . cement cottlll Prlnelpel1 nlahld 1 1100. Unf\lrn '44-0134 (07N14l)YI Cell owner et $9~0PERTY HOUSE Low d'#fl, aeeume ioene. 3 Br 2 8a1 Agt. Ft*! It!. ..... llM'ttft 142 013, 142-3850 642-10t0 Tenore, 831·1H8 or Urvent ..... Condo. 2 • Nice 3 BR 2 Bl. den, 83 t-27t1 bdrma. 2~ be. Xlnt lot. IHI lll11f M"4l dll M11, grdnr. no I~!. AllWU YI 1110.000. 112,000 Ofl. Wutfll IHI pet1. "95. Siena Mgmt on ,.,1fi bcttrn home Peyrnent• St4'1.60. call ...................... Co. t41·132A 1nd owner WIN help with . OWMf, 11...e1..q.,.!!__ !klY"' h .. S6000. down nothet 3Br w/pool. & lddltlonll ftnenclrlQ, Fllll for 3 br tlou .. , ind 2Br 1p1c1 I.QI kllch gr1c1 II only 113},llOO. HOO p., '"onth tor t<ld1' ok. le25. & Flat 91;_~~0 ~,· °'" +cotf Jttl\LTT ~1!1911~~.,"~. '"·., :Z~e~ '=~=· ~\\ll~-a~~s· -... ~ ... _..... ·~~e-----............ ._ ....... _. F A ll D A I I I' I r I ..._ ... R_E;,,,...;;,S..,.A__,Er--11 'i I' I' I I . .... Uat r~H alg d.U.bout 1Mt'1t SHARP 1 BDRM FL.A f ' _.,.;C_A..,._.L..,.L__,1...-tl ii lllllti Advertll· lb•y 8 ~h flly Ill ...................... 1325 Mlto .... · MotMI or 12 11n1111y 01111· .r. -11.ould ch•ek ··YOllllT 001111.1 OIYI ~601 ~ ,,__ hnl.W e.I:,,,' .. _ ::.... I I I r drtn· .. , don't n• .... ,. ... I'm \ f >I l / tl /.'If ' ' .. • -Coronado Island cuat. bayfronl lot. a~· IPLlll IPLlll a :-...................... • --------""---, jull • -.. their adl dally and Allfaotlve rovr bedroom boat dock P lans avail. Now $370,000 ~ w1ter'• 9fMt. 38' Wa rfront Condo ~ /Wal 1111 Jult In llrM -nn« 28r K u E T A y I · report •rrora Im· hom• L•rg• f111111y t>Muty M&r l>f·OOOMd rrs ONLY •••••••••••••••••••• ClPt•. eocent c:tecor, coot r.-.,1;;;..;.:;.,r,:..,l,.:-;;,l'.-,lr-i 0 £:: .. ...;., "' ... ,~ ~·'"' med lately. The roc1m with flr1p1101. w/terms. ~lll'k. Mlllno tll'l,800. s~lar view Cell 111 fOf YEAAlY or Wdy ytrd. 4 klct• a • _ • . . . '·':;.,.,:-7:7 -' OT Orick drlvew1y All Of ry tt4.000 dOWn, lier. . t?at,&00 ~INTIA reflt7t::OOC,A419it pet. Many othert at ..__~.....___..__,_,__,, --,_ ...._ DAILY PIL H • the warmth and aomfort 148..0'10t Wlll\em Cote .. r~lle ... t Alty. ,. .. , I' I Of "Country Styt1". QM1t0 • ~:r;~.~~~~tnm [ r r r r r ; 1umee llablllty for a park Ung pool. ISH, The fHtH1 drtw 111 th•---· Bto61• H ..... wtllftl you ..,.,,, _ -· · ---- - - - - the flret lncorr9C1 000 .. 1 • .,.-Wttt •• ·• D•llY Piiot (71•) no-1IOO to .... ? c1 ...... .o. do M..a 691 M• 41r ttia. e ~."', !~,.a111l11111 to I I I I I L I I 11'\Mrtlon onty. --Cl ..... AO. c.11 Todey It well I C•ll NOW. '" rwd. frotc. $1501~ ~ --~ • • . • • --• • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l::::~=~~~D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~ .. ~11~..a.~1•~· ====J__:~!::==~-L:;.,.~......,~~1.~====1~'f~••~tt11a1t~·:..4~t~1":··:2~•~_J •• un ...,,. i •••••" .. J I ... - ' I 1 ~.· • ' I J. Otange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tut1d1y, September 1, iQ82 £7 lessililml j . -------·.-·1 f.'tfftm ••••••••••••• f,!~!'1. ••••••••.••. !!t •• !4AL~eryauD!l Pereonellaedl l(lw coet flU ~Utlll ltQll Ht'( CH: Ind., R I .. --tut tamffy, bUel. lnltlel oon· • ion. P• ..,.., • for • Ml~tion ,,.. 56S-02t0 profeolonel work • ~ ad -.-----· ---eu1tom work toot No In~ Dlvon»-8upport Change lob 100 emell or too aauy All Family Mitt«• blgl Ceblnetl, kitchen -AU'~ Kontot.h 84M378 remodel & ftnllhed Gat• ""' Lh.llfU penlry .. elect/ plumb/ lllJlll ::-0-"-"*"••••••••• ••••• •• Clblnet1/ count.nape. I .. 1-y 1nr•At to 3 yre my c M do everything from 1ter1 ••-h;,;, •. a hr 'dey. Lie: to flnlahl Cell 8rld et DO IT NOWI BOC t9083. 754·0238 (l14) lll·llH W fer ..... iiri UIYllTTl•I CUSTOM wood patio Va.Jr Diiiy Piiot C.¥. ere&. &48-5759 cboy\19f'a, decka I fences 8efvtce DfrectOtY RepreMMstlYe Babyllttlr19 In my home, RANDY &4 t~22 nr ""'°'Ot'll. C.M. Ml·lll• elf, 111 842-4442 OVALITY CARPENTRY ., Petlo coven, doore & ~!~t/t!!.F!!!!'!I! ••. Baby9ittlng by Chrlatlan mottler & teacher, Mon•Frl. 882·7573, CM window•. eompt. patoh· Ing & patritfng. Jim Holmen, 548·5103. f!~~!!~J~! .. j"j;.""" l!!!!~(·~ •...•...•.• .'~'.'!4rl'f"············ /~.tt!!f! •..•• , ••...• ~~~"~-t.fft?!~ ....• ,,~~~,( ... ~ ......... l!!t!~! ••••.•.•••••• :. c I 1 en 1 ELECTRICIAN 0.,1>411't~ • O&bl~ Complete ianllOflel Mt• Hur... AM't for hOme Al" PAPERHANGING M081lE 8EAVIC(li " ,cuatom, &,.J00;·2 8mt jabe/Aepalrl. Lie, Plulnb • Ofaln C..-.,ll'IQ vloH , trained 81111, care evlll. lmmed., fVtly 1 yn local ewp. Ou.,, RHCrMN/New WMIW '" " ""' • 2331°'·C·10. 84'-5203 Electric.I • TMe t>onded & Int. UnleteM Ina. 531·8883 Vickie, work. Price• atert et NB/CM &424652 CIJll Can ••NORTH 8TI·"** ""•· Don Me-0141 aa""" of Npl Bc.h. _,_ •• _2_1_.1_oeo _____ , II/roll. AIK l78.o1&3 1.•"•klm •••••••• •••••• ••••• ••• VeatrlCal ~lrec:tOf • !!'M 1 • 1200 I'·' f'' Ex-rt -•ll"overlng In· .r.;.-••••••••••••• ••• 'HAR80A Tl\INIT'f PRE· N ......... 220 I *"'. •U ,,_ " " A ic• EP A SCHOOL DAY CA~E uo.. -_. • ._. •••••• •••••••••••••• *"'•'"'•• ••••••~"•••••••••••••• ttellallon ,..._ Pflcet IE V "' & R Al CENTER. Cotti MNt ctr°"'1• 24 hr 845--4114 OUM JOBI ••••~•:!:.".:::::,;;,,;,.••••• '111 Paan. Conauttent A11tgnment V•n Oppene Service Openll'IQ Sept tS. Full hralt•H llluid ' Small OVlng Job• ..___ by Richard Sinor. Lie 511-8580 Co. end th d•Y c;ere. 7AM •••••••••••••••••••••• Call Ml 84f.t391 AeHoneble, ,.i11ble. 280844. 13 yrt of .h•PPY I I .. 1 (714) 83~ to OPM. Aeglller NOW. Cutlom Reflnltl'llng-Fum ttAULlN GRADING Weynt 4te-72&4 tootl ouato"*•· ' .!}!': •• !!!!:-; ••••••• "'' Corner Baker & Felr· & lntertor.,.Att Repelre demollllon, otei n-up, Yard Malnt. 1 Ct.anup. Thenk you, 831-4410 *•BRYANT'S•* •••••••••••••••••••••• view. 550.4335 or C•ll for Mt, 844·5294 Oonciret• & lrM remo-Sod, eprlnkltr•, roto, cuetom woni, Int a ewt, Wetlcovtflng Remonl TILE INSTAl.Ll!D 558-7717 t.d••l•• vel. trH rmvl, dralnege, llc'd 20 yr• In., ... refa. Alt Typee. 842-1343 Alt Kinda. Gu.,9flt:;ci7 'Graveyard Shift: llo. •••••• .. ""'•••••••••••• Qulcil MN. 842·7MCI hlMllldt weeding. Bflen Herb 521·8012 att 5:30. Ill C.t1 Rel• John &40-1 ohlld care, lge F V. MOWING • CLEAN UPS PROF. SERVICE &ee-2253 RALPH'S PAINTING •••••••••••••••••••••• f1H lfmtl hom•.1.. plenty of alpg FHaullngt • Lend~ng7 Hauling • yrd clean up r.-.i All lnV•x\. RMI. ret... C«tllled HOUN Siiier• ..................... . rms. ff/nlte. Mf-'2277 rM M · ~: .Quick & Glean. FrM .. 1 '::'••••••••••••••••••• ~I. Frelt nt. 538-ll8ll8 Bonded. 111/day (l\lefY 5 LOW RATES S ' l m. .a .....a · 873-0541 -1 -1 • 3rd w1c lrM). 831·1234 TrM trimming & r~ Cl•lllll•n ll•11al Ymwl ............. w.-w.-. Pelntlng: our famlly Ire· --------1 val, •••••••••••'•••••••••• Tr .. trlml gen. clnupe, HAULING & CLEAN-UP For • lrM IKt lheet, dlllon for over 100 yral l/tl811 f11al•f. 111 cleanup1 Ii mowing Cuetom remodel•· ciemenl whrk. FrM Ht. Yde/geregN. Prop. mgt call Harry WaaM, At· 1n11u1. I.IC. 348252. ••••••••••••••• •••••• 55,...7017 Applledl r•·applled, guer., neured, llc'd. •148111. 730-1900 free Ntll'Tlll•. addltlont, free HI. Call 5411-1604 1ny1lme. 831·0953/831~888 IO r n e y at L ew , FrM HI. Cle1·3998 Coneullallon & Hand ---~~~---""" lfm llnl Quellty 2nd to none. 553-0290. Mede FremN. 40 yeer1 llPlllll ••••••~••••••'!!. .... f!!I!.' •••••• !!........ Bandel Con11. lie 111 11111 Ulll •••HIHlll•• .. OQTI. PlllTlll Experience. 848-5141 TID IUYlll GENERAL BUSINESS No Steam/No Shempoo 418570. 548-4271 Lewn-tr....ttrub lnatall ·············"········ ,.,, .. n L., -· exp. I·-. 4031141. S 11---------1 Tr" trlm/remov81 ROBIN'S CLEANING ••••••"'•••••••••••••• ~.,,. """ ,._, __ ll•1t11m1a.J1 "Tree Work with • SERVICE Stain Speclallll. Ful l,.J, llffllll I ... Lawn Mlllnt1Rototlt11no Servlc. • a thofoug.hly BRICKWORK: Sm811 joba. Bonded. Ina. Reta. """"" ••••••h:"•T.•••••••••• Conac:tenoe". Trimming ~ s.nlt ~gh1:n.~11bu:= dry. Fr .. Ml. 839-t582 LICl. 308881. Remodel. Fr .. •llmate 548-eo& clMn .hoUN. 540--0851 ~~~~;~m expert. "3-0011 Dick Je'!'IS p:::r!!.E~~~~xt. & removal by Hontd 50% .. oFr FiRSrM~NTH Recordk••Plng. tax Shempoo ' •teem clean. Add'n•. C•blnet•. QUALITY WEEDING & Joan'• c1ean1no SeMoe Biii'• Painting. lnt/••1 AHtuccoa. 845·825 gg~~"M!a~·c:.0:211~1: o.p.ndable, affOf'deble, mi.~.~~= ~nMI-~:. ~18h~~·..:. &4W5eel 545-4844 Malnt, Remember the 3 Hou .... Apt•Aenl8ll Brlekwor~~m~ll r' Ir =~•bd:icc;:.~· ~~· :::.: PLASTER PATCHING Ph. &42-1932 euenlltl. Anewerlng _ .. _. _______ Hell, llv/dln. '"" 115: lltantl1 A'1: Ra11onebl•. Rell· OlflcM. 540"1287 Jobe. 1 • ..,."" re•· & materla11. Lo pr~. RHtuecio1. lnt/ewt. 30 aervlce, eacretarlel & HIQOALL evg 'room $7.&o; couch •••••••••••••••••••••• able, Riek. 4117-3070 TIRED OF HASSLES? Slnoe t9811. 5·8512 Fr e • e 1 t . Re I a . ~ r I . Na at . Pa u I 'f.~~·!f~/..~ ...••.•.... buelneu NNlcet, mall GP Bullneu "Doctor" 110: chr 15. Guar. ellfn. •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN Quellty claanlng help I• ...... ,,.,........... 4116-5717 545-21177 Moll IY~·· K-14 box rental, word pro· B D w I .... c I -•I hakpr•. dally maid eerv. Simmon• Gerdenlng • ..... I R•I• HO· 7452 6 LL TYPES MASONRY ------------------D I 5 & 110/h 1 0 e't e Ing. Te I ex . OOka/ ala/ ord pa ..,..or. rp r.,,.. r. office OIHnlng, crpt Cln-upe, lewn cere, full '!""• · • "' "' QUALITY WORK • neat. l1atl1ll••ll1a.al1 •Y eve r. 'Fecalmlle, order entry, Proc;enlng 15 yrs ewp. Do w~k cleanlng. 135·2118 comm & rHld melnt. DIAL·~·MAID. Quallty & Lie. 3411479 838·3812 , ... ., hOnNl. Refa. Lie. ••••••••··"'•··r.":•••• Mr. Morgan &45-5178 Paoer--laue buy, deelc llO Min on-llt• vlal\ m)'Nlf. Rel•. 531-01 !'fT!! I'' . 64e..eee4 Ser111-Nr A• Your #m•t 287107. O•ve 1184-1045 Rernod & •ddlt1on1, Ir• WJ ' Cl g ,.....,,.. r-t-• 150 extra time 125hr. EXCEL CARPET CARE I l Pho 11 e . I 3 51 $ 4 5 . •••••• ••••••••••••••• EEDS dMlgn & est. Ou1I & •••~•~•••~~ •• f., •• , ...... ~ "'' .,, (714) 6-46-59711 JIClr Buffington •• ••••••••••••••••••• GARDENING SERVICE 540-4Cle9 *l•1 llflll* PAINTER N low rates. Steve, "Let the S\lnthlne In" ANSWER NETWORK 1>.u_ I ... u_ Owner/operetor DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Clean-ups, trM MN. & WOAKI 30 yra up, 752•9558 Call Sunthlne Window 780-7320 (Uk fOf' A.V.) _.,., -a• ... Aepalre, eml Job epec. hauU"". 841·10H Pete Cuatom home cleaning & Top quellty. Speclal Int/ext. Acouellc cell·---------• Ct••nl~, Ltd. 548-8853 •••••••••••"••""•••••• carpel, uph ..... •rea rug 1 1 yr a. exp. Bud "• complete maid eervlce. care In hendllng. 25 yr1 Inga. uc. 388780. FrM IHl.''•r, -· A•t11'11«1 Cabinet• & Carnantry cleanln~. Work guer.. ..52 .. 582 .. I d-.. 1 • p • 20% onthly Dlecount .,.,.-. ..-.. ,.7 " •• •• , .. ,. Prof.. bon .,.. & ns. x . ell 1 •••••• ••••••••••••••• • ••REAi."ESTATE..... Small Job• & Aepalrt Free et. 845-1 71 •••••'"•••••••••••••• Unlcleen Sy1tem1 of Competitive Retea Da~I• Pelnllng 847-6188 Hubel' Roofing-all typea. ANldentlal/Comm'I FrM &llmatet845·2003 Ctat•l'/;'"••"1111 ' Wall texturet·Acou1tlc C~pentry • Me110t1ry Npt Bch. 85()..1200 No overtime. 