HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-12 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPIR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 50 C E NTS • river: The deceptive Trickle hides threat This ts the fir st of three installments in a Daily Pilot series on the Santa Ana River's role In , and impact on. the life of Orange County Today, a view of the rivor past and present and a look a t some of its challenges·1n the 1980s By ST EVE TIUPOLI 01 the D•ll~ Piiot Statt Dt't.'t•1H1vt• 1s !Ill' ht·..,t \.\llfd tu dt''olltht• tin Santa An,1 R1vt·r l"><'<>t.·prn·1· IL.., ll4·d is dry 11111s l 111 th1· y1·.u . but tl ts n>n:,,1d1•r1'<l by t•xpt·r L.., th1· g1 t'otlt•.,t f111od thrt.•at HI tlw w1..·sH·rn U111ll•d Sl<llP:o. Dt ~l·ptn•t• St gr•!> 11f human 11111 •rvt.·n ltt111 t·onc n •tt• l1n1..•d l1•v1•1·"· 1·ll.1'o1vatt'd '>t'l'lltllh ol channt•I. a largt· d,1111 and .,plllwJy an· 1·v1d1·11t t'Vt.'rywht•n · <tlong th1 II\ 1•1 111 Urang1• l'oun l)' and JU!ool beyund Y 1•! Or .111g1• Cou11 ty \.\ 11u IJ absorb th<· most tlam.1~1 · 1! lh1• nv1•1 y,1•n · to brt'ak f rt:'C' I>.-. <'J'lll'•' Wh<1t 11v1·r rtuw clul'l> r1·Jl h ( )1.111g1• < 'm111l y 111 no1 mal unw., 1s mostly 111·.itl·d ..,,•w.i~•" \o\<1\1·1 1h.1l ha., hP1·n ll'>t'd by 11l h1 •1s M'Vt·ral llllH'S s1 111·1· ll 111.,t ft•ll from lh1· ::.ky Y 1•1 tl ,., 1•ag1·1 ly 1·a ptun·d fw 11u r own dn11k111g watt·1· ... upplv n.1·1•JJllVC' It IS ;1 llll'l"I' fl5 mtlt• ... lung. Yl'l du1111~ lw.ivy flow'> 1L-. w.1ll·r::. movl· <1t "f't't'tls llltl'ol otlwr nv1·r::. 1uuld nut dl0v1•lop for hundn-<b. "' 1111 It .... It 1' d1'(vpllv1· l>t'('<IUS•·. fur all thoM• lt'asons ,111d 11lt11"r.,, th1· Sa11tc1 Ana ts a rtVt't wrth far 11\Clrt' n·,d :md pot1•11llal 1nipal·t un !lie l1v1·s uf 11\0Sl Oran~1· c .. unt1m1s than many of thl'm n•.1l1i.t• · Not thJt ttw 11v1·1 ha!-. gonl' unno1u·1•d /\m1·111.111 ::.l'ttlt·r.,, a11J lwfon· thl'm Spar11sh '><:lll1·t'!oo <Ind lndiam., w1•1t• fort."1..-d to ltv1· with th1· nv1·1, wh11·h unul n .'('1·11t ltnws look <.1 highly (Set> DECEPTIONS, Page A3J D.ity PMot Photoe by Gery AmbrMe Two fish e rme n try their luc k in Pra d o Da m 's r e lea se ch a nnel. Santa Ana Rive r trickles behind its tower , a t right. Anaheini 's Maffett new Miss Anierica ATLANTIC CITY. N .J (AP> Miss California. D£•br ~' SuP Maff<'lt of Anah1·1m .1 m<·mlwr of th£' National Man Wat1h1·rs Club wh o alrno ... 1 g,1\.t' up pageant comix•ttllon Jftt·r thn'<· defeat<; in TC'xa" 1s th1· rww Mis..., Amc>rt<:a M1si. M arrett . a 2:i v1·,ir old blondt'. bhnkl'd h1•1 f'V<'' and mouwwd "thank you" wht•n sht• w as pronounl'f'd th1· w1nn1•r Saturday of the l'indl'rt·ll.i ltk1· dream com e-true during !hr nationally telev1!><>d fin.tis from Conv<'nllon Hall The· 1980 graduate o f Lam:-ir Un1vC'rs1ty has had walk on parL" tn two lC'lev1swn soap opl'ras. "Days of Our L1vps" and "Tht· Young and the R1·stlt·s.'>" Th<' first runnt•rup was Mis.' Tenna'><'<'. i)("S1r('<' Oanll'b thl' second runnerup wa" Mis ... Missis.,1pp1, Dianne• r~va ns. th1• third runnc•rup wa s Miss Alabam:-i . Yolanda Fl'rnandl'z, and th1• fourth runrwrup was M 1 s s 0 k I a h o m a . N ,1 n 1 v C hapman · M t s s Amer 1 ca I~ H :i \.\a .., crownC'd by hf'r pr1•d<>t t'"sor WORLD Eh1..;-1lx•th Ward, who ern'tl .ls sht• madt• h t•r ftnal walk down th<' 11lun11nawd runwav Mt:..'> Maff1·ll sa.1d sht· mriv\.'CI from th1· ltnv T f'xa-, town of Cut .ind Shoot · populal1011 :wo lo Ca h fornw to Ix-gm h1•r l arN·r dS a s111g1·r and t.alk-sho\o\ host Sht· lost 111 thr<'(' olll'mpts to l..-i:om1· Miss 'ft•xas anrl d c'(·1d1-d ,1g~11nsl ~1 fo urth s hot at th<· n:it111nal sl·holarsh1p pagC'ant until :,,he• wanted to go bat·k to "':huol .md nc'!odcd tht• mimt•y S hr· currently holds a gC'nC'ral 'itucftc~ clc'grl'f' and would ltke to ., c· c• k u n cf e r g r a d u a t <' a n d gradu.itt> dC'grCt-s tn music She win~ $20.000 1n sC'holarsh1p mnnf'y from thrC'c· t·or porate 'JX>n...iir°' Mt!><. Maffett was the• o nly l\o\t> llml' wtnnf'r of prC'ltmmary t•vc• n t s 1 n th ts vea r's show. winning both in talc·nt and "w1rn!'u1t compcoltllon Thl' 5 foot -7, t I ~ p ou nd . 35-l2 :~5. vocalist sang Melissa Manchl'StC'r's "Comt> in from thC' R<ttn," while W<'anng an 1vory- wh1tc· harem pants outfit with !See MISS, Page A2) Po p e wants to nieet A r a f at VATICAN C ITY (AP ) Pop<' John Paul II wants to m«:'et P LO chairman Yas.-.c•r Arafat during hts two-d ay vt<S1t lo Romr this wc•ck . T he Vatican o fficially rnnf1rmC'd Saturday that the pope was willing to hold th<' unpn.x·ed«:'nted mCC'lln g STATE Fire lap s wine country CALISTOGA (AP) A wind-whipped brush fire scorched 550 acres near the summit of Mt St Helena Saturday. sending up a plume of smoke visible thro ughout Napa Valley·s wine country. A second bJa1.e intensified near Lake Berryessa, consuming 200 acres of brush and moving toward Atlas Peak whe re a fire lt)St year ravaged 23.000 acres. APWlr~to Ot·hru Maffett of Anuhe im reacts as she wa~ named Mi~!-1 Amf'rica for 1983 Saturday. NATION L utherans urge nuke s top SAN DIEGO (AP) -Delegat.es to the convention o f th e Am e r1 d 1n Luthera n C hurch h ave ov«:'rwhelmingly urged "the elimination o f nuclear wN1ponB from thf.' Earth." A secr<'l 86 1-33 vote. taken Friday and announced Saturday, approved a mandate which expressed distress over "the increasing sense of insecurity and p<'rtl to which our world is being lro by escalation an nudcar weaponry " 2 nd Trident sub commissione d G ROTON, Conn. (AP) -The nation's second Trident s u bma r l n e, th e USS Mic h igan. was <'Ommis.sioned Saturday with Navy officials praising its nuclear weapons as a deterre nt to wa r and protesters condemning them as an instrument of death. Eleven protesters were arrested out.side the shipyard. Helicopter crashes at airshow, 44 die MANNHEIM. West Gt•rmanv (AP) A U.S. Army hcltcoptcr c rashed onto a W est German highway and exploded Saturday dunng an m ternat..tonal air show. killing a ll 44 people aboard as thousands of hornf1cd spectators watched, officialc; said The v ictim s w e r e said to in clude five American crc•w members a nd s kydivers from at least three othe r countries. The crash w as one o f the worst helicopte r accide nts on record Two cars were hit by flymg debris but the startled motonsts escaped uninjured, poltce S<11d , adding that traffic w as unusually light at th<' time . "All W<' heard was a b:rng and we looked up and pil'(.'t's of tht' rotor blades s tarted flying throug h th e a i r and th e helicopter JUSl went into a nosedive 1mm ed1at<'IY and crash <'d into the gro und:" said Derk Steenblitz. who was among about 10.000 people atte nding the a ir show in this southwC'StC'rn industrial city "As soon as 1t hit th<' ground. thC're was just t his huge ex plos1o n w 1 th s m o ke a nd flames." said S tee n bl1tz. a INDEX 01-2 ES-6. Fl-6 FA E3 A6 Business Classified Crossword Death Notices · Editorial Page Entertainment Featuring Horoscope Ann Landers Mailbox El -3 ~4 C4 C4 A6 SPORTS Canadian teacher He said the families of som e paral'h ut1sts appare ntly had been waiting in the field and "w ere ca rried away in shock by ambulan('<'" Aft er taking o>f from the nearby Ne uosthe im airfie ld. "the pilot radiOC"d the control tower t.o say h e wished to com e tn and land." Mayor Wilhelm Varnholt t.old reporters. The pilot did not say h e w as m trouble, Vamholt said. "He didn't have a chance to put down that chopper safely," a spokesman at the N euos theim control tower said in a telephone 1nterv1<'W He reported seeing the Chinook }OS(' one blade from the rear rotor. then others. "ThC' pilot did n o t h ave a chanl'e," h e repeated A photographer r<'turning from th<' scene said the chopper hit a d1v1der, SC'attermg d ebris across all four lan es o f the autobahn T here was no official report on the cause of the crash. but Vamholt said a bolt underneath the rotor blade appare ntly came Joos<' "The trans mission was ripped a part," h e said. Movies National News Public Notices Real Estate Sports Stock Markets Style Te levision Travel Weather El-3 A3 E4 05-7 Bl-5 03-4 C l -6 E3 C5-6 A2 Lloy d wins 6th U.S. Open NEW YORK (AP) -Chris Evert Lloyd· won her sixth U.S . Open Tennis singles championship Saturday, tro uncing Hana Mand likova of Czechoslovakia, 6-3. 6-1. Jimmy Connors plays Ivan Lendl for the men's title today. ' ... . ' • • • f '0 ' ;,, \~ t>ra11uu <.,uol DAILY PILO T /Su11day, September 12, 1982 ntration on career criminal s applauded II\ 11\\IP l\l 'l/\1\1\11'< ~If th• Uatty .. 11111 t;t•ll I\\ .. 'I·" o1g11 I IL111.I ( '11111 ,, 1 .111lt -.11111 .. 1.11l.111il .111 11th 11 •,llllj' l ,11 I l"I I I 1111111.d )11.,\1\ I "II It I.ti o n111It1 1.t• .. 111 111 11 1 ~ \\ 1111 111111 lot I 1'1111 Ill 11 .f, tll1 d fll II \1\111111'11• Ill I t 11111 Ht g1111tit1J' 111 l'l tll 1111 .l,tl• IH ,.:.111 111···""'"' gt.1111 1111111 .. ltt ( ,tli1 1tl ltlo1., J.1q(1 '' I 111111111•:. Ill I ,l.tl 1lt .11 f1 .11111 HI j•t"'" I llltlf '• Ill li,1111111 I 1111 I 111111111,il > M11ur111 1':v111111, wh11 l11·ud11 up I It t I n t' 11 I II fl I I 'I 11 1 d h t s ltl••··••1 l1lll111 11•11111 ltll'llM'I< Ill> .111111 ... 1 hllllv 1111 t1llt•11d1•1., wl11 h.1\1 I H ·1 11 111 p111><111 111 tl11 · past 0 1 g11 1111 1• 11111111 ry .111d hu1 .clury ,,., ,., t'utl111K It 111 111111 prUlM91~· l.(·rms tuwther prt>M't·11 tor 1iu Id, "Thc'lk 111t• 1tw kind o f pc•ople• you1 111u11111 111·vt·r t11ld you ubuut " A m•·mbt•r of tht• c·u rt·t•t 1•1111l111nl 11111l, D<'JHJly D11Hrlr1 Au .. 1111 v M11r\1n lo~11~qu1i.l. !'l.11d twu pending t'lili4.<t> J>n>Vtdt' u v1v1d lllustrotlon plc·udllq( 1<11il1 y r1·t·c1ved 11l>!l11l11h'ly 11oth111g In r•·turn. "Oui ui111 ti. ud11m11nl uho ut not d I !i 1111!1 :I I n g u II y t' (Ju n t II u r l•Oh.illl't•nwnts Ht· uot nothing," tw 8lltd '1'111 !-\o111l.1 1\1111111 .. ltd '•''" 11111111 \.111k l"1111d ,ti Ii I 11111 t \II \\.Ill~' 1):1 I 111 I"''' 111111 • .t••., I 11 .tl .. r1 ·l.tll\ 1 [, •.111,dl 1111111111 •1 iii >II• 11.!1 ,.., "'•'" 1•11111111ll111g .1 dtSflllljil1l l1<11t.t\d\ l11~:1t l lllllll tt I •)I 1·111rn· ... 1111 1:11,11 '' ,.., 111 l111Y 111111 · 111111' IHI .1 ..,lllj.'.lt• l"'"l'\U\111 lo h.111dl1 1 ,, ,111gl . ,,...,,. l1 u 111 111 ~'1 1111111~ Ill I lld , lltt•J\•b y 't1 1•11gt h1 ·t1ll1g ti\!• µ11'Sl·lllMlllll 11f 1111 , ·'" <111tl 1·11,111 HIJ( 'itrun~1·1 lllll\'ll lltlllS 11111 I 111111(<'1' hl'lllt'lll'l'S Brothers 'guilty' ThC' flnit on•'. he $ulll, lnvolvt"tt two youog rrwn u IU-y\·ar old V t· n I t· .-r l' 11 1 d 1• n l u n d h 1 H '.!4! yt·ur old t·uusin from S1111ta Ana who urt· t hur~wd with 11 11 m e r cJ Cl :i ( 1• I o 11 y t· o u n t :c ~ 11• 111m1 n g Cr o ni a b r u t 11 I NuvPmber-0..'('t.'11\lJt•r l Y8 1 tTlffit• :.µ1 l~' in t•cntrnl Orange· County Thl• 1·hurgt.•11 ag a1n:i t thl'm include two counts o f kidnapmg for robbt·ry, 1:J l'ounts ol rollbL·ry, 8 c:ount:. o f burglary, and U!>sortl'd i;ex <:o unlti wh1t·h 1ndudl· rape. s.odwny a nd f11nNI 11rnl eopulat1t1n Tlw Mt."t'•md cas.., i-_:ngqui8t 81ud, ulw 1nvolvt11 twu defendants - both ex-conv1t'LS wtth lengthy n11n111al b111·kgrr1und11 hmated at111ost l'XdUSIVl·ly tu t.'OllV IClion.1 fur burglury umJ robtx•ry. Th, .,11111\ flll'f•·111 ·d 1111 tl11 N,1111111,11 l11sl1llll•· 111 .J11:.t11·P, :..11tl th.tl :.!:"I Jll I ('1°111 ,.j .)l\t j>I ISPll p11 pul.1t1011 111 ('.1l1t111111.1 w.1 . rt•!>po11:.1l11" 1111 t)~J 1.H·rt•1•111 u l lilt ht1rgl;1r11·' '111 p1•11·1·111 11f tilt' 1•11blll•r11•s .111d tiO p1·n·1•111 ol th1 • lltl11tlwtL._111 lht•,,l.it1• • ID HB man's death 'J'twy w1·n· ;11·1·1·:;t{·d last June after r.llsarnun~ and attempting t11 k1ctnup ti pullt.•t: o fficer in Orun~1· Thl• .111.i1 v.,1s was v11•w1 •d with :01111' 011·~1,,un• .. r s,1\1sl.u llttll "" 'it.1\1• .111d h11·.il l'l lllllll;il Jll,lll\' •>I final-; , Thi· data !>1•1•111t'd to nmf11111 ""'h;1\ th1•y ht l11·v1·d 1d1 '"'dy th.it a group 1111 v h.1d 'l•"·'1l 11•d '' ''1-.111·1·r 11 i'1111 11 .il s' "·" ,., . .,1xm:-1blt• lor 1 r11n1 •<, wliwh 1.11 ''"~·1·dt'il 1111· .wtu.il 1n1111I~,., 111 pt'<>IJl1· l'llfllJH l:-111g lhal g1 ollp A :-II tUI 111·d 11Ut. 1111' H.i11d l\UUV l'dllll' th11 ·1· Vl'otr~ .1f\l·r I lw ·.;1.1tt·· Ll·g1-.1 .. 1111·1· ti.id .t111·o11h d1'\·1dnl that -;1)C•n;tl .111;·1111011 w.1-. lll'l'd1·d fol u1·.tl111~ v.11h tit\ •Jt ""' ~11·1 111·11 ~-..11 il y 1111 ·;111 d11111g '111 111•1111111: dtlf1 I l'lll Ill .1 l11.1J '''lllllg." t1111· l1w·,tl pltl'ol,'l.'Utlll' ,,11tl "'1'111 d1ll111•11u· Is Ir\ tlat t1\1•1alt tn·,t11111·111 111 th1· '"''''" <Jra11g1· County ww:1 among t~w 1111gin.1J It 1·1p11'11h otf lilt' ~l'Ullt I 1111d '. U'<llll-: I Ii •· Oll>lll'Y lo 111.1111•111 .111• ll s l'art·1 r < 'nminal I'' o't•1·u111in 11111t lout y1·,1r:. agu Tl11 U111\ 111m h ,1, fl\01• .ittorncys 1 .. ,..,,.d 111 S;111t.;1 At1<1 .111d n '<.'t.•n tly "'"'l\o·tl $:!Id 111111 111 s lit\1· lumJs 1 .• 11 al .. 1,..,,., \1•r s .ind law 1·11l•11 1·1·11H·11 t 011111.tls o.,uv lht' ..,,,..,,,it 11111-. .. 1 1111.,11 •·I 1111:1 has fl.lid tit\ 1d1·11d:- "l I 'o, .1 v11 v, v1•r v v,tluabll· \11111 ""' Slw1111 ·-. i>1 •p<irtmcn t 1111111.tl sa11I "Tlt1 • l> /\.':-off1t•1: IS dn111g ,, 111 11 111 a 111lt " l>a ·f•l• t' 111,t 1 ''I /\I t11rnt•y 1-'JlOJ-:NtX , Am. (AP) Two Nonh Curolina brothers charged 111 tlll' March 6 stabbing dealh of ;1 <.'tllifurntu man near Gila Bend h tivt• plcadl'd guilty to murder d1urgl'1> an Maricopa County S u1)l·riur Court. K1·lll'y Hamilton. 30, a nd his brutlwr, Willie, 22, o f Clinton. N C. unginully were c harged w1Lh f1rs t -d e J.(r cc murder, k1dnap1ng and robbery in the k1ll11ig of Jerome E. P1u·h1c Jr • :w. nf Huntington Beach. Kcllt>y Ham ilto n pleadt>d guilty Friday lo first -degree murul•r in return for having the otht.·r two l'ounts d1smiSSt"d. l11s brother pleaded guilty to s1..•cond -dcgree murder, robbery :.ind kidnappi ng with the Political parade mounts l\y JEFF ADLER 1H lh• Dally Pllol Slaff 'l'hl' way 11\1• p.,ti11cal µurad1· t h1 ough Ur.1ng1· County 1:- 1•1t'k mg up. 11 's 11111 hard to lt'll . !t'('llUn tlay 1:-only Ii() day:-. away (;t•lttng tn -.lt•p lhl'> Wl•l•k With h.>1:.ll L>t•11\ut.·rn111· l'a11tltd;1tl'!:> wtll b<.• for11wr Vin• Pr1•:.ltll•nt Walll•r Munda It•, s:11d llJ Ix· ~Wal 1ng up for a prl·s1d1•11t1al run of his 1JWn )0 two Yl'<t rs Mondall' Is s~:ht-<IUlt-<I to he• tlw l!(Ul'S l s peakt·r ..it ,, funcJ1 ;u smf.( b r 1• a k f as 1 t or H c• p J l' r r y Patterson, D-S;,inta Arw. l'<Jrl\ Tu('sduy nwrning. P<ittrrson seeking a f1Jurth H ouse Ll•rm. 1s bC'111g chulll·ngl-<l (or h is t'ent1.d Orangl· County distric t stc>at hy Hepubhcan 8111 Dohr, whu t)as run a fL'I Sl ) campaign ch.irat·t(·rtz<'d b y a 111rtual showt·r of press n •lea'it.'s lw111g ra11wd d o wn on lol·dl 1wwspetpt.'rs * * * NOT TO BE Ol'TOONE, th<' Rt•publlcans will follc1w suit Ot·t 2 wht>n Yiu· Pn:stclcnl (~c·orgt• Bush brt't'zt•s into town for a rla) of poltll<.'al fundra1sing First stop for Bush will be the Q ueen Marv a nd a $200 µl'r p<'rson brunch fm tht· ln11th1•r-. Lllngn·n. D.in and Bri<.11\ Dan Lunf.(r1·n 1s sc:t·k1ng r1 1•h'('tl•>11 t•1 his lloust• s1•al w h11 h lrPtch1..., fr11111 San l'l·1h o 111 J,.,... A11g1·t.·, < '11u11l " 111 llu11t1ngton B1 .. 1d1 111 11111 th1·1 1\ Oran~t· (\1Ut1ly U~1n· ... vou11g1 r hr11tlwr Bn<m 1:. st•1'k111g tu Ull't'ilt lonj.(-timl' ltll'Ulllh1•11l D1·n11 H r,1t t;Jenn And<•r,11 11 "' ,111 adJa1 l'nt Lu:. Angc·ks Cnunly 1>1slnl'l Aush .1lso will bt· the keynole "l"',1k1•1 Jt a11 c·v1·11111g fu11tlra1scr f<1r COi' g ulx•rm.1torml cand1datl' (.;l'org1· l:>.·uk11wj1.111 111 Am1heim * * * LOS A1'G ELF.S M<1y11r Tom Br .1 d I • · '" t h l' I>(' m n t· r a t 1 c: t·antl1d;1\1; 101 gov1•1 nor S<'t'mM ~t·nu11wl v ph•ust'd las t Thurscfay 1\1gh1 wh1•11 Ill' .111n1>unu•d h1• had 11·11'1\ .. d 01 .irq.~1 · C11u nt y Sup1•1vi-.111 ILilph C lark 's 1 •ntJor:.1 ·mC'n I Cl.11 k ;inrl B1 .1Jl1·v were: plJst•rv1•d t'hcllltng tngNtwr al a µ.1uo r1~·l·pt11>11 111 Orangt· pnur to tlw J111111unu nw111 .;t a Bu1ld1ng Jndu::.trv Assol·1a111in dtnnC'r at the• A1rµurll'r 11111 in lr\'trli.' * * * BY THE WAY , If you h,1pp1•rn «I to b•· driving in thC' d r c· <i .1 r o u n 1 I S ,1 n t a A n a ' s Saddl1•bt1l'k Inn Thursday :oi!t1.•rnoon you might have seen a btg bl.1l'k Cad11l.1c limousine ..,t.tllt•d lx'<::..ius.· 11f .1 flat lire.. A11d 11 \OU Wt·n · waiting al any 11nt· 11{ -.c•\ 1•1 ,al t ;i111pa1gn stops al11ng th1 · "•I\ l1up111g ltJ t'atl'h J gl11np-.. 111 th( 111 .. \111 \'lllJ might have bt.•cn wondering why h e was l<itP That's right Not even a nine- v11a r rl·Cord of efficient and c<1mpett.•nt management provides 1mmun1ty fro m an occasional t·ampa1gn snafu. Like a Clat tire. In l'aSe you're wondering. n o, Brar.llt'y did not assist in its * * * It S(<t•ms doubtful that Walter Gerke n. Pacific Mutual 's l'hatrman of the board wiU soon forget the e r s twhi le young reporter who c:onfidently strode up to him m the Coyer of the firm 's Newport B e a c h h{•adquarters a nd asked him if he "was with Pacific Mutual." Such lapses m preparation give the newspaper profession a poor image Unflapped, Gerken, lo ng a generous co ntributo r t o Democranc causes. took to the micro phon e to stall as his employees waited for the flat- dC>layed Bradley lO a ppear. Spe aking to several of the baUot propositions a ppearing on Lhe November ballot, Gerken commented on the initiative hm11ing the number of handguns m th1• state, whic'.1 he supports. "Anyone out there w a nt to takP a "shot on me on that one?" qu1p~-d Gerken. South drenched (:oo.-.tn l Oute1 walOl"I not1h nl 5f''' N 1cole~ 1s1erid rough no11hwe511llly SPAS 6 '" 10 !'!et aec1eas1ng luda~ Norlhw!'SI w•nd~ noos11y S lo IS ~nots lhrouuh 1on1g111 V1c.11111y Ctl Son N1cola4' tslat1d °'"'.tlhwc}rd llQtH va10able winds S1•as mo~llv J 10 ~ 1eet lnnPr A>-ttP,~ hgnt vanilblf'lo winds A•<.elJI 11oenm1ng WPSI to norlhwesl 10 In 4'0 k no1s th•& atll!rnn1111 JJUlJ P"Pn1ng <;oulhWt'SI ~ .... , .. 1 IO 1 •ee• Ca I iforll i;1 Oranga Cuur11y s• •~' "''" hP oarU'f cinuth PA Iv Ll~c t>m1nu sunny lh•s a•tMno('ltn ~i1Qns 7• •1 82 Mn~ll> cli>M 1on•gtt1 and Monday l nw• ~'l "' GS H1Qh& ''> '!' 84 l .. '-;. ·"''"'"""r\· Trup1<.dl ~lurr" r 111 ~ swf'pl Inland Se1urda1 hon tttP Gull nl Mea1c.o brmg1nq hP-i"~ ra10 a"\J thunOfl:r s111rm' , , ~ )Ulhf1'1 n I ou1s1Rnf\ And mrir:.1 1f lhe t,ulf Coast Th" third -.rorm ot 1'1ti t4dl Atlant1r hurr1c {WP se,1c_c1n ~ia1nt~ ~ l 1 t> 11 g I h ' 11 CJ t1 I' f\I Y f r I cl .l y ~tternoon and tieael~cf 1owdl d sou1hwes1e1 n l ou1s1e110 E•,ewnerf' 1n 1 ~"' nat•on 1tiunoer~1orm' spreed a~ tar f'~s• es 111,. soul ht•• n Alh:11>llC Ce>nsl and 111u11llersnowe1s ~•so were sce11ered lrom the cen1r111 Rockies rnlo ine oai.01es end over mo~t ol the High Plains And B lew showers hngPrf'd over lhe Paclllc No11h ... !'sl The Nc111111111~• e11d '111e rar weal 11n101ed warm sunsti1r1e and hnt """n111e• telu• ned 10 Teaaa 1111e• the s10<m pRss+d Bui cool weelh"r Rbruplly spreAd acrou lhe oor1hern Plains w1111e Friday afternoon 1emperalu•f'S , above 100 dPg1e1u were l recorded 111 N110111ske SAlurdey s highs wern 1n tne '>Os The 1empe1111ur1; \!eyed in Ille 405 in many p11r1s 01 Wyoming As Cn11s 11p1lro11chect I au•SlHna. i aboul 6,500 peaplfl '"" 1t1e1r homes Sul they •Pturned , SalurclAy wh,.n 11 bfl;ame c1111r 1ne •IO•m wAs weakenin g • ~1Jlho1111ea utd Thn deluge of ·, r11tn •nd wind• ou•llno to •5 mph ca<IMG lloodlno tn low lyong 11re111 • and k nOClllKI down power line~. • lhey reporle<I ; Nearly S 1nc h•S ol 1111n · drenched Laite Ch81tes, La " I the 1torm peued Al mid '""nooa Chrtt waa tocated jull 110flh-t ot L11~e Ch1rle1 anc 111r11 drllllng afowly norlhwatd •ccordlng 10 lhe N11 11ona Weelhet s.il'llkle II wll 8kpe<:le< ' 10 conllnu+ ~Ing 11reno1n n '' l remalO«I ovllf lllnd T t1day s f H Pit .J~t .Jl11•rJ f~, tl°lY11dP'S'O'"'' '-i Hrnu1ny in lhr 5ovtt1Pasi it"d .sr>'""""•"g 1f'fn,,gt the Ot>•o an<I M1ss1~~•PP• vallPy~ BCIO'' !ht' ~t'lllral J.llB•llS 10 lh\ souinetn R0t.ll•t>~ Shower~ 111ert e • ~ "' c t ~ •J n 1 " .. P a c. • • c Northwf\Sf '-"•O• !tunll)h1"e m U\t NottnPasl dnd Suulhw~~· ,.;, ''''"'"" H ''" / /u•r VattabtP ct• Pct\ ot 100 nett• "" coast m0i1nly in n•\'.lttl.,, JnrJ mornmgs Qlhe'WlSI'> fll11Stfy rlp;lr ano Clry H1 ... ~1v P"'' id~ "' 1hP "oOVnlaons 11.gns ro t11gti b\h to NOAA US 0.01 ~ Comm.,.ce mid 70s a1 ,,,.a, "e' '" • BO~ 10 Fronts: Cold .-. low 90, 1nl.inn tows 1n n11n r,o, Warm ..., and 60\. Mountain f1;Qt" 70 ri • At and 11 wo.,. 0 I ., vlf•al I all• 68 JS tLutforrt 86 53 1 't •lll/Jl'rfl ' "rt'."i t'1Phma 66 A4 H 111,ly·,, 88 78 H ''''1 )f\ 88 77 NA TIOM lnfjftt,plfor. 84 65 Alf.ttroy as 49 1 •• ,..,.,,,. M"-. 83 74 Alt> l'l\OP Ill I;( J,, "'"11•lp 77 72 Amarlltu l\O 6' "'"~ritJ 56 43 AnrhC1rBQt> SI 4{t • ""' C·IV 85 70 Ash.,v1111> ~· t ... ' l"'"n'••v•He 84 65 Allonll ,, fill "v~a~ 8'1 1)4 Allon IC \.. •, /14 6~ I 11111' RO<.~ 86 70 Au•1t11 •111 i4 t 1,.; AngfilfHi 73 66 Bat11mo'" 84 I I ftd•"iVlllP 84 6S B••tooqs 41\ lutlf\OCk 91 70 8 1tm1nghm 7S 11'1 Mt>mpn1s 86 , I B1smorr~ <18 ~f· M1um1 87 82 Bn•sA 84 41 M1twout.MO 84 67 Bosl on 87 "'· Mp1S$1 P 80 67 Brownsvlh-' 97 lf, NJ~hvtllf' 79 70 Bullelo 79 '7 Nflw Orlf'li3nq 89 73 Burllnglun II!> S9 N01w Yor~ 66 66 Caspllf llh 4J Norlol~ 76 57 CMrlatn SI. 71> 72 NQ Plalle 98 65 Chorl91n ,'fc" 84 '•9 O~la Clly 95 70 Ch11r111e C 81 65 Om eh a 86 69 Cheyennl' 84 48 Orlando 92 73 Cht<.ago R4 r,• Ph1IA<l1Jh1e B• 65 C1nc1nne11 84 6!. P"oonl• 90 75 Cluvnlortd 8? 6J P111111urgn 81 59 Clm11tA SI. ., 6C/ Pllilncl M" 84 57 Cotumbu~ 8.' (.0 Pllano. Ortl 69 50 Oat fl Wt11 <M 7 I Prov1dtlnco 85 58 Oaylon 81 \\0 R~ll'IQh 79 57 Denv"< 84 58 R11p1d (.;11y 94 54 Des MOll'M 8~ 69 Rpno 71 30 OelrtJll ll.) 58 nt~ttmond 82 58 Duluth 11> 6? S"ll Lake 7• 51 El Pase> 8} G? San .An1oniu 97 68 Fell ban~• <;jj 4? '\an D•eoo 77 68 F11rgo 89 83 San Fran 73 61 Ftagsroll 6Q 41) Se1111le 65 53 L SU Rf RI PORT ..__._-. -l vrl turf lurl ..... ..... ..... •Heh Avg .... "'d C Avg .... Dir Zum11 I 3 12 I 2 SW S11n111 Monie• I 3 n ' 2 SW Nswoort 2 3 12 2 SW S11n Diego County 2 3 Ovllook 101 Monday l•ttle cllllnge 12 2 w "-'". Snow l:;!;J Show9f'a. Flurries Stire.eport 92 73 S1ouA Falls 85 69 SI Louts 85 70 SI P·Tampa 88 73 SI Ste Marie 79 82 Spokane 63 •1 Syracuse 81 50 Topel(• 84 87 Tucson 8'4 &3 TUl58 95 71 W115hlng1n 85 ~ W1ch11a 96 71 WORLD AmsterdRm 77 5-4 Al hens 90 68 Bangkok 84 75 Barb•dOS ,8 79 Belgrade 79 91 Berlin 17 57 Bogol8 es '48 Brussel& 70 47 B .Aires 73 63 C11110 90 70 Caracas 88 68 Copenhegon 68 67 Oubhn 84 5S Franltlull 81 52 Geneva 7S 6'4 Hels1nk1 57 '48 Hong Kong 84 79 Jo'burg 73 52 Kiev 68 48 Uma 68 59 Lisbon 77 63 London 70 59 Madrid 73 ee M•nlla 88 76 Me•ICO City 75 65 Montreal 71 67 MOllGOW 81 41 NllllU 90 72 New~hl 99 ao Nlcotla llS 73 0110 81 l\2 Peking 89 81 Elo 82 66 Rome 82 " San Juan 01 77 Seo Paulo 77 52 Seoul 77 lit Slng•pora 90 77 StOCkhOlm o.4 64 Sydn.y 83 •• T lllpel •• 76 Tel AYIY ae 71 Tokyo 73 70 TQfonlO ... •• Venc:ouv.r 81 62 Vlenf\1 10 st n-.·11n1rnt·ndat111n thut ht• would not be: St1nll'11t·t'<.l lo mon· Lhan 'l l y«urs 011 t·uC'h t·ount Sentt•nl'lng for both mt•n ts st·hedulcd for ()(:t 12. The b1·1Hhen. told Judge U.-<:11 P citterson that P itt·h1<· p1 t•k cd thf'm up an his van n1•ar El CE.'ntro. Cci ltf Tht•y said they pulled a knife on Pit.ch1e, foreed him in lht• bat·k of th1• van and bound him They S<.tid thc·y drove the van along lnterst.all' 8 into Arizona. tuok Ptt£·h1c out of tht! van near Gila Bend, stabbed him six times and left him to die before driving to North Carolina, where they sold Pitcfoe's motorl'ycle. a guitar and an amplifi er that were in the van. l!:ngqu1st sa11J tht1 two men wt•r<• accused of & tt:n·k 1 n ~ (amities as they entered their homes in thP Santa Ana area. ty ing up husbands. m o lesting wivt-s and thcn making off with valuables Tht' l'rtmt•s, he said, were <:ommitted at gunpoint The t•:ireer l'nmmal unit took on Lhe case b<.'l·auS<' 1t involved multiple counts of burglary and robbery One of the defendants lh1· Sant.a Ana resident -pleadL-<l gutlly to a u the charges and wa, given a life sente n ce plus 51 years. His co-defendant goes on trial Monday. Engquist s aid th e m a n E.T . ., the Extra Treatment Movie idol E.T. we lcomes Michae l Carlo, 9, to back -to-school vaccination clinic at Huntington Cente r . E.T. will reappear a t the m a ll from noon to 2 p .m . today to host the programs sponsored by Orange Count y Public Health Department. MISS AMERICA • • • From Page A 1 half sleeves and silver sequined tnm This year's queen was the 56th M iss Ame r ica t o walk the 134-foot-runway, but the first to be sung to by the show's new emcee Gary Collins. husband of actress Mary Ann Mobley, Miss America 1959. Collins replaced television 's Tarzan, Ron Ely, who spent two years as host o{ the show after Bert Parks was fired. Also a first, Collins serenaded the new queen with "Miss America, You're Beautiful," a song that has been part of Lhe pageant since 1968. It became this year's them e after Albert A. Marks Jr .. the show's executive director, decided the author or the traditional "There She ls" wanted too much m o n ey fo r rontinued use of his song. Miss Ward. 21, o{ Russellville, Ark . earned more than $112,000 in bookings a s Miss Ame rica 1982. S he plans to return to school in January to study for a career as a corporate lawyer. Something New In Newport J t 1 s J 11 l· g l· d th c y w c re planning u 1·uhlll'ry 1n the t' om mer c.· 1 a I a r l' a w hen the wuman poltt'l· 0H1c.·l·r approached them. Thl'V ar<· c:ha rRed with robbery. a ttempted kldnaptng and &1ssaulung an offtcl·r. Whl'n th(.• District Attorney's Offtl'C found that one of the me n hat.I r1vC' pnor conv1cuona while thl! other had thrt't', they became e lig1 bll· fur <:a rcer c riminal l:lllcnt1on . "Thl're is a need to give cases (such 8!> this) independent attention to assurt: that none of them fall through the l'racks," Evans said (See SPECIAL, Page A7) Lagu~a to pay $3. 9 mill ion after accident Laguna Beac h o fficials reportedly have agreed to pay a $3.9 millior settlement to a city family whose daughter suffered permanent injuries in a 1977 auto-bicycle accident there. The award to David and Gay Brobeck came near the end of a month -lo ng trial in Orange Coun ty Superior Court. The Brobecks had contended that city traffic signs at the corner o f Atlantic Way and Caribbean Way were inadequate when the. accident occurred. Heather Brobeck, who was 7 at the time of the accident, was struck by a car as she rcxie her bike at the intersection. She sustained brain damage and other injuries, and the Brobecks claim she will need round-the- clock care for the rest of her life at a cost of about $100,000 a year. Mis s Brobec k , who was h ospitalized for 18 months following Lhe accident, cannot speak or walk now but has improved greatly in reC'ent m onths, her father said Car hits tree, driver dies An 82-year-old Costa Mesa man was killed Saturday when the car h e was driving struC'k a tree. police said. J oseph G alsim died shortly after the 2:55 a .m . accident. Pollt'e said he was dnving west whe n his car left the road outside 330 E. 17th St. Galsini died ol head and internal mJuries. Shore holding· Seal Beach o fficial s s aid S aturday there were n o new developments in their battle to protect Surfside Colony homes from flooding in expected high udes. The s 1tuat1on could worsen W e dnesda y when 6-~-foot evening tides are expected. liRA#I RE-OPE#l#li of the Newport Ski Company ''LITTLE STORE'' ,. All New Rental. Oept. ,. New revolving ski ramp • Complete Skt School • Ski packages. boots and poles NlWPOaT SICI C<ll9PMY ... UTILE ST• 2500 w. C:-t Hwy. New,_, t.edt, c.llhmle (7l4) 4'1-'277 $1/n (714) 6914 14' RttttllJ. SAi Sthool (714) .. , .. ,,, Siio• ~ Get r11dy for skHfll now. on our MW rt~IVlfll ski flmp! ~- • Complete lln•• of men'$, tlldi..' end chlldNtt't clOthtng •nd~ ~~· .. ,,. .... t • T • • DECEPTION • • • From Page A1 vuaable plAth through whul h• now Orungt• County. H. Georae O.borne, director of the Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agem:y and a pt>l"80n well ver.ed In the river's history, said lta path to the sea from the Santa Ana Moun tains was largely determined by "the vagaries of nature and sediment buildup." Following paths through what ls now Garden Grove, Fullerton, Westminster and several other spot.a, the river emptied into the aea In locations aa far from its present outlet (al the Newport Beach-Huntington Beach line) as Seal Beach. Flooding, the n as no w , was a regular occurrence, but unlike now the Indians and Spanish kept permanent development away from the flood plain. Ame rican settlers we re lo change that pattern radically, though slowly. Few people were here to witness the great flood of 1862, but soon after 'that event Americans began arriving in greater numbers. By a few years after the tum of the century, farmers h ad banded together to form the Newbert Protection District (a combination of Newport and Talbert. that era's name for much of the area between the ocean and present-day Garden Grove Boulevard), which constructed levees in the first effort to control the river. Many similar efforts have come since, some in response to floods like those which occurred in 1916, 1927, 1938, 1952, 1969 and other yea.rs. All of the battles with nature did not stop the .Americans from developing the Iarge flood plain that Is most of northern Orange County, however. Cities -almost au of eight and parts of several others -cover that plain today. But flooding was not the river's only story. As the county grew , and as growth happened on a smaller scale along the river in neighboring San Bernardino and Riverside counties, humans Orange Coa1t DAILY PILQT/Sundey, September 12, 1982 - COUNTY RIVERSIDE COUNTY • DllJNollllep The Santa Ana River's flow through three counties spawned a joint effort to contJtol it. MONDAY: FLOODING FEARS Protections against peril found uses other than flood control and irrigation for the river, evolving the intensively developed and regulated river it is today. So much of the river's water is captured and used now that little ou tside of the heaviest flows ever reaches the ocean. T he usage is regulated by a three-way settlement counties signed several decades ago, spawne d by Orange County's lawsuit seeking what residents here said was the fair share of water they were being denied by upstream users. .., ........... "'.,, ~ The Orange County Water District, which services much of the northwest county, now draws about one-fourth of its supply from the river. It is one of dozens of water districts of all sizes that have some claim to the river. Humans are dwarfed by the dry river bed at the base of the San Bernardino Mountains. The waterway is closely watched for pollution and other problems by agencies in aU three counties, and as a result major pollution is surprisingly low for a river which flows past such large population centers. The river's banks a.re the site of numerous parks and other recreation facilities, and there are plans for more. But the overriding concern continues to be flooding. The three counties, using a plan drawn up by the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers, are seeking congressional approval for a $650 million package of controls that would increase flood protection on the river and increase protection to the large parts of Orange County which would be devastated if an 1862-style flood were to occur again. Beyond that plan is a hoped-for $350 million dam which would complete t he prot ection package and would, according to its designers. protect the e ntire r iver basin from another 1862-style flood. The dam was dropped from the current package because of funding problems and the reservations of San Bernardino County officials, in whose jurisdiction the dam would be built. The concerns over flooding are justified if predictions of damage from a major flood are to be believed, and no one is disputing them. Such a flood today would cause hundreds of m illions of dollars damage in San Bernardino and Riverside counties, a devastating $12 billion damage in Orange County, and the loes of some 1,000 lives. The many dangers and uses of the river would strain the credibility of someone who looked at the Santa Ana system with only casual knowledge on most days. The river itself, the so-called "main stem" (as opposed to its tributaries), originates near Big Bear Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains, and in its first few miles makes its way out of the mountains to the flat desert plain northeast of Redlands. The bed from there to the ocean, a distance of more than 75 miles, remains dry most of the year, but the presence of thousands of large boulders suggests powerful water movement at times. At Redlands, the rive r flows only once every few years on average. In Riverside County the riverbe d is composed mostly of sma11er rocks and pebbles. More signs of human intervention on the river are evident here as high-walled levees protect the city of Riverside from some major flows. Nei:ir the Riverside-Orange County line is Prado l.Jarn and its spillway, backed by a tree- 0., .......... ...., .......... We're Listening ••• "6onday·FrtO•y II rov Oo -- )IOu< -by ~ 30 o m c•ll -· 1 P"' and rov• COPY "'11 IM O.t.-eo Se!u<O•y a.no Sund't.,11 VO\I dO "°' :;-,r.;,, ~ V0\11 ~"'.11': ..,._.., What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? ~all the number below and your message will be tecorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The s ame 24-hour answer1n1 service may be used to record let· ter~ to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 OR~ COo\ST Daily Pilat Thomen P. Haley Pub!,__ ond Chi.el E•ec:lll"'• OlfOG., L Kay Schuth VOGe rrMidenl and Ovec1ar ol Acl\-ertltong Michael '· Harvey Oitectot ol Morketillg IClrQllolloftl -::-..-- , Themot A. Murphlne fdiior Kenneth N. Geddord Jf. Olfeclor ol ~Otlont MAIN OfflCI • Wett e.. SI., C•I• MeM, CA. INll etNnM: h•IMO, C•te Met.I, CA ...... c...-rltN twt Or-.. CMM ,._,.,.. ~. ... _...,.., , ...... , .. , .... ~, ..... ., .. Yer11M-tl lllntll m_, .. ,.., ..... ...... _ .. ,~_.,..,,, ... _, VOL 71,NO.• > filled park and wildlife area that becomes a arnall lake during a heavy flow. • Beyond the dam in Orange County, the man-made channel that guides the river through Anaheim, Orange, Santa Ana and the area bordering Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa is largely concrete-lined. Much of the riverbed is invisible to lhoee who live and work near it, hidden behind high embankments. In the usually dry times, the river does not appear to be much W1e or threat to anyone. But an underaianc:lini of nature'• role in the river explains why It la both. The river is fed by about 20 tributaries spread over a 3,200 aquare--mile basin atretchinR from the area west of the San Gabriel Mounwm known u the Cucamonga Fan to the plains around the river in the de9ert. The size of the basin feeding the river, combined with the steep slopes leading from the river's origins to the sea, create what Dennis Majors of the Anny Corpe of Ehgineen de9Crlbes u a "very unique condition" in wet times - large amounts of water traveling at high velocities over what can quickly become a wholly inlldequate riverbed. Standina almost anywhere along the river moat days, lrom the dry, boulder-strewn bed near Red1anda to the pa.rcbed. cncked pound behind Prado Dam and the concrete-lined leYeea in Anaheim, lt'a hard to imagine aucb a ....nano. P()rtWi.,e C)?eddar A BLEND OF NATURAL CHEESE ANO PORT WINE FLAVORING Aeb. 3.18 lb. ttave • l8ete before you buyl - We'1lp,_a._.lf~..., ........ "" ...... , .. ,..,. ""' ....... , ...... • ·""----··7-;---0 OF 0 1110 IN loath toast ?tu• "' Orange Ooa1t OA1lv PILOT/8undav, September 12, 1eea Center holds off extinction for noble birds By SID MOODY A, ... WlfMlllfM Wfltef LAU REL, Md Tht•rr• are liOunds cut so vividly Into llw mind by the recording ear that they are never forgotten: Sidney Bechet, the sopruno saxophomat, filling a shoebox bar in Manhattan with melon-rich legatos until they apill out the open door into the street leaving it dancing In the early spring twilight; a .50-caliber machine gun splitting a long, hot summer night in Detroit: a cardinal across thf road mounting the highest tree he could find to challenge winter. Then there were the cranes, called whoopers. It 1s a poor Wruihlnaton, D.C., Ironic Cor all tht• 11ummer lushneq. Bet-11 arc• ewrywhcrc. And tkk1. Trnfflc mumble. not Cur awoy Vet herl' Is extinction. "I'm opUmlstic," say1 Dr. &'Ott Derrickson who 1upervl11cs whooper breedlna at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service here where the tiny flock lives. It ls Derrickson who periodically packs a significan t part or th~ gene pool of an entire species Into a contoured suitcase, in the form of eggs, and hops a jet for Ideho. The suitcase has Its own seat. "It's nerve wracking." This flock lives in a sick room o f survival. It is shared by a noble assemblage o f the e nda ngered: bald eagles piping in falsetto, Andean condors hissing at intruders. word. For they cry in a sudden outburst of such brassy brilliance that you jump and have goose bumps at one and the same time. "We hear no mere bird," said the naturalist, Aldo Leopold. "He is a symbol of our untamable past " That the whooping crane is not part of our past, period, is largely an achievement of man, whose other works pushed the bird to the brink of the abyss. This flock lives in a sick room of survival, r inged by an electrjfied fence dug into the ground to foil burrowers. It is shared by a noble ~mblage of the endangered: bald eagles pipi ng in falsetto, Andean condors hissing at intruders, Mississippi sand hill cranes, even rarer than whoopers, cutting short their bugling with a clacklng of their stiletto bills. It is a Robinson Crusoe island, b ut a few miles from The eggs are placed in nests of sandhill cranes, a more numerous cousin of the whoopers, at the Gray's Lake refuge in Idaho. It is hoped the whoopers will better learn the facts of wild life from their foster parents than they would in captivity. The program began in 1976. So far 51 "foster ed " eggs from Patuxent and 116 from the wild whoopers' only remaining nesting ground, at Wood Buffalo National Park in northern Canada, have been placed with the sandhills. Thirteen whoopers have survived to migrate south to the sundhills' winter home in New Mexico. The oldest are nearing mating age, nail·biting time. Will they breed? It is believed the whoopers won't mate with sandhllls because they have different courting rituals. II th ey do, a decades.long detective story will Ix• mul·h clOl('r to u hoppy l•ndlng. Nt•Vl'f' l'tm1mon, tht• whoopt>r w u 11 n o ti t: t h t• I t• 11 tc o n l' <' w1d<'liPrt'ltt.I lt11 two wxonomic sumplc11 w1•rt: tukC'n In South Curollnu ond lludaon'11 Bay. NL'Sling pnll'li werl' once reported at Capt? May, N.J. But by 1850 the birds' decline was apparent. The northern Great Plains, where the cranPs nested, were being cultivated. Hunters shot the great white birds which stand taller than a cigarette machine. Collectors took their eggs. Was som e thing else happening? Not unlit 1954 were the nesting grounds found and then by accident whe11 a forest fire pilot flew over Wood Buffalo and noliced large white birds. Fortunately the area already was a protected park. The cranes had c hosen wisely if not intentionally . The area was almost impenetrable on foot. Yet so much had to be learned: What made the bird nearly extinct an the first place? Marsh drainage aod cultivation of the prairie. How did they mate? For llCe. Would they accept a new partner if one died? Yes. How many eggs did the hen lay? Usually two. How many survived? One, due to aggressive sibling rivalry of scarce food. And how would the hen react to losing her clutch of eggs? She, fortunately, would lay another. That was the key answer to years of questions. You could get more eggs, and, ln this case, the egg comes first. ·Egg production was boosted by turning on lights to simulate the longer spring days of laying. Eggs were then flown to Idaho. De prived of her clutch, the whooper would lay some more. One has laid 13 in a season. Such ingenuity here ext.ends beyond the whoopers. The masked bobwhite had become Dr. Scott Derrickson pays a visit to a pair of whooping cranes protected at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Maryland. Dr. Derrickson is in charge of whooper breeding. SIA SHAHRIARI, M.D., PH.D. Announces the establishment of his new practice SOUTH ORANGE GYNECOLOGY, OBSTETRICS AND INFERTILITY, P.C. at 26932 Oso Parkway #240 Oso Marauerlte Center (Oso ~edlcal Plaza) (714) 831-7040 Hour• by appointment, Including evening• • i :Jeminine 964-5242 -- ' extinct from ovc.orsrnlna in thc- northcrn c.ixtu nt of lt11 rung<', 1outhcrn Arizona. After eight )'l'ant of e><.f>4.'rlmcntlng, 11Cicnth1t.1 1ucce1&Cufly rclcued chicks raised by surrogate Texas quail who taught them the ropes of survival. Patuxent can now r elease seve ral tho u sa nd juveniles a year. Down the way the bJ1d eagles perch In their pens like so many sHver dollars. While abundant in Alaska, DDT left them a rarity in the Lower Forty-Eight. Patuxent has h e lped an appreciable come ba c k , p articularly in F lorida, the P•HI Poli1i<al Adv. ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL Pawl loo b)' ...,..,. Botk 11941 si.. ... ,. .... """""" ..... S,,.cl•I s.pt. I-Sept. 14, 1912 Rasbou Heteromorpha: .99 I am 1nd11enous lo the ~lay Peninsula, easily the most popular ol the Rasbora fam•y. A violet sheen to my color, with a dark blue coctall Class descn on tht aftermost part ot my body. Peaceful, attractive and on sale at Aqualte Tropteals. Only .99. = ..... !!. S4t.13'l•C.."""'' ... • e If it's got e handles • you'll grab a sale • faster In • Daily Piiot e classifled e ads.C.11 • 642-5678 New Members 2 fortht1 Price of Explrea 9·17·82 • Post•e • Ci'culation • TI&hten Buttocks • Semilars AEROBICS DeeltMd ,., the Mature Weman• Bad Back? Try 0. Therapeutic LOllll .. ,,_, IMs Arlllblt ._,C...,.,. Our ................ ....... Atllllltlon • ln•truotlOn Chet J)t'Ukl·, GrN1l tuk<'tt ond NorthWt'Ht, ft•lt11Ui<' d on "hacklna" tower• ~hllf<' thc•y {Ire fc.'(f for Ii ume. Ration• arc ar1dually reduced until the juvc.onlles are d med udaptc-d to the wild. l!:ogleUI huvc bc.·C'n plul\.-<l with wild cou•>k~ thut how roh:1t-U no young for aoml' yc•nn1. Othcrii ore• ln oil, there are 278 American animals and plant• on the endang<'red or threatened 11.at. Salvation is a joint effort of private and government.al bodlet on an international scale. The bald eagle, America's symbol, has a fighting chance of surviva l as a r esult ol Patuxent center's work. A swirl of taupe, brown, black kidskin on a wee platform. Dramatic cocktail sandal only 39. 99 Mastercard • Visa SOUTH COAST PLAZA Steinway Month WIN A NEW STEINWAY PIANO F0< more tllan 100 yeara Sherman Clay has been cllOsen 10 reprasent IM Stalnway piano Th• Steinway la more tllan a piano -It la a tradition. and a long·term lnv11tment. To commemorate thla fine piano during Steinway Month Ml Jolln Sielnway has persc;mally algned a limited numbe1 of pianos daalgna1ed H Ille "Signature Collacllon " REGISTER NOW, No Purchase Necessary Fill-Out Ticket At Any Sherman Clay Store Befort Sept. 30, 1912. All Steinway1 are created equal === ..-.. -........... -... • • ... MOST 81'111'\V.'AV '1A11iOI IWAlt.AllLr, f'Olt IMMF.0111'1'1 Ot:U\'UV I Orenge Co11t DAILY Pll.OT/SundlV, September 12, 1982 ----------------------------------------------------------------..;.. ________________________ ....; _______________________________________________________ ~ U.S. wants to know what makes foreign chiefs tick WASH IN GTON (AP) When Fid 1 Caltro accU1t.'<i the Un ited Slat 1 of waglna bloloalcal warfore agaln1t Cuba, lel1ty U.S . ambauador Juunc Kirkpatrick 1hot back that the Cuban leader "r€!qulrc1 u p1ychla trlc examination or conalderable duration." The United Natlona envoy's remark In that Auguat 1981 epbode wu nothlni more than a cauatlc rejoinder. Clearly, Castro wasn't about to have h 11 head examined, eapeclally at the sugeetion of an Ideological foe. Yet 1,200 miles from Havana, at C IA headquarters and elsewhere around Washington, U.S . specialists are trying to anaJyu what makes Castro tick. A host of other foreign leaders, many of them in the vola tile Third World or revolutionary types, also are undergoing a almilar psychiatric diagnosis at a distance. Not only that, fXperts in the gove rnment and on American university campuses are trying to apply psychological concepts - in some cases aided by advanced electronic technology -to help- them rt•1Hh a bcHter undt'ratandlni of alobal confl eta und crlacs. Tho queatlon of Hrlvlni to divine the motivation.a, attitude. ana negotla tln ai 1trateglea of other aovernmentl thro ugh polJcy luue11 l111Crloua bu.al.n . At the ClA, about 10 expcrta In ~havloral 1el nee headed by a Yale-educated l)lychlatrllt ar at work preparing p1ychotoatcul profiles of world leadcra. The ClA team la reported to "For every hour you spend n egotiating, you should spend a (ew m inutes in the 1kin o( your adversary." psychology was raised briefly during Senate confirmation hearings for Secre1.ary of State George P . Shultz In mid-July. Sen. Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Commltlee, invoked an observa tion b y Charles Maurice Talleyrand, the Napoleonic-era Fre n c h statesman, that "for every hour you spend negotiating, you should spend a few minutes in the skin of your adversary." Among the small clrele of pro- fess ionalJ who work In this new specialty, the application of political psychology to foreign have used tu psychological portrait of Castro in a film that haa been shown to .enJor officials at the White House. The film traces Cutro's riae from a 1940s law st ud e nt to Cuban revolutionary, ally of the Kremlin and energetic backer of anti-U.S . insurgencies. The surge of concern in Washington last December over alleged Lib y an plots to assassinate President Reagan or other high U.S. officials spurred an intensified effort to assess the character and intentions of LI b y an lea'der Moammar Khadafy. Th~ ClA 1pcclalh1bi nrl' Id ti.> h v concluded that KhadaCy ho.a "a m lanlc pcnionuJlty with a hero-martyr complex," und thut the worldwide altt>n tlon gcmerated by the assaaslnotlon f..lot 1care 1erved to feed hl11 •me1alomanlacal aensc." A aource familiar with the ClA team's work said It "tend.I to be somewhat Impressionistic" and "not really done as thoroughly as lt could be." An attcmpt to overcome this deficiency Is the experimental effort by th e p e fense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop an "automated behavioral intelligence system," using sophisticated, high- technology methods. The agency says the aim ls to "describe, explain and predict probable courses of action and perceptions of foreign policy decisJon-makers.'' as well as to "link these probable courses of action and perceptions to behavior." Part of the program has involved research by Thomas C. Wiegele, a political scientist a t. Save 20% to 25% • Northorn llllnol1 Unlvcm.ltr In D kalb, Ill., on th<' u c o un ele<:tronic "p1ycholologlcal 1tn~ c:•valul\tor." The cvaluutor wait u1ed to unalyw vok-c• t.t.lpes or et.ntcmen\a made by Prcaldenlll J ohn F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johmion and Richard M. Nixon In limes of crhlis. The apparatus automatically processew vou.-e modulations and draws onto a moving strip chart an electronic graph or each word -roughly similar to how an e lectrocardiogram records .a person's heartbeat. The n. the chart Is analyzed t.o spot stresl patterns that cannot be detected by the unaldcd ear. At the START talks with the Soviets, or e lsewhere , • 1r someone was actually instructed to sit with the negotiating team and develop some kind or format by which they record various kinds of psychological leakage through the body1 that could be matched with what was being said verbally to see what kinds of issu es are bothering th e speakers," Wiegele said. Libya's K hada(y: HMessianic persona lity, h ero-martyr complex.'~ California Bloc!c. party and sale. Save 20% to 25% Floral Portraits porcelain. A new concept in table setting! Designed by artist Henry Evans, these contemporary floral designs in vivid colors come boxed In sets of assorted designs ... one to each plate, cup or saucer. The unique shapes are the work of Gerald Gulotta, in porcelain by Langenthal of Switzerland. Set of 4 dinner pistes. Will be $100. Intro. price $111)• Set of 4 salad plates. Will be $70. Intro. price $5e• Set of 4 each cups and saucers. Will be $100. Intro. price #0• Set of 4 bread & butter plates. Will be $60. Intro. price $48• 20-piece service for 4, assorted patterns. Wiii be $330. Intro. price ,_.. Completer set: covered sugar, creamer, 14" platter, vegetable bowl. Will be $210. Intro. price 11to• Sare 20" GrHn Floral glanware. The perfect complement to the porcelain's designs. By Block/ Atlantis, hand blown in Portugal. Goblet or wine. Will b9 $20 ea. Intro. price 16.111 ... • Cordial or dessert bowl. Will be $15 ea. Intro. price 11.111 ... • Dining Accessories, 650, 652 •introductory savings. Regular prices will become effective on November 1, t982. Green Floral goblet, wine, cordis !, dessert bowl Block party: you're Invited/ At Bullock'• South Coa•t Plaza September 13 and Del Amo September 14. MHI artl•t Mary Lou Ooertzen, whose floral designs grace Block porcelain. She'll autograph your purchases 12 to 4 p.m. O•t·• po•t•r gin with purchaH. A lovely poster by Mary Lou Goertzen or Henry Evans is your bonus with any $50 Block purchase. The posters are also for sale, $20 ea. SH tabulou• th•m• tablH on display during the Block party. Enjoy a nlm "How Block porcelain Is· Made, '' throughout the event. Save a3% to 25% Watercolor• porcelaln. Original floral watercolor paintings by Mary Lou Goertzen, adapted for porcelain by spa/ of Portugal. A variety of designs in beautiful, natural colors. Sare 25" 6-plece place Httlng•: dinner, salad, bread & butter p lates, cup and sa ucer. Will be $40. Intro. price l30 Sare 23% 46-plece ••I•: service for 8 plus covered sugar, creamer, 15" platter and vegetable bowl. Will be $425. Intro. price $325• Sare .26" Watercolor• •l•mware. Dramatic hand-blown stemware by Block/ Atlantis in gray mist, green, lilac or pink. Goblet, wine or champagne. Will be $16 ea. Intro. price 11.11 ... • Dining Accessories, 650, 652 Stemware delivery suc1ect to stocll on /'land. plus special orders , Watercolors porcelain snd stemware What a beautiful way to live. IOUTH COAST PLAZA, 3333 Bristol, C.M., 556-0611. Shop Monday-Friday 10-9.30, Satutday 10-6, Sunday 12-5. lllSBION VIEJO, Mlssfon·v;e;o Mall, (71 4) 495-3111. Shop Monday-Friday 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 12-5. f ·. ... ·" . . ... At Orange Oo11t O~IL.V PILOT/lund•v. 8tpt1mber 1a, 1912 Selection shoots down ·scAG's credibility For the past four y~an;, tht! quasi-official Southern California Association of Governments has been studying our region in an attempt to find a new location for an international airport. The SCAG executives and _planner·s finally boiled the selections down to a pair of sites that were announced last week. These are El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and the southerly sector of Camp Pendleton, which is also U.S. Marine Corps property. In so doing, the regional government group reduced itself to the theater of the absurd. El Toro appears to be SCAG's No. 1 jetport choice. The Marine station ha s been st udied repeatedly by numerous levels of government over the past two decadee as a possible major airport location, either through joint use with the military or through buying out the Marine Corps altogether. Every one of these studies, or a t .least those ponderings that were at uny real depth, r ejected El Toro as a potential commercial flight center. . .. The Marine Corps has also rejected the idea s trongly, repeatedly and consistently. So why, it might be asked, would an organization like SCAG take four years pondering possible airport locations and, in the end, come right back to El Toro? If a somewhat whimsical analogy might be drawn, it may be that the regional government group views El Toro like the proverbial duck. That is, if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, then by golly It sur~ly must be a duck. El Toro looks like an airport and sounds like an airport, and therefore in the eyes of the SCAG planners, it must be an airport. Of course El Toro dOOR have an airfield. But it is an airfield with a military mission. That in itself is a strategic factor. The U.S . Marines in Orange County have always been good n eighbors and have contributed enormously in our communities. Yet it must be acknowledged that El Toro military jet operations h ave caused some noise problems and contributed a measure to congestion. Yet these negatives would pale by comparison to an international-sized jetport being plopped down on the existing El Toro installation. Noise, pollution, traffic congestion' a nd similar problems would multiply enormously. Against that kind of a backdrop, SCAG's own population projections for the year 2000 absolutely fly in the face of the notion that El Toro is a viable site for a major civilian airport. SCAG estimates that El Toro population alone would increase from a 1980 count of 52,282 to 158,200 by the year 2000. In that same period, the Mission Viejo- Trabuco population is expected to climb from 95,000 to nearly 200,000. And this is the arenl;l in which SCAG would locate a n ew international airport? That duck just won't fly. El Toro should be taken off the books once and for all in any co nsider-a ti on for future international airport sites. Peace proposal livable The United States has put its best foot forward in an attempt to untie the Middle East knot that has threatened world peace for a generation. The peace plan offered by President R eagan is a w e ll- balanced document that meets the basic needs of each party, while' asking them to back away from rigid demands which have thwarted peace in that troubled region for so long. Getting Israel and its Arab neighbor s to agree to a comprehensive settlement after the turbulence of the past 34 years would be the diplomatic feat of the century. That means, of course, that the difficultie s will be extraordinary. Menachem Begin's ha.rd-line government in Israel has rejected the proposal and refuses even to di~uss it. The Arabs, meeting in Morocco for their regular summit, have b een somewhat more reasonable, saying the Reagan plan would be a good basis for negotiations, but they have atta,ched conditions that would exacerbate the difficulties of reaching an accord. We hope the president won't let these initial, predictable problems deter the United States from insisting on consideration 6f the plan as a reaso nable compromise. Reasonable it is. For Israel, the plan offers a U.S. guaranteee of security, recognition from neighbors that have withheld it since the Jewish state's creation in 1948 and opposition to a sovereign Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip, two territories seized by Israel in the 1967 war which contain large numbers of Palestinian Arabs. In short, the proposal would meet Israel's primary need of secure, defensible borders. For the Arabs, the proposals would return the West Bank and G87A to Arab control. Palestinians would be given a long-sought homeland in these areas, which they woul d control in close association with the kingdom of Jordan. It also demands a freeze on Israeli settlements in those territories, which have been lightning rods for Arab ran$X)r. Set aside for negotiation would be the touchy issue of ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Jerusalem's status. The fate of the ancient city may well be the toughest issue in the Mideast im~. because it brings to bear all the emotions which have made the region's problems so intractable. Holy to the world's three great monotheistic r eligions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - the city never will be divided, Israel says, as it was before the 1967 war. Begin claims Jerusalem as Israel's "eternal" capital. The Arabs, on the other hand, say they would resort to a "holy war" if necessary to restore Muslim control over Islamic shrines in the ancient metropolis' eastern sector. Objections to Reagan's plan already have rolled in. Begin calls the proposal a grievous threat w his nation's security and vows to continue the process of settling 100,000 Israelis in the West Bank. What Begin cannot seem to understand is that security for his country cannot depend on arms alone. Real peace will be elusive until the grievances of the Palestinian Arabs are addressed. The Arabs' conditions call for the West Bank homeland to be a sovereign state, including East Jerusalem, and demand Israeli recognition of the Pales tine Liberation Organization as the sole representative of the Palestinian Arabs before West Bank elections The Arabs should realize that a home land associated with Jordan i s the best deal Palestinians will receive, and should not hobble negotiations with demands for a sovereign state. And to demand recognition for the PLO before elections is entirely unreasonable. If the PLO wants r ecognition, it should renounce terrorism and seek votes in any e lection without preconditions. How many votes has Yasset Arafat ever received? Compromises will be needed if this tragic conflict ever is to be r~solved. Both Israel and the Arabs have been saying "never" to reasonable concessions for decades. All they have netted is death and the threat of more death. It's time for both sldes to give an Inch in the cause of peace. And President Reagan's proposalff are a plan both stdes could live with if they really tried. Thomas '. Holey ll.lblitllet Thomae A. Murp.,ln• fdil()( Jone Amari E,ec111t•t fd110t lorttoro Krelbkh tcMor•OI Pooe (d1IO< Themot Mceonn MonOQong (d110t ITlS FO~ MOMMY·· SMEALWAYS COMPLAINS f.IOW ~UIET JT JS AFTER I START BACk1o . SCHOOL. ... Letters to the editor Bed tax hike inappropriate ? To the Editor: The Irvine City Council will be considering increasing the current 6 percent bed tax to 8 percent at its Sept. 14 meeting. This issue was originally going to be decided by the voters in the Nov. 2 election. Jt is not by accident that the city bed tax is 6 percent. There is a 6 percent sales tax in California and most hotel guests assume that the Transient Occupancy Tax is the state sales tax. Raising the tax brings it to the ~est's attention that it is in fact a special tax. He may question whether he wishes to pay a city tax to a city whose services he uses at a minimal level at best. In addition, many people might feel that 8 percent was an unfair tax burden. THE PROPOSED TAX increase is unfair and unnecessary. The increase. like the basic 6 percent tax itself, will not benefit those who are paying the tax. but will be used to finance anticipated deficits in general city operations. The hotel guest is already paying his share of city taxes by paying the current tax. The increase makes him feel he is paying a greater share than accepted for services and operations be does not use. lt is not a nameless corporation that will bear the burden of this tax. The majority of the businessmen who stay in the Irvine hotels are employed by other branches of many local corporations. Therefore, it is many of the local corporations that face the additional inflationary pressure of the increased travel costs. Any increase in their costs is eventually passed along to the consumer in the form of increased prices for goods and services. _ Irvine has had the bed tax for 10 years. If only the hotels that existed 10 years ago existed today. the income to the city would have increased more than 300 percent due to the inflationary effects of rising room rates. The construction of each new hotel in Irvine effectively increased city income from Gardner's column MAILBOX this source. The key to this increase is the number of rooms actually occupied each night. Hotels refer to this percentage as occupancy rate. Because many people would resent paying an 8 percent tax, an increase in the tax would cause the hotel guest to seek lodgipg elsewhere resulting in a lower occupancy rate. A lower occupancy rate could result in lower total revenue for the city in spite of the higher rate . There is some strong evidence to suppott the idea that an increased rate would result in lower occupancy. The City of Claremont instituted a 10 percent bed tax and the hotels in the area saw their occupancy drop by 35 percent within the year. The occupancy rate in the hotels in the surrounding cities did not drop in the same period of time. It is our belief that this is the time to be conservative in spending and conservative in taxing. Proposed additional facilities should be either eliminated or reduced in scope to reduce anticipated defidts. In short, there are serious questions as to whether this is the time or the place to increase this tax at all. PEGGY FORD President, Newport Harbor A,fea Visitors & Convention Bureau (Letter also Signed by represeptatives of the Airporter Inn, M arriott and Registry Hotels) City view of Ali To the Editor: I was concerned after reading your recent editorial (Ali's Jail Term Ridiculous, 8-29-82) that someone unfamiliar with the facts might be misled. Costa Mesa's policy in all law enforcement cases has always been to seek voluntary compliance with the city's laws. In Roushan's case, we decided against filing a criminal prosecution against him with its possible jail sentence. Instead, we filed a civil lawsuit seeking a court order that he comply with the city's zoning and building safety laws the same as everybody else does. ln order to get a court ruling on Roushan's legal "free speech" argument as fast as possible and to temporarily stop any more iron structures from being built without city safety checks, we -got the court to issue a preliminar~ injunction. By that order the court said to Roushan ... "you can't build more sculptures without permits until the case is decided in court." IT IS FOR contempt of that court order that Roushan was sentenced to jail. He intentionally ignored the order and built two more iron scultptures -the .last one towering some 65 feet 'and weighing close to seven tons -both without city safety checks and pennits. The city didn't order the five-day jail sentence; the judge did . More importantly, Roushan didn't have to go to jail. The judge gave him the alternative to take down the "tornado" within 30-days. Roushan refused and consequently was sent to jail and fined $500. The city attempted to work somethlng out with Roushan. However, our efforts were met first with unreasonable demands that we amend our building permit procedure as he directed, and later by threats he'd build more huge sculptures without pennits. The city attorney's office will continue to seek voluntary compliance with city laws. Filing a lawsuit is the absolute last resort. However, whenever any person openly and continually violates the law, common sense fairness to all our citizens demands we move against that person with determination. No one can be above the law. • TOM WOOD City Attorney City of Costa Mesa L.etltr\ trcwn r"ilder\ 11r11: wtl'om~ The ,.Qht tot ondens.e tet~ ttr> to l ot \ll«f or e1tm11,.to 11ti.t ts •tt••~ IAll.,l of JOO word\ or IHI w1t1 &» 91v.n prtf•r•n<e. All ftlt•" mu.)t In· tluOt soQNlurt and m••llno aOdreu l>UI Nmes may IM WIOlntlO on •fCIW•I ,, wfllc>enl •••Wiii " ._,.,,, ~,,, ••ti 1101 IM pUbl"""' Ltller~ m•r ti. t•••.,,_O to .,.,..._ N•m• •llCI p-.e numtMr ot tn. contrlt>utcir "''"' oe govff\ for .-111tft•tlon a:>uroow~ Origin~l 'one-Stop' government By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner, chief justice of American Samoa, is remembered along the Orange Coast as a longtime jurist, freque~t emcee and senior body surfing enthUSJast. The old Newport Beach City Hall originally was a two-room schoolhouse. Wlien converted, one room housed the city clerk and city treasurer, the other became the original multi-purpose room, which was the meeting place of the City Council one night a month. The rest of the time it was my headquarters, the courtroom of the city court -sort of. The so-called judicial bench was a desk situated in the back of the room on a slightly elevated platform . Immediately in front was a long table a.round which the council sat on meeting nishtt. During the day that table was used by some representatives of the oounty aueaor's oCfjce who pored over large, dusty tomes and never looked up no matter what was golng on. Their work must have been fascinating or they had amazing powers of concentration considering the numerous distractions going on. Nothing ever seemed to faze them or even Interest them. ON ONE SIDE of the room waa a mach ine, where a wom an Ht and pou n d e d ou t water blll• t o the accomD&nlment of an awful clattel'. Thla wu th• clty'• first eUort at. automation albel\ not • very 1uccesaful one. The woman eould have tent out the billa by hand with a penonal note on MCb one ln the liJne ahe Ul8d on that machine. She 9Mllled to spend about half her time ~the contnptJon wtth a pair of pUt-n arid• ecrewdrtver. On the other tide of the room w• a detk at which Mt .a repretentatJve of the ' I Department of Mdtor Vehicles who administered driver's license tests. On t.He wall next to my bench or desk was the eye testing chart. In one comer was a srnall office used by Frank Rinehart, the city clerk. In that office was a desk. In the lower right hand drawer of the desk was a bottle of whiskey. As Frank explained this was for public relaUons. Thus, ln one visit you could have a trial before the city judge, get a driver's licente, pay your water bill, complain about your ueeumeqt and get a drink of wh1-key frotn tho c1ty clerk. It wu a hl&hly effldent UM of •J*e, however there were tome ttranp reeulta oftlrnea. For example, a woman came In to appear t»fcn me on a traffic ticket •he had rtcelved tor oper.&ln1 her car without • llcerwe. 8he tot into the wrona Une, paNe4 her driver'• Ileen• tnt, received her liceme and departed. She WU properly ahocked to &fl\ a Jetter from me a couple of day. later •)'in& the had betW' appear on \M Ucket or l would th.row her ln jail. However, It wu the eye chart that caUled MQtt of the prob)ema.. Every morn.lftl( the police ~ht ln the night's accumulation of jailed drunks. Sometimes they were not entirely sober -:-quite oft.en in fact. The eye chart seemed to fascinate them. A typical i.cene went something like this. · Me -"What is your true name, sir?" Drunk -"A N C R U I V E." Me -"What?" Drunk -"A N C R U I V E." Me -11That's a strange name. It's nice of you to spell it but how do you pronounce it?" Drunk -"B N X E W 0 P K." Me -''But you just said that your name was A N C R U t V E." Drunk -"M X W Z A T Y D." (He is now doing the bottom line.) ME -FINALLY getting the picture and realizing the utter futility of ever getting his name and being unable to cover the chart becawie \he man from the Department of Motor Vehicles is uatng it, "Slt, whatever your name may be, you are char ged with being intoxicated in a public place. How do you plead, guilty, or not guilty?" Drunk -''O." (He has now gone to the top of the chart which alwa}'I has a huge "0" which almost anyone could aee.) About this time t reaUae that no matter what l aay he 11 simply '°"'8 to IO throu1h that eye chart over and over · .,.tn. So~ I·~ to the officer that he be returned to jall tor a few hour'• "9ep and then returned to court for a 1nll' lJ)l)e&rance. The drunk rewma to Jail happy and pl"C)Ud of hit 20--20 vWon &ut balned with the ~ .. ~ in the judidal procem. If he mew 1'nu\k Rinehart, and nearly ~ dkL he probably pt a drink of. Wbillley OD bli ~yout. That'• the •111 thl1111 W9N In lhi mult.1-purpcm roam of the old dty hell:. " .. -., Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sund•y, 8ept9mber 12, 1982 1 P EC IAL T •AM : HARPEN P RO ECUT I N OF AREER CRIMI NAL • • • (Vrom P11• Al) r ptOIK.'t'U\lon," h<' awlJ "h'• JI.Ill pc• Ilion Tht• 1.i>Unly J)ltY• for un Accordtna to th prtilk'('Utor, an 18-ycar-old defend nt &1l<t:Ulcd of commluln1 1t1veral bur11harlu would not <11.1.Ufy If he find no prior prt1e.>n l'e(.'Ord. The law defines cure<1r crlmlnalB as repeat of fenders for crimes such as robbery, burglary, araon, srand theft, grand theft auto, receiving stolen property and J)088e8Sion of drugs for sale. d y nu m I t l• bu l I L '• lnvl· tlgnt1vt• ldo. expNulw " OHkhal11 bt>llcv(• lht• r ull.8 of What It lllt'Ulll V<'ry aJmply 111 ttw prugrion jwitHy ltM expcnae. thbJ: A deputy dlltrlct attorn y Morulw Id auu.(•wldl• fltiurt'I llku Engqulat will bl-1u111latJ\L~ u for oil 13 program11 ahow lhut casl' from Its very twslnnlngH. L'llrt'<'r crimlnuht aufforcod hlght:'r Thia sarnu protiaCutor wlU Uwn 1·nt.<•il vf t.'C.)nvkllon and wl'nl to handle all faccu of th cHc jail tor long<'r l)('rlodH them other -from boll hearlns• and offondf'I"' preliminary hearlngs to trial and Hf' • Id 91.6 percent of the S()nt.enclng. career criminals wel'\' L'Onvlc~ Hy hovang one prosecutor of one or more chorg<.1, and 92.2 handle a case from beginning to percent were convicted of the end, It la believed that the most 1ertowi chorac or charges. strong<.>tt possible results can be For offenders not In the. career achieved. Weaknesws In the case criminal category, the figure• can be more easily detected, were 69.5 percent and 66.6 th ptut ~uUon projram, Jlort maintained lhut .. wh•n you me11urc.-the co1t1 of tho unit t'Ompc.i~ to the money th y "-vu In crlmt•, th re'• no comparjlon." lf u defendant C4n afford It, ho can alwoy1 counter a v rUcal proeecullon ~ffort with a vertical defenH -hire • prlvatc- altorncy who handlet th c8'c from ~nnina to end. But m8ny career criminal defendunta rely on the Orange County Public Defender'• Office to repreaenl them. And Public Defender Ronald Butler said hla st.off i. simply stretched too thin to fight vertical prosecution with vertical defen1e. ''Thu only v rUcaJ defen1C wc.- provld • bl on homlcid CUOll," he said "We would like to do It In cuccr criminal ca1e1, but we don't h&1vu th personnel to do It." When the Dtatrlct Attorney'11 Office received lta flr1t jrant from the atate four yean ago to estabU.h a career almlnal unit, Butlor said, the Publl <' Defender's omce alao tried to set up a 1peclal defense unit to counter that. No fund1 were forthcoming, however. "We have tried to go vertical as much a1 we can," the public defender eald. "But we don't h u v u l h <• m o n c• y u r \ h u manpower " The fue o f th<• d1ur1ct attorn<'y'1 prosrum re1t1 In the hand• of the Legl•luturo. If 1tatc funding W<'re to b£• cut otr, officials 1t11d, the Orang<' County program would 1oo n be dlsmantl d unle118 ltcrnutlvc fundlnl( could be located. But offlclat. In the Office of Criminal Ju1tlce Planning Aid it Is unlikely the Legislature wlU soon dlJ1COntlnue funding. They said the reaulta of the program statewide have been encouragln1 and public sentiment heavily favors emphasis on prosecution efforts. Nathan Mans k e, doputy director of the state's Criminal Justice Planning Office, said In a telephone Interview that each of the 13 counties II') California which receive grant funds can concentrate on any or all of lhe above-mentioned offenses. In Orange County, the emphasis has been on robbery and burglary, Evans said. evidence· strengthened and percent respectively. rapport with witnesses improved, When it came to sentencing, r-~;J:=:!!~ Evans said. the career criminals were given "We're trying to get these people Incarcerated for as long as we can," the deputy district attorney said. The five members of his prosecution team, he added, are all "seasoned" trial attorneys who know h ow to handle themselves in court. On routine criminal matters, an average sentence of 64 months several deputy district attorneys compareo to a sentence of 54 may become involved, diluting months for other defendants. the e ffec tiveness of the In Orange County, Evans said, prosecution case. the conviction rate for his unit ls But the price for vertical -or running at 94 percent over the solo -prosecution is not cheap. past three years. More than 90 It means smaller caseloads for percent of these oHenders go to each prosecutor. And smaller st.aw prison. caseloads mean more cost. He said the program is The state will spend $4 million generating better results as it this fiscal year~ht>lping out goes along. programs such as Orange Law enforcement officials Because they have special duties, they also gel to use special techniques aimed at guaranteeing the strongest convictions and the longest sentences. County's, which received agree. "They're doing a fantastic $261,000 in aid. · job. It's a very valuable Jool to fi!!!!! Evans said the state grant pays us." said Sheri H's Lt. Wyatt for three of the five attorneys in Hart. "They work with us his Santa Ana office. The other extremely well. We would like to The basic strategy, Evans said, Is known as "vertical two are paid for by the county. see more of it." prosecution." The state also funds two Though he said he was not A p h 0 t 0 gr a Ph Y u lti mate in investigators and one clerical familiar with the cost figures for workshop for beginners "That's the .-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11 and amateurs in ClllCS llUI Ull QI l .. f« The a. Ylln Sip LOW COST CAT & DOG VACCINATION CLINIC Attention Parental. Is Your Chlld'a -·-; By Pet l'Ytwtlll·A·Clft" Rab6ts .................................. $3.95 .ec11 Dbten.,.r (D.H.l.) .............. $4.25..,. ,llYO .................................... $5.00 Old Dot "5-il·l" ........................ $7.00 .... Cat "3-il-l" ....................... :15.oo - l*S IUT l»l l.WtD; CATS II IOXES, PU.ASE COSTA EA FOUNTAIN VALLEY LAGUNA NGl£L Sllldly, Stpt. 19, 1912 3:30 , .M.-5:30 , .M. M-Cllll.yPlau Periling lot C•own Vall9y PWllwey at PCH Back In Shape For School? SaMdlJ, s.pt. 11, 1912 S1lwdl7, Stpl 11, 1912 2-5:30 P Ji 9 A.M...flOOfC ~ V•de Cwlt• Wer-Wiid w .. 1 Hertlor l!INd & Adema S'-PlnO Cwlt• 9300 lliock of W.,_A,... atlltocNfd SAVE TtlS eat For FREE Back-to-School Spinal Ex am, Call for Appointment: 536-2541 Dr. Cary H. Rothenberg Chiropractor 714 Adams St., Huntiniton Beach reel , _______________ " With this coupon With ~coupon. tlw "'~>kt f,11n1ly can eniov I I Kids eat free! dmnt.'f C)f Sunday brunch at n ... 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Treasured not only for its rich, natural appearance, Color Tile's durable solid oak flooring is pre- finished for easy care and designed with tongue and groove edges for simple d~it-yourself installation. Oak parquet is elegant in living and dining rooms, dens and foyers. It's manufac- tured in our own plant to ensure superior quality and great savings. .set f'.A. ~ .Sit J:A. ~ Reg. Prtce ~ Final Price Save 30% On Euy-To-Hang Preputed Vinyl Wallcoverlnga Renew a room in just hours! We haw~ an enormous selection, in stock, or washable vinyl wallcoverlngs In beautirully smooth and richly textured patterns. ,It's prepasted ror convenient. do-it-yourseU installation and vinyl ror simple maintenance. Res· Price *9.95 • •t2.95 697 g<?7 AU. CUIUllHf AMERICAH SaJ • (WAUCOR£) PATIUNS e S/R .43t FA. 1· u· X S/ 16. 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Standard. 20" x 26 • Queen. 20· x 30" King, 20" x 36 WE HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU! Reg. $18 $22 $28 Sale $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 With your pillow purchase of $35 or more. you'll receive our gift of a travel/baby pillow. 12· x 16" (a $15 value). We have a vast selection-soft , medium and firm support pillows. wJ:!..h down. feather/down or polyester filling-there's one exact~:su:1:1e:d~t~o~y;ou;r_"'~-----=~~ preference At lhese low prices you'll want to stock up. ~() Robinson's Domestics 30, Bedding 54. ';()~ To order call toll free 1-800-345-8501. o r ~ " -. $)9.99 ANY SIZE QUILTED FEATHER PILLOW Soft, quilted cotton case. fully·fllled wilh whole European whtle goose feathers for firm support: by Northern Feather. at 43%-60% off and more Standard. 20· x 26" . . .. . . . . . . . . . ...... . Queen. 20" x 30· ............... .. King, 20" x 36" ........................... . Reg Sale $35 $19.99 $50 $19.99 $60 $19.99 ROllNION1 coMMIRIDP WlpptN9 916 MITIJ MAKI AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR OONIULTANT M YOUl"NU.MIT IO•NION'I. ~ WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PllFlllNCll IN MIY·ITOll VIA THI' ONLY COMllUTlllDD lllVICI IN IOUTHllN CAUFOINIA. SUNDAY, SEPT. 12, 1982 D ·~ FOR THE RECORD 87 The ye>ung Trojan have a tough opener in Florida. 83. 0 .Forsch regains his forlll, 4..:1 Ken Forsch By CURT SEEDEN Orth• Deltr flllol ll•n The fourth inning has not been a particularlr good one for Ken Forach of late. That s because he had failed to survive it in his last two starts. To say things were different Saturday night ls a slight understatement. The Angels' right-hander was entertinlng notions of a no-hitter as early as the fourth, but settled for a four-hit gem in defeating the Toronto Blue Jays 4-1 before 43,8 19 at Anaheim Stadium. Forsch, who hadn't won a game since he beat Boston 10-1 back on Aug. 26. mowed down the first 16 Blue Jays he faced Saturday night before Garth Iorg slapped a double off the left-field fence with one out in the si.xth inning. "Since the All-star break, I've been so inconsistent," Forsch lamented after the game. "I'll go out there and throw a real good game and then come back with a real bad one. I've been pitching so badly, American League Weit W L Pct. GB Kansas City 80 61 .567 ~ngela 79 62 .560 1 Chicago 76 64 .543 31/t GAMHMMAtNINO KANIAI CITY 1221 -HOME 112) 5-pe 12. MlnnMOt•, 5-pl. 13, e•. 15, 18, s .. ui.: Sepl 27, 28, 28. Ang•I•, S•pe 30, Ooe t, 2, 3. Oakl•nd. AWAY 11: Sept. 17. 18, 18, Mlnnet0ta. Sept 20, 21, 22, Angele; S•pt 2•. 25, 28. 01.kl•nd ANQILI (21) -HOME (71 Sept 11, t2, r0<onto. s.pe 20, 21. 22. KMN• City. Oc:e 1, 2. 3, Texu. AWAY t•. Sept. 13. , ... 15. Chlc9go, 8991. 18. 17, 18; 18, TO<onto: S~t. 23, 2•. 25, 28: Tex": Sept. 27, 28, 211. K•nn1 City. CHICAQ0 (22)-HOME(14);S.pt 13.14, 15, Allf.te: S99t. 16, 17, 18, 19, Oekl•nd, Sepe 24, 25. 26. Mlnn .. oe•. Sept 27. 28 . 211. Se••U• AWl-Y (8): Sept. 12, 0•kl9nd. Sepe 20, 21, 22, 23. s .. 111e; Oct. 1, 2. 