HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-10 - Orange Coast PilotDRAIGI COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPIR FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS U.S. seeks ouster of battling • armies WASll!Nt;'l'ON iAI') A.,, Isnn•l 1 warpl<HH':> lio111ha1 dc•d Synan <1nt1 a1renlf1 m1s1>11l-:-. 1n Lt-bano11, St•l'f'l'tary of St:ttl· Gt.•orgt• P Shultz rnllc·LI 1111 ;, synchronizt-d w1thtlr'<.1Wal ol both armll's from tht· war wn1 11ut1011 Shultz, !Wl'k111g t1• 1Ju1ld broad s u p po r t f o r t h t· H t' a g a n ad ministration's M1dl'C.1sl p<';1t·1· plan, also told th1• I louSt· Fon·1gn Affairs Commlttrt• on Thursaday that then• 1s a "rt.·a.sonablt• (·honl'~· for pt·at't:'" m lht• M1ddl{' f<:Ust Today, tht> SPcn•tary of 'tall· was r~v1C·w1ng his ·ph-<1 fur Congress tc1 bat·k the· 1111t1allvt.· 111 an appearann• l>t:fore tlw St·nalc• Fon·1gn Relation~ Co111n11lt1•1• Both the l snn·l1s and the· Synans arl' s uspinuus, and "tht• Syrnms undt•rstandably f1•(•J they don't want to w 1thdn1w 1f thl' Israelis don't." Shultz said "So thl'rt' nel•ds tu bt• <1 synd1rw111.1•d withdrawal " · l~ral'I sent Its Jl'h ,1j.(<11t1:.l Svnan m1ss1lt·s in I .l'lwnc111 fot 11;,. St-<:ond str<11ght day Thurs<l<.ty a nd reportPd four morl' baltt>nt•s dt•111olisht:'d LebanL·st• radw s<11J lsrat·l1 Jt·ts olsu struck Synan armored posllions 1n Lc·banon. when' thousands 11f lsrac·l1 and Synan troops rt•marn Shultz told th1: Houst· pan1·l. "Th!' pt•ac·1• lrPaty th<il 1s s1g1wd ..it thl' c..·ncl of <1 gun 1s not, at thL 1•111!, a lo11g lasting JK'itt't' tn•:.ty ·• Tiii' fon·1gn min1stc·rs 11! ::-.yn.1 .tnd Isn.11•1 havt• g1vc..·11 Shul11. 1wrsonal <issurann·s lh<tt tht•lr 11:1twns' troops l'Vt•ntually will 1.'4: w1thdrnwn frum Lt·banun. thc· st'l-rNary of st.<ttt· ~1d But ht· said tl11• withdrawal tn u s t b t' at' t' om pan 11.' d by r111·:isurc·s in southL·rn L(•lianon. .. uch as o huffrr zon e, lo pn·iwrve bracl1 ~urity. Sel'retary of De fe nse Cas par W 1· 1 n b c r g c-r , mea n w h 1 l c, pn .. '(J1cH:d that Israel may reverse 1Lwlf <ind u~ the Reagan peace plan as a basis to n egotiate a sdtlL•ment with the Arabs. tleturnihg from a 10-d ay visit I\) the Mideast, Weinberger said, "I persist in the f~hng th at aft.er more careful l'Ons1deral1on . the lsrat.•lis will comt:' to see that the plan has very real benefits a nd nwnts over the long run " WL·inherger said he t.old the bnH'lls that Rt•agan 's plan offers "-.um1,thing u great deal m ore pt·r·ma~ent than m1l 1tary ~trength t o pro t eet t h ei r bordt·rs." "Thc plan has very m u ch bro<1dt'r support than anyone t•o uld have hoped a t the l>c •g 1nning." Veto off; Reagan irked D•llY Piiot Photo bf Cherie• Starr After Labor Day WASHINGTON 1AP) Presiden t Reagan, d1s<1ppoml<'d that the House overrode his vctn of a $1 4.2 billion spendmg bill, 1s vowing to stand firm against a11y congressional "attt>mpt tu hust the budget." "I p romised tu l'urb spending and ma1n ta1n tht.• national defel'lS(' and rm going to keep my promises." Reagan said Thursday after the House handed him his f1 r st major revl'rsa I on an economic measure. The Senate was voun_g today on whether tu override tf1e veto If two-thirds re.)t't:t the veto, the money bill will become law. Ot her wise, Reagan's velU will be sus tained and a new bill wil l have to be written A little sunshine These bay cruiser s find they a lmo st have Newport llurhor to themselves in mid-a fternoon on Thursday as tht·y la y an un<'ul wak e behind tht•m ht•aded under th<> hridg(' lo Lido Isle. It 's orw s ign that tht• s ummt•r season truly has t•ndf•d . expected • Truck, bus crash kills 2, 39 injure d Phone service cut Misty morning cond1t1ons will !'ontinue along the Orange Coast through the weekend, allhough some> s unshine.· 1s expeetf'd to peek through the douds during thP a ftc•rnoons. froin Soviet Union Na11on<1l Weather Sl'rv1ec• fort•casters pred1et<'d partial aftt•rnoon l'il'anng along the b('aehes, though sunnier skies will prevail in inland Orangt• County CASTA1C (AP) A p1ekup truck towing a boat un a trader spun out of control and coll1dt-d with a Greyhound bus dunng a violent ramstorm, killing two people m the truck and inJuring 39 others, offlc1als said "It was a pretty nasty mC'ss." C a lifornia Highway Patrol spokesman Robert Kanyr said of the Thursday crash Kanyr said It appt•a n •rl the driver of the truck lust eontrol on the steep gradl' 1.J( fntt'rsl.atl' 5 Ill that area becauSt· of heavy rams Paramedics and pr1vat1· ambulanet>S rushl'd tht· lnJUrE'<I to hospital<> 'in nearby NC'whall and Mission Hills, about 20 mcles away. The accident 11ecurrl'<..I two hours after thC' storm l11'g<1n COUNTY MOSCOW (AP) Tt•lt•ph0111• st·rv1c·e to anti from tht• Suv1i'l Union was disrupted tc>Clay by .i "tl'chn1cal failure" m the MoS<.'11w 1nternat1onal exchange•. a Sovll't postal off1c1al said Western residents In Mo&·ow became aware of the prohlem when they were unable· to book calls out of the c:ountry ThC' breakdown came a week aftt•r Soviet postal authontit:s halwd d1rf'l'I da1llng to and from abrnud. nt1ng "technical re>asons .. A postal official who did 11ut want to be 1dent1fwd 111ld Th(' A.4'.soc1att'Cl PrC'SS thcit tt·dm1c mns were' workmg on tlw problc•m hut that it was 1mposs1hl1• to predic t whf'n norm<tl 'ot•rVl<T wou Id be restorl'd A supt•rv1sor with Arn1•1·1t an ------···- Fraternit y cleanup cr ew A frn tern~ty at UC Irvine' hop£'s a l'll';111up campaign at Bommer Canyon will help 1mprov1· IL<> image with tht• community c\j Irvuw P age Bl Art's boldness unbridled Artist Jo-Ann Morgan , displaying an un bridled boldness in her exploitation of color and fonn, will exhibit her paintings at The Mills House in Garden G rove We4>kender. Teleph<in<· & Telegraph Long Lmc·s D1v1s10n 1n Bedminstt·r. N .T . also said th e Soviet t1·lt.'phonC' company did nol SdY how long 1 t WflU Id take' to drar UJ.l tlw pr11bll'm 'Approx1matl'ly at 8 am we gut not1f1cat111n from Moscow that thr1r sw1tl·hing mac hine handling the sw1ll'hmg traffic. bt.'gan m<1lfuncl1on1ng ,·· -;upt•rvtsor Brian Woc>CI told the AP 111 N(•w York "Wl' hav(' n<it bPt.·n :-ihlc· to pla«r C'alls s1n<.·e then," ht• Sd1d shortly before fi :rn a m PIYr Wood Srlld th1• warning about the malfunction came tn a call roUlt.'<J through 11nt· of four citic·s nN11 Mo.<;(•ow that have wh;.it he <'l.1lh·<i manual c1rt·111ts from lhP 01wra11ng ct•ntc•r 111 MoSC'Ow I STATE Vet<'ran weather wateher J Sherm;Jr1 Denny of Huntington Beach said the fine drizzle that dampened winds hields early today registered only as a trace m his rain gauge. He said the mu1sture was nol enough to budge his local rain total from 06 of an inc:h for the y<'a r that began July 1 S1gmf1cant rainfall las t year did not arnvl' until the first week m October, he noted. Te m p l' r a t u r es a I o n g t h e Orange Coast will climb to about 77 dcgn'es over the weekend. though the beachf'S will peak at about 74. Low tPmperatures will he in th!' high 60s. the Nauon<1l Weathc>r Servire said Goo d drivers r ewarded Some drivers pulled over by Los Angeles cops these days will appear in a movie thea ter instead of court. P age AB. BUSINESS Financial pie sought S mall businesses are fighting for a share of the fed e ra l contract pie, but face o bs t a cles f rom e ntrenched interests. Page C6. SPORTS Preps kick off football Huntington Beach High School has opened its football season w ith an impressive 24-7 victory over Corona de l Ma r. Page C l. .,. _____ _....===~~~-~,.....,..-.... ~"""--'••-'~ .......... -# .. , ••• , ...... , ............... _.... • ·~..._..._ -- "I'm hoµl'ful with r<.·gard to th•· Se11alt.· tumurruw." Rc.•agan s<1 1d ThlHsday night wh1I<.' trawling in Utah Dc.:puty Wh1ll' House press st·cretary Larry Spt·akes predicted lhc> S1,:nat1· vote "will be very dusc• " IL was expt•(:ll .. 'll to bt:• so d()S(! that Sen Orr111 Hatch. on w hoSt' bt.-half Reagan was campaigning m Utah, was planning t.o return to Washington. Hatch described a conversation w ith Rc..•agan in a hotel room Thursday night. "He said. 'Orrm. l'd really appreciate· 1t 1f you'd go back,' and I said I'll be glad to," Hat.ch said. Following thr 301-117 House tally T hursday -22 more than the necessary t wo-thirds -a Cyclis t kille d su r pr1sl'd S('na te M aJor 1 ty Ll·ader Howard H .Baker Jr . (H-Tl'nn.). said the outcome in his chamlX'r was "uneertain." A t lc<ist f our Se n a t e HE:-publicans -inclu ding GOP Whip Ted S tevens of AJaska and Appropriations Committee Chairman Mark 0 . Hatfield of Oregon have said they would support an override attempt if such a move passed the Ho use. However, 1t was u n c l ear whether enough of the Senate's 54 Repu blicans would join w ith Democrats to form the two-thirds majority necessary for Congress to reJect Reag a n 's veto . The Senate passed th e bill on a voice vote Aug. 21. Dally Piiot Photo by 0.,., Am~ An 18-yt•ar-o ld Saddle back College student, Bria n Ja m es Campbe ll of 1373 1 Solitaire , l rvint•. died Thursday when the motorcycle h e was riding struck a flatbe d tr uck parke d in tht' bike lane on Walnut Avenue n ear Irvi ne High School. INDEX At Your Service Business A4 Cfi-7 Classi fit'<l Comics Crossw ord Stan Delaplane Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Gardening Horoscope 01-6 B4 B4 A7 D2 A6 WeC'kendc r B5 A7 Intermission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National Ne ws Public Notices Sports Stock Mark ets Television Theaters Weather Rams look 'official' Weeke nder A7 W eeke nder C6 A3 C4,C6,D2 Cl -5 C7 TV Log Weeke nder A2 Consistency in the offense a nd a strong defe nsive secondar y are necessary for a winning football season by the Rams. An official look is on Page Cl. l -- . __ ;;; c a 5 !La . • Coaet CAil Y Pll.OT /Friday. S•Pt•mb• 10, 1982 Tijuana: Poverty overflowing T IJUANA. Mc·>.irn (AP) T lw 1•lt.lt>rl y widuw ~hrlv<·kd u111I w1•11rv. n 111'l 11·rn1·111lx·1 lwr lui>I llll'lll With 11\l'UI A 11111\lwr or thu•(• l'ull1·~t.' 11g1• Jl<)l llS work11 rnr 11 r .. w ,-;;wks of ~l'!l<'1•r11•s A mun 1•1uTv111~ 1111 old f111KI sm·k worrh•i. thal M1 ·xw11':. 1-rurnliltn~ t'\'unomy will h11•11k till' puut' Th1·y u11· am1111~ 1 tw 'n 1n·:. who lt1u· tlw l'our1ya1 d ut th1· <:1111<1 d1 · loi. 1'0IH'1•:. T1ju1Jn1.1'!< ··11ous1· of ttw Porn " fm th1·1r only f1Kxl H1•eol111g fr 0 111 M1·x 1c11 's :.Wu pt.·H·enl 1nfluti()ll ,111cl thn~ JX '!IO llunting ton house story correcte d A n article 1n Thursday's t.'dil1ons of tht> D<lily Pilot about a man trying to get bal·k his form1•r h u u s t• f r o m t h 1· C 1 t y o f I luntmgton Bt•ach was Ill Nror Thl· story s hould have reud that tht• attornt'y for Thomas 'falbt•rt said Talbert's property had ncvt•r been uffll·udly tondeomned by lht• l'llY The word "nl·v1.•r " inadvertently wa:. om1lti.·d d\!v11.luutwns 111 llVl' months, 'l'ljuano'11 1mpovt!nsht·d mallM!11 h11vo rl'111·l11·d ta l>n•uk111l( polr1l "Pt•uplt· ('Ull Luke· JUlfl IHI rnuch," S£1ld 60 y1•ur old Corddcm ('cml(lhti, hl11 th11•ud bur't' food ~m·k NlunK uv1·1· hlh 11h11uldl•r "We• urt• n•sllh·nt, hut tht•rt· 111 i. hmll " TIJUl.lllJ, J magnet to poor Ml·x1i:ans bt•r ausc I\ borders Cahfurrua, has a populauon of l m1llwn , many poor and laving in shal·k11. The population 1s douhle whut 1t wm> five ycani ago. Hard limes have bt.'<:ome a way or hfl·. and as MeXll'O struggles with 11:> worst rect.•ssion tn 70 years. lht• effect s h t>re arc devastating. LoC'atcd on a tra8h-strewn s tree t <.:lose to downtown T1juanu, the uny mission sustains 150 families a week and supplies 1.000 meals a day lo the down and out. "l can't tell you how much it hurt to see thts," Sister Armida, administrator of Casa de las Pobres, said Thursday. The charity in stitution has been hard pressed to meet the growing numbers of hungry. "If we opened the doors, we wouldn't have enough to feed all th<*! who want It," lht' nun aiuu, In lonn of resignation. D11nution1 arl' few and the lJud~ct 11 1lr1aint--d by tho orodmg peau, ahc said as thti aroma of lx•1-1n soup, rke nnd stew drHU"<:I Crum the mlaalon kitchen . "food t'08ts are up !'.>O pl!f'('t'l'lt We· try to serve balam'ed meals, but It is difficult There is no milk lo buy and meat prices a~ terribly high," she said. The Mexican economy 1s bottoming out ~fter a period of u nparalleled prosperity. The oil boom has stop ped; indust ry deve lopment 'projects have stalled . The government owes foreign banka billions of dollars a nd has issued currency control regulations in an attempt to c.'Ont.rol the flow of dollars in and out of the country. To cu t expens es t he government w ithdrew subsidies, doubling the prices of gasoline, electricity and basic foods such as tortillas. Thousands of w orkers have been laid off. Unemployment alfects 4 0 p e r cen t o f t h e working~age population. T ijuana is marked by stark con trast.s between rich and poor. Million-dollar homes overlook rn1l1•g of multi-tiered 1hantles ~hut luw du11ty roads Many of the 5h.mt1l .. lal·k 1n11ulation or runnlni( wiater "The lnjuttlct:t won't e nd," Mrmut•I Medllll.l, 72. leaning on hu. <.·unc, aald. "The rtc.:h wlU only get richer and the poor wiU get poorer." Maria Nicanor, 63. trudges a mile each day through gullies and rocky, unpaved street.I to w o rk at t h e minion . For payment, the mother of three ~ons receives t hree sacks of groceries. "She says It has helped her save pennies for he r sons' education," Sister Armida said. Others simply survive a day at a lime Correc tion ln some editions of the Daily Pilot on Thursday, an incorrect headline appeared · above the story of the death of Joyce Whistler Stevens of Newport Beach. The Daily Pilot sincerely regrets the error. I ' ig n e d st a t e m e nt It's no joke. Owner s o f the La ff Sto 1> in SanlH Ana lleig hts have been ordcn ·d to ha lt Monday night mule da ncing but own ('rS hint the sho w m ay go on. Laguna bookstore boosts the 'bans' H untington, Valley ~:et school days ".j ' More than 41.000 students will )foport to about 1,630 teachers when Huntington Beach a nd li·lou ntain Valley publlt sc·hools ~gin the new year Monday. v1.Jo'1fty -five s<.:hool s will be ~'rating 1n the four Wes t Orange County d1!.tm:ts. b•ffotal expenditures o f the ··w nbined d1stricL<; arc expected tv t'Ome to about $110 mil It on , 1'.$c·hool represcnt.atlVl'S say no hl<!jor cuts in classroom programs ~ti" planned in tht• 1982-8:3 sc.:hool ~ar despite a t1ghten1ng of 1<'0 v e n u e s a n d d l' t' I 1 n i n g ~roll men ts. The Hunungton Beach Union tll!Jh School District S('nt layoff ~cc'S to 84 tl'ache rs this spring, Wt an official said Thursday all I.no. 10 have been rehired because df•a U.rition and transfers. ,m'fhe Fountain Valley School IJ)(atrict closed Bus hard and Wardlow schools in June because of loss of revenues and a fall in kiloollment. 1 ~ "11 schools in the other three lOs'lricts remam open. ·1'lJ..+.. Huntington Beach llnion H•g h Sc b ool. It has s i x ,d• sn . { J • 1 {• c'Omprehens1ve high schools and a continuation high school It expects to have an enrollment of 17 ,500. drawing from the cities of H unllngton Beal·h . F ountain Valley, Westminster and Seal Beach It will have 532 teachers and a budget of $51 I million. -Ocean View School District. It has 23 schools for kindergarten through eighth gradl' pupils. rt will have 425 teachers and an estimated budget of $25 miUion. -Fountain Vall ~y School Distric t. It has 15 schools 1n Founta11'\ ~Valley as well as in Huntington Beach f or kindergarten through eighth grade pupils. It 1s expected to have about 7,300 students and 348 teachers. The budget 1s estimated at $17.8 mi!Hon. -Huntington Bea ch City (elementary) School District. It has 20 schools for kindergarten through eighth grade students and a total of 325 teachers. The budget is $16 million The district is offering a pilot program by e xt endi ng the day f or a kindergarten class at Moffett and Kettler Schools. By TEVE MITCHELL Of the Dell, Piiot Sl•tt Thi' storefront window at f<'ahrC'nht•1t 45 l Books an Laguna Bet1ch is drawing tht· attention of mort• 1han a few passt•rsby, what with its graph11.: dis play of po rnographu:, o bscene, and mappropnate-for-young·readers book sele<:tions. There they are, for tht> whole world to see, and book stor e ownt•r Lorraine Zimme rman couldn't be more pk•ased. You see. she dO<'Sn't consider the 46 or so books lining her store window to be anything other than classll'S -or at least good reading A t'Opy of "Womt.·n an Love" is displayed, written by D .H Lawrence in the· t>arly part of this century Darwin's "The• Origin of Srx-c1es," also is in the window display, along with "The Disrouf"SeS" by Ma<:h1avcU1. Other selections include "KP1g Lear ," "Lo rd of thl' Files," "Leaves o{ Grass'' a nd "The Dcd111l· and Fall of thl' Roman Empirt·" L e wi ~ Carro ll's "Al1n''s AJvc·nturt>s in Wundl·rland," 1s tht•rC'. and so is Kurt Vonnegut's "God Bless You. Mr Rosewater." Bcs1dl.• ea<.:h of the sclC'<.'ttons are code number s, wh11..·h l'orrespond to a c·hart 1 n the windnw that dt•s•:rlbt'S why each ·>11 • y ..,)l Qi} ' ~\' Slightly wariner , . ..,, \l 't.• It I I< I ;..JI~· 0 1 ••• 1 ·.• \ . C,, a s I a/ 1.1ght verlable winds through noghl except southwest 8 lo tS knoll ellernoon end evening lncrea.1119 n0<thwes1 winds ouler wale<s •"e<noon becoming IS to 25 knoll 1 10 J 1001 southwest swell s Cont1der a1:>1e low cloudiness through n19h1 wnh only par11al cleenng afternoon l '··'· ,"l1111111u1rv A low poeswre system over ·1i.e norlhw eSler n G ulf or Me11co produced 1trong lhunoerslorms a1ong H>e Guff Coast on Thursday and h e a vy r ei n drenche d norlhwestern Florida In Southefn Callfornoa. heavy fog early 1n lhe oay restricted oper ations at two 111rpor1s Thursday and was blamed In par'I lor a Goll1slon between a small plane tllal was laridlng and a passing pickup lruck Tha log lollowed a day or lhunders~ lhat caused widespread power bleckouta. mudSllde demaoe &no l\ood1"9 or roads F or l o dey, 1ca11ered thunder81Mm1 -e loreca•t OY9f Iha Oull CoH I end southern Allentlc Cout, wj1h lhunO..alomM developing 0\19' the PlaleMJ region and lhe Rockies. and aome attowera In tile Peclfi<: Northwest. La lifornia ;,outn&rn C.:alllornla will be letr through Saturdey except night and morning low cloud• In coe11a1 11reas Sllghlly w•rmer Friday Orenge County can expect highs 75 lo 8S LOW9 In SO. Inland vall4r(1 will have l'tlghl In 801, IOWtl In 801 Mounlelne c:an expect high• 75 10 85, Iowa In 50s Alternoon ind evening winds 15-30 mph In northern duerll Hight 85 to 115, Iowa 62 to 72 Southe<n Oaten highs 115 10 100 loW9 70t No1th11rn Celllornl1 mo111, l1lr th1ough S11urd1y e•eept coea1a1 tog 1nd low ctoud1 Pertly cloudy over eouthern Sierra ind naer Ore g on border l1011ted lhunde<&hO-•I In ,,orthern Sle<re. chence of thowers In ertreme nor1h Na-We-Se<V<e N()AA U S O.Or Of eo-->er~e .f.!2!!ts. Cold ~ Warm ..,.. S mog fhe Air Oueilty Man11gemen1 District predicts Qood air quallly todey In all eren ol lhe Soult> Coaat Air Basin Gooo air la predicted 1n lt>e Alverslde·San Bernardino area end lhe San Fern endo, San Oel>flel. Santa Clerl1e end Pomona valley•. all with • Pollulent S u nderd Index of too Metropolltan LOI Angeles wlll have • PSI of 87. A PSI of 42 ,, forec .. 1 for Inland Orange County, the Hemel·El1lnora r991on. lhe high and tow deserll. cootlal a,,..~ Banning and Big 0(iar LI'' Where to cell (toll lree) for 1 ;e1M1 tmog lnl0<metlon Or.no-Co~.n1y (800) 0 5-3826 Loe AngelH Counly (800) 242-4022 AIYWtlde and S11n BernMdlno S •atoonary • • count1e1 (800) 387-4710 AOMO Epl1ode Center (8001 242-4868 Ex tf.•111/t·d wea lhf•r Sunday • Tuesday Nlgh1 and morning IOQ end low cloud• near cou1 olherw1u lalr e•cept breezy perl0d1 In mou,,lllna Highs lrom IOw 10 mid 70s at beaches and 80 10 90 In inland valleys Low1 In mid SOt and 801 Mountain hlgh1 74 10 84 and Iowa 45 to 60 lir ~ .. ~a=:=s ..... --.. -nn ............................. ..: SURf RIPORT lurl 11111 l llf'f ..... .... , Sw911 lleech AY9 .... Prd Avo .... ow Zuma 2 3 12 1 2 WSW Ssnla Monlce 2 3 12 1 2 WSW Newport iaech 2 ' 14 I 2 SW San Diego Counly 2 4 14 ' 3 SW Outlooi. for S11urday Llllle c~nge , or the books was targeted for be ing banned from libraries, schools and bookstores. "Alice's Adve n t ures in Wonderl and," Cor example. carries 1n th e lege nd three reasons for being subject to ban, including cultural, e t hical and literary standards. "King Lear." the coded legend reveals, was opposed on two counts objectionabe language and its poHticaJ nature. T hat evaluation migh t make William Shakespeare roll over in his grave. ("And curst be he who moves my bones") Zimmerman set up the display as part o{ Banned Books Week (which e nd s Saturday). s ponsored by t h ree literary organizations. She says the display will remain "until we get tired of looking at it," but adds the window statement should prove to be an education to viewers. "Eighty percent of these books are classics, but at one time or a nother, somebody tried to ban them." she said, shaking her head A 17-pag e booklt't, compiled by the s taff of thC' American Booksc·l lers Assoc1 a lion, lists hundreds o f books that are con s 1d(·r<'d by some to b e dangerous Zimmerman said she culled ~hrough the selections in her tiny bookstore and came up with 46 titles hsll'Ci in the catalog. "There's probably lots more m here," she laughed. pointing lo the crowded bookshelves. "But I haven 't had a chance to go through the wholC' list yet " Passerby takes a pee k at selection of formerly banne d books in a window di play at La guna's Fahre nhe it 45 1 bookstore on South Coast Hig hway. The display will r emain indefinitely. Our Summer Sale Ends on the 11th If you'ry Entertaining the idea of Some ne~ furnishings for your home, The Time is NO WI Heritage~. ••• The Old World way En1er111in friends m style w11h lhl~ lovely bar from the Oki World collection by Herll6ge• There's plenty of room to store 1111 your bar necusllies The craftsm11nsh1p IS obvious the mirrored back panel. the pull oul shelving, lhe spotlights at top. You'll wan~ to have a peny to show II off' Come In today to see all the flrl41 Heritage collections' I --~~~-~~ "6#~~'7~ COSTA MESA I 595 Newpot1 Blvd !114184?-10&0 ' Interior Designs to Serue You All STORES OPEN MONOAY THRU SATUROAV -II AM TO 5 30 PM .. r • 1 I J ... _ Orange COM1 DAILY PILOT/Frkl!IY. September 10, 1ee2 • WORLD Singer arrested at concert Marines leave Beirut David CroBby Beized after lrJtine MeadowB appearance By Tlae A11ocla&ed Pre11 BEIRUT, Lebanon -With the countrr, 1ong "On The Road Alain ' btarlna throuah the ship's loudapeakers, the wt of 800 U.S. Marines left today aboard a troopehlp from the port they had guarded during the PLO evacuation of thla war-rlddlt1d L eban.:ae capital. United Statee and French diplomata watched from dockaide u the Marinet from Fox Company marched two- b y -two aboard the USS Manitowoc, their combat boota thudding on the Iron ramp. Swiss seize terrorists BERN, Switzerland - Swiss authorities held four David Croeby of the Cr011by, Still• and Nash p op 1lnglna aroup often la areeted •l the conclualon of concerti with 1tandln1 ovatlona, tlowera and, one SUPpOllel, &ood times. On Mo nday al the Irvine Meadows amphitheat e r , however, Crosby was greeted with a warrant for hla arrest. Jt was presented by officers from the Culver Cltv Police Department soon aft.el' the group had flnl#ht!d lta final nwn~r. an a cappeUa rendition of "Find tM <:o.t of Freedom.'' The warrant accu.ed hlm of falling to appear at a Lcie Anaelet County Muni cipal Court sentencing July 29 In Culver City. He had pleaded aullty earlJer to a dlaturblna the peace c harge stemming from an Incident in 1980 when two wome n claimed he' aasaulted them. era.by WM taMn into cutiody at 12:4& a.m . Tueeday atw &M conic.rt and drt~ by the otno.n to the Culver City Jail, where he wa1 booked and aubMquently releaaed after pOtttna tH.000 bail, aald Lt. Alan J:Uu. The officers had not warned Croeby o( h1a pendlna arn1t. but EUu noted that the llnaer muat have been aware that he would be aouabt for hia failure to ahow . up for a 11entenctna. · gunmen today who tried to force the lifting of martial law in Poland by seizing the P olish Embassy and holding five diplomats hostages. te rrorist police e nded the 'three-day embassy siege Thunday when they stormed the building, freed all hostages and arrested their captors ln a bloodless rescue operation that lasted only 12 minutes. Irvine schools select NB architect· About 20 Swiss anti- U.S. export ban defied LOND ON -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government ordered two more British manufacturers today to defy the U.S. ban on use of American technology for the Siberian gas pipeline. Announcing the order, the Department of Trade said it "very much regrets the act.Ion by the U.S. government," and sai d the dispute was "damaging trans-Atlantic relations and should be settled as quickly as possible." T h e compa nies are the Walter Kidde Co. and Andre w Antennas, both British subsidiaries of U.S. firms. European rocket crashes KOUROU, French Guyana -The Arian e rocket , Europe's answer to America's space shuttle, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean today 13 minutes into its first operational flight, officials of the European Space Agency said. NATION They said the launch er, carry ing two satellites destined for stationary Earth orbit, disappeared from tracking screens about 1,860 miles from French Guyana on the northeast coast of South America. Pri'vate satellite planned MAT AGOR DA ISLAND, Texas -Space Services Inc. of America, the Housto n company that made a giant leap for free enterprise with the first privately controlled rocket launch, plans to orbit a 500-pound satellite within two years, company officials say. Thursday's flaw!~ launch and suborbital flight of the Conestoga I should make it easier to raise the $15 million to $20 million needed to build a private satellite-launching service, said David Hannah, founder and board chairman of Space Services. The rocket roared away from a launch pad scratched out of private ranch land and performed a series of complex maneuvers. Anti-abortion bill nixed WA S HIN GTON - Ignoring pe rsonal appeals from President Reagan, the Senate has hand e d conaervatives a defeat in their efforts to enact anti-abortion legislation this year. The conservatives. led by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C .. fell 19 vo~ short Thursday of the 60 votes needed to cut short a liberal filibuster, now in ita eighth day. Forty-one senators voted to limit debate to 100 hours; 47 voted no. Two win pageant prelims ATLANTIC CITY, N .J . - Although Miss North Carolina fought back tears and Miss Mississippi sang the blues, both were winners in the second round of preliminary competitio n in the Miss America Pageant. STATE Elizabeth Gray Williams. Miss North Carolina. won the swims u i t competition Thursday night. Miss Mississippi, Dianne Evans, gave a sultry rendition of "Stormy Weather," to win the gold statue. Lutherans, Episcopalians mix SAN DIF.GO -Delegates at Lutheran and Episcopal church conventions have adopted resolution~ encouraging members of the two faiths to take part in each other's communion services. Members of both religions always have participated in each othe r 's e u c haristic services, acknowledging that all Christians are part of one chur c h , but resolutions adopted this week by one Episcopalian and three Lutheran conventions broke down a centuries-old barrier. The Lutheran convention voted Wednesday to merge into a new 5.5 million-member Lutheran church by the year 1988. The Newport J:\each -based Blurock Partneraht'p has been selected to quickly Clesign a new headquarters for the Irvine Unified School District. . The district board of trustees voted 3-2 Wednesday to choose ·Blurock over two other local architectural finns that reached the finals of the selection process. Fa ced w it h i mminent deadlines to ge t the project moving, the trustees held a s pecial meeting at Lakeside Middle School to interview officers of the three finns. Rock fans save lives, miss bash By STEVE MARBLE °' .... o.-, Not ..... For Jeff Wieser the US Festival was to be hi.a summen vacation, his reward for months of all work and no play. A veteran concert-goer and a musician hlmaeU, he loaded up his car with camping gear, picked up two friends and headed toward a dusty desert town called Devore. He never got there. In the pre-dawn hQurs Friday, Wieser, 29, of Newport Beach was stuck on the freeway with hundreds of other concert-bound youtha. The concert lite wu less than a mile away. Tom Nora worthy, 18, of Orange, who . got talked Into going to the three-day festival ju.at hours earlier, wu stuck on the same freeway. Neither of them recall seeing the car that c .. me speeding around the bencUn-the...1rway, 1he driver reportedly unaware the traffic ahead waa at a standstill. Neither remembers seeing the car slam into the parked vehicle that contained four people. "I didn't even hear the Impact," aays Wieser. "I just looked up for aome reaeon and saw the flames. Both cars were burning." $250,000 . jackpot hit LAS VEGAS (AP) -A mother of two from Tacoma, Wuh., hit a $250,000 jackpot Monday at a Laa Vegu casino hotel, a spokeswoman said. Tok Cha Beckendorf, who runs an Oriental gift ahop in Tacoma, alld $215 down a Pot of Gold slot machine before ahe hit the jackpot about 5:55 a .m .• said Elizabeth Griffith, spokeswoman for the Flamingo Hilton. "She had played only about five minutes,' Ma. Griffith said. "She said she never believed that other people won that much money and now she has." We're Listening ••• -oy.Frtdev II y0u 00 no1 - )'Our -by $ 30 D m c.ell belote I om end.....,, cooy "'"be del•- Setvnw, -Sunday It ....., do nol =:,r.,,, ~ ~. ~ ":.."C: ..,._..., What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. ' The same 24·hour answerin1 service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. f Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Cteiaen.d •~Nftl 714M2·1111 All othef depemnerm 142-4321 Daily Pilat Tt..ma. '· H.a.y Pvblltll« olld Chi.I becwtlve Offlc., Jane Amari hecull•• Ed•lor L. Kay Schuha Viet l'rttldent ON! i><fec!Of ot Adlt••l•lnO Thomas A. Murphlne fdllor Raymen4' Med.ean Controller Kenneth N. Gelllctard Ir. DlfK!Ot o4 ()perotloM MAIN ()f'PlCe • w..i ... 14 .. C..U --... CA. Mell...._! ... tMt, c.-. MeM, CA. fMM C:..rltM ttll Or .... C•" ~ ....... ~. ---........... ltllt ........... ,..... .... vertlM.....m ........ -lie r~ .. ...._,., ..-C'81 .. ,,,,. ... ef(Wlr•--· Trustees Gordon Getchel, John· Flynn and John Nakaoka voted for Blurock. Chairwoman L ee Sicoli and Buff White dissented. They earlier had sought to name the flrm Knowles and LaBc>nte. The third firm in the running was Porter, Jen1en, H.anaen and Marµagol. Getchel, who lnaae the motion to select Blurock, said he thought the firm, with the largest staff of the three, could most easily produce a design in the shortest amount of time. He added : "Bluroc k 's experience in this type o f buildll\f la a llttle more extensive. Truaiee. are plannJna to build a 40,000-aquare-foot office structure on the south aide of Berranca Parkway between l!'.ut Yale ·Loop and Creek Road in W~bridge. ~site la 200 feet eaat of the exiating Carl's Jr. faat-fOod reistaurant. They are in a rush, officials note, eo plans are completed in case voters approve a •500 million .:hoola construction bond on the statewide ballot Nov. 2. The district headquarters will be financed with an exi'stinJ( ..... ............... Tom Norsworthy, and Jelr Wieser, with bandaged loot, exchange mempries of their trip to ahe US Festival wfle~ they pulled three people from a burning car. Wleeer and Nonworthy, who had never met before, aot to the wreckaae at the same time. A third penon. Edward Brockert -a 10ldier in the Army, ran up aeconda later. Together the men pulled three unconscious persona from the flaming car and then tri4'd in vain to get the driver from vehind the wheel. Wieser says the car erupted in flames -10 feet high, he gueaes -before he could get to the man. Wiaer suffered .cond-dearee bums on hit feet and 1eo durinc the heroic.a and waa taken from the ac~ne by paramedics. Norsworthy came away uninjured . He spent the remaining JDOl'tlina hours at the festival and then went home before the music started. The two men ot to ether Wedneeday in Newport Beach to ahare their emotional experience, to fill in the "rm.tnc frames" .. Wlaer put it. "I remember once thinkin1 that I could set hurt aoina into the car,'' explai.na Wieeer. "Then I thouibt that if I didn't do tt, rd hate m--11 forever. It WM that simpfe.'i;- Noraworthy says he just "reected.'' uanc h1a experience .. a former Explorer Scout with the Oranae County Sheriff'• department. Both •Y they feel badly about the man they were unable to rescue. Authorities later Identified him u 23-year-old Kenneth Gordon of Santa Rma. "I f-1 really l'OOd about w~t we did but I wish it could have ended on a better note," Wiaer, a former medical student, Mys. entitlement to a t5 mUUoa constr uction bond ~ Adminiatraton worry that 1beY micht not be eUCible fer .... GI the newly authortaed aca1e band money unlea their •~ milllod already la conun!tted. i The Bluroclt Partnerablp: meanwhile, is no 1tran1er sq Irvine. It deQned such f9dli.~ u Venado anCl l•keelde ~ s chools and Eaatahore ancf Northwood elementary IChooll. • Blurock plannen also hel~ design the muter plan for tlMi Woodbridge .:hool locationa. : • I OC pioneer. Hankey ... dies at 86 : Pioneer Oranae County cicrw rancher Carl llerbert Hankey has died in San Clemente General Hospital. The lilelons county raident was 86. · · A memorial service la ICheduled at 2 p.m. Saturday at San Juan Capistrano Community Presbyterian Church, 32202 Del Obispo St., with Dr. Charlel C. Griffin offlciatln1. He died Wedneeday. . llankey wu born at the comier- of First and Bush streets in Smta Ana ln 1896. He moved to Su Juan Capistrano in 1921 and there besan h1a oranae-IP'O'Nina bualne91 ln the eastern pOrUqn cil the city. . I Throu1hout ·hla life. ff.anU7 wu active in local commwdti affairs and Rrved on botM the elementary and hi&h achool boards of education; the 8oulb c.o.t Improvement A""Ciaticn; the San Juan lrri1aUoa Aaaociatlon; and the local chamber of commerce. He also WM a pm& praident of the Oran1e County Coa•t Amociation. a charter member GI the hlatorical eodety. a charter member of the San Juad Capistrano Rotary Club, c hairman of the Viaitin1 International Studeau Aaaoclation and a two-term president of the County Auocia lion of B'oard• of F.ducation and Ac:lminimaton. In 1978, Carl H. IJankey Elementary School in Ml8alon Viejo WM named ln hie honor. A World War I veteran In the U.S . Merchant Matlne,, Hankey married hie wife of more than eo . years. Adele Annitaae of 8umet Beech. in 1919. An avid aardener. Hankey d raiaed 1ladiola1 beainnina in 1929. For years, Hankey'• fJowen and flower arraneea-m were a fixture at Capl•U'&DO · Unified School Dtatrict uations. S1l1 Th·ru Sept. 21th 16 DIFFERENT • QUALmDON SALE IV LEES DEN'S :ea•:iiiillitlM :·1:111to• ,,,,,,;., ... rim PLACEllllA .... CGITA 1111. :. • . Orange OONt DAILY PILOT/l'rlday. September 10, 1112 Wilderness wildness • worries Peace of A11gele fore I marred by crime, rowdine LOS ANGELES (AP) City dwelleu aoulns awa~rom cMUutlon In the San brletl Moun\aln• are lncrea lnaly finding that they've e1capcd trom clvlllud behavior WI well. "The kida have an expreealon for lt," 18.id Lo. Angeles Coun\l Sherlft'a Sgt. Rod Morrla. "It • kina'• X up here." 'the Angeles National Forest covera 693,000 acres In the rugged scrub brush and pine- covered San Gabriel Mountain.a northeast of Loa Ange les. Because It is so close to the city, it la a ready haven for city-dwellers overcome with the weekend bucolic urge. However, Foretit Service and sheriff's officers are struggling to cope with aolid citizens who tum rowdy in the woods and criminals who see rich and easy targets. Paint-sprayed sign dog, let's go do something' - which can be getting drunk. or burning a picnic table or something worse." 1980, th4?re wcm.• 5.348 lncldenta. Through Oct.obor 1981, the date of la1t. compilation, Incident• Wl•ro up another 23 ~rt~nt over th prtivlo1.a year. For hardcore crime, thL· figures are equally dist.retains. In 19811 there were 11 homlcld~a. 21 rape1, 22 robberies, 105 aggrava ted a11ault1, 149 burtitarlee, 268 grand theft.II and ~O stolen cara l n the national forest, aald Information Deputy Terry Gingerich. The hom:cides generaUy have not been directed at campers,, though, he notes, saying the area la a convenient point to dispose of bodies. "We do get a lot of dumps - narcotics and gang retaliation things," said Gingerich, who spent four years patrolling the national forest area. The prospect of violence remains, and deputies are aware of their Isolated position. Poster Child NATO troops maneuver BRUSSEl..S, Bet.swn (AP) - Allied armlH relnforced by 18,000 troope from the Uniced Statea are uktna part In European war aamet that wlll run into m1d-0Ctober. More than 250,000 1oldler1 from a dozen North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries are fighting mock battles In the annu al '1 Autumn Forgen" maneuvers. American unlta arrived Europe thla week, picked up stockpiled vehlclea, ammunition and 1uppllee and moved lmmedlat.ely into the maneuvers. tn previous years, the mock fighting began when the units reached their lleld posltiona. Thi! time, t.he troops will be under "attack" shortly after they land at such ports as Antwerp , Belg i um and Rotterdam , Netherlands. ' ''There are 12 million people who live around the ~a of the Angeles National Forest. Unfortunately. we do get some forest visit.ors who don't conduct themselves like decent citizens," said R oger Fischer , administrative officer for the U.S. 'Forest Service. "Some people get out in the woods and they (eel the constraints of civilization are off them," he adds. "They say, 'Hot Morris, who directs national forest enforcement in the area around the San Dim.as substation, can point to statistics to illustrate the growing wildness in the wilderness. In his area, there were 2,944 incidents in which deputies were called in 1977. In "Help is a long way off, your communications are often nil. What you get. into, you have to take care o f yourseU," said Morris. "You don't jump in with both feet." Increased enforcement of Forest Service regulations and closinli{ of trouble spots late at night has helped reduce wild parties and drunkenness. Be n u ·ill, 5, of Paso Robles, 1983 March of Dimes National Poster Child, gets chummy with actor-singer John Schneider, WalkAmerica ch a irman, during a recent news conference in Los An eles. In the first major action, on Sept. 13, 1,800 members of the 82nd Airborne and equipment to fill elgh t other C-141 cargo planes will be airlifted from Fort Bragg and parachuted into a field near Wurzburg, West Germany. It will be the biggest non-stop, trans· Atlantic. Flowers better late than .. DEAR PAT: On tbe Tbaraday before Motller'1 Day I pb011ed Irvine Flortat to place aa FTD order for Dowen to be ddlvered to my motlier la Nortll CaroliDa. I food out two weeks later tllat tlaey bad not arrived. I plH»aed tile Oort1t agalD ud waa a11ared tile belated Dowen wollld be delivered tile next day. Some weeks later my motber reported 11le atlll lladn't received any flowers. Meanwblle, tile charge appeared on my Coyote poison delay urged SACRAMENTO (AP) -A task force appointed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. recommends that the coyote poison Compound 1080 not be allowed until after completion of comprehensive studies. The final report of the seven-me mber Governor's Predator Control Task Foree has said experiments on the safest ways to use the poison should be conducted at several California locations during the next three..years, and the tests should be acrutiniz.ed by a citizens' panel. charge card bill. I phoned tile flortlt a tb.lrd time, apeaklng with tile manager, wbo promised to have tile Dowers delivered tbe next day wltll an apology. He alto offered to call me aboald t-ere be any problem. Now It'• mld-aammer, a.Qd atlll no ftowen bave been received by my mother. M.M., Irvine Irvine Florist's manager promised to follow through on your order. He was under the impression that t.he flowers had been delivered after your previous conversation with him. He noted that he would have been happy to pursue the matter if you'd let him know the problem still existed. Hopefully, the long overdue flowers•will be received by your mother. U not, check back with AYS. In case you have similar problems in the future, you alao could contact FTD Customer Relations, Northwestern Highway, P .O. Box 2227, Southfield, Mich. 4803?. e.!r.'.! All CDNDllll!l•.O to&M •• ,.. lllATIN9 MntlOOM ..,._IMO SI le. 11101 SeNict Time 8-Ill YOVI 0ocw (c.11 Sien -Yow .-,.., COSTA MBA 641-1289 1526 ............... MISStOH Yll.IO 495-0401 2"22C......C1t10 .... I is-.... ~ ... ·-"'-'·> Dispel refrigerator odor DEAR PAT: We came home from our . vacation to find that our refrigerator bad broken down. I don't know bow lou tbe power was out, but there was a lot of l(t~ food and tile terrible problem of a very unpleasant odor Inside tbe refrigerator. Even tbougb tile refrigerator was fixed and works fine now, tile odor remains. What cu I do? S.E., Costa Mesa Try one or more of the following suggestions which have been tested and are recommended by Whirlpool economists: -Put baking soda onto jelly roll pans and place on refrigerator shelves for several days. -Spread activated charcoal onto jelly roll pans and place on shelves inside refrigerator -Place fresh ground coffee in cereal bowls Inside the refrigerator for several days. Slight coffee odor can remain but will soon disappear after washing. -Pack each re frigerator shelf with crumfled newspaper. Sprinkle newspaper light y with water. This method takes approximately five or six days, but it helps eliminate strong odors. -There also are several commercial products available in hardware, grocery and variety stores that are designed to help remove refrigerator odors. • .,'Got a problemr Then write to Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, -1 getting the answers and action you, need to •olve inequitie• i n n. government anq bwlness. Mail• . ,your questions tol.Pat Horowitz, At ~our Service, Oran.Re Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, O.ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered. It said the state also should experiment with guard dogs to deter animals that prey on livestock, and encourage better r«ord keeping of livestock losses. to Minimum AnnuaJ Annual And it recommended opposition to federal steps to dilute California's efforts to set its own standards for the use of poisons. . Sheep, cattle and poultry growers are seeking a return to the limited use of C.Ompound 1080, which was banned 10 years ago. Environmentalist groups oppose it, but. the administration of President Reagan has reopened the question. · The task force, chaired by fonner Fish and Game Commission Chairman Sherman Chickering, is at odds with the state Department of Food and Agriculture, which calla for the immediate re- registration of Compound 1080, but with aome firm controls. Two members of the task force submitted a minority report saying. among other things. that the state should not only oppose the use of Compound 1080 against predators, but also re- examine its use to kill rodents. Chippendale• In Person Ladies meet the handsome Men of Chlppendales here at Huntington Center this Sat. & Sun. 12 to 2 p.m. Autographed calendars available. Call 642-5671. Pul • few words to work for ou. BW Newport Beach presents her September birthstone in a unique jewelry nnd loose stone collection. Selected pieces now nt ' TWENTY-AVE PERCENT SAVINGS. This Monday nnd Tuesday nt BW Newport Beach, our fine ~lry buyer, Mr. Bain Chandran, wrll be 9rv1n9 an informative lecture and sltde presentation on "Sapphire Minrng in Sri·lanka" at 11 a.m. with infOfmal je'Nelry modeltng 12·3. Mr. Chandran will be avnilable for consultntion until 4 p.m. ~ting Is Hmited, so please telephone the Fine ~lry department nt BW Newport Beach for reservations. Fine ~lry, our s~craltyat BW Newport Beach. BUllOC~~ WllS~IR[ lit SPlC(AllY STOtl r i J c j 1 r ) < Every dollar up to Sl00,000 ls f.ederally Insured. Whatever your savings goals, short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/invest- ment program that will pro- duce substantial, guaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show you how easy it is to earn a sizeable return on your money. WE HELP YOU MANAGE YOUR MONEY,, ~SHD~. Teµns New I 7 to31 days New! 3 months (91 days) ~'A«OUnt 6 months (182 daytl Pays more tMn baftktl 30 months I l ~ )'Ut'JI l Tax-Frail ~ths (1 ycari . IRA/KEOGH ~cttr .... t Accoufttt lB months ~oyears ~ths ~years Balance Rate Yield Deta1.ls Choose tht ttrm. lntertst compounded daily. $20,000 8.727% 9.2503 Rate 1s fi•td for * 91 days. Simple 8.5653 8.971"' interest. $ 7,500 Rate ts f1xtd for * 182 d<1ys. Simple $10,000 9.8553 10.2433 1n1ernt. lnte!'HI $ 500 11.9503 12.8783 compoundtd d<11ly. Up to s2.ooo in interest nmtd $ 500 7.835"° 8.1503 exempt from Fedtral taxes. Interest compoUl'dtd daily. Choose the plan . and term that's fixed Rate 13.347~ right for you. $ 500 U.750"° Rite is flxtd for trrm aele.cttd. Interest Variable compoundtd every 182 days. Rate 10.786"' Rate varies evrry $ 100 10.105"' 182 days. lnten:st compounded daily. • fhe yield on these accounts assumes that pnncipal and Interest ere relnvnttd at same rate each maturity date over a one yHr penod. By law, early withdrawal from certlficiltt! .accounts results in 1ubstanth1l lntunt pmalty. I J HUNl'INGTON BEAOI: f11 Huntington Ctr./ (71t) 898·9666 f LACUNA HIW: 2'2-'0 FJ Toro Rd./ (714) 951.-8454 \ SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 31617 ™Obispo St./ (714) 493·SOll SANTA ANA:~ S. Bristol St./ (714) 9'19·7S80 ~ RJU.ERTON1 255 W. ~Ave. /(114) 871~101 i NEWPORT BEACH: 2700 W. Co.1t Hwy./ (714) 631·1.6ll 14 Santa Ana Fashion Square/(714) 834-0717 83 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH. 759·1211, MON·FRI 10-9, SAT·6, SUN 12·5. 0 1 , -i\ ·~=--------· . r 'I • High school snubs Stockman Alma m ater to ignore wel coming parade to get even When the "Welcome Home Dave Stockman" parade klckll oU Saturday In Stevenavllle, Mich., there will be no marchers from the high achool student council to greet the school'• moet famoua graduate. The student government at Lakeshore High School voted this w eek to decline an In vitation to 1end four ma rch ers to t h e parade an d other festivitie s scheduled duri ng th e federal budg- et director's I TOCKMAN visit, said Pat McGrath, the council president. McGrath ·said the action was taken because Stockman, a 1964 La.kesh ore graduate and former student council president , has rejected several requests to speak at the school. 11111 I flCEI and property settlement award ii not '1ufficient cauae' for d lsmisaal," the justJces said thls week in the unsigned, unanimous opinion that was a win and a lou for both principals in a divorce granted March 21. 1980. The couple married in 1963 and separated ln 1974, and the former Beverly Rentz Beatley filed for divor ce in 1976 on grounds of cruel and abusive treatment. The Mailers were given joint custody of their two children. The novelist was to pay $200 weekly ~hen his ex-wife had c ustod y, plus medical and educational costs. and keep up a $50,000 life insurance policy for their benefit. Mrs. Mailer was to get $575 weekly in alilTlQn y for seven years, s ubjec t t o a nnual ipcrements based on the cost-of- Uving index in New York. vi con1ul In Miami, said thla week that the 79-year-old king will fly to Miami on Oct. 16. Hit ho1t1 will be two Norway- bated cruise llne1 whoae ahipe aaJl from Mlaml, 1he said. Th e kin; will also vlait Mlnneapo lia, Clifton. Texaa. Housto n, New Orleans and Norfolk , Va., Bugge aatd. As of the beginning of next year, say goodbye to Zonker, Joanie, Uncle Duke, B.D., Mike and the rest of the cast of "Doonesbury" for about 18 montha. Cartoonist Garry Trudeau says they are "confused and out of aorta," and he himself needs "a breather." "For almost l~ fears, the main ch ar- acters have been trapped in a time warp, and so find them- Cl Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 10, 1982 If you own or plan on owning a VIC 20 Home Comp'fter THIS SCHOOL IS FOR YdUI Learn • Beginning Basic • Animation • Color Programming • Music Programming • Business Programming • Game Programming • Word Processing Ccll 751-3587 ' for Information & enrollment Umlted Enrollment · Claues Start Mon .• Sept. 13thl Claues Held Monday• Wednesday 7-9 p .m. 8 Hours of aenaattonal Instruction, only $100. 1548 Brookhollow Dr .• Santa Ano • 751 -3587 (Womer & Newport Fwy /Dyer Exit) J •• t. t I j 'I ·C4 .q '• . ,, l . ,•,\ It ;- J ••• ;! •• . ... \.Ill ' j f1"• . , " ii I • 'l't . ~ 1, ··l ,,, .. :,. ' .~,, .,, . ,..,,~ t , ... , • t ,, r. it, •.. i " •, ~ i ·,11 The Massachusetts s tate Supreme Court says author Norman Ma ller'• fourth wife cannot withdraw her divorce complaint because she doesn't like the settlement, but she may appeal the terms. King Olav V of Norway will stop in Miami for two days next month during a two-week tour of six U .S . cl ties to promote Norwegian culture. ~elves carry-n1uouu . r---------------------------------------~~o t~~PC:~~~e 8~~n~:a~s:~ Deliver the DailJPilat Boys and girls 10 or older -. " Press In Fairway, Kan., which "Displeasure with the alimony Kirs ten Bug ge, No rway's ~~~e'W~~~~ ~ys\i~:e~ Call 642-4321 and ap.ply today. 111.IJ Pl.Ill"" syndicates the strip. t Robinsons DISCOVER THE GREAT DESIGNERS , . JEFFREY BANKS Good taste That's what every immaculately tailored suit, every impeccably crafted sweater. every perfectly coordinated tie Banks designs exemplifies. In traditional fabrics updated with lhe most premium of yarns, lhe most surprising of colors. OURS FIRST. Sportswear that combines a polished refinement with visual and tactile richness Including, our brushed cotton twill sportshirt In assortetj plaids S·M·L·XL, $38.50 And culled cotton corduroy pant in eggshell. graphite. rosemary, cayenne. damson plum. loden, yellow. or black 28 to 36. S58. Robinson's Men's Sportsh1rts and Sportswear Ca suals. 107/123. Newport only To order. call toll -free 1·800·345·8501 . COME M EET JEFFREY BANKS IN PERSON. Al a fall m1ni-fash1on show. Saturday. September 11, 2 pm .. Newport ... SHOP F"IDAY 10-t, IATU .. DAY 10-t, IUNDAY 11·1. r AOBINION'I NEWPO .. T FASHION ISLAND ~"' -~ 'I I' ..,,. .r!• ... , I ~ ~ . '-~ :11 ... ,, --' i i ; t I I I I ! . I , I ! .• -A .. , ... ....... .. . ' t ···~ . ···-l ·:· t..J ) .. ·,.~; ,1·~=; . ' ,, .. ., . I -1 ~ I : I t , ' I I : : . I ! I I t I I I . ' I I I . ! i I t t ' • • Orange Oou1 DAILY PILOT/llrlday, September tO, 1H2 Bad news follows good. for county developers The summer fut slipping into the past has brought some good newa and some bad news for the developers who work in unincorporaied areas of Orange County. On Aug . 19, county government officials served up coffee, doughnuts and accolades as they dedicated a new "one-stop" center for the processing of development pennit applications. Such a center, they assured, would help reduce the time spent by developers in obtaining approval for their plans, thus lowering the cost of housing. That sounded pretty good, considering housing prices in Orange County have gone through the roof. Then came Aug. 31. County supervilors, after some rancorous debate, decided that fees charged for the processing of variances, use permits, site development plans and so forth should be increased. Only one supervisor, Harriett Wieder, dissented. We note in passing that it was Wieder who fought the hardest for the opening of the one-atop center. Fees for the proce11ing of certain zone change requests will shoot up by 1,260 percent. Some increaaee are u low u 8 percent. The objective of the fee increases, county offici.ala aay, la to put the processing of development applications on a pay-aa-you-go basis. They point out that the feea have not been increased since 1978. Officials of the Orange County chapter of the Building Industry Association say the new fees aren't wholly justified and couldn't come at a wone time for the recession-wracked construction industry. When we look at some fees shooting up by 1,250 pen:ent, the BIA's concern iB understandable. And there iB no doubt the timing Df the fee increases is unfortunate. The new fees will add tlbouf $169,000 to a county budgf!t exceeding three-quarters of a billion dollars. Does the county need the additional revenue? Good question. A planner's dreanJ Into this county Qf. wonders, it appears, yet another wonder is about robe born. This one will occupy what is now the wild fastnes.s of the Plano Trabuco, an area so unsullied by human presence that many of the million people or so who literally live "just over the hill" from it probably don't even know the area exists. But, if county planners and the Board of Supervisors have their way, the plano will become the site of a truly unique development. Like some Emerald City from a latter-day Land of Oz, the Plano Trabuco development that county officials are encouraging its owners to build would emerge virtually self-contained and awesomely complete from its virgin origins. It is almost unheard of for the eggheads of the planning prof es.sion to tell a developer ~ land will support more density of population. That is, however, e xaqtly what county planners told officials of the Rancho Mission Viejo, the corporate owners of the Plano •Trabuco. They recommended that a "town center" with dwelling ·densities as high as 24 housing , units per acre be created in the form of multi-story condominiums and townhouse buildings. They suggested that the center could contain as much as 500,000 square feet of commercial and retail floor space and that 700,000 square feet of office space could be included in its modem towers of multi-storied glass and steel. And the reasoning behind all this was that the site just east of the present .community of ·Mission Viejo is, perhaps, one of the most viable locations in all of Southern California for such a closed- s y stem, master -planned environment -a beautiful place to live that also can furnish its residents a great place to work and shop. Not lost on the planners who took the Plano Trabuco application as an opportunity to update the master plan for that entire part of the south county area was the opportunity also to open the way for additional development at Coto de Caz.a. That gated enclave also was given the go-ahead by the Board of Supervisors for the future construction of more than 6,000 housing units on nearly 5,000 acres to be developed as Coto is expanded. The private community, which would be required to open its gates to the public for access to one of two county regional parks to be developed in the area, now has only 180 homes. And, wonder of wonders, all of this is supposed to start happening within the next couple of years. Whistleblower vindicated Back in 1968, A . Ernest Fitzgerald got himself and the U.S . Air Force in all kinds of hot water when he became one of the Penta.goo 's best known whistle blowers. Fitzgerald, who worked in civilian government service for the Air Force, testified before the U.S. Senate that a new C-5A aircraft was going to cost the Air Force $2 billipn more than had been promised. The Air Force fired him the next year. Fitzgerald's attomeys fought the firing and he was restored to a lesser position in 1974. His lawyers had actually obtained one of the infamous Watergate tapes in which President Nixon was heard to remark about Fitzgerald, "I said get rid of the ---," in one of his famous expletives deleted. Now it bas been reported that Fitzgerald is being promoted to a high-level civilian government position within the Pentagon, as- parently in a gesture by defense officials to demQnstrate that despite a $178 billion military budget for 1983, steps wlll be taken to curb waste, lraud and abuses. It is doubtful that one man, even one of Fitzgerald's whistle- b lowing reputation, can accomplish all of that alone. But it's nice to see defenae officials at least making the ges~ure. And for Fitzgerald personally, there must be some feeling of vindication in it all. L.M. Boyd I Cowboy movies Q. Were there any cowboy movia filmed during World War ll? A Many. But not with COWi. Meet waa rationed, and the filmmakers didn't want to raUle the question of lwhy beef ahowed up on film but not lln the markeL Al.to, cattle IClmel, such • stampedel. burned off too much 1wel.lht. I'' ll DurinC the Great Dtpre.lon - ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilat ~1*11 ..... ..,.,, #I' ti llW , .. , •I J• WHi •• , St , CMI• MfW A-n• ,.,,.,oo,.clf.,,. to llO• I lJtO (ftla ,,._,.._ CA .,.,. - there~ the. who well remember -a fOW1h of the entire 11.ate of Ml~u M>ld off tn a ll.Jl8le day of~ action. Q. P1eMe bOte, W ,C. Flelda dJd not' .. y. "Anyone who hate. ~ and children can't be all blllll." Writer Leo ~aid 1\ about ,,.Ida durini a roMt banq\Mt of tN ~Club. A. Not.eel. _J ' , ........ ,.Hiiiey Publitl\tl Theme1 A, Murphlne fdltor ...... Amert b-cll!M fdl!ot' .............. EdllO!tol ,.,.. 1-.. n..m..McCenn ~flf•IOf ... Cuba's foreign debts soar WASHING'I'ON -Mexico lsn't our only insolvent neighbor. Fidel Castro's Cuba is in even worse shape financially. Castro owes a total of nearly $10 billion to foreign creditors. That's about 200 times more than Cuba owed when he seii.ed power in 1959. Approximately $7 billion of that is owed to Big Brother in Moscow. ~ BUT CASTRO owes $2.6 billion to Western bankers. Of that amount, $1.1 billion comes due for payment in the next 12 months. International banking sources say Castro has only two choi c es: rescheduling the loans or defaulting. Either way, Cuba may be cut off from these loan markets. Some Western bankers, belatedly wising up, now say they won't lend Castro any more money because they can't be sure what It's being used for. And Castro can't count on a bailout from the Kremlin. Moscow gold is stretched pretty thin these days -what with grain imports, the costly adventure in Afghanistan and bailouts of such other clients as Poland and Vietnam. U.S. banks are probably the only major international lending source that hasn't been pouring money down the Cuban rat hole. That's because we got stuck early In the game, when ~tro expropriated nearly $2 billion in U .S .-owned assets following his revolution. The resulting U.S. embargo applies to American banks as well as other businesses. Who has been underwriting Castro's extravagant economic, political and JICI llDIRlll military experiments? His foreign loans have come from banks in Libya, Japan, Canada, France, Spain, West Gennany, ItaJy and the Arab countries -even a bank controlled by the Palestin e Liberation OraganJzation. Amazingly, many of the Western loans to Cuba were of the "general-purpose" variety, not earmarked for specific projects. This meant that Castro didn't have to tell the lenders what the money would be spent on, unlike you and me when we approach our friendly financier, hat in hand. The ironic result is that these pillars of capitalism may have subsidized Castro's foreign subversion -a startlinl( illustration of the cynical Leninist prediction that capitalism will supply the rope for its own hanging. Cuban troops by the thousands began deploying in Angola and Ethiopia at about the time of the inDux of cash from Western banks. AT ANY RATE, there ia no evidence that Castro used Jhe money for the laudable goal he suggested he needed it for: diversifying the Cuban ec;onomy. For example, Cuba's faltering export trade is now even more dependent on sugar than it used to be. And while Castro successfully built up a commercial fishing fleet, records show that in 1975-77 Cuba's fishing activity actually decreased. Those were the yean when Castro was sending troops to Africa -using his fishing fleet as transport ships. The Western bankers are presumably chastened by all this; once burned, twice sh~. as they say. The trouble is, they can't pull their fingers from the fire ju.st yet. As financial sources told my associa t e Jon Lee Anderson, the moneylenders really have no choice but to reschedule Castro's loan payments and hope that eventually they'll get their money back. Do I detect tears being shed for the international bankers? Surely not. The perennial clothes closet dilemma If I had known for sure, when I bought the clothes I own, that I was going to like them and wear them, I could have saved mysell a fortune. The clothing busin.ess would be in big trouble If all ol us liked everything we bought when we got it home, because we wouldn't be traipsing back to the store in a few weeks to buy aomething to replace It. 1-fy average is slightly below 50 percent. I like and wear less than 50 percent of everything I buy once I get lt home. My clothes cloeeta are filled with pants, jackets, shirts and shoes that aeemed attractive and practical to me In the store but haven't.worked out at all. TO MAKE UP for thoee, I have four or five things that are 10 years old that I've worn and worn. I wouldn't part with them !or anythina. I reach for the same old things year after year. Toward the middle of apring, when the weather at.arts to tum hot, I put away the clothes I've worn all winter and think to mY91ill that some of thoee old favorites have 1een their 1ut aeuon. I cannot quite bring my.elf to throw out the old favorites, though, and I decide to give them one last summer vacation tn the back of my closet. In September, when the first nip is tn the air, I reach for 1e>mething wanner. I take out the old favorite, look it over and I~'' ._IND_Y _RDD-Nf-Y -~ put it on. It looks fresher and better than lt did at the end of last year. I wear it. I . can get away with it for another year. And another. And another. One of the great disappointments to me about clothing ls how consistently I find that the mo8t expensive clothes I buy are the best. This doesn't aeem fair or biblical. When I pay more for an all- wool suit or an all-<X>tton shirt by a good maker, It looks better, fits better and wean longer. When I buy a sn~ppy­ looking synthetic jacket or a pair of pants that are suppoeed to do everything but walk to the washing machine by thenaelves, I'm uaually disappointed. I Alternative to Scrabble I hate $crabble. It's a stupid game. Admittedly, part of the reason I think so ii that I aet beaten moat of the time I am weak-willed e~h to play. And beaten by opponentl who don't know an Ibis from an Uex. Scrabble players are a speclal"breed. They know a lot of obecure words, but for the moat part they don't know what 111111 .... thoee wordl mean. 'Ibeir heeds .,.. filled with two-and th.ree-le«er comblnationt th.at no rnpectable dictionary would adm.lt. ThJa la why they even have their own .. offJd.al" Sc:nbble dlctiona.ry-which ls eo pennlallve lt is a joke. It aanctlona ~-even "et" u a put tense of .... , -.. and "t.lnUdetrt" u the auperlative of "Undd." Scnbble ..,_ ita devotees nothlftl about the mmn1ftl qf or der1v•tlon of wards. Notblac about the proper UM ot worda. Nothtac about lan1ua1e aa • medhuD of .,......lion or d-=ripUon or an ......... ~ IP*ldl the moet houn and da71 memo~= &be moat ab•"rd co111c1ioo of wtU tet the ~t ICO,., all elM befnc eqUal. The 1ame doun't even provide the mild Intellectual exercl1e one gets from working croawonl puzzles, from which one may at leut learn something he didn't know before. What l.s needed ia a game designed along the same lines that can expand a u.eful vocabulary and reward richness ot expreaion; a game that encourages the adroit use of language and penallz.es precbely the kind ol aolecilms that are pennltted tn Scrabble. IF WE ARE ao tnlatuated with words, tllelr proper uup abou1d be our primary aim, and not \be mere acquialtion of a lar~, looee lexicon of eeoteric wOl'da that might u well be Sanlkrit or Eaperanto. And no player would be allowed to u.e a word he could not define ICC\ll'ately tn the context of a real F.ngliah aentence. Polnta would be 1oet. and not ~y a tum forfelt.ed, by any player formtna an tuesttimate wotd or a baaW'dlzed version of a le1ltlmat4I word. All "variant" 1pellln•• would be banned, and the "officiaf'' dictionary to aerve u-referee would be u rlltd u pcllllble . Actually, th.ii would make the pme easter, in. way. and not harder, becauae It would take away the ldvan~ held by the memorlren of obecure wordl, and atve the caaual p1-yw a fairer buia of compeUt.Son. It woWd a1lo be more fun and•-work. Bu~ for a moment that my tlonl wlU .-. • dent "' the bard-«n Scrabble , conu.npnt. ru have to tnwnt my own wnlon. Maybe I should call lt "Sour Orape1." ' wear the jacket a few times and then it begins to drift to one side of the clothes pofe in my cloeet. A aecond d.lsappointment to me when It comes to buying clothes is that you can never repeat anything. If you buy something you like and wear it for a year and decide you'd like another a1milar to it, you can never get one. They don't make them that way any longer. Clothing manufacturers are a restless bunch. They don't stlck with a good thing when they have it. They try something else and it's usually wone, but that's fashion. I have a pair of light brown corduroy pants that are a littfe thin at the knees and r•gged around the pocketa. I still like them and wear them Saturdays, but I'd like a new pair 80 my wile wouldn't be embarrassed when we go to the supermarket together. I can't find thoee corduroy pants anywhere. They're all bell-bottomed and without belt loops now. IN AMERICA we treat clothes the way we treat food. We apend more for both than we really have to in order to nourish or cover ounelves. We have fun with these neceuiliea and I have no objection to that, but I wiah the manufacturers would apend a little more time thinking about quality and a little le. on atyle. The fact ia that moet of us don't wear moet of the clothes or shoes we own. We just have them. Dave Garroway uaed to have hi• clothet cloeet divided into sections by alie. He wu always going fiom 180 to 230 and back down a1ain, IM> in the morntng he'd weigh hlmaelf td see which aiz.e suit he shoula wear. My weJcht IOft up and down, too, but I don't have my clothe• aeparated by 1lze. When my weight ta up, my clothes fit tichL When my weight la down, they hana on me. J think It milht be a toad 1dM if we aet utde one nleht a Yffr when we took everything we own out of the cla.et and every ah.lrt, IOCk and aet of underwear out of our dresser drawen and tried them each on In front of a mlrroc. Next to the mirror there should be a huge wastebasket. 111111• If Uncle Sam tnaiata on tivina awa.y huce aum1 ot our (tupaywe') money to other countrt•, w. ahould at 1MI\ -. "Who pta It -the aood 8'4YI or the bad?" CAtrl'lOUS ...... , .. ._.. ......... !tr ........... ... _ __..,1Aclllll ............. I ....... .. ................... ,,...... # •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •ST AN DELAPLANE Orange co .. t DAILY PILOT/Friday, 8ep11mber 10, l882 1 QUllllll By PHIL INTERLA~OI of Laguna Beach ' Weighing results of fad diets -, " < STAN DEUPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD DEAR ANN LANDERS: Or. Art Ulene on NBC'• "Today" program said a person under a docior'• supervision cOuld safely lose a great deal of welsht on the Cambrtdse dJct. Why did you knoCk It when a reader asked what you thouaht of it recently? -FAT ANO FRUSTRATED lN GA.LF.sBURG DEAR F. AND F. IN G.: J kiocked It because most people wlll NOT go to a doctor wben &bey embark on a diet. Tbey read &be Instruction• ud tblak tbal'• eaoagb. Consequently, &bey may not be aware of blgb blood pre11are, carcUac problems bypo1lycemla, a cbroalc lafec&lon or otber pby1tcaf problems &bat coald get tbe Cambridge dieter Into· eerloas trouble. Tbe only way to keep welgbt off permanently 11 to ~baage one'• eating bablts -and preclou1 few people are wllllag (or able) to do It. Tlte literature that comes wltb &be Cambridge diet 1tates clearly tbat you may NEVER go back to normal food. How many people will 1Uck to THAT directive? If you listened to Dr. Vlene'1 clo1lag remarks, be 1ald, "Tbe same people wbo are loslag welgbt on tbe Cambridge diet today were on the Scarsdale diet la1t year, tbe Last Cbuce diet tbe year before and the Beverly 81111 diet tbe ye.ar before &bat. Tbey gained back every ounce tbey bad lost and added a few." DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have been goin_g with a wonderful man more than a year. He is . AllN U.IS hard-working, hont.ost, faithful, and has many good qualities. He loves me deeply and I am sure I love him. The problem: My mother says love doesn't last and that If 1 marry him I'll be sorry becauae he is only 5-4 (I am 5-7). Also, he Is not good-looking. She says our children wlll be undersized and unattractive. AB an example she poin out my cousins, who are really the homeliest pie In town. Their mother is beautiful and th father is an ugly little runt. Does any of this e sense to you? Please advise. -VERY ANONY OUS, OF COURSE DEAR VERY: Every blrtb 11 cbe retult of genetic roulette. It Is impo11Jble to predJct wblcb genes wlU predomlaace. We all know of la1&ance1 wbere botb parents were gorgeo111 ud tbe kids were homely -and vice vena. I can't tblnk of a worse reason for deciding ln favor of or agalDIC a 1pouse. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please find room for this in your column. I can't let you answer me at hom • and when you read my problem you wm know why. I am 12 years old and don't have anything to 8-Y about what goes on around here. l come from a (amlly that enjoys killing lit\le anlmal1 and watching them suffer. You would not believe 10m of the 1tor'les 1 could t.cll . This is driving me crazy, and I don't know what to do about ft. Please help me as you have helped so many others. I read your column f!Very day and will be looking for your answer. - HURTING lN THE USA DEAR HURTING: It ii amadDg (aad miraculous) &bat a young per1on wbo grew ap 111 sucb a family could be 10 sensitive and caring. Of course, you must do what you can to atop tbe cruelty. CalJ tbe American Society for Ute PreventloQ of Cruelty to Animals (look la tbe pbone book). Yoo need not tell tbem wbo yoa are. Ja1t let tbem know wbat bas been going on In tbat bouae. Someone will surely look Into tbe matter at once. Thanks for writing. Are your pa.rents too strict? Hard to reach? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged by Parents? How to Get More Freedom," could help you bridge the generation gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a Jong, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. m. 60611 Redesign resisted No wonder Tarzan'~ gon·e ape SAN FRANCISCO -Summer is winding down. "Back to school" clothing ads in the papers. In case of "protracted nucle¥ war." the post office says it will continue to deliver the mail. (Not all maniacs are in the nuthouse.) Any delivery would be welcome. The U.S. Post Office has fallen on desperate days since James Aloysius Farley was postmaster general. Things went better because there wasn't so much mail. I handed the girl child two envelopes. I said: "Through storm and snow and gloom of night, drop these in a mailbox." The envelopes NEVER arrived. F.ach held a written column for the paper. They were dropped in a lively box on Union Street. "Pickup daily, 2:30 p.m." They were properly addressed. They were stamped -20-centers. 'they never got there. I don't think a "protracted nuclear war" will make things get better. Still, there won't be much to write home about. SAID TO THE HOME Decorator: "It looks like we could have a house warming party." She said: 0 Are you out of your mind? 1 wouldn't DREAM of bavinff anybody in until we've got both rugs down. You may think a rug is a rug is a rug. But no. We deal in rare rugs around this scatter. Rugs woven by Sherpas lrom the hair of the yeti, the Abominable Snowman. Or Snowperson if you like. ("That's not true," she said reading over my shoulder. "It's a simple -." I said: "You are interrupting a piece of Nobel Prize literature. N?t that it will ever arrive after it gets in the mail box.") We have one rug down. I said: "How about putting a couple of little tables with glasses on the edge of the bare part? We could say it's the dance floor." (OK. I knew I was wrong before the words had left my mouth.) RIDGEFIELD. Conn. (AP) -The cltii.ens of Tarzana, if the town founded by Edgar Rice Burroughs still exists, should good naturedly tar and feather Bo Derek in righteous civic revenge for the worst Tarzan movie ever perpetrated on the American public. The beautiful Bo, who is listed as producer of the latest version of "Tarzan the Ape Man . .'" \:lr .1 HUGH MUlllG~N a.A MUL~IGAN STEW · proLably wouldn't mind the application of a little plumage. It would become her more than the white paint job, which aome aborigines, resembling a war party of skin-headed Mohawks left over on the set from an Old John Ford flick, daubed on her vurvaceous facade in the dying moments of a movie that already was deader than the elephant graveyard the herolne and her ,tather set out to find. I IT MUST BE BORING and frustrating being a kid these days. imagine sitting through 48 minutes of a Tarzan movie before the Ape Man even makes his chest thumping appearance and lets out with that first high soprano hog call. And not a crocodile in sight throughout the rest of this two-hour jungle snore-in. In every Tan.an movie I ever saw. from age 6 on, which goes back to Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan, there is always a crocodile menac.lng the heroine and just the right siz.e stick floating by for the Ape Man to jam into its gaping jaws. 1 han · this el h · There is a rogue e ep t 11\ ep antme remake, but it doesn't make as much noise bellowing through the jungle as Richard Harris, who is supposed to play Bo's (alias Jane's) father but spends the whole picture as. an exiled King Lear in a broad brimmed woman's hat, shouting out lines that have nothing to do with the plot. Since nothing else in the film has anything to do with the plot either, no noticeable harm is done. At one point there, they are all climbing up a cliff, known in the script as ''the escarpment.'' when the rope breaks and someone falls into a crevasse. We never find out who, because the next scene shows the entire tusk hunting expedition tenting down in what appears to be a state park campsite. The action is supposed to take place in East Africa somewhere, because that's where the animals are. Except tor the tigers, who had to be imported. But, according to the blurb for this remake on a cable TV, "shooting was done on location in the Seychelles and Sri Lanka in an effort to bring an authentic quality evocative of a natural jungle setting." PERHAPS THE STATE PARK camp1ite sequence was lhot in Alabama, which according to the late Groucho Marx ia "the best elephant hunting country 1n the world becauae in Alabama Tulcaloosa." Moan not. There are worse lines in this script, and Bo Derek'• delivery of them, like her.physique, · is statuesque. With facial expremions that register only pucker and pout, ahe here effects a reversal of the Py,malion legend, a living, very obviously breath1ng goddess who turns into a statue whenever she opens her mouth to cope with the inane dialogue. · Her best line is "me Virgin," which she throws away like her ehtire wardrobe toward the end or the picture, when cost overruns probably caught up with the costume department. As played' by Miles O'Keefe, Tarzan is a splendid muscle-bound hunk of beefcake who looks like the anchor chain t>f the QE2 turned to flesh. He is not given a single line of dialogue, not even the sacrosanct, "Me Tarzan, you Jane," which in previous versions d1stmgu1shed his acting style from the chimps'. Visually, the new "Tarzan the Ape Man" achieves special photographic e!fects known only to first ti.me home movie hobbyists: scenes shot out of focus, directly into the sun, at the wrong speed so that action is blurred or slowed down when it should be speeded up by at le'asl 40 minutes. JOHN DEREK WAS BOTH the director and photographer of the only Tarzan Cilm that cannot possibly have a sequel, for fear of the whole industry regressing to the nickelodeon era. His wife, the producer, tries to make a secret of his and everyone else's involvement by staging the movie's only genuinely funny scene in the very last moments as the credits roll. Bo in the demibuff is being wildly wooed by Tarzan and a switched-on gorilla in the mangjest menage a trois ever filmed. Even Fay Wray in the arms of King Kong up there on the Empire State Building never got so man-handled or ape-handled by a fWTY. suitor. No wonder the Ape Man went ape. Perhaps, in a way, this is the most authentic Tan.an of them all. They say Edgar Rice Burroughs had never been in Africa either when he wrote the orlginal monkey business in 1914. U Bo's jungle rot ever plays Tanana, the town he founded, don't fall to miss it. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT NO MATTER ~ow OLD THE PAREN TS MA't,..BE, A C.~ILD. WME"N e><)RN, 1$ ALWAYS EXTREMELY ~ YOUNG . HOW CAN YOU GO ON about your busin~ when people in power talk of a "protracted nuclear war"? We do though. We're a resilient bunch. Once I went into a cave in northern Spain. In some long ago time, it had been redecorated. The painter had painted an ancient buffalo on the ceiling. Capricorn: Tune • Ill to subtle clues, hints .. I imagine his wile said: "Hairy, are you off your blooming rocker? You should1 put it on the wall." But he only said: "I LIKE it on the ceiling." And he bopped her on the head with a stone club. For that was the way they treated art critics in thoee days. And men were men not persons. "OUtside," said Hairy. "there are saber-tooth ttgers. Also storm and snow and gloom of night. So we haven't heard from your mother for weeks. thank God. Hand me the other paint brush." The scatter Is gradually coming together. Pictures reframed and hung. New couch. New shades for the lamps. "We'll have the housewarming when it's all finished," she said. "In '85 if we're still alive," I said. The long ago buffalo painter gave the animal eight legs. Four legs running. Four legs standing. "Like that?" said Hairy. "I call it modern primitive." "How about a new bear rug?" said h.ia wife. "Nobody usee mammoth on the !IOQr any more." While the redecoration goes on, I keep the plne table I type on. It's a dinner table -and the breakfast nook, too. I resist all suggestions for change. At this table the keys strike easier. The Muse sits beside me stroking my hair. (It could be sexual barulment but I don't care.) It's a cozy cave. Saturday~ September 11 , AlllES (M°areh 21-April 19): You'll receive call or message which strengthens negotiating position. Lunar emphasis on property, safety, security and ability to know when transaction actually has been completed. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons play key roles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Harmony ls restored within family circle. Be gracious, avoid rubbing salt in wounds and remember to purchase gift for special anniversary. Money situation Is brighter than orijlinally anticipated. Libra native figures prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Define terms, avoid self-deception and check property rights. You'll locate article that had been lost, missing or stolen. You'll be dealing with undercover agents. Means someone has not revealed entire truth. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Regard this as a power-play day. Go after what you want.. realize circumstances will favor your efforts. Timing, judgment are on target -you'll face addltJonal responalbillties and there will be more pressure. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your audl~nce increases; you could be asked to appear before media. More penions become interested in your • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA views and many will aeek your counsel. You are on brink of major breakthrough -key is to utilize available material and to introduce younelf. VIRGO (Aug. 2S-Sept. 22): Direct action brings desired results. Make personal appeal, welcome chance for greAter independence of thought.. action. You'll get to heart of mauers where a special project is concerned. Leo, Aries, Aquarius peniona play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Family member may object to career or busine9 dt!dalon. Key ii U> be diplomatic without weakenlna position. Individual who pulls atrtno senses your worth and clean path tor progress. "Cancer, Aquarius persona figure prominently. SCORP IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Oiveni.fy, look beyond the Lmmedlate and perceive potentlal. Spiritual valuM come into rocua, you'll be more popular and travel plans could include overseas journey. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You discover hidden assets. You'll tear down for ultimate purpose of rebuilding on a more suitable structure. Accent also on other people's money, credit cards, financial ratings and ways to improve security. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Do more asking than asserting. Means be a good list.ene(, )leep antenna tuned for subtle clues, hints. Contractual arrangement is subject to change, Emphasize public relations and willingness to consider various points of view. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Pel'SOns who previously were Indifferent will now express lively interest in your ideas, projects. Domestic adjustment ia part of 9cenario -family member makes major concession. Job gets done with aid of co-workers, 8S80Ciatet who sense your potential. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Informatioo flows, but not all of it is accurate. Know it and do 10rne penonal detectlve work. Emphasis allO on creativity, change and a variety or senaa\iona. Penonal IMBJletiam soars and romance is dommant factor. North-South vulnerable. West deals. NORTH •QJ ~A4 OAK JU +AQ72 PaH 5 • Pa11 5 NT Paa1 I O Paaa 1 • p.., p .. , Put GOIEN ON BRIDGE On his penultimate trump declarer di carded the rour or hurts from the Lablf', and Eut could not withstand tht• pressure. Ht had t(I hold all hla diamond~ and the kinar of club to guard 1galnat dum· my's minor•ault holdlnir1. so ht too slufted a he1rl. Now a heart to the ac. relied the klna., Two heut.1 were pitch· ed on dummy'1 hilh dla mond1. ind declarer took the lut two ~Ill with hl1 trump ll'd th, quHn of h.art.a. quickly became thirteen bt'causl' E111. wu end played at trick Onf' no mallcr whal he led, he had to pre~nt dtd&rl'r with an extra trick. WEST EAST •IU •VoW ~J t8H c;,((10 0 972 0 Q10854 +98 +KJIOIO SOUTH •AKIOU7U (;:)QIU 0 v.w +& The bidding: Welt Net~ t.1& South PMa Z + 2NT 3 • PUI SNT PaH 4 NT Opening lead: Nine of +. One or Holland'a mollt prestigious pair champion ships was recently won by 17-year old Taco Wirachcll. partnered by hl1 father, Wlm. They ouula cd a field that Included many or thnir country'• finest playert. On this hand from the event. the Mnlor Wlrschtll displaytd lmpreulve tffh nlque. lfowtver. don't 11k us to upl1ln thf' auction, beca1111r we don't know what North's lwo·club openln1 waa. Ob'lloualy, four no trump w11 Blackwood. 1 I} BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF highly doubtful m11nc11vrr with a void and. u might br experted. f;t111t'11 unusual no trump helped dC('h1rnr 111 thl' play. Aaalnsl 'evtn 1padu West lt-d hia lop tlub. Declarer won the acc. ruffed a diamond and r~ tntered dummy with tho Jack or apadu for aMlhtr dlam11nd rutr. Now declarer atarted t11 run trumpe, tomlng down to lhll position: NORTH ·-c;, A 4 0 AKJ •Q W£81' EAST ·-·-OJHT 0 ll lt 0 Qltl ~· •• •• SOUTH ... o QUt o-·- It ml1bt aeem that 1uch n.-. pta1 1hould have bffn wort.I• a top ~. but no. A number ol palra reached Mnn no ,,,.., from t tMt Nortlil 1Ht.: T•elvt lrkkt Rubber brlcl1• el•ba • thr.achoa\ 0.. c.•at.-y .... the fnr-dHI .. ,,..... foraat. 0. &My bew ... •..W.C 1•• clH'\f Cltarlu G•re•'• "four·Oeal Brld1•" will t .. ch 1•• tlit ttrat.ect•• aH ta.elk• of LM1 faet·,_.. _. u.. ..... , ......... ... ,... ........ ......... F• • NP1 .-.fa ....... . ~·usa.~r ... Du1,·· car• •f '"' ... .,.._.P.O .... IH. N-..... ru . .,,..., M.-C• c .. ch ••1at.le ta e ••• ., ........ . "' Orange 0011\ OAILV PILOT/Friday, 8tplember 10, 1982 Kudos for courteous drivers ' l .,A cop handing out award for exemplary b ehavior LOS ANGELES (~P) Wht'n th driver In front dawdlt'<i l.00 Ion" owr hb1 leh lurn, Marvin Duuer buckl'<i up to wall for the next lfrt.."l'n light. A motorcycle patrolman •topped him momenta later, citation in hand. But Officer Gil Zamora only wanted to reward Dauer'a exemplary driving with two free tickets to a new movie. Dauer'a reaction: "What a greal scam -just the Idea that they would pull you over because you did aomethlng right!" "l was totally paranoid," Dauer recalled. "I thought maybe my taillight was out, or maybe it was aome crook dreued up as a cop who wanted my money, since I was driving my Mercedes with the top down." - City traffic pollce will be distributing various such rewards through December to encourage thoughtful motoring a nd improve police- communlty relations, Deputy Police Chief Dan Sul- livan said. "It might make some people think about doing something courteous," Sullivan explained, "and on the other hand it wiU certainly be positive contact with a police officer." The novel program began Sept. 1 at the urging of Ot'rry S ht•rman, UO, .. c.:lvll r.an poll1-'I• udviKt•r u11d movie aludlo publicist who pcrsuudt•d hlb Hollywood client. to C.'OOpt•ru tc.· "Thla was done on o very small k'Uk• m th<' '30d in San Franclloo, when a Ccw officer» wcro giving people o n lhe 1treet11 Ucketa to Edward G . Robinson '1 picture, "Brotht>r Orchid," sold Sherman. "l think It's tlml! to do lhlH on a large scale." The offlclal-looklng "citation " reads: "For conspicuously safe and courl.c!Oua driving the above Individual and one guest are sentenced to receive the following: two Uckel.IJ tor 'Twice Upon A Time,' at any showing during Its en~agcmcnl at a Mann Theatre starting I:>ec. 2~. 1982.' Sullivan said It's up to an Individual orficer to determine what constitutes award-winning driving. "Say you've been trying for 10 minutes lo make a left turn, then somebody slows down and lets you an -that's an example," he said. "You get stop and then an officer says, 'Hey, rou know w t, because of that you get two tickets .'' Asked whether some frightened drivers might not appreciate the surprise, Sullivan commented, "If they don't want it, they don't have to t.ak~ it." , ·• GRAND OPENING ·* 62nd Street Ice Cream Parlor This Weekend September 1 1 & 1 2 1 QC CONE DAYS Featurtng Dreyers Ice Cream _ at 62nd Street and Coast Highway 646-4289 • VIR II Broadcast Controlled Color • Channel Block-Out • Dual Mooe Remote Control • Quartz Electronic Tunlng with 112-channet capability • 4-speaker Perlormance Sound II ~~:eo capab!Hty· $1 OOOO • St0<aqe 10< other electronic components REBATE • V.tch one orog<am/recotd llnOlllef • Pre -set to recottl 1 ~---rr==!!"!!'!!!il-:;' event uo to IO days on ..:tv•nce • Remote oeuM control • Push· REMOTE PAUSE CONTROL button eloclronte tuner • OtQ1tal elec1ron1e 1aoe count&f and memotY 13 • Diagonal COLOR PORTABLE • Colo< Mon110t adjusts colot octure before "'°" see 1t • Pr<>Qratnl'llllble Sc.In Remote Control selecis and llC6lll cnannets • eu.ru Electronc Tun.no wilh 91~ capabtllty • EMC>ll0n8 and earPN>ne 1aci11 • 1~ solld1s1ate ctw1ss1s COLOR MONITOR SYSTEM $20 RETATE NOW $54995 ONLY '----~ ~ con.trucled ol l'llQh·•moecl PillSt1C t-·----· 1CVD3020X ICVTtlS COl.Olt Vl>EO CMDA • Auto Focus with variable-speed power 10om F1 .4 te1111 • Fade-In/fade-out control ~Ii..-. '1.!!~·} WITH PURCHASE OF AU 3 PIECE~ ~-m>----1. VHS P<*TA8l.E vca RECOROMG SYSttM • Rec0<def weighs only 8.5 lb. with battery • Tuner leatur11 14·day / 4·event progrmmabfe timer and 16-functlon wlretea remote control. • ColOf Monlt0< system • Programmable Scan Quartz Electronic Tuning selects and scans channels • 112·channef capablflty • Perlormanoe II aolfd state chassis NOW ONLY s3991s Ill .,. """ "-' rtJ.,. ,. "" Aaron Brotller• Art Marta prnenta ~ . in person Saturday and Sunday, September 11th and 12th at our Huntington Beach store. The artist will demonstrate his airbrushing techniques in 2 full day seminars from 12:00 -4:00 pm. Wyland is widely recognized for The Whaling Wall, a 200 foot wall painting in the parking lot of the Hotel Laguna, Laguna Beach; and his colorful painting of the Punk Dolphin. Unframed prints by Wyland are on sale at Aaron Brothers in Huntington Beach for $10-$15 each. .. l2B HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave. WE 'RE CLOSING Old friends like you are hard to leave Store-Closes in 8 Days Savings up ·to ,75o/o off Not all sizes & v Limited to styles available stock on hand WOMEN'S •ALL SUMMER TOPS Orig. $8-$15 None over 1.99 •ALL LADIES 2 Pc. SWIMWEAR orig. s12-s22 None over 1.99 •ALL LADIES TUBE TOPS Orig. $2.49-$5 Now SO- •ALL SKIRTS Orig. $16-$24 •ALL PANTS Now 4.99 · Orig. $14-$36 Now 4.99 •ALL FULL FIGURE SPORTSWEAR Orig. $12-$30 Now 5.99 WOMEN'S ACCESSORIES •SELECTED DANCE a EXERCISE Orig. $16-$32 Now 50°10 off •SELECTED CAMISOLES Orig. 9.50-$15 Now 3.99 •PARACHUTE HANDBAG Orig. $8 Now 3.99 •ALL COSTUME a GOLD FILLED JEWELRY Now 50°A» off COSMETICS ~ •ALL REVLO• MEN'S •ALL SWIMWEAR Orig. $11 -$18 •NOVEL TY T-SHIRTS Now 3.99 Orig. 7.50 Now 1.99 •KNIT & WOVEN SPORTSHIRTS Orig. $9-$17 Now 5.99 SHOES •WOMENS CORDUROYTENNISJSHOE Orig. 11.99 Now 7.99 •BOYS ATHLETIC SHOES Orig. 13.99 Now 5.99 •LADIES BALLERINA WEDGE Orig. $16 Now 7.99 GIRLS •SUMMER TOPS Orig. 3.50-6.50 Now 4r •ATHLETIC SHORTS Orig. 3.50-$6 Now 1.99 •SELECTED SPORTSWEAR Orig. $6-$15 Now 1.99 BOYS •ALL SWIMWEAR Now 50°10 off Orig. $9-$12 Now 1.99 •ALL CHARLES OF THE RITZ- Fragrances Include, Jean Nate, Enjoll, & Rive Gauche Now 50o/o off •ALL PRINCE MATCHABELLP Includes make-up & fragrances Now 50% off LUGGAGE •SAMSONITE ATTACHE CASE_-12 ontr Speclal 21.99 BEDDING •SELECTED SHEETS Pale buttercup Now 50% off •SELECTED BEDSPREADS, SHAMS, •NOVEL TY T-SHIRTS Orig. $5-$6 •HAWAIIAN SHIRTS Orig. $14 Now 1.99 Now 3.99 ACCESSORIES •SEWING BUTTONS Orig. 49'-69• Now 1~ ,,., cerd •ALL SUNGLASSES Men & womens -assorted styles Now 25% off •ALL DURA(,::LL BATTERIES Includes 9 volt, AAA & assorted camera Orig. •2-6.59 Now lr-1.99 GARDEN SHOP BEDSKIRTS •ALL PLANTS Now 50°A» off Now 50% off •SELECTED DRAPERIES •ALL BASKETS Now 500/o off Now 50% off Deliver the ~111111 Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and apply today. ' D1llyPHat FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1982 COMICS 84 111c1111111 THI caum GARDENING 85 ~\ ~--~ 1 Mayor Tom on the stump RICKY TICKY POLITIX: Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley whistlestopped through our region yesterday and when he appeared at the County Seat, it hardly seemed like traditional Orange County politics of yesteryear. This was something new. In yesteryear, a Democrat trying for the governor's chair might avoid Orange Covnty like it was a quick.sand y-ap. . I mean in those days, Orange County people believed there were only two kinds of candidates running for office: The Republicans and The Losers. Apparently today, however, it is worthwhile for Democrats like Tom Bradley to venture forth gathering votes in this hitherto invincible fortress of the Grand Old Party. SO HERE WAS MAYOR Bradley, for goodness sakes, appearing before a full _ house at a luncheon of the Greater Santa Me10f Tom.,.., Ana Chamber of Commerce at the Saddleback Inn. They even had television crews on hand before he arrived, warming up in the outer foyer by taking pictures of themselves in front of a neo-Spanish painting. The tables were filled well before the mayor arrived. Former Orange County Supervisor Phil Anthony was conspicuous at the very front table. Our own table was fairly interesting with two Orange County deputy sheriffs, one being Jerry Pierson, president of the A ssociation of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs; a management --------r-'\ , training executive for Brad Cords uses T-shirt as a mask against dust while Which city ha the be 1 pizza ? The nine winn1!r. determined by a 76-pound sampling are named 0 11 83. TOM MURPHINI ~"> Pizza Hut r"We'll bu?d 1,-,~ 000 new Piu.a Huts m the .... ________ ..,,._...__ next five years. We have Mike Blyzka and Mark Domash na il a picnic table together . Irvine officials hope m ore people follow fraternity's example. 0 ~ D .. ' 147 Pizza Huts in Austral~a.") Dave Grosse, the-director of transportation for the city of Santa Ana, and three assorted newspaper types. Mayor Bradley obviously can draw a varied crowd. THE MAYOR, POSING for photos and television along the way, came through the door to goodly applause. He was seated at the head table next to long-time Orange County politico, attorney and Garden Grove High School grad Frank Barbaro, also a Democrat. People power spruces Irvine Barbaro is running for the state Senate from the 32nd District. This fact was announced twice to the gathered Chamber members and guests, so you know they didn't want Barbaro's candidacy to elude your attention. Barbaro introduced Bradley as "the next governor of the state of California." During his speech, LA's chief executive talked a lot about getting us out of the economic doldrums, citing numerous examples of how he's improved the Los Angeles economy over the past nine years through cooperation between city government and private enterprise. AT ONE POINT during the speech, a guy at the next table hauled out his clippers and noisily started clipping away at his fingernails. _ Maybe he was the only Republican in the house. At another point, the Greater Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce banner hanging over the front of Bradley's podium fell down, plop. "I note something fell," Bradley said. "Was it covering the Presidential Seal?" That quip might s uggest Bradley is thinking even higher than Sacramento. Bradley still appears to be as big, muscular and fit as in the days when he was an athlete at UCLA. DURING THE QUESTION and answer ~ion, one gentleman from the back of the room asked in obvious reference to incumbent Gov. Jerry Brown, "Mayor Bradley, if elected governor, will you drive around in a Plymouth and live in an apartment?" "Well for one thing," the mayor replied, "I don't fit ln a Plymouth." That brought down the house. He never got around to talking about the apartment. Nuclear .conflict options studied Two lectures that closely scrutinize the unthinkable - nuclear war -will be presented at Orange Coast College lhlt fall. Titled ''Nuclear War: Security in a Nuclear A(&e," the .er1es la tcheduled for Frtda)'I Sept. 17 and 24, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Room 207 of OCC's Chemistry Building. Serie.1 fee la $6. Registration la being conducted ln OCC'1 Community Service Office, located In the college's Adminlltratlon Building on the campus at 2701 Fairview Road, Coeta M1!98. The office la open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to n"oon. Ticket• will alao be available 1t the door. . Lecturer 'nmothy 0 . Vargllh, ' an historian and public school teacher, is an expert in modem American history, who has made a special study of national secwity issues. "'The aeries la desiPed to help attendees understand what the preparation for and poesibllity of nuclear conflict i1 all about," Vargtah says. "We will look at the ethical a nd ecological con1ideration1 of nuclear war, and approaches to aecwity ln a nuclear age." Varglah will present a n overview of the arm1 race, current weapon1 1y1tem1, and the effecil of nuclear war. For informa~lon about the aeri• or other 1ymposluma. and buRnw eeminan' lp<llWOnd by the Community Service Office, phone ~SfJ-5880. Carol Scott rakes leaves from entry to former kitchen for cowpokes. By SANDIE JOY 0( the Delly Not Se.ff Helping hands from Kappa Sigma at UC Irvine are cleaning up Bommer Canyon. In return, the fraternity brothers hope officials and J residents of Irvine will extend the hand of friendship to lbem. "Greeks at Irvine do~t have very good public relat:lons with the city," said Kappa Sigma President Larry Young. "By cleaning up the canyon, we can fulfill our own requirement and help others, too." Young was among a dozen members who spent a full day raking, cleaning, painting and fixing up the old Bommer Canyon Cattle Camp. The 15-acre canyon site, which was acquired by the city last January, is used as an extension of Turtle Rock Community Park's nature center. Eventually, Cindy Street, park supervisor, plans to use the camp as a nature-type o utdoor classroom to supplement school science programs.· The camp, which is about a mile up a single-lane dirt road off Bonita Canyon Road, is loaded with native plants, deer, quail, coyotc?s, snakes and squirrels, Street noted. The 34-member fraternity proposed the cleanup as one of the community service projects required for receiving its national charter. "We're such a new group," he added, ''that everybody is motivated to do the job. Everybody has a goal in mind." The city, which supplied the equipment and paint, would like to repeat with other volunteer groupa, Street indicated. "A lot of fraternities want to do service projects for us," she said, "so they don't have to pay so much to use the facility." Young added, "All the Greeks will volunteer time at the Harvest Festival, too. That's people power." Caserio tops Academic Senate Marjorie C. Caserio, UC Irvine professor of chemistry. Is the new chairwoman of the Irvine Division of the UC Academic Senate. She was elected by diviaion members to the two-year poat succeeding Dr. Joseph McGuire, professor 0£- adminlltration. Caaerlo wlll serve as the princl~l spokeswoman for the tenate 1 651 ltvine membera. The Academic Senate IJI retponalble for univenlty curriculum and admlmion requlrementa. It also pla)'I a 1ubl\antial role in moat areas of campus administration. The Laguna Beach re1ldent cites the short.age of classroorn facilities as a major isaue conlrontlng the 1enate. In addition, she is concerned with s tude nts who come to the university without adequate preparation for the rigora of college science and math cunicula. Caaerlo haa 1pec1aJ1aed In oraanic cheml1try, focu1in1 on au-ptwe ton-molecule rtilCUonl with or1ano-1ulfur compounda. She hu written five textboolu I and more than· 60 research papen. She wrote the "Organic C hemistry" section of the Encyclopaedia Britannica's Science Year Book for 1979 ~h 1982. She came to Irvine from the Califor ni a Institute o f TechnololY ln 1966 u a founding member of the UCI faculty. Caaerio received a bachelor's dell'" in chemistry from Chei.e. Collep, University of London, and araduau deareu In chemlatri from Bryn Mawr coUep in Pennlylvania. Sunny Yoon sweeps outdoor stage. Dr. Marjorie Caeerio Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/l'rldey, September 10, 1882 ALLAN BEEK RUFFELL'S ~ UPHOLSTllY ............... s... lfU HA,JIOI ILVD. COSTA MIU -141·1 ll&o Merchandising to the max Rhonda Ferguson, left, founder of the Studio R graphic design firm, has transferred the lingo of the hit song "Valley Girls" to T-shirts. Sheila Carr and Linda Ferguson model two of the 12,000 sold this summer at boutiques and surf shops from Newport Beach to San Diego. C•ll 142-5171. Put • few word• lo work for ou. ALL BLINDS 25;tt A fresh opportunity to improve your window treatments: across-the-board savings on Pier I 's wide assortment of bamboo, wood, and rice paper blinds. f You'll love them because they're hand- made, durable and easy to hang. Pier I 's blinds are so versatile and work with so many color schemes that more and more Interior designers are redis- covering their value. lf you're In the mar- ket for a fresh . natural look, shop Pier I today. Save 25% off these regular low prices White rice paper Matchstick 2V2x6'-12.99, 3x6'-14.99. 4x6'-17.99, 6x6'-25.99 2x6' 5.99, 21/,x6' -6.99, 3x6' 7.99, 4x6' 9.99, 6x7'-14.99, 8x7'-19.99 · -------Smoked matchstick 2x6'·9.99, 2V,x6'-12 .99, 3x6'-14.99, 4x6'-19.99, 6x7'-29.99, 8x7'-39.99 Sale prices good one week only. lhenew • collecdons ANAHEIM -5o9 Kateila Avenue, 772-2472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 The North Huntington Beach Community Nursery School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, prlvlleges, programs and activities generally accorded or made avallable to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin In admission of Its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and ott}8r school administered pr9grams . • ~tewart GJWth 0/1mi?UfiJ AUCTION SATURDAY• SEPTEMBER 11 6:00 P.M. OVER .300 UNIQUE ANTIQUE PIECES OFFERED AT AUCTION THE COUNCIL OF THE NEWPORT HARBO R ART MUSEl1M Antiques ~Itnw 1982 K."ill ~un < 'km,·111,· I >tfw :'\,·wpwi lkud1. ('nltf11mlu 'l:!li4i0 September 17, 18, and 19 Frld,1~ mtcl ~llunl.I\ 11 00 .\ :-1 1111111 HOO I' ;\I ~1111clu~ 11 00 \ :-1 1111111,:;00 I' :'>I Friday and Saturday Oo••nl Toun (Mu•um GaUtrl,..) 10:00 A.M. 1.1:( 11'1<1'.~ Friday, September 17 11 :00 a,m, SUBJl:'.CT· "S•tUna lh• 18th C<'nlury Tahir" t..oul"' Belden W1.111.-rth1.tr. Drlawart 2:00 p.m . SUBJECT· "Grr•k lkont and Their Russian OH1pron1" Or. Otnduen llrlnk*""ort Prof. of HbtonC'll Art. linw of CaJH .. Rlwrslde Sa1urd1y. September 111 11 :00 a.m . SUBJ.,:CT: "Qu1ll1 Am•nca'• "'nlk Ari" Novell Hendri(kton h~•lanc• 0.-uanu and Author 2:00 p.rn. SUBJECT: "Enalllh Porulaln of lht llth C•nlufY Mr. John P. Cuahion Rtlbtd ConJuUanl Pore11aln1. Vlrtoria a. Albert Mu..,um. London Sunday, S•plember i• 11100 a.m. ANTIQUES "'OR UM : "N•w Thouabu on Old SubJtcu · Curttnt Opinion on Collttlln1 Anllqut'a" Moderator: Donald E. t..aaub•q 01ttctoY. Ari Department Calif State Univ .. l"ullerton Panell•U: W, Grahan Arader Ill • l..oulSC' Belden Jlllla Kleiman Cohen Jama M. llanten An1u1 Perdv&I All Leetun Serl .. t: .. nto aH In Pacific Mutual Auditorium, dlttdly aero• from tll• Mu .. um. t:XllllUTOR~ AUl•<'nlan Oriental Ruaa Adams Hou.., W. Graham Arader Ill 'BaloC)I GaUuy Th<' Budol~ul Anna B•d• Anlicau•• Belun Enltrpri..-s. Lt.d. •Wm, Bl•lr, Ltd. Tht1 Blue Quall Thi' Connob..eur • Davto.Holdllhlp Nonna Du Antlquu •ou11nah1Un and Company •Robert DomH11u• •Company •Charle. Edwin Antique.< •Eun•&. Grnl Antlquu - Haul f'l~tr P~rweiahu • E • J Frankel. Ltd. The Oalltry •Richard Gould AnllQUH. Lid. •JamH M. llan!M'n •Rob.,1 Hnuw •Con11an..., II. Hw•I Anllquu. Int, Stella Kll•au l..)'OM Lid. Antique Prlnu Malhl•Montaomwy Anllqu" Adele McGowan lit. Mokotort Robert F. Nichol• Mar11ar<11 Nord AntlQuea P.O. Pu .. ley •Son •G, Randall Wllllam R•H• Company •stair• Company Doro thy S1anabury•1 PoriobeUo Anllcau• T om Stan1bur11 AatlQuu •Thorkon •Company, Inc. WarTen lmporlt Par East Fine ArlJ •Whal'• N~ict Antique• WhH•l•r·LoJ'• Gallery •Wiiton Gallerle1 A Vtlltd l\IOW •Pre 1830 f:ablblton St>t:<'l .\l f.\'F.~TS 1'dMlulon, (lnclud• Catalo&) • • • • . , , • t 11.00 Oooenl 1'011,... (111CJ11dlna Admbtlon) ..•• 110.00 tacb tActuH: •• , • , •••••••••• I 1.00 l"lva l,.fttur" • • • • • • • . • • • ; , , • 1111.00 l'lu-.c ~nd ro•c"•llor111 u1111 chc,·k1< J)IA\11hl\' lh• :\t"I"'" llubnr \f'I """"um .\111tc111<" Sl>o" Po"I Oftkc 8o1' 147~ ~,·•pon U1:i«:h, Cit WlfWIO (714) 71\9·11211 Mesa taking time on cable decision Br JODI CADENHEAD or-....,,... • ..., Hardly a day pa11ea that eomeone doesn't call Coeta Meaa Oty Hall and uk when the city'• llnally 1otng to get cable t.elevWon. Wh e n t old the paid communication• ayatem la probably three r,ean away, the ~era wonder, ' Why la It taking llO Iona?" . Allan Roder, aaalatal\t city manaaer, whose job lately has been to help coordlnate the city's cable television efforts, has a ready anawer. "It'• taking lc!nger because we want m ore otlt of the cable ~." uJd Roder. "The only way to lnaure that other cable 8ervM:ea are available is to take more thne.'' Costa Mesa, Cypr eas and Placentia are the only cities in the county without the television aervice formerly used only in remote areas t o improve reception. Earlier this year t h e Costa Mesa City Council hired a cable television consultant, Ron Dyas, to help hook up the city. "The advantage of waiting so long is a lot of cable companies will be able to offer the most," said Dyas. "But the disadvantage . of waiting is that a lot of companies are overextended in capital and mar, not be interested in Costa Mesa.' There doesn't seem to be much danger o f that happ e ning, admitted Oyu. So far, four cable companies h•ve contacted city officlala Inquiring when the city wlll be ready to chooae a firm. Profl~ from a cable ayatom could mean big money both to the franchiser and the city. Dyu aald that It could cost a cable eompany $12 million to $17 million to inst a ll th e communications syst~m and that Costa Mesa could expect to earn about $100,000 artnually. Roder said that the city Isn't anxious to accept a large advance and 18 more concerned about the type of services offered. Even though som e of the technology is not available det, Roder said that the city woul be . interested in installing a system capable of offering some of the following features beyond e ntertainment and lo ca l programming: -H o.,m e b a n k i n g a n d shopping. -R eservations for perfonnances and sports events. -Access to locaJ computers. -Ability to communicate with neighbors using a m~ge screen. -Monitoring of bed-ridden people from hospitals. On e of the myths that still persists about cable television is that th.e screen lets cable operatoni see into homes. R oder responds , "It's im~ible. This is not 1984." Gino's East wins best pizza title NEW YORK (AP) -Every city claims its pizza ia best, but only one, Chicago's Gino's East, won the "Great American Pizza" contest in a recent survey of pi.u.eriaa in nine cities. I Orange Coaat DAILV PILOT/Friday, September 10, 1882 Bl ~ Operation California British actress Julie Andrews talks with some Amer-Asian children in front or the Chou Long Hotel In Ho Chi Minh City earlier this week. Andrews visited Vietnam and Cambodia as part or volunteers called "Operation California.'' U.S. gives wood chair to Prince. William WASHINGTON (AP) - Prince William of Wales, who has a throne In hls future, will have a dandy little chair to sit on in the meantime. The specially-made chair is the United States' official gift to Prince William, new heir to the throne of the United Kingdom. The reproduction Chippendale child's corner chair has been shipped to England for official presentation to Prince William's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Nancy Reagan suggested such a chair as a gih, White House spokeswoman Sheila Tate said. Small chairs with hand-stitched seats had bee n given to the Reagan children by a family friend, Ms. Tate said. She referred to the gift as "modest," and an idea "long on imagination." The one-of-a-kind Honduras mahogany chair cost about $750 and was built by Freeman and Co. of Thomasville, Ga. Nin a Worm se r , S t ate Department gifts officer, found the design for the scaled-down chair. The State Department paid for the gift, as it is the official gift of the people of the United States. trhe survey also came up with winners in the following cities: -Boston's Pizzeria Regina for its crust, which was described as "so thin that it seems to defy the laws of physics." -San Franciaco'a Tornmaaco'a pizza for the "superb cheese and subtle sauce." -New York's John's Pizzeria in Greenwich Village for its "rich and smooth" pies. -Bloomington, Ind.'a Mother Bear's because of the "fiery sauce, pepped up with crushed red and black pepper." Fntuiq BAL SOUTHERN Aalltk1 C1utry C.lllEzpreu -Wuhington, D.C.'s Geppetto: "The crust is thick but light as a pillow.'' -Loa Angeles' Brooklyn Famous Pizza, o/!!rated by a transplanted Brooklynite who ~med ''the food la really awful here (L.A.)" -Providence, R.l .'s Mutt's Sicilian Pizza for ita ''tangy mix of mozzarella and cheddar and subtle touch 2f mint in the sauce." -New Orleans' Mama Rosa's Slice of Italy for lta "delicious" pie. But of all the parlors surveyed only Chicago's Gino's East, which grosses $3 million a year, uaes five tomatoes to make the pie sauce, The survey, which appears in the magazine's Sept . 