730-1353 New-recover-deck• '" "' Han8·Tape-8teet atuda 001·1ng • Plumbln~ LowHt ratesl Prompt, Lie. #411802. 548-9734 873-1919 KITCHEN FACELIFT ••••••• •••••••••••••• lie 599•• 1 532 55•9 ST·RVING COLLEGE c M Bl k · .... • • .. Drywall • Stucco • ne Quellty Houeec ... nlng "' nHt prole11lonal1. 15 ROOF REP A .. .,., It Aeltyllng ewl1tlng klte.h-ement· 11onry· oc R ..... J B ..... """"' w/a pereonal touch. STUDENTS MOVING yre exp 8A8 5864 Al ~m~•••••••••••••••• :1a ~.b. s~'s'' nw:':i .~:~l~S~~o:::1.i~3 Alp~:::~~ rA:~i:lllc Ben~.""~Gelnl: .. :a::-::: -c8!.!,.,J_,r,,v , NB. Beth C1"~;.r~~.· !}21~~2387 . • SPECIALIST '25-1185 Oflwwaya, Parking Lot Fr" ntKevln 875-9088 .... , ....... ...,.. .,.,.,,...., ·-c""' U-S G..,A .. OW *"'"' llfflllll* FrM estimate 770-272~ Repairs, Seak:oatlng. _&4_2_-088 __ 1 _____ Concrete-smell or lge Plum ec-carpentry HOUSECLEANEA WAT H I Painting: All typMI VHENRY ROOFING" SAS Aepllll 831-41119llc l!.a-frtl Job•. Remove, replece 111.triul Painting Call 984-5231 Good reft. NB & lrvlne PrHtlge M oving. Low Went tile best? 20 yr1 Sheke-Shlngle-Comp . ..,. __ H I G di ~r.:-.•'••••••••••••• or repair. 845-8512• •••••••••••••••••••••• ""•'· Gt· ..... "' .. 1 "'702 ratee, fantutle Mntee. exp. Salle. guar. ~t•. Uc. 415232. 54M213 ..,.,, II berg re ng Door henglng, remodel, ---------•ELECTRICIAN-Priced HIRED HAND, WILL .,.. ..,,_"""'"" S Id Vt..-& MIC lneured. Cati dye, ---------1 & Pevlng Co. Realooml. blnet panell t Drtves-Patlol•Wtlk• right, tree e1tlmtt• on TAAVELI Many dl\/e(M B&M HouMCleanlng tale w •· ,.., · 838-5528, eva 838--8706 Roof problem? Dont re- lic 3117804 842·1120 ;'aintin:.' cet ';9· A!,0 · NO JOB TOO SMALL l1tge or amen Jobi. chorea. Wiiiie 842-3491 Aeuon1ble. Clll Bente lneured. 543-8482• Cal. roof, repair at lr•ctlon For Ad Action J«ry ~3' · '· Free est. 538-2807 C1ci. 3118821. 873-0359 Balboa 1t11nd 875-3810 _T_·_1_37_._12_4_· _____ l•r..rl•,( of the coat. Call LM Selling enythlng with • Deape al"ll Patio work CALL HANDYMAN JIM • Bur,:r meets aetler-wltttail •• •••• ••••••••••••• 857-2890 ~~~~~~~~~ Dally Piiot Clualfled Ad F rd .,.. Lo p 1e .. • LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Malrt.. plumb. rep11r, Bachelor 1 HNCteaolng • i-~tlve cJualfltd ed. Farthing Interior Design ----------1 I• • llmpl• metier . xr1n"1 re .. f1 'V.".;1 73"'.r . Qual. work-Reas. ,.... painting. Rea/c:omm1._ & t.auriory Serv. t<eren, ... 2-5"78 HANGING/STRIPPING Cal a Daiy Pilot AD· VISOR 642-5678 Ju11 ce.11842-5678. · " • ~ Fr" .. 1. Tom 831-5072 536-99571~ 540-2818/880-0892 ~ • v Vlaa·MC Scott 845-11325 Sell Idle Item• (pr rour old aofa DOLLAR DA y.c ilUUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One Item LINES per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no resl estate or commercial ads. Cell today for full details. (~-rxtn Unee S1.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642~5678 '&!~'.J! .• ~.1.~~'!.l.~!f '!!!!f!..~~}f! ••• .1.4.f'! l!1/~.~'.l!~!~!.~!f .t.•IHffllt/•lt/ ..... " WUTlll mHTIYl 11m1 Comm'I or bual. office ,.,,..,,, Profeulonal m•I• IRVINE. Phone enewer· w/phone & 700 IQ It of £nl I f•ul 1111 Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Mart<et Place 25-35, non·emolci'er to Ing, cont. rm, utll pd, yerd In C.M. on Pia· •••••••••••••••••••••• •.hare "llke-ne,-," 2 actry Mrv• etc. Al•o centle . $250/mo . £nt ti l•.U IJOI Bdrm .• 2 bath SAi) Juan d••k 1pece. $150/up. 848-3332 •••••••••••••••••••••• Captalreno condo, Are-640-9745 Retell atore at 2850 1100 IEWUI '--~!!!!~~~~~-~~---~~~-:-':"';:!r:-:~====--"';"'!!-~-~-...-.~=~=71~~==----"-1.l;:,..:::----~4~-:='I pl-. pool, Jecvnl & 1817 W•tclltf, N.B. 258 Avon, 1885 sq. tt. plus Abyaelnlen. male, 5 mo, _j.,.,.,_.,,,, ~ air tru.Wtl ,.,.rt•t•h A~•••ll A,.rt•••tl •••••!•••••••••••••••• only mlnutH to th• to 4000 eq. ti. 11!. 8 c.r garage. 841-8777. 57th & Seathora. Weal -:Ttt•::............... ···········~······· U.11/11111i1llttl u.1.,.1.1111 ll•l•1•lll1H L.aounl 9eech Motor Inn ~·.•,ebhor ... SD3aOnO~mPoonltnht lloof. Aoen' 541-5032 "-•• ,, .. ,,, Newport. 63l-5323 ~ ••• ••••~.' •..• /.~ff ••• • •••• ••• • • •• • • •• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 885 N. Pacfflc Cit Hwy. n .,. .. .. !.!!!'!!~~ ..... 1.~f? Furn 2er, ept •tepa 10 f!!!~.!!~ ...... 1!.~f f!!!~.!f!!~ ...... 1!.~ft !'!!r.!!.~!.t./H.f t-:k,~t'K1~cchhen D1~!Y( ~~1~ ~.,~.,~he ar1~~':1· *MITI IULI* ••• ~!!!!!! ••••••• !.~!f SCRAM-LETS VMTty, 1A blk to bctl. lrg ~h. great locatlon & 1 II. 2 II, I II, Low winter rate•. 831·2040 or (714 O.C. Alrpori .,.._Prof. 800 tq. tt. c:omm'I or otc 1 Br. garage 1825. In-White _,., view. Avail Newly decOf'. Ga• pd. CONDO epacioue 3 BA, 494-5294 4K-11768. environment, full Hr· IP-· Bak« & Brlstol. ANSWERS dry, no peta. 111. lalt. 11· 15·82 to 8· 15·83. encl gar dwa.hr poo1 me81iBllU 2 BA frpl dl.hwr lndry'I--------\'Ice, or no frllls. lndM· CM. S400 mo. 540-0888 ci.p. 873-11327. 875-t693 bbg. AdUlta, no pats' · • .hook.up, '3 carporll, Pool. epa, bae*lbay Npt, llJ ........ dual olflcH or dHk •-I ~-• Afraid • Er ... • Surf view 20 •• • to 842-5073 &PllTWm pool, PM patio. 1785. Chrl•ll•n M•I• pref. Contect lergHt Gey IPIC9. 150 tq ft • 3500 .. 81UMI Utae • Turl!ey Winter rent I. 3 BR. 2 be. • ep t . Beautllully landtctped 851-9522. 851-1910 Male Female Mrvlce In aq fl. 1 MO. FREE. lntal 4500 CARRIER Wtrtnt. Avail 1118. $800. und, 2 Br, rnc.ty um Spec1ou1 2 Br. 1 Be. arden epta Pool & ~::..:.:.:;:::.:,~.,,..----1;--.;:--:=:-:::::-:;v::-;;;:-So Calif 540-8718 759-81178 •••••••••••••••••••••• Molher of 12 unruly 730-3777. 837·2813 dpbt. Melure, reep. only. $425. 3 Br. 1'..\ Bt. 3 • PatlOel~• No 2Br, 19e, 1576 mo. )'11y, 3 Br. houH, 2'n Be. · · · N.B. 31175 Birch. 1000 dllldren: "I don'I have • ,••• Av1ll Sept-June. 1475 Leundry taci P1 · · cerport opti drpe kitchen prlv., J•c,uul, Mele 35-45 I.hr 5br. 2b• A C eq. It. MIA ione. Agent etreu. I'm t u•t 8 ~!..~!!. •• OV. •• !.~ 1850/mo 831-0174 pool .. &48-9558 12-7PM: C~or ·~10-1415 open t>Ume 1'119 w'. ~.-~ •~913no.o L.agun1 hM nr S.C.Plaia/Frwy. CdM dlx eulte, I • 841·5032. CARRIER." .... Balboa. (213) 865 2542 NJgu... ... .,. 3fC Spa. $225+.hare ull,.. emple plcg, utll pd. 28515 r:::=,..-:--::-:-::=---::--:-::-~·1---.,.,.---,..---,,,..-"."."'-0cean view, beautlfUlty PINE BLUFF APTS 1 Bdrm. 1485-1470 • . 841-4913. E. Cit Hwy. 87S.fl900 1780 up. 2180 ft. lndU· LOii: Tri colOf' Paplllon turn. townhouM, frplc, THE 1 Br with loll & 2 Br 2 2250 Venguard STEPS TO BEACH Yearly 'A blk to bch. lrg etrlal • Office. 18101 "Tally" vie Leleure pool & petlo. 1895/mo. ee • Chlld ok on the 5-40-9820 or 842-4805 1 Br duplex. 1 room & ¥· Be, no fem. roommate wanted 2000 tq n office IPK9 Redondo circle #M & T World Ille. R-ltd. Ellt 073-08H Bl~ffs.pello.vi#.rt,trpto, k'• 2 I, 2: 8A2-e970 k81i,.t ~3n27en . 1325 . to ahere furn Oceen f0f'IM.C1·.avallnow. Huntington. Belch. 830•1125 ' GOOD ua .. . ..... Front winter rent.i. Lag 1 825 w. 111th St, Cot1• &42 2834 ---------C.t1 llnl 3114 ' encl gar., gH •love. 56l> • Plne Knot Motel 2 8r · 8ch Avail. 11115. 1325. MeH 845·8830, •H • • 1trHWI ''" ...................... dlahwaaher. ~. lndry 831 3/~W. W~'f.'1805 utll pd llte ,,;ngmni Room In prlv home, 1•240-7005 ell 8 PM Mre. Northrvp. hw,.lt'-Al"'t1 .................... .. STUNNING large t Br. rm. $600/mo. • or dutlel Avall for reduo-there tenl end utll. 1----------l---------Olllce /lnduetr l el COEDS -Would love to ~:..den~~~1~ ':. LIFE" N~M2CBdrm 2 b83 .. 1·8M1o0•7t l5fil"'~1 •• ~·kia.mi ed rent. 84M4-40 =~k84~~:ch. $250 v~~:~ot=al·= s~~~v~~ = 4,000-14.000 IQ It. All party with you. Cati sue ..... w tcllft 2B 2ba A/C Hvy Pwr and or Kathy anytime. lSth. St. YEA1t4'0UND FUN: urn pd. 822 Hamllton C:,do. 2a':uoa.' pool, Billll #•llll 4IOI ~'!:. t~o~:.c'roir!ot:, ~u11.',~f' S30S/mo. Lighting. >ont tor R&O 2131804-3233 llWPllf YILUll Socltl ActlvlllH St. ..'=-l:fl._._. nr ahopa a buaea ....... c............... yard. Non·tmok«. 1395 M • n d Io w r • t • • ·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Beeullful ahady apta, D 1 rector • Free $525/mo. 548-0477 •--=:.--=-a $650/mo. &42-0494 ~I •TEL rno Incl ulll. 551-4255 1111 IP&OI 7 2 0 • 0 8 2 1 . Ulll& I Ymf'S r•d!c:.•t~~~ :,~.:lo·s• ~~~~~ou!e~1·b~l~o~: Beau~,.~~~ apll. Quiet 2 br, gar,~tlo, ~~ ':"'::. ~·v;.e: evu e33-0450 deya =~~~!"~~'re:!~ •-p-~_.,-13-·-g,-~:--4'4-1_7=--S-t.-1-500-1 e:~g.wsro~~i~ tennll courU. YOlleyblll Pat11M•Pkll lndry rm, cer port, 811 Petloe/decX1. No petl. ~j, n~,!"~e'wp10,t! Phonee In room. 2274 Femele to •hr 2 1bd50rm, spece, copier. You e.f Incl. olflce. $450 OUTCALL 24 HRS court, rec room. Jr 1 rnuo.h more bit-Ina. Avell S.Ot. 2 children welcome Hewpoft Blvd. CM. 2 ba N.B. apt, 2 · aupply phone, & 195 Pf mo. 84fl· 1184 dye, MMHl b drm , I 4 3 0 . Ca II Q R I A T TSL Mgmt '42-1803 2 Bdrm. 2 Bathe '5as H e I &!, I 1 . I 5 2 5 • 848-7445 720-le4!5 tvee mo Pr d et k • C •II 845-9543 evea. i~~ii:~i;iiiiii~ 551-0075. fl IC A EAT I 0 N: 398 W. Wlleon 642"7 ' Prof Fe & Son to at\are 3 844-7211. 1---------1 T • n n Is • Fr•• 1325, utlUtlee Incl. Sm. 1 631-5583 or 842-4805 Ooeanlront ...... ,1y 1 Br E 1 C H 1 R E 1 bd .. ~ 1 NB w111 1---------I ,_ 'r-'/ •a::ifM bd. 1862 Newport Blvd, -~-... & 11--I pd ft ft ft ,..,.,,. n · · 2000 eq It w/500 eq tt .,,.,,,/ .. ml SUNNY'S Executllle .___ ...... LeAOn1 (pfo & pro CM 831-73~ "' Ii la Jllf """" g .... uH • $84 conlld« 1 child. Light 1torage, 0 .0. Atrpprt ll•••n Str .... Reductlon: -, •1,. ahop)•2 Heelth ••• ~ •• ! •• ! .....•..••• no pate, non-•mfk'J._ag1 /Wk c.hlld-c;ere. Over 30. •rea. 12000/ma. ••••••·~~··••••••••• Offioe..htrl-4Utc:ell •••••••••••••••••••••• Chlba•Sauna• Nr 18th/Pomona, 1 Br 1 OCEAN VIEW 1 br. 1 b•. prol. pereon pre · ~50. $350/mo. Lv Meu 851·81128 •-111 I ~1-4377 m&TI UYlll HY*omanage• Ba, upstalr1, DIW, ctr· $425 mo. 2 br, 2 ba, 875-3823 Relrfgeretor·M81d·Pool 7511·9135 ,.,.., t• BeeutlfUI parlt..flk• IUf'· Swlmmlnjl•Goll • pori, water pd, 1 Chlld S550 mo. no P•••· vi Sept 15/0ct 1, yrty Nwpt Blvd & WllllOtl so. LAGUNA. 3 Arch P-fr.!' .. '!l. 1011 roundlng1. Terraced Driving Henge OK, no pets $450. Agt., 7 1 4 • 8 5 5 • 1 1 2 1 0 , 11.-. 1, beach 2 BA 2 Coat• MeM &48-9755 M/F non-~kr tht CdM Bay. 2 Sult• avlll. Gd. ;:• •••b•1••• •1•1•2••0•0•0• * * * pool. Sunlfen gu bbq, •I Au TI FU L •no IN. 545-2000 551•2338. aa-:-·1750 mo. Cell '°' · home w/ltralgtlt M. PYI Hwy Vlllblllty. 497-2351 :~:~·~u~~-Should lfl • Parl ~~g'=':!:: ~rn"g~!:'.'~!•2 1 Bd. 1 ea duplex. utu •••"-,.. ~·· 111r.-o124 .. t°' BE AC H ARE A ::C.~ 8~~-::1mo· utll• ...,.,. ..... ....ly ,.,um 1100.000 o!•n•nr.. de~r • rate dining •ea. Walk· Bectrooms•Fumllhed paid. ~7~~67~~:,.~o J.«J 3141 ate fH/wk M/F ""tum. 2 br, 2 be. Oflloa IUlte O\ler1ooltlno /~~t~ ::r .~t:; 7 days a week In CIOMtl, .home Ilk• & Unfurni•h•d•No move . ' .