HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-14 - Orange Coast Pilot!I DRANGICDAST TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1982 River formula: Car lies abandoned in dry wu~h hPd a l !'!Oltr('r YOUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPIR ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Subtract salt, add recreation Oelly Piiot Photo by G•rt AmbroH By STEVE TRIPOLI 01 the Oelly Piiot ll•ff Though flo<x.l t·1introl hw, Usk1•11 t'l'lll1•1 stagt• w. th!' main 1ssu1· involving tht· Sant,1 Ana H1v1·r. watt•r pollul11111 1:11nlrol anJ expandl·d n·1·rt·ati11nal upporlun1lll'!> ah.o an· attral·ttng atknllon /\nu pollution 1·ffnrL\ h;w1· fix:usc:d 11n \'/hat off1c1als S(•t· as th1• ma.JUI pn·scnt .amt future thrt•:il tu thl' ravl'r 1ncreas1ng salamty uf tht· watt•r. With many rtVt'rs1d1· rc·t'rt•allunal faultt11·;, aln·ac.iy 111plat·e 111 Orangl' County. uff1n<Jls hav1· drawn up plans for work they sety would t·ompll'tt' the systl'm Howev1•r. fu1H.l111g µrobl1·ms ;rnd tlw 11•4u1s1t1· o f 1mpr oving flood euntrols an· 1kl<1y111~ implt '1 lll'rl wt1on Tht• sail problt•ni 111 till' nv1·r 1s lx'<·onian~ mun• -.1·nous fur -.evl'r.d 11·asuns. uffauals say Th1·11 :-.olul11111 11f th1· µri>bll'111 I., J1·vl'lop1n~ on st'Vl'ral fnmL-. .d!>o DH ··Bob'' Colla111ll, t h11·f of 1h .. 1•nv1r11nrn1·11tal r1•::.uun·1·s '>t't'lllln of tlw county's Env1ronm1·nt.JI Managern1·11l Ag1·nty. sJtd h1gh-s;1lt 1·1mtt·n1 d18':harg1·s llHI) th1• l'IVl'I' fro111 IWO SOUITl'S ar1· 1111' ma.ior l'ulpraL.., Most of ttw l1m1·. wlwn rtV(•r l luw IS low. about 80 pc·rn•nt of thl· wall'r n·<Jc·hmg th1· Orange Counly Watc•r D1:.Lrrl'l0s sprt·ad1ng b<isms in Anaht>1m 1s lrl':.iltod 1•ffluent. watN that alr£>ady has lx·c·n u:-.t"tl M'Vt·ral 11ml's 111 hom1·s. industry and on farms E<1ch usl' b;. humans adds an t•s\lmall'd :1~0 mlll1gn.11ns of salt pl'r It ll'r. 11ff1e1als say In this final part of a Daily Pilot series on the Santa Ana River's impact on Orange County, the focus is on actions t o c h eck 1ncrecising pollution of the water. Ill· t·:i..pla111t·d to St·hlange sail 1s a pollution thn·at bl·t·ause 1t can destroy drinking water and agricultural soil and !w1·..iu,.,1• l'Vt·n lowt'r lt'vels can aggravate c·1•rLa1n hum.Jn ailmt•nts Salt <Jlso ra1M':. c·onsumer costs because it hardens walt•r, nl'<.:c·ssllating the use o f t•.>..tra dt:tergl·nts and fabric softeners for wa:.hmg. he S<Jtd of Santa Anu Ri ver nea r propo~ed ~it .. of M•·nlone Uam . Tht: lc1rg1· dairy herds of tht• Chino an·.1. for whom ;, salty dlC'l IS part Of the• milk~ produnng n·g1ml·n. add an 1·sllrn<1tlod 50,00U ton.-. of !><lit pt·r yL·ar lo th<.· water supply at'(.'ord111g to S.mt<. Ana Watl·r!:>ht'd Pro}."<.'\ Aulhonty Manag1•r J Andn·w Sl·hlange A.c,1J<· from 1m·n •JS("(J rnonllonng or salt !See POLLUTION, Page A3l AirCal hid denied By FREDERICK SCllOl~MEllL 01 lh• Oellr Piiot Sl•ll Nl'wporl Bl'al h ba-..1·d t\1rCal hiJ" ht·<·n un!>Ul"l l'""ful 111 o h till n 1 n g ,, t n u r l " r d 1 • r I o prPvt•nt tr;in!>ft·r .,f -,01111· of 11:-. f11ghL'i Lo air earnt·rs wanting ln b<.>g1n ur <·Xp<md s1·rv1n· .al John Waym• Airport At lh1• t't>ndus111n 11f ,1 hl'anng 1 n L u s A n g t· I l· :.. M o 11 <.l a v afternoon. U S IJ1s trtl l Cour·t JudgP Tl'rry Halt.t·r Jr rule'<.! that tht.' dlrhne h<Jd not dC'rn1Jnstrat.t'Cl "1rreparablt> 1njury" and dc·niN'I A1rD.al's n:quest Delly Pilot Photo by Cheri•• Sterr An unide•nlific-d ft•male fan g•·ls dose (but not too dose ) lo male s lripper a t lhe l.nff 'top us t he bann,·d act wenl on unin tf•rrupled. Club wa ite r"-n·~lrAin ht>r h a nds from harm's way. A 11 al lorn c· y f o 1 A 11 Ca I How.1rd Privt·l l<i . .,aid JuJg1· ll .i t t< • r · ., d 1 • t· 1 ~ 11111 w 1 II IH· <1ppc·.ih·d Au-Cal n·rx·atl'llly h,1s ... ought prot1•t·t1on frum a11 Or <1ng1· C 11 u 11 l y gov 1• r nm 1· n l p I a n dC's1gn<•d tu all<wat1• f11ghb from John W aynt· A1rporl 1n an 1mp;,irt1al mannl'r to tJrrtt·rs nH't't1ng t·erta1n J<'l no1!'.t· ltm11.<1t111n standard:-. In rf'ldtcd actions Mundciv. Hat lt•r approved <1grt•t•nll'nts und1•r wh1<:h PSA and the• U S Deµ.1r1m1·nt of Jusllt't' drnppt·d th1•1r JJl'l'\'IOU ... I h.dli·11g1·-., 111 the l'nUnty'-., <111 port ,11'\'t'"'> pl.111 Tht· l,1\."'"Ull \\ .1 .. llllll<il• d Ii\ PSA 111 .Jul\ l!-181 .if1t·1 11111111\. J e l lo!-!•·~ ta il ('OIH'. Story on Pa~•· A2. sup1•rv1 .. ur .. .Jdoplt·d " 1111w abandon('J <ilTl'"" pl.111 th.;1 would h,l\'t pl'rm1tl1·d t\11(.'.d .md Ht·pulilat A1rl11w::. to < 01111111 !Hi µt'r< 1·nt of tht· ~·t d1•1>.11tu11·-.. from .John \A.'av111· A1rp1>1 I f.,1 •• thn·t· yt·.a1 p1•n11d The show goes on with no law hassl e By J ODI CADENHEAD Of the Oally Piiot 8t•ff The heat was up at tht• Laff Stop Monrlay mght "'ht•n• male d a n 1· <' 1 s en le r l a 1 n f <' ma I e aud1t·nt·1·s. but tht• rt'al hl•;1t nt·ver shnwc·d Last month the Orange County Planning Comm1ss1on ordl·red tht• rnmt·dy club at 212:l SE Bristol St 1n Sant.a Ana H1•1gh1s to s top its Monday night <;1·m1 - s1 rr p :.hows by Sept I I or f at<t· puss1blC' closure by tht• 1·ountv sheriff's department · Al the end of the 7:30 show a couple o f sheriff's officers arrived. saying they were maktng a "routine bar chN·k " But the most v1s1ble show by law enforcement came when a dancer dressed as a cop swaggered onto th<' s tage and took off his booLci The uniform Wt•n l nt'X l. "Taki• 1l off" arE.' the three most said words at th£> wc<.'klv strrp show. started thre<> vears ago to appease Monday night football widows The d<1 l1l't'~ gl't dm .. n lo t hl'a r undt·rwc•ar and tht• wom1·n naust abide by 1 wo hous(' ru It's No d<1nt·1ng with the mt>n .ind absolut(•ly nu toueh111g A t·oupll' of barl'·t'ht·sll•d rm·n WC'armg bla1:k pan!S and ,1 l'lillar bow lit• hold the• womt·n·., hand!'. as Lhey parade up to tht· :-.liig<' to let the· danc('rS n:•trirvt· rloll,1r tips fr om their mouth-.. or 1:kav;,i1ow It wal. <.1 busy night for the nii;ihtdub, dl'spilt.• ow11t·r M1kl' Calht•'s prr·d1t•t11111 lh<it m11<.;l of lhf' women would st.av honw to be With their children On tht• first day of <,('hool "It's purr comtodv .. s.ml N1k1 Bauer. :~2. o f Tustin. who with several f r1ends had manag1-d lo get a front row nng St'<il "l'vC' been hl'rt' three times 1 krww then' was a chance thev'd trv to cl()S(' tht'm down .md I ~antt•d to se<' them .. M a n v o r t h 1· v. ., m l' n compla1nerl that w<>t T <;h1rt (See STRIP. Page A2) .-INDEX-New homes plan listed Al Your SL•rv11·c· Erma Bombt"<·k Business Cavalcade Class1faro Comics Crossword IX>ath Nntwes Editorial En tc rt.a in rnC' n 1 Horoscope Intermission Ann Landers Movws Mutual Funds Natmnal NC'ws Public Not1cc'S S Cal Fcx·us Sporle; Dr Stctncrohn Stock Markets Tele>vision WC'ather World News A4 A7 84 5 A7 C5-8 87 B7 C5 A6 86 A7 B6 A7 B6 84 AJ 84,C5 AS Cl 4 A7 B5 88 A2 A3 By ROBERT BARKER Of the D•llY Pllol Steff H untington 81•a1h 1:-. th1· testmg ground for a $:! ma I hon h ome f1nan c1n~ program expectC'd to help gl't the· real <.'Slate rnarket rolling. ac't"Ordmg to a leader of area realtors. T he pilot program mvolves the use of tax -exempt mortgage revenue bonds to provide below- market 11 5 percent. 30-year mortgages on the purchase o f resale homes priced from $69,000 to $110,000 Mortgage revenue bonds have been used for the purchase of nl'w homes. But this is the first time tht• bonds havf' b<'<'n UAf'<l for resale homes in the stalt'. according lo Barry Buss1t're. pres1den1 or the 1.600-memb<.>r Huntington Beach-Founuun Valley Board or Realtors. Bussier e said the program will bring the Interest rate ~low 12 percent, a mark which he said "has l:w<.'n a psr,C'holt,~tnd 1mpa1·t arP;a lo buyers. Thr ~mil of th<' program is to hrlp low -Lo -modcratP 1neom1• persons buy their f1r:o;t homC' in the c·1ty "Out program is bl•1ng walf:ht'ti dosely throughout the· state» I believe it will help to break things o pen," Bussiere' said At't'ording to requirements of th<.' Orange County Housing Authority. which administers the program. half the $3 m1lhon in funds must be u st'd by ind1v1duals or fam1ltes whose mcomcs do not exceed $25,600 per year, The r<'rnaining 50 percent o f the money can fin&nl"e mortgages for individual s or families earning up to $32,000 annually. The program, expec~ to get under way next week, was unveiled at a press con ference Monday In Huntington Beac h attended b y Bussiere. Orange Counly Supt·rv1sor llartlt•lt Wwd1•r, Asst'mhlyman Nn!nn Frlzzclll-. H -lhmt111~lon &•a< h. and H untington Rt·ad1 Mayor Boh Mand1t M a n d 1 c· s a 1 ti l h c• C' 1 1 v h .1 d 1ntendC'cl to US<' mor·q~;igC' revC'nU<' bonds to finan('r th(' purchast' of nPw SC'n1or 1·1t1z<'n housin'g uniLci He S.'l1d the c1 ty and dt•vC'loper co uldn 't rnc•et d<.'arll11it•s. howevl•r. and stood to loM• the money ll was a t this point that lht." conce pt was developed nmpng county and cit y o fficials and realtors to change dirC'Ct1ons and use the bonds to financ·r th e purchaS<.' of resale homes The rounty sold th<· bondci and the realtors put up $135.000 for admm1strauve t'OSts B ussi e r e said that stulr legislation adopted 1n 198 l provided that up to 40 p<'rt't'nt of (See HOMES, Page A2) ( JI j 11 I ,ii S 1 d I'S J\ , 1 II d I h 1 t.d .. 1.tl g11vt·1111111·111 -...1\ 1ta1 11pl.111rn111l pl.in 111 1111 1·1 111111plws "11h tlw1r dt•111.111d-.. 1111 1·qu.d d1:-.1 rahu11011 of wh,11 .ill .1gn·1· "' .1 s< arn· t'ornrnod1ly 'h1· n11111twr of r><·rrnlll«d fl11.!ht:-. I n1111 thi• ;11qx>rt Till' 1 .. w ... u1t. h11wt·v1·1 as lal ft om ovl'r An 01 l 14 11 i;il 1-. .,, ti .. dul1·d o n d1·mand\ ol l 1111l1nt·1n.il /\1rl11ws <1nd Am1·111 .1 W1·-.,1 Airlint·s for drpartllft'" f10111 J11h11 W;iym· A1rpo11 N1•11h1•r l'arrll•r h.is m1·l 111UlllV 1rnposl'il c11nll1t11111s lo F • Mini milesto n (• 11\ 111 ,,. ,ind 4u1t·wr ,,ets. such ;,-. tli•· Mt Do111wll Douglao; OC-9 ~11 p1 ·1 Kii 1'11111 111 an1pl<·ml'nl<it1on of the pl.111 . A11Cal w <1:-. guaranteed an _,,.,.,. .. g1· 11f :!:{ 5 of the 41 Jet dq>;111u11·:-. pt•rm1lll'd daily from I ht• .11rprn I A .., ,, 1 1 ·" u 11 o f t h t' p I a n · s 1111p!1• 1111• n lat 1 on. A 1 r Ca I's ;dlo1.1t111ns \.\ tll drop 10 perc't'nt 1 ,,.,, thn-.· month!'. when flights ..i 1 1 · I r . , 11., f {· r rt· d to t' arr i er s wa111111g tu bl'gin o r expand !>t•rv11 t• L•1 Or:-m~e County. 0 •111 l'llOI Photo bJ Oaf}' A"'4WeM Mary Lor g<> l nke•s a sn a psh o t o f her da u ght<'r Grelu 's first da y of !Whoo I with teacher Chf're Ha lt'. Antics o f h e r classm a tes, whil·h may ~h ow up in yearboo ks in 12 yc·a~, nr t• on Page BI . • ' ~t~--·----....;;s~--------o-'_a_11u~e--~_o_•_•t_o_A __ 1L_Y __ P_1L_o_r_1_r_u•_•_d_•.v_._s_o.pt_•_m_b_•_,_,_~_._,_e_e_2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ ~ I ,,...~--Israel-Syria showdOwn looms Curling up Ha ndy ... rt•dri('k:-••n of ll11nli11~lon Bc•at·h clt•mon..,tralt•.., a hocl) t•url. lie· a 11cl fc·llo" t•mplo ~c·t·!'> of a Fo1111tain \'allc·)' lwalth or,.~a ni~alio11 :-.how ho\\ lo g c·t out 1lw k i11k!-> . a nd kt·t•p fit 011 P aµ;t· .\.>. crash count f i ' !i Spain I t '. !!may pass 50 dead ' . • • :: MALA<;A , Spa1 11 (AP) <:Four mot 1· l>ixl11•b ~ t•n • 1JUll1•d • 1 rom tht• wn'l-·k.1g1· o f a IX.' 111 '~ .. timer todav, but '27 p<1s.,t·ng1·rb ; :w('fl• un:Jt't:ountt'tl frn folluw111g a ~ tf1ery l'rnsh l hat kilh'(J al ll'abt 50 ; ·tuuns~ retunH11g 111 Nt·W Y•wk : :from thts Mt•d tlt·rrnncan n ·sort. ;{the c1v1l govc•r11or·, nfr1t·1· s.mf i, The bud1t•s wt•rt• n •muvl-<l from 1 r;, c·harred t.itl M'l-'111111 that h<.td )>et?n tnal't..<.'ss1blt· to f1n·nw11 unul itioday The ::..•an·h t~•nt1nu1•d and 1 ~in 0H1t·1al tn th1· nvll gnvt•rnrn .. !> ; ,o ffice said rnort• v1t·t1mb Wl'fl' : ll·ared to tw tn thP wri•t·k1·d ; ;plam>'s tatl art·a :: S pantax Atrlint·~. tht• Mudrnl ; 'based <Hr c·hartt·r 1•omµany that : ~>wried the JU111bu Jl't, agn•t•cl : ,with the govt·rrnJ1"s 11ff1t·t· on lh1• ; tt\ u m b (' r 0 r p a s s l' n g l ' r ~ : Juna<.'Countc·d for. but said lllt'y • 1were not na-essanly dead ii "They m ight b<' somt•wh1·n· • ~llll trying to get rC'COvcnod from ~!t h e s hoc k th1·y mu ~t hav1· . ' • ~uf~ered Ne1thc·1 t'a n we say for • ~ure there are nu more' corpse-s in ::ihe wn·l·kage," an a1rl1 n1• : ~pokesman said ;, The Spantax offt<.'l' 1n Nc·w :!}'.ork o n M o nday sa id ]3<! • passengers escap(:d thl• wreckage ;, n d tw o w e r I.' m 1ss1 n g A 'pokesman today said h<' could 11ot explain tht• c.JtS(TCp.'.lnt'tt>s In the figures Tia· l h.1rt1 •n ·d .1..il1111'1 plunw·d tn 1·.1r1h nm1111·11L' .i111·r th•· ll :m µ m t:I ;111 a m Pl>TJ t.1k1•11I f, t<ll t'<'llt'<I .i1·11is.-; LI l11ghw.1:r .11111 hurst 111111 fl.11111·b The 1 c1us1• 11f lht· t-r.1sh wab uncl1 ·r 111v1 ·sl1g<111on. 11fr w1.ib -..11d M1lttarv suun·1·s at th1· Malaga .11rp111.l Mo 11day tn1:n t 111n1·d 1•11g11u f.11lur{' as .J p1oh:Jbl1· <'<iUM' ,if th 1· ,I\ c 1d1· n l ..ind m ,1 n y bUrvtvurs sa 1d 1h1• plant• .1ppurl'ntly d1d11't h.1v1 • 1•11ouglt p<1w1 •r lo t.Jkt• o t t "W1• an· about tu l'rash Wt· 1·an11ot du <J11yth1ng, .111 t•nguw 1s falling," a Madnci ne ws p<tper 4uot1·d pilot .Jum1 l't'r('Z ab <Ktyang JUSl belon· tlw tT;ibh ThC' ptlut survtVl'd along with -;1x tT1•w m1·ml)l•rs A Cuban p~1 ss<'ng1·r wh11 rt ·fusl•d 111 g1vt-hl't n anw said dt·uths t'uuld have• b1:t•n t•;.ius~d lx't·c1uSt· "some of tht· pas.wngt•rs trtro to S<IVl' also ix·rsmwl tt(·ms th~y Wl're t·arrying in the· c:ab1 n .. Me>d1l·ul iwrsunn<'I J1d1•d b y c11rport 11ff1c.·1ab and r1·l,1t1vc·b of the v1l·t1ms are trying 111 1d1·nt1fy the corpws, somt· o f lhl'm said to bt> burned bt•yund fl/(:11gn1 t1un Tht' mrpsc-s hav1• bt'(•n t.ak1•n tu an airport hangar ;mJ lhost· that clH' prop<"rh· tdt·nllflC'd wtll bl· flown homc· for hurtal. 11H1nab said• BEIRUT. Lclw11u11 CAP) Tht! thrMil ut u :chowd own ht'I w1•t·n 11>11wh und Syr1un for<.-c:. lo1•111a 1n (•ui.tt·rn L l'bun on'5 Hl·kuu Vullt·y aftl'r rcputl·d lsl'ul•lt 1111 t1tr1kl·11 1111 Syn1111 und Pule11~1t\11111 tu• Kt'IJI thcrt! . Th(· luwi.t ruads Monday k1Ued :JO w ldier11 and guerrillas and left Sl'Vt•ral m1 ltu11·y cmplacemenlJI In fluntt•11, Lt:l.>11nt•sc rat.Ito stallo nB sutd l11r1.1t>l'i. mllttary comn)and i;aid t h e n 11dc r s wrecked one of Syriu'b S11v11•t made SAM -9 m1ss1lc bulleru:s and re turned home sure ty. The Syrian stitte radio s~ud the Israelis wounded two sold1t·r~ and d amaged six h euvy gun.'> Second AirCal plane loses a tail cone AtrCal m..i y want lO dredge up ;1n old a1rl1m· aclvl•rt1s1ng slogan , "Wt n ·all v 11111vt• ou r latl for y11u " · P;1ss1•ngt·r-; 1;11 board a DC>~ Su 1~·r HO arnv1ng al John Wayne Airport from S;.il'ramento were s lurtlc·d M1Jnday whe n the Ii foot ftht•rglu ss tail con e droppl•d onto lht• r unway on lwtdtng Tht· 1nt·1dt•nt m a rk ed the st·cond ttml· in r<.>l'ent months tha l a lX.' !:I t.ml 1.·one has fallen untu t ht• a1rµort runway during a landing Tltt· pn•vaous incident 1nvolvcd lkpubltc· Airlines. Ma rk P1•lt·r:,,on, A1rCal dirt'<.'tor o r l'11111 1l1UntCa ltUn S, Said the pl.11w t·drryang 1118 passengrrs a 11 d a 1· rt' w u I st x lax 1 t' d 1111rmall y to tht· ..itrp<Jrt lt·nninal T h t• t a t I l o 11 • · l o v t' r s a n l'ln1•rg1•nt·y c•xtt al lhl' rear or the ..i11t·ruft Los.' of the• tat I ('11111• dtK'S 11(1t • .rrt•<.'t tta· ~arl't y of lhl· ..itrtraft, Pc•H•r<;on :-..11d STRIP. • • From Page A 1 t'onlests are staged with few t:omplamts "I don't know why the girls t•an't hvc a good tame," said a 54-year-old Irvine woman, who askc'Ci no~to be identified. "It's not doing ny harm " The l'O nty sees differently. F1ft~G1s rt<.'t Supervisor Tom H 1 I c• y s a 1 d h c• • s rt'<' e iv£' d c.·omplamLc; from r(>stdents about t he show Ca lltt' 1s appealing the P,lanning Comm1ss1on 's ruling that no adult entert<unment be allo wed w1th1n 500 reet o f a rl'stdenual ne ighborhood to the Board uf Supl'rv1sors "What we're d omg lS a spoof or .1 <;lrtp show." said Calht• "It's a pul on It'-; no t done m the• nude." ~\\ Fog along coast .. , ,·~~~~~~~~~~- :.'(,'on."t a l Low clouds, fog ton1ghl ono Wednesday morning Fotr Wednesd•y efternoon Coast•I low 60 lnlano 6 7 Coast•t high 70 inland 76 Water ( '10 Elsewhere mostly light and vat1able winds tonight and 'Wednesday mornm9 becoming ,southwest 8 to 16 knots 1n allernoons Wmd waves I to 2 leet Combtned seas S to 8 leet 1n norlhern outer well'•~ slowly decreasing Othe1wiw $0Vthwesi swell I 10 3 leet Considerable tow Cloudiness wllh only par11a1 clearing <1flernoon and eventnQ "ours today and Wednesday 1ll .. '-;. .~ 11111111 a ry Snow lell heavdy 1n lhf' no•lhern Rnck•t'S todl\y lo depths o l 18 1nc11 e~ '" Yellowstone Na11ona1 Pl!r~ &s ll•understorms con11nucd 1n tho c;enttal Plains '"" M1U1SS•PPI Valley and northern Oklanoma lhe snow on 1ne Roc ky Mountains blo~ked roads 1n M on111ne a nd nor t h west Wyoming Schools 1n lhe resort town of Red Lodge, MOf'll • closed MOf'ldey af1er wet snow collapsed trees Of'llO power lines, c11ut11ng II pow.,. lellure Rain was tailing over p0111ons ot Colnrado and Wyoming, •nd he11v r a•n• atrucl\ centr•I Kentucl\y u the remnants of Trop1cot Storm Chrlt paned • through ; The downpours c e ueed ( ltoodlng nur St•nlord Ky ) ofllclals n ld. dem•glng t ight -buslneues end driving rasldents ! lrorn •bout 30 homa No tnjuri.11 Me•nwhlla, t roplc:•t a tor m I -• reported Oabby wea e apac:ted to s1renghll>en todey u II mtrched northweatwerd I Owerd the r • Bahamu The Storm waa toceted ~ 1811 lh•n 400 m1tea •••I· , aoutha1ut ol N11ss11u tn tho ' Behemas ; There w ttre els., wtdely • ac•lt9fed thunderstorm~ ovor tho i Texu c0Ht11t plain I Fog developed over 18rgn I 1ect1on1 ot thl! Northeast bul 1k1e1 In other 1ecllon1 were I mottly Clelt I Te mper11turea 11round the , • n•llOf'I early todly ranged lrom 3? ' In Butta, Mont to 84 In Corpus i Christi, Tex as • tali f orn ia Scwthern Callfornl•n• 1hould aapaOI light rain WadnaedlY W1th 1ome ctoudlnell. according lo the Hattonaf Weather ServlC8 Htgna In Loa ~ fN1'f rHCh 78 with 8 cou tel high ranging I lrorn I& 111 84 The mercury rt\a~ ------------------------t reach betweer• 65 and 75 on the mountains. 7S to 83 111 Owens Valley 80 '" 90 1n northern deserts ana 90 10 911 1n the low r--~r--:-:~-"T'""--r--,-----""T"'="'-"""'7.r-:=~F"''"'il dOS-Otl Boaters I"'"' Po1111 C,011cep1>on 10 1he Mt>>1ca11 bQ•de• snould e•Pe" logn1 •a11a1>le ... inds 111 tne n1gnt and mo• r11ng hours oe<.om1ng sou1nwesterty at 8 10 16 knots 1n me allernoons w1tn a I 10·3 1001 sovtnwost swell NATION Ht Lo Pep 87 SI 78 46 01 87 S6 ~-We1lt>et Se""Ct Albany AlbvQue Amarillo Ashe••lle Atlanta Atlante Ctv Aushn Bftthmore B1111nas Birmmgnm B•sma•Gk Boise Bo~1on BrownsvllP Bultalo Burlington Cespe1 Chorls1n $(, CllOrlstn WV Char111e NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnc1nna11 Ctevelond Clmb1a SC Columbus 0111 Ft Wth Dayton Denver 7S 64 79 68 77 f\S 98 79 84 61 08 NOAA US 0.01 ot Comme<c:e Des Momet Detroit Duluth El Paso Fargo Ft901t8ll Greet F111ts Har110td Helena Honolulu Houston lndnapll1 Jecksn MS Jecklnvlte K•na City Kno)(..,.flle LU Vegas Little Rock Loulsvlllfl Lubbock Mempl•IS Miami Mllw1u~~ 18 Froots:Cold ..,.. Warm ..,. 49 44 02 87 72 60 40 68 35 1\9 '>9 9S 80 89 65 88 :'i8 46 42 10 84 70 88 63 82 68 49 43 23 80 70 81 72 90 65 83 73 81 63 9 I 78 02 83 66 58 4 7 42 77 65 92 88 63 57 5 I 28 87 61 61 39 S8 42 42 32 81 S8 44 34 76 90 74 92 80 78 89 01 91 75 90 74 85 67 17 78 73 0 I 85 66 92 75 08 77 12 84 90 62 88 75 88 83 77 69 0' Mpls·St P 60 55 02 NaSIMlle 86 12 95 New Orteaf\S 91 7J I 17 New vor~ 81 67 NorfOI~ 8) 64 No P1~11e 58 •8 n Okla Coty 94 69 Omaha 58 54 JO Or tanclo 92 7 4 Pn1tadph1a 86 62 PIHJpn1• 92 56 P11tsburgh 89 66 Pttand, Me 64 S7 Piiand O"• 75 49 Prov1denc~ 78 63 Rate•ah 87 63 Reno 67 48 Sall Lelle 59 H H San Antonio 94 78 Suttle 68 49 Shrev990<1 97 7 7 0 I Stov~ Falls 58 s I 05 St Louis 78 11 58 SI p . Tampa 92 7 4 St Sle Mane 80 63 Spekene 60 42 Syracuse 87 56 Topeka 85 66 11 Tucson 84 61 Tvtsa 95 n 10 Weah1,,g1n 86 67 Wiehila 66 68 CALIFORNIA Apple v attey Bakersfield Bar Slow Beaumont Bog Bear Bishop Blythe C1t111tn11 Eure~a Freano Lal\e ArrowhMd I ancHtet 82 58 90 68 811 8ft ll 1 <;7 71 43 Ill SS 9• n 75 62 64 51 87 59 65 47 79 57 ........ 3:s--.~U..._R_f R_IP_DR ____ T hac:h Zuma S•nt• Monloa Newp0t1 Bea<lh San Diego County lurl AYg 2 2 2 2 tvrt ..... 3 3 3 3 lvrf ,.,d n 1:1 12 12 twtll Awg I ' ..... .... 2 2 2 2 ..... Ott SW SW SW w OvtlOOll tor Wadnnd•y. LJM141 cheriga ( •• Long Beach H 6S Los Angeles 73 64 Marysville 89 Monrovia 83 61 Montebt1lln 78 60 Monterey 70 56 Mt Wiison 69 49 Needle& 93 7 4 Newport Beach 73 6• Ooktand 72 54 On1at10 78 59 Palm Spt1nga 92 66 Pa9odona 77 59 Peso Robles 8 t 5:3 Riverside 58 Red Btutl 87 65 Rodwooo City 80 S8 Secrumento 85 63 Salinas n 56 Sen Bernardino 80 62 Sen Gabriel 79 59 Son Diego 74 69 San Francisco 64 S6 San Jose 79 55 S11nt11 An& 75 62 $AMiii Barbera 7'1 61 S1nt11 Marla 75 62 Sen111 Monoc11 68 62 Stock ton 89 62 Tl!hOe Valley 88 40 Thermal 94 70 Torrance 7S 61 PAN AMERICAN Acapulco 90 77 Bir badoa Bil 7 5 18 Bermuda 82 71 BOQ0111 66 46 Cur1cao 90 72 freepon 82 Ouad11l1l1r• 79 65 07 Guadeloupe 90 77 02 H•v•na 88 78 Kingston 91 78 03 Mootego BBy 90 82 16 Menllen 93 77 Martda 95 73 Mexico City 71 80 Tides TODAY Second high 7.45 pm QONlllOAY First low 2 40 a m Flrat high g 0:1 11 m Second low 2 20 p m -0.8 11.0 1.4 05 SecOf'ld htoh 8 31 pm Sun ••*• 7 01 p m , rtaa• Wadnaad•y 8 3& a m Muon 1811 S 38 p m , rlln Wednndly 4•27 e m lt wa• t he fourth tun~ alm·c Wed11t>Mduy that urael atlllckc.-d 8yrlun 1.111t.I Pult'!lt1111un pos1t1oni. in l't.'ntrul u11J t•ust.cm Lcbunun lo av•·ng(· what It culll"d vl11luti111111 ur u July i:1 ('l'lllK' fi r\! Ot'ur Zuhlc. Tcrwyd, 81m<l Nuyt<l nnd Tarahl11h One le fllat awUon ('lllll'<.i lht' &ttaCk li "lll'W f()Ullfl or rull·IK'll h: warfort•" HIJ1b lc pcnct: tn Lebanun 1m d thti pullvut or ull foreign forc.:.. Dr&})t'r, un u..gistant secre1.&.ry of ~late , plu1H1t:d to continue t:fforla by special pre1ldentlal l'nvoy Ph1l1 p C. Huhlb, who SUl'l't•11xfully nl·go llat~d the P a I l' s t I n t! L 1 b e r a t 1 o n Orgnnizatton's withdrawal from Beirut, heading off a threatened Israeli Invasion of the capital. 'l'tw rwd ulso t't1me a day uftt•r' Syr111 µut 1t11 200,000-lltrong annc.od Cort't.'8 on m&xl111u111 alt•rt, t'lu imlntt hrliel 11 the t rul·c break er In the 13 -week-o ld Lebanon war Lebanc.·se radio stations cull t.'<;I the air attack the h eavlett Israeli aasault on Syrian posltlonB In the Bekaa since the t.-ease-Cire. · • W c• r 1· m u I n 1· x l r 1· 111 t• I y t·111H't•r11 t-t.l ovt•I' 1'l•po1 t !I o f lvnttnutng m11luu y dllli~L'li 111 tht' Bt•kua," S t ute Dtparlml•nt !.!J>Ukt.'llma11 Alan Romlx•r8 said tn Wa11hlngton "T h ese at·ttonli make the situation evt•n more diHicult and dangero us a nd we ugain call on a ll involvt'd to act with the greatest rc!.ltralnt and to re frain from further military actions." The lsrat>li military command suys Syria h u v iolated the cN1sc -flre a t least 98 times, k illing 12 Israel i soldiers, w ounding 20 and capturing nine tn tht past 50 days, Syria says Israeli warplanes have flown at least 227 bombing raids on Its positions tn L ebanon since the truce They said warplanes roared over the valley for eight hours, hitting missile sites at Dahr al- Baidar and armor concentrations At the same time, President Reagan's· n ew pe ace e nvoy Morris Dr"per was bound for the Middle F.ast to begin the second phase of U S efforts to achieve a &!. l.ibt•rian aclo 1llrt• Samtwl Wille ll (center ) shares a Libe rian tlinner he pn·r,a red with his family, David a nd Kristen VVille ll, m San Juan Capis1t·ano. A s lt-pbrolht·r will beg in a l'rosS-l'Ounlry hiq ·d•· trip Saturday to puhli«izt' Samuel's 0('(lorla lion fight. Bike trek to halt deporting? By STEVE MITCHELL Of th• Delly Piiot lltett It's a desperate move, but a San Juan Cap1str;;.no cuuple hopE' their son's 2,700-mile cross-country bicycle ride will illustrate the family 's plight . David and Ruth W1llell, whose adopted Labemm son. Samuel. faces d eportation early next year. say they hope a bicycle trek by their natural son. David, will publtcaw a 10-year battle to keep Samuel m the country. David. 20, leaves the m1ss1on city Saturday for what 1s expected to be a 17 -day bicycle trip to the natton's capital where he will attempt to met't P resident Reagan. "This 1s a very spur-of-the-moment thing," his mo ther said "It's a desperation move." The Willetts adopted 27-year-old Samuel mort• than 10 years ago while the couple were serving tn the Peace Corps m Liberia. Samuel's age was arbitrarily set at 16 at the time or adoptio n . s ince he h a d n o birth certificate. But U.S. 1mm1grat1on law says the boy was too old lo b<-considered an adopted child, and Samuel was thus ine ligible for perm ane nt residence 1n the United States. He came to Southern California on a student visa. which expired more than a year ago. Sinc.-e then, the family has waged an as yet unsuc<.•essful battle with 1mm1g ration oHiclals and a Senate s ubcommitu-e to keep Samuel. Rep Robert Badham. R-Nc wport Beach. introduced a private bill that would grant Samuel adopted child status, but the bill died last year before a Senate s ubcommittee . It is currently before a House s ubcommittee for recons1dera lton But Ruth Willett h as he r doubts about the SUt'Cess or the btU Samuel has until J a n 15 to leave t he country. and the Waile tts rear the private bilJ won 't be re<'Onstdered before that deadline "Congress bre ak s Oc t. 8 for election campaigning ," Wallett pointed out. "They come back tn a lame -duck session whe re almost nothing gets done," she said. So the family 1s hoping publicity ge nerated by their son 's bike tre k might pressure Washington politt<.'ian.s to act on Samuel's case. David . who will turn 2 1 en route to Washington. plans to leave Saturday. He hopes to arrive on Oct. 7 '---one day before Congress adjourns. "We're hoping he can see the president and explain our situation," David 's mother said . The family as raasmg funds for David's trip by sell ing T -shirts emblazoned with "Save Our Samue l." the acronym being "SOS." David h opes to m eet with sever a l congressm e n while tn the n ation 's capital, including Rep. Romano Mazzoli, D-Ke ntuck y, who heads the immigration subcommittee. Mazzoli has stated in the past that he is opposed to private balls such as the one submitted in Samuel's behalf "That wiH be a tough nut to crack," Willett admits. "But we have no choice." Samuel's mother has been t o ld that generating publicity for her son is not in his best interest. "But we can't just sit around and wait for something to happen," she said. "We're going to fight this tooth and nail until we get some positive result " HOMES • • • From Page A 1 each bond 1s.-;ue muld bt> uscd ror resalc housing "But th('re was no e n tity w1llang lo assum<' the hnanc1a l respons1btl1ty for the up rront adm1n1strat1ve costs to provide runds ror rc•SIJI£' housing," he said ,.. CON GRAT ULA Friz.zcllc said he believes the f1na nc1ng program will s pa rk sales of homes and have a ripple effC'Ct in that pr('scnt property owners who a re selltng their homPs b<>cau sC' of 11 5 percent loan rates will bc buy tng new on es Wieder said she also endors<.'d the program. saying ti may replace re>qu tr e m e nts ror afrordabl<' housing. S he asserted that so-called affordable housing hasn 't proved to be a ffordable and hasn't been achieved. Bu ss1er t> said th.at the 11 5' pcrrent interest rate would result in a monthly payment of $693 on a $70,000 loan . He said 1 ~ percent on the same loan would be $885 a month. I n add iti o n . h e said the program includes a "buydown" facto r which h e said w o uld r e duce lhe loan rate to 8 .~ percent the first year, 9.~ pert.-ent the second and 10.5 percent tht' third before g oing to a n 11 .~ percent rate for the remainder of the mortgage. He said the reduced ratee could be brought a boul by large r down paymen ts. Proud family The parents and siste r, Jennie Jahos, st,a nd in fro nt of a sign at the f."'rontie r Flea Market in Ho uston congratulating their own Mis America, Debra ue Maffett, 25, o f Anaheim. Debra Suf' wo n the crown aturda ni ht. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Tu.day, September 14, 1182 NATION Nucle ar freeze push e d By Tbt' Auochtted Pren Tht· Ep1s<'1)pal l'hurd1 , lradllionally l'Uulious in its pohtkal stands, has slrnnl(ly e mbraced th{• swel ling movement for n nudt•ar arms frc-eze. Thl' E piscopal govPrntng convention, mc.•c ting an Nl·W Orleans. on Monday calll'<i for an 1mnwd1ate nul"ll·ltl 11 l'l'Ll' by t h t' s u pt· r p u w l' rs u n ti spt't•dy nl'gouatic111 111 ia Vt•r1f1ablt• 50 pl'fl'l.'nl l'L"'<.IUl'llUll tn their nuclear urm:nals Tlw churt·h also appt•ult·d tu both East and Wl·st Lo adopt polil'ies against any f 1n;t -stri k1 · USt' of nudear arms. Probe angers labor b oss WAS HINGTON Labor Secretary R aymond J Donovan. cleared for a second lime of allegations he onct• associated with mobsters, says he's angr y he had to endure..> months o f public scruuny becau se o f "groundless charges by nameless accusers." Special prosecutor LC'on Silverman concluded Monday that th e r e "remains insufficient crl•d1ble ev1dt-nc<·" o n which lo prOSC'l'Ult· Donovan on allt-gation~ of past ties to mobstc'rS when hl• was a New JerSl'Y construction ('X<'<.'UllVC. Silverman's I I I-page "f1m1l report" came nearly thrt•t• months a fter he released a 1,025-pa~e report in wh1t.·h the prosecutor arrived at tht• same conclus1on . Co re Nobel and his bro the rom Riverside spe nd a quiet afternoon fishing just do w ream from Prado Dam. CBS Cable calls it quits NEW YORK CBS Cable, <tva1lable 12 hours a day to an estimated 5 million households served by cable systC'rns around th e t·ounlry . I ts programming has induded POLLUTION F HTERS MONITOR SALT. • • a cable te levision s t•rvit.•c• o f f e r 1 n g t· u 1 l u r a I programming, w i 11 cease ope.rations within 90 days because o f d1sappoin ting reve nues from advertisers, tht.• divis ion of CBS I nc . has announced. The service.• was introdUt.'t•d i n Oc tober 198 1 and is WORLD operas. ballets, foreign films and intt.•rview shows. Industry sources placed losses of the cable operations at about $:m million. Monetary ans wers sought MEXICO CITY Anxious Mexicans lined up outside newsstan ds and bookstores at dawn today to buy the Off1c1al Gaze tte, hoping it would answer questions about thC' government's new monetary controls. Lines of people began forming to buy the gawtte Princess in hos pita l MONTE C ARLO, Mo naco -Princess Grace of Monaco rested uncomfortably wilh a broken thigh in a hospital today. 24 hours after the car the former American film star was driving plunged into a ravine, flipped and burned. "Obviously she's in pain," a spokeswoman for the' princess. 52, said. T he spokeswoman, who declined to be identified, STATE h ours a ft er government o fficials said 1 t carries a lengthy decree fully detailing the controls. They said the decree dispels confus ion prevailing since th t• res trictions were first announced to halt the flow of pesos. said a medical bulletin might be issued later o n the princess' condition. French police confirmt•d Grace was at the w heel. lnit1al reports from th e fire department said her daughter. Stephanie, 17 , was driving. She will not be eligible for a driver's IJcense until her 18th birthday in February. From Page A 1 sources. solutions may lie in inc~ed regulation, construction of salt-extr ing facilities and diversion of salty water om the river. The regulation probably would ta the form of orders to treat wastewater ore extensively. At present, some treatment plan ts q the upper river in San Bernardino Countyreat their water less than downstream pnts. That may change, according to state 18ter quality officials. The Santa Ana Wate r s hed P rtject Authority currently plans to build ti or more water de-salting plants, and a pifline that would send the saltiest water di!ctly to the ocean before it enters the ri~r is under construction. Santa Ana River water, in part bcpuse so much of it is treated sewage, al.9 has failed state cleanliness tests, and toxic>cBs have been found at levels dangerous tlfish, but not humans. Officials claim the cleanliness sta~ards may be met as early as 1983, making fjhing and swimming safe in the river. For accidental spills and il~ga l d ischarges, the county has set p an emergency response plan centered n 1ts central radio facility that can c(ltact appropriate agencies 24 hours a day~hen such events occur. Recreationally, the banks of the ri'vt-and Its Santiago Creek tributary in Cange County offer regional parks. publi golf courses, athletic fields, horse stable and other facilities. Bicycle and horse tras run almost the length of the river locall}llso. County-run regional parks alort the river are Featherly and Yorba ner the Riverside County line and CentenniaPark m Santa Ana. Along Santiago Cre< are Irvine and Santiago Oaks regional paks. In Costa Mesa, riverside land has ben set aside for the 257-acre Fairview Regional Park. Eric Jessen , chief of program p lanning and special projects for th e coun ty Environmental Management Age~cy, said the major link now m issing from the recreational plan is landscaping. But most of the work sequires flood control improvements on both the river and Santiago Creek, Jessen said. That may take years. "W h e n the river (flood control) improvements are made we can enhance the environment with confidence," said J essen. "To do the work now would be an unwise expenditure of public funds -it m ight b e t o rn up again whe n t h e improvements are made. We'd be putting the cart before the horse." Waiting for new flood control work is not what is stopping landscape improvements in some areas, however, Jessen admitted. There are difficulties working along the r iver that would not be encountered in parks and other areas, he said, because "it 's a long, narrow, non-cohesive chunk of land without a self-contained feeling ." Funding also is a problem, Jessen added. Even for areas that can be worked on now money is not always budgeted. "We'll just have to do it as time and money permits," he said. Mos t of the la ke be d behind Prado Dam is dry. Santa Ana River trickles to tlae side, out of camer a range. Wilson r e primanded SACRAMENTO State Bar delegates have voted to reprimand San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson for threatening to take part in a recall campaign against Chief Justice Rose Bird if the state Supreme Co urt over t ur n ed th e Proposition 8 crime initiative. The issue is "whether we will stand back silently while> bullies attack our courts." Jerry Gordon of the National Lawyers Guild's Southern California chapter, co-sponsor of the resolution, said M0nday dur ing debate at the bar's annual meeting. Did wo01a:tl switch voters' parties? FRESNO (AP) -A Tustin woman who was paid to register Republican voters has been •arrested for investigation of switching affiliations of people who signed up as Democrats and independents. RTD s trike likely W ednesday Robin Ann Banks. 53, was hired in August to work for a consulting firm assigned by the state Republi c an p arty to increase GOP rolls in Fresno. Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties LOS ANGELES -A strike on Wednesday by drivers for the Southern Califomfa Rapid Transit District looked like ly early today after a 5 Yi-hour negotiating session failed to produce a contract settlement. officials /rom both sides say. "They are through for the night and there are no meetings planned for the purpose of negotiations before the strike deadline," said Mike Lewis. RTD board president. S ex bias charged b y A CL U Ame ricans seeking MIAs from Vie t BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) - Four Americans flew Monday to Laos on the first private mission to try to dLSCOver what happened to hundreds of U.S . servicemen missing in action during the Vietnam war. LOS ANGELES -Cal State L ong Beac h f aces charges of sex discrimination in an amended lawsuit the American Civil Liberties Union filed over the campus's Women's Studies program. T h e allegat ion follows previous ACLU charges that Monoay ~''"'Y II VO\• on not h4'Y• "°"' P6CM!' by ~ 30 o m tell bl'°'" 1 0 m Ind 'fOY' ((.!Or ..,,11 Oft d ........ '!IO the university bowed to outside political pressure in violation of the state education code -by canceling th is summer's Women's Studies classes, closing the campus Wom e n 's Center and removing So ndra H ale as program director. The group left Bangkok for four days of talks with oCficials before heading to Vie tnam for eight days of talks with officials then' We1re Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? Wh al don't you like" Call th~ number ~low and your message will be recorded. transcribed and de livered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must inNude their name a nd telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ii1i'{Piiat Cleulfled edY9rtl1lng 714"42·5178 All other depertmenll 142-4321 MAIN OFf'lCE Thoma• P. Hol.y Pub111her ol\d Ch1el E•ecut1vt! Ofhce< Jone Amari En1eu1,.. E d11or l. Koy Schultz V1te Pretodent ond O.•ec10< ol Adv.,'""'P Mkhoel P. Harvey INKIOf ol Mot~.illlg IC w culollolll Thoma• A. Murphine Editor Raymond Moel.an Controftet Kenneth N. Goddcwd Jr. OorKIOI of ()pe<011Qt1J llO WHf II..-SI , Co.le M•u, CA Mell edclreu 80• '*•Co.le MeM. CA ~ C°"yrl11M "'' Or~ Coell P~ll•hlnt ~'· No ll•w• •lori.1. llhnlretlOfl•, eOlf0tl•I mlll1er or N-verflHm..,O ,..,•In mey IM reprocluod .. ,.,_.,. •pee le I permlulon ot <CIPY•19'1t _,,., Seco,.d cletit:•'•ll" ,..10 et Cotl• MeH <;elllornl• CUPS tu eoo SIM<rlpflon bY cerrl•r M 7S ,_,.,,,., by mell s. ,,,.,.,,,,,., VOL. 75, NO. 217 '" Is. Banks was booked Friday a t•he Fresno County jail on a c ge .of tampering with party iliations. She a lso was ted of forging signatures o egistration forms. Banks reportedly submitted 300 to 500 forms since mid · August and had at least 100 more completed cards at her arrest. Of 10 registrations checked by the Fresn o County dist rict ' h e was real clever because she was ~ng diffe re nt colored pens." ~he had three men working f<1 her in the registration effort. inest1gators said. She was paid 7~cen ts for each Re publican rqistration and noth ing for otlers. September birthdays are fortunate In the wide range of colors of their birthstone, the sapphire. Whlle moat think of sapphire as blue (the velvety blue Keshmlr sapphire• being the moat prized of ell) actually sapphire comprises all the highly· colored transparent varieties of the mlnerel corundum. e11cept red wh ic h Is cll1ed Ruby. Sapphires range lrom colorlels to near black and through •II the shedes of blue. violet, pink, yellow, and green. When the term sapphire Is used without • color prefix. It generally refer1 to blue. attorney's office, two w e re signed by Democrats and eight people stated no affiliation. Election workers initiated the investigation when they noticed @ ·c;EM WISE M~ Bair c..rtlfled _G!f!!O!Opelt the handwriting in signatures appeared to m atch on several fonra. "She was real clever bea u.- she was using different colored pen s, but we have, some data processing girls with real ~ eyes," said D iane Sherloc 1 assist.ant elections manager. " would n't have noticed, but abie was turning in ao many at orw:er Elec tion w o rke r s later discovered phony addreaes. The election department wGJ Inform voters w ho regis tered with the woman that they maJ have to go through the ~ again. happened upon 11 tn their ~ • for gold. Th• m ine wae aucceutully WOf'Od tor 30 Y9lf9 •nd then ahut down. 8erloue mining wee reeumed In 11n Md , •bout 10,000 tone of roelt haW ~ proc 1111d alf'°9 IMn. Th• tln•aJ 11pphlr" come from KMhmlr. lndla. hlah In IM Hlm•l•yH , whll• Srl Lanka (Ceylon) 1uppllee ua wtttl the gr••• quenttty. WMneuer ' '° to8rt lankal ... ~trle trtp rz. •o Ratnepure and tM ~,,._,On "tr le9t vlalt I •td* "*" pull up a ...... _..h ""-Noe llelf* In II. The mlnee are not ""91 • uaually picture "'*' .. U99 .... term. l'-.. more Ilea,... .. .... dup ~ .. ,......... ••• ""' Of'9 In the ....... of a rloe paddJ, with bamboo ecettotdtng Md braoea. Wltet OOfW °"'of-==:: ... In tM..,.... Indeed . ....... ~ ......... Sapphire• tre emoog the more durebla o l t he ge m1ton••. ranking MCond only to diamond ln herdne11. For thla rauon It 11 • pertlculerly popular gem tor men'• jewelry. Meny men Hke 0,. black 1tar u p phlr• from Au1trella which 11 really a ~Y brown In color. Th• 1lx reyad •tar occura In the other cotora ot aapphlre too end the brightest 1tara are utually ...., In the light blue 1tonea. Old you know thet the largest proven 1apphlr• depoatt In the world 11 k*lted In our oountry ... In Montana? Thia mine i. YoOO Gulch. extend• f0t five mllea end 11 becoming • mator producef'. It WH flrll dllCOYefed by toeldent In the 1lt0'1. A. group of miner• CHARLES H. BARR ~· ring far • """"' ia~rtnoeH. Mir•• '°"' c:.o-' woutcl Ille• ........ Don't forget°"' "Al•~ 8ettabrallon" Ihle frtd~ 1 ' L_.1 4•p 111• I .,.. ... , W ... dff ,._ ........... ........ oft ... ""*" In ttl• 11or1 and do~~H ' cir ..... fQt a total Of In nieroMlldlM lnOluCllftl • polM ldtemoncl to OOftWMmOf• our ... -~In the....,.,. Harbor .... Or1no• Ooatt DAIL y PILOT /Tuead1y, September ''· 1982 Caution advised L o w -"o 1 t d I u m o n d 11 n1 a dh1uppoint1n111ty 11mull. lt an lld de11Crl dhamond RH "17 foct•t round, wolghln point.I.'' the• d1amon~ IH ttw am.• ot o pin 1/4000th or u cu.rut -Gemslonc1 vury lrcnwndousl quallly and. thN•cforc, hove o wick (.'t' r1mgc. OemalOnes of the aaml" variety mu oo worth as little fit a few dollars a caruL WI much &11 thousands of dollars a ca l, depending on their qualily and scarcity. To learn more about buying jewelr or diamonds, write for two free Cac l s h s, "Buying Dwmonds" and "Gold Jew~lry" { m the Federal Trade Commission, ~lxih d Pennsylvania Ave. N.W .. Washington, 20580. Creel will be deliver ed DEAR PAT: I sen& a check to " Fisherman" magazine In July 1981 for a - ·Pavaroti . buying 'low-price' jewelry month .ub1crlpUon and a tree crt1el. The flnt l11u~ of the ma1ailne w11n't dellvered until March and l 1tllJ haven't rtt'elved the creel. I've written a bout tbl1, but my lelten bn~ been lpored. M.U., Laguna Beach Zltl·Davla Publilhing C.:o. w us publishing thh1 moiazlnc wh<.•n you sul"ltlCrll.x.'<.I to 1t. But, since \hem It h88 changed publis hers, which probably accounta for you not re<.-civing th<• 1ubecrlptlon premium. A VS <.-ontaclt..>d Z1H- Oavls, and a creel IR being mmlt.>d to you today. Booklet g uides consumers DEAR READERS: If you'rl' a t'Onsuml•r with a complalnl, there arl' a number o f remedies you can try. One, that's often very successful, 1s to write a letter to the public re lations direct.or of the company that manufactured the product or pruvldc'CI the• 1wrvj<.'t.· with whk•h you found fuull. A n<.•w book provld <.·11 n 1un('1 and addrt'&lit'll o f mon · thun 8,000 Individual (.'o rpo rnlt' u11d UHHCl<.·lotlon public relations p('Oplc· 1'tw d irl't:to ry, calle d "O 'Dwr,er'a Dlrt"<.:tory of Corporutc Communlcuuons • ht.LI th<.' right namt•, thu right tHlt>s, the right tt•lc phone nun1h1•1'11 1.1nd addrl'illCll 'of the h1ggl·i.t compullll'S and U!>Sot'lutions in the t'Ountry. Ctwck with your local library lO find out 1f tht• 1982 edition Is availa ble m the reference ti<.'Ction. • Gola problem '! Then write to 91 Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut rod tape, - getting the answers and action you ,... n eed t o s ol ve inequities In government and business. Mail your questions 10 PtH Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Collst Daily Pi/01. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. absent, 50,000 sing blues Cold· blame d fo singer disappointing S an F rancisco concert c rowd Turbule nt Love La urence Oli vier says being married to Vivien Leigh was like being in an "express lift sk ying you upwa rds a nd throwing you downwards in insanely no n -stop fashion." He made the comment in a second installment of his me moirs, HConf essio ns of a n Actor ." Olivier a nd Miss Leigh we re divo rced in 1960 . She died in 1967. Fifty-thousand people t ned out at Golden Gate Park t ear Luciano Pavarotti, but the ra singer wasn't there. They ere moaning. "Oh, no," sa1d Ida Rosen um of San Francisco, whose an joined a chorus that rose a ng opera buffs wh e n it as announce d Pavaro tti w n't showing up because of a !Id. Some hardly seemed t-0 belie it. "l s he n o t here? Yo r e kidding," said Jan Tushi of SausaHto. . Alas, it was true. "We exP<k<J lomatoes and tincans and allits of things," said Terri Robbi , a spokeswoman for the th annual Opera-in-the-Park. t , despite the ready suppl of vegetables among picnic s, none was hurled. Spanish soprano Monts~at Caballe had a bout of sto h flu. But that didn't stop her m singing arias fro~ the op s "Mefistofele" and "Adri a Lecouvreur." And there e performances from te~r Utility subsidy still available Deadline Sept. 30 for county aid in paying gas, el ectric Low-income county residents have until Sept. 30 to take advantage of a program that can pay up to $200 worth of their uitility bills, a spokesman for the Orange County Community Development Council said. . • Vincen t Budrovich, the council's executive director, said Monday more than $75,000 is available for the payment of gas and electric bills. The council, which is running the county's program for the state Office of Econ omic Opportunity, has received hundreds of inquiries about the i:;rogram from local residents, he said. Single-person households with monthly income up lo $4tS7 through families of six with a monthly income up to $1,214 can quality, Budrovich said . Applicants must provide proof of income such aa paycheck stubs that are no more than 90 days old, he said. Qualifying residents can get their gas and electric bills paid even if the utility already has disconnected service, Budrovich said. The remaining money is expected to run out near the end of the month, and qualifying residents will be paid on a first- come, first-served basis only, Budrovich said. Interested county residents can call 547-5148 for information Public debate -of abortion slated Abortion is the subject of a public debate lo be presented at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Titled "Abortion: Whose Life is it Anyway?," the debate is set Sept. 24 in room 214 of OCC's Chemistry Building from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Admission is $4. The d e bate will pit a representative of the California Pollllc:el Adwrtl_,,.,..1 Abortion Rights Action League against author and lecturer Brian Laurie, a member of the School of Theo logy at Arrowhead Springs. Following the debate, the audi e n c e will have an opportunity to question debaters on their views. F o r information, phone 556-5880. N!Y!T !9!!.l NOVEMBER 2 Pd. For By Fftendt Ot 811 Agee P.O. Sox 812, Corona del Mer. CA. DIVoRCED? SEPARATED? .. , )Ill ....... It ..... DnlP ltt .llYORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Six Tuetdoy lvenlngt Sept. 21-0ct. 26 Mondays through Thursdys from 8 a .m. to 8 p .m .. and Fri~ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Budrovich said about 3.PO households have taken d - vantage of the program. County teen sentenced in shooting An Orange County teen-aw has been sentence d to te maximum e ight years in st4 prison after being convicted gunning down a 21 -year-old w ho gave his girlfriend a ri home. The sentence was hand down against 19-year-old De Ralph Miu.el of Beuna Park, w was found guilty last month manslaught er in the death William O'Connor, who was s twice in the face. The shooting occurred ear last Oct. 10 outside the Bue Park home of Mluel's girlfri Phyllis Epley, 17. Deputy District Attorney 0 Brice said O'Connor had driv the girl home from an Anahei nightclub at the request of brother, who worked ther because the girl was allegedly inebriated to drive herseU. ' St Antews Prmyterian C~urc~ Nl•rt Baell .. ____________ .. ................ , .. ..._ ...... ....,... .......... $11.00 ..... .,..... ,_._.. .. ........_c ... : ~4 •' ' 631-2111 t:00-1:00 u-.-M. -Ermanno Mauro and soprano Rebecca Cook. * * * A woman is seckmg more lhan $1 milJion from Yoko Ono, widow of slain Beatie Jobn Lennon, saying her daughter broke he r arm on the Lennon estate on Long Island and was ignored when s he aske d for m edical attention. Margaret Hair filed a lawsuit. contending her daughter. Caitlin, 7 , was "assa ulte d " by the granddaughter of the governess of Ono's 6-year-old son, Sean Lennon. The incident occurred while CailHn was staymg at lhe estate in Cold Spring Harbor on May 29. * * * Gen. William C. Westmoreland filed a $120 million suit against CBS Monday. charging the n e twork libe le d him last January ....,, in a docu - mentary say- ing the U.S . military fal s ified r e ports on ene my troop WHTMORELAND strenglh in Vietnam. The suit was filed m federal court in C o lumbia . SC, a cco rding t o D a n Burt , Westmore land's attorney. The retired general, who headed the Army in Vietnam. lives in South NlllS If ICIS Carolina Wes tmoreland asked for $40 million in general damages and $eO million in punitive damages. Ir he wins, he said, the money will be donated to charity. Van Gordon Sauli!r, president of CBS News, said the program was "a va l id journalistic broadcasl about an im portant issue in the Vietnam war,11 and adde d : "We stand by the broadcasl." * * * A 5-month-old bill for the $7,200 rehearsal dinner before the wedding of R o b e rt F . Kennedy Jr. has been paid, and a lawsuit set!king payment will be dropped, says a restaurateur. Rudolf F ischer , owner of the Publick House restaurant in Bloominglon, Md .. filed suit late last month in Monroe S uperior Court, seeking payment for the seve n-course meal. ln the suit, l"ischer said Ethel Kennedy's secreta ry twice told him the money was fortht.'Oming but it w as n e v e r paid. A s pokesm an for the K e nned y fa mily said a secretar y had misplaced the bill. Mrs. Kennedy, widow of Seo. Robert Kennedy, arranged the dinne r when her son married Emily Black in Bloomington April 3. * • * Royal baby P r ince WUliam is a dis tant relative of another famous William -Shakespea re, according to an authoritative book on royal lineage in London. D e brett's Book of Royal Children says the 11-week-old son of P r ince C barlu and Princess Diana Is a fourth cousin 15 times removed lO the great English dramatist. Patrick Mo ntague-Smith, autho r of the book, said the young prince is related to Shakespeare through the bard's mother, Mary Arden. * • * Singer Connie F ranc is says her plan to s ing to New York City Mayor Edward Koch at a festival in Little Italy this week is angering Italian-Americans who favor Koch's rival for the Democratic gube rnatorial nomination, L t . Gov. Matlo Cuomo. Despite the criticism, Francis said she'U sing "You're the Top" to Koch "as the mayor" at the San Gennaro festival "I wanted lo sing to New York City.'· Francis declared, "it's apoliticaJ. It never occurred to me that there was an election coming up." BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be ca lled deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warningi The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg . 'iar:· "1fttfltCCITTtl• IV. per ClgMttl. lly FTC metliod. l Or1no• CO.It DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Septetnber 14, 1982 Working out the kinks • in Valley 'olympics' Bv SANDIE JOY Of)M Dtlilr fltlot Ila" Grunts, groans and gramoct•s t•monaling from employees of a Fountain Volley firm ond thr1r kinfolk a ll were in the name o{ tun and Cltn<.'t\.'>. Dave Mulnard of Irvine, last year's winne r , tries the. horizonta l bars . • . I ' ' E T lw 200 or No J>l'Oph• purtk lpatlng In lcsts of sU't•ngth, swrninu und uthll•tic skill n<•xt to thl' Tallx>rt Avtm ut· h<•adquurtt•rs of FllP, u F~ountuin Vallc•y- bus<.'CI nutwnul hcullh mum tcnum·<· organizutlon, were ma king a poml. T hey w<•n• out to show that physical activity is a healthful than" to do, l'Xphunt'Cl FHP spokesma n Alex Litrov. The firm 1s a pre-paid health organization mut h like Kaiser, Lltrov said. Rare wlnnr rs wl'rc David I foste r of Long &>ath who Cinis hc'<.I in f 1w minuws eight scx'Onds and S haron Hutfidd or Fountain Vull(•y, finishing In six minutes 35 S<.'<:onds Each l'lu1mcd $1 00 in prize money. Bc·caust• FllP is conct•rncd with prevcnta tivt• h<'allh can\ L1trov said, the Cirm's employees a re < <.'nc.-ourag<.'d Lo stay Cat by using the par<.'Oursc, w hac:h 1s i a permanent recreation facility. • Highlight of Saturday's activities was a race against the clock as participants performed pole climQs, s it-ups. chin-ups, body curls and othe r exercises at each of eight stations in an obstacle c:ourse, linishing by running a quarter mile. · David Mancha grimaces a s he tries to accomplish one more chin-up. Delly Piiot Pflotoe br l"etr1cll O'Donnell Belinda Machado shinnies up the pole and appears to be enjoying herself. Robinsons YOUR PATIO FURNITURE DESERVES UNDERCOVER PROTECTION. ....... _-..... .. ...... -~: ......... . ::.--. --. :-)~ ............. :. ,.,. "::; ... , )-1 -- .,i.-..-• .... -·- Dust. leaves and weather can destroy your outdoor furniture Protect your inv.estment with our vinyl cover-ups by Richards. each fitted to stay snuggly in place when the wind threatens. Robmson·s Notions. 14. To order cat1101t 1ree 1·800·345-1501 Or phone (:.'13) 488 5522 Oroer bOard opens at 9 a m Monday through Saturday Or ma11 coupon 10 Aot>inson s Metro Box 6080 Los Angeles Cahlornia 90055 Please send me the tottow1ng patio covers A Kettle barbecue S7. Also available B Gas g111t $9.50 F Umbrella. ctosed. S7.50 C 12· round table and cha11s $1 3.50 G 1a· 3 seat sola lounge. S10.50 D Chatr. 17.50 H 48" wagon grill. $8.50 E Chaise $9.50 ltemtStyte 1 Quantity Price Name Address ----- City Phone __ State Robinson s Charge II American Express' Card ( Vahd date from Account I Zip ___ _ Payment enclosed 11 C0 D I _to ___ _ NP·9·16 14 Please add 61/r •1, sales tait 11 delivered 1n Los Angeles County, 6% tor other Calllorn1a dehve11es Add s 1 service charge on purchases under S 10 or pickups. add S 1 50 tor CO D s (no CO D s on orders under S 10) Handltng charges will be added outside our delivery area SHOP ROBINSON'S MONDAY·FAIDAY 10·9. SATURDAY 10·1. SUNDAY 12·5. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • (714) 144-2800 I ~ ·. .., I . 1 I ' l , 1 , , i • ' 'ii 1' ., ~ ' I ., J If , , i • • _,,, ee Ore,,go Co 1t OAIL.V PILOT/Tue1day, 8eptembet 1•. 108~ Bradley stands fir111 on off shore oil issue In o ur Orangl· Coast an .. ·<t , Jong con siden:d a stronghold of Re publican politks, it must have been somewhat disquieting for ,G0P loyalists when Democratu: gubernatorial can d idate Tum Bradley made his swing through our region and restated his s trong pos ition opposing offsh o r e o il drilling_ Bradley tried to remove thl• offshore oil issue somewhat from the po litical a r t'n a by notin g during his tenure as Los Angeles mayor , his posi lion re m a ined ~'Onstant through the Ford, Carter and Reagan administr:ations. That is. his desire to protect the California coastline against an unsigh tly proliferation of offshore oil drilling platforms and the kttendant dangers of ocean a nd ~horeline pollution. · The r eason Bradley's firm stand s h o uld be jus't a bit uncomfortable for the Republican rty leadership is that Bradley's P opponent, Attorney General eorge Deukmejian, seems to take fl sof ter position on the oil drilling Issue. ; Yet s peakin g in O r a nge County, Mayor Bradley made 1t clear that he will oppose "the ~road assault" to allow offshore rxplo r ation th a t is being ~rticulated b y U.S. Interior Secretary James G. Watt. And Watt 's pus h for a widespre ad o il leasing progra m pas stubbornly continued, even in ~he face of heavy criticism. l Wat t faced con siderable hostility m ost recently when he bppeared before the U.S . Senate's Energy and Natural R esources s u b t' o m m i t l l! c on <' n t• r g y t'Oll8l'l'Vullon and supply. Standing firm, Wutt s.ud his fi ve• year leasing plan had bt·c·n unfairly attacked by vocal c:ritic.'S. ''It.'s not the beaches that are under co n sideration," the secretary insisted. "That's under state jurisdiction.'' The se<-retary then noted that th{' federal plan in volves o nly underwater tracLc; that are at least three miles oUshorc and often , m orl' than 100 miles at sea. Clearly, Secretary Watt needs to be reminded tha t past exp erience in California a nd elsewhere has shown that when there is an oil spill a t sea, the oil is no respecter o f jurisdictions, federal, state, county or city. The spilled oil ju st comes ashore an yway. There are o th er considerations, additionally, like the unsightly nature of oil rigs themselves on the ocean surface and the potential increase in oil tanker traffic at sea. Then too. a federal program to lease o n e billio n acres o r undersea oil tracts a t a rate of 200 million acres a year for five years is likely to pu t pressure on state governments to s ta rt leasing the ir own tracts. There could be an escalating e ffect. Mayor Bradley has taken the proper position when he vows to oppose this kind of broad assault upon our federally controlled offshore holdings. In so doing, he may indeed have made a few friends along the Orange Coast.. Dissidents silenced It is hardly news that the life of a political dissident behind the Iron Curtain is not an easy on e, but two items that did make the news last week give sad emphasis to that fact. From Moscow came word that the "Helsinki Group." established just six years ago to mon itor Soviet complia nce with the human rights provisions o f the 1975 Helsinki agreements on European security and cooperation, h ad finally decided to disband. The group was founded in 1976 by physicist Yuri Orlov and in due course numbered several dozen m embers.m ost of th em d istinguish ed intellectuals. In 1977, Orlov was arrested and sen tenced to a seven-year term in a labor cam p. In the en suing years, more than 50 members of the Helsinki group were sentenced to prison terms or "internal exile" in remote areas of the USSR. The most notable. perhaps, was Nobel peace laureate Andrei Sakharov, exiled to the closed city of Gorky in 1980. Last week Sakarov's wife, Yelena Bonner, a nnounced that the Helsinki group, down to its last three members, was officially disbanding. The last s traw. apparentl y w as the case of 75-year -old Sofiya Kallistratova, a lawyer who o n ce defended huma n rights activists in court. The elderly woman suffered a heart attack after state officials sear c h ed her a partme n t and thr eatened h er with arrest on charges that could lead t o a three-year prison term. The third remaining member of the grou p is Naum Meiman, a 70-year-old physicist who h as repeatedly been denied permission to emigrate. So much for the brie f career of the Helsinki human rights group in Moscow. Meanwhile in Warsaw, the martial regime arrested four more members of the Solidarity trade union group and a nnounced the gove rnme nt no longer will continu e an y n egotiations with Solidarity. This followed the Aug. 31 a street clashes that sprang up in 54 Po lish cities, leaving four dead. So much. apparently, for Solidarity. As dissidents in other Soviet satellites have learned to their pain , t h ere is n o room for disagreement w i t h th e government beh ind the Iron Curtain. • • • while slavery goes on Meanwhile in Washington . a poorly housed, cloth ed and fed, U.S . Sen ator has introduced a are being used to provide resolution calling upon the State unskilled labor for the 3,600-mile Department to in vestigate pipeline . p ersistent reports that forced T h e Sen a t e ca 11 for laborers and political prisoners, inves tiga t ion followed the both Soviet and Vietnamese. are testimon y before a Sen a t e being kept in some 2,000 camps su bcommittee of a former Soviet unde r inhumane conditions to political prisoner, two Vietnamese work on the trans-Siberian Yamal dissidents a nd a former Polish gas pipeline. a mbassador w h o escap e d to The resolution also calls for provide first-hand information on investigation of c h a r ges that the camps, a long with pathetic th ousands of Vietnamese workE>rs letters from inte rnees in the camps a re being forced to relocate to the that s lipped through Sovie t Sovie t Union to provide labor for censorship. l*construction of the pipeline . U .S . intelligence officials who Ove r the past year there havE' d b b l· h d · h have examined the cvi ence now een re ports, P.u is e in t e believe the existe nce of the slave ~ondon Economist and the Wall 1 bor camps is beyond d oubt. treet J ournal. t hat workers a ving in s ub-zero temperatures. So much for human rights. ~pinions expressed in the s~ace above ar: those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex• rtssed on this page ar e those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invlt. ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 15b0, Costa Mesa, C.A 92626. Phone <7H> 642·4321. . ,, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot f>~Dll\...C fW" °"' Of tn• '"' Al l~ W,~t li.tf \I • C.•I• W\A AOO•t\" l..O"f\0<1n<1 .. no 10 th• ".0, C:O'\I• MfW (.A <t?•I• Thoma• P. Hot.y ~1Jbt10~, .. Thoma• A. Murphln• El11IQ# Jon• Ametrl h9<~h•• fcl1t0< lorbaro Krelbkh ld1tCll'tol Poe-Ea1t0t Thema1 McConn MonoQ>1>0 £ d••lll • . ,, 'Clean air' politics soiled WAS HINGTON -Clea n air can mean dirty politics. Members of Congress are complaining that the effort to weaken the Clean Air Act has led to some of the dirtiest lobbying tactics in recent memory. What 's surprising is that the complaints are against both sides in the controversy -both the e nvironmental groups that want to keep clean-air s tandards inviolate and business interest that want to get the government regulators off their backs. "I'm having nightmares," said a staff m e mber of one heavily lobbied congressman. "And my boss is having nightmares." ENVIRONMENT AL groups have sent protesters to Capitol Hill h earings wearing surgical masks, in an obvious bid for media attention. Other zealots were kic ked o ut of a hearing for distributing leaflets. On the other side of the issue. business groups have been accu sed of scare tactics, mis information and general arrogance. Members of key congressional committees are regularly subjected to telephone calls from businessmen who claim they'll be driven into bankruptcy if the Clean Air Act isn't modified. And the U.S. Chamber of Commerce even had the nerve to issue a press release stating the outcome of a crucial subcommi ltee votl:! ·before: it 0<..'Currt«I . On the supposedly anti-environmental side, utility comp anies have been critici~d for sending out misinformation . The American Electric Power Co., for example, which supplies power to 7 G. -Jl-Cl-IN-D-IR-SD-1 -~· million people in the Midwest , has enclosed propaganda in its billings. The mailing warns th at proposed controls to avoid "acid rain" could cost the company -and thus its customers -$2 billion a year. The ·figure is based on a company study that has-been dismissed by the Congressional Research Service as based o n ''questionable assumptions." The business lobbyists have used their farflung representatives to plead their case. When Rep. Mike Synar, D-Okla., decided he would see only lobbyists from his own state, one trade association si mply dug up a m e mber Crom Oklahoma, who made an appointment with the congressman, The Oklahoman was accom pan ied b y the trade association's Washington lobbyists. who did all the talking. The environmentalists have caused equal outrage. Wha t really bugs the legislato r s is the n o-q uarte r, "with-us -or-against-us" a pproach adopted by some groups. Anyone who is less than squeaky-clean on the Clean Air Act is regarded as an enemy. As one aide to a pro-environmentalist House member complained: "They are as vindictive against their friends as they are against their enemies." T HE ALL-OR-NOTHING technjque has reportedly caused a split among environmentalist groups, insiders told my associate P eter Grant. Moderates from the National Wildlife Federation, for example, shake their heads over behavior of hardliners from the Sierra Club. "It's a little too purist and unrealistic to expect members of Congress to support you 100 percent," oue moderate observed. Said a staff member of a pro- environmentalist congressman: "They (the purists) poison the water in our own backyard." There's always the possibility, o f course, that the counterproductive tactics of lobbyists on both sides of the issue will simply cancel each other out. The Clean Air Act may wind up being revised the right way for the wrong reasons -or the wrong way because the right reasons were discounted by irritated m ngressmen. Letters to ·the editor Rags and riches on finance scene To the Editor: Was a n yont' e lse s truck by the incongruity of the adjoining features on page o ne of your Finance sec I ion Sunday, Aug. 29? The lead article was titled: ''Recession? Rolls Royce dealer hasn't heard" and went on to describe how Roy Carver, the local dealer, has never had it so good. He says his "brisk" sales are to a cross section of buyers -almost half of whom pay cash (up to $162,000 for a Corniche.) He does admit one sale to a Los Angeles porno dealer, but omits any reference to possible drug dealers. At present, the Newport Beach area is quite generously populated with drug traffickers representing all shades of the financial spectrum, the most powerful of whom pay for their beachfront homes and other opuJences with $1 .000 bills. I believe that Carver is telling the truth when he asserts that RoJls..Royce sales have "exploded through the roof" in the last 10 years. That's fine for Carver and his salesmen but another curious omission from t,he article was a recent report by an IRS official stating that luxury cars being charged off as a business deduction that are not in fact used for business constitute a more voluminous fraud today than all the food stamp ch eaters and abusers combined. .. AT ANY RATE, the more import.ant article appeared directly below the above and was entitled: "Cutoffs bring turmoil." This piece d ealt with a growing concern among thousands or Social Security recipients and their families. the recent disability benefit cutoffs from Washington and the plight of som e 50,000 cases a month now ordered to be re~valuated under some new special review. This brutal ax has already begun to fall, and one head on the chopping block the article deacribed belonged to a RJchard Kage. a 49-year-old Michigan diabetic who, when his disability funds were cut off wtth the explan3tion he could find ·:some" suit.able work did ;u11t that -attempting to work as a caretaker in a cemetery. He la.stud four months before going into a shock and dying ot heart failure which hi$ physlcian bitterly blamed on the stress caused by the tennlnatlon of h11 benefits. His widow can t.akc romfort in the fact. though, that the $4~9.80 per month In beriefits can now ht-~htrt.ed to a more worthy couse -the manufacture of more atomic warheads to our stockpile. Aa a final word, after comparing \he two a.Ide-by-aide ar\icln, wouldn't h have ~ a bel~t Id a for Kap to mov~ to Newport Beech and •n a JOb eeUJn1 Rolls-~ for Roy Cai'vet '° he could have gotten in on a "arowth" buslneB? Or better yet. he could have bought a MAILBOX Rolls for $150,000 cash, let it appreciate in value, (as Carver claims t.hat it will) then make a profit on th e r esale, repeating said process indefinite ly. It seems to me that would sure beat digging graves in Michigan with diabetes and heart trouble with the added bonus of bringing joy to the heart of those rugged individualists who constantly whine about their tax money thrown away on deadbeats. CHARLES JUERGENS Marriott fans To the Editor: In response to the recent article written about Marriott Hotels. we must tell you we are offended. Orange County, in fact, anywhere the Marriott chain erects a hotel should be a source of much pleasure. as they attract the nicest caliber of people. They have outstanding employees, and needless to say, the revenue is excellent. We have spent seven summers at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel, as well as their other Marriott facilities the world over. Therefore, we are in a position to enlighten the public. MR. & MRS. I.A. SISENWEIN Coastal questiQns To the Editor: Since Sen. Paul B. Carpenter of Cypress was the author of the ill-fated. Senate Bill 493, which would take jurisdiction over Bolsa Chica away from the Coastal Commission and into the hands of the Ora~e County Board of Supervisors. I feel that a response to his letter of Aug. 31. is in order. The attitudes expressed in Sen. Carpenter's letter display an amazing lack of respect for scientific intelligence and study concerning t.he priceless value of Bolsa Chica and othe r coastal wetlands. As of 1982, it is estimated that Southern California has lost between 75 percent and 90 percent of it.a origiMl coa s tal wetl a nd areas to urban dcvclopm('nt. Bol"Ml C hica comprises 2,- 000 acreft or three square mlles. The efforts by the Orange County Soard ot Supervisors. And Sen. Carpenter to • /,t>lt1•r.~ from readers art tL~lc<mtt Tht rryht tn cnridf'n.,r l1•1terA lo /it apoC'r or r hm111C1lf' lltk'l 111 rest>rvi>d t.etter11 of 300 word3 or less 11111/ be given prtftrence. All /t>lt('r3 mu~t inolud(' 111gnoturt arid mailing adrlrt•$1' but nomts mo~ bt> wUMfld vn rt q1,1crit1 1/ s111J1c1tru r<'Olon ia oppartnr J>oetry will not bf pubhahtd l.Atterr ma~ bf tf'ltpllanrd to 8a·60M Name and phM11 1u1mbfr of '111• contrtbutor must bt gf&>tn /or Vf'nficotlon purp1:Jea develop all but 600 acres of Bolsa Chica make a mockery of Bolsa Chica. Bolsa Chica. once the entra n ce to a 30-square-mJle marsh system that local historian George Talbert called one of the ·•greatest wildlife habitats in the world" would be reduced to a pitiful one-square-mile area, a degradation rate of 97 percent. The Orange County plan is terribly, terribly, unbalanced from a historical and scientific context. PERMIT me to ask Sen. Carpenter some questions. Why do we have three endangered species of bird at Bolsa Chica? Why is halibut fishing so poor off our coast? Why do we have expensive and dangerous beach erosion problems in Sunset Beach? Why do we have traffic congestion all along the coast? Why do you want to place people's homes in danger by building them on top of sinking land over converging earthquake faults? Why are there regional water shortages and waste disposal problems? Why is there smog? The Orange County development plan for Bolsa Chica aggravates all of these problems. The Coastal A c t of 1976 was formulated to help ease, not aggravate, roast.al problems. The Orange County Board of Supervisors has fulfilled its prophecy as a local government which would rapaciously overdevelop this last litlle pocket of coastal gi-andeur called Bolsa Chica. Sen. Carpenter serves to remind us that we cannot take the Coastal Act and its protections for granted. Who does he think he is kidding. anyway? JAN D . VANDERSLOOT MD Raise outrages To the Editor; I'm mad as hell. that the City Council of Laguna Beach would give Ken Frank the city manl.\ger a pay raise to $51,129 per year! That's more than t.he governor of California makes! I think it's about time the people ot Laguna Beach woke up and let t.he City Council of this town know bow they feel. G .G. CLARK.SON Seema to me lhe fin\ ··Im~ble Dream" began when Je1u1 Christ admonished ua all to "Love ~y net1hbor as thyMlf " ln Southern Callfomlli - im po11lble! _!>I J.V. ··----------"----~~-~-----~-~·----------~-------~~ ... .I Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT !Tuetd1y, September 14, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •ERMA BOMB ECK Rel8tive might need second medical opinion DEAR ANN LANDERS: ln thl1 a.io, when everyone 11 aol.ni cruy with physical fitneu iu\d health food, I need eomething explained to me. I have an elderly relative (early 70.) who hu t he foUowlng history: She ha. been a heavy amoker -two packa a day of unfiltered cigarette.; a aevere akohoUc for 30 yeara; a recluae -haan't left her howie a dozen times In the last six years; anorexic; doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive; sedentary -no exercise, and I mean none. We took her to a doctof.!or ~ complete physical checkup. (She hasn't seen a physlcian In more than 15 years.) The woman is mildly senile and underweight. She has been coughing violently for 20 years. Here are the results or her tests: Heart, perfect. Blood pressure, normal. Lungs, no problem. Liver, perfect. Hearing, excellent. No trace of organic disease. Diagnosis: Increase food intake and cut down on smoking. How can a woman abuse herself for 50 years and be in perfect health? Aside from her mental condlUon that keepe her trom enjoylna aa normal Ufc and her alcohollam -which 1he denlet -the 11 In bttter aha~ than anyone ln the family. -LKO rN ST. PETERSBURG, FLA. DE AR ST. PETE: Site obvloia1ly lucked out ud IJllterlted 1ood 1eH1, but I doubt tbat 11te 11 In a1 loocl 1hape a1 YOI tblU. No one wlto bH been cou1bl11 violently for ZO yun baa bealtby Inf.•· A1 for tlte beart aod Uver bela• "perfect," I don t buy tbat eltber. Tbere may be no present e vidence, but 1ometflln1 could 1bow up tomorrow. My advice Is take ber to a.aotber doc tor and get a 1ecood opinion. And tbe next tlme you past a bookltore, 1et a COf.Y of "Second Oplnlon" by Dr. lladore Ro.enfeld. It 1 a paperbaclr by Butam and . a little &old mine of medfcal Information tllat a junior lll&b 1cbool 1tudent could anderstand. I keep my copy next to tbe dictionary. DEAR ANN LANDERS: l.aip a young attorney who wall IOOn be marrit'd to a terrific girl. Wu have a large w~-dding planned When l was 12, my father, who was alcoholic (and 1tlll Is) molested me (homosexually). Thi• occurred un\ll I went t.o high school and caused 10m4t emotlunal problems. 1 finally resolved them but our relationship has been strained. My flancee has never met him and can't understand why I've been stalling. Also, she trunk.a it would be nice if I asked him to be best man. Ann, I don't want him around me. Do 1 bave an obllgaUon to invite him to the weqding? Should I t~ll my family what happened. so they will undersumlJ why 1 have been Indifferent lOWMrd hlm aU thetiie years? -CLAM IN KANSAS DEAR CLAM: I'm 1ure you realize aow tba& your fatber was a very 1lck mu. Invite blm to a ttend tbe wedding as a 1uest. To exclude ltlm would raise que1Uo111 and pou lbly 1poU an otller wlae lovely day. I 1ee no re11on to tell tlte family aboa t a bldeoU1 problem you re.olved years a10. lf your bride per1l1t1 In trying to get you to cllum up to dear ol ' dad and you um can't ttand to bave blm a round, tell her the story -but do let U end there. It's not always easy to recogniz,e Jove, especially the first time around. Acquainr yourself with the guidelines. Read Ann Landers' booklet, "Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference." For a copy, mail 50 cents and a Jong, self-addressed envelope with your request to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, ru. 60611. Heed helpful hints POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT QUEENll By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna.Seach YOU CAN MAKE MAN Y I MPORTAN T T HINGS »'--·~~HAPPE:N , ........ .,. f: .,..,,_., ~ I~ A•'"-~ 8rn!•~• Atf Jbont• IWY'~•t O•t f1tbvftt> (.omo...,,. SY"'C!'·'•'• hw BY USIN G A VE:R.'V $1MPL.E TECHNIQUE' C.ALLE:D 'WAITING'.' flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END · A Inoving • experience I don't know how many of you have ever had a wild animal trapped in your house. but let me tell you it's nothing to laugh about. You don't even have to see them to know that they're there. You just sense you're not alone. Sometimes when you walk into a room you hear a scurrying or shallow breathing. The other night as I was finishing up dishes. I saw a darting shadow out of the corner of my eye. Instinctively. I knew what I had to do. I became hysterical. With the government now planning for a prolonged nuclear war, the Office of Defense Mobilization has revised its handy Nuclear War Family Handbook (ODM-1170-3-rev). For the benefit of concerned citizens, excerpts follow: WHILE EVERY EFFORT will be made to give adequate warning of an impending nuclear attack, (the handbook begins), it is doubtful families will enjoy more than a week at most to evacuate urban target areas . Although a week may sound like a long time, there will be many last-minute details to attend to, such as stopping the paper, turning down the water heater. picking up the cleaning, boarding the dog and changing the cat box to insure a more pleasant homecoming. Thus any chores that can be taken care of in advance will lessen the nervous tension that so often acoompanies harried, Ill-organized departures. Here are some helpful hints you and your family may wish to consider: First, pick your destination now to avoid confusion once you are on the highway. Try to choose a spot -such as a favorite campsite or a rural inn off the beaten path -that will have a sufficient water supply and suitable recreatiunal facilities. This latter is important as a prolonged nuclear war may interfere with regularly scheduled television progranuning and even, in some areas, clear reception. NEXT, ASSEMBLE THOSE items you will wish to take with you. These should include a first aid kit (adhesive strips, iodine and aspirin are musts), a flashligh t, facial tissues, sleeping bags (unless you will be staying with friends) and an adequate supply of proper food. While it cannot be determined in advance precisely how long a prolonged nuclear war might last, six weeks' rations should prove sufficient. Avoid frozen foods as reCrigeration may not always be available in more remote areas. Instead. concentrate on canned goods, but vary the contents. Six weeks of Tuna Surprise. for example, might AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER well dull family appetites and lower morale. You should decide now how you will pay for your purchases on your trip. Carrying excessive cash is risky and out-of-town checks are sometimes difficult to cash. Credit cards may be safest. Don't leave home without them. Decide n ow what day you will leave. Remember: odd-numbered license plates will be evacuated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; even -numbered on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; and non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians on Sundays. If you are driving, please keep your speed below 55 mph. in order to conserve gasoline for the war effort. In this regard. also please try to limit your telephone calls once the bombs start falling as many circuits may become overloaded. IN ADDITION TO THE essentials, you should also include on your packing list items that will help you pass the time when you tire of hiking, fishing and playing Twenty Questions. A prolonged nuclear war. for example, offers the perfect opportunity to catch up on all those little projects that you've been setting aside, such as turning shirt collars. cutUng out coupons and pasting pictures in the family album. So while responsible citizens have every right to be concerned, you can see that with proper planning and preparedness, a prolonged nuclear war can provide a rewarding and e nriching experience for you and your family. The publication ends there. For those not planning to travel, the agency is issuing another brochure, ODM-1170-4-rev, entitled "A Thousand- and-One Fun Things t.o Do in a Fallout Shelter - A Nuclear War Family Guide for Stay-at-Homes." ..1. • ,,., .""V ......... , \. ••• 1. .,,..,, '""" ..... . "How close do they come to shore? l don't know ... why? • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Wednesday, September IS ARIES (March 21-April 19): Task is completed with a flourish. Accent on basic issues. dependent.a and employment. Added recognition results froro special achievement. TA UR US (April 20-May 20): Prospects bright due to new contacts -and fresh outlook. Vitality combines with enthusiasm -scenario hlghlights change, creative endeavors, romance. HUSBANDS AR E WONDERFUL. Right away. mine ran through all the Disney characters. "What kind of an animal was it? Ricky Raccoon? Rocky, the Flying Squirrel? Smokey the Bear? How about Dumbo? Pogo? Charlie Tuna? Name names. woman!" "It was a disgusting roach and stop talking like he was wearing a letter sweater!" Weigh surgery risks GEMI NI (May 21 -June 20): Plans are solidified, secur ity is enhanced and sense of direction is regained. Older individual provides support; helps build confidence. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You're invited t0 important social function. Popularity increases, you have chance to display versatility, humor. Focus on ideas, fresh contacts. short journey associated with relative. Sagittarian figures prominently. "What did it look like?" he persisted. "It was tall." "It was probably something you brought home in the grocery bag that will hitch a ride out of here tomorrow." · This bit of wisdom comes from a man who told me last year that a plague of crickets in my house was good luck and they ate two carpets. Oh, I used to 've about animals. I wanted to believe they wan o as much as I wanted them out. I wanted to ieve they were male, unmarried and traveling a . That was before I lived on a farm. EVERY FALL, LIKE clockwork, rd march into the town hardware store and place my order: "I want 15 traps. 35 boxes of painless death powder, 18 aerosol insecticide sprays, five bottles of fast- acting mists, five plastic swatters, and a mallet. What else do you have that's new and effective?" The boy would say, "Ma'am. rve given you everything short of a nuclear stockpile." "Do you think this will do it?" "Have you seen the mouse again?" "You got it." Through conscientious and diligent weaponry, . I was able to keep wildlife in our house to a minimum of one mouse until we decided to redo the kitchen. One morning, I heard a strange gnawing sound in the ceiling. I judged the gnawing to be about six feet long and furry. I called the contractor who said. "Why, that ajn't nothing to worry about. It's probably only a rat. That's the way they sharpen their teeth." I was sorry to move. It was a nice house. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: At age 32, I'm quite a bit overweight. Numerous attempts a t dJetiag leave me witti a mark of zero. Not e ven with an ordlnary falllnt n ade of F. My doctor HY• my condition warrants dramatic help becaa1e m y blood pre11are 11 rising aad my beart ii geUlng weaker . I'm seeing a surgeon la a few weeks wbo 1peclall1e1 ln .1a1frlc by-pa11 operatlon1. Meanwhile, I'll appreciate any advice you can offer about 1urgery for obesity. - Mrs.A. DEAR MS. A.: First, what's morbid obesity? One definition is being at least 100 pounds over ideal weight. Another, twice the normal weight for height. What is ideal weight? 100 pounds for 60 inches of helght, plus five pounds for every inch over 60 inches. According to Boyd E. Terry, M.D., of Columbia, Mo., writing in the American College of Surgeons' Bulletin (6/82) as many as 9 million Americans suffer from morbid obealty. The need for gastroplasty and gastric by-pass is considered when the patient's exceu weight is a threat because of hypertension, diabetes. cardiac failure. Severe arthritis and other conditions may necessitate surgery. Especially, in patients who have already failed in d ieting, starvation techniques, behavior modification. hypnosis. Not every patient with morbid obesity Is a good candidate for by-pass surgery or stapling of the stomach. Your own doctors will need to weigh the rjsks against the chances for lmprovement, Ms. A. Even rou• HfAlTH DR PETER J . STEINCAOHN after s urgery, a long-term follow-up is essential for success. · FOR MR. L : It's true, and too often overlooked, that some illnesses among the elderly might be caused by overuse of prescription and over-the- counter drugs. For example. often laxatives and sleeping pills continue to be taken when they are not bene!iting the patient. Taking diuretics for hypertension can cause potassium deficiency -especially in the elderly. This affects the nervous system and the heart rhythm. The elderly -and their children -should remind themselves that older pd\ients can'\ take as many as a half--Oozen medications without showing some symptoms due to the medicines themselves. , They may not suspect why I.hey become dizzy . sleepy or hyperactive. Older patients taking medication should be under supervision by their physician. Dr. Steincrohn welcomes reader questions but is sorry he cannot answer personal maiJ. Letters of widest interest will be answered in his column. Send your quest.ions to him in care of r.he Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Co.tta Mesa. Calif. 92626. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Details unravel in connection with payments. collections, opportunities to increase income. Be specific, check loopholes and follow through on hints, clues. VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 22): Circumstances turn ln your favor; you'll be at right place at crucil\l moment. Study Leo message, get thoughts on paper, realize that changes will prove beneficial. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You're provided with confidential information which aids in detennlnlng property value. Important domestic adjustment occurs. SCORPIO (Oct, 23-Nov. 21): Lie low, do plenty of listening, observing. What now aeerns a certainty is actually nebulous -check alternatives. keep options open. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ernphasll on production, responsibility, pressure, challenge and chance to prove major point. Activities intensjfy, relationship is serious in positions of authority. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Long-range plans come into sharp, clear focus. Emphasis on travel, spiritual values, abstract print>lples, educational pursuit. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Maintain independence, refuse to be cajoled into co-signin& for one who makes empty promises. You'll gain ad di tlonal lnforma ti on concerning financial responsibility of one who would be partner. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Cont ractual obUgat.ions require review. You're being pulled ln two directions simultaneously. Rise above petty differences. adhere to principles and reali&e intuition Is now a reliable guide. GOif ii ON BllDGf North South vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •AK IOU <::> K 10 8 0 Void • 109754 WEST 'EAST •Vold •QJ9$50 <::>J97UU <::>V.W O t75'U O KQI +V.W +Ht SOUTH • 'I <:1 A Q5 0 A J 108 +AKQJ3 The bidding: s .. tlli Weit North £a1t I+ S <::> S + PaH 4 NT $ O I + e o 1 + PaH PHI Dble Pa11 PaH PHI Opening lead: Six of c;:,. We have had 1ome discus 1lon in th.se columnt lately about freak hand•. This one waa aubmltted lo Bridie World Malfatlne. BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF An actlon·packtd equenct' rraulled In North outh reachlnlf an excellf'nt grand slam at clubs. £ut doubltd to suggest " lead othf'r than the auit his side had agreed upon, i.e.. diamonds. West had no difficulty in dceidlng that, in that UH. ht' 1hould lead a heart. Eaat rufCed for down ont>. Most unlbcky, A discussion lw>twt'en tht' tdltors or the magninc led to tom• ar«umt'nt. as to wht lh«1r •hi no trump could bf made by South after th lead of tht six of hurt • Jn· df'~d the editor.a found the analysis so int.erestinJ that th •y dt'cided to make a con· tl'11t out of il. and It is oprn to rc11der1 or thla column. Playing along doublr dum my linH, can South makt' ti1t no trump after a htart lead'/ U you think dtt'la~r can. s\•nd tht• winning line of play tu: lirldat World Contest, 39 West 94th St .. New York, NY. 10025. H you think the contra('t mutt fai l. send tht- winninlf dtft'ntc to thP same addreH. Entries mu1t reach tht' matrtiint by Oclober J. All who aubmh thr corrt>cl solution will receive. frtie, the copy of tht> ma1tazine in which the solution ill prest-nted. You can re<eive the 10111· tlon •v•n It 1ou do not have tht winning anawer. All you han· to do I~ enclotf a larirt. self addrt'ntd envelOPfl with your solution. Or .uv11 yoursl'tr 20 cent.s and watch ror the solution In thi~ col· umn early In Octobf>r. How do you ca.... tlM beat openlna .. Ml, ca..r ... Goren hat the .. ,.,.,, Fer a top)' of "WI•.... Opo .... Leath," ... tt U .as to "G.,...l,,oeda," tan ef tMt ...,,,.,.r, P.O. a.a lSt, Nwweod, N .J. O'lt48. Malit c1Mdr1 ,.,ablo te New .. ,.,.rt.oo11 •. ... Orang• Co••• DAILY PILOT/Tuffday, September 14', 1982 Handbook aims to pry kids from TV SPRINOF'lELO. M .... (AP) - Like many parenta, Jim Trelcuo wws worried hla children would wok·h Lelevlalon too muc:h and read too UtU . Unlike many, he did aomethlna about It. "The Read Aloud Handbook" tells how Treleue, a cartoonl•t t or The Dally New1 ot Springfield, and hit wtfe touaht back. "The greatest salesman Is Ronald McDonald," Trelease said. "And what makes him ao great? H e sells hamburaera morning. noon and night. A few years ago, more 6-year-old1 probably. could say 'two all-beef pattlc1, 1peclal Hue , luuuce. cheeae, pickle~, ~nlona, on a 11esunu.•-11ced b~thun rt'dtt• their own telephone numb"n and addreuea." Such promoUon la needed for literature, eald Treleue, who 10ld 12,000 cople. ot hl1 handbook by word -of-mouth after h e published It In 1979. Penguin Booka will publish the book at the end of thla month with a firat printing of 65,000 copies, he aa~a. The edition also llsta 300 of Trelease'• favorite read-aloud ~ka tor children. "We have to advertise books as early as pouible," Trelease said ' In un lnt~rvhtw. "lf tht:y'vu ncvl1r ht'ard It and m•ver rt>od It, then tlwy'll m•vl•r lll't' It or w rite• it " Tclcvlalon, un lnt.cgrul mcmoor or many famlllt'll, mu•t ht-kept In ''" rlnn• tit' Mlcl Chlldrt>n watch TV ~r i;n average of ao hours t-ach •week, and by the lime children reach flnn grade, they have watched TV for ~.000 hours -more than the time r equired for an undergraduate degree from college, Trelease said, citing various atudles. Trelease, whose book draws on psychiatric studies as well as family experience, 1ald parcnta and t.oachera 1houJd mold rcod· aloud progri;m11 to the nffi!1 ot tht· children. For t>.blet1 and pre-echoolcra, thot meuna fairy tale1 w ith rhymea and plcturH S hort novels can b<' (ntroduced • a l'hlJd grows older. The m ost important tip, Trelease repeats throughout the book, la to read aloud books fuU of action and adventure. And provide some of the ac tion younelf. Hold a stuffed animal while reading a wildlife book or take the child to a zoo earlier In the day. Jim TreleasP Tracey Mora Nation's credit chain ~ear breaking point Mes a girl pageant finalist Tracey Mora, 15, Costa Mesa, has been selected a finalist in the California Miss T.E.E.N. pageant to be he ld in Fresno on Sept. 24-26. The winner of the state finals will wm a $1,000 scholarship and compe te in the national Miss T.E.E.N. pageant in November. All contestants between 14 and 18 must maintain a "B" average in school and participate in the pageant's volunteer community service program. By JOHN ClJNNJFF A~ llwl-• Analyet NEW YORK -The paper chain of credit agreements that link s developed and underdeveloped economies ls being put to a stress test these days, and neither borrower nor lender can say when one more tug might rip it all apart. Already a few strands in the chain have nearly given way. Bolivia defaulted on payments due lo U.S . commercial banks, and Mexico remains solvent only through an aid package hastily contrived in Washington and Basel, Switzerland. Argentina is over Its head in debt. owing about $40 billion, some of which must be paid before the end of the year. And since some of that money is owed to British banks, which aren't in a mood to refinance, a crisis is at hand. Not helping at all, of course, is the poor condition of lenders. They too are experiencing financial problems, along with inflation, a consequence of which is the feeling they must run their own economies at reduced levels. This in turn makes the situation worse In the underdeveloped nations, some of which d~pend on salet of raw materials to the developed nations. Since their sales are down, some of these less developed nations are growing even poorer. For them to borrow more would , as you might surmise, make their condition even worse, because loans today are at very high rates, so high that an industry must operate extremely efficiently simply to pay the interest due. U the world economy doesn't get moving soon, a potentially LA council wants Bradley • win Members hope to prof it from g ubernatorial victory By THOMAS D. ELIAS There's one small interest group with a larger stake than anyone e lse in the outcome of this fall's Tom Bradley-George De ukmejian gubernatorial contest. It's the Los Angeles C ity Council. Not that the city's 15 council members get along poorly with Bradley. the Democratic mayor and the party's candidate for ~ovemor. They don't. In fact, they usuaUy give Bradley his way on major issues and go out of their way to avoid fighting with him. But they'd love to have the three-term incumbent out of the way. For Bradley has been the single largest obstacle blocking the ambitions of at least three council leaders, the city attorney and the city's controversial police chief. Of that group, only Police Chief Daryl Gates has anything negative to say about Bradley, and h Is gripes l a;~·.,-· focus mostly on admin - istrative cut- backs Bradley orchestrated I in the wake of Proposi t1on Al 13 tax cuts. MAOUY For the others, the strategy i.s clear: Make Bradley's path to Sacramento as smooth as possible to get him out of the city and allow a real contest in either a special mayoral election or the next scheduled one in 1985. CAllf DRiii f OCUS Bradley's wide support in Los Angeles has precluded any hot contests for the mayor's office since he won it in 1973. F.ach time he came up for re- election, major figures would test the waters and then back off when they saw they had no chance to win. The scene has been much like last spring's De!1locratic primary, when Bradley scared off all major challengers within his party. His s upport in Los Angeles ranges from business leaders like Philip Hawley of the Carter· Hawley-Hale department store conglomerate to William Robertson, leader of the AFL- C 10 labor organization In Southern California, to Houston Flournoy. the university dean who was Republican candidate for governor in 1974. Bradley's broad base has kept other local politicians in positions they'd like to have left behind long ago. Now that Bradley has one fool in Sacramento, these figures are busily positioning themselves to run for his present office. And anyone who succeeds will become a major statewide figure in his own right. Some of those politicos: -Zev Yaro1lav11ty . A 33-year-old former activist ln the freedom -for-Soviet Jewry movement, Yaroslavsky won election to the council in 1976, defeating a Bradley assistant. Since then. he's mended fences with the Bradley people and raised a mayoral war chest of $815,384. -Ira Reiner. The city attorney was elected last year after considering a run for mayor against Bradley. then opting out. As city controller from 1977 to 1981, he was a thorn in Bradley's side, but he's had nothing negative to say about the mayor this year. -Joel Wac hs . The council president. Wach.a becomes mayor if Bradley wins the governorship and no special election follows. Wach.a alao hu a mayoral war chest of $569,449 in case of an election. -John Ferraro. City council president for eight years until 1981 , this former USC football hero has banked $469,776 for a future may· oral run. -Poltce Cblef Gatea. He has no big war chest. but OATH ls t.he only Bradley enemy among the prospects. As such, he stands a good chance of making a runoff against one of the others. But none of theee men will go anywhere unless Bradley leaves town. So most of them are playing ball with the mayor, assuring him of a secure home base while he runs for governor. (Elias ls a colwnnJst based in Santa Monica.) SF mus t promote I 0 black f ireJDen SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The San Francisco Fire Department must promote 10 blacks to the rank of lieutenant to offset the discriminatory effects of an mvaltd promotion exam. the state Fair Employment a,nd HousinR Commission has said. The agency declared the 1978 exam invalid because the passing rate for blacks was far below that of whites, 18.2 percent compared with 17.5 ....... percent; it included no oral questions and falled to test supervisory skills. While acknowledging the city's affirmative action efforts, the commission said blacks still were underrepresented in the fire d epartment and "grossly underrepresented" in the ranks of officers. O f the 1,570-member d e partment, 84 firefighters are black. Four of the department's 215 lieutenants are black. NEWSllORi•iERMACCOUNT 10.75~ ~ualired R.51~ ~dalized •: 1117to 31clap,Mlnl:num8alance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstahi sav1nos AJlstat~ Savings&. loan. a mtmber of tM Sean (anily, Ovtr' S3 billion in mets. e1982 Allstate Savinp & Loan. '"_"_-""""".,.._ ·-~,,.,.... ... -............ -~-... ·-~...----.. ......,. .. ..,. __ 1111 ANAlYSIS long line of defaulters could develop, and there is really very little that any lending nation or group of them could do about it. That is, except to refinance. Re financing, as anyone who ever borrowed a dollar knows, usually adds to costs. Moreover, the repayment terms are made on the assumption that the borrower wJU be better able to manage his finances somewhere down the line. But when? There is very little prospec t {or quic k turnarounds among borrowing 'nations. It takes time -and probably a few miracles as well. Complicating matters is the underlying hostility of nations. Mar'ly borrowers blame the United States for their condition, insisting that high U.S. interest rates present impossible obstacles to d e velopment. And that hostility isn't limited to lender- borrower. Developed nations too are angry at each other. You don't have to read or listen long to the news these days to realize the extent of this anger, even among traditional friends: Canada angry and fearful about American economic power in Canada; Americans angry over Canadian economic nationalism; Britain angry over U.S. sanctions against British subsidiaries of U.S . companies that shipped supplies for the Soviet gas ,Pipeline. WE'RE CLOSING Old friends like• you are hard to leave Store Closes in 4 Days Not ~!!i&ngs up to 75 o/o L~!d to styles available stock on hand WOMEN'S • ~~g~ $~~~~.~.~.!.~~~ .................................................. Now $1.99 • ~~~ $~~9~1~~ .. !.~.~~ .. !.~.~.~ ............................................. Now so• • ~~~$~4~~J~ ........................................................................ Now 2.99 • WOMEN'S PANT SET Now 2 99 Orig. $18.00 ............................................................................. • • br~R$!~0HUTE HANDBAG Now 3.99 COSMETiCS • ALL REVLON® .................................................... _Now 50°/o off • ALL CHARLES Of The RITZ® Fragrances Include, Jean Nate, Enjoll, Now 5001c off Rive Gauche ... ......... ... ..... ... . .. ..... .. ...... . . ... .. .......... .. ...... O • 1~c~u~!s~1~;! ~~!~~!!5~.~.~.1.~ .................... Now 50°/o off MEN'S • ALL SWIMWEAR Now 1.99 Orig. $11-$18 ....................................................................... . • NOVELTY T-SHIRTS Now 1.99 Orig. $7.50 .................................................. -...... _ .................. . • KNIT & WOVEN SPQRTSHIRTS Now 3.99 Orig. $9-$17 ......................................................................... . • CASUAL PANTS ........................................................ Now 5.99 SHOES • WOMEN'S CORDUROY TENNIS SHOES Now 3 99 Orig. $11.99 ............................................................................ • • ASSORTED WOMEN'S CASUALS Now 2.99 GIRLS' • SUMMER TOPS --Now 49• Orig. $3.50-$6.50 ..................................................................... . • ~~~s~~r~~.o~~-~~!~ ....................................................... Now 99• • ALL SPORTSWEAR orig. ss-s1s.oo ..................................................................... Now 2.99 BOYS' • ~~~s~~~~~~~~ ............................................................... Now 99• • ~g-~~-~~~ ~~.~.~~.~.!.~ ...................................................... Now 99• • SPORT SHIRTS orig. s 14.oo ............................................................................. Now 2.99 • BOYS PANTS ....................................................... : .......... Now 2.99 · ~ ~ ISlAftE O! c;0.,. .. "°" c;eft cll••ll' 11 ~NEWPORT CINT8' • ~ .... __,. ,____ Newport Beach only- ••or• Houra: MondllJ·laturday 10:00A.M.·1:00 P.M. • ' THICDASTANDTHECDUm --- What price would you have to be paid to relive the ups a"'nd downs of your First day of school? By PHIL SNEID~l:tMAN 01 the Dally Piiot Stall The phone in tht' offtcc at Cox Elementary School in Fountain Valley 1s ringing off the hook at 7:40 a.m. Secretary Nadine Ac:t•ong10 says she forgot to post a sign announcing what time classes begin. Now. on the first day of a new school year. she tells each caller poli tt'ly, "8: 10 a.m. And yes. the ... \ -:.:. To encourage ta lk of families, Chere Ha le shows pictures of h er husband and on. ·-·~ ..... younger students will get out at 1:20." Across the courtyard in Classroom E-1. the big hand is creeping toward 8 o'clock as Chere Hale prepares to meet her new charges, a combination class of first and second graders. Her classroom has been clea ned and decorated. Bulletin board themes include school safety and ''Families Around the World." Dr. Seuss books are s tacked on a rear table. Laminated name tags rest on each desk. HaJe has studied photographs so that she will know most of h er students on sight. This is her 14th year of teaching since she graduated from Cal State Long Beach and joined the faculty of the Fountain Valley School District. A resident of Whittier. she rose at 5 a.m. today and jogged two miles with her husband. who is an assistant principal at a junior high in Chino. Still. she is not completely at ease. She explains that the first impression she makes on her students wilJ be crucial. "You set the tone for the enure year." Hale says. "so the s tudents know what are the acceptable standards of behavior in the class. "After 14 years, you'd think you wouldn't have butterflies anymore. But 1 never sleep at all the night before the first day of school.'' Hale has an extra reason lo be jittery this year: h e r own son Mike h as just started kindergarten two rooms away. She is not the onl y nervous parent on the Cox campus this day. Outside her room. mothers and fathers clasp tightly to the hands of youngsters who appear much more composed than their elders. The students are dressed in new or freshly laundered school clothes and carry lunch boxes bearing likenesses of Pac Man. the Muppets and the "Dukes of Hazzard." More than one parent poses a child for a snapshot. The 8: 10 bell sounds. As the parents look on. Hale introduces herself. arranges the boys and girls in separate lines on the playground and marches them into her classroom. She shows them where to hang their coats and stow their knapsacks en route to the seats bearing their name cards. There are two Brians in class, and it creates a brief mixup. The room is set up for 32 students and onJ y one youngster is missing. (He arrives a bit late.) Some students are Cox School returnees, others are transfe r s. Ha le tries to reassure the youngsters. "It's kind of spooky the first day," she says. Divided into three teams. the students are instructed to sit with hands folded atop their desks. eyes and ears focused on the tecicher. Hale announces she will observe which team is paying closest attention and will award points that may allow one group to leave first for recess. (See FIRST DAY, Page 82) Ala11 Dobie play '~"tlnnd Yard detective ergea11t Cribb i11 n PBS "My t ery" epi ode lonig/Jt. Page BB. 0 0 --... , Cherish Morgan remind brothe r Derrin, a kindPrgartner , tha t he must he quiet in class. Carrie Mynar, the new clas pre ident, found it' ha rd getting up o early and Kevin Mulholland listened carefully to teacher's rules. It's an ill wind that blows • in your direction SEPTEMBER WINDS: Pondering the trash that gets generated along our coastline all summer long, you may wonder someti~cs where it all blows away to. Mostly it doesn't. Consider the massive collection of paper cups, hotdog wrappers. assorted tissue and package papers that drift to earth with ever y big throng out at the Orange County Fairgrounds in --------• /'w'\ Costa Mesa. How does it TOM MURPHINI ~~ disappear? ,~ Well, th~ fairgrounds ~-------..-..~~--usually enjoy a fairly hefty breeze. The trash blows to the fences, that's where. All you have to do is inspect the fences after any major event. The fences do the c0Uecting. The pickup chore is almost a snap after that. IT'S ANOTHER MATTER on the accumulation o( paper and plastic junk along our roadsides. Tons of the stuff are ge nerated in the ditches along Coast Highway between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach and also on the shoulders of bucolic Laguna Canyon Road. At these locations. the fencing ls just a few strands of barbed wire that just won't do as a trash·stopper. Yet the trash does get picked up and bundled Into big bags. The only wind that did this was th e oratory of a judge down at the Laguna Niguel muni court. f He sentences ce1 tain of !enders to get out there and r, "OK. who WBS the id/QI who turned on th£> air blower machine?" pick up all those souvenirs the visiting summer hordes hove left with us. All you can hope is that the good jurist keeps up his program. FACED WITH SIMILAR trashy problems on lawns or along residential street gutters, some private citizens have taken to creating their own wind lo sweep away the problem. They get these little portable wind·blowing machines. Currently, news reports hevc Indicated that the small I wind blowers are under assault by the smog.fighting South Coast ~ir Quality Managem ent District. The machines that mak e the wind that blows out of a tube at the offending trash are drivep by a small gasoline engine, usua11y worn by the operator in a back-pack. The smog fighters have now a ttacked these machines, alleging that the little gas e ngines which have no smog control devices -produce more noxious fumes than a full-sized automobile chugging along at 35 miles an hour. Aghast manufacturers o f the lawn blower devices have screamed foul over the charges and claim such comparisons are the product of dreamland. TAKE EITHER SIDE of the debate you want but · those little b1ower machines can cause other irritations. Like having your neighbor fire one up at 8:30 on a Sunday morning, when you thought you were going to get a few extra winks. Talk about noisy. You'll think you've been invaded by three nests worth of hornets. Then too, there's the heady question of when your neighbor blows his trash away, where did he blow it to? Maybe your yard. Go buy a blower and you can then blow it right back to hlm. IF EVERYBODY GETS a blower to battle the other guy's machine, we might be able to solve the trash problem slrnply by keeping the awful stuff constantly airborne. • Then maybe we've created another problem . Orange COHt OAILV PILOT/Tue1day, September 14, 1882 Cherish Mo rgan takes a hor izontal view of ve rtical strokes that make ABC's le tte r-pe rfect. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL JITTERS . • • From Page 8 1 "If I see a goof, 1 might have to erase a point," she warns. A student is selected to lead the flag salute. "Outstanding!" Hale exclaims after the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. ~ Now it's time for a few words of caution: If you bring money for a hot lunch, keep it in your pocket or purse. You'U only receive one pencil a month, so take care of 1t. And you're responsible for each textbook you take home. "If it gets lost or stolen or eaten by a dog , or if your baby brother scribbles in it, you'll have to buy another one," Hale warns. The teacher points out the paper cabinet, the "mushpot" (a container for broken pencils and crayons) and other room fixtures. "Anyone know a good reason why we have a trash can by the pencil sharpener?" she asks. "So the pencil stuff won't get all over the floor," a student replies. "Exactly right," Hale says. "The pencil sharpener has a catcher, but it sometimes leaks.:; Ca sa ' s circus aids children Members of the Rams football team will model fashions and auction off lockerroom paraphernalia at a charity benefit Friday at the Sheraton Newport. Liz Bain, of the sponsoring La Casa Children's Assistance Support Auxihary. says the evening's entertainment will include mimes, jugglers, organ grinders and palm readers befitting the theme "Under the Big Top." Tom Powell, president of La Casa, says the fundraiser is one of two major social gatherings ·the organization sponsors yearly in support of Orangewood, a new home for dependent children. La Casa has donated more than $85,000 toward the $7 million onstruction costs for the ·facility that will replace the overcrowded Albert Sitton Home. The $25 tickets for the circus-style night can be obtained by phoning 634-7187. BED WETTER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED ' ,,.. ........... , ............ --............ ,_,, _ .... -.. --~---... --. .. -......... -...... -.............. re .......... ,.... ---·--"·· .. ----....--·-.... .--.. -.... -.--·--., .. l!)fec.....,. .... • •• 4 -.,... tr• Al MiM ..W Mow To IM ...... _ .. , ___ ... _,_ "Equally Eff«tive for Adu/rs'· r-.:;.:;;;;.;~7.;;;;:;;;;~~~T-;,~-~ 311 First Str"t / Nffoosa. Wt 54C57 PARENTS NA ... E --------- ADDRESS ----------- CITY _____ STATE--ZIP __ P>iONE AGE -- ., Pac1hc: lnte•Mlion.I llO lf71 IAI>" • -50) CM.a Then come more rules to live by: Leave the room in an orderly manner during fire drills. No pets, toys or equipment from home on the school playground. Above all, try to use the rest rooms before school, during recess or at lunch . (There are two rest room passes on the shelf for "dire, burning emergencies,'' Hale says.) Finally, the teacher encourages compassion for students who have dirficulty with some subjects. "If you've ever had a brother or a neighbor who teased you and made you feel bad, you know how much it hurts," Hale says. "One thing the boys and girls In this class can never do is tease." Now, it is time for the youngsters to have the!f say. Each student is asked to stand and talk about his or her family. favorite hobby and vacation activities. Popular hobbies include roller· .skating, swimming, baseball, soccer and skiing. It is 9:35 a.m., time for recess. The youngsters quickly spill on to the playground to shoot baskets, climb jungle gyms and play ball games. A too-short 15 minutes later, recess is over. Back In class, the teacher explains that stude nts will take turns acting as "Helping Hands" by passing out paper, turning off lights, caring for playground balls and leading the flag salute. "In our classroom, the boys and girls do most of the work,'' Hale explains. "We're like a family. And every family has chores." Next the class must elect its first president- for-a-week. Three nominees are asked to step outside the room. Hale asks her students to put their heads down, then raise their hands in a "secret" vote. As the three nominees return, Hale infonns Carrie Mynar she is the first class president. The teacher assures the others it was a close vo•.e. Carrie's job will be to pick the first week's Helping Hands They will be chosen after each student traces a hand on orange paper, writes his or her name on it and cuts It out. Several orange hands are selected for the classroom chores. F or the first writing assignment, each youngster is asked to leave a margin at the left of a sheet of paper and print the entire alphabet - capitals and small letters. · "Neat and tidy printing is very important in my clas.5room,'' Hale says. "This isn't for speed. It's to show me your very best." SENIORS Coro na d e l M or Med1col Will Au .. p! Medicare Assignments A-, Poynwri t I n Full j •. '.-' ... ~ ' 720-13 39 <;f>.MbPM J ( ,., •• •1 •• _. ' ore cluck for your ~uCk. -----I --~~(l;'J -----;wl\t' 15! ~.1 .. w1 ~ Good for two pieces of tulcy, aolden I Good for nine pieces of juicy, aoldtn I Rtdtem this eQU90n for 1 Ctfry PICk ~ ::> brown Kentlld!y Fried Chicken, plus 1 1 brown Kentucky Fried Chicken, with I IOldtd with fifteen pieces of Juicy, o slncl• strvlna of Kentucky Fries. four rolls, 1 l1r1e colt sltw, a lar1e ioldtn !Kown Kentucky Ftltd Chicken. u u1111t two otters pef purcttm. Coup°" 1ooc1 ma~ed potatoes and a medium aravy. Z I Oll!y tor comlllntllon Whitt/du-ord111. I Llllllt two otter! ... , purGllui. Cou"""' lood I LIMll two olftr1 per purclllu, Coupon lotd I C111tomer 11tr• 111 appllctbl1 u111 tar. -ly tor c-"'llll""ii-..... 1111~.r{'"'ordare. °"'' for combln1tl011 wttll1/dtr-on:ttta. -· "'"" "" "" -Cuatom1r 11111 111 11N1llc1'11 11111 ta•. I Olfar expires September 26, 1982 I Cwllomer 1>11• 111 tppllcelll•11111 tu. I Offer expires Stpt1mbtr 26, 1912 I "'"' 11111 very 11 per1lcl,at1n1 1ocat1011s. Off tr ••plrts September 26, 1982 'rlcH 11111 VII"/ et P•rtlc!petlni !Ooltl•. I CovP011 1ood onlr In loutharn I 'rice• 1111'1 vtl"/ It p1"lclpet1111 IOctllOllt, CouPOll aood t111!y 111 loulllt lll C1lltorlll1 I llfo111l1 WlltrOOU IM the 1111111• COllflOll Sood Oll!y Ill lovlll1nl C1!1forlll1 whtrl cou 111 tltt IMl!lllenlllJ ... , Of 1111 lltrellt, •t1I of Ill• IC4illtudr ...... ... .._ ... , 1 If 111 '''" Clllcktll AMOCl•llon. ""'" 104I ... '". """' ........ ' ... • Kt11tt1C fr ltd Clllcklfl MHCllllOll, I ICtlltucllJ Fried Clllcllfll AMtc11tlt11. I ·---• --COUPON -• -----~tuckyl'riecl Ohtc:kel\ After reading a nd s pelling in the classr oom, J essica' Wur ter uses bod y English during recess. • A few pupils have trouble with letters they don't oft.en use, such as "Q." "If you forget one, skip it,'' Hale tells them. "It's legal to forget. You've had a long vacation." Lunch time is approaching, but first Hale must review the behavior rules for the classroom: Follow my d1rect1ons the first time they are given. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to ge~ up. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. No cussing or teasing. Now the punishment for offenders: One "goof," and your name goes up on the board. Additional offenses bring detention time. Serious misbehavior will result in suspension. "What's suspension?" a little girl m the front row asks. It is 11:30 a.m. Whale her studen ts are outside at a lunch table, devouring their sandwiches, Hale admits that the first day or school is not typical. "This is like a necessary evil that we have to go through -discussing all or these rules and things," she explains. "It's not as exciting as it will be in a few weeks.'' By then, Hale will be working with the youngsters in smaller reading and math groups. She won't have to spend as much time working to command the und1v1ded attention of 32 fidgety youngsters. But she also remembers the year one new student spent his first morning kicking all of his classmates, and the teacher is grateful this first day of school is proc.-eechng so smoothly. "I feel much more relaxed now," Hale says as her new students conunuc emptying their lunch palls nearby. "And I thank they do, too." SPIRES LOWERS PRICES ON DINNER SPECIALS · YOU CAN'T COOK IT AT HOME FOR LESS! All Dinners include Bowl of Soup or Crisp Green Salad with Choice of Dressing. Choice of Potato (Baked Potato served 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or Rice Pilaf, Dinner Roll and Butter.· MOIDAY 3 to 10 p m SATURDAY 310 10 p.m -~ ---~-; __., J Yi FRIED CHICKEN ••• 2.25 TOP SIRLOIN STEAK •• 3.35 FILET MIGNON •••••• 3.85 Four delicious pieces of golden brown fnect A navorful steak! Gnlled to your taste chicken Moltl and tender TUESDAY 3to10 p m IRUDEDPORK A dehcious steak wrapped In bacon to en- hance the "8VO< and gnlled 10 please you. SUDY Noon to 10 p m tmaU1111 .•...•• 2.85 NEW YORK STEAK ••• 3.85 TERIYAKI BROCHETTES Two medalllDnl DI lightly brMded pork ten-Juicy and tender. Gnlled to your taste. Of IEEf 3 35 def1oln eerved on a bed of country gravy • • • • • • • • • • • • Tender chunk• of marinated tlrloln with With~· green pepper•. onion and tomato wedgea ...... Y3to10p.m ' Making good food easy. to find. ' .. • Oreng1 CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tuead1y, September 1 ... 1982 Motorcycle firm irate 8t Japan WASHlNGTON (AP) Peter Fonda rode one In "Eaay Rider," and Sylvester Stallone took lO hls Harley In "Rocky 111 " For be tter tha n 30 year s, the mystique o! Harley-Davidson dominated the macho molOrcyd e world. But now Ame r ica's only r e main ing manufacturer of motortycles says It Is In danger of being· run o ff the road by Japanese illlports. The government is a bout to investiga t e complain ts from Harley-Davidson Mot.or Co. Inc. that a wave of lrnported Japanese motorcycles --especially t he heavy, highway-touring models aimilar to th06e built by Harley- D a v id son -is ma k i ng i t impossible for t he 79-year-old American company to compete. Und e r U .S . l aw , t he International Trade Commission could recommend to Presiden t Rea ga n a n import q uota or additional duties on motorcycles if it is d etermine d t ha t the imports are the primary reason for Harley-Davidson's troubles. In a petition filed this mon th FDR THE RECORD Births HOAG H08PIT Al NEWPORT BEACH July 14 Mr. & Mrs Victor Stull, Costa Mesa. Glrl Mr. & Mrs Reid Jenkin•. C0<on• del Mar. Girt Mr. & M rs Joseph Henehan, Irvine, Glrl Mr. & Mrs KenJI Nakamura. Cost• Mesa, Gin Mr & Mrs James P099. Coste Mesa.Girl Mr. & M rs Mitchell Parker. Costa Mesa, Glrl July 15 Mr. & Mrs Phlllp Ventre. Co11a Mesa, Girl. Mr. & M rs Phlltp Houaer FOIJntaJn Valley, Boy Mr. & Mra. Stephen Werlleld, Ulguna Nlgue4, Glrl Mr. & Mrs Dellen Rothe. Laguna Beech, Glrl. JulJ 11 M r. & Mrs Randy Freer, Huntlnglon Beach, Glrl. Mr. & Mrs David Sllv•. Irvine. Girt. Mr. & Mra. Wiiiiam S1ra1eman, Corona del Mar. Boy Mr. & Mrs Mlchael Toppen, Huntington Beach, Girl July 17 Mr. & Mra. H1ron1 Adeaa11n. Foonlaln V•lley, Boy Mr. & Mrs Richard ~II. lrvlM, Boy July,. Mr & Mrs Aaron Pall. Cost• Mesa. Girl. .1v1,,. M r & Mra John Lovrlc, Huntington Beach. Girl July 20 Mr & Mra Richard Barrera. Coal• Mesa. Boy Mr & Mrs Raymond Berry Foontaln Valley. Boy Mr & Mra. George Thomaen. Foontaln Valley, Girl Mr. & Mrs Gary G0<1k1. Newpon Beach. Boy Mr. & Mrs James Guthrie. Corona de4 Mar, Boy Mr. & Mrs Al&llllr Klnley. Coste Mesa. Boy ST. JOSEPH H08PfTAl July 13 Mr. & Mrs David Ne•I. Colla Mesa. glrl July 11 Mr. & Mrs Aonald Gengler. Foontaln V•lley. Boy Augual 4 Mr and M rs J1mea Ruu. N-port Beach, Glrl Augual 5 Or & Mrs Gary Burge, lrvlM. Bot'· August 7 Mr & Mrs. J Petrlek Freeman, Fountain V1lley, Girl August I Mr & Mrs D1vld Anderao,n. Corona de4 Mar. Boy August 1S .,.r & Mrs Darryl Cox. Coale M ... Glrl Mr & M,. Gary Finch. Newpot1 a.ch. Boy August 14 M r. & Mra Oouglea Co111 M ... Girl ST. JUOE HOSPITAL """ 29 M r & Mrs Jemaa Cr•na Newport Beach, Boy RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........ tar9MS..• I '22 HAJllOll ILVD. COSTA MESA-541·1 IS'- Pold Pohllcal Adv ALLAN BEEK t-OR CITY COUNCIL , ... fot ... A••-119') sn. ... ,. ...... ....,.... lln<t. !~I'!:! Mco..nc1•11 SQM ,. ... ""'""° lltfMIOOM ...,.._ St ... ,,,u, S.W. T-11.U .. 'I-Door (c.181«9 -..,_ ...... COSTA .SA 641-1219 1126 .....,... ...... !"'lllOH YllJO 495-0401 • ttt22 C-... Cpl lswoa c-.... ....., ... ..., ........ Tum your unuubles Into usable ca1tt.ca11 D•llY~llot Cl8uffted 642--5671. with t he commlulon, t h e M1lwaukl~·based, pnvately held C'Om pon y occu sed Jopancac manu facturers ot copylna ll11 design ancJ advert.laing atyTe to grab customers who have been Harley-Davidson 's 111.radltlonal support." T he complaint says Japanese sales of the powerful ope n- h igh way bikes of 700cc and '70111 Horlt'y D vld11on c.•ollar ·d almcJ11t oil thut mat kt'l The• contpuny told the trade t•omm1Slilon "lht-re 111 a 1erlous t:1 u c:11tlun how long H arley- Davldsou . con C'ontlnue lo s u rvive '' w i th out som e temporary restrkuon on Imports "tr the Import situation conlinUl'S LO deteriorute ... the willingness of Harley-Davidson's HT hey'rt-virtua lly copying our motorcycles as wdl as our marketing approach .... " above have jumped by nearly on e-third sin ce 1977, while Harley-D1widson's share of the slumping motorcycle market has fallen. Dur ing the first six months of t h is year , fo ur J a panese companies -Honda, Yamah a, K a wasa ki , a n d S u z uki - accounted for nearly 86 percent of the 134 ,41 2 over -the-road motorcycles sold in the United States, while Harley-Davidson's s h a re d ro pped to about 13 percent. During much of the 1960s and i.-.-----"'· ··~--·-·-­..... ~~···" ......... lenders to conunue lo support the compan y will be brought into queatlon," the petition continued. T hree of the four Japanese manufacturers declin e d to comm ent on the H ar l ey- Davidson allegations, saying they had not examined the petition filed with the government. A spokesman for Honda, which makes about 40 percent of the motorcycles sold ln this country, d e ni ed t hat Ja p Anese manufacturers are to blame for Harley-Davidson's problems. Harvey App lebaum , an attorney ropreacntlna Hondta, conte nded that the rc•ce11lon, generttl d t•c:llnt· In motorcycle dom nd ond otht>r l11uea have pluy<..J a major roll' In Harley- Davidson'• det>llne. "We clearly don't !~l there Is any merit to Harley's argument that their problems are due t.o Honda's imports," Applebaum said in an interview. He also noted that Honda and Kawasaki each has a rriotorcycle assembly plant In the United St.ates. Harley-Davidson argues those motorcycles should be considered Imports because their power train assemblies come from J apan. H arl ey-Davidson , w h ich became a privately held company In 1981 when 1t was purchased by 14 of its executives, refuses t.o ma ke revenue and loss figures public, saying only that it ran a deficit last year and that losses are continuing. In 1980, the last yea r that. the com pa ny w as publicly traded, it re ported a profit of $12.3 million on sales of $290 million. Two supervisory employee po e in front of a Jo ng line of motorcycles at the Harley-Davidson Motor Co., York, Pa. The U.S. government will investigate the firm's complaint that Japanese manufacturer are competing unfairly. _MENTHOL ' lowTor9 mg - 9mg ; , ;1 .. 9 mg "tar", 0 7 mg. n1cot1n1 av. per c1gare11e by nc method ·: .· .. ... ~; ;;: .. ... ._ ..... ... :. :-..:· <;; • ~ .. .• .. ·; ·: .. .. r Or•no• Cout DAILV PILOT/TUMday. Septemb« 14, 1812 ..... , ~OTICB or O&ATH 0, tJ TH 8A1 Nlllll>GE U:~~ IUJ1'11 a. COL~ Jhr nt COLE AND 01" B TI T I ON T O MINIST!I\ £8T A TE NO. 1H"4. all h«'ln. bconefldariea, edltor1 and conlln1ent editor• of RtTTH lNBRIOOE COLE, aka B. CX>LE. aka Rtrl'H U: and perwona who may otherwlle lntere1ted ln will and/or eetat.e: A pttJdon hM been tued b Dorothea E. Cole In the S perlor Court of Orange C unty requeatlna that rothea E . Cole be ~olnt ed u personal tative to admlnlat.er t e e1tate of R uth ~bridge Cole, Costa Mesa, Callforp la (under the IJidependent AdministntJon o~ Eiatate1 Act). The petJt.lon 11; 1et for hearing in Dept. Nb. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive We1t, Santa Ana, CA 9~701 on October 6, 1982 at We Are Pleased To Announce The Affiliation Of JAY L. REED New Bu ine Development Mr. R1:ed i~ '' fu1.tndln1:& t.lirectur of C111nn11m.:t'011nk aml was rorro1:rly 11~,odiued with Fluor Coqlorutinn frn ~.) year;. • Ill Al><) AR1l M.., OHi< I- C OMML IKI Ri\NK OlllLL>IN(, l.?ilf 0.•\C ..... Nt!Wpt.•rl UClll'h • ..:.A '12Nll.I 17to.11 H'l"MXI 9:30 a.m. L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lF YOU OBJECT to the ~Ung of I.he petition, you should ell.her appear at the l'ta.IC NOllCE NII.IC NOTICE Pta.IC NOTICE hearing and state your ------------•·------------objections or me written =~...,, YOU A.Re IN Dtl .. AU&.T UNOI .. A NOTIC• °" TIN•HE'• •ALI objections with the court nwaT11~ c:'AL1 ~::,:,_~ :0, T:: ·~.~TY~ Loe;_:,O..;~~:;~un before the hearing. Your No. IZMtt TAl(l ACTION TO ,,.OTICT AMERICAN SECURITIES appearance may be in person YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A YOU .. '"O,lfn v IT MAY •1 COMPANY. a c0tporallon, .. duly DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH I""'" •T .. _,II" a' '"LI If YOU appolflled Trullee under Iha or by your attorney. 31. 1981. UNLESS YOU TAKE .. lo A.. lx;uHATioH Of n. lotlowlng deec:rll>90 dMd ol trust I F Y 0 U ARE A ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR NATU .. I O .. THI ,,.OCHDINQ WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION C!:°~Rlhor da contingent ~~~rl~R~~~.~~yy~i szi~DAl~ ~g:~:~~ :~WYyf.",.U a HOULD t~s!r~.~~~~E:1T11~~~~~8~01~ c ltor 0 e eoeased, you EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE NOTICE °" Ttw1Ti 1•• IALI lewlul money 01 the United States) must file your claim with I.he OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST NO. G40ln all right, title and Interest CO!lveyed court or present it to the YOU, VOU SHOULD CONTACT A on ootobar 4 1982 at 10·00 to 1nd now held by II under Hid LAWYER ' ' . personal representative 0 0 · b 8 198., ·oo A.M ., at Iha main entrance to Deed ol Tru11 In the property I d b h n cto er • •· at 11. Lawyer• Title lnaurenee Company hflfeln11tar dotcrlbed: appo nte Y t e court A.M., Statewide Foreclosure 520NotthMalnStreetlntheCltyoi TRUSTOR: JOSEPH TIMOTHY within four mo~lhs from the Servlcea. Inc ea duly appointed Sen1e Ana. County of Orenge, State COOK and VALERIE JUNE COOK, date of first issuance of Trutt•• under and pureuant to ol Calllornla, C.W.IFORNIA lluaband and wife letters as provided in Section Deed ol Trull recorded May 19, RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, • BENEFICIARY WELLS FARGO 00 Pro 1982 ea lnllr No. 82·172799. ol Celllornla Corporation. ea duly BANK, N.A .. a netlonal banking 7 of the bate Code of Offlclal Record•. executed by: appointed Tru11ee under thet UIOCletlon California. The time for Wiiiiam M Eveneon u trv1t0t. In cenall'I Deed of Trual executed by Aec:ofded oac.tnbflf 5, 1980 as filing claims will not expire the olflc• OI the County Recofder of KIM M ADAMS •• llngle man •• ln11r. No. 81157 In book 13861 P8Q4I Prior to four months from w°'1angeLL SECouLL n~y. SPtu•Bt•LICof ~uc"°'TIOnl•N. 1rv110t. rec:«ded on Fet>ruaty 14, IM9 ol Offlctal Recotd1 In the olfa ,;r " 1979. u lnllrument No. 14691. In ol the Rac0<dar ol Orange County, the date of the hearin g TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Book 13034. Page 226. ol Otflelal H id deed ol trult describes the noticed above. (Payable 11 time ol Mle In lawful Rac0td ol oreoge County, Sllle of tollowlng property: YOU MA y EXAMI NE money ol the United States) al. Callf0tnle. under the powe< ot eale PARCEL 1: Unit 123, In the • rise Fluor earnings on Chairman sees recover y as interest 1·ate dip BY OLEN SCOTT Of111e Delf1 '11el ateff The Fluor Corp hn1 announ"•cd lh•t net earnln11 continued to rile during lta third quarter this year despite f llurc to bolat.cr a awgging backlog of ordt'nl. However, Chairman J. Robort Fluor aaid In 11 written atatem<'nt that docllnlng Interest rates should encourM8C development of needed new projects. Said Fluor: "Overall, even though earnings per share have been depressed, a number of posl ti ve factors have now appeared on the horiwn, which Indicate a recovery Is under way." Company offlrlals said F'luor had net earnings of S38.5 million truro revtlnu~a of SI Y billion durlnR th third q1.uarwr, whlc:h ended July 31. During thf' samt' lime lut year, the company eorncd $20 6 million on $1 ~ billion Third quart.er earnings ln 198 I were reduced by borrowi.np to acquire 45 perccnl of th~ Sh{1rl.>S to St. J ot• Mlnr•rnlt1 , o(fldt1 ll' nott·d. Fluor eventually boui.:ht 100 percent of the stock. ~~rnln~s per snar~ tor thv third quarter this year were 49 cents, compared to 42 cents per share in 1981, officials said. For the nine-month peric.>d , Fluor had net earnings of $120.5 million compared to $94.9 million for the same time the yea IUlll caum IUSINISS Gary 11J e&" Jobo1on of Newport Beach has been appointed vice president of sales of KawaaakJ Motors Corp., U.S.A. (KMC). He was sales manager of the cent.rat region in Arlington, Texas. Larry McKenna of Huntington Beach has been named marketing associated for the Newport Beach office of Iliff, Thorn & Company, a commercial real JOHNION estate brokerage firm. Formerly affiliated with b<·for<:, ofht·I 11 1d Eumnp per ah rt• Wt't(' Sl 53 In 1982 compart>d to $1 !Iii In 1981 Nl•W unfoni t•ununut-<l to dt .. duw Jo'luor rl!porw<l $555,:i~:4,000 worth o f nc•w proJ<.•<:L'I durmg th<' third 4u11rH·r vt·r1ou11 $968,· 897,000 ttw yt.'l•r bcfor<.•. For nine months, the• $Z billion figure for 198i is lcS& than ti third of last ycur'11 $6.3 billion mark. An o.ptimu1ti~-sour1d111g fluor, howt'Vl'r', s aid the firm's wurldw1dc• c·ngine<.•ring and construction huKinc•sses should attract more.• projt<·~ as int.crest r;)ll'8 go down Lower ralt•s, he said, act 314 catalysts to 1n1t1ate deferred projects ''that n~ tr> bu built." O'NEIL MoKENNA SUlan Martin O'NeU has been appointed to develop the major commercial real estate loan origination department at Newport Balboa Savings. She was major loan officer a nd assistant vice president of Far West Savings, Newport Beach. former director of manufacturing for Apple Computer, lnc. Ralph A. Me11lng and Roy S. Molla rd have joined Daleco Research ud Development, Inc. as members of its technical advisory board. Messing I.a a senior research associate, R & D Division, Corning Glass Works. Mollard is the DaJeco acts as a professional general partner and sponsor of R & D limited partnerships In Newport Beach The Newport Beach charll'r t·hapler of the American Business Women's Association will meet tonight at 6:30 at t.he Sheraton N(•wport Hotel, Newport Beach. t.o hear Richard Mt'yer. assistant security managl•r for the May Comp:.my Soulh lront enlrenGe to the ~Inge therein contelned will Mii at public County ol Orange, State or thelltekopt bythecourtlfc~ntyO~C~rt~~e.Clty~ •~~n~~e~ghe"~~~~ ~mor~a.ut~nandd~rl~~--------------------------------------------------~ you are interested in the Santa An1, Slit• ol Celllornle, all cash. or cheek 11 de1erl~ below, In the Condominium Plan recorded estate you may file a request right, lllle end lnlerHt conveyed to peylble at the time of .. 1e In 11w1u1 In boolt 128'8. peges 1018 to 1061 with 'the court lo receive •n,dTnow1 1~_by 11 unclflf-~ld ~1 money ol th• Unll•d States ol lncluelve, Olllclel Racord1, of . o rus n 1 .... property 111tuat.... n America. wtlttout w1rranty expreu Orange Coonty, C1lll0tnla. spec I al n ot 1 ce of the 111d County and Slit• described as: or lmplled 11 to tit le. u ••· PARCEL 2· An undivided 1141s1 inventory of estate assets Lot 28 ol Tract 4803, as per m1p po1N11lon or encumbrancH. all Int.,..., u a tenant In common In and of the petitions accounts rec0tded In book 181, pagea 23 and rlglll. 1111e and lntarHI now held by the IH lntere11 In end to tl'le • . . 24 ol Ml1cell1neous Mapa ol 11 11 MH:h TruitH In end to the common llM 10 Lot 4 or Tract No. and reports described in Orange Coun1y. lollowlng daecrlbed property "58. In the City or 1rvtne. County of S e c t i o n 1 2 0 0 o f t h e Th• atrHt •ddreu and other lltualed In the atoresald COUnty end Orange, Stele ol Celll0tnl1. u Pet California Probate Code. mon dellgn111on, II any. ol the Stele, 10 wit map rlQOrded 1n boOk 429, paoes H V E y g E N real property de1crll>9d above la PARCEL 1 30 to 33 lnclullve. MllCl!laneous AR • N Y & urported lo be. 18512 Spruce Unit 291, Ciiy ol IMnl, County Map1, In tha omce of the counly GARDNE R S1tee1. Fountain Valley, CA. of Orange, s111e of CalHornla, a1 recorder ol Hid county. aa such By: Rlcbrd W. BacbaJlan Tha underelgned Tru1tee ahOINn Ind defined on that certain letml1daflnecllnlheArtlc:leenlltled l775! Sltypa rlt Blvd. No. 11c11lm1 any llablllty tor any Condominium Plen rec«ded June "Oellnltlona" or the Oeclaretlon ol lnoorrectneu of ltte •treat eddrees 22. 1978 In boolt 12727, page 1711. Coven1n11, Conditions and 140 end other common Cleslgn1llon, 11 of Olllclel Records ol Orange Reatrlotlon1 (the "Oecleratlon") Irvine, CA 1%714 ny, 1hown herein. County, Celllornl• rec0<ded In bOOk 12692, page 1605, (71') HZ-0%1% Seid Ille wlll be m1de. but PARCEL 2: Olllclal Rec0td1, of 1ald County. p bli h d O Co t lthoul coven1nt or warranty, An undivided 1/44th lnterlll In EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll. gas. U s e range as xprHI °' Implied, reg11dlng tltle. and to Lot 8 ol Trect No 10137 es mlnetels and other ttydroc1rbon1. Daily Pilot, Sept. 13, 14, 20, ossestlon. or encumbrances. 10 lhown on 1 MIC> r8COfded In book belOw 1 depth of 500 '"'· wllttout 1982 pay the remaining principal aum ol 4 2 6 . p 1g•1 4 a to 5 o o I tha right ol aurlace entry. as 4018-82 he nota(1) MC\Ked by uld Deed of Mlecell1neou1 Map1. racord1 of r--..0 In ln1trument1 ol r8COfd ru11. with ln1erat1 thereon. as Orange County, C•lff0tnle, togathet PARCEL 3· EHament1 as set ovlded In Mid nota(s). advanoes. wllh ell 1"1eroveman11 thereon. forth In Iha Section• entltled l'tll.IC NOTICE 8'MN01t COURT Ofl CALWONtlA COUMTYOf'~ 700 Cl* C-ter Df. WMt a.ta Ana, CA P.0.lo•UI Sena. Ana, CA tml2 llAMIAOI Ofl PETITIONER; CONSUELO M. BUENO RESPONDENT; ENRIQUE 0. BUENO auMMONS{r,__ y LAW) CAH NUliltlJll D204l4S NOTICE You ti... tMetl wed.. TM -1 m.y 6eckle ...,..., you wllflout r o1H llelfta lleard 11nle11 r o11 reapclfld .,..... • Mya. "9ed the ~ ...... . " ........... oeall ... edwtce of .,. eUorfter '" thla metier, rov ellOllld do ao ~ eo "'9t row '"PG"N If ~ If ..,,, ,,.... i.NMOftlifM. Avtaot U1ttd he 1ldo demPdado. El trlbullel puede decldlr _.,. Ud. 1tn audleMla a menoe que Ud. ,...,... dentro de 30 dlM. LN .. ~ ........ S I U1ted d .. ea 1ollcltar et -Jo de itn abottaclo en Ml• a111nto , dellerf1 h ecerlo '"~ ........ -.. eu ,......u o lleg1ckMI, " hey al9une, puede ••r r .. l1trada a ~HE RESPONDENT: The petitioner hu flied • petl11on conoernng yOlll' marriage. If you 11111 to Ille 1 reaponM wllhln 30 days ol the d1te lhel tl'll• 1ummon1 11 Mrved on yoo, your default m1y be ontflfed end the cout1 may ent.,. 1 fudgment cont1lnlng Injunctive or other Otd.,.• eooe«nlng dlvlelon ol property. I QOUHI 1upport. Child cuetody, chlld 1upport. attorney 1-. coet1. and lllcil other relief .. m1y be gtanled by the eourl. The gatnlahment or wages, t1klng ol moMy cw property, "' other coun au1horlzed proceedlnga m1y 1l110 rHUlt Dated Mey 26, 1982. LEE A BRANCH, Clerk By: Cl'lenotta HOOker. LAW ~:Of l'ILCZI! .. A .IAUMOUI IOI Cit)' Parttwey W., .... 900 OrM91,CA,_ Tel: (l'14) D1·tll1 Publl1hed Orange Coaat Dilly Piiot Aug. 31, Sept. 7, t4, 21, 1982 3866-82 rta.IC NOTICE l'ICTIT10U9 .,.... .. NAm 8TAT'lmNT The tollowlng pereon le doing ~-CONSTRUCTION CON· SUL TA HTS. 008 Seubor•. Newport Beedl, Co. 92883 Stetlley Howland Oould, 4908 Seuhore. Newport Baech, Ca. 112M3 Thi• t>u.in-11 condvcted by on lndlllldulll. Stanley H. Owld Thi• llatement w .. flied wltn tne COunty Cler1I of Orange County on ,...,_, 27. 1982. ,t..a ,11bll1hed Orenge Coeat Deity Pt101 AUii. S1, Sept. 7. 14. 21., tNt 311$42 .. I any. und.,. the tarme ol Mid Deed excepting t¥te4r'°"' Condominium "C.rteln EaMmenll '°' Owners" I Trull. tae1. charge• end Unlla 245 lhrough 256 lnc:tuslve. end "Support. Seltlemenl and •Pl"-ot the Trvtlee and of the end 281 through 312 lnclualve. Encro1chment" ol the Arllcla ru111 creeled t>y Hid Deed ol IOC8ted !hereon. enlllled ''Easemenu" of the ru11. le>< the 1moun1 reuon1bly Excepting therefrom alt oll. oll Oec1er1t1on rel.,.red to In Percet 2 tlm1tad to t>e: 111,013.38. rlghll, mlnerela. mineral rights. 1bove. The beneflclwy under eald Deed naturel ga1 right• end other PARCEL 4 EeMmenta es such I Trust heretofore exec:vted and hydrocarbOb eubiteneee below 1 .. eementa a1e partlcu18rly HI lonh ellvared to the underelgned • depth ol 500 feet under the percel In Art t c 1 e )(II I ( 2) an ti tied rltton Dedat1llon of Oefaott and ol lend herelnabove deecrlbed. "EeMme11t1" ol the Decl•rellon of mend for Sale, and • wrllten wtulOUI lhe right ol -1-enlry. u Coven1nh. Condition• and otlee ol O.laull and Election to reMrved In llle deed ttom Quall RHtrlctlon1 raoorded In book ·The undarllgned CIUMd said Run -North w ood. 1 Limited 117M, pegee 420 lo 48-4 lnclullve. otlce of 0.lault end Election to Per1naralllp. recorded February 14, Official R«o<da ol Orange County. to be recorded In lhe county 1979 In boOll 1303'4. page 224 of C1lllornl1, under Iha eectlon I Iha reel properly II loGeted Oltldel ~di hMdlng1 In IUCh attlcie entitled es 0.ted September 3. 1982 PARCEL 3 follows "Ownere' Rlghll end Stltewlde F«ac:IOMire An uclu11v1 111amenl for Outlet, U1llltle1 and Ceble Servlca. Inc.. parklllg and r••ted purpoea ovw Televlalon". "Supporl and U Mid TNSlee thal portion ol Lot 8 of Mid Tract Settlement", "Enc:toec:nmem". and By Subltttutlon 10137 u lhown on Exhibit "A" to "Community FactMtlel Ea1«1181'1ta" By: Virginia Aparo, the oKwlllon ol Reetrlctlon1 I« PARCEL 5 An -1 OV9f lot Execullve Vkl41 President Th• Spring• Condominium A of Trect No. 9818. aa per map Published Orange Co111 Delly recorded Aprll 21. 1978 In book reoorded In bOOll 414. pegee 15 lo llot Sept 14, 21. 28, 1962 1264-4. page 820, and ••recorded 23 lnclullve. MllClllaneou1 MIC>•. In __________ 40_5_1_._12_ Mey 3, 1978 In boo« 12660 page the olftce of the county reGOfdar l'tll.IC NOTICE 678 both In Olllclal Record• of or Mid c:ounty. tor the purpoee of -------------Orange County, Calll0<nla. (her9/n drelnage benefiting herein above FICTITIOUI IU ... U referred to 11 "DecleretJon"). •• delcrlbed land. prCNtded that IUCh NAMI aTATaMINT Carport Spece No 291. Said drainage 1h1ll not unre11onably The following per1on 11 doing .... ment 11 lurtl'ler defined and raetrlct the Intended use and bullneat u : cletcrlbed In Artlctel II and 111 of the enjoyment ol aald Loi A. YUMMIES. 2445-D Elden Oeclerallon. 26 ALDERWOOO, IRVINE, Avenue. eo.11 Meae. CA 92627. PARCEL 4· CALIFORNIA Sunn Emllle Plarou, 1220 A non-exc:tull .... eaMrnent tor YOU AM .. M "AULT UNDllt A Park Newport #214, NHiport lngr-.eg!-·uMlll<lenjoymenl Dl•D 01' TltU I T DATI D Buch. CA 02680. of the Con\mon AIM designated In MC--.. I. 1tlO. UNUaa YOU Thia bu*'-11conductedby111 the Decl1ratlon. H id HHmenl TAKI ACTION TO PltOTICT lndlvldual blWlO lurther defined 111<1 delc:rlbed YOU" Pit OPlltTY, IT II A Y e I Susan PlefOM In Artlcle1 II and Ill of the 90lD AT A "*'C IAL&. F YOU This llllement W81 flied with the Oeclaratlon. ...., ... IXPl.A.NAnoN M THI County Clark ol Ofenge County on The total amount ol lhe unpeld NATUltl Of' Ttta PllOCHDINO Sept. 10. 1982. prlnc;lpal belanc:.. lnter•t lheraon, AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD F1t7111 togelher with reuon1b'ly estlm1ted CONTACT A LAWftlt. Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally co1t1, expenM• end edvenoee •t ''(II • llr .. t addrHI or common Piiot. Sept. 14, 21. 28, OC1. 5. 1982 the Um. ol thl lnltlal pubffcetlon ol dealgn1Uon I• ahown above. no 40« -82 thl• Notice are $35,431.18. w1rr1 nty It given a1 lo Ill ------------1 Currently d1tad Cashier• Check• com~enMe Of corrac1-.)" P\a.lC NOTICE or c.rtllled Chech pey1ble 10 the The benefldltY under Aid Deed IC..,.. Truat .. 0< ~ art acceptable to of Truat, by rMIOl'I of • brMCh °' N OTICE 0 , a•L• OF ltlAL Tru1tee provided p(optr delault In ltle obllgetlonl MCUred .. ldentlllcatlon le '"'Mable. theret>y, hefetolor• exlC\lted end ~ From Information which the delivered to the undarelgned a AT PNVATI •ALE TrullH dHm1 reliable. but tor written Oec:laratlon ol Olllauft and lfl tM ~t~., tfle w h I ch Tr u 1 t • e make 1 no Otmand 1of Sele. and wrttlen notice Stele If c...,,. tor repreHntatlon or w1rr1nty. the of br-h and of tlectlon to cauae TM C-""., ~ 1t1eet tddr ... or other common the underelgned 10 ltll aald •• __. dellgnetlon ot the abcMt deaerlbed propeny to .. ti.IV Mid obligatlone. In the Matier ol the E'•tate 01 property ta: 291 STREAMWOOD, end llle1eafter tha underelgned E D WARD M 0 N T G 0 M ER y • IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92714 cauMd Mid notice of brMd1 end of a-...d. Sald properly II being told l0t the election to be Nollce i1 llefeby given lhat the purpoM of paying the obllgatlon• Recofded Mey 11. 1982 u ln1tr. undetelgned wlll M41 II Private Nie, Hcurad by Hid Oaed ol Trull No. 82·182713 In Hid Olllclal to the hlghHt end beat bidder, lnOtudlng '"' and expen ... or the Recorda. 1ubject to c:onllrm1tlon of Hid Truet .. and ol Sale. Seid ule wlll be m1dt, but Superl0t Courl. on°' •lier the 281h Dated Auoutl 20 1982 without covanenl or werranty, deli of Seplembar 11182. et the C ~ L I F 0 R N I A exprMa °' lmplled, regarding tltle, ot Ice 01 John P. e11ner, 2081 RECONVEYANCE pouMl!on. or encumbra,_, to 8ullnet1 Center Drlw, &Ill• 145, COMPANY pay IM remelnlng Pflr\clpal tum Of lrvtne •. County of Orange. S1att of u Mid Truli.. Iha not8(1) MC1U1ed by ..io Deed Of Celllornla 92'115 Ill !he right. tltlt ey Suunne Foranand Trwt, w1tt1 lnterMt .. In leld not• and lntwlll of eald decrrrrd9' tht Executiv. vice P~t J>fOYldtd ldlltn<Jtt, If 1ny. llftd« Um• ol death and ell the right. llllt 9451 COfbln Avenue tM tetma of Mid Deed ol Trua1. and lntet•t tnet Iha 111111 Of Mid Nofthrldge Calfl 9'328 fMt. cfterOe1 and e•penaM of tllt deceued h .. acquired by Ttt· (2t3) 701.2368 Ttvttee and of Iha 1ruet1 cr .. ted by oc>er•tlon Of i.w or OthenrlM otMt • o c 0 11 MIO Deed of T 1 lhan °' 1n addition 10 thal 91 Mid Pub.l1hed renga oeat a y rua a-..d, et lht time of death. In Piiot, Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 14, ltld .... wlllbehaldonT--aey, and to all the wt.in , .. I property Wl-82 ~~:~·~~o eltuated In Cit~ of Hunt"'Gton 9etell ltle CMC Center lulldlng. 300 lut County of Ortn11a. Stale 01 Chapman Avenue. Orange, C1lll0tnla. ptnlcultrly deecrlbed • rtlll.IC NOTICE CallfOfTll•. lotlowt.towtl: Al the time of l he lnltl•I LOI 93 of Tract 3903 H par '90nnC>Ua _,_.. publloetlon of thll notice. the totll mtp r8COfdtd In 8oo11186, Pagee NAm aTATl•NT ~oftheunplllelbllenceotthe "' to 60 lnclullve or Ml_.18~ The lotloWlng p«llOl\I .,. do4no obltg1lion MC11red by the abo119 MIC>I. 0111cie1 Record• ol Oftngt ~ aa. dHOr lbed deed of trual end Count,. California. AH•HOr• • M. K. ARMS, INC .• 1112 Hyde H tlmated cost1. HpeftMI, •ncJ Perce Ho 114·~03·04, more Perk Drive , Hunt1no1on 8 Hch, ~le 148,•13 82. commonly k,_ ... 9332 Molokll. Callf«nlll t2&4e To det•mlne the oe>enlno blcJ, ~::~ono~ ~ =~· PHOE.HIX FIREA .. MS. INC., • ~~ml 4t61945-t41t. tnOM)' of the United 8.._ on .... Alabama OOfJ>Of•tlon, t 112 Hyde DIM. = tt, 1M' Of _... GMh ano bat-_.,._";;'.l Peril Orl~e. Huntington l atch, A AICAM MCURITIE8 -' _._ ..,.._IQeV Cellfomle tH41 COMPANY t>y note eecured by MOftOeo-Of MICllMI I( "upllnner 0l l2 .. Mlct T.,,._, Tru.t Deed on ltle PfCIC*ly eo '*· .. . IV TD ··-·-Ten peroent of M10Unt bid to be H)'de P~ Ortw. Huntington Baradi. .. • ..,. tJepoelled with bid Callt«"'-•H4t ~~~1r 8id• °' on.re 10 ·.,.In Wril""' end Kennith o. Dominick, Rout• 1. 1 I( .., • will ..... -•vt<S at the 110;:._10 P.O. lo1t 125 ,rul1hum, Alabatnt, Y An,.N M1:.N<EL, .,. ,.,...., 36281 AMI. lecrelwy olllct 11 1ny time 1ft~ 1h• nr1t A. Ned Wiik•, Rou .. 1, P. o. 1HO N. Ca111ornl1 BIYd,, :i:tlon '*-Of arid Mhwe dMe I01t 121, ,rullhllnlt, AlebelM3t2t2 Suite 718 o...d tlllt 2f!O 4-of &eptembet, Thi• ~ 11 conduett4 by a • W • I n u t C r • • k , C A lN2 ~, GOf'POf•tlon. 94&"'"3787 Vlc:tor MontOOfl*)' Pt!oenl• Ftrwme. ~. '11bll•ll•4 Q1ano• Coaet Delly Admlniltrlller of Iha Mtofltill I( ~. Piiot, ""'· 31, 1491. 1, 14, =·~ Eatele Of Mid Otoedent Tilll ·=' ... fled Wlttl IN ~-----------4 £:! "*'-CanW Or., COUf1tr eterti Of 0r.,.. County on tMM,1~. t27tS AMel* U , IMt. AttorMV fof Admlnletrator ,,_M PubH•htd Or•noe Coat! Oa.11, ,llblll hed Or•noe COH I Ot lly Piiot. 141Pt. 1•. 11, 21, 1"2 ,..,... q , 31, ..,,.. 7, 14, 21. ,.., ~a HM-12 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HfW YORI\ (API NASOAO Q11olellon1 &II-~ lllgMal bkt1 ano IO••tl oll•ra by ,,..,, .. "'•~ ... u ol t.Aot1clly Pnc.. CIO not ~ r•l••I marl!"p m •rk~own or co,,.m1t11on 101 Moncier. $100 AEL lnCI AFAProt AVM Cp AeeOI,. ~~r.,.~ AdvRou Atl8tll Allcolnc Am•r•• AF11rn AGrM ~~".~r"' ~~ AWllO 4 ..... 1 .. Ano SA 4tteAG41 Appl.C ApjOMI 4rdenGp 411GtLt 411..,R t """'~" B•l•OC&> B•llyPP ::~~El B•HIFr B•Y1'11111l , ....... ,..,,,.. h BetrL , =~ BlrdSon Blne11r Blyv-8-• BrwTom lutkbee Bulttl• BurnllGS CHL Fin CPT caiwis.. C•nrldH C11>En C11>Swtt CepAlr 11 C•r-<:p Cetin Ch41rRlv C11rmS C ... r1H Cllml..ff CtwsUll '"""° Clrtl<o CIUSOG. ~llCUIA IUVIB lan.JL MUTUAL FUND ~~~El 1~ 8 !;:.~oc :~~ :~:'. UPS AND DOWNS TK,.,.,.,P •7 U , Ttl<mA 10 , 10" NfW Y0"'" eJ-1 '"" 10110••""9 h~I l •n•nl l•I l•\o \N>w' thr 011er tnr Countw ~~1or. ~.4 ~-.: Toyol• ' .,a.. ''' TW•lfa )\• )._ \tO(•~ .,_, w .. t••nh th•t "•w• OO"f' up 1tw mO\t •nd oown ,,_,.. mo\t b•....O on r:,neon~~"O' ••~n:Utti\ o• 1101~ No wtu••t1•·; t1•a1nQ tw6ow U •r• 1n<I· uO.O N~I eM llr't."fllel)ol rNnQh ••t lllo! dlftf'~"'· t)f•h11~,4~ n IM pt11wtOU\ ( k)\.tnQ Did 'HK.I 4Uld ~t,i.,,d.1t1 IA•I t11(1 P'K'"" l r tOPd 1J T• t Ty'M)nl'CI 17>,. lt1 • UnM tGll 1• t•~us Enr $ ~· • • ' US $\if , •• ,, •• I us Trek II~ I''" VVaBsti :a;µ. :W ~~~!."B ~~: 1!', V e e I R I )( ~ & '· , 0 '• , llalNell I)>. 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I0.20 NL F,.n41fln Grout> cus 1(1 7.JI T," Enrcrr 1._11 Ht.. lncom \Ott I'll ""m 1•5 1,. A Mull 11 • It ... COflMCtkut Gen!: AOI! ) «I J .41 Cu.t 1(2 6111 • M O\lfrO 19 1' HL lnll Fd 14.. H~ 80ncl S 00 S .. ... "63 lJ.11 F\llld ll.'1 12.U ONlC 1114 14.ll Cu• SI IUI 11.tl ~lbly J w NL MM8 T .IO NL 1n1Gtll 11• "°' ,..d '"" .... .... Inc... ·-~ .. ., ~rwlll • 11 t .ot Cu•~ • 91 1.62 MIMI • II NL SP<t<I ~ w NL C9n Inc • .., 10.1• C).-.tO '1 11.. Mun 80 .. 14 7 It Ion S.O S.M Cu~ Sol J-11 S •• Pet In It I> NL Se<vrll~ Fvno• f'lelut JJ l2))" lncll'll 1.1• •.51 CMS ,.,., Ii~ 11.U u .,, soo , ,. 1n1.... C.04 • Cl S<llll' 1••2 NL Bond , ,. 1 H kt Inc It S1 ,, I• lc;A 1.7J t .S. COOl.t"4 G 12.1' NL lncatn 1 aJ t ,00 Te•l"r 11) f •S H9wl GI It JO Ht. Eqvty • 01 t U lll(orn •JO 10 It H ~ 1 OS 1.10 CMI -• • NL us c;e., .. u 1 JI M.... 10." 11 01 Ht•! Ill( In NL lnYo»I • , •• ., Munl ) ... Oii Ted 1.1• '·'· Ctrv °"' ,, 22 14.1' c.11 1 n •:ll le>tlnalon Grp. HltllOI• 11.. NL Ulll• • " r .. !M:IEno • ,. •• , Wtll Ml 7 S1 t .21 Ofl--(;<-: f!ltllll C la UI = II 03 It IS NE lnlr It M NL S.IKtfCI ,.lll'O\ Vent 11 •I U It Arn« 0...•I· OKlll 1J » , • .., T .. Fr • n • • :LW NL N c lnGt ' '° NL Am sn. I » NL u s Gold ) 1' Nl- C• llCI .. ie •. ,, 0.1-11.•7 It.JI 'll!ldt Inc MA 1 » NL Hov•F4 1,t!? .N.~ ._sl~ G,r._ .. NL v.,, ... _L•nt,F,'?.. £!1'r: 11 & ,, .. 0.kll 1.0I 1.1• Cmru • ti t .tJ Gl'OW I.ST NL HY lltnl ~ -.... i~......... -Hl HI t U 4 Ta Fl'• .. ,. ..... 111...0...I 9 W '·" Aft.II IS.~ NL NU"Hf\ • 71 NL Cepf'O I 1* I 2' l'11no 12 1• NL Muft !' ,. .. ~-.... 10.» Piiot • ,. ·~ Llnont IC 00 Ht. OIMOll • • NL CmSlk 10"' 11 .. lncom ••• NL itf'lll .7t J4 :· Olr 117 HL GT Pee ,,,,. NL LOOl'llla s.~,., 0119 Wfft 1• Jl NL G•OWI~ ).'IO • :It L.v Gl "tO Ht. m.. '2 11 I )I 81 HAS NL Git• OD IJ.. HL Cll!ll II 40 NL O'EMelnlfr f'a. Inc-II ti It II SPI ~I 11.11 NL llCll •• NL • SC 1t,.i NI. Gel' El« "'"· Mui u «I NL lrt<t •• IS IS .. Sen1lnel Group_ V•n<• San<llln. Cl "1f! IO IJ 11.01 ru ..,,. 14.M HL etft\Tr 1t'' NI. l..ord Al!Clett. Pllt" 7 cw 1 •• 8e1.., 1" I• ncom 10 » 11.>2 Ot... ao.01 NL Ot•Y'""' (;rp: ft"'T11 to NL Allllld 1.1~ • & HI VIO 11.u It.GI Bono ) • .,, • ~1 I"""'' 1 en T ., ..~-·--.. ""9M 11 •• NL ! . t IO N' ISnCI -'·'° 10. Ootn ''·" ,. °' Com 5 II., IS.21 LOI~ 10.1, NL .. ~ { .. •:s. Orwt 1$:i.. l•.M lee:~ ''* NL De\' 01 "·"' It. S~I ': :t ,. 1• St~~: ~~ 1',..'~ ~tpG~~ ~ tl ... ~ : =e t! 1.1~ ~~ 1~:~ ".:.'tit\ 1Ul ~t L.:.~o::.. fl:o~ HJ ~:-··~i 1: ~ S.nlry ,, ,. JI,. tll T-IOU 11f, ""''111 s,i • •• Soi ire 1,40 " onl. ,,,.. ",, NL 1<una 11 n 1t 12 oTc SK n • t• JO SllH'"" 'una\ 01h• c ~ n "''-A 111"'111 1. NL .'ra.11 b 16.18 NI. 0,.....,. Ii 2'I ••.SJ fMom .. ., 1,74 Parlfll M '•I 10.,; APOt'I ,, tl I) 9S bvtr I .. :n HI. A ,.... '" • "" ,.,.. c ,,,.. "' Mam HOA • "'4 " Munl ... T.ot P .. Wld •• , NL HIVld 11 ... ,.. r••\ I ., )3 NL AmMM .. "2'"'°"' ti~ t,t7M•n04ll ... NL UIOOY •• tltfl'IHUISQ ll:S NL ln<om 111 .. 111) l;;•rdl 1$.IO I'll. A NI04fl i B 4. l aten&.....,.., Herl i..... 21.• NL /14fn F"*'<•. Pt1111 "'*' • ot NL M"'4/tl It tt It 1 f-lel 1 ,. » NL A Nlll\t ) IT llalM 7.M a I "":::,_ 17"1 NL MIT IO.s:I 11 3$ Plllle '11 10 IJ NwOlr It ti Ii )t ~1'14 I 0.. NL ·~ J tt ,,_, t,11 NL t Mlll .... NL MIG IOU ltll ........... a.... wrmo •H HI, $11ftl 11/tU .. ·~ '. NL Orw9\ , • ., .. ~rfi. . a • .. 111\10 M,. "9S ••1..n • n 10 ~ t•"• (;I II .. NL V•"tuenl ~ *'ffr.M a .~ 911 ;:=: :i; :' 1 lfl ra: t~ :ig t.;; :·u ~~~ l!J.\ :rn l~t'""':tt US f:f{, ~rn tt I nc-•• 4'1 $11110. .. .,II I Mf'O 10.;11111.tl ilVld :~ •11 n<,t "' IU GNl'Ni 191 NL ·~•II t.11 9. lWtUlll ~-Gf'WWI • .. 4... Ml<B IUI IJ U too 7• 10 67 IJ",..tl It II lf.41 lw\C 17 07 NI. I Ot II i 11.JI e ii It I ~"" J .. J a llo\M8 U • t •l C: Clll lbJ Truat f.. j 17 ~Jv ··r Nl.l 1"' 11• ll... .f191tt • t~~"" ,_.... r11~~. J·~! ,; :: '"'UI~"'~" u 11 )I s•.11~'::.0¥ IJ ~ .. ~ """'Siii ,, ,: ~L Ille n• t'-'I I II r1t1n 9 liS tO.U ~'""" jl Jt NL M .. C Oo i .ot $ 1 .. t 11-I !II Mullll 10 11 Ht , ~ ... I. l,,.Utll 1u~7 = I~'!!. Ht NL Merrit! 1..-11, M• In 1,tt 1 u S001<1 !ti Uot ti II Mult I Pf N I .... t ·'' Nt , .. , .... 2t. nttl'.....,M. • .... ''"'a•''~ ,.._,,UflCI; SWllllM •;JIO Nl 'g1 I IJOt NI. ,. rwr "'JU!.:." HI. ~~,, .. v~~-" ::.~ ,JI lt:fiu ~·ocl ii.o:i 11." II-• ,. 'ot Sowr '" U.» ,. JI : Ii 1.21 Nl l t ,-.,,. O I'm I.Or t , 1• t. 111~ 10,-. IO. •r: M 9 n 10 01 I' -t• .. II 1• Sl•I• ltond Or11 nlC:O t1 1' Nl ""'·-~ NL lr<fl u .. NI t.M •. H 'I~ f1 ,,., lllM It°'"" Com$1 .,. ,,, Wtll•I llOt NL 1t1 rt. u1 Nl. 1411~ I0.91 11. Tu 11 t.ot t . ~1 ort •· • IO.U E'IMI 1iw 11 ~ 1•01 cu..,,. •,. lo WtllM IOJO NL ....... · fttll" .-.It 11111,.,,,1 '1"'11 111tTr-'""'1• lllrnCI 11• ,.,L Protn 701 ,.. 1otno 11J NL ... , I ·a·" 11.tt Tl[ ,_. ,.,, ..... """ ,, ...... 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Hol 'Win "ftl WI" "fol 'Wit\ N•I '-'"' Ntl I' I ""' CIO•t (ft\I 1• 1 lwh '"'" <"' t> c "°' (.•~v <1>11 "I""' ( k• .. (ft\I 1• c "'" t •o .. CllV S ..... ~ 'I• I .,, 20 .... tlanJI • -•l •• Mat y. I II )\1 o •o ........ ~.. .. I ......... '• W-111, 1 I"" "'•. •o letlld IO U 4'.1 " d HtHlh••• 1 t •"' o;., '• Md•~• 1 llJll ,. 11;. P•r~Pn >110 •1 "". •• '°''"' 1 Jll ' 11 11\e '• 1ft11-I It IH, • h• Ht1141U 60 14 JU 11 MaQt(I 4 14 ... I~'• •, l'arWI' I I " 1'\\ t '• :>tall d J 1• "90 M , I, §I 119'1 100 t Illa l1t ~l•nn• I olO 11 IJI 11 , I MtlOflH I IJ 11 ti ll' r P•ll>trl olO 11\ I\, \ot \1111111(,0 110 I WI 14\\ .... ,.. .... lllori 'iio • M tu .... HerllrJ I I Jt1 ,.,. •• MtlA•I ·~ .. 10 " l'eylN .. 10 11 ""'. ' \Oln(. I , (II I I ,, II l "°' t 111.., ("O l.,_.y I 10 It IOIJ ~ • ~t ll•t1N1 tl I• JI) 1••• " Ma11i\lll JOll J' 141 IJ\e, \ot P•y(.\11 IO II Ill )I • ,; -,1<1 ;,. 4 i. I Y u4'-, 1 Pl I l tt ' • 10~. .._ l1•1nl"' 101 n• • . 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U Mllel S21 10'·•, lo Prd ll\11 U 11 11 ti. +. fndYtll 14 11 II'•• '• AllOOI I llO 9 ,.,. .. • '"" '""'" P'I., 1 10\· '• E•M•( IOb ' 11 " ·~ ndlM Pl? JS ......... MollO 6 '700 u ...... PrOlet' 1 olO ., ) 10•0 •• Tanntl , D I 60 , ••••• ABIOM I 9 U 1S•e I• CllNY 1111 '2• in SJ\o 1 E\lrlne M IO IO 16\\o ndlM pf) t.) 11 U.\ot • lo MOl>tlH 40 l t "' PSvCOI l 1• I I, 1H • f<h<lr II 1J 140 ·~ • \,. ABu•PO ,. 1 11 ,,.... ••• CllNY Pl ,., S011 >.. EE•'"v7'p1el ~ • 11•, -.~ ·. . ncllGM JIM I ... 1S'·. 1. M<!Mer )() ,. •S 12\+ I PSCol .,,, 10 ••• : ~ lOlma 1 '16l0 40•, \, AmCotn 190 11 14 lO!o '• Cl\e\\IA 1 OI I IO 12~ " ' ndlPl 7 60 t llt 74w V. MOOCPI 1l 161 ''•,lie PSlno 2 '6 S w.l 234.• ~> Tel<on> 3' lilo '• • ACan p1 1 IO 6 JI•, '• Cne\Pn 11110 m Uw • "" EvanP 1SI 2S1 I\~ 110 1nu .co 14 ' JO! IO* ... 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PSNH D1211 I It'• T•>oro 40 S l)I 1S'r lo AGnCp 110 • 10] 40'>, ... Ct1toma n1 J7 II l'o' .. FMC pl J.ts 6 37"° · ln\lln1' S 11-1 .... 1·1' MIOllPw 2 .. 6 11M 24 PSNH pl4.2S . 21 11\.• 11 T•SOt wd 70 IS''> .l\Gn jpl l I! 4 33 Cnrm pl S 1 41'• ,_, F•brri 4 11 .. , 101!.-'°' lnt911Rs • ltS u111., ~, Mon$t 1 to.o .. 16•u '• PSNlij"J.IS 12 ""' ~ Tt>or pl 2 It I 11'• AGIBd ,.. ., 11 • :: ~~~:'!!. ~~ ~~:· ~ ~:~!,' 32:~ ~: '!v. ~ lnlAFn2.9)111 41 11 • \/ti ~~:c ~: f, J;~ '• =~:~o i: Lm n~. ~ ~:~·~nl .. ' 64~~~, lO~ .... ! !~~Cr''t' ~ ~ '• Cll•y•pl IO 1tS 9'• 1o Falrclld IO I 113 1:0su :~~:~0221~ ~ m:: ~: MoreM 1.IM 3 134 1111 ,,. PSEG Dl4 0t l100 12 •2 TtaCm 110 6 W. Jt'o lo AHO~~. ,., I J,11 ,.,,' ... 'c"1n".(~1"1 11'1 ~ ?!: ' "' F•lrc Pl J..60 10) ,, ..... 1• Inlet pl ' 'S 9! t s .... "' Moren 1111 ' an 10 ~. PSEG Dl•.11 ISO lO ~ hEl Of '40 I ..... • ... Al1om. , 20., 1619 .01 •• '• .,., • , ··-. 1• F•mDtr 40 1l ... ,,.,.. -.. ln1rtll 1 20 ..,, JO • v. Mor9an 3 olO • 01 12•. PSEG ptS OS tJO JS T•ETf 111 • 13\\ AH011> s IA 11 1237 Jiit t ''-CortGE 1 10 I 491 11 FrWllF 3" 1'--~. lnlrlk 7 60 • I 11 .... • '• MOrknd I 11 ! 19 ~ 1, PSEG DIS 11 110 le T•oG , IJ I 14 21' > ... AMI. SI 14 IA9 18~1 ,,. ClnG pl 4 '"° It\. '· F•rlll 9 tl 11 •• "'lnlAlu .60 10 ,. 11\wt '• MOrMS 10 IJ ll .,.. PSEG DI? 11 1 16 •• T•••no IOI> 10 19 , ••• 1 "mMot 116 • ... ClnGpl •H I O l4 ~. F-r\ . 2'3 1~. \o 1eM l .. 1211') 13 ..... MorNor ISJ ••s.t ll ... PSEGpl24J 10 •• '· lealfftl 1191)04101 ,,., HIG HLAND PARK. Mich. (AP) -Time wu running short LOduy for bargainers at Chryafor Corp. and the United Auto Workuni union, with economics und health care iBsues the main stumbling block.a to a C,'()fllrU<..'1, ''I can't r ~•II bt-ing In this 1ltuatlon having ao little time with which to do tK> much," UAW President Douglas A Fraser said at tl news conference late S unday. The curr~n t con t ract, covering 43,200 U.S. autoworkers plus another 40,000 on Indefinite layoff, expires at midnight tonight. Benefits package OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP) -A bill boosting worker compensation benefits for on-the-job disabilities was signed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Brown c alled the me a s ure, AB684 b y Assemblyman Bruce Yo ung, D·Cerritos, "a long overdue benefit and reform package for the working peop}e of California." _Gold producers can mini seal S A CRAMENTO (AP) -Ca lifornia gold producers will be able to mint a gold medallion using the state's Gr~at Seal if they pay all costs and a royalty to the state, under a new law. Gov. F.cimund Brown Jr. srud he signed AB676 by Assemblyman David Kelley, R-Hemet. The bill, which takes effect Immediately, allows the state's Great Seal to be used in a series of commemorative med~ to be sold by gold producers. The producers have to pay royalty fees to the state_ that range from $1 to $4 per medallion and must pay for all design and production costs. Gas prices still I ailing LOS ANGELES (AP) -Oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg says motorists are continuing to buy less gas, which has caused prices to fall to an average $1.27 per gallon in late August and brought on sharper competition for business among self-service stations. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VORK 1"-f>I -8-. 11.londay'a pnce encl -Cl\&nQt of Int hit_, motl .cllw New Voti. SIOCI\ EAch•ng• IUUU lr•dlnQ ""llONlly •I mote 1han S 1 IBM nl,600 It •• •I~> S10t~fe<ll "2,400 21 DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VORKCAPI Fll\01 Dow.Jone\ .. , ~~oc~'· 5-p. 11 °""' Hlell Lo-. C-0. '°' " n r.oa .... '"·'° + 11.11 M.41 J16.6S :16'.1J J7•.I! + U~ " I /, .. .. .· ASLFI• !O 9-\. .... ~:~g ~: : ~ :: :! :"" ~.-IEICo t 44 10 !:!! JOS h '-lntFI•• I 14 1)4 I• ' 1, Molrol• 1.60 .. 1I04 191,. 2•,, PSE pl 12 2S 1160 ..... '· TeMIM ~ 11 )SOI 10 .... ~. ASlllp .ao. I 4 '"° 1 •e tlnG pl 'SJ rllO W• i 0 ap 1• 1,.. 1\o .... lnlH•rv J90 4•• V. MIFuel 2 .. I o10 )II• .. PSEG pll IO ISO It "• TxNMa 116 1 18 It Am51d 1lO11 149 14~, '• CinMll .n 10 m 2) , IV• FOMOQ 1.31 ' SS 23 V. lnlHr P' 4S 9 • ~. Munlrd .SO. • •61 1JV. Publl<k 110 1.. '• hOG<K 2t 11 Sl6 11\11• t ASter•I 311 10 3SI ,.,.,, ~t FedNM ... ,.,., 114'• "'lnlMln 1.60 's :13" 11'. •• 1, Mnldpl . .eo lllO ,.. l>uet>lo 11 .,, ••• T•P•c lO 10 , , ...... Sony Gorp t34.IOO 1111o • 14 e .. on SM,000 tt"' "" Am~r T & T !111600 Uh • 1 11<1<16 11s.w "'·'° 1u .1» o • ..s , U3 10 Jff.11 >SO.~ Ut.'1, .M • AmSlr 1 8 1k1 SHo •• (lltttp ll7 li.tl 14\o ' ~. FeaPB 1.10 S eo 21'1o ... lnlMn pl • J JO'"• "' Mun\ng • 111,, " PA Ct m 1 1'• Tou111 JOO 61SSI 11~ .. '• .l\S1r pl S.)I •• 41"', '11 CtOSvc l.60 It Ul ._.... •• FdSQnl S .IO 10 IOI U'lo. lnlMull I 60 '1 SI 27 .... t "-Murl)llC 1.2111 110 11 .. + \e PUQelP 11• • 141 14 '' l trll In •It l~• '> ATT S 40 t ~ SHH I CllSvc WO 111S .. ,, .. FedOSI 2.10 t 415 4~, \I> tn1PaP1 2.40 S 1616 41\lt .._ Murp() I S 7°' 21\llt .. PurllnF • W1 t•o+ ._ halron LIO I .. I 21~. '·• ATT pl 4 13 SI'•' t Cllylnv '10 • IAl 20... •t Fetro t.JO 10 • u .... h lnlllKI 19 ,~. .... MuHy() 1.20 ' I 1S4'. i.. Puroll ~I Ill I 3' 31 ... , .. ,,pl 1 40 4 11n 'o ATT pl JM • J,I~• (IYln pl 2 ' 1 lO~• ~' FldUnl 2.IO • U 1l .... ' 114 lnlTT 2 ... • MO 11\'e+ \It MulOm I 4lt 118 1H1 l/o Pyro 4 1' ••., l o lMtk .. Ho '"" "-TT Of 314 9 JS\.o Vo Cl•blr .0100 91 6 .,_ FICICll 2 U 1l '°'"' °"' ITl plK ; 1S 43~• \,, My.,•L .111 16 I'• Qua kO I 9 12• 40<o \o Tllrm(1 10 60 1)~ .. AWalr I 10 s " ,,,,, C•.,~E 1.10 t4l ""' •••• F190it .. s 192 111, "' ITT PIO s . I ... h -H-H -°"""so ID • , .. ll\o. ,, l lllOkl 1101) ·~ 50 ~. AWt1 P' I 4J 1100 12'' ClvCll l IO 10 •1 ~ • "-F11CpA' ... • •IS """ • ~. Intl'\• pl• SO 1 4SI• NBD 2 Qt 4 IH 2•\o, ~ Ou.tneJI 60 1 ~ I'•• .. fllmllatJ t/ 1l 10 41"•, V> AW•I pl 1 IS tUO '"' ... ClevEI , ••• ll10 ll\w. w FlnCp"' 60 . 12 '"' ,, lntNr1h 2 12 s ds ,. .... NBI n 1S 1'1 ,, ••• Ow s10t JO IJI I• Tllomtn -10 10 I Ho Am.,on I 60 . 4 l 11\o • V. CtvEI pl I olO l4IO S3•' • ~ FnSB•r 1• n't • \'e lnlrp<t l.lO IJ s• 1•"• NCH n 12 11 14' > 1. Ou .. t Of 1 S 4•~• Tl\mMd 10e ' kl 1t' • .... AmOD 40 q ~ 2)... ClvEI Pf I.It 1400 Sl 1 Finl Fed . ' 14~ • \/ti lnlpGp 1 .O 9 • Jt',, "• NCNB • • 1te U . -11-11 l nrll1y 10 I It. IJ'•, '• Amelk 110 12 99 19.\. '• Clt Ypil 60 1 II I FlrHln .60 .• 11/S U V. tnl84'1lr i. .. , IOH . lllCR 2.40 1 "1042 .. 1,, JI. ABtf\O 1' 11 111 ''• ~. f1Caro I 10 • 12 1• AmlK 1 .. ,. 141 11' • CIO•O• ., • "31 ,. FIAlln . 1 1 J ,. • .... lnlllPw I.. • lO 1~ NL Ind ' l ... ".. '-llCA '° 11 Jtll tt~.' Tld ... tr tO s tlO .... '; AMPln I 40 U .01 !I'~• \1 Cl ... 11P IA " II .. ~ FICIVI .ID . 1lSO 14~> lnPw Pl 111 r240 u>.. 1 NLT I 10 101113 d • .._ RCA Pl l !O t S10 JJ ... • \,. fl~tln WI • • 1, Amrtp 1t 14 /', lo Cl ... I pl I ll 1n• loo FslChl< 120 ! tll 1Sh , lowd:I In , 1>' 14Y> NVF 0.. . 111 n•, 10 llCA Pl 4 1 SI • .... Tltnal I •• to.J )I , 11 AmSlh 1.0 S I"' 19 ·~ Coecllm 1J l 41 ll4o • V. Ft8Tt• 110 S •tt It~• h I llG 7 lt s )1 ?0• H•bto<B J OS I tOIO U~ '• ACA pl J 11 111 u11\o , \\, Timi pl81 S1 71 Sll> Am>t•r 1 'IO S ~ 1J '• Coallal 40 31 4M 71\,. • lo FIClly . I 41,. t-lll 1111•3, lllO 17 ' II. N~B pfS.!O tJO lt.\o, 1, llCA pl l •S 11 H I•, .. Timi pt(4 SO 101 .,.., Am•I "' .. 10 ,,, '• Clll pl 113 • 2)><.. ... Fin hi• 2. M s 1S4 ,..... • •• :-PS , .. ' 141 '11 "l•l<O. 1.121• 1l23 2S"• .. lllC n ... l l '". •o flmaM 2,, ,, .,... • • •m~lf!O I 60 II .. ,... • • CocaCI , .a 10 1111 ,. • v, FIMIU 2.4 10 13' I~ I .... " 1 IA I t> t•• '· NaplFG IOI>.. " 1l) \• llTE 40 I ' I h Tlmkn J 40 I ' .1.. ,, !~~ n ., !.\ ~ = ~ ~:::~o. ... 1: )~~ 'i~~;. t: ~=m ·~ ~ : n; I! ....... :E'~ >': '! m ~I·: .... ::~~ ·= , •. ~ ~:~ ::::.:::r ,. I >m ·;~: .. l:~ I l! ~ ,~~ ~~ . : ~ Anchor I 1' • " ISh , lo Coi.ITlfl 110 10 24 2• 1'11 H IP• 2t1 1h "° lltllCp .. 1JI II.\., ... N•1Can I 6 1) 11 ~ R•mpc 1IO 11 1J6 ""', 10 TotEGll 2 i1t 6 l01 It '• AnCley 131 6 211 , ...... ColQPat 110 I ,.s " . '• FSIP•wt '1 1 .... ..... J-J HCftllSt 60!>12 121 ........ ll•ycmn .. t, ~ .... Tolfdpl4ll t i ,.1, ••• AndrG n 10 ' •1 12~, '1 Colj1P Pll !O 1110 »~• .. FIUnRI 1.10 It 1611 JWT I~ 4) • II'•, ,_ N•IDlll J 10 I 1~ 71\11, \, Aaym4t 1• 1... TolEo Dl1 l6 J 16\o .... ~-n !~ 1.6041 1101 1.~ n~ • '• Cc00 1 1 1nAF1", n 19 !! ',,i~, FtV•S-M 4 " *'"' · '• JmasF 1.0 11 ., t l\o ,. HD1'1 0tl as > n"-. h R•ymcll 1 S 11 11•., •o To1Ea p1111 1 u~ "' ~nhev, -SS~, ~ ~ .. \ot FtWh0< J 10 • C J6 \, J iii-olO t &> ""' N•IEOU 1.m S 4J ti.._. llaytlln 1.40 11 U1J 4.4 + h TonU 40 14 • 11 h :~:~:~ ~:~ i:: :i:: .~ ~Eg::, ;: ~ il~ ... ~!Ef~ .lJ"~~lE:,~ ~:;:.:-s ~ I ~um:.\, E?&~ ::.~ *U:.•::: ::~~,!,1'~ .,~ m:: :~ l~:!:'.1~ ~ u n~ ~: Ape<IW 24 ' m ·~ cso pl l •S 50 ,~ •• 0 Fi.mnQ ,,.. • ., n JapnF l lSe 242 ·~ NIHon> ,,. 1\11 ~ =~i:.~Q I 01~ • ~: ~ t: l~~ 1• 1 ~; .i~. ~ APCllPuni. 1110 ... •.CSOploUJ! rt0v1o:i .1 FF•,!.•'1V...1.6101 1sm11 1101:,""~:~t:::•~•,~ ~!~·~HMOCre.4 illl>.St , .. ; •. , Reomn JOlOJtl , .... ~ T-1• .. 1 4S It .._ ApPw pf2~ 40 20 , • > Com bin I 90 6 161 21'• • \ot Fl;Qlsi"\ ·It ,. 140 Jl7• .. JatC pf t i. i JO S1~ + ~ NMdEn «> U IJ7S iq "" llN<.e tO •', lo\ ToyllU' J1 11-1 J1~ • '"' :~";-,,.:'\!_.~u ~ r,\., ~! ~=n,•t,~ m ~ :~ Fio.tPn 10 114 1µ,.,11. JttC DI a il r lolO 4t•1 :~:~~I~~ n 7~~:. ~ ::rt!C .a i: 1:: 1;:: ~~'c",;' lOIS1J1iJ m::,:-: ArcllOn I~ I 941 I•'• ComMll 44 • ll 1•'·• FleEC 10 1t 1'9 11'"' • lh JetC pl I l'IOO 4 NS.ml 1110 204u 1''> RepAlt ?U Jt 1 o. TW wt lSJ I"'• "> Ar11PS 2.SJ 11061 IJ• • COM<ll s ll 2* 3)1• .. Fie Pl l.l6 4 Ill 14'-+ ilo JerC pl ti lolOIO /l~o HI Svln I ~ t S11 uJO\ot, \\, RtpCp .o t se II .. TW *1A l4'IO l h • \ot ArlPpl 3S. 131 ,...,. '• CmwE JIO l c-21° .. •• f "P•11 1.IO I..,'""'~. JerC pl 111 14 1•1•• "'NS1-IOl . 11 1~ ~0 llepFn5l10l4 IJ ,2J1~ ~ TfWWCC~Jl .. 90 ?,! ,u,~ ... ~ Ark8s.t 60 11 1 • •,.. CwE pl 1 •1 •1 11 Fl•Stt S2 47 1l~t> ~. J•.,.IC , ... 4 lOl »~• "• H•USU t • Jn >•h .. _ ~ .,... ., Ar'kla \ "2 4l3 IS\o • "° CwE pl I tO an 1•"' • .. FlwGen . jo 1'lt 111 • '• Jt..,IC pl 2I Jll o '~ N•IUI n J t 6 111» • '• ::.:'~ci:~ S 1! 11•, ftenvn I .0 t 112 ?01 .. '' ArlnRI ._ 19 n CwE Pl 1 llS ,... ~ F'l-r \ SI 11 0 lllto • V. Jewlcr • U n. N .. orn 1 40 4 7JtS "' • .. RNV plAJ M JS S ' fta nlnt 11' 1l 11~• II. Armeo.s l 9•o •0 CwE. p11110 r.ee>OOIA••• to f'luor •IO t 1JM ''" i.. Jor>nJn 116 "11 4S • '• N•lm P' • 34 JOI, "' lltpSH ·,. u ,;~: ' 'TrA•An~''f0 ,,-Sls ,4", n'~ • !•0 • 10 ) c E OIBI 40 40 •I.lo , ... Fool.C: l .JO 1 • 12~. ,, JollnEF 10 I) J•I ,. ~. """ ~ -~ ~ ' A:~~opl ~ 10 10 "1 ~:::: ~: c:e pl ... /s100 ,..; , .... FO<dM .. J1S1 ,, ... •o JoMCn 1 40 I als ,, .... "' :::p pl ~·= s .~~ ~;--. '. ::~2!. I~ l ,~ H~. :~ Trnsc pl,., 10 ,. ~ Armr pl •.IS ylO 71 • I CwE pl 1.11 .. ,..,. ... For Ml( 1.olO 9 .., JI • 1, JonlQn Ml JOI ...... \/ti N•vP pl I fl ! 1••. Revco .. ,. .,. JJ I Tian.en .021 ,. 40,,, ''• Armll• IO! n 10•1 CwE pl lolO y40 ,.... FMl(pl l lO I SI\·· JO<Qen I l • 21"' .. NeHSn ' • ll••IOtl , .. l112t ,. .. '• TrGPpl250 10 ,., .. "' A mWI 110 11 1443 .. ~ I ) c E pl I 2• 100 12 • ~ Ft Deer 1'31 .. .. 101.," .... JOll~ ., ., us ,.... "• • Rev In pl I 10 Tfnlotl s s~. .... A:oCp n IO I S .. .: : ''o C~mES 1:. 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NEW YORK IAP) -Spot nonlerrout melal prloee M<Hl(ley ~,., C...., 7~73 OIW'llt a pound, U.S:' : dMlln1llon1. • ·' Leed Z&-29 <*>II • Pf)Un(I. : I Zlftc <10 -42 <ienll • pound, delivered. • Tift $e SA<ltl Mel .. t Weelt c:ompotl1e '" It> ··-Aluml-16-71 cenlt1 pound, N.Y '" ...,~"" $365 00 I* llalk. •• Plotln11m '3e5 004372.00 lroy ounce., N y • !•. .-. •"'' SILVER.._.., .. Ha ndy & Herman, H H O p e r troy~-· ounce · ... ----------------···· GOLD QUOTATIONS .. ., Tiie Auollde .... "'- Selecled WOtld gold ~ Monde y LOftdoft morning fixing MA0.00, oft 113 00 •• LOftdoft tl1emoon tiling '439.00. otl•' $1<1.00. ,..,,. 11ternoon ll•lng $<122.90. or,. • l.293 • '~Ila.Ing 14AOOO, otl M.92. ;• turtotl late •ft«noon fixing ~.00, .. off 119.00 bid, 1440.50 .... .. "•'"'' a ... ,,,..,. (only dally quot•) $<139.00, olf J1A.OO I ............ (only dally quot•) "39.00, : off Uc.oo . .. .......,.. (Otlly dolly quote) labf'lceled *'480~5. off $1A,,O. .. B8•nkTr iO) 4 111 m. • 4' ~=: t It: : !~ u~ ~ ~~'!:r' 1.111 11 1;; ·~ ... ' ~ ICUll m IOe 6 W3 10~ ~ !'fovo ,JM 11 680 o a. t I~> ~~~~yw1 •."' l.O "401 .~11t_•,1·!~ UCblV n 14 1' I07 ,,..., 1,1. l1 Tr-n In< •Ii> .,_ Off SJ klr pl 2.50 I ~ ~ • GnSlont 1 '° .• 111 -~. \I. l(yolOC .21r 21 I ,. ......... NUCOf .SJ 12 ... •2--:'!_l~~c • -:: ' 1' "!..... -VnEnro,.., J 121 ,.... • .. IS O.tohrm •¥. .. Ott S.2 Ban""' II ' ll .... • • Cordur• 60 ' ff 10"' \o Ff a l(y-._ 2' 6 6'1o NulrS n n 13 W lJ~t 'S(J:l f 1::0 $ IJ iit'.: Ulllum 2.ti S ts t1~1 • "-1 •I-I S «>Pl 16 t'o Oii H ==~~~:~··m~!·o·J~~~~:r,;,i1r.S:::1 ... glF1 ::::~·:~ul&~!:~ N11o f\S=;,.L..-L -... 0. .:....0-0 _ SP•ul 1.10 . JS th ...,v111u p1 U1 .. 21h'n .,, ,;1r.c..hr u .... 1 .... 0lt !.I SYMBOLS --------------., .. a ...... 1 °' I •» ,... cor81' '·'° 10 10 ,. ........ GTlre 1.SOb I 114 , ..... "' tFE . a1 ;cl 1: t ... o.~l::'P .:I: : SI~ :~: ;;: SIR~P '12 I 131 21h .... Ulllu pt t10 HOO u v •• \/ti " fl'l•O.•••v ~~ .... Oii s.o B•rnt Pl 7.39 I n ... CowlllS 'IJ II JeV. .... ~11\CO . lit lh • LlCCp 71 , .•... OctlPwt 2.fO s 1111 19\11~ ~. kl.nl 40 4 llO ,. ..... VlllU Of • I ,.,-. ,, P•l•letlP\t n. .. °'' 4.• O·N•w yHlly IOw. u·Ne• Vfftly l'llQll ... B•ryWr .40 12 Ile II~ "' co.em 2t .. ,,. )0 ..... GnRao 10 243 ,. JH •• "" I. TV '° ':i 104 l!Wt. \otl OcclP pf2.f0 •I II "' SDl•(h I., 6 '°' ...... .. . Unlllnd ID., .. "' • "' 1 T-• W P ·:.... :: 811 :.: u ..... Oll>e<Wlte no1e<1.r11 .. OI OIV~. BH A•1 .2•1 ' ,.. s Cr•IO 1S ,. •"' . ~"nu" 0 .·~ ·, •• ?! ~~ ~ lOulnl. 21 It If\" -~. OcclP pf2.11 I ISi!. W1o1en8 .,, 1) 1d • • .... Vfllll,... 22 • H U \to \Ii JO" "'c~ .. ?'P , .... Ott 4. • •• •Mvtl Ollb\lfM<'Mf'll bawd on Ille IHI B•usell 1kl1! •s1 » 1,. Cr•ne 1.0. 1 >SO ,,...,, ......... Pl ·-" ·--.. ~ L.CG 2 ol0 s '1'I» .... Occl~:IO .. , •.... SJu..,Al4ffc21 .. •"'·\/ti VJ•B• IH ' .. "1111• \/ti ..... , wl ~. e .. 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' l.'t d .. 0 8e<lnD ,· 10 II 16 41'• • '• CrwZell nt 11 ISU 111.'. G•Pw Of7.IO . t lOO Sl'1 +I Lt..,lTr I IO II io. ~lo • lo. "' .-"' l ~ US Ind I• • l\o It tlO~k (tov10eflO e•llqu1d111ng IVlyt n B•-•• 71 •*• crz.1p1ol 12 ,..,... "'G•Pwp11:n :.11.a St.\.+~. l" "' 11110 10 27 ... lr.:l::::!·t:··= f.~.'.+"i., ~~.~'l..~ '1•14 .. 12, 12!.,J~.· ~-·' uv~i.:,<e.,·£'? ~ 21-11-t GOLD COINS 0«.1.,.0orIHIKI1n prec.cl"'9 ,, mon1na • Btlco"' 10 s 103 '°"' v. Cthl pfBJ~ 100 t~-._ GerbPds1.a t 4 1• • "-l .. Plat .W I II ""°'• .... QnEOpf J.Jt r200 SO \.t ,...,. ~"' ---•• •., • • , r •·Oe<:l•r9d or pl<CI l lttf l lOC:k 01\tidend or, Btldl'IH ,,. I 6 s.. "' CrumF I ,. 6 ... """ "' GetbSc 11 " J2 t h l.t!IV.. .. ,,., .... Ollfd:.r ... • J .. • ~. Scl'l!mo ... 3;161 J1\.. '"' ussnoe I I ''°" .. " •Phi up t·PO!d '"'' y.-°'~ Omllled 8•111-.. I 101 n ...... (.ulbf'o 1 • -~ 21\• "' Gelly 2.60 s SIG S1~ • 1 """""'J71e .. , llh ..... OllP I 00 r100 M + 1 SCIAll IJ 2l 411 ,.-... "' VSSlttl ' ,,... ...... "" Htw YORK {AP) -PrlOM 1411• frldl y def.,•tcl or no .ctl!M\ llllitfl I I IHI dlVIOtncl Belllnd 14 10 JS •••• "'Culllrtn lO 100 ........ GOGll·~J: . s•l1 ~!'-\' i-.:~n:· 1·:1i ~..!;.::: ~ °""llf8,.60 .al1IOW16 .1\, ScOO\ .. ,, u 21 •• V!.T-1IO IO .. ff • "" o l golCICOlflt,,eompMedwlthfhurtdty'I "'4ltl1""" ... ~.a or ~ , .... 1"' ... _ BelC:AI O I tt l6 1•h, ,, CvmEn , 6 IOO U•~ • .. ""rn •• • .-• " ~ °"" tlfG2 27 i• 16.. w So(otUIO 1• IQ •V> UnTKl'I i 40 t 1* .... + .. ....., • .,, ~.~ ~ -llamlt uq • .. Jn .. "' CUftln< I 10 ! -"' Gllll1111 '1 » 4 1311) Leu<.., 4 ' .,.., • "' °"" " . . Sc••F•• t IO • ~1~. "" VT<ll OI J ll " .. \,, P'-· oc:G\lmVlll,.,. ·-Wllll ...._ ........ .,,_.. a-·· l 32 11 ICIS2 ff\,. \, CwtlW 1 • ., 4 h + \,. Gll19'1t J.JO 11 .., ....... '" i..vlS4 I •S 10 '"' » + ... °"" ::01 :: . 1:§ 't!h SCOUP I • IW" 11\ ••.... uU!f,"epfl ,, ~ • ~ ' •• 4~. ~ n N-1-f·OKlllrtcl Of pelCI "' ~ Btfld~ flf J ' 1 lt l•. \1 Cytleiopl I Kia 1S •• 111. .. GloblM t• a .is ' .... 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'Superstar' creator not too faithful By JACKIE HYMAN ANocl•ted Preu Writer LOS ANGELES Although his versions of Bible ston<.'S "J<.'SU!> Christ Superstar" a nd "Joseph and thl• Ama11ng Tt'<·hnicolor Dreamcoat" -have reached m1l11ons, lyril·1s t Tim Rll'C isn't trying to l'On v1.'rt anybody to anything "Techni<:ally I'm C hurt:h of England. whic h is really nothing ... swd thl• soft-spoken 37-year-old writer and British talk show personality. "But I don't follow 1t I wouldn't say I was a Christian. I have nothing against 1t." - Rice. who was in town fo1 the West Coast prem iere of "Josl'ph" s tarting 8 111 H utton a nd Sharon Brown. says hC' also t.akl':> no s trong political stances, although he and composer Andrew Lloyd Webber came in for 1dl'Olog1cal lTllll'ISm over the musical "Evita," about Eva Pl•ron ''Trendy hbt·r~1I t'rltll'S wt·n· frightened, in a way scared tlrnt thc•y hk<•d tlw :,;how." Rwe said over breakfast at tht• Bevt•rly Wilshire• Hot<.'l. "l felt they were conC'erned to d1s ta1tl'C' themselves from Eva Peron. They blanwd us for lhl'tr (lhl' Perons') misdeeds." Of three prodUt'l'd mus1c·ab. lht' Rice-Webber team h as h ad thn•e smas h hits. a phenomenal record. "I'd hate to have• a flop," admitted Rice. "I'd rather do nothing than haVl' a flop." The three musicals rock operas. actually. since there is no spoken dialogue have been wide ly spac·C'd "J ost.>ph " o riginated an 1967 a lthough 1l has b<•c•n l'Ons1dt•rably extended and revised since then ''Superstar" burs t onto the• theater sc·ene in 1970 and "Evita" got its prc·-Broadway st.art in Los Angeles in 1975 In betweC'n, R1c·e wntt's art1des. l'Omptles books -including his "Guinn<'ss Book of Bnush Hit Singles" -and appt.•aN> on radio and television talk shows. "ln a wa.y it's an advantage that I don't have a message for tht.> world, a burning desire to get anything off my chest," he said, noting that he only works on a show when he really loves it. But Rice's relaxed demeanor is misleadingly placid. Be n t'alh the surface lurks a cheerfully irreverent scnsr of humor that bursts forth in "J oseph" with a pharoah who resembles Elvis Presley. l l brothers who inform their father of Joseph's supposed death with a cowboy lament, and a song with a delightfully cxpllc·1t subtitle: "The Brothers Come to Egypt G rovel Grovel." The show was originally conceived as a 20-minute production for a London boys' sch ool. and over the years has been performed m schools in England and America, R1c.-e said. Now expanded to ' 120 minut.cs , the musical which received seven Ton y nominations on Broadway -maintains a sense of innocenc.-c along with buoyant good humor and rollicking melodies Rice says he's picked b1bhcal themes twice • mainly because he hk<.'S the stones, and "I'd always rather take a true story tha n an u ntrue one." He said he hasn't received much in the way of hate mail from fundamentalists. although he did once engage in a debate with a picketer outside a theater where "Joseph" w as playing. ''I said, 'Have you actually seen the show?' He said no, and we got into a theological argument," Rice said "You can't argue with th ese people. They're just blocked." The rE:>sidcnt of Oxfordshire, England, said he's been amazed by the religious programs o n television in Southern California. "l watch them with horror," he said. "I would take flak from people like that as a compliment. They are so insincere . They're always asking for · money ... They a ll want to hog the cam era. They're always saying •amen' very loudly in the hope that somebody will turn the camera on them." Meanwhtlr , he's working on some new ideas for musicals. Politician plans Broadway 'debut' NEW YORK CAP) -At the age of 90, W. Averell Harriman ls planning his Broadway debut to aalute another former governor o f New York - .Franklin D. Rooeevelt. The former UnJted State11 ambauador-at-large ha.I n~r appeared on a Broadway a~ge but agreed to help with \he Oct. 4 tribute. Harriman wlll have help from auch experienced entertainers u Robert Merrill, Lauren Beca1J and Myrna Loy. Hatorian Arthu.r Schlesinger Jr., who heads \he FDR CentennJal Commaalon, La arranatng the event at the Broadway Theater. Others ex~ to joln In are Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla .. John lfouaeman, Geraldine Fitzgerald and the lnternatJonal Ladles' Ga\ment Worker• Union chorus. , Bv 1'0M TITU8 O(t11e O•llr Piiot lt•tf 'l'hc~t· who, hk1 t lw. Vll'Wl't , ofh•11 find llll' worcl~ "Hnt1sh huniur" mutually 1·xdu'l1Vc• have· ll plt·u~u11t Klll p11M• uw111tmf.( thc•111 at t lw N1•w 1.111rt Th<.•1.1tt•1 ArL-c C1•nt1·1 lt'i; "Bullshut Ct u1111111111d," n rnll11.·kl11g sµuur uf ii;11~hi.h dt·tt•t'llVl• 1no ... 11·~ 11( tlw 'J'h1rl1<•1> w hidt p111v1.•x th111 tllW m't'<in'l bl• uvt•1 ly lamlllur with dw or11,tltlJI tu HIJJ>rt'l'Wlt• lht• 11111t11 1.• Al Nt•wpurt, "Rullshot" IH u .)Olly go11u pil'l'l' of work w h ll'h plul1L'S irw n .•d1blt• phy1m·ul 1111d wdrn1t·11l dt·mundi. on it.; t·ast unt.I t.Tl'W 01rt•(·tor Ellt•t•n t'1shbu<.'h , amo11g thl• I uwxl 10t·ully. has mountl'd u i;hqw in whil•h no l"Omi" "8ULLIHOT CllUMMONO" A ••llllcal comedy by Aon HouH, Dir HouM. Al•n SllHrman, Jonn Neville Andrew• end Derek Cunningham, dlroottd by Eiieen Flehbech, produced by P8111 G1111e Simpton. HI design by Al•• Koaleh Jr . cottvm•• Ind gr•PlllCI bV AllH Flellb•cll, lechnlcal director M8r~ Andrewa, prenntea Frld•y• •nd Saturd1y1 et e p m through Oct 11 with ma!lnee1 Sept 19 and 26 el " p m el Ille Newport T11 .. 1..-Arll Cen1er 250 I Cllll D<tve. NewpO<I Beach AIMl'\l81ionl 676-31•3 8ullsollol Crummond Roaem•ry 0110 Leny a THE CAIT Fen ion. Algy Pohcem_,., Scebberd. Wollgang, M•rovtttll MICllHI Gren•• C•theflne McAuley AICllerd Hlcl<a Protclll• Regnier Tllom11 MICllNI Kelly quarter 1s g1vL•n. Virtually (.•Oc.•ry hnc.• 1s played for eCfe<·t, and most S<:ore highly If you miss a gag, you don 't havt.> unw to dwl'll on 1t for tlw nt-xt one 1s on its way. F1shbal'h's f1vl' p<•rformer cns<.•mblc does doubll'. triple and in one.• t:<•Sl'. sextuple duty. and till' cnt•rgy 1s al pc:•ak ll•vcl throughout. Yet M1chat.•I Greni1.• in the t1th.> rol<.' of the.• super sle uth is nevertheless a standout, sustaining a s tiCf-upper- lip pomposity and rt•ndc.•r ing it endearing in one of thl' season's b<.•st pt>rforml.lnl·cs. Thl' others c·urry off tht'ir assignments with a splendid sense.• of singl<· dimension Catherine Ml·Auley as the.• giggling ht•rolnl'. Richard Hicks as the dastardly Nazi s p y and Priscilla Regnier T homas as 1-fa·ks' equally evil henchwoman . But the workhorse of the c·ast 1s Michael Lewis. who takes on no fowl'I' than six different characlNs and absorbs enough physical punishment to make a masochist hoUcr for the Red C ross. UAllllM .,f(... .,.,,.,~..., ,, H916'0 IRU ~""""'fl•, ... ~ .. '" 'll~ COSTA MISA tCA.tin tto1•,,_ t,,. ~''not NOW PLAYING ll TOllO 011.tllClf l C•*ct dOlo 'we t AV( Qt1nyr "''' ''''>HO 611 OUO IRWl•I OllAllClf ftJ•~O W ,tf~._.,.,.,, n•• UA(11,C"'t11• '»'!Ob'I\ 6Hltt1 IAQUMA IUCll f'1•f'd ')11 1tt (..w I 49• ,~,. WllTM1•t1lll '-IA f111r111 t'"f!l'\i\ .,, \JJ1 WUTMt•Sn~ '• '" "u w., liil Ufh• lt'I ~QI l69 I "niE KIND OF LOVE STORY FOR WHICH THE PUBLIC'S BEEN THIRSTING. A SKILLRJLLY CRAFTED ROMANTIC DRAMA WrTH HIGHLY CHARGED PERFORMANCES." -Gene Sllellt, TOOAY &HOW llllA lllWPOllT H ACH OllAlfQ( Mann Brea Pl.lla ! Ow.ids NewPO<I C.nedQme S29 S339 Ctntma 644 0160 634 2SS3 MISSION WIFJO fdNald\ VittO !won 830 6990 COSTA MU& ld•~C. IQ<DI>' I w 531 3SOI UllOCll GllOWl Ea ... 1rds Wt lt>ftv* ~30 UOI WlSTMINSUll I dward~ C111ema We~ 891 393S ..0 'ASSU ACCC"~O 'OA lHI: OtOAOtMCHl Pt< tw Ai •f'~im 0r .. t '" 979 98~0 OllAllCll A~ (hnge M"' 631 0340 :~llCl~erna I• DIM ll<:i"'"'~'rD.,CH.\IAlJ'O'\ ltOr "'Jo I 63• 3111 llO ,Allll ACCl,,.fO JOfl THll fNQllO[MflfT ARCADE of GAMES•'::.~·~'!'~'." Ga'l'Ul:ll.4.JV R 1:00 ll:JO 5:25 1:00 101111 aL1Dll lfUll~lf ~~.lJ 70MM Sllow1•t l11201nd 71lltR .. ~~ JD l'lut Tiie TlllnJ I"> 121,0 2:00 4:0, 1:00 I : It 5llOWI t 110 l •JS t 1SI Dt I l:mn5184t tlt+Ollfl,I iv.int : 30 Nightly Ch•ldr•n Undt• 17 FIU l Uni~• Not ... s INTIRMISSION "BUll'ihot C1 u1111111111d" • .., l.1xt, h,11111ui. und l'Xl't•1,.d1ngly funny. with u a.u1.~·l•1.:d1111 11( tt'l.·h11w11l lllffJ>rlW!> Whll h. though '>OllWWhUl rough, HI l' tfUtll• 1·ll1'('ttv1· It mn1111u1·i. wt•t•kt•nch. throu8h <..A·t !J Jt tlw ArL'i ('1•1111•1 , WOl l'llfl l>nv1., Nt•w porl Ht•mh * fOUI\ MOH~ S'l'AGt; pt odutt1~n1> j1J111 1111' iwason 01w11mu purnclt· lh ii; Wl't·k, 11wrting tonight wllh ttw A11wr:t·a11 111't•111h•n• of tht.• lrn1h l'Ornl·dy "AU in P'ovour Suld No!" flt South Coast Rept•t·lory. Otht·r tht•ull·rli m illing thl•lr l'Urtt1ins u1·1· lht• S;111 C l1·nwnt1· t'ommuruly Thealt'r with "LoVl'I ~ a11d Oth1•r Stra11lt1·1·s," 11pl•nin~ Thursday, thl' Nl•Wport llu1 lwr At·t111·~ Thc·ut1·1· with "The Gondollt·rb" und Shuwcas(· Produt:llons with "Absurd Pl.·r:.cm S111gula1 ," both arriving f'riduy SCH Counrl111~ d1n'<:tor Davu..I EmmC'S lb stagrng "AU in Favour" wh1<:h features guest actors from Broadwuy and 11h•n)bt•1-:. ul lhl' rc•s1dtmt c·ompuny P c·rformanc-c•s will be· g1v<.'n nightly at 8 p 111 (Sundays 7::W) c·xn·pt Moot.l uys, with wt•l•kc·nd matLnl'(.'S at :l.:m through Oct 17 at thl· J:o'ourth Slrp Theater. 655 Town C<•nt1.•r Dnvl'. Costa Mc.->Sa Call 957-4033 Cm n ·sc·rvauons "Lovt•r.. and Oth<•1 Strangc•rs" opens a four- wt.>ekend run tor lht• San ClC'mcnlt• Community Theakr undc.•1 thl· <l1fl._'<:llon of Paul Goedhart Tht• four-t.>p1sodl' c·onwdy w1U be stagc'Ci Friduys mid Saturdays at 8 p.m and Sundays at 2::!0 through Oct. 9 al the Cabnllo Pl<iyhouS<', 202 Avt>. Cabnllo, San Clement<· Rt•st·rvat1ons 492-0'165. *BARGAIN MATINEES • Mondav t~ru Saturday All Perlorm1ncu before !>:00 PM (Elcepl Sp1cl1I Eng1gem1nts 1nd Holld1ys1 "ROCKY lit" 1001 tJ» , ......... . "FlllOAY THl UTH PAlll 3" 101 tNJO HM J"M.•• •••M.~tt "YOUNQ OOCTOlll ... LOVE" '"'I ta:.. .. .. "AUTllOlll AUTHOlll" 4"1 .......... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC ·IN •fllOCltY Ill 1,..1 ....... , .... 0..,...,. .. ._ ... "Fllll ,OX" 1,.1 ~,,,.,.o.., ......... ......... "ifAlll WAlil" 1,.1 ...,,.,..°"""' ..... , ........ locu lry OI co .. Ol••OOO I 213/531·9510 ··THE HIT LITTLE WHOllEHOUH IN TIXAI" 101 , .. , .......... . "llAlll TllElt 11: WllATH 0' KHAN" tf'>O)M,.._.~t l..,_ Ul>UI "ENDANGERED SPECIES" 1111 ,t:JI.,. ................. , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl• IN "CHHCH 8 CHONG THINQI Alll! TOUGH ALL OVlll" 1111 ~··· "'l'OUNQ OOCTOlll IN lOYl" 1•1 FocU4!'f Al 0.1 NnO 213/6 34·9_2_1_1 __ .--_ , ..... ·~:.E!_t;_J•• "NIOHTSHlfT" 101 ..-............ ,.. 1 JO 1 IS ~ .. , IMPOR UN r NOllCl' CMllOREN UNOIR n fAU• --·--""'"' , ... , .. s... -, ..... ~·· .,-••iww~Ji""•~--. • ._,. '"' ~ ...,. -ac.auou l'O$ll'OO -llMIG"" JOl'1MU •ALI o..tA OIM~ QI llO "" - ANA,.llM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN '"' l"l!r. -INOAMOf.11':. IHClll" ,• ~!'#f "THI HAil WITHIN-:: -: .. , .. , .. ~ •'••·o~ •lo• ••~9"1 '' 179·9150 "l t \OU"if' -,----- "THI COMCllllTI JUffOl.1" 101 •Tlft CHAU.INOI" 101 --"flllOA'I' THI 1tlfl PAllT J " 101 1 "THI llAITMAtTEll" 1111 c ... ' tcX/\0 c ht •• ~ .... -------- IUI NA ,Al>l BUENA PARK DRIY( IN l•"CO't\ .