HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-17 - Orange Coast PilotORANlif COAST YOUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPER FRIDAY, SEPTEMIER 17, 1812 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS .,.,, FBI probing HB link: to computer spy charge By PlllL SNEll>EHMAI\ Of Ille O•llr Piiot St•lf UrfH ··"' • .r .111 11ol111111.ol11111 ~y~tt·111' 111111p.111\ 11·111.olllt'll "'""' t111.J.1~ 1q.:J1d111g 1h.11g1, th,ol 1hn·1· 1111'11 111• l11d111g .111 El To111 111.111 l'nlJ1l11v1 .. t lo v th.- l'lllllf.l'ill)' ( t111:-.p111·d lti ·.1 ... il $.l mtll11111 wrn tit ol \'01 11p11l1'1 p.1rb rrom lhl· ft1111 '-. ltu11t111gto 11 &-.11·h plJlll and tllq~.oll~ ""P"I I tht• lo(ood' h1 till' S11\'1"1 l'11111n Care ers (barely) 11111111111·' '" 1111· ll11111111gt1111 H1•,11 II •II I 1• 1·' t1f H.11 .ii l\lilg11 [11fo111i.1t11111 Sy,11·111,, 7:.!11 I M,11 -. Ill I\ 1 \\ t I 1 11·r .. 111 d t11d,1, l11 t Iii " 111 , .. I 11 " ' !VI I •• 111 I .. f I 11 ' ' l lff111.1t... 111 Mt.1111 1 ,,,id tl11 I 1111q1.1 ti\ W ,I, Ill.I k I Ilg 1111 l'llll\111 .. 111 rt'lt 11111g ljlH".,\11111~. 111 tlu• FBI I· Bl JJ.:t 11L' "aut I liu"d.1\ th•' 111111liid1·d tllltl 1111111111 ... 1ol • r e main • Ill classrooms. • • Stories By <.;LENN SCOTT Of Ill• Detlr Sinor Slaff Tht·y l:augl11·d ..., 1!1·11 1...,,, Vtl•lhaut.•r s;11J sht• "".111t1·d t11 h .. ,, tt>aclwr Thev sho11k tlwu lw.Hb T1·dt'h"r' don't f111d JI'"" 111 tl11 I 980s, rt•nwmbt•r L1,,1 '' r~'fJC '('ta lh 1f you ll'al'h Ct•rm.111 But,,,,,. d1d tl S he landt-d a Joli 111 th1· d1~ln1 1 and on th1· campu' 'ht• wanlt'<I. al lrv11w I l1gh !::kh•>ol "l have no idea how I d1J ll. but I'm thanking th1• pc1w1·1 ~ th.•t b<.'." .1okt•d lht· :!.J y1•.1r old LJ( · Irv 1n1• gr a cJ u at 1· w h u .-. th 1· sch•iol':-. onlv r onk11· full 111111· lt'a<'ht •r · Slw 1s tl·aching thrt•t• d.1s.o;1•' 11f GNmun. two ol Sp<an1 ... h So f.ir she· said. 11 has l)(<t·n 1·xh,1u.,ung but ~n·at 1111t1f11·d tf1<1l sli1· ti bt'l'll d111s•·11 lor tlw JOI• Shi' h,11! \'l1111pll'l1«I h1·1 -.1ud1•11t lt•.Jt h111g .11 lrv11w und1·1 lll.t..,t•·1 lt'i11 ·h1·1 M.1rlh.1 [)1, k11h1111 Th1·n lltt k111 ... on·~ h u., h ,1 11 cl w a., 'u d d 1· n I v tr.111,ft·r 1 .. d 111 Atl;111w It was a '>\Aot•t·l .llld "•ll• t'Vl'lll Tht· two h;1d bt'<'01111· 1·111-;1· fr 1t·nd,, had ,,ftt•n d1-;1·uss!'cl h<'ll"r ..., ,1y~ !11 n1c1k1· C1·rrnan m11rt · pc1l,1t;iblt• Now '\h1• was 111..,tng :1 frtt•1 1d and t.aklllg h1·1 Jiii> on. \\,I\ or .11111lh1•r hoY. t'\'1'1. ,,h1• pl.11111Pd tu l.ll· d tt·.1dwr "[ 111tt•ntlt•d to lx· a tt"<1d11·1 fr11m th1• tinw I <;tarlt'<I grnng lo -;c h1111l . · slw 1·xpla1n1·d. dddmg 1li.t1 'ht· .ilway~ t·n.1,1yl'd working w1lh 11 t h t • r' 'h a r 1 n g t.f f" rt " n tJ w,1tching tht·m prn~rt_,., 111\'l''ltg.illllll Wiiii 1111' •11 lt''I (II 1\11th111n 1>.1v1d .11 :111. 