2. MlnM10e• I felt I had to go out and throw a good one toni11tht." He couldn't have picked a better time. The Angels' victory kept them one game behind American League West-leading Kansas City and 2 ~ games ahead of third-place Chicago -both winners Saturday. • "I started thinking about a no-hitter in the fourth inning," Fon;ch admitted. "I had real good stuff and I figured IC I got through the fifth I'd have a shot at it." The Angels had already given him a comfortable cushion thanks to a three- run first inning keyed by Rob Wilfong's bases-loaded single off Toronto starter. Dave SUeb. It wrui WiUong's first game- wlnnJng RBI of the season. Meanwhile, Forsch was on his way to hls 11th complete game of the year. He forced the Blue Jays to hit into 12 ground outs while walking one and striking out one. That doesn't sound overpowering, but as far as Forsch was concerned, he was in totaJ command. "I was throwing everything real well. I was getting a lot of jam shots Crom them (the Blue Jays). They were really hacking away ionight." Angels Manager Gene Mauch agreed: ''I've never seen the man as deep into a game as he was tonight. I mean he was really in to It." Mauch had ho be pleased with Forsch's perforlflance. Although the veteran pitcher came Into the game tied with Stieb for the league lead In shutouts with four. he had also developed into the team's most Inconsistent pitcher of 1982. ''I suppose I'm a lot like Forsch," Mauch admitted. "I tend lo forget the5e games as fast as I can and get into t~. next one." Wilfong became an imtant he1 o in the ffrst inning. Mauch inserted him m the lineup after sfcond base man Bobby Grich s howed up at the stadium looking "like death warmed over," according to his manager. (See FORSCH, Page 83) Bruins have a · _passing -fancy, 41-.10 Ramsey, Townsell key aerial attack By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS . "This is something new this Of IM D•lty f'tloe St•n d th! th t i)J PASADENA -It became year, an some ng a w certainly help our team -a deep quickly apparent to the 45,386 in threat," said Townsell. "We have attendance at the Rose Bowl the speed and the people to go Saturday that the Long Beach deep and that's been the missing State football team was making a link in our offense in the past." bu{e jump in class against "This team is going to be a UC A. little more wide open than what And, after watching h is team people are used to from UCLA," absorb a ·t l · 10 punishing from offered Coach Terry Donahue. "I the Bruins, 49er Coach Dave was extremely happy with the Currey summed it up by saying, time that Ramsey had to throw. "Their quarterback (Tom Our offe nsive line did quite a Ramsey) faced Michigan last job." year. It was a patchwork job that "The toughest competition our Donahue was forced to make on guy (quarterback Todd Dillon) the line, which has been hit saw was Merced JC. It was a particularly hard by inurles. It tough way to start for him, but I got so bad during the week that was pleased with what I saw." Fountain Valley High product Dillon did complete 23 of 43 Duval Love, a right guard, had pass attempts for 258 yards and a been working out at tackle in the touchdown, but he was by no event that starter Steve Gemza means the star of the show was unable lo play. Saturday. In opening what the Bruins "Our plan today was not to worry about how many passes have termed "a new era" at the we threw and to let our skill Rose Bowl, UCLA also showed a k f new wrinkle in its offense _ a players bile off c hun s o deep passing game. .. yardage," said Donahue. "I Ramsey hooked up with anticipated that we'd be flanker Jo.i9 Townsell for four throwing quite a bit and our line touchdown passes in the first gave us the time to do it." half, as the Bruins sprinted lo a It took a little while for the 3\-10 advantage and breezed. Bruins to make a rout of it. The two seniors combined for After an exchange of punts lo scores of 23, 48, 32 and 18 yards. start the game, the Bruins as Townsell set a school record marched 66 yards in nine plays, with the four scoring receptions capped by Townsell's first TD ahd tied a Pacific-10 mark reception. originally set by Fountain Valley An interception by linebacker High product Ken Margerum Ron Butler on Long Beach's when he was at Stanford. (See UCLA, Page 8 3) o .. 1r Piiot Pnoto by 'Ch•r1 .. 11.-rr Long Beach State's James Galloway ( 3) has the ball bounce off his pads. Johann preserves 10-7 Edison victO'ry Blocked field goal attempt sparks defensive triumph over El Dorado College football By ROGER CARLSON o<ttt. D.ity Piiot Sl9n F.dison High 's Chargers remain unbeaten and untied after two non-league games today, thanks tp their defense, and linebacker &thony Johann in particular, following Saturdayi.·ght's 10-7 non-league football ision over Ill Dorado High at range Coast College. The 6-3, 210-pound senior t:toke through the left side and 1:$)ocked a 22-yard field goal attempt by El Dorado's Bryan Peters with 3:27 remaining to • orce wins Tom McEwen had the top time the night, with a blazing ocking of 5.98 seconds, hia t -ever five-second run In a rs Corvette, but he wasn't und at the flnals when John orce of Fullerton captured the .Pepsi Parade of Champions title ~ Orange C.Ounty International ~way. Force turned in a 6.21 in hia final heat, running unopposed 9'ter McEwen was shut off with Gll problems. . Joe Plaano clocked a 6.12 ln the , but did not qualify for a at the title ln the AA funny event before an estimated 600. Jim ~Passe of Long Beach k the BB clualflcation &olng , 7~ with a 202 miles per hour sure. Hana Kueael of Loa ngelea waa aecond In 7 .02 ~onclA, aettinc a 210 mph run. preserve the victory before a crowd of 5,000, which watched Edison dominate Crom the outset, but fail to provide a knockout punch. Edison, ranked No. 3 in Orange C.Ounty, saw ita offense limited lo an average of one yard per carry on the ground and the aerial game could not only 74 yards, but the solid defense once again proved too tough. "I don't expect miracles from this team," said Edison Coach Bill Workman. "But I do expect better than they played tonight." It was a stunningly narrow declalon considering the total domination Edison enjoyed through more than three quartera, despite only a 10-0 margin on the 1COreboard. But Pat Devaney's lnten.-eptlon and 32-yard return to the Edl9on 11 and a eecond bad center snap on a punting situation almost turned a hard night's work into disaster for Edison. Devaney'• theft, in addition to a Cacemask penalty on the end of his run put the ball at the EdOOn &-yard line and three plays later Shawn Ray burst over the left side for El Dorado's touchdown. Peters toed the PAT with 7:12 left and a potential upeet was visible. Four plays later the Edison offellle aaatn failed lo pnerate Q first down and Mark Votendahl went back to punt, but the ball sailed over his head and bounced 34 yarda downfleld, where El Dorado took over at the 6-yard line. But the defen1e du1 in again, led by Jeff Wuhlnaton'• third· down atop at the five, then lhe Hawks went for the three-point try only to see Johann break through, block the attempt, and Randy Hernandez picked the ball up and ran 38 yards to the Edison 48 to get the ball out of danger. "We would have been fairly comfortable except for the center snaps," says Workman. "I knew they (El Dorado) were good and we're not as good as we're made out lo be." No one was arguing with Workman on that statement. The Chargers took possession at the El Dorado 9, 18, 43, 41 and 37, in addition to their own 44, 35, 35 and if\. while El Dorado was pinned down in Its own territory almost the entire game. El Dorado didn't get past midfield until 51 seconds remained ln the third quarter. Ediaon took a 3-0 lead on Gerry Graham's 31-yard field goal with 5:22 left in the half after the El Dorado punter fumbled away a punt attempt, providing Edison a gift 18 yards from paydlrt. • And the Chargers got their only touchdown on the next series of plays, marching 43 yards for the score against the gritty El Dorado defense. Don Gibbs' 13-yard screen pass to Derek Griffiths (a one-handed catch), and a 17-yard strike to J etc Washington set up John Steiniger's three-yard scoring dash with 36 seconds left in the first half. The Chargers were turned away on fourth-and-on~at the El Dorado 1-yard line during the scoreless first quarter and later were unable to convert a fourth- and-one at the El Dorado 5 with a 10-0 lead. "I thought we could get a yard," said Workman. "Maybe we're not that kind of team. I just hope they (El Dorado) are a good football team." At halftime F.dlson's offense had netted 56 of its 108 yards and Banning High Coach Chris Ferragamo said, "I have an idea they're holding back some things for us." Banning, the perennial Los Angeles City power, is scheduled to open its season against Edison at Anaheim St.odium Sept. 25. On the other hand, no one was bad-mouthing the Chargers' defensive unit, which swarmed over.the Hawks with consistency, limiting El Dorado to 0.44 yards per running down and 2.9 yards per pass attempt. (See EDISON, Pa1e 83) Florida 17. USC 9 UCLA 41. Long Beach St 10 Boise St. 20, CS Fullerton 9 Washington 55. Texas El· PuoO 7 Alabama 45, Georgia Tech Georgia 17, BYU 14 Nebraska 42. Iowa 7 Ohio St. 21 , &ylor 14 Stanford 35. Purdue 14 Cal 31, Colorado 17 W. Virginia 41. Oklahoma 27 i Penn St. 39. Maryland 31 Arkansas 38, Tulsa 0 SMU 51, Tulane 7 Navy 20, Virginia 16 Michigan 20, Wteconsln 9 AJr Force 44, San Diego St. 32 San JOR St. 18, Oregon 13 (Complete 1core1 Page 86) Lasorda: Dodger hullpell the difference HOUSTON (AP) -The fortunes of the Houston Aat.rOs and the Loa Angeles Dodgers, combatants in last year's divisional aeries, have diverged greatly this 1eason, and .Dodgers Manager Tom Lasorda knowa at least one reuon. Loa Angeles pulled to within one-half. game of the NatlonaJ League West lead Saturday with a ~-3 defeat. of the fifth-place Aatros. The NL Weat-leadin1 Atlanta Braves lOlt. to Cinclnnatl 4-3. "To me, pennanta are won or loet in the bUllpen.'' Luorda aald. ••t really like OW' bullpen. After the first month of the season, they've been doing a real good job." While the Aatros bullpen has been hampered by the l018 of Joe Sambito and other lnjurlea, Lasorda hu obtained pleasant reaulta from people like Steve Howe, who earned h1a 13th aave Saturday. "I hope experience will be a factor," LuordA said. "We have been there before." Pitcher Jerry Reum and Howe combined to limit Houaton to aeven hlta. while Duaty Baker knclcked ln a pi.tr of runa with h1a 23rd home run of en. IHIOI\. Baker teed off on loaer Vern Ruhie, 7-13. ln the firat ini Inning with hls 23rd homer, giving Loe Anae1es a 2-0 lead. llouston tied the acore on Terry Puhl'• RBI single in the third and on-sm Doran'• run- ICOring alngle in the fourth, but the Dodpra went ahead to at.ay In the fifth. Bill RU81ell WU hit by a pitch to open the lnntng and llCOn!d on Steve Yea1er'1 triple. Reu11 doubled to make It <t-2 and, one out later, he IClOred when Ken Cand.ruux ireeted reliever Bob Kneppu with a bloop double. Ray Knl1ht knocked ln Hou a ton's final run in the 11eventh with a alngle. N•llonel L••gue Weit W L·Pct. oe Atlanta 79 63 .656 ~ Dodger9 79 64 .552 1.11 GA•I MlllA-.0 ATLANTA (201 -HOME 8; S•pt. 11, Clnolnn•U: t.fl'I. 13, 1'4, 15, Houllon: ...._ 2'4, 28, 21, iNI Olego AWAY (13)' hpt. H'i 11. ,,, Clnclnntel: s.i>t 20. ~l. 22. Hou"!!J 9tpl 27. 21, S*) Ff9"Cl9cO, S41Pt H , -.r DMlln· oc.. 1. 2. 3, Sen Dl9go. DODOll'I (11)-HOMl (131 St91. 13, IC, II, len Ditto: St9t. 17, ''· II, Hou~ Sept 1'4, ff..1~~· SM "MCleCO; S.01 11. at. ClndnMtl; "'1' 21 30, Allellte AWAY ltS: lllpt II, ~-iMt' t1, tt, Ian OMto, oct. 1. I , I,.., ~ t• • H art suffe r s serious n eck injury From AP dispatches PASADENA Long Beach [i] State sophomore defensive back Todd 4• • Hart was in serious conditlon with an apparent .neck fracture suffered in Saturday's game with UCLA, a spokeswoman at Huntingt.on Memorial Hospital said. Hart, 19, was injured on a pass interception bv the 49ers late in the third quarter. The game was d<.'layed 10 minutes while the Servite High product was taken off the field on a stret.c:her. The 6-0. 165-pound San Juan Capistrano native underwent X-rays after he was admitted to Huntington, nursing supervisor Marlene Wade said. The extent of his cervical spine injury wasn't immediately known. UCLA won the game. 41-10. Quote of the day "If someone ·would have told me six months ago I would be spending the weekend before the start of the season at home with l'J'\Y family I would have said they were crazy. I really thought we would - be locked in round-the-clock negotiations." -Na tional Football League Playe r s Association executive director E d Garvey. '' McCullough leads Boston classic Mike McCullough, a former Ohio !I amateur champion and barely a ~urvivor in 10 years on the PGA golf tour, fired a 5-under-par 66 Saturday for a one-stroke lead after 54 holes in the Bank of Boston Classic. McCullough, 37, leads veteran George Archer and Peter J acobsen by one stroke . . . Chris Johnson shot a 3-under-par 69 for a three-stroke lead in the second round of the 54-hole Mary Kay golf classic at the par 72 Bent Tree Golf Club in Dallas. Beth Daniel is second \Y-ith four players tied for t.hird a stroke behind · )1aniel . . . Lee Trevino. Lanny WadkJns and : Curtis s,range each scored victories, but Nancy • l;bpez and Sally Little were upset as the United ~States too k a 3-2 lead over Swe d en in an .. unofficial team golf match ... A U.S. women's ' golf team, led by Julie Inkster continued its idominance in amateur team competition winning . the Women's World championships at the Colgny Golf Club in suburban Geneva. Concepcion, Soto hold off Braves Dave Con ct-pclo n d rilled a 11 ; three-run first-inning homer and Mar lo Solo s urvived nine hits as , Cincinnati edged Atlanta, 4 -3, snapping a Reds' seven-game losing streak. Soto, '.12-11 , struck out five to run his major league ' leading total to 241 ... Elsewhere in the j National League Saturday. George Hendrick r slugged a three-run homer -his first since July 31 -boosting the St. Louis Cardinals back into first place in the NL East w ith a 6-3 victory over the New York Mets ... Bill Madlock's home run on the first pitch' of th e bottom of the ninth innning gave Pittsburgh a wild 10 -9 win over Philadelphia ... tom O'Ma Hey cracked a double ; . CONCEPCION and two singles and drove in :·two runs as surging San Francisco pounded San .. Diego, 8-3 ... Pitcher Scott Sanderson hit a .. grand slam homer. and Al Oliver drove in three ;J:\ms with a double, leading Montreal to a 10-6 .• !oi1ctory over the Chicago Cubs. Oliver broke a 1-1 -;tre with h is 21st homer. triggering a six-run third .,l)lning that was capped by Sanderson's bases- .;l!)aded shot. ... KC gives Minnesota a twln-kllllng F rank WbUe drove in two ruM 11 und Hal McRae homcrt.-d, becoming Karuoas City's ult-time 11ingle-11C. uson RBI leader and lcudlnl( the Royals to a 9-:i victory over Minnesota to highlight American L eague action Saturduy ... Elsewhere, Mlke F lanagan !K'attered nine singles tor his sixth struJght win and E ddie Murray drove In three runs to pat't' a 14-hit attack as Baltimore routed Cleveland, 8-1 ... Dave Winfield drove in four runs, witha three-run homer and a single, and Dave Righetti fired a Clve-hitter as the New York Yankees trounced Milwaukee, 14-2 ... Carlton F l1k Hit a two- run homer and Jerry Koo1man got late-inning relief help as the streaking Chicago White Sox blanked Oakland, 2-0 ... Gar y Alle ns on managed only a looping single but had five runs batted in as Boston took advantage of 11 walks and seven Detroit errors to crush the Tigers, 1.1-3 ... Charlie Hough recorded his 14th win of the year (against 11 IC>CiSeS) as Texas downed Seattle, 5-2. Base~all today On this date In basebaU in 1979: Boston's Carl Yastrzemski grounded a single to right field off New York's Jim Beattie for the 3,000th base hit of his career. Yaz became the first American Leaguer to collect both 3,000 hits and 400 homers, as the Red Sox route d the Yankees, 9-2 at Fenway Park. On this date ln 1965: Washington's Brant Alyea belted a home run on the first pitch thrown to him in a major league game.· On this date in 1954: Before a packe d house of 84,587 at Municipal Stadium,· the Cleveland Indians swept a doubleheader from the New York Yankees, w inning 4-1 behind Bob Lemon and 3-2 behind Early Wynn. The twin triumph put the Tribe 8 1h games ln front of the Yankees and all but nailed down the American League for Cleveland . . . dashing Yankee hopes for a record sixth straight world championship. On this date in 1947: Pittsburgh slugger Ralph Kiner belted his seventh and eighth home runs in four games, a major league record. McRae Issues ultimatum to Royals KANSAS CITY, M o . - American League RBI leader Hal 11 · McRae has warned the Kansas City Royals that unless they sign him by November. he'll test the waters of free agency. McRae, 36, has driven in 118 runs for the Royals and Is having the most productive season of his 12-year career. He said Kansas City has until the free agent re-entry draft Nov. 10 to get his signature on an acceptable contract. "And (after Nov. 11) I won't sign with Ka nsas City because they've had all year " McRae said. "U they wanted to do It, they h~d ample time. If It's not done by the draft, I definitely don't sign with therfl. They won't get a chance to match an offer." East German women set relay record The East German team set a world record of 3: 19.05 Saturday to • win the women's 1,600 meters relay at the European trac k and fie ld championships. The effort broke the old mark of 3:19.23 set by another F.ast German team at the Mont.real Olympics in 1976 ... Veteran Mario Andretti shattered the lap record by five seconds Saturday in a turbocharged Ferrari and won the pole position in today's G rand Prix of Italy Formula One race ... Japan defeated the United States. 4-1. Saturday a nd all but eliminated the Americans from title contention in the 27th World Amateur Baseball Championship . The loss left the U.S. with a 4-3 record . NFL standings Final Exhibition Standings National Conference Amer ican Conference Rams San FranclSCO Atlanta New Orleans DhlJas Philadelphia ~.Y. Giants t. Louis Washington Tampa Bay Minnesota Green Bay P.etroit Chicago ,. W LT Pct. PF PA East West BuUalo 3 1 0 .750 61 55 2 2 0 .500 86 86 Miami 2 1 1 .667 71 54 2 2 0 .500 56 66 Baltimore 3 2 0 .600 108 101 2 2 0 .500 47 106 New England l 3 0 .250 89 101 l 3 0 .250 64 69 NY J ets 1 3 0 .250 76 79 East Central 3 I 0 .750 92 65 Pittsburgh 4 0 0 1.000 101 69 1 3 0 .250 66 93 Clevelclnd 4 0 0 1.000 90 66 1 3 0 .250 56 61 Houston 2 2 0 .500 73 79 1 3 0 .250 29 43 Cincinnati 1 3 0 .250 98 125 0 4 0 .000 55 94 West Central Denver 4 0 0 1.000 97 65 3 1 0 .750 103 41 San Die~o 2 2 0 .500 81 82 3 2 0 .600 95 85 Kansas ity 2 1 1 .667 56 49 2 2 0 .500 92 111 Raiders 2 2 0 .500 67 74 2 2 0 .500 83 69 Seattle l 3 0 .250 43 47 1 3 0 .250 69 78 Todey'e ca.m.. "-e Y9 0<_, Bay et MllWllukM (Chennel 2 et 10 • m I ~ II Sen Frenc;llco (Chennel 4 el t p "' I Alleote 11 N.w V0tk Olenta Chlceoo 11 Detroit ~etS..IU. Houston et ClnclnMll (Chennel 4 11 10 • m ) KIMM City II euneto Mieml et Hew Vortt Jell New EngYnd et 8eltlrnore 0-'llend II Sen F'renc:l9co St LOUii 11 Hew Ofteene Sen Dleoo •t o.n .... Tempe Say 11 Mlnneeoll WlltllnQton 11 ~ ......,..o- Pllteburgh 11 DlllM (Chennet 1 et II p.nq Limited Offer ll!AIJ. ~.,._.. 2626 H•rltor llvd., Co1ta Me1a 540-5630 S*tN.._. llGIMllll Vice President JOHNSON & SON presents .. NFL , ............. . L.A. over- Grffn Bay * San Diego over Denver * San Francisco over Oakland * Dallas over Plttabur9h NFL ·players _are underdogs Own t eena to h av don good job of intin1 idating unio n Orw l(lvan~ " \.'tmtint•ntal damn about thv out<.•omL· or lht• Nf'l.. ownt•111 pl.Myl'l"I thln(I would u1ke tht· ¥1Cit' of tht• uthl lt.~ ovt•r tht' mogul.a. Th111 hu' nothlnl( W do with riatht nnd wrong. This 111 11lmvly l"~"'-'1't' AmL·rku lovt."» thl' underdog and tht.• pluyt•l'tl, up to thl• porllculnr 1t.ag<.• or the gallop. hove bt<t•n quit<' outdtt."flt'tl A bystand r ul thl rldkulout sag gets the ft'ellng the plnyt>rs' union l<t un urc, shaky and timid. Certainly, the conclwilon would be that the union is intlmJduled For lnst.ancu, nt the most rt.'l'Cnt union meNlng, announcoo ...s being for tht• purpose of aettlng a strike daw. no strike• d:)tc wus iwl. Instead, player represent.allvt.'8 emergNI Crom the session to state swmly that the players had decided to give the own e rs "one mort' cha nt.·c" to sit down a nd negotiate In earnest. The thing is, it should be reasonably clear to the players by now that the owne rs d o not particularly care to negotiate If for no other reason than they don't have to. The owners are making no demands. They are perfectly satisfied with the manner in which even ts are transpiring a t the present time. The NationaJ FootbaJJ League owners share in a $2 billion TV package. They experience little trouble selling out stadiums and raise ticket prices with similar regularity to a grocery store increasing the price of a fifth of milk. The next major source of revenue is something called pay or cable TV a nd more billions are expected 'from this. In fact, the cable thing is shadowy and no one is quite sure how much money will be involved. The players' share of aU this Is quite pitiful. The athletes of the NFL are the lowest paid in all the professiona l s ports and the rank ·and file screams for a more equitable s hare. The suggested figure is 55 percent. If the owners are not laughing at this request. it is a mortal cinch they do not care to talk about it. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER The owncn1 flOlb•h their public relations Image by ot'CnsionaJly tossing o bun, to th~ players. Thi! other day, they made an otter or pay int.•rellSQI ucross the board, calllng it gc•nerous. The playet'S' said It was peanuts and threw it out. Now they were t'Oming up to thl• opening of the regular season. The owners said the gates were open and t ht> players indicated they would noa interfere wnh the open111g day rituals by callln1 s trikes at sele cted arenas. Ho wever. union mouthpiece &:I Garvey said the organization would not object to any individual teams which elected not to play Added to thlS display of solidarity was another threat by the union. T he owners were warned thal players might once again employ the maneuver at coming out on the field before games and -right there in front o{ the entire audience -shake hands. Presumably. the terrified owners would take note of this and run wh1mpeting into the under brush. Of course. the players' union should be told shaking hands won't get 1t done. The one weapon the players have 1s a strike and if they are going to use it, they shouJd get on with 1t. The owners are not paying any attention to threats that they are being given only "one more chance." The union will have to get tough. They will have to use their one weapon -the strike -and for heaven's sake, boys, don't tiptoe out on the field and touch hands. Stomp right out there and kiss. Historical victory for Lloyd McEnroe, m eanwhile , will watc h Lendl, Connors in fina l NEW YORK (AP) -While Chris Evert Lloyd is thinking about histo r y . she's busy rewriting it on the tennis courts. John McEnroe. on th e other hand, lost his chance at joining her in the record books. Lloyd, the winningest woman in U.S . Open history, captured her sixth singles title Saturday. disposing of Hana Mandlikova of C~hoslovakia_6-3, 6-1 In just 64 rrunutes. "The first time you win Wimbledon or the U.S. Open is really a thrill,'' she said, "but I appreciate and maybe have a place in history by winning a sixth. s'o I can understand that a little bit better." McEnroe saw his bid for a fourth straight men's crown disappear when he was stopped by his nemesis, Ivan L endl of Czechoslovakia, 6-4. 6-4. 7-6. M cEnroe's three consecutive championships were the most since Bill Tilden captured six straight U.S. national title from 1920-25. Lendl's sixth straight victory over McEnroe, dating to the quarterfinals of the French Open in May 1981, sends him agamst Jimmy Connors, who is seeking his fourth U.S . Open title in today's nationally televised final (CBS). Connors eliminated Guillermo Vilas of Argentina 6-1, 3-6. 6-2, 6-3. Lloyd now has won 66 matches in America's premiere tennis event, the most ever for a woman. She has won the singles On TV today channel 2 at 1 p.m. title in six of the last eight years and has reached al lea st the semifinals in each of the 12 years she has competed here. Only two women have won morr: U.S. Open titles -Molla tv1,allory with eight from 1915 to 1926 and Helen Wills Moody with seven from 1923 to 1931. "I'm not driven by it," Lloyd insisted when asked if being in tennis history compelled her to victory. "When I was younger, I never thought about it. I was just playing for that year. "I know my time is limited. It gets toughe r mentally every year. I think about history more and more. "I was in kind of a trance out t here becau se I wanted it so badly,'' she added. The 20-year-old Mandlikova. losing to Lloyd 'in-the final for the second time in three years. said she's looking forward to when the 27-year-old Lloyd re tires. "She s aid that she was thinking of retmng after the 1981 finals, and I said, 'Oh. God, I am so happy.' But s he's playing better and better, so I think I better not believe her anymore." Lloyd's maste ry of MandJikova pa les next to what Lend! has done to McEnroe. the world's No. 1 ranked player. "He's got confidence against me," McEnroe said. "I just don't play aggressively enough against him. He's improved his serve and it's hard for me to attack the way I did before. "I get a little disorganized against him. He makes me do different things." Lendl. known for the hardest forehand in tennis today, said his serve was the difference. "I didn't give any chance on any serve in the first two sets." Lendl said. "The difference is in the rhythm of my serve. I'm returning better and I'm serving better. McEnroe agreed. "He goes for the big serve, for a winner on the first shot,'' the deposed champion sa1d. "I played better at the end. but not well enough to win." THE TUNE-UP PACKAGE INCLUDES t '*'-6c ......... 1 ..... '1IAM .iTo<n. ._... .... 134• > 1e1.,.....,....,.. .. .,,Hl'c11• .. 4.-....-............... •<9'-. 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(AP) Tht> University of Florida hu not had overwhelming succeu during lta 7~ year• of lntcrt.'Ollegiate football. But the 11th-ranked Gators reached a victorious and emotional high Saturday by defeating No. 10 Southern California, 17 -9. "In our first games, we've hit o peok -an unnatura l , unparralle l peak," Coach Charley Pell said, sa(rorlng consecutive victories over Miami and Sout h e rn Cal, both Top Twentr teams. Florida scored all the points It needed Saturday In the final five minutes of the first half. Spencer J ackson made a sensational fourth-down catch of Wayne Peace's 1-yard touchdown pass and James J ones' 22-yard run with 37 seconds left in the first half capped a 97-yard drive as the Gators spoiled USC's 1982 opener. The emotion spilled from the stands onto the field as Pell led hls charges in a postgame victory lap to the cheers of a sellout crowd, whi ch was not accustomed to beating such a traditional power aa Southern Cal. "The fans were the 12th man on the field today," Pell said. "ll (the victory lap) was a salute to the fans. They haven't seen a Florida team reach that high since we've been here. D .. ly l"llot Photo bJ Ch.,i.. llan UCLA's Jojo T ownsell looks back while scoring one of four ''This was a great war in the trenches. It ca m e down to whoever put the flag up on top of the hill at the e nd wins, and we did." touchdowns against Long Beach Sta te a t the Rose Bowl. FORSCH SHARP. • • From Page 81 In the first, Brian Downing grounded out, but Rod Carew and Don Baylor de livered back- to-back singles. After Reggie J ackson flie d to left, Doug DeCinces walked. That brought on Wilfong, who smacked a base hit through the right side to score Baylor and Car ew. Juan Beniquez then followed with an RBI hit. The Angels got their fourth run in the second inning as Bob Boone opened with a walk and Brian Downing made it to second when Toronto right-fielder Jesse Barfield simply missed his fly baU near the warning track. Stieb then retired Carew and Baylor and walked Jackson intentionally. But DeCtnces managed to beat out an infield hit to score Boone. Wilfong, who was a starter for five years in Minnesota, takes his reserve role in stride these days, bu t was particularly happy to play both an offensive and defensive role Saturday nighL "This is different to me now, but I've got a role to play. If you get a hit and knock in some runs. it's a bonus," he noted. And with Grich suffering from the flu, WiJfong had the added pressure of protecting the right side during Forsch's no-hit bid. "If a ball had been h it 20 feet over my head, I was going to dive for it," Wilfong admitted. "I think everybody was aware of the no-hitter, ahd you try to play a ljttle bit harder." Toronto's lone run came in the seven th whe n Gino Petralli singled , moved to third on Carew's error and scored on a single by Al Woods. Iorg got the only other Blue Jays' hit, a single in the eighth inning which was quickly erased by a double play. But there was no way to erase Iorg's double in the sixth. "l was disappointed when lorg got the hit but I've been pitching ao poorly lately that I didn't let it bother me and kept concentrating on the hitters," Forsch added. "Keeping them off the bases was the key for me tonight plus getting an early lead. When Toronto gets on base, they tend to score a lot." The huge crowd, lured by Back Pack Night, pu._shed the Angels' 1982 attendanc'f figures over the 2.5 million mark. Forsch made quick work to gain his 12th victory against 10 defeats. He needed only 88 pitch es and w r apped up the victory in just over two hours. * ANOIL NOTES: ''ad Lynn•1 plnch·hll. three-run double In the eighth Inning of th• Ange11· 6·2 victory Friday nlghl Improved th411 cen11w-llelder'1 pinch-hitting aYerage 10 .500 thll ... aon (3-lor-8). Thal'• lllghlly better than hi• aavan-year caraar averaga 11 a pinch-hitter -.143 • IU a tHm. Ille Angela 111• batting 326 thl1 nuon In the plnch- httllng category . •r1M Downlftt h~ a ...... n.gama hitting 1trHk 1napped Friday night, but eter1ed up another by galling a baee hit In the fourth Inning Saturday night . a.or Zahn le now MCond In the Amertc.n Laague In vlctorla1 with 16 alter hie compteta-game alfon Frld1y night. Kan.u C11y·1 Larry OuH lead• 1he league wtlh 17 win• The Anoe!• cloM out the homesland today with •. 1·30 contHI. Tomm1 John (11·11) will laca the Blue Jays' Jim Clat)c1. Thay'll than open a 1even-g1me road 'rip Monday night with 11op1 In Chicago ind Toronto UCLA. • • From Page 81 ensuing possession put the Bruins in position for a J ohn Lee field goal and it was 10-0. But the 49ers struck back with their best march of the afternoon, moving from their own 20, 80 yards for a score in 14 plays to make it 10-7. ''That score seemed to shake us up a little bit," said Ramsey. "We knew coming in that Long Beach wasn't a bad football team and we knew they wouldn't be a pushover. But I th in k that touchdown did something for us." UCLA scored on Its next two possessions and in quick order r eestablished a com manding lead. Though the 49ers pretty well shut down UCLA's running game in the first half, the Bruins were successful through the air waves. And t he Bruins really d idn't utilize one of their big guns at the receiving end -wide receiver Cormac Camey. The Brulns' top pass-catcher the past two years snared just two passes for 17 yards. "He had double coverage the whole day," Ramsey explained, "but he'll have his days too." The Bruins finished the game with 24 first downs to 17 for t he 49ers. UCLA gain ed 306 yards passing, the fourth-highest single-game total in school history. "We gave Ramsey an awful Jong time to throw," admitted Currey. "We couldn't afford to do that and expect to win today." Wilber Marshall, the Gators' amazingly quick ou t side linebacker who was in on all four of Florida's quarterback sacks, went even further. "It has to be the greatest win Boise St. beats CSF· BOISE, Idaho (AP) - J unior quarterback Tim Klena completed 22 passes for 282 yards and one touchd own a nd fresh man Mark Jensen booted two field goals to pace Boise State to a 20-9 non-conference football victory over Cal State Fullerton Saturday night. T h e game was the sea.son opener for Boise State of the Big Sky Conference. For Cal State F uller ton of the Pacific Coast A th le tic conference, the loss was Its first this year against one victory. K l e n a's passing performance was one of the few bright spots offensivel y for both teams du.ring the game, which was plagued by penalties and turnovers. Jensen, who placekicks without the aid of a kicking tee, booted field goals of 27 and 21 yards in his first collegiate game. Fountain Valley High product Greg Steinke accounted for all of Fullerton's points with three field goals. SMU 51-7 IRVING, Texas (AP) -Southern Methodist All-American tailback Eric Dickerson dashed for two touchdowns and 183 yards Saturday night, making new coach Bobby Collins' debut a success with a 51-7 college in tersect1onaJ rout or Tulane. 1982 CATAUNA PRO-AM RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Co Sponsors: BANK Of NEWPORT, AMF VOIT Dickerson became the second SMU player and the eighth in Southwest Conference history to gain over 3,000 yards in a career. Dickerson and Craig James, SMU's other senior tailback, each gained over 100 yards for the 10th time in their careers in the same game. James gouged out 110 yards and scored a touchdown against the outmanned Green Wave. He ran 42 yards for a touchdown on the No. 8 ranked Mustangs' second offensive play and the Green W ave, now 0-2 for the season, never recovered. North America's # 1 Handicapper wlll teach you how to be a consistent winner. FRll SIMINAR Includes class -weight - pace -speed -condition -dally variants - Jockeys -trainers -money management and much more. Mo n day, 5 • p t'. 1 3, 7 s 3 0 P • M. Hacienda Hotel, International Room 525 N. Sepulveda Blvd., El Segund o, Between El Segundo Blvd. & Imperial Ave. fuetdtty Sept. 14, 7130 ,.M., The Newporter Plaza Ill, 1107 Jamboree Ad., Newport Beach, Jamboree & P.C.H. "You h1~1 nothint to lostt, but your loslnt ways." Piii Cecktall1 -Door Prl1e1 $lt II 000 PRIZE ~UI MONEY Featuring 5-Tlme National Champion Marty Hogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professionals. DATES: Thurs. thru Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 SITES: King'• Racquetball Court 14731 Golden West St. Westminster, Ce. Phone: (714) 898-9841 (213) 430-5719 Twenty-one caaegorlea are available to local amateur player~. Winners will receive merchandise and award•. Entry deadline for 111 tourney players Fri. Sept. 23. CO-SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWPORT, AMF VOIT ever," he Id. "f'lorid ne<>dt><l 1ome respect and uur player• ncedt'<.I sumc re1pect. You just don't know what this game mearui to me and my team and to my cooch." Marshall, who played himselC into a state of near-exhaustion, said he made it halfway around the field during the victory lap "and 1 just fell to my knees and thanked the Lord." Marshall led a defensive unit which held Southef"n Cal to 84 yards on the ground. Veteran observers, including USC's staff personnel, could not remember the last time the Trojans were held to such a puny rushing output. "Every time you looked up you saw him (MarshalJ) on you," said Sean Salisbury, the Trojans' sophomore quarterback, who passed for 222 yards with much of that coming in the late going as USC frantically tried to play catch up. . "We knew coming into the game that he was a potential AU-American. I'm a little sore right now and I know an awful lot of It has to do with No. 88 (Marshall)." Jackson's diving grab came with 4:52 left in t he second period. Peace lobbed the ball over the head of cornerback Darrel Hopper and Jackson came down just inside the left boundary of the end zone before he slid out of bou nds. The touchdown spoiled a goal-line stand by Souther n Cal after Florida failed on three previous cracks following a first down at the 2. The Gators th en stunned the Trojans with a 97-yard strike in six plays after David Pryor's 49-yard punt was downed at the Florida 3. The drive included a 48-yard gain on a look-In pMIJ from Pl'uce w Dwayne Dixon. Pf'R«.:e, who <.'Omplcwd hi• laat eight paSSf'S In thl' Clrst ha1' and wu ll-of-14 lor l42yardsln the first two periods, al80 hit Tyrone Young for 14 yards and flipped a 7-yarder to Jones, who made a one-handed catch at the USC 22. Peace then gave the bnll to Jonefl on a draw play. EDISON. • • From Page 81 Andy S i n c l air , Shaun Takkinen . Hernandez, Matt Hombs (his fourth interception of the year on the> final play), Jeff Hipp, Robert Jean, J ohann (of co urse), Leonard S i mpson (sldellned in the fourth quarter). John Thomas, and the rest earned and preserved the victory. * Edl1on 10, El Dorado 7 kora bJ OIUlrl•,. Et Dorado EdllOff 0 0 0 7-1 0 10 0 0-10 Edtson-Grah•m 31 FG Edison-Steiniger 3 run (Gran•m klCll) El Dor-S R•y 4 run (Peters klCkl Attandence-5,000 (esllmlledl Oame Stall•lk:• El Dor Edlaoft First downs 8 9 Ru1h1111-yards 27 ·J12 34-34 Passing yards 1"55 7 4 Passes 7-19-1 7-14-1 Punta 4-37 2-40 Fumbln-IOSI 3-1 2· I Penaltles-yerda 13~ 1 12-107 lndlvldu1.I Ruehlng Et Dor-S. eey. 18-34, C R1y, 3·4. Rotuna, 2 · 1, Roslpajla. 3-lor-mlnus 15. L•wson, 1-lor-minua 12 • Edlson-Stelnlgar, 10·30: Grtlhtht. 15-32; Gibbs, 4-8. Bandurek. 2-1. Nowotny, t-lor-mtnus I, Jones l 0 lor-m1nu1 2, bad canter snap, mlnu1 34 lndlvlduel Ppelng El Dor-Rosipa1I•. 7-19•1, 55. Edlson-G1bb1, 7-14·1. 74 Individual fleceM ng El Dor-S. Ray, 2·4. Pe111f'S, 1-9. C Aay. 1-3: Jones, 1-8, Arambula. 1-5; Rotuna, 1·~8. Edlaon-Wuhtngton, 2-28. Vo1end1hl. 2·22. Jones. 1-5. Steiniger 1·6, Griffiths. 1·13 .. .. 1 H·I Orang• OoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12, 1982 Rain aren·'t alon with their troubles • Costa Mesa -has golf logjam 0' h ea, Gr er, form r runner -up, in contt~ntion 8)' HOWARD L. HANDY Yama Yam kt or C..ardt•na, playtns In the final ~ !Fh:::J1":'1~'!":rtm aH tht· I.op oC th Clcld at the aroup of ttw day, hit hill~ 1hot on the 18th hol , a MlLWAUKl!:l<: (AP) Thl• Hu 0111 u n d th t• G r" t" n Bay P1H•kcr11 , two of lht· National 1', o o l b u I I L t• a g u e ' Iii I e a t1 l pred1clllble leunlS this year, meet here• today in an opc-ner that could tt·ll much about lhesr fUtUrl'S. The Packers began training camp with their highest level of optimism in Bart Starr's eight seasons as conch. ll was based largely on their 6-2 finish for an 8-8 season in 1981. B\.at after a 2 -2 preseason record, it 1s clear that the Packers have failed to solve two major On TV today channel 2 at 10 a.m. holdover _problems a leaky offensive Dne and an Inability to get the ball to superstar receiver John Jefferson. Nine sacks by the New York Je ts in a 28-3 season-ending d e feat last year exposed the Packers' offensive line problems. They tried to correct them during the offseason by making Iowa guard Ron Hallstrom their No. 1 draft choice, signing highly regarded tackle Larry Pfohl from the Canadian League and trading for tackle Angelo Fields from Houston. · But with the season opener at hand, Hallstrom is nowhere near ready to start, while Pfohl and F~lds are on the injured reserve hst. The Packers have just three Kickers • await fate PONTIAC. Mich. (AP) -Detroit Lions punter Tom Skladany and place ki c ker Eddie Murray both will have to wait until Monday for the final word on their suspen sion from the National Football League team . Skladany and Murray, who walked out of training camp this week over a contract dispute, met with Lions coach Monte Clark for 20 minutes Friday at the Pontiac S1lverdome. Before the meeting, Clark said Skladany and Murray were "to inform me th ey were reporting." "We're s u s p e nded uniil 5 o'clock Monday," Skladany told a reporter after the meeting. "We have another meeting then. and we'll talk to you alter that. ''It'll all be resolved (by Monday)," Murray added. The two kickers failed to report Wednesday on the advice of their attorney, H owa rd Slusher. The two are in the optiOJ'\ year of their contracts. Slusher, a California attorney, has accused the Lions of stonewalling in n egotiations with his clients before bargaining was forced to halt July 15, the expiration of the basic agreement between team owners and the NFL Players Association. Clark said he will decide Monday whether to activate Skladany and Murray. issue another suspension or put them on the reserve list. Estancia gets second place Estancia High School opened the 1982 volleyball season by finishing second in the EJ Camino Invitational women's tournament Saturday at El Camino College. There were 25 teams involved in the tournament with the Eagles losing to Dana Hills in the finals, 15-9. K elly H organ and Amy Hathcock played well at strong hitter with Shannon Rieden gaining all•toumament honors at middle blocker. Jane Ferda, Jane Tomei, Gina Garrett and Kathy Hall all played well at setter j on the back row. n t h e sem ifinals, tancla defeated Fajm\aln Valley, 1&-6. uvnllubll· o l kn1ivl• t1ll'kh•e Karl Sw nkl•, Grl'ai Kot•h ond Tim Stokt'i( Swankt• miSS(oJ lhl• lu~t 1 :l goml'li ol lost seu11on with 11 knN• Injury nnd hus been botho rl"d by stretdlf'd knl'l' ligaments during th<' C'Xhlbltlon season, but ls expt.l(•tcd to Rtart against the Rams. Jefferson complained about the Packers' offensive sd1eme last week after he finished the p r es e a so n w i t h o n I y~ I x receptions in four games. tarr admitted that was u wast of Jefferson's talents, and prom sed that the situation wouJd change during the regular season. J eHerson said the Pack ers have to fo rge t about th e preseason, which they concluded with defeats of 24-3 to the Los Angeles Raiders and 41-27 to the New England Patriots. "Some players don't put as much into the preseason. and I admjttedly am one of those," he said. "But now is the time to pull all the stop.s. We are comparable talent-wise with the Rams and 1 think we Clln beat them." The Rams defeated Green Bay 51-21 in 1980 and 35-23 last year. However, the Rams slipped to 6 -10 last season, their worst record since 1965, and failed to make the playoffs. The Rams are a team in transition, but still have some impressive weapons in quarterback Bert Jones, acquired Crom Baltimore last spring, and Wende)] Tyler, who rushed for 1.074 yards last season. Alle n-led Raiders t est 49er s tod~y SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Marcus Allen, latest winner of the Helsman Trophy, heads into his first National Football League game as a key man on the league's most controversial team, the Los Angeles Raiders. "I feel comfortable with all these big guys around me," said Allen during the exhibition season leading up to today's regular season opener againtst the Super Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers at sold-out Candlestick Park. (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) H~also feels comfortable being on a Los Angeles team, after breaking dozens of college football rushing records for the Southern California Trojans. The Raiders, an Oakland team for 22 years, will be playing home games in Los Angeles this season, allhough their current practice site ls the old one in Oakland. Coach Bill Walsh's 49ers were virtually injury free last season as they recorded 19 victories. • 131 -yord, pu-J layout, o holt Inch pqt th«-cup. h lfway point o ttw City or Coftw M Will Jordan Fre<.lt-rlck pu\ hls <.'hip hot an tht> hole on the Clualc golf tournam nt th1u lncludc.'I rive players, 230 yard par-4 thlrd hole for on eagle two two oC them fomwr runncra·up. Jirn Gl'Orge, tht' only fornwr winner In the put Th~ quintet of golfoni coch tired fl 6-undcr-par U4 nine yea~ of thl• tournomt•tH, wrut weU back In th over the 6,006-yard Mcso Linda <.'OUl'flC Saturday. pack with 11 75 for the first round. They wlll be umong the top 16 players to go ott the Grt•t•r Jost to Mark O'Meora. former U.S. tee around noon toduy on the longt>r (6,427-yard) Amateur wlnnt'I' and now 11 louring pro. In a Los LaJtos COUO\C w dewrmlnc a chamolon. I ff 1 •1110 th ti t t • I Paul O'Shea remembers lust yeur'S runnerup P ayo m 110 on t• Ni t>x '" •lO e. position wcU. A resident of Newport Beach and member of Irvine Coast Country Club, O'Shea drilled a tee shot and misjudged the distance on his second. He drove one over the' green and onto the pavement in the parking l9t for an out-of-bounds and a two.-strokc penalty. When he left the 18th tee, he was a shot in front but lost b~ one with the penalty. "I definitely want to play the 18th hole diHerently this year," O'Shea said in the locker room after his openinf round. "1 grew up on ~e Los Lagos course but gave the tournament away last year with a double bogey on that last hole. "I've played the hole many times since last year but I don't think about that shot. Oh, if I'm leading again tomorrow (today) (.'()ming to that hole, it will probably enter my mJnd." O'Shea has been on his g~me this year, winning both the Santa Ana and }iuntington Beach City titles so far. "I want to win this one and the Newport Beach City champT<ffiship to win the Orange County Grand Slam," O'Shea says. The Newport Beach tourney is a one-day affair at Irvine Coast CC on Oct. 8. Also tied for the lead at 64 are Greg Frederick of Huntington Beach who plays out of Huntington Seacliff CC; Brad Greer of Huntingto;1 Beach who plays out o! Mission Viejo CC; Chris Keyte of Garden Grove who ls a member at Costa Mesa.CC; and Kevin Slater of San Diego. There are five other players tied at 65 with a total of 32 in the scratch championship flight !iring below-par rounds. There are 11 others at even par 70 on the Mesa Linda course. 4.96 Sports on TV TELEVISION 9:30 a.m . (2) NFL TODAY -Brent Musburger, Irv Cross and PhyUtS George provide reports and features on the day's games. Also; Analysis by Jimmy "the Greek." (4) -NFL '8! - Len Berman and Mike Adamle provide features and updates on the day's games with a commentary by Pete Axthelm. 10 a.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Rams at Green Bay. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Houston at Cincinnati. l p.m. (2) U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Coverage includes the m en 's s10gles final. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL ~ Raiders at San Francisa>. 3 p.11). ( 11) BASEBALL -Dodger!i. at Houston. 4 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -USC at Florida, taped S4turday. 5 p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A tribute to John Wooden, the "Wizard of Westwood," who guided the UCLA Bruins to 10 national championsh ips in his 26-year tenure as head basketball coach. RADIO Base ball -Angels at Chicago, 5:30 p.m., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). Football -Pittsburgh at Dallas, 6 p.m., KNX (1070). 26.88 20-Pourtd" Sulphate Ammonia Fast acting nitrogen lor lawns, gar· dens. shrubs and trees. ·Net weight Fast Drying Spray Enamel Paint Ideal for intenor and extenor paint. 1ng 1obs. Sprays on easy and dries fast. White and colors. Men'• Long Sleeve Drees Shirts Polyester I cotton s hirts 1n basic white and pastels. Men'a 4-ln-hand Poly .. ter Tlea,_ ....... 2.96 Men's Casio 12-melody Alarm Watch Chronograph alarm watch/ stop· watch and chime. Lap time/reset function Save now ""~O"l't' .. .Yf"~··bt.llO IQ~'"'•W'7 s74 . 12" ~1tlk B/W AC/DC Portabl~ TV 100' solid stale circuit· ry Rapod·on ptCIUfe and sound Low powllf COl'I· sumphon l1"1Clude1 DC adaplor cord Model KMB 12300 5,, DIAO, B&W MEAS. Portable TV with AM/FM Radio Weighs only 6 _pounds NflY( 4·way AC/DC/ballery operauon Olgilal with 3· way alarm. lncllldet DC power COid Satterlee op· llonal , ••Ira Model N052S. ....,..,..,..~""""*'· .._ ... v ...... ~• ,,..,.,..,. •• w...-~ .,.. ....... ~ ... ..,,. Low voltage. Easy installa· hon. A complete hght sys· tem. Uses less energy than 2·60 watt bulbs Includes automatic timer. 6·pr. Pack Of Men'• Tube Socka Cotton/nylon for comfort and stretch. Super value. Flt sizes 1 O· 13. Save now! SllU H G. 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Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12. 1982 83 El way's passing (4 TDs) le~ds Stanford, 35-14 Oklahoma up e t by West Virginia, 41-27; Georgia edg BYV with 1:11 to go From AP dl1patcbea WE.ST LAFA YE'M'F. ~nlor quarterback John Elway threw lour touchdown pullllc.>• and picked apart a young Purdue 11rt'Ondnry for 333 yards u Stanford 11(.'0rt..-d a 35-14 victory Saturday, apolll n g Leon Burtnell 'a o debut as the Bollermakera' football coach. Elway, who ~mpleted 29 of 37 passes, hud o 30-yard scorlns throw to flanker Mike Tolliver and a 5-yarder to Chrls Dressel In the first half. He then connected with tailback Vincent White on a 25-yard play to give Stanford a 21-7 lead with 4:04 in the third period. White, a 5-8, 190-pound senior, was Elway's favorite oftensive weapon. He caught 11 passes for 134 yards and accumulated 97 more on 14 carries. Fonner F.dlssm High star Make Dotterer capped a 97-yard Stanford drive by scoring from the 1 and Elway later gave the Cardinals a 35-7 advantage with a 21 -yard scoring l06S to Eric Mullins. ft' est l'lrglnla 4 I, Oklahoma 27 NORMAN, Okla -Jeff Hostetler picked apart Oklahoma's defense with a brilliant aerial display, fir~ four touchdown passes, leading unranked West Virginia to a stunning 41-27 victory over the No. 9 Sooners. · Hostetler, a junior Crom Hollopple, Pa., lhrew ,for 321 yards, with his final touchdown pass being a game-winner to Wayne Brown midway.in the final period. The final points came on a 43-yard touchdown run on a draw play by Curlin Beck with 2:14 remaining. ft'a~hlngton 55. IJTEP 0 SEATTLE -Quarterback Steve Pelluer passed for 256 yards and two touchdowns and Chuck Nelson booted four field goals as No. 2-ranked Washington opened its season by thrashing Texas-El Paso. 55-0. Led by the sharp-throwing Pelluer, a junior, the Huskies registered more than 500 yards in total COLLEGE ROUNDUP off~nse on a drizzly, ov"'rcruit day. Polluer, who W0.'1 taken out of the game late in the third quarter, rompleted 17 of 29 passes. Pelluer had a 13-yard st'Ormg pass to Anthony Allen In the first quarter and o 26·yurd touchdown throw to Paul Skansi In the 1WCOnd period ua the Huakles led 27-0 ut halftlml' before a crowd of 4!S, 839 In Husky Stadium. Arizona St.. 23, lftalt 10 TEMPE. Arl:t. (AP) -Fullback Dwalnt> "Tex" Wright and quarterback Todd Hons each SC.'Ored on one-yard runs an the sec.'Ond half as 15th-ranked Arizona State came from behind to beat Utah 23-10 in a non-conference college football game Saturday night. Arizona State, now 2-0. trailed its former Western Athletic Conferen~ rival 10-6 at halftime before rebounding to hand the Utes their first loss in two games. Wright's touchdown run 2:27 into the third quarter was set up by Sun Devil safety Paul Moyer's interception and 36-yard return to the Utah 12. Hons added his om~·yard scoring run with 5:32 left in t he fourth quarter for a 20-10 lead. Calllornla 3 I , Colorado I 7 BOULDER. Colo. -Fullback John Tuggle ran for two short-yardage touchdownll as California capitalized on Colorado turnovers to take an early 21-0 lead. then hung on for a 31-17 win. The game pitted Cal Coach Joe Kapp and Colorado's Bill Mc.oCartney m their debuts as head coaches. Colorado committed five turnovers in the first half, and Cal converted three of them into touchdowns. Tuggle scored on a pair of 1-yard runs, ond haltbu~·k Mark I<'undcrburk uliu1 11t:ort-d on a 1-yurtl run utter f!t•Uanai up hla 'fD with a 35 ynrd Pllflll rt..'(.'t.•ptlon (1 om <.fUtart(•rbu(:k Galt• Glllx>rt. ArkantiiaN 3B, 'l'ulN• o FA YETTBVlLLE, Ark. Dlmlnuuv(' Dcrc•k Holloway caught a 67-yurd touchdown paAA and made big plays to set up two other scores us 13th-runkt'Cl ArkaMWI trount'ed Tulsu, 3ij-Q, Hollowuy's TD {'Uk'h cam<' on a long pass from Brad Taylor and mode ttw scor(! 14-0 midway in the se<.'Ond quurtcr. Minutes latc•r, the 5-8, Hi9-pound senior returnt>d a punt 29 yards to midfield and Arkansas made It 21 -0 11lx plays later. Then. late In the third quarter, Holloway made a spectacular falling catch at th<' 6-yard hne to set up a 23-yard C1eld goal by Ernw Villarreal -hi~ third of the game. Penn State 39, Mary land 31 STATE COLLEGE, Pa. -Quarterback Todd Blackledge threw four touchdown passes for the second straight week as he rallied seventh-ranked Penn State to a 39-31 win over Maryland,. After Penn State fell behind 24-23 late in the third quarter, Blackledge led a drtve of 78 yards that was capped with a 23-yard touchdown pass to Greg Garrity. Blackledge then directed the Nittany Lions 60 yards in five plays. throwing 10 yards to Kenny Jackson in the end zone for a 36-24 lead in the final period. 6eor1Jla I 7. Bl'lf 14 ATHENS, Ga. -Sophomore Kevin Butler bootM a 44-yard field goal with 1:11 remaining to cap a fourth quarter rally and lift the sixth-ranked Georgia Bulldogs to a 17-14 victory over Brigham Young. The winning kick was set up when the Bulldogs, 2-0. marched 40 yards in the last three minutes, keyed by a 23-yard burst by Herschel Walker to the Cougars' 33-yard line. Walker. who rut hc•d fur 1i4 yards on 31 carries, had gotLC'n Georgia c•v<'n tit 14 -14 with only 5:36 left wht..•n ht> dove OV(•I' for ti l yurd · touchdown. Mleltl1tan ZO, Wl1i1eon~ln 9 ANN ARBOR, Mich. -Michigan tailback Lawre~'? Ricks galmod 153 yards on i4 carri~. includiyg a 4-yard touchdown run, and led the error-prone, 12th-ranked Wolverines to a 20-9 Blg Ten win over Wi8'.'0nsln in the season opener for both teams. With Ricks, a· 5-10, 19~-pound senior from Barberton, Ohio, carrrin& thC' ball on six of the 10 plays in the drive. MachYgan marched 60 yards the first time it had the ball and scored on Ricks' spinning run over right tackle to take a 7-0 lead. N ebraska 42, Iowa 7 LINCOLN, Neb. Turner Gill threw two touchdown passes and directed two other sconns, marches, sparking No. 3 Nebraska to a 42-7 victory over Iowa. The crowd of 76,013, Nebraska's U 9th straight sellout, saw the Comhuskers score on three of their first four possessions and bolt to a 28-0 halftime lead in avenging a 10-7 loss to Iowa i~ last year's opener. . Gill. coming off a leg injury that sid.lined him in the Orange Bowl, fired a 41 -yard touch'down ~ to Irving Fryar in the first quarter and hit Tod~ Brown on a 7-yard scoring pass in the fourth period. Alabama 45, 6eor1tla Tech 7 ATLANTA -Jesse Bendross dashed 58 yards · on an end around and Walter Lewis rac.'ed 41 yards for second-quarter touchdowns as fourth-ranked Alabama crushed Georgia Tech, 45-7. Alabama scored on its first five possessions as the Crimson Tide launched the season in impressive fashion in a light drizzle, avenging a 24-21 upset loss to Tech a year ago. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....... Enjoy A Bountiful Harvest Of Ne"" Business Miami =· riddles Houston MIAMI (AP) ·1Jruinr ilirrnr tlissinn Jitjo Sirror llllJPlll We are delighted to offer you this opportunity to participate in the official program of the 1 982 Irvine Harvest Festival. The progra~ will contain news and photos about the festival and its participants, activities, games, exhibitions and a complete up-to-date layout of the festival grounds. It will be the definitive reference and souvenir of this year's festival. Join the excitement by advertising in one of the year· s most anxiously awaited publications. Publishes: Wednesday, September 29 in the IRVINE MIRROR, Irvine Zone DAILY PILOT, and MISSION VIEJO MIRROR Plus 10,000 copies will be distributed at the gate during the festival. Total published -68,000. Deadline -Friday. September 17 To reserve sp•ce or receive more lnform•tlon C•ll Kevin Koster •t 642-7667 ext. 260 ~terback Jim Kelly 1ddled the Houston ndary for 208 yards passing and tailback Mark Rush scored three touchdowns Saturday as 19th ranked Miami. Fla .. blew past the Cougars, 31 -12, in a regionally televised college football game. Kelly, a senior from East Brady, Pa. who is being touted as a Helsman Trophy candidate, hit 16 of 27 passes to run his career yardage total to 5,021 as the Hurricanes, 17-14 losers to 11th ranked Florida a week ago, evened their record at 1-1. It was the season opener for Bill Yeoman's Houston team, which has now dropped five of the last six games in this series which stands at 7-7. Rush caught a 16-yard touchdown pass from Kelly early in the first quarter and scored twice on 2-yard runs on which he dived over the Houston defensive front. Kelly hit three of four passes as the Hurricanes drove 70 yards in si~ plays after the opening kickoff to take a 7-0 lead on the 16-yard scoring pass to Rush. Arizona on top TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -Sophomore tailback Vance Johnson ran for three touc hdowns, inc ludi ng a 93-yard opening kickoff return, as Arizona out-gunned O r egon State 38-12 Saturday night in rainy weather and despite numerous penalties. Johnson rushed for 119 yards on 24 carries and caught 4 passes for 39 mor e yar ds from junior quarterback Tom 'runnicllffe, who led the Wildcats to 499 total yards ln the season - and PacWc 10 opener for both teams. Arizona held Oregon S t ate t o 177 yards offensively. Tunnkliffe t h re w for o n e touchdowii In completing 14 of 21 puses for 175 yar d s. H e was intercepted twice. THI IA•L•s ............ All CIONlllllCJ ... tOIMWA'fMINM ... IA1'W• DI• .. .. '" ,.,0, j ..... n-....,. .. ·-Doot cc.it ........... v-""-1 COllA.-a 641-12" f .................. J --..495-0401 lltll OllMle Cot T •• ........ hoy.."-'....,.. - •• Orang• Oo11t OAIL.Y PIL.OT/9unday, September 12, 1982 Big-10 ref di Fa ll boa tin cla College, prep football scores t art Balboa Powt•r Sc.1uud11111'11 l1dl boating rour»e..• ait•\H u111h•r way Monday ut U·30 pm ut th" Newport llurbor VudH <.:lub, 720 E. Bay Ave Balboa. COLLEGE We.I UCLA 41 , Lont Se.ch St 10 Mini\ Mofrlt J, Wll "'" ~Ill• a Momtngtlde 14, Welhbum 3 NW IOWI 42, c.n1 l()'<lra 21 • OallOt• St 20. 9 OekOll 1 Auburn 28, W11kC11 Futt•t IO l..oulalana Ttth 28, W Tt-xu !:it 7 SE l.oulllana 17, McNl't.'114' St 7 Navy 21), Vlr&lnla lU CAlllC•l.c a I. Conntoelk•u I 17 l.A!l•w•ro 3 1. W Kf'nlUt:ky O Hhodt• llllund 20, 1-..afllyl•llt• 10 Malnu 14, Lt-hijlh 6 at game C lfAMPAION, lll. (AP) - Refer • Richard McVay died of 1.1n opparent maalve heart atl.aek Su tu1doy oftc:>r collapilna durlng thl· Michigan Suite-Ullnola Big Tl'n football contest, ho•p lta1 omc1ola aald. Following rcgl11trallon the re will be a sUdc ahow prl•v1ewing the 13-week coun>c, followt..>d by a lectur e on handling unt.lt•r normal condi tion s by P as t Commander Charles Pht'lnn. The Balboa Power Squadron Is a unit of the far-flung United States power squadrons which has been engaged in safe boating education for more than half a century. All classes In the course will be taught b y veteran boating persons who are members o f BPS. S.n JOIN' St. UI, Ort·1on IS Wdhlngwn ~~. Tou El Puo 0 Wuhlngton St. 34, Idaho 14 Sucramento St 39, Sonoma St 17 St. Mary'a 28, Chlc.-u St. 21 Fri.'lillo St. 26, Cal Poly-SLO 6 Puget t;ound 31, Cel Poly (Pomone) 10 UC Oevll 23. Univ. ol Pectllo 22 Oregon Tech 35, Si n Frencttco O Rockies California 31 , Colorado 17 Air Force 44, San Dit>go St. 32 Boise' St. 20, Cal St. Fullerton 9 Colorado St. II, Wyoming J New Mexico 14, Texas Tech 0 Arizona St. 23, Utah 10 Arizona 38, Oregon St. 12 Mesa. Coto. 26. Monl1n1 Tech 3 N DlkOtl 29. Montaoa St. 27 Rocky Mounteln 20. S. 0111011 Tech 7 W Mont1n1 36, Rick 22 Webor St 27, E. Wealllngton 24 Soatltweat Arkansas 38, Tulsa 0 SMU 51. Tulane 7 TCU 24, Utah St. 9 SW Louisiana 21. Rice 14 Texas-Arlington 63, Sam Houston W11tbufg 48, Com .. I, Iowa 34 Wllhlngton, Mo 20, Cutv., Stoc:llton 3 Wit Superior 24, Oemldll 81 7 SIOU• Fell• 20, C~dll, 81 P 7 Dull., 20, W1yr11, ~b 7 MOO<held St 30, Conc0tdia. Ill II Mount 8*nerl0 8. Lakeland 7 Mulklngurn 24. John CarrOll 8 NOl'lhwil., Mklh 70, Oeoroetown, Ky 13 Obellln 17, CeH WHtern II RoM-Hvlm1n 28. lllln011 Col o SJ Joeaph, Ind 25, Sagln1w 1111 St 0 SI, Ot1I II, C1rl1ton 0 Wl1 ·Oltlko•h 35, Lawrence 27 Wll.·Pllllavilll 21, Ripon 20 lndl1n1, P• 20, Waynaburg 7 Hllltdale 24, Indian• C1n1ra1 7 Mount Union 20, Alma 7 N Mk;hlgen 49, Mlnn.-Duluth 2 t OhlO NOl'lhem 29, Blulllon O Ohio Weatyn 20, Kenyon 7 Wlttent>et11 27, C1pl111 18 Cellfornla, Pa. lfi, Shepherd j4 Augu111n1. SD 27, NW MIMOUrl SI 3 Bekllf 211, KllllU WMlyn 0 81ldwln•WllllCI Ill, Alhlllld 7 811hop 20. NebrUkl Wealyn 0 Buena llllla 211, Weatm1r I I Butler 20. Wayne. Mich 1 Carroll, Monl 41, Minot St 18 Cent. Ark111111 14, SW Ml11ourl 14 Cent Mluourl 20, Mo Southern 17 Concordl1, Neb 34, T1rtdo o D1n1 10, 01lcot1 Wflllyn O 1't•nnt • 23, lowo S t 21 V1mdNbllt 2.4 M mphla 81 14 ClltOf\ '*"'men 31, Llbetly Uep1111 10 CllhOllo U 2 I, lmory I Henry 14 Oenlton o, H1mP<1en·Sydney O '•vettevllll St 34, St P.vl'I 1 Olu1boro 81 17, hll1bury St 1 MO<lh..0 81 24, Fr111klln 17 Morgao 81 13. \/lrg1nla 81 O NC Cenllal 27, \lirplnle Union 211 A1ndofph·Mecon 2 1, Oullt0<d o Wolford &4, Oavld1on O Alblon 29, WOOttllf 15 Bucknell 111, D1y1on 17 Hempton fn11 31, Bowle St II Newberry 22. Cllewb1 t4 Canl1lu• 31, ROChHter 211 Sawenee 14, Fl1k 10 Tenne11M Tech 17, W. Carolln• 10 Tn.-Ch11t1noooa 24, Troy St 10 Upper IOWI 23. SI. AmbrOM 7 Llvlngatone 24, Kno•vllle 13 MlllHPI 8, Southwe1tarn Tenn 0 Tu1kegee t3, S1v1nnah St 8 McMurry 17, Lubbock Chrl1tlan 7 I East Penn S t. 39, Maryland 31 Teruple 23, Syracwie 18 Huly Crtlelll 211, N1•w llttmJ)Jlhln• O Aemepo 35, U11lnu• O Albany, N Y 30. flhec. 1 Cl11!0fl St 24. Flllrmonl SI 12 Dellwlll SI 17. 8 Carolln1 81 1 Frotlburg 61 21, WHI Lll>e<ty 21 M1n1tl .. d 81 3 t, BrockPoll St 0 Plymouth 81 53, Norwich 14 8hlppen11>urg SI 3~. Bloomsburg St 10 8 Connect1cu1 43, New H«ven 1 Tren1on SI 20. Uptal1 o Widener 10. Delaware Val 7 Cernegle-Meflon 111. Dugue1111e O Cort1111d St. 31, Buttalo 28 E. Stroudtburg 41, C W Poll 3 Grove City 35, Thlal 7 King• Point 14, Coast Guerd 7 Lock Haven 81 14. Lycoming 7 Milne Maritime 28. Lowell 14 Mercyhurtl 21. Gettyeburg 20 Mol'!ICl1lr SI 40, Wagner 40 HIGH SCHOOL (non-league) Edison 10, El Dorado 7 Garden Grove '1.7, Dana Hills ti Mc:Vay, 55, of Wt"at erville, Ohio, Cell auddenly to the turf at the MSU 48-yard-line, just !jl'l.'Onds after a play with about IO minut.cs remaining In the fint holf. Several doctors and trainers Crom both squads worked on McVay for about 10 minutes bl'f o r c h e was rushed to Burnham Cl ty Hospital In Champaign at 4:12 p.m. CUI'. Des pite e fforts at cardlo- pulma.nary resuacitaUon, he -was pronounced dead at 4:35 p.m ., said Charlotte Golden, Burnham nursing s upervisor. The course covers s u c h s ubjects as seamanship and common emergencies, Rules of the Nautical Road, manners and customs, handling under adverse conditions, compass and charts, aids to navigation, lights and equipment, inland boating and t~ailering and winds up with piloting and charting sessions, St. 10 Ark -Monlleello 20, Ark.-Plne BluH 15 Colorldo Col. 24, Trlnltv, TH 21 E Teitas St 35, Cameron 2 1 Midwest Dlclclnton SI 42, Bleck Hiiia St Ill Ev1111vllte 39, W1t.-E1u-Clllre 17 Ft Heye SI 411, St Mary's, K1n 0 ~eating• 35. P11<u St Ill Htidelberg 111. Merlette 7 * GRAND OPENING * Class chairman is Louis R. Cook and the class secretary Is v Eleano r H ogan . Furthe r information may be obtained by calling 543-7347. Macres win title FLUSHING MEADOWS, N. Y. -The father-son team of Tim Macres and Tim Jr. won the doubles title at the Family Challenge tennis tournament here at the National Tennis Center, d efeating the team· of J ohn and Brian Miller, 6-f. 6-3. Illinois 23, Michigan St. 16 Michigan 20, Wi9COnsln 9 Wichita St. 13, Kansas 10· Ohio St. 21, Baylor 14 Minnesota 57, Ohio U. 3 Indiana 30, Northwest.em 0 Kansas St. 23, Kentucky 9 Stanford 35, Purdue 14 Akron 14, E. Michigan 7 Cincinnati 38, Louisville 16 Indiana St. 14, New Mexico St. 10 Miami, Ohio 35, William & Mary 17 N. Iowa '10, SW Missouri 0 Nebraska 42, Iowa 7 S . Dllnois 16, Illinois St. 0 Oklahoma St. 27, N. Texas St. 6 Missouri 23, Army 10 Toledo 31 , Ball St. 14 W. Virginia 41, Oklahoma 27 Idaho St. 41, Drake 21 M1r1nth1 Beplllt 20. Piiisbury 14 Md.-Am NU•r-30. Tabor 7 MINOUri·Rolla 10, ..,illourt Val. 6 Nebrukl·Omah• ;l5. Keerney St. 3 North Centrer 25. &.1011 14 N. Dlllota St. 45, Mankato St 17 Ottawa, Kan. 17. Bethany, Kan. 16 Pltt1burg St. 43, Llncoln 0 St. Thomu 21, Wl1.-L1Crosse 1 Simpton 16, Coe 8 Wllll1m Jewell Ill, Doane 7 Wllll1m Penn 30, Iowa Weslyn 3 Winona St. 28, Hemline 24 Yankton 31, Midland 2 17 South Florida 17, USC 9 Alabama 45, Georgia Tech 7 Georgia 17, Brigham Young 14 So. Mississippi 28, Mississippi 22 Citadel 21, Presbyterian 16 Mississippi St. 31, Arkansas St. <'tQ N. CaroUna St. 33, E. Carolina 26 S. Carolina 30, Richmond 10 Austin Peay 31, Kentucky St. 24 E. Kentucky 31, Younptown St. 62nd Street le., c ·ream Parlor This Weekend September 1 1 & 1 2 1oc CONE DAYS Featuring Dreyers Ice Cream at 62nd Street and Coast Highway 646-4289 Behind Spaghetti Bender Restaurant The Macres reside in Newport Beach where Tim Jr. is a gradua te of Ne wport Harbor High. He will attend Cal State Fullerton in the Call. E. Illinois 18, NE Missouri l 7 Cent MethOdltl 6, Principia o Chldron St. 14, Wayne, ~b. 0 DeP1uw 41, OllYet 0 Grinnell 27, Chlc8go IS Kalemazoo 35, M~t• W. Michigan 34, Marshall 0 James Madison 39, Appalachian St. 35 ~~ FllEE HOT 1011 I 11111 I' OEIJllES 11•111An llEll LrrlE SIZE 111111 Wide Screen TV ,_,,,,,, .. ,,, .. ,,.,, , ... ,,,.,,. 7$9-18$4 3901 W. Coast Hwy. Corona dtl Mar GIANT SCREEN TV 40° HOT DOGS '1.00 BEER Happy Hour 12 to 5 11183 •ala It. 142-Slll laatla1 ... leac• 141-1312 • PREDICT THE SCORE AND WIN A FREE ROOM FOR 2 FRI. a SAT. NIGHT Giant Screen T.V. • Free Popcorn & Peanuts Free Chips & Salsa • 5oe Hot Dogs On Homemade Buns • Beer: Dollar-a -Glass, $4 a Pitcher • Score Contest Each Night 3131 I. lrlattl " Located Al The COITA JlllA ~,,.,, ~ 112-3MO - QO WHERE TllE ACTIOI Ill GlllT SCREEI TY & Extra TV's lor Gr eat Viewing Fttt Lt11 let 1111 I hlll h11 Sta4l1• '"" ••• Pre-Game Warm Up Happy Hour From 4 P.M.Joln Us Thursday the 16th Alsol Me-0201 2907 W. CoHt Hwy. 10 FOOT SCREEN TV All Beer During Game $1 .00 Hot Dogs, Chili & Chips , ....... ''"' , .... ,,., 111 WI lra111 Ot11fJ's hHut 1• •lttt lrt•• l Mlt So. of 405 fwy. CoH F« WeHtW1tlon1 963-2366 i JUCl(BBA~'S &r... • • MITIUISN Wl>E SCREEN TV • DtBO GALLEY DECK COCKTAILS • JlM10 Ctlll Ctl:ESE DOGS • HAPPY HOtM TtltOUGHOUT Ttl: GM .... 111rt11111t • ., . .,.,. ..... ' 10 FT. WIDE SCREEN TV FOOTBALL SIZE HOT DOGS 18 oz. MUGS OF BEER Happy Hour Hors d' Ouevres 4:30 to 6:30 Mon.-Fri. 14982 Redhill At Edinger Tustin 730-0115 BAR-B-IJUED RIBS '1.00 •ARIARITAS FOUR TV11 M~GOl{M1cl\S L'l\NDING .. ,, m.u•. 1·•~11·u· 1, 1111: ""'''"·"·· llG SCREEN TV 25• HOT DOGS $1.00 IEER ~ 4 L.A. RAMS CHEERLEADERS 3 GIANT ICRllN TV't -RAFFLE PRIZES Happy Hour Prizes & FrH Tacos ·····••t·~············ : Folowed 111 liret Topper Show ~. •••••••••••••••••••••• hery Monday Nltht 6 p.m. to 1:30 a .m. _,,,._\ ~ ~ ~4ilS.fJO ~~,)l· ~~~ ' t:i~~amist~ ,, .. KHOUll I IAlOOll o,., ltd •• , NtlrtpOtf hty • 141-1112 . . ~ . . ., " MAJOR LEAGUE 8T ANOINOI American L•aou• WllTl!llN DIYllfON l<en1u City ......... ChlC:ego s .. 111e o ... rand T, ... Minneso11 W L l'ill. Cl!' llO 61 SG7 79 8:> 5eo t 78 84 543 3'• 66 74 47t t3'• 69 93 4t5 21 '• 51 84 404 23 50 91 357 30 IAITIEllN Ol\llllON Mllw•.ukee 84 53 592 8al1lm0te 80 80 57 t 3 8oa1on 78 82 557 5 New YOfk 72 &a 514 11 0.lrOit 7 t et 611 "°" ci....iano 61 72 482 15•\ Toronto e5 11 458 t9 .... .,d•J'• ·~" ...... 4. T0<on10 I 8el11rnor1 8. Clevele/IO I lloalon 13. 0t11o11 3 ClllC4IGO 2. Oe~lend 0 New 'fOtk 14. Mllwa11k .. 2 Tbu 6, SNUle 2 KMllU Clly 9 Minnesota 3 Ttclaf• Oam.. T0<on10 (Ci.ncy 12. 13) •1 Afttl•I• tJonn • 1·11) MllweukH (Sutton l·I) •• New York (Alu.enOtf 0·81 BelUmore (Palmer 13 41 •• Cl•v•t•nd (SutcllfM 11-8) Otlroll (Petry 14·8) 11 Botlon (Denman 2·11 Mlnneeo1a (Havena 8-121 al Kanaas City (Spllnorll 9-9) 0111caoo (Hoyt 15· t31 ot 0011nd (lAngfOt<I 10· t5) Se11tle (Slodd•rd o. 11 at T eua (Sm11heon 2·11. n National Laaou• WHTtllN DIYlt'ION Allen ta =~nc1sco Sao OMgo Houa1on Cincinnati W L Pel, 01 79 83 556 79 64 552 •• 74 68 52t 5 74 89 5t7 5•, 65 77 458 14 53 89 373 26 EASTERN OIYISION S t Loula Plllle<lelph1e Mon It eat Ph11bu1gh Ch(cego ~YO<lt 79 61 564 79 62 S60 " 78 65 539 3'> 75 66 532 4'• 61 8t 430 19 55 84 396 23, ' &at11rdaJ'• lcorH Oodgett 5 Houslon 3 C«>c:1nna11 4. Allen11 3 Montreal 10 Chicago 6 Potlst>urgh 10. Phlledelphtl 9 SI LOUii 6 New York 3 San Franc:1$CO 8 San O.eoo 3 TodaJ'• G.m10 Oodgett (Wright 2· 11 at Hlk.ltlon (OtPtno 1-()), n Phlladotpnta tChn11enson 8·91 al Plllaburgh 1 Rhoden 9 -12) Ctnc1nna11 (Hatrls 2·51 at Atlanta tCamp 11·8) New York (Falcone 7-91 al SI Louis !Mura 11-9) Mon11ea1 (Gulllckton 10. 10) ot Chicago (Bird 9·111 Only games .cn•<lule<l AMERICAN LEAGUE Angele 4, Blue J1y1 1 TORONTO CALIFORNIA Gr1N1n as Petrall 3b MOMl>y ci Up9haw lb WOO<lt II Powe!tdh 8ar1oeld rt lorg 2b 8 Martnz c To1ai. llbrllbl orhb( 40000own1nglf 4 010 3 t 1 0 c ..... lb 3 1 1 0 4 000Baytordh 4120 • O O O Re J.cUon rt 3 O O o 4 0 1 t R Clark rt 0 O O O 3 000 O.Cnc:e 3b 3 1 t 1 3 0 0 0 W~long 2b 4 0 t 2 3020 Benlquz cf 402 t 3 0 0 0 Fol1 M 4 0 t 0 Boone c 3100 31 1 4 I fOlall 32 4 9 4 1c-br IMlne• T0<onto 000 000 100 -1 C.l1lorn1e 310 000 00• 4 E·Car•11w. Ba1l1e ld 2 OP Toronlo 2 Cahlornoa 1 LOB-Toronto 4 Cel1torn1a 9 28-lorg. Ben1<1uez T-to Slleb(L 14· 141 Call!o<n1'1 F~W.12·101 T-2 OS A-43 919 II> H llEIUa 10 8 9 4 346 9 4 1 0 I 1 Orlolff t . lftdle,.. 1 Balllmore 012 100 220 9 14 1 Clevolan<I 010 000 000 I 9 I Flanagan and Nolan, SoranMf\, He11on (4). Brennan (81 •n<I Ban<lo. NahorOOny (81 W-Ftangan (14·101 L SOJMM<I (10·13) A-8,827 • Rid loa 13, Tit•,. 3 Oelroll 010 100 O 10 3 11 1 Botlon 400 02S 20• 13 10 I Wilcox. Be•~nguor I 1). Roirucllifd ISJ, Rucker (8). Paahntck (81. Jell'•• (7) and F.ney, Torrez. Cr•wl0td (91 ano Allenson W-To,,01 19 81 L Wilcox (10·91 A-25.451 While loa 2, A'• O CNcego 020 000 000-2 4 0 0...lan<I 000 000 000 0 8 0 Koosman. Baroj&t (9) aoe1 Ftak, Co<lt<o14 S-d (9) ll1'0 K .. ,,,.,. w l<ooaman (8·61 L-ColrOll (0· 11 s B•rOJH ( 19) HR Chicago. Fop (t4) A-n 951 . lloy ..... Twin• ' Mlnnoaota 010 tOI 000-3 9 t K-.a Cly t I I 140 0 i. 9 13 I Viola. Fellon (61 D Cooper (7) and l audner Leonard Ou1aenb•"Y (I ) and Wathen W-Leonard (10·4) l Vtoia 14•61 HRa-Mtnnesola. W81d 126) Kansas C1ry McR .. (24) A-32.H1 llMQen .. Mwlnff• 2 s-n1e 100 ooo 010 2 s o Tax.. ooo 003 02a-s 1 o F. 8ann1s1or Ca..CSIR (I) and Swee! Hough and Sundberg W-Hough (14·11) L-F Benn111er ( 12· t t) HRa Statll• Boehle ( 10). Teus, O'Brien (21, G Wrtghl (10) A-11,178 YenkM• 14, lrawora 2 MilwauUe 000 000 200 2 5 0 New Yor1' 440 220 02• .. II I Mec1"'1, Auouattn• (2). E•lllf~ (S), Slaton 111. Bernard (8) and Voll Rfghelll and Cerone W-Rlghalll (9·81 L Medich (t0-131 HRa New York, Wtnlltld (32). Gambia ( 161 M11waukee. Brounar<I (A) A-26,011 NATIONAi. LEAGUE DoclcMft 5, Aetroe 3 LOt ANOa[H HOUITON M>rhlll abrhbl 5 I 1 0 Pull! rt 5 I I 1 402 I Thonu 3000 3 I 2 2 Knfglll lb 5 0 I I 4 0 0 0 o.m. 3b 4 0 0 0 4000 JCl\IJH 3010 3010 AMl>y c A!.,,!O 10001(8Mepr 01TUO ~110PulOlec 0000 1000 T$co11ct 411 0 0 0 0 0 Doran 2b 4 0 2 I 4 1?1 Rulllep 2000 2 I 11 Knepper p 0000 1000 TOlmM pit 0000 Moflttl p 0 0 0 0 &oonep 0000 Roberge p 0000 AHowep!I 1000 0 Snllth p 0 0 0 0 TOllle 34 8 10 0 fOl.it 3$ 3 7 3 ~!tr IMlftot Lot AngelH 200 030 000 5 .._,on 001 100 100 -3 t-o..._ 2. Guerrero 2. DP HOlltton 3 l06-loe AAoMi 5, Houtlon 0 28·Alllby. ~ LanOtNUX 38•YHQ«, H"-9111tt (23~ SS.Monday (t), Ml (It), l.andt'Mllk (~)...0-rero ~ MtMet "' " "111aaao .... W 16" 10) N 1 3 1 t 8 8 HOwl( •• 1)1 11.; 0 0 0 0 0 ~~131 41~ T & 5 0 2 =-' 2~~8g oo looltt "'0 0088 ~ ~000 00 0~ I 0 0 0 0 1 Hell'.fMMll t>-, ~ O.er ~ Moffitt T4.U ,A•l7 ... 1 "-4•., .,,,, .. a :IOI 000 000 4 1 I ,.,., .. 10. ""'"'" • l'hll•d•l11hta 000 t3A 00 t -II 11 1 Pilltbu1gll 240 000 30t-10 't ' krukow, r 11111er (2), 8allnHn 01 Atlamorano tG), McGrew (1), R. AMO (91 anii 8 DIM. McW111111111. Romo (G), Sciurry (9), Sa1mlento (7 ), Tekulve (ti end T Ptll• W T•k11lv• I I 1·11 L-AM<I (4•5) HR P11t1adelj)1111 Schnlklt (32) A-10,842 C"'dlMl•t.. .... •l New YOfk 000 000 003-3 1 2 ~I I "'M' 100 003 02a-5 11 0 Lynell, Sop J6l. C Diaz (81 91\0 H~1 Andu1w, 1.a1111 t81. Suller (91 111><1 0 Porter W An<1u1ar ( 12· 10) L-Lync:h (3·71 S - Sull., (311 HRe-St. Loula, Hen<1r1ck ( 17) New Yor .. Kingman (381 A-28,821 Gleftte I, PlldrM I San FranctteO 00 I. 430 000-8 12 4 S911 o.eoo ooo 030 ooo-3 8 3 l .. key Hotlan<I (8) ancs Brenl~t. May (5), WalSh. G11ffon (6), Hewlllns (6), Wc:aa (8) 111><1 r Kennedy w-uaey 113-101 L-we1s11 11·81 S-Holfan<I (2). A-14,874 Top 10 (BaMd on too al 8•111 AME. .. ICAN LiAOl.le W~aon. KC Yount, Mii Gerc:ia. Tor Harrtlll. C141 C•raw. Antila Cooper, Mil E Murray, BAI Atoe. Bsn Lan1fo1d, 8111 Stefl. KC 0 ..... " 118 505 73 1311 550 tOll 129 632 81 t3S· 629 94 I t8 447 15 135 ~Ill 129 A88 71 123 489 74 112 422 69 12A 473 89 "-'-11- tf Pot. 170 :\31 1eo 321 169 .311 168 ,318 t41 315 178 314 IA1 314 153 .31:) 131 .310 148 .309 G. TnOl]I ... Miiwaukee, 3A; Ila. Jedi-. Ant•I•, U ; Winfield. New York, 32. T1torn1on. Clavelano, 30; Cooper, Miiwaukee, 29. .. _. a.ttact ... McRH. l\anHa City. 119; Thornton. c ...... anc1. 101, Cooc>er, MilwaukM. 1oe. o Tl\omH, Miiwaukee, 100, E Murray, BalllnlOfe, 93. Wlnlleld. New Y0<1t, 93 Pllclllnt (1' 0.C:i.lomo) Vukovich. Mllwauket. 18-4, Pelmtr. Balllmore. 13·4. Burns, Chicago. t3·5, Gut<lry New YOrk. 14·8, Z..hn, Afttlal•. 1'·1; Sulchlfe, Clevelano, I 1·8. ll1nllo, Angek, 11~ Petry. 0.trolt t4-8 NATIONAJ. LEAGUE 04 .... Mll Ma<llocfl.. Pgh l0Sm1lh Sil Guerrero.Dodg Dllrhll!I, Ctw Budtner. Chi llaller.Ooc19 Schm1dl, Phi KHrnendt.StL C1rt9' MU 0 Al II H PcL 139 532 at 179 .338 138 5 t8 19 167 322 13'4 519 112 UM .31' 135 516 81 t59 308 132 487 72 150 308 141 573 81 171 307 129 500 70 152 304 t27 439 t04 133 303 139 5t7 71 158 302 134 478 80 144 .30 t Home ""'" l(tngm.,., New Yorli. 36: Murplly, Atlante. 35. Schm1<11. Philadelpllla. 32; J, ThOmpaon, PlllabUrgh. 30, Horner. Atlanta. 30. R-8eu.clln Murphy. AUa111e, 1oe: Oii-. MonlrMI, 97, J Thompson. Pillaburgh. 95, Cl.,k, San Francttl<lo. 95, Buci<ner. Chk:ago. 94 Pllcllfng (1' 0.Claloft) P Ntekro, Allante, U -3. Rogera. MonllHI, 17.-7. Carlton, Phllede4phla, 19-CI: Candatarta. P11111:1urgh, t2-6: Forsch. St Louis, 14-8, Lollar, Sin Diego. 14-8, D Robin.on P111a1>Urgn, 1S-9 RoJaotcson Carew DeClnces Lynn Downing Fie Jackson A•awr .... 8ATTWIG Aa"HHllllel 125 14 41 2 11 447 75 139 2 36 497 79 147 26 M 424 93 124 t8 78 542 98 1!'>2 26 78 458 eo 121 34 ae S38 68 144 22 M 412 40 108 .7 S3 4A6 Ml 117 17 61 153 19 tlO 1 17 428 42 toe 2 49 n 9 11 2 1 80 9 t7 2 5 164 n a2 1 14 8eylor Boone Grld'I Benlq.- Foll Ferguson Ctatk Wlll0<>9 l(f!lleMr Burteson ro1a11 479801 45 4 7 0 2 4.807 712 1.316 1~ 889 PfTCHINQ l'ct. 321 311 298 292 .282 277 288 262 262 261 .252 221 213 195 178 15e 214 IP H .. ao w L 1"1111 Hassi.t 6!1'• .53 36 38 2· I 2 47 Stetrer 18''> 17 9 12 1..0 3 4A Woll 159''\ IS3 45 76 11·5 3 45 Aase 52 45 23 46 3-3 3 40 Ktaon 109'... 95 38 88 7 ·5 3 111 Zann 203\o\ 199 58 71 1&-7 3111 Jonn 198 205 35 60 11·10 3 84 S•ncht1~ 1CI 17 30 22 5-2 3.87 l'ortell 205'> 201 53 68 12· 10 3 88 Renko 152 159 « 77 1 HI 4.32 Got11 86 89 25 37 8-4 4 84 Moreno 49'• 55 23 22 S.. 4 74 Corbell 75''> 69 34 411 1·9 5 26 Tia/II 29' > 39 8 30 2-2 5. 76 Curllt 8'~ 9 3 8 0·1 7 11 Totals t.294'"' 1.250 439 1147 7M2 3 87 Deep ... n.tllng Allrl LANOfMO (Newl*t 9-tll -95 engleta 61 baA, 138 bOnllO. 248 mack.,el. 31 rock llSll, 9 aculpln, 1 ~<I. 1 cet>azon. t ~1111. OAYErl Loetllll (.._pool .._,,) - 143 anglers 122 bONIO, 43 catiCo b-. 1 hal•bul 399 mac:k.,el, 28 rock 11911. 36 ....o 1:119!1 OANA WHAllf -253 81\QW•. 48 ben, 49a bonito 1 h411but, 878 rnedl9'el. II roci. "'" llAL IEACH -118 anglera 180 barracuda, 25 bonl10. 8 calico ban. 2 h•llbul. 20 mack•t•I, 3a Hnd ban. 27 1culpln, 9 ah••P•he•d <•••t•I -124 anoi.t• 210 bonito, 3 llallbul. 500 mackerel, 16 aand bu•. 4 aculpln, 300 queen fi.t\, llOO wnlle etoaktf IAN 01100 (NAM Lancllntl -212 angler• 1$5 elbllCOfe, 2 rn1tlill COLLICY ~~· louu ... n Coa1 o o :I t 1 r1or1a. o 14 o :1 11 0,.. f Jetlo,1011 I pua frQ<ft PMet ( alney kiel,J f'le J .loftee 21 f\111 (Qalroey klekl UllC FG Joi den 11 ,.. '0 0~23 voe McCool' rt peae rrom ll•llebut) fp ... ltti.d) A IJ,231 Tfff!lllell•llc• ""•• dOw11a ~:c A11.,,.t·Y4lld1 38-84 .... 17 <Ill 13.4 170 34 u.2~., 7..38 O'O 7-88 31'19 PHltng Y••<I• 222 Return YMdt 1e PHaea 14 29.3 Punts 4.39 Furnll ... ·toel 4.2 Ptntll .... yMdl 8·31 Time Of PotMHIOll 28 41 lftdlwldv.tl llatletlce RUSHINO Soutn.rn Cai H9tliet lel-"0 Crulch.t1 8-21, Spence1 &· 1'1 riorlda J° JC>nfl 18·81, Hampton •4·•U, J l w11uim1 1-21 PASSING Soulhetn Cal, S11t1bu1y 14 28·3 ?22 Aorlda, Paac;e 12· 1'·2 t4d Hewllo 1-2..0 12. J Jonu 1-1-b t2 • RECEIVING Southern Cal Stmmon1 S· 103. White ).77 FIOrlda, Dixon ).72 J Jon.-l-:17. S JackM>rl 2·23 ' UCLA 41, LOftl e.acti It. 10 le-bJ OllMt.,. long 8Mch St 7 3 0 0-10 UCLA tO 21 1 3-41 UCLA TownMll 23 pe.M lrom Rameey (J L .. klCk) UCLA FG J LM 20 LBS SIOkH IA PUS rrom Ot!ton (G JOhnton kick I UCLA -Townaelt 48 pue from Ramsey (J IAe klek) UCLA -Town_. 32 peu lrom Ram .. y fJ L .. ktclo:) LBS FO G JOlln.e>n 211 UCLA TownMtl 18 p ... lrom RemHy (J IAe kick) UCLA Rameey 1 run (J, LN kk!k) UCLA FG Poller 48 A 45,396 T .. m ltallellco LI Flrll downs I 1 Ru1h .. ·yard1 31-81 P111Jng Y"<ls 258 Retu1n yardt O p..... 24·44-2 Pun11 8·43 Fumblel·IOll 1·1 Ptnellln-ya1d1 • 7.50 Time ot Pos-.ion 29 04 lndhlcl...i l.eacler9 UCLA 24 40-183 309• 27 21-37-1 :\;_43 2-2 8-0 30:66 RUSHING -Lono B••cn SI., L Montgomery 11·39, Rowe 4· 16, Grou 3-14 UCLA. K Nalaon 13-36, RemHy 6·29, TownMll 1·22. Ceol>ou• 5-20. Wiiey 4-18, $6lpele 3· t6. Bruno 3· 1!'> PASSING -long 8HCh SI • Diiion 23·43·2-258. Olaney 1·1·0-0 UCLA. Ramuy Ul-31-0-286. Neuhelaat 3-S.1-20 RECEIVING -long Beecn SI , Long 10.98, Entin 4-51 L-3-5. Fowler 2·70. L Montgomery 2·1 UCLA. TownMll 5-133, Betgmenn 4~. <Aphoua 4-23. B<llno 2·28. Cerney 2·17 BolM SL 20, cs Fullerton • le«• bJ OUllften CS Futle<lon 8 0 3 0 -9 BolM SI 0 14 3 3 -20 CFS -Steinke FO 30 CFS -Steinke FO 32 8SU -Mayo 6. pau from Klena IJenMn klc:k) BSU -Webl\et, I, run (Jen_, klc:k) CFS -Steinke FO 38 BSU -JtntenFG 21 BSU -Jenwn FG 27 A·20 t62 Teem llelltllca CFI Flm downs 13 Ruthee·yarda 32· lOG Pueklg yard1 148 Aelurn Y"d• 112 Pa-t&-35-1 Punta 8-35 Furnbfel.loal A·2 Ptnell ..... y81dl 7--6.3 n.,... or Poae..eion 11.14 .................. HU t7 37· 115 284 so 22-30-1 5-35 8-3 11·83 32:41 RUSHING -F11llerton, Lewie 12·61 Callrey 1'·40 8 olH, Webeter 12·0 Br~lll-31 PASSING FUllerlon. Celtrey t5-35-1A8 8ooH, Klena 22·30-264 RECEIVING -FU11er1on CMlpllelcl 3.5 t YM< ~3 8olee. Htrvey 7.77 Mayo 4-89 u.a. 0oen (et New~8'111 w-·· l""6M Fine! Chrll EYert Lloyd (U.S I del. Hana Mandllkova (Czechoalovakla). 