•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BR, 313 33rd St., 2 "°"' T la, poot S333 Incl Newport Harbor. L••t "4 81 1 Jacuul, Seuna. Localt kitchen & cabinet•. P•ta•Model• Open Huoe 3 bdrm, 3 ba. prtv Deluxe pootlllde xtre lar· blk• to bch, 1450. mo. ""'1giiretor·Mald·Pool enn Me-5447 NB · apace avell•ble. -">f".ox 1 __ • __ 1_,·----,,..-1 .. well H ' Tourlate. Walk to Huntlng1on dilly 9 to 8. petlo. No pet1. 1800 ge 2bt, 2 be, bltn1, Sierra Mgmt. 84i·1324 Nwpl Blvd & Wiiton utlla. ' ' 1 • 0 0 0 I q I · Own hell lntereal In CM BenkAmerlcard, Am«· Cent•. llkWOOd mo. 851-2175 d1whr. Hi mllel beech. Lge 3 Br. 2 Ba. trplc. Coal• M... 548-9755 RMMTE needed, Belboa 714-845-7100 .home. Minimum down, lean Expreu, Olnert. NA 2 Jcs~;:!~~Jc,5 • _ _.__ STUNNING lerge 1 Br. No P•t•. UOO/mo. gar, beach 2 bike, No 't'H rly on the bHch, :::-. h8°7~·1!:.>° mo, + ltPll l&lllllt •plh:.• t~ ·~<:> .• ~~ZN ;f,2°':,~4~5c~433· 2 Bdrm-Townhouea --Garden Apt, pool & rec 536-8382 pet1. $800/yeerly . hotel room, kitchenette Exec. Suite• Incl. G • r y D 9 R 0 b b 1 0 --------- furn. AJ1fti11... area. 710 w. 181.h. St. f Br, 3 bike to beech. &45-1882 & ehower, 1280/mo. Female 25·20 BVllneee recept .. Hc'y Htva, 714~1•12oe. Relu11ng · mHHge by ; from 1875 ..,.... ..... ,... * 2Br. lBa. Neer So. c . 1330/mo Inc. utll. No Neer N9wpor1 pier, 2 Br plu1 MC. depoflt. 2308 man with large hOUM nr oonf. rm.. kit., mell tenn 1 prot from La· No pell. Utllltlal t,..I 880 Irvine Plan, S.A. Luxury pata. 83&-8841 1 Ba upper unit. S800 W. Oceanfront, 'lWport Airport. Wiii ehare With hand19. ~ to #Ulf,,..' ftal gune Beactl. Wtyrte Of LA QUINTA HERMOSA (at 16th) Condo. w/pool. 1575. 2 br. 1'A b• twnhH, yrty. Avail. now. Beactl. 81~15"4. WOfilll'IQ gk1 age 25-30. your bualn•H nMdt. .... 'I ''" St-~ appt. 10-9PM . 18211 p~ Ln, 1 (714) *1104 No pets. 833-8974. $415 + 1375 ci:c· Nr J.R. PROPERTY Pine Knot Motel on $300 t54.7e.s& ~ndJiv.40~t:.~ J~,~~: ••••u•umu••••• 548-281 1 W of ., _ __.. 3 ...... S -... ..... ,... E.llde klwu~ In 1 pine Beach Blvd 81 eFed-MA8N7A,,_G.,E1M73ENT Cout Hwy. NB. St• S h .......... from 1325• 983-8445. t . Dencere1 for Bac:p hellM/ · ._.,, ...... · ---700• 8 S 1 Rel D/W Incl. den. Quiet older pereon ....., to C>Cleln. Wkly rete1. hr tum M on .... .,.,.. ........ , le .... Bech• arene art ee: ~ of Edlnger ... &47-5441. ~0o1 ...., 1atth16tth.) t::'2 Ba. ~.:25. Av811. pref. No pete. 903-4894 ~ Block to beach, 2Br. IMS-0440 ..... utll pd. non-.mkr, NEWPORT EXEC SUITES 8peci1lfzlng In• 11t . & 738-1838 or 551-a&S1 t.... •---&. n,... ...., ~ S •11111 10·1. 495·8583, Full Ml'Vlce, reuon1ble 2nd ' ::71!-!f.~4! •••••• ~ 71.4)642•5 113 11115 . Mg r Rick 2 er. 1 Ba. upstel(a, 1 brlghl&alry. 700mo .... , ... H 4J1J 673•8238 relit. X lnt to e. "CAPEZIOMASSAGE• • lUJI"'" atlldlo. "" HBO. 8 3 1 • 6 7 4 1 0 r M I F Child ok. no pet•. Wiier yrty, 988-8283 ..................... 'J 752-8408 TD'• llnce 1949 ,20 mln.-125. By AOot. ~ nOn. maid 213/592-2845 l>lld, MOO. Agent, no ,,. a-.ll #N PYt roome. l.ovtno ceta, Chrla11an fern mwnate 10 Robt. Settler NH/CM 10-9PM. 54&-0401 ' 1 r130 •• 4~5 ..,._ • lBr. encloMd patio. u1H tM. 548-• •••H••••••••••••""•~T bll. dlet1, rwal-. 24 atv 1Um 2 BR apt. HB Scaling Down? O.C. :.i.2~7<t" 8d ~~ U~ M wlll Ylelt ,.. ___ ,, Included. 14 to mo •• ..,..,, L-i "'' _, • tm • hr. oere. 5et-7to7 or ., .. 964-1248 AM• lfanch? Offtce et ,_. 1--------1 Ion F. l.Mve meta. llfwwf ..... ffft~.__ 857-4829 hom e , .. -,-;ir.;;.":::r ......... 1ft Sen ~tel Nw 73l·12A7 J a. gency Center, E•eo WIDOW HAS IH tor 95 J. Tuck• •• · • ..-;; ........ ._.:.-.':f ~ 842-0350 wort!. NO FEEi Apt. & CondO NEW 2 8dnn. apt. with rwtJM !a.Mlf f .. ~~ rb:· to :.:. !~~=I.. l~...,N~ewpott n~ TD'1 RE Loent, 10K Up. -..---.---....,...--- OCEAN,.,.ONT Dix 2-4 ...................... rentalt VIII• Rent• bullt-lne, cerpet1n11, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1278 mo. 5.a15.9995, :':1 ' ·~1-L .. .... n. No Cred" Check, No la•'-t If. By _. °' tnOl'lttl ...... hJMll ,,,, Spaclout 2Br ept, PYI 87M912 Blollet.' f..-.I! IEACHFAONT WINTER .. •• • ...,..., .... Pen11ty. D.tnnleon & •• x;~:;::••••••••••• 873-7873 •••••••••••••••••••••• Piiio. blllne. Encl far. drapea, ooflatundl'Y..,.,.-,7' RENTAl.8 Npt 8ctl Oct 876-4340 Mo/Mo or lee. 1 mo. Auoo. 873-7311 JeM rraw 1111 2&3 Bdrm wlnt• rent• 2 BR 1 Be. no pet.a, yrty, C 0 n g r • • • A P • · under r ciar,, ...... ·• or, 10 M-. 2 eA, or 3 BA, Fem rmete In 20'• to lhr free wtO mo. IN, 2 mo 1---------1 :-•,••••••••••••••••••t; · on Newport Perlin. '828 ~AJ..'t.1• <**. MOO. 842·1875. !0j~:•·,P~~1f ~!:i'J newiy remodeled. 2Br dtt11, 1225 + utlt. ,,.. wit yr. w-997e 1:1nfed~"p:1~':i~ ~ D,~:!:1~~·~.d~P!~~~ •• •up. Agt, 876-1842. E. Sid• 2 br, 1 b•, • right behind propeny, 714-84+2484. Sheri 1·2et5 Executive Suite • H.B. 84a-1827 ltv•·ln Job oerlng for • ...... t_ .._tll 1· 2 ... 8eyfl'ont. 3 bdrm, 2 be. downatre, lndry, no COUNTRY c•ut Liu· w1lklng dlateno• t o 1 Br • .._.. 4 ....... Share ranl wntl CPA en etd9l"Y °' 111. Loo ref. 1 "'".., ,.._, • • i.. lo New q>t " •• S t a t • P a r k a · ..._,.. ' acr.,.. -"~ •-"-' ~-Attorney. Sec Xera11. ~Ing 1150 Cl de wet. ~Ptay9~ = •1~ = ~. . ~~~·~~~~~-A E. IN NEW~ B!AOH bMOf) ... clOM to ~ 0" ..... t.~r.0: th• ~ • ..,..!ff •••• m'!? ~Av.II. M1..ellt ............ ,,/ &42·3912 • I 813-1900 87&-7oot; 875-&405 1450. 2 Br. retrtg. patio, A 10111 anvlronment ttllngl U 75/month. :1·~. /wk, ......... Ow purpoee at our Ml ,_JIHll/ llM ,.,,.., CllPOf'1 Adttl pf.'9f no epertment ciommunlty A11e1rabl• October 1, From 1 room to 3 a.vice NewocM1 Cenw ,,.,, ' 1--' ~.!~!'f ....... n ~~i:,AL1 -._18_,.. 1117 pell '124.9 JamH. on the Upper eey. l'n. r'no~':°Calleduft~~ L:,:c;1~.~.,""~\: rooma. From St.18 1 Eweauuve Sutt• t• to~·;;;;;;···;,;;; ATTnDMrV ·' Bdr m 'w inter S4i8 ... :.m:n:r .......... 873-7181 11•1• cilubhou•• end (714) 842-0131 eiceo t'tm r -... fur eq. ft. No ..... nlQUlr• NrW n.-end .oetlnQ ...................... Ul\11LI , Y-ly '875. 3~ w. 2 ~ ... 2 bl newt dObl. •1 8'. Triplex • S376. tleelth •P•· • tennis . s1001w11.' .52:211a ;; ed. Adj, Alrporlet· Inn. ()&Mii 111111 """" • MIY ,.....,, ~lttM r=.· OOelnfront. 87 ·1871. yrty. Mature non-emicre, ... ~ A .. , ...... --int, no court•. 1 Po019, clOM to 1 Br, pvt clwc*, Old wortd ewe t7Mll11 ~1!2 .. 2~2'" . Call AM. ~ etlff. Tiiie la entry leWI boeltlon. J ~ no pee., t1llO x 3 ,_.,. -,....~ .. .,.. , t>u1lnen. airport, l'a• ctierm, •P•etecular ...,,.... ~ ~ In prtttt.-fftllM\ ADS et.net. Poti_t1119L .->~ 2 1 3 I 7 •• -4 1 II 8 • p 11" el'llOn ltland, conwntent OOMl'I w. w9lk to beeCtl HUI llmT -Airport ere1 • Ekeo. OIOU• and bHutlful uunu S.turday 1n-. no lltMfr ... /tlMft 287-9712 2 2 8 2 I e o t n 111•• e.hopt on elte. Untur• 1495. ~tact Mer et (Monter.y Country Cfub) Sutt ... From 225--480 1urravndl"9I •Ith In· IDr rDrr W . 11th It .. Ooete 2 end 3 bdrm. Ldry Of (714) t?WtM MS..9494 nteMd beO!*ore. 1 & t apt C. 332 l1'0lnO Ln. , br, I be, fUm.. w/ eq, tt. S1 I* eq. ft dlllldUll omc.. Mo/Mo. ~ fl\U. M e e • • 1 O • ~ ,. oer .. ,.,...,.... "80 iiMi ...,. 1 11r ut .. pd 417 Large 2 Bl. 1 ea. with ~ IPt• Ind town-~II ""9hW frptc. oou, teMI• & M•ni •tru . Cell ll'!'f' "'°' 144-7tlt. 11._.....MIO :; up...,...., M0-4114 e-.., .e.o. Mo 'pet• rf.m,· cttw. lndry rm, l640 . •1000 • ,,_,__ _.. ~.Delly,., 1 MM 10 1 mTa ma Cal: Auto DNlllrlo ,., Hr,._. to tend. MOO MT·ftM e:~i;:· A.Yell l ·l . S.V.91 ~and t ...... -;-:;n;o ..... Tr.:T =ttl~~·-~I lHCut~, o~ ~ 200 eQ. ft. to MOO aq, '1Wa'e OetlillnO It,.,... mo. 1rty, a11111 now. 3 ..., a .., "'*""· .1aca. 9dfm unite ,._,,. fine llA-' oomer Git 40l1. _,, ,_ ft '°'~~ eq. n.,& up. Ml .. l1 tllrtnt oomf!!Mt -.=: e7M 10 ~ w ¥1ew, SIOIO, no 1 Beto ::::m: 'fo:.• c1ee1gnet tumHvr1 Ind -• aaa ._,.,, 19 .._..._ HIRCW 11\td.. TIM O¥W Ot11 "Mioma, Corp,''!~!!!!!~~~~~! ,..._...... .,...__ P••• 2131737·7272 • • • ICetHorlee. Move In ....... n;e ••• 1,1.-.mT. ... u.TI' ._. 1900 91:"· 11 IOt t7M100 ~ 1; llltO ctetlllftl, ._., • 3~~·~i.:! _,..·7M/fn.OSM. Qlt. No'*'· 942-4470, today or r•Mr¥e for New 112 Ddl'm. lwl"'Y M1' tllw my LC.M. lwe, ft. c:.11111:!!11 t::::;j LOet DlamOnd Hemllton enc• prelerr•fr• 10 witer. 1..;..Jufle. ~ il.J., .Bft2 IA, 1 BA. t\'OIO, pool, eummer montlle . 1p11 In 14 P.l•M. 1 tutn/unrurn, l1undr/s itounteln vlit;y Office fl.rJA•/11f1'1 , 1J.ff W1toti, YIO Ne!. Hunt·r-"l1-41Ciiiooliiiijij::;:; • 1 t 1 1 m 0 . "•,.. mim.m ...... rr.r. oat. •3t8-A w . .._.,. ~ ~ mo6-ldrm from *"'; I ...,_ IMO/mo. ...._,. .,... HOO "'" .. •• ....... ,.. ~~lotl. "••.,di 1 1111 di I I 3= it!= a O I 1 , &.~ ,.,, bid! -'• 2 No t,~u. Ctllld Ok .... oP9I' _.... ~~o:.:•..:o J;;;-* to .... I tot 1' ft. CloOd ~ ••• ... 1Jip1r lfl VW I ,.,._ CJ..,._ 1111 .,.... ':\ ecnn.. seae mo, 146-S4t8. .'?!!.. Ni'1JembOIW ... M ~ + poo91, tlMlt..i. ....,.. ~ ,.:•.:.:=·-= ~~110~=· • ...., .._ .. --. TOOie ,.. ,, vtlle pd, I 11 mo, IM 1 llA. otd '*-_, ...,, falle, ~I u• fer .._. -~tla Otll Nt .. ttt T°' 91119 -I ...._.! I Jet 8'1a. 1 _c.lliiiillli1iiti1llfiiiiii~ You .. ., need • ""' '° ln-1111. no .... cHld Ok. Ai 11M oootllnl I .... .... ..... ·-......... ,.,, Ii I ... omo ....... I ""'· ... -.,. "*-,_. .. "'*'-10U ~ 1 ldrift e1upt1ot Ult pct. 411 11M1Mon, ~ ._, D1eaO ...,., 0.... 'MM1N1r to 111Doet 400-eoo PUii 1400 eQ. Oii MIL"'°"' 1 _... I. lieu. ....... -..... .._ lft ell lfl .. Dl8J ,.. P111t & OOMn. Utl MM . ....,.ti 1 bf,.,_..,"""' Md *1¥9 Nonft on leeatl 10 '°' a llf CM --. '°' ft. ,..,..,_ ~........ .A. .. UON MAL.TtM C •II t 4t·I117 , Md I: ·---"°'w.nt~Oll,... ,_-, ''Pl•, 11•t10. t111e '°"*"'"'to pertctng. S400 011 MOflddln to .._..... 0ot~1. Up to 111S-. IUl19 '*""'I. ,.._ ...... ,~•111 l•I ..... or O.M. ,._ M 0.., • /MMf71, "'""'*' M>-1f'1 ClllllfleCIJldlliolt .... 176-0811 llfl I . V-.. (114 ..... ,.., ~ Ml-lrtl 111-i°OOll . ••-.. Ollpt, 0..... Hlfr, OcN . , • , ' s= Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, 8ept91n~ 1, 1 2 a_, , • • 1.Jd Hll •••••..•.............. IEE IS IOI' IM largest aod bell Ml.cllon ol n-and UMd Bulckl In Orange I Coun~ 1odeyl ~ COMM Ell CHEVROLET ..... ,., I I . • I ,... ' \ \f ~ ;u .. 