111 t·:I 111111, 11i111ltl1td "' I W1 ,ll'lll 11 l!ltUt.ol '''I\. lt t 111,111,1g1 I f 11 1 H.11.il Milg11 M.111111·..., f),1\td :1ti. '" 1\ltqll1pp,i, l'.1 ..• l'11t-.l1111glt ,11f1111 Ii .. 111d Floyd 1-.:.t11u1111b ~1:!. td M t llull.Jld, ·)',. , .1!...o lll'.11' 1'1tt,1>urgh W.1ltt·1 W1·1111·1 ·'""' 1.al .1g1·11l Ill I h.11 g1• 111 1111· FH)', P1ll~IJU1gh coff1t1 ... 11<1 tlw tl111·t· h.iVI' t,.·111 I h.11 gc·d with l'llll'•Jlll ·IC v Ito vt1ol,1t" l1·d1•1 JI lJWl> I l'~Jrtl1111o1 tlw 111tl'l ,t.11t· 11.111:-11111 t.1111111 111 ,11111·11 I"' 'II' 1 l 'v l l11· I' lil t l.J1 1ti... th1· 11111·1· µla111wd 111 s h «d tht• 1·0111pul1·1· P\•l'L'> fnm1 Hal':.i l Mtlg11 allll s1•1l lh1·111 tn .r lirokt'I wlHi thl·Y 1..lt'lll'v<'d w.1s n·prt·M·11l1ng th;. S11v1l'l Un111n Thi· brokt.•r 1n fat·t. wa ... ..ill u11dt·1tt1V l'I u..:1·11t , tlt1• FBI -.:11d Anlho11y I ),1v1d w,1, ,,, , ,.,11·d Thur..duy 111 llu11lt11~t1111 Bc .. lt'h Matlhl'w Duv1d. 1dt:nttfll'd J:. thl· Orungt' Cou11ly man's undt'. <11HJ Edmonds wt.•r 1• arn•,l1·d 1n P1tlsburgh ufkr tht.•y :.illt•gt•dly al't'l'pl<'<.i a $~.000 dow11 µu y1111•11t from tht.• undl•n.·ovl'r <ig1o·nt 'l'ht.• local m<Hl wc1:-. c1rrJtgnt.'tl "It's lx·ttt·r than I t'>.Jll'<-'ll'd." she said "I'm sull try111g vt·ry hard tv gf't everything org.in1zc-<I as rar a!> thl' paperwork g04•<;, but the: kids have be<·n JU.!>l grt·at " V1t!lhultC'r h<td rorlunt• on lwr s1d(• this o;umml'r wht.•11 -;h1· wu' As h('r nanw suggt~L-.. 'ht• hd!> (:1·rm,1n ht·r1t<ig<> dnd 11 ... rm•d ''l1ttlt· w o rth and phr.1s .. , .. around the house Hut ht·r fath1•r d1S<:our:"'~'"' h1·1 tSec ROOKIE, Pagt A21 Li~a Vilham·r fi~un•s t-:ii:tr a s tudit•lii oH·r .... t•a ), h(•lrwd la nd h f>r h a rcl-lo-finrl lt·ac·hin ~ job in I n im-. • • . T e acher s s till give s tudents sense of potential M a r~a rt'I Ponwro) work -, wi lh Un nny Taht·r ) 111uf ~e nclra "illu / a n(f c·arf•..., whal lht·y do ouhiclt· c"'l a~~. loo . f -INDEX--44T h ey O"'"'U pa· .ad . ()ti r S"'h I a n ..J '' 'C • • • ' 00 (J are taki n g ev<"r ything. Maq~art•l Porrwroy chdn '1 h•vl' lo look ha rel to ftnd .i wa('htnl<( .)(ib. thl'Y were lcxJking fur hl'I Soon <1ft1 r "h ,. grad u at c.· d w 1 1 h •• rn<1lh1·rn<il1t"' d1·gr1·1· from lht• Un1v1·1 !>1 ty ''' North Carolina '>ht· was um• of 700 out of 'lal1• 1to;wh1•r. rt'<.'l'Ullto<l lo v.oi k tn San Dlt'go h was a rt'm<1rkablv tltfft>rt'nl t1nw rrom wday California·~ post war babtt'S w<•n· n ·ach1ng S<:hool :tg1' rastl'r lh<in ll.'