\•• WHt Of l f\OH 121·•070 I Utftl!A t'A.IH' LINCOLN DRIVl·tN ..... f ~' ....... ~,," "l ,T., THI IXTllA·TllllllllTillAL'" ,,.I ..... "INClllOl91..I IHlllNICINO WOMAN"1,.1 "THI HIT LITTLI WNOlllHOUll IN TSUI" 101 -''"IQHTIHIPT" t•l -rAtll-1 Al lllOODK>HT HIGH'' 1~1 -"OINllll" ,., c "f "so. .. o Hl·WAY 39 ORIVI IN ._. lh• so ,,, Gw,U., Gfoirt Jftf•Or 191·3693 I. "TIC CHALUNOfH l•l 2. "1"1! KAITlllAtTlll" 101 .. "THI CONCMTI .IUMOl.a" t11 C "f •• IOU'<O t • HAlllA LA HABRA OlllVf IN ......,.e.-..,_ ........ ~ •• ..., .. .,.... 171-1162 IJflAN<.t "INOANOllll':. .... CtH" (Ill "THI HAIT WITHIN" Ml c,.,,,_ '11. T. THI lllTllA TDllllTillAL" -.... "IHC111019LI tHtUNICINO WOMAN",,., ORANGE DRIVl·IN "TMC HIT l.ITTU Mte>ftlHOUtt!" TDAt" 1"1 "~Ol"t•t .Alril lt!Al"I &•• ,"io'.Allt MISSION Dt:llVI IN ... ,.°' ..... rt•• t.f.c.t..o. .. nt·na1 " ,.... l>.f '' ll'f •• A I• WARNER OlllVI IN WCH"•' "•• W•t• .. t•e<ft l ••O ... 7•S ti "YOUNG DOC~t IN LOVI IRI "AUTHOfll AUTMOlll" IHI .00 •tt Co\ll.0110 Local, county, state, nationql and international events come to your doorstep in the bright, light and lively lallyPlllt • in N Alt" K11b.1 ,,. ,1i1Ht111f.1 "Ah,11111 l't·nmn S1 11~u l.1 1 ," .111 Al11 11 A yl klHIUr 11 num·dy, for S how.·"' 1'1 11d11 1 """' ut t h l W1·~t1111rtxh·r A u d 1t111 1u111 l 1 7 l \V 1·' t "' 111 ~ t,. r Av{' 111 W1·,u11111 ... 111 l'w tu111 1. H .w 1' 111lav" ond Saturdayi. 1mtl :.! :10 S l111d.1y' lhr 11u1:1t l.11 1 .I, with n ·'l·rv1.1t11m.s t.1k1 11 ,11 H!l 1 l1711fi "'1'111 ( i11111lu l11·1 •.' 1:-. ,1 C1llii·1 t a11d Sullivan upt•11•tl.i u111Jt.1 th1 d11 t'l·t11111 111 Tony l'UMjULI und N.111('V Eh'>l·t1 , pl.i y 111g Thu1 ... d.1 y' t hrough S:1llll'd<1ys .• 1 II p 111 111111 Su11d,1yN at :l ;m until O<.·t 10 at 1tw N1·wpo1t llail11•1 Ac•to1 ~ TtwLll1·r . :nw M1111l1• V1i.t;i sr . <. ·11,,1;1 M1 •s11 H1'1-l'l'VHllCms tl3l-5l l0. THE t~1'~11L'' ClaCl'I "Mine doesn't hove o sticker on it." by Brad Anderson "Tell your friends the kitchen Is closed." ACROSS 53 Plg tum· monet 1 Nettle, e g ST Go s Bunll• 58 Drug llOM»AY'I "1m.1 IOLYID 9 Publicized S9 Some poetry 14 Turtclth reg!· 81 Short drlnll ~~-..ti~ "*'' 82 Creep 1S Houle part 83 Vtnditlon 18 Ramin )l>dOe 84 T 1111 epett H Dowries 85 POf1flghtt 18 Feblllilt ae Slluglltetld t 9 Bltd 87 Hll'lll'Mt pert 20C•tout 22 Oeforl'lled DOWN 24 Spenlth men 26 Atric.n coin 1 &olhet 2 7 Go lc>t 2 Flllllf el lelk 29 Lltllf 3 lngllttd 30 Engine P1't 4 lmmot91 ~ AdOtnt 5 Fe1: Prtlla 37 Stupor 8 lnvealon 3t Stadium· 7 a. uteflll INped • Continued 31 Olttent t Selem! 40 8'IOW IOl#ct 10 Honor 4 ' ...... lftOMy 1 I OltorOlt u ,...,,"" 12 Otllef ........ 13Tlllt • .,, """ a 1 Hldl.,.O 30 -dog 43 llnbrigt\1 3 I Egyptl#I god 45 CoiltlltWt 32 Preper.O 4 7 T 1b1Mu 33 Geucflo 48 riowtt pert WMPOf1 60 Chill con - 34 ~ 51 llYI*' H sw. ''"" sa &a* ,. .. _ -63CMdl cOflfuMd 54 ,,., 37 T Idled: 55 Inter. ,... 2WOtdl by Virg ll Partch (VIP) "Wtll ·• h1H your be1dy llttlt tyH locked In on 1nythlng ytt, or 1hould I comt b1ek l1ttr?" }JEl\NIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~· ""·+ I f t I i I 9 by Ferd & Tom Johnson ... 8~ST 5p0T IN ;owN TO PICI< UP A FARE'··· • *... a '°" Pl't• '7 _..,,. H .,_ llel'll 40 -_.. M Wiii"°". t g, ""'-1~_....---·~··· d,.... •Oull ' Ortnge Cout DAILY PILOT ITUfldly, leptemblf 14, 1812 PUN&;T MEY, 816 BlOTMER, I MAYE A ~OFOUHD QUESTION FOR VOU ... SHOE MOW COME, IAMEH ~KE WOfOOHG 0.. A J16~ PUZZLE, 'Tli~E'S Al~S A PIECE ft\ISSINO ? LET'S HAVE LUNC H THERE 1"HS eeNeRAt.. HAS eeeN Ct...ASSIFIE!P "i"OP SE!CRf!!i"" e>Y i"HE! PESN1"Ac:SON, ~c ... CharJ" M. Schulz NO, TWf QISTION IS, MOW CCME VOO AJ.JJJAVS FIND IT? by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller -.. by Gus Arriola ~-' o· g"_.c~ by Tom Battuk by George Lemont so we HAP "'Tb RUN HIS X·RAY 1'H ROUGH 1"H E: SHR.E!PPE!R .' .•. ... : ~ I ~l .. Or ngo OoHI DAIL y PILOT /Tue1C11y, September 14, 1oaa 'Cribb' low-key detective BY JERRY HUCK "' T••l•len Wrller L.OS AN Gl\:Ll•:s A lun Humu11 lK'CUJIDt111 n nt 1'.nsl nd Juhu11 Cuc·RUr l'UIOJX-d rwurby "Somt•bady 11tolt• ll>O hip tllt•11 fwm my roof." hc aay11 "Tlwy'rt• lilt· (10111 l ht· mt'<iit•vul J>t•raocJ. I wu:. qu111· unnoy1•d. t•¥pe<·rnlly 11111t't· they ui:u-t1 m y luddt-r und )(•ft lt up. Tht• old Kcnlhih yCOlllM houiw J llvl' in has t1mbt•r• marked by tht• t·urpt•ntcrs w ith Homun numt.•ral11 Scnnl' of thl' hric'kt. 1n tht.• kltdH•n hovt• 1mpnn~ Of a mc.'<Jicvul pu...syc·LH " a nJ pedul t•lttht mill's • .culnte through an opJ)lt• oH·hard, to thu train wtatlon.' Doble.•, who plays low kt•yt•d Sco t l1.1nd Yurd d 1•\1•1·11v1• "Sergeant Cribb," I~ 11 11l1111 who .bdll·vt•11 in fondinu for h11nM•lf' Doble', with teruyinl( blond hoir and mou11t~dw un d 1.>lut• t•yc•1, 1tor 1 ln t w o Victorlnn-cra 1•piso<lt>t1 of. "My11tt.•ry" on public· t r lc>vlslon . Th~ progrum11 i.1r tonight (tit 8 on Ch anne l 50 and at 9 on Channel 28) and on Sept. 21. • · M y I n l tw r w u 11 u g l'l' u t do-at-yourselft.>r," Dubie says "Ir l wanted u pmr of roller ska te..,.; or ~ bicydt•, m y Catht•r shoW(•d 011• how to make.• them I feel guilty n ow asking a n ybody tn do Jmyth ing for mt•. ( "It gives a bit mor~ body tu your life to be-ablt• t.o do things for yoursl•H I make my own apple wmt'. I can gCJ up on rny roof and repair it ... Dobie hves on an ancient flvl .. ecre farm near the lop of South :Oo wns nl•a r Ca n terbu ry in l:ngland . The farm is called P ontus. which mt•ans bridge. a n ame that goes back to the l li~ barn is mode or timbers that :.in• rumort:d ·1.o hove• ~t·n taken from ships dhcnw ntkd a f t f' r th l' B r 1 t is h a u n k t h t• Spanish Armada. The bowed rib.<i give tht• barn u cuthcdrnl-lik(• appcaranc.-e. Dobie, anterv1cwl'd whlh.' 0 11 11 visit to t h is country , says he commutes 52 miles to London when he's hlmmg or working in a play. "I gt•t on my push bike H I s b o 1· k g r o u n d I s I n Shak~penre and the clu.'IS1cs, and he took tho role of "Scrgt>ant Cribb" 5 u lurk. He had no Idea It would turn Into a rtl'<:urrlng role of 14 shows so Car. "lt staru.'CI off as one 90-minute prof(ram," Dobie says. "Then we discovered that Pc>ter Lovesey had written another eight Cribb books. Then he wrote anothC'r six stories for us. As far as I know. that's all the stories there art'. "But," he says. "I wouldn't be Tllt:SUAY EVEHINO e:00 u u a NEWS IJ CHARLIE'S ANGELS 0 WILD, WILD WEST aJ S.W.A.T. Q) HAWAII RVE--0 fD OVEREASY Gueal lyrlclsl Sammy Cahn (RIO '1!) HUMA .. ITIES THROUOH THE ARTS "Tile Quest For Sell" ()) C88NEWS QJ) A8C NEWS Q O)NBC NEWS tC)MOVIE * * *"\ "Breal<er Moran!" ( 1980) Ectwarc:t wooowarc:I. Jack Thompson Au11ral1· ans contcrlp1ed 10 llghl on Englanc:l'a side In 1118 Boer War dllClc:le 10 hghl the Boer guerillas on the<r own terms 'PG' { ~) l.AFF-A-TttON A comedian hOSl anc:I lou1 comic contesllnll who compel• against one another 11• featured In lhls uncensored comedy game show. 0MOVIE * * "Nobody s Perlellt' ( 19811 Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karrn Three unlikely heroes Mt out lo battle the red lepe anc:I bureaucrec;y ol Clly hall 'PG' 8:30 fD DICK CAVETT Guest actor Albef1 Finney (Part 21 '1!) GROWING YEARS "tntroducUon To Chllc:t Development"' ())Q!NEWS O]J BARNEY MILLER (ti) EARTH, WINO ANO FIRE IN CONCERT The jan·lunk-rock group combtf\11 exploa!Ye alnOlnQ wi1h complex c110t90gr1- phy and na1hy 1peclal effect• In • performance llPed al the Oeklenc:t Coli- 1«1m In 01klanc:I. Celilor- nla. {$")MOVIE * * "HHr1beel)1" (1981) Anc:ly Kaufman. Bern•· c:lett• Pele<a In e world of the near Mure. two com· merclel robOll experience lhe vtcisalluc:lel ot lint love 'PG 1:00 f) CU NEWS D N8CNEW8 U HAPPY DAYS AG.AJN Riehle II caught two-Urning Lort Beth for 1 pretty baton twtrlllf. 0 ABCNEWBQ 0 THESAINT aJ M•A'S'H Charles Hsumes herOIC proportions after reviving a dying petlent with heat'1 ~ II) 3 JOKER'S WILD fJi) 8!') BUSINESS REPORT ()) P.M. MAGAZINE A visit With movie 111r SI._ 1er1; a prolll• ol Chef T•I Erhardt. QJ) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT ··setety In HOltywOOO" A look at 18111< waya lo film 1tun11 and special enec11 (Part 2) (OJ BASEBALL 1N 2: THE YEAR IN REVIEW (Z)MOVIE * • * "Mr Rock And Roll' ( 195 7) ChUCll B«ry. Lionel Hampton A l•bu· loot took 11 lak.., et the '50s anc:I the beginnings ol rock 'n' rOll 1:30 f) 2 ON THE TOWN Feeturec:I: en lnelde look 81 Ille NOflh American Air OejenM Commend In Cot· orado SPflng9: • tour Oii some ol Southern Callfor- nl1'• bridal M.tlt .. , COV«- age of Ille llnela ot the World Sl)Md Shooting Ohampionenlpa. 0 8 FAMILY FE.UO Baseball great Hank Aaron will b<· among Horatio Alger Award redpients to hf' profilc-d tonight a t I 0 ma KCET (28). U LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Leverne and Shirley •earn 1nat everyone et the brewery must undergo psychological examln•· lions 0 EYE ONL.11 Featured a reporl on S1thll' Sirhan. th• man convlc1ec:I ot anessinaling Aoberl Kennedy, a loOI< al the gay hleslyte 1n Olc:I age a prohte ot actor Betry Bostwick, a pared• ol the newe11 leshloni; In swim-•r aJ M"A"S"H A rumor lhel the •OT7th II going to "bug·out' becomes grosaly uagg11<· atec:I unul It ts b4tt.eved that the entire Ohlneae army •• attacking !he camp (Part ti m TIC TAC DOUGH f.D MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1!) MONEYMAKERS "Planning For L•t•r YeMs" Cll lQ. BASEBALL San Diego Padres at L.01 Ano•••• Oodgera (!]) YOU ASKED F~ rT .tt AACE~THE PENNANT Barry Tompktn1 .,c:I Tim McCGl'#er cover •II lhe blMB ... c:IUlg 10 lhe 1g92 WorldSe<- 8:00 f) UNIVERSE Waiter Cronkite report• on verloua occurrences llllc:I PhenOmenB In the *Ofld ol sci.nee Q ~ FATHl!R MURPHY The daughter ol a cold· blooded tyrant 11111 In love with one ol !he orphan• (R) IJ DISCOVER: THE WORLD OF BCIENCE Pete< Graves c:l•aeuaet a wide range ol ~ and technOlogy 1oplc1 0 <I§) HAPPY DAYS Fon1te gell ,,.,. cnanu to meet "'' chllc:lhooc:I ldOI, the Lone Ranger (R) Q 0 MOVIE • * • 'Oark Victory" ( 1939) Bette Davis, George Brent Wiien • women 1eern1 that her days ere numbered bec;ause of an lnopei able breln condition. the gains suttenence from the dOCIOf sM merr1el aJ P.M. MAGAZINE A profile ol Che! Tell Erhardt, vllll • camp Where kids loM weight II) MOVIE • •·~ "Run For Th• Sun" I 1958) Rldlard Widmark Ja"8 Gr-A female )our· nafl•I'• searGh for 1 mll8· if\g American wr11tr tekea her to an llOlltec:I viHage In Me•lco. wh¥• ehe dltcov· era that Hai.I• hev• taken ~qulllef'I. U!I NATIONAL GEOORAPtOC SPECIAL "00<1111" E G M., 1haM llOtll e looll •t Ille ef!Ofll OI 100 director.. dedkllted lnc:th1ldual1 anc:I tclentltlt who ere working 10 uaure lhel tile letOMI ol the grHI lpel dOM nol f•ll vlGllm to el<tlnctlol'I (R) '1!) MYSTERY "Sergeant Cribb' Som•· thing Old, Something New • Sergeent Cribb suspects !hit an Old men hH tenen victim 10 a mar- riage.for.profit ach•m• (RIQ C MOVIE * * "The Fifth Musket-" ( 10791 Beeu Bridges, Urau· la Andreu O'Artagnan 1111c:1 the Thr" Musket-• t>ecome 1nvOlved In anoth· er plan 10 block Ille avll ln1en1ion1 ol the etntster Carc:llnaJ Ric:helleu agelntl lhe French 11lstocracy. ·PG' (11) YESTERYEAR ... 1Nll This retroepecllve of the periOd of enti·war pro- t•I•. the advano-1 ol cMt rlghtt, lhe birth ol "Doonesbury" and "S"8· ~ S1reet." Rlehatc:I Nl11.on end WOOOtlock. lnctudN en Int....,,_ with ••troneul Bua Aldrin ($)MOVIE ····~ "&Ian'• Song" (1971) JlmM Caan, Bitty Dee Wlllf•m•. Two football players ahar• • rare friend- .nip until cancer Claims oneol lhem lltMOVIE •• • ··zoot Sult" (19811 Daniel Vatc:taz, Ec:twarc:I Jemes Olmoe In 19•0. lM A~. I cauM cele- bre eruptt over Ille fram- ing ol member• of a Ch!Ca- no str"t geog for murdef. 'R' 8:30 f) MOONLIGHT. Aller stumbling upon• klfl· Ing. a d•IWfY man reluc· tanuy agrMS to worll underCOYef with ~ m911t agents to lfep / lnternellonal tertorllt. U O LAVl!AAE& SHIRLEY laveme anc:I Shirley vac.- tlon at 11kl re1ort In~ ol meeting ellglbt• bache- lo<a IRIR aJ OOOCOUPLE H-ard CoM A and Otcar have a dln ... 1ng or opinion• ""'*' they meet by chance tn Fell•'• atudio MOVll! • • • "Handle With Care" ( t077) Peul l• Met, Candy Clark A mll'l'I ob-'<>n with hit CB rec:tlo gell him lnvot\fed with varlOU• fun- ny, ollbe•I homtlown loella t .00 Q Q! MOVIE .. • * ''\ "Murder In Tallllll" (Part 2) (11181) Farrah Fawoett. Klthatlne ROH . A -llhy Te11u oilman teta out 10 pro.... thll hla c:leughter wu tmirdetec:I by her husband, plelllc eur· Q!Df1 John HIM (R) II QJ) THAU'8 COMPANY Jeclt II elloeflec:I When I comput... c:t•tlng l«\ltce ma•cnee him uci with a moet Ulltll~ oate. <"l i Ml!IW Q.umH Guests· Roy CIMtl with Rodney Lay and me Wiid w .. 1 Band, AllNllen ~ dlal'I Yekov 8mltnoff, Rue· llan •I~ 011111 TatNen. YWI te Mlfnllull CHANNEL LISTINGS • MYllil'Y "Str~t CrltlO. Some- lhlno Old, 8 om1thln9 Ntw" SIJgHnl Cribb tv~t· Ulllf Ill * mM It" I...., vtc;tlm to a m.,. 1190 .. lor•proflt acl\efne. (~)0 e ICNXT ICBSI 8 KN8C (NBC) e KTLA (lllCl.1 .!<ABC CA8Cl e KFMI CC8SI 8 104J·TV (lllCl.1 e 1<GST (AICI • I( TTV (Incl ) •e l(COll'·TV (Ind.) 8 ICCl!T CPBI> e ICOCE Cll'8Sl I , (al Orl·TV 'll Z•TV HBO 1:1 (Clnemu l CWORI NY,.N Y , DJ IWT8S> (I) .IESPN) <SMwtlrneJ • Soot11011t • CC.bit Ntw• N1twor1') .NoYA "TermllH Anet Tell· IC~" Or P"9lp Morrl- aon, ptOf...ot Of ~ II M~ """"* of Ttef\llOIOQy, pr...ma I OtOOIOCMM C(lfM!enttry O!\ tl!I ""'" of ~ tlon.lflllO ffi)MOVll: • • • "looking For Mr. Good bar" ( 1977) 0111ne KHIOn. Tuesday Wekl A aoctelly repruHc:I schoolteacher a01ek1 e•cllement by ll8Qu1t111ing llnglH bare and luring ver· IOU• men ln1o on•nlglll atanc:lt 'R' 1:30 0 tm) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Monroe gels • plano 11uci.. on the 11e1r1 just .. Henry Is tryl'IQ 10 get Muriel to the hoapllel (RI MOVIE • • • • "Heartlanc:I" (197111 Rip Torn, Conch11a Feff-41. A courageous wtc:t- ow Ilk•• her yoong daugh· let acroes the pr elrlea In lhe American wlld9me» ot 1910. 'PG' 10:00 f) CBS REPORTS "'The GOiden lHI" Bill Kurlll repor11 on ,,.,. po11. tlea Involved In the markel· i~ ol tobacco In Amertc.. uomcm NEWs 0 tmJ H.ART TO HART The Harli become lnvOlvec:t In a murder plol lnvoMng Jonath1n'1 bull· neu euoclat• white on vecatlon In Hewlll (RI c;> f» AMERICAN DREAMERS Severel reclplenll ol ,,.,. Horetlo Alger ewarc:I lor excellence In their llelc:lt. 1neludlng b ... ball grH t Henry Aeron. pediatric surgeon Or J .. ll• Tern- berg enc:t New York Tl,,_ columnlal Jame9 Reston, ere profiled. '1!) HARO CHOICES "Genetic Screening The Ulllm•I• Preventallve Mec:lletne?" The options ot prenelal tasllng anc:I genet· IC eounMllng enc:I h- lhese testa have enected p1ren11 of ehllc:lren with genetic d1M8181 are ex•· mined (RI Cl) CIAClE Of' STARS .. Engelbert Hun\pe(c:llnk" {~MOVIE * • '"' "Adem'a Womer\'' (1972) Beau Bridget, JOhn Miiia A wrongly lmprta-°'* Nllor ettempll to wtn hi• retease by merrylng en 1n11uen1111 woman OMOVll! 1t * * · All Nlglll long" (19811 Gene Hackman. Barbra SlrllH nd. Aller betnQ c:temoled from CO<· porete ext1CU11ve to ~n­ store night manager. a mkldle-llQ8d man's Rf• etyle and 11a1uM ere !urned ~•down 'R' 10:15 CD CHAN.ES CffAMPUN PAE8£NTS .•• 10;30. INDEHN0£NT NETWOAA NEWI (Q)MOVIE * * '"' "Paplllon" C 11731 St-Mc~. Dustin Hottman. A pair ol Oe\/H'• 1a1enc1 conYtcu apenc:1 1M1t time pl8Mlng their MCBp8 MOVIE * * * "The Conleulon" ( tt7o) Yvea Montend. Simone SlgtlOfel Artur London'• forced con1- 11on al'ld Imprisonment occur during '"'-eotnlml· nlst l>UfQ! of 195 I 11:00 II D 8 Cll 9 a N£W8 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Holl flicNfd Benjamin Guest ~le L" Jones Q YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured: "DHth Comee To A OvedeYll" and "Ell· ·~ OourtMI Worm•." m M'A'S•H For 1 few deyt the '°17th has no cuueltle9. t>ul wM!l the llghllng ptd(s up, 11'1 back lo t>utlnMI H usual • IENNYHILL Benny trlet to tllow that HNlth SetVtcee lavon the rich fl) IUSINESS MPOAT GD OOOTOR IN THE HOUSI! A pellent -Michael ICH •P!*enlneglec1 11:ao II ()) QUINCY Oulooy dlacoV«• that 1 jel•M t hott-Ind her New Yori! publlahet bolll myalerlOully died of the u~lllmenl. D (l)TOHIGHT Hoel· Johnny C.raon. •@ AICNIWI NIOHTlJNI • MOYll ••• "Pllfmlealon To Kiii" (1t?&) Ojfk 9o0¥Cll. Ava G11dner. A Wlltttn IPY e1temp11 to atymll 1111 lltlled IHdet'e Plan to returl'I to hi• hotnellfld and rally hi• people to ouet the MW dlCIBIOr, • THIJIFNMONI GeotO-'• bOllllng Oii• llltn "' troutlle with 1111 U110e1 -14. (Pllt1 2) • LOYI. AMINCAH ITYLI "lOYe Md Tiit lllie ,..._ 8'*111" A mllOnllr9 mn't -to f11 !tie In..,. of I~ Oln "LOY9 And TM .... Tllrougl'I Miid" • Llny cen·t k11111111 11111"9 -~~ ·~MO lllWI I aurprtawd l( ht-t.·omt· up w it llOme more "Ht• tukct> whut I cull u tangent luok nt Vktorlon J1fo. It's not twucl mt, huL !!lightly lo one ~ode 1'.:lit'h Rtm'y iK u1ually bu:wcl on somt•thmg an Vlctorlun II((•." T h 1.• 11\oric.•s are lll'l in thl• m t d I IHH> II • j u II t u f l (' r l h l ' founding of Scutlanc! Yurd'11 C rim i n al I nvestigatio n Dt•purtrnt•nt "Cribb is ;.1 dour. lt•nuc·aous man with o slightly wlckt•<.I llt'nsC' of humor," the uttor itoy¥ of hltc 1·h a r actc r "l call ha m t hl· Recloubwhll· St·r~1.·unt Cribb. Ile has 8 ll•Vt>ling !it.'llSC' of humor. "I Ccvl he's ex·army and that's how he got into the polac.'l~ fort.'l'. H<>'s too good nt his job, sq he never gets promoted. He never gets any credit for solving the crime. It a lways goes lo has superior." TOBI TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 "Universe." WallC'r Cronkite reports on occurre nces and phenomena in th(• world or science. K OCE (50) 8:00, KCET (28) 9:00 - "Sergeant C ri bb." Scotland Y ard detective suspects a n old man has fallen victim to a marriage-for-profit scheme. Sec story above. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"The Golden L eaf." Bill Kurtis looks at the politics involved in the marketing or lobac.'CO in America. K CET (28) 10 :00 -"Ame r ica n Dream e r s." Severa l recipients of the Horatio Alger Award for excellence in their field are featured. See photo, left. NOT NECE88ARIL Y THE NEWS Comedy sketches combine with cl'9•1c mm enc:I n-• IOOllQ• In en ollbHI, 1Bllrlc talle-ott CS) ROMANCE: LOVE IN THE DUNES (Part 2) 0MOVIE * • "Knighlrklers • ( 198 ti Ed Hauls, Gery LBfltl A group ot bikers ride with I trevel;ng ,_1 ... nce talr end dlseover 1nat lh• lc:teellllie struggle against evil exists In modern times alto 'R' 12:00 IJ ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT "Safety In HOiiywood" A look 11 safer ways lo lllm 1tunta and apectel ell..cll (Part 2) 0 9 FAHTMY ISL.ANO A wornlr'I Incl lier hu1b1nd lnvHtlgete he< .. lher·s dlsappeetance. and• cou p19 1ry 10 r9'9Pt11t• thelt N rly Clays IOQelher. (R) G) MOVIE • * • "The Comic" ( 1961, Ole« Van !¥le. Mic ...... L.. A laded tllflnl l1trr at11 regelns leme wtleo hf t>eglna making comlcll ....... lion COIM*'ciala g) LOVE. AME.AICAN STYLE (C)MOVIE "l unch Wagon" (1981) Oick Ven Patten, Chuck McCenn A lunch wegon becomes the center ol the mob'• attenllon when the ownet• stumble uoon • prlCeien di.monc:t 'R' MOVIE * • "Cannonball Run" ( 1981) Burt Reynolc:la. Oom OeLulM Verloue oc:lc:lblll charecle<a compete In a COllHO-COBll auto r- 'PG' (S)MOVIE * * "Hangar 18" ( 1980) Oarren McOevln. Robert Veughn. Retffrellefa et e aecret gavwnment lnllll- tatlon lnvullgal• lh• CBUM of 8 Mlelllle'I aud• c:ten d .. truc:tlon 'PG' 12:ao D Qt LATI! NIGHT wrrH DAVID~AH GUMll. com.dlan Paul Mooney, critic CeMn Trll· lln. 8 COUPLE8 ., LOVE. AMl!NCAN 8TYlE 1:008 MOVIE • • * "Up 11'1 Arm1"I1tU ) Denny K-ve. Olnlh snore Alter I eoldler't glt'llrlend llows eway on his alllp, they ettempl to hide her preeence from the colonel G> MOVll! • • • "We're Ho Angela" (1055) Humphr~ 8ogll1, Aldo Rey ThrM etcaPed convlcll like over 1 Frencfl ahop (O)MOVIE • • • • "Moec:ow Ooeen'I hlleve In TMrs" (1980) Vera Al•l'll ove, Ale11el e111tov. Tiu" counlry Qlrlt Wllh dllferent (loalt enc:t Ylluel mo..,. to the blO city to pur-thelt amt11- 11on1 (J)MOVIE ** "Fiona" (11180) Flone Richmond, Al'ltl\Of'ly Steel A no1or1oue -*' jour- l'lalltt recount• lier outr .. OffYI 1d .... 111ur.. with t0tne 01 Europe'• IHdlnQ ~ .... 1:oe • ()) MCMll LNf a Wft An old fie.me of tM Com• ~··. KCIW9d of murdering twit huabllnc:t (RI 1:100 MOVIE 11 * "B.S. I Love Ytlll" ( lt71) Pe1er KHlner. Joanne Cemeron tmJ NEWS 1:30 a a NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ' 1:3& (C) MOVIE • • • • "Rob•n And Mari- an" ( 1978) SHn Connery. Audrey Hepburn An Old« Incl w.-Robin HC>Od re1ums from b•ttle lo Sherwood Foreet to reclaim hll bltoved Meld Merlan. who hes ent9fec:I • convent and taken her VOWi 'PG' 1~40 (tt) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and 'Tim McCarver cover ell the baMt lffdtng to the 1982 WO<ld Settel rJ MOVll! •• "Heart~ (111811 Andy Keulman, Bern•- c:lette Peter1. In a world ol Ille ,,..r future, two com· merctal robota experience 1"9 viclUth>de• of llr•t . love 'PG' 2:oom MOVIE • • •'It "A RalSln In Tll8 SYn" (t9e11 Sidney POltter. Cleudla McNeil Based on the play by lorrelne Hana- t>erry Attempting to b<elk •-Y from IM+r Cl'owded epartmenl In Chicago, a blacti family move to an all-whit• neighborhood OMOVIE * • * "Looking F0< Mr Goodber" ( t9771 Olene l<N lon, Tueedly Weld. A 1octa11y repr•H•c:I achoolteecher •••kt uct1emen1 by !Tequentlng llnglea bars enc:t lurlng var- ious men 1n10 ~·night 1181\c:ll 'R' 2:10 MOVIE * * * "FOUi Pley" I 1078) Goldie Hewn. Che vy Chase A flbrarlan enll11s lhe aid ol an tnec>t pollce c:lelectlve a lter ah• bllComeS Involved In • l>lrarr• terlea of murders 1nd kidnapping a11emp11 2:30 NEWS MOVIE • • "The Nin• uves Of F'rlu The Cet" ( 197') Anl· m.ted Volcel of Skip Hin· net11, ~ RoM 'R' 2:'°90 NEWS S:008 MOVIE "A Touch Of The Sun" ( lt58) Dennie Price, Frankie H-d A holll porter m•IWIQM 10 get hlmaefl fired only to reallu lh•t he llU Inherited the hotel MOVIE • • • !h "&flan's Song" (19711 Jamee Cun. &my Dee Wiiiiams Two football pleyetl llllf• • r•r• ftletld- llllp untH cane« clalma one of lhem a:t08 MOVIE * * "Skim Money ( t075) Jet:llle ~, George Gob4tt A reporle< tearch- lng for 11orlu get• Involved In meny c18nget • out lltuatlons.. s:ao ~MOVll • • * • "Aa1homon" ( 1950) Mechllo Kyo, T otnlro Mtlune. Through 1 ..,... of llutlbaclca, en elghth.cientury J•PttneH woodcutter recO\ll'ltl hi. -.ion of e r~ to a Buddllltt P'lll\ lf'd • llf'Vtnt. 4:00 (%) MOV• * *' * "T 118 Tlllftv•NIM Alan Dohie· 1,lny!'! . t·otland Yard de lcclivc Sergeant Cribb in Victorinn·t~ru e pi ode• of "Myst •ry" to night on KOCE (50), KCET (28). Steps" C 1g141 Roblri Pow· ell, David Warner A men blcC>rn81 the querry ol bolh the pollce and • secret group ol foreign agent• operallng In Eng. lend wrien he 11 framed for a 1tranger'a murdw 'PG' •:05 111 MOVIE * • * "Lootc1ng For Mr Goodber" ( 19771 Diane Keaton. Tuesday Walc:I. A 1oct1lly raprenec:I 1choo1teacher 1eek1 excitement by frequenting stngl•• bars and luring var. lou1 men Into one-night s1enc:11 'R' 4: 15 t_S) STRAWBERRY ICE Otymplc medell111 Toiler Cran11on anc:t Peggy Flam- ing 1111 in an enchanting figure akallng extrevagan. UI 0MOVIE * * '• "American Gigolo" ( 19801 Ridlarc:t Gere. Lau· ren Hutton. A e.vetly Hlll1 glgolo.blcomea the prime auspect In 1 murder tnve1- 11ga11on 'R' 4:30 m MOVIE * • "Bury Me Oeed" (1947) Mark Oenleta. June Loclthlfl A wHlthy young g111 marked lor ••le<min•· lion ep~ra al her own lunerel. 4:358 18PY Wt-dne•day•s Doy• ime 1ffo.,lf"• 8:00 0 * * "Agency" (1981) Robert Mitchum. Lee Majors The MW h98d ol a ma!Of Ameriean 9dvertl1- lng firm uNS a Chlldren'a bre1klas1 drink campaign to transmll 1ublfmlnel pollllcal ~llBQN 'R' 8:30 Cl) • * '"' "Morocco" (19301 Gary Cooper, Mat· lene Oletrieh A women la forced 10 ChOOe8 be'-' lh• wealth and polMl- llona that on• man onera encl lhe tove thel another 01111<1 t:SO m * * *'It "The Little PrlnGelB" ( 1939) Shifley Temple. Richard Gretl<le A Uttle girl ol Ille VICtorlan et• goes from raga to rlCl\eS 0 * "Slarcralll" ( 11170) M1r1oe Gorlner. Christo- ph« Plummer To protect the kingdom ol lhe Ernper· °'· apace 11e<oln• Stella Star anc:I ace navigetor Akton comb the galaxy tn Match of evlt Count Zatlh Arn's hlc:lc:len latr 'PG' 10:00 c:c'l * * *YI "The Hanging Tr"" (19501 Gary Cooper. Marla Schell A c:loclor lilllt a man while reteulng a girl anc:1 11 almost lynched by• drunkenmOb • • '"' "Tullpa" ( 111811 Gabl Kepten. Bernec:tette Peters When he fall• In love. • eulclc:let min trlee to canoe! th• c:onlrecl he put out on hlmaell • * "At:11on Of The Tlger" ( 1957) Van John- son, Martine C110I. An American ed Yenturer's path Cl'OSMI 1hat of • ;.'_!morou• female 10:30 (.1) * * "Riche1d'e Things" ( 1081) llv Ullmann, Amend• Red- man ·R' 11:00 "' • * • "0u11and" (19811 SH n Connery, Petllf Boyle. A ~ mar· ehel fn""llgltN a rull OI myslerlou• death• within • mining colony on one ot Juptler'• moon• 'R' 11:30 * ••11 "He.clll'I' For Broadwey" (1080) Ru Smith, VMen ""°· F04Jf young, tale nted and acered performers go to New Yortl City 10 auc:IHlon for a 8rOldwey tf\OW 'PG' 12:00 0 • * "The Romanik: Age" ( 19501 Hugh Wff• Mama. Mii zauerllng. A eoplllallcaled girl ctllfMI hef' mlddle4Qld 1..cner. • *** "TheCoun· terf•t Treltor" ( tH2) Wll- Uam Hold4ltl. Liiii Palmer The Brtllan goyernmenl bleckmlils a neturallaed Swede Into becoming 1 apy aoatnsl the Nade dur· '!'ii Worid Wf/11 11 ~. * ....... .,..,, .• SOng" (1871) Jamel Clll'I. alily OM Wllllama. Two IOO!blll pit~ "*9 I rere lrltrlcttHP lllltll etncer C'llm• oM of ""'" ti:" CJ)•*• "ta In Ttle ltllde" ( •tfl) ,...., '°"" c:ta . Warren O•t••· Thoughl8 ot murder lnt•t· vi ne when an enterprising driller lnvedee lhe bull- neaa territory ol ' veter•n lllhlng guide In lhe Fl0<lc:la Keya 12:30 m * * * "HtwaU" (Petl 21 ( tt661 Julie Andtewa, Ricnard Harris A mlaaton· ery trlet to change Ille Hewellana· cuttoma. but II~ anc:I hit wlfe'a c:leelh change him Instead ($)••"The Blue Lagoon" (1980) Brooke Shlelc:ts, Chrlatophlf Atkin•. Two caat-ay Ghil· dren grow to •d~ on • remote, South Peollki ltlanc:I and ••l*lence lhe PBnot ol llrll IOY9 'A' 1:00"' •• 'It "The NOflh AY• nue trregulara" (19791 Edwerc:I Herrmann, Barbi · re Harris The new mlnlllet In • lmlfl town organlz" • group ol dotty women In hi• congregation to atop Ille llO'<lr of churcn func:ta to 1:11m1na11 ·a· 1:30 CCJ • • • "Altptanel" ( 10801 Rot>erl Hays. Julie Hegerty Alter en eJt11ner'1 Cf-falls to loocl poison- ing, • nervoo1 tormer .,.., pilot Is pr"MCI Into ter· vice and mu11 contend with on-b<>etd hysterle, • H<:retl,.. control towe• enc:t CltC"9· Mtec:I memot ... 'PG' 2:00 (l) * * * .... "The Wey We Were·· ( 1973) Barbra Sire.sand, Robert RllCllO<c:I A young college couple In the 1930t discover that their po1111e11 dlnerences •r• llrong enough to je0p- arc:l11• their marriage 3:00 (bJ * * * "ROltercoaatllf" (t077) George Segal. Tim· Othy Bottoms A 1Bfe1y Inspector desperately 111empts to llnc:I the u tO<· tlonltt who 11 plentlng homemade e~vea In Ametlc1'1 le8<ling lmUM- menl parka 'PG' 0 ** "Agency"(11181) Robert Mitchum, LH M1J0<s The new heed ot 1 major American ec:tvertla- '"11 firm UHS • Children·1 brNklaat drink campaign to 1ransml1 subllmlnal poltuc.t mlllllQM. 'R' 4:000 **'~"Roed ToSlll­ na" (1971) Mlmsy Farmer, Robert Walkef'. A hancl- 1om e hitchhiker encounters 1 lonely young woman at a c:leeolate roec:I· llde cal• In Mexico (.C) • • "l anc:t Of The FrM" (1170) Robert Culp. Blltges& Meredith A IU._ j)IClec:I spy help• • boy looll lor his lalhet during the war ol ta 12 *•"Young Anc:I Fr"" ( 1179) Erik l.8r1«1, K•th larMn A young Mormon bOy lllCQ meny test• u he •pproachu edulthooc:I 'PG' ••·~"Morocco" ('9301 Gery Cooper, Mar. lene Oletrlch A -an la forced 10 chooM ~ lhe -11th I nd ~ llons that one man otters and lhe love thel anolher olfert. 4:30 lilt * 111 "Rock 'N' Roll High Scrloot" (1970) P J Soles, Vincent van P11ten. A budding aongwrller II Vll'IC8 Lombardi High 1"*9 to gel the R-to tecofc:I her music wtllle her equally arnblllOU• friend pu-the 8dloOI heart· tl\tob.'PO' 6:00 • • "file Kid From NOl·So-Blg" (11178) Jen. nfler Mc:Allltter. R?Oert Vlhelo. A 12-..... -o4<1 girl flnc:I• hetMll In and out of trouble wfllle running the town newspaper S:IO (C) * • .. "Deltll In Ven· ic:.•· (1111 11 OW1I &ogarde, Silvana Mll'IQlnO. During hit 11ey et • pluell v- tlan hot•. en agllllJ com- POMt encount•• • ~ Adonlt who becOfl'le9 hja Idell ot matclllaal bNuty (I) • • '.+ "Momrnle DHrHt" (!081) Fey• Ounlway, Diane Scanwld Fortle• fllm lier Joen CntwfO!d rel... lier IWO edoplecl children 11'1 1 d-tlc atmoepllete tn.t vertea trom lu•utlow com- fort 10 lldiltlC dllolpllne . 'PO' 8:48 (%) • • "M)'tttry lllllfld'' ( 1978) l'ou1 children etrll'ldecl on en lllMd -ef'IBMd by • hermit lf'd dlecovtr • Cele of ~ ,.,...,mon.r I B•tluk JOHN DARLING b Armatro -.,.-~-us-·ao-1'0 .... e'!""'!l'""'!o~N~•~o~,::"".p./tt'~~ S1°UP£N'f6 WMeN HS WNi> 'tOUS:it )'161!, AND NOW tl~'BA 816 1'1!LI!"t6ION 6'TAR! "' lilly Piiat TUESOAV, SEP!. 14, 1982 ClASSlfllD I )>hilad e lphia's Steve Carlton becam e the first 2 0 -game winner ~n the majors Monday night with a 2-0 victor y over the t . Louis Cardinals. I AP WlreptM>to C5 A good ribbing ,That's what Lynn gives Chicago C HICAGO (AP) Angels Ma nager Gene Mauch st'Cmcd genuinely surprised when he was told that the Kan.'48s City Royals who must lose if his Angels are to gain ground toward a dav~slon title were pounding Seattle. "Is that raghi.? I didn't know that," Mauch told rt-porters following California's 6-4 win over the Chicago White Sox. And furthermore. he said politely, ''I'm really not Interested In it." Despite their fourth straight victory, the Angels remained a game back of t he Royals, who embarrassed the Mariners behind Vida Blue's onc- hltter. "This was a game that had to be won, and it was won," Mauch said . ''We don't care what anybody 'else does. For this dub, every game is the last game of the season ." That's pretty ruuch how Ch icago Manager Tony LaRussa has it figun:d. too. Despite dropping to 51/i games behind the Royals and 41/i behind the Angels, he says he is still hopeful that the White Sox will rebound on the heels of two straight losses. Mauch seemed to revt?I in the trl11mph. "I'm having a heckuva time," he said. "Anyone who doesn 't enjoy this game is crazy." Sore-ribbed Fred L ynn gave his manager enough to cheer about, coming off the bench to stroke a game-winning hit in the seventh inning. "Does it hurt when I swing?" he asked. "'Only when I miss." In two pinch-hit appearances si nce injuring him.self crashing into an outfield wall in Detroit recently, Lynn has won both games with his bat. "Freddie Lynn has taken two swings In two weeks, and won games each time," said Mauch. "l'U tell you. there's not many Freddie Lynns.'' Despite h is success, Lynn does not see himself breaking the starting lineup soon. "I don't sec my starting any of these games here (in Chicago). Progress is so slow," he said after the Angels won their fourth straight game. "I'm American League Weit w L Pct. GB Kansas City 81 61 .570 Angela 80 62 .563 1 Chicago 76 65 .539 4'12 OAMES REMAINING KANSAS CITY (21) HOME ( 11) Sept 14, 1!1, 16, Seatlle, Sepl 27 28. 29, Angels, Sep! 30, Oct 1, 2. 3. Oakland AWAY (II) Sept 17, 18, 111, Minnesota, Seqt 20. 21, 22, Anoeta. Sept 24, 25. 26, Oakland ANGELS (20) HOME (6) Sep1 20. 21. 22. Kensas Clly, Oc1 I, 2, 3, Texu AWAY (14) Sepl 14, I!>, Chicago, S.p1 16, 17, 111, 111, TOfonlo, Sept 23, 24, 25. 26. Texas, S8'>t 27, 28. 29 Kansas Ctty CHICAGO (2 tl HOME (14) Sept 14, 15, Ange41, Sepl 16, 17. 18. 19. Oakland, Sept 24. 25. 26. Mlnneso10, Sept 27 (2), 28. 29. Seanle AWAY (7) Sept 20. 21. 22. 23, Seattle, Oct •. 2. 3. Minnesota pomtmg toward the Kansas Caty sertc.>S" T~at series begins Sept. 20. when the Angels return home from the current seven-game road swing. Until then, it 'll be s pot pinch-hitting appearances, which Lynn says he doesn't really enjoy. "I'm not very good coming off the bench. And I get nervous when I'm pinch hitting, more nervous than usual when I'm at bat," he said. ''Pinch hitting is a one -shot deal. You're not up there to waJk, you're up there to drive m a r un." Lynn's heroics capped a seventh-inning rally that highlighted the contest between American League West contenders. Doug DeCinces started the raJly with a single off Kevin Hickey, 4-3. who took the loss in rehef. Reliever Salome Barojas then surrendered a single to pinch -hitter Bobby Grich and another to Lynn, which right fielder Harold Baines misplayed for an error, allowing both runners to score. Marathon • Will puts Dodgers on top Who'll lead the Pirates in opener? . : LOS ANGELES (AP) -Quite a bat ~as been written and said about the National League West · mering nvalry be tween the San go Padres a n d the Los Angeles gers, what with all the name-calling and beanball charges and "hotdoggmg'' accusations this season. Dodger• Atlanta W L Pct. GB 8 1 64 .559 80 64 .556 GAMES REMAINIHO : So much so, the umpires reportedly tnet with both managers before their aeries opened Monday night at Dodger Stadium, with instructions to forget the t ough stuff and just play ball. ATLANTA ( 19) -HOME (6) Sept 14 15. Hooaton, S.Ot 24, 25. 211, San Diego 'AWAY 13 Saot. 17, 18, 111. Clnclnn1t1, Sept 20, 21 22. Hooston; Sept 27. 28, San FrenclllCO, Sept 29. 30. Dodg9<a, Oct 1, 2. 3, San Diego. DODGERS ( 18) HOME ( 13) Sept 14. 15, • Well, play ball they did. 5 hours, 20 m inute s worth. before the Dodgers finally won. 4-3, on Steve Garvey's ~w~out homer m the bottom of the 16th Jnnmg. • And with the victory, their fourth in a row' the Dodgers once more managed to ~uirm in front of Atlanta and regain t irst place m the National League West. albeit by only a half-game. San Oteoo. Sept. 17, 18. 111, Houston, Sept 24, 25. 26. ~an Francisco; Sept 27, 28, Cincinnati. Sept. 29, 30, Allanta AWAY (5): Sept 21, 22. San Olag<>: Oct 1, 2, 3. San Frenc:ltco a little giddy," said Garvl.'y who produced his 15th run batted in m his last eight games. and none any more tamely. "I was so happy when it was hnally over," Garvey said. shaking hls head. , ''After the 13th or 14th inning, you get So were the people keeping score. Bradshaw's the star f I a Dallas rerun •• ID , fie sparks S t eelers' 36-28 vic tory ' ; IRVING, Texas (AP) -It was :like a rerun of an old movie. Call 't the Pittsburgh-Dallas story. )ltarring Terry Bradshaw. : For want of a better title, call it ,"To Kill A Cowboy." The Steeler . ~uarterback had been the spoiler ~or the Cowboys in two Super !Bowls during the 1970s plus two -0ther regular-season games. , Brads haw prove d Monday 'night he hasn't lost his magic :touch against the Cowboys by :t hrowing three touchdown :passes in a 36-28 victory that :Sto pped Dallas' reco rd of :Na ti on a 1 Foot ba 11 League :Opening triumphs at 17. : The co -stars were wide 1eceivers Jim Smith and J ohn Stallworth, who terrorized the 1.Dallas secondary, and cornerback \Dennis Thurman in particular. ! "We have two different styles !Of play," said Stallw orth. "We ia re a ph y's1 c al team . T h e I •Cowboys are geared to finesse. :They try to confuse you. W e !believe that when those two I lROGERS OUT, !RICARDO IN? : NEW ORLEANS (AP) peorge Rogers, leading rusher in it-he National Football League last .euon, will be sidelined for up to ~our weekJ with a hamstring pull, New Orleans Sa1nts Coach 1 ~m Phillipa said Monday. l . Th e Saints also lost rookie ilUCker Morron Andersen for up o pposi n g fo r ces c lash, the physical team will win." He also n o t ed that the Cowboys' highly publicized victory streak helped arouse the Steelers. "We were up for the game, of course. We knew they had that big winning streak . . . we had been hearing about THAT all week." Stallworth bedazzled Thurman. c.atching seven passes fo r 1 37 ya rd s a nd one touchdown. an 8-yarder. S m ith caught two scoring passes, inc luding on e over Thurman. "They (the Cowboys) ar e a great team and we are not," said Bradshaw. "W e needed this victory. It was more important to us than it was to them." Dallas led Pittsburgh 14-13 at halftime but saw the game slip away after rookie Keith Willis blocked Dallas quart e r back Danny White's punt in the third quarter. ' He had four touchdown passes but the blocked punt and two interceptions killed the team that had never lost a regular season game in T e xas Stadium ( 18 games) with Whit e at quarterback . Asked whether the Steeler game plan targeted Thurman, Stallworth said, "We don't ever have a game plan aJmed at one special guy . W e look at ten dencies not Individuals. It may_ h,ave looked like we were picking on Thurman but. we were not <x>Ndous of dolng that." The two clubs paraded out JUSt about Pverybody, 50 players in all , only one short of the major league record for manpowl•r The Dodgers used 28 players. the Padres 22. It was the Dodgers' 28th player, Jerry Reuss, 16-10, who started just two days earlier, who got the win, and it was San Diego's 22nd player, Chris Welsh . 8-7, who absorbed the loss Reuss has r elieved only twice this season and won both games, the 21 -inning marath on in C h icago in August. a nd Monday night. Tuesday morning. actuaUy. The game ended at 12:58 a .m . Reuss was the Dodgers' eighth pitcher. The Dodgers managed to strand runners in JUSt about every inrung, 17 in all. The Padres were just as punched out, leaving 14 on base. The Dodgers' bulJpen did a splendid job, especially Terry Forster who arrived in the 10th inning with a runner on third and no one out and escaped. The Padres then left two on in the 11th, 12th and 14th innings, and the bases loaded in the 16th. Dave Stewart, the seventh pitcher, worked four innings. three times leaving the tie -breaking run in scoring position. Finally Reuss, who started and won only two days earlier, got in there and came away with his 16th win. . San Diego's Joe Lefebvre. who earlier was struck in the helmet by a pitch during a game with the Dodgers, managed some revenge with a two-run homer in t he third inning. After that starter Bob Welch retired 16 consecutive Padres. In the second game of the series tonight, Fernando Valenzuela, 17-12. starts for Los Angeles. Eric Show, 10-4. for San Diego. ~ five weeka with an ankle rain. Phillips said. He said teran Benny Ricardo, given his leaae during preseaaon, waa a tential can didate to replace ~eraen. Willlt' punt block aet up Frank Pollard's one-yard touchdown run and the Steelers jumped ahead 20-14. "The b locked punt was bad Judgment on my part," Whit• aid. Piu1burgh'1 Fred Bohannon (23) retum1 the opening kickoff againll Dalla1 Monday night. He fumbled a few teeonda later and the Cowboy1 reco•ered. teelen recovered, too, 36-28. BY CURT SEEDEN O(the Dallr Piiot Staff Orange Coast College's first offensive p lay from scrimmage Friday night in the Pirates'. opener with Palomar should be laced with plenty of mystery. The main ques tion t o be answered w he n the two teams open the community college football season on the OCC field • at 7:30 Is who'll trot out to the huddle to direct the Pirates' offense. Sophomore quarterback Clay Tucker. you might recall , broke the fibula in his right ankle several weeks ago, and up until last Friday had a wardrobe that included a knee-high cast. THE CAST is ofr today, but that d oesn 't mean Coast's offensive cast will star Tucker fiiday mght. "I'm not sure if Clay will be able to go in our opener or not," admits OCC Coach Dick Tucker, Clay's father. "His ankle as completely heaJ~. but if he's still hobbled I'm not going to rush it. If he is ready to go. we'll use him." That sounds pretty simple, but that's because Tucker had freshman Greg Denham to fall back on if his son wasn't ready . The key word here is "had." ·Denham apparently pulled a muscle in his upper thigh Saturday in the Pirates' scrimmage with Citrus. He didn't work out Monday. Denham probably would have been, and maybe still will be an adequate replacement for Tucker if he's needed Friday -and If he's well. THE 5·11, 185-pounder played high school ball at Palos Verdes and was an All-South Bay League performer in both h is junior and senior years. Reports from the OCC practice field have Tucker throwing bette r than e ver . probably '., ..... ,se h e d evelo ped h ls i1(~~ . .PIRATEs p ··'-n .. throwing • •ce C%> SEURER ENTERS INNOCENT PLEA LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) -A lawyer for University of Kansas q u arterback Frank Seurer enteted a plea of Innocent Monday In Lawrence Municipal Court on behall of Seurer, who la charged with battery atenunina from an Aug. 28 incident at a bar. Seurer, 20, a former Edison High aW\dout. is charpd with 1triking Steven RobllllOn, 27, a KU aenJor from Wlchli., ln the face aft.er Robinaon tried to bl-..k up a f.laht at Off-The-Wall Hall, a downtown t..aw~nce bar. , . • Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, 81ptember 1~. 1882 Donahue: Revenge motivates B_adgei:-s ~ tht•lr win ovl!r Lonu Bench St tc. It shouldn't w mt• w. rnut·h of u 11urprh.c:• LOS ANOJt~LES (AP) 'l'ht• wuy UCLA Cout:h 1'urry l>nnuhuc• ill't'll It, Wlaconaln htuc 11 ••urt• lo Ht•lllL• wllh hill Brulna. "We hllve pla).'cd wel l ugulna1t Wl.K'Onain and I think that'ti be<>n u lhorn 1n Wisconsin 's side,'' Donahue said Monday at his weekly meeting with reporters . "I think they'll make a supreme effort against our team , I've been told that. They really would finally like lo beat UCLA, they'll be excited for us.·· The 14th-ranked Bruins f acL• the Badgers this Saturday in the second game of the season for both teams. A sellout crowd of more than 79,000 is expected to attend the non-conference LB State's Hart listed as serious From AP dispatches PASADENA -Long Beach St.at.e defensive back Todd Hart, who suUered a broken neck late in the third quarter of the 49ers' season- cont t at t:amp Rondull St dlum In Madl10n. UCLA and Wllconaln havf' playf'd In uach of the lWlt thrt't' y~an, with the Brull\ll wanning hunt.lily t<Uc:h Unu', by acore. ot 37-12. 3~ 0 imcJ 31 13. While the BrulM Wf'!'C bre<>ting to a 41-10 victory over Long Beach St.aw la.st Saturday, the Badgc•rs wen~ loslng a hard-fought 20-9 decision to 10th-ranked Mich igan before a crowd of 104,932 at Ann Arbor, Mich. "Wisconsin is absolutely huge In lhl' offensive line and they're not small on defense, either ," said Donahue. "They certainly didn't make a bad showing at Mich igan. They had chances to win the game. · "Based on the comm<!nts by Michigan Coach Bo Schembechlcr that I read, Wl1C'Onaln UI probably better than It Wu.til lut ye.r. And they went to 1.1 bowl goml' I.all. yHr." 'J'hr Budgf'ra a rt• con1tn.i urt 11 7-:\ st.>uon Includin g a 2H -4! 1 IOHli lu Tcnncasc·c an the Gurd(•n Stat<-Bowl UCLA wus 7 4-1 11 )l'l.lr ugo induding o 33· 14 11*1 to Mlchls •m In tho 81uPbonnc·t Bowl. "~verybody reallzca what 1.1 tough football gwne we'U oo In," suld Donuhut" It's hard Ul play on thu rc>ad. and tht'y'rc o much bigger team than w e ar<>. I think It'll be a great game. "You'll sec the bull in the air a lot by both teams." The latter statement isn't onl' thut many UCLA followera who have callLod Donahue too conservative In the past would expect him to make. But since the Bruins put the ball In the air 37 times in Blue's one-hitter sinks Mariners Veteran left-hander Vida Blue a tossed a one-hitter Mondar night for his fourth straight win as the Kansas City Royals rolled to an 8-0 victory over Seattle to maintain their one-game lead over the Angels in the American League West. Blue, backed b.y a 17-hit attac k , held the Mariners h itless until Bobby Brown lined a two-out single i n the sixth inning ... Elsewhere, Ron Hassey belted a home run in the 11th inning, lifting Cleveland to a 4-3 victory over Boston and a sweep of a d ouble-header with the Red Sox. In the opener, E d Whitson defeated Boston 3-1 for the second time in a week. H e n eed ed eighth-inning r elief h e lp from Dan Splllner. . .. openi ng 41 -10 loss to UCLA last weekend. remained in serious condition at Huntington Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, a hospital spokeswoman said. M.UE• Rich Dauerfs sacrifice fly snapped a 6-6 tie and lifted Baltimore to an 8-7 victory over the New York Yankees. With the victory. the Orioles are now just two games behind AL East leader Milwaukee . . . The Brewers were victims of Lance Parrish's two- run homer in the 11th inning in Detroit as the Tigers scored a come-from-behind 4-3 victory. Earlier in the game, Gorman Thomas hammered his 35th homer of the season -tops in the American League . . . Al Williams and Ron Davis combined to pitch a shutout, and Tom Brunansky homered to spark Minnesota to a 2-0 victory over Texas . . . Minnesota outfielder Gary Ward who batted .407 last wee k, was named the AL Player of the Wf'Ck. Hart, 19, who has been in the hospital's intensive care unit since being injured, has feeling in his arms and le~ but can't move from the neck down, according to Kay Murphy, the hospital's director of public a ffairs. Murphy said the extent of the damage to Hart's cervical vertebrae remained unclear. She added that until swelling subsides, the extent of paralysis can't be determined. "You ulww)'• i.akc udvunt.ugc.l of the mutnlul you h&iv t• on hund ," auld Do11uhUl' ''ln tht• pai.t. I've.• dont• what I thouutn we: could dn bl•st with the• JX'fMm rwl we.• hud. "l really don't think th<>rc"11 hl't·n o rudkul change from the past. I don't think l 'w c:hanged. We've had some great running backs at UCLA since I've been here. If Freeman Mc:Ncll was h ere now, w(•'d line up in the l-tormaUon and pound away. Freeman wa!I a grt-at back." Donahue pointed out that tdnce he became head coach of the Bruins prior to tht' 1976 season, among the running backs h<''s had at his disposal have been McNeil, Wendell T yler, Thcotls Brown. T erry Donahue AP Wlr.photo Wyatt and Susan Harl, the paren ts of the 6-0, 165-pound sophomore from San Juan Capistrano, have been with their son since he was injured and will remain a t his bedside for as long as possible, Murphy said. Hart, a forme r Servile High star. was injured late in the third qua rter of last Saturday's game at the Roese Bowl when he collided with temmate Darrell Pattillo and UCLA's Jojo Townsell. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1968: Willie Horton drilled a ninth-inning RBI single over the head of Oak.land left fielder Jim Gosger to give the Tigers a 5-4 victory over the A's -and enables Tigers ace Denny McLain to become the major leagues' first 30-game winner since St. Louis' Dizzy Dean did it in 1934. Franco H arris picks up eight of his l 03 yards against Dallas Monday night in Pittsburgh 's 36-28 victory. Quote of the day "I'm the Rodney Dangerfield of milers -I don't get any respect." -Tom Byers, winner of the FiClh Avenue Mile, whose previous reputation was that of a "rabbit," a runner who runs out Cront to set the pace for the rest of the runners. Nlekro, Astros beat Niekro, Braves Harry Spillmao's two-run triple a highlighted a three-run eighth inning as the Houston Astros came back to beat the Atlanta Braves 5-3 Monday . night in National League baseball action. Right- hander Joe Niekro beat brother Phil and now has a one-J;!ame lead in their career matchups . . . In other games, Jody Davis a n d Jay Johnstone each slammed two-run homers to back the combined six-hit pitching of Allen Ripley and Wiiiie Hernandei as the Chicago Cubs defeated Pittsburgh 7-3 . . . Steve Carlton became the first 20-game winner in the major leagues and hit a home run as well to lead Philadelphia to a 2-0 victory over St. Louis. The Phillies took over first plat:e in the '· N1U110 National League East with the win Pinch-hitter Cesar Cedeno hit a two-out, two-run single in the 11th inning. cracking a 3-3 tie, to lift Cincinnati to a 5-4 triumph over San Francisco. The Giants blew a 3-0 lead in the eighth inning. The Giants loaded the bases in both the ninth and 10th innings but couldn't come up with the clutch RBI hit ... F o rmer Dodger Glenn Burke, said Monday t hat h e Jived a double life as a homosexual while playing in the major leagues. Burke, appearing on the Today show on NBC, said it was not difficult to combine his baseball career and hill life in the gay community. On this date in 1951: St. Louis Browns rookie Bob Niemann slugged home runs against the Boston Red Sox in each of his first two major league at-bats. On this date ln 1923: Boston Red Sox first baseman George Burns pulled off an UnaMist.ed triple play against Cleveland. Today's birthdays: San Diego Padres broadcaster Jerry Coleman, the most Valuable Player in the 1950 World Serles while with the New York Yankees, is 58. Montreal Manager Jim Fanning is 55. Montreal outfielder Tim Wallach is 24 . Players making big mistake -Rozelle Nationa l F ootball Lea gue • Commissioner Pe t e Rozelle said Monday that players are "making a big mistake" if they think a strike will get them a percentage of the owners' gross revenues, which is the focal point of the players' contract demands . . . Detroit Coach Monte Clark extended the suspensions of kicker Eddie Murray and punter Tom Stladany for another week following a meeting with the two players. Both players had walked out of the Lions' camp just days before Detroit's season opener with the Chicago Bears . . . Arizona State's Paul Moyer, a senior from Villa Park, w~ named Pac-10 Defensive Player of the Week. Moyer had 11 tackles against Utah. Television. radio TV: No eventa acheduled. RADIO: Baaeball -Angels at Chicago, 5:30 p.m .. KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). Washington ranked No. 1 From AP dllpatches STEVE BRAZA8 Newport Harbor High It's not oft.en that a Player of the Week is provided by a team which didn't finish on top, but Newport Harbor's Steve Braz.as isn't a player w ho comes along too often, either. For the first time in its history, the University of Washington is the No. l team in college football. The Huskies replaced Pitt at the top of The Amodaied Press p<>U Monday, while Florida also Jumped to its highest ranking eve r -fifth place -and the Oklahoma Sooners became the tint c&1uahy of the season, dropping out ol the Top 20 aft.er lqeing to West Virginia . The 6-3. 197-pound junior was a virtual on e-man wrecking crew for the Sailors in their 1982 football opener Friday against Orange County's top. rated Marina Vikings. and al.though the Sailors came up one play short (Erle Karman'• 37-yard field goal with four seconds left), Braz.as' play was an eye opener. The big Sailors' taUback rushed for a 4.3-yards per carry averag~ against Marina's beefy and talented defense and caught five pasaes for 30 yards. It was his four-yard dash around the le ft aide for a touc hdown, followed by hla two-point burst over Jeh tackle which gave the underdog Sailors an 8-7 lead with 1:51 left in the game. He is al.a the t.eam'a punter and booted five for a.n average ol 39.2 yarda, lncludlng a 60-yarder. At middle linebacker he waa credited with aix tackJes, but hia coach• th<>Ught It just another game for him. "That wun't really hla be-st," aayt uaiatant coach Bucko Shaw. Pitt and Washington had been 1-2 In the preseason and first regular-season polls. But the Huaklea vaulted over the Pantheni by 1wamplng Texas-El Paao M -0, while Pi\t waa posting a sloppily ~layed 7 -6 triumph over North Qu-olina. Waahlfll10n, which had never been higher than third since the AP rating• beaan I n 1936, received 28 fint-place votes and 1.132 of a poeelble l ,200 polnta from a nationwide panel of 60 1porta w rlten and 1port1Caaiers. Pitt totaled 18 fint-place .,_llote and 1,078 polnta. PIRATES AWAIT OPENER . From Page C1 with the cast on his leg. Coast train<.'r L eon S kc1t' added that Tucke r's ankle was probably twice as strong Monday as it was Sunday In short, it's healing in a hurry. "H is status against Palomar may be questionable, but I think he stands a very good chance of playing in ou r second game against Saddleback," the elder Tucker says. At an y rate. the Palomar- Orange Coast matchup t h is season figures to generate a little more offense thLS year. Pla ye d o n a 95-degrcc a fternoon in Vista. the 1981 opener between the two teams produced just one touchdown - tha t a Tucke r -to-Mike Roney pass with 3:18 remaining in the contest. It gave the Bucs a 7-3 victory. "I expect a lot more scoring Friday n ight,'' Tucker says. "Last year , it seem ed bot h offenses were stifled by the heat. It was easily more than 100 degrees on the field. I think both squads are better this year, and I think the two offensive units will have success at moving the ball." * * * The followmg night at OCC. Golden W est College and Saddleback will make their 1982 debuts where the quar terback situation 1s settled for one school and a very big question mark at the other. Golden W est Coach R ay Shackleford was still undecided Mo nday on h is starte r . It's narro w e d down t o Adam Gragnano (Cypress High). Art Maytorena (ex.Orange Coast) a nd D a rr y l Du c h arm e (Huntington Beach High). "All three quarterbacks threw the ball well in our scrimmage (wit h Ea s t Los Angele s Saturday). "We always go into scrimmages with o ur main objective lo evaluate players as NFL standings • • individuals and get them on film." ShackJeford says. , "Overall, it was a real good, scnmmage. We're ready to start: the season," Shackleford says.: "Oe ft'nsively. there a re s till; ques ti o n s t o b e a n swer e d .• Hopefully. we'll find some answers when we look at the• films " , At Saddleback. Coach Ken Swea ringen has decided on , sophomore Craig Miller as his quarterback. Miller completed ' 5-of-9 passes for 134 yards and a touchdown in a scnmmage with ' highl y toute d Fullert o n Saturday. Th ey'r e n ot th e m os t impressive marks, but they were good enough to earn Miller the starting assignment. ' "Craig has a lot o f self , <.'Onfidcnce but at the same time, he -s v e ry self critical ," Sw earingen explains. "He's very s mart and realizes when h e makes a mistake and corrects it." NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE West Division West Division w L Pct. PF PA w L Pct. PF PA Atlanta 1 0 1.000 16 14 Raiders 1 0 1.000 23 New Orleans 0 1 .000 7 21 San Die~o 1 0 1.000 23 Rams 0 1 .000 23 35 Kansas ity 0 1 .000 9 San Francisco 0 1 .000 17 23 Seattle 0 1 .000 7 East Division Denver 0 I .000 3 Washington 1 0 1.000 37 34 East Division St. Louis 1 0 1.000 21 7 Miami 1 0 l.000 45 Philadelphia 0 l .000 34 37 New England 1 0 1.000 24 Dallas 0 1 .000 28 36 Buffalo 1 0 1.000 14 N.Y. Giants 0 1 .000 14 16 N.Y. J ets 0 I .000 28 Central Division Ballim6re 0 1 .000 13 Green Bay l 0 1.000 35 23 Central Division Detroit l 0 1.000 17 10 Pittsburgh M innesota 1 0 1.000 17 10 Cincinnati Chicago 0 1 .000 10 17 Cleveland Tampa Bay 0 l .000 10 17 Houston Mond•r'• Scof• P1t11burgh 38. O•llat 28 TilurcicMr'• Oeme Mlnnuot• •t Bull1lo (Ch111nel 7, ~ 30 pm) tundilr'• O.mH Delrolt 11 "- Rlldefe ll Atlenll New YC)ft( Jell II N411# England New Orielnl 11 ChlclQ<> ~111 Clelte41nd 811'1 Otego 11 KlnlU City Cinclttnatl 11 P1llabutgh 0 .... 11 51 Louil $en Frlncieco 11 OenYlf SN111e 11 Hou11on WUhll\glon 11 T 1mpa 81y 8alllmot1 11 Miami Mondlr'• OetM GrMn Bay 11 NY Olanta (Chan"61 7 11 8 p m I 1 0 1.000 36 I 0 1.000 27 I 0 1.000 21 0 I .000 6 82 HOUR ALL AMERICAN llRITIOI SILE 17 3 14 21 23 28 13 9 45 24 28 6 7 27 ' LINCOLN MERCURY '2626 Harbor ltvd., Co1to Me10 ..... Ttus., Sept. 16th - Mon., Sept 20th ·. ,. \ 1101 , ...... JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL Pleb tf ... Wt .. Rams over Detroit * San Francisco over Denver * Dallas over St. Louia * Raiden over Atlanta ~ .· · .. MAJOR LIAOUE tT ANDINO& American L .. aue Wl9TIUIN Ol\lltrON w L ,.c, oa llMOMll City 82 61 573 Angele 81 62 568 1 Chlcego 78 66 535 6·~ s .. 111e 87 78 472 141-t 0111111\0 60 63 4 Ill 22 r .. u 57 116 3911 25 Mlnneaola SI 92 357 31 Milwaukee Balumore Boat on New York Deir OH Cleveland T0<on10 EA9Tl!AN Dl\llllON 84 60 81 81 79 64 73 69 72 611 70 72 65 78 Mondey'• Se0< .. 58:1 570 552 514 511 493 454 2 4'1 10 101-r 13 181'1 Ant •I• &, Cn.c:ago 4 Cleveland 3 4. Bo11on I 3 (2nd gamo 1 1 1nn1ngal 8afl1more 8. Now York 7 Detroit 4, M1lw1ukee 3 ( 11 1nnmg11 Mioneeo.a 2 Texas o l<ensas Cny 8, Seallie 0 Only ga,.,.. acheduleO Tocley'a OemH Ang91a (Zahn 18-7) al ChlCOi!O (Lamp~ II N-York (Rawley 10·8 and M0<g1n 6-9) •I Baltimore (McGregor 13 12 and Davis 6·31, 2. In Oakland p<eough 11 I 71 at I oron10 (Eichhorn 0-11 n Miiwaukee 1Mod1cn 10-131 at De11011 (Rucker 2-41 n Cleveland 1t-toa1on 0·01 c11 Boston (Tudor 10·10), n T~xu (Matlack 7 61 ul M1nne1011 (O'Connor 6-71. n Seattle 1Bea111e 8-111 a1 Kantas C11y (Castro 1-11.n N1tlon1I LH au• WESTf:AN Dl\llflOH W L ll'cl OB 81 64 559 Dodgen Atlanta 80 64 556 '• San Fr ancu1co San Diego Houslon Qnc1nnah 74 69 ,517 6 74 70 514 6'> 66 78 458 14'> 54 90 375 26'> EASTERN Dl\llSION Pn11aoftlph1a 80 63 55g SI LOUIS 79 63 556 Mon1rea1 77 ti5 54:t 2'> P•llll>u<gh 76 67 531 4 Cn.c:ago 62 82 431 18 , New York 56 114 400 22'• Monday'• 8co•H Dodg•r• 4 San D141Qo 3 ( 16 1nnong1I Pll1ladelph•8 2 St Lou11 0 Chte8QO 7 P1llat>urgh 3 Houston 5, Atlanta 3 C1nc1nna11 S. San Francisco 4 11 I 1no.,1gs1 Only games scheduled Todey'• OamH Sen Diego (Show 10·41 at Dodg•rt (Velenzuela t7 121. n St Loula (Stuper 6·61 at Ph1ladelph11 (Krukow 12·9). n Chicago (Noles 8 I II al P1t1Sburgh (Tunnell 1-0) n New York 1zacnry 6-61 •• Mon1real Ilea 11·9) n Houston (L11Cou 4-61 at Atlanta (Mahler IM),n C1nc1nna11 (Bereny1 8-161 at San F1anc1sco (H.,,,maker 9·8). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Angeli 8 Whit• Sox 4 CALIF01'Nli' CHICAGO Oown1r>g If car-lg Beyior Oh ReJ kson rl Pell•• er OeC1ncH3D W1ll0<>9 2D Gr.cn 21> Beniquez er lynn pn R Clark t i Fol1 sa Boone c ebrllbl •b•hbl 4 100 AUwcl 4 13 I 5 I 3 0 V Lew as 5 0 0 0 5 0 I 0 Baines rt 5 0 I 1 4 0 I I Lu11ntkl dh 4 0 1 0 OOOO Kempll 41110 4 220F191tc 4010 I O O 0 Squlr.. 3 2 I 1 2 1 t O Nyman lb 1 0 O 0 2 1 I 1 Roor1gue1 lb 2 o I O _ 1 0 I 1 Kllllfl ph 1 0 I 1 0000 Almons5 1000 3 0 0 t Lovigho 2b l 0 I 0 4 O O O Ha .. 11on ph 1 o o o l Gray lb 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 6 10 4 Totel• 38 4 11 4 Seo•• by Inning• Celllorn1a 011 002 200 6 cnocago 000 072 000-4 E Carew 2 Will Baines l OB - Calllomla 9. Chicago 8 2B Carew HB- Squ1res 1, Beniquez 2 SB Ae Jacheon 4 LovlQllO 1 S Wilfong Beniquez SF Foll RLew C81110<lllt Will Sench4u (W,8-21 Chlcego IP H RERBB SO 5'"' 9 4 3 0 3 3~ 2 0 0 0 0 Oo1son Bruutar HICl!.O)(l.4-3) 8aro1as WP-Woll PB A 13,474 5'> 7 0 1 2'> 2 F 15 k 4 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 I 1 0 I T -3 0 I Ane-1 average• BATTINO AB R H HR RBI Pct Ro Jackson 125 14 41 2 18 32! Carew 45& 77 143 2 36 313 OeC1nces 505 81 151 26 86 299 Lynn 425 83 125 18 79 2114 Re Jackson 468 81 130 34 811 277 Downing 550 99 162 26 76 276 Beniquez 157 20 42 2 19 267 0.ylof 646 68 14[> 22 84 265 Glk:I\ 448 67 118 17 61 263 Boone 419 40 108 7 53 257 Foll 43l 42 109 2 60 251 Ferguaon 77 9 17 2 7 221 Clerk 80 9 17 2 5 213 W1llong 168 22 32 1 14 190 Kt!W>er 47 II 8 0 1 170 9uf1eSOn 45 4 7 0 2 156 To1a11 4871 721 1334 163 878 273 PfTCHINO IP H 18 10 W4.. ERA Hualef 69''> 53 38 28 2-1 2 47 Steir9f 18''1 17 9 12 1·0 3 44 Sanchez 801'> 79 32 22 8-2 3 47 Will 1114'\ 162 45 79 8-5 3 56 Aua 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 48 John 205 213 36 61 12·10 360 Klton 1()9''1 95 38 68 7.5 361 Zahn 203~ 199 58 71 18-7 3 61 Fortch 205'1 201 53 66 12·10 3 86 ~o 152 159 44 77 11-8 4 32 GOitz 68 69 75 36 6-4 4 84 MOfer>o 411'> 55 2S 22 3.7 4 74 Corbell 75'"' 69 34 49 1-11 5 26 Tl ant 211'"' 39 8 30 2-2 5 78 Curt11 7''> 9 3 8 0-1 6 14 Total• 1296'\ 1264 •42 653 81~2 J 84 FIRU GAME ltldl.nt 3. Red ha 1 Ci.vetand 100 100 010-3 10 0 8091011 000 000 001-1 10 0 Whllaon Splllner (8 ) and Heney. Nal\orordny, 8oyd 8urgmeler (81 and Alleneon W-Wllitaon. 4-2 L-Boycl 0-1 8 Spiltner (181 - UCOHO OAM£ lndlaft• •• "" ..,. 3 ci.vetand ooo 020 010 01-4 13 o ea.ton 030 000 000 00-3 9 4 Aneleraon. Grennan ( 10) and Bando, Hassey. Relney, Clear (71. Aponte ( 11) and Gedm1111 w -8rentten. 2-2 L-Aoonl•. 2-2. HR-Cleveland. HUMJ (51 Botlon Sogge (5), 51'4llelon ( 131 A -111,718 Tw!Mi, ~O Te.ea 000 000 000-0 7 1 Minnesota 000 200 oox-2 4 o Muon, Henke (II end Sunelbflfg, wuuarM. R Davia 18). and Smith 8ulere w- WllllMM. 9·1 L-M.-. 