1200 • ~ YDll HDllTDWI llllY PIPll TL•l S l >AY . S l:f'JEMDlH I l'IUI 0 A ANG f C 0 ll N T Y . C A LI f 0 H NI A I'> CE N T S Polish i ·er;rorists list derllands BERN, Switr.erllnd (AP) - Working againat a Wednesday . morning deadline \oday 'VOn the releaae of two more women hoetagea and opened face-to-face negotiations with the armed raiders. A. nisht approached, police surrounding the embassy moved their roadblocks further back from the compound, raising apet:ulation of an armed assault on the building. Swtaa police believe nine hoetages are being held by the ·Floating '-co rps~ spptted A swimmer in Laguna Beach told lifeguards he spotted the body of a man floating near Bird Rock late Saturday, but a searcli of the area failed to tum up a drowning victim. Laguna Beach Marine Safety Director Bruce Baird said the swimmer, who was not identified, spotted the body of a young man garbed in red trimks out beyond Bird Rock at about 3:30 p.m. Saturday. The witness said he attempted to pull the body onto the rocks, bu t was unable to do so. He swam ashore and accompanied a lifeguard on a paddleboard to the rock. When both men were unable to locate the body. lifeguards equiJ1l>e d with snorkels and masks arrived, as did the city's scuba team. Baird said he caJled off the search at dusk because of a heavy su rge and low underwater vi.si bili t y. Police said 'they believe the victim may have been a Marine, but no one has been reported missing to date. "It's a big ocean out there, and w e'll have to wait until he washes up," Baird said. Heritage Park likely out as Olympics site group th~t took over the embllasy ~oRday, claiming to have enou. h dynamite to blow up the bui ding. Ulrich Hubacher, spokesman for Swlaa federal police, has refused to rule out a pollce attack on the embassy. -Hubacher said the terrorists have not backed off their demands that martial law be lifted and all political prisoners freed in their homeland. A Vienna newspaper quoted their leader as saying his men were "a I . / '. .... ' ; kind of kamikaze troop." "It's ROSSlble they wUJ carry out their threat" to blow up the embassy, said Hubacher. The terrorists have set a deadline of 10 a .m . Wednesday ( 1 a.m . PDT). In Warsaw, the Foreign Ministry gave Its formal permission for Swiss police to enter the e mbassy, which normally has extraterritorial status, but also stressed the need to protect the hostages. · About 40 policemen wer~ guarding the approaches to the embauy, Including two dozen special forcee members wearlng blue fatigues and black berets and armed with submachine guns. More" officers were believed hiding wlthl-n ttle embaaly compound. London's Standard newspaper reported that the Bfitish army's Special Air Service commando squad was sending men to Bern to "advise the Swiss police on how to set up listening devices and try to install a minuscule Hunting ton Beach was one of the most popular spots for beach visitors over the weekend as 60,000 people flocked to the sands on both Saturday a nd Sunday. The holiday turnout was reported "above average." I fl.sheye camera in the building to watch the gunmen." · 'I'he terrorists, who call th~maelvea "The Polish Revolutionary Home Army," are holding eight junior Polish diplomatic personnel and a Pollah national who was visiting the embassy when It was seized. Hubacher said. Their leader, who gave his name only as Col. Wysocki, has said that if the demands are not met, he and his ''anti-communist paramllltary squad" will blow D.., Plot Steff '91oto Holiday beach crowds; 'above average' up the ~mbaasy with 65 pounda of dynamite they claim to possess. At firat, Hubacher aaid there were 14 hostages, but later reported there were only 12, including three women who were released. The Pollah news agency said ln Waraaw, however, that there still were 10 hostages in the embassy. Aft.er Intensive negotiations by telephone, Hubacher said, police sent a negotiator into the compound . Roushan eyes rock • creation By JODI CADENHEAD 0( the Delt1 Not ltaft Sculptor Ali Roushan, free today aft.er spending five days in jail for building a 60-foot-hlgh steel sculpture against court orders, Is already planning a -EOck eestle-to-surround his--- welding shop. Roushan, who left jail Sat- urday, said he will visit parks in the area to ge• some ideas for the rock creation. The new work won't be any higher than 25 feet, said the welder. Life behind bars wasn't that bad, said the 39-year-old Costa Mesa resident, whose three towering steel sculptures outside his shop at 1550 Superior Ave., have vexed city officials for two years and landed him in court many times. Roushan, who was housed in the Orange County Jail's medical section along with others sentenced for civil offenses, shared his ceH with a 24-year-old lovesick man who refused to stop visiting a former girlfrlf?nd on court order. Thie food was bland 1 ·complained Rouahan, who addea he was a hero1 of sorts. Cloudy, windy weather caused drew 60,000 people on both · days. At Newport Beach, about National Weather Service "Mrybody was nice in jail," attendance along Orange Coast Satyrday and Sunday, thanks in 120,000 swarmed to the sanm on forecasters said ·slightly cooler said Roushan. "A lot of people beaches to dip Monday, but part to the Pro Surfing Sunday, with slightly smaller andcloudierweatherwillprevail knewwholwp.Theywereall waterfront officials said the Championship adjacent to City crowds on Saturday and along the Orange Coast through for it." turnouts for the last holiday Pier, dropped to about 30,000 on Monday. Wednesday, with h I g h . He has not enjoye1i such weekend of the summer were Monday. At Laguna Beach, lifeguards temperatures i~ the mid-70s popularity elsewhere, however. above average for the three-day Huntington state beaches reported 38,000 people on along the beache$, and in the His wife Mary left him five period. reported about 60 ,000 in Saturday, 28,000 on Sunday and mld-80s .in inland 9range months ago aft.er Roushan's life By GLENN SCOTI' or tt1e o.11r ..... ,..,. · Irvine's prestigious Heritage Park Aquatics Complex probably will not be used for workouts by athletes in the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Huntington City Beach, which attendance each of the three light crowds on Labor Day. County. was threatened and the couple t----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' lost their house to pay for mounting legal bills. City officials had contacted ·-directors of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee proposing that their spacious complex would be a fitting place for swimmers and divers to practice before their contests. Death ends career of NB1's Dick Lane "She keeps saying that I've wasted my life and sacrificed for somethin~ that won't get me anything,' said Roushan. "But I keep telling her that I have to know if there ls a constitution." Roushan has unsuccessfully appealed to the California Supreme Court in an Orange County Superior Court judge's d e<:ision ordering him not to build any more struct ures without permits. I City Manager William Woollett Jr., in fact, hosted Sporta Director Richard J . Sargent on a trip to the three- pool complex to famillarlz.e him with the surroundings. But city officials were notified recently that Irvine isn't likely to be choeen as a practice Bite. The reason: It's too long a commute from Los Angel.ea. "In our search for aquatic training sit.es, we are looking for facilities that are close to the Olympic Villages and that lend themselves best to dally commuting," Sports Administrator Katy Wright wrote to the city. "On the surface lt does not (See HERITAGE, Page A%) COUNTY By STEVE MARBLE or .... o.., Not ...,, Private services will be held this week for television pioneer and per90nality Dick Lane. who died Sunday at his Lido Isle-- home in Newport Beach. He was 83. Lane, who got his start i~ vaudeville and appeared in hundreds of movies, was best known for his exuberant, fast- paced broadcasts of wrestling matches and roller derby games, punctuating bis commentary with phrases like "Whoa. Nellie." He got his television start in Southern California by doing used-car ads, fr equently slamming, denting and even breaking the heaps h e was selling . In one ad , Lane reportedly kicked a car fender while he was talking and the Viejo thrift shop booming A thrift shop that never shows a profit is doing a booming business in Mission Viejo. Page Bl. WORLD , Riviera attracts the masses The Riviera, once a playground for the rich, la a mecca for the manes under France's socialistic government. Page A4. BUSINESS "Losing die battle of the budsel Men and more people are enaaaina in economic brtnbnanahip with their family bUdpia, and loetna. PaaeB4. fender promptly rattled to the ground. Lane was born in 1899 at Rice Lake, Wis., and grew up on a farm. As a teenager he toured ""E urope with a circus. H;a specialty. was hanging by his. teeth from a moving bar at the top of the tent. He appeared in 256 movies, the latest being "Kansas City Bomber" -a roller derby Cilm starring Raquel Welch. -Robber locks 3 in closet Police are continuing to search for a. knife-wielding robber who herded three employees of a Huntington Beach faat food resaurant into a rear cloeet and took about $500 from the business'• safe. Lane moved to California in 1936 and began broadcasting baseball, horse racing and automobile racing. He turned to wresUing matches lat.er, helping bring fame to such wrestlers as Gorgeous George and Don Red Berry. ~ He brought, an intensity to the dullest of matches, calling the (See LANE, Page AZ) o.ltr ,.._. '91oto by P At surprise birthday party that turned out Officers aaid the bandit, who wore a b&ndana over b1a flilCe, entered Del Taco, 5856 Warner Ave., at about 12:05 a .m . Monday and held a knife to the throat of one. to b e his last, Dick Lane shares his cake with wife Esther at a Newport Beach resta~rant. NATION By Tbe Al1otlated Pre11 President Reagan returned to Waahington, D.C. alter a 17-day California vacation today to preeent the nation's highest civilian award to Ambassador Philip C. Habib for "truly heroic work" toward peace. INDEX At Your Service Fnna Bombeck Buaine9I Cavalcade A4 B2 \ 84-5 82 Hol'08COpe B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies B7 Public Notices C4 Claaaified C5~8 Sports Cl-3 TELEVISION 'Taxi' star in high gear It's been an unusual year for the star of televiston1s 0 Taxi,'' Danny DeVlto. He tella why on Page B8. Anse , 'Do"6en gain pound The California Ancell and la Anplea Dodaeri ~-·=-each moved cloeer to om place with v1ctor1e1 owr the White Sox and the Rede relJ*llW)y. P.p Cl. ' ; ComJca B6 Dr. Steincrohn Death Notices C6 Stock Marketa Stan Delaplane B2 . Television F.ditorial A6 Theaters Entertainment 87 Weather BERK.ELEY (AP) -David S. Saxon, president of the Uniwnity of California sy8tem since 187&, will re9lgn and return to tachlna phyaias, 9Chool olfldall aMOunced today. Saxon, 62, will retire at the end of thil ac9demk: year, on July 1, aaid a 1poketwoman for the nlne-campua unlvel"lity. ' I B2 B5 BB . 