13 issue, w as take n by People's "aelf-confeaed junk-food junkie," who traveled 6,776 mllea in 18 days, sampling 76 pounds of pizza in 39 plzzeriaa. · ~h pizza ingredient was tasted separately: the cheese for flavor and stringiness, the sauce for spicing, and the crust for "traces of cardboard" lute. : E.T •. Phone Home "ET. where are you?" ''I have landed at Huntington Center to visit the kids & give free movie tickets." Dally Wed. thru Fri. 6 to 8 pm. Sat. 12 to 4 and Sun. 12 to 2, Sept. 8 thru 12. School Immunizations Free community health clinic conducted daily by the O.C. Medical Ass'n. at the Huntington Center mall 1 to 4 prn dally Wed. thru Sat., Sept. 8-11. Included are Immunizations for DPT, measles, mumps. polio & rubella plus eye and hearing tests. 8 IMlllTllY ....... • Collece Preparatory Academics • Foreian lanauaae In All Gredes • Traditional, Fundamental Education · • Patriotic Emphasis • Founded On The Consistant Word Of God • Concerned, Dedicated Teachers • CIF Sports • Informed Parents WARNER /\;11fm~, 'EST SHOPPING CENTER Warner and Bu.shard, Fountain Valley SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 11th, 1982 -.. I Co•• Oa Don Ind . EajoyOm &LOGGERS&. SQUARE DANCING You Won't Believe Our GUNPIGHTERS &BULLWHIP STUNTMEN Fm Popcorn ( JlaM llat Clon Will le GIYlat Away .............. : .... , .. Enter our Drawing for a WEEKIND POI TWO ON CATALINA ISLAND Also Tickets For: * DISNEYLJ<'ND EREE Balloons 1'oAW ' FREE COWBOY Photos PONY RIDES 11 :OCJ°AM to 3:00 PM Broadca1tlng llve from our portclng lot KWIZRADIO Win A· * KNOTIS BERRY FARM FREE Gift ADDRESS ____________ _ STATE _________ ZIP ------- PHONENUMIER ~+-~~~~~~~~ Oepoelt ot ti: Treaeure Ch•at Stcmd NHDNOT• ........ T TO wtH IMPl.OV19, ADWllTillNO AGINTS AND .,...... 'MiU9 NOT lllGllU TO WtN. ...... .. .. , ..... '°"ntaln Valley Servtc. Organlaatlona W1H le Accepting Appllcatlon1 For Membership• Saturday r ;', From Our TREASURE CHEST Plck·up a key(a) from your favorite merchant, bring It to the m••t•r chest. 1f your key open• the chest you 'WIN". f I • I ·~ r IN . Ofanoe Ooeet DAILY ftlLOT"ridly, September 10, 1MI . . T•E F,\•ILl' c1act1 by Bil Keane "Don't let the judges see her now ." by Brad Anderson t •• by Virg il Partch (VIP) 0 0h, by the w1y, wa1 th1t the Nd houH wine or the whlte?'' DENNIS THI: !ti EN ACE -J . "Marmaduke's greatest asset is eating myflopsl" .11.JDGI: PARK ER IN OTHER WC>P.06, IF I'M GETTIN6 UP&ET, 10NY PAeeMOP.E ~ ONl.Y eECAUSE DC>Eel':'T MEAN A ~N! eo ~PTICA\.., THIN<:> lO YOU! . eAM! l ~ •NO, MOM ! JM SA~N' MY NOSE ~ lHE 6AK~Y ~ ·, THIS 6ELF-IN\PROVEM£NT 61T MAV0E MV OL'7 PERSONAU'f V THE GLUTTONY, LAZINESS ANO CVNICISM LENT IS eEGINNINCI TO 00<?1 ME.. WASN'T ALL TMAT 0AC7 ... l FEEL LI.KE A GOOPV-TWO-SMOES ACROSS 50 Canada'• -THURIDAV'S 1 Singer Ouet>ecoit f'UZZl.E IOL YEO 5 Otflcle gll 53 Edge 10 Addillonel 54 Jult claim 14 USSR tinge 58 Old-hat 15 Feux pu 61 lnnu.ndo 16 Vlewl 62 Ol11rlbult 11 AlloW10 Ult 63 $eying 18 Con19ttllor 64 Game fish 20 CrMtor 65 lntlmtdtttd 22 M1n111t 66 Dogfight 23 Rutl'I 6 7 POtlllons 24 SOIOnt DOWN 26 Wingcllng I l.Jnguen1 27 Of room 2 Greell god· 30 S..t• deu 34 Rhythmic 3 Wtnt under a5 " -Wt Gol 4 Avoid Fun" 5 Min. pert 36 NYC MlbWly 6 Pa~no loot 27 Sk\111 48 Olsilke ltN 7 Coatt bird• 28 Tanning.,,. 47 Hurt 37 Prepot1llon 8 MINIW 29 Embf8" 49 Ultlil"l't 38 Rlpidlly 0 Proepecl0<'1 30 MofM code 50 8ig ~I 40 Entrttty quttt word 51 Once more 41 Baclllllli 10 fOl'IUnt 3 I Siek 009 62 Surf IOlll1d 42 Elttllc lood• I 1 Gr Ulland• 32 Lock 63 Go by hOtM 43 Woode 1~ Atml11ed 33 Specify , 55811ck·um 45 Thyme. t O 13 Thl1. Sp 3~ FOOi 5' LOOIC for 41 ltt*•t• 10 ColulM 39 V•1ment 57 Altemoon 48 lolutlOll lo 2 I Oii.uit 40 Fortcatll met11 .-e 25 Acclutl 42 Eog·httdt 51 Leg. &lrlg 4t Ooolfttd 2t Advtnllgt '4 AtKWt 80 l'rot«t~ A LITTLE iEXTURE II PE.\~lJT SHOE NANCl' GORDO Mu~ '(Q) IWtJ ~'Q ~~ J...OPl:Z. ~I~ ISN'T A. HoME- 9'-/0 I WOH'T sAV TMAT WOOOSTOCK 15 PWUOICEO I'M CATCHING COLD- I'LL BATHE MY FEET IN A HOT MUSTARD f:OOT BATH FUNK l' W INKER8EA N Lt,.llNG FL.Ar Gl f(t.) IW:K IN 1HE~~~,. by Charin M. Schulz ________ •• _ ._. .._.. ,.,. 80TSMT!MES MIS ,..c~oo ACMOO ~c~OO ACHOO ACHOO . Of'IHIOHS Al.E A LITTLE 8fT Sl.AHTEP ... by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller: WE DIDN'T HAVE HOT MUSTARD, MAYBE ....___ HOT PEPPER WILL WORK by Gus Arriola by Tom Bati uk WA1041NC:7 'TV AU.. ~ LONG ... ..... " HQ • I _J L t I I , -::i ~ -~r ~ I ... ~L.W iyW)E 1"E APPRellA'fE ~I'VEGOT! Nll•ETTEaeaFea•ealE I~ 5 IT-!'VE. DOtE \I! I I I l '---~-..;.&.&.iim:....;:::;:~ • Pansies perk up color show .. Bedding p1anta are sure beta the gardener can count on for fall and winter colof'. Panalee are a popular choke; the)' give color from the day they are planted either ln a mixture or in 80Ud shades of blue, yellow, white, red or roee. Pansies are quick to grow. All you have to do ls plant them about six lnches apart. They do not need • to be pinched or at.aked during ~he fall ieaaon. When spring ia on the horir.on, it'a then time to' pinch back the planta to lnduce fresh growth and larger bloom. Combine panalea with other cool weather bedding plants such u dwarf snapdragons, falrv primrose or English daisy. The fairy prlmroee (Primula malacoides) with lta Ught, dainty texture of flowers ln shades of plnk, roee, red, white and lavender, ia one of the heaviest flowering plan ta in winter. Plant them ln part- 1 ahade. They dialike too much sun, too heavy a soil and too much water. Try mixing them with fibrous border begonias, clneraria and even azaleas. For a mass of color in borders or edgings, try the viola in purple, blue, yellow or white. You can also put them in oont.ainers or cover a bulb bed with them. They'll be in bloom almost immediatelv and will continue until spring. If they become straggly, cut them back and be. sure to (eed them. You'll be rewarded with another flush of bloom. Orchids, plant culture club topics An authority on orchid growing will share her expertise with members of the Newport Harbor Orchid Society. Rebecca Tyson Northern, author of the foremost reference book on the subject, "Home Orchid Growing," will speak at 8 p .i:n . Thursday at t.he First Methodist Church, Costa Mesa. A CLASS in blue-ribbon plant culture and a slide show of European gardens will highlight the meeting of the Tustana African Violet Society. Club meeting at 10 a .m . Wednesday at 1 Beech Tree Lane. Speaker is Nick Wassiliew, owner of a Costa Mesa plant I shop. The group will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Mercury Savings building, Tustin. A DISPLA V of decorator and gift Items is planned at the Spyglass Hill Garden Club meeting at 9:3<bf;:m. Wednesday at the home of Mra. Douglas Coulter. A biologist, Northern has collected orchids from around the world, published articles in numerous horticulture and gardening magazines, and h eaded the hobbyist and educational sessions at the 1969 World Orchid Conference In Sydney. FLOWER arranging will be demonstrated at a champagne social of the Newport Hills Garden Club at 10 a.m. Thursday at Phase 2 clubhouse. The program will be presented by representatives from a Lake Forest flower shop. . CARE OF house plants will be the topic of the Irvine Garden ·A LUAU will open the fall season of the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Socfety. The event is to begin at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Brecht's Garden and Gift Shop, Costa Mesa. Florist Special Nur~e rv F euture d~'fc:4:~· -lo* bud . Time to plant ... BEARDED IRIS ROSES OAllY 96 SUN 9 ~ 30 • .J Flowers 11 bHutlful as orchids! Very easy to grow. Many big, new varieties. Since 1946 Ho1lis~ttts L : '9 !litl'lll~•· ~·····) _'\..V."-"Q~-~, MARIGOLDS 4" Potted Size. Bright Summer Color .... $1.09 ~UEGRASS SOD by (41t-T wt LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO., IMC. JOJI ~ ll'f'4. lel 98' ~IC-. ...... ~ C714t 646-1441 642-4321 Direct or cotuct, to sub.scribe to your hometown paper, the 50°/oOFF ASSORTED 15 GAL. FRUIT TREES AND SHADE TREES 5 GAL ASSORTED FRUIT TREES REG. $16.98 5 GAL ASSORTED SHADE TREES fm~TO $18.98 7 GAL. EUGENIA PATIO TREE REG. $53.00 5 GA. CITRUS REG. $15.00 2 CU. FT. ROGER'S PLANTING MIX REG. $5.50 33# ROGER'S SOIL ACTIVATOR REG. $18.98 5# THArs IT SNAIL BAIT REG. $10.49 5 GAL. JUNIPERS REG. $12.00 2 GAL JUNIPERS GREEN MOUND ~EG. $9.50 Sate prices OOOd 1hfll Sept 30 Incl subject to quan1111es on hllld s7sa s7sa It Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, September 10, 1982 ,. END of SUMMER 5 811. tr111 I ,1ant1, valHt t~ 12" . IOW 5 gal. Leylsndll • Cypress • Ital/an • Cypress • Sea GrHn Junl,,.r • Japanese Boxwood • Waxiest Privet • (Mahon/a) Oreoon Grape • San Gabriel Hoity • Mock Orange • Cape Honeysuckle • Tam Juniper • 1 &al. plants valuta to 3" NOW. Bl i f 1 gal. Sea Green, Natal Plum, Butterfly Iris, Wax Leaf Privet, Yukon Bell Juniper. Golden Arborvitae, Hughes Juniper ., , r 1 -1 '~2 -; ff DISCONTINUED ITEMS Y ~ 0 & BROKEN SETS • Large Baskets • Ceramic Pots • Gregorian copper • Assorted Fertilizers • Insecticides • Luwasa Hydroculture Kits Salfl Explr• 1011182 All SaJM FIMI and Subj«Jt To Stock On Hand --------~--:-. --------..:=:::-----. ;..:. ---·--- 81El{Jti\ QAl{DEl{S .\/ 2070 NEWPpRT BLVD. · 548-0137 COSTA MESA \, ---- ~ ~ }~~~ ~~LJ··~,.= .. ~ .. -·11.!iii.~'::1 YOUR $198i; f G~~t~~R • VINCA • · ~ •LANTANA• DAYLILY OR OLEANDER VALUES TO $3.50 &-HOUSE PLANTS REG. $10.95 5 GAL. VINES BOUGANVILLEA, ETC. REG. TO $14.98 sgsa YOUR CHOICE: s22s 1 GAL. AZALEAS, IMPATIENS, OR GERANIUMS VALUES TO $3.98 5 GAL. NANDINA REG. $12.00 5 GAL EUGENIA NEWPORT REG. $13.98 5 GAL. PITTOSPORUM WHEELERI REG. $12.98 2 GAL. AGAPANTHUS REG. $8.98 SELECTED POTTERY -SEMINARS ON "FALL BULBS"- SAT SEPr 11 2:00 P M. SUN. SEPT. 12 2:00 P.M. SAT. SEPT. 18 2:00 P.M. SUN. SEPT. 19 2:00 P.M. Easy to get to and always worth me tnp 1 SAT. SEPT. 25 2 00 P.M SUN SEPT. 2e 2:00 P.M Daily Pilat · AMERICA'S MOSTBEAUTIFULGARDENCBNTER Open 9 to 6 dolty • Son Joaquin Hiii• Rood at Moc Arthur llvd • Acrou from Fatnlon lllOnd In Newport leach NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES I -.-' • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday. 8eptemb« 10, 1992 SEE US THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, . . . SUNDAY SALi iS NOW ON •• Id COMI, Id SIRYIDI DON'T . MIS• lftll ,I BRAND NEW ·1982 TOYOTA TERCEL , .2· Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (462349). Front wheel drive for you mountain , :::;•;.;f.:';.~m-9quallty 99•• It all AND at ~., MO • .. m0ft'"°'*'--c.p-ss1"00.c.p..--uo1:.~.u .. 32. OUR LOWIST PRICID lllW CAR! AdvanCle payr!*ll 17C7.05 OMV $110.00 TOI., -o~llon 18211.90 on epptOY«I credll. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (270842). All the performance, economy & rellablllty Toyota Is famous fort Don't miss this one! 599~~ ._ mC)ft'" °'*' --c._, -S55t5 oo c. .-muo ~ 1211111. ~~I 110..2 te OMV $111.00 TOI.,.._ oblloellon $170127 on --credit. WORLD'S BIST SILLlllG SIRllS! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Door Llftback. 5 speed transmlsalon, MPX $lereo radio, pin stripes, wheel weU moldings & fully f8Ctory equipped. (609895). Won't last long at this low monthly payment of only 599?~ .__°'*'end-Cepeos1$5115.00 Cep-1104025··~12t1300 WI HAVE ''THI SMALL WOllDIR''' ~~I SIXll 15 OMV $12300 Tot., ..... ~ SlllS.73 on --e credll. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed 'A ton-model with 4 speed transmission & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). You'll J-U-M-P for Joy at this fantastic buying opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! 5 109~~ 41 -GI*' end -C.., -MOt5 00 C.., reduc:llon 1111.00. ~ *'048 II. -~I 11103 2&. OMV 1127.00 TOI., -olllloellon St504 14 on epptowd c:tedH. • BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA SUPRA 5 speed trans. Fully factory equipped plus AM/FM stereo, cauette with amp equalizer, pin stripes, wheel well moldings & lots morel (042044). 5 199~ .. -°'*'end .... c.., -113,"6 00 c.., ~ 13233.00. ,_,,..... 113411.60 """'-~ 13117 17 OMV 1251 TOUll -~lon '20."3.70 on --oredll. TOYOTA · 1966 HaltJOr BIVd • 0111 TOUGH TRUCK! IMPORT CAR OF THI YIAR! costaMesa Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We wlll advertise, qual· lfy all prospects, take trad&-ins, · have available financing & do all paper wort<! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714·646·9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS --~ -. . --·--.. -------- IN ORANGE COUNIYlll 1llO IEIOllY OIPllUFTllOI Economic.I 4 cyt. engine, 4 speed tran1., 81r cond .• stereo cua., pwr. eteerlng & brakes, rear window shade & exceptionally clean lnlide & OU11 (43-493F). s5999 1171 TOYOTA OlllLU 2 10011 Economlc&I 4 speed with air cond .. 1tereo ca11ette, exterior trim package & morel Vary clean & completely original! (347YBK). s3999 1171 TIYITI llPU "ll•NF" The UfttrNte Toyota wtth full power, air cond., atereo, crulae control, Utt w·heel, alloy wheel• & morel (IMWXMN). Don't--mlM \tlll one at only t5999 1177 TIYITI COIOLU Wllll Popular 5 speed lrans .• air conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WRN). Room for the wh°'9 family at the tow pnce of juat s3299 ::~·.?:~~ Believe it Popular 5 l peed, With 1tereo, Ult 0 r n 0 t ! wheel. cuatom wheal• & more. Exceptionally clean In every respect. l•48YS5999 :--~-·-·.:::·•: i------,-,-IO-IUZ--1-1---.....,,l ~~"ii l 121 OllPE : American Airlines 5 1peed, air cond., 1tereo. alloy 1W•.,• ""*ocen Aw"'- wheel1 & more. (195ZUY). Don't :Ootng ..,,., ... do.,.., ml" this one tor only I WIN 2 ltotll) TlP TICl(m TO $6399 I HAWAII i 0r!~!.~~!! !1,h1!E~~ i------------""'"-f· .... o"'"'G StPttln ... , to "" ... , ,.,. .,, .... AO by tNo 1177 llllE I 200 YU Equipment Include• auto. 1ran1ml11lon, power 1teerln9 & braket. Radio & heater. (1Y42793). Hurry for thl1 anal 93699 ·-"" 2 m(f '°"""~II> ....... , to HAW"• ... I AMefC..l'I A#~ ..-w.1 Mve 't'•t.d "'~1 Or..,_I ... _..,.,.,. , ..... "'-"'-No-"90"C'f 1,_, ... ,.,,. OI A_...,. -"""""-°' -• I ,..,., ~ °"" """• _.,. t1l0111 : . , •. dr11'4•-------- : Ne""'---------1 I Addr----------1 I "'----------I I O.W'ar~•l"'9------L •••••••••••••••••••••• -. <714> 646-9505 <714> 540-9467 . m., SuMly 10:00 a.m.·7:00 p.m., s.Y_tct and hr1I 7:30 a.M ... :00 p.M. Motllll,~rtllly, Slturdly 1:00 a.a._.:CJO ·P."'·· Body "'°P w.-.,. '1:00 • a.m.·S!OO p.nt Clll 131 lilly Pllll l'RIOAV, SEPT. 10, 1882 BUSINESS STOCKS C6 C7 Connors, Vila easily advance at U. . Open. C2. Aµ official look at this year's Ra~s It's not often you come across a management figure who is brutually frank about his ball club. Heck, it's not often you find a management figure who's brutually frank period. Most of the time you get an engaging smile, a simple soft-shoe and a good old-fashioned run- around. SPORTS <fOLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO "Th e first line ls exceUcnt,1' he &aid. "After that (center George) Lllja is good and (Ron) Yary should help. I've never been a big BIU Bain guy. "As for the rest, the receivers are just average and the tight ends are average. We have good light ends for blocking but they have trouble catching the ball." · is playing well, but Jim Younl!blood has to come back and prove he can play. 1 m not going to kid you about George Andrews, he's not playlna very well right now. Thus, It was particularly refreshing to hear a highly-placed Rams official candidly assess the team's fortunes for 1982. "How do things look?" I asked. "Good. Real good," he started. explained this by saying defensive secondaries were playing deep, thus giving the Rams the short routes. "The Rams' runnin(C backs doh't have the best of hands and aren't real conducive for this kind of offense, are they?" 1 queried. "What about Ray's decision to move Cullen Bryant to tight end?" I questioned. "He certainly has good hands and will give us some speed there," was the official's answer. "The strongest part of our defense would have to be the secondary. The first four (Nolan Cromwell, Johnnie J ohnson, Rod Perry, Pat Thomas). along with (LeRoy) Irvin and (Ivory) Sully give us a pretty strong unit." "How would you rate your strengths?" 1 asked. "I guess our quarterbacks first, then defensive backs and offensive line." "H ow about giving me a breakdown?" I continued, figuring he'd say that the team was good everywhere. "At quarterback we're very strong; probably the strongest we've been in years," he began. "W e have a bunch of gOod young running backs, too, but we're inexperienced at fullback." "Wendell Tyler has better hands. than you think. And Robert Alexander has good hands, too," explained the official. "(Barry) Redden (the team's No. 1 draft pick) still has to prove himself, though, and Mike Guman has good hands but no speed. Now that 'we were on a roll, I attacked the defense. "The defensive Une had its share of problems last year," I said. "How ~o things look for this season?" "The defensive _line is old, but good," he started. "They have two more good years left in them ... maybe. "Summing _up, what does the team have to do in order to turn things around from last year?" was my final quest.Jon. "We've got to get some consistency from-our oUense," anaryi.ed the official "We have to be able to hold the ball and rush the ball. We also have to get the big play Crom our offense again . "The biggest thing you try to do is match your best against another team's worst." "If that happens our overall defense should be better." Nothing so Car, but my pursuit continued. "During the preseason the offense lacked the big play and Bert Jones had trouble throwing to his wide receivers," I reasoned. "(Coach Ray) Malavasi It sounded Uke the official was just getting warmed up so I urged hlm to go on . "How about the offensive line?" I prodded. "Linebackers? Well, Mel Owens is turning into a helluva linebacker. So ls Jim Collins. Carl Ekem The honest appraisal probably won't M>t well (See OFFICIAL, Page C3 ) Benedict scrambles Dodgers ATLANTA (AP) -Bruce Benedict said it was a series sweep the Atlanta Braves needed "not for the sake of confidence, but for th e sake o f the standings." Benedict d elivered the k ey blow Thursday night, a grand slam homer in the sixth inning that carried the Braves to a 10-3 vict.ory and a sweep of a two- On TV tonight channel 11 at 5:30 game series with the Los Angeles Dodgers, who had arrived in town riding a nine-game winning streak in head-to-head meetings with Atlanta. The victory gave Atlanta a 1 'h -game edge over the second place Dodgers In the National League West race. "We needed to beat them," said Benedict . "To Jose two would have put us in a tough situation." Dave Patterson of CdM takes a shot from an Oiler (left), and DB's Danny Thompson ( 8) is dragged down. Benedict's homer was one of three the Braves be lted off Dodgers ace Fernando Valenzuela, 17-12. Bob Homer had a two-run shot in the first inning, his 30th, and Glenn Hubbard popped a solo shot, h.is ninth, in the eeoond as the Braves battered Valenzuela for the second time this year. Oilers act like contenders, win, 24-7 "To go out and manhandle them tonight did a lot for our confidence,'' said Manager Joe Torre. "I like the sweeps better in September and in April." Lawton, Thompson, defense prove too much for CdM in '82 opener By ROGER CARLSON Ofltle Dlllty Piiot ti.ff One of the real h eadaches Sunset League football fans suffer from is the fact that ln order to take the brass ring, you have to deal with such people as Edison, Fountain Valley, Marina and Westminster. That's enough for a solid migraine, but maybe there is another bona fide problem, at least it certainly appears that way following Huntington Beach High's impressive 24-7 victory over Corona del Mar at Newport Harbor High in the season's non-league opener for both 9Chools. The oilers of Coach Greg Henry took advantage of four CdM turnovers in the ~<!_q_~ _to gain ~ 10-0 halftime edge, saw i t melt somewhat in tne third quarter, then dominated the fourth period with a pair of touchdowns. "I just hope they (Corona del Mar) are as good as they think they are," saJd Henry following the Oilers' triumph, snapping a three-game winning streak for the Sea Kings in the four-year series. There seemed t o be an air o f confidence in the Oilers' camp before the game and Henry admitted he did feel confident. He knew what has transpired the past nine months preparing for the '82 campaign and a aolid oorpe from the '81 sophomore team, which went 7-2 in tough circles, was an integral part of the varsity. "I did think we were going to win," said Henry, "but at the same time, I had been hearing everyone saying Corona del Mar was better than in several years." CdM Coach Dick Mortis mijCht have Football sea·son agreed before the game, but It was a very dark picture for the Sea Kings afterward. "I was very disappointed with our offense. "In seven years it was our worst perfonnance. The defense was all n.uit. but our offensive line and passing dian•t get it done." Louie Cerda scored on touchdown runs of 2 and 4 yardR and Junior quarterback Eric Lawton foun Mike Ray in the end zone from 9 yards out for the three Oiler TDs, and Zoran K atz added a 27-yard field goal and three PATa. But the story of Huntington Beach'• aomination began with the bruising blocking and running of 190-pound junior Danny Thompeon, along with a 12-for-22 performance from Lawton, good for 165 yards. For years the Oilers have had the unwanted reputation for lost fumbles and interceptions. but there were none Thursday. lnstead it was the steady pounding of the backs behind a solid front line and the defense smothf'red the Sea Kings w ith .consistency. especially from David Huang. Mike Higginbotham. Billy Ray. Cerda. Jeff Lopez. Mike Escobedo, Mike Ray and Kevin Woodman. Cerda came up with perhaps the most significant defensive stops at the end of the first quarter, first sacking Corona del Mar starter Paul Watson for a seven- yard loss, then knocking away what a ppeared to be a certain touchdown pim. - Corona de) Mar had marched 60 yards, (See OILERS, Page C4) • 1n full swing tonight Torre said the s weep was significant "onll because we're running out o g ames, and it' came o ver the club we'll probably have to beat to win the pennant. "H e gave us the offense tonight that got us over the hump," Torre said of Benedict. "Bruce has had pretty good success against Fernando. Yes, it was a gut feeling (to start Benedict)." • Benedict had recently lost his- position as the starting catcher to rookie Matt Sinatro, generally workinf only when knuc kleba l er Phil Niekro (See BRAVES, Pace Ci) Angels open series tonight with Jays Marina-Newport, FV-Mater Dei, OV-Estancia .are the featured matchups With the Angels closing out a brief six-game homestand against Toronto this weekend, beginning tonight at 7:30, it'• becoming apparent that the team will have to be a good road club down the stretch to stay in contention. After the three games against the Blue Jays, the Angels will be away from Anaheim Stadium for 14 of their last 20 games. including 14 of their next 17. Meanwhile, their main adversary ln the hunt for he American League West crown, KaNaa Oty1 will be home for 14 of the final 23. Chicago also enjoys the luxury of playing most of it.I remaining garna on friendly eoll. Tralltn1 by two 1ames, the Angela will have left.hander Geoff Zahn (15·7) a1atn1t Toronto'• J,.ult Leal (10-12) in tonight's opener. For the 11COttboard watchert, KaNaa Cty begina a homett.and ~ M1nnMota (three .aames> and Seattle (fOW'), whlle ctJcaao playm in Oakland th1t weekend. . By ROGER CARI.SON OflMDelr .......... The high school football season begins in earnest tonight (7:30) and scheduled are some interesti~ f!1Atchups. For instance: -Marina High puta ita No. 1 Orange County ranking on the line against Newport Harbor. -Fountain Valley tests the strength of Mater Dei. -Ocean View and Estancia res\.Une a sluling aeries. -Woodbridge tries to make a name for it.lelf in the City of Irvine when It takes on croes-town rival U~venlty. Here'• a capsule rundown on each of the nine games in the Orange Coaat area tonilh!: Minu va. Newport Harbor Marina's Vikings try out their veer offense against the Sallore' 4.3 defense. Stan Pincura and Bill Marler are scheduled to operate at quartetback for Marina, which features aood lit.e and few holes ln lt.1 attack. Thi.a fa Mike Glddlnp' debut u \he Sa{)on' coach after two very IU«'ellful campaign• on the aophomore level, In addition tb a varied career on the prep, Junior college, college and pro levela. It'a al ~ewport Harbor. Maa.r Del ••· Foatam V.U.1 Fountain Valley unveil• Junior quarterback Brett Stewna and a noet of ( solid running backs in the first-ever confrontation between theee powers from the Angelus and Sunset leagues. Mater Dei, a parochial school in Santa Ana, features 220-pound junior fullback Al Pola, but regular quarterback Tony Locy ls out of action with a knee injury. The game is scheduled for Cerritos College. Ocean View va. Ea~la An even matchup between two very similar teams in terms of atyle and penonnel is featured here at Orange C.oaat College. lt'a Steve Colflesh'• debut aa Ocean View's head coach, while Ed Blanton begtna his flfth year at the Estancia helm. Chad Pariseau and Scott O.vi• are the starting quarterbaclca for Ocean View and Estanda, respectively. Woodbrld&e va. VDlvenlCJ A Civil War bealna tont1ht with Woodbridge entertna it.I fint eeuon with aenlon and the first \lme oui of the chute the Warriors are pitted aaainat lrvtne city rival Univenity. Speedtt.er Rudy Fs,uero. aparka the Woodbrfdp atuck, Unlvera!ty respond• wlth John Baldikoakl It quarterback and Ken Evana at taJlback. The pme la eet for lrvlne Htah. La Q91ala VI. Wtttmtlllter Weetmlna1er dnun beaten •Y the UON have better pMlina and will be quicker. enough to be a contender in the Sunset League. The beef in the backfield is fullback Tal Tamamasut (235), but La Quinta can boast size. too, with 6-9, 240-pound linebacker Junior Utu. It's al Westminster. Saddleback VI. SA Valley This might be the fastest game ln Orange County, consideriJll the apeed poue111ed by both aides. Valley has 9.8 sprinter Rkhard Calvin, Saddleback'a Roadrunnen have a backfield consisting of quarterback Rod Pesak (4.7 speed in the 40) and runners Bobby Williams and Kevin Bradley (e~h with 4.6 c:redenUala.) The site is the Santa Ana Bowl. 'h•tl• va. MIHIOD Viejo Tustin ia top-heavy with rf'turnina starters ( 11), boasts excellent aize ana has aophomore Pat Ha11erty at quarterback. MiSSion Viejo, t:f~O·l and the CIF <:.entral Conference champion In 1981, la led by three-year starter Klau. Leitenbauer at quuterback. The pine a. at Ml.lllon Vlejo. Footklll v1. Capo Valley Thlt one pita No. 7 aaalnat 'No. 4 in ~a County ruiklno and la one of the er aames ln the CIF Southern Section or the evenln1. Capo Valley bout• tremendous llze, depth and experience. <See PRE'5, P .. e C4) ' l Orange Co••• OAIL y PILOT /Friday, 8tpttmber 10, 1882 't Boyer's memory ~~till with Cardinals ·From AP dispatches ' Baseball today On Lhll dato In but-ball In 19tl0: Montreal'• Bill Ou111ckaon J>Ott •d ltl 1\rikrouta for a major 1 gu rooklt• rcwrd. beating tho Chicago Cubl 4-2 at Olympic Stadium. On thia date In 1978: Thti Nt>w York Yankcc11 completed u Cour·aame IWl't'P or lht• &>.tun Rc.'<.1 Sox ut Fenway Park Ii 11cr!r1 which would become known ns tht' "Bolton Masucrt>" with o 7-4 victory. The Yanks' first thrt'<' victories were by soores of 1~·3, 13-2 and 7-0. The sweep cnabk'Ci the New Yorkers to tie tor flrst plac..'C In the Amcr'lcan League Ea.•t. On this date In 1974: Lions' kicker• remain away from camp Kkk r Eddie Marra)' and punt.er O Tom Sk1adan tpll<'d to ahow up at the Detroit ~Ions' practice for thct IC'C.'Ond tt(alaht day Thunday and will bl> tined. aald Lions spokl'&man Doe Kremer. The two. who orc In the option yC'Pnl of th lr rontrocta, orl' rl1prl'lll'ntt-d by lawytr Howard SlUlber, who htllf u r"put.utlon for wains the tactic ol pulllna players out of camp. Slusher has Weekend TV, radio li$ted S.t•rd•y TELEVISION 11 :15 o.m. (4) BASEBALL ~trolt at &ewn. 01) BASEBALL Dodgct'I at Hou.at.on. Noon (2) U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Taped coveragt• lncludf't the• woml•n'a 1lngk'I llnal. 12:30 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC ot Florida. 2 p.m. (4) WE TERN OUTDOORSMAN - Hm1t Ron H11yc11 row11 nine miles down the AmQrlcmn Rlvc>r in California. 11 p .m. (6) COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Long ! "~geles Dodgers dedicated the closing 10 ST. LOUIS .-Just as' the Los II l days of 1978 to Jim Gilliam, the St. St. Louis Cardinal speedster Lou Brock stole his 104th and f 05th bases of the season -10 tic and break Muury Willa' 1962 major league record -against the Phllade(phla battery of pitcher Dick Ruthven and catcher Bob Boone. Brock's record was broken this year by Oakland's Rickey Henderson. nccu1cd the Lion11 of stonewalling in neaoUationa with Murray and Sk1adany before b&rsalntng wus forced to halt July l~. tfie exptrntlon o t the ba1tc agreement between team ownor11 and tht' NFL Players Assoclutlon. Meanwhile, the Llot11 1dgned pun tcr John Jamu and kicker Bob Tbom11 . . . .BeQCh Sww ut UCLA. RADIO 811M1lnill flf)(fgcr• ot Houston, 11:15 a.m .• Louis Cardinals have Ken Boyer In 'inind. ao-Gilliam, a longtime Los Angeles coach and "former player, died four years ago just ahead of l a Dodgers world championship. The memory of Boyer, who died Tuesday, was with St. LouJs I i!1>itcher Bob Forsch on Wednesday night. 9 "I thought about him before the game," said ~Forsch, who afterward subdued the Montreal Expos on eight hits In notching a 1-0 victory for J jhe Cards. rl "I thought it would be nice to win for him. He was a nice man, a super guy. It really wasn't "one for th~ Gipper,' or anything like that. I just l\hought it would be nice." ·\,pi...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, ·. Quote of the day Mickey Cobb, trainer for the Kansas City , Royals on his first visit to Montreal as the American League trainer for the All-star Game: "I didn't have any trouble ordering at restaurants. French toast for breakfast. French onion soup for lunch, French dip for dinner." Mumphrey gives Yankees a victory 30th birthday in grand style Thursday · ~ --~ Jerry Mumpbrey celebrated his 11 '4 ... "night with a one-out solo homer in the 10th inrling that gave New York a 5-4 11 victory over Milwaukee. Willie Rudolplt had' 11, struck out to open the 10th before Mwnphrey ' slammed his seventh homer over the 385-foot '*ign in right-center . . . ln the only other American League contest Thursday, Baltimore failed to gain any ground in the East, as Jolla Demay and Bud Anderson teamed on a two-hitter to give Cleveland a 3-0 victory over the Orioles. Ron Ha11ey's two-run double in the seventh snapped a scoreless tie and provided the Indians with enough offense . . . In the National League, Tim Lollar and Luis 1 DeLeon combined on a five- 2 hitter and )oe Lefebvre drove in a pair of runs as San Diego beat Cincinnati, 6-1, for the Reds' 0 sixth straight defeat . . . Former Astro nave · "Bergman collected four straight hits, including a solo homer in the seventh inning, and scored ;"\hree times, to pace San Francisco to a 5-1 triumph in Houston. ,,,.. Today's birthdays: Hall of Fame first baseman George "Highpockets" Kelly is 87. Fonner slugger Roger Maris, whose 61 home runs in 1961 set a major league sjngle-season record, is 48. Pitt edges North Carolina In opener PITTSBURGH -Dan Marino s whipped a '1-yard touchdown ~ t.o ••• tailback Bryan Thomas midway through the third quarter, capping Pitt's only sustained drive and giving the No. 1-rated Panthers a sloppy 7-6 victory over fifth-ranked North Carolina Thursday night in the college football opener for both teams. Marino, who was intercepted four times, completed four passes in as many attempts for 45 yards as Pitt drove 69 yards in seven plays for the game's only touchdown. North Carolina had taken a 3-0 lead on the fourth play of the second period when Brooks Barwick kicked a 39-yard field goal The Tar Heels scored again with 4:~7 left, getting a 48-yard field goal by Rob Rogers eight plays after comerback Walter Black's interception. The game marked the debut of Seralino "Foge" Fazio as Pitt's head coach, as well as the first regular-season college football telecast in 19 years by CBS-TV. Archer, Sneed share Boston lead Veterans George Archer and Ed n Sneed charged home with 5-under-par 66s and shared a one- stroke, opening-round lead Thursday in the Bank or Boston Classic in Sutton, Mas,,. Archer, winner of nearly $1.25 million on the tour but trying to snap a six-year victory' drought, started on the 10th tee and was 2-under-par for the' first nine holes, then shot a 3-under 33 for his 66 . . . Norlo Suzuki of Japan shot a 7-under-par 65 to take a one-stroke lead over American BUI Rogers after the first round of the Suntory Open In lnzai, Japan. Rogers, winner of this tournament the last two years, had seven blrdies against one bogey en route to his 66 . . . Defending champion Jan Stephenson heads a field of 108 women gollers in the Mary Kay Classic, which begins today in Dallas. onnors blasts lVay .P semifinals at ' Open NEW YORK (AP) -Jimmy nnors thinks his game is peaking at U.S. Open Tennis ChampionshiP6 ~ j:.'OU}dn't come at a better time ~ three-time champion now that to Hannon's service but then raced through the next six, capturing the first set in 22 minutes. tournament is heading into its -ltages. Connors advanced to the Open ~ for the ninth consecutive 4r1Thursday with an easy 6-1, 6-3, victory over amateur Rodney mon and was joined there by entina's Guillermo Vilas, who ted Tom GuUikson, 6-2, 6-1, hose two wiJI meet Saturda)'. defending champion and top- td John McEnroe meets No. 3 Ivan Lendl of CttchosJovakia in other semi. C'he women 's semis were held day .with No. 7 Pam Shriver, querer of top-seeded Martina atilova, meeting No. 5 Hana an!lllkova of Czechoslovakia and o • Andrea Jaeger going against ifi·lime champion Chris Evert L d, he first title of the two-week ournament was settled Thursday en K evin Curren of South Africa and SteVt~ Denton rallied to defeat Victor Amaya and Hank Pfister 6-2, 6-7, 4-7, 5-7, 6-2, 6-4 for the men's doubles croWl\. Connon, did a workmanlike job on Harmon, the Southern Methodist undergraduate who came into this tournamel)1 aa a wild card entry,. ranked 221 by the ATP computer. He chop~ the first game of the match "I think he started off nervous,'' said Connors, wh o won this tournament in 1974, 1976, and 1978. "He's big and strong -serves and covers the net very well. It was tough to go to the top or around him, so I started hitting through him. I hit a few good ones and maybe that made him a little tentative to come in." Harmon toughened in the final set when he fought off double match point on Connors' serve to force a ninth game, and then avoided another match point to win that one and keep the set going to a 10th game. But eventually, he ran out of shots and surrendered the set and the match. Connors said he felt his level of play was progressing according to plan. "h's bad for me to come Into a . tournament playing my best tennis because then I have no other level to go to," he said . "Here, I've been looking at it match by match to the point where now I'm playing better tennis than when I started. · "I start pumping uf just a little bit more each round. haven't gone berserk yet, but it's coming. It could come at any time." This is a different Connors than the one who won this tournament for the first time eight years ago. At 30, he seems more mature and has a different outJook. MUMAY The San Fronclsco 49cr• placed wide receiver Mike Wll1on on the Injured n>serve list and recalled runnJng back. Newton WUUam1. Wilson, a second year player from Washington State, tore Ugamen'8 In hia left hand in an exbibltion game agaJnst Seattle last Frlduy. Williams is a fifth-round draft choice out of Arizona State. Sterling vows to make Clippers winners Owner Donald T. Sterling of the San Diego Clippers said Thursday he • "wouldn't take $15 or e.ve~. $20 million for the team right now and expects it to be a winner in two or three years. Although he trimmed the Clippers'. p~oposed 1982-83 operating budget by $1.7 million, the Beverly Hills attorney said in an interview, "I'm not looking for profit. I would r~ther be in S~ Diego and lose money than be an another city and make money." . . . Sebastian Coe, Britain's Olympic champion, failed to start in the heats of the 1,500 meters at the European Track and Field Championships Thursday. Though there was no Immediate explanation, Coe's father said earlier he had advised his son not tO run again this year . . . Doctors amputated the right leg of the world triple jump record-holder, Brazil's Joao Carlos de Oliveira Thursday. This was Oliveira's 16th surgery s1nce being injured in an auto accident Dec. 22 of last year and it is be- lieved he will be able to walk with an artificial leg ... World Boxing Association Ughtweight champion Ray Mancini will defend his title against Deukoo Kim on Oct. 30 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, a source close to the promotion said. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; vvvworth watching; vv fair; v forget it. n 5:30 p.m., Channel 11 V' v V' -BASEBALL: Dodgers at Astros. Announcer•: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Aft.er l damaging pair of losses in Atlanta, the Dodgers hope to right the ship in the Astrodome. Burt Hooton (2-5) will be on the mound against Nolan Ryan (14-10). RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Houston, 5:30 p.m., KABC (790); Toronto at Angels. 7:30 p.m., K.MPC (710). KABC (7U0), Toronto {ll Arl{( •18, 7 pm., KMPC (710). . FootbalJ (owu ut Nebraska, 11 :30 a.m., KIEV (870); US(' ot l''londn, I p.m , KNX (1070); Long Beach St.ot.e ot UCLA, 1.~JO pm , KMPC (710) and KWVE (108 FM). Cal Poly (Pomona) at Puget Sound, 2 pm . KWRM (1370), Cal S~t.e Fullerton at Boi8C.· Stllw, 5:40 pm . K WnM (1370); 10 p.m., KWVE (108 PM), dl'lay, l':dlMJn vs ~ Dorado at Orange Coast, 7:1~ p.m . KWVE (106 Jo'M). Tenn1J11 US. Open r<'porta. 9.45, IOA~. 11:15, 11 :45 o.m., 12: 15, 12:45, 1.15, 1.45, 2.15, 3: I 5 p.m .• KNX (1070) §unday TELEVISION 9:30 a .m . (2) NFL TODAY Brent Musburger, Irv CrQf.S and PhylliB George provide reports and features on the day's games. Also: Analysis by Jimmy "the Greek." (4) -NFL 'U - Len Berman and Mike Adamle provide features and updates on the day's games with a commentary by Pete Axthelm. 10 a.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Rams at Green Bay. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Houston at Cincinnati. 1 p.m. (2) -U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Cover~ge includes the men's singles final. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Raiders at San Francisco. 3 p.m. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Houston. 4 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -USC at Florida, taped Saturday. 5 p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A tribute to John Wooden, the "Wizard of Westwood,'' who guided the UCLA Bruins to 10 national champiorvhips in hi.a 26-year tenure as head basketball coach. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Chicago, 5:30 p.m ., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., K.ABC (790). Football -Pittsburgh at Dallas, 6 p.m., KNX (1070). Oakland denied hid SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The city of Oakland lost a bid Wednesday to get an earlier court date for arguments to win back the Raiders football team from Los Angeles. The state Court of Appeal Wednesday refused to change the date for oral arguments from Sept. 201 to Sept. 15. M golf tourney I This limited warranty applies to all 1982 BMW's, and covers them against defects 1n matenals or workmanship. There's even a 6-year limited warranty against rust perforation.* By ROW.um L. HANDY O(lhe . ..., ......... A total of 332 players will compete in the two-day, 36-hole Costa Mesa golf tournament at C.O.ta Mesa 11,J,ld C-ountzy Club Saturday and y. peUUon will be in four fliahta wi~tne Champlonahlp and Yirst Fl ht )llayera COIJ1petlng on the sh M• Linda COUJ"lle 8aturd8y and mo~ to the Los Lagos coww on Sunda)'. The Second and Thlrd UJlht.s .,vijl reverwe th1s prooed\lre, Accofdfng to chalnnan Joe Costello, the 16 low players In t h e · champlorwhlp fllafit will set off the tee beliJIAin1 at noon on Sunday. Startlr\I tlme9 on bo,Ul daya wW be at 7 a .m . with the ffnt flt1hl 1otag ..,_ of the championlhlp ftll)\t botfl ct.~ Geor1e. winner of the flnt t~D~ in 1973, la tht l,one I'tl!rLl.iTIJnur champion entered. Five of nears the last nine wl nners of the tournament have turned orof eutonal includina, tut year'• winner. Mark Badrum. Brad Gree·r, 1econd to Mark O'Meara in a playoff in 1980, and Paul O'Shea who lost on the final hole a year' ago, ue both back aeeklng a victory. There are alto a number of o u tstanding colleglale players entered. Another entry I.I John Burckle, one of the top youni playert in the area who fired a 62 over the Me.a Vorde Country Club coune recently from the blue tees. The pubUc I.I invtted to view the matchel both days with no ac:lmt.ion charp. Laat year the tournament waa named the Wlll Jordan Memorial tournament in honor of a fC>CTner club member and O:ieta M .. dty official who ~ away d~ the year. It wUl retain the name thli yeer. That's many months and thousands of miles beyond the average automobile warranty. The µstification for this 1s obvious: BMW's are engileered comparably far beyond the average automobile In fact, as one automotive cntic observed, they are "some of the most exquisitely engineered motorcars the world has ever seen." As a result. extreme confidence isn't only defensible, it's entirely warranted. I: 1987B~o1Nall!l ........ a Int n~61.1W ~..,.... ..... ....,""' ...... ttot01•-•~ol8.t-'"4~-~,. llC •S..rourBMW-tor•~lfOllM LET )'QVR LOCAL BMW pt.AU.RS ARRANCE A THOBQUGH JEST PRIVE ALHAMBRA .,., .... um 1811 West Ma11 Street (213) 570 8444 AZUSA ........... 79J l:.~ Arrcw H1ghw11y (213) 967 5331 ervERLY Hll l 9022Wd1!>11t eou~o'(f (213) 273-3980 CAMARlllO ----411 o.iv Offlt (80~) •92 8878 (21.3) 889·2312 CANOGA PARK LA HABRA lOS ANGELES _...,._ ~ lftlNll ..... 70!>0 l a J44J We\t 43rd St Canyon cc;~VCJfd 8!)0 lh Beech (213) 299 3270 (113) 3'6·3144 ~llt.'i 6701 • GLENDALE h 14) 522·~333 • Wlll'f ,.._ 800 South Br.and I ANCASlfR 1840? araue1111 Boulnvard --F'arkwdY (213) 246 6543 45201 North (714) 831·2040 HERMOSA BtACH Si<!rra Hi&hwi)Y NEWPOfU BEACH ..... _ (805) 941! 6004 •UIWI.& 2901 PdC:1ltt coe,t lONO BEACH 1!>40 J<)mboftt Rd H1,hw1t -----(71•)6406444 (2 J) 376 09J!i 3670 Cl1erry A'Anul! NORW HOllYWOQO (213)4?7-!W.>4 -.-.-. HUNTING}ON PAR!<. ('14) 616 5790 4270 !Jltllrtt~ -• Boowlwv~d 6000 PK1ftC BM! (?13) 761 6133 (213) 683 1901 NORWALK ---10840 r11estone Boulevdld (213) 868·3233 (714) 636 6775 PALM SPRINGS .... •095 East f'elm CMy0n Drtvt (714) 328 6!'>2~ R\nRSICI€ 'I --78~0 lndlena Awe (714) 78!>·'4•• SANTAANA ......... 208 '>IHI hit Street ('1•) 83!> 3171 • =::tiRil 1820 $41\11 ~Owleil1rd (213)829 3535 ..-NNUYS ---52l0Vlll~~ BoulMtd (213) 788 17<11 I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Septtmber 10, 1882 C:I Mesa outIDU:scled • Santa Ana takes opener, 35"' 12 0.,. Nol Pt1o1e ~ MoMN IC...., Irvine fullback John Salinas blasts through the line Thursday. ~~UW?~ I Coeta M .. Htah football COllCh John Carney at.Uod out.aide the locker room at the Santa Ana Bowl Thunday ~t. tryina to explain hla t.Hm's ded 35-12 loea to Santa Aria. •• e just didn't tackle people," he~· A voice from lnaldo the room came echoln1 out: "A 1-ck of lntenaityl" "'That was our other co.ch, Jim Hapy," pamey explained ~ the ll'OUP of reporters. It had been a long atruggle for Costa Mesa ln the Muatanga' aeaaon opener as Santa Ana, led by tailback Stephen Shaw'• running (13 carries for 106 yards) and a pair of quarterbepka with different styles , eaally won before about 600 fans. "Dick Hill (Santa Ana aaaistant coach) told us before the game that be thought he had a very good team, one of the beat in their hiatory," Carne'y said. "They sure do." Santa Ana posed a double threat to the Mustangs at quarterback with junior Cary Conway's consistent paaslng and the lightning-quick speed of sophomore Wayne Barrett. Barrett I.a just 5-7 and weighs 140 pounds, but has 4.4 40 speed Irvine finally break~ through, By CRAIG RUSSELL Of"ttie Delly Piiot St.ff I For the first three quarters, the football field at Irvine High might as well have been just 60 yards long. Alter all, neither the host Vaqueros nor the visiting Hawks of Laguna Hills could get the ball inside each other's 20-yard line. i But just when it seemed like it would be a night of frustration for both teams, Irvine quarterback Mike Zorn connected with Chris Mandeville on a 52-yard pass play to set up a tie-beaking fourth quarter touchdown, and the Vaqueros went on to defeat the Hawks, 14-0. i n the season opener Thunday night. The loss spoiled the head coaching debut of Laguna Hills' Ed Adams. "We'll take it," said Irvine Coach ':terry Hennigan. "It's hard to say just how good we are or how good they (Laguna Hills) are. But I do know that they're a very well coached team and have really improved. Our kids had to . play well to beat them." Had it not been for the Zom to Mandeville pass play, however, the Vaqueros might not have beaten them. With the fourth quarter just a little over a minute old, &vine took possession at ita own eight- yard line. Three running plays brought the ball to the 21-yard line, setting up the game- breaklna play. "We l<new it would work," Handwriting is clear NFL strike seems a virtual certainty explained Hennigan. "They were playing us awfully loo6e. We had tried it a couple of times but Mandeville dropped the ball once and our pass protection wasn't good enough the second time." But the third time it worked like a charm. Mandeville lined up on the right side and cut across the middle. Zorn threw a strike, hitting the six-foot senior in perfect stride at the Irvine 45-yard line. From there the speedster sprinted around tbe safety and wasn't cut off until he had reached the Laguna Hills 27. On the very next play, running back John Salinas, who would gain 101 yards on 15 carries, picked up 16 yards to put the ball at the 11. Zom then scrambled to the three-yard line where =1 . .... . I ... f> \. NEW YORK (AP) -Tht>ugh the committee. "The owners are very league's chief negotiator says "the disappointed at the reaction of the ..... .., .......... ,........~ ........ opl• .... '• ... handwriting is on the wall" for a players. They thought they had given players' strike, and two teams are a very significant and expensive threatening walkouts, National proposal, over $600 million in new Football League club owners are money and there wu diacussion that standing by their pledge not to they might have made a mistake in implement a lockout. maybe withdrawing their opportunity Autollt• Salinas went up the middle for the score. In all it was a 92-yard drive that took just aeven plays. Irvine put the game out of reach three minutes later. While in punt formation, the Hawks fumbled the snap and the Vaqueros took over at the 16-yard line. From there it took just three plays to make it 14-0 as junior Greg Garcla scored from eight yards out. The first half saw both teams move the ball only to be turned away by penalties. Laguna Hilla quarterback Lee Plemel was nine of 18 for 119 yardJI. Williams WU his favorite target, catching six pasaes for 106 yards, the longest a 37-yard reception. So lt wu Conway who ~ the C.O.ta Meta def..._ wtth two '®Chdown pellet of 29 and &9 yards and it WU Barrett who 8CUllpeied for 98 yarda on 12 canie9. All of that, combined with Shaw'• runnln1, wu just too much for the Cotta M~aa defense. The Saints struck early aa • Conway ICOOted around rtplt e~ toe eljht yatda midway ~ the tint quarter. A 20-yard pus play from Conway to speedster Ric k Franklln aet up the touchdown. On the following aeriea, Conway found Franklin agaln on a simple out ~ttem for a 29-yard touchdown pus. Franklin, a 6-0 aenior alotback, had beaten two Costa Meaaa defenders on the play and was running alone when he caught the ball at the Mustangs' aeven-yard line. Halfway through the second quarter, it was Franklin again, this time taking the ball on an end around and sprinting nlne yards for the touchdown. Thal made it 20-0 and the Saints, with a tough defense, were cruising. Santa Ana he._p coach Tom Meiss WU obvioualy pleased with his team's performance, only undecided aa to who his starting quarterback was for the future. 14-0 Zorn was only two of five through the air, but both completions were for big gains. lf'Ytne 1 .. Laaune Htlle 0 ._....,.~ Legun• Hlllt 0 0 0 0-0 Irvine o O O 14-14 1-Sellnu 3 run (Chleboweld klc:k) 1-Gercl• I run (Chlebowekl klc:k) Attendenee -2,500 (Mllmeted) a-. lt.tleflc:e LH I Flrtt down1 11 11 Ruthet-yerd1 32· 110 38-199 PUiing yerd1 119 79 p-9-19-1 2-6-0 Punta 2-49 5-15e Furn~ 1-0 3-0 Penalt .... yerdt ~!> 9-100 ................. LH-Wllllch, 9-37; Romen, 8-37; Trento, &-34; ~. 4-11: Plemel. 5-mlfl<ll •• 1-Sellnu. 15-101; WHiie, 1-41; Zo..n, 8-27: M~. 4-22; Gard9. 1.-. .. ....it·e'~ LH-Plernel, 9-18-1. 119: Trento. 0-1·1. o. I-Zorn. 2-5-0, 7'9. .,..,,. ..... Ruahtne LH-Wlllleme. a-1oe: Proua, 1-e; Romen. 1·5: McOeld, 1·2. I-~ 1·52; Neel. t-21. • • K17lon "Barren and Conway both did 1ood jobl." he Mid. "We plan to uae both of them until one 1urface1 •• the domlnaal player." For Costa Mesa, there ·wer:a lm'M hlahllaht.a alot'8 with ~ dl1appointment. Junlo,r quarterback Seo\ Hapy, aon rd the coach , completed 10-ot -21 pu1e9 .for 141 yards, lncludlna a 39-yard touchdown pul to Jdt Engl.IJh ln the thfrd quarter for the Mustangs' first 1COre. Hapy ablo ruahed for 6~ yarct. on 13 carries to lead all Coeca Mesa rushen, while halfback Wally Grant carried 11 titne8 for 53 yards. On defenae, linebackers Daryl ·Pratt and David Colby were atandouta aa wu defensive e!Sl Rob Arevaloe. . "They (Santa Ana) were b6I and strong," said Hagey. ''The)' were ju.st all over us. , ".We feel we have a aoofd footbiall team. If we can stdp people defensively, particular()' when we're overmatched like wre were tonight, then we Can ~ some gAJlleS." Santa Ana's Meiss agrHd . "Costa Mesa should win some games ln the Sea View i.e.cue. You never know what to expect but certainly we expected • cloeer game." larltaAnell.c.ta ..... u --~~ Cott• ... _ 0 0 • 1-\2 Sent• Ana 14 I I 7-ie SA-Conwey 8 run (Berregen kid!) SA-Frenklln 29 PHI troll'\ Conwer {8erregen kl<*) SA-Frenklln 9 run (Idea wide) SA-Shew 71 run (B11tren pett from Conwey) CM-Engll•h 39 PHI from Heoer (kltk felled) SA-F-10 59 pe.e from eon-,. (.ion. kick) . CM-H~ 7 run (run felled) Attendenee -800 (ettlma'9d) 0....1 ........ Flrtt Oownt .. ~ ~ RU--.ywd9 29-123 4 .. 2M PUiing yerd1 141 11t p-t0-21-3 6-10.0 Punta 3-21 2-fa Fum~t ·1-1 M Penelt*"'Yard1 s...43 f.1t0 . .. ...... ....... CM-Grllnt, 11-53; Kiin•. 1-0; Heoer, 14-55: Oef9o, 3-15. SA-Vlllel'ide. 2-2; SMw, 13-108; ~. 3-12: Bwr9tt, 12·91: Frenklln, 7-42; ...... 5·2S; Lopez, 1·for-mlnue 25; Per.,, 3-for·mlnut 10; Glbeon, :Mor""*-14; a,n JON, 1-2. .,...... ..... ,........ CM-Heger, 10.21-3, 141. SA-eonw.,., 4-t-O, 121: e.n.tt. 1·2-4. t; San Joee, 0-2-0, 0. .................... CM-Grent, 1-10: Engll1h1 2~9: Klltw , 1·11; M•teon. 1-19: Oef9o, 1;e; CO.. 1 ... Heyee, ~5. • SA-F-10, 1·6t: Frriln. 3-62; ....,,.. , ... ..... = ...... ..... With the start of the NFL aeuon to have a lockout. just two days away and the Baltimore "Garvey said two years ago we Colts and Seattle Seahawk players would have a strike. He has not Spar• Plugs : Enetne Spra~ ·Paint saying they are prepared to stage job responded to any offer that we have actions over the release of thelr union made, he didn't show up even to take represnetatives, the executive a look at the new proposal. He said committee of the NFL Management he'• going to have a strike and then he Council Thursday reaffirmed its rejects mediation. I think the previous decision not to lock out the handwriting la on the wall." players. Players A.uociation leadership was Jack Donlan, the executive director not taking a hard line regarding the of the Management Council, said that possibility of a strike this Sunday, the owners were chagrined that union when all NFL teams except ~ Ed Garvey and the NFL Players Pittsburgh and Dallas -who play Association had rejected their last Monday night -set started. In fact, offer on a new collective bargaining they were not pushing for any strike contract. action this weekend. "They (the owners) were very The wa1vlng of the teams' player disappolftted at the arrogance of the representatives, Sam McCullum of union leadership," said Donlan of the the Seahawks and Herb Orvis of the six members of the executive Colts, triggered strike threats. ~-------------•. Goll lessons I fROM TOURING PRO I ALAN TAPIE I I 19 81 Statitticcd Leader In ,uttlng On Tow I P.ttt.c llltl Pl•Jlll Ln .... I a,111 .... IJ lf••••t•1t I 831-9392 ._ _____________ _ RAMS SUITI W / 12 TICICITS avllitlllt fOf udl PIM CAU. An9t s . (7•4) .. ..,~. (1M)1U.-1 ....... --~ ...... 73! • Nan~ popular colors, • drla In minutes. 1• OS. Pue I Treatment ............ 93! • • • • • • • • • • • • • :~ . .,, ,_ ........ Car Care Products • • • • • • nowonl~ • • • a¥.•., ..... . ... ,.. ... . Chrome Polbh ~~~· • • • • • •N .. for UN ~ : eo....,. ... ,.,. ............... ~ ~•-·· ........ flliilll ·Tester '\~·~. I~ -~,.iJot:I!· : c•s ... o ----------------------.... ~ aJ .._ -~ C.r"91ret.r• ........................ • a.....,. J78 •No. 7 Auto Polbfl •1•• .... • '11 a....... "" ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SYLVANIA Vbllll• Dlffaenee .Rand· •Cleaner •wtth Pumte. : !~· #16SI -I a . • • • :":L.mp• 7 88 ............ ... ... with computer tunln1 • f~r • amoothcr rl••· • ••._ more control ................... #84 .. ,, ............ 8~ Sit oo l>fr.·ct Mall R .. furuf on vn pair ll h •. '1 \ "u f 111 ()" r (' IH.1 JJ I) '1 (II 11 II u,, '" h •. r •. • I " 1hoefta. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Import q 11.S;. Auto Parts • .,_.. ... ,. COSTA MESA. Sautll CUit. _._, I . NEWPORT BEACH~ IMitld Autl PW 688 W. Baker At Bristol • ' 2112 W. Cllst llP_, • 556-2500 . • 646-93&3 .,,_ICH ARI IUOOllTID ,,_ICll AMO llAY VAlllY Al NRflCIPATINO MTAll.ltlS .. ; C4 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/,rlday. a..,tember 10. 1Na OILER • • • From Page C1 hu l w u f of'Ctld t.o pun l Davtd Mu•ham'a lumbltt recovery lantted a 315 -yard acorlna march ln the aecond quarter, capped by Kat.J\' fl4'ld 1oal, then Richard Mcndou lntercept.ed a CdM aerial on the aeoond play to erase ~ !H -yard kickoff return by the Sea Klnga' David Patterson. · El Toro rolls, 21-7, with stifling deiense Later Bllly Ray recovered a CdM fumble at the Sc!a Klnp' 13, and w ith t.he help of a questionable 15-yard hookup from Lawton to Carl Satterfield (he didn't appear to have control before fumbling out of bounds), Cerda cross bucked over the right aide. Lance Martin, the Sea Kings' one weapon, got. Corona del Mar back in the game with a 15-yard ecoring jaunt capping a 39-yard march, with the aid of Don Prypr's springing block, but Martin (22 carries for 113 yards) cou\dn't do it alone. The Oilers retaliated with a four-play, 64-yard march, capped by Cerda, but highlighted by 39-yard and 19-yard passes from Lawton to Buddy Noble and Ml~ Eay. Obviously on a roll at this point and appearing to be dominating both sides of the line, thtt Oilers -rambled fQr 55 yaJlds in 11 plays on their next poasession, with Satterfield, Thompson and Lawton alternating at the point of attack. Lopez also had an interception and at a crucial point with a 10-0 lead, Mendoza came through with a 58-yard punt out. of his end zone. Despite the loss, several Sea Kin.ts stood out on defense, most notably Joe Paluck, Brad Driver, JeU Brown an·d Eric Shaw. Corona del Mar's Paul Watson (8) is hit by Huntington Beach's Louie Cerda for a loss. OFFICIAL LOOK AT '82 RAMS • • • Nil.JC NOTIC£ MOC NOTIC£ Nil.IC NOTIC£ Pta.IC NOTICE 8y TERRY WHITE Of"tMD.-r,... .... El Toro HJah UMd a 1\iflln1 deferwe and a pownt oftenac to d efeat tho CyptHI Hlsh Centurions. 21·7, Thuraday nl1nt before 2, 700 fana at MiMlon Vfejo Hlah. -The C har1er1 were led by quarterback Mike Oouglu9, who completed 7 of 9 ~for 163 yard.a, and Blake Fennell, who hid 38 of his game-hlah 82 yard.a ruahlna on a touchdown acamper with 8:18 left In the game that 1ealed the win !or El Toro. El Toro Coach Bob Johnson waa pleased with his team's • performance. "1 think we played well and I don't think there was a ny tumlng point (in the game)," he said. However, Johnson sees room for improvement. · "We made a lot of first game mistakes," he said. The Chargers fumbled four times, losing two ol them; and the Chargers were Intercepted twice. John.Ion felt good to win the first game of the aeason. "It was nice to get the first one out of the way," he commented. El Toro took command early in the game when Douglasg marched the Chargers 79 yards in eight plays on their first posseMion of the game. During the drive, Douglass completed passes of 36 and 24 i yards to Brian Horgan. The Chargers culminated the drive Nil.JC NOTIC( P\B.IC NOTIC£ when Jerry Elchidae .-ored from a yard out to make lt 7-0 owr El Toro with 7:47 left in the fint ltanza. The Chargers ecored again late in th flrat quarter when Blake Fennell acored the fit'lt of hi.a two TD'a on • 1-yard run from the left aide to make tt 14-0 El Toro with 1:15 left. In the period. The Chargera dominated tho game bffenlively, outaaininc the CenturioN 201-73 on ihe ground. Aho, the El Toro defmae forcied Cypresa to punt five t.imet, whlJe the Charger• themaelvea only had to punt twice. II Tote 21, c,.,....t 7 .... ..,owner. crpr-0 ' 0 0-1 E loro 14 O o 7-21 ET -EldtlOOt 1 Nt1 (Wllllam1 k!Gtl) Ef-Fennerl 1 run (Wllllaml kick) C-Slw!MI 11 !>Ml lrom Auble (Rldl kick) ET -Fenn.I 38 run (WlllWnl kick) AHeMlnee-2,700 (..ilmaledl 0-llettettce c rT F11~ down• 15 18 Ruihel-yerd1 25· 73 38-201 Pullng y11d1 163 163 .Punll 12-28-3 7·11-2 Pun11 S-34 2-31 Fumblel-lott ().() 4·2 Penettie.-y1td1 6-40 7_.1 ........ d .... ~ C-Fenton, 14-53: Beitd, 10-26: Auble. 1-6. ET-Fennell, 13·82; Trlc:kell. 10-49, Eldridge, S-44 ~"-tnt C-Ruble, 12·26·3. 163. ET-Oouo1111. 7-9·2, 163. lttdlwt dull "9c:elvlng C-Sh4trme1. 9-133: Nelson, 2·28. Fenton, 1 .. ET-Wooda, 3-53; Horgen, 2.eo, Peton. 2·50 Nil.IC NOTICE T-·-l'ICTITIOUI ..,..... ~ ITAT1!..wf °" WITHDflAWAL FlCnnout .,..... YOU AM .. OE,AUUUNDIRA ,.c TITIOU. au11 NE.. ACllllOUeMJH•ta --rt 1 ... , • l'llOM NAME aTATl•NT ~Of' '""'IT DATID AUGUaT MAim aTATEmlff ...._STA,_.,. MOTICIE Of' TllUSTU'S SALi NAm ITATUmNT NOTICI Of' nwa.. --1t, 1111. UNLlll YOU TAKI! The following penona .,. doing The......-..~ -doing T.S. No. 14"AC Th• followlng penon •• doing T ... No.1291 PAffrNER=---Of'IMTlNO bu~~ ~· .,. OOlng ACTION TO PROT•CT YOUR ~.. ~-;;;-.. YOU ARE IH DEFAULT UNDER A bt'*-OLIN-E. 2'""" p k N ort YOU ... -.. ~, ... ~ .. T UNDl!R A flCTITIOU• ., ..... NAME TILE IMPORTERS, 1320 s ~. rr MAY• IOU> AT A VPA. INC . 4425 Jembof• Rd.. EON RESOURCES 1982A 0£E0 OF TRUST OATED JUHE 28 ' """' ., ewp ' ,.,_ -.. -. The lollowlng peraon h•• Slate College BIYd .. Anehelm. CA fl\*JC aA&.L • YOU ..S AN Suite 190, Newport Beec:h. CA ORILUNO PROGRAM, 895 Town '978. UNLESS YOU TAKE NewportBMch,CAfnMO. DIED Of TRUIT , DATID II ert f 8280e Hll'LAMATION Of' THI MATURE 92t80. Center Drive , 8'h Floor, Coete ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Lone Ulrloh, 2800 Park D•CIMalR ti, tMO. UNUat Wllhdrewnuegener p ner rom . Of' TMI PftOCHDtNO AOAIMIT VIDEO PRODUCTION MeM,CA82e2.e. PROPERTY,ITMAYBESOLDATA Newporl. Newport Beec:h. CA YOUTAICIACTIONTOPftO'nCT :~t~f.1o~:u~:~·~:=t~ Cell;~,~~R~?pKor~:I~~: ~~fe ·s~ YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ARTISTS, tNC .. e Cellfornle · Eon Reeourc:.. lno en Ohio PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN 92e&O. . YOUR PROPIRTY. IT MAY •1 ft D I LAWYlfl corpc>r11Uon. 4425 Jambor .. Rd., Corpor•llon 885 To..;n Center EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Thia bual,_ le conducrted by en SOLD AT A "*JC a.AU.• YOU OOLFLAPS, 1825 WMtc:ll r ve, Stale College Blvd., Anaheim, CA NOTICE Of' TMllT'la'• IA.La Newport BMoh, CA 92660. Drive. 8tti AOor, COile MeM. CA OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST lndMduellone IJlr1c:tl =~~1 :~~=or= ~.=:~:~~:~i. n•m• 112::· bualnMS .. c:onduc:1ed by • T.a ..... _, Thi• bullMM Is c;onducrted by • 92'2e YLAOWVU. EYROU. SHOULD CONTACT A Tl1ll ml-t wu ltled with the AOAINIT YOU, YOU •HOULD stetement lor the pertneralllp WU corporetlon. NO'rlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhlt corporetlon. Coby N. Keller. HS Town n.-.u... Coun ,,_., CT ... , ........... lllecl on Aprlt 2. 1982 In the County UnbrOOll ni.. Inc: on Tn.ndey, 8ec>t«nb« 30, 1982, Video Produc:11on C•n••r Drive 8th Floor Coa1• On R1de)I, 8eptember 2.4, 1982, Counly Clertl ol ~-'V"' 1Y on c ....... •A .. _ .. ,.... Rey Muey, S«ty 111 8:00 o'dodl e.m. of Mid dl!Y. In Artietl. Inc:. Meell. CA 82e2e. · ., t-.00 .._m., Tltle INUrenoe end Aug. 18. 1982. On seotemt>« 2-'lh, 1982. II 9•15 of Zi~;,,. end Addrua of the Thia e1et-t wu filed wtth the Ille room Mt ellde tor eoncNctlnO Sten LaiMKe, Pr.. Thie ~ II conduc1ed by • Tnd1 Comc*!Y ... duty -s>P<>fnted ftWn A.M .. WILSHIRE RECONVEYANCE Trust•'• s ..... within Ille ofllcel of Thie atetement -tiled with tf\f ""'"ed pwll ..... Trut1M un~ end pureuenl 10 Publl1hed Orenjl• Coul Delly INC .. • Catlfomle Corporetlon. u P«son Wllhdr•~ Counly Clerll ol Orange County on REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Counly Cleft! ot Orange County°"' Eon AMourQ9I, Inc. OMd of TN.ti recorded July 31, Pilot. Aug. 20. 27. 5ept. 3, lO, 1982 duly flPP(lllrted Trvst .. under end Jf:"c!:.. ... ~ Augual 25• 1"2 ,1WtOI SERVICE, loceted .. 2020 North Auguel 23. 1882.. ~ N K.eler 1979, u lnSlt. No. 41340, 1n book 3685-82 purwuenl 10 Deed of TNtt recorded Brottdway. Suite 200. In the C11y ot ,,_, e:.c:uth. vio.~ 13250, peg• 1557. of Oltlc:lel Jen. 15. 1181 .. • • .. lntt. No. ....,.n llMctl, CA~ Publlehed Oreng• Coaat Dell~ S.01• Ane. Counly of Orenge, SI••• Publf•h•d Or•nge Cotti D•llt Thll 91Me1Nnt -flied with the f'ee>Ofds In the offtoe ol the Co~inly fltllllC NOTICE 15266, In bOOll 13913• Pll99 1638• Publlel'l•d orenge coul Dally Piiot. '°U9· 27· Sept. 3• 10• ~1~~2 ol Calltornle. REAL ESTA TE Pltol, Aug. 27. Sept. 3. 10. 17, 198~ ,..~.,..... CWti of Orenge County on lllecorder of Orange County. of Olflctel Record• In Ille o111oe of PllOI, A'"'· 27• "-I. 3• IO, l7, 1992 1-----------SECURITIES SERVICE, e Celltoml& 3919-8~ A;, .. (3 1982. Celltomla. lFtCTITIOUS 8UtM•• lh• County Recorder of Orange -• ~ 3774-42 P\llLIC N011Ct: c:orporallon, H duly eppolnted C..:, IL Kee. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION NA• ITA~NT County, Sle1e of Celllornle. TruetM under end puflUtlnt lo the "8.JC NOTICE A...,_, .. t..w TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH The followlng peraon Is doing Elleout9d by ROY N. HUNTER end YOU AM .. DEIA~T UNIK.R A power ol Hie conferred In lhlt • T ... C..... DwM OR CASHIER'S CHECK, (J>9Ylble el ~ u . MARGA Ref M. HUNTER, husb9nd D 11 D 0 f TR U a T , DAT IE 0 certain Deed of TNtt euc:uted by PICMIOU9 .,_.. ..... - tlrM'of .... In i.wful moM'I' of,.... ELITE WAL LCOVERINGS. end wlle, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC "8JC NOTICE NO.,._" •• mr. UNLIP YOU Sllreg• Blodwaon .• llngle IMn, Mm ITA.,_,,,. c.... ...... CA_ United Bi.t.) et tlle eouth front llSA 36tt\ St ' Newport Beec:ti. CA AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER ·-----------TAKI ACTION TO ""OT•CT recor<Md September 23. t981, In The foflowtno peflOft la doing ,,.., entrenoe to the Old Orenge.County 12M3. FOR CASH (peyet>M It time of.... MO~°" YOUR '"ONlllTY, IT MAY •• Booll 14228 of Ottldel Reoofde of bullfieee -Publl.n.d Orllljle Coat Delly ~locet*'tnthe200blodt GREGORY KEVIN CJ.I NE. In tewfut money of th• Unll•d TRUlftralALa IOU>ATA~IML•YOU ••Id Coun1y, •• P•G• t.>SO, cl N ADVERTISING, 5081 Pllol ... _ 20 27 sept. to 1~ of w..t Sent• Ania Blvd (fom)erly 115A 361h St , Newpor1 Beec:ll. CA Stetea) et lhe lront entr-IO Ille T.S. NO. m1M •ID AN DJl\..ANA110N Of' Titm Aeeorcler'1 tn.1n.1n'9!'1 No. 2"24, Cembftdge Alie., Weetmlnet•, CA ' .._ ' ' . ' 3roe::u ~Ill 8th StrHO, Sen le An•. 92883 Old Orenge County CourthouH, On Septemb« 24, 1982 et t :15 a.m: NATURIE Of TH• ,lllOCl•DINQ by reuon of e llteeoh or d9fMltt In 92tlS. Cellfomle, .. rtgflt. title end lnte<MI Thi .. bu91nns 11 c:onducaed by en toc:eted on Senta An• Blvd., of Mid day et the fron1 entrenoe tOI AOAINIT YOU, YOU aHOULD peyment or pertormenc• of the Neen• Su• Koeller. 873 t oon\'9'/ed to •nd now held by It Individual: bet.-n S)'C9m0f• St. & Broedwey, the old Orenoe County Cour1110uM, COHTACT A LAWV.111. obllgellon• aecured thereby, Sellpoft Dr., Huntington BMdl, CA vnder .. Id Deed of Truel In the Gregory K. Cline Sent• An•, Cellfomla. Ill right, title loc:eted on S1n11 An• Blvd., NO'nC& Of' TMllTla'I •~ lnc:ludlng lhat breech or defeull, '*'· pr~ty •IW•l9d In aald Coonly This at••-t WIS nled with Ille end lnter•t conveyed to end "°'* ~ S)'ClllTIOre St. & 8'oec1Wey. .... OtM11 NoUce of which -reoorced Mey "* ~ .. condlle1ed by .,, ORANQI COUNTY IUP•RIOR end 8\lltll delc:i'lbed u: County Cle<• ol 019ng9 County on held by h unw Uld OMCI of Trull In the City of $ante Arie, County of On Sec>tember 22-. t982. 81 10!00 27. 1982 ... Aeeorder'I lnslNl'Mflt lndlvldUet. COURT Lot 208, Tl9Ct 2822 •per ITl9P August 20. t982 In lh• property altu•l•d In H id Orenge, Ste I• of Cellfornle, A.M .. •I th• meln entrance of No. 82-112943, WILL SEl.L AT NMne Sue Koe119r 1'I a.to C..... DfM-.. -ded In BOOll 118; P.gee 3 10 fttllO'I' County end Stet• delc;tlbed aa: Celiforn\a Tf\.191 Deed .. Inc., .. duly Lawyer'I TIU. ,,,__ Compeny. p u BL I c Au c TI 0 N T 0 THE Th6I ....,,....t -tied wlltl the ..... AM, C•• • ..,., 18 lr)dullw of Mllcelleneoua Mepe Pubtlth•d Oreng• Coul Delly Loi 102 of TrK'I No 2822. In llP9(linted trustee ......... •I publlc 520 North Main Slreet, In the City of HI OH EST BIDDER FOR CASH, COIM"Y ca.ti ot OfMge Covnty on PlAIN'Tff: JOHN 0 . ADAMS eno In the~°' lhe Recorder of Mid Piiot. Aug 27. Sept 3. 10, 17, 1982 Ille City of CO&t• ....... Counly of llUClton to lhe ~I bidder fOf Senti An&. County of Oref'.199, Ste• llWfUI money of the United s...... Aug. fl. 1M2. ALYCE 8. ADAMS county. . 3835-82 Orenge. Stele ol Celifomte. u per oun. In 19wfuf money ol lhe Untt9d of Celltornle, CALll'ORNIA Of • c:uhler'e cMci1 dr8wn on e ftmn DEFENDANT: EDWARD R Tn,lllor or record ownet· LOUIS J. mec> r-ded In Book t 18 Pegee 3 S1a1 .. ell peyeble et tlle time of RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, a •1•1• or nat1ona1 bllt'lll, e ..... or Publl1hed Oren~ Cout Delly DAVENPORT; HAAOLO O. ADAMS; IM!RGER ~ to 11 tnc:luatve ot Mlac:elleneoue aale, 1h. followlno deecflbed reel Celllornla Corporetlon, H duly federlll credll union, or a etal• or Piiot. Aug. 20, 27, Sept. S, 10, t.U ROBERT A. DOTSON; MOTEL T'1t •V••• eddrHI end other P\B.IC NOin.L Mepa, In 1he Otta of the Counly property eltu•led ln the Counly of 1ppolnled TrultH under lh•t tederel MVlngS end IOln a..oc:ietlon H71-82 INVESTMENTS • Celltornl• °°""'°" ~· tt eny, Of the f1CYtTtOUI .utMU Recorder of aald county. orange, Sl•t• of C•llfornl• end oerteln Deed of Trusl eucu1ed by domlc:lled In Ulla all••· Ill P9Y•ble ll perlnerahlp; LAlY I· TUCSON. rNI property delclrlbed ebove 11 NAm ITATW' • • '~ecorded Mar. 12, 1981. deecflbed u lollowe, lo-wit: ELIAS O. OVIEDO end MARY S. the lime of ..... Ill right, title end •-.,. ..nn11r LTD., e ~ ~IWINp; LAZY purported 10 be: no street llddr-Th• tollowtng pereon I• doing lnat. No. 18158 BK. 13971 Page Lot 47 of TrllGI No. 5&91. M OVIEDO, Huebend end Wiie, H lnter .. 1 held by It u TrvelM. In '"~ ""''-I MOTEL,• c.Mornle pertnenfllp: ot oei-__, deelgne11on hH ~ er. 1920 ahOwn on • Mep reoorded In 8ootl truators, reoofded on Ncwember 22, lh•l rul proc>ertY 1Uu•I• In Mid PICKWIQ( INN, INC.. • oorporeuon: been furnished. You mey obtain EVEREST FIRE PROTECTION. The atr .. I •ddr .. a end other 211, P9G9118, 17, ta, ti, 20 end 21 1971, u lnllNmerll No. 2134&. In County end Stete, dHc:rtbed ae end OOE8 '·llwOURfl-15, ~ direction• to th• properly by 1290 Logan. Aft .. A''. CO&w ....._ common deelgNtJon, tt eny, of Ille of MllollleneOul MICJ9-, r-dl of 8ooll 124'5. P1ge 829, of OfflcW lotlow9: ....-M- 111bnllttlng e wrttlen reqllN1 wllhtn CA 92$2t. reel property de«rlbed eb@ve 11 Orenge County, Cellfomla. Aecorda ol Orenge Counly, Slit• of Lot t of Trect No. 8188 • per bllllrl9ll ae: CMm -INIU 10 cSeya from the llrat publlc:atlon of 0-Qe Mlel'INI Tomlin. 1019 purport9d to be: 1808 Belter St., EXCEPTING tn undlWled one-Celitomla. under the l>OW9' of .... map reoorded In book 411 pegee "'VESTMENT •nc:m Y• ..... -... MM. ttll&notloelo:OO--M.o.le,c/o Cheyenne St., Coat& M•H. CA CoeteM-.c.llf. helflnl-lln .. oll,g-.mlMrela lflerelnCOl'telMd,wlll ..... publlc 47 throu h 50 lncluaive of VANDERBILT 1" n._.._ ............. ,.. Proctor end Proctor 3320 Wnt 92e28 The underelgned Trull•• end olher hydrocerbon euti.tencee euc:llOn to the hlgheat bldcNr f« ~ lnlC>I r.oorde of the COMPANY, l7ot2 Pullmerl StrMC, ..._ ,_ Mllllt....,.. _._. Victory Blvd .. eurt>aritc, Celttomla n.· bu*'-' 1e conduc:ted by 1111 dlac:lelm• •nu ll•blllly lor •ny tying below • depth 01 eoo 1 .. 1 cull. or eMc* u "-lbed below. Orenge County Aeeorder ~f Mid ::::::r~8•2n:· VI• H•vr•. ,.. ,...... ..... •_,..Reed I 1 ti o ll . Au en II on: M., I• n A. lndlvld\.191 lncorrec:lneee of the at,.... eddr-without the rlaht ohurt-er11ry ea pey11ble •I Ille lime of Nie "' lawful countv. 8Mctl Celltomllt. tHIO tM lllfllf9I 111 ...... . Pfoc:tor. Jr. George M. Tomlin • •nd olher GOmmOn dealgnallon, If reeerveo "' the Deed from PeCitlc money of lh• United Ste1H ot The tHHt eddreu or olll•r · John w cl..ti 5&32 11lahoii1e If~ 1lli9tl to..-the ectvloe of Th• und•relgned Truat•• Thi• •telernent ... tiled wt1h lhe eny, lhown herein. Mldwul Development Co .• a Alner'tc:e, wlthoul _,,Inly~ common de11tneUon'of the rMI Ten-.,....n. c.itorn11 8:i1tJ. en attorftey II\ thl1 melter, yCM.1 dlaclelm1 eny lleblllly tor eny County a.r11 of Orenge COUnly on Seid HI• wlll b• mede, bul c:orporellon, recorded October 3, or lmplled •• lo tltl•, UH. ~ ~ dllcfleled le ' ' ' lf*Ald do IO~'° tN1 yo.11 1norrec1,_ of the st,_. edd,_ Al.G 18 1982. • without covenenl or werrenty. 1"3 In Boole 6744. page 181 of po'"ulon or enciumbrenc.e, •II ~ 10 b« 1101 Oebf• OfM, .,,: =:.oondllcied by• Miilen ~. K any, mey be end °"* common deeignellon, 11 · · ' ft'974 •xpteat or lrnplled, feQMdlng Ihle. Olflelll Recofde. llgrlt, tltte end lnterea1 now held by eo.ea MeM. Celltor'rlle. John w c.1t Ned on 11m1. fnt,lhowl\heretn. Pubflehed Or•ng• CoHt Delly poueulon, or ancutnbfenoM, 10 commonly known u : 623II••1ueh Truat .. In end to 1he Th• vndertlgn•d hereby Thllet........,tWM111edwlththe AVleOt Ueu• 911 •If• Seid HI• wilt be med•, but Piiot, Aug. 20. 27. Sept. 3. 10, tN2 P9Y tlle,.,remelnl~prlnd1>elb Mid C:: o; Plerponl Drive. Co••• Meu, lollowlng dHc:rlbed oroperly dl1olelm1 •II ll•bltlly tor 1ny COvntv CWti of Orenot County on ......... II 1t••Nt ...._ without covenenl or werrenly. 3086-82 1Mno1 ... •)Meu<.., Y 0 Cellfomle tltualedlnlheetotwldCountyllt'ld ~W.Mld..,....ICldl'tll lwO. ft tM2 ...., ........ 1111 ~1utl • eapt ... « lrnplled, reQ91'dlnO title. Tr~llh lnlereat thereon, H Seid Nie will be mede wltl'lollt s1 .... to wit: Of°"*~ dteignetlon. .._ • • -... &N. ,.._. ...,. po111111on. or anwmt>ren<:ee. to pr In Mid notll(t), edvencM, _,.,,, orwen'enty. eicpr.....S or 1..ot 3" of Tr_,. No. 7-M5, .. I* teld .... wlll be mede wttll<lul ......, • Y.. •I .... Lm le """-'11 ... pey lh• unpaid b•l•nc:• of th• P\B.IC NOTICE It fllr'/, under the term• of Mid Deed lmplled, reoerdlllf thle, pau111IOl'l map recorded In Boolt 304, P.gee •ttranty, upreu or lmplled. ~":::J:-DIM ...... nott(e) .-ec1 by Hid OMd of ACTIT10Ue -II of Trual, feea, ciherg•• end or encumbrenc ... to ullaty •lie 4" to 48 lnc:luelve of Mleoell.-t reo.,dlng Utl•, po1HHlon, or -• "It U•l•d d•H• eollciUer •I Tl"U94. to-wit: taa,878.00, Including ..,,,_ ITAT'llmlfT expeneee ot the TU91• and of lhe obllgetlon• •11our•d by and Mepe, In the omo. of lhe County encvmbNlnCH, to ut11ly th• P.O ._ _,, conMfo de un •llOolldo en •t• ~~ld•d In ••Id note(•), Th• lollowlng pert0n 11 doing Ou•I• cru1ed by uld OHd ot pu11u1nt 10 the Power of 8•1t AocorderofuldCounly. prlnclPtl btlenc• ol th• Note or......:.... c• •111tt e1unto, deberf• heoerlo If tlf't under the lerme Of ~ Trutt. contetred In• certain Deed of Trull. The lol&I emount of the Ull1*d oll• obllQlllOft MCund by ea6d .. ._ 14 , lnmed191_.., de _.. -•· Mid o.... Tiwi ,... Qtlergee end v IP iove 1985 8 Hwbor The 1o1e1 amount ol Ille un98ld •touted by Wllllam E. Wiiie. Jr. llt'ld prlnolpel .,...,_, In••• t'*-1. OMCI ol T'"rvtl. wttll lntweel Md P .. ,1, .. _. "'"•nee cout 0.11 .,. ~--.el hit'...,._. ....,... of tfle 0TN11ee end of the Coela, Mei.. CA e2t27. ' ' belenoe of the obi~~ 0: Pllrlci. J, Wille .. lruetora. d1led together with rWOfllll>4y eatlmMed olller tvma .. plOYlded lllereln: -..!'" .... .::"'2o °27 9"'t S 1o 1 puede W Ntlf I edl o -...,0. lruete cr .. led by Hid Oeod of T Aolftl 11 Arlee Ct 1he property lo ... •0 in March 13. 1911 end recorded coete, expenw end edvenaee 8' p1v1 _,.. .. ICM. lf eny, Uftder lhe .--. • ._. • • · • a1o1 '· TO THI£ OERNDANT! A CIMI TNel. ~ CA i2MO .. r•Honebl• Hllm•l•d ooale. Oc:lobef 2. 1911 In loot! 14249, the Ume ol ttw tnMlll pullllc8'1on of """'.__end~ Of\ ad! _., ... , "-Mell "'"~the of,.Nll~~~ed°:: =~•~byen :?::-:'nr.'.'!'1-::=1:'n":f':: ~~..=,~of Ille thle<:41r":v':t~Cheaka ~ar.:=.e-:J: Ml.IC ll)TlC( =':r.:.:",!C....: delivered 10 th• under1l9fted • T.,.,._ Aoel1I Mollee of S• le 113,17900. Al 11'1• 11me of th• tnUl•t c.ttltled °'**'~to ttie ... m....,..... 111J Mid Died ol ITAW OP w•at-IT It d•J'9 ... ., t1111 -"'°"' •• ~ Dlder8'1on of Oet9lllt end Thia ataMmenl -tiled wttl'I the The benellolMY under llld Deed publleelton Of "* notice, ... 1otel Tru•• .. Of bidder -~Ible to TNlt. TM '°'" emovtll or Mid OP Ull OP fllCnnout --"' ~ -...... ....,,. I Oemend for 81te. end • wtlUen CountY Clertl of Orenge County on Of Tru•• hef .. 0<0<• t11eovtecl end emount of the vnpeld t>ei.-or Tr 111 t •, prov Id• d Pro P • r oblll•tlofl, lftClluellnt ,..,one~ ..,_ .. _.. _..... ,......_ • flll ~. NoUot of DetlUtt end l*tlon 10 MIO· fa 1982 delivered to the underelgned • oblfe•llon MCurecl by Ille ebove ldent._tloll II~. ...,...,, •• fHI, ollertH lftd Th• following pertone h•v• ~ '°" do eo. '/fllllt ...,.. .. ... '°be ,_ded In Ille oounty • ' · 11,_ Wfttten Oecler•llon of Otl..it end dHorlb•d OHd of Trust end fttom lnlorm1t1011 which the ..,...._otlleT,.,....,lltMtlflll ebendoMdin.•of•"'='tttoua be ... ..,... Oft .,11a11110ft Of lie ..._.T-~~=~~·~, Publtalled Oren~CoHt 0~11 e-~~nd011!'...!~11t•·.,,•dnd.,L,"",!!!l~no eettmeted ooet1. ••peneee, end TtullM dffm• r•ll•b••· bvt toir orlnftlllpu11aoe'10ftotM,...,ll .,..,_....._ .-• ..eWelOllPI._._. ·-"' -__.. ..__'"" 27 • 10 t ~ .,..,_ ~...,,..,., ~llM ... t.tt. whlCll T'rvette mlk.•I ftO lat,ta.• ~~,_,,.,._,..., TIT'I 1"'8U CE •"'D UST. .,....,., .._, -· ' . "• ' W , TM 11111def~ ceuM llld DI, UlT U ...,.. •t'I .... o • en• , .. _ ~ .._ 7 ........ ~ -__ ,, ..-....... Co~,::.v ........ w17.'.!,_ llvd.. *~ .,_,,__ _ .. ....__. to ........ •o .._ YOU AM IN A N~ A ttpr ... n, , ...... , • ,, r. .... o.ed: -.a:-Ti ·-WlSTCLIFF NUMU RIO ,,,, ---- -.,._ ... __. ... ..... ·-...,". ""'-'"'"' ..,_, -• ""' -Eo ,_ T•UIT ..... TtD ..... ..,.H atrltl .odre11 °' otlllt common ,,_TA w 11n Or 1 ....... .......:....... oov1411 ,...,., lfl ........... tftOftt or LOI A~. Cellfornl• tootO. PWlJC NOTlCl rec:orded In lhelO= ..... the ti. 1181. UNLIHYOUTAKI m l ...,.of,,.....,_dlllollbed llOUM.IEMOI. .. to ........... ..,... _ _,, ....,._. .. -. ... .......,,, M4-t000, e.ct. 2'720. rMI Pl'°'*1Y II ACTION TO PAOTEOT \'01,lfl ~ 11· Mft •ut •1om. lrvlrlo, a~ ooipo;lllllDl1, ~ ~.=· eu.lnl .. Ne Ot OCNr ,.-... ~litlietM Iii ttMI Ooted!~~"!c, ~.~• 0.••·=-23~.1ne. =t:M"':YY:,~~1:l~ O.:....~ .......... forthl •T"""" tef•rr•• to ...... •H tiled Iv -==..._14 ,_ .. Truet Comc»eny Th• tOfloWlng petton II dolno M Mid T.,.._ IX~LANATlON Of' THE NATURl IMl*'d c: ":r.: ~~-~ (llALJ 9y. O.J. ..... Orro':e~o~ ~:l1~~,'n1 ~A. ii!Wii4. t~=. ~r,. MFO. co .. 1iOl·A ~~~eOotO ~~~v~"=.o°'"c!~~~8! ~T-.:;.~ol·~..,,.,.:.o:i::. ..... ..._=n·~~,:\ ,, ..... y. OCWJIOf-~!'7:::-'::°'·:~·· =i;;:;'A. ...... T,,,.._ Sale Oftloll" L00111 Ave., Ooec1 Mell, OAtaue. (2•31,.._111' , ... '"-·-·-• .., -IOt. ~ _ Publlalled Orenoe OoHt Oelly D•••I• Merl• ''•ming, 8ter Iv Wende MGNee1 .... •"· Olllld Mal* ti tta QA 11791 w Giii "°4. ...,., a. 10. 11, 1• "°'* M7, ""*'·CA mn AM11•e11t ~ Olllld:C:.. ,,:,..111 a......~.:., .. '°' flt: fT~10 • u•-=..,.,..... ' ea ••TT ••• • , M67-G Tllll ~ 11 oondllCtlld by 111 ,110lllhed Or1nr. Co1tt Otlty Dlldl Inc ~ ~ ........ bf"'91 C.... De11r -ww.t-,__a_W_CM_lderfl~IUl"".'""'W~Oftd-lnc1Mdue10.... M Piiot, 8epl. ,, lO, I ' •Ma...._., •II titfl inet. • eiitd f.,.._ """'° ..... 10, t1, M, -=: r-· Ille. of l~PP=·~ Tl11111111FNflt::::let1t1111e Forc\MelfledAct ~.1CAl4t07 :::=-vi:.-=. .,._ ~~":,'4=~ Cy ,,;'ot Ol1Hlllff ~ .. c::a OI Orenot COUftty Oft ~ ~~~ ~~wr,:. Ag mr.-.:.·.:.-= ~ ff, ,_, ' Mt. To p1ee1 'fOAlf ad, ,...,. • ~~ 1.J> rot.nu 11911111 .. ,._. .._.. ,.,llftlMll °'""' eoe. Oii eq,.aera end ... • ,ublllMcl Or•11J1e Co11t Oollv ~ \ ltuDlllMd Ofllft9t eo.•t 0111y ltvbll Of'Met Coeat O to_.,,..,,....._,... ..,_, Auf, If ..... a.10, 11 ~~tiff_. M-VllOf hllp fll!Ot. AUi. IO, 2?, lePt. a, ~:= ._ .. ,. ,_.,., ... I, 1Q, tf, tMa ... , .. 1 ""1A.. Mii-11 .... S. tO, =... ....... ..... I \ ; ' '~ ~ . ' ,,. ... MAJ°" LIAOU. 8TANDIH08 AMerioaft LMcaue WHTUIM DIVI~ W L Pct. Oe K&ntU City 78' 80 !lea MeM 77 12 .6S. 2 Cl\lcaoO U 64 531 4 'l'I s..11.. es 13 .411 13°" o ... 1«onc1 58 11 421 20\o\ T exat 5e 13 402 23 Min-la 49 llO .352 30 IA8T1!11H DIVlllON Mllw.uk• 83 67 593 8eltlmore 78 eo MS 4 Botton 11 e 1 .558 5 NewYork 71 17 .514 11 Oetrolt 70 17 .611 11 'l'I ~ 87 70 48tl 14'1'1 T0tonto 65 M 464 11 TillindeY'• ac-Ci...eland 3, 8alllmore 0 New YOtk 5. MllwlwkM 4 ( 10 Inning•) OnlJ9-~ TIHl6gtlt'e 0- Toronto (Leal 10-12) et An9ei. (Zahn 15-7) &lltlmore (McGreoor 13· 121 at Claveland (Barker 12· 11) Oattolt (Morris 15· 141 at 801100 (Eckw.tey 12-10) M.itwaul<• (Caldwell 14-10) at New York (Guidry 14-6) Seattle (Perry 7-12) al TexH (Tanana 6-15) Ml"'-011 1c .. 11t1o e-101 a1 K.,,... en., (Blue 13-tl) Clllcaoo (lamp 9-8) 11 Oakland (N0trl• 6-tl) NatloMJ League WH TEllH DIVlttON Atlanla ~o San Fr ancllCo HOuston Clnelnnati W L Pct. Oe 78 82 .557 71 64 .648 I 'II 74 117 625 4'1'1 12 ea .514 e 115 75 .484 13 52 ea .311 ie IAITI!llN OIVlllON St Louis Pl>lladalphla Montreal Plttabu<gn Chlcaoo New York 78 eo .585 78 151 .6&1 .... 74 es 532 4'1'1 74 155 532 4'" 151 7tl .436 18 s. 113 .394 23'11 TllW..S.y'1k-Atlan1a 10, Oadgaf'I 3 San Ft.nctaco $". Houa1on t San Diego 4, Cltlelrtnatl 1 Only game1 achadulad Toclay'1 OamM Ood91r1 (Hooton 2-61 It HOullon (Knepper 5-13). n Montreal (Sandet1on 11-11) 11 Cn1c100 (Jankins 10-13) Philadelphia (Rutnvan 10-10) at Plttaburgn (McWlltl.,.,,. 7-n n Clndnnall (SNtley 6-11) 11 At111nta (Boggs 2-0), n New York (Swan 1-e1 a1 S1. Lout. (LaPolnt 7-3~ n San Ftancl1co (Oemp1ey 0-01 at San Diego (Oravecky 4-2~ n \ NATIONAL LEAGUE ., .... 10, Dodaeta • LOI AHGaLll ATUNTA lllHllbl altrhbl SS .. 2b t 0 1 0 WnNngtn rt 4 1 2 1 Tllotnu 2b 1 I 0 0 Ramire • 3 o O O Landr .... x cl 3 O 1 0 Murphy ct 4 o o o Bak81'H 4000 H0tow 3b 4 112 Guen'erO 3b 2 1 1 1 Watton lb 3 2 I 0 OaN9y lb 4 0 2 1 Roytter 11 4 2 2 I Roenlcice rt 4 0 0 0 Hubbatd 2b 2 2 1 2 8doec:la c 4 I 1 0 Benedict c 3 2 2 4 RuaMll.. 3000 M&hlarp 1000 BtocJt ph 1 0 0 0 e.dtoellln p 2 0 0 0 V&MNuela p 2 0 0 1 Orla ph 1000 a.d<wlUI p 0 0 0 0 Mondey ph 1 0 0 0 Totais 3138 3 Total• 30 10 ti 10 ._.by .......... Loe Angelae 001 100 010-3 Atlanta 220 004 02Jl-10 E -R. RMWu. Of> -Allenta 3 LOB -Loe Angalal II, Atlanta 2. 28 -Sclotcla, Roystet 2. HR -Hornet (30), Hut>b.,d (II). Guerrero (291. Benedict (3) SB - Ulndr-1. (211 S -A. Remlfa, Mahler SF -Hub«lald LM ~ • H fl£11UIO v11enzut19'L.11-121 e e e 8 3 2 '**"''"' 2 3 2 2 0 0 Atlllnta Mahlef (W.1-tl) 5'1\ 5 2 2 2 2 lledfoalan (S. 10) 341. 1 1 1 1 4 HBP -$. Su (by Mahle<), Landraaux (by e.droelan). T -2·21 A -35.312 OMlll• 5, ,...,.. 1 SM Freocisc:o 000 010 1~5 11 0 Hou1ton 000 000 100-1 II 0 R, Martin, HOllend (8), Minton (7) and May, ~. L&Cot11 (8), Aoc>etge (9) end Miiby. W-R. MWlll'I, M . L-l.aCoae. 4-8 HR-San FtllnCl9co, 8at0"*' (2) A-3,770 ,...,.. ........ 1 S11n Diego 000 110 200-4 10 0 Cincinnati 000 000 100-1 5 1 Lollar. Del eon (Ill and T. Kennedy, 8ltenyi. Pnca 1n Sd>IN• (II) llOd Tr9Ylno. W-Lollar, 14-11. L-Ber1ny1, 8-18 S- Oel_, (131 A-7.2tl2. Amenc.n&....,. YMll_S..,_.,..4 Mltw...i.ea ooo ooo 040 0-4 10 o New Yorlt 004 000 000 1-5 11 2 Vukovich. Ledd ( 10) and Simmon•. Rewlay, R. May (8) and Wyneoar W-R. Mey. 8-3. L-ladd, 1·2 H~M ..... •. Ogllvla (28). New YOtk, Wlntleld (31), Mum~avtn A-21.392 BaltlmO<• lndlMw ~ ~ ~o 2 o ~ 000 000 30a-3 5 0 O. Martiniz. Stewart (7) and Nolan: O&My, An4etSon (8) I ncl HltllY W-Andet•on. 3· 1 L-0. Martine. 14-11 A-4.278 An.-e ....... llATTWO UllHHfl•llWlt. 125 14 41 2 11 ..321 '41 n 1'7 2 M .S11 ... 71 141 2t 14 .. 42a 12 1n •• 7& .2t1 6S4 .. 181 2e 71 .215 452 n 1M :s.. 11 .m 442 .. 117 17 11 .2111 u 1 • 140 22 a .M.t 406 '8 IOI 7 U .Ma 141 18 S1 1 115 .263 420 42 IOI 2 41 .2&2 n • 11 2 1 .221 to • 11 2 • .113 1IO 22 31 1 12 . 114 47 • • 0 1 .110 46 4 1 0 2 .1M 4743 702 1291 112 11&9 .274 "1a.o • M •ee>W-L DA et~ 63 31 M 2-1 2,47 11~ 11 t 12 1-0 a.-M 1~ 1153 415 71 ... 1.411 112 4623 ... WUI 1ot'K ff 31 ti 7-6 I.ti 1M 208 II M 11-10 1,14 n n $0 n 11-2 1.11 114~ 111 le M 111-7 S.74 IN~ 1t7 It 11 1 MO 4.0S 1aa 1et .,. n 11.. 4.U M •II 17 M S.14 .,,.. ee n 22 1-1 •.u 111~ .. M 4t 1 .. UI 2"" II I M 2·2 6. 71 t 'A • • • 0-1 7.11 "°"' 1ne ._ 141 n.c 1.12 T09l'lt < ........ m•Nee> ~AlllLIMUI .. "" ..... 114 .... 111• .m 114 143 lot 11' NO 131 &23 14 117 .Sit 1a u a 11 1• .111 111 •4, 11 131 •• 1f 11a ... H H'I .111 110 •t• I'° J 14 121 4IO 2 1eo .11a 121 •II .. IQ .tta 13' l30 .,., 114 ·* ......... G niom., ............ :M, .... -...-. A111et1, t•1 Wlnlla ld. "'w York, :ti. Tllor11ton, Clna lllld, :tOi Coope r, ......... H . ~-------------------0_,_._n .. •.eo....,u.,.t DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 10, 1882 NAT!Oft~/"rt1 H 11'11. Oliver, Mii 1)7 622 78 173 331 M~k. Pan 131 aoe ea 1o:s ''° Lo Smith, 8ll 133 611 I 11 1154 .317 a-, ..... ~ 133 604 • ' 16• .311 Oumanl, Chi 130 471 71 141 30I ~,,.,,Ohl 1311 686 80 t13 306 Sdlmldt, Pill 120 4IO tO 1 t30 .302 ...... ~ 127 4~ .. t•• 302 He<nandlt, "StL 1)7 II 10 88 164 302 Knight, Htn 140 6'5 $4 101 $ell Haffta~ 1<1nom1n, New York, 34; Murphy, Atlante. 34, Schml<Jt, Phlladalptile, a1; J l'hompT, PUi.t>ur9h, 30; HOtnat, At!Mta. 30 .. _ .. , ...... Mutphy. Atlanta, 103; Clat-. San ftencleco, 94; Bucllnar, ChlGaQO, 113, °"*, Montr .. 1, 93; J Thompaon, j)ltteburgh. ~. Hornat', Atlanta, 113 l"ltaNlltl ('9 ~) P. Nlekro, Atfan11. 14-3, Candelatla, PIU1bur9h, 12-~; Rooet•. Montreal, 16-7, Carlton. Phlladelphll. 11·11, Forach, St lo1111, 14-8; Loll•t. San 011110. 14·11; O Robln1on. Plt11burgh, 16-11, Walch , Oocl9&n. 1 S-10. Cotleaeacot9 P1111butgh 1. Nori!\ -c .,o11na e High Khool ecor.e Hununoton 9Hch 24, Coton. dal Mat 7 S11nta Ana 35, Cotla Ma& 12 ltV!na 14. Laouna Hiiia O El Toro 21, Cypr ... 7 Val&Mla 12. Ot1nga 7 Fuller1on 14, Al\&halm e Lot Amlgoe 20, Lot Alamitos 10 BOIN GtlllOe 35, Slant Vitia II Santiago 12, BalHlowat 10 High ec:hoof echedu .. l'NOAY Menne al Newpor1 Hatbor ,Matet Oii vs. FountaJn Valley at Cerrltot Cottage OQllAn v1aw vs. Ea1andl 11 Otanoa eou ... Cottage La Oulnta at W•tmlnal• Woodbtldoe vs. Unlvanlty et !Nina Saddleback vs. Senti Ana Valley at Stnta Ana Bowt Tua\111 at Mlulon Viejo Foothljj at Capislrano Valley San Clement• vs. Meonolla at La Palma Pafk Canyon YS Ttoy 11 ,.ullarton Lowe at El Modena VIiia P.,k ..._ Paclftc:a at Bolsa 0t and& La Mlfada at &l8NI Plf1< La H1b<a 11 Watran Katella vs. Sono<a tt La Hatlf't &.My Hiiia at &pafat11• El Rancho at Bt...ollnda Sauma vs Maytait at 8all~ Kennady at W•tam RMoho Alamftot at Gahr Redlands 11 St. Paul MornlnQtlde 11 S..ta Plus x .. 8isllop Montoomery 8isllop Amal at Maty Stat (ltgM-> llntleld Chr. 1t Cept•trano Valley Chr. (3 p.m.J 8ATUllDAY El 00t1do vs. Edlton al Otano& COllSt Collage . Gatdan Glove at 0-Hiiia ( 1 p m.) N-1 Ow <:iT':J,,. 13 pm.I (al g&lnllA .. 7 .30 ~ otherWIM noted) ur• ~e::=L111 -154 anglats. ae bonito, 83 tl'llldlerel. 3 rodt cod, 93 IWld bua, • ICUpln, 3 ~· OAYrf .. LOCKDI (MeWpaft lleadl) - 1211 at>glers. 201 ban'awda, 08 bonito. 16 c.Hco baas, I halibut, 4711 macltarll, 20 rock lllh, 7 Mild beat, 6 ~alt DAMA WHA.llF -107 eno.... 711 bMa. 12 bOnllo. 302 meclia..i. 3 roctc llllh, 5 ~.lllQllpln tAL 8 1 ACH -11e anglert. 2113 batracuda, 49 bonl1o, 30 callCO b-. 17 und bau, 75 1cutpln. <••rt•) -tl3 ang1ars 160 bonito, 3 halibut. eoo mac11 ... 11. 4 awld -· 400 ..... ,. croak•. 260 ~ llsh a AN 01100 (Hall Landlnt) -317 angler• 631 elbacora Pomona f* TMUMDAY'I M8ULT8 ...... ~ ..... ) ""'ALOC>eA8 FllllT llACI. 4.,. lul1ongs. Time Table (O<lggltl) 4.20 3.20 7.80 W8QObyt>y (f>auiiile) 5 20 3.00 8'1 °'"'1 Wind (S1allnge) 3.00 Also need: OO·Doubta Dynamite, Jonathon'• MllQIC, l<rlthna, Bold Aepart ... O.J.'s ~•. ljaJama 8110da 00-0lsquelllled lrom ncond, pieced tounll r ..... o.as 415. • DACTA (1·51 pelCI S74.00 OUAltfllllMORMI MCOND llACL 350 yerda. Tome~Mldllna IMltehllll 10.IO 3.20 2.to Galloping Oomtno (Paullnl) 2.llO 2.IO AequMt Acflant (Hart) 3.00 Also tacad. Purnay. Oa41u Luck, 01t Fl'k*la Fran, Aiu<• Mi.y, Coc1yt Pop, H.aa ~. Time 17.at. Tlt9tO ""Cll· 351 yltda. Ettnl Luck (Btooltal 71.20 28 80 uo Pead! Ptcler (C>omlngual) 6 20 3.40 ~ ~ (PIUltnl) UO AllO raced. Jlrnklte, Oeraaulate. AalalMIY Azure, K_, Roam Jell. c.11 Polley, A N•t~al Tlml: 17.71. • I XACTA (a-II pllld Ne2.00 TlfOIM)UQl ••Da fOURTM ""C9. I 11 1 e mtllL Aotllor 11$ 1.00 4,00 3.oo Ttlmbudtle """111 e.eo 3,40 Chief Biid (Slblle~ 2.40 Aleo teced' PIMlln. &cat1, Pllnl 'fOlolf Fiiio. Vg'a 8-0y, I~ Time: l:&O,O. '1l'TH flACI. I IVtlorlQ-. W• Pledge (Slallngt) 17.eo 5,40 4 00 Edcllal Angel (Slblllal 4 20 uo TAii An.ction lon.vt) 4 00 Aleo raoad: LA Ka IM!t1r, t.adelr• Gr&llCI, OM'I TIHll, SWWlla J~ Tltnr 1: 13 215. IGnt M CL I IUt!Ongt NMIQ YukOll ~Stelllllge) 12.80 6 20 3.00 ~ ~ (tlticl(I 1,40 a 40 bMltalltettction ~!ri*) 3.oo Aleo r-si Idle • I.Ady Domini, tr1tt1 L°"9. Ott S«:ura. Time 1.12 316. • l lCACTA (7-4) pllld S 113 00. llVINnl flACa •• lllflOnOt ,tlltt04 Joe (eamp..) • 40 4,40 4.00 ,..._A MM (Miiie) I 40 UO Ha'I A IM (°"9QI) UO Mio r~! Hot Tr...-1. Vllvte fuMCIO. ~°'II#.'-'"' CtlllOJ, Pro'l ltl\&Qe \""'-1.12211 ~ AACI. I fur1oflOI --..~) uo uo uo ~ ,-., uo 2.10 1.'NlnY ,...,.. 1.00 Alto receo 1n111n1 01nc:er, 110"''° ..... luclr~ PutCllMe. HeflO ri.. TIMe· 1." ,,., • UAOT• <"") pllld aauo . • ..,.," uca • h1110fl@e I ,...loll (lllMilll r to ~ 00 ' tO "°°""" 1~) 1 IO • 00 liloJ.lld I ...i lflondJ • IO AltO 1~ 11110 letn'11'1~. Fanoy 011y, ll'fll)O(t Wine. Mlllllk ftme t 10 4/0 Tl>TM lllACt. 1 11 14 m1111 Ourtoo Oealoo (81b411al • 40 • IO a ao lncl\on (Mell•) 4 80 6 00 llittll'l'MllY (lladl) I IO fllc:h 0 11H t, flulleh auu . Cft1tly H' H&11t0811, OMllVl!la Otlwn, facJI l'llllet Time 2 01 211 II IWAOTA (3 ti pllld IH 60 11.I VI H'TH llACI. 11 lutlOnQt w 0.-efy .lll!lmy lllblllel t 10 UO 2 IO Pol!Y• RI* (019Cil) 2 .IO 2 40 et.IC Dane., (Mina) :uo AlllO rl!Hd. ln&Mrehol, 8tl0ht , .... l'rlnea Mr Pt~. lonolta Mley lime 1 Ol 216 0Tft&ITH llACI. l 1111 ml .. a. l!IQ ... Mita (lllbHlt) 4 00 4 00 3 20 Solid S.1 (Ettrlda) 1e 40 1 00 '°'•' Gtove toatMa) 4 80 Al10 taced. Rapid Morn, Clinch Pl•, 8ouNI Tt.cll, Tw.o Horn•. Aaellael Wood« TltM: 1:41 I I&, ti l llAC:TA (1•7) paid 117160 Allltld&llCI -13,740 HotlYWood Peftl THUfltllAY'I llH U&.Ta (1ttll .. ~·Mt--•ine> l'lflaT lllACL One """ ~ Royal toward (Parket) 3 eo a 80 2 40 Ideal Bib& (Te111afl 5 80 4 20 HIOllland Champ (Aubin) 4.80 Al10 racaCI AnanlH, J1m11 Graltan. MllOlt Game, I Alli II N, Foollllh F0t1una, Avoa, Armbro e.-T-. 1:58 316 II IXACT A (8· 71 paid $35 70. UCONO llACI. One.mua trot Gr..,, GoekleU (Holmee7 3 llO 2.80 2 IO Al""4• (Ackerman) 5 20 4 llO SkhOot (Wine II) 5 00 AllO raead: Mini Pr11to, Mr, Joe 8, High Cllmbaf. Totrld Beau, Pompano John, R E Todd Time 2 02 315 THtflD llACI, Ona mne paoa. Whllt VefVll (GNndy) 7 00 4 20 4.40 ~n (Kucla) 12.40 13 40 Rocky Scotch (Sh«ran) 5 llO Aho taoad SklPP•r Stia nnon, 'Vlalbla 01111rence, tup1 1.ancat , Sallie P.tpu. Flot• Oanloa . Oleco HOOll. Callrornla Suffer. Time• 2 01 4/5 13 IXACTA (5-31 paid S 113 40 fOUllTM llACI. Ona mile pace. Sc1ambllno Rall (FllCOI 9 80 4.20 2.80 OutUIQht L0t1 (Longo) 3 60 2 eo Slnballa (Gruncty) 2 40 AllO taoeO Fl)'lng Tonya, TNye<, Andys ... Angel, Bang 0o l . Anaya Mt<mald, Market KlnQ, Double o Oanoer Tfma: 2.02 115 '""TH llACE. One mlle ~ ~n (Todd II) 73 40 21 80 10 40 Sanga Roly (8aylaU) 4.UO 4 20 Tylllt (Ande11on) 11.20 Also riced. Prince RHCll, P11111>le, Mlnletat, Gtlt N. Breckonahlre. Sco1t11h Rainbow, Juat • Smoothie. Time 159, 13 IXACTA (10·111 paid S582 20 IUITit flACE. Ona mite p- OUnloa St., ILonool 4 00 2 60 2 40 LN9 Wit& N (Will4aml) • 00 2 llO lrtah Gane N (C•oghan) 2 10 Alto raced. Trlomark, El R•J. Rico, =or~non. Jon Butler N <>11Miu. Time 2 00 J /S II IXACTA (5·21 paid $41 00 l t VENTlt llACI. Ona mlle pace MldnlQht Pete (Ratclrdl 3 60 2 IO 2 40 Unaware I Ba1t1< I 5 20 2 ao S.lly Dolly (Kuebler) 3 00 Alto raced: Ht~ to Be, Ou~11ea Doll N. ~~!~:...N, 1olg1n, 81 ly Oonder, Time 1 59 415 11 lllACTA (1·101 palO ~1 :.cl EIGHTH llACL One mlla ttot Pride of Carlisle (Andtll1) 5.40 2 80 2.40 H.,daety ($ptlgol) 2 llO 2.40 Noble Tra\191et (Ac•arrn11n) 2 80 Alto taoad Fnal Gem, Jlr1al, Omerk. T-l5a 215 NINTH llACI. Ona mite pee:. 0.t H-i>PY (Balll1tll90") II 40 6 20 3 00 MMI• JOiee (SharYan) 4.40 2 20 Ramblong Kid4 (Oluncly) 2 80 Alto r &Clad Arwdy Hanlay P•let, RanOo<n Wind, 8t•IT'bla krambla, lwana S••P. High M~. Gama Robbie, Ranol Prlnoe. Time 1:57 4/5 D DAC:TA (5-4) pe1e1 H1 30 b ...c1C lllC (2· 10.$-1-5-5) paid $2,249 40 wllh 13 Winning tklkll• (flve hOt-1. S2 Pick SI• oon101atlon paid U 1 20 with 312 wf"'*'O llckale (fOUt hot-) $2 Pleil Sill acratch conaoteuon paid I 1e 20 wltll t111 winning 11e1tau (lh<M horaes, one -•ICll) TINTH llACI. Ona mite pace Trtt:Nte N (Todd 111 33 eo 11 40 1120 ~Rad (Vallandingham) 3 40' 3 eo Ovwdai. t..ld (Sitva) 5 00 Also raced. Ran••• Chane•. Ftotly Skipper, Aku Allu, Vlc;t0t Chat!H, Tarpon Sono A. Dul Ut, Cleet Night. Time 2.00 115 13 IXACTA (2-7) p.ict S l8-4 40 Att...OW-: 8,7$4 u.a.o...n (11 Naw hftl) ....... ~ ........ Jimmy Connore (U.S.) d•I Rodney Harmon (U.S.). &-1. 11-3. 6-4, Gullltm!O Vllaa (Atgantlna) def Tom OIJllikeon (U.8.). 0-2, 0-1. 8-3. .....,..,. ....... Guy F0tgat (Ft.nae) def. Fr~ Mac;lal (Ma•lco). &-3, 11-<1; Pat Caltl IAu.trafta) daf lolC Coll'1eau (fn1noe). 3-e, tl-4, 11-2 --Olr1a •• ....... Gra1c:tien Ruth (U.S ) def. 8ernad1111 RanO .. (Aua1ralla). •2. 11-<1, Ba!h Harl (US.) Cl«. Matlt1nn1 Werdal (U.S.), 6-7, 7-6, M ·-··. °"""' ................ 81Ula Jean King (U.S.) def. Kathltlne Chl bOt Wiiiett (U S.j, 11-o. 11-1, LOUIM Falngo!O (U.8.> def, f:renoollt °"" (U s.1. 0-1, "-'· .. 3; Judy AIV&rllZ (U.S.) def. Mary AM ElMI (~!8.)1 '-3, 7-e; Werwty o-..rton ~iS.) dlf. ~ t411lebfand (U,8), 0-1, ..... ..• ~ ...... 1'.11111 Mo4IM (Colornbll) daf, Jim Oebo<ne (U.S.). 8·3, 1•1: J1lme FHlol (C"llel def, Sherwood Stewart (U.8.). 1-2. I-~L ~~~ er-(Soutll AMce> dlf. ,._., van unv-n (VII. 1-1 ... 1 fllllll'•~l'1Mll KIYtn Curren (8ou1h Al11Ca>-S1-Otnton (U S ) def. Victor Ameya.Hri Pfttllf IV 8 ). ~2. e.1. 5-7, 1-2 ....... ·-··~O.-... Martina NlwllilOv•Pem Shtlvet (U.S.) def. Ptrww 9wQollelfl Hlf'r (U,8.). •a, e.2, ht'bwl 'PotMJ411arOtl Wlltfl (U.S.) def, JoAnne Aunall (U.8.)-Vlrglnla ,.1111c1 (~a),M. .. :r ""'"-M ......, --·a 0..-... Mary AM Eltel 8e*tt,_.8MpMnll Olfllla Hflll&O (U.I .) def. C•llle Al\4efaoM.~IM Fefn901~_JIJ.8 ). 1·4, 7·1 ; Matta •u•no (arutl)oMle JeM KlllO (V I I oal. ~ Fry ~ ........ l'tett (U ••. ), 1-1. M . ,,.noolH Ou,, (U.8 .)•8 1 tty l love (Netllerltl'ldt) def &ll~011CIUU1nt-CetOI Wood (V.8.1. l-0, M ; AIY1llt-.Walldy O.,,.,lon (U I I def, Pel IH ll-.J11C1y LOUii (U.a.). 7-1, .. , ....... ,.__...., CMrta DMllMe '9My ..... Hett (Ul)dflf.~ ._.Amy Hot10ll (U.1 1. a.t, 7-1, f·f: Hafer!• OtalOfl tl..-nl-Tlne klleuer· Lllflln tOenmertl) def, ,,,,._ Hr (KOllQ Kono(ootitllko "*'-(,,..,.~ M . W . ........... """" .... 0.-.. , .... .......,~ ..... (Meollot) dl4 ,.,.. ....... ,.....,.)'OoHlll jll!rpie (Yu10111vla). I·•· 3·1, 1·4; Jone 1h111 C1nler•Mlo11 .. 1 Kure • (U.a I def Jo.,11 L9tte..Cllerlee WlllenllOtl (U.t .), 4-1, M , .. , ..... Cllfl.JoM ,.,......, (~1- ()Md .......... ~ ...... (U.I ). 1-4,M.W -. ,....,, .... c ........ .... ...., """""'~~ ..... )dll, ....~ • .if "°'4(~). .. , .... . 1. 2. 3 4. •• • .,, •• ti. 10. 1. 2. 3 .. 8 .. .,, •• .. 10. 3343-11 13.as 11 ,,.,._., 34 33 ., *31-07 3& :U -N ,.~_.. U ·33 ti 34·~4 -·· 3&>33 ee 35-33-ae 33-38-11 34·34-11 3W4-lll U ·Je-611 35.34-18 ·~_, .. 35-S4L lll :12·31-98 3~-8' 35·3•-ee 34-16-etl 34·35-119 35-34-n 3&-34-89 37-32-09 34·36-011 35-35-70 35-36-70 34..)6-70 31-34-70 35·35-70 37·33-70 34·31-70 :14·3t-70 35-35-70 37-3:1-70 37-33-70 311-32-70 37-33-70 36-34-70 ~5-70 311·35-71 35-38-71 37·34-7t 37-34-71 37-34-71 34-37-71 31-35-71 37-34-71 38-35-71 37-34-71 )t.<35-71 36·3e-71 35-38-71 33-3t-71 35-341-71 31-35-71 36-38-72 36-38-72 35-37-72 40-32-72 37-35-72 37-35-72 37·35-72 36-3t-72 35-37-72 37-35-72 31-31-72 31-31-72 38-34-72 37-35-72 35-37-72 34-31-72 31-31-72 39-33-72 35-37-72 36-31-72 38-34-72 37-35-72 37-35-72 31-38-72 38-34-72 35-37-72 34-39-73 33-40-73 37-38-73 36-37-73 36-37-73 37-38-73 36-37-73 311-35-73 38-35-73 37.39 .... 13 37.31-73 34-30-73 311--34-73 35-38-73 36-37-73 40-33-73 40-34-74 35-39-74 36-31-74 37-:17-74 37-37-74 37-37-74 39-35-74 3t-36-74 3$-39-74 31-38-74 3t-311-74 37-37-74 ~74 31-38-7• 31-31-74 3&.311-74 31-37-74 39-35-74 3t-36-74 37-37-7• 36-31-74 3t-31-74 31-31-74 37·37-74 ~-75 39-3e-7$ 311-31-76 38-37-75 37-38-75 36-3t-76 M-ff.-75 3847-75 39-38-76 37-38-75 3&-37-75 37-38-75 38-37-75 39-37-71 at-37-78 39-37-78 •• ·:·~' .. ~.· -· • NA8CAll ....... ,....LAMarw Bobby Allaon 3,1'2 TefYY Labonte 3,077 o-.1 Walt::f. 3,022 lludcly A"1llO Oii 2,839 Hwry~ 2.ao Rldlwd ty 2,122 Oa.,,. Marcie 2.5113 Diie Qfnl\lfdt 2,640 Ron l!SoudMlrd 2.511 Morgall~CI 2,47a ......, L.ellllan '484,800 OlrNll Walhlj> Bobby Alllton ~8.455 Aldlatd l'ttty 218,315 Diie bmfMlrOt 278,275 Teny~te 1111.110 811111yP.-211,720 Jody l'!Olty 211.180 Clli. YatborOOIOfl 111,116 Herry Oell1 172,llO 8uddy .... ., 111 • ...a Over 400 cyclists to compete in Mesar; Crite rium c hampion hip set lo'•I'\ '•'·~ . ,, The U .S . Crlterlum Champlonahlp will be contated In CO.ta Meta Sept. 25-26 with more than 400 cycll.tta cmtered In the compeUUon. The Crlterlum ls one of three notional championship event• conducted each year by the U.S. Cycling F d ration. F o ur aeparate racea wUl take place wfth senior men, wom n, junior (15 -17) and vet e run (35 -and-older) dlvlalons co mp eti ng for th e championships. Placentia Avenue ie the site with the two-mile criterlum course mapped out between Wilson and Adams. Top cycle stare suc h as Thurlow Rogers, M a rk Whitehead, Roy Knickman, Jim Montgomery, Connie Paraakevin and Pam Deem wiU be among the compe~tors. Winners will be declared 1982 U.S. national champions and will qualify for the Olympic trials team. The Criterium championship is conducted on a closed course for bicycles. The street will be closed to all other vehicle lraffic durin~ the staging of the races. There will also be 5K' and lOK runs Sunday. The 5K is a flat, 3.1 mlle path through Falrvlo\lf' ~· Suto H ospital around• an~·: around th~ Costa Meaa Oolt ' Course. The lOK will tak,' runners downhlll for the Ur•t : mile, up • alx-de&J"ff grade ror · the second mile, throush t h e ' " hoepital and golf coune ground.i 11 for a 6.2 mlle atret.ch. 1 , Oyer l , 100 runn ~ra ar~" expected to join the fun runa. • Entry forms are available a('• p a rt I c 1 p a ti n g De l T a c-0 reataurBnts, Harbor Boulevard " of Cars dealers and the Leiaurtf •l Services Dept., City of Costa Mesa. '•' The entry fee of $7 w ill ·" include a pair of running shorOJ 1·~ a nd a c hance at winnin g a'·,' prize i n the drawing tha'1 Includes a 10-speed blcych!,0 •'' dinners at restaurants and othtir ., •i bicycling equipment. " · Admission is free with parking~ i at Fot.ancia High School. There 0!JI will be live band music, free tram: rides, Rams cheerleaders, the '•, U.S. Marine Corp band, a pre• 0!1 school big wheel race, a sporUt, I • pentathlon and a unique auro ••· show and parade. '·'I For further information, call ' I the Leisure Services Department-1l1• at 754-5300. .. ,, . ~ ,, Cribbs to coHJpete Grand Prix race-off finals Sunday Steve Cribbs of Foun tain Valley and Jeff Ostlund of Lake Forest will be among the nine finalists in the Malibu Grand Prix road runner race-off finals Sunday a t the Malibu Fun Center in Anaheim. The fina ls will be a race against the clock fbr the young race drivers undei; 16 and action will ge t under 'way at noon following two hours of practice. At stake for the winner is the c h oice of e ither a college scholarship worth $1 0,000 plus a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am or two Malibu Grand Prix race cars -a road runner and the larger Virago Formula car. All nine entrants are winners at one of the Malibu Grand Prix tracks in California. They earned their way into the finals over a 10-week period of qualify ing heats. semifinals and finals at the local level in Anaheim, Fountain Valley. Fresno, Northridge, Macres advance in New York FLUSHING MEADOWS. N. Y. -Tim Macres and son Tim, Jr. of Newport Beach, won their o pening mat c h in the quarterfinals of Lh e Family Tennis Challenge Thursday here. The Macrea team defeated Roger Hoit and Roger , Jr. of Massachusetts, 6-2, 6,1, to advance to-today's round of play. The Newport Beach duo battled its way to the d'ationals through a series of matches this summer. Balboa Ski Club to hold m eeting If you are a ski enthusiast looking for a ski club, the first season meeting of the Balboa Ski Club will be held Tuesday, Sept. 21, at the S hark Island Yacht Club, 1099 Bayside Dr. in Newport Beach. The meeting is scheduled to start at 8 p.m. and there is a $1 entry fee. For further information, call the Balboa Ski Club "Ski-Line" at 752-0128. Oakland, Pacheco, Puente Hills, Redwood City and San Diego. " The race is against the clock " • with each competitor driving " three laps on the half-mile course ,: of sharp twists and U-turns. Cribbs. 12, is the winner at the Fountain Valley track and includes among his hobbies ..• motorcycle riding. bicycle riding and building models. Ostlund, 13, is champion at the·, .... Fresno track. He is a member of ,..~. the Chargers youth football team in El Toro. Other entrants include: Herbi Lecomu, 11, of Orange and winner at the host Anaheim "" t r ack ; Danny Csuka, 14, of Panorama City and winner at Northridge; Brad Hillebrandt, 14. of Oakland; David McCoey, 13, of Antioch and winner at Pacheco: ,., Waqar Meyer, 12, of Glendora and w inner at Puente Hills; Tory Brown, 15, of Milpitas and winner at Redwood City: and • • Fred William.son, 12, of Ramona ~ who won at San Diego . Young riders in match race ~.· I .... , Two of the hottest young ., riders in speedway motorcycle , .. racing. Steve Lucero and Rick ,, Miller, have been signed to •' compete in the featured match ·:.~ race tonight at the weekly racing .r. program at the Orange County, Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. • Lµcero, 18, recently won a scratch main event at San ~ Bernardino that featured Alan Christian of Huntington Beach, :: Mike Bast and Mike Faria. ,,. Miller. 21. is a rookie on the .J circuit this season and last '.: weekend captured the U.S. Open .. ,. champjonship in Unidella, N.Y." with a perfect score. He has also ... been a top rider at Ventura this·• ~: season. ,, .. ; .. ,, In addition to the ma tch'.0:"1 race, the regular program of,,.~ scratch and handicap races will" be presented and will include all .: of the above riders in addition to• :. Ouhb Ferrell, Gene Woods and • ., th •• many o ers. • .~ Gates open at 6:30 with the .... first race at 8 o'clock. ',, • .. ' BRAVES ROUT DODGERS From Page C1 pitched. "I'm not about to sit him down now," sald Torre, tabbing Benedict for another etart tonight in a aeries opener against Clncinnati. "It's a great feeling when you can come in a ~rune and make a contribution.' Be nedict eaid. "Sure. it's disappoln~ not to be playing all the time, but you've got to be ready when you get a chance. Be.ides, t.hJ.s I.I not • time to pout or be d laapp olnted. Something like this ls even rnqre 1ratlfyt.n1 when you haven't been playt,na." Valen zuel a had retired 12 Bravee In order before runnina into trouble In the aixth when be walked Bob Watton and ykkled a double t o J err y Royater. H ubb ar d wa a walk e d lnten\Jonally, aeutna t.h• •ta&w for ~let'• irancl llam. "I thouaht -1 ml1ht han • better cha.nee aaaintt Hub~rd than ap lNt Benedict became Be n ed ict m a kH auch aood con'8ict.'' Mid Valensuela. "I don't think he wan\ed to .,. "'•I• walk Hubbard," said Dodger ~-··• catcher Mike Scioscia. ,.,. "They'll Jose some more befo~ ~·· It's over," said Dodger Manager' ,,~ Tom Lasorda. "T h is situation • '" change.s every day." ~~ "' l,lto.z Netlonel League W•t • ·.~ t •• ~ W L Pct. QB,'\, Atlanta 78 ~2 .557 -:·:~~ Dodgera 77 64 .546 1'h :1t~ San Diego 74 67 .52~ •~,;~ ,, ~GAm• .••J ; ATUNTA (22> -HOMI (t )! Sept, !O, !I, ,J 12, C1nc1n11•!'.1. a.pt. 1a, 14, 1&. Hou1tot1:•'C S.t. 24, 28, n , 8en Diego, AWAY (13t ._...., lf, ,., It, ClllClllllftl; hot. 20, 11. It •. HouMcln, .., 27. 21, Sen ill'9MllOO; .. ae. 30, Doclfer9. <>et. 1. 2, a. a.i Diego. DOD9SM (11)-HOMI (111'; lept, 11, If, us. Sen ~.i Sept 11, 11. "· Houlton,., a.pt M, H~n, Sen frencleOo; ..... 21, .: •1 QlrlCIMetl, • JI, 30, Atltme. AWAY~~ .... '~· ''1 2 ..... °" ....... 21. 12 .... Dtlgo, Oot. .•• 3, Sen ~ ' MM •oo <t1) -HOM4! <"~ hPI 10. ti, 14111 ,,tflCMCO; lept 2!i II,~ lept U , H . Hou1t o11; ••Pt. H . 30, CIMllWlll; ~ 1, I , S, A .... AWAY (10): lept 1JL 14, 18, DodfWS: .... 