0-1 S-A 01\119 (191 HR-MlnnHote, 8runentky 1181 A-2,7H 'rle«e ... ·-, l.llfwau!IM OfO 001 000 01-3 9 O 0.lrOl1 002 000 000 02-4 10 t Hau, lernud 1101. L•Cld (IO •nel S1111111ona: Uldur. Lope1 (8) anel P1rr1an W-LOPH, ~-2 1..-ledd , 1·3 HR-Mltwa11kM. OglM• (!10) MolltOf (Ill), G TilolftM 1351 o.lrOll, G Wlleon ( 10), PeNllll (HI A-t.708 Orang• CoHt DAILY PllOT/Tunday1 81ptembef 1•. 1982 <·a flit.ha1111 II lOltlJVI 31> flu Jnnt el T l<.n<10y ' ,.,~-·· Lnclll Ill EC1w11•1J• pn Del.on p Templtn ph Lucu p cno11 .. P Gwynn ph Gr11!1n p l11naloro l)h Hawkln1 p Polmlll\ p11 Petklnt Ill S111azar u rianne(y 2b ~IChlbgr p Bevac.q ID Tota11 .. '\ 2 2 ·~ 7' l I'\ '\ I I 'I 4 R 10 1 2 0 1 0 I 6 2 I 0 3 0 3 HElll B t O 3 2 I 4 0 0 I 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 1 0 I I 0 0 3 3 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 I Aetroe 5. a1eYM S HOUSIOn 000 020 030 6 9 I Allanla O 10 110 000 3 10 1 J. N1ekrO and PujOls. P NHll<ro Garbe< (81 and Bened.ct W J Nitkro. 15·10 L-P N...._ro 14 • HR Atlanta. Chembh" ( 18) A-7.556 C11be 7, Plretea S Cn1cago 120 200 tO 1 7 11 O P111s1>urgn 002 00 I 000 3 6 I Ripley Hernandez (8) and Da•ll R01>1naon RQfno (4). Scurry (7} Satml9tllo (8) and Pena W Alpley~-7 L Roblnton, 15· 10 S Hernandez (It)) HR ChK.ego, Davis ( 111 JohnSlone ( 10) P1llsborgh. Berra (101 A 2 859 Ptlllllea 2. Cerellnala O SI Lou11 000 000 000-0 3 O Pn11aoe1ph1a 100 010 00• 2 3 o forsGh aoo Tenece Carlton end Diaz W-Cerllon. 20·9 L Forsch, 14·11 HR PhllaoetpPlla Cetllon (21 A-40. 109 llede 5, OIM!ta 4 Clncionau 000 000 030 02-5 11 O San Francisco 100 020 000 0 t-4 12 0 Pastore, Scherr9f (8~. Lesley (8) Proee (9) Le10randl I It) ano TrevirlO. O'Be<ry 86tr Minton (8). Lavelle POI and May W -PT1c:e. 3·3 L Lavelle, 11-7 S -le1t1rend1 (21 HA-San Francisco. Morgan P3) A 10, 178 Top 10 (8Med 0fl 400et ..... ) AlllEIUCAM L.£\OU. WWll90n, KC Youn!. Mii C..W,A ...... Gercta. lOf E Murray, Bel Coope<. MH Hemm. Cle Lanal0td. &an Rice, Bon McRae. KC 0 A9 R H l'ct. 118 s 12 78 174 .340 138 5511 110 182 .328 120 546 n 145 .311 129 !J32 11 11111 .318 131 475 72 160 315 137 578 112 111 314 141 542 95 170 314 115 435 80 135 310 128 602 75 155 309 143 548 80 188 .307 HomeR- G. TllOmH, MllwaukM. 35: .... Jeclll-. Ant•I•, U: Wlnlleld, New York. 33, Thornlon, Clevela nd, 30. Cooper Mifweul<M. 30; Og!Me, Mllw-... 30 ......... tted In McRu . l<enHa City, 120; Cooper, Mllw11Uk .. , 110: Thornlon, Clevellll\O, 109, G Tham ... Mllwauk .. , 101. Wlnlleld. N.w York, 97 ~ (1t OedeloM) Vu1<ov1cl\, M ll•Hul<ee, 18·4; Pelmer. Baltimore. 13-4: Burne, Chlc1go. 13·5: Guklry, New YOl1l, 14.f, z.M, .,..., 1'-1; Sutclllfe. C-end. 12-e: llllfllle. .,.._, H.e; P-1ty, Oelrolt, 14-8 NA TIOHAL LEAGUE 011V8f, Mii MadlOCll. Pgn Lo Smith, Stl 8uckn9f CPll Ou.rre10, Dodger9 aeker, Oodgen Durham, Chi Schmidt, Pho K Hrnandez Stl C9'18f, Mii 0 AB R H Pel. 140 537 81 180 3:15 140 525 89 167 318 136 526 113 156 319 143 581 112 180 310 137 526 82 163 .310 131 511 72 IS6 305 134 4!16 72 151 304 129 447 !OS Ila 304 141 522 71 158 303 135 411:1 81 145 301 Home lluna Kingman. New Y0tl< 35, Murplly Allanlf 35 Scnmldt Ph111cre1prua. 33. Horii•• Allant• 31 J TllOmpaon. Ptttaburgh 30 Rune .. tted In Murpny, Allan1a. 106. Buck,,.., Chleego. 98. Ohver. Montreal, 97, J Tllomp1on, P11ttburgh, 95. Clark. Sen Franclaco. 95. f'ltehlnt C ti C>Klelone) P N1ellro. "1l ant• 14-4 Rogero. MontrNJ 17-7, Centon. PMaOefphl• 20-11. Candelaria. Plttsbufgh. 12~5. Lollar. San D4eQO, 14-8, RevH, Oodeet'•. 11-10; FOfacll. SI louts. 14·9 AP WlrepfMllo Angels' Ro b Wilfo ng looks like a juggle r while bobbling a gro und ba ll hit b y Chicago's Rudy La w Monday night. NFL 8tMlef1 38, Cowboy• 28 lc0<e by Ouerlera P1ll1burgn 6 7 17 6 36 DallH 1 7 0 14 28 Pit-Stallwortn 8 pass lrom Br1d1naw (klcil laYtcf) Det-~aroon 4 P85S lrorn Wlllle (Sepllen ~lck) Pit Sm11h 7 pass lrorn 8ra<1111a"' (Andetton kockJ D•l -Cosb,. 12 pass lrorn While (Seplll!t• tuck} P11 Polla1d I run (Ande<son ktekl Pit Snt•lh 15 pass llom Bradshaw (Anderson klCkl Pll FG Anderson 26 P11 FO AnOlrlOfl 43 Dal Holl 45 p .. , lrom Wn1te (Sepllen k.Ck) Doi DvPree 5 pess from WMe tSept1en klCkl Pn FG Anderso.1 40 A 63 431 THm Statltllct Flrat downs RuslleS-yards Pas9111Q yard• Aet11tn yards Pas-Seckt lly Puri It Fuml>let·IOll Penalt11•yar01 TlmeolPOSMMAOn Pit 23 35-147 241 24 17-28-0 3-32 3.45 3-1 9.44 3133 lndMd11el 81alltllct Dal 28 72.95 341 ?7 76-38·2 1·5 2·20 3-2 3·14 211 '7 RUSHING -P1t1sburgh Ha"'s 2A· 103 Pollard 8-33. Davi! 3· 11 D111&s OOt!Mlll 11·30 Newhouse 1-27, SP<lr>Ql 8-25 WMa 2-13 PASSING P1111bu•gn, Braosnaw 17-28·0·2•6 Dallas. While 25-36·2·347 OotMll 0-1·0•0 Pee<IOfl. 1-t.0-26 RECEIVING P1t1SDurgll Stall•O<lh 7 • 137 Hams J.29 Sm1tl\ 2·22. Cunnor>gham 2·10 H1w1horne 1·22, Sweeney t 11 Swenn 1.9 Calles. Hill 5-130. Cosoie S· 102, Oorstn 5-44, Pearaon 4.47 OuPree 3 18 Sprongs 2·22 Donley 1-12 FIELD GOALS MISSED P1t1Sbu1g11 An-son 35 DeHas. Sec>tien !>2 COLLEGE INOIYIOUAL LEADERS Leading Ruell••• Tc YCI• Avg. Andtrlon Ololanoma St 26 220 II 5 Dlcl<etson SMU 19 183 II 6 MallhCWs WaSll•nglon 2 1 172 8 2 l Davis Iowa St 18 169 9 4 Eogor. Hawaii 22 157 7 I Ricks Michigan 24 153 6 4 Spencer. Ol\lo SI 30 147 411 Adams. Cenlrll MICNQIO 24 145 6 0 Ooolsb~ Vande<Dlll 21 134 II 4 Gunter, Tulsa 24 260 10 6 LHdlng P1tMrt Pe Pe%Ydt Td F1u11e. Bo.ton Co4 28 18 35e 3 Demarco. CenHal M•ChlQen 20 13 204 3 Elway, Stanlo•d 36 29 343 4 AemMy. UCLA 3 I 18 288 4 Borrell. C•nc1nna11 49 25 535 1 Adler Missouri 35 21 449 3 Goll Netlras~• 16 9 144 2 MC.lunlo.1ns Wtehlle SI 30 17 2112 3 Bl8'kldge. Penn SI 55 33 465 8 Ho1'18ntee, M1r1neso1a 28 t7 322 2 Tol81 Otten•• Flutoe Boslon Cot Elway Sllnl0<d Hohensee. Monn AamMy, UCLA HoSlellf!t West Virg1n1a Hansen S•n Diogo St Bennett Duke S Yourl!I 8YU 8ond. Ml»iHippt St Eason. lllln()jS w1>1111, Stantoro Long. Lono 8HCh SI Hudaon, evu Frenks Ouke Oran! M1Ch1Qt n St SmaMy Seri Jose St Dev11 Maryt11nd Skansl, Wuh1og1on Tnomas P11111>urg1> Gault Tennessee Yda A•s. 363 363 0 381 361 0 318 318,0 315 315 0 315 3150 308 30110 263 283 0 562 2810 547 273.5 540 270 0 Pc Yda A•ll· 11 12• II 0 10 98 100 18 2~11 9.0 9 63 90 8 142 8 0 8 56 8 0 7 188 7 0 7 132 7 0 7 42 7 0 13 155 6 $ TEAMMffNll ..... Int OftenM Botton Co4 Slenlord Minneeota W .. 1 Vllglnla Ouk• UCLA MIMOUtl San Diego SI B<tgham Young Matylaf\O ,.A PCYde. AV9. 28 18 35e 35e.O 37 29 S43 343 0 34 19 340 340.0 31 17 321 321.0 34 20 310 310.0 37 21 :ioe 306.0 54 29 tlO 305.0 47 25 288 288 0 17 "3 565 2112 5 37 18 278 278.0 Total OftenM T0<onto H•mllton Mon1re11J Ollawl HtGH 8CH00l , ......... ......, .. . _ ...... . TIMlllCJA '( hllftUe WI ~IOll"a Hiit Al M~ VlejO l a10l11410 "' Coe\a MMI " NtrWllOt 11••1 II or kllte Ml Ye laCIClleOecli al IA Bowl C•11••••1no V•ll•Y wt l ap11•nr• •• Valenele Un'-ttty VI Tuttln et Irvine l Ot Allmlloa at H1111llnglon bMGh 1Cett14• ve Ville Plfll al Le lletma ,erl< II Moc>el•• ... l<•llnedY •I w ... .,n CellfOfnle et LI H•DI• ~' Ctvletlen 11 lueki.y (a 30 p "' J Pomon1 F1lr MONOAY'a RHU\.TI t•ll• ol 11-cleJ tnMlll\t) QUARTIRHORHI PIRlf RACE, a&o yarot Dolly PaHtm (TOllllt) 15 60 9 20 ~ 40 E81V Rutt\ IACla•r) II 40 f 00 Mw M1atle (Peuhnel 3 40 Alto ••cad Cun• tm• Poh,y, Ou Go Midway, Happy Htuard, Jlme Cclou Oon le flme 18 07 M lllACTA 17·51 pelel $317 ~ HCOND RACE. 350 yard1 Klnn1k1nn1Ck (ThomH) 7 80 4 00 2 80 Sam• Snare (Tonkal 4 00 3 20 Golden Bred (Chavez) 8 20 Alao 1aceel Juanaa Teddy Between Um Yak1t1a•. Captain Buell rty1ng Pohc;y s-MI 1<11ahQP9 lime 18 25 THIRD RACE. 350 ya1d1 Trish t R ....... (Hert) 11 20 6 40 • 00 Oos Ro)O• (Bllld) 6 60 4 40 Venture Folk• (Cn•••ll 3 00 Al10 r•ceo. M"ty Moon DHen Kirk Shrewd N Rteti, JMlkMll T emp1a11on Jung lo Pity, M0trl1 Netllea Tune 1e 14 $5 EXACTA (2-1) paid $ 172 00 THOROUOHBRID8 FOURTH RACE. 1 1116 mllet Hit Serles (S1t1lltol 2 80 2 80 2 40 LOfd Gummo (Spencer) 6 40 4 20 Prapottllon 8 (Pedroza) 3 60 Al10 raced 1<1nga List. Top Ouaco Meao••. Realleu Dale Noble Dawn Time I 411 115 FIFTH RACE. 8 tur longa O•thodon1111 (OlleQ•I 12 60 5 40 4 00 Sovereign Gold (Black I 4 40 3 60 JUIU OuettlOn (WMe) 1 60 Also 1aceel Fully Ves1ecr. Y • Pnnce Eths Joe M Chely Ch,.I My Nallve Gori Time I 14 415 SIXTH RACE. 6 lurlOngs Bombay Gin (Pedr01a) 9 80 5 60 3 20 Vlllley Clown (Smnn1 10 20 4 20 My Hope (Hansen} 2 80 Al90 raced Brei Ral Fusi Starlet. Run 10 win, Moneypoulout. Marked Knight lime I 13 215 $5UACTA 18-61 palO Sl7100 IE\IENTH RACE. 5'> furlongs Count l wo 1Ea1·ede) 6 60 3 60 3 20 Aalrologer (Ramilei) 4 20 3 00 Olympic King (Ae1ancourt) 4 00 Also r~ed She Cn111s Me Doc Campbell Son 01 Gallflf, Jell~ Wl\acl!.y NUheral>ob Time I 05 3/S EIGHTH RACE. 6 hu•longl Miguet110 (S11>1Ue) 9 40 4 80 3 20 Zord•n (Noguez) 11 60 6 40 Crty Court 1s1a1llogs1 3 60 Also raced Two Sides, Bllu RoDens. Anllque Ruler. Htgh Memory, El frap4to Time 1 12 •15 $5 UACTA 12·8} pa10 $321 SO NINTH RACE. I 1116 m1le1 P1&rce'1 Dream (Onegal 9 40 • 80 l 20 Fast SwlnQ9f (Nogutlt) 13 60 6 20 S.blto (Campas) 3 60 Also rec.er Sem1note K•d SP'<•le<I Marc Taste Tempt.w. Bog Geo Allll()n SPQr11r>g Glasa Tome I 47 115 TENTH RACE. 6 IUflongS ~ Ol Iha 911,,.. IEatreC11) I S 20 5 tlO 3 80 Double Flull tS•blna) 5 80 3 80 Ml .. Gaelary (OrteQ•I 3 60 Also raced leJas JenntlOf R;amanenle L-al<• Boll's Slat Tome I 11 415 15 lllACTA (5·21 paid $206 SO ELl\llNTH RACE. 6 lu11ong1 Brtglll Ledy (HanW'!) 8 80 • 00 2 40 Ring ol Erin ($<Dille) 3 40 2 40 Gatnondt (8tac~I 2 80 Alao raced Ml .. Proa~nen. Cucl D'or Time· I 10 15 EXACTA 15 41 Plllel $74 60 TWELFTH RACf I '• ln'lel Lorn• Atto (Ram1re11 39 60 16 40 6 60 CINreellortakeott (Cruz) 11 20 6 00 Pep IWly (Rondl 280 Alto raced Proven11e. Orea1 Match FabulOUt EC14oe. Rotalor Fashion Man hne 208 315 '5 EXACTA (4-11 p1td $910.&0 Ateendanoe -11.910. Doubln tournam.nt (•I Ponte Yedre, Fla.) ,., •• 1110\lnd Tim-Tom Gu1111o.1on (US I oel Mike Bauer-Van W1nltsky (US.I, 6·4, 4-6, 6·3 Chip Hoopet·Blalne Wlltenbofg (US I del Matt M11Chell-Fr1U Buetlntog (US I. 6-3 8 2 Ange~, Dodger seltedales Sunday -Angeli on Redto KMPC (710) Dodge,. on Radio KA.BC {790) Angela on TV Dodger• on TV •o.no... TV 0- Monday Tueaday Wedneaday Thuraday Sept.14 15 Channel 5 Chennel 11 Friday 11 17 Aftclh at ChlCt&O, 5:30 Ans• •I Chicaco. 5:30 Alll• at To1onto, 4:30 ....-11 Toronto, 4:30 Padres at Oodsen, 1 35 Padres al Oodltn. 7:35 Hovslon 1t DMctn. 7:35 Saturday 11 ,... 11 T0<onlo. 10:30 , liouiton at DMten. 7·05 11 20 21 22 23 2A 2S Alie• at Toronto, 10:30 Houston at Dldttn. 12-15 •Royals 11 Aitc• 7:20 Royals at Aftcth, 7-30 •Oodttfl 11 Padres, 7 05 •Royals at Alt•. 7:30 •Oodstrs al Pldrts, 1 05 ent• at le•u. ~OS _. II Tens. 5.05 ~nll 11 DMltn. 7:35 _..al Teies. 5·05 Gl.vtl$ 11 DMlrtn, 1 10 21 XI 21 21 30 Oct. 1 2 Alic* at Teus, 3:35 Alie• 1t Royals, 5·35 ..... 11 Rgy1ls, 5:35 •Alie• 11 Roylls. 5 JS Atlanta 1t l>Mltn. 7·35 Texas et~ 730 Tuaset ~I Cllllts at Olde.... I ·OS Reds at OMeen, 7 35 Rtdi at Dlflws. 1;35 Atlantl 11 Detilltn, 7.35 ~at ts. 735 °""" at b, 1.05 3 ltw•t ~l .......... t ts.1.05 Fi dry ch looking to 1983 • .. .. BOSTON (AJJ) Mark Jo'1dryt h , th£• form1·1 p1 tc:hing Hn urution with th1• 0Nrull 1'ilo(l'r'W, 1s hopir\lo( to make.• 1l OO('k w I h(t mo)Or h.•ugu1·~ w11h lh<· ~tor1 ltc.-d Sox nc>xt y(•ar 1' h t• r i g h t • h u n d 1• r , t h <' Amt•1·1t·1m L eagUl''!> 197ll fu>oklt' of the Y1 .. ar tx>ron· en<.'Ountc.•ru\jJ <irm troublt>, ts wc•ari,ng a Hoston u11dorm, but only fo r priv<1tr pructkt• al Jo't•nway PJrk whilt• lhe R<-0 Sox :ir1· in town "H E 'S JUST uut thcri; throwing on the s1delmes ever"). other day or so to keep his amt stret.<:h1:d out," Boston Manager Ralph Houk smd. "It's all part of hi:. regular rl'habl11ta tio11 program set up by Dr. Arthu(' Pappas, our team phys1d~." Fidrych's career appeared tq t>nd early when he was released by Detroit last fall after spending 198 I with Evansvil le• of th<> Amefh:an Association llow<.•ver. the c·<·ntral MassachuS<.'tL'> native went under th e care o f Pappas . an onhopc.•d1cs spN·1al1s t , who designed a program to rebuild Fidrych's throwing arm ~TfaduaJJy. Fidrych, 28, then wal> signed by the Red Sox to a minor league contr ac t a n d a ssig ned to Pawtucket. where· he had a 6-8 re<.·ord with a ·LOO earned run average. "HE DID just what we· wanted at Pawtucket," Boston General Manager Haywood Sullivan said "He camt• a long nicely and built up his arm, throwing without any pain ''Now we think 1t best that he con tinue to work with Dr Pappas and get plenty of rest so he'll be ready for training camp next spring. Right now, we have no plans to have him even pit.ch tn the Ins tructional League." Fidrych has no complaints about not being put on the Red Sox' roster with a few other prospects called up Sept. I from the minors. "I honestly didn't pitch well e nough m Pawtucket, so l'm not upset that I'm not pitching here nght now," P1drych said. "There were guys who deserved to be here more than me. "My goal is next year I'll continue to work with Dr. Pappas and do what he tells me So far things have gone jusl about the way the Red Sox said they would . "The big questions last spring were my arm and my control They worked out fine. I was able to throw without pain and work on things with my pitching " Italy leads U.S. • trio • Ill Sardinia PORTO CERVA, Sardinia Italy held a slight margin over the Um wd States, the defending champion . Monday after three races in the Sardinia Cup. the prestigious Mediterranean yachting series. Going into the final ra<:e today. Italy had 605 points and the U S 595.5. The series was hampered this year by light winds. The final race is scheduled as a 30-mile Olympic triangle race off Sardinia. The U.S. is represented by Bill Power's Hi gh Roi e r from Newport Ha rbor Yacht Club: Charles Kirsch's Scaramouche, Grand Rapids. Mich .. a nd Thunderbolt, skippered by Rod Wallace, Excelsior. Minn. The three boats from Ital~ which won the first series II\ 1978, and the three Americaq . boats dominated the first s i" places after a 380-mile regatta to Hyeres, France, which counted double for the competition. Nineteen teams of three 30 to • 40·foot r acin g yachts were · en tered i n the nine-day competition. On a correct ed time basis, Italy's Mandrake finished first in the long d1Stance ruce, followed by Almagorcs. High RoJer,: &aramoucne and Thunderbolt • finished third, fourth and fifth, : respectlv<.'ly, Ante ater wome n win in volley ball Down 12-3 in the fourth set, thf' UC Irvine worn 1n'1 volleyball team rallied for a 15·12 victory to to defeat Utah Monday night a t Crawford tlall. The UCI women Improved lhelr record to 4·2 with 111 12-15. 15-5. 15·11, 15-12 triumph Thtt Anteaters r eturn to actfon Thursday at 6 p m., hosting New 1 Mexico St.ate Orange Co1tt OAILV PILOT/TUMday, September 14, 1912 ' Women net big profits Pro • tenn1 a rich port By WILL GRIMSLEY ,_, ~ COfrMponcfenl They hondl'd Martina Navratilova a check for half a million dollttrs, und the tennis slar said thanks, that's verv nice. • Then o dignified mun in u three-piece buslnt'M ault opened a jewel box und !ihowed her a gold necklace with three diamond pe:ndanL'l one for each of the big championships shf' won <>n dlcterent sµrfaces during the year Fumbling, the benefactor had trouble draping It around her neck. Martins look~d at the pendant and wryly remarked, ''You <:0uld have kept the check and made the diamonds a little larger." h was as casual as if she had just opened a pen and pencil set or a cosmetics kit from under a Christmas tree. Big money comes easi ly these days to ladies adept a~ hitting tennis balls with board· taut rackets. Women tennis players have become the aristocrats of sports -exceeding the men. tennis players and most other professional athletes in yearly prize M . N .1 money. arllna avrata ova Mothers, if you want your daughters to be filthy rich {tnd popular. forget about sending them to finishing school Throw awav those brochures on Vassar and COMMENTARY Radcliffe. Thumbs down on modeling and ballet. Give them a racket and tell them to go out and hit balls all day against the garage door THANKS TO Billie Jean King and companies such as Virginia Slims, Avon, Toyota and Playtex. who seem intent on depleting their treasuries by sponsoring pretty girls in balJerina skirts, the women's tennis tour has become an easy a~ to the mother lode. Martina's $500,000 check was a present from lnternationaJ Playtex. lnc., for winning just three tournaments -the U.S. Women's Indoors, the Family Circle Cup and Wimbledon. It mjght have been for a cool $1 million had not Martina been infected with a rare virus -"a cat's disease," she says -and lost a quarterfinal match in the U.S. Open to her doubles partner Pam Shriver. That single defeat -her second in 71 matches this year -cost her the other half. It's a credit to the integrity of the game that Martina didn't offer Pam $250,000 to blow the match. It's happened in other sports with a lesser temptation. With the check, which will be broken down into payments of $50,000 a year for 10 years, Martina becomes t he all·\ime money winning leader in tennis, male or female. "IT'S BEEN a long, hard journey -you've come a long way. baby," said Dr. Julie Anthony. director of the rich $1 million Playtex Challenge. offering that staggering figure to any woman who can win four tournaments on four specified surfaces -hard court, clay. grass and cement in a single season. "At last, we've not only equalled the men but passed them in prize money potential." Martina's 1982 take in prize money alone amounts to $1 ,107,005 and boosts her career earninsgs to $4.8 million. Both she and Cfuis Evert Lloyd, whose $90,000 first prize in the U.S. Open raises her career tot.al $4 million, have surpassed the top male. Jimmy Connors, at $3.9 million: J'ohn McEnroe, Ivan Lendl and Guillermo Vilas. Even with the strides that the women's golf tour has made, with the promotion of Jan Stephenson, Muffin Spencer-Devlin, Kathy Young and Cathy Reynolds as sex symbols, there is still a wide discrepancy in available prize money. J OANNE CARNER leads the LPGA money- winning list with 291,609, about one-fourth of Martina's 1982 cache, and she, along with Kathy Whitworth and Donna Caponi are the sport's lone m111ionaires. Tennis produces millionaires in clusters, Tracy Austin reaching that plateau while still in her teens. All the tennis gals should put a percent.age of their purses into a pot and tum it over to Billie Jean King, who for two decades battled and st.aged sit.down strikes for equal prize money. DllTH NDTICIS r ~ rtHCl llOfHHS FINK llU .. OADWAY HAROLD H . FINK, MO«TUAIY resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. 11 O Broadway Passed away on Saturday. Costa Mesa September 11, 1982. He ia 642·9150 --survived by his wife Bettye and dau~hter Carol, IALT'l IHGHOH n ephews erman F ink. J lmmy Fink and niece . SMfTH & TUTHILL Leontine Hinkle. He was a WISTCUff CHAf>fl member of the Seafaring 427 E 17th St Muonic Lodge and Harbor . Costa Mesa Star in Newport Beach, Ca. 646-9371 He was abo a member of the --M ethodist C hurch, Costa f Mesa, Ca. He was 11 long ptftCl•OTHMS time r esident of Newport •, SMIT'HS' MOITU .. Y Beach, Ca. before moving to . 627 Mam St Costa M esa, Ca. Funeral . .._,ntington Beach tervicel we~ held Mon~y, . .~ September 13. 1982. ln lieu . . --o f llowere the-family . .. requeeu donations be aent to .. PA~CY•W the Diabetes A 11ociation, :· . ....., .......... 17744 Skypark Blvd .. Irvine, . ~te!b Mortuary Ca 92614. Cl'la04tl rematory CHAMBERS 3500 Pacific View Drive -Newport Beach LOIS M, CHAMBERS. a 644-2700 l.ong lime ~dent of &!boa --lal and, Ca., palled away on Mcc:OllMlal MOHU.UIH AugU3t 24, 1982. M emorial Lagun1 BHch Ser vlcc-1 were held at St. 494-9415 J&l'l"lel EPbcxlpal C hurch In Laguna Hills Newport Beach, Ca. o n 788-0933 Auguat 30, 1982. Mra. a.., Juan ca~11trano Chambera WN a member ol •I• •95·17 6 the Betlrod T<-ach er1 ---Allodatton: Newport Be.ch Lady Analera: An~ ff•N"9 U.WM---MT. CM.IYI Friday LunCheon Club: Mott'*\'• C.,.,..Lef) Walton ~· and will be Creme tory mi.ed b)' who know her, 1625 Gtslet A'4 • Coat1 MeN H111e IOfT'9lhlng to Mii? .. 540-5M4 0 ~ Cl"""'9d edt do h .... ~. ,. PUil.iC NOYICC 1't.91.IC NOTlct PUalC NOTlct PIC;flflOUI •U•MH llOl'ICI A• ,_ NMlll •TAH•NT VDU "'8 IN M,441\T u.H1' 4 llK>nc. M f'MllfH I HU flit IOllO'#lllO pe1eon ,. dOlnt O•ID 0, , .. u•.!t. DAf•D T.ll ...... 111""'"' U DCTDM• 11. t•t .,_,Ill ~OU ~· Ht.-..11 OAA,.HIC MARK I IND f AKI ACTION TO "llOTICT YOUAMtN.,.,AULTUMDllU PAOOUCT8, 3110 agle Or , YOUR P•O•IRT't, If MAY •I D .. D CW TJIUIT DATID a.u-11. Anahtlrn, Ca IOLO AT A PUe&.IO IAU. W YOU UM.IN YOU TAU ACTION TO K•nna111 R Olllllh 5431 NllO AN ~AllA'10flt Of ~ l'•OflCT YOU• r•Ol'tRTV IT C1t1wbe Ln., 11111111, C• 11a1t5 """'"' 0, '"' Pt!OCHDINO ~ ..... •I IDLD T A ,u1L1c ll'lltbull111t•ltet>r10U~teob~ttn AOAINIT YO~J .• ~ou •MOULO IALI • ., YOU .-110 ... lndtvlckilll CONTACT A LA1"111. H'UNUION Of' THI HATURI l<enntln R 81111111 NOTlet Of' TRUITH'• •AUi Of' THI l'tlOC:llOINO AOAtNlf fhll ll.J'-""lt wu tiled wllll 1111 T •• Ne. 2•1111/vtl YOU, YOU 9HOUU> COHTACT A Coon•y ci.ri. 01 Ofano• co~1111y on On •~11mt>tt ~e. 1ee2. 11 10 oo l.AW'ft9'. Auou• ,7, tijH 0 CIOcll • m ' 011 TuHday, II 1111 On 8tolemblf 21. 1118:1. al 9 00 '1"3tt Chipman Avenue en111nCia 16 1111 A M , -:-r••• lf11111111ce and fru11 Publl1h10 Ora,.ge Coaat Delly Ctvto Center Bulldl11g, 300 r11t Company • .,. "uly 1ppolnted PUot Aug 31, S.pl 7, 14, 21. 1012 Cllaprnan Ave . 011ng1, CA Wf8T• TruatH under 1na i-••11u1nt to 3838·12 ERN MUTUAL CORPORATION, e 0.-d ot lrull dalctd Marc;h 1:! 1981 1----.. -tDt-IC_Ml\_Tl_C_[ ___ Ctlltornta Catporatlon, •• Tru•IH, recotdld March 28. 198t, H 11 ... i r-vv... "" or ~b•tltulad Tru1tea, undet 1111 NO 34534, In book 13998, P•G• Oetd of Tru1t ... cut9d by Matahell t173 or Off~al A8COfd11n the olllct Ktnntlh Groum1n ind Fr1nct1 or ln~iCounty Aecofd4w ot Ore.not Ann Qro11man, hulbllf)CI "'° wilt CountY. Cllltornl•I WILL SELL Af u communlly prop1rty, herein PUOLIC AUCTION TO HIGHE8l CtlltO 1tutto1, r-cordtd Octobtt 81oot!R FOR CASH OR CASHIER'S 30, •Gii 1, •• lntlfUMtnl No 40t48. OHl!.CK. (pey1bl1 •I tlrM ol .. ,. lfl In 8ootl 14278 Page 630 01 Olllelal ltwtlll mC>fllY ot lh• Unlllld S••tH) Rtcord• ol Oranot Counly, al the &outn lront llfltranct 10 tnt Ctlllatnla. wl.111181111 publlC auction old Orang• Coun1y Courthou .. tO 1111 hlgheat bidder ror eun. located In Iha 200 Block ol WMI peytbl• rn 11wtu1 money ot th• 81111a Ana BJ1111 (IOfmttly Wtll 0th llnllCld S111 .. 11 1111 time 01 nle. 81 ), Santa Ana, C•lllornle, ell right, lhe lnter .. t conveytd 10 and now tltle and lnter .. 1 conv11ytc1 10 11110 held by Hid Trutlft und•r Hid now held by II under HIO Dffd ol Deed of Thl1t 1n th• properly Tru111n Iha property 11lu1tlld In ••iO atlu•ltld In Hid Cou"IY and State Coun1y and Slate deecrlb..cl 19· ,tCTITIOUllM.l .... 11 NAMI aTATl ... NT Tile lollOwlng p1t1on 11 doing bu.tntl8 •• NEWPORl BU SINESS IN I EAIOAS On• Newport Pl•C•. $ulll 400. N•WPOrl BHch. CA 92660 Jamee ~r11111111 Hegenwald HI. 315 Oohlla PlltCl•. Corona CS.I Mar, CA 92625. T hll bull""' II conduct CHI by 111 lndlvldull. J1mea I' Hegenwald 111 Thi• 111temenl wu llled with the Coun1v Clerk or Or•no• Coun1y on dlKrlbld H lot 27 ot Tract 4608 In the Clly 1"11M2t LOI 12 OI Trtct No. 7641 ... ol Colli Maaa. Counly or Or111ga, Publllhecl oranoa Coul Dilly shown on • m1p reeordad In Book State Of C1lllorn11. n per map Sapt 3, 1982 P lo S 1 2 t 28 0c 5 19112 191. Paoet I to 5, both lnc;lualYI ol raco<ci.d In Book 175 Pegoa 3 and 1 1' •Pt 4' • ' t 405a.82 Ml1cellan1oua M•P•. record• or 4 ol Ml1e1llaneou1 M1p1. In 1111 ------------Orange Coun1y. Celllornl1 Olltct 01 010 Cou"IY Recorder ol f'lmlC NOTICE EXcePTINO therfltrom all oll, aalo Cou"ty ----.....--------gaa, mlntr•I• and o t her EXCEPT tnerelrom ell oll, gu, FICTrt1oua eOllNEaS hydrocarbon 1ub111neu as more rnlntralt end ether hydrocarbon NAME ITATEMl!NT particularly deaerlbld In EXHIBIT 9'.betances lylng below I depth ol Tile lollOWlng perlOf'IS are dOlng "A" •llaehed hereto 111d made a 500 IMI from lhe 1Urtaca ol Hid t>utlnass H Patt tl'l.,tol property, bul with no rlgh1 ot DIVERSIFIED PROOUCTS, 88 l!XHl84T "A" eurfac;e enlry, as r-vad In Deed Fair Or .. Cotta Mata, Ca. &2628 Loi t2 of Traca No 764• H reeorded October 4, te&S Rober! J. Conway 11. t7172 ehown 00 8 map recorded In Book Tru1tor or record owner S\IG Merine View Pl., Hu"tlngton Beach. 297 PIQll 1 to 6 bolh Incl 1 01 Proporlleav Inc .. A Calllor"la C• 92649 Ml • 11 ' ue vi Corpora1lon, also as S J & G Mlchael Jol\11 6392 •c• aneoua Maps, records 01 Properties Inc A C111tlornle • Orange County, Cellfornle • • Siiverwood Or • Huntington 8"c:h. EXCEPTING lhettlrom all oil Corpor11lon Ca 92647 g a 1 m 1" e r a 11 an 0 0 1 h • The at reel adelreaa and other Tnla buslneas 11 conoucteCI by 1n hydrocarbon subat n 1 1 er common Cle$lgnatlon. it eny. ol tne un1nc:orpor11ed aa1oc1a11on olhll oelow a deptll 01 SOO ~ .. ~~~or% 1~~ 1111 property deecrlbed above Is thin a p1rtnarehtp tuflaoe 01 said ll!nd bul without Ille purported lo be 3116 Lincoln Way. Robeft J. Conway II rlgnt 01 anlry upon' any portion 01 Colla Men. Calilornla 92626. Thia a1atament was filed witn the ne aurlaca above a depth or 500 The under s I g "e d Trustee CoYnly Clerk ol Orange County on 911 10 leke merket mine explo 8 Ol1c1a1ms anv lfablllly tor any Augu11 27, 1982 • r .;,11110, s~ma 119 ~aaervO<! Int~ Incorrectness ol the 11reel addres:i F118292 d lrom Mn c Hoeptner en~ and other common 11es1gna11on. II Publlaned Orange Cont Delly Ide s Hoaplnar Husband and any. l'10wn Mreln Piiot Aug 31. Sept 7, 14. 2 t, t982 111 recorded M'ay 25 1972 1 SalCI sale 'flllJll be m1Cle, but 3868-82 Ook 10t41 Page 273 ol 0111 I~ Wllhout COV8/lant or warr1nty, ------------ecords. ' c • expraSI or lmpl*I, regarding title, MLIC NOTICE l ponenlon. or encumbranc1t. 10 na street aOdrOP end/or other pay the unpaid balenca of the flCTITIOUS BUSINESS l ommon deslgnallon, 11 •ny. 18 "01&11) secured by Hid Deed or .. "ME IT E T pu1ported lo be 10591 louralne . 158 8 63 "'" AT MEN Way Irvine Calllornt11 927 14 Trull, 10-w11. ,9 4 • Including The lollowlng parson Is doing S~ld Saiit will be meda ~llhout as provided In uld nole(s), bull~~!'TlvE NETWORI(, 425 ::;1t;:;:J,,.:.10 :"".~-aton Oft =·~110~"{;~~.~-:= i:.:~: 30th Street. Newporl Beach, CA u 9• or '"' purPOM 0 1nd ••penses of the Trustee and of 92883 eying lhe obllgatron• MCurael by tnt trusts creale<I by said Deed ol Dan Tackenott, 7820 Fontana lid Deed ot Trull, Including tne lea Trull S1 . Downey. CA. ano e11.pe"se 01 the Trua119 a"d 01 Tne benellc1ary under said ~ This business IS conductsll by an the lruals creeled by HICI Deed 01 ol Trust heretorore extculod and lndlv1C1ual. rull. advances therau"der. with delivered 10 the undersigned a Dan TecttenoN Tnls ltalement waa filed wlln the Counly Clerk or Oronge County on Sac>• 10. 1982 F11715S Published Orange Coast Dally Pllol. Sept. 14, 21, 28, Ocl 5, 1982 396S.82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI •U81NEIS NAME ITATEMENT The lollowlng P•••on IS doing bu$1ness as. nter .. t as provided lharaln. and the written Oeclareoon ol Oetaull end npekl principal and Interest of lhe Oamend for Sala '"Cl a wrltt1n 018(1) secured by Hid Deed 01 Nollee ol Oetaull 'and Elec:uon 10 rust. 10-w11 $75,985 11 Sall Tne u"d«Slgned caused salCI O•ted AUQUSI 2"i, t982 NOllC8 ot Oeleull 1nel Elac:tlon 10 Western Mutual Sell to be recorded In 1ne eoun1y COfporellon . where tne re11 propet'ty Is located 700 So. Tustin Street fruatee or party conducting sale. Orange, CA 92887 TITLE INSURANCE ANO lRUST Tai. (7141171·4100 COMPANY. 800 N M•tn SI , Santi As such TruslM Ana. California 92702, Attn Joyoa By v11g1n11 Kayw W1U11m1. 7141953·2020 X 154 Trustee S1la1 Ollleer Diie Auoust 18 1982 Put>llsned Oren,e Co111 Di ii) Tiiie Insurance 1ne1 P1101, S8'>t 7. t4, 2 . 1982 8 Trusl Company __________ 3_9_o_5_· -2 es said Trull18 MUC NOTICE By Joyce Wiiiiams Publlahed Orange Coast Dally PllOI, Aug 31, Sept 7, t4. 1982 3807·8' Ml.IC HOTICt ..... .,_ NOTtCll ~ TIWITH .. HI.I , HOTICI CM' TIIUUll'I IAll U-... ..,.,.... OTO *' f1'I T .•. IM _, .. ~ "''• l D 1r .. v1c COMl'~NY .. 0 U A A 0 I AN f "U 8 T 0 ti! D duly 11~111..0 frllllH 11110tt It• I "VIOll.S. • ClOIPOl•HOfl •• Cklly IOlluwll\g dHerlblld dMd ol trul!t •l>llOlnl•d 'ru•I .. unoer "'' WILL OnL Al PU LIO AUCTION IOllOWlng dderlb.o OMO OI trv•t ro THC HIGH IT DIDO A ,o~ W 1 L L 8 I l l A l P U D I. IC CAOH (p•y1bl1 11 Un11 of ••I• In AUCTION TO fHI HIOliUl i.wtut moMY ol u .. Unold 8t•INI llOOCA fOA CA8H Of U Ml tlll rlghl, 11111 1111<1 lnler•I GOllYIJ'*I ton11 111 8.CllOfl 191411 or I 10 end now hllG by u under Mid CMI Cod•. •II rlgllt, tlllt Ind Dt1d ol Trull In 1111 proo•rtv 1n1e1 .. 1 convey.CS 10 and n tler•illalt11r dNC;flbld hale! by It undtlr .. 1d DMd ol rHUllJOH K£NT M LEBO ono 1ru11 In tM prop.wty hlfaln•lt Vll'IOINIA A LEBO nu1b1nd en<l dt11Clf'lb9d wilt H l04nl 1en1n11 TAUITOR. E:ANIL RIVAS, I 0 NH ICIARY SECURIT "f tlngllman PAC1r1c MORTOA O( 8 l.N e I IC I A AV 81LVIN0 COAPOAATION a ~POflillOf'I ZUCCOLLO and ANOELICA AKorded NcWeml* 30 11111 N ZUCCOLLO. hu1banC1 •nd wife 1r1111 No 31819 In bOOk 14305. t• Jotnl Ten11111 Pttoe 10111 ol Olllelal R~O<<lt In 1111 Record1d May 2, 11180 " olllc1 ol th• Rfl<:Ordtr or Or•nga lnllr NO 2811 In bOOk t~500 County, Hid dMd Ol ttu•• d•Ji.crlbH P•Q• t4 ID OI Olflcl•I Record• In Ille following PIOl)4tfly th• olllce 01 lh• Recorder ot (•I unu No 288 01 1.,11 eenaln 0t1n~ Count(c, ••Id dMd ol lfutl condominium proi.tt 01ecrlbld 1n ~ ~ ~~r:f"':" fi~:: the thal cettaln Condom1n1um Plan • racordeCI In bOOk 10791, PllQI 53, City ol Cotta MN•. •• ~r map 0111e1a1 RlcOfdl, (euc;n plan '*ng recordt<l In 804». D5. Pto" 3 t a.nd h1talf't1ltar rtlarrad 10 11 • th• 32 ol Ml1ce111neou1 M1p1, In the condominium Plan") and u olllce or tne Counly R11coroer ol dt1lll\Od In thel ceMaln o9c1ar1t1on Or1nge Coun1y 01 Coven1n11, con111tton1 and Mey be •lao known •• 312 R111dct1on1 ror N1wpo11 Cteat H1nover Drive, Co111 Miu. Hornaowner1 A11oclatlon Cllllornla r9'0<de<1 1n l>OOk t0348 pege 993' "(II • tlrHI aelelrau Or OlllC••• Ricord• end 1n Amenllmeni common llHlgn1Uon I• 11\own raco<ded 1n book 10384, pege 481, •boll•. no w1111n1y 11 glYltl u 0 111e1a1 Reeotds. ond Amendmenl I o 11 • c ~ m PI ti• n e • • or recorded 1n book 10793, PllQtl 518, correctne11) o 1 1 t c 1 a I R e c o r cs 1 , ( • • t h e The benellclary under 11111 Oacl1re11on"), ano tne Oel11at1on Died ol Trull, by raaton ot • ot Annexation tor Lot 4 ol Traci breach or default In lht 78 I 7. (lho oec1ara11on ol obllg1llon1 ncured 1n111by. AMexallonl. racorded Oc•ot>er 1S. htrelolora 11t1euttCI and 1972 In boo" 10381 page 551, dell~ to IM uneltttlQned • OlllClll Record• wrlltan Oeclar111on of b1rault (bl An undlvldlO 11 IO•lli and Otmand tor Salt. and lnleresl In and 10 Iha common area Wflllen nolkle or br11ch and ol as dellneo In the Oeclerallon ano In al1ct1on to c1u11 the undertlg"8d to Mii Hid pro,,.,,-y th• Oaclara1lon ol Annexation. to 1a1ltly told obllgallona end being Lot 4 ol Tract 7817. H ltlown 1h1rtil1er the undereignad on • map rec:orded In book 308, c1uaee1 u111 "ollc• or breach page1 33 •nCI 3• or M1ec1Uaneoo1 and ol elacllon to be Recorded Maps record• ol Hid Orange May 20. 1982 •• tn1tr No County 82· 173797 ol utd Olllclal IC! Exclu11ve eoaamenta Record a. ' aopur ""onl 10 said Unit No 268, all S1ICI ute will be m•de. but as more apoclncally dallnad In lhe wltnoul covan11"1 or werranty, Co"oorn1n1um Pl•n a"d the exprou or lmpllad, rtg11dlng Oeclar1111on 1 1 c 1 1 , p o 1 , 8 1 1 1 0 " • 0 r (d) A no,,·e•clualve easement 1nc;umbra"cet, 10 pay Iha to uta lhe common area and remaining ptlnclpat ...,.., 01 the tacllltltl ol the prolec• whlCh nave note Mc;ured by aald Deed or been Of wlll be davelop9d on the Trust. with 1nterHI u In said lollow1ng oesc;rlt>eCI rHl property nola µrovloed. advane... If any. (I) lot I ol Tract 7852, n Shown under the t8fm1 ol Hid OMd ol on e map recorded In book 302. Trull, lees, charoa• end pagoa 7 to 9 1nclu1lve ol 1•panao1 01 the TrutlM and ol Mlscalla"eous Mepa, recoros ol the 1ru11s created by Hid Oeed 11111 Orange County ol Trull Said sale wlll bl held EXCEPTING THEREFROM 111111 on Tuaaday, Sep1ember 28. portion ol land '"cludao wllhln t9S2 at 11 00 a m , 11 lhe Parcel 1 as shown on 11 map 1ron1 en111nce 10 GUARDIAN recorded In book 4$, pega 26 ol TRUST OEEO SERVICES, t600 P1rc1I Meps, recorOs ot said EHi M1ylalr Avenue, Orange, county Calllornl•. (2) Lois 1, 2 and 3 01 Tract YOU ARE 1 N 0 E f AULT 781 t as 1nown on a map recorded UNDER A DEED OF TRUST In boolo 308, pages 33 end 34 of DATED MAY lat, t980 UNLESS Miscellaneous Maps. records of v 0 u T A K E A c T I 0 N T 0 said county PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT EXCEPTING THEREFROM, MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC however. any ano ell uelualve SALE IF YOU NEED AN auemants appurtenent to all EXPLANATION OF lHE NATURE condominium unlls excepting said Of THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Unll No 266 now or herea11er 'l'OU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT rale1t80 10 tn the Oelaratlon or tne A LAWYER. O.Clarttlon. as emended Tile 1otel amount ol 1he A L s 0 Ex c E p T 1 N G unpeld b1lance ot Iha ot>llgatlorl THEREFROM tOO percent of all MWrad t>y said property to be IOIO. IOG41lher wllh lnllfHI, lite rlghlS to 011 , g11 end other chergH, and Hllmllad coats. hydrocarbon subatene11 lying eJtP41""'· and advl"cet· at or under, or 1hat may be produced Iha data heraot. 11 St3,390.00. from the above Claacrlt>eo land. 011.0· Augult 31, 1982 toge1nar wllll tOO pe•cent ol all GUARDIAN TRUIT DEED rlghls lo the proceedt tnerelrom •ERVICE•. 1nC1 tOO percenl ol Ill 11gn1s. A c;Ofporatlon, .. Mid Truetea bonuses end pro1111 accurlng LMP·RPH ENTERPRISES, 9588 Hamlllon Ave •371. Hunllnglon Beech. CA 92647 Lynne M Pelllef. 2536 Santa Ana Ave •3 Cotla Meta, CA 92627 Tiiis busmen 11 conducted by an lndlvldull. NOTICE TO CAEOITORS Of' BU\.K TRANaFER (Sec•. 11014101 u.c .c.i Notice Is hereby given to th• C1edltors of ELIAS ,:'EQHALI and JOSEPH FEGHALI, Trt"alerora, whose business adClreu Is 2175 Newport Blvo .. Cotle Mesa. CountY ot Otanga. State or Calllornla, that a bulk transfer 1s at>oul 10 be made 10 Ou111vo Pelaclo •"d Ferna"do Jar1mlllo. Trt"tle•ees wl'losa bu11n1n aeldr111 la 458 fern Str .. I, Or'enQa. C1Hlornl1, Counly 1IOO £, Mlyfak Ave. lheraltom, PfOVielad. however. lllat MLIC NOTICE Or9ft9e, CA t2tl7 Granlor wtlves and rel1nqulshes the ------------(71•) 771 ... 10 right to use or ocwpy or 10 8flter Lynne M. Peltier Tnis sl8tem8flt wu lile<I with tile Coun1y Clerk ol Orenge Counly on Sap1 13. 1982. F1t7227 Put>ll1ned Orange Coast 01lly Piiot, Sep1 14, 21, 28, Oc1 5. 1982 4057-82 ____ M_U_C_NO_T_IC_E ____ 1ol 011nga, Still ol C1lllornla, StlO property II Clucrlbed 1n FICTIT10U8 aUSINE88 general as· All llook In treoe. NAME STATEMENT fl•lures, tQUlprMnt a"d good will or The lollowlng persons are dOlng 11111 Mrvlee station butlntsa known bullneas &a' u Ttxaco Statlorl tnd iocate<I 11 PICTURE PERFECT FRAMING. 2175 Newport Blvd .. Cotta Mesa, 20092 Cape Co11 age L" • Counly ol Orange State ol Hunllnglon Baecn, CA 92646 CaJllornl1 Cerole ~lander. 20092 ca.,. The bulk t•an111r wlll be Cottage L"·· Auntlngton Beach, CA conaummlled on Of aller tile 30tn 92648. Clay ol September. t982. It 10.00 Waller H1l1ndar. 20092 Cape am •• Burrow Eaerow Co , 19712 Collage Ln , Hunllngton Beach, CA MICAflhur Blvd .. No 105, Irvine, 92848 County or Orenga. Slate ol Thi• bualn'lss 11 conducted by Cal1lorn1a huSb•MI & wile S o fa r a s k n o w n t o t l'I e Cl.tole H11111nci.r Tr1n11eraas. all bu11n1ss nam11 Thl1 11a1amen1 w11 mao wltn the anCI addresses used by Translerort County Clerk of Orange Co.Jnty on lor 1ne three years 11111 paat. ate Sept 10, t982 Feghell'e Auto Repel r, 2175 F1t7179 Newporl Blvd., Colla Men, Publlshad Oreng1 Coast Dally CalifOfnla Pliol, Stpt. 1•. 21, 28, Oct 5. 1982 Oiied' AuguSI 25, 1982 3985-32 GuSllYO Palacio Fernando Jaramillo DEATHS ELSEWHERE NEW DELHI, India (AP) -Sbelk Moba.mmed AIMlallab, 76, of Kashmir, the founde:r of the Moslem Conference poUtJcal party In 1932, has died. WASHING TON (AP) - Dem. Ad•m Beajamha Jr .. an lndiar.-congressman, 47, has died of heart di.ease. Transler-Publl1h1d Oranqe Co11t Delly Pllol. September 1<1, 1982 4049·82 PUBl.IC NOTICE FlCTITIOU• IM.l ... H ..-...ITATEMINT The tolloWlng PlllOflt are dOlng buslnesau: t) A-INSURANCE SERVICES OF CALIF.; 2) SHAW CLAIMS SERVICE: 3) DIAMOND "0 " APPRAISAL SERVICE. 1407 E Cottlnl Ave .. Orange, CA 92867. Apeley In• Service ot Callt • Inc., a Callfomt. c;orporatlon, t407 E Collins Ave • Orange, CA &2867 Thie bull"88S 11 c;ondll019d by a corporation. Af•llY IM. Sarvkle o C.111. lno Cnatles F. Donnell FICTITIOUS BUalHESI Vldlr Lewie. AHi. a.ctr. upon any P01tlon ot tna aurlace and NAMI! ITATUIENT Publlah9d Orange Cout Delly 500 t eel below lhe surface, Tile lollowlnQ persons are dolrig Pllo1, Sep1 7. 14. 21. t982 meuured vertically from the buslnesa as; 3898-82 aurh1ce ot ••Id land, tor th• purpose COMPUTER DIVISION OF ------------ol drilling lor. capturing, producing, BESCO, 3921 S Brt•tOI, San1a Ana. Ml.IC NOTICE 11or1"g. treating or otharwlH CA 92704. naMlllng or ullll.zlng sucn oil, gas or Stephan S Scott & Auocialn, NOTICE TO CR.EOITOflS other nydrocarbon Of mineral Inc . a Cahtornl• COflJ«ltion, 4SOO OF BULK TRANSFER 1ubs11ncu, lor the purpoH ol Campu• Or .. 6280 ~ Beaeh, (S.C1. 81014107 U.C.C.) a•erctll!IQ G11ntor'1 rl{lhll thereto, CA 92880. Notlc;e 15 hereby given lo the as r1tarvael In deeds rec0tded May Thi• bu11ir>eS1 11 conductael t>y e cradllors ol BRYCE PRICE and 17, 1972 In boo!< t9t2 10t29, page corporetlon JANE H PRICE. Traneterora. 657, OlflQ11I Records. end raco<dael Stephen S Scott wnoaa no me addran 11 853 December 27. t96t In bOOk 5957. & Auoci•t•. Inc Congress C11y ot CoSla Mesa. page «185. Ottic1al Record& Mattan Greenberg Coun1y ol Orange. Slete or YOUAREINOEFAULTUNOEAA Secre1ary Ca1tlorn1a 92626. lhtl 1 bulk 0 EI 0 0 F TR U a T 0 A T E 0 Thll 11111ament was llled with the tr1n1ler Is aboul to be m1C10 to NOV£M8ER '9, 1•t UNLEll YOU Counly Cler"k ol Orange County on George Mkllat11n. Transteree, TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Sept. 10, 1982 whOH horna aelelreu 11 3433 YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE f't97111 New11dga Drive, Clly ol Ra"cho SOLO AT A PUBLIC 8ALE . ., YOU Publlsneel Orange Cout Dally Petoa Verdes. Coun1y ol Loa NIED AN EXPlANATION OF THE Pilot, Stpt. 14, 2 '· 28, Ocl. 6, 1982 Anoe1e•. State ol C•hlornla NATURE OF THE PROCEEOINO 3990-82 file proplfly to be 11an1lanec:f11 AOAINaT Yo~1_'.f'OU I HOULD ------------CIMCrlbld In general as All ltoek In CONTACT A LAWTER. PlafC NOTICE tr.CS., 1txtur1t, e<iull>fl'lltll and gOCd 14 l<amalri Court. Newpor1 BaaGh. wtll ol 1na1 Fast Food Rtt1aura111 Calllor"'' 92663 Ft~~:,.~=~· bualnau known as Bun'n Birrell "(II 1 ttreet address or c;ommon end locateCI II 2 t 1 82nd Street, City oaalgnatlon Is snow" above. no TM tollowlng persons •re Cloing ol Newport Beacn. County of werranty r• give" 11 to Its busl=~ HOUOW CREATIONS. Otange, State ol California compre1ene11 or COfrect"asa) The bulk tranaler w i ll ba The baneliclary under said Deed 3388 t C&ll1 d• Bonan11., Sen Juan c;onwmmal9d on Of antt lhe 30th ol Trusl. by raeson ol a breacn In C~~ai:,o..;"c~.?!,7~3881 Calle,._ day ol September. t982 at tO:OO lhl obhgatlons aac:ured 1nareby, ..,.. ..... "" 1 m at Western Mu1u111 Etcrow neralolore txllQ.lted and dellvared Bonanza. San Jua" Capistrano. CA Corporltlo", 14081 So Vorb1. 10 tha underslg"eel 1 '#rl1tan 92875 Sulit 101. Tustin, Celllorr11a Attn. O.Clar•tion or Default and Demand Oeborth Kay Oeva"port. 6 Ardllh Freebaorn ror se11. and wr1t1en notice ol Clnlllar, lrvln•. CA 927t4 Th1111ne last date ror llllng claim• 1>11acn and ol electlon to causa 1he J1nlna C. >.damaon, 1555 Mesa In the e1erow reteued to her1ln 11 underllgn9d 10 sell said pte>perty to V1rde Or. E. •3A, Co111 Mesa. CA Sepllmber 29. 1982 11111ry nld obllgat1on1, a"d 92828 So tar es ls k now" to the tharealter Iha und«algnad c:ausad Thia buslnesa II con<luctld by e TrantterM, eN bUSinesa names I/Id nld notlc:1 ol breach and or general Pll11l8rll't~ 1ddrnses us.d by the Transl««• 1lec:llon 10 t>e recorded May 10. Tiii• .. ':.'!:::: wuay ?.8~'":1 .. -•or lhe PHI '"'" )'Nrt .,. Same 1982 at lnllr No. 82· 1&0e47 In Nld ._.. '"' Oalad September 7. 1982 Olllelal Record•. County Clll'lc ol Otanot County on George Mklltrlan Seid nit will b1 m1C11, but Ste>• 10, 1982 Trensteree without covananl or warranty. F117150 Publlahed Orange Coast Dilly exprest or Implied, regarding Ulla. Put>ll1hed Orange Co11t Dally PllOI, Sept. t4, 1982 poaset1ion, or encumbr1"cas. to Piiot. Sept. 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 1982 4052·82 pay 1111 remaining principal eum ol _________ ,:39::83-8::..:::2:.1 ·---".:::=::-::=:::::;----1111 nota(s) MQurad by said Deed ol Pta.IC NOT!CE Ml.IC NOTICE Trull, wrtn Interest u In Nld note '1CTfTIOU• ltUIMll fflCTITIOUI ltUllHEll NAME STATEMl!NT NAME STATIMl!NT The fc>llowlng penona are dOing The lollowl"g pereons lfa doing bu1ln .. s u · buslneas 11 DEE JON ORIGINALS 3301 OH THOSE DONUTS, 1734 Harl>Of Blvd , &1111 102. sania Ana N1wpor1 Blvd . Coatl MaH, C1 .. provlele<I, 1dvance1. II •"Y· under the 1arm1 of H id Deed or Trust, 1-. charges •"d expenses of the TruatM and of lhe INlll c;r11ted by Mid Died ol Truat. Mt.JC NOTICC •wi&NC>fl COUffr OI' , .. tTAfl Of ULW~A 'Oft.,... COCMTV Of CMAtfOI Tiie ........ . I 1.0111 HltcD .. UON CHIT= All• ILOlll .. NDt"eOM .U Rotll A. HCNOC•tON, •111111M CAii NO; At!Jm tcOTICI CM' INTlllfflOH TO NU. MAL "'°"nY AT ,._.VATI IA&.I Nolltt 11 hereby given th11, 1ubj9't to c:onflrmallon by 1110 •bova enlllJeO Super IOI Coll rt, on OGIOl>lt' 11. 1092 al Of lntrHlll' wllllln 1111 Oma allowed by llw, lllt und•'fl0n41d, .. axecut011 ol tlle wlll OI ElOl&t HENOFR80'4 CH TWVNO, dlc:auad, w1• Mil 11 ptivttt Nie lo tile lllQllMt llld btll nt1 bidder on lh• term• tnd cond1tlor\1 herllnaf11r me'1tlO'*' aft tight. 1111•1. and l"t., .. I of ELOISE HENDERSON CHl!TWVNO. O~Md. at the ume of '* 6ffth and 1U rlglll, 111141 and ln•tt•• that the •1111 hat 11equlfld It! addltlorl 10 lhll ot declldenl al Ille 11me ot n•r deatn, In tna 1111 property loc:ated In tna CoYnly ot Ora"ga, Slall ol C•lifornl1 daacrlbed H lollowa. "LOI 63 OI Tract No 4280 .. ltlown on a Mao recorded 1rt Book ta7. pagH 24 to 33 1nc1u1lv•, Mlac;allanaou• Mepa, Orange County, C1hlornot1 Thi PfQPIHI)' la c;ommonly reten•d to u 955 Magallan Stree1. Co11a Men. C1lllotnl1 92826. Th• Hie Is 1ubJect to c;urreni 11xa1. covananta. condlllon1, r11trlc11on1, ra1erva11on•. rlglltl, rlghtt ol way Vtd eH1menl1 ol record The proper1y It to bl sold on en "as ls" bNjl Bid• or otters are 1rw1teCI tor 11111 properly and must be In Wfltlng and will be rec:alve<I at thl office of PER H TFIEBl.E~. allorn1y tor Hid uecutore at t200 N. M ein St., Sull1 1 tO, S1nta An1, Calllornla 92 70 I or may bl tiled with the clafk ot thlt Superior Coun Of cMliY9'ad to PER H TREBLER pertanelly al any time aner 1ne llrll publlcallon 01 thll notice and bllore miking thla 181o. The propet1y will be told on tne IOllowlng 1arms: Cash or petl caah and perl credit, the termt ol such credit to be ecceptat>la to tna undarelgned and lo Iha Superior Court Five percanl (5•t.1 or 1ne amounl t>id 11 to accompany the otter t>y car'trhe<I check. Eacrow la to be opened wllnln three b1n1el"g days lollowmg conllrm11tlon of aale t>y lhe Su1>41rfor Court 111\d lo be ol 30 oaya duratlo" The balence ot 11\9 cuh part ot 1111 prlc;I or tne b1lance ol Iha price H Ille case may bl lhall be paid upon c;loSe OI 1acrow Tax•. renll. oparatl"O and m11 n t ana nee expen111. and premium• on Insurance acceptable to the pyrcnuer 8"'111 bl prOfaled as of Ille dote of tlle c;lose ot escrow ExpenMs ol examlnallon ol tllle. recording or conveyance tran1tar ta11a1, 1nd 1ny lltla rnaurance policy shall b• 1n11reo bet-1he panles 1n ac;cordance with local custom and preetloe The unlla11lgned raHrvet Iha rlgnl to relusa to accepl 1ny blds Dated. Stpt. 2. 1982. Joan S Hend«tan Co-executor ol Ille Wiii o t tne ebove nama<l daOedenl Oale<I S8')1. 2. 1982 JOhn M. Hendarson Co-Executor 01 the Wiii of lhe above nam&d dece<ltnl Oaled S.pt 8, t982 Per H Trebler Allorney tor Eaeculor' Per H Treblef- McOe<rned, Monroe & Tret>ler Attorne,.-11 law Suite 710 1200 NOllll Mal" Slreet Santa An1. CA 92701 (714) 558--8112 Publltned Orange Cott( Dally Pilot, Sep1 14, 1!>, 21. 1982 4050-82 P\B..IC NOTICE FtCTfTIOUI el.l•MH NAME STATEMENT The followlng P41'S0"t ara dolng t>ualness as ONE HOUR MARTINIZING, t5084 Golden West Ava Waslmlntltr. CA Vietor C Leung. 27t2 Pam Pl , W Covina. CA 91792 Brenda H. Leung, 2712 Pam Pl . W Covina, CA 91?92 fllll buaine ... IS CondUCll<I by a genar11 1>•r1netshlp Vietor Leung Tiiis Slltement wH 11*1 wtlh Ille County Cletlc ol Orlfl98 County on Sept tO, t982 ,1t717S Publleheel Ora"g• Coa•I Dally P1101, Sept 1•. 21, 28. Ocl. 5. 1982 3983·82 fltB.IC NOTICE "1CTITIOU9 8UIMH N.AMI STAttMENT Tne lollowrng pert0n1 Ml doing bullnHI as. M ICHAEL SHER M AN ENTERPRISES. INCORPORATED, 8100 w Coa.sl HIQhw•v. NIWPO'l Beach. C.lllornla 92883 Mlc;llMI Sherman E.nt.,prl- 1 n corporate d , 1 Ctlllornla corporallon, 6t00 W Coatt Highw1y, Newport Baadl, Calilornl• 92663. Thi• bualnass 11 eonduotao by a c;orporallon. Mlcllael Sherman Ent..,n-·~·ad Tllll lllt_,I WU ltled with tM County°*" or Orange CcMlty on 0ac 30, 191 I. f11'1727 Publlthad Orenge Cout Dilly Piiot, Sept. 14, 21, 28. Oen. 5, 1182 4054-82 NRJC NOTICE CNDIANAPOLIS (AP) -SeGt111ry LL Gen. C l eo Garfield T11111tat-1 wu filed w11n thl CA 92704 92627 01a"0na Brown 209 Waka Richard 0 llal, 19645 Forest. Coale Mau. CA 92628 Surfbreaker Ln • Hunllngton e..cti. Said sale will be hakl on Tuesday, September 21, t982 a1200 pm. at 1118 Chapm111 AYll'IUa en1ranca 10 Illa Civic Centet Bulldlng, 300 E. 8TAT!MIMT Of' ~ Chipman Avenue, In tlla Clly ol Of' UM Of' flCTTT'IOU9 Browa 102 one of the last County Cleric ot Orange County on • • Sepl 10, 1982,. Robin McElrlYy, 17220 C1 92848 I u r v I v 0 r I 0 f t h c F11'7112 Newlle>pe s1 .. Sulit 223, fe>1.1ntaln Tl<I Stub•. 18101 Wellbrook Valley CA 92708 Cr • Hunllngto" Baac:h, Ca. 926'17 Spanish-American War, died Publlahad Orange Cout Dilly Saturday. Brown received P1101. S.01. 14, 21. 28. Oct. s. 1982 \he honorary rank o f 3962·82 Thli bual,,... It c;on<luoled by a Uoyd l/lerra. 17732 Butll' Cr .. ganarll p1rtnarahlp Huntington 8NGll. Ca 92847 09.,,,,. erown Thi• bullneu 11 ~uc:lad by 1 four-atar general several yeau ago from former President Gerald R. Ford. ITHACA, N.Y. (AP) -Lewl1 H. Darland, 74, treasurer of Cornell University for 25 years and a director of 1eVeral banks and Industries, hat died. LONDON (AP) -Sh Doaf laa Bider, 72, Brita n'1 famed legleaa World War IJ ace fi,htcr pilot , haa died o an apparent heart attack. S.der waa one or the BattJo ot Britain pllota who stopped Germany Crom aa!nint air mainery. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Av iatio n pioneer Aotbo1y 5tadlmu, 96, hu dlcd. Stadlman becam sup eri n tendent or manufacturing at Lockheed AJ1Cr1ft <:.o.rp. In 1927 and worl(ed for Hort Amerlcan A.ln:ra(' Co. durina W orl.d Wer ll . ruBllC NOTICE Thi• 11111emen1 wu n*I wltn the Hmltad partnenl\lp. __ Ft __ C_TlTIOU...,--,-IM.I-... --.-,--~~~oc~:' Or•noa County on Thia ,,::=t ';~*' with the NAME •TAftMllNT • Ftt7t4t County Citric of Otangt Coun1y on Tne lollowlg per1on 11 dolnj Publlth•d Oren~• coaet o1uy Augu11 27, 1982. bu•lna .. ••: A) A LEED Pilot, Sept. 14. 2t, 8, Oc:I 5. 1982 Publl•h•d Orange Coa:t'= :;~:~zs~~~~1~;;~,s~~~o°i1----------3999 __ .. _2 P11o1 Aug 31. s.., .. 1. t4, 21. 1982 WETSUITS; E) POINT WETSUITS. Pta.IC NOTICE 3837-32 221 Mein Slraet, HuntlllQton 8"c:h. 1------------CA 92648 'lCTmOU• MIUIEll LOii Jeanetta Brown, 301 ...._ ITATl•NT Robin Hood L" • Cotti M .... C>. The lollawfng ptttanl are doing 92627. • bualMM II . Thi• bu•intN It conducted by an J A a P e R a T R t e T ll'ldMdulll. ASSOCIATES · 1, 14081 YOfbl St. Lolt J 8tOwn ir127. Tuatln, CA 92880 • Thlt 11118fl'ltl\t wet tiled with Illa Cfllg Boardman, 393 SunrlM County Cttnl of Orenga County on • eo.11 MIN. CA 92627 . 6ap1 to, tN2 C•Mn Ontl(e, 1$9$1 Piigrim F11'1111 lrcla, Huntlng1on Boc:h, CA PubllelltCI Orange Coaal 01lly 2'41 Ptlo1, 8'9t 14, 21. 21. Oot. 5, t982 Paul Schmlu, 34G2 Bravata Or .. 3944·H Huntington 8dcll. CA 926'19. • Tiiie b\itlntM la conl.luc:tld by a .,_.,. 111nT.,." el partn«elllp. ·~ nv ~ C. W Bowdm111 f'K:TITIOUI eut..... Thia 11tt-t -lllad Wllh Int NAiii ITATl•NT Coul'lly Clertc Of Orange County on Th• lollowlng pereon la doing StPI 10, 1981 ,,..,.1' t>Ullnet• ... ACfl AOENOIES 2'301 PublllhtCI Oreno• Cotll D•lly Enttnt<I•. Ml8lfon Vjelo, CA t21M11. Piiot, S.01. 14, 21, H . Oot 5. 1912 rtenll George Nuyane, 2430f 3982·82 (nttnt<la, MIMk>n Viejo, CA "",. Tiii• bi.ltlfllM It condUClad by An lnclMOuel r r an11 o Nvyefte TN1 llatttMfll '#It tlltd With 1t1e County Clark of Oftl'IOt County on StPI •• 1982, Ptl'POll P11bll11t-C1 Or1nga Cout O•llV fltlot,lept. t4, 21,28,0et I . 1tl~ 40tM2 •' Nil.JC NOTICE 'tennou• auaMH NAMEITAnMENT Tht IOllOwlrig per1on1 aro dOlng bullntM .. , CURTIS & VACCARO, Orie NtWPOfl Plac;e, Sulla 1010. Pott Olllct Box 8708·818, N1wpor1 Otech. CA 92660 Wiiiiam M Curtle, 439 v11t1 Suert1. Hewpor1 8-Cll, CA 92MO San E. Vacc110, 2581 CrHMaw Drive, Ntwoort 8e1ch. CA 92683. lr,wf" L Kwlll•k . 529 PromohlOfY Drive WHI. NtwJ>ort 8aach, CA t2600 Thrt Wtlnttit II concklc;lad by • gtnlllftll)ttl~lp WllUern M Curtia Tlllt a11temenl WH 11*1 Wilh 11\t COU"IY Cieri! ol O"'ICll County Oii SIP 10 1082. "f1t1t Publlalll<I OrallQI COHI Otlly Piiot, t.ci1 14, 2t, 21, Oct. &, 1M2 You obn't ~ a OUl'I to "draw f .. t" ~ yo_u plec9 .,, Id In IN Delly Ptlo• wane Ad•I O&M now , ...... ,. oranoa. ca111om1e eu .... 11 ....- At tlla tlma ol lh• 1nltl1I Tl'I• lollowlng parton haa publlcallon ol this 110llce, the lotal 1b1t1doned Ille UH 01 tho Flclllloua amount ol the unpllld balance of t~ Butlneea Naint; obllgatlon MCUr9d by Ille 1bova SOUTH COAST ARM"f·NA\/V C!Ucrlbad dted ol truat and SURPLUS SALES. 2484 Ntwp~t astlmetad cott1. up1nH1. end Blvd •• Coll• MaH, Calllor"I' advancet fl $ 122.,888.24 92621 To dalerml"e th• opening bid. The Flct111ou1 BualnaH Ntmt you may call (714) 937-0986 ralarred to above waa lllld In Oat•· Augull 23. 1982 Orange County on 11 /14/79 fll• T.0. seRVICE co No. F12M09. •• said TruatN. MIGhaet Jerome Shlrm•n. 1650 8y ltalll'-1 M. Patrklk. Parle Newport, Newport Baach. Alllslant Secretary Oalllornl• 12860. One City Bouleverd w .. 1. Tiii• bul<inla we.a conduct.CS by Orange. Celllornla 92H8 111 lndMdual. C714) 835·8281 Mk!flatl J Shtr~n Publl1h1d Orange CoHt Dilly Thia alal-t w" Iii.cl wtUI Illa Piiot. Aug. 3t. Sept 7. 14, 1982 eouniy Cwk ot Of•l'IOt Coun~ on !Ul/lfl.82 DeG. 30, tlHll. ---,,...-,-C-NO-TICE----• =--..::... ITATIMINT Of' A8~ =..-:rn C...-.,...... M=:.= .. ~ ......... 8Mell,CA .... TI'l1 followlno pereona nave ttubllthtG Or•no• Coa11 Delly 1btnd<>* Int UM of the F1Ctltl0u8 Piiot., ~. 14. 21, 28, Oct. I , ttl2 Bullllffl Namt: 40ef.tl ECOLOOV MAINTENANCE COMPANY. 18311 8HCll llvel .. 81111• coo, Hunnnoton 8Mdl. CA 92847 FK:TlTIOU9 ._ .. Tiit Flct111ou1 8u11ntn Nam• NMlll ITA~ reltrtt<I to •~ Tiie follOwtng ptr1on I• dolnt .,., r11te1 In Ofenot County on ~ ~ ... 14, 1t12 AAINIOW OLIANIAI, 1114 Aon I . Luc.o, H2t Fry Clrc .. , Ellit Col9I Hwy .. Corona del Mer, Huntington IMch, CA 021•e. ea. John A. ll•lr, 001 Hall VlnlolnMOUh~.11'2 Avenue, Hunllng1on laacll, CA l/MtfJM. lllerman OMta, OIL tt• 12841, ,... ~II oonducMd bl! 8ft Thll INa!t-. -condUc1eel ~ t ~ oen-at penntt1lf'llP. v ~ Aon E. u-o TNa ....... " ....... .. Tlllt ll•ll!Mnt ..... wtttl tM ~ 0... d °' .... ~ °" Count~ Ci.tit of Ofanot COllll~ on """"'11, ttu. IStj>I. 10, Itta. ,_ · .... ltublllMCI Of An19 c...a = fl\lblltlltcf 0tanoe co "' OeliY PllO! ~ •1. 1ept. 1, t•. ~~ Ptlot. ltc>t 14, 21, 21. OCt ~ .,...... Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Tu1aaev, September , .. , tee~ CLAS' The marketplace on tile Or<lnge Coo. t ... 642-5678 74rt o/ people ~yina rt!'tll e1tolt haue • read cloa'1/ttd od• m tM pa.at ~ek. a nohonal 11tud11 'ndlcat~a. ... , ,,,,,, ···············~······ PUll11ttf11 leffHI All reel Nllll advwtlMd In thl• new1papt r h •ullltet to tne '•derel flalt Housing Act of 1988 Whleh m•k .. It 1Ueg1I lo edYtrtlM "1ny prtftrtt't· oe. Hmlt1t1on or dlecrtmt· nation bHtd on race, color, rell9ton, HM or nettonat origin, or any lnttntton to make any 1uc:t1 preference. llmlte tlon Of dlacrlmtnatlon " Tl'll• n1wepeper wlll not knowlngly accept any adll«llelng f()( rHI HI•· It wnlch 11 In Violation of tna taw. 11111111 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. •t•IH 111 laJ1 .••••••.•...•.•....... ''" ,,,,,, •~;;;i·········i·oo; •••••....•...•.......• JISlllE CREEi SUPER IUY Vacant giant 2 Bdrm Je. amine Creek beauty Priced well below merk- et. Gated community, pool, clubhoult, tennis. Mull ... to btllevo. Cell tor delalls. 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ~!!!! / .... !. .. , .... ;·;;,; ~;;;;{ .. ~ !.•l!. •• • • . . ~ .. !!!!. '!.'. !. .. ,......... '!.'.!!!!.('.'. .~ .. i.·.. . . . . . ¥.'.!!!!.(-I.!. .. ,......... '!!~.'!. ,._..,.t'!.'!~... •• :;;;;/!'!!'.'~.'~:rn; ,.,_~:-.!;·~~~!·!;:;;1,~!r-.¥~!!'!!'!!1._., .. !.!~~ ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . ................ !.~! ~·.a.!~~t ........ !.~1 f"tt.!!!!, ...... /.~~f !'.'!r.!l.f!t!! . .l.IJ! •;"~ .,.u '° ······ .. ··1·1··,·,··L·a······· f!!i:1~·c;,-;;:;·bci:; 8ucH·~·o6AL..2i,; ·;~1~ L'H I.LI 11 •• E. T h••ertta Ill. 120,000 DOWll •• .'! •• !.'! ••••••.. }.{.. be. lrl)I. micro, bak:lonle-ger, IP•. bH·lne 1676 AHL 3 l>Grm. 2 bl Sip din BUV8 thl• 3 er BACI( Liv. In ~l>Ofl Beach f()( v .... w~ Wt 2 OC-RfNTAL8 760 3'14 Prime Lldo Nord bl.lyfn>nt. & bdrm, 6~ bAlh 11111•1111 rm CoYered Petlu IAV C11armar Nt!W-119,000. 2 8drm t O. In 3~~rm:'."'IY· ntw, ' !i~:~~:.d:~t~~ · Lg• L. R., 2 bc.lnt 1dlp1 $1.~00,000. 8oulll Cout Cenltt, Ad~~1•nd 1H13:f ~ nur POAT addret1 for only prlote comm. Vary JlOOll llULTY utllltlM .. 4-4ffl -· * tfSr "8prlrio1" Poor, nHt H a pin 2 Bdrm, aYa ol3 0343 1 • 1188.000 Jull lllled CI ea n Mu It t et PllOP 720·6012 d1y. ape, carport, .. 95 mo R..·rnodl'led 3 bdrm. 2 both I hu tii.• ~ rm bMlm ('(•lllngii. fum11twd. patlUli $420,000 PElllSULl llOIEI Prlk West &y boyfrunt Shpa for 2 boou rt>mod1•loo 3 1-itlrm, 3 balh $1 ,200,000 A/Cond , owner will work • C AL L T 0 0 AV RAE 875·2742 No P4Jll 782·H22 to"'' Hl.000 ,,,., 1•1•1 1111 --1 ee It I I l'lllllllT Beautttul 4er pool houM l ....... )I JI l 'f) ......... ··············••n•••••• .,,_,,,. • Nvatal bath• rock lrptc LUlllll ),... • • /911 ~ 14000 oownt 3 t ir 2 bl 1 • ,,, .. ,,. llOO 111·1111 gourmet kltcll garega R"llon, 878·8000 no m • on 2 I .) t 1 , • •••••°"••"•••••••••••• 450 3 Bdrm dllacned llomall $ 1600/mo. Act I Hll Call OOll'L 0•2 Ctrt•• lil llll 'UI METRO ALTY 638-7005 In eJCcelllnt ., .. Avtljl· Okr 497-3034 Prime C.M. too 4000 eq •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 bl• t mmedlat1ly II fi ILIFFI IAIUll ft bldg 16,000 ~ft pro-PlcturHque 2Br garden Old Spanleh hou1t on 1800/mo on I yHr letlM IAYFllOIT W/PllR I SLIP •••• ~!!. vou owll the 1and. 2.000 perty. l10001mo ncome. ~nJ~~g• ~~·~7~ larg41 Eut1tde tot 3 BR. r,:: ~~~:: t:.! :!:: Ot-ean & jcuy Views. M urlm• room, 4 bdrm, 3 OPI TOIOllllOW eq It, 38r, tam rm, 2y, 880-15H. 720--0882 1 • huge detecn.d gar. Dirty 11 1 le bath. ~700 11q h $1,383,000 Ckeanfront 1 AAA riaw1 Ba wld• Or.-nbtlt Mat .. 6 ntte11 work V1e1n1 c• °' .... 12·4 ,__. ,. pool. Far below ,,;arkat !!!~!.!!!r.!!l.I.~ c.,11 ""' Ulf $600 mo. Cell Larry or [g. -w A,, • LllDl ISLE llYFROIT Lag0t>n view from 6 bdrm, ~ oolh. playruom, dark rm, den Bual sdip Now $ l ,000,000. 4 Bdrm & dining rm, 3 81 ~ •g~~l~u:r.'.·";~tn21B~ $245,000. Wiii ltaM Of)• Newport Batch 2 on a tot. •••••••00••••••••••••• Oeve, 540· t l68 ~i "'"Mfbrldgt (ape In Mair), plus steam tennl• All for only $H, tlOf'. Bkr. 844·0134 1 blk from Oce1n t2 X Nr OCC Col. 2br patio, 3br 2'Aba nr new fanaed Re•lllj bath, completely remo-900. Must a.ell lmmed. Oroae. Well maintained eory kllch, MORE 1510 ya~d trMa Catt' eft 4 detect Otter yeur trade. PlllH Cllll 83 1·4687 PUnlll lllEEI Walk 10 1l'lopptng. Bkr. OC-RENTALO 760·3314 seo<i. 840-5010. 551·3000 Aeklng $1 ,396,000. 213-306·18 8 OIST& llU Hll •If 411 -lr.11 lllrnnn l'ln'),lnl•• llYSIDE PLlOE J&~~~ ... H&Ln 8•;!!~1''• IOf :~;fi..~~0o~~~.di:~~~~~ IO PHIT ... ,, tre• .... complete w1th 2 mw lllTAl.I Spe<•Ulcular bay front dplx 2 t>r, 2 ba up; 2 br, __ llO ••••••••••• .. •••• •••••• kltch., frplc, plu1 • prt· Time snare. Sen Cl•· OeGorator perfect. •P•· baa 2 ba dn. 2 boot sn."l('('S. Rcdul't'<l $1 ,500,000. "J"-· •·I••' 1~ ASSUMABLE FINANCING v1te trg m1nleured yerd mente, $10M + gro11 cloue 2 bdrm. 2~ba, ,_ equipped chafe kltc n 2 to 4 bdr"'"· etartlng'lat ,... ••• :'!'!..': ••• ~··••••"X? AVAii.ABLE & I prlYata putting green HIH. Tr1da ·Joint Yent· Cape Cod. Poot, Jae, rt· lave, 1800 to $1400 ;.• .LUFFS Co.Do 11,,,1.Ell Welk to 1eh1>0l1 lrom thl1 & 3 car garegt. A real ure • or eall at $1.8M creation 11ree, pvt petlo, rock frplc lncd yard wt 2·11y De r1ne garden Yelue at 1375,000 and w/29"1. dn By Owner balcony, wine cellar & lge rrull tr ... kid• & pet Smgle story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba 3 Bdr 2•,; Ba, YfKY 1pectat hOme With 4 Bdrm•. 2 ea you own the land. Try 1·492· 1720. garage O.Corator well gerage 1o move In HUR· bel & 1 k S .. 0 000 cuetom nome Bergatn end contemporary aty· 10% dwn. Petrlek Teno-peper, draperies end RV IJ on largest green t a <.>. 2., • price. Chuck Sp II tar ling. S22f.,OOO. 844-7020 re, 831-1268 ••STEALI•• more. $1050/mo. Cati METRO AL TY 538-7005 'lflf/.'1..,, Fllll&llS UICH N(·w 4 br, 4 ba, custom Fr~nch Normandy Estate I 'h acre hilltop $1 ,250,000. AYILOI Ft.-e simple oouage on quiet Descanso S t (In Flats) $145,000. COllOIHO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bo y\•dP D••v .. "i 8 1>7S 1>11>1 c,, .. , ''' lla1 I Ola . ...........•...•.•... Su••lt Yt11r tffer Homt+Gue11+1ncome OWC 1st • Flu. Terma 509 Acacia CdM nr bch Spotless Vicent Duplex Huge 5br/3bt+3br/3bt 440K own/bkr 645-7048 LIHO IUL HT&TE Eaatelde Co111 Mesa trl· 548-2239. 10:30 to 5:30 · ,.. I pleK, 8.8 X gro11. 4'0K pm. S AU 860() l.'-3-, /Hf d p I \•oK B UPER SHARP 2br 2ba w;,· ,.,,.,. own. r ce v • Y CALL NOW 2br 2ba w/ iiioii;"iiii:tiaiiii• owntf, (303)887-2887 huge p11110, poot~ld ok S.475 Town .. -me, 2 etw, 2 br, Park Lido Adult Condo 3 Wll ffl la/I laOO g1r, bakot1 kltch $500 OC·AENTALS 760-3314 11.523 r .... ..,ft..,feu-. '"" , Br. pool, naer no1pll11t, •••••••••••••••••••••• OC-RENTALS 760-3314 ---------1 .,. ""'°'"'".,. ,.., .. 11:; 210'hc btl,,t kg0rotf'lne1Mwll. GG0ra01dt Miich. $145,000. Owner IY IWIH N'--3 BR 2 Be, d-. ••oae Dollar 1trttc:tllng value --------:... wlll llelp. Agent 846· 1044 , 1 t 1 H ti """' -· ... 28r 1111 kttcnen bll4n1 Woodbridge-on the takt . terms 551-8058 evs 1 ~ o • n un ngton dot Mar, grdnr, no pets. kid• P41t 450 no IHI roq EJCecutlYe 3 bd. 2 'h ba. Beech CA on 21st bet· $895. Sierra Mgmt Co. METRO AL TY 838-7005 Many EJClrHI $1400/mo ween Pacific Cout Hwy 841-1324 ,.. leas e 552-95 4 9 , ;l~-~60•241v;' 8 In u t · __ OC_·_R_E_N-TA_L_S--i-fi-,-.-.-,,-0-,.-.-8-,-r -Jl-J 4-1 551·2193 or 987·8857 IRY' .. L 1121,100 Ador eble starter home tn lovely ntlghbotl'loodl Ex· eell1 mt financing 1vallt· blo Many emanltlaa ln- IELlm IT Ill HT ... You can own • home In 1·5br'e $200 to $2000 •• •• •••••• ••••"'••••••• Tur t I er o ck e Ke c. 2 Newport Beecn for only #•••l•I•, Dt111t, 760·3314 open 7-d11y1 Neer Mlle Sq. lge 3 BR 2 maatera, don. 2'h ba, $1t6,000 with en HSU· .... ,, 1400 LANOLOROS/REALTOAS Ba, Ytry nice , $750. $1350, All• 844·9080, mabte 30 year loan. Ow· ... •t••••••••••••••••• 673-7638; 963-1377 873-8589 ner la motivated, flextble Kon•. HI. Time Shara Fast tree tenant proYI· 1---------1 ---------1091 DOWll clu<llno 8 fruit trees. c 1111 ,. 979·5370. OetuJCt dupltK -terms to 't >IL I 11 f ,'' ti and open to ell offers. Condos for nle. 1 Br & 2 dtfl. Cell Beet Realty Jr executlYe 38r 2b• 2 t>Grm. 2~ ba townnome Specious 28r 2'A ba Br . Call tor detella. 