87 A2 \ Orang• Cbalt DAILV PILOT/Tuud1y, hptembfw 7, 1912 Death Valley too hot for run Vegas 'bullet' -County hrothen 1urrender to sun after 10 hours .,aul J acobs C. Huntlnl\On Beach runner Dean Jacobi and hia brother c hall1n1ed tho 1lulin 1 tom.,.rature1 of Death Valley over the Labor Dey w~kehd. Death Valley won. ~b1, 29.1. and hi• brothor, Pa 2~. ot \,;yprea1, planned to run frem Bad Water in Death Vall y to -Mt. Whitney -the low t point ln California at 282 feet below sea level, to the highest peak in the state, 14,496 feet. · They had hoped to cover the 146·mllo journ y In 60 houna. eut they didn't make lt out of Death Valley. "Man, that heat waa 10mething else. We picked one of the hotlelt weekondt of the year, "Whep we got up at S a.m. Saturday, lt waa 103 degrees. "It got up to 122 degreea in the ahade and I gueu lt wu 130 to 140 degrees in tht-sun," Jacobs aaid. But even In the heat, they traveled 53 miles in 10 hours. "We learned a lot and It wasn't a total loll. Wo plan to try apin ln October lt the 1now and bad weather hold oft." Jacobi laid it WN IO hot that the two NMena couldn't pertplre even though they drank a aaUon ot water an hour. "All the molature eeemed to be golna to the core of our bodJe.." Jacobi said he loat U pound.I and had leg cramps. H!a brother 1uffered injuries when his fetn awelled In the treat. "But we're in peak condition. We'll be going back." Dean Jacobs low cost LAS VEGAS (AP) -Laa Vegas offlclal1 aay a propoeed high-speed traln betweeh Lat Veg .. and L()fJ A.ngelet may be leas expenaive to build than originally anticipated. Jo • fllal Island . .. Laguna may reject city land purchase A $270,000 fe.1asibUity 1tudy won't be completed for &wo months but Mlke Daly, city eco nomic development coordinator, SllYS the project will probably cost less than a proposed Los Angeles-San Otego train. · Daly says the big factor la th.at the Las Vegas route would be acquiring barren Mqjave Deeert fo~ right-of-way while the San Diego train would cut through heavily deve~oped oceanfront property and would pass through 17 cities. ~oman raped l,y intruder r<ti A 30-year-otd Balboa Island .ifOman was robbed and then cPped in her. home by a male Wlllruder who police believe .eawled 'through an open .a'tdndow during the pre-dawn hOurs Sunday .. Laguna Beach City Council members will be asked tonight to reject a developer's bid to purchase 62 acres of city land, with city officlals contendfn& the firm's offer is $2 milli9n leu than a previous agreement. City Manager Ken Frank said s~veral developers have expressed interest in the land purchase fn Sy~ore Hilla, but have refrained frorn ~ proposals while an. offer from ' . liaywoo<l Development Company of· Newport Beach is still In the workB. • Fr&Ak will suggest at the 6 p.m. council meeting, that the offer from Baywood be rejected in order for the city to negotiate a sale with others interested in developing-the area on El Toro .Road near Leisl.ire World. At one time, Baywood had offered $5.4 million for the parcel, pa~t of the larger 522-acre Sycamor'9 Hill• property in the canyon purch.aaed by the city in 1978. Tbe money waa to have been applied toward paying off a nearly $7 million mortgage owed by the city to former owners of the property. But tha\ deal fell through when Baywood falle<J to eome up with an option payment and the city sent letters out to more than 100 developers eeeklng a buyer} Ba~wood was the only com~ny to respond and, this time ~. offered about $2 milllon lem for the land. But Frank said other firms-are interested in p~hasina the land anq are hindered by Baywood's continued ~Uation.1. _ · He said that by rejecting Baywood'1 offer, the city will be in a better pceition to negotiate a better price (.or the land: The attacker, wearing 'Bermuda shorts and described as ~ing in his 30s, took $220 in lash. The woman told officers she from her house when the went to her kitchen. Police Huntington to mull redevelopment areas Engineers origir}ally thought the. Las Vegas train would have to be elevated, but now say. the system could likely be built Qll the ground, rather than 25 feet in the air. Officials say that could mean a savings of hundreds of millions of dollars on the project. Experts say-the Las Vegas-Loe Angeles route, 250 miles acro88 desert and mountains, could <Xl6t less than the $2 billion projected for the 130-mile San Diego train. · d the woman was afraid that e attacker had gone to get a ·fe. The incident is the third ported sex attack in Newport each in two weeks and the nd on Balboa Island. In each se, the assailant has broken ro his victim's place of idence. Huntington Beach City Council members will consider action tonight to declare three areas of the city to be legally eligible for redevelopment. The three are designated u the Main Street-Pier, Talbert- Beac h and Yorktown-Lake redevelopment areas. Official.a say their designation as offlci-1 redevelopment projects would enable the city to work with property owners in developing programs to stimulate new development. Tonight's council meeting begins at 7:30 in City Council chambers at the Civic Center, 2000 Main St. Expected to be the .most controversial area under consideration la the vicinity of the pier, especially alons Main Street, which has been plagued, according to officials, by deteriorating buildinas, oil blight and poor municipal lacillties. Some reside n ts have expre,se d f~ar that redevelopment will pave the way for 12-story buildings. 0 f f i c i a·1 a s a y t ha t redevelopment plans have been endoraed by the Huf\lington Beach Chamber of Commerce and the city's industrial ooihmittee. The Planning Commission also has voted to 1upport all three redevelopment project ~as. ERITAGE .. Actresses stable after crash Valley Wt1ighs improvement Officials say five potential corridors are being considered, including one along Interstate 15 and another making use of existing Union Pacific Railroad tracks. A third route would follow the power lines stretching from Hoover Dam to Los Angeles. Still to be decided is where th~ train would enter Loe Angeles and where it would stop. -_.,-. .... ~~ Page A 1 pear as_ though Heritage Park . well situated for a daily mmute from the Los Angeles a," she added. The Olympic aquatics events e scheduled to be staged at ew facilities constructed at the nivers it y of Southern · omia. Other Olympic-sized pools (50 eters) in Southern California e in the City of Industry, elmont Shore, Cerritos and ission Viejo .. Irvine's complex, however, oes attrac t its share of ntern ational teams. The ustralian women's water polo worked out~ sununer in · anti even stf.rlinmaged the .S. team prior to leaving for ternational competition in uador. Aquatics Supervisor Carole ong said the Japanese men's ater pao team has reserved e of the pools to practice next onth before journeying to _uba for more competition. --= SAN FB4NCISCO (AP) - Actre11 Janet Gaynor was breathing through a respirator today to allow her bro~ ant. to heal and Broadway star .. Mary Martin was expecteq to walk only· painfully after the auto accident that killed Martin's longtime companion. Pdeanwhile, the driver of the taxi that was carrying the two actresses said the van that rammed the cab broadside Sunday night came through the intersection "like a bat out of you-know-what.'' Police said the van driver, Richard Cato, 36, of San Francisco, was booked for investigation of drunk anci reckless driving, investigation of vehicular mans)a ugh ter, investigation of drunk driving, speeding and running a red light. Gaynor, the 75-year-old screen veteran whose work in three silent films earned her the first Oscar for best actress, underwent four houn of surgery Monday. Afterward, her vital signs were stable, but "the outcome . . . will not be decided for ma.ny days," said Dr. Frank Lewis,asaistantchiefofsurgery at San Francisco Genera1 Hospital. "She had multiple trauma and has needed nine pint.a of blood and she's likely to need more. In a lady her age, the magnitude of the injuries is very critical." She was listed in critical but stable condition today, said nursing s u pervis9r Leonard Jones. 1 Gaynor was Cully conscious but unable ~Deak because of the rHpirat~7. said Lewis. Because of Gaynor's age, he was reluctant to say when she migh~ be out of danger. Surgeons repaired 9aynor's torn bladd er. After the operation, she oontinued to bl~ from pelvic Injuries, Lewis said. She also had 11 broken ribe. Martin, 68, broke two ribs and her pelvis and had a bruised kidney. She will be in the hospital a~ least two_ weeks. Clouds are back <3Qas l a I Variable high clouds this afternoon wllh high• renglng !tom the low 70. II the be6chee to mld·80s ·Inland. Night 1111<1 l'TIOfnlng low cloud• tonlllht 1111<1 We<lnesday wllh variable high clouds Wadnead•Y afternoon. Overnight Iowa 62 10 &8. HlgM Wec:tnMClay Z2 to 82. T etnperatures St Loula 11 t7 .02 El1ewher1. from Point Conception to the Mexican t>o<der and out 60 mllet: Small crett advisory over outer water• with nor1hwetl wind• of 12 to 22 knot• and combined ..., of 5 to 8 leet ana swell tnrough Wec:tneec:tay. Locally eouth-t to -t winds 8 to 18 knot• thll afternoon with j. to S.foot -• and 1· to 3·1oot wind waves. $0U1n to IOUtnwMt wina1 e to 18 knoll oo WednMday with IOUthweeterly awell• of 1 to 3 feet. Night and l'TIOfnlno tow cloud• and coa1111 log, OlhetWIM variable high C10ud• through ~!dnaday. St p. Tlf'llC)8 17 71 U4 St Ste MWle 83 37 Spdl-83 58 s~ IO 42 Topelca 70 86 Tuceon " 78 Tulaa ' t1 70 WMhlogtn 85 t2 WICtllta 83 87 U.S. summary CAUFOMU sno-• 1nc:1 thun~ spread 1cro11 th• Gull or Mex ico 11 r1y tod ay , thunder1torm1 -• ec11tered ·throuQh the Weal. and cloudl ~ ecrou the Mid-I Into New EOQland. There were many 1hower1 and thunderetorm• ov1r the eutem Gulf Cout, with WldllY ac 1tured 1hower1 1nd thund«•tO"mt over the ,.... of 'Ftorldl and 1118 WMtern Oulf CoHt. Thunderetorm• 1110 occurred ovet Plr!P of N.-. MllllCO, Utah, ':jOlotldO, ~a. Nev.eel• ~~· Soettered thund« Ofma -e foreca1 lor Iller ay over 81.kerafleld Blythe Eureka Freeno Lanceetw Loe AZ-Merya Monter~ ~ OMIMCS Peeo Aot1i. Fled llufl Aedwood City s.cremento 8altnM 8en Diego Sen ~anctaoo Senta lttrber1 1 Flortdl 1nd the centrll Gulf coa1t, 1nc:1 widely ecauered . SmoiD' 101 78 110 82 55 N 88 100 83 u 85 98 .. 108 n IO 101 86 .. 71 71 90 81 81 .. 47 11 11 . " 57 1S H .01 .25 .10 r -• expecltd from hern ahower1 and thunder~·· e Arizona to Ut1h end Wll•r-.-,-. -o'""'••.,_,.,.(tot...,.1""'tr•) for ~pd<>. • l 1•t~-~~i:44Wtll . -al if orn ia _ T _ ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ~a_:,,:.no•I•• Ctv! <•oo> , 'f;~ .... A.. .._..... Md lln ..,_cllllO voorer temp1rl1ur11 werl ~ A ...... T~ OQUMl9ll ':o'::~710 predicted tor tod1y lfler HUl'lllng\on 8luffl -3 It. falr-eood 71 AQMD center: (IOO) I bllllerlOQ i-t and tn'\000>' lllr Huntington Pier 1-3 ft. fllr"fOOO l'l-4118 drove more then a mllllon. Slnl• Me Alll!lt Jetty 14 tt. ~.::: et ·-------!'"----I D90Pll to ~hem Clllfomll • St ~ 14 ft, ,_ et ~ aumo 111e Llbof 1>ev _..,.ti ..__.... t-2 ft. • Ti·det:I. ____ _ WMl!end ....... • .._....,....... 1·2 t. fllr et a T~1tur• In the ~IOe =-si:~ 0 ft poor J :: TGIWf In Loe ~ on d ffte t :I 8leapy t10low -1-2 ft. poor .... leOCM'4I tllgll tl:IO p,t11. I.I were exP&et... 10 1!...0fl o tne ~1 1-2 ft, "!!' -leOCM'4I '°" t:41 p,n1. 