11-3, 8· 1 (Lloyd Wiii• 190.000, Mandllkov• wlna SA5,000) Men'• lemtfl-' ........ Jimmy Connors (U.S ) del. Gulfl«mo VII" lArgen1ln1). S.1, 3-8, &-2, 8-3, Ivan Len<ll Cachoslovakta) def John McEnroe (U,S.I. ...... 6-4, 7-8. Junior Glrlt llneln Flftlll Bein Herr (U S.) <lftl Gretclle<i RutPI (U.S.), 8-3, 8-1. ·-·· ... ,... """' Biiiie Jun Kng (U S ) <lef Ju<ly Alvarez (US), S.2. S.2. a..n· .......... ,lnel Jal"'• F11101 Chit•! <let Colln Dibley (US I. 5·7, W, 8-1. Nnlof ih7't DoublM Flftel Jonalllen Canl.,-Mldlael Kut .. (US I del P•t CUl\-Joton Fre~~llilal. 7.0, S.3 M"8f Olrte' FIMI Penny e.,g.e.th Herr (U S.) def Anne Hulbefl (U S )-81tnadat1e Rand•ll (Austrelll). 1-C, 7°$, 1-8 lenler ·-·· DMIMee F1ftel FrancotH Ou,, (U S .)•Bally Sto'"' fNelllerlen<l•I det. 81111• Jean King IU S .. Marie s-6:::. &-4, 4-c, W ... *".. ...... .. Frid Stolle {A1t1lralla)-P1nch0· S99111• (US I Clef Ramanlhllt'I Kt..,,,,_ {ln<lle~ Scoll (US), 74. 8-2. Oenntl Ralll.On-Otcll S evfll IU S I del. Sve n Oavlda on f8-)-Ham Rlc:llercltlon (US). t-t, M , 8-3 Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Sept1mber 12 1082 81 Cn111 Jonneon Both Danlol Petll Rtuo Sandra Spu21cn Carole Ch1tb0nnt11< Pit Br•Oley Mary Dwyer Lynn AO•m• Ju<ly Clark Hollla Stacy VMen Brownlee Barbara 86rrow 8¥ban Mo-neu J-1 Ale~ Bever1ey Dalrit-Cooper Belh SOiomon Slleltey Hamdn J-Blalock San<lna Haynie J-1 Coles Jen StepMn$0n Belay King Jo Ann Witham Pell'( Ha~ SuM M<:A•a1er Marlene Hagge Cathy Mor.a Judy Rantun Oale Eooelino Sandra J>ot1 Kelhv Manin Laurie Rinker Amella Roret Martene Ftoyd·O.Atman Altce Milter Pel Meytfs Terri Moody Ju<ly Elflt Jene Lock Cathy Reynolds Allee Rtt.vnan l• Ann Can•d•r 8S.89 136 88-70-13cl 73.158 139 70-69 13g 97-72-139 117-72-139 71·69-140 69·72 141 69·72 14 I 114.73 141 68-74-142 89·73-142 89-73-142 74-88-142 72-70 t42 69·74 143 89·7A 143 74-c!I 143 89-75-t44 89-7!'>-144 76-68-144 75-ff-144 7•·70-144 7t-73-144 11·73-1A4 70°74-tU 118-77-145 7(),.76-145 70-75 145 75-70-145 71-74 145 75-70-IA5 74·11-145 74-71-145 73-72-145 73·72-1A5 72-73-145 71-74-145 71-74-145 74·72-141 73-73-148 73-73-145 Wilt Jordan tournament (al Coale MeM a.II Ckllll ,.,., llOONMI L ..... CHAMl'tONIHll" FUOHT (etMeMLllMMc-1 &t-Greg Frederlcit (Hunllftgton e.Kh). 33·31, P..,I O'Snea (~ 8each). 31-33; erao Greer IHun11na1on BHchl. 31·33 . l(ao,lln Slet., (San Oeiool. 32·32, CNla ~· (Gwden G<ovel, 31-33 IS-0-Beatty (Laguna Ht1111 32·33, Litty M•~ (Wn11n1na1 .. ,. 30-35. Mlle• P.,ro (LH VegH) 31-34, John 8u1clil• (Colla MH•I. 33·32. RoDarl MldHn (W .. lrnllltflf), 31-33. Jim Wood fTutlinl. 30-3S H -Oeve Hobby. 34·32. ~., Vanyo. 33-33, Olrk Jone•. 32-34; Mark Tay!Of. 3W1 87-801> Baldwin 33-34, Geoll Glllorl, 32-35. Stet• LaH, 34·33, JOlln Le<lge<· wood, 33·3A, Geral<I Parkal. 32·35. y.,,,. Yamuakl, 32-3S 88-Georga Beebe, 3S-33, Gillen S1e1ner•: Bob Anoereon. 33-36, Due Simpson, 34.34 Joe Simpson, 33·36, Gor<lon VOA.~, 34-3-4: Jeli RuHe41. 31·37. Mtcllatf King, 34-34, Curt Br811fuae, 35-35 69-Jonn Buta. 33·38. Kan1 Hou11on. 33-38 fll!IT FLIGHT (M l 90-E-Morey._ Zo4141er. 81-Hardv. 82-Peslcll, Evant, 13-0range, Newton, a.A-Mlramont .. , TMIW, H1111m. Sam~. Vel•-. Cooper, Bunon. Ogre NC:ONO FUCHT ( .. 121 (at loo utoa c-..1 61 -larry S1taOn: 113-Ma9en1e, 65-Norr111gton. Well•: 88-l(letr>. 87 -Pevtflerl, Paternoa1 .. THlflO FLIGHT (11>111 85-8radbury, 87-ShH. LHCh, 8 Smith, Olckenon. 68-Httd, HanHn, ea-Curry, eesiau, A<1em1 Grenet Pita of Italy , ........ ....,1 Fu1 .. 1 tin-all• Se1uroey•a ~ eno IU1 d•Y of qualilyfng run• tor .... G<lnd PTI• ol llefy Formula one r-lOOay on a 3 t-mlla COUfM I M1110 Andrelli US A Ferrari, t monut-. 28 47 MCOnda, 148 8 mpn, CGUrM r-d 2. Nelton Plqutt. Brull 8ra1>nem, 1:21.50 3 Patrick Tamt1~1. France, Ferr9ft, 1'28 83. 4 Rlcc1r<10 Patrn• Italy, Brabham, 1'29.89. 5. Alaln PToe1, Franc., Ret>tufl. I 30;0:Z 8. Rene Atnaua. France, Rtn11Jl1, 1:30 09. 7. Kake Rosberg, Flnten<I. Wltllama, I 1·31.83 8. Bruno Glaooll\alll. Italy. All• Romeo, 1:32.35 9. AndfH d• c .. ar11. ltely, Alta Romeo, 1:32•54. 10 Ntkl Laude, Auatf\9, Mel.wen. 1:32.78 11 Mlelltle Afborelo. llaly. Tyrrel, I 33. 13. 12. Jo11n w111on, trel•nd, Mclaren, 133 18 13 ti«.., Olly, ,, ... no, w11Mama, 1 33·3 14 Eddi. ci-wt. Unlle<I Slit•. Llglet, t·33 37 15 JHn Pierre Jarle1, F11nce. 0••11•. 133 53. 18 Derek WerwlCk Brllal11, Tolemen, 133828 11 £Jfo Cle ~. 1111)' Lotue, I 33 829 I 8 Robeno Ouerrero, COlornlN, Entign. 134 05 19 Mallo Surat. Swltrerland. A1row1. 1'34 34 20 8flan Henion, 9nt9IO, ,.,.,._., 1 34 37 21 Jacqu" laltUe. "r•nce. Llglt r. 1.34 es 22 Teo flbl. Italy. T.,... I )A 1' 23 Nf081 Men.... lt"llll. LAMUA, U• ti 24 M-o lel<ll. Italy. Arrowe. 1 34 t1 H Dato.._.,, Ollllt. ATI, 1301. 29. CNoo 11«,., ..... ~1IP*t. 1 J$ n fttlllO "ACI :t•.o yardt I wtc. The Spi(e (Mytet) I 00 t 00 4 20 114leOle ~ (MllGIMM) 10 ao 1 t0 Audrt Do (TOooll•I I 20 Alao 1..ced hn•tor Sege Aoclilllt On OOll leLa l.aU He.ta 1r11 JlelMll Tiny TrOle Mr Merry Cl\<ck Time 11 41 • IXACTA 10 ti Pai<1 920 00 THOflOU~IOI '°""TH .. ACa. I 1/16 lllilte Tular (Slbffle) I GO 3 40 2 80 l•at Pt1r1"4!f (Eetr1<1e) 4 80 3 C)O Brutn Co1J111y (Men1) 2 80 A 11 0 I a' e d SI a (I e 111 Oh we y, PowlJ•rtll'Oke, ftl1nd Feve1 St•r Court, l'leel Valdez • Time 1 49 '16 flFTH l'ACa. 1 1118 r.1tlea. l en Marino "'''' (81bllle/ 8 20 .C llO 3 60 on 01 Otellnet tHallMI\ 6 00 3 GO l'ott.,o Hill (01190•1 4 60 AllO r ec.o Vinet Orey, Mllll ErMltcelor Cllelf 3oralle, Ce11aolan Bid. Ptuclly l'11nc4 lime. I 47 2/6 llXTH .. ACI. 1 1110 mtlee Cr.Oil Squee19 tHentenl 0 60 Pr°'* Gent fNoOIJ9!1 S1111on J (Crutl 3 80 :uo 420 380 4 00 Ra1u11e , Also r•t•d Chtk•t• Culllnup CynjOll Reel. Belltf I ry Time I 48 216 IS IXACTA (7·61 pe10 M19 00 HYE.NTH llACI 8 lurfoni>a I ruco (Eatr.O•I 18 80 6 20 4 40 R111<11n' Rebel (S1ell1t10tl 3 eo 3 20 Manaatrey (C""P8fl S eo Aleo rec.cl R8Qlf10 Bhuar<I. Pnnce Of Pine.. El Musle~Nm 01Jmp1ad P1om159 Stien! RI"'' Time 1.11 215 llOHTH Ill.Cl. 8 furlongs Nova Park (S1bUle) 9 60 4 80 3 80 B•rgln A9'11 (Ortega) IA 80 G 80 Jlll\ lee !Hanaenl 3JO Alto raced Azucoun111, Arnoun Tom Mtck. P11klnlheclark, 11'1 A lall Time t It M llCACTA (2 11 paid $190 00 NINTH llACI. I 1116 mlln Real Phyt (Grogner) 83.00 2~ AO 6 00 M0<nlng Agent (Eatreda) 6 40 3 20 Fecler•I Judge t!llbllle) 2 80 Aleo ••cad Far Nlente, Brllkoric. High Striker, Vevevevoom. Alm Adham Time 1 48 4/5. TENTH AACE. ~ II 10 miles Trlgonomelry (Wat••n) 37 60 10 80 4 60 J111ome Prafr141 tSlblUe) 4 60 2 llO Penngrove (Ortega) 2 60 Alao r..:eo Summ11 uencer. can't Be EINI, Jecliet's Chief, Twin'• Tornado. Chief Llllla Hawl< Time. 1.0 N l.XACTA (S.tj pal<I $405 50 l.LIYINTH AACE. I 1116 miles P«ry Cabin (Mtn•I 6 ao 3 80 3 20 tnc:orPQtalO< tSlbllte) 3 80 3 00 Mallet W81rl0r (C.nipu) 5 20 Aleo raced Pie's Pr1nce Al Vlclory Sample BlwngaJong. Ce Sharp. Flying Chick, Hew Score. Stingingly Time 143 3/5 TWEl"" llACE. I 11 t6 -Game Of SplM (OeitriClll 20 60 9.150 5 eo Llle'a Gay Ruler tNogue2) 8.00 II 00 11eno1my Faull (Mattlneil 7 80 Alto rac:eO. Sterling Chpper Flying kn19hl Ettorlleuly. Sanely Omen, Ad-Van Time 1.47 2/5 SS HACTA ( 1·61 paid $327 50 A-20,830 Hollywood Park I ATUAOAY'I llHULTI (21•1 °' fU..nlehl ...... _. "'"'"'°' AlllT Ill.Cl.. One mite peca Al.oallc Scoll (Grun<ly) 5.20 3.40 2.:!0 Calm YourMMI (TO<ld) 9.20 4,00 Cll .. C:Oel Hano-(Aubin) 2.40 Aleo rac.d· Deena Stone, True Trlci1 C, Snow Dane. A, Stedgehamml!f. Fell Along Time· 1.59 4/6, a IXACTA (5·71 pakl $74 10 UCONO AAC._ One rnile pace Utnell (Acklfmenl 3 20 2 80 2 20 Game Snow tBeylH•I 4 4 O 2 80 Pet., Onedln (Siee1n) 2 80 Aleo raoed Fu• POCltet, Beal Of Abbe. HutlNn Ruu Time 1 57 215 THIN> llACE. One ITMle pace Ottmond (DeSometl 11 40 6 00 • AO Trickel Ctler9111 (Ad""') 7 80 6 00 M1s1er a (Balhroeonl s AO Alto rec.cl Canterbury Lene. M.,quts. Taljamon, Dante Royal. Bye Bye Vietor Deen POlnt Time 1 ~7 13 EXACT.ti (5·21pa1<11193 50 'OUllTM MCIE. One mite oece Curti.~ (Hendet.onl 6 80 3 80 3 00 loglnl O.eam (She<ren) 6 20 4 20 M_,.. Fritz (Aubon) 3 20 Aleo 1acae<1 Ma ... lie 0-1. Qeffea SOU<. B C Count, Time Square Baton. Mack Oougel N Tlme I 57 115 l'IFTH Ill.Cl. One mite pace. Mee AcllOe A (Sprigiglll 12.00 5.IO 4 40 Oollble Gae N CAnderaon) !'>.40 4.00 W•11 ... (T O<ldl 1 80 Alto rllCed Farno Hano-. Wtnl81to, T 1c1 Wave, CaptllJn Knight N. Sullan Hanover, Sa.rlf10, Bebet Hil Time 1:57 2/6 U llCACTA (4-8) pal<I ST3 80. llimt .. ACE. One mlle ~ Felltmento (Pafktf) 4.20 3 20 2.80 $Qoll1Sh Lodi (VaHen<llngllllll) 4 00 2 80 Sun<lanc. SPll< (SIMttng•I 4.80 Aleo r-O Mau Cl\ermer, Aaton Chip, Recy ~t N. 0..by LO<d. Alt.elf N. Raven Mantee:. Able Golcl Time 157 415 N llACTA 11-1) paid $39 50 MYINTH Ill.CL One mtle pace T D Etcor1 (Hender.on) 23 60 12 00 5 80 Bey l Mf N (RaldllO<<ll 27 80 13 80 Hurricane 81\aonon (llakw) 3 AO Al90 r9C8<I 8(1ndlng Iron, T OfPICb Knigtll. Smart Koala. Sull<lan. Tllurt..r Olobe. Statpam1~ Tlnle 1·58 415 • HACTA (4-4) paid Sl,A02.00 EOHnt Mee. One mile ~ Mr Jim Bob (Hender"son) 1 eo 2 80 2 40 W~low Wiper (McLMlll 2 40 2 ~ Leopard (Adlermen) • 2 80 Aleo reca<I Creig 0.1. Cowboy Spur. Oor1do Hanover Deacon Lobell 8•1 Cllemp Time , 54 215. NINTH llACI.. One mite !)tee AID• Time fCc9aialld) 40 60 15 20 UO Mlll<ennl tA~I 1220 8.40 Tim'• Mate (Kuel>Hlrl A.80 AllO' raced. Local11m. Sea Rover N RenM't Gol<I, lk .. Marine, Van AIMii, Fabl•n Loblll Time. 1:&7 316 ta IXACTA f4-1) peld $614 20 12 ll'ICK SIX (3..a. 1-4c·s-41 pa/<I S2 000 20 Wltll 14 WlMlf10 llQlt•I• (five "°'-' i"2 Pick Ila Conaol•tlon paid 147.80 with 1H Winning tktleta (lour llOr-1 ftNTN Ill.Cl. One mile ~ c11er1er11 Play (Dlltometl 22 eo 10 80 8 20 Kflr f .... ty) I 00 G tlO Young Mtlllon (Hwdle) 5 80 1 Aleo rac.O C•i:> Ouf'lathe, Hamill\ A41d, Avon 8'*1', KON C:O.t.6ou1hem RhytMI, P1ne Ship, Kff!Y V1Y11 nm. 2.'00115 • tUC:TA 110-U oe1<1$21140 AltoMcl~ 15,1!51 ........... ...,... cou.a• .u.eal T...-n A • ( .. UC ... ~) UC lrVtne def VO $at1 019aO 10.t, 18-t. cHlf. UM. ol 8111 ~. 15-f; ~5·11, !Ott 10 UO\.A, .. 11. 10-11 $iootld In pool. UC INIM !Ott 10 UC Smnt• kOolla ... 111 I-15 In Mmmnai., tlnltMd In lie ror thl1a with Catlf0rn11 • -.ecNOOL •c--.T-•1ne , ... c..... Cllll9et ~ -....... "" Celtofnla, 15-t , ti· I, clef t.• ltrne, 11·4, 11·:1. oar C1pl1treno Valley . 11-8, 11· I, Clef. fl llr4008rlt , .. ,. , .. , 8eMlllnelt dll, '°""'elfl v...,,, tM a..on .. !Nncll io.t IO Oet'la .-.. 1f •• •Hl Dolphin defeated • in opener By ltANDV TIFT Of Ille O.llr .. tlol IWff Oona Hii ia Hlfh, under m·w h(•uc.J roo t ba l coach Don OouglallS, was dealt a Bl'tback In Its season opener, falling to Oordtm Orov4'1 27-6, Saturduy oftcrnoon on the Dolphins' fwld. On t h<•lt first drive of the day. the Dolphin¥ marc h ed to the Garden Grove 22-y rd lint.'. but failed lo put a point on the board as a fourth down pass went incomplt•H!. Th• Argonuutit marched 1t back the other way, scoring on John J ennings' 5-yard run. They never looked back. Garden Grove domJnat.ed the game on the ground, totaling 360 yards rushing. Tailback K ent &>cker ran over and around the- Do Ip h ins to the tune of 233 yards. "We just got handled physically," said Dougl~. "W~. couldn't .sustain a drive and they workL'<i us over. Wu l'Ouldn't stop · Becker and he was the k1•y 16" Garden Grove's game." The Argonauts S<.'Ored twice in the second quarLer within a span of th ree minutes. Becker scored the second tou chdown on 1(· spectacular 83-yard run, breaking two tackles al the 33 -yard line a n d dashing. untouched into the end zone. · Undaunted, t h e Dolphins'., in the waning seconds or the first half, marched to in s ide the· Garden Grove 10-yard line. Once= ~gain, howeve r , they wer e· stopped short of the goal line as time ran out. The Dolphins' only score came in the third quarter. Aftet , Garden Grove's Ken Taylol., sco r ed h is team's third touchdown , Dana Hills' Mike· Germain ran the ensuing kickoff 96 yards for s1x points. The Argonauts scored on their next possession as quarterback Darin Gerin ger scored on a 17-yard keeper. And that wa.., all the scoring in the game. As far as sloppy openers go, this game was no exception. Both teams consistently missed tackles, and there were e ight fumbles in the game, two by Dana Hills. In the fourth q ua rter , the Dolphins fumbled the ball, onJy to get it right back two plays later and then fumble again. this time recove ring their ow n miscue. Douglass praised the play of Garden Grove, which was meeting the Dolphins for the first time . "Their t£>am looked good,·· DougJass said. "They are weU- coached and were ready for us today." Douglass found some bright spots 1n his own t eam's performance. Matt Cooper, his quarterback, was one. "Cooper threw. some good passes today and the receivers did a fine job." Cooper passed for 82 yards on 6 of 17 completions. Shane Pratt was the Dolphins' leading rusher with 63 yards. * Garden Orove 27, Dene Hiiie & Score by Ouene,.. Garden Grove 0 14 13 0-27 Dana Hiii• o o 6 0-6 OG -.Mnnlngt 5 run (ly1te ktckl 00 -S.Cker 83 run (Lylle ki<:kl GG -Taylo1 17 ru<1 (ktck 1alledl OH • Germain 96 kiel< return (ktck taJledl OG -Oetlnger 27 ru<1 (Lytle l\iekl A 500 (estomaledl 0..me Slell•llce 00 OH Aral downs 111 11 Ru"'"'°y11da 45-360 21. n PUiing ywda $4 82 ,,_ 4-7·1 6-17·1 Punll 0--0 2-33 Fumblu·loel &-3 2·1 Ptnell~)'lfda 15-105 9-73 lftd1Vlduel """""' GG -Becker, 17·233, 1"1ytor. 8·51. Jenning•. 4-20. Oen~. 12-37, ACl0$I•, 4-1g OH -P11ll, 17-63. Hlltey. S-11. Campleul, 1·2, Cooper, 3·2, FranClla. I-tor-minus I lndl-fldwl ~ .. elnt GG Oerlngef. 4-7-1. 5.C. OH -Cooc>et, 8-17· '· 82. lndMdual flec•Mno GG -OVkalre, 3..Je. Wegner. 1· 18 OH - H11rl1. 3-63; Germain, 2·21, Prell, 1·8 Sickness ends channel swim tries DOVER. England (AP) Seasickness in the rough waters of the English Channel forced two American and two English swimme r s to abandon their •ttempts Saturday tO swlrn the 12-mJle 22-mlle-wide 'Wlllerwoy between England and France. But a 22-yca r ·old Maltese uude nt and • 4 l·yeu-old English.man were 1tlll strtvin1 to reach France late In the day, according \o iAudrey Scott, ucrctary of the Chonnel Swlmmfng Auoclatton which monitors •ll cnmil'\p. Still plu1gin1 away late Saturday w~ Nlcky Famaugi• !rom St. Pau.l'1 ~. Malta, and M ichael Read, an animal nut.tlUonlst. Stephen f'oucu, 38-yNtr·old stockbroker from Chicaao. wu fore d to abandon after tour houra end ~2-yHr-old Stella • Taylor, • Connt'r nun from ~'art Lauderdale, n. .. pve up alter 7~ houn EARL '82 SEE US THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SU~NDAY SALE IS NOW O N •• I st COME, I s t SERVED! DON'T MISS ITlll BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL '12 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully ! factory equipped. (462349). Front wheel drive for you mountain MO. : ~~~=~·.a~r;,o;.rs,ablllty & quality 991 It all AND at montl\Ol*lond-CepcoetUltHl.Cepreduetlo!l"°I: ::Cuel l 2SN32 OUR LOWEST PRICED NEW CAR! edit paYf'*lt 17•705 OMV 111000 Totet -CIOlloetlon 1821190 on appr- RAND NEW 1982 OYOTA COROLLA b Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (270842). All the performance, economy & rellablllty Toyota Is famous for! Don't miss this one! I 599 ~,? l.mon,,,_.,.,_ Cepooe11559SOO CepreduellonSnoo ,...,..'279771 WORLD'S BEST SELLING SERIES! pey11'*11 1 1042.11 OMV 111800 Toe.I ..... OC>lig.uon '87ot27 on --edit. RAND NEW 1·982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Door Llftback. 5 speed transmission. MPX stereo radio, pin stripes, wheel well moldings & fully factory equipped. (609895). lwon't last long at this low monthly payment of only s9 ' ••month ___ Cepcoet'518Soo CepreduCIJOn l 104025 ~811299300 WI HAVE ''THI ·-·LL WONDER''' t.ovonee peyment $133195 OMV 112300 TOlel -ObllQet-$1118373 on --..... • feel" •• monlll _, end -Cep ooet seats oo. Cep reduetlon ae t 1 oo. ,._... &304I. 1'. ~ P9Y1'*1t $110325 OMV 112700 local ..... otlllgatlon Sll504 14 on -- tcrecl•I BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA SUPRA 5 speed trans. Fully factory equipped plus AM/FM stereo, cassette with amp equallzer, pin stripes, wheel well moldings & tots morel (042044). .,_ peyTl*ll '3817 97 OMV 125' T-..... obltgetlon '20,M3 70 on llCIP'- -------·--- TOYOTA -. 1966 Hat'bor BIVd. -- 0111 TOUGH TRUCK! IMPORT CAR OF THI YIAR! Thinking of selling your car? If 80, please conslde~ our TAIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual· lfy all pros~. take trade-ins. · have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car todayl 714-646-9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS ------IN 0 ANGE COUNTYlll 1110 IEIOlllY 01P111 umaa1 Economlo41 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed trans .. air cond., at«eo caaa., pwr. steering & brakes, rear window ll'lede & exceptionally ~ Inside & Mlr5999 1111 TOYOTA OOlllLU 2 10011 Economlo41 4 speed with air cond., stereo caaaette, exteri or trim package & morel Very clean & completely orlglnall (347YBK). $3999 1171 TOYOTA SIPU "SUlllOOF" The ultimate Toyota with full power, alr cond., at«eo, cruise control, Ult wheel, alloy wheels & m orel (QMXMN). Don't mlu thl• one at only s5.999 1117 TOYOTA COIOLU Wllll Popular 5 speed lrana., a ir conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WRN). Room for the whole famlly at the low price of Just s3299 1110 TOYOTA Bel i·eve i·t OEUOA "IT" POPUiar 5 speed, with stereo. till t I Wheal, Cullom whaall & more. 0 r n 0 • Exoeptlonally clean In 9V8fY respect. i•m$5999 --;--~-&\«>HA! ---------~-: ~..:-o i 1llO IUZIA I •AV-b .c -~ -:ti 121 OllPE : American Ail linea 5 speed, air cond., stereo. alloy 1W• •• Amer1ean """"•• wheel a & more. ( 196ZUY). Don't : Doong .,,..,we <lo 0 .. , m111 thla one tor only : WIN 2 ROlll> TRP TICKETS TO $6399 : HAWAII i ~!~! .!-~!!~! !l~hl~IS_ ~----------'--ii <••• Ovt•no Sept1moe1 10 01111tty t0t a'•••ng b)' '"'' I ... ....,,.,, '°' 2 ~R([ "'"'"' "'° , ....... to HAWA• ... I Af'l'l.,ICan A ,.~, M"6f Mve wa•!d pet""9Mf\t "''~' 11ll llllE I 200 YAI Equ i pment Incl ude• auto . tran1ml11lon, power steering & brak ... Radio & heat«. (1Y42793). """'$3699 • -ond be II y<t a! -Cl' ...., t;o Auto A-y I P<eot ""''°'~or ....,,...,~ .,,..,._ ~ °' ,..~, n I _., _.., ooo.. ,.,,. .. _..,.. 9130 81 : I lee! dr°"9 a-------- : N----------1 I A<l<lr----------""°"9--------- °"'9t't ,..,,_.1!¥e ------ -~--~---~------------------------ FASHION SECTION OF THE ~RANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ------•& Omeo:e will be the owner of a new $7,200 Revillon ranch mink fur on Sept. 26. Someone else (or it could be the same lucky person) will be the owner of a new custom designed dress fr om St. John valued at $500. The two fashion items are prizes to be awarded at the gala fundraiser planned by the Orange County Chapter. Multiple Sclerosis Society, at the Newporter Resort in Newport Beach. The fur was donated by Revillon Furs of Saks Fifth Avenue and the dress was created exclusively for Saks and the MS benefit by St. John's Marie Gray. The party will be staged from 5 to 8 p.m . at the poolside terrace and surrounding gardens of the Newporter, now under new ownership by the Los Angeles Biltmore. Designed to put the fun back Into fund raising , the early evening party will feature an exclusive presentation of the American designer collection and Revillon Furs by Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza. Fashions will include the latest designs by Oscar de la Ren ta, Geoffrey Beene, Adolfo, Bill Blass. Michael Volbrecht, Mary McFadden, Mollie Parnis, Halston, John Anthony, Hanae Mori, Adele Simpson and Arnold Scassi. Addi ng to the evening , dubbed "Rendezvous Under the Palms," will be mimes, artists, handwriting analysts and an elaborate cocktail buffet with dancing to : · the music of Henry Brandon and his orchestra. Steering committee members for the benefit Incl ude Valley Re illy, Floss Schumacher, Mabel Allred, Jo Kelly, Marnie . Reed, Jan Taylor, Louise Ewing, Marcia Cashion, Shirlee Guggenheim, Carol Campbell, Marilyn Hausman and Barbara Bowle. Special donors and partial underwriters of the benefit are The Newporter, Saks Fifth Avenue, Frank B. Hall and Co., Richard P. Hausman, John Parker, Harry Johnson, Keith Lumpkin, Ed Schumacher, Larr}' Stone, Bill Volt and Bob Gray. Tickets to "Rendezvous Under the Palms"· are available for $75 per person through the Multlple Sclerosls Society office, 7571 Westm i nster Ave .• Westminster, 92683, 891-4608. Ticket fees , are tax deductible. ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 f 'Rendezvous Under the Palms' committee member Marilyn Hausman at the Newporter Resort. e Dressing for fight against MS One good way to learn about a person is to listen to her friends. And when you listen to friends of Marilyn Hausman, you hear that she is generous, creative and an astute business woman with a great sense of humor. ''Marilyn Hausman told me she was going to be on your Style cover page soon," said one of the friends. "She is such an excellent choice," said a member of the National Charity League. "She Is a most generous ·person." Hausman's primary philanthropy Is the Orange County chapter of the Nation~I Multiple Sclerosis Society. She Is dedicated to helping find the cause and cure of this disease which attacks young adults In the prime of llfe. She chairs many of the society's fund-ra ising events, and I~ currently on the steering committee arranging the Sunday, Sept. 26. garden party at the Newporter Resort, Newport Beach. The native Californian and Newport Beach resident for 19 years has spent nine years es a volunteer with the Newport Beach Chapter of the National Chal'lty League. She and her husband, Richard Hausman are responsible for an ,. endowment to UC Irvine's College of During the last five years, Hausman Medicine I Department of 0 19thalmology as has bought eight "tr red" houses and has well as to the University of Southern "redone them." On one project in Bay California's School of Pharmacy. Shores, she not only-redecorated t he The Hausmans also lend support to house, she built on an addition. Her last Claremont McKenna College, the South "spec" house on Lido Isle was torn down Coast Repertory Theatre, the Providence and rebuilt from the ground up. Speech and Hearing Center, the Children's 1 Her love for decoration Is extended to Home Society, the Boy Scouts, the Laguna ' the family's boat. Beach School of Art and many other local "For the last 1 O years, we have and national charitable organizations. decorated our boat and have entered the Another friend said about Hausman: holiday boat parade," she said. "She wraps and deco rates the most ''The family, except for the little one, beautiful Christmas gifts I've ever seen, and are expert fishermen, and I have taken a lot during the holidays, her home Is exquisite." of gourmet cooking classes just to learn Says Hausman, "I learned to wrap how to cook fish. If we can't eat what we packages In my father's drug store. The ·catch, we tag It and let It go. . secret to wrapping gifts is a glue gun. Once "We use the boat often for entertaining you learn to use it, wrapping a gift Is much friends, but mostly It Is the family members easier." who really enjoy it, we ere water surrounded." But wrapping them ls only one phase The family Includes "Rick" who Is of her genius with gifts. She knows how to Richard Paul Hausman Jr., 24; ITeresa Lynn choose them for Important people, and Dewey, 22; Mary Jo, 19 and John, 14. And uses that talent as proprietor of a unique In December, Teresa will present the service company that selects gifts for Hausmans with their first grandchild. business executives. Sense of Humor. Case In point . . . Her touch for decorating packages Anyone who can still smile and laugh after also Is expanded In another business, an hour and a half photo session, much of decorating houses. Hausman buys houses the time wearing a full-length fur coat and redecorates them for resale. during en Orange County heat wave .... 0 • ---· •• 0 • 0 0. • 0 0 c ca s a 5 5 a a C!I Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/lund1y, hptember 11, 1912 Exercise made easy for people on the move Bv VID~AN oaltr "'°' utr ldltOf You wunl to cxe ·ise and stay In shape, but you just can't !ind the time to do sit-ups, stretches and knee bends. Well, there is a new book just out that might be the answe r for you. Not another book! You protest there is no lime for more reading either. Relax, this one i/a snap. You can breeze through it in probably an hour or simply mp through it to find a quick little useful bit of information. This book was written for busy people. . • "Commuter Calisthenics" ls tbe title, and in short simple takes, it tells yqu how you can exercise as you drive or ride along. The book was written by two brothers. Dr. Keith Andrews is a research scientist at the University of Florida at Gainesville, and brother Bruce is a teacher of biology, aerobics and body conditioning in Evergreen, Colo. The authors say their book was born late one night on the highway between San Francisco and Los Angeles when two travelers fought to stay awake after a hard day of work. They say that exercises von helped them beat the groggies. or commuter~tupors without taklng the tlrne to atop for coffee or getting out to stretch. The book contains more than 70 exercises and 50 illustrations showing passengers and drivers how to utilize those. hours of "wasted" commuting time to stretch, tone and strengthen muscles. .. Commuter Calisthenics" also contains sections telling you how to adapt riding or driving exercises for home and the office. The exercises fall into two categories -isometric and isotonic. Here are examples of the two types of exercises~ Isometric -Put ~our palms Alligator, an important fashion accessory this year, is translated into fur with a special treatment designer Jean-Paul Avizou has developed usin g hideout ranch mink. THE UNIQUE MARQUISE DIAMOND. For the woman who wants something different and who deserves only the best. Our uniquely styled marquise diamond solitaire bridal .set will m~ your discriminating stMdards. Shown in 14 karat yellow gold. $3.750. Just one example of our beautiful bridal collection. Come let our experts help you make the nght choice. Bailey Banks&Biddle World Renow~ed Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA M&M Fim i.w1, BullocU •· (714) 711. .H«J toaethcr In front of your body (u It you're praying) and push as hard u you can, right hand agolnst left and left against right. Don't let your arms or hands change position. Push against each palm tor 10 ~nds and then relax. Isotonic -Put your palms together and pWJh hard one hand against the other. During a 10 second period, Jet your palms move slowly to the right until they are in fr911t of your right shoulder. Then move your palms slowly to the left until they are In front of your left shoulder. Keep a steady pressure all the while. All of the exercise information I.a written in the same format ... Listed are the purpose of the exercl.llt!s, the position, procedure, variations and comments. And for ea~ exercise, the ardat has drawn an accompanying illustration. For drivers, there are very simple exercises to relieve tension in the fingen, hands, neck and shoulders, and others to firm the· stomach and buttocks. For . instance; The stomach 'squeeze: To Lattice-worked sable and mink in two patterns cr~ate a knitted look. Revillon furs since 1723 Revillon has been fashioning luxurious fun alnce 1723. Jean- Paul Avizou hu been the creative and technical force behind the collectlont1 alnce 1975. Avizou has used rich colora and the most expensive skirw to create the 1982-83 ha~te couture collection. Many of the designs are in a c.aaual trend, but hit choice of skins are luxurious -Ruasian lynx, aable, chinchilla, mink and elegant foxes. Coats are feminine, many belted and fitted with flare. Hla kimono style 7/8 coats are remin18cent of the '40s with their boxy, full aleevea and broad.er shoulders. Jackets are fuller, longer and the theme ia relaxed and sporty ... very outdoorsy. Luxurious chinchilla is worked horizontally skin-on-skin to highlight its batural beauty and eblor differentiatlem. Other features in~lude foll, vertically wdrked cufred slee•e& and roll colJar. strengthen stomach muscles and flatten the stomach, sit with a straight back and slowly Inhale as you tense your stomach muscles for 10 seconds. Relax for five seconds and repeat the procedure five more times. And you can do this as you speed along I-~ or wait (patiently?) for the traffic to begln moving again. The authora cautlon that most of the 1 exerciJles for drivers are intended to be used only when stopped ln heavy 'traffic or while waiting for the light to change. For passengers, the exercises are a bit more complex, but still easy to do. The.e are the ones that especially appealed to me. On a long flight, I usually flnish up with cramped muscles, swollen feet and a tired and exhausted feeling. ''Commuter Calisthenics" could be the answer to these problems. '- . The book Is available in some book stores or It can be ordered directly from the publisher for $6.95 plus 50 cents for shipping. The address is Fitness Alternatives Press, P.O. Box 761, Evergreeri, Colo. 80439. . A reversible white pearl mink b y Revillon tops the black skirt and golden metallic and black blouse by St. John. 0.., ..... ,...... .,, RldleN 1(...., The colors of fall are captured in this three-piece Christine Forti ensemble worn by Marilyn Hausman. On the cover. . . pAATYVIRAP Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12, 1982 ca I 'RIO Rendezvous' means its toe-tapping time Robinson's offers Beautylab / Borjyf ab BY VIDA DEAN or ... .,...,,... .. .., If you love to dance or you're just a toe \apper there will be plenty ot music to do both at the Friday, Sept. 17, social evening "RIO Rendesvoua" being planned at the RehabiUC.tion lnaUtute In Orange. "The RIO Rendezvous committee members have been busy all summer lining up the musical gr<>UJ>9 and collecting tantalizing food donations for th.la event," says Elaine Basmajlan, chairman. Questa will stroll from area to area at the therapeutic center sampling acrumptioua morsels while llatening to musical ensemblee from Dixie to awing, classical to country. Aaaiat.ing Basmajian are Corinne Brewster, Patti Clark, Marianne Gfrner, Jacqlyn Kerr, Leah Laule, Emily Martino, Mary Moore, Carol Owens, Marnie Reed, Sally Ristuben, Mitzi Smith and Rita Tutt. Contributing to the event are The Ritz, Villa Fontana, USC Classical Ensemble, Tulsa Rib Co., The Press Club, McDonald's, Newport Traditional Jazz Capers, El Torlto, Showley- Wrightson, OCC Combined Jazz Ensemble, Duncan Stewart and his Friends and Dick WUllams. Tickets ($12.50) may be obtained by calling 633-7400. WELCOME: Judy and Bernard Luskin got quite a welcome last week at a reception held in the student center at OCC. Seven hundred were there to j{reet Dr. Luskin, OCC's new president, and his wife. "We invited all the faculty and staff and we always include their spouses. We think that's a nice thing to do and it gives everybody a c•ance to renew friendships after the summer, T said Fran Mowrey, who helped plan the reception. "It -..as a very informal gathering -no speeches and no formal receiving line," she added. Luskin replaces the recently retired Dr. Robert B. Moore, who, with his wife Pat, was among the welcoming party. Luskin is founding president of Coastline College and has been with Coast Community College district for 20 years. Others p4uming the get together were Mary Jane Farmer, CamilJe Hoeppner, Alice l:lowe, Carol Kleck, Doris Lee, Barbara Mattias, Dorothy Schrupp, Carmen Smith, Gwenda Watson, Sharon Wolfe and Linda Brandt. CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH: Dolly Van Doren is philanthropy chairman of the Mesa Harbor Club and to raise funds for the organization's project, the Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation, she will open her home on Sept. 19 for a champagne brunch. The hQurs of the fund.raiser (it's open to the public) are 10 a .m. to 2 p.ll). and the tickets are $8 per person. Van Doren (,556-5140) or MlU")' Jo Hundley (557-5127) can be called for ..fu~ther details. Club members firmed up plans for the event at their latest meeting held in the apartment complex of Ginny Weiss. Jule Kaneaster arranged a picnic lunch, games and swimming for the group. And then an Orange Coast College instructor conducted a jazzerciae claaa. Sounds like the members (Kathy Jencks is People wtio need. People Thet'e what th41 DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY ~ I• all aboutl Ve by Gl>etite @?lateau at the 6inest piices. ILEIEITAllY ""· 11111 1111 SOllOIL • College Preparatory Academics • Foreign language In All Grades • Traditional, Fundamental Education · • Patriotic Emphasis • Founded On The Consistant Word Of God • Concerned, Dedicated Teachers • CIF Sports • Informed Parents 18VINE COAST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1111 a.n1-Laae Coeta .... (714) 645-9755 61,.,, ,,,..,, ' New OCC President Dr. Bernard Luskin, center, with Chancellor Norman E. Watson, left, and · Chancellor Gerald Hayward the president) will be in great shape to serve up the brunch .. HOAG CELEBRATION: This year marks Hoag Memorial Hospital P resbyterian's 30th anniversary. A special brunch today will honor benefactors and patrons. A champagne reception in Grace Hoag conference room will precede the brunch. AS SEEN IN • ser.enteen AtOCC r eception, from left, Gwenda Watson, Judy Luskin and Fran Mowrey There will be plenty of champagne on hand to fill the glasses of those attending Mesa Harbor Club's fund-raising brunch Sept. l 9 in the home of Dolly Van Doren. The hostess, left, and Mary Jo Hundley may be called for ticke ts or information. Muter Cher,. • Vise SOUTH COAST Pt.AZA • llASHION ISlAND ROBINSON'S : Thia week la Beautylab/ Bodylab week at all Robinson'• atorea. Beautylab featuret complimentary cliniCI by experta In the (lelda of akin care, makeup, hair and nail care. On Thuradav. Seft· 16, ~t 1 p.m. Prlnceaa Marcella Borghese a new moisturizer wUl be introduced. Bodylab will present special lnnerwear consultation workshops in the lin gerie department. Intimate apparel companies wil~ provide repretentatives to adviae customers on the proper fit of innerwear. Health seminars honed by Physical Fitneu Director Gary Chlad' anct Nutrition Consultant Toni Christensen Chlad of the Spa at Sonoma Mlsaion Inn will conduct a seminar at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16. MAY COMPANY: Ruthanne Olds will headline fashion and beauty seminara for the· large-size woman at the South Coast Plaza store at noon Sept. 13. The fee for the work.shop is· $7.50 and includes refreshments and a cosmetic sample. BULLOCKS WILSHIRE: A sapphire seminar will be con4ucted Monday, Sept. 13, and Tuesday, Sept. 14, from 11 a.m. to 4 p .m . in• Newport Beach store's fine jewelry department. SAKS FIFTH A VENUE: A Chanel makeup artist will be in the cosmetics department of the South Coast Plaza store from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 13-18. A Gennaine Montell artist will be available from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m . Sept. 13 and 14. NEIMAN-MARCUS: Informal modeling of the Perry Ellis collection for fall will take place in the Designer Sportshop department from noon to 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16 with modeling in the Zodiac Restaurant. . -NORDSTROM: A hair accessories seminar is set from noon to 3 p.m. Friday on the first floor of the South Coast Plaza store. The second seminar in a three-part series ''Career Dressing: A Cole Investment" will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday on second floor. Sheldon Silberman, representative of Crlcketeer, will be there. BROADWAY: Morris Dorskin, president of Bueno Handbags, along with his cast of mime characters, will present improvisational routines using handbag merchandise Saturday, Sept. 18, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Laguna Hills store. Also at all Broadways, design seminars on h ow to decorate with fabric will be held at 12:30, 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 16. ASSOCIATIO'N OF Business and Tax Consultants wUl meet Sept. 16 at Sir George Restaurant in Westminster beginning at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 per person and more infonnation is available by calling 833-8199. EBELL CLUB OF Laguna Beach will hoet a luncheon meeting Sept. 13 in South Laguna to honor past Ebell presidents. For reservations-and directions, call 499-3151. coordtnales from Size !>-7 ·9 Shops ~ St!Opplftv Ceflt9' • heM ~ C.-r • ~ ~ • Tiie City Stlo,""9 C..m• .. •• I I , . Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /81.1nd1y, Septembet 12, 1082 \j St. John 's collection of knits offers new texture and styles New textureH, vt.m1a tlle new styles ond a variety o( autumn colors hlghUght the fall '82 coUection of hand-loomed knitwear by St. John. "For the first time we art! introducing separate pants, sklrta and blouses," said Helen Dzo Dzo, St. John representative presenting the collection at Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza. "There are many facets to the Ufe of o St. John. It is a collectible and It is timeless. You can start and flni.ah the day In a St. Joh.Q 12 months of the year. With the change of acce&.'IOrics, you have St. John magic." Angora, wool and mohair are woven together to create blends and new textures for a contemporaty look in twO' and three-piece sui.Ls. For evening, crocheted ruffles are added from shoulder to wrist on a slender dress and a crocheted mesh yoke hints of bare allure on another style. Embroideries of color on color with a faint metallic thread in the yarn offer a trace of festive glitter for holiday wear. A dirndl skirt with so~t gathers and evening Giving aid to a total stranger DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I took a car trip with a dear friend (who is expecting) and her little daughter and my two sons. Suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, our car went off the road, skidded and flipped over. The car was a total loss. But God was looking out for us. My friend received only a minor cut and a few bruises, with no damage to her unborn child. I suffered a bad cut on my arm. Miraculously, there wasn't a scratch on the children. I w ant to use your column as a giant thank-you card to dozens of people whose names g ANN LANDERS 1 will never know, but not one of whom 1 will ever forget. We could not believe the number of people who stopped to help us. There are so many we owe so much to: The young couple who puUed us all out or the car and risked their own lives (cars have been known 'to catch fire and explode); the truck driver who called on his CB for an ambulance; the helpful law e nforceme nt officers; the ambulance attendants; the kind a nd gentle medical personnel; the cab drive r who stopped and offered to take us to the motel. The motel people were terrific. "Don't bother to register," they said. "Come right in." A passerby helped us retrieve our belongings from the car at the wrecking yard, gas station attendants and o ther to tal strange rs d id everything possible to calm the kids. Those wonderful people gave me new faith in the goodness of man. And now I want to tell au your readers to celebrate LIFE. You will never know how precious life is until you come close to losing it. Everyone has some kind of problem, but no matter how miserable your life may seem at times, you should think of the alternative to life. Today you are alive. You are able to feel, to think, to walk. to talk, to love. You are a glorious miracle. Celebrate th at miracle , and all your problems will come into perspective. You will live each day to its fullest, will be able to tell your family and friends "I love you" with spontaneity and joy. You will come to realize, with humility and wonder, just how beautiful your existence can be. Thank you, Ann, for letting me share my thoughts today. You may sign my real name, because I want all those beloved strangers to know me, even if 1'11 n ever know them. - MUCH LOVE -HOPE WHITE DE AR HOPE: Here's your letter. What an upper ! Especially at a time wbeo so many people are patting extra locks on their doors, Get Acquainted Special the Serendipity Contemporary Fashions Buy a skirt or p an t wi th any jacket and get aFREE blouse (value to $35) ~ Irvine Blvd. at 17th St. 631 -0350 HOURS: 10-6 Mon. thru Sat. '10-8 Thurt. (Cllplret S.pc.. 18, 1982) blouac with metallic highlights were lntroduced. "Our sizes havt! been 4 to 16, but now we are making a size 2," Dzo Dzo aald dllcu.-tna one more new thing the firm hu added. Colors Include wheat, camel, ruby, plum wtKlgcwood, chocolate and black. There are four St. J oh n fac tories in California and the main faclllty ls in Irvine. The company was started 20 years ago by Marie Gray and her husband Bob. The' name came about when Bob, marketing the knits for the first time, was asked the name of the collection. The knits had not been named, but he came up with the name St. John, Marie's professional modeling name, Dzo Dzo said. The business is still family owned and the fashions still are handmade. Dzo Dzo explained that the fashions are hand-loomed by one person, another does the blocking. another person will crochet the hemlines and detailing and the final person will press and size the garment. "'A5HLEIG~ • BRILLIANT I WANT TO.BE GUARDED, BUT O .... LY FROM R ILAL DANGER.S, ._,OT S:-R()M WOR.TMWHIL..E EX.PCRIE:"NCES AND POTEN TIAL F'RIE:NDS. installing alarms, buying guard dogs and staying Inside after dark. It's heartening to know tbat people can and do rise to the occasion wben a stranger is in trouble. The spontaneity suggests to me, at least, that people are basically good. And what better proof tban the letter you bave written. The instinctive human response to come to the rescue of someone in trouble baa been thwarted tbese last few years because 10 many of u1 have come to fear for our own safety. This is a sad commentary. Bless you for writing to share your story. I hope the good will you feel for your fellow man Is contagious. CONFIDENTIAL to Burning the Candle at Both Ends: You don't want advice, honey. You just want more wax. Your minister gave you good advice. Take it. Delly "'°' pflolM by f'elrtl* O'OoMett Hand-loomed garme nts from the fall collection by St. John inc ludes sporty daytime attire to business suits and dres ie r designs for evening. Orange County women saw the variety of knitwear styles at a show at Sa kw-Fifth A ve nue, South Coast Plaza. • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Monday, Sept. 13, 1982 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Much that occurs is subject to eventual revision or actual change. Be aware enough to take steps which insure security. Be "creatively selfish." TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Practical issues domina te; focus on important r e lationships added responsibility, pressure and chance fo; increased compensation. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Horizons broaden; you meet people, go places, receive significant calls and messages. Doldrums come to an end -you are "released" from obligation which was foolish in first place. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): New approach brings added income. Highlight independence, originality. willingness to pioneer a project. Member of opposite sex helps you get to heart of matters. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll obtam behind scenes story -judgment and intuition will prove accurate. Emphasis on pe rsonality, special appear ances, obtaining of apparel which hi hli hts our best featur~. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY .......... , .-s... ltU H.._101 ILVD. COSTA MESA -541-115'- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): By diversifying you multiply chances for success. What had been an area of fear, suspicion could now become s teppi.ngstone to progress. Accept social inv1tat1on. l;-IBRA (Sept, za-Ucf. :.!:.!): Revise, review, rebuild on more solid structure. Powers of persuasion are emphasized; you'll obtain needed cooperation from key people. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Instructions from top amount to green light for "pet project." Focus on career, business, honor and "flirtation with fame." SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Trip could be associated with domestic adjustment or future change of residence. Lunar emphasis on travel, educa tion, understanding o f long-range potential. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Plans lack solid structure. See places, people as they are, not merely as you wish they might exist. Steer clear of self -deception. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Ji'eb. 11$): Emphasis on law. license requirements, added responsibiltty and relationship which could lead to partnership or change of marital status. PI.S.CES (Feb. 19-March 20): Let go of losing proposlllon. Permit past to fade; it is time for plunge into future. Lunar focus on basic concepts, job at hand and new understanding with those who depend upon you. """'""'.--r The most beautiful Christmas store in all the world is opening soon in Newport Beach Come late September, we'll open in Fashion Island , Newport Beach. Plan now to come see our "fairyland" ... a fantasy of magical animated scenes, scores of decorated Christm(\S trees, and a non-pariel collection of over 100,000 holiday ornaments from 60 countries of the world. ID4r®riginnl @4rt.atmn.a S1orr Opening late September Fashion Island -Newport Beach madine's Orange County's Flnnt Private Health Club For Women Only COME HELP US CELEBRATE OUR SIX YUi llllYERlllY JOIN NOW NO MEMRRIHIP FEE ECJllMI We've had ti eucoe11fut yeara of helping ladles all over Orange County be the thin, flt person they have atwaya wanted to bel • FULLY (QUIPPfD Wl!IOHT AOOM • MAIHUSl..ffUTMIONl8T • PEAIONAUZID IHlfAUOT10H • Lft.()Y()l.U • AIAOetO CL.AllU ALL QAY LONG • PAIVATI °"'811NG AOOM8 • IAUNA • WHlf'&.POOl. • TOWIL8 & ALL TC*.ITMI • TANNINO 900THI • MAMCUM'T MADIN!'S -THE #1 WOMIN'8 HIALTH CLUB 111.--~ .... ....,.rt l11Dlt LIDO DRUGS 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675~150 The Designer Salon at SFA is proud to present the Best of Fall '82 September 18 through 2 1 ADOLFO -Fall '82 Collection Geri Blakey, SFA 's buyer will present the trunk show and assist in customizing your selections. You may also choose from an extensive collection of traveling stock. September 2! and 28 BEST OF THE AMERICAN DESIGNERS COLLECTION Vincent Knoll, SFA 's buyer will bring a special collection from New York aturing Oscar de la Ren ta, Bill Blass, Halston, Geoffrey Beene, Adele Simpson, Mary McFadden, Mollie Parnis : .. Showing day time and evening wear. All collections Informally modeled 12-3 p. m. Please call 540-3233, ex t. 244 for appointments. Upper Level South Coast Plaza South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costs Mesa · . ·: . : " N !W YOftK -On Dec. 6, the llghh wlll be 1porldir19 along Fifth Avenue, llghta to white ond glittering thot the covntry'a most fomoua 1trfft tokH on rile ewto of on urban folrylond. At Rockefeller C.m.r, wire &culr.tvre ongela -o dozen elegant flguntt holdlno t ender elght·foot trumpeh -will be lltotf\ed In tight ond huge wire tnowfloke clu•t•rf will aparkle and twist In the early O.C.ber brffH. M th• end of the special wolk heralded by the anoef•' trumpets, you will com• to the skating rink, where bundled children twin ot It\• foot of o great Chrlitmos tree· rising 85 feet above the plaza, s.ndlng Its meuoo• of foy and peace thrO\lghout AIMrka's most MOligned, ond most maonlfkent, city. Rockefeller Center, which attracts more tourists than tllt Statue of liberty and the Empire State 8uildln9 combined, o city unto Itself housing 65,000 people on its 22 ocre1 and in its 19 buildinga, is o holf century old this year. In those 50 years. Rockefeller Center hos becolM the most visited, ond the most loved, of our planned urban environments. This is o place where you con sit by o waterfall, d• on o pat• or o ha m sandwich and forget, if only for a moment, that you ore sitting in the midtt of th• largest city in North America. Gordens pHk around corners here, offering refuO-from the honking of taxi horns only yards owoy. Fountains rush gallons of water to the sky and waterfalls pound down ortifkiol mountain wafts. The soft smell of mums fills the oir in the fall, while Eotter lilies curl their strong perfume through the concrete canyons in the spring, mytffc:ally tramporting Fifth Avenue strollers to Bermuda, ond the great waving lily fields that nudge the Atfantic's surf. "Rockefeller Center is perhaps the most succeufvl use of open space in the United States, moybe In the world, for thot matter," soys noted orchlt9ct I. M. Pei. "Spoc•s ore for people ond CJ(){) lJLJO ODCJ Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/8und1Y. September 12, 1982 1·n old New York peopl11 h~tl to come tu Rockefeller Center." Add• Oovglcn Henkel!, archlt~ture critic onf fo rme r editor o f Architec tural Forum1 "Rockefella1 Cent11 i• the only piece of urban r•newal do11ei in bu•ii'41H termt that the people of th, Umt1,;u ~1atu1 t \ 1•lly 1o ....... Toduy, thot lovt ts generated by the Optft space (W p<.·rcent <•I tho total) apreod throughM the cento1 little "·vflop garden• ond benctt.t whe1 <o you tt111 plc111 \kotlng rinks where you can 1pln ov~1 tl1l 1«, "'"' open olr reuouronts where you con u111l 1 ou1 • '' love the more ltlon 200 • -) ... f iri'i"i'1'1rA--o ..... ~~"'T'i':Ht-~ }.'l'1"'1m.t~~~~~ ! . n 1·-; an o a o ooo · o u atJ aa a aao o aaaaaooo 0 a a oaoa aan jooaoooaaq 0 ,J 0 .aooa on 0 0 0 OOOll ao 00 aooooaa aa a a a aaaoo aoaaonaoIJ 00 a a o aanoa shop1 and r••touranh whoro you con buy goodt and foods from throughout the world. Tho love fo r Rockefeller Center I• also generated by the trip to the top of the RCA building where, 850 feet obove the streets below, you get o fa scinating vista of this groat city. From river to river ond from New Jorsoy to Connecticut, you con look with owo ot the urban sprawl ond begin to gro\p the Immensity of this city. It was from the ltCA obHrvotlon deck that Gen. Chorlea de Gaulle turned awoy from the stunning slght ond asked his guide1 "Where Is Coney Island?" So much for French culture. People obo love Rockefeller Center for the Radio City Mutic Holl, which hos been renovated and once ogoin presents o live stage show doily, rother than the tawdry movies it used lo thow ofter ih fall from fortune. And, yes, the Rockettes still kick high and with perfect precision. People In the 19305 loved Rockefeller Center for what it represented: the effort by a single defermlned (and rich) mon, John D. Rockefeller Jr., to realize on urban dream, the blending of money·moking office space with on environment that provided people with comfort ond beauty. Before the Rockefeller plans, office buildings were built without ony thought to people. Rockefeller Center changed all that. "It is the finest reminder thot .the whole Is greater than the sum of its parts," New York Times architecture critic Poul Goldberger hos written. People also loved the Rockefeller Center in the 19305 for the statement it mode to the country in o time when there was not much optimism In the Depresslon·ravoged United Stoles. When men were st anding in breodlinl'S and college graduates were selling apples on streot corners, Rockefeller Center wos o mighty vote of confidence in the strength of America. It was the count[Y's most massive real estate development, toking employees of the New York City Building Deportment nearly two years just to file all the blueprints. Building materials used in erecting the first 14 buildings between 1931 and 1940 filled 30,000 carloads, the equivalent of a train over 300 miles long. limestone from Indiana alone filled 3,200 roil cars, 45 tons to o cor . 00 0 o a a fJa oa-~ 0oa o a a oman. a o a CJ o o a ano~ o o O a lJ(]rJUO~~ oa a ooaaoo~ 00 0 OCJ0000 • ..-1=+-- 01J o a a o oo oa o o aooo a o CJ o 0 O OQf] ,. Other total• were equally owo.omo 1n tho 0.preuion era: 68,200 tons of c•ment werr uaed, 28,000 window•, 20,000 co•t iron rodiator1, 7 ,800.000 fe•t of coble ond wlro of varlou• type• ond ' zes, 200 miles of bron tubing, 10,000 door•, o milllon tquar• feet of glaas, over five million bricks. Perhaps mot I significantly. the pro1at l employed many American$, nearly the "rength of three regular Armr divlslo1u, ooch with 28,000 soldie". '\ Still, the Center was not greeted with ·overwhelmln9 critical occlolm when It wot begun. Sold the New Yorker Magazine• ''Architecturally, in short, Rockefeller Center is. ' mu<h odo about nothing." That "Much odo about nothing',...w?i?'voted MCOnd only to Thomas Jeffenon's design for the University of Virginia when the American Institute of Architect$ polled its membership to name the proudest achievements of American architecture on the occasion of the notion's llcenlenniol. Rockefeller Center today continues to be one of the notion's grandest architectural triumphs. It hash communication giants such as Time, life, Sports Illustrated ond Fortune magazines, the Associated Press, Simon and Schuster BOoks, and the Notional Broadcasting Company; and it houses doz.ens of foreign airlines ond consulates ond tourist offices Bt1t, most importantly, it lures the people of the world; providing them with o temporary haven from the tensions of the city. When, on Dec. 6, for the .50th time, the Christmas tree is lighted in Rockefeller Center, ond its lights spin out in all directions oter the statue of Prometheus, over the towering gray buildings, over the skating rink, and over the happy faces of countless New Yorkers ond .. urists from throughout the world, Rockefeller Center will be entering its second .50 yeors. One wishes it o comfortable middle life ond o glorious old oge, for it hos kepi many o f vs, who love ond visit New York, young. CJ c::J l::J OOCJtJO ODO CJO 0 0 CJ 0 0 OPDooa o 0CJCJD 0000 0 c:::J 0 CJ 0 0 JJ 0 OP o CJ l::J D .. ty Pltot Art by Tim PeterHn Staten Island contintJes to hold to its charm and • StOfifl by Mkha.I Carlton De""' ... , ...... ...., of the British forces to try to arrange o peaceful end to the Re'l!Olutionary War. Snug Harbor, in New Brighton, wos begun In 1833 os Amefico's fint home for retir•d sa ilon ond today is perf\aps this country'• fioett colledion of Greet! Revival ote.hlteciure. It Is now o major cultural center, housing plerle1 and hosting performances by the Metropolitan Opera, the Pt-iilharmonlc Orchestra and Shatcnpeore In .... Polit. A 26-ocre botanical garden lends IOftneu to .. soarlft9 marble pillars of the twildlngs. If ""'°ry begins to tire you on Staten lstoftd there Ii MON -a zoo with one of the finest reptlle coli.ctloM in the Un!Md States (Includ ing apeclmons of alt 34 r•...-.S)I th• Jacques Morchais Center of Tlbetaft A;,, which houses the largest private colledloft ot Tlbeteft ort in the Wesi.m hemhph.,., o "honds..n" <Mldf'tf\'t museum, ond some tpeetocvlar v'9wt of the •yttne and ltlo con<m. canyons of Manhattan ond the gNCllful 1pon of the Verrazono-Narrowt Sri., the world'• longest suspensio11 bridge. H the attractfons of the lalond ltMlf don't lure you, ~ tMN should. Staleft Island ferry Is still the blffest trontportatlon and touritm boroo'n In A!Mrica. For o quarter you get to ride the ferry from Monhattan to Staton Island and boclt. For your two tMts yeVtl ,.. 0 CNIM poit IOf'M of the most r.no'Wfttd ~ In America . The Statue of Liberty loom• lest than o hunchd yordt to your right, not for from the fodlno strudum of !Ills Island, the one·time gateway far the mon of lmmlorants to America . Tiny sailboats rush by only yordt owoy, and huge tankers sit onc+.ored, their rusting twfh wCllhed by the waters of New York harbor. lusiMssmen ond streetwiJe punks share the ferry's long wood benches with priests ond a family of tourisu , from INIJl. Old men read the Doily News while young· ~ read the Wall Street Journal for the latest • ...,......._ fwry day there is on eclectic collection of _.... e. these great yellow and bfue crofts with their ..._. .... IM»uses. Each ferry con carry as many as i.~3 = -and often da.s during rush hour - ....,. • trip will find the f.,ry nearly empty. NW!H ,tflon 20 mllHon people tolt• the ferry each f'tOr· It• OM of the most popular, ond certainly tho .... ~. tourist attractiofts in New York City · ,,.. "'9 t.nftinol In St. George you con toke o bu, · ~nr 1 to Snug Harbor, Number 113 to ....... wn and the Tibetan oft museum, Number • 107 to .. no) to Staten Island's attrocflons, or you con Ntum tftlmedlot.ly on the next ferry for the 25·minvt~ · .... beck to Monhatton. lut that would be o mis!Ottt, OM mode by too MGftY touriltt to this great metropollton center of our countty. To tomple the other New Yortt, the ploco of porttt 9'41 ....... hhtory, apend o few houra on Staten "'-d. It II a New Yortt that it for remowd frOM tho .._.. --4 hvstl. of Monftotton. It It o New York ot anofhef -ond perhopa ~' -time. -.. Or1no• Coaft DAILY PILOT Sunday, eptember 12, 1982 Santa Catalina • • • Short trip to island fantasy Hy t'AT NF<:1ss1:m D1i.t·ov1·rt•d by ll11• ul>lqu1tou11 Juun Hod11.:u1•1 in 15'12. und rclll~·ovcred 60 yeu111 later by Oun Sabastwn V1S<:alno. Santa Catalina 11.iland hos fa~·inat<.'<.l everyone who has t'Omt• upon al by ucddt>nt or otherwise. Thu. am:.11.1ng, romanlll' hulc island fairly pops Wllh at·t1v1tae:. v11r1ed enough /or evc•n the most dai:.crmunatmg vumor PXploring Its 21-mlle lt•ngth or 8-milt• width. • Transportation al·ross thl' 26 miles to Santa Catalina i~ no problem. A large ocean ship from Long Beach or San Pt'<iro, or a smaller ship from the Pavahon 111 Newport Beach sail over an two hours. Or 1f you only have a quick day and don't wunt lo mi~ anything, planes from Long Beach make the flight m h.•ss than 30 mmutes. If you sail, you'll be immersed in action as soon ru; you dlx:k a t Avalon. Fishermen rush by, kids on skatcboords·wom by. and the tantalizing aroma of fish l'manotes from two snack bars on the pil•r. Don't mis.<i the fres h abalone and chips. Your itinerary will depend on the length of your stay. For some, a day's visit lO Catalina is like• ont• batt• of a lusdous chocolate cake, not satisfying e nough. Others prefer to relax on the beach, hike around the town and head home on the 4:30 p.m. boat. To or~anizt• your vasil, walk orr the pier and turn right, strolling Crescent Avenue along the beach front until you reach the Visitors' Center, with its bakony overlooking the yacht-filled harbor You'll be well looked afte r. They'll make all your h otel. restaurant and excursion reservations for you. Avalon crams some outstanding eateries and hotels into its one square mile. There are shops, game arcades and sport equipment available- for rent, and the beach 1s a great temptation. But before you decide to spend your day relaxing on the s hore, l'hcck out some of the exciting excursions available. If you've arrived early enough to r'!ach the plaza by 9 a.m you can cat.ch the large van for the Inland Motor Tour which takes less than four hours This hugl' van with large windows carries 40 pass<'ngers up into the rough interior. In 1951 , access to thc interior became avaalabll• to all visitors. not JUSl guests of the Wrigley family (who had purchased the island an 1919 from tht• Banni11g family). Th(•rc ar{' 76 square malC'S of open space and wild lands ownc'CI by the San ta Catalina Island Conservancy and recently set aside for all visitors of prest•nt and future generations. It's delightful to gaze out dt thl· large buffalo herds, wild goats, deer, rabbits, quail and birds and know that all this land will n.•main unspoiled. You'll visit ant:1ent Indian camp sites, secluded coves and small harbors, and recently take a rest stop at the Conservancy's Airport-in- the Sky There as regular bus service from this airport to Avalon as well. You'll learn about the :rn3 species of plant life nat!V4.' tu tht· island, and discover that e ight species are endemu: only to Catalina: The Catalina Ironwood, St. Catherine's Lace bush, Catalina Mahogany, wild tomato and Catalina manzan1tJ. The Catalina Cherry began here, as dad Toyon (holly), CahComia Poppy, and other Catalina's sporty 9-hole golf cour e has both ocean and mountain views. plants well known in Southern CaJHornia. Catalana is a nature lover's paradise, and a hunter's delight whenever a surplus of wildlife is evident. Your van wall stop at W~igley's Arabian Horse Ranl·h for performances by the horses bred and trained here. Much of the island is still as it was when the Spanish explorers discovered it. A pit slop al the old Eagles Nest Stage Coach Inn, where you'll be served steaming hot camp-style coffee boiled over a hot fire, and fresh doughnuts, will take you back to the good old days when the stage coach was the only means of transportation to the interior. Catalina was the first place where gold was discovered, by Capt.a.in George Yount in 1830. Unforlunately1t'he capt.am was out to get otter pelts, and he forgot where he found the gold. Eighteen years later when gold was found at Sutler's C reek, the good captain returned to Catalana but never found the right spot. Later, silver and lead mining were successful. Pirates and smugglers have also been attracted to Catalina's deep canyons and coves. Chinese slave ships sought s h elter at Little Harbor, and English, Dutch and Chinese pirates preying on the ships from the Orient, hid their loot in the caverns along the shore. The local Catalina Indians were too friendly for their own good and were massacred by Alaskan Ale ut Indians brought over by fur traders. History abounds on this island, and on another trap, you may want to camp in the inte rior. For Conservancy information, phone (2 J 3) 832-4531. After the trap to the interior, you may want to collapse on the beach , and then take a 50-minule trip to the famous award-winning Casino. Since 1929, thousands of visit.ors have come lo dance in \he huge ballroom, or see movies in the elaborate cinema below. Staying overnight on Santa Catalina Staying overnight on Catalino Island is on adventure. Hotels and motels offer oll kinds of accommodations. For those who don't object to o steep tariff, Island Resorts hos three types of accommodations: PAVILION LODGE: Fronting the beach, from $75 up. LAS CASIT AS: Bungalows and rooms, from $70 double HOTEL ATWATER : An old landmark ot considerably less. $43 double. Other hotels include the famous ZANE GREY PUEBLO HOTEL, perched high above the Casino. Once the home of the famous western novel writer, each room is named ofter one of his books. Grey's living room is now open to guests as a comfortable lounge. The view from the hotel is breathtaking. Rotes rvn frcm $50 dovble. The hotel shuttle will pick you up at the town plaza and is ovoiloble all day. THE HOTEL CATALINA, on Whittley, a scant half block from the beach, is o charming white Victorian building, completely renovated with o patio and jacuzzi, barbecues and o free movie theater. Rotes start ot $46 dovble. THE HERMOSA HOTEL AND COTT AGES have been around since the 1890s, and look it, but this is part of the charm. The cottages wonder up a hill and hove kitchens. Rotes start at $20. A real bargain. ISLAND INN, built in 1906 and completely renovated in 1979, is charming and near the beach. S60 double. SCARl'S on the waterfront is o triple A rated hotel with one of the best restaurants in town. $50 double. BAY V IEW HOTH on Whittley. Pleasant accommodations with view. $38 double. CAMPO BRAVO on the waterfront ~as 13 lovely rooms with living rooms and baths. $48 double. UPSTAIRS PLACE is superb bistro. CAT ALINA BEACH HOUSE is one block from beach. $20 without both, higher with bath. EL TERAOO TERRACE is excellent. $55 double. PARADISE ISLE INN, near the Country Club, also hos o fine dining room. Room rotes begin at $60. Brunches are special. CLOUD SEVEN is real bargain at $45 double. The Catalino Visitors Information and Services Center hos a one-call-does· it-all phone number. (213) 510-1520. They will book your hotel and e11cursions for you. You won't find this excellent ~rvice in many resorts around the world. RESTAURANTS Mos1 of the restaurants ore clustered on or near Crescent street fronting the beach. CHANNEL HOUSE, owned by Bill Sols~rg. 205 Crescent Ave. Shaded patio. Breakfast favorite is waffles. lunch offers salads, fish, sandwiches. Dinner includes chowder or salad and fine fresh fish and seafood. Pianist until 9 p.m .• then trio entertains. El ENCANTO PATIO RESTAURANT AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE. Crescent and Morillo. Courtyard with charming surroundings. Mariachi music. lunch and d inner. Inexpensive to moderate. SOLOMON'S LANDING (above El Enconto) is o swinging new spot. LANI'S PANCAKE COTIAGE at 118 Catalina St. is a famous place for pancakes. CARLOS O 'MALLEY'S restaurant. Open from 1i·11. HARRY PELICAN'S MOORING hos o fine brunch, ond excellent dinners. EL GALLEON, MICHAEL JOHNS and SCARI all serve excellent seafood and other entrees. --------------------ADVERTISEMENT---------------------.1 If you don't smoke. I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Clalm your reward from: RABBITT IHStMAMCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newport a..ch, Ca. a1-n40 Airport Express Starts New Mini-Wach Routes to LAX calling your travel agent. La Habra, California, July 1982. 24 Hour Airport Express has just started a MinJcoach Service to Los Angeles International Airport from Laguna Beach. This new service will st.op at 6 conveniently located hotels near the Pacific C-oast Highway and will provide low cost, acheduled van ·~=======~:...H 11Crvice for Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Balboa, Huntington Beach Fare~ per pefson will range between $14.00 and $17.00 one way to LAX. Reduced fares are available for children 6·16 years old, travel agents, families or related groups of two or mo~ and senior citizens 65 and older. • and Long Beach, Kenneth J . Wooda, Direct.or of Marketing announced today. Minlcoach service will operate 14 times dally on a achedule/rese~tlon basis to and from LAX with ittle as four hour retervatlon notice. Reservations, fares and aervlce locations can be obtained by callinl 24 Hour Airport Expre11 at 714-738-5106 or 714-835-5871 or b~ - 24 Hour Airport Express Is the oldest and largest door to door airport service in Southern Callfornla and began in Whittier, California ln 1971. In addition to m.lnicoach 1ervice, door to door service and charter service, Airport Expre11 often luxury llm9u1lne service and haa become a complete tranaportallon company, tranaportlna over 126,000 puaengent last year. Avalon Bay, with the world-famous Casino in the background, as seen on the cenic Terrace Drive. Avalon's Pleasure Pier; the spot for boa t rentals, dive equipment and departure point for the Glass Bottom Boat Trip, is in the foreground. . I The Casino rises out of the sea to the height of a 12-story building. Circular in shape, its balconies jut out onto the harl:>or, creating a place for romantic walks between dances. The interior of the movie house has 4,500 square feet of solid black walnut and its original sofas and chairs. The enormous pipe organ can create any sound without a microphone, since the acoustics are near perfect. This was the first theater in the country built just for talking pictures. so a lot of Hollywood fanfar<' we nt along w ith its opening in 1929. Next, a 50-minute Scenic Terrace Drive Tour will take ~ou up above the harbor to Ml. Ada, the originaJ Wrigley home, now leased to the University of Southern California. The Terrace roads offer a superb view of Avalon Harbor. You may take a glass bottom boat tour of the underwater gardens around Catalina. The waters are so shallow and clear on the leeward side of the island that you can easily see thousands of animals and plants. If you decide to stay over, take the sunset paddle wheel cruise on a glass bottom boat. Cocktails and live entertainment costs $20 per person for this romantic trip. Next morning a trip up the canyon to the Wrigley Memorial and Botanical Gardens to see the beautiful stone. marble, and tale memorial and all the plants indigenous lo Catalina will start your day off well. It's only l.7 miles from Avalon. It's an easy walk. or you may cat.ch a bus. Breakfast at the Visitors' Country Club and a set or two of tennis, or horseback riding before lunch, followed by a <.'Oastal cruise to sec the seals playing in their natural habitat, IS a good way to start your second day. If you have another half day, plan to visit Two Harbors. You'll leave at 1I:15 a.m. and cruise past 14 miles of coast. Three ho urs of free time allow you to swim, sleep in the sun, walk across the Isthmus and relax al this beautiful harbor. You'U return to Avalon an time to cat.ch your boat or plane, feeling relaxed after your vacation away from home. Pat Neisser is Travel Editor of Orange C-Oast Magazine. -----------------------. DISNEYLAND HOTEL'S Dance with a bear! \V.)w! Two sensational days and one se nsational night at Disneyland Hotel, the offic ial hotel of the Magic Kingdom. Dance with a bear ... wander through a \ waterfall .. . laze on a tropical beach ... make a splash in 3 pools .. . visit a wine cellar ... ee the Dancing Waters show ... and ride the monocail direct to Disneyland! Plus one day's admission to Disneyland Park, including unlimited use of all rides and attractions except shooting gallerie . Dinner in our water- front Shipyard Inn or elegant Oak R<x)m. A drink in one of our lounges. And, best of all , up to two children can share parents' room for only $29.50 each, and that includes everything the grown-ups get. . .. (Kiddy cocktail, of course.) , For reservat ions and information, ee your travel agent or call Walt Disney Travel at 714/520-5050. j\\V1,111,1HOI<' ~ I , M•rtl•t Anety1l1 ~8w JonH lnduatrlal• Dilly Pilat _,, e 10-11.11 lock of Orange County ""I High iii' ii ~ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 Low , firm are Ii led 'on 02. CloHd • no-REAL ESTATE 05-7 ' 10:f 111. National 1narket action MOSKOWITZ 08 /' is summarized on D3-4. . 800 MTWTF Store makes life easier for handicap By J ODI CADENHEAD Ofttle D•ll1 f'tlot ateH What if you were paralyzed and couldn't bend your arm enough to maneuver even a fork of peas into your mouth? How could you get into a car from a wheelchair if you were unable to stand up for even a second? Where would you go i ( you were deaf or paralyzed or blind and wanted to purchase a product geared for your special needs? Until Ben and Barbara Paul of Cost.a: Mesa opened their Handl- Aid Co. in Santa Ana they said there was no place in Orange County for the handicapped to shop for such items. Medical supply .stores cater to hospitals or stock mainly wheelchairs and crutches. Most general supplies had to be ordered from a catalog, said Ben. "Dea! people are thrilled because they don't have to hire an interpreter to go shopping with them ," said Dan McCulstlon, a salesman at the shop at 2907 W. Warner Ave., who is hearing impaired. "Lots of times I would feel embarrassed to walk into a store because I have a speech Impediment. But It's no problem here." Merchandise designed for people who can't see or lift their head off a bed pillow might seem depressing to some consumers. But to the people who need them, they are a welcome relief. Barbara Paul said she gave one of the hairbrushes that strap around a wrist to a woman at UCI Medical Center who was paralyzed two years ago. Unable to hold a brush In her hand, she had to rely on someone else to comb her hair every day, said Barbara. "She juat kept saying. 'l wish I had had this years before. It would have made auch a difference.'" (See DISABLED, Pa1e 02) Spoon with built-up handle is for persons unable to close fingers tightly. Left, c urved spoon is for those unable to b end wrist. Designed for persons with wrist proble ms, this knife with grip permits cutting of meat in a handsaw fashion. Barbara Paul demonstrates a $1 ,000 Seat Lift Ch air which pushes people with hip problems into a sta nding position. Giant Procter & Gamble previews products at corner grocery CINClNNATI (AP) -It sits in the shadow of the Procter & Gamble building, a tiny, ' downtown grocery store that stocks every new product made by the giant manufacturing company that was built on a bar of soap. Fred's Place is whe~e consumers and P&G competitors alike go to sample the unfamiliar products that P&G hopes will take their place beside Ivory, Jtf, Pampers and Charmin on the shelves o( the nation 's ~ supermarkets. The proprietor of the 20-by 60-foot store is Fred Cianciolo, who began selling fruit and vegetables at a sidewalk produce stand when he was 6 years old. "Wben I first moved over here 14 years ago, they (P&G) approached me and wanted to know if I would handle their new items," said Cianciolo, 52, who followed his father and gra!'dfather into the produce business. "The same week I was moving Fred Cianciolo beams as he stands in front of his Cincinnati .grocery store. Fred's store is one of the few where shoppers can get a sneak preview of Procte r & Gamble's new products. into this bigger store, another one was going out of business. They were the originators, but they would only handle the (P&G) food items; I'll take anything that comes out -dru~s , medicine. . .soaps, shampoo.' A half dozen stores in the Cincinnati area test-market eome P&G products, !'primarily as a means for our employees to try them," said spo~eswoman Kathy Gilbert. · "He (Cianciolo) is not at all a test market. There just wouldn't be enough sales, market or people for a test market," she said. "It's so our employees can try our new products. OUr people don't get any free samples; with 40,000 employees in the U.S., our shareholders would go crazy.'' Cincinnati is a Procter & Gamble town, where almost 13,- 000 people work for the $12 billion-a-year packager of a wide range of food, soap. soft drinks and personal care products. (See related c0lumn, Page 08.) "Every once in awhile, I accidentally find out about something I 'm r ea lly not supposed to know," says Cianciolo. "I know the next thing they're going to come out with is toothpaste in a dispenser, which sounds like a pretty neat Idea." he says. showing off products. "This stuff Rejoice, a hand lotion, this Is going out in about 10 months because it's not making enough money for them. "But this one here is going to be a good one -butter flavored Crisco.'' Cianciolo began working with his grandfather when he was 6, and ran a fruit stand by himself when he was 9. His father, who is 80, still has a produce stand in Cincinnati's h istoric Findlay Market, and a cousin runs a wholesale produce business. Fred's place does about one- third of its business around noon at its delicatessen counter, and Cianciolo says many customers are attracted to his store because It is a P&G outlet. Two current big sellers -not microwave oven. It can produce a cake in 10 minutes, start to finish. "l put in everything they have got," said Cianciolo. "I usually can get all I want. The only thing they rationed me on was Pringle's," a reconstituted potato chip which sold well at Fred's place but has noCbeen successful nationally. "I guess you could say that Pringle's was the baby that really started this thing. Everybody came over to get Pringle's, and then they stocked "I know the next thing they're going to come out with is toothpaste in a dispenser, which sounds like a pretty neat idea." yet generally available in other parts of the country -are a bathroom tissue called Certain, and Brigade, a toilet bowl cleanser that Cianciolo predicts. "is going to be a tremendous item." • "I try most of the products myself," he said. "But there are very few free samples.'' After P&G decides lo mass market an item, Cianciolo has to buy it like anyone else -at a supermarket. "I usually do all right until it goes on the open market," he said. "Then it changes; they (supermarkets) sell the stuff cheaper than I can buy it, because they buy truckloads." One of the newest products at Fred's is Ariel, a laundry detergent. Another is a cake mix designed to be cooked in a all these other items in." Cianciolo recalls only one P&G bomb, a des.5ert -"Cold Snap, I think; that was the dog of dogs. "ll took so long to make it, something like over three hours; people were buying boxes just for souvenirs. But I wound up getting rid of all of it." Cianciolo does n't have any pretensions about his role in the success or failure of P&G products he previews. Company executives sometimes ask him how things are going, but his opinion won't kill or save a product. "I doubt it; I'm just a little, small plug in their operation," Cianciolo said. "But on Cold Snap . . . I might have been a little more important on that one; I never did reorder it. That one just didn't sell.'' IMF: To rich, a stern credit counselor; to poor, a tyrant TORONTO (AP) -To the cold-eyed financiers who assembled here, the IntemaUonal Monetary Fund ls a savior of Third World nations considered financial basket cases, too deep ln debt to get more help from private banks. But the needy nations themselves often view the IMF as an economic tyrant intent on imposing its economic will on sovereign states. That dichotomy is a bitter source of conflict among the 146 rich and poor nations that attended the IMF's 37th annual• conference here this week. The IMF Is controlled by the United States and a small group of other rich countries that provide most of the emergency lending funds. It is little-known to people of the industrlallud nations, which rarely need its help theae days. But to people of poor, financially troubled countries, the IMF is well known as a U.S .