539-8t94 POO~ home queens kit-1\1111 Sept 15th. condo. with garage and 640-4484 HOME FOR RENT Chen 1725 493·2117 UlllEI llllYE carport, community pool 3 Bd S750 F d kid pet Ok EZ ltfmll 850 Ill your budget. Own all I or part. Darrell own/agt. RE/MAX 759-12'1 (AL T'f' & IN\l('tfM t:Nf'; 2 & 3 8 C a.nd .pa. .'.I ,,,.,' rm . ence METRO AL TY 638-7005 3 bd AYlllllble Now. lge C drm LuJCury on-yard & garage Kida & f.. prlY11te yd. No Pell RESTLINE For our new regular ~~~n~:. i~"do~~I s:~~:~:~~~=· V.~~?,028B~'.~n~ ~~t~oie.: '44·1211 ••• 'f.~~~~/.~ ••••• Y.~ ~;n~°::: 545-2000, BHll•.flO• ::3~~j~o 831-,0 t5: Love nest In tho sky. New weekly leetur11 Cati At ch Own/Agt. mlum toe. Frptc, AC, et-Trede tree-clear 38r, 2811 -~------If ,6 3"40 --------- LOOK 2 br wlftrepl1ce. $70, BOAT SHOW•ilii964-iiiiiiiiii6iii17iii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil teched gar, yd s129, home. An1holm. com· 2 14,.1 2 '• O.••• ..... ~!. .•••.••.•.. ~ .. 000, $6000 down now, 11 304 Ma~old. Lo'tely two 500. Good e11umebte plllt rtlurblll'l • Hmt prl\I petlo. Eaclu11Yt NA BCH NICI 2br w/l'luga W•8•1 lffli Ja41 $4000 neKI year. Owntf CASE •l•YfllllT* badroo • tamlty room, toens. Owner t agt. tenant 10 Y" lor Res. Ea1t1lde. Beeutlfutly patio, novel kltcl'l $450 ••'••••••••••••••••••• carry. 10% Hsumebte. • on 45 fl lot, Just one 499.5775 ---------1 LA. Orange, S. Otego, landscaped. Pool and OC-RENTALS 750.3314 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT (714) 588-0389. Every Saturday In the IO&T SLIP block to the beacn. 011-llAffl•ESI tis coHtal areas, $80,000. ctubhouee. $750 mo. Nu 3200' luJC hm on bluff. EXCH ANGES l~;D;el:t:PliloitiCita:sistillod=s=~ OPH HJLY 1·1 Slrtfll parking tor five WIOIUIHE Thia IOYtly Verulltea (7 14) 988 -2645 or 494.4791 QC.RENTALS 180 deg. YU ot herbor, ,.. 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 cers plus covered car-3 bdrm, 2 bl condo condo penthouse 81 only 385-55" 1-5br'1 $200 to $2000 surf. mtn11. 3br, 3ba, ae- Preclous gam atones tor d 2 RE port for boat or RV AcroH from community 1129,500 with 8 30 yr I Ir. 2 la, 750-3314 open 7·d•YI curtly, uuna, •P• ~:~·:;'~1~~~d~g~~:~ IEW HIUll H gE~TO $4;=~~001 DU· 0~;:,~ ~·t~:~~~~~ltor Park. St19,500. By ow-11 5"1. loen. Great •••11/1 Frptc, range, yard, gar•· Wiit paint Interior and OK· Sl800/mo. 496-7009. Ellllte. Wiit consider HLll& ISUMI &llT llOYIMml 640-5793 675-55'1 t ner. 851-1586 days mounteln view. pool, •••••••••••••••••••••• r · no pell Private. ttflOr ol llKer upptf le< OCEAN VIEW 38r, 2 anything of reasonable First time llatod Chtr· 11ra11-'IWIE• PRIVATE gym. aec. gated. Don't B11u1 F•nlltAH 850/mo. 111 plus sec. move In coats on 3 bdrm frptcs, St075 mo. 1422 value. For e11empte. ming nr. new 2 sty, er-~.1~1117 " mlse seeing Ihle one. •••••••••••••••••••••• only 6~8 W 18th. St house Hunt. Bch area Tetreco Way. 780-8378 Autos, Yachts, Paintings. chl tecturet gem. 4 ~~·~~·~·~~·~~! POOL Agt. Rod. 675-4000. ,,, ... /tlH' 31H 499 • 161 · only. 964·7512 0 1 3 RV's, or equity In going bdrms. fem. rm Quality = L~·· : c~ii·:;·,~·.·ve.:.'A.:v·~; Townhouse. 2 bd, t ~ be, 3 BA 2 Ba Seabury. ~~~h"~~~~~1o~::C11. ~~: businesses. 631-6188 dee t g n and decor WOllH·FllH THIS In your ~wn back yard. 4 • , , WINTER rentals. Aeglr 3 yr new, ~" · patio , Schools. parka, 1hop1, beach/ town. S 1 t 50. TALL 'ID tl'lrougl'loul. Designed f<>f 3 trg Bdrm•. lamlly rm, bdrm, 2~ ba. lnverneu Properties 875-4000 $535/mo. 6 5·0500 No !Mach. Biil oond. $450. 494-6930. gutll quarters. Priced lo country kitchen. Great Model In Turtle Rock pet. 644-1094 STATELY sell $595,000. Seller n-neighborhood. Good 11• Olen Pelto Homes Lota · Wllertront 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1111 ibr quiet tree ahtdtd wd 1---------W•HI Blll1 USO nence. No loan fee. nanctng IYallablt Full 01 privacy. EJCcetlant BEST DEAL IN HARBOR appliances. 1850/mo, cOupte;,, alnglt o.k. 'n0 WNIWE ••'••••••••••••••••••• Glaednt 2 ato~.~me to-144-4110 Pr I c • S 1 3 1 •9O0 ,._______ nelgl'lborhood You owe RIDGEi Be t 3 8 h 673-4106, 673-3724 ,,..t1. $450. 548-4251. Spac t & 2 br, lovely 4 8HdOrMmE1.FO••RecR.ENThome cat In ea .......... 1 area. •• It to yourself 10 ... thl• eu · r ome ..-pint• & 11ream1 1ec Welk Ing dletance to 751-3191 one 1369 000 with Inc red. view In Cute 3 Br. 2 Ba. frptc, 7 3Br 2B• Cape Condo gates entry by phone $900. Fenced yard & g•· South Coast Plaza. Huge · ' prestigious gilt guerded homes from bay. Avall quiet, atnt loc. Clea~ lge r~c erea Incl. gym: rege. Kida & pe1s welco- rooms throughout. Ow· ~~2m_77u4m5 n . $ 4 8 5 M. now. $895. 760-1977. $780 mo. 497•2149 pool & spa. 64&-859t me1 ... 545-2000. Agent, no nar will aealll In the n. -nenclng. Thia beautllul I~~~~~~~~~ ____ ..;..... _ __.;,.....:::=.. &nHOTIYE 3 br, 1 ba, den, petlol, big Sharp 2 BR oondo, 1 1ty, -------- home Is priced way be-1: ••JOllE•T Wt•Ht LIN i•• ar 2 bdrm hOUM avallablt yard, $895 + MC. dep. alt bttne, pool, $550 mo. #1,.I•• VJ1l• 1111 low mer·ket et $129.500. -• -.wr; now. $700 winter or S825 645-3603 Cell 540· 1158, a1k for •••••••••••"~··••••••• Muel Mii lhll -kl'nd. BRANO NEW "~Ollrl of Lovely Fr. Provlncl1I 4 ., •• , .... n.,. 2-1 YHrly Conv toe. Neat 4 8 3 8 COnd Oa'tl HOME FOA RENT 54e-2313 Orange County Town-Bdrm 3'A 811 IKteutlve 211 "I a..a. Bay 875-9867 r a. O, m81ly 1---------1 3 Bdrm $700. Fenotd homtl • LuJCury 3 bdrm home Jull reduc.d $20, 9 a m1HI emenltloe. $800/mo. 3 Br 2 Ba. tprlc Lovely yerd & garage. Kida & THE REAL ESTAT&:RS hom1t1 beautlfully de-ooo to $385,000. AlaU· Cl'larmlmg. claaalc, dt· .. z.... Daye 937-8090, E'tll & home & area. 1 ml. to pets welcome. 545-2000. financing now that you owner wlll help finance.'• 11.521 c·· .. •wofl..,,lkJIAlr iunny. open. ballmtd •••••••••••••••••••••• 3b 2\-ib d 640•9008, 963·0902 signed. quality bullt . and me low lntereet tat ano l ..... m_ coratod, tand1caped. 1••i•Hl• 3101 Wllnd• 645-2439. beactl. $850/mo. Roger Agent. no fee. Juet won't btlltYtl Cell 831-7370, 549-3548 .,. ~ ""''"""~ """'11:; celllng1, copper plum· 4 Br baytront w/dock Lrg. r, •. con °· 1---------1 !'.".r.!!.~!~ ... !.~! now Brandywyne. Pro· • FORECLOSURE SALE blng. 4 bdrm1. 3 baths S 4 0 0 0 I mo . yr I Y • evlll. 10/1, Many lllltraa 5 br. 2 ba, pool, near ..... UOI '41. ft. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Owner anxious $505, $3000/mo. winter. Avall lnclud. micro. frpl, llkt Sprlngdela & Warner. NICE 4rm w/party patio Ifft •oo ~ '""ipeiiirtiiileliiiiiiiiiill,iii53iiiiiii1i·9iii6i70iii.iiiiiiiiiii l:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"i iiiiiiiiiiil lmmecutate Woodbridge 000 9110. n • w 4 9 9 • 2 3 O 0 . 1900 mo. o11ll 847-3803. Lg kllch, lncd yd $425 " • 1.. • Ft. • 1• AYeton. 2 bd, 2 ba. AIC. . 831-7100 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 le Let 12h1 0 UYOllHT flXEI S1:t,OOG HWI couer tot. $18.000 down J.R. PROPERTY · NEAR BEACH 3 br, t'h 1260,000 Bring your paint brulh & 875-8173 yard, stove. dllhwaaher, mo. egtnt 973-8931. 1·5br'e $200 to S2000 * •110 ... & TO Pay. 957.2045 11111 MANAGEMENT 3 Br. n'• Ba. garage, lfg ba. fem rm, 10/1 $825 OC-RENTALS broom to save HS on Spacious 313r + 2'A8a. w 1 lfatA IHI n e• r S . C PI aza . 1---------1 750-3314 ~ 7-day1 Eaatelde Costa Mes• 2 this 3 br. OJCtcUtlVO ranch redwood r> 1110 & 1pa, ··'-~'················ Quiet 2 Br, winter, ·~ btk S745/mo. 833-8162. a Ill IHSE 1121 Br. 2 Be. home, herd· style home In prestige U , otUT YILW handsome brick frplc, Cell Emerald Bay Ally • to be• ch· Ind r Y · Near achoo11. children FOf lea• or ..... option. wood floors, larger lot. area. Lowest price on f.. ' Brdm condo, gated Kira lg :? 1;11 gerege w/ -·u send you I ll1t Of Lido nealty $500/mo 27th St. Avell 1 BR TRAILER. Print•. pe11 welcome. 2 ba, g.a-$1500/mo. 5 Br .• large cul-de-sac atr .. t. 1125. 111ndlt Only $260,000. comm. Pool & 'PL Walk wine colt1,r or dark rm. avetteble homes w/ I"!{ 9/18 675-3148 ......_ yard. no pets. Ut111 paid r 1 g 8 . e Es T RI t y yerd, 9Choole, ah09l)lng 000. Owner wttt finance. Ca II 7 5 9 . 150 1 or to shops Auumabte Mu• t I e I I AS AP amtf'llllel In Emerald Bay 67~7300 On the Point. 38r 2be, 1450/mo + aacurlty. 53M190 f.. nearby. Agent 84&-1044 I 752-7373 lor detalls. loan. Priced to 11111 171, 648-5680 494·1840 petto, winter lee, evell 499"1817 EASTBLUFF Exec. hOme ... , ••••r'le, llHr. ~tit.~m0001·~C1amll1S~ll•1r~onmc1ot!lln!af 111200/f llDOO IOYH r.. ., I JOSI Imm. d $ 7 5 0 I m 0 • Br 28a, bltln1, d/w. new lllllT ... 1111 3 br. 2 bL den, tormal •••7721 fH Ill •• l .. !~ ... 1.".!........ e 7 5 • 3 8 9 4 o r cpll, drapt1, trplc, dbl Lt1ted todey. Kid• ok. dining, 2 frpt1. garden --VILLE DE CERISE ... c1 •• ,.,, 1011 2131792-4810. s .. be-car g•r. pool. $850/mo. Garage. Fl•t BEST '" f). t I 0 . $ 1 2 5 0 m 0 Loa1t/( Jptlon or Purche· •••••••••••••••••••••• ginning Sunday. 23 t Senta Ane AYt. 539'-8190 642--0350. ~=~~~!~!! se. VOt JR n~ 1650 aq. BEAUTIFUL l'M HILllMI Cllll 213/375-8107 2 II Ir ........ _ -3-Bt-. -2-b-'a'-. -dtn-.-n-r_H_lg_h TH CROWN POINT .. SPYGLASS HILL Superbly constructed gated estate on elmost ·~ acre with spectacular views. $1,950,000. 11 .... ., ,., •• • , ....... , 1-l,. (W .. 11-IPll) S.. large ad In Saturday Dally Pilot R.E. sec11on. .,.. &1•1r•th ........ 111-4444 lll-1111 I. UI a&elll A two bedroom (plus ~) oondo with a tabU· loul view of golf COUrM and green bett. Juat re-duced. Now 1 179,900. 111·1• COLDWC!U. BANl(eRa fl. (ptu s dbl garage w/ OLD WORLD TWI OllHll W•••• lf1d 3141 --opener ) O.luKo Condo. TOWNHOMES ••'••••••••••••••••••• Affordable 3 Br+ 1 Balhl Securely done, Ideal !Of Sehl, sa<>0 ---------I GrHt I >ark aide tocatlon, By Howard Matk Co. Approa 2400 lq ft e a. Immaculate woodey cnar· mod9f'n kltctt. S825 kids k Id . 8 EST t t e 11 a I 64&-3532 nOKt t•, 111 •hopping & from $159,000 Wiii Mii I Last lot left mer. Reoently remodated ok Flat BEST 539-6190 539-8t90 4 ll 2~ IA LINDA ISLE-LOWEST PRICE -A STEALI A fabuk>ue VALUE fOf only SHS,000 end owner rtexlble on terma end condltloM. Submit exchang•• or terma or CASHI An axc:.pUonal WATERFRONT home on IM legoon with a prlY•t• 2-etory r .. ,.nce tor entertaining large groupa or d•llY living In 5 b•droom• -+ formal living room, large famlly rm. with etep-down bar on the water, epeck>ue patto I much more. Cell for detalle a lnvffl now before the p rlcH go UP. Pltrlallp for large yaohl . IN FORECLOSURE Drtwt by 2048 Palomt, oft 20th II. near lrvlna Ave •.•. next door to Newpor1. OrHt potential -lerg• lot -room to expend Ihle a bed, 2 ba. A family ntlghborllood. Oall for detalle. Try t186,000. LAGUNA -EXCITIN~ Tol•lly prlwate grotto PoOI 1urroundtd bJ nMltJ ~ Kt• Of garden• ... paret• epe, waterfall a a.,.ctaculer VIEW. A unique "Chrfe Abel" i Md. ~ den homt. OM Of a lllnd paredl .. I •uoo.ooo. UM400. Wl\llRI RO!\ I llOMf.~.1" 11~\l!lllC" '-'..,.,, Ht •t•f'-. t•rn,...th \t,..._ •• , .. "' 2U"' t.-...t ti•• 'f'• .... tl ,.,,..,. .. 831-1400 :\15 "l•.-tlW' \u · ,..._,.,_, the11111·1, tncl all 11mtnl· 495-3244 760-9355 right on beachfrontt A and redecoreted. 2 fM 1---------1 RARE BUVt Cell eves t t I King Illa 3er 28• frml Fem rm. $1250 IN ties. (J PPOf'lunlty to 11111 "" &. -• • bdrm. 1'h ba nc ud ng 2 Br with gafage kid pet dlo rm plc1ure window &44·8053 own e rsn1p w/quatlty '!.~!!.~!:' ••. !.~! 492'""964 Sen Clemente dining room. La'1l9 IOO· ok. Flat 1400'1 BEST • home w/tu 11Ylng1 OILY •--11 •-1 JllO ny dee~ ovtrtooklng ca· 539-8190 fee .~ETtlt RpaldO RwonLTYt !~7500255 Eutbluff 38r, 2ba. AYlll 71 ~1 631 _505!i or ~ •• ~••••••••••••• nyon. 3 bike to beach--------"" fee........ ~4o0~9s01t90~0rn/l m• o0 r . 6'42-2 000 11000 . PERFECT STARTER and llOftl Wlntet rental u .. Mr• • Ir 1141 v -" STEAL IT CONDO $850 per mo. Flat. Situation for famlly A geml Sparkltng tBr a31-0836 u k IOf Elaine DOWI greet So Coaat Pina 497-4503 2 beth1, aate toe. r.. et .~ldsET'RokO gatLTYage Ju!t7300905 LIDO BAYFRONT n-4 Lo... dwn essume loans. to LEASE OPTION this IOc, baeh unit w/rtc rm. Atmoet oceanfront, wtntw BEST Alty 539-8190 f.. .., ~ 63.,.. 3 Bii 2 Ba/Ag1. Fred Te-11'larp CLIFFHAVEN tennis, pool, ape. $8,000 rentals 2 Br duptu fee Br. 5Ba.12960/mo. n 0 I' II, 8 3 1. 1268 0 r homa. 3 Bdr " den. 2'h d5w52n··2000Prlotd. 75t20,.•,.17 Agt. $77 .. /mo'. 2 NBr .. OUlt RE.NT TO OWN: New 28R 831·3871. 875-2880 63 1 2111 8 ASSUME 1120 000 "" v ., " 2•,;b• condo. Call Rich Premium 38r 2 mllr ba H bor View H car • 1:t with LOW DOWN. • 1850/mo. Parking, P•· Ownar/Agt ff.4-e171 .~oo1E.TRpoolO RLkTYldl f!!.•7500955 :.. Mdt 3 er,C:::iy ""-fl ~tf. &lllll&llE YlJ 1182,000. CALL TODAY. INVESTORS ttoa. beau tiful YU . Ou1llty bit 38r 28• "' fee ...,.,.. LNat 11150 644-8977 l')n this 4 Bdr home end A A E A 0 D GERS $5000 down & 1200 mo. 844"1649 evea. bit-In• 1undeck Just 600 1 >wner wllt help with ed-negetlYe cash flow IOt 8 Emerald Bey 3 Br, vu, MElAO ALTY 83&-7005 Malntnot free 28t full 3 er, office, den, country I Jltlonal financing. Full 39r Iba agl lamlty dtt•· quiet •t. $ '200/mwo ,.. 2bath• kids/pet gar 500 kltch, frplc. 2'A ea. 2 car 1 >rice $132.000. Don't ched home. Rich Own/ Catt Emerald Bay Alty 1---------METRO ALTY 83&-7005 ger, W/O nookup. ger- ·,valt, call 979-9870 now. AQt 994,.9171 494-1840 •3Br, Twnh1t, nr S.C. ftt dener, nr 1cnoot1, no .~ 'f >ILi 111..·11 'l ti IHO Plaza. pool, epa, gar 1---------1 pets $995. 1-837-1458 Of iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ••"-~•!'•••••••••••••••• M~ll ... tA 1111 $180 mo. No P•tl. Ill • llO 548-6026 UYRllT WINI I IEW OMNI l.ioo iS.:e·:;·t,d;;;:;;,; 752.sa22 Frm1 dtn1ng 2 t11e b• -e-1u_tt_1_3_b_r_2-~-b-a-fa_m_ II [ .A• • • \ '• • ( .... ~ -.,i l t.f T '~ 'Oesparate owner • must Mllllr trade. 4 bdrm pool hOmt In Back Bay area . Prieed bttow recant ep- pralsal. Low lnternt tit. $50,000 down. Open to 1111 offers. Catt 548-8474 Of 891-8056 PIP. Ylt• at ltt11, ltlt OlfJ Uatm MESA BLUFFS CONDO Today'• batgaln, tomor· 2 Bdrm1, 21,\ ba, low rm. 4 ea. $1700 mo. 5Br hOUM ldtal 4Coll :J~6~ivok J~5 rm, greenbelt, pool. row'• treuurel Nice big down. 10.75V. flnanetng 1tudlnt1 Of aAnglee 850 fee $ t400 mo. Agt M-4-0134. llvln" room with flranta. avall. Call Rich Own/Agt OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, METRO ALTY 83&-7005 H•.,.. bucf1-etoee 4 br I et, big maattr bdrm -;ilh 964-6171 1 8 a S 7 0 0 mo. BI II lae SUPEA HOUSE Enormous -.-' 11raplace and d ining Grundy, Rttr, 675-6181. 2 BR 1 ea. 1 car gar, 1ge 4 Br delioner kltch 8751 l:.d~ ':'1-lne, $900, 'f' room. On quiet canel. OIA11•HI111111 Beautlful home for quell-yard, $650. METRO ALTY 83&-7005 (2 13)378-4509/3~ $360.000. ~·:.1·.:··;,············· fled ptflOnl, gracloul II· 873-o188 fee Herber View Home. 2 er. .42•1200 11111• '1 •l~H vtng. $2500/mo tee 211 •llA 111 lal1 llH 875•1530 Ill • Ill • .,.. dan. 2 Ba. 11250/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• Garaoe your car Call now 8tlng the kid• & petal 840-8189 or 831-3985. A PETE BARRE TI . REALTY Ulll& ltlU Winter. 'h block to beach, METAO ALTY 83&-7005 Ult re m=n beach Herbor Ridge leut 4 8t 3 8eauttful 24X84 3 BR 2 2 Br. 1V. e a . 1mple r.. METRO RLTY 83&-7005 Ba.belut.d.cor.3600n, BA, 1ge IMng end dining perking, famlly pref. -·... ,_ pool, tannle, OWl'd gate area. Kitchen opens to 1575/mo. 1·766-6059. -• 12500/mo. Bob Of oo...i. tam. rm. Corner lot Outetandlng 1 6 den, 2 LANDLORD doeen'I care 4 +a+••• Koof:• Agt, AEI MAX 5.40.5937 ea. aundeott, fOf t or 2 abOUt moneytl Sa)'I ren1 Blt•tn1 kld1 pet• garage 759· 221 11000 IOWI l>'flOne $760/mo IN 1 thl1 38r 214 Ba eu1tom METRO RLTY 838-7005 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii reduced to Mii by owner.1~~~~~~~~~ I 162,500. Contact Linda I: LEASE OPTION 3 edr P&ll Ulllll yr. Lois Miiier. egt pool houM, gourmet kit fM ..... - Baird . 955-0280, 850-9903 Land1Cae>ed cetner lot. .. .. 1_1288 formal dining, rock trpt ••• *fllEOllllll* back bay charmer w/ Furnlehed. t bdrm "" deelgner decOt thrvout 1st MYI• WT (.u LUii • HWI n1 Newport addr-. All\/· StalnltN twin trey 1tnk1, Winter 3 BR 2 B• upetaltt Meny more EXTRAS Xtra large 48r 28• 2BR. 2~8a plu1 den. Owner wm oonlldtr 2nd Q'~0~1:!~RJ'J·a'e1~~ dl1hwu11er. 110~. com• unit. 1876 mo. 1360 dbl garage kid• pet• 825 Community pool. epa el~ fOf 3 yrs. 3 er 2 ba p1otor, air cond. pink . 876-3504 UNDER MARKET METRO RLTY e30.7005 and tennll ~tral ~ Eaatllde. St59,ooo Agt betllroom. CUTE ANO '9nt....,~ 537-4970 fM cor. 1976/mo. YHrly ,54s-9264, C O l V . I t 2 • O O O . •••HI lf•linlu• Large •rm famtly etantr ---111--.-4-11---1 IH .. ·no pet1. Sandie. '==' ~Ii'~ .I\,.'_ f) c be.• ~.. HLY ltf. HWI 1_94_s-_ee_1_4 _____ ;;••••j••••• .. ••3;;; 1 m11r Br bit-In NOW 300 leel th•n 600 mo\188 you Fix. &44-4200. ~ ~ ~· 'O ~<r>:J -A New In town? Clasallled •• !~~'-••••••••••••••• METRO ALTY Ne-7005 In 28a nlot 'tlew big ._~OAT a. -58 • 2'hba, 1908 llf, -can.....,...,,., --t m•ftw -111t•• • fee =' tlo • ..-. ~Mar.nab -lr~ine 1189,500. A11umt In, Reed thecl...mtd • ...., r--.. _ -·· •••--tr pe mutt-· •::'":'° ,l";"" _'! :: OWC balance. Prine the beet deefa tn -:::::. of your naedl. &42·6e78 tYella blt now. Prlc .. 3>eA 1~ bl dpbc, SA H9tt, M 0 RLTY 83&-7008 ._,....._._._.._. only. 5 44 ·8390 & mentrentall.842·5e7e 1• .......... '.'.• .. -.-.-....... J.~.l rangt flom 180Q to ·tnodyard.gar.M30mo. fee 838-9851 .-.-.~;. -· S1800. Call tot d•t•ll•. 2oio1 B 8 1rcll St . ---------.---1 _ ......... ,._ I IE l E f II I Ocietnlronte a't1111able.. _w-__ 1_t_21_____ • ~ -· OOUI YllW CUetom t>ullt proteeek>n HA"IOA v11w HILll • ml& Ill& I I r r I 2F B,,drm. 2, .~•th CondO. MUST SELL .. '"i::.! .... I cu~..-!'-.!,~~'!,_ f= :",:'or':.~~=~ :r:· y~~.~ ':o.19~~~ 1111... I I u •men""' and .. o. TIWIMll On Ll<IO P•ftl Of. LG 2 room nloe·~iew chlldreo kltenen roomy O•r•g• 551-e130 • Good rentM lnGClflle, TWo E A z I " ·, gelt. No qu•ll'Ylng with 8d. den. HCUrlly bldo. welCome EZ !«me NOW 700 2 BA houH• In bHtJ r I I I HOOO down. 10.76% Ill OAllYll •.• -1L ..... 12800/mo METRO ALTY ISe-7005 BtrttGhou1 In thll lrg •• .... etda looatlon. 8eMet . l ioen program evalleble. • I.&' 350 tee +2 + trpla + pr ~ ~tveted,wlll~--. C e lt Rich O n/A"t 2bdrm,2bath,lgemuttrbdrmw/Aoman lai.e1 letU / METAO ALT'Y es&-'1006 ---""'"------• , 5SO lrlde, you n.,-ne i i-:--C'M I s p I T ' I s! •llf.4-8 171 "' .. . tub. lge .. t-ln l<ltC'*1, r•mlly rm, llvlng rm. ....,.. ... By Oeotge I do btli.'t8 METAO AL T'Y .,._~ be putctltMd wt1h adi. . _ Fellow welllflO •t bu1 ltoc>; • IO-P•tlo + 2 vertnda1, tlrtpltce, c•t .. __.ral I ran"" n-•-me, 28r, .. ...,.1...._1 M··......._ ..... Vou'ite oot "' a9t unit fllle ........... ,. I I r I "I IMrned '"' '••11111 ·~to Meed I huoe 2 er. 2 ea. HI I t r I ...... .. .... "" ... _ .. ,....,, ....... , ..... v I I Olnt pr..,...,,. Of ~ • • • -• _, ..__. I 1-• .... _ Orlean1 Condo ce ng, o • o m rrott. Pool. Jacuul, den. view. atlp tor latgt 2 tlte blthl -tral •'c tt'I ow move n now -•aT -de"i elopmenl ..... ,_ .. Oft 10V' ,.., ""'ttd '" .. ' tenn11, 2 c ar "'•r•"•· 0011 courM vie.... 11 o a t , a v • 11 n o w ....... ., 400 -., ... ••• .... ...-------two cat-." 1rple, pool, clubMt, walk " • .. " c:!*e knchen w/blt,.jne METRO ALT'Y ISe-7005 C.tallna & imt. ~ -I p 0 L E" y I to lhop1? Dfl~ by 1141 llOf'tgt locl<•re. much mor•t Immaculate 12500/mo. lend1ea~ .. Ytrd ONl.V --------~ ton n10111 llollt1. New. ~ • \Oono.M wono I I' I I r • ~ :-..;·~-::.: ~~~·,3°,r;:: .::.· Oall ~~~,~~m~:~~:Oo~~i 1d::~ .. ~:n"c'! 2 ..,.-:=~ °""' METRO A~ 836-700I ~*Pa-=~· ~· ~ .. -:=: of lhopp1110. rig ht at .,... ..._ ,._ •ou,. '......,. -I r*1\e4nlng mof1geo-. by 2001 Klng1 "d and fee /ff!m!. ~ -.. ldeel fOt ~ ~'I~=~::: • ~;::.~~"' r r r r r r r r 1 ~~ ~.~ •. ~c1 12•1,000 6J' .......... ..... l·,-c-,.-.. -,-,,.-d-,.-d.-.-r.-,-.,-e ;· ~··~·~: f.::':it '!~;:"~ Me. To sMecit your Id, e UN10AMll gtt. l yerd, '6000 down I JI=•• 1111114 lrlft U1:1. anewer to • ~efvl dOI l eourlty gate . llT ll""9. oomer ot om1 141..,1 and i.t • "" ANSW«~ UJ•m j I I I I I I J J I and payment •Hiiied lll-M11 I garege or yard.., tt'• • AcrOM""' tlll'8 ~ Vtctor1t I L~ A"' QMllllld'Ad-VlaorlltlP .. -. j:ltOgrtm. Cati Atok WtntAdtwp? bttt«wtYlO ... !Tlor• ''°"'llSO.PeatlcMoofl C .M . t4•·1fll, ,,au. ~ Altwn .............. ,,. b Owner/AQ1 ~~ ----.. ........... __ ........... _..... ..;&4:.;.:.:Z·;;M;;,:,Te;... ____ ...J;)::;:.P::•::::~==' =====l·-~.;.:.:;;."1;.:.;Y·~ .... ~=21=eo=·==:lm ... _l_-ll09 __ • .,ae_,_ .... __ . -· I Cl Orengt Ooaal DAILV Pll.OTITuMday, 8eptemb9r H . 1982 lessimml Se ice Direct •• ~~{'!!~I ........... f t!r..1• l!!rht ••..••.. !'111!!!!~ ••••••••••••• ~.~ .... ~·--············ l~~!~'?I .........•••.. 1 ~!~~~~!!I •.•••...•• ~~!~!!~I. ............. rt!!~!!.!!~1'!!~1 •.•••. ~!.~1. .............. • ~~.'.4A!1!ou0~r 1n11nt to 3 vre. mv C.M h•mPoO ~ ""m c .. en. *"-A1f\INA'S· LIVI! IN QUALITY W CDINQ I Cltlll UPI, ~lllOU . Vud Malnl a Clllnup Cullom WOik, Int I •••• Con1u1tallon a Hend IW ,.HLl•t home a hr d•i· Lio Color br~hltn1re, wht hellrc•· dtllV mild MtV, M1lnt Rttntmblt the 3 ~1101 , 1nylh no Call Sod, 1prlnkler1, ro10, NC 111053 7114-8 38 orp11 • 1 min bltKh ofl c1 ol11n1ny. orp1 R'1 R111on1ble, ~II· 1ndy 642 7647 ''" rmvl, dt1ln~. lllM· llo'CI 20 VII In 1111. ttll Made Fr1me1 40 yffrt Dont reroot. repair at !Of. Hlll, Uv/Clln rrne 1 111, •vii clMllll\O 8311-2 t 6 bit . Riek 497-:)070 Hlfb 521·8012 111 8 30 bpertenQ ~,,..6141 1rect1on 01 th• coet Call 30 dey IO ID'l IAIYllm• room 17.llO, couctt 110. HAULIMG 1tuden1 h11 •Ide weedi ng Brien RALPH'S PAINTINO !!~!!!!l.!!IW.'..= LM 157 2190 646-87811 chr S6 Ou11 lllm. pet ¥!!!!~'· !!!!!!! •••.... Simmon• 0.,dentn~ • ~· hvck Low .. 1 1111 686•2253 ___ '"the C M lfH lnl/1111 RMI rtlH ROOFINO RePAIR8 NIU B1byilltlng In my tl0m1, Odor Crpl rep1lt. 15 yr• lT "" lllYltl Cln·upe, l1wt1 car•. ull rompt C1ll 7611 11176 I £~•/ Al' Rel FrM Ill 636-8888 l!D'8 PLASTERING Smell Jobi o k lrM 1111· PUT nr Vlc:IOfll , C M. ut' Oo work my••ll comm a rHld m1tn1 Th .. r'\k you, John • • • •••••••••••••••••• NHI pate.,. •• lnl/IAI mil .. Cell TOM' Chuck ~ 1131.0101 Peraon1I, qu1llllld drl· 648'8&14 lltllH•lt,.l•t. Yllll WIW P11n11nfi our f1mlly 11101-A .. IUCCOI 646-8268 ....... 842·1412 Vlfl 101 yOllr day 10 dav tlon or over 100 i"' 542·6392 No St .. m /No Sh1mpoo GARDENING SER\/ICE •• •••• ••• ••• •• •••• ••.. For e frM tact '"-'· cau PLASTER PATCHING lflllTllY Lovl!'\Zome, ~ 3 & up, err1nd1. Shopplno. dr Cltln•Upl, lrM HIV ROBIM'S CLEANING Hlfty WllM. Attorney 11 lnt1e111 Lie. 346252 rM l0tH•I Sllln 8P1C11ll11. Paet I Ill 661-3998 R .. IUCCOI lnl/IJl'.1 30 FIT O/wll, blf.1111. dry. Fr11 Ill 8311-1682 •PPte. Church, llC. All haullng. 84 I· 10911 P111 Servlc11 . 1 thorouohti law, 553·0200. ................•••.•• 00 IT NOWI tchl, CM 1168·3622 n11d1 m1t By hour or Cltln ho UM 540-08 7 8111'1 Painting, lnllt•t Yfl N111t P1ul 8<16·2977 MOBIL£ SERVICE f!!!!~!t'.~~f!!!! .••.• dly. •114·!1167. L1ndec1plng Ma1nt1n1n-~!!!!l .•....•••..... f!~!!~!~I. ............ Reterllfl•IN-ecrNnl ... .., .... ,. W11kd1v1 111er 3 1111? Reald/comml II yt• tllP. ot, Lawn & ~lfden car•. Joan· 1 C l111nlng Service NO/CM 642-11&52 Vour Oalfy Piiot WM1<1nd1, d1yi, nlf:hll , Cem1nt-M110nry-Block ¥.~~!~ •............. c111n up. t n Jonee. HOUIMI· Aptt·Alnt1lt 6RICKWORK: Smell jobt. S. Cll ar11 High qual & A1LAS PLUMBING 4 , s.tvtc. Olrtctory ov1mlgn1 Lie BHC 388. 836-1810 ,., ••• Olllel1 640-1287 Newport. CO•ll Miit, maten111. Lo prloe. Fr11 H11t1ng. tpeclall.ilng In Tiit Rep,_1111111 Cell Ir-558-<t21 t. W1tt1·Cu1t. work. Lt<:. ORVWAl.1.1 ACOUSTIC lrvtM. Rel1. 6711·3175 111. Ret1. 496-5717 rtp1lrt 845 1688 ...............••..... ' •301057 Rob 647-2683 Rep1lr1, 1ml job epec. t 1 UllHllll WAITll TIRED OF HASSLES? QUALITY WORK -n111, TILE INST ALLeo Ml-1111, 11t. HI Babytltllng, $80 Wiik, yre. tlCp. Bud 552·0582 Qu111t~ Cl•1.•nln~ help le ...... ,. ........... ". II ILL All Kindt Gu111nlMCI Mon-Fri • my hOml K1· OflVff·Palto.-Wllke Mowing, IO~lng, rlklng. h1tet I• 960· 462 ALI. TYPES MASONRV ,.,, , honest. Reft. lie Hl-llH R1f1 John O<I0-112 I 7 trlnl. 646-11145 NO JOB TOO SMALL Will lutur ... Acouetlc 1w11plno • '" 11t1ma· Lie. 3494711 838-3612 207107 Dave 96<1-1045 Wiii' Hfftlt Spoci1ll FrMffl 536-2007 Hlng-T1pe-SIMI 1lud1 lll 845-6737 OIAl.·A·MAll.) Ouellty I 24 hr plumber llC Kitch bath• entrllt ~!hf!.~~.I! ... •••'-"' i.mn• D11pe11t1I Pillo work Lie 389944 1·532-55411 FINEST Kl NO Serv Nr Au Your Phone Clletom BrlCk·Stone Low111 r11e11 Prompt, PLUMBING REPAIRS cu1tom & comm ........•.•.••......•. $35/$4~ ~111-0860 Btoot1.COncretl-8tuoco n111 prole11lon1l1 15 f'rN NI ~0·2082 ~led, r~ltd. juw .. IHHOAU FrM dealjn. Lo price• IJHlritll GARDENING Clltn·upt, Cullom hom" cl11111nf. I Reft. Frll eat. 5411-94112 )'II tl.JCP 848-5684 R1p1p1-R1pl1ce-dreln1 urt d, llo'd . 41 891. GP 8ullnM1 "0oc:t0f" Xlnl r9ll. 117·7354 . ............•••••.•.. tm t1ndec1plng, monthly CUSTOM PAINTING Fr11 HI R111, rell1ble T1H 111•/rt 730-1900 lr11 •llm•t•. Booll•I Data/Word C'11' C1rt ELECTRICIAN-Priced m1lnt. Nell 642·~795 comp1111 m 110 .. ,.,, 01. !!°!!!~r ••••••••.•••..• lnllellt. R"l<l/comm 645-2811 Co111 Mell . ....••.•••••......... right, free 11t1m1t1 on Prof., bon.1ee1 I Ina HPnltl ~'1!!fi!1.hmr. .... Proce111no •..............••.••.• llfge or 1mall lobt. K&D Landecape Melnt Unlcl .. n Sy• ttm• of Npl •A·1 llYlll* Free e1t. Lie. 644-4798 ~!!!~!!!~IL!!tf!! .•. THE lllYIOI 90 Min Ol\·1111 vllll HARBOR TRINITY PRE· Ratld/Comm. Clel n•up. ~ OFF FIRST MONTH $50 e11lt1 time S25hr. SCHOOL. DAV CARE Lio. 3118821. 673-0359 Lite h1ullng. 548-2489 Bch. 850·1200 To~ quality, s~111 care 16 yra up. l'IBICdM. I'm "Tree Work wltl'I a Con· CENTER. Cotta Mesa, LIC'D ELECTRICIAN In 1ndllf1g. 2 y11 111p 1ma11, my price• ere 1clence". Trimming & Olpend1blt, attord1ble, (714) 645·61179 Quality Hou1ocleenl'C'l METICULOUS MORT'S 1111nt11I. Anewerlng Openl"cfi Sept 13. Full Qual: work-Reas retes !'.'.~~,!'!~!' .....•.••••• w/a peraonel touch. M, Competitive Rllll 1mall1 Ron 673-6477 remov11 by Howard ol· 19tVICI , llCllllllll '•"'•" 1nd 'h ay cere. 7AM 10 Free HI. Tom 631-5072 C1rpentrv • M11onry Irv, NB Beth 0 50·0933 No overtime. 730·1353 !~~tj~~ •••.•••..•••• ...,llOME R(PAJRS R£MOOHS loll P.O. 8011 34, Coet1 bU1ln111 11rvlce1, mill •..................... 6PM Ragltter NOW. .... m II srAVIC[ Mita, C1. 1121127, Ph . box r1n111. word proc:.9· REMODEL/REPAIR COfn81' Biker & Fairview ELECTRICIAN Roollng • Plumbing HOUSECLE1\NER ·ABC MOVING-Farthln~ Interior Oe1~n • C1rpenlf) • plumb1nc 842· 11132 •Ing. TllH·FICtlmlle, Flnlth work & door 5511-4335 or 556-7787 Smt Jobt/Repalrs Lie. Drywall • Stucco • Tiie Good rate NB I Irvine Oulok, Careful Service HANG NG/STRIPPI G --- Ofder entry, plOlfS-leall hinging. No lob too b~ 233108-C-10. 548-5203 Remodel J 8. 846-9990 pref Gt1dv• 54 1 -0702 Low retea 552-0410 Vlae-MC Scott 845·9326 lflec111ul f tnahtd ctrJlt!nlry T.-.'.'.'!~I. •••••..•••••• or 1m111 Miki 631-837 'Graveyard Shift' lie child ldOOI~ •mold1n1s 9'abine~ buy. d11k IP-rentll. c1re, lg• F \/ home, **NORTH STAR** C11pentrv • C1blne11 B&M HouMClel 1nlng STARVING COLLEGE ASA PAPERHANGING •\helv1n1 faucets 10 earaet Moll IUb,ectt. K· 14 ANSWER NETWORK f#.'!~!!!#!~I. ...... plenty o f 1tpf rm1 EllCJrlc:al Con tr actor Plumb • Oreln Cleaning Reetonable C111 Bente STUDENTS MOVING 7 yra loc11 up. Guer 01y/1ve 5 & $t01hr 7eG-7320 (atk fOf A.V.) Lie 1w 11rvlce 220 Eteotrlcll • Tiie B1lboo ltland 87 5·3610 CO. Lie T 124·436 cloor s1111n1s 811 or small we C1blnet1 I Cerpentry $6/nlle. 841·227 work Prices 111rt II Mr Morgen 845-5176 ctrculla 24 hr 845-4174 Rel• Oon 1168-0149 lnaured 841·8<127 do 11111 fut tH•clfllt \tr.ice 9~"1.'.'~·-·········· Smelt 1oba & Repllra ChUd Care wlldya by YO Bachlk>f'• Hteeloanlno WATCH US GROWi $8/rOll Alec 751·7027 10 ,,) tlp Av1ll 10 atudente K-12 11tr FrM Esllm1tn 645-2003 creel. le1cher (M111er1 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN G1n contr1ct'g, malnt, & Laundry Serv 1<aren, Prestige Moving Lo"' Expert wallcoverlng IChl or l\llS. HIVI Cetil REAL ESTATE Olgree). Organized ICll· NEEDS WORKI plumb repair. p1lnl'g, 540·2616/1150--0 1192 ltcen~ 183!>?6!>1 Crldentl1I $5 nr Jenelle R111dentl11/Comm'I KITCHEN FACELIFT vitlel. C.M. home nr Npt LIC. 418968 ll<t2·8023 mobile home etrvlce. retaa, rintHllc 11,....101 ln1tall1t1on Reaa prlc ... 951-6067 960-5834 673-19111 RHtv11n9 1111111n9 kit-Jim 536-99571538-3684 PREMIUM QUALi TY State wide. v111 & MIC. Consultant Assignment cnen c1b. w/rH I wood. His Elem. 645-<1857 f•1•lt•1• ••ll•l•A DAY WORK fntured. 543·8<t&2. Cil. 581-8590 !!!~t!! .~!~~,!~I ..... ~r..~!~ .............. ~~~!'.-"·············· Save $$$ nowl 642.0881 Child Care In my home, ...................... by ledy w/exp. I r.111 T • 137.124. P1perhanglng, strlpplnQ, E/slde, newborn & up. Custom Refinishing-Furn 845-425111642-329 (I ~~!!~I. .............. "Let the Sunanlne In" Oflvew1v1. Parking Lot ~!1!. .. !~ ............ & Interiors-All Repairs DUMP JOBS --!~~~/~A.~!!!{~~~ ••... palnllnfc Kint work. lg or Call Sunahlne Window fllp1l11, S11lco1t1ng. PT or FT. 6-45-0327 Cell lor eat. 644·5294 & Small Moving Jobs Boat C1bln11 cloenad. C1-1m111 oba, reaeon1ble Huber Roollno·•ll types. Clean!~, Ltd. 548-8853 SIS Aaphll 631·4199Llc Remod & additions. ''" C1•t11tl111 l#•t1ll Cell MIKE 646-1391 ter for tripe. A· I rel s. NureH Aae'I for home rates • Refs. Free HI. N-·recover-decks 20% onthly Olecount design & 111. Qu1I & low ···········'·········· ~!!! ... ~~ ............ 6-42-3047 or 6<16·4640. care avall. lmmed., fully Brendan 968-7427 Uc. •411802. 548-9734 Oen Hellberg Gredlng rates. Steve, 752·9556 1 • .1. liffllu I lea HAULING-GRADING --Ins 538-5863 Vickie, lntltKI AHld/comm'I. & P1vlno Co. Res/coml. TREES demolition, clean-up. J,.,,,,,., 1·921·1060 r~~~ !!~~!~! ....... ROOF REPAIR Free ell 200/e monthly Uc: 397804 842-1720 CUSTOM wood p1t10 co-Lie:. 306888. Remodll, Topped/temoved. Clean Coocrete & tree removal. ····················~· SPECIALIST $25-$185 dlscoont S.C4-<I 798 ver1, decks & fences by Add'n1, CablMll. Quick .. ,v 642-7838 Complete l1nllor111 ..,..~. !~~!!~I. ............. **SAVANT'S** Free etllmlle 770-2725 ~.'!!!!!T! ••••••••••••• RANDY 641-0622 6-46-8586/645·4e.4 4 up, l1wn renov 751-3476 OH, 111lned 11111, bon • Wallcoverlng Remov1I PROF SERVICE ded & ln1 Un1c1e111 FllE PlllTill All Types. 842· 1343 VHENRY ROOFINGV' ~~~~!~.!!~!~A ...... Pereon11tzl0, low cost le-~!1!.'.~r!!!~ .••••••• ADD' NS/REMODELING TIE HEH IOHE H1u11no • yrd cte1n up Syatama or Npt Bch Sh1ke-Shlngle·Comp gll lerVlcet: Ind., lamlly, Plans. Lle'd. Georra l1wn-troe-shrub ln1tall Quick & Clean. Free est 850-1200 by Richard Sinor Lio. ,., c.,. Lie 415232 548·6213 STOP! bual. lnlll1I cooaulletlon EXCEL CARPET CARE Pilmer & Sons 646-814 Tr" trim/removal 873-05<18 280644 13 yr1 of nappy •••••••••..•.......... frM. 553-0290 Jeck Bulflngtoo L1wn Malnt1Ro1011111ng CadllllCI 10 Go-C1rt1 ' locll w1tomer~ C.rtllled House Slltert Are you plenn1ng 1 f!lj>ve? He1t•Gler1•F1dlng Owntr/operllOf Have somethlnX: w1nt Free estimate 548-80 5 HAULING & CLEAN-UP Whllever tl\1 F1d ' Thankyou,8 1-4410 Bonded. S 11/dey (every crasalfled ads will point by SUN MASTERS Olvor~Support Chino• Carpet, uphol, area rug to Mii? Clusl •d• do Ydatgareg••· Prop. mgl Roll 'em off the market 3rd wk free), 631·1234 you In the right direction High Ouallty Guerantled All F1mlfy Metters 631-09 3/831-0865 Turn to tod1y'1 clasallle<I cleaning. Work 9u1r. It well I Cell NOW, Have aomethlng to sell? Wllh I Cl111lfled Ad tor tne best buys . SELL Idle Items with a to find the home you Home·Auto·Comml-Boat AU'y Kotfroth 8<t8-4375 Free Est. 645·1771 6<12-5678. Clasellled ads do II well. c11ulfled Ade 842-5878 Cell Nowt 642·5678 642-5678 Ollly Piiot Clasallled Ad need. 642-5678 CALL 631·4720 . t:=, .,,,__ ___ R_e_a_l_E_s_ta_t_e_-_th_e_c_om_pl_et_e_o_ra_n_ge_~oa1~t Market Place I !~'!!!!.¥.~~~~{~~~ .. 1~r..~'!!'°!~!!.!!f!.'!!'!. .'I!-.'!!!!~!!.!!!!'.'!!'!. A7;;.~:::." A,,,,.,.,, A,,,,.,.,, A1111 .. ,.,, A"''U.'i'' l•t•it~I ~!.".!'.1!.!!. ~~!.'!. !.~'!'!· ~!!~'}!.!~.!.~~~~ !.~~ • .,,..,, ... d Jiii lalM ., ... ,, lf1tA 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• lf~!~!~i!~!!........ . .. ~~!!!~!!~!!. .......... ~~:!!!~!!~!!. .. ••••• ... ~' ... ~.!!!•••••••••• Male 35·45 1nr 5br, 2ba Are you like E.T. & wtnllo ··-·*"'················· • l J 3101 ····"················· ., ,, .. 31~1 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 8• 1 hll nr s c Plua/Frwy. phone hom1? M/F Shr Prime oceenfront 11111181 •• !.!~.!~~-~•••••••••• OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br. 111... C11l1 11111 3124 Co1t1 llfl• 31Z4 "•""'''' If• " lge unit apecta'ular' Sp1. S225+1h1re utlls. betutlful Nwp1 home w/ 2 apeclou1 Bra trg plct 3 BR 2 Ba, dpl11, 917 E. By w a e k or mo n I h l••J•1•JI 3101 •••••••••••• • ••• •••• • • ••••••• ••••• •••••••••• ••••"; •••••••••• .. •• • •• ' ~ 641-4913 p t b $435 + It window kid/pet garige Bilbo• Blvd Winter or 613-7873 •••••••••••••••••••••• STUNNING large l Br. * 2 Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Plus, 'J\ Bloc:k to beach, 2Br, ocean view . Walking · u~I 8:2.81110 mo. 500 yrlv. 1700•1750 mo. .S425. 1 br. utlls pd, 417 E Gerden Apt, pool & rec S.A. Pool. spa, carport. bright & 1lry. $700 mo dlatanc1 to shopping & Olscrlmlnallng & llnanclll· --· -------- METRO RLT'I' 636-7005 673.5745 WINTER RENTAL blch. 81y B1lboa No pelt. er .. 710 W. 18th. St. S575. No pelt 752·58:22. yrly. 9t:8-8263 Newport's llnetl reateu· IV responsible Female Non tsmkr 4 BR hn, stepa f11 apt. 1 blk to oce1n, 'A blk 5·47·1155 * 2Br 181 Nair So. C. ---i renta. Avl Sap. 15. to 25-39 ye1rs to share lu· to beech S350. ---------3 or 4 Bdrm, 2 bllh, to 8 a y. S • 2 5 mo. Belulllul 3 BR. 2'ffba. glf, Lrg Bluffs condo. '2 Br 2 June 15 S 1100 mo "'2 Bdrm Promonlo· 875-3231 .. Bachtlor , yearly Plu1. S.A lu11ury Coo·. Laund rm, no pets. B1, 2 car gar wl<opener.I &73-4483 •u., POOL HOUSE MAM· complete w /llnent, 675-4902. $340/mo Utlls p1ld. do, w/pool S575 No 1stll11t, d•P S575/mo. b1y view greenbelt ry Pt Towl\tlome. over· 2 mates to •hr uni 3 BR 2 MOUTH 4 dlih .. , ulllt. 873-4686 lBR COTTAGE Mllurl 675-9562, 6<16-1319 pets 833-8974. 831-11611 0< 955-2522 S8i5. 830.-0645 elt 5. IHal 4000 looka pool S•nd reSu·' bl 1pt, 'A blk 10 ocn. ~l:nr~•plcb~u°Sr =r Small 1 er. c:arpet1, dre-d 11 1 N •••••••••••••••••••••• mi . current pnoto. per-S275 & $325. 673-9127 .. ETRO RlTY 63 ,. 7005 pe a, r elrtge. etovi 'v u 9 pre o Piii. Cleen 2Br, 1Ba. plllo, Specious 2Br 1p1. pvt Pl· * a,t 2 Ill 2 Br 1'h 13• Townhou .. L1gun1 Beach MotOf Inn aonat btckground to ... ... 14261 675-5068 ery 1ectud1d. Utll pd $600 mo. llo, bit Int Encl oar. South Coitt Pina 1,.. at)lte. No pe1 $450/mo 9115 N. ~Ille Cat Hwv PO Bo• 35-B. Balboa M/F 1h1 my Eat. CM llM , '" mo. $475/mo 645-3477 1163-1031 e11e1/wknd1. Cong r • s s Apt 1 . Sec 01 t 1 S 4 15 548-2682 l1gun1 Bch. Dilly/ ISiand, C1UI 92662. P•ll o k l1undry, eto. Newly remodeled 3 br, 2 2 BR 1 81. 1 g11 apeoe, 'A wtcdys. Co11H ''' 11•1 JIZZ 845-8914 646-4687 OCEAN FA ONT 1 BR. Wkly/ Kitchen av11t. Low Roommate to shr 38r hse, $350/mo 6411-7873 . ... •950/mo 2 b 1 b blk to oc:.an or b1y. No Winter ren1111 1 t •· 550 o winter retn. <194·529<t L1gun1 B~h. oon-sm .. r, Roomm1t1 to ... ,,. l1rna .,., • . '· '· pet• $600 mo 9 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• D1•1111•1 JIZI w n er, ~ . ya, ~ ~ .. , .-S7llO/mo. On Ille Penln-l8IM. 714-875-4 142 · now 1vlll1ble. Call WAITtl •••••••••••••••••••••• 730-010<1 ; ev1/wknd1 Room with kitchen prlv. Nr 1111 $3 10 mo 497-3017 2 bdrm, cloM to beech. 1u11. St1p1 to oc11n. .IAOlll IUln Modern 1Br apt, cerport ~lFll!kl VACANT 28r, 28a, 0.,. 633·3743 aho':f:no center & bulll· evat Furn. Npt Beh. S275 mo. J r,.1 3 y 1 3 w Int 1 r . o 71 y s Oc11nlront & cloH to. PlllP llWlllllT or g111ge tor rellred flllLY Am port, $575 mo. EllTlllfl~ M . .8. 962·7520. AVAILABLE _6_7_5_-0_3_4_6 ____ _ :.11<r 1 2; IVS 646-5 O Smell 1 I 2 Br. Apte. lll·l 1l. lady. No pel8, no stains. 542-3697, 730-7166 r IMMEDIATELY 2 rooma tor rent, 111 Ind $350-$750. Yrly & winter. • u P 1 0 s 5 0 0 ( 2 1 3 ) B11utuul gerden 1p11. $675. 2 bd1·m, w. be. N,B, PVI home, kltch. prlv, •Nici & clean <I rm 1 Br 875-5102. NEWPORT CREST CON· 275-2540 Mon-Fri iv.. Piiio•? 1 Br oarege. netr oc;.ean, Sunny uppef'. Vlow No non-smoker. $295 lo •hire wltn prol re· lut req'd. Call bet II and MIV equtpt)ld kllc:h verd 00 B or 111 div Sat/Sun •t. Bdrm 2 Betha $585 very otean $390/mo pell. 811 AMlgos w1v 650·111111 °' 631·7215 eponalble female 25-30. II PM f0r kld1 &palnow375 Winter Rent1J1. 81ch. 1 • eaul 38r, view. ' 398W.Wllaon 2131402-2857. See 11 Sae Mgr.64<t-7118 2bdrm.1'"'baCOMept. 960-81168 METRO RL TY 836-7005 bd, 1nd 3 bd with ocean S l200 mo. Agt. 645-02115 So. of Hwy d1lu111 4 Br 3 831-5583 or 842-4905 24682 Cordob1 Or Apt LOVEL V 2BI ~. 2BA Cn~atlu:o:!~~~ ~~.~~: 3 bike 10 bch Pool & Mllur1 F to 1nr CdM IP! f11 "t e w . 5 3 5 • 6 7 8 6 , Winter R1n111. 2 a 3 81. 2 lrpl". 4 cer ger A. no II.Itch, 5•8·7 l97 111 g1td4ll\er lncl'd 111· last, In 111ch1nge for cooking V1lw 28 2B Con 875-0318 Bdrms, Newport Penln-51450/mo D1trell own/ 2 Br. 2 81 Townhm, yerd, •;, blk 10 boh No pele tee.''°' utll Coosuelo. Wk & 11 hMwk 644•53111 11ucy ~11.!.. S7~i.,::. C.nH ''' #u ,111 tule. egt. RE/MAX 7511-'1221 oo C,~~6~~~~:5~:0 3 9~;; '::5o~on vu. 1v111 Yrly $700 mo t 075-1706 8PM 6 4 1 • 6 9 1 1 • h 0 m e Bveo &45-2:251 •••••••••••••••••••••• P11ye Real &1111 CH #i JIZ4 4~179 LGE, clean 1 e q, bey -NEAR BEACH trg muter 1-760-88 __ 5_11 ______ , •• , •tN d Bl C Ocean view, b11ut1futty 673-1900 ••• !~ ... ~••••••••••• Brend new Condo 2 Br 2 bch, yrly, no pe1 's $495 bldrm. w/prvt bath. u11 Femill roommate wanted Q111•t1 111 l••I 43$0 ..,c;..,. con o o 1 t f a 2 / II i 673 ""7 ''"" of kit pool fem111 pr11 ••••'••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 2~ b 1 • urn. townhouH. rplc, Ooeanlroot Ollux• 2 bd Splclous 2 9, 1 81. $425. • Cir Oltlge w ••t •1t•• "V\I 2; 673·5, "" • • 10 1h1te 1p1clous 3 E Side CM llngll on pVI ~=~Ille, ohlld O~. ~~ pool & p1t10 $89S/mo. 2 b1. S1a00/mo yrly Ir: 3 Br. t'A 81 $475. opener. wood burning t.1ti 3140 WESTCLIFF 2 Br. ·;;;a;-1168-50112. bdrm. 2'h b1. lvll leclllty 111ev ... 11,01tan,1tOflQ8 p1t1. $1100 mo. Cell 6?3-08116 cludln9 utll. 752·11•68, L1undry lac .. pool lrplc. view of atream & •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouse No pelt. Aoomln4 bdrm,2 b1ht1. Co1t1 M111Condo.$27S only $70 873-3600 Ge,, y 0 , c h, 1111, "'·-ii •n• •r.·•~ 673-0681 548-9556 12·7PM. ':..12~1•3r091.• I It· $ 7 8 5 · Oelu~• poollld1 •Ire large $600/mo. 1728 l tedlord Kitchen. washer/dryer. mo. 545-4356 1173 7Tf'1 760-1397 '°'" _. .,, "" 2br, 2 b1, bllnt, dtwhr, Le.ne. 548-7533. $226 no 1111 dep. F h H 8 h 1 Cer lock up garega. • " : E••1•1•1•1•1d••,••s•1•u•d•1•0•.••1•3•:5• Oce1ntron1 1 Bdr. $450 PINE BLUFF APTS l'h mll11 bl1ch. No pet1. 642_41 12, 942•8386 ev lo• ' · · ome. pvt rm CdM $60/mo. .. I I & d N 2 Br. 2 ea. Child Ok, on 2 Br, 2 bl dllUH apt. s & batl'I. S250 utll pd. 770-0347 ... J••• utll1 pd. Nr lhopt I bu1. mo. 0 mo. M ep. 0 the Blullt, patio, view, 2448 Elden Ave. S826 500/mo. 538-8382 Loe sunny, 1 bo' Lido ROOM In happv. lovely 893-11526. 848-4401 1----------C..f!tllUI 3111 Pvt. 646-4631 garege, ;:3~:S';.,, frpk:, encl gar .. 081 ato-mo. 851·8226. 2 Br 1 Ba. up11e111. 1 :NJi~~;!;, ::3~~:vJl'Y home In Costa Me11. •----------roana Pt g111ge, !root drl-Hiti'.iae•;;~:,i;;ti;,;.·4 ... ,,,., 3111 v•. Jl1hw11111er. apl, In· $3115/mo. t Br 1 Bl Apt. child ok. no pelt, Wlllt NE w p 0 RT c R EST $225/mo. 548-2454 FEMALE UCI s·;~v. c~o:~ '.oo ~·~C3h. ~· ~~.· rlmoomly rm3. tlrv'g s~~~~·;·9,:·;·9;~·vtt1~: THE g~~c· $800/m~1-8107 ;T:~~rl;J,",db~i:: .. sc~i r.!0s4!~~~ Agent, no CONDO-Beaut. 3Br N-•• ,.,, 1111111 4100 ~~~~~~ ::i:,~·~ ... ~n '2°b~ 548-84411 '''' """"' pl, ...--' '"Pl & pal t S1000 mo ••••••'••••••••••••••• c .. "'----------bMutlf\11 yatd end JICUZ: courtylrd, V9ry prlvltl. lor IPPI On bch-28r APl·POOll ~ n . SIAUlll ltnL ept In d .... -•ut. quill II. $1550, lncl\ldet ow· N7o Piii. $460/mo ''GOOD LlllllY 001101 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Munl/MC seoo mo + Agl 645-0211S loc Non-tmkr, nr bcl'I & Ollit• ... ,,, 4400 6 3-3313 ft h le 0,.. ...... 1 d P 53,. 8093 llt lB d""' 11 1 ...... ,...... Wl<I)' rent1ls now av1ll. llOl'H $400 mo plus .,. •••••••••••••••••••••• dentr, wlltr ind trelh • •• n-lllTllT Ill sec • v-r ,,._, epa 0 .,.. "'" St 0" & up. Color TV F 4PM $445 9711-72115 " utlll av1ll 11120 cell 1617 Wetlcllfl. N.B 266 pickup. 1161-7717 Buliar• rplc, aleg1nt French Eutlld• S6251mo. 2 Br. mo Phonea In room. 2274 213·831·3202. to 4000 ..,.. It. 11t. noor LIFE'' window•. AC. In home N Bl a CM ..., ... ,, All• JZIO t.1t 3140 11curtty, 28r 281, 1Br 1'11 81. Townhouae, ill UTATE UYlll Bech 1p1, 'Ii blk to Ix ·h. ewport v . . Roomm11e w1nted M/ Agent 5<11·5032 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1BI 1 atudlol. bulll·lnt, lndrv rm, Clf· Bllutlful pllk·ll"t 1ur-aundeck, pkg, yrly $30 0 6<16-7445 3 BA ... s 1-·n I "'I• . , ... ·1~1·11 lttll~ht, no-amk, $250 + •IELllE lfflOEI• 2 ... twnhmt nr o. ••• .,., Yt!AR-ROUNO FUN: 1er. & tludlo Incl Wahr/ port, ylrd/balc:ony. tmall round Inga. Terr1c1d " "'" '" eves 8 E A C H A R [ A C" PtaOA AC !pie D/W "'-111 I k Ilk 1 OK s b 'A ut 1· Oya 642•5446• •It From 1 room to 3 room• --· • • • .... 1u u p11 • •tut· Socia! Actlvltlu dryr. 1110 lncludat pvt pe · pool unken 011 b q, 1 BR-pool-b lock t•> 6PM 1142-5620 From s1.16 1 ,. It. No refrlg, 1tove, pool. tpl, & roundlng1. Terraced D 1, eo t 0 , • F, • 1 club wltennls court a. TSL Mgmt. 842-1603 1p1rkllng lountaln1. oceen-slnote. $350 $84/Wk more. No pela. 1st & lut pool. Sunken 911 bbq, s n d 01 1 1 Sp1cloue roome. Sepa-842•5002 fem to thr 2Br 2ba 2 leaN required dJ. Alt· req'd. LH . Avl now 11 aperkllng 1ount1ln1. u 8 Y oym, po 8' icuu 1' Sptrkllng clean 2 Br l '!. t s di 1---------at or y 1 pt In H . 8 . porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. 1700 mo. Oya, 979. 7100; Sp1clou1 room•. Sep•· Bruneti•BBO'a• Hunu, be1ulltully deoo-81. S416. Ullla pd. Ralrl· ~~neg':':~· w!f::i~teclo: CLIFFHA\/EN -Relrlger11or-Mald-Pool S, 115/mo. Non-smk r •. Cati AM 833-3223 1\111, 775-0380, Mike Oo· rtte dining""· Wilk-In P11ti.t•Plut rited clbh11 I much O•· 2 1m1ll chlldren ok, sett, h0me-llk1 kltohlf'I & Specious 2 Bdrm, p1tlc1, Nwpt Blvd & w naoo Cont I c I Ann d Y • Ex S I .. _~ much more more. From $450 mo. no pelt. 01 h h \ Cotti Men 5.48-9755 557• 1108 ~ 8•8 ,,.10 Airport er11 • IC. u • ,,.,,y closet•. home Ilk• kit· Q fl EAT Incle moll utll too. 1oeo Willece .. 11... oablMtt. Walk to Hunt· • wu •r. 13r1g1 · .---------· ... '" ..,,.. tu. From 226--450 aq. fl. 5 ytl. f\IW. 3 Bdrm. W•ba. Chen &. Clblnetl. Wilk to fl EC fl EAT I 0 N : 549-3421. 3641 Bell St. tngton Ctntet S590lmo. 8<t5-T 8 Vllrly Oil,.,. blaoh, hotel M/F to thr CdM hOuse: 2 $1 per aq 11 Meny 11tra1 cul·d•·••c, kid• ok. Huntlngtoo Centi!'. Tenn 1 1 • F, t • (btwn Sunflower & 3 1p111vall; 2 bd, $550; 1 2 Brm unlvm, S5'/5 E11tcut1ve retrlll 1BR room, kltch-111 & Sho-1,0 br't , 1 ba, lrplC, eun· Cell 557-7010 $725/mo. 11111111 $300 1 Bdnn·U1fvlrn~15 LISS<>nl (pro & pro McArthur). bd, $425: 81ch, S375. 2 Bdrm Townhouu PENTHOUSE. Security, _,, $280/rno. plus MC deck, lndrv 110, 3 blkt Foun111n \/1111y Office dep. Avill 1011• Heidi No pelt. m-trMI thop )•2 Hea l th Cell St u 540-3866, unl\.lm., 1650 pool, ape, gym. $1150. dlpollt. 2306 W. Ocean-1 b h 53601 117e-23llO LA QUINTA HERMOSA Clubs•Seuna• S550/mo 2 Br. 1'h Bl ~117·2336 No Piii VtUltlee frMI 842•8868 6411-4267 front. Newport 811ch rom llC mo 1pec:1, 2500 aq.n. I I 60c 16211 Pll'klldl Ln. 1 blk ...... ,om••...... TownhouM. b•lcon:rr· In· LA QUINTA HERMOSA • 673-4154. Utile Incl. 575•1121 I " Good upoaure. S "'w --..-· a ..,,..,. I bl NEW BREED APTS. T & C..Nmwlu• w. of Belctl. 3 ~· . SwlmmlflSl•GOlt ry rm. oar ,,_.. •. t· 1 8 /lo'" F_... 1821 1 PirllllOa Ln. lblk Lit• mgmt dullM 1vlll lor ·f ,1,,. Knot .. 01 ... 00 Coatt 2 BR 2 81 Nwpt 1p1. w/ good parking, llbert 11.J.,.Ujfll 34ZS ol EdlnQtr ... M7·S«1 Drtvlno Range In• Avtll Sept. drm w " '""'' rec w. of Beech, 3 blk• s. rlllred/ aeml-r1tlrld cpl .., '" view. l1m, 25·35 yrs El rook h u r • t . C 1 1 I •••••••••••••••••••••• r •••••••• &. ••~I 8EAUTIFUL TSLMgmt 6-42·1003 r&oom, pool, Jec:uu l, gas of Edinger .647-5441 2 Br 1pt. utll pd. Sml i 'iwy, NB. Sllpt to Appro11 $376 642·4300, 751-81111 2 .... 2 .,,;• _.. _.1 ,, •p •RT wlter plld. No pelt. belCh motel. 945-0440 not an. Wkly 11te1. 2_. h N 518 •----------""""· ba. penthouM, ••'••••••••••••••••••• .. .. MENTI: S325, ullllUll Incl. Sm. 1 3113 H1mllton. C.M. S425. 2 BR, 2 81, pool, tl4S.0440 11• o. 400-900 PLUS 1400tq.lt tlrtp11oe. llCUrlty, Ver-LUKUry lludlo, ,, .. HBO. s In 0 I. I . 1 & 2 bd 1662 Newport Blvd, 645-44 t t Piiio, kid• OK, no Piii. Lovely 3 bdtm, 2 bl. new Prof M/F 21 to 30 vr• to PtnfhOUM 81ytront Sul· ••Ill• Bldg . $650. phont. mild 11rv, 1p1, Bedroome•Fumlllhld CM 631·7392 ••5 """'"'8 '""' 7•9• c~I• d 1p11 1nd ap IEED A PUCEI ehr di• 3 b_.r·m. 2•1i bl 11, Pitkin•'. Plltoa. 752-11328 $130 ...... ·"""·3015 & Unlurnl1hed•No B1ctt1tor, cloae·ln. quiet ~ • ..,.., i ....,. .. .. • r • ~ u • ..... .... N 18! .. /P 1 B 1 P l1nces. Stepa to w11er R 111onibte retie. Kit· twnhM In 1xc1ulllve Npt 673-1003 P1tt•Mod1l1 Open ' " omona, r ""· tor 1 peraoo oniv. Ll•UI t.11A 314f 2 1 3 • s 8 5 • o 11 2 t 0 , 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Brand new QOf'ldo. 3 BR, Oc11nfront, m1on11tc1n1 e111ry 9 10 6. Ba, downat11r1, O/W. u 11 1 pd s 2 8 o / mo. ••,.••••••••••••••••• 873•1869 ct '""It", phonee, meld 8ctl A1111. Pool. Jee, ldr;.11 2•11 ba. Vltd celllnge. 481, $1850. 0 ......... ~ cerport. w11er pd, t cnlld 133-3126 Oc11nlron1. m19nlflc1n1 et1rvlc1, Z ch1nn1I mo-$250 mo, dep. 637-2280, *Mm llALI* "1~;.?2c:are glf. '850 Mo. 4117·20<12 •••••• OK, no Piii $45(), Agt .. $3"" BR I I 49r. 11750 mo. OCEANFRONT 4 Br & 3 111•11. SANDPIPER MO-844-5085 lll VI m1111· o .c . Airport .,..._ Prof. .,,._ ........ no IM. 545·2000 •11 • 1 • rct 'g, no 497-2042 Br. 2 b1 H oh. lrp101 Tl'L, 11167 Newport Blvd, O• anvtronment, tun ~ ---------*SIGHT I SOUND OF -""'It, 2 ldultt prtl. 731..C Sl650/ ,1 .. ,.,., II CM 6<15-9137 i....;--------r 3 Br. Condo n111 So. c . SEA 1a,, trplc, 0 .,, .,.,...... Huge 3 bdrm, 3 b•. prlv w 18th. 673_7787. JI, 11 ,,.,. Jiii . ......, 11apec • _ · Fem1te 25to35toeh1re2 °'no lrtll1. lndlvldull of- Plua. crptno & bit-Ina. w I n t • ' S ,. 2 5 m o . le-.,..1 ..... /It. petlo. No pets $600 mo. ..~"!l'! ............... • ~ROPERTY HOUSE VM•tl•• lut1l1 4110 bdrm apt. courty1rd, nr llces Of Cleal( "*41· 150 overlook• or11nb1lt, 494-518-4 880 lrvlne 851-2175 1525. 2 Br. 1'hbl 1wnh ... NO FEEi Apt. a Condo 642-38""' •• 2_1010 ....................... SO Cet Plue. $281 plu1 eq It· 3500 1q fl. 1 MO. pooll,..,.. & clubhOull Pool, p1t10. 1\0 Pit•. 1411\llllS. VIII• Rtn11i. .,., ..... 1 Br llllp• 4, IQIOll lhl utll, Oep. FREE 7511-11171 WJ~·c!n•:7u;_•~l3f~ ~!.!m! .. /!.!! (71i}t~t,~110,. •1 Br Ttlple•. $376• 1179-6<125. 841.057<t 975..-1112 8roklf f~!..CJ!!!!!I! .... /.~!! ;~:J~.o:,;~11oh Rm~t:.o;:~,:~~=·NB •• ., tp·•-.. &,wttndL '"-frtetlVl-f -... ..... ,... New carpet a p1ln1. no Cloae to belch, 2 Bdrm, 1 .. ,, ...,. deck,................ --' """' ...,.,_, pell. S<lllO mo. 1 Bdrm $3115 ., .,.. ""' ....,.,... Lake Tanoe on w1tlf w/ oc11ntront Non-1mkr Anrtctlve ruetlc up1tlln1 0r""°91r11 Condo $<175 2 Wld 3 bdrm. L.dry, 011 . 1700 16th St. 2 2 6 2 p 11 c 1 n 111 , mo. Pool. g1r. No pe11. ch1rm, 1p1c 11cular boat dock. 48r Sba exec rell1bt1 m111. 673·6383 11tt1no. Wt euppty dlale.. 1 Br a loft. tennle. poo1: "'•cl•ct. seso end up (Dover at 16th) 645·94114 642-4470 ocean vu, w1lk to blactr h m . co m Pt I u , " . 2 F 10 Ml•,. 3 Br. Apt. Inc apeoe, copllf. vou MIP- 1f r eam. NO pell . win"· 640·<170<t (71_-4) 642-5113 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING SC4.9353.2ConEnctlC11noMLn0.' II ept $700/wk. 552·2115 or M. 1200/mo. lhlre utllt. ply phOlll, a lH pr mo 553·11•1 D11llng 1 BR, 1 blk Ir 2 BR, 1 BA, frplo, poot, AVAIL. HWI IN NEWPORT BEACH •VM 975-0311 Av1ll. Oct ltl. t<1ran pr detlc. Cllt 644-1211. 1 ger. 13115·A w. &aktr. Large 1 Br, rtlrlgt. A 10111 environment ~ .... ,.,,.,, ht•l•Atl f~~!,#fl II'.. ~~~~1~·.;,:,"!'c;; 1~ "i!~1~ ~5~5~~~-· 8"~-~~t1d5. o k . r1nge, 11undry, 011port, ipanmtnl community on ..,... •a.A PAI.II lllllT .... 631·1032. 2000 aq tt0wb500 1q It .----760 11162 A,,.,,_ .. ,. pool. No pelt, 1426/mo lht Upper eiy. Prlvllt II flal•ra •*-(Mont41#1Y Country CIUb) Oulet F nonamllr to look 11or1ge, • · Atrpon ••"'••••••••••••••••••• · n , I 2 BR. 1 BA, old hOUM, no 0 3 t W 1 9 t h 8 t • clubhou .. and h••llh ••••• • • ••••••••••••••• ~ br, 2 ba, II.Im ., w/lrplO. IOI' 2 br, up to $275 ... • r • • • S 2 O0O1 m 0 R1noho San Joet'ln, Winter, toe 2 BR, ger, .,.,.,. MH pet1, child OK. All utll pd. 548-0482. ' •P•. a ti nnlt courll. 7 lllWlll GOii, i.1nn11 & twtrnmlno. Cynthie B<tS-2732 15l-t928 ~2 ~::,,, o:.;; =·1~~i: :'°5~ -;;D;w;~4···-;;;; 415 Ham111on, '635. Lat~ 2 er 1 e1. alw, In· poole, CIOM to bullnlll. YIWIE ~:~1!·.~k~1t1 mJ~~h~~ Rup. giy M ihr hou11 so. LAGUNA 3 Arctt Bay. the nleett In the dtvt-. 645-9875 •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-3415 d t Y ' m • w I • Id •. i lrport, F1et11on !eland. New 1J2 bdrm l1111ury 1158400 1 Wkdys. w/2 yg prof'•, $375 + ~~~!,~Nty =~2ari· Hwy lopment. 1125 /mo Neptune. 2 BA I 81, no peta. 'ffl'i, S4llO/mo AvaM Oct 2nd. Convenltnt 1hop1 on 'Pl• In 14 f)lene. 1 8drm utll• s. Leg 499-5&35 ..... · 721-2141 Jul\IOf 1 Br. V1rMH1te. on ~ta?oJ..i!"· dick, UCO. 645-6825 : .. rair!:'~ehed becti.-frCNn SS<IO, 2 bdrm lrOtn Kool , HL CondO IO< rent 1 M/F lhr 3br/2ba. lllPI 10 NEWPORT EXEC SUITES c 0 u rt. • a. 5 / m 0 . . •• ......liBJIU L-............ ·--..&..-... .. uvrm IP1•11ld HIS. TownhOUM from er lltlPS ... Avllt 10-18 e $27"' c I Full ~....-.... ~bl• _._,,,__,, hnldlll 2 3 7 3292 Cl ~ ...., __ , -townhoulet to 10·28. HSO/w1111. boll, N "· 11 _ ....... ':l'tt"::tt:-............. 2~3~: 5'oo •Y•· --..... ..._..... I.Of bteh w/tptc, Piiio & $11.40 . $1000 SH5 + pOOll , ttnnl• ~()..440<! An. w Ir Ad 8 7 •• ,_,._,_ .. _._x_1n_1_1oc __ 1s_2 __ ,,.,,,, 1111 -· LMve .1 Bdrm, fir~. 8 __ ,_.... a.rport 8400. No pet1 ~ti baOhelOra end 1 ••t•rtani. POndel Gil• 642-<1300. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ...,... Aft beamed ct O't, laundry. H Ulllully l&n41CtPtd Miii Pinet, SAt-2447 9drm unit• fHtllrt fine tor cooking & h11tlnQ1 1111111,. ,..,, ftM httllfht lllffet IAIK IN THE SUN In 1 bdrm, winier renl•I. Ultlmate prlvacl w/ oerclen 1pt1. POOi & Spa. d 1 1 11 d p1ld. From 81n Oltgc. •••••••••••••••••••~ Non IMMr rmmate w1ntld 'or lta .. : 3 adf•oent ~llful Pllfn lprlnga. 1•25 lnc1udln, utllltlei. partial blv Ylew. 700, P1t101/deckt. No Pill 81Chtlot 1 81, w/1llowet, 11 onet ... llr~ urel an frwy drive North ora Fln41ncl1lly re1pon1lblt lot 3 B" CdM CIPI•, 3 •111oullv1 111Ute Top Why pey hlOft hotel lit '" 54 7 ' 81CM1or *'410.SA1S 1g1yd,12711 mo. ~ • ow "1°' B11oh to Mc,1dd1n 1t1 ''"'ate H-49 to "'4111 & blkl Ir OCMn. W/D, '2111 lloor ol pr11t1Dtou1 Id• r I No Pita. 6 3 ·7844, 2• 264 wllnde/ I~. 1 8drm. S-485·~410 073·01&8 md•,Y,°'mo,...,.....nt"I s'°'matum-rflv SI I w Ind V 111111" OCIMIOnll Ho1t4111, 411' l I UUI 139·7140 dyt, draH 8Huttlul 11l1w, far 1 '"''11 room wl'len 548-1030 or 832-3.00 dye 2250 Vinguard '' • , (714)193·51111. Motor·S•Uor docktd In 873·4239 evs, Brien Htgnty upvrlodld. "9olp. =::. ~~ ~ ~: What 1 Wondlf1\ll WOfM ,.._ 540-HH or 842.,...toS ug~" ,W~~·"·~:· ~\~s1 turln~~n 1HIOOlll• Rd. Laguna lklh 1tudl0 2 blll• Ntwp«l, ha.• oantrel air, X1ra 111gie IPl 1111r oeeen, ttonlet Mt'llOI ptovlded. wlc, Ot mo. for .... c.. Of 8hopplno. right •I IHJ.nJ. •1 --I Old•~:" i '~r .. on di: ~· 10 bllch. furn I un.' hlll, 2 blll"tl, lhOw•r. 4.p1t1c wlpool. M/F An Sultl av1ll1bl1 lndlvl- IOi' rwerv. Paow1 "-"Y your flnaertJoe ~ ...................... Lare>eJ.~ 2wa:•54& duotlont. tl11113 2 It 2 11 from aa2s No unturn 8376. ulll Incl kitchen. all t leotrlo. 11•M 14CMI010 du•rtr. or H a J:!:P· 1420-M43. Dilly ll'llos' Cltlllfl•d 2 bdrm. 2 bl newer df>IJt 631·5513 ~ IM2-<1905 2 Br 1'A •• No pell. p•t• AOfOH from Npl ~·1\lfe peraon 964-1111 I :~~,:~ :::.~. r=::1 ·-.-W_h_l_t _•_o_n_ly--M-.-1-.1 fl~o:'1~::"nnano1: ::t.!:.m;-.::r ... •. ~~'Jt:O"n'"'*,., I ---'450/ITIO ,Of 2 p1reon1 Bell oon Couf11 Otttc. , .. meo j bec*ground to ,.o. 80• "6ommete LMQI~ 11 1<1 . "•••• °'" ~ M ·Vltor M1P 213ntt-41tS,2&7 .. 112 38dnn.2 1etlll M25 765 W 111fl. It .,,..._. Mf-<1111 WentA4Help? •• 35-l,811b0alalancl.Ce-!)004,llPI laoopMa.No (714)7t0-1111. ,__, yOU. or (71•> 11s-aete 1s1 I!. 211t. Ml-2409 Ml-H07 8111 ldl>I n.eme .. ,..oe,. 642-Mfl llf taMa ""'*•· 762-6122 ten•. ' I I )'~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueld1y, Sept•mb•r 14, 1982 Schaals & Camps • • .. ................ iii .......... . A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL FALL '82 HARBOR TRINITY PRE·SCHOOt. At HARBOR TRIMTY BAPTIST CtlJRCH 1230 Baker St., Cost. Mesa 7AM·6PM Full & Half Day Cara REGISTER NOW! (Bring this ad to register and get $10 o(( registration) 556-4335 556-7787 r •BALLET• T~ • JAZ.l •TRIM TO RHYTl'M •AEROBICS • CHILDR~N •TEENS• AOUl TS ................. Clet..t '•JOW™nwr I '"'~~·~~ ... 1 to$to1My .!!.,,~1Ndt -9'2·544t- I SfR\llNG All O• OAANl-;( lOUNlV 11\1 COS1A Mf\A llnnt1's Day School &Nursery le4jll hf' ltOW for Fal ............. Tlww JN Wede T ' reo• Ro..nd • Day C.•• Agot HI • C"'"' • M~ • 0.nt•no • fuff 6 '1 01v • ,,.,,,.a S•.n ·St•• \.~.o • C''•"n11t ""'' ..... YOt ........ HOUIS: 6:30 to 6:01 7110 THURIN ·COSTA MESA 1-8av 1Vlcl.,,,.A'41 •tc:Toa.4 Now what do I do 1 ld•ntlly VOUR VALUE TO ANY BualneHI Identity VOUR VALU! to a R•lallon1nlpl PERSONAL PROFILE INVENTORY $20 I Love my chlld but It 11 h.,d to Ilk• my chlld. Child's Profile Inventory $20. We "Train the Trainers '' Become Next tr•lnlng In Sen Diego . Tue. Sept. 28 -Pha1e I Wed. Sept. 29 -Pha1e II Thur. Sept. 30 -Ph••• Ill For Information & reservations phone (714) 840-1268 Ltoni to le A TRAVEL AGENT Morning, afternoon & evening classes. P ~/,ic :Jravef . 'Sc/wo/ 610 E. I 7ffl St. Santo Ano (714) 543.9495 btelllltlMd 1963 Financtal Aid Pro~rams Accredited by the Arrrt'<hllng Comm1~s1on or the Nil llonal ;\S'iOClallun or Trade & Technical Schoob WORD PROCESSHI SClllOI. Learn How to use Wang. IBM OS6 & 01splaywriter Xerox 860 Ctll 014) 5568 ~ TrJiilt, "-t laistm Dtyt • h .... • Ww'dlp URM MOH WOHIY Become a Word Processing Speciahst Excellent Career Opportunities WORD PROCESSING ANO INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2~2 S E 8nstol-Su1te I~-$trill Ana. Ca 92701 '""""o!( __ ......_,_(_••- Music Lessons 50°/o OFF 1st Month'• Lesson During Sept. A. Fred G~lett Studios 2052 Newport Blvd. Cotto Me10, CA JOLEE MILLER VI)( Al II( 4-1"11'11, I lll fl()~ Has openings for students of all ages and levels. Graduate Westminster Choir College, Princeton, N.J . 831-2781 ~t\ M£W MAN.-ot: \).,.o c"'OOL -KINDEAG -~,,.,. ~:C!> ~ SECONO G11. '-1J?.>: ~~,~s" '40~:1' FULL DAY SCHOOL 6:00 AM -6:30 PM Emphasizing Scholastic Achievement Skills Development Reading Aptitudes BALLET & FIELD TRIPS 979-8308 545-0822 2129 w. j EDINGER SANTA ANA NOW ENROLLING K-3 ALSO DAY CARE 7am-6pm Individual Instruction Small Classes Planned Activities *** MAPLE AVE. CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (COSTA MESA) 846-4334 751-4524 for your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandise under •1,000. I IAlllll TEOHllCIAI TUlllll State and NatlonaUy approved Program Now A vallable in Orange County lNSTITUTE OF PSYCHO STRUCTURAL BALANCINO Coune begins late September for two Intensive weekends. 188-4042 Now resisterinR for fall. 0 illJr ~airmont lrlJool ORANG£ COUNTrs OLDEST . '1fll£ST P1'WAT£ SCHOOL GrodesK -8 I SS 1 W M11.W. 4n•lw•• pt,-774. I 052 Forfurther information regarding adverti8ing placement in the School8 & ln8truction8 Directory -call lopUe Griffith 6 42-7667 e xt 3 30 •; .· 1 \ . Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item 3 3DAYS LINES ;. per ad. must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Notwefunclebte. Exira lfnee 11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 !'!!'.'.'..~~!~ •••• !.~!!~~~!.'.'.~!!!.!!.ff !!!~!T.!!.~.8. .• !.~~~ ffl!.,.!.'.~1 •..• 1.~ f!!!~!'.1! ••••••• ~!.~!~ ~!}l.!1!!!~-!. •.•• !.l.'!fllJ.'.11..'!!!'!!. •••• !.{ttf IJ.•!1..'!~'!l. •••• !.{'!f_ IJ.1}1..'!!.•.'.-!. •••• !!.f! !•}1..'!~.-.~ •••• !.{!! llPfR l&llUJll mo, 9FFIOll/ 120,000 to $40,000 to FOUND; Norwegian Elk Dancers for Bachelor/ Babysitter. Mon-Thurs CONTRACTORS DONUT SHOP, counter Dental Hyglenl1t. Expe-Mature, raapon1lble per-Exec:. Suites Incl. reclept.. WAlllHSI loan for 2nd Mortgages. Hound, Brentwood Park, Bachelorett• Parties. eves, hra varied. my The Sawdust Corp. 11 help, P/Ume, AM shift. rlenced and expanded son to work PIT In a aec'y Hrva, cont. rm.. In Stonemlll. Beautiful 760-0909 (213) 869-1415 CM .• S48-5998 738-8638 or 558-8538 ~~~~ i NP I B ch ~~!~r=ll~.!'~hcf: ~r:O~ ;.'; ~t~~ =~ 1~;~~~ Costa g~;: ~dcW.:~~or·~::.:. kit.. mall handlg. Re-reception area. offices ... ,."-WulH •••o LOST: Tiger kitten, re-Unemployed M wlll visit Sawduit Fettlval for the 18S4 Newport Blvd. CM. 641-8209 sponalve to your buel· -ar~"~·se. C.••. 177"'.., ,., _.,, d "'·--"h ti I di I I F Leave mag •••y•-• ln1ura~• ----------'""""' .., "....., ••••• •••••••••••••••• war , "'""" urt n a-one Y • • -•11 "' construction or t983 ·-~!;'inn~~~.•·1n~~~· 0~~:. ~4~~5~:.•· 875-3882, Wiii pay fee for co-~ne< napolls, HB, 988-8886 558-<4395 J. Tucker Mature 1ovlng women. saw du a 1 Fe 1 t1 v •I D~,~~r~r:o~~~~ ~':;~: UHP IUlTll lflll&l. SIOlnUY Mo/mo. from $325. i---------1 for $328.000 1st T II chlld'a hMrtbroken. Jane Stllwell'a -my home 3 dey per week ground•. For spectllca-CdM 873-4493 OLAlllS llAll•H Front Office. exper'd. ty· 963-6445. Bal. lat. Comm'I &/or ofc: 12·9%, 640-9805 LOST Fam. SIAMESE cat. SINGLES DIRECTORY for Intelligent t8 mo Ol<I Ilona & Info. call Allda 1l Minimum 2 year• elCper. ping, H.B. otc. Good Sa---------+ etor1G9. From $100 to •=n, rn11 small. $100 r-ard. vie/ DI Club•. $4. 957~279 Own transp. Corona det 496-7004. All bid• mull ESOltW ....... snould be lamlltar with lary. 847-377l 1 It, FIR $350/mo. Call Mr. Pam· I 1035 Ford Rd. 759-1379. l1tll••I Mar Area be received by 10·2·82 ,...... RVS, COB. and Medical MED. WALK-IN CTR SNuewltep•or1,ucllyen,te1a'ffEX•dECto. i-~-on_2_1_31_2_89_·_930_7 __ 1 ••••••••••••••••.•••••• Lost: Sant 3rd. Small derk •--1,.,., S"IO 720-1437 IAY HS PIRlll Fountain Valley mor1ga-groupfltconstral ell. Xlnt Nwpl MD"• new walk·ln : ,._ 11 I.I IATTl.ll -.. -"''•• " Baker wllh experience.I ge company •••king bena a. a ary com-clinic -611 mature per-l'lendle all your business -••tn • • grey ahorthelr cat. 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• Houra 8 AM-5 PM escrow ortloef to ""ociest men1urate with exper. aor11. Heavy exp. In front needa. lndlvldual offices l1•ld1 4415 llefts81• O.. IH. mos old. Nr Edwards. IT YHI SllYIOI trench bread & other Apply In peraon ,.. Slddlebacil Valley Area & b k r & t .. 1•• 1 1350 •••••••••••••••••••••• s...-ia1•·•i:. In 1,t . 2nd McFadden H B typee. 835 W. t91h. St Mon-f:n. 2_.. PM loan escrows. Salary & Call • .,7 9830 · ac o c mgm ... o ... o . rom · ..-~ "' • · Pe<aonal, quallfl9d com-Co.ta Meaa. commlaalon. Rewarding ..., -llelda. FT/PT. Hr1 & 644-7189. PlllE NMl'L TO• nee 1949 891•5280 penlon driver• for your ---------1 Also taking appllcatlona career opportunity. .L •> 1hllta vary. S.Od raeume Laguna Beac:h 500 a.I. 1100sqftC-1,nr17th& Robt.Sattler NH/CM SllYtrTI''' day to day errands. l&LIOllAYOLll tor: RESiDENTIAL "'Hfter (We-·H to:Ad#t028,0ellyPllot. oe.an .. ,_ ~~ndo. xlnt Superlor,$700/mo, avail. R.E. BrOker Bel Rea1tor1 • Shoppi ng, doctor '• Batt~ MORTGAGE SERVICE Sat. Sun. 7 AM to 3:30 Box 15&0. C.M. 92826. • -Oct. 1. 642-2434 642-2171 545-0611 Neutered male cat., yra •PP•• Church etc All FILE/MAIL CLERK HOet/HOllest ,...._...... PM. 4000 Hllarla Way. --------parking, leaee/ sale/ 1----------i---------old. Lott Sun approx 8 • B' lllllU John...._.. New p 0 r I Be a ch . Needed. X-Ray Tech and option/ equity partlclpa-W I '.J WIDOW HAS$$$ for TD'• PM MHa Verde RE-nff<ll met. Y hour or Acct9. office M-F deys lftlf9A•t IUOI 9M-9090 842•5861 back office anlatant for t l on. Agl. Paul R. ,·,·.