11, 11, II , 11. hn rrllnCIMoO, ltcit 14, It. at. Ad9ML r Oreno• Oout DAILY PILOT/Frld1Y, hptember 10, 1812 I Small business girds I or new fight BY JOHN CUNNIPF _,...._.ANIWtl NEW YORK -Small bualna111 recently won a bl& victory In Conareu, but Milton Stewort, whohad 10methlng to do with It, rema1na re ll , wary, ready to fight. Winning Isn't enough. You mu1t proterve the win too. he aayt. The w In followed a batlle with publlc-1ector b\,U"eauctacleJ, big buslnees, un I veral ties, the defense eatabUshroent and others for a share of the CUHMPP billions of federal government dollars spent each year on research and development. Small buainess wanted a share of those dollars. At the same ttme, customary recipients of R&D grants sought to preserve ·their stake , which was threatened by cutbacks In government spending. The Ught was bitter. A«-urdtnw to Stewart, editor of Inc. maaaJJn • Congrett pauod tho Small Bualneaa DE-~ lopmont Act only after the: defeat of "Iron trlangln" of Cat'fft bureaucrat.I J!l ft"df'~I OKt>nch-... lobbyl1t.a, and congreu onal comrnlttuc membera and 1talfs aalgned t.o the agenciet. Now that the law haa been paaacd, he and many othena In tht emall-bu1lne11 community are ClOncerned 1he same triangle will thwart the wW of CongrClllS. · Stewart c.:ontends ht• own pel"IOnal 1uapldona are hued on experience. For years he headed a 1mall-bu1lne11 lnveatment company, and aerved a term a.a president of the National Association of Small Bu1lneas Investment Compt.niee. Later he headed the prlvate-aector . National Small Baalneaa, A.llociatlon, and until jolnl.ni Inc. wa.s chief advocate of the Small Bu.sin.ea AdminJstration. Throughout his many years in small buslneaa, Stewart has loudly proclaimed its merits, and often heard In response only the echo of his words. Other small- bu1lnH1 advoca\H round th ume thing: A· maaalve lack of enthuaium. It wu found In the fedr rel government, ln the bl&·bwdnete community, In labor clrclH. It peral1tc:d even H rc.earchen were dl1coverlng that smoll bualne11 wa1 va1tly more innovative than big buaineu, and that it wu 1m1U buaJnea that had created rn<»t of the Jobe ln recent yean. . I\ Neveftheleta, obstacles of one IOrl or anotherl IOme lntentional and 1ome inadvertent, were placed before 1mall buslne11. Some government contracts, for instance, were written in such a way that no small business could qualify. Small-business people often found them.selvee In Washington, flghUng for recognition, rather than In their plants and offices. Even at a time when growth in U.S . productivity had almost vanished and unemr loyment had swelled to some o the highest level.a ln decades, opposition to and ignorance of small-business achievements continued. tn 1980, for example, the f~ral government IP"'t nurly $32 billion op re1earch ana d velopment, about 70 per'C.'ftlt of that In private indu1try. The remainder went to ~trNMnt labs and un.lveraltlea. Of that $32 billion, only 4 percent went to companlea ftllpio)'tni (ewer than 600 worken. Aft4!r nearly aeven yeara of coordlnat4!d effort by varlou1 smaU~bualneel IJ'OUPI -a major accompl11hment fol' the· once fragmented 1maU-bu1lne11 community -the Small Bualne9I innovation DeveJopnent .vt WU paaeed. The biggest advance, from the small-busineu vlewpolnt, l.a that the law commands each federal agency that spen<h more than $100 million annually on R&D to devise a competitive grant program for small buslne.e. The bill marked the fint time government opened the R&D system fully to small buaineaes in order to achieve national technological goala, aaid Ste\¥4rt. 8ut, he added, "government a<l ready had a credibility problem." EPOXY MOXIE -Dale Drewia of Greenfield, Wis., pours epoxy molding compound into a special jib at General Electric's medical equipment plant in Milwaukee to make insulated tenninations for electrical cabfes. The flexible cables are used as electrical connectors in x-ray and diagnostic • imaging systems. Braniff selling jets: $11.8 million each JC Penney sales dip DALLAS (AP) -Braniff International Corp. is putting some of its jets ue ~or sale, starting with seven Boeing 727s described as "the best In Braniff's fleet." Sales of JC Penney st.ores and catalog for four weeks ended 1 Aug. 28 declined 1.8 percent, or ff 6 million, to $858 million from lncreaae of 0.4 percent from the $5.418 billion of the comparable 1981 period. Commenting on August perfonnance, William R. Howell, vice chairman of the board, said most of the sales decline was .recorded by stores serving the The jets, with their plush interiors, low mileage and distinctive external markings, sell for $11.8 million each. , 74 million for the comparable I } 81 period, ·• : FOr -the 30 weeks ended Aug. ;,j8, sales of JC Penney st.ores and • catalog were $5.438 billion, an Mexican boraer area. "The price is, of course, negotiable," said David Shipley, a USAlr Corp. vice president PlB.IC NOTICE l'ICTlTIOUI au ... H NAm ITATl•NT Tiie following pareon I• doing bullnaau: BALBOA DRAPERY SERVICE. 1426 VIiiage Way, Cotta Masa. CA 92828. Larry f . Brakovlch, 7881 #3 Liberty. Huntington Buch. CA 92847. Thi. bu1lneu 18 conducted by an lndMdUl l. Larry E. Brakovk:h This llatamanl wH nled wlth the County Clarl< or Orange County on MUC NOTICE 1'1CTITIOUI ....... lupartof Cowt of tM MAim ITATI....,. ltata .. C ..... The following par.one .,. doing ,... tM bu.U-u : • C-'J of Or-.. MONEY MARKET, t707 s. 700CMcCanwl>ftwaW .. t Broollhunt, Al\9'\elm, CA 92804. hnta AM. Clllltomla '2101 Richard Salford, 17 t70 PLAINTIFF: TRANSAMERICA Bluawatar Ln .. Huntington BNch, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, • CA 92$49. Callfornla corl)Ofatloft Harold Jaffray Vou. 146 OEFENOANT: RICHARD L Ematald Bay, Laguna Beech, CA WILLIS, and DOES I through )()(, 92$52. lndullva. Thia bu*-la conducted by a IUMMONI PlB.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI ._, ..... NAME ITA.,._NT The following par•on I• dOlng ~n-u: COLONIAL PRESS, 9859 Bolla Avenue. WNtmln1tar. CA. MARIE V. WILK, 9847 Lark Clrcta. Fountain V1llay. CA 92708 Tlll4 bullMU I• conducted by an lnclMdual Matle V. Wiik Thi• •tatement WH qled wllh the County C*k ol Orenge County on Augu1t 25, 1982. general ~nwahlp. c ... ......., D4t11 Jalf VON NOTICll Yau ..... been •""· Ft•101 Thie etat-t wu nled with the T1'8 ~ 1Mf dactlM aplMt rou Publl1had Orange Cout Dally 1<1•1ot County Clettt ol Orange County on ....... ,_ IMMa ...... _.... PllOI, Aug. 27, Sept. 3. 10. 17. 1982 Publlallad Orange Cou1 Dally Aug .. fa, 1982. rou raepand wttNll IO ...,._ "8ed _________ 38_t_7·_8_2 Aug. 25, 1982. PllOt. Aug. 27, Sept 3, 10, 17, 1982 f~ rM ~ Mlotr. _________ 3_1_1_1-1_2 P~b::_•:c,,o;;~~g~~~. ~=~ an" ri::= ~~ ~ ~t~oo~ -----c-,.-.. ----- .. PlllJC NOTICE 3ee9-12 lhoutd do 10 promotty eo that yout No.. 1 •t1 FIC11TIOUI ._,.._11 written rHponM, II any, may be ..c>RTANT NOTICI NA• ITATIMINT PllUC NOTICE Iliad on time. ; IF YOUll P"OPlfllTY II IN Tiie lollowlng pareon1 .,. doing AC11110UI ..,.... .:"'~~=.::.~. u .. : ~:.:11:.T :~: ~o::c~q .. ·~~~ :·~~u~ 0 v:~ Du.in.a aa: Mm fTAW d9aMr -"• Utl. lllft IUfllflda a PAYllllNTI IT llAY II IOLD PANORAMA WEST, 508 29111 The lollowlng -eon I• dolnn -... Utl. = ,_.,. WITHOUT ANY C"",.. ACTION Str .. t. Newport Beach. Callfomla ... .....__. ~· ,._. • tie ao--. Lea i.io..... ..,.... • • ---llNI ,... ..., "-" the ..... ,.... <92~1M WMI Inc; a Clllfornla NEWPORT MAILBOX, 2424 T.·uetad dUH IOllCltar al ta i.rln1 JOllr accio11nt rn t~d corporation, 508 2'8111 Streat, ~:;:,or1 Blvd .. Co•ta Maaa, CA conHJo d• un abogado an aate ~r~•~•==•r:-~ Newport Beech, Calllornla 92883 Wann .. L. AbaJlan, 905 E. a 1 unto, d • b • r I a ha c er Io _.. Md • .,..._ ttvae PropartlM WNI, Inc;. e.lboa. Balboa, CA 92M1. lmmadletarnant•. de .... ~. _.... "-tM ...... nottea Dana H. Smith, Thl9 ~ 11 conducted by an au ra.puuta -It•, al hay alguna, flf _..... waa ,_.., Tiil ,.~.!.. flied with Iha lndMdual. puade1 TO-THracit-OEtradFE•N•D!letnpoNT· i. ......... l'hla amount la ... , ,ii~ .. 01 1 1 . Or Cou W_,_ L. Abejlan • I! C "' · """ "'t 27. t982, and w111 untM 1County Clar11 ot 8fl9ll nty on Thia st.at-t w• ftead wtttl the complaint hu b"n lllad by tha 'J04lf account~ currant. You August 25, 1982. County Clark of Orange County on plalnltn agalntt you tt you wl-11 to may not have to pay th• entire '1•1oa Aug. t8, 1982. defend lhlt .._It, you mutt, within unpaid portion of your account, Publl9Md Ofang• Cout Oall)I PllOI. f1.-rl IO day• altar thl• 1ummon• 11 even though lull paymanl wu Aug. 27. Sepl. 3, 10, 17, 1982 Publllh•d Orenll• Cout Dally aervad on you, Illa with IN• court • demanded, but you mult pay the ---377s-92 PllOt, Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1982 Wl'ftlen reeponaa to the oomplalnt. amount ataled abov9. 3e50-.a2 Un .... you do eo. )'Olll' default wm Ah• Uw .. montl\a from the date Ml.JC NOTICE ------------1 be entered on appllc;atlon of the of rac:ordatton of hie document '".... l'taJC NOnct p1a1nt1tt. ~~1~1::Tt!"::M; =:;,o.t• ot-d•t1on appws NO..,.. ---• ••• • judgment --1-). unlaM tl'ta obllQatlon being ,...,. ~;;..,--T·MBI ~ In the complaint, which foreck>Md upon parmft1 a longat YOU AM .. DIPAUlT UND9R A NOTICE Ofl TllUlftft IALI could rHult In garnlthmanl of Pattod you have only the lagail right D 0 , T " U a T D A T. D T.I . 1-wagaa, taking of money °'roparty lo etoP the fOfaclowre by pa)'lng D 11 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A or other rallaf raqu .. te In the the entire amount demanded by PlllllUARY 21, ttl1. UNL.mH YOU DEED ~ TRUST DATED 8-15-90. complaint. ..,..., indttdr TAKI ACTION TO PllOT•CT UNLESS YOU TAKE --.CTION TO OATED Novambat 23, 1979 ,_To find oui the amount you mutt = A~":~·~~yy= PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Lea A. Btanch. pay, Of 10 ananga for~ to MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8UC SALE. aar'k t th f I 11 lllllED AM llD\..MA110N °'THI IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Heidi H Da6agat • op • orac oeura, or your NATUM 01' nm PllOCHDINO 0 F THE NAT u RE 0 F TH e DaovtY . • P'OC*'IY It In fOfac:loaur• IOf any AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD , .. ,.,.. .... DINO AOAINST YOU, YOU llOH.C AND oou.l:ll" other tMIOll, contact: CONTACT A lAWYEl. "~ '"" SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL On Saptambat 24, 1982, a.t 11:00 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A A "'•luahnet C..W..._,. BANK SPECIAL ASSETS DEPT H a.m., Statewide Foraclo1ura T.S. NO. 124841· ~-· ~=..'=:!.. ~· IOO 13·6,' 333 S. Hope Streat, Loe SafV~. Inc. H duly appointed On Octo.,.r 5, 1982 at 11:00 -~-"":"'.:... CA.,,_ " Angataa, Calllornla 90071. Tru1tH under and pur•uant to o'clock a.m. at th• front office ~~) ,.=..-.:...,. Ta~one: Aru ood• (2 13) Dead of Trvet racotdad Mardi 4• entrance In th• main lobby of .. -Cou ....... 11 1 19s1 I N 4524 b It Sai.co Tltla lneuranoe Company, ~Orange I Dally,.....,., " ...... 'haw • ..., --uona you • H nltr. 0· • 00 826 N. Broadway In th• Cl~ ot Aug. 27, s.cit. 3, 10, 17, 1982. •hou'1~d contao-t" • :; .. 1.~ er or' th• 13988, paga .792, of Olllclal ~--Or 382342' Records, •••Cutad by: L & M Santa Ana. "' anga, lat• ~ ll99ftCY maytt.va Auoclat ... a Partnarehlp, u of Calllornla AFECO TITLE fnauf9d )OK loen. truttor(1),lnthaof!IQ9oltl'teCoul'ity INSURANCE COMPANY, • Remember, YOU MAY LOSE ~dat o1 Ortnoa County, state corporation. • Truet .. undat tl'ta .,_ 11> NOTICE LEGAL lllGHT8 IF YOU DO NOT of Calllornla, WILL SELL AT Dead ol Trust uacuted by OWE.N ~ TAKE PROMPT ACTION. PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST HAWLEY and SHERRY HAWLEY. OllANQI COUNTY IUPllllO" NOTICE 18 Hl!REBY GIVEN, That 91DOER FOR CASH (payable at hu9tMlnd and wlM recorded 9'-&-80, COUM' EQUITABLE DEED COMPANY, e time of Mia 1n lawful money of the H document no. 8839, In book ,. o. ... • corporation, 11 duly appointed Untied StatH) at: South front 13731• :frc 735 ol Oflldal Reoorde ._.~Cell•• tl1GI Trust .. under• deed ol INll dated aritr-to Iha OrWI08 county Old In th• of tea of tll• Recorder of 100 CMo c.... DfM • ..., May 1, 1911, made by~ M. CourthouH, City of Santa Ana, Orange County, Caltrornla, by 1Mte AM. C•u• ll101 C()()9at .. Tr\lllor, to.-,,. oartllln Stale of Cellfornla. all right, tltla and ~:=auo1'!~~=: PLAINTIFF: CROWN CORK & obllga.tlone In favor OI Sacurlt) lnt.-..t conV9)'ed to and now held lher"' '" ......,, SEAL COMPANY, INC. Peclfk: National Btnk, a Natlonal by It under Mid ONd o1 Tru.t In the erabr, Including the braaoh or DEFENDANT: FRANK ANDREW Btnklng Aleocletlon • lenallclary, property eltuated In Hid County ~~de:,· 2-~~:: .!'~t:.O~ CULLUM and DOES I through XX, r90orcled May I. tM1 • tnatrumant end Stllta dalcf1bed M : Lot 7 and ,...,....., In book 1.ee ': 51 1 of 1nc1ue1W no. &OM In 8odl 1A041, .,_ 1&22 the Souti-tetfy -.half ot Lot • '"""'" • ••••DNe of Olftctat Aadoclrd In Ute ~ of In Blodc 841 ol Corona dal Mar, City .. Id OfflClal "-d•, w I ..,, at CAM -... the "9cor'dar ol Orange Coumy and ol Newport Beach, County of pubic auction to Iha l'tlQhMt bldc:lar NOncaJ Y• M'le Mell ....-, aa lna1nnMnt no. 11-44710S ot Orange, Stet• ol Calllornla, •• for CHh tn lawful money of the Tiie _. _, ...... """"· 1"' Loa Angela• County, Callfornla, ahowl'i on a mac> -dad In book Untted Si.t-. without#"! --.t ,._. ,_ ..... ....,... ...... ~bing proPlf1* ttlaraln. 3, P8QM 41 and 42 ol Mleoallaf1eoue or _,.,,ty, axiw-°' ltnplled, • ,_ ,........ wtlMn IO .,._ ""' Tl\8t tM bel""°'8I lr!l••t undef Mepa, racordl of Orange County, to 1111•, po•••••lon , or .._......,.,,'"....... •uch dead Of truat and the Cdfornle. ancumbnlncaa, '°'the putpoaa of AVllOI U•tetl II• •••• 01>119etlon1 HOUt•d thereby Th• 1trfft add ran and otnar ~of~';: In~~ detNftdMI. II Trlhflal ,_.. lnctu= • note f~ the aum Of common daalgnatlon, "atrJ, ol the to Mid Tru•i .. by Nld Deed' ot ...., ~ .... Ud..=alln 1 111~ !!...50111·~~!J .. ~.t~ b)I' ,..., pr09«1y ci.ecr1bad above I• ....._. .,_ -_.. ,.,. __ _, ",.' ..,_., al. purported to be: t07 Orchid Truel In propaoy altueted tn the ••..._Lea lelu .-tnd default In, the otlilgatlont for ~wnua. Corona dal Mar CA ~of Oran~ State of ...... wNctl -..ctl deed of tNlt la MOUrit) Tl'ta 'undaral9nad' Trultaa and cleactt ~ ,.,.., l. TO THE OEnNDANT: A OM Ml oociurrad In that payment 11&1 dJ•olalm• eny lfablllty tor any Lot 23, ol Tract No. __., ""'' of complalnt haa bffn flled by the not bMrl made of: inoorraotw of Iha etraet addr9M lrvlne, • par ~ recorded In book p4almlff llOolllnJ1 you. The entire =lpal betance and OftMlt oommon daalgnatlon, II 3n. Peg" 311 to St lnclualva of a. II you with to defend thl• plue aocruad In t, wtlldl Mlfll atr/ JflO'MI l'taNln Mtaoallel-MtiPI. In tl'ta Oflloe of 1aweu1t you muat within ao deye rapruant• the obllgat10111 of s'a1d HI• w11I b• made, but ~~ounty Aaoordar 01 Hid attar thla .ummon1 11 wved on Harmen M. Cooper und•' ltlet wlttlout covenant or warrant,-, lac.pt an undivided one-half you, Ille wltll tlll• ooun • wrtt*' oartaln General Contlnulno aocptaea Of tmc*ad. rag«dlng tltfe, ln1areat ol all oil ea. mlnafala and plaadln9 In tHPOnH I O ttle Gueninty dated "'t 31. 1171. ly pa 1111 Ion, or ~mbrancee, to °"* ............-.: .it>at--. ~ ~· (" a Juetlee Court, y0v tM *-of tM Oenarel COntlnulnQ Ethe ,.,.....ilftg ~tum ol In .,,d'~;id *Id .. !\My. Ml muat Illa vwtth tlle 00\#1 a written Guaranty, Hatman M. Cooper llOla(•l MOUred by Mid o..cS of fotth In Iha deeda -• 1n boOIC ~ or c.,.. an oral plaadlrl9 vu•antaed any and all ~lonl 11, wlih lntaratt tlleraon, a• _.. Pao-IOI and 111 Ofllolel to" erlwed In tlle doe*ll). VIiie• ol T~ Tool co.. · to ptO'Med In Mid note(•). ~ ,._,;-. • you do 10. your d.!f~ult woflll Ill t"!,~.......,.,:,. --=·..__....~ .¥ flrY, "'*'!tie tetma of Mid Tiie unpaid ~ afld eectmete tnttted upon epp1 .... t1on tlla , .... v1 ......... "' _, _ _,..,. o I Tr u 11, f • • !,.. ch• r g •a and of oo.te. __ and ~ • ,,...._, afld tllla OOUl't mey .,,. • undefllOl*I. l)flMnt baneftOlwy .,,..,... ol lie '"*-end of the .........--.. ....., 1 . )YdOrnent _.....you for tlla,..,.. under H id dead of tru•t, tlu tru•t• created by ••Id Dead of ol ~Ji,.., 11 f,.-. 1• clatNllded ~ ttle complelnt, wtlklfl •'°"*' and oall¥ar9d to Mid duly Truat. for ttia amount ~ :r' .-amount ~ untll Clele could reeult In 9ernl1hmant of appointed Trvet•• • wrlttan aetlrneWd to be: 134,021.28. ' d --. tMlnQ of money or propatty Otcllllitloi1 ol Dellllt Md danlellcl The baMtlcMtY under Mid o..d Tiie .. , .. , • dreH or other or other r•ll•f raquHtecl In th• for ..,., and h• ,__Id wlttl Of fNat ,_atofora auouted and ~ dMIOnatlOn, II any, of ~ Mid duly appointed f,,.... IUCfl dallverad to tll• unclar119n1d a ::r:~°'::"l.~,=~ b. IC ,..i ..... ..., .. ..,... deed of tNlft and ell ~II -""" Dadlrlltkln ot DlfUt and W• WW.. Oellfornla. el • ......, lft ... .....,, ,.. avid.,... ob:1::::'J MCurad Dafnend '°'••.and• written Th'• 1111e1an19nad True! .. .._.. .... ,....., .. ._.,.. .......... antlcto. Nottoa of OJileillt and Eactlon to dltolalma any lfablllt" tor en" ..-'11111 11• • ..,, ...., M "*"'....,. 11 ..,.. MOurad .... The UlidlWtlollad oalMd Mid , ' ...... _.... ... ~ •• Md Ilea Nottot Of o.taulf end~ to lfiOOI•-*-of Illa..,.... adclf'eel DA,,_,,__, 7, -aeeotad and do9I ~ 11eCt to ... to " reoorclad lft ... oounlY or ot::_ !:':' detltn•tlon. II LR A. llllAHCH, ow tM P''""9r d9'0rlbe0 In ,.._.the .... ~ It IOOMad. 'ii::·...,..,... I tH2 a.ti. Mid ~ ._.-of INlt IO be • °"•= ~-3..!...'!!· ,_;tcler": 1111e1' Partll•, ti ~ .Mwlf v. ~. aollf In eooordl•n .. with ttle .----.... ' ,.. -~ ptOllltlone tfteNOf to utlafy the ......_ tno. .................. IMnl. """ ... 714: TM~ Delll••ane 9IOllr'ICI ...._ • • Mid t~ • C1'~mu-.-uece YCMee a ~ • 11. 1111 ly 9I l 1~ CGm'MIY • O..=RI ,.,.._ Ht m;.ss lo llCUM'Y ,ACIPlC ly...,,,..,... A.pero, -..... k .. iii NATIOfW. 9AM< ~c.n::a~ JI!=--~ -t.~V:.~"'" ~ OA . .-0 = z: -0.... a .... 0... M l'l.CO,.DIO AUllUIT .4. ttM • (1J4t~ fl 1111 • -Cf!!lt M INITMIMINT NO ....... tJ • ~ OrMtl C.-Deify ,_ ..... 10 ,r.r, ~::r 09llY l'UMlflN Orenet C.... l)elfy !Iv~ Or...-· eo.t Deliy '9ot, Aue> If • ..,.; I. 10. 1111. ' • • • ... , ... llllOC, ...... 11 10. '1, M , t• llllOC, ... I. 10, '1, M. tMI P9Ult ..... ., ... , .. rtalC NOTICE who is acting as sales agent for the aircraft. The seven planes are the first offered for sale from the cash- strapped airline's fleet since Braniff suspended operations in May and sought rrotection Wlder Chapter 11 o the Federal Bankruptcy Code. Shipley said the jets are "the beat In Braniff'• fleet. The are 1980 manufactured and are of the 200 series, which i.s the top of the line for the 727." But the medium-sized jets have been on the market for three weeks and have yet to attract a shopper, Shipley said. Some industry experts think the price will have to fall to about $7 million before buyers will get more interested. Part of the problem in selling them i.s that more than 200 of the 1,800 727s Boeing has made since the mid-1960 are idJe. The jets were owned by Braniff Realty Corp., a Braniff subsidiary whose reorganiz.ation was approved last month by federal bankruptcy Judge John Flowers. The fate of the remaining Braniff fleet -53 Boeing 727s and eight McDonnell Douglas DC-8s -awaits a decision on whether the airline will be reorganized or its assets liquidated. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND ·- .. ,. 11·1' 21\lo tlV. ~·u ... 11V. ,. ""' 491(, 1-111'1 11 lHll 211(, 2' :~ ~ NASDAQ SUMMARY 1 ,.,. ,._ 11'11 HEW YOfllC (AP) --I e<u .. --~ U .... Ille<_,.., .-o<lll a._i!M by NASO. ,,... lt\IO N-Vol-aid Asled OIO -~Ill! MCIC . .. ..1,100 41V. 41'-+'\lo !~ :~ •ntnted • *•'°° 14 141111 • '-,... ••• Con¥91 • N , 100 17'11 ""' • '-= = E11Rsv .. . a:n• ~-4._ + 1<o "" "~ JCl~O< • • J27,JOO • '"" • , ._ 1 ... lMll Teftdetn • IU,AOO U V. 2"' -h 1~ '°" :=:.c··:. ::·= m: ~~ =1~ I~ ""' DW.W .. Ut ao 4 214'2 4 2"J2 -Mil -.: -:: AGtMt . . ftl~ JlV. JI'-+ '"' m: ~~ ,..#did . ..... .. . .. . .. . .., ..... ..._ ~llllM ................ -..... • "' ................. :l,Uf 1~ ~"°· _.:-;::, .......... "•".... J.W s 11i"••PllClllS ..................... Q5 1.-. I~ ........... '""""""', ... · 11 11" ot.i .... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ~.tU.toO • l!o ~14~ (;()MPO 'l 'fE RAN ACTION OUOUfjl)oj .... C:~UOI lllAOUQ• , ... .,. •• 'fOlllt MIO*•" '"'"'' ..... •ou" DltlO•f .UIO <t•t•iUtATI UO(.tl kl.. H•I U I.-~ \elO'\ Nol hi.. Ntl WIO Mel I' t l\d\ Ciow (1\4 I' t "°'<•ow t~ '"t.,..,. CIOw t llO I' l lwh CIOw C~ "I l\CI\ , .. ., (119 ~ l'l•l\J• I 41• D If'-\\ I'll U, Mt 1 """ lot "••Oi 111 M » t t11 I 4J 6'h • 111 \·\, 1 • 1 T 161~ ~'-" HenJI I... ff ••\.o • " .. a<ml M II 1d ""' llart l 1 llo • ... •g\o 1 -I • •Ii ll4' \<It ,.. m , M.t, • • It _ .. 1. 1 ..... ~ • •• , :n... 1 ... ~ ti'!. 111 , ~ .. ~. "" ...i•-., u I "' 1ot H::O..:m" J ,! ., l.t .,. foAd• • 1.1... tH "" .,.,_.. • 11 •'• .... ••u ',. ~u :M~ ~ .. " WI•• .... nly 1. I \11. "' e"' ·-,·i .; ,, '° I ~. MeetC1 .. II ,,. "H"". '-=.,., .. .,.'"" h '° I ' '~. "' 11\Ge I IO I llH 14-. " ~o ,. l 110• GIOw CllO ..... I ~ It 1' ·~-~ ... ::J I 1 ,, ·~~I ti'> ,MeftnH I 0 II loo I• "-• I • ·-ln~ll , • , ' """" ~ ~ ... , . . ... .,. j I• 1·· .... 1~ :%'"•' II -· I I -.,,.,,, .. 'i ,., . "' HI! •• ·: ' ., 11 .... • "'"~ I .. • "lt •n, ~ ...... ~ ' • • • .. arn1'·• 1=: .. ,~ • ~ --~ • "' ·-•• • ~ -• -.., .. .. " M """' a • uo '1'-, ~ •r•N "'lo 1 "4-Nl oi J 1 a'" " ~~ :n::'~s~. 'u ';~· l't rr: .. 1.~:112 ;ii::-. ~ ~:~~ J .• ~ ~ ~"' "'~:~~~·. n.1 "11::. ~ ::~ .. ~~ !!i tit:.:: ~-:,,.:g 1., f,"'''"" 8rlN pl J 1) ' 11 • · gre11 • '~ Metwo 1 JO '214' 1tt! ~ Mtrtfen t 'f • alt l'Vt • lo+ "9ntlO O'lt ' c. )Yo. Ull(.O I,. t 4' 1116 ... l11rncly It 1 I) ""' · ro8 I.I'> \'t H•rUM 1 i4 1 11' U\.o ' MlrH ,,ti fie • lttJ '~' , 14. ,.411\Cll ' 6 12/t 1''-t I lln9 I• • M )l\ot *"''~ I t0 10 Iii ft"° lrl Ot~lvo ·~ 1 I i"' Vt He-u t0 12 11 'I -Mlrtl... lOe ~ t ~ l'•11C11Ill)11 t) .. "-+ 4o 8 0• Ol 11.... t,~ + ... • ·1~ .... C"''' .. " 10 ·~ II L •• I -· I • I "• ~ "" • • • .. .. ·-· " • .. " •• .. ,.., •• ~ " -... • •• Ht1'~ I .. , •· 1•-•· iJ%44111~1 611 177• .. lo< .....,11(',jo 1.0 14 UJU 11"' +I umrk ~ 20) \'I P L "°' c lei,. C.,. 1111" 10 '-Clll!'lll Pfj tll ~ • "' ~I-Ill 't M te .;;-:-•• Mn•l llft ~I .. IOJ Ill!. o "' '•PL ... UO . dtO 1$ l m~ "' I I• • ~ -•-• -• .., -C -C iililln1p111· I '"'° • •taA •• •t ·~ ~ l'COI mt L.. 1,"' 'It ,.;.-~,, •~ .... •1111 uo. • 60 n111 l>v••P , • U lll • will\ •t• 17 ~: ""-"•"I.ti> 1: '" i~: ~ :::t:!i,s 'I: 14 , ~ :;;~ 1. , T~t fil', ~ ~""'P,. 2,. s = " 111 11$ t IO ' 1* d w. ~ O..lie fl 1 I • Ill u ,!A 10 •• ·~ 1-. "WrMlcl I tS • '61 It • ~ .. ,..,. Pl ti• 00 " wFI.. t U it; ~ " (I I l70 "-• .. o.At (fll 2,e • • I'> ... · "'~1·~ '"' tit' ~ Mar.._ .M •• ti •• "'aillt. -II 1110 11111 FOft I -t h+ \'ii 1·• ! 14°' .. IGHA 112 to "* J~. "' 0.:.kt pl J ,, • " H.11,;' .n • ·;; )0.. ;: Meri.C' ~, u ,, •• ._.. i;,,.L iW1 IO •IOO •1~. ,.., wlG•• I . '°' .... "' :~L '; ; J\io :: IG pl }.It 111 ts t I'> ~Ir j,~ 11 = h + .,. ttelfll t 1,44 a U• )ol ' Merrlat .30 U J,. "'-t: il'-11 UO 7 1' Ulllo 11. w£11r n .) ' 1~7 10\lt 4 ti! .it ~ L, I~ ~~ ·~ ~i Fj\ 1 : t; 1:.,, • ~ ~i.:..: 19 • !s.o ::~~·i .. 11••...C .•• ltVt .••. : ~~: .tir 1~.o:J M, ~ ~ ::::::a: • ,,:: ~l: :: l:~i , :s i 1:t~ :;~-; ~ AlllC if f' )l; .,.,,. ~ HA " 1.10 Ill •t:t_ v. &::: tlf J 1100 't"' t h :;:1~r;: 1·=, = :: ... , ~ Mer~ u 1t 'IT ;!.,_ ""•°' » t "J '1"-11t 5"<tP 1• •1 1• • .... 6.\lo "' P N•I 2.10 t 30 uu ... • ... 0vq P«> i. 10 1100 '} 11 l'c 11 M 1 "' Me11111 wl . . st u v. , w. i'er-EI . !O o 4Ut J,..,., 111 uett> ... f ... ,.._, .. A«nOv ,(M 7 ,.,. • • "' sx J .. , IOIJ ..... • \jo guq prl(J 10 • 10 ' v •• ~ ..... n , Ullo ~. M••M I , .. 10 12' .. ~ "'"''4111 I,.. 7 43' ..... "' ull* I,. I• NOi 0 .... ACleh t.He · · U l~.\lo • .. CU pf I I 11'3 • 1 UQ Pf 1.JI . lltSO I ~ t f' IC pfl,to lllleMYF ISi 1 '-.. 'etrlt t I 40 10 )I 1J •l•Y 10 • t4J 11 '-. G~s utility asks • rate increase LOS ANGELES (AP) Soulhl•m CalJlomla Gu Co. haa asked th state Public Utllltles Commisaion tor, a $737.7 million a,nnual gas r3tC hike to re«>up hJgher gas cotta charged by lta out-of·t\4.1\C sypplien1. The now hikes, l( spl'cad Amons tht> gas company's 3.8 million cu11tomers, would boost a re&idt•nt.ial customn'K winter gwi ball for 100 therms Of E!nergy by $1 ,.14 b month to a totJ1l oflSS.68 monthly . • ~~E ~·!e. :, "17 !!: h ~~111'111J~ 1 ~ )).\0 ~ OllQ ~ l~ . mo'°: ...... t ~ :::~: 1°1' • ri! ~!: ti': ::w.o ::.t ,;, !;'-:I~ ~=re: I •• ~ 1~ ~{o •Slit ... ,~r~. i':n ~ nt; m~ ~\lo AllMMI •• ,, " '". ... ts I II II ~\I). \l'J Or<oPt ,, • 54 ,. • ~ Bi'"" 2 IO I It.) Olt ~ Vt M••Clt u. .. .... . """" .lD '131t .,.. .... ....... 11¥ 12 11 :io-~. • ._.o Q 1171 2'\o ..... Cal>OI ., ' so. • )t OynAM u II 40 ,._. ~ Ill\ pUoGlt. • • .~ .. --· Metf~ 1.11 ., .o ..... 141 ... tRl "'U• ,, Jlvt. " :re· I ,,. • ., ,,_ Ill AttLI UJ 7 llJ 17-"-Mtnc J 101 "-t YO -a-a -WMl,1" 2 It ~·~) >4~1'-"-•• ••· .... ,., I 1• J •• I llCI • ! • "•/ 'l • L ..... • ,. 11 »ft ~ "· .... 1"' •• ,. • too Ql't t .... "' . • .. • • • >N • • .... ~fl plMUit SIO '4 • 141 Mier 7 '5' llil+ .. EOGI .p 17 ... uU • ,,_ • • •• -M•lttl ~ $ .. U 1:ito lfe Pllrer l~lt* i.IM141tlV. Olnil J, IU.1 ~141t v, Allmn. ·'° II> IH'o V. alll\n J)t 41> »J 1'1'1 '" E SV" .10 J1 llOI 19.\lo t Vt t!tacel ·'° II lll'lo 1 lfe Mal_. wt IOIJ '°"' \jo PhelPO .JIOj "°' ,.+. 4 'Ill d()Oll t S ~J) ~\l't-I'> All•n SI l~ C:•mml ·"° • ,. II~ .. EaaltP ... Sb 12 ..... klSNt' .so ~ JO ..... .... MtrO!. I fl 1 .,, JO • • Plll~o "' •O.,., Ull\11 ., SIP1<Cp JO,, ,,, I I'-. v. A summer blll of 50 therms of gas would go up by • $7.33 to $31.73 monthly. ::::z ·'°Im,.._," CRl.11 0 2t "' ISv.-1 E•><o 1'2 • 1122 n , l'I .. 1 r,:, ~:o ~ ,:._ \; Mayl9 fe ll .. n11o , .. Piltlt ll J11 1 'Qi''"'··· S~a oo a 1• 1s~ • .,., 60 :IO I~' ... ~ms.; t IO I 411 lS..... · • Et t!Alr ~J ti .. t \It H ltorl l.IO IO e14 »\., I'> !M01m I 10 ) ltfl 1111'1 + v. PllllE pl I IO 1300 u71 +I i t"'wto .). t 71 11\'o t I'> AIMN n 170 IOVt mp'r 11J 17J lSVt + lio EAi. wtO 11 '"" , "'It JI t 12, iflll 'llo MC~ pl UO 14 tOto •• Pnl E pl 0 9 110 ilil~' 11'1 ltrrttl It I J ti¥++ V. ,. .. , pfAJ.'2 '. M ti\'> Pa< II .IO ..... 71\lo .... llhAlr piJ... • IUH ·-" ~" n .I I . • ..... I MC Or Pl uo lr2 It¥. • PllllE pl .'° . .so JI W• l•MS. 1.JQe .. '"" Al•P dPI .• 7 SJ 6" "' c an PE I .IO · 1 ••SI " • .,., El.All r.:20 . . .. .. ~ .. "' HOllMY .IO IO :Mn lJ~ ~ M< Oftld 1.20 'i IS~ .. J Pl'lllE pl ... dlO 11\lt .. s1 ... 1C11 I... • ... tr.!. flo !::If:: •. .: ~~ ..... :~"' g~\~, :~~, 1~ :i.. ··iot ~:::e" ~·~ ! ,!: :i : ~ S!i~,~· ~'1l~!:t ~RE~ 1':, "tt ~~~ ~ ~:;;,,J ::~ ~.-... i:~.rp ,,,,,~ .,{ ;~ ... Under federal regulauon.~. any incren.'lell granted wholesale suppliers are automati<:ally imposed on Intra.state gas companies on Oct. l AltP pl I. 1' llfO M C.COHld 1.31 710SI 1•\• .. ElKOd :W IJ JOU Ill'> 1 .. H Ill «>SJ lStl JS~ ~ "'kOrH I • 11 1)4 "lH" -Plllle 0:111 11410 114 , 1 S1trll)v I Ol 11 1156 UV. .. !I:!'.:~:: '': m::· ~:~:r:f.' ·~ 7 m ,~~: ~ ~~~c::'n '.~ ,~ U: um:! tz ~2~. :,~ ; uo~ r.t: ~~ ~~;,r '° • '~ ,!v•' ~ ~~:1E ='UJ ,:: 1~ . ~ l::WW!' :.: ,: ,t .,;~ .. : •~ Albany 1.IG I 21~ .. Camel 1 I 560 J7\l'J t I EOtrd 92 11 nJ 'If'" It'\ Hoo U 114 11 ti "' M .. O t t aSJ 17...,, 141 PhllE pl/ IO 1110 SJ\io •• StokVC I .. I •• JI"• '- Wespercorp income up :::::~ sc:.~ ~ ~ .. "'~:~~ i: ~,:= ;~ ~ ~=~~: .. ~':: ~ m:· ~ ::rrr~ ·~~,,~ :~~· v. ::::rr~ ~m'~ ~: t-: =::::~r:~ I ·~ .. :~~.:·1t: ~:~'vi\~,~~·~ Alun .to 17 5'1 22 ..... "' CerP pl J., •3 11lo EIPea.o "' I JSI •• ·~ Ho•pCp .. u l602 "°"" .... MellOn t,. • JSJ )IV.. I Pl\llMr , ..0 ' . .Zttl ssv. ... Slone. .60 10 Id 11v. "' AkoStd 1.0I I 21S 11n'-• I.. CarTt< 2.10 t 2e U V• EPG cll>filS 10 11~ .. HOlttln J • 6 J.\lo, .. Mel•Hlt J.CM 11 271 SSI•.,,, Plllllncl S112 tto lt~t. • StopSllp 1.41 • Ill "19'-• ~ Wespercorp, Tustin, has annou.nccd tts financial results for lt11eal 1982 ended June 30. .... Al ....... ' OS "". \l'J CartPtr 1.20 10 403 17'4 • f\ E PG pf » 7S . 3 1• Ho1111M 1.60 • 17 u~. ~I Mtr~St ' I 11 7•" • PPl\1)1111 ~rJ io' .• ~ ..:i, ?!"•. <II, SlorTK I ...,, »Ito 1-,.,..... . »l •V• + Y1 C•rtHw 1.22 10 -IJlo • V. El< or .JO IS 11-\'t, I'> HoutFll «>IO 67 It\. ~•'rcT,!• !.,1214S llJ1771 2011~ •I~ P~li'-'"H ~ , -11 .. ,,.~, •-S5110f, !!,11 I~ 119 1~ m~ • ~ Alleqt 1.0I I 10.U 41 ... CatlWI ... 9 71 14lo • .. Elt<As . IS 12'1 u t~ • " HOVtll\I 1.U 10 190 ?2~ lf1 m • • .. " " • -' .. •• '1"~ '" •• <•TO • AlgCp p11... 11 ull~. w C•KN(i I 11 I 71 I'-"" EOS M " ,.. "". flo HOI~ pl, iO . • ,....., " MerdOh I IO I ..... ,,. • " PIHAYI .:It ' m nlw IV. Su••Sll JO s 149 10\lo ~ v. At1 1n1 1.1G • 2u JO"-'"' c a.11G11 ~ • a 1v. • e•MeMo · u •\· .. Hotro• "' •. J\ ,. $.4\-> \lo ~ ... '''::.! , 20,. '• H',1, 311,~, ~ PP't•'•"", • • ,' !>, 11,,,. •, .Y.= ~b11~r,G 1.1eoo61 • 1JS1• '?r.~-1 .. "'''IE 2.lt . •l II • v. CelrpT J. II lllS ........ Elgin I 60 . s St "". "" HOUlncl t ... IR• 20Yo. .• m ~ .. .. ... • ,. .... .. • ,.. .. Al91 Cll.2S tO 7•" ;.: Ce<oCP ... S 30 11111 • 1.4 EmoEI . J 11 117' ~Ii> ..., HOuHG 1 JO ~ MS JO\., II'> MnaR Lile 61 tt~• • V. Plltl>ry 2 ll 7 t71 ""'' ~. SunBk II I t ff llW 1. Results on a pro forma basis. reflecting the acquisition by rrre rger or California Minicomputer Systems Inc. (CMS), completed today and accounted for as a pooling of Interests as of June 30 were; Revenues were up 7 percenl to $20,325,000; net income up 6 pert.-en t to $1,652.000 and earnings per share up 15 percent to $1.01. Alf41 t. If> 61"3 22"4 • •• C•lenM 4 7 461 U I'> 1 EAed \ 170 71 IJ~ HOllOR t lit •Jt 17h, 141 Me .. b .SI 6 126 II'> "-P-I 919'1 .. ._ o > S..01\Ch 41 • a1' I~. All .. (i I 11 ., IS"4 w Ctlan pl 4.SO • JJ\'>. "' ........ !O ,, •II 11111 + "" HOwtll IG • 511 t \'>. "' ""''" 12 4 v. Plol\EI '17• " t) ISV. SllnEI 111 100 '"''. "' AlldCP l.«I S llM Jt • " Celeron 60 4 IN II~ ;,. Emll4n J.01G s 1' U"-, loo Ho"'"' IG II 9S ""'' • \lo Meltm S • IM 215 + S PllnyB I 60 t , .. , i1"-\r• SunC.O 2.IO 4 111 3th• " Al"'-114 .. 74 • " '4 • Y> Centel 'l 20 t 2't lD\t' E'.mpO. 1 S2 7 1 IJ" Hul>Orcl 1 t ll 1' "" MIE plG7.61 r200 41 , PllnB pl 11J I~ )t\r, • •1< SunC pl 7 U .. I 64"< •. AldCp pl 12 . I .,, • \I) Ctn1t• ·" 17 ). u~ ~ Emp pl so rJJO ,.. HuclM 0 101 10 u.. MchER 1 ,. ' IS ttv. Plllltn I~ • '°' ""' S..ncl\lr I'° 1 '°' ,, .... AldMnl 111 II ""• 11. C•nSoW 1.61 7 '139 ""'-• "-Emplnc 'IG I 41 "'°'''ii..: Hufty °.60 I• ll '"·, ,1, MllWI pfJ.67 13 11, ... Vt Pltl\R" a tSI /h• ~ SunMn . 141 • ._· '° ~::~~ i~~ I 1~ J~.·~ ~=~~~u~ ~ ::: ~h: ~ EllQl(p S610a7S4 , ...... "HllQt>TI .... 1 ... .,,, It MdCTtll7' I l3 11v ..... Plentrn .. n ., ""'' .. S....Uel SJ '· S"' ... Aldhl.. I • 10 lf>V. .... Cnll.1 pf 4.SO llJO J:2V. '"' EMI\& IO ' .. ..as ...... ~ Hum ... ' .60 u Sil 30.\lo ""4CT pl2 °' u} 11 PleyDoy " SI ,... . SUprVI S6 11 .,, ,, .. t ... ::1~ plS.• . ~ ~~· ~ ~~~11,; ~:~ 7 •;: ::~ ~ ~E~N:-S.T;!R" I~ .s .~117s 1 1;s""' . ~ ~~ ... ::--,1E"'Fpn:IG.,tll 1,! 17~ IT~ . .,., :::i~~~n: : '"1 m:: .. loo :::.'~ l.'5;" ~11~ ::_. :' ~. t.:~~h ·:: '~ 1=2 ~:~. ~ AlptlP I ""' CeMPw I IO 7 102 11 V. ·-· • · '"' • '" --Ito ::::~!: 11£. : 2?! !~"·, I;. PPogoo er~ .601 .! I~ m:-', ~ S..SwPeKnf IO IJ 4 11' 1?!',-~ Al<ot r 1.IO ii 1•·2 -11.. ·-CnSo • . .. 14 ... nv.. ·-Enter• .. ' ,,. 2' • ~ tivdr•I I I• • JI .... "' T' --.. Oftl"' --..... ~ ~ ... - Excluding CMS, financial results of ~espercorp and its consolidated subsidiaries for fiscal 1982 were $14,104,000 in revenues, $1 ,386,000 in nN income and $1.01 in earnings per share. •m1c.-• • '"121 •"1 •• cu1"{' n 1.12 S ~ 11~ .. .,. Enl.. I Ill • Ill U 4t . •.. 1-1 -MlltBrd I 20 10 97 n1<. • l't Pnclr~ IG 10 19' 11V. \Ii Syt>rOt\ I ot 10 l'l 1~ I'> ~ ....,. ' ' • ~ ~ -E 11 2.60 10 61 J7 lit IC Ina 1 :It • )IS 191 i,. Miit Al S2 I IS ISi .. • "-P0t>T al 10 61 193 14"-• Synto I 1 20 11 U Jf 4)-, "-Ame a .20 ,.. nv. .... '"'''°' " lloo .. ~~ • ..::.. .. • .... : v. IC In pl l so 7 o v'. MMM l 20 II IJ99 .. • .... POllK .ID 1 • 11 • v. Srtco I " 101 ,..... "' Amu pl l.. " lS\11 .... CntryTI 74 S 14' 1"-I'> EqtOal no S IJ 251,_ + Yo ICN . II "17 • ..: .. ~ Ml11PL 2.Jt • 106 11Ve • V. Por!GE 1.14 S <IOI 14V. .... TOK n -T-T -Amtc. 1.Jl II 11 Ill'> t V. Ctnvlll ' S 103 31" • \.\ Eqll.I SoJ It 106 H \<It IHAI" l.'1 J 16 IS~• ~ MlroGp • .O 1 '" w PwG pl 4.IG •• SI JOl'o . 12't II I tt•.-"' Merger completed ~m ... ",'!.!·.~15 270s, .~ •••• 'c.'',·!~ ••. -·io ,',! '.?~.· ~ E11nan.i.-. 1 .. ., "'1u1 .. 1 I.IS' 103 IS ..... Mlanln' IO 90 ""'. PotGpl •J2 ,. JO TECO ••• 1AO ~" ~ ... .... -.~ -• ~ ... E ... .. 7 20 '"' "ld•lloP ,. 'ISO?•'-' MP.cc llO 117 10 ,J\, Polll~h 14110 l26 J•'~· .... TRE 117 • ""' "' AmAgr .OSI 111 I .. ' V. Cllmrln .IG :W 1014 16 \ot EMI r l IOO I J I " ldt•l8 I It IH 14 ' \. -PS• I 11 JJ IJ'" lo Po1mEI 1.61 I .... 1611>' ,,_ TRW J 60 t UI SS\lo _,._ ArnAlr 1"60 11 ~ Chm pl 1 JO 7 17\,> I'> tM•C ,. O -I \It llP • .. 7 -H MoPS PU... S 11io + V. PolEI ... I."' . ,..-•• •-TRW,.. 1.-. 6 1•4 -1 ••1rwt -6' o.. Cllml~··.~ •) -·~, "jE•lrlne _, -ltV•+"' owr •· -v. PS ,.. ,., . ·--., ,.. -• ~~ ""' w • • -~ ••~ -Elll I I SO 6 •611 2/ft 11> II Pow pU 11 200 ;n 1Yll Mo P<2 •1 1 It V. Po1EI pl 4 CM .. 1500 JI • Ito Te< Boal I 90 2111• v, AAlr pl 1.11 .. lt1' """' "• Cham .IO II Jll I ' '4 ElhVI pl 2'..o •I "•t • -., TW 1.C• • '1s:i 30... ~ Mllel n . SJI 20~' \It Prtmrl .0 IS IJ 1411> • "• Tlllt8'0 I t 41 l4 • II. ABa-r I• 101'1 .. • .. CllertC.0 I • 2199 llV. • V. El r pfB . ' "32 O \> • lmpl(p l71 "•' Ill Mol>ll 6 1001 JSl't • \l'J Proltr JO 11 '1 ... • ... hllrt ,., S ' ~. A Brena l.SO 7 1n 44l\ • VI Cl\art wt 1109 f> • "• Ev'•nP Uj JIO ·~ . NCO 20 7IO 10"" •·'t ""°bUH Jl2 J Yo Ptmr-nt tO S 4l JS._ V. Tall•Y pf I l'I 1~ .. ABrd pl 1 7S J7 ,.... ~. Chert pl I .s ., "". "' E an pl 1"' " ""· l\CllM pl2 s JO .. ~ "" Mc!Mar JO •• •IS IJ\f} . . Pflf!WC ">JOI ,. ... _ " Tandr .. nu JO~ .... AllO<il 1·60 I IJ'O '7VI l't ClleM l.IG 4 145 Uh• I'> E:en pt 2 10 IS U di l sv! MOd(pC 11 119 t • " PrlmM ' . It IS 1016 "" + " Tl\Clr<ll II It 1().11; \jo LOS ANGELES (AP) -Continent.al Airlines said it will complete the consolidation of ats operations with Houston-based Texas International next month but the realignment will cause no layoffs or transfers of non-management employees. ABldM I ' 1t 2S'"'. I<+ (NIM pfS J us ~. "' E c I 1 60 i JO ,,. • ~ " M pl2.u 104 \ ... -h•K • Ill 10 • v. PrO<IG • 20 10 '311 ts~. v. Tannet ,., 7 JS I ..... A8111Pcl .56 1 JS uU.\o • 'A Cllate pl'J.l:it .. 67 S lh + 1 e:cl~o I ... U 15_,.; nOIGH J 04 JI J Ool'lkOt 11 1920 IS\.o, \r, PrclRlll .l2 17 S6 ''°' • '"' TCh<lr n 11 l6 .... • •1< ~mCen 2.tOllml l2 • ~. Clltl1 .. ,.00 4 II I t'>+ \I) Euon J .7169 ,. .... ~ :::~~~ J.~ t .B ~~+ ~ ""°-n",'!_IA>h 'IOIO 44 14» •,·.~. ~-= PPrSO•IC~ 111G16 112 1..?! J1,1~, •· TT••"•c'omma ll0160l1,4 o1~ ~ ~cen pl LIO . • 22 • "' Chmecl nl.tl 17 ll ,.". .... -,_,. -ntml<" 10 1011 Ill\ .. lo ~ -T. --· ..... .. . .. .. AC .. lry .IO. IJ ,. ' • "' Cl\NY' 2.• • ams JO\.. \I) FMC I 60 I SJS lD'I•. ... notrR J.St s '7S """ '·• Monogr .t) • ,, ,, .... 1 .. ~ .. pl2 10 n "'"'. v. Teldyne • JS)J 101~. I The Los Angeles-based air carrier recently lost a prolonged battle to prevent its takeover by Texas International. ACyell l.7S • IW ,,... I• ChNY pll.17 • ~. \r, FMC pl 2 ll IS 371'>. .. R pl 215 19 1•11> v. MonM<I 4 I IWO 7!h ll\ PSlncl J.16 5 "' Ulo't-.... Ttln 10101' IOh lo AOT l.M 11 Ill 4JY> ChNY pl1,61't . aJS21 »'-+ V. F•brQt : ... it IS7 20~ • ... n: T '54 '6 3 I" v' MnlOU 2.2• 6 '4 Jl.\I. • I'> PSln pl I.CM tl470 1'-Tenn<o 2 60 S lllt 1' + ¥a :~1f"'~ f·: B:C~ ll~·· ~ CllHY pl 2A2 SI + "' Fa~CI J1 10 130 204" "° ~1Js1~ · 1 160 1JIH V: ~~S,...t 1t._~ • W31 '••'~ •• • ~ PSln p1 1.0I .. rtJOO 11, . Ten<"' 11 11 71\l'J• "' ·F I ·~ ' llS ,,.. ChHl/e 1.0I • 12 22\4• I'll F.cel ,. ll .... l\~IGO ID 1 106 .... .... ~· -• ... PSln pl .... 110 .. ? Ttn<"' 140 10 ,. ..... AGi J'ii • 562 ~ ChHPn 1.1110 )ti J7 Felr~l'ld .IO • n1 ,., •• 14 ..... n. • ".I I• MOHY llt • '" , ... II. PSln ft I S2 . ''°° ...... Teredyn SJ 4S d ll.. "' :g~CV1~: ~ 21,~.• "-CCC~ll;f,!.r ~. 1 ~J~~.· Ii• F~:rW~<101r,F/~i3 .:~l f,,;: ~ "1nl~'J2l'}!lt I~:,,:,:::•~=~~ 1o! ;,o~"ru;::\f, ~l~~plrn S ~ :;~.: ~. ~=~owd IG S ~a~ .. i. ' n m • .,. cp,... _ •v 11o ., Morlln 1211 7 l6l 10\/t • '• PSNH pU U 24 1'I • "' htor pl J. It J Jlln, I<. ~~=r~: ·~ : 31! :; ... : . ~~~';,':,., ·:;; .~ :~. ~ ~::,:~, • ·~ ;t!. ~ ~::c:. ~.~ 7 1": ~\l'J : \,) =~~ ~: ; ·~ ~ .. ~~~~J'1 ~ .~ m!. \It ~:~ nl .! ! 'S: ~ ... :~. z.,.. :~ = ~;~ ~ Chrl\CI 1.52\" 6 ., 14 FedlCo I.JO 10 ... 20"-. "' ntrtst 1 20 • "'' 20\.. -•MS 20 IJ 7S "'". PSvE(i , 56 "° )I~ "' TuCm I 10 6 ., • .,... • \11 ,.;,r-. ChCll pl I 7 I I'>. \lo FOEl<P ",... SJ"-J ""''" 160 6 • 11V. \It MorNor I.SJ • U7S J711. • • • PSEG pll IG 6 ullVI . ""' T .. Elt • 10 • 111 19111 + -I l .U 112187 ?'IV..···· Chrome nJ JO 14 n > V. Fd~ 1.J2 • lll 13110 , l't In I Alu 'to tO 11 12"" I'> ""°I role I 60 IS IJll 16'11o " PSEG pl4 OI 1JOO JO -~ T• ET pf 111 SI U" V. AmMot . . ... • -.. (hrnlr . 36Jt .~ ...... FtdN~ .. 101 12\.. llM , .. ,, 1111 71h .. MlFuel J0 ... 7 n ,, ..... '--PSEG p1s':11 . lM50" TuGf ,., ·5 lllO 21 .... l\lt :~~~ n 3 4 ~ 1;"'°· · · Chry wt S7 2~ t \It FNPB 1.20 S I JI\'-... '"I Fla• 1 14 119 ''", '"' Munlrd S0a • 11 13'-• Yo PS£G ptJ 17 II If>~" \It T .. lno IOI> 10 14 JS-" l<o ASl\lp e .IOe 'j l6 ,: • Z: Chry' pl :151 10 • 141 FOSonlS ID 10 60 16' • • ._ ntH"" )OS ''-Mllld pl tO 12 I PSEG pl7 IO 1IOO )9•1. +I .. Tnl"'I 1 11 S7S .. ~, " AmSla 2 :ID 12 dOS 25._.. Cl\urCli I 10 ltl JJ~ • '-F"40St 2.10 t 621 4J \It Int Ht pl n ... Muntl'Q 10 lltt • " Pubfk~ 117 Jllio . Tullll OS 1• 261' t~ + ._.. Jo.St 11 ':11 10 "' '"""'-' " ClroS.11 2.n • IJ ti'-Ftrro I 10 10 l 1Jllt V. lnlMln t 60 s IJ9 J•" " M11rpl'IC 118 II IU 11v, l't Pueblo ll S 27111 6 ~ ~ TaNMll 2 •• 7 • ''"" v. Am"•• . I I 113 ·~~ L ClnOE J.10 1 '" 17t'o •••.. FldUl\l J.IO • n n v. .... llllMull 1.60 ' 217 ""I I'll Murp() I ~ 444 t2 .. . P11091P I,. • Jn .. -"' TaOGM • II 1'171 ,,... .... SI ~• -ClnO pl • 1110 J'I~ Fklcll J IS 11 -\It lnlP-21G s 1!01 •U '°' M11rry() 1.10 t IS ISlio + I'> P11rllnF 4 ... t \l'J + .. TaPa< JO 10 10 20 Jo.Sir pl S.SI ·· 2 llh+ ... ClnO pf 4.7S . ttO a.111+·i1> FlfOie ... S A2 19 lntRecl 12 7h+ "" MulOm 1.41• SI 12~• + ~. Purol!• IOI I Jlt nw, h aUUI JCM 6t2tS lJ '°'t ATT SIG.,,.,,, SS\lt .. ClnGpf 7 .... 1110 S2111• "'FnCltAI ... ,., II \• lntTT 1 ... , ... 21V. "'My•rtl. Jtl " ,,,_ .... Prro • IS .~ •• "'Tu ffin ... '"'' ... ATT pl 4 • IJ se~. 1 ClnG pl 'S1 1100 .. • -FroSIM 60 )... v. ITT plK • 27 .,.... .. ----O...kO IAO • ~ 0 -" TH!nlfl 1.IO 7 l<lll tn ...... Jo.TT pl l ... · 6 l5 • l't ClnMfl .n 10 121 Ut't+ :._ FlnlFtcl SI "'" .... lntTT pf 2.2S • 1 13.,,.' HBO 2.ot 4 7.u 13"-•i,, QuakSO ID I 715 Uh+ I'> T .. lrpl 2.0I 111 1'''" '"' ATT Of l .71 . in » . 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LMd 2&-29 <*lfa a pound ZJnc 40-42 oentt 1 pound. ~eo Tin u 'oe M111a11 WMll ~pot111 111 Aluminum 78-77 Ollnts • poonCI, N V Mllrcu.ey 1365 00 per flW Pllltlnum SS" 50-$320.00 ltO'f ouncie NY SILVER Handy & Harman. H .3 10 p., 1roy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS a, Th9 A.-e.t..il "- Seltcted world OOICI prlc41s Tllurld1y• London morning hxlng 1477 00, up s1g.oo London ahernoon filling 5'&6.00. up u .oo. I Parl1 •ll•rnoon fixing .. 111 ". up $3.70. FrMl!fwt filling "47' 00. up $5.00. ZWtett 1110 at1emoot1 n1(1ng '46s.oo • up 110 oo old: a..ee.oo a11<11C1 H111dr a "•"'"" only dally quot• l'&e oo. up sa.oo f."""'8Fd only deity quot• $.C&&OO, ~ $8.0Cf. ...,....._.. only dally quota t•btlca•ed 1489,30, UP $8 40 SYMBOLS .. .._,, ,,.,, • SU 12"• Yo CIH'dUU .60 ' ,,.. 10111-" rp1 . . .._ .. .. e ~ U<ot ·-SJ n -~.~:. " SP•11I 1.)0 •• 42 ..... u11r,ac l.IO 111111' "'-•1111 1· PtPI. UQpf J2"1 -7 Of! u Blllr pl 2.SO U 1121 • "' CM•ln .14 t .. 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Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 10. 1982 s. Now there's the Market Rate Account. If we'd been able to offer it since January 1, you could have enjoyed liquidity and interest comparable to money 16% market investments-in the ED.l.C. insured safety of Wells Fargo Bank. 15% 14% 13% 12% 11 % • , . ./' 1.• , .. ' .. ., ' .. , ... ~, "" '""' . I~""-. / "'-Wells Fargo Market Rate Account Yield.** ._. -------Average Yield All Taxable MM Funds.* Average Yield of MM Gov't. Funds;* • •• •• • • • • 1/6/82 2/3/82 3/3/82 4/7/82 5/5/82 6/2/82 7/7/82 8/3/82 I ·' It used to be, if you wanted yield and liquidity for a _$20,000 investment, you looked to a bro- ker. H you wanted insured safety and convenience, you looked to a bank. Now Wells Fargo pres- ents a $20,000 minimum investment that offers what everybody's really been looking for. The Wells Fargo Market Rate Account. Comparable earnings and liquidity. -· Compare the interest figures as indicated on the chart. Over the past six months, the interest rate for the Market Rate Account would have been comparable to that of government funds and of taxable money market funds. Plus, with the Market Rate Account, you can withdraw funds with just seven day's notice. You can phone or mail instructions, visit the bank, or place a standing order. Your earned interest is always available without notice. Incomparable safety and convenience. When your money is in a Market Rate Account, it's insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. And backed by the assets of America's 11th-largest bank. With more than 380 Wells Fargo offices located throughout California, you can also enjoy the convenience of keeping all . your funds in one accessible place. The money market investment that works at Wells Fargo Bank. T he Market Rate Account combines the glam- our of traditional money market investments with the substance of the West's oldest Bank. With your money invested here, you no longer face the agonizing choice between high yield and secu- rity. It's the closest thing yet to a high-yield, high-liquidity, no risk investment. No wonder the brokers are feeling upstaged! Stop at your nearest Wells Fargo office today and find out ho~ you can combine earnings, liquidity, insured safety and convenience in a Wells Fargo.Market Rate Account. 'Bated on Donoghues Money Fund RepOrts tor this penoa "Assumes this account-. eiusienoe durl~ time period Yield celcalculated using 13·week Treasury 8111 Rate, less 1/4:\ oompoonded c1a11y Member FD.IC THE WELLS FARGO MARKET RATE ~ • ' i Dally Piiat ClASSlfllD Frtd1y, Septemt> r 10. 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100 . ~.!!~If •..•.....•• lQOAL HOUSIHO O,PO .. TUNITY P1Mltlttr'1 ltttet1 All , ..... ,.,. advertlMd In Ihle n•W•P•P•r It eubfect to lht Feder•I Fair Houtlng Act of 11198 which mak .. It Illegal to adYtrtlM "any P<•feren· ce. llmllallon or dllCflml· netlon bated on race, color, religion, 1111 or nttlonet origin, or any Intention to make any tuch preference, llmlt•• lion or dlecrlmlnallon." Thlt~wlll not knowlngty eccept eny ldvertltfng for real .. , •• te which 11 In vtotellon of the taw. HIHl1 Advertl· sere should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ....,,.,,.,, .....•....•........... ..., ,,,.,, ....••...•..••.•..•..• .. .,,, ''" ......•.....•.......•. TALL &II STATELY Glent 2 1tory home lo-cated In excellent area. Walklng dlttance to South Coaal Plaza. Huge roomt throughout. Ow· ,_ wlH ..... t In the fl· nenclng. Thi• t>eaulllul home .. pt1oed way be-low mari<et at $129,600. Mutt 1111 11111 weekend. ~2313 111§\$1- LOOK For our new reguler weekly fM1ur. IOIT SIOW- CISE Every Saturday In the = Piiot Claaelfladl LIU'I II •HILT And must 1111 now. Light end airy 3 Bdrm l'\Om9. Enjoy the ocean brec ... Bike to t.he beaetl from Ihle Marina Hlghlandt home. Priced at S1 20, ' 000, which .. $5,000 be- tow app<alaal price. Muat H ll lmmedletely. T edvantaga, call nowt 646-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:R'S ----- •lllAlflllT BEST FISHING AND SWIMMINO BEACH plus 2 bdrm home • 2 cer garage, etcl 1825,0001 *"'IUSI BAY & OCEAN VlEW81 4 bdrm, 2'1t balh•, nrep1a. ce, 3 c•r garege plu• muctl mor'el 1850,0001 ..... ..,,,.,. .. ....,. ••11-1•• Ea1l1lde Cotla M•a 2 Br. 2 81. home, hard· wood noore. larger lot, c:ut--de--aac ti reel. S 12 6, 000. Owner wlll finance. 111 CROWN POINT • SPYGLASS HILL Superbly conatructed gated ettatt on alrnoet ~ •ere with 1peot1cutar vt.ws. •t.H0.000. 1 • ...., ..... .,.......,,.1 .. l1M 11 .... ) a.. leroe ect 1n 8*tunsay Otlll)' Piiot fU .. ~. ....... ., .... .... 111..... 111 .. 111 Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place /{~!!!!.{~~!.'.~~. ••••• !~!!!!.{~~!.'.'!....... ..~!!!! •. '.' ... '. !. . • . . . . !'.'.!!!!.~'.'. !.'.1!.... .. . !'.'.'!!!!.~'.'. !.'.1.' ••••••• 1 !'.!!~.{-!. !.•}!. •• •• • • '[{'.!!!! .('.'. l'.~'....... !'.'.!!!!.('.'. !.'.'!. .....• 9!~!!.~{!!.1!!! ..... f!~'.~'.t ........ !.'.f, ~'.~'.L .....•.. !."l ~~~~'.L ........ !.Of!~ 9!!.'.~'.L ........ !.Of!. H11tlQt•• jH .. 11.,,,. !W.'!~ ••••••••••• !.'Mf ~!!!rt!!.~~!~ .. !.~. !!!~!t!!~l!!!r.!'.ff --Oii llPUI BllHll ltHZ H11h11 lHZ W0008RIDOE CONDO . llWNIT ....... • UM llLI Ulll AMIT• Sherp ••a tack, recently •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••.!••• 28r, 2Ba, end unit. Pf.. · A PllWLl - Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 6 bdnn, 6~ bath. •II tWllRS completed cuttom unit mlum loc Frp\c:. AC, et· •UM W LIOATittll Lge L.R., 2 boat .Upa $1 ,500,000. Charm on a huge lot wluHO brick llrtoplace, ODll&L OAY t1oh1d gar, yd 11211. A wonderlul warm cont· clrd1:~'4!•ea• 1'Pednup1L111e1, th Mulcan tllet vaulted IJtl &111, 1·1 600 Good H I Umt bl• "" ,. • · arge acrou • tlrtet from c:ellln ' MBR' et.flt• 'NI 11112 •1rl11 llJ Io• n '. 0 w n • r I a g I t mPorary bayfront the 1~•1t% HIWmlble toent, Remodeled 3 bd.m'I, 2 bath + Jarae rue:. nn. Newporr 811ch. Aoom th_! 1 1 ,._ ., 8 499•5770 view breathtaking thru imell down 044-7424 0 for ho ra • 1 ba h Ind ca ...,ra w nuv-• ' ' G rded tht mitered windows Broker beam celllnp, furnished, pat.loa. $420,000. cu•lom ranch home. r ear unit & poulbte ua gaw community in Huntington 10w IOWI The sa.nt• M1r11 atoM & --------Good flnenclng. O'Nner guell qtret Great linen· H arbour, water view from practically ,. marble enc;hance the feet Oht 4-p1e11, Meta Verde, PElllllLA lllEI an11lou1. You wlll love clng 1366,000. Catt ever y room. Beach for back yard. 36' 5 bd. 2'1t ba. 1 lvl, F... & charm throughout In-(Spice St•) lg auum Prit.e West Bay b··-'-nt. S'IJ» for 2 ........ thla onet 12911,000. Shi aron Collln1 or Marilyn boat dock. "l.ge rv>ar new h ome over 3200 Univ Pk, Ceth Cell, Sky· eluded are 3 B.~. 4 b11h1, 91o7~n.•318350,000 dn Bkr remodeled 3 bdnn"'.''r'i;th •t.200.000. .....,. .. y----------.T lltet , Gori eout, Seller lernlly rm. library & • lflp • .. • sq.ft. R ed t ile roof. 4 BR (Incl huge can Ouat. 209,000. Alto for • 60' yachl Olfared £oti Ill l•lo ZZOO ' m aster bdrm suite), 3 B a, f amily rm, ~~~ = °C!~3~~a~4 lurnlthed 11 S4,750,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 1q.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. 759-9100 formal d ini ng rm w/wetbar, 2 fplc's, spa 22 CyprHt TrH Lane, Barbare AuM. 844-6200 COSTA IESA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ++. L u x ury lJving at its best . .$775,000. 1rv1ne, 857-5080 Pltll .,,,., •• Lido 80lty l•IHl 11 ' lOOf SeUer m otivated. Suggest $200K down. L •• 1H1t IHI FOil 24 OlllOI Liii& llLE IAYFlllT 6 73-7300 •••••••• !.!~.......... llUL HTAH If LIOIA .!1.8.................. Per•lt• 011 M 111111• Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, ~~~~~~~I HAPPllEIS 714-U 1·HU IMllW.I UY la •I .i:ri•· le•• ti· dark nn, den. Boat alip. Now $1,000,000. 3 Bdr 2'.-i Ba. very apec;lal • custom home. Bargeln AWARD W31N~!R Ow11er , Dover Shorn ltertllll IH Halla· I Ch k S II Oi:;ean v•-·· .,..rm. 4 Baycreet owe at 12% 5 L , • • •• l I 0 0 0 IAYlllE flAOE P .r 1~~26o. uc pl er /rriat 1H4 /nl., IH4 ba, kit. w/convenlencea, bd Prln only S345,000 • • • ' • Spectacular bay front dplx.2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, m ...................... ...................... fem. rm, lge garden, Pl· ..... down 2 I 16 Santiago I ••• r I a , •• t • 2 ba dn 2 boat n-& __. • """ 000 I ~ ~ • -tto, formal din. rm, lge llv. Drive, N B 6-4S-1273 WHttrl II.I Flaaaolal · spaces. ncuu.....,.,.-.1,JVV, , • Ir. Q I t c I d 'Lif: NO DOWN PAYMENT 'S:12.~~ By ~n!r~uc HARBOR RIDGE IU-lHO (Wiii H • ILIFFI 01111 1•-•1_ 873-44 11 DISTINCTION .,.,.,,) Single story end unit. expanded s br , 3 ba 1'11 mauwa PlllTIH WllTEI POSSIBILITIES! ~~~~~~~I ~'.~:~1h11~~g0r~:~~1e•a4 _..;__l_Y.;...t_W_l_E_ll __ on largest greenbelt & lake. $260,000. I Luxurlout llvlng. One Exclullve Balboa llland Call Emereld Bay Riiy • Bdrm au1te1, wine room, 1 ''> 101& In Huntlnglon home. For de1all1, dya We have located 5 pronor·u·es · lrvi we'll 1end you • 1111 ol 11 1 d 1 bedroom condo. Club· 955•0782: eve 873•4892 ,.-m ne avallabte homee w/ rep acet. an eevator Beech CA on 2111 bet· Flll•••11 •••01 houH, pool and 1p1. that it is possible to buy with no down $1,895,000. 644-7020 ween Paclllc Cout Hwy .,... """ Security guarded gate CASH TALICS I d li amenltie. In Emerald Bay LlllO llll HTATE a n d W • I n u t New 4 br, 4 ba, custom French Normandy 174,000 toen at 11v.e1.. paymen t, an • ttle or no qualifying to 494-1840 714·960-2411 _Estate l 'h acre hilltop $l,260.000. Owner wm carry eecond 2 UNITS • 5 hou1es to r ight buyers. Call Don Bond or Bev IOUIFllllT VIW OOHIFROIT lyllo. trull deed 1 • 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 00 s.ooo. ~:i~~.0~wg~0$~4~~0~~1 Turn er for details. 2 Br 2 Ba In pvt et ndy By owner. 3 bdrm/2 ba OOllOU IEL IUI Unique R-3 Corner 101. sullable for 8 twnheea. OWC llnanclng & IYbor• dlnlte. Poutble J.V. Owner (714) 559-9265 :iiiiii~·=·~~iiiiiil Prine. only. 845-9922 cove Terme evellable. West N-port. $595.000 Fee simple oot~ on quiet De9a.nso St. (ln Ag• TOWN & COUNTRY REAL TORS . ~~111.'.= ~~11 4~~~3~fi s.~~n~-~e~~;~3o Flata). $l45.ooo. •IHI 552-1800 01111111 OlYS llW lllWI ti lt•l•HI• l 001 lllT SELL HWI C.Oronado Wand cusl. bayfiOOt lot-. -85, boat IALllA llWI •••••••••••••• •••••••• 1!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; Take advantage of this IEWNllT OllHT Two 3 Bdrm Condos, IEACH LOT lerge 12% auumable Flret llmt tllltd. Char-• OCEANFRONT • tttuatlon. Owner purcha· dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w /tenns. ming N . new 2 Sfy, .,. 400K·be•I buy on beach! aed enother end must chlteclural g em. 4 By owner. 640-7990 LAKEfRONT HOME move. Spectacular white loen, AAA locallons. On Iha w1te<, .. forever" pool, spa, tennis. $194, whitewater vlewa. AP· 000. 644-7424 Broker proved by Coaetal BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR J i ,r.,\ifo._)•. "•"" t);HJf';..1 RANCHO SANTA FE W"414 .... llte nMMr at 714145$-7911 112.-.... ...... Speclout 3Br + 2'.-iBa, redwood patio & spa, handtoma brick lrplc, lllra lg 2 car garage w/ wine celler or d•rk rm. --Mut t 1etl ASAP . Shop at home. 11'1 euy 840-56&0 ~uallled 842-5978 ---... ----1 DOLlllYE ll lllTS 0n elmoef 5 9Ctee Wfttl lob of .... N ... -191 .. rJIV and open 1pece, plue pool -end recrMtloft .,.._ EllceHent Coehl MMe looetlon end near Newport. W•ll ........... end MM!' • noenGJ. LAlf9e Z..tory town.\ouee unn. with a bclrme -........ pdoe. eel for nn.nmn. ..... :,CS.t:. t::"9-1w1~ ewnn-. to.ft, WATERFRONT HOMlS. I'< ltt \I 11111' '-~ ...... ., ...... .....,....,. .. , ............ . ;u i ,...,....,. 4•• .. ,_, ....... •111nTllUOI* This sensational beach cottage features an ocean view and sundeck, existing 1st T .D . $110,- 000 is payable at $400.00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 752· 7373 for details. SOPHUT I I I' I I I ......., .... ' _,u ... F __ c _,0,.......1 1 , r I I I _ ....-----' HOTUM I' _..l._1 _,(~l.__..I~ j tO their ,_ YC41 oovlel MY II [ t(. CH [ ,~-111ak1no1nt1rhOtMt :=:r::r::1 ~1~~1:~ • ~ :-.... ~, ":::t .......... ._ ........ ...... • ";:m;,·0~ ~ r r r r r 1 •u:mt!:t.fumti I I I I I I p• LITI k1 we .. •1111111111 ._ bdrml, lem. rm. Quality water, c anyon & city Comm for 2 time-share d •a I g n • n d d ecor C11••• ''' 1111 I 022 tights vlewl. A great buy throughout. Designed for •••••••••••••••••••••• at S290.000l $20,000 llYEI IHllH c o n d o s ( p o se 4 ~I quarter•. Prleed to l•••lt YHr lfftr under appratsat NII $595,000. Seller fl· Homt+Guest+tncome Cuslom 3 Bdrm water· condos) $300,000 lront home w/pler & 1llp. 492-4984 ev1 nance. No loan lee, OWC 111 • Flex. Terms ••• ·4110 509 Acacia CdM nr bch "l~r•r ~\.~~~~~ FEE. Appraised $1.125. -91-0-.-.-,-.,-•• -,-"--i-•t-t-,--OOO. Secrlllce el only ,., '" • 18119,000 AWJmable 1st lflftt 2400 -Spotte99 Vacant Duplex --------Huge 5br/3bt+3br/3ba 4.0K own/bkr 6-45·7048 . " .. and 2nd Open house K~·,;;~·~;··.;1~;·sh;;; Sun 1•5 1036 Polaris, Condos tor 1ale. 1 Br & 2 1TJ\Yl ,OH CO ~ - ' I_,) IY OWllER •OllC:O-~ u.n-c.-· 848--0523 Br Call for details S238,500 • JBR 2'1t ba, 2 story l'Nnhse, gated sec. HHCHI 540-4484 1714104-1177 SEAltlEW • elegant & 0. IC charming Hampton Mo· t • •••'1 ..AUTY pool, 1ennl1. fac, eauna, ... PHL lt•E club room Walk to OUTSTANDING VIEW del, fabulous views, da· llfNtt. 2SSO cor, spa, private comm •••••.,..••"••• •••••••• • w/pool & tennis lacllltles RANCHO CALIFORNIA $485,000 Open Houee 5 acre parcels Vltwt Set/Sun 12·5 1903 Vocht From 40K Xlnt terms Colina 644-t017 ~i:,;076167a-204g g 1 · Jutt $249,600. Bright •hopping. bike to beach. Cttmel, remlly ftOOf plan, You own land_ 20Y. down LAKE FRO NT H OME. Magnificent pool & spa. t!'lnanclng 11 end Illume 12% loan. view of W oodbridge Lak e. O pen & reaeonable: prloe<I right By appl 7141760•3875 bright -ON THE WATER ! One o f the ~l.~~-~!I.".!! •• !.~!~ VILLE IE CERISE at 124g,soo. LUSE IPTIOIUI U lllllVUI: 11 Ml:S Great lamlly home w/ best lake locations -3 BR, 2'h BA, BEAUTIFUL OLD WORLD TOWN HOMES UPftlEIS II: San Luis Obispo County R.attG;, 875-8000 huge lanced yd, oak form a l dining, lots o f t ast ef u l ' French drs, butcher wallcover i n gs t h r u o u t. Good block countera, Jennalr financing • Owner will carry • Call for By Howard Merk po_ from I 1511,000 495-3244 760-11355 kl1chenlt $300.000 llERRA4~i-~f4~L ALTY ;~8~~~· $330,000 M anon F r luell OCEANFRONT Thie lovely Verullle• condo penthouM at only 80 acres with private $129,600 with • 30 yr lake. 4 legal parcel• t 1 . 5 % Io• n . 0 re at complelety fenced. Rot· mounteln view, pool. "ng hills with pines end gym, tee gated. Don't oeks Includes cozy 2 bd CONDO. 3ooo+ aq It. top IAOIAl-lllYlll auLn TRADE min t eeing thlt one home, corral, & out bull· Ag~ Rod. 61S.-.OOO. dings Fish and Game qu1111y, 11lnt toe 300K lor tmalter home or In· Owner 640-7990 1=jjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C11t1 lt1u IOZ4 BHli•.fll• come proper1y. euaiom 1• •••••••••••••••••••••• lt•ti IHI 3 Bdrm, 1peek>u1 master WANT TO THOE Your Palm Sprlnp home « condo for 1 beautiful 3 Bdr m condo In a awird~ a a t e are1 o f Newport Beach. Priced 1369.~00 Call Mant' Omny. TRADE 11200/11000 MOYES •••••••••••••••••••••• eulta, 4 bath. Overloo· your boring I~~ P<O· YH Ill CLOSE TO OCUI ~~. •;~gXc,~C:,ch. Full ---·· perty or outgrown rlll· Lease/Option or Purch•· No money down, no Agent 844-115 13 (714) 780-1900 dence with large eqully te YOUR n-1850 sq. qualifying • own your for thlt neat ru1llc and It. (plut dbl garage w/ home on our unique lllul•• Vltlf 1111 roomy 4 bdrm 3'1t bath opener) Delu11e Condo. shered appreciation II· •••••••••••"•••••••••• tiomt wi th t80 deg. Great park llde locatlon, nanctng. W• htvt 5 21l/21A .... ocean view In walk to nut to •II •hopping & homes In Hunt a.ach., 3 Loh. t400 sq 11. Over· beacl\ Corona del Mar thea1er1. Incl. all amenl· BR 2'h be, 1800 to 2t00 looking M.V. Goll Course loc&JfOn REDUCED TO tlet. Opportunity to start 1q.1t . P1ym1nte run at Lake M.V. Incl. 10K $476,000 wllh 11 75% owneralllp w/Quallty 11200 to S1000 per mo. upgradM 125K, 10%dn, int l'IOme w/tax eav1ng1 Call George Brook• bat. at 12%. P.R. Hickey, •••7211 71 4 /831 ·5055 or M on-Fri , e t a...t 855-2882. •u mH 011111 _.. 642-2000 1 t4-891-5558 1.....;-..:...·:.-..----- T11t•ru•1y decorated. Im· ~ BY OWNER·3Br 2Ba llY IT llllllT UYE Ill 11111 maculatt trl-level home. , , spa, deck. French dra: Deal dlrec1 with owner. Eiclra trg pool, epa. RV ~ fruit trHI lg 101 S 133 Lrg 3 Bdrm 2 8• condo. no comm. New Andalu- acceu. 3 car gar•g• ___:___:.._.. ooo. Ope~ hou•• Seti ~~. ~~~:.~~c~~~ tla Plan 4 •·encantecta", Walk to country club. Sun 10•4. Prln only m111y upgradu, 3280 eq fJ(ceff. ueum1ble linen-Cflll lllU 1014 545-5736. 3064 Kiii"· de flrep1ace, 2 ctt gar•· t1, 2-aty 4 Br 2'1t Ba, lite ......... , v OllOI LIST v View mountains, coot blue wai.r v 3 Bdrm-neutral decor. v Country kitchen with large vi.w deck v Rent S1too mo v Sale, $4411,000 with terms. 142-1200 j PETE ' BARRETT ··· REALTY c1ng avallable. Full prkl• ••••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• brook• Ln , ge end A.IC Full price rool. 23032 Tiegua. View $395,000. 751-31111 112,000 llft --------S 120,1100 631-7370. lot. $325,000. Chrll Ctt· I~~~~~~~~~ IW~ AIHIAILI Vat 5411-3546 ter. 2 u1288-4547 or 1~ HIO ... on lhla 4 Bdr home and ..,.... 21315112-1833 Ot•or lfll llt•lo Specious 3Br + 2'1t8a, owner wlll help With td· • t J.Mll IHI •••••••••••••••••••••• redwood pa1lo & spa, dltlonal llnanclng Full .!!'!r.! ••••••••••••••• ••II• •••n DELUXE ANA HILLS handeome brick trplc, price $132.000 Don't $20 QOO llWll ,., $aJ1 1100 11tr1 lg 2 car gerage w/ welt, call 11711-5370 now. • •• • •••• •••• • •••• • ••••• home 4br, 3 II be. lrg wine cellar or d•ri< rm. BUYS Ihle 3 Br BACK lalEILUF bonu• rm, many upgr•· •• 1 .. S .. P BAY Charmer NEW· , , dee, wtll trade tor emaller .., u ' 1 s e I " ,.. PORT eddreae for only 24 X 04 with 7 X25 en- hOme or condo In Nwp1,_64_e-_5080______ Im•• 1044 s 1oa.ooo. Jult titted. cloaed ., .. , light lnte-or be>ach erea. 1275,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• CALL T ODA y . RAE rlore. l1land kitchen . by owner. 932•8286, Find what you went In NIL ... l ROOOERS 831•1286 l arge lam rm, 2 BR, 2 1174-2723. Oalty Piiot Claeelfleda 2 MSEI Turtlt rock, JClnt flnan· BA 540-51137 WT&lll cing, owner wtll carry or ••change. 1285,000. Two lndlvlduat hout .. , GOLDEN PROPERTIES highly UPOrllded with... (714) 752·1689 parate yards, on R·2 101. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PITTill llEEI PAUi IPIUHI Landecaped corner lot. Fu r ntehed . 1 b drm ,StalnlHa !'Nin trey link•. dlehwllh«. etove, com- abound '52800/acrt I Cem1no Real At11scadero, CA 93422 (805) 4611-9698 *** 5 bCI. 3 ba custom home with guest houee on tO gorgeous ecrH In thl mott prettlgloue tho· roughbred horse br ... ding area In SLO county Ask for Jim Galkin or write for brochure. PLAZA IW. ESTATE 441 Marsh Street Sen Lui• Oblapo, C1 113401 (805) 5-i1-4831 lautn, F•.1•11 l,.rn Z100 ..•..•................ 1UUIEI omn •••n Top quality gfove plant· ed In Grepefrull end N•· vela Located on Fairview Ave In fu t growing H .. met with IUbCIMalon po- ten 1111 lop money ma· ker Management avaua~ ble $2,500,000 A Div1s1on ot Horbor Investment Co Ownlft en111oua end wilt help with the financing. Atklng $145,000. Call IWlll·S 1HI ti,. TURTLEROCK: Del •· ched, e11clttng home on lee '"" acre. 48r w/ etrtum, upgradet. Views Nr perk/pool. 15% dn. 13+%. Call 831..ao7o. 24 hr1. pactor, elr cond pink ~~~~~~~~~ bathroom. CUTE ANO = kllch., frptc, plut • prl· CO z v . S t 2 . O O O. Prof. dec:oftted, -rm 3 Br, L R .• D.R., F.R .• big RESIDfHflAL AEAl ESTATE SERVICES 11&.MA l&WI 1111,000 Substantia l r educ tio n ! Prime Balboa Little Island bayf ront. Two 3 BR units both w ith full w ater view. Owner says "sell." Will tailor financing to buyers needs. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 TUSTIN ELEGANCE Th.la !lnlllab Exec:udve Cottaee with IU Tutor architecture, In harmony with the luxurloue aurrou~I fl• dwelllnp and formal ~P • bl ~ pkture from out of • London Su rb. 'l1\e 3 kine llze bdnna, 2 t.tha, full tlz.e d1n1na room and 21 Ct. llvtni nn wtth unique free •hlndlng frplc. tr(' the ulUINte ln uUUuUOt'I or 1878 liq ft. Re'-x in truly preltlctoua adult Uvina In your encloted cov~red rtlo, the heated pool & w h lrlpoo • uune. ahooUna pool ln the club roonw or Jutt reclln lnf In the 1hade o f the beautl~uJ y malntelned 1round1. ~at •125,000. Own« may be aontar:t.ct by eerioualy lntetttt«i prtn only •t (7t•) 836-e&d. 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS 2 Darling hOU-on EU I· llde lot Good ftnandng Call Ann for detalla NEW COAST REAL TV 802~2888 tTtP IDTllll 11000 ... 11111.21 ,.,. .... Brand 2 BR ~'Aba, lrplc, grHI buy. Agt. A Oen. "3·79411 _,..uu ......... Huge one 1tQf'f, 4 bdrm, ,9 mll• bHch. pre1tl· 9lou1 neighborhood, Wtlkfng ditttnOe tdteon HI Scl'IOot ... bO .. ta huge flt'f\, rm, dble IOI 8011200! Lu11urtou1 c at pttlng UWougllout, ~ ... truly • m410n"toent llome with aaeumable toen et onlY 9" Afent ltt•IOOI Evt & wllndt 14~ ; vat• lrg manicured yard &4$-8914 Fml-Fllll II plu1 acrH Murrieta. lnclda 2.000 sq.N. term houN, large barn. gar, S15.000down,116-411 per mo Tott I price ! 175, 000. 702-452-Un IHIFllLI 38r. 2'A8a, gr .. I for I a- mity or Investor. Flexible ••av flntndng. S132,000. GOLDEN PROPERTIES & a privet• putting grMnl---------4 & 3 car garage A r .. I IHft lnNrtt I ,SO vetue et 1375,000 and •••••••••~•;;;(; ••••••• you own lh• land. Try Old« Ouple11 near 46th st 1~ chm. Patrklk Teno-NB. 3 ~r, 2 be. upatalre. r• 1·12te 2 br, 1 ~ ba. downat11r1. Wiii N II •• It for 1700. ·--------000 or 'Wiii build to •ult (714) 762·1589 °"°" Ill .... Townhom•. 2 1ty, 2 br, 2~ ba. grMnbelt. Ortal toe. I.Ike new. Good term1. 65t-8058 eva IEW UITlll In VIII. II, 3 bdrm, 2 b•. Camt>rld~ Model. Terr1· lie end unit tocatlon on quill gretnbett. New cwpetl, tweloft, MlllOU lighting S 14UOO. for $875,000 & up. (plant & approv•I• obtllned) A r m t u~ R e 1 lty ...... • ... -.. -.-714-644-2 . You own the land 2 000 Duplex on th• 11nd. 30th • ' It. NB. Newly remodeled aq t1, 3Br, lam rm, 2'A In and out 3 ... 2 be. a. wide Greenbelt ~ · ""·• pcQi Far below m ket upttalra. 2 br .. 1 ba. S24aOOO Wiii ....:' ....... downttalrt. Min. 10% ' . ,. ...... -down owe balance at llon. Bkr. 144..,1a.. 13.11% for 5 Y"· Orut for eummer rental•. S735, Park Udo Aduh COndo 3 000. Armllege RH lly. Br. pool, near hoepltal, 714·544·2484. l>MCh. I 146,000. Owner " Vflll help. Agent 840-1~ ., .. .,.,, Hll UllllT ,. -••• ~!'. •••••••• !.~ IN VERSAILLES/NEW Pacific View Memorial Sewrlty, pool. Reduced Park grav•alte. 1400. prlQe *-UM no realty Hew mo~ to Oktel'lo- i...t l120K. 83t-211t8 ma. Call Collect (405) Ulll&.... ~'"-~~•7_9~---~ Reduced to 12411,000. ,.._, ,,__,. "" Owner lln1nclng. Tri· ••••••o.-:.;:r.::, ...... leYel II Bdrm, MCluded ... PltlT yard, eohoole enopplng Time 8hart, San Cle· ell near b~. Open $11/ m1nt1, l10M + grOH Sun/Mon. Submit ... Of· ....._ Tracie • lolnt vent• 11.5'""--L ..._ tera.~geol Hedda M•· Uri . or Hll at St.SM .,. u~,..·'"""'S roal, 848· 10 44 or w/211% dn. 8y Owner -...,----1-11-,-,..--1 144-1142. 1-,_ ... _•_2._11_ao ____ _. Ador•ble etllrter riome In Newport Beacll Open ••ITIALI•• wheelbarrow s• recreational vehlcles•golf carts•mode1 tralns•bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classified ad.call ~2-5678 and a friendly ad· vlserwllt help you turn your wheels Into cash. lovelV NIQh~I ll!Jt· HOUM l l t lepl t 1th., 12 !utllde Oottl M-. 11'1· ceHent nnanolng 1va1... lo g 203 l Yecitll Oeftn. pltJI, I.I X groee. 401< tile M*'Y IMtnltlM Jn-der. lroedmOOr SH· down. Prto. 1801(, ly ClucllnQ I fruit tf'MI. eel ._, 3 Ir, 2th k ~. OWMt (303)111·2811 -------• t7'-a70. oatt ouardtMf, deoora-• \ t . 1 I I tl /'II" ftMt. 1'annt1, pool, apt. A ek In 1 S • 411 , o o o. •tllnt anything w1th • (714)MQ197, Diiiy Hot Ctetllfled Ad It • IHnpM metter • • • Wt11t Ml Cell .. t·M78 JI* • ... l·M71. ' oa Oran~ Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, 8epteimblr 10, 1082 llltldt-1 ' .. pee "~ Otd ~ IMlt1• '10flll 41 c.l~IHI H ' 00 ' "*-JC MOTICC OOOll I, ., ...... Of M~ ,.,..,, ·~ ..Utllw .. \ .. ly aa IO ------------I 11\Motd Mlj)t, In Ille o~ of Miil •••• 11011" Hiit curve 1111ougll • oounlf ft OOtder, 011c11bed u '1tlllfu tll'IQlt ol t deQl'MI all 00 ._."'°" COUllT Of'""' lollOw• to. jMMI OI ttl\ftf .. CUIVtllutl Wltlli ITATt Of' OAL•OMIA '°",,. DaglnnlnQ ... oolnl In th• I OUlvl cono•v• IOUlhtUl••IV COUNYY OI' t.01 AMOll.ll no1tllw1tl"ty Una 01 111d lot at1 htvlnp • 110lut Of 10 00 t .. t. • ..._ ~~. dlat•nl 1outh u dtQr"• 07' oo• rac.111 11 nld point 01 ttvt•H NOTICI °' IMT•NTIUR TO 111.L WHt Ill 80 IHI frOlf• '"• motl OUfVllUll bMra north 40 CltQI ... '"Al l'lllOl'lf"V AT l'llllVATI norllltrlV ootnlt ol Hid IOI tl!d 41' 00" WHI, lhenoa aouthtrl)' IAll runn~o t~ noith 76 dtQf ... 01' 1141 1111 •lonO Mid curva lhfOUgh ., ... OI COAINN[ GRIFFITH, 00" ... 1 116.61 IMI lhlnCI IOUll\ • Mtll••I •nOf• ol 94 dl(ll-01' ~ 6t MO,.... o~· 41" ... , H . 18 lttl 44" 10 • potnt 01 compound NOTtCt US HC.Afll'I' Q1VfN 11111, lo the wwl•'Y lint of Htoh Drlv. 11 curvature wltll • curvt concave aubJact 10 conllrm111on by lh• 111own 011 1 LletnHd 1'urvayou no1111et11 1\1\l\llQ • 11d1v1 of 960.00 1bov .. 111llt1ed 6u~IOr <:®1'1. on Map, reoo1o.d In bOOk 3', PeQI a, IHI. 1 rtdltf II o ld poltt ot ~lembet 20. 1882, Of lhefMAtt ~d ol IUNeyW, Ill tn. otflol of COIT\j)OUOO CUl'Vllur• bMI• not11131 wllhln the 11.n. eliow.CI b1 law, the the county rac:«dat of Mid C)fange 'degreH 10· ti" •HI, lhtrtct und«llgned ... IHC\ltOI undef I.he County; lhenGI IOlllherly along Mid IOlllheul .. ly 16t 81 IMI tlOl'IO Hid wlll ol 'Corinne Orlffllll, deOMMd, -••ly 11ne the fOllowlnQ eout.... Wr\'I through • oentrll angle of 0 wlll Mii 11 prlv111 .. ie10 the htQllMt eouth 14 degrH• t3' 110" wttl degr-21' 32" to Ille _,.,1y Mne 111\d belt net bleldet on the '"'"" 155 51 tMt to 111e beQlnnlng of • of 111c1 Htoh onve u ,,_ on uld and condlllona htrtlnalter curve, co1101v1 Hlllrly having 1 Record of~. lhenc• nol1Wty manlloned, 111 rlgllt, lltle, •nd r1<1lu1 ot 140.00 1111: 1oulhtrly 110110 Uld wottrly llne lhl lnt1t111 ot Collnnt Orlflllh, eo ~, .. ,along llkt curve thrOUJlh lotlowl~ courMa. north ea degr•• dlCllHd, •• th• tlm• Of th• • ctnlral MOii of 30 d!P,r-00' 10' 110 .... 41.13 ... , to th• 1ppolntm1nt ot Roberr Olb1on tXI") tou111 18 degr ... 41 10 .. eut beginning ol 1 ourve concave Johneon u 111ocutor unoer 1111 w111, u 1 10 IHI 10 tha baglnnng of 1 northwuttrly htvlng 1 11dlu1 ot llld •II right, lltle i nd Inter .. , lhll GUIVI COllCIVI nOl1h-llfly hiving 100 00 IHI: north111111ty 54. 11 tht ttllll hu 1equlfed In 1ddltlon 1 rldlue 017t.7t feet tOUthllly and 11111 e1on11 .. Id curv1 through 1 10 11111 which II may h•vt hid 11 the aoulhwtattrly 141.04 IHI along canlrll tl\Qlt ot 31 C1t0r ... oo· 00": time of 1ppolnlm1nt Of Hid Hid~ tlltOUQh 1 OetltrU angle north 37 degr"' tll' SO" tut 34.08 UIC\ltOI twltll lht ~ion of alt ol 102 dig,... 40; 00" ~• point of '"' to 1111 oeglnnlnf ot a cW'v• 1111_.1 of th• ••l•I• In oll. gu, raver•• curvatura with • curva concave 1oulll1Ht•rly having • mlntralt, end hydrocerbOlll, conceva eoulhtlllltly having 1 rldtu. of 140 00 IMI: no<thleatwly without right 0111111-antry. wlllcl\ radlua ol 140.00 IHI, • ,.dlaf at 27.07 IMI along Mid curve tllfoug~ lf\all be retllflld by Ille •1•11) In nld point ot rever11 curvature 1 central angle of 11 deg<-2t 111e rHI propatty !()(lated In the bHrl a degrHt 08' to•· H it; 57" to Iha true point of beglMlng county of Orange, 11111 or IOlll~l.,ty 85.IO feet along uld Said properly It commonly C111tomla, detetlbed u IOllOWI' c.urva through 1 cen11.i angle OI 35 dncrlbed u 138 North Coaat ,.,c* 1 ( ... Int-I): degr-07' 03 .. to 1 pojnl 011 ellne Highway, 1Jgun1 BMoh, CllllOfnl1, Thal por11on ot lol 28 of tract running 1outh11111rly from lh• ind 1110 known H Boat Cenyon No 807. In lhe clly ol L1gu111 moil 111\erly corner 01 101 t8 of Shoptng Canter. Beech, c;ounty of Or,111ge, state of nld 11101 No. 107 10 the moil 8•1e I• tub)eot to aurrent le&Mt, Calllorn11. •• per map fKOtded In northlfly corner of lol 8 In block 38 ourrent 11xa1, current •-n'l\fllt. book 27. page 50. of M1sceoaneou1 o t l•guna Cllfl• u per map 111oumbr1no11 ol record , Maps, tn lhe office of the county recorded In book 4. P•OM 68 end co111nant1, condlllon1, re1trk:tl0111. recorder or .. td county, Ind 11111 511 ot Hid Mltceltaneou• M1p1; reMrv1tlon1, rlghll, tlght1·of-w1y, portion of block t84 of 1rv1ne·1 1twlno. nonh 54 deor-20• 00" rel•••••· and 1gre1m1nu. _, 212.29 '"' 11ong Mid ltnt to 1ulgnment1 •n,.d e11em1n11 ol the 161terly llne Of Canyon Drive u rec:Ofd The property ii 10 be IOld Jefferson • portrait purchased WASHINGTON (AP) -A portrait of Thomas Jefferson p ainted by Gilbert Stuart in 1805 has been purc hased jointly by th e National Portrait Gallery and the Thomas J efferson M e m orial Foundation Inc . for $1 million, it has been announced. The portrait of the nation's third president, calle d the "Edgehill" image, was bought from Mr. and M rs. Donald B . Straus of New York. The fou.ndation owns Monticello, Jefferson's home in Charlottesville, Va., where the painting hung from 1821 until Jefferson's death five years late r . Following special exhibitio n s in musewvs in Missouri througn October, the portrait will be on view at Monticello until April 15, 1983. It will then come to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington for three years. Ther e after, the painting will be s hown alternately at Monticello and the galler·y for three-vear period~. · DEATHS ELSEWHERE NORTON. Kan. (AP) - ltelU1 G. St1beUas, 65, a f orme r Republican cong ressman who r e presented Kansas' lit District for 12 years, has died. 1how11 on uld R«:ord ol Survey Ol'I Ill ;·11 le" basle 111Q1Pt 11 lo now Delng Boat Canyon Drive 11 tlllt Neither the axecutor nor the Shown Ol'I Ille map of NICI traot No. ettlla wlH be ltebll IOf defects, Ind 807, thlnoe north 23 degr-07' lhey mike no wa1r111ty whateoever, 00" 1111 350 1 t IHI along seld llQ)llM 0t lmplled, 11 to the naturt e1111rty lln• to the pofnt of or quality ot the lmprovementa, the beginning equare foolage or dlmeotlons of lhl ,.,eel 2 (L-·• In..,...): 111\d or lmprovement1, the zoning of Thal por1IOl'I of lot 28 of 111Ct Ille pro~rty, or lhe condition or No. 1107. In th• clly of L1gu111 1u1t1blllly of the 1011 tor eny Beach, county of Orange, 1111e ot purpoH. Calllornl1, 11 ~ map recorded In Bid• or often are lnvtlld tor Ihle book 27. PllO' 50, of Mlecollaneoua property ind muet be In writing and M1p1, In lh• otfk:e ol the county will be recalved In the office ol recorder ol lllld county. and 11111 WUll1m E. John1ton, 1ttor11ey tor portion of block 1114 ol lrvlna'• tlld elltc:Utor, 11 Suite 3320. 811 Subclt\llllon, u ~map recorded In Wett Sixth StrHt, Los Angelos. book 1, pege ea. o1 Ml~• C11ilornla, or mey be tiled wtlh 1111 AeoOld Maps, 111 the otflo. of 11ld clerk ol old Superior Court or county recorder ducrlbed 11 dellvered to Wllllam E John11on. follows. peraonehy, II eny time eftlf lt11t Baglnnlng at e point In the publication 0111111 notice and before north-tterly llne of aald lot 28. mel\lng .. 1e. dlatant IO<.lth 23 degrM• 07' oo·· The property w111 be sold on the waat 811.90 feal from the moat toltowtng l8"mt Cull, or part CUii northerly corner ol Hid lot and Ind part credit, lht twma of IUCll running thence north 75 d-cir-07' cr1dlt to be 1ccep11ble 10 the 00" ... , 1 t5.88 fMt; lhen<ll .outll undartlgned 1nd 1111 Superior 511 deg•-03' 48" 1111 98. t9 feel Court. lln per cent ( 10) of the to the ~ Una ol High Drive u amount bid 10 aocompeny Ille offer ehown on 1 l icensed Sur111yor1 by cuhllf'a Checlt, and Ille b1tanca Map, rlCOl'ded In book 38, PIG' 5, 10 be petd through escrow Aec«d of Su""'f' In lht office of llaroln11te< met1tloned TIXes. rent, 1111 county recorder ot .. Id Orange operalln9 and maintenance County; thenoe aoutherfY along Nld expen111. ind premiums on -letl)' lint the toltowllig cour-; lnauranct acceptable 10 the south 14 degr•H 13' 50" wHt pur~ "'-" be proreted 18 of t55.58 .... 10 the beglnnlng Of • ' he d. t. 0 I r. c 0 rd In Cl 0 I icurve. concave 111terly having a convevanc;e E111mln1t1on of lllle, ~•dlu1 of 140.00 IHI: southerly tllle pollcy. and documenta ry ~.63 IMt along Mid CUfV9 tllfough trllllflf llX lhllll bl •• the •llP"\M ~ <1«1trll angle or 30 degr-00' of the Miter Elcrow ,_ lhaJl be ~·-. IOlllh 111 degr-48' 10" east divided equany blt-n tht seller ~t.10 IHI to th• beginning ot 1 ind 1111 purch1ae1 Reco1dlng ot leurva concave northwesterly hiving conveyence lhlll bl 1n •xpente of 1 redlua of 717t feet: .oulhe<ty end tht purcll-. Thi property tllaU bl soulhweaterly 14 t 04 fHt tlong 1r1111terred through an eacrow to be said curve through a central engle ~ 11 Crocker Netlonel Bank, Of 102 ClegrMt 04' 00" to 1 polnl ol Cit t WHI Sixth Street, Los Angeles, reverse curveture with a curve C111tornl1. concave 1outh111lerly hiving a The unde111gned 1eserves the radlu1 of 140.00 feet. a radial 11 right to refuM 10 ~I any bids tor H id point ol reverse curvature any reaeon whlltoeVer b1111 II degrees 011· 10·· 1111: II. IOI 111y reuon. Including but aout"-ter!y 5590 feet along aal<I nol llmlle<I to, the l•<l l lhll curve through 1 central angJa ot 35 obfectlont may be tiled to • pelllton degr-07' 03" 10 e point on 1 Nna IOI contlrmltlOn heroin, title In the runotng aoutlleutlfly from the most manner and In thl llme Ml lor111 In _,eny oomer of lot 18 of said lrec:t lllY bid ~td herein cannol bl No 807 to the moat northarly ClOflYe)'td b1 Ille Mllet within ninety oomer of lot II In block 38 ol Laguna (00) dllY9 trom the 011ginal date ot Clfff• •per map recofded In book ll11rl11g on tllt petition for 4, ptgea 68 and 59. oL said contlrm111on ot 111e. 1111 Miter lhall M1-i1aneou1 ~·: thence north hive 1111 right 10 wtlhdr1w from thl 54 deg..-29· 00' -· 212.29 fMI .... and be releued Ind reOeved along 11ld llnt 10 tht 1111erty llna of from lleblllty, bul mual retum Ille Canyon Drive 11 1hown on nld purchuer'a depotlt lorthwllh. Record of Survey now being Boal Th• undertlgned olfera lhtl Canyon Drive 11 mown Oil tht map propatly lor 11te In a flducl11y ol l8ld trect No. 607; thence noith caplClty end will not be ll1ble In hll 23 degr-07' 00" "'' 350. It feet 111 d I v I d u e I C I P I C I I )' • T h I along laid ... ,.,1y Nne to the point underllgned does not guarani" 1111 of beglnnl11g accuracy of any lnl0<m1tlon Whl<;h Slid point being the 11\11 point llt'f protplC11w bidder may receive of beginning. 1111nce north 54 from the undersigned. any dlgr-29· oo·· _, 2 t2.29 teet employM of the unde<llQned, any along Mid Nnl 10 the 1M1erly line of 1mploy11 ol the Boal Canyon Canyon Drive 11 thown on 11ld Shopping cen111, Of any brolter °' Record of Surwy: now being Boel real •t•te lllelman. ano any MiCf1 C111yon Or1ve ae thOwn °" the map information I• 1Ubjac1 to errore and of 111C1 tract No. I07 lhlnel IOUlh omtMlonl; any proac>ellve blddtf 23 degt-07' 00" _, 8.56 IHI mUlt rely ae to all m111ws whOtly 1101111 uld Hatarly llne 10 th• ~pon hi• own ln1pect1on and beginning of 1 ourv• conctve invettlglllon northw1111rly having 1 radlu• of Oaled: Augutt 31, t982 PROVINCETOWN M 303.&7 feat: ttiene. 10<.1tn-terly Robe<! Glbeon Johnaon • &II. 106.00 feel elong ••Id ourva Exocutoc under the (AP) -J•ct Tworlkov, 82, lhfougll 1 cantral 111gl• of 20 will ot a teacher and artist ol the degrHa 00' 00" 10 a point of Corinne Griffith, d--..d New York School beat juoriil>ouna curv11ure with• c;urva W1lllMI I.~ known for hla abstract !concave northw11t1rty having • A"-f '°' h-'« I i I li k '---redlu• of 8eO 00 IMt, a redlal 11 111 W"' lllrttl ltf99t f!\Preaa o n a c wor , ..... Mid point of comoound curvat\Ke twte am died. Loe MeeM. CA IOOt1 DllTH llDTICIS (2U)&IM:m Pubtlahed Orange Collt Deity PltOt, Sec>t 10, II, 17. 1882 39114-82 Ml.IC NOTIC( I U , I A I 0 A a 0 U fl T 0 ' l'IOTffllOW IU ... H NITtTIOUt IU .... I OAL•~A .,._ ITA'RMINT "AMI tTATIMl .. T CCMIWTY Ot' OflANGI f~ IQllC>Wlng P.,-tOl\t 11• OOll)f The t~lng pelllCllte If• dellr1g ...... .. bUllMfl II l>\ltllWlil M IWN L llllOQI, Al JJM eNT RPAlllH DI JJ~ AOUALAlf. H03 Wiit Coetl o ...... d c 0 M ,. A N y c) J J M ' Hli:way, Naw11ort lucn. CA "'OTIOl"!;.~Nm ..... , ..... "'0 •c•oa~l,A6T7t811. oh)J8011N MICllACl..11 11:1' :,.NDRIFT VACHTI 2803 " ..,.. ,.., "' ....... ,, , .. Ira ""'· N1woo11 w C .,1 11 •• • P t llU. llllAL "'ONlllTY AT Beach, CA 112680 HI OHi n Cl •ly, "aw o r "'IVATI IALI Merli Neal Co1oor1 11011, I Oeeell. CA 112"3 Nolle• 11 n111by gtvan thtl, C1Ul0tl\l1 COfPOfltlon, )157 Blrch Thi• blletneee It oonouo1ed by • •.ibJtct 10 contlrmallon by lhe lltMI, ~OOfl Beech. CA 02eeo corpor111011 •bove· 1nt1lled lupe1l0t Coufl. on Thie b111lo .. • •• oooaucted b1 1 IAP!"d~! Yf'"" 8tpte1111>11 U . 111112, 11 9 00 • m • OC)(f)OtlllOI\ " -· '" Of llllfHlltl wltllln Ille time lliow.d Miik NMI ~POl•I~ Tntl 11119IMlll w .. l•leO wlln Ille by Iha lew. the und1#1lg111d, H Jatrl Height County Citric of Orange County on 1uccu1or 1drnlnlt111101 of Iha S.Cr1l1tylt,.... AllQuat 211, IN2 Hiii• of CJ"" . AIOge. o.cMMd. Th•• 1l1t11T1111t wu lll•d wtth thl '1•101 wHI Hit II ptlV•I• 111110 Ille lllgheel ~ounly Cllflt of Otange County on Put>ll•l'l•d 0 11ng• Cotti Dally 11nd 1>111 bld<ler on Ille t .. mt I nd Seol • 1812 PllOt Aug 27, Sept 3, 10, 17. 181~ condition• heralneller mtnlloned. pt17011 3177·12 Ill right, llllt, and Inter••• of Ellen I Publl1111a 01111111 Co111 Dally l'UBllC "°net Alggt, dlCllHCI, II the llma of"" PllOI, Seel• 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, t912 <:lfflh •nd 111 tight, 11111, tnd 111111•1 3118942 ftcTTTIOUI IUitiiH ....... ,IC'flTIOUe ..,_ .. NA• IY'AllMINT fh1 lollowlrtg Pet•on le doing bullnttl ... PUION tHOWOAU, 208 Ntwpor1 Bou11111ro. Cot!• M•H, CA 91&17 AQOP AURAHM AOOPIAN, llUI Virginia AVI , No t. l Os Anoeiel, CA 80038 fhte butlnMI la COll<:IUCled by In ln<llvl<kill Agcp Abrlflem ~an lnla flllemllll Wll filed wflh Ille C®nty Clatk of Otlf\Cll C®nty on AugUll 24. 11181 ,,_, Publl1hed O,.nge Cout Dally PllOI, Aug 27, Sept 3, 10, t7, tH2 382t•l2 ruBlJC "°TIC£ th•I lhe 1111£1 hH ecqul11d In NAM1 ITATIMINT addition 10 that of deoedant at lflt f1ellC "°TICE The tolloWlflg p111on le dolo~ 'ICTITiOUI .., ...... llmo of 1111 dulh, In Iha r11I butlMM u : ...... l'TATIMINT PfOPlfty located In tht County 01 I U I' I Ill I 0 Ill C 0 U II T 0 f MARIA'S Cl!ANINO IEAVICE. The foltowlng PllllOM ere dotng 01111g1, S tate of C1lt101n11, CAL#'OlllHIA 1oee2 Rhonda St , 011dan Gtovt butlnaet u. deeeflbed .. fOllow• couwn °" OftANOI CA 02143. NATURAL IMAGES, 166& Mell lot 21 otTrtet taoe, 891 View ., .. Cwte ~ Df ... Weet Mlt1e I!. ""'°'•· 1oee2 RhonOI Verde E. 135F, Coate ,,. .... CA HtlQhlt, Unit ThrH 11 011 map l'oll Ofllee ... .. SI Oatdlll Giove, CA 82e43. g2929 rec0<ded tn Book 47, p1ge tO of IM'8 AM, CA l'l702 Thie b\lelneN la conducted b1 en Janll LalOh Twry, 1555 Mell MllCllllOtOUO Map• In '"-Otflo. 01 Matt~ el Iha lndlvldull. Vatde E 135F, Coat• Mell, CA Ille County f'1cord1r ol Hid Adoolloft ,.tttlofl otl M11l1 e Flore 821128 Counly •Ill W, ll'AAY, Th111t1tement wu llled wtth the Carol A Cr1wlo1d, t 1280 The properly 11 commonly ,ethlonet Count)' Clark of Orange County on Gardiner• Court, Cyprau, CA rtlotrtd IO .. 2030 Southwttt CITATtON ("'09AT1!) Aug 1t. 111112 80830. Spruce. Senti Ana. CllltornlL c ... No. AO 1'1'111 f1tNr.ll Tlllt butlneat It conouctld Dy a The HI• I• tubject to current THE PEOPLE OF THE Publl•h•d Orange COHI D•lli gtnlfll partnerlhlp 11111. cov1n1nll, condltlon1, STAlE OF CALIFORNIA, Piiot, Aug. 20. 21. SapL 3, 10, t98l Jeni• L. Terry 111trlctlon1. r111erv1lfona. rlgllll, To: OLEN HAROl.O CAR!?,EN 3188·82 lhlt llllemenl wu llled wilh 1111 right• ot way, and 1H1men1 qf You are haraby c ited end C®nty Clark on July 20. 1982. PICTmoul-M IWMlfATI~ Th• tonow.lnt lllflOll I• doing bUli""9U LOOIS0,!1 IUl·O ACllMI A~. Coet1 -· CA tHH Maro A. Pett~. tM lc>Mllllalo, Cotta Meta, CA 921128 Tlllt butlt~ II condUGUd by Ill Ind~ MllC A Pelt)' , hit •lltetnanl -llllCI with , .... County Clttli Of Oranoe County on ~ft, ttU ,.....,, Publlthad 0 11npe Cotti Dally Ptlol. ~ 20. '7, 0tc>t a, !_0.i 1882 ae7S..U l'UBUC NOTICE K-0141t "CTITIOUI IUIMH NAMI ITATIMINT Tht tollowlng p1rto11 11 ooing bu11nea• u DIAMOND UPH0L8Tf~V. 2428 NewpOtl 80\lltvatd, Co11t Maaa, CA 82827 AGOP ABRAHAM AOOPIAN, $8311 v rrg11111 Ava , No 1, ~o• Anoetet. CA 00038 t111• buall\MI "conducttd ti)' 10 lndMduel Ao<>o A1>1 lllam ,t.gcp11n Thlt 1tal""'"t wU tlJ.o wlttl the County Ci.tk of Orange County on August 24. 111112 f ·t"°93 Publlahed Ottnge Co11t Dally Piiot. Aug 27. Sept 3. tO, 17. 11182 3822-.'12 record and any encumbrance• or required 10 1p~ar 11 • ho11lng In PUBllC NOTICE F19'711 record 10 be aell1lled or auumod In lht• court Oil 12·3-82 11 8:45 1,m. In Publl1h1d 011n.J1• 00111 Delly Ml.IC NOTICE connection wllh Iha purClllM. Tilt Oepl.•"4P e. located II 700 West FICTITtOUa IU81NEl9 Piiot Aug 20 27 Sec>I 3 to 11182 1------------ prC)l>lfly It to be 1101C1 "as fe" 11<oap1 Civic Canttr Drive, S1n11 An1. NAMI ITATl~MENT . . • . ' 37°10-82 ""CTIT._!;~.1~ ....... 88 u to title, Ctlllornla 82709. tnd to give eny The followlng p111bn 11 doing .. , ...,., ---~ Bid• Of otfw• .,. Invited IOI thlt teg•I fHIOn wh)'. actx>rdlnO lo Ille bullnetl ... --------IC_E___ NAMI ITATDIENT propetty end mutt bl In writing and Vlfllled pelltlOn llled with 111& court: GOLFLAP&. 1825 w .. 1c1111 Or . ~IC NOT The IOllowlng pe11011 11 doing wlll be 11ce1v1d II 1h• olllce ol why lhl• adoption petition ehould Newport 8"ch. CA 92860 T 14IMO bulllneNC L .:·s s I c A N T I 0 u f Klndet & AndertOn (NOS). 11torney not be granted. "'911 S Fine, 114 Un<la 1111 Or ' ..,.TICE Of TlllUITllE'I t ALl IOI laid -edmlnlltrator at Deted Sec>I. I , 1812 Nftpott Btactt, CA 112680 ""' RESTORATION. 2426 Newport 4000 Mtc"'111ur Bouleverd, SUlle L .. A Bran<;h incJ~':i~ la conducted by &n IMl'O:T'A:Or ':.~rCE TO BlvdA8g'~·A~~H~~~~PIAN, 1000, Newport 811cll, Calllornl• Cllrtl Noll S Fine ""Of'EJtTY OW•llli 5836 Virginie Ave . Loe Angelet, CA 92880. or m1y be filed with thl clerk By ~ A. Nohevec Thi• atit-I wu flied with Ill• YOU A111a .. U.'AUU UNOEll A 9003 ol 181d Su~lor Court Of delivered Deputy -·-· ·• ...,IEO ,.. 'l'lllUIT OATIED AUG. 2" 8· to JemH E Wiiheim ot Klndal & Publltlled 011ng• Coeat Oally County c111811 or Orenge County o~ ;.1, UM.all YOu TAKI 'ACTION T1'111 bualnest 11 conducte<I by en Ander1on por1on111y. 11 any time PllOt. Sept. 10, 17, 24, Ocl. 1. 1982 Aug. 25. Ill 2 ,tMI ..... TO .... 0T.CT YOU.. ,...OH!lllTV. lndlvleluet. I ' I le __ .. 31195 82 .,, ,." ,. Agop .llbr1ttem Agoptan lllW publlCll on o 1111 not e """ • Publlll'lld Orsnge Cout Dal:~ IT MAY IE IOLD AT A PUILIC Thll ataloment wu tiled with the belort mal\lng 1ald tale. S O 17 98 a AL I • I f y O U N IE IE D A If The property Wiii be sold on tile Ml.IC NOTICE Piiot. Aug. 27. ept 3, I • , 1 llll'LANATION OP THI! NATUlllE County Clerk ot Orange County on loltowlng lerme. celh or part cash 3773-82 cw THE ,AOCEIOINO AOAINIT Aug 24• 19112· and part credit, the l1tm1 of such notice la h111by given by lhl Pl&IC NOTICE YOU, YOU 8HOUl.O CONTACT A credit lo bt acc1pl1bl1 lo 1111 Ip p 11 c In I, C A l 1 F 0 RN I A UWYllll. undartlgned end to the Superior COMMERCIAL 8ANKSHARES. • C"' 2IOll On Septamber 20. 1082, et tO·OO f1MOll Publlalled Or111ge Coast Daily Pttol. Aug 27, Sec>t. 3, 10, 17, 1982 382().-.'12 Coun, to ~Cini ol Ille amount bid C1lllornl1 corpo11t1on, 11115 Town YOU ,,,.. ... DEFAULT UNOIElt ' A.M., GATEWAY LANO SERVICE. to IC(!ompany Ille otfe< b1 certified Ctnter Oflve. 12th FIOOI, P. 0. Boll 0 IE IE 0 0, T II U IT DAT I Cl INC 11 duly eubttltuled Trustee 1------------ cheClc or any other form acceptable 7050. Cotti M .... Cllttoml• 1121128. JAHUAAY II, 11t1. UN&iaa YOU under ind pu11uant 10 Oeed of PUBllC NOTICE to the IUCOellOI' admlnlatratOf. and 11111 II wtll apply to the Fed111I TAICI! ACTION TO ,lllOTEC1 Trull daled Au~tl 24, t911I.1------------thl btl1nce 10 be paid on close of ~ 8oatf purauant to Section YOUlll , .. O,l!lllTY IT MAY II S 2 1991 K01129 3 of "-B• .... HOid...,. "--·-.. _ ' ~ recorded eplll!I r ' ' 81 NOTICE ,... TIIU8-"''8 t '"' "' ttcrow 1f11t confirmation ol 11le b1 · 1... .... ""' ""',,....,y _, 80U> AT A l'WUC IAU!. • Y lnat. No. 3903. In bOOlt 14206, PIO' .,,.. '"'"' ,.,_ 1111 Superior Court. T1u1. to become • Bank Holdlng •RD AN l!lll'L.ANATION Of 101411ot7 01 Offk;lal Records In T.I. No. U7 operating 1nd m11n11111nc1 Company Tiit eppllcent lntlndl lo NATUllllE 0, THa ,lllOCEIEOIN~~ f"-'t .,_ Cou 1 .., __ , .. _9 IMPORTANT NOTICE I F H d d Flft Ille O ,..,. O 1,,. n Y ,._..,........ TO -o-•TY ow-•· axpen111, and pr1mlum1 on acqu re our un re Y AOAIN8T YOU YOU 8HOUL 0 C St t t .-n .... " ""'"' Th Cl ···o 000) h I ' 01 ring• ounty. • • 0 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER • lnaur1nc1 1ccepllbl1 to the ouun , • ., • I aru Q COWTACT A UWYIEll. Calif -•· .... b LORINDA B " ' ~ I S th · or.-. t llecul.... y • DEED OF TRUST, DATED 1"20·'" ""rc:llaMr lhlll be p1or1ted u of •common I oc .. O OU ern NOTlCIE Of TitUITla'a 8ALE OUGHTON ._.. '" ..,. "" .. y C It I B k (I 0 I ti ) H ' an unmirr ....... wom-., UNLESS YOU TA"E ACTION TO t l'l e d Ill I o I record I 11 n I he I I Orn I an II t91n H on • uta>alll OIED Of TltU8T 1 SELL •T PUBLIC AUCTION " • 3"'51 S I" Pl .... , S I A W LL " PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT conveyance. E111mln1t1on of lllte. " O\I " 121 "" ve, an I na, Tl' No. 80417 TO HIGHEST BIODER FOR CASH 1rtn1f1r texea, and 1ny 11111 Callfornla 92T05 wtlioll lh1111 will L-No. a11t1 (paytble 11 time of aale In lawful MAY 8E SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE ln1ur1nc1 pollcy 111111 be al th• con1lllul1 on1 hundred percent NOTICE 11 hereby glvan that money 01 the Unlled Stet") al Ille IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION expenMoltlleMller,andrecOldlng (tOO perc1nl) ol lhe latued end SERRANO AECONVEYANCE NorthFrontEntranoelolflt<:®nty OF THE NATUf'E OF THE ol convey1nc1 111111 be at lhe oulat1ndlng lhlrH of Southern COMPANY, 1 C1lltoml1 corporellon :OUrthouM, 700 Civic Canlat Drive PROCEEDING AQ.t.INST YOU. YOU expanH of the purohuer or Caltlornl1 National Bank (In u trUllM, OI IUCC;tS80f truatea, Of Nell. Sentt Ana, Clllfotnll, all SHOULD CONTACT .t. LAWYER purehaMll Or9an1Dtl011). tublUIUtld fNtlee pureuant to the ·to.ht lltll Ind lnterHt conveyed 10 On September 22, t882, at 10 00 The undertlgned ruervH the The publk: 11 lnv1ttd lo eubmlt Deed of Tru91 executed b1 MOUNIA Wld now held by It undll llkl Deed am .. Resloentlet Equity Flnanclel. right to reject any and ell bid• prlof written comments on 111• appllcellon o. MA ROI N t and 1 RENE M of Trull In lht property altueled In 11 duly appointed TrullM under 10 entry of an order confirming the to the Federal "-Bowd 11 the MARDINI, hu1bend and wife en<l 111<1 County ind Sllll Cleaerlbed u : and purau1n1 to DHd of Trust Nie Federal A111rv1 Bank ol San Recordld Februery 111, 11181 111 LEGAL OESCRIPllON. All thal rec«dld O.Umblr It, 1980, H DATED September 8, t1182. Frandeco tt 400 SanlOme Street. 8oo1t 139St, P91>1 1822. lnttrumenl <*lllll l.MMflOld Ealelll .ituated Inst. No t6290. In bOOk 13870 Nancy 0. Slmpaon San Francllco. Clltfomla 94111 not No. 111974 of Olfkllll Ricord• in tht In the Slate of Cllllornla. County or PIO' 1185. of Otllc:iel Recotda In the u IUCC4tllOI tdmlnlatratoc later then thirty (30) d•Y• 1tter office of th• County Recorder of Orange, Clly of coal• Mua, ott;ce of thl County Recorder• ol of the •Ill• of the September 10, 1962. " eddltlonll Orange County, Ctllfornla, and .S-lbed 11 IOltowe: 0<1nge County. State ol CalilOrnla above-named dec:edent time la needed for 1ubmlltlng puieu1n1 to the Notice of Deteull PARCEL 1 executld b1 AllOll Cogart. • alngle J-E. Wlfflelm comman .. on thlt apptlcallon. the and Etactlon to Siii llleteunder A IUbleaMllOld Ill Ind 10 Unll man. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC •• KIMel a Anclenon public lhould COllllCt Mr. Wlnfleld recorded Aprll t3, 111112 In l5 011 Loi t of Tract 1052S, .. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER AltOfntY• fOf ,.ttti-Jung 11 (4t5) &44-2t08. The Fedenll lntlrvmant No. 82-f26e73 of .. Id •hown and dncrlbed In the FOR CASH (p1y1ble at time of eale 4000 Mec:At1hur aoulewl(d Ranrve w111 contlder comment•. -Official Records. wlll SELL on Sept. Condominium Plan• ("plan") which In lawlul money ol Iha United Newporl 8elch, CA t2ttO lnc:ludlng requ111t tor • publlc 17, t1182 11 9:15 a.m .. et th• fronl ptan wll recoioeo on 911'1160 in SlalH) et Ille north tronl entrence (714) N1·MOO hearing or formal hearing on thl• antrance to the ()jd Orange County Boolt 13731 P91>1 1057 11 MQ 01 of the County CourthOuH, 700 C1111C Put>llaned Orange Co111 Dally 11PPllcatlon. II they .,, received by CourthOUN. localed on 811111 Ana Official ~da of Or•nOe Cou;.ty Center Drive We••. Santa Ana Piiot. s.pt 10. t t. 17. 19112 lhe Federal ~ Bank during Blvd .. b1tw11n Sycamott Street •or u mey be r•recorded. Calitornl• 111 right, title and lnteres 3993-82 lhl com1n1111 period. end Broadway. Senta Ana, PARCEL 2 conveyed to and now held by 1 ------------C A l I F 0 A N I A CllifO<nle. 11 publk; 1uc:tlon. to the An undivided one llfly·llltll under 11ld Deed ol Trust In the Pllll.JC "°TICE COMMERCIAL BANKSHAAES htQ'-1 blddet tor cull (~able at 11155lhl Interest H 1 lenanl In properly t1tu1led In uld County w 1111. m H J . c 0 Dy . Ille time of "" In i.wtul tnOIMI)' of common In • IUl>-IMMhold aatate Ind Stlll detCrlbtd .. MUMC•AL COUWT ~THIE Preitldent Ille Unite<! SlllH). 111 rlgtlt, 11\le, In end lo Ill of Ille reel pt'operty. Unit 123 of Loi 4 ol Tract 9851 U 8TATI Ofl CAI.If' Publlehed Or11111• Co11t Dally and lnler"1, conveyed to Ind now tncludlng without llmllltlon the per map fec;o(ded in BoOll t2868 aount OlllA.NOa COUHTV Pltot Seot 10, t7, f912 31187-82 held ti)' 11 ulldlf Mid deed In Ille cammon arH 11 defined In the P1g11 10 t8· 1081 lnctuelve of JUDtCIAL Otlt"'8CT property altulled In H id County Declaratlon ol Covananu. Official Aacord• of Otange County 100 Ctwto Cent« Oflft WMt P18JC IC)T1C£ Ind s .. 11 end delcflbed u fotlowl: Conditions ind Rutrlctlon• PARCEL 1 Unit No. 123 u 8'10w11 hftte Afta, CMttomte l:l7'01 Lot 311 of Tract 571t, In Ille City of ("Dectatallon:.1 rac:«ded on Ol7/81J Ind Cll9Cllbed In the Condominium l'lelnllft: lllOlllllT c .. a&.IEY, end flCTmoua llUIMll Costa M .... 18 per map recorded In Book 13747 Pege 4545 et NQ. 01 PIM reootded on October 4, t1178. DIA .... c .. a&.«Y NA• 8TATl!MENT In booll 214. page 11. 12 llld t3 ol Official Records of Orange County, In Book t2868, Page 10t8 lo 1061 Oeflnctlnl; f\AVID KAVIAHI, end The IOllOWtng PlflOll• ere dotng mlecelleneout maps, In lht offk:e of on lot 1 of Tract 10526 In tht City lncl\lalve, of Oftlclel Ricord• ot aeld 0-1 lllrougll 20, bullneH ... 1111 county rac:«der of said «111nty. of Colla Mel8 11 anown on·• map County. lncluelYe MARTEi(, 15123 8 . BrOOl(hurtl, Propatly addr .. • le purportedly recorded In Book 482 PIQll 48 PARCEL 2. An undivided one 8UfltMOMI No. 204. w .. tml111ter, CA 021183. known aa: 2101 Cenery Drive. eo.11 49 and 50 01 Mltcetl•neou• MIC>•,,; 1orty-flr11 ( 114tttl 1n1er111 u a ten111t c-No. 2'l20 CrlllQ $<)ott S•men. t5123 S. u .... CA 92828. 1~ otflot 01 the County Recorder of In common In the IM lnt.llaat In and NOTICIEI YM ""9 Mefl 1ued. Bfoollhurat. No 204. WMlmln1ter. The total 1mou111 ot th• unpaid Aid O<ange County Of at they may 10 lht Common Area of lot • of Tiie -rt mar deGtde egelnet '" CA 1121183 t>.ianoa of 1111 obllgatlon MC\lltd be lll'll4IOded Of ~deel TrlC1 11858, In tilt City of lrvlne, as WlltlcKtt ,_ ~ """'_.... Suaan Rochell• Sharman, by Ill• p1ope11v 10 b• •Old end EXCEPTING Tt1EAEFROM. parmapflledlnBootr.429.Pages30 rou NltMlftCI wttMn JO deya. llleed 15123 8 . Bfookhural. No. 204, rauonabte e111mated 00111, Unltl 1 througtl 55 lnelutlve on lot \O 33 lnclualve. of Mlacellaneous tM lftfofmatloft below. w ... tmlnltll, CA 112ta3. lxPlf\9lll ano edvanoae at the time t of tlld Tract toS2S .. dlowft Oii Mapt. record• ol tald County. 11 It )'OU w!lh to Nik the 8dVICe of TI111 ~ 11 conducted by an of the lntllal publlcatlon of the lelcS Condominium Plan 1uc11 term le Clellnad I" Artlcle en attorney In 1hl1 matter. you lnCIM<l\181 • Notlcl of Sell 11 $195,444.33. EX c E p T 1 N Q Fu RT HER entltle<I ··oeflnltlo111·· of the Should do IO promptly IO that your ........ C1rt~t wu .. ._. .... 1111~ Only currently dated C11hler'1 THEREFROM 111 lmprovemanlt Declaratlon of Coven111t1. wrlllen rHponae. If any, may OI .,_ ..... _. ,,,_,.., ,,. Checks or Certified Check• 111 and IP9U'ten.nc.. located°' 10 be Condl\10111 1nd Re1trlct1on1 filed on lime. County Cllftl of On1noe CounlY on ~table to tilt TNltH prOlllCled localed on Hid Lot 1 01 Tllct desc;f.lbed In ··~blect to:" below AV 110 I U 1 I e d II a 11 d O Seot. '?. t912 proper kllntlflcatlOn 11 tvlltable. l0525 (Ille Decllrlllon ). demand ado. IEI trlbuul ,uade ,,.... Slid tale Wiii be made. but without EX C E p T I N Q FU AT H E R ~CEPT THEREFROM all Oil, gn. declcllr c.ontf1 IJd, 111'1 .--Ja • Publl1hed Orange Coal\ Delly convenent or w11n1nl)', •lQ)I-or THEREFROM. ••Cllltlve .._,1, mlnerala and ot1111 hydroc11bo11 ~ qve U.S. ,..__. defttfo Pilot Sept 10. 17, 24, Oct. 1. 1882 lmptled regar<ltng thtl. pollMllon In and to 111 lhoH ruttlcted aubstanoet tying beloW 1 depth of de JO dlee. '-"le lnfomteclon que 3986-82 or encumbrancH. 10 aatt•fl'. th• common 11111 11 ehown on said 500 IMI without any right to enter elgua. tnclebtedntll MCUred b1 Mid Deed, con<lomlnlum ptan upon Ille IUrl-O< Ille 1Ub9urt-S1 U1led dnea eollclter el "8JC NOTICE lnOludlng the tee andllq>lllM of Ille RESERVING THEREFROM. of aeld land above• Oepth ot 600 conaeJo de un abog1do en 1111 truetM and of the 1~tt etNled by eaaemanti lor iccau. Ingress. feal, 11 provlcllld Jn lnttrurnenll ol a• unto. d • b • r I 1 h • c • r Io 'ICTITIOUI 9UllN998 11ld deed. ldvance1 I hereunder, egrau ancroachment, •~pport, record h lnmedl1lamenl1. de .. ,. manera, NAm ITATIEMENT wllh lnt«•1 ~ therlln, fflCMill ·~t maintenance PARCEL 3: Ellwnenlt u MC Iott 111 rupuMta llClita. 11 hey e1guna. lll• lollowlng ~11on ta dol119 end Iha unpe1c1 of,,,. note end oiher ~ ·111 ulhown00 111 1111 sec11on1 entitled "Cert11n pueCle Mr rlQiltrllda a tlempo. bull,_8 u ."!~. E .. F 1 E l 0 ~ by Mid dMd wttti tnlMWI th• Condominium Plan 01 81 Euemtnll tor Owners·· and t TO THt' DEFENDANT: A cMI ... ... " thereon .. PfO\lidld In Mid~.. defined I the Qec;qretlon • ·support . S elll•m•n• Ind compl1lnt hH been filed by Ill• ENlERPRISES, lee3t Agt1e Circle. DAlED Augutl 10, tN2. PA~L a· . Encroachment" of lh• Artlcl• plalnllft agelnsl )'OU. If )'OU wlltt to Hun~/1'!"m ~l~As:m!rlield, SERRANO RECONVEYANCE Non·•l1Clu9tve """""" tor en tltted "Eu•m•nt•" of lhe cletllld lhlll lawlUlt. you ITIU9t. within CO. 1 cce11, In Cl r 11 I , t Cl,. I e , Decleratlon. 30 d•Y• afler lhl• 1ummont 11 tllt31 Agate Clrcta, Hunllngtofl 3731 Wlltllll• Blvd. encroachment, eupporl. tlld 101 PARCEL 4· E•••m•nt• 11 aucll lllved on you, flle With thla cout1 • BeeGtl. CA P2&49. Loe AnotlM. CA 00010 other pur~ .. 11 ~In the ..-.nen11 -pertlwlwty Mt forth Nf'ltlen retponH 10 the oornp4alnL Thie bull-II conduc;ttd b1 Ill (213) 3'5-3321 Condominium ;,.,, and .. defined In the Article enlllled "E.1--.ts AJS1'110RPE ,.. __ 1 U bb' f Santee Ca P\JBllC NOTICE Un'-)'OU do IO, )'OU! default wtlt lndMdual 18 MK:tl TiultM 111 tr. Olclafallon ol the Oecl111tlon of Cove11111t1 . .......,v e lllg 0 ' · be entered on appllcallon ot the Wltlillll F. &ummellllld 1 J.E. COf'NWAll. PARCEL 4, · Condition• and A11trtctlona In M AR Y AN N E A I S • and 5 grand ch I 1 d re n . lltCTIT10U8 llUl,..H ptalntltf, and thl1 court mav enter • Thi• a11temen1 wu llled with tht Prllldant ExCl\lllVI MMtnlllll In and 10 "SUblect 10"' below (the "Muter THORPE, resident of Funeral aervlces will be held MAim aTATDllNT judgment agelnet )'OU tor the rllltl County Clarie Of <>renoe County on Publllhld Orenge Coul Delly Piiot. lholit portlOn• of lot 1 of Mid Tract Decl111t1on") undat lht Section Huntington Beach, CA. Mra. on Saturday, September 11, Th• lotlowtng p1r1on 11 doing dern•nded rn lht complalnt, Which Aug. f1, lN2. P1tlMI Aug. 27, Seot. 3. 10, 1982. ~10U6 ahown end dallned at "'8dll\g~.~ A~ .!"Jlt0u'*: II Al.thorP.e Wal a former 1982 at l l:OOAM at Pie~ bwl,_ 11• could 111ull In garnlehmenl ot 0 1 31-..2 .-lrtelld COl!lmon .,_ Whletl -I~ . .,......_. y•le _,.. Ill. • BOAN BEAUTIFUL. 28 Beacon Wlgll. t•lclng of 11\0ne)' Of property Publlahld Orang• COlll • ty -----------=-=•ec:1i-n1 with and apput1anllnt to UlllltlH and Cable Tal1vl1lon· •• remdent of ea.ta Mesa, Ca. Brothers Bell Broadway Bay, Newport 8Hch. Celllornla 01 other reller requHlld In Iha PllOI Bepl. 10, 17, 24, Oc:\. 1, 1802 ___ NIJC ___ M>_TICE _____ lltd Patoela 1, 2• 3• and 5 delcllbed ,'~~~_P~~n1.~. ~·.!!_~~~~ She p • s s e d away on Mortuary w ith Or. Joseph '112880. aomplalnt 3"1""2 ._..... COUlll'T M hlrtln ...... _...,_. .... ...,. ......... .... September 8, 1982. She ia M . Appolegale officiating. Jean Agnee BMll. 211 Beecon O.t1<1· M'I t3. 1882 ·-.,. llft'IV'r THI-•-M ~ PARCEL 15 Fltllllltl e-t". V Bay, Newpott BHch. C1lllornl1 Jll!lel B Harril nlllLftl nu1n.1; •• '"' • PARCEL 5· e-1 oveir lot A ol 1urvived by her daughter Inte rment at Pacific iew ll2teO --~ ,.. TMI An undivided 0111 lltty-flllll · Boolt M I I P k Pl ,,_,. -nc:1 CM' l'WlJC AUCTIOM COUNTY°" OMMQS (llHtl'I) '" e1111p1e lnlerllt in "'° rrect 1111111 u per map tiled In I ' emor a •r . erce Thlt~llconductedb1en ~~er-"GPl'lllllOMAlSAOC8in •ce.loc-twDIMw.t. 10 th• tmproumelltt and 414, Pao .. 1s 10 23 lncl\l1tve of ,... HAllotl LAW~MT. OLIVE~ Brothen Bell Broadway lndMdull ., ...,.._....Ole Y"CATU> ._..AM. CA 11791 appurtanancee on Loi 1 01 TIKI -..1acell111eou1 M1p1, records ot M ,,.._ Uortu•rv directors JMn Agnet 8Mk ~ a ... -.....__ ........ --.... .-F. ·-CALU80N 1"~-, .. ,__, ... , _,..._. to ••Id County. tor th• purpose ol ortual'\' • -..emeterv ..., -J • Thlt ttll-1 was n1ec1 with Ille • W•t a...te AM....._ .-.-•-••-....,.. ,._ .. .....,...,,.. ~ """" ""•" _..,.... :lrllnagl benefiting Oil the property Crematorv STEVENS County Clll'll of Orange County on 1200 \'DANT (CC,_) DEFENDANT: MICHAlL BWU, . the 111m1 1nd co11dllton1 ot the VIYld herein provided tnat IUCtl 1625 Gosier Ave JOYCE WHISTLER Sept. 2, 1912. Santa Ana, CA 112701 Notice 11 M!tby 01.,.... that on SHIPLEY'S RENTALS, INC., and Oeclaratlon. and 1111 term1 end ~lnage than 'not unreHonably Costa Mesa STEVENS, readent of C.O.t.a P1W77'1 (7t4) 1173·925t hplll!lber H. 1M2." 10:00 A.M., DOES 1 tl'"'"?fl 21. lneluelYI condlllona of th• MHttl LHH ... 1r1c1 th• lnl1nel1d UH and 540-5554 Mesa, aa. Pwed away on Publlthtd Orange Co11t Dally Allorney Bar #SllOt9 ~~~2113~~0:~~~\i!:on ~ c.::!C::.... ~':~d~d7:'!~'::~n !~i~:~:j "'IJo'tmllll of Mid lot A ---September 8, 1982. Born Piiot. ~t. 10, t7, 24, Oct. 'kH2. Pubtlahed Orang• Cont Dally Orang• County, the unci.1tgnld NOTICllJ Y• ._.,. Ml\ twd. Record•. Th• •lrHI 1<11'Sre11 and other September 27, 1929 In 3 8'112 Piiot Seot. to. 17, 24, <>et. 1, 11182 wlll Hll 11 pubtlo auction 1111 n. -.t,...,.,........,... ,_ Tilt •lleet addran 1110 01h11 :ommon dealon•llon. If In)', ot the PIHCI UOTHllS Calllfomla. She ts survived "8.IC MOTIC£ 3"6-12 '*'°"" proper1y lefl b1 Phil MMler, ,.._. ,_ ..,.. ....,.. _... COMmon dellgn1t1on. If any, ot tht 111 Pl'Ot>trty Clwcrlbed tbOvt II P'ta.IC llftTIH' s.io property oonlll1• of Wllhei, ,.., ,.... .... • _.. ..._, ratl property detcrlbld 1bo11• I• >urpolled lo ba. 28 Atderwoo<I. llU UOADWAY by her dauahter Sandra NOTICI TO CllllDIT°"• fW lluut ""'1'4 dty•r, rtfrlgerator, t•l•vl•lort. lltlt ...._... ....... purporttd lo ba: 408 Br19111011 Nina, CA 92714. WOlfUAIY Frner, a aon Christopher TlllANln:lt fK:TITIOUt .,..... coven, 1arnp1, otothM 1nc1 lllOll. ")'OU wWI to 11111 ""lldvlOI ot Sl)nnga. Cot1• Meat, CaMfOfnL 11Th1•1 und•":P.~Tifi T{uat .. tlO Broadwav William Stevena, parenll IS-. 1101"4101 U.C.C.) NAiii ITA~ b • d . d 11 h ••, 111 d o 1 h ar 111 t11or11ey In 11111 matter, you Th' und1t1lgn1d Truatee •c • m• any 1 Y or any Costa Mesa Arthur M. and Zilla Whistler NotlCt It hereby g iven to Ille The tollow4ng per'tOtll .,.. doing "*Cti"'*>Ut llOl..no6cS n-. etlOUICI Clo to ptomptly eo tttet your dl1clelm1 1ny lfabltlty tor any ncorrecl-of the 11twt lddrlll ,,,.2•9150 and iliter Jaan (Dan) ~~~~ ~~~~.!~-'EV:.:.0 ~ M . 81ICI auction wlll be made wrlllen ttfPOl'M, It 111y, may be tncof'rtctnMt ot Ille 1trMt add,.... wld olh« common dlllgnetton, II .,.. " d ...,...,_ ........ _,,,...... ....... OCEANVIEW INSTAUMEHfS. pur•u1nl 10 tll• prov111on1 of flillCI on time. end Olh« oommon dMlgMtlOn, II 1ny. aflown hl<eln. ---Lindsley and clOM ftlen sttr,CltyOfNlwPOttleecfl.eounty 2523 w. '•Ciiio cout Hwy, hctJon 1 ... 0flNCMICOde. AVllOI U•te• II••••• flt't,ll\owllhertlfl. Said 111• wtu b• med•. but Richard Stevena. She wu of <>renoe, Stale of CalltOM\191.hll a NewPOf1 leecfl, CA t2tl3. Oetld 9'91. o, 1"2. .......,.,,, 11 trtlt•ul ,_.. Seid ult .. 111 be m101. tlut •tthou1 cov1n1111 or warranty. l.U.Tt llHGHOM d ... f UCLA WU. IM*trwflrlllllbouttobtl'l\edeto Wlltt1m I. Htrtong. 21t8l ~ Shtlltll ........ w.. a ... Without covtntnt or ••.rr•nty, ~Of Implied, regarding Utle. --· gra ua-0 ' GISELE PLANTIER ANO "Ef'AE B oollhllttt Hiii\ ...... , llNdl c 21372 lfOotll\Ufll 81., No. -... Uf. ·:·::= ........ IKPflM Of ll\'lplltd, """ding tlllt. )OHtUIOll, or encumbranc11. $MITH I'"'"'"'"' member of the A.ailtanc:e PLANTIER. franatar"'· wtloH o2e..t. llllt'. 153 "'"'on ·.A 534 • ........ 11~· .,. pouaulon. or tncumbrenc:ea ncludlno teu, oha r911 end WHTCUfJ CHAPEL Leaaue of Newport BHch, 1:1ome Al;klf .. It C/O 308 s. CrliO I .rulft M Haitong, 2 1991 H11111111111on hid\, CA ......, lnoludtno I•••· ohargH and llllPll'I"' ol the TNltel lrlcl of 1M 427 E 17th St Ca. iand WU ec:tlve ln Olrl i;;>rlv., Cit)' of Orange, C®nty Of ''*'"""· Huntington 8-tl. CA 12t4t ti U•l•d .... ~. 101101111 •• ·~-of IM TrualM and ot IM iru•ta Ctt•tecl by Hid Deed of Costa Mesa ScouUng. Funeral Mrvi~ OttnQt, 11111 °' t.:e111om11. 02~. Apt. 153. Publl1,.,e<1 011noe co111 D•Uy connfo de un abooacto tn 111• 1ru111 c.r .. ttd by Hid Dead of rrut1. 10 Pl/ the l'llnAlnlng ~~ 6 46·9371 llbeh'd a.l d 'ftllpropertytobelran1hlfredl1 1ntabu~lloondi.totec:tlr)'en P11o1a.t.10.1Hf Mt-a ••unto. cltberfeh1cerloT••1111opayth•'•m•lnlne1UMao1i11enote(•l_,ridb1......,00 ---wl e. on ._ u r ay, deecrlbeO In Qll*al u : AN atock In JndMO\lel (hu1b11nd end wife) ~ ... cit .. ., ""'*' P 1olpal1 1urn1 ol Ill• nol•(•I Off<! ot Trua\ to wit: 1111,900. September 11, l 982 al lrlde, fl•tur", equ~t endctOOCI Wllllem I.. Hllrlong ....C 9'0TICE ., ,~,*"'•·el t11_y alOU"I. • ured ti)' Mid DMd of Trust to #1111lnlttNl11\eNon trom May 11, rtllCI IROTHllt$ 11 :OOAM ., Pacific View Wiii Of tlllt' leluty 8810n bulfneu T'hle 1talement Wll ftted wltll the pUtde .. ,...,ad. a tltnlpO. w. .. : '21 .HO ot• with lnttrllt 1812 ., u OO% per ennum .. SMITMI' MO ITU.UT Mortuary Ch.pet. lntennenl know 11 I I ••PAN ACHE 0,. County Cieri! of Orange County on 'fCTmlOUI WU 1. TO THf" Ol'1.NOANT: A cMI thereon from Jll'IUtr)' 5, 1912 at ~OVlcltd In Mid note(•)~ ooetl 621 M11n S1 at PaclOc View Memorlal ~~ir,;.,~'¢~ylci;•l~-·~-3 A11g. fl, 1812. ,_ ...._ ITA~ compllin=fl Min fli.ct b)' the 11.211 P•' cent P•• inn um .. tnCI "'Y 1<111-of It. U8 wlttl Huntin""on 8eael'l p k N•wr:.-"'-•'"h Ca _,. -The ~ PlllOM -dolne pltlnWf . you, " ~ ~ lo prO\lldtd In MIO note(•) plUI oott• '"'f.:'~ under MIO Deed ... ar , " • • Q'll'-. • • O~unt o f 0111191, 8t111 01 Publl1hect Oranr:_ co11t 0~1 ~ •: ~ llNN\, ~ ""*· Wlltllti tnd ld\lanoat made by 9elllflc!lety. 536~39 p lfl" V ew Mortuary ...._. ._. 10 11 ~ Oot t 1 THI IOOK'UZ. 2023 ..__ • Cl•·.;• '"" t1111 111m-011t te wtfl im.wt thtttOll 'EldutlYI ot ot Tr11tt ller•lo °'1 ••eouted end ,ACtlltC Y•W MIMOIW.,Aa• C.tNtefY Mortusrv ChaP4lf-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1e y,_ 011vt NewC)Ort Beach 544-2700 ~ Tiie bulk tranaftr wlll be r""'.....,.. ' ' •• • ate7..e:i l)f., N.wport leecfl, CA t2tt1. ......ci On yau, Ne with we'Cou,, I l*ence ol 11ndt(lytng 11111 tru1t dellvtttd lo Ille uncknlgned I ~atE• ~ on or .,.., IM 15111 a-vi L enc.. ~ ....,_ ""'* ~ to lhl ~ --. Wfltten Oeclaflllk>n or datM .io rv n city of ~ober. tMa ., 10;00 A.M. "8JC M)'flC( • Of .. ~ llMI\, CA nett. uni. ~ Clo ao, 'tO"' dlfllltt .. Tllll l>eneftdary 11fteltr MIO Deed o.tnaft4 tor ..._, enct • written CHARLJ'.8 G. PORTER, 11 WHTE.AN MUTUAi. UCROW Oorotll)' v. Mlcllltl. 1H4 .,. tflt..cl Ott appttcetlon of tM Of trwt heretofore t•IC\lted and Notie. of 014aitt Md lle0110f1 10 J ll.' pats•" • w. y on c 0 A p . ATT N : MA" IL. y N ..C"'*'8 ........ ••lll'llOfl Lan•. Alllfltlll'I, CA '*'""'· -11111 _.~Ill*. Mllvtr•CI lo th• unCltlllOlled • wtic. Tht ~.:r::. ~ ~ Monda~, a.....'4mber e, 1982. WISTMOAl!LANO. wflOM ~ ..... ITA~ tnos,o:i..:_ ........ ......__.. "'°"'*" ..... you for Nlllf "'1t'*' Oeoleretlon Of Clefaull end ~~ 10 OI -In ..... --~ .....,., f It 140ll 8o Yorbe It. 8""' t01 Tiie foflowlne pe11011 11 doing --1~~· ............,.., oem.IOM Ii\ ... ooi1..,..1t. wflldl a.mend tor lale, and • Wflltlfl _, bt ,.......,,..... .,,. ~ .. , Surv ved by hh wl e tuatln 9aeO. CllllfOll'lll.. Thtt 1~ ~-: Colt• .CA-coulCI retull In gtrnlahrntn1 of NotiOI Of OlllUl1 end lleetlon to """'"o .. ~ttn.0~rt11Pf°l:.'1l~loce1.o Adelaide, son John and latt ct••• for ttllnt c:lalm• In th• CALlfOANIA COAST ,OOL Tiiie ~ .. oonduCl9d tlY I ...... t•lnel °'~Of ""'"'1Y .... Thi ............. CellMd Mid " .. • • d•UCJ.ter·ln-1.aw Donna, 2 llC'l'owrlWfecltohllllnlloetobtr Sl"VICI, 11111 l1tt1 Clrolt, oener•~·-~ °' otf\er rtllaf '"u"ted In Ill• Notice 01 Oef•lllt anCI lltCllOfl.to '"' .....,1 Ll!OUl'rt' ' randcblldren Sean & 14i 1"2. HunlJngton leecfl. CA Ht4t. ,_ ..,_ ~ a.II 10 be reoonled In \ti. OOU!'IY ..,,,!NA,.., AL 1nnlfu. Mr. and Mn. T o tu u It known to u11 la ''=".:::~oo~6J1 ~~::..llllcl~-= ~~~· ~~=~~2tetoeM«i. r".!!latfttl'lee,::"'"',,.,11~. Chui.. Pot~1' hav•.=: .~·:'~';~.;.~1!81111~~".T.:':Tn": .J:. ' on • A 414. fl. tMI ,..,. Olrtl •lald :--.1nc. ;;,;,CAtt?t• nelden• °' n.-pol1 f,.,,...,or '°' .,.,. el!' ow... ~ Tttll ~II oonduCfeCI bf'" "'blllfltel Ot"9lllt ewe OellY :.:::"""' A:. ...... .. ... DtMi. I = r:: ....... •COtielCll MOIT\l.+.l•S and Con& M.-tlnc9 ln&. are: (hll "' "II.me. or •CSClr-ll\dMduel, Not, AUe. IO. tr, ...... a. to, 1111 .... o•••CW• OP •U•Ut.A\' '"° llO """°"' l.aa~~O.:Ch Service~ pendlnl bJ, \IMldl ~-....-.,... Tttll~~-~wtlfllM 1111.a Mn'I 1.et.,....,CA_. . •.... 1" N•une 8cldl(J, Burial at c:-ty Olrtl of e>r..,.. County on ....,.. ________ ---t MW._....._ Id • (11tl .,...,,.. fllP11•' ... I_. .... ..., ..._... Laaur-•H•lls ,.. In lieu of nowen tM Olllllll'LAHTII" ~ f0,1ta ·~~Med,..... W11':::=.CA-., • ..._L... 1:..-::::.. .......... "' 5.tl\~~•trano 'family ~ doMdoN "-"'",. 'LANTll" ,_ ~v~o~ "=! ........ or~ c..tVZ ~ = coaat DaHJ ...,....,... or-. o.... o...y .. •t5-1na c ~!!:!!J0~~-C~drtn'• ,uDll•h~• County 01ur ~=-""10.°l:."1:. 8:."i:...~ lllM09 DtNCTO..V f111Dt;A14 ao.tr • ..,..a, . Hol.91114 I. IO. lild 11, ttet "°'· ~ tf,._. s.10.:. .,.. ... _________ _,.... n-,..wu• ...,~.,... ~ e.pt 10. tNa nt1·'2 • II II lbout1 3111-ta , Or1nge Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 10, 1882 03 ... ,.,, ....... ,__,d.tl .... ,.,.,"' .. " ...... • .,., ... " JI ....... ,. ,.,., ... " .,,. .. ,, ,.,.,, A#ltl•Hll ...... ,,,,. ... ,"' ,. 9!!!11!lf •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i:i:::~~ •• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• r. •••• ~:1":•¥~1.1r:.......... f~lta·,J,jatl II Ii ,.,.,"' l1i I '''-' ..................................•. ·--~ ra-lal .. ,J ~ J.l ... Jfff ... ::I... .....,, ..... ,., ,. ____ ., ,,., tfll •••• r.n •••• :r. •••••••••• l!'if:r::r •••••••••.•••• !' f/P ••••••••••••• Mii ,.~ II l\OuM petlO-'•m 24·30 10 •hr ~·r -,.,_ r::rr...w •• "':11 •• TmT ...... t• .. • •• -........ r.::;,....... ~ .......... r.... ............ ,,._,,, .._.. ••~ • .__ nal chOf••· .. 1.,y, prV1 dpl•, &221 + uut •••••••••••••••••••;;; 2 If ootlTc 2 ec1n1 pre1 ••~••••••••••1~ Npl Tert 31r 111\t>a, ape. OcHn view, beautifully -Ill ~!f.r.m •••••• f:'.'f? .. ,,.,._ ta, CM &•&-'371 831·2195 ~!t!t.'1!fH. ... I.... No pet• 00 De.,., 8QI. Lo• 3 br •• b•. lenoed pOOI, oar-ee ans mo. ~ i0~:.~u::.~1~· .. !.!!!ff1/f ......... l .. At!ff .... , .... 11.if Aoom with 1111"*1 priv Nr Fttnalt fOOIMltte Wtnled Call u1 ror YIAALY ot H1-0t7e baok y•rd, up11a1;a 1eo 1552-1074 073-oeee · Pen. ,olnt. II bdrm, 1 ti&. \\b~rleld 2 8t a ci.11. a 11 twnhN. ahOC>J)lng oenter a l>l.ttll· 10 1har• apao1ou• 3 WINTIA rent••·· A911lr c.,,,.... 1Uf rm. repainted. CMdren a 81 tt 4 I t13001 t •lea ou•o•. 1ndeoll. , .. -, HW• lennl• a IPI, nr beac:h ne. H.I . M2·7520. bdrm, a·~ bl. Ml ftolllty Prot>ettlM t7MOOO •••••••••••••••yu•u P •I a 0 I< • It 11 0 • u • 1 r 1 Ro ° CHfl .,., tflf ldry, no pet• MH )'Mt· --•• 11202 H ... Cir H0·3745 ahecl 1 CO. Cotta M•" Condo. t271 W9'arnont 2 Br. 2 ... alt OC·AENTALll M1·1f30. 540.5591 mo. pllt 1•11•. Ult)' ................. : .. "I ly . 978 ·0113 and 8HUlllUI garden apl1. WALK TO BEACH Bac:he-F::~ •• q~::n'hollm• .!