> ('ollegt.'S could ltll'll out lt•<Khl·r~ Twl·ntv f1 vt· y1·ar-. lalf'r. ~ht• i... still 111 ,, Southt·rn ('ah(11rri1.1 da!>-..r•>1.1um H(·r plt .. J..,,1111 vnttt· <,llll t•arn<·' .1 htnl 11f Carolin.1 ,and .1 ... ;_ilway,, ,1w sttll u111...id1•rs herself ,. f.111 hut d1•m.-1nd111g tt•ach1•r Porn1•rov i... u m.Hh tl'at·her at 11 v1n1.··.., Urnvt'rs1ly H'1gh &:hool She.• bt.•gan lhc·n: whc.·n the c.·ampus openl'<.i 111 January. 1971. and t•v1·n earlier. wht•n its studt•nts and staff l'ndun•d doublt• c;c,-ss111ns at M1s.-.11m V1t·.10 l1 1gh &·hool Untv(•r...it~· ctlld Mt:-..,,111n Vtl'j() bulh Wt n · µ.1r1 of tht• Tustin Unefu'l'I &·hool U1strn t tn tho--.· d:ivs Sht• st.1r1t'<I with tlw d1:-.lnl'l 1n l ~W:~. ilml sh~· c;11ll t•nJOVS thuughL"I or lhC' first y(':tr Uni OfX'llf'd "Wt• W<'rl' ;i !'m.111 group, a clost> group," sht• said "W1' had ;1 lol of nt'W hrst-vC'ar leat'h1·r' whu wc•n• tht• tills lt'<'nag<'rs and lht•n tht•rl''°Wl'rl' a lot or us goo<.1 ul' d1sc.·1pltnilnans Bul 11 wa:. <• rnre m1xturt•" Tht• era of flower ch1ld11.•n and the d1sd.1111 for mat1•rial1sm has gont• now. of touri>t'. C'Spt."'<.'1ally al this campus tucked lx'tWt't•n Turtlr Rot·k a nd Un1vers11y Park As P nmC'roy ,.., tr1tl'rv1t·Wl'd 111 h<'r classrooom tx·fon· fi rst Jll:nod begins, studt>11ts outs1dt• show up look ing ltk1• modc·ls from rash1on ads tn nallonal magazinc•s "I've seen the dress code com e the whole way," she remarked. remembering the days when administrators measured boys' hair to insure 1t wasn't too long. "Now. w e've rome back full c1rdr ' !See VET ERAN . P age A2) Tltu1-.J.1y 111 Los Angl·lt·s Tiii' l'1lL'>lJurgh ,.,, ... m Pn wt•n• lrt'<-.J 1111 $:!~ ()()fl hond 1 ·al h following .in dlJfH'..ir .1111·1· bt-fort· a U S 111,1g1i.tr-itl• 111 t hat nty, FBI o ff 1n,al:-. ~ 1d r\·cJ1·rul agt·nL'i said lht· H.;u:al Mil~11 l'lllT'lputer paru, t•ould not bt• sold oul.!)tdt' the Unllt'<.I Statt'S without 1wrm1ss1011 from the ~11v1.·111nwnt Homage paid to J cowboy D UBO IS , Pa (AP) Th1.1u..,;;11tli. uf hero wor!>h1pt·1 !:. f1om Amt•nc.·u anti Eu rupt.'. somf' strultlng 1n spurs a nd 10 gallon h;1~, an• pay ing homagt• ht.•fl' Lo ihe laH• Tom Mix, ongtnal king of thl' mat1m.'<· cowboys "H1· Wi.IS 10 ft'l'l Lall tn lht> sadtlll· to ml·," re-called Richard S1•1v Prltng, 11 lung-ume fan o f tlw cJ.1sh111g -itlc·m film star By th1· lime· the six-day 'fo1n Mix F't•st1val ends Sunday. about 10,000 p1·nple are expl't'lc•tl to havl' dropix·d by to take en :!O hour!> of t•owboy m ovies, as!>Orltod Tom Mtx ml·m11rab1lta and c1 p<iradl· Saturday "Wht·n vou saw Tc1m Mix on the· scrt-<.'11~ you .knl'w good was go1nK tu triumph over c·v1I The bad guy:. d1dn'l have a cham't'," said Robt.