~.~. ··-RE Loacn•. 10K Up. No, WA.AD. 548-8030 or day. 494-5857• MENS SPA.ATIEND'T UH"-Full time, Drl¥9r Trainee. Ortnopedlc Olflc• With,, 646-5051 •••••••~••••••••••~1r.' Credit heek, No Pen•· 540-5540 Pt/time ~ends i--D-E_C_K_H_A_N_D_S__ mu et know area. good UlllRY llmlled llcenu, P /l ,. > --------N B 3"75 81 -" 1000 ..,, ty. Dennison & Anoe. ••••111 .. 1•1 Pleue call for eppt, M·F d c 11 H 'f, led lull time •"1 2200 Costa M ... 1 or 2 room · · ., r..... ..... 873-731 t Lo1t: Golden/ Samoyed ~~~~"••••••••••••• i-5, 645-5000 X521 Full lime. top p.y. aeve-driving recor req. a • wan • _...., __ -------sultH From $75/mo. ft. MIA zone. Agent mi x , 9 /9 /82, CdM, lfi I I ral poalllona open. Xlnt 645-0093. Flu I and fold/counter Nurury; Interior Plant U111• lncld. 779 w 19th 5-41-5032. Money to loan for real • • B •a r · · , r •ward. H I TOOS BAR PERSON. college opportunity. For lee Info General Office. Invest-person· Preuera lor Technician for malnt•- St. 851-8928 5750 up. 2180 ft. lndu-ntale Truat Deed loatle. 840-5989 •• J~.'!!~!!!!1!......... OK, full or part-time call John 431-8820 men 1 c 0 . n •ad 1 ~~~='~e ~v:.1~~ nance route. part lime, Office space, In KCl'lg for atrlal -Office. 18101 Ra-7l4t54s-4930. Found: Sml blk dog. Some MAPLE AVE CHRISTIAN C.M. 94e-5544 HOIUTI• ULIS 11c'y/bkkpr. Mu1l be Hopalng'a Laundry Serv. experience with plantl tight telephone an1we-dondo Circle #M & T Wiii buy small. lhort, high whit• COM Area.. No Id. SCHOOL IN C.M. Re-Beauty P/T, FI T, xlnt comm, tralnabl•. Salary open. u.guna Beach 494-4044 prelel'red. 645-1180. ring. 960-l596 Huntington. Beach. yleld TOI. PIP 640-7967 glaterlng K-2nd grade, Orange County's Flneet WOf1t In oc. Muat have Must be lhafp. Call bet. lllllES lllE &42-2834. 873-0822 am lndlv c1a ... 1 Open Salon need• elegent. ti-ftalr lor color, will train i-11 only. 845-8648 UYl II Newport Exec suite 2 min 1---------1---------Found Blk Lib mix w/Whlt enrollment chlld car• lented, nalr atyllet. Top 840_5249 GOVERNMENT JOBS. Ruponalbl• tamale with ~~~.:1~~0~1 l~~~:,~d~~ o t~~;~?:r, ta I A .. IHtl•,.I•/ ;re~5:8cneet. &-12 mo. avan. 64~334 Sa1ai·1ve GAUCHE Many lob• avallabl• In car to cook tor elderly antique filled buelne11 4,000-14,000 aq It. All lltHH}I/ S 61/1, W .. IH 1100 HAIR SALON ltlfll lltO•f• U.S. and overMa1. For woman In Newport environment equipped AJC Hvy Pwr and Light-i.tl I 1•••1 Found Cocker E P1anlel. ••• •••••••••••••••••• N • w p 0 r 1 B • , c h Full time .. Expre<I In Directory 3 t2-881-4347 e.actl. 759_ 1997 wtth Tix. W.P .• ans Mt'Y., Ing. Xlnt tor R&D and low •••••••••••••••••••••• Vic. Edwards/ d nger. Accounting 540--8187 Pegboard, Ins. bllllng Ext E-91 lrg conf•enc. rm, Iota ol rat• 1 . 7 2 O -O 6 2 1 • I.Ml I l'i I S,IO C • 11 1 0 1d•n 111 Y • TAX OUll/P·tl•t and ell pl'laNI ol front -0-R0-0 -M-E_R_W_A-NT_E_O_lor-Live-In Houukeeper & parking. mo/mo or lease 213-927-4404 ••••••••!.~.......... 840-2529· 20 or 30 hra week. Flllng, ... llllPIR office req. Fin Valley olcx Fri & Sat, (poulbly Sun) Cook fOI' elderly gentle- from $375, desk apace 000 ft 1 & ehM Found white kitten, amber llght typing, echedule High volume rettaurant M-Tl't. 963-5634 for NB pet enop. Must be man In Corona det Mar. 1250.Movelnallowance \int~c."~~10w~gan: eyu, blacli 1pot on preparation. HIH and hat lmmed. 09«1lng for Oentak:halrtlde,PITAM, exper a rellable. Male or Female. exp• 833--9978 C.M. Reaaonable rent fNIMn ADS heed. Vic ~port Piaf. UN tu retuma. No expr. part time/M l time bkkpr. exp. RDA, 4 dyl ~ wic. 640-ootl rlenca required. Call •••-IL M&-7512; S4M900. Wt1U 873-4839. nee. Baelc accounting Some experience prel. Busypleaeant ottic.. Npt · • 771S-2n2 aft 8:30PM. _,..,,r ARE FREE 1---------1 knowledge pref. For,.,_ to kay by touch. Plea1e CtJ. S40-0300 Ull UL.ti WT. lllWNIT orm• SCR'M LETS g• o .c. Computer Mfg. apply In peraon from 3 lo n .. d•d for Heir Welt, Ltll ., .... With UH of reception, l•ll•n1/J.n1I/ n • loceted In lrvln./Tu1t1n 6 pm. LH Brien, 36 t Dental N.B. LoulM. 673-41841 • ..... llUTiell cool. room, kltch, phone. l'IMan Cal• 'NSWERS a r • e . ca 11 D • b by. Cliff Of. Lagun• Beaeh. Experienced R.D.A. ,_.. Fountain v.u.y mortga-secretarlal & word pro-•••••••••••••••••••••• , n 7141730-30&8 ----------1 ded tor Orthadontlc un D ge companr llMd• 4-8 E11per. only for conv. -· hospltal NB. Good work• Ing condltlon1. Excel.· benelltl, Come and be a part of our team, 642-8044. • ') PlllT/TllE Dry clNner'I. 494-,596 • PAIT l1m Eves and/Of weelcendl.: ceaalng. Malt & IMINge l•UHI M2·Nll FenMI -Maize OTe 01r Reetll keet prectic. In MINlon Viejo ntU" profeeelona people -aerv. avall. aeparately If It. I ,,. Siii Tlpay • Employ AOTIVfTill 1111 R over 18 yr1, tulT time. area. 830-3703. king rewarding poelllon dealred. Call: Judy. • •• or.ifn!.~~·•'•••••••· j~~~~~~~~ PAYMENTS AsslttMt 752-7100 DENTAL ASSISTANT YOllSElf In the Mortgage Banking PUT tm 7141760-0100 MARKETING BUSINESS Lott: Toy black poodle, Fello11w waiting at bu1 Experi.nced Pref. PIT ••UTllS Have your bHn Har-Tt A letter larffr Industry. AHi eatal• R•ponalb19 adulta. ovei 21, with outstanding. at-.1 tractive pereonalltlM to• work with youth (agu 10· 14). Call 2-SPM,• • 642-432.t . f)(t. 3'48. EOf ( l miWii• .. iiimWi·ft:;w;;l-;;Aml;;;;;;;-expanding. &.veral PIT female, vie. Santa Ana atop: "I fHrned th• HUNTINGTON 8EACH for voter reglttratlon drl-Ching for a rewarding • beckground de1lrable. Mlllllm • ' repa. needed. We train. Ave & Robin Hood Ln, i .. t .. , way to ~t back CONVALESCENT ..... Peya SSO·SlOO dally career ""'*• y«1r chair· Join a com,ran~ i;·~~ Sub1tant1al Income f&r en~ working wttn kid .. • P•l•'•,Llndlhnglannoun-i-84_&-833 __ 1 _1or_app_1. __ C.M. 548-0464. on your IHI. I mleHd HOSPITA.,L Paid lwtoe WM!cly. aide expertlH wlll b• ~':st~.~lo~~e a~bl. dedicated, motivated, Work evenings. We tr~: ::~ ... or:rc!. of~~:.~ ~ f::Opr~~~gv!; Loat; Red Jackel & wa11et ,_'w_o_c_•_r_P_AY_M_e_N_T_s_:_· -w.·4::.;;. 750-t828 750-5584 rn-:•&.Y:~Wn~i.W: tlou• lndlvldu~I• ce~ :::..~onelltent lndlvl· ~n:.~~' ~-~~ .5 HM.,o/~o.°!~-~: hi ~onts. 541-t572 ...... at F .. uvei of Art• Aum-ltrHNll '''' Clerk/Manager card1, •hare In the growtn of ~tr~ !!_~1-:~°'1~ RESID£NTIAL 842-4321, X3o4e ,.. ~ .. ,.,_ -m.,.. Sale, t.guna 8ctl. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ellper per$Oll part or full gltte alld coemet•-· "'-p this c:arlnn ..._t·• 0-..... .. , ........ , MORTGAGE SERVICE • vlcea.(714)84&-5628or •--n11•---••IJ 9-T.(213)807-8404,COEDS -Woutdlovelo Umetohandleolc,we-Pref _..,. Xlnt .b ... f .... lt' 1 .. , .. d-es anexcltlnQ ..... poaltlon JohnCuMCll .... -a-•. (213) "92 ""14 -... --, 7 ) 7 t ~ c s rehouee & p .. one for · •n• 1 nc u call L .. tfetatn .... u ,..,_,.. -·-" • .,., ••••• •••••••··~····~· nome ( 14 8 -t..41 party with y<K.t. all ue " &40·7373 med 1n1. St400 If quell· • 57 .,.... • .,.,.., ~ -1-8-11.9-n-,-,..--,-.,-1-4-11-151A'4 ·20yre.~dTOa, workJo.. or Kathy anytime. marlneproduotemfgrep fled N B 548 M0:2 M9-4300 M •t4 M,AINTENANCE wtthe1Cpettencetn t••1 ••• • A11oclate Len era Wiii L-t .................. ,Bl&. Tan, 213/804-3:233 a dl1tr. Typing, UM ol ...., frl ... n . . ' ' a magnon F II 'I I I ordere. No 80llcl~tln •• A;i~j 11;;;, "2&;4i:,;;:. quellfy your loan for -'"'"' ..,....,,. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ofo machlnH neceu Frome11 One Hour Photo DENTAL ASSISTANT IOI • u ' me, m n mum Nice at~. • benk Cl'edlt. Minor ~o-Male, Lott 9-8 °' C:Utver 11 1)11.11 ~ btlpng_. etltp. Syetem1 In Huntington OrthO olc, c:Mlrelde, u -112.:M per l'tr. )(Int op-Stef11ng 8 • For • •\ 1:!...'\..~:8~/. 8 car b 1 •ma o . I(. & 4 O 5 Fr wy ( 7 1 4) ...a I _,. ping& reoetvlng. ~Ulf• Beac:h 11 now lllrl~ c°'or per Pf9f, ADA or ellg!ble. portunlty. For fff Info ervlew, Ca l Allton.: • ..,,.. 714/499-Hl25. 652·7172 PHOTO MODELS good phone capablllttH. printers. can Mr. Rogera. 879-1400 1_ca1_1 J_on_n_~_t_._ee_20 ___ 1 649·2271 • , .._,.,,.,. "" w Ads Lo1t: M. Dalmatlan, vie. 0eUTsg~~[SIDA~ .. E~~s benefit•. Call Bartell. 891-1551 1-o.tt-t_el_/F-ron_t_Offlce ____ p_IM_-pontiac' /,...a.,,.,U PIT opening, r9P1odue>1' ~e::1.••••••••••••••• ant c.ii 942-5978 Beech/Edlng•r, HB. a3t-0300orlnperaofl,8. 1 1 b 1tabll1hed MHlll t ....... ~vma11room ·Gff1 • "lklctlltlot". M2·3Me .... , H. Ballatd Co. 163e Su· ---an • UIY • M~ ""' _,.. • ---0.ii:Ciiow:-t.idci~;-T,;~j~~~~~~~~~ pertor No. 6, Coate Meaa a.....~ ottic. ne.d1 aut. front Harl>Qf 8fVod at ,.., Dr ltiH Mldtfl duttea. 133-3232 • * NOW IS THE TIME * * RATES ARE DOWN * -Home. commllcill IQ)lnl ~ -$10,~IOont rnllof' -Fnt & llCX>nd 1Mt Old -Cid no ptOblenl di 11"°"11 eqully -Ml ll90fl. ~· Ill Orql Ccutt -~nS& L•O.A.C \ Lo1t: Chow. reddtah In _..._ ofo mgr. txper MOMa. 4 In Coet• MMe 1• •.-... ... , llr<,;a\ colOr s *** AUTOMOTIVE NMcled fet lu11Ur'f Lagu-dey work wHlc. CM •·•t• Trll1111 .....,... --5 • 499.;81~; =:: .,... *"" P11111111Sl na e.tcl'I Hotel. Sunday 645-7&80 Homemall•r 8 andwloll ~ Part/time. !11'*~-:. Loe1:911o.V100*0ePK. lff11ti1 Parlor 0rivw for SeMce °"''· :.dJ:i'7t:!,~· Cont-•-DE=-N~TA_L_A_,88,..,,....,,11-=-rA-N"""T~' ~~:::.,.:;,,~= .~~=='on ~ie=:*'NMO~ • ~~~-~:O.: =:. ~~ :'!:.:ev ~~~M::; 484-1460 :=:1.:':"=. ~u:: ~i~·~~~~=· r;: :d.r:· ~ ~ IUL 111'111 llLll bllc/b<n. no COiier IJ••>· Jacuzzi, sauna. Looa11 In other taatce. 1"91 l or pleaaanl Laguna leael'I oe>ftle "'°'' •11prcf,~ vow Need 2 eicw. ,...... a 780•12u ; )( 41• dye: 11 w ell 11 Tout l ell. meture. Hml•retlred TOPllCe)'Ollf''""8aQe office.''* Of pan ttme. HOUSIKU N"·IMlent wlll e.a ptomo t•d to commerolel end lndw~ IY9-. 17t-3t3e 8ankAm.,tcerd, Amerl· '*'°"· '*°'9 the 484·t7N or P9tMIM9 M1ployee, """"· a aupeMIO!y i. etn.t,... ••tor ~ --------1 can h~. Olnwa All rMdlnO pUbllc, •·0o--,-1-c-.. -1, .. ---.-1 rm a ._,... + ~~ *'· Cel: 714-A7..-.0. '*""'Md orowtne ..,,._ ,ound: llberlan Huelly, W91COf'ftt 714/145-3433 1..01 Pereon to tMle1 In pt.one mft o " ... care, r • In eacfMlnllt "' ,_ lntenrtewe tl•ld every .... ~tnl ~. male. IMlc/wttt, apptOll 1 2112 Hart>or 81. CM I lody and 8erW>t Dept. Oe11Y Piiot 1pon1tble bebyaltt•r ~ & ollld _.. . ..._ WM. 7 .. pm at 111 Del In H•wport leaotl,• yre. H.8 . aree. 847-M11 ..... I _._..., ._ Vlfl9CS ~lvttlea, full Of CIMllf*i, 642·H71 needed to oate fOr I mo. have oar. "•fe. N.I . Mer, Cotti M .. I end 114/ ..... lott ...... u ng .. ____....... "7 ,...,. r part.time. Old, W•dne1 Morna In 780-ltlO :l T""'8 ~at luylng and Mlllng at a nl1 pro1 rrom L11un• ..... '"" Cotot1e d•I Mar. Oall l .__,.,_. N ,,._., ........ • -. TIH'ft 10 todly'• ct•tlflM reuoneble prtce-ttlel'a ee.cfl. W~ Of ~ • 87Ml6a ~,,.., .. _ -· "-7 -b What ola11lfl•d ,, •II by a pp. 10-t p w N~l'O~~.. Ct•lfted Ada, 'iO"' o.... MAKI IJCTM -90h, .. o. I. f ttl• beat .. , •• at>ou1. 642-11178 &41-2117 ..... "' .....,..,.., • etoe> ltiopplng Mll't9r. Olltelfled Ade '4a.M71 Cell JeMt. lll-CMl1 I ~1 •• f11.'!!. •••• !J.ff A CIPflONlll 4 day, luM llm• to 1111 111 dy, C M [•P 1eq <I 646 7680 Nan<;y Aec:ept1on111 l'f'pl11g 60 o;i,pn1, non·1mt.1 ptel for plu•ll N D olllc• for appl 044 2$07 A..1eu11n1 STRAW HAT PIZZA Huntll!Qlon 8Hch ••i>erleneed d1y worker· e. Apply lhru 8al 6920 Wern« Ave 847 2s n AM1auran1 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR IHYElll EKperlenoe nace111ry APPLY. belwetn 2 and 4, 37 Fuhlon lel1nd, Newport Beach RNleuren1 Orango Oo11t OAILV PILOT /Tue1d1y, September 1'4, 1982 -, !-.11..f!.~~ •••• !.1.tf (,!1.11P!t •••••••• l!.fl .. ,'!~•••I• ,,,. '11.'ll.~r.!. .... l!Jf if•::f;!n"'I 'llf A•tt1 WH11i f.1 ~ ... ~ .. ~!!'!f~!!!~ ......• ~1.'!!1.1/!r..~'!J. .••••• ~~~1.!fl!!.'!t ..•••. 11oc1t '"· "~ **I BUY** .. r. ••• , .. i •• i ••••••• o: •111• 20 ,, a.a A•r w11n ......... ~ •••••••• r... ······•···1···,·~,·· ···· ""' 1111 •,.,,..... 1141 ,,..,~ nn f ulll time ¥ti" 1r111. 10 ,,...., 171100 71 Hones• C 100 U " ••h •••••••••••••••••• ••~•••••••'1':"•~••••••• .:;:-:;;*Y::-•••••• , •••• f'V• 111111 Opf•Otlunl~ ~or OOOd UNO flurnltut• I YAMAHA l lH Amp ... 4 &913 blk Hke NW •tru 01: '71 IMW 6281, 4~, llhr mJ 'l4 lltl '72 'tlW &QullfeblOll "Vtll •• In lo ll e ll u h n AP lltnCM·OA I wilt .... HMCI IMth. doubt. II" •••••• , ,.;,. lctpt' a 1000 ,., HWI DU V.hla, ''"MW 112 Darlt. 0'" HK mi )(tnt 0000. llMd PIWll Atnllm 6'1 IUO or llLL '°' vov 'V ~" c1blniit All -'42·095* PIR llll Ollll toO or IU4Une '" •17141 llSOO 17'·6'70 u.. 1 1300 173.070 '"'h 01'*' 6 4 hrt I* l&ITHI AltlTlll in uo1111n1 oondltlon t• 11 Cuddy CfulMt '17 444 8325 H• 64 2 -wk tarn H OO IGOO mo HI NII I 11.000 W/twln I 0 • 110 llra 111111 TllPLI &&JI UUH • · 4 J I Merceci.t 4~SL con· '11 411 111&1 81400 no ..i11n~'* as~ . _H·HH 11 ... 0lll, 1.... 11~~2·1~~.g,J,'~ !: 211~0:--~~~~oo Nltl&O/llUH ·o~:~oJ"~~.4:,::i t;t;~='s~!!~4t~'C:. ~~:~.·~;,~.u,~~~~ Telephone Salee I llte Dining rm table, 4 chr1. C PA -w1lnd1 71 4 873·2088 :--79 'f·=---•h• .;-2400, good 2480 Hatbor Blvd Mu11 ••Ill Beet offer 32""""' S<t 1.01T7 delivery work Ctlh paid br .. klrOl\I, custom pllCl1, llm ,. eyetem, Vo!H --_.. , COSTA MESA 7•e.1•77 or ... I_,.,. 73 4808C, lmm1c like ... ..., d·•1y A 1y 770 w tllth 0 1 h w 1 1 1 of the TM11e1 apeoe. 4 20' Chrlter•ll cbn crutr, cond 17761000 , .. 1 .. 100 " " "" ·~ new, 11111ett blk 11•Jn 11•• S~ H. ~11 M... · c!~.•1360. 'a.."~t~ nl c1l>ll!elt w/18" Allect) reGenlly refurb, rebll 8ryan 646 1398 1;1·1411 '78 BMW 5301 Super 19260 042·77•5 :~••••••••••••••••••~~ llorna & pwr IMP w eno• I 1r1ne. btll 11nk, 73 SUZUKI 128. rbll mtr • CleAtl, yellow, 1nrt AC, .82 Mere.OH Genz 300 /1 1 Ytllt hllef TILIPltll Klf!O u IOlld OP canopy c:ov1r. Ilk• nu I tooo. radio•, NB 1t1p Incl, 1 11. new Ur•• S2&0 WE IU-Y 49K m1 Bllttel~ $5900 D. Turbo, 6 po• s9din. II 1, .... , ..__..., ltUOITHI b9d wtmlrror1 & ou111ln-4llt-4014 500 &7~·11505 045-4203 or 045-tl tOG 075·03•0 Anthr1cll1 or-Mellltlo, --:!. .• --'' 1, 1pr .. d S 1800 Full o OLEAM Ollll ., alze brau head & foot '""' 0Wlln 16 II John.on II J 8 lk " '08 7002 BMW nlc:e eond. P1lomlno Int, E!lec 811· Hall, 111-• Wt need good peaple 10 board. S500 Mon·Frl e\11 Almott new H OO $~~2~90' ~:r c~w~~.~ ~ ·~ AID TRIOll Moving, muet NII $2000 dtng RI. etc All thl1 UI LUSIH HI up 1ppo1n1menta 75g.120e Cill 714.151.0140 ........,, l pprectitt $t800 or bit obo. 873·11125 DRASTICALLY REDU· from om Newport 8e1c:h 23 I C dd e bl "'O d O CED $24,500 p,1v P1y, OVERSEAS DELIVERY otllc:e In the evening tor Kitchen 11ble with formic:• Alto Su V1m1h1 iclnl 1 u Y 1 n, r"' • olr, 778·35 6 .C.1•.1.1•••••••••••••'•1.l.. t73·•424 EXPERTS d S250 Q ' f for ll1hlng , bait tank, ,., Holiday lnn'a n-travel lop $36. con · · ood or depth finder, VHf Redlo. '78 SUZUKI 250 RM Very '7tl Vetlow Capri Aedlo '19 460 SEL, 81k·81k. 50. club Sa11ry + oomml•-557·8393 •tudent 942·4764 T11ller. O cyl Volvo out• clean & very IHI. 1476, em/Im caa1 Od cond. ooo m l, new Sen1ra 11o n + bonu1. Call OoldCouchOownptllow1 FLUTE~new p1d1) Rim· dtlve.$4050.073·0540 846·1185Dan Mutl ••II 811 0 11 Whit, W/P 7 llrH. RI· 833·3740 Iller 1 PM $ 1 I M I 6"'7 &009 75. COM ~on •new I ono 28• Carver •77 SF FB '76 VA MA HA 250 Dirt v • ., cenl Serv & brke job, 1 tltllllltlt S.Uehtrl 760·0181 .1.8.M rH1. 0&3s0463 20Kn, new ouatom' tlrn Bike. Aune good. 1450. ---------1 D II l1ZO II aw I e 11 S 2 4 • 2 5 0 . Needed lmmtdletely OIALS EEDROOM l~rn Olllti' l•oll•,. I rm, loaded, lo hra, fin all tOpm, 842·264 t IUIM IUYIR .~ •• !."-••••••••••••••• 759. 1800 Wlll 111 YILVI 1906 Harbor Blvd. . COSTA MESA Hl-tlOI 140·t41T Hoat/Ho1teu. Cockllll peraon Apply In per1on Iller 5 MEDLEVS, 18774 Brookhur1t , Fountain V1lley Ideal for 1tu~en11 or 3h': oft while, French Prov. ~·!f•l•I IOll av111. $39,000. t 64.,.820 '75 QL 1000. Fully loaded ~~~.~~~~:. 1g'1~~~~~~ mem1ke11. ou11, • etyle. beaul complete •••• • •••••••••••••• ev., w/CB. Great cond 1114.a, Aucfl'• 1•11ci1 '150 '78 242 Volvo )(Int eond. •••••••••••••••••••••• 50.000 ml. 14760, C•ll No .. ltlng Airport area. HI $360 773·1814 DESKS FOR SALE 1lff ... ., It! ltat $1900/bll olr. 848-7963 Ask for UIC MOR ~tri!4:4171 w:,~:r ~ • ~~: Entire contenla oce1n lrnl Dea kl ind metohlng 200 HP Evlnrude. All '70 HONDA 350SL JIM MARllO SALES ADVENTURE 1166·0 151 home. Bikes, bedt, II· ch, a$tr5• .. 1 0 1 ~crt:lce price, option• Like new. s 10. Good condition $300 TRAVEL blH. dl1hw11her and 8 " •P icemen ooo 714-8"1·5870 EV9-559-9197 YOLllWAIH TOPLESS MODELS 675 7673 cost $2300. CALL DAWN 187 I 1 Beech 81\td $75 DAY • PAID DAILV more, • 9-5pm M·F. 833-8600 nlnga '80 KAW 420KX HUNTINGTON BEACH 11 I tYlll no exp nee • 826-2543 Beaut couch, L·1haped, tfflot Fllrl. lalt 20' OIUlllTTI Exce1ten1 condition 142~2000 Leading Publlcallon Firm n1vy & beige, xlnl cond $700 559·9197 ---------now h11 lmmed ope· TlllOI IRIYlll $.400/obo. 552·1389 Word processor, dHk, N-421, ... tt 4-&. Xlnl nlnga for Guy• & Dolle Mull be famlllar wllh LA chrs, bkc11ea. de1a111 c 0 n d · I 1 2 • 5 O O · M•l•t B••11, l•/1/ WAITED! wno would ltke to lrevet & OC area Plckwk:k Pa· Antique pine lretlle ltble, 644-11804 7141641"5870 Eve.. I •II 1110 Lele model Toyo lat, while they work In us per Prod 1791 Placenlla ~;~,.~rr~·:~ir!'4, ':::~: 1 IOlt IHll Sill IOfO ••• ~~!t ..... ·.!!111.~lfH~··,·••••• VoNoe. Plokupa & Vena m1jor Cll letl oanver A e Ill ••••·'•••••••••••••••• Clll ua t0d1yl Houston. N-York, 11c' v Cell 499•1248 eves si~;·kl~~;;:;;;,~i::e 16' Hobie Cll, yellow w/ 21 fl $8,000. Good cond on 1 r1ndom Itinerary nPllf Henredon Pecan dining Wkl old $50 leq 1unrl11 11111. Like 556--0481 Vou must be neal. alngle Good 1yplng aktlls, FIT, rm llble and 8 ch1lra 2 495·•874 new $2500 675·8181 & be 1ble 10 1e1ve Im· good starting salary, table leaves end custom SI Rent: 26' motor home, med All expenses pd 2 grea1 poulbllltlu lor pad 673·2512 7 week old fem lhHI I' WIT 21 sips 8, lully loaded wk on the Job 1r1lnlng growing For Interview WATEABED wt& dt1wer Ap10 Stred by Amer/ Xlnl cond. 552·7143 645-8616 (Paul) program All trenap lur· c111 Alison. 548·227t headboard, waveless Canadlen chimplon. Cleulc Sloop 20' Varnish ft•lltll ft•••/ 1110 l!arlelke TOTOTA·YO"YO IU•H.n...11•• C•tl•M•H ,.._ •4'·00)., U O·U•7 nlshed High earnings & WAREHOUSE mallreas. Acceasorle1. $250. Liz 646-3627 Mahogany. 3 ••II• ••••••• ::t •• •••••••••• •• cuual working cond. Full time, eeveral posl· s 130 631_4133. PERSIAN TUMBLER Pl· $1200 548·0577 S11rcraft lrallar, alps 8, WI IUY makes this an xlnl opply. lions open Xlnt oppor-GEONS Blk/whlte, 1 pr urgent tale $ 1400/olr USED CARS & TRUCKS for a career·orlenled In· lunlly. For lee Info can WATEABED Queen size, $500, 557· 1209 Call Ad 111ter 11 703, dlvldual Previous joba John 63 1•6820 10 yr wrnly, complete. _________ ,,.,,,, $1111 642·4300 24 hrs COME IN OR CALL FOR dealing wllh people such l---------I $100 549.4531 Beaut German Shepherd DHk1 f010 A • • 1 FllH APPRAISAL MEISTER PORSCHE/ AUDI t383 I HlrbOr Blvd Garden Grove lal11-l1nloe Lt1tl11 114 131-2333 E1181e Sale s HA A p . 7 9 II , I s c • 1980 Datsun 200SX, xlnl Clean, lo mileage. AMI cond Orig owner. ac• FM Cuaetle, Cru11a ceptlng bids. Wkday1 Control. Sun Aool. p. 7 please call. 759-"229 Tires, Loaded, $22.500 855·9991 859· 128 I '65 Wagon. runs good '83 • 1ags S395. •n T11rlll C1rrer1 •n 963·6272 Full leather lnll. New f. I l1ZJ NCT''s. $29.600. Wiii .~!!~!•••••••••••••••• consider rrade Rick 0111111 co11n•1 ,_9_5_•·-6-11-1-----1 OILY llTIOlllZH '73 Poriche Targa, new FERRARI eng, Int, brakes. llret. stereo. alarm. 641-0664 1s Fast Food & Wallres· $250.00 weakly pay----------• puppy. AKC. fem, 5 mos. •••••••••••••••••••••• •II .,11r1c1, •tll Cormler-DeLlllo sing helpful. but nol neo. checks (fully guaranteed) Living rm set, brown sol1 Trained w/sholl. $250. SLIPS avail. Huntington I Acc111ot/11 1400 OHEYllOUT lt•••lt 11SS For personal 1n1ervlew working parl or lull llma & lovaseat Gd cond. 648-9738 H a r b o u r B a y , •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• DULEllSHIPI 540· 1842 or 54&-941SO A•I., 1/114 ..... ~ .••...•....•..•. ,_.,,.1 IHI ...•......•.•..••••••• Com• 111 & ... Newpofl Beact,. 1 llnnt Mlectlon o f prevlou1ly owned Po11che'1, Audi'• end VOlklWtgerll pu ch~k lve<aon logo 445 E COHI Hwy Newpon Beach 673·0900 l•ick 1110 ...................•.. SEE US for lhe largeat and bell 1elecllon of new and used Buick• In Orange ~ contact Ms. Barbera 11 home. Weekly pay-$185, 552·7428 aft 6pm. •·c-8-n-8-r1-.,-.-M-/_F ___ A_e_d_a.-V-8-1• 7 t 4 . 8 4 o . 5 5 4 5 , PAINT & lite body work, ~~~~JN~f'cf~ :i~gH -~-EW-~----.rvr--~ '80 Renaull LeCar body & Tue-Fri 10AM·5PM, checks malled directly to TWIN CANOPY BED Iowa, Crested. Ptatels. 846-7766. up lo 50% off your body 1411011 141 3131 I< J eng. In xlnl like new 750-8955. you from Home Office White, like new, wllh Good •Inger• 831·174• Sllpe 1v111. CdM -., .. , shop est. Bill 536-9832 • ' -M TS cond days 549·8477 #I 1 .. Orm119t c_.., every Wednesday Siert mallress & box aprlng, I O s 9111 . ca II c 8 rr1 e 1965 GMC·V6 Engine & R], '·.-,-,-,,-• ....;. ____ f_1_5_f 1 2925 Harbor Blvd UUI Immediately. No axpe· $90. 642·7674 !!~!'!.~ .•.. !f~!'.'.l.~9-f 78154 ·955·2473 Wkdy• Hydro. Gd cond $200 Top Dollar ' ••••••• !r.c.'........... COSTA MESA rlence necessary Nallo----------1 Eve ' 1 6 · 8pm only • ilJ DEALER, ... US A Ill 2500 Aggreaslvelocal compu· nal company. Do your OoubleBedcomptetewlth New '81 Baby Grand 1 __ -________ 1 537•2003 p 'd 3100We11Coas1Hwy. 11 ... • ter company wanls mo· work right In Iha comfort mallress & frame. $40. B1ldwln, •lnl oond. Newport Beech, llvea----------1 31 Newport Beach llvated sales protesslo· and security of your own 675·6204 $9000. 675-9510 board, slip up lo 60' 1965 235 CHEV ENGINE For Your Carl I 642-9405 fOY CARVER f!!.'J!~!. •..•...• !.~!~ nals. Proven, sales ,.. home Oetall1 and appll· OIEEI IH 1211 Old uprlghl Grand, $250 boat. water. power, silo-$175. Eve'• Only 6·8pm JOMllOI I Ill •1'11 a7z5 fOlS-[OtCf TllE • ••aEST cord more mpor11n1 cation mall-' S-d your G 1 1 d H we rs , $ 7 O O I mo 537-2003 •· ~ Wlft h b k "" v.. 851· 18 to ood P 8Y ng con ur· l1101l1-M1rou'J ••• ••••• •••••••••••••• 1 an computer a c • name and aadreu 10: ryl 497·2139 673-6625 Dual 42 OCNF Weber '68 850 Spider. Convert .... ._"' • •• ,,. '· SELECT.IOI ground Wiii train C1ll 2626 H1rbor Blv I '•"'• ... " " ... ,.... Chucit Ketty 6t1S.t410 American Fldellly Com· OlnAJl'S IEI $40 Petlecl Hammond Org1n Side lie to 18 fl $100 mo. carbs, manllolda, llnkege Costa M111 540·5630' Gm~$bod900y, 6&7:"~!~· 40 --•Ys •M of late model, low mll••· pany, Hiring Dept 77, 85t·18 tO Bench & muelc 1650 Marcus Channel & KAN air IUlets tor VW ,.... .,..~ ge Cadillacs In Soulhern SAUit 1040 LoneTXS11r78Dr30. N-__ LA_A_G_E_S_O_l_IO_O_A_K __ , C1ll Jim 646-5340 873·0145 type I dual port $200 Premium prices Rare "7t hardtop 850 Ra-.... ,, 111757 C1flfomlal See ua today! Ne W Cr. 8 I IV. 11 • m , ~B_11_u_n_1e_1_1. ___ 1 __ OBO, Call AM"a, ask for paid lor any used car XI 1 Good r , ~ 11alEllS ·• BANKER'S DESK $100 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE cer nl gas m · •••••••••••••••••••••• -$100/sale plus reorders WOOD PROCESSOR. Ar· 846-50711 rv'-b"•, N-port Beech: 25', 28.: Dan. 546-3147 (foreign or domestic) shape $1500/bsl '70 AoV.r 35005, CUILUC Can you prospect? Can tee 2.000 & dlctaphone ---------• lilFI llllH IHI 30., 40., & 45. Call In ~ condition 642-"e69 xlnl cond $3500 you close? II so. ca ll dull dltplay 3.000. exper SPACE·SAVER ••••··"··••••••••••••• 6 4 2•4644 from 9•5 ~.''}!.'.f!!J~!!........ ee Us Flrstt ,76 128 ucel cond. re-Dr Cerny 532~761 2600 H11bof Blvd 63 1-5540 Mon thru Fri only Full or P/llme. THE BUNK BEDS, $'600 BEAUTIFUL 25·· RCA Co· Mon Fri . ""P.P.!l .. ~ .. 11!11!!!!991!!11~1 ~o COSTA MESA 9-" OFFICE. 549·2188 or bst olr. 846-50711 lor TV. 2 yr wrn1y $148. __ • __ .------I IMPORTANT NOTICE • built eng. 772-2907 aft 5. Su) f1v SdA_L_.ES~e· INr:,nevCpaelrl ~.elses· B•tHI la/•1 Wd~a':;:o~esw~~~r~ea~e6 Fr~V dJ~:: 64°r.;',:~n. soee:~hM~~~~Lo~ewporl T~~~~~:it:o !/!.~~~•••••••••••!!.~? ••LWi•i•li.ii.Wi.. 540-1110 B""'uck .. 9fi4•3 .. 4•57 "" ••••'••••••••••••••••• ·""" · r. 549·42113. 957-0957 The price of Items ad· IOlt• lllTll"T tOO TllllO 4 IHll '80 Blk Oil El Oor1do, all lfner. needs mallress PACIFIC MICROWAVE ---------ertl·-.. b --h'-1 d • • I ..... Iii I $10 000 .. &. J J v """' Y •v .,.e ea· Wecan• ...... pl Beloreyou $345 42 64xr:-7'1:.'::..au u. ' . S.lespercon lor Plant ,..,,t•••··" $ 1 0 0 . s 6 0 0 new ANTENNA aalea & Hrvl· ... 1. , ........ ' . lera In the vehicle CllSSI· ..... .... """ -..·:1•1:·.·~1·••••••···1•00••5• 645-2145 ce. Cell Clancy 831-0906 I'"'( ,.,.. aA•O fled edverllalng cOlumns buy. check our unbeata· store. Full and parl·llme 1111 • • •I ~ d 1 1 I d ble selection, uvlng1 Ci~•/tl lllO exp er pre I erred ••••'••••••••••••••••• Bat••• S•lt IOSS Stereo with turntable, •••••••••••••••••••••• oea no nc u • any '11148 ll.1d~11 lll11l and aervlce todayt • •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-3392 Anllq~ Oak Orsr, beveled ••••'••••••••••••••••• tpeaker'a, etc Good WHALER Ir Sport. elec applicable taxes, tlc:enH, I '""' \11 '·' 1111111111 S per month plus 18x IEE UI FllllTI mirror & carved feet, House. and everything In c:ond. $75. 042-4336 att. atart, 15HP, all remote transfer lees. lln1nce UllYEll In 48 month cloaed end Sates be 8 u 1. $ 950 10 1 r . 111 For sale, che1p. Honky 4pm. controll. loaded wt charges, lees for air pot· Hlgheet cash lmmedlllely ULEI I IEllYICE lease on approved ere-We have a good telec· Supplement 675•37113 Tonk upright piano. 2400 option• -deluice. N-& lutlon control device for your vehicle DO· 2850 Harbor Blvd. d 1 t. c osl -$ 15,3 7 5: lio n of NEW & USED Your Income sq fl 11 brwn carpet 1 yr Amp and turntable, good perfect. 642·6395, Hk certlfloatlon1 or dealer mea llc or foreign. COSTA MESA $652.15 cash required. Chevroletal -:;.~~k .~~\!s •_:~~ere~ ~11.IJ~!.~~~ •••••• I.~{~ ~·~ero~:do~f~~· ~u;;,; ~~:4~',i,08110re 2 PM _1_o_r _P_h1_1 ----IHO--~1~c~~~~t,8~~.p~erfi'!':~ 651·8286 140_1840 ~:;~~~9~~~ Hk tor d• ~"::~P~~~l•;!~;s. ::~ AP~~:!.~~~~~ICE more. 752"9227 ~.'!,.~!~~~!........ ~~=~;~,.!~ectlled by ~!'.".'1.!'!1.'.'.~f!. •••••• 1975 Honda Civic, 2 dr, IEACH IMPORTS an hourly wage+ comm. we sell recond .. guar. #•tiiHrt, 1011 IHll I #•tlH DRY STORAGE .. _,. / A•'i '101 hatch·beck. 4 19d. new 8"8 Dove Street ~r::~1~1gs .P~~1~'(7 f ~) l~P;;~ce;,,l,;:;;77 ~~~~·i;;,;·•u·4;;;; "~;~~!~! .... HiO Monthly boat atora~e, 1111 Cfu;;CI ISJO ·io·h·i°HOCiT~r·;· ~~~9oa $ ;~~o,,~:~-rp4! NE7i2~oiOoCH 540-0301 Les 957_8133 SIB. Grading of all types. •••••••••••••••••••••• any r,•z.e, 24 hr aecur ly, •••••••••••••••••••••• 26.000 mites. fully loaded _wk_d_•.;..Y•------'----------' SALES Low rates. Cell alter 3 MOTOllWLEI lrM auncnlno llHIL HA"sl iunrool, gd cond Llkl '80 Honda Accord llke '711 Sub Turbo. 3 dr, COHHRL CHEVROLET :..._,.H,irt•.r Ii ,,1 ''"T\\1~~\ 54~1 JOO Work In own backyard, Washer·Dryer·Aelrlg. PM. 546-4967 44 11 LlnMt. 3 ye1rt Old IEWPHT HIES Shay repllcu; pickups & new $13 ,400 080 new. low miles A/C Blue, 38,000 ml, super prolecled territory. S.r· DllhwHher-Freez.8f lni1tll••HU IOIO s 189.000. Wlll tride. 1111 lat• lar tr. coupet. 4 lo choou 6 4 6 -8 2 1 1 E v • s . S6500 8"8-5280 cond. $7495 751-3768; Air cond . 4 epee!! trtns .. vice aiclsllng account• )(lnl cond IMS.58"8 •••••••••••••••••••••• Submit pr~rty II from I (000768) (Slk. 857-9884 deys I JZ dye, 648-3850 eves radio & 1 cute earl (Ser. D -w---673 4424 • A3093). Prices tllrtlng at I----_.;.. ____ , Jt11t• 1 42511) Leads provided. lrect 22' aide by side froatless ~ -• 144-0110 RLY St ltll '80 4000, A/C, Sunroof, •••••••••••••••••••••• l•Nr• 1111 Illes exp. I must Ad· refrigerator . $250 8 to20'1ong,30cperll IHI II. 1 • Slereo, lmma c $6450 ·75 INTERCEPTOR 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• llLY 121111 vertls lng ulea helpful. 548-7044 775-1491 anytime. r, •r •• 631·2991 CONVERTIBLE. 39,000 Salea--Servloe-Leetlng ...... ---tlet $40,000 ptu1 urning• £."1••••1 H30 ft••l•tl•tl•• 1 ml burl wood duh ••-•t••c1 -_..... polenllal. Call Bob Swal· Cold1pot Frost Free ~ DOME HOME KITS •••"';\•""'•••••••••••••• •••••'-••••••••••u••• JlfW 11/Z m~ch n w S t 7 ,950: --:::.:-, ~/OutU Sta. low for appt. t-524-1020 frig 13 cu ft, llke new locally manullciured. '/\ Onan 10 KW gen8f8tor. 4 #•l•rl6H llin 1141 •••••••••••••••••••••• 77(>.6977 --NEWPORT BEACH $200. Sun. OJI d1y. Mon price Introductory ape-cyl COntl~lal, gu PC>-•••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 111·2040 4fl,4t4t 111-ffll SICllnAllY & Tuea alt 8pm 644-.8051 clal. Converts 10 2000 sq wentd, Ju•I rebuilt, frffh '77 PUCH MAXI moped. •u•u• ''1• 1134 -.------- Full time. Good typing 11. 639-3596 w11er cooled, Ml up for low mllH, mini cond •••••••••••••••••••••• f•nl• 11fl 71 CHEVY WAGON and admlnlllrlllve s111111 Electric dryer, gold, used ---------marine eppllcellon $325. 842·2483. '73 Karmann Ghle. blue, ••'•-.••••••••••••••••• Look• end rune greet. 6 mo )(Int cond. 1 100 Full size Pool Table, good $2500. 675·2837 new tires, paint, sunroof '82 Toy Cellc:a. every op-XL NT Trtn•. $800 Small growing Hotel Co 642·4336 all. 4pm. condition. 3 Bet stools. PUCH MAXI. Good cond. ·sastudeb1ker Champion S3t1SO 840-8582 tlon $8500. 9eG-0205 Salary commen1urete Ae Ask for Rick aft 4 Brend new 11183 Elllnrude Vellow, very clean. $350, 5 pua cpe Nice cir 714-760·1393 ---------wllh ablllly and HP•· lrlgerelor, liken-. w/ 63l-l387 4 HP oulbOlrd, never eall 645·6278 S3750. 2131592_1792 Hl•I 1131 ·77 Caprice Clasalc, 42, rlence. Call Mr. Kopp lcemalc:er. 5"00 Or best 1---------used $525. Clll Doug W t d V M 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• '77 Toyota Corona Stlllon 000 orig ml Xlnt cond. 497·4857 offer 841·3153 12 Place setting of China. Turin (work) 573.1434 in • HP• o or 1"4 lt•t• It•••• UUl·lllYIOE '80 Ma:rdt 626. 5 spd, Wagon. Stereo AM/FM 8 Fully loaded. $3500. 'EclllT •• , 1-E w··•tll/llYEll $350, 12 Place setting of (home) 642-"910 llCOOler. Pay up to $300 11146 Ford Woody Wa· LUllll AM/FM, •Ir, new Goo· trac k. AIC. Oaluxe 840·<>773 --c:rysl81, $200. Mon·Frl, 675·63116 dyear NCT tires $5599 $3000 obo. 955-0600 ---------West coa11district111e1 $290 pr. 851·18 10 eves 759·1206 IHll ''"'' fOf0'-----00---1-0--1 gon. $13.000. 83!-2040 495.4949 559 1711 '73 EL CAMINO xtn1 cond. olfloe of m1Jor mldweal 1----------1---·-------•••••'•••••••••••••••• YEIPA 2 It UllLHlOI IMW • ·74 CORONA SA5, gd To1a11y bullt 3SO C.I. eng. corp has 8 aecralarlil l/ne/11 IOZO WIHLOIAJR Cl1111c 18' L1palrake Xlnl cond. 645-0327 1929 Ford Model A Town 28402 Marguerite Pkwy .,,,. 1131 cond. many extra• w/meny •traa. 4 lpd ram po1111on avail now. Good ••0'Efovs~·oi°RTB1i<"E'... 5"5 497·61118 C.nt'."l: ~ boat. 4 cyl, ••t•te,oln/ Sedan, $10,000 Mlaslon Viejo •••••••• .......... ••••• $ 2 3 0 0 . 6 4 2. 6 5 7 2 . rod trans. 2 12·boll Posl phone & typing skills. Aampar, w/2 sett 01 ITALIAN MARBLE Co· Grey. 3 675-8101 •-Hlll'.I IJSO 1963 S d b k A ti (Avery Exit off 1·5) 832·5890 rear end1 MUST DRIVE Aut omotive leasing wheels. $60. 652·7143 lumn. Very beautiful. Use Boal & lrlr is· Olaapar, ••• "!.••••••••••••••••• $5600. ~1:-e~6~r llan · Open Sund•y• '76 COROLLA, runs well, ~~JEiJ~~~~16 •;~~~ background helpful but Men's 10 a~". 19w·. Mo-for plantar. statue etc. 115hp E11lnrude 0 /8 . 1959 BSA-A10 Buket, 2 ---------looks good $1500 takes not neceasary. Starling ""' $350 080 . 557-8393 S4500. 846-3118 engines & trans. S250. 1967 Chev Ceprl 4 dr VI· II. FIRM 960-0447 533·"855 all 6pm sa lary up to $ 1050 + lobeeane Sup« Mirage, E · 6 8 0 1 nyl top. Air cond. E•· '80 Cit tlo 38 ooo t al benefits For 1ppl cell $100. 552·7143 SURPLUS JEEPS. Carl · Sell Idle Items 642 5878 .... v78 2oo1 3 • pm n y . ceptlonal cond. S995. Sale•-"'-rv'---Leaslnn Ftl••t.• 1111 11 1 n, 11 ' ,ac u Lend Lease 833-9231 Boats Many Self for Un· -..., • 675-6106, 542.11114 ~..,.. ""' .... •••••• ••••••••••••••• m ea, am m • ereo, Dirt Bike, boys, blk, $40. d•r $50.00 For Info Cell '111211'1 &rt ltrtl '78 SPITFIRE 30K ml. IX· auto drive, 2 door IEOIOAllY/UEO, to apd boy• $36. Call (312)93H96t Ext. 2239 '87 Eldor1do Cla11lc. s1. Ntc. Sele<:llonl c e I m •c h c o n d . hllchb1ck, one owner. Min 8 yr• hvy secrelerlll •lier 6 P M Hunter. Boat picture ads provide 600 Good cond * '76 2002, 4 •pd ,an/rl HI llS ~ $3000/0BO 673..fl438 M SOO. 844-8982 eic~r req. Chsllenglng 673-0673. ITAllT YHll Cati Wall 8'92-7222 t9t7PVB) ..::r• '~:! Vilknt• •• 1?10 '81 c.p,1oe Cleulc, Bee position tor 1omeone MEN"S 5 SPEED OlllllTll&l l..,,111 ~ * '711 3201, auto , A/C MA · ••••••··'··••••••. •••• 1unrool, m1ny utrts. led. For IOtlg lira & herd Doug 640·5 100 Xlll ... , 1541 '* '79 320t. 4 9P<l . lol· _ -.. ... Loolcl end rune gr .. 1 32 wkndt/ev, 84-4·11370 dya unusually bright & tklf· 8EACH CRUISER $150 OILY oO~ 1,._1111 '411, (5487750) n• IT I '71 vw 411 SEDAN $8700/obo 673-3083 wont -offer talary 10 1----''-------1 Beautiful ceramic h<>rN. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• dedl (776YPC) .. _, mpg s1.ao 860-0205 $24,000 per yr. pension l•il"•I 30'" high on hlnd...t.gl, s 1901 ROVER TC2000 * '80 320t. 5 IP<I . an/rt PAGUTTI · llli IHO fund, 1n1, bonus program #•l•ti•I• IOJ$ cotor TV. ceramic cata. g Body. 175 Eve·a 6·8pm 16511ZOKI 111uwrn tau 11w MUlM 1tll -111 SUI :;1f:oRo·u~;;idc·a~ & an ocean view If you·-•••••••••••••••••••••• plC1ures. Santa Cteu-. ~.-.,1 Only. 537-2003 '* '80 5281, auto . an/rt. .,. ,. not lhe bell pleue tell IDW 310/n. Mr. & Mrs. Santi & much s~~e-~'. (488ZOJI ~ RUNS GOOD cond. 3 new tires. econ d moot~ Handmade leelhe< -f Wllfll lhln1 ISIO Mazda RX7, '79, Mint 995-3327 $850 4M--32tt your 1m1rte11 un er Redwood 2•8 decking, Items • much more. IH·J1 1 cond 5 apd. AJC, Amll~~~~~~~~~~---faij;jj8~1-chaltenged friend about 4 20· I •I-............... 7 • ~·.·AO···E·s·T··J~·:p··D·::·L·E·R· 208 w 1•1, Sar.ta An• Fm CUI Mn/rt, CUI Int/ t:: 1r--.... 'll us. Colline & ANOC , 587 • ong; -r...,..vvu 840.8 09 -· ._ o= ..,.. -fencing Call Jim or Ken 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil In the w .. t CIOeed Sunday ex I, S 8 4 5 0 . ( 7 t 4 I 81 A1bbll Conv Ghia, 6 cyl. 2 dr, auto, a ir. S a n NI co 11 •. N B. anytime, 775-1491 11 det,_,llell need• 631.0300 auto tr ant. met pl w/w 11ereo. crul•• control 8"4 577 t IF VOU HAVE ,..._.. CHOICE INVENTOAV I I d -DOME HOME KITS INITl"LS 4,• your J EP. VOLU .. E S 0 LES '76 M d w ·c I res, sports .... an low ml. Xlnt cond. $3950. llolllT••y " "' Hlghelt Ooll11 Ptld &m · " 81 a igon, " • S/Wheel1, em/Im cast 559-0180 -locally manufactured. Yll CHO C auto. good cond $995 Lk nu 8700 ml $8890 •---------lmmed. opening tot ae-price lnlroduc:tory 1pe· 811 Gary Gr•1 833-3487 973. 1345, 67J. 134' "•HI• IHS cretary In L1gun1 Beech ct11. Convene 10 2000 sq H.Alll OlllT I a. • •••••••••••• • •••••• ••• area. Xlnl typing 1nd or· ft . 6311-3596 Thia 19 your lucky di)' UIO/JUP/IEIAILT IO I II LARE I #•ttH•I ltu 1140 'II 11111"•11 '11 .... •wt Y g1nlutlon11 1kllt1 1 1---------1 way. Beautiful hand too-O •••••••••••••••••••••• Sl600 °"2-6477 Gr .. 1 c:onct1i1on. 15,500. must. C1ll Linde. Fri lhru C•I• 1131 led check book cover 2524 H11bor Bhld., CM lllW OIMPUE·mOElll 'II Ill SIOO/Ht Cell em 557.7354 S 7 4/ 94 07 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• with ~ heed & lnl· 549·8023 645-7770 We'll lhOW .,.,.1 over 100 _a_t_. _1_4 __ -_4 ___ Burme1e Klt1en1. CFA tlala CHO. Aegul11 prlo. 11'11 'llP WAHHH Salea-S.,vlce·Leaalng New & Used-Merced••· Nol running 546·1871 # I lfSI Service Station reg. Mele $125. $25. S1crlflce for only 1 850 N. Beach Blvd Bent . Come In & consl-•68 Bug, s2975. anrl, •• !!.~!'f•••••••••••••• Mechanic, FI T. 1ome 839-0972 St5. to lucky peraon with ~:. 0:1~~n;0~h.t ;::~~~ 1L2a2~1•1b1111 der our leue 11range. pop·out rr wndw•. 22K '11 llllA 12100 knowledge, all cart, own Sla~M kitten, 8 wk1 old, tlleae lnltllla. Hurry cell (714) 641·5e70 menll or tong term fl· rebll eng, new p11t1. 536--0~/844·1 141 10011. Alto need PIT II· melt. $50. 640·8709 01ve. Open Sunday n1nelng. 54&-880 I X73, 760-6795 , ________ _ 1end1n1. over 16. Se• 495-4874 Bell Musage<. llke new. r11ckr ISIO ····11 ·-m·s House of Imports. Inc. 'ti llST&ll Mr. Bolta, 2490 Fairview n.. 1_1 See to appreciate. $IOO. •••••••••••••••••••••• _.. _. OIAL 21:; or 714 '80 DIESEL ouner wgn, 4 2 plui 2• 4 •Pd end _._,_F_ll_r_o_r_. c_._M_. ___ -:-:.,. .~ •••••••••••••• ~. I ~9-82_·_12_56 ______ , Toyota '78. AM/FM St•-ILIHT 637·2333 spd, 1nrf. CUI. 40 mpg. torecl M 000 111Pftlt OLEH • ,. r eo CUUtl•. Smell , & eitcel. 15500. 4114-8005. oc:'cf· ,... . . . Jack AulMll Terriers, En· AGK SurfbOard, 5'7" 1wtn c1mper shell 12175 ,74 VW Love Bug, "Int 875•5290 F111 growing fHhlon g ll1h llOCk •• 1een fin. StOO 673-8018 " bullneu, coemetlc llne, Sport• 111ua111ted M&F Call 5'46·3147 • .,.. cond, low mti.s, -to '66 Hardtop w/rbh eng. ctiarge of Inventory con-S400 076-2434. 1&e.e CHEV P.U. Need• apprec $2900 0 80 11360/blt trol. Miture, full-time, · Seart 10" Radial saw+ 2 28' Ericson FUiiy equipped crvlse, engine $250. Eve'• 8•1et-Senlk»-L•19lng 983-0313 or 673·4186, t44 054 benellll Ct ll for Inter· ftH It ffl 1041 dr cabinet. on whl1, uMd 6 Miii. UHF, comp1ss. covers, 8-8pm only. 537·2003 IJ('"""fV CARVER LoulM. -1 9 •• ••••••• •••• ••• •••••• once. 5"25. 073-3e00 $ l"'-.,..1 l "N d I 0'1~18-'-1.'1t lff• _v1ew __ 111_-ao_73 ____ To good hOml: S~d P•<fecl Condition 16.500 1H5 OIVCO Miik T<uck lt.llill.litc·~1\\' '05 vw v .. g 1ng ne, .!: ••• ~! ••••••••••• -: SHIPPING CLERK Ml•, 2 yri old. Kll!Q u W1terbed, sole, 123-4507 NMda wor\, $160. Eve'e ""' ,,, .. ,1, ._,..,. ., body needl TLC 1950 •73 Old• 811 Wgn tllt LH•r Mfgr hll lmmed Cell 64o..e787 Olk din lbl, P~lax Cl· Only Mpm. 537-2003 ...... , 44 .. "' ...... 7 1 4 -4 9 3 • 8 2 8 9 . wheel, 12 poeltlol'I Met. opening for an exper t----------1 mere , Pioneer •lereo. •3c "'-·ct P ...... up. VB fie· ' •te '78 3""1 .... owr....._ 499· 1724. 454cl. $400. Cell Ad Ill· I ti I h i I KITTENS • Fr .. 10 good 957-8234, 541·44"4. ~ ...,.. ""' .... &v '"'' ""'" 2 •..02 ... ,00 24 u ·J me I PP no I home. 1dorabl•. litter Set your course for fast sales theed. All O<lg 14,50() cond Eo;ery option tvell '73 v w Thing, HT, Roll ter #70 ....... .... recaMng clerk. Xlnt ~ bolt t11lned. 548-8012 Frigidaire Air Conditioner, 0 I p I 645·8383 Oaregec:I w/ex>ver & runt Ber, II mo on Engine. IW'8 ne11t1. C:111 or 1ppty 1t r---------1 tingle rm. Reg. outlet. with• a ly llot boat P c ture 1tll y..- 8 -. on "'9mlum <tll+.7420. Orul Cond s2eso. _7..;..2.:....T-~-...... -.. -~ .... -~-,.- \..lakm•n Electro 0p11cs. do11b1e 1b1ndoned s10011>1t °''· 831-8878 ad. Each Saturday, the Dally •1•• ,... ' ,... 499·t278 . or ... _... . .._,.._..,.., 3:a051 Cllte Avtedor, San Benji puppy, lovee klda, wtth carr'll* eMll 11300 ·79 BMW 3201, loeded, N4IW Urea. $500, Jut n C1po 493·6824 only 10 g ood home .. ,lltrl .... ,., Piiot wlll o ffer you ad apace f'Wm 073-N18 48,000 m l ' $8700 '12 euo new paint. exc.I 720-1101 e,o .E.tM-F·H. "3·3789 aw..,., that not only describes your 549-1330 or 7GO~H14 cond. weo milnt11nect. 1Ndlt IHI b II '74 Ch•llY Luv PU, new $3100. 644-0632. •••••••••••••••••••••• Shoe s 11ea, 25·35 hr1. 7 Week old Kltt,n•. neecs Moes.I eea. NMr ,,...,, (25 boat, ut picture• It II we . brk1, clutch, fldl1tor. '78 BMW 3201, anrf, nu ••P only. Hrly & comm.. good home. \11rlety of hr• on ciock) Cott .9. Th .. prl" .. I• nuarant-d to run• good. Oepend1ble bronz• palnl, em/Im, air, ·eo V1ng1on. Top oond . 1tln1 oppty, Chlldrene color1. 64S-t340 aft 8. 000 • aacrlllc• lor 15. .., """ • vv $HIOO. 045~163 Int. O.tellec:I, runt gOOd. 20,000 ml. AIC, lter.c>, eootery 644·2464 Mr. h-''81t "" 600. t&a.0363 buoy your 1plr1ta -$45 If we . !He. tran1t1r • mu11 mu•' a e 11 • '1 t SO · Mitter • ., k h I d I ..... 0 71 CheVy v. ton <tWD PU. H ll 11180/obo PI P, 031-1094 •••••••••••••••••••••• Vegelron Hydroponic ta • t e P Cture, In On Y ... ,no, gt .. t, bOdy OK, Pl. bull, 91t..0730 ......... Aebfl TutbO 400, lharp ln'"'8 I out .• Mad o,._, 6H-H32 T~OM loflc:hort nee-I 11J "llfTllf gerden 185. 0""'1 ~ If you provide the picture for I pb, gel work truck, Hml ded. '1rtt ret• RMort Oo. L 157 8138 So&. FM llpe w/apkre 2 COiumn 3., ad. 11800/0bO. 8734818 '78 BMW HOI 17,600. llPll '78 Orllnd Prtx, 13,000 fUll l!.xcetllnl working condl· M • 180. 64S-0471 I d Good condition. ·n l/W, 11lnt rnectllnlcal, ~AM /l'M •tere o, ttlonlon•c· 1T11oJ~a~~P0~":i'm.1 flllmll•.W •. , J• !'M! •••••••••••••• ~?i M5-03'3 ~!~1 al!!~ N!,w, ~1r1~~.· , tet.oe3t M . _,,_. PRICES START AT: ,,,. , .. ,... For lurttler d•t•ll• about how 13 Dodo• Vin Convert '79 BMW aooa 8llOW1m ....,;ll -ilVV .. -.... Fi flff 4"'°748 M11tr ... &. Found, Mt •••'*' Ml Dlllv Piiot boat plctura adt •Int cond., 13100 firm aond . N-t~. l>rak .. , I .~••••••••••••••••• · N-fllClory ... i.cs ... -;~................. 1 ... A Ir, • u to, • t • r • o . valv• Job. Mint cond. &11111 L.1&11 •11 veneoon cttx OMtfl9'1 •74 v.oe, Gleen, no denta. Twin 177-fUll 197 H!LPt 1 hive• perm aw_, can work for you •nd to 8$1-21n: M8·H•3 A•klng 11000 . ._."'' Nll ,.,. 3000 616-M•O lo ml, •lnt cond. Mu11 auto, ~ tt1111POfl•· '1:·=:~~~ Oueenl147•Klngl187 M .. t IP•C• •t 00 eoheduleyourad,call '13FOADVAN AIA,.M2·2*1vmeg. ... . ••"·Mall• orr t1011 1800/obo. If .. _ SOf• 9ecl1 ltt7 F•lrg'"da. Nd Pf1 oc11101,• 111878 S "··-t-pa•nt, Int, ..... ,.1•71 3 ............... mint .......,, •73 MIZ 4508LC. enve1.!. 1·7'8-0<4'7 14e.ea11"' 1 a""" ~. you ...... • oarn-Sote & IOYt ... , 11111 to H ll. Any du• e..2-tnd utc for ally L... vvw "'" • ........ •Vl ·-""'"' 1 t mech & bo<ly "' P•t lhlt'• not getting DllCOUN'f ffUANITURI! 714-031-3570 910. lt700. 111....... I MK"" />JC, IM/fm tt•J is'euzu Pv1 S*tY • .,, M•k• rCM ~pl!IQ. ... Ai••Y• • ..,. '" ueed, ... " now with • 11511 HarbOt llvd. I o u u 1 t • Ito o 0 000 tfa·tU4 or evi '* b)" uelfl9 ,,,. o.uy oleMlfted·reed ti. Ml ~c;••;··~lflecll~~"";;..· ---~C~08!T~A~M~E.8~A~l3!1~-eeot~u;'S.i~l~ld~le;;l;•;;rn;•~M;;;~~7~·l.!:====:=======~~=~ ~ Cl .... flec:I Ad• t42«5f7 •. ~20el -873-ttH. lltllot Ct........S Adt. W9Y tiey, 141~ l \l 't ,, .. , llAlll l:UIT Ylll HlllTIWI llllY PIPll TUE SDAY SE-PTLMHIH 1·1. 1 .. 82 ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS River formula: Subtract salt, add recreation Car lies abandoned in dry wash bed at -source By STEVE TRIPOLI 0( .... De4ty ..... •tett Though flood control hu taken center at.age u the main iaeue lnvolving the Santa Ana River, water pollution control and expanded recreational opportunities al.so are attracting attention. Anti-pollution efforta have focused on what otflclals see aa the major present and future threat to the river -Increasing salinity of the water. With many riverside recreational facilities already in place In Orange County, officials have drawn up plans for work they say would complete the aystem. However, funding pi;oblems and •the requisite of improving flood controls are delaying implementation. · The salt problem in the river ls becoming more serious for several reasons, officials say. Their solution of the problem is developing on several fron ts also. D.R. "Bob" Collacott, chief of the environmental resources section of the county's Environmental Management Agency, said high-salt content discharges into the river from two sources are the major culprits. Most of the time, when river flow is low, about 80 percent of the water reaching the Orange County Water District's spreading basins in Anaheim is treated effluent, water that already has been used several times in homes, industry and on farms. Each use by humans adds an estimated 350 milligrams of salt per liter, officials say. In this final part of a Dally Piiot series on the Santa Ana River's Impact on Orange County, the focus Is on actions to check Increasing pollution of the water. He explained to Schlange salt ia a pollution threat because it can destroy drinking water and agricultural soil and because even lower levels can aggravate certain human ailments. Salt also raises consumer costs because it hardens water, necessitating the use of extra detergents and fabric softeners for washing, he said. of Santa Ana River near proposed site of Mentone Dam. The large dairy herds of the Chino area, for whom a salty diet is part of the milk- producing regimen, add an estimated 50,000 tons of salt per year to the water supply, according to Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority Manager J. Andrew Schlange. Aside from increased monitoring of salt (See POLLUTION, Page A3) Air Cal bid denied By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ()('Ute D811y ll'Mot Steff Newport Beach-based AirCal has been unsuccessful in obtaining a court order to prevent transfer of some of its flights to air carriers wanting to begin or expand service at John Wayne Airport. At the conclusion' of a hearing in Lo s Angel es Monday afternoon, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. ruled that the airline had not demonstrated "irreparable injury" and denied AirCal's request. De4tJ "°' ~ bf c,_... .. .,, An unide ntified fe male fan gets close (but not too close) to male stripper at the La ff Stop as the banned a ct went on uninterrupted. Club waiters restrain her hands from harm's way. An attorney for AirCal, Howard Privetta, said Judge Hatter's decision will be appealed. AirCal repeatedly has sought protection from an Orange Count y government plan designed to allocate flights from John Wayne Airport in a n impartial manner to carriers meeting certain jet noise limitation standards. In related actions Monday, Hatter approved agreemeois under which PSA and the U.S. Department of Justice dropped their previous challenges of the county's airport access plan. The lawsuit was initiated by PSA in July 1981 after county Jet loses tail cone. Story on Page A2. supervisors adopted a now - abandoned access plan that would have permitted AirCal and Republic Airlines to control 86 percent of the ;et departures from John Wayne Airport for a three-y.ear periOd. The show goes on with no law hassle By JODI CADENHEAD DflMO..,Not•lalt The heat was up at the Laff St.op Monday night where male dancers entertain female audien ces, but the real heat never showed. • -Last month the Orange County Planning Commission ordered the comedy club at 2122 S .E . Bristol St. in Santa Ana Heights to stop its Monday night semi- slrip shows by Sept. 11 or face possible closure by the county sheriff's department. At the end of the 7:30 show a couple of sh eriff'• officers a rr I ved, saying they were making a "routine bar check." But the most visible show by law enforcement came when a dancer dressed as a cop swaggered onto the st.age and took off his boots'. The uniform went next. "Take it off" are the~three most said words at the ... eek.ly strip show, started three years ago to appease ~~vnday night football widows. The dahcers get down to their underwear and the women must abide by two house rules: No dancing with the men and absolutely no touching. A couple of bare-chested men wearing black pants and a collar bow tie hold the women's hands as they parade up to the stage to let the dancers retrieve dolJar tipl from their mouths or cleavage. It was a busy night for the ~ightclub, despite owner Mike Callie's prediction that most of the women would stay home to be with their children on the first day of 8Chool. "It's pure comedy," said Niki Bauer, 32, of Tustin, who with several friends had managed to get a front row ring seat. ''I've been here three times. I knew there was a chance they'd try to cloee them down and I wanted to see them." Man y of the women complained that wet T -shirt (See STRIP, Page A2) -INDEX-New homes plan tested At Your Service A4 fl. ROBERT BARKER "has been a psr,chological impact County Supervisor Harriett Erma Bombeck A7 .... Detty ....... ..,, area to buyers. ' Wieder. Assemblyman Nolan Buslness 84-5 Huntington Beach Is the The goal of the program is to Frizzelle, R-Huntlngton Beach, Cavalcade A7 testing ground for a $3 million help low-to-moderate Income and Huntington Beach Mayor Classified C5-8 home financing program persons buy their first home in Bob Mandie. Comics B7 expected to hel~t the real the dty. Mandie said the city had Crossword B7 estate market ro • accordJng "Our ~rogram Is being Intended to use mortga~e Death Notices C5 to a leader of area realtors. watched c oeely throufthout the revenue bonds to finance t e Editorial A6 The pllot program involves the state. 1 believe it wi help to curchaae of new senior citizen F.n tertainrnent B6 use of tax-exempt mort~ge break things open," Bussiere ou.slng units. Horoecope A7 said. He said the city and developer Intermission B6 revenue bonds to provide be w-According to reqwrementa of couldn 't meet deadlines, Ann Landers A7 market 11 .5 percent, 30-year the Orange County Housing however, and stood to loee the Movies B6 mortgages on the ~haae of Authority, which adminlaters the money. Mutual Funds B4 resale hornet priced 169,000 rrosram, haU the '3 million in National News A3 to $110,000. und a must be u aed by . It was at this point \hat the Public Notices B4,C5 Mo=e revenue bonds have Individuals or families whose concept waa developed amona S . Cal. Focus A8 been for the purchase of Income. do not exceed $25,600 county and city officials a n Sports Cl-4 new homes. But thia Ja the first per year. realtors to change directions and Dr. Steincrohn A7 Ume the bonds have been used The remalnlna 50 percent of uae the bonds to finance the Stock Markets & for reaale homes In the st.ate, the money can finance mof11Tf!: purchue of resale hornet. Televtaion B8 accordln1 to Barri Bussiere, for Individuals or famll ea 'rhe county eold the bonda and w.~ A2 {iret!dent of the 1, 00-member earn.Inc up to $32,000 annually. the t'Mlton put up $135,000 for World New• A3 untie Beach-Fountain The procram. expected to pt admlnlatratiw coetl. Valley of Realton. under way next week, waa Buuiere aaid that ttate Bulltere •Id the ::team will unveiled at a prea conference le1l1latlon adopted In 1981 brine the lntei.t rate low 12 Monday in HunUn1ton Beech provtd9d that up to 40 pereent of percent, a mark which he aaid attended by Bualere, Oranae (lee HOMES, P ... .\1) " l~ I • , Officials of PSA and the federal government say the replacem e nt plan in e ffect complies with their demands for equal distribution of what all agree is a scarce commodity - the number of permitted Uights from the airport. The lawsuit, however, is far from over. An Oct. 14 trial is sch e duled o n demand s o f Continental Airlines and America West Airlines for departures from John Wayne Airport. Nei the r carrier has m e t county-imposed conditions to Mini milestone fly new and quieter jets, such as the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Super 80. Prior to implementation of the plan, AirCal was guaranteed an average o f 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permitted dally from the airport. As a result of the plan's implementation, AirCal's allocations will drop 10 percent every three months when flights a r e transferred to carrier s wanting to begin or e xpand service to Orange C.0\&nty. (See HEARING, Page A%) -Mary Lorge takes a 1nap1hot of her daughter Greta'• rint day of school with teacher Chere Hale. Antice of her claumatea, which may 1how up in yearbook• in 12 yean, are.on Page Bl. ,. ) H/F Orang• Co••t DAILY PIL.OTITUtlday. Sept I i . f Curling up i Ra ndy Fredrickson o f Hunting ton Bea ch ! demonstrates a bod y curl. He a nd fellow f employees o f a Fountain Va lley health : o rganizatio n s how how to get o ut the kinks I and .keep fit on Page AS. f . 1 ~pain crash count inay pass 50 dead I • MALAGA, Spain (AP) - Four more bodies were pulled from the wreckage of a DC-10 jf;_tliner today, but 27 passengers were unaccount.ed for following a fi°ery crash that killed at least 50 t4urists returning to New York h;:om this Mediterranean resort, I• the civil governor's office said. :The bodies were removed from a· charred tail section that had •n ina<.leeS&ble to firemen until ; tQday. The search continued and : · -official in the civil governor's : Uice said more victims were : .fc!aTed to be in the wrecked : Wihe's tail area. ! · •Spanta.x Airlines, the Madrid- ; ' air charter company that t wned the jumbo jet, agre~d with the govemor's office on the number of pa ssenge rs unaccounted for, but said they were not necessarily dead. "They might be somewhere still trying to get recovered from the shock they must have suffered. Neither can we say for sure there are no more corpses in the wreckage," an airline spokesman said. The Spantax office in New York on Monday said 332 passengers escaped the wreckage and two were missi n g. A spokesman today said he could not explain the discrepancies in the figures. r 14, 1982 Hotel taxes eyed By STEVE MARBLE Oflti.D•~'llot ltMf Newport Beach City Council members arc preparing to do what . voters In the city twice refused to do -increase the howl and motel bed tax. A recent state Supreme Court ruling, the council was advised Monday, opens the door for council members to hike the tax Crom 6 to 8 percent without first going to the voters. Voters in Newport Beach shot down the tax increase la.st June and November, failing both times to provide the two-thirds majonty vote that, at the ·time, was required. The court ruhng, explained City Attorney Mlke Miller, brings a new twist to the old is$ue by returning to local government some taxing power believed lost under Proposition 13. The Irvine City Council is expected to t.ak'e advantage of the same court ruling tonight by upping the hotel bed tax from 6 to 8 percent. Laguna Beach is the only Orange Coast c ity with an existing 8 percent bed tax. While the bed tax issue has never sparked great political debate in Newport Beach, it has enraged several motel and hotel operators, one who said today he is amazed to see the matter come up for a third time. "It's simply amazing that the council can consider doing this," says Victor Rumbellow, a fonner aerospace executive who now owns a Pacific Coast Highway motel. "When you have a Supreme Court that twists the desires of the people, I guess there's not much you can do except grin and bear it," Rum bellow said. He said the motel business is slumping and that a tax increase will not help matters. Like other hotel and motel operaors in Newport, Rumbellow claims the tax hike will hurt business and drive potential customers to other cities. STRIP SHOW ACTS TO CONTINUE • • • ... ~rpm Pag~ A1 I Cl>qt~C. ar~ stqed with few ~dlAl.nb. -~f don't know why the girls j ~'t h ve a good time," aaid a , 54•year-old Irvine woman, who • asked not to be identified. "It's t doing any harm." The county sees differently. Fifth Dbtrict Su~rvisor Tom Riley said he s received complaints from residenta about the ahow. Callie is appealing the Planning Commission's ruling that no adult entertainment be allowed within 500 feet of a residential neighborhood to the Board of Supervisors. "What we're doing is a spoof of a strip show," said Callie. "It's a put on. h's not done in the nude." The women booed at the end of the dance show when told that the eight dancing men might disappear from their Mondays. "I think It's good clean fun," said Nicole Cousin, 39, of Huntington Beach. "There's absolutely nothing dirty about the whole ahmear." Fog ·along coast from 78 to 84 The mercury may rMel'I betw_, 65 and 75 In lhe mountain•. 75 10 83 In Owan1 Valley. 80 10 90 In norlharn "-11 •nd 90 to 98 In the IOW r--T'ft-=r--r--.,.--r----T a-t 511'----------eo.ten from Polnl Conc.ptlon ' .. ~EIHwllere. mollly llght •nd rl•l>I• wind• 1onlgh1 end .cl~ay morning, becoming A • outllwe1t 8 10 \8 knoll In atl«noona. Wind w1vee 1 10 2 r.et. Combined .... 5 to 8 IMl In .:J\brthern outer w1ter1. •lowly to lhe Mexican t>order 1hould expect llghl varlll>le wlnct. In the night and morning hours. t>ecomlng aoulhwe•t«IY al 8 to 18 knoll In Iha afternoon• with • 1-to-3-IOOl IOUlhwal awell. T e mperatures NATION .. Lo ~ All>4w'ly 87 83 Alt>uque 78 48 .01 Am9rille> 87 81 NHonel W•lllf SIMc9 Aahev\11• 75 60 .08 NOAA.US ~ of Comm«ee 79 87 dec:t~. Ol'*-IM. aoulhwMt lwell 1 to IMt Cona1c1«11>1e IOw At*11• c;loudln111 with only p1rtl•I At*1tc Cly 77 84 Fronta: Cold ..., Warm ..., Occluded ..r elffrlng attMnoon 1nd l'llenlng Austin 98 71 .35 82 56 02 79 80 Baltlmor1 84 82 Mpll·Sl.P R.clwood City houri todey and Wednaday Bl Mings 53 35 :µ NMhvllle 88 70 29 Rllllfsld• 58 17 71 New Of'IMnl 91 72 SKramen10 85 ~ fi.J .S. sumniary Blrmlnghm Blemarck 80 42 New Yortt 81 80 187 S•llna1 72 50 BolM 88 40 Norlolk 82 83 S•n Diego 74 70 Bolton 89 82 No. Pllll• 58 48 23 San Francl9Co 64 54 Snow fell h11v1ly In Iha &ownsvtle 95 78 Oki• Clly 94 72 Sen•• B.,b•r• 72 84 northern Rockl11 lodey. 10 BulfllO 89 71 OIMll• 58 54 11 Sen';: M•rl• 75 d • p 1 h a o r 1 8 I n c h • • I n Burll ton 88 68 Orl•ndo 92 7ll Sloe ion 89 54 i Yellow11one Netlon•I P•rk. H c...: 48 35 1.13 Phlllldphl• 88 84 The<m•I 95 lhunder1t0tm1 contlnu9<1 In Iha aiar111n SC 84 70 Pholnlll 92 73 Ukiah 89 • 1cen1r11 Pl1ln1, th• Ml11l11lpp1 Ctlan•ln wv 88 88 .07 Plltlt>urih 89 61 B•rllOW 88 88 • v.i11y 1nd nonhern Oklahoma. CNntt• NC 82 7t Pti.nd. • 84 58 Big Be•r 77 43 I f Th• snow In the Roc;ky Cl'ley9nne C9 40 1.01 Piiand. Ore 75 49 BllhoP 81 55 (Mountain• l>foc;ked ro1d1 In ~ 80 71 .01 PrO\lldene:e 78 66 C•t•lln1 75 82 fM onU n • Ind nor I hwe •I Cl/lcllnnatl 81 73 Raleigh 87 87 L•k• ArrowhHO 85 47 s l~Schooll In Iha ~ ~ 90 89 Reno 87 33 LOoO Beach 74 85 11own of L:!f:• Mont., aloMd Clml>la sc 83 72 a.it Uk• . 59 44 85 Monrol/le 83 81 • Mondey ~ lllOW colllOMd CotumlMll 87 89 SM Antonio 94 72 59 Mt. Wiiton 89 49 · t •',... onto pow. llnee, ~ a Del-Fl Wiii 91 73 .02 S..ttle 88 54 Newport BMch 73 84 power lallute. • Oeyton 83 70 ::,~ 97 74 02 Ontario 78 59 : ' AMI wu felllnQ -portlone o.nwr 58 43 .25 68 53 02 P91m Spring• 92 88 ' fo( OolofedO Md W~ll'Q, -' o. Moin. 77 59 .01 St 1.4'119 78 88 77 PaMden• 77 59 ( fflf•V r•lna 1truck central .o.trolt . 18 87 St -Ttmpa 92 74 ~ 58 <Keniucky •• th• remnenll ol Duluth 57 47 St Sii Marie 80 54 28 Sin Bern11dlno 80 82 fTtoplcal Storm Cllrla p11Hd El PMO 17 81 Spok..,. 80 45 San G•l>flel 79 59 j tlhrough. Fwgo 81 45 SyrlCUN 87 81 San JON 79 55 j Th• c1ownpour1 cau11d F'lagltalf 58 4S Topeh 85 81 23 Sanla AM 75 82 ~lloodlng near Slenlord, Ky., OtMI Felll 43 30 01 Tue.on 84 84 r.11oe v lllly 81 40 olllcl•I• H id, damaging •lght Hlr'tfofd 81 82 TulM 95 71 10 The<IMI 94 70 ~ Ind drMng reelOenta Helen9 44 33 .to Wutllngtn M 88 Torr1nc:. 75 81 «tom 8bOUt IO non-. No ~ Honolulu 90 78 WIC:Ma M 82 88 1-. rllC)Ol1ed. Howton 92 80 CAU'OMH ,AN A•RtCAN • MeMwhlle, troploal 1torm, lndnllP4ll 78 88 01 S.erefleld 90 87 •:r.ico 90 71 tO•bt>y wu upected to Jeak1n MS 91 10 Blythe 94 Ber .c:loe 88 75 18 ~hen loct.)' 19 ft nwcNd JeaUnvlle 90 79 E~ .. 49 Bermuda 82 77 G: WHtWlld tow11d th• Kww City 85 82 .16 Freeno 87 80 Rogol• se 48 IMtllmM. The 1torm -located Knolrvllle 71 70 .01 t..--.r 79 67 CU!'ec:ao 90 72 lte11 thin 400 mllu eut-Lee v-eu 85 63 l..09Mge1M 73 ee Fr"'*1 82 .. oulhe•ll ot NHHU Ill tlle Uttle Rodi 92 73 .06 M~ 80 Oulldll.,.rt 79 85 .07 9efWllM. I.OU~~ .. 77 e9 .59 Monl«ey 70 Oulldeloupe 90 77 02 1 Thar• •ere •110 widely Lut.t>ock 90 88 NMdlel 93 H•vane 88 78 t!09lt««I tllunder11ormt over tlll ~· 88 74 OMii.id 72 5e Klng11on 91 71 03 'f111• COMI .. pl91n. Ml11ml 88 80 PMO AoOlel 81 11 Monlego Bay 90 82 18 1 Fog de.,eloped over 1.,g• MllwMM 77 81 .01 Red Bluff 17 " M""'lan t3 n f.