~ mo 545-43511 appllll'IOH. HISO/mo. 1·5bt'I '200 to U000 3 8 II la 2 llOtY lrplc Oulnther. IQI. e31-12H STUN NINO large I Ir l'1S.7ete ,lflol/declee, No pell 2 IOf'. llOVe & refrtoe, g .. &. working pereon, not un· N.B collage, "yrly", Clearl 11a...1oe, t78-3124 750 .• 3314 open 7-c1aya ac~0Hn•d p1t10.' dl1h: 3 8r, 2 b•. dtl'I. nr High :r::.en ... ~~~m~1~ r:_ Ctn•• "1 #II 1111 ~h~:~: 1:':.tt:" 1540 waler paid. UOOlmo. der $2 yeeta 5"'8·5804 & nHt, wHher, dryer, CUI a Ir 2 la frplo 1 2 BA I BA duplex. prvt wutl«. auto tP<lnktere. lchl, U:e.3532 11th. St. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath• lfl85 1138·7979. Rm a bath, pvt ent. male. gar. MIF. &200 + utll• e f · I>' A ' II ruo HO 19th Pteoe B. lawn Hrvlce. 838·3319 1500 mo. VflV· Loe mOd. 1 391 W. Wiiton WALK TO BEACH Bacti.• PoOI, cooking SZH I.•· fmmtd. ltudent OK =:i..e~eo-altn.v• 545. 8111·9&22. Sf:r:p:t~R condo, I 1ty, ~! ~~.~~2~ IN '!~:':pl~,~ u~I~• •. ~~~~ ~~f.~2-~::: gar~e. 831-5:83 °' 842·4905 ::: w:i~~~t&.~1971:~ guna Och 401·•450 M~:·~:s:.~:3~:: Co- lT1IAIT1ft OHTA llU all bllna. pool. &550 mo. 844-8053 patio. 64 "'931 Cozy 2 BR, nr beach, pa.• 2n'!'·~1;•s!:alb~4~rd, N.B. pvt home, kltcl), ron1 del Mar. S2e5 a bdrm houte avallll>le Mt4tl .,... •••• C•ll 640•1t&e: Hk fore lbl It 38 21:> A II OAU II 1110 tlo .. pool, 1vall 9111112. t31·3e71 . i,,.... .... U4f facll • 1296 & I ulll. 940·9•19, now. &700 wlnterorU2S ~or2•tbdor per21~~~ • .,.. o • .,.. ~·o Wu • 1 ~0 o'i m v:. ALL UTILITIH PAID !.e .. 93511'• 7112. 5 0 e 6 ; ... -~ o·· ···,-··········,it•• t 950-ttllt ---------~"try. Conv loo. NHr """'' rm, ,..,., new ,,, ·' If UO to 10 Arni• or _.,.. " _,.,_ ::~n.~~~ m~~gn c111 CM. lux above gar for FEMALE IOI a.y. t75-Ht7 Cti:>e COd. Pool-Jae, r .. •01••1 • 831.0839 aak for Elaine Compere t>elore you cozy 1 rm. apt. lull kit, 8pecloue 2 bdrm, 2 ba. 497.2042 nHt non-emkr per1on. Student wanted •11,• St>r, 2ba, dw, wld, lrpt, g~:;'. ::·C:.1.,S:;; .. !!!~!' ....... /.~~f Waterfro>nt 4 BR, 1 Ba, rent. Cu11om dulgn bath, Qulel/non·•mkr, E~~. t:,y~~loi5~~1 Vlctorll Bttcll, Petite, •t· ~~Jllch, &'8·7197 •11 !~i~~· ~:.'~IMl"f.nq~~ ~e:~ :~~\!~ garage. Deooretor wall 2 bdrm Broadmoot Con· $2010 mo. Boat ellp may r .. turH. Popi, bbq, •400 mo. t 73-5144· ~4e.~509 lf no.,,, i..v~ tractive 1 Br apt widen, IOc Non·etnkr, ,., bcl\ 6 94&..()511. peper, dreptrlea a nd dOI. Security gate. be avail 873°4889 ~:·r:i ~ar;~ ru~oun• CHll #tll ,114 M .. MQe . CO\lrtyard. view. Beach ltrtN frt• hHI alOf'M 1400 mo plu1 'A more. $1050/mo. Call Aero .. from blue Ptclflc. t 1 aca-•••••••••••••••••••••• clot• by S • •o mo Mature laday May have utll• avall 1120 call ltDM 5411·2239. 10:30 to 5:30 From $850. Peaine Moon LoWIY 4 Br. 2 Ba, crpt.11• ping. No pele. 8peclo4.la 2 Br. 1 Ba. So425. 2 bdrm, 1 ba lrlplex. 1'A 494·22&& 0< 4;..:7939, · kitchen prlVlleoa. Utll Pd 2,3-931•3202, ......._, ___ ,_ JllT pm. RMlty,846-2860. htg,2cergar,num~ 1Br.Furn 1515 3 Br. 1YI ea. &4715. ml8ch.Patlo.O., A.-Pklng S225mo ,....._ fruit trHe, 1 t>lk from 395 W Wlleon &42·1971 L d fa poor novated &525 mo 2BR, oc.en vu, wlgarage. ...~ 2., ........ 7,.,..,. Roommate wanted Ml •••••••••••••••••••••• 2BR, 1 Ba,19Punll,229 /rftllt 3144 Clltt Or. Gerdaner. No J8~;5;/t2-1°PM. · 873.e921 Walk 10 town, bch. '""'" '"''"""1 • .....,. itralght,no-arnk.$250+ 4 9r bayfronl w/dock. A Albert Pl.ce. &575 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• pet1. &1000/mo. Avall. •••ll.,lf• &87&/mo. 490-6022 WANTED: Rm 4 nlQhta Of 'h utll. Oya M2-~49, aft S 4 O O O Imo · Yr 1 Y • 111 & IHI & &250 dep. LUSESll Oct 111, Collect ...,.. at· ....,t J140 PINE BLUFF APT& t Br Oueat houM, E/alde wkly, nr Oranoe l 17th 8PM 642-5920 S30001mo. winter. Avail. 142-93118, Devin R.E. 3 Bdnn detached 11ornee ter 5PM. 805·929-2918. ••:ol'::••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 2 Ba. Child ok. on w1ut111. &4751mo. Avail Studio, 'Al blk to beach, St. c M 642-7542 t/10. N ...... •BR 2 Ba, ......... M... In excellent arM. Avella· LIDO BAYFRONT ~w • Uf&TI UY• the Blutta, patio, view, ~15. unfurn. S385, tit. mo FemalH mike the bHI J .R. PROPERTY ..,. g """'' ... .. I I k Ilk ' pie encl ger ou eto-645.ef25 only + &500 depo11t. PLEASANT ROOM EHi· roommalH. Min• are MANAOEMENT delMar,grdnr,no pelt. ble lrnmedltlely . Br.5Ba.l2960/mo. Bffutlu per -•aur· r '1 ~· In LeaH.494·54'0or •Ide.CM Sharet>ath, mo11l""on 10lnMd10f 97M173 1895. Sierra Mgmt Co. $800/mo on 1 yeM IMM. 831 3971 rounding•. Terraced ve, d lhw • IP•. · Brend new Condo 2 Br. 2 493--1137. kit, prvl yard. prefer 2 m.o .. re to ihare :;.· 641-1324 Five other• to chooH • pool. Sunken gH bbq, dry rm. $800/mo. 8 2 / -------.__....,,..,... 4BA 2BA winter rental ----------1 from. We're lhe onaa to Newport CrHI, 2 bd, 1perkllng lountalnt. SPMC 831..al07 op'•'n•rc, awroogdarbaugr•nlwni TINY RUSTIC COTTAGE. Mml·r•tlred man 1225 2Bt·2B• on bMch. • • ·NDL:ORDSIREALTORS s .. _ 549-5998. boa 1400 n\O. Mich••• t1,000 mo. 1664 OoNn ...,. call for....... duplex/eondo, euached pac:loua room• . ....,..a. 2 bdnn, t'A ba. Flreplace. trpto, 111ew ol 11ream Nr bch, & dwntwi\, alngte, 7 Blvd. 87MlllO AQI. ~~. g: J:te~~;::vl-[Uj) Wooctbrldn~ ~pooar1~o,:;,n1~.n~~~bht,•.:: ~~~~:1•~.~o~':·u~:i~j~~ DlthwHher, prlv patio. w 11•rflII1 S 7 8 15. ~;,.9~7 ~ • , S 4 & O IJ.•.'!}!,.'!!!!/! ••• !.~~ -F:m_7_5_~_o_rm_4_;-;;--~0-.,,-r-2-bd-2 'Ai t>drma, 3 bath I', ,.3" •1"• .. S c"'•-" ca ... •ne11. Walk to Gar. No peta. 11520 mo 982·1309. IUWI •ITIL " • ..., "''" DA I 17 Wiid GooN upeflor ,...,, • "' "43 1:47• 2ba apt l300mo. Incl. OCMnfront Htt. Winter ---------1 nd IU to Tlconderog~ 10 lntLo-Huntington Center. " • ., " 2 & 3 Br. lmmed. occu· MHIMll lt•ti 3111 •1050 175-1245 3 br, 1'AI ba duplex. ten· $~"" 2B 2 b •• ••7 ...... 2,. lk •• -.-;ir;;••••••••••••••• Wkly rental• now 1vall. ulll. C.M. a.12-3318 · eed yard, 0.,. 20201_B 551·3000 vely 2 br cu1lom hOme. t Bdrm-furn, ~N Nice drm a. moat pency, .,. .,..._ "• wa NO FEEi Apt. & Condo s1o5 & up. Color TV r.-.-. .... t 3141 Birch St., Santa Ana lutlhrnnu Pk•), lr~lnt Balboa Penln. Yrty renlal. 2 Bdrm-furn from St05 ulll pd. 822 Hamlllon St. to IChOOll & •hopping. rental•. VIII• Rental•. PhonH In room. 2274 MIF, nonamkr, thr NB ::'I'.~••••••••••••••• Hg 11 . a 8 3 0 . c •I I ----11200 mo 1193 4'759 2 Bdrm-TownhouH turn. $525/mo. 64a..<M77 Loll of e1etra1. Corner ot 975_..912 Broker. Newpe>rl Blvd CM home 4Br wl3 othart. lmmeculet• woo<11y char· ,3 1m&1.I · · · from '875 F 1 Irv I e w I Ad• m •. 848•7•45 S2551mo. 842-3880 mer. '*>ently remodtled es "1927· 2 to 4 bdrm•. •tarting., 4 BR 2'AI Ba. pool, lennll, No pelt. Utlllllaa free! LUIUllY 001101 557-4785 Fem 10 •hr 2Br 2bl 2 and redecorated. 2 HOMEFORRENT $a50toS13115. Jac.,nrbHch.Sl,OOO LAOUINTAHERMOSA Wlllttlt.OttPlua 2 bd,2ba,lrgitpdownllv BEACH AREA 11ory ap1 In H.B . bdrm, 1'AI ba Including 3 Bdrm. 1750. Fenced m 0 · N w Pt Cr• 1 t · 19211 Parlllld• Ln, 1 blk F I f S""'"I s t95/mo. Non-1mkr,. • • d .. Kid • 546--0978 w. 01 ... A~h. 3 blk• S. Frple, •l•i•nl ranch room w th rpl. """' nio. dining room .... rge aun· var ... garage. • ca .......... window•, c. In home 64 t-4906 • $84/ k C on t a c I Ann d y • ny deck overlooking Cl· pell welcome. 545-2000, NICE 4'rm/ wllg gar, all of Edlnger ... 647-5441. HCurlly, 2Br 2Ba. 1Br DI 2 BR pper no pell COUNTRY CLUB LIVING w 557-tt08, ev 848-0410 nyon. 3 bike to bHoh Agent, no '"· ulll-pd, kid pet ok &450 Oceanfront itudlo apt. lBa & atudloi. x u • , IN NEWPORT BEACH Refrlgerator·M•ld·Pool l.O 1 2BD and etoree. Winier rental I Nr•, I Ill Otl4t OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Pool. 1500 mo. 1Br & etudlo Incl Wihr/ very clHn, nice arH. A total environment Nwpt Blvd & Wllaon A~:,:,~ ~:'n~i. ~~brld: &850 P9I mo. Spaclou• 3Br, 2'ABa, v..,,, 549-8347 evee. dryr, ·a110 Include• Piil '475. 844-1889 apertment community on Coat• MeH 5•8·9755 ge, Irv. $300. 552-1389 •97--4503 prlv petlo. Exclutlve le I h pOOI ~og-'' club wltennll COUrll , NNI & clean E/alde 1 br, the Upper Bey. Private f wl I E111tlde. Beautifully c an wn .~;.,,, ' b. h•••• ltt1i 3141 gym, pool1, Jacuula. crp11, drpe, itove, refrl· clubhouee end health Yffl'ly on the beach, hotel Fem lo lhr MV home, Almoet oceen ronl, n er l1nd1caped. Pool and glng, etc. "'""" mo. 0 ••'""••••••••••••••••• If II d apa, 8 tennis eourta, 7 room, kl1chenetlt & 1ho· non.smkr, utll Incl. 1285 rent1la. 2 Br duplex clubhouH. t750 mo. Kann A.gt. 544-1440 Lu1eury etudlo, f.rM HBO, "unu, bMUI I.I Y eco-ge. 130 E 20th. St. #2. """"' 1 b 1 •2." 1 t7751mo. 2 NBr houH rated clbhee & much S375. 851-0522. ,......,, COH to uinns, we<,• vu/mo. pus NC. mo 798-9118 19150 p kl 494-4791 d.'h r... "-·'-' H.,bOr View HomM, Car· phone, maid Hrv, epa, more. From $450 mo. alrpOft, FHhlon ltland. depe>alt. 2308 W Oce•n· ---------ti 01 ~mti°e • =~ 11~~· !:: NICE 3 rm w/utll-pd,IQ TOY.'~ """""#ICllll'IM',, me1 Mdl 3 Br. femlly rm. $130 wtc. 498-3015 1 n cla mo 11 u 111 10 0 . Ea11tlld• quiet 2 Br. t Ba. Convenient shop a on front, Newport BHch M/F to lhr 3 br, 'h blk to 944-1649...,... yd, novel kltch $325 Woodbrldg.on the lake. L .... 111150. 644-9977 o~e•nlronl. tnagnlfloent 549·3421. 3&<11 Bear St. wlprlvate yard & garage 111a. Unturnlahed bactwt-873-4t54. beach, N.B. S200 mo.+ OC-RENTALS 750-3314 Executive 3 bd, 2 'A be. Ill 4Br $1850 (btwn Sunllower & In 4 ple1e. No pe11 &520. IOfl, 1 & 2 bdrm apteend Pine Knot Motel on Cout utllt. 646-t313 Emerald Bay 3 Br, vu, ---------Many Extrul $t400/mo IOUIH ' 49j.2042 McArthur). 752•2560 townl\oUMS. Hwy, NB . Slape t o M/F to thr CdM houM: 2 quiet at, 11200/mwo. Room lor kld1 3br 2ba 1 5 5 2 9 5 4 9 Lovely 5 Br home on lhe 2 8 2 ba d 1 • apt $540 • S1000 1 b · , b r le Call Emerald Bay Alty wlpallo, cozy kllch S800 5::.::93 Of ee7..a857 ' und. S1700/mo. A.gt ...... ti IHti 3111 TownhOUN 2 Br. 1'1• Ba., 24~e Elden~~: 1825 Several bachelore end t oc .. n Wl\ly ratu JO kr ~· d 8j rp 8· :~· 494-164() OC·RENT.t,LS 750-3314 &44-o489 ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• lrptc, pOOI, •P•. attached · Bdrm unit. 1ee1ure fin• 645-0440 ir:=m· b~ei'h. 's3eotmo~ W Tur 1 I• rock exec, 2 OCE.ANfl'RONT Dix 2-4 Br. garage. No pet1. Avail mo 85 t-6228· dHlgntr furniture and •II A PUOll 7 "'!r!'f ""' 1111 CALL NO NICE 2br w/ m111er1, den, 2'h ba, Blutf1 3 bdrm, 2 ba, By week or month. now. M25/mo. 931-49M S395/mo. 1 Bt. 1 Ba. Apt. acceelOflM. Move In lo-' Utlli Incl. 8 5-1721 L•1•00•• 18••L•E••:•3••b<l••,;;,•;A-:,, ~EgN'fA~ /~2'/4 $1350, Alla 844-9080, grHBnkb•ll:...~0-0°11•3J 1 t 5o 973-71173 •&&Olmo 2 Br. l'i\ Ba Carport, lndry rm. Sub-dey Of reserve tor 1um-Reaaonad~I• r~•~· Kii· Fem. rmmle, I t>lk 10 rm, 4 ea, a1700 mo ..... ---------873-8589 mo. r .. .,.... ... ltt1ifnet/Ylewl • TownhoUM, balcony, In-mll on pet, balcony. Call mar month•. Smartly =~~aid r~.c!~ l!~i beach/bay S3001mo ulll OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1 Ba 1700 mo. 8111 Grundy, Allr, 97Mt91. I Ir. I la. Super Sbd, 3ba, Jae. lam Bluff• 3 br, ~·~lbap, ~~T 2 end 3 bdrm. l.dry, gar., dry rm. car port, all bit-~o~L·~g,~I 642·1503 furnl1h1d models open movie• Sandpiper Motel Incl 875-1591 alt 6:30 Frplc, range, ye.rd, gara-rm prestlgloua Racquet rm, green • • · flreplace. $950 and up lne. Avail Sept. delly. 1967 Newport Blvd, CM 2 BR 2 Ba Nwpl apt. w/ J:· no peta. Private. Clb. S995 mo. 750-9307. $1400 mo. Agt&44-0134 winter. 640-4784 TSL Mgml 842-t503 lllTUT Ill On Jamboree Rd al 645-9137. view, lam, 25-35 yra. f>'~e w· ~~ s;· UNIV. PA.RI(. Cathedral Big Canyon Condo, full THE $325, utlllll .. Incl. Sm. 1 E••tlld• &a251mo. 2 Br. San Joequln Hill• Rd. Vu111 ..... ,,,, 4110 ~:~r~~ J:.~;,~2""300· BMutlflll home tor quail· ~~·1111. · · · oetllnga lvng rm w/wet golf c1our:e1 .. v01•0jj pool. bd. 1H2 Newport Blvd. 1~ Ba. TownhouH, all 144 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••• fled pereona, ocactou• II-------,...---b.,, 2br, 2ba, dbl gar, tenn '· • 6 HH. CM 831-7392 bullt·lna, lndry rm. car-• BEACHFRONT WINTER 2 prof. Fem 10 _.hr Npt vlng. $2500/mo IH . $a25 3 Br 2 Bath apotleaa reedy to move &44·7424 BrOller. 1000 Nr lllh/Pomona, , Br , port yard/bllcony, amaJI CONDO apeotous 3 BR. 2 RENTALS Npl Bch, Oel home, walk 10 beach, 976-1NO 81nglM OK, kid• tool In. Club awmng pool, •NEWPORT HOTS' II Ba downatalra DIW pet OK. BA, trpl, dehwr, lndry to May, 2 BR. Of 3 BR. poolllennla $325, utll -a-Moel appllancea. Ready S890mo.Rea497-2052, 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 frplca. carj,ort weterpd'lchnd 'l'SLMgrnt, 642-1503 hookup,3carpone,pool, newly remodeltd. lncl.645-9587 :=":b~;~~:.~dl· ~39.11~11!'" BEST Bue 752-5040. edul11, no pell. 430 LIFE'' OK. no' peta $4s0. A.gt .. Sparllllng clffn 2 Br w. Pr v I Pet Io . S 7 e 6 . 714·5-4 .. 2484. Fem to ''" Condo, C.M. n1ng rm, giant ecreen TV, ----,,...-.,-,'.""".:'"-.-2 Br 2 Ba, Turtleroek. Redlenda Ave, &a50lmo. no fM. 645-2000 .a.. So475. Utll• pd. Aefrt. 651·9522. 1 Br. •leel>• 4, acron the 20-35. M1tr bdrm, no· hol lub, mod. kltch. 2 car HOUM 2 Br+ 2 Bath Avail. lmmed. 1825/mo. 649-0448· 2131473•7714 09. 2 1mall children olt, 2 er 2 Ba from $525. No 1tree1 from thl bHch. 1mkr, no pelt S325 + \.\ encl. parlllng. A.veil Sept. Carpeted In, moat •P· Prln only. 933-0013 Huge beach-clON • br, 3 YEAR-ROUND FUN: H~o~ ,!d;:i· •. 3~ ~~~ no= Wallace .. 9.. pt11. Acrou from Npl S29&/wk. 675·5088. utA. 642-1801 1&, et&-7950 pllancH l<lda OK. No 2 bdrm, 2'AI ba townhome ba dplx, bit-Ina, $900, yr Soclal Act1v111u 951.2175 · Bch Goll Course. Office Lak• Tahoe on wattr w/ -tlOITllY NllT ...... &600'1 BEST Alty IN Oct 1 D I rec I or • F r • e 2 bd d I N rt hra 9-4. 545·4855 boat doctc. 49r 3ba exeo rft Oarllng 1 BA, 1 blk fr 53M1to fM evell Sept 15th. (2i3)378.4509/3M-808t Sunday Beautlf\11 3 BR 2'1• BA, No Helg~a. /,:0. n!:!!'~at Lull 2 br, 2 b~ trplc, ell • t>Hch, w/gar., winier Many more renlala, $725. 493-2t 17 Brvncti•BBO't• Pe1a, 5575 1,1, tut, NC. and Sun 12_4':'32e C 2Br, tB1, $575 mo. yrly, II m · Com PI furn · amenlllu, S;,42 + 'A rental. MOO mo, lnol u111. cell nowl UNIVERSITY PARK town· HarbOf View Home, 2 Br, Pertlel•Plu1 931-1199, 548-0488, ""le carport, cpt1., drpa, open $700~~t.:o:~~·2115 or utlla. 975-0543 790-19e2 ---------home 4 BR 2,~ b• fa· den, 2 Ba. &1250/mo. much more 955-2522 ""V • beams 1118-W. Balboa . ..., .. _W:_lr_r_'._Yl_1 '4-blool!:--B-1-~o-.-~-p-te-'1 ~ t~:,S;, ~ ~~ ':L~f.h~ rn~it~~ :;:: 1 :; ~~. : : ~:ET AT I 0 H : 9ri~~N~I la~ l ~~ 3 b'!."s~a~'i ~~h~~~f5~ ~~3~~~~~~. 2 Br. utll ~~~.,'!~~n~~) Bri~~J~~: j::~~o~!:. parking, t•m.11 lly p rel. T__...-~, 2 bet, l'AI ba. & pvt balcony. Loi• ol 1tepa to oc.en, 3 Bf. 2 ·T • n n I 1 •Fr• e area. 710 w'. tit!\. 8I. ':.!7~12 .. ~~u 540-3988, pd, Ill• mngmnt duties. 3 bf, 2 be, rum .. wltrplc. Avail anytime. 790-0524 1575/mo. 1·7~9. ""'"".....,_ 1torage. $960 mo. yrty Ba. St501mo. 2 Bf. 1 ea, 1.euont (pro & PfO ... .._ Avail. lor reduced rent. Golf, tennta a awtmmlng 3 yr new, Jar· patio, IHH. George Gold· •601mo. YHtty/Wlnter. 1hop)•2 H•allh * 2Br. IBa. Near So C. NEW BREEOAPTS 645-0440 Dally, wkly & monthly Beautllul CclM Condo be- Out1tandlng 1 a den, 2 &535/mo. 8 5-0500 ~o baum, bkr. 833-919 t 64M710 Cluba•Seuna• P&u.a. 8.A. LullUf)' Con· , Bdrm wllon. Frptc. rec r a 1 e 8 . c 1 11 M 1 r k , hind Feah Isle. $2!50 mo. la. IUndedl, tor 1 Of 2 pet. Hydromanage• do. w/pool. $575. No room pool J-··-' gu Quiet 2 br, gar. patio, 558•8001 wtcdya. '"' utlll. tll & IU1 St118 ~ •1&01mo ... , 1---------WHATADEAL2br 2baw/,,. J•a Swtmml Goll "833-8974 • . .....-. pool, no pet, 1801H1&lh1---------1 tee dep Resp only. yr. LOii Miiier. agt lbf, quiet, tr• lhaded yd. Lg gar. pool, MORE $675 ,., • .,,,,,., .,., ~Mng ~ pe . a water P•ld No pela. ''· Newport Height•. OCEANFRONT KAUAI 780-052• 831·12te Couple or alngle o.k. no OC-RENTALS 750-3314 ••• ~·~···••••••••f •• ~·. a EA u TI flu L E.lide luxUl)l In • pine lo-393 Hamilton. C .M. 1525. 64~·7340. sunny romantic Polpu --------- pate. &460. 648-8 251 · Woodbridoe condo 2-aty. Hllllld• ex.ecutllle '-· 4 A,ARTIUNTI: 8':''2 ~~i~~· ~~-I~ M~1' -Avl Sept '5/0cl 1, yrly Beach. t5' FROM WA· F~0.:~·:21~:no~ Oceaf'I Front. Attrec:tlve 3 bd, 2 ba. $1260/mo. 9 mo ...... Suz.I 975-9118 Beautltul upgrecled Eat-2 Br, 1'AI Ba, A/C, trplc, bd, 2'_. ~ fmly rm, lv'g SI n g le I . I & 2 9115. M'r Rlctc &St-8741 .... lthl ,,_ stepa tr beech 2 BR 2 Bl, TER. Spac:tewler vlewl 975-•340, 545-8885 aide 3 bd, 2 ba, pool, grHt loeltlon $700/mo. nn, bonua room, 3 frpl, Bedroc>fN•Fumllhed or M/F 131592_2M 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1750 mo. Call for appi. Special $49 nlghlly 1111 -----~~--trpl. 09er'I Sat, M . Sun 975-7171 beauflflll yard and Jecuz· & Unfurnlahed•No OCE.AN VIEW 2 br, 2 ba. 875--0124 ult for Kate Sept 20 499-t528 M/F, to there CM houM, t0-4. •10001mo. 2809 zt. 11560, lnck.ld• 0"· P111•Model1 Open Specloue 28' ec>t. p111 pe· 1550 mo. no pelt. HI COnd 1 11 dbl g.,, yd, tri>t, $285 • ..... fa/ua/dN Redlandl OrW., oft Uni-3 bd. Available Now. IOe dener, water and truh dally 9 toe. llo. t>ttlni. Encl gar. 114.8 5 & • 1121 or 1 BR. 313 33rd St .. 2 bike Kona, · 0 °r reno-,5 645-1888. •••••••••••••••••••••• veralty. 942-1825 or private yd. No Peta. pldtup. H1-7117 D L .1 c A 551-2338. 10 l>ch, $460. mo. Sierra Br 11~ 4• Aval ' ---------.... '1 1111 641-8tot $930/mo 831·'915; laWll• ongr••• Pl• Mgml.641-1324 to tO· 9. 1250/wHk Gl11Htlfl•••l43SI •••••••••••••••••••••• 493-n88 c,.,.w .. , ..,. 642·11175. t Br. garage, near ooean, 540-4484 •••• ,.•-·•••••••••••••• IEITALI 3Br, 2Ba C•P• Condo, "-'u·-'i"~ ••11 a • ..-I E. Sid• 2 br. l bl, very clHn. $390/mo. Lg• 3 Br. 2 Ba. frplc, gar,• 1_,1 II ... 111 ••-E Side CM alngle on pv1 Yeerl)'·WMklV·Wlnter, 2, quiet, xlnt loc. CIHn Rere ' 11vt. ~~1• 21'Al1.~· ••• ".1:! •• ~.':!!' ••• '!.9... ..-•-tits downt1ra, lndr'y, ~pell, 2 t3/402·2957. SH al beach 2 blka, No pela .• !!."::. •••• ~': •••• '!!.':'( alley, .. 1e. cleen, storage 3,4 Bdrme. 1780 mo. •97·2149 very pr v, -• ......,, OrangetrM condo, $475. le.,.rt le ... /h . So430 mo, 271·A E. 18th 24882 Cordobe Dr. Apt '800/yearly. &45-tll82 Flnanclally rHponilbl• only. 170. 1173-34500 llAAll 11ra1n 3 bf, 1 ba, den, p1t1oa, t>1g Alto evllt leaN option/ 1 Br & loft, tennl1, pool, 880 lrvlne Pl. 644-0452. A. Near Newport pier, 2 Br 1 Female 25·39 lo lhare & 1 Car loek up garege, •llV• &Ae. Hie. Open hOUH Sall stream. NO peta. Avall ( 16 h) ... 1 •""" ,,_, nlonat Ho1teu 45' ... , yard, &995 + MC. dep. Sun 1"4 22 Cypreae TrM 911 553•1141 at I •t Br. Triplex . $376. MUI YllW ... upper un t . .....,.. , .. y. oc• • CdM. S9Q/mo. 045.3503 Lane, lrvlne, 857·5980 . (714) 64.S-1104 N-carpet & paint. no From Dana Point'• mo11 Avail. now. Motor-Sailor docked In 7?0·0347 llAUlllEIT br 1'A ba condo fr...i.. S395 SO. COAST Plill. ...,.,, 1e .. '1S.. pet1. acenlc blull. Like newl J.R. PROPEERNTY Newpoh 2rl,bh•,•hcenlhral air, t#Ull 1 I 1 I ~~11 d.cik. dl>le gar. E/ski';'. w1.u• J.ui 3141 MacArthur VIII, 1tudlo 1700 16th St. 2 2 8 2 PI a c • n 11 a , Only 4 unll1, 2 Br widen. MA~t:e~~3 T k~li::hen, 1811'·.~e:I~~:: r!!~~ ••• !~.~ •••.. l.~ •• 171•1171 $825 H2·2988 •• ••••••••••••••••••• w/bkyrd, ••ml·furn. (Do-rat 16lh) 045.9494 No pete. S7501mo. Call Pl•••• aend reium•. UIOITIYI Hml . EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 Pool. tennla, et c . '" .... , 6441 • Bl le b h 2B LWt hlt/hftln 4 Br. 3 Ba. Condo, many Ba. frplc, brick patio with 557•7838 (71.4) ~2-5113 CloM to beach, 2 Bdrm, 1 "" • · ~ oc to H C • r, currtnl photo, peraonat IRVINE, Phone an1w•· Fantutlo locatlon: 2Br, emenlllH. UOO/mo. 1 pa. S 15 0 0 . 2 131 Ba, s.t90/mo. Pool, ger. •••lhlf,.,, bright & 1lry. 1700 mo. t>acllground to P.O. Box r1ng. cont. rm, utll pd, trplc, remod. kitchen, Daya t37·80t0, Evaa & 876-2255. 2 bdrm, 2 ba, pen1nouM, _ No pets. M2....,.70. ...,,, 3140 yrly. "8-8283 35-B, Balboa ltland, Ca· •ctry 1er111, etc. Al10 Jorrnll dining, bright a. Wknd• 64&-2•39. OCEAN VIEW 38r, 2 ~~1,l~!·e:::urltl.8~~-Furn 2Br, apt st•P• 10 2 BR, , BA, trplo, pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• Ltg Bluff• condo, 2 Br 2 Ill. 92H2 g:.~7~ace. St501up. airy SI lOO/mo. Lro. 3br, 211\ba, condo, frplca. $t075 mo. 1422 752•5328 g · · bch, grHI location & gar. 1395-A W. Baker. Deluxe poolllde xtra large B•. 2 car gar wlopener, .......... FIFI evlll. 10/1, Many exlru TerrKe Way. 780-8379 white water view, Avail No pelt, chlld ok . 21>f. 2 be, bltns, dlWtlr, bay vhtw, gretnbelt. ROOllllTE 1917 Westclltf, N.8. 250 a Bdrm home on water. lnclud . micro, frpt, Ilk• Btand new condo. 3 BR, 9 · 15·82 to IS· 16·83. S525/mo. 645-3415. • 1'h mllea t>Meh. No pe1a. $875. 830..()645 •11 5. 10 4000 1q. tt. 1at. noor. AVlll S..,t 15. Yrty beala. n • ._ " t 9 • 2 3 o o La.u1 ll11h llSO 2'~ ba. Vltd celllnga. 1175-H93 l5001mo 536-8382 2 Br. 1'~ Ba. TownhoUN fllDERS AQ91'1 54t-6032 .11 ...... 1 • -::r................... Frpc 2 ~-·gar ... 50 Mo 2 BR. , BA. old hOUM. no ••tt."I ""mo. 831-7100. HOME FOR RENT · a · -· urf view, 20 1tep1 to peta, otllld OK. All u1ll pd. 2 Br. 1 Ba. upslalr1, 1 etyte. No pet. -"" mo. •llLIU tnllll• lta4lt/a.,fr... 3 BA. 2 ea. E/Sld• c .M. 4 Bdrm1 exec. home. 752-532 Hnd, 2 Br. nicety furn 415 Hamilton. '535. child olc. no pet1, water 548·2882 ~~~ ... r~eoe:rti From, roomto 3 rooms. Avall furn or unturn. Condo, lrg yard, 2 car $900. Fenced yard & ga.. 3 Br. Condo near So. C. dplx. Malure, reap. only. 6415-34t5 paid, $400. Agent, no NIAii rulT photoa & raferece, From $1.19 a aQ. ft. No F1ntaallc locallon w/ J"•· trptc:, pool a. Jee. rage. Kids & pelt welco-Plaza, crptng & t>ll•ln•. Av a 11 S •PI· Jun•. I•. 545-2000 Y 1 2 bd 2 b The Tomorrow Show. !MM required. AdJ. Air· vlewa. 2 Bt In ~rlty 726/mo. 931·0303 or me. 545-2000. Agent. no overlookt l rHnbelt, &850/mo 831-017• On bc::h·2Br Apt-pool Hr y rm, •· It N1·11H porter IM. 2172 Dupont bide· Poot, Stl&lmo. 831-790& ,.., pool•, apa clubholJM lnlar, lg• 2 BA. gar, mealiBAU NUnl/NC. &too mo. + 1760 mo. Agl 831"80'' Call AM. 833-3223 ........... ..... eve II. Security gate. -~..o • -d 538-8093 ft BacMlor apl, '850 ae1 1_. 3 It. 1'4 Ba. g111age, lrg lfJalM Vim 3111 &850. Cd 97M231..,_ bltne, etepa to_,.., IVI &PllMJfTI MC ep. a 1 bf apt, tum, &725 Olact1mlnatlng & flnanclel· Airport aru • Exec. Sulo- -• ..,. ye.rd, 1tove, dW!wUher, •••H•OM9e·~~·Re;;.;-•• a. wknda. Sept '2· "25 mo. 5208 B••utlfullv landec•p•d 4PM. 3 bf, 2 ba, beyfront, -ly rHpon1lbl• Female IM. From 225-460 ICI· ft. ltDM n • • r 8 • C · PI• z • · 3 Bdrm. &700. Fenced •~ .. , ... .., Neptune. 94~9875 garden apta. P~ &. Spa. Tl-II lllT&LI joy beach t111lng at Ila 25-39 ~,. to thlr• lu· It per tq. n. Many lrtru . ......._, ___ ,_ •111 t7451mo. 833-9192. d .. Kid .. ·--.... _ ... n-PaUOl/dec*I. No pell. 2 ... 1'""'A ........ beet. &1100. xui.2 Bdrm. Promonto-C•ll 557-7010 ~-•· yar garage. I •--.'·.a.-•flf -_, B~ .. _.__ ••t" ••15 .,., n ... , ..,....,, T h • •---a...1-1 ••-..... , ..._.__ •••2000 ,..,.., .. _ • 2 bdrm winter rentel. ...,._,. .... .,..... 3 bf 1Y. ba. aaoo. ry • own ome. 0....,. Executive office 1ulte, •••••••••••• ••••••••• _. r-.. ,.._ ....... ........,.,_ "''""" · ••••••••••••••• ••••••• 1 Bdnn. $495-&470 look• pool Send rHu 3 Br 2 8a l800 YflY, No •••••••••••••••••••••• Agent, no f... Atnc::ho Sll'I Joequll'I, S800 mo. 8314018 Agt ()ppty for opt. to buy · • comer ol 405 Fwy, N- peta. Avail 9/15. Ocean vi-. 3 Br 2 Ba. a... •• a. •••t Model TownhOuM In Ir• 2250 V~ard 545-1413, 057-1413 me. current ptloto, per· Harbor BIVd. Take over J.R. PAOP£ATY trplc, dedct, fenced yrd •• ,..,.., -• •-·••A~ 2 ..... ph-....... OM unlor 1 Bt.,veraa111ea, on 640-9f29 or 2-4905 N'-3 Bt 2 ... with f1n': 1one1 background to ..... 1900 eq n 81 tot MANAOEMENT garage t925/mo 11t ···~················ ....... UV .... ...... c 0 u rt. 5 e 5 / m 0 . -. -· p 0 Box 35·8, Biibo• n cii1 751~191' IUt l ..:.......-. ee1'.Mt0 OC-RENTALS the nlceal In the de11•· 213/07-3202 deye, l.atge 2 Br, 2 8allltl595 &aeparattlMng&dlnng 8eacl\ 2 l>r, 1 ba, OW, 1siMd, Cellt. t2H2. -·--------t1M173 -·'1'· .::!'.'. 1·5br'a$200tol2000 lopmel'lt. tt21S lmo 2131317-5900, 3HW.Wllaon ., .... seooimo.CallEd patlo,wuhldry,carport. Foun111n V•ll•y O!flc• 2 Bdrm towntlouee, newly 1 ... ..i. flllllW IU4 750-3314 open 7-daya 728-2148 831-5583 or 642-4905 894-t171. H501mo mo yrV. 111 Mala 35--45 anr 5bf, 2b• IPIOI 2500 ICI ft 81 ea. deconlted, flreplace, p .. ••••••••••••••...,..•••••• 8 · Attreotiv. wtmer rental 2 2 Br 2 Ba twnh•, tennl• & 42rid st. MM<40 hH nr S.C.Plua/Frwy. • It. 'Good •~poeure, tlO dee*, yrty. t795 mo. Neel' M ... Sq. ~ BR 2 ~ horee 3 Bf. 2'A Jlaa,,_ II lrutlld" Br 1 Ba, laundry, cerport, 3 Bdrm, 2 Batfia te25 2 Br lower. fr I, rvw Spa, &225+ahare ullla. good Parlllng, Talbert & Ul'lda. aet 142·5200 Ba, very nice, 17150. Ba. 2 blocllt to beech, ..,..-;-:;:ft'............. w1ter pd, 4808 Seuhore 151 E. 2tat. 648-2401 mpa. nr l>Mch. 2202 Heal $660 yr!)>. ~-le St. 641-4913. Brook h u r • t . c • 11 · 973-7838; "3-8377 clON lo IChool & tennte. "-••I 1111 Or. 1575. & t500 eecur. Cir. eeo-3745 A.vi Oct 1, 1i•r, l'IO ..... Aoommalt to thr 38r hM, 751-0101 ~ '-1 •"'• ,Ill 892-ete3. r.~•••••••••••••••••• AMI. &46-IM83 S!Ll Idle ltema with a "' ,..... B k 1------..,.....--r::::.-. •••• ::r. ••••••• •udlJ,,.. CHARM: El(p.nded 5 Br. BASK IN THE SUN In WINTER RENTAL blCh. Delly Piiot Clualfled Ad. 0.1 OAESN caah ... Sat 9/ 5 10-l2AM l.ailune ch, non-im r, 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq. n . I.Moe II Id Home. ...,l 1140 3 cw oaraot HVH Ja· t>aautlfl.ll ,.Im SprlnQ•· apt 1 blk to ooean 'A blk for WHITE eltphanta rete. 1310 mo. 497-3017 PenthOuM 81.yfronl Sul· O 0 r 0 ;1~J1:!, M •' • •••••••••••••••••••••• cuul, Joeded wllrench Why pay high hotel rate 10 · B • y, 1 ,. 211• m 0 • •utt.11t• wlll\ • Clueltted Ad ~ •• ~~'!!!!'l! •••• Y.!f ...,.. ••. perking, pat101. 7 ...... 1 .... 97•21•• oy..~~TAL812000 wlndowa, tkyllgllu. tor 1 •m•lt room whtn 97s-4902. ...,i U41 Oe.11 942·H78 1 Br. pvt deck. old WOfld AVAILABLE _8_7_3_·1_003 _____ _ ...,... ..... .,. .... 1·5bt •~""'to 7 t 1eoo1mo. 940-21523, you ctn havt • 1Of'2 bt. •• •••••••••••••••• ch•rm, epeotaoular IMMEDIATELY 2000 ICI n office IP4ICe fol Nloe 29r 1\tba In clplx. Uv 750-3314 open -dayt 133-2231. poolalde condo by night, BEACHFRONT RENTAL oc:.en vu . ..itt to ~ 10 ehart with prof re· IM c 1 • avall now 925 nn w/frple, eundedc, git, Nr bcti lltlatp 2tM' •Ila r ............ .............. llon wk, Of' mo. fOf .......... _all 2 Bdtwm. Wolnt• &a50f • Kennebunkport? &496. ContlC1 Mgr al epl apon2 b<l,82> .. ,,!emb•.C .. O~~ot. w .. 10tll St. Coeta M-. 10 ol hwy. te50lmo. patio tllt·'-Cell &45o ..-Of,_ Of -op • for reeerv. PIOW• ,,_11y 3108 . CHn ront. c. 332 !nclno Ln. "" ,. ,... ..... . 646-8830 ... M,._ N0t 3 a 3 ~ L., k. p urn . OC.AENTAli 750-3314 tt500/mo. IS er .. large 1...S20-ees3. 873-1573, 934-3777 AM. Isn't that the boat 3 blkl 10 bch. Pool .. • • 536-1453 Wlld)"I yvd, tchoolt. ahopplrlg ._, .... A ~5t02 PM. The .., • c I ·757 ~·· hnld" Qaldener fnel'd. 111. 1 .. 1. _lh_rup_. _____ _ ------· --1eact1.,.. e nne 2 batlll ,_by. AQ«ll .,...1°"4. -that won Ame, ,ca s up n 11 llw. ,,,. aeo, 'A utM. ConauelO, Wk SUNNY Newport •••ch ~r, 2ba , 2 atory, on y(l lor lllde. ,,_,., oondo ...____. C· t 29 clU9lex ~ nlf fl ~(\('"'\~ •••••••••••••••••••••• e 4 1 -8 9 11 , home Patio Office. 833 Oovw, e't11/grHnbelt. 400~ 1 11211 . B E IT A 11 y ~·Att':h r dl ._ •••••••••••••••••••••• f8'rd1"1W '-"' "'-=-'11'..../ Laguna ICl'I atu<llo. 2 blka 790-8850 S ulle 2 , &30 llm'o , e 11 o trope, Cd M. 53t.f190 tee. • .J:i ;;,: YMJI)', '~ bite to bch, lrO 1 ...................... If )'OU're not surt wtlo (Of Wt) KtMybunlq)oti to bHCh, furn. t425, Prof Fe & Son to attire 3 831-1oto4 t73-112a. ., .. , POOi. · 9r. garege 1825. lncfry, ..,... ~ 1111 was. don't feel blcj you·re not llone unfurn •375, utll Incl. ----------..-'419 Aln1.al Kida OK. ... 11 Wiid OooM. Tl-no~ .. 111. latt. "-· •••••••••••••••••••••• -Mll"fl ,._...,,.. ..... 1ee1 bd home In N.8 . Wiii ...... -_.,." McMlt-. pd 2 lt'tt a.. condtroga to lfltrepld lo t13·1327 2 IA 1 ea, no pate, Yf1Y, l<ltlnybunllport IS ont of l4 dlstlnctlvtly " ...... ~. conalder 1 child. L1hl Attract"'9 NMlc upetalra HVH 41r, 2~1a. a cet IEST pin NIM1IO r-. Wlld,.OOH. &HO, 714 Wll'I ~'I 3 M 2 t>a. lndf-; f9Cll, deck, MOO. dlfft('lnlaplrunent t\oorpllnslt 5Nw4nd VIMaot 1 :~:... ... ~ 11 _,, 1 0 chlld-care, Over 0, Mttlng. We euc>PfY ~. !! .... ..,,,.._ &1500 3 It 2 ... +900! 543-407 Wt~t A,,,.:.. l lt ' '"""" t7~. In~ llMch.SllWlncl Vllllge IU reUlt ...._..,_ ...,, !.... -.--... UISO/'l'o. Lv Meu epaot, oopltf. You IUP- ,,_. l4C)."204 • • , • "" • ·-• -· 0( tota1y p1r10ne•~ j>rot~ pltf\Nng town/OCMn. 1 Br. 2 ... 75t-813u ply pt1o119 a * J: mo iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I 1100•1 II a nHr th• E.ASTBLUFF Euc. tiome f».3771, en-an llte)'frOl'lt. 3 bdrm, 2 ba. ......... "'""or.-.... ...... ,_,.._...._ .condo w/poot, $750 rum, ............... ' ~-kr to ,_..... -~.~A.......... "11. beeetll 'rtvlt• patttlno, 3 br. 2 ti&. ci.n. lormal Large patio. New cpt. • , .. """' ... ,.,.....,., 1-_,""' 53 ..,.... .......... """ ,... _,. ..., ..,...... c yard fOf pet. F\m leaT dining, 2 frpla. garden 1 ldnll Yeairty. No pet1. t1200 mo yearty. · "ptrftct l>ltnd of netvre Incl IMno-1-n2-·30 for 2 bf CM atee. fOt occ 2000 •Cl ft wteoo tq n 13t.f190 tee. p • t Io , 1125 o mo trpc. 9329 Mo Ut11 pd. '71-7oot, f7&.M05 l'IMtlld 111 1 (1)r'tSt wttn tlllllllng broOlls llld qujtt OCEANFAONT 311\2 le; 1. Up to &2711 H . Cynthie etorage, o.c. Airport w. pelnt lntartof tind •· M2.o350. 873-'171 ponds.(<¥>ied by 1'11\ural OC$tll rir-.. MO to 191 11n1t. 1peotaou1er MIS-2732 art•, I 20 00 /mo. t.ior of flxlr upflel>for Lg 4Br, 119'>• to beech, 8 IA 2 la, dsJ!~1 1171! . ..,... .. _ thitttnnlHCUl'U.IWllTlmltlO~t~land ocHn view. Walkll'IO &hr furn hN on iatboa 851·8021 mow In OOIC• Ol'I 3 bdrm ~ Shor ... comm Balboa llvd. wll'ltet or .._,._,,. _., 1COl'IVlnilrlt1oauon nur ........,.,.,, and dlatflnot to "'°""'"9 I 1 i. tit pd l'IO Mkr 1--------...,,...-1\~M Hunt. lkh area poolltannlt,yl'ly,~"". yrty. t700·t710 mo ••• :.-:::;:m.......... -....,....... Ntwl>O"'• llneat l"MilU· • '1"10 1 '41e"0e1t3 SO.l.AOVHA I AtofllltY. Of!IV, tM-7112 t11ee fl'IO, M~7o-... 81:1·11145 2 :~ =~ ""'='':CS ~z 1:r1)'blltti'!fk:1 ~~"~:· ~ev.I n~o~5m~~ =~SI· . • ' ~. :r.~,. Hwy 3 IA I •• I Hl>ury. IPM. I or 4 ldrm, a bat II. no~ t790 >C 3 Ol'lt Ind 'two llldroOl'I\, onunci two ~th 8'13·4.o'~ M/F 11\f my 1.0 .M. '*· ... llll'" 8otloof•1 perlla. ll!Opt, -'1IW oompl•t• w/llona, 21:117"-41N, 117·81112 tptftll'llnttf\'al'fM•IOO .... fM futl'llllnfum, laul'lclfy, .. o, Ill SulMM NDaPt tleeefl, ltfl oond. NSO. Deluw,... 2 It, 2 .,., dllllet, utMe t7MIM 0t (714)t7a..:tttl -•••••!•••••••••••••••• 9*/mo, ~797~ ..;1~ wva, .O..r. '"'~ ~1* frplo, deck, gat, ltcut. Winier ,_,tel 3 Ir, 1,.. '421. 1 tM'. Ullll pd, 4171 Laauna hedl MotOI' 1M CtlttatlM r.m """" .. to kit., "'•" "'"dlf. ,. .. •• ., .. ... .. OM '°' ... one I.. 1 0., t. r. g.. ••Y l•lbOI ,.0 pete. """• tlll N. PeolflO ·Ctt Hwy. lllr Mn I ... apt. HI •POl'lelve to your "'* •r,.o 1 & I ... 1ov•IV HU. 1 ·103 IUl'IHt '100/mo.ltellitol!llY.a 147.1,11 :"·•on. Dally/ lrM ..... 114tAMI ,. .. , needa. Adf. •ot ' " • -.-.. COnda., ..__,, .J ...... , to t>aeoh. 301 Id· IW I Wk KltoMn evell. Low -.. IA ,v ........ ..-P ,. ••• etr•am•. HO. ~'I ......:!."':.:: ........... , (Coton1do ., IAY ' OCIAN YI two 6 "9lp M/1 "°'*"" I .,,, ·-, .. • .......... .,.._ ="·entry Dy ptlone, CM:'°i.. b"'ifti:';i'. aytro"I}. Aobl"'°" 1 br apt,. t75·1t'7, t!LSSSHllll~~>~~QllOtOlllN(tl,CA Yeairty ~·=.:~~ 1 !_,~-.. ~~.~= ~from f311. '°°' T-=.• ~'r"· .-,..!-1...~. « ... 1.1122. ....,.°' 141-11141 :!0 ~~ Cl). .... ''°"' ""s.n Ollgl ~..,. ntn11 °"' IN(!\ to "'°"'," ... "° "*"""· a;:::'e.o.,,1;-; N1WPOM iic ,ijid ---.. llftll t Ir ~ dr• Mc,lldlllll fllll ._ Oii ~....,WI 9'Mlno Wt0t -tn-1121 -= ,lftd wllat'fOU _,,t lftt-------.......... -1 f• I l.t ... tftlr'I' •t wtth l'\aa... "'-----..... ---10 AM ... •-• . ..-t M Halpt l'ult MrVIM, rW ca..,"°' c:t•lfledl. et........, Ma t42-M11 ~ 17~ 0 v• "°' w"" Ma. ..._,. .. _ ... .., ,,_ • """"'' _, ... -w Idle ..,. .., ... .,. 141.9171 ,...., Kint ioo. ,., • ... 00 IT NOWI ... ftr la1411 Vour Delly Piiot ServlC* Directory Rapretentltlve Nl·ltll, tit. HJ Orange OoMt DAILY PILOT 11•rt•v • ...,..,,,. 10. , ... ,~~ ..•......•... ~J:!l.'!ffl ••••••••••• Fl!r..'.h!!'ltt........ Ft!a!!l!.'m&.fP.11'1.: ~....... ••••• !!~ .............. !~~~!l!f ........ !fi!~f •••••.••••••••• Intent to :t ~. my C M, EXCEL CARPET C:A"E I ,,, •"•• I ... TIOI DUMP JOll 9 yrt In bul 1tlnl ref•· low PrHtlge Moving. Low AIR PAPIRl1ANQINO .._ •lllL_. h 8 h d LI J-·'" ··-I • Smell Mo~ Jobi ,., .. Call D•bl·Ch•n ,. .... fant .. tlc .. ,~. 1 I I 0 -····-· oma ' •Y 0• -...,..,ng on Lio 3Glall. "9model, T-......,/ramov.d Olelln C·" M11<• 1"'11 e .. M ..... ... 2 '"' ....... v .. M c >'" OCla Hp. uer DO"'t r•roor. , .... ,, at BIC190U 1-.-e238 0WMf/opt(l10f Add'na, C~lnet• u~ tene)Y, 761·'411 ... ... .. •AM· ... ...1..,54 .... , ......... IN. I . work PrlCH •••rt at " .. DP'I UIYllTI'm Carpet, uphOI, area rug 54 .. llM/84~'44 , HAULINO..QAAOINO Iott C&blnt ci..ned. C• lntured. 5~·1482. Cel. N /roll. Aleo t1t-0853 lraQtloll Of ow 009I Cell CIMnlng. Wortt Ouat 111 MDI ... damollllon, cl11n•up. ttr tor tripe. A·1 rel't , _T_·_1_3_7·_1_24_· _____ !xpar\ wallcoverlng _i... __ as_7_·J_l_10 ___ _ C.M ti'.. 54f.01511 Fr .. '''· t4&· 1l1 t AOO'N8/"~00l.LINO Uwtl•lrM-tllNb lntlall Coner••• • trM *"OVll. 842·3047 or t4f.4t40. ••nl•• .. "'"' lnttaHallon. RMI. Pl'"*· ,.,..., B b lttl I h m Plant. \.IO d . o.orr. Tree trim/remove! OulCk ..,..,, 842·11131 _, .... ..J I •••••• ~.............. c I I •••••••••••••••••••••• • )'I ng n my o •· Catfll.. Pllmer & 8on1 '41· 114 ' .. ~ M••ntt .. ·totlH~lng .1 • ., .. ,. Nure .. A11't for home oneu lant Au ;nmanl M0911.:I llRVICE nr Vlctorl1. C.M. ••••••'"•••••••••••••• _.... ., nv eot PAOP. 8lAVICE l••••••••••••••••••••• Cite 111ell lmmed lull)' 581-11&90 Aea«eena/New acteet'le 842-11482 H1vtng a party? Local c•· ...,Ill 'r" aatlmala Ml· 5 Hauling • yrd clean up· compltte Jtntlorlal MM· Int. 538.'8113 v'i'okle, 1"P_a_pe_r_h_a-ng-l-ng-.-,1-r1-pp-,1-n-g, NB/C:M &42·9552 B1by1lt1lng by Ohrl1t11n ~9;~,'~1r.":tya~:9 :n~ *KATAit.tA~a~·Ltvi:iN QUALITY WE!DtNO & O\iklk I CllHn. Fr•"' "'· l'alned 111tt, bon· 1•1121-1000 palnllnfc 11lnf work, IO or lt;t''-L''"!f molhtf' & IM cher, Mon· ' h·'"rcr•, d·'t" maid .._.., M 0 1lnt. Remembtf' the 3 ' 013-0&41 <led I Int. Unlolean emall ob• raieonabla ,_, •. dlrttand1 your need• -.. , ..... • s t 1 N t e h • 1 ,, ' • ••••••• ••••••• ••••• Fri 882·7573 CM . o ll Ct Oleantny Clrpt A I : "•aeonabl•. Rella• 0 & C EAN UP YI emt o p o ' rl1•l1•• lllH • Raft. l'rff ell. 8E .. "ICE & aEPAIR . • Food. drink, deuen• I ~1 .. n1nn, 93•21 '.I. bit. RIO!\. 41U'·3070 HAULIN I. • 150·1200 ••••••• ,.............. .... ., L<Mn\home, ag" 3 & up. orttlng. wa are ell• ~ ·•• .,.. ., Vdt/G*agee. Prop. mgl Piii PAllTlll Brandall 1168-7421 van Oppene a.rvlot Co. F/T1 40/wlc, + btl./att. trltnced In all. C:1ll ltl""•• .. m.. 8lmlT\on1 0frdanlno • Cl 03~·0953/131..0168 fl!~'!f!!f •••• , •••• ~ by Richard Sinor. Lio. ,,.., l•n•I .(714) 838 .... Ne echl~CM. S58-3022 ancy 1t 851-9093 .... ::·•r••••••i•••••••• Cln-upe, ltwn c:are. lull aan-upe, garag••r L&llll&Pm 290844. 13 yr• of happy ••'••••••••••••••••••• flit WHkday1 tfltr 3 1111? C•tallC.Mnlf If JNI lllYlll comm l ratld milnt. yatdt, anythlno. C1I AeU<>nlble, rtlllble. local cuelomtrt, **BRVANT'B** ••••••••••••••••••••o Wettltndl, dlyt. nlght1, •••• .. •'"·•••••••••••• Ptraonal, qualllled drl· 848-Ml4 Riil~, 842·7847 WayM 49e-7284 Think you, e31·4410 WallCOvetlng AemoY~3 TILE INSTALLED overnight. Lio BHC 1388. Cemtnt·Muonry·Block ~· lor your di)' to dt)' OARDEN)NG SERVICE HAUUN.Q • ttudent hH ~ .. om WOtk. lnl ... eat, All Typea. 842· 1 All Kindt. Ouaranteac:t c.11 lrtne 558-4211. Walft.~tt. WMk. Lie. errand•. Shopping, cir. Clean-upe, Ir" MrV. l lga truClk. Lowt1t ratt. Yard Mafnt. & Cle1nup. llo'd 20 )ll't In., .. , raft. Ill Can Aefl. John 840-11217 Aft11tli•l C.Hla!fl #381057 Rob 541·2883 epp11, church, Itel. All haullng. &41·109e Peta Prompt 0111759•1171. Sod, 1prlnklare, roto, Herb 521•8012 att &:30. •••••••••••••••••••••• frH i.mlf •••••••••••• •••• • ••• l•ll•fll ,.mtn c 11 1 need• mtt. By hour or Thallk ...,., John ., .. rmvl. drainage, hill· certified Houte Sitt«• ••• ••••••• ••••••• ••• •• Applied, r•applled, gu1r •••••••••••••••••••••• oncrett·tma or ga day 494-58&7 L1ndecaplng Malntanan• ,~. . •Ida weeding . Brien RALPH'S PAINTING Bollded. l111d•)' (.WI')' I LOW RATES I lllturad, llo'd. 41_.H 1 .... IOAU. fob•. RemOVt, rapt-or · • OI, Lawn 'garden care, • J l 588-2253 lnl/ext. Rtu. ratM. 3rd wk frM). 83 1-1234 Tr• trimming a removal. 130-1900 ,,.. Mtlmalet GP Bullneet "Doctor" repair. &45-8S12. a.-.11 Cll aan up. Kan Jonte, •• ~~-~.!f•••••••• D•f FrM Mt 536-1898 ........... _. & _ __. Bookt/ Deta/WOl'd Orlw.Patloa-Walkt :":I'.":=•••••••••••••• 536-1810 ref't. ROBIN'S CL!ANINO 1-IJ AJ4 .,... . ' 1111 If. .. J -_,ivpa ,...,..,ng Aa ..... 1a •.. "'" Proc:...tng NO JOB TOO SMALL f!!VJ',.~L~l/IACbO~l.C:11 ......... ··-Servlct •• thoroughly :-:r ••••••••••••••••••• Plllltlng: our famll)' tradl-•••• ~! ••• ! ••• !A...... 554-1017 •••••••••••••••••••••• 90 Min cm-elta vlllt ......., • _,, ....---·· -·-clean "-~1~7 Ylllt WILLI tlon tor over 100 yret Contultatlon & Hand ---.--------50% Off FIRST MONTH Free Ml. 538-2807 ...... exp. 5S2·11S82 M=:f:, ~· ralc'""'· . I I I ....... 2 .. 2 F1 Meda FramM 40 Y98(1 ---"---dable a!fOl'dll>le S50 ax1ra time l25hr. ,. i"..,. J , ,. ....... ...,, •~-'~ For a lrM fact "-t, call nt ext ........ -.. " . rM TIU ·--;;:;'~tlal. 'Antwering (714) 846-6819 0Hperatel Patio work. Wall tex1ur ... Ac:«1ttlc 1waep no. rae 111 ma· oan • ...,_,.,..,. _..,,_ Herry we .... Attorney 11 NI. 881-31198 Ellperlence. 14&-5t4t -·- Fr• d .. 1"· Lo prlcea. Hlft""Tana..StMI tludt taa. 845-5137. Houeea-Aptt·Aenlelt Lew 5 ... -0""" B I' p I I I t/ t IJ, I v.:·•· l "Tr• Work wtth a Con-tarvlca ••Arata 111 C. "'-··-Li-"• ......-0............ ••" 12•1 • """ '""· 11 • a nl ng, n •• I II -~ I 1 " T l 1 • • ~ r 1 ... 11 ~· Xlnt ref1. 91·7354 , ·le. .......... 1 .... 2.5••t FINESTKINO ........ .,_. " • ,. __ , .. 1~~mt. 8 yr• evp. ec anca . r mm Ilg e. bu1lna11 1ervtca1. mill ••••••••••••••'••••••• ---------__ .. __ _._~ ______ .... --! G Clean-up TIRED OF HASSLES? IH•IY ........, _,, ~ •••••• ••• ••••••••••• remove! b)' Howatd Doi· bo11 relltal, word ptocea. Ceblnet1 & Cetpentry C.1 .. lf rl/1 .. _tt.11•/ GAROENIN '· Q II •••••"'•••••••••••••• S. Ctt .,.._ High quel. & ~~p~~E~ll~ 1 loH. P.O. 8oa 34, Coltt .rng T.I •• F.c.lmll. S-··1 Jobi & .._ ... ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,_ •1 INTI land~, monthly UI %;clealll~l\elp It BRICKWORK·. Sm-" Job•. mattf'lall. Lo prlct. Free • • •••••• C•. "'2•21. Ph . • ' ,,_ ._,,. E••L•E•C••T•R•l•C•l•A•N••_••P•r•l•c•a•d• m•1nt ........ I•• '"7"'5 ..__et ft, "'""'' ••2 -Rettuccot. 1146·3258 '"' • " Ol'der elltry. Pagetl·INM Free E•tlmtlM &45-2003 Khch bathe entrlee ... ._.. .... ..,, • ·-....,.. .... Newport, Cotta MeN, "'· Reft. 4ff..57 t7 &42· 1932 txiy, deelc ep.ce relllal KITCHEN FAOE•IFT Fcur .. stomMl.~~~·2 right, frae eellmata on KlO Landtc• .... Malnt. OIAL·A·MAIO. Qu1lll)' e. lrvlne. Raf,, 815-3176 QUALITY WORK • neat, ANSWER NETWORK. R t II I I" kl '"""'vv large or INTlell Jobi. Reald/Comm-:'Cleall-up. 8"". Nr At Your Phone. BrlClkwork-1m1ll or lge ,....., hoMll; Ref't. lie. 780-7320 (aak lor A.V.) c~!/c~:. :~~nW~ CAii' Can Lie. 3He21. 873-<>3511 Lita haullng. 541-24111 135/~. ~9..()880 Job•· 1oo·1 locil raft. 28?~01. Dave ~1045 AHl•IHn S1ve m nowl 842-088t HARBOR.TR1Nirv.PRE: LIC'D ELECTRICIAN ... ,.... CUiiom home clealllng & Since 1989. 94S.e512 __ • -------• ,.,..-•••••••••••••••••• C.u·MattT SCHOOL. DAY CARE Oual. work•,,.... rllN •••••'"•••••••••••••• comr.leta maid Mrvfca. Lowut ratatl Prompt, R!'f:;,t~!Jt~m'I ••• ,-.-••• -,••••••••••••• CENTER. Coeta Mell. Free .. ,. Tom 931-6072 Carpentry -Muonry Pro .. bonded & 1n1. i;:'L~~P~~-:= neat prole11lonal1. 15 813-1g111 CUSTOM wood patio ()0-Opening Sept t3. Full ELECTRICIAN Roofing . Plumb~ UnlclNll Sy1tam1 of Npl lie. 3411419 838-39121...;.Y_,._•x_p_._8_4_8·_69_84 __ _ vera, decks & fance1 by alld 'A day care. 1AM to Sml Jobt/Aepalre. LICl. Drywall . Stucco . le Boh. 860·1200 CUSTOM PAINTING ~~~ •.••...••..... Drlvewaya, Parking Loi Repalre, Sealcoatlng. S&S AIPhlt e31·"199Llc Dan Htllberg Grading & Paving Co. Rea/coml. Lie 391804 842-1120 ~!!!!~~ ............ . Pertonallz:ed, low COii le- gal aervlcu: Ind., tamlly, bull. Initial coneulttllon 1r ... 553-0290 Olvorc:e-Suppor1 Change All Famlty Melter• Alt')' Kottroth &48-4315 RANDY 1141·0822 8PM. Regltter NOW. 233108-C-IO. 5'8·5203 Remodel J.B. &48-1199() Quallty Houtecleanlng ~etom Brlck-Ston• Int/ext. Reaid/comm. CllMl 6.mi• Corner Bale., & Fairview. ••NORTH STAR** Ben'1 Maintenance Serv w/1 pereon11 touClh. CM, ,:~~~!~~tt:~~:2 Frae NI. Lie. &44-4798 ••• ,..-·•••••••••••••••• 556-4335 or 556-7187 Electrical Contractor Plumb-elec-cerpentry Irv, NB. Beth 850-0933 15 yrs ••P· NB/CdM. I'm No Steam/No Shampoo 'Graveyard Shift' lie. chlld Lie. New MrVICle. 220 Pilntlng Call 9&4·5231 HOUSECLEANER #Wf •mall, my price• are Stain Speclalltt. FHt care, lg• F.V. home. clrcullt . 24 llr 945-4174 HIRED HANO, WILL Good ralt. NB' lrvln• ••••••••••••••••••••• tmalll Ron 813·&471 dry. Free ell. e39-t582 plenty ot eJpg rma. TRAVELI Miily dlverM praf. Gl1dyt 5"1·0702 *A·1 MW.* Exl/lnt. Lie #411592. Shampoo & ataam clean. S8/nlte. 841·2.217 LIC~~i6~C~~,~~~N dlorM. WHiie 942.34g1 B&M HOUMC!eanlng Top qu1ll1y. S~al care Bonded, lneured. Free Color brlghtenare, wht Chlld Care wkdYt by yg UC. 418He &42·8023 CALL HANDYMAN JIM Reatonable, Call Bente In handling. 2 )'ti exp. ftllmll .. 556-7927 crpte • lO min. bleach. cred. teacher (Mattare ---------. Malnt., plumb. repair, Balboa tlland 875-3810 Competitive Ret.. ----· -----Hall. llv/dln. rm• $15; a11g Degree). Organized actl· hnll•lf If/laid painting. AM/comm'I. No overtime. 730-1353 Ml HllTlll room $1.50; COUCh $10; vttles CM home nr Npl •••••••••••••••••••••• 536-9957/536-3e84 Bachelor't HMC:INl\lng STARVING COLLEGE RMI. ratea. Free Mt. chr 15. Guar. ellm. pet Hts £..m &..5-4857 Cullom Reflnlthlng-Furn -,.-----..,.----1 & laundry Serv. Ka1er1, STUDENTS MOVING Guat. Dave 9&4·3318 odor. Crpl repair. 15 yrs · & lntarlore-All R;::lre carpentry· Cablnell 540-2918/85C)...()892 CO. Lie. Tt24"'431 !~P· P .. 0 -owork myHll Thinking of a new home Cllt for Ml. "'"-5 Plum~ =r Crt"lng PREMIUM QUALITY lntured. &41.a.427 .-la. ~I 10 I lor spring? s.. the mll'I)' Compere before )'OU bU)'. t -DAY WORK WATCH us GROWi Find Whit )'OU want In lltllng• In lodl)''• cla.Nl· CIUllfled makN II Ha)'. Reis. Don "6..()149 by lad)' w/exp. & ,.., Find whit ~~ In Otlly Piiot CIUllfledt. fled eok.lmns. &42-6978 &42·5978 sell Idle ltamt &42-5978 845"'4259/642-3299 Dally Piiot • tor your out-grown bike DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS r'~~~ ............ . Ftrthlng Interior OetlQn HANGINO/S'TRIPPING Vlaa·MC Scott &45-9325 Pl.ASTER PATCHl~G RH1UCClOI . Int/ext. '30 yrt. NNI. Paul 545·2971 r!~!!,!~1. .•.....•.... ATLAS PLUMBING & H11tlng, 1paclallzlng In repalrt. 645-1988 ~!!~~!l/!IL~!r.l! ••• Remod & addltlon1, frff ~!.'!!~~ ••••••••••••• Mott IUb)«ltl, K-14 Day/ew 16 e. 110/hr. Mr. Morgan &46-5178 !!!4!!.~!~!f ..... "Lat the SunltllM In" Call Sunltllne Window Claanlng, Ltd. 548-8853 20% Monthly OllCOl.lnt d811gn & NI. Qu1I & low Int/eat. RHld/comm'I, ratet. Steve, 762·1155«1 Frff att. 20% monthly dllCOUnt. &44-4798 !'!J!~f. •••••••••••• •• --F·or-C.lualfled---A·d-- Huber Roofing-all lypet. ACTION New-recover-decll1 Call I Lie. #411802. 545.9734 Delly Piiot ROOF REPAIR SPECIALIST 125-1186 Frea Mtlmata 170-2126 AO-VISOR 642-5911 "'HENRV ROOFING"' ~-==::=:::=:::=:::;:::=:= Shak•Shlngi.Comp. SELL Idle llemt with a Lie. 416232. 54M213 Dally Piiot Ctuslfled Ad. . , ~ -for Merchandise under •1,000. 31NES OLLARS -~ -DAYS \l\C A~ -Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't ~ ~"~[\ID~ sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item • • J~""ln ~· per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or -1~~ commercial ada. Call today for full details. CLASSIFIEDs642-5671~B 3 . (Non-NfUfld1lll1. bin llMe t1AIO) Olliff ••• ,., "" "''••'"'' Au•••,..••11/ ffl!.f.!!.~ .... ~ t~~! ........ !'.ff !•!1..!.~'!1. .... !.~!f !e.'1.!!M~'l. .... !.{!f 1 !•!1..'!.~'!l. .... !.{'!f !•!1..!~~ .... !.l.! ,. .. ,,..'!.~'!I. •••• !.{ !f ...................... ...,., 4SH lllHftl•/ FOUND QIUMI, bl·localt, COEDS • Would love to UlllAll DELIVERY/S TOCK UllULH ASST. Live-In houtekeep«, mutt ......... , E11ecutlva Suite • H.B. ...........•.••.••.••• z...111 ... , t 1am·lpm, Tuai-Sat. drive, no emoka, Home 1750 up. 2190 fl. lndu· holldl)' wkend. C111 It plr1)' with you. Call Sue needed for Hair WHt, If you are a "take char-Shara rent with CPA an ttrltl -Office. 18101 A.-....•.•...••..•....... Smithe Mrkt. 32nd 11. or Kathy 1nyt1me. Night 1hlft. Road• End. t>enefl11, ... Herold 496 N.B. loul ... 873 .... 189 . In Hemet, N~I Bott P/ ~· pereon who call Attorney. Sac, Xerox, dondo Circle •M & T .......... ,, "" NB, e75-1!MO. 213/eo.t-3233 1830 Newport Blvd E. 17th St, CM. time. 844-851 die a vartely of ornc. Racep Avail. 9g1.5991 •......•...••....••... Cotta M .... Apply 12 'tll DENTAL ASSISTANT for tll.P te.-a. ranging lfom II• Huntington, Betch. Happy Birthday Jama1. Found: Small wt11 lcltttn. ReWttng mueage by ten· 7 PM .......... OISTA •W 842-283-4. From your lovlng wire male, tml bile 1po1 on n11 pro• from L•runa Ortho ore, chalrtlde, ax-..... uunta nograpny to blclcg to tale 200 eq. tt. to 2800 aq. It. Mary. Have a great day. heed. 489-3129 BAR PERSON, college per pr•I, ROA or ellglble. YOllSELF and recp dutlee, apply In SO. per eq. It. l up. Call ..... rt·All'Jlf1 lfMCh. Wayne or teve 01<, full or ptrHlma. 919-1400 Fountain V1lley mort~· writing by Tuesday to: O l l l ce /lndu11rl •I P!m.~ ...... !.~1:! Found: Mother Coc*apoo. by •Pf'-10·9PM C.M. &46-55"" ge company need• 9 Preald«ll, Great ~ Raalonomlc1, Corp. ,,, ....... ..,.., 4,000· 14,000 aq ft. All Bite. wltll 8 wtc old pup. 541-281 o.rttal-ehalrtlde. PfT AM. profMalonat womera -call M9dla Inc, 430 32nd 615-9700. Jesus CMst 11 AHw. He 844-7292 Beauty exp. ADA, 4 dye pt wk. Join a comp1ny thal'• k~rewardlng potltlon It. N. B. t2M3 1 ... Fiii A/C Hvy Pwr and Light· Wll'lll )'OU( Heart. Come •t1n•PLll Ortn0• Coun~ln .. t Buty pteuanl offlct. Npt ~ AFTER THE BUSI· Int Morti-:: Brilng Ing. Xlllt for R&D and low lo Him Now. Found: Blk and wht lam. &45-3&48 s.ion need• t. ti· Ctr. 840..()3()() SI Serloue, ambl· llldUttry. eat ettate PHONE SURVEY wonter Newport Center EXEC. r alat. 720-08 21. cat. CdM. No ID lenled, hair tt)'lltt. Top !lout lndlvldual• can background dttlrabla. no telllng required. 4-5 Sultu fully 1t1llad 10 213-921-4404 ,,.,, , ,,.. "" ~50 Dar-:ara for Bachelor/ Selary, DomHllc Chlldcare, r•· hrl per wk .. home.~. Bachelor•tl• Pullet. 1pon1lble babyalller earn eubttantlal dollart Sub1tant111 Income for handle all your bYllnMI Placentla/17th St, 1500 ...................... Rl\/E GAUCHE with many benefttt. For dedlcltad, motivated. plus, per hr. 540-1138. needs. lndMdual offloes Found: Biie Poodte, 1tan-na..a538 or 558-8538 HAIR SALON needed to cera f« e mo. I .I. Incl. otllce. $450 mo. dard size M., Dover an netting ... poaltlon and contletant lndlvl· Prop Agcy llMda def pan Mo/Mo. lrom $350. old. Wadn .. Morn• In 844-71811. &46-, 164 dys, &45-11543 Shotel ., ... &45-8129 UMmr,loyed M will vltlt Newport Bea c h Corona del Mar. Call •call L• l<ataln. dual•. who ctn 2pe eo wpm ....... lone)' F. Leave m1g, 540-8111 915"'4552. 549-4800 549-1457 RESIDENTIAL with frlen I)' tel voice. ..... OtastPlua fOUfl) ADS Found: Collle/Shep(?) F 558--43115 J. Tucker MORTGAGE SERVICE 1000 eq. It. Ole & watehM, puppy, vie. FrllbM Golf IOIT SHOW U.WWFIOll John Cuaack Some C11/Prop Eapr New bulldlng, )ull oom-xlnl loo. 1310 Login. ***********, prf'd. XLNT benefits, & pleted. Main floor 1val· C.M. Ra11on1bte rent ARE FREE Courte, H.B. 833-1740 Hou1ewlva1, 1tudelltt, ....... a. magnon 984-9090 Opty for growth. So c.t 111>1e. 1800 to 1500 eq It. &46-7512; 54M900. Found INTlall tiger 11rlped flUl.U WUTll p/llme temp. help: FOUlltaln Valt.y mortgt-Plaza Loe. Cell Martee or 2 llC>r)' bldg. Subttf'ra-llati/1 w .. w 4HO Cal: female cit with collar. 2 t1no1t matea whh eo· Cuhlar, ticket takere, g• company Helclng Managemerit Jim al (714) 754-1812 ne1n pklng . Owner/ Harbor View Hom•• ~ac:ht dealra 2 A TTRAC-etc. Appl~ I 160 A ·8 eac:row officer 10 proce11 ltltt• •• ,. ... P/TIME Singing MH· Builder. .....•......••••..•... 844-41923. MonrOYla, .M. betweerl pontiac/Du 780-111 tg Open for Vie-N.B.P.D. Employee & IOn 142-ltll IVE female companions 2 llld 8 pm weekdeya. loin eterowt. Sala~ l M1•t. Tral1tts Mngel' for Cookie ~t-looking for t or 2 Bdrm Found: Fam mix Hutk)' tor crulalng the beautlrul commllllon. R-ar lllg Upt. Mgmt. potentlal. wing Sunday 12 to 3 PM. apt In CdM or Newport bllclwtlta, Fem ml• Au11. Mexican couuin.. Must Call Haathet at ~gee car-opponulllty. lecle ,.., .... , Mu11 be 18, own car w/ 720 Paul1r1no It Brlslol area. 1450 or under. Call Shep Hutley, blk/Merle, elljoy IWlmmlng. Mlllng, BOOKKEEPER w/3.... yrt RESIDENTIAL Harbor Blvd It Fair Dr Start your new c:araer on Int. 7141750-3013 St. Anewer Ad •518, Lost: Tri color Paplllon Mala Shep. Blk/balga; hiking & fishing. LaaVlng exper for lrvlna Arch. MORTGAGE SERVICE In Cotta M ... our 3rd ltlltt, -nlng $4. .......... Lagun1 Beach 500 1.I. &42-4300 24hrs. "Tally" Vic L_.tur• World Male mix Shep b*/ttn, t0on ... Rind)' Stevens, firm, Wiii work w/outtld• John CuMClc IOITEll Up to $4.60 u ~ be-ocean view condo, xlnl 111c . Rewtrd . Evt Male mix Shep blkltan, Sta 145, 2005 W. Balboa acc:tnl on computerlz:ed 984-9090 come more ••Pd. You Tremandou1 career opp-830-1126 parking, la11a/ ula/ •••l•n•/I•"''/ Mal• Mal1mu1a blk/ Blvd .. Newport Beach, 1ya. Word rvoc would be F•m•I• babyelltar lor 2 FI T potltJon evall. re· wlll b• promoted to I)' fOI' lhe ~ peirlOn In option/ equity partlclpa-Lost: Toy black poodle, wtlte, 2 fem. mix Retri.. Ca. Enclo" current a g1u1. yplng nee. lt)Ollllblt, matur• people :r.t. & IUpeMIOf'Y I• clrculatlon t of natlo- tlon. Agl. Paul R. ,,.,.,, female, vie. Santa Alla ver1 pur.', gOld & wtlla, photo, age & phone. 54 ·2228 ~Irle 8 & 11 yrt, 5 daya, only, apply In parton C111: 714·537-i140. naJ mag&llM publlshlfto .......•.............. .. pm. 180•1410 company In San Cl•· &46-5051 •.. , .. , A11e & Robin Hood Ln. Male m x Retrltww gold. llMmPU Mon·Frl 2:30-5:00, Vic· lnlarvl•w• held every C.M. 548--0454 . male Shep mix ba~•· ~········••1 FOOD PREP. plua dell torte Station 990 Dove Wed. 7-11 pm at 111 Del mante. Mutt have at Coate Meaa 1 °' 2 room ... '!m!!!~!!l ..• !!!! overweight. 844·3 58 High volume rMtaurant counter, 11m-3pm. St. NB Mar. Cotta Men 1nd 1eaa1 6 yre ofc exper l 1ultH. From 115/mo. Lott: M• wtllla Malt ... Newport Beach Shell«, fr•nl HH hat lmmed. opt(ll~ for Mon-Fri, benefit•, '" ev«y Tlwl"I 9am-ll00fl at 11lnt tUlng & clerlc11 Utll• lncld. 1111 w . 1111h More Month than Money? puppy. Name "Mluou". ...•..•.••.•••...•..•. HOST/HOSTESS • SI. 851-11128 Bulld bualneu, kaap Reward . 8•'5·01177, 125 MeH Or .• Cotti Round trip I.A 10 Chicago part tlme/tul time kpr. Harold 4g5 E. 17th 11, C~SHIER, ev ... & 1390 N cat. Hwy .. Lag. llldlla. wt be utramet)' M ... Soma eaperlence pral. CM. Bott. E. 0 . E. accurtte w/det allt. .,,.i1 Office IP-· In achg lor your praeent Job. tax 646-9124 1117. 649·1411 Alr1lnl tide et. 17 58 value, 1 o key b)' toucm. Pteaae wtcendt. excel Irv. atM. «ganlnd & somewt\al • adver1tagea. FOi' pr1vate valld 1 yr. Wiit tactlllOI .... Call Joanne at C'Eat La llght telephone anew•· cou nsallng . ca II Found: Brn purebred Loat Min Dach•. Bl & Tan, $315 cath. 813-3411 appf)' In perton from 3 to \Ila Cafe, 551-5300. Mature, reaponllble pet· perfactlonlet. 8:30·5PM 5 pm. LH Brltat, 381 Ara you advan1urou1. wtcdys. Salary commen-ring. 980-1598 847·1275, alter I P.M. Dachshund, no l.D. CdM. Mai., Loat 9-8 nr Culver Cllff Or, Laguna Beectt. llMd money, & love to IOll to work PIT In • eurate with related ell· 640-7183 & 405 Frwy (714) HOUSEKEEPER. Conva-buty aandwlch •hop. Newpor1 Ellec .ulta 2 min Only S5000 llnancl.ng for f!'.f!!l!!!!! •••••••••• travel? A Callforllla IHC•nt Hosp. In H.B. per. Call Shalla (114) from Airport hH lndlv ,_ food ptoducta. Ve<y Found: Siberian Hutky, 552·1172 C&nvMI matket~ COfl'IPany hU 11111 Florida St Deya only. Call for appt. 498-1800. office• In 1 luaurloue M .. bl k & wht. HB nr ... , .. ..., 10 open ngt for thafl) 641-11209 antique flllad butlnaH hi profttt. 54&-6572 eve. Celltr Pk. &41..aa1 t Found: Small cat WMllng ,..,,, motlvtted hlgh-achool HOUSEKEEPER • Student IUlaTAYIULD yellow collar with bell \/IQ eam 15 to 114 ouanint· ...... environment equipped ~f1.!!.~ •• 1!~ ,.,,,.,. tlH a;aduatH to lraval 1 or pert-time employM, Need 2 exper'. people In with Thi, W.P .. alll t«V., Found walch, vie BolH Garlleld & Main HB ...................... 11d. No telllnJM Walle Htern StatH & de· rm a board+ allowllllOI ......... commerclal and llldU· Chica Beach, Llleguatd l40-78S2 MAPLE AVE CHRISTIAN lfom 4 to 7:30 . Wilt lro conferenc. rm, lots ol 2'd TD AMoc. Lenderl wlll train men and women montlrate an exciting In ex~ for hou ... Buay OB·GYN n .. d• 11rial real estate for IUC· perk~ mo/mo°' INN help qualify ~r 1oen for llatlon sa. 9-5. 840-1893 Found. Puppy, Laguna IOHOOL IN C.M. Re· new product. Training WOtk I d care. Must back office a11111ant. ~ and grc:!'i firm. from 75, d .. lc space ballk credit. 'NMd good Found young female 8">' Bch. nr Cr .. cenl Bay, gl1terlng 1<·2nd grtde, with good ~anoa Pfo;f::::;. aboYe ...... have cer. Refa. N.B. Exper. Mllure. S1lary BMt WO(klng lions 1250. MOVt In lllowance equity, but minor pro· Sh••PdOQ mix. 10 Blkl whl/bm 4M-0313 INTI lndl\I cl ...... ()pen 159· 442 ':f: . trlnt tum, 19G-2e90 open. Hour• Monday In Nawfoort Beach. bl•m• O .K . enrollment chlld care ...-ATlll through Friday. Call 714/646-51 833-9971 Pkwy & 405 Fwy, M.V. r um guarallleed. For 714-4119-1825. Cltlm at O.C. Anlmal Found: 2 lclttan1, n"d tvell. 848 433-4 for vow ~Ion csn. Interview call 146-3337, tnturanoa An1wer Ad Nl'I 722. . IUl11nL home,~a2mo -IUl.11 RMtautant !!!!1 . .'!~.~ .. ~f Shelter 40-7852 JIM W••IM 1111 ve. Pays 100 dally. 11-4PM thN Fri. Parente &42""300 24 hrs. Hott/Hott.... Coc«tall ..... ,lllTD •••••••••••••••••••••• Paid twice~ ..._,. at lntenitew. wmm11u Modale: Amlleur mod91 petlOn. ~ In petlOn WHI pey tee fOI' ~ Found: black & white kit· FOUND: Sml bladt lcl"911, COMPUTER OPERATOR 150-1121 1 ·5584 MlnlmUm 2 C axper. With UH ol reception. tan on Sunday, 20th & .. ,, ..... for amateur photC>Qtl· after 5. 18 74 Br?Ok· cont. room, kltch, phone, tor 1328.000 tit T at male, appro11 &•I Wkt. \f "1·tlma) Complete Should be amlllar with tee:retarlal & word pro-12.9%. 840-9805 O,.nge, CM. 646-18" 19th I Orange, CM. uelnMI Syaterm1 (alt or ...., ,,....,. Office •klll• a must. 'RVS, coe. and Mecllcal phtf', '20 how. Young, hur91, Founteln Valley. cetllng. Mall l ,,_.. Found redllh tan female $31·53711 par*I) Cell Allee FrDn* One Hour Ptl<Mo Heevy pt\onM. Some olc ~ group colltractt. Xlnl ~ ~"· Mnlale. Cell RESTAURANT ·=·, ,,.,, 5 71 3 Hie for Mike MN. avall. ~atatafy II mix breed puppy Sundey Found: Beeglt mile, alcl«ly 545-7497 Evening• Syalem1 In Huntlllgton ~t.C.M.area. benefit•. S1lary com-t-6, M·F. ..... .., detlred. Call: dy, ................. ~! nit• on Balboa lala. F, vie. H1mltton & Thurln, 984-8180 Beach la now hlrln= 842 90, 542-i5IO, Mr. meneurata with exper. lttMMllt/IMk 7141780-0100 976-&581. ~t.,.. Call Mr. . Davit. . Saddlabaclt Vtitey A,_, 111111 AIH 1.1. unua 9/1. &42·1207 Lovl~ n.llable oouple w/2 -esse Cell 1137 .983() Pitt tim. potltlon. Mwt ••••• • ,.,,, 4411 Found l1rg• Whitt DC>Q, yr d girt w1nt1 to do ..... ~~ Eaper. only for oon11. be available any houn . ................ Found: Parak•t, Oil Iha ...................... Sept. let. Vic. M;tnolla/ beach, N.8 . C:all to child care, hlkppg. •r• ....... ldMI for et t IMT!RIOR DESIONER.-NB holf>ltal NB. Oood wont· Contact T~ Retell ttora at 2960 Avon. Speellaltrl~ In 111 & 2nd Yorktown. 89743 1 alt klerltlfy, 873--3782. rand• In exchanoe for ......... or rttlred, for driver & Horn• dH~ter Ing conc1111on1. E1tcel. 561 22 1815 eq. ft. ~lut 8 car TD'I nee 19-411 5PM. lrM rtnt. E~. "*\ own ~Y rep. Contractor wantt prof w/ benefit•, Come Ind be • Qlfage. &41-8 71. Robt. Sattler NH/CM Found: l=blk & brn trant . 8 1·9 88, NMdecl for lullutY ~-htlP •lttrnoonl • ...ab following, U1* In U r t o f •o u r I • 1 rn • Aeltaun1nl • R.E. 8rOl(er 8d AlaltOl"I Found ~· reddllh tan. puppy, 8 /I.ab(?), nr 552.oeM ,,. 8each Hott1. au •>' evenl~hl"I dally. teohnlcel & dt11on 24044. NOW ACCEPTING llllUY &42·2171 545-0e11 blade Oil ace, young I• 8Met\/& • 142..():)92 and MOnday only. Cont• Ou , pey ad· a1ptc1e of window APPLICATION& FOR: . ..., .... male, medium height. !'11..!.~'!!. •••• !!. !f act Jan Flood at vanCle, oommlatlon. tt'Mtmn.I. tiring, tum. "' PA"1-TIME~ 1 .. or . ... WIDOW HA8 SIS for TD't 548-5048 12·0PM. SCRAM-LETS 49 .... ...., 2•7 on Motl, I Sat. Exp•rlence neoeHary Top 11tabll1had Mall RE Loant. 101< Up. No Accounting 14410 per hf. No ...,._ plane. oonautl"'9. a.. 0..... ,.gltttt Uf*, •bl-locallon. For Information Cradll Ched!, No Penal-Found Praac:rtptlon Qi.. TUll.Bl/P.flllt ' Contractort rlance nec••aary. rOYe COfMI + COMUlltno Ill)' to work w/fubllc, APPLY:~ 2 and cell ly. Oennleon I A11oc. .. , nHr S3rd Street ANSWERS 20or30hrlWMlc.~, The 8awdu11 Corp. la 113-7745, tM-ell7. -..Muatlleve~ •om• tlltno. 4 hr. 4, 37 'aet\1011 ltland, MEl FUCHS 813-7311 beach. Newport. tight typing, tchedu • IOllcl1tno bide rrocn con-of WOl'tl, raf9. I <1Yt 845-0404 NeWport leedl PAVILION REALTOR 81M6M. Upetlot -rwo. tracton lamlllar with T"9 GOV!ANM!NT JOl8. t•r wk • floor llme. llTllL .. 17M11t lit or 2nd Trull Dead Moult! • WhanOt preparation, aal .. and 8awduet , .. ,Ivel fOf tM Mally Job• available In on-emkr pr•f. v111:r .PART. TIME po1lt1on1. wanted.~=-on1y REWARD. Lott, Can•11• HOU8! UM tu rMuml. No expr. conttruollon of ttH u.e. tnd OI*.... FOf Home Dealgrl 4MO-I 1 Oepandabl• part/Um• 9-1 27 FIJI prlnt bag containing Newtywade -· apen• n.a. IHlc ac:counttno Olrect:l 312 ........ 347 high Income, ctll Mr . •lt•tll •._., "99ded. At. ...... Sawdutl Fe1tlv1I --.r(WMl .... ) Cepoblel IC)O fOf lnterMw unflnWlecl needlt pm, on ;:,, mud! Umt tnd ef· knowtedga pr9'. '°' ..,_ lx1 e-• ternoona, evtntno• & ••••••••1 Monay lo loan for real Beyalde ot+Ye .,.., 8aNa In repelrt to tMlr C: o.c. Comput« :Pt· cllda· F°' ..,.cino.-Set, Sun, 7 AM to 3:30 (714)t64-1111. ----.m1nper-• Info call Alda •t OAO<*!R WANT!O for ........ •tale T~ Deed k>enl. Corinthian. Call home. You could II)' alad In IMnafTUll n 4~.Mblda~ llrt&a.t,(~) ftM. 4000 Hiiaria Wey, NITml eon: ,.., I. 171 ~ In Stonemlll, 8-Utllul 114/~930. 815-3318 or 344.ao1e they ...,. rnelllng thelt arta. Call Debby. be rlOlilled by 10/1112. fOr ... ~ lhop. be Ne~ort Beach . EVM tnd/Of WMlcendl. IMS, C.M. Call &42:M78 coll. 7141730-30tl ~area, otflce1, War1I Ada home a HOUIE. COUNTaAIY AlllD l*90ft eape r . & rellable. M2 1 ~ adultt. OW9' ..... C.M.1n11q '!!~ft~.ffl! .. !!f! !9.!.!ft! .. ~ ,.,,.,,.._ IMf ACCOUNTING CLl!RK, fOI' tool & equip rental . t40.()0t'. .-.n 21, Witt!~ at-Otftoe=~ ft at 79t. 175-3812, puOll9tltno """ ,.,, J. w. trtetl .... C*'tOMllt• to &44-ff39. ·····:·¥'······· .... AlrPort hU .,, opening ~ In LAeunl Id\, •••••••• ................ .ark Wllh youlh l?:. 11 .. f\111/ ltM r." "°" Mutt enjoy working WI avallalllt. WI I trtln, c.....w * NOW IS THE TIME * umaa...,. fOf en ••"' account• =··~Ml•~· Oroundlmen needed by ............ , 10·~· Call I· ~ ~ ...... Ina. f'HOTO M<>Oell reoetvabtel~t•ble Olte. t ~~ 1 OI Huntington 8"dl City ..... ., l.""'· M2 t,bt.Ml.I I (Mr. lmlnont) ..... 4411 * RATES AR& DOWN * UCOATllDANCCN ~· 10 ey req'd, eo. COMt • • 1930 tchool 011tr10t. 12 mo ,, .... ,. ., .... Ill.II •••••••••••••••••••••• OUTCAU. 14 HM wonii OOnd .. N••goft 81vd. CM Of ~.WrtMnt• .. ... .. IOO 1q. ft. oomm'I or ofo -Home1 COllll'T'ltfcll. lflCOtlle p!opllty ....,, •Int benefit•. onttCll, 228 0 L'embert/8te ' ••11 811ery, ,,...... ,,, . ., .. , ....... , .. t ttowlftt ~ f.r:· Bill., I 9tletol, D ea n a HUflt, 120S, 11Toro, .,,. 41411/mo ...... ...... ,. ... •• •Ill """ lft9'hrltld ..... ' MOO mo. 540-09M -S10,t0> '>one nlllton 11 ... 14Ml3.4 ~~~ ==-::= ***' .. ,.,_ .,.. ......... ..., .......... 11~~71h& -Fnt & llCOfld "* OtlCIS Att1nd1n1 overn~ ........ HclPllnO'• i..unclfy e.v . Vol''°---·= '°~"""-..... -Cifd no Pl'*"" Wllh liMnl ~ ltlllfllPllter wllend• 121, Aallel HOura I AM .. PM UIFM...,_.,.,.°" ~·.:::I· PM, ... '° ... OOflll'll. + ~· 1700/mo, avail. bltd /irot. w oman ~,.~m;, ~'· overr dN. lt•P"'"• 842•243' -Ml ,..,,.., anywtllft In °""DI °';':14 tw1a• 146-U 7, ,.,,..,.J::::-"' LlllLl.llllHMY .. , ... , ~·--Aleo ........ lllllllt W...n.J -Blr!k ..t S& L• O.A.C JIGUDI. :"?.i LoMla BAKli., e•per, ::r.:ble fOr. ,......,.... [ N•:r• Oenl•r "HI ~1119IMllODl11111vd "·-, ........ 11 well 11 ourltt1. balclf for manlf flt • ...... ..... ""~~ """ ,_,,, 4111 ~r~--_.2i1t£ ~--,.. ........ ............ l turn• r,our unnMdad . .............. J:; •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.AMert-........... '" ..... ~ a-=:'l:..n -=:-...... "'° ""'tted"'::'"' =· .. "'--N.L 1115 Blrctl. tOOO tq. ---·-·J ... ____ ._ --~'*"9.M -..,.LOCMtlldlllN.8. U 111 =-~· ........ w.tMlllOll ... .... Cefl ,,.,,k (11•) ""' • tlllfy ft. MIA iront. Aotnt ~ [7M)mll• .....,_ 11•1141-Mll. illlHll-°'*'• ....... ,......,.., M1·IOl2. 111111H1rWaOM 111-1M -·-" ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Sec>tember 10, 1082 DI ~ .. f.\1~ .... f/.ff ~ ...... 11.!f &eJ.'P!1 ............ !'!!!.1Jff.'!M ... llM .. t_f 61:-' fr.!!,.ff¥. ...... ll!ff ~/ II luf1pla1Nnl Vo Dlahw .. I\.,, I Yff old, Couoh. H•rculon. llrwnl Antlqu• 0•11 uwl"' .. mr'..mff .......... '"O•nl• recl1tQ ••l>Ol •• lf!o!! .. J! .......... . lne IM "' O·I, lop aond. 1110, lleloe NI 111111.18 twwn maoh. lt•nducl, • .__,, Ml "UllV ecwlP'd 17110 •71 HonCI c1160, 11 ~ •........• ~ '71 CMV l11bi.lfbtn ••4 XlntOMd httt tl7·111f/~ WO, .. l"/T 0 1 1 •1 ftm ~•I Mil. M'·ffH r••lln•ra IH ... Oell t•ie . .int oond UOO. :n;";" ............ 1.-.\. 111-a.IO bllc Ill•~ X1rM ,.·· " L 1rn ..._Hl7 ........, Cer top 14' 1h1"'1num • 1 .. ,. • • • • ~ H•I v,,ttn Ille 01 Ange H WMhar l Clryw, I ~r oMI, llllltnO Hat, t I JOfln· 21 OUtn vONt 1100!), r11• ll•pt 1 1000 U1 • nmea CKOIMCIOn 'TMftl 1111• new, If atltti.cf, lclnt •IH.i,;' 'oldlng wt1 ... on11r, itlnt 10 n "Ir• 1 116 0 lllgll•at qull1t1, llP• I , 4M .oHI ••u•••••••••••••uu 11nn~~+ ~ Hant-to-find apt a1n .. ""°o 11>o.r100d~~~r.,·. • cond ~7.a111 542·toal · ~~~~~:•21 w /trlr --,11-1_u_z_u_K_1_1_2_1 __ 1 ' 7,!. ~ ..!:. :_:~,;:: .. , ...... IO" "°'fal 11411 range • . ~ ...... -HMde woril HO 'uo.ounnl£1o OOlld U&oo. Tr1ln1no provided For ..... oond Ml. 17, .... 11 • 11 f .... d 1 eo11, tove 11at, ohalr, I' UllT ~ 11· 1111. motor. !WI, 7HP 144-6118 de11111, Call (71 4 11....;""~----;,.._--"~~",,,~~'m!r;'111';;: :. lro)'hlll. OrM11, yellow H0/090. ..2.2:m motor, trlr, 11' mul a 640·0301 0 I! R!flRIOl!"ATO l ooucl'I a 1. love Hat, and belCle itrlped t 225 -•"I II Mil HOO "'l·tofl H1ot~·.J~,'~!, great, 7J Dodge Van Convert •Int cond .• I SIOO firm Air . a uto, atareo 131·2171, 646-3843 ••LES ~ M~.21•2002'"•'" hit I I 110 l4t·•l:SO _, -"'.,.. ..... .,.. _,, w • g r••n Y• w 4• II Lana.r. 'yeett Old llll.....,.,,I 1111 ....._13U work In own bactlyetd, S400 ' chrome • ot•u New w0men·1 gOll 1holt 1119,000. wm trede ..... -;mr;............. 11_1 __ • protected """OtY Ser· IJrllM frH1er la"-' 11-IJ/l ar-. tablM, oo.,.. table, r.Mp !tonle Wl'llt• 11. i..111, 1 lubmlt P<°'*1Y 8.arlllG• Stoca Wlndeur• •-·--vtae H l•llng aec:ounte ltOO. IM2·21148 •••••••••••••• .. •••••• JTI"u.nrn........... tablf, tof• tet>le UOO all StMI i19.H , 848-3174 173·••24 11r &1llboard . 11100 2 atrOka, 110001oeo A•tN .,_....., •IH l .. d• provrded Olreot 1---------1 MOYlng Sale: bed1, d,... Olenl 9a1e, ht & Sun t •ll. thr••· Chrome tabla 64&·2688, t7 .. 1I08 A'-• Ml·54117 ••••••00n-:;T. ••• r .... HIH Hp. a mu11. Ad· O.E. Wa11•11r & Ory.,, 3 ..,., dlnetl• Mt, oouct\, U211 Olllota, O.M. II• temp 171. I ' Qlrome 6 ITAIT JM IHl1, #lnM Mutt 1111 StOOk Wlndt41r· 1---------1 WI PAY var11a1no H IH helpful. yr• Old ~nualnr!· ... •ampa711.:, eta.o:..,aonalt/, reo. bed•. tto. 846-tt04 !!_~ d1lnlno.'.'~!. w15~~4~ IHJITllU lllPPlll L.J•••I HI ,., Sailboard. uoo. •n UH · 140,000 plu1 Hrnlng1 $400. 731·&7211 ~ • ..., .... "' ..,_. 1500 _.,,.... .. 1111.Y ,.,:;\,~-............. tfl.•t41:t good Cond, 12211. TIP MWll i=-:~·~~:."1~5~ .. ~~~ s.E~ ccleo~dl.ng2•51ec0 'o' :·b• •• ; c.,.,,. ,,, •• , !~!!-A~.~~t ... r,J:,"1~~.~~ .. :.~:i ... ullful o.remlc nor.. l!·~n:r-08 11HP motor. ... I'" a.M-52111 Pll 1111 a··· " · I :•F·a·m··1~··0·.,··~··•:~::·8•1•t• Oarae• Sept 1 M2, •·&. a t OO. w .. tfng hou.. 30" high on hind leg•' · 549-1391 II, 16" •ull.... I •1 "" 1111 Oii llllP ofr. ll&i· 1271· u ...... 1u •1 70 1,.0 p"'!'nM•·' Anllquta 811d mlao, bike, I> r y • r a 7 11 . c a 11 color TV, ceramic ca11: J#h Htl ·~ .fnnl '6 IUI 1111• a.Ibo. l.l*"d·wkdaiy a Fra.:er, 9 ov '1, 2 yra old, i'"'i ''c' dM '" "' 18100 81rdon Ln, Hunt· 54$-113•1. I t S t 01 Homallla Oariarttor, 3, ••••••••••••••0 u•••• "''''' •••••••••••••• --1•-_j• I wkend hre"."'avall. lde;i lln new. S125 •· · lnglon Beach. f..~. '::;.. 1~~. a ':ti 000 wllll, new. '550. 41 Pt, 11Mtt11 1:;.:i:n~0~:~1.~r;,~•ry r2~:,.:;.:, for houMWlt• or 11uden1. 84•·2770 110111 Ll!AVING 8TA'TI! every· e:::~. t.'!:td~U'; more. Handmtde 1 .. 111er 548-8381 Excellent NewPott Her· f1500 844·91128 COSTA MESA Mu et b• nHt & con· FOR SALE Whirlpool IEIOLITIOI lhk\Q mu11 go, f\lrn, appl, 8411-388& °' G48-40t4. Item• l much more. Onan 10 KW generalor 4 bor loo. Near Public Mt.4111 eclent1ou1. Call 875--3712 wa1 her' 11 k • ne~. toye, clothel, 0011 Hid• 840-1709 evee. ""' Conllnental, 1i11 po' • Dock. t15,000. 8114-2328 frll/m, fltUJt. 1111 .... , ... .. F -·1 •.. ..._. .... 0..... .....t 8d v, ·······~······""······· I for appt. &2211/0BO 848·2961. l•luret ... ..,m.,..., ... n. Park Dr .. H.B. Sal/ un .... antq. .... rm Ml, -ed. lull rabu t, lrMn WANTED: •llP for 25' ---•111 •• ---------d.ow1, doore, c arpet1 8AM. 7 pct, Incl. dellc j llnQt-IF YOU HAV! watar COOied, aat up for O'Oay atoop In ex.cti~for •nwi 1 ,_ w~ llY SECRETARY • P«manent 2 door r•lrloeralor, good dr1PM. etc. Sat, 8 .,,,.,.. rla dr...., "80. Qn u INITIALS marine 1ppllcat101,1. uM ol bolt, hinged mut. S228". ltofS..oe84 'fi lull/time, needed now, condition. $76. pm. 238 HeUotropa, CdM Sat/Sun, 0·4, Furniture, bed S175. All Ilk• new. CHO 12500. 875·2837 857-4891 Aal• •-~-"':. lirll OWi 0••1 lor 7 peraon lrvln• tu l t64·1833 antlquH, ml1c . 18555 84e.ot70 -~. "" lnv111men1 tlrm Requl· ---------• c .. 11 #n. S •I I C I r c I• . 1---------1 44 lb. B"UCI! ANCHOR 81tp1 avall. CdM area, .I AHHIMlfl Hll 01 TIHll rement1: exoatlent client Kenmofe wuner & dryer, •••••• .. •••••••••••••• (Hell/Algonquin). Enllr• content• ocean lmt Thi• la your lucky day 1250. pp. I 8 /1 t c e 11 c • r r 11 ••••••••••••••••""" re lallon1, typing 75 •Int cond. $150 lor bottl. home. Blk11. bed1, t•· way. Beautlf\11 hand too-e7&.9300. 714·955·2473. Wkdya Autobody Slud41nl Medi wpm+. word proc or 984-9833. SWAP lllT YARD SALE • Sat/Sun blH, dlehwuhar and led cl'leck book cover , 8·6 P<Ofeela. '70 to '82. Imp legal exp. hllpf\11. Apply Every Sunday, s.m-3pm. 9.4, •PPll•ncM, turn 6 more. 875-7873 with hOfNI head l lnl· 22 SPIN. POLE l• Fie! otf l Oomeltlc ,am cell, 1111 COMMfll C HtVIOLIT In pereon tt 2891 Richter M~":,~ kW,un.rp • r't ~: Orange Cout College. mlec: llame. 1007 Dela· tlala CHO. Regular P<lc• •ho r • · I 3 O O • PP• Newport B .. ch, llvH: 1ruck1. N .. r total•. H Av .. Sull• 102, corner $tOO/bolh 7eo.9565 Fairview & Arlington w1re, HB MOVING MUST SELL • S25. Sacrifice for only 876-8300. board, 1llp up to 80 Save Money II. no Junk, ",.,.ti 1f'• I' ' r , I \, f I Jamboree, or call Mr Coit• M .... AdmlHlon y••t ••• • Blautltul 9Po MCllonal, S15. to lucky paraon wllh Evlnrude 40 HP Outboard boat, water, powet, lho-2nd office 11rvlc1. Dallon, 841-3784. Warde 2 door reftlg w11n frH to buyere. Se llar -...,. good cond, pd s1•95o ti-lnlt1a11. Hurry call llH 1••1111 w • r • • S 10 0 I m O 213-944·8452 SU -1 20 llllnUY Full time. Oood typing 1nd admlnlllrallve lkllle. Sm1ll growing Hotel Co. Salary comm1n1ur1t• with ablllly and 111pe· rlenoe. Call Mr. Kopp 497-4857 Secretary: Perl llme . Good typing 1klll1 & 1horthend. Fle•lbla hra 12-16 hre per week . Newp ort Beech , 846-8329 IEOHTUY lmmecl. opening tor M · crela.ry In Lagun1 Beach area. Xlnt typing and or· ganlzatlonal 1klll1 1 must. Call Linda. Fri thru Sal. 71f/494.0748 lea miker, $300. 080. ReHfYatlonll Info. Relrlgaretor, w11her wlll Mii aeo<>. 5-45-7396 8•0·8709 Oava • _.. 87S.8826 -llYll 957·8178 656-5880 dryer. bdrm Ml, dining MOVINO MUST SELL • .. ,,._lll•fHI 8' Dinghy, S1bot lype, _S_ld_e-tle-to-18-ft-.• -,-00-mo-. PAINT & Illa body wonc, Top dollare for Sporlt Seare dining table, eolld :::;, :r~~,::;a~C,:~ Beautttul 1mok1 Qlbt fbt ...,;,. ,.J IHI oar•. vary good. HO. Marw1 CflanMI :: :, i:.r 5~~ c are, 8~•· camiara, WGOd . e cha Ira on Cul-de-He garage ..... Portable 101111. mlec. w 1 4 ch r •. $ 2 6 0 . .,,.,_ 9fl3·255t 873..&t•ll 914'•· A ••• • 545 73H ••• ••••••••••••• ••••• • 4) 8 t.ug Wheef1 & tlr• CHtwt, 1400. 857·8178 Great 11alue1·SomerMt 5132 Charyl Dr. (BOIH • Wanted. ..,,, ,, ... , HfO DOCK for rant. Boll lo 1.5 .A.lk for U/C MGR e1ec1rlo dryer, gold, uMd Hom11. 913 Lombard Chica and Edlngaf) Fri. Brand new Pin• Bunk Microwave Oven ..... i................ 30'. I 1 oo Monthly. ~~~~00,'~;-= pldc· • ...... 8 mo. Xlnt cond. llOO. Crt. B&Ker bet. Fairview/ Sat, Sun Bed1 from Sear1, ,,.,,., 873-6901 Clu1lc 18' Lap1trak1 873..e100. •---------• YUIWAID 842 4338 itt •pm Bear. Sat/Sun SAM. ,~ uMd. $180. Call Anewer Century b1y boll, 4 cyt,1---------CHROME SIDE PIPES (2) 18711 """'~h Bllld -. ' 540-3670 un•• Ad # 5 t7 842·4300 Patio labl• and chelre. Grey. '3500. 87M181 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: $40 both -. A•1ll•• ,,, s ............ ........ •• 24h • Aleo emall lawn mower. Newport Beach· 25' 28' CALL 842-8788 HUNTINGTON BEACH .. ••••••••• .. ••••••••• Antiques Garage s.i. OFFICE FURNITURE 11· 559·9288. Sa1a Ray 246SDA 1980 30', 40 ', & C5'. 'ca ti l---------1 141·2000 .I I Al ti Hundred• of lt•m• to HALF PRICElll B••Hi•ll llHll 1111 w o lrlr, loaded. Mull 842·4844 from 9.5, 1985 GMC·V8 Engine & --------••• '1 t ti 1111: chalra $3, atereo Mt Oe1k1, Ill••. chalrt, ...................... #811111 1111. S 17 ,900. or ofr. Mon.Fri. Hydro. Gd cond. $200. WAITED! Sun. Sept. 12, Saddle· 110, brlc·a·brac 25$·&6, l1mp1, elc . 30 Miiiy STERLING SILVER 48 &llt••t•ll '"' 984·5588 1---------Eva' 1 8 · 8 pm only beck Inn, 1880 E. First mirror• $3 , picture• Meadow, Turllerock. pi-, Grand Beroque by ...................... ,5,,, Ow 2• ti 50 Ft Mooring. Newport 537·2003 St .. S1nta Ana, INlurlng: $1·'5. Thura & Fri. 182' Culver 10 Campue 10 W 111 • c •. I 1 3 O O • ent v gu woo-,l!each. 1125 Mo. 1---------1 Dl1mond, Ruby, Ema· Monrovia, CM. Hlllgate 10 Mlity Mea· 968-9058. YAMAHA Ball Amp. den beauty. Sac S8600. 549-4293, 957-0957 1965 235 CHEV ENGINE raid, Sapphire, Pearl, dow 752·1094 Sat l Head wllh a double 15" 875-8202, 831·8000 1175. Eve'• Only 6-8pm. Opal & Gold rlnge. Ear· SUPER GARAGE SALE • Sun 9 10 3. SINGER SEWING machl· PV apeaker cabinet. All Boat & lrlr 18• Glaapar, IHl11 f1*4 I 537·2003 rings. Pendant & brace-3158 Yellowstone , C.M. ne portable. $75. In u callent condition. 15h E 1 d O/B lkl IOIO 1111, watchn a. clocks. 8·6 Sal/Sun. 5 dHk1, Sport and Ork Rm Equip, 551·9228 11.000. ~ ~ 8 v 3r~9 • · •••••••••••••••••••••• A•tll /11 1111 Special IHlure: Approx 15·$30, 1pkre $5·$100. Sm Appl, furn, blcl, cto-PAINTING 39.. 72 .. 011 111..0171 1-IPll 4 ' 48• 1 WHALER 11' Sport, elec ••••••••• .. ••• .. •••••• 3K round Dl•mond, ap-Dralllng lbl w/mach $50. Ihle, l MOREi Sat Only. by M• 1• Spa:iSh itoo ' 1978 20 ft Sea Ray wlln ""'· 15HP, all remote IMPORTANT NOTICE Lall mod•I Toyotu. Volvoa, Pickup• 6 Vena. Call ul todayl 1~·arle Ike TOYOU·YOUO 19'6H..-.11•4 c .......... pral11d vatue 117,000. Mlac. 9-3, 11 Jordan Eut (off 962•1;se · 1r1Jler. $7500. contro11, loaded w/ TO READERS AND lllPPlll OLHI ln1pecllon 12·1:30 euc· MHa Verde block·lono Mlc:helaon) 561--052' LUDWIG SNARE DRUM 844-5883 option•. deluxe. New & ADVERTISERS tlon starting time. Aue-sale. On New York Ave. , _ •---L JfWlrr #10 & STAND S60. S 0 perfect. 842·8395, aak The price ol ll•m• ad· Faat growing faahlon Ilene«. Utile John Gin· Off Giiier. Sat·Sun a.-c. 'f:I!!,~.~"!. ••••••••...... -,............... 844·2057 For ••I• '78 BO T N for Phll vertlted by vehicle dea· ,._ u•·• JOJ • UO.U• 7 bullneu, cosmetic llne. gle ---------I Camping 6 '90'tlng gde. BHulllul Em1reld1 & ARTLEY FLUTE 1175 WHA\.ER, 16W w/70 1~5 "Clllllc" 17' Chris lera In the vehicle dual· cherge ol lnvenlory con· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IWll Ull & equip. 1ome furn. Sapphlr• from only SS SILVER, PERFECT. Evinrud• motor, cover 6 ;;Md boat Cl'lev 327 fled ldvertlllng column• WINY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR ~~ef~s~'c!i'1 1~~1·:~~~: PUBLIC FURNITURE Book1. lkll• and booll. book•. Sun only 9·4. Pl' ltOMI 840-8688 844·2057 s~.'e13l~~. cond . S8950 oeo.'552-4621 · dou not Include any view 879-8073 tennil rackets, camping 1090 Katell• St, Lag Bch. lfMlil-U11 appffcable1tu ... fltc.nM. flHAPPUIUI. Cormler·DeUllo Teach olhera 6-8 hr .. '* wtL Eam $800-$900 mo. no Mlllng nee. 850-1991. T•i.,llH• S.HeHtn NHded lmmedlately Ideal lor 1tudent1 or ho- m1m1kera. Houre. 3·9. No Mlllng. Alrpor1 atN. Ct1i between 9· 12, 640·4847. Aller 1 pm, 986-0151 TILEPlllE llLIOITHI We need good people lo eet up appoln1m1n11 lrom our Newport BHch office In the evening for Holiday lnn'a new trevel club. S1Jary + comml• alon + bonu1. Call 833·3740 after 1 PM. Telephone S .... Earn Big Money by the bH Ch, $300· I 1000/ wee!!. can 638-1611. T elep"°"9 Rapa *'••••li1ttly *AUCTION* aqulp't, HO train• and •••• '::"::;i............ Ktrachner P.e11t1 Uprtghl * llWY IHll ,,., .. , HH 1r1n11er .... Inane• n models, •lot can, foye, • ..,,.,, IH1j ·---Plano. $900. 24 tt C""d C I '77 •••••'•••••"'•••• .. ••• Chargee, fee• for air pot. (H'l FrWIJ 711... elec lawn mo-r m!M: •••••••••••••......... --•11 760-9655 ""' Y ru M<. lullon control device Sat/sun 1". 1,..;" •~a· Garage Sale, Sat. 9·2. With acceuOl'IH. W/twln 1 O .. 170 hrs. DRY STOR1GE certlflcat1on1 or dealer New uMd bedrm 1et1, \1"1. ~...,... Bab furn •""" ut 876-8101 Flying V gu1t1r, all hand· I 1 3, 7 O O 11 rm. d 1 ft dining rm & llvlng rm, St Co• I• M • • • "I ··..,..... '1 eq p.. made, cu11om 1n11y1. 213·278-8810, ..., .. and Monthly bolt 11orage, documentary prepare· refrtg«atore. also llora· 95i-12s1 · Mhld 11""'· 324 Otero, Alt....._ .... ....., pickups, Stare tremato, wt1nd1 714·873·2058 any site, 24 hr llOUfhy. tlon charge• unleu ,... 1011 ---------1 The Bluftl. Nwpl ecn. __,.. otharwlH epeclfl•d by .-. BLOCK SALE 6 ramlllel 3 HP 1 pha11. 80 gal Sdlall« macn. Hardlhell w B w ,, .. launching , ...... .-1~~ SAYE SAYE SAYE mlec: anllquea g.5 Sat Moving to Europa • eve-vert. ASME code tank. cue. Muet IHI Xlnt. 1~~:~d oa~111!,8ler llWNIT MIU '"' ..,._, ....... W• honor BofA, MC, only ·658 Joan~ CM rythlng must gol 4 .... Never Ulld. S895 · $too. 875-8585 21314~516·. «1·5J85 1111 111• llJ Ir. Anti•":/ VIS c hie · c · ' 1on1 of women'• clo· Term•. A. 11 r 1 hick• SAT. ONL y 9-4 thing, rattan furn., w•· 772·5300 5 Po Sllngerland drum Ml •· '111111 II 6 Calh. NO PERSONAL Chairs, dlahel, Clothing, llrbed, pl1n11. Frl·S•t. w /Zllgen cymbal•. 28' Chrlscratt cbn cruer, '"'"8110 •••••••••• .. •••• .. •••• CHECKS PlEASEI Food mlac. 997 Oahlla. 10·8. 5615 River Ave., ltltnUHH81 IOIG compl. hdw9, only S360. recently refurb, rebll -L .. A"sJ 1111llabla. Item• •ubject # 108 (Lu BrlMI Apll ) .... ••••••••••••••• .. • Outrage01.11I 873-8778 enge & 1r1n1, belt tank, Shay rapuc .. ; pickup• 6 10,fi,~-:::.·. ,_..... GIAtt1Y~RD SAL~I G IE I s ... S. --2lf ... HAM MONO ORGAN redloe, NB lllp Incl, 111, r!f!'!J!!'.!'.t/!! ....... coupH. 4 to choo11 -15 -11 loll o rn lure, not ng lflQI lta • · at. 8 10 20' tong 38t par tt H-382, two 81 key ma· 500. 875-t5es ,. •-J lroml (008788) (Stk. 2075'h Newport Blvd CM over $50. Corna & mike 9·3. 1524 lrvln• Ava. 776-1491 anYtlm• · .,,.,.,., -I A3093). Prlcel l\artlng al 833-9625 848-8888 a deal. All mull go thll N.B. Blwn 19th l 20th. . nu111, auto rhythm, 26 11 ft llP UTIO le•I 1111 MY 11,ltll weekend. Sat 8·4, Sun 450 GAVIOTA (E/Bluff) Meml>erthlp In University pedala, 18 change1ble 1981 VOivo v8 fr .. h we· •••••••••••••••••••••• 10-4. 2808 Redl•nda Or. Sat/Sun 10•5 qualtty Athlellc Club, Newport praaet1, 4 Mia drawb1ra. tar cooled. A BHuty. 8' overhead camper, llpa IJneJn 1111 oll Unlvarelty, Colla furn a --~·.'clothing, Beach, pvt. party, $800. 846·8238. Sec: $7,500. 8, camper Jacka l tie •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. -J 8"'• " .. "" I I •900 OBO B""" 6 an. ROM Diamond M... r"'"'lal 6 china. oe ,...........,,.. O/JIU fU8Jl8,, f 873·6167 dwne nc · • · -·· ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -,. 836· 7415 Crul-. blk wired trim, GIANT PATIO S Fa II FIREPLACE, dec:>rstlve r.8J-t•I MS 18 ft Johnaon 110 ---------$175. chain & lock lncld. m Y portable, wllan 6 healer, .. :;\.a-............. $t500 firm. #•led•" llin 1141 call 548·2870. • ... UIAll llU Sale. AntlquH, tooll, $100 831·2250 DESKS FOR SALE 873·2190 .......... •••••••••••• THEODORE ROBINS FORD 20M) HAReO• el 'f'O CO~TA MISA 642 0010 2 S glaalwwa, tote of picture . . D k d hi 100 V I d hi Id PEDAL PUSHER II hiving 8t E. WIL ON framea .• chain llnk flf\09, BARBER CHAIR $200 .. I an mate ng HP•. w n ••• .... thll Md bit!.. eoou. Jew91ry, cloU-. radial ann cut off MW, :t AMERICAN MADE chalra •• aactllloe price 15' MOIOf, fllh. aall, 7HP reek, epar• tire, 500 .... s~............. ,..._,..._ • on ru etc. Sat. & Sun. ,._, __ 11 ...... , lote ........ 1 .. _ .,. .. 74178 at $6110. R1pl1c1ment motor, trlr, 18' m11t & mll••· $850. 845·9070, • .... ,_., -,-·-· from $25 Sat Sun. 2809 ""'''"'--..-.,..._ " -• ., COii 52300. CALL DAWN Mil. $800. 84s.8079 754-5480. 5 p1u c~e. N ca car. :15~:~~rt Blvd .. N.B. ~~~~~~~~~' ml1c. 11139 SyM• Ln., 4ll8 ft eu.tom llat• pool 9·5Pm M·F. 833--8800 ..,,, ,.,,, '77 PUCH MAXI moped, '3750. 21 /592·1792 . I.UT ••• R N.B. Fri/Sat a.-cpm only. tabte HOO. Pl-call Deak t"" ~-'-. Shal'pfu C,'L~ ..... , HSO low mllH, mint cond. .... .... -.......1....1 · ~ Giant Garega 8 .... film., 7~..,... ..,.. -...-_,"' --MA'TC~:iw:::.. '!!!;';:_: SAT IS UN 9: 30 AM . anllQUH, gemea, toy•. OUTSTANDING WHEEL· :or:i· ~lc~·4~2;r ••i•.;;i:ao•.c;;;1•• :25. 842;2483:/ . ~~ .~r.:oo~oody Wa· .... t&.IT 18211 BEACH 8Ll/O. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147 .... 7,141-1111 Top Dolar Paid For YOUf C1tl " ....... U1"'8 •re1ry 2828 Harbor Blvd. Costa M... 540·5630 Premium prlcM paid tor any uMd car (lorelgn or dom .. tlc) In good condition. S.. Ua Flntl SOUTH CO..\ST Dodge .11148 11.11 h111 111\d t '"'·' \h·'·' !H\1 ll~1'1 bllloon ilf•1l 20411 SIW Birch, Santa clothH. Bat only 8-2. CHAIR Uke new 1 yr II $350 ~-:"'°· 7141 .... 1 "'""", •l~n II,,. A• ... 'l Ja-"*' lul!t kapt'b xln AM Ht1. Nr ,_ oouc:h. 1808 Prt. Chll'1aa bk. 1175 982.7408 · ·~ • ..., -..vvv -· -1929 F°'d. Model A Town .....••• .,..:.-. •••••• EARN 16 ro S 14 PER loy'~~:..,~!9~r r~· Qian lop col tbla., anti· 30 Yl!AA SURPLUS a. · hit 1111 94 80e •••••••••• .. ••••••••" Sedan 110 000 AJ/1 ..... 11ff ~~u:,~u~~~T~~~ 1~~·°'~1111~d~ey~S~1~t·~one~~~· ~~~--An Stereo, dl1hwHh•r, L~~~!:t=-.,. Mitt;~·M·.;.:;i;;;·;·~ IHll llJI IOH •&llUTI · ' ...... iiiimiii ... GOOD PHONE VOICE. 1: -coucn . camp llOVI, -1 good lhape 1 2 ..... ,................ YAMAHA 200 cc .+9c-1983 Stu680Mar Aventl. STUDENTS WELCOME/ ••. 11.a1-, Antiques & eportlng col· tooll, tlrel l more. 2211 prloe Introductory ape-=vet exam ,~· 18' Hobie C.t, "J9llow ., Irle ttatt.' only 3000 ml. $5500. 876-8181. ,'!!.8,M~!:.000 .... '"i~...M~ No SELLING . C •LL ,,.._ lectll>IM, book•. mega.zl· Tuatln Ave., N.B. clel. Convert110 2000 aq wa'• $144"' no '"875. leq. eunrlM 18111. Lill• '595. 545-0223. •-,.-.. --1------i b..,..11 ofr .... 7·'"" .. ..:U1...,., ... .,........,_,, ,, ... , n. S3W5t8 640--0090 • w • . ,_. 12500. 87M181 1.4 .. WI ly1 J••Pll•r. .............. BETWEEN 12 '"ND 4 PM ,..,. ~· ,_, prlntt, decoy9, ci. S '73 H d XL250 2100 R t ... I I I ---------. ,.. . •••••••••••••••••••••• pre11lon 01111, m11c. Orume, kl Boote, Ole •-an •ao • on a • •• or .... • n runn no A-.a• 1111 Ill· 74'2 •W llo/n. 2977 croft don st., 011 Equip. Tanke, More. -• -PMctifac. Lovebird• • .., Spatk Sundanoer. 11·. 80 actual ml, "'"' l lookl con d . Mu• t • e 111 .~ ................ . Telephone SalH & 1111 dellvery wt'rk. Cuti paid dally. Apply 779 W. 18th, Ste H, Coats M ... Redwood 2x8 decking, Baker St . S •I . Sat/Sun 9·4. 18 Robon Maple furniture l much male $25. Youn9 bird• IQ It 1811, never UHd. like nu $550. 497-1897 980-4076 .. WI .... , ..... 4 ........ ~· a1~--.......... tam-"_..._· Nwpt CrMt. 842-4488. mlac. Frl·S•t-Sun. 288 $20 eacn. 548-8483 I 5 o O ob o . ( 2 1 3) 1980 K-aaakl 440 LTD. '17 NU -.,-r, ,..., .., ,..,'""""" ._.......... Joann. Co11a M•••· 402_. ... " n 8 _,,_ 28,000 mllM. fully loaded lancing. Jim or Kan Numerou1 nouHhold ...., flew..... 845--5808; 840-9698. Aviary 411!118' _....-;;-, 1 ., pm and l ike n-. Many •11tra1 312 V8, auto, RlH, all eunroot, gd cond. Like anytime. 775--1491. 1tem1. Ba1ket1, dllh••· Furniture anllquM doll plu111tru $50. Muel NII. Sl300 or bait pwr opll. run1 good. new. S f3,400 OB01 DOME HOME KITS lllverw-. pota eto. 304 houH1, 0plclurea,' knlo Spa equipment: hHl•r. 648-4783 Islander 32', bHullful offer. 781--0898 S3000/obo. 831-8287 8 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E v••• TUYILIMllB.H 11 IUlllD for newly formed Santa An1 agency. Minimum 2 yra e11pr. Salary wllh IX· eel. benefit•. Call Linda Erlckaon at 547-3969 locally manufactured. 'h Campbell Lri. 8rlltany knacka, etc. S at 8·4 pump, !Iller & blower. 111 MOLUCCAN COCKATOO tHk & 01k Int. Batter '79 Honda CM400 3000 857·"84 da'/9. Price lnlroducto.v 1na. Wood TownhOUNI, on 1812 POfl Kim ........ Pl. 1°' '850. 848-8028 than new $54,500. ml, Ilka new. Ev ... 11167 Cltev Capri 4 dr. VI-'7" .....,.,.S Im d ., .. -S _., Tame & talklng, only a....e231 nyl top. Air cond. EK· •"""" • mec. con .. clal.Converteto2000aq ante Ane Ave . Sat. & Sun. 2 hh furn .. Greenhou1e 12X15. 1989.840-0091. wkendt.988-25e2. ceptlonal cond. a t95. loadedw/extraa,alvrw/ ft. 839-3598 M&-7828 muet Mii 1. Many ltem1 12000. You dlaauemble. More l1mlllM are getting 1959 BSA·A10 Bullet, 2 875..e106, 842·1194 blu v1lour Int. $7500. 7 Want Ad• Cllll 142"161i ,..,.. to .... 7'""' .... 10. 875--0e95 MILITARY MACAW. per· , ....... ~*-Pl"" ...... .,, .. thl• I &. tr '"260 758·9173 5 X redwood decking. ..,. .., ...,.....,. tlally tame, S860. • ... _.. ... ~.. eng nu an1. • · '87 Eldorado Clualc. S1, ---------E•cellenl cond. '35. Oold wool carpet, 24X28, 840-oott YM'· Ir you have• cam· Eve'• 8·8Pm Only. 500. Good cond. . lllW 1111 Typlet, Htbl'd Newport 8eectl firm Medi accu- rate typlat part time . 845-4175. WAITRESS/WAITER Attractive, IUPlr Plf'IO- nallly, ·•II hourt, for Marriott Hotel In New· port Beach. Cell Pally after 3 pm for lntervtew. (714) 540-4934 .........,,. ...••........•...•.... 842-8788 ftH ,. ,,. llfl ,.,.,,,,., .._. I 1 O O • W I th p • d . par lhal'1 not getting 537-2003 Call Walt 842-7222 •••••••••• ........... . 11t... _. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••~':? 175-0etS llun I 11...., 1fH UMd. tell 11 now wUh a _.,,,,. . ......... ":a......... c1U111ted Ad. c1aaalfted Acsa 942.se19 IH1Hll••ll ,_1 1 llJO KITIENS • ~,.. to good Fr. Prov. vanlty/dHlc. EXERCYCLE w/motor, LIWID ·-SIH -;:=:;::::====;;;.!..======::;-Vruiln fS• .. .:;\:'~~•••••••••• home, adorable, litter good cond, 1100. :e'f.nal. Ilk• new 1475. 54i-3598 ..,, ., 28·85mm 2.a.3.8 v1v111r bo• trained. 548-8012 940.9140 .12se. Boat picture ads provide ~;;;~·2;;:~·;;.;.~ lent wlnlt1r1. Nikon mnt. lanlt.n llll Twin bed wlframe 4 t!Q .. 1, Al J,rreeu con--Wurlitzer Electric, 84 ktl)'I. brk1, Hhau11 1y1t1m, 1130. 873-8708 . ...................... S25 cert, lrvtna Meadow•. 1 year old. S795/0BO. runs good, need• minor Movie camera, FuJlca z 2. **' BUY** 873-8733 awa 9110. S13 ... 752·7072 8734701· h work, 11800, muat Mii. &mm. Fadel,~ di.ot-CredaNa Spenllh Madh °' "'2·7330 New '8 t Baby Grand rP.8\.\ • _84_5_-4_533 _____ -I VH, zoom, etc. S85. Good YMd Furniture l 21ll43". '111ce ,_, 1100: Color TV, Zanltfl 25" Baldwin, xlnt cond. ~ ~~ l;-tfl •-- 1543-2335 ~R I .. ... 844-8579 '200. Xlnt cond. 2 omc. soooo. 875-9510 -w.-, IH 1275/0BO. Ell cond . ll&ITlllAll'l'ltl brMlcfront,CUllOmpem; 1Mtabl9S5.5o4&-0802 Pieno,needaworil.1100. ..., ~ 1967 ROVER TC2000 Comp. 982·243-4. Jim I• MM 111-ltH Oan1111 Walnut, Kint Tre1tle 1abl• 78" 180. 841-4130 Body. S75. Eve'• 6-89m v Iv 1t 1 r x c. 3 cm r 1 . °' SEU f°' You Dining rm tabtl 4 ch(a 1ilblel 125 ... And cof· Old Kurtzmann Upright e.1 ~r~~ft •••••••• .. •••••••••••• C.lt UJI cond. S500. 842.o484 Stno l• bad•, 1prlng. L-1-#lljlanllll e.ai Only. 537-2003 •••••••••••••••••••••• '"' WWWIM BLACK LACQUER rnattrw"8.Mt.ctlelt•·· ::~~............... _.,P 1 4n.J11r1 .. " __ .......; ___ ~-- WESTMINSTfiR SlameH Himalayan Klt· Lea 957 .. 1$3 CHEST OF DRAWERS 7151-t302 SINGER NWlng mactl w/ ..................... . f!'.'/r.!. •••••••• ~ ABBEY tan. chocofat• pt, Fam, 7 Welnul HlgtlbOy w/rrMrO#. 8 OWrs. lfS. 7eo.e267 Play pen and portable Cflb cabinet, came. S 175. '70 Scout, 4 cyt, convt, ANTIQUE MAU wtcs $50. 49~74 4 deep drawwa. Sl75• tor Mia. 982·125e IJ I S1o400 obo. Rune Good. 1 t7~l:~N":..,tve. SlameM Himalayan Kit· E x c • I I • n t co n d . Double mattraH l box 840-1825 I. ~ ,,_ IOH fl48.pt2 .;,1,;~~I 564-41103 tan, Seelpoln1 M .. 7 wka 545-1291 !~!!'g..'7· • 2 ,J.'1' .. ~· gd ,, ... ...,. pool °' ..., motor .r.;..,, ...... !....... ,,..,., .......... .,...._.,...._, ~~~~~~~~ S50 •9~7• ....,..,., • "· vv .,..., " ,.,. ......-• SAILBOARD •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.._ ...,.........,, = · OOfgeou& contamPot•tY -..-•-Ex cond. 175. century Compl. w/m•."· rig & I ToYOta '78. AM/FM St• * '1t2002;41pd.,Wrt. HandCGn'edantlqullloral a.-,.,, walnut bdrm aart, '7 pea. -· brlnd. 484-0243 NII, 1585. 780·'257 reo cuHtt•. Small (917PV8) ~eta I Twin Bede. :":A~ .. •••u•••••••••• S750, Pt1 S57·1211 840-'478. ,._.._ llMI** camce ahCIMn $2000 * '79 3201: au1o .• AIC / ............ .,. .l\'V\A Lab 1 ~ old all lhott _., -·-·-Balk~ball b**bolfd and (5487750) _.. .. '"...,"'vu alli.cs ~ Contarnp. redWood & ._. LJlll• new couoh I IOV9· ,lek .. • (l)llt') Sept 18. attechad bukat. $25. e..&249 awe. u IAll 111 1171 ~:::tic!'me. xtnt ., tt1er Chllr and 0ttomen. Mat, ru111 b1ue1wn111. 848-7885 a.2•8788 ••iouL n-••i * '79 320~ tpd., io.. •'"lldfan. ISO/negotiable. 1200. 957. 1251 S500. 84a.e831 bfr 2PM. ~ 111 ...... dedl (778Y ) 780-9287 "'o' 2 3/204 .... 13 2 TWIN MA'T'TRESS fl.Ill Ila .. ool Table, good S()lld 011k 12 oun c.blnet New '82 Jeec> OJ'a. 18 lo * '80 320!; 5 tpd., tn/f'f, a.aullful Victorian dark •Y• 1 . .,,~ • 4 ~ IUfted lllWtvel di· Sl!TS ... 1-.... ... ,,_ condition. 3 hr ltOOll. w/gtaH. good 1hape. ohoOH from. 1nclude1 (850ZOKI ~-a. leather Nit•. wk n d • e v • 1 nfno"" Cltn. MO en. 175 bOth ........ 97&:.mf Aak for Rici! aft 4 . Mu, t 1e11. a 2 o o. winch Jam~ pec1c11ge * ·eo 5211: euto .. .nlrt. S175. 842·7728 71•1984..... ...24787 . 93M387. 84~2'87 and muon~. (48tZOJ) SPECTACULAR DBL£ Lh•H Apaoa. AKC pu9· ... ,.... s::: d~"" .... 12 PllC9 aettlftO of cntne rr. WJe SA~ THOUSANDS ua..an1 IRON l BRASS BED plea, Home relHct with PRICES ITART AT; ofr. ~. or l>aa1 '380, 12 Piece _.Ing~ ./II. l'fn.. "" IUlll ..., 20&.~·=:/na 1250. 842·7728 :r•· ~ s-:;:: Mllt1,... l ,ound. aart CFY9tll, 1200. Moft·l'rl ....... 1............... M /alP/mAILT Antlqul OIMtt• Set, IQ tbl ~'°2S om · New f-::r.t. Malad Solid wood dlnl~eble. ewe, 7111o-1209 BEAUTIFUL 25" ROA Co-2112• Harbor 81Yd., CM CHOICE INVENTORY top. dk oak, •••t• 4, ABC RED OOBERSMAN au!:".~~:~:,., 82 In. 0:-and ~ QUTBTANOfNO WHEEL 1or TV. 2 yr wmty. 1148. 541M023 645-7770 VOLU§SALES Mu•t ... to apprac. Pupplaa l eduh• M/F 8of• Seda Sf87 =:on..= and aafl CHA-.., ,"f'-..... ~'3 Lt Fr~ ~·~:eun. 28' Eric.on Fulty equipped crulM, '77 Ford F250 ~cab, 1325 .... ,.9459 Cell 544-t290 . . Sofa & love .... S1t7 IM4-trio ... 1 ... -· ·. 8 NII•. UHF. compttt, COl/9f'S, lc>adld. JClnt oond.14950. HooaW c.ntw/bln table, Shih Tru AKC tiny pup-DISCOUNT FVf'NITVRE aalld 0. eetboa eay Club Mem· Stereo-Color TV·HIFI, Perfect c1~~;<:7 118,500 C.M. (714)tt2·2390. I I I I• LI I I I cedar ohll w/Que•n nlH carefully ralHd ,.,J_Ht HarbOf 81Yd. ~ :/rrMrort l:::. ~tor ... Seof1fl· =tl!'!f,.r~~15•1 000d COMM'L DIESEL .. Anneteoe&coAlcftonof "d ' bl Sl'I · ..._.AMESA63t-MC» 8 oe8180 54M293 -· · • It 3-quarter ton cu1tom old d•ml·IU oupa ~5 •• OU . •• iprHd. '100· ,ull • Admiral cotof' TV plcl!·UP truck. 1800 ml Sii• ~~ 557-87Ge ;:4~~. :!:'l:O"=Jnf:! .!!'-.....,~47 l110 • Set your courM fOf fut..... range n-tlr••· man1 850 ~·*~ • ...... l*t .__ 9228 7st-12oe • -· _.. '42-4171 e11tr ... Prloe tor lmfMo ,_ ._. ~-'t.-Mii ~'" n.. 8MfTH C<>f'ONA wlttl a Dally Piiot boet ptoture d 11 11 u I• so o o Ut.uaa ~~-. ...... ~.. 8 w11a AK ~Had pup 111&16'1 .. o.oc·a KlnO • ....,..., Uk• ""' 25" oo1ot ~ ed. Each Saturday. the Dally 11&-1358 ~ IUnde"J HAReOR AR!A ahott, 1178. 5-2.494 BEAUTIFUL cuitom tO c:tr-.. ...._ rMl• ::. ~p~!rfta~ ~:; IOI• TV, HOO va lue, 1------------1 -.Ui~iiiiiiii~fti~ ~;:~: SPACINGEA SPANIELS med• bedroom Ht. tr .... bOOkc ... hMd· oonct.YMO. 181.1384 muat ... '300. 545-4009 PUot wtll offer ~_!d IP9Ce ·~~ 'li A .. ~~~· ..... IH&ff'I • ··....,:· AK • 2 tnalea, How onfy Offk, drHMr, COfn., boerd. t3IO ..... 1111 <Mrratd llU1omatlc taoord that not onl)' d.,_1bel your ' '_ . ..,....... "!"-• _.. ~ .,. n 118. lolO-OOtt. oroup, 2 bed•, Quitted King elae b•d 1 11 .. 4. • ...,_ cllanoar/p_lay., w/can. boat, bufpletur .. It .. well. ~~:.,:. .J.:.~~ 1 ' I"'...._. EAMAN 8HOATHAIR covere • plllowa. Uk• board, comp•••• wtll'I Dtr9Cllt .... 11 CIMnnel. Uk•,_. HO. 813-1708 ._._ prl-,. t'lllll8ranteed to .... lM ee1 .. 1sa M•"' F.,,., 139. new .... to ~. mattrH•. AlaO m:::i I • 11 1 M 0 ' 0 , 0' •• 5' TV cebllMlt fOr Ill" TV I,.. -·-, .... CHIV P.U. NMdl "' IMO-«>tt. N•w UHO/ lell for boMt. t ,,..., 11790/offilr ....... ta metdllng 8' W"'"'1 .... buoy your tplrttl -945 tt we .nglne 1250. he'a c=:.to~1~0,,~ oolcipoo Puppy, •II •11M .... a.t221. ~t*.J!!..""!!'!~IOl Mct-1 C.,pet. 1h10 IUifftt reo cab. a 100 ut. take the picture, and onty ~ .._ °"'Y· 937-aou ~·~.,,_.A D\i..e.lnell:D ,. wuhar lot ••· lhota & PIP«9 e .,.., 5 ~ IORM eurre ..... -· _., . ...._I Po N -... 144-M7t vtd the let ,.. tor a 1"6 orvco Ml* TNCti. N....11 ~v ~ ......,Ya old, 121 ....... 74. GOOOM OMder KttcNn, tallea...,, fonnlOI 1111• ~:· ''° tor au. AMIN PaOllerct ... o.. H !~ pro3 .. • d P u Needa worit. t1ao~·· ~a c Df"M"'I:, .... ..., w..,_~ _..... 11"•2>110, a ctwre. 3 ctrt, top ue. M4 -nlltl rttod.,n oab. 4,.. 2 \Ntumn • . Only~. a1 . ..,_ ~ "''"-1; avtn .....,,._ • ..._,,., ortile ('l JIUJIPY, 10 Wk• t1H. Wit del. N7.ot27 N 7.._ 1111 ••• '21. ...,.71 '72 Aenono 41tou C·I ...,~11111~~.,,,,., ~w---f'W AKC, tt\Ott. IMO. •HSN ~ll1<.•1N1.-i- Xlnt cond. • ... H~I 714-&41-tQ2 WI/A ourto Cebinet Gold COUCltl OOWft lllllOW9 ... ..1.-11 PACIPIO MIC"OW .. YI For further d9tallt about how trani. nda paint, flOO t MO Uk.• new t I CC* ,. Nn1 tcf. Mt.-at. Lat• '? SIOI. ~ Refr1Gatl1or, white wllh r-ff ,.. _,, ' 81Mitt MM12S 1 · Hld•+bed, HI .. IH. ANTIHNA .... I MM· Oaely Piiot boet plCtUN ade 7 --... -oonct. t'*Y _..,... ..el. top trHzar. 11 ou ft, ;::: ..... .-.-...... :tt~. • 7to.o"1 Afttltiu• fland blown oe. Celt~ llt..olOI OM ~ fOf .-... and to ' 4 ......... , --r-"-GerteM .,,,__ & rune 11-. IM-7111 0 good !Mime:........, PATIO"'"": Ifft JordM.J Ql .. LI llDROOM furft, o"•"••ll•t • , oo . tereo with t11rn11Dl•1 ,__ • ~YI. MO.=-=· °" pr9fllluln ........ , .. 22' ..... by alcll .__ Mht, 2 ~old, 0 " tell>le, 4 Oflllrt, • oft wt\"•• ,,_. Prow. ....,. apHller't , eto . GOOCI ...... ~ lld, Cll tu~ oond . • •Jt IMW .... lo...,, rehl1er1tot HH Cell IM0-47l7 =~· 2~ ~1"· ::r:• beeut, Mlllli!lll" ITAL.Wt MA"ILI Qo. oond t71 • ......._ _,. ~5111 Ind Ille far..., l.M. 'M •--...... YI .... 41,000 mt,. 0100 ..... 7'CM4 Oolcl..-i Retriever, Lill OllO. 1 IMO. fn-tl14. ........ -, ......_ U. ....,.. • ... A.-.,,:· M .IOO. ....,. or 7'CMl14 9el .._....,. 142 ... 71 ;::.:.It'· Vflf'/ fl'landly. '4,. "'::. ':._....,. ~ Rtd .. le•.... IJI::·~ .... 0t1••1d Ma MMm Mt 1111 PIM .._...,. "41""11 . .. • i l .. IAM.~ ...... ~.'l~~~!!'!r.!ttt ••.•••• ~.11~/!!fffftt ....... H.~.~ ...... MW,.~ •••••• ~ ... ,,,_,,~ ............ laWt."11. ••• , ...... MWl.f'lli. .......... l ... '111.V~ •••••••••• ~.'"" .~ ••••..••••••• llllf ..•••••.••.• I~( lltt ••••••••••••• I." ~tftr.fifi. •. I.~~ ~ ....•....... I.~ ~~ •••.• l~f ~ ........... ~!f f!.~ •••••.•• ~ !tit ...•...•..... ~ ~'It! •••••..... ~ NA 'H a o 01. ""*· IYef'Y 11f1 .,,., tHt. ..,............ LUii A 1111 UM •11 1111• u111. anrl, IU II 'II llllU ·11 "'"o M•~k*. oo00 'II Plllllll • IHtllrl t14,000 ACIHtlo.OooCloond, W.itlflo'#VOUO'N100 ......... POc·OIJlrrwndw.,111( f0tlhel.,911tMClbMI lpottytctoot~wllh ooncllMWllr .. ,«IOI' ................ c~ADILIA 111·t231 l<ln1 ••ttrlOr u .soo Of N• & llllld MeroedM-re It •110. new parte. Hleollon of new and moon roof lou\lr .. ""' Meo •. 4~~~!~ l"I •• ., .. , '"' ........ ~c" LEAlRA-N~ c:r· '11 IMW SIOI, enrl, nu bit otr. 64&·l4'tl hn&. Come In & oonel· $345 42 S4t-llOfX73• JIC)..t7H UMd lkllCk• In Oranoe Im lttrlO/ 11pe air -. ' ... ft••fti --,, ... Cler °"' '-'" 1r11no•· • • r 111 ft Y •II tt It .,.on11 ,,_., • .,,., m. -· '71 ~111 121. rune grMt. menle or tono ltrm 11• 1 90 Ol!IEL. oaen.r won, 4 Counlll' IOdeyl oond .. 11y1t11d •teal e oyt 2 dr, euto, elr, • Int detll*I, rvn• Good Stereo 30 mpg Very nanolng llt)d, 11MI, oua. 40 fYIPt, ~ wt1M11, 1u10., ooneol1 tter10. orut11 control. (M1 II) ~[·~ ::;·~Y~~;. i;:~:~ CIMO A::~~~100 Hou~;-~.,11·~2";3}i~no ~~:~~~~~:!~~~: ·~oei~::~ 4:,eooo. le (aOM. Dtma3t) gnon raH~:nt cond.13050 !!~i~~at. ~=.. SALE! ·ea a50 ap1c1.,, OOn\191'1. "" ~ .. d 1 t o 0 , t -1 t 1 , 3 7 e: 80dy good condllle>n '71 '•lrmonl. 8 cyt, Air, duel 15300. total of pay. "fa BMW 3201 17,500. GoOO body a :.'t.lne. 40 18&2. 1s OHh required. '2100 715-573• 8t•rto, ft/8. Pll, Top m1n11 tor 48 monlh• Ooodc:~~ mpg .• 900,87&· 4'04' MBZ IOOllL'I Com11n1nd .. kforde· •ea vw Bue, rebll eng. 1111 .. 0,.,.c....., , • f4t'h~~~lon . U7oo. a1·0magH.l2+tnon 1977CADILLAC ·~~~:.!C:~.s:r=:. R~.·;:~-r;:~'~:?. 11~~ "l~i~rt~r· ~= ·~41~:1J~ETTr::.A .. , Oood 2t1J1~',H'-A2':11o:Al\ld. P!'~ft., ,air ~ H~m~ .......... ~f • cous::e.5·9~9J'l5YILLI \ll f\11 Job. Mint cond. 642-'999 NEWPORT HACH 11'1 Cotta MtM '78 Mark IV, •Int cond. • • Aeldng 17000. Muel NII lffntll ltft,.,.rtt Wh1111tan w/rool. 17350. &41-'300 &49-1457 blue Hhr Int, orig owner pont·~c; u ASAP Ge2·2309 l\I meg. •t1111 1111 .... ,.,..... 111·0100 641-4272 '79 Rl\lltra Turbo. mln1 .... N W • ....., '3150 &415"330f Varna IV •••••••••••••••••••••• Chapter t 1 m1k•• cond. AM/FM, A/C, l300 Ulo1 ova gn, v "''' auto, , H11bor Blvd 11 Fair Dr C1-' -1111 1111& llllTl•t ·a1 390 SL. 7000 mt. wire '79 Sllb Turbo, 3 dr, ... & take O\l•r pymnt1. f1lr cond. NHd• 1ng n ..... ••rt y In,. •• , ...... .. r.;................. wh1111 l3a ooo OBO Btu• 3a 000 ml euper eumpllon °1 ...... P<MI· o k •2•01b t f o di IO t • '""' vvw ,., BAROAtNI FIJI t We can helpl BefMa you • • cond'. ai49&. 75'1.31ea: elble. 2 4-dr 1a11 ·a1 vw a33-a755 ":.a~41..,. " • 0 r. ca'•,1•B111ccn1 •• 7~73n.;4 "•""" 549.4300 5'9-t457 echool. •74•c:'p~~~'. buy, Ghedl our unbeet•· 213·132·1919. dye, 8'8-3850 iv.. Rabbit•, 1 l1t1 ·a1 VW --------1 -v• "" v 494-o4721..,. bit Hlectton, H\lfngi •'75 MBZ 240D, auto, p/u truck, •II d,...., Pe~ 1:::~~c~:'!u~~ -.'""1_1 _C_H-EVY--W-A_G_O_N---1llflll llSO 12 POITllO JJOOO ,72 .. New brake•. new •nd Ml'\llcle IOdayl lie. pe. orig. cond. You'll l1NT1 •111 tut & flr1t of appro•. ,1,ooo. 171,1 a.11..oa1 f Look• and rune grtat ....... ~•••••••••••••• Automatic. air cond .. lllYEllITT IOve HI '9900. 752..0llM ... ••••••••••••••T•••• $430 & ateume batanc:. XLNT Trani. $000 '72 Montego Wgn, auto· pwr 1te1rlng, 1m/fm ~engine, ~~~.· ~· ... -I --•••Ht L.a•• Salea-SeNICe-LMelno · of ..... at t200 otu• per ~--'"'-~ Hll HO..o205 matte, PS, PB. 1ma11 va. (5711 t35) .._,,... -• -·--.._ 11111 DI• month. Wkndt t42•82ot. _,_ . nice In & out, rune graat 1111 ......... ~ + tu · 28'° Hart>or 8IVd 'llO 300D 588-6-440 •-aal d•Vt 8211·3905. D.V.S. •••••••••••••••••••••• MU8T Sill. no 3rd car In 01ran1 kept $975/ofr _ .. COSTA MESA -LMll L d Tiii WlllT condoa. '72 Caprice, new " Cap. coll $13 o, R11t-• .. ,... 1111 1 .. 0 1140 '73 MBZ 450SLC, •fiver, H1·2MI ....... 1 · ng t tune-up, plug1, wtr11, 554.aoe2 dual 14232.59, total ol •••••••••••••••••••••• • • •Int mech. 6 body, lie. '7' VW L0\11 Bog, •Int IELEOTlll gae llne, cerb to gee '72 Couger XR7. run• payment• 19918 32 + '711 Cl\llc, 6 llt)d, lool<• & a5euzu. Pv1 party. I te, '12 111111 II/I cond, low mllM, -10 ol lall model, low mite• tank. APR con\lertor vat-great, good body, I 1500 t ... drive• greatt 12550/beet 000. 673-9334 or e\I• ftU.. l•il1t-4 appreo. 12900 080. ge Cadltlece In 8outhefn \II, g11k1t1, brakH, 957-069& en. e. . Otttf. 84'8-2143 073-11126, .. , "" .... 983-11313 or 1173·'186, Celllornlal See UI t0d1yt ... ,., Cfpt. paint. All r• II , 111• a magnon 19711 Honda Civic;. Oood IU ''1' 2100 l1ll ...... ., + fll Loulea. Ullll ;::.~~a:" pwr. s1ooo .•• ~!.~!I ............. ~ cond. $2500 or bill of-Dark grn. etK ml. Xlnt. Cap .• cott 15405. rHI· '72 Good Condition o••tLUO . ·1a Muetang Mech I, Vll'Y • ltr.131-1"3 $8500. 873-8870 dual .2432, total of pay. $1550/080 . IUI '77 Ceprlct Cl111lc, 42. good cond, to ml. '3500. pont1'ac/subru mtnll lor 49 month• MM.111 2800 Harbor Blvd. ooo orig ml. Xlnl cond. 551·&159 , '72 800 COUPE. Smalt u.r '7a 450 SL, conv. & hrd· $58111 + llX 1119973) COSTA MESA Fully toed•d. 13500 .• 74 Muellng ti Ghia v6 cond, $1700. ~700. $22,000. 493-040f. • tn C-1a M-• ~ Rldl1nd1 Dr. off Unf\ltr· '74 Mon11 Carlo, P/ S, 2000/obo. 971·5745 v• v- claulc, 4JI mpg, gd top, loaded, gd cond, a, magnon ·~~~~:s::~I ~:O"e 141•1 Ill 840-2773 iood cond, c;ra,,'ere: H1tbor Blvd II Fair Dr J1•H• 1111 '76 Mtfoed .. 450Sl con-elty, Colla MtH. Sall '73 C'ad CdV. Full pwr, P/B A/C 111 •tterlng 5•9·4300 549-1457 -------•••••••••••••••••••••• vertlbt• & hdtop, IOadld. sun. 5' a. 6 9 o 6 or 1xtr11. Good conct. A• A.MiFM 1iooo. ~t-9458 '11 11111 12100 12 POITllC T1000 E•t•ll Sale ·75 INTERCEPTOR 3 l22,000.Sharp•93-04011 pont1'ac;sub~'u 6<12-1825. king 11500. Len'• Auto . 536-0343111-44-1147 1980 D t 200SX I t CONVERTIBLE. 39,000 . VI Apr. 1202 11t St. SA, '73 EL CAMINO Xfl\t cond. cond. O~n owner:~~-ml, burl wood duh. 75 2400: Cherry. xtree. ·ea Bug 5'42·1751 , Totally bullt 350 C.~ eng. '85 muat•n . Body poor. caplfn" blda. Wkd•Y• much n w. s 11, 9 5 o. new rebullt motor. 19, Harbor 81\ld et Felr Dr gd condition, $1700 w/many xtr11. 4 llt)d ram Rune . 1700 090. ........_~ ~t. 75M 229 770-6977. 500. 759-9553. In Cotta M"' 84'-'700 ·ao Bite Del El Dorado, all rod trane, 2 12-bolt POii Im 9112-7921 ..-54M300 549-1457 xtrll, bMullful. 110,000. rMr tf\de. MUST DRl\IE -------- Automatic, air cond.. llft wheel. etereo (2060aa1 1172 ..... .,+tu {Ap. COit $9038.70, Re- tldual $3817.4', total of p1ymen11 for 48 month• $8750.40 + llX. ao 2oosx SL. euto, hatchback, 1unrf, AC. etc. $8700. &48-9194 **'la ICOZ** ' SPD. ORIG. OWNER $3260. a57..0888 80 01t1Un Wgn, 210, 111- rao auto, xlnt 1h1p1. 1 3500. 1175-9565 : 675-7424 • ·a1 B210. 401 Sdn. Auto trane. new tlrae. Xtra claan , 14495/obo. 882-2357 J..tu 1111 '&4 220S Mtrcldll, aulo, 11-48-7598 TO BELIEVEll 12500 IJ.lt 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• a te . blue. rune good. •74 OL, aunrl. gd lntlex1. ·72 VW Bug. Xlnt cond. •••••••••••••••••••••• '80 Mazda 828, 5 •Pd. 1950. &45-5124 AM/FM 1ttr10, AC. Rune engine 12500. Wktnd• & c-.n Hl1 FIRM. t33·55 l6 Ste\le '73, xtnt cond .. nu llrft & AM/FM, air, new Goo· " 1 11.~1 gr11t $800. 875-8396 •IV~tn~l~,~·~·~1~7·~1~17~1~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 533-4856 •It &pm. 1ng. pert•. many •tr11 dy•ar NCT tlre1 15&99 .• !.•A!!•••••••••••••~• ·~ti f•ff :: '87 CAMARO, rlbuHt eng. '80 Cltetlon. 30,000 actual $1500. 1163-7838 •• ,.. 1711 1' 1 ' ••5 VW VAN d I HOO. a32•977'· 9-5pm, mttee em/Im 1ter10 .,.,,.. • 1978 Model 1104 SL. •• •••••••••••••••••• v 11 ing n•. Need• paint. • 1 • 11 .... ,.,. IHO ll••I• 1131 Ch• mp~ g n e. Sup er '82 Toy Cellca, every OP· body need• TLC. $950. • u t o d r \I I , 2 door ••';;••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• e q u Ip d . s 7 5 0 0 . tton. $8,600 7 1 4 . 4 9 3 . II 2 II 9 . e•~l•I Hll hatchback, one owner. '711 Veltent. V8. good 673-0248 714· 780-1393 499-1724. •••••••••••••••••••••• $4500. 8«-89a2 cond, good ~11 ml. e/c. hndt ITSO '75 Celfca, auto. amlfm ·ea Convert, auto ttk, r• IEE II FllllTI ·a1 C-s>rlct c11111o, Elec $2000. 971·5 •5 •••••••••••••••••••••• c:auette. 1/c, WllY good cond, •Int cond. Mutt Wt h•~ • good Mlec· eunroof, many extra•. •a1 'K' CAR $6700 Htrbor Blvd et Fair Dr MEISTER cond. 12500. 073-e734 '"1121150. 497-4649 lion of NEW 6 USED $9700/obo 873·3t83 BlllCll, to ml. 2 dr. am/Im. tn C0t1a M ... EVM 6 Wkndl. '69 Sqbck. Auto .. llOU9Ull Chewolltel wtlndl/1\1, &44-9370 dye auto. 552-3519 549-'300 549-1457 NllSOllE/1111 1980 Supra, 5 •pd, lulty cond. Run• 6 took• c~,, HIS lat/11 IHI 1ti1"11tirl 1110 13631 Harbor Btvd. equipped, tea1her. crulM gr ea 1. S 2 2 0 0 I b 1 t ••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grove controt, etc. XlNT Cond. 1_&.«_··_81_1_0 _____ 1 '11 OllYSLEI --------1 '73 T-BIRO laltt-lt"ltt ~Jo~:1e~!8~0-~;~ ·13 vw Thing. HT. Roll T1w1 I OtUlfl'J 'II FllEllll 400 95:~oik~·8~~~807 a. magnon pontiac / subaru 1979 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (~42) $10,995 197ICADILLAC llVILLI (V71VNI) sg995 1912 IUICK "PAIK AYINUI" 4' DI. llDAN (1DTT550) . Sl!,995 1990 CADlLLAC ILDO•ADO COUPI (917ZEM) $13,995 1912 CADILLAC IMAllON SIDAN "AUTOMATIC TIANI. ANO IUNIOOf" (1CRZ458) $10,995 1912 CADILLAC FLll1WOOD llOUOHAM (1EA~5) $15,995 Offer Good ThfU Monday, 9-13-82 '75 8210, 28,300 ml, euto tr1n1. $1995 . PP. 840-8510 Mr. Myere larul ITU ..••••..•............. . HI us ~ Ltllhll Ber, 9 mo on E,nglne, ltltl W Reblt Turbo •oo. 1herp ..:~~:~~!. • 114 111·2333 ·1~~~1;::::J:;~~ ~~~~~7;ond. 12650. 9 PHHn':ar !ft~'rool tnetde ":'i9~e offer. ·~::;BJ~or~'.'!~~C~1~~~: ntP It & ·57 PORSCHE track, A/C, Deluxe. '15 sup., ... ~ Convert 1111 m1llllT reek. tlml. wood eld11, power, nice 1nep1 .. NABERS-$3000 obo 955-0tOO ..._ •tli ii 1.-. am/Im, air c:oncl .. auto.. $600/0 BO. 548-4147 -.. ... AU orig. No ruet. · New top 6 tlr11. Xtnt pwr. itr. & brake•. 9!! ... 1!'11-----•lu:=-----;;;A;;; , .. --, $4000. 980-5543 fri••-"' 1111 ~~ .. n80d1 2 1 3 15300/obo. ~!s:7'ii :U~ran,,,,!:· (921XIN) To place""""--.. V•• 1114 l :AOJLLA(: _,. ...... r............... ......... O'Ol'J, a magnon bero;;·,;.:..:.____,,.. •• -, ••••••••••••••••••• 1'1S Mllll Sl. tlSIA llW !Al~ . '72 914, 2.0, 571< orig. ml, '76 TR7, lo mt, AC, xlnt 1--------4259). • rudlnn .,,.:;;;._, ·73 V•ga , new 1tr11. 2800 HARBOR kVD. In flawte11 cond . Inside & out. '3600/bll Vtln 1111 llLY 121111 P·;.-~:"' '300/offer. C08TAME8A $4500/obo. 551·41'2 ofr. 833..0180 •••;;ry•t;••h~••••• ..... Ollftrtfet Dal~""pjjot 1175-8173 ---~!""'!!'!!!""'!!'!!!""'!!'!!~ !~!!~~••••••••'-~~~ '71'11PORSCHE924 '78 SPITFIRE 30K ml, ax· II lfMt ltt a.M!!.I Dove/Quall Sta. ponti~c/"•""'U Ctl.llltled. 6"2·5678 Buyer meets seller-with an I"~-] '119 MIMratl JAe•k:o 2+2 Sunroof. orig. owner, 38. c 1 I me ch . co n d . _..,, NEWPORT BEACH IV ~ effecll\lt clt Hlfled ad. Coupe. sh<llw cond. for 000 mt, maroon, xtnt $3000/0BO 873-8'38. 111-Hll 842-5618 Claalffled Adl_ •• 2!>.caT.! the dlecrtmtnattng buyer. cond. $7000. 497.2993 UUI, IDY10I H11bor Blvd 11 Fair Dr 1 '"= A•klng $111.&00. Call '79 Poreche 92a. Bleck, Y!.'!!!!~f!~ ...... !~~! 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'"'*" miclnigN 9130112 I '-••·---- 1 ! :::.~-----~---~ I t_~._-:.::::: ________________ j I ' I Thi• It the time of year tor the belt 8Uto buyal Take ldv1ntege of thl1' opportunity to win 2 round trip ticket• to Hawaii via Am•rlc:an AJrtlnel ALOHA SERVICE. Before you buy, compare our savin1s, selections & service. • WI WILL NOT IE UNDER· SOLD. A.P.R. FINANCING AVAILAILI* • FACTORY 1•c1•11v1s & llA•T DISCIU•TS UP II s3000 PASSED ·o• TO YOll Jo-Ann Morgan's 'Feel Like a Wallflower in a Flamingo Garden'. Coast artist offers boldness In color &7 JOBL O. DON Of Uae Dall7 Piiot 8'atr Jo-Ann Morgan dl1play1 an unbridled boldneaa -bordering OD bruhneea -In her exploitation of color and form. She fuaes the aubtle and the abocltina. the benip and the penetrating, 'the oblique yet the ~pistrano Beach artist hu edded xet another dimenllon to her peJnttnca. Further bent ()ft d1atorting her oti.,i1imes bizarre, caricature-like l.maaes. Morgan lends depth to her wori ' three-panel -=reet• known .. tri (pronounced tri ). He e,.t acrylic ven= alao marka horDecxmUna of 80l1I for thia native allfomian. 'lbouch her ·work ~aa a.tpeared at several aitH ~ the country M well aa ln Northem California and Lo.~ Morpn corwiden her pllery open1na SatuJ"dliy at Milli Hai.m in Gvdeii Grove Jler flnt major abowl.ftl In Onnee CGunty, ~ ... drawn to the :i ol. ·~-----~ panels In a furiliture store. 'lbe zioaa shape .eemed an appropriate medlwii for her devotion to crilp, hard edaee and brilliant colon. "It's leas rfCid and confining and you can distort whatever you've created which draws the viewer into the painting,'' abe laid. Her efforts reaalt in what ahe hM called at.t:r.ct ~ a term deviled to ault t6e demandi of the clallltien rather than her own aeardl for identity. tntlmately her purpoee la to explore the concept of the everyman throulh atrildhl portnitl of women ln .......i jletUnll. 1he · movie ltar aa auper-hero hM fiaured prominently In ll)Qlt of Morpn'a worlu. She drlvea at the theme of ldation coupled with fierce lndlvlduallam. Yet her cbaneten remain feminine. "I am not a man ao I only paint women," ah• Mid. "Since I am a . . ; Crosby, Stills & Nash ~ no more Woodstocks (I) n (I) (/) ~ By STEVE MARBLE Or tbe Dally Pilot Starr 'O 1:: u.. ._ There was a time not so long ago a> when David Crosby, Stephen Stills ~ and Graham Nash would have been ~ miles from the stage at the Irvine I Meadows Amphitheater. 