-dominated bank of last resort that can impose stringent terms on borrowers. Formed after World War Il to help prevent the kind of depression the Industrial countries endured ln the 1930s, the IMF now is trying to atop Mexico'• enormous debt problems from expanding lnto an international financial criaia. When It makes loena, the fund demancbl that countries make economic "adjustment.a" -a euphemJlm for 11evere belt-tlahtenlng meuuret that uaually include cute ln food subaldiet, other • Third World nations resent global fund's tough terms budget cuts and adherence to a strict schedule for climbing out of debt. Countries in severe financial distress usually have no choice but to go along -even at the cost of protest riots and political upheaval in aome cases -if they want the money badly enough. In 1980, a fight between the IMF and former socialist Prime Minister Michael Manley of Jamaica became a major issue in that year's election, in which Manley waa defeated by conservative Edward Seaga. This week, 450,000 workers staged a general strike in Bolivia to protest price lncreue9 and other restrictive economlc policies of the military government, which has a borrowing arrangement with the IMF. President Julius Nyerere of TanzanJa, an impoverished East African nation and IMF borrower, h aa complained about the "lrresponaible and arrosant way in which it (the IMF) is belng wielded agalnat the po()r." "The IMF la all-pervaaive," Tanunlan Finance Mlnl1ter Amlr Jamal uid Tuetday night at a conlerence sponsored by critics of the lending a1ency. "h'a creatln1 deapair and despondency ima-d of hope." Fund offlctai. contend that many of the borrowlf\I countries bfouaht thelr flnandal Woet on themselves by spending far more than they could afford. "We shouldn't encourage any nation to be extravagant or a spendthrift and think tt could get away with lt by being balled out by the IMF," says U.S. Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan. Regan leads the forcea .wbo want to maintain the strictest conditions for help from the fund to prevent it from becoming an easy touch. That la one reuon why the United States, alone, oppoeed a subatantial increaae In member contributions to the fund to handle a growing Ust of Mexico-type cri8ea. Spokesmen for the deveJopina nations here say their main complaint against tile IMF la that ita loan oondltJoru are too harsh and do not feCOl1\1ze that the big industrial countries ate at least partly responaible for the plight of the poor. The rtch natJona' bmttle agaiNt tnflatJon, they note, has produced a worldwide recetaion that baa devutated the Third World'• trade and tent their export pricee plummetJnc. OU-rich Mexico's severe caah crlsla, for lna\ahce, 1tema in pan from an unexpected drop in oU prtcea due to the reduced demend ln the rich countries. Even Jamaica's Seaga, economic conservative that he is, cont.ends that the IMF has been too harsh on some of the smaller Caribbean islands, which fall into economic depressions when the United States has a mild recession. Another example is the West African nation of Togo, where the sky seemed the limit ln 1974, when world prices soared for phosphate -one of its principal exports. With that, the country ol 2.5 million launched an ambitious development ·program, building airports, highways and other modemli.ation projects. 75, phosphate prices had plummeted, b did not cut back its spending prosram. Four ye later, ln 1979, it owed foreign lenden $1 billion -more than its en tlre econo01y produced that year. Togo borrowed $56 million from the IMF three years ago. On Tuesday, lta finance mlniater, Tete Tevt-Benlssan, met with fund offldals to arrange further aid to meet $80 mUllon In payments due by the end of this year. Tevi· Benisaan later told an aide lt was "a roU1h .-Jon." Publicly, he dedlned to bite the hands t>e hopes wlll feed him. "The IMF wantlJ the aituatlon In our economy ai..billzed," the minister told repo11era. "Itl conditions might be petteived u hanh or difficult, but that la just becaUle we must be bro\lght beck to normal.'' j----------....i-----------~-.. --------,---= I ' Orango Co It DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Septtmb r 12, 1082 ORANGE COAST STOCKS J' From Page 01 lle•r•· urt• tlu• "hwk u1ur"t'I lU'lh i1i1• .. n( 1uahlld) lraull'd 0r&UtKt' ( 'ountv rirnu1 for ttw ~•·t•k t•uclNI ... ricloy, S••1>t. IO. l>oln 1mn M..il IJy .-wport "\t-f'urlll1•111 Corp . DI ABLED CAN HOP FOR GADGET • • • Somt• u f tht• produ1:t• arc umu1lnl( In thL•ir •lmplldty. Uwnalla ure curved tor thoec who t'llfl move th<'lr arm only forw11rd und backward. Bowls and ptm¥ '-'Ome with grip surfat.'eti und requa n• only ont• arm for wwgc book holdrt11 pencil hold n nd rc.>mQl{• ('Ontrol whilUct that lum appllarw on and off by 10Und. anywhure. The mach ln c.>1 co t about $700 but re ovallable ff'('(' from th · tulcphon company. l ! I ! .. IUMt I 6 \J+h,. ~l11n> •H• I ti t •••r fll ttJ It A••• Ji I h ' .... , .... ~ . .... , '• . , ••• t ..... ,. "t •• I • t1M AIMt •I' Al• ,lrcl UUI I u ... ' t.~· l •• tO .... , • """' I '' llllt,,., In ftU ' ,., 'l•f ., t h1 """'' I I 9ul l 1•1 • Jn• t_.111 I'' HI C•ul•lr.Ano h-- '~ (~r\ .... \,,..,. '••t H •rl 111•9' I t'"P I fH , . ., •• •i.• .. •• .. ,, '~ It'' ....... i •n• .. f 1 ( l•u" ~i• 10 tJlw•'!tl• ,..,. - 1 1 C' ••r v. II\ • CtOO 11 Coapr •. C•r• "'" 1, COtSf\•t'"' C".ttT• '" ru ...... " ''""' (IJ'l'f J .. DlhPQWl'!r f'it'Wllli ,b D•turon tirttN 11 D•t•1• fl Aflrit• 11t Oc•wn•y Saw. O~I i·' rrro. Int-. rte I ) 1:1P Jttri,.o. lf)"M ) I lldor-t n tin. ft.DI U 19\.ll•i; C'or-p f>'ll(• ) l h olwtlon h '" • jll t.•c..,t~ ho II r )!\ Par V•8l flfll. hf H r1re\ u. .... r. PA!itlll 11 Pluor Carp~ t " • J9 r tuOt'OOarbon '''IN' 19 ro,. Better L. rBTtt• 'O Oene,.11 AulQ, ll!N& :; g:~::~1w~·~~ gw . Iii) Oreetve.ttHtt•p C~I ... Hel \oiteUc• HtLl 1t1 Herl ht• l•~tt IOITI ~b Ko•t Nt•l\h Hl'I~• •1 l•ptrlal •tt. IMra ... e ktl• Teeh. IYLI •J L11. Mith l WfltA ')0 L••er Prfte, ~, 1,.,.,.,.t, ~.t'. .., LI n Coun~,.t '> \ Ll'lt Ah111H<>t ~~ ~~ro:;, ~:,.p. ''I Mer~1u•y Sa1t, LA'" c""" IAkC LUTHU HSL 'r ,.., ... ,.<: ":tt1•r• l - Iii" "\ ·r<>t••kon, H~' A )1 H •r"eh .1.1.sfl In'1 li(U! "'11 M • at.t "'6ro M51 ~ ~ .. ,I •f'l•i f4 !CV • ,,_ 'I.a,,, •~ F"o~ IUUG t Ill 'r ~ " ~th •l:l• ~ ot "-wD'· N1 'llV - t, l't•wp•rt Corp. WDI'• bt.. ~•VPOr'l !'1 .. t't Nf.'W1 f, 'f Mf'wpu,.t Ph•r l'I ~liPH o'1 ""v w.,r1 <l Co• Jl(VW o,·~ lrfu• 1 Par ~•it lfH:tl f "I )1•' I"• O('lfJ I 'anl111•11'H 11"'1 ,. .. ,. •• a .. " oro • .,, ,. t'lC' ~ ... , , .. '" , .. ,.,,, ... j , .... ,,,, 1 ,.,," ,. • ... ,,., , tlr•r tlt1r -·~ 'I p,.. 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II •.9 T-)l-81 -S.2 IO.~bl 11.)1-81 llC 10.011 ·~-1·-·· • t,• LO' •'2 .• 10.0•) NC • 68 tlC o ... • e.6 to. 111 llC l.91 ~.9 •.o •l.~ .. ~ 6-)0-81 6-10-8• •l-) ·-·· •1-11-eo I·) t-81 •1· l •-8• ,. l~omplex activity up . .. More than $50 million in developmt•nt and :+;ales activity was r ecor ded in th£> Irvine ; Industrial Complex-East during the past 12 ;months. including nearly $36 million in :construction of new industrial facilities , During the past year. 25 companies : vompleted nearly $20 million in construcuon - • 1w1ce the amount recorded in the previous year 1 -for new manufacturing, distribution and other !facilities in the complex, and more than $16 hnillion worth of construction was started. '· ' WANTED! CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A TU FREE Way To Make Their Money Grow ...... . Current Interest Rate 11.2&% -I 00\ Cuarantttd Salttv ol P1111t1pat ~lktt l!•Y. -fio Currtnt lllcomt l u Wlltn Passtd To Btnelrc1uy -fiot An Annuity -Not A Bond FOR MORE INFO CALL OA WAITE I ;!Pr & Metcalfe ln r DIVORCED? SEPARATED? Dlll't jllSt GO TWllP it ... GllOW nr111~ it! DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP ~Six Tuesday Evening• Sept. 21-0ct. 26 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Beach :~"~~~~-----~-... l Call642-5678. st. Altdrews ad. at I 5ffl St. .Acl'Oll f..-... wporl H..._ H'911 SI 5.00 Reqktration 1 Pul a few words For more information call: 631 -2885 9:00-5:00 Mon.-Frl. l ~~,....~~to~w_o_r_k~fo~r..._o_u_.__, '' . , ., , I INTRODUCING DATA-WORKSHOPS BY THE DATA WORKS A series of small, up to the minute com}'Wer worhsho~. de- signed for those interested in getting ahead. Topics discussed: (0001) ABC'S OF MICRO·COMPUTERS (Sep t. a~ 8tJ, 1·8:30 pm) 110 (0011) WOBD P ROCESSING IN A NUTSllEl.L (vet. 6, 7, 7•8:30 pm) 110 (0111) MOJl(~Y MAKINO WITH TUE COMPUTER (Oct. 13, 14, 1·&30 pm) l llJ Series discounts available. Limited Enrollment. Call for location n earr.111 you -1141960-2186 I I uvu II •••• ,.., I • I• tOOO't For thoeo who can 't bend their bodlc>R, thf'rc are t•halra that uutomnlically rl8C, gadgeta to adlp shot•• off and on, and rods lo gru.p Items Crom shl'lves. for th<' blind there arc Bra!Uo watchc11 and t ranslator rttdloll thut unnounc<' the time. ,._, ... , ti\, .... , l,OQ' •••• t ., ·"' •,Ut u : t ~ll01VQ\I II,~·· ••••• ~l: !:~ •.-.o& JOO,li. "·"' ,, ,,O\ , ,.,, l,Oll lj,111 ''·''' n,•8' JJ.•n 19,•0• t:m 12, 1•9 •H,••6 16, ,,. :~:~~~ 16,08• ), ... 12,861 II\, TS) 126,•6• •·0u:m 11. 106 •2•.89• II,• 19 ~9. 100 H.~ll • ,l., J),99~ o ,\OO l,16) ::m ),01) ~· .u:1 9• 1,011 99,ue 1•1 l ,911 10, 1!>0 \\. 111 lt),260 ~1:m .;:m 10, '~' 9.S6T 219 ..... 2*,tU l!:m T•, I '1 •.HJ 1.0 .. ll' '1\,0)0 6•,ass "· 700 9S,00l 7. 18} 20. 117 ',. •),OU •1.6'1 '· 1q•, 159 J ... I 11 •. })6 es,0•1 ~tm ~.,~6 s.1•~ 9, •99 •\! ),112 J,l2• ... 21.•\8 26, J80 ·n:m 2,190 12),,,1 •26 20, 12\ ll ,010 ... 10 ), 162 1 .z•~ 202,0S • 1,\11 .,. \\11 .• ll ,, .. .. ~ '·"· '·"" .,,., v,,noo , ,01• lh For tho paralyzed there are seat lift.a thnt tranatcr lhl'm Crom a wh~lchulr t.o u car. 'fhere are al10 automatic card shufflers, There a re spcc10 J telephone devices that enable the hard of hearing to type message• on o sc r een th at can be sent The: Paul11 spc,•nt $30,000 and near ly a year visiting medical supply companies and looklna through catalogs t.o come up with the selection of merch.andlte. Ben said he got the Idea to o pe n such a s tore whe n h e wanted to buy his brother, who has cerebral palsy, a Chriltmu gift. r.1~;; II~ Real estate·cJasses open ··~·· O\(I •l•O Hu • n •» ••• l ,111 -1.11• 1\\ Fourteen difre rcnt stat e approved real estate C.'OUr&eS that oUer continuing education credit. to real estate licenses will be presente d at Orange Coast College this fall. The coul'leS range from three to six hours in length. Cost or the courses ls $3 p e r h o ur . Registration is being conducted in the Community Service Office, located In OCC's Administration Building. T he office ls open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m ., and Saturdays Crom 8 a.m. to noon. "There was no place t.o go." said Ben. "There are 15 mJWon people in thl<> country who don't have any place to shop." J~ ·118 -•l.•oo 1,IU no 1,691 l 1lOt Classes will begin during the months of September, Octobr, Novembe r , December, and January. The Hand1-Aid Company la open Monday t.o Friday from 10 to 5:30 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 1 p .m . on Saturdays. For more mfonnation about the st.ore call 662-1712. !:m -).et~ -1. tl• 1H,lll 2,t .. I, l'' 11) -90 I -~19 l. I IS ~l) •66 .. Jlt T6l 10P ?11 N• ·•6T I ,118 ·TS9 17' .?,H~ -101 •I• 1 •1 •• 780 s. 1'9 2. lT~ Ill 211 I ,?09 0 -1. •10 ·HS 91 1,009 I ,HT ss• a.••• -l. :~l -l~O '· ,,., ~I t•7 ·•,JOO 951 606 ':: TU _, .oos q I."' _.,, -1.Hl l, 160 1,11•9 I. T 10 os• ··:m -~6• •l,09 -2~ -HI •,•2~ '·'" n.10• -\01 Jll -1,SS9 -no •,651 ·•TI I , 2•9 ,,. _,,, t0,6 .. ,, Get the Joystk:k• (26-3008) At No Ext,. Cti.rge When You Buy • 161< Standard Color Computet' 39995 2t;" • L••m to Program With Color and Sound • Set Up • Budget • Keep lmportaht Fii•• •Attaches to Any TV Hurry-Offer Enda 9126112 PAICES MAY VAAY AT INDIVIDUAL STORES ANO DEALERS 1~----1 ................ •••••••••••••• ··········--· -··········- SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE , COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER • 1112 TllN!y Corp THE SMART WAY TO BUY 1 IOMEOWNERSAND AUTO INSURANCE IF YOU EARN MORE THAN $75,000 A YEAR 1r your pos1uon 1n tire is above average so are you1 insurance needs You ve got 100 much at scake 10 perm11 rouune h.:1ndl1ng or your propercy cind 11.:1b1llcy coverage Thar~ why many smart ~uccesslul people llke you a1e rurrnng their home owners and auwmob1le p101ernon needs over 10 Marsh & Mclennan We 1e \pec1ally sui1ed to serve special chencs Allhough we've mtlde OUI name dS !he world~ leading commercial 1nsu1- .:1nce b•oker. we cJlso handle a s1grnh canr amounc or pPrsonal coverage as well Homeowners and au1omob1le 1nsw<mce for a selecr g1oup or 1nd1v1d· uals 1n 1he uppe1 income brackets We offer several d1s11nct advan1ages over buying lh1S type Of proleClton lhrough other brokers GETF.UU REPLj\CEMENT VALUE Before we insure your heme we arrangt' for a free 1nspee1ton and appraisal tr you need some kind of coverage cnscamly. we can probably arrange b1nd1ng procernon over che phone 1ha1 will keep you covered un11I your policy can be issued and delivered 10 you And 1f your pos111on 1n life makes you a 1emp11ng 1arge1 for damage lawsu11s, we can provide you w11h excess hab1h1y coverage or SI m11t1on to s 10 m111ton cit a much lower cost lhan you might expecc GET A HOMEOWNERS INVENTORY-FREE Whether or not you ul11mar~1y obtain insurance coverage 1hrough us. we~ ltke 10 provide you w11h a small but 1mponanr piece or protection righc now-absolutely rree lc's a Homeowners Inventory An in· d1spens1ble 24-page booklet designed 10 help you cake a fast and accurace 1nvencory or your hOme's come ms There's a place 10 llSI every 11em you owrt, the dace you purchased it the purchase price ana the replacement cost II will help you hst room by room. 11em by 11em. all che valuable possessions you ·ve accurnulaced. 1nclud1ng chose an1cles or excep11ona1 value like rws. jewelry. s1lve( fine arts and anuques There's even a special seC1ton ror che 1nclus1on of photo- g1aphs and 1ece1p1s Scored 1n a sate place. your Homeowners lnvenrory could mean a big d1frerence 1n sectllng an insurance claim should your home ever be hit by d1S<1ster This handy booklt"I 1s yours w1ch our comphmenrs To ob1a1n your copy simply complete and return the coupon below We'll see 1ha1 your Homeowners Inventory is sem 10 you 1mmed1ately Because we're accuscomed 10 deal ing with policyholders who enJOY an ~1rfluent hfes1yle we're not ·razed" by unusual requ11emencs <1na 019 numbers For instance. 1r you have valuable arl an1tques. or collec11bles we know r---------------1 --------, how 10 insure each ont> 1nd1V1dually for lhe (Ull replacemenc VtllUe at todcly's pr1Ces We know how 10 covet yow jewetry. rurs. cind silver so that lfl CdSe o f IOSS you won I be d1sappo1nted by suOtracuons for deprec1a11on GET f'ERSONALIZED ATTINTION Because we lend 10 insure dbove average homes anc:J C(lrs, we give each pohcyholdtr rirst -clriss uearmenc Any 11me you cc'lll w11h a quesuon. need or claim. you'll ~ver be f0<ced 10 dec11 with a.namelc>ss impersonal c I erk 'rt>u 'II tlSk for and l~lk 10 your own /\ccoun1 Represen1a11ve. some- one who 1s keenly 1n1eres1ed In your 11 ~rds and personally re~pons10I~ ror \l'e1ng tlkll you are IJken Cc11t' or I I I I I I I I M•rlh a Mclenn•n, 4400 McArthur a1Vd .. Suite JSO, Newport leach, CA 92660 OP 9/12/82 I Attn: <i•ry H•nson, Vice President YES, 1<:1 like to receive my free copy or t~ Homeowners lnven1ory f understand 1h1s 24-page bOOklet is m1~ w1thou1 obllgauon Plea~ send me my compl1men1ary copy 1mmed1a1ely · N.tm1··------"------11-,-,,-.-1.-.,-~-=-----#-t;;....----- "ild!r\'----------------------------- Col} ______________ Sl .. rl' ______ z,..._ ______ _ Hcimt l't1&>f• ___________ Offill' Pl'IOoll' ___________ _ UTIMATID CUltltSNT \N.UC 0, NlY HOMI: 0 U00.000· UI0.000 0 UI0,000-SJ00.000 0 S)00.000 • "'• llWryl C.11 71 .... l·lt II •• ,....Yet/II ._. ... _ • I I I I I I I ----- Cout DAILY PllOT/8unday, hptemblr 12, 1912 NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION •11o•u10ti1• 1•c~11ot 'uon 0tt •111111w •O ... M••••n, '•CHI<,, .......... ttu .. , 11110 c111c1 .. u 1 noo 1 ICllAlllU AllD 11 l'OUH H tllt lla•O HD 111'11Nlf •• \ 'I! -----------... ----· Realtors plan SF • convention SAN FRANCIS(.;O Members of tht! Callfornau AuocJatlon oC Jtcaltora (CAR) will convene Sept. 23-25 In San Franct.co for their 78th annual convention to seek solulions and new perceptions of the ccononuc problems confronting the Industry. CAR President Seb Stcrpa of Burbank will preside over a convention agenda thal will place heavy emphasis on providing real estate professionals timely, expert information on procedures for coping with the pressing probl ems confronting the industry today in such areas as inflation, financing, mortgage assumption s, commerc ial condominium marke ting and time sharing. A panel of leading economists will provide Realtors insight into the efforts being made to solve the nation's current inflation and interest rate dilemmas. Members lnaututt-; Joun Lake City, who I t.'Onvention theme," uble Your Success"; and Thomas J . Winninger, an Inspirational speaker , Waterloo lowa. ... Assemblyman Louis J. Papan, of Millbrae, will address the Association's pre-conventional annual legislative luncheon on W~ncsday. September 22. · More than 80 roundtable topics will be discussed at education sessions led by industry leaders. Continuing education courses will be offered in "Due-on-Sale -Wellenkamp" an~ "Structural Pe s t Control ." A Communications Workshop will be attended by communications committeemen representtng B oards of Realto rs from throughout the state Or1ng1 Co11t DAit. Y PILOT/Sunday, September 12. 1982 05 Th is French country manor was the ite of n recent home lour hosted by Ed Escano and Judy Jordan of tingo Real Estate in Newport Center. Realtors to the manor born Newport sa}espeople market high-priced PfOperties . ( ~ Bu ine discovers San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) A glut of downto wn offil-c:> space could hl'lp put San IJwgo on a par with Los Angck':I trnd San Franc1~'0 us a m uJor financial center. at.'\.•ordlng to n·ul <.'State analysts. Thut J)<>Sllibillty exista despite the IOW{•Sl Jcvt•l of t:onstructlon acUvHy m San Diego County in 23 years for the fln;t half of 1982. Total building activ ity In California's southernmost county has d l'<:linC'd for the firth straight Yt'ar And , for the first six monthi.. of 1982, IL was down 20 percent below the already depressed lwcl.s of the first hal! of 1981. accQrdmg to the August issue of the San Diego Economic Bulletin. But because f o ur n e w downtown skycrapers are ope ning this year, the total uvailablc offit-e space m the civic center will double, to about 6 rn1ll1on s qua r e fee t. And in surrounding suburbs, twice as • of the panel will inclu~e Joe Wright, deputy director, Office of Manage ment a nd Budget, Washington. D.C.: Dr. Michael Jessee, senior vice preside nt and chief economist, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco; Dr. K en Rosen , repre se nting R egional Data A ssocia tes of Berkeley. More than 100 exhibitors will present latest techniques, equipment and products in data p r ocessing, electronic communication, office procedures and sales promotion. Office rs for 1983 wi II b e elected in the closing session. Gordon Nicnolson, promine nt Orinda Realtor, who presently is first vice president, is unopposed for president, as is Treasurer Ray Spinelli who will be seeking his third term. H. Stanton J ohnson or Los Angeles and Becki Schwab of San Diego are candidates for the office of first vice president. When a real estate agent has in and Jordan, and received a skies and s himmering lights much ofC1ce s pace 1s under excesA of $13 million worth of packet containing ct>lor brochures illuminating the city below C'onstrucllon than during the residential property entrusted to of the home and a map of the According to EMano and Jordan. entire past 20 years, says real him to market it takes more than community to guide them on the these views typify the beautiful estate analyst Sanford Goodkin. the everyday ad in the paper subsequent tour of other fine vistas experie nced from atop the "This new growth is a and open house sign to properly Harbor Ridge homes. hills in Harbor Ridge. complete change of pace for San represent these homes. While at this luxury home, When choosing to represent a Diego," said Goodkin. "We used F.d F.scano and Judy Jordan of guests w c r e s c r v e d a n homeowner in the marketing and to be seen as a nice place for a Lingo Real Estate in Newport appropriate Fren<:h wine by subsequent sale of his home, vacation , or a Navy town, but Beach. two agents who work as a uniformed waiters circ ulating Escano and Jordan feel an agent never to be taken ~riously by team, are finding ways to meet throughout the crowd and were must have the initiative to big business." ~ t . • ,. ' • , -f Realtor Harley W. Snyder of Valparaiso, Indiana, president- elect of the National Association of Realtors: Dr. Harry Olson Jr .. renown ed i ndus trial psy- chologist, and Dr. Mark Lee Levine, a nationally recognized authority on the legal aspects of real estate exchanges, will also address the conve ntion. Both maj or party gubernatorial candidates will address the Realtors at separate sessions. Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles, the Democratic nominee, will speak to the Realtors al their opening general 9E!S&on on Friday, September 24, and Attorney General George D eukmejian, the Republican candidate, will address the convention o n Saturday , September 25. Other speakers will include Mark H . Long , San Di eg o, president of the Syndication R esearch and A chievement A gala President's Dinner Dance and Show will feature the music o( the J ohnny Vaughn Orchestra.-snd performances by the Las Vegas Roulettes, Ravel the Magicia n and Lynda Bergren, vocalist. Officers , directors a nd committeemen of the Association will meet on Tuesday through Thursday, Sept. 21 -23, prior to o ffi ci al opening of the convention . All sessions will be held at the San Francisco Hilton Hote l. Registrations may be made by mail, or you may phone for additional information at headquarters of the California Association of Realtor s. 525 South Virgil Avenue, Los Angeles 90020, (213) 739-8217 · 'Portside' offers special NB value In Pacesetter Homes' West.cliff Grove community off Dove r Drive in Newport Beach, the "Portside" home, Lot 17, has become available with a "rare value package,'' indicates Landon M . E xley, executive v ice president for the developer. The four-bedroom, 3 'h bath home, which includes a dining room, library, and family room, is "specially priced" at $395,000 with 10 percent down and 5 1A year financing with no lender assumption. Described as "an architectural gem" near the waters and cliffs of the Newport bay, the two- story West.cliff Grove home is set amidst mature landscaping on a w ell proportioned lot. Special detailing combines with architectural features like vaulted ceilings, s kylights, French doors, double hearth, and a kitc h en island to make the "Portside" home "a tremendous opportunity at this price,'' adds Exley. An oversized kitchen serves both the family room and a formal dining room where French doors open to the patio. The master suite upstairs occupies its own private wing, and th e three seco ndary bedrooms share two baths. To r each the homes from Pacific Coast Highway tum up the hill at Dover Drive and follow Dover to Westcliff Drive. For m ore information call 646-5092. this challenge. treated to a feast of stuffed provide th e progr ess ive He calls downtown San Diego · In this real estate market of French croissants, ham and beef marketing techniques necessary th c best u n d e r d e v e 1 oped the early 80s where economic roasts,spinachloaCs,salads anda t o expose th ose,homes as prop erty on the West Coast, and psychological factors are delightful array of imported effectively as possible . This noting that 250,000 square feet of having a negative influence. cheeses. Garde n tables we r e commitmen t and dedication to new office space is occupied each where brokerage firms are provided for guests to enjoy their their clients has resulted in over year. and that 1s expected to rise closing and agents are seeking repast on the pa tio a round the $4 million ,in successful sales m to 380.000 square feet next year. the security of 9-to-5 jobs that 41-foot pond-shaped pool and this year of "hard times." T h e four n ew d o wntown assure them of making e nough spa. The pair admit that the overall htghnses total 1 7 rrullion square money to pay the mortgage and As the evening progressed and real estate activity has decreased feet and are the fi rst to be built their everyday bills, F.acano and guests continued their tour of the from previous years, but they are here m seven years. They include Jordan are continuing their Harbor Ridge homes, they we re optimistic about the values of the 27 sto ry Columbia Center, aggressive efforts in real estate, we 1 co me d at each b y an Orange County real estate and the 20-story Bank or America and are maintaining their informative representative o f feel that Newport Beach, and Plaza, the 20 story Wells Fargo successful ways. Lingo's Newport Center office Harbor Ridge in particular, will Tower, which opened this week, Confident that there are still and w e r e treate d t o ever continue to be one of the most and the 24-story Imperial Bank buyers for real estate and that changing views or a dramatic sough t -after addresses in Building, which opened five there are people who need to sell s ummer sunset over weste rn southern California. months ago. their homes or other properties, But all this construc tion has Escano and Jordan have become resulted in a temporary office firm believers in the theory that Loan h ti. t space glut, With a vacancy rate of innovative marketing is the 0 .1n e se 30 pert.-ent that will take three answer to bringing these buyers year s to fill , says Arleigh and sellers together. Specializing Shearson/ American Express mortgage financing questions." Williams. resident rnanager of in the high-priced properties of Mortgage Corp., headquartered Scott no t e d . "Ofte n times, Coldwell Banker. ~ private communities along in the city of Orange, has individua ls with balloon That vacancy rate is the coastal Orange County from announced a community service payments coming due, or those highest among big cities in the Capistrano to Newport Beach, hot line number for Orange who wish to refinance existing nation, he said. they realize it takes considerable County residents. According to home Joans find themselves at a Still, the offi< .. -e space growth expense and effort on the part of Scott Gray, the firm's assistant loss as to which way to tum . rate is not as substantial as in the agent to achieve this goal. vice president, the new phone "Whether cons umers have some other cities. Denve r is Last year at this time &cano number is 835-6411. already selected a financing firm adding about 5 million square and J ordan hosted hundreds of "Our goal is to offer the or not, they can feel free to feet of om ce space thts year. and invited guests to a tour of the community r esidents clear , phone us for advice with no Hous ton about 8 million. said James Irvine family home in concise answers to their obligation." Dave Ferguson, r esearcher for Laguna Beach's Irvine Cove .• -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G=-:ru~b~b:......:a~n~d:.....:Ell:::::.::~::.....:R~e=a~J~to~rs.::..:_·~~ This home was being represented by Rod Daley, also of Lingo's Newport Beach office, for $7 million. Several other specially selected homes represented by Lingo Real Estate were included on that home tour. This past week. Escano and Jordan had a second home tour, this time in Newport Beach's prestigious private commUnity of Harbor Ridl(e. The home1 for this tour ranged in price from $520,- 000 to J3,200,000 and over 450 invite guests enjoyed the summer evening event. The tour began at a c ustom home of Country French design where, upon their arrival, each guest's car was attended to by a valet as they were greeted by their host and hostess, Escano If you're in Business, you should be In B THE ORANGE COAST USINESS OUTLOOK Coming Sunday. October 3 in the financial section of your local newspaper -the Daily Pilot This Month's Speclal Fe•ture: A focus on the, IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Each issue of Business Outlook offers you: • Loc•I forec•sts from key business figures • First h•nd knowledge of wh•t your competitors •re doing - • Fe•tures on people •nd events In your business community • Business growth potentlal In •nd •round the Or•nge Co•st •re• · Take advantage of this opportunity to place your advertising message where y~u'll receive results -In 8Ull':418SS OUTLOOK coming October 3. D••dllne for 1pace reaerv•tlona Tunday, SepteMber J8, 1982 ADV•RTISING RATI •10.10 per col1M1n Inch fco111111l11lonabl•J •I • u for a Cedar Olen . condo In El Torol 2 Bedrooms, 11/2 Baths; $95,000 to $97,000 No closing costs; Q A G~ Tr.abuc o Ro.td J 0 ~ Q ,.,.~ .... 10%Down Includes Air COnditioning, carpet and Flooring, Levelor Blinds. 30 year fixed-rate loan, no prepayment penalty, fully assumable. 12aA0/o interest for first 3 years and 143A% for remaining 27 years. Comer of Trabuco and El Toro. Olrt>f'llcmw· f 11"" 1hi• ~"' ()t;ogn M4tf> No1 To ,..., rr ...w.w 111k\' 1lw U T0to ~"Id offmmp OTM-norati ,..., fl Tnio Ro.)(! 10 tlw 1n1"r'('( 111-.n ell Trt1l1111 n ~n.ld I t>lltiw 'll(j!1' 10 tnocf\•l' (714) 586-4910 110mes .. ,• • DI Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12, 1H 2 Tips offered for security of your home By BARBARA MA YER . , ......... .., .. The growth of the home security Industry is founded on the fact that burglaries are generally on the rise In most parts of the United States. Thia situation has created a growing market for alarm systems and other security devices, such as locks and bolt.a. However, law enforcement officers and security spedaliats agree an Individual can go a long way -without spenc:Ung money -toward preventing burglaries by making it difficult for would-be intruders to enter a house. One home security product maker recently collected a number of ways of safeguarding a home. A check.list of things to do that cost little or nothing shows how to maintain the appearance of life and activity, thus discouraging burglars. Some of the safeguards, however, do involve a greater energy expense. The best defense is confusion, a sense of activity and avoidance of an easily defined routine of entering and leaving the home, according to the check.list printed in book.let form by Fichet Inc. If you go out, leave lights on, leave a radio playing, and adjust the window shades or blinds as if you were at home. Taking the phone off the hook so a caller will think someone is at home is another ploy. In hot wP.ather , consider leaving the air conditioner turned on very low. Even when at home, practice good security by keeping windows and doors locked at all times and ladders locked away. Make sure the doors to the basement and garage are locked except when in use. Don't hide keys outside, and instruct children not to open the door to strangers. Keep valuables out of sight and turn on exterior lights at night. Don't have your name on the outside of the house. Cruising burglars can look up your phone number and call to see if anyone is at home. Make sure shrubs do not provide a hiding place; trim them back so that neighbors can see into the first- floor windows. · Sliding glass doors are easy to open or even · remove by lifting out of their frame. Guard against this by inserting nails into the inside frame of the windows just above the door itself. If you have exterior doors with Rla.ss panes. add a metal grille, an acrylic plastic cover or replace the glass with wire mesh reinforced glass. It is a good idea to photograph and engrave an identifying number on valuables for insurance purposes. Keep a list of valuables, too, in case you should ever have to make a claim. Place emergency numbers -police and fire department especially -where they can be seen on each telephone extension. If you live in an apartment, use only one initial on your mailbo"x and apartment registry listing so that you gW\fd against being telephoned to check if you are at home. Make sure you have a peephole in your apartment door and install two separate locks plus a high security deadbolt with a pick.proof cylinder. Windows which can be reached from an outside fire escape or the ground should be secured with police departme nt-approved gates. Air conditioners should be bolted to window supporting frames. Select a window that is not easily reached from the outside if you have a choice when it comes to installing an air conditioner. The duplicate door key you may leave with your superintendent sho uld be sealed in an envelope. Ask the superintendent to leave the key in the envelope. If there is a break-in, check that the envelope has not been tampered with. A good idea in both home and apartment is to install a lock on the bedroom door so potential intruders will have a harder time causing you physical harm. When going on vacation ask a friend, relative or neighbor to keep an eye on the house and to remove mail daily. Or you can request that mail delivery be suspended until you return. When stopping delivery services such as newspaper and milk, do so without explanation. Arrange for regular lawn care and use timers to turn on lights and radio at intervals. Ask a friend to park in your driveway and, if feasible, have someone deposit a bag of trash in your garbage cans once a week. If the vacation is a lengthy one, store valuables in a safe deposit box and notify the police of your trip and leave a number where you can be reached. C.Opies of the "Home Security Checklist" may be obtained free from Fichet Inc .. P.O. Box 92, Halesite, NY 11743. Cedar Glen lures first time buyers Cedar Glen condominiums in El Toro by Pacesette r Homes provide "an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers to take full advantages of home ownership," states Landon M. Exley, executive vice president for the developer. "The package of price and financing at Cedar Glen is particularly suited to firsHime buyers,'' he adds. "With only 10 percent down, we can offer a 30-year fixed-rate loan. fully assu mable, and monthly paxments around $929. There are no closing costs. ' In addition to the prices of $95,000 and $97,000 for the two-bedroom, two-story, 1 'h-bath condominums, Exley notes the popular sun and swim recreation center available for the use of each resident. Each home features a living room, family room, kitchen, and powder room downstairs, with the two bedrooms secluded upstairs. T he kitchen s are equipped\with built-in Hotpoint appliances, a garbage diaposal, and vinyl flooring. Other standard features include wall-to-wall carpeting, patios, cable TV, corian marble pullman tope, laundry areas, and walk-in closets. Cedar Olen ls located near the hills of the Tra buco Canyon on the comer of El Toro and Trabuco roads. The sales office at Cedar Glen is open 11 a.m. to~ p.m. every day. To reKh the community, take the San Diego Freeway to El Toro Road. Drive north on El Toro to the lnteniection of El Toro and Trabuco, and follow the signa. For more Information , call ~86·4910. THE BEST -...----.. -In re.ctlng enJovment com&s to vour ---home 7 davs a week In the lllllyPlllt " ,, Just Testing Ground broken for HB tract With thc mayor ond city admlnl1trator of Huntington Buch aaslsllng ln the ceremony, the new I ndrnark (.'Ommunlty along the Huntlngton Seaclltl golt court11· In Huntington Beach WH christened recently. Swinging golf clubs to move 1ome Initial ground for the golf course homes, Mayor Robert P . Mundie Jr., City Administrator Charles W. Thompson, and Development Service• Director James W. Palin joined with members of the development team to commemorate a project that demanded over three years of planning before the first ground was broken. The community, which will eventually yield 522 exclusive homes, ls a joint venture project between Mansion Properties, Inc., a subsidiary of the Huntington Beach Company, and Cayman Development Company of Rolling Hills &tates. Ina ugurating the gate-guarded entry system at Falcon Hill in Laguna Hills are T erry Teeople (rig ht}, of the Meister Compa ny, a nd Ra ndy Howa tt, preside nt of the Falcon Hill Homeowners Associa tion. "This project was natural for both our companies," stat.es Roger Work, vice president and general manager of the Huntington Beach Company. "Cayman has developed the finest homes in Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills Estates for years, and it was their great accomplishments that convinced us that they were an excellent choice to work with on this prime property." Cayman president Ray Rutt.er shares similar sentiments, praising the prior Huntington Beach Company developments that have already made Seacliff such an attractive neighborhood. Falcon Hill ho111es 'secured' "We have been· very Impressed wiih our associates in Huntington Beach," adds Rutt.er, "and the opening ceremony gave us an opportunity to thank the mayor, the city administrator, and the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce for their tremendous help and support over the long haul of putting such an extensive project together." With the completion of the gate-guarded entry system at Charleton Drive and La Paz Road, Falcon Hill has become the .,only private. single-family residential community of luxury homes to offer such an amenity in this section of Laguna Hills. Complementing the secluded nature of Falcon Hill's hilltop setting, the gate-guarded entry is designed to enhance the private nature of these homes and to maximize control over stree t usage to achieve the highest degree of safety possible. Card key controls provide residents easy access to the community. while a telephone entry system enables visitors and guests to contact individual owners at their homes for admittance . A special programmable code box at the entry kios k may be used by service people such as gardeners, pool cleaners and housekeepers to gain entry on a regular basis. Provisions for emergency access for sheriff, fire and paramedic personnel are also incorporated into the system. Presenting from l ,734 to 2,509 square feet of interior living space, these three and four- bedroom homes were designed by Berkus Group Architects or Newport Beach. Each home is showcased by soaring vaulted or cathedral ceilings as well as by skylights and clerestory windows which e nhance the spatial dimensions of the formal and informal entertaining areas in addition to those of the luxurious mast.er suites. Prices for these unique homes begin at $215,500. Financing programs include a limited number of 30-year, fixed-rate loans at 13"0!% (14 .25% annual percentage r a te) or lower available on selected homes, a 60/30/ 10 plan reducing down payment and qualifying requirements and several differe nt five and seven year loans which begin with very low interest rates. • To visit this gate-guarded, hilltop community in Laguna Hills, tak e the San Diego Freeway to the La Paz Road exit and proceed south approximately three miles to Charleton Drive, then tum left to Falcon Hill. --------.. -______ .--- ------ he Best Represen ting the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce at the ceremony was executive vice president Joyce Riddell. Realty library opened The Orange County chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) announces the creation of a reference library on property management. The library is located at the Orange County IREM office at 3520-B Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa. Cross streets are Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower, near the San Diego Freeway. ' of Lemon Heights. At the top of the most prestigious area in the Tustin Hills is La Cuesta-a private, gated estate of four custom homesites. This most unique and impressive hilltop site has been developed by Michael Mahoney and John Lyttle. Every lot offers you incredible panoramic views of Orange County's rolling hills and city lights below. ' The enclave is extremely private with estate grounds large enough fo r inclusion of your special pool, spa or garden setting. Use the talents of Michael and John, who have designed distinctive luxurious homes for each lot, or design your own dream home. Only two lots remain, each priced at ~000. If you're searching for the ul timate setting to build your once-in-a-lifetime home, call today for • an appointment to personally tour the La Cuesta site with Michael or John. The home of your dreams deserves the magnificent surroundings of La Cuesta. (714) 731-1155 1181~ ' •a • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, S1pt1mbtr 12, 1982 07 Second mortgage hard to get with adjustables ' I By ROBE RT J. BRlJSS REAL ESTATE Mllllll continue to 10 up. lt'1 IO bard to know If we ••ould keep our bouH or tell o. Do you think bome price• wUI 10 down? -Karen C DEAR BOB: Wben we bou1bt our bome about two yeara 110 we paid a SU,000 down payment and 1ot .an "adjU1t1ble rate mortgage" for tbe balance of Ute purcb11e price. Our down p&ymeat wa1 1lm01t to percent. We now realize h w11 Hupld to make 1ucb a bl1 down paym ent. My t1111band bas been tryln1 to arrange a $%0,000 aecond mort111e aa we need to pay off aome medical bllla. Bat no local bank, S&L, finance company, or mort1a1e broker wUl give ua a second mort1age. Tiley a ll aay they don't make aecond mortgage loana If tbe tin t loan bas an adj ustable lntere.t rate. la tbla t rue or 11 there aome other reason? - Mickle N. The ARM ls Uw rlaiklt'tit typt• or mortgug(• loan. ARMs, in my opinion, lihould ~ mndc Illegal. Even lenders rruiklng ARM loan11 rt·allw the risk and they reruse to make S<.~'Ond mortga1tt· loans IC the hrst loan is an ARM. DEAR KAREN: Thll hl&her a home'11 mortaage lntcrl>st rate, the lower that home'a market value. Therefore, a home with o low lnterc1t rate a11umable mortgage Js worth more than one without such attractive financing DEAR MICKIE: It's true. Most second mortgage lenders will not make a loan lf the first mortgage ls an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). Although ~l will be expensive, your bciil alternative tor raising the $20,000 may be to refinance your ARM with the current lender. Another possibility. and prooobly the cheapest, ls to get the medical blll creditor to accept a $20,000 second mortgage on your house as security for your (uture payments to the creditor. But don't believe the average or median home sal~ price statistics you he.ar or read. These !lgures have become skewed and are vlrtµally meanlngleee. The reason Is the cheap homett are selling well, u are the very expensive homes. However. homes In the "middle market" price range are not eelling well d ue to high mortgage lnteresfrates which most buyers can't afford to pay. The reHult Is home sale statistics which are not accurate for reflecting home values. AB you've diacovered, home sale prices in your neighborhood are going up but you're hearing conflicting figures elsewhere. Don 't b elieve statistics Although the terms of ARM loans vary, most have interest rate adjustments every six or 12 months. Some provide for monthly payment adjustments but many allow negative amorti1.8tion if interest rates go up (meaning the borrower may owe more than he originally borrowed). DEAR BOB: I heard on the radio news that home prices are stagnant and not going up very much. But tn our neighborhood home sales prices Since the reported statisti<.'S don't reflect the Homeowners stopped Selected from all the buyers at Aliso Meadows as a typical couple, • Csaba "Chub" and Diane Domotor said they purchased a home at the affordable Laguna Hills community "to avoid throwing away our money on rent." The Domotors, who have been I m arried three years, came to Californ ia from their native New Jersey 2 ~ years ago and have been renting an apartment in Lake Forest. Both work in Irvine. Chub is a designer of industrial control valves for Control Components, Inc., while Diane ts a waitress at R icky Rickshaw's. "We decided to stop throwing away our money on rent," says Chub. "We 1 wanted to put our money into something. to build equity for the larger home we hope to buy when we have children in three to five years. We also wanted our own place, a place where we can d o any kind of decotating we want and plant a tree in our own yard." The Domotors wanted to continue living in southern Orange County, since it's convenient to their jobs and Chub's parents live in Mission Viejo. "We looked a lot for over a year," adds Diane. ''We couldn't afford detached h omes and the other condominiums did not have enough room. Plan A at Aliso Meadows had the best layout, the most room. It fits our furniture perfecUy -even our big dining room set. Another big reason why we bought here is that no one lives above or below us. We feel like we have our own little house and we can do anything w_e want with it." So far, they've painted their bedroom and paneled a waJl with Financing off er expires tonight "Going ... going ... almost gone" is the opportunity to buy a new home with a 30-year fixed-rate loan at 10 percent interest (l l percent APR) at Broadmoor residential communities throughout Southern California. This special financing oCCer that has drawn crowds of home shoppers over the past few months is now set to expire at midnight tonight. Described by Broadmoor sales people as "the best new home financing available." these below- market Joans not only feature low interest rates locked in for 30 years, but are also fully assumable by a qualified buyer. To home shoppers, this has meant a chance to purchase a brand new Broadmoor home with the confidence that should he or she be transferred, or for any reason wish to sell, the property can be sold much more easily because the mortgage remains fully assumable for Its entire 30·year term. These "lifetime loans" are also reminiscent o( "the good old days" in many other ways. For example. there will be no surprise call-ms after three, five or 10 years: the rate stays the same and the principal is reduced every time a paym~nl is made. In addition to the excellent financing, the OPP9rtunity to purchase with a down payment as low as 10 percent is currently available at Broadmoor residential communities in Laguna Niguel and Huntington Beach. A typical conventional sale: Country Vistas, Plan One, cash price is $186,500. Cash down payment is $18,650 at 10 percent down. Move-in closing costs are estimated at $6.192. A First Trust Deed of $167,850 (unpaid balance) in 360 successive equal monthly payments is approximately $1,761 including principal, interest, estimated taxes, insurance and Homeowners' Association dues. At Broadmoor's Hampton Bluffs, in Laguna Nigue l, an "encore grand opening" has just introduced a newly decorated selection oC luxurious, single-family executive homes at prices from $230,000. Offered in distinctive traditional architectural stylings, these one and two-story residences feature from three to four bedrooms. Information about these fine residential communities, or the soon·to-expire 10-percent 30-year financing offer, may be obtained by phoning Broadmoor Homes/Southern California, 957-1100. San Juan project rich in a:menities Two of the rarest qualities in modem life are grace and dignity. One of the fastest dwindling resources is a homeslte fronting the ocean. Rare and dwindling but not extinct. All can ~ found at Connemara-By-The-Sea, a private community on a hill overlooking Dana Point Harbor in San J uan Capistrano. The new, amenity-rich developm~nt consists of 80 homesltes. The aetting Is a hill rising from Dana Point into the hilla beyond San Oemente. The homesites begin at $249,000 and range upwards to $480,000. Connemara-By-The-Sea is reached by taking Camino las Ramblas east from the Pacific Coast Highway. Tum left on Avenlda Pescador to the , entrance at Connemara Drive. Appointments to view the homesitea. or' further information may be obtained by calling Fred Good at Connemara, 661-0305. Local, county , stat e, national and international events come to your doorstep in the bright, light and lively DlllyPllt 'throwing away money' cork. Their next project ls the fenced front yard, which will have flowers, rocks, grass and a deck. Aliso Meadows Project Manager T erry Brennan reports that the majority o f buyers are like the Domotors; "young, married and childless. J!:1ghty-six pe rcent are unde r 32, fifty-four percent are married, and seventy-four percent have no children." The m odel selected by the Domotors, Plan A, the Aster, offers 960 square feet of living space. It has a formal entry foyer, spacious living room, large dining room, U-shaped kitchen, two bedrooms and one bath. Sliding glass doors open from the living room and master bedroom into the fenced front yard. The Domotors use the extra bedroom for a den-TV room. A condominium development, Aliso ' . ' Meadows offers two two-bedroom plans 6f 960 square feet and one three-bedroom mod el with 1,248 square feet. Prices start at $79,950. Sales at Aliso Meadows are restricted to those with gross annual household incomes of $25,664 to $38,496 because the loans are government-assisted. The interest rate is fixed for 30 years at 10.6 percent (10.87 percent APR) or 11.5 perce nt ( 11. 75 percent APR), depending on the buyer's income. The normal down payment is 10 percent. Open daily, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the sales office and furnished models may be re.ached-by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway south to Alicia Park way off-ramp (first exit past El Toro Road), turning right on Alicia and going southwest 1 ~ miles to Via Lomas and Aliso Meadows. -,.... ... •_ •llt"r financing icrnw of aalt>t, &ind aro oficn llmlted only to reported 8111<' by Renlt-0r11 or when e n w mortgage wu obtalm'll from n <.'Onvcntlonul lender place little faith In the· curn·nt ml l{·udln& honw •le price reporta. Canceling impound account DEAR BOB: Our home mort1a1e llaa ID Impound account for mootbly paymentt of property taxes and fire Insurance. Tbe leader pays a n ry low lntereat rate on tbJ1 money. We would prefer to m a ke our own tax a nd l n1ura1 ce payments wbea tbey become du,. la It pq11lble to 1et *'I• Impound account canceled? -Nell L. DEAR NEIL: Maybe. If your mortgage ts a FHA or VA home loan, Its tertna require an Impound account for property taxes a nd fi re tnaurance. But impound accounts on other types of mortgages can usuall y be canceled with the lender's permlsslon. However, many lenders are reluctant lo cancel Impound accounts because they are a source of very cheap money for the lender. But there's no harm In asking. U you get a "no" answer, insist on talking to the lender'• top officer. Especially if your mortgage has a low loan-to-value ratio, and if you are . peralstent, you can probably get the impound account canceled. Discount mortgage buy legal DEAR BOB: Last week I met a realty broker a t a clvtc hlDcbeoo. She says tba t from time to tlme abe learn• of first and second mortgages for .. ie a t dl1count1 wblcb yield a return of at least %0 to ao percent OD tbe Investment. One mortgage abe 0ow1 of baa an $8,500 balance which I can buy for Sl,000 caab. She explained my yield wlll be about 21 percent when the loan's balloon payment Is paid off. Altboagb I realize there Is risk, the house Is la a good nelgbborbood and the owner bas a $35,000 equity ln It. My question ls would I be vlolatlng tbe aaury lawa by buying this m ortgage? -Ken L. I?EAR KEN: No. Presuming the mortgage did not vtolate the state usury law when it wai; made, subsequent sale of the loan at a discount has no relevance to usury laws. The reason is the borrower is still paying the same non-usurious interest rate that he agreed to pay when he got the loan. Ask your attorney to explain the usury laws further. -. .......... . oa Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, 8-s>tember 12, 1982 (_ Electronics ·eyed AP Wlrephoto Close scrutiny is given a printed circuit board inserted with hundreds of connectors plated with new palladium a lloy developed by Du Pont Co. as a re placement for gold. ABLE tells Canadian • connection ABLE Computer of Irvine now has completed the appointment of a network of five distributors serving Canadian needs coast to coast, announced Robert T . Jones, Director of International Marketing. "This ne t work of firms specializing in computer systems makes experienced sales, Installation and service facilities promptly available throughout Canada", Jones said. Distributors are located in Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Mississauga (Toronto), and Dollard des Onneaux (Montreal). They are supported by ABLE's own office and service facilities In Mississauga. ABLE Computer is a leader in the enhancement marke\, which designs, manuCacturt!S a nd distributes a broad line of UNIBUS -compatible data communications, memory and general purpose enhancement products for users of Digital Equipment Corporation computers. San/Bar Corp, Irvine, said it posted record revenues and earnings in fiscal 1982. T he company reported that fiscal 1982 was a benchmark year for San/Bar Corp. It was the 20th year in operation, the best year in the company's history, and the second consecutive year in which San/Bar achieved record revenues and earnings. The company also stated that on the whole fi8cal 1982 was a year of significant achievement for San/Bar. During the year the company estab l ished Its Canadia n and European operations and acquired a new, state-of-the-art electronic key telephone system. Middle · class getting no-frills legal service KINU OJ" PHUSSIA, Pu. (AP) In tht· Vullc.•y l''orge shom)lng c.,•tmtt•r there.• ur<' two sigru1 In th(• window of the.• ofrl<.'t" Cfonkro by the luggagt-• shop und the vaci.mt ladies' ,;hoc• stor<•: "Hyatt L<-gul S<.'rvlt'es," and "li&R Block." Walk in thu door and LO the• right you can gc.•t your taxes done To the lt>Ct, you can get a will written, a divorce settled, a drunken driving charge defended or a bankruptcy potalloned. Hyatt Legal Service,;, the ~-year-old brainchild of a young Cleveland attorney, has joined rorces with the nation's largest Income tax preparing firm an hopes of creating a nalionwade ne twork of high-volume, cut- rate, quick-service "legal climes" aimed at middle-income pt.'<>ple. "The majority of our ~licnts have never been to a lawyer before," Joel Hyatt, 32, said in Kansas City. Th-at's where he moved his offaces -into He nry Bloch's former business suilt' when Bloch expa nded and reached a complicated financial agreement with Hyatt two years ago. The result is non-traditional but successful. The Hyatt-Block office in this Philadelphia s uburb happens to be a re novated state liquor store. Clients enter a common waiting room with its durable carpeting and 16 metal frame chairs. On the Hyatt side, there are two legal se<:retar1es. Down the ha ll are the !hree offices of the three Hyatt lawyers. There are no objets d'art on the walls, no stacks of leathery law books, not even any names on the.d.IM>rs. There· wiJI be no million-dollar verdicts in this office. Those cases go downtown, to the staid old luw flrm'I that hold forth unmng walnut p1uwling Th<• Hyut t brand or law 18 nu frlllit, t}w slmplt• t•ut-und·c.lrlt.'<.l rnuttc·rs for which un attornl'y net-ds not u full law library, bul only pre prant.ed forms varauwdy hu<1d •d "Uncuntcst cd Dlvori:t•" ur "Simple• Will." Sinc.-e Hyatt and Bloc·h (the wx man !ip('lls the farm's namP "The majority of our clients have n ever ht-en to a lawyer be forf• There will be no million-dollar verdic ts in this office." phonetically) teamed up, Hyatt Legal Services has gr<'wn from nine neighborhood ot fices in Ohio to 90 offices with 200 lawyers in a dozen st.ates. By the end of this year, there will be 4!80 attornrys in 14!5 offal'es in 14 states. About three-fourths of those offices share space with H&R Block, usually in neighborhoods far from the biggest and most. prestigious law firms in town. Under their 1980 agreement, Bloch paid Hyatt $2 million for the leases and equipment in those nine Ohio offices. Bloch and Hyatt then formed Block Management Corp .. an H&R Block subsidiary which takes care of all the management and administrative chores for Hyatt Legal Services. · "It l eaves m e free to concentrate on what I do best - practice IAw," said Art Gutkin. managing attorney in the King of Prussia Hyatt o frice. People employed by Block handle his udvcrtising, hlri• has IK.'<-'n•wrfo8, keep h11. books nnd urdcr hi11 suppli1"1S Block not only coll(>('tl fees rrom Hyatt ror 1lS management scrvwcs, but also collects rent for subl~tting space to th~ legal clinics. In other words, the law rarm now pays the rent that Block used to pay during the 1ght month1 a year that many of •IS Y,000 t.ax orraces were dark. William Robie, the Washington lawyer who heads the American Bar Association's specia l committee on delivery of legal services, said, ''It's an innovative technique" He said the number of legal clinks nationwide has stabilized at about 400, with the growing number or Hyatt offices replacing many that have gone out of business for lack of capitaJ and management. skills that Block provides. ... , The next largest chain of legal c linics, J acoby and Meyers, s tarted in Los Angeles 10 years ago. Ile; growth has steadied with 44 offices in California and 19 In New York. As with all l ega l c linics, however, Hyatt Legal Services would flounder unless people with problems walked through the doors. "Got a problem?" Joel Hyatt entices the public in the series of television ads which are produced by a New York advertising farm then aired in each community where Hyatt has an office. The 30-second spots are the same in each city, except that the last five seconds gives the address and telephone number o( local Hyatt offices, not unlike th e H&R Block commercials aired across the country. Boss doesn't ni1nd being in hot water WALNUT CR EEK (AP) -Roy Jacuzzi has made the most of being in hot water. that set air and water pulsating in an ordinary bathtub. "We're like Coke and Xerox now," he says proudly. How's a Jacuzzi like a soda or a copying machine? Well, when you want a photocopy, you make a Xerox. lf you need an adhesive bandage. you ask for a Band-Aid. Crave a cool, gelatin dessert and you make some Jell-0 . And w hen you're thirsty for cola, you pour a Coke. The product names have e ntered the language, perhaps the highest tribute of American consumerism. And the president of Jacuzzi Whirlpool Baths ranks his product among those Americanisms: when you're aching for a warm, swirling whirlpool, chances are you think Jacuzzi, he says. But the word Jacuzzi didn't always conjure ~ that picture. Until recently in the company's life, it was better known for large, industrial pumps, and before that, airplane propellers. Jacuzzi Bros. got Its start in 1915 when the seven Jacuzzi b roth ers developed a pitched propeller and landed a contract supplying the government in World War I. The vcnture's success brought the rest oC the family from Italy to America -six sisters and their mother and father. After the war, the inventive clan made fans, furnaces and wind machines that kept frost from fruit orchards by blowing air across them. And in 1926, they developed a water injection jet pump that was the forerunner of their success. Through the next two decades, the family business expanded with jet. pumps of various sizes, designs and capabilities. As California grew wealthier a nd more populous after World War Il, Jacuzzi Bros. spotted swimming pools as a lucrative market and added a Une of pool equipmen t. "It was a tremendous treatment, and its applications were obvious," says Roy Jacuzzi, one of the family's third generation. Hospitals and athletic groups were the main customers for much of the next decade. But the portable whirlpool pump was "very institutional, very medical" until the rise 'Of consumer interest in fitness and • well-being and health," he says. A "trend-watcher" and industrial designer, Jacuzzi in 1968 pioneered the home-use whirlpool bath, which incorporated and concealed all the Jacuzzi equipment, the jets, pumps and electronjcs. "What I did was put the equipment inside the bathtub and make it part of the room's environment." Jacuzzi says. "It took immediately.'' Since then, the Jacuzzi line has expanded to both baths and spas made in fiberglass or acrylic in up to a dozen colors, in round, octagonal, oblong or square designs that accommodate one, two, three, four and more people, sitting or reclining, indoors or out. As their business skyrocketed and some of the family wanted to retire, the Jacuzzis decided to sell. The business was bought in 1979 by the New Jersey-based conglomerate Walter Kidde & Co. for $70 million, with Roy Jacuzzi staying on at the whir lpool bath division. T he trend now, the 39-year-old Jacuzzi says. is toward bathrooms as "environment rooms," "green rooms" or entertainment rooms. "Because of the high cost of new homes, people stay put and upgrade their homes," he explains. "People want to use their home environment to the fullest. They're wanting the finer things in life, and the bathroom is one of the first places they remodel." San /Bar Corp. is a major supplier of electronic ~uipment and components, microwave radio systems, .and service to the i.elecommunlcations ind u stry. AP Wlret>M•o 1t was a second-generation Jacuzzi suffering in the mld-50s from rheumatoid arthritis who triggered the developmen t that made Jacuui a household word. With the kind of attention that used to be lavished on kitchens, bathrooms are being redesign ed as focal points for hom e entertainment: Skylights and greenery, glass walls and redwood decks o r Ules Crom noor to ceiUng. - Roy Jacuzzi welcomes the trend to upgrade homes by remodeling "environmental rooms." Intent on finding a way to provide hydroth erapy at home instead of in a hospital, the family inventors made a pump , I~ Procter & Gamble (P&G > has suffered becauae of rumors linking the company to satanism, It's certainly not evident from the latest aales and eam1no l'elUlta. R&G not hurt by satan rutnor business with Charmin t.iasues and Bounty towels. Other P&G brands lnclude Secret. Sure, Scope, Criaco, Purit&n, Pert, High Point, Downy and Prinale'a. . P&G became eo initat.ed with people calling lta toll-free number to say they were boycotting the company'• product, the callers saying they believed P&G to be in leegue with the devil, that in Jwie it :tnounted a counteroffensive. A prem releue wu 1-ued strongly denying the rumors. Several religious leaders, including the ¢~ 1'1----.-ll,-•• -.. -.. -,-Tl-.. " Bev. Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority, c:mne to p&Q•a defeme, dJ8c:reditina the rurnort. 'J'hen. jua\ to ahow hoW aerioully it WM takina ._., P&G went into tbe courta in Georaia uM1 • 11m"1...v1a to we people for llander, charllnc that by \ spreading the rumor they were "ltbellng the character" of the company. To flle the Georgia action, P&G recruited Griffin Bell, who was Attorney General of the United State• in the Jimmy Carter adrniniatratlon. P&G worka on a filca.l year that enda June 30 -and earlier Ulla month the Cincinnati company IXllt.ed lta t1acal 1982 resulta. They were nothing to be ashamed about. For the moat recent quarter, the three months ended June 30, profita spurted 15 percent on a ..i. pin of 6.4 percent. And, f« the full year, aalea mounted to $12 billion while af1ert&X proflta aoared 16 percent to $777 m11Uon. Baaed on aalea, P&O S• the 2Dt~ lar1e1t manufacturtnc camJllMy ln the nation. Bued on proflta, it ranu 19th. It ta THE p.,.-emlnent marketer of conaumer aooda -and tta market abaroa today are auonaer than they have ever been. In the IOllp and deterpnt busi.ne9a, no one putt a aJove on P&G with tta armada of brands: Tide, Cheer, Bold, Gain, Dash, Era, Ivory, Zeal, C.0...t, Camay. Dreft, Ox)rdol, c.omet, Cucade, Mr. Clean, Top Job, Spic & Span, Dus, Joy, Bb, Satesuard. Lava. P&G hu been the longtJme leader of the toothpaste anarket with Creat, becked up by a slronlt aecond brand, Gleem. P&G aeUa men hair thampoo than anyone et.e under tia Head & Shoulden and Pr.11 labela. P&G virtually a.ted the c:u.pc..ble dlaper • market with Pampen, b.cked up now with a aecond brand, Luw. P&G baa the 1-dtna recWU' coffee, ~·a. and om of the 1-dtna mke mix bnndl. DUncan Hlnel . P&G 11 a top contender ln the paper producia P&G doesn't suffer loeera for very Jone, and there's no atcn that theee rumon a.re weakening the company's 1rlp on th~ market ln which ·they compete. The trade magazine Advertlainl Aae oonductied- a survey to find out bow many people in the~ country had even heard of thae rumors. It found that 32 percent had (42 percent in the South). And of thoee who had heard about it. only 3 pel't."ellt believed lt. But the IUJ'Pl'ite flndinc of Ulla IUJ'Y9Y cmne In the anawer to the qu.tion, "Which producta .,. made by P&G?'' SeYenty-nlne percent ol the 1,284 Am.ncana who were lnwvtrftd by phone .ad they coukln't name a lllnlJe Pa.G product. What a blow to the fFI You ~ teGO mUloD a J'llr an ....... lid no OM bCJW9 what c milb. N10 didn't h8W IO filht the ,_...... It couJd have rema1Md quiet -and anon,...._ • .. • .. Jobeth Williams of ~Poltergeist' HANEIM COSTA MESA FULLERTON SAii JUAll lllookhursl Edwards Town Center fo• CAPISTRANO 772 6446 751 4184 525 47 4 7 Pacific s Mrssioo Duve In IREA Mann Brea Pla1a 529 5339 493 4545 NO •ASUI ACQPtlO '<>I' tHtl (flt0.401..M(Nf "'The Chosen' ... One of the year's best!'.' -Jol!le,l~ WC8S~ond \M'IX IV " HIWP'Otn ll VO. AT VIA UDO NEWPORT IEACH 673-1350 A UNIVH SAl Pocrv"' !Bl CODDY SIUBB or !Bl Ylill "A MUST 101 MOJf!'f PnBO• lillt" -Dall1 l!llh&u•• NOW PLAYING ---' 4 . . , ClASSIFllD Jobeth leans heavily on faie By FRED V AGER •-laled Preu Writer NEW YORK -How would you like to be tossed around u bedroom celling, hurled Into a muddy pool full o f decaying bodies and then slither down a rope covered with pink slime? 11All In a day's work in a~ Spielberg film," says actress J obe t h W illiams, who g oes through those antics and several o t h e r s in "Polte rgeis t ", a contemporary horror story abouL ghosts In suburbia. De s pit e the physical difficulties and some confusion over who was in charge, Williams says she actually found the experience very pleasurable. "I always thou~ht Spielberg was just a special effects man," she said. "Boy was 1 wrong. He's very responsive to actors and never rushed us when we had a difficult or emolionaJ acene. Nol aU directors are like that." Not all movies arc directed the way "Poltergeist" was. In fac t , o ne o f the more controversial questions buzzing around Hollywood these days is ''wh o i-ealJy dire.cled 'Poltergeist'?" Tobe Hooper Is given director credit, while Spielberg is listed as producer a nd. co-writer. But according to Miss Williams and oth er indu stry insiders, the directing job was more of a collaborative effort. "Steven Spielberg .was there every day," said the Texas-bom actress. "He nad very clear and st rong Ideas about what he wanted done with the picture .. "Even though Tobe w:is there and participating," she added, nu.-SUN. 2:45, 1:50, 10'.50 "ENDA NOE RE SPECIES" (R) F .. l.·SUN. 1:00, 3:00 5:00, 7:00, t:OO, 10'.AS M::tm ,Rl.·SUN. 2:15, l :IO, 10-M THE BEAU lft'STER "you fell Steven had tho final aay on everything." The actress says that In the Initial days of shoot ing there often was confusion with two p eople giving conflicting directions. "Sometimes Steven would teU us one lhing and .Tobe another," Williams said. "But they soon reallied that was doing us more harm than good, so they stopped "Later on . what e ver discussions Tobe and Steven had, they held in private and then came to us with their dec1si()l\,'I." With a film such as "Polter~eisl," with so many scenes containing special effects that are not present when I.he actors a re performing, proper direction is-crucial to the scene's credibility. • "I had no idea what these "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO OARP" "THE I H T l lTTU WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" 1111 F .. l.·8UN. 4:10, 1:11 "FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH" 1111 , ..... SUN, 1:M, .. ,5, 1:45 "THI SOLDIER" FN.·SUN. 2:20, •• 10:25 POLTERGEIST-.!!!! F .. t.-aUN. 4:00, 1:00 T.~ot.-cm PIU.•SUM. 11:11, 4:41, IM ~~m PN.-SUN. 1:.41, l:IO, 11:00 POLT.E~GEIST ... ~ PN.·IUN. l:OO, 1:11. 10'M • ~filN lilti ."-l m "''···· ,.,., llOO, WO, Ml, 1lllO (N) 5TM -Wl'ATH TN!IU ·~•Me ""'··•UM. 1M, ..... tNO "THI aEAITMAITIR" l'N.·IUN ..... 1111 "HOME WORK" • , ...... UN. l:IO, 7:00, 1o:JO Pltt.-IUN. 1l41, 1:11. 10:A6 fAfr fl/flt! AT •i~MOlllT , .. l.·SUN. 2:00, 5:IO, t:OO 0 HOME WORK" 4 TMCK•=.v ITIMO E'"r ftlS SllftA· 1!111 •I. T'Sa•PTIUAL •VN'tff•U.' ~hl•t ' ...... "TEMPEST" '"'· 7:11, 1Ck00 tAT/SUN. 12:00, 2'AO, 5:20, 1:00, 10'.JO ........ IUN. ........ "THI WORLD ACCOM»ING TO GAf"" MO,NO. ... (R) special effl:OCls or ghosts would look like," Wilham said. "Steven would hold up a 11tick a nd say. 'This IS your eye line fo llow this.' . "Then he'd suy, 'now you're really scared.' And I'd say, 'what am l really scared of?' And he'd say, 'we don't really k.nuw what h's going to look hke, but it's really scary.' So we really had to use our own imaginations "· The decision to cast W1lhams as the mother who battles ghostly forces in "Poltergeist," was made after Spielberg saw he r in a London showing o f the C1Jm, "Dogs of War.'' Fortunately for Wtlllams, Spiel b e r g saw the film 1n England, because by the time it r~ached the United St.ates. the scenes that had impressed him most about her had been cut out. fAfr r11t1r1 4T •IOCl:MON T MICH FRI.· SUN. 1:45, 5:25, t:OO (R) ~ .. ,,,_. E.T. TH£ E XT1'A· TEIUlE•T1UAL "SECRET DAILY 12:30, 3:00 OLICEMAN'S •.. " 1:36, 7:10. 10'..U rr ICNOWll WMA,. ICAllAYOU POLTERGEIST "'9.·IUN. ., .... T1~0• ~m ,,..,.,..,.., lllO, 1:-.1 ... "ILUMelfl PARTY MAllACM" tll>' , ........ ,1 ucoNCRETE JUNGLE" "'°' 7111. 11• "THI NDANQIRID •IAITMAITIR-1 IPIClll" nt.·IUM. .._ ._ ,,.,.IUN. "THI JUNK ,,,., •11. 1111. MAN'' ... , ~re ...... IUM, ......... '. Oreno• Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Sund1y. September 12. 1982 ''Ta i' star happy his wife has lead-in series Qy Jl!:lltt V JllJC'K Af Te .. wlelo11 Writer U>S ANta·~l .. ~H l><mny l)c1Vito, munching •m niwho11, 1m11h •:o1 Htnll~ly untl 1111k11, "llow dOl'S ll fe<.•I to lw In u tl'll1v111ll111 Hhuw with youl' wlfl· WJ your lt>ud in und you're t•xix~·ting a baby?" · 'l'ht• sm1lt> broodl'f\li "l thought you'd rwwr .tsk I'm so thr11l1-cl " DcVltu stnrs us thl· dyspcpltl' dispatcher, Louie OePulmo, in "Taxi," lhl• thrC'C-tlme Emmy-winning t10medy NBC saved after it was canceled br ABC. NBC put ll on Thursday naght.s followmg its new • comedy. "Cheers" OeVito's w ife, Rhea Perlman, pluys a waitress in the ne w s how. They're t.:xpecting in Mru•c.·h . "It's been a strange year," the actor says. "Hhea and I got married in February after living together for 11 years. We go to New York for a l>8rty. My Cather's been sick and he dies the night of the party. He was 82. He was so excited and he died talking to his frlend!f. "I go back to work, I got three-four shows left. It's March 5 We're fl ying. It's the last show We're going to have a party John Belushi, my friend, die<J. [t's heartbreaking. "We're in Carmel relaxing," DeVito continues. "The phone rings, it's our agent. They want Rhea to Cly down and read for a new serit.>S. She's been an cictress 11 years. My career took off with 'Taxi.' Now she's got a part she can sink her teeth into. She · comes home happy every day. We're on a roll. One morning I get a call from producer Ed Weinberger: 'They canceled us.' " . He was angered by the cancellation and got his revenge not long afterward when he was host of NBC's "Saturday Night Live." In a spoof he drove a t.axi to the ABC building and blew it up. DeV 1to is talking almost stream-of- consciou sness, and it's difficult to even ge t a 4uestion in. He talks ol the interest by Home Box Office in putting "Taxi" on its pay television network and of the sudden move by NBC that got tbe program for its fall schedule. r And he talks of the knee he had injured during ~ IASIUOM SOUAftl ~ • IHIATRIS llllP(~IAl Al IOAHO 121ll lt14Ul MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE 7lte OCWCM o/ r. ,. .... •to -_ ............... °' _ ... __ .... _,°",,...,~ "LL am AHO ll!l fll.MS N!CEIVE lliE SEAL OI lliE MOTION ~T\JflE COOE OI !1€V" M:GUlA TlOH :POLTERGEIST It knows what scares you . . IPG1 • _ J • ~-., 11rt9-.-' ~ NOW PLAYING lNAHllM II 111110 ~OSI• MISA NUHllllOlOll IUCM if •1111 '""' • I • ~ C ' ' lll'f U!ll 01•~ , ..... ff'4 f "" '"" '17)1 ·~·"ii •011Af15l • AlltOo#'IQl'Y• P•oue • l:OITA Mf.1A t1•"'" ~(ff'" lf1Cf4UI 1:;. •... .' ' ~ OllAllCt IA C f !llJf 1 t •tn11•1••u• , ..... c-... ,, "11 >l~ •CIJr• ........ -i:J -• th production of "One Flt•w Ovt•r thl• Cut·koo'11 Ntl1t " "Rcmt•moor wht•n l t•auJ(ht tlw lash on th1• hoat {ln<l tlll'y ull Coll on mu?" tw U!fk11 "I've had <:hronlo kn<'<' µrobll•m:t ailnt'C then. 'rtwy 1111 toll me I nll('tl un flJM'ruUon. 1Jut I'm chlt•kon und 1 don't wont to do ll. "I'm In the l~lt.lnu room workln~ .on u 1hort film tor cabll• whi\n Rht·u cult.. Sh<' a prt•gnunt. Now l wunt to bounl'tl thhc kid on my knf'\'. Roth kn11l'H So !Uwa Wkl'M 111(• to till' hospital for the COITAMHA Cdw~.OS H.ubil< I'""' 631 3~01 OAllOl M QllOYl (d•ir~ We<lbl°"' ~30 4401 --~~------------.- OllAMOE OllAllGE I• ORl'A INS l'ff.SIN!IO IN (;IN!MASCOl'I M)l IN30 I AMC O<olllQf Mall UA City C111em~ · · 611 0340 834 3911 IOO 'ANH ACCl,,ID '011 tHll INOAOUllllT ARCADE of GAMES• :~~!..f~'; * AJJ~ Glr:IV'J'l..ICI R 0 1.00 3:20 S:2S 1:00 I 011 S ET THf" EXTRA· •I. TERRESTRIAL Plu• Thi OrHt Muppet Capar (0) No ftu1et Tool Box Murder IRl * Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly Ch•ld••n Und•• 12 FREE Unlf'» No1e<t Cell 642-5678. Put • lew words to work lor ou. opt•ruUon I'm Lnr1flt'tl " lll' pult. up hl11 ptmll leg to dlapluy hla lrft knt'<' wrup~od tlf(htly In u l>nndngt• "Tht'y II write Rhc>n'B prcgnuru·y Into 'Cht't·111 • Sh£• pluys o divorced woman with four kids." IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT- YOU'VE MISIED THE BEST LOVE STORY IN A LONG TIME ... IF YOU HAVE SEEN IT- ISN'T IT TIME TO FEEL GOOD AGAIN? BllEA lllW,OllT llACH OllANOl M.tnn 111ea Plaza ldNirds NeNpo11 Ci~ S?9 ~339 Cine!N 644 0760 634 2553 MllllOtl •1EJO Cd.,aros v~ ''""' 830 6990 &llAMllM _.IC•'" •rJ1''f "I• •f •1 119H'>O lllU .................. \1t ~J)t COSUMUA ld•.,d~ 'i.l'W l•.f\ IJI )~I ll T-• OllAll8( [ ..... lh ~IY<• AMC Or-"' ~I ~110 0 1 Ol•O 111•• -~t~~,.#0· c ....... ri.~~· l•-llACll (Cl•""' Sot.Ith C:O.· j O•UU WHTMllllTEll Cdwaros Cllltma Wt t 891 3935 IOO...sKSACGl'llD '0A '"'(HOAG( .... , •IHMIHllll Ut lw~~•· H~ ~))l •HIMIHTH ... t "' .... n 1'w,.illll "' .169) _I ENTER THE 'ti ~OU MAY .. A NEW ROLLS ROYCE PLUS $100,000 .l "'. • •CHON./· 1. IN CASH 00 ONE OF THE THOUSANDS OF OTHER PRIZES ..J' \ /. (e ~ MOl'UllCIUIMllll-0 x . /. l ~ .............. ........-,.. •• .....r .. t'lo .......... t.1 -... _.,... ,, \ . ....,, ...... ~ ..... , ...... ~·-..,..,,.,... ........ . .,, ,MILLION DOLLAR,,.• ll~ · ... ~,. ...,ooll'O "'""':I •o ••· ""' ...... , -• 'SWEEPSTAKES • -,. -· -................. _.,.,..._"' ... I Presented In i10MM ] and 6-Tr;!dc I I ii am..,.., rj STARTS FRIDAY ' ,, ORANGE . COSTA MESA Cinedome 634 -2553 Edwards South Coast Plaza 546·2711 • at apec;lally selected theatres , -- .. , \HJ:\,. "'°""ING l:ol 8 LA8T Cl' THE WILD 1:46 G) CHAl8TOPH!A CLOSIUP (%)MOVIE ••• "Oullend' (11181) Seen Connery. Peter Boyle. A apace marahal lnvwtlO•I• • reltl or mya- t41fiout *'h• within • ITllnlng colony on one of Jupl141f'I moon• 'R' 1:00 G FOR OUR TIMES "Rel!Oton In N!041flt Chlll· tlanlty" N!041flan Chri"lan IHdera dltcu111 the luuH aurroundlng Chrl1t1an Influence In Africa CPart 1) 8 MUSIC ANO THIE 8POKENWORO CJ YOUTH ANO THE 188UE8 m Biil~ ANSWERS II) ROMPER ROOM (I) 8UNOAY MORNING @ MOVIE **YI "H .. dln' For Bro•d· way" ( 1980) Rea Smith. Vivian Reed Four young, talented end acara<J per- form.,.. go to New York City to audltlon lor • Broadway •how. ·po· (I) MARK TWAIN THEATRE: TOM AND HUCK Tom Sawyer and Huckle- berry Finn bring back the Joya or Ille on the Ml111a- ~pl River UMOVIE * "Stercruh" ( 1979) Mu. foe Oortner, Ch1l1topher Plummer. To protect the kingdom or the Emperor, apace heroine Stella Siar and ece nevlgator Akton comb the g11uy In March or evll Count Zerth Arn's hidden lalr. 'PG' 1:30 8 NFl WEE< IN REVIEW D SERENDIPITY It AOBERTSCHULLER D CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION "Nutrltlonel Allergles' Questa: ectress Olorla Lor- ing, allergy tpecl•llst Joyce Vlr1ue. author Earl Mindell. D INTRODUCTION TO VOYAQE G) CALIFORNIA PEOPLE Qt AQRICULTURE U.8.A. (C)MOVIE *** "Death In Venli;e" ( 1971) Dirk 8ogarda. Siiva- na Mangano. During hi• Illy et • plultl Venellan hOtel. en aging compoM1 encounter• • young Adonll who t>ecomn hl1 kleeJ ot metchleu t>Nuty. 1:00 8 TOOAY'S AEUOION D THAT'SCAT " LITTLE RASCALS D IT 18 WRITT£N U KEHNIETH COPE LANO G) DAY OF Ol8COVIERY g) EMEAQEHCY • YOGA FOR HEAL TH Cl! 8UNOAY MA88 7:30 II LIF!TIMES 0 WHITNEY AND THE A090T D DAYIREAK LA. m JIMMY 8WAGOART G) FEUXTHIECAT fJI Ml8TIEJI ROOERS (R) Cl) TV .. LOOKS AT LEARNINO 0 DIAECTION8 "BetWffn Two Worlds The Amerulan Cnlldren" He<be<l Kaplow eumlnes the plight ot Amerulan cl'llldrevho 111 frequent- !)' 11Ub~ted to pre)lldlce end explol1at1on. (R) (BTHEWORLO TOMOAROW (IDMOVIE • * "Cettle Annie And Lii- tle Brit~" (1981) Bur1 Lencu1er. John Sevege. Two tough outlaws pick up • pair ot teen-• girt• and take them along on their ldventur• 'PO' (%)MOVIE * * "Rlch1td'1 Things" (1961) Uv unmenn. Aman· da Redman 'R' 8:00 8 SUNDAY MORMINO 0 THIS 18 THE LIFE 8 POPEYEAND FAl£Noe D P£MONAL DIMENSIONS CJ LLOYD OOILVIE • CARTOOH8 fl> ELECTRIC COMPANY (ffi (I) LET THERE 11£ LIOHT 9 JEAAY FALWELL (I! REC HUMBARD (IJMOVI£ • • .. My Chemplon" p&et) Yoko Shimada. Olrlt Mltcnum The true 11ory ol • lemele J~ Nflnlng champion 11 t04d. 0MOVIE ***'A "Robin And Marl ..... (1971) SMn Connery, Audtff'/ Hepburn An Oldlf and wlter Robin Hood rllurnt from battle to Sherwood ForHI to redalm hie beloYed Meld Mwlen. who hu tntered • eon....,,t end tekeri her vowa. 