•rt Cotton, a h1stonan from B.artlt-sv1lle, Okla "l like· 10 call tl M ix mag1t•" Tom Mix mama ts flouns hing 4'.:! v1.•ar.-. a ft<'r Mix d1<:'d when h1!> l'U!>tum mad<' s upercharg<:'d Cord l'ar t ra..,ht•d o n an Arizona highway Although Texas. Oklah oma a nd Cuhfornta have datme<l Mix os iJ nat1v<• son . the locals 1nstst Mix WJ' born 1n 1880 in Mix Hun . Pa , about 40 mil l's northc·a...i of ht>rt• Ht.• mad<' 370 films mnst of th{•m -.il1•nl movies. although then· Wl'n · ntnl• featur1•-length ldlku'!> and a 15· part sen al. "Th<' M1ratlt· Hider " Al th<' hl'1ght of his popularity· in Llw l 92t>.... h<> l'3mc'CI $1 7 ,000 a W("('k Long bdore Gene Autry. J ohn W avnc· and Cl int Eastwood chasl'<i Indians and bad guys un lhl.' stlv<·r M:reen, M ix sc•t lhf' sldndard for m1>v1e cowboys J\ dashing daredl'vil, he dtd his stunt' with his wondt•r ho rs!' Tonv I h· didn't dnnk , smoke· or !-Wt•ar 11n M r<'<'n. and hi!> faml· spn·ad .ttnl!o>S lh£· sea "Tom Mix 1s Lhc best-known Anwn1·;111 aC'tor in Europ<' f or mony pcCtplC', he 's th<' bt'st - known American ." said Pt•ter SchauPr nf V ienna. Austria. alll'nding his first Mix frst1val 'Ht• w,1s uur idol He was a ht.·ro of thl· German." said K urt Klo17b<H'h of Dortmund. We t German v .. He had 5 mil hon fans in Gt•rmany and even Hitler t·oulcJ m>I ban his ftlms " 1\ s p a r t o f t h e f l' s t 1 v a I . tow1\Spt.'O plc: and visitors drt'SS in authrnuc Western garb. right d own to nl'<'kcrchicfs. badges and real ~1x shooters. For breakfasl, 0111• um l'Vc·n order hot Ralston l't;'rt•al wh1c·h sponsored tht• Tom Mix r;id1u sh ow from 1!'.lJ3 to 1950, and C'Stablished the T om Mix fan dub called thE• Ralston Straight S hooters. "ln 1h1s day and age , t'\'erybody 1s running down hPrOC'S." said Serg e Darngrand. a Tom Mix look-alike and engm~r ror G1,neral M o tors Corp in Onstt'll, Mrch "Kids have nobody lo pattrrn ISee TOM M I X, Paat A2) . . At Your S.'rv1c·c· Bus1nc~s Cavalcadr Classif 11-<I Com1c-s CrosswonJ Dc-ath Not•t't'S F.d1tonal entC'rtatnmtmt Gardening Horoscope A4 B2-:1 A7 ('6 10 84 84 85 A6 Israelis take Beirut, deny Russ embassy • seizure ~ I Ann Landc·r.s Mov1C'S Mutual Fund!! National Nt'ws Public Not1c-es Sports Stock MarkC'ts Te levision Th c>att>rs Weather World News Wt'l'kt•nder A8 A7 A7 Wt>t•k1·nd!'r 82 A:l 82.B5,C4 C l 5 8.3 TV Log W<'t•kcmder A2 .A3 BF:I R UT. L1•bannn t AP) [c;raC'lt wnks nusht•ci thr 1;1~1 maJOr Lf.ban~ mtltlla rt•s1stan1·1· lo th<>tr oc'C'upat1on of W••sl Bc·1rut t o d a y 1 n d e f 1 a n c· t• o f U S drmands to w1thdn1w. and Ru!lsrn n diplom a ts said lsrn!'lt troops oct·upt<'d thr Sov1pt Embassy in the LebanC'sc l'ap11.Ltl Bui lhe lsraeh army romm:md In Tel A viv satd, "We deny 0Hic1ally that we took OVC'r th.r Sovif't Embassy in Beirut " T h rrl' I Rrae>ll armo1ed personnel carrie rs W<'re posted oull!tdf' thl' hiRh-wallro emblwiy ,. 