3: The trio -veterans of Woodstock -and voicemen for the power-to-the· g people generation -would have o.. been in a dusty deeert outpost called Devore, playing before an ocean of kids at the US Festival. And , for that matter , the JO-and-over crowd that turned out Sunday for the fi.rst of two sold-out Crosby. Stills and Nash concerts would have been in Devore also, going at it elbow-to-elbow and pushing the stage for a better view. But this is 1982 and it was in the polish of the hillaide amphitheater that the three men who helped define what it was all about during the slow downshift of the 1960s, recaptured much of that mood. ' Crosby may be half-bald, plump and a grubby dresser but when he sang "Guinnevere," a lush ballad from the group's first album, he squeezed the piece for all it was worth, leaning his head back and putting his heart into the aong. And when Stills, another receding hairline victim, strummed the opening notes of "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" the crowd came to its feet like an anthem had begun. Stills' voice, ragged 1<>me years ago, aounded good and he didn't miss a note. The 2 ~ hour set started 1lowly, though, with Nash, at the plano, banging his way into "Chicago," a dated piece about the 1968 Democratic Convention. The group followed with several new numbers from their "Daylight Again" album, sprinkllna in "JUlt A Song Before I Go" ana Stills' ''Love The One You're With." The trio was backed by a 1ix- member band that included two drummers and two keyboard players. What Crosby, Stills and Nash didn't have (and this could be viewed as an act of bravery given the trio's often tricky harmonizing passages) were backup singers. As it turned out, they didn't need them. They went it alone, almost as if tO prove they can still bit all the notes. Nash sang the beautiful "Wind On The Water" and Stills, with 16 guitara stacked neatly behind him, cranked out a blues number, howling almost as, he went along. If the concert seemed disjointed and limp at tint, it came to a well-paced end whh smooth versions of "Wooden Ships" and "Lonf Time Gone" and a slightly o f -key presentation of "Deja Vu," the title cut from their aeoond albwn. Stills, as he's apparently fated to do for the rest of his daya, sang "For What It's Worth," a aong he cut in the 60s with BuUalo Springfield and a number he'd transformed into a wandering and silly sinplong piece in years past. This night, he sang it short and slow and the aong seemed almost fresh again. Crosby, Stills and Nash strong at Irvine Meadows, but miss the US Festival in Devore. They closed with "Carry On.'' another 12-year-o)d aong that got the crowd to Its feet. The trio came back with two encores, ainging "Daylight Again" and "Teach Yoor Children," during which Nash's three kids ran out on stage prompting Nash to proclalm, ''This is what it'• all about people," leaving 10me doubt whether he meant the IOl\g OJ' life in genenl. The concert, despite itl alow start, WU a~. It WU a suoc.ea becau.e it roee above limply being a nostalgia trip or a rare chance to .ee three old favorites attempt to do what they once did 90 well. It was a revival in a sense, a gathering of the kids of the Woo<btock generation who now live in Orange County and worry about mortgages, children and inflation. It was a meeting between a group and an audience that hal grown old together and is content to leave things like the US Festival for the kids. The only element missing was Neil Young, the lanky Canadian who was a part of the l"OUP brieny. But this is 1982 and ttme. are tough and one can't expect to get everything. Anyway, Young's in Europe, touring with hl8 own group. During the winter of 1969. auitarifl Tom Johnston, drummer John Hartrnatm and a baa playing acquaintance fonned a San Jose band called By PHIL SNBIDBRMAN Of th• Dally Pilot Stair "Rocking Down the Blghway;• Slmmona even jumped into the amphftheater audience, continuing to strum in the aisles, thanks to a cordless guitar. /Pud. Singer-rhythm guitarist Patrick Simmons soon joined the band, which quickly established itself as a favorite of Northern California motorcycle gangs. Borrowing a slang expression for a marijuana cigarette, the San Jose band changed its name to the Doobie Brothers. Today. 12 years later, with four Grammy Awards on the shelf and 82 million records told worldwide, the Doobies are hanging it up. • • Describing It as a thank-you gesture to loyal fans, the band has embarked on a six-week farewell tour that Included a performance at Orange County's Irvine Meadows Amphitheater. The three-hour concert was basically a "Doobies' Greatest Hits" pr~ntation, but what great hits the band had to perform. The tonp reflected the numerous atyliati.stic changes the band has progressed through as a result of numerous personnel changes. (Guitarist Simmons is the only original Doobie remaining in the group.) The band served up note-perfect renditions of Tom Johnston's early guitar-powered rockers such "Long Training Running" and "Liaten to the Music," u well aa Michael McDonald'• more recent keyboard-hued classics such u "lt' Keepe You Runnin"' and "What a Fool Believes." Moat of the current Doobie Brothen are polished atudJo musicians rather than passionate barroom pJayera. U their playinc viaa tornetlmes a bit mechanJcal, lt was never aloppy. While keyboard player·tonawriter Michael McDonald'a aou1fW vo6ce WM In excellent form, he remained hJdden behind hi.I instrumentl, aaying nothing to the audience between aonea. ' The .front-man chores fell to guitarist Simmons and fellow guitarist John McFee who bounded across the stage on the more upbeat numbers. On The Doobie Brothen, the la1t or the big-time bar bancle, on the roa d with their farewell tour. Switching to an acoustic guitar, Simmons also roused the audience to sing and clap along to his folk-n>ek hit "Black Water.'' One of the appeals of the Doobies' perfonnance was the pleasant mix of Slnunons' more country and hard-rock influenced songs and McDonald's music, which hu more rhythm and blues and ja2% flavoring. Using two drumm~rs and a third musician on other percussion instruments, the band had a aolid beat underpinning all of its musical styles. The public reason for the band's break-up is that the individual Doobles are all involved in projects of their own. Indeed the Irvine Meadows concert featured McDonald Performin& his current aolo hit "I Keep Forgettin'." Simmons followed with "Out in the Streets," a hard-edged roc:ker from his own upcoming solo album. 1n a recent interview, Simmons said another reason for his declalon to leave the group was the [act that the Doobies have become a huge, C0'1lplex eorporatlon. too far afield trom the amall San Joae bar band that he flnt joined. You could 1tlll hear the l.ut ~hoes of that rowdy bar band at Irvine Meadow• when the Doobies concluded with a rou1in1 rendition of "China Grove'' that had the entire audience Uj) and clapping alol\I with the power-chorda. -irt\e Doobles may be di1banding, but aomewhere in San J~ or Kalamat.oo OI' llevil'• Lake. there will alwaya be other ambltioua bar bt.nda botrowtnl thciR aame chorda to ,et other crowds on thW l•&. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---4( Tlt••ntertalner• ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~ Charo. • ::!! 0 -.some cuchi cuchi, all wornan ~ kind of hands lou'd expect to whip guitar strings J into the kind o frenzy she does. ~ By SANDIE JOY Of the Dally PUot Statt Parading in a skin-tight. hot pink Flamenco gown, punctuating jokes in heavily accented Spanish with her farnUiar ''cuchi cuchi" shake, Charo promised, "Tonight we're gonna have a helluva good time." She wasn't kidding. The lady puts on a helluva good show loaded with cuchi cuchi, flashy outfits, fast-paced song and dance routines with energy to spare. That's Charo, the blonde bombshell from Murcia, Spain, the one you see on Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show," the voluptuous little girl-woman. Behind all the cuchi cuchi, though, there's a woman and a serious performer -one of the best Flamenco guitarists in the world, the mother of a 17-month-old boy, a genuinely warm, happy human being. Onstage and off, s he's enchanting and animated. The accent is for real; she calls it her handicap but she's turned It into an asset. The warmth, too, is real. "Meet my sister. She makes all my beautiful costumes," she told a reporter as she whirled her guest around the room making rapid introductions to the rest of her family and crew. "Here, have a•at." she urged as she gave up her own. "How nice of you to come by," she said, sounding for all the world like she really was delighted to have more company in her already crowded Knott's Berry Fann dressing room. "It's a thrill to be in this kind of audience," she said, "a real challenge with people of all ages, children, your age, middle-age. I get children in my first show in Las Vegas, but not ao many. 1 love them." Talking about why she takes chances, moving her performance right out into the aisles, allowing the at1dience to hUR and kiss her, she explained, "I'm in show busine98. I like the people, the energy. I feel their aura. There has never been a problem. ''The aud.Jenoe to me is like a 812 shot. When I ,...._,.,_ ..... Charo brings her cuchi cochi act to Knott's Berry Farm. for. ''That nomination isn't a man or a woman," she said. "It's for the second best Flamenco guitar player in the whole world. "You see my small hands," she said. Her hands are, indeed tiny, like that of a child, not exactly the "On top of that" she said, explaining her small ~ hands are a handicap as a guitarist, "I play on a • stool. I've got no protection. The gravity is against :o me but it's more spectacular ao I play classical on a ~ stool. You're gonna find that I am working against : chances. Usually a guitar player sits on a chair with ~ a back to support him. There's nothing to hold me." 'I! Charo began studying music at the age of 4 -0 while enrolled in a Spanish convent and later i studied in Madrid with some of Spain's leading 3 claaaical guitarists. t:z Her classical guitar-playing is so spectacular ~ that audiences at Knott's Berry Fann gave her 0 standing ovations all weekend long. · • "That lou want me to play the guitar is a c0 meuure o respect," she said as she began an ~ encore. When she plays guitar, there's no cuchi cuchi, no llttle jokes. Instead, the re's the tota' concentration of a serious musjcian, a good musician. , "I alao play the banjo," she said later in her drelsing room. "You should see me in the bathroom in the middle of night practicing. I'm working up a banjo solo." In spite of having just performed in two suece.ive shows and in spite of the hour (nearly midnight), Charo was bursting with energy and enthusiasm. You get the impression she's a highly energetic woman. She went on and on as a gracious hostess. .,.._ She talked about her career, declaring when the day _comes she can't perform as energetM:ally and wholeheartedly as she now does, she'll do aomething else. "I don't believe in squeeze the lemon, she said in her heavy Spanish accent. "I don't want to quit, though. ''My mind never stops. I want to do everything. People pay $35to1ee me in Las Vegas. I want to give them a good time, a good show." "I want the audience to know I play very hard to please them," she said. "I love them. They are the boas." do television, I request a live audience, and I always r--------------------------------------- do that (going into the audience) in good taste. H you llive people love and respect. they give it back. r.What you do bad," she said, "comes back. That'll never happen to me . . . People are very friendly with me. I am very lucky. "U you're an egomaniac." she said, diadaining perfonners who won't let fans get near them, "you shouldn't be in show business. ''The fans are your boas. Ego doesn't mean you have talent." She feels strongly about letting fans get to know her, letting them see her up close and communicating with them to let them know she loves them back. "I play very hard to please them." she said. "I get tremendous satisfaction from their love.'' She added, "I know people are very sophisticated, very demanding. You don't get by. I never take It for granted. "I do the best I can do. That's why I practice singing and dancing. I prepare myself every day. I have my routine: four to five houn every day practicing the guitar which I at.ea.I from the night, walkinR lour to five miles a day. "Not too much dieting, though," ahe said. "I am very lucky. I pined only 26 pounds with my baby." Charo's lint priority, abe said, la her family; her perfonnlng career comes teeond. In her cue, the tw<f aeem to go together atnce she travels with family and lives, not only with her huaband and Ion, but with her lilter and 3-yemo-old nephew. Her h~ Kjel.l Ruten, who atayed Vf!CY much in the ~ during her interview, al80 la her ID&ll9I'· Spealdnc of her borne llfe, Charo said she haa plenty of time for her 1on who ahe dearly loves and that, amon, the thlna• aolng on in her busy household a her mlddle-of-the=nlgbt guitar pnct!cinc. She recently WM voted S«oncl Best Flamenco Guitarist in the World by Guitar Players Mapaine'a lntemat.ional Readen' Poll. a role she takea 9\:'lt• Hrloualy. She'• r.roud of her aooompUlllUnent; Jtf1 eometh.lnc llhe 1 worked Mid GenenQ Jeans b School at the Garage ... The oltglnal atone 'llltOlt\ denim )Iona. Mode of 100'i oottor\ Indigo d't'9d denim. Soft and corrbtclble. no need to t:>Mal(:em In just put 'emon. Nto~bn ~ c. ~ c:onon publ9rlcnl .... 0 glllCJI camblnalal~ ~~[; 56 F.ASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644·7030 ., ! 1 C\I ~ Marital infidelity has long been a favorite ...-target of playwrights and Michael Jacobs certainly 0 didn't break any new ground with his comedy "'" "Cheaters," the current attraction at Sebastian's ~ West Dinner Playhouse. Wh ere Jacobs scores points is in i characterization rather than situation. It doesn't -~~-------------~C-H£A---T£-R_8_"~~------~~ A com41dy by MlchMI Jacobs, directed by Kathy Logan, Ml delign >; by ThOla Pr0ductlon1, llghtfng by Bob Matot1slan,_stage man~ ~ ~~~T:u=?~r~hp~t~ Sj,";.~1::.~~C:~!: :i~;~: U. 140 Ave Pk:O. Sen Clemente. Aele<vetlon1 •92-9950. THE CA8T ..: G> Monica. ... .... ... ............. ... .. . .... Blanche MldlellOM 'O Howerd •• •• ....... ...... .. .. Robert Vaught i Gr-. . ............ . . ...... Btlgld O'Brien .lo: Sam .. ... • • • .. ... _,,, ......... .. . •• ....... Howard Goodwin i Michelle ...•••• • --...................... ......... .. ..... ~a W-' ~ _"_11en __ .. __ .. _ ... _._ ... _ ... _ .. _ ... _ ... _ ... _ .... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ .... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _ ... _rhom ___ ._s-ne __ __ WHO IS ROBIN FIELD? a Crusading Cole Porter? a Vigilante Victor Borge? a Delinquent Danny Kaye? ~~GWITH ~a ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I:~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~ ~1 o_ O ,.,..._ ('fiiiiij' penor"""9 -0 ·~~ ~ ~ Dy Otip.i IOllH PHILOSOPHICAL "flO ORATORIO "Three Questions" o very 10/enl..l 1'umon 1>e;n9 -DOM OelVISf 11191&111.,re .. •111& l u1trt1i1ilc ... .. ~ ... lltlltr.W. ' ..... se1, ttltJ••le n,erittct I008un _,.,c~ -CALIFORNIA MEOIA a llBRAllY EOOCAIORS ASSOCIATION a mull• tlitnleO PtflolrNI • MEIV GfllFFIH A SUPEAI ENTEATAINElll -RICHNfD~ a.-.....- rtfr~iiic I 111 ... ""clltfltllJ UltrtlililC W<•Mi r ,.._ -Leam1119 Institute t ..._., '-~H ........... Ht K C•tlolMe 6 .,..,.,,.,.... ttH .... On 1a £111mea • Soul1' Coast leper#Of~ Tickets $5~ (714) 585-7335 SAT. EVE. 8pm, SEPT. 18 HARBOR HIGH, Newport; Beech1 CA Bobbe Mitchel now presents Commercial Actors Studio in Orance County 'Cheaters' funny, but n<;J new ground broken By TOM TITUS Of &he Daily PUot St'" take long to figure out when two wandering couples are introduced, followed by a younger pair. the latter lovers each will have two relatives among the former foursome. It's the characters themselves that provide the funny business. And "Cheaters" is, indeed, a funny play. Its as,,ignati.ons, rather than its marriages, appear made in heaven -but the coune of true adultery never runs smooth and when the four philanderers e AffMiated with R~atd Ootdaeone Producttone, an active L .A . commeidal production compeny. •StUdenta 1Mrn from wetl eatabllehed acton. ca1tlng dlrectore, agent•. end dlrect0<a from L.A. If It's got wheels, you'll move ltfaster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.Call ~2-5678 convene at the same dinner party, it's a sight to behold . Director Kathy Logan has woven this crazy quilt of a play into a neat little pattern at Sebastian's, w here the characters' individual craziness receives meticulous attention in most cases. Laguna's father-son team of Don and Doug Williamson (operating as Thola Productions) is responsible for the subtly alternating settings in a play calling for six different staging areas. As for the cheaters themselves. Blanche Mickelson (in h er umpteen t h appearance at Sebastian's) and Howard Goodwin provide the major illumination as an incredibly mismatched couple who, quite understandably, find their physical pleasure elsewhere. Both take familiar stereotypes and bite deep enough into them to extricate some .sweet comic juices. Robert Vaught and Brigid O'Brien as the other couple are effective to a lesser degree, neither reaching the ·high level of farce achieved by their counterparts yet each maintaining credibility in an incredible relationship. The younger performers -Thomas Sesma as Goodwin and Mickelson's son and Laura Wesson as the daughter of Vaught and O'Brien -have the toughest jobs of the sextet, making ther characters as interesting as the others. They g~ E for effort and an A for energy in this regard. "Cheaters" continues through Oct. 3 at Sebastian's, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente, running nightly except Mondaya at varying curtain times. It will be followed by a pair of musicals -"Th.e P irates of Penza.nee" on Oct. 6 and "Finian'a Rainbow'' Nov. 17. * CALLBOARD -Auditions for the world premiere of ''Occupant, PenthOWle A" will be held Monday and Tueeday at 7:30 p.rn. at the Newport Theater Arta Cent.er, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach ... director Joan McGillis will be aeeki.ng three women, two men and an 8-year-old boy. CASTING -The Irvine Community Theater has announced the cast for its next production, "The Mind With the Dirty Man" ... Robert Ryan, Sandra Hunter and Norm Cobb will take the · ipal roles., with Kalla Maher, Carol Albright., ~Brannon and WU Thompeon completing the cast . . . the show opens Oct. 1 foe four weekends at Turtle Rock Community Park under the direction of J.D. Reichelderfer. SCR director gets grant to teach at Newport school The California Arts Council baa awarded an artist-in-achoola grant to Diane dePriest, director of South Coast Repertory's Young Comervatory. DePriest will be in residence u a theater teacher at Newport Elementary School through the 1982-83 achool year while continuing to direct the Young c.onaervatory at SCR, which opens today. ''The theme of my project ia Ye., You Can." aaya dePriest, who will introduce act!ni and drama to student.a in kindergarten through sixth grade. "By using the clulroom aa a canvu, I hope to ~rovide each child a penonal artiadc adventure.•• The projecia wilf directly involve 420 atudent.a in drama and theater workshops that introduce children to acting, playwriUna, aelf-awarenesa, tecbnical aapecta of production and performance. Award winning commercial actreu Bobbi• Mltch•ll hH appewect In numeroua televlalon ~ •E•ten11ve video tape work with follow up ortilquea. RA TIMI DANCING IS BACK / Hit I'm Mlchetle. I llve In Newport Beach, and I took the Comm•rclal Actor' a courH. The Instruction wH terrific. I quallfled for the advanced clue where I •• Introduced to ...,.. .. 11ge1.aea Md CMtlng dnctora. I am . ahedy being Mnt on lnterMw9 by one of the be9' llQelldla In Holtjwood. I r..-reoommend theooutM. MO,.._ WITL ... ,.._ IVaY ..... v 9TM'nt0 ..... • ... 11. 1111 THE NEWPORTER INN NEWPORT BEACH FEATUNNG: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---f~ Co1nl,..-Attractlon•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magic. 'I'bat's what there was to do in the hit musical "Pippin." And directing the hocus-pocus in the Broadway stage production was Ben Vereen in his role as leading player. Orange Coast theater fans may remember he played the same part five years ago when the musical was at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. But there won't be any sleight of hand (sleight of feet, maybe), when the versatile entertainer plays even closer to home, Laguna Beach, Sept. 18. Vereen Is due to present a night of cabaret- style song and dance at 8 p.m. at the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Arts grounds. The evening's entertainment is a benefit for the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Tickets are priced from $100 to $10. Those who buy $100 tickets (patrons) get reserved loge seating, rese~ed parking and ~ invitation to a 6:30 cocktail party. Vereen will also be present at a reception following his perfomiance. Vereen, while perhaps best known as Leading Player, is also remembered as Chicken George in the A.BC television epic, "Roots." He won Tony and Drama Desk awards for "Pippin." Theater critics were impressed with his drama talents in a television docudrama, "Louis Annstrong -Chicago Style." Ben Vereen set : .. ~;that his was to be a ~e ofatage ughta and, 1 He ls a1ao a sport.a enthusiast. Vereen recently - at lrvl·ne Bowl returned from a 265-mlle bicycle tour of ~ Guangdong Province in the People's Republic of' I China. ~ By JERRY HERTENSTEIN He, Kate Jackson, Lome Greene and Lindsay , ci Of ti•• Dally Pilot Statr Bloom cycled through the province entertaining in ~ He played E.L . "Tenspeed" Turner in the villages and communes. ".,, television series, ''Tenspeed and Brownshoe." He . They gave a variety show in Canton, IS: danced with Barbra Strei.sand in "Funny Lady" reportedly the first public outdoor concert by ~ and had hia own network television special in 1978, Western performers and first contemporary • "Ben Vereen -His Roots." American program to play on Chineae television. f Vereen, like meny performers, sang in Vereen says the China experience has added a i the chw'Ch choir as a child in Brooklyn. He d8ooed new dimension. influencing his style of performing. 3 with the Bernice Johnson Dancers and got his first H · ... .._... ..... to be learned t th Irvine Bowl 2' "break" while attending the High School of the ow 15 '":"~~ a e · !!( Performing Arts in New York City. Other ticket prices are $25, $17.50 and $15. 0 Today, he lives in Saddle River, N.J. Tickets are available at the museum, 307 Cliff • Vereen at one time studied to be a minister but Drive, from 11:30 a.m. to 4;30 p.m . daily except ca the show biz bug had bitten. A chorus line job in the Sunday. More information is available by ~ Broadway musical, "Sweet Charity" made it clear telephoning 494-6531. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN rr- YOU'VE MISSED THE BEST LOVE STORY IN A LONG TIME. .. IF YOU HAVE SEEN rr-t::; ISN'T rr TIME TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN? ) WA ., .... lllJO •WPOIT IUCll .... Mann B<U Plaza Edwawds Yiejo Ti*in Edwllds Newport Ctneml On1i1n11 529·5339 130 HtO 8<44 0780 93-4 2HI ........ ~'°",.....,.,. [------- :~----~~----~~--~-------------.1~ Curr•nt~ll•.,,, .. ~~----~--~------~--------~~--~ ~ Orange Cou nty I artist show a. From Page 1 ~ woman I see things fro m that >. perspective. But I put my characters ~ in the ~tances of all people, not ~ just in female circumstances." Morgan's fantasy vistas and the i power of her stark colors have i emerged from a natural, effortless style. Rather than setting a goal for a j painting, she lets her instincts dictate ~the outcome . She doesn 't -acknowledge influences from other .2 artists, but relies on the whims of 0: po~ culture for inspiration. 'I've always felt billboards and that kind of hard image of advertising art haa prompted me to do. what I do," she explained. "It's not a oon.ecious e ffort; I just absorb the culture around roe. FlllLLY!. A photography workshop for beginners and amateurs in Laguna Beach September 15. • llCTmES • Sll)[ OOOGTlATION • tWl)S.(ll PRACTICE . Under the direction of a professional. NO/asBVATIOH (714) 499-3164 "fve always liked the pop culture of the '30s and '409 such aa the yellow and red patterns on ta.xi~ tacky paintings of flamingos and wallpaper with philodendrons. Likewise, she reasons, movi.e stars represent prime works of pop culture, exploited and deified in remarkable unison. Morgan captures that striking duality for all its emotion, symbolism and intensity. "Joan Crawford, for example, created a whole work of art around herself," Morgan said. "My enthusiasm for her is to ~te an expression of the joy of the experience of her art." The artiat has wandered away from he.r dedication to movie star myths to less familiar, but still penetrating subjects. The triptych "Feel like a Wall.flower in a F1aminao Garden," for example, is her first substantial p!ece of seli portraiture. AB such Morgan oonsiden the work a major' part of her penonal evolution. "That painting broke JUOUnd foe me becauae I felt I ~w a lot," she said. '"nlere were a lot of momenta in the painting where I bad to make choices and take aome chances. "It maintains a balance between abstract and representational art which I prefer." Raised in a small town near Modesto, Morgan earned a bachelor's degree from the California C.Ollege of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. She later studied at West Berlin's S chiller College, where she completed a master'• degree in theater art. In the late '60s, Morgan lived in Michoacan, Mexico, where sh~ accepted vivid colon aa a personal driving force and individualism as her social ethic. "I waa no longer in a claaroom situation where you are encouraged to do whatever other people have dooe," she said. '11\e Milla House show, which runs through Oct. 17, includes the atit.ched fabric art of Ted Ball. Orkin photos on ex hibition . The photographic work of Ruth Orkin will be featured from Sept. 27 to Oct. 22 at the Riizoli Gallery in South Coast Plaza. The exhibition includes 75· photographs spanning Orkin's longtime career with camera and lens. A special1st in the artistry of photographic interpretation, her work is in the permanent oollectiona of the Metropolitan MUleum of Art and the MU8eum of Modem Art. In 1955, Edward Steichen cll06e her photogra phs of cardplayera to be included in ''The Family of Man.'' Orkin haa produced two boob, the most recent titled "A Photo Journal." a semi-a u tobiography with 170 photographs from a career that began at age 14. "'The Chosen' ... Oneof the year's best!" ~lyorw. WCISQllOOOICI ~.1\1 / :US E $ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------1( Currently-lcreen .... j~-------------------------------~1 TRON: Rated PG, Jeff Brldgea, Bruce Boxleltner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan and Barnard Hughee. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated R, stan Robin Williarm, Mary Beth Hurt. Glenn Cloee and John Lithgow. Thia film geta to the heart bf author John Irvirig'a sprawling riovel. It la deep, meaningful and speaks directly to what really matters to us, in films and in life. It's rated R THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: Rated R , stars Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuiae. There's not much 8eXY or lively action in this film, which inflates the characters portrayed by Parton and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention. It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy situations. E.T. THE EXTR.A·'l'ERRaTRIAL: Rated PG, stars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughtoo and Drew Barrymore. Thia hlchlY accl•hne3 a:ience-fantuy film dea1a with a YOWl8 boy who befriends a little 1ost alien from outer apece. nu. family film haa been touted u one of the belt in years. Movies now showing along Orange Coas{ A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY: Rated PG, It.an Woody Allen, Mary Steenburaen, Tony Roberta, Mia Farrow, Joee Ferrer and Julie Hagerty. Not many laughs or new ideas in this tale ~f chanehl& romances at the tum of the century. AN,.... OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, st.an Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger and .Loula ao.ett Jr. There are very few aurpri8es but acme beautifully drawn perfon:nances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It'• rated R becauae of language, sex and adult aituaticna. FORCED VENGEANCE: Rated R. st.an Chuck Norris, David Opeahu, and Mary Lou1ae Weller. Thia film shows prom18e being filmed in photogenic Hooa Kone but endl in a a:reen of blood aa Noma once .,.in u-. martlal arts to clean houae. It'• rated R foe violence and la wwuitable for children. • aARGAIN MATIN•••• MondQ thru l•turdaY All Pefform.nce1 bef0t1 5:00 PM , ... .,..,Ea .................. , """"99 ~. LOft" tllt .,,,.,....·~ .. ... ;:;.·;;- "flfllOA 't TM8 WYN PAlff r till •• ---.-.-- ,, ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, ltarl Henryl~ Fonda and Katharine Hepburn • m ~ couple -returnina to live on Golden PuMt. He's -filfed wtth' ~ arudetiee about death.; she'• intenninably cheerful.II They bicker politely until the arrival of their • daughter (Jane Fonda), her latat boyfriend, Bill_>' :l (played brilllanUy by Dabney C.Oleman) and h.i9 f 13-year-old boy. 'tile PG rating is for~. • ~ FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT WGH: Rated It R, stars Sean Penn. Jennifer Juon Leigh, Jud&e ';.< Reinhold, and Richard Romanua. Thia film deals CJ! with teen-agers pursuing dnqps and aex and more ~ sex. It originally wu rated X but wu edited down , i to an R rating. Several impnwlve newcomen in 3 this tale of the carnal side of high 9Cbool. It's rated , i R becaU8e of ita emphasis on aex and 101De nude ~~. ~ THE SECRET POLICEMAN'S OTHER BAU..: _. Rated R. atan Pete Townshend, Eric Clapton and! others. A aeries of short pieces highlighting eome of Monty Python'• 8Chticka. intersper'Bed with musical momenta. See Currently screening, Page 8 ._ •• ..,., .... 1:• "' \.-7:1S ,....,. \1.-. • ku IMPOllT&IY NOYIC(! CMllOlll• U•OUI 12 flllll! .................... 1••M.a..._ .. ,. ~-·.._,.AMtall-·~--IP .. AM tall -..ao Wn4 -oa:oD'f l'lllllOI --191111lll•AU~-........... ... , .... l"" ANAHEIM OlllVl IN Qlll If- " ........... . BUENA PARK u11 1~1 '" .._----~ 12M070 -~--··· ..... LINCOLN 01rn1t 1N .. . . . . ~ HI WAt 39 .,. "~ t, "'1MI CHH I Fllr 1111 L "TMI IUeT1IM1'8" .. "'1MIC:Wta....- ~e.."- ........... LA tiABRA • ,, " -·-·--·--171-9162 - .. .... '"1"9 •IT UTTLI WMOMMO"'L • ,TD.U• 1111 ~1111 ..,AIT ,_. AT -~ .......... -.......... a...-.- _,, .... so"' o. ... Gt_ .. .._ 191-3691 •111·-... ••·• -"""'....,. wmw' 1111 Ull-lf- 1.T. TM8 llCTM TWMHTIU&.• -.. . ................. .......... O RANGE OlllVf IN '"nll -.r""'"' Wll•ID ...... ftUr t11t ~ .. M ISSION ""''"' IN -. . "flM~.,. ·--· "'* .. "' .......... .. __ _ ~ •Wa.oe - 8 -----------------'C C11rr•ntly Scr .. nltlfl ).,__ _______________ _ ~ 1From Page 7 O> .... 0 POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stara Jobeth -Williama and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the '-supernatural. The story la by Steven Spielberg; the ~ direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating la for «> suspense. --a. ~ ROCKY ID: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone : as the gutsy Rocky, who battles to defend his ~ crown. The PG rating is for violence . ... u. i . BAMBI: Rated G, is the Walt Disney animated i classic that first hit the big screen In 1942. Thia ~ aentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for l lYoungstera of today, just as it was yean ago. , ~ STAR WARS: Rated PG, stars Harmon. Forti, Carrie Ftaher, Alec Guinne., Mark Hamiil and Peter Cuahing. Thia clusic George Lucas acience- fantasy film has been re-releued aa the evil F.mpire ANNIE: Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Alleen Quinn. The film la hued On the popular muDcal.. threaten.I the lifestyles of a cast of futuristic good guys. Great special effects. STAR TREK D: Rated PG, st.an William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing quest to leek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating la for action. Directed by Nicbolu Meyer. ~ ......................................... r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-' ii: Trl••pll "A ••vie •I Sflllrl•6 111e ... res dtat y .. ••,,e wlll .e .. er e,.,,. T• 6e t1ee• •••I• allfl •••l• • • • and tre1UR1red." Ge•e S•allt. Nae.Tl! 'l'fHl•J' _, .... A snvtN Sl'IEUIRG ftUI E:r THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A snviN Sl'IEUOG fllM E. T TltE DnA·'TEUES'TAIAI. 0£E 'W'AUACE PETEii.COYOTE H£N11Ynt0MMAS EUJ01T Ml !SIC BY JOHN "11.UAMS MITTEN BY MELa'IA MA.llt~ PllOl>UCEO 8Y STEVEN Sl'IELBEllG 6 ICA1'Ml.!DI UNNmY OlllE<:nO llY STEVEN SPIELBfllG A UNIVUSAI. P'ICT\JU FRIDAY THE 13TH -PART 3: Rated R. Gory In 3-D with a bit of aex thrown in, this film is bad. It's so terrible, the first two Friday the 13th films don't seem so bad. More mass murders at Crystal Lake. It's rated R for gore, nudity and sex. r -· ... ~ . .!-~.'!'~ ~ ........ --··-~ ---""~ uwmM COITA MUA FVUUT• SM JUAI •oolmurll Edwards Town Cenier Fox CA"ITUJfO 772 6-448 751-4114 525 4747 Pacfflc's Mission 011ve In .-A MRI Brea PWa 529 5339 493 •~•5 llO ,_ACCU'"ltD 'Oii f .... -··- -----_..._ , - - ---------1.( What, s happening along Orange Coast -PLAYS------ "ALL IN FAVOUR SAID NO!" the American premiere of an Irish comedy, opens Tuesday as the first production of the new season at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033). Perfonnan<:ea will be given Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 and weekend matinees at 2:30 through Oct. 17. "BULLSHOT CRUMMOND," a satire on British mystery plays, opens tonight. at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach (675-3143). Curtain is 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.rn. Sept. 19 and 26, through Oct. 9. "BY GEORGE," a musical revue based on the songa of George and Ira Gershw in, will be presented tonight at the Irvine High School th.eater and Saturday at the Saddleback College Fine Arta Theater at 8 p.m. both evenings. C.all 831-4650 for tick.et information. "CHEATERS," a ~y about two mixed-up ~ ia on stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). Curtain times vary Tue.days through Sundays until Oct. 3 . .. DEATHTRAP," a murder mystery--OOmedy, is being presented at the Harlequin Dinner P1ayhou8e, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., just north of Calta Mesa (979-5511). Perfonnances are= except Mondays at varying curtain times Nov. 14. "EL GRANDE DE COCA COLA," a comedy aet in a Mexican supper club, opens tonight at the Huntington Beach Playhouae, Main Street at ~-~ ~ -NW'I ID ............. ~ ,........, ..... ''THE llEA8TMA8TER" ....-euN. ........... POLTERGEIST.!! Yorktown Avenue in the Seacliff Village shopping center (847-4465). Performances are hidays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Oct. 16. "TtCMSTLrTTU WHOAIHC>Utl IN nXAS" 1111 ............. 1:11 11THI SOLDIER•• ......-.1:11. ..... ~.-..-.­ .~ .... ......... - '1=AIT TIMES AT AIDOEMONT HIGH" (Ill ........... ,,.. lc11, .. "HOME WORK" ,. ........ , .... t-o "RAIN,'' a vintage drama by Somerset g: Maugham, opens tonight at the Westminster - See Diversions, Page 10 l E.T. TDhTU· TDAunllAL '}/(" CD ;:, ci CD ::' ,,_ r • I t- i ' I I -.. -· J• lO C\1 1 ~I 'r"_, 0 :1 ~ E Cl -Q. Cl en ,.: tV 'O ;:: u. ..: Cl 'O c Cl ~ i 3: -.Q a: -- ... CJ'HE . q)EflCHcflOUSE Dining ond Cocktails qnn _ _,,Dining For Romantics .. tfit• :iOlllllf) 1111tf ~(tJflb tf tfie )llr( 011 tht• beach al £.m11111a -· fcat11r111tJ · f n·)h . "\ t·1·,, • [119/and Lob:i ta ,ind olha /rt·~li · n )·h . . . Callllid1_qli1 blc11dccl 11•itli 1/ic .... j1rn.'' tf the ·Pacific ( 1ct•t111 . ... Op.. 111•1 ...... IWICllO•IMt (114) JIMSIS Breakfast Aeservot1ons 494-9707 luncheon Pinner on the surf at 619 Sleepy Hollow lone logvno 8eo<h ---- . sayzng · farewell From Page 9 Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-4113). Performances will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Oct. 9. "LADY PRECIOUS STREAM," romantic Chinese comedy, opens four-week run tonight at Anaheim Cultural Arts Center, 931 N. ltarbor Blvd., Anaheim. Performances by Ana-Modjeska NEW YORK (AP) _ Players at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays The rock group The Who through Oct. 2· ia going on a "first •BT -------------farewell tour," but lead -g singer Roger Daltrey aays WOOD SCULPTURE and painting.s by artist/ the British singers who phlloeopher John .Buck are at Cal State Fullerton gained fame in the 1960s Art Gallery. Hours noon-4 p.m. weekdays and 1-4 aren't breaking up or s da abandoning public p.m. un ya . appearances. ART EXBIBIT AND AUCl'ION sponsored by "We just won't do any Newport Beach Police Employee's Association and more tours" after a 1eries Police Wives' Auxiliary is at noon Sept. 19 in the of planned "farewell Newporter, 1107 Jamboree Boad, Newport Beach. tours" to be held In Admission $1. "every country where ARTIST'S SELF-PROMOTION WORKSHOP we've been suooesaful," is 2-4 p.m. Sept. 19 at Mil.la House, 12732 Main St., Daltrey said at a recent Garden Grove. Admillion free. news conference. However, the hard-"ELECl'IC AMERICAN FOLK ART" is in rock group'• founder, East Gallery, Cal State Fullerton. Scarecrow Peter Townahend, told figures, weather vanes. walTdng canes, quilts, fish Rolling Stone mapz:ine decoys. Admission free. --PRODUCE-iS--iT-iTS----:~.;,.-------y ! ~!:i ~~:: ~!~~i~rr?E ~1 , w a a g e t t i n g b y a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily except Mondays. Admission SEASOll . BEST llOW! _I "re--uona_bly___._wen_." _free_. ----- TOP QUALITY, LOW PRICED/ EIT YOUR FILL llOW! IT TIESE LOW PRICES OPEN DAtt. Y 'TIL I -· C:.-w --(t s: LAIT Of= KHONI ~ HUDO LAU 0# ntm .,_r r----R•l•f :1•fil-----1 r----1'.(•liJ:l•llJ----,r----1(ellJjl1ffi----, t IUDLIM 11 L.MQSlm 11 ...... I 1 WATERMELON I 1 ~ °" 1l WATERMELON l I II IC..eM II I : 15• 11 LETIUCE 11 6-. I t Lb. II 3 ,100 II Lb. I I TMf're I I II """"'9 I L-----~------J 1-----~-------Jl ______ ~ _____ J [f .JDmlNG i ENTERTAINMENT cumE l: l •COST A )4£SA Kartlor • w ii- • CYPIH!:il Vallty V-a, Or-. ,, 9f.AB HU.NTER Sta#Tlng In "Here Liff Jeremy Troy" A HMerioul Comedy wrmen ay Jectc Stwkey ~~ Now pllylna tll'U OCt. 17 ~---------------------._. ........................... £ .. .. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---lc ___________________ )~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~1 •• -Dlv•r•lon• _ .,, 8 From Page 10 ·-ETC~------ ACTING WORKSHOP, "Way to Grow," features actress Mary Mizell, in Huntington Beach. Museum of North Orange County, 301 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton. Infonnation 738-6545. SNOOPY AND ALL THAT JAZZ ice show extended through fall at KnoU's Berry Farm, Buena Park. MUSIC FESTIVAL featuring 400 musicians on - 10 stages is at UC Irvine 2-11 p.m. Sept. 26. ~ Performers include Henr y Brandon California I Symphony, Los Angeles Rams Band, Irvine ~ Symphony, rock groups such as the Snowmen, big a bands such as Ansell Hill, strolling musicians. ~ ..~ Information 968-9746. EVENING OF BRIDGE is at 8 p .m. Saturday --MUSIC· at Jewish Community Center of South Orange TONY BENNETJ' performs at 8:30 'Tl BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL is Sept. 18 and 19 at 5:: torug· ht Rancho de Santiago Park next to Irvine Lake. ~ Information 726-3498. County, 298 Broadway, Laguna Beach. Call Alex and Saturday in Hollywood Bowl. at 499-4385 for reservations and partners. "' ~ "USING METAPHYSICAL UNDER· STANDING T DEVEU>P AND IMPROVE ... " is discussion at 7:30 p .m. Sept. 17, 1002 Gates Ave., Santa Ana Phone 554-3936. QUU.TING EXHIBIT is at 10 a.m. Sept. 25, in ·---.i1~t BEN VEREEN performs In benefit for -SINGLES ~ Laguna Beach Museum of Art on Sept. 18. Tickets, 3 call 494-6531. g GET-ACQUAINTED DANCE, sponsored by .... FREDDY MARTIN ORCHESTRA plays for Man-Woman Institute, is at 8 tonight in Oakwood ~ dance Saturday in Catalina Casino. For boat and Apartments South Club, 1700 16th St., Newport dance infonnation, call 832-4521. Beach. Infonnation 545-0840. <O CD I\) {) -~J OINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE MEL TILUS TOM T. HALL W~. October eth Tueeday, October 12th MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL PARTIES COMING ATTRACTIONS • RAY PRICE • LEE GREENWOOD For Dine Out Advertising And Info Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 269 Distinctive Waterfront Dining • Oyscc:r Bar • Codcuils 3333 W. Paific c.o.t HighWI)', Ncwpon &c.dl Raavaions AalcpCcd • 642-2295 DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P .M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Family ~ w~~ FtA11111N6 H MEIMTIOllAL 11£STMltMTS 4181 BIRCH 955-2484 NEWPORT BEACH Comer or von KMnan Serving the finest wines tor your pleasure! 154~11 7588T.CLAIR1AT~1 COSTA MESA ON& 91.0C~ OP' IAAEft ¥i ILK OP' BIUITOL ~olden ~~~~ ·~~ SI;;;ra9on -~ GENUINE CHINESE MAHDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes • Lunch Dinner Oal.b' • FOOd To Take Out : 4711 ce...-• OIAMel • HJJ ........ llv& 750-7171 ' 750-5"1 . COSTA MISA , ~~ -· 642-71,Z • Hl·ftl I . ''.Real .. -LJ_ --. Cant•se Fiii; Ht here or talce home STA.G CHINESE CASIO ·. I 11 2 Ill""' Mftpwt IHdl ~ J.tUf. ... _. "-~ Mi.19it o.lr-W11ti..h &Wil I :00 e.a. ' ..... •"'~ WI PIOMH JOI IOOD CIHlllSI '001 ., LU.CHIS • DlfMH • TIOftCAl CoaTMS "9111 IAllClllT fACIUTIU ~ cA~ING * FOOD TO GO OPl17DATS I . .,..._..,.."'° - fll I •• . ..i ' I IOCI I llLL llllT CLll Tun. LMlln' Night: 25•Champagn. • FIN ROH• W«lnnday -SO-Well Drink• Thu,.. -Hot Tub Fet1fWI Wette•t T-Shlrt Show In O.C. Fri. & Sat. Lin Entertainment Tiii 4 A.II • .,.,,....,_,.. .............. 11 ........ U111W Fne .. •ubtm 11512 BEACH II. VD. tUfTllGTON IOCH 984-2211 1 MYUll WTta8 WID. -MT. -.-ro.a--. MON.. roea. FllOMI P.IL . ..., ..... . . .,..,. ..... ..... . _ .. , .. ....... _mt_, muftlmml ....................... , ... , . .-ANO ND¥ WY •llANO MANO . IN IWn'AlllS Ma ··WJ1t:RE PEOP1..E IN 'nlE KNOW-00 .. 3180 AIRWAY COSTA MESA C..tl .... ~ 546-9880 AWARD WINNING ~l:ln BY THE SEA , . \ • 1111 •• r•• MEUDW JAZZ. P1AHO ANO VOCALS S""°"Y THAU WIDNE.SOAY 7~HT • ... , .• _ ......... ~AND 8wtNCI Pl.AVID WITH WRYE Y 7·11 • IUNOAY Al'U!FWOOM 2-t I Tllli If IUa TIW>f110NAL JAZZ 80UND8 EV!JllY FNOAY AND 8ATUN>AY .. 1 A.M. -•• Ill -.I LANDING "179 E. 17th St. Cotta Meta I.a v-Sliappilf C- 842-.. $$ nu. & E . JAlllE8 HARMAN 1411 & 1511 8AllO F....b Shark Dell~ FIOm the Doqman Fl..t FAMOUS CIOPPIJfO ................•• 18.88 SEAFOOD M08TAOCIOLt ........ 17.88 LINOUllO AL PEITO lit FRESH B1 "1e BAUCE ............... '8.89 Monday Night SD9Cial '3.98 l.tlft9\dnl Jn OJam lauoe With Oulio .... CoWJtry We•Cern . Mu•lc Oran11 CtU1ty's Nicest COllltry Western lfght Club Tues: Talent Night Cash Prizes Thursday: Ladies' Night z111·· MUIFlllT IEWPllT 11111 171-1114 LIVE ENTEITAlllENT 7 NIGHTS I DAYS SATiltDAYS I Slll>AYS Fe9,.,,,,.. soontcm ... 1r-.N11Ms STM clll.OI hi. .. Sat.. I 1111 ·.Z • mEPllU ... YS . (~""..,,..,.. --...> YDlm• - New season ... Bob Stack ... TV Antenna, Page 3 TV Teaser, Page 27 .. - Bob Newhart. • • Letters, Page 27 •Sept. I 0 -Sept. 16• ' . Glen Campbell ... headlines new syndicated show • Entertainer Glen Campbell may or may not have made it to Phoenix. He is, however, making it back to the small tube. America's favorite .. Rhinestone Cowboy" returns to the spotlight as· "The Glen Campbell Music Show" premieres Saturday, Sept. 18 at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 4. This weekly half-hour of entertainment w1ll feature such muaical stars • Roger Miller, B.J . Thomas, Billy Preston, The Righteous Brothers and Chuck Mangione. One of country-western'• best. four- tlme Grammy winner Wi~e Nelton, ls Campbell's guest on the show's debut. Dreaed 1n patriotic red, white and blue joaing top and carrying hit faithlul beat- up l'J.ltar, Nellon performs IOIDe of the hit 8CJl'8I that have made him a cootemporary mUlical folk hero. Amon& them are ••MamU Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be <Jowboya," "On~ Road Apin.tl •-crazy:· and "Always On My Mind." He will be joined by Cam~ and Racer Miller will make a cameo aooeeranoe, to form a trio for ''Uncloudy Dayt'r .and "Old Friends." Campbell. mMter of country-pop music, u. to hla credit tour aokl-.-, 12 gold and 8eYel'l platinum a1bmrw ancJ one double platinum album. His latest album ls .cheduJed for releMe lat.er th.ii month. Some of Campbell'• tqaest and mc.t popular hits-Include "By 'lbi1?1me I Get To Phoenix," •"Wldllta Lineman;' '4GaJYe9tcJn, II and .. Rh.,!llone Cowboy," which w• the anlJ IAnlJe in 18'1& to hlt the No. 1 spot on the pop. country, and -.Y·liat.enlna cbarta. ,_ I \ r-------------::..=:_::::::.::;:::===::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::z:;;~---::;;;-;::::==::=:==============================----.., N CQ O> .,.... c:i .,.... AUTHORIZED BALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSL ER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD LINCOLN-MERCURY aoHMSOM i 5aM UNCOLM-M.IRCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SAMTA•MA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. ·Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 I PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 ~-636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI MEISTER PORSCH~AUDI • 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove.:. 636-2333 .. Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE r- 330 West Bay St., Costa Me~, Ca. ·Mail address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 'Telephone: 642-021 TV Antenna . ~ ( Index J TV Antenna ........................................................ Page 3 Daytime Schedule ............................................. Page 4 Sports Highlights ............................................... Page 6 Evening Schedule .............................................. Page 7 TV Puzzle .......................................................... Page 25 Return with us to ............................................ Page 25 Daytime Drama ................................................ Page 26 L.etters ................................................................ Page 27 TV Teasers ........................................................ Page 27 Word Gan>e ....................................................... Page 27 Inside TV ........................................................... Page 28 ( Channel• ) 9 KNXT <CBS>• 6121 W. ~t Blvd .. Los AnJteles, Ca. 8 KNBC (NIJC> 3000 w. Alameda Ate., Burbank, Ca! e KTLA (Jnd.i1• , : • 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. fl KABC <ABC>7' . · · · : ·,· 4151 Prospect Ave.~ Los Angeles, Ca. °<8> K'FMB <~BS) . ' - 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego. Ca. I> KHJ·TV (Ind.) " 5515 Melrose Ave .. Los Angeles, Ca. ( 10) °KCST (ABC> . ' 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. Ca • KTTV (Ind.> 5746 W. Sunset Blvd.1. Los Af!geles, Ca .. e KCOP-TV (Ind.) ' 915 N. La Brea Ave .. Los Aqgeles, Ca. <20 CBS Cable • @ lfCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset 'Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. 9 KOCE <PBS> • ' , 15744 Golden West St .. ' Huntlngton Beach <0> On-TV , 1139 Grand Central Ave., GlendaJe. Ca.• <Z> Z -TV 2939 Nebraska Ave • Santa Moni~a. Ca. t H) HBO . . I • • Time:uJe n1dg .. Rocke(eller Center, N.Y., N.Y. <Cl Cinemax Time-Lire Bldg., Rocke(eller Center. N. Y . N. Y. l><WOR> N.Y., N.Y, _ 1171 <WTBS) Atlanta. Ga. <E>ESPN <L>.Select <S> ShowtJme <SJ SpoUight _. CCJ <Cable News'Networ_~). /".. Fall season looks like more of same By PHU. SNEJDERMAN Of tM.,..,......... ,, Anyone out there remember "Out of the Blue or "Struck by Lightning"? How about :«Enos" or "Secreta of Midland lteights"? If you do, give yC)W"8elf a ailver star. These .eries were among the gems unveiled by the major television networks during the fall premiere week.a of 1979 and 1980, respectively. Roll back the clock just one ye.ar and see if you can recall such aiellar 1981 offerinp as ''The Nashville Palace," "Lewis and Clark" and "Je9Bica Novak." All of the above i>rosrams are long gone to that great TV graveyard in Beautiful Downtown Burbank. but aa sure aa New England leaves tum brown in autumn, there will alway• be more where thoee muterworb came from. Thia fall marb a return to the tradition of presenting new aerie• and new episodes of returning_ shows during late September and October. During the put two yean, strikes by Hollywood acton and writers have resulted in staggered fall premiere periods. Some new shows were debuting in December. barely ahead of the mid..aeason replacements. Aa usual, viewers will have to .eparate the treasures from the trash. Amid this season's forgettable fluff, you may find the next "Hill Street Blues" or "M-A-S-H." The antenna colwnn is anxious to hear readers' impretsiona ol the new programs. . Pick the .eaaon'• best two new .eries and the two most likely to be canceled before December and send your views to TV Antenna, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Cast.a Mesa, CA 92626. The best comments will be printed in a future column. Meanwhile, here are some capsule reporta on what you'll be seeing during the next few weeks: MOVIE-CLONE SERIES -The networka are offering two new programs that sound 1uapiciously similar to the hit movie, "Raiden of the Lo.t Ark." "Tales of the Gold Monkey" (8 p.m. Wednesdays on ABC) atan Stephen Collini as a daring 1930s cargo pilot who batUea sinister Nazis in the South Pacific. "Bring 'Em Back Alive (8 p.m. Tuesdays on CBS) features Bruce Boxleitner Cindy Morgan, Bruce Boxleitner and Clyde Kusatsu will be seen in 'Bring 'em Back Alive' this fall on Mondays al 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). as a daring 1930 big game trapper who a1ao battles sinister Nazis in the South Pacific. Taking a few cues from the hit movie "Time Bandits" will be "Voyaaen" (7 p.m. Sundays on NBC), which concerns a ''time cop" and an orphan boy wt\o travel th.rough time to straighten out history. "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (8 p.m. Wed.ne9daya on CBS) takes its plot from the 1954 musical film of the same name. The eldest of seven orphaned brothen on a ranch brinp home a wife, which aeema re890l'l enough to bunt into aong and dance each week. THE MACHO DETECl'IVE-ADVENTURERS -The auccesa of "Magnum, P.I." baa prompted TV producers to concoct ltill mott vehides for tall dark and handaome aoldien of fortune risking life and limb in glamorous modern aettinp. Robert Urich of "Vegas" fame returns as "Gavilan'' (9 p.m. Tuetdays on NBC), a focrner CIA agent who still keeps a finger and probably a fiat in the business. "Knight Rider" (9 p.m. Fridays on NBC) .See Fall season, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE * CAT PIOPLI * UNDIR THI RAINBOW * ARTHUR * IXCALllUR * CANNllY IOW * CONAN THI 8Al8AllAN * 80DY HIAT ltr SOMI KIND OP HllO I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent . * IUDDY IUDDY * THI IOIDll SH ~ Video Experts at • • • . · Yl.W C•1•tl9 11...._11 IUW HAii61:101~~­ .,... COSTA MISA • 646-ltll ..,, ... a: ~ f i .... co Q) N 4 !Daytime -.8 \ I< >l l :\' I :\' < ; i 5:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER Q. 8 RAT PATROL (WED) G) I MOVIE (TUE. FRI) en MOVIE (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) (FRI) ~ MOVIE (1 HR., 55 MIN.) (MON) "O MOVIE (2 HRS., 18 MIN.) (FRI) ;f 5:05~MYTHREESONS 5: 10 VIDEO JUKEBOX (MON) ~ 5:15 MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM AND HUCK .-(WED) > (%)MOVIE (1HR.,42 MIN.) (TUE) I-5:30 8 JUNTOS (MON, WED-FRI) ~ PORTRAITS IN PASTELS (TUE) O: JIMMY SWAGGART DAYBREAK L.A. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) CONTEMPORARY HEAL TH ISSUES (MON, WED, FRI) ~ 0 MATH FOR MODERN LMNG (TUE. THU) CID TEDOY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT (1 HR.) ~~ACKV WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS &r~6v1E (2 HRS.) (THU) 5:35(1Z)THATGIRL 5:M>CH) HEPBURN AND TRACY (1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (MON) 5:45• A.M. WEATHER fDA.M. WEATHER (MON-THU) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (WED) 5:50,NEWS 6:00 LA. MORNING HEALTHAELD CARRASCOLENDASS 9 ABC NEWS THIS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNrTV FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE {WED) rT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART (FRI) e NEWS (MON-THU) UP AND COMING (FRI) REBOP (MON) INANrTV FACfORY (TUE) VILLA ALEGRE JWED) SONRtSAS (TH ) • HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (MON, WED) AMERICAN OOVERNMEN1 (TUE. THU) MOVIE (MON) MISTER GIMME (WED) FROM THE 55-YARD LINE (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, THU) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) MOTOCROSS RACING (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., "5 MIN.) (FRI) MARVIN HAMUSCH: ~EY'RE PLAYING MY SONG (MON) ~TRILOGY ( 1 HR., 26 MIN.) (TUE) Iii MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) 6.:061MOVIE 6: 16 MOVIE (THU) 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO EARLYTOOAY 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (~THU) rT CAN BE 00:::1~) COMMUNrTV CK (MON) YOUTH AND tHE ISSUES (TUE) ~~~~m GREAT SPACE CO (FRI) CARTOONS (MON-THU) FELIX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEW8 (T\Je-fff) ~=AN(~MC W'RfT1NG FOR A AEA80N TliO) OF EARTH AND MAN ) MOVIE {TUE. WED) THE NFL STORY: LINE B~(FRO HONE AAaNG WEEKI. y MOf') NCM~ (TUE) ~~~~u~ '< lw"..JI ~IOA&.MMG''mi THU) ~ ' . Comic Jimmy Brogan will be the ·resident joker on 'Fantasy,' new NBC daytime show which premieres Monday at 2 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). CH) WHO ARE THE DEBOl TS ANO WHERE DID THEY GET 19 KID6? (1 HR.) (WED) i ~f~HR, 30MIN.) (~) AB PLACE E) MOVIE (1 HR.. 31 ~) (WED) 7:00 I MORNING NEWS TODAY 700CLU8 (II GOOO MORNING AMERICA THE FAOOZLES ROMPER ROOM CARTOONS (FRI) THE FLINTSTONES (MON-THU) WOODY WOOOPECKER BISNESS REPORT VlLLA ALEGRE (R) D (FRI) DESIGNING HOMI: IR'fERIORS (MON, WED) AMERICA: THE SECOND COOURY (TUE. THU) SPORTSCE'.NTER I MOVlE (FRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX (TUE) MOVIE (1 HA., 20 MIN.) (THU WACKV WORLD Of JONA~AN WINTERS IMON) MOVIE (2 HRS., 26 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR.. 34 MIN.) a) MOVlE (1 HR., 36 MIN.J MON) MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 20 MIN.) (TUE) 7:15(%) MOVlE (1HR.,26 MIN.) (WEO) 7:30.THEREtSAWAY SUPERHEROES (FRI) BATTLE Of THE f>LANETS (MON-THU) FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF OtL PAINTING MOV1E (2 HRS., 30 MIN.) (TUE) RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) MOVlE (1 HR, 31 M1N.) (MON) A BETTER PLACE (ruE) SHORT PtCt<8 (THU) MOVIEili.iHR., 32 Mlt4.i ~U) MOVtE 1 HR., 3& MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 2S Wf. U 7:46(1) CH CHAMPLIN~ ... (MON) 8:00(1) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM8AKKEA TIC TAC DOUGH BATILE OF THE PLANETS (FN) 8PICaMAN (MON-THU) CARTOONS MISTER AOOEA8 (R) IOOY BUOOIE8 MOVIE Cl> MOVIE ( 1 HR., 42 MON) -.iETIENR. (1 '7tij MOVIE ( 1 HR., II Mil D) MARVIN HAMl.8CH: M Pt.AVJG MY J~ ~ AflOHMID .(!UE) CANCER .. )I~ ~.a ~HR., '!IVOM 8:308 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER BULLSEYE SPIDERMAN (FRI) THE MUPPETS (MON-THU) VILLA ALEGRE (A) 0 MISTER ROGERS (R)' MOVIE (1 HR., 34 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE i1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HA .. 55 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HA., 30 MIN.) (WED) 9:00 8 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) DIFF'RENT STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES I LOVE LUCY (FRI) SOAP WORLD (MON-THU) ROMPER ROOM ~~~t~TREET (R) r:;J VILLA ALEGRE (R) 0 .. TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) NCAA FOOTBALL (MON, TUE) SPORTSWOMAN (A) (WED) DRAG RACING (THU) EARTH, WIND ANO ARE IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) cir~ACKV WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS f l) STRAWBERRY ICE (1 HR.) (TUE) MARVIN HAMLISCH: TH~AE PLAYING MY SONG (THU) D MOVIE ~HR., 10 MIN.) (THU) (%)MOVIE 2 HRS .. 20 MIN.) (THU) 9:051 PEO E NOW 9: 15 CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS... (FRI) 9:30 (I) ALICE (R) WHEEL OF FORtUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING LA. MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY (FRJ) MOVIE (MON-THU) VICTORY AT SEA ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RACQUETBALL (WED) AEROBICISE (MON, WED, FRJ) MOVIE l1 HR., 32 MIN.) ~ED) MOVlE 1HR.,45 MIN.) FRI) MOVlE 1 HR., M> MIN.) UE) 9:45iMOVlE (1HR.,49MIN.) (MON) 10:00 (I) THE PRICE IS RIGHT TEXAS EMERGENCY 0 LOVE BOAT (Rl JOHN DA VIOSON FRI) MOVIE (MON-THU) TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE VEGETABLE SOUP (R) 0 SESAME STREET (R) D 1FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGA1.tMING (MON) EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING (TUI:· THU) MOVIE WATERSKllNG (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 34 MIN. (FRI) MOVlE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN. (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., .0 MIN. ~E) MOVIE ( 1 HR •• 32 MIN. WED) MOVIE i 1 HR., 35 MIN. U) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) ED-FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., M> MIN.) MON, TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 2 MIN.) (FRI) 10:051 MOVIE 10:16 CHAALESCHAMPUN PRESENTS ... (WED) 10:30 MY THREE SOH8 (FA) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOLEY. OKLAHOMA: ALIVE ANO WELL (FRJ ) BIG BLUE MARBLE (MON) ~ ~CLA881C (WED) THE AIYER 1H THE DESERT (THU) BOXING (THU) MOVIE 1 HA., 31 MtN. MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. ) MOlllE!l:, 11glN. MON) MOYIE 1 HR., 46 ..._ ?L. 11:. AT}41 y~ ANO THE =~LES8 (MON- 11:1 DOCTOAS ~(FRI) IUU8EVE PfTFALL (FN) PLEA81 DON'T EAT THE OA&8tE8 (FRO ~WB.BY.M.D. &.ECTAIC COMPN« (R) N!WI .,~=.ii .11.~Hi IQ1E (1'1f0~-~JMR> n • 111•• · MO.a 11 :301(1) TENNIS (FRI) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCHGAME MATCH GAME (FRI) eNEWS MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) (FRI) MOVIE (THU, FRI) THE NFl STORY: LINE BY LINE (FRI) TENNIS (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 29 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., •9 MIN.) (THU) . \I·· 11Jt\< >< >\. 12:00 8 TA TILET ALES (MON-THU) I. DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE @)ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS (MON-THU) mMOVIE BONANZA • MOVIE (FRI) fl) DICK CAVETT lrD VILLA ALEGRE (R) O (FRI) Ii) DEALING WITH SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN THE CLASSROOM (MON) • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (TUE-THU) AR SHOWCASE (MON) MOVIE (TlJE. WED) DRAG RACING (FRI) PKA FULL-coNTACT KARATE (R) (MON) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (TUE) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (MON-THU) FEMALE MUOWRESTLING (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FR1) Iii MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON) 12:05~FUNTIME 12: 15 MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (WED) 12:30 Cl) AS THE WORl.D TURNS (MON-THU) TW1LIGHT ZONE MOVIE (MON-THU) OVER EASY MISTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) MOVIE (MON) NCAA FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.,40 MIN.) (THU) COUNTRY GOES TO ENGLAND (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) I MOVIE ( 1 HR. 35 MIN., (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR. "6 MIN. (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 55 MIN. (THU) MOVIE (1HR,53 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS., 9 MIN.) (THU) 12:35(1Z)THE FLINTSTONES 1:00 8 e ANOTHER WOAL.D I ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS di ONE LIFE TO LIVE OUTER LIMrTS (FRI) PITFALL (MON-THU) LUCY IN DISGUISE (FRI) NOVA (MON) KENTUCKY: THE Ul TIMA TE EQUESTRIAN TRIAL (TUE) MYSTERY (WED) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL (THU) SESAME STREET (R) 0 (FRI) SPORTSFORUM (A) (THU) m&.~·.:..'1"'~-MOVIE ( 1 HA., 38 MIN. CHAAU8 CHAMPLIN ... (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., .a MIN.) {TUE) 1:06 ! THE MUNSTERS 1:~~~~~~(~~) (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR., ~ MIN.) (THU) 1:30 e Cl) CAPITOL (MOK-THU) ALFRED HITCHCOcK PAE8ENT8 NEWS MATCH GAME (MON-THU) SIONA TUAE (TU&fAI) lliE RING OF THE FETTucefNE:s (MON) MCME (WED.FRI) FROM TkE 56-Y AAO LINE (FRI) CFl FOOTBAll ~) ~0-~) (M) 1: IVE ITTO BEAVER 2:00 ~ UQHT (MON-THU) '~THU) I,. QB&W. H08PfTAL --•IDE . =..-j91;\A 1j :/It!''·. UM. A' ..... ftit» .. AH rt BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) STYLE (THU) FOO'NTEPS ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGAAMMING (MON) MOVIE (TUE) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (FRI) PKA FULL-coNTACT KA.RATE~) (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS., "5 MIN.) (MON YESTER'VEAR ... 1989 (1 Hh.) ( E) AEROBICtSE (MON, FRI) MOVIE (1HR,36MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) 2:05 ITHE BRADY BUNCH 2: 16 AEROBICISE (WED) 2:30 BEWITCHED (FRI) I OPEN LINE (M~ THU) SUPERMAN MOVIE (TUE. FRI) THE VfAY SPECIAL JACK GILFORD SPECIAL MON) DANCE (WED) HOPPER'S SILENCE (THU) HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH MISTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING (MON-THU) MOVIE (MON) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS., 9 MIN.) (lHU) MOVIE (1 HR, 30 MIN.) (TUE, FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) (MON) WACKY WORLD OF JONAtHAN WINTERS ~~JviE (1HR.40 MIN.) (THU) ii MOVIE (1HR.,31 MIN.) (TUE) 2:351 BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 2:-46 MOVIE (1HR,40 MIN.) (TUE) 3:00 BARNABY JONES (MON. WED, THU) BARNEY MILLER (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EOOE Of NIGHT MERV GR1FAN (MON-THU) BEST Of GROUCHO LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THEWALTONS CARTOONS FREEHAND SKETCHING All IN THE FAMILY (FRI) MARY TYLER MOORE (MON) RHODA (TlJE) 808 NEWHART (WED) CHICO AND THE MAN (THU) VILLA ALEGRE (~) SKINNY ANO FA ) NFl FOOTBALL EW (FRI) MOTOCROSS RACING (WED) MOVIE (1HR,36 MIN.) (TUE. FRI) MOVIE (1 HR, 59 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE TWO DANGEROUS LAOteS (WED) MOVIE l1 HR. 35 MIN.I a) MOVIE 1 HR .. 30 MtN. U) MOVIE 1 HR. •9 MIN. MON) MOV1E 2 HAS., 20 MIN.) (THU) 3:051CAROL BURNETT ANO ~OS 3:16 MOVIE (1 HR. •2 MIN.) (FRI) 3:30 088 AFtERN00N PLA~ (TUE) TOMCOffiE PEOPLE'S COURT WHA rs HAPPENINGll CHARLIE"& ANGB.S (FRI) CHIPS PATROL (~ nfU) HOPPER'S 8tlENCE (MON) SONG WRfTEM (THO) VOYAGE (Fft) PROJECT lJNfVEA8E (MON, WED) SLIM CUISINE CT~ 1'HU) HOUR MAGAZIME ELECTRICCOMPANY (R) MOVIE (FAO HAHS ~TIAN ANDERSEN'S MAGIC i~~WOLF (THU) NCAA IN8TRVCTIONAl 8EAIS8 (TUE) FROM THE a&-VAPO LINE (THU) 3:366NEWHART 3'.46 RACOUETBALL (TUE) 4!00 ~ Mtl..LER (MON, W£D.fff} WELCOME BAa<. KOTTER (Ffl) M•A•&•H (MON-THU) MOYIE 9fT!RT AINMENT TONIOHT 'Ffl) BU' LIEYE (liQt. TUE. THU) === CMTOONI CMIJl!T. .. . gr1j1~ cous& ~ ..... .-:G ... l lNSIOE BASEBALL (MON) SPORTSFORUM (WED, THU) MOVIE (1 HR..~ MIN.) (FRI) (%) ~ (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) TOMORROW'S MOVIEMAKERS (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR. 35 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR.. "6 MIN.) (TUE) •:05 cm WINNERS (FRI) all GOMER PYLE (MON-THU) •: 16 (I) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (TUE) (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS... (TUE) •:308.NEWS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON. THU. FRI) BASEBALL (TUE) PEOPLE'S COURT GROOVIE GOOLIES SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (R) D PETER AND THE WOLF"(FRI) MOVIE (MON) SPOATSCENTER TRILOGY ( 1 HR .. 25 MIN.) (MON) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM ANO HUCK IUij MOVIE (1 HR., •5 MIN.) {THU) MOVIE (1 HR, S. MIN.) (f':RI) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 20 MIN.) (TUE) •:35 cm BASEBALL (TlJE. FRI) tm ANDY GRIFFITH (MON, WED, THU) 5:00 8 D Cl) di NEWS LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE NEWS (MON-WED, FRI) ABC NEWS O (THU) GAEA TEST 9'>0RTS LEGENDS (FRI) Bill Y GRAHAM CRUSADE (MON) MOVlE (THU) DODGER DUGOUT (FRI) WELCOME BACK. KOTIER (MON-THU) SANFORD AND SON MIXED BAG (MON, FRI) QUIZ KIDS (TUE) STYtE (WED) BOTANIC MAN (THU) LIVE AT FIVE (FRI) NEWS (MON-THU) OVER EASY (FRI) FAST FORWARD (MON-THU) MISTER GIMME (WED, FRI) THE HAPPY PRINCE (TUE) CFL FOOTBALL (FRI) NCAA FOOTBALL (MON, TUE) AUTO RACING (WED) THE NFl STORY: LIN£ BY LINE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR, "5 MIN.) (FRI) NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL ( 1 HR.) MON) VIDEO JUKEBOX (TUE) MOVIE (1HR.30 MIN.) (WED) PARDON ME FOR LMNG (THU) MOVIE MOVIE (TUE. THU, FRI) SOPHIE MINOS THE Sf ORE (MON) BOXING (WED) CHAALE8 CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... (Fft) MOVIE (1 HR., "5 MIN.) (MON) 5:06 Ill> MOVIE (MON. THU) cm BOXING (WED) 6:1&eDOOG~PRE-GAME (FRI) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 36 MIN.) (ml) 5:301 ABC NEWS C (MOM) NFL FOOTMl.L (THO) we.~eACk.~oTT£R (MOM-THU) 8ANFOAO AND SON ~V:<ml) ~~) ~·~~f~,:i) ~'?~) ~T=.cwm~ THU) ==-nr~ITUE> TOP RANK 80XJNG (THU) THE MAN WHO LOYED IEAA8 ( 1 HR.) (TUE) 7.,i Hit, 20 _, (tHU) ==. ....... )(WED) A Pl.ACE=) & ~1"-Hf. -~~ 5 J! 2 .. t •I I I . ' ! I I 6 ~ Sports Highlights c:i ,... Friday SEPTEMBER 10. 1982 m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers al Houslon Astros (3 hrs.) EVENING 7:00 CB) INSIDE THE NFL Cohosls Len Dawson and Nick Buonlconll presenl hlghlighls of lhe previous week's pro football actk>n and Interviews with play- ers and coaches. 8:00 (E) SPORTSCENTEA 9:00 (!) TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the Gene Hatcher (Tex.) I Todd Longmulr (N.Y.) 10-round junior wellerweight boul from Fort Worth. Tex. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11 :05@ BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves i3 hrs.) 11:30 8 Cl) TENNIS Highlights of the U.S. Open from the Unlled States Tennis Association National Ten- nis Center. Flushing Meado~Corona Park, N.Y (£) SPOATSCENTER 12:30 CE) COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (A) 1:001'.I.) CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Toronto Argonauts (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:301'.I.) SPOATSFOAUM (A) 4:001'.I.) SPORTSCENTER Srtturday SEPTEMBER 11, 1982 MOANING 5:00 (I) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL ''Michl· gan '79" ( t hr.) 6:00 CE NFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW The teams and players tor lhe upcoming season of the Natk>nal Fool ball Conference ere profiled. (A) ( 1 hr.) 7:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER 8:00 (!) WRESTLING {[)COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) 8:301'.I.) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Soccer: Shooting" "Volleyball: Passing I Setting I Spiking" (R) 9:00 (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS CE SPORTSCENTER PLUS 9:30 CE NFL GAME OF THE WEEK CH) INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlcontl present highlights of the previous week's pro football actk>n and Interviews with players and coaches. 10:00CE CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger-cats at Toronto Argonauts (A) (3 hrs.) 10:30. DOOGER DUGOUT • NASL SOCCER KJCKS 10:35 lJZ) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:008 e BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Astros or Detroit !!9ers at Boslon Red Sox (3 hrs.) m DODGER PRE-OAME 11 :05 (fl) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs .. 5 min.) 11: 15. BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hous- ton Astros (2 hrs., 45 min.) AFTERNOON 12:008 Cl) TENNIS "U.S. Open" Coverage of the women's finals and men's semlflnal9 from the Unit- ed States Tennis Association National Tennis Cen- ler. Flushing Meadows-corona Park, N.Y. 12:30 8 Ill NCAA FOOTBALL e VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Psychology" Vic Braden shows you how to reduce unnecessary stress during a matcf'I ~how to put more tun beck lnlo your game. (R) CJ 1:00(() AUTO RACfNG Coverage Of the Austrian Grand Prl.x from Zeltweg, Austria. (R) ( 1 hr.) 2:00 e WESTERN OUTDOOR8MAN (() PKA RJLL..coNTACT KARATE 2:361 MOTORWEB< ILLU&TAATED 3:00 RACING F1'0M ~ 3:05 WAE8TUNO 4:00 FOOTBAU FOLLIES Ooofl mede by Nfl players are Mt to ttle mu8tc Of TehelkOYSky'a "Nut- Clack• Suite." . Cl) NFL GAME OF THE WEB< (R) 4:301 &POftTICEN IEM 4:56 REDMAN PfE.<iAME 8HOW 5:00 AAl>EAI Pl.AY800K 'Fe.tweet: hlgtllgtlt• of R8ldltl fOOlbel gll"lm. ~ with pl9yer'l Ind coecNI. ~ of former Rllldet' car-ts Ind Alildlleat ~·Md .... llgl'Nnt with oddl ~~ •t 8t. LOUii C.ct- As the U.S. Open Tennis Championships reach their dramatic conclusion, two new sports seasons get under way. NCAA and NFL football will b~ televised weekly on KNXT (Ch. 2). 6:05 lJZ) COLLEGE FOOTBALL 5:30 (I) BOXING Live coverage of the Gerrie Coetzee I Sien Ward 10-round heavyweight bout from Atlantlc City. N.J. (2 hrs., 30 min.) EVENING 6:001 NFL MAGAZINE 8:00 SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM ROOSEVaT 9:00 WRESTLING CE CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders at Winni· peg Blue Bombers (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 10:~1 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 COLLEGE FOOTBALL Long Beach State vs. UCLA (2 hrs • 30 min.) 11:30. HORSE RACING "1982 Kentucky Pacing Derby" Coverage from Louisville Downs of the third jewel In the Triple Crown of ~mess racing for 2- 00S~ 12:30CE SPORTSFORUM 1:00(() BOXING Coverage of the Gefrle Coetzee I Stan Ward 10-round heavyweight bout from Atlantic City. N.J. (A) 3:30(() AUSTRALIAN RULES FOO'rBALL Essendon v~. Nonh Melbourne (A) (1 hr., 30 min.) Sunday SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 MORNtNG 5:00 Cl) 8PORT8CENT£R 9:00(1) NCAA FOOT8AU. Tulsa Golden Hurricane It Attwnta Razotbecka (3 tn.) 9:30 NFl WEEK If REVIEW 9:00 8POftT8CENTEA PLU8 9:80 Cl) NFl TODAY • NF\. '12 Cl) "Men'• lntematlonel Cl'lern- pk>nehlp Ouerterftnll" Marty Hogan vs. 9er't KOltun 10:~). Cl) NFL FOOTBALL Los Angelel R9rM at Qfeen Bey P.ck.. (3 hrt.) p~ MR. FOOTBALL HcMton 0... .r Clnc*W)9tl (i)tuf~3 ~ Uwt OCMJ1Q9 of IN NA8CAR Y1"'9* 400 from the F~ AIC • ••y, A1ct111.,_.m,..IOf.,. ... ""Mi. Va. (3 tn.. 30 mll\.f . 11:00(1) MIB ..U. New Yor1t M9tl at et. LOUii Cet-dlrWi (2 .... 30 n*\.) 11•• :Mi¥'1LL. ~ .... ~ .. ~ .... (.bvt ..... jlll(i.~ ..... A elaiin ' IUJ~M AFTERNOON 1:008 Cl) TENNIS "U.S. Open" Live coverage of lhe men's final round from the United States Tennis Association Natk>nat Tennis Center, Flushing Mead~ona Park. N.Y. (3 hrs.) 8 NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Raiders at San Francisco 49ers (3 hrs.) e NFL FOOTBALL San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos (3 hrs.) 1:30(() AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Hawthorne vs. Richmond (A) (2 hrs.) 2:001 lHIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:30 DOOGER DUGOUT 2:45 DODGER PRE-GAME 3:00 BAS'=BALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hoos-- ton Aslros (3 hrs.) 3:30 CE HORSE RACING WEEKLY 4:008 NCAA FOOTBAU Florida vs. use (2 hrs.) Cl) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL CE SPORTSCENTER 4:051 WRESTLING · 4:30 (fl SPORTSBEA T 5:00 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "John Wooden" Host: Reggie Jackson. CE NCAA FOOTBALL West Virginia Mountaineers at Oklahoma Sooners (3 hrs.) EVENING 8:00 CE SPORTSCEMTER 9:00 (() NCAA FOOTBALL Iowa Hawkeyes at Nebraska Comhuskers (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:301 SPORTS WRAP UP 10:~ SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 NCAA FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS Iowa vs. Nebraska 11:30 8 SPORTS ANAL I WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP TV OUARTER8ACKS SPORTSCENTER 12:30CE HORSE RACING WEEKLY (R) 1:00CE NCAA FOOTBALL Tulsa Golden Hurricane at Arkansas Razorbacks (R) (3 hrs.) 4:00 CE SPORTSCENTER Monday EVENING 6:00 8 (fl NFL FOOTBALL Pittsburgh Steelers al Dallas Cowboys o (3 hrs.) 8:00 {[) SPOATSCENTER 9:00@ DON CORYELL (!) BOXING Coverage of the Gerrie Coetzee I Stan Ward 10-round heavyweight bout from Atlantic City, N.JiA) (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 11:30 SPORTSCENTER 12:30 INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 1:00 NCAA FOOTBALL West Virginia Mouo- raineers et Oklahoma Soooers (R) (3 hrs.) 4:00 (!) SPORTSCENTER Tuesday • SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 EVENING ----- Friday \I< >It\ I :\( ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:00~ ''Tribute" (1980, Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson. D "A Separate Peace" ( 1972, Drama) Parker Stevenson, John Heyl. (%) "Equus" (t977, Drama) Richard Burton, Peter Firth. 6:00 CID "Black Beauty" ( 1971, Orama) Mark Les- ter, Walter Slezak. 6:05@ "Captain Lightfoot" ( 1955, Adventure) Rock Hudson. Barbara Rush. 6:30.CI> "Pinchclitt Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Animated. 7:00~ "Land Of The Free" ( 1970, Drama) Robert Culp, Burgess Meredith. D "Looker" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Albert Fin- ney, James Coburn. 7:30(%) "Morocco" ( 1930, Romance) Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. 8:00(C) "Murder At The World Series" ( 1978, Sus~se) Lynda Day George. Karen Valentine. 8:30g "Torch Song" ( 1953, Drama) Joan Craw- ford, Michael Wilding. 9:30 (%) "Richard's Things" ( 1981) Liv Ullmann, Amanda Redman. 'R' 10:00~ "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays Julie Hagerty. ' CID "LOOker" (1981, Science-Fiction) Albert An-~· James Coburn. llJ "Tribute To A Bad Man" ( 1956, Western) James Gagney, Irene Papas. D "Sorcerer" (1977,-Suspense) Roy Scheider, Bruno Cremer. 10:05@ "A Glrl In Every Port" (1952, &>medy) Groucho Marx, Marie Wiison. 11:15(%) "Handle With Care" (1977, Comedy) Paul Le ~t. Gandy Clark. 11:30~ "Robin And Marian" (1976, Romanoe) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. CID "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981, Comedy) Animated. VOices by Mel Blanc, June Foray. . \l .. llJC\< >< >:\ \I< >\.ILS 12:008 "White Zombie" (1933. Horror) Bela Lugo- si, Madge Bellamy. • "Back To Bataan" ( 1945. Adventure) John Wayne. Anthony Quinn. • "Trade Winds" (1938. Drama) Fredric March, Joan Bennett. Cl> "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Darren McGavln. Robert Vaughn~ 1:00CID "Cannonball Run" ( 1981. Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Dom Deloise. 1:15(%) "Outland" (1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. 1:30~ "Adam's Woman" (1972, Drama) Beau Bridges, John Mills. Ct "Mommle Dearest" (1981 , Drama) Faye Duna- way. Diana Scarwld. 2:00(]) "And Millions Will Dte" ( 1973. Suspense) Richard Basehart, Susan Strasberg. Rock Hudeon a&an as the commander ol a mission to explore Man in 'The Martian Chronicles' on KNBC (Ch. 4) Friday at 9 p.m. 2:30QJ "Fontamara" Michele Placido, Antonella Murgia. (I) "Plnchclltt Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Ani-mated. 3:00® "St. Helens" (1981. Drama) Art Carney, David Huffman. CD "The Odd Angry Shot" ( 1979, Drama) Graham Kennedy, John Hargreaves. 3: 15(%) "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell, David Wamer . 3:30~ "Land Of The Free" (1970. Orama) Robert Culp, Burgess Meredith. 4:00 G "Viva Max" ( 1969, Comedy) Peter Ustinov, Jonathan Wln~s. Cl> "My Champion" (1981. Drama) Yoko Shima- da. Chris Mitchum. 4:30 ct "Looker" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Albert . Fin!J!Y. James Coburn. 5:0000 cm "Black Beauty" (1971. Drama) Mark Lester. Walter Slezak. CD "Escape From New York" (1981, Sclel'l<l' - tionL Kurt Russell. Adrienne Barbeau.. ...,y Cooper, 5:15(%) "Morocco" (1930. Roma~ Marlene Dietrich. ~ (1957. Biography) 5:30 ~ "The Spirit Of SltJmltton. James Stewart~ ..... ,.,. « ••• NEWS Costa Mesa'~ o,iiy Complete Funeral Facilities ,,~rving J\11 Faiths" _.... _________ , CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WILD. WILD WEST ABC NEWS 7 ]! 0 -HAWAII AVE..Q ~ OVER EASY Guest: singer Helen Forrest. (R) n NBCNEWS ~ r MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING ~ MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Sclenoe-Flction) ,, Darren McGavin, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a :i secret government installation Investigate the cause ~ of a satellite's sudden destruction. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 ~ ~) ~ Cl MOVIE "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part ;s II" (1978, Drama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot-i toms. Former champion skier Jill Kinmont, rendered 3 a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestles with cz self-doubt when a new love enters her life. ( 1 hr .• 40 ~ mlnJ 6:30 Cl) ID NEWS 9 BARNEY MILLER ... @ A PLAY FOR LOVE "A Rod Of Iron" Two sons ~ and their father discover. after confiding in each N other, the unspoken feelings for their mother after her death. ( 1 hr.) • DICK CAVETT Guest: G. Gordon Liddy. (Part 2J (R) .FAST FORWARD 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZIN& A used-house IOt In Callfornla· lan5?t::~~~~a. · JOKER'S WILD e BUStNESS REPORT WEEKEND MAGAZINE INSIDE THE NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonlcontl rresent highlights of the previous week's pro footbal action and Interviews with players and coaches. ( 1 hr.) • CD MOVIE "Altered States" ( 1980, Science-Flc- tion) William Hurt. Blair Brown. A "Harvard scieo- tlst's genetic structure Is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and powerful hallUcinogens. 'R' (1 hr .• 43 min.) • cm MOVIE "The Great Muppet ~per'' ers Comedy) Charles Grodin, Diana R stolen Kermit, Foule and Gonzo trace~ ~el to London. 'G' ( 1 hr., 4CV""l 1977. Comedy) CZ> MOVIE "Handle Wl1J>-i<'man's ot>session with Paul Le Mat, Ca~ Nlvolved with various fuMy. his CB radio OAri)cals. (1 hr., 20 min.) offbeat hoA-"fffE TOWN Featured: an examination 7:30 ~llre of pay TV; the Newport to Ensenada Mlboat Race; a visit to Premonition Center. I . FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: a skydiving school; the real story behind Californla's nude beaches and the people who frequent them; a collection of some of "Eye On L.A.'s" most embarrassing moments with outtakes viewers haven't seen I. TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR rT SIGNATURE Guest: Richard Leakey. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT WAU STREET WJ2Ef< "The International =-Harbor LaW11 ·Mount Oliw ~en1orial P.drlt ·Mortuary· MauSoleums ' -Shipment -.. Cremation Plans AVGilable· 8 ~ 'Friday (oontinued) ~ Scene" Guest Martin G. Wade. senior portfolio manager. T Rowe Price International Fund. o 7:35111.)NEWS ._ 8:00 8 Cl) THE DUKES Of HAZZARD The ~kes _! find Roscoe's diary, In which he has recorded all of E Boss Hogg's dfrty dealings. (R) ( 1 hr.) ! D CHIPS Two criminal mastermind& threaten to a. unleash a deadly nerve gas unless their extortion ~ demands are met. (R) ( 1 hr.) D MOVIE "Without Love" ( 1945, Comedy) Spen· cer Tracy. Katharine Hepburn. A friendly widow rents a room to a scientist who turns out to be a somnambulist. (2 hrs.) -.Q a: 8 <ti BENSON The IRS orders Benson, whose records have accidentally been destroyed, to ~pear for a tax audit. (R) o U MOVIE "Die Screamlifg, Marianne" ( 1973. Suspense) Susan George, Leo Genn. A judge's daughter and heiress-to-be is marked tor murder by her father who tears that his dark secrets will be discovered when she comes of age. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!)PAUL HOGAN • MOVIE "The Clone Master" (1978. Science-Ac· lion) Art Hindle, Robyn Douglas. A blochemlSI pro- duces 13 replicas of himself and uses them to thwart the planned destruction of a t~secret clon· I~ project. (2 hrs.) 1B MIXED BAG "Video Art" A presentation of the artsits and works of this new art form. l fl!) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW SOAP WORLD MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin Hood returns from battle to Sherwood Forest to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian. who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45min.) . (!) SPORTSCENTER ® MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981. Sclenoe-flctlon) Albert Finney, James Cobum. The mysterious deaths of a series of beautiful models Involved In a new advertising project are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) (I) MOVIE "Death Valley" ( 1982, Mystery) Paul LeMa1, Peter Biiiingsiey. A New York youngster is ~lo Arizona to visit his mother and stumbles ct Mb.59nes of grisly murders. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Caan, Billy'iarlan's Song" ( 1971. Drama) James a rare friendstilty.uiams. Two football players share hr.. 15 min.) ·•ooer claims one of them. ( 1 8:308 Ill MAKING A l 1 .. rehearsal In the restaurant, t~rlng a wedding that he is still In love with liis old gltfll announces i ) . Cassie. IRONSIDE P.M. MAGAZINE A used·house lot In California; an onion eating festival In Georgia. @ STRAVINSKY A rTIUSlall biogfaphy of composer Igor Stravinsky featuring some of his performances and interviews. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) e WALL STREET WEEK "The International Scene" Guest: Martin G. Wade, senior portfolio manager. T Rowe Price International Fund. e MISS AMERICA: WHO WILL SHE BE? Host Gary Collins and former Miss America Susan Per- kins take a backstage look at the preparations fOf this year's pageant. Ci) VOTER'S PIPEl.INE "About Love And Oisci• pline" Activities that we may take fOf granted, pres· ent serious problems to the handicapped indlvldoai as Jim Cooper discovers. 8:351 ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:4'0 THE ADVENTURER 8:45 CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 9:00 Cl) DALLAS The pollca question Bobby about his Involvement with Farraday and Cliff faces ruin at the hands of J.R. (R) ( 1 hr.) D • MOVIE "The Martian Chronicles: The Expedf.. tloos" (Part 1) ( 1980, Sclence-F'ictlon) Rocic Hud- son, Gayle Hunnicutt. The commander and crew of an exploratory mission to Mars In the year 1999 discover that the planet's population was destroyed by earthly diseases transmitted by an earlier el(pedl- tlon. _ {R) (2 hrs.) • tlll tHE GAE.A TEST AMERtCAN HERO Ralph Is exposed to the world on the cover of a hot goaslp tablold (R) ( 1 hr.) • MERV GRIFFIN "Famous TV Moms'' Guests: Harriet Nelson, Marlon Roa, Jane Wyatt, Ann Jffll- an. Katia and Marielle LebeQue. ( 1 hr.) • CRISIS TO cmst8 wn'H BARBARA JOAOAN "6ooks Under Arel" The contrOYefllal and growing struggle over book censorlhip In America fa ex• mined. (1 hr.) • U.S. CHRONICLE (I) TOP R,AHI< 80XJNO Coverage of the Gene Hatcher (Ttx.) I Todd Longmulr (N.Y,) 1CHound jUnlor weltenvtight bout from Fort Worth. Ttx. (R) 11_ hrs.. 30 min.) {liJ MOVE "loot ~J;;-Ml~ Orama) Oen1et VeJ. dez. "'eMtcr J11T1M rn ~l.bl ~-·· I YOU ASKED F~ IT JOE FRANKLIN ~uest: Tony Orlando. (1 hr.) M•A•s •H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Video Art" A presentation of the artsits and works of lhls new art form. ! BUSINESS REPORT · DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "The Hitchhikers" ( 1972, Comedy) Mis- ty Rowe. Norman Klar. A hippie leader and his bevy of scantily clad beauties practice highway robbery. 'A' ( 1 hr., 33 min.) (lI) MOVIE "Hell Night" ( 1981, Horror) Linda Blair, Vincenl Van Patten. As part of !heir initiation, frater· nlty and sorority pledges spend a night In a spooky, supposedly abandoned mansion. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Nine Lives Of Fritz The Ce!" Anl· mated. Voices of Skip Hinnant, Reva Rose, Bob Holt, and Dick Whittington. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 11:05 (fl) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 11:30 8 Cl) TENNIS Highlights of lhe U.S. Open from the United States Tennis Association National Ten· nls Center, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, N.Y. D e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Or . Car1 Sagan, Bert Convy. (l hr.) I 9 ABC NEWS NIGH1LIN~ MOVIE "Viva Max" ( 1969, Comedy) Peter Ustf.. nov. Jonathan Winters. A group of Mexicans relive the Alamo In present-day Texas. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS Gary Coleman retUl'D8 in ~~:=~~raphy of composer the role o( precocious Igor Stravinsky featuring some of his perlormances Arnold in NBC's 'Diff"rent and Mtervlews. (Part 1) (1 hr.) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS Strokes' this lall on sPORTSCENTER S d 8 MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Sclence-flctlon) atur ay at p.m. on Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves-KNBC (Ch. 4 ). tigales a raSh of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 4~ cause cetebre erupts over lhe framing of members min.) of a Chicano street gang for murder. 'R' (1 hr .. 43 11 :40® MOVIE "St. Helens" ( 1981, Orama) Art Car· min.) ney. David Huttman. An 80-year-old man refuses 10 CO) MOVIE "King Kong" ( t933. Adventure) Fay leave his small resort after a geologist predicts a Wray. Robert Armstrong. A monS1rous ape battles volcanic disaster. 'PG' (l hr., 35 min.) an army while trying to retain possession of a worn-12:008 Cl) MOVIE "Jackson County Jail" ( 1976. an captive. (2 hrs.) Orama) Yvette Mimleux, Tommy Lee JoneS. A CZ) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981. Sclence-Acllon) young woman's cross..oountry journey becomeS a Sean Connery, Peter Boyte. A space marshal inves· nightmare of Imprisonment, rape and murder when ligates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining she Is detained rn a small Western town with no colony on one o f Jupitet''s moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 identification. (R) (2 hrs.) mln._l_ I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 9:05(fl) MOVIE "Fade In" (1968. Romanoe) Burt 0 FRIDAYS Guest host: William Shatner. ReynoldS. Barbara Lod'en. A man accustomed to Guest: Kim Carnes. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) many shallow romantic conquests discovers a tr\Je (!)MOVIE ''Two Flags west" ( 1950, Western) Lin· soulmate in a lovely film edltOf who gets him a Job da Darnell, Joseph Cotten. A group of soldiers from with a movie company. (2 hrs.) _ the South join the Union Army 10 fight Indians. (2 9:30 G ERIC SEV ARE1D'S CHRONICLE hrs.) (f) MOVIE "The Bank Die)(" (1940. Comedy) W.C. • MOVIE "Ride The Wild Surf" (1964. Orama) ~· Una Merkel. A man lna<fveftently foils a rob-Fabian. Shelley Faberes. Four eligible bachelors. him tO'fUs awarded the )ob of bank guard, forcing who are more Interested In surfing than glr1s, 9 A PLAY~ holdup. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) become mixed up with four marriage-conscious and their father 'tfJ..._VE "A Rod Of Iron" TWo sons ing ladles. (2 hnl.) other. the unspoken r& after confiding In each LOVE AMERICAN STYLE her death. (l hr.) ....._tor their mother after MOVIE "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert e EUROPEAN JOURNAL Hays. Julie Hagerty. Af1er en airliner's crew falls to ® NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWb food poisoning, a nervous former war pilot is sketches combine With classic film and ~ pressed Into servioe and must contend with on-!9.9 in an offbeat, satiric take-off. board hystet'ia. a secretive control tower and cliche- (1) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) lllfed memories. 'PG' (1hr.,30 min.) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, wisecracking ~~E "American Gigolo" (1980, Orama) manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the ~omes~e. Lauren HUlton. A Beverly HUis gigolo 'E.P· 'R' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 11 'A' ( 1 h ~ suspect In a murder investlga· g MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) on. r.. ~._\ Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. Forties lllm star 12:30D •LATE NIGHi~n•viD LETTERMAN Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children In a Guests: Singer Marshall Cren~~Mt pilot Chuct< domestic,..atmosphere that varies from luxurious Y,ea~ui~lan Bro. Theodore. (1 m .• ~ rnl(l.) comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hr$., 9 min.) LOuc AM~AN STYL. E 10:00. Cl) FALCON ORE8T Chase gathers enough •""' en"" concrete evidence to take Angela to court over his A PLAY FOR LOVE "A Rod Of Iron" Two sons father's m)'.!!ter1ous death. (Part 1) (R) ( 1 hr.} and theif father discover. after confiding In each 11• •NEWS other. the unspoken feelings for their mother after STRIKE FOACE Crime svnctlcate bosteS use her death ( 1 hr ) Murphy's 81(..wlfe to set him w> f°' an aMaSaloatlon. ~COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) I ) ( 1 hr.) HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Richard' a Things" ( 1981) Liv Ullmann. CRISIS TO CRISIS wtTH BARBARA JORDAN Amanda Redman 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) "Books Undef Flrel" The controversial end growing 1:ooe BUCK ROGERS struggle over book censcntllp In Amerlca It exa· • MOVtE "Murder Mansion'' (1970, Horror) mined. ( 1 hr.) Analla Gade. Evelyn Stewart A couple and a young (I:) MOVIE "Let's Do It Ageln" ( 1976, Comedy) heiress spend a frlght·fltled night In a dreary old Sidney Pottier, Bill Cosby. A mWkmen and a fectety house ( 1 hf • 30 min.) worker engage In betting and hypnc)tllm to raise Cl) Cfl FOOTBM.L Hamilton Tiger-cats at TOfonto funds for their IOdge. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 62 min.) ~ut1 (ft) (2 hf• .. 30 min.) (Jj) MOVIE "Cannonblll Run" (1981, Comedy) CIJ MOYIE "~. '6" (1981, Orama) Zoe Tanwlll. Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLulee. Varlout oddbell chef-Jack Thibeau. Aft9' being raped twtce In one night a toters compete In a coesMo-coat aUlo race. 'PG' mute womal'I kllll hef attad(• and M ts off on a ( 1hr .. 35 min.) vendetta egelntt the vlolene9 ot men. (1 hr .. 25 10:30. NEW& mln.l l ~<t=::-~:=LT:~ey::.~:;=ll!):.:::==::===11-;;;(Jj);.;~.i.~;~--=ltalaW~ C""' ---.,. ______ ,.. .. --. Friday (continued) surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" (1980, Romance) Brooke Shields, Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolesoenoe on a remote. South Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love. 'R' ti hr., 45 min.) 1:308 EVENING AT THE IMPROV cm MOVIE "Garage Girls" Georginia Spelvin, John Leslie. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:35(t) MOVIE "Bloodbro1hers" ( 1978, Orama) Richard Gere. Tony Lo Blanco. A young man dares to break family tradition by wort(lng in a hospital ward tor children rather than in the heavy construc- tion business. 'R' ( 1 hr., 56 min.) 2:001NEWS D NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT GI MOVIE "Voyage To The End 01 The Uni11erse" ( 1964. Science-Fiction) Dennis Stephens. Francis Smolen The crew of a spacecraft succumb to a sleep-inducing form of radiation that holds them suspendbd in time. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightful heir to Howard Hughes' billion dollar estate. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.} 2:05 Cf) NEWS @RAT PATROL 2: 10 D MOVIE "Black Friday" ( 1940, Horror) Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi. In a desperate attempt to save his friend. a doctor performs a delicate brain opera- tion that transforms the patient Into a killer. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:15(%) MOVIE "Outland" (1981. Sclence-Fictton) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves· ligates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 2:30 8 MOVIE "Black Magic" ( 1949, Adventure) Orson Welles. Akim Tamiroff. The mysterious Cagliostro is prevented from taking over an empire. i hrs .. 5 min.) PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND MOVIE "Night Of The Blood Monster" ( 1972, Horror) Christopher Lee, Marla Schell. A battle between King Henry V and Wiiiiam of Orange results tn the execution of many women accused of witch· craft. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([)MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II" (1981. Hor- ror) Amy Steel. John Furey. The grisly killings con· t1nue at a summer camp that had been closed down atter a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 2:35Cf) MOVIE "Necromancy" (1972, Mystery) Orson Welles, Pamela Franklin. A young couple dis· cover to their horror that the husband's emplOyer manufactures toys that are actually Instruments of the occult. (1hr .. 25 min.) (fl) WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 8 ltZ) S NEWS CH) EAR™, WINO ANO ARE IN CONCERT The jazz-funk-rock group combine explosive singing with complex choreography and flashy special effects In a per1ormance taped at the Oakland Coliseum In Oakland, Galifornla. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Talk Dirty To Me" (1980. Orama) 'X' (1 hr .. 15 min.) . 3: 10(1) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest· Steve Allen. 3:15(t) MOVIE "Adam's WomSa'~ (1972, Orama) Beau Bridges, John Mills. A wrongly lmprlsoneOsall-or attempts to win his release by marrying an Influ- ential woman. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 3:30. MOVIE ''You'U Never See Me Again" ( 1959. Orama) Ben Gazzefa. Leo Genn. A man Is troubled by his conscience after he commits the perfect crime. ( 1 hr.) Cl) SPORTSFORUM (R) 3:40e MOVIE "Scared To Death" ( 1947. Mystery) Bela Lugosi, Joyce Compton. A killer Is forced to confront the Image of a man she murdered. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 3:45(1) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. -------~----------- Consumer expert David Horowitz returns for a brand new season of 'Fight Back,' starting Saturday at 7 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). \I< >l {'\I '\< ~ s:ooe MOVIE "Rocketship X-M" (1951. Sclence- Flctlon) Lloyd Bridges. Osa Massen. 1 CJ) CHAtSTOPHER CLOSEUP • Cl) BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Michigan '79" ( 1 hr.) 6:05 QZ) ROMPER ROOM 5: 15(t) MOVIE "Murder At The ,World Series" ( 1978, Suspense) Lynda Day George, Karen Val- entine. 5:30()) NEWARK ANO REALITY CZ) MOVIE "The Thlrty·Nlne Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. (1 hr .. 42 mini 5:35 THATGIRL 6: 1 00 sJ~EMESTER PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS FAMll Y AFFAIR 8A TUROAY MOANING GRAPEVINE UFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW The teams and peay- 8fS for the upcoming season of the National Football Conference are proilled. (R) ( 1 hr.) (fi) MOVIE "Contract On Cherry Street" (1977, Drema) Frank Sinatra, Verna Bloom. (2 hrs., 30 min.) {I) MOVIE "My ChamplOn" (1981. Orama) Yoko Shimada, Chris Mitchum. ( 1 hr., •5 min.) e TOMORROWS MOVIEMAKERS A selection of awarG-wlnnlng student films from some of today'• top.oung fHmmakers are presented. 8:06 CMLISATION 8:20 NEWS 8:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE I THATS CAT PACESETTERS VOCE OF AGRICULTURE SUMCUISINE 9 DAVEY AHO GOLIATH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS WATCH YOUR MOUTH CAPTIONED ABC NEWS DA. SNUGGLES ii MOVIE "The Hazing" ( 1977, Drama) Jeff East, Brad Oe11ls. (1 hr., 35 min.) 7~001 KIOSWORLD THE FLINTSTONES BIO BLUE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO GROOVIE GOOLIES ARSTPERSON YOGA FOR HEALTH ~ MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980, Orama) !':I Edward Woodward, Jack Thompson. ~ (!) SPORTSCENTER ~ 7:05al) MOVIE "VIiia Rides" (1968, Adventure) Yul I\> Brynner. Robert Mitchum. 7: 15 (%) MOVIE "Mystery Island" ( 1978. Adventure) ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) 7:301 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS I OR.ss~~~LES lf.I RICHIE RICH I SC008Y 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR OAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO BIG BLUE MARBLE 8:00 8 (I) POPEYE e MOVIE "Blue Montana Skies" (1939, Western) Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette. I HOTF\JDGE WRESTLING MOVIE "Spitfire" ( 1934. Romance) Katharine HepbUrn, Robert Young .. I SATURDAY MORNING GRAPEVINE REBOP COLLEGE FOOTBALL PREVIEW (R) MOVIE "The Badlande<s" (1958. Western) Alan Ladd. Ernest Bo<gnine. (1 hr .. 50 min.) e MOVIE "Jack And The Beanstalk" ( 1976, Fan- tasy) Animated. ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 8:301WTARZAN /LONE RANGER I KID SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS MATINEE AT THE BIJOU Jimmy Durante and Lupe Velez are fealUfed In "Palooka" (1934). based on the famous comic strip character; the shorts lnclUde "Calling All Kids" ( 1937), "Alloe In Wonderland" (1931) and a cartoon. (R) (1 hr .• 30 min.) Cl) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Socoef: Shooting" "Volleyball: Passing I Setllng I Spiking" I WHO ARE THE DE80L TS AND WHERE DID THEY GET 19 KJOS? Henry Winkler hosts this look at the OeBolt famUy who have opened their home and thelr hearts !o handicapped children. (1 hr.) (%) MOVIE "Mr. Rock And Roll" ( 1957. Musical) Chuck Be«y, Uonel Hampton. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 9:00 I LEAVE IT TO BEAVER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS NASl SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGLEY MOVIE "The Glesa BOttom Boat" (1966, Come- ~==crJ~ 9:301~ I ROADRUNNE.R OZZIE ANO HAAflET 0 HEA THCl.IFF 6 MARMADUKE WILD, WR.D WORLD Of ANIMALS MUSIC WOALD CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW NFL GAME OF THE WEB< IN8IOE THE NFL Cohosta Len Dawson and Nick Buonlcontl preeent htghllghta of the previous Wfft('s pro footbe" action and Interviews with play,ra and coeche&. ( 1 hf.) ~<¥(~ Creative Jewelers. Inc. ~~8"~~ £ lk~.r NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER f114J 760-6766 I ·~ ~-Acroee from SNtman F'oondltlOn O.,dent PACIFIC COAST H H AV• OIL MAR CA. • ... WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! • Orlotnal DHlgnlng • Custom Remounting • R•styllno • o.slgrw CO-.Ctlon of GOid and PMtlnum Jtlwelry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FlNE COLORED GEMSTONES ' I ii I :1 I I I. 10 ~ Saturday-(a>ntinued) . co ~ 0 MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" (1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harris. ( 1 hr., 39 min.) : 10:ooamsPACESTARS «> I SHA NA NA .o 9J THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOLD i MOVIE "Copper Canyon" ( 1950, Western) Ray Ci Miiiand. Hedy Lamarr. «> (!) MOVIE ··Across The Wide Missouri" ( 1951. en Western) Clark Gable. Ricardo Montalban. ~ I WE'RE MOVIN' -o BOB JONES ;f THIS OLD HOUSE VOTER'S PIPELINE "About Love And Olsci-~ pline" Activities that we may take for granted. pres- ..J ent a serious problem for handicapped individuals > as Jim Cooper discovers. ~ (!) CFL FOOTBALL Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Toronto Argonauts (R) (3 hrs.) (SJ MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) (%) MOVIE "Handle With Care" ( 1977, Comedy) Paul Le Mat, Candy Clark. ( 1 hr .. 22 min.) 10:05«1} A CONVERSATION WfTH JACOUES COUS- TEAU 10:130rf=~=- SESAME STREET (R) 0 MOVIE "The Irishman" {1978. O<ama) A proud Irishman refuses to yield to progress when his busi- ness as a teamster 1s threatened by motorized tra~atlon. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 10:35 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11 :00 f.D BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Astros or Detroit i. ers at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) AMERICA'S TOP TEN 9 WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Notorious Jump- ing Frog Of Calaveras County" A young boy with a passion for wagering challenges a stranger from the past to a frog-jumping contest (R) Q m OOOOER PRE-OAME m ROBIN HOOD Robin and his men encounter a village 1n which the Sheriff's heavy taxes force the children to starve. (Parl 7) fl) MICROWAVE COOKERY ~MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959, Western) Gary_ Cooper, Maria Schell. 11:05QZ) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds al Atlanta Braves (3 hrs., 5 min ) 11: 15 81 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hous· ton Astros (2 hrs . 45 min.) · 11:308 Cl) BlACt<ST AR I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND a:I AMERICAN BANOST ANO WILD. WlbO WEST ROBIN HOOD Robin helps the financially trou- bled Sir Richard of the Lea, who returns the favor by providing weapons for the band (Pan 8) I MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MISTER ROGERS (A) MOVIE "Brian's Song" (1971, Orama) James Caan, Billy Dee WiUiams. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) 1 U6 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESEN'tS ... . \I" l'l.l{ '\( )( f\ 12:008 Cl) TENNas "U.S. Open" Coverage of the women's finals and men's semifinals from the Unit- ed States Tennis Association Nallonal Tennis Cen- ter, Rushing Meadows-Corona Park, N.V. e THREE STOOGES CI> MOVIE "Cass Timberlane'' ( 1948, Orama) Ince< Tracy. Lana Turner. THE ROOKIES RICK'S ANIMALS ELECTRtC COMPANY (R) GYMNASTICS MOVIE "Harry's War" (Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Geraldine Page. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) (%) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Sclenoe:Flctlon) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. (1 hr., 4'9 min.) 12:30 • 0 NCAA FOOTBALL e MOVIE "The Trackers'' (1957, Westem) Clay- ton Moore. Jay Sll11ertieets. e vtC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "Psychology" Vic Braden shOM you how to reduce unnecessary str ... dutlng a-match and how to put -~~~ycmb' (R) Q (If) MOVIE "The thlily·Nlne Steps" ( 1978, Suspenee) Robert Powell. Oe'fid Warner. (1 hr .• 42 m1n.1 1:00 •THE MUNITEM • MOVIE "Women Of The Town'' ( 1943, Roma~• TteVOr, Albert Oekk«. , Elizabeth Ward of RusselviUe, Ark., will hand her Miss America crown over to a successor Saturday night at l 0 p.m. on the 'Miss America Pageant' on KNBC (Ch. 4). l viewed are Nazi hUnler Simon WieSenthal and for- mer SS officer Waller Rauff. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Brian's Song'' (1971, Orama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. (!) AUTO RACING Coverage of the Austrian Grand Prix from Zeltweg, Austria. (R) ( 1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "The Other Side 01 The Mountain -Pan II" ( 1978. D<ama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot· toms. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:30 8 F-'TROOP 9 NOVA "The Cancer Detectives 01 Lin Xian" Chi- nese scientists have uncovered some clues in their pursuit of a cure for esophageal cancef, an elUslve cancer which claims a ~oportionate number of lives 1n Lin Xian. (R) o ( 1 hr.) cm ElNSTEIN: THE --UAN BEHIND THE GENIUS Steve Polinsky portrays Albert Einstein In this on&- man show taped at the Newbridge Pe<formlng Cen- ter In Los Angeles. (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00 8 WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND MOVIE "Escape From Zahr•ln" (1962. AdVen- ture) Sal Mineo. Yul Brynner. CI> OUTER LIMITS • MOVIE ''Bob & Carol & Ted & Allee" (1988. Comedy) Natalie WOOd, Robef'1 Colp. I SIONA TURE Guest: Richard Leakey. NEWSCENTER WEEKL V THE OOOMSAVERS Authorities Including toelal critic Malcolm Muggerldge, financier Adam Smith and president of the World Future Society EdWard Comish discuss the pos.slble end of Western clvltiza· tion, ( 1 hr.) (I) PKA FUll-<X>N'TACT KARATE (I) MOVIE "North By Northwest" (1959, Suspense) Caty Grent, Eva Marie Saint. (2 hrs., 15 min.) · (%)MOVIE "Mystery Island'' (1978, Adventure) (1 hr., 30 min.) 2:10Gl) NEWS ' 2:308 ON CAMPUS "lnve!lltment Strategies Doring AAec .. IOO" I OtlUGAN'S ISLAND MIXED BAG "Video Art" A pl'etentatlon of the artSlts and work• of thll new at1 fOfm, I IRELANO: A Ta.EVl8tON HISTORY RHODA MOVIE "Breaker Morant" ( 1980, Orama) EdwMd Woodwatd, Jeck Thompaon. (JD VESTEAYEAA. .. 1988 This retroepec11Ve of the period of anti-wet ptotelt1, ttw advancement of cM rights. the bll'th of ''Ooonelbur(' and "Seeame Street,'' Richard Nhton and Woodatock lochAdes an Interview with astroneut Buzz Aldrin. ( 1 hr.) 2:315!1 ~OAWEEJ< IU.UITMTED I THE ~ANO THE HUNTED JOM F8fl'M narrates 1 repon on the continuing WOftdwide ssut'aHMl • ll'r'nt -· nrr 'f' c r:-·a 3:-~~·=~ In Orbit" (1962. ~Three St~ etwtateneen. x~f'r7'~ • MOVIE "Houdini" ( 1953, Biography) Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh. @ STRAVINSl<V A muslcal biography of composer Igor S1ra11insky featuring some of his performances and interviews. (Pan 1) (I hr.) GD MARV TYLER MOORE 81) ODYSSEY "The Chaco Legacy" One of the most comprehensive building projects ever •• devel- oped over 900 years ago by the lnhabltanis of Chaco Canyon. New Mexico -is explo<ed. (R) Q U hr.) (JJ MOVIE "Captarn Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" ( 198 t , Fan1asy) Puppets. cm MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981, Suspense) Jeremy Britt. Nicky Henson. 0 MOVIE "Agency" ( 1981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Majors. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 3:05 «l} WRESTLING 3:30 8 INSIGHT i ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE ANASA BRtGGS: ON THE CULTURAL SIDE BOB NEWHART MOVIE "foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. C!:'!'r.Chase. (1 hr., 55 min.) (%) MOVIE 'Mr. Rock And Roll" ( 1957, Musical) Chuck Berry, Lionel Hampton. (t hr., 25 min.) 4:00e TALK ABOUT PICTURES 8 FOOTBALL FOLLIES Goofs made by NFL play· ers are sel to the music ol Tchaikovst<y's "Nut· cracker Suite." I THE SAINT TAKE TIME FOR THE CHILDREN THE AOCKFOAO ALES MOVIE "Fun With Dick And Jane" ( 1977, Com- edy) George Segal. Jane Fonda. 9 A PLAY F0A LOVE "A Rod Of Iron" Two sons and their father discover, after confiding in each othe<, the unspoken feelings for thelt mother after her death. (1 hr.) 9 QUE PASA. U.S.A.? "Carmen Runs Away'' Car- men runs away when Iggy, the new family member for the summer, gets everyone's attention. GD MOVIE "Born Losers" (1967. Ofama) Tom Laughlin, 8izabeth James. 