'PO' t:ao 8 OOY81EY "Jewteh High Holy Deya" OuHt1: Rabbi Melvin Ootdatlne, Cantor David Sl!Ywateln, Temple ANylh, Woodland HUI$ • l'EOPl.17 CHANNEL LISTINGS f) l(NXT IC.BS! G l(N8C INBCI 9 KTL,t. l lnd I .KABC. CABC.I 0 KFMB (CB~) G IOIJ TV Ono I G KC5l IABCI e i<nv Clnd) e KC.OP TV llno I I ......... KCET (P8S) • l<OCC IPRSI uzy Gi l ·trop of Irvin e is f eatureJ in "Skyward " tonight at 9 on KNBC ( 4). CJ MEETING TIME AT CALVARY G) FREDERICK K. PRICE 8D ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (I) THE LAHAYE8 Qt KNOW YOUR 818LE t:OO 0 MEET THE PRESS D A.M. LOB ANGELES THIS WEEK 0 (I) ORAL ROBERTS &i) BE.SAME STREET (R) !ii IT 18 WRITTEN (C)MOVIE • * 'The Liit Olreffe" ( t979) Susan An1p1ch. Simon Werd The lnHI SIO· ry of Betty and Jock Lealle-MelVlll•. who tried to save e herd of giraffes 9: 15 .l. CHARLES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 9.30 tJ (I) NFL TODAY D Q)NFL '62 CJ DAY OF DISCOVERY Cl) THEWOALD l 1, ._ TOMORROW m> THE LAWMAKERS ®)KENNETH COPELAND H)MOVIE * * "Greesed L!Qhlnlng' I 1977) Alcherd Pryor, Beau Brodg.. Al1er World War II. • taxi drover becomes 1111 f1rat black champion In lhe history of the race-c:ar circuit 'PG' MOVIE * * • • "The Blue Angel I 1930) Merlene DNltrlch, Emll Jannlnga. A mlddle· aged protessor's love tor a beeulllul cete linger lead• him to degradtllon end ruin 10:00 tJ CJ) NFL FOOTBALL Lot Angeles Rams II GrMn Bay Packer• 0 (,BNFL FOOTBALL Houslon Oller• et Clncln· nall Bengals 0 MOVIE * * '<t ' The Thr" Stoogft In Orbit" ( 1962) Thr" SJg<>oes. Cerol Chllsten- sllh Three men become involved •Ith en invention developed by Mullan sple1. D BACK TO BASICS CJ HERALD OF TRUTH m REX HUMBARD fil) THE LAWMAK.ERS CorrHpondent• Linde Wer1helmer and Cokle Robe<'11 jOin Paul Duke lor an up·tO·the-mlnu1e tum· mary of CongrHslonal ICllvlttes mi MAGIC OF OIL PAINTINQ ID MOVIE * ,,... "Under Th• Rainbow· t 19811 Cnevy Chase, C11r1e Fisher The t 50 mi<IOell whO are In town ror the lllmlng of "The Wizard Of 01." turn a Celllornle hOtet up~e-down 'PG' @MOVIE ***'I .. Trilogy" (1969) MaurMn Stapleton, Merlin Balsam thr" llortes by Truman CePOI• are dram· all zed 10:30 0 Q]) BEST OF KIDS ARE PEOPL.E TOO (SMIOrl Premlet'•I Guest• Deboreh Harry, Devld Brenner. ESP authority Or Hant Holzer. singer Rechel SwHt. m1glc11n Harry Blackstone Jr (R) CJ ROelERT SCHULLER G) JERRY FALWELL &l OPEHMIND mi MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING I 1:00 ti) MOVIE • * • "Houdini" ( 1953) Tony Curtis. Janet Leigh The hie of the world'• oteet•t esc:epe trtitt 11 flcttonellted f1i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "THtement 01 Youth' Vera Brittain 11 det41fmlned to oo to Oxford d••Pll• the ol>ltaclea pl-4 In her peth by tredlllon and her loving bul unenttoht•nec:t f•ther (Pert 1)(R) Q '1!) WASHINGTON WEEK IH REVIEW (R) (C)MOVIE • • * "I'll Cry Tomorrow" ( 1055) Suun Heyward, AIQ>erd Conte Actreas Lii· llan Roth ttrugo._ wltl'I 1IOotloll9m end • fading car-. (.%)MOVIE * * • "Thtl Thirty-Nine Slepa" ( 1976) Robert Pow- ell, Oevld warner. A m9n t>eoomea tile quarry or bolh the pollce end • Merel group ot foreign eoent• oper•ll"O 1n eng- tend when he It fflmed for 0 On Ill z l TV " 1180 C 1<:1n.•mi1.1 f1 CWORI NY .NY 1' CWTBSI t IFSPNI S IShowtim • Sl)0111on1 • IC..blf' Nl'w\ NttworkJ a 1t1anger'1 murder 'PG' 11 :SO D Q]) THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY G T£AAY COL!· WHITTMEA G) CHUACH IN THE 'HOME '1i) WALL STREET WEEK "The lnternattonel Scel\e" Guest Martin G. Wade, 1enlor portfolio manager, T Rowe Pr~• International Fund (R) (ti) VIDEO JUKEBOX AFTERNOOfol 12:00 It THREE 8TOOQE8 0 8EAACH m MOVIE •*YI "Apfll Love" (1957) Pet Boor\e, Shirley JonH. A young man falls In love when he arrives on 1 Ken· lucky l11m, flj) PAPEACHASE "Grnt Expect1tlon1" A 1tuden1 It charged )"Ith a crime he did not ~mu that could 9lld hi• law car"r when e drunken young wom•n he Invited to • par1y refuHs to •~on­ .,.,. him. m PORTRAITS IN PASTELS "TheC-boy" (H)MOVIE * • ·~ "HHdln· For Broad- w1y" (1980) Rex Smith, Vivien Reed. Four young, laleoted and scared per- former• go to N .... York City to eudltton tor • 8roadway ahOW. 'PO' (O)MOVIE * • "Thunderbird• To The Rescue" (19111) PuPOtt• The pl10l1 of llve fC)9Ctally equipped rocket •l'llpe mutt save the llvft of paa- Mngera trepped on 1 IUPeftonlc; lrenlPQrt MOVIE * * .. * "MOICOW Doesn't Believe In THtt" 111180) Vara Alentove, Aluel Batalov ThtM country glrlt with dlff41fent goet• end valuee move to 1h• big Qlty to pur-their ambl- \;'~E "Legend 01 The Wiid" 'PG' 12:30 D OIR£CTIOH8 The evolution ol ~ and key theotogtc;al •nd ethical dlmenllon• of hos· plce Cite for the termlnallfy llteretr~ CJ WILD, WILD WOALO 0FANIMAL8 m> SLIM CUISINE "Vegelables" 9 NEW8MAKERS 12:45 (%) CHAAL..ES CHAMPLIN PRESENTS ... 1:001J Cl) TENNIS "US. Open" U... cover-aoe ol the :nen'a nnel round from the Unl1ed Stites Tennlt AHocle1ton Ne11onal T41f!nls Center, Flulhing Mledowa-Coron1 Perll, N.Y D NFL FOOTBALL LOI Angelft Raldert II SanFr~•hra 8 THE MUNSTERS D MOVIE •**It "Grand Pr1~·· (1966) Jamee Gerner. Eve Marie Stint. tnJurlH. 1om1~ end competition weave the llv11 of three racing drlv41fl together. 0 HE!H.AW Gu.ate. Donna Fargo, LM Greenwood, The Real Hill· bllly Band. T.,. Moooenlne c1ogg.,.. • AOAM-12 f:D A DANCE OF TWO COUNTAllE8: CHINA ANO AMERICA Ar11ttie dlrlClor Of Ill• Howton 8alle1 Ben St• Yer\10n'1 return to the Ptopte'• Republic of Chin• 10 lnatruc1 11\ldenll ot !IHI ,,_lllO O.nc. AcacMmy In WMtttn d.,_ tecllnlquee It chronicled. D MOVIE * * * "My 011 Sal" (1942) Ritt Haywortn, Vlotor Mature. A~ b«lomea • aucceNtul llOngWrlter and fall1 In low with • mu._, 1111. 9 PU8UC PUl.81! IBNFlFOOTMU San Diego Ohatgefe et o.nv. Broncoa {C)M()Ytl ••YI "\Jf'ben Cowtioy" ( 1910) John Trevolta. Oebr• Wing«. A blue-col- ler WOttl41f whO llnGIM hlmMll • modern•d•y COWbo)I 11111 In lov. with a Qltl he rneeta In e popular country~tern bat 'PO' <Z>MOVll • • • "Tilt ConftMlon" ( 1970) YvH Monttnd. Simone llgnortt. Artur Lond0n'1 loroed conr... alon 1nd lmprl1011ment OCCUf duflng '"' GOmmU-nltt llUtOUI 1'51. '*I '·~ ADAM-ti I~ ..... "Mommll o.r." (1NI) ,eye~. OI• ne 8utwld '°"• mm ,,., Joel\ Crawford ,.._ lier two •011111.ed cl'ltt1'11n '" • dOITl••OO 1tmo1pha/1 thll i;arle1 "Olfl lu•11tlolit t.omloft 10 11dl1I 'tc:J• Pline llQ I 01 AOCI< OH TV I 00 . OILLIO~'I ll~HO G WOVll I• "Pur.utt Of llle Ota! IPH" 1 IHf) Antllony Qu1v1e, John Oreo•on Tiie Navy dMlr0)'9 Ille flfllOU• O..man baltlttNp dutlng WOtld W., JI m THlt W!IK IN aAallALL ' • MOVla • • ,_.. "Tall St0ty" ( tHO) Ji"* F'onde. Anthony Per· klo1 A younO tffl tnllloul to find • h111ban4 Drll>M • betketbell player to "throw" en Important ~NSfOI IUllNHS TODAY "Low And Frlendlhlp Al Tl'le Olllct" A GOUPlt dltclUI... lM dllflcluJtlM th•Y htvt In working ar:;Eflrr AINMENT THllWEIEK ln1trvlew1 with Rlc1rdo Monttlberl, Oler! Camp· belt, Su1an Sulllvan. Loult Jourdan and Sutan Lu«l (0)MOVIE I * ,_.. "Never Nev.f Lend" (11181) Petula Clark. Cati\. leen N .. bltt. A 9·YMr-Old girt eK1pea her ionelln• .. by lantulzlng about 8dventurn with Peter Pan ·o· @MOVIE *. .... "Qlgl" ( 1958) Maurice Chevalier, L•li. Caron A tomtioy being grOOl't'lad by her eunt and grandmother Mii out on her -n to catch 1 men. 2:80 It OILLIOAN'S 181.AND Hot Wll41f tp11rtlng from 1>en11th the l1l1nd warn• the Cll .. IW8yl lhll • vol- cano 11 about to erupt m OOOOEA DUOOUT &:I PRESENTIE "Coupl .. I ParejH" lntllf· cullurll mtrrlagH between people 01 Latino and non-Latino heritages ere dltw~. (Ptr11) ($)MOVIE * • "Callaway Went Th•· tawey" (1951) Ho•erd Keel. Fra<J MeoMurray Wheri 1 former c-boy Idol'• fllma become POpu- lar on TV and the original 111r can't be loclled, two sharp oper1to11 try to gel en lmpe11on1101 to keep the craze going. 2:45 G) OOOOER PRE-GAME 3:00 It MOVIE • * * "Th• Road To Morocc;o" (19•2) Bing Cro1by, Bob Hope Al11r being 1hlpwrecked, two men heed for Morocco. m 8A8E8Al.L Lo• Angele• Dodger• at Hou1ton Aatroa &) CALIFORNIA OONQAE&SfONAL AEPOAT m> OIALOOUE: JONAS 8ALK I YEHUOI MENUHIN Ot Jon11 Selk end Ylollnllt Yehudi Menuhin dlacu11 lhe rllatlOMhlp between science Ind the lr11, nutrl-- tlon tllld health. IENtern culture, (Ind their o-tk: and aoo111 herltag ... ®)MOVIE * * '" "Smite When You Say 'I Do' " ( 197 J) Docu· menttry 3:30 Ell) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW (C)MOVIE * • * .. Death in Ven!M" (197 t) Dirk Bogard•. Sliva. na Mangano During hit stay 11 • pluth V-ttan no1et. an aging cornpoMr encounters a young Adonlt Who ~ hit Ideal of matct\IMa l>Nu1y. iIDMOVlE • *'" "Bliek 81111ty" (19711 Mark L11ter, Welter Slezak. BeMCI on the 1tory by Anne s.w.11. A prOUd and •wnometf beeutltul hOrH e11.perlenoel ma.ny dlverH ownera. (%)MOVIE • * '.\ "Moroc:co" ( 1930) Gery Cooper, Marlene Dletrlc;h. A woman I• lorcec:t to chooM ~ the ...,,., Ind ~ &iorll 1hll one man olfer• end the love that enother Offlfl 4:00 fl NCAA FC>O'TMU Florldt VI USC D SUNDAY location· the LM Af109lel Zoo. Orlffltl'I Perk lor Ille 0LAZAIKN8C PHCOCk 10K Run Guettt the Shirt TalH eharactere, •port• medicine expert Dr LeRoy Pe<ry. wotld clau runner• end r-wlnnlB 0 MOVIE • *'A "The Oblong Box" 11969) Vincent Prlct, Chflll~ L" g) MoVIE **'" "Por1relt Of A Mob· lier" (1961) VIQ Morrow, LHlte Patrl1h. fill WALL STREET WEEl< "The lntwnetlonel Soene" Gu .. 1: Manin 0 . Wide. aenlor portlOllo manager. T. R-Pric. "'ternetlonal Fund.(R) ID FAUST David Syrotlak'1 N1tlonll Marionette TllMtre Com- 1*\Y pr-t• .,, Ptiglnel adeptatlon of the 19ttl- century puppet pley ~led on ,.,. CIUllc etOry ol Dr F-t (I) THll WUX IN BAIEBAU IBMOVIC * * * "Crltla In Ml6-Alr" ( 1979) 0-ge P~d. 1<w111 Oraule (ti) BU8 8TOf» t.,. llwe ot _., tra. .,....,, th~ wlMn tMy .... •tr•nelt<I In • '"'"' K1nu1 1own Mugot Klddet 11\d Tim Mltl'lelofl '"' (I) flWMH HAMUICH: llilY'M 'LAVIHO WV IONO Llr• Mlnnelll, Johnny M1tlll1, Otld)-t l<niOM Ind Carly Simon t1110 tome ol tode)''I Qf .. l .. t hltl lnCltudlllO: "The Wey We W•t.'' "Wflllt I Did '°' L0019" ~ ''No!MMly DOM " ... , .... ·~1;~, WMllll'9TON Wiii< IN "IVllW CN (I) '~THI NAnotf 1!00. ~DAY'IMAIH Orange COHI DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12, 1G82 TUBE TOPPERS KCET (28) 7:00 The rcnownt!d Wuijnor'a hom<'. "Artur Rubinstein." plani t tours Richard KABC (7) 6:00 -.. Mod ~ty Blaise." A womun ond her strt!et-wt.c tr! nd team In hlgh-lt!vel government undercover work. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Skyward.'' Bettt> Davis portrays a former movie iitunl pilot who helps a handicapped youngster achicw her dream. See photo, l~ •ft. KABC (7) 9:00 -''The Fog." A ghost story b comes screaming reality wh ·n shipwrecked t>ailors rlt1e from th{'ir watery graves R1Cn1e votunt11r1 to forego • rock conct(t dlt• to run hit father'• hll'dware atore IOt the 111'11 time II OAEATE8T8POAT8 LEGENDS "John Wooden" Holl' Reggie Jackeon ID FIRING LINE "The Economy And The Bl1ck1" Quest: Reverend JMM J~kton. (Ptrt 1) 8'i) THIS OLO HOUSE Bob VMa lhOWI hOW to waterproof • buement and ln11111 • woodatove end fr ... llndlng c;htmney (R)Q Cl) M•A•S•M The 11n111er Col. Fl-Oo 1how1 up 11 the 4077th again, convinced lhll Hawkeye lt • c;ommunlll ~mplthlter. QI) NfW8 CANCER CONFAONTATION Daniel l raventl ho111 • documenlery 1pec1a1 which tocuMt on tome ot the controverlles eurroundlng cancer, Including Inter· views with Involved Con- gre1amen, cancer reMercn otflclela, doctors and ct n· cer vlc1lm1. @MOVIE • •'Ar "Spece Movie" ( 11179) Documentary Mulie by Mike Oldfield Arcnlv1I fllm lootage chronlclet the triumph• ol the U.S apece program. loculing on the drametlc Apollo 11 moon !anding 5115(Z)MOVIE. • • • "Outland" (11181) SHn Connery, Peter Boyte. A 1pace rnarltlal lnwetlgatH a ruh of mye. terlou1 death• within • mining colony on on• ol Juplt«'• moona. 'R' 5:30 8 LAVERNE & SMIRliY &COMPANY L1verne and Shirley cook up • tchem. to oet rid ot Frenk·1 lat•t IOve lnte<"t D O A8CNEW8 D tifOTORWEEK Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTT£R Epateln QIYM all hit peta 10 Oebe when 1 counMtor tellt him he'• not am1t1 9fl0\lgh to be a vet (D) THIE OOL.oEH AOE OF TEL.EVl810N "The Comec:tlen" Mlckff'/ Roon.y 1111'1 u en ego- t11Ucal comic whO tnrlvel u I Iler by .W.OUrlng ~one eround l'llrn EV£NINO e:OO 8 DD NEWS 8 MOVIE * * * "Send Me No Flo- _, .. (1984) Rock Hud· '°"· Doria Dey Betlevtng he la on hit dMthbed. 1 hyPQChondrlac Mii out to llnd e euttlble MCond hu• band tor I'll• wlft D WILD. WILD WUT m INCAEOl8L! HULK "The l>aycillc" G) MOVIE • • .... "Bomber• B-52" ( 1957) Klt1 Milden. NatalNI Wood. A GC>mmandlng offl· c.. ,_,f\11 of a ..,.. geant'. lrwollrernen1 with hit deughtw order• him on • teoret mluton to t•t 1 new 8-52 bomber. 9 QAEAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OF THE WOALO "Ol•nofno Train•" Erle Robeon umplea th• romanc. Ind lu•ury of tilt Old "Orient Eicpr ..... when h• tr1vela on the Cltalpln from P111a to Mon1reeu11 8'i) NOVA "The Ca~ Otlacllvea Of Lin Xian" ChlMM eclen- 11111 heve uncovered eome clues In thelf pureult of 1 GUr• '°' etoph9Q811 cen-cer, en elu11\1e caneet whlClll c1a1m1 a dl1propor· tlonat• number 01 llvee In Un Xltn. (R)Q ()) COMUA'CK "Atclt Nelson" al TH« AOCKFON> flLU ~=~NOUHC(O • * "Tiie Lall Olr1ffe" 11979) Suaan Anepach. Simon Ward, The true 1to- ry Of Betty encJ Joell Ltall•MeMl!e. whO tried to -• Mrd Of Qlfelft1 MOYta * • "Cattle Annie And Ltt• 11• Brllehta" (1tll) Bun Lanca1t1r, Jolln S1vege. Two IQUOll OUtltwe plOlt up a pelt of t...,.. 111111 "'° 11111 them e1ong on their ed\ttl\tutta 'PO· (l)*Mf • '4 "Under t he Aalnbow" ( 1M 1 I °'W'IY Chue. C•"le ""* The 150 mi<IOef• ~ ere "' town IOf tile Nmno or ''The w~ Of Oa, •• tum • Cellloftlll hOtel l:IO~~ ·• • TI4A'r1""wou.vwooo "A 8eMe To Aodget'I Att4 H-"tltl" 1s=r * * .. ..,-.i., Oalectlel· conqu.t Of Tiie lettfl'' (IMO) Lome cir..n.. K.nt McCord. Tiie OlllaGtloa ,_,_ (atlh cloMly !Mlf· "*' lly • O)iOft eltacti fOtCt 1111.m Cll'I dealtoYtl\e Ille--Ml I (I) ID....,,. • OATM.INA OoUI A atrev Navy mine I• di .. covwed l101ttng nHr "' oce111kl ,....,Ch lal>Ofato- ry off ,,,. C•Morn11 coa11 (!l) " o:a> coor RED Denny'• pl'loto Huy H&IQnrnent prove• ln1t11J- rnent1t In Ille eoc>rehen· llon ol • lire bomb ar1on- llt. (R) G PAULHOOAN G) A TIME FOA LOVE Mike Connere end Flor· ence Hendlfson hoet e report on the grow1no nauonal problem of cnud lbUM Ouut• Include Ed A1ner, Vick I Cerr and Cheryl Ladd fill ARTUR AU81N8TEIN "Lucerne" While touring Rk:h1td Wegner'• nome, Aublnatelr. talk• of "Weg- nerlt11." the time when all mu11c11111 tall In love with 1ne German compoaer'1 music. m VICTORY QAROEN Bob Thom1on offer• tips on making lllgh-~ed c;ompolt @ MOVIE • • * '" "&ringing Up Baby' ( 19381 Katharine Hepburn. Cary Grenl An ercheeologlll 1111 ou1 to ralee a mllllon dollet• tor his muteum, but ends up Involved with 1 pretty aoclallte. (%)MOVIE • • "Richard's Tn1ng1" (1981) Uv Ullmann, Aman- da Redman 'A. 7:30 0 FOCUS ON BRITAIN &i) A VISIT WITH REOINALO STEWART An aflectlonll• portrait of the 82-year-otd renowned planlat and conductor who preeently rhldw In Santi Barbera la P0t1reyed. 8'i) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS "Lellanl" 8:00 fl Cl) ARCHIE 8UNKEl"8 PLACE Glori• refu-to tell Arcnre why •he end Miki have nparated when ahe return• name with Joey. (RI D <BetttP8 Poncn lo-hit nerve IOI· IOwlng • terrifying motor· ~ tcddenl. (RI "ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK lntervi.wt With Ricardo Montalban, Olen Camp- bell, Su .. n Sumven. Louis Jourd9n and SuHn Lucci. D 9 MODESTY ILAl8E A woman I• joined by ner llr-·wtM bell friend In high-level government undercover work. CJ ITl8WAITTEN m MOVIE * ** "Bob & C1tOI & Ted & Altc:." ( 19811) Nattlle Wood. Robett Culp. Two couplet decide to modern- IH their rn1mege1 and 091 new pertpectlves on Ute by exchanging 1pou .... ti) MOVIE • * 'Ar '"The Greet Call Of The Wtld" (11176) Oocu- mentery Neturell" Larry Jones leed• e one-man crusade to pr_,,. a leroe wltderneu area In the American North-II. fJi) NOVA "Termite• And Tele· Kopet" Or PhlYp Morr!-'°"· proleeaor o1 physics 11 Mau.clluM11t lnttltute of Technology. preeentl a provocetlv• commentary on the neture of clvftlr.a- tton (RIO '1i) MA81'£RPIECE THEATRE "f .. tement Of Youth" Vere. lnep;red to become a wartime nurM. turvlvea the drudgery of her train- ing and looltt forward to 1 Chrlltmu reunton with Roland (Part 2) (Al c:;J (C)MOVIE ••'A "Urban Cowboy" (1980) John Trevolla. Debte Winger. A btue-COl- lar wor'ller Who lenolff lllmHll a modern·day c;owboy fella In IOve with • gin he mMtl 1n • popu1er country.and·Wftl41fn bar ·po· MOVll ••• "Outi.nd" (1981) Sean Connery, Pettr Boyte. A l98I08 merlllal lnY"llgat• I ruh ol mys. terlout death• within 1 mlnlnO cOlor'ly on one ot J!'P'ter'1 moon•. 'R' (l)MOVll • • ,,. "Mommle Otart1t" (1911) F~ Oun .... ey, DI• ne ~ Fortlet Mm lier JOen CrewfOtd ral'" her two adOf>led children In • domettlo etmot9f*• 11\tt veri.. lrOfll ''"'"'tout comfort to NdittJC dlecl• ~""-'PO' .MOVll * * ·~ "Allen'' (1979) Tom lhltnltt. Yaphet KOl· to. The Cttw of a tp410tOO- lng tctl9 cerrlef follow • my11ercou. 11gna1 to • M-- ~ deed planet and. an. lendlng, ~ thet lht "-llQ4t ... • wern-l!'lt to Illy --.y. ·~· l:IO. THI WONJ> TOMOMCM t ;41CZ)CMAN..-~ ""8INTI ... t:OO. (I) THI .-..MOHt Tom lflowt N Ml a .... llt'9lk .... .,, Old '*"' of ...... lftvltel '* .. 10 lundt ,,., •• MCWla ••••• 8111• 011111, Howard H"e«nen A fCifmer elurtl p!M tlnCI lft Ml)Otl •llctl men neip 1 14 )'Ml-ola partPleQlo tlrt lutn how 10 l!Y a 1)141ne ("> 8 WIL.O KINGDOM ' W1ld~le t 1. .. 1 Ch.,_" Joan tmt>et~ of tlle San Olego loo 11por11 on endengertd 1pac111 tl\rougho.lt ,.,. world 8 [1 MOVll • a • "The -OQ" ( tlllOI Adrlennt DerbHu. Htl Holbrooi. Te<ror comM to • toatlel town In the IOrm or 111 omlnOUt mllt tur rounding the Qhotlt or lepltt llllled In I lhlf>WrKk • cen1yry .. ,,.., q D OA.CHO flD MAITEAPICCl TH~TAE "Tta,.ment Ot Youth' Vttw. lntplred 10 ~a wttllme nutM, IUIVIVM the drudgery 01 her treln- log 1nd took• lorw11d 10 a Chrlatmu reunion with Aollnd (P'a:n 21 (R) Q '1i) MY8TEAY "Rumpole Ot Tho Balley· Rumpol• And The Age For Retirement" Rumpole't l>MI cllen!1, the Tlmton tamlly, '"" 1111 help when the aging Percy Timson le caught with 1 lloten retto· lout work ol et1 (P111 6) ~i'aov1e • •'A "Mommi. Oearall • (191t) F'aye Dunaway. Ole- ne Seerwld Fortlet lllm 1111 Joan Crawford ralMt her two adopted cnlldren In • domestic 1tmo1pl'ler1 that Vlflet from luxunoua comfort to Hdl1tlc dlac;I. pllne 'PG' (Z)MOVIE • * "The Nine Liv.. Of Frltr The Cat' (1974) Anl· m11ed Voice• ol Skip Hin· nenl, Reva ROH 'A' 11:30 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME The men get •tuck In 1 1now1torm end lhe women ere i.11 waiting •I home (R) It WORLOOF SURVIVAL 0 JACK VAN IMPE 10;00 fl (I) TRAPPEA JOHN. M.O. A mentelly retarded young man end • u1c111tc old hermit find that lhff'/ have tomelhlng ol value to olfar each otner (R) ltm NEW8 U THE WORD FOR TODAY g) NEWS IN REVIEW fl) JUST FRIENDS: ROB MCCONNELL ANO THE 8088 BAA88 Beodteeclw Rob McCon- nell and the 8oH Breu perlorm "It'• Haro To Find One:· "Every1hlng Hap. pena To Me" and "A TlrM To Love" In 1 concet1 from Redondo Beach, Calllor- nla. '1i) THE HUNTER AND THEHUNTEO JON Farrer n11ratet a repor1 on the continuing worldwide March for Nazi war crlmlnaJt. •mono thOM Interviewed are Nazi hunter Simon Wletlenthll tnd former SS Officer Wal· ter Rauff (RJ (}j}MOVIE * •·~ "Momm1e Oear .. t ( 19811 Faye Dunaway, DI•· ne Scllrwld. Forties film tier Joen Crawford raJMt her two adol)ted chltdren In • domelUc almotplllf• lhll varle1 lrom luxuriou1 comlon to udlatlc dltcl- pllne 'PG' DMOVIE • "Sttrcruh" ( 1979) M8f· Joe Gorlner, Chrl1topher Plummer To protecl 1he kingdom of the Emperor, 1pece he<olne Stella $111 • and ace nevlgttor Allton comb the galuy In Harah of eYll Count Zarth Arn'• hidden lalr. 'PO' 10:30 CJ LONE RANQEA m &PORTS WRAP UP G) JIMMV 8WAOOAAT (C)MOVIE * * ·~ "RocklhOW" ( 19801 Paul McCartney end Wlng1 Tn11 record of the bend'• U.S. tour lflQlud• performance• ol "Jet," "Bind On The Run," ··S111y Love Songa" and 1ome old S.ati. ball•d• ·o· MOVIE • • • • "Moac-Ooesn t e.11-In Teart" (19601 Vere Alentov1. Aleael Bettlov ThfM country Ofrla w11n dlffetent goat• and values mov. to the blO city to pur-their ambl- tlona (%)MOVIE *** "Outlend" (t981) Seen Connery, P1ttr Boyle A apace merellat lnvestto11es • raltl of myt- terlo4Ja death• within 1 mining OOIOny on one of Jupiter'• moona. 'R' 10:41 . SUNDAY SPORTS PAQE 11:00 I a a Cll a NEWS WILO KIHOOOM "Oper111on Genealt" (Pert 1) 0 AU000'8 CHll.OAEH MHllona of the world'• Cl'lll· dren llw Jn a delicate bll· en<;• "'-.... and dMth. hOClt lfl<I dtllpelf. • JEMY fALWILL • 8NEM<~AEVllW8 Roger Ebert Ind Gent &ieltel review "The W0tl<I Ace«dlno To Garp" '"° "YO\tl'IQ 00Ctc>r1 In L0\11 " ID NCAA fOOT'aAU. HIGHUGHTI IOw•vt ~· 0 MOvte • • "Meglo Oarptt" ( 197 t) S11M11 Saint Jamee. Roben 'r•tt A youno WOfl\111 QUldM • buelOad ol tOUtltt• thrOUOfl lt#y. 11:tl CNNIWI ft\.AY90Y ON THI AIR t 1:30 8'IOMa '1NAL 'ACUITTIN MCNIWI NRWI TV QUA1"'INACKI Wl8CINO "°'"" WMI'""' '8MOYll • •\.\ "Tiie Liil Awnelit Of lleu O..t•" ( tll77) Metty Feldman. Mld\Mt York. twin brolllera btootne ln¥0Mld In ,.,. 'orel9n l •tlon whll• attempting to ~ tNCr ....... falnlV'• "°"" or (A) .lllOVll • • ''llttlfl Ouoltl" 3 I lllllO) Mith ... fm~, lrdi Noiman l.o 1nep1 1n11• .. .,, ,,_ to 1911111 Al'lltlf ~· tlllO •"°"" lar lhe '"'1 ••t antoned fO Ii 111 tnem ·'I "46 I 'A.Cl TH• .... ~ MOVI • t 1.\ "file LMI ~ Of hill Otatt" 11971) Marty 'etdrnan. MlcllMI York Twin Droth•r• become lnvoMICI In Ille 'Or•lgn Le91on whll• 1111mpt1ng to Pttffrve th.it •dOt>ted lamlly'• l'IOn• or !RJ • MOVll * • ' lalOYed lnlldl4" (19$9) Ortgory Peok. 0.l>Of•h Ke,, Writ., F Scott F lllOft aid l'I .. a lot· r•d affair With eotumnltt 811e111h 01an1m 12:00 8 700 CLUI FHllKed I top llghl)llQ director ltilt ol hl9 ~ trom N•Ll Oermany, a nun dlaqu1 ... lh• current •ltt• ot the CatllollC Ch\lrCh «D Ml88ION: l~LE Tiie former dlctatOt ot • C11lbb91n ltl•n(I It med• to h1v1 h1llucln1tory Ylllona aa oen 01 1 plot designed by the IMF G) TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED "Sauc. For The GOOtl" A M<lft ot ne1t·f•t•I eccl· den11 follow• the m11rtag1 or • recent wld-to an unemployed ector Cl} STAIHREK Rebels c apture lb• EnterprlH end thlHtto It• dellructlon unlHI !hey att taken lo the planet Eden 12: 15 8 THIE ROCKfOAD FILES Whlle on a tllhln9 trip, Rockford gera lldetracked Into '°"I POlltlcs and m111· der ft)MOVIE **'A "Circle 01 Two" ( 111801 Rlcherd Burton. Tatum o ·Neel De1plte atrong parenlel oppolltton. a poignant romenoe devel- oe>• betWMfl I 60-yMr-old trtltt and a precocious t•n·eoe achoolglrl 'PG' (~MOVIE * * • • "Ordinary Peo- ple" (1980) Mary Tyler Moore Donald Sutherltnd A guilt-ridden teeo·aoer trying 10 put hie Ille back together artw hi• brother'• deeth end hit own 11Ulclde anempt reecn.1 out to hi• cornptacenl lather and hit cold, reMrved mother 'R' (ZJ MOVIE *•'A "Morocco" ( 1930) Gery Cooper. Marlane Dietrich A •woman 11 forced to chooee bet- lhe wealth and l>OIMS- llons thll one mao offer• and the love thet another otters 12:20 (CJ MOVIE • * '.\ "It Lives Again • ( 1§76) Frederte Forrest, Kathleen Lloyd A number ol couplet find their Joy over having a baby changed Into nerve- Nietterlng terror wnen the lntan11 emerge as Clewed monster• ·R· 12:80 llJ MOVIE • '.\ "Frontier Horizon' (1938) John Wayne, Jen- nifer Jonet A promoter tcneme1 to llWlndte ranch· era out of their land in order to build a dam tor a raeervolr. 12:45 dJ) A8C NEWS 1:00 . THAT TEEN SHOW Q!NEWS (S)MOVIE • * "Sex Ray" A tulurl"IC men creat" • ray gun wtth lhe powe. lo make 9r1y woman tau hopetes.aty In love. QMOVIE • * * "High RIM" C1981) Jamet BtOlln. Cteavon Lil· tit A lrlo of greedy trlendl plot tile robbery of a mU· llon dOllert from a South American drug dealer 'R' 1:15 tJ NAME OF THE OAME A politically amblllOU1 city• councilman H11 out to di,. credit Glenn Howerd 0 ATONE Gueet: architect William Pereira 1:65~MOVIE * * * "I'll Cry Tomorrow' ( 11155) Su11n H1yw1rd, Richard Conte. Actres1 LU· llen Roth 11ruoglet wlll'I alcOtlotlsm and 1 fldlnQ car- 2:00 O:tl MOVIE • * * "Which Way It Up?" (1977) Rlehlfd Pryor, Lanette McK• A ... 1t1rved lrult picker )t• ceught In a comie crOMllr..· bit-hi• union and 1-.. Mob, and a 11ypocrfj- preecner llnd• heaven In i l•dlft' chair. 'R' (%)MOVIE * * * "The Contellloo" 111170) Yvea Montand, Slmooe Slonoret. Ar1ut London'• forced cont". •Ion end lmprlaonmelll occur dunng the ~ nllt purge ol 195 I. - 2:10 CANCER CONFRONTATION Oanlel Travltlll hoat• a documentary epeclel wtllch ioou... on eome ot tl)e oonlrovet91et IUfrOUndlfllJ c:ancer, lncludlng Inlet· vlewa with In~ Con- greutnen. t-r....,.Gfl otflclele. doctors •nd c- oer vlcllma .. :;:1= 3..'00 TOOAY'8 MUGION MOVIE *** ,_. "Allen" (H7tl Tom 81tertllt. YIPMI Ke>'- to The crew Of 1 ~ Ing acr19 C.rrler lottow • myatetlout elgnat to a tutl- poeedty dit.o plaMt Ml. •"" lanCllnQ. tMtGOYtr "* the rMM4iOI -• wtiM-1 Ing to Illy -.y .• ,.. -· i : 10 Cl) M<>Vla - • • 14 "Mommle 0iMr.t." (1911) '• °""8wly, Dllt--• N kerwld. For11M lllllf ' 1t1t Joan Cnt'WfOfil r...._ • .,., "" edopttd ~ • ln a~tloM~ "'" lrttlta lrOfn ~ • comlort to ..01111o dW.• l'> llfiM 'PO' .• ~ l:al MOVll •• "Af"'Cy"(INtl~; WI Mltellutn, L .. M~e· • The .,.. Med ol 1 malor ~.._.. .. .,,.. -• CINl!lrWI'• ..,.... ... •• *"*---'° "'*'* ..,.....,.. polllMI ,..:. !!fl',·~· •:40 • INTWIPMll .. ; .• Or•no• Co••• DAILY PIL.OT/Sunda~. 8 ptemb r 12. 1982 GOIEN ON lllDGf TIDAT'I ClllllllD PVllLI BV CHARLES H OOREN ANO OMAR StlAAlr: AC HOM ez In front 1t6 Stab .. 26 Oulv9f IO Alll'IOtl 1111: t Dlttnenti. &)Miil Oenlletl 26 0o.t11 2 WOfd• 6 Laughable 14 Ltncoln 117 Makt tardy buytng 111 Anllloul t 1 Ttrrece ·es Mtmortie 118 Ltttenl 27 TIAI r1<J1HI 82 FrOllc.omt "· Whal art1 tht1 JlllPrton tt•11 bet wcitin "t ue bid•'' and "tpllnter bid•"? Ourln1 lhti 1utllon when we1 are problna for •l•m I 11umrtlmci11 l(ft ton· lu•ed aboul whlC'h I• whlC'h. l'lf'Ht1 t'xplaln tht1 two term11 with •om t ci•atnple hand11. U.R. K all'. Katy, 'f't111111 C'u1• huh ,1n· ,, 1l1H1 r1•11t 111111 tn T hl' ftr.,t t \'lw 1, \I\ h1•rt• .I uu ha Vt• II \ 1•ry '>lrong huntl 111111 w11nt tu m:i.k•• t1 t.1k1•0111 l11cl t h11t 1 .. 11li "olull•I)' J11r1•ini.t lo KIHlW fur 11111lnn1·1'. 'llflllllW your r11(hl hund opp11n1·nl opc•n' ulll' 11111 mond and you hultl: urul 1•r111111'>11•, n11th1n" in llw 1•n1·m )' '"'' L11~t . .11111 11r11h11hl) 1111"1 unpnrturll. ar1• 1·111• huf , tu l'h1•1·k 1111 1·1111trul, lur 'lam 1111r1111'>11''· 'l'h1·M· nn· 11 .. uully l'll'Y Ill d i,11nguii.h . bt••'UUlll' 1•11111 rul l'll<• bith "lurt ufll.'r u trump ~llll h1t11 llt•1•11 t•'ltuh lii•ht·d E111·h purtrwr 1•111• hill' MA•IOI LAW.._MT OLIYI MorlU4ll't • CA•rn•lf'•~ C'.1t1t't\tlOry lb1~ Ci1'lltor Av1• Co,t.s Mt•\11 )40 !)~)4 18 TIOhltn 87 e.otnon N1ut time 4 20 Prleonef't WO#dl drHm 71 l!gypllan 21 Un1tttnded IOUI , 22 RtdlC11 72 -HeWl<lna 23 Ptxllated Oay 24 Winged 73 Abbr on 2& Cutt qufCkly City m1p 28 Tilly 74 Abbr on• 27 Rtnowntd !Iner t 19 Stag 01 '9 Hide 1001 '"" •talUon St•no 115 o.clllmt 120~. 30 Ollet lhclld Wiidiy 122 Communion ly 2 wo1d1 87 P1n11 dl1h l I I torld11 c:ny ee Mine care 123At1H. 33 .Allvll nl 119 Strike out u1ually a eort 2 word• 124 8~1111ng lor ahort 00 Ctffup INIUrt 34 Poaiuve 91 Fem11ff 125 Uncommon pole 92 Teacher• 128 Swoethersrt 36 Turktah 93 Dlld l'fhl1t quutlon hu bt•rn awarded lht' weekly prlie.I A . -You 1ir 1! n111r1111 in K <'hir kt·ns untl 1·~1-t'· and not n'-'l't·si.urily 1·'h11·k1·n "Im!>. T hey art• two t•omplc•tt·ly d1( krent lh1n~"i +AK J u ·· AK<!u .,.. ~ + K ~ hilt C(ltltrul' NhnwinK rir"t ptlHCI llOTHIH 28 Border HlL llOADWAY 29 Pu1h 74 T elei)rama 127 Ot•t1nc11 oover 11111\lllt 95 Btllllh 76 Rtght·hand runner 36 Pear county LPl 0~ 'larl with 'Jihntt•r h1di.. Thl') are tht• t'll'"''t to c"pla111 A splintl•r bid 11> 4,1n unusual Jump in ,, 'u1l. It agrN'' lht• pr!'VIOll' h11I hy )our p,tr lnt•r a~ the• trump 'u11. "how' the 1•qul\nl1•nt of a fon·in~ ra1w 111 h" 'u1t and a ~inglt'ton in lh1• -.u1l bit!. SuppOSl' t h:1l purln1·r opc•n., the b1dd111i: with on1· ht· art You would muk1· u '>jJhnll•r bid or four diamond .. (thrt•(• diamonds would bt• a natural, strong Jump ~h1fl l with: +Au:x KJxx · 11 +AJxx If pnrt 1wr holch ll' lit th· 11\ l'1rl'l' or mor'· t·11rd1> in rith•·r maJOt, you run ulmo'il \Ur1dy mak1• KliH11!iut vou want lh<· opportunity o 1<how hoth 11( your su1b thout r1•11r that partnn will clruµ llw nul'l1on Start with a l'UI' t11tl ur lv.o diamond... Nolt• that y1111 OIU~I h:t\I• '"'' or ... 1•1•111111 round rontrol 11( th1· rn1•m) round 1·u11trnl11 inili11lly and. th('rNlht"'. •wrnnd rouod con lrul.... :.turlinK with lht• rh1•11 111·)>l rontrnl To ii l11~lr11t(': North l • 4 • 5. South 3 • .. Sinrl' a lrumµ '>llll ha~ bt•t•n c<aabhsht•d. lh1· b1d'I for four club' and four heart... art t'Ut• llld'>, showinK firs t round l'OOlrol lac!' or vo1dl in t hn•C' ~uih. Nori h')> five club CU{' hill ~how, second round con Lrol and dt•nics lilt· uc<• of diamonds .vou d on't <·u1• bid •l·tond round c:onlrols 1111 til you ha v1• ~huwn all your first ruu11d cuotrob. MOITUAIY 110 Oroadw11v Cos111 Me'>il 6•2 91~0 IALn llHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIH CHAptlL 427 E 11m s 1 COslJ Me~J 6 46·937 1 30 Ration pao• 31 Colombten 7'1Mea111ol tndlon progre11 32 Oolf mound 81 M8trlcutatt 33 StoranouH 82 Jockey'• htt 34 Make 83 Downpour amen di 84 Ad11anta· 35 Moth111 geoua and lathers 85 Sun deity 38 Type 86WAC measure PflVlte 39 Tent peg 87 Pearly 40 Break1 portal 128 Mllftary 1hopod 97 Curved students aounda It ti ere 129 KllA 3lTrap 99 Hor .. man'a 130 Touch111 3 Mean &oad• 1311.ock or 40 Coll8r 100 ale retreat hair lastonors tOI Noetrflt t32 Fragrancn 4 1 Be suspend 103 BreakfHI eel 1 worda Items DOWN 44 V191tan1 104 Restaurant 1 Jelling lorth 46 Foreigner patron• 2 Barttr 47 Jewelry t06 New York 3 Fh(ed weight Island routine 48 Be,tow. a' t07 Provldee ""' for th1i. 11rtion rtHCI llOTHHS tuddenfy 88 Rosebatb 4 Mor1inque due food A 'iimilar rn"· 11t·rur., SMITHS' MOUUilY 41 OweUtngs 90 Bet· 3 words e .g SO Helm 109 Oral pause v. hi' re p;irtner has madl' .1 t.1kPout doublt• and 1ou w.1111 t n itf'l to ga m1• in 11n1• •11 ""'" or murC' '>uits. hut 11111 don't know wh1c·h. fo~or · t'Xllmplt'o ~uµpu~1· that your .left hand oppo nl•nt npt·n<o onf' rliumond. pn rt nc·r rlou bh·' .ir1tl t h t> n1· x t hnnd JJUSM':.. y OU h11l1I 627 Main $1 HuntcnQton Beac h 53t' 6539 'AClflC· YllW MIMO•IAL ptAJtlC Cemetel't Morrual't Chapel·Crematory 3500 Pac il•c View 01tv\j 42 Forward 93 Journal 43 Mr Musial 94 Oo by bus 45 w .. n1ng1on 95 .. Jaws" star figures 96 Wandered 47 Comptatn1 97 Comfort 48 Anecdotee 98 Devoured 49 Covet 99 tn1ec1lon6 51 Dodge 100 Four- artfully baggers· 2 52 Decemti.r words vl11tor 102 Goad 5 Hebrew pos111on t 12 love. in letter 52 Proi6Cutora Napoli 6 Kitchen 53 Lake 1 t3 Honey uten111 2 Indians BadQel words 54 Snatches 1t4 Small 7 Martini 55 Prleslly 11a11eys Ingredient garment t 15 Spirited 8 Be sullen 56 Unadorned hotM 9 Office-57 Segment 117 Bathe holder• 58 Outer zone 118 Tree trunk 10 That. Fr 60 Escorted 119 Trumpeter 105 Grad. 1 t Pie 2 word• Or ~u ppo,t• you opt•nNI th1• b1ddtnl( with one• diamond and part rwr rrsjJondt•d om• ht•art. Makt· II .splint1·r bid or lhre1• s pacJ,., with: +KJu AQx• .. u •Ku Newport Beach 53 Pitcher 644·2700 54 A. Bor C degree Ingredients 63 Scalier perch 120 Paid athlete +x <-: AQu v AKJu +KJx Nole t hat. in t-arh t'a'\C', llw s plinter bid guuranlt'l''> al leasl good four c:ard .,upporl for parlnt•r'i. s uit. You want to play t'it hl'r four ht•arts or four i.parlC'S, hut partrwr's takeout doublt· dot·i.n'l 111·1·cssarily gua r:i 11 II'<' four c·:erili. in hoth major' Su you sturt with u two dill mond ruc• bid. and partnt•r v. ill bid his major .. uil. Th" bid 1s simply for,:ing lo Ka mt·, Send any que11tlon11 for thltt column to: Charles Goren 111d Omar S harif, tare of this newepaper. Eich week a prize of a copy of the new "Goren's Bridge Complete," a 19.95 value, will bt-award· ed for the question judged the best retelved. I McCOIMICll MOltTUAlllS LaQuna Beac h 494·9415 l.aQuna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 I. 118 Expulsions 106 Backbone from Parlla· 107 Sleeveless ment. garments 1648 108 Lawsuits 58 Expunoe 110 Scale note 59 Garden tool 11 t Natural 60 "I'-be height seeln~. 113 Poe's bird you I 14 Challenger 61 Plural 115 Author's ending "weapon" 12 Love madly 65 Rabbit fur 121 Gypsy word 13 Fatigue 66 Adjust 122 .American 14 Follower 01· 67 Wrap poet Sut. 68 Saltpeter 123 MHCUllne (5 Bone: La• 69 Harangue title 16 Blazes 70 Drinker t24 Young boy 17 Hadrian 72 Auto 128 Nat. league 18 Hole In one "extra" position 19 Grape 73 Adhere 127 Atlas abbr cluster 78 Wear away 128 Business 20 Gtoes 79 Headtlners abbr •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performanc11 before 5:00 PM (Except Sptelal Eng1gemtnts and Ho4kl1ys) "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" tit) I ................ ,.. ----------t-;-.. ,-11-IO_A_Y-THE 1STH l'AllT J" 1•1 •• ::_R~q_c. !;. v .• !!'~~~1.. .. ., .__ ·---........ t.Mi ........ ,.. "YOUNO DOCTOlll IN LOY~'' 1•1 1ta.Ul.MI "AUTHOlll AUTltOfll" IPOI -. ..... - LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IH FocullY Al Del NrtO 213/63'·921t •ul'f'IDr' 1•1 ·~"=-........ "NIOHTI HWT" I'll 1-.......... ' focu1ry 01 Conolewooo 212/531·9510 "ENDANGERED ... ·!!~~'J:>,,. "CHHCH I CltOMG ~ AM TOUOH ~ OWlll"-4"1 ,.,,... •YOUNG OOCT09d IN LOVE" I'll , ...... I , "flllOAY THI 1:m. '"'" ,. ,., •• --·.-. ..... -- '4ClflC IHOTllU DlllV( IN SWAr 1nns \flf'C• •OV• IUCU '"•0 tMf IA• lf HAlllOll llVO OIUVf IN I OllANG( OlllV(·IN 1 ,. to>,. u rv•o"' • '""u' ••It ,HI,. lU•Ottt•t 111.a•dtlll tfA ... V. ... .... " ... 1 lO I' '·· , ,, \'-I••\,,,."' ... \. IMPORTAlll NOllCl' CHllDRlll UNOl R 12 fRU! 11MM 1M 11.,...., nw fll. 7 0I • '-4, SIA, -HON CM n MllJOOO ••DUA AM CAii MOIG IS 10IJll 5'lMC• • • '<II 4'! CAA IW)I) """' -~CUSOllY POSl1'0I --U1 'IJl'llllU l•OIU ~ -llt OM olM - ANAHltM ANAHEIM ORIVl·IN ''•••at•• 01 l•mon It 179·9150 -~~~ ----. "THI COHCll~ JUMOLI" ,.., 'flllOA y THI ""' ,. "'" ,. IA) I CINl fl- -~ CHAUZNOr !"I -•"OC ll_A•TillUTIJI" l"1 (ltltt .. ~ I U( N,t, 'A Pf BUENA PARK 0111vt tH lt"C:Otft Alie Wett .. l.N)ft 121·4070 "11fNA f"APJ LINCOLN DRIVE ·IN t..ncoin A•• ••"of •noH • 121-4070 I IJ.llltll"'' Son Ot•OO ffW'lf ot ••ootif'I"''" (IO) 961·2411 ~t',l~IN',1!51 HI WAY 39 OlllVI IH 1. "TMe CHAU.IMOe" Oil a. ..,.,. MASTM.UTlll" Clll a. "THI COHCMTI AINCIU" Ctott '4 - • 11.a.9"' A LA HABRA OillYI IN -·-·--·---•n·lH2 ii A ~.' , I "LT. THI IXTitA·Tl'.MllTitlM." '"1 -"1NCM049La IMllllNKIMO WOlllAll" Cf'OI "'AeT .,_,AT lllOQIM~ HIOff" 1111 "OINlfl" (Ill C1~1 It SOllltO .. 0( •... d So ... Oo<Ot• CO«M lltt..ov 191•3693 "INOAMCMMD !INC .. " 110 -"TMI MAIT wmtlW" 1111 Ctlll '4- .... T. THS I~ TDMlnMAL" -"l "INCMOlal ..... '"° WOlillAW' IHI ORANGE OPlll( IN ............. ,_ ., .... , ...... 634-9361 "T'Ml•tTUTTU MtOMNO"'I..• TIXM" 1111 ~11111 .... I', II I ... MI SSION [Jl/1111 IN . . • •, . •,". W Ai:lN Ul [lllllll IN .. _ ... ..., ...... ~ ... MNfff "tTMI '4.MI" 4"1 "eTM TIISlt .. o TM9 nATM CW llMAN" fNI • IL OUll 9IO COflM WIU COlll IL LL.MTO 01 LOe ..... FICTIT10U8 9UIM88 NAmSTATE•NT Tii. foUowtng..-.ona .,. doing bualnMa ea: STACEY MORTGAGE & INVESTMENTS,. 39110 W11terly ~. Suite 200. Newpof1 Befldl, CA 92e60. G.A. STACEY & ASSOCIATES, 1 Callfo1nla corporetlon, 3ggo Westerly~. Suite 200, Newpof1 9Mctl. CA g2eee>. Thi• bu""-le condUC1ed by • corporation. G .A . Stacey & ANoclll81 Gery A. Stacey Thia ttll-1 WU ftled with the County Cleftt of Orenge County on Augu1t 20, 1982 ,1 .... Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, Aug. 22. 29, Sept. 5, 12. 1ge2 3704-82 f'ta.IC NOTICE FICTrTIOUI 8UllNH8 NAMI! ST A TEMl!NT The followlng pe11on Is doing businels as. NANA'S, 1131 Beel< Bey Road (Snack Bat Bldg 'C"> Newport Beach, CA 92680 ROSANNA MYRTLE 80TILLER, 1909 Edmore Avenve, Rowlllnd IHelghll. CA 91748 1 Thia t>uSIMU II conducted by an lndlvlcklal Roe.Inna M BotMlet Thia 1111ement wu filed with the OM YOUR PROf'lSSIOMAL County Cletlt ot Or~ County on "MOMIMTS TO RIMIMllR" Sept 1· 1982· F1IM65 •PORTRAIT SERIES I Publllhed Orange Co11t Dall~ • Piiot. Sepl 5, 12. 19. 26. 1982 loo C/Tl?ll 'iO'> '''hf' (JOt) ~ Nlio ~e-, 't~ f ec\•"9 df1Cl ~t'i.l l~\~ •JO )<NI Cl" dS •,ow:e Bv• "ON"°" CcYI s~ 11""1"1 witt "°''' l~••ly ""°friends O..• Slo•lltd rJio109•Xll"~ (ill' C•ll> '·J'( •t-ose D'CCIOu~ ~nt\ for "°" l'V'<J ,uS' for moli•"9 a 9SC cXOOS1t on t<XJf pof'ld•I ~-~.~II Srvt "'°"'(I •Id" lol!Clblf. pl!N' H 9S value Cuad t Be4I to Pl"Y wtti and c~191 fol ~~s *"i""' even~ o IX>"lld l S•tl '3 Wll" Cuddlt Bee!! ,, yOJ lilt 'ltlur ro·Po-trdit Set includes 2 8" lOs, 3 5 )( 7s and 15 wa!lels 9M XI.Ah' I .... \o,(.i ... °' '!'l.M. $11.95,' ~Cll<F c''>l!'ol'~ THESE DAYS ONLY: • WED.SEPTEMBER15 • THURS. SEPTEMBER 18 • FRI. SEPTEMBER 17 • SAT. SEPTEMBER 18 • SUN. SEPTEMBER 19 DAILY 10 AM .. Pfll IA T: 10 A .... ,.. IUN 10 A ... I PM BEACH BOULEVARD, WESTMINSTER HARBOR BOULEVARD, C08TA MEIA MAGNOLIA IT., HUNTINGTON BEACH CAMINO DI ESTRELLA, IAN CLEMENTE WE CAPTURE THE MOMENTS! I 3871-&2 Pl&.IC NOTICE SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS FICTrTIOUI eua..11 NAME ITATEMl!NT The following "8f80n8 ere dOlng busln•» as Pta.IC NOTICE , KIM ZUNG ENTERPRISES. F'ICTITIOUI 8USIH£11 16283 Slerre, Founteln Valley, CA NAMI ITATEMENT 92708. lhe lollowtng 1)8'aon1 ire doing NHUNG THI PHAN. 16283 bu1lneaa 111. Sterrs. Fount.in Velley. CA 92708. LOV-U PRODUCTS, 2908 West REUBEN W. PULLEN. 5341 Pendllton A.venue, Santi Ana, CA Appian Way. Long BHon. CA 92704 90803. ROBERT ROMAN, 381 Villa Thi• busineu Is conducted by a B•y•. Newport Beach. CA 92860. flmiled par1nerlhlp LOU LA NE. 2 3 50 t Park Nhung Thi Phen Cerrito.. Catebuu. CA. Thia staeement Wit II~ "!llh lhe RON RODERICK. 1820 s .w County Clerk of Orange\ C'oullry on Vermont. Portlend. OR Sepe 1, 1982 Thia ~ II conducted by a '111Nt llmltld pannerlhlp Publlsnpd Orange Coall Dally Robert Roman Pdol. $191 5. 12, 1g, 26. 1982 Thia Itel-I WU fifed Wllh the ________ __.3<&!"'30="""""'82 County Clerk o1 Orange Cot#lry pn P18JC NOTICE FtcnTIOUI IMISINEll Ftc:nnous ..... s. ..... ITATl•NT NAMI ITAftmNT The fOllowtng ~· ve doing The follOWlng P«90n9 .,. doing t>uslneae aa: bulineaa u: CLAUS ENTERPRISES, INC. ENER·TECH ENTERPRISES. db• PACIFIC POLYMERS, INC .. ~~::;D Ad~ml, Cotti M .... CA 15702 ~~-::g Lane, Hun!lnglon JAMES A. ITALIANO, 1987 CLAUS ENTERPRISES. tNC., a Fullerton. CO.ta M-. CA g2627. etllornta corporation. 15702 WAYNE 8 . HUNTER, 1002 1.e1ner Lane. Huntington BMch. Secfeterl•t ~de. ea.ta ~. CA A g2&41 g2626. • TN. ~-.. condUC1ad by • Thi• bu""-8 .. conducted by • 11ton. llmlted partl"lel'9hl0. Cl*4 Enteriin-. Inc J,,,_ A. llallano C.H. Cleu•. Pree. Thia 11a1ement -flied With the Thia tt•l-t wu tlfed wtth the Counry Clertl ol Or8nQI County on nty Clertt of Orange County on Augu1t 20, 19$2 SepremlMlf 8. 1982. ugu1t fg 1982 ,,_ F117032 · • ,,_,. Publl1hed Oran.si• Cout Dally FICTTT'IOUI eu ... 11 Publlanad Oran~e Coaat Dally Publlthed Or&njlt Cout Deity Pllol. Aug 22. 29, 5epL 5, 12, 1912 Pl&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS W ..... NA* ITATl•NT Pilot, Sept. 12, 111, II, Oc1 3, 1982 Aot. AuQ. 22. 29, sept 5, 12, 1182 3717..e2 ~ ~IG per.ona .,. dOlng 3940-82 _________ 3_7_3u __ 2 1 ltll.IC NOTICE Pta.IC NOTICE WILLIAMSON WINDINGS. 1733-H Monrovle. Coeta Meta. CA g21121. Pleflnout .,.._.. FlCTlTIOUI 9UllHl!ll NAJtltE ITATDll.NT NAm ITATUmln NAME ITATl!MENT fhe ro11ow1ng peraon la doing PETER BALDWIN. t073 Corona Lane. Coata MH•. CA 92626 JAMES A WILLIAMSON, 835 W Baker, No P-103, Colte M .... CA 92626 Thia bulllneel ft conduc1ed by • limited Partnerll'llP. P11er Baldwin Thia 1181-t waa llted with the County Cieri! of Orenge County on Tii. IOllowlng pereona -dOlng The lollowlng per1on 11 doing buliness aa buaineeeM: bualnessaa AUTO EXTRAS. INC •• ZEIGLER VENDING SERVICE B&J MASONRY. 110 ~ 111 Calltornla COtpotatlon. 17460 Mt. INC .. g771 L• Zepatltta Clrcle, Street. Newpof1 Beaeh. CA 92663 CllftwOOd Circle, Fount.in Veney. Foontlifn Valley, CA g2708. JAMES A BUCHANAN. 110 CA 92708 ARTHUR V ZEIGLER, g711 La 4111 Street. Newport BMch. CA GENE GRANT. 1812 W. BalbOa Z.0.Ulfa Clrde, Founteln Vllllly, CA 92663 Blvd .. Newpof1 BMch. CA 92663. 92)'oe. This bullneu la condUCited by an Thi• b\.11tn"' Is conduc1ed by • THERESA M. ZEIGLER. g771 lndlvidual. corpot1llon. La Zll>ttllla Clrcle. Fountain Valley, James A Buch1nan Au1o Exlraa, fno. CA g2708. This Slltemenl Wit flled wtlh the a-Grlltlt, PrMldeot 1'1f70N ?Mgler I/ending SetvlCI Coun1y Clel'k ol Orenge Counl'f on Thi• 1111ement we1 nled with the Publlahed Oran!• Collt Dell~ Inc. September 1, 1g82 Counly Cleik or Otange County on September 8, 1982 Pit t S I 12 1" ., "'"t 3 1"8 Arthur V. ''"""'-. Prtl. FtltlY Sep1an1bel 8, 1g82 0 ' ap · ' "· '" "" 3g42:112 Tilll statement waa 'fii:d wtth the Publlehed Orang• Co111 Dally Ftt1QZ1 1------------1 COunty Oletk ot Orange COunty on Piiot. Sept. 5. 12. 1g, 26, 1g92 Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Delly f'la.IC NOTICE Augult 20, t982. 3869-82 Piiot, Sept . 12. 19, 26. Oc1. 3. 1982 ------------· ,1_ "°3$-82 FICTrTIOUI eu1•11 Publl•h•d Oren11• co .. t Dally PU8UC NOTICE f'la.IC NOTICE The f:=:Ti:,r:=i:. doing Piiot, Aug. 22, 29. sept. 5, ~2i~~ FICTfTIOUS eLISINlll Pta.IC NOTICE flt8.JC *>TICE bull-... ... .. ITATUi•NT F~A~s --------------::===~===-=--THE GAROEN A.NOELS. 363 e. •-.,. NO""'r The following peraon 11 doing The lotlowlng peraon ti doing MUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS Wll '9C11T10U8 W.. 18th, Unit F1 Coeta Meaa, CA g2927 f"UULnt 1.w. buslneet aa: bull,_. .. ...... IT.,....., MAlmlTA~NT 1>911nyA.CobhMl,363E.11th, ITAnmHTOf'dAHOOHMl!NT APPLIED VISUALS. l3H NEWPORTIMAGES.4670P8111 The followlng per1on ta doing Tha fottowlflg HflOn I• doing Unit F. Coeta Meaa. CA g2627 CW UM CW ~~.~26~, Suite 9. Costa Me11. ~ewport, Newport &Heh. CA butlnele 11: bu*-• Dt1n1 Role Vincent 363 E. FICTITIOUS 8U81N188 MAMIE ...., ., cv .,2860 GREEN LIGHT, 214il Pe1eona 8 & 8 DOC'S SWEEPINQ 18th, Unit. F. Co1t1 MtH, CA The lolfowtng per1ona have MtchH I Allan Hood. 16652 DAVID PAUL REINHOLD. 4670 Streel, CO.te MeM, CA 92927 SERVICE, 861 Send8lwood A--, 2827 abandoned !he UM of IM flotltlOua Slmt Ave •D. Huntington Beech. Perk Newpo<l, Newpon BMctl. CA ANDREW FRANK GREENE, La Habf'a. CA 90831. Thi• bullMM II ~tad by • bu"'-name. Oii 92114g g2eec> 2142 Paraont Str .. t. Coeta MIN. TE" RY L. BROWN. OS 1 al pattnerlt\lp. BLACK ROSE BUCKLE CO . Tlllt butl!IMI II conducted by on Thia b\.laJ~ II conduc:tad by WI CA 92$21 SWlcltlwoocl A.,.__ la Habra. CA Pwy A Cotlhtn'I 341848 Coast High S 11 151 lndlY\dUll Thia bullnMI II conducted by en 908S1, Thlt ltAtetnent WU lllecl w11h the Dani Point, CA ne;:!' u e ' MlcilMI A. HOOc:I lndMduel Dallld p RtiMOld fnd1vldual Thia t1W1MM 11 conduic1ed by WI nty C*1t Of Orange <:ounty on he Flctltloua e ualnell Nam• Ttl11 llatetnent WU tiled 'fllth the Thia atat-I •h tiled With the Andrew F. Or_,. lndlvtclual ember 1, 1982 referred 10 above wH lfled In COUnly CllA Of <>r-. Counl'f on County Clerk of Or•not COunty on Thia a1•tement ... flied with the Teny L. lrown ,, ... , Orange County on F'ebr"ary 4 6ept. 1, 19U. •1 .......... Septembef 8, 1982. COUnty Clefll of Otanot COUnty on Thie ltatement -tlled wlttl tnt Publl1hfld Orange Coelt Delly 1112 ' r -~ September 1, 1ge2 County Qer1I Of Orange Count) on Piiot $191. s. 12. 1g, 2'. 1882 ALICE J. HERRMANN. $418'4 B Pubfl•h•d Orang• COUI Dally Publllhed Orang• Coatt D•lly F1-*2 Auguet 20, l"2. ·-3171-02 Co11t Hlghwey. Dena Point. CA PllOl $191 5, l2, lll, 26, tg!!7 •.. 2 Piiot. Sept 12. 1t, H . Oct S. 1Na Publlllltd Oren1• Co11t Delly r ·-"8JC M)TIC( gff29 .,.. ... 0 ~ l'llot, hPI 5, 12. 1 , 20. 1912 Publlalled Oran11• Cout Dall~ --...... =~'!"'!!~~~--I WALLY SVTHERLAND. 34114 i------------------------ 364I0·82 Piiot, AulJ. 22, "· -'· e, 12. 1112 ncnnoue wa e. eo.11 Highway. Dene Potn1. OA P18JC NOTICE Pta.IC *>TIC[ S7S742 .... -IT -i-------------A,_,., 92629 FICTITIOUI _,..... P1CT1T10U9 .,_.. •-tc NOTll'r Thi folloWlnll perwone .,. doing Thia bull,_ wu cionc1uc1e<1 by• ..._ ITATSMaNT ...._ ITATIMINT ,--. ™' bUilllllt M! • general partnenlllp. 1 I t d t '1CT1T10UI .,...,. 8 o u T H c o A s T c: o N Ab J. 11emnann The fottowtng peraon le doing The follow ng peraon • o ng ,.._ ITATDmN'T PICTIT10U9 ~II STRUOTION COMPANY. 400 Thie 1111_..t wu fllld wt1h the bueilltll ea. l>\ltlnetl 1•: Tiit fOllOwlng o•r•on ,. dotno NAMe •TA·-"' llrctl '''"'· tutti 113, Newport County t lllrk of Orange.County on SYCAMORE 800K8l0AC. Mt WOODCHUCK I. TD, 1838 t>utlMM .. Th• fotlowtng per1on 11 doing 9Mcfl CA 11170. ~emlMlf 1, 1112. Proctuctlon Pleoe. NCl'#POfl llleeh, Wlllltftt Ave .. C-4, Cotta MeM, Ca ART AHOURCH..i aee WHI bu-"-M ! KINAUD OOl'PORATION, • '111Mt Ct. HMO 92817 18th th Coeta M.-\iA 9H27 GRAPHICS PLUS, 2~1 8. -o C 0 ti 8t111tt 8 . Welltt>erg. 31288 S"vt n MfcllH1 Bodt, 8121 E~ltd A. c~llii. 21°19 Tuttln Main 81., Santa Ana, C• 92707 CellfofNI oorporM!oll, -"'°" Pllbllllltd r•n1• OHi • I khmlclt (P.O. 80• &02>. 91Mlrl00, Tr1cy Av• • Oerdtn Grovt, Cl . Av. .. Cott• Mtle. Ct t2t27 Jolln JOMPll Coult'. Hl3 •• • .... """°" 9Mcfl. CA .... '"°'· 9ept, tl!, 11• II, Ool. :a. \11 ca. 12176 .1284 t Thie bualntte I• eonctoc1td t>y tn Hnd et .. Cot11 MIM. Ct t2t27 T1111...._ 11 ~ by •1 .. a TNt bllllMlt 11 condUCted by an Tiit• butlnete ia conctucted by en lnclMOull Thie bu"'*' le oonduGt4ICI by WI OOll*MIOn inctMduel fncltvtOuel fctwwo A. Cflttlln lfldivlcll* =1, ~=· i D•HY Pflot tt...art I WlfllbttQ l tewn M loCll fltfl eta"'"*11 wee tlted wltll IM Jotw'I JoNPll Ooute' T1111 ..... ~ -flMI -'II Cl•lllflecls Thie 1111\tment ... flllcl Wlttl !he Thie tttltmtnl wee llltd Wiii IN COUl'ty et.ti of °'""' County Oii Tiiie •lllemtM Wiii tlted Wltn tM C.-, an ol e>r.,.. ~ CGunty C6M °' 0,.,. Coul\ty 811 County Cltrtl 04 °'""" ~ °" ~ e, 1N2. Co1.1ntY Cteftt at11o:anoe Cowtty on /IJ..,.c 11 lMI worll.., ..,,.,.,.,., I . tMI ,~ l..,i I. 1MI ·-- '1119 ~I, 1 •· ,..... • ,__ = ,.•fl Publtellad Orange co .. t 0.My ,1111ff14c, Orange coat Oelly flultlllMd Oran.-0.... ,.,.. PutllllMd Orantt Cotlt 1at1y P11bll1fled Orange Ooeet Oellr ,llOI a.ot t1, 11, H . Oc1 ~~ PllOt ""' 12, 11, ff. Oc1. ~ Noe. Mlf. It, It,._ IJ, 11 5'11 ~ h9t 11. II, H . OClt ~ l'll04 leP'. ti. 11, ft, Oat ~ .. SEIVICES Stt'VK'f' DuHtor> EMPlOYMENT & 'REPAIATION bit'~ lnterw:uon JoO"',jltCM• Help v. .......... .. MEICHANOIS£ """""" .............. AwtlOfl ::u:: thltttlb ~tu ' l;qu.ipnownt Doe> """lo v .. f'\lrntttiittt Cara.at S..•e --c-. J ... o1,,. L1¥HtoA ....... ~ Ml>ffU._, MtM'tll•"'""-' Wanlf"d N\d1Ul IMtrurn.m1 \?'~ f"llm• Equip ~~~~~.=, ~1~~u":'!n..e., ~.6.f:ot0.Htf'1.Sttrff ) IOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT The nwrketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Orangt• Coast re111derits bought 42'; of all ru!w cars lfold i,J tlw 'County laat u~ar evtm thougl1 th y c"mprt ~ only 30', of • Ow countr;· . ., population. Real Estate -the ~omplete O~ange Coast Market Place 11111 loot 100'! IOI.I IGllt IOOM ID 10» ICQ4 1000 IOU ICMI IOll ICllU lllll I .. IO'lt 1111'a I ... l(M 1• ICM 1100 .,,, ,,,,,, •••••••.•.•........•.. EQUAL. HOUSIHO OPPORTUNITY , ..... .,.. . ...... All r .. I Miiie edYeftlMd In thlt new1p1per It 1ubject to the Federel Felr Houalng Act of 1968 which mekM II Illegal to edvlfllH "any preferen-ce. llmllltlon Of dltcrlml· netlon bHed on rice, color. rellglon. HX or nellon11 origin, or eny Intention lo mike eny auch prelererice, llmlte· lion Of dllCl'lmln1t1on." Thi• newspaper wm not knowingly 1ccep1 any advertlalng for real esta· le which la In vlolatlon ol lhe lew NEW LISTING -LINDA ISLE $995f000 -$175,000 CASH 1120,000 ISSUlllLE LOllS Model Home Perfection 1 StJ -4 le4rtt•t -4 l1ths SLIP FOR 4 IOITS ltl CWIYH Tlltl IH l•Jtl•t -144-4110 c .•. PllOI i;1egance abound• trom IEW ElllWI 01 IALIH llLHI the second you Piii Fi t ti r cd Ch . through the Inner gate rs . me ISt · anntng nr. n~w 2 sty, surrounding floral bou· architectural g~m. 4 bdrms , !am. rm. quet1 and atep onto the Quality design and decor throughout. 111• entry Which •weep• Dested for guest quarters. Pr1"ced to you Into Indoor-outdoor IMng at 1111 finest. Feetu· sell 595,000. SeUer finance. No loan fee. ring box-beamed eel· 211 llAIOlll OPEi UT I HI 1·1 ElllOlla Advert!· llnga. coontry freth lace sers should check curtains, antique Amari· WllE IELLEI PlllOEI Tilll TO IELL can oak fireplace, French U their ads dally and doors. mstr suite wluM<I nques tionably the best buy in Big ,100 report errors Im-brick flreplace. 1225,000. Canyon. Four bedrms. and family room. Ja:JO med lately. The Fabulous financing. Call Immaculate throughout. New carpets, ~ me 10 ... d bl & d El :142) DAILY P ILOT as-Dlana Ple1enpo1-Votpe rapes, mar e entry ecor. ectron.ic = sumes llablllty for 559-9400 security system. Wet bar. 2 fireplaces, 3 : the first Incorrect iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill-miiiiii•im car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced : Insertion only. LIDO right at $695,000. Gate guarded area . -1--------Call 644-4910 for r.nnission to enter. : IAYFlllT OHM 14 11111111 TIEE I • OHi 111 1-1 ::~ Bt•1t1 /11 $1/t LOWEST PRICED 2 ~ 1;;r;;,~;;······••••• =~';" :i~.· 1~· ~:~ YIEW -LllE A IOHL -SPYILASI S: •••••••••••••••••••••• ble financing. $475.000. Two story Nantuc ket 4 Br. with beau- uoo "•'"' 1 ooa n 1 s 1 •<» •••••••••••••••••••••• UM llLE 1 u unset poo s urrounded by 14,· :: WALi TO IHI Ill l·I 000 r ed bricks. Taste fully decorated ::C: TllE Pllll 111 Yla Ille• throughout with wallpapers and Neat 4 Bdrm tamlly s hutters. Shows like a model home! 3 bdrm plu1 study, 45' M home, localed In ••eel· lot, good llnenclng. any upgrades. Se ller will finance. = ~~:C9:d P:~~:!~ 1425,000. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. = Crackling atone llrepla· )(Ir<) ce. huge llvlng room . l:: formal dining, lreahly palnled. Lovely eneloaed patio. Wilk 10 tchoolt, etc. Seller motivated. Call 54fr2313 ... IOIO IOU -------~ llOlt IQ;) -II>!) .,,. -Ml --... -.... ... lll!ll -- THE REAL ESTATERS &n1•WIEUU UWMWI No qualifying · yet you can move Into thl• pride ol ownertl'llp neighbor· hood w/ulmo11 1p11d. Boat & RV ecct••. country kitchen w/rock frplc , 3 Bdrm1, 2 full B•tht. S 117 ,000. Call lmmedletely tor detalla. Diana Pletenpol·V<>lpe 559·9400 JAllllE OllEEI 5 Vaca!'!.~~ 2 ~~!n Ja· '°'° 1mlne Creek beauty. :: Prie.d well beloW mark· :: et. Oiied community, -pool, ciubhOUM. tennlt. 1110 ttlU llJD .... tuo ••• tll9 Must ... to believe. Call for detalla, 5-'fr2313 THE REAL : ,.. --1----~=--~-1 ESTATERSI i&lt _, -two --tl'lll --t!~t'.4A!e~op~r fOf. 30 day ed In the l&IU PILIT lllYIOE ltllHTllY DO IT NOWI lat fer l114ra Your Dally Pflot Service Directory Reprnent•t1111 142-Nll, ed. 112 Ullle Miii Mullet aat on • Tullet, elong c•m• a 1plder end reed In lht Dally Piiot ClaHlfl•d eecllon about MIN Mui· let'• Tuffet and 1><>U9ht 11 !Of 19.95. Y04.I can Mii your tulfel 1nd Iott of other thing• through Delly Piiot Cluttfled Ada. Call &42·5678 124 Yla fftl1ta 2 bdrm, din rm, fam rm, library. 45' lot. good fi-nancing. $645,000. Lawson Realty Comp.iny 714-675-4562 • TllLY A 1• 01 Ill CUYOI lllf CHiii Builder's own personal residence. Not the average speculator built home. The architectural design and meticulous attention to detail reflect th e owner's desire to cr eate an unusually high quality home built to please the most discriminating CamiJy. 5 bedrooms, 6 1h baths, plus all the amenities one would anticipate. $1,950,000. Owner financing. l•E 1211,000 -YIEW flEE Earth~nes thruout. 4 br, 2 'h ba, family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq .ft. Vie w of Pavilion', night lights & Catalina. 1111 lllFUll, OI• UT I 111 1-1 UlUll YIEW llLLI -lllE YUi Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrms, fam.nn. $379,500. 1211 IR WEST, llM IPEI Sii 1-1 One of a kind home. Antique everything. 3 Bdrm, Oak tloort, huge ltvlng room. 2 atory bern w1worttat1op & toll. Over 2 ILICIS Tl IEWPllT 111111 -1221000 ~ acre w/tott of tr .... CL--•-4 B & f . ' . large swimming pool nannmg r. amdy room. 2 brick cabena & flah pond: fireplaces, countr y kitc he n , quiet Many, meny amenlU.. A restdential area in young development llatlng of the Von G•I· b Bu---la 1na d Ow 10 dams. Y ....... v • v 10 n . ner carry yrs. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 427 . 11tll PL., 0.1. OPEi ... 1-1 445 E. 20th Str .. 1 875-6000 •wagons•••• scooters•hot rOd s•coupes• trailers•hard tops•convert- lbles•motor homes•1awn mowers•limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• •typingtables WEILR •• TAYLlll ce.,.IULTlll 2111 111 ...... ,. 111111 .... IEWNIT Clmll, I.I. 144-4110 COSOHL I 1r-.;;.l ...;;;.,I ~l;.......,l.,.:;... .... -1 My friend wl'lo 11 1 11d .__ ... __.__..__._.._I _. divorcee lamented, "I hid I to go lhrough tl'lrH dlvor• 1.--o:Lp...;,l ...;R~K...;E;...::.L_-1. cts to get the money • .__ ... l'__.l__.l___.l.__.._I _.crook can get In one --·· • ;~~\·:.·0 I' r I' I' r I' I' I' I' r' I •rt:l I 11II'•I11 I ...._Lm Aatwers 11 Olasllfleltle1 IMO Classified works for you when you want to ••'-'---------_. AlllME 11~% FtlAIOIHll Long-tenn assumable loan on this three-bedroom und d en h om e In the desirable "Blutrs" al Newport B eac h . Ni ce l y upgrad ed "Carmelit.a" model with large patio overlooking the greenbelt. Near pool. Owner wants to sell ... RECENT PRlCE REDUCTION ... and d on't forget that great assumable Joan !!! Call Sally Shipley. HHTllTIAL PlllOE llEHOTIOM Selle r is despe rate Absolute ly must sell. Deauville model tn exclusive Big Canyon. Handsom~ French doors throughout; high ceilings h ave all .bt>e n plas tered with smooth finis h . Impressive two-story e n trance and living room , oak -floored kitc h e n and family room. Luxurious maste r suite, and large brick terrac.-e. The home is vacant, and awaitmg your final touch . The price has been reduced to $650,000, and the scUe r ,,w ,!J I _cary pape r . Call Trudy Stubblefield. lllElltCU 1101 A remarkably w e ll-maanta med famil y h o me 1n a good neighborhood. This beautifully decorated three bedroom, two bath hom e is complete in ever y way. Great neighborhood for children. The home radiates warmth, comfort , and a feeling o f we ll-being. Call Joy Holker to previe w this lovel y prope rly. Please be sure to ask about the available seller-assisted financing that can make this h o me so affordable for you a nd your family. 759-91111 --........ .,.. .. u c...,... .......... ... .,..c .... Little MIN Mulfet Ml on • -. Tuffet , •long ceme • spider and read In the • Dilly Piiot Cteulllad teetlon ebout MIN Mui· • let's Tulfet and bought 11 • tor $9.95. You een 1111 Daily Pilot classifieds work for you.Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. your tuflet end loll of • other lhlngt through Delly Piiot Cluallled • Ada. Cell 642-5878 -------- UYFHIT UOLHIYl One o f Newport's mos t exciting locations is the setting for this beautiful c o nte mporary waterfront home. Three BR including grand mast.er suite w / library. Extensive use of stone & marble, mitred windo w s & skylight s e nhance th e magnitude of this excepllonal home pier & slip-security. $4.750,000 (U64) IPHTACIUI YIEWllll Spacious .... h : .. vine Terrace 3 or 4 BR suhounding lnt.erior courtyard pool. Clean & ready for your persona) decor a tor touch es. Fabulous bay, ocean, and city light views. $795,000 incl. land. Martha Macnab (U65) Ill CllYll -H I T YIEW Magnificent high vista & view from this superb location in Big Canyon. This 3 BR, den, Deauville has a wonderful pool & spa f o r o utd oor entertainment. $785.000. Terry Aune Hanes (066) UYIHlll HUim New Listing. Gate guarded community. Spacious fmly home on quiet street. Your decorating touch wtll add much charm to thl1 lovely 3 BR, 3 BA. convertible den home. $449,500 incl. land Dick Haldennan (U87) ,..._ oam wm YllW Popular Pl•n 3 on wide gre6nbelt w / vtew of ocean from living rm & patio. Formal dining rm, lol3 of patioa & large mstr suite. Great auumable financing. $399,900. Maxine Propp (U68) WtHHIHI OllH Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR, 2 IA bath t, dlnl,,g area, prof essionally decor a led ln spring colors. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennJs courta & Lake. $100,000 Fee. Donna Godthall (U69) ....... H ..... /0.1 ,.,, H ..... /01 s.1. Hoo1t1 ,,, ,.,, a;;;;;i · · · · · · · · · i·ooa a.-;;;;i · · · · · · · · · ·;002 c~·~;;;; · · · · ·· · · · i·oo2 ..••••..•••••.•••••.•••.•.••..••...............•.•.••.........•... II MACNAB IRVINE . ~!"- "IOW IS THE TllE TO IUY LISTllllS IY lllTI SCHllDEL" CALL Fii flllTllEI lnAILI 144-1200 ., 711-1111 l~IEI MAHn Absolutely charming Bluffs home with 4 bedrooms, brand new gourmet kitchen and cozy wood paneled family room. Best buy in Newport Beach $149,000 ....... lllllE - Yll llll TllE TElllS Fa ntastic Harbor Ridge buy. '•Mir am.a r '' f Io or p I an , professionally decorated. This exquisite 3 bedroom split-level home features walls of glass. vaulted ceilings, skylights and fabulous vistas of Fas hio n Island, city lights and coastline -sophisticated selle r says s ubmit on terms. A must see $450,000.00 lllllH lllHE CIEST Superb financing on this delightful "R enaissance" featuring 3 bedrooms plus loft -outstanding decor with plush white carpet and beautiful wood flooring. 30 year fixed loan, fully assumable. Try $75,000.00 down. Full price $475,000.00 SUYIEW CllAllH Take advantage of a m ost motivated seller due to job transfer. Magnificent "Bar Harbor" model featuring 3 bedrooms, country kitchen with breakfast room and superb vie w of ocean and city lights. Don't miss vie wing this delightful home in lush tropical garden setting. Just reduced to $449,000 El.Ill TIE WY UFE in this beautiful Spanish-style 3 bedroom home in parkside location with spa. central air and security syst em. Beautifully decorated plus s upe r te rms. Priced for quick sale $205.000 The IHllll draw In tl'le N-In town? Cla .. lfled Weal ... a Dally Piiot can help you mMI m1ny Claaslfled Ad. 642·5878. ol your neeclt. &42-5678 "" lltlll 1-1 S,MIHI ltHr Ill•· rff 4 Mr, ftr•ll 4111•1 ,., ... ,., r•, .. . .,.. lrtlf ........ . ..... I• Jrt1tl1IH• ""'""'"'· .... , wtll ... ,, """ f111a-• • • 1 · lfhr .. at 117 ,ooo. •10 •• ,. 1t11 ltu ..... ~l1ttolfe4 CltJ Itri• 0.•4• .. .. ,., ....... ., tbr•, H• I Mr• 4 ............ ,, .. fa•llr r•. W1ll1 ef 11111 .,,,, ...... , 1•r•11• 11•• ••rm rt•••· 11' wa1ltetl 01111111, Ht f1Hr11 t1erp efflolt1t 1elar .... ••ftr .,. ••• , I•· .. 1.... ...... , ..... ,,....... ..,... tff•· re4 •• 1no,ooo. 111 l1rl1ehl COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 211 5 L Coa•t Mwr. Coro"• 4•1 Mar &75·5511 CURI APPEAL PLUS Tile roof. vaulted oelllng· s. 3 Bdrm• & 1 f1mlly rm , posalble R\I aoceaa, prl· 11111 p1t10. aprlnklers & more. Only 5 yrs old In No CO.II M... Fln.n-clng 111allable Opn HM Set/Sun 1·4. 1388 Wat- son Ave Diane Pietenpol-Volpe 559-9400 cars*bikes• *skateboards* trucks.baby carriages •tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walker!, .oys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rods•coupes• trailers•hard NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY The City of Huntington Beach Is offering the following .. property for sale: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM 81D: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM 81D: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BID: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BID: SEALED BIDS: 1~21-01 AREA: Approx. 6.000 sq. ft 19012 LlndNy Ln .. Huntington Beach. CA R· 1 (Resldentlel) $81,200 (Sixty One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars) 11-4-150-43 AREA: Approx. t.20 acres 8671 Edlton Ave .. Huntington Beach. CA M-2 (lndustrtal) S.152,220 (One Hundred Fllty·two Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars) 02S.046-08, 11, AREA. Approx. 1.30 acres 1301 Alabama St., Huntington Beach, CA R-2 (Restdentlal) $846,000 (Eight Hundred Forty-six Thousand Dollara) 024-080-02 AREA: Approx. 1.15 acree 704 L8K• St., Huntington ee.cta, CA R-1 (Retldentl1I) $565,800 (Five Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Six Hundred DoUara) S.aled bids wm be opened In Room B·6, Huntington Beach Civic Center, 2000 Main Street on Thuraday. September 30, 1982, at 2:00 P,M. All bids must Include 1 cashier'• or certified cMc:k made pl)'able to the City of Huntington 8Mch for 10% of the bid a.mount. ORAL BIDS: Oral bids will be c:.Jled for and rt09illed after the opening and reading of ... led bid•. Suc:tl oral bid• muat exceed lhe hlQhtat Meled bid by at least fl11e pefcent (5%). S..led bldt mull be on file lo be ellglble for oral bidding. TERMS OF SALE: Sates wlll b• In caah • 10~ ·or purchaH price payable upon ec:ceptance of bid With the b&I~ due within 30 daya. REJECTION OF BIDS: · The City reterW1 the fight to reject any and 111 bid•. The tUCCMllUI bid tor the Edison Aw. parcel It eubjec:I lo th• 111 right of reru .. 1 ot the exlttlng tenant on the Ille. INFORMATION AND 810 ACCEPTANCE: ArM plat ~·· apprellal and title Information 11 on me and avallab6a for lnlpec;tlon In ti'•• ottlce of the Clly Cieri<. All bid• mu11 be IUbMltted to IM City Cletlc, addreeeed .. followt: Allcla M. Wentworth, Otty Cletk P, o. Box 190, 2000 Marn Stt .. 1 Huntington IMGh. CA 02648 Tetepl'tont (114) 53&-SAQ.4 SIALEO BIOS MUST ee flL!D WITH THE CITY CL!AK PRIOR TO 3:00 P.M. MONDAY HPT!MB!A 27, 1912 . CfTY OF t1UNT1NGTOH l!ACH Allde M. Wentwonh. CtfV Clwtl - Orang• OoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, September 12, 1082 ,.~~!ff.('.'.!.'.'!....... «~'!!! .{'.~ !.'.1!....... «t.!!f! .{~ !.'.1!....... l!~!!f! .~'.'. .~ .. ,......... l'.~!!f!.('.1• !.'.('... •• . . l'.~!!f!.{'.'. !~1!... •• • • l'.~!!f! .~'.'. !.~1!..... .. l'.~!!ft{'.'. !.'.~'.. .. . . . l'.~!!ft{'.'. !.'.1!... •• . . t'.~'!f!. '!.'. !.'1! .••.••• ,.. ... ~'.~t ........ ·'·°"'I P!.'.~'.~L .......• !.'.f 1 , ..... ~'.~L •....... !.'.f 1 ~ ... ~'.~t ......... '.'.f I ¥.' ... ~'.~t ........ !.~I ~!!~'.~L •...•... 1.o.q1 ,,.,,,, I'" 9!'9~'.~L ...•.... !.Oj~ 9!.'.~'.IJ. ••••••••• !.'.f I F!.'.~'.~L ....•... !.'.f I llL ll·llLLtll MLW .......... ". Choice oversized Inside lot. Spacious home bullt around very private patio with 1pa. 6 bdrma Including maid's & 5 baths. Looking for new owner with wherewlthall to update to mllllon dollar category. LllO """'" Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm home plus study. Also features pier for large boat plus small boat. Ideal location on quiet end of Island . Only $1,850,000. . LltO WllE LOT + POOL OPll I AT 1·41 H I 2·1 204 VIA H OLi Walk to Udo VIiiage.. 3 bdrms, 3 baths, good assumable financing. Excellent buy. Price reduced to.$550,000. LllO ISLE IAYFIOIT IEW Lll T111 Beautifully decorated Cape Cod 4 bdrm, 4 baths. Pier and sllp, holds 45' boat. Please call t o make appointment to see this outs tanding home . $2,200,000. YlONTIUl'S llTllHT Keep your 85' boat In the sllp you own In front of thi s spacious condo on the Lido turning basin. 2 bdrms & den, 2 baths plus separate captain's quarters. Walk to Lido VIiiage. Perfect for cor porate Investment. LIDO ISLE Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Built in storage plus many amenities, on 60' lot. $675,000. LllO ISLE UYFllOIT 40' lot. 5 bdrm, 5 baths. Watch the sunset from gigantic master suite. 4 car garage. Enjoy beautiful beach In front of your home. $1,750,000. LIDO ISLE IAYFROIT FANTASTIC TERMS .. :Owner wlll carry 1st Trust Deed. Priced to sell. Near Lido Clubhouse & tennis courts . Wiii accommodate a large yacht. $1,300,000. DIVEi YILLAIE COllO OPEi SATlllAY 1·1 10H IOYEI lllYE 2 story. 2 bdrms, 2112 baths, dining area, fireplace, bar, double garage, large pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & market. Asking $145,000. OIMEO S1IOIH .IEWEL Complete ocean view from this Immaculate 3 bdrm, 3 bath home with super large terrace for entertaining, lounging or boat watching. Sheltered pool w ith large deck space for sunning. FEE LAND. Owner financing. $800,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 Pete Barrett Realcy presents IEW CH TO• -UH ISLE Located on extra wide street to street lot. Quality construction. Features vaulted ceilings, skylights, custom tlle, 4 fireplaces, French doors, and large master suite. Offered at $795,000. Owner will consider trades or lease option. Come by and let's talkl 222 Vie ltrt1 ''" 111. 1·1 • •• ! REDUCED ! : s21s,ooo : • • • Ill OllYll'I IEIT llY e • 6,000 sq.ft. of family living, • • entertainment facilities for • • entire family. 5 Bc:lnn, 7 baths, plus maid 's quarters . • e Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuzziB, • 18' bar, soda fountain, complete • eauna room, enormous J>lay • e room, gourmet kitchen, 3 sub e • zero .refrig. and many .more .l. amenities . $699 ,960. By • • appointment with Marci Coo:per • • 644-7844. Seller reserves rights • to acce_ft best offer. •• 1Pii IRIAY 1·1 e #1 .... PllT • e Li111ULn 111·1HO • ••••••••••••• {rrst ~ !3&f' 644 -1133 ~ : .•• nlh ANYTIME ~~ Llll'I ID . BLUFFS BONITA PLAN SUPER LOCATION 2001 Yl1t1 0.,H EID UllT I 1111, 2 IATHI ll•I LI LEVEL -llTlllll llTIEll IT llLY 1111,000 Flexible Terms. IC interested call John Sellens to see. ., .. 1 ,. , ••• , OOIH VIEW 01110 JUST LISTED Newport Crest, $239,000 fee. 3 BR 21h ba. VIEW LOT Harbor Ridge, large lot, best view, best value, privacy. VIEW Ohe block to ocean, Cameo Shores, reduced to $825,000 fee. Ill OAIYOI CllTOI Over 5,000 sq.ft .. golf course view, $1,695,000. All three of the above listings have excellent financing. --TWO ...... ONGS GEUY A CBllSTA THE STAINES COMPANY 760-1397 673-7761 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! 200 n. llWNIT UYflllT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN. Sp1otou1, open & 1unny all 'vtew home w/ pano(amlc deck•, on huge prlf"lle l1tand Point, + docking & prkg galore, + you own the land. + owner llnanctng. all lor $985,000. 4028 Channel Place, Newport 111and. Newport Beach. 873-0202. Open Sat/Sun 11-6. . 20% IOWI 0011011 DEL 1111 UllTI Excellent location south of the hwy. just a few blocks from the beach. Popular rental property currently earning $1450 per mo. Reduced to $229,000. Owner will finance at only 121h% interest! (714 \ 673-4400 (2f3) 628-2828 The Harbo< Area's lon1est EstabMshed Real Estate Company 11 ~\llll()lt ( .NEWPORT BEACH ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO lr'f the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms + den. 2'h baths, fireplace; private beach. $825.000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller padklng, looking for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar. several eating areas and views flt to klll. $495.000. EXQUIS r ···'-l•TEWA TER VIEWS A country kitchen an~ 0 L -5 nght up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedrov.... 'Od condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,5ov. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 41/1 bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. 11. of llvlng space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller wlll help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms. 21A baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller wlll carry with 15% down or wlll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd .. this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller wlll carry at 12.5% with 20% down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $225,000. _ • · RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW EST ATE One of the largest Iota In Harbor View Homes with over 1h acre. gorgeous pool, spa. Kol pond, 6 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 fireplaces, skylights and French doors. $495,000. Fee. Open dally 1-5. Submit all offers. (_''_T_HE_H_U_N_T_C_LU_B_'_' __,) MOTIVATED SELLER WILL FINANCE OR CONSIDER TRADE Rustic ranch home on 1 acre with 5537 sq. ft. residence Including 6 Bdrm 61A Ba, pool, apa. tennis, and stable. $1,500,000. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWS OF CAPO VALLEY English Tudor 5200 sq ft home with 5 Bdrm 5 Ba + pool & spa to be constructed on 'A acre lot. Can be tailored to buyers apeclal needs. $965,000. CUSTOM VIEW LOT-BUILD TO SUIT Try a Joint venture on this .821 acre view lot with equestrian trall access. Seller will 1ubordlnate or trade for> other resldeotlal or comm~clal property. $965,000. ' ' If f ~ I • ' II llPIULT Md mu1t Mii now. Llghl and 11ry 3 8drrn horn• l!nloY Iha ocean brMzH. Bike 10 Iha ba1ch lrom Oonvanlenlly looltad thl• Marin• Htght1nd1 condo. ThrH •PICIOUI homa Priced II •120. bedroom• Two and halt 000, which 11 •&.000 b.-. bath~ R"tful paak·I· low appra1111 price. Mu11 boo •'l'llrom deok1. H U lmmadl1taly. Tak• Allu a attrlctlva lln•n· 1dv1nlaga 01 11 nowt 011. 1210.000. ~;313 . 1~=~·~1~1-~11~00~=~1 r3'4t+1• For CIHtlflad Ad --L----..fl ACTION TERRIFIC HOME C1ll 1 Oally Piiot AO-VISOR 842-5878 Mora f1mllle• 11e getting tha camping "bug" thl• Prof. decor. warm 3 Bdrm, fam rm, big year. II you have a c1m· k.ltchen, high beam ceilings, fireplace + a per that'• not getting large private manicured yard. A real uHd, tell II now with • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~====I c1a11lllad Ad. value at $375,000~d you own the land. -------Open Sat/Sun 12-6. 1218 Keel Dr. CdM. · I " WE HAVE THE PROGRAMS TO PUT YOU BACK ON SOLID GROUND l • IUH516\ -30 YEAR ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGES TO Sl.000,000. GRADUATED PAYMENT PROGRAMS fROM 9~·11W~ • 14-16\ -30 YEAR FIXED TO 500,000 • 14~ 16\ -IS YEAR fULl Y AMORTIZED TO $1,000 000 • 15·17'1. -FULLY AMORTIZED 2NO TRUST OHOS TO $500.000 'l!AIUl.SOf9. RESO:NTW... ~TGPCE SERVICE (714) 964-9090 Patrick Tenore, RE/X, 631-1266 RVM* of Costa Mesa PUTTING GREEN Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, fam rm, big ki tchen, fireplace + a large private manicured yard, a pvt putting green & 3 car garage. A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Try 10% dwn or trade. Open Sat /Sun 11-6. 1218 Keel Dr, CdM. Patrick Tenore. RE/MAX, 631-1266. RVM* of Costa Mesa To plea. your message belore lhe reading public, phone Dally Piiot Ctuallled, 642-5678 URIEi IRIYE 2 & 3 Bdrm Lui<ury Con· dos. F.ncl. garages. Full amenities. $5000 down. Call Rich Own /Agt. 9~8171 HARBOR RIDGE ) "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom. 2112 bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor. Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catallna. Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS! Seller wlll carry an AITD o.f $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with •pprox. 3050 sq. ft .. 3 bedrooms, 3112 baths, large decks, 3 l!replaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller wlll consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces. atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocating. $775,000. i'CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this like-new 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000 with excellent owner financing. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rlval all ot hers. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider a joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on an unusually large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property or seller wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms. 7 baths. projection room. wine cellar, family ~oom & large kitchen. $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom. 2500 sq. ft. home with spectacular ocean and night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious with 4 bedrooms, family room and 3'h baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $595,000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba.2000 sq. ft . home with large redwood deck, fireplace end vaulted ceilings. $231,000 assumable long term financing at 10.38% fixed. $379,000. ( __ E_M_ER_A_L_D_B_A_Y __ ) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home haa a large patio with spa, custom landscaplng, family room and full uae of recreational facllltlea. Try lease/option or low down. $825,000. $517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home with swimming pool and additional Hiier financing. $650,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO RECREATION Charming 5 bedroom, ~ bath home In exclusive gate-guarded community with uM of private beach. $700,000. - BEACH AND COUNTRY CHARM A 6 bedroom ocean view residence with maid's quarters, formal dining and several flreplaces. $790,000. NEWPORT BEACH Call for addre11e1 l *"" .. "* IHT SLIP IPll IAIU 1·1 Tll IOLll 39 BALBOA coves. 3 bdrm • 2 b•lh Will BUILT HOM fl Com, & ~1 tor vo1irHlll $626, UT llOVIHTII RllLTH/OWHI na .. 1111 •••• • 11• ...... Otfltt • 1100 "· "· I• ltt 11011tO 1110,0IO E111alC11 Co1ta MHa 2 Or 2 Ba. home. hlrd· wood lloor1, ltrger lot, cut d•·uc atrMf. 11211. 000 Owner wlll lln•nee. hr •101rtH1, lltr. Hl·llll A RARE OFFERING ON FEE LAND Orange Coaat DAILY PIL.OT/8unday, September 12, 1982 "WITHOUT EQUAL" LOVELY IVINE TERRACE llTTll TUI ~I llW TOTALLY OllTOM llMDllL 11n lea4rlft ., .. r ••• , 1-1 Collfornin Ranch style with 1i1 Fn.•1wh flnvor. 4 bdnna, form~l dining rm, huge tomlly rm wlth loft, p<.>01, FEE LAND. .JllT IUUlflOHT Ottered at $478,~00 (over $250,000 loun Qt 11%). 141 ')lf)t NllAI Ill Al I g IAI( !:ii llVK..1 lo DPEll 1·1 OOOM flOIT llOLlllll ~ Little comer of ~-~~-1 the local coastline: surf, dramatic rocks, Lusk built 6 bdrm. 3 bath family room. Remodeled kitc hen. This former model has new pool. jacuul, and huge covered and carpeted outdoor entertainment area. 3 car garage with added attic storage and security system . $389,500. Open Lllf llU 11,111,000 Superior bayfront lociation! Vi<.•w of main turning basin & city light¥ Price Includes plans, permits & coastal approval for 5!i 19 sq ft 2 story home, Including win~cellar & garage. A dream come true! See Cynthia Rumsfcld at 748 Via Lido Nord OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. 2A05 Cllff Dr .................................. 1820,000 421 Plrete Ad. NPT Hgta ............ 1241,500 232 Megnolle, Costa Me•• ........ 1182,500 2211 Aedland• Dr .. Beok Bey ... 1241,000 209-215 11th St., Penln ..... from 12SS,000 15n E. OcHn, Penln ................. 1344,500 2001 King• Ad., Cllffhaven ........ ..,..,500 1320 Seeward, Shorecllffa ........... 1475,000 2I04 W. OcHnfront, Npt ........... .-S,000 ~127 lndlen Springe/off lrvln• .. $539,000 821 Lido Perk Dr. C-3, Lido Pen Me0,000 133 Lido Park Dr. F-1. Lido Pen =·000 411 Cernatlon, Coron• del Mer ,000 314 Marigold, Coron• del Mer .. SIQ,000 2511 Bey1horH Dr., Bayehore• 1725,000 102.4 E. Balboa 81., Bayffont .. 11,450,000 132·1321h So. layfront, Bel. I• 11,300,000 NEWPORT VERSAILLES CONDO Spacloua 2 bed & 2 be with flexlble ftnanclng. OWNER MU8T SELL. 1149,000 131-1400. BLUFFS-WITH FINANCING Upgreded 2 atory condo. Four bedroom•, 2'h betha, famlly room plua lero• encloHd patio. End unit. 1110,000. 17M900. COUNTRY FRENCH CORNER Newly decoreted In/out with gourmet kllchen 6 quellty appllenCH A cuatom detelle. 3 total bedroom• + nice yerd. SH 2298 Redlanda Dr. $241,500. BAL IS. CHARMER -Reduced! Clean a cute 3 bed. cottea• with patio, beeme a penelln'g. You can llve ae It or eventually bulld new. Plana tor Cepe Cod ere Included w/aalH prlc:e of $295,000. Drive by 209 Topaz end c:all f73.4900. BA YSHORES -BEAUTIFUL A parfect tradltlonel country· French 3 bed. 3 be. home with lero• country kllchen. Brick pello• a ell em•nltlH for outdoor living. OWC flrat T.D. Pl .. H ... end aubmll. 1325,000. WEEKEND SPECIAL NEW CONDOS GIANT PRICE REDUCTIONS No. 2 WH S3t9,000 ...... -.... NOW $340,000 No. 3 WH 1311,000 ............ NOW $255,000 No. 4 WH $525,000 •.... -..... NOW 1475,000 No. 5 wee $419,000 ·····-·-·· NOW '350,000 Buy one or •II ... owner muet move lmmedletely. Wiii negotlete on notH cerri.ct bac:k efler coste. .. ... QUIET PENINSULA PTI Owner wlll trede Ihle 4 bed home on • private lene. Remodeled I move-In decor. $409,000. Walk by 424 Belvue Lene a cell. BAYSIDE COVE VU CONDO Beeutlful d•coretor c oordlneted •xecuttve retrHt wllh wonderful YU of Bey, boeh end night llghta. Sold compt•tety furnl•h•d thla 2 bedroom home plua «Mn end dlnlnt le perlect fof th• dlac:rlmlnatlng. Thi• WATERFRONT community offer• boat allp evellebfe end pool. S417,500. WATER-FORMAL & LARGE Lero••• of th• unite In prHtlglou• Lido Penlnaule condo compl••· Approlllmetely 2,500 eq. ft. with lerge llYlng end dining er••· plua two bedroom eull•• and den (could be 3rd bedroom) VIEW from oc:een end bey to mounteln1. Boat ellp evelleble. Dec:or la whfte carpet with formel wall covering•. $580,000. Lero• boat allp avellebfe. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC Splrel •t•I" end profeHlonel decor throughout thl• apac:loua 4 bed, 4 bath home. P•rfect for th• femlty. E•letlng eaaumebl• lo•n• of $392,000 rg •ffec:tlve 12.3% lnt•re•t. Sele• prlc:e •isoo fM. VIEW -VIEW -VIEW Terrific loc:etlon end laro• home with forever view for only IMl,500 on fM lend. Or exch•nv• for amaller home or Income unite In Ihle er••· Lero• 2-atory, 3 bedroom plua lerge famlly room, dining room plua 3 ear gerege. Auumebfe loan. Term• nexlble. OW IHH/optlon. O'YfRLOOKING EMERALD BAY Megnlflc:ent ''Whlteweter" ocean Y9EW8 from thl• cu1tom contemporery home with maater aulle + S bedrooma. maid'• quartera I 4Yt be. Elet•nce a wennth, gourmet kitchen, tormel din. rm. Motlv.ted Hll•r wlll carry Flrat T.D. et 10% lntereat. Cell for detella. tl5t 000 131-1400. • • OCEANFRONT -CAPE COD Appealing Hatern cherm with elf the wermth of bygone deya. 50' on b••t beech. 3 BR, Open beem1, ftr•plece and much more. SIS0,000. fM. 131-1400. LINDA ISLE-10% CASHI a..utlful c:ofner property with the beet In d•cor throughout 5 bed. + ell m•ln enten•lnlng rooma. P,.r/ellp f« a boete. OW help nnenc:. @ 11% with 10% c:aatt down peyment. A lerge home tw femlty llvlng a adult •ntertalnlng. S1,3H,OOO. U1-f400. WONDERFUL LINDA ISLE Owner need• to refocate. Wiii treda fof commerclel, lnduetrlel or hom• In Beverly Hiiia. Be•utlful 5 b•droom, pMy/ellp tor boat up to 50'. On • gate guarded l•land. Aatctnv s1.eoo,ooo. BAYFRONT-50' BOAT SLIP aurwtM to aunMt a nlattt YU front tMe eruciou. a elegant WA'tERnONT home. Lere.• meeter aull• + a bedroom• for family. lpactou. llv. rm., tormal din. rm .. gourmet kitchen with br .. tcfHI •r••· 'r"'°h doora to brick patio It oolorful gard•n. Meny ••Ir•• a deoor•tor amenltl••· Reduced to S1,4IO,OOO '" 9'1-1400. • MAIN BAYFAONT -GRAND f'enoremlc VIEW and· 4000 '4'·"· ,_,..ice for the large famte,. t ...-..... IMdrooma. •1• romOdel.cl kltohM + .._ -.ct m .. t•r aulte with ftrepleoe a View. ow help"""'-· •1,711,GOO. WAH Rf RONl tiOME.~,, "' Ill \I II Ill' ,.._.,.. .... "' ....... ,,,..,..,_fl\ " ........ ,......., U!\ft 'I •-·• ll•r ,)IS ,._, .... ~'" ................ ~ ........... .... a1-1400 en-teOO exquisite 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else like U! $2,500,000. HWNRT'S UOITill ... II-This one is a l~aderl 5 Bdrms, 3 fireplaces. unlimited view from S pyglass. Sunny, cozy, exciting, practical. $850,000 with $200,000 down. OLHJI llOME, IUT Lill -Jasmine Creek single level 3 Bdrm condominium, lush patios, spa, assume loans -I~ than 12%. $369,500. Saturday and Sunday 1 to 5. 2201 Alta Vista, Eastblurc. 631-7300 lfoker s~~~f~~~.c~~~~~fiE~ TllPLll t111,to0 Greet C.M. tocetlon, three 2 Bdrm unltl w/ oaraoee. Rent• are low. No quetlfylng w/20% dwn . 831·7370 , 549·3648 LOVELY 38r + lam rm. + dining rm. dramatic atelrcaee entry, In area of n-2 yr old home1. A•· king $199,000. Good fin avall. Open Houae Sat/Sun 12·3. Ult llU 11•1,000 Traditional, elegant & spacious describes this lovely 4 BR 3 'fl BA home featuring oak floors, lead glass, FR doors & extensive use of used brick. Sunny south patio on extra wide lot . Owner assisted financing. See Edie Olson at 133 Via Undine. UWPOIT I HIM -In Eas tbluff. spectacular night-light view. clean, fresh condition, Only $27,5,000. Lusk l level home. Oversize lot with large .pool. Only $339,000. . IKCLlllH TllE WI. By appt. Tfi\DIT 10\ \I RL\l 'f \ 1 2341 Llttleton Clrcle. Ill CAIYOI CUSTOM 11,0H,OOO Absolutely BEST BUY on golf course. Gorgrous 4 BR, lrg fam rm featuring the fines.t in amenities. French doors, crown moldings & skylights . Reduced . Owner financing. See Carolt• McMahan at 18 Cherry Hills. U~IVlJI: ti()Ml:S REALTORS. 675-6000 IHT HY. Lovel y 2000 sg. ft. 3 bdrm, 2'h bathsr-fam. rm., wide greenbelt, near pool. Only $249,000. llOLIDlll tllE UH. Will lease option. By appt. IPll 1·1 CM. MURCHINSON ENTER· PRISES 7'62-8731 2443 Eeat CoH t Hlth*•ll· CoroH def Mar 1111 Vitti 011•11 I ltr, Yltw 2111 Vltta ltraff lllJr 21'llta ft• IOI AYI. 01•,., 1 IYI, 211tr, n 2111 VIit• On-41 lllJr, fa•," 100 ,..,. a ltr, wltla .... TUSTIN ELEGANCE UIE ILIFFS OPNllTllln Just listed-front row view. Lowest priced "E" Plan 3 Br, family room. $197,000 ~ume loans. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Omada $31 5,000 HELEN 8. DOWD Tills English Executive Cottage with its Tutor architecture. in harmony With the luxurious s urroundings, dwellings and formal landscaping, Is a picture from out oC a London Suburb. The 3 king size bdnns, 2 baths, full size dlnlng room and 21 ft. Jiving rm with unique free standing frplc. are the ultimate in utiliUltion of 1678 sq ft. Relax In truly prestigious adult living in your enclosed covered patio, the heated pool & whirlpool. sauna. shooting pool in the club rooms or just reclin i ng In the s h ade o·f the beautifully maintained grounds. Offering at $125,000. Owner may be contacted by seriously interested prin SPYIWS IUl,000 Popular Portsmouth model home with sparkling pool. 3 BR with family r oom on <.'Orner lot. Quiet area n ear schools & s hops. See Linda Marston at 17 Monte rey Circle. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 RULTDllS, llC. 844-0134 IEW LISTlll 3 Br. family rm at poolside. Designers' BRANO NEW "Heart or, UYE Ill llOll Orange County" Town De I home -every amenity. Excell. homes . Luxury 3 bdrm a direct with owner, f . · Off ed · h land $3 0 000 no comm. New Andalu· mancmg. er Wat at 1 , . homee beautlfully de ala Plan 4 "Encantada . , .LUFFS LUSE · algneel, quattty bulll • an many upgradea. 3280 sq financing now that yo h. 2.aty 4 Br 2.,., Ba, tlle 2 Bdrm, water view, $950/mo. 1u1t won't bellevet Cal roof. 23032 Ttagua. Vlfl¥i IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 • • pert es , • .,,,10. only at (714) 836·6589. ..J --. --_ ... 2 Br 2 Ba vu lease $1000 I now, 9r1•1 n5d3y1w;t:;• Pro tot. S325,000. Chrta Car· 140~0020 · llT. ll0-1171 --tar, 213/268-45.47 or Have something to tell? 1-ffV_es_21_3_1s_e_2._16_3_3 __ Ctuslfleel act• do It welt. FDIECLDSIRE SALE Mesa Verde 4 Bdrm pool hm-low down. Seller desperate. Shows great. Call 11111 c.,,., 631-1266 OGUI VIEW llEllCEI lll,000 This CAPE COO Beauty Is READY TO SELL! EXPANSIVE 4 Bdr. with recreation room & POOL. $550,000. SUBMIT OFFERS -We'll work with you! 111 ••• ,.,. 631-1266 IEWPOIT HITS IEST IUY 2 houses on large lot total price $152,500. Excell owner financing. 01rt Mtr~trta II. 631-1266 FIRST TIME AIYEllTISEI AT Tiii PllGE Prime Loe. Newport Heights. 3 Bdr., study, 41h bas. custom home $385,0001 ..... , .......... 631-1266 IDLF ClllSE IAllAll 5 bdr .• family & rec. rooms. pool & spa. on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course. Seller will consider trade-make offer -$510,0001 "'°"' ......... 631-1266 MESA YElllE IEST llY One of newest properties In the area. 4 bdr. fam, pool & spa. Reduced to $265,000. Seller's new home ready -must sell . .IHll• , ........ 631-1266 IEIT II MIU YEllE Beautiful 4 Br. 3 Ba 2 story home steps from the park. Aaaume Jumbo 1st T.O. @ 9%% and seller will flnan~ balance at 12% with 20•1. dowh. Price $199,900 A11t .. 0 .. 1.u 691-1266 GllTLE IY TllE ID Come down off the hill and check out this one of a kind prevue home of the year. 4 br. 4 be. masterpiece with whitewater vu of Little Corona Beach. Call ltl ULTll 759-1221. COSTA MESA IAlllAll 3 Bdr. lg. tam. rm. w/flreplace and remodeled kitchen. Best value In town. Try V.A. terms $115,500. 1111 leOul1., 63'1 -1266 NEWPORT HITS. REDUCTIOI 3 Bdrm 21/a ba., den, formal din, hlghly upgraded . Aski ng $295,000 Fee. Assumable financing. Call bat, l1l•tll1r 631-1266 4-PLEX Rare Newport Heights 4-plex 3 bdrm. owners unit. Lg . assumable loan. Priced to sell now! JtJCI W11tl1 631-1266 l·lllTS Eastslde C.M. near 17th St. Lg. 3 bdrm owners unit-only $65,000 On. Jeroe W1ltl1 631-1266 OLD CDI 1221,000 SD. OF IWY Lest years price! 3 br. remodeled home on R-2. Lg. assumable 1st T.D. Call Now. lell1 Fl1ot 631-1266. STOL IT Low dwn. assume loans. 3 Br 2 Ba. Call Fr .. T111rt 631-1266 IEST VIEW REIUCEI 11,000 Prestige upgraded 2 Bdr.· & den plus 2 ba and dbl garage. Panoramic views, comm. pool, fantastic financing. Only $185,000 or make offer. Call llH ll1llw1rtlt 559-9400 IEWPORT ILUFFS IS PETE .IOHISOI You own the land. Priced below market. Smaller contemporary condo with private spa & view of back bay only $260,000. larger 4 Br. remodel vacant. Reduced to $287,500. Call P1t1 .ltlt•st• 631-1266 OPEi HOUSE SUlllY 318 Jasmine -Come In & discuss terms -steps from sand -1 'h lots wide. See Tl• 18'111 Sunday 631-1266 LOW IDWl1 Waterfront property -super condition - will sell for Income units -trade? Tl• ...... 631-1266 AllY IOWI? Call Tl• lltHo -Fantastic 2 Bd & condo --super view, move In condition. Bluffs Location. 631-1266 IRAll llW Move In today -2 story -steps from beech -great financing. Call Tl• Rlt11t 631-1266 ao lllTI •••• I 11111 Assumable 81A% 1tt T.O. plus owner financing 12°!. • Hurry! It~ Llut1 .,. .. ,; .... , 759-1221. lllUUID1 ...... 11¥111 • 4411 11111111 PIWY. lllTl llU-IN I, 1l11 IT. BOB and DOVIE KOOP LIDO PEllTHOUSE 2 bd. 2 ba. The flnes1 vu avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg.. pool. boat dock w/notlce. $525,000. DUPLEX-CD II Country antique. different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen, brick fplc. $295.000. Seller will fin. Must see. Submit any offer: IEWPORT HEllHTS 4 Bdrm 21h Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over 'I• ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. W iii trade for smaller home or condo. MEW CUSTOll FIEICH IDRllAIDY You must see to belleve all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba. form dr. 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tile. choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only ~ $350,000. Sir. carry lge 1st at 13%. HARIOR RlllE FREICH CUSTOll Just reduced -$350,000. Must sell. Submit any otter on this 4 br. 5ba. with tam. rm .. library. huge master suite. 4 fireplaces, ocean & nlte view. Steal et $1,500.000 or submit to DGHIFROIT -DCEAIFROllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. llARIDR RIDIE 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr. highly upgraded, ltallan marble In l.r .• d.r .. kit f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. penellng & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. 9AIEO SHORES Feb. Ocean & coastline vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form . d .r .. f .r., study , lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bchs. $895.000. Fee. DOUIFIOIT llDIE Just 2 years new, very contemporary. 3 br. 4 ba. corner loc. fab view, two kitchens. Best oceanfront buy today. Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer, seller needs cash fast. IAllOll RIDIE LEASE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r .. study, beautifully dee. lge decks, tab. vu. Prl. grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. IEWPOllT OIEST ODlll 3 t>r. 3 ba. f.r .. d.r., huge master ate/sitting rm. vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any ofter on terms. WE N~ YOllt LISTINGS BOB of DOVIE KOOP 159-1221 fPPOIT BEACH OFFICE ------..-~---~-_..-----..... ----~~-------------A Orange Oo11t OAll.Y PILOT/Sunday, September 12. 1882 llHtff /et l1Jt IHlfl ftr lfJt ltH•f Ht llf fllM •• • '••••••• •1HI /fl l•/t l•Hff let 11/1 ~'.!!ff.{'.t,/~.'.•••••••• '-~!fff.{~~1! ••.•••. • . .,,'.!!!!.{'.~!.'.'! •.•• : •• !f.'.!!!!,('.1.!.'.1! ••..••• i; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••• 11... • • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "i f!.~~~~~ ......... l.'11 9.·.~~~'.{ •........ !.'!11 ~9! •• • •• ~.~ ... ' ............... 111•11!.11~111•~•·•"• .. •'.'.··.·.·.··.· .... ·.'·.~ •. f hlm.l!ltr.. ••• J.'M f.'!fr...~!Uf,1 .. I.~~ ftm:t..~JIH •• J.'M M/f.!ftf •••••• /!.~f .1111.!ffff ...... !!.ff f"!t.l!ftt ••.•.. !1.~f LIM llLI 111111 lot YIA LIM •I IHI Ill 1·1 Prlnlt' L.ldo Nord bityront :S bcirm, r> ~ Iv.th Ljt• LR , :I bo.11 11ip1 $1.~00,000 • . w• TALI• • ~::l't:e~::n~~~~ ...... ~1~ ...... """n •• v .. 'a~~~:.· J10~C:~:· 1~~ 1~0--•_•_,..IO;;..• ___ e.,__0 .... 1_•_16 .,., 1-4,. L .... 1oci1Jon Of Purche· UU H TUii -MITA llU v1h.1t owe t :i•o.ooo. U ' ..... LIT NH1a11 2 b r: hom• .. vou .. new 1850 eq UM 11&.1 WtTI Uf YllW ......... , ... UIYIA llHA Httrnoddt<d 3 Ix.Inn, :I lwlh • 1atai{• rt'\' rm ~um <Tllln6'JI, furnW\f'd, p..i cJll $420,000 I PllllllU 110111 H11 W. HY IPll IAT 1·1 Prlzt> Wt"sl Roy bAyf ront S hpti for 2 hontll, remodelt'd 3 bdrm. 3 bluh $1 .200.000 <.X-elUl & ~lly vll•w11. MurlnL• room , 4 lx.lrm, 3 biath. 3700 aq.h . $1,:!85,000. Ck't.'anfro nt. LllDA ISLE IAYFllOllT Lagoon view Crom 6 bdrm, 5 ba1h, pl11yroom, dark rm, den. Boat shp. Now $1.000.000. IAYSIDE PUCE Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces!. RedUC«i -$1,500,000. . ILUFFS 00110 Smgle story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbell & lake $250.000. FAllllAllS llAICll New 4 br. 4 ba. custom French Normandy F.state 1 1.~ ac hilltop $1 ,250,000. AYlLOI Fee simple collage on quiet Desc:anso St. (in Flats) $145,000 COllOllADO ans Coronado Island cust. bayfronl lot. 85' boat doci<. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/wrms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy\od .. Or•v1• N 8 ol~ blbl IEIEllTll UlllEll DELUXE ANA HILLS 1111 000 home 4br, 3 II ba. trg ' bonue rm, many upgre-S p e cl o us 3 Br 3 B dff. wlll trede 10< smeller home, leeturu t>eeutllul home 0< C()fldo In Nwpl lemlly rm. wlcuttorn ca-or beech area 1275,000 blnetry & llreploce, lor by owner. 632-8266. mal dining rm. 3 car ge-074_2723 rage. Must ... to betlell"l--------et Ihle price. 751-31111 C::. '.flH T -f"" PHOP{ H l 1t '• 2400 ·~·ft. ol CUSTOM HOUSE Excellent llnenclng $1539.000 67M021 1mag1ne 6 bdrma, 4' baths, formal dining room , et ept to Nord Beach & pleyground on best street. 3,660 sq It. of good living for only $57S,OOO with excellent financing. Liit llU Wntl PML IHI H•IAY l·I 111 YIA PLllllOI Beautiful custom built 4111 bdrm. 3 bath home. First floor opens onto pool and pat io. Second floor op en& on t o balcony. You must see this dellghtful, dramatic home. We Invite comparison. $595,000. WHTOU" NIN Priced to sell at $119,000. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool, walk to shops. Move In condition & vacant. Lido Realty 673-7300 *IA YCREST + · 12 ~ financing spacious executive ranch' style home m prestige area. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *HAMILTON VILLAS* Cozy townhome featuring 2 master suites, enclosed patio, 2 car garage & assumable financing!! Priced for immediate sale at $117,000. Call 752-7373 or 759-1501 for details. *DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built with executive e ntertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w /outside bar, 3 car garage, complete security system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnmcent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1 ,500,000 FEE. *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco Sensational 3 hr home on quiet street with pool siz.ed yard. 11.25% assumable financing!! Priced at $216,000 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373. *STEPS TO BEACH* This sensational beach cottage features an ocean view and sundeck. Existing 1st T.D. $110,000 is payable at $400,00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 hr. home featuring swimming pool, bonus nn .. skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featu ring 2 master suites & a ttached garage. Priced to sell now at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *COMMERCIAL PROPERTY* 25 Yr. Financing 2 br house & studio zoned for art. studio, gJft shops, antiques, etc ... ! · Owner wm carry financing for 25 years. Only $135,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HIRITAGE PARK* *93 FINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing lat Trust Deed on this absolutely beautlCuJ PLAN 4. This former model features 3 Br, 2 l-'i Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NIWPORT RIVllRA* 3 br, 2 ~ ha, family condo located on greenbelt!! Assoc Includes pool, tennis & clubhouse. 759·1501 or 752-7373. - NEW~ORT BEACH OFFIC! 2170 San Mltuel Drive Ne,.,on leach, CA 12'80 (114) 791-1901 Prine only 60·11922 With 3 Br 1"' It tfplc new kltch~~t P.•OO•CI fl (plut dbl garage w/ Agt 8 0-848 HH WOOd a C8fpe1e0 lfoof• OP«llf) Oeluice Condo -'I '* -llrep11c e. ell 11111 a OrNt pane ltd• location, 'r: I /.. 1 • OPEN H0U8C pl .. 14tf 2 room ••udlo IOI n .. 1 10 ell •hopping • ti If I • II Crffl ClrCle/ Ctnyon Income, 3 ralloe, wllk IC thettett, Incl ell ~1-U ~lltlt AYt Cretl ftlll ... Coron• evttythlng 1229,800. llN Oppor1untty to 1h1r1 eeeutllul contemporary del M11 3 Bdrm 3 l a UJ L I .1# ownertlllp w/quellty home on Llttle Belboa 1220.000 Sun Noon 10 f11(Jt/J11a ~ ,ma; home w11eic N11tng1 ll l and 3 lldrmt, 2'A 6 Agent H• Oltt or ./A,J..,.;/t(•J '11•1 ~~2~2•0005011 6 or Bath•. 2 llreplacM plut t 911-i· 12011 '' "1"' .,. ScauUCully n •modf'lf'd J fir 2ba: huge muwr bedroom, bh·ln jac\.ani. Aakln1 Sl ~ll .~00 l ilt l o41n $114 ,000 12% auumablt' Opt•n Sunday 1-~. 2817 San Juan Larw Tnidt> for lurgl'I' hout(> In CM , NB. Irv vr LliJ(una :g0i;,~1 3 car gareo• LUI• IPTl .. 11 67J-tM.'J!/ ITUL IT JHt Ltttt41 Great lemlly heme wt ,.., I . C.Ht Hwy., CdM Low dwn • .-ime 1oant W•. I. led I Ge. I huge lenc ed yd, oak 3 Br 2 Ba/ Agt. Fred Te· (a • f It I e) 11'·1111 One ot Lllll• Bt boa Fr enc h dr1, but cher ~~~~~~~~ •3 I 1 "'"'"•1 " Ht •trl 1111nd't mott chormlng block CO\ln1tr1, Jennalr I-no'•. " • ~ v" or !!!!!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!•!!•!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! homee. 2 bdrrn Cape kltchenll 1300,000 C••'• #•II 1014 _6_3_1_.a_1_11~,.,...,..,...,,.,...,,...,..,..,.... COd plut large bocholor TIERRA DEL SOL RLTY •••'•••••••••••••••••• 11'A% ASSUMABLE VA unit. Oaroge a patio•. 4117-1744 I 3Br, 2Ba, l•m rm, $1,3, Good llnanclng Appt. ''Itta Yer"" l•••I 900. 2487 Redlende, H .. 11.,,.. JHHll•1I•• ... '!~!~ ... ~ ...... !.'!'!~ ... '!~!~ ... ~ ...... !.'!'!~ only. A1klng 1395,000 CONDO, 3ooo+ eq II. top Immaculate 3 bedroom 2 c • M . 8 3 1 • o 4 • 8 , qu•llly, xlnt loc. 3001( beth home Dining room, 752-6111 Jim. oo•AL GAY ]. • Own4r 8A0·7990 temlly room end llrept•-" BY OWNER-3Br, 28e, I I J I :"'\ R u M •o1.o ce Laroe mH••r tulle •Pa. deck. French drt, ••• 11. • I RaA1..Tv TRADE with atrium. Rich pen•-lrull tr .... 10 lot 1133, 1IHl larl•1 llJ ~NV .. •T M •NT,• llng. Excellent tocellon ooo. Open houH Safi Guarded gate community in Huntington • .. • • • " your boring Inc~ pro-on qylet col de eac. Set-Sun 10·•. Prln only •. 1 • , 1 , • •lH.·· perty or outgrown rn l-tar mollveled to eHtet on 645•5738. 3084 Ktlly-Harbour, 'water view from practically dence with large equity ellordibte llnenclnJ,. brOOke Ln. every room. Beach for back yard. 36' ror thl• neat ru1t1c end St&7.11&o. cau 1179•23 --------boat dock. Lge near new home over 3200 roomy 4 bdrm 3'h beth ·--... I IW.W. UllUIU VAi •q.f t. Red tale roof. 4 BR (incl huge h ome with 180 deg llH Tiit•-• on lhlt • B<tr home end .. ocean view In walk 10 Juat bMfl redUC.01 Lo-<>WMr wlll help with ad-maater bdrm suite), 3 Ba, family nn, beech Corona del Mer vely • bedroom Eut dltlonel lln1nclng. Full fonnal djning nn w /wetbar, 2 ff.k's, spa locellon. REDUCED TO St de home. Entry hetl. price $ 132,000. Oon'I ++. LUXU"" livin~ at its best. 775,000. $475.000 with t 1 76'4 Femlty room end llr9'11e-welt, call 11711-5370 now • oT 1n1 c• F0<mel llvlng room. Seller motivated. uggest $200K down. 144-1211 N••d• a touch or care ••a• EtT•n IY LIOI• but whet e eevlngl Va-"ll.AI. • • ~NILE! cent end reedy to go. l14·H 1·tH4 Now only 1137,500. Celt [IAIL [Y & ASSUCIAl (5 11711-2390 ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY!! If you have not owned a home In California In the past three years you may be eligible for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money Is being made available ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY in the city of Huntington Beach . The loans are a 30 YEAR FIX.ED RATE with payments and qualify.Ing based on AN INTEREST RITE AS LOW AS 8.5%!! If you've been considering buying a home but have held back because of high interest rates, don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and income restrictions and the total funds avallable are limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or If that Ii ne is busy, 963-56 71 . Here's an example of one property that qualifies under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool, spa & tennis. Superb location . Sales price :· $951000. Down payment: $9,500. First year monthly principal & Interest: $658/Mo. HUNTINGTON HACH OFflCE 8032 AdOlftl Ave. Huntlngto.n lloelt, CA 12141 (7J4) .. 7031 - YI .............. I lltJUaMI , MESA BLUFFll CONDO reduc:ed to Mii by <>WMr. S152.500. Contact Linde Baird . 1155-0260, 850-9903 Lido Realty 673-7300 * FOllECLOIUllE I~~~~~ * ID IOWI Ill Owner will conllde< 2nd at 0% IOI' 3 yra. 3 Br 2 be Eutllde. $159.000 Agt. llLY 144 MWI 5BR, 2'.'ibl, 11106 ell, $1811.500. Attume In, OWC balance. Prine only . 5 44 ·6390 & 838-11851 10% •••• Atmo1t new, beeutllul Hunt. Bch. model. S & S built. 4br, 3 full bathe. otu1 huge bonus rm. CtoM 10 ocean end oti- lecllltlee. Owner wlll car- ry bel. reduced lo sell $275,000. ltflUllULn 71•~05S-0e06 714-760-9073 MESA VERDE 4 BR Pool, tpa, nu cpllpnl 10% llWI 1184,900. 754-6835 Atmo1t new, bHutllul EW Hunt. Ben. model. S & S OOEAI YI ouut. 4br. s 1u11 b•th•. 2 Bdrm. 2 bllll condo. plu1 huge bonu1 rm. Full emenltlff end eee. CloM 10 ocean end other gate. No ~llytng with llCffltlel. Owner wlll cer-S6000 down. 10.75% ry bel. reduced to sell loan program evetteble. S275,000. Cell Rich Own/Agt. •w IULn 06'-tl 171 11•·760-0073. ITIP llTI TIE Y&ll 114•955-06W' and etep Into Hewell, • Br. 2 Be. SI03K. Owner beaut exotic pool a wa. mutt Miii 10381 Malka!. tertell. 2 BR & den. huge 905-1444 & 4117-101.$7. lam rm w/ber $176,500. tPll lllUY 1·1 '831"6011 7611 SAILBOAT CR. Attractive Seaalde VIiia-o• Arlington Plen: 2BR. both muter•. 1424 ~ n . .JAC'KIB 0 11.J.IH 2'h be. Pool ttd• unit. .. "'"'·"'".. Upgraded c arpel e & dreopM. ~nel,. BBQ & FHllUlll grlll. Dbl gar. >tint 1enn1. TIWIHIE AeldllO 1 16'.900. End unit, eky11ghte, fire-WH4'erltt IHltJ piece, waterfall & str .. m, ___ 1-1_. _,_ .. _l_IM_-::-_ community poc>I, IP• & lrrl., IH.f tennl1. Low down end •••••••••••••••••••••• lnle<N t. Hurry, Nil .. _ !!I' ...OJU Turtlerock, xtnt flnen· COLDWeu BAN~eR O -·~-- ctno. OWf* .., cany "' exehlnge. $285,000. GOLDEN PROPEATIES (714) '152-1519 ~ .. l~~~~~~I ,,...,., ....... UNIQUE FAAM STYLI! A epot._. 4 bdrm <Men.-AedwOOd hOUM 3 BR & neyr9 plen In a .. to-=room O¥W 9ftll89· cation ottty • lttof1 •• ......., ..._.P With fl. to pool and tennll. ,-. """ ..... duced ~ ll0.000 tor nenclng. $185,000. , ........ btettna 1at • U2-t3H, Devin AHi IHUll'llbl• " fb.'18~. htete NOW~ Mll.IOO. Need a Mioe 2 er. 2 ... ....nn Ntw Ortean1 Condo, "'*'· pool, otubhee ..... to 9'\ope? ~by 1741 T111tln, Unit HA. Cell 17~ 13 tot tppt ...... .... mu 4 '*"'· pvt oourty.,d. werm 0011ntri Frenoll ==· ~1'14,IOO. Orange Co at DAILY PILOT /Sunday, September 12, 1Q82 t 'I K~•!!!..~' ... ~{• ....... !(~~m .{'.'. ~'.'! •. r .. ~~~~!! .. '.'. · .'.!. · · •• • · ~'.!!!!.{~!.'.'! •••. · •· !'.~!!!!.~'.'. !.'.'! ... · · · • !'.'.~!!!.{'.'. !.'.~'. · · · · · · ~'.~~!! · .'.~ · .'. -'· · · ···• !'.'.,!!! .{'.~!.'.'! ••••• • • !'.'.!!!!.('.~ !.'.'! •• · ·• · ~!!t~ .••.•••.. ··• !m1t ........... J.~f !~~t ............ 'ff !~~(1t .......... l.~f ffl¥.'f.~'.t .. J.~f ffl.~1,,."1.'.t .. l.'Af !'.'!r.!!.~!! .. !.lj! ~!.'!r.!!.!1~!~ •.. !.~! ~!!!tt!!.~!f!A •. !.O.f, '-'.!tt!!.~f!A •• J.Oj, !'!!rr.!.fttf! .. !.~f NO DOWN PAYMENT P0881BILITll!81 We hav located ~ pauf'Crllt .. In Irvin~ that lt i. pola!blt• to buy with no down payment, and Uuh• or no quullrylng w right buyers. Call Don Bond or Bev Turner tor details. TOWN & COUNTRY REAL TORS 552-1800 WHlllllll 3 b drm, 2 ba condo . Aero•• lrom community 2 Br Condo. 188,500. Owner mutt NII. 14878 Golden Glen. 497-1037. TURTLPRO<..K PAlll 114' MWI Oall (marald tey Ally WfltlPr o Nl Tl!RAACI HOM • noo 1q 11. 4 IR, new ::~111~·~~. Y~!~~' :: ILlf Pl WWI i llll ••tlll IOW YllfT WllTIU" A1duced 10 120.000 Cll~ MIN 11.ew, rtf9 Jitteo c:u1tom hOl'llf lactudad I IM I ll You °"'n Iha land 2,000 -• • • Owner lln1noln9 Tri· 80 tonly 12 on llttl), Hr, Httlng, 1uperb ocH n ~~O In mera•o •y •q II. 38r, llM rm, 2'.-\ fOlllOLOlllll lllllllT Ill 1111 WllTOUfP N . 1e11et I &arm, NCludad 481, mild•, dtn, IMI rm, 11lew 13~~ llnanolng Oa, wldl OrMnbell, ,,.., BAIO HT, LIOHT ANO yard, Khoo•• lhOPPI~ dining, pool, ""'' IOltt, 3 S4311,000 1 .... , •llJI J0f 0 pool. Far below nll rktl •Hllll llllll JUST AIQHT 8"1 buy In 111 nH r l>r Open Sall oar 911, nawittr, deoore· WlllS OIYI ':":"'••••••••••••••••••• l245,000 Wiii ..... ot>· -nelghl>OthOOd Dramatic Sun/Mon Submit .., Of· led 12• % I nanclng, Sunnr 3 BA, oc:.en 111ew, P&llHAllll YllW oon. Bkr &44.0134 VI w of Qt.'<'Dn and c:atv light.a 3 Bdrm, decor, lkrg• 4 BdrM 3 l1r1 Aganl Hedda M•· a4Vt,OOO 1711.otea hardwood llOofl 2 nre-3 bf 1~. bl •IC upgtl· 2 I b I rr1 2 r" l . Jod II bllh, hlQh b .. med a.4· r 0 •I. 0 4 0 . 104 4 0' p11c ... walk 10' beech. oei 110K' ea1~HOI Park Lido Adult Condo 3 ~ Pus 0 ce. arc.•p Btl'li e c llnQt 1255,000, '44·1742 LOOITIOI 12~ financing S2311,000 I. .,1 1 IOll Br pool. nHr ho1p1t11, Mod<'l. 3 St Tropt.'Z. OPEN SUNDAY t.11 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Yl.••-LY IL1••-••111 •·'I." beach a1411,ooo Own., ,.. LOOITIOI 0 e 1":'i'11 n g u 1-:4:'~. ··v'1··L·L·;·,·1··a··1·11·,····1·· will n.lp A~ll O<lll·lOO HITlll LOT ......... lllLL 1101 OIHWALL ...... 11111 3 bdrm, 2 ba Plan 3 In eophl1tlc1tao 3 BR ' ~EAUTIFUL UHllT 1H OHIO UrN1l Vl<'W ot O<.'t'Dn pnd d ty lights. Wlll IY IWlll "" Ch1ncellor Hom•• deri. OOHn 'Ill-. full OLD WORLD IN VERSAILLES/NEW I EXCELLENT Sharp, OCHri view 3 Ona.1tory, covered Pl· 11ap1 10 Craac:ent Bey TOWNHOMES Security pool Rtducao "Ul)()rc.J1rwtt• will build to MU t. FINANCINO bdrm, 2'_. ba, eott elrlh· tlo Perfect lor th• 1m111 Beach. 11148,000 IC ~ · 1 An ollarlng ol complela tone decor, •P• & 111 lamll" t 147 000 COUNTRY CLUB 8Y Howard Mark Co pr • auH no rea ty IOI M•LLEY, 1••LT01l 1••.••11 privacy 1nd convenient olllar axlr11. 1500,000 & ' ' oft lht lalrwl y lft gate from 1169,000 lee1f 1120K. '31·2018 " 5A - -.. .. -"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I oc 1110 n. Th I• c: u. I 0 m I! r • I I I • r m • • ouatdtld area, 4 BR. fa· 4H ·3244 780·9355 A,,OlllAILl bulll 3 Bdrm 3 bat!\, 11-(7 14):55-0177. mlly room, formel dining I OCEANFRONT ADlJL T MOBILE HOME IOYH 1111111 llWPORT OHIT mlly room lloma 11 only I~~~~~~~ room, low down P•Y· PARK ON THE BAY 1. Cullom 3 Bdrm water-Two 3 Bdrm Condoa1 7'/t yeere "new" 1290, llW PlmlW manl, lake over t 31 I. TRADE 2,3 t>drma with 1 and 2 front home w/pler & allp. large 12% auumabl• 500. 8 1 11 10% DOWN 000 loan. Try 1339,000. ba. ALSO RENTALS. FEE. Apprelaed 11, 126, loan, AAA 1oc:1tlon1, OPEN SUNDAY 1·5 ~~.o:o 1~Yt~1~'B!!.c~ Park. 1119,500. By OW• -------- ner. 851·18a8 day• 5 bd, 2'/t ba, 1 lvl, Fee, ElllULI UY lor 1m1ller hOme or In· $25,000 to $88,500, 300 000, 81crlllca at only pool, •P•. tennle. $194, , Cr end "k 10 ... the ••• l.•S1llll fir• Univ Pk, Cath Cell, Sky· II APPOlllAILI llW come properly. Cu1tom E. Cat Hwy Unll I, New-1899.000 AHumable 111 000 644-7424 Broker. 1222 111111 other new Spanlah VIiie. lllH. Gorgaou•. Seller Prlc:• 1:111\tld 150.000. 3 3 Bdrm. •P•CIOU• muter POil Beach. Bkr and 2nd. Open hOUH GREAT FAMILY HOME YCXI wlll be dellghtad. TURTLE ROCK: Det•· can Qual 1289,000. Alto BR, pool a IPI, private tulle, 4 bath 0111rloo· 875-3347 Sun 1·6 1038 Pola111. MlPPllEll 111 owner financing 111111•· llllMW ltaltJ c:lled. axc:ltlng hOmt on Avall, leaH optlon/leaH. u.r.z3 C., .. .,,, l\...t...._ beach. 1399,000. pk11~."e.•:1n,d0y b0000eac:h. Full iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii _8_4_6-_0_52_3_____ Thi• lovely Ver11lllH blal 4 Bdrm 3 bllh, a1C111 e••.t•- lea 'I\ a era 4Br w/ Open houae Sii/Sun t-4 Ti/ ,.,,,.., w ll\Y1"" 414 1111 "' "' 50 C condo penthouae at onl) large kitchen Added --· atrium, upgradN. Views 22 Cyprau Tree Lana, lllllt ltOtrMHli H Agent. 844·9513 DOYER SHORES IEWPORT llEST $129.500 with a 30 yt room oll m111ar bdrm, 1 Aak lor John or Tarry. ~~t:.'~~0~1-~~.d; .. ilirv.lniei.i8i57···58i8iOiiiiiiiil B~~:dn:;id~eB~:.~.:: lltWMll lt1ti IHI OONDO 11 5% loan . Great big plUI Near beal ,,. c1 .... ,, 1011 h11. Homa, Carmel plen haa PRiii IHITlllOAL ••••"••••••••••••••••• -1441 Oelaxy Drive 3 Br 3'.lt Ba Reduced mountain view, pool, Newpor1 S.ach achool1. •••••••••••••••••••••• JllT 11111111 upgraded appllancH, $25,0oo Price $189.000 ~l~i ~~lnggat~la Dc°ri~'. OPEi~ 82~1N02AOY0 1•5 I .. lllLllH UIOH WI Jl&Olll Townhome, 2 1ty, 2 l>r, 2'/t be. grMnbelt. Great loc Like new Good tenns. 551-6058 ava lllYllE, 1121,IOO Adorable atarter home In IOYety nalghborhoodl Ex-cellent financing avalla· bit. Many amenities In· ctudlng 8 lrult tr-Call 979-5370. . \"f >IL/ 111~·11 ~tAl '' 6 1111,j'VfS"v1£,,.,l S Sterter or retirement c:arpela. drapes, AIC & ltHll 200 Yll I VI PllllYlll YIEW 4 Br Oen, Format Dining Auumeble loan 117 En· Agt Rod 675-4000 ,. TWI OHHll home • 2 Bdrm ind 2 lendsc4plng N .. r pool, Curb Appeall Arched Nawpo11 Helghll home Room, 2 FlraplacH. 3 core Courl Owner lie · · Approx 2400 aq 11 ••· ~;hi~~~~:= I~~ ~~~C:~~· ...SJ;it~~ti: ~.i~~~:~1~/~rr~.;~1~ ~:~::?i~'J~£~~~!5 ~~~~:~F.::?c:~~1 I RE 3B~: ;:~::; u· arr •· u:.~~i·•• ~~I~.~~ ~e~~~llr~~l:·~ Pool $139 500 ,_s_1_49_,900 __ ._64_4_·_57_9_2 __ , door• P9'fod wallpaper tot. 0 Ill I I II Beach 1 blk comm ~ ~ _. __ )._ RARE BUSYI Cc•" avH. # 1 ;AIHIA £ ... i IHI Lota or room 10 ecpand 2IOI OLIFF IR. n=~~ won;'S..~o.~ • pool, $199,900 ·owe 5•~ ~!!WW • . 4'92-4984 an lementa OPE. l ••• ay 1_1 .~I.'.~~•••••~••••••••• Adume 12% loan, aa1y IPll llllAY 1•1 Open Sal/Sun. 1•5 dn Owner 548-6877 -i.111 bi IOIO " IOEAIFHIT VILLA 10 ahowl S347.ooo Robinson. Realtor •••••••••••••••••••••• lrvlneQrovltl BKR Hlllle,494.-.874 142·1200 l.t1l·ll.t1l · 'PERFECT STARTER ••2 1200 2 Br 2 Ba In pvt Hndy ,. ,. Ramodettld 3 Br 2'~ Ba CONDO ,. • cove. lerma avallabla. --------•I MUST SELL In B11yshores $299,500. graet So. CoHI Plaza ,. $279,500 Call Kan Kel-ALllST L.H S 189K fee c:onver-foe. bech unit w/rec rm, lay, Lingo R.E. 497-3331 HWFllOIT 01 TllE WITH slon Renewal 1991 1annl1, pool, 1pa, $8,000 EMERALD BAY T"',Lll Private pier and float on 2611 Clrcle Or 645-6218 dwn. priced to aell. Agt . ... spacious 60' lot. Dellghl· llfi OAIYOI 3 -LEVEL CONDO 552-2000; 752-0187 . on Cllll Dr. atepa to ~~~~~~~~~I 2 IAYSHORES ~ FRONT ROW . Fabulous Crescent Bey Batch. _ ful alngle level home, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, lge master bdrm w/Roman INVESTORS white water vlewl Ow-Two 1 bdrma. end one 2 PUTIINI!! l!!REEI spacious patios, 3 Bdrm• lub, lge eal-ln kitchen, lamlly rm, t111lng rm, 2 br charmer In gated ,5000 down & s2oo !\'IO. 2 OWNERI AOENTS wlll ~~~~~~~~~I n a r's p I an• have bdrm, 2 bath, lentestlc: • • and privacy for all. Seller lge patio I 2 verandas, flreplace. comm. French dra open negative cash flow tor a sac:rlflc:e their Woodbrld· TURTLEROCI ctiangad • must sell. vlewa. Eaay to buy! Prol . decorated, warm 3 receptive to your llmm· cathedral celllng, lots of mirrors. Pool, on huge sunny patio, 3Br 1be agl famlly dell· ge condo 3 BR 2"' ba Plans & permits lor re· Br, L.A .. D.R .. F.R • big c:lng needtl jacuzzi, terinls, 2 car garage, lockers plans to e•pand. 235K. c:hed llome. 'Rich Own/ plus hObby room. AHU· Great lamlly home, lor-model. $1,450,000. Call .--------kltc:h • frplc, plµs .a prl-301 IOllTN STAil L•. storage lockers, much morel Immaculate Te~t~~~~~~~~300 Agt 984·6171 ~~~_g1:;1y. 644-5125. !er~: 1~~mo~~,~~·;:,~ _R_1_1r_. -------: ~P~~,'':a~~~~~gAgr:.''1 142_1200 remaining 20% discount lor cash to POOL HOME T!W!~ ••.••.••.•• J.'!f meble loana. $142.900. mer mdl w/extras, lrg lot 494--0029. Carol Tatum. .... vate 1'0 manicured yard OPEi IUllAY 1·1 cond. Assume $130.000 1st, 11'/1%, 26 yrs feet plan for your lamlly llLLIOI $ value at $375,000 1nlj mortgage lt11t. lutst Mat I IEW COlltl WOODBRIDGE CONDO · w/4 Bdrm. 2''t Ba, huge PROPERTY you own the land. Try Custom 4 BO & FR 2 Bdrm•, 2'/t be, low 2Br, 2Ba, end 11nlt, pre-lam rm. dining & llvlng LidO Realty 10,... dwn. Patrick Teno-o'looklng p111 pool. Orea-down 10 75V. financing mlum loc:. Frpk:, AC, at· rm & AIC Hlghlyc:raetlve Reduced 10 $750.000. ra. 831-1286 21 OlftJOft Island Drive sing rm ror klda. ou .. 1 avall. Call Rich Own/Agt l ac:hed gar, yd 1 129. owner says "Sall It". Em.Bay.4 br,4 ba,lrpl, 673-7300 hsehasownllvrmw/lplc: 964-~171 500. Good euumable Price $238,900 Opn Sat pool/bar. Have $350,000 ------....;.....;;;....___, OWIER 759-9051 & king sz bdrm. Oarllng ---'------- 1oan1. 0 w n er I a o I 1·5 18891 Antioch. Aljt. equity. Wiii trade lor ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! kllc:h & ba Great pkg lor Olill 111/ 111111 499-5778 552-7500 16~4~6-0~60~2-----1~~~~~~~~~ --=======:...·~~~~~~~~I :;: gata. Reduced to $320. •••••••••••••••••••••• -:... 000 Ruth Lauria, Ritt #dJJ1 H1•11 H1•1t1 /or Slit Hoa1t1 /01 Silt RoD111 /01 $1/t H1H11 /11 $111 H11111 /11 S1l1 HoD111 /01 $1/t Ho1111 /or Sile Ho.111 lot Silt 64~360 t 11 Iii• 1100 ··•••········••·•·•··· ..............•...•... ·······"············· •.•...........•••••••• ..•................... ..•.•....••.•••..•...• .................•...• ..........•••...•...•. . .........•.. , ....... . F! ... ~~'.L ..•....• !.~~~ F!.".~~'.L .••••••• !.~~ F.·.-.~~'.L •••••••• !.~~ ~!'.~~'.L •.....•. !.~! ~!!'.~~'.L •••••.•• !.~! ~!.".~~'.t ........ !.~~ F!.".~~'.L •••••••• !.~! F!!'.~~'.L ..•••••• !.~~ llHICHI lmtllT IEACI SEAVIEW • elegant & Bel Aire Home, light Int• --------------- Charming Hamplon Mo-erlors 2 bdrm. 1 bath, det, fabulous view., de-lronl kitchen. expaoded cor, spa, private comm 1111, dining araa Young w/pool & tennis lec:lllt111. adults & pell welcome. $485,000. Open Houae $24,SOO. 540·5937 Sal/Sun 12·5 1903 Yachl ---------COiina 644-1017 Dbl wide. 5-Sllr park Owner, Dover ~no111 tor quick '81•. 951-5584, 633-5658 Bayc:re11 owe al 12% 5 --,-.-L1-1-,-11-11-1-1-- bd. Prln only $345.000. " 'I> down. 211,5 S1nt1e90 Landscaped corner lot. Drive, N.B. 846·1273 Furnlehed. 1 bdrm St1lnl111 twin tray alnk1, OOEAIFROIT dl11lw11har, stove, com- By own9'. 3 bdrm/2 ba. pa.c1or, air cond. pink West Newport. $595,000. b1lhroom. CUTE AN O 6602 W. Oceanfront C 0 Z Y . S 1 2 • 0 0 0 . Sal/Sun 1·5 645-5430 _6_4_5_-6_6_1_4 ____ _ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmii I Liva In Newport Beach lor llWI IAYFHIT S 19,000. 2 Bdrm 1 ba In private comm. Very Llttle Balboa lalend 3BR c 1 e a n M u a 1 1 a e . 2b• w/1p1. Wiii c:ontlder 875-2742 trade on Balboa Isla ---------~~~~~ry PIS*. $1, ~~.1.t~!~!!X •. !l!f WALi Tl IEAOM Oldar 0up1ex near 45th 11. NB 3 br, 2 ba. up11a1r1. 2BR 2ba & den. Beaulllul 2 br, 1'/t bL downatalra. condlllon. Comm pool, Wiii 11811 11 Is ror $700, •P• & sauna Oood ooo or w111 bulld to suit term1. S 139,000 tor $875,000 & up (plena Open S11/Sun 1-5 at & approval• obtained) corner Saaac:apa & Tl· A , m I 1 a g a R a 8 1 1 y c:ondoroga, Seawtnd 7 5 2 ·~ HOLLIS WOOD, ALTA _1_4_· _4_•_· _4_-___ _ 111-1111 Duple11 on the sand 30th 11. NB Newly remodeled FllWIOlll AYllLUU OCEAN VIEW lrom Sae- view community. Beautl· lully appointed 3BR apa home. Ouardad gatH with tennis & pool1. CdM DUPLEX: Ocean view 3 & 2 bdrm unlt1. Prima locetlon arid lri exc:allenl condition. JO-ANN DORAN lH-0111 PORTFOLIO In and out 3 bf .. 2 ba. upstairs 2 br ., 1 ba. downatalra Min. 10% down owe balance at 13.9% for 5 yr•. Great lor summer rentals $735. 000. Armitage Reelly. 71 4-544-2464. SURFSIDE PVT COMMUNITY 3Br, 3Ba 3 tel/Ila, ocean home tor 111e. New, $25,000 down. Owner carry balance on con- tracted tale. OAC. Brkra accep tabl e (213) 596-5647 or (7 14) 892-0887 ~~CREATM PROPERTIES, INC Ct•tlt'1 t.11 l~~~~~~~~!l ••• ~7.f!! •••••••• !.~!! lnllE IHI Pacific: View Mamorlal W•lc:lllf Vitia. Sgl level 2 Park gravealte. $400. Br 2 Ba. cloH to evtfY· Ha11t1 moved to Oki~ 1hlng. ot>n Sun 1·5 1504 ma Call Collect (405) w .. 1clfl l Dr Agll 7119·8979 lii83i1i.1i09i4i0i84is-oiii29iii5iiiil-c.-.-.-,,-~-,.i---- •. ~~~!7. ...•.. !.~ IOYEll SNORES IAYFllllT I 14,., 4 ~8" .... , Wiii 011..slw Tra411 11,411,000 Cannery VIiiage c:omm·1 bldg $220,000. Tarma. 873-8776 Agl. IAYFIHT IFFIOl ILll wilh aide tie for 60' boat. 6 year Old bulldlng. One of 1 kind. 5,000 aq. 11. Greet tarm1. 401 hr1tl Star .... llf/111411 1·1 St.1rt Fl••· ...... , Ml·2tl1 Ml·1111 I--------, LmLY WllTOUFf .• FEE LAND. Oood uau· mlble loin. CloH to Lido ealty atoraa arid parka. 3 BR 2frplca, hlgu oelllnga & 673-7300 lga ofllc:a ofl muter '--__.;~.;;.....;....;;--.....___, bdrm. Wiii l rada lor unite. Open Sat/Sun 1·4. --------• s2s9.500. 94s-14oa OOll'L 0•2 PORTOFINO 48r, 2'/IBa + Prime C.M. loc. 4000 aq 1>on u1 r m, lee lend. ft bldg.I. 15,000 aq ft pro- 1347,500. 780-1290 perty. 11000/mo Jnc:oma. BEST DEAL IN HARBOR _eeo-__ 1_&_M_,_1_20-oee __ 2 __ RIDGEi Beaut. 3 Br home &n. "-rt. .. wllh lncrad. view In •••••• !.~:~:i •••••• pr•tlglou• 0111 guarded Newpor1 BMch 2 on • lot. c o m u m n . S .C 0 5 M • 1 blk lrom Oc:eln 12 X 842·n45 Oroaa. Wall mllnlelned. •-•-··= Walk to llloPOlno. Bkr • ..,._., • 213..JOe-1826 . IMIT l2ll MUI HllT SIU 1211.... Time Share. Seri .Cit · tllTll.9'P merile, S10M + groH 2901 Cll1lpa Nfee. Trade -Jofflt wnt· 01*! Houee Sun 1·5 ure • or Hll at S 1.tM Upgraded 3 Br. :i 81. w/29% dri. By Ow11er family room. Movlng • 1-492·1720. mual Miii --------- OWNEA 120-1211 .. Ill.ILi .. .... , lflllfl E11114de Cotta Meta trl• Br._ ........ 3 ... ,m 2... plax, a.a x groH, 40K "" ,....... .... .,. down. Price 180K. l y fam rm. 1 •lory noma. owner. (303)117•2187 High wlllt w/tleo gete, M11llmum privacy. Low •Piil 11111 ma1n1enance. &e11« wt11 AM Lll&Tml ftnerioe With low lnl rate. Trl·Pl•H• l duplex ... 1246,000. CdM I 111 Pen. IMte ..._ M:Z 11-4 m•~ a.umM11e 1oena. ........ -1 •. _ 1mall down 144·7414 l'Ofll IAL.I I V OWN«A BrOllar. \ l ) J ,, ,/ Ofango Co11l DAILY PILOTllunday. S.piemw 12, 1112 ""'" ft~1l1'H. ....... --.•'-.-'dM •• ~.f~.. •• • • •••• • •• • ••• J;;d."· • ft HH!Mflf. ~ ~ ,, I ~ r ••••••••••••••• •... •• :-• ..-iin rnr.IST'll'rl ...._. ~-.. • " i....1 .._.. _. •• u 01• 4 plBA, MM• Var de, .. ,... f!flf ftftt II.ff -lrlf I ,. :-.~m ........... Tr.1: ~. ... • 111'o'lft.--~ •••• • ........ ••• • • ...... .. • .... • • ........ . llploe 11•1 lg ueum ._, •• l ''" • Oo.'A. '?M'.'8 • ~view Ti~" 1 .. Wllltl ,.ooL liOUll MAM• Lu•urv ....., • .-.io a.....,,_,.,,_ un &... .II.-11&1 ••~ 101n 110,000 on 8kr •• 1.~P.r.......... Hltlf' = 10 tJOOO ,,. ~i tenma >'fd MOUTH• pllon•·.;._"1!!:!..,. .,a' nnm.mnn •• "m mn.rn;r ......... -:: a.. t1e.ou 4 11 b•rt10"' wl dooi. 140.":41 ~ '""• 0.,1'•• llH/mo 11,· ~ 9ct~ICMd =•u p1u1 2 °"'9 bla din -1111 11so Wt.. •fl.tote 1 ltudlO A.,i , blll to MICll IM"". 1i. IHI. 'lf9Plece ............... ~u Ua" ... 000 /mo. y1 ly , [Ml' M.ou,11 .. Hi"t)IC) ••-·I.,.. •· r&alanl rtc*"JUIT 110 ~-..... 9'111nc!llUI Dlettw..,_, prl~ petlO 0...1ePoOlllOe1tlflWot llWNIT I ~Imo wlnlet Avlll HOO Col1eoe I Ill' 1 IA, ' · b I a 1 mm• d I • I •I Y Mefl\0 ll'LTY e:tlo1001 OcHnfrOflt, m•lflcent ,..,.__,2 .. Avlll 10•1 Ott No I*•· U10 mo, 2br, I ~ tlltna, o.w+W. I Pllll lllT1 9/tQ c!lnlng ~ta. tncd yd, git, fttufala ,~,,_ 1Uf UOO/mo on 1 ~ .._... r.. 4lt, l1HO. IM3-.. 71 ti.t mllee l>Metl. Ho~ FEI! LAND h c•llt nl JR '"OPCll'TY _., ctMn ChlldNn OK ....... m •• :r.~.T:n "Y• olh•re to ohoon H llMctt-cl 41 bi 5' 4t1·fOC'I ' "--•.... -~ 1500/"'4> 53t-Qfa d~tolellon fo location MANAQEMINl no ,,_It 213·411·1t71 Neer MMe 8q lge 3 IA 2 lratn We're the on.a lo ~dplx, bit I OMteoo ' m••••••••••••••••••• l~l.1!-: I It 111• 30~ ~own peymenl __ 816·8173 btwn 7 & tPM wlldye II. very nlc•. 1710 ~· i.: 0ot 1 ·nt, 'yr #i--' La.~ 11ff ~)!'· 1 le.t.4211 2 ~ 1ft' Aefrl mlfl &Jwm 1760.000 Contact JOhn Quiel 2 81, wlnlet,"' blk 873·7831, "'·13?7 ~i "bocfbrldQt 12tS)37 .... oot/SM-IOH ••••nn.!~•••l',.,f a Ir . I•. 1476 ~ ,,_., Cfl rtn Ok. Be~lllul perlC·Hk• IUt· SllM/Bkr 86&·34&4 1 0 b • • 0 h , 1 n d r ';. UH. Co11age/dupt11. Jr aacull~ 391 lb• •· OCl!ANl'l"IONT Obi 2-4 It L111nd_t}' tao., pool '"° Wlllect .. 1.. rounding• htreced $$OO/mo 21t11 81 Avlll newly reoondllloned. POOL home Q\IMllt kit· ndJIU Htrbof vi.w Home. 2 81. B/.. w .. ic or montll. .,...,OM 12·7PM pool 811nk•n oa• bbQ. ,,118 •7 ... 3 t48 ........ new oarpot, 1 BR w/ ctlen 551 ., .. .,1 dtn. 2 Be. t 1260/mo. 6 3·71fi Pl,. ILUl'I' APT& 2 Ddrm dJ'IU Newport aperkllng fountain•. Wll /11 I.Ii llOO • u " ....... aauna & lncd )'lrd, No kid pet Ok u tttm•I 860 '""'" 840.8169 r>< 131·3'66 2 Ir 2 .. Child ok on Holollta. 1500 Open Set ll)KIOUt roorne. he>•· ...................... BEAOHFRONT r:•• 213-47t·1t71 btwn MITAO ALTY 836-700& ••~ uruu rh•,h•l•" 6uplex newly romodei.d, 2 !:';t'~l(~oar lllt '91ufle.' pello. view, and' lun 12·4. 32t C iat• room• • ....,_, ... dl.o ~~~:~rr~I ~!~f'n:u'f.~ 4 Br 2 Ba FrplO, WI O, & llPM wlldye IM lmlLI tltPt 10 O<*ll, 3 Br 2 flrept1ce tMO al!a u·· frplC, encl 01r., ge1 110-OQle. nlng ar11 Walk·ln clo- Sendy be1cn 1345.000. dahtwhr, 2 car gu, no lllTA llU •11.ilfffl 2 to 4 bdrm•. 111rt1ng el 8e. IHO/mo. 2 Ir 1 81. wlnlet -'o_.,14 P .,., dlthwllh«, IP•. In-3 apt• •viii; 2 bd, 1660; ' =~~:: ~~°t:'11t Poncllt outl 973.9779 pelt lt260 Avan. now. • .... Ire• .... •1 " ij HOO to 11400. 1780/mo. Ve1r1y1w1ntar. ' d~ rm. '800/mo. d, 1425; Baell. '376 Agt. 944.911112 o.cor1tor perf*lt. er>•· •• ~ •••••••••• 1.~if 84&-5110 a MC 831-11101 0111 &tu &40-:teu. tng~o~,~~f~n. 1671 On lh• Point. )Ir 2ba. CIOU• 2 Mrm. 2Y.be, n-OC·RENTAl..S H1rbor Ridge ..... 4 Br 3 BAY TtMiEAS 497·23311 2 Bdrm TownhOUH OOSTI IEIA r•llo, ~lnt;r, ~~· IVlll Cape Cod. POOi, )ID,,.. l ·llbr'a 1200 lo 12000 81. t>eeul. decor, 3IOO fl, SplOIOUI 1 er. frplc, POOi NIW BREED APT&. unfurn .. '8601 . P111s &,prtH4 rn m • I m 0 · cr•at1on a1 .. , pvt p1110, 76()..3314 open 1·d•Y• poOI, tennlt, guard g1ta ''•D & mM .. 84e-111113 1 ecsrm w/toft. l"rptc, rec No ,,.1 •• ut11111 .. fr"' Hll 24 OOlltl 8 7 6 • 3 8 9 4 0 r ~aloQny, wine cellar & lge. 11600/mo. Bob or Dovie room. pool, Jtouat, gu LA QUINTA HEAM08A 2l3/792·48lO SH be-01r1g1. Deeor11or wall Nrbohaherpabrw/~ Koop. Agl, Rli/MAX LlllllY OllHI & wtter peld. Nog•t• t8211 ParklldeLn, tbltc Ptr•ltt H• h IHH• ginning SUnday. paper, draperlH end ~~~E~~1~~ <;-~~31,. 7118·1221 un•• ft tt ... •t Piii• 30 Htmllton, M . W. ol 8eech, 3 bike 8. I• 41 ••JS· lt•t SI• L• ••• ....... 11,.1 more. lt060/mo Call F 1 1 F .. 84 .... 411 of l!dlnQtf,. 847·5441 lttr41HflH Hlllt• •• i/. •••• ~ ... -. •••••• 9.. 548-2239. 10:30 to 5:30 Mllntnce frM 2Br lull E1~~g~.~~°'JJo~9v7~.:~•4 wl~d~w:.1~~\n rh•;:~ 1---------1---------1 I ood h pm 2bllht 1Cld•w~., 500 YIAlll ..... l'UH 811C1helor. clo ... ln. quiet ,,,,... ..... 1141 ltl le• I I/ l ~' 0 0 0 • ~~~!:,~yr~ 2 8~. 1 Ba. aep unit. 229 METRO R';.. 8-7005 '523 CM4"'5J)a•flV~, ::~~2~~·· Agt. No FM. Soclel AollVlllo~ ~:'~''liJ=. 281, 1Br ~'~·. '°: d1 fr:'>t1 ~~· O~e;;,;~~~ ... ~~onii~~j Wltr •ltlt. end redtcorlted. 2 AAlt>ertPlece.1675mo :L. D lr •otor •~r•• 11t&tt\ldlolnGIWanr1 933-3125 48r,t 1750 mo. Wttftr• II.I Pl•aHlal bdrm, t 'A b1 lnctudlng 111 & 1111 & 1250 dep. Wiii paint Interior ei,d eJC· w~~~~3°w.t'29,~1:. WESTCLIF~,b~P CONDI· Sund ~ dryr, aleo lncludea pvt 1395 • 1BR, i efr19. no 497·2042 Ill· 'JHO (•Ill ... dining room. Large aun-842-6366, Davin R.E. IO<lor of nx0< upper for Man"/ ew1r111 •1400/mo 38 I Brunett-••• club w/lennl• court•. fAAl'tft) ny deck OV9flooklng ca· move In coalt on 3 bdrm I e 1 a:: 5 S 2•. 9 6 <t 9 • wer~.d :cvr:,~r, rv~:: P~~~·""" gyrn, poolt, J1cunl1, e:,11. 2 ldul1a fret. 3 t.C large Studio with kttchon .,.. nyon. 3 bike to bHCh Nlce3BR2Ba,den,Meta houte Hunt. &ch Ir•• 551•2193 or9117_11857 lmmod. 11000 mo m...,.,MOfe NUnN.~tl(ullydeco-.111th.873-787. dreulng room, 1 blk .' .w.E. ind atores. Wlnl0< rental def Mar, grdnr, no peta. only. 984•7612 QR I AT r•t ed ctbhae l much 1526• 2 Br. l'~be twnhM. baa c h I 4 2 6 /mo . 1'h Iota In Huntington Beach CA on 21•1 bet· ~ Pacific Cout Hwy $1150 per mo 1895. Sierra Mgml Co. Tur t I a rock It'll e c • 2 t33· 12to RIC lit• AT t 0 NI more. From 14110 mo. Pool, patio, no pet a. 497-1955. 497-4503 641•1324 tll • llO m111era. den. 2\.\ bt, Nice & clHn 4 '"' 1 Br Tenn 1 ••Fr e • Incl• moat ulll too. 979-6-425. 841-057' v-1e-1or_l_e_8eech __ :_P_e_t_lt•-.-.-t-- Almott oc.enlront, wlnlet LANDLORDS/REALTORS Frml dining 2 tile be 11350, Alla 644-9060, fully equipped kltcll yard Louont (pro & pro 5494-421. 3841 8ear SI. c•--to ..._ __ h, 2 Bdrm. 1rectlve I Br apt widen, rental• 2 tr duple• Feat trM tenant provl· chlldren/pet Ok~ar~ 673·11589 for kid• & pet now 375 lhOPl•2 ~eelth (btwn Sunflower & =mo-. 1 Bdrm S3'"' courtyard, vltw. Beech dera. "'·II .. ~, Realty TY •7 " ··ETRO R TY 63"'7005 Cluba•S•un•• McArthur). _...., • ., I $775/mo. 2 Br houte -.,..~1.... METRO AL ..,... " 2 Br 2 Be, Turt11rock. .., L ,.. Hvdrom....,._. mo Pool ,.9 No """t• c toae by 440 mo. S850/mo. Perking. P•· ...,....., ... IM Avail. lmmed. $825/mo. IM S~mml~~f TownhoUae 2 Br. 1v. Be., 642_.470' • '· ,...... 494·2255 or 494-7639. e nd Welnul 714·960·2411 IEICH LOT 1to s . boautllul vu. HOME FOR RENT 3 BR 2 ea Seabury. Prln only.1133-0013 I.a Cliatalt 3111 Driving A~ f1p1C, pool, epa, attecMd umL ltWl 2BR, cc.en llU, wi gareoe. on the waler "rorever" 644·1649 eves. 3 Bdrm $750. Fenced School•. perk•. thopt, 2 bdrm, 2._.. be townhome •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 AU T '' u L gerege. No peta. Avall ••at Welk 10 town , boh. wnlleweter ~lew1. 0AP" l!rnereld Bey 3 Bi, vu, ytrd & garage. Kida & beectl. Biii cond $850. avail Sept tSlh. 2 BR condo, 2 Q•. lplc. AP A lit TM 1! NT I : now. ~26/mo. 831-49114 Luge 1 Br, r elrl ge, $675/mo. 499·5022 p roved by Coastal quiet at, St200/mwo. pets welcome 545-2000, 844·1094 • $725 493-2117 den, wotbar, gar. Beaut Slngte1, 1 & 2 SS50/mo. 2 er. t'A Be. range, laundry, carport. Comm. lor 2 tlm•sllere Cell Emerald Bey Alty Agent, no fee. · surf view. Step• to bc:h. Be<lrOOMa•F'urnlllled •-pool. No pelt $426/mo Studio. 'A blk to beech, condos I p o s a 4 494•1940 SUPER HOUSE Enormous $750 mo. 492-1619 & Unlurnl1hed•No Townhouae, b'"'°:r.• In-9 3 t W 1 9 t II . SI . unlurn • $385, tit. mo condosl. $300,000. L1rge •rm family ataner 4 Br dealgner kltch 6751 '·'I.•••,.,,. Jlfl Pete•MOdll\Open dry rm. car por1. 1 bit· 548-0492. only + 1500 depo1lt. 492·4984 evs M I J j 3111 1 mstr Br blt·ln NOW 300 METRO RLTY 635-7005 ~ •••••••••• .. , ...... la• J•I• dally 9 to II. lne. Avail Sept. Leeaa. 494·2797 or --------• .'!!11! ••• !~!......... METRO RL1~ 638-7005 IM HARBOR OCEAN FRONT C,.JlllHI 3111 01..._Hd TSL Mgmt 842·1603 Large 2 Br. 1 Ba. d lw, In· 493·7137. OOIOllA IEL lllll LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, fem "'"" Nu 3200' lux hm on blull. ••••~•••••••••••••••• aw $530·$540/mo. 2 Br. I Be. d r Y ' m • W I • 1 d • • •--------- Unique R·3 corner 101. rm, 4 Be. $t700 mo. Townhoun, 2 bd, 1._.. be. WHIWI 180 deg. vu ol harbor. Hlllelde executive home. 4 Ill••• 1 1tory, aheg crpt, drp11• t:O~~ Avail Oct 2nd. T~~Yt!~!~~n~~;::~: sulleble for II twnhaea. OCE FRO T 2 3 yr new. gar, patio, Spec. t a 2 br, lovely aurt, mtns, 3br, 3be, ee-bd, 2'h be. fmly rm. lv'P. &,artll•a pello, frplc, beamed ce . n 0 d 0 g 6 , I 4 5 0 . owe llnenclng & subor-AN N bdrm, $535/mo. 675•0500 No plnea & ttreema aeo curlty, aaune. ape. rm, bonua room, 3 lrp, h .-..... ,.. 111!9•. encllld garage. VILLI OlllDOVI 760•9857. dlnete. Poulble J.V. I Ba $700 mo. 8111 t gates, entry by phone: lt800/mo.496·7009. beaulifulyardendlecuz· ......... • TSl..~gmt. 842·t603 1--------- 0wner (714) 559·9265 Grundy, Allr, 675-6t81. pe · lge rec ., .. Incl. gym, OCEAN VIEW 38r 2 zl. $t550, lncludet gar· 880 Irvine 1325• "lllllltlea Incl. Sm. t ~peclou1 E.~ld~ :pit. #irtr.,tl ""' 3111 · .. ,••l1l1, "-1111, Beautiful home tor quell-lbr, quiet, tree shaded yd. pool & ap1. 848-6591 lrptc1, St075 mo. 1422 dener, wller end Iraan (at 18th) bd. ·1ee2 Newport Blvd. & ncl g1r, ~el~· ri ~ahr •••• ••••••••••••••n• ,..,111111 .,. ••oo fled persona, greclout ll· Couple or •Ingle o.k. no •111 • •10 T0<race Wey. 760-6376 pickup. 68t-7717 (714) 846-1104 CM 631·7392 atove. oe ut ree. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo 41.., vlng . s2sOO/mo lse. pell. $450. 548-1125t. a • •-•-JZIO •---.... ,.. No pett. renlela. VIII• Renlela. •••••••••••••••••••••• 675· 1530 Beautltul 3 Br 2'h B1 Bring lhe kid• & pe111 Ll'l,l•I Billi 3ZSO ~~.'!.:-!:!............ .......... ' Nr 18th/Pomona, 1· Br 1 1 BR, 1 peraon s435 875·4812 8r0ker. Kone. HI. Time Sh1re h 1 1 ti 1 Ullre modern batch •• ••••••••••••••••••• 3 BA 2 Ba twnhme nr So. 1700 18th St. Be. downalllre, O/W, 1 BR, 2 peraons $465 1-------== Condos for sale 1 Br & 2 Winter, ·~ block to beach, ~~-j79~ itf:.3~·1"::,; home HOME FOR RENT Cat Plan AC !pie O/W (Dover tt 16th) cerpor1, -ter pd, 1 chlld 2a1~!'1..,. et 1510 Br. Cell for delalle. 2 Br. t t'• Bl. ampl e 548•5128 METRO ALTY 838-7005 4 Bdrma. exeo. home. relrlg, tlM, Poot. spa, i. (71.4) &42-5113 OK, no pets S.50. Agl., .,,,.,, PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 540-4484 parking. lamlly pref. lee $900. Fenced yard & ge· more. No pell. 111 & lut no fM. 545-2000 2323 Elden Ave. CM 01111/ C•••'1 $575/mo. 1·755-6059. Beautiful upgraded Eut· Lge 3 br, 3 be, fenced rage. Kida & pet• welc:o-req'd. LH. Avl now II -H•""" 3 bdrm. 3 be, prlv , ____ 64_2·_7_60_5 ___ , COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ,,, .. ,,., ISSO Oullllndlng 1 & den. 2 aide 3 bd, 2 be, pool, beck yerd upllelra rec = 64&-2000. Agent. no $700 mo. Oya, 979-7100; Surf view. 20 ll•P• to patio. No pet1. $600 mo. Lnll, oa4y l11•sH,. IN NEWPORT BEACH ••••• ~•·"•••••••••••• Be. tundeck, for 1 or 2 ':~-4~~a9Jin!:"·2~~ rm. repelnt'ad. Children & • eva. 775-0360, Mike Do-aand, 2 Br, nicely furn 951.2175 Lge been w/lplc, patio & A total environment RAN.CHO CALIFORNIA peraons. S7501mo lse 1 Redlands Drive, ott Uni· p e t a o K . I II l5 O . #/,,/II fJMf 3111 herty dpbt MllUfe, reap. only. Qtrport. 1400. No pell apartment eommunlty on 5 acre parcels View• yr. Lola Miiier, egt 841-8930,540-5597 ••••H•o•::E••F•o~'R•••R••E•N•T•••• "-•l••l'"/1•1 Av111 Sept .June . Beautltvl38R2V•BA,No M ... Plnea,549-2447 tnt Upper Bey. Private From 40K Xlnl terms. 63t-1266 verally. 642•1625 or ... -., $850/moe31-017' Ptta,15751at,last,aec. ctubhouH and heellh 0 w n •g t • Ocean Front. Attractive 3 548-6906 4 +I + Ml •.. 3 Bdrm. 1700. Fenced U.J1nJ1iH 34ZS Darling t BR, 1 blk fr =~~2ii:9· 548·04H, Bachelor 1 Be, w/anower. ape, II tennl1 courta. 7 496-70761876·2040 bd 2 be 11250/mo 9 3Br, 2BI Cape Condo, BtHn1 kldt peta garage ye1d & garage. Kida & iJ95'so"coAST.PLAZA bHch, w/ger., winter toe yd, ~2~~"':8 poolt, C1oM to~. mo leue ·Suzi e75-91t8 quiet. xlnt loc, Clean METRO RLTY 838-7005 pelt wok:ome. 54&-2000. · • rental. $800 mo. Incl utll. STUNNING 11rgo 1 Br. 7 t airport, Fuhlon leland. FALLBROOK · $760 mo. 497·21419 fM Agent. no fM. MacArthur -VIII. atudlo 790-1992 Giiden Apt, pool a rec BAY TIMBERS Convenient thopa on Decoretor'a Bin C1nyon w/bkyrd, aeml-l urn w s s -... ~. 1 BR ......, ...,.,.. lite. u-•urmhed becti. 3.8 acre vi-home site 1ownhome. Sg1•i.vei 2 Br 3 br, 1 be, den. patio•. big 3 Br. 2 81· 2 •tory, trplc, ,,,,..,, IH~A 3Zll P oo I , I en n I•· e 1 c Winter. tge 2 8A. g1r, area. 710 · lllth. t. l~";'.154e-9883-·""""' tort, t &' :tbdrm epta end Greet for horses. Euy 2 Be. $1175 furn., $975 yard, $695 + MC. dep. acreened Piiio, dlth· ••••"••••••••••••••••• 557·7838 bltn1, 11-ee to aend, evt 1t 28r. 1Be. Neer So. C. townhOUMt. acceu to nwy 76, 1711, unfurn. Agl 648-0295 645-3603 wBlher, auto tprlnktera, OC·AENTALS 2 bd 2 b thOU Sept t2. 1625 mo. 520e PllD, S.A. Lwcury Con-.... lflal 1111 $540 . $t000 000 /30"!. down •---......;; _____ 2 ,, .. b d frplc lawn aervlce. 539.3319 1·5br't S200 to $2000 fl rm, I , pent VM, Nantune. 846-9175 do, w/poo!. 1575. No •••••••••••••••••••••• s-~• b ,._, __ ~ ... t w • . OCEANFRONT tit noor, 2 br. ,. • con O, • for eppt. 750-3314 open 7·d•ye replaca. •ecur ty, er-..... VACANT 2B 2B ....... ec;,......,, .. .... br, gar. non·amkr. no deck, dble gar. E/Slde. aallle B ldg. S850 Magnificent vi.w, 2 br. 2 peta. 833-8974. port.1575 ~. 1• Ctr• Bdrm unit• feature fine 5.69 acres. Panoramic view home tlte. Xlnt avocado tend $65,000. w/20% down 1 acre on scenic Live Oak Perk Ad Nearly 1 ... vel. Good eree. $44,500 wlln 25% down. MISSION REALTY 1141121-1410 Peta. 10/3 10 9/3 pref. $625. 662-2886 ht NLYI• UST CHARM: Expended S Br. 752·5328 ba, frplc:, tennlt ctt, Jee, E.alde luxury In •pine to-542-3597, 730-7165 dealgner furnltute ind 3 car gerege. HVH. Je· 1 lk .. _, ...... O/W 1_ ... 2 ecceuorlee. Move In to-m a 1 u r e co u pt e . Ill . Ill Xtre large 48r 28• cuul loaded w/lrench erand new condo. 3 BR. aeune, poo • we 10 reet . .,. ''V• , '""· 64r3837. Oaregilyourcar Cell now dbl oe1eoe kid• peta 625 wlnd'owa. akyllghta. 2\.\ be. Vttd ctlllnga. beech. 11100/mo. or er 2 Be. $625. Avell. 1 Br. garage, near cc.an, ~:r o~~= ~:,'~; METRO ALTY 63,.7005 MET"RO RLTY 638-7005 11600/mo. 640•2523, Frpc. 2 cer gar. $850 Mo. weekly rete evell. (602) 9/15. Mor Rick 631-6741 very clHn. 1390/mo RHlll Ua/gt.JIAH tee .,.. lee 833•2237. 752-53211 2 7 4 . 8 9 8 4 . ( 8 o 2) or M/F ~13/592·28.45 ~i~:oJ:d1105t?i g,~•A:: ~u~~~~hed model• open •• • •• •• ••••••••••••••• Sheri> 2 8R condo. 1 tty, For teue or lease option, 3 Br. Condo near So. C 998·2811. cat~ I COiiect. Specloua 28r 8ft· pvt pa-A 11-1111/ 3••• 4 Br. 3 Be. Condo, many J I 1 ....:.. ••• 'llM 110 bltlna net ner · R -_,, 111 bltne, pool, 1550 mo. •1500/mo. 5 Br., lerne Pleza. crptnn & bll·lna, un or .... --• on , · • · On Jamboree d et •••••••••••••••••••••• amen It lea. $800/mo. c • • • t I 5 8 5 / m c 0 n" r a a a .. pt a 3 Br 2 8• ocean vu avaH s J 1 Hiii Rd "EITILS ell 540·11511, Hk for yard, echoolt. ehopplng overlook1 lreenbolt. co u r · 0 • • " • ' • • en oaqu n s • WDekynads9~~~802~;,.Evea l Dllve nearby. Anent 846-1044. pools, epu clubhouae 213/987·3192 d1ya, ~6914. 9/15. '850/mo. 144•1100 Yeerly·Weekty-Wlnter, 2. _.... ...,. • ivell. Security git•. 213/387-5t0o. 1·E-.-8-1-d-.-2-b-r-. -1-b-.-. Pl. No ,,.1a. 1850 mo. --------- 3,4 Bdrms, Lrg. 3br, 2'hbe. condo, Ill· 411 EASTBLUFF Exec. home $650. Call97~8231 ev" WINTER AENTAL bec:n. dowMtrt, lndry, no pelt, 496-0271 2 Br 2 Be from 1525. No Sen Luis Oblapo County JICOIS llUL n avail. 1011, Many extra• .... lllen 800 mOYM you 3 br. 2 be. den, formal & wtlnd1. • epl. 1 blk to ocean ..... blk $430 mo, 271-A e. 161h ••• ,,.,,,. pet a. Acron from Npt lnclud. micro, frpl, Ilka In 28e nice view big din In~, 2 frpta. garden B I 4 211 Pl e«-0452 IHiA 114 Bch Golf Courae. Office 80 acres wltll private PROP new 4 9 9 . 2 3 O O , tropical patio mutt Mel PI t o . I 1250 mo flftNIHI ~ 0 7 ... !.Y2• m 0 · • · •••••••••••••••••••••• h,. 11--4. 545-4855 lake. 4 legal parcela 631·7100. METRO ALTY 638-7005 842-0350. hr.JOH 3819 u .,...."" • •1 Ir. Tr1plelc. $375. completely fenced. ROI· IAlllEIEIT !\le lllffl Tl .... l •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. a Slntle. Monthly New carpet & paint, no 2 Br. t 81. upatelra, 1 Pine Knot Motel, 2 Br. ulll llng hllls wltll pines 1nd Ill 1113 3 BR. 2 Ba. E/Slde C.M. Rancho Sen Joaquin, rente. Stepa lo beech. ~a. chlld ok, no pett. wet« pd, Ute mngmnt dutlee. oaks. Includes cozy 2 bd • Condo, lrg yard, 2 car 3 Br 2 Bl, lprlc. Lovely 38r + den, 28•. Pool. Model TownhouM In Ir· 2 1 3 I 3 e o • 5 4 6 6 • 2 2 e 2 p 1acant1 a . paid, 1400. Agent, no ·AvaH for reduced rent. home, corral, & out bull· l,./Vi/211 garage, frplc, pool & Jae. home & erH. 1 ml. to Frplc:, wean/dry, bit-In•. \llne. 2 bd p1u.a den, one 2 t 3 / 8 1 1 • 3 11 5 6 , 845-9494 IM. 545-2000. 645-0440 dings. Flth 1nd Game Drive by 2001 King• Rd. 1725/mo. 631·0303 or beech. '850/mo. Roger 2 Petloa, 2 car garage the nlceat In the deve-213/2~. 2 BR, 1 BA. trplc, pool. On bch·2Br Apt·pool/ Quiet 2 br, g1r, patio. !b .• ~uforndA. $Fr2•~~./ecre. Pt1I•. '1/Wllttr 631·7905 840-9008, 9e3-0902 eeautn. Oulel Greenbelt lop m~nt. Sii 2 5/ mo BEACHFROHT RENTAL gar, 1395-A W. Beker. uune/aec $900 mo + pool, no pet, 1801H15th ":; • ..,. llULEITATE Large 4 bdrm, fim im 3 Br. 1V. Bl. garage, lrg PremllUn 3Br 2 mltr be $ lOOO. 1 >" IM 840-2098 72&-21·8 2 Bdrm. Winter seso. N 0 pat a , ch 11 d 0 k . MC. dep. 538-11093 alt a1, Newport Holgnta. rw..Ml home on beautllul lane. yatd, slow, dlsnwalher. Kool pool klda peta 595 IOld YllW . A ,_ ti .__1_ .. ..., 3108 w. OcHnfront. '525/mo. 645-3415. 4PM. $525 942·7340. 5t00 El Cimino RMJ Avlll winter months~"'. nae r S . C . PI a Z a . METRO RLTY 638-7005 ......... 2 ... 2 ...., IMI ta IN•.... 873-1$13 '34-3777 AM 1-.....,..-.,..-......,-----,rtiiwiii1iii .. iiiiialiiimmulii:-lj;-;;!";s~;;-:~51/1Cio~'°11~;;1i;;' •t d c• "3422 ~"' 11•s1 ..,,..., "1"2 .__ ........ xe new .... ....., • .,.-.................... ..,... . 2 Bit 1 BA. old tlOuae, no , . -Avt ept 1 ct • yr Y " ISCI ero, " • Partially furn. It tOO/mo. '" mo . ...,...., " · ·-frplc, declc, g1r .. Secur. lf-ai•il 37•• 848-5902 l -:-· -· ctllld OK. All Ulll pd. 2 bf, 1~b•. 1550. etepa Ir beedl 2 BA 2 Ba. 18051 468-9698 ··e•-A/fw·1. BR T" "ILEA p I t ,,,__ for .... 5 ~ -•· •• ,._..... 17,..,.. c II f t * * * •• 1 "" . r vate, 5 br, 2 bl, pool, neer ge •· vn• ...... • ~ .... •••••••••••••••••••••• Winter Renttl, 38r 2be. • 15 Hemllton. $635. 3 bf t 'A be, 1575 .,., mo. • or aw . 5 bd. 3 be custom home Drive y 1611 Bayside yard. no pet1. Ulll• paid. Sprlngdele & Werner. SUS. B · t03 Sunaet 8ASK IN THE SUN In watemorit. t150.. 'Go di-845-3415 Oppty for opt. to buy 876-0t24 Uk tor Kate O Or Avt now, lg docic. 3 $450/mo + Hcurlty. 1900 mo. caH 647-3803. Blutta Coridos, CCM'ner Of beeutltul Palm Springe. rect. 180t W. Bay.•---------545-1413, 957-1413 'h Block to bHch, 28r, w11n guest house Ion hi Bdrm w /I am rm . 499-1617 • namt Spartcllng 18' Vlctorl1 & E. Pacific Ave, Why pay lligh hotel rate 730-3777, 137-21113 2 Br 2 ... ~ ..... t-nla & ...... ht & llry. $700 mo. gorgeous acres n t • Oulatandlng 1ocit1on. "•-·· C.M. See nrat then cell. for t small room when meatiJlAU .,. """' -· ""'V most presllglou1 tho· $3000/mo. FlllLY UllT ~~R~ ~~ ~:73C:5 545.9599 or 642·6722. you can have a 1 or 2 br 2 bdrm, 1 be H60 Mo .---.. . apa, nr boect\. 2202 He.a yrly. 966-8263 rougllbred horse bree-Wattrfrtlt h•tt C\ne & ,.,_,, 2 + bonua fM 760-0883. pooltlde condo by nlQht, Winter Rentar. 20e 30th _....,_,. Cit. IHl().374$ Lrg BMft condo, 2 Br 2 ding area In SLO county. ~r· _.., or mo for ....... Call St &42-543f .. __ .~ ........ I d = ... 2 / Ask tor Jim Qelkln or 111·1400 room nice view ehlldren 81uffl 4 Br 11300/mo to '""• · ........ ---------• .....,mu .. ~ an tel 2 Br & den, 2 Bl twnhae. .,., car gar w opener, 1 f b h welcome ez tertna NOW NEAR BEACH 3 br, 1~ mo. Splll level. Ruaty tor reMtV. P.cera Rellty Winter rentela oerderl llPta-Pool & tennle & ~·· nr beach b•Y view, greenbelt. wr le or roc ure. .., .. J, I ' ,. 350 be, flm rm. 10/1, '825 Guinther, egt. 831-1288 l -320·6653. now • ., .. tie.. Call Pauo./dec:U. Ho =ro 2202 H .. Cir. H0~745 '875 1130-0645 aft 5. PUU llllL ESTATE ••••• .' •• !.!~•••••••••• METRO ALTY 636-7005 mo. agent 973-8931. 3 .... 2 ....... _, nr High ,,, .. __ ...... II" leottelcW .,., w•LJ< to &"'"CH Bact. 2 er. 1>A a. .. TownhOUM 441 Mlflh Stree1 YEARLY 1 perton only. ... Df .,. ._., ·-• • 1 ldmt. ........ 0 .. ..,. '450 Sin Luis Oblepo. Ct $700/ 1a1 & last, $500 3 br, 2 be. lge dble gar. & Sclll, '800. lt•l.allll 1101 Pltf • 1tt 2290 V119Wd lot', .tow & r9'r1Qe, gea & a1Y19. No pet. Imo. 93401 MC. 210 PHrl Ave, Bal-4 Br 2ee, bltlna, dfw, new atoro rm. 17'6. 16871 648-3532 •••••••••••••••'...... tlM1ll 5"°"'829 °' &4M905 water peld. 1300/mo. _54_e..e.._2_ea_2 _____ _ (80515'11·'1831 b o 1 1t 1 and , c 111 cpl1, dra,,.a, lrptc, dbl Oenyon l..n. 1179·5891 a II •tL IA 3 BA 2 Ba. dplx, 817 E. 61&-1'919. OCEANFRONT 1 8R. __.... .. 501 • an BelbOI Blvd. Winter or NEWPORT CRQT CON· 1 .. -2 -2 8etti.•JUta I 50 O Ord 1111111 ' 675-3624. car231gers'a,,.,...nta' .. -ne •move'. PllL.... Fam rm. 11250 lse yrly. $700·$750 mo. DO • ea•ut 391, view. -----w· . ...,.__ -WAU( TO BEACH aam.. winter. 5 . ya, O " " ~. ...... ....._, 73 57•5 .,.. "_,.' lot', atow. ~.ell utMa 730·0104; evt!-.knda lttNtt. 1100 l1IHI Call 2131375-8107 -•fom """' 1>1'0 •-on· 844-8053 8 • " 11200 mo. Aol. 645-0295 131-65113 or a.42_.806 pd, '350/mo. &341-7979. 833.-3743 •••••"""•"•••••••••••• l•••'•••I• JI01 ---------• -""!cared for 3Br rock 8 3 4 Bd 2 bath .. 2 & 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE 3 br, 2 b•, frplo w/w crptng queen• E11tblutt 3 r, 2ba. Avall or rm, . Winter nentat. 3 ldrm, 2 letfle le25 ·-=-•utl•s• 3 Br 2 ea $900 yrly. No avail 10/1, 16t9 Senoll-kitchen roomy gerege now I 1 0 0 0 I mo . complete w/llnene, 8drme. N.wport Penln· 161 E. 211t. 548-2408 •• ,. ., •---_,., So Oregon Coast peta.Avall9/15. wood. $740 lncld. gar-700 640·9019 Ar-nle or dl1hea,utll1.673-4566 tula. ---_ .. ta htH ¥1 .. ,.. J.A. PROPERTY dener. 545-24211. METRO RLTY 638-7005 83 1-0838 Hk for Elaine Winter Rental 3 Br, 1V. Pt•Y• ~ &t•t• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ltr ••• •. Tl•a..-r MANAGEMENT E.alde cnermer. 3 Br fM ·llCI ••y Ba . 1 car garage. 673-1900 .._"ntftleld . k ? • -87H173 $725/mo. Avell. 10/ 1 ... --· .... h ... u Iv Dr $700/mo. Slape to bay, 2 ... c1 ... ,. J111 ··----. Kennebun port . end PASTURE. Coeat 1---------RE/MAX p tty 559-8400 • --Lux. twn I on n · • bike lo belldl. 301 Ed· •••••••••h••••••••••• ... , lf1I Hwy frontage $175,000 2 Bdrm townhOUM, ,_iy • a NHr ICllool•. Chltdren 3bf. 2 be, 3 car gar, ec>llt geweter (Coronado II Ouc>leX I-ta , 8'. red• e .. utlf\11 garden aptl. Isn't that the boat with S.OK dn • b•lanoe decor•lec:I, flrec>tect. pa-Magnificent Mansion 38t peta welcome. 2 be, gt· level. No pell. $950/mo 8eyfront). Roblnaon CCM'Bltd, -·· blOCil • Patlot/cMc:ttl. No Ptt•· 2 that won The America's Cup in '757 at 10%. ~~t'~2~l~ mo. 2 tlle bathe centr., e/o r • g a . BEST RI t y eigont 549-7962. Realtor 548-5647 beech 1h opa. S400. dlldfen .-oome. ~f"V'\~, HJ/Hl-2111 ..., chels klldlen w/Olt.fna 53M190 tee Lovely 4 er. 2 ea. crpt, f/1 Small 1 Br. cerpeta, dra-213/37W11t· 2 Bdrm U4 8atht l540 1.;;-"'-!..ll p.,_,/'..:/' .....:.J ~~~~~~~~~j:c.t;;1~.;.;,~,htJ;J]•r;;1~1~Wiji landscaped yard ONLY King..,_ 31r 2e. frml 1110. 2 car gar, nutn9foua p ... refrlga, at ova A,.,,_,, 2 9dnn. 2 letN l6e6 If )'OU'rt not surt whO (or wtlat) KennyWnlcpOr\ J,,a1A11, 11ns1, ... L.:;.::·;Ek;~·.. METRO Rm 638-7005 din rm picture Window fruit trH•, 1 btk from $425/mo. e7a-&oee f.Ju1'tll r1 * w. Wiiton was.. don't fal '*'-'JOU"' not Molle. 11~ -oo .-IJlll paid won't leet 625 Clllf Dr. Gardener. No .. ••••••••••••-••••• 111-66113 « &42-4806 "'--.......,_ f 14 <*stl~ty ....-rtrl 411 Coron 1 de I M er . IM METAO RLTY 63e-?005 ,,_ ... StOOO/mo. Avell. \11-wl 2 br IP' w/gen1ge, 1 •.n..... ...... .taM 2 Ir 2 Be. Towntwn ywd ·-• .,-.._..IS ~ o ••••••••••••• •• ••••• •• $1700/mo Attordeble 3 Ir + 1 Bethl ,.. Oct 1at. Collect eYea •f· blk from beectl. Wint« ~~::;im •• ~~ no Peta. MM & a4ao · dlffws1l ..,vn.nt floorp,anut S.awind Vlbgt ftlEll·FAll 760-11708, 975-21« modern kltell. $825 ldda .._. ..__ ••t1 ter 5PM, 606-928-2918. ~~·v.M60e7 .. 1!!'!..2a1a E. 2 BR 1 ~,_ .... ';!'tr. IS1-31T1, t 76-2ee0 In~ Blldl. SUwlnd VU!q is a result 9 plus acr .. Murrieta, Nice 2Br 1\.\be In dpb11. Liv Ok. Alt BEST 53H1to _, ...---LIDO BAYFRONT new 4 _, ..,...,.,., lndry •-• dtde, MOO. 1---------0( UJQllJ Plf10Nll~ prof'ISSIONI pi.nrnng lnclda 2•000 IQ.ft. larm rm wflrplc:. aundedc, gar, f• Lleted today. Kida ok. Bf. 5 ea. '2950/mo, 2 8R 1 a.. 1 oer 1p.oe. 'h 1176-0348 • ...., 2 bdnft. 1 ba ,,.,,.... 1'A The IClnd of ltt9ntion you ~ nouae. large bern, gar, 10 of hwy. $650/mo. 2 ....... th ~ kid _. G1r11ge. Fltt BEST lee 831-3e71 876-2MO bllll to 009llll « Ny. No 1 .... ~-ml 9d\. dP.elo1;.2°!'· All-·A petfttt bletld of l\lt\lff aod IMng-lt5.ooo down. lll46 per 323'h Le r kepurn . °''" ,...... 63t-f1to ' peta. MOO mo. t mo. ...... ..:.. novet• · .... mo. fll9lltdln ft>ftstWlthblbbll broOksand mo. Tolll price It 75, 53e-t453 wkdyl. ok. Flat SAO 'a BEST I. Ir --...a. •aaa NICE 4rm/ w/lg ger, Ill leeae, 714o411M142 ---. t~1 I rlO quiet ooo. 702-452-6777 539-6190 fM _ -lltll~, kid.,., otc $460 1--....,--,-frpl---~,d"'."" r;ionm. C®'td by natural ocun brft2A Add to IHI"'''' ho 3:;;k~:r~·.~b::t~'~o:~ 8elutltvl 48r pool hOUN m"'1ed:T.,::4,'~ OC-ENTAlS 750-3314 ~.~!lf! .. I!.¥. ·.::~::er..,··~ rtO!"""\ ~·:10'. trllt~~=:~= and lxtAH•I Zlw Heliotrope, Cd M . aever11b1tt1sroc:t1frptc &:tMtllO Speel0ua3Br,2~Ba.very OcHn view, beautlfully berto" ... e/wknd••-'-•._..._______ _lnd..., .. w,..,..aplatelll""ntWOl.lld •••••••••'•••••••••••• 673·6823. gourmet kltch oetego ololn twnh•. pool. Jog-furn. twnflouM, frplc, 21•12 7 1 ., ._. ttOUM E/aldt ... .,...., .. _.~ ,~ .,.... iv Trade 1kl condo In Park 850 By Oeo<ge 1 do bellt\lt glng, etc. '800 mo. &Ob pool a. ~tlo. U96/mo. ~ •'"""· e..?-llmo. Avell .pl'Qidy call home.(E~n Kennytunkj)Ortl) City. Utah for retldenoo HWYllW METRO ALTY 838-7006 You'V9 got ltl 28r unit Kenn Agt. &«-1«0 f173-oete 2 Br, 1 ea. a newly .,,.._ Ont ind~ bedroom. one and two bath In Orange Co. 548·14187 HVH 4Br, 2Y.81, 3 car f" Very low move In now Harbor View Home. Car· lf--f •--•r.·-pelnted, & dra· 646-tln ~rtments from tiolO I /,, garage, garden« 11500 400 __,••di 3 B t·-11y' rm .,.. I -" ... ped, prlva aundeclC, nd H ,,,, . u0-820• u.. .. .,. a.,.... METRO RLTY 638-7006 ...... .... r, .... . ....................... f I Ind. V"'1 ..... 8rlhd MW Condo 2 Br 2 ~ "'•'" noo mo. Flat. Slluellon for family .... LMM $1160, ~977 EHtllde StlfdlO, 1345 ·~oB~mo. A\.•fl. now'. ••• 2 cat gar•o• WI •••••••••••••••••••••• htll ¥1 •r Ptrlr 2 betne. aefe toe. tee at Prime oceanfront value! up!!_lt pd.""°~ & bua. Cell Marcia llledlek opeMr. WOOd burning 111 Hur11i ion Wiq 8tngl• Famllbo:!••ldence 28R 2b• duplex. Avell 8EST Alty 539-6180 fee ·-= 2 epeclou1 Bn lrg plct '" ~' 175-11St trpto, view of atream l I In Oreng• nty. Low 9/18. lllOO/mo. J. Dorin RENT TO OWN· .... _ 2BR • .,., window kldlp•t geraoe ,... II •• w. '. r fa I I•. I ., e 9 . , .. -.. ~ini-··-w-UN Hunt""""" llt~ CA down & reuoneble mo/ Bk 7&9.o619 ,_ " 600 llMll JtJ• .. 1aot ~ --.·-· _,,... ""'-· pym' I c el I p IU I r. 2'nbe condo. Cell Rich i';.;;a..;·····c;: ALL VTtLmES PAIO ·--·--·-----<11"> ee..o«st 845-11818 2 Br cottage, 2 lldlla J>ftf. Owner/Ag! 984-6171 doa. Seour~gete . METRO R~ 63e-J005 .. fi!f!fflr ..... l!!f! 2 & I Ir. trnmect. 00011· Ftorn u. 5-1OltOOF~~nonhon9Netl to No pela 1700. Dave, egl Quality Oft 38r 2ea A«oM from btlle PecHlc. Comper• btforo you 2 bdtm 2 bf'=::: panoy, '4764125, well< MlflCIOln.11111\ .... on W.tDOtn to SN.\Jlno VII~ ,_,,,, 551-0&75 bll·lni aundedl Juat 800 From NllO. Pacific Moon ...._., rent. Cua tom dHlgn yrty M... " to 9dl006o & ltlopp4ng. ~ __,.. • Ol*I -10 AM tt1 Ql.lk- •••••••••••••••••••••• Plcturaeque 28r garden METRO RL"TY ~7005 ~ • ...._2lllO. Lovt4y 6 Br home on the feet11re1. Pool, bbq, no Pett '1IO JC a L.oce Glf .ma. eon. of jUl!!EMl!!!!!!!!!!!i!l!!!~~!!l!l~!::!ii!555i5='11!'~ . ... ,., l1nd1AH unit kid• pet garage 600 ,.. IAOAOMOOA TOWN· 11nd. •1700/mo. Agt'. cov'rd ~·· aurroun· 21antf..4M.117-t7t2 '•lrvlew /Adame. •••••••••••••••••••••• METRO ALTY 636-7005 ..,..,. ... W ... ---.. 2~ e«-04M dad wit ~ landtca-or (714) .,,_... 1_M_1_ .. _1e1 _____ _ •-•a....-• • I JI-tee 111 m 4ll """°'" ......... ". -· l)lno Ho pets. t .... ctown 11Y -••••• -2be, frpl, wet ber, 9411, s Br, ~. den country 1 er: Furn $515 1425. t iw • .-pd, ,.,., ! I '"9. M. ·w l'P c~ii·::·.~·;;:EARLV·;; ...... llalsnlMll ~plot• with 2 malr ttlO mo. 875.7171. klteh, frplc, 2'A k 2 cat 3e6 w Wlllon 842-tt7t Ba/ lalDoe No ,.,.. ="'....:' frpl. Mao/mo. WINTER rent1tt. Aoglr •C.,•••,• 1 ••.••.,."•••••"! .. ' equipped cllefa kltch """ ~ f.1• WIO hootllup, gar-•---~-tt•i-:~:;.,:·~1.:.:111::.,..._.:,.._. __ ,t:-;=:"';"-::::=s.::;::;:-;-;:;-Pr__,lea 975-'4000 3, 19_ •••••••••••••••••m•: aner, nr achoola. no -,_., ... y .. ""' ....... .-...._ ~ & cleWI I/tide t br, ..,,...... • .... P9ta ms 1...s1 1•11e ...................... .... • ~ ·--..... -..,.. llOft ,..,._ waterfront 2 Br. 2 e.. ell ·~·;;.::··1•• .. ·•-;:::;_0 roctt trPIC MOct ';ft w/ WHAT A DIAL lbr na w/ IMS.!I02t · • or S!iper 1 9r. 1 I•. Vlffe, 1 br apte. 7t 11, ~-..-,. 1 toll it 11 II 11150/ a _ _, -fNh 1r ... 111da & I* 41 e-pool, MOM 1176 oourty'Wd, very pffle1a 1110 YI. II. ..._ --' · :f~4~0:~:73-3724 mo. prlv petto. bclualn garage lo~ In HUft. ~NT4'.a 7~14 a111ff• :a bdr,,_, 2 u, No pet1. 't'SO/mo. DOa .,_.. EHlald• .... vurutty '" s bd AY'lletl6e Now ..,. trMftDe"· POOt. 111&0 tn.3111 IAY vu -a=-... I., 1 ... Cute 3 Br. 2 Be. frplc:, 7 'c~nudb1hco•uP•••d •. 1P7a..o01 !nod. METRO Rl eM-lOOf prlv•tt rd. No p'•••· "'°· lkr., 6'+01'4. ... =: wl d , .. o. ft .,,...._ V9rd & ~· hornet from bey. Avell .. ,4 4 7 .. 1 " ._ 100/mo '31·1111: llufta 3 bt, 2'ill De, ftm n,.• t7~. 1. Ill ...... t.o '*9 Ill'), now. Hts. 7~1977. ..,.._ • T h 1 c 4-••ee ww 7ll-tllO a-.a-NICE 3 rm w/l.ltll-pd,IQ •38r, wn ... nr • • __ ,, rm. oraonb•lt. pool. •••••• •••••••••••••• BAY vu~ .,, ""' a11-11n; '3: S" Pina, pool, epe, oar. -T1111-..,-ook--G-len-..... --Oif-11400rno.Aft14+()134. 11f111 &..-Wf~,_.l~I 't 1100 I\ 2 bdrm houM 1v11t1ble oldR~~L~~~1,. U2~~2~0• No Pet•. .._option S 811' 2 ... Ilg Cenyon Condo. full leeutttul petk ... t lllf· •~ • 1. now. S700 wtnltr or '825 t-:::---:--":"':"'.:-:~-=-·1-------,,..,...,..,...=-~ ICM Wfap.around deck. DOif oourM view, l)OOI, rou"dlnt•. TerraoeCI &-. ' ~earl)'. Conv loo. Nair Room for kldt lbr 2bl • &Br houle ldeel 4Coll ,-em.etc ~. Ho '*9. feMlt. 1110011 .. H . j)OOI. lunken gM bDq, mzm Bar. t76-tee7 ~e11om~ kttcti MOO 9'1udentt Oil~ MO 111000 f'ltO, Ow"r/19t. ~7 .. 14 9rotl•. 11>1tllllnt fountelne. • Hr. 2ba, dw, w/d, frpl, RE A 711C)..3314 MITRO RLTY 7006 ...... 11H: l40-1nl 'NIWPORT HGT8' 8paclou• fOOfftl. 1epe, Modem ~ pntng, avail 9111, 1900 CALI. NOW NICE. 2br w/ ,.. ,..,. 1 M, I '"9, ~ M , J er t Be, 2 Ir pica, cr•,!•dtl*'tt• 0~ .. ~~~n or 911r1 ' rttlr•ct mo. t75·716 t •VH. huge g11, fnCd ~"SEO 2 BR 1 Be, 1caro-.1ge vwy Pf1¥, '*""• ''*· 1dut11, "o 1>•••· 430 ~·1•~ Watt&,; ~-No....,. flt ..... 645-4111. OC·RENTALI 1M-..14 yard, Mao. Aleo..,...._ opllon/ ........ AV9, MIO/mo. ~-Up~·-=· tl)i-~=iiiiiiiiii--~'--'· ellf t If. t ... 813-0lH ..... Ot»eft "°'* let/ ltl OMI, 11114,,.7714 1 M1I 111-.._ ,_._ • l'rpto, range, ywd, _,.... Oolltt .. ,...,,... Willie ~-:.:.~.Jt,. ~Ill.,. 11'14 NO,_, 1 ,._ °'II •••••••••••••••••••••• 11e, no pett, flrlvete. aer ell _...,... ..,... ' +I + lrplO + fl/II eQU4lll LA QUINTA HIRM08A lo. Of a... 4 Ir S 2~:.11~ • .,~!~t!; ::'.'~i ':: =:.-=: ~=rn•.=rm ~, ;::=:=: Ml'MO -~ ... ,. 1:'.:.'i:\~r." •1 ,~!~l!~=~~;l,,!~~~1~4~~~~~~~1 1'°80 '71-1145 4 ... 1117 ... ...,... .. °' ....., ..... , ..... 1, ! " t J h ~ ------ .,,,, .. ,. ... ft!f!~ ...... . !'!!rflt.fm! • .11.tf """'"' H71. I tldtm, I~ 1>1 8unny UPPI' View No '---··------___..;~.;,:_;;,...;;":..,L r." 111 Amigo• Way •Mgr ...... 1111 ug lacMIOt 1p1, NewPot1 rig11 trM, quiet & pV1 No Piii l•OO Incl ulll 831-2299 BMc:h 2Br, 1bl, OW, Pl· 110, w11hl dry, 011por1. 1050/mo. yrty. 111 '42nd St Open Sat/Sunday 10-5. 8'40.U07 -LOVELY 28R-.-2-BA-- 'AI blk to bch, WIO, gar Yrly 1700 mo. 875-1700 LGE, olHn 1 BR, bey - boh, yrly, no pet1. 1•115 .. 073.0072: 073-5708 WESTCLIFF 2 Br. !'Al 81 TownhouH. No p111. $600/mo 1720 Bedford Lane. 5'48-7533. Lg• 1unny, 1 bd Lido 81yfront, $550 yrly 875-0120 or 073-2357 18r, 181. 1 blk to ocean, w/perklng. $435 mo. 073-8210 1 BR, $350/mo t petlOfl. No pets 5•8-2882 NEWPORT CR E ST CONOO-S.1ut, 3Br. New cpt & p1tn1. $1000 mo. Ag1. 645--02115 BAYFRONT CONDO. 2 BR 2 81, un1urp~11ed view. No pets Sec. bldg. l150Qmo. HOLLIS 8. WOOD AL TR 875-8876 ,,. c1 •• ,.,, 3111 1·e;:p~·o~;.·~i,;;;,id cherm, 1p1ct1c ul1r ocean vu. w1lk to beech $495. Contact Mgr 11 apt C. 332 Encino Ln. A,atl•••I• F11•l1it4 11 ll•l1a 3HO ...•.................. Lagun1 8ch studio. 2 bike to b11ch, furn. $'425, unfurn S375, utll Incl. M1ture person 964-1661 Iv mag. Laguna aurf 11tew. 11ep1 10 town/oee1n. 1 er, 2 81 condo wlpool. $750 lurn. 1-772-3053 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 ea. lg• unit, 1p1ct1cul1r ocean view. Walk ing dl1tance to ahopplng & Newport'• flnftt r11tau- ran11 Avl Sep. 15. to Jun a 15. S 1100 mo 673-4'483 ...... 4000 ...................... Laguna Beach Motor Inn 1185 N. Pacific Cat Hwy. Laguna Boh. Dally/ Wkly/ Kitchen a111U. Low wtnter rat11. 49'4-529• Room wtth kitchen prlv. Nr shopping center & bu1U- n1. H.8. 982-7620. N.B. pvt home. kllch. prlv, non-1moker. 1295 850-1991 or 831-7215 Blautlful 4 Br home, furn, nr beach $300. Cecilla 983-3018 CM. tux above gar lor neat non-1mkr per1on, no kltch. 548-7197 all OPM Atrns frt• ht11 Mature lady. Mey ha11e kitchen prlvlllgl Utll Pd. Pklng. $225 mo. 645-2988. 031-7509 WANTED: Rm 4 night• or witty. nr Orange & 17th St. C.M. 642-7642 PLEASANT ROOM E11t- alde, CM. Share beth, kit, prvt yard, prefer Mml-rellred man $225. 548-5998. NEAR BEACH lrg mullf bldrm. w/prvt beth. UM or kit, pool. lem•I• pref. 968-5082. Rm w/p111 ent. & bath, kllch. lndry, pool, ror F. S175+. CM. 845-0892 Room In 4 bdrm, 2 ba hM. Kitchen, w11har/dryer. S225 no 1111 dep. 642-4172, 642-a388 IV ROOM In hippy, lovely home In Co111 Me1a. 1225/mo. 5'48-2'45-4 •• ,,,, .,,,,, 41 IO ······'··············· IUUll lllTIL Wkly rental• now e11all. S 105 & up. Color TV. Phon11 In room 227• Newpot1 81Vd. CM. 648-7'445 BEACH AREA $84/wk ~friglfator-M1ld·Pool Nwpt Blvd 6 Wiiton C09te M... 648-9755 YMrly on lhl beach, hotel room, kllehlnltte & eno- Wlf. S280/mo. plu1 MC. dlpoell. 2308 W. Ocean- front, Newport Beach. 873-4164. Pine Knot Motel on Co11t Hwy . NB. Step• to ocean. Wkly r1111. 645-0440 IEEI l PLICEI Re11on1bte rat11. Kll- ~1111, phonll. maid 11rvtc1, Z channel mo-1 vlH. SANDPIPER MO- TI:l. tH7 Newport Bfvd, CM &45-9137. ,.,,,,,. ... ,,i, flll ...•..•............... LK. ARROWHEAD·211Y ._ •Br + loft, 281, 2 lrplOI, 2 b1lconl11, c•- thldrel ce!Mng, col« lV. Stp1 1•. North Shore. 1285/wllnd. S398/wk. Ut&/mo. 522-863 t 1 Br. llMpl ... llCl'Oll the etrMt from 111e beach. S2951'#11. 875-5088. Lek• Tlhol on water w/ b091 dOC*. •Br 3ba exec hm. Compl furn. 1100/wk. 852-2115 or 91/M 876-0311 Kona, HI. Condo tor rent 1 Br. *909 •, Avtll 10.18 to 10.U. S210l wHk. ~ Avall now wkly or dally Sir, 21a, lg 1undecll, H.I. ...... 1st7 MAUI KIHEI tlr, oce1n view, 11.111 sao dy. en.ato ~. 11a.2•n ..,.., HOUSES FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 217 32nd St. (Bal Pen) Npt Bch 648-4886 Sun 1-6 2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Road, Newport Hts. 631-1400 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 56 Chardonnay (Wdbrg) Irv. 760-8333 S 1•9,900 Sun 1-5 2308 Clltt Or. (Nwpt Hgte) NB 642-5200 $397,500 Sun 1-5 *7811 Sailboat Cr, Seaside Vig, HB 11/870-7680 $164,900 Sun 1-5 232 Magnolia, Costa Mesa 673-6900 $162,500 Sun 1-5 2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 19 Curl Or .. Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-6 **633 Lido Park Or, lido Penln (F-1) 631-1400 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **621 Lido Prk Or, lido Penln (C-3) 631-1400 $560,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 Aue Fontalnebleau, Bg Cyn, NB 769-9100 $405,000 Sun 1-5 **827 Via lido Soud. lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1 ,850,000 Sat 1-5/Sn 2-6 1577 East Ocean, Penln. Pt, NB 631 -1400 $344,500 Sun 1-5 *461 Abbie Ln (E/Slde) CM 631 -8011 $179,500 Sun 1-5 4 Rue Fountalnbleau (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM #2 Coldstream (Woodbrdge) Irv. 552-1800 $159,900 Sun 1-5 2405 Clltt Drive, Newport Hts . 631-14001 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3064 Killybrooke ln., Costa Mesa 545-5736 $133,000 Sat/Sun 10·4 416 -4161,; Carnation. CdM 631-1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1536 Serenade Terrace. CdM 631-1400 $230,000 **6802 W. Oceanfront, N.B. Sat 1-5 6<45-5430 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 108 Turquoise, Balboa Island 631-1400 $595,000 314 Marlgold, Corona del Mar Sat 1-5 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 Crest Clrc (Canyon Crest) CdM 964-6111/964-7259 $225,000 Sun 12-5 3415 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll , lido Isle, N .B . 673-7300 $550,000 Sat 1-4/Sn 2-5 * •603 36th St .. Newport Beach 675-9164 $640,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •3 465 Fuchsia St., Costa Mesa 5•6-2313 $165,900 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 *1901 Yacht Marla , Newport B oh 646-7171 $339,000 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Marseille, B ig Cyn, N.B . 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 1-5 11 Aue Verte, Big Cyn, Npt Bch (213)-470-2880 $•99,000 Sun 11-6 #7 Encore, Newport Crest, NB 646-5031 $189,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM AM ot DEN **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-9187 $525,000 Oalty 1-5 * * 1036 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 6"6-0523 $899,000-fee Sun 1-5 25 Malnsall (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $362,400 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Bch Sun 12-4 64•-1017 S•85,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2298 Redlands Drive, Back Bay 631-t•OO $248,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2687 Redlands, Costa Mesa 631·0••8 $143,900 Sun 1·5 1511 Kings Road, Newport Heights 631-1400 $599,000 Sat 1-5 *4801 Bruce Crescent, Npt Bch 5•8-6877 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12-• 2 Sho•I Drive, Jasmine Creek 760-1900 $369,000 Sun 2·5 616 Marigold, Corona def Mar 676-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Braemar Way. Newport Beach 759-9100 $365,000 Sun 1-5 3'422 S~amore Dr., Hunt. Hrbr 8#-7~20 $399,950 Sun 1-6 55 Jumlne Creek, Corona del Mar 552-2000 $336,000 Sun 1-6 6 Jumlne Creek, Corona del Mar 552-2000 $415,000 Sun 1·5 '23•5 16th St, Newport Heighta, NB 6"2·2171 S2•5,000 Sun 12·• *452 Broadway (E/Slde) CM 831-8011 $197,500 Sun 1-5 10178 Durango Riv Ct. Fountain Vly 676-1771 $124,600 Sun 1-5 669 Jo•na St.l. Cotta M ... 5•&.2313 •129,000 Sun 1°"" 102 Via Koron, Lido let. 84'4·6200 t885,000 Sun 11·5 234 Shef'Wood Pl., COit• Mesa "3·8787 t154,950 Sun 2-5 120 Shoreclltt.i. ~horecllff. CdM 844-e200 _..95,000 Sun 2·5 ) 1388 Watson Ave .. Costa Mesa 659-9400 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 1301 Dolphin Terr .. Irv. Terr, NB 831-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1• Rue Deauvllle, Big Cyn, N.B. 631 -7300 $599,000 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff, N.B. 720-1211 $210,000 Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl, CameoHghlnds, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *318 Slgnal, Nwpt Hghts, N.B. 631-7300 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 1218 Keel Dr .. Newport Beach Sun 1-5 631 -1266 $375,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 261 1 Circle Dr .. (Bayshores) N.B. 645-6218 $2~~600-L/F Sa/Sun 1-5 111 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-4562 $•25,000 Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea, Irv. Terrac·e 644-6200 $795,000-lnc. land S/S 1-5 3215 Ocean Blvd .. Corona def Mar 644·6200 $1 ,500,000 Sat/Sn 2-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or .. Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $695,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 I 1337 Sussex. Newport Beach 6•5-7408 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 124 Via Ithaca, lido Isle, N.8. 675-4662 $645,000 Sun 1-5 **748 Via lido Soud, lido Isl, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sat i-5 1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 114 Via Orvleto, Lido Isle, N.B. 6"4-9060 $400,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 218 Via Koron, lido Isle, N.B. 84•-9060 • Sun 1-5 1907 Tradewfnds, Baycrest, N.B. 6«-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4 * 17 Monterey Cir, Spyglass. CdM 6«-9060 $449,000 Sun 1-5 234 Sherwood Pl .. Costa Mesa 963-6767 $154,950 Sun 2-5 4 BEDROOM 1541 E. Ocean, Penlnsula Point 631-14'<> $470,000t Sat 1-5 320 Seaward, Shoreclltts 631-1•00 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 209 -19th St. Condos, Peninsula 217 Via Ithaca, lido Isle, N.B. 631-1400 From $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *11691 Tammany Cir .• No. Tustin 759-9100 $595,000 Sat 12-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825,000-fee Sun 1-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1524 Sylvia Ln .. Harbor Hghlnds, NB 631-7300 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1024 E. Balboa Bl .