1ompound , hut th1• .,11ld11•rs would not 1.<1lk lo rt•J)(irtt•r" A li(roup of Sov11•t d1ploma1s eam1• t•> 8 back dvur at the l'mbassy and on('. spraking hrnkrn English, to ld W l'stf'rn reporters. "Th ey ( l sral'lls) OCl'Upted the buildings o ( OU I school. consulate a nd living quarters and they Ar<' taking PV<'rythtng 111 thts buildings" Ht> cla1mf'd the Israelis <'ntcrro the g r ou nds with o tank, damaglnR the gate and three cars. h was unclear wh<'n the 1nc1d1•1H m't'urred . a nd then• Wai> nt> t1ppar<'nt damagr to 1 wo of thr rmhnssv's gall~ "Now they arc sitting at the room nf the consul with machine guns. and what can we do," he> said, grinn ing "We objected, bu1 thl'y didn't d%fnythm g." He said the lt'nbas.sador was in the embassy building, a nd Ml'lM'Ow had been informed Among the key posllions taken by Israeli forces T hursday was th e an•a around the Soviet roi;nplex In the Cornlche Mauaa ~ I s h opping district and m the h1gh-nsc building o r Mosrnw 's Narortn y Bank 111 Hamra Strt-et Earhcr there was speculation that severa l le ftist m ili tia leaders had takt'n refuge in the SnviC'l compound before the lsrocl1s firmed their grip on lhc• t't'ntra l shop ping thoroughfare Beirut neWlpapers said Israeli fol'Cft llt'iz.ed the Iranian EmbaMy b uildin g a t t h e seaside J nah neighborh ood Th ursday. ripping d own po rtraits o f Ira n 's revo lutio na ry pa t riarch Ayatoll•h Ruhollah Khomeini War correepondenta repor ted today that ls r aeli tanks and troops f lushed ouf't diehard m embe rs of th e M ourabltoun mil1t1a a f ter a three-h our barrage, then searched housc-to- house for weapons and blalled w.arn ings In Arabic to h ldln1 ~unmen to surre n der their weapons The Mourabitoun. Lebanon's most powerful armed le ftist Mo~JJem group. fought alonptde P a l es tin e Llberatlo n Organization gue rrillas during brael's 14-w eek -old Invasion ol Lebanon. • ·' ,. t . . -.. ( :lmul ~ µ.a tlu·r omira ou~h O\'t•r Corona dt'I Mar State· Ht•uc·h. Clouds • coming closer to coast R esearch e rs find 'ch eap ' h y drogen An autumn w-.'t'kl•nd tomplt·tt· with billowy t·loud s and swl'atcr-wl'anng tc•mpt.>raturc~ ts l'XiJl'<.'ll'Cl along thP Orangl• l'11a,:.,t with hlllt· t·ham'C of ram T h t• w l' a l h l' r o u t I o 11 k bnghll·nl'd t·on s1c.lt•r;ibly tt>day wht·n Hurnt·ant· Nurm~1n. wh11·h had been raging uff thl' nia'>l uf Mc·x1to. weakC'ned Weathc•r o rf1n.ds said lht• hurrkane. gus1111g c.1t 100 mph t·arller 111 the w~·k. 1s llttk mun· than a trop11:al storm that shoulc.l blow 1tsc·lf out ht•fon· 11 hits California The stor m . doc.:kl'd at :w to -10 mph. 1s C'Ont111u111g tu movt• nor! h to northC'ast and is ~JOO m ill·s southwest of San Dwgo F'ore<:astt>rs prrd1tlt'd st'ath•n·d "pnnkles late to night but sa1u ll s hould dry up by Saturday l1·;1ving the Wl't•kc·nd p1t'tur1• g11<\d with tc•mpt•rnturi' ... 