81) FAUST The legend of Doctor Faust, who sold his soul to the devil for knowledge and power. is pre· sented as a marionette teleplay. (1 hr.) (() NFL GAME OF THE WEEK (R) 4:90 D FREE+ ALL 8 MOVIE "The Night Stalker" (1971, Mystery) Darren McGavin, Carol Lynley. • JOURNEY TO THE Sl<V The legends. folk tales and 400-year histories of two Texas Indian tribes - the Alabama& and the Coushattas -are eiq>lored. t ! ht.) ~MOVIE "Rashomon" (1950, Drama) Machito OO o. Toshiro Mifune. SPORTSCENTER MARK TWAIN THEATRE; TOM ANO HUCK Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn bfing back the 1~ of life on the Mississippi River. Iii MOVIE "The Hazing" ( 1977. Ofama) Jeff East, Brad Davis. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 4:55 all REDMAN PAE-GAME SHOW 5:008 RAIDERS PLAYBOOK Featured: highlights of Raiders loolball games, Interviews with players and ooaches. profiles of former Raider greats and Ralderette cheerleaders and a special segment with odds maker Jimmy the Greek. I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN GRIZZLY ADAMS BASEBALL New York Mets at SI. Louis Cardi- nais..~s .. 30 min.) 180LIOGOLO CARMEN Herbert von Karajan leads the Vienna Phllharmonlc In George Bizet's opera about 11'\e tempestuous gypsy girl and the young soldier whose bfe she ruins (3 hrs.) • WOOOWRIGHT'S SHOP "Pitchforks And Q9ugh Bowls" (R) CD MOVIE "Gal Young Un" (1981, Orama) Dana Peru, David Peck. CD) MOVIE "Runaway Island" (Adventure) Mlle& Buchanan. Slmone Buchanan. (%) MOVIE "Handle With Care" ( 1977. Comedy) Paul Le Mal, Candya&rk. (1hr .• 22 min.) 6:061 COLLEGE ~TBALL 5:90 NEWS ! LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY MOVIE "Girl Rush'' (1944, Comedy) Aobe11 tchum. Frances Langford e ONCE UPON A CLA88IC "The Hilla Of Heaven" A carete. 9Ccident reeults In a bettte betWMO right ii1~~~~2)Q Cl) BOXING Ltve coYer. of the Getrle Coetzee I Stltl Ward 10..round hert"1weight bout trom Atlantic City, N.J. (2 hrs., 30 min,) (Ii) MOVE "Contract On Cherry Street" ( 197!.z. Orame) Ffar« SINn. Verna BlooM. (2 hra.. "" l \ I ', ! "'-( . Saturday (continued) e MOVIE "Lover Come Back" (1962, Comedy) Doris Day, Rock Hudson. An unscrupulous busi- nessman meets his match In a beautiful and deter- mined blonde. (2 hrs.) I NFL MAGAZINE WILD, WILD WEST S.W.A.T. MOVIE "When Worlds Collide" (1951. Sclenc&- Fiction) Barbara Rush. Richard Derr. A rocket ship is hurriedly erected in case Earth Is subjected to a meteorite shower. (2 hrs.) I RICK'S ANIMALS NEWS EUROPEAN JOURNAL MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. An English Lord returns to America where he learns that the Sioux Indians who Initiated him Into their tribe have lost their modest preserve to trappers. (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A librarian enlists the aid of an inept police detective after she 1>e9<>mes Involved In a bizarre series ol murders and kidnapping attempts ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 0 MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hepburn. An older and wiser Robin HOOd returns trom battle to Sherwood Forest to reclaim his beloved Maid Marian. who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( t hr .. 45min.) 6:30 8 MARY TYLER MOORE DNEWS ID PAVAROTII AT JUILLIARD Luciano Pavarotti works with "'111eouise de Vaughn. Robert Briggs and Christine Radman who perform selections by Don- 1zelti, Verdi and Puccini. (R) QDNBCNEWS er!> SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! host an informative look at what's new at the movies. (R) ( 1 hr.) CO) MOVIE "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978, Orama) Marilyn Hassett. Timothy Bot- toms. Former champion skier Jill Kinmont, rendered a quadriplegic by a tragic accident, wrestles with self-doubt when a new love enters her Ille. (1 hr., 30 mini 6:45 CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 7:00 NEWS / Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday in ~ ·1111yfllllt · Cl) NATIONAL CRIME AND VIOLENCE TEST "Rape" The latest techniques In self-p(otectlon 'lJ from crime are ottered In this examination of rape. g: U~> . -II THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER· ·-~ IES I PEOPLE'S COURT ~ LAWRENCE WELK !> CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT .,, THE MUPPET$ 5; MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven-m tµre) Richard Harris, Bo Derek. While accompany-~ Ing her lather on a search for the legendary Ele-en phant's Graveyard, a young woman Is abducted by .g an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes In i the jungle. 'R' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) 3 (%) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981, Science-Action) i Sean Connery, Paler Boyle. A space marshal lnves-• ligates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining .... colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'A' ( 1 hr., 49 9 mlnJ .... 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER ~ D MISS AMERICA: WHO Will SHE BE? Host N Gary Collins and former Miss America Susan Per- kins take a backstage look at the preparations for lthis ~:~M::~:eoo PAESENTE THEMUPPETS MOTORWEEK 8:00 8 Cl) WALT DISNEY "Gus. The Pigskin Mule" A Yugoslavian mule, hired by a losfng football coach, helps the team begin a remarkable winning streak. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) II e DIFF'RENT STROKES Arnold gets the De bbie Allen, star of chance to perform with a famous ballerina. (R) e MUSIC MAKERS IN CONCERT "Peter Allen And 'Fame,' will be among the The Rockettes" (1 hr.) h f 8 0 T.J. HOOKER A young woman who was per-top stars w O per Orm on suaded by Hooker and Romano to testify In a mur- 'T exaco Star Theater . • . der case becomes the killer's new target. (R) ( 1 Opening Night' on KNBC al) MOVIE "The Oblong Box" (1969, Horror) Vin- ( Ch. 4) Saturday at 8:30 cent Price. Christopher Lee. A madman burled alive during a supposed treatment eventually achieves p.m. revenge. (2 hrs.) (!) PAUL HOGAN I FIGHT BACK • GIRL ON THE EDGE OF TOWN A high school GOING STRAIGHT An examination of the most junior Is faced with an unwanted pregnancy. ( 1 hr.) Interesting and promising of communltr efforts to· •MOVIE "Mysteries Of The Mind" (1978, Doc4- flnd realistic alternatives to prison. (1 hr. mentary) Edgar Mitchell. (2 hrs.) ,..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.;..=--.....:..~~~--'-~--'-~~~~~~ MEN'S TRADITTONAL WEAR For those who shop for qualit)' Upstairs ... downstairs- 1all around Pat Marley's you can savor the success/ ul looks in classic traditionals-tailored by craftsmen who care- derigned from superb 'fabrics for your comfort. Check the attic . sale room for •ndlscovered saving,. It N Saturday (continued) Cl) O> ,.... 0 ,.... -..2 a: (8 CARMEN Herbert von Kara1an leads the Vienna Philharmonic in George Bizet s opera about the tempestuous gypsy girl and the young soldier whose hie she ruins. (3 hrs.) e PAPER CHASE "Great Expectations" A student Is charged with a crime he did not commit that could end his law career when a drunken yoong woman he invited to a party refuses to exonerate him. ( 1 hr.) Gi) SHARING THE WINO ~ MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" (1959, Western) Gary Cooper, Marla Schell. A doctor kills a man while rescuing a girl and is almost lynched by a drunken mob. ( 1 hr., 46 min.) (E) SPORTSCENTER ® MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the 1_2p. 'A' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) (Q) . MOVIE "Looker" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Albert Finney. James Coburn. The mysterious deaths of a series of beautiful models Involved In a new advertising project are blamed on the plastic surgeoo who operated on them. 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 min.) CS) FAERIE TALE THEATRE "The Tale Of The.Frog Prince" Robin Willlams stars In a fanastlcal tale of a prince who's turned into a fr<>Q by a witch's spell. ct MOV1E "Outland" (1981, Scleooe-Fictlon) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. A space marshal inves· ligates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 49 mini 8:05 NEWS 8:30 ID TEXACO STAR THEATRE. .. OPENING NIGHT An array of top stars from television, Broad- way and the motion pic1ures perform some of the greatest show-stopping musical numbers of all time. O (1 hr., 30 min.) (!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 8!) MOV1E "A Study In Scarlet" ( 1933, Mystery) Reginald Owen. Alan Mowbray. Based on the story by Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes Investi- gates a bizarre murder Involving a foreign word writ- ten in blood at the scene of the ctlme. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9:008 (1) MOVIE "C.H.0 .M.P.S." (1979, Comedy) Wes!ey Eure, Valerie Bertlnelll. A clever young man Invents a computerized robot dog programmed to stop criminals and solve crimes. (2 hrs.) I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK OJ LOVE BOAT The etew suspects that a beau- tiful woman is trying to kill her millionaire husband, and a glamorous divorcee tries to get reacquainted with her son. (R) Q (1 hr.) I WRESTLING FAMILY UNDER FIRE ODYSSEY "The Chaco Legacy" One of the most comprehensive bufldlng projects ever -devel- oped over 900 years ago by the Inhabitants of Chaco Canyon. New Mexico -ls explored. (R) c:;i L1 hr.) (() CFL FOOTBALL Calgary Stampeders at Winni- ~Blue Bombers (2 hrs . 30 min.) (IJ MOVIE "Thiel" ( 1981, Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his family's future 'R' (2 hrs.) CS) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman, Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vk:ls· sltudes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (%) MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1980. Drama) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Thommy Pollard. A young black uses his boxing skills to survive in prison. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 9:05@ MOVIE "Lady Sings The Blues" ( 1972, Biog- raphy) Diana Ross, Biiiy Dee Williams. The alter- nately stellar and tragic career of bl\Jes singer Blnie Holliday, whose addiction to drugs Increased as her popular_!!t did. is traced. (3 tn., 5 min.) 10:008 •MISS AMERtCA PAGEANT Gary Coffins hosts this year's festivities wtth CO-t\ost Susan Pow- ell and special guest star Marilyn MoCoo. from the Convention Hall In Atlantic City,. N.J. (2 hr&.) llNEWS . FA'ff ASY ISLAND A secretary trleS.to win a fortune by staying Inside a haunted house for two hours, and a bounty hunt• atalks the only man ever to elude him. (R) D (1 hr.) e MOVIE "AH A~t Eve" (1950. Comedy) ~te Devts. Anne Baxttt. A atar-atruct< girt meniputatee and connlYee her way to stardom. (2" tn., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE ''The Cilrpet ot Horr0t" (1962, ~ tery) Joachim Fuchtberger. Kal'fn Dor. A epeclat agent with vatueble Information on 1 crime l1ng 19 found tnufd«td. (2 hra.) 180LIOOOl.D MOLL FLANDERS Betty (leter known It Moll) marrlet thtl first of her many hcAbenda.· ( 1 hf., 30 min.) e MATINEE AT THE~ Feeturect: ''Ptttude To W•r" (1942). • ~ry dlfectfd ~Fr_.., CIOr'I; • 194zmnoonnnew•• ftl~4 I Teri Garr is the grouchy princess whose kiss transform! a frog into a hand.some prince in 'The Tale of the Frog Prince' on Showtime. of "Lost City Of The Jungle" ( 1946). (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CC> MOVIE "Brian's Sona" (1971, Orama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. Two footbaH players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) (fi) TEDDY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT Video- taped at London's Odeon Hall, this performance by one of soul's biggest superstars features many of his hits. ( 1 hr.) ct MOV1E "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Majors. The new head of a ma}of American advertising firm U9eS a children's break- fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal polltlc:al messages. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 10:30. INSIGHT cm CHARLIE DANIELS BAND Cl) AEAOBICISE Get In shape. look good, and feel great with this physical fitness program. 10:459 SATUAOA.Y SPORTS PAGE (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS. .. 11:00 8 8 (I) (II NEWS • COLLEGE FOOTBALL Long Beach State vs. UCLA (2 hrs., 30 min.) •MOVIE "Fun With Dick And Jane'' ( 1977, Com- edy) George Segal, Jane Fonda. An unemplOyed aerospace executive and hlS wife turn to robbery as a means to support their IUJturlous Qfestyle. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "Oceans 11" (1960. Comedy) Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. A group of former paratroop-ena puUs a huge heist in Las Vegas but has trouble Q!ttlng the money out of the city. (2 hrs.) QI CA.AMEN Herbert von Karajan leads the Vienna Phllharmonlc in Ge<><ge Bllet's opera about the tempestuous gypsy girl and the young soldier whose life she ruins. (3 twl.) (8) MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977, Ora· ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schootteacher seeks excitement by fr&- quenting slngtea bats and IUriog various men Into on&-~::r-'R' (2 hrs., 20 min.) (I) "Fantasy Island Casting" CZ) MOVIE "Fiona" ( 1980, Adventure) Fiona Rich- mond. Anthony Steel. A notorious woman journalist recounta her outrageous .adventures with some of Eur~··-~ pleybeys. 'R' {t hr., 22 min.) ..,1:16CLJ MOVIE · Score" (1972. Drama) Claire wi.- buf, CaMn Cutww. A IWklQlnQ young British couple lnvotve another twoeome ln their quest for Ml(U.f v~~( 1 hr., 25 min.) t 1:3:1Lc THE AOO<FOAO ALES I MOVtE~he Loog Ct\ue" (1972. w .. tem) Ben Murphy. Roaet Dellia. A pair of clever crookt bllZe a peth of ctlmt ..._.,_.they go. (2 hfa.) 9 MOVIE "Chanle Cobb: Nice Night For A H8ng-"'G" ( 19]7, Mystery) OU Gulltger. Ralph 8'1111ny. A =ancher hi,_ a dlltec11Ye IQ ftiid hla ..... ~ "· (2 tn. ,, "*'-> -• AACINQ .. , .. Kentucky Peeing Dir· by'' Cowrege from L.oull8lll Downe of· lht ttird =~.Ct.-J ~~-.. " ID MAINTENANCE SHOP BLUES CC) MOV1E "Lunch Wagon" (1981, Comedy) Dick Van Patten. Chuck Mccann. A lunch wagon becomes the center of the mob's attention when the owners stumble upon a priceless diamond. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) SPORTSCENTER (I) MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" ( 1981, Horror) Edward Albert, Erin Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a cotene of frightening alien creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a for- bidding planet. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) lit MOVIE "Altered States" ( 1980, Science-Fic- tlon) William Hurt. Blair Brown. A Harvard SCl80- tist's genetic structure Is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and p>werful hallucinogens. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 11:45• MOVIE "You Can't Win 'Em All" (1970. Comedy) Tony Cunis. Charles Bronson. Two Amer- icans get together to search for gold in Turkey dur- ing the '20s. (2 hrs.) 12:008.NEWS (I) MOVIE "I Was A Male War Bride" ( 1949, Com- edy) Cary Grant, Ann Sheridan. A Frenchman mar- ried to a WAC attempts to gain entry to the U.S. at the same time as a group of war brides. (2 hrs.) (a:l MOVIE "Ultra Flesh" ( 1979) Seka. Jamie Gillis. A space queen uses war favors to battle an arch villain. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 12: 1001.) MOV1E "Dinner At The Ritz" (1937, Mys- tery) Annabella. David Niven. The daughter of a murdered French banker places blind trust in the help offered by her financier flance in locating the killer. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 12:308 MOVIE "Conspiracy Of Terror" (1975, My!Y tery) Michael Constantine. Barbara Rhoades. When a man is literally SC8red to death. a husband-and- wlle detective team Is called In to Investigate. (2 hrs.) D. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Daniel J. Tra- vantL Guest: Johnny Cougar. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) SPORTSFORUM (%) MOVIE "Mr. Rock And Roll" ( 1957, Musical) Chuck Berry, Lionel Hampton.A fabulous look Is taken at the '50s and the beginning of rock 'n' roll. (1hr .. 25mln.) 12:<45 ([) MOVIE "Zombie" ( t980, Horror) nsa Far- row. Ian McCullough. A young woman and her com- panions find no escape from an ISiand where hordes of swarming zombies thrive on living flesh. ( 1 hr . 35 mlol 1:oom MOVIE "Dracula Vs. Frankenstein" ( 1971, Horror) J. Carrol Naish, Lon Chaney. Dracula helps Dr. Frankenstein revive his monster in return for ~fe­ sustatnlng blood serum. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) eNEWS (!) BOXJNG Coverage of the Gerrie Coetzee I Stan Ward 10-round heavywetght bout from Atlantic City, N.J. (A) Cl) MOVIE "Tarzan, The Ape Man" (t981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. While accompany- ing her father on a search lor the legendary Ele- phant's Graveyard. a young woman Is abducted by an uncivilized white man who was raised by apes In the Lungle. 'R' (1 hr .. 52 min.) 1:06(C) MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" ( 1976. Adventure) Claudia Jennings, Jocelyn Jones. Two female bank robbers outwit police as they ravage the male populace with blazing shoo- touts, dynamite blasts and outrageous disguises. 'R' (1 hr .• 29 min.) 1 :20 (fi) MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978, Suspense) Robert Powell, David Warner. A man becomes the quarry of both the police and a secret gH>UP of foreign agents operating In England when he is framed for a stranger's murder. 'PG' (1 hr., 42 mlnl 1:30• MOVIE "Destination Saturn" ( 1939, Sci- ence-Action) Buster Crabbe. Constance Moore. Buok Aogera and hit friends etash on an Arctic moonteln where a peculiar nerve gas "freezes" them for 500 years until they can be rescued. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Point Of Terror" (1971, Mystery) Peter Carpenter. Dyanne Thorne. Following a traqlc car crash. a young man's feellnga of morbk:t guilt pro- dUOe amnesia that later erupts to destroy him. (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Easy" ( t979) Jessie St. James. (1 hr., 30mln.) e MOVIE "Mandingo" (19n, Drama) James Mason, Susan GeQrge. A West Atrlcan of the Man- dlogo tribe It brought to a slave--t>reedlng plantation In Louisiana t>tlore the start of the CMI War. 'A' (2 hrs .. 7 min.) 1:'61!1A8CNEW8 , tmAAT PATAOL 2:00• AOCK OONCERT -~AT™E .. PAOV CJ) MOYIE "HMdlt With C.re" (1977, Comedy) Paul Lt Mat, CandV Qlltc. A ....... dllUllOtl wfth NI C8 rldlo geta fn lnYONild wtlt1 ~ funny, ottbMt hometown IOcele. (1tw.,22 min.) 2:0llNEW8 11 ...U AT t:AACIE • • • , • ~II ••• + s . ~. .. • ..;,:w~· .... ~. J ~~~~--------------~~----------------:---------------------•a Saturday (continued) Cf) THE NEW AGE: A FOCUS ON THE OLDER AMERICAN (JZ) SUNDAY MASS CD MOVIE "Funhouse" (1981, Horror) Elizabeth Berridge, Sylvia Miies. Four teen-agers spend a frightful night In a carnival funhouse inhabited by a demented barker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:40 CC) MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976. Adventure) Richard Harris. Gale Sonder- gaard. An English Lord returns to America where he learns that the Sioux Indians who initiated him Into their tribe have . lost their modest preserve to trap.£_ers. (2 hrs.) 2:50 W MOVIE "Fireball" ( 1966. Suspense) Rtchard Harrison. Wand1sa Guida. An AmeNCan spy is assigned 10 replace a scientist who was part of an international coalition working on an important petroleum project ( t hr. 55 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Tender Comrade" (1943, Orama) Ginger Rogers, Robert Ryan. During World War It. a group of young wrves struggle to accept the fact that their husbands must go to war. (2 hrs.) i STRAIGHT TALK G)NEWS MOVIE "Looker" ( 198 t. Science-Fiction) Albert Finney, James Coburn. The mysterious deaths of a series of beautiful models involved in a new adver11sing project are blamed on the plastic surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Sweet Sugar" (Orama) A young wom- an Is forced to work on a plantation, deep in the jul'IQ!!. 'R' (1 hr .. 25 min.) 3:05(1t) TEDDY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT Videotaped at London's Odeon Hall, this perloon- ance by one of soul's biggest superstars features man1 of hrs hi.ts. (1 hr.) 3:30• MOVIE "The Lost COntlnent" (1951. Sci- ence-Fiction) Cesar Romero, John Hoyt. Following an air crash on a deserted Island. the sunriYofS form an expedition and encounter prehistoric beings.. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) (!) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Essendon vs. North Melbourne (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:.-SCI MOVIE "Outland" (1981. Sclenoe-Flction) Sean COnnery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal Inves- tigates a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 $dHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 4:00 CJ) OR. PAUL YONGGI CHO (%) MOVIE "Penitentiary" (1980, Orama) Leoo Isaac Kennedy, Thommy Pollard. A young black uses his boxing skills to 5lJrvlve in prison. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35min.) 4:05 (Ill JAMES R081SON (Ii) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, wisecracking manager poshes his two female wrestlers toward the top. 'R' ( t hr., 55 min.) •:30 CJ) GROWING YEARS CJ) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future, two commercial robots experlence the vicis- situdes ol first love. 'PG' (1 hr .. 4$ min.) 4:35 (JZ) IT IS WRITTEN . 4:•5. MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ACUPUllCTIJRE Cllll-llWI Clll, O.l. AUTHOR OP "ACUPUNCT\N a~" FONMr Chelfman, eemlner of Chlneee Acupuncutr• Foundation PROF£SSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COlLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA. 13th Edition 545-2438 Mon.-w.d • ..frt. ............... 0..... naea...,.....•1. ......... IANTAANA 532.5040· Tua-TM ...... ........... c..... ,.. .. ._A_ ...... OU- CBS sports will broadcast l 04 National League Football games this season, starting Sunday on KNXT (Ch. 2) with the Rams playing the Packen at Green Bay at 10 a.m. Sunday \ I< >I { '\ I '\( I 5:00 Cl> NINE ON NEW JERSEY Cl) SPORTSCENTER 5:05 8 LAST OF THE WILD @CARTOONS 6:30(!) DAY OF DISCOVERY 6:"5 e CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (%) MOVIE "Outtand" ( 1981, Science-Action) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. (1 hr., 49 min.) 6:009 FOR OUR TIMES ''Religion In Nigeria: Chris- tianity" Nigerian ChriStian leaders dlscoss the ISslJeS surrounding Christian Influence In Africa. (Part 1) I MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNtNG YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS BIBLE ANSWERS NEW JAPANESE RESTA~-~·-· TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyald • Tena,.... Sltuld w prepue4 bJ our famoaa Japaneee ~ • Beer • Wine • Said ® JAPANESE . ~gisA RESTAUllAIVT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCB Mon. ...... l'rt. 11:11 to 1• Dinner from I p.m. 8Uft. "°"' 4 p.m. 111-1111 3l40 t COAST HIT CCllCllA DEL • I .ROMPER ROOM (!) NCAA FOOTBALL Tulsa Golden Hurricane at ]! Arkansas Razorbacks (3 hrs.) '11: CH> MOVIE "Headln' For Broadway" (1980, MusJ-~ cal) Rex Smith, Vivian Reed. ( 1 hf .. 29 min.) ~ (I) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM AND HUCK Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn bring back the_ 0r I~ of life on the Mississippi River. '° U MOVIE "Starcrash" ( 1979, Science-Fiction) ..,, Marjoe Gortner. Christopher Plummer. ( 1 hr., 32 ::!. mini ~ 6:05 LOST IN SPACE '!< 6:30 NFL WEEK IN REVIEW <p I SERENDIPITY .g! ROBERT SCHULLER CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRJ- TION "Nutritional Allergies" Guests: actress Gloria i Loring. allergy specialist Joyce Virtue, author Earl • Mindell. 8 INTRODUCTION TO VOYAGE I POINT OF VIEW CALIFORNIA PEOPLE AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Death In Venice" ( 197·1. Orama) Dirk B~de, Siivana Mangano. 7:00 9 TODA Y'S RELIGION THArSCAT LITTLE RASCALS IT ISWAITIEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS DAY OF DISCOVERY EMERGENCY YOGA FOR HEAL TH 7:06 al> LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 8 LIFETIMES I WHITNEY AND THE ROBOT DAYBREAK L.A. TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THArs THE SPIRIT DIAECTIONS "Between Two Worlds: The Amerasian Children" H•bert Kaplow examines the pl.ight of Amefaslan children who are frequently sub- jected to pre)udlce and exploitation. (R) I.JIMMY SWA!lGNff FELIX THE CAT Mt8TER ROGERS (R) THEWORLDT~ MOYIE "Cattte Anoie And unte Britctles" (1981, Western) Burt Lancaster, John Savage. (1 hr .• 35 min.) (%)MOVIE "Richard's Things" (1981) Liv Ullmann, Amanda Redman. 'R' (1 hr .. 45 min.) 7:36Gl) MOVIE "Paint Your Wagon" (1969. Musi- cal) Lee Man/lo, Clint E.astwood. 8:00e SUNDAY MOANING THIS IS THE LIFE POPEYE ANO FRIEND8 PEA80NAL OIMENSK>NS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYO OGILVIE AMERICAN FORUM JERRY FALWELL CARTOONS ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBAAO MOVIE "My Champion" (1981. Drama) Yo+<o Shimada. Chris Mltch~m. (1 tw .. 45 min.) e MOVIE "Robin And Marian" (1978, Romance) Shn Connery, Audrey Hepburn. (1hf.,45 min.) 8:308 OOV8SEY "Jewish High Holy Days" Guests: #EWPORT OATSU• ••• ,, lh ,., #1 . 1111•• ~Im: 11 ln~1 Ct1idJI Ill • TeUJ.~. .. In lfflrl~ ....... rrr:~ .. -. .... 11w1-.1 .... co Q) I\) ·u "N Sunday (continued) (I) ~ Rabbi Melvin Goldstlne, Cantor David Silverstein, 0 Temple Aliyah, Woodland Hiiis. l ~~~~~~YES ~ MEETING TIME AT CALVARY E REX HUMBARD a> FREDERICK K. PRICE i-ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) en KNOW YOUR BIBLE 9:00 D MEET THE PRESS ~ IA.M. LOS ANGELES THIS WEEK -o D ORAL ROBERTS ;f ROBERT SCHULLER rT IS WRITTEN g. SESAME STREET (R) O ...J MOVIE "The Last Glfatte" ( 1979. Drama) ~ Susan Anspach. Simon Ward. (!)SPORTSCENTERPLUS .§ 9: 15 i CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... a: 9:130 i?~~ THE LAWMAKERS RACQUETBALL "Men's International Cham- pionship Quanerfinal" Marty Hogan vs. Ben Koltun /IJlMOVIE "Greased Lightning" (1977. Biography) Richard Pryor. Beau Bridges. ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Blue Angel" ( 1930, Drama) Mar· lene Dietrich, Emil Jannings. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:008 ()) NFL FOOTBALL Los Angeles Rams at Green Bay Packers (3 hrs.) 8 • NFL FOOT8AU Houston Oilers at Cincinnati Bengals (3 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Three Stooges In Orbit'' ( 1962. ~~~·Carol Christensen. I HERALD OF TRUTH MOVIE "Raiders Of Sonset Pase" ( 1943, West· ern) Eddie Drew. Jennifer Burnette. I REX HUMBAAD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondenta Linda Wer· thelmer and Cokle Roberts join Paul OUtce fOf an up- to-the-mlnu1e summary of Congressional ectMtles. • MAGtC Of OIL PAlilTING Cl) AUTO RACING Uve coverage of the NASCAR Wrangler 400 from the Fairgrounds Racewway, Richmond, Va. (3 hrs., 30 min.) (I) MOVIE ''Under The Rainbow'' (1981, Comedy) Qlevy Chase. Carrie Fisher. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) e MOVIE "Trilogy" (1969, Drama) Maureen Stal)leton. Martin Balsam. (2 hra) 10:30. 0 BEST OF KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO (Sea- son Premiere) Guests: Deborah Harry, David Bren- ner, ESP authority Dr. Hans Hotzer. singer Rachel Sw~lclan Harry Blackstone Jr. (R) (1 hr.) I JERRY FfEH~ OPEN MINO MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING 11:00(!) BASEBALL New York Mets at 51. Louis Car- dinals (2 hrs., 30 min.) • MOVIE "Houdini" (1953, Biography) Tony Cunis. Janet Leigh. • MASTERPtl:Ce THEATRE "T eetament Of Yooth" Vera &tt1aln Is determined to go to Oxford despite the obstacles placed in her path by tradition and her loving but unenlightened father. (Part 1) i ) D (1 hf.) WMHINGTON WEB< IN REVIEW (R) MOVIE "I'll Cry Tomorrow" (1955. Biogfapt\y) Susan Hayward, Richard Conte. (%) MOVIE "The Thlrty-t.llne Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. {1 hr., 42 min.l 11:05 al> BASEBALL Cincinnati Reda at At1anta B<a.tn.., 15min.) 11:30. THIS WEE< wmt OAVIO IRNKLEY I COLE-WHfTTA.t<ER CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL STREET WEEK "The International Scene" Guest: Martin G. Wade, _.,, poftfoUo manager, T. Rowe Price International Fund. (A) CB) VIDEO JUKEBOX . 12:00 e THAEE STOOGES 1'=4 "April Love" (1957, Musical) Pat Boooe. 8hlr1ey Jones. • PAPER CHASE "Great Expectations" A student Is chatged with a crime he did not commit thet could end hfl law careef when a drvnhn young woman he lnvtted to a P*'Y r9fuMe to exonetatt him. ( 1 hr.) • PC>R'fMIT81N PASTB.8 CB) MOVIE "HMdln' For BroedWay" (1980, M'*- cal) Rt• Smith. '/Man Reed. ( 1 hf .• 29 min.) CD) MOVIE "ThUndtrt>irdl To Thi Atteut" (1981, OtlllliMt Puppets. Pammy Panda and Ricky Raccoon will appear in the third Annual Gl..AZA/KNBC Peacock l OK at the Los Angeles ·Zoo Sunday at 4 p.m. on KNBC's (Ch. 4) 'S0nday.' (I) MOVIE "Moscow Doesn't Believe tn Teara" (1980, Comedy) Vet'& Alentova, Alexei BatalOv. (2 hrs., 25 min.) • MOYE "Legend Of The Wild" 'PG' (2 hrs.) 12:30• OIAECTfON8 The evolution of hoeploea end key theological and ethk:al dlmenSions of ho5p6oe care for the termlnallty Ml are traced. l ~~OFANIMALS SUMCUISINE 12:46 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS .•. 1:00e (J) TENNIS "U.S. Open" live coverage of the men's final round from the United States Tennis Association National Tennis Center. Fluahlng Meadows-Corona Part(, N.Y. (3 hrs.) 8 NFL FOOTBALL Los Angele$ Raiders at San Francisco 49ef1 (3 hrs.) I THEM~ MOVtE "Grand Prix" (1966. Drama) James IGar:;'E f::.:arle Saint. . PU8UCPUL8E ADN/r12 A DANCE OF TWO COUNTRIES: CHINA ANO AMERICA Artistic dlfectOI' of the Houaton Ballet Ben Stevenson's return to the People'• Republic of China to instruct students of the Peking Dance Academy in Westem danoe techniques Is chronl· elect ( 1 hr.) • NFL FOOTBAU San Diego Chargers at OenvM Broncos (3 hrs.) • MOVtl: "My Gal s.r· (1942. Musical) Alta Hay- worth. Victor M•ture. CC) MOV1E "Urban Cowboy" (1980, Drama) John Travolte, Debra Wtnger. CJ) MOVIE "The Conlestlon" ( 1970. Drama) Yves Montand, Simone Slgnoret. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 1:130~ AU8TRAUAN RULES FOOT8ALL Hawthofne vs. Richmond (R) (2 tn.) CID MOVE "Mommle Deareet'' (1981. Orama) ~Dunaway. Diena Scatwld. (2 hra., 9 min.) C1V ..oa< ON TV 2:00 e QIU.IQAN'S l8LANO e lilOVE "Punutt Of Thi Gtaf 5'*" ( 1957. A~~ Quayle, John Gf99100. I ENTMTAMilENT THe8 WEEK TM8 WEE< IN BABE9ALL MOVIE "Ta• Story'' (1980, Comedy) Jane Fon--de,= Peri<IN.. ~ Hltbtrt von Klrll~ IM<'8 the Vienna E 8fnC • opere about thl ~--end CM young 806dllt Whole life .... Nina. .• 1N11DE TODAY "Love And Ftltnd- thlp At Thi Ofb'' A couple dllc. I I 11 h ~ tll_I thiY NM In ~-fORtlhlr. cm~ ••tr•lf'FtlM"-("81. 0rame) Petula Clark. Cathleen Nesbitt. e MOVIE ''Gigi" ( t95&, Musleal) Maurice Cheval- ier. Leslie Caron. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) 2:20 al> NEWS 2:30. GIUIGAN'S ISLAND I OOOGER DUGOUT PRESENTE MOVIE "Callaway Went Thataway" ( 1951, Comedy) Howard Keel. Fred MacMurray. ( 1 hr .. 20 mln.1 2:35 al> UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 2:461 OOOGER PRE-GAME 3:00 MOVIE "The Road To Morocco" ( 1942. Comedy) Bing Crosby. Bob Hope. Cl) THE PERSUADERS 0 MOVIE "Smile When Yoo Say 'I Do' " (1973, Comedy) Documentary. Directed by Allen Funt . • BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Astros (3 hrs.) I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT DIALOGUE: JONAS SALK I YEHUDI MENUHIN Dr. Jonas Salk and violinist Yehudi Menuhin discuss the retatlonshlp between science and the ans. nutri- tion and health. Eastern culture. and their genetic and soclal heritages. ( 1 hr.) CD MOVIE "Paplllon" ( 1973, AdVenture) Steve McQueen, Dustin Hollman. 3:30. CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW CC) MOVIE "Death In Venice" (1971, Drama) Dirk BQgarde. Sitvana Mangano. (I) HORSE RACING WEEKLY CD> MOVIE "Black Beauty" (197t. Drama) Mart( Lester, Walter Slezak. (%) MOVIE "Morocco" (1930. Romance) Gary • Marlene Dietrich. (1 hr., 30 min.) 3: NtcE PEOPLE •: NCAA FOOTS.AU Aorlda vs. USC (2 hrs.) e SUNDAY Location: the Los Angeles Zoo, Griffith Park fOI' the GLAZA/KNBC Peacock 10K Run . Guests: the Shirt Tales characters, sports medicine expert Dr. LeRoy Pel'ry. world class runners and race winners. (2 hrs.) (J) THl8 WEB< IN 8A8eBAU. e MOYIE "The Oblong Box" ( 1969. Horror) Vin- cent Prloe. Christopher [ee. Cl) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK e MOVIE "Portrait Of A Mobster" (1961, Drama) Vic Morrow, Leslie Parrish. • WAU STPEET WEEK ''The ln1ematlonal Scene" Guest: Martin G. Wade, senior portfotk> manager. T. Rowe Price International Fund. (A) • MOVIE ''Ctlsls In Mld·Alr" ( 1979, Suspense) Geofge Peppard, Karen Grassle. e FAUST David Syrotiak's National Marionette Theatre Company presents an original adaptation of the 19th-oentury puppet play based on the classic st1ra of Dr. Faust. ( 1 hr.) ~~Ives of several travelers change when they are stranded In a small Kansas town. Margot Kidder and Tim Matheson star. (2 hrs.) (I) MARVIN HAMUSCH: THEY'RE PLAYIHO MY SONG Liza Minnelti, Johnny Mathis, Gll<fys Knight and Carty Simon sing some of today's greatest hits Including; "The Way We Were." "What I Did For ~ ~~cr-11 Better." 4:06! WRESTLING •:30 0 8PORT88EA T Cl) A~ THE NATION • WA&t41NGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 6:00e HAPPY OA'r& AGAIN e <1REA TE8T SPORTS LEGEND6 "John Wood-len"M~~? Jeckaon. Bil.LY GRAHAM CAUSAOE ~RING OF THE FETTUCCtNE.8 A stem king, a scheming witch, a prince In loY9 With a commoner and a cobbler In low with a prlnceSa sing and act out a plot to the music of Bizet, Mozart. Verdi and others. ( 1 ht.) e FRNO LINE "The Economy And The Blacks" Guest: Reverend Jel8e Jackson. (Part 1) (1 hr.) • THl8 OLD HOUSE Bob Vila W.. how to wat8f· proof • betement and Inst•• • woodatOYe and free- standing Chimney. (R) D (I) NCAA FOOT8ALL ~-Virginia Mountaineers et Oklahoma Sooners (3 tva.• (I) CANCER OONW:>NTATION CMnlel Tr1ventl host• • documentary epec1e1 which toa... on some of thl contr~ MrOUndlng canoer. Including lnttMewl With lnvcMd CongrtMmen, cancer reMarch otftcltll. doctOfl and canctt Ylc> time.. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "~ M<Me" (1979) Oocunentary. M\llk: by Mlct Otdfleld, (1 hr .. 19 rrin.) 5:06 a> MAltMLLE AUYE Guett: Bobby Bare. ( 1 hr.) 6: 1& CJ) MCMI "Outland" ( 1881. ldel w:.Flctlon) s.n ConnetY. Peter Boyte. ( 1 hf .. , .. n*l.) 5:30. ~~ & IHll.EY 6 OOWAHV l~~KOTTER MOfCIMll!ll( Sunday (continued) (I) MOVIE "Willy Wonks And The Chocolate Facto- ~· (197t, Fantasy) Gene Wilder. Jaci( Albertson. C.QJ THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "The Comedian" Mickey Rooney stars as an egotistical com1e who thrives as a star by devouring everyone around him. ( 1 hr., 30 min) L\. L" I:\<; 8:00 8 De NEWS e MOVIE "Send Me No Flowers" ( 1964, Come- dy) Rock Hudson. Doris Day. Believing he Is on his deathbed. a hypochondriac sets out to find a suit· labl~~A'C~band tor his wife. (2 hrs.) WILD, WILO WEST IT IS WRITTEN THE ROCKFORD ALES INCREDfBLE HULK MOVIE "Bombers 8·52" (1957, Orama) Karl Malden, Natalie Wood. A commanding officer resentful of a se'l)e~mt's Involvement with his daugh· ter orders him on a secret mission to test a new B· 52 bomber. (2 hrs.) @ THE VERY SPECIAL JACK GILFORD SPECIAL Jack Gilford Is joined by Anita Gillette In a zany hour of songs, skits and tender renditions of some outra· " characters. (1 hr.) GAEA T RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WORLD 0 BE ANNOUNCED NOVA "The Cenoer Detectives Of Un Xian" Cht- nese scientists have uncovered some clues In their pursuit of a cure for esophageal cancer. an elusive cancer which ciaims a disproportionate numbef of lives In Lin XJan. (A) D ( 1 hr.) CC> MOVE "The Lil>t Giraffe" ( 1979, Drama) Susan Anspach, Simon Ward. The true story of Bet· ty and Jock Leslie-Melville. who tried to save a herd of giraffes. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 00 MOVIE "Cattle Annie And little Britches" (1981, Western) Burt Lancaster, John Sav9. Two tough outlaws pici< up a pelt of teen-ege glfls and take them along on their adventures. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Under The Ralnbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chae, Carrie Fisher. The 150 midgets who are In town tor the filmlng ol "The Wizard Of Oz," tum a California hotel upelde-down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 38 mini 6:06 WEEK IN REVIEW 6:30 NEWS CONFERENCE I THATS HOLL Y#OOO eNEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW MOVIE "Battlestar Galactlca: ConQuest Of The Earth" ( 1980, Sctenc.Flctlon) Lorne Greene. Kent McCord. The GaiaC11ca reaches Earth ciosefy pur- sued by a Cylon attack force intent on destroying lheinet. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:00 Cl) 80 MINUTES e CATALINA c-tAB A stray Navy mine Is dis· covered btlng near an ocearnc research laborato-!1.. off the Cellfomta coest. (R) (1 hr.) • 8 CODE AED Danny's photo essay assignment prOYes instrumental In the apprehension o1 a tire bomb arsonist. (R) ( 1 hr.) I PAUlHOGAN JIMV SWAGGART A TIME FOR LOVE Mike Conners and Florence Henderson host a report on the growing national problem ot child abuse. Gueata Include Ed Asner, Vicki Qlrr and Cheryl Ladd. ( 1 hr.) QI HOPPER'S Sil.ENCE This documentary looks at various points In the Ille of painter EdWard Hopper and also examines tome of his wOf'k. ( 1 hr.) e AATUA R\JtMNSTE1N "Lucerne" While touring Richard W80f*'S home, Rubinstein ta.lks of "Wag- netltls," the time when all musicians tall In love with the German compoeer's music. e VICTOfW GARDEN Bob Thomson offers tips on making ~ed compoet. (II) MOYIE ''Bringing Up Bab(' (1 938. Comedy) Katharine Hepburn, Cafy Grant. An archaeok>glst eets out to ralae a mlNlon dollers for hla museum. but ends up lnvot4d with a J)fetty soclaHte. (2 hrs.) (J) MOYE "Richard's Things" ( 1961) Liv Ullrnam, Amandi Redman. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 7:061NEW8 . 7:30 FOCU8 ON BAIT AtN • A WAT WJTH ~D STEWART An affec· tlonate portrait of the 82·)'Mr-old renowned pianist and oonductor who J)fetently reeldea In Santa Ber· bara Is portrayed. ~ POATAArrs IN PASTELS MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1961, ComedY) hevy Chaae, Carri. FlsMr. The 150 midget• wfiO ere In town for the filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." tum a CallfOf'nle hotel up91de-down, 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 mlnJ_ 8:00 • <I) ARCHIE BUM<ER'8 Pl.ACE Gloria rtfUMI to tell Archie wtiy the and Mlk• heve eepa- r•W...., • "'9MUmr hanw¥tlfth Joey. (A) (1 hr.) Priscilla Presley gets friendly with one ol ahe guesaa on 'Thoae Amazing Animals' Sunday al 6 p.m. OD KHJ-TV (Ch. 9). e e CHIPS Ponch IOMe hi9 nerve following a ter· ~~~1hr.) •ii MOOesrv BlM8E A woman 1s Joined by her str•t-wiee beat friend In higtl-'8Yel gowmment undefcover wotk. ( 1 hr.) I fT 18 WRITT'EN MAUOE MOVIE "Bob & Carol & Ted & Al!Qe" ( 1969, Comedy) Natalie Wood. Robert Culp. TWo cOIJPi" decide to modernize their marriages and get new perspectives on life by exchanging spooses. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Great CaU Of The Wiid'' ( 1976) Documentary. Naturakt Larry Jones leads a one- man crusade to preeerve a large wildernesa area in the American Northwest. (2 hrs.) QI THE RING OF THE FETTUCCINES A stern king, a scheming witch, a prtnc. In love withe commoner and a cobbler In love with e prlnceee sing and act out a plot to the music of Bizet. Mozart, Verdi and others. ( t hr.) • NOVA "Termites And Telescopee" Or. PhlNp Morrison, professor of phyalcs at Massachusetts Institute of Technotogy, pretents e prOYOcatiYe commentary on the nature of cMtlzatlOn. (R) c;i ( 1 hr.) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of Youth" Vere. lnepfed to become a wartime nurse, survives the drudgery of her training and looks for- ward to a Christmas reunion with Roland. (Part 2) {R) D (1 hr.) CC> MOVIE "Urban CoWboy" ( 1980, Drama) John Travolta. Debra Winger. A blue-<:Olar worker who fancies himself a modern-day cowboy faJta In love with a girt he meeta in a poplllar country-~weet· ern bar. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 12 min.) CJ) 8PORT8CENTER 00 MOVIE "Outland" (1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyte. A tpeee marshal lmlee- tigates a rash of m)'9terrou. dMtha within a mlnk\Q colony on one of Juplt8"• moone.. 'R' (1 hr., 49 min.) {I) MOVIE ''Momrnte DM<ett" (1961, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld, Fortlel ttlm star Joan Crawford raleea her two tad chlldfen In a ---n11VOltCI .MEDIATION-...-.i A NOIM:Ol•ATIW PllOC•ll . COUNIR.C.:.AnONlft TUii _,...... • tQ domestic atmosphere that varies from luxurious 15 comfort to sadistic dl,sclpllne. 'PG' (2 hrs .• 9 min.) .,, 0 MOVIE "Allen" (1 979, Horror) Tom Skerrltt, 5 Yaphet Kotto. The crew of a spacegotng scrap car--rler follow a mysterious signal to a supposedly dead ~ planet and. after !anding, discover that the message was a= to stay away. 'R' (2 hrs., 4 min.) r 8:051 · FALWELL 8 8:30 THE WORLD TOMORAOW "11 (!)EVENING AT THE IMPAOV "' I . 8:.-S i CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 0: 9:00 Cl) THE JEFFERSONS Tom shows he has a II '.:< ~alous streak when an old beau of Helen's Invites en I er oul to lunch. (R) ~ D e MOVIE "Skyward'' (1980, Orama) Bette ~ -Davis. Howard Hesseman. A former stunt pilot and ~ an airport watchman help a t 4·year-otd paraplegic i i learn how to fly a plane. (R) (2 hrs.) WILD KINGDOM ~ <ti MOVIE "The Fog" ( 1980', Horror) Adrienne !:J Barbeau, Hal Holbrook. Terror comes to a coastal ~ town in the form of an ominous mist surrounding the co Q) ghosts of lepers killed In a shipwreck a century earll· N er. 'iiit(2 hrs.) I CHO THE VERY SPECIAL JACK GILFORD SPECIAL Jack Gilford Is joined by Anita Gillette In a zany hour of songs, skits and tender renditions of some outra- rs oharaC1ers. ( 1 hr.) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Of You~h" Vera, Inspired to become a wartime nurse. I ~ survlV8S the drudgery of her training and looks for· ward to a Christmas reunton with Roland. (Part 2) I ~·~ I "Rumpole Of The Balley. Rumpole I And The~ For Retirement" Rum='s best ell- ents, the mson famlty. seek his when the f aging Percy Timson Is caught witti a stolen reflgious wotk of art~R~ (1 hr.) CJ) NCAA HaWkeyes at Nebraska CornhusketS (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD> MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, tnma) Faye Duna"J', Diana Scarwtd. Forties film star Joan Crawtor raises her two adopted chldren In a domestic atmosphere that varies from twwnous comfort to sadistic dlsciptlne. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Nine lives Of Fritz The Cet" (1974) Animated. Voloes of Skip Hinnant. Reva Rose. 'R' (1 hr., 15 min.) 9:05 d1l OPEN UP 9;30. (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME The men get stuck In a snowstorm and the women are lef1 waiting at ~ I OF SURVIVAL JACK VAH IMPE MOV1E "Deedfall" \!:8• Suspense) Mlcheel Celne, Giovanna Ralll. A utlful woman oC>mllncea a ca~o team up with her homolexual ~ band In a robbery. (2 hra., 30 min.) (I) "Oeeth Valley" ( 1982, Myattf)') Paul leMat. Peter Biiiingsiey. A New YOO< youngst« Is sent to Arizona to vtslt his mother and stumbles acr088 a..-of grisly murders. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 10:00• Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. A mentMard· ed young man and• sarcastic o6d hermit that they have eomethlng of value to offer each other. j)··~ THE WOAD FOR TOOAY NEWS IN REVIEW HOPPER'S 81.ENCE Thia dOCOmentary k>Ot<• at v.arlous pofntt In the life ot painter Edward Hopper and else> examines eome of ~tw.) • JUST FAIEND8: A08 AND nE 8088 BRA88 Bandleeder Rob McConnefl and the 8098 er... perfoon "lt't Hard To And One, .. ''Everything Happens To Me" and "A Time To Love" In a concert from Redondo Beach, Callfomie. ihr.) ... THE HUNTER NID THE HUNTED Joie Ferrer narrates a repof1 on the QOf'ltifUng wofldwtde aearctt for Nazi war etlmlnalt; among thoee Int•- vleWed are Nazi hunter SWnon wi.enthal and for- mer SS offtcer Walter Reuff. (R) (1 tw.) <ID MOVIE "Mammie DMreet" (1981, Drame) Faye Duollw~. Diana Scarwtd. Fortlel film Ital Joan Crawfor rallee her two adopted ~ In a James L. Zlnimerman Cet11fted Pullk Ac CDtanl8ftt Full r•z of.P8f"IOnaflltd prof.. OMI Mf'VlatS fOr small buslneuas & lncHvldwits .. 1 I I .. .. "' Sunday (continued) I domeslk: atmosohere that varies from tuxurlouS ~ comfort to sadistic disclpllne. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) S? II MOVIE "Starcrash" (1979, Sclence-FlctlOf'I) Marjoe Gartner. Christopher Plummer. To protect } the kingdom ot the Emperor, space heroine Stella E Star and ace navigator Akton comb tha galaxy In ii search of evil Count Zarth Arn's hidden lair. 'PG (1 i hr .. 32 min.) "' 10:05 al) MOVIE "Marine Raiders" ( 1944, Adventure) Pat O'Brien, Robert Ryan. Rugged rituals make ~ staunch Marines out of raw recruits during World i:> War II. (2 hrs.) ;f 10:301i) LONE RANGER I SPORTS WRAP UP JIMMY SWAGGART MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980. Mustcal) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes performances of "Jet," "Band On The Run," "Silly love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (S) MOVIE "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Alentova, Alexei Batalov. Three country girls with different goals and vetoes move to the big city to pursue their ambltfons. (2 hrs., 25 min.) (%) MOVIE "Outland" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves· ligates a rash of mysterloOs deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 10:45 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE mini 11:00 8 8 (I). NEWS I WILD KJNGDOM All GOO'S CHILDREN MllllOf'ls of the world's children live In a delicate balance between llfe and death. hOpe and despair. (1 hr.) tll MOVIE "Magic Carpet" (1971. Comedy) Susan Saint James. Robert Pratt. A young woman guides a busload ol tourists through Italy. (1 hr .. 45 min.) I JERRY FALWEU THE R!NG OF THE FETTUCCINES A stern king. a scheming witch, a prince in love with a commoner and a cobbler In love with a princess sing and act out a plot to the musk: of Bizet, Mozart, V«dl and others. ( 1 hr.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Rog. Ebert and Gene Slsk- el review "The WOfld According To Garp" and "Young OoctOfS In Love." G NCAA FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS Iowa vs. Nebraska CO MOVIE "Butterfly" Anna Kristina. ( 1 hr .. 30 mlnJ_ 11:168CBSNEWS cm Pl.A YBOV ON THE AIR 11:308 SPORTS ANAL I PACESETTERS ABC NEWS WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP~UP NEWS TV QUARTERBACl<S MOVIE ''The Last Remake Of Beau Geste" (1977. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Michael York. Twin brothers t>eoome Involved In the F<>felgn legion while attempting to presefVe their adopted family's honor. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) SPORTSCENTER • MOVIE ''Sitting Ducks" (1980. Adventute) Michael Emil, Zach Norman. Two Inept mobsterJ> flee to South A~ and encounter the women assigned to kill them. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:45 9 FACE THE NATION 8 MOVIE "The Last Remake Of Beau Geste" ( 1977. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Michael York. !win brothers become Involved In the Foreign Legion while at1empling to preseNe their adopted r tamffy'e honor. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 MOVIE "Beloved Infidel" ( 1959, Orama) Grego. ry Peck. 'Deborah Kefr. Writer F. Sc:otl Fitzgerald has a tmrld affair wfth colUmnlst Sheilah Graham._ (2 hrs) 12:ooe 700 CLUB Featured: a top lighting director tells of his escape from Nazi Germany: a nun dlsousses the current state of the Cathoflo Church. ~hr .. 30~ STAR MOVIE "Hatchet For A Honeymoon" (1970. HOf'ror) Stephen Fonythe. Dagmar Leuandef. Newlywed girls are murdered with a sl"'-hatchet by a man who remembers more of hit put with each kUHng. (2 tn.) I MISSION: IMP08818LE TALES~ TltE UNEXPECTED THE VERf 9'£aAl JACK Oil.FORD SPECIAL 1 Jack Glftotd II )Olned by Anita Giiiett• In e zany hour of eong1. talits " tender rendltlOns of eome outra- ~ cherecetrs. 41hr.) 12.:05«!) MOVIE "BeechhMd" (19M. Ad\lenture) Tony et.111, Frri L~. While on e ~ to dellvet vttel Information thfougtl a Hewelian Jungle, two Marin. ere )olMd by .e Frenchman end hit ttr. (1 hr .• 55 min.) 12: 16 THE AOCt<FON> Fil.ES ........ft,,JftfTJll eDJ"' Nani Asing and Jeff Daniels are staff members of an ocean research facility just olf Catalina Island in 'Catalina C-Lab' Sunday at 7 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). erd Burton, Tatum O'Neal. Despite atrong parental opposition, a poignant romance deYe4opS between a 60-year-old artist and a preoociolls teen-age schoolgirl. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) cm MOVIE "Ordinary People" ( 1980. Drama) Mary Tyler Moore, OonaJd Sutherland. A gullt-ridden teen-ager trying to put his Ille back together after his t>tother's death and his own suicide attempt reaches out to his eomplaCent lather and l'lls cold. rese<Ved mother. 'R' (2 hrs .• 3 min.) (%) MOVIE "Morocco" (1930, Romance) Gary COOpef. Marlene Oletrlctl. A woman 1$ fotoed to choose t>etween the wealth and posse$Sk>OS thet one man offetS and the love thet anottw offers. ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) 12:20~ MOVIE "It Lives Again" (1978. HorrOf') Frederic Fotrest, Kathleen LIOyd. A number of eou-- ptes find thelt Joy OYer having a baby changed Into nerve-shattering terror when the Infants eme<ge as clawed monsters. 'R' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 12:30• MCME "Frontier Horizon" (1008. Westem) John Wayne, Jennifer Jones. A promoter schemes to swlndle ranchert out of their land tn order to build a dam for a resecvolr. ( 1 hr.) Cl) HORSE RAGiNG WEB<l V (R) -CO MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" (1980. Adventure) David carradlne. Jennifer O'Neill. A top stunt flier neglecis the people Who care about him In the set· lis.h,rsult of his dangerous sport. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 48 mm. 12:46 ABC NEWS - 1:00 THATTEENSHOW 8 HOPPER'S SILENCE This documentary looks at various points in the lffe of painter Edward Hopper and aleO examines some ot hiS work. (1 hf.) I': FOOTBALL TUIU ~ Hurricane et Art<ansa1 RazOl'backs (R) (3 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Sex Ray" (Comedy) A Muriatic man creates a fay gun with the power to make any wom- en fell hopelessly In IO'le. ( t hr .. 9 min.) • MOVIE "High Risk" (1981. Adventure)_.lames Brolln. Cteevon Lltfle. A trio Of gt~ frJend8 plot the robbery ~f a mltllon doltart from a South Amerl- oen drug dMlet. 'R' ( 1 Iv., 35 min.) 1: 15 8 PIAME OF THE OAME a AT ONE Gueet: architect William Pereira. ( 1 hr.) 1:56<1:> MOVIE ''l'ff Qy Tomooow•· (1965. Biogra- phy) ~ ._..,d, Rlchatd Conte ActteN Liiian Ratti atrugglel wfth elcoholllm end• fldlng career. (2 hrt.) 2:00dl)AAT PATROL · CID McWIE ''Wt*h Way Is Upt' (ltn. Comedy~ RChlfd Pryor, Lenette McKM A ._,...,.. fruit picker la caught In •·comic et099b betwMn hit union Ind the Mob. " • ~ preechlf 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:10(1) CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travanti hosts a documentary special which locuses on some of the controversies surrounding cancer. Including Interviews with Involved Cong'9Ssmen. cancer research olflclals. doctors and cancer vie· tlms .. (1 hr.) 2:158NEWS 2:30 Cl) MORNING STRETCH tm rrs YOUR BUSINESS CO MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) (;bevy Chase, carrle Fisher. The 150 midgets ~ho are In town fOf the filming of ''Tha Wizard Of Oz." turn a California hotel upsld~down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 mini 2:45 NEWS 3:00 TODA Y'S RELIGION (!) JOE FRANKLIN Guest: Joni James. ( 1 hr ) @NEWS D MOVIE "Alien" ( 1979. Horror) Tom Skerritt, Yaphet Kotto. The crew of a spacegolng scrap car- rier follow a mysterious slgnal to a supposedly dead planet and, after landing, discov9f' that the message was a warning to stay away. 'R' (2 hrs., 4 min.) 3:10(1) MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Ofama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwid. Forties film star Joan Crawford raises her two adopted children in a domestic atrposphere lhat varies from luxurlOUs comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 3:30 9 NEWSMAKERS 3:35Cli) MOVIE "Agency" (t981, Suspense) Robert Mitchum, lee MajOl"s. The new head of a major American advertising firm uses a children's break· fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 4:008 INTERFACE (!)JIMMY SWAGGART ~ MOVIE "Rockshow" (1980, Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes perfomianoes of "Jet." "Band On The Run." "Siiiy Love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'G' (1 hr., 45 min.) Cl) SPORTSCENTER 4:06 al) FVNTIME 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER (%) MOVIE "The Nine Lives Of Fritz The Cal" ( 1974) Animated. Voices of Skip Hinnant, Reva Rose. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 15 min.) •:SSG!) I DREAM OF JEANNIE 'Elsewhere' hopes ~agic will work LOS ANGELF.S -WW the magic tbal made "Hill Street Blua" a aitical 3UlOCell work apin for "St. Elaewhere?'' The show has a large, divene cast and is airnlq for the same realistic, eccentric drama, mixed with quick f1alhes of black humor. It'• .et in St. Eligjua Hospital in Boo.on, but ita exasperated 8taff calls the rundown institution St. Ellewhere. "There are certainly many similarities to 'Hill Street,' .. u11 ~thia Sikes. who atan u Dr. AnnJe Cavanero. "Everyone ia flaUered that we're being compared to such a sooci ahow, but sUll, we want to be judged on our own merits. "We have a lot of overlapping stories," the actrelB uys. "It's an etl9mtlble cut, and we have that lmprovl.saitonal feellng you find ln 'Hill Street.' Our c:harac\en talk the way people reaUr, talk. And we show the best md wont in people.' There are other stmllaritia. Both aeries are mm MTM •terprilee. and both are on NBC. "St. -El9ewhere," wbicft .i.o Nn r.d f1andeloa. David Birney, William DudeJa and David Mone, will make ltll debut co Tuaday niahtl ln the fall. It wu created by J ohn Falley and Jc:shua Brand, and ~~~~~~~~~trow. whoee Mita Sikes, who pew up in Kan.au and OklabGmt. plays a Youna woman of llalian ~t from Bonon. "I atarted travelin1 with the Bob Hope overaea1 abow when I wu 19, '' abe aaya. "Somebody told me I had to pt rid of my Midwestern attent. I Mid, 'Whal accent y'all talking 'bout?' l atudled al the American c.om.vatory .,,,__. m ~ l'rmdlw with lldith Sldnnl.r. I wm wortdna bard to be my ...nt. I ..._....,~and coWdn't ""!1 W.0 MY· 'I)eedernOne. hcaey, .. t .. that Cblr ....... ff Annie Cavanero hp a ~Job In "St. a.w._.." The otlMr claeton fwa at Im. Older ---~t her. 11iit mlrtab her -·~· Ml11 Slkea aaya her cbaract•r "I• very dedkated. and lalmted and ........ blld. Sbt'e flnde Meven In• ledlll' dlolr. 'A' < 1 ht .. 34 min.) (%) MOVIE "ftte COfrfl•lon" ( 19'10. Drwne) YVlll Mont.nd. 8lmofte ~· Artur London'• forced PoC•••lonn-= occur~ "'4;1.~ ~llflte....;--...vMM~ f -.. Md wora an a ................. polr wb1ch II jull DOW ........ M 'IJ#. ... I ------~ .... ,.. ... ------------~----------------------~-----------====-========----------------~--------------------------:-~---:--:--::--a ~~=··· 5:00 ti "All The Marbles" ( l981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. 6:00(C) "Slnbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne, Jane Seymour. CZ) "Penitentiary" ( 1980, Orama) Leon Isaac Ken- ned~ Thommy Pollard. 6:05<!Z) "Once More, With Feeling!" ( 1960. Come- dy) Yul Brynner, Kay Kendall. 6:30CID "The Looney. Looney. Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981. Comedy) Animated Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray. 7:00 g "Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" ( 1981, Fantasy) Puppets. 7:30(1) "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980, Com- edyL Robert Sacchi, Olivia Hussey. e:OO(C) "Murder At The World Serles" ( 1978, Suspense) Lynda Day George. Karen Valentine CID CZ) "The Thirty-Nine Steps" (1978. Suspense) Robert Powell, David Warner. 8:30 ct "Balllestar Galaclica· Conquest Of The Earth" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Lorne Greene. Kent McCord. 9:30• "David Copperlield" (1970. Drama) Robin Phil_!ies. Richard Attenborough. 9:-45 CZ) "Outland" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. 10:00(!) "We're No Angels" ( 1955. Comedy) Hum- ~rey Bogart. Aldo Ray. ~"Tribute" ( 1980, Drama) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benson. CID "The Irishman" (1978. Drama) A proud Irish- man refuses to yield to progress when his business as a 1eamster is threatened by motorized transpor- tation. (I) "Key To The City" ( 1950, Comedy) Qar1< Gable. Loretta Young. 10:05® "Arst To Fight" (1967, Drama) Chad Everett. Marilyn Devin. 10:300 "Space Movie" (1979) Documentary. Music by Mike Oldfield. 11:30(%) "The Blue Angel" (1930, Orama) Marlene Dietrich, Emil Jannlngs. .\l ··ILI{~<><>~ \1<>\'ILS 12:008 "This Is Not A Test" ( 1962, Drama) Seamon Glass. Mary Morlas. e "Stolen Hours" (1963, Drama) Susan Hay- • ward. Michael Craig. CID "SI. Helens" ( 1981, Drama) Art Carney, David Huttman. g "Solo" (1978, Drama) Vincent Gil, Perry Arm- stro~. 12:30m "The Racers" ( 1955. Drama) Kirk Douglas. Cesar Romero. CC) "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridg- es, Beverly D' Angelo. 1: 15 CZ) "Morocco" ( 1930. Romance) Gary Cooper. Marlene Dietrich. 2:00(!) "Woman Times Seven" ( 1967, Comedy) Shirley MacLaine. Alan Ar1<1n CID "Lion Of The Desert" (198t, Drama) Anthony Quinn. Olrver Reed. Ct "The Haunting Of Julia" ( 1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. 2:30{C) "Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. (I) "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Come- dy) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey. 3:00([) "Les Bon Debarras" ( 1980, Drama) Char- lotte Laurier. Marie Tito. (%) "Outland" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Sean Con- nery, Pet9f Boyle. 4:008 "Sweet Smell Of SUccess" ( 1957, Drama) Burt Lancast9f, Tony Curtis. e "Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" (1981, Fantasy) Puppets. 4:30(C) "Jack The Giant Kiiler" ( t962, Fantasy) Kerwin Mathews, Judi Meredith. 5:00([) "Brian's Song" ( 1971, Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams. (%) "Rlcherd'a Things" (1981) Liv Ullmann, Aman- da Redman. 'R' 6:06117) "Any Wednesday" (1966, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Jaeon Robards. 6:30QI ·:nny Revolutions" Freddie Jonee. (DJ "Space Movie" ( 1979) Docomer1tary. Mualo by Mike Olcffietd. I \ l '\ I '\< . When his son James (Jason Bateman) remains ill for weeks, Charles Ingalls (Michael Landon) undergoes a deeply religious experience on 'Little House on the Prairie' Monday at 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). D WILD, WILD WEST (!') MOVIE "Teahouse Of The August Moon" (1956, Comedy) Marlon Brando, Glenn Ford. When a young Army captain lntrOduces Ame<lcan cus- toms to Ot<lnawa his efforts backfire. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) I S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY "Alcoholism" Guest: Betty Ford. i)~NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Murder At The World Serles" ( 1978. Suspense) Lynda Day George. Karen Valentine. A young man's bizarre kidnapping scheme Involves five Innocent woman and the final two games of the baseball championship. (1 hr., 37 min.) CH) MOVIE ·;The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" (1981. Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc, June Foray. New material Is blended with old in this compilation of classic Fritz Freleng "Looney Tunes" featuring Bugs. Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Yosemite Sam, Tweetle Pie and others from the car1oon series. 'G' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) Cll MOVIE "The Outrage" (196~. Drama) Paul Newman, Laurence Harvey. Four different~ of a rape and murder story are given as evidence In 1he trial of a cowardly bandit. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) • MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars" (1979. Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Harris. The new minister In a small town organizes a group of dotty women In his congregation to stop the flow of chU4'ch funds to criminals. 'G' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 6:30 Cl)• NEWS • DICK CAVETT Guest: actor Albert Finney. (Part !l. SEW1NG POWER ~ MOV\E "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) AO<ty Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near tuture, two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 6:-45 CZ) CHARLES CHAM PUN PRESENTS ... 7:00• C88 NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN P.M. MAGAZINE A stunt flyer who pilots a 12-~ foot mini-jet; pregnant women wtio work out on Nautilus machines. I THE SAINT t.t•A•S•H • JOKER'S WILD "CABARET "Eiieen Farrell -From Classics To !£> The Blues" Eileen Farrell provides you with a ta;1te '°~­of hef own music with her own style. • • BUSINESS REPORT (D) MOVIE "Free Spirit" ( 1978, Drama) Eric Porter. g Rachel Roberts. An orphaned fox and a hound pup-~ py are ralSed togelhef in perfect animal friendship. ... 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ CZ) MOVIE "The Blue Angel" ( 1930, Drama) Mar-..... lene Dietrich, Emil Jannings. A middle-aged profes-~ sor's love for a beautiful cafe singer leads him to I\> degradation and ruin. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 7:20117) NEWS ' 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to Freder- ick's of Hollywood; a look at highlights from tbe Hean;t Movletone Newsreels: the history of Holly- wood. l t!=y&~IRLEY & COMPANY • TIC TAC DOUGH M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest Max Von Sydow. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT GREAT PERFORMANCES "Guests Of The Nation" Frank Converse and Estelle Parsons star In a dramatization of Frank O'Connor's short story.set In Ireland In 1921 revolving around a pair of Irish insurgents and the two captU<ed British soldiers they are ordered lo guard. (R) ( 1 hr.) ® CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS "The Feel- ing Ane ShoW" This edition focuses on healttHelat- ed prOducts, lnciudlng ~ium foods and O'Vef- the-counter appetite suppressants. 8:008 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy, Captain Lew- is and Colonel Aeldlng are kidnapped and held for ransom by mock terrorists. (R) 8 e LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Charles undergoes a deep religious experience when he learns that his young son James will soon die. (Part 2} (A) ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "Night Watch" ( 1971, Mystery) Eliza· beth TaylOr, Laurence Harvey. An attractive woman cannot convince her skep11cal husband that she has seen a murder taking place In the deserted house across the courtyard. (2 hrs.) G MOVIE "The Barefoot Contessa" (1954. Romance) Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner. Flash- backs at a funeral reveal the tragic and wasted life of a glamour girl. (2 hrs.) • P.M. MAGAZINE A stun1 flyer Who pilots a 12- foot mini-Jet; pregnant women who work out on Nautilus machines. e MOVIE "Once Is Not Enough" ( 1975, Drama) Kirk Douglas. Alexis Smith. A fllm prOducer marries tor money to satisfy his spoiled daughter. (2 hrs.) @MIXED BAG "A Piece Of The Action" Various dealers. artists and collectors contribute theil views toward Iha movement providing royalties for paint-ers and sculptors. e GREAT PERFORMANCES "Guests Of The Nation" Frank Converse and-Estelle Parsons star In a dramatization of Frank O'Connor's Short story set in Ireland In 1921 revoMng around a pair of Irish insurgents and the two captured British soldiers they are ordered to guard. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC> MOVIE "Supef'fly" ( 1972, Drama) Ron ()!Neal, Cart Lee. A Harlem drug pushef decides to Invest all of his energy tn one final, major deal before retiring from lhe "bu81ness." 'A' (1hr.,36 min.) ~~ Thirty-Nine Step9'' ( 1978, Suef>en9e) Robert Powell, David Warner. A man beoofne9 the quarry of both the potloe end a 1e«et group of foreign -oents ~atlna Ir England when he, ls framed for a stranger• murder. •f><r ( 1 hr., 42 min. • .. . \ . ' . ' ' t I • - .. - N Monday (continued) CID O> T"' (IJ MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980, Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin. A housewife finds It hard 10 cope when she suddenly begins to shrink In size. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 24 min.) CJ) MORNING'S AT SEVEN Maureen O'Sullivan slars'Tn Paul Osborn's sentimental comedy aboot the hopes. dreams and jealousies of four elderly sis- ters in a small Midwestern town In 1922. (2 hrs .. 10 min ) Cl MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote, South Pacific island and experience the pangs of first love. :A' i hr .. 45 min.) * 8:20 ALL IN THE FAMILY • ~ 8:30 (I) WKAP IN CINCINNA Tl Herb and Jennifer > are trapped In an elevator when the building catches ._ fire. (R) I IRONSIDE ODO COUPLE MOVIE "Tiny Revolutions" Freddie Jones. A Czechoslovakian man is jailed after trying to publish his own book of political jokes. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8!) TONIGHT. SCANDINAVIA! The leaders of five Scandinavian countries attend a musical tribute to the cultural legacy of Scandinavia held at the Minne- apolis Orchestra Hall: Neville Marriner hos11 with guest performers including Birgit .Nilsson. Judith Blegen and Victor Borge. ( 1 hr .. ~O min.) ©)MOVIE "Ask Any Girl" ( t959. Comedy) Shirley MacLalne. David Niven. Job and husband-hunting occupy the time of a girl newly arrived In New York City (2 hrs ) (%) MOVIE "Morocco" ( 1930, Romance) Gary Cooper. Marlene Dietrich. A woman Is forced to choose between the wealth and possessions that one man offers and the love that another offer$. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:50 QZ) MOVIE "Enter Laughing" ( 1967. Comedy) Aeni Santoni, Elaine May. A bumbling young Jewish boy's star•studded hopes of becoming a stage comedian run Into some real obstacles along the way. (2 hrs., 20 min.) 9:00 8 (I) M•A•s•H Klinger becomes company commander when Colonel Potter has the officers and enlisted men trade places for a day. (R) De MOVIE "Murder In Texas" (Part 1) (1981, Orama) Farrah Fawcett. Katharine Ross: A wealthy Texas oilman sets out to prove that his daughter was murdered by her husband, plastic surgeon John Hiii. (A) (2 hrs.) 8 THAT'S INCREDIBLE Featured: the U.S. Rubik's Cube championship; a legless high school athlete; a 13-year-old magician: a young water-skier. (R) ( t hr.) a:I DON COR'VELL • MERV GRIFAN Guests: Shelley Winters, Or. Irene Kassorla, Pamela Mason. ( 1 hr.) • TONIGHT. SCANDINAVIA! The leaders of frve Scandinavian countries attend a musical tribute to the cultural legacy ol Scandinavia held at the Minne- apolis Orchestra Hall: NeYllle Marriner hosts with guest performers Including Birgit Nilsson. Judith Blegen and Victor Borge. (1 hr .. 30 min.) (() BOXING Covefage of the Gerrie Coetzee I Stan Ward 10-round heavyweight boot from Atlantic City. N.J. (RL (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9:309 Cl) HOUSE CALLS Or. Weatherby and Chaf- ley help Solomon break away from his overprotec- tive mother. (!)MOVIE "The Bang. Bang Kid" (1967. Sclence- ricllon) Guy Madison. Tom Bosley. A robOt becomes a hero when It saves a town from nasty outlaws. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9 YOU ASKED FOR IT CC) MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980, Orama) Jaci< Lem-mon. Robby Benson. An Irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret hit wasted life and his tenuouSI relationship with his grown son. 'PG' (2 hrs.) (IJ HUGHIE Jason Robards and Jack Dodson star In Etigene O'Nelll's one-act play aboot two men from opposite worlds who share the loneliness ot the~ city. (1 hr., 30 min.) 10:00. Cl) LOU GRANT Charlie feels put upon when Mrs. Pynchon overrules him. Blllle unfaltty blames him. and Donovan want• advice about his IOve Uf•. ~~ •• NEWS • EYE ON LA. Feanxec:t a cloee-op !ooh et alf- borne poflcemen; an Interview with Moon Zappa: a behlnd-tl'MMlc:enet look at the mak"G Of "TRON ... i hr.) BARNEY MIU.ER CABARET "Eileen F81rtll -From Cluelct To The BMe" E'leef1 Farrel prO\lldel YoU with a t .. tt of her own ""'* wtth her own ;r,· • THE RIVER IN THE DE8EJr A fllm abOU1 tht ooior.oo "* -'*'*-tht wet• Cfilll rn "" SouthWMt and ... ~ end hlltortcal fOfCll whletl l'Mlve pt'tciptt•ted It. '·=~~~~~~ Entertainer George Benson joins John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra o n 'Evening At Pops' on KOCE (Ch. 50) a t 7:30 p.m. leave his small resort after e geologisl predicts a volcanic dlsas1er. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) D MOVIE "Best Friends" ( 1975. Suspense) Rich- ard Hatch. Doug Chapin. During a trip to California. an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his best friend's relationship with his girl· friend. 'R' (1 hr .. 25 min.) 10:15(1) PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REUNION Richard Dawson hosts the 25th anniversary celebration ol Hugh Hefner's magazine at the Playboy Mansion West In Holmby Hills, CaUfomia. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 10:309 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT I INDEPENDENT NElWOAK NEWS SIGNATURE Guest: Max Von Sydow. THE RIVER IN THE DESERT A film aboot the Colorado River examines the water crisis In the Southwest and the attitudes and historical forces which heve precipitated It. G U.S. CHRONICLE "Can We Afford Retirement?" This look at currertt support systems for the retlr~ eldefly Includes examples of alternatives to Social SectJrlty such as Innovative mortgage arrangements and increased employment. CD) MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Robert Baker. A martlal arta student sets 001 to avenge the murder of his teacher in which a rival school was Involved. 'R' (1 hr .. 47 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. A man beCOmes the quarry of both the police and a secret group ot foreign agents ope<atlng In England when he is framed for a stranger's murder. 'PG' ( 1 hr •• 42 mll'l.l • 11:oo•e•C1>0•NEWS I SA 1'UA15AY NIGHT YOU.ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN Guest: Joni James. ( 1 hr.) M•A•s•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "A Piece Of The Action" Various dealers. artists and collectONI contribute thel~ towardS the movement providing royalti.a for palnt- 8fs ~ors. • DOCTOA INRE.f .... TH ..... ~ .... HOUSE-~ MOVIE "Emmenuelle In Blngk<*" (1978. Dra- ma) Laura Gemeer. A Eurulen joornalltt hea MVef· al sexual llalaons with a variety of partners while trawlnQ lf'I the Far Eatt. 'R' (1hr .• 28 min.) 11: 10G!) MOYIE ''TrOf)IC Zone" ( 1963, Adventure) Ronald Relgan, Rhonda Flaming. A. benena plant•· tlon Is ~from l'#lnc:lefl by a !Ont men. (2 tn..) 11:30• (I) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. 6onzo Gat ... a Vletnern wttr.n. epp111 for• poet et a flfD9 ~ tal JYtt 11 amergency C8lll ltt llOodlng ii "°"" 1 hatll tn. ff') (f "'·· 10 "*'.) • e THI l9T Of CAMON Holt: Johnny Cer· eon. <Mitt: lemrny 0..-Jt.. ........ Hal1tty, ~,~,-~HW).,,,, n.'IA • G MOVIE "Sweet Smell 01 Success" (t957, Dra- ma) Burt Lancaster. Tony Curtis. With the help of a cringing press agent, a powerful a11d evil New York columnist breaks up his slstet's romance with a musician. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE ''Tlny Revolutions" Freddie Jones. A Czechoslovakian man is jailed after trying to publish his own book of polltleal jokes. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I CAPTIONED ABO NEWS SPORT SC ENTER ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Part 1) MOVIE "All The Marbles" (1981. Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. A hustling, wisecracking manager pushes his two female wrestlers toward the top. 'R' (1hr.,55 min.) 11:35(C) MOVIE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (Comedy) Beau Bridges. Beverly D' Angelo. A small town In Florida takes matters Into its own hands when by- passed by a new highway. (2 hrs.) 11 :..0(H) MOVIE "Student Bodies" (1981, Comedy) Kristen Riter. Matthew Goldsby. A heavy-breathing psychotic killer stalks the fun-loving students of a typical American high school. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 MOVIE "John And Mary" (1969, Drama) Dustin Hoffman. Mia Farrow. A man and a woman meet In a bar and spend 24 hours togelher before realizing they don't know each other's names. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Broken Journey" ( 1948. Drama) Phyn1s Calvert. James Donald. Contrasting methods of survival are used by those remaining after a Swiss ~lane crash. (2 hrs.) 9 MOVIE "Outrage" (1973. Orama) Robert Culp, Marlyn Mason. Teen-agers terrorize a man and his family to the point where their lives are threatened. l1 hr .. 30 min.) • MOVIE "Bonjour Trlstesse" ( 1959. Orama) David Niven. Deborah Kerr. A young girl schemes to eliminate the godmother who has disrupted her sedate hie on the French Riviera. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (I) MOVIE "Ou11and" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery. Peter Boyle. A space marshal lnves- tlgat~ a rash of mysterious deaths within a mining oolony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 mlnl_ 12: 15 Cil MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1980, Orama) Leon Isaac Kennedy. Thommy Pollard. A young blaGk uses his boxing skills to survive In prison. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35mln.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETT~AN Guests: comedienne Carol Leitter. actor Paul Doer I. (1 hr.) COUPLES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE INSIDE BASEBALL (R) MOVIE "The Money" ( 1975, Orama A small- time con artist cooks up a kidnapping scheme to improve his finances. "R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 12:408 (I) COLUMBO A woman asks for ColUmbo's help when she suspects that her ex~usband has been murdered, (1 hr .. 45 min.) 12:45(I) MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" (1957. Ora- ma) Andy Griffith. Patricia Neal. A derelict goes from a jail cell to national recognition on the strengtn of his humor and moslcal talent. (2 hrs .. S min.) 1:00• GENE AUTRY • MOVIE "The Buccaneer" ( 1958. Adventure) Yul Brynner, Cheriton Heston. General Andrew Jackson employs the aid of the famou$ pirate Jean Lafitte during the War of 1812. (1 hr., 30 min.) QI CABARET "Eiieen Farrell -From Classics To The Blues" Eiieen Farrell provides you with a taste of her own music with her own style. Cl) NCAA FOOTBALL West Vlrgfnla Mountaineers at Ot<lahoma Sooners {A) (3 hrs.) 1:10(11) MOVIE "Ski Lift To Death" (1978. Suspense) Oebor1h Raffin. Charles Frank. Sevetal . sklen1 are trapped and faoe Imminent death When two ski lift gondolas are derailed. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) CH) MOV1E "The lrlshman" ( 1978, Drema) A prOOd IIlshman refuses to yield to progrns when his buelo-nesa as a teamster Is threatened by motorlted trau •tlon. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:30 ••NBC NEWS OVERNGHT • ~AUTRY !) ~ "In Praise Of Older Women" ( 1978. Ofama) Tom BerenQer. Karen Black. A H""O&r1an lotharlo reminisces on his paa1 ronlantlo conquests. from Ns tnt at the age of 12 to hit ~tlon ot a tiooMwl .. It 30. 'R' ( 1 hr., 48 min.) e MOVIE "Phobll" (1980. Soepenee) Paul Mlc:hMI Giiier. Suaen Hogan. A group of mental petlanta ere murdered according to lNlr ~ fears. 'R' ( 1 hr., 3' min= I 1:&0(1) MOVIE "llnte " (1880. Comedy) Tatum o·,,._., Kt1tty Mc • At"""'"" ..-np, 1WO tMn-eat glrll com.-. to ... who wll be tM .. to tote 1* ~'A' (' "'·· 32 ''*'-> l:OO(Z) ~ ' •d'• lMla~ . (1.1 I.IV t:Jltriiitln;,,.,... "9dl1W1. 'A' ow.: 46 t"*'.: • Tuesday .\I< >I l :\" I :\"C ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:00 ©") "Superfly" ( 1972, Orama) Ron O'Neat, Carl Lee. 5: 15 (%) "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978. Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warner. 6:05 (11) "The Mountain Road" ( 1960, Drama) James Stewart. Glenn Corbett. 6:30(C) "Rashomon" (1950, Drama) Machlto Kyo, Toshiro M11\Jne. 7:000 "Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Documentary. Narrated by Peter Ustinov. CZ> "The Confession" ( 1970, Drama) Yves Mon- tand. Simone Signore!. 7:30 CH) "Contract On Cherry Street" ( 1977. Drama) Frank Sinatra. Verna Bloom. 8:00 CC) "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean Connery. Audrey Hepburn. 8:30CI "Gigi" (1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. 9:30• "Walkabout" (1971, Adventure) Jenny ~tier. David GulpllU. CZ) "Handle With care" (1977, Comedy) Paul Le Mat, candy Clark. 10:00(!) "Dead Reckoning" (1947, Mystery) Hum- phrey Bogart. Lizabeth Scott. CC) "Breaker Morant" (1980, Drama) Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson. CH) "Harry's War" (1981, Comedy) Edward Herrmann, Geraldine Page. (I) "Ransom" ( 1956, Drama) Glenn Ford, Donna Reed. 10:05Q2') "About Face" (1952, Musical) Gordon MacRae. Eddie Bracken. 10:300 "Nobody's Perfek1" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. 11:15(%) "Mr. Rocx And Roll" (1957, Musical) Chuck Berry, Lionel Hampton. . \l-.. 1 lJl:\"< >< >:\" .\I<)\· 1 LS 12:00D "The Fabulous World Of Jules Verne" ( 1961. Fantasy) Louis Tock. Ernest Navara. e "Fear Strikes Out" (1957. Biography) Anthony Perkins. Karl Malden. Ct) "How I Won The War" ( 1968, Comedy) Michael Crawford, John Lennon. CH) "Foul Play" ( 1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. 12:30• "Hawaii" (Part 1) (t966, Drama) Juhe Andrews. Richard Hams. (I) "Heartland" {1979. Drama) Rip Torn. Concha- ta FE!frell D "Stnbad .And The' Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977. Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. 1:00(%) "The Thirty-Nine Steps" ( 1978, Suspense) Robert Powell. David Warne<. 2:00(!) "The Wrong Box" ( 1966, Comedy) John Mills, Ralph Richardson. CC) "Rashomon" ( 1950, Drama) Machlto Kyo. Toshiro Mifune. 2:30 t8 "Tiny Revolutions" Freddie Jones. (I) "Hangar 18" (1980. Scienoe-Fictlon) Darren McGavin. Robert Vaughn. D "Tarka The Otter" ( 1979) Oooumeotary. Nar- rated by Peter Ustiflov. 2:45 CZ> "Handle With Care" ( 1977, Comedy) Paul Le Mat, Candy Clark. 3:00® "Cannonball Run" (1981. Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Dom Deluise. (I) "The Dark End Of The Street" (1981, Drama) Laura Harrington. Henry Tomaszewski. 4:00D "Permtsslon To Kill" (1975, Drama) Dirk Bpgarde. Ava Gardner. e "A Separate Peace" ( 1972. Orama) Parker Stevenson, John Heyl. 4:30(%) "The-Confession" (1970, Drama) Yves Montand. Simone Signoret. &00{1:) "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981, Comedy) WIUiam Devane, Beverly o· Angele>. cm "9 To 5" (1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton. l .\ l '\ J '\( ~ e:loo!u=El.8 C88NEW8 WILD, WILD WEST ABCNEWSQ 8 .W.A.T. HAWAJt~ OVER EASY Guest: lyricist S.mmy Cahn. (R) NICHEWS HUMANmEB THROUGH THE ARTS • \t " 'i ~M" t'MQi ~NH~ ,n~'~ Heather McAdam and Byron Thames are childhood friends crossing the threshold of adolescence in 'Just Pals' Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). conscripted to fight on England's side 1n the Boer War decide 10 fight the Boer guerillas on their own terms 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) (I) LAFF-A·THON A comedian host and tour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. • MOVIE "Nobody's Perfekt" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras. Three unlikely heroes set out to battle the red tape and bureaucracy of city hall. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 mln.) 6:30(() GD NEWS <II BARNEY MILLER e otCK CAVETT Gues1: acror Albert flnney. (Part ~GROWING YEARS (ft} EARTH, WINO ANO FIRE IN CONCERT The jazz-funk-rock group combine explosive Singing with complex choreography and flashy special effects in a performance taped at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California. (1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (1981, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future. two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ~~~E A Visit wtth movie star sisters: a ofile of Chef Tell Erhardt THE SAINT YOU ASKED FOA IT ENTEA'TAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H I JOKER'S W1LD BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans'' (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlln. Laurence Ollvler. Mythic hefo Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus In a series of datlgerous tasks aa he trtes to win the haild of e Phoenician princess against the Wishes of 1 vengeful IM god- dets. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (D) BASEBALL 1982: THE VEAR .. REVIEW (%) MOVIE "Mr. Rock And Roi" ( 1967, Musbl) Chuck Berry, Lionel Hampton.A tabUloW IOok ts taken at the '50s and the beginnlngl of toek 'n' toll. ( 1 ht .. 25 min.) 7:30. 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: an lnstde IOok at the North Ameflcan Alf Defenae Command In Colo- rado Springs; a tour of tome of Southern Califor- nia's bridal eultes; CCMM'age of the flnels ot the World Speed Shooting Cha~lp&. l •FAMM.VFEUO LAVERNE & 8HR.EY & COMPNI'( EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on Sirhan ~. the "*" convicted of ........ ting Robert KtMedy; a look at the gay llfe9tyle In Old llQlt: a profite of actor Barry Boatwtck: a per.a. of the new- •t fahlonl In fWWnltlW . (I) IMEBAU. Sen °"00 Pedrea .. Loe Angalel n=&w-...~•·ot1"•• TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNA Tl.IRE Guest: John Erlichman. (Part 1) MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT 19 :2 0 -I ~~:-:.~ FOR rr MONEYMAKERS RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and 6°' Tim McCarver cover all the bases leadlng to the ~ 1982 World Serles. ,, cm BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Los Angeles S; ers (3 hrs.) 111 7: NEWS ';< 8: UNIVERSE Walter Cronkite reports on vari-(J) ous occurrences and phenomena In the world of sci-.g ence. -•• FATH~ MURPHY The daughter of a cold-~ blooded tyrant faHs in love with one of the orphans. ~ IB> < 1 hr.) ~ • DISCOVER: THE WORLD Of SCIENCE Peter ~ Graves discusses a wide range of science and tech~ ? OQlogy topics. (2 hrs.) ~ • Ill HAPPY DAYS Fonzie gets the chance to <D meet his childhood Idol. the Lone Ranger. (R) o ~ e MOVIE "Dark Victory" ( 1939. Drama) lrette Davis, George Brent. When a woman learns that her days are numbered because of an Inoperable brain condition, she gains sustenance from the doctor she marries. (2 hrs.) (!)PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of Chef Taff Erhardt; visit a camp where kids lose weight. • MOVIE "Run For The Sun" ( 1956. Orama) Richard Widmark, Jane Greer. A female journalist's search for a missing American writer takes her to an isolated village In Mexico. whefe she discovefS that Nazis have taken UPAU&rters. (2 hrs.) I OUIZlCI06 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Gorilla" E.G. Marshall hosts a look at the efforts of zoo directors. dedicated Individuals and Scientists who ate working to assure that the largest of Jhe great f!E8S does not fall victim to extinction. (R) ( 1 hr.) tlD MYSTERY "Sergeant Olbb: Something Old. Something New" Sergeant Cribb suspects that an old man has fallen victim to a marriage-for-profit scheme. (R) D ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "The Fifth Musketeer" ( 1979, Adven- ture) Beau Bndges, Ursula Andress. D' Artagnan and the Three Musketeers become Jnvotved Jn another pl8n to blocx the evil Intentions of the sinls· ter Cardinal Richelieu against the French aristocra- ~ 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) SPORTSCENTER YESTERYEAR. .. 1969 This retrospective of the period of antl·war protests. the adval'\Qement of clvtl rights. the birth ot "Doonesbury" and "Sesame Street." Richard Nixon and Woodstock Includes an Interview with astronaut Buzz Aldr1n. ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Brian's Song" (1971, Drama) James Caan, Biiiy Dee Wllllams. Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr , 15 min.) Cl MOVIE "Zoot Suit" ( 1981, Drama) Daniel Val- dez. Edward <fames Olmos. In 1940s Los Angeles, a cause celebre erupts over the framing of members of a Chicano street gang for murder. 'A' ( 1 hr., 43 min.J 8:30 8 MOONLIGHT After stumbling upon a kflllng, a delivery men reluctantly agrees 10 work undefcov· er with government agents to trap an international terrorist. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) • GI LA VERNE & ~IALEY LaYefne and Shirley vacation at a ski resort In hopes of meeting eligible bache4cn. (R) D i RACING FROM AOOSEVEL T OODCOUPLE DANCE "La Fille MaJ Gatdee" Leeley Colffer and Michael Coltman star In Sir Frederic Alhton's 1960 version ol this 1789 ctasslc ballet. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Handle With Care" (1977, ComedY) Paul le Mat, c.ndy Clerk. A man's obsetalon wfth his CB radio gets him lnvotved wtth various funny, offbeat hometown locals. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 8:351 ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:00 • MOVIE "Mwdef In Texas" (Part 2) (198 1, Drama) Farrah Fawoett. Katharine Roa. A wealthy Texas oilman sets out to prow that his ~t8f was murdered by her hulbend, pteatlc sur- ~ John Hiii. (R) (2 hrs.) • 9 THREE'S COMPANY Jade la lhocked when e oompYt« dating S«Yice matchee him up With a mo.t unexpected date. (R) D (I) MOVIE "The 8achek>r Aftd The Bobby Soaet" ( 1947, Comedy) CeJy Grant. Myrna Loy. All ellgt- ble bachelor 18 puf'8Ued by. loYHtruc:tc IChOotglfl. bUt he talll for her oldaf 9*9f "*-d. (2 hrt.) • MERY OAIFFlt au.t.:. Roy ~ wtth Rodoey lay and the Wiid W_. Bend, FMelan oomedlen Vakov Smirnoff. Almlen liflg8f oten Tatlilln. YYMte Mlmltua. ( 1 ht.) L~··~ ~:; ="'1.P:i 'Wan llfcUm to a rrr for-proftt ac:Mme. (R~~·) '1 ur.~.~-1.a= .t. .. ... . •. " . . . I - I -- ':T~ (contirued) a? Institute of Technology. ptesents a ptOYOCatlve T"' commentary on the nature of clvillzatlon. (R) c:;> ( 1 o hr.) T"' (() NCM FOOTBALL West Virginia Mountaineers J at Oklahoma Sooners (R) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CJD MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar'' (1977. Ora· i ma) Diane Keaton. Tuesday Weld. A soclalty ~ repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre-! quenting singles bars and luring varloos men Into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs .. 15 min.) OJ MOVIE "The Confession" ( 1970, Drama) Yves Montand. Simone Slgnoret. Artur London's forced confession and Imprisonment oocur during the com- munist purge of 1951. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 9:05 all MOVIE "The Story Of · Esther Costello" (1957, Drama) Joan Crawford. Rossano Brazzl. After gaining fame through doing charitable work, a girl regains her sight, hearing and speech following § an emotional shock. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 0::: 9:308 ®) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Monroe , gets a piano stuck on the stairs just as Henry Is 1.!}'._ing to get Muriel to the hospital. (R) W MOVIE "Heartland" ( 1979, Drama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell. A courageous widow takes her young daughter across the prairies In the American wilderness of t910. 'PG' (1hr .. 35mln.) 10:008 CBS REPORTS "The Golden Leaf' Bill KurtlS reports on the politics Involved In the marketing of tobacco in America. ( 1 hr ) I DeeNEWS 0 HART TO HART The Harts become Involved in a murder plot Involving Jonathan's business asso- ciate while on vacalion in Hawaii. (A) D ( 1 hr.) ' ()) CIRCLE OF ST AAS " Engelbert Wumperdlnt<" ( 1 hr.) , '- • AMERICAN DREAMERS Several recipients of the Horatio Alger award for excellence in their fields, including baseball great Henry Aaroo. pediatric sur- geon Or. Jessie Ternbe<g and New York Times columnist James Aeston. are profiled. ( 1 hr.) G HARO CHOICES "Genetic Screening: The Ulti- mate Preventative Medicine?" The options of pre- natal testing and genetic counseling and how these 'tests have affected parents of children with genetic diseases are examined. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Adam's Woman" ( 1972, Orama) Beau BridgeS, John Mills. A wrongly imprisoned sailor attempts to win his release by marrying an Influential woman. (1 hf .. 55 min.) 0 MOVIE "All Night Long" ( 1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman. Barbra Streisand. After being demoted from corporate executive to chain-store night mana- ger. a middle-aged man's lllestyle and values are turned upside-down. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 28 min.) 10:15CZ)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 10:30. INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS (BSIGNATUREGuest: John Erllchman. (Par11) cm MOVIE "Paplllon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McOueen. Dustin Hoffman. A pair of Devll' s Island convicts spend their time planning their escape. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Confession" (1970, Drama) Yves Montand. Simone Slgnoret. Artur London's forced confession and Imprisonment OCCtJr during the com· munlst ~~of 1951. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 11:ooea•Cl>at•NEW8 SA lUROAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FRANKLIN Guest: Buddy Blackett. ( 1 hf.) M•A•S•H BENNY HILL QUIZ KJOS BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE 11;15all BASEBALL Houston Astros at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 11:309 Cl> QUINCY Quincy diac0v8'S that a jet-set hostess and hef New Yot1t publisher both myatet"l- " dled of the same aliment. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) I TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) ABC NEWS NIGHTllNE MOVIE "Permission To Kiii" (1975, Orama) Dirk Bogarde, Ava Gardner. A Western spy attempts to stymie an exiled leader's plan to return to his homeland and rally his people to oust the new dictator.~ I ~k AMERICAN STYLE DANCE "La Alie M.al Gardea" Lesley Collier and Michael COieman star In Sir Frederic Ashton'& 1960 version of this 1789 cla9* ballet. (2 hrs.) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPOATSCENTEA NOT NECE88AAIL Y THE NEWS Comedy sketches combine with ctasalc mm and news foot-!il.4t In an offbeat. aatlflc take-off. C1J MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" (1981, Comedy) Can- dy Moore. Chuck McCann. A trk> of bNutlea run Into trouble from competitor. Wh"' Pfovtdlna ttJttt- nanc. to hungry construction. WOl'kn. 'A' ( f hr .• 30 min.}~ . . __ i~~~.~r~) Ed I ll\ I Peter Graves will host 'Discover: The World of Science' on KTLA (Ch. 5) Tuesday at 8 p.m. Harris, Gary Lahti. A group of bikers ride with a traveling renaissance fair and discover that the idealistic struggle against evil exists In modern times also. 'A' (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 12:00 'ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 FANTASY ISLAND A woman and her hus· band Investigate her father's disappearance. and a couple try to recapture their early days together. _ {B) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Flesh And Fantasy" (1943. Fantasy) Charles Boyer, Barbara Stanwyck. A trto of spell- binding mysteries Is presented, one of which Involves a psychic who foretells a violent death after readmg a man's palm. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Comic" ( 1969. Drama) Dick Van Dyke. Michele Lee. A laded silent film star regains lame when he begins making comical television commercials. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CC) MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" ( 1981, Comedy) Dick Van Patten, Chuck McCann. A lunch wagon becomes the center of the mob's attention when the owners stumble upon a prloelesS diamond. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) (8) MOVIE "Cannonball Aun" (1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Dom Deluise. Various oddbaH char- acters compete In a coast-to-eoast auto race. 'PG' U hr .. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Hangar 18" (1980. Science-Action) Darren McGavln, Robert Vaughn. Aetearchtws at a secret government lnstallatlon Investigate the cause of a satellite's sudden destruotloo. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 mfn.1 12:308. LATE NIGHT WrTH DAVID LETTERMAN I Gui,::lan Paul Mooney. critic CaMn Trlllln. LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE RACQUETBALL "Men's International Cham- plOnshlp Quarterfinal" Marty Hogan 111. Ben Koltun 1:~). MOVIE "Up In Arms" ( 1944, Comedy) Dan- ny Kaye. Dinah Sh<Xe. After a so1~·s glfHrlend stows away oo his ship. they attempt to hide her e!_esence from the colonel. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "We're No Angels" (1955, ~y) Humphrey Bogart. Aldo Ray. Three 8IC809d con- victs take over I French lhop. (1 hr .. 30 mm.) (I) Cfl FOOTBALL Calgary 6tampedef9 at Wlnnl- e!Sl B1Ue Bomberl (A) (~ tva .. 30 min.) w MOVE ''The Klrllan Witness" ( 1079, Thrlller) Nancy Snyder. Ted Laplat. The only wtt'*8 to a murder la a hoo..plenl who can commuok:at• telepethlcalty with the next Intended victim. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 rrun.> CDl MOVI£ ''MOICOW Ooeen'l Belle"'8 In T8etl'' ( 1980, Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batak>v. l hree country glttt with different goela and VU. mo119 to ~ big ctty to pu!'1U9 their ambltlonL (2 Iva., 26 min.' CZ) MOVIE ,(Rone" (1980, A~ture) Rone Rlotl- mond. AnthOny StMI A notonoua women joutnallat recounta her outregeoua adYentur• With tome of ELK~·· teedlng ~~ 'R' ( 1 tw .. 22 "*'·> .... MOtALAM ,, ... An ....... d•he I I ' Commlsaionef's Is 8CCUMd of murdering her hus- band. (R) (1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:10. MOVIE "B.S. I Love You" (1~71, Comedy) Peter Kastner. Joanna Cameroo. An advertising agent Is pressured by a female executive who has reached her position via her sexual Pf'owes& (1 hr., 30 min.) 9NEW8 1:30 8. NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:36 CC) MOVIE "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Coonery. Audrey Hepburn. An old- er and wiser Robin Hood returns from battle to Sherwood Forest to reclaim his beloved Maid Mari- an, who has entered a convent and taken her vows 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:.WCli) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. Cl) MOVIE "Heartbeeps" (198 1, Comedy) Andy Kaufman. Bernadette Peters. In a world of the near future, two commercial robots experience the vicis- situdes of first love. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 2:00• MOVIE "A Raisin In The Sun" (1961, Dra- ma) Sidney Poitier, Claudia McNeil. Based on the play by Lorraine Hansberry. Attempting to break away from their crowded apartment In Chicago. a black family move to an all-white neighborhood. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" ( 1977, Dra- ma) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring various men into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs .. 15 min.) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:10® MOVIE "Foul Ptay" (1978, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A librarian enlists the aid of an Inept police detective after she becomes lnv<>l'led In a bizarre series of murders and kidnapping attempts. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 2:15allRAT PATROL 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH eNEWS OJ MOVIE "Ms 45" (1981, Drama) Zoe Tame<lls, Jack Thibeau. After being raped twice In one nlgM a mu1e woman kllls her attacker and sets oft oo a vendetta against the vlolence of men. (1 hf .. 25 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Nine Lives Of Fritz The Cat" (1974) Animated. Voices of Skip Hinnant. Reva Rose. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 2:401·NEWS 2:•5 WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 MOVIE "A Touch Of The Sun" (1958) Dennis Price. Frankie Howerd. A hotel porter man- ages to get himself fired only to realize that he has Inherited the hotel. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) i JOE FRANKLIN Guest: Liiiian Gish. (1 hr.) NEWS MOVIE "Brian's Song" (1971, Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams. ~wo footban players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 3:109 MOVIE "Skim Mooey" (1975, Drama) Jack- ie Cooper. George Gobel. A reporter searching for stories gets Involved in many dangerous sttuatlons. (1 hr .. 50 min.) 3:30(C) MOVIE "Aashomoo" ( 1950, Drama) Machi- to Kyo, Toshlro Mlfune. Through a series of flash- backs. an eighth-century Japanese woodcuttef recounts his version of a rape-murder to a Buddhist ~lest and a servant ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CE HORSE RACING WEEKLY (R) •:OO Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPOATSCENTEA CZ) MOVIE ·~The Thirty-Nine Steps" (1978, Suspense) Robe<t Powell, Oa\/ld Warner. A man becomeS the quarry of both the poNoe and a secret group of foreign agents opetatlng In England when he is framed for a strangef's murdef. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) •:05 all FUNTIME <Ji) MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" (1977, Ora· ma) Diane Keatoo, Tuesday Wald. A soolally repressed schootteacher ~s excitement by fre- quenting singles bars and luring vartous men Into ~ht stands. 'R' (2 hrs., 15 min.) •:15(1) STRAWeeRAV' ICE Olympic medaMI Toller Clanston and Peggy Fleming at8' In an enchanting f9Jfe sl<atlng extravaganza. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "American Gigolo" ( 1980. Orama) Richard a.e. Lauren Hutton. A 8eYefty Htla glgOlo becomes 1he ptlme suspect In • murder lnwetlga· !too. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 57 mfn.) 4:30 (!) JtM BAKKER • MOVIE "Bury Me Dead" (1tM1, HOfTOf) Mal1< OarMets. June Loekhart. A wealthy young glf1 marked for extermination appeara at her own funer- al. (Jhr .. 30 min.) 4!36.ISPV a> I DREAM OF JEANNIE Wednesday · \I< >I{~ I~<; \I< >\ · 1 LS 6:46(%) "Mr. Rock And Roll" (1957, Musical) Chuck Ber~ Lionel Hampton. 6:05<1Zl "Funeral In Berlin" ( 1967. Suspense) Michael Caine, Oscar Homolka 6:30(C) "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty • ct "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979, Comedy) P.J Soles. Vincent Van Patten. 7:00(1) "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" (1980. Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batalov. 7:15(%) "Mystery Island" (1978. Adventure) 8:00(C) "Let's Do II Again" ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Poitier. Bill Cosby. CID "Rotlercoaster" ( 1977, Suspense) George S~al, Timothy Bottoms. ct "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors. 8:30(%) "Morocco" ( 1930. Romance) Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. • 9:30 tD "The Little Princess" (1939. Orama) Shlrley Temple. Richard Greene. 0 "Starcrash" ( 1979, Scleno&-Fiction) Marjoe G0<1ner. Christopher Plummer. 10:00(!) "The Desperate Hours" (1955, Suspense) Humphrey Bogart. Fredric March. CC) "The Hanging Tree" ( 1959, Western) Gary C9QP8r, Maria Schell. CID "Tulips" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Berna- delte Peters. (I) "Action Of The Tlger" ( 1957. Adventure) Van Johnson. Martine Carol. 10:05(ll) "Having Babies" (1976, Orama) Oe$I Amaz Jr .. Adrienne Barbeau. 10:30 (%) "Richard's Things" ( 1981) Liv Ullmann, Amanda Redman. 'R' 11 :000 "Outland" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Connery, Peter Boyle. 11:30® "Headin' For BroadWay" ( 1980, Musical) Rex Smith, Vivian Reed. .\1 ll.ll'\< >< >'\ \I<>\ I I.'-, 12:00G "The Roman1ic Age" (1950, Orama) Hugh Williams, Mai Zenerling. m "The Counterfeit Traitor" ( 1962. Adventure) William Holden. Liiii Palmer. CC) "Brian's Song" (1971 . Orama) James Caan .. Billy Dee Williams. 12: 15 (%) "92 In The Shade" ( t975. Mystery) Peter Fonda, Warren Oates. 12:30e "Hawaii" (Part 2) ( 1966, Orama) Johe Andrews, Richard Hams. (I) "The Blue Lagoon" ( 1980, Romanoe) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. 1:0011 "The NO<th Avenue Irregulars" (1979, Com- edyLEdward Herrmann. Barbara Harris. 1:30(C) "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty. 2:00(!) ''There's A Girl In My Soup" ( 1970, Come-CW Peter Sellers, Goldie Hawn. CZl "The Wa y We Were" ( 1973, Romance) Barbra StrelSand, Robert Redford. 3:00 ® "Rollercoester" ( 1977, Suspense) George ~J. Timothy Bottoms. CIJ "J.O. And The Salt Rat Kid" (1978. Comedy) Shm Pickens. D "Agency" ( 1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum, Lee Majors. 4:00G "Road To Salir\a" (1971. Drama) Mlmsy Farmer. Robert Walker. CC) "Land Of The Free" ( 1970. Drama) Robert Culp, Burgess Meredith. Cl) "Young And Free" (1979, Adventure) Erik Lar- sen, Keith Larsen. (%) "Morocco" ( 1930, Romance) Gary Cooper. t.j&rlene Oletrlch. 4:J09 ·1'5Wck 'N' Roll High School" (1979. Come- dy) P.J. ~ \4ncen1 Van Patten. 5:00® "The Kid F'r(,n\ Not.SO.Big" ( 1978, Come-~ Jennifer McAllister. AoC>llM Vlharo. CD "Take This Job And Shove It" (1oe1, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. 5:30(C) "Death In Venice" (1971, Orama) Oifl( ~rde, Silvana Mangano. (I) "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Duna- way Diana ScarWld. 6:46(%) '1Mya1ery Island'' (1978, Adventure) I \ I '\ I '\( I ... .. -~ Audrey Hepburn stan as Robin Hood's Maid Marian, who becomes a nun in 'Robin and Marian,' Friday at 8 p.m. on Cinemax. I HAWAII FIVE-0 OVER EASY Guests: singer Eartha Kitt, financial lcokJ~lstN= Bryant Quinn. (R) Q UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVK>R 8:30(1). NEWS i YOU ASKED FOR IT BARNEY MILLER SONG WRITERS "Arthur Schwartz" This com- poser who wrote "The Bandwagon" and "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" Is joined by Jody Kaye, Nancy Dussault and Ed Evanko for a retrospectlVe of his music. ( 1 hr.) • DtCK CAVETT Guest: Dr. Margllfet Brenman- Glbson, psycnoanalyst and biographer of Clifford Odets. (Part 1) e SEWING POWER CID RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the baaeS leadlng 10 the t 982 Worid Series. IB MOVIE "The Hazing" ( 1977, Orama) Jeff East, Brad Davis. The members of a prestigious college fraternity attempt to hide the death of a pledge dur- ing hazing. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 min.) 7:008CBSNEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABCNEWS[J P.M. MAGA21NE A treasure hunter Who sal- vaged $40 mlllion worth of sunt<en gold and jewefs; l··~~~: .. - M·A·e·H JOKER'S WILD BUSINESS REPORT 0 ARE THE OEBOLTS ANO WHERE DtO THEY GET 19 KIDS? Henry Wlnt<ler hosts thfs look at the OeBolt family who have opened their home and their hearts to handicapped chlldten. (1 hr.) a;) MOVIE "Zoot Sult" (1981, Orama) Danie! Val- det. Edward James Otmot. In 19~0s Los Angetes, a ~use celebre erupts over the framing of members of • Chicano stree1 gang for mul"der 1R' ( 1 hr., ~ min.) C%> MOVIE "The Way We W9'e" (1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand. Ro~ RedfOfd. A young COiiege couple In the 19309 discover 1ha1 their polttleel dlf· terences are strong enough to Jeop.rdlze their rnar- rlQ. (2 hrs.) 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: eome of the ftnaltsts vying for • ilatlng In a new bode, "The Worn· en's Gulde to the Ellglbl9 9achekn of Lot Angelee; a folk music reunion at the Aeatdl COUntty Club; some of the fntMtlM at the 1882 WOftd't Fllr. I .FAMILY FEUD LAV!ANE & 8HIALEY & COW'AH'f EVE ON LA. F•t\nd: a rtlpOft °" """"* mcMea: • look at • new type of boxing; en irMlttgl· 11on of the perote proo.. (I) WJDAU; M.._.-~IM Ul ., ... , Dodgett (2 tn.. 30 min.) I' M•A•s•H TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNATURE Guest: John Erllchman. (Part 2) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT :2 0 -l ~~~~~aw ARTUR RUBINSTEIN "Paris" Rubinstein b discusses music with critic Benard Gavoty, attends ~ a private concert by cellist Paul Torteller and offers :t1 advice 10 a young colleague. ( 1 hr.) Ci: 7:35,NEWS 11t 8:00 CBS REPORTS ~ 8 REAL PEOPLE Featured: a man who Is btJild· f Ing a rocketship; a Canadian who claims to be 1he 'O world's strongest man: a champion wheelchair - racer. (R) ( 1 hr.) ~ • MOVIE "Glar\t" (Part 1) ( 1956, Orama) Eliza· 2' beth Taylor, James Dean. Based on the story by 91 Edna Ferber. T exes ranch life and the pursuit of oll .... wealth attect 1hree people. (2 hrs.) !' • O THE PHOENIX An archaeologist leads Bennu .... to Mira's time capsule, where a hostile presence ~ from his planet awaits him. (R) (1 hr.) N G MOV1E "The Fugitive Kind" ( 1960, Orama) Marlon Brando. Anna Magnani. Based on a story by Tennessee Williams. A wandering guitar ptayer kin- dles passion In two very different women. (2 hrs.) Cl) PITFALL • P.M. MAGAZINE A treasure hunter who sal- vaged S40 mlttion wO<th of sunken gold and Jew•: an energy efficient earth-sheltered home. • MOVIE "Three Violent People" (1956. West· em) Charlton Heston. Anne Baxter. Two men and a woman become Involved in a triangle while fighting an unfair prOVislonal government. (2 hra.) · t8 STYLE Featured: a StanfOfd White mansion con- verts lo condominiums: how a telephone is designed; Saratoga summers at the races. • GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Live From Lincoln Center'' Zubln Mehta condU<:ts the New YOO< Phil· harmonic In Mozart's "Jupiter Symphony" and Strauss' "Don Juan"; Leontyne Price sings arias by Mozart and Verdi and the final scene from Strauss' "Salome." (2 hrs.) (t) MOVIE "Bloodbrothers" ( 1978. Orama) Rich- ard Gere. Tony Lo Bianco. A young man dares to break family tradition by working In a hospital ward tor children rather than in the heavy construction buSlness. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 56 min.) (!) SPORTSCENTER (B) MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977, Comedy) Richard PryOf, Lonette McKee. A sex-starved fruit picker Is caught in a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hy~ltlcal preacher finds heaven In a ladles' choir. 'A ( 1 hr .• 34 min.) (m MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Carrie FISher. The 150 midgets who are In town for 1he filming of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn a California ho1el upsld&-dOwn. 