1.1 mid IOI todey, tocorcnnQ 10 Sett~ Mt ft, -I .... ••n IOAY N1110ntl Weith« ~· I ~ ..-i 1·2 ft, .. 11 •7 .. "' • 11 ... The--~ 't:"..::: r,-i~:, t: ~: = :: =:. ,~ ::: a :o" ... ~.=--= -~~ Conon'• ,Olnt 14 ft. ,......., :: ._., tow l:Ot p.m. 1.1 ,......._.1,1 moumlill -me, T,.._ 14 ft, ~ M 911n -todlf 11 f:11 '·"''' ;""'ctt;n a ,...,,...... "°"' tM hll °"°"9 14 ft. ,_.,...... ,,._ Wedi •dlr fl l:IO a.n1. flMt by .rtemoOll Of ~ TOMORAOW'I TIDU: Moon ,_. 10!01 p,m., ... I 11 Un d..,!! I II OW er I In a dhctton: '°"""'911, wedl Hdli)I M 10'.al Lift, .. -· Lewis said, and her injuries will "make it uncomfortable for her to bear weight for sometime" when she w.µks. , )>roducer Paul Gregor y, Gaynor's 62-year-Qld husband. suffered broken legs in the crash, Lewis said. Both Martin and.\ Gregor. y were "stable, awaKe and doing well," he said. Fountain Valley City Council is expected tonight to loan $2_.6 million from the city's general f u n d s to t h e c i t y " s red evelopment agency for various public improvement project.a during the coming year. The feasibility of running the line to Los Angeles International Airport, Union Station or other destinations ia being considered. LANE. , • From Page A1 Killed was Ben Washer, Martin's longtime personal ~er and companion. · Police said a van Sunday night drove down hilly Franklin Street, apparently through a red light, and barreled into the right side of a car driven by Ronald Drury. Gaynor, Martin, Gregory and Washburn were paaaengers, going to dinner at a Chinatown restaurant. - The council meeta at 8 p.m. in City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. The redevelopment projects scheduled for funding include the city's new police station ($900,000), reconstruction of Euclid Street between the San Diego Freeway and Warner Avenue ($300,000), fire station improvements and new traffic signals. action as though describing the final minutes of a Super Bowl game. Lane once said of bis listeners: .. "They vent their spleen by writing to me and going to wrestling matches. He is survived by his wife Esther, daugher Victoria Ann, son Barry Michael and one gr:anddaught.er. Brooks Brothers Special Order. Your individuality- our workmanship 1'he popularity of this department attests to the number of men who find it djfficuh ro be fitted in ready-made clothing. In Special Order, our diversified selec tion of over four hundred fabrics, many of wpich arc woven exclu sively for u s. tion, this Fall we offer· an exceptional new collection of Italian worsteds. Next, you may specify variations on our own regular models of suits 'and sportwear. Your clothing is then made in our workrooms by our own experts. The ' charge for this ser'1ice is surprisingly mo1erate. I ' Suits: $415 to $630 Sportcoats: $335 to $480 · Trousers: $120 to $160 Topcoats: $445 to $770 Formal Wear: $455 to $670 IPAll15"1D 1111 ~~ ~~lltili@D fumtshthg• for 11m . Womtn ~ loys 530 WEST riH STRBBT, LOS ANOELBS. CALIR FASHION ISLAND, NBWPORT B~CH, CALIF. .> .. . - I Drivers using cheaper fuel LOS ANOELJ!'.8• (~ -00 lnduatry analyst o.n Lundbera Mys motortata drtvina can~ for unleaded pa are lmtead Ullnc more and more cheaper fuel ccntainina lead. The practice, called "mla(ueUna." ·could poee MriOUI air quality problem. and prompt \he federal Epvironmentai Pro1eetlon Aoncy to ~ the way It enforcet bani •1•1Nt lt, Lundbera·• weekly newsletter Mid.,(The leuer was releued Saturday.) He Mid rt:A could belln concentratina on lndMdual mo for violationa rather than retail gaeo~ deale Miafue~ tionwtde Jumped from 4.3 percent of total ptk>llne aalea in 1978 to 7.7 percent lut year, f according to Enel'I)' Department analy.ee. I ''The DOE projection admita to what ia reU1y ' kind of a reverse Cn the aodal implications of the fir.~~ 1f1;::;f.u!re ~;r ~:f a=:t thJa air. quality control measure." ln 1980, one in 20 IJlOtoriata were putttna lHded gaaollne in engtnee built for unleaded, Lundbera said in a telephone interview. More than eight In 20 motorim are expected to become mlafuelera by 1990. Continental 'move' denied LOS ANGELES (AP) -An airline apokemnan has denied published reports that Continental Airline. plans to move l~ headquarten from Loe 1 Angeles to Houston. A Loe Ange1es area newspaper, The Dally Breeze I of Torrance, said the Loe An1eles-bued. airline 1 planned to move to Houston u a first step to a complete merger wi Texas International. Texas Air C rp .• a company of Texas International and Ne York Air, acquired 51 percent.' control of Contlnen last year after a fierce takeover 1 battle and 91hare oldera approved financial combination of the o companies in July. .' "There are no p at thJa time for Continental to move to Houalexu International opokaman .. Bruce H1cka Mid his Houston home. "Such a · move ia one of a n ber of options being looked at . . . but it ii one of 1 or 20 options being oomldered. "We have said t at aome point, it makes aeme to have a alngle airline, but just what that point 11, ii. still under oonatderation," flicka said. "There ia no announcement planned and no announcement UI imminent.'' Las Vegas flays Brookings study LAS VEGAS (AP} -Officials say Laa V~u was unfairly treated in a Brookings Institution study which listed the dty u one of the most' declln.lng cities in the country. "It's another opportunity or point for taldna unfair shot.a at Lu Vegas," complained City Manager Russell Dorn. He called the atatiaUca, which wett releued lut month, mi1Je.ding and subjective. The 300-~e report, entitled "Urban DecliM and the Future of American Cities," u.aed data compiled from 1970 to 1975. Rank.lnp were bued on changes in unemployment, violent .crime, city government debt burden and per capita income. Others listed in the "moat declining" catepy were: Boston; Cambridge. Maas.; ClevelaDd; Dayton. Ohio; Hartford, Conn., and three New Jeney ddes - Paterson. Jersey City and Trenton. • "4 UW\k an a very almpl.istic analyaia of Ja-1 a few fact.on or ~ton of govenunent services when there are hundreds of them," Dom said. Firm tells improvement Standard Logic Inc. of Santa Ana reported improved operating resulta foe the quart.er ended July 30. Net ..i. increa.ed 65 percent to $2,210,662. N~ income amounted to $59,948, or 1.6 cents per share, vs. last year's net io. of $404,470, or 12.6 cents. Standard Logic manufactures products and ayatema aimed at the electronic, computer and manufacturtng Industries. G~Id, metals quotation8~ 'Gol,d By ne A11oclated Pren Selected world gold p~ today: LODclon morning fixing $488.50, up $14.50. LODclon afternoon fixing' $481.00, up f7 00. Paris afternoon fixing $437.69, up $14..B2. Frukfart fixing $485.00, up $32.97. : Zartcla lateitaft.emoon fixing $485.00, up $23.00 ~ bid, $438.00 ask . Rudy Ir mu (only daily quote) $481.00, up $26.00. Ea1e ... rd (only daily quote) $481.00, up $26.00. i EQlellaard (only daily quote) fabricated $60~.o~. up $27.!0. Silver· Handy and Hannan. $9.150 per t.roy ounce. Metah NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous prkles today: C.pper 70~·74 cents a pound, U.S . destinationa. Lead 26-29 cents a pound. Zllle 40-42 O@llta a pound, delivered. Tia $6 . .a Meta.II Week oompoete lb. AJualaua 78-77 centl a pound, N.Y. Meretll'J $365.00 per flMlt. Platlllam $314.60-$320.00 troy ounce, N.Y. Cotaooina NEW YORK (AP) -Pricee late Friday of pt cotna, compu'ed with Thunday'1 price. &nprraM, 1 troy 0&.1 f4'17.00~ up t18.2a. M.,-ae ... 11 troy OL, '417.7,,_"p_,18.50 . ...... H ...... 1.2 Woy OL, PA.25!. ._ ~··· AliltrtM 111 erowa. .9802 troy os.. '462-IO, up •11.21. Source: n.k-Pwrva , lilly Piiat TUESDAY, 81!11'T. 7, 1882 Oeltr Not ,....._ br Ndwnl K ........ lASSlfllD C5 . - 'TwaS sheer -lahOr Fans, A n gel s en 'dure 8 -6 victory BY JOHN SEV ANO Of'IM hltJ Nl4 le.If Like the kid who puts the lid on the cookie jar just prior to his m0ther walking into the kitchen, the Angela got away with one ~onday afternoon. And, when you're involved in a pennant race, u the Angela indeed are, about the only thing you can do is smile sheepishly and breathe a sigh of relief. Despite eome shoddy play, which made the Angell look like a Little League team at times, Manager Gene Mauch'• 11quad came back twice to defeat the Chicago White Sox, 8-6, before a Labor Day crowd of 42,804 at Anaheim Stadium. "THE IMPORTANT THING la that we won," Mid Mauch, after he watched his team com.niit four errors Monday. "You know, we don't play badly very often." Of oourae, Sept.ember marks that time of the baseball eeuon where you can't afford to play badly at all. · The Angela looked like they wanted to hide under their haloe in the ae<lOnd inning, when the White Sox acored the first three runs of t)le game. Steve Kemp and Carlton Fisk reached base with a pair of legiUmate doubles to start the inning. But when Mike Squires reached first because starter Ken Forsch had over-run his aacrifice bunt for an error. then, after stealing aecond, Squires went to third when Forach's pickoff attempt went into center field and came home when Juan Beniquez'• throw skip~ past Ron Jackson at third and into the Angela dugout, wep, that was just too .much for the lana to take. FORTUNATELY, BRIAN DOWNING helped to quickly erase the nightmare in the bottom of the eecond when he belted a shot off White Sox starter Jerry Koosman over the left-center field fence with the bases loaded. "We certainly needed a big play ri&ht there after what had just happened," admitted Downing, whoee home run was No. 25 for the year (the grand slam was his second this season). "The preceding half-inning was probably our worst defensively all year. I knew we needed BOme runs badly to get the . team up. B aee at • lll•nee W L fl'et. Ge K-City 78 58 .5" -Aneete n ao .11e2 1 Chicago 72 84 .828 5'A GamH ,._..,..... ICANUI CITY (28) -HOME (14): Sept. 10, 11. 12, Mlnneeo1e; 8991 13, t4. 15, 1ts. SHIU•; Sept. 27. H . 28. Angelt; Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2. 3. Oekland. AWAY (11): Sept. 7. 8, Seettle; SeoL 17, 18, 18, Min-la, Sept 20, 21, 22, Angele; SeQI. 24, 2!!. 28. Oeklend AHGnl (25) -HOME (t1): Sept. 7, 8, OhlalQo: Sept. 10, 11. 12. T«onto; Seo•. 20. 21, 22. Kan.-City; Oct. 1, 2. 3. Teiiu. AWAY (14): Sept 13. 14, t5, Cllleego; Sept. 1e. 17. 1s. 18, T«onto; Sec>t 23, 24. 25. M. Texu ; Sept. 27, 28~ 28, KanNt City._ CHICAGO (28) -HOME (14): Sept. 13, l4. 15, Angela; Sept. 18, 17, 181 18. Oektatfcs; Sept. 24. 26. 25, Mt™-le; Sept. 27, 28. 2v. S..llle. AWAY (12~ Sept. 7, 8, Angele; Sept. 10, 11, 12, Oeklend; SeQt. 20, 21, 22, 23. 8-ttle: Oct. 1. 2. 3, Mlnneeota. this aeason and come back to. win.