111 tht m11I tu uppt•r flu ... S11mc· l'l<1ud ... th" l.11 g1· SAN FRANCISCO IAPI Mc•mb(•r;. o f a Univ1•rs1\v 11 f C.1lr forni.1 r<•-..Part·h !Pam "JY .lht•y h.1v1· found <1 t'ht'ap. plc•nt1ful w ;1v to cn ·at1· h y drog1•n a long <;ought d11•am of S1.·1rnt1sL., "<'Pktng to solve• th1• world's 1•111•1 gy problt•m." l'hl'm1stry prof Pssor Galx1r A Somo r J a 1 . w h o h l' ad t • d t h l' t h rt' l' -mt· m be r l t• am a I t h t• puffy v•1rwty an· t>Xpl't'tt•d Wt·a\ht·rwutcht·rs n•pm tt•d 1111 ml' .is u r a b l L• r ~· 1 n <• I u n g t ht• Orn11gt• Coast tht· past 1-1 huurs E.1rltl'r in th1• Wt-t.•k, I luntangtun &•at h rt't'l'IVL'U tlw most 1.1111f.1ll. ..i nwn· -I uf ;in inch Tht· only hngt·1111g dlt•t l uf t h1• h u rnt·;11H'-lurnt·d-1 r11pll .i I .. 101 m was .ilong tht• lw.11 ht·., IA' l11 ·r<• IA'Ol\'l'~ Wl'rt· 1111'.l'U I I'd .. I r11111 .,. x to 1·1gh t f l't'l 1'111' w;itt·t tl'mpt·r;.iturt· <1t botlt N1·wpon AVi1l'h ;inc.I Hun1rngtu11 l~·a< h has rPm<11ned luk1·w,1rrn. .,l<1y111g ;it ;1hout tiH d1•gn·t·s M1 ·:i11wh11t., hum•·!> an Surfs1d1• Colonv 111 S1 •ul Bt·ach made. 11 s;dt•ly through th1• night w11h11ut fhxxlmg or clamag1· Twt·ntv two h1m1l'S d11s1·st to tht· •>l't·wi h.1\'t• bt•t•n uncll'r s1<·g1· from high t1tlt·., H11 t f11u1 liu lld11ll't s µruv1d1·d II\ ( )r;111g1 l'ou11tv work1·d 1"tc· 111 t11 tl11 night 'v\11·drn· ... d:1:-.111d un1v1•rs1tv s 81•1kt•ley c:ampus. -..11d h1·n · Thur.;rlav that US<.' of th1· mt.·thod c·ould ·revolutionize tht· manufat·lun· of synthetic rw tr 1111• um. f 1· rt 1I1z~rs and µb..,tu·s Thi• 11·.1m d1•veltlpl'd a t1•t·hn1qul' to -;pltt water 1n11l<•c•ul<'s to prn<lucc a s teady flow of hydrogl'n gas by using s o m l' o f I h <' c• a r t h · s m o s t D•lly Pllol Photo• by Petrick O'Donnell Tltur..d.1y, 111111\\ 111g up a s .111d s('(1wall th.it lwld h.1l k w.it1·1 s ,1t tl11· ht·avilv 1·1:11d1·d lx·.id1 "Or.111g1: l'ou11ty lrtt·rnlly ..av1·<l us." S1"<1l &·a1 h /\s.'>!s t.lllt L..irrv St1t k1wv .... 1111 . ··Th 1· 1·' p 1·,. 1 ,. 11 l' l' ,, n d l'oopt ·1.it11111 ,ind know how of n>nst 1 u1 ll• 111 \\ 111 k1 ·1., ma<l1· th•• d1fl1·11·m 1·" Thi -..ind 1>.1r111·r. :1hout :m hi.·t "1111 .111d I'..! 