'PG' (1 hr., 38 min.) ())BIZARRE "Two Years Of Bizarre" g MOVIE "Altered States" (1980, Science-Ac- lion) William Hurt, Blak Brown. A Harvard scleo- tlst's genetic structure Is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and ~werful halluclnogens. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 8:30(1) IRONSIDE · I OOOCOUPl.E HOPPER'S SILENCE This documentary looks at various polots In the Illa of painter Edward Hopper and also examines some of his work. ( 1 hr.) • ELECTION '82 Cl) MOVlE "Death Valley" ( 1982, Mystery) Paul LeMat, Peter Billingsley. A New York youngster is sent to Arizona 10 visit hlS mother and stumbles across a series of grisly murders. 'A' ( 1 hr, 25 min.) 8:36 ~ALL IN THE FAMILY 9:00• MOVIE "Rrepower" (1979, Mystery) Sophia Loren, James Coburn. A chemist's widow and sev- eral other parties converge on the Caribbean to learn the reasons behind her husband's violent death (2 hrs.) 8 • THE FACTS OF LIFE Natalle vows revenge when Blalr reveals some emberrasalng Information abOUI hef. (R) • 9 THE FALL GUY Colt la hll'ed lo find the bail- lklpplng manager of a ladles' wrestling teem. (R) (_! hr.) • MERV GRIFRN Guests: Ted Lange, Tina John. son, George Plimpton. Retl8e TaylOf, JoMny Derk. ~hr.) PKA F\JU..(X)N'TACT KARATE (R) MOVIE "Short Eyee" ( 1978, t>ieme) Bruce Oavlaon, JoM Perez. Convicts attempt to ttey •live tn the bNtel atmosphere of• prlton ~· certain fellow lnmat• brMk almost t1Vf1tY known rule of. deeency. 'ft ( 1 hr .. "'min.) Cl) MOVIE "92 In The Shade" (1975, ~ery) Peter Fonda, Werrert Olt ... TI'IOughlt of murdef ln1tnl9ne wt*I an enttrJ)1191ng drther ll'Mdet the ~ terrltofY of • V9t9ran fWq gukte In the Aoridl K9"11. (1 tw., 3& min.) 9:06@ MCWIE "Ow_, In Hllv.ne" (1880, Cofne.. dyt A1tO ~· ~~O'.~:'A~Wlllll'9n ..._ .,. • • Btttteft·'tlll;filiiii1l" r.-~ dW on tundt. (2 tn.. 20 """') , I ..J' ~'Wrlnesday (continued) Cl) ~ 9:300 CD LOVE, SIDNEY Sidney and Laurie panic when they learn the Identity of Patti's secret admir- er. Cf) MOVIE "The Set-Up" ( 1949, Mystery) Robert Ryan. Audrey Totter. While fighting to win. a bo~er attempts 10 expose the dishonesty Involved In fixed f.!9.hls. ( 1 hr .. 30 mm.) ta SONG WAITERS "Arthur Schwartz" This com-- poser who wrote "The Bandwagon" and "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" Is joined by Judy Kaye. Nancy Dussault and Ed Evanko for a retrospective of his music. ( 1 hr.) GI) BOARD AND CARE Laura Jean Ellis and Alch-0 ard Goss are featured in the story of two mentally o handicapped young people and the problems they ~ face while developing a close relationship. (A) i:: 9:.W (a> CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEA TAE _ 10:00 D GD QUINCY Quincy's credibility Is ques- .2 tloned when it appears that he has made a horren-0:: dous error In his investigation of a murder case. (R) ~~ •• NEWS • (II DYNASTY Alexis flaunts her romance with Colby. Steven is booked on assault charges. and Claudia remembers the night she was shot. (R) ( 1 hr.) (()CIRCLE OF STARS "Aretha Franklin" ( 1 hr.) • ON STAGE WITH JUDITH SOMOOI A profile of this young American cOOductor looks at her Ille al work and at home. exploring Ule training and gath- ering of experience necessary for her success. (A) e REFUGEE ROAD A Laotian family Is followed during their journey from a refugee camp in Thailand through their resettlement In central Ohio. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Mad Max" ( 1980, Drama) Mel Gibson. Joanne Samuel. In an Australia of the not-too-dls- tant future, the friends and family of a top highway pursuit policeman become the targets of sadistic motorcycle gang. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) (Ji) TEOOY PENDERGRASS IN CONCERT VldeO- taped at London's Odeon Hall, this performance by one ol soul's biggest superstars features many of his hits. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Altered States" ( 1980. Sc~Flc­ tion) William Hurt, Blalr Brown. A Harvard scien- tist's genetic structure is altered when he conducts mind-expanding experiments with Isolation tanks and powerlul hallucinogens. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) · Cl) MOVIE "Lunch Wagon" ( 1981, Comedy) Can- dy Moore. Chuck Mccann. A trio of beauties run into trouble from competltOfs whlle providing suste- nance to hungry construction workers. 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min) D MOVIE "Mandingo" ( 1977. Drama) James Mason. Susan George. A West African of the Man- dingo tribe Is brought to a slave-breeding plantation In Louisiana before the start of the CMI War. 'R' (2 hrs .. 7 min.) 10:30. INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: John Ertlchman. (Part 2) PORTRAITS Of MY PEOPLE On the eve of his 85th birthday. the legendary Yiddish actor Baruch Lumet Is presented In a virtuoso one-man perform- ance (lhr.) Cl) HYDROPLANE RACING Coverage of the Col· umbla Cup unlimited competition. (A) ( 1 hr.) 10:45 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 11:008 D 8 (() ctl. NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOEFRANKUN Guest: UlllanGlsh. (1 hr.) M•A•s•H · BENNYHIU STYLE Featured: a Stanford White mansion con- verts to oondOmlniums; how a tMptione is designed; Saratoga summers at the races. • OOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (Ji) MOVIE "Agency" (1981. Suspense) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors. The new head of a major American advertising firm uses a children's break- fast drink campaign to transmit subliminal political messages. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 35 min.) CD MOVIE "The Erotic AdventUfes Of Pinocchio" ( 1970. Comedy) Alex Roman. Karen Smith. A pup- pet makM sets out to create his own vision of the ~eel lovef. 'A' ( 1 hr., 15 min.) (%) MOVIE "Rona" ( 1980. A<MotUft) Aone Rich- mond, Anthony Steel. A notorious woman jOurnalltt recounts her outrageous 1<Mntur• With 80me of Eur~'a leadlng playboyl. 'A' (1 ht., 22 min.) 11:26 az> MOVIE ··we Joined The Navy'' c 1982. Com- edy) KtnMtt! Mort, Joan 0'8"1n. A weci<y Navy officer oets Into more trouble ttwl he can handle btfq_e emerging •a rMI hlfo. (2 tn.. 5 min.) 11:30• (I) AJOIE 8lN<ER'8 PUCE A ~ rMn taket ""* Hany'• IMer9et In "" bet end ~Archle'a newpertns. (Pitt 1) (R) •• TONIQHT Ho9t: Johnny ~. Guelt: ~~·~> . •L.•E -TO~ UooiW)twft 11nct g: LawrttlOe hoet • men tMn. mllon , Eddie Wade (Peter Colfield) returns to Lauri Morgan ( Swoosie Kurtz) alter eight years to see his daughter on 'Love, Sidney,' Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (Cb. 4). affected by war and drought and the results of such events. ( 1 hr.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE HOPPER'S SILENCE This dOcumenlary ~ at various points In the life of painter Edward Hopper and also examines some of his work. ( 1 hr.) I BUSINESS REPORT . CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DONES (Part 3) 11:35(C) MOVIE "Brian's SOng" (1971. Drama) James Caan. Billy Dee Williams. Two football play- ers snare a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) 12:00,ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 LOVE BOAl Julie and Gopher fall In love. three ex-servloemen set their sergeant up with a crew member. and a beautiful woman finds the man of her dreams. (A) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Claudia" ( 1£U3, Comedy) Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young. A man and his chlfd btlde must face the fact that he< mother IS dying. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Full Of Lile" ( 1957, Comedy) Judy Holliday, Richard Conte. A man disrupts the llvee of his son and pregnant daugh1er-ln-4aw. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE cm MOVIE "Dr. Heckyl & Mr. Hype" ( 1980. Come- dy) Oliver Reed. Sunny Johnson. In a suicide attempt, an Incredibly ugly podiatrist quaffs a ~ clal beauty potion that turns him Into a handsome, and murdefous, ladles' man. 'R' (1 hr .. 39 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Mommie Dearest" (1981. Drama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. Forties fllm star Joan CrawfOf'd raises hef two adopted chlldren In a domestic atmosphere. that varies from IUxunous comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hra.. 9 min.) 12:06• Cl) MOVIE "The betsy" (19't8, Drama) Lau--reno. Olivier. Robert Duvall. A power1\JI DetrOlt auto tycoon brings a daredevll racing star Into hit com- pany to dev9lop a revolutlonary new veNcte. (A) (2 hrl., 25mln.) 12:15(D MOVIE "All My Sons" (1948, C>Jjma) Edward G. Robinson. Burt Lanoatter. 1ii. eon acx:uses hit fathef of having sold defectlYt ptanee to the~nmentdUtlngthewar. (1 hr., .-5mln.) 12:30W e L:A TE NIGHT WITH DAVID l.ETTEAMAN Goeets; comed6ln Kevin NMlon; B.H. S.ny. who st~ fight& ( 1 hr.) I MOYIE ''Amd To S811rw" (1971. Qwnl) ~ ay Fenner. Robert w .... A t...Adl6me hlldlhlk4lf tncOUnWI a lof*'I Y'O'MI womM at • dllolete r09dlld9 Ollfe \M911Do· (:ltn.) I LOYI. It BICAll IM.I • J)Ollf 'a: =·~~8dca.....,,__n..i'~.,..;,..~ °Tr: Growl ... ~·· ... .,.... ~..,., .... Nlnoy ~c:-.. ·---": -~~---· • MOVIE "High Risk" (1981. Adventure) James Brolin, Cleavoo Llttle. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbery of a million dollars from a South Ameri- can drug dealer. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (%)MOVIE "Richard's Things" (1981) Uv Ullmann, Amanda Redman. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 12:35® MOVIE "The Nesting" (1980. H0<ror) Gloria Grahame, John Cerradlne. A.novelist rents a 98Clud- ed Victorian mansion where she begins having stra~. erotic dreams. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 12:50(.C) MOVIE "The Hanging Tree" (1959, West- ern) Gary Cooper, Marla Schell. A doctor kilts a man while rescuing a girl and Is almost lynched by a drunken mob. ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 1:ooe MOVIE ''.Wonder Man" (1945, Comedy) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. A nightclub entertain- er's twin brother is accused of murdef. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Wiid Is The Wind" (1957, Drama) Anna Magnani. Anthony Quinn. Trouble erupts when a young man falls In love with the new wife of his ~ardian. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 1: 10 • MOVIE "Rebus" ( 1968. Drama) Ann-Mar- gret. Laurence Harvey. A casino croupier from Lon- don lands a job In Lebanon only to find that his real purpose Is to act as a decoy to attract a particular crime kingpin. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) IIINEWS 1:30 8. NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT Ql)RAT PATROL 2:00. MOVIE "She Played With Are" (1958. Dra- ma) Jack Hawkins, Arlene Dahl. An arson Invest~ tor meets up with a lovely female firebug. (2 hrs.) OZ) MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE CD MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" ( 1981, Drama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwld. Forties film star Joan CrawfOf'd raises her two adopted children In a domestic atmosphere that varieS from luxurious comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) D MOVIE "Outland" (1981, ScJenc.Flctlon) Sean Connery, Peter Boyte. A space marshal lnve&- tlgates a rash of mysteflous deaths within a mining colony on one of Jupiter's moons. 'A' ( 1 hr.. 49 min~ 2:05 NEWS 2:15 MOVIE "The Blue Lagoon" (1980. Romance) Brooke Shields. Christopher Atkins. Two castaway children grow to adolescence on a remote, South Pacific 15'and and e~ience Jhe ~ngs of fifst love. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) CZ) MOvtE "92 In The Shade" (1975. Mystef)') PetM Fonda. Warren Oates. Thoughts of murdef Intervene when an enlerprlslng drifter Invades the business territory of a veteran fishing guide In the Florida Keys. (1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:20CH) MOVIE "Tulips" (1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Bernadette Peters. When he faHs in love. a suicidal man tries to cancel the contract he put out oo hlmsetf. (1 hr .. 32 min.) 2:309.NEWS (!) MORNING STRETCH 2:4'08 NEWS • 2:45 CC) MOVIE "The Happy Hooker Goes Holly- wood" ( 1978. Comedy) Martine Be6wfcke. Adam West. The queen of the can girts goes to the lllm capital to make a movie based on her autobiogra- phy. ·R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Judge Horton And The Scottsboro Boys" ( 1976. Drama) Arthur Hiii, Vera Miies.. In 1931. nine black men stand trial In a landmark case concerning the alleged rape of a white woman. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) •MOVIE "We Live Again" ( 1934, DramalFredrlc March. Anna Sten. Based oo a novel by eo T ol- stoy. A Russ1an prince deflet the traditions ot nobili- ty by his n•-tated love affair With a slmple peasant i i. (1hr .. 35min.) JOE FRANKL.IN Guest: John Hall. ( 1 hr.) NEWS 3:30 Cl) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERES "Volleyball: ~ I Blocidng / lndMdual De*'9e" 3:65(8) MOVIE "Which Way II Up?" (1977. Come- cfy) Richard Pryor. Lanette Mcl<ee. A aex-•tarved fruit pk:ker le caught In a comic croesflre between his union and the Mob. and a tlypocrltlcal preechef finds hea~ In a ladles' cholt. 'R' ( 1 hf' .. 3' mlrl > 4:00 (!)JI/I/MY SWAOOARl" • MOVIE "The StOJY Of E.llhlw ~ .. (1~7. Drama) Joen Ct8wfofd. P s•no Bflzzi. A"er gain- ing fame thfQuoti OQlnO chartt•ble W()ft(, • gfri regains r-dfQht, heet"'O Ind apeect'I folowlng an ~~=.~ht .. ) Cl) Movie "Oeeth Vfltfrt" ( 1982. Myltefy) Paul LeMat. Pet• Blltlg: A New York ~ la Mn1 to Arizona to hla mother ..S lturnbtM act<*. --of grtlty murdn. .,.. ( 1 hr .• 25 "*'.) e MCMI "AMied St.._,. (t880. ec.10e-Ac- t1on) Wllam Hurt, Bii* lnNft. A , ..,...,. IGIM- tllt't gef'llllc lfructuN .............. ....,.. mlncH>epandlng ...,..,..... -...... ..... Ind~~ .... ,, ...... , Cl> MOYIE ''E)ona'' (1-~ Nin~ mond. Ntrtti1tJ18t9ll. A naeartaul ... J1UM11t rtoOUM9 ,_ CdflllM jlffW~W of HaY1t:l'=-'1 ·~~Ji=·t~ Thursday \I< >IC\ I :\C ; \I< >\ · 1 i.s 6:30 (%) "The Way We Were" ( 1973, Romance) Bar- bra Streisand, Robert Redford. 6:00()) "Young And Free" (1979, Adventure) Erik Larsen. Keith Larsen. ct "Torch Song" ( 1953, Orama) Joan Crawford, Michael Wilding. 6:05<1Zl "Bus Riiey's Back In Town" (1965. Orama) Ann-Margrel. Michael Parks. 6: 15 CC) "The Last Giraffe" ( 1979, Drama) Susan An~ch. Simon Ward. 7:00(8) "The Looney. Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" ( 1981, Comedy) Animated. Voices by Mel Blanc. June Foray. 7:300 "Jack And The Beanstalk" (1976, Fantasy) Animated. (%) "Mr. Rock And Roll" ( 1957, Musical) Chuck Ber!}'.,_ Lionel Hampton. 8:00(C) "Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977, Adventure) Patrick Wayne. Jane Seymour. 8:30 CID "Looker" ( 1981, Science-Fiction) Alben An~. James Coburn 9:009 "Brian's Song" ( 1971. Orama) James Caan, Billy Dee Williams. (%) "The Confession" (1970, Drama) Yves Mon- tand. Simone Signoret. 9:30ID "No Down Payment" ( 1957, Orama) Joanne WOOdward, Tony Randall 10:00(!) "In A Lonely Place" (1950. Orama) Hum- • .e!!_rey Bogart. Gloria Grahame. CC) "Rashomon" ( 1950, Orama) Machito Kyo, Toshiro Mifune. CH) "St. Helens" ( 1981, Drama) Art Carney. David Huffman. CJ) "The Outrage" ( 1964, Orama) Paul Newman. Laurence Harvey 10:05@ "Arecreek" ( 1968. Western) James Stew- art. Henry Fonda 10:300 "Heartland" (1981. Orama) Rip Tom, Con- chata Ferrell. 11:30(C) "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. (%) "Outland" ( 1981. Science-Fiction) Sean Con- nery. Peter Boyle. . \l .. l lJl:\< >< >:\ \I<>\. I LS 12:0011 "Operation Mermaid" (1960. Orama) Mai Zetterting. Keenan Wynn. m "Hero's Island" ( 1962, Adventure) James Mason. Neville Brand. 12:30 ID ''Guadalcanal Diary" ( 1943. Adventure) Willlam Bendix, Lloyd Nolan. CID "Circle Of Two" ( 1980, Romance) Richard Bur- ton. Tatum O'Neal (I) "All The Marbles" ( 1981, Comedy) Peter Falk, Burt Young. g "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Ouna· way Diana Scarwid. 1:15~ "Richard's Things" ( 1981) Liv Ullmann. Amanda Redman. 'A' 1:30(C) "The Glass Bottom Boat" (1966. Comedy) Oo<ls Day, Rod Taylor. 2:00 (!) "After The Fox" ( 1966, Comedy) Peter Sellers. Victor Mature. 2:30® "Mommie Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway. Diana Scarwid. Cl) "Key To The City" ( 1950, Comedy) Clark Gable. Loretta Young. 3:00(I) "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" (1981. Adventure) Puppets. • "Toren Song" ( 1953, Orama) Joan Crawford. Michael Wiiding. CZ> "The Confession" (1970, Orama) Yves Mon- tand Simone Slgnoret. •:ooifl "Odds Against Tomorrow" < 1959, Drama) Harry Belafonte. Shelley Winters. ~ vslnbed And The Eye Of The Tiger" (19n. Adventure.) Patrick Wa,yne, Jane Seymour. 4:30(1) "My Champion" (1981, Orama) Yoko Shi· made. Chtla Mitchum. e "Robin And Marian" ( 1976. Romance) Sean ~.Audrey~ 5;00(!) "Sweet " (1977, A~e) Stoctwd ~Sam teraton. CD "Death Valle)' ' ( 1982, MystefY) P•ut leMat. Peter Nlngeley. (JI) ''lh9 fncr8dlble VO'faoe Of Stingray" (1965, Science-Fiction)~· 5:0l0> "The Sll9ncef't' (1866, Comedy) 0.n Mar· tkl. -s-.... Stevene. &:~"The Th<eepenny Optta" EtNI 8ulcltl. Forlt•. (2 tn.) . (II) '" Looney, Looney, LOOMy 8"0f Bunny WO." (1911, Comectf) Al*nlt9d. Votoll by Mel ~..:.--~ Ao1rt-«'*''1.m1Cbdt ,.;y: UOnll Hempton, -• 1~1 r.o·). ------~--- Carol Kane will return in the role of Simka Gravas on 'Taxi' this faJI when the 1 popular series moves to KNBC (Ch . 4) Thursdays at 9:30 p .m. 8:0088NEWS I CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WILD. WILD WEST S.W.A.T. HAWAllAVE-0 OVER EASY "Changing Family Relationships" Guest: Zsa Zs.a Gabor. (R) Q I NBCNEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ART'S MOVIE "The Last Giraffe" ( 1979, Orama) Susan Anspach. Simon Ward. The true story of Bet· ty and Jock leslie-Melvllle, who tried to save a herd of giraffes. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 8:30(1) e NEWS l otCKCAVETT Guest: Chef. (Part 1) GAOW1NG YEARS CANCER CONFRONTATION Daniel Travantl hosts a documentary special Which focuses on some of the oontroversieS surrounding cance<. Including Interviews with Involved Congreumen, cancer research officials, doctors and cancer vie· tlms.. ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Jaci( And The Beeostalk" ( 1976, Fan- tasy) Animated. An adventurous young boy climbs a giant beanstalk to a ~I kingdom governed by ~eedY. tyrannlcal giant. 'G' ( 1 "hr •• 32 min.) 7:00 • C88 NEWS I NBCNEW8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN P.M. MAGAZINE A surgeon Who UMS laser techniques to cure eome caUMS of lnf811lllty; a haz· l ar°frte ~~In South Dakota. NEW YOAK REPORT u·A·s•H I JOKER'S M.O 8U8INE88 REPORT CONSUMER REPORT8 PAE8ENT8 ''The ~ .. tng F1ne Sttow'' n. edition fOOUMt on health-felat· tO products. lncludlng low..adlum foodt Ind oYflf· lhe-cloUnter 8PP9tft• ~ .. CC MOVIE "Morgan!" (1tee, Comedy) v._.. Aedgrev., Oevtd Warner. A echtloptwel~ Gln't tccept the ftlct thet hie ex-wile II ~ Ind •ttendl '* ~ dr....ct• a~ ( tn.) CD> MOVIE • .,_. Never ~ ( 1911. Drema) flitule Ollt. ~ Nllbln. A f-J:.-dd glr1 ~-~by~ ~ t with,_, Pin. 'G' (1 hrJ ) MCME ''Oulllnd'' (1M1, ~=. , Cc:mery, Pwtlr =A..,._ ........ ..... • ,...., of my .... wlt*I. ~ colony on one of ~· moona. 1' ( 1 ht., 4 "*" .. •NJ\ OMQAA \ 1: / "'-~-·· security system In Las Vegas; visit an all-night psy- chiatrist; an lntervie.w with Tolle Field's daughter; the latest In slot machines; talk about some gam- bling_ superstitions. I• FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY • TIC TAC DOUGH ME.ET THE MAYORS M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Alan Partter. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAWLTY TOWERS INSIDE TH!'NFL Cohosts Len Dawson and Nick en Buonlcontl present highlights of the previous week's • pro football action and Interviews with players and "a coaches. ( 1 hr.) ~ Cl) AEAOBICISE Get In shape. look good. and feel 2' great with this physical fitness program. ~ 8:008 (I) MAGNUM, P.I. A troubled veteran hires _. Magnum to find his girlfriend, hoping that he will 5' lead him to a former foe. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 e FAME The teachers plan a show for the st1,1· dents, and Doris and Montgomery attempt to tell nothing but the truth for a day. (R) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Giant" (Part 2) (1956, Orama) Eliza- beth Taylor. James Dean. Based on the story by Edna Ferber. Texas ranch life and the pursuit of oil wealth affect three people. (2 hrs.) G WHERE'S OAD7 What every child wants from his father is explored In this dramatic speclal. ( 1 hr.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN ID P.M. MAGAZINE A surgeon who uses laser techniques to cure some causes of lnf811111ty: Inter- views with stars at a country music awards show. e MOVIE "The Chapman Report" ( 1962, Drama) Efrem Zimballst Jr., Jane Fonda. A sex sorvey con- ducted by a famous psychologist touches the lives of four typical suburban women. (2 hrs.) QI BOTANIC MAN "Crackpot Jackpot" Or. David Bellamy compares the lifestyles of an apartment dweller in California and an Indian in Mexico to show how IMng habits may change for the fu1ure. e U.S. CHRONICLE "Survfval In Houston's Public Housing" The pr~ lo Houston's public housing are eJtamined. ID SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el host an Informative look at what's new at the movies. ~MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harris, Gale Sondergaard. An English Lord returns to America where he learns that the Sioux Indians Who initiated him Into their tribe have lost their modest preserve to trappers. (2 hrs.) (£) SPORTSCENTEA (I) MOVIE "The Hunter" (1979, Orama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous life as a modem-day bounty hunter. 'PG' (1 hr., 38 min.) e MOVIE "Heartland" (1981, Orama) Rip Torn, Conchata Ferrell. A rancher and his housekeeper face the r1gors of frontier life fn 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 8: 16 (11) AU IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 JOANIE LOVES CHACHI Joanie la tom between singing et the home of a hot-shot record produoe< or attending a huge family bash. (R) c:;J I RACING FROM R006EVEl T YOU ASKED FOR fT OOOCOUPLE MOVIE "The Threepenny Opera" Ernst Busch, Rudolph ForstM. (2 hrs..) • SNEAK PAEVl£W8 Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! host an Informative look at what's new et the movies. eSEAPOWER ®MOVIE "Circle Of Two" (1980, Romane:.) Rlch>- ard Burton, Tatum O'Neel. Oeeplte atrong = opposition. a poignant romance developl a =ear-old artist and a precocloue teen-age SC ' • 'PG' (1 hr., .Omln.) {D) "The Money'. ( 1975, Orerne A .-nal- tlme con artilt cook9 ~ a ~ ICheme to lml:>fove hie ftnanoel. "A < 1 hr., 30 mn. > 8:~(11) MOVIE "The Goddeel" (1958. Ofame) Kim Stanley. Lloyd Bridges. a.Md on a acory by P.ddy CheyMky. A lonety woman 11ruugtet tor Hollywood ,,.,dom. (2 tn.. 15 mn.) e:ooe (I) ~ & ...oN A men ,... to his dMth from hie hotel Window lhor1tv .n.. A.J. and Ajct( ..,..,. d!Voroe PIP"" on him. (A) ( 1 hr.) •• OME A IAEN< 8emlfttM "**8 lt'9 II Pflgl .i .... .. .. kll9ed by • bCJI/ '°" the ftrat drM. (R) • MOVIE "BIUI Knleht" (1873. DrMw) \Wlam Holdln. lM Almlok. A Loa Angi9lll polloarnai\ ""* daclde batwan ~ on tN lorce °' "*'Y-IN wamen he Iowa (2 tn.) MLHOCaAN MCMI .. A PllOe For l.JMN'' (1-Orwww) o..w-y, Mlil'ollD 00 T ...... A IUUU*llly. ___, trtll IO ...... her 1111 "°"' IW .... tM .__._. .. ,...,,..,:••:!Jle•· c2 .Nm wn 1 '~ ..wit w• IQ ~ 111vd ·~ lltt tfli!ltf • - .. 14 ~Thursday (continued) CJ) -0 ... • MERV GRtFFIN Guests: B.B. King, Biii Snydef, Hal Lindsey. Wiiiiam Shatner, the Arthur Murray Dancers. ( 1 hr.) I IRELANO: A TELEVl8'0N HISTORY MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Testament Ot Youth" Vera. Inspired to become a wartime nurse, survives the drudgery of her training and looks for- ward to a Christmas reunion with Roland. (Part 2) (R) O ( 1 hr.) (I) Al'.J'TO RACING Coverage of the NASCAR Wran-~r 400 lrom Richmond. Va. (R) (3 hrs.) CIJ MOVIE "Tommy" ( 1975. Muslcal) Roger Dal- trey. Ann-Margret. Based on the rock opera by The Who A young boy struck deaf, dumb and blind by the sight ot his father's murder becomes a modern- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a WOf- shipp1ng public. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) CZl MOVIE "The Conf&SS1on" (1970, Orama) Yves Montand. Simone Signoret. Artur London·s forced conless1on and imprisonment occur during the com- munist purge of 1951. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 9:30 D TEACHERS ONLY Diana worries about Coo- per. who Is delegating a lot of his responsibilities to Brody. (A) UPAULHOGAN fl) LOOK ALIVE 10:00 II ()) KNOTS LANDING Abby becomes more blatant 1n her attatr with Gary, and Laura doesn't know how to deal with Richard. who is continuing ther~y. (R) ( 1 hr.) D fJD HIU STREET BLUES The handgun used to kill a policeman turns out to be stolen from the police property department, and Betker pursues a suspect during a driving test. (A) ( 1 hr.) I GeeNEWS BARNEY MILLER I REMEMBER HARLEM "The Depression Years: 1930-1940" Harlem's ethnic he<ltage. Its reaction to the Great Depression and Its music and show busi-ness traditions are explOfed. (R) ( 1 hr.) Ci) ODYSSEY "Cree Hunters Of The Mistassini" The Cree Indians of Canada still trek northward to hunt and trap game as their forefathers did. (R) Q i_! hr.) (C) MOVIE "The Split" ( 1968. Drama) Jim Brown, Diahann Carroll. After pulling off a big robbery, a gang has trouble dividing the money. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) (JJ) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND "The Saratoga Con- cert" The C.D.B. performs "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" and "The South's Gonna Do It Again" In this concert taped live at the Saratoga PerlOfming Arts Center In Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) BIZARRE "Strip-O-Oram" e MOVIE "Brian's SonQ" (1971. Orama) James Caan. Biiiy Dee Wiiiiams. Two football players share a rare friendship until cancer claims one of them. ( 1 hr .. tO min.) 10:15® MOVIE "Looker" (1981. Sclenc&-Flction) Albert Finney, James Coburn. The myste<lous deaths ot a series of beautiful models Involved In a new advertising project are blamed on the plaS11c surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 10;;'J. ENTERTAINMENT TONtGHT I INOEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS SIGNA T\JRE Guest: Alan Pa rte er. MA.RV1N HAMLISCH; THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liz.a Minnetll. Johnny Mathis, Gladys Knight and Carty Simon sing some of today's greatest hits Including; "The Way We Were." "What I Did For Love" and "NQbo<1y Does It Better." 11:00 e e •Cl) 0 •NEWS I SA~YNIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FRANKLIN Guest: John Hall. ( 1 hr.) M•A•s•H BENNY HILL MOVIE "Fllght To Tanglef" (1953, Adventure) Joan Fontaine, Jack Palanoe. A plane crashes and the pllot and passengetS ball OU1, beginning a hunt for a $3,000,000 letter of credit. (2 hra.) QI BOT AMC MAN "Crackpot Jacl<pot" Or. Oevld Bellamy compares the llfestytee ot an apartment dwellef In C.llfomla end an Indian In MexlcO to lhow how ~~nge for tht Mure. • DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ~ MOVIE "Cry Uncte" (1971, Sulpenle) Allen Garlleld. MadeMne .. Roux. An eooenttlc mlk>nelr• hires a private Investigator to cteer him of murdering hill mist,.. 'R' (1 hr .. Z7 ,.,.,_, 11:aoe (I) QUINCY Quincy con. to._ ...,,.. of en dd friend_, polltlolet\ who ...... tN "*" the mmcMe ..... deeth. (1 hr .. 36 "*'·> . OHIQH1' Hott; Jotwww c..on. OuaaJt: Horne, GMrl Cempbel. (t hr.) I MIC NIW9 N9QH1UNE "Oddi~ Tomorrow' (1169. Ora- When Mr. Cooper's (Norman Fell) doctor (Bill Zuckert) tells him to grab all the gusto he can, Mr. Cooper thinks he has only a short time to live on 'Teacher's Only,' ThW'Sday at 9:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). .. I TliE JEFfERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "The Threepenny Opera" Ernst Bosch. Rudolph Forster. (2 hrs.) ID CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (m MOVIE "Looker" (1981. Scieoce-F'ictlon) Albert Finney, James Coburn. The mysteflous deaths of a series of beautiful models Involved In a new advertising project are blamed on the pla$tlc surgeon who operated on them. 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 min.) (I) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Part 4) e MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" ( 198 t, Drama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. Forties tlJrn star Joen Crawlord raises her two adopted chlkfen in a domestic at~e that varies from 1Uxur1ous comfort to sadistic discipline. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Richard' a Things" ( 1981) Liv UllmaM, Amanda Redman. 'R' ( 1 hr •• 45 min.) 1 t:35(C) MOVIE "In Praise Of Oldef Women" ( 1978. Orama) Tom Berenger, Karen Stack. A Hungarian lotharto reminlsc::es on his past romantic conquests, from his first at the age of 12 to his seduction of a housewife at 30. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 11:50® MOVIE "Mommle Dearest" (1981, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Diana Scarwld. Forties film star Joan Crawlord raises her two adopted children In a domestic atmoephefe that vatlet from luxurious comfort to sadistic di&clpllne. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 9 mfn.) 12:00. ENTERTAtNMENT TONIGHT • MOYIE "The Southern Star" (1969, Adventure) Ge«ge Segal. Uraute Andreu. A man aearc* for a ptlce6ess diamond In hopes of winning the heart of the <>Wnef'& daughter. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "Hudson's Bay" (HMO. Adventure) Paul Munl, Gene Tierney. FUr trappera found the lucrative Hudson Bey Company In 17fh..oentuty Notth Anwlc8. (2 hrS.) I~ "The Paper Chae" (1974, Orama) Timothy Bottom1, Unduy w...,. A Y°""G W# atUdlnt antmpta to tmpr .. • tyrwwllcal Pfofealor wtlMe unwtttlogty falng ln love with his daughter. (2 hrs,) t=·=:." STYLe MOVIE "Al Tha Metbfla" ( 1881, Comtdy) Fllk, 8ul1 Young. A hUlllna. wt1•cr-acklng lllmll•nlGlfr.-..... two..,,,... ....... towd the ·~· ""I] lhr."18 INn.) t2:aoe LA,~ fDff WITH OAvm L..!T.TllWAN 0.-: Alln. (1 hr,) COUllLa LOW. Al !I i3ICM SM.£ • MOYIE "'1'Hlf" ( 1181. Ortme) Jlfftlll c.n, 1:ooe MOVIE "The Secret Lite Of Walter Mitty" ( 1947, Comedy) Danny Kaye, Vlrglola Mayo. A meek man burdened with domestic attachments conjures up Illusions ot himself as a hero. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Impact" ( 1949, Mystery) Brian Oon- levy, Ella Raines. A welk:oncelved plot by a woman and he< paramour to dispose of her husband via an "accidental" death backfires Ironically for the scheming pair. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) al> MOVIE "China Girl" ( 1943, Adventure) Gene Tierney, George Montgomery. World War II China Is the backdrop for adventure and romance between an American photographer and e lovely Eurasian Q!!t. (2 hrs.) W TOP RANK BOXING Coverage of the James Broad (N.J.) I Eddie Mack (Pa.) 12-round heavy· weight bout from Atlantic City, N.J. (R) (2 hrs .• 30 min.J 1:05 8 ()) MCCLOUD McCloud uncovers a plot to sell diluted stolen medicine to unsuspecting Central American countries. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:15(Q) MOVIE "Return Of The Dragon" (t972. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris. A martial arts expert journeys from Hong Kong to Rome to help a friend who rs In trouble with lhe mob. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) (%) MOVIE "MOfocco" ( 1930, Romance) Gary Cooper, Marlene Dietrich. A woman is forced to choose between the wealth and possessions that one man offers and the love that another offers ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 1:30 DID NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 8NEWS ~ MOVIE "Little Darlings" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol. At summer camp, two teen-age girts compete to see who will be the first to lose her virginity. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) 2:00• MOVIE "The Trial Of Chaplain Jensen" ( 1975, Orama) James Franciscus. Joanna Miles. A chaplain in the Navy is court-martlaled tor adultery. i_! hr .. 30 min.) (I) MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" ('981, Horror) Edward Albert. Erin Moran. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of frightening alien creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a tor- bld<f1ng planet. 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) II MOVIE "Melvin And Howard" (1980. Comedy) Paul LeMat. Jason Robards. An otherwise unknown gas station attendant claims to be the rightful heir to Howard Hughes' billion dollar estate. 'A' ( t hr., 35 mlnl_ 2:05(!) NEWS CID MO~ "Studeot Bodies" (1981, Comedy) Kristen Riter, Matthew Goldsby. A hea\l)'-bfeething psychotic kille< stalks the furHOvlna students of a typical American ~~hoot. 'R' (1hr .. 25 min.) 2:90 (!) MOANING CH e MOVIE "Twisted Brain" (1974, Horror) Pat Cardl, John Niland. A tormented teen·agef Is driven by lorces outside his control to commit frenzied acts ot murdef. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) eNEWS 2:36eNEWS 2:46(I) MOVIE "Tommy" (1976, Musical) Roger Oaltrey, Ann-Margret. Based on the rock opera by The Who. A young boy struck deaf, dumb and blind by the sight of his father's murder becomes a mod- ern-day messiah exploited by a greedy uncte and a worshtpping publlc. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 3:00• MOV1E "Barbary Coast" (1935. [)ama) Joel McCrea. Edward G. Robinson. Red tights, ga~ bling and boozing reign in San Franci9co In the 1800s. (2 hrs.) ~JOE FRANKLIN Guest King Vidor. (1 hr.) NEWS CHAALES CHAMPLIN PAEBENT$ ... 3:06. MOVIE "One Touch Of Venue" (1950, Com- edy) Ave Garchw, Robert Walker. A window trimmer 19 surprised when the at.toe of Venus ~ ta~lng to him. (1 hr .. 45 mkl.) 3: 10 ~ MOV1£ "The Lat Glfaffe" ( '979, Orama) Susan Anspach, Simon Ward. The true story of Bet· ty and Joci( Leeie-MeMlle. wtlO trted to ....,. a herd of g!!atfes, ( 1 hr., 45 m .) 3: 15 (%) MOVIE "The Nine Uwa Of fi'ltz The cat" (1974) AnkNtec:I. voic.e of Skip Hinn.nt, Ae¥a Roee. 'R' (1hr .. 15 mkl.) 3:30 . MOVIE "A Game Of Otath" (1946, Sulpenee) John Lodat. Auchy Lq. ShlpwJectc vtctlml becOn"9 the QUafl'Y of an lellnd madman .. ~. (1hf •• 301Nn.) i MCMr • .,,.. ~ .... (1970, Orwne) Steve McOueen. aw~. Rllptl '.'PIPe" Thcnon ._. a clangerout ... -• modem-dlly bounty '-'"'•· 'PO'_(t hr.,31 ... ) a:a&(ll) ..._ THE NA. ~ Len ~ and NICk 8'1Gflloontf ~ ~Of .. ..,...,. ..... P'O footbel ICtton end ........ plly- .. tttd~ (1!:. a:•• MCME ''Al long" (1•1. Comedy) °"" ........ ... ... Id. Mir ~ dlnlOlld hlft ........ llllD'*1e IO ...... I ( ___ r_v_P_uzz_I• __ ) ACROSS 1.6 Shown, stars 34 on Facts of Lile 36 12 Actor Gould 39 14 Miss deHav1t1and 40 15 Played Fred Mertz: lnit. 43 16 You -There 45 17 Race unit 46 18 Miss Day's sign.off 48 19 Historic time 49 21 Jaclyn Smith role 50 23 Miss Remick 51 24 Mr Skelton 53 25 Doris or Dennis 54' 26 Go wrong Crazy Plays Aunt Esther Mr. Holbrook • Mafia unit Cakes and - Wield Daytime drama Mr. Caesar Mr. Segars lns1gne . Kind of shooter Bill and - Compass point Role for Odessa Cleveland 27 Knotts and Meredith 30 Singer Peggy 56 Played McMillan 32 M 1ss Derek 33 Right 1 More recent 0 R \ ' 58 Soo on Barney Miller 59 Knowing IOOks DOWN 2 Director Hitchcock 3 Mr. Lear' sign·off 4 Hush-hush outfit 5 Gary Cooper's Sergeant - 6 Mrs. Goldberg 7 Cassius or Henry 8 Hanks on Bosom Buddies 9 Mr. Vlllella's lnslgne 10 Houston team 11 Consu~rs' champion 13 -off (angry) 20 Much -about nothing 22 -Wanda Page 23 Mr. Elgart 28 TV networt\ 29 Actor Jack - 30 Hill ~reel Blues type 31 Alias 34 Tommy Rettlg's dog 35 Grand -Opry 37 Highway sign 38 Wylie or Donahue 39 Role for Antonio Fargas 40 Archie's cook 41 Beast of burden 42 She's Daisy Duke 44 Barbara and Anthony 46 -·ager 47 Played Hutch 50 Nicklaus, Watson, et al 52 -to Biiiy Joe 55 Miss Malone's sign-off 57 Compass point SOLUTION ~~~-·-~~~-"'--~~--------------~---------- (_ . ...__T_V_a_a_A __ ) . No soap understudies, but su~stitutes aplenty -· ~ ii By LYNDA BlRSCB • leg. He will be back on the show as ~ Q: Do soap open actors all uve udentadies? rve noticed wlaea a performer become• Ill tlae replaceme11t1 almo1t seem H 1ood as tlae replar performer. -S.T., Baffalo, N':Y. A: There are n o soap opera understudies u such, but all soap producen and caating directors have a list of standbys. Act.on they know are aware of the soap opera technique ~ can do the best job poeaible on ahort notice. soon as he's fitted with a walking f casL Hi.a replacement.. Will Sampeon, "O may be familiar to "Hill Street i Blues" fans. He played Fay's fiancee 3 -the one who died after collapsing i face first into a plate o f beef, stroganoff. He was also seen as o Samuel Clegg on "Capitol." ~ <O Q: Can yoa tell me wbat Amertcan m city "Gaidlng Llgbt" 11 1et la? -N D.S., Baffalo, N.Y. A:. Although "Guiding Light" is set in "Springfield.'' it is not Springfield Q: I WU SM little prl wllo play1 in Dlinois, Ohio, or an1 other specific u ..... VenlM • "OM Life to IJve" state. It is simply "Springfield, tJSA." ..... T som e where i n the Midwest. ii adonble. II 1lle rdatM to die (Incidentally, "Guiding Light" has actreues wllo play ltatri•a or moved its locale aeve(af times. When Jeuy? -S.Z., Sldppeuber&, Pa. it first started on radio it was in the A:. Nope. She's Diedra Buona.ro and town of "Selby Flats." When it began she's been on the ahow almost from birth. By the way, the character on TV it stayed in "Selby Flats" for Mary's ap will be pushed forward the first few years and then moved to when 3he returns and Regan "Five Points." In the '60s •. the ~uer McManus will be taking over the ·clan and many of their friends role. 'I'ht. was not displeasure with decided to move to "Sp~ngfield," the performance of young Diedra but where the show bas remained ever a deaire to move the atoryllne ahead. since. Q: For~ put sevenl weeb, I've H ave a question about yo~r •ollced tlilaat tile ]Jart of Carl favorite so.p or 10ap 6f.ar7 Write to WUUam1 ("Y .... ud Reldn1") faa1 Lynda Hinch, c/O Field Newspaper beea Eby a ..... tlwte ac .. r. 11 Synd.Jcare, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, SM on ac .. r serlouly W? -Calli. 92714. She will answer as P.R., loneavtlle, N.C. tnlllly quescion.I 1111 she can In her A:. We're happy to report that Brett column, but the volume of mall Hadley ts on the mend from a broken makes penonal repJJe. lmpt»Sible. EMERGEllCY . DOCTORS OFFICE · THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hospital emergency room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES ~ FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OP!N: 7 DAYS A MIK MS DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-8300 •M•llG••CY DOCTORS Ol'l'IC• 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport BMch Located In COmmef99 Ptaza 405 FWY. 1 15on your ~lrat visit -----• With ... ...... - SH wh•t ..-M•• to °""' = -... ~, ,• ... N CIO O> - _g E ., - G Dayti1ne ~ Palmer prepares t to shoot Chuck l: u.. ~ By LYNDA WRSCH -' ALL MY CHILDREN: Looking through some ~ or Charles' papers, Chuck discovers one of Pahner's -medical reports and learns Palmer is sterile, making .2 Chuck realize Donna must be carrying h.is child. i:L Charles cautions Chuck to keep the information to himself. Chuck decides to confront Palmer, who prepares to shoot Chuck, but Daisy is able to calm things down. Chuck and Palmer strike a truce, with Chuck preparing to go through with his marriage to Carrie. Following a fight with Cliff at their anniversary party, Nina shares a passionate kiss with Steve. Hired by Daisy to work at the party, Ray runs into Opal, who is abo working there. Silver reluctantly agrees to a blind date. Erica promi.9es to help Jenny get a job. GJ"ej ~ves into college dorm. Phoebe decides to back Opal's uniaex beauty spa. ANOTHER WORLD: Mac does not want Amanda living with Rachel. Rachel is made consultant at Blackhawk. Louis asks Rachel to aeU a Renoir painting. Realizing the Krebbs family is following his every deed, Louis is very nervous. Thomasina working for TRE Imports. Sandy upaet because llaa is in Bay City. Alma's plans to murder Blaine foiled when Sandy and Blaine take off for New York. Chris' mother upeet becauae she feels she is mishandling bet inheritance. A.lice plans to attend medical school in Boston. Aft.er he sets fire to studio, Milo is arrested. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Nick follows .Betsy and Steve to the Jake. As he confronts them, Nick suffers a heart attack. John Dixon arrives on scene but is unable to save Nick. Betsy feels ahe caueed Nick's death, while Steve is heartbroken . Maggie tries to comfort St.eve while Kim is filled with anger and remorse because Betsy broke her promise not to see Steve. John and Ariel's financial problems continue and he threatens to put her on a budget and insists she return expensive fur coat. David tries to assure Karen she is not to blame for his rift with Cynthia. Tom. impressed by Karen's worltt,at law office, feels she ahould pW"Sue legal career. Whit listens to Craig's advice and decides not to sue Margo. CAPITOL: Tyler, deciding to abduct Julie, uses Wally's car for the getaway. Wally is then detained by Myrna, who feels he can help her retrieve Julie. Julie is holed up in Jeff's apartment with Tyler. Wally continues to gamble away and Danny feels it's time for Wally to lose lots of money. Shelley is falling in love with Trey, but fears if he knows she was once a hooker he'll tum his back on her. Mark longs to be more than a friend to Clarissa. Thomas mystified that Beth is continuing to date Jordy. DAYS OF OUR UVES: Stephano decides Doug and Julie must be watched because he feels their split is a ruse. With various reports that Anna, aeemed to like her life on the yacht, Roman does not believe her atory of being held captive. Gwen fearful Don may diacover her mother. Evan tries to Mary Linda Rapelye, who plays Maggie Crawford on 'As the World Turns,' can be seen weekdays at 12:30 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). hide safe deposit key. Having completed building the robot, Chris wants Marlena to help. give his invention the ability to think and feel. Melissa wonders what to do about the knowledge that Evan I.I Sarah's father. Although Oilver's preeence ls now known to everyone, he still fears be oould be in trouble with the law. Heartbroken over Liz's break with him, Neil plots to prove that the DiMeras cauaed his accident. DOCTORS: Natalie, releaaed from the hospital, is desperate for drugs. Carolee agrees to have Maggie's experimental serum used on Steve, who is near death. Philip tries to seduce Adrienne. Jef1 furious when he calla Adrienne and c:llscovers Jean Marc is there. Maggie stunned when Matt says he has an illness which could prove terminal. EDGE OF NIGHT: J oe hires Troy to hurt Jodie, then puts Loomis on Troy's tail, with Loomis to kill Troy after he finishes with Jodie. When he Cinda Jodie, Troy is unable to carry out the deed. Loomis appears. Loomis and Troy have a shootout and Loomis ls killed. Troy calls Didi and begs her not to believe any bad thinp ahe hears about him. Calvin and Didi become elmer. Miles believes Chad is tied in wU.h the t.errorista. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Holly and Luke hide in hospital to ascertain Dan's condJtion, then flee to an amusement park where they don oostumes in order to hide from &be authorities, Bull and Charles forced to stay in Port Charlee. BMi1 plana to kill the unconscious Dan in the hospital but bis plans are thwar1ed. Heather continues to flirt wtth Alan. feeling she can get money from him. Heather plans to go over to Alan's aide but Sciotty 1meU. a rat and plans to flx Heather. Blackie IMna at the Webben'. causing much da.en.ion wtt.h h& ~ moulh and slovenly ways. At Rick's ~ Bleclde..,... to take the college entrance exam. Tommy returns to Port Charles. Leamina Jeff has been ln a car accident, Rid< fliet to his side. Amy crwhed when Johnny decides to stay and train in New York. Scorpio 9etting out to find Luke and Holly. Brian tuma down job ofter from Smtty. ' GUIDING LIGHT: Having escaped with the cradle to Canada, Silas murders Jamie and plans to melt down and sell the golden cradle. With her confidence increasing, Amanda tells Mark their aUair must end, and if he can't accept that, he may have to leave t.he company. Wher Jennifer questions Mark's ever-increasing business meetings, he flies into a rage. Questioned by police, Quint ~~ests Mona Enrigh~ may have l~ft photo of Al.an 111 his library. Ivy realizes that Qwnt is not Samuel Pasquin. Floyd visits Nola in the hospital, telling her thal. as the mother of his child she will always be special to him. Lesley Ann overhears, misinterprets and leaves Springfield. ONE LIFE TO UFE: Rudy is found elect- rocuted in his dressing room and Ed questions Edwina, whose earring was clutched in Rudy's hand, Rafe and Gary. Asa agrees fo keep the movie in production. Mimi falls down an empty elevator shaft. Bo goes to Louisiana with Drew. With Vicki in jail, Clint helps Kevin celebrate his birthday. RYAN'S HOPE: Finding the unconsc:ious Kim, Amanda calls for help. Pat and the paramedics pump Kim's stomach and she comes around. Rae feels guilty over the suicide attempt, but learns froro a groggy Kim that she took the overdoee to gain attention from Pat. When Kirk comes down on Rae for her insensitive treatment of Kim, she decides to play the tape about Kirn being in on Arley's kidnapping. Siobhan allowed back on police force but is on a three-month probationary period where she wW be serving with Mitch Bron.ski. The mob chieftains decide to let Joe break away from then but will keep a close watch on him. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Brian is determined to prove that Warren and Ringo are involved in shady business dealings. Suzi refuaes to listen to Brian, feeling that he is merely jealous. With Liz.a continuing to suffer great emotional problems, Aja feels this is the chance to worm her way into Travis' heart and bed. Wendy tries to buy Keith with expensive presents. Warren takes Suzi in his private jet for an evening in New York at the ballet. TEXAS: Rena prepares to investigate George's past. Detective Meadows questions Christina's alibi for the time the klieg light fell on Stella at the studio. Re turning from New York, Billy Joe heartbroken because Nita la not with him. Gregory is thrilled when Justin lntroduces him to baseball player Don Sutton. George's aist.er Margaret is despondent because the court is placing her child for adoption. YOUNG AND THE RESTL~ Patti thrilled becauae Jack has given Carl a security job at Gebot. Tracy decides not to go off to college becau.e she feela •be bas a chance with Danny. Victor tells Kevin he cannot be the father of Nikki'• child becau.e he had a vuectomy. Kevin aoes to Nikki who lnUts that Victor is the child's father. Feeling that NlkkJ baa been under too much emotional strain, what with an unwanted pregnancy and rnartjage plus Kevin's near-fatal accident, Kevin talb to Robert about pl.acing Nikki in a sanitarium. Victor offers to show Kevin documented proof that he la sterile. Having ~ thoughts, Victor decides to go for aperm count to 1ee lf perhaps the VNeetomy waa unsuccessful. Nikki asks Kaye to take her in and tell no one. Have a quettion abocit your favorite .,.p or .oap •tar'! Write to Lynd• Hirsch, c/o Field N~per Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, c.IJ/. 92714. She will answer u many quesiiotv • .Jle can In her column, but the volume of rmlJ p«mftlll ttplJe. impoaible . 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 (---~~L_•_tt_•_,_•~~~-) Bob Newhart will return to the tube NEW NEWHART -Is It true that Bob Newhart 11 coming back to TV? U 10, will it be a re-make of bis old 1bow with Suzanne Ple1bette? I thought they were great together. Bat I woald welcome Bob In any format. Reserve your Monday nights (9:30-10, ET) this fall for "The New Bob Newhart Show." As the word "new" suggests, this is not a remake of his last series. Bob plays an author of "how-to" books who learns the hard way how not to renovate a 200-year-old house when he moves to the country. Co-starring are Mary Frann as his wife and Tom Poston as bis not-so-handy handyman. TUCKERED OOT -I've always been a big fan of Glean Campbell and was woaderiDg if yoa tblDk be and Tanya Tacker will get back together. To be honest. it's not aomet.hing I've given much thought to. But last I heard, Campbell was supposed to be getting married this fall. and not to Tucker. The bride-to-be is Kim Woolen. U all goes as planned, she'll be wife nwnber four for the 44-year-old singer. REAL WINDY -"Real People" recently vlalled CbJcago. Can yoa tell me wbea we11 get to see the segment oa TV? The Windy City will be the star of the opening show this September. 'BLUES' CONNECTION -My slater tells mt tile actress wbo plays Fay, Fru.k Fartl.10'1 ex-wife oa "BiU Street Blaea," 11 maniecl to 1omeoae coaaecled with tile 1bow. It It one of tbe otller acton? U so, wbo? Barbara Bosson is married to Steve Bochco, one of the creator-writers of the popular NBC series. ( __ ~_\¥_o_r_d~G_o_m~•~~-) c-~~'-v~~-·_o_•_•_,_•~~-) t7 FILL 1~ 114e Ml>SING 1..e-rrER? 1tJ Bob Stack's role IHE ''TV WORDS" Bel.OW. ,... I ~wRI INI IEI IWI ILIKI on 'Most Wanted' ; 0: 181 IRIBI IRI I ~~IALSITI ~~~~_,~AREY ! IRIAI I IQ rwet D ISIHIE j 1. "Most Wanted," an ABC crime action series, .g . . . . --~ . . _ _ cast Robert Stack along with Shelly Novack and i ~ I IAIS IEI j i'f~J''f ~ ~~~s::::r-What was Stack's name and rank ~ ~fAIJGe IHE ~ ~~.",, 2. Where and from whom did "Magnum P.l."i ... l.ET'fe!Z> You FtllED ltJ ~Vl~Lc1,. · (Tom Selleck) get free lodging on the CBS crline o action series? • ..... ~~::::::: •• AN ~ -. 3. What was the last name of "Enos" (Sonny ! ,,.,.~" 1 ""'"° ~ Shroyer) on the CBS comedy crime series that also starred.Samuel E. Wright? .---.....:.----.---.-~ ' 4. Who starred in the title role of "Ryker," a I I I I I I I D I I I I I I ·~: =0':i!=o~bo~af~h~~:n~i: rough with some criminals? ~ 1M2 Vnltecl i<eature l!IYf\Cllcate. lnG. charmer. wm we ge& to see her agaiD before 1be grows ap? & evidenced by Steven Spielberg himself, growing older doesn't necessarily equate with growing up, or Weing one's childlike charm. But before 11eather O'Rourke has to deal with such problems, you'll get to enjoy her u a new regular on "Happy Daya." She'll be playing Linda Purl's daughter. Purl b joining the cut u Fonzie's new love interest. WORK THAT BODY -Wffre cu I write to tile people respoa1lble for Aeroblclse? . All those writhing bodies are brought to you courtesy of Tantra Filma, 671 S. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90036. 5. William Conrad starred u an eccentric, overweight genius who could solve all crimes in NBC's "Nero W olfe." An oddity was the location from which he could solve the crimes. Name this location. 6. What was George Kennedy's name on the crime drama series, "The Blue Knight?" ANSWERS: 1. Capt. Llacola "Llllk" Even i . Hawaii. A bett--Hlllag writer S. Strate f. Josb Taylor 5. 1111 bo•se t. B.mper FREE TV TRIVIA QUIZBOOK cont.aining over 300 brainteasers. Yours for the asking during marketing test. Please add $2 per request for postage and handling. CaseCo, 101 Lafayette, Spartanburg, SC 29303. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien. United HAUNTED YOUTH -I loved tbe little girl Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Aven~. Room 602, ..-------;'iJOGI.~~ _la~"_P_o_l_te_r_i_e_l•_t_.'_'_S_b_e_•_e_e_m_•~•-ac_lt~a~•-a_t•_r_a_l~~M=e~w;;;;;;;;Y.~oc~~;;;N~.:Y.:.:10:1:66:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 • The buck l starts here. I HEAD CHES?· I ~ I YOU DESERVE TO FEEt GOOD ~L64MJOO . 1orca_, ...... ,c111• .. 1oa WISTCUFf C .. IONACTIC OMCI· .,.. .............. Z04J Wl llclff Dr .. W. IOI .............. 1 .... c... .... ,. .......... Most lneuranoee Aiocellted Who 's Wh o? Who 's New! 0 R I i I I ' I 20% DISCOllT II: Al Soodaes Banana Spits Al Ice Cream Cones Al Pints ' QuW - - I • N CIO CJ) -0 -.... .B i -a. CD "' >; al "O ~ u. * _J > ._ -.2 0: Stan Ivar, Pamela Roylance, David Friedman, Shannen Doherty, Leslie Landon and Lindsay Kennedy set I or 'Little House: a Ne w Beginning' on Mondays. . . . Fall season FromPage3 features soap star David H.asaelhoff as a former big city cop who kee,ee a heavy foot in the business, thanks to a sou~-up super-car. Roc k Hudaon return• in "The Devlin Connection" (10 p.m. Saturdays on NBC) aa a fonner detective lured back into the crime fighting busine9s by his long lost aon. rn "Matt Roust.on" (8 p.m. Sundays on ABC), Lee Horsley portrays a millionaire playboy who dipe bia toea into the detective buainesa. Finally, there's "Reminaton Steele" (10 p.m., Fridays on NBC), a twiat on the old macho detective format. Stephanie Zimbalist plays a struggllng woman private eye who invents a macho male employer to help her attract more buaineaa. Unexpectedly, her "lmaglnary" employer turns up in the per900 of British actor Pieroe Br-osnan. RECYCLED STARS AND TJTLa -Sally Struthers, who portrayed Archie Bunker'• daughter for many yeara on "All in the Family," revives the character in "Gloria" (8:30 p.m. Sundays on CBS). Now divorced from the "Meatbeed." she worb aa an ..t.t.ant to a mnal.l town veterinarian played by veteran actor Bulllftl Meredith. Bob Newhart, who haa already atarred in one c1aasic sitcom, returna in "Newhart" (9:30 p.m. Mondays on CBS). Thia time he'a a how-to author SEPTEMBER 15. 1982 EVENING 6:30CB) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCatver cover •II the be8" 1.-dlng to the 1982 Wond Setie.. 7:30(1) MSEBAU. San otegc> Pedr• at Loa Ange.- lee Dodgen (2 hra., 30 min.) • 8:00i(I) 4PORt8CENTER 8:00 PKA FULL-OONTACT KARATE (A) 10:30 HYDAOPlAHE MQN(') ~ of the 11:=--~1:.~lon. (R) (1ht.) 12:30(1) AUTO RACINQ ~of the NASCAR ~;r-~~~ Ed Flanders, David Birney, Cynthia Sikes and William Daniels of NBC's 'St. Elsewhere,' new this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4). operating an inn in V ennont. A racial switch tonne the basis for "The New Odd Couple" (8:30 p.m. Fridays on ABC). Black acton Demond Wilson ("Sanford and Son") and Ron Glass ("Barney Miller") portray the mismatched roonunates. FANTASY LANDS -"Tucker's Witch" (10 p.m. Wednflldaya on CBS) at.an Tim Matheeon and Catherine Hiclca as a huaband and wife detective team. The gimmick i.s that ahe'a a witch. Thia show has been delcrlbed aa a era. between "Hart to Hart'' and ''Bewitched .•• Peter Barton portrays a super-powered prince from another planet in 'The Powers of Matthew Star" (8 p.m. Fridays on NBC). Veteran character actor Louis Goeeett Jr. playa his guardian. BILL STREET BOSPIT AL -The lone aerioua drama among the fall newoomen 8eel1ll to be "St. El8ewbere'' (lQ p.m. Tue.days on NBC). A large ememble cut appean in this aeries about a rundown Boston hmpital. ASSORTED 00-.msTIC SITCOMS -What would fall be without a new batch of comed1ea featuring precocloua children and befuddled adulia? "Square Pep" (8 p.m. Mondays on C.BS) feetun!9 Jemica Parker and Amy Unker .. hJch achool freshmen endurin1 the trial• and tribulatiom of arowJna up. "Silver Spciana'' (1:30 p.m. S.turdays an NBC) pre.enia Ricky SchrOder u a mature younpter helping hia rich father deal with the triaJa and Thursday SEP'TEMfJER 18, 1182 AFTERNOON 2:00 (I) PKA FULL-coNT AOT KARA TE (R) 3:30(1) FROM THE ~YARD LINE Action hlghllghta fl'om the c.n.dlen Football Leegue. 4:0018PORT8FOAUM 4:30 BPan'ICINTEA 5:00 THE NA. ITOAY: LINE BY LINE A preYlew oflNaweek'•~ &••1.NA. flOOT8AlL Mlnneaot• V1klnQI •t 8'lfiiio •Cl w -(I) TOP RANK UV'I OCMf9 al tti1 Jamie lkmd (H.J.) I 5dcll Mid& 4Pa.) 12-round ~ -.IQht bout fTom Atlllnltc City, H.J. (2 tn., *> "*'·> Michael Gross, Meredith Baxter-Birney, Justine Bateman, Tina Yother and Michael Fox of 'Family Ties,' Wednesdays on KNBC (Cb. 4) at 9:30 p.m. tribulations of growing up. In "Family Tles" (9:30 p.m. Wednesdays on NBC), Meredith Baxter Birney and Michael Groea are former 1960s radicals coping with their conservative 1980s children. Brian Dennehy plays a fire captain in "Star of the Family'' (8~30 p.m .. Thuredays on ABC) who copes with hu 16-year-old daughter's linging career. "Filthy Rich" (9:30 p.m. Wedne9days on CBS) WU just added to the fall schedule becaU8e of (ta surpriae aucoem in a llmlt.ed summer nm. lt'a a "Dllllaa" apoof eoocern.lnc • rich family forced to cope with acme low-J.ncame relatives. Populara TV acton Richard Crenna and Patty Duke return in "It Takea Two" (9:30 p.m . Thundaya on ABC). Thia concerns a aurpon = and a_J>n*CUtor wife coptnc with one ''Cheers" (9 p.m. Thur.lays on NBC) ooncema • make8hift family of adulia ~ to cope with life in• Baston bar operated by-a former bMeball star. MISCELLANEOUS ENTRIES -''The Quest" ( 10 p.m. Fridays on ABC) ia ducribed u a comedy-adventure coocem1ni deerencWlia of a kincJ;r;;.::~== will boat "Ripley's BelieYe It « Not" (7 p.m. Sundays on ABC), -a non-fiction eeriea examlntn1 atranae ~ around the world. And that, beUeYe lt or not, 1a the new .-.on. " 41,000 -head hack to .school More than 41,000 students will report to about 1,630 teachers when Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley public schools begin the new year Monday. Fifty-five schools will be operating in the four West Orange County districts. Total expenditures of the combined districts are expected to come to about $ll0 million. School representatives say no major cuts in classroom programs are planned in the 1982-83 school year despite a tightening of revenues and declining enrollments. The Huntington Beach Union High School District sent layoff notices to 84 teachers this spring, but an official said Thursday all but 10 have been rehired because of attrition and transfers. The Fountain Valley School District closed Bushard and Wardlow schools in June because of loss of revenues And a fall in enrollment. All schools in the other three districts remain open. 1111111:• FRIDAY . SEPHMm R 10 1'111,' After Labor Day lllTlllTll llKl/flllllll llWY 0 II A N (~ [ C< 1 lJ N T Y C A l II 0 II N I J\ / '> C E N T S ·valley flood fees : may t.ak·e ·big hiktd By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(ftle .,..., ,... • ..., • If the Santa Ana Rlver overflows lts banks ln the type of flood likely to occur once every 100 yean, 95 percent of Fountain Valley will be under 2-3 feet of water, according to a flood plain map upheld by federal officials. Alt a result, local homeowners may soon face aigni'flcant inci'eases In their flood ln:Jurance · fees. Fountain Valley officials had appea.led the f ederal map, claiming local floodwaters would not be as deep as Federal Emergency Management Agency officials assert. premiums t.hat local homeowners face, they indicated they may have little choice but to adopt It before the Npv. 17 deadline. Public works assistant Don Helnbuch said the federa l government had been requiring homeowners to carry at least $35,000 worth of flood insurance, which costs $88 to $160 annually, depending on when the policy was purchased. After Nov. 17, people who buy a home in the Fountain Valley flood plain will be required to carry $70,000 worth of coverage, which costs about $280. He added that it is uncertain n o w whether the federal government will require present homeowners to increase their coverage to the new minimum. He also said insurance rates may vary slightly, dependinsc on where a home is located in tht flood zone. , But Heinbuch added that some lenders require buyers to ob~ flood insurance for the entJr~ value of the home. In thif instance, a person buying • $185,000 home would have tq pay about $740 annually fot flood protection. Flood insurance policies are offered through private companies at federally approved rates. The federal government backs these policies in the event of large damage cla.ims. The proposed flood management ordinance alao would require Fountain Valley, builders to construct new homee or other buildings on a pad at least 3 feet above the flood plain, with the goal of eliminating future flood damage. That appeal has failed, however, and the federal agency has ordered Fountain Valley to adopt a new flood plain management ordinance based on the 95 percent flood zone map by Nov.17. s k If the city refuses, Public Ufl Jllay pee out Works Director Wayne Osborne said, local banks and savings and loans would be unable to loan , h k d money for the purchase or over t e wee en construction of homes. In addition, the city itself would no longer be reimbursed for flood damage to facilities such as City Hall or the police station. "The consequences are too great if they (city council members) do not adopt it," Osborne said. Misty morning conditions will continue along the Orange Coast through the weekend, although some sunshine is expected to peck through the clouds during the afternoons. today registered only as a trace in his rain gauge. -Huntington Beach Union fflglt School. It has six comprehensive high schools and a continuation high school. It expects to have an enrollment of 17 ,500, drawing from the cities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster and Seal Beach. It will have 532 teachers and a budget of $51.1 million. -Ocean View School Dlatrlct. It has 23 schools for kindergarten through eighth grade pupils. It will have 425 teachers and an estimated budget_c:>f _$25 million. -Fountain Valley School District. It has 15 schools in Fountain Valley as well as in Huntington Beach for kindergarten through eighth grade pupils. It ii expected to have about 7,300 studen ts and 348 teachers. The budget is estimated at $17.8 million. These bay cruisers find they almost have Newport Harbor to themselves in mid-afternoon on Thursday as they lay an uncut wake behind the m headed under the bridge to Lido Isle. It's one sign that the summer season trul has ended. T h e flood manageme nt ordinance was presented to the council Tuesday. but action on the measure was delayed until several revisions in the document are completed. Although the council members expressed Uttle enthusiasm for the Increased insurance National Weather Service forecasters predicted partial afternoon clearing along the beaches, though sunnier skies will prevail in inland Orange County. Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman Denny o( Huntington Beach said the fine drizzle that dampened windshields early He said the moisture was not enough to budge hls local rain total from .06 of an inch for the year that began July 1 . Significant rainfall last year did not arrive until the first week ln October, he noted. Temperatures along the Orange ~t will climb to about 77 degrees over the weekend, though the beaches will peak at about 74. Low temperatures will be in the high 60s, the National Weather Service said. -HHUn1ton Beacll City (elemntary) Scllool District. It haa 20 IChoola for kindergarten through eighth grade students and a total of 325 teachers. The budget is $16 million.· Telephone MOSCOW (AP) -Telephone service to and from the Soviet Union was disrupted today by a "technical failure" in the Moecow international exchange, a Soviet poatal official said. West.em residents in Moecow • service to became aware of the problem when they were unable to book calls out of the country. The breakdown came a week aft.er Soviet postal authorities halted direct dailing to and from abroad, citing "technical reasons." Soviet Union disrupted A postal official who did not want to be identiCied told The A.llociated Presa that t.echnkians were working on the problem but that it was Impossible to predict when normal service would be restored. A supervisor with American Telephone & Telegraph Long Lines Division in Bedminster, N .J .,_alao said the Soviet telephone company did not say how long it would take to clear up the problem. "Approximately at 8 a .m. we got notification from Moscow that their switching machine handling the switching traffic, began malfunctioning,•• supervisor Brian Wood told the AP in New York. Tijuana poverty eyed TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - The elderly widow, shriveled and weary, can't remember her tast meal with meat. A mother of three college-age sons works for a few sacks of groceries. A man carrying an old food sack worries that Mexico's crumbling economy will break the poor. They are among the scores who line the courtyard at the Casa de los Pobres -Tijuana's "Houae of the Poor" -for their only food. Reeling ·from Mexico's 200 percent inflation and three peso devaluations in five months, Tijuana's impoverished masses have reached a breaking point. "People can take just so much," said 60-year-old Gordden COrdoba, his thread-bare food sack slung over his shoulder. "We are resilient, but there is a l.bnit." Tijuana, a magnet to poor Mexicans because it borders California, has a population of 1 million, many poor and living in shacks. 'The population is double what it was five yean ago. Hard times have become a way · COUNTY of life, and as Mexioo struggles with its worst recession in 70 years, the effects here are devastating. Located on a trash-strewn street close to downtown Tijuana, the tiny mission sustains 150 families a week and supplies 1,000 meals a day to the down and out. "I can't tell you how much it hurt to see this," Sister Armida, administrator of Casa de las Pobres, said Thursday. The charity institution has been hard pressed to meet the growing numbers of hungry. "If we opened the doors, we wouldn't have enough to feed all those who want it," the nun saJO, in tones of resignation. Donations are few and the budget is strained by the eroding pe90, she said as the aroma of bean aoup, rice and stew drifted Crom the mission kitchen. "Food costs are up 50 percent. We try to .erve balanced meals, but it is difficult. There ls no milk to buy and meat prices are terribly high," she said. The Mexican economy as Fraternity cleanup crew A fraternity at UC Irvine hopes a cleanup campaign at BOmmer Canyon will help improve its Image with the community of Irvine. Page Bl. Art's boldness unbridled Artist Jo-Ann Morgan, diaplaytng an unbridled boldnem in her exploitation of co1or and form, will exhibit her painting& at The Mllla Hou.e in Garden Grove. Weekender. , bottoming out after a period of unparalleled prosperity. The oil boom has stopped; industry development projects have stalled. The government owes foreign banks billions of dollars and has issued currency oontrol regulations in an attempt to control the flow of dollars in and out of the country. To cut expenses the government withdrew subsidies, doubling the prices of gasoline, electricity and basic foods such as tortillas. Thousands of workers have been laid off. Unemployment affects 40 perce nt of the working~age population. Tijuana is marked by stark contrasts between rich and poor. Million-dollar homes overlook miles of multi-tiered shanties that line dusty roada. Many of the shanties lack insulation or running water. "The injustices won't end," Manuel Medina, 72, leaning on hls cane, said. ''The rich will only get richer and the poor will get poorer." ' Structures which house part of Tijuana's growing masses of poor sit atop each other on a hillside in the border city, now con11idered the second largest on the west coast, next to Los Angeles. STATE Good drivers rewarded. Some driven pulled over by Los Angeles cops theee days will appear in a movie theater inltead of court. Page AS. BUSINESS Financial pie sou611t SrnaU bw:lriellM are flahtine for a share of the federal coniract pi•, bu\ face ob1tacle1 from entrenched lnt.enlta. hit ce. SPORTS INDEX At Your Service A4 Buaine9t C6-7 Clusified Dl-6 Comics B4 en.word B4 Stan Delaplane A 7 Death Noilcet 02 l!ditOrial A6 Entertainment Weekender Gardenina & HOl'OICOpe A 7 lntermiMion Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sporta Stock Markets Te1eviaion ThNten Weather Rams look 'official' Weekender A7 Weekender C6 AS C4,C6,D2 Cl-5 C7 TV Loi Weekender A2 Prepe Jciclc off foo1balJ Huntinston Beach Hlah School hu opened t\I football eeuon with an im~ve 24-7 victory over Corona del Mar. P• Cl. Conailt.ency in the off enee and a strong defensive .econdary are necetlary for a wtnntn1 f oott>.11 eeuon by the Rama. An official look I.a on P.,e Cl. ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Frida)', September ~o. 1tea esearcher s at UCI I ack deposit plan There would be lltlle or no roue In the price of beer and ft drink beverages If California rt approve PropmlUon 11, a ~verage container sfepoalt 11\tlative, reaearchera at UC ne have concluded. ''And, researchers aald w'lday, any lncreue would be re than offaet by reduction In r, and reduced energy and d waste dis):)068.} caeta. 'Personally, I think the eflta are quite significant.," Jose(>h Di Mento. direct.or of l's social ecology program and dy coordinator. he study was commissioned Californians Against Waste, a up bac k ing passage of position 11. The measure will ar on the Nov. 2 ballot. e initiative measure would ulre a five-cent deposit be d on all beer and aoft drink tainers. The objective of the tlative is to reduce littel' erated by non-returnable tainers. tallers would be required to fund d eposits to people urning beer and soft drink talners. Retailers, In turn, th• effect of almllar con\alner depoalt bll11 ln other atatea, lncludlOB Oreaon. They Aid experience ln other 1tatet 1how1 that the price of beveraps increuet aU1htly, If at all, following pa11age of the dePollt lawa. 'the reaearchera alto said Propoaltlon 11-type lawa are popular wherever they are tried. Amon1 the atudles examined by the UCI team was a Chapman Colle1e report lasued in July that concluded pauage of the container deposit bill would coet conaumen $68 million annually on the theory the aggregate sum pald for deposits would not accumulate interest. Di Mento aald many of the assumptions In the Chapman study were "unrealistic." Di Mento cautioned that the UCI study shoul d not be interpreted aa an analysis of the Chapman College study. "It was just one of 160 report.a we looked at," Di Mento said. But Di Mento aald he questioned the conclusions of the Chapman report. ln light of the fact opponent.a of Proposition 11 financed the analysis with a $30.- 000 grant. Sign e d state m e nt DA inves tigating mystery fare loss By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O("tMO.-, ..... l taft The Orange County District Attorney's office wu expected to be aak1Jd today to join the Investigation Into the apparent disappearance of $70,000 in Orange County Transit District bus fare box revenues. According to a stat.ement. rfleaaed today by the dlatrlct, "There appeara to be a shortage o( approximately $70,000 between late 1981 and March of this year." The dialrict collects about $8 million annually In coins depoalted in bus fare boxes, oWciah said. Kennard Smart, legal counsel for the dJatrict, 181d intervention by the diltrict attorney's office into the cue was "forthcoming." "I an ticipate It. will happen today," Smart said. The apparent •70,000 la. wu dl11l·u111cd by tr•ntll district dlrecton Thuraday during a cloeed meeung In Garden Grove. During an open portion of the sume meeting. dlrecton1 voW<I to terminate a $60,000-per-year c.'Ontract with Brtnka Inc., under which fare box-collected ooln has been transported for depo1it at banks In Los Angeles. Under a new S)'1ltem, district employees will count fare box revenues at OCTD headquarters. The money will then be sent to a bank for deposit. The new system is acheduled to go Into operation in January. Officials said the new system will help tighte n auditing controls arfa speed the flow of fare box revenues to banka. That should boost interest on those funds by $16.000 to $17,000 annually, they said. HB woman dies afte r c rash a pickup truck m which she was riding struck a parked flatbed trailer at Pomona Avenue near 17th Street. police said. would be pa id six cents per 7on tainer by distributors. Distributors would turn over containers to recyclers. The UCI researchers said they reviewed 160 different reports on The UCI researchers received only $500 to offset costs of their analysis, according to Rose Pumfrey, executive director of Californians Against Waste. It's no jo ke. O wners of the Lalf Stop in Santa Ana H eights have been orde re d to ha lt Monday nigh t male dancing but owners hint the show may go on. A 21-year-old Huntington Beach woman died Thw'lday al 3:35 p.m. from injuries received In a Sept. 2 traffic accident in Costa Mesa, according to a s poke1man for the Orange County coroner'• office. The victim, Sheril Palfin, had been hospitalized at Fountain Valley Comm~ty Hospital after Driver Ralph Wayne Sampson, 24, Fountain Valley, was arrested on suspicion of felony drunken driving following the accident, police said. He was not seriously injured. Pair sought in alleged • invest scam Huntington Beach police have 19.P~ed warrants for the arrest ~,two men who allegedly stole t2 l ,OOO from area investors' dividual Retireme~ Accounts. The men. sometimes known as <?~dro and Hector M arsach , ~ished April 15 from their San .(!}emente home. s '-'.Huntington Beach police 'Bet.ective Ron Pomeroy said the ~rant issued Tuesday charges ~men with 20 counts of grand theft. c .Jie said investigator s are ~nlinuing lo determine what inappened to more than $5 1!?-Hlion invested by Southern ~~llf o rni ans through the M'irsach Investment Co., which was located in Huntington Beach. n ~The men formed 16 limited ieaJ estate partnerships, ..allegedly promising investors a <high return on their money. ;~T h e two disappeared , ~~}\'ever, when 15 o( the 16 11J?ited partnerships were put t{\fP foreclosure. <:HfIPomeroy said the whereabouts of• the Marsaches is still ~· Trial date slated in airport slaying Kelly Daniels. the Laguna Beach sailmaker a ccused o f shooting and killing his cousin in a John W ayne Airport restaurant, has been ordered to stand trial for murder. Daniels, 32, will be arraigned Sept. 23 in Orange County Superior Court. He is free on $75,000 bail. The order to stand trial was issued this week following a preliminary hearing in Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach. The hearing lasted a week-and-a-half. Daniels is accused of killing his cousin Barkley F. Hodges while the two of them and a third man. Randy Snyder, sat drinking in Delaney's, a second-floor restaurant at the airport term inal Marshall Schulman. Daniel's attorney, said he does not contest the evidence that his client shot Hodges but claims the shooting was not premeditated or calculated. Daniels, Schulman said, had been .drinking heavily, had gone without sleep and was distressed by marital problems. Deputy District Attorney Bry'an Brown, d ur i ng the preliminary hearing, has tried to establish that Daniels believed Hodges was going out with his - Daniels' -wife and h ad vowed to harm Hodges. HB cyclist dies in crash A Huntington Beach man was killed Thursday night when his motorcycle crash ed in to a signpost and guardrail along Harbor &ulevard in south Santa Ana. The California Highway Patrol, which investigated the 9 p.m. incident, identified the victim as Ttacv A. Votendahl, :o. The CHP said Votendahl was traveling southbound on Harbor near the Santa Ana River bridge when the accident occurred. The CHP said it had not determined why Votendahl lost control of the motorcycle. 2i • bn .. State campaign spending soars r~f'SACRAMENTO (AP) -In "What officials de.cribed as an 1i10fgy" ol spending, candidates for state offices spent $40 million 9tfl , the June primary, nearly 16\~ble the amount in the last ~tatewide election, and total r@nding was expected to h it. $100 m1llioo by Ncvember. The Fair Political PracUcea IClclJnmission., the state political ~tchdog agency which monitors ~ctlon finances, reported Thurad~y that guber~.~or~al A 10W P<-•• eytlem OYef Ille rthwHtern Oull ol Me11tco oduced atrong thunderatormt the Oull Coaat on Thutlday1 d ha111v rain drenchea h-tetn~. W.SOU\'*'1 Cellfon .... hN'llY fog r~v In tht day rt•lrlcttd eratlon• at two etrporta f9dty end WU t>lllMO In ptf\ 1 colll•lon t>ttw-.n a •m•ll 11te that waa tending and • uln pickup truck. The fog adeyoft~ at cauNd wldHpraad power OYll. mudlllde damage and of road•. '<>' tod•y. 1cattertd OfllW-•I~~ t OVll COHt end toulhtrn IC eo-t. with thunder1torma OYflf Ille Ptateeu r9Q1on d t t RocklH, and 1omt In the Peclflc NOn'-1 candidates spent $13.7 rruJ.llon oy June 8. Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, an unsucceasful Republican contender, spent the lion's share -nearly $5.45 mllllon. Total apending for the June 8 primary, including about $12 million spent for or against the dozen propositiona which appeared on the ballot. such as the Peripheral c.anaJ referendum and the Paul Gann anti-crime initiative, totaled $52 million. Tom Hayden .• _who helped found the radacaJ ~tudenta for a Democratic Society in the 1960s and 1heads the grass-roots Campaign for Economic Democracy, spent more on his successful Assembly primary than any other legislative candidate in the state's history - $750,432. Overall. the h i ghest expenditure by a legislator was $1.04 million by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, who was unopposed Slightly warmer SURF RIP.Ill rr '~· A 11. • ·3 ft. 1-3 tt. 1-2 tt. 1-2 tt. 1-2 tt 1·2 tt 0-1 tt. 0-1 It 0-1 It. 1-3 It 2-3 It 1·3 " ,., ft. 1·211 t-2" 1-a" ...... , ..... ea ea .. .. " .. 87 t1 " .. .. • .. .. .. .. The Air Ouellly M•n•o•m•• 1>19trlc1 prtdlct1 OOOd .. , qua11t tOdty In •II 1tt•1 of tilt S~t~ Coat Alf &Hin. Oood •Ir 11 pr•dloted In tilt Rlvtrtld•-l•n Barn•rOlno area 1nd th• S an Farn•ndo, l•n Oatwlel, lent1 CW!ta encl ,OlnOM iilley1, all wltll a ,ollvt1nt lltndtrd lndt11 af 100 ....'°'*"'" Loi~ .. """ I Pll of,.,,",.. ..... ._ or lnl1nd Orlftfe Oou11ty. 1119 ltfMl·llllnoN ,..ion, Ille lllfll nd low dettl1•.:..00M11l ltP•• llWllnO encl lie -""" TOMOAAOW'I TIOH Hlfll Of p,m : Law: tooe a.m.: 9w9ll dlrtctlOn. lout.,..., ' Fund s tarted ~ in memory of slain LB girl A memorial fund in the name of Rise Lu Tucker, daughter of Lagun a Bea c h parking en force men t officer R osie Miclette, has bee n set up at Laguna Beach High School. Rise Tucker was shot to death in an accident last month in Huntington Beach. Her mother received hundreds of letters of s uppo rt from Lagunan s following the incident. Saturday sports clinics slated The Rise Lu Tucker Memorial Fund will go to support the school's girl's volJeyball team. Rise, who would have been 15 this wee k . was an a c tive volleyball player. Those wishing to contribute should send a check in care of the high school. to Jan Fritsen, 625 Park Ave .. Laguna Beach, 92651. Correctio n In some editions of the Daily Pilot on Thursday, an incorrect headline appeared above the story of the death of Joyce Whistler Stevens of Newport Beach. The Daily Pilot sincerely regrets the error. Huntington Inter · community Hospital will conduct free Saturday spor~ clinics from 9 to 11 a.m . beginning Saturday. Th£ clinics will continue through Dec. 4. The clinics are open t o you ngs ters involved in organized sports s uch as school teams, youth football. youth soccer and Little League. Youngsters must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must not have been examined by a • Annual auditions for Ballet UnUmJted will be held at 10:30 a.m. this Saturday and next at the Christine Baltes Dance Center, 10591 Bec hler R iver Ave nue Fountain Valley. · doctor in the previous two weeks. Any acute injuries discovered will be referred to the hospitaJ's e mergency room. Yo ungsters needing follow-up or continuing care will be referred to their family doctor. A list of doctors affiliated with the hospital will be provided to those without family physicians. The hospital is located at 17772 B eac h Blvd .• Huntington Beach. Male and female dancers, age 13 a nd older, may a uditio n for the 1982-83 sea.son,...which will include a performance in Reno, Nev. Fe male dancer s will be auditioned on pointe. Our Summer Sale Ends on the 11th If you'rs/ Entertaining the idea of Some nefo furnishings for your home , The Time is NOW! Heritage q,_ ••• ... The Old World way Entertain friends In style with this lovely ber from the Old World collection by Heritage". There's plenty or room to SIOfe all your ber necessllles. The crartsmanshlp Is obvious the mirrored beck 1>11nel, !he pull-out shelving, the spotlights al top You'll wan« to have a perty to show It ofrl Come In todly to'" all Iha rtne Hefltilge col!Ktlons• • Interior Designs lo ~ruf! You ALL STORES OPEN MONDAY TMRU SATURDAY -t A~ TO~ 30 PM ' WORLD Marines leave Beirut By Tbe A11ocla&ed Pre11 BltlRUT, Lebanon -With the countr~ aona "On The Road Aaaln • blarlna through the ahlp's loudspeakers, the last of 800 U.S. Marines left today aboard a troopship from the port they had guarded during the PLO evacuation of thl1 war·rlddled LebaneH capital. • United State• and French dlplomai• watched from doclulde as the Marines from Fox Company marched two· by-two aboard the USS ManJtowoc, their combat boota thuddln8 on the iron ramp. Swiss seize terrorists BERN, Switzerland - .Swiss authorities held four gunmen today who tried to foroe the lifting of martial law in Poland by seizing the Polish Embassy and holding five diplomats hostages. About 20 Swiss anti· terrorist police ended the three-day embassy siege Thursday when they stormed the building, freed all host.ages and arrested their captors in a bloodless rescue operation that lasted only 12 minutes. U.S. export ban d efied LONDON -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's government ordered two more British manufacturers today to defy the U.S. ban on use of American technology for the Siberian gas pipeline. Announcing the order, the Department of Trade said it ''very much regrets the action by the U.S, government," and said the dispute was "damaging trans-Atlantic relations and should be settled as quickly as possible." The companies are the Walter Kidde Co. and Andrew Antennas, both British subsidiaries of U.S . firms. European rocket crashes They said the launcher, carrying two satellites destined for stationary Earth orbit, disappeared from tracking screens about 1,860 miles from French Guyana on the northeast coast of South America. Orange CoHt OAIL'f' PILOT/Frld1y, September 10, 1982 H/F o.llJ Not ........ .., o-r .........., Amid his busy day iJl Orange County, Los Angeles Mayor Tom ~radley pauses to autograph a picture of himself Cor Pacific Mutual Insurance Co. employee Pally Oliver, who brought the photograph to work with her at the company's Newport Center headquarters. --- KOUROU, French Guyana -The Ariane rocket, Europe's answer to America's space shuttle, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean today 13 minutes into its first operational flight, officials of the European Space Agency said. NATION Bradley campaigns • ID county . . .. . ~ Private satellite planned MATAGORDA ISLAND, Texas -Space Services Inc. of America, ,the Houston company that made a giant leap for free enterprise with the first privately controlled rocket launch, plans to orbit a 500-pound satellite within two years, company officials say. Thursday's flawless launch and suborbital flight of the Conestoga I should make it easier to raise the $15 million to $20 million needed to build a private satellite-launching service, said David Hannah, founder and board chairman of Space Services. The rocket roared away from a launch pad scratched out of private ranch land and performed a series of complex maneuvers, Anti-abortion bill nixed. WASHINGTON - Ignoring personal appeals from President Reagan, the Senate has hand ed conservatives a defeat in their efforts to enact anti-abortion leJtislation this year. The conservatives, led by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., fell 19 votes short Thursday of the 60 votes needed to cut short a liberal filibuster, now in its eighth day. Forty-one senators voted to limit debate to 100 hours; 47 voted no. Two win pageant prelims ATLANTIC CITY, N.J . - Although Miss North Carolina fought back tears and Miss Mississippi sang the blues, both were winners in the second round of preliminary competition in the Miss America Pageant. STATE Elizabeth Gray Williams, Miss North Carolina, won the swimsuit competition Thursday night. Miss Mississippi, Dianne Evans, gave a sultry rendition of "Stormy Weather," to win the gold statue. Lutherans, Episcopalians mix By JEFF ADLER Oflhe Delly Piiot II•" Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley criss-crossed Orange County Thursday and hammered away again and again at the issues the Democratic candidate for governor says are the central concerns of Californians -jobs, housing, transportation and water. In his most concentrated round of campaign ing in Orange County to date, Bradley moved easily between the boardroom of Pacific Mutual's Newport Beach headquarters and the playground of the state's largest state- supported day care center, located In a poorer section of Santa Ana. But whether he was meeting the mothers of children attending the d1ay care center, teachers at Anaheim's North-- Orange County Regional Occupational Program or the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce. his emphasis remained constant. • He ca ll ed for a new partnership between business and government and establishment of a business advisory council, themes echoed by his Republican opponent Attorney General George Deukmejian and Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. in past campaigns. At several of his campaign stops, Bradley outlined his . program for leading California out of the current recession ahead of the rest of the nation- "If we wait for a turnaround we may be wasting several months," Bradley told members of Orange County's Building Industry Association Thursday California. -He also called for increased expenditures to promote foreign trade and tourism in the state. Calling California's record in support of trade and tourism "the poorest record of any state in the nation," Bradley said just a 10 percent increase in trade with other countries, such as those ringing the Pacific rim, would create 100,000 new jobs. The "add-a-job" program he envisions would be a voluntary effort to persuade every employer of more than 50 people to hire just one additional employee. Bradley also outlined his specific proposals to help revitalize the state'$ sorely hurtln& housing industry. Ech<?)rtg the program he first announced in early August, Bradley proposed exempting first-time home buyers from state truces on interest earned on savings by creating special qualifying. interest down payment accounts. Pointing out that various labor groups around the state have $65 billion in pension funds Invested out.side the state, Bradley suggested t)'lat the directors of those funds be persuaded to voluntarily "direct it into the state." If pension fund resources were avai lable for home mortgages, he said, it could significantly reduce Interest rates. Bradley also undenlCOred his support for the Mortgage Assistance bill, sponsored by Rep. Jerry Patterson, D-Santa Ana, that recently was vetoed by President Reagan. "It would create 35,000 jobs in California alone," Bradley told homebuilders. "We should encourage its reconsideration and persuade the Congress and President of the soundness of the bill." Bradley said the housing industry would be aided if every level of government in the state streamlined the permit process and concurrently accelerated the approval of subdivisions and zoning changes. He added that the duplication of Environmental Impact Reports is another impediment to new construction. :Bradley suggested that regional EIR reports be permitted to apply to all new hou~ing projects proposed in a particular area. Bradley emphasized his support for state-sponsored job training programs during his stop at the North Orange County Re.Vo~ Occupational Prow-am. As he toured the faci'lities, where everything from bricklaying to veterinary medicine is taught, Bradley commented that the program "recycles into the system an enormous amount of money for a modest amount on the entry end.'' The candidate emphasired his commitment to education during several campaign stops, saying that California's schools have declined from fifth in the nation in 1971 to their present 50th in per capita expenditures . He said that education would be his highest budgetary priority. if elected. Funds for education would be taken first out ofC whatever money was available, he said. Bradley added that the problems of education are related to the crime problem. because inadequately trained youths tum to crime in brder to survive. Asked by several questionen during his campaign tour of the county about transportation, Bradley said he is committed to a balanced transportation plan that will e mphasize completing unfinished freeways around the state. Bradley added, in answer to a question about the future oJ Caltrans Director Adriana Glanturoo, that a "new team wlU be in Sacramento when I gej there." · Turning to ·Southern California'• water problems, Bradley proposed fonnina a ul8k force, compoaed of both the opponents and proponents of the Peripheral Canal, with whom be would sit down and "hammer9 out a compromise plan to move water to the south and environmentally protect the Sacramento River delta region. Questioned about his politiba1 fortunes, Bradley said he is committed to campaigning in and winning in all of Californ~t) counties, including· hea\111'}' Republican Orange County. • • He said recent polls show him holding a 46 percent edge in Orange County to the 37 percent standing of Deukmejian. Bradley also claimed to \>e attracting significant amounta'of money that nonnally would· be earmarked for the Republican candidate. The statewide California poll currently has Bradley lel¥ilna Deukmejlan by nine percent-ae points, 47 to 38. SAN DIEGO -Delegates at Lutheran and Episcopal church conven tions have adopted resolution.s encouraging members of the two faiths to take part in each other's communion services. all Christians are part of one church , but resolu lions adopted this week by one Episcopalian and three Lutheran conventions broke down a centuries-old barrier. night. He added, In an earlier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~ Members of both religions always have participated in each other's eucharistic services, acknowledging that 0.-, ......... .,.., ···--.. .. The Lutheran convention voted Wednesday to merge into a new 5.5 million-member Lutheran church by the year 1988. interview, that "creating a posl t(ve business climate will have An automatic spinoff for the economy.'' The Democratic candidate said that he would like to create an "add-a -job" pro.sram, to help begin easln~ unemployment. in We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor, The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, pfease. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 Q_f\ANGE COAST DlilJ Pilat CIH11fted ~ltnt 1141M2·M71 All other depertmentl 142-4321 Jane AmClfl f•.cvtlv• fd1t01 L. Kay Schutta v~.,,..,.. Giid OHtc.tOI of Ad't•tli!llO ~,.Horv.y Owtetof ol Mall•'flll •C:wc~1ho11t Thomas A. Murphlne Edi10r Raymond M.c:Leon COrllrchr K•nn•th N. Oelldn Jt. °"~tor ol 0p.Gtl0flt .. MAIN °"1CI ..... N¥ SI , c .. ta ~ ... CA. Mall.._, ... '*· C•ta MtM, CA tMa c..,,..... ..., °'.,.. c-• ~,...._ c....., ... _.-............ left., .. _..,"' .... ., ... fff'tlMINftll ..... "'9Y 111' f~M ~ ..... ,.,.,.,........ .. ,..,, ..... ...,.,, • VoL 71, NO. Ill TWIST. Crefted trom herd twitted nyloo yams that ere apecl•lly detigned for yea,_ of ovtatendlng perform•nce Vl- brent coloB lldd to the dMlr- ablllly of tht. tong..weerlng '11" bnt·Mlllng L ... C°erpet MULTI-LIWL. MU!ti·iellel pile yam• taehloned In~ to eccent any room Textured effect cr•te. dr.,,,.tfc hlgh- 119f\ta "* wiM edd I new dl.- rnenek>n to your ~ '1 l" acheme . Sala Thru Sept. 21th \ 15 DIFFERENT QUALITIES ON SALE BY LEES DEN'S ~.,,,... :iiiiiilliHon:·cu1tom dr1p1ri11 t • f PLAcomA A CA 7 • ftm C4 Orange Ooat DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 10, 18ta OILER • • • From Page 01 bu\ w .. fon.'ed to punt. David Mo1ham'1 fumble recovery lsnlted • 33-yard 1corlna march In the 1 cond quarter. capped by Katt' tleld aoal, then }Uchard Mendota intercepted a CdM aerial on the aecond play to erase a 5l:yard kickoff return by the Sea Klnp' David Pattet'llOn. · El Toro rolls, 21-7, with stifling defense Later Billy Ray recovered a CdM tumble at the Sea K.lnga' 13, and with the help of a queatlonable 15-yard hookup from Lawton to Carl Satterfield (he didn't apE; to have control before fumb out of bounds), Cerda crOllS buc ed over the right aide. L.ance Martin, the Sea Kinas' one weapon, got Corona del Mar beck In the game with a 15-yard ICOring jaunt capping a 39-yard march, with the aid of Don Pryor's springing block, but MA(1.ln (22 carries for 113 yards) couldn't do it alone. The Oilers retaliated with a four:Play, 64-yard march, capped by Cerda, but highlighted by S9-yard and 19-yard passes from La)Vton to Buddy Noble and Mike Ray. Obviously on a roll at this point and appearing to be dominating both sides of the line, the Oilers rambled fqr 55 yaDds in 11 plays on their next possession, with Satterfield, Thompson and Lawton alternating at the point of attack. Lopez also had an interception and at a crucial point with a 10-0 lead, Mend oza came through with a 58-yard punt out of his end zone. Despite the loss, severaJ Sea KillJlS stood out on defense, most notably Joe Paluck, Brad Driver. J eff Brown and Eric Shaw. Hunttnaton ~ 24, CdM 7 i-.-.,a-.. HYntJngton 8"ell o 10 o 14-24 Corona <Ml ~., o o 7 o-7 HB-Katl'27 FO HB-C.de 2 run CdM-Menln 15 run (HughM kldcl HB-C«de 4 run (Katz klcit) HB-M. Ray 9 paM fl'om Lawton (Kitz kidl) Attendenc.-3,400 (•llmeltd) GefM lt.t6attce <t. f'lratdown8 13 ~yardt 35-N Puelng yarde 165 p-12·22-0 Punta 7-34 F11mblee-la.I 1-0 Penelt .... yarde 8-57 CdM 9 38-115 23 2-9'-2 &-34 3-2 9-47 .,....., flu8Nrlg · HB-Thompton, 111-50; Sellertitld. 12-311; Cerda, 3-7; Lew1on, 3-5; Tomaelck, 1-0. CdM-M8111n, 22· 113; Brown. 2-3: Weleon, ll·for-mlnue 7; Carpenter, 5-for-mlnue 2; Mollneto. 1-3; P1tteraon. 2-6. ....... u .. ,...,.. HB-Lew1on, 12-22-0, 1115. CdM-Wal8on. 1-8-2, 22; Carpen!«, 1·3-0, 1. llldt\1d ... Reoelvtna HB-M. Ray, 4-eO; Noble, 341; Dunn, 3-25; aanarfleld, 1-14; Thompeon, 1.1. CdM-Schweltz«, 1-22; Molinaro. 1-1 Nl.IC ll)TJC[ Corona del Mar's Paul Watson (8) is hit by Huntington Beach's Louie Cerda for a loss. OFFICIAL LOOK AT '82 RAMS • • • • with too many of lhe players -but al least it's honest. If it's wrong, It's up to the players to prove otherwise, • • • KEVIN MAGEE UPDATE: Magee has his first taste of Italian competition last week, playing in a non<e>unting pre-season tournament. Magee's performance was such, however, that he was named the tournament's MVP. Magee also participated in an All -star game against a team composed of NBA playe rs - Boston's Nate Archibald and Chicago's Reggie Theus being two of tne opposing performers. · Magee's team didn't win, but the 6-8 power forward was active enough to score 46 points against the NBA All-stars. • • • TOMMY JOHN UPDATE: John's attorney, Bob Cohen, is scheduJed to meet next week with Angels General Manager Buzzie Bavasi concerning an extension to John's contract, which expires after next season. John is hopeful the Angels will renew for another two years, which would give the southpaw the remainder of this season plus three others with the HaJos. Winfield drops suit NEW YORK (AP) -The Winfield Foundation, headed by New York Yankees outfielder Dave Winfield, has agreed to drop a lawsuit against Yankees' owner Gt-orge M . Steinbrenner, the club announced Thursday night. The foundation was set up by Winfield and c hartered for the purpose of h e lping underprivileged youth Nl.IC ll>TIC£ IY TERRY WRITE or .. ~,....._ El Toro HJgh Wied a 1tJfllna defen1e and • Potent off on.11 to defeat the Cypreu Ht1h Centurions, 21-7, Thuraday nlant before 2,700 faru1 at Million Viejo .H11h. -The Charger• were led by Quarterback Mike Douglaat. who completed 7 of 9 pa11e9 for 163 yards, and Blake Fennell, who bad 38 of hia aame·hieh 82 yarda ruahlng on a touchdown acamper with 8:18 left in the game that aealed the win for El Toro. El Toro Coach Bob Johnson wa1 pleased with his team's perfOmwlCe. "I think we played well and I don't think there was a n y turning point (In the game)," he aaJd. However, Johnson sees room for Improvement. "We made a lot of fint game mistakes," he said. The Chargers fumbled tour times, losing two of them; and the Chargers were intercepted twice. Johnson felt good to win the first game o! the season. "It was nice to get the first one out of the way," he commented. El Toro took conunand early in the game when Douglass marched the Chargers 79 yards in eight plays on their first possession of the game. During the drive, Douglass completed passes of 36 and 24 yards to Brian Horgan. The Chargers culminated the drive PREPS. • • From Page C1 including junior quarterback Burt Call. Capo's Cougars are the hosts. San Clemente vs. Magnolia The winner will equal last year's totals in the win column tonight. F.ach was 1-9 in 1981 and neithecnrpears to be a contender for a playoff spot this year. Mark Miller is a first-year coach at Magnolia, Allie Schaff begi.ns his 11th season at San Clemente after several years at Alhambra , and Mark Keppel. The game is at La Palma Stadium in Anaheim. when Jerry Eldridte eooted from a yard out to make It 7-0 over El Toro with 7:47 left in the flnt ttenu. The Charpna arored apin late In the flrtt quarter when Blake Fennell 8COl'ed the flnt of hit two TD'• on • l·yard run from the left aide to make lt 14-0 El Toro with 1:1~ leh in the period. . The Chargen dominated the game offensively, OUtlalnina the Centurlona 201·73 on tlte ground. Alao, the El Toro defen.e forced Cypreaa to punt five times, while the Chargera thenuelves only had to punt twice. Rt T•o 21, C,..,... 1 ...,. ..,0-W. Cypr... 0700-7 El T°'o 1• 0 0 7-21 ET-Eldf1doe 1 run ('Mllema klc:ll) ET -Fentllii 1 run (WllllarM klcll) C-8h«IMt 18 PM1 fl'om Auble (Aic:ti klGlll ET-F«lntl 3t run IWllkml klGll) Allendenc..-2, 700 (•tlmllttd) 0-ltetttttc. . c IT Fltet down• 16 1e Ru.,__yetd1 26-73 38-201 Piiiing yarde 163 183 .Punta 12-2&-3 7-9-2 Punt• 5-3-4 2-31 Fumt>IM-10111 0-0 4-2 Penalt1ee-yard1 e-40 7-41 ........... """"'"' C-Fenton, 14-53: Belf'd, 10·~11; Ruble, 1·6. ET-Fennell, 13-82; Trlckeu. 10-49; Eldrldge, 5-44. ~ .... ...,. C-Rublt, 12·26·3. 163. ET-Oouglua. 7-9·2, 163. ~ ..... ""' C-Sllermtl, 9'-133; Nellon. 2·26: Fenton, 1-4 • ET-Woode. 3-53, Horgan, 2·llO, Pilon, 2·SO Volleyball tryouts set The Newport Beach Volleyball Club will hold tryouts for girls 11 -17 years of age at the E.astbluff Boys' Club gymnasium at 2555 Vista Del Oro in Newport Beach Wedneaday and Thursday. High School girls will try out Wedneaday from 6:30 to 9 with the junior high group trying out Thursday at the same houn. MembershJp in the club is open to all girla and players do not need previous experience to try out for the team. Those trying out for the team will be askecf to perform athletic tests to perform athletic teats to determine speed, agility, endurance and quickness. For further information, call coach Jack Houston at 646-1196. ITAft...,,. 01F WfTMIMllAWA1. fJCTmOUI eu .... 11 YOUAM INDtE,.UU\MDl:JtA "CTITIOU I I U II N 11 I fltennoul •PH•SI T-MOel fltCJll.OU. .,._.. C"'~ "'°"' .... ,... IT'"_._NT MID Ofl TMIST DATED AUOUIT ..... ITATOtEfT ~ STATDmMT -nca -lWUITWrl SA.LIE ~ ITAn.NT NOTICI cw TIIUSTD'8 SAL.a -... ..._ 14 1111 UNL·•1 YOU TAKI ~ ,--..... -.......... """ T.S._.Me. 1 -T .. -following -r•An •-doing T.t. Me.._ ,.~ ~UTINO Tiit lollowlt!g persons .,, doing • • '"' • ... ~ft ... pereona -· ~... The ~ '*"°"9 -doing _,_ ,,.. .. --.. UNDmt ~.. ACTION TO .. ROTECT YOUR ~ M: ~ - YOOAAEIMOEFAULTUHOEAA ~-~ .,.__,,_,_ .. ..._ TILE IMPORTERS. 1320 S "'°""",rTllAY•IOl.DATA VPA.INC.,U25JamboreeRCI. EON RESOURCES 1982A DUO Of TRUST DATED JUNE 2t OLINE. 2$00 Park Newpor1, YOU AM .. DD'~T utlD«lt A ro .. ..,..,.. ""9LJC 1AL1. • YOU ...0 AN 11 190 N t B oh CA 1'79. UNLESS YOU TAKE N9wpot18Mdl,CA 92MO. DlaD O' TRUIT, DATID The lollowlng pereon llu Slllte College BM! .. Ane/Mlm, CA NATUM u t • ewpor H • DRILLING PAOOAAM, 895 Town '"CTIO"' TO PROTECT YOUR Lone Ulrloh , 2800 Park DICllleER 12, 1180. UNLlll wtthdr8WllM1genetllpertl'l«from 92110e. IXP\.ANA~ °"...!':!' ....... -92MO. O OD CTION Center Drive. ltll Floor, Coate " " c o--cT ........... -........ -., ..... undtrthe LINBROO" TILE. INC •• °" r.-... "'""al-.. _, VIDE PA u ...... CA92e2e. PROPERTY. rT MAY BE SOLO AT A Newport, Newport BHCll, A YOU TAKE ACTION T .......,,., ,,. ..-.. .__.,.. ........-• .,. " YOU YOU 1HOULO CONTACT A ARTISTS INC C1lllornl1 Ot1 .. 'BLIC 9 .. , r IF Y"'' Nr"'" aN 929e0.. YOUR .. RO .. IRTY, IT llAY ea tlctllloue b111lne11 name Of C1lllornl1 corporellon, 18511 S. , a..1-.a ..._: •• 2 ... J~-bor .. Rd Eon Aelourcee. Inc., en IO .. ., "~ "" ~ " ........., ... _.___ la _........ .... _. .... an ...... .. T "' ---•a•• •YOU OOLFLAPS, 1826 W•tclltl DrlYll, Sllltt ,._,.,,.__ 81Vd . Anaheim, CA ~ .. ,.,.. C«potat ...... , .. " _.. ·· Corporation. 11911 Town Ctnttt EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE "---.,..........,.., ..,., -A .. .---Newport e..cti, CA 92NO. 9290e ......._... NOTICI CW TRUaTU'I IALS ~ Beacll. CA 92MO. DftJ9, ttf1 Floor, Cos!e ...... CA OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST lndMdulli:_ Ulriotl ="-: ~..==D= The llcUtloua butlne" name This t>utln ... II GOnducttd by I T.t. .... _, lllle ~ II c:ondveled by ' 12t2t. r'?'Jwv· EYf!'J IHOVLD CONTACT A Thie 1181-1 wae llled with UNI AQAINIT YOU, YOU eHOULD 1taltm«1I '°' the part~ wu corparatlon NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEH. that COfJ)Ofatlon. Cob}' N. Keller, 895 Town "'" "" Coun CT A WYP flied on April 2. 1962 In the County Unbtc>c* Tiie, Inc. on Thul'9dly. ~tember 30, 1N2. Video Prooucllon Cent•r prlve. 8th Floor. Colla On Friday, s.ptembat 24, 1N2. County a.ni ol Or1111g9 ty on CONTA LA • ol Orange. Rey Max-v. Seoty ., 9:00 o'docll e.m. of Mid ci.y, In Artllll, Inc. ...... CA 12121. at 9:00 Lm., Tl11t lntur•nce •nd Aug. 18. 1982. On Saptembat 24111, 1982, •I 9' 15 Full N•m• •nel AddftH ol lh• Thia •l•ltment WAI nled with ,,,. Ille room Ml ulde lor ooncluc11ng Bien ltllure, Pr•. TIM bllllnl9I II oonduc1ed by • T--eom-. -d•"" .......... ,tel . J'11N71 A.M .. WILSHIRE RECONVEYANCE T--1 .. ·1 s .... _ .... hln t ..... ....,._of T"'I• •1•1-t WU II'--' with t... I ..._.__.... ·-· .-" -z ...........,, O C t D 11 C C Ill I "'-· 11 Pwaon Wllhdrewlng: Countw Cletli of Or•,.,... Coun1y on ,..., • ..,, , .. .,.,..,.. " -·-· _, , .. lmlted _.,_.,.,... Tru1tM under end pureu1nt to Publlalled ranjJt OH 1 Y IN ··I a °'n a ...,.pora on. H ,,_a. Wlnllum Augu_; 25• 1982 -.,,-REAL ESTATE SECURITIES County Clerk of Orange County°" Eon Aalourc9t, tno. DMd of Tn11t recorded July 31, PllOI, Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1982 duly appointed TrutlM ulld« and 1811 ContW .. ~ ,1 .. 1oe SERVICE, IOctled at 2020 NOf1h Augutl 23, 1982. Coby H. K.aar 1•7"' .. ln ... r. No. 41 .. •", In booll 36115-82 purauent to OMd Of Truet recorded 8 """"•'f Suitt-.. In , .. _ Cl"' of ,1~ -............ •i .. ....., 5 "'8 • • • I ' N -...... CA... Publl•h•d Orenge COHI D•ll~ '°'"-. '"'" ... '7 -· &.eoutM vio.. .. ,_,, 132:>0, ~·& 1557, of 0 111c1a1 J an. 1 • 1. 1 • H ne · 0· --...... Sent• Ana County Of Of7s St•I• p bll•h•d Orang• CoHt Dell\ ......... t ~ ............. Cou TICE 15266 In boo11 13913 pege 1838 '•1'8412 Piiot. Aug. 27, Sep!. 3, 10, 17, 19& • s' TE u e~ ,,_ etat--.-.. wtm .,,. Aeoc:tdt ofllo. of Ille nty "8.IC II) of offlclal Reoofd• In '111e office of Publlehtd Or1ng• CoHt Dally 3818·82 ol Calllornla, R!Al TA Piiot, Auo. 27, Stpl. 3, 10, 17, 19 • County c..'k of Orwige County on ~~~. rd_•r ol Orange County, 1--,-... -_,,..--U-l-.-U~ .. =-~l~S:---l"e Count~ R~ord~ ol Orange PllOt .. ,.,, 27 .,_, 3 10 17 1982 SECURITIES SERVICE, a c.ufC)(nle 3819·8~ Aug. f3, 1M2. .....,,.,.,_ ,...,,ov -" ~ •• '"'-•· '....., · ' ' 377.._.2 f'\a.JC ll>TICE corpor1Uon. H duly appointed Cellr N. IC..., ~~l PUBLIC AUCTION ..... tTATDlllNT County, 1ate ol Callfornla. ---------~-----~· Trutt" und« and purauent 1o Ille l'tll.lC ll)TlC( A..._, .. '-~O H T •IOOER FOR CASH Tiit followlng P•rlOl'I ,, doing Execuled by ROY N. HUNTER Ind YOU AM IN MfAUL T ~" A power Of Hit conferred In thal -T-c.... DrM O~ '$Cti£CI<. (payable 81 bueJr-. u · MAROARE't M. HUNTER, hutbend D 11 D 0 f TR U IT, DAT l D owtaln Dead of TIVl1 executed by • l'IC'11110US eue.u ...._ - ....,. .... In '-M money Of Ille ELITE. WALLCOVERINOS. and wife, Will SELL AT PUBLIC --"" W'ITll'r NOYOllM" .. 1m. UNI.Ill YOU Shrag1 Brocl«eon .• tlnglt m.n. ..... ITAT'DmWT c....-. CA - United 8tat•) .. thl eoutlt front 116A 38111 St. Newport 8eecll. CA AUCTION TO HIWiEST 91DOER I----"--~.,..""~'.....-~---TAKI ACTION TO .. ROTICT r-ded September 23, 19&1. In The loltowlng pereon I• doing ,,_, entreno, to""' Qd OrArlQI County 92863 • FOR CASH (peyable II time of Nit MOTICa ~ YOUR '"O .. IRTY, IT llAY .. Boott 14229 of Olflcltll Aecordl of ~ -Publleh.cl Oflft~ Coall OIJly ~loc:Ced lnthl-tbo ~ OAEOORY KEVIN c_~INE . In l1wful money ol lh• United ,...,.,.... IAU IOU> AT A fl'UIMJC IAU •• YOU Uld County. •t page 1J30. c a N ADVERTISING. 6011 Piiot. Aug. 20. 27, s.pt. 3, 10, , .. ~ ol w. ..... Ma IMI (tormlfty 116A 381h SI., Newport Beech. CA Stetee) ., lhe lront entrance lo,,,. T.a. MO.'°'* NIHD AN EXPLANATION°" TMm RtcorOlr'I lnst,__.I No. 28924. Clmtwtdgt Aft .. , W..rrnin.t.. CA 37oe-82 W•tt 8111 9trHI). Santa Ana, 92M3 Old Ortnge County CourtllouH, On~tembef2.4, 1"2eU:15Lm. NATU"I Of THI .. ROCllDINQ by retton of a breteh or default In 92183. Calltof'nla. 11 rlQtd, tltlt and lnt«eet Thia.~~ COl'lduc:ttd by an located on San1a An1 Blvd • 01 Mid ci.y at tf11 rront antrllnOI te> AQAINeT YOU, YOU IHOULD peymen1 0, perfo~mance of tll• Neen1 8u• Koeller. 1731 c~ ,. and now held by " lndMdual· ~ Syc:emore S\.' Brotdw•y. Ille old Ofanoe County CourthouM. CONTACT 4 LAWYUl. obllgetlon1 HCllrtd thtttby, $allpOrt Or., Huntington 8-:tt, CA 111\der Mid o.M ol Trull In tlle Gregory K. Clint Sent• Ana. Cellfornll, .. 11ght. 11111 IOCtltd On Senl• Ana Blvd.. NOnc. °" TRUITWl'I 11!.La Including Illa\ breecll °' deftUll, t2t4C1. PfOC)erty '""~ In Mid Co~1nty Thie •let-I -flied With UNI and lnl«MI Cl0nvey9d to and now 119'-Sycamore St. a Btotdwmy. .... Q1M17 Notice of~ -recorC:ed Mey Thia~ II oonducted ~"" ORA MOE COUMTY au .. uuo" Ind at-. d.aci'l>td u: County Clertl ol Ofanoe County on 11t1C1 by It under NICI Dead Of TNl1 1n the City of Santa Ana, County of On Septamb« 22. 