• Penln; Balboa Blvd. Balboa Blvd. 631·1•00 $1 ,•50,000 Sun 1-5 *2127 Indian Springs, Back Bay 631 -1400 $539,500 Sun 1-5 **280• W. Oceanfront, Peninsula 631-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 21621 Archer Cr, S.E. Hunt Bch 962-7190; 846-4009 Sun 12-5 159• Myrtlewood, Costa Mesa 5•&.2313 s 132,000 Sun 1°"" 4 8R ph,. FAM RM or DEN •2• Belvu. Lane, Penlnaula Point 631·1•00 S..09,000 •101 Via Florence, lido Isle, NB 873-7300 $695,000 * 1837 Seadrift, Irv. Terr. CdM Sat 1·5 Sun 2-5 840-55e0 S..78,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 1700 Olhu Pl., M•• Verde, CM 754-e835 1184,900 Sun 1·5 • 21512 Camino Trebol, lake Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 **6"2 Hrbr Isl. Or, Prom.Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1718 Prt Barmouth, Npt Sett 844-7020 $310,000 Sat 2-5 4612 Corkwood (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-8333 s2•0.ooo Sun 1-5 *2283 Waterman, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1530 Anita l n .. Hrbr Hghlnd3, NB 631 -7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse (HVHl8) CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2021 Port Bristo! Cir., N.B. 760-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 1010 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 546-2313 $325,000 Set/Sun 10-5 1222 Sussex Ln (Westclltt) NB 642-5200 $239,000 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 6•2-5200 $795,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 509 Evening Star ln, Dover Shrs. NB 631-7300 $980,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Canyon, NB 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 * 194• Flariringo Or., Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset lane, Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-5 1112 Westcllff (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $595,000 Sat/Sun ·1-s 3201 Idaho. Costa Mesa 761-3494 $179,900 Sun 1-4 4 Narbonne, Hrbr Ridge, N.B. B••-6200 $1,825,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 14• 1 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shores, NB 5•8-56"7 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •931 Loriann, Calif. Homes, Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3165 Bermuda (Mesa Verde) CM 6"5-8100 $150,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 133 Via Undlne, Udo Isle, N.B. 6"•-9060 Sun 1-5 1715 Galatea Terr, Irv.Terr, CdM 64•-9060 Sat 1:30-5/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiis, Big Canyon, N.B. 64•·9060 $1,095,000 Sun 2-5 213 Diamond, Balboa !eland 64•-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Ad, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1·5 307 Carnation..:. Corona del Mar 644-9060 ~850,000-Fee Sun 1-5 * 1830 Port Abbey, HV Homes, NB 644-9060 $350,000 Sat 1-5 427 -16th Place, E-slde, C.M. 6"•-•910 $229,000-Fee 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM Sun 1-5 6".._..910 $276,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2616 Bayahore Or, Bayahrs. NB 6"4-9060 $1 , 750,000-Fee Sun 2-5 396 Princeton Or. (College Pk) CM 979-5370 $132,500 Sun 1-5 1097 Corona ln. (Mesa def Mar) CM 631-7370. $149,900 Sun 1-5 •21 Pirate Road, Newport Heights 631-1400 $2•9,600 1 Sun 1-5 410 Morning Star Ln., CdM 675-6670 $675,000 Sun 1-5 2631 Bunya (Eastbluff) NB 675-6000 $275,000 Sun 1:5 *2221 Francisco (Back Bay) NB 875-6000 $260,000 Sun 1-3:30 951 Springfield, Coate Men 645-0303 $150,000 I MOAOOM Sun 3-6 * *"028 Channel Pt .. Nwpt Isl, NB 673.-0202 $995,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2691 Baaawood, E-Bluff, NB 873-7300 $232,000 **219 Via Lido Sood, Lido ltle 790-1900 11,995,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob (Eutbluff) N.B. 84'4·1742 $2•9.000..LH Sat/Sun 1·6 * * 708 Via Lido Nord , lido Ill, NB 876-8161 $1,500.000 Sun 1-5 2691 Bavahore Drive, BeythOf' .. 631· 14'00 $725,000 Sun 1-6 •10931 Hunun~ Horn Dr, No. Tultln D'"-- 759-0100 S<t!S-4,000 Sun 1-5 ' 11• Via Eneueno. Mariner• Pt SanClem 759-9100 '875,000 . Sat 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiia 790• 1900 1$95,0tC) Sun 2-! 11 San S.baatlM. Hrbr Ridge 1eo.1eoo s1.eoo,ooo I M plua PAM -or DllH 22 Cypr ... T~ lane, lrvtM 857-~ *289K/$1450 mo SIS 1-<4 •35 Rlda911M D!_ • .l_!-tlrbor A6doe 790-191>0 $2,GOU,000 9un 2.e 3 San Sebuttan. Harbor AtdQe 780-1800 *2.100.000 8Ul11-& • -. **401 N. Star, Dover Shores, NB 548-1168 11,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *12 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 **618 l'irbr Island Or.(Prom Bay)NB 759·91'00 $1,350,000 . Sat 1-5 *3 Muir Beach (Spygla) NB 760·8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2201 Alta Vista, The Blutta, NB 631-7300 $389,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Mesa 6•6·2313 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-• **2500 Bayahore Or, Bayahra, NB 831-7300 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 *20 Cypress Point, Big Canyon, NB 631-7300 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1•941 Rancho Cr, Irvine 979-5370 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 *29 Beechwood, lrvll"e 551-6829 $•10,000 Sun 1-6 1600 Seabell, Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $760,000 Sun 1-5 * 1800 Jamaica (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sun 1-4 8 IR plua FAM RM or DEN 233 Via Genoa, Lli:lo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 2·6 32 Mission Bay, Spyglass, CdM 760-1900 $595,0 0 * 1848 Newport Hiiis Or. E .. NB 6«-7020 $495,000 Dally 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM *300 Cagney ln # 107, Versallles, NB 631-2918 $120.000 Sat/Sun 11-6 2 BEDROOM 101 Scholz Plaza. #217, Versailles 631-1•00 $149,000 Sat 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza PH 10 Versailles. N.B. Versailles, N.B. 631-7300 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 111,; Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 BR plua FAM AM or DEN *#4 Seascape(corn. Tlcondoroga)NB 675-8676 $139,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1 Pandora (Irvine Groves) Irv. 6"2·5200 $139,500 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM • 11 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 673-6"9• $300,000 Sat/Sun 1~ 685 Vista Bonita. The Bluffs. NB 831-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 *3"3 No. Mountain View. Santa Ana 5•6-2313 $108,900 Sun 1~ 3 BR plua FAM AM ot DEN *26•2 Vista Ornada (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $209,000 Sat 1-5 7 Aue Vlllars (Big Cyn) Npt Beach 759-9100 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 2645 Vista Ornada. Newport Bch 6•0-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 IR plue FAM RM ot OEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113, Npt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-• 2 BEDROOM 1500 E. Warren #7, Santa Ana 963-6767 $36,900 DUPLEXES FOR SALE I BR plua 1 IR 127-1271,; Abalone, Balboa Island Sun 1-5 675-4822 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 a IR plua 2 IR 411-•11lh Oahlla, Corona def Mar 673-8•9• $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-• I IR plua S 8R 214 HIQhland St., Newport Beach 6"6-7171 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •Mplua1M **132 & 132'A Bayfront, Bal. lal. 631-1'400 $1,306,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME a INCOME FOR SALE IM pM ITUDtO •1s..t15lh Narcluua, Coron• def Mar 873°8494 t229,500 Sun ,_.. HOUSE FOR LEASE • M plut ,AM NI or DIN 1Ht Port W~brldae Pl., Nwpt 9c:lt1 844-8053 t12&01mo. 8at!Sun 1·5 * POOi * * W•terfront *'** w...mont a POOi ) l I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunde)', 8ept-mber 12 1G82 ( --·----I '!\ I tor YCMlr out...-n Wiie DQ&.l.;MI DAY DOUGH SAVERS ~ '---· fol' MJIDhendlM u"d•r 11,000. -. 1 ~ W ~ ftlMOnoer nMded 1tem1 for caah. If It doe1n't • ~' ~ '~ t Mff, Wit!""' "another 3 day1 FREE. 0"1 Item • J ... " ,,. per Id.·-b4t Pflced. Sorry, no real Miit• or 1-;1. ~,•f1l""'1~ ,..~ •·.P•ll today for full detalla. OLLA RS Ml.. .'11. .... !J.!f '111..f.Y.~ .... !.'.ff "11..'!M'!l. .... !.{ff '-~lt..f.Y.!¥. .... !.{ft l~ --;-i ,~ 5 ~ DO,. unu !r!~.'!~11.f ..... 11!.! &!!~"11 ........ l!M "1:;;!,.. •• ,, 1111 ~1!1.~w~·~··~' Wlr Mlttn OO'Vl!RNMINT JOH llltUI. ~UY llOUTAIY P/T ' ... 'c.-·~,. .,...._INYOU" **I BUY** K~~~r~1~~ob::,!t."!~~,; •• •••••••••••••••••• C:~~~ bey t>!:t:~~~ 'romeii One Hour Photo Mlny Jobe evtlllble In 'ront Otfkl41. •>eper d ly· Mon tnru l'tldey, • ht1 ~; '"i:'!' OWN HOM1 OOOd led , II I mattreH. Alto 1t1ovlno 'f A MAHA 8He Amp. Otey 13500 87&·818 t , ... , • '~ ~~~ •• --••• llMe tt.00) 8yt1em1 In Huntington U.I . lftd OvetM .. For S>lng, H.I , Ole Good a.. dllly. tOAM 1111 2PM. '1 h ~ u urn ure b 9 clrltWet frenc:fl Meed With e doublt 15" , 8"oh "now hlrl~ color Directory 312-111·4,47 1.,.,, 1•'7·3711 Phon ... 11•• 'Yf lno ·~-, r,f'(,_H]u <a ' Appll•nc .. ·OR t will NII d~~ •/"*'Of 2 •-r>v l&>Mklf cabinet "'" Boat ' trlr u1 0111pa1. l)flnt ... Call Mr. Rogeft, • 111 i·tf MEO. WALK-IN CTR p I• ••• 0 0 n • 0' 'Z' " ' ...:~l· /t> r . or 81!lL IOf You lld• tablet. M3-tl01. In H Ot lltnt condition ~:J:,P .~~'.3~~~· O/B 191 • 85 M O"OOMl!R WANTeo for Nwpt MD'• n .. welk.fn 7l4/831-0HO '°' Inter• • .. t ,.. I 't": ll umaa AIOTltl ••. 000. 1-.......,...-·.,.--~-:.---'"'.":"."" -.111 ~I I 811, (l)Olllbly Sun) clinic Mele• m1111r1 l>W• View. Catatytlo lno. t&Ot .,: •. .. .......... ;.) •J , •l'y ' .; > i4'·1111 lll·HH Klto";~•ble wlttt torr"9Ce ..... 111, 1·1,. 1978 20 ft s .. Ray with for N8 pt1 atiop. Muet bl eona. HNvy exp. In front WNtollll Dr. I t• 312. Npl • • ~, l., · ~' "~ top 5 51 ,.. 313 treJI., 17600. ~._. ... _ ..... tor~ i...a txper. a nll•blt. a bac!I Ole I mgmt Bch. OAU" AOINOW "'I l , .. , PllllTlll Klrtehntr Petitt Upright 844·!5983 ~ ... Hu~~~ 1ncri"' "40-0091. fl•lda. FT/PT. Hr• I 11•nu1 Ct.AH ft CIYYI ...... LH 95'·1 133 Gold Couch Down plllowl Plano ltOO For .. ,. '79 BOSTON n• ........ 01 ... Siii\ •Y • •hltt1111ry Senelreaume med I I • 176 COM . 7eQt555 WHALER, 15'h ' w/70 Md Monoay only. Cont• lllHI lllAI to: Ad 11020 Dally Piiot, Im • ~no or .. Walnut Highboy w/mlrror, . 'fl0-010l • Elllnrud• motor, cover & "°' J#I F1o0d 11 Q d ad Boll. 15eo, C.M. 92828. cretery In l'VU"• 8Mch _ 4 dMP drawer•. 1175. FIWIG v gulter, ell hand· 404-8480 Hr°':r tman9needh Clby arM. Xlnl IVl)lng and Of'• "1 ... ~ 't_,. ell. c e 11 t n t 0 0 n d , GIRLS EEDROOM turn. meC!e cuttom lnleya utru, uo•I cond Contrkton Sun "f~n He 2 ty 1111111 AIDE o•nlzallonal •11111• • •••••••mll'T.•• .. •••• .::.•r••••••••••••••••• 545-1291 oll white, ,renett lllrov. p1ct1uP. Stera tremeto' 15000. 073-GtOO Choo at riot. 1 mo E 1 f mutt. Call Linda. Fri lhru MMPS l!TO. leWtun N. Moving Sele. Uvtrythlng 11y1e. b .. uc. COl'llP .. t• lohlller mach Hardlheli * ........ , The Stwduat Corp. II l>Olltlon. Wrlllen IHI wlll 11per. on Y or conv. Sat. 71414114-0748 711 N ............. t. mutt 10. 1 c:.nt 10 150. Gorgeoua contemporary Mt IS60. 7'7S-1814. M 1 · 1 )(I 1 unA tollcltlhobldtfromcon. be given. Salery, ho.pttalNB.Goodwork-.-. •• ...,. 8 11 288 s walnutbdrmMt.7pce. 0111. ua ue n 24ftCU<ldyCrulMr '77 tracton ftmlUar With TM • I 187-11478/mo dec>en· Ing condlllon1. Excel. Stcrttary/LHllng Dept, T!n.. un. In Io 1750 Ph 957. 125 t Couch, Herculon. bnrtn/ ltOO. 875·9585! W flwln I 0 , 170 hrt S.wduet FMtlVal for the ding on ex~. Ap-btneftta, Come and bt 1 Good telephone tklllt , ~ ,,__ ' beige $85. 2 NelJO brwn 5 pc Sllng«land drum Ml S t 3 , 7 o O I I rm d 1 oortetrucllon ol 1983 ply 20451 Crelmer Lene. pert o f our team. ahorthend helpful. Cont· -:r!!!~.;:';c............ Contemp, redwood & lea-recllnera 135 H . Call w /Zllgtn cymbal• 213·278·8810, ev .. end Sewduat Ft1t1v11 H.B. "4·8eet s-42·8044. act Franc .. Meyte, 0 .0 . Cul·d .. aeo Cl ..... Mia. MOVING: Some nice ther Chelr end 01tom1n. 548·2U7 pl hd Dill 1350 • wknda 7f4~73-2058 C nda. For apeolflc•· Propenlea Inc. 1152·8Me. Or111 ve1u .. -e1mer .. 1 thtnga, aome fl111bl11 1200. 967-1251 Waterb·-'. kl-·••A, w/ ~~~e73.,779 f. In ... -•1 •1•-'· GU•RDS l Furniture, Fender guitar, .., ... ...... -..---Mutt ••Ill 40' Scareb ~' '"'....,,....,.at " 34 Opening• SECIETAIY I HomH. 913 ombard . a pc aofa n"d• reu· FIR•rrtRl·IEW heldboard, hffter, llner. HAMMOND ORGAN OcHn Racer by•Wtll· :'!.,~~Y~~782~' Accepting •PPllCatlona M•RKETING ~•~t':1:u~"a::~ pltoleterlng 170 Lota of PRICES S~RT AT etc. lfOO. 49&-6438 H·312, two e1 key ma· cratt w/lraller A 11ea1 at tor poaltlon1 In El Toro, n 640-3870 mite. 2213 American Mallrea1 & ound Ht nut la, tuto rhythm, 25 $ 5 0 . 0 O 0 0 B 0 CPAFlrmhupoalllonfor Mlhlon Viejo Aru Ap-MllT POTEITIAL 11012·11111/•t Ave. C.M. Off v1c1orl1 Newfac1oryM1led B1•1•A11'IHll•I P•d•I• 18 changHblt 714/9e0--0813 ... ff ~ount•ftt Publlc SUPER QU""G"' s•L"' d p I 11 s I Twtn $77 .. foll 197 •••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• --.. -.. ply ti. 1120 Orengt· """' ,. ""' • an 1 cen • • PAINTING 39 .. x 72 ... 011 pr ... 11 4 Mlldrewb111 w1nttd Bo1ton Whaler A'ccounllng experience wood, Orange, Suite 213 $ l S 400 Wt h•v• • need for 1 3158 VellowtlOM, C.M. 831-3590 0< 842·5105 Queen $t47·Klng lt87 b M 1 S 1 ... 1100 84&-e23a. 13 . lnlood condlllon, helpful. Knowledge of----------9.5 Sat/Sun. 5 dHllt, Sol• Beds lfg7 '1 •re. pan.,,. D P d •u• •••H ••-, Secrtttry I. enlry level .• 5 ••o k ~100 Sola & love aeat 1197 982-1256 llffP OWllP 21314 t·45t5. 441-5365 111 roce11lng. Sen -n -._, Mull type 45 wpm and • • .,. • •P tt ~ · •••ll .. t.• IHOA rMU!N I .. lary rtqulr.. nHdtd tor Heir W11t, H '-~'-IDOi have thorthtnd akllll of Drafting tbl w/ M(>. ••••••"°K•••••••••••••• DISC.,OUNT FURNITURE Almost new. $800 28' Chrlacrtft cbn cruar, manta. D•lly Piiot, Ad N.B. Lou[ae, 873-4 t8S UPll 70 wpm. Misc., Garage Sept 11.12, 9.s, C0~~~9 ~:51;:,"e~~~~ llJ•nll••HU "" Cell 714·851.0740 recently refurb, re bit #1007, P.O. Box 1600, Cell SuAIWed noon •••••i ••• • Antiques ind misc. bike, ~ ........ ;:,:•iiiji( 16611•• "'-r•ll•t• I 9n01 & trans, bait tank, Co' t • M •a' . C •. HELP 714·"3-9984 We are ac~tlng appll---18790 Bardon ln, Hunt· llllllTIR'I 1011 ,...--..-"'"•' '• radio•. NB allp Incl, $ t t. 9202t-o560 cation• dally. PIHM ap· ~~:· r=~~:."!.=~ lngton Beach. BEAUTIFUL cu atom ~1·i~~~1'°!'!:.i'm8:,,., ft .••• ':t!!e!!,!,. •• 1.'!f 500 875-9585 IAY lft Plllll YOURSELF P:.~T~~1~!,~~~~= ~t,~r ~t, ~~ ~!~1~on In Room equlp't, HO train• 1nd LEAVING STATE every· m 0 ada bedroom "t. _,,, · DESKS FOR SALE 21 Ft lllP AnEO Houra 8 AM-5 PM modela, elot care, t~a. thing mutt go. furn. appl, eek, dreuer. corner Memberlhlp In Un!Veralty D••k• and m1tchlng 1981 Volvo VS frHh wa· Apply In peraort Tt A letter Oarttr CHh register exper, •bl--elac 11wn mower, mite . toya, clothes, 9011 Hyde group, 2 bade, quilted Athlttlc Club, Newport chelra tt 11crlllct price tar cooled A Beauty Mon·Frl, 2·4 PM. Join a company there Illy 10 work w/fubllc, ~~ Sal/Sun 10 ..... 1t30 low• Park Dr., H.B. Sat/Sun cover• & plllowa. like Beach, pvt party, 1800. at $550. Replecemant Sac $7,500. Aleo teklng applk:411ont going AFTER THE BUSI· 1 om e fl II n g · 4 hr. w St . , Coat t Me s a . OAM, new • Ne to appreciate. Joe 894·0306 coat $2300. CALL DAWN 873·5157 for: NESSI Serloua, ambl· 645.0404 , 957-1251 3 Family Sale! Furniture. New 122501 Sell for BARBER CHAIR $200 t-5pm M·F. 833·8800 --18_1t_J_o_h_nao_n_l_/O--H=~:'!:!a ~i:,~a,~~~:~~~l~~1~01~:r~ PUT TlllE GIANT VAAD SALE a,ppllencea, clothes, misc 11595· 545.9223· AMERICAN MADE tffltt fMFI, lalt $1500 firm. a -•is wllh many benefits. For Eves and/or weekend•. ~ ~ Lola or furniture nothing ltema. 218 W. 21st. St. 5 PC BDRM SUITE 545-3415 or 957-8178 Word procHaor, deek, 673·2190aat & aall. $800. -•n exciting Hies poaJllon Responslble adul1a. over • over $50. eom.' & meke Hunt. Bch. GOOD CONO 1250. ,.8 tt. Custom •l•I• pool chrt, bkcaHt, detalla 645-8079 llWNIT IUOI clll I.•• Kataln. 21· with outetandlng, •I· • deel. All mutt QO thla Women's, Men'1 & Chll· 545-3415 or 957•5175 t1ble 1500. PleaM cell 84'4·9804 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii trectlve peraonallllet to w kend s t e ... s DECK HANDS 5"9--4300 549·1457 work with youth (agH HIUHtO " · • • • un dren'a clothea, Blcyctn. Buffet/Room Divider __ 1eo-_,...82_34_,,,eves.,...,...""'."'.:" . ..,..-:::-::--Olflce Furniture. Dt1k. 11 lta R•J Fulf time, top pay, "v. · lO ..... 2608 AedtMdt Dr. Game t1ble and Chalra, t7x42x70, 3 dwra, 3 dr1, C 1 E M 111 I ..1 ral poalllona open. Xlnt 842-4321, Ext. 348. EOE 10251 Yorktown Ave. M... Bookl. a MlllO. S•t·Sun, Locally manufactured . ..+ Cell Monday 873.0280 215· Slttps 6 Shower, a. magnon lii1i0i·i1i4i)ii.Ci1ilil i2i·i5iPiMii, olf ·Unlveralty, Coate. Cryatal, Biby lltmt, $125 Will del 557--0927 DOME HOME KITS ha re, tc. uat H llwalOtr opportunity. For IM Info Huntington Beach, CA 9am-4pm. 19962 Ranger Olnlng rm table, 4 chra, price Introductory ape-IBM·D TYPEWRITER offi· refr, etc. Absolutely IOI· cell John 431·6620 PAIT Tiii Calllornla 92848 Lene breakfront, custom ped1, cial. Convetts to 2000 1q ca alze, 1250/0BO dtd. Low hours. l ike llMUTIH llUI nMt1"ac/"·~"fU OlllllURS (714) 9&4-3339 0.11. UUll IAl.I . D•nl•h Walnul, xlnl ,, 639-3596 645·8648 new plu• tr1r $29,500 PIT, F/T, xlnt comm, t""' ~ EnJ workl Ith kid• E JltO ty E ployer 219 E. Wll80H YUi UU cond $350 642•0494 EITATI UU I, IOI' IOIOOI HATS wort! In OC Must have w:: evenl~s wW• tr•ln qu PP m Bool<•. J....,,,, °'«lthn, Relrlgerator, wuher like new couch & love· Maple l\lmlture & much .!.'!.................. ll1·20IO ftelt f()( color, wtll train Harbor Blvd •I Fair Or you to btcoma • youth lllPPIH OUll etc. Sit. a s""' dryer, bdrm Sit, dining SHI. ruatl blue/white., mite Frl-S•t-Sun. 288 Shih Tzu AKC tiny PUP· ~~~~~~~~~ 840-5249 In Cost• Meu counselor. Call 2·5PM, F11t growing fHhlon room ;'1 en1e1 hutch, air $500 848·6638 bfr 2PM. Joenn, Coate Mee•. plea, c1relully raleed. Sell or trade 26' Navy OE L 1 v ER v /ST o CK HOSTES·S 642-4321, X346 buslnett, coametlc fine, cond. rind lther clock Furniture IOI aaJe Shown 645-5808; 640-9e9&. A Clo r 1 b I• Shot a . wh•l•bo•t, dsl charge of lnvontOf)' con· I 0 .. Porttble tollet. misc tender lovtng care Death 539--0925 642 7056 11am-8pm, Tu11-Sat. trol. Mature, fufl.tlme, 4 Fam ly ar19e .-urn. 5132 Cheryl Dr. (Solea · Full alze Pool Table, goodi---------_13_.900 __ . ___ ~·._...,,~ benefttl, IM Harold 495 FI T poaltlon avall. re-PBX Telephone Answering benellta. Cell for Inter-toola, & mer-. SaVSun. Chiea end Edlngef) Fri, In lamlly causes 1111 Fr condition. 3 Ber •tools. ltWel lttrlHtr '''' ·2e Carver ·n SF, FB, E. 17th St, CM. sponslble, mature people Service, exper prel'd. view 979-8073 2371·2385 Coflege. Set, Sun Prov dining rm HI (oval Alk for Rick aft 4. 8 wk• AKC reg H•d pup 26Kn. new custom strn only, apply In person Flexhra,w/lralnquelltled table, 8 uphola chra, 831 • 1387 $ 175 535 2 • 9 • 1 d d 1 h r ••• ,., ll1c11t. Mon-Fri 2:30·5·oo. Vic-persons. 6«-7050 SHIPPING CLERK 3 FA.Mil v SALE, Stll&m lmJH bulf•I). Vtrloua tables, . lh<>ll. • .. .. rm, 08 • ' 0 rs, In Full time .. "'wprtd In tori• Station 990 Dove l Ml h I .... 10·5pm. Many •ltct •••••••••••••••••••••• chairs, odd• & tnd1. All OUTSTANDING WHEEL Cocller Spaniel PupplH IVlll $39,000 964-4820 "'~ St, NB PHONE SURVEY worker aser gr 11 mmwu appl .. hMl'tld tt.,._, turn.. OFFICE FURNITURE A R eves Pegbotrd, Ina. bllllng -----------I 111 1 ad 5 opening for an exper blkta, ,..rte. 9111 lonore, HALF PRICElll In xlnt cond. DHl•ra CH I . like new, 1 Y' Lt AKC, butt & parly color --------- llld Ill ph .... ol fronl HOST/HOSTESS. ~~.:,n~r:~~e.~S. full·llmt •hipping/ CM ... -o .. ka, fllH, chalra, welcome.Call540·8627 blue S175.982·7408 l1 50 -St7 5 11"1 .. trlklltat office req. Fln Valley ofc. CASH I e R, eve'. & plua. per hr. 540·7138. receiving Clerk. Xlnt be-l1mp1 etc 30 Miiiy Furniture from Model Belboe Bay Club Mem· 714n59-0747 tvea. 200 HP Evlnrude. All M-Th. "3-5634 wkenda, excel Irv. area. ntlltl. Call or 1pply •I Moving tale Std/Sun M, Meadow Turllerock Home, metchlng 7. bershlp for ..... Sacrlll-Mini Schnauzera AKC, options Like new. $10 . Dentel~. PIT AM, Call Joanne et C'Eat La Prop Agcy needs cler para Laakman Electro Optlca, 2700 P•teraon Pl. Apt Culver 10 Cimpua 10 couch & 5. love IHI, ce $750. 548-5283 ahOta, CH sired, 11 wka, ooo. 714·841·5670 Eve· exp. ROA, 4 dya pr wk. Vie Catt , 551·5300. who can type 80 wpm 33051 Calle Avl1dor. Sen 42-0, C.M. 967-8171. Hlllgate 10 Mitty Mee· white/ green/yellow ..... 4 IYIM I'd' 1150. 788-8823 nlnga. BueyplM .. ntotfloe,Npt HOUSEKEEPER ·Student wS~~~,,~;~1P:~lpv~~p•i Juan Cepo. 493-81124· GlantSale.St1 &M9-S. dow. 752-1094 Sat & $400. 3 chrome & glaaa SPRINGER SPANIELS 20' OllUml C1r. 840-0300 or par1-llm• employM, prf'd. )(LNT 1>enent1, & E.O.E./M·F·H. 3225 Dtkot•, O.M. St• Sun 9 to 3. lsblH, coffee table, lamp 140. -• •.::.::.11947 AKO, 2 males, Now only New 427. seeta 4-6 Xlnl Oentll rm & b081'11 + allow1noe Opty for growth. So Cit Shot S•IH, 25-35 hra, reo, beds, eto. .... 9904 QA.RAGE SALE, bab~ table,'°'' table 1500 all IU •...ar-199. 640-0091. con d . S 1 2 , 5 O O !xperlenoed R.0.A. ,...._ In ekxc&hange for hoMuae-Plau Loc.CallMarleeor exlptOl'lly.tHyrlyC&hlcomld .m.,. VAROSALE:Set/81111 furn, twin box eprlng1 tl'lree1.7C5h~?mhe ltbl! Direct dlal. 11 Cl\annel, GERMAN SHORTHAIR 7141841·5870EvH. dad for Ortl'l odontlC WOt Child care. Ult Jim at (714) 7~-7812 x n opp · r n 11'1 t Biggie 283 Colt• mattr ...... bed framH, lamp · " c rome '" Be 11 /Motor o I a . F 139 -------.,.-,,..,,. JUIC:tlee In MIUlon VleJo htv• car. Rell. N.B. Bootery 844·2484 Mr. Meu St. bed9')r .. da, oak kit tbl & glus di~ labl• with 4 $1750/otfer. 49M813 Male ()( ~~·1. . 17' BOSTON WHALER ., ... '804703. 760-2890 P/TIME Singing MH· Miiter cftrt, mlac. 11891 Porto· Chllrt I . Laro• 5'x4' r:::-:-:-;-;;-;-:;7,;--;::;:~·1---~~=.::..___ Monlluk, 100 HP Evin· -------.......,-! HOUSl!Wl\IESmakeutre senger for Cookie Cut· STOCK CLERK 2 Ftmlly Otrege 8ate. flno. Irv. oU painting (Kite Flytrt) Carpet, 17x10 burnt MOLUCCAN COCKATOO rude. Like new, $9750 DENTAL ASSISTANT Ups. Mgmt. potentl•I. wll lln Many llama. H3 Con-$150 Mayteg Wuher or1nge, 2 pc 9x5 beige, T a lkl I obo (no tr•ll) 645-0483 Xlnt opportunity for ex-doll.,,· call Janet Mu1t be 18, own ctr w/ Full time, 1 1' • tot> grtu St t-? trt-aM4 • ..,..,, ... ,. s 1 oo. w .. 11nghou1t Ilk• n ew. 150 for all. •m• 11 ng. on Y perlenoed RDA. Buay, 558--048l Ina. 714/750-3013 P•Y. 1tlnt opportunity. FOf' ' ' •• -.-;'°;;;•••••••••••••• or y, r s 7 5 ca 11 964-9633 1919. 640-0091· ,,.,, S.l/ 1080 pitUMt laguna Beech fnturance let In fo c e ll John SUN. 0 .... Y 1U 450 GAVIOTA IE/Bluff) 549.5349 --MIL.ITARY MACAW. par-•••••'•••••••••••••••• offlca Nor Par1 time. .. .. , IULTI NIL•• 831-6820 Oarag• s.ie .......... Sat/Sun 10·5. qu1llty .. .._. L tle.lly tame, 1650. IS' Hobie Cat, yellow WI ..._9191 Tremen<loua career opp. Teach others s.e hrl. per faction, oheec1t DZ E. fu'" & aciceaa. Clothing, Sole, love ~Ht . chair. 145 497-15918 840..()()91 ~. s"'2n500rl116;~~6116\1ke .. •--·-11 I" f~ 1"--"'ht _,... In ...... ,900 19th ,.,...,., •• " china Broyhlll. GrMn, yellow ...,,..---,..,.----=..,...,,-...,,-1---------1 _·_-______ _ -~" ' "' ,.., '._ ....... ~· wtc. Eairt ....,.,. mo. ' -, • ., '" . and ........... 11rlped $225. ITALIAN MARBLE Co-Oomeallc Chlldcere, re- sponelbl• babyaltter nMOtd to c:.we for 8 mo. old, WedrtH Morna In Corona del Mer. Ce ll 176--4652. MOTlDfS tE.PER NEEDED W. .,. °"9flng Ihle po- lltlve lllle-ln lltuetlon to 1 meture lndlvldu11 •1th tll• lntarHt and un- cler•t•l'tdlhg It Ilk• to help ~ the care of our 1 YMJ' old. We alao • fOr aMletanee with 1M blllo houMhold reapon-t lblll.,.._ In return, we °"*' kMly tlCCOnlmCd .. tlofl• In our Newport 9each home, eno • u-le!J blNd on your dMI,. end ••parlance. For more "''°""•tlon -""" •It• .}OU 10 Clll (211) '41..,11 An ~ ~ly Emptyt Minimum 2 years exper. circulation dept of nallo· no Mlllng nee. 85().1991. _ ~ 1_.130 lumn. v--bNutlfut. UM 101 fllll 1111ndtr 32', beautlful Should be famlllar wltl'I nal meglZlne publlll'llng ,,_ .. -• 842-1794 IHk & otk Int Better RVS, COB, and Medlcel compeny In Sin Cl•· TIL.Dllll • ...._ ll i IOlO tor plenter, atat~ etc. then new $54 .500 group contrac11. Xlnt mente. Mus t h•v• at llUOf'llll •• ~~•••• .. ••••••••••• •• !r..~•••••••••••••• B~:;;. ~d~~P=~~ S350 080. 657-8393 Cockepoo Puppy, •II 64•-623l beneflta. Sa ltry com· lent 5 yn ofc ell.f)er & Utl••H ..._ PEDAL PUSHER l.1 llevlng 845·3868 or 544-4094 SURPLUS JEEPS. Cet'I • ehota & pepera, 8 -"• ---------lftenaurate with uper. xlnt typing & clerlctl We need gooo people to ••••"••••••••"••:;;:: a Ale on their UMd blk" Boele. Many Sell fof Un-old, $25. 549-3674. Phoenix racln~ Hbot leddlebec:k Valley Area. ekll'-. Muat be extremely HI up appolntmenta Hand cenoeo1 I T ..... , .1 fkwd .. ~°"'N-S2po5 SrtltB~vudn ~809B Glrla entq wtlt Bdrm Mt. der $50.00 Fof Info Cell Vortcle (F) puppy tO wtca Fully tq~,~2 ,'ti, 50 Cell 837-9830 accurate w/dtlallt, well from our Newport BNch p .. • w n • a . .... • . 7 pea lnel dHk & tinge-(312)931·1961 Ext. 2239 AKC ahota S3s0 ,....., (W1tk·t14) ~~:!:!,~,~~,: ottlce In tha evwilng for 195iNCt1. 5*-0209 875-0 251s0 0 RT IKE 'r!lse::r. !~~ic.0~ Antique Oak .. wing · · 714-5-48-8832 I' SUIT 1121 S I "'"-7 •M 3 30 ~""-.. s·••rv com-~ HOlldey lnn'a ,_travel ...__. •~ .., B V ' I B 648-0979 ma ch , Standard, w/ s•·~ kitten, lemei., 8 Xlnt cond. 552·7143 • • ....,,, " 10 : ... ,.v,. "'-• "~~ club Salary + commie-Antique ..,.,,.,t._., eq t.., Rampat, w/2 Mis Of t addle JI.Int concl '200 -·- PM 4000 Hilaria Way, aurete with related ex-•Ion + bonue C e ll top, dk oak, ueta 4. wtleelt $60 552•7143 Entire content• ocean frnt ;. 55 3 5 · · wtc1 old, $50. 21' South Cout sloop, N • w Port B ••ch . per. Ca11 Shell• (714) 833 3740 itter 1 PM Mutt Ht to •Pf1ec. · • · home BlkH. b•d•. I•· 4-495-4874 hlgh111 quallty, sips 2. 842·5681 498-1800. • · 1325. 841·9'461 Men'• 1019d. 19'A'', Mo-bltl, dlahwuhtr end Foldlng whMlctlelr, •Int 1""'11 I OrJ••• IHO xlnt 1 2625 w/lrl r UMIY REAL man Ul.11 Telephone Sal•• a Ill• Antique q\int \lef\I nice tobeeane Super Mirage. more. 875-7873 cond.185. •••••••••••• ••••••••• 87t-6S46 Help Wtnttd lull time. Need 2 eJq>er. P909ie In ~:::~~7;~ rs::~ $150. • . l lOO. 552"7143 MOVING MUST SELL • 95J..al7I ~rlhzer El~S~9t~~· -15_'_S_t-JI-. -m-o-IOl-.-,-,,-h-. _7_H_P Fluff end fold/counter commerclal and lndu-Ste H Cotta M... 87S-98N Of' &40-1129 ALL PRO mens 3 •P 1011 Beautllul 9pc ttctlonal, New Women'• golf ahoet. year 0 · · motor, trlr, 18' mast & peraon. Preuera for 11r111 reel .. tate for auc;-' Anllq~ Crldle. _.,.. & of extru, Ilk• new. S60 good cond. pd $1.850 Etonlc, wtlltt lr8, leeth, 1 t73..a70l. 1111 l800 845-6079 hand Ironing. Driver for cestful and Ql'QWlng firm. Ttftf .... l1"'"9n flne. 1475. 842-8171. wlll Nfl l800. 5-45-7396 Steal 119.95, 84W774 New '81 Be by Grand CIHalc Sloop 20' varnish deltver1ea. Wt wlll lraln. Bell wOfklng condltlona Needed lmmedletely. 875·98M, 14().•tat Rlllelgh 3 epeed, 1ntlque, MOVING MUST SELL _ ITUT Tm 8aldwlrt, xlnt cond. Mahogeny. 3 11111 Hoptlng'• Laundry Serv. In Newport Buch Ideal fOf' 1tudent1 or ho-iliiJi idnt cond $140 " lt000.1175-9510 11200 548·0577 llgune Beach 494-•044 714/846-5051 memekera. Hour9, 3-9. REFRIGIFR frett 5S9·8529 !e!~111~1h'';',0k.e gl;•: ~b~ 0111111111 ••U• Old Kurlzmann Upright No Mlllng. Alrpof'f eru. frM 1200. _... I UILt II' 11111~1 UUL llOIPUY RE•PTINllT Call betwHn 9•12, 844420 ._,, .... ,_, 545-7398 Pleno,nMd1work.l100. CL•ssic CR ISING ~ C R ...,.... S..utlful ceremio horM, 841 .... 130 . " ewport enter HI ror boat yd In N.B. Mutt 840-4847. Alter 1 pm, #••..Ula 1015 Brand new Pine Bunk 30 .. hlOh on hind i.e..•---------SLOOP. PO Cedar Hull •t•t• lltlg1t1on firm have car. Answer phone, 068-0151 _._"••• Mlf ...... ir.~•••••••••• Beel• trom S.•ra. never color -rv, CWll'l\lc cell, PIANO -KIMBALL conao-Sac. $24,900 Of trade. need• •Jq>er Legit Sec'y, llte paper·work, cuual TOPLESS ••or.rLs -:rr.:H:.:R·•••••:~•-~ •W llo/n, uMd. s1eo. c 111 Answer ft .... ur•. Sant• a..i.... ... 4 "'°'· n-SllCl'IOce 114-831-2820 11lnt typing, dletaphone & dl'etl. 14/hr. S73-e625 ,.. ~ ,.. ~ ... ~ Ad _. 517 842 4300 .,_, S2000 11448211 *horthand t s lery 175 DAV • PAID DAil v APPLIANCt MllYlll RedWOOd 21(8 decking. . -Mr. & M .... Senta & ~ . • . CATALINA 22 a.eel cond, open 640.:HO• · 8 Reateurent no e11.p nee • 826-2583 we MN r.cond~. 4·20' long; elao redwood 24t1ra. mor9. Hanelmede ...._ OROAN -CONN. Good moat options, Newport · Ho11/Ho.te11, Cocktail __. • -................ 17 fencing. e.n Jim or Ken Beaut coucn. l·•h•ped. Item• & much more. tone, excel. cond. 1090. allp, $7000 873·9368 ....,...,_, Ap~i.. In .............. TUYIL II 111 .................. -an"''--. 77"1•"1. 1140..a709 ev.e.. ,..,. ... u5 UYI I• ift;;-'5. 1af74 BrOOk~ M 1••a-I Ill •• ,,..........--!. ""',. " ... navy a beige, xtnt cond. 0~ • MUST SELLI lido t4 wltti Reaponalble femtla with hurat, Fountlln Valley.•-'9m • DOME HOME KITS SSSO/ot>o 552• 1389 ....._ •dJ•nllfZ trailer. 3 aeta sa11l1. S 1250 Cit to cook for elderly for newly fonnec:I 8*tta Let M -a133 Loclily manufactured ~ Antique pine 1r .. 1le table. IF YOU HAW ::-.~••••••••••••••• obo 979·6937 DONUT SHOP. counter women In Newport R .. taurant Ana agency. Minimum a UPRIGHT iJ'Riiiil Wf11.. ptlce Introductory ape-end drople•f. Mak .. 8' tNmALS SINGER eewlng macll. wl•--------- help, P/llm•. AM lflltt. BMctl. NOW ACCEPTING Y'•••Pf. ~wlth•ll.· .. $50/080 clel.Converuto20001q table 8 chair•. s 1100. eta\ Ctbln•t. c•m•. 1175 s.Jl#ad1 IH5 Ho.,, necea. Appfy 1n 1511--1ee1 APPLICAT10Ns FOR: :'r!Ck=-:•647•3~· • Lintz. 1i,.10N. n. 63i-3598 c 111 499-124a 91191 r.1 ee2.12!58 M·:.;·;;.i·s:~··wi~;:r: pertort ~ Donuta, LIM ...... SllYlll w..,_~...,..,.. 5 )( 1 redWood decking Penn. Houu cherry 4 Tl'lla 1' your •= 61Y ._,, .. 11Ht11 1114 fer Sailboard $500 1as.t """°" Blvd. CM. _, ...... a Tllll Experience neceuery Typlat, "tbl'd Newport Olatrw...,.~ exc:.1i.nt cond. 135. potter btd & c enopy way Beeutlf\11 t-:-r.:::'e.,.............. 1175-l483 .'I= .,-rw-.._ APPL V: belWMn 2 and BNch nrm Med• eoc:u· X1nt CONS. •••a 842..eree I rt me seoo. Sella for led check bO<* cover 811111.Cball bec:kboard and 1---------Fountlln V91t.y mortg• 4, 37 FHtllon lel1n6, rllt typlat put time. with horMI he9d I W. attached bHket. $25. Nft Wlncltur1er Megnum • •II• tit =g:; l'IMd• 4-8 N9wpor18Mch 84S-.175. Diii\'#...._., 1" fn Cllcl, C..,,., I over H OO. Like new. tleta CHO. "'°'* ptlce 8424768 370, r1lnbow Hll N- Fo.intlln V"'-t ~ pr womeri -O-E. toe> co~_fJSO. ...,..,., 1130 615-98N, 840-9129 125. Secrlflce for only S1186. Secrlflce $800 • oe 00"'9eny tHklnt kll'lg rewerdlng poeltlon IM.D WAITAESS/WAITER Ml.lit Mii • ..,._~ .. :-.\!R .............. Sml gold vet¥91 ci\alf, Ilka 115. to luct<y 1*90n wtth ft JM/t, 873-3800 eeorowOfllo.r to PfOC911 In the M~aoe Bankll'}g Aggrettl\/9 local oompu. Attracttv., ""* P9r» W..,_ 1 -. 1 'I''*'· Mo1fte Cetnere. l'ujiea z 2. new 142.50. tr-lnltlelt. Hurry cell C.a lt.tH ,,,,1--------a.n eeorowe~ & tnduatry. ~eal Htafe ter company wanta mo-nallty, all houre, for Ilka new-• ..-&' I•. Imm, Flldte. u.p dlstol· 8421171 &40-t709 Dfte.. •-~t••••••••••••••• ,,.,,, 11111 eom"'911Mt 1-bectcoroun6 dHlr•ble. llY•ted 1a1M pro1 ... 1o-Marriott Hotel In New· "' v" IOOtn etc 155 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-........ .._ H10 "· .... Subatanllal Income for rt•la. Proven ••IH r.. port Beeel\. Cell P9tty w..ner lltt. a • · · · 2 Hand made Chair•. Porteble heevy duty i IOr TV. 2 YI' wmty. s148 .... ~~ ............ .. .,..,~~ 1'Nlc1tt6, motivated, cord more tmportent etter 3 pm for lnteMe'#. or cortver11 0. 548-:2336 nHd recovering. $20 H.P. water SIU'ftP, 9'1aal F,.. dellvety. open Sun. SLIPS aveU Huntington • M09"T•MllSEAVICEi lft4 con•l•t•nt lndlvl-tl'l•n oomputer b•CIC• {714)~934 144-t52t ,.,, IOJS NCh.Flrm. a "Strattori su·a. TVJohn'a848.-1788 Ha rbour B.t y , Jofll'I Qll8dt dlAll ground. Wiii train. C•ll w•-2 ......... ;x: _... •••••••••••••••••••••• 1548-0027. 845·6814 7 1 4 • 8 4 o • 5 5 4 5 . . SIDENTIA C K"""' 846-1410 -•-"""' r ' -HIMALAYAN kitten• I Stereo-Color TV·HIFI. 846-7768 • ~ ~-ATR!o•oe SeR'v1ce huctl ... , 214 ...... ...._._ condition. • C.F.A, blue, IHI, pl, Dining Mt. Bueett 5 pc 8of1, love •••t. ch• r. tieeutlful c•blnet, oood 1----·-----,..,.*'• babysitter ~r 2 mv J>AA"n Cu··~.. lall Olfll -.. _ _.... ............. 112511150 640-1780. w/CMVed o"9denZI. Xlnt. Broyhlll. Or ... ~llow cond.1275. 551-5159 40' Sllp for pwr or 1111 wl ""'.I tf 5 "" -.. _ -..,_'a S350, 844-1033 end belOe ""'*'· &225. l•l·down mHI. Balbo1 M sh. 780-~1o/'IY9· 9844090 ~!~c1u~~fi~~ ~C:r.~~~ Mtl ntra 11,111 ~'fn'['!9nci~ ''~ '-" ;::,: s::;:-.:tt•n. 8 wk• old, 10 " aoft gold olr. eofe, 141 .... ilO P:;~~~,,.M~C,:.°aw~~ Covet. Av~ll now Fte1e1· ,000 PREP. filue «NII MAINTENANCE ev1llablt. Wiii trtln. fe tt,111..... 984-9833. ' 4e5-4l1• velvet wllOOM ou•hlont. ROLi.ER SKATU ca Cell Clancy 831 -0900 ble, 845·8 00 oount•~· •m-3pm. =~~'.2~1:::h~';,~T~ Newport St•tlonert, lno. ....... Cfolcttp1o3t Fro:! i!\t 4 &....lfn 1031 ~~-1~ n d 12 0 0 • ~:::1,;'51~~1:~ tlte.reo wllh turntable, s1r:~1t•~·. Rd~ ,~r,'18~ ~n-Frt •flt•. I" portunlty. For let Info 1567-9212 (Mr. Emmont) For conlldent111 Inter-rrlg. cu ... 1n1e n.w ::::I':'................ •P••k•r't, tic. Good Harolt_ E. 17\h tt. ceN John 831-M20 Saleaperaon for plent view, cell for eppt,. '200. Sun. II-.,~ HO•lftJ OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, l .. ther I 8uect. _,_ OOftd. 176. 842--4338 irt. 714-955·2473. Wkdys •C~""~"~...,...,,....-...,,-~-Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ttOf'e.Fullendptrt-tlme. 730-1500 btwn 10AM l &TueeeftlpmW.ao&1 eque, g ood cond. from Europe. top~ 4pm 1 _•_·5 ______ _ v • IM.!8, ExpPref Exper preferred. 4PM,Mon·T~.· Wardt 2 dOOrl'fMl,wtth ... , .... ,,.,, ... II $25/each.658-0535. high fulllon. ~ ' Newport 8Hch, llVH· '~....,In p;-.0,, laura M~• '11..a.111 845-3392 WARE>iOV81 Ice maker, S300.-0eo. Pecle•o•• I cuatom 8 ft blaclc naugahyde prlc•• to publlc •... ,,.#&rl•• boerd, allp up to eo· ..,.., ...._ f1I F 11 I I I wotlcl oond. 831-0919 L.l-••I boat, wtter, power, tho-,.__Bo. Cit Ptu t:' f af Selet SV~t tl~n•t ~~·o:;:.: 957..eHt PSl-27 W. 18th St·LK s~· mint e4&-98N Bell M&attger, Ilka iww. ••~~·••••••••••• wt r •. $ 7 0 0 I mo ""-Wle dllMry '*900, • r .... Your I~ tunlty. For ... Into calt BMrt dining:;;·.., Hew YOl1c, NV 10011 • See to~ 1176 .... " Hll 073-M25 Trwel A!:enoy, frtn.. , ...... , Wotk P/T, t am.2 pm John 931..ee20 wo od. t ce. t• on (212) 243-1400 7 piece llVlng room tulle. 982·12U · ... riiiiriliiiJ" .. '·s- 1 -de-tle-to- 1 - 8 -ft.....,.$- 100 -mo-~. at provided. ltett 'f04lf M'# CltMr on with the LOI An~elea WOOO p..,..,.•••"8. .... ceMerl, '409. f.at71 rm • ~. provlncltl blue velour. Marout CntnMt 91' f-.ry 712·2000. cM 3td lfllft eemlng 14 """'~ "' ,. ,.. .-paid 12500 Nov. 8 t. Now Meo!O ltlend tilemberlhlp '801080. 912·2331 Up I ... 60' ~ Tltftee Clreuletlon wn tee 2,000 I dlcttphone 15 c.f. ,,.._,, ti JI.I. ,__ ..................... 12500 ' plec:ie dart( rnt wlTI He IOf' t1060 Incl 073-8145 .. • ~ ~. !:.,,Y:.' You In telephone Mlel. &m dUll dltplwy a.ooo. "'* fl10, 24 c.f. 1•PIN To OOocl hOme: Shepherd p1e eno a coffee ••* '82/13 ~ I ttw fee ...,....... DOCK tor rent. Boet to Are:f'Mt edventur~, •Ill be promoted to f~1 "9116~~ onfY.MotP/tlme.THE comb .• 1"3t2S --Mlll.~~787 $150. Furniture, TV, Current velue S100. '4ftl.Alntw.3yeeR<*I. 30'. 1100 Monthly :::,.,~=.,: ftllm'.:,_!,IUPl'7 H"!-"'1 .. l-1!": d~l~r1~.p~:11(1 1:) OFAC!,54e.2111 Etctrto*"-· --~ letnpe &oth9'houMhold 134·145"0ty9. :.:::or,o~. Wiil tr•d•. 873--ltOO. n11 ,,.. 0 ....... "--' 71 4-W -540-4301 Word Prooe.lna • "'°· IClnt. . KITTIN8 • F,.. to OOOd Items. 980-2'37. U••d R~loth... 13-44 4 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE ~"en~~ ~Vl••t held every Wanted TM 80 Model II IM2..,_ lft. tlefN, ldorable, lltter Aolltop Deak, antique T.. COii, b • IHH>te. Newport Beeell: 25'. 28', ~-... '*'"'-•' ..., ~!.:' ,:~~1.C: Wont In 8:!nubactcywd Operator. K11cNt1d;p Of DllHWAat!ll J?!" .,..,.,, 84t-e012 bl• •nd Ctltltl, OuMn c •II l • u r •• v •• ., ..,,.. 30', 40'. & 45 '. Ca ll •••••~to Cr•fi'f'7 ...,Y'Ttlun tern-noon •t otec1ed ten'ft a..' 8ot1ptte. H moMt11... rune~·-~ ~v. ,... to good l!Ome, &..b alu baa . l more . 1173""'11t. ti'nw•I ,,,, 842-4044 from 9-15 , W"'etfl ltl ... & d.. 1..0 N Cat. Hwy •• Ulg. eice eillttln :l0unt.. !**-~1111" IM-~-. '.f~:(,; f!lbl 10 "'°'Mete. lhota, 846-1397 RGI< 8\lffbOttd g•r• twin .. r.1~........... Moo.Fri. '*""1rete en •JtOHlftl "'I. 0 . I!. Leid• prov2.ed. Direct ~~A8~AAAV A..,._ ~ ~·P~.-· J~ • t 0 h d 0 0 • Henredon Pecen 1'1nlno nn. 1100 ' ~ c!!.':nf:.9'.o:!or~ _50_F_t _M_o_o-rln-g-.. -N-.-w-po-rt nft IHocl~t. Tralnlntl!~!!!~~~~~~I .. ,.,up. a mutt. Ad· SEIWIC! ••T.°nT.ee•li rm tibia end I chal,. 2 Cell ~147 ~ _,. Juet retiullt frtltfl IMch. $125 II.Ao. ~"' ..!!:!:..~~r= ~ ..... to ~or" Pble/T ,,_~ •• vertlelno ..... helpfUI. 434 t llrch ..,._ #213 """" Kint boll 1prln91 end table teevee and cuatom 8eet9 tO" Aadllt lew + 2 wettr ·OOOled. Mt up tor 54._..293, 957-0957 -~·~. -· _ " rn 1 140,00cJ plua ••rnlng• Nftport heol\ tzeeo Sun. S.,t. meur .. 11. Good oond. pad 813·2512 dr oablnet. on wt111, UMd marine appllo•llon .. •--..1 I ,0 , lft ttrvlew oall hly Hndwloh th p. pot~ti.I. Cell 8ob Sw.i. 6M-t520 beott Inn , '10. 6*Htt Aalltn Dlnecte Set Bftncl once. 142& t1141GO 1MOO 175--2137 •fl,,.,._ HIO , ........... -Dee t1ntY Cell for appt IQW fOf appt. 1-524-1020 PIMM call fOf' ........ ac .... _....: .. _. . .. ._.. ........... ... ... ~ • ... • • . I~--· ------1 Al ::--.... ::::.:'.t.. ~ 11""'11.'P~ 14,-120f · · , _______ ......,...;.-._•·_, ·• --... _ _.. ..... _ °'1• 1'"' yr ._..., " ..,,efra #"""11•••• a• Olrtghy l•bot type. •••••••uuuu•u•• 0 "'" -~ .. .,,,. lllllTAIY ,,.,.....,. Diamond, "u •' neut .. IM IMt• 1200. &50,.07" • w .. , ••r• v•;Y good ltO WHAli" 11' lport, •lee ~• '"""'9w. Utt .. MIN MUYm ut on• Full time. Ooocl typing ....................... ~~l a''d::"'4· 'T!!: 842·7731 ... "f~-.--:11 ....... rm. NJ..ilH · · 1ter1, 15HP, ell remote -Turte1, along C•m• ' end ldrnlnlltt'9tlve lklflt·. ,j•lln• ._. ..._ m Lab/lhephetd Mlle Fe• 9 p1eoe Pll)'IMn tote Mt. Wl81\ to llU'dlMt ""° ot PHONI! cont role, loaded w/ r..'t' :t;!, 'r.:,~,:!': ..... -""" eo. m • .-. ......... ,....... i!::.'· ~ m•••· ' •••" ·.,.. ...., ..... .... .... .-. ·-oo t •-"';' ,:-'':,'•~"....,.., ..,_ • -·•· -• .To --...c: .:=-"' MOtJofl ebout Mtee Muf-Seluy commenaurete waTMINI~ .,,.;: ,.....,,. :'~ ~aole marklngt. 041·0t'f7 cle, 87a.."84 ol IM lolloWlng Wtll r:-. ,.:; Iii IOlld atate' rc•rfeot, t42·83H, Ilk ..... Tuffet end bouOfll ,, Witt) lbllll)I and •1tP•· A•IV 3k ~ .. • evea .. Wltnd• "llT" V• Detfott uone. ,,.0 Ni-14t • ,_Of'_Phll _____ _ ~""'IO. tor ... H . V04J can ... rtenoe. Cell Mr. Kopp ANTIOUI MAU. e= v1llle t ,GIO a:::;J,.,_ ,,,, 81in t11t. A1t9ete Ve ' = "'°' yo41r 1un.t end 1011 of 497 .,.. 57 11101 w.tmlnlltr Av.. '°" ta.t:IO ._: s:•:r.;n .............. MAGNIFICENTI rn11ebet1 l<•n ... City "~ ~!~:::::=:not.We~: r:.!~~, .. ~ do:uy'",1\~~ 0111 r .....,..,. other thin"• throu"h Aeed 11\e CllHlllfled Id• for OAN>IN eM>Yt tlort .. .,. .... --. Aull-N9w fUllo.ae matt,... 1191. win• ctblne1 l 'll.1' blk let Oct I . TIO M 7 • 2 Cleulfled Ad Call TOC1-==··= ·~'!-~~~~~-~-~~··L:._~11~1y!eat~P!ll!Z..:';~;!~~~~~~·l~fl~e6 !:m":.....~~.:cr-...,. =--· Ultil :-GM-IUo ~n •lte, ::;;y~l..U.&':r, "-:.,~. =..... em, ' 14;:M71 . .., ---. --. - -.,, . ------~-............. -.... Orange Oo11t OAILY I'll.OT 18unday, 8epternber 12, 1882 al MOTORSAILER 4-1 fl Lancer 3 years old. $189.000. Will trade. Submll property, etc. 673-4424 Rigged for fishing, bait t.ank, depth finder, VHF Radio. Trailer. 6 cyl Volvo outdrive. S4tl0. 171·1140 23' PIERCE ARROW 1979 Beige w / dark brown lrim, Volvo 290 HP, 45 MPH. 105 GAL fuel, bait tank, rod holders, head, cuddy cabin, ice box, custom seats & full cover, all channel VHF, Trailrite Tandem trailer. AaSOtUTELY LKf NEWI $14,500 S.. Ar OC Fot.91ound Boot Show S.pr. 11th & 17th EvH 642-6580 S d "-11 J I A •-• 1 1 Tr•tkl ISIO 80111< ,., • otort~ 11 •I• -mt•, 11 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~~' ............ !.~~~j ... ~~'!.~0.'.1 ••••••• !.'.~~ .. !.A!!!!!!!!!!.!.~~ SPECIAL PUllCHISE 1965 'Classic 17' Ct1r11 YlMAllA 1111 SIUH PAINT & Ille body work, ~~:~:: ~~ Cf~~I~:~~ speed boa1. Chev 327 Mln1 cond Stitt under up to sew. oll your body winch jambofea paclcige $6950 000 552-4821 wa11an1y 95 MPG $800 Shop est 9111 536-9832 and much more. I t St 9090 545-049o (4) 8 Lug Wheeta & tires SAVE THOUSANDS .!!.!, .•• ~~'A!........ lllllOIUTE 950.16.5 ror Ch•llY pick· IUllE Ol&IT YAMAHA, 200 cc. etec· up $lOO. 842•8786 110/.IHP/lllHllLT Irle s1ar1. only 3000 ml CHROME SIDE PIPES (2) 2524 HarbOr Blvd., CM Mon1hly boal s1orage, SS95 545-9223. $40 both 549-8023 846-7770 DRY STORAGE any size. 24 hr security, CALL 842 8786 free taunchlng Honda 360. runs greet.1~--~....,.--·.----IEWPORT DUIES $550 or best otter Dual 42 DCNF Weber 1131 •• 0 .. l•r Dr. ____ 8_4_6_·8_3_8_2 ___ 1 ca1b1, manifolds, ttnkege • & K&N air fitters tor VW H . SUZHI TRIPLE 1ype t duel port. $200 • U ·0110 2 stroke, $1000/0BO. OBO, Call AM's. Hk lor AleK 988-5457 Dan, 546-3147 COMM'L DIESEL 3-quarter ton cuatom pick-up truck 1800 ml range naw ttrea, many eJCtras. Prlc.d lor lmme- d t 1 t e Si ie $4500 . 675-1358 ..'.~'!.!!'!rt!!~ •......•• t.'.~~.!'!tt!! ...•.... ·'-·· •••••••••.••••• ~'-'1!1.!~11'!.1~ •••••• ~.'.'!!1.V!ll. •••••• :J •• Top Doi., ~l1M ••••.••••• 1!.W ~ft.ftf!. •• l.~ff f,.~~! ......•... !~ff r.'!!! •.•••••...• .!.~!~ ~.Ct •••••••••• u.~f • to D•t.._,n Wg". 110, ala .,.......... a.i.e·a.M~l ... Jno 'ti VtlVI 4 llt '10 OodO-CutlCHn VM, Paid rao 1u10, •Int 1tiapa Wa'll lhow you ov11 tO<J la.lllK ltOOO a,2•0579 0 n 1, t O • 0 0 O "'' • IGIOO I? 9 Ute Haw a UMd M.,o.d• 1111111 -IUOO/melia oft, ror Your C11I $75-7424 eam 00ma In a oo"tl· 111 !AM •H 4t•t '7 t PllOO 1uto atarao, _M<> __ o_&e_2 ____ _ , ..... 6 Ill 'It 8210 40r SdnAutc dtl our IHM ertanga • -.,, • t1dlll1, 74K 0110 Ml, U1 .... ·lltflltY trant. naw llraa Xtn mant1 or lono t11m II· 74 OL eunrf gd lnt/110 ·~ft 13760 Of baat 11411h !!!f .........•.•. !!jf H28 HlrbOf l!Vd' II I•. n . I .. u I 0 b 0 n1nctno AM/FM 11119o. AC Runt 0 ., Dy 9112. 17 1 ·8548 71FOAO M••lctc Good Coate Maea 640·5830 H2·2387 H°D:Lo~•:;':"li~nc graat 1000 87~8390 A•IH Vi'4 cond 3 ~tit•, ICOI' Prll'!\lum Ptloa• '76 8210. 28,300 ml, autc 837-2333 , ... ,. 11111····-'I................ HSO 494-3211 Id' ......... trana .11995 PP ••'•••••••••••••••••••l'-••111 IHI I _,._'lt P• or any u .... Cll! MOl ·79 C.1101, •uto, am/Im •• •••• •••••••••••• •••• r11-(IOfalgn or dom•ttol 840·81510 Mr Myara .. _Ill'• 0, ... 111 a/e vary good Coma In & ... N""port 8 cyl 2 dr. auto, alt, In QOOd condition '78 Dat.._,n 6t0 W1oon. • ._ cond 121100' 973.9734 S.aeh't lln"' aalecllon 1tarao, c;rul11 control Saa Ua Ftretl 1Pd, 11r, AM/FM 1t11ao IGOIL'I fv• & Wlinda. ol pravlouaty owned tow ml Xlnt oond. 13tSO. lug rack. wood gralr 7 t4-H8-8306 Po11cha'1, Audi'• Ind &59-0180 ~PJfll!ll'l!lllll'!~ peokaga. Vary clean. 47 ""*HI Meter1,erti ·~~O:°le~:c•. every op. Vblk1w101n1 -.7-8-F-,-1,-m-on-1.-8-0-i-1,-A-tr-. ~2~~~1 0~·5~e~~!26 Oer,er1tlH 7t4-70o·1393 .. ._,,.. gt:~•gj,f~~·. Pj27~~ '81 380 SL, 7000 ml. wtrt 1980 Supra, 6 •Pd. fully 548-3187 • I 111J wheel•. $38,000 OBO equipped, leather, crulM 446 E Coatt Hwy ---------!!!!~!................ 213·832·8979. control, ale XLNT Cond. Newpott Beach 63 Falcon, 4 dr, xlm run· llWlll HHn'I •tlllll LUii 71,000 mt. 16900. Day1, 873-0900 nlng con7~. ~,,firm •Y an11a1111 ·90 3000 68&.-5440 730.1984 av11 e-40-1340 l•lek "'° .,1.s.,.,... s I II•• ..,,-.,-~--,~~-,,---1'77 Toyota Corona S1111on •••••••••••••••••••••• ·11 Country q LTD tet. F I ""I '73 MBZ 4&0SLC, 11tva1. wigon. Stereo AM/FM e SEE UI Wgn . .ctnt cond .. lull 1<>41· Htgh"t CHh lmmedlataty IULlltlltPI xtnt mach. & body, lie. treck, AIC, Datuo ror Iha lllgott ind !>Mt ded, to ml. 13995 ::~:.~~r ;~~1~1,e~,~~~ I~~~ ~g~u;ui3~hC:~r !~~ s3000 obo 955-oeoo ~=~~c~~iek~' ,~e;,.~~: -.:-~-;~-6-:-~-o-c_o_N_v-.-,-lk-• ........ .,,...... r.it~!!P.. ........ !!.~r ~1c:') ~ ... ., .. '" ..., .. ... M IH 174 2100 '78 SPITFIRE 30K mt, e•-opuone '3500 090 for Dark grn. 96K ml Xlnt. ca I me ch . con d . Imm• d I • t • • 1 It . A•l11 l• .. 11'4 497 5313 ••••• 'l ••• r•••••••••••• 3100 w .. 1 Coaat Hwy 18500 873-8870 $3000/0BO 673--8438 •--·------- All• •••H ITIJ Newport 0.tch '78 450 SL, conv. & hrd-v.a ••• ,.. 1110 ·ea Fllcon. good cond, •••••••••••••••••••••• &42·9405 top loadtd gd cond •••••••• ••••••••••••• mutt Mfl 1150/otr. lllT ot11m11 122:000. 493:0406. • '71 vw 4' 1 SEDAN • tlft Or ... C_,+y 673-1790 1978, 49,000 mlltl. New FlltUIU Looka end rune greet. 32 21125 H1rbof Blvd 109 Mull NII $8900 or '82 4001 Auto. brown '74 MGB-OT. 48,000 Oflg mpg. 11400. 960-0205 COSTA MESA Ll•ttl• IHI bSI olr 7&0-3691 '82 '400IGT. Blue m I var 'i g d c 0 n d Ill 2· •oo ..................... . A.'/ 1101 '78 308GTSI, Bro wn $3000/0BO. 833-3492, '72 SQUAREBACK runt • V •75 Mark IV, xlnt cond, Special $35,900 833·5382 great. nds palnl, AM/FM 1----------1 blue lthr Int. ()(IQ owner •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Dino 6pyder ca11. $1300. 873-0742. '79 Regal, 33,000 ml, mini 13150 545-338fVarna IO b41 IOOO T•r~ • 714-966-8306 '78 MefcedH 450SL con-cond. air. tape. crut" 28 000 I I II I d__. vanlbla & hdtop, loaded. $4"95 75" 1257 '77 O .. I-..&. "' .Un• roolm, llld. cuonydo. •Llk_,e "*t'IHI l•ttr1,.rt1 $22,000 Sharp 493-0408 1111 YW HI 1100 " •· • • _. • g1 0 ti RUNS GOOD. '62 Skylark Spaclal Graat condition. 15.600 new. S 13,400 O BO. .,,.,. •• '75 240D Cherry. xtraa. 995•3327 vs, pa, pw, t i c, xlnt Catt Biii 557-736" 6 4 5 • 8 2 I 1 Eve•. IJll 11Z$ new rebuilt mo1or. $9, cond. $1600 731-2133 .. ,.,,1.,a. IHT 857-9884 days. •••••••••••••••••••••• 600 759-9553 "'' • •• . '63 VW, xtn1 cond .• xlnl C '"' llJS •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 SOOOS, lmmac. cond.. *FANTASTIC* '64 220S M11cedas, 1u10. engine, nu brak6' $1600 .! .... !! .............. '74 Maver1Sc2k, ~~.000 mt, toedad w/eKtras, stvr wt ate. blue, runs good. 675-5840 au 5. THE LIRIEST Ilk• new6. ~2•·710...,56• blu velour Int. $7500. * FIATS * $950. 645-5124 .. 759 9173 81 Rebbit Conv. Ghia, SELECTIDM • tlJGE SELECTION 1981 MBZ 300D, white, auto trans, met. pt. wl¥i " ll11Hn 1150 '71 A•41 IOOOI Fully loaded, clean, 17695. 042LMD. WATKINS LEASING 5<49-1256 lllW 11U ...•.................. PRE-OWNED na1urat leather lnterlvr. Ures. sports aeate and ot late model, tow mll••· ••••••~•••••••••••••• Toi .... R--... ......._d Loaded with only 17,000 SIWheela, em/Im casa ga Cadllloca In Southern '7m2a1M1co.nPtSeg, oPBW, g9mn.1•11uvt~·. _, .;.:·::::-.. ml $22,000 552-0684 Lk nu 8700 ml.S889C Calllorntel See ua todsyt ., ""'""' llllERS nice In & out, runs great. FIAT SPIDERS & '72 MBZ 280 SE 973•1345• 873•1344 Garage kep1. $85 /ofr. u . S4500 I 'II lt1Hrt,1ok CADILLAC 654-8082 FIAT X 1/9's 1 Call 873"5224 1 SlSOO. 842"8471 2800 H1rbor Blvd. '72 Cougar XR7, runa Mlny to Cllooie F1om ·73 450SE, tmmac Ilka '68 Bug,. $2975, snrt COSTA MESA great, good body, $1500. Al VeNc:lti lillwllllttd new. sllverl blk pop-out rr wndws, 221< 5•0-1880 957-0695 ell. 8 . DICK MILLER MOTORS j • II "' " ,,., A. I' \,,,1.,A11.1 'J):,•JJ! $9250. 842-7745 rebtt eng, new p1r11 • 546 8801 X73· 760 8795 t-------.,----1 '75 Mercury Bobc11 Wa-l111ti1 11so1. . . . '73 Cid CdV Full pwr. gon. V-8. Auto. PIS, P/B, • ••••••••••••••••••••• 80 DIESEL Dasher wgn, 4 11Ctres Good cond. As-AIC, Good Cond 47,000 MEISTER •pd. 1nr1. cass 40 mpg king S 1500 Len's Auto ml $1476 548-3297 e><~. $5500. 496-8005. Rpr 1202 1st S1 SA. --------- PDRSCHE/ IUDI Chapter 11 makes as· 1-5_4_2·_17_51 ____ 1 ~~!!!~f .......•. !.~~~ l3631 Harbor Blvd ~mptlon of leases pos· '80 Olk Del Et Dorado. all '78 Mustang MICh 1, vwy UUS-HRYllE '68 850 Spldet Convert Garden Grove 1tbi. 2 4-dr late '81 VW •tras, t>e1ut1lul, St0,000 good cond, to mt. $3500. LUllH Good body & ~tne 40 lllH·le"lot Rabbits. 1 late '81 VW 848-7596 551·5159 mpg. $900. 875-404 p/u truck, alt diesel. P•'J 1-c-,-.-1-1-1----.-.-1-1 -.7-8-G-ht_e_v-.-6-. -P-,S-.-A-1-c-. 831-2040 495·•949 Rere •71 hardtop 850 Re-Lenl11 tae1 & flrat of 1pprox ~~ .. F IAllLEUH llW l 1 Jll 138 2333 $430 & assume b1tance ••••••••••••••••••• ••• vtnyt lop, Ami M tape, cer. Xlnt gaa ml. Good ,. • of leaae at S200 plus per '67 CAMARO. rebulll eng 30K mt. 1uper clean. 28402 Marguerite Pkwy shape. St SO 0 I bat -----_...----,-___,.-month. Wknda 642_6209, $900 832-9774, 9-Spm, $3750, 549-7828 (A~·~,vom-s1 642-4869 ·11~~c,:i~~f:~~~~~!i d•'JS 1-625-3985 o.v .s. Needs paint ---- Open Sundaya '75 Fla1 Spider. llke naw In black 973.3337 Letslng Ltd. Chntltt llZO '1& IHI& $2100 --------& out Low M l , wire --------->---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 536--0~31644-1147 . _w_h_e_e_'_•_A_1_c_s_4_20_0_ SHARP ·79 911 SC, ·71, vw Love Bug, xlnl SEE US FIRST' 631-9197 Cte1n, lo mllHge. AM/ cond. tow mites. see to • '65 mustang Body poor. FM Cauette, C1ulse apprec $2900 OBO We heve 1 good selac· Runs good $700 090 Sales-Service-Leasing B••'• 1121 Control. Sun Aoor. p.7 983-6313 or 673-4186, tlon of NEW & USED Jim 982-7921 'II 1201'• Ire Merel ••••• ••• •• •••••• •••• • • Tlrn Loaded 122 500 Louise. Cllevroletst 'II lltlflll Nice Setecttonl llllA llllTlllt I 655-9991 ' 859-1261 '72 Good Condition 2 plus 2. 4 spd and * '76 2002: 4 spd .. en/rt. we cahn hektpl Bel~e-you 1"62 911 sc TarC 111 op-S1550IOBO. comp, restored. $4.000. buy, c ec our un.,..,111-· 549 8457 o O (917PVB) bte eatectton, uvtnge Ilona, brgndy, 1,400 or • B * ·79 3201; 1u10 .. AIC and service todayl IN. $470 mo/plus $4500 .• 70 vw Camper van. 675-5290 1!4~:J~Jo1: 4 •Pd .. toe-UllYERSITY 497-3508. Good Cond. See at 2608 01'1•1t/11 HSS dedl (778YPCI eaUI t ••1tYIGE 71"i'911 TARGA 11toys, 5 Redlands Or, off Untver-i..;;;;=======..., •••••••••••••••••••••• 5 pd '" --•P. AC. $6850 atty, Co11a Mesa. Sall 1tlt 011n•1Ln T lllllHltlll/011 '71 111110 '7S Ply. Arrow PU, 5 apd, * '80 3201: ' .. en · 28SO Ha1bor Blvd. 213-592-1792 Sun . 5 4 8 • 8 9 0 6 or " .! ••. .,................. good cond, $225 tilt Whl. •Ir. camper •hell, 19s9ZOK) COSTA MESA 642-1625. 011nm1 2·••· 1171 O•ffHI ., .. ,. ·-/llototiztd lik11 1140 644-5215 A•t11 /01 l•l1 cu• I o m pa I n I . * '80 5281; auto .• anlrl. l,..0·11,..0 '78 924. Sunroof, mags, '68 B"" Air cond., 4 apaed trans .. •• •• •• ••••••• •• ••• ••.. • ••• • • ••• • •• ••••• ••••• (488ZOJ) • • AC SS850 -• & (S 100 Vespa, wlndshlatd. LI dirt bike, Indian 74, S1 IMPORTANT NOTICE $4500/obo 636--8875 fH·l171 STUCK WITH A • 213·S92·17V2 gd C0!'!'!'~100' $1700 ~~~:) a cute earl er LOI did, CIHn. 29,000 rack. spare tire. 500 llc'd $295 llrm TO READERS ANO '72 Rancho 42Clcu C·8 208 W. 191, Santa Ana .,..,._ mites $850 645-9070, 752-9487 ADVERTISERS trans nd1 p1tnt, HOO CloMd Sunday RUSTING H';?~60~ 77 '73 Sliver 911S T1rga, d I OILY 121111 ml $5595. 888CVY. WATKINS L'EASING 549-125' 754-5480 The price ol Heme ed· rune gd. 552•0522. -,--,......,..-..,.-,,:-".':::=,---Maka offer. -• .,1 new ur ... naw Oe9onla '65 VW VAN f eng ne. llWAll Olltnelet '17 PUCIH MAXI moped, •:!'.'0~','!.'!f'',l•J1/J~O ;:;1;::t!Yv:i:~e1:. '74 Chevy C~nna CHOICE INVENTORY '80rfAC~.<?/RF~~ tow ml. A_.<2: ~17i6~~7~-;:>0e5 ~~ ~~·3 _L~.2 s:~. Dove/Quall St1. I I I I d "'" II•• fJv V8 VOLUME SALES en • ,...., ,.. casa, ex......., •""-.172'4. NEWPORT BEACH ow m es. m n con ••••• •••••• ••••••••• fled advertising columns v. ton. • auto. pe, Pb. & d Rlt 759 9009 Of ..... $325 642·2•83 RlllllHI does nol Include 1ny ale Xlnt co11d $3850 :~9 142 ~. • '77 f•"-O•n•r• '17 .68 Convert iuto stk, re• Hl·OHI '71 Otttl111 .. ,, ... Loaded, clean, to ml. '4000 Flrm. 9e0-5017 /lot11trt/11/ 21 11 $8,000 Good oond applicable taxes, license. &46-9495 Full .taathar lntr Naw cond. xtni cond. Muat '10 10.,ZI II Hti IHI ,,.,.,:1111 •isO 556-0481 transfer leea. llnance •76 Toyota Long Bad 5 I 0 I I 0 L111 EI '72 600 COUPE. Small cadr NCT 11d, S29,5oo.Aw1 tkll ... 112950. 497_..&49 " •• (! ••.••••••.•••.••• <I•.,., ~ 1--------.,-1 ctiarges, tees for air Pol· apd, am/Im CUI Shall. claulc, 48 mpg, g cona er trade e · 1----------Sporty 2 door Chevy with •78 Votara wagon, V-8. •••••••••••••••••••••• Tr•i/111 T11r1l 1110 tutlon control device caipated 12900. Sharp llW cond, $1700. 1544-4700. 984-6171. ·73 2 dr wagon. orig. moon roof, 1ouvr ... am/ PIS. i tr 43,200 ml. 1 ·79 Yamane YZ'400. gOOd •••••••"•••••••••••••• certifications or dealer 631•5909 Salee-Servloe-Leaelog 1975 Hond• Civic, 2 dr, l••••lt a7511 P2•~n00• •. e7t5c9 . ..()R650uns grHI. Im 1taraol llpe, air ownr $2000 494~234 cond S775IOBO 16' Xlnt cond and very documentary prepare-..,,,. "---h Blvd ~ ~ S .. d tytl•ad ateat B '"'~13""' I .,_ N . ......, . hateh-b.ck, 4 apd, new •••••••••••••••••••••• con .. a ~ ·•1 'K' C'"A $5700 ryen ~.,.. "" clean Lots o atorage tton charges unle11 '35 Ford Pldl up V8 Ila· La Habra 1ir.. IEUILT1 al wheel• • 10 coriaola g " '80 Yemahe 650 Specl11t, SlSOO &44•9526 otherwise specified by theed All orig $4,500 122•HH ~~~·ci.s~~~Oat~!~-~3P4! H 10"'~oosalrom ·~90~bc~uA~!0·4u~~~~. (DMDa39)u · !u":k.5~~S~9dr,em/tm. 12K orig ml, towner. A•l•l•mtt,11111 the advertiser 645-8383 OpenSund1y wkdays A1 low .. $4989 (aer great . $2200 /b•• ia magnon 1 1400/obo 642"6909 I Aet11111/11 HOO AlllifHI/ 1171 TtJ•t• Pk•• --------'79 Honda Cvcc, auto, xlnt 13801 &44•9170 1 .. li•c IHS YAMAHA 6(;0 Speclal, •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl • ISZO with camper ehelt S1300 HAHE Ollm'S cood .. very 10 rnl, $2996 The •II new '83 Atttanoe ·73 vw Thing. HT. Roll • ···;·1•2···,·1•11•E•·1•1•11·•1•••• xtn1 cond MUST SELL Auio1bod1 Y ~710udte~182need1 s ••••• '.'.'.'!!•••••••••••• Firm 673-6618 ILHIT 770-5384, 549-1256 la heral Fuagoa, lmme-1 ear. 9 mo on Engine, • last $1 200 or best proecs, 0 · mp IOIEL 111 11 I dlatacMtlvary G t Cond S2650 t /sub l•t-•Ho -1r ,~~ 545-0930 & Oomaattc sm care, Ille . .. s v... 1610 & '81 Accord: Auto Iran•. llAI 0 UT ree ' . pon 1ac ~'u I .. -.. trucks. Near 1011ts $$ Shay replicas; pickups Ii. •••••••••••••••••••••• elec sunroof. 3 door IE I 1_4_99_-_1_27_8 __ -.,-__ Vt lfHH, tllt whel, 73 SUZUKI 125, rbll mtr. Save Money SS . no junk, coupes. 4 to cho1> H 73 Dodge Van Convera h1tchback, amlfm c111 110/ .IHP /ltEllAILT ·75 Super Bug Convert Harbor Blvd at Fair Or r I 11 J • y w 11 eels, new tires $250 2nd olllce 1er11lce. lromt (006768) (Stk xtnt cond .. $3800 firm Setea-Servlee·laatlog stereo. 20.000 mllea. 2524 HarbOr Blvd .. C.M. New top & tires. Xlnt In Cosla Mesa (Hnll) 645-4203or64S-4t99 213-944-8452 A3093).Prlcesatarttngat Air , auto , aterao. [)("'fVCAR\IER $6895. 845-1449 or 549-8023 845-7770 condll $5300/obo. 549_..300549•1457 I OILY St,1111 631-2177; 846-3843 l\tJI 642-1603 '78 LE CAR $2800 &46-8023 1211 ..... ., + tll MPG •------.,...---'63 Nova Wgn, 6 cyt auto, C1p. Coat $10.~50. rnl· Believe it or not! It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch the Dally Pilot all during September tor automotive ads containing the coupon below! ~=<S-~· O}.l _;, .~-·-. American Airlines We,,. Amerte;•n ""' "~' OOf"Q 'Whit ..,fir dO be\t WIN 2 RotH> TRf TICKETS TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES "'"""' H to C""'IJf" lttod t•t 01 w• one ~ OUf """*' Of wed t•" l\tf...,,_, "ii'•,.·t ., ,.,, ttut •,t1 ,,,. ~••.no t7'r '"•• o.e..,.._ .. , 'IJf 1 rnrr ''1U"'O ,,.o 111c1i,~t to HAWA" " .. Am,et1C•,, A""°f"' "4vtt h••• •A 1) ('_,n.an.n• Ot••ttt I<-•N'.I .,.. •Cl Y'' O' 119" n< ,_ N{l Auto °'ll""CY Pllol1M1t1(JA tw Alf\titt(.M" AoftinM ~"" Of rN1.-... ,,,.., ......... Of1.,. ~·t'"n" Jt>gl>I ~13018' THEODORE 1111 flRI ~ R.liCE·ll/\ IVV Jt•fH 1131. IMMAC 38125 '83 VW BUG la tr oond. Needs eng dual $6300, total of pay. Themes Van. Grall for ..,.. ........ ,' ..,.,..,., '"" •••••••••••••••••••••• BOB 545-937o Runs well $995 work $250/bst ofr. me11ta for 48 month• ROBINS workor~rf $695090 ,.,,,...,r.,. .. "'""''....., '75 INTERCEPTOR 3 ••IJl.lftl 1111 548-1487 548-4109 $11,08S.12+tu. 640·5144 Lall '78 3201 ehowroom CONVERTIBLE.d 3d9,00hO •••••••·'••••••••••••• '76 Rabbit Int/ext llke ----,,..,,....,..,..-,,..,,---1 E . I ml, burl woo II • • '71 CHEVY WAGON a magnon '70 Ford Super Van cam-cond. very option 11111 · much n w . $ 17.95 O. # 1 DEALER IN U S A 11ew, run• good 12200. Looks and runs graa1. • per, V-8, mech. eound. Garaged w/covet & run• 77o-&977 . . Mika 631-4615 XLNT Trtna. $600 I k I Id S 1 155 on Pf•mlum. 494-7420. · • n · r g · · -.....,---------H------1-1-3-,. LV'""fV CARVER '85 Bug, runa good. naede 960..0205 'S3 St debak~ Cham~"'n 497-4583 '79 BMW 3201, loaded, ,., I l'L/I· al I $950 -----:---~-1 t' /sOOI FORD 7060 HARIOll &LVO. COSTA MESA 1'>42·0010 u '"' """ I--.,,,-~,.,,-,~----48 000 I $8700 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ f C'.~ P n • '77 Caprice Ct111tc, 42, pon ·~c u S pua cpa Nice car. '73 FORD VAN 54$.1330 m 7&o.9614 · '80 Mazda 828, 5 1pd, I~ l..._,l\...L 980-6035 ooo orig ml Xlnt cond IV $3750. 2131592-1792 Custom paint, 1111. whll. or AM/FM. atr. naw Goo-~ .. _ ....... *'"' '"" •77 vw Rabbit, ~nrt, AC, Fully toadad S3500 le.-! le•H IH4e4 etc. S 1700. 898-U45 '73 3 o cs. euper. ev.,-y dyear NCT Urea $5599 ·::.;:-:;;,." ,,. ""' 4 apd, not a ecratch, mint 640-2773 H11~r~: ~r Or 1948 Ford Woody We-A•tn W••IH ISH la• tu ra. S 14. ooo. 559-1711 n ,,.. cond. Run. grea.1. lo ml -.7-4_M_o-nt_a_C_1_r_to-.-P-/--.,-S-.1 549..-300 549-1'457 gon. s13.000. •••••••••••••••••••••• 873--6235. •••'• f1J• RR '74 Slvr Shdw. xlnt $3150. Jim 548-7245 PIO. A/C, 111 atHrlng. 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WE PA y '78 BMW 3201, anrf, nu •••••••••••••••••••••• con d . • mu• t •a I I .• 87 vw lootls great runa AM/FM $2000 54&-945e 1• 1929 Ford Model A Town b<onze paint. am/Im, air, se II W1111l9. (847\IEV) P.P 780-l475 grea1. 'S 1200/t>est 'oltef .. 73 EL CAMINO xlnt cond 'ti flltntll 400 Sedan. SlO.OOO TOP DOWR ~!~~t~::Sir~n~ =i •n1 1151 640-5150 Totally built 350 ct ang ~!,~~ !u~ :::·, ~ F.11 •• El O••a ••••••• • •••••• •••••••• 1981 Rabbi\ Conv. Air w/many xtru 4 apd ram 538-9832 1963 Studlblk« Aveni!, "" Hit $7850/obo. PI P. '70 Rover 3500$, condltlonlog. $8.600 rod 1raM, 2 12-bott POii i~~~~~~~~~ $5500. 675-6181 &W ..... bual. 979-0730 xlnt cond ~. 78()..030l raar ands MUST DRIVE 1; 1949 Wlllys Jeepster, ""'111/llUH '78 BMW 3201 17,500. Qf. Cerny 532-078 1 TO BELIEVEll 12500 12 POITllC .12000 Rastored. 11tnt running 2•80 .,er'-· B".... Good condition. •-1. 1•10 1972 VW Bua, good FIRM. 833-5518 Sliva d •• I 11 1 .. " U<>f ,.., •~" •<>93 -·· 1' COOd .. 10M on ,_ enn, 533.~955 It •~-~~4075"' US •• COSTAMESA ............. us •••••••••••••••••••••• $2200. 494.9045: ~ .......... 1967 Chev C•Pfl 4 dr. Vt-l•l·Hl7 cond. New tires, brakee, HOTMA10A. IOI TtRll 4.... mllet, em/Im aterao, nyl lop. Air cond. Ex-valve Job. Mint cond. VW Westphalia Camper, auto drive. 2 door 675-6108, 642-1194 CLUI OAlll ASAP. 862-2309 Iv mag. '91 M.., _,,. $15,000 nrm. 642-7207 54500, 644•6982 Automatic, air cond .• pwr. ataarlng. em/Im (578135) 1111 ..... .,+tu Cep. 0091 1113~. Ra•I· du111 14232.59. total of peyment• SH 18.32 + .......... '76 BMW 2002. Showrm .~·:YOU• ~· LUii a 1112 SAU 494-4442 eva '80 Cltallon, 36,000 IClull captton11 cond. 5995. WE IUY Aaklng $7000. Mutt Mii ITIP If & $345.42 1H2. dtaset, 3.000 Mt. hatchbeck, ona owner '67 Eldorado Ctaaatc. $1. 79 3201, rad. mint cond. · fACIUYYI '72 BUG new paint, axcet '81 ceprlce c11u1c, Elec 500. Good cond. ... TllOll e4K ml. A/C, am/Im at« llHMltU1.CtllUllUISIU4 per month plu• tu cond. well malrilllnad. aunroof , m1ny extrH. a. magnon Cell Wall 642-7222 oe .. atle. SCIOOO. 48 monlh cloaad and $3100. 644-0532. I 58700/obo 873-3683 648-2088 '"" on approved ere-844 9370 d '•1014. 14111, '81 Muda RX7 (GSq dlt. Coit -116,375: '60 VW: Ugly, rune good. Wknde/av. • · Y• Sedanette. Mint orlgl081 '79 BMW 5281, 4 •pd, tthr, Perfect cond. 13,000 ml. $852, 15 caah required. S800. 846-1805 dayi, '78 CAPRICE 4 dr ct111tc. , .. ' Auto, radio, 83K ml, BBS whle, like new, S12, et t v er . I 1 1 , O O O. Coma In and alk for de-642·70t8 evea & wknda. pwr brakes, at-fng, AC, pontt'ac huh~~. 112.000. 846-6001 900 or UIUma IN. (714) 493·3140. tllltf (18924). '85 BUG nw eng, clutch, vinyl top, 1111 wheal. Par· / ~ 844·8325, 5511·8442 IUIM llPOllTI brki, radtats, tntr. paint. tact cond. Ctaan. 13800. '82 Buick Skyla1lc Spec -====---=~--1 , '82 OS. White, lnrf, 8000 F p hi ch 53&-3932 H11bor Bllld at Fair Dr Va I 1 ·t .. MTR 78 BMW 2002, mint • ml, loaded, 5 'f' wrnty, 849 Do-... Str"t ac enrf. orsc: ro-1----·----~1 In Co•ll M ... • pa. pw, • c. " n mint. mint . mini . mint, 111,500. ·~s-7278. N""•'PORT BEACH ma whaala, Ilka naw. 11ta.._.J11 -•• cond, $1800. 731·2133 Top dot11ra for Sport• 111 Oflg N.ver dented, 4 "'" en 12900. 646-3398. :':'.-i.-••••••••••••f•~~~ ___ s._M_300"'"""_54_9-_t_45_7_ IHtl•lltHI ~::.~: :~~ Campart. 1pd, AC. matlculoualy '79 M7. AC, 5 ap, AM/FM ll2·DIOO 'll OllllJSLEI '77 Grind Prix W, MK mt, .,, &./ ,, 1••0 c MOR malnt, g1r1gad, lmpec-cau. 43K ml, nw radial•. •7g Saa& Turbo, 3 dr, '72 VW BUG. 11lnl cond. AC, Pwr 1111, AM/FM ••• ~~i:.!~~ •••••••• ~'!. Alk IO< U/ cable thruout, 18,450. S7200. 840-8028. Btua, 38,000 ml, auper Engine & 1ran1 In JClnt TtWI I ltllhy atarao. 12400. IMS-1089 •75 Scout 2Jl2. new t1111t, .NM llUIH Mr. Wllllema 549-72411 ...... ... 11fl cond 17495. 751·3788; cond. lnt"1or, exterior In ltlffll ..... 12 narnaA 11000 brka. axhauat 1y1t1m, YllllW&lll ·87 ClllllC: Sharpt 4 door, ••••••••••••• .. • _dya, &48-3e50 ...,.. good condition Naw g P•Hangar wHh root ", ... rune good, need• minor 11711 Beach Blvd. ~ 2000. Rune g,..tl urea 12500. OBO.C/?'/? tick, atmt. wood aid... Automatic, alf cond., tlh work, $1800, muat ... ,. HUNTINGTON BEACH M u•• Hiii Baal olfar. ,...,. 1111 \1-noton. Toe> cond. 20, am/Im, air cond . tulO. wn.el, lterao (2051M) 845-4633 Ml·llll 759-1877 or 631.otoO •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 ml, A/C, atarao. pwr Ur. & brakaa. 1172 ....... + ... f WIHI l>drn 1111 'll 1111111 I /I ~~-~~: • 11 17 95 0 · (Cl21XINI Cep coat saosl.71, ..._ ••••••••··••···••••··· WAmDl ,.., ~ a. magnon ~.4~o'+::,t~~~ :=,~ '70 Scout, 4 cyt, convt. Late modal Toyotu, • 111'......., +ta Vtln •111 11760.4 - ll400 ~-~~~·a OOOd voivo.. Plekupt .. Vtn• Cap COit $5409, tall· ••••••••••••••••• ~ •••• .,...,......., Call ul todlyf duel 1~32, lotal Of Pl'/• # 1 Ytht ....., a magnon 11•1.-.... 1 -----------·~~··~:~'.O~~ s::i~:. i~~~· +'~~.4(~ 1';.~3jhl II ·~ . .....,. pHonll~iac8l{e*t Fllt ~ , • ! N•llle ------------$2000/obo, 549-7374, a Ill.II, 111¥111 ""' ~.. .,. ~ : ,,_ 111•~":, •181111• • magnon .. w.. 54~~~::~57 pont1ae 1• \ ! ""°"" ------------.. 1 I I OVIAHAS DEl.l\IERY al ,,,, ' ,.1 oe>t on1, wtll w blua EXPERTS Callllt•I.. H11b0r BIVd 1t l"elr Dr / ... Int, xlnt cond, 1000. pontiac' /Du ...................... In o-......... . I °",.. 1 ,..,._,..,,.. ---------,.,. ,. d • ..., XI I -' .,., -L J (1f4) &41·5870 IT l•t•t• a... Ul&.l 111 ...., • r ...... n runntnv 6'<19"'300 Mt--14.., ---------.-------·----------·-------.,.....~1 "'I 1980 D•t~ 2008)(. •'"' cond. Nei9d• IOfM DOOy T· This la the time of year for the beat auto buys I Take advantage of this· opportunity to win 2 round trip ticket• to Hawaii vie American Alrllnel ALOHA SERVICE. fnth IHI USED CAM I. TRUCKS con~. Orto owner, 10• Harbor 81vd et Fllr Ot JILn work. C:hHt Tranap. 'H '"'EllRD CONY. •••••••••••••••••••••• COM! IN OR OALL l"OR 11· In Cotta MeM 1tae Harbor ING '3!!0 lttelOl\I. !Mtong """'*"'· T0yo11 '78. AM/FM at.. -........ IL cep 1"11 b de. Wlldt,yl 14M300149-1411 I COSTA MHA 142·1M3 390 w/lurbo lr•"•· alt reo c1111111. Sm•ll r---P1MM oall, 76t·412t ...... •-• ... 1417 --. l"'t*A • 1 • ,.,_.......,....,_ --pow.r, •..-" .. • ..,, camper •hell 21 ... ,.._,,_.,._..... * * 1 1 I ~ wt10 naaa P"-f'll ...._ """ 4t1·U?t •73.-Mll. ..-n · Thet't 'Wf\111"-... .,. you read today'• ~:••••••••••••••• · 182'1 RACt1 llVD. 181** DAILY PILOT 01 ... lli.ct Ad•? If flOt, 80 Mlfeda, ~ tcp, 'HGrtlnclflria,11.000fUll Dateun p~ Ufooo HUNTIHOTOH llACH 4 IPO OAIG OWNIR SIRVrct: DfAICTORY ~·,.. IM8int tN belt atrae. MIOO pwr, AM"M aterao, Lo=.~.!. lot7 ... l, .. 1111 132!!0. 117.ollf la all ~I .,.,._.In IOl'M)I Ht-0411 U200 Ml.oat \. 00 FOOTBALLS MIND BEING KICKED, 51~? DO VOU ™INK IT CAUSES THEM TO BE TRAUMATIZED? ANP NOW LOOK WHAT MAPPENED, SIR! ~EE MEE! I ACOPENTALLV 11EE) MY SHOE WITH ll{E LACES ON TME FOOT8ALL! NANCY 1 NEVER HAVE TO MOW MY LAWN--MV GOAT NIBBLES IT FOR ME WELL---I'M SAVING YOU TEN DOLLARS TODAY •-1& OH, BOY-- CAN I BORROW HIM? IUNDA Y, llPTIMll• 12, 1tll • H CINU · t'M READV .... 'THE BA~L'5 READ'i .. ARE '(OU READ'r'? YOUR 10111111 DlllY PIPER . '(E5, MARCIE I l'M READV! l'VE BEE~ READ'I' FOR TWENT't' MlNUTES~ ' 0) LOOK Wf.tAT a· HAPPENED, SIR.. i l KICKED T~E l SALL, AND MY I SMOE CAME OFF! I I M~ PtAVm6 wrr~ '(OU, MARCIE!! B Ernie Bushmiller AUNT FRITZl--HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY THE MAN TO MOW OUR LAWN? TEN DOLLARS ~ . I \ -. HE FELT TER~16l.E WHEN HE LOOT H15 MANY A TEMPER ANO HIT YOU' TIME AFTER YOU WALKED THAT I AWAY. HE AL~ST 010 C FW. CP.tED1 CHAP.LEY~ • .· • • ·- • COULD JT ee THAT ... PARDON THE EXPRE5510N YOU'RE FALLING IN LOVE ? HE'LL ASK ME WHERE YOU WENT! WHAT'U. 1 TELL HIM? _ W~E~ Ct-iARLEY 015COVEP.5 THAT TONY PA56MORE 15 PACKED ANO READY TO LEAVE, HE PLEADS THAT HE RECONSIDER i/_AR.OU:> rr, 7?~~:< I'll. 1-trf 'fOO oN A coc> .. 1 ~'™REE. .. RU M. ... i~ ... PLEASE, TONY! TALK TO YOUP. FATHER e>EFOP.E YOU 00 ! HE'$ P IN H IS e>EDROOM 1 .I : ; . : c i' . ~ . . . . . .. : . .. ~ . : ... -.. ·-. . -: -= = -,. . .. . % .. . ... -.: ---... l i ; : : . . ~ 5 FUNKY WINKERBEAN IJOU KN~ SJN\£1UIN6, I EL.JMINltTO~ I I'U.. 8£r l,W'O ~ ~E MOVIE~! ....-~ HAVE lX)(J SEEN~ MOON MULLINS ~II?/ HAVE you 5EENOUR LAWN, KAYO? 1'LL PAY 1ot FOR EAC~ D,AND~L.ION You UPROOT FROM OtJR GRASS ! ·\ G~EAT! I CAN$URE USE TH' MONEY! T~OSE' VIDEO GAMf:5 CHEW · · UP A. LOT OF QUARTERS! $5<29 ... 'TMAT SHOULD l,AKE CARE OF YoUR MONTH'S EXPENSES ... Bur 1r1s WORTH IT·- woua..c::> YOU L-IKG 'f"o e»e ON e OF 1"1-!0Se WHfSN YA GROW UP ~ Tl1E L,AWN LOOkS 10VEL~ LAD . GS'f"' COMPL.e'f"'et...Y UNPResseP , YOUNG t..APY <$) Tom Batiuk •I Now) TO TAKE CARE OF NEXT MONT~1S EXP~N<SES. o r@o o\.tJZ (f22a ,. o rc;;)o 0 \fOt ' ... u ID B L- 6 w 6 8 s btt ·-i~ I ' v' • O~ Y.()W! A WHOLE l'\JSNe&.OFJUNIPl!ft HRRll!SJ E'UCOLIC ~UFFAL.q ll'S ,-----. JOSI FAIHJLOUSl ---- /I THA~ ~EALLY TOO ~t'AeOUT YE.Al-\ HE PRO~Y~ THE GUY' W'"40 IRIED 'TO JUMP HA'IE COOKEO IT FIRST/ 51>< STORl£!5 IN-rt) A VAT OF JELJ-0! ( ..... , . ., ......... _ ... .._,,,..._ - ,__, __ - ~RE Df::PARTMENT~ Do YOU GE:"T' AVON LADtE<? OUT CF 'Tk>EE.S '? A L.1'1'1U: l'OWL.. OF JONIPIR ~~!HON Vf:AR OF '«)t), L01!A LUO{! ' --· GORDO . . l.~T AJJ 1oe.A, ~1\JE~J J..·J..&I ME O~tVE AN5 '10 SIT IN T~. ~ACK! 9-11- For Better or For Worse arZRee.1H 1-vou Hf\\JEN'T ERU=-N 0NE.1HtNGl '' 1 ,I ') \ J Gus Arriola .t oorrA "J!-rre~ IOl!:AZ UT'j( ~Trr/ W~T~~ PAR '~~~~ ·~H Wl-rMJ.A ... f'? .. 6~' WHIP •• • COME oN -\T's GloD~ H\,M\KE.-sy1Rs WAY,1s L\ZZ.\E. S11Ll-PLAVING- W\IH TH~ KlDS NE)Cf POOR'? ~~ ., • \ ~ ·-·rae. • -------------by Hal Kaufman t:::::;:::;:::;::=;i,.~~~· • WILL KNITI "A f1mlly l11 unit c.tnllOMd not tAly of chllcll'tft, t»ut of mtn, womtn, en occ:.11lonel 1nhn1I. end the commoft "wrot• the lat• Ogden NHh. SU"' NUMBERS TO PONDER Fiii blenll with the misting word. P.S.1 It rhymtt with told. , PIO>. •t p.o• lliturw -., e Speek Outt Drop two letters: find • common 0 mtens of voc.l exprftslon In each word: 1. Slngle. 2. Humid. 3. Crypt.•· Enchant. 5, Clutt•r. ·'•on ·s 111..,) '• ,.,, ""'"" c &urs ·1 e Num'9r Ptffsel When • ctrteln number Is 1,.. crt1Nd by four end dlmlnl1'*9 by ,four the product of Its sum end dlffe,.nce 11 41. Whet numbtrP 1116t• •t '*'"'"" «IJ. e Alddle·Me· This! What has •lght legs end tests •Vfl? An optlc·pus. What did Mlm. Bear bake for &•v 8Mr'1 party? Cub·cakes. When do crow1 stand around and talk? On their caw·f" breaks. .15 ., -N Ask a friend to select a number from one to 10. Ask him or her to add eight, double the stim, divide by four, .and then subtract halt the orlglnal number. (If an odd number Is sele:cted. comput• tht fractions .) The ·resulting total wllk always be four - regardless of the chosen number. .16 e HOG WILOI Add colen neatly to the action-padled barnyard sc•M above: 1-Red. 2-Lt. grey. l-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Flesh tonea. 6-lt. purple. 7-Dti. brown. I -Ok. blue. t -Pinll. ! 1--i ... , . ·" l • I SPELLBINDER f i ,SCOR 110 Polflft for u1lng •II the letters In the word below to ~"' two complete wards! '· DISHIYEL • ..... --. -. CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYESP Tllere •re •t IN1t ti• differ. •c:es '" dr•wtftl *'•lls ea.t.11" top •nd bottom ,.,...._ How qutdlly CH you find them? O.Cll ..-swen wl"' those Mlew. If you hid suggested adding six to begin, tht answer would be three. If you hid begun with four, the answer would be two -always half the -~~ THEN score 2 polnta NCfl f« 111 • 6utH!W •1 ll008 t ·&u1n 1w •t -~ 'f ·1~ .... llP SI l'lllS 't .Mt*ll 11 l't .. S C 6utHtW II lllfd l 'HllfWI II P"OI) 'I :~110 • number fl rat Imposed. ON THE &UTTONI Whit h11 the button at lower right to do with the scent •boveP To find out, connect dots. ANNOUNCING THE wor• of four lett'"· or more found .mong the letten. Try .. ICON at 1N1t JI ........ 'lteA ·~ :,ut~ atClfHD4 Treat your family to all the energy foods from Chef Boy-ar-dee~ .. Good nutrition for families on the go ... Lunchtime, anytime! llll:::::iiE~ Now take advantage of the special savings on Chef Boy-ar-dee products and get this customized HO scale · highway trucking system, too. ij[i)~ Plus four ( 4) labels from any 15 oz. Chef Boy.ar-dee canned pasta. Aurora AFX Big Rig "18 Wheelers" HO Trucking Set 2 highly detailed cabs with 2 customized trailers ( 1 Chet Boy- ar-dee); Spe~ial feature -operating headlightS and fog1i9hts; 2 variable speed hand controls; 1 UL approved sotety wall-pack; 1 -15" terminal track; 1 -15" straight track; 6 -9'' l'adius 11, cwye track; Layout size-.33" x 33 ". Olda'no later than OctObcr ts, 1981 for prc.avt~tmls dcltvcryl --- ~------~--------------•, Chef 1oy..,-dce nude Set Otta P.O.b7600 I Westbury, NY11592 I I I Please send me -Ctlcf Bo'f·er«c HO Truck Sets (qi S 19.99 ach. Enclosed is my check or money cwact In the amount Of S pfui (•)four labe.ts (for each Truck Set) from II/ff Chef 8o'f·««c 15 ounce canned pasta. ·~ I Addm6 I I e ft --, ' I' . .. ! - .. . . - " "'· - - .. I ,.. ; THEm YOURSELF Send the qlM9flon. Gii • ........ to -.ui.;· Family W...tir, &t1 Lexln;ton A ... New 'l'Ofll, N.Y. 10022. Wirll P9)115 tor publ-Q>1Mtlon9. Sony, -can't --CJIMfs. FOR RJCK CERONE. N.Y Yankees catcher When !IOU pWy .... MrioUI .,. ...... -.. pme and ltde bl? -5.P., ~ All. •Baseball is my )ob and my teammates and I always go o ut on the field wtth the intention of winning. But our gut rea<:· tion Is to enjoy the game. I doubt If you will find anyone on the field just for the money. Most of us loved baseball as kids. Making a pitch for baseball We picked up bats and balls at the age of 3. and here we are doing the same thing decades later -playing the same kids' game -and getting paid for It. I think It's much more fun and less monotonous than working 9 to 5 at the same old desk under a roof with fow walls. But 11 IS still a business. to be taken seriously the same as any other. FOR SHERRY MAIHIS, Liza on lVs Search for Tomonow .. It true elm !IOU shun t..hion.tJle clod... becwt-dMY go out ol dm too eoon? -N.T., Camdm, N.J. • I prefer something that has been around for a while to an outfit right from Paris. I believe in getting good wear out of euerythjng I have. For instance. I got my money's worth out of my wedding dress. Ifs a hand-crocheted outfit, pretty but practical FOR JOHN CASSAVETES, smr of Tempest So ......, high <x.t mcMes bomb .. dw boa cA:I! -do JO'& dllak the motkMl picture .,_.,_ la P'9 down the dnln? -A.K.., Ncwwlch. Conn. • No. I love the film industry so much that I cannot find a singM! bad word to say about it. The business has its ups and downs -lots of heartbreak, but also • lots of pleasure. The more I'm in It as a n actor or direc- tor. the more devoted to it I become. FOR MARnlA SHULMAN, author of Fast Vegewnan Feasu (The Dial Press) Who wer-e the h ~? And what pert of dw wodd h• the roost vegetarians? -T.G .• Pondac, Mich. •Vegetarianism dates back to the earliest Hindu rell· glons and has included such well-known followers as Pythagoras, Rousseau and George Bernard Shaw. In- dia probably has the most vegetarians, while northern countries. such as Iceland. have rhe least FROM 1HE ·~ EDrTOR BUUETlNS: Barbra StntNnd. finish- ing up her next film, Yentl, In England, told an Interviewer that reporters often misrepresent her by saying that she con- siclers herself a superstar. always No . 1. "Actually," the funny lady said, .. a large part of me Is ordiruuy and uninterest- ing." ... From Monte Carlo comes word that Prtnc:e. Grace is not at aD pleased with what's going on between Prtncw Caroline and her latest beau, Argentine tennis srar Guillermo VllM. Nor does she approve of the photos showing her daughter In nightclubs, decked out in revealing dodiing .... Japan's Image as a nation of superworMers is totally un- founded, according to an international prodlldivity report recently released. h stat.es that Americans. Belgjans. the French and West Germans work harder. The only ones that the Japanese beat are the British .... To honor H1s Holiness. P\men, Patriarch of Moscow and AD Russia, on the OCX'4Sion d his first visit to the United States, Rabbi Arthur Schneler. president of the Appeal of Consdence Foundation, said: "'Welc:ome to the Red App&e -uh. J mean -the Big Apple." ... OUTA THIS WORLD: Drew &eny. more. 7-year-old star of £. T.. cndced up the aowd at a restaurant when, in answer to what she was up to, the little toot solemnly anno unced, "rm in town fqr other business pro- positions." ... More extra- terrestrial tidbits: Robm M.c::naugbaon. 15, the older brother in£. T.. has co-authored a book with his dad. Act Now: An Actors Guide to &eaJdng·ln (Global Publishing) . . . . AUTHORS: Country·westem star Mel TUiia appears to be heed.Ing hints of hunily and fans and will wrtte h.ls life story .... Stew Krantz. TJlts moVk! producer and husband of novelist .ludlth Knna. feek a booM (Including his novel, Skycastle) has a better chance for suc:oess If the main character is a female: "Readers are interested In women In business, entertainment, or any professk>n. But a woman is stlll seen as a sex object. Take Jalldce Sandra 0.,, ()'Con. nm. When she was swom in, 0'6ef ~ Burger gave her a kiss, as did Plitllded Reaoain-rd like to see either of them do that to a male appointee." . . . Actress- singer Eartha Kitt Is working o n three novels simultaneously -A T01t Isn't o Sweet. 13 Con Be Dangerous and The Art of Being Ordinary. PRO 8111 Rodgers. 1976 Olympic marathon runner PRO Ano con CON WUUam E. Simon, president. U.S Olympic Committee Ir should be the US Govern ment's responslbility to subsidize its Olympic hopefuls because these athletes are virtually ambassadors representing our counrry. A coor· dlnated. prof esslonal approach toward aiding our athletes' de- velop ment can only be achieved when o ur athletic system has the support of Its major source of strength -the Govern- ment As a step in !he right direction, I also endorse the idea of a volunrary contribution 10 the U.S Olym· pie Co mmittee. to be noted on our tax retums. Should the Federal Government SulMldtu Potential U.S. Olympic Athletea? The U.S . Olympic Committee ls proud that Its mission o n behalf of the Olympic movement Is financed by the private sector, demonstrat· Ing the desire of aU Americans to keep politics out of the Olympics. The U.S.O .C. remalns committed to raising the necessary funds to find. traJn , select and enter the fin- est amateur athletes In all domestic and lntematlonal competttlon leading to the Olympic; Gemes. We are the only nation that has successfully financed Its own Olympic e~orts without Governmental help. ~ I I I I . I OFFICIAL SWEEPSTAKES RULES 1. To enter the aw11~ ---c•lr. .,.. the_,. coupon by December 31, 1182. & NO PURCHAIE NECD- SAAY. ALTERNATE MEANS OF ENTRY; on a 3" x 511 piece of...,_,_... JO'lr MIM, eddlw, zip code end the word9, ,.,._... ..... AIMrlce hnp ltllt II" Send your entry to .. .._... ._ ~ Sw11P.-•," P.O. Box 51, N. Y., N. Y. 10048. e.... • °"911 •you~. but MCh entry mu9t be meHed ~Al...._ muet be pci tu..ucl b;0.1mllerl1, 1982 to be eliglble. a. WlnMra wit be 11l1cted on April 29, 1113 In•,........ 6aw41 .. b; Sii dlla Km1e, Ille.; •Independent judging orgenlDtioli, whoM decilloae .. flML ,._...le not,...,......._ for •1..-. lclllt or cllm111ll ••I• Odde of winning will be determined by number of ••b._ ,.......... 4. One pra to • ....._ Al IM*atlle ..._ .... _.. ' 1eeponelblltf of the w11...er. L Swn~ le open to .. U.S. n1ldenta eK01Pt eMJlaJHI of 11-...... Co., l9llr fl •11• .......... end 8991~ All ........ ....., end locel ~· ........... ....,be .......... to ----••••• of elglbflty end rel1111 Vold wtler'9 prohibbd, taxed or reetnctecl ~ lew. e. for• Ill of._..,._ wllw--, _..a 1aa o •II. Mlf eddr111ed .w..,_ to: Neetl6 lllee America SwHpet8kel W'..w_.., P.O. Boa 111, N.Y., N. Y. 10CM8. NIS'ni CllUNCH ••• ClllAMY MILK CHOCOLAll AND C1t1SPY atUNCHllS. Madame Ran1 Runs the Sho1N Whether firing her stepson or acqultfng a new quartetbaclc, glamorous, controversial Geotgla Frontiere has made the Rams her own. BYTEDGREEN eorgia Frontiere's private office at Ram Park in Anaheim, Ca!Jf., has a mirrored wet bar, soft. blue carpeting. a salmon-and-coral antique couch and an endosed outdoor patio with vines and Ficus trees lending a California touch. She is justifiably proud of the place, which is more like a small. swank Manhattan apartment than most small. swank Manhattan apartments. But what she's really proud of there Is a blown-up copy of a Berty's World comic strip. The strip pictures a little boy and gtrl talking. He is dressed like a football player. She speculates that maybe he11 be a rich , famous football star some- day, with girls chasing him . He says. "Yeah, and maybe you 11 be a cheerleader." To which she rephes: "Are you kidding? Maybe 111 OWN the football team and maybe I'll let YOU play out your option." WeD. Georgia Frontiere does own a football team and has let stars play out their options, and maybe the strip is her way of pointing out that - no matter what her attics say -she's in charge, that she owns and runs the Los Angeles Rams, that she's In command. doing It Sinatra-style. Her way. Frontiere's leadership, qualifications and colorful past. along with her high style of living and some- what unconventional personaltty, have all come under intense scrutiny ever since the platinum blonde with a show-business badqJound inherited the glamorous National Football league franchise, valued at $50 million. and a Jot more &om her late (mth) hwband, CmroU Rosenbloom. Rosenbloom drowned in riptides off the Florid.a coast while swimming In Aprtl 1979. His death at age 72 made his widow the first female owner In N.F.L. history. And It thrust her, headftrst. Into the macho and previously aD~male world of pro football, where the best-known I e FAMILY WEEKLY. le!