·· The Angels, despite grabbing a slim 4-3 lead, saw rt dlSSlpat.e quickly as White scored single runs in1 the third, fourth and seventh inninp to go ahead, 6~. THE A~ELS, HOWEVER, adhering to Downing's p oeophy of staying calm, scored four times in the ighth on three hits and three walla to pull out e game. "Thia was a great win for us," explained Doug DeCincea, who started the game at shortstop for the injured Tim Foll. "To play like we did, and then have Brian come up in the next inning and get the big hit like that . . . well, it certainly came at the right time. "I also thought John Curtis did a fantastic job for us in relief. He was able to keep it cloee." Curtis, who came on in relief of Fonch in the fourth inning, allowed but one run in 3 ~ innings of work. "GENE'S GOING TO USE ME as he sees fit," said Curtis of his role with the club. "I didn't feel any real pressure coming over here because I was in a pennant race in San Diego, too. Because of that, earning here didn't present any unusual expectations. Reggie Jackson tried to make it to third on a double Monday, but umpire Jerry Neudecker saw Aurelio Rodriguez's tag. "At the time, we were only down three runs in the second inning. For this club, that's no reuon to panic. We'.ve been down a Jot farther than that "Hopefully, I'll just make a good enough impression this month where they'll consider me !or next year." (See ANGELS, Page CZ) Rams cut Corr al, 8 o t h ers From AP Dl1patcbes The Rams cut nine players, including four veterans, to reach the National Football League's 49-man limit., a team spokesman said Monday. The veterans were linebacker Mario Celotto, k icker-punter Frank Corral, wide receiver Jeff Moore and fullbac k Jairo Penaranda. • Alao trimmed from the roster w e r e wide receiver R ick y Coffman, UCLA; d e fensive lineman Ray Coley. Alabama A&M; tight end Kerry Locklin, New Mexico St., safety Miles McPherson, New Haven, and punter John Misko, Oregon St. That leaves Mike Lansford, a free agent signed out of the University of Washington, for the place-kicking. The Rams are expected to r esign Corral or Misko after they have cleared waivers. If both are claimed, then the Rams are expected to sign another punter. Rookie center Bill Bechtold trom Oklahoma was placed on the injured reserve list with a back injury. Celotto was signed as a free agent after the 13th week in 1981 and played on special teams the final thr~ games of the · season. Corral wu drafted by the Rama in 1978 and led the NFL that ye~ with 29 field goala, 43 field 1oat attempts and I88 points. I. . Moore was a•Utlrd-round draft pick from Tennessee in 1979. Penaranda was the Rama' final draft pick in 1981 and played on special teams. -Veteran running back Mark van Eeghen and two other· veterans were among seven c.=.cut by the Loe Anaelea Van Eeghen, wbo became the National r ootball League team'• all-time career rusher in 1980, started in only three games last year after 107 eon.teCUtive ltarta. A1IO releued b:y the club were veteran linebacker Randy Mc:Clanahan and wide receiver Monie Bradshaw, edminJstrative amiltant Don Dea.ca Mid from the Raiden' office in Oakland. Pour rooklee ·alto were cut: defenllve end Jerry WllkeDIOll, Ore1on ~·hate; lJnebacker Ed Jacluon\ J.,oulalana Tech; defemlve ~nd Jeff Jackaon, Toledo, ana wide NCetver Cle Montpnery, AHiJene Chn.Uan._ Toni J'ritalch of HOUiton and Bob Thomu of Chlcato were mDOQI • .,_i of punt.en and pJaoe-ldcken cut. Dodgers finafly · solver Soto CINCINNATI (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers knew their hitting slump would e nd eventually, but they didn't expect it would come against Cincinnati pitching ace Marlo Soto. Steve Garvey, who knocked in five runs with a home run and a double in a 7-2 victory by the Dodgers over the Reds Monday night, said he usually either strik es out or hits line drives against Soto. That was the case as Garvey struck out twice against Soto, who fell to 11-11 but raised his major league-leading strikeout total to 236 with six in six innings. . "Soto had trouble with the location of his fastball tonight," said Garvey. "I hit the home run when I guessed that h e was coming in with a changeup." Garvey slammed his 14th home run of the season in the third inning to give the Dodge.rs all they needed to defeat the Reda, who managed just two singles off Jerry Reuaa until Cesar Cedeno led off the bottom of the eighth with his eighth home run of the year. Garvey's homer came with Ken Landreaux and Dusty Baker on base to give the Dodgers a 4-1 lead. Their first run came in the second when Rick Monday blasted his 10th home run of the seaaon. -«The Dod'1el'S have been in a run slump,'T-Baker said. "We had to break out because the law of averages rules. Somebody h8d to be pitching when the ball started to drop. ., · If you want to break out of the hitting slump, the guy you would least want to face would b e Soto. He has the beat changeup in the game." Loa Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda aald the victory will give the Dodgers a boost as they prepare for a two-game aeries against the National League Weat~leading At.lm\ia Braves on Wednesday and Thunday. "Getting some runs off Soto is great," said Laaorda. "He has been tough on us. Coming into Cincinnati knowing it is Soto we were facing was tou~h." "I think the race will go down to the wire," predicted Baker. The Dodgers padded their lead in the seventh innina on a leadoff home run by Landreaux, singles by Baker and Pedro Guerrero and a two-run double by Garvey. "I wasn't geUing my fastball where I wanted it," said Soto, who gave up 15 hita, the most the right=hander has allowed this aeuon. "Garvey must have been looking for that pitch when he hit the home run. I'm not going to let It ~et to me." The Reds ecored again in the ninth when Dave Concepcion doubled home a run. The Angels' Don 8aylor collided with Chicago's Warren Brusstar and the results weren't too easy on the White Sox pitcher. Upsets-they're the real heart of sports. Mayb e that's wh y Haryung's (h e art) broug ht him back to L aguna Beach rve never been a Yankee fan, or a Celtlcl or Irish fan, either. For me, the real fun WM with the 1950 Philliea, the 1963 UCLA Bruina. and Iowa, living Notre Dame hell. rve ,ot my favorite hlah achool team. too, and lt doeln't' take a computer to out the Ar1ilta of IAguna Beach are No. 1. · ~ en the 'ArUlta apply:~ of \tlelr patented upeeta lt'I mlalMdJJ\& to call it an us-et-• It'• the Cuba in the World Seriee, lt'a Suaar Ral Leonard decklna Larry Holme9, lt a Newport Harbor dropplna St. Paul, lt'a wild and cruy fun. Alway. the ..u.t achool in e>rana- County, the Ardlta ~-ln • time cepaufe, circa 1948. It • a doc on the _field, a couple of 1tra11Un1 tuba player&. old P'llda reUv{na memon. in the standl and a Utt.le home town team trytnc to us-et the odda. They've done lt ao many u.n.. Aak ti» 1980 Cap61trano valley and • ' PAEPSPOATS ROGER CARLSON M1lalon V&eJo outflta. Capo won U all, with an 11..0trtumphover1!'aperanza in the CIF c..qoal COnterence linaJa. but the Coupn .... 7-e vicUml at t..auna. Since the 1988 Creetview Leacue championlhlp t.am of Hal AkJna the Art1tta t\Jve DCllt.ed an own1l record of 88-79-1 (the 19'78 11Mm'I 7•2 ~ WU ~ by ... forfett ~). '!bat'•. lot Thua, Uwre ii 1C11De validity in what , frlendl ., lbout Dmnll ~ the n-c:mct. who baa rwtumed to pAde the ArUltl thil y.r. 11My frtenda are~ rm nuta," admlta Haryunc. '.• am. "But whiln you hen. you can t really alt back and feel you've aocompllmed aometh.lna· "When I tint came here in 1974 I Mid it WM pomible not to win and lltill win. "I didn't really believe it, but I found out, lt'a true." At Laauna Beach there i• such a thln1 aa a moral victory. Earn an opponent'• ~ and there'• nothiftl to cry about. Dama your best llD't ~ a cllche. "We"'~Y ao out-manned and ao out-nwn . The criUcal dlffennce ii depth. We an newr ab&e to acrimrnaae ap!Nt ounelwe,. It'• alwaya .,.inst bqt. And the low..-..... ...,. hiwn't wcm two pm11 ln the IMt five ye919." .,. Karyunc. "We're lookJ.na at Idell who have - , newr won. and it'• a-ttlDa worw." , Haryunc ... .... Al1lltl' com. for four ,... and ~ '° hlw thilWI in order, but a lot Ol Mrd work'fail.t io l ge.nerate a lot tn terms of wlna and Io.ea, at leut on paper. Hla first two years were 2 -7 • carnpaipa., then a brilliant defenae led to a '"7-2'" record on the field in 1976, only to eee CI1' playoff dl'MIN cruahed by alx forfeit la.ea. The Artlata •till could tlave repraented the South c.out Leque, but ffaryuna'1 fellow oo.chea dealt lUm a thumb• down declalon by a ,_2 T 1977 team went 0-4 and Sater ltaryuna WM to be fired for .ileaedly aubmttUnl 9ITO'MOU8 d1acUI marb for hJa athJetea in the lprlna prior to the CD' prelinw. He went off to CapUtrano Valley • an .-.Ut. watched bll tan (Jolh) l'.dde the Couaan 10 the Cl1' dtle in '80_ DOW he'1 bflCi at IAIUft!1I Bledl .,_. tM Anll1I offend thit olw bnnch ID ._.. &hat ~ laW ..... ~ -U.W\. (ht &t~~ l'DCR, _.,.-,,r OHAN Gl COUN 1 Y CAI If OHNIA :I'> Cl:-NJ S -rorists ·1ist deinands BERN, Switzerland (AP) - Wor~g agalnat a Wedneaday morning deadline today won the release of two more women host.ages and opened fp-to-face negotiations with the armed raiders. AlJ ni&ht approached, police surrounding the embassy moved their roadblocks further back from the compound, raising apebllation of an armed assault on the building. Swiss police believe nine boat.ages are being held by the floating corpse spotted A swimmer in Laguna Beach told lifeguards h e spotted the body of a man floating near Bird Rock late Saturday, but a search of the area failed to turn up a drowning victim. Laguna Beach Marine Safety Director Bruce Baird said the swimmer , wh o was not identified, spotted the body of a young man garbed in red trunks out beyond Bird Rock at about 3:30 P·2'., Saturday. The. 'f_itness said he attempted to pull pie body onto the rocks, but w~~ unable to do so. H e swam aShore and accompanied a lifeguard on a paddleboard to the rock. Whe n both m e n were unable to locate the body, lifeguards equipped with snorkels and masks arrived, as did the city's scuba team. Baird 'Said he called off the search at dusk because of a heavy surge and low unde rwate r visibility. Police said they believe the victim may have been a Marine, but no one has been reported missing to date. "It's a big ocean out there, and we'll have to w ait until he washes up," Baird said. Heritage Park likely out a s Olympics site group that took over the embassy Monday, olalmina io. have enough dynamite to blow up the building. Ulrich Hubacher, spokesman for Swlu federal police, haa refused to rule out a pollce, attack on the embauy. Hubacher said the terrorists have not back ed off their demands that martial law be lifted and all political prisoners freed In their homeland. A Vienna newspaper quoted their leader as saying hi.a men were "a , kind of kamikaze t.roop." . 