1te2. •t 10:00 27, 1982 ... ~d«'• lnstNrMnt lndMdual. CCMMT Lot 208, Tract 2a22 M per "'8'I August 20, 1982. In Ille property •lluat.cl In H id Orange. State ol California, A.M .• at the main •n1'aric• ol No 82·182943. Will SELL AT .....,,. SW Koaller ,. a.ti C.... DfM Wwt rtipOfdad In Book 11t; p..,_ 3 to F1tll07 County and State dwcrlbed M Celllornle Trust OMdl. Inc., 11 dlAy l..lwyet'I TltJt ll\IUfence ~. p U 8 l IC AU CT I 0 N T 0 THE TtMI ~t ... lllad wttll tlle ..... AM. c• •arm 11 lnduft¥e Of ~ Mape Publllhed Oreno• Cout Dill LO( 102 of Tract No. 2822, In appolnled truat-. wlU ... et publte 520 NOt1h Mein Stl'MI. In 1119 City Of HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, Coun1y a.ti ol Ofenga County on PLAINTIFF: JOHH Q. ADAMS and In the o111c:ia of IN AeoorOlr of Mid Pllot Aug. 27. 8-pl. 3. 10. 17, 1982 Iha City ol Cotta Meee, County Of llUCtlon to Ille hlghMI blddw IOI Senta Ana. COunty of Oflngl, St ... l8Wful rnoMY of the Unttied Swtw, Aug. fl. llt2. ALYCE S. ADAMI C*1nty ' 3&3s..82 Orange, Stlle Of Celltomle, MI* cuh In lewful money of the United ol Callfornla. CALIFORNIA 0t e cutlltf't clleck drtwn on a P~ OEFENDAHT: EDWARD R Trwior or record owner: LOUIS J. lnllP recOrded In Book 1lt Pagea 3 SlllM, all peyablt 11 tlle time of RECONVEYANCE COMPANY. a etel• 0t netlonel blnll, a etai. or Publllhed Or•nJJ• Cout Oelly DAYEHPORT; HAROLD 0 . ADAMS: BERGER ·-"" lilftT1C( to 18 lnctu11ve of Mleoetten.oue .-. thl lollOwlng deec:ftbed rMI Calllornla Corporation. H duly ledttll credl1 union, °' a at•t• 0t Plot, Aug, 20, 27, sept. 3. 10, 1M2 ROBERT A. DOTSON; MOTEL 1'i. 1trHI addrtH end Ollltr ,._ "" Mapa, In Ille Olflc:e of Ille Counly !>fopert)I 1111.Mited In the Counly ot •ppolnttd TrullH undtt Ill at feder"tlM¥tnol and 10en .-ocUt1on 34171-42 INVESTMENTS, a Celllornlt oom.ionr-• -~y ......_ __ 1·.!_..fll'f1;.!!_tlMl11 ~a~• ~~~=~~. 12, 1981• Or1nge, S1111 01 Callfornl• and certain Dead of Truat exacvted by dOtNclltcllntftlutete, alOIYAblaat pertn•:,~zy I-TUCSON, -... --.. .,... ""'H -.,.. •• 3 78 p deacrlbed .. followa. to-wit: ELIAS D. OVIEDO 1nd MARY S. tllt time of ..... al l1gllt, title and __ .,. MftllC( LTD., a ~LAZY ~to b« no lfr..t tddfW The tollowlng 1>W*Or1 II dOlng lnll. No. 1111"" BK 1 I age Loi 47 of Tract No. 6098, • OVIEDO, Hu1b1nd Ind Wll•, H lnt«•I htld by It, M TruatM, In ,._ "" I MOTEL. I Caltornia ~-lhlp. 0t ot"8r OOtMIOt'I dellgnatlon 1111 bullMll u: l920. thOWl'I on 1 Map recorded In Book truetors, r-ded on Novamb« 22, thll ,.,1 pr~ eJ1u11t In Mid l'tCTITIDUe •••• PICKW1Ct< INN, IHC., • COtJ)Oratlon; .,..,, lurnlehed. You may obtain £VERESf FIRE PROTECTION, Th• etrMt addrHt and Olhtr 2l8, ~ 111. 17, 18, 19. 20 and 21 1977, .. lntlrutnenl No. 2834t, In County and ,,., •• daacrlbed .. ..... 8TAW Ind DOES 1 ""°""'as. lndUelW direction• to 111• property by 12t0 LoQM AYA "A'' Col1a Meta. common dellgneUon, " any, of the ol Mltoallm• Mapa, recor<ll ot Book 124~ Peoe 1129, of Offiolll fo110w1: .......,. tubmlttlng • Mittan rtqUMI within CA t2921. ' reel property Cleac:rlbed above 1• Orange County. Cellfornla. Aecofde of Ufang9 County, Stele of Lot 1 ol Tr.ct No. 988t M J* The tolowlng Pl"ION .,.. dolflO CAM -.,.,, 10 cleyt from lfte flnt publlcatlon of o.orQ,. M~MI Tomlin, 1019 purported to be: 1808 Blk« St., EXCEPTING an undMded on.-C.lltomle. under the power of Nie m1P ~ded In booll 418, peoee buelnMI ae:R INVEST .. E"'T NOncat YM .... lilMll ..-, mi.noucato: 00.-M.G•, c/o Cheyenne St Coal• MaH . CA Coat• MMe, Cliff. half lnl«MI In Ill oll, gee, mtnerlll therein Clontelned, wltl Mii •I Pliblic o througll 60 lnclu1111e of coJ/...N,..~~ 1r~~ PulllMl'I -n._...,...,.. ....... ,_ Pr~tor end Proctor 3320 WHI 92t2t " The underalP.n•d Truitt• end other hydrocart>o!'l aubttenc.9 aucllon lo Ille hlghNt bidder lor mll09lleneoul mepe, rwcorcle of the lrYlne Calfomle ttn• ..... ,_-..... ._,. ..._ Victory lllvd., eurberi., CelHornl• TNI. bu*-11 oonducttd by 11n dl1clelma •nu I ability for any lylng below e depth ol 900 ffft CMh, or d'9Clc M ~lbed below, Orange County AKOrder or Mid A.10f1 Clock 11e' VII Havre r:: ........... •.,... .._. t16015. Ah•ntlon: Marian A. lndMdual lncotrectneM of Ille etreet .cldr-wlthouttl\9 rlQllt of IUrface ent,yu payable at lhe time of .... In lllWfUI oounty ~ 1 ~ • ..... 1•••• --.. Proc:1or. Jt. 0-ge M. Tomlin • *lid other common detlgnellon, " rtetrWCI In the Dead fl'om Paclftc mon•y ol th• United StatH of The' 1trHt addrtH or otfttt John a:c"ci... MU =111 K ~ *'9tl to..-IN ld\llca of Tiie under1l9ned Truetee Thie 11atarnent -llltd wtth Iha 81ly, lhown herein. Mldwut Development Co .. • AINtlca, without warranty txpreee common dHlfnatlon ol the '"' Terrao. !MM ~ t211S'. 111 ettor~ In tlllt matter, you d11cl11m1 any 1rablllty tor any County Clerk or~ County on Said HI• will be mede, but corpore11on. rto0rdeel October 3, or lmptl•d •• to tltle, uu, property ~ ~ II Thia~ le oonducMd bY • lllQIM dO IO~ IO "'91 ~ tncrrect,_ of ttll ..,... edd,.... Aug 11 1982 without covenant or warranty. 1"3 In BOOk t744, page 18t ol poHMtlon or encumbrance1, •II ~to be: H01 Oebt'A Drtw, llmlted -rtn«lt'-wtltttn r~. II eny, may M MCI other oornmon clwlgnatlon. If • ' · ,,..,. •.-°' lmpiled, rtQlrdlng lllle, Offlclet Aeoordt. rlgflt, Utt• end Int.,.., now Nici by Coll• Mell, Cellfoml&. ~ w Ca.ti f"9d on tlllle. any,lhOwn-..n. Publl1hed Oran.11• CoHt Dilly potMU!on, °' ~ll"tbtanoee, 1° Commontr known u : 623 II•• IY4" TruelH In tnd to 'he Tiit under119ned hereby TlWltatemant flledwltllttle AV1801 Utt••"'•••• Said HI• wlll I>• m1de. but Piiot, Aug. 20. v . sept. 3, 10, 1982 PIY lhl..,rem1 ~~C: ~ Pierpont Drive , Coit• Meu, lollowlng d"crlbtd property dlec111me ell ll1bt11tr for any County Claf1t of~ County on ..._......_II ,,.. •• ,,..... without covenanl or w1rr1n1y, ~the"°''"'' MCUf .... vz _,. Clillfornle tltueltdlnlllealcweaeld~tyand lnCOfrtetMM In Mid tt,..C eddtw ,...,. fl IM2 ~--...., ...,. U... •I P 111 • ...,,_ or lnle>hd. regerdlng utla. Trual, with lnlerHt thereon. " Slkl Nie wlll be made wltllout Slate. lo w!I: or oee. common~ ._. • · -... u.., ,......... ....,. pauu11on, 0t ancumbranciea. to •-II' W\'IM'r pr0¥tded In Mid note(•). ectvanoaa, ~t °' wwtenty. ecpr...CS 0t Lot 3-4 OI Tract Ho 74M. •per leld .... Wiii be made wlttlOUt ....., a Ww • I ..., .._ la """""81 ... pay 1h• unpaid balance ol lh• ,.._,., ""'-. lfany,undettlletermaofllklo.d im911td. rtQlrdlng tltlt, pouaulon IMP 1'9COfded In eoo:i~ werr111ty, upr• .. or Implied, ...,...,,,.'-DfM ...... Mtt(•I W9d by uld OMCI ol PICnnGUa WM of Truer, IH•T ohugn and or encumbranc... 10 11U1fy IM ..,. 10 '8 lnClllllYa of r191rdll!O 11111, pOlleHIOft, or .... -~ •1 U•t•d dHH eollclttr el T"*· lcMllt: •.11e.oo, lndudlnO ..._STA~ •...-°' tne uet .. and of 11141 ob119at1on1 ... cured cir ano ....,., In llle Oftloe of ttll County encu"'tlr•ncee. to Hlltly lh• ,..o, ... _,, oonMto de"" •boOedo lfl .. ,. •• prowlOed In n ld note(•), Tiie fotlowl pe eon le doing lruete orHt•d by Hid D•ed of pureuant to 1111 "ower o 8•1• AacorderofllldCounry. , _ _.., prlncjpal Miene.°' tM Not• or --c • ~mu a111nto , deberra ll•e•rlo .._... r any under ttle *"" OI no r TNlt. oonlerred 1n • otrtlln DelCI of Trve;;cit The totll amount Of the ... ....,.. other Obi~~ MClll'ed by Mid • .,..... - -, ln!MdlM_.., de .... ""'*9. ~ ............ Ti"'~ ..... ::r: ......... ~ M: The Iota! _,,,, of 1tle unptlld _. WI--~ ......._ == ....... _ Int_... thereon ..__... of __ ,.. ....... l"' ........... I ••• --__..... .. -. .....,_ --o1·::::::.·T·-of~ v.1.P. TOYS. ,.., 1. Harbor ........ ~of -.............................. ..., 1111CU1 ... 1>y _ .. "" ... -.Jr. --· ..... . ._ ,_., ""''" ...... --11 ........ ,..,. ~e-t Del ., .-..-----...... ---~ ..... ·-.... co.ta ..... CA 92127 --.... ......._...... --VJ "••ttcl• J. Wiiie .. frul(Ofl, dated .,., """ ~ ..um.ted otller !Ml"" .. provided tMfeln; Put> ··-...... 11'*91 -nat .... ~ tr11•t• CfMted by •aid Offd ol T 9'oer1I ;, Ar1et Ct. 1"• prop•rty 10 be eold end Merell 13, 1H 1 and recorded oat•, axpeneee and edYwloet at p111e ..,,_.., It any. un4'r ttte Plot,,.... IO. 17• ·a. ~°fo7 1. TO TH(' ~T: A eMI Trwt. ..__~CA t2llO • reuonebl• ullmet•d ootu, 001ow 2. 1H1 In 1oot1 14249. the time of ttw lnlUal publloMlon ot ..,_..._,and ~on lldl -p1-. Ml "-llted 11y 11141 • The~ under .. Died .._...,._, ' ..,,.,_ 9'1<1 ldvlflCtl M ltle....,,. ..... ..........,_,..___of....... No41ca -IN.482 17 ..... -and .... _ .... ...,._ _.,. __. ..-........ you. If YoU *t to of TM;;;;.....,. ~ encl ~ 18 OOfldU*d by an of Ille lnltlal p11bllClllOll Of tlle g,e:,'..;-c0um,....,..._,_;;:-.... CUfrwf!tty dMed c.H.9 Ctledll ;. .;;;_off;;,,_. 1116 o1 ,,_ --. _.... .. ....., YoU 11111111. ""*" dellffl'.cl to tfle und• ... ned • Terrettca Roartl Notb of Seit It l11.t1t.OO. At tll• time of th• lnlll•I ~ CNGk• ~to Ille Ille'"*'~ 1iJr Mid Deed of STAW ~,..,..DI 1• IT M ••'9 •ft• u11a ..,,...,_. 11 ~~ .... adon !'_.. DtfNe1 _ .. tltd1..... "rhll _...,_... -filed wttt1 IN of~~ :w!"..::O °:: putiNcettoo ot ttlle nofloa, u. totll Nlltt or btdder.,. ~ to Trutt. Tlte total llMUnt of llld or ._ cw NTntoua __. on ,_, .. .etlll .,. wt • -·----'" .... COuMy Cler1t of Orange County on • "" ,,.,.... wnount of the unt)lld .,...._ of Tr u.". pr 0 Ir' d. d p, 0 p., Obl ... lloft, Ille~ rMIOMDI)' .... ... ..... -........ to .. __.... HOCIDe of Dlfeull 'w IJeetlOn to ~ fl. 1M2 dellver.cl to Iha unoerelgned • obllV•tlon NCured l>Y Ille •boYe ~ It ..,..... ettrlft1t•C1 '•••· 01'1r111 and Tiie 1011ow1111 pereon• have Urll9m ,_, • -. ~ .....,. .. Ill to IM ,_.. In tfle ~ • ,_ written OeciNlratlon ol DetlUll and d11orlbed DHd of Tru11 and fir om lnform111on wlllCll 1111 .....,., ._Tr..-. II tM telna "*1dOfled IM !118 Of IN Aoltttow be ......... Oft lll•l•llOi• Of IM .._..,.,... propeny It...._.., • ................... Oran ,.·a1t Detty 09mend for lall. end 1 wrlllen Mllmat.cl 00118, ••-.... 1nd Tr11llH dffmt r•ll•llle. but lot of WM..,.._,'°" ol.,. Mota. la ...... ~ ..--. .......,, Md 1111 wt "'llt Al'IW • T"""9 of "'1Y oondllc1lna 111119: .. .,,.,.,.._IO 27 1'41 ·": 10 1"2 Notlo9 of DetlMlll and l19Ctlon to ..,.,_ la M ,4'1.11:---· h Io II Tr u et• e m • k u no ta t,111... --.._...... ~ ........ Walt ._ ttll ,..., TITLI INIUltAMCl AND f111UIT lliloe,..... ' •IMP'·"' ' W . The under"""9cl ~ Mid YOO AN! 1H DeAULT UHOEA A ftpr•MnUltlon Or warrenty, Ille Oeead: .... , .. tL7 1tll WllTCLIFf" NU'WU MG, 1'17 ....... 5' ........... .._ • OOM,ANY. IMO Wlllfllf• llvd., M4M2 Nottoe MCI El9CtTon to ... to.,. DUD 0# 1'AUIT DATIO MARCH •tr ... lddrM• or °''*common MAL UTl\1 -W••IOllH Ot ..... lot. Newport ~ ...... !! tetft4t~•nt Of • LOI Aft ...... C•Mfornl• 90010. ~ llOT1Cl recorded In tNio:.:7. ..... Ille 11, 1111. UHLHI YOU TAKI o.1toetl0ftofl1Ull>OW.fell0ri0tcl ~ "~-8-cft CA... ......... ...... .....,...,propeny • ll4-tCIOO, ..,, l?IO. ,... Pfop«ly It • ACTION TO "ROTIOT YOUll' II' M12 .._..ttlom, IMno, • C...... oorpoi9*111, TII .. PIOtttlOlla' 1ut1n1H Name Ot oew ,-.. ,..,._,941 In tM ' Oeled:A19111•. !Na lllO"fmOU9..... Oete:AuguttU.1tll ~.ITMAYM~ATA • 1. ..r,...., ,. ,-.. 10 .... ov• ••• lll•d lu .......... .,.. ....,,_wt ..... ITAlW ~ "'°°''~anoe Inc. ll'UIUC IALI. IP YOU NOD AN iwooertvle.,.. IOlct for IM (MA~ (:~-~~June t, 1tlt DATIDl -~ c TNll ~ TM foteowlno "''°"II dOlng .. Mid T..... llC,LANATION OF TH! NATURE PllfPOM °' ~ .... obllQatlona ~~i~·,::... Rourt lno., • Callfor"I LmA. • l ....... TNlllee, bllllMla Ill: Ql1 w--. llwd. 0, TH! PAOCHDINO AOAIHIT HCUfed II~ •iltf 0.•CI of'"Tn11t "' ,.,, w..cllt Dr ... c... ~Hide Wlkln, KNAll'P MflQ. C0.,1,._1101·A Loe~· CA 90010 Y~.L YOU IHOUlD CONTACT A 1noPuc11r1g .... and lllPtf\llt of tM IOIO Nortll eroMwly, ;f.:.'::'.:.t ....... ~..... ' Ir._....~ ........ , 1.,..._ .... 0ffloar loaMAwe.\~MW.~ttllt. ll11)Nt-1!!.L.... LAM'lft, TMMeandof..... ---.... .. -.. aonfl•••-""b=' Oretl09 Coael Dally 0•111• Marie ''•mln,1 lt1r 9Y WMCll .....,_ Oeeecl:,..... IO, tNa C>eled..,.,.. ti, 1tea ..-~ ..... Al-. CA ll10I ,._ ---""°"' I, tO. 17, 1tlt ,.... M7, ""81M, CA tn 1. A_...ant ~ ~ 1'Nlll ~ "9ool1~el'IOI T•; (Jt•> ...... \0 OOl'l*-=:....- --.....,.--.,.-_;;;MM.;.;,;;-41 Tiiie---. II oollduo1ed llr en ,.::ib.!'!.!',~ ~~·r;,• ,'i:aut Diiiy Deedl, 1nO. Oomoam llluMltlled Of"'ll COMt Oen, ......., W.. wt1e1 I WOflderM Woftd llMIMdlllt. ' _.., ' ' ' 11t tltll ....... •Mid fl'Ullee lliloe. '-'· 10, '7, 14, 1tlt ,.,....... of l1topp1n1. tlttlt at Tiiie .. =.:-::J wlell IN '°' c......_, Ad,....., =..,:J'c,. Me01 =-vi:.~ •tt.a =:7.1"" 9'!!:!...l'l!.•~~ ~ ...... ...,.. ~ Oleftl Of Or-. Collnt)' °" .. ,........... ...__ t481 Corbin"---_.. ... ----~!!,IY r:.mrl~f'!_.CI, Mio fl. -.. -~";" ~::·~ ~ Hor1ft;1CIDe, CA l1UI ta."°=ir.•W:.• Aul • ttll. ..... ,_ ... .. _. o.11y "'°' vtce-flNllcllnt ::• 10f.n11 • "' .. -._. ll'vt>lllfled or-c.-Oll Ml and IM a '°"lltlltlod Or~ COMt ~ Ao.~ .. UbUMM OrMtl CoHI Dally .. ullll or-. Oout 0eWy to I .,.... _.,.... J ::... _, M-Vlilof' -.... ,.... IO, If, a,:...:. ....... " ,._, ...... , 10.>1'7, ttll •1 .. 1 ""'4. Alli 21 ..... I, 10, ~= .:.."W"'° f9't ftlloe, Mt· 11, ..... I, 10. ~ I I Oran win ,,.,, St•t t Ntl ... In Ntl .. lfi hiJI Mlft "'t1 p I ~ Clew Cllt " I "°' ,.... '"' " r ,... Clow (lilt .. I ,,_, ,.... (lie .. ' "" ,.... '"' ~"•"'•"i ''n ''"' ~11, ... ''°'o"" I' .. , -lvl'"'°'" t•• •• , •• ,.., ..... n '•" 10.> "~' ... "b'°" •1,o .. ,..., nD1 ,,,. , .. • .. "" n ,,, It .. J.. \t M•fO I 1 1 10 " .. PIOl>OY ,, N 1\. \'I ybrn pf) • 2! ·;. QLI I.to • d " ... Olltt.y ID 10 711• !'"' " MttT•· I IJ ' "'° tO'-~· Pl•h•Y 'IM •• I ••v· llo ynlH' I , , 1'f • " Ii; Cl MA t 10 • , '* II ' "' ollyt I IOJ 4 \,. t 1111 M••O , IO •• 401 ,, -PneltmO ' '1@ ,,. • ... Y•O ' \f • 1 ·~ "' U•t• Net ~Pf J 0( 1MO 14"1 aM•O pll 10 . 11 ~. Merdllh t IO I J l"' • Ill ......... 60 t 11 Ulo " T-T - .. Ii ""' tlDw ,... Cl fff t, I UO ''" ........ .., '° ura ,... I AMlrLY I " 'h1' '"· P9fe11CI '., ... O'-'~ 1 OK" ,~ ., *' "'' ~. I y<OPI U t d 1414, I• OMe tte t 1 71 "' MeMPI llO t 119f 4' 1 Ill :=Pndrt°'•• ~.010 ,_Y ~.... ., lLCO I I IH 104-1,~ ~ .. • CPC IM 110 I 1'1 n" , OynAm U 11 " ... ~nwl! J ~ 1111) lt\11 lh -... " J ,,_ Ill h 1, " , .. •• lit' 20 _ (I' Net t » • 11 "" -, c e tiM•U 1 4 11 11>1 "'-, .,.. "'9Mb .SI • 111 i .,.. 1 / l"W •ti t .. 1 H ... t•·- fi • l M • •i• ••\ ._ ' ~. ::•"t I • S • ..! ~·~to ~ 11"w pl ~"' ••1 t •~ ;'"•• " , • • -.. ... tlqo,', J> 1t tf} H~ " !'lorf-.. ',} ' t ~" ... -"• > 4'', a1 • "-.,.. .. •,.. ·-" I II )I ,,... -•Y 10 n •• \lo !'!Or toll -JCIO u ' Melrm • ' llJ ~ I c:.f. 4 ! . TflW Pf 'Mi ' IOI'"-~ bOI '7 6 Mt 20"4 t: htlejol ·it t f t ~O'~ .. 1$ ... h ._ Mlt~f'lfl., ll011r;lloot 'Ill P:6 U , li nht "° fe<~I . 1 f\ ,.;:,,,"' \tltt Nt• ::~ J ..: 'm ~ =•1:f.:1r I, • ,.: ::; ~ H:..'1n1 ':i60 .: n J~· ._ ~II ,_i·I! 1 l4'0t 1~111 ~ ~=,·~lit I : 1f 7M 1:i.. t: l::~~ 1 t ~: ~~ ~ P t. llCh CIO" C~ llhn Ur •U 141 141.. ft I\ I.. wtO 19 IYI ~ e~'lnl I • IOU \11 \. Ml'IW pll •1 • Jl\olo ll'o I Pl ' '4 I 4t t 1 h ll•V 111 t I 7h • "' -.. A -Mrnl Cl 4 1n ''"' ~ lhAlr pl1., 10 u.. . . , olnl~ '· tt .... I :tl .. I.It 1 .. ,... POI I Ill 4 511 . 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Ii l = i • Jl ~loo ••Uo tll> M -1~Hewl .... 11t ii t. If tO 6 4 1,._,_ .. 11el7 1 ~t ~ ! f i. 4 Vt ·~ rf 111.• • 1N -e·,,, !-!! ... n . . Mel!!!_ 1" ,. " la i ' 141 ,,.._ " 1111 I!! • ii lo. \It I '1 -,. -l.J ..-.: 111 c,, W;_; IOI i~: .. "" :::Ui ,: U'.i! "i. ~I~ ,t " , .. ~: • "~ft ,~ ~ t: ... ,,f.il. 1" • , J ... -•. ·-.. ,,,.,,. ~-·~ N I 1.. ft ~ "-_.,_.., ,._ .._., Vt Nll,_t jg n .111; I'll -illWI ,,. ~ 1fs ;_; t\'t ~... , .__11, ... . ,, ...... • . H/F c,7 UAW proposes Chrysler pact HlGMLAND PARK, Mich . (AP) -The United Aut0 Workers union ts proposing a one-year contract. with Chry1tl«'r Corp. C0'1ering wates and benefit.I and a longer pact tor such lwms as work lul.le1l, the union pn..'Sident aay1. Doualas A 1''raser alsQ ~Jd at a ncw.11 <.-onference Thuniday that lhe company should back oU demands lhat autoworkers puy for part of their health care beneflta . The one-year plan would include a pay raise and relnatateme nt or coat-of-living allowance, he said, adding that the union haa not specified amounts. Acquisition opposed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -California ban.king and thrift octlcials have strenuously urged the Federal Reserve Board to block Citicorp's acquisition of a tro ubled savings and loan association or a.t least postpone a decision until Congress. enacts emergency takeo¥.Jr legislation. Citicorp, the huge New York bank h olding company, would be the first commercial bank to control an out-of-state thrift institution if the board approves the takeover of Fidelity Savings & Loan of San Francisco, S avings firm s purch ased Downey Savings & Loan Association, Costa Mesa, has announced the purchase of seven Northern California branches from Western Federal Savings & Loan Association. The seven branches are located in the South San Francisco/greater San Jose region. The purchase represents the firsl acquisition in the 25-year history of Downey Savings. The initiative to seek the purchase was primarily the result of Downey's goal to strengthen its market presence in the Bay Area, said Maurice L , McAlister, Downey president. S&L commission er OK 'd SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Savings and Loan Commissioner Linda Tsao Yang, who was stripped of her a uthority by the Brown administration Sept. l , has been reinstated. A top aide to Gov, &imund Brown Jr. announced the action Thursday hours a fter Yang, without explanation of her status, testified for the state before the Federal Reserve Board in San Francisco in opposition to New York-based Citicorp's· proposed acquisition of Fidelity Savings & Loan. The a nnounceme nt cam e from Business, Transportation and Housing Secretary Lynn Schenk. who had s us pe nded Yang for failure to get administration approval to write a new~paper article that was similar to her testimony Thursday. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW Y()At( IAPI -a... ~· ptioe -""' ClhallOO at ... .._. -ecltw .... York l tocll l!.ch•na• 111u ... 1reo1na Nl:W YORlt(APJ Fln•I Oow·J-1 •¥9\ lor lhul'JOty, Seo t STOCKS _......., .. -.-•1 --· s~• 1,06.S,200 ,,... • S.llOIA .. 1 ,IOO '1 I .. HoW>llCP '60,200 "°"' -'-Ea aOll 117 .000 ,.In t w IBM 711.100 lit. .. Mol>ll 100,tOO U\\ • \fl UnOllCtl .. J.600 lt\lo • h Sony Corp M6,SOO ll Ill SIDr9'Tt<ll 6'0.200 10.,_ I\\ Gt11 MOie.~ •u,tao .,..,. A,,,... T~T S'n,IOO ,1'• $<hluml><O »1,100 37 SICIOll(,el UJ, 100 JI '· ... TtMy sn,JOO JO(;o • ~ MldSovfUI .... 100 """ AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS PU Up IJ 1 Up IJ J UP IU Up IJ.I UP IU UP II 1 UP II • Up 11 I Up 106 ~: 'U Up tJ Up U Up U Up ts Up I t Ue I.I Up I.I Up I S UP I.> U• 1.t up r.e UD 1,t Up 14 u, 1.1 NIW YORK o(AP} -PrtCH felt Thl.ndey of ~ Cotlft, c:ompw9CI with wecl!!Wlef• prlCo .,...,,...., , troy oa., .._1.00. on $17.11 • .,r:r--.. 1 troy 01 • IA11 oa, ~ ......_.,.... U troy ot., t'4t II, ...... ,. ..._... • -.., ·"°' troy oa .. 1Mt.H ,Oftt3UO --..o.. ......... • JO Ind JO lrn U VII 6S SI~ Indus Tren ut111 •S Siii 0... Mlelll ~ C-Clllll •is ft t1S.JI fl» 11 tt2.SJ.-J Jt J10.•s m 10 ,.. " ,,..n. s • llS• 116 .. 11• II IU 4 011 1S6.'-:»I 1' JU 'II J.Sl.J21 O.lt WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VOAK (AP I S.0. t WH-t AM[ a ()IC) roo:la .. -1'71 12S J NEW YORK tAPJ ~ t METALS T°""'y "' u. 21' 711 ,. ) s,•11.100 ,,.,.,000 1,s.1.• •.oJO.tOO Pr••· 0.'I' ,.., tA Z2I IDf ,. t• NEW YORK (AP) -Spol nontenous me!al pilcel today Co,pet 7~·73 centt • pound, U.6 d•llnatlona. LMd 28-29 cen11 • pound. lino •o-42 cenll • pouno. ClelMwed 1ln le 1240 Meltll Week oompoeUa lb. .._.,_ 7&-71 centa a pound. N.Y. Qotd $.453.00 I* troy ounc:a, Handy f. Herman Of1ly d.ity ouo1• 9""' '8.990 '*troy ounce, Handy I HlllTIW1 on1Y dallY quote. ~ '365.{)() ,,... flute. ......,_. $365.CI0-$372 00 1ror ~ N Y. SILVER Hendy & H1tmen. S8.lllO ~ troy OU net GOLD QUOTATIONS ey TIM Aeeool.-d "- Stlec10d wOtld gold pilQel tod•y leMotl mw11lng 11111ng l448,25, off l17.78 LOftdoft ttltm00n nxlnQ f453.00, ell 113.00. Patl• 111.,noon ll11lng 1425.83. up le42 ,._._, 1trtino *'4-48 12, on w oe %Wtdl 181• efftrnoon ftatttg '458.00, Olf ., 00 bid, $480.00 ulttd "'"' I Het111•11 only d•Uy quote S45~ofl St3.00. I only deify q110t0 14&3.00, ott . s 00. ......... oftto/ dally q"°'9 ~'*' i.10-u. on ata.a&. ., ••••• lMlllA Ul/lml ClllT 0 HANG l C 0 lJ N l Y c Al If 0 H N 11\ ;; '> <: £ N 1 ') DA probes ~issing OC transit funds?:· Bedlam at Big Be nd By FREDE RICK SCHOEMEHL Of tM Delly ..... lleff The Orange County District Attorney's office was expected to be asked today to join the Investigation Into the apparent disappearance of $70,000 in Orange County Transit Distrtct bus faro box revenues. According to a statement released today by the district, · "There appears to be a shortage of approximately $70,QOO between late 1981 and March of this year." The district collects about $8 million annually in coin s deposited in bus fare boxes, officials said. Kennard Smart, legal counsel for the district, said intervention by the district attorney's office into the case was "forthcoming." "I anticipate it wilr-happen today," Smart said. The apparent $70,000 l~ was discussed by transit d11>trict directors Thursday during a closed meeting in Garden Gro':'e. During an open poruon 01 ttle same meeting, directors voted to terminate a $60,000-per-ye~r contract with Brinks lnc., under which fare box-collected <.'Oin has been transported for deposit at banks in Los Angeles. Under a new system, district employees will count fare box revenues at OCTD·headquart.ers The money will then be sent to a bank for deposit. The new system is scheduled to go into operation in January. Offlcialc; said the new system will help tighte n auditing controls and speed the flow of fare box revenues to banks. That should boost interest on those funds by $16,000 t o $17,000 annually, they said. Discovery of the apparent $701-000 shortage marks the second time in two years that the district has faced a missing money case. Audits showed the district loet $63,000 in fare box revenue between August, 1980, an·~ January, 1981. A former district employe~ charged in connection with t~ case was·acquitled of aU charges, except petty theft in connection with the disappearance of a trash can-type container used for transfcrrinR coins. District o fficials said the curr~nt apparent shortage camf to hght during application of "int.ernal accountinR controls." Attorney Smart said no other losses have been identified since Mareh. Concr e te buffers protect workers constructing a S3.3 million flood control ch a nne l o n Laguna Can yon Road . The proj ect will see a I O-foot by 1 4-f~t concrete cha nnel placed adjacent to the r oad to prevent annua l flooding in the canyon . The wo rk is expected to be comple ted b y-Christmas a nd traffic sho uld not be serio usly a ffected in the inte r im . ~agunan 's trial slated Phone • service cut f ro:tn Soviet Union MOSCOW (AP) -Telephone service to and from the Soviet Union was disrupted today by a "technical failure" in the Moscow international exchange, a Soviet postal official said. Western residents in Moscow became aware of the problem when they were unable to book calls out of the country. The breakdown came a week after Soviet postal authorities halted direct dailing to and from abroad, citing "technical reasons." A postal oUicial who did not want to be identified told The .Associated Press that technicians were working on the problem but that it was impossible to predict when normal service would be restored. A supervisor with American Telephone & Telegraph Long Lines Division in Bedminster, N .J ., also said t he Soviet telephone company did not say how long it would take to clear up the problem. "Approximately at 8 a.m. we got notification from Moscow that their switching machine handling the switching traffic, began malfunctioning," supervisor Brian Wood told the AP In New York. "We have not been able to place calls since then," he said shortly before 6:30 a.m. PDT. 'Banned' books By STE VE MITCHELL Of!M D.ity Hot l laff The storefront window at Fahrenheit 451 Books in Laguna Beach is drawing the attention of more than a few passersby, what with its graphic display of pornographic, obscene, and inappropriate-for -young-readers book selections. There they are, for the whole world to see, and book store owner Lorraine Zimmerman couldn't be more pleased. You see, she doesn't consider the 46 or 80 books lining her store window· to be anything other than classics -or at least good reading. A copy of "Women in Love" i.s displayed, written by D.H . Lawrence in the early part of this century. Darwin's "The Origin of Species," also is in the window display, along with "The Ol.scourses" by Machiavelli. Other selections include "Kil"lg Lear," "Lord of the Flies," "Leaves of Grau" and "The COUNTY Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Lewis Carroll's "Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland." is there, and 80 is Kurt Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater." Beside each of the selections are cod e numbers, which correspond to a chart in the window that describes why each of the books was targeted for being banned from libraries, schools and bookstores. ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," for example, carries in the legend three reasons for being subject to ban, including cultural, ethical and literary standards. "King Lear," the coded legend reveals, was opposed on two counts -objectionable language and its political nature. That evaluation might make William Shakespeare roll over in his grave. ("And curst be he who moves my bones,") Zimrnennan set up the display as part of Banned Books Week Fraternity cleanup crew A fraternity at UC Irvine hopes a cleanup campaign at BOmmer Canyon will help improve its image with the community of Irvine. Page Bl. Art's boldneBS unbridled A.rt.lat Jo-Ann Morgan, ditplaylng an unbridled boldneu in her exploitation of color and fonn, wlll exhibit her painting, at The MW. Hou.e in Garden Grove. Weekender. Court date set in airport slay ing case A little sunshine expected Misty morning conditions will continue along the Orange Coast through the weekend, although some sunshine is expected to peek through the clouds during the afternoons. National Weather Service forecasters predicted partial afternoon clearing along the beaches, though sunnier skies will prevail in inlahd Orange County. Veteran weather watcher J . Shennan Denny of Huntington Beach said the fine drizzle that dampeneo windshields early today registered only as a trace in his rain gauge. Kelly Daniels, the Laguna Beach sailmaker accused of shooting and killing his cousin in a John Wayne Airport restaurant, has been ordered to stand trial for murder. Daniels, 32, will be arraigned Sept. 23 in Orange County Superior Court. He is free on $75,000 bail. The order to stand trial was issued this week following a preliminary hearing in Harbor Municipal Court In Newport Beach. The hearing lasted a week-and-a -half. Daniels is accused of killing his cousin Barkley F. Hodges while the two of them and a third man, Randy Snyder, sat drinking in Delaney's, a second-floor restaurant at the airport terminal. Marshall Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said he does not COQtest burn brightly (which ends Saturday), sponsored by three Ii terary organizations. She says the display will remain "untiJ we get tired of looking at it," but adds the window statement should prove to be an education to viewers. "Eighty percent of these books are classics, but at one time or another, somebody tried to ban them," she said, shaking her head. A 17-page booklet, compiled by the staff of the American Booksellers Association, lists hundreds of books that are considered by some to be dangerous. Zimmerman said she culled through the selections in her tiny bookstore and came up with 46 titles listed in the catalog. "There's probably lots more in here," she laughed, pointing to the crowded bookshelves. "But I haven't had a chance to go through the whole list yet." Fahrenheit 451 -named after STATE the popular futuristic novel by Ray Bradbury (451° F is the temperature at which books bum) has had its own share of censorship problems in the past. In 1973, the former owners of the Coast Highway bookstore were arrested for selling underground comic books. Irate Lagunans held a supportive rally protesting the police department's action and censorship. and the owners were subject of special City Council meetings, and more than a dot.en court appearances before the case was tossed out. And while Zimmerman says she doesn't want to start up another ceOllOrship controVersy. she feels It's important to display her "objectlonal" books in the storefront window. "There are still a lot of crazies around who want to ban books," she said. "I heard one guy on the radio the other day saying all books should be banned except one -the Bible. "And thla is 198~' Good drivers rewarded Some drivers pulled over by Los Angeles cops these days will a ppear in a movie theater instead of court. Page A8. BUSINESS Financial pie sought Small bUllnesees are filhting for a ahaJ'e of the fed eral cont r act pie, but face obat aclea from entrenched intereata. Paae C8. SPORTS Preps Icicle oll lootball Huntington Beach High School hu opened its football eeuon with an lmprellive 24.7 victory over Corona del Mar. P .. Cl. _ ........ ..,., __ , \1 the evidence that his client shot Hodges but claims the shooting was not premeditated or calculated. Daniels, Schulman said. had been drinking heavily, had gone without sleep and was distressed by marital problems. Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown, during t h e preliminary hearing, has tried to establish that Daniels believed Hodges was going out with his - Daniels' -wife and had vowed to harm Hodges. Pa erby takes a peek a t electio n of fo rmerly ba nned book in a windo w display a t Laguna's Fahre nheit 4 5 1 ·booksto re on South Coast Highway. The display will remain indefinite ly. INDEX At Your Service A4 Intermission Weekender Business C6-7 Ann Landers A 7 Classified 01 -6 Movies Weekender Comics B4 Mutual Funds C6 Crouword 84 National News A3 Stan Delaplane A 7 Death Notices D2 Editorial A6 Public Notices C4,C6,02 Sports Cl-0 Stock Markets C7 Entertainment Weekender Gardening B5 ttol'OICOpe A 7 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 Rams look 'official' c.onalstency in the off en.e and a •t.rona def enlive secondary are nece1Mry for a wtnnlnl football n D by the Rama. An official look la on p._ C l. • ., ~·· Oran09 Cout DAIL. Y PILOT 1'rldey1 hptember 10, 1111 n Researcher s at UCI back deposit plan AS HINOTON (AP) - ldent Reagan, disappointed the House overrode his veto $14.2 billton spending bill, la ~fling to st.and firm against any ~·greaslonal "attempt to bust ff budget." ' ~'/JI promised to curb spendin8 d maintain t h e national ense and I'm going to keep my milel," Reagan said Thursday r the Houae handed hlm hla s t m ajor reversal o n a n omlc measure. he Senate was voting today whether to override the veto. wo~thirds reject the veto, the ey bill will become law. erwise, Reagan's veto will be t.ained and a new bill will e to be written. was expected to be so close t Sen. Orrin Hatch, on whose alf Reagan was campa(gning ~tah. was planning to return ashington. Hatch described a v~rsation with Reagan in a 1 room Thursday night "He , 'Orrin, I'd really appreciate you'd §O back.' and I said I'll lad to.' Hatch said. ·I'm hopeful with regard to t e Senate tomorrow," Reagan 9dtd Thursday night while traveling in Utah. Deputy White House press secretary Larry S peakes predicted the Senate vote ''will be very close." Following the 301-117 House tally Thursday -22 more than the necessary two-t hirds -a 1urprl1td Senate Majority L ader Howard H. Saker Jr., (R-TeM.), •Id th OUK'OMll In his chamber wa. "uncertain." • At l e a1t four Senat Republican• -lncludh\1 GOP Wh1p Ted Stevena of Alaska and Appropriatio ns Committee Chairman Mark O. Hat.field of Oregon -have said they would aupport an override att~mpt if such~ move pasaed the Houae. Howeve r , it waa unclear whether enough of the Senate's M Republicans-would joln with Democrat.a to form the two-thirds majority necesary for Congrea to reject Reagan 's veto. The Senate pasaed the blll on a voice vote Aug. 21. In the House,. 81 Republicans joined 220 Democrats in votii_ng to override the veto, which tiouse Speaker Thomas P. O'Nelll Jr., D-Mass., called a "dastardly political move by a man with a atone heart." "l'm hopeJul with regard to the Senate tomorrow. However, rm going to keep on doing what I said I would do, to veto an ytime there Is an attempt to bust the budget," Reagan said after the House vote. "The big spenders won." he added. House R e publican s a nd Democrats alike saw it differetly. "You just don't have 435 robots up here tha t are going to be In lock step." said Rep. Silvio 0 . Conte, (R·M~.). P e destria n kille d A man descr ibed as a 48-year-old Palm Springs resident was k illed in a cro walk a t Mountain Road and South Coast Highway early this morning wh en a red sedan, driven by J effrey Allen Mad e ra, 21 , o f Dana Point, struck the vic tim, police sa id. Madera was being held in Orange County Jail, cha rged with vehicula r mansla ughter. There would be little or no lncreue ln the price of beer and 10h drink beveraae. It California voi.n approve Propoeit.lon 11, a bevera1e container depoal\ Initiative, reaearchera at UC lrvlne haw concluded. And, tttearchera uld Thunday, any Increase would be more than o(bet by reduction In Utter, and reduced energy and toUd WNte dlspoaa.l coats. ' ''P e rsonally, I think the beneflta are quite significant.," laid Joseph Di Mento, dtrecior or UCl's soctal ecology prosram and study coordinator. , The study waa cornmiaioned by Californians Against Waste, a group backing p assage o f Proposition 11. The measure will appear on the Nov. 2 ballot.. The lniUaUve measure would require a five-cent "deposit be paid on all beer and eoft drink containers. The objective of the- l nl t.ia ti ve is to reduce litter generated by non-returnable containers. Retailers would be required to re fund deposits t o people returning beer and soft drink containers. Retailers, in turn, would be paid six cents pe r containe r by dis tributors. Distributors would turn over containers to recyclers. The UCI researchers said they reviewed 160 different reports OQ the effect of 1lmllar container · deposit bill• in other 1tate1, lncludlna e>reaon. They aid experienc. ln other at.ate. •how• that the price of beverages lncreue11 allahtly, Jf at all, following pauaae of the depoait laws. Tbe reaearchera alao aald Proposition 11 -type law• are popular wherever they are tried. Among the studies examined by the UCI team was a Chapman College report ilaued in July that concluded paaaag e of the container depoalt bill would coat consumers $68 million annually on the theory the aggregate awn pald for deposit• would not accumulate lnt.erest. Di Mento said many of ~he assumptions In the Chapman study were "unrealistic." Di Mento. cautioned that the UCI s tudy should not be lnterpret.ed as an analysl.s of the Chapman College study. "It waa just one of 160 report.a we looked at," Di Mento said. Correctio n ln some editio ns of the Daily Pilot on T hursday, an incorrect headline appeared above the story of the death of Joyce Whistler Stevens of Newport Beach. T he Daily Pilot sincerely regrets the error. Tijuana: Poverty Overflowing <I' . "". Sof thall leagues ::. form in Laguna ' Adult softball leagues are 11 bei ng formed in Laguna 1 ' Beach, and participants in the "'-'men's slow -pitch teams. utilizing a 12-inch ball, must 1 be signed up by today. ,11, Me n's 16-incb slow pitch f. and women's teams have 1!1unt.il Sept. 24 to registe r. . . . r11 h • Three Laguna Niguel •·elementary school children .•1have won "Th e Laguna •Niguel Coloring Book" contes t . which tested the 1. 1illustrative skills of children r from 5 t.o 10_ years of age. >11' Jennlfer Cbea1 10; ~effrey t,· Hobert, 7. and Carrie Lynn Local teams (those w1uu.n the Llguna Beach Unified School District boundaries ) have priority over out of town teams. For registrati o n Information, call the city'• recreation department a t 497-3311 ext. 203. Coltman, 5, won U.S. savmgs bonds from sponsors, Avco Community Developers, Inc. The contest included more than 2,500 participant.a from Laguna Niguel. Mission Viejo and Irvine elementary IChools. TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - The elderly widow, shriveled and weary. can't remember her last meal with meat. A mother of three college-age sons works for a few sacks of groceries. A man carrying an old food sack worries that Mexico's crumbling economy will break the poor. They are among the s~rcs who line the courtyard at the Casa de los Pobres -Tijuana's "House of the Poor" -for their only food. Reeling from Mexico's 200 percent inflation and three peso devaluations in five months. Tijuana's impoverished masses have reached a breaking point. "P eople can take j ust so viuch," said 60-year-old Gordden Cordoba, his thread-bare food sack slung over his shoulder. "We are resilient, but there is a limit.'' Tijuana, a magnet to poor Mexicans !>ecause it bo rders California, has a population of 1 million, many poor and living in shacks. The population is double what it was five years ago. Hard times have become a way of life. and as Mexlco struggles with its worst recession in 70 years, th e e ffects here are devastating. Located on a trash -strewn street close to down town Tijuana, the tiny mlsslon sustains die, 39 hurt collision • ID Jd l(J CASTAlC (AP) -A pickup -jfl.lck toWing a boat on a...,trailer :ti>\&" out of control and collided with a Greyhound bus during a violent rainstorm. killing two l/i@ople in the truck and injuring 39·others, officials said. aPokesman Robert Kanyr said of the Thursday crash. Kanyr said it appeared the driver of th~ loat control on the steep grade of Intent.ate 5 in that area becau.e of heavy rains. Paramedic• and private ambula.noes rushed the Injured to hoepitala ln nearby Newhall and Mission Hills. about 20 miles away. Most of the 39 bus passengers were injured. The accident occurred as the northbound bus was about one mile south of the Hungry Valley Road Exit and about 10 miles north of Castaic. '•::!''It was a pretty nasty mess," Califor,nia Hi~hway Patrol Slightly warmer .1> 10W P<-'<• eyttem over,,... rthwntern Gull of Mexico uced atrong l hunderatorma the Ou" CO.St on Thurld1y. heevy rein drenched hwMlern Floflde. Southem CelffOfnle, l\Mvy fOQ rly In th• dey reatrlct•d eret1on1 al two 1lrporta ay end -bltlMd In per1 a collltlon belWMC\ • tmall n• that wn 1111dlno a11d • 11n pickup trucli The 100 • ~ of thunder.._. t cauted wldHpreed pow• out•. mudellde damagt end Ing of roed• or tod•>'· 1 c •t1•r •d 1torrM -• foreca9t OV9f Gull CoHI and IOUlh•rn tlo Cout. With thood«1torm1 110 over the f'IJIMY regic:!n t t Rookln. 1nd aom'• In Ille Ptclllc fl!OtthWMt • L-'*' .-r:::;.. :,~ "= Huntington 8Mt• 1-3 ft _ 118 Hlinttngton Pitt 1-3 ft lelr 118 ...... ,.,,. .._Jetty 1-2 ft poor 19 4(Mfl tf•. .....,,.,, , 1. a ft. poor ea 22nd 81 ~ 1-2 ft. poor 19 8elbOI WtdOf 1·2 11. poor et ~~. Leilulla 0.1 ft. poor 87 = HollOw 0· 1 ft poor 17 lrOote• 0.1 ft. poor ., a.it 0'9111 1·3 ft. felt-oood .. Doheny IMctl 24 ft, "" .. ..,, ~,.., 1-3 ft, ,.., .. Tr~1 (T·ln.t) 14 ft '* It ~ ll'olnl u : ,.., :: Serl C>rloffe 1..a ft = ee lOMOf'..OW'I TUI ........ Ot pm . Low. 10 08 am , ...... IOll.Mlltlltl ... • Th• Air Ouallly Managtma1 Dllttlct Pfadk:1t goocJ elf Q.uallt) todey In all •rtH of Ille South Coatl AA Baaln Good air It predlcltd In the Rlvereld•·S•n Bernardino arH •11d the 8tn Fern1ndo, Sen Oebflel, 8"111 Cle(lte ~ Pomont ••lley1, Ill with 1 Po11ut1n1 lllndtrd lndtll OI tOO. Htropoltten Loe A"9tlll .. '*" 1PSIof11. A '81 tr41 II fof90lle or lnl1nd Ot1ntt Cou11ty, tlle lt1Mt•ll1111ore retlon, Ille hloh nd low deleftt, OOUlll ltfl•• llMlng Ind ... .., Ui6-• Wh•t 10 oall (loll frM ) for --~ ...... ~ ;= ........ .~"t•IH ounty; 11001 ......... .... ~ 150 fammes a week and supplies 1,000 meals a day to the dowo and out. "I can't tell you how much it hurt to see this." Sister Armida, administrator of Casa de las Pobres, said Thursday. The charity institution h as been hard pressed to meet the growing numbers of hungry. "IC we opened the doors, we wouldn't have enough t.o feed all those who want it," the nun sa1a , in tones of resignation. Donations are few and the budget is strained by the eroding peso, s he said as the aroma of bean soup. rice and stew d rifted {rom the mission kitchen. "Food costs are up 50 percent. We try to serve balanced meals, but it Is difficult. There is no milk to buy and meat prices are terribly high," she said. The Mexican econ omy 1s bottoming out after a period of unparalleled prosperity. The oil boom h as stopped; industry deve lopment projects h ave stalled. The government owes foreign banks billions of dollars and has issued currency control regulations in an attempt to control the flow of dollars in and out of the country. To cu t ex pens es the government withdrew subsidies, doubling the prices of gasoline. electricity and basic foods such as tortillas. Thousands of workers have been laid off. Unemployment a f fects 40 per cent of the working-age population. Tijuana is marked by stark contrasts between rich and poor. Million-dollar homes overlook miles of multi-t iered shanties that lme dusty roads. Many of the shanties lack insulation or running water. I "The injustices won't end," Manuel Medina, 72, leaning on his c~ne, said. "The rich will only get ncher and the poor wilJ get poorer.'' Maria Nicanor, 63, trudges a mile each day through gullies and rocky, unpaved streets to work.at the mission. For payment, the mother of three sons receives three sacks of groceries. "She says it has helped her save pennies for h e r sons' education," Sister Armida said. Others simply survive a day at a tJmc. "Some days we eat, some davs we don't,'' said Trinidad Angeles. a widow who picked up her weekly ration Thursday. It included 1 ~ pounds of ,beans, some bread, fruit and vegetables. "Everything is so high I can't afford anything any more. Even the price of water has almost 1 • doubled." she said. Asked if she had received any meat, she wearily shook her head. ''Beans and chilies. that's a luxury,'' she said. "We are all worried. But we accept whatever God brings. As long as he doesn't forget us,'' she added softly. Sister Armida confessed she fears the future. "The problem 1s not right now -the problem is coming." she said. "But the power of the people is faith." Hunting to n house • story correct ed An article in Thursday's editions of the Daily Pilot about. a man trying to get back his former house from the City of Huntington Beach was in el'T'Or. The story should have read lhat the attorney for Thomas Talbert said Talbert's property had never been o fficially condemned by the city. Th e word "n eve r " inadvertently ,was omitted. Our Summer Sale Ends on the 1.1 th If you'ri Entertaining the ltlea of Some nefo furnishings for your home , The Time is NOW! Heritage~ • ••• The Old World way Entertain frtends In style with this lowly bor from the Old WOf~ collection by Her1~ There's plenty or room to store all yow bar neceultles. The crartsmanshlp Is obvious· the mirrored beck panel, the pull·out shelving, the SPotllghts at top. You'll want to haw a party to show It offl Corrur In today to ... all the nne HalQpl collections! tMJ# ri' ellUllt '?:~ COSTA MESA , .. .....,.Ml 111 4) .. l ·IOIO • Interior De1l9nt to Serue You ALL ST~ES °"N t.40N0AY THAU SATUli'DA'f-I A 11iit TO$ 30PM • ' ...__ ...... • • I llUllCUIT 111111 llRll onANGECOUNlY . CALlf OHNIA 2~ CENTS DA probes missin~ OC transit funds .? By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ()("the DlltlJ "'9t l tllff The Orange County District Attorney's office was expected to be asked today to join the investigation into the apparent disappearance of $70,000 In Orange County Transit District bus fare box revenues. AccordiQg to a statement released today by the district, "There appears to be a shortage of approximately $70,000 between late 1981 and March of this year." The district collects about $8 million annually in coins deposited in bus fare boxes, officials said. Kennard Smart, legal counsel for the district, said intervention by the district attorney's oHice Into the case was "forthcoming." "I anticipate it will happen today," Smart said. The apparent $70,000 loss was discussed by transit di11trict directors Thursday during a closed meeting in Garden G~o~e. During an open port.Jon ot tne same meeting, directors voted to termjnate a $60,000-per-year contract with Brinks Inc., under which fare box-:eollected coin has been transported for deposit at banks in Los Angeles. Under a new system, district employees will count fare box revenues at OCTD headquarters. The money will then be sent to a bank for deposit. The new system as scheduled to go into operation in January. Officials said the new system will h e lp tighten auditing controls and speed the flow of fare box revenues to banks. That should boost interest on those funds by $16,000 to $17,000 annually, they said. Discovery of the apparent $70,- 000 shortage marks the second time In two years that the dlstrict has faced a missing money case. Audits showed the district lost $63,000 in fare bo>i: revenue between August, 1980, and January. 198 l. A former distri~t employee charged in connection with that case was acquitted of all chargetl, exc.-ept petty theft in connection with the dlsappearance of a trash can-type contain e r used fol' transferring coins. District officials said the current apparent shortage came to light during application of "internal accounting controls." Attorney Smart Said no other losses have been identified since March. Airport death trial set After Labor Day Kelly Daniels, the Laguna Beach sailmaker accused of shooting and killing his cousin In a J ohn Wa yne Airport restaurant, has been ordered to stand trial for murder. 'Cheap' seats for Sinatra gig offer e d Special reduced tickets for the Frank Sinatra benefit concert at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater go on sale Monday at Ticketron ouUete These bay cruisers find they almost have Newport Harbor to themselves in mid-afternoon on Thursday as they lay an uncut wake behind them headed under the bridge to Lido Isle. It's one sign that th~ summer season truly has ended. Back loge seats will be available for $25 for the Sept. 25 en1a1ement. according to Barbara deBoom. spokeswoman for the Newport Beach-baaed South CoMt Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. All proceeds from the event wlll benefit the non-profit foundation. Ticketa for the event no""8lly are selling for $50, $100 and $250. DeBoom aaid foundation officials decided to offer a llmited number of reduced tickete because of the ailing economic climate. 'Banlied' books burn brightly By STEVE MITCHELL ()("the Delly Piiot Staff The storefront window at Fahrenheit 451 Books in Laguna Beach is drawing the attention of more than a few passersby, what with its graphic display of pornographic. obscene. and inappropriate-for-young-readers book selections. There they are, for the whole world to see, and book store owner Lorraine Zimmerman couldn't be more pleased. You see, she doesn't consider the 46 or so books lining her st.ore window to be anything other than classics -or at least good reading. A copy of "Women in Love" is displayed. written by D .H . Lawrence in the early part of this century. Darwin's .. The Origin of Species," also is in the window display, along with "The COUNTY Discourses" by Machiavelli. Other selections Include "Kirig Lear." "Lord of the Flies." "Leaves of Grass" and "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." is there, and so is Kurt Vonnegut's "God Bless You. Mr. Rosewater." Beside each of the selections are code numbers, which correspond to a chart in the window that describes why each of the books was targeted for being banned from libraries, schools and bookstores. "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," for example, carries in the legend three reasons for being subject to ban, including cultural, ethical and literary standards. "King Lear," the coded legend reveals, was opposed on two counts _.. objectionable language Fraternity cleanup crew A fratern~ty at UC Irvine hopes a cleanup campaign at &mmer Canyon will help improve its image with the community of Irvine. Page Bl. Art 's boldness unbridle d ArUst Jo-Ann Morgan, dlaplaytng an unbridled boldnea in her exploitation of color and form, will exhibit her paintings at The Mills Howie in Garden Grove. Weekender. and its political nature. That evaluation might make William Shakespeare roll over in his grave. ("And curst be he who moves my bones.") Zimmerman set up the display as part of Banned Books Week (which ends Saturday), sponsored by three lite rary organizations. She says the display will remain "until we get tired of looking at it." but adds the window statement should prove to be an education to viewers. "Eighty percent of these books are classics, but at one lime or another. somebody tried to ban them.'' she said, shaking her head. A 17-page booklet, compiled by the staff of the American Booksellers Association, lists hundreds of books that are considered by some to be dangerous. STATE Zimmerman said she culled through the selections in he.r tiny bookstore and came up with 46 titles listed in the catalog. ''There's probably lots more in here," she laughed, pointing to the crowded bookshelves. "But I haven't had a chance to go through the whole list yet." Fahrenheit 451 -named after the popular futuristic novel by Ray Bradbury (451° F Is the temperature at which books bum) has had its own share of censorship problems in the past. In 1973. the former owners of the Coast Highway bookstore were arrested for selling underground comic books. Irate Lagunans held a supportive rally protesting th~ police department's action and censorship, and the owners were subject of special City Council meetings. and more than a dozen court appearances before the cue was tossed out. Good drivers rewarded Some drivers pulled over by Los Angeles cops these days will appear in a movie theater Instead of court. Page A8. BUSINESS Financial pie sousht Small busineaes are fiChtln& for a share of the federal contract pie, b u t face ob1tacle1 from entrenched interetta. Pqe C6. SPORTS Prep s kick off football HuntlngtOn Beach High School hu opened ite football seuon with an imprnalve 24~7 victory over Corona deJ Mar. Pase Cl. Daniels, 32, will be arraigned Sept. 23 in Orange County Superior Court. He is free on $75,000 bail. The order to stand trial was issued this week following a preliminary hearing in Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach. The hearing lasted a week-and-a-half. Daniels is accused of killing his cousin Barkley F . Hodges while the two of them and a third man, Randy Snyder, sat drinking in Delaney's, a second -floor r esta urant at the airport terminal. Sign ed statem ent Marshall Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said he does not contest the evidence that his client shot Hodges but claims the shooting was not premeditated or calculated. Daniels, Schulman said, had been drinking heavily, had gone without sleep and was dislre98ed by marital problems. Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown, during the preliminary hearing, has tried to establish that Daniels believed Hodges was going out with his - Daniels' -wife and had vowed to harm Hodges. h's no joke. Owners of the Lalf Sto p in Santa Ana Heights have been ordered to halt Monday night male dancing but owners hint the show may go on. INDEX At Your Service A4 lnterm.lssion Weekender Business C6-7 Ann Landen A7 Cla9slfled 01-6 Movies Weekender Com!ca B4 Mutual Funds C6 · Croeaword B4 NaUonal News AS Stan Delaplane A 7 Death Nodes D2 Editorial A6 Entertainment "Weekender Gardenlna ~ Horoect>pe A 7 Publlc Notices C4,C6,D2 Spo11a Cl-5 Stock Marketa C7 Televlalon TV Loe 'n>eaten Weekender Weather A2 Rams look 'official' Conal1tency in the offerwe and a strooa defenlive aecondary are neceaary for a wlnnin& football leM>n by the Raml. An official look la on Pige Cl. Reagan vows firm stand on budget vote "will bo Vl'ry cloee." Followlnl the 301-117 HoUJC tfl .'JI Speed reading course offered WASHINGTON (AP) PR'lldent R~li81in, di ppolnted that the Houte overrod his veto ot a $14.2 billion spending bill, ta vowing to at.and Clrm oaiuinat anr congressional "attempt to bu.t the budget." "l promised to curb spending and maintain the natio nal tally Thurtday 22 tn()rt' than thl' nN·euary two-thirds a 1urprlsod Senate Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr., (R-Tenn.), said the outcome in hla chamber was "unccr1.aln." defense and I'm going to keep my A t I e a s t t o u t S e n a t e ~ A speed reading class for !, h igh school s tudents la ~planned from 7· to 9 p .m. ' Mondays at University High •School, 4771 Campus Drive, Irvine. ... The e ight-week course, which begins Sept. 27, is designed to help students improve reading speeds and study habits, and to prepare for college. There's a $135 fee for the course but a free Introductory •A 10-week course for people who want to volunteer as Englis h tutors will start Sept. 18 in El Toro. The course, conducted by • the South Coast Lite racy leaaon will be given at the , first class session. • Walk-In registrations are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 20 and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 21 al Qty Hall, 17200 Jamboree Road, Irvine. Mall registrations will be accepted through Sept. 11 at City of Irvine, P .O. Bo x 19575, Irvine 92713-9575, Attention Specialist Classes. The course is offered by the city's Community Service Department. Council, is designed to help staff its night English classes for non-English-speaking students at Woodbridge High School, Irvine. Cal l 552-3587 for enrollment information. promises,'' Reagan sald Thursday Republicans -Including GOP . aftcir the House handed him hi.a Whip Ted Stevens or Alaska and flret major reversal on an Appro prlalion11 Commlttee ~nomlc measure. Chairman Mark 0 . Hatfield of The Senate was voting today Oregon -have said they would on whether to override the veto,-support an override attempt iC If two-thirds reject the veto, the such a move passed the House. money bill wlll become Jaw. Otherwise, Reagan's veto will be sustained and a new bill will have to be written. It wa.s expected to be so close that Sen. Orrin Hatch, on whose behalf Reagan was campaigning in Utah. was planning to return to Washington. Hatch described a conversation with Reagan in a holef room Thursday night: "1'\e .said, 'Orrin, I'd really appreciate it if you'd go back,' and I said I'll be glad to," Hatch sa1d. "I'm hopeful with regard to• the Senate tomorrow," Reagan said T hursd ay night while traveling In Utah. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes predicted the Senate Hunting ton house s'tory corrected An article in Thursday's editions or the Daily Pilot about 'a man trying to get back hil former h o u se from the City or Huntington Beach was in error . The story should have read that the attorney for Thomas 'falbcrt said Talbert's property had never been o fficially condemned by the city. T h" e w o r d • ' n e v e r ' ' inadvertently was omitted. Cyclist killed An 18 -year-old Saddleback' College stude nt, Brian James Campbell o r 13731 Solita ire, Irvine, died Thursday when the motorcycle he was r id ing struck a fla tbed truck pa rked in the bike. la ne on Walnut Avenue near Irvine High School. UCI researchers defend bottle deposit plan There would be little or no increase in the price of beer and soft drink beverages if California voters approve Proposition 11. a beverage container deposit initiative, research ers at UC Irvine have concluded. And , r esear c h ers sa id 'l'hursday, any increase would be rhOre than offr.et by reduction in lttter, and reduced energy and solid waste d isposal costs. ~"Persona ll y, I think the 1$,e_P.efits are quite significant," d Jose{>h Di Mento, director of 's social ecology program and dy coordinator. 'The study was commissioned ~.'Californians Against Waste, a 6 up bac king passage of roposition 11. The measure will 8'>pear on the Nov. 2 ballot. fd tfwo killed i s truck ')!I J r.anis bus .. ~'C,AST AIC (AP) -A pickup ~k towing a boat on a traller $JW!l out of control and collided wi\h a Greyhound bus during a violent rainstorm, killing two Peof>le in the truck and injuring 39 others, officials said. 1;:"'.It was a pretty nasty mess,'' Ci'aJifornia Hi!(hway Patrol s~kesman Robert K.anyr said of tfie Thursday crash. :rKanyr said it appeared the driver of the truck lost control on the:'St.eep grade of Interstate 5 in that area because of heavy raiN. -.<Pera medics a nd priv-te ambulances rushed the injured to ._pitals in nearby Newhall and Mission Hills, about 20 miles away. i!The accident occurred as the nbt'lhbound bus was about one t'ilil'e south o( the Hungry Valley Road Exit and about 10 miles north of Castaic. . . The initiative measure would require a five-cent deposit be paid on all beer and soft drink contalners. The objective of the Initiative is to re duce litter generated by non-returnable contalners. Retailers would be required to refund d e posits to p eople returning beer and soft drink containers. Retailers, in turn, would be paid six cents p er container b y distributors. Distributors would turn over contalners to recyclers. The UCI researchers said they reviewed 160 different reports on the effect of similar container deposit bills in other states, including Oregon. They said experience in other states shows that the price of beverages increases slightly, if at all, following passage or the deposit laws. The researchers also said Proposition 11 -type laws are popular wherever they ~ tried. Among the studies examined by the UCI team was a Chapman College report issued in July that con c luded passag e of the container deposit bill would cost consumers $68 million annually on the theory the aggregate sum paid for deposits would not accumulate Interest. Di Mento said many of the assumptions In the Chapman study were "unrealistic." Di Men to cautioned that the UCI aiudy s h o uld n o t be Clifto n Fox, driver or a Greyhound bus involved in a fata l collision near Castaic, walks away from 1he wreckage on Interstate 5 . Slightly warmer Ii .. -.* lliiiiilliiiiolilll ........ Rl_l_IPl_R_T The Air Outllly Menagement Oltt1k:1 prtdlctl good .., QYllfty todly In Ill er... of Ille 8ou1fl Coetl Alr ....,, Good •Ir 11 precllcl•d In 1111 Alv111ld1·81n Bern11dlno erH end th• Sen Fernenclo. Sen G1bfle4, Sent• Clerlle end Pomona v•ll•y•, 111 wllh 1 Pot1ut1n1 Slandercl Incl•• of 100. Metropolllen Loe Anoelee Wiii lleve I PSI of 07. A P81 o4'"4211 tor-i tor lnlencl Or1ng1 County. Ille Hernel-l!llln«e r91110n, "'-Mell 1nc1 low c1eMn1. oo.etll -·· Benning end llO Mlf '-""' t T~'• •wt""-•· 1·3 It 1·3 It. 1•2 11. 1.2 11. 1·2 11. 1·2 11. 0-1 11. 0·1 ft, 0·111. 1-3 "· 2-3 ft 1-3 11 1-3 11. 1·2 "· 1·2 11. 1•2 ft ·-· T91f1P, M ee 18 18 IHI " 81 07 ., ee ee ee .. ea ea M 4.15 pm.: I.OW: 100$ • '": ..... Where 10 cell (toll frM ) for HM• tmot lntOfNllOtl· 0r_,.. COul!ty: <IOOI ,.._... Loe Ant•I•• County; (toO) 141-40lt ,._.... end 1111 ...... IO interpreted as an analysis of the Chaoman College study. "It was just ooe of 160 reports we looked at," Di Mento said. But Qi Mento said h e questioned the conclusions of the Chapman report in Ught of the fact opponents of Proposition 11 financed the analysis with a $30.- 000 grant. The UCI researchers received only $500 to offset costs of their analysis, accord ing to Rose Pumfrey, executive director of Californians Against Waste. Tijuana: poverty rampant Located on a trash-strewn s tree t close to downtown Tijuana, the tiny ~ion sustains 150 famiJies a week and supplies 1,000 meals a day to the down and out. "I can't tell you how much it TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - The elderly widow, shriveled and weary, can't remember her last meal with meat. A mother of three college-age sons works for a few sacks of groceries. A man carrying an old food sack worries that Mexico's crumbling economy L • ) h • hurt to see this,'' Sister Armida, Itt e suns 1ne administrator of Casa de las , Pobres. said Thursday. , will break the poor. They are among the scores who line the courtyard at the Casa de los Pobres -Tijuana's "House of the Poor" -for their only food. Reeling from Mexico's 200 percent inflation and three peso devaluations In five months, . Tijuana'• Impoverished masses have reached a breaking point. "P eople can take just so much," said 60-year-old Gordden Cordoba, h is thread-bare food sack slung over his shoulder. "We are resilient, but there is a limit " Tijuana. a magnet lo poor Mexicans because it borders California, has a population of l million, many poor and living in shacks. The population is double what it was five years ago. Hard times have become a way of life, and as Mexico struggles with its worst recession in 70 years, the e ffects he re are devastating. expected here Misty morning conditions will continue along the Orange Coast through the weekend, although some sunshine is expected to peek through the clouds during the afternoons. National Weather Service forecasters predicted partial a fternoon clearing along the beaches, though sunnier skies will prevail in inland Orange County. Co r rection In some editions of the Daily Pilot on Thursday, an incorrect headline appeared above the story of the death of Joyce Whistler St.evens of Newport Beach. The Daily Pilot sincerely regrets the error. The charity institution has been hard pressed to meet the growing numbers of hungry. "If we opened the doors, we wouldn't have enough to feed all those who want it,'' the nun S8la, in tones of resignation. Donations are few and the budget is stralned by the eroding pt!SO, she said as the aroma of bean soup, rice and stew drifted from the mlssion kitchen. "Food costs are up 50 percent. We try to serve balanced meals, but it is difficult. There is no milk to buy and meat prices are terribly high," she said. The Mexican economy 1s bottoming out after a period of unparalleled prosperity. The oil boom has stopped; industr y development projects have stalled. The governm~nt owes foreign banks billions of dollars and has issued currency control regulations in an attempt to contrOl the flow or dollars in and out of the country. Our Summer Sale Ends on the 11th If you'ri Entertaining the idea of Some nefo furnishings for your home, The Time is NOW! Heritage~ • ••• I The Old World way Enwnaln friends In style with this IOYely bar from the Old WOl'ld collection by Herltagt" There's plenty of room to store all your bar necessltlu The craftsmanship Is obvious· the mirrored beck panel, the pull-out shelving. the spotll!tits at top. You'll ~t to have a party to show It offl Come In today to'" all the fine Heritage c:oll«tioos• l Interior V.•lgna to Scrue You ALL STORES OP!N MONDAY THRU SATURDAY -t AM TO &30 P~ • 111111 Cllll •A llU llRlll • ' . . •HIDAY SEPTEMIH H HJ l~H / ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFOl1NIA 25 CENTS .· MoID gets custody of S·ch·rnitz chlld .. . . . C ustody of a 15-month-old illeglllmate son of st1tte Sen. John Schmitz, R-N,ewport. Beach. was awarded today to the child's mother, Carla Vern Stuckle of Tustin. Stuck.le, 43, will be pennitted to keep physical custody of the child, John George Bostrom, under supervision of the Orange County Department of Social Servit,'eS. Under terms of an ~greement worked out in Orange County Juvenile Court. reports on the child's progress will be give n to Judge Byron K. McMillan every six months. It wu diaclosed In July that Schmitz fathered lhe baby boy and an Infant girl also born to Stuckle. At the time, the boy, who had suffered a severe genital injury, was placed at the county's Albert S itton Home for depe nde nt children. Custody was awarded temporarily to Stuckle Au~. 9. The baby boy, said social s ervices worker Dorren McCarthy, "is d oi ng just beautifully.'' McCarthy said Stuckle "has been very cooperative with our agency." Stuckle. who has said she had a 9-year covert affair with the conservative state senator, talked briefly with reporters, saying, "I'm glad it's all over." • Stuckle initially had faced felony child neglect charges after' the boy 's injuries w e rd discovered by physicians. T he injuries were believed caused by hair becoming tightly wrapp.ed a round the boy's penis. Recon struc t ive surgery was required. Charges were dismissed after interviews with medical authorities indicated the Injury could have been accidental. Airport death trial set After Labor Day Kelly Daniels, the Laguna Beach sallmaker accused of shooting and killing his cousin in a John Wayne Airport restaurant, has been ordered to stand trial for murder. Daniels, 32, will be arraigned Sept. 23 in Orange County Superior Court. He is free on $'15,000 bail. The order to stand trial was issued this week following a preliminary hearinJ ln Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Baseball star nabs burglars California Angels rlghtfielder Regele Jack.Ion apprehended two burglary euspecta in Coeta Mesa th.is morning aa lhe pair allegedly fled from a hOUlle at 1615 TU.Un Ave. Police said the bueball aluger waa drtvm. alone Tu.tin A.venue when he heard a burglar alarm at the 1615 address. Officers said Jackson also spotted two y.ounc men running away from the hou.e on foot. The bueball player leaped from his car and called for the two men to halt. These hay cruisers find they a lmost have Newport Harbor to themselves in mid-afternoon on Thursday as they lay an uncut wake behind them headed under the bridge to Lido Isle. It's one sign that the summer season truly has ended. They did. Police said lhey arrived to find the two transients in Jackaon's custody a short while later. The two men purportedly had jewelry ln ttieir poeeession. DA may probe transit funds By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( tM DellJ l'tlot Slat! The Orange County District Attorney's office was expected to be as ked today to join the investigation into the apparent disappearance of $70,000 in Orange County Transit District bus fare box revenues. discussed by transit district directors Thursday during a closed meeting in Garden Grove. During an open port.ion of the same meeting, directors voted to terminate a $60,000-per-year contract with Brinks Inc., under which fare box-collected coin has been transported for deposit at banks in Los Angeles. Under a new system, district employees will count fare box revenues at OCTD headquarters. The money will lhen be sent to a bank for deposil. The new system is scheduled to go into operation in January. Officials said the new system will h e lp tighten a uditing· controls and speed the flow of • fare box revenues to banks. That should boost interest on those funds by $16,000 to $17 ,000 annually, they said. Discovery of the apparent $70,- 000 shortage marks the second time in two years that the district hrui faced a missing money case. According to a statement released today by the district, "There appears to be a shortage of approximately $70,000 between late 1981 and March of this year." Soviet telephones cut Audits showed lhe district lost $63,000 in fare box revenue between August, 1980, and January, 1981. A. former district employee charged In connection wilh that case was acquitted of all charges, except petty theft in connection wilh lhe disappearance of a trash can-type container used for transferring coins. The district collects about $8 million annually In coin s deposited in bus fare boxes, officials said. Kennard Smart, legal counsel for the district, said intervention by the district attorney's office into lhe case was "forthcoming." "I anticipate it will happen today," Smart said. The apparent $70,000 loss was COUNTY MOSCOW (AP) -Telephone service to and from the Soviet UnJon was disrupted today by a "technical failure" in the Moscow international exchange. a Soviet postal official said. Western residents in Moscow became aware of the problem when they were unable to book calls out of t.he country. The breakdown came a week after Fraternity cleanup crew A fraternity at UC Irvine hopes a cleanup campaign at BOmmer Canyon will help Improve its image with the community of Irvine. Page Bl. Art's boldness unbridled Artist Jo-Ann Morgan, displaying an unbridled boldness in her exploitation of color and form, will exhibit her paintings at The Mills House ln Garden Grove. Weekender. Ship crash kills woman JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -A cruiae 1hlp, the Majestic Explorer, ran aground near a small group of islands in Fredenck Sound today, and a woman wu crushed to death and two other people were lnjured u pueengen and crew fled tn Uleboata, the Coast Guard said. (I • \ Soviet postal authorities halted direct dailing to and from abroad, citing "technical reasons." A postal official who did not want to be identified told The Associated Press that technicians were working on the problem but that it was impossible to predict when normal service would be restored. STATE District officials said the current apparent shortage came to light during application of "internal accounting controls." Attorney Smart said no other loues have been identified since March. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Republican- controlled Senate. turning its back on President .Reagan, today joined the Houae in overriding his veto of a $14.2 billion spending bill BUSINESS Financial pie BfUBht Small buslnelle9 are fljht.J.na for a share of the federal contract pie, but face obataclea from entrenched lnteretta. Paa8 as. SPORTS Preps kick off football Huntington Beach HJah School hu opeood h• football aeuon with an lmpnmtve 24-7 victory over Corona del Mar. Pap Cl. I Beach. The hearing las ted a week-and-a -tlalf. Daniels Is accused of killing his cousin Barkley F. Hodges while the two of them and a third man, Randy Snyder, sat drinking in Delaney's, a second -floor restaurant at the airport terminal. Marshall Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said he does not contest the evidence that his client shot Hodges but claims lhe shootin~ was n o t pre meditated or calculated. Daniels, Schulman said, had been drinking heavily, had gone without sleep and w as distressed by marital problems. Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown, during the preliminary hearing, has tried to establish that Daniels believed Hodges was going out wilh his - Daniels' -wife and had vowed to harm Hodges. 'Cheap' seats for Sinatra Special reduced tickets for lhe Frank Sinatra benefit concert at Irvlne Meadows Amphitheater go on sale Monday at Ticketron outlets Back loge seats will be Signed statement available for $25 for lhe Sept. 25 engagement, according to Barbara deBoom, spokeswoman for the Newport Beach-baaed South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. It's no joke. Owners of the Laff Stop in Santa Ana Heights have been ordered to halt Monday night male dancing but owners hint the show. may go on. INDEX At Your Service A.4 Business C6-7 Cluaified Dl-6 Comics B4 Cromword B4 Stan Delaplane A 7 DNth Notices D2 F.dltorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Gardening ~ Horoecope A7 .,.termi11lon Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Televtlion Thea ten Weather Rams looJc 'official' Weekender A7 Weekender C6 A.3 C4,C6,D2 Cl-5 C7 TVLog Weekender A.2 · Conllateney tn the offenae and a Itron& def enslvie 9eCOndary are necelUJ'Y for a wlnninl football tea10n by the Rama. An offldal look la on Paae Cl. t:AI :\1 QIN • • 1nstruct1on ·,Judo ~ i offered through·Y "· N e w p o r t B e a c h claues for wo"'en. A day hat ; policeman Rick Bradley will not been set. 1 offer judo instruction for !·beginning, intermediate and ~ advancea student.a Saturday "'mornings at the Orange Coast t YMCA. Bradley, a second-degree brown belt, will also be offering evening self-defense Those Interested can sign up for any of the cla1111e1 Saturday starUn~ at 10 a,m. YMCA membe r s will be charged $12 for (jve weeka of Instruction and non members will be charged $20. • Newport Beach attorney M e m be r s h i p l o t h e Marshall M. Scbulmaa has association is by invitation. been named a member of the Schulman, an alumnus of the American College of Trial Loyola University School of Lawyers, a nati o nal Law , has prac ticed in ~association of 3,500 lawyers. Newport Beach for 17 years. ------•The Touchdown Club, used to purtase uniforms the support group for the and equipme t for the Sea Corona del Mar High School Ki.ngs foot 11 team and football team, will stin e a support an effort to buy new barbecue fund-raiser Saturday lights for Davidson Field at ·at noon at the Crazy Horse Newport Harbor High School, Steak House in Santa Ana. the Sea Kings' home field. Tickets are $1 50 per couple. For furthe r information, Money that's raised will be call 673-0211. ·Joyce W. Stevens, 52, dead 1..ongtlme Ne wpo rt Beach resident Joyce Whlatler Stevena died Wedneaday at Weetern Medical Center In Santa Ana after with a lona bout with cancer. She waa 32. She was the former wife of Richard Stevena, who worked for more than a decade as an executive with the Balboa Bay · Club. He Is associated with the Los Ange l es-based Wrather. Corp. The couple were divorced six years a410. Stevens ta survived by parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whistler of Laguna Hills, s ister J ean Lindsley of La Jolla, daughter Sandra Frazer of CQlta Mesa and Britis h Columbia a nd son Christopher of Costa Mesa. Services are scheduled at Pacific Vle\I/ Memorial Park In Newport Beach at 11 a .m . Saturday. Family members sai d memorial contributions can be made to the American Cancer Society. Bedlam at Big Bend Concrete buffers protect workers constructing a $3.3 millio11 flood control ch~net on Laguna Canyon Road. T he project will see a I 0-f oot by 14-f oot concrete channel placed adjacent to the. roa~ to prevent a nual flooding in the canyon. The work is expected to be completed by Christmas and traffic should not be seriously affected in the interim. Agee brands .Hummel ·1 • ,1.. ' c aim -··~Ie Hart position clarified on Banning issue u •11 lPaul Hummel fl n · f i1 ,, I•). By 'STEVE MARBLE Of!M Delly Piiot It.ff A campaign letter signed by Newport Beach City Councilman Paul Hummel has drawn fire Crom his opponent who claims Hummel is trying to paint him as an Irvine Company crony. Candidate Bill Agee, challenging Humme l tor the council seat that r~presents Corona del Mar, sa1a~Hummel's letter falsely accuses Agee of having the financial backing of the Irvine Company. "It's a n ·outright. lie and is unfortunately t ypical of Hummel's four-year career In city ~all," 'Mid Agee. a former city planning commissioner. Hummel defended his claims as being truthful and said he has a witness who will testify to the validity of the charges. The letter. sent to some Corona del Mar voters this week, says Agee has "already admitted that he has the financial backing of the major landowner." The letter also notes that one p o litical faction "led b y New port's major landowner" ' wants to push for commercial expansion "through control of the city council." Agee said he has no d oubts that Hummel is talking about the Irvin e Compa n y, the largest landowner in Newport Beach. "Hummel's saying that il's me and the Irvine Company," Agee said. "I don't have It (backing from the Irvine Company), I haven't asked for it and I won't acc_ept it." Agee said he intends to take the issue to the Fair Political Practices Commission. "I was expecting something like this," Agee went on. "Hummel's whole city hall career has been punctuated with claims like this that have no shred of truth behind them. He does this regularly." Hummel predicted that as t~e countjl campaign progresses tt will "become obvious that this (the Irvine Company) Is where his (Agee's) support j s coming from." "U he's bent out of shape over this, h e better w ait a bit," Hummel warned. Jerr y Collins, an Irvine Company spokesman. said the Newport-based d evelopment firm is neither supporting nor giving money lO Agee or any other council candidate. "That.'s our policy and we don't see how anyone could possibly object to it," said Collins. Four of the seven Newport city councll members are seeking re- election. The election is Nov. 2. Bill Agee· A headline in Thursday's Daily Pilot erroneously indicated that Newport Beach Councilwoman Evely n Hart has withdrawn support for the Banning Ranch development. Hart has said that she has not withdrawn her support of the project, which she believes will be beneficial for the city. The councilwoman did ask that her name be removed from a list of directors for a group raising money to campaign for the project. A portion of Thursday's story that explained her position was inadvertenUy dropped Crom the story. 'J'he Daily Pilot regrets the error. VCI researchers def end bottle deposit plan 'lri 'J'here would be little or no benefit.a are quite significant," initiative is to reduce litte r the effect of s1m1lar container College report issued in July that just ·one of 160 reports we looked H\Creaae in the price of beer and said Joeeeh Di Mento, ell.rector of gene rated by non-returnable deposit bills in other s tates, con cluded passage of the at" Di Mento said 1'0tt drink beverages if California UCI's social ecology program and contalnen. including Oregon. container deposit bill would cost ' · Vdt.ers approve Proposition 11. a study coordinator. They said experience in other consumers $68 million annually Hut Di Mento sa id h e 1>'!".e r~ge container deposit Retailers would be required to states sho~s that th.e pric~ of on the theory the aggregate sum questioned the conclusions of the li~itiat1ve, researchers at UC The study was commissioned r e fund deposits to peoplke beverages increases slighUy, 1f at paid for deposits would n ot Chapman report in light of the 1flvine have concluded. by Californians Against Waste, a returning beer and soft drin all. following passage of t he accumulate.interest. fact opponent.a of Proposition 11 1 And , researchers said iffi'ursday, any 1ncrea8e would be ~fnore than offset by reduction lh 1-fflter, and reduced energy and o:s81td waste disposal coeta. i roup backing passage of containers. Retailers, in turn. d · l r need th al is "th *30 epos1t aws. Dt' Mento said many of the ma e an ys w1 a • .. roposition 11. The measure wiU would be paid six cents per 000 grant appear on the Nov. 2 ballot. container by dis tributors. The researchers also said assumptions in the Chapman · Distr ibutors would turn over ·Proposition 11-type laws are study were "unrealistic." The UCI researchers received The initiative measure would require a five-cent deposit be paid on all beer and soft drink containers. The objective of the containers to recyclers. popular wherever they are tried. Di Mento cautioned that the onJy $500 to offset costs of their UCI study ahould n o t b e a n a lysis, according to Rose The UCI researchers said they Among the studies examined interpreted 88 an analyais of the Pumfrey, executive director of reviewed 160 different reports o.n by the UCI team was a Cha pn:>an Chapman College studv. "It was Californians Against Waste. v '· "Personally, I think the rnr,t :l.IB woman dies after crash A 21-year-old Huntington ··&ch woman died Thursday at i.;S~5 p.l)'l. from injuries received ~,1n! a Sept. 2 traffic accident in n C~sta Mesa, according t o a s pokesm a n for the Orange l!~unty coroner's office. ;,. The victim, Sheril Palfin, had M~en hospitalized at Fountain Valley Community Hospital after a pickup truck in which she was riding struck a parked flatbed trailer at Pomona Avenue near 17th Street, police said. Driver Ralph Wayne Sampson, 24, Fountain Valley, was arrested on suspicion of felony drunken driving following the accident, police said. He was not seriously injured. Slightly 75 to 8$. Lowa In 809, lnl91ld valley• will llaYe hlQM 1n . CQ as I a I ~=.~.a:, expect high• 75 L1gnt verleble wind• through to 85, Iowa In 50t. night except 1outhw11t 8 to 15 Atternoon end evening wind• knoll erternoon end evening. 15·30 mph In northern dHerta. lncreulng nonhwHt wind• outer Hight 85 to 95, lowt 82 to 72. !( W11ter1 afternoon becoming 1r. to SOutllen'! dteert hlgh9 95 to 100. 25 knota. 1 to 3 fool aouth\leet lowl 70t. 1w1111. C onal dereble low Nonhem Cellfornle moetly lelr clOUdlneu thrOIJQh night with only tlwougtl SelUfday eiccept ooutel pertlal deerlng ehemoon. fog end low doude. Pertly cloudy over 1outlHlrn Slerr• end nNr Oregon border. l1011ted U S S mary thunder"-elnnorthemSlerra, • • Uffl Chin~ Of 1hower1 In extreme north. Correction In some editions of the Daily Pilot on Thursday, an incorrect headline appeared above the story of the death of Joyce Whistler Stevens of Newport Beach . The Daily Pilot sincerely regrets the error. The story with the correct headline is repeated on this page today: warmer A 10W pr~e 1Y1tlCl'I _. tne ,,,._ w....., ..,_. orthweater~ Gull or Mulco NOAA. US Dept ol eom-rc. oduced ttr g thunoeratorm1 Fronts: Cott..,. Werm _. Occluded,.... tM Gull CO.at on Thu<~. Ii nd heevy rein drenched h-tern florldL SURF llPIRT •In SOulhem Cellfornltl. neevy fog Smog erly In the d1y rellrlc ted per1tlon1 II two elrporll llur~ end Wll blamed In per1 . ~ The Atr Ouellty Menev-ment 6r • colllllon betw"n • amell it'& plane thet wu lendln\ end e m Oltlflct predict• good .,, ~ r~ pickup truck. hi log T= ·-A"' ... today In ell ereu of the out edl)'Ol t~ L...cteft Awt • ... T-., Coelt Air 8alln that c1u11d wld11pr11d powlf Huntington 81ull1 1-3 11. fair ea Good •Ir I• ~edlottd In the llltCICOUll, mudlllde demege etld Huntington Pier 1·3 11. , .. , es Alvertld•~l•n rn1rdlno ''" llOOdlng ol roedl. ~· Ane Al\'er Jetty 1·2 11. poor 89 •nd the B•n Fern•nCSo, 1111 Fo r t od e y , 1 01tler1d tit. NeWpvt • 1·2 11. poor " G1brlel, Sent• Clatll• enct thundetltOf'rN wer• tor9CMI O¥er 22nd St. Newpoft 1·2 11. poor 99 Pomon1 v1111y1, ell wUtl • the Oull Co11t end 1outhtrn 8tlboe Wed09 1·2 11. poor 99 Pollulent IUlnd•d lflClla of 100. AtlentJC Colet, wllh thunderttorrne Aoclcpllt, Laguna 0·111. poor 97 M1tropoll1tn Lot ~ Will ~no OV« 1111 Pleteeu region s:.r.v Hollow O·f h. poor 97 hew 1 Pll of 71 end • Pit of tr tnd th• Roolllll, enel 1ome Th •8roolc1 0·111. poor er II fOreOHt for lnlend Or .. ~In thl PIClllo NOr1~t. 81111 Cftelt 1·3 11. lelr.goc>O .. County •nd the Hemet•l1""°'9 -Dolleny 8MCI\ 2·3 It. felr M tfOIOrt. Lalifornia 8111 Cltmente Pier 1·3 11. ,.., 99 Where to 0111 (Iott "") '°' Trefllgll' ~T ·Strwt) 1-3 11. fair 98 leMl~IMllOn: Cooon'1 olnt 1•211. . ,.., .. ~ ·=·---Tr•tlll 1·2 11. ,.., ee l.Ot n11te1 ou11ty: (100> ten Onofre 14 II ,.., .. 1'2-40ft TOMOAAOW't 'l"tOla: Htgll: •;JS pm ; I.Ow: 10:01 1111.; ..-~-... ----. direction-'°"'"'"" • Our Summer Sale Ends on the 11th If you'r? ·Entertaining the idea of Some nePJ furnishings for your home, The Time is NOW! Heritage Q). ••• The Old World way Entertain friends In style with this k>Yely bar from the Old World collection by Herl~ There's plenty of room to stofe all your bor necessities. The craftsmanship Is obvlOuS. the minored bock panel, the pull-out shelving. the spotlig1ts at top. You'll wane to have a party to show ii off' Come In today to see all the fine Httl&.lgs collectlons1 I ~I ~~~'7~ COSTA MESA 1H6~11~ t71•1 .. l ·t060 Interior Designs to Serve You ALL STORES OPEN MONDAY THAU SATURDAY -t AM TO 6 30 PM I ' 111111 l:UIT f HIOA Y, SI Pl l MUI II IU . 1'~.1.1 OHAN GE COUNTY . CALIF-OHNIA 2'> CENTS Mo~ gets custody j . . of Seh111itz child · Cust ody of a 15-month-old illegitimate son of state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, was awarded today to the child's mother, Carla Vern Stuckle of Tustin. Stuckle, 43, will be permitted to keep physical custody of the child, John George Bostrdm, under supervision of the Orange County Department of Social Services. ' Under t.erms of an agreement worked out in Orange County Juvenile Court, reports on the child's progress will be given to Judge Byron K. McMillan every six months. It was disclosed in July that Schmitz fathered the baby boy and an infant girl also born to Stuck le. At the Ume, the boy, who had suffered a severe genital injury, was placed at the county's Albert Sitto n Hom e for d ependent chiJdren. Custody was awarded temporarily to Stuckle Auj{. 9. ·The baby boy, said social services worker Dorren McCarthy, "is doing jus t beautifully." McCarthy said Stuckle "has been very cooperative with our a.gency." StuckJe, who has said dhe had a 9-year covert affair with the conservative state senator, talked briefly with reporters, saying, "I'm glad It's all over." Stuckle initially had faced felony child neglect charges after the boy's injuries were discovered by physicians. The injuries were believed causes:t by hair becoming tightly wrapped around the boy's penis, Reconstructlve s urgery was required. Charges were dismissed after interviews with medical authorities indicated the injury could have t:x-en accidental. Airport death trial set After Labor Day Kelly Daniels, the Laguna Beach sailmaker accused of shooting and killing his cousin in a J o hn W ay n e Airport restaurant, has been ordered to stand trial for murder. Daniels, 32, will be arraigned Sept. 23 In Orange County Superior Court. He is free on $75,000 bail. The order to stand trial was issued t his week following a preliminary hearing in Harbor Municipal Court in Newpor t Baseball star nabs burglars California Angels rightfielder Reggie Jackson apprehended two burglary su.pect.s in Costa Mesa this morning as the pair allegedly fled from a house at 1615 Tustin Ave. Pollce aaid the bueball aluger wu driving along Tustin Avenue when he heard a burglar alarm at the 1615 address. Officers said Jackson also spotted two young men running away from the house on foot. The baseball player leaped from hia car and called for the two men to halt. These bay cruisers find they almost have Newport Harbor to themselves in mid-afte rnoon on T hursday as they lay an uncut wake behind them headed under the bridge to Lido Isle. It's one sign that the summer season truly has ended. They did. Police said they arrived to find the two transients ln Jackson 's custody a short while later. The two men purportedly had jewelry in their possessi0n. DA may probe transit funds By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of"' ttle o.-, Ptlot llllft The Orange County District Attorney's office was expected to be asked today to join the investigation into the apparent d isappearan ce of $70,000 in Orange County Transit District bus fare bo'x revenues. discussed by transit distract directors Thursday during a closed meeting in Garden Grove. During an open portion of the same meeting, directors voted to terminate a $60,000-per-year contract with Brinks Inc .. under which fare box-collected coin has been transported for deposit at banks in Los Angeles. Under a new system. district employees will count fare box revenues at OCTD headquarters. The money will then be sent to a bank for deposit. The new system is scheduled to go into operation in J anuary. Officials said the new system will belp tighten auditing controls and speed the flow of fare box revenues to banks. That should boost interest on those funds b y $16,000 to $17,000 annually, they said. Diacovery of the apparent $70,- 000 shortage marks the second time in two years that the district has faced a missing money case. A ccording to a statement released today by the district, "There appears to be a shortage of appr oximately $70,000 between late 1981 and March of this year." Soviet telephones cut Audits showed the district lost $63,000 in fare box r evenue between August, 1980, and January, 1981. A former district employee charged In connection with that case was acquitted of all charges, except petty theft in connection with the disappearance of a trash can-type cont ainer u sed for transferring coins. The district collects about $8 million annually in coins deposited in bus fare boxes, officials said. Kennard Smart, legaJ counsel for the district, said intervention by the district attorney's offke into the case was "forthcoming." "I anticipate it wlll happen today," Smart said. The apparent $70,000 loss was COUNTY MOSCOW (AP) -Telephone service to and from the Soviet Union was disrupted today by a "technical failure" in the Moscow international exchange, a Soviet postal official said. Western residents in Moscow became aware of the problem when they were unable to hook calls out of th e country. The breakdown came a week after Fraternity cleanup crew A fraternity at UC Irvine h opes a cleanup campaign at BOmmer Canyon will help improve its image with the community of Irvine. Page Bl. Art's boldness unbridled Artist Jo·Ann Morgan, displaying an unbridled boldness in her exploitation of color and form, will exhibit her paintings at The Mills House in Garden Grove. Weekender. Ship crash kills woman JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -A cruise ship, the Majt!stic Explorer, ran aground near a small group of Islands In Frederick Sound today, and a woman was crushed to death and two other people were injured as paseengers und crew Cled in lifeboats, the Coast Guard said. Soviet postal authorities halted direct dailing to and from abroad, citing "technical reasons." A postal official who did not want to be identified told The Associated Press that technicians were working on the problem but t hat it was Impossible to predict when normal service would be restored. STATE District officials said the current apparent shortage came to light during application of "internal accounting controls." Attorney Smart said no other losses have been identified since March. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Republican- controlled Senate, t urning its back on President Reagan, today joined the House in overriding his veto of a $14.2 billion spending bill BUSINESS Financial pie soupl Small buslnea1e11 are flahtlna for a share of the federal contract pie, but face obstacles from entrenched interest.. p ... ce. SPORTS Preps kick oll f 001ball Huntinaton Beach Hilh School hu opened ltl football eeMOn with an lmpl'elltve 24·7 victory over Corona del Mar. P• Cl. Beach. T he hearing lasted a week-and-a-half. Daniels is accused of killing his cousin Barkley F. Hodges while the two of them and a third man, Randy Snyder, sat drinking in Delaney's, a second-floor restau rant at the airport terminal. Marshall Schulman, Daniels' attorney, said he does not contest the evidence that his client shot Hodges but claims the shootin~ · was n ot premeditated or calculated. Daniels, Schulman said, had been drinking heavily, had gone without sleep and was distressed by marital problems. Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown, during the preliminary hearing, has tried to establish that Daniels believed Hodges was going out with his - Daniels' -wife and had vowed to harm Hodges. 'Cheap' seats for Sinatra Special reduced tickets for the Frank Sinatra benefit concert at lrvlne Meadows Amphitheater go on sale Monday at Ticketron outlets Bac k l og e seats will be Signed statement available for $25 for \he Sept. 25 e ngagement, a ccording to Barbara deBoom, spokeswoman for the Newport Beach-based South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. h's no joke. Owners of the Laff Stop in Santa Ana Heights have been ordered to halt Monday night male dancing but owners hinl the show may go on. INDEX At Your Service A4 Bualn81 C6-7 Clulifled 0 \-6 c.omica B4 Cromword B4 Stan Delaplane A 7 Dee\h NoUces D2 Editorial A6 l'.ntertalnment Weekender Gardeninc B5 Horoecope A 7 lntennlJISion Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notk:ee Spona Stock Markets Televtaion Theaien Weather Ram• loolc 'olllclal' Weekender A7 Weekender C6 A3 04,C6,D2 Cl-~ <::I TVL.oi Weekender A2 Conliliency In the offerwe and a strone ~en.ave l8COl1dary are netellAl'Y for • winn1na footblill IMIOft by the Rama. An offldal look is on Pap Cl1 - Dow WIK Hel I I Mt1 ~t.\ NII '-1" Ntl 1 p "'" ,.. ~~ p II !Ilk c1e.. Cllt " C ::: Clo.. Cllt ,. r !WK Chi.. Cllt , f "4f'I Cle.. Cllt ""' .. DOWN 5.71 ,,.,, 14 10 ~ ,...... ~. H .... , I I ''i P\" ~. ::r~~ ':r g m ~~ ~=no,,' ij t ~ :1~ < ..... m\l'o"'~ .ii ... ~ :•!; ~ ~· .... 1 1 1t~t;.. ~·1~11':1,,i JOI• t ~~' ~ M IA•I 10 '1 101.. 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Fl-1.Cll 1l 14.:I 40' '-IC-IC -NEnP pl1.1' 1 ll I'll AHY PIO 1J S JI.., Trec:or I JO U 7«1 lAll. -"-ArmWln 1 IO J1 1°' 1'11.+ l'o Com .. I 211115 1'4 ..... \'I Foll-M •~II\<\ ,. 10 tJ 4•,.• \io NJRtcnl.7' 1 U 14'-AHYptA1.0. IUU •I• Trine 1.3' 1 9' 1•11'1 \lo AroCp .IO • u 14-11111 CoPsyc . » 11 ., n . Fo.St P .. • " 11\t ... 11 IJ ll , .. NYSEG , 10 s -" ~. AtDSll 11 ., ""' . . lW""' IU 6\. ArowE 1• lO 4lO IJ~-\0 ComPll' 1' ll"-+ \\ Fo•br S I CM 1 4l9 21-.. I 14 2SSO 1th I'll NYS 114 US 000 11 lleD8k I -S l«I 14~ l<o W W1A' 161 ..... lu At1re 20... I .. -.... CompSc ,, Ill .. ~ ..... FrplMc IO 10 "' 11 • "' .IO .. I ,.... ..... NYS pl t.IO 1200 ., • .,.., A•hCol JJ s "" 12\<o ..... TWC... J 2 .. . .•. Arvin 1. 12 12 60 141'1-Vo CDIVll\ 11 llSJ 24'•-~ FrlQ1"' ... ' ,., 154<. "' 1 40 1 J4 .... "' NYS 11403.IS ,. ,. • .... Revco • 14 406 ,. -... TWC "' '·'° .. 12 .... Arvin pl 2 l n • \It ConAor ... I 1' J0\1 '-Frutlll .«I • IJO It 1111 1IVSI S 5'l UVt • "' Ntwelt I • 41 " · · · · At,,.re . , 11 9*-Ito TWN '1f t... JO 21'4 ...• Atlr(O .«I 1092 2S -l'I C-MI 2 JO I 24 31..,_ \\ FuQue .IO . . "4 JI I I I MMI .211 1 11 ut•~ • 'h Nt.,ml In 2139 0 \lt t .. A•vlOl'I 114 I 800 21.. IV• lr111SM 1.40 • 671 JO -"' Asf\1011 J.40 • 2IS 21""-..... connE ,., ., • 2 11•1.. -G-0 -1(111tb ID s 2tO .. -.. "" Ntwl pf 4.SO 3 ,..... .... R'"""" IO I " IS"' ... Trtllll'IC 2 ,. . . ,. 11'11. •.•• Asf\10 pl•.SO .. 3 l.S + l'J CnnNG 2 20 • 16 111~ • \lo GAF .20 • 110 IO!u · · C1yPL 1.'6 S IOI 2.1 t .... Nwpark l• S 24.J •In RHntll I C11 JI 111 IOI• V. TA Alty U 5 Ho · .. ASlllO pf)... • • 9 l:J.\I. + V. Conrec ID 14 26 2•'i. • V. GAF pl I 20 . 11 ll'lo CPL pl3.to llJO 21"' + I'll HleMP 1 IO 6 '11 UI'> !teynln 2 ID • 111' 4iv. . . TrtM<o I • S 12 -· • AICIOG , 10 :JSt 31~-... ConEcl. , ... 5 "°' ""' GATX 2.«I 1 ltl l.W ..... CPL pf1.20 . 4 11 • Vo Nl•Mpl l60 llOO 1S 1 A•yln 1142 2S " !JI""-.... lms< pl U7 IOS .,,. "' AMID 114 4 1S. • "4 -l'1 ConE pl S 3 19~• • '1 GCA IOI .. 310 11 -.. CSou •• I ., l4 + "°' N16Mlll '.IS llOO 34~1 • I-> lltYlll r4 10 J o•. \. Trtntel'I 021 10 4"°' I'\ Allll-1.60 • 511 ""'"' C.OllFdl 2.11 S04 -~ I<> GEICO .S6 I ... llh. ..... •llGE l.12 • llS ""' '• Nl1Mp1 s 15 •400 JS'• '"" ReyMI 1 IO II n~ n ..... lrGP pf t so J2 '°"'· .. AtCyEI J JI I •lOI 1~ + '-ConF pl 4 SO 1 ~ lot GEO .JA 3 IS4 ,...,_ I\ 1nNb I ... I 11 14 \lo NIMpl 10 60 1'2JO M"' t.. AeyM 11f2 J1 I 41 .. .. r11.oti • 1J S ... AllMlro 04' l M IS.l ,.,. C11sFrt 1 eo s l20 ...... "' GTE J.t2 1 ms JOl· ... 111PLI ,..., 1 ,.. 22~ \, HitMpl 1.n 1400 SJ~ 2\.11 RctoVdr. , ... IO llJ ,...,._ ... renwy I ID • «> n -.. AURkll J «I • 1600 42 '• CnJNG JI • • 152 2•'" GTE pf J.jll 1 16 e PL pf1l2 I 11 . Nl195'11 Ue S2 14~•-"'-RleeelT t ID I JI It~• \/lo r1vtr t 1 M • llilt 21 _,. AllAcpfUS 1110 31\/t-..... t011tPw l 6' •llM 11 \J GTE pf 2-• u ,,,.._"' llyln • IJ:I ·~· "Nl<olln .UIOS. 1011>-.... ·~ ... 1 . .0, n4 401.!+2 rlC..l.17• JU ......... "ltR,plJIO 10103 -2 CnPwpl•.16 111001' • ~ GelHou .SJ S n. .... "i 1typ1 .... .. U"'•..., NICOR 3 1 4' 21\0 V. R i 0 Gr II t IO Tr1Cnll4Jto .. SI ~ ''°' AllllCo 2 J1 1~ 1 CnPw p14 SO dOO l2 Gel\Mtl 1.n IJ xJ3I .O~ + '-e u181 .24 . 0 1"-t I<. NOblAI , IJ S 511 1--_,. 4. s J J 11< + X Yt \lo TrlSoin I SO 41'1. •• A11ttt .Jl 11 lollS ,.,,_ .. ''> Cn,... p11.4S . 1100 Sl'lo Gt DSlr SO e Sl 1'1'1 • llli 1uf pl I.SO JI Ill•• I<\ HorSo n t ID '1107 U~.... AileAIO ID 1l 4:29 Jt\• • 1<o Trl1lnd «>ft 10 I~ It. Auto01 so" 5'1 u,... .. CnPw 1111 n u 10 n GesSvc 1.3' i " 11..-. tlltr JO I • In , .... Hortin J • ,,.__ Yt Ro~hw 1 40 11 2' .... l'o Trl•P< 11' 11 "'" • 1111 AvcoCp 1.20 I 111' 22 .. '-CnPw pl1,1' ... 20 n . . c; .. r111 .3' IO Sn U"-"-elloog I.SO • '" 1611 t Norttr n 120 s 112 24\lio-'-Robtln 1 . .0 s 111 21 .• rr1co 16 I 102 9'h-V. Averr '° 10 IM ,..,. ••• CnPw pl7... dOO H'h. , ... Gelco 1.12 • u " v. Kellwd «! 1 11t 14''11 . "" Nori• .Cll l H ..... v. Robin\ 14 ' ,. 14 .... , ntl .so • .. 11'--\II Avne 'II 129 46111-1 CnPw pl 4 J2 21"'-• ... GtmC• ll ' l l " Ktnll .10 , Jlt 6 NACNI .ID I S2 tt"'1 ..... ROC'toG 17.0 s 122 IS\Oo .... 110 p 1 fl • M3 ""· ... ' Avon 2 , 20l1 14""-"' C11Pw pl). 110 ,, ~ Gtmln 1.ADe . s u.-.-l'o Ktnmt .. I j u ,... i.. NoAPlll 1.10 1 u 42"9 11111 AO<llTI t..W I n 24'•. "" y<OL' .10 • IU !Sift ... A•I• 'u ' 7 "-..... CnPw prllS Jl 2•'· GAlll" 4.2M .. '3 ,..-, .... l(yUtll 2.10 1 142 11'• l'o NE11r02 .. • 42 lt"lt ... Rockwt Is 10 m --.. vi.r 60 ' • 11 ..... Aydin\ 19 334 no ''-CnPw P'2 SO S """ h GAmOll .60b 14 U9 S4h •I ICe rrOI _.. • 14 11 t "'° N-IU1 1 JI 1 .. 1--. "" ROllMH 2 IO t J1 SI" ,.. ym.stt JI 112 ""' .. l -...... -C11Pw pr2 2J I IS">• 'lo Gn8clh .. 4 10 19""-,_. ICtrG Pl 1 10 •21 ti.. 1" NlllCIPS 1 SO 10 400 12 ..... · · R°"'ln • 110 It _ .. -U-U -81ltt1CO .so • 1' ............. CnPw pf1.., 4 1'h . GClllM ·" 11 .. ""'• ..... ICtrrMs 110 11210 1'1'> 111'1 NOS1Pw t.U 1 ICD1 ~-lit AolV pl l 1' 12 27"' AL 2J 1'2 11 "' Bkrlnll t2 5 22M 20h-to CenlAlr . 113 ..... 1111 GnOltl t2 I~ Vo ICey\Clt 16J 12... 11'1 NSPw pl4.14 • 1100 Jl'I> • ROlll'll:n '2 n.:: Vo GI Joe S IH .,..., • l'o !!,1-dU' .Jt 1 , 1 ,mn !!~ 1"' Cot>I~ I 4 -.... Gl'll)y'" .n 22 121' )<I -"' ICtY\11'11 ... 14 I~ ~ ..... HorTI I ' .. ?SI 42~ ... Rollin\ ... '°' IJ -•• GI pf 111 rllO lCI t --Cn1C 1 lS 1210 • OOytWll 4.2S • JO,.,, • 1 Kidae • 1 10 4 15' .... . . Hll\Oet v • st 4\llo ..... Ro•-· to 610 Jl' ... MC .. 1 4 9Vt ... lldU Pl l °'.. • as~. J•.i. CllllCo 160 .• Jn tl'---Gel'IEI uo 10 lS'l '""-" d 111'1 4 1 .,.,, h Nortrp 1.IO tJl 60\,-..... it.ft; 11 ' -141 MET 12110 ~ ,~. \of llllCa> J.A> 1 44 --~. CnllGrp 2 Ml s 520 :n + "" OnFOt 2-211 ' 10l >1\llo "' lmllCI 4 1 ICM •S'.1> " HtntAir ., . I.SI n... Vt ·-· '° • 11 u • NC lies 101 S\lo• "" l10yMI .111 11015 ts... CMGppl , 1J ,.~ ... GGtn ...,.,~ • U\o •• Kn9'1IR .'2 IJ M u.... Nwtll<D l,'4 6 SI .... t;: Rorer .. u , .. 241..-l'o USFG J.IO' '" ....... :::lr.GE8 ~;t ~~ ll"-"-cntGDpl•SO .. l l1h•l'IGH0111 .tot>«> ...... ~ K-• 1.102' u ll'h H8cp pf1.11e fOO to -Aowlll C11 J1,.. 11'1-l'o Unllvrtn.• 1 .. \.'! ••••• 8•• ~ I -1, 10 •••·-,_ Conllll 1 S 1210 17'9+ "i G l'I H 0 U S I• t !(oftn0r .32 IS fO 1th+ NwslEn 1.40 ) Ill '.~~ ~ llowin p1i.44 . S6 ,....._ °"" On NV 4.1 .. S .. S1..,-1 .. .. -····-... T 5' , w 11.,._ "' "' x 1 '\lo t \lo 1(-n •.«> 12 "' 1"4> .... En pl2.I).. ,, 1 --•• RC Cos 1,0. ' u 11..--..... UCll\'IP I • !S7 SI~-\'I kn Ta n .20 • 110 • .. · ~rn~t~ 1 U 1 ffJ ~-'ill Glllnil .SO 12 24.SO ll'Vt-l'J 1C09pr pf 10 .. J 11 .... HWlllld 4.«I J 2GI J1\lo-'-110110 J.l?t 4 '°5 lah-~ U~ J.,40 1 111 to -\oo 8l•1ncll!lp ·: 1.~ U n~: ~: Conwoo 1',40 t 70 ll> +I G11MIUs 1.M 10 111 "IV>+ V. K•-r 1.n t 10? 40~• NWIP pl 1 SO " 21 ~ • :: Aubnll IM ll 21 4l\li .... , UllC-.to 14 <12 lt\lo-'°' •• ~ l:IO 4 4tO ,..._ .. COOkU11 .07r .. " 3"" . GMot J.AOe 51Ul7 II 1111 Kul>Ot• ,5lt21 2 2' NwMLI I.JO• 4 ,._ R\l.iTOQ • I S 11' ........ \lo UnlC!ft(; .ltl 4S Jtt .. • •otV• ' 1• • •• ,, -~ c-1 S2 4 101 » . GMol "'l IS • 1 ,, "' IC111\im "°" • 11 11Y,. N•SIW • u' ''!'.>· . i;; Rv111'4" I.., 116 ........ U11£1« IM • 113 12-. ... • "' •• Cooi:>I pf J '° '6 tt~ • 'lo GMol pl S . . 12 O'h • .._ llyotoC .lit JI U 21 "' NO<tOl'I 2 I tt-A'fdtrS 1.-10 J.1$ J1 \to Un El fllf l.111 IJO ~ ~ Bl'lkAm I.SJ • 14.:11 1711.-i. c::::U ID 12 ..,, a v.-"" GNC .C112IO .. ''"" ..... l(y-44 2J • ~ Ntf'Slm I.GI ' 114 n .. .. -·--._. -UnEI Pl ' dOO .... ... lkARly 2 40 10 I JS C-T M • ,. n \(, GPU II IJU s.... ... -L.-L -Nor15 p(1 60 4 IO~·-Ill SCA ,JO IO sn 11h-\lo UllEI"' ·~ ..... JI\.-... ·.~llTto.rT!J 2·.! 4 1 .. 1 3211.. \It COltwO. 1 I " • 42 1' • _,. a.tilt• t 1.Cll II 0 7 41 \It LN Ho I'll.SM 1 It U4o NO..O ·* 11 '!! :ll\lio-~ SCM 2 e 46 nt.-,__ UllEI flf 4 J6 . dlO 1 • ... -c cl Ml ' ., ,_, .... GnRefr •• 11 J I'll LLCCa> ' 2 '. Nucor .u 12 "' •• SFN 111 ' J021'1~· '"' U11Er5M 4 31 t7'9-"' ' .. "'!!!! ·:~ .• ri >: . \.. c:.r:;· .. ' 5" ,.,.,., Gn5*11 uo ' 122 a \o\ \'t lLSCa> Pl • 4•-•.... N11tr5 n » ~ JJllt '"' SPShc n s 42 ,,._ ..... Uf.1 L I . 1120 SS -.. '"-c 0 , " G J , J GTFffllf 1 JS .. lllZO \II . • LT .iO J IOM 10 .. - -... Seblnt .e" ., ll\.-"' Uni! "''II .. " u -"" llrclCR J6 IS n l1'-"" .. Jl4 UO..-lllliCewln ' GTl'I pl uo .. '''° '~ LTVA Ill 2 " '"' Oaklnd .2• • nt ,..... MllcllU .u 14 159 ·~ ..... UnEI"' 1.n .. , Z2\'i. .. •··.~!!29 -""'.'° 1• .~7 14 '--'-J J 4 O l I 11'1 -lllo GTlrt I.SOii I 20I 2•'<-"" LTV 1M ' . I ..,._.. 4i Otk"tP t.U I 1 1"-• SfllclSc . U 4.,_• I« Ufllll l'f 1.44 .. 1to StVt .. 1\lt .. ,.. ,,,. - 14"'°-~ COXCtn 21 U JDS lJ\o, llo GtnKO " 11:1 ~. .. LTV pl I I 10 .... 0<.cl ..... t .to ) ~ ltll'I • \W S.ft..., 2 • .0 10 l(QJ ,.._,, ... Ul!f llfH I , 11• 111' + '6 •111•1'fWr" .•:'~ :~ 11 ..... I'll cri lo u 1 ""' .... Gnllld .10141106 Ullt "" LO\ilnu H " " ~ 0<c1PP!!-to . u 17'-• Yt SllleCI> .s..t n1 ~ .. _... voic.t 1 Ut41 ~· l'o l eu:Cn 1~14 u 1030 iiv.~ ~Cr•,,. 1.eo. I 12 t1"1 ... Gen.it .60 .. 1~ ltt': 1111 L«O• t .40 5 " ~. ~ ~c::pn·~ .. 1: ,:"":.:·~ $tJoU' 1.40 S 1 12-~ unPe< 1A.>1014'1 4J -Ht lnTr • ... 11 .. , <!014-y, crolts 1 : IS2 ~-""' 8::.!'Pt :~ii 430 i.-.:.:._ t=~ ,. 12 21J J""' -~ 0<~1 ~..., .. m to'h-1 ~~P l:~ ·, J: ~ ~ v. ~~r;:v.:, a .~,~ ~. ~ HIGHLAND PARK. Mich. (AP) -The United Auto Workers union is proposing a one-year contract with Chrysler Corp. covering wages and benefilS and a longer pact for such items as work issues, the union president says. Douglas A. Fraser also said at a news conference Thursday that the company should back off demands that autoworkers pay for part of their health car e benefits. . d The one-year plan would include a pay ratSe 8!'1 reinstatement of cost-of-Jiving allowance, he srud , adding that the union has not specified amounts. Acquisition opposed SAN ~RANCISCO (AP) -Califorrua banking and thrill officials have strenuously urged the Federal Reserve Board to block Citicorp's acquisition of a troubled savings and loan association or at least postpone a decision until Congress enacts emergency takeover legislation. . Citicorp, the huge New York bank holding company, would be the first commercial bank to control an out-of-state thrift institution if the board approves the takeover of Fideltty Savings & Loan of San Francisco. Savings firms purch ased Downey Savings & Loan Association, Costa Mesa, has announced the purchase of seven Northern California branches from Western Federal Savings & Loan Association. The seven branches are locat.M in the South San Francisco/greater San Jose region. The purchase represents the first acquisition in the 25-year history of Downey Savings. The initiative to seek the purchase was primarily the result of Downey's goal to strengthen its market presence in the Bay Area, said Maurice L. McAlister, Downey president. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS U" AND DOWNI NEW YORK (API Tht foltowlno 1111 _. tllf Haw Yorio. Slock E•t hertet \loth -.,.,.,tftU 11111 twve OOl\I 11P "" ,,,., - -the ,_, .,._ Oii Pt•«<nl OI <lllnQe r~ro1t11 o1 VOl\lmoJ tor FrlOly. Ho -urlt!H trlCHl'IQ ee1ow n ire inc:•· -Nt1 -perc.tnre99 c11enves •••"" cllllt rl!A<e bet-the Dt .. lou• <io.ll'IQ prlct -too.v'• ii;-price , , ... r·1r:: ~'~ .c"t, 1 Sultelr(p ·~· ~ 3 Mlr~n 2~ '• 4 W11Ulm pf 1° > 'lo S UNC An S '- • $1eevoCP "' • ~. 1 IUlnl ,,. H • 1•1 • 011[11 4.«Jpl Jth , • l11ktmG4<> " u ... •• 10 ... ,,_ ..... " 11 lL..:C«I> J"i + lo 11 N•IFuelG pf 1'~ lllli 11 Wll\lllrt Oii t\/oo V> 14 Rtc:OQllEQ I • "' U Olwrs Ind J'-• '"t 1' LLCCorp Ill 4"" • v. 11 UnPerk Min J\o'> • I• II HOii¥ S4IQ 4l°' J 1' Jostens HI• tlot 10 A ...... Co 10 •• "' 11 G...,clllln t0•1 • 1 n "'""' 4.0IPf " • • H PSUIO 4 1'0! I t ... Pct Up 100 Up 13• UD 10.0 Up 9' UP 1.1 Up 11 Up 1,0 Up U UD • S UP ,,4 Up U Up '-0 Up U UP 5.1 Up U UP S..4 UP U Up ~ VD U Up 5.1 Up S.1 llP 4 •• Uo 4 • ""'""' ~NS Ctov '"'' 1 0 1 t 1 T e rm •'II. ~ 011 10 o t H~trisv " ,,.,, -'"' 0 11 10.0 a "'""11 •.nc t JS I I ofl 1.1 4PllHIOll CO !JI. IV. Off 1,1 s PrlmeGm to.. t Off t,l ' Fl~ ' lll"t 1'-Oft 1.A 1 N•I ~ 1'• -"" Oil 1 4 I W'flel.AOI •~• 11'1 Off 1.A • 1-•lllG pl 17~ -II. Oil 6 I 10 lpCO Corp 7 -\'I Oii .. , 11 "-Co Pl Ill~• 9"' Ott • 1 12 TIQe< 1"1 I"" "' Oft •·' 13 PllYW'f Ell 1"' \It Otl • S l4 Sun\l\Mft • .. Otl u S Wtll1 Ullll I'-y, Oii 6 S 1' AmtKll'C 2Ho IYt Oft 6,4 11 PllEI 11~ SI_,. n1 Off • 4 • 5-f()il ~ J Otl ... •It AroC~p 14_., -I Oft • 3 20 OelleAlrl ' JOI.< 2 0 11 •·> '' GEOl,,_I t in "" Ott U n e....c..ir, n~.. l\'t 011 .. , METALS NEW YORK (APJ -Spot nonforrou• mettl prle.1 tod1y. Copp9f 7~·73 cenll • pound, U.S d .. 11n11lons L.Nd 26-29 <*!IS a pound. Zinc <1().-42 cent• • pound. dellWrect Tin le 6240 Met... Wlell GOl'flP08ltt lb. Alvmlflum 76-77 cent•• pound, N.Y. Gold "453 00 I* lroY ounc:., H11ndy & l"ltm1111 only d9ily quote. 8Nvef 18.990 per troy ounce, Hendy & H81mll/1 only deify quole. MerGUI) $315.00 per flllk. ll'letlnum '385.00·$372.00 troy ounc:e. NY. SILVER Hendy & Herman, $8.9110 per tro11 ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS •r The AHocleted .., ... Seltotad world gold Pticet lodey· L.i1den morning ll•lng $441.25, oll $17 75 Leftdoft ahernoon IW<1Q S..53.00, on $1300. '•''' •"•~noon lhtlng U H 83, up $642. frMkfutt fi111nQ $446.92, on S27 oe. Zurldl Ill• atternoon flltlnO $451.00. Off 17 00 bid, $460.00 ultect. Hendr a Herman only dilly quoit $453.00. on a t3.00. lnt•lllerd only delly quole 1,.53 00, off &13.00. f~d only daily quote t11>rlelttd a..76.65. on $13 es. :I Yfi11 <12 .. IOll't. · · · • ~rltc:iH 2 «I I 2:: n~ i;, GePIC 1 JO 1 t1• l•l'o-.. LIW11111 :n 14 14 I l<9 e•Co ·~ 1 S • 1 It -~ 1.,1 .AO 4 1 ... l'I U"lfO,. J ti 6'-.. .. •ySIO t.u • ".,,, ..... l'o c~~N llf>' 1• 20 lf\11 ... O.Pw ,.,,,. .. 1114 ,..... . LellPI .It .. ,, 11 ... -l'o , .. 4 :n.s ~-OleG• 1.92 • ISi .......... UlllrM ''° ''° 41 ' .... . ... lff1•111t 1,.! IOI ..!! 2921 -~ Cnt1pl(n lcw . i 11 1)h GtPw 111'1.» • IO 1-.. • ~ L.1.,.59 I.II 1 Its ZtN..... lo~'·.!! 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