11·1·1 high , wa;. liut t11· ... ,:.,t·d fur tlH·1 Thur ... dav w1tlo th1· .idd 1t1 on ul ht·.1\)• 1'011t·rl'l1· 11prap fr 11111 tht· N<1v.1l W1•;1po11s St.1t111n Thi· 1·111111 t·tt· rn:it1·11:11. wh1<'h usi•d to l_w ~upporl "ta11ds for the• s torcige 11f a111111un1t11111 buoys at thl· s t.1111111. ... h11uld '>It 1·11g1lwn lht· l>h11 ltl11111t. 1Jffrt·1al-. "'" Jl1glt trdt·.., .111 · ... t.itt·tl \(J !'!'('I'd\· tonight .111d tht· ,, .... 1111 th1· n11111th .1f1i·1 1·1·.ic hlllg high-. 11! Ii ;-, f1•1·t .111d Ii l f1·1·l \\'1•dn1·..,d.o\' .111d Th111 ... 1l.1\ r11ghh II 'JX'I ll\'l h abund,mt rcsount·.., sunlight and iron ox1dt'. or rust Somo rJal said tht1 un1\'1•1"t' has appltt•d for a patt•nt · "I think prob<1b:y within tlw n ext six months n1mp.1n1l'' .di uvc·r will hav1• l'n~r~ wh11 t'cJll put dollar f1Rur:6' op how mueh mont'Y lht· ffil•thod c·ould s;1ve . ht• said Israel flayed over shooting WASlllNt;'l'UN (Al') Tlw U 111t1•d Stutt•s lt..i s l11dg1•d ",1 vl~CllllUS p111l1!1>l" with brnl'I OVl'I un l:1r.11·l1 o ff1c1·1"s I 1ri111< ol 11 M;inni· gu;.ird on tlw rool uf tlt1· U S E111lws1>y 111 Wl'1>l B1·11 ut, 11 Whrll· lluust• s pokl·i.111.111 .,,Jld today Tht• Manne• was not hit 011ly Ollt' s hut was f1n·d. a11d t ill' Mann~· did Ollt n ·turn f111" at<t•ording tu dt•puty pn ·~1d1 ·11ual pn·s~ st•tn•tary Larry Sµt·;.ikt·s Tht· shut m1ssc·d tht• M.111111· l>v two fl·c·t Tht• Stall· Dt·µ.1111111•1;1 s.:11d th<· Mannt· wu.-. una11111·cl T h l' s h IJ (J l I II g ll l ' l ' u I I I. cl Thu1 sd<iy murr1111g 111 8<·11 ut, ;i11d tlw prot<'st was ftlc-<l 1111nu•d1.1ll•ly bv U S amba1>~udo1·., 111 t IH LcbaneM.· capital and 111 'l't·I Aviv Sp1·ukt•s i.<J1cJ lht· ls1.11•l1 g11vt•r11nwnt, wh1t·h 1ssu1 d .111 <1pol11gy. 1:xpla1n1·d th,it tht off w1·r ft•an'<l tht· man ato p tlw l' ha 1H' l ' r v bu ii d 1 n g 11 n t I 11· l'rnlmssv gr·uunds w;,is a s1111Jl'1 I rum ;,i ll'fttst Pak·sllnia.11 1n1lttta g1 uup l low1·vt·r. Sp1·<1k1·~ :.a1u. th1· 111udl'nt Ot'('U1n ·c.l 111 cla.vlrgh1 .111d t lw A1111·111 .111 ri .. g w.i~ d1•111 ly v1 ... t1 1lt · fl y111g from tht· t·hulWt't)' Fur t lll'r. IH· 111tid . lht· guard's pos1t 1011 h;1d IJl'l'll 1Jrev1ousl y 11h·nt1I11•d both t11 lsnwlt furl'l'li in lk11 u t ;111d lo th1· L t•ban t.·sc• g11v1·1 11111t•11l wh1·11 !>hcll f1rt- land1·d rn th<· art·a Wt:.'Clnc.'Sday as I ht· ls1 a1 ·l1s 11111v1·d 1ntu west f1t•11 Ul Th 1· hr i1t· I 1 s g u v c f u I l ul>.'>U1 am1·:. th..il tht•1r furt'<'S had 111d1·1s tu ;1vo11.J JLI 1.·mbassy pi up1·1 t). 111 t'"1kt1 pal"l1t:ular cart· ;ilx1ut th1· US F.rnl.m~y. und lo '>< 1 u pu lou ... 1 y ,1vu1d f irmg towurd 1111· d1<1m·1·1 y, S 1..ll·<ik1•s sa11J Thi· 'J>11kt·sman s aid thL· J...r.11•11., t1Jld US 11ff1t·ieils that "th1.·y lrav1.· 1n<.11u1ll'd 1t was a llll'>Ullth•r..,t.111d1ng, Jnc.l tht·y havt• .1p11l11g111·d tltJCJugh d1plvmat1t.