>t..,..,.. 12, !tu women before Frontiere were the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. When Lorinda de RouJet stepped down as president of baseball's New York Mets in the winter of 1980. it left Georgia as the only female chief executtve of a major sports franchise In the United States. Whether she was even dose to ready for such a heady role Is c:ertainJy open to question; In fairness, how could she have been re~y when her football experience prior to Rosenbloom's death consisted ol attending games and maybe discWISlng the operation wtth him. every now and then, when he felt like It? She undoubtedly knows more fOQtball than one writer implied when he said she 1N0ukin 't know a face mask from a face lift, bu1 running the L.A. Rams. well . that's another story. But what Georgia really wasn't ready for was the aitidsm. The persistent reminders of her past, par- ticularly the six -now seven -marriages (she married composer-lyricist Dominic FronHere, an old famUy friend, 14 months after Rosenbloom's Thew~ town:. ta/kin' about that Jona boy: death) . Then there are those stones that portray her as a chorus girt who lucked Into own1ng a foot- ball team. ft dldn 't help her Image when her first major move, four months after Inheriting the Rams, was to ftre her popular stepson, Steve Frontien thought enough of &rt to lure him from the Coils /CK $2 mlllfon ouer ft~ years. Rosenbloom , who had been running the club day to day under the tide of vice president. That cllmaxed a family feud rooted deeply In both their pasts, a potboiler with all the elements of a 1V soap. "I fear people will think the worst -that I'm just the ugly stepmother," she said then. She was right. Many people do think the worst, lnduding the press, which has often vilified her. "People don't realize she's a very sensitive per- son," says her newest press aide and trouble- shooter, Les MarshaD . "Essentialy, you're talking about somebody who was a housewife. Suddenly, that housewife Is running a team that's a local In· stitution and in the national limelight. You don't build thick sl<in o vernight." "Changes happen no matter what," says Georgia. "Ufe Is fuD of change. It's just more ap· parent because I'm a woman. If a man had come In and fired everybody, nobody would have saki a thing." Then again, Georgia brings some of the prob- lems on herself. She was more than an hour late to CarroD Rosenbloom's funeral and 55 minutes late to the wake back In Los Angeles, which she hosted. She showed up at training camp that first summer and tried to Ingratiate herse.lf by tossing a football around and kicking 6eld goals with players. And later, she dlspented some rather off-the-wall ad- vice. Try star safety Nolan CromweD at quarter- back, she said, and run a wishbone offense, popu- lar In oolege but unheard of In the N.F.L. Tell the players ru pay f()f singing and d.andng leaeons to enhance their c.veers. She even told former Ram quarterback Pat Haden, who had been having finger and hand problems, to take karate so he could give onrushing def enslve linemen a little chop In the chest to keep them away. The first year she owned the team. she also had her personal publicist write a Bowery. press guide biography, aedltlng her with fame In musbls, musical comedy and light opera, expertise In skl:lng and skating, betng a poet of note and havtng a six- stroke golf handicap -from the men's tees. lt also fibbed about her age (now 53) by nine years. She has changed publicists several times since and the bk:>s have been toned down. F rontiere's image -and the Rams them· selves -appeared to htt rock bottom last season. The dub failed to re-sign three key stars. letting Jack Reyno&ds, Bob Brudzin- skl and Vince Fmagamo leave for greener ($) pestura. Then I 519'*i, cut and lf9"led again a week later defensive end Med Dryer. a popular, 13-year veteran and team lead. who wound up hts career, lgnomtnlou.lv. on the bench. Dryer then sued the Ramt for beck pay, breach of contract and damaged reputation. And ftnaly, a team that had made the playoffs ~ ~ years, quallfytng for the SUP" Bowl duitng Georgia'• ftnt year at the helm, fd apst on the fteJd, ftnlshlng wMh .. wont record (6-10) In 17 years. \\'hen the 11MOr1 ended, di.en*>n hung over the entire organi1.ation lke-a doud of Ctlfor- .. hanges happen," says Georgia. "Life is full of change. If a man had come in and fired everybody, nobody would have said a thing." nla smog. The problem, Fronttere says In retrospect, was that she delegated too much responsibility to everybody else. So since last January, when she ordered regular staff nlfftfngs that she now chairs herself, aides say she has taken a truly active role for the ftrst time. "Owning the Rams Is a 24-hour-a-day job," she says. "I can't go anywhere without thinking about the team. lt's my life." h was her dedsk>n , sow-oes say, to retain head coach Ray Malavasl, whose job Is perenJally rumored to be In jeopardy. Her dedslon to sutp longtime penonnel man Don Klosterman of his ttde of general manager, dropping htm to a paid consul- tant who Is rarely consUJted. Her decisions to hire former Ram receiver Jack Snow as an assistant coach, to upgrade the Ram pension plan, to organize a tribute to Merlin Olsen, the Rams' fonner aD -Pro defensive tackle. And her decision to set up ~ dance classes for players and other team personnel. GeorgSa even hand.led the negotiations that brought quarterl>ack Bert Jones In the much- tall<ed-about trade from Ballimore last April, deal- ings that Frontiere calls 'ihe ftnt negotiating rve done from start to ftnlsh without anybody's help." Indeed. the Rams eventually signed Jones for $2 million over 5 years -lets than the Colts offered him. Signing glamorous quartabacks to multtyear contracts, and then posing wtth them for nation-'· magazine covers, Is a long, long way from Fron- tiere's humble beglnnlngl. Born Georgia Jrwtn and railed In St. Louts, she was In show biz by the time she was old enough to carry a tune. She and her mother, who blDed themselves as the Pamela 5'1ters, reioc..d In n.tno. Calif .• and sang anywhere they could get 1 gig -tteakhoUMS, beer joints, bowllng alleys, car- lot o~. farm·machinery lhows, even drtw-ln movla. The act held tog.th.r until the 1950'1. Geolgla'a f'nt marrtage, at 15, wat qulddy en· nulled, and Mr MCOnd hutband was klDed by a bua In San Frendtc:o. She mam.d htr thrd hUlbend In ~9 •• 21, but Wt him b the brW\t ._..A! the time, the bright IWltl mant. job In SICl'amtn· (OOttdtllltd) MMIU W191Ci.Y, 11$<11 :• ti, -•' EAGLE BAY'S w indbreake r-warmer "Coaches Jackets'' Nylon Shell-Fully 100°/o Cotton Flannel Lined $1095* adctS1.50ea shipping & handling 2 $199.0* ~~E f ()( add $3.00 shipping & handling •Sizes XL and XXL are $11.95 or 2 for $21.90 Year Around Comfort The 100% Nyion Shett grves wind resistant and water repelling protectJOn fall. w1ntef, and spnng. The 100% Cotton Flannel Lining adds that baby soft touch next to your skin. keeping you warm even during cold fall evenings at the ball games • , Look at all these Features fOf' Her onty -a special hid&+way hood two roomy inside pockets and extra room in bust and hip. FOf' both Him and Her. Easy open and close snaps Wind & rain stopping elastic cuff Raglan "no-bind" sleeve setting L..ming fOI' sleeves arid full body Two big set-in. flannel lined pockets Extra length fOf body protection Draw stnng bottom to block out cold Easy Care Yes! Even with all these great features you still get one more. Just machine wash low temperature. and hang up to dry Use Your Charge Card •VIS4•1.• P lease fill in your card '---'----"---' number on the order form. • Sports Enthusiasts! Wear these wind resistant - water repellent super warm all weather jackets to your· favorite sports events. All fall and thru the spring you'll love these versitile wear everywhere jackets. Joggers & Walkers! Yes! Men and Women can n<JN enjoy the benefits these lightweight weather protectors have always offered men. Canythem with you fMMY- where. Yes! we_ serve clubs and groups. Write us and let us help meet your needs. FREE GIFT! with every order. Yon to keep even If you choose to return the jacket P'RONTl•RI! (conllnu~d) to. Calif . as a $40-a-week chorus girl. Two more mamages followed. Aher working as a TV weather girl and lounge singer in Miami, her career peaked in the late SO's in New York with a two-week job as the To- day girl on Dave Garroway's Today Show. She also played the lead in Oklahoma on the Northeast theater circuit and sang in hotels and lounges in Canada and Europe. Along the way she met Carroll Ro- senbloom. a strong-willed, patriarchal multlmtlUonalre (oil. real estate) who then owned the Baltimore Colts. (He swapped the Colts for the Rams in 1972 in a shrewd tax-saving deal). Rosenbloom adored Georgia. and their affair -he was married and the father of three children with his first wife -was an open secret. Eventual- ly, he married Georgia in 1966. Dur- Stepson Steve found himself in a wicked situation. ing the course of their relationship. they had two children. Lucia. now 21, and Chip, 18. To give you an idea of how power- ful Rosenbloom was, he was on the phone for 45 minutes with his old friend. Joseph Kennedy, the night J.F.K. was elected. The next day, C .R.. as he was called. was photographed tossing a football on the Kennedy's Hyannis Port , Mass. lawn Georgia was constantly at C.R.'s side untU his death, throwing elaborate dinner parties. playing the effervescent hostess. but staying very much In the background as far as the Ram operation went. That all changed, of course. the day Rosenbloom drowned. His will left Georgia 70 percent of the team, wfth 6 percent going to each of the five surviving children. Georgia subse- quently bought up the other 30 per- cent and is now 100 percent owner and club president. Georgia insists that Carroll had groomed her well for the job. "I always knew I'd own this team some- day," she said shortly after C .R. died. She was In the tennis cabin, behind the tennis court on the grounds of their palatial. heavily wooded home on five and a half aaes In exclusive Bel-Air, where she and Domlnk: now bve. "Carroll would always encourage me to go to the office and to find out everything, even what paper clips cost. He drummed football Into me to such an extent, gave me so many In - FAMILY Wl!EKLY. $91>1..,,be< 12, 11182 • 9 structions, that I was completely prepared to become an owner." Some, though. believe Fronnere is still not up to the job, arguing that she is a mere figurehead and others really make the key decisions. Steve Rosen- bloom. for one, says now. "I believe ln active ownership, but I also think It should be proportionate with an owner's knowledge and capabUltles. Sure, they took my name out of the program. tarred and feathered me and sent me on my way, but they can ne\ler take away the most Important part -that the people who count know exactly what's going on with the Rams. (conliflued) •To find out just where you stand on all your family insurance, check with State Farm: State Fann agent Terry Cropp, Tucson, Arizona. "Today's changing economy is affecting a lot of people's insurance protection. That's why families and individuals alike feel so reassured when they get the State Fann Family Insurance Checkup. It doesn't cost anything. Whether you're insured with State Fann or not, we'U review all your coverages and needs. Life, health, home and car. Get the Family Insurance Checkup. You'll be glad when you know where you stand, too." Check your Yellow Pages now for the State Fann Agent near you and set up an appointment for the Family Insurance Checkup today. SfAfl •AIM IHllUUIC~ Like a good neiahbor, State Farm is there. STATE F'ARM INSURANCE COMPANll:!S "-' lMlcn. -----._ ~ I I I • l'RONTl•Ra (continued) "It's funny how the press makes Images. There are hollow people with big im- ages. ~hUe the others do the work. For these critics, just who is actually quarterbacking the Rams off the field ls as much a guessing game as who is quarterbacking them on it perenniaUy is. Some say it ls husband Dominic, 51. a funny, fast · talking, convivial Italian whose aedtts Include the score to the rum The Stunt Mon and the 1V show Vega$. He is also believed to be taking a very active in - terest in the football business. Others say the man run- ning the Rams from afar is Hugh Culverhouse. owner Georgia, who dabbles In the occult, mysteriously waves her hand over Haden's injured leg. "I thought she was nuts," says Haden. "But then the X-rays came back negative." of the Tampa Bay Buc- caneers and a co-executor of the Rosenbloom estate The Rams' newly streamlined, bUdget-minded operation is extraordinarily similar to that of the Buccaneers. sources say. Someone even coined a phrase -the Culverhouse Cdhnection. Both Dominic Frontlere and Culverhouse steadfastly deny their roles are anything other than advisory. and Georgie Insists, "J ask Dominic's advice. but not to where he'd ever upstage me." Georgia and Dominic. meanwhile, spent six weeks this summer in London, where they maintain a townhouse and m1x with royalty. Georgia's new love Is a 4-year-old thoroughbred mare named Ardross: the horse won a handful of races 10 • FAMILY WfEl(lY, &.p1emtM1• 12 1982 in Europe before finishing se- cond to a horse owned by Queen EliJabeth ll. Second to the Qtieen 's horse and third in the N.F.C. West may not be exactly what Georgia had in mmd, but that's show biz The bottom One on one of the nation's more powerful women Is not easy to f\nd . She picks up the tab for cost- ly dialysis treatments for a Rams public relations man with kidney problems, lavishes gifts on star defen- sive end Jack Youngblood when he's hospitalized after surgery, sends a private Lear jet back to West Virginia to fly halfback Wendell Tyler home after an auto accident and spares no expense buUdlng the Rams' new training head- quarters, a converted ele- mentary school in Anaheim. _ But then she turns around Now there's a word that's music to your ears. And it means you can try a can of Happy Daya moist amokeleu tobacco. for free. Just fill out the coupon, send it in. and we'll send you a can. along with a moist smokeless tobacco question and answer booklet. A pinch between your cheek and gum l1 all it takes to give you real tobacco pleasure without Ughting up. So have a dip on us. You ·n find it's o hGrd act to follow. r--------------------------------, I FOi YOUR FREE CM OF HAPPY DAYS FILI. OUT AND SElfD TO: I 1 1 ·smokeleaa Tobacco•, P.O. Bo~ 2900. Grwenwlcb, ~ 06830. 1 1 I certify that I am __ yean of age! I Name: I I Adctr.a: I I City: I I State: p: I I 'Dti.pboae No. I ! rwm A pinch is all it takes! i, L ~ "~~A1~~~~~·~~~9!!'.i'"!.?-~'?..~~"!!.?~~!!'*~~~u~ ~~'°..!J..J and refuses to shell out what amounts to a drop in the bucket to keep three stars ... and her team disin- tegrates on the field. Georgia give.s Nolan Cromwell an unasked for raise ... and Georgia, who dabbles In the occuh (she says she's talked to Carroll's spirit), mysteri- o'1sly waves a hand et haH- time over Haden's injured leg, which ls believed to be broken. "I thought for sure she was nuts," Haden says. '11len, tnc:redJbly, after the doctors told nM: they were sure It was broken, the X-rays were neg- ative." One minute. she is a shNWd. calculating busmess-- woman. the next she orders the team picture taken three or four different times until her hair and makeup look just right. "I feel very comfortable now," Georgia says as the new season approaches. "Yes. the transition has been made. After the last few years, I feel I can cope with anything, on any level. I have full charge and under- stand the entire operation. "I don't look to the outside for approval. I look to myself. And a woman In football Isn't aD bad unless you think It Is." "It's Ironic that my wtfe ls in a field they call sports," Dominic has said , .. and here we are being subjected to the most double-dealing, un- sportsmanlike conduct. Georgia has suffered &om a big case of prejudice -this ls a totally male-oriented ~ and these guys are tough. She gets more atticism than her f ah' share because she doesn't do It by the book .• She conducts her own or- chestra with her own baton." Dominic says the crttlclsm pains him because It pains Georgia. '1 ask her, 'Do you need this? Why take all this abuse? I make a good 1Mrl9; seD the team, give the money to the kids , be a composer's wtfe .' But she says no, she'll never sell. That It's her team. She taly belleva that. 1'111 So what can I do?" ..a Great Gifts 701 0-To,,._ And Moch. Much Mot'e! 96 pa8l"'> of grt'cll holtd<1v food clnd F;1fls Pt'ffet.t lo< lam1ly, friends Our 15th \ll'ilr of provid1n11 l heese. !>i!U~SI"· landv trull, nut\ THE WIS· CONSIN tHEESEMA , CdtcJlog. FREE 702 N-Nttdlecnft C.ttUop-CPt nl'•t 1 catalogs t1llt'd with needlepoint. cro)S·)t1tlh, uewel, latch hook quilts. tabled(.)(hs . .ill OM<. threads. hundreds of tool\ .ind aul.">~ll.., SI 00. refundable on rirst order THE AMEl<I· CAN NEEDLEWOMAN, ( .:11alog). Sl.00 703 Pi~! FREE pound ot tob."leto with JO-<lav fr~ trial of world bmou) Carl"\' p1Pf' Patented "Magic lnlh-\cX>ls. dn~. lnl'llCl'M 'ymlr ~ Cuaranteed lo~ wllhoot b1tP, bittern~). sludse E A CAREY. Brochure. fRH 704 ,.., ,.,._To Ordrrl ~l1zed Plioto l1gsaw Puz;des mack trom ~r n~tt""'. slide pnnt Great IO< XmcJs. h1nhdav anno~l)arv. gag grits From Sol. 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I I -1-··--··-·--·· .. ---w .......................... _" ............... --···--------·--I I I I -------·-..... ----··-............... _ ....... -......-...... -.. ---.... ....... -I 11 an•-·-·-~~.: ... -.. ~--------~~~ t ..... I w.:; Ml,__ .... ..._.~ .... , ... ,-. I Gil_ ...... _.. S 7 ___ .. _ • 2 ( % 2 I I •,.. :t.rlf'~... I I n a~ J !------·-- End-of-Summer Bounty ey mor11yn Hansen ~,- \lll~ill!!!l:=;;;:..-Those luscious. fresh vegetables won't be around much longer, so take advantage of them during these last days of summer and make one of the dellclous recipes that follow. cucumauts WITH DILL 6 C\IC\lmbcn IA cup buae or margartnc 1 tablapoon llllpped frah dill luvee ~ ltlllPOOfl Mk F-tw11ta freshly sround bWck pepper 1. Peel cucumbers. cut In half lengthwise and remove seeds with a spoon. If large. cut In half again crosswise. 2. Place cucumbers In steamer basJ<et In medium saucepan with l/2 Inch of water. Heat to bolbng. cover. reduce heat a little and steam about 5 minutes or until just teAder. 3. In ski!Jet. melt butter; stir In dill. salt and pepper. Add cucumbers and tum them in the sauc~ until well coated: tum Into serv· Ing dish. These cucumbers are delicious served with chicken or flsh dishes. • Moku 4 .ervlngs CAPOHA'IA 2 lbe ......... peeAed and cut Into ~--h~ Siik ~ cupolM oQ 2 Qlll'I ~ chopped celery ~ cup lrMlly chopped onion in cup red wine vlMgar l --,aoo....,. 2~.S Q1P1 cenned c;r home<OObd lt.isan plum tomaeo., dr-..cl I tablelpoofw tomato .,_. 6 .............. pitted and .itwred 2 ~DOI• capers 4 anchovy ..... maehed with ... °' • 1116 l' ~aa.ttak F .. C.-heh)y grOWMI bWck ,_.,.,., I taW.p a oi• ptne nuc. l. Spnnkle eggplant cubes llghtly with salt and place In a large colander or sieve to drain. Alter 30 to 45 minutes. pat the cubes dry with paper towels and set aside. 2. ln a large. heavy skillet. heat I/• cup olive oU and add celery and onion. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring. until soft. Uft Into bowl with a slotted spoon. 3. Pour remaining 1/• cup olive oil Into sam4t skillet and. owr high heat. saute the eggplant cubes In It, stlntng vigorously until they just 1ta11 to brown. · 4. Add celery-onion mixture to eggplant along with vinegar. sugar, tomatoes. tomato paste, olives, capers, anchovla, 1 t«atpOC>n salt and several good twlstS of frah pepper. Mix weD. Heat to bolling and llmmcr. stirring for 5 mlnuta. Stir In pine nutt. 5. Cover and rtfrlgnate until ready to MrVe. Caponata II an appettzlng addldon to an antlputo planer. You can alto serve caponata on a leftucc leaf bed. garnllhed with a lemon wedge and tome black oltva, 0t limply In an eanhcnware bowl ¥r4lh a crutty• lo..t of Italian brad alongeldc. Mok• about 6cup1 II e llAMILY WUKLY, e.,1 .. 1• 11, tea . Life, liberty and the pursuit of high interest.-· Getting life insurance protection is not difficult. 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I with a choice of separate accounts and a.n I ~~.3M~~~o~i1~0· Box 111 I opportunity to earn high interest, take I I a look at John Hancock Variable Life. I I I I L-------------,!J . We can help you here and now. Not just hereafter. These policies are available in those jurisdictions which permit the salt of John Hancock Variable Life lNUranCC. ... Announcing the first and only complete hardcover collection of Agatha Christie's clamc mysteries In_ an Ag•Hha Christie mystery, anyone is fair.game for foul play. And anything can be an msrrument of murder ... even a cup of tea . That's w~y people who li ke great murder m ystenes love Agatha Chnstie. Agatha C hristie is the most popular mystery writer of all time. Her classic tales of murdcr and suspense have sold over 500 million copies the world over. And now for the first. time ev:r. rou can enjoy her timeless works m bcauofu hardcover editions with The Agatha Christie M y:ster)'. Collection . Murder mysteries so good ... they're almost criminal. The Agatha Chnstil· M~ry Collection offc:r~ you and your family mys- tery reading at its very bcsc. Each classic story is fast-moving, entertaining and easy-to-read. And above all, each has a sur-pris~g and satisfying con-ACArn:tif Kr.tTlf clus1on that keeps you MYST•.RV guessing tilJ the very end! O>U.ECTlON You'll meet Agatha Christie's world - famous detectives including Jane Mar~k and Hercule Poirot. In your readings you U visit Paris, Egypt , England and other destinations where murder is always on the itinerary. And wherever you travel, you'll become involved in some of the most ingenious and diabolical plots ever invented ... "cliff-hangers" only Dame Agatha could create! Every Agatha Christie mystery offers consistently satisfying reading for young and old alike. And its yours eaCh month with ~gatha Christie MyJ!ro'. Collection. 111r d1mi< Dr1•011slrirr E.tlitio11 yo11'1l br proud 111 display. Put a little mystery in your life. The Col- lection includes all of Agatha C hristie's clas- sic mysteries including Murder on the Oriem F.xpress, Death on the Nile, And Theu Tl1ere Wt•re None, The ABC Murders, and her ever- popular " whodunit," The Murder of Roger A ckroyd. Each provides exciting and satisfy- ing reading that will stretch your powers of deductive reasoning to their hmits. A beautiful addition to your home library. Iru:_6gatha Christie Mysteo:..Q2!- k:£QQ.n is published in a magnificent Devon- shire edition that will provide b~uty and enjoyment for ~ars to come. Each attractive hardcover volume is Smythe sewn and printed on high quality acid-free pa~r so it can withstand even the most murderous treatment. Bound in Sussex blue simulated leather with distinctive gold titlins. this Collection will make a tasteful addition to your Jiving room or den. Ride th~ Orient Expreu for 10 day• without obligation. To introduce you to ~e Collccti~n, w?rc inviting you to cxam- mc the classic mystay, Murrkr oa tht Orim1 Expms, without risk or obligation. If you're not completely satisfied, just return it within tO <lays and you'll owe nothing. However, if you 're like millions of other readers around the world who thoroughly enjoy Agatha Christies thrilling tales of mystery and suspense, keep Murder on the Orieru Expres.s and pay just S7.95 plus post- age and handling. You will automatically receive future volumes once a month as chcy arc published. Each· volume is sent on the same 10-day fox'- cxa~inarion basis. No minimum purchase is required, and you may cancel your subscrip- tion at any rime. This Collection is not avail- able in any. store., It is available to you on1y throu~h this speaal offer. To IJtgin your,,.,,_ scriptron, just mail tlrt coapon IJtlow toJay. -., ._ Yes! Please smd me Mwr*r °" du OriM.t &,ms for • IQ..day frcc.cxaminacion and c:ntcr my subscripcion to ~ A ~ ~ M Cplltttiyo· If ~ eep A7r1;;;;:;,,~ Eqrts.s, will pay jtttt $7.95 plut p<lll:IF md ~-Each month, I will rtaiw one _. ciooal vC*unc on a fially tta.t.mablc JCMby fiee- cxami nation b11i1. There is no minamum num~ ot volumes ~o buy and I may caned my 1ubeaipdon at any umc. S.-NoMo.y ••• B•Act,._.yt •'* ~--------------------------~ New Double Standards Fo1 Singles "Do what I say bu1 not what t do" may be the new form of the sexual double standard. according to a study by sociology professors Dr. Ira Robin- son of the University of Georgia. and Dr. Davor Jedlicka of the University of Texas at Tyler. The old double sta11- dard, which allowed men greater sex- ual freedom than women, has virtual- ly disappeared. the researchers say. Since 1965. premarital sexual activity among men increased 12 percent. but the increase among women was 35 percent Yet. at the same time. a growing number of young men and women agree that premarital intercourse for both sexes is "immoral" and ~sinful." Says Dr. Jedlicka: this sexual con- tradiction -more young people en- gaging in sexual intercourse with in- creasing numbers of partners while they are more likely to say that It Is Im- moral to do so -indicates a new kind of double standard. Men seem to ex- pect stricter morality from women. and women expect stricter morality of men." In a recent, stiU-unpubhshed study, the sociologists similarly found that while members of conservative reJJ- gious groups had stricter views on sex than members of liberal rellgious groups,.there was little difference be· tween groups when il came to actual sexual behavior. "What it comes down to," says Dr. Jedlicka, .. is a growing tendency of people to expect higher standards from others than from themselves. The question is whether this shows }ust inconsistency, or a good deal of hypocnsy." Wotking Against Harassment Although there are StJong local and national laws against sexual har- assment on rhe )Ob. going to court can be costly and time consuming Women and men who feel they are being harassed might be better off us- ing tacucs designed to change the be- havior of the person annoying them. Judith Davenport . a therapist at the Santa Monica. Calif., Center for Counseling, offers these strategies for dealing with sexual harassment: • Keep a record (including ume. date. place and action) of any in- stances of harassment. Note any physical or emotional problem that occurs as a result. • Complain to a supervisor. Courts often require a plaintiff to show that he or she tried to resolve the situauon within the company first . • Organize or join an office "sup port group" that fights sexual Mms5- ment, or get help from an outside or- ganization. such as a women's group. • Don't be afraid to be firm when complaining about or reJecting sexual advances. U.S . Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder, who chaired Fed- eral hearings on sexual harassment. says the biggest problem is fear that "if you fight back. you might get fired or ger a bad reference." Says Daven- port: "There are many ways 10 say 'no· without alienating the person In· valved. For instance: The way you act toward me makes me very un- comfortable."' This type of response works well in cases of mUd or inadver- tent harassment. But repeated or delibenste incidents may need to be dealt with more severely. Love Objects Knowing which things matter most to people can help us understand them better. say two social scientists who have studied people and posses- sions. In their book. The Meaning of Things. (Cambridge University Press) psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmlhalyl and sociologist Eugene Rochberg- Hahon. both of the University of Chi- cago, report that the type of posses- sion people seem most anached to is , furniture, foUowed by an. photo- graphs. books. stereos and musi~J in - struments. In most Instances the reason given is that the object is linked to a person, a place. or a fondly re· membered experience. Men, the researchers say, mention most often objects associated with physical action such as sports equip- ment or cars. Women mostly mention objects "that allow for contempla- tion": photographs. artwork, plants. Are people who are attached to things uninterested In other people? Not at all. say the researchers. Attachmen1s to things and people seem to go together. Indeed. "people who denied meanings to objects also lacked close net-f!ll works of human relatk>nshlps." ...:I FAllllLY WHKlY, hc»Mloe! It tta e 1& Finl 1ime Ever R~! ijiiiiiiiiiiiilli "IN BX(Jf/IS/1'E MINIA7VU" lOOth Birthday • SOLID GOLD Roosevelt Dillie EaqmMte uilllln o1 • ,._... ~ Dime •• IOtW 24-kMa Gold •• •ti S«ad 1"2· 19'2, II) f .... .__..c I ', "'-'•nu-~ .... _...--°' I iii!i!P!!i!~~ dlC .,_. *"""' ,,. -..... "'-1\.... .... --imiMt -· ..iow .. Uftieed,... if c. ..... I ,_ ........... i-. ..... CL _.,...,.... 1M IOOlh .... "°'*Jolllil ..... ~'a W... ·0 0. .. .-........ .,.....,._,..,.. I c ,............ 0 ...... .,. .... ..._.We.MC . . .....,...,... oo.-n-...-.1"•--••us (f,... ea~ ..... -.n wn. ,... I I ,oadp6ectCM1 .. ~forjllllllO.Md,~ca o ::=~ _..,...,_,Ill,... .. llblldvllllaflfll ~..._ ,_a..wi. I -lftO Vlll O llllllllClli!ll 0 0.-C:.. I ..-ii1'°-•-*"'-°'.,,.~ • ...,.... I 0 __ .._ .,.,.,_.. • .,,...... lllow I ........ o.tt.,...n.C 0 'lllilr, I Clle• .... o....""". ...-. I ... ... ............ u.... I ,,...... I °'"• ........ I ... ___________ _ ......... &i.ft!!!l!....lllf!lll!! I ~ I ..... -.... ~-.~ L... ..,___..,., • ------------- SALE ~'&fl' NOW s5aa NOW ONLY $588 Here'• a doff Jmt llkeg,.,..,_ mother heel when ..... • llttle glrtl An ~ young mite that .... coflecton of an ..-. o 91,,. •a gtft ••• or to Hep for JOUf'Mlf ••• to ........ from generation to gel .. lloft. A lllOl'T WC>NaftPUL QIPTI Thia beautllul doll has the kind of quality craltsmanahlp found only In the finest heirlooms. Not a reptoduction, but genuine antiqued porcelaln. delicately hand palnWd just like 11 was over 75 years ago Her dreu Is the finest Victorian fashion, all lace and ribbons. authen11c right down to her shoes. Plus a hand-crocheted hat to set of! her golden tresses. Not 11 miniature a lull 18 in tall! Here·s a collector·a buy-of-a-lifetime you won'I wanl to m1sa. Bui our warehouse invantoty Is atrlctty hmlled and at this low price 11 sure to go fast. So hurry, order now. MONIY IACK GUAAANTH S.. this Genuine Antiqued Doll for yourHlf. Our merchandlae 11 uncon· dltionally 1uaranteed to p1 .... you In evety way or your pun:haae price refunded, (except posfal• .. handllnc). no questions. alMdt Old v-... Shop HlrwMr."' 113:St r-------&\T19'ACTION GUAltANTHD-MAIL COUl"ON TODAY w , OLD VIL.I.AK'"°"· o.,e. vz.-al MO ...,.. .-. ...,_,.,, Pa. 11111 l'IHH 1\1911 --QenulM Antiqued Dolls a•5064J> ror Ju.t p .u -" p1u. t a.to po11gp and handllr,. on full lnOM)'·bec:ti "''HT NM1ll ---------au•,.ntM. AND pleaM eneloH ,.,, l'fKE: 01" CZ541319). A.DOM• 0 SAY£ MOAE! Ord., TWO lot jlltl 111M ---------- plua 15.00 tlltOOl"9 111C1 "-llClh"9 Oft -CITY ------------_.,.beck 9u1re111.. P9tiec:I IOt lreealHM gllla. lfATI Zll' ---aMltM rr1 0 A-rlCM •• ,.,... 0 Vita 0 Clltcl lltl'I tlld .. '"' OO• fOf • )'ttr'I ... 0 CMt •••ricll9 0 Dlllel'I' CIW o~.-= tt -f11lkolor c.tttee tf ""'..\':: MO'I No, IQ. Oii!' ,ellcJ la ta .,. ... Ill I 0... . CfMlt cM OfWI en lllf'IC_., 1!!1__. .. 1 111111 crdlt lllJIOUI, DellJI Htlllt• ._ -.., ___ _.~. -. ........ iu.1 , ... ,u,.•_...,_.,,,_,tt11t110..,._ 1a--------------· eMM.1, l11e.., 1•--------------" Should You1 Teen Get Q Job? By merrle Spaeth that money Is directly related to the amount of work they do. You can loan your teen money but make him pay It back within a certain time period. ~ save? A; I recommend that a teen save be· tween 15 and 20 percent of his earn- ings. This money could be put toward higher education or a special rawi trip. IAJ Just when Inflation Is stretching family budgets to the breaking point, teen-agers seem to need more spend· ing money. For guidelines on today's teens and money, FAMILY WEEKLY talked lo Tom Taylor, co-author of Kids and Cash Solving a Parent's Dilemma. Q : How old should a teen be before a parent encourages him to seek work? A: Actually, you should encourage paid work (small tasks such as water- ing a neighbor's plants or pulling weeds) by age 7 or 8. which Is supple- mented with an allowance. By mid- teen-age years. your child should be almost weaned from the allowance and earning money regularly. Q: But there are laws restricting kids from worklng until age 16 A: Laws govern the hiring of youth in business (although the Labor Depart· ment is currently proposing to expand the hours and types of jobs that 14-and 15-year-olds are allowed to work). Sttll. teens should be able to find something that needs doing En· courage your teen to look for the un· kempt yard or the gathering of people at a garage sale, so that he can pro· pose to cut the grass or serve coffee to the group Q: How does a leen-ager know what to charge for his services? A: The parent can tell the teen that the current minimum wage (which begins at age 16) ls $3.35 an hour, or suggest that the teen-ager call around to see what the going rate for odd jobs is . A parent should also caution the child to agree on a price with his employer before doing the work Q : Should a teen be responsible for his day-to-day expenses? A: Parents should be responsible for food, dothing, shelter, health care, school supplies and other essentials Certainly the teen should pay for en- tertainment, extra clothes and snacks Some purchases can be spilt between parent and teen. When my daughter wanted a horse . she had to earn $250. or half of the cost. first. Then I contributed the rest. This system works well with ma)or nonessential purchases such as a bicycle or stereo . Q : You mentioned an allowance for young teens A: A young teen·ager should receive · a monthly allotment In order to learn how to budget and pl1.10 ahead. But generally, by 16 he should be off his allowance and earning his own spending money. Q : Should parents pay their children as a reward for achievement? A: Never. Teen-agen need to know ,AMll.Y WIPl.Y, lept~ 12, Ila • 11 Q : How much money should a teen ...._.... I® 1 I :here once was a girl named Sue, Who didn'.t have much todo. Thenhermom came around \)V}th the new HandySound, Now Sue no longer feels blue. YAMAHA NOW AT LAST, YOU CAN GET IT TOO! The Amazing "Face-Lift-In-A-Jar'' Used by Hollywood Stars Who Lose Their Jobs If They Don't Look Their Best! Have you seen Tova Borgnine lately? She really looks great! In fact, according to her husband Ernest, Tova now has the skin or a teenager! And what about Ernie himself? His friends are all saying he looks younger now than he did I 0 years ago. Actually, he looks so good many of his co-stars have accused him of having a tace-lift. But Ernie hasn ., bad a face-lift and neither has his wife Tova. Both of them, howC\'cr, do have a cenain little secret. Fonunatcly, for the rest of us. this "little Hollywood secret" isn't so secret anymore. Soon it will be in stores all over the country and even now you can get it by mail! Officially, it's called TOVA '/10 but everyone in Hollywood simply refers to 11 as "Tova's Face-Lift-In-A-Jar." It is cenainly not cheap but the stars who use it say it works like magic. The whole process takes on- fy haH an hour and insiders say there is nothing like it for anybody who wants to look years younger than their actual calendar a.ge. It is easy to use. All you do is apply the cream to your face and wait. "The cream is pink when you apply it, and gradually turns white," says Tova. "After it turns white it should be removed. One of the great things abou1 it is that there is no guess wo rk. It 'knows' what to do by itself!" Mrs. Borgnine says the secret of this remarkable look-young treatment was first discovered by the Aztec Indians centuries ago. She says it comes from the roots of a very rare cactus plant and that it is 100'1t natural pure and, until Tova came into the picture, it was only available in certain very remote sections in Mexico. But what about the results? Does tt really work? Here iJ what others say: Tht rtsults art obvious!"' -Brenda Vaccaro " ... My skin lo~ thtm!" -Jesska Walttrs "TOVA 9fl hu.s a /"-Sh j u.st sho~~ fttlingl" -Conn~ Sttve11S "/ couldn't ~ mort pl~ with tltt ruults ... "/ -Mawwn IN:an "/ am ama1.td with tltt ttxturt of my/~ ... " -Jtd Alltn " ... Tova certainly has somtthi1t1 /or t~ryorrtl " -Dtbblt Reynolds " ... A total btmtty trtatm1111 as wll as an lnd11/1- i1t1, pom~rirr1 lrtat ! " -Tommy ct Jo LasOld<I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "/have not had a facelift. The only reason I look younger today than I did JO years ago is because of what my wife has discovered. " -Ernest Borgnlne N ovember J, 1981 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "My complexion is not only very Important 10 my 'arter, but 11 is considutd m1 bet f Nturr. Co~ qutntly, I guard It with my life -110 sun, watch m1 ditt, pro~r rat and the ~of marwlo~ products such as TO VA ~ '' -Joynt MNdows It goes oitand on. A complete list of everybody who uses TOVA 9'9 would fill up this entire page and it wouJd read like a virtual "Who's Who in Hollywood." Actually, many of your favorite movie and TV stars absolutely swear by it. Would you like to try this remarkable discovery? Would you like to have the beauty of youth without the expense and hassle of other methods? If IO, here's how you can try TOVA 99 without any risk at all: Simply 10 ahead and order "Tova's Secret Weapon" by mail or telephone. Then, try it out in the privacy of your borne, and take a close look at the amazing chanac you will see in your mirror! After that, if you arc not 1004Vt atisfied, simply send back the empty container and Mn. Boranine will pcrsonalJy sec to h that you act a complete re- fund with no questions asked. RtmtmMr! You can't ID# moMy but you corr I~~ off your appetlf'QJl~I It is easy to order. Just fill out the coupon below and send it to Mrs. Borpioe with your payment. Or, if you wish to order by Visa or MasterCard, you can dail (800) 824-7888 (in California dail I (800) 852-7777) and ask for Operator 471, Dept. 368. Eithtt way, your order will be sent promptly by rctum mail. Thank you. .--------------NO-RISK COUPON-------------~ TO: MRS. ERNEST BORGNINE Clo TOVA-9 Corporation 5933 Corvette St.. Dept. 368 Commerce. CA 90040 !PINN '"' 11'1 encl -IQOeyl I Dear Mra. Borgnlne: VfTAL. NOTE! C>tdlt card ord«s can be handled by pllOn• 10111 1800) 824-7888 Of, lfl CMtornia.1800) 852· 7111 and ulC IOt ()pefalOf 47( Del)( 391. "8IOMIOll " la TOU AllH Vee, I want to try your amazing TOVA 9• dlacovery that 111 trie stara.,.. calllng "Tova'• Fae• Llft·ln·A·Jar." I am encloalng S39.00 plu1 S2.75 po1tage and handllng (Total 141.75) and I under• stand I muat be 100% aallalled or that aft• 30 daya I return the empty ptoduot container and receive a complete refund with no queatlona uked, NOTE: C Check here If you wish to order by credit card. Name of card ------- Card Number -----------Expiratoo Datt ---------- Print Name X --------------- (Please sign here 1f Charging) I I t Beautiful 100% Nat\nl Cotton. soh but eYer so durable. Early American A true legacy of Earty America. This eieoant woven bedspread Is fully pre-shrunk and ma-' 'COLONIAL LOFT '' chine washab'e, with no ironing twer. Rich. full, BEDSPREADS decorator frinoe. Guatanteed. We ahlo fast. ~-;.a1...,. __________ _ • Heny-10ft-durllb6e , .... pan (lrmftm•::"'f;*!tt.~ • 100%au.lityCcleton ................ C-..Ull • MecNM _"..,.. I .... .._.. -... ==~otMtwal I ~o •.a ....... o u . o._ -- .,. •• 110. ......... ..., GU5 I Cllecn.. '-·" ---,. •• , ........ "° ... ...,m.., ... 0..1tl•11D...._IM....,M196 ...._. ------------'°"91». , ........ TS . ...., ~ I air ..... :ii, ._,...,..,.., ...... 15 ti.IS-II C V!So\OIClllS Qol l .. frft'4"""' ~Jm.(.11 FW9 AdOU~-O'o.flOISl!<-"O 0'~1 lc! a&.'lt CALl .... O'llo!IDCI0140t! J) ,.., USED CAR STRATEGIES 1\os 48 H MO& ,m l!lh DI 11111 & my·to-lollow pioall11ts lar llly1119 1 rrt1.Clust0 Cit Ptas Melt Ill ••Y illp1m1hu b0to11g lr~•I Dri.11114 lli5p!(I• DlfttU fYalAb .. tllr tll I lyStrrn Its! l!•wr ~1111; W••utri r:tc St11C1S7~11'11 50t il&ll 10 So111u!M*1 SOI Il84 t·l ~ Oqo tA 97163 TIIY THE Exp E N s Iv E MOST CIGAR TOMCCO IN THI WORLD ATllYRISK We combed the lmPof'led toe.Keo morhh 10 Jind "'-.•• Mltcl c ............... ,..., Moto·fiftO from 1<0111 plu• finest Sonto-Oomlr190 Cvbon ...ct. llencled by Cubon ••pert• Info <loon ••111"9 10< up to SI oplec.. To lftO\e ,..w friend• we'll 14"<1 you o s..mp1.. rm of 7 cllff•r..,1 ai. ... 'o•tpold. s.nd u• nothing 10< the dgoift., w•'•• wrrtt-en them off. "''' .-<I '1 lo 'o•er .;..., '°"· _._ and ••• _ ... If ""' ct.lighted ••• flHn erTlf>'Y boa lot yovt _., bad. 0..ly I to o cvot-. U.S.A. only. WAt'L9T.ro.1<ClaA T1 ·~on Oept.LLIOl I WESTeUllV H Y t t HO -,, ......... ..._...Zif'' r-----------_________ _J L ________ _J I I I I I I I I WHEN YOU ORDER BY MAIL trom comp1n1es 11111 ldvefl•M on Family Weellly, pie&M 1llOw lour to 111 wff~S to• dallvery Sometimes un•ntent •onll Oetav• occur II they dO Just wtote Llftda 111-. Fenolly W .... IJ. 141 LlllngtOfl A-ue • .._ Yortl. HY 10022 Buy Direct and Save up to 50 0/o • NEW Name Brands • Natoonal 01stribut0f • Money Back Guarantee ·Home Trial FREE CATALOG I ••-E-M-~. u• 1,. • ._-... ••7'-au onot I Rut~ me FREE '•"IOO• I~::.. --------C••Y ---S••••-Z10 __ _ ! Maio• c .. O•I carOI ICCeOllO FW .. ----------- MIMI C011P011 today for me c.talogl WIGSt>vPaulcl Dep11912 Brockton.MA.02403 ::: Seno FREE Fva Gat>af,(atalog 10 l\ddlt-SS~--------------------- L•l'V-----------~lrtlt _____ __... ,.._ __ _ Buyers Guide Old South Limp This loYely. 3-way electnc tamp with 30 lmpo11ed crystal pendants reaches back Into histoiy fOf Its exquiSlfe S1yl· tng. Rose coloring domNtes globes hand painted on mouth-blown glass. Fitted chimney NiQht ltOht in base. 23· high. 1139.95 plus S9 tor in- sured shipoino. Fll'lliture cmioo. 11. ~ Hall, Dept FW, 726 An- doY«. Allanta. GA 30327. Hot Stuff! Tired of lukewarm coffee °' tn? Heavy·gla:Zed ceramic mug sits on Its own warming plate to keep~ hot If phone rings, Of you W1$11 to sip later on, your hOt drink wHI wait '°' you. Hot plate Is 5 • square with tltc tric cOtd. 10-CMllCI mug In bkJt or rus1 Is magnetiHd on bottom to stay s.-curely on plate. 119 plu' 12.95 p&h. Pennsylvania Stltion. Dern. FW. 340 Popllf Sl, Hanoft(. PA 17 331 . FAMILY WllKLY, ~temb« 12, 1911 8 ,. ··~946 aend SJ todO)I for a FALL CATALOG and receive a $2 BONUS DISCOUNT to use on your flT.t order If you want ... •top quali1y • comfortabw flt famous labels-many in hard to find sizes ... fo..:O;uu&.OruDE.5:-o:;.-;ii;, I S740 t . S4d1 Sc •. T-A<i..... U71S •m!Ay •&ar~ •petite •half :oEnrin,..,,,,. d, .. d, ~" "' •\ ,,,c,t.,, I shoes 1'AMr ----~--------I Pit114t)-f pt .,, & accessories ... ..... Mlcdlon of 1tvlc•and ~ :Alll>kl:>'> ------------ :CITY ..,T __ ZIP---- ._.,.._..,...,.._..,...,...,.._.S~!4~:'!'°:~~~---·_c>!!~~A;~2~·~.!!_L!J •-: -.~ ;t I:,. ) ., ,.. ' BITCBOOCll SBC>a, fftC. Otpc. 41 K , Hlneham. MA 02043 .. :J!n1b wJl&·s ~-MOST EXPENSIVE BRIAR AT Olll lllSK W.comb the world'• briar mar· 119taand-'*' the h for tne wortd'9 mo11t exoenaive brl ar for our custom mad• pipe• ••Uno trorn 115 to '30. Atch grained beautln ffom the but M•<tlterJanean briar fretd1. Becau.. w.'re fu.. oota, we Mt Free ABC'S of Bowlmnting ......... 0.0..,....._ -------........ ,..... _.....,..,. 'T'MAIC I "' ......... ----- Fintofdle llanat ALMONDS Moulh-•'*'1ng. premium gr3dt ""'crop shelled California Sonpatei) Almonds ... qualll)' and laslt you "'On 't &nd in AOm! Rushed to )'OU crisp and fmh In~ wnp. 1000. guaranieed IO p~. .\full pounds onl) SI l.95. prepaid 'A1thin USA. etlde the briara th1t haY9 alight eur-• • • • r-11... (*hlch .,. guaranteed not to atl9Ct the marwloue 9m0tlir'11 • 11$6_J./b, Jlll«s •• 'Wtr CfO{> • quality). Ourtng the elack MMOn, we • sbt/kd A/MONU @SI 1.95 «ttb. • llnlah them up .. "Goodwill" oloea. c"~ "-d: .. i..ve the rugged brier grain In • /N'tfltlld ll'itbf,, ..,. .,...,. • all "8 naturat eteganea. To makt • --fJl«s Rolul«I Salt«/ • new trienda. we·u •nd you one of • --/19 RtltlSltd I nsoltwl • tMM eweat "'10klno beauties to • --f>lit!· .Vllhll"lll.N1"'"'Jls • teet emc>M at our rl1k. Send ue O H ts dltt! VOfo S nothing for the btiar, we've written • '"· M . ' ---. It oft ••• Jutt lend 11 to CO\'er oost-VISA & MASTERCARD ege and flandling. It, after you •t· • 5Wt1r•-•A111t•••llrorf!lo"t104l tr• • amokt your r:>loeiJ:'~'• not dellgtlt. • IOO>t»-.0101'-'c.11 eoo-aantrn • ed. brMll tt ln p Md mum to • ,..., •. _.. .,.u.,, • • fof rour at beck. Only 110 a cu. 1 ~FREE l9IJ,J Ctll_,,,. tomer on thlt non_,rom tranNCllon. • • U.1.A. only, • '''" • f"" wAUY ~ -U.-fiei'". iij I • .i1111l'o "' • tnBONOST.,WESTBURV,NV ''''°I • rn • I SEN0$1 .. PRINTNAME.AOOR£SSUIP • '"''-,,, • '• . I----I • t\00 Dlslria BM . Otp!J~4S • I_ _ _ _ ~ • Balctntdd. C\ 9~ \09 • !_ -- - -_J .HouRaf AllllOOds. Latchkey Blues: When Kids Come Home To an Empty House Solitude and feelings of confinement are often the lot of the youngster whose parents both work. But now community programs and concerned moms and dads are opening new doors to latchkey kids. By Suson Lapinski W earing the front-door key on a chain around his neck. 11-year-old Jeremy Uivtn comes home from school each day to an empty house. "Lonely is the word for It." says Jeremy. an only child who Is not allowed to have friends over while his parents are at work. Says Jeremy's father, Bob: "I don't like the situation. I don't think any parent does... But with no suitable after-school programs in their area of North Carolina. the Uivtns feel they have no choice. For as long as both of his parents work , Jeremy will be a so- called "latchkey ch Ud ." The label has been around since the 19th century, but the number of latchkey kids between the ages of 7 and 13 has burgeoned in recent years. Due to the dramatic increases in one- parent and two-paycheck families , there are now more than two million chUdren who fend for themselves fo1 part of every v.iorkday. And with two out of every three mothers expected to work outside the home by the end of this decade, the latchkey legion can only grow larger still. UntU recently. littJe was known about this phenomenon. Now research is under way, "survival" courses geared to latchkey kids are being offered and some communities are beginning to come up with attrac- tive alternatives. One of the new studies reveals that some latchkey children face very real emotional problems. Dr. Thomas Long. professor of education at The Cathobc University of America, and his wife, Dr. Lynette Long, asslslant professor of education at Loyola University, interviewed more than 50 latchkey kids In Washington, D.C. One child who lost her key recalled aylng on the front porch f°' hours until her mother returned from work. Another told of climbing Into a chair FNelanc• wrlt•r Su110n Lapln•kl and her hua· bond are authOl'f o/ In e Femlly Way fLmi., Brown and Co } 20 e FAMILY W£'1CLY. a.cit-W 12. IC Monv latchkey children feel locked Into lonelfnas and ~dom. and clutching her shoe as a possible weapon when she heard suspicious noises outside. Latchkey children can also auffer from being bored. Isolated and con· fined. the Longs believe. "Where Is play for these l<Jds?" asks Thomas Long. "For yean these chik:l.ren an! denied a social life at a aitkal time In their development." Kids left alone at home watched up to seven hours of televisk>n a day, according to the Longs' study. But beyond marathon lV·watch- lng, the Longs worry about the possi· ble long-term effects of "latchkeylsm": feelings of alienation leading to aca- demic failure, violence, vandalism and experlmentatlon wtth drugs and alcohol. Thomas Long says police In his area are Sfting more and more latchkey kids In trouble. But he and other experts concede that any con· elusive link between latchkey chUdren and delinquency remains hypo- thetical. What can worried latchkey parents do to minimize the rtsb? long ~­ gests that parents help structure emp- ty hours by assigning chores and sug- gesting a schedule to follow and by trying to anange for some after-echool actlvttles -scouting, dance lessons, recreation programs -to vary their kids' aolo routines. From the com- ments of~ l.n his study. he also believes that pets can help by pro- vkllng comfort and compank>nshlP In an empty houae. Above all , Long suggests that once parents return home. they should put off household dudes and "make an extended effort to get Into their chlkf s IN'Orid." Another study now in progress by Dr. Hyman Rodman, director of the Family Research Center at the Uni· versify of North Carolina at Greens· boro. reveals how nearly 1,200 latch- key mothers are trying to make the arrangement as safe as possible. The women said they worry about fires , ! forgotten keys and other frightening possibilities. But most stpy In close J touch with their chUdren by phone, have a neighbor to tum to In emergencies and have rules for the kids to follow. Among the most com- mon rules: • No one is aUowed irl the house. even friends. without prior special pennlsslon. • The door Is not to be opened when someone knocks unless the chUd is told beforehand that certain persons can be let in or unless it is someone weU known to the family. • ChUdren are given specific tasks which they are expected to do while they care for themselves. • No use of the stove or other elec- trical appliances. except for the lV. radio or record player, is allowed. • No one who calls on the tele- phone Is to be told by the chUdren that they are alone. Most latchkey mothers who have these rules told Dr. Rodman they were satisfied. if not happy, with the arrangement. Many believed that their chUdren were learning re.spon- Sibllity and self-reliance. ln some communities, parents have avoided the pltf alls of latchkeyism altogether by organizing school· based, after-class programs staffed by teacher aides. C .E.T.A. workers (Government-paid employees In ser- vice positions) and other parents. T yplcaDy, kids In these programs le.am aafts. compete In sports. eat healthful snacks -and stay out of trouble bet- ter than unsupeTVised kids. program organizen claim . • There was no such prognun In Elalne Chabock's New York City neighborhood. so she put together a survival manual for her latchkey daughter, then 11 years old. The book. co-authored With Pat FOftU- nato, which offert advice on everything from boredom to bee stings to bicycle breakdowns, wu recently pub&lhed as The O/ffdoJ Kids' Survluat Kii: How lo Do Things on Your Own (Uttle, Brown). Just as It has helped to hJl the gap for her daughttt, Leah, now 14. Chaback hopes that It Will case the prob-1'111 lems of other latchkey kids. tL.1 **LIMITED TIME ONLY: Act Now And You Can Save •280 On This $430 Complete 32-Plece Set Of Genuine Phlllppe-LaFrance Solid Copper Coo The distinguished Philippe-Lafrance worldwide .. trademark Is your guarantee of gounnet quality. **LIMITED TIME ONLY: Act now and we will send you a special discount offer toward the purchase of the complete 32-piece set of genuine Philippe-Lafrance solid copper cookware pictured below at a savings of $280. Additionally you will receive 4 selected items* worth over $65. And, as an EXTRA BONUS, we will also include with your shipment the new Philippe-Lafrance Gourmet Cookware Guide-ALL FOR ONLY $29.95 · ll't-·· ~,..._o.,e_PlP-UI -a..-....._ ............. N.Y. 111• 0 Et1cloMd 11 S21.16 plua 15 16 1hlpplng & h1ndling for the Llmhed Time Only Ptillippe-LIFrence Solid Copper Cootiw1re Pectcege deeenbed lboVe. (Total-135 IO) O Saw M.IG-EnctoMd ia l&'.15 plu1 St.16 lhl~ing & hlndllt1g for· two Cooltwere Pec:lceges 1hl~ to tM 11me lddrea. (Tolll· SCMIO) Total Enck>Md (N.Y. r-. ldd ..... tu)•------ • Sta Zip ___ _ Offef 1•plr• Maret\ 31, 1M3. Pl1111 alio. up 10 12 Mlle• fOf ll'tlpmenl..J -------------------~----- 1982 Album has dozms of interesting pallem'> for ward robe and home Gilt Section with directions. Bonus Cou pcm. $2..2.5 a copy. ( I Knit a colorful dress for her from 3·ply fingering yam. Craft 262 ha.s knit d1rect1ons for Sizes 2-8 ~ars mclu~1w Needlework Quickies Solt and dalnry dress in u.y cro- chet. Craft 319 has directions for Sizes 1 2 3 inclusive. For your faYOf1tefellow.a warm patr of crocheted slippers. Craft 791 has directions for men's sizes S. Mand L 1ncfuslw.. Treat your feet to crocheted bedsocks. Craft 756 has direc- tions for Sizes S. M and L Inclusive. 971 For Baby, a washable cotton tabard and boot ees in euy~nlL Cnlt 971 has full directions. embroidery graph Knit this anrachve bere1 from 2 ply sport ;em In your fa1A:>rite color Craft 943 has full dire<: tions.. A Oatterlng hat In 2 colors Is easy to c:roc:bet. C.raft 854 has complete directions ~booteaaresnug to weer for lounging. Cnlt 167 has dlrec:dons for .U U.. (4-9~ lnclusiw. Qochd her a preny vest with doll·trtmrned lies. Craft 546 has directions for Sizes 4·12 years lnduslw. A comf<X"table me.sh t~ per for skirts or pants Craft 428 has croc:het directions for Sizes 10.16 lnclusiw. Knit a handy ch«kerboard tote fOf yourMlf and gifts from 3-ply c:ralt and rug yam. er.ft 562 has directions for 12 x 104nch bog, ; How to Steak The White Rabbit Habit outfit works and that you have a good grasp of what you're talking about. late, you know that most people pared you are. you always find your· I f you have a tendency to run a little Or maybe no matter how well pre- will generally let you off the hook self just a little late. In this case. you after you charmingly plead for for-may simply be a chronic underesti- giveness. What you may not reaJa.e is mator of the time you need to take a that chronic lateness quietly breeds shower. get the car out and all the frustration and anger in others -and other ltttle steps involved In getting your tardiness may from here-and-now to therefore be interfering there-and-then. As a with your Job, your solution to this type of marriage and your problem. time-man· friendships. agement experts sug· The good news Is gest that you make a that chronic lateness is list and schedule each relatively easy to cor· time-consuming task rect. All it takes is will-you 'U have to perform. ingness to change -Then. if you can see (In and an understanding your own handwriting) ol what's behind your that it will take a total of particular lateness pat· I 20 minutes to get aaoss tern. ~ . town in your car (at least Psychologists point ~ ' -don't forget to allow out that there are sev· § ~ a few extra for traffic era) types of tardines6, .I Jams and the unex- each with its own un· ~ ~ pected). you aren't like- derlylng cause. One of ,_ ly to make unrealistic· the most common categories. notes ally early commitments. New York City psychotherapist Dr. What If you constantly find yourself Selma Miller, comprises people who late because you couldn't resist trying are frequently ''a littJe late" to dentist to accomplish one more errand first? appointments. dinners with in-laws or "Some people." says Stephanie Wm- other occasions they'd prefer to skip ston. author of Getting Organized altogether. If this description fits your (Warner), "like to schedule ther days type of delay. you're probably rebeU-very closely from hour to hour." This ing against what you have to do but is fine. she says, as long as you don't don't want to do. But if the unplea-let the illusJon of super-efficiency keep sant appointment is inevitable. pro · you constantly behind. She suggests aastinating will ultimately only make that you "try to drop the low priority, you feel worse. One technique for unimportant projects altogether. or overcoming this form of tardiness is to postpOne them into the indefinite offer yourself a promptness incentive future." Then you can go to your ap· (some small indulgence, perhaps a ltt· polntment punctually and with a clear de time to read or windowshop). conscience. You'll end up feeling more ln control, Or do you tend to be late when less put upon. you 're feeling angry at or doubdul If. on the other hand. you're often about the person you're meeting? late for special dates or Important Sometimes. Dr. Miller says. we keep busin~ meetings, Dr. MJlJer adds, someone waiting to "show" them how you may be stuck In the overprepara· upset we are or to pretend we don't tlon syndrome: changing and re· care In order to cover up feelings of changing your clothes. reviewing your vulnerabiliry and attachment when notes on~more time, etc. The next we're unsure of the other person. But time you're running In drdes this way. making someone wail will gQnerate try giving yourself a pep talk. Another anger ln that person -and lnvttc helpful strategy is to do a lot of the retaliation. lf you're mad or uncertain, getting ready the day before the ap· it's better to express th09e feelings. polntment. 1llat way, even If you're Clear the air and give your htend a nervous right before your date , you11 chance to respond. know (lntelJectually, at least) that the But whatever the caute of your de- Jan. Maries II tlte outltor of HELP: My Poreni. An Ol1vtng Me Crazy (At» D1111a1on of GnuNI • Durnop}, 0 ,,. ... book of copng ~ '°' '""..,..· ' lay, the most important point to reaJlzie ls that chronic tardtness Is a trait you can change and that change ls a choice you can make -starting rlll rtghtnow. ..., LOWEST PRICE EVER!!! 100· BEJJ, BRASS CHIME 1jooTINY B~LLS ~ ~ sweet, shimmering music at the gentlest brett.e! ~eamin&1olda>strandaofdcliQ~ bdla end in a duster o{ chimina brass pipes that add their own muJti- tooed a.rcomptnimcru. Delightful ro sec and hear. Haap from a1eoder chain. A full 32 inches long. .,_ OUAMllTU '!bu mus! be ~ utnMd Miii ,_ l*cNte °' ft_,.. rtfuncl Yolll lllOfttY promolly-flO Clllll(IOM -..1 : -~---------------- : UUJJ : C-24s..t- 1'11a1111A, •Jnly Olm f).._. ... ,... ........... a...~1 . ., ....... .,~~--. O SM'~"""'llfJ•21•~~ ...... .,. ..... -----------ca-................. . ...... Odld•O-wr..,..,,., ____ _ a...• o-.-r.-o -..en 01*1110.QWA CMD-.---------- 0.. .,..,---------~ ..... .... ___________ _ I Ad,,.,,,__.,, ANNOUNCING ... A Limited Edition of the Special Report on an ARTHRITIS CURE that is taking the Medical world by storm ... 5 FOODS WHICH CAN ELIMINATE ARTHRITIS PAINI DOCUMENTED PROOF This Special Report contains Documented Proof, says Or. Van Fleet, that no one need ever suffer Arthritis again I , Here Are Full 0111111 About Thia Special Reportl Let me give you, In Iese than 5 minutes, 5 foods which can almost miraculously cause you to eat away your arthritic pains- DeuFrieod: My name is James K. Van Fleet, D.C .. and I Wint tO tcU you about certain natural subc1tancu that ~IUl help ~ou set well What are •hex su~1a11ccs' £.I. pcn51ve drup With dangerous Sfde eHct:lS that tan leave you sld 11nd broke? NO' They are spc~ific foods lbal give marvdow relief 10 a.nhrilia and rbcumal1am swfc~! You tu, ii you're suffcrina from anhrtltc or rheu- m.UC like JllWl.I, I can sympethizc wtth yoo, ~cause I. too, suffered for • long umc from I.he con•tant p&to and cripplina cff«Ls of rheumatoid arthntU. TODAY l'M NO LONGER M..LS!-'RABLto.. I '"'°" Y<>U COit 1aln rrll~J. 100. 1w:1 u my p&tJcnt.s and I b&vc been abk lo do. when you follow the simple, NAT· URAL method I 1ivc you in il ~r.al Report! ll you·rc ooc or !hose who imut on 11idin1 to ldelcss medical t.ruunenu -COIUlstinJ mainly of Uptrin or drop like co.rusonc or aold inJCCtioos that can dam.qe Orp0$, caux 1ntcmal blecd.in1 and have ochtr numerous side dfccb--1 rccJ sorry for you Let mt \II)' 1h1:1 0.IJ)'. n&Jlt here and now: Thtrt' u 110 mt'dicol drug "" ch~icol compound 1ho1 will 'urc onhri1/1 ur rhc11mo1bm So I red 'l.ltry ror drua users bcca111C I know Lhcy·u continue to surfer. IJut WHY Juffu. "''hen you COit join rhc m0tt1 whv rtpt;>'t 1p1ctucMlor ~lief with m11implr. NATURAL muhud' I hose who do will cnioy frttdom from paln. ,rcatcr mobility, •nd bcll'1 htallh. Bcc:awe u far as I'm rnncemcd, or11tri1u ls "°' the fncuroblc disNM 10 manJ doct°'' 1>1111Jc It ill HOW I DllCOVUID 5 llUIAL. fOOOI THAT QM llAlva.M Ra& Tl MTIMfTll • llHEUMATllll IUFFOEUI At the tnd ot my fint year in pract.iu. lo nottecd tbal S.S"' ol my i-ticou ~ sulfcrin1 from anh- ril.IS. rbcumatism, bursitis and related disonlct"I. I, m)l'ldl, became a victim. My ldt ihouldcr was c:A- cruaatin&l1 pai.ntul, and wbc!lcver I bent over I could b.ardly straiahtco up. My finsen were ~wolkn, surr and painful E»cb morrun1 I bad to run hot wai<r o~er lbcm before they would function at all SlOcc I am a chiropractor, my bands arc my livina. so I knew I bad to find an UllWU. I IOOn fou.nd that standard mcdjcaJ I.ext.boob bad oo answcn for me. I I.hen cuf'Md to the fidd ol nutrition. Within a coco· perativcly sboft time, I learned bow to rclic~e mJ IOre and achin1 joinu and mwcla. What it all boils down to it .S ipcci/i.: foods tbac ba~ bclpcd me and my pat.icou-.nd thAt can also btlp Y'OU-Plll m•~clous rdief from arthnt.b and rheumat.lsml l The ftnt b t.lw oil ol • COllUl>OC1 o" L Not on I y "'' U du& oU help )'OUr rbcumallsm 01 anhri11s. but 11 cu abo improve your acncral vitality, dear up your cocn.,iexlon and in.kc your hair shine. I di.> ~red 1t quite accidcotally when a patient ca.me to me troubled with 1mPotcncc I recommended tbJs Oil bccal&SC 1t ronta1ns a wx vitamin. Not only 'WU bis imJ)OWlc:c cured, buc his arthritic shoul· den were relieved. J'~e been usina it c~er since. 2. Anolbtr pkasanc lastina Oil you must take, wnh my met.bod, is ctr~ve 1n relicvrn1 the symptom. ol rbcwnallsm a.od arthritis. You xc, 11 helpa the body ablorb a ccrum nutnenL II is a ml&St In my lrutme.llL 3. Thi.II oumenl Is c:ucnuaJ to bona, for wl1bou1 it. boaa wu.U.n and tht pcl'lOll winds up with 0>tco- ponllis u well u rhcumAusm or anhntl$ That'• w'-Y you ollen -older people bospitallud with a hip or k& fracture. nus nulricnt is absolulcly necessary ror tht bcallt11 ol wou~ to prevent b&ecdioa and more. One or I.he first si&ns Chae yuu need it is tbe aJ)CIUnJ!cc ol ml&SClc cramps, often ac oiaht! 4. A common araJ.n product which. accordin1 to ~ cent labonatory ruearcb, COtttobu liv~ umOW1r• of a ~rfuJ GJtt/-11/f/n~u /octor. This food is &Uo a powerful dcto11if)lin1 •sieot. It helps pro• idc re· sist.an« to disox, and is cspccialJy effective In arthritis, fibrollus, nnritis, and bronchitis. I flm learned of it.a value tn rcUcvin1 arthritis from a palicot with rbcwnatoid uthritit -a t.d cax. With this &111Uin1 $\lhlwlcc, be .,., 900ll out ot bis wlwclchalr and compklcly free or pain. S. A delicious fruit I late In all caas of utbntis, rbcu· matism, and iout. I fl,. beard about this reoxdy from my Aunt Martha, who Uva in the Ozarb. She b oearty 90 now. but s1IU extrc.mdy active. She W1'0Cc me at °"" to tell me a.bout how she aired her aliment at home, wllb Lbis delicious fru.iL II THAT AU naE IS TO m Basically, that'• iL No enemas. oo hanh exercUcs, no biau and bctJ.er pills. DO upcmive diat bcrmy, 'lfhirtpool, ~ti or hocus pocus. lfY RLEI W FILUD wmt CAlll TKAT Rf.AD Lin mACI Ell Does Happiness TakeWo1k? By John E. Gibson TRUE OR FALSE? 1. Today's "me generation" tends to be more self-involved than outgoing and giving. We are more concerned with personal health and professional success than with relating to others. 2. The extent to which you enjoy sat- isfaction in life or suffer frustration depends in large part on what type of personality traits you have and, espe- cially, on your outlook. 3. l'tato was on target when he observed that "the life which Is unex- amined is not worth living." 4. Working for a living can add mean- ing to a person's life and contribute to an overall feeling of satisfaction. 5. A brush with death -such as a near-fatal accident-can be the best thing that ever happened to you, making you appreciate life in a start!· ing new way, so that you find It more satisfying, rewarding and fulfilling in every asped. ANSWERS 1. False. A team of behaVior special· ists at California State University sur· veyed men and women ranging in age from 30 to 60 years. The subjects were asked to "write about, rank in order and give examples of each of the strongest meanings In their life " Only 3 percent of the subjeds report· ed that nothing gave meaning to their lives. The category of relationships (with spouse. famUy, sweethearts and friends) was most often reported. This was followed by be.lief (philosophy of Jtfe or religion). Health (a feeling of mental and physical well-being) came In thtrd, followed by growth (a sense of progress and personal develop· ment). Afth was life work (success in profession or avocation). followed by service rendered to others and under· standing (of self and the various pro- blems and situations in everyday life). 2. True . A study entitled "Deter· minants of General Life Sattsf action and Frustration," conducted by a panel of scientists at Czechoslovakia's Research institute of Psychiatry. ex- plored life satisfaction in a represen· tatlve cross-section of more than 28,000 17-to 60-year-old subjects. The researchers were testing the theory that being happy with one's lot in life stems not only from objective conditions, but also from the structure o f the penonality. Analyzing the cor- relations between personaUty traits I I I and satisfaction, the investigatoTS found that markedly dissatisfied indi· vlduals displayed definite personallty problems, while those who experienced the greatest llf e satlsf action and the least frustration had weU~nced personalities, with a minimum of in- ner conflicts. 3. True . ~Llfe Styles and the Search for the Good Llfe ," a study conducted by a team of University of Alberta psychologists which made an analysis of the ways in which individuals at- tempt to make their Uves meaningful. emphasiz.ed that the good IJfe is "a journey. not a destination, .. and that It requires the experience of Individual uniqueness that comes with the fullest use of the human capacity for con- scious seJf-reflect:lon . The investi· gators also concluded that ''the mak- ing of commitments, the striving for meaning. the challenges and the exls· tential risks" were other Important fac- tors contributing to a person's hap· piness. 4. True. As the psychologists who di- rected the University of Alberta study discovered. work is an essential part of the human identity. The Invest!· gators put it succinctly when they wrote. "Since work is lne><tricably tied to what it means to be alive. It becomes a focal point for humans at- tempting to find meaning in life, Whether a laborer. teacher, philoso· pher. or clerk. humans become eco- nomically, Ideologically, socially, and. most importantly, personally Identified by the kind of work they do." The re- searchers also noted that almost every occupatio n provides meaning 10 someone 5. True. A University of Iowa College of Medicine study of life changes fol· lowing narrow escape experiences. obtained accounts of life-threatening experiences and subsequent changes in the quality of life from more than 200 subjects. The researchers found that. "such experiences are related to reduced fear of death, sense of re la· tlve Invulnerability. feellng of special Importance or destiny, belief of having received special favors from God or fate , and belief in continued exls- tence." They also found that a height- ened awareness of death resulting from the experience is associated with an increased sensibility about the pre- ciousness of llfe, reevaluating prt· or1tles of life, approaching life less cautiously and more confidently and facing uncontrollable events f1W1 more passively. ..,.. FAMILY WU~l.'I', S.01~ 12. 19t2 • n Sale! Save $611 Slip into this Sensuous Satin Robe Regularly .. 25.99 owonly ' $19~~:11 0!¥~«.ip.------------~ I :.: ~------'~_1 __ , _' _'_'_'_'_1 _1 ........... -1 .. ltO By EUo1 Kaplan BOY OR GIRL? YOU Dl!CIDE A few years ago, FAMILY WEEKl.Y reported on a new procedure invented by Dr. Ronald Ericsson that Increases the odds of giving birth to a male baby. Since then. , Ericsson says, his method has resuhed in 66 male babies at 10 sperm centers around the U.S .. with a success rate of 75 to 80 percent. Now Ericsson has obtained a patent for a new method to increase the chances of giving birth to a female. In · ducing ovulation with the drug Clomki and using a sperm separation technique In 18 women has resuhed in 14 female babies, he says. Ericsson told us that In cuhures where male children are preferred, his original sex-selection method l.s a valid means of fam- ily planning. He also says both techruques are of great interest to cattJe ranchers. since heifers are needed In the dairy business. while buD calves are pref erred in the beef business. For information on U.S. facilities of- fering · the Eric:S5on techniques. send a stamped, self-ad- dres.wd envelope to: Gametrics Ltd .. P .O . Box 1507. Dept. FW. Sausalito. Calif. 94966. PROIJHET OF THI! GRIDIRON? Searching for a swefire way to correctly predict the out- come of the pro football season, we placed a caD to one Psychic George, a Long lsland. N.Y. fellow who claims 80 to 90 percent accuracy In forecasting certaln world eve.nts. "I'm pretty sharp with earthquakes and assassination attempts,'' he told us. WeU . It seems old George doesn't know too much about football. but he forged ahead any- way. and here are his playoff picks. ln the A.F.C. he likes the Oilers, Steelers, Chiefs. Seahawks and Jets ("I saw a jet plane even before you asked me the question"). In the N.F.C. he takes the Cowboys, Saints, Car- dinals, Giants and Pac.kers (''I'm seeing a lot of green") Undeterred when lnfonned that New Or· leans has never mede the playoffs In Its 15-year history, Psychic George Is picking the Saints over the Jets In the 1983 Super Bowl. "This kin~ of stuff really Isn't my strength," George. a 30-year-old phone-company em- ployee, warns. "But my accuracy Is very good In communlctltlng with the hereaft~." K • FAMILY WEEKLY. ltotlll!IOel 12. llU WOllDIWHO DRINK It's estimated that roughly one In every 10 Americans who drink has a drinklng problem. That's 10 million people. And the day Is now upon U5 when half of those problem drink- ers are women, according to Penn &ate's William Eck , an advisory board member of the National Council on Alcoholism. Eck told us that there are some key differences In the ways and reasons men and women drink. "Women drink more covertly, not on binges. They drink because they're &oneJy and men in connectk>n with emotional upsetS like divorce or a death in the (amUy. Men drink to become assertive, for courage." Alcoholism educ.alion for both sexes, though, is start· ing fM too late, Eck adds. polntlng out that over 85 pen:ent of incoming college freshmen have been active- ly drinking alcohol since high school. ~ The N...,,.,_ Me,etJM .,, t.MllltrM .--. tww -1111, r. IOCIZt PrHldent •!Id Pub"•'* Patrlctc M. Unlk'Y VI~~=·~~· MQf. Execullw Editor, A.rthu1 Cooott CM!rman E"*1tue, Monon Fr1n11 fl'.!.'!U~ci.c!..,'~• ~ ~~~~'\'. G;tyn ~ye. Pllrlce ~;of(. "AD THIS llOW Y ou know you're really Important when an elec- tronic paging beeper just isn't qukk enough to notify you that a message Is waiting. After all, then you have to get to a phone. So for you im· padent V.l:P.'s, help Is finally here. It's a new, lightweight pocket-size receiver that flashes the actual message for you to read. The Metagram receiver can flash up, line by Une, some 90 words. Messages can be sent vi.a an 800 phone number or over a computer terminal connected to a phone. The 10-ounce, battery-operated device Is currently avallabk? ln the Los Angeles and San Frandsco areas, and Charles Priddy, president of Meta Systems, says he hopes to go nationwide in major cities within 18 months. The recetvers rent for $40 to S70 a month. and current users include busy folks like Rams coach Ray Malavasi and movie mogul Dino De Laurentlis. WUTHDlllQ THI! VOLCANO The eruption of a voJcano In Mexlco last spring could have a major effect on the world's climate this winter. When El OUchon exploded, It sent sulfur dioxide into the air -maybe IO times as much as Mt. St. Helens did. These parti- des re6ect sunlight away &om the eanh, perhaps lowering average globaJ temperatures by 1 or 2 de!Jees CeJ:sius and af. fec:tlng the distrt>udon of rainfall. explains Dr. James Friend, an alJTIO... Agung: 1963 weadlcT clllrupfer. spheric chemist at Drexel University. This doesn't mean you should run out and buy an extJ1l pa of mittens. but such a change can affect crops. which are very sensittve to even slight variations In ratnhsD and length of growing season. Friend told us that the last volcano to have a significant effect on the weather was Ball's Mt. Agung. which erupted In 1963. The big daddy of recorded volcanoes was Indo- nesia's Mt. Tambora, whose eruption In 1815 caused what's been called '1be year without a summer." BIRTHDAYS (All Virgo) Sunday -Mar· garet Hamilton 80. Mon- day -Jacqueline Bisset 38: Mel Tonne 57; Clau- dette Colbert 79. 1'-dav - Clayton Moore 68. Thurs- day -Lauren Bacall 58. Peter Falk 51. Frtday - Anne Banaoft 51; John Ritter 34; W~n Burger 75. Saturday -Rohen Blake 49; Frankie Avalon 42; Greta Garbo 77. Krol] ----- FREE IOllUS ITUIS AT MO D1IA cosn Clltc• c~ fo1 ''" "°""' 11-""' .. -··-· lalf1 •1111 .,..., O<W. ., .. 1IMI '9Cllw I tr" l'lutt.c Gul<h --INIJ! 15 ORIAMEITAL TREES ..., s4• llAIKlllMi 1UllPS RlllElllES 10 .. 11.91 2 t. IJ.91 PINAL MONIY·SAVING Ofta fOlt PALl PLAN11NGI Everyone who lo•e• lo watch Dowen crow ie thriDfll with the rlorioue color and sr~eful beauty of tulips fn bloom.. TuUpe bloom in eprlnc, but ... ~ mut be planted In fall! Orckr now at theae low mooe7-ums prien. Popular •a.rietin ID a R inbc;w mix of l1a.mlAs rede. danllnr whit.M, oranp, yenow, pink and derlt ehade. ae anilable. Fut out \.Oupon and mall today! , . ,,.... \ ..__ . '~ . .,,,~ _, ·. l9CHIGM 8UL8 co .. .,..... D-1 1•W .. darf,,ClrMd........, .. 41111 ,,_ ... .,., . ~ ............... ,,.. ........ .. ... ldl ............................. If I•• ....... -.......... ,., ,... ...... ll ... fwMl ""'-l ~NIT .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ltAlt z~~~~- 0 •• 0 .. • p --------ST KE N 11nm11~-~ FO 0 H • BENSON • ELTON JOHN • FRANK SINATRA• ABBA • • OAK RIDGE BOYS • LENA HORNE • QUEEN • T l I ~~ E Hank~ .Jr. O.A: ON ,AMILY WEEl<LY, Seplembef 12, 1112 . -. i -. . i· , .. . ·" . . .... ,6 • -• I ' ... -. • p r---------1 ST ··Shmf•••'ll~-CNlt • KE ~ Ttwydoe-.._. N ~Keep T/'te Fire &lmin FO 0 H • BENSON • ELTON JOHN • FRANK SINATRA• ABBA • • OAK RIDGE BOYS • LENA HORNE • QUEEN • Tl I PR E H-a. \alllll-... STE --~..._,..,.,.. D" ON F,;t.MllY WEEKLY, Sepl..,.bef 12, 19112 t . ···-·· ·,; • .> • • •• A • -• I "' •WIL ; ES •J< ~TBE NSTAI NESI~ IN • RI ...__IK.fl • AIR : beel-..,.0.illtlc:I Al IUr .aunt~ c.h's hit Top 10 hllll (DI)~.,,,_,, Top 10 dlbuCI Smllh flUflMt Of 8eoetd. The <#wfJI L•: John Sc:.twleldilt. ~Olnc:i1Q In The Shet. pU The Mom9nt;' S. SUtWwJr; ..... CowtJo)c In The Drlww's s.t: IMnY more. ~men. ~ Q1'y nne WS 1M: mcint. ( f:!111* , -=-~ ) ( ~· ~~ ) ( ™ ~ ) ( ~ :=!E ) ( '11l!J, .... n:==..... ) ~· a.:.-.::c:~· ( ~ °"~-=~ 1 ( ~· ~ ) ( mMJ =:mw ) ( 3~25· :=.=) ( ~· ·~ 1 ( 311~. ~ ) I :( r= AT:;:,.-)(312H2•~..:-) ( ~· =:=:;: ) ( _.. ~= ) (T•'::-,::•) (lw••-*'Cro.a..n) !( ~· ~~ ) ( 31~* :r. ) ( ~· ~ ) ( 30M7!:J CHR~D ) ( =-"&':~ ) (;;;] ~-... ) ~ )( ~· ==) '.( r' ......=x,___ ) ( =.. lM(~ ... ) ( wew • 'T&lsw ) ( 2T'* '=..-:!: ) ( 'T* ::-.:::= ) ('~•· ~~) ( Ill\'* -=---=· ) ( 5". ~~ ) ( ._,. . ..r===-=-) ( ~1· ~Wt ) ( ar-· ~-) ( ~· -===-) (-;;-· -:_a.::.,:y•) ( ~72 I:-..'= ) ( ~· ·~..,.) ( iii .;&-) ( ~ --=-'S ) ( =-. .===. ) =-== ) ( 1112 • ..... =... ... )( ... _l!._2_,_-_w_,~:.:--:~~-·-) ( 1.:* ..=::= ... ) [..__r._1 ,...._ .. _il_• ______ ) ..................... _ ............... _ ... fJ130!tl TAKE11 AIU'n Of The Veer Grammy- wtnner1 No. 1 hit (Just U.) Statft1g Over: ~n: etc. No. 1 lllbt#n! The lfNllh t..f'• G.t It Up, ptus Evil w.1at: 8fNJc;Jg The Rules; Spelbound: men. Top 10 Do You Sele"'9 In Lolle; hl ~For A Uvln, pit.a /$ It Al9; ~Of "*1t many ITIOfe. (~ ~=-)( r~.::., ~'T )( ~ ~~) E'fJ:p'fr ) ( 3~3• a:=~ ) (3~-~~)(3~• ~~ )(~ ::::::=) (311340 -.U JOB. ] [ 314013• IENECARA ] [ 313577* WEAT'HER ) _ ~ s.._. a. 1'1ieA* _ _ c:!i!i!!!l ANWJNE CM I& _ _ I mt?! w I AEPOitf 3143341• .111MRO'l\&1. ( 3~• ~~ ] [ ~· ~-~ ] ~ ,,.~ . u::::LI _., ,_,... • . i..ica:=.i -·--• _________ ( 3~* -.~-)(~.:., ~) «> 1982 C<*Mlbl9 ..,._ c KENNY ROG ER S • SIMON & GARFUNKEL • THE J GEILS BAND • EDDIE RABBITT • BARRY KENNY ROGERS • SIMON & GARFUNKEL • THE • • 0 ""Pwt8ct!" ~The Slnlllh hb Momlno l'i'UI (Ht» fO tnnd new .it>um: tla9 eong: Five) .tet Modem Ott, One AIM Orldl9n Of The Moon: more ~; Pritoner: men. ( r::, nEr• )( ~· ~::r ) ( rin;Z ~) ( __ 3:..n_'o_.,_• __ ~_DW'_Dli_::l"' __ m __ ) [ J ( ] [ • -~ ] Ah.ADOllieon.-~~ 301959• TUIN~~wmt'TWO..--aMCClllDe.nOROOWlM--. 310037 -~~ Brtfge()ww~-..r.--llliJ ~ iea .. 'a IC.noc:t*( _ _ ... C'OWITMTWO~UDl--•A..-S-_ _ ~ _......, __.. _ The Soc#Jdt0t~i-- ( >Otff2• l'T'EW~] (311283•~........ ] [ 311173~ mw..a.-] ( 3129'11* TOllWJWNI) (S102H*n.O.-S ...... ..,.) _toe_M_:J_ ..,, ... ,,. _ 11m1 ,._nwt..., __ n12aa ~--U.. __ 312111 M1M""--... __ ~ \"OC.IU1'1UlY __ tB Gl'I 1.rllla _ Ciml 1MM ;::::=====s==:::l ( ~ ,::,~ ) (nun~=::.)(~~:,·-!Mr!!) 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O..,otA...._.. : : I &llJ THISTllE MIO#CWErr (3=r ~-=-= )( 310113• ~lWf'PY• J (31=•~) (:gs•~== ) !!ID =:-: I ( 310920• WCKEYGILL£Y ) ( 311870• DON~ ) ( 2918H THEIESTOf ) ( 275421 JAMES TIM.OR ) ~ CMLY._,.. , __ , JT liil YOU DON"T KNOW IR ~ Ell*..... -., ( 274043• ANNE ) ( 2:M885 CMf'OfTIRS )(~003• ~ ... .....-.... )( 27795' STlll.YOM ) (•~ -CM1 (ill) ,,. ...... -1171 CiiiJ AJA ( 270MO• c-· ~?~)(~ --=-----) ( 271285• CMUCa.., --_,o.... llT1ll '9!l.l IOGOOD )[ ~Pa~ Ill.LY JOn 52"DST'RfET ) (~ --~ .... )(~ )( ..... ~ )( 1a571 DWIAROSS ) [!BJ ..... ,~ .... m!lmJ '1IOSS" • ~_..... ..... ...,_no1_ ...... __ I I -s.no my ~on1 '" IN• 'YIM Of~ OM..,,. to c-,,.,.) 0 8-hcll ~ 0 c.aa.e. 0 Re.I~ 0 Recordlll My m..,, mu11c;a11nte<ea1 11 lcl\ecli one) , -. ,..._., '• ~,.. r ,. ,.,,.. 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