1 "It'• poealble they will carry out their threat1' to blow up the embauy, said Hubacher. Th~ terrorta\I have aet a deadline of 10 a .m . Wednesday ( 1 a .m . PIYr). In Warsaw, the Foreign Ministry gave Its formal perminion for Swiss police to enter the embassy, which normally has extraterritorial status, but aho stressed the need to protect the hoetqes. About 40 policemen were guarding the approachea to the -embuay, including two dozen ipeclal forcea members wearing blue fatigues and black berets and armed with submachine guns. More officers were bellevt!d hiding within the embuly compound. London's Standard newspaper reported that the British army's Special Air Service oo~o squad was sending men to m to "advise the Swiu police on how to set up U.tenlng d ces and try to install a rµin e flaheye camera in the building to watch the ~nrnen." . The terrorists, who call themselves "The P olish Revolutionary Home Army," are holding elgh\ junior Polish diplomatic personnel and a Pollah national who was visiting the embaaay when it was aelz.ed, Hubacher said. Their leader, who gave his name only as Col. Wysocki, has said that If the demands are not met, he and his "anti-<:0mmu.nlat paramilitary 1quad" wUJ blow I .,.., ,... •a.tr ""°'° up the embuay with 66 pounds ol dynamite they claim to poeaea. At flnt. Hubacher aa.ld there were 14 hostages, but later reported there were only 12, including three women wha. were releaaed. The Polish new• age ncy s aid In Warsaw, however, that there lt1ll were 10 hostages ln the embassy. After intensive negotiations by telephone, Hubacher said, po~ sent a negotiator into the compound . RoUshan eyes -rock • creation By J ODI CADENHEAD • Of" the D.ity Piiot la.If .. Sculptor Ali Rouahan, free today after spending five days ln jail for building a 60-foot-hlgh steel sculpture against court orders, is already planning a roc~aatle to surround bis wel · g shop. Ro han, who left jail Sat- urday)' said he will visit parks in the! area to get aome ideas for the rock creation. The new work won't . be any higher than 25 feet, said the welder. Huntington Beach was one o f the m ost wpular spots for beach Life behind ban wasn't that bad, said the 39-year-old Costa Mesa r esident, whose three towering steel sculptures outside his shop at 1550 Superior Ave., have vexed city offidala for two years and landed him ln court many times. Roushan, who was housed ln the Orange County Jail's medical sect ion along with others sentenced for civil offenses, shared his ceH with a 24-year-dld lovesick man who refused to atop visiting a fonner girlfriend on court order. visitors over the we-ekend as 6 0,000 people flocked to the sands o n both Saturday a nd Su nday. T he ho liday turnout was reported "above average." \ . Holiday beach · crowds 'above average' The food was bland , complained Roushan, who added he was a hero of aorta. Cloudy, windy weather caused attendance along Orange Coast beaches to dip Monday, but waterfront officials said the turnouts for the last holiday wee kend of the summer were above average for the three-<lay period. drew 60,000 p eople on both Saturday and Sunday, thanks in part to rite Pro Surfing Championship adjacent to City Pier, dropped to about 30,000 on Monday. Huntington state beaches reported a bout 60,000 i n attendance each of the t hree days. At Newport Beach, about National Weather Service "Everybody was nice in jail." 120,000 swarmed to the sands on forecasters said slightly cooler said Roushan. "A lot of people Sunday, with slightly smaller and cloudier weather will prevail knew who I was. They were all crowds on Saturday and along the Orange Coast through for it." Monday. W e dn esday, w i th h igh H e has not enjoyed such At· Laguna Beach , lifeguards telnperatures in the mld·70s popularity elsewhere, however. reported 38,000 p eople on along the beaches, and in the His wife Mary left him five Saturday, 28,000 on Sunday and mid-80s in inland Orange months ago after Rouaban'a life By GLENN SCO'M' or ... .,.., ..... '""' Irvine's prestigious Heritage Ught crowds on Labor Day. County. was threatened and the couple t---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ lost their hou~e to pay for mounting legal bllla. Huntinllton City Beach, which Park Aquatics Complex probably will not be uaed for workouts by athletes ln the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. City officials had contacted directors of the Loa Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee proposing that their spacious complex would be a fitting place for swimmers and divers to practice before their contests. Death ends career of NB's Dick Lane City Mana ger William Woollett Jr., in fact, hosted Sports DI.rector R ichard J . Sargent on a trip to the three- poof complex to familiarize him with the aurroundlD8JJ. But city officials were notified recently that Irvine ian 't likely to be choeen aa a l?.ractice aite. The reason: It a too long a commute from Los Angeles. "In our search for aquatic tralntng sites, we are looking for facilities that are close to the Olympic Vlllages and that lend themsel ves beat to dally commuting ," Sports Administrator Katy Wright wrote to the city. "On the surface it does not (See HERITAGE, Page AZ) COUNTY By STEVE MARBLE or 111e .,.., "°' ...., Private services will be held this week for television pioneer and personality Dlck Lane, who died Sunday at bis Lido Isle home ln Newport Beach. He was 83. -Lan· , who got his start In vaudevillr and a_ppeared in hundreda of movies, was beat known for his exuberant, fast- paced broadcasts of w restling matches and roller derby games, punctuating his comment.arr, with phrases like "Whoa. ~ellie.' He got his thlevislon start in Southern California by doing used-car ads, freque ntly slamming, denting and even breaking the heaps he was selling . In one ad , Lane reportedly kicked a car fender ·while he was talking and the Viejo thrift shop-booming. A thrift shop that never ahowa a profit is doing a booming buainesa ln Miaion Viejo. Page Bl. WORLD Riviera attracts tbe masses The Riviera, once a playground for the rich, is a mecca for the ma11ea under F rance'• aocialistlc aovemmen~ Page A4. BUSINESS Losing the battle of tbe budget Mare and more people are enaacln8 ln econornlc brinkmlanlhlp with their family buqeta, Md lo.t.nc. P.84. · J fender promptly rattled to' the ground. Lane was born in 1899 at Rice Lake, Wis., and grew up on a farm. As a teenager he toured Europe with a circus. His specialty was hanging by his teeth from a moving bar at the top of the tent. He appear'.ed in 256 movies, the - l atest being "Kansas City Bomber" -a roller derby film starring Raquel Welch. Lane moved to California in 1936 and began broadcasting baseball, horse racing and automobile racing. He turned to wrestling matches later, helping bring fame to such wrestlers as Gorgeous George· and Don Red Berry. • He brought an lnte~ty tQ the dullest of matches, calling the (See LANE, Page A!) ~Not,._.bf ~O'OeftMll At surprise birthd41y party that turned out to be his last, Dick Lane shares bis cake with wile ~er a t a Newport Beach resta urant. NATION By n e Associated Press President Reagan returned to Washington , D.C. after a 17-day California vacation today to preaent the nation's highest dvillan award to Ambusador Philip C . Habib for "truly heroic work" toward peace. TELEVISION 'Taxi' s tar in bigh gear It's been an unus ual year for t he star of televtston's 11Tax1," Danny DeVlto. He tells why on P.,e B8. SPORTS . t INDEX At Your Servk:e A4 Erma Bombeck B2 ·au.me. 84-5 C..vablde B2 Claaatfied C5'"8 Cornlea B6 Deeth Notbt C5 Stan Delaplane B2 F.dltorial A6 Entertainment B7 "She keeps saying that I've wasted my life and ucrificed for something that won't get me anything," ~d Roush.an. "But I keep telling her that I have to know if there is a constitution." Rouahan · has unsuccessfully appealed to the California Supreme Court ln an Orange County Superior Court judge's decision ordering him not to build any more structures without permits. Robber locks 3 in ·closet Police are continuing to aN.n:b for a knife-wieldina robber who herded three employees of a Huntington Beach fast food restaurant lnto a reer cloeet and took about $500 from the business's safe. Officers said the bandit, who wore a bandana over his f.ace, entered Del Taco, 58:WS Warner Ave., at about 12:05 a .m . Monday and held a knife to the throat of one . Horoecope B2 Ann Landen B2 Movies B7 Public Not:icet C4 Sports Cl-3 Dr. Steinc:rohn B2 Stock Marketa 85 Televiaion BS .. 'Ibeatenl B7 Weather A2 .. • ' \ ' N •• Dow Jones Final • DOWN -10.85 CLOllNQ 11U7 . ~ Drjvers using che~per fuel LOS A1'GELF.S (AP) -OU industry analyat Dan Lundbeta aay1 motorllta driving can designed for unleaded pa are lnatead using rnore and more cheaper fuel contalnlna lead. The practice, calf~ "ml1fueUng," could poee terloua air quality problems and prompt the federal Environment.al Protection Agezy;:y to ~e the way it enforct!fl bani against lt, Lundberg 1 weekly newaletterllald. (The let1er wu released Saturday.) He laid the EPA could begin concentratlni on Individual , motorlata for vtolatiyna rather than retail gasollr{e ~eaten. . Miafuellng nationwide jumped from 4.3 percent of total guoline aalea In 1978 to 7.7 percent 1aSt year, to Energy Department analy9e9. DOE project.Ion adrnfta to wb4lt i.s really kind"' of reverse Cn the aoclal impUcatlona of the guollne lead phue-out program," Lundberg said. "It'1 t as if people are no longer concerned about this air uality control meuure." -· STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS I DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORIUAPI FIMI Dow.J-• •VOi tor l--Y. Sl9 t. STOCKS 0.... H1911 I.aw CleM .... lO Ind ton ... tll.11 •• 70 t0 ... 0+1d3 20 Trn llS7.S4 l67M in 7f lH.71 + ... ,s IS I.Ill 11•.2' 11s.n 11UO IU.11+ &At H Ilk W~ US .. lO.M Ul.tl+ J;.JiS ~~' .:·:. :. ·. ··:::: t:m:=: Ulll• ...................... 1,JAl.MIO •S Slk . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 9,W.11» WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Sep 1 Adv enc.cl Oe<llnecl Unc:NnQIMI Tolall-Hew lli(IM New lows .......... 0000 NEW YORK IAPI ~. J METALS r"""-.. ,.7 "1 210 154 u J HEW YORK (AP> -Spot nonterroua metal pr1oel today CotiPW 7~74 oenta a pound, U.S. deetlnetlone. lAed 28-29 Clntl a pound. Diie 4()...42 cent• • pound, ~ Tiii Ml.5198 Met111 w.-eompoeiie lb. ~ 7&-77 <*Ille pound, H.Y . ...,_,, $365.00 I* llUI< • ......_..1314.604320.00 tr~ ounoe. H.Y. SILVER Handy & Harman, It. 160 er 1roy ounoe. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., TM A111 r:tMed "- Selected wond ~ Pttc. todlly: U11del'I morning fl•lng $418.50, up $14 50 L"'8tl all.,noon ll•lng $411.00, up $7.00. l'tln. •ftarnoon flalnll $437.ee, up t14.U . '""*""' nxtng $445 00, up ~U7. • ZWW1 lele 1fttmOOt1 llJUng $415 00, "° 123.00 *· $4el.OO ...... M1l'ldf • MarlHll (only dilly CIUOl•I .. ., 00, up $29.00 ~ (Otl\Y dilly quot•) .... , 00. llP t~l.ob . ........_,d (only dally Quot•) llbnc;e.led $&06.b5. up 127 .30.