· 1 lt.111111·1 .... Tlw U S Emb;,1s.w 1s s rtuatt'<.I 1111 tht· watl·1 (rnnl in tht· Basna d1.,t111 t 11f IA t·st Bt·1rut, which J ... r:wl1 luru·" and armor cntc•red W c· d 11 1 • s d a y a f t e r t h 1· ;i ..,~;,.,.,, n ;1t111n of Lt•ba nc~l· l'rl·..,11it·n1 1·lt'l·t R:is htr (.i(·muycl ROOKIE TEACHER. • • From Page A 1 from taking Gt•rm<in di.ls.'>t''>. s hl' satcl ll l' aclv1st·d Sp~in1sh , J l;1nguag1· tn gn·ater cL:nwnd and. most l1kl'IV. mort· ust·ful 1·11 California. - So s ht• l'nrollcd 111 Sp.m1:.h das:.l·S Ill htgh S(:hc><>I but tuok J l;l·rman l'lass on i.I la1 k at Palomar Coll(•gt· Shl' t•nJOYl·d Gt·rman S(J much that shl' lx'<.·;mit· a Ct·rman maJOr at UCI anu t•vt·n .,p1·nt IY78 and '74:1 <•f'G<·cirg August Umv(•rslly in (;otllng«n . iJ sm<Jll Lown 111 north<·rn (;<·rmanv 111·ar Hannovt·r Whl·n s he annour11·t·d ht·r tnll·rc•!>t 111 lx>t:ommg a Gl·rman t <·a 1: h l' r , s ht· rt· 1· <ii I c'CI . t h t ' rt•spuns<· wasn't l'Xac•tly wh•il s h1.'d hopt·d fur "Tht·y bas11:ally laught·d m my faC'L' ;ind said 'Go away and t·cmw bac:k wht·11 you huvt.' sum1•th1ng Lo Sl'l I V•JUrsdf.' .. Shl· said Shi· did. ShP C'nrollt-d 111 mun· Spanish t'lasst·s. a ml)Vl' sht· ;,idm'fts probably gut ht·r l ht· I rv11w JUb. Shl· has ht•r own dassruom. ,1 ~111.111 room 111 th<· Untfl<'d An . ., *** Hu1lt11ng atTllS.'> a hallway from tht· H·s trwms It's not tht: best C'l...._.,n111m. but th(·n she·':. ;.till tht· ... 111k ll' In hc·r room. sh<' s<iv;., shl' d o c· .., n · t v. a n t t o b <' a n I· or wh a t olht.·r h'ach~r~ "i1hou1 job~ a rf• <loin~ a1u l ho" lhf•\ an· :.ulj u ... 1i11~. ~•·•· P ag<· Bl . .1uthur1t,1nan "I don't want to ..,tifl1 ..1nvon1• I 'd 11kl· the ., t u d t· n t ~ t o s h a rt· a 11 u f th1·rnsl·lvc·s with rm· .. And. t·onvl'rsl'ly. sht·, wants th1·in lo rt'<.'ugnizl· somc•thing shl' <idm1L'i s hl' fatled to rt'alm' often ;is ,1 stud1•nt that teaeht:r:;; art• human bt·111gs too "I Usl'd lo think (lf them as u •al'hc·rs," shl' obSL'rvl'<i .. As far as I was t·11n1:t•rnl'li, they werc·n't n·~il 1.)(·opl<• Now I w<:11;t them to n•mt·m~x:r that I am a person. I h.ivt· ft..cl1ngs I appreciate ..,oml'thtng too when 1t 1s humo rnus, and I fc.-C'I sadnt•ss." * * * VETERAN TEACHER. • • From Page A 1 Yl·s. tht• llmc•s progn •s' ont· pt·nod after anothl'r. JU:>t l1kt· c1 clav at school But when the nl'w S<:hool vear starts. there an· thl' same k ids settling into tht•tr desks. Some come prepared. s hl· said. Some don 't · • S t u d e n l s bas 1 ca 11 y a n· stude n ts .. T h ey have• be<•n l'\'t•r sin ce I w as t eaching: for 25 years," s he e xpla ined. "Th ey're n eat kids. rl•ally T h eir dress changes. thl'y may tx- from more a fflue nt area::. and tx-<·auSl' of