-c11on1 ot 1111 North1111. t>ul t::kl• 95 73 ...... In Other HCllOll• .... ,. • llklO Otl 11 80 ~ty~. l llf RI AIRT Tides I Tempartturet 1round lhe rnitton ..,1y IOCley r•~ from 32 ttn lutl•t Mont. to "1 Oofl>W TODAY ~··~· k S.Cond high 7 45 p.m. 8.4 ;California a n WIDMHDAY ... ... .... .... .... .... FWtt loW I '10 em. .QI ...... ... -... ... -'*' ~IOw t·oi ''" eo • toutn.tn CllH<lfnltn• tllould ZUma 2 3 12 I II IW 2 21 pm 1,4 ...,.ct llOM r• w~""" lent•~ 2 ' 12 I 2 IW 9eeonC1 lllQrl I :' 1 p.m U '°""' c:!Wdlftll•, KC:Ofdlng to Newt>ort hecfl I 3 12 1 2 aw lun Hll 7.01 pm . rteu ... Hlltlontl w .. u. ~. ..,, DleOO Co\11\ty 2 3 II 1 2 w WlldMldey 1.39 1.m H10f111n t..ot ~me, rtee:ft ~ !CW WedneacMy: U1tta OflenVI Moon 1111 1·11 p,m , rlHI t wtttt • GCNlttl h!Oft rantlnl W~4271.m '· ,.. f •' t Liberia n a do ptee Samuel Willett (center ) sha res a Liberia n d inne r he pre pa r ed with his family, David and Kristen Wille tt, in San Jua n Capistrano. A ste pbro ther will begin a cross-country bicycle trip Saturday to publicize Sarnue l's d eporta tion figh t. Bike trek to halt deporting?. By STEVE MITCHELL Of tlM DellJ l"llot 11.tf . It's a desp~ate move, but a San Juan Capistrano couple hope their son's 2,700-mile cross-country bicycle ride will illustrate the family's plight. David and Ruth Wlllett, whose adopted Liberian son, Samuel, faces deportation early next year, say they hope a bicycle trek by their natural son, David, will publicize a 10-year battle to keep Samuel In the country. But Ruth Wlllett. has her doubli about the success of the bill. Samuel has until Jan. li to leave the country, and the Willetts fear the private bill won't be reconsidered before that deadline. "Congress breaks Oct. 8 for election campaigning," Willett pointed out. "They come back in a lame-duck seaalon where almost nothing gets done," she said. _ David, 20, leaves the mission city Saturday for what is expected to be a 17-day bicycle trip to the nation's capital where he will attempt to meet President Reagan. So the family is hoplng publicity generated by their son's bike trek might pressure Washington politicians to act on Samuel's case. David, who will turn 21 en route to Washington, plans to leave Saturday. He hopes to arrive on Oct. 7 -one day before Congress adjourns. "This is a very spur-of-the-moment thing," his mother said. "It's a desperation move." "We're hoping he can see the president and explain our situation,'' David's mother said. The Willetts adopted 27-year-old Samuel more than 10 years ago while the couple were serving in the Peace Corps in Liberia. The family is raising funds for David's trip by selling T -shirts emblaz.oned with "Save Our Samuel," the acronym being "SOS." Samuel's age was arbitrarily set at 16 at the time of adoption, since he had no bir th certificate. David hopes to meet with several congressmen while In the nation's capital, including Rep. Romano Mazzoli, D-Kentucky, who heads the immigration subcommittee. But U.S. immigration law says the boy was too old to be considered an adopted child, and Samuel was thus ineligible for permanent residence in the United States. Manoli has stated in the past that he is opposed to private bills such as the one submitted in Samuel's behalf. He came to South ern California.on a student visa, which expired more than a year ago. "That will be a tough nut to crack," Willett admits. "But we have no choice." Since then, the family has waged an as yet unsuccessful battle with immigration officials and a Sena'te subcommittee to keep Samuel. Samuel's mother has been told that generating publicity for her son is not in his best interest. Rep. Robert Badham, R-NewP<?rt Beach, introduced a private bill that would grant Samuel adopted child status, but the bill died last year before a Senate subcommittee. It is currently before a House subcommittee for reconsideration. "But we can't just alt around and wait for something to happen," she said. "We're going to Cight thia tooth and nail until we get aome po8it1ve result." HOMES • • • From Page A1 each bond i~ue could be used for resale housing. "But there was no entity willing to assume the financial responsibility for the up-front administrative costs to provide funds for resale housing," he said. Frizzelle said he believes the financing program will spark sales of homes and have a ripple effect in that present property owners who are selling their homes because of 11.5 percent loan rates will be buying new ones. Wieder said she also endorsed the program, saying it may replace requirements for affordable housing. She asserted that so-called affordable housing hasn't proved to be affordable and hasn't been achieved. Bussiere said that the 11.5 percent interest rate would result in a monthly payment of $693 on a $70,000 loan. He yid 15 percent on the same loan ~uld be $885 a month. In addition. he said the program includes a "buydown" factor which he said would rectuce the loan ra t e t.o 8.5 percent the first year, 9.5 percent the second and 10.5 percent the third before going to an 11 .5 percent rate for the remainder o( the mortgage . HEARING. • • From Page A1 The chief beneficiary of the reallocation plan hat been AirCal's Ciercest competitor, Paci fic Southweal Airlines of San Diego. PSA'• allocatlon has risen from two to lour flights daUy. Al rCal contends that each flight It loses ls worth about $2 million annually in revenue. ln making his ruling, Hatter conceded that th e couhty'a airport access plan may ruult. In financial lOlllel to AirCal. But he Hid t he carrier may pur1ue al ternate legal avenue• to lt'ek damaaet for any loeaes. A irCal previously filed • lawau i\ in Oran1e County Superior Court In whloh It la aeeking $100 mllllon ln darna.aes from the county over Implementation of the acceu plan. No hcariQ&I have been held In conn«tlon With that ac;Uon, howewr. County !JA raids football bettors " Orange County law enforcement authorities said they intercepted telephone calls from a b out 120 bettors Mond ay making about $25,000 in wagers on lhe Dallas Cowboya- Pittsburgh Steelers foot.ball game. John Gier, senior attorneys investigator for the Orange County Dist rict Attorney's Organized Crime and Grand Jury Unit, aafd the calls were intercepted and ~rded after ofCicers raided an apartment in San Clemente. Gier said an occupant of the apartment leaped out a aeoond- s tory window when officers arrived and they answered the telephone in his absence. The officers worked the telephones for about 90 minutes, according to Gier. He said that a search warrant gave investigators authority to answer the phones and record the conversation. vier said Russell C. Emery, 32, of 1201 Buena Vista, San Clemente, was arrested at the beach by San Clemente police after jumping out the window. He was booked i'nto Orange County Jail on suspicion of bookmaking and suspicion of possession of cocaine, said Gler. Gier also reported that Robert Lee Chenault, 42 of 22572 Galllea, Ml11ion Viejo. was arrested at his place of employment in Laguna Beach by other officers armed with a warrant . Gier said a football parley card, betting evidence and a code book of bettors were seized in the second arrest. He said Chenault was arrested on suspicion of bookmaking and s uspicion of conspiracy to co mmit bookmaking. Gier alleged that both suspects are part of the same organization. He said nine others have been identified as being agents of a bookmaking operation. Treasure Islanders lose court round Residents of the Treasure Island Mobile Home Park in South Laguna suffered a legal 1etback Monday in their attempt to halt development of a 4'40-unit time-share condomi nl um AirCal loses a tail cone ' Paaaengera on board a OC-9 Super 80 arriving at John Wa.yne Air port from Sacramento were 1\artlcd M onday w hen t he 12 ·foot U b e r glasa uU cone dropped on to the runw•y on land Ina . Mark l'eteonon, Alr<.:al director of communkatlon1, sald t he plane carrylna 108 pauenaera and a c r e w o f alx uxled normally to Ute airport i.rmtnal. • development on the property. Judge Thomu Crosby swept the residents' two-pronged attack on the developers and the county aside, saying they had not shown sufficient cause to allow the matter to continue. Mae Brown, a leader of the majOrlty group of park residents who initiated the action, said today her.group will appeal Crosby's ruling. The residents' main complatn\I were that the county showd not h ave lasued a permit for the development because lt did not provide adequate affordable housing opportunltlea a nd that the developtl'll' plan to relocate moblle home rHldent1 was ln.adequa teo. '{'hey abo claimed lhey Nd not been If ven adtcauateo no~ of t.M pr oject and the nece11lty to reloctwt. • Or•no• Coat OAILV PILOT /Toeeday, 8eptembtr 1•. 1882 NATION Nuclear freeze pushed By Ttae A11odated Prell The Episcopal c:hurch, traditionally cautious In 1l~ political stands, has strongly embrace d the aw e lllng movement for u nuclear arms freeze. The Episcopal governing convention, meeting In New Orleans. on Monday called for un inum.J1ott> nucll!ar frct>~C! by the supcrpo wcrs und spt>cdy negotlu tion c>f a veriflublc 50 pc:n..'tlnt re<.luclion In their nuclPor arsenals. . The church also uppcalcd to both East and W~t to adopt policies against any first-strike use of nuclear arms. Probe angers labor boss WASHINGTON -Labor Secretary Raymo nd J . Donovan, cleared for a second lime of alle gations he once associated with mobsters, says he's angry he had to e ndure month11 of public scrutiny because of "gro undless charges by nameless accusers." Special prosecutor Leon Silverman concluded Monday that th e r e "r ema in s itlsufficient credible t•vldcnce" o n which to prosec u te Donovan on allegations of past ties to mobsters when he was a New J e rsey construc t ion executive. Silvennan's 111 -pagc "final report" came nearly three months after he released a 1,025-page report in which the prosecutor a rrived at the same conclusion. CBS Cable calls it quits NEW YORK -CBS Cable, a cable television Sl•rv u:e offering c ultur al programming, will cease operations within 90 days because of disa ppointing revenues from advertisers, the division of CBS Inc. has announced. The service was introduced in O c tober 1981 and is WORLD available 12 hours a day to an estima ted 5 million households ser ved b y cable syste m s around the country . Its programming has included operas, ballets, foreign films and interview shows. Industry sources placed losses of the cable operations at about $30 million. Monetary answers sought MEXICO CITY -Amoous Mexicans lined up outside newsstands and bookstores at dawn today to buy the Official Gazette, h o ping 1t would answer questions about the government's new monetary controls. Lines of p eople bega n forming to buy the gazette Princess in hospital MONTE CARLO, Monaco -Princess Grace of Monaco rested uncomfortably with a broken thigh in a hospital today, 24 hours after the car the fonner American film star was driving plunged into a ravine, flipped and burned. "Obviously she's in pain," a spokeswoman for the princess, 52, said. The spokeswoman, who declined to be identified, STATE h ours after governme nt officials said it carries a lengthy decree fully detailing the controls. They said the decree dispels confusion prevailing si n ce th e restrictions were first announced to halt the flow of pesos. said a medical bulletin might be issued later on the princess' condition. Fre nch police confirmed Grace was at the wheel. Initial r e p o r ts from the fir e department said her daughter, Stephanie, 17, was driving. She will not be eligible for a driver's license until her 18th birthday in February. Core Nobel and his brother from River ide spend a quiet a fternoon fishing just downstream from Prado Dam. POLLUTION FIGHTERS MONITOR SALT . From Page A1 sources, solutions may lie in increased regulation, construction of salt-extracting facilities and diversion of salty water from the river. The regulation probably would take the form of orders to treat wastewater more extensively. At present, some treatment plants on the upper river in San Bernardino County treat their water less than downstream plants. That may change, according to state water quality officials. The Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority currently plans to build one or more water de-salting plants, and a pipeline that would send the saltiest water directly to the ocean before it enters the river is under construction. Santa Ana Ri ver water, in part because so much of it is treated sewage, also has failed state cleanliness tests, and toxic PC& have been found at levels dangerous to fish, but not humans. Officials claim the cleanliness standards may be met as early as 1983, making fishing and swimming ~fe in the river. For accidental s pills and illegal discharges, the county has set up an emergency response plan centered on its central radio facility that can contact appropriate agencies 24 hours a day when such events occur. Recreationally, the banks of the river and its Santiago Creek tributary in Orange County offer regionll'f .. parks, public golf courses, athletic fields, horse stables and other facilities. Bicycle and horse trails run almost the length of the river locally also. County-run regional parks along the river are Featherly and Yorba near the Riverside County line and Centennial Park in Santa Ana. Along Santiago Creek are Irvine and Santiago Oaks regional parks. In Costa Mesa, riverside land has been set aside for the 257-acre Fairview Regional Park. Eric Jessen, chief of program planning and s pecial projects for the county Environmental Management Agency, said the m ajor link now missing from the recreational plan is landscaping. But most of the work requires flood control improvements on both the river and Santiago Creek, Jessen said. That may take years. "When the river (flood control) improvements are made we can enhance the environment with confidence," said Jessen. "To do the work now would be an unwise expenditure of public funds -it might be torn up again when the improvements are made. We'd be putting the cart before the horse." Waiting for new flood control work is not what ls stopping landscape improvements in some areas, however, Jessen admitted. There are difficulties working along the river that would not be encountered in parks and other areas, he said, because "it's a long, narrow. non--cohesive chunk of land without a self-contained feeling." Funding also is a problem, Jessen added. Even for areas that can be worked on now money ls not always budgeted. "We'll just have to do it as time and money permits." he said. Most of the lake be d behind Prado Dam is dry. Santa Ana River .trickles to the sid e, o ut of camera range. • • Wilson r e primanded SACRAMENTO -S tate Bar delegates have voted to reprimand San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson for threatening to take part in a recall campaign against Ch ief Justice Rose Bird if the s tate Supreme Court ove rturn e d th e Proposition 8 crime initiative. The issue 1s "whether we will stand back silently while bullies attack our courts," Jerry Gordon of the National Lawyer s Guild's Southern California chapter, co-sponsor of the resolution, said Monday during debate al the bar's annual meeting. Lebanese president-elect escapes blast BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - President-elect Bashir Gemayel escaped injury today whe n an explosion ripped through his party headquarters in Christian east Beirut, private radio stations said. RTD strike likel y Wednes day Earlier reports said several people were injured a nd that rescuers w e re sear ching the rubble o f the building for survivors. LOS ANGELFS -A strike on Wednesday by drivers for the Southern California Rapid Transit District looked likely early today after a 5 'h-hour negotiating session failed to produce a contract settlement, officials from both sides say. "They are through for the night and there are no meetings planned for the purpose of negotiations before the strike deadline," said Mike Lewis, RTD board president. Sex bias charged by ACLU The radios did not say w hat caused the blast. It d id firemen w e nt t o the scen e of t h e explosion where palls of smoke were seen rising from the building. The incident occurred hours after 1t was announced that the L e banese army had taken e ff ect i ve cont r ol of predomina ntly Moslem w est Beirut for the first time today without th e suppor t o f inte rnational forces. LOS ANGELES -Cal State L o ng Beac h fa ces charges of sex discrimination in a n amended lawsuit the American Civil Liberties Union riled over the campus's Women's Studies program. The allegation follows previous ACLU charges that Monclev·'"Oay II y0u 00 ""4 hawl l'OUf _, DV ~ 30 0 "' tall r>elo<t 1 0 m """l'(>U• C<>DY ... 11 De a ... _.., SalUtOIY and Svn<11r II y0u oo not =::tK°:m ~= ~' :o:., "'w.11C: .,..,_.., th e un iversi l y bowed to outside political pressure -in violation of the state education cod e -by ca n celing this summer's Wome n's Studies classes, closing the campus Women 's Center and r e m oving Sondra Hale as program director. Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan said the army also would deploy In Christian eas t Be irut Wednes day a fter the las t unopened crossln~ paint between We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like' Call the numbe r below and your message will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. ' The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ter~ to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642•6086 ORAtilGE COAST CIHtlft.d odvortltlng 714.1142·5'71 All oth•r !Mpartmonll 142 ... 321 Daily Pilat Thoma•'· Hal•y Puh4""-' ond Choef E•e<llfl•e Ofl<cM JGn• Amorl be<ullve Ed1t0f l. Kay Schulta Voe. p, ••<den! ~ DffKIOf ol Ad\oef!IWIO -- Thoma• A. Murphln• Editor ltaymond MocLean COt11tolet KonMth N. Geddcwd "· ow e(IO< of O.-ot'°"1 MAIN OfflCE »O Wetl ... SI , CMtl ~ta. CA ..U.11 ... ,.. ... eo. u.o. Cott• MtM. C• ~ C•vrltlll 1'17 0r ..... CoHI PUOll111l119 ~.,. No 11ew1 •lo<le1, lllu1tr•ll0111, edltOrlll l'llllllff •t -v.,.11,.,...,,tt ,,.,.,,, ,.,,.., -. ••P•oduud wit....,. 1pec1e1 """''UOll ot <or1•1t!lt .. ,,., -VOL. 18, NO. 217 - the two sectors of the capital was reopened. Lebanese army units patrolled west Beirut afte r Fre n c h Rescue rs were searching rubble of the building for survivors. peacekeeping troops sailed for home Monday night. No security breaches were reported as the arm y t oo k over positions September birthdays are fortunate In tho wide range ol colors of their blrthatono, the eapphlre. While moat think ol sapphire a1 blue (the velvety blue Kashmir eapphlrH being the moat prized of all) actually sapphire comprises all the highly colOfed t,.nsparent varletlea ol the mlMral corundum, except red which 11 called Ruby. Sapphlr" range from colorless to near black end through all the 1had01 ol blue, vlolot, pink. yellow, and grHn. When tho term sapphire 11 uaed without 1 color prefix. It genor1lly rolor1 to blue. Sapphlr• ,,.. among th41 more durable or tho gom1tono1, renklng MCond onty to diamond In hordn .... FOf thl• rNton It I• t partlcularly popular gem tor '""'' ~ry. Many m9n Ilk•,,,. bl1ck 1t1t upphlro from Au1trall1 which II roolly • velvety brown In color. Tho 1lic rayed 1ter occura In tho other colof1 of 1apphlr• too end th• brlghlott 1t1ra ar• UIUllly '"" In the llghl blue 1tonot. , Did you know that th9 11rgo1t prov.,.. aapphlro d91>01lt In the world 11 looeted In our country ... In Montana? Thie mlno II Yogo Qulctl, a>ctond1 fOf five mll" end 11 ti.coming• major produc.r II w .. flrtt dflCOVOred by accl<Mnt In th41 1890'1, ~group of mlnOfl r, previously held by Moslem leftist Lebanese militiamen . The 850 French troops left Beirut aboard four vessels. The French arrived Aug. 21 to assist 1n the evacuation of Palesti n e Lib er ation Organization guerrillas from west Be irut and help restore orde r in the war-torn capital. They were later joined by 530 Italian infantrymen and 800 U.S . Ma rines. The American and Italian forces left Be irut last week. The PLO guerrillas were bottled up in wes t Beirut by Israeli in vasion forces and evacuated from the capitaJ under @ EiEM WllE Miry Ba". Cert1lted_OemofOQ1SI an agreement worked out by American negotiators. On Monday, Israeli jets hh Syrian and Palestinian poeitions in eastern Lebanon's Be kaa Valley. The latest raids killed 30 soldiers and guerrillas and left several military emplacementa 6' flames, Lebanese radio stati6na said. Israel's military command Mid the raiders wrecked one of S y r ia's Soviet -made SAM·9 missile batteries and retumetd' home safely. The Syrian state radio said the lsraeliS wounded two soldiers and damaged sbr heavy guns. ' ' happened upon It In their ..a. ' t or gold. Tho min• wea j aueceatulty worked tot 30 ~ ., and then ahut down. Sarlout t mining wu roaumod In 1177 Ind , about 70,000 tont of rock ~ t ' bMr'I procooaed llrlC9 then,.. . • Th• flnHt H pphlrH corn. t from l<alhmlr, lndla. high In the 1 Hlmalayot, whll• Srl Lenita (Ceylon) IUPPllH UI with the QtMtOlt qu.nttty. ~I go to Sri LeN<• I Wtl)'I mall• ... ttlp up to Aatnopuro end the c ~ "'*--On my loat "'9tt I I wetcnoct them put! up a beilllot with th,.. ntco etonoa In It. Th• min .. aro not wtlat we u9Uall't pletuN wfton we UM \Mt term. l'*-.,. mof'9 •• -. •• E hOIOe dup ~ ot random ' . • . thle one In tho middle Of • 1 rice peddy, w ith b o mboo aoattoldlng and br~. Whot oomoa out Of thOaO llmclte holM • In thf Mrth ere bea&l1lful ~ • t • • grenoo enough to Mak• en prtn°"9 would Ilk• o ._.... CHARLES H. BARR ~, ring '°' • modilm I d•-Y -Prlnoeu . M•. yb• your too. Don't forgot our "Aoti:wt.y S.llabratlon" thta Friday encl l laturCStY. H,. oft ~ In the etor• end door e.!!H e.w./~ ~--• L .. t .... , , 17 .. & '"-· W1llClff Plw ... .,.,. .... ldrowtntt ror • total Of l!.1..qau 1n mordlandlee lncludlng e D pollte t ldtemond to oommomcwote our 23td~lntht ....... 1 HwOor .... Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Tue1day, September 1'4, 1982 H/F Working out the kinks • In Valley 'olympics' BY SANDIE JOY Of\M Dellr "'°' lltff Grunts, groans and grimaces cmunating from employees of a Fountain Valley firm and their kinfolk all w ere in the name of fun and fitness. ,, l=~P , David Mancha grimaces as he tries to accomplish one more chin-up. E • \ • . ' ' .. The 200 or so pC'oplc participating in tests of strength, s~ina and athletic skill next to tho Talbert Avenu<• hcucf\!Juartcrs of FHP, a Fountain Vallcy- bascd national health mainte nance organization, were Rn<'c> winn<'rs W<'r<' David l l<•s tcr of Long Hc•adv' • who flnished in fivl' mlnutc..>s eight sc.'<.'onds anJ Sharon Hntfl<.•ld of l''ountuin Vall<·y. finishing In six minutet> :i5 S<'Conds. Each claimed $100 in prize money. ' • making a point. · They were out to show that physical activity is a healthful thing to do, explained FHP spokesman Alex Litrov. BN·a us(• FHP is concerned with preventative ;: health care, Litrov said, the firm's <'mployccs arc ·: c•ncouragcd to stay fit b y using the parcoursc, which is a permanent recreation facility. The firm is a pre-paid health organization much like Kaiser, Litrov said. Highlight of Saturday's activities was a race against the clock as participants performed pole climbs, sit-ups, chin-ups, body curls a nd other exercises at each o( eight station& in an obstacle course, fi nishing by running a quarter mile. Dave Mulnard of Irvine, last year 's winner , tries the h orizontal bars._ ., '\... Dally Piiot Pllotoe by Patrick O'Donnell Belinda · Mac ha do .shinnies up the pole and appears to b e enjoyi ng h e rself. Robinsons YOUR PATIO FURNITURE DESERVES UNDERCOVER PROTECTION. Dust. leaves and weather can destroy your outdoor furniture Protect your investment with our vinyl cover-ups by Richards, each fitted to stay snuggly 1n place when the wind threatens. Robinson's Nolions. 14. To order. call toll·lree 1·800·345·8501 Or ohone (213) 488·5522 Order board opens at 9 a m Monday through Saturday Or marl coupon to Robinson's. Metro Box 6080. Los Angeles. Cahforn1a 90055 Please send me the following patio covers A Kellie bart>ecue. $7. Also available B Gas g1111. $9.50 F Umbrella. closed. $7.50 C 72 • round table and chairs. S13.50 G 78 • 3-seat sofa lounge, S10.50 0 Chair. $7.50 H 48" wagon g11ll, $8.50 E Chaise. $9.50 llem/Style I Ouan11ty Price ---+----1--------" . Name Address -----Phone ---------" C1ty ________ State_ Zip, ___ _ Robinson·scharge 1f Payment enclosed l JC 0 D r J Ame11can E~press • Card Valid date from to ---..- Account I ----------------NP·9·16 14 Please add 6\11% sales tall 11 delivered In Los Angeles County,6% lor other Callforn1a deltvenes Add $1 service charge on purchases under S10 1• or pickups. add S 1 50 for CO o ·s (no CO 0 son orders under $10) Handling charges will be added outside our dehvery area I SHOP ROBINSON'S MONDAY-FRIDAY 10·9. SATURDAY 10·1, SUNDAY U ·S. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND• (714) 144-2800 -· .. :, .•. .#. •, . , •.:. ·" . .• ... Orange Cout D~ILY PILOT/Tuetday. September 1~. 1S>82 H/F ... .,,,...------------------------------------------------------------------NYSE (~OMPO "l "fE TRAN ~ACTION OUOf AY10w• 1111uuo1 U AOUOll Ull Nlllt 'fOllllt, .. ,OWIO ..... Clflt( "'"· IOUON Otf 11011 ••O (lflj(f101ATI tfOC• I ICKANOU AND •*llOll,1.0 •Y fltl l'IAIO ANO INUINI f . , T-bills mixed .. I on Inoney mart WASHlNC'l'ON (AP) -Yields on ahort-tenn Treasury secur&tu.•:-; were mjxed in auctions, with rates for th1'ee-month T-bllls dropping for u IK.'COnd attaighl wt .. •k but six-month bills rlslni slightly, oWclalt said. About $5.6 billion in three-month bills were auct1oned Monduy at an average disc:ount rate of 8.161 pcr(.'('nt, down from the 8.565 percent of last week. The governml!nt also sold about $5.6 billion In six-month bills at an average rate of 9.704 percent, up from the previous 9.605 percent. • " Railroad merger OK'd WASHINGTON (Al') -The government has approved the merg~r of three Western railroads, clearing the way for creation of a single rail system slrewhing from the Pacific coast to Chicago and the Gulf of Mexko. The merger of the Union Pacific, MlSSOuri Pacific and Western Pac1f1c railroads will create a system covering 21 states and establish the nation's third largest railroad m track miles Newport firm tells gain Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc. of Newport Beach announced net income was $156,000, or 2 cents per share, in the three-month period ending July 31, compared to $45,000, or 1 cent, for the like period la.st year. A reduction m operating expenses and the ellrnination of discontinued operation losses during the period resulted in the $111,000 increase rn net income. Huntington S&L boosts assets After one year m business, Huntington Savings & ~ Association in Huntington Beach has announced an increase in assets of nearly 300 percent. Mark L. Wright, president of Huntington Savings, said assets were just under $8 million June 30. "When we opened in July 1981, we were capitalized for $2 million," he explained. Wright suggests the association's profit picture is so bright that 1t plans to apply for and open at least two branches in its second year of operation, per~ps by the end of 1982. .· AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) S ..... Monday•t pt~ and nal Chang• of Iha , • ., motl acO•• Americ.n Slocli E1ch1ngt l"u" lradln~ nallOnolty al more than S 1 Dom.Pitt '"'~ ln1eQEnQ n H•.100 Wan9 B l(n.000 Br •d N•ll &1 700 Su...S.n<..0 ..i.soo Amd•lll •1,900 HouOllTr ti, 100 ~~:..~~Ho ::: Dor<JIU:f.$ U ,900 UPS ANO DOWNS 'I • !-> " •'-·~ "' NEW YORK (API The followlf\9 11<1 $howl lhe New York Stoel! E~<,..,. llOOs <Ind worr4nh '""' tle•e oone uP lhe ""81 end dOwn the ~• II.I-en P9><Wll Of <henQe ttf9jlrdles~ of volume for Monclay. Mo i«11•lllfl traclll\9 below U .,. tn<I udotd, Htt Mid perGe<ll-c,,.nges •r• IN dfllertnet ""'~" Ille l)rtYIOll ( IOtlng pt\clt end Monoay • P<IC<I UP8 GOLD COINS Pel up VP Up Up Up Up Up Up VP Up Up UP VP Up Up Up Up UP lip Up Up UP Up 't!o UP 11 4 IU 12.9 ns "l 10.s 10.0 ,. 9.4 •1 to B u 1.2 71 1.4 7• 7,J 11 ,, ••• 6,7 6.7 ,, u .. , Pct. Ott 14 J Off IU Oii 91 Off u Oii 7,7 Oii , .s Off 7.~ Off •• Ott tO Ofi •O Oii u Oii s.J Off S2 Off u ~t 51 ~I S,O ••• ••• !J Off ... Ott ... Oii •• NEW YORK~!») -Pfleet .. te Monday ot gold cotn•. eomptred wllll Mday·a pr tee. t(f'1199fu111d, t troy oz .. S4G4.00. up '4.25 Mapte tear, t troy oz .. $451,28. up t716. ... lloaft • PHO\ U troy 01 , l&45 50, VP 1$00. Auetrlatt 100 •tow", .9802 trov oa .. '4o4U6. up fo4 00. $0\ifot 0.tk-~tta .. DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( IAPI Sep I~ wn•t .... , '()CJ NEW VOAK IAP) St(> ll AdYa<K.., Oecllnecl V nc l\lllQllCI TOlel lssuet New llJQlls New lows To<Wy :162 214 2lJ , .. I) • .. NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonlerrou'e me111 prices today; c~ 70~73 oen1s a pound, u.s, desllnallons. . lb l.9ed 26-29 cents a pouno Zinc 40-42 cents • pound. OeUvered (' Tl11 $6.4600 Metals Week compost~ Alumlnum 76· 77 cents a pound. N. Y. ' --.rcuty S365.00 per Rask , Platinum $385 ()()..$372 00 lroy ounoe NY ' SILVER Handy & Harmen. $9 190 per lfOY. ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS 9y The A-la-.cl P,... •• Selected world gOld prices today London mo<nlng 11-lng $452.00, up $13.00. : Londofl afternoon fixing $464 26, up $16.25 Petit afternoon fl11lng 1432.80, up $9.90. FrenllfUr1 fixing~02. up 110.02. ' Z41fkll late 11temooo fixing '451.50! up $12 50 bid, $453 00 ul!ed. · • Hendy & Harman fOl\I) dally quo1ef $454.26 up S 16 25 l~d (only daffy quotet '45-4.2$"1 up 1·r6.25.· . lllfefMfd (only dally QUOll) ftOrlceteq $4 78.96, up St& 01 • SYMBOLS O:Nt"' yearly iOW U•Ni!W yea1ly l>IQh v '"'" 011'1ttW• .. nOltO ... ., ol OfYIOenO• •r• •nnuol O••t>vr-1111 t>•Md on 11141 t•tt qu•'""'Y 01 uma.annuat oec11r111011 Spoc:1a1 or ••tt• d11t1dends 0t 1>41ymen11 not Oo51gneled •• regYI•• are 1<1er>1lhed In the. 1ouow1ng too1no1es a Alao ••Ht or t•lrH b·Annu•I •••• l*ft • ttoc~ 0••1<1e110 C·l tq11101tano 01•1oe110 o.c.i.rao 0t pe•o '" pr~•no 12 montn• 1°0.Ct•red Ot PIM! lflff alocll dMdend or te>lll up )•PllO tllit Y"'• O•\ll04ll\O OMtlled "'''"'° or no acuon ttken 11 tut dl\lldand """""Q k 0ec11r.ci or p110 11111 )'Ht. an llQCumulali•t 11-wnn ol\lt0end1 HI 1(1'89rt 11oNew lu~ ••Oeol.,td or p..o In ptteieclln9 12 montt11 Plu• AIOCk 01\fldenO 1,PllJO In itOCk 1n l)f-41nQ 12 montl\f, t•lime1ed 1:1111 veiu. on ta-dlvldtnd Of e11•dlt\rlllu0«1 Oita •·t•·OlvtOttld• O• ••·llQl\11 y.Ea·OI~ allO aatet 1n tuM !•Siio in !vii Ct<l•C.IMHl.I wd·W""" dltOlllut9d w'lo.W!ltrt\ IOVtO 1fw•Wltll "'"""" llW•WithOlll warr•nta 11d1J·l•-O••trl1>11flOll II f UlliO fM prJOe of t 1toell .. e 1111111>1* ot P41f••""' tAlntftO'·deti¥41d ~ ll•v101ng ·~ ""'" t2 mot11h .. mlf'IOt flgllN .ntolu11•or~ DlllJ Piiat TUESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1982 H/F ClASSlflED ~Philadelphia's Steve Carlton b ecame the first 20-game winner ~n the majors Monday night with a 2-0 victory over the 5 t. Louis Cardinals. AP Wlrephoto cs A good ribbing That's what Lynn gives Chicago CHICAGO (AP) -Angels Manager Gene Mauch S(.>emed genuinely surprised when he was told that the Kansas City Royals -who must Jose ir his Angels are to gain ground toward a division title -were pounding Seattle. "ls that righ~? I d idn't know that," Mauch told reporters following California's 6-4 wan over the Chicago While Sox. And furthermore , he said politely, "I'm really not interested in it." \Despite t heir fourth straight victory, the Angels remained a game back of the Royals. who embarrassed the Mariners behind Vida Blue's one- hitter. "This was a game that h11d to be won, and it was won ," Mauch said. "We don't care what anybody else does. For this club, every game is the last game of the season." That's pre tty much how Chicago Manager Tony LaRussa has 1t figured, too. Despite dropping to 5th games behind the Royals and 41h behind the Angels, he says he is still hopeful that the White Sox will rebound on the heels of two straight losses. Mauch seemed to revel in the triumph. "I'm having a heckuva time," he said. "Anyone who doesn't enjoy this game is crazy." Sore-ribbed Fred Lynn gave his manage r enough to cheer about, coming off the bench to stroke a game-winning hit in the seventh inning. "Does it hurt when I swing?" he asked. "Only when l miss." ln two pinch-hit appearances since injuring himself crashing into an outfield wall In Detroit recently, L ynn has won both games w ith his bat. "Freddie Lynn has ta.ken two swings in two weeks, and won games each time," said Mauch. "I'll tell you, there's not many Freddie Lynns.'' Despite his suc.'CeSS, Lynn does not see himself breaking the starting lineup soon. "I don't see my starting any of these games here (in Chicago). Progress is so slow ," he said after the Angels won their fourth stcaighl game. "I'm American League Weat w L Pct. GB Kansas City 81 61 .570 Angela 80 6 2 .563 1 Chicago 76 65 .539 ,. 4V2 GAMES REMAINING KANSAI CITY (21) -HOME ( 11) Sept 14, t5, t6. Stat lie, Sepl 27, 28, 29, Angels; Sept 30, Oct. t, 2, 3, Oakland AWAY (9)· Sepl t7, 18, 19, M11lfle&Ota, Sept. 20, 2 t, 22. Angels. Sept 24, 25, 26. Oakland ANGELS (20) HOME (6) Sept 20, 2t, 22. Kanua Cit';. Ott t, 2. 3, r .. as AWAY ( t4) Sept 14, 15, Chleago, S•Pt 111, 11. 18. 19. Toronto, &.pt 23, 24, 25, 2e. Texa1. &.pt. 21. 28. 29, Kenus Clly CHICAGO (21) HOME (14). Sept 14 15 Angela. Sept t6, t7 18, t9 Oal..tand. Sep1 24, 25, 26. Minnesota. Sept 27 (21. 28. 29, Sealtle AWAY (7) Sei>t 20, 21 22. 23, Seattle. Oct 1. 2. 3, M1nnHot1 pointing toward the Kansas City series." That series begins Sept. 20, when the Angels return home from the current seven-game road swing. Until then, it'll be s pot pinch -hitting appearances, which Lynn says he doesn't really enjoy. "I'm not very good coming ofr the bench. And I get nervous when I'm pinch hitting, more nervous than usual when I'm at bat," he said. "Pinch hitting is a one-shot deal. You're not up there to walk, you're up there to drive in a run." Lynn's heroics capped a seventh-inning rally that highlighted the contest between American League West contenders. . Doug DeCinces started the rally with a single off K evin Hickey. 4-3, who took the Joss in relief. Reliever Salome Barojas then surrendered a single to pinch-hitter Bobby Grich and another to Lynn, which right fielder Harold Baines m isplayed for an error, allowing both runners to sc:ore. Marathon win puts Dodgers on top Who'll lead the Pirates in opener? ; LOS ANGELES (AP) -Quite a bit )ias been written and said about the simme ring rivalry between the San Diego P adres and the Los Angeles Dodgers, what with all the name-calling and beanball charges and "hotdogging" hccusations this season . National League Weat Dodger• Atlanta W L Pct. GB 81 64 .559 80 64 .556 OAMH REMAftlttO l So much so, the umpires reportedly met with both managers before their Jeries opened Monday night at Dodger Stadium, with instructions to forget the tough stuff and just play ball. • Well, play ball they did, 5 hours, 20 [ninutes w orth , before the Dodgers finally w on , 4-3, on Steve Garvey's f~-~..°ut homer in the bottom of the 16th ru~1g. ATLANTA (111) -HOME (S) Sept 14, 15. HCX11ton: &.pt 24, 25, 29, San Diego. AWAY 13: &.pt. 17. 11, 19, Cincinnati, &.pt 20, 21. 22. Houston; Sept. 27, 21, San Fr1ncltc0, Sept. 29, 30, Dodgers; Oc:1. 1, 2. 3, Sen Diego DOOGl.RS (18) -HOME (13) Sept 14, 15. San Diego; Sept. 17. 11, 19. Houston; Sept. 24, 25, 26. San Francitc0; &.pt. 27, 28, Clnelnnetl, Sept. 29, 30, Allanta. AWAY (5). Sept. 21, 22. San Diego; Oct. 1, 2. 3, San FrancllCO. I And with the victory, their fourth in a row. the Dodgers once more managed to !;quirm in front of Atlanta and regain litst place in the National League West, aJbeit by only a half-game. a little giddy," said Garvey who produced his 15th run batted in in his last eight games, and none any more timely. "I was so happy when tt was finalJy over," Garvey said, shaking his head. So were the people keeping score. : "After the 13th or 14th inning, you get I Bradshaw's the star tin a Dallas rerun He sparks Steelers' 36-28 victory I ' I • IRVING, Texas (AP) -It was \Ike a rerun of an old movie. Call ;t the Pitts burgh-Dallas story, ;;tarring Terry Bradshaw. ~ For want of a better title. call it 1'To Kill A Cowboy." The Steeler quarterback had been the spoiler ~or the Cowboys in two Super :Bowls during the 1970s plus two other regular-season games. ' Brads haw proved Monday hight he hasn't lost his magic :touch against the Cowboys by :throwing three touc hdown ~asses in a 36-28 victory that toppe d Dallas' record of ational Foo tball League ppening triumphs at 17. I The co -star s w e re wide receivers Jim Smith and John !Stallworth, who terrorized the seoondary, and comerback nrus Thunnan ln particular. e have two different styles of play," said Stallworth. "We lare a physical team. The Cowboys are geared to finesse. rI'h ey try to confuse you. We lbelleve that when t h ose two iROGERS OUT, !RICARDO IN? !~ N E W ORLEANS (AP) - peorge Rogers, leading rusher ln ~he National Football League last lte810n, will be sidelined for up to our weeks with a hamstring , New Orleans Saints Coach Phillipe said Monday. o pposing forces clash , the physical team will win." He also noted t h at the Cowboys' highl y p ubl icized victory streak helped arouse the Steelers. "We were up for the game, of course. We knew they had that big winning streak . . . we had been hearing about THAT all week." Stallworth bedazzled Thurman, catching seven passes for 137 yards and o ne touchdown, an 8-yarder. Smith caught two scoring passes, including one over Thurman. "T he y (the Cowboys) are a great team and we are not ," said Bradshaw. "We needed th is victory. h was more important to us than It was to them." Dallas led Pittsburgh 14-13 at halftime but saw the game slip away after rookie Keith Willis blocke d Dallas quarterback Danny White's punt ln the third quarter. He had four touchdoY(n passes but the blocked punt and t wo Interceptions killed the team that ~ad never lost a regular season game in Texas Sbd,lum ( 18 games) with White at quarterback. Asked wheth er the Steeler game plan targeted Thurman, Stallworth said, "We don't ever have a game plan aimed at one special g u y . W e loo k at ten dencies not Individuals. It may have looked like we were picking on Thurman but we were not oonscioua of doing that." The two clubs paraded out just a~ut everybody. 50 players in all, only one short of the major league record for manpower. The Dodgers used 28 players, the Padres 22. It was the Dodgers' 28th player, Jerry Reuss. 16-10, w ho started just two days earlier, who got the win, and at was San Diego's 22nd player, Chris Welsh, 8-7, who absorbed the loss. Reuss has re lieved only twice this season and w o n both games, the 21-lnning marathon in Chicago in August, and Monday night. Tuesday morning, actually. 'l'he game e nded at 12:58 a.m. Reuss was the Dodgers' eighth pitcher. The Dodgers managed to s trand runners in just about every iruung, 17 m all The Padres were just as punched out. leaving 14 on base. The Dodgers' bullpen did a splendid job, especially Terry Forster who arrived in the 10th inning with a runner on third and no one out and escaped. The Padres then left two on in the 11th, 12th and 14th innings. and the bases loaded in the 16th. Dave Stewart, the seventh pi tcher, worked four innings. three limes leaving the tie-breaking run in scoring position. Finally Reuss, who started and won only two days earlier, got in there and came away with his 16th win. San Diego's Joe Lefebvre, who earlier was struck in the helm et by a pitch during a game w ith t h e Dodgers, managed some reven~e with a two.run homer in the third mning. After that starter Bob Welch retired 16 consecutive Padres. In I.he second game of the series tonight. Fernando Valenzuela, 17·12, starts for Los Angeles, Eric Show, 10-4, for San Dlejlo. The Saint• a lso lost rookie lcker Morton Andersen for up o five week• with an a nkle pra1n, P hllllps said . He said ewfan Benny Ricardo, given hi.a F1eue during pretea.son, was a entlal candidate to replace enen. Wlllll' punt block Mt up Frank Pol1'rd'1 one-yard touchdow n run and t he Steelers jumped ahead 20-1 4. "The bJock~ punt was bad Jod1ment on my part,'' Whit~ laid. Pittsburgh'• Fred Bohannon (23) relum1 the openin1 klckoff again1t Dallas Monday ni9ht. He fumbled a few eeeond1 later and the C.Owboy1 reeo,-ered. Steelen reeol'ered, too, 36-28. • ,. By CURT SEE DEN Of lM O•ty PMot Staff Orange Coast College's first offensive play from scrimmage Friday night in the Pirates'. opener with Palomar should be laced with plenty of myste ry. The main question 1.0 be answered w hen the two teams open the community college football season on the OCC field at 7:30 is who'll trot out to the huddle to direct the Pirates' offense. Sophomore quarterback Clay Tucker, you might reca.IJ, broke the fibula in his right ankle several weeks ago, and up until last Friday had a wardrobe that included a knee-high cast. THE CAST is off today, but that d oesn't m ean Coast's offensive cast will star Tucker Friday night. "I'm not sure if Clay will be able to go in our opene r or not," admits OCC Coach Dick Tucker, Clay's fathe r . "His ankle is completely healed, but if he's still hobbled I'm not going to rush it. If he is ready to go, we'll use him." . That sounds pretty simple, but that's because T u c k er had fresh man Greg Denham to falJ back on if his son wasn't ready. The key word here is "had." Denham apparently pulled a muscle in his upper thigh Saturday in the Pirates' scrimmage with Citrus. He didn't work out Monday. Denham probably would have been, and maybe still wfll 0e an adequate replacement for Tucker If he's needed Friday -and if he's well. THE 5-11 , 185-pounder played high school ball at Palos Verdes a n d was a n All-South Bay League performer in both his ju nior and senior years. Reports from the OCC practice field have Tucker throwing better than ever, probably because he developed his shoulder muscles w hile throwing (See PIRATES, Pa1e CZ) SEURER ENTERS INNOCENT PLEA LA WREN CE, Kan. (AP) -A lawyer for University of Kansas quar terback Frank Seurer en tered a plea o f innocen t Monday In Lawrence Municipal Court. on behalf of Seuru, who la charged with battery stemming from an Aug. 28 lncldenl at a bar. Seurer, 20, a former Edison Hl&h_ standout, II ch.arpd wtt.h 1trtkln& Steven Roblnaon. 27, a K U aenior from WidU&a. ln the f ac:e after RobtNon trW IO tn.k up a flaht at Off-The-Wall Hall, a downtown Law renm w . 111111 1:1111 IEIPllT RI I flUl lfll:U 1Ul SOAY S l PTl:MHl I~ ll 1'111.' ORANGECOUNTY . C ALlf OH NIA 25 CENTS River formula: Subtract salt, add recreation Car lies abandoned in dry wash bed at source By STEVE TRlPOLI Of UM OMtr Noe llaft Though flood control hu taken <.'enter it.age aa the main lalue Involving the Sant.a Ana River, water pollution control and expanded rec.reational opportunities also are attracting attention. Anti-pollution effona have focused on what officials see as the major present and future threat to the river -Increasing sallnlty of the water. With many rlvenide recreational facilities already in place ln Orange County, officials have drawn up plans for work they say would complete the 1ystem. However, funding problems and the requisite of improving flood controls are delaying implementation. The salt problem in the river is becoming more serious for several reasons, officials say. Their solution of the problem is developing on several fronts also. D.R. "Bob" Collacott, chief of the e nvironmental resources section of the county's Environmental Management Agency, said high-salt content discharges lnto the river from two sources are the major culprits. Most of the time, when river flow is low , about 80 pereent of the water reaching the Orange County Water District's spreading basins in Anaheim is treated effluent, wat.er that already has been used several times in homes, industry and on farms. Each use by humans adds an estimated 350 milligrams of salt per liter, officials say. In this final part of a Dally Piiot series on the Santa Ana River's Impact on Orange County, the focus Is on actions to check increasing pollution of the water. He explained to Schlange salt is a pollution threat because it can destroy drinking water and agricultural aoil and because even lower levels can aggravate certain human ailments. Salt also raises consumer costs becaUBe it hardens water, necessitating the use of extra detergents and fabric softeners for washing, he said. of Santa Ana Rive r near proposed site of Me ntone Dam. The large dairy herds of the Chino area, for whom a salty diet is part of the milk- producing regimen, add an estimated ~o.ooo tons of salt per year to the water supply, according to Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority Manager J. Andrew Schlange. A.side from increased monitoring of salt (See POLLUTION, Page A3) AirCal hid denied By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the D.ity .-Mot Steff Newport Beach-based AirCal has b een uns u ccessful in ob taining a c ourt o rde r t o prevent transfer of some of Its flights to air carriers wanting to begin or expand service at J ohn Wayne Airport. At the conclusion of a hearing i n Los Angeles M o nda y afternoon, U.S . District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. ru1ed that the airline had not demonstrated "irrepar'-ble injury" and denied A.irCal's request. 01111r Piiot l'Mto !tr Cllertee ltan An unidentified female fan gets close (but not too c lose) to male stripper at the Laff Stop as the banned act went on . uninterrupted. Club waiters restrain he r hands from harm's way. An attorney for A ir Cal, Howard Privetta, said Judge Hatte r 's d ecision will be appealed. AirCal repeatedly has sought protection from an Orange County government plan designed to allocate flights from John Way ne Airport in an impartial manner to carriers meeting certain jet noise limitation standards. .1. In related actions Monday, natter approved agreements under Which PSA and the U.S. Department of Justice dropped their previous challenges of the county's airport access plan. The lawsuit was initiated by PSA in July 1981 after .county Jet loses tail cone. Story on Page A2. s upervisor s adopted a now- aban,doned access plan that would h ave permitted AirCal and Republic Airllnes to control 86 percent of the jet departures from John Wayne Airport for ~ three-year penoo. The show goes on with no law hassle By JODI CADENHEAD OftMO.-, .......... The heat was up at the Laff Stop Monday night where male dance r s entertalt\ femal e audiences, bu t the real he at never showed. Last month the Orange County Planning Commission ord ered the comedy club at 2122 S.E. Bristol St. in Sant.a Ana Heights to stop its Monday night semi- strip shows by Sept. 11 or face possible closure by the county sheriff's department. At the end of the 7:30 show a couple of sheriff's officers arrived, saying they w e re making a "routine bar check." But the most visible show by law enforcement came when a dan cer dressed as a co p swaggered onto the stage and took off his boots. The uniform went next. "Take It off" are the three most said words at the weekly strip show, started three ye~ ago to appease Monday night football widows. The dancers get down to their underwear and the women must abide by two house rules: No dancing with the men and abeolut.ely no touching. A couple of ban?-chested men wearing black pants and a collar . bow tie hold the wpmen's hands as they parade up to the stage to let the dancers retrieve doJJar tips from their m outh s or cleavage. It was a busy night for the r_Ughtclub, despite owner Mike Callie's prediction that most of the women would stay home to be with their children on the first day of school. "It's pure comedy," said Niki Bauer, 32, of Tustin, who with several friends had managed to get a front row ring seat. "I've been here three times. I knew there was a chance they'd try to close them down and I wanted to see them." M any o f the women complained that wet T-shirt (See STRIP, Page AZ) -INDEX-New homes plan tested At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business CavaJcade Classified ComJcs Croaword Death Not.lees EditoriaJ Entertainment Horoeoope Intermbalon Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds National News Publlc Notkes S.Cal.Focua Spor11 Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Televllion Weether World News A4 A7 B4-5 A7 C5-8 87 B7 C5 A6 B6 A7 B6 A7 B6 B4 A3 B4,C5 A8 Cl-4 A7 B5 B8 A2 A3 By ROBERT BARKER O(fM D9llJ Not • ..., Huhtlngton Beach is the testing ground for a $3 million h ome financing program expected to h elp get the real est.ate market rolling, according to a leader of area realton. The pilot program involves the use of tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds to provide below- marke t 11.5 percent, 30-year mort1ages on the purchase o( resale homes priced from $69,000 to $110,000. Mortgage revehue bonda have been uied for the purchase of new homes. But this la the flnt Ume the bonds have been Wied for reMle homea in the state, according to Barry BuHlere, pretJdent of the 1,600-member Huntlnaton Beac h -Fountain Valley Board of Realton. &.iere aald the procram will brinl the lneer. raie below 12 percent, a mark which he .. 1d "has been a psychological Impact area to buyers." The goal of the program ls to h elp low-to-moderate income persons buy their first home ln the city. "Our program Is being watched cloeely throughout the at.ate. I believe It will help to break things open," Bu11iere said. According to requirements of the Orange County Hou1lng Authority, which adrninla1el'I the frogram, half the $3 miWon in und s mutt be u eed by individuals or famlliea whose Incomes do not exceed $15,600 per year. The remainlna 50 pen:ent of th& money can finance mono.- for indlvldu•ll o r famlllea earninl up to $32,000 annually. The prosram, expected to pt under way next week, waa unveiled at a pretl conference Monday ln HunUn1ton Beach attended by Bu•lere, Oranae County Supervisor Harriett Wieder, Assemblyman Nola n Frizzelle, R-Huntington Beach , and Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandie. Ma ndie said the city had Intended t o u se mortgage revenue bonds to finance the purchase of new senior citizen housing units. He aaJd the city and developer couldn't meet deadlines, however, and stood to loae the money. h was at this point t¥t the concept waa developed among county and city offlclala and realton to change dlrectlohs and u1e the bonds to finance the purchue of rsale homes. The county aold the bonds and the l'Mlton put up 1135,000 for admlnlltratiw coats. Buulen uld that a tate Je161lallon adopted ln U8 l pl'OYkled that up to 40 percent of '(9" ROMa, Pap Al> O fficials of PSA and the federal government say the r eplacement plan in e ff ect complies with their demands for equal distribution of what all agree is a scarce commodity - the number of pennitted flights from the airport. The lawsuit, however, is far from over. An Oct. 14 trial is sch e duled o n demands of Continental Airlines and America West Airlines for de partures from John Wayne Airport. Neithe r carrie r has met county-imposed condition s to Mini milestone fly new and quieter jets, such as the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 S uper 80. Prior to implementation of the plan, AirCal was guaranteed an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permitted daily from the airport. As a re sult of the plan's impleme ntation, AlrCal's allocations will drop 10 percent every three months when flightl are transferred to carrier• wanting to b egin or expand service to Orange County. (See HEARING, Page At) • • Mary Lorge takes a snapshot of her daughter Greta's first day or school with teacher Ch•re Hale. Antics ol her claumatet, which may how •P in yearb0ok1 in 12 yean, are on Page Bl. ' Orar,go Ooatl L>AILY PILOT /Tu•day, Septembef 1~. 1982 _,..-----------------------------------------.-..----------------------------------~ NB N YSE (,()MPO I TE T R N 'ACTION laUOf4TIOtf\lltCLUO f U OUON flll lllWtOlll tlltlOlfllf,,A(tlJI( ,,. •O\fOll OtfllOIT ••II Clll(INllAllUOC• l ll(MANOlt ... o lll'O"'•O IY floll 1100 .. 01111\ft!IU '-'~· Nol "91•• N•I '41•• 14•1 \•'"' H•I kl•• Not ,.. l NH t to"' tnt "t ,,., t tow t nt I' « nch C••,.. C"t I' C llJ\ t luw t"" ,. I NI\ tt•w C"' t>1alnl I ..Chi 11) All , " <.;flltUI I It • tlOI I/.. • llL pllJ • 0 l4I ,.,._ , Ut .. ., Ill IU • • , 1>111111 I o .. , 11 •, Ot•lll pe 110 1tO 1:•• i" U DI• 60 1110 1\' • '• lll °'I J JI • ))•, 0\111>M "-J I .. I\•" \<111••, 10 11 IOI 19•" glem5 1 I• 1 •1 1 .. 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'• PSvNH 1 U )07 IS'•, • TftOy<ll 14 1' II '• !~:~ .! .~ n 1!~ ~=r..:: ': ,~: ~::-: · ~ ~~~ ,1~10 m 1~ .. : ~ :~:~~ ~ ~ s ll; m: t! =~:pO 12' 1~ ~ .. ~, •• : ~ ~~~ ~rn '>; ::.; ~~~::.. 1rn )O~ ~ •• : 1~: ·~(~ l• ' lOO 10' '" Col!Alk n 9 ,. IS'. .... F NStB , .cl ll 23~. '• lnlNI pl... 1100 .,.. M\lrry() 110 I • n..... PSNl1 .,., }) ,, .... • hl<om " 1;. •~11P ·-1a 1~ .....,!. • '• Cotnl' J ' 4ll 1''•• '> FslP• .. 2~ tnltpU I liO IJ 4 14'-, \, MUIOm I A1• 31 11''> • <. P'NH~ 7) 11 1S , ltldyM • 101' 10. , • 1 '""" -·' •• ~· c-•~n 1-110 '"'' '• f•tP·~ 11 •-~ ApPw pll,, •llO ~ 1 -..---• • -· ~ lnlPGP 1 tO ' II \Ill ... Mrersl ,., ll I •• PsvN , IO I 101 ,,.. Tt ••· 10 1))1 10'• •• APPwpl2U lO 20'?• '• COiiin~ l lO '"S 11• ... 11 FIVnRI 110 I '1 16~• '• tn18Mlr U 117 10 '• -N--PSvEG JS. I )1' ,,._, '• l•nn<o 160 S~J Jt~. '• APCllMQ 931 ll !IS II '• Colv~ , .. s '°' )I ..... FtV•Bll ... • 106 1•.. .... lnblPw I ... 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' '• ~CCPPLL ~110JJ 11 1181 Ne wml I 11 1401 4l • .. R!~<!.J' ... 10' ~.! ,!' • • ~o'~oellmilo I .0 I ~: 1•1'• 8•11 E 1 IM I )13 11 • •• ConlAlt " ) • •., ~rhl 1' 9 lCM u 1,1 ~ ,.. N k .. S SIO '' 1 ~l<I-.., • Bait pl8 • liO 1100 .JA'o 1, ContC:. I• 4 \, G<tt~o 111 I U3 191., .. KCSou • ' lit i.•, • 111 w~r / ' R•PAtr 3'e ~~, , 1-o lw 111.0 It .. .t B•nC.i 120 II " n • .. '• CnlC pf 1 lS •l'OO • GemC.. I• I] 31 ..... KCSor I allOO ...... Nl•MP 'IO .... IS ...... R•P<P .., I .. 111•• • low•• .... ,.. ,. ..... BanTx n 20 • 125 s•~ • '• CnllCp 160 , •S. 1••,, o.. Gemtn 2 «Iii 4l ISlo K•nv 1 11 • '69 ''', • t :::::::: l :g =~ J! 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S4 t•'• ... g:~~·n, ~ 3:1, ~:~'o'f:~ ~ ~~· ~•onFo~ ll'0"6SI lt"-•1 ~:::=:110"J1' "~"~'NotSo n U0'1k> u•,..,,.,. rt•~e,.t •s •~ .. loT••nwo 1.ci ... 10'•• '• BtrCICR 541• 1U Al 1 --C-1.51 4,.1063 23,,. ~: GGGHt0h,15 ~J27 ,71•, 11•,~· ....... Ken•I : ~ :u 1%~' •Norlin J 11 13 ... :::::.i i ~ 1'~;! r;::• ~: i~;111';'2 "SJ :' 1::: '• B8arnG9 t0 ~ IA\o • '.~ C-1r1.'IO 11 lO>o • .. , GnH-~ ,::: • '.. ,\:, l<tllml .. 11 lO 24"'° • ~ Nori.Ir n J 20 I lO UI..' "' Ro11rd I 0111 11' 10", ~ Trall&<O 1 IO ) ,.. U-.. .,,.,, IOI f _. 7•'>• -C-L toll 1---· -.. KyV~I 110 I 10 1•1• Norlet. !It l U ... '• Revntn 1-• 116 •• , •, Trn••..,>11 II .. ,.,," • -•· • ~ Gnln•1 -1·~11 -,, ., v i, · N·c~1 fl! 1 " -~ • • -0 ~... -8a1yW1 .cl 11 101 II • '• C-T M ' ll fl\,,. -• "" • -., ' ~•tr I ... • 0 1 hH n ~ -•·-' Rtyln pl2 l) IJ 1'• , t•, T ttn>en Cnl 11 l\, 8H Rff 2'1' I" S COOWll\116' 19 '"" ~ vt1Mllll l lM IOIJ00 ..... \,.2 Ker(; pl 1'0 U """''NOA,....! I 1 a 41'• "Reytnpl•IO 1 AO•. '• TrGPPI•.•~ 1100 61•1+1\• , F. Dow Jones 1nal UP 4.32 CLOSING 923.01 T-hills mixed on money mart WASHINGTON (AP) Yields on short-term Treasurv st'<.·urit1es WL•rt• m1xl"<i m auctions. with rates for three-month T-b1Jls dropping for a 94..'(.'0nd straight w<.-ck but six-month bills rising slightly, officials said. About $5 6 btllron m three-month bills were aueuonl'<i Monday a l an avt-rage dtSCOunt rate of cU61 perC'C.'nt, down from the 1:1.565 percent of last week Tht• governmc•nt also sold about $5.6 billion m six-month bills at an aoveragc rate of 9 704 percent, up from the prC'v1ous 9.605 JX•rc<.•nl R ailroad m erger OK 'd WASHINGTON (AP) '.ihe government has approved-,.the merger of th ree Western railroads, clearing the way for creation of a single rail system stretching from the Padf1c '·oast to Chicago and the Gulf of Mex1l'O The mergt·r of thl' Union Pac1f1c, Missouri Pacific and Western Pac1fac..rallroads wrll create a system covering 21 states and csu1bllsh the nation's th ird ' largest ra1lrood m track miles • Newport firm tells gain Newport P harmaceuticals International Inc. of Newport Beach announced net Income was $156,000, or 2 cents per share, in the three-month period ending July 31, compared lo $45,000, or 1 cent, for the like period last year. A red uction in operating exp enses and the elirrunation of d iscontinued operatJon losses during the period resulted an the $111,000 increase in net income. "-~~~~~~~~~------------~~----~--~--------------~-· STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Nf:W YORK (APJ Sfole•, l pm Pn<• ano Mt Ct\.lnot o• 1~ Uftt!'t'n "'°'' 4Kt•11t NelO YOI'~ SloO E •<han9<1 ....... tr•dlnQ oat1orw11., •t more lh•n ,, •8M I OM.too ,,.. •• ,, Vtn Motot\ 1,034,IOO ·'9'• • • S.a1'R01tll •St 100 13•1 • .. Nonlltl(..p 144,WIO 11• • 4. K m•t t •Sl.400 22\ t • \ • MlnnMM M,lOO '74. '• E uon MO 100 11w .. Fo•dMol SM.600 ll!o • \\ Teuto tn< >1~.100 ,,... ... Amt• It.I S4,600 ~... .. S<htumlltQ 'll.'100 ll.,. '• NetSetht U? 000 ?0-'t • •. (i\;COtP Slt 100 J)'• '1• • MoDll lOl IOO u..... ' I. Ct•o;fh(h •tcJ .00 14\• 2 • GOLD COINS ... •O"' U\• • ••• •.. '" 11 .. 11 • .. ' 1'. 1 .. 11 .. 1'-, .. ., .. .. , ... '• .. .. . . '~ 1, .. ... P<I UP 12 1 Up 10-0 Up IOO uo 's Up •O UP I• Up IS •Up 1.1 Up 7 • Up I • Up I• Up ll Up 10 Up t9 uo •• Up 61 Up ., Up •I Up ti Up • 1 UP • S Up 6 S Up 6 S Up • 1 Up 'J NEW YORK (API Prices lalt Monday of gold co1n1 compoted wnn Friday'• pnc:o • AMERICAN LEADERS METALS -1·1• • n ..... . "" • \<f f NEW VORK (API -Spol noni..rous ,,...,., pr~ lodly C<19P9r 7~· 73 oents • pound. u S dell ina hont It> Leed 26-29 oetlft. pouno Zinc 4G-42 Q41Rft 8 pound o.i,,,.,911 T111 SO 4600 Meltts WMll composite At""'lnum 76-77 oeritl • pound N Y l!Nfcury $365 00 per llUll t>tetltlum $365 00-1372 00 troy ounce. N Y .-. SILVER '.t ... 1' I .. Handy & M••mtn, $0 190 per lroy;. ounc;e • .. • ... GOLD QUOTATIONS •r Tiit Au oclatM Pre•• Sel1eted world ljC)ld P<icet IOCley. ... Landolt morning ltxlng l •S2.00. u p:• $13 00 .. London •11.,noon flxklg $454 2S. up • s 15 25 • Perle elt••noon lixlng $432.80 up " S9 90 Frlf\lt.furt ltxllljl $450 02, up S 10.02 Zurich !fie enen1oon filling s.es 1 so. up I 12 50 bid. "453 oo med H•ndr • "'"'"" (only d•tty quol•I "'~ 25. up s 15 25 lnee!Mfd (only dtlty quo••> $454 25 •• up $1S 25 E~Md (only dlll)' QU01tl llt>fic:at9d $476 06. uo $111 0, SYMBOLS d New twrly ..... u ~ ... .,,,. l'loQll Uni.ti olllefWlMt notflCI 1 •In ot div~ ••e ennust d•tbu•~ll butd on \"-!Ml quat1e1ty 01 Hm• ennuat O•cleratlon SIM!C••I OI ellre d1vtCl...01 OI Pllff"*llS not dHtgnale<I H 190ule1 ••• tdenhlltd "' Ille loHow•no IOOlnotM B•u><h 1 )6,. '" JH. \. Cordltr• tO ' SS 10w. .,.· GMol , -'1 llSfO 4'1 ... + •• ktrtM ) 110 • 1111 ,..,,. '1 NEurO 2 211' 9 ' ·~·· •• RtyMll 'IO 11 UI ll~ I •• lt(;~( 10 37 rao II BH Tr \ .. 111141 411 I • GMOI pl ;1,15 ) U KtY>O\ l 13 ' ~. NotSIUI 111 1)1" 10~ • .. R •• r "' 1 T ,_ I '~ 74~ 10 • Co•tln .,. 9 11 ll»'a • ~ GMOI Iii $ •• It Oh • '" Kt~fnl , ti 14 JI ~, '-Ntl\dPS I IO 10 6M 12"• • •,, •Ym • "" •" • to '"' pl M ••--8•YFln 0 IO IC»• CMnv l.n IJ 213 ~11,_ ~ GNC -.., UI t•t, 1, Kl I ~oSIH 2 /4 I 97 ""'· ~ RCllYC I Al 9 1)0 t• • \9 'I tGP pl i lO 3 '°~ l(ru9t11•nd, 1 trOu 01 $464 00. up B•¥SIG l :n • 20 11\tt ~. Cot81k 1IO10 l • ~ -GPU ._ '1"1 ,1, s''•• ,_ ' 10 '140t to " "' ....--• -Rlt(lttT 1 IO 1 I• "',, \, lrn•Oh I ~, •.. ' Bt•rll'\O 110 ' 29~· Cowlft IU 19:> 1914 +1 •• KldplC. • · 6 41 • \• NSPwpl).0 llOO 1'•••1 RloGran1.0 1 100 «lit• !lo Tranwy tm • 1' 11"• '-$4 25 • AllO eolre Ot e11tH D·Annuet ••1• ~· 11oc~ dMdPnd C·ltQu•Cla11ng 01v1deno Oect••ed Ot PIM<I on Plecec:l•nv 12 montn. •·Otc•a•tel or P••<I t lle< llOC~ dtvldencl Ot spe11 vp 1-Pe1C1 th11 yu • 01v16end r..,,,lltcl. oete<ieo 01 nci tKllOn 1eken at IHI dlvl<fenO m,..11ng -·Oec:lert<I OI plld lhcl Yfff In t<:Cumul•lo•• •Hiie w•lh dtvtdends 1n .,,._ n New'""' '"0.C'••td Of P••d in pr~inv 12 montna !Mia •lock Cll'll•deno t·P•td 111 llock 1n prectd•ng 12 mon1111 u1tm11.a CISh val\lfl on ••·Cl•vt1lenO ()I •• OltlllbullOl'I d1te B .. IFd 1 so • '" 211. "' co.cm 111 16 .,. :M'f\. "' Gtt1At' I Ol 11 nn ....... lo Kl(ono!!! .!? ,1? '1~1 ... ~ •• '·~ NNSS!!..P.' ... •O ,.I .:0010 ... ,?, •• ?,, RIOG• pl IO •'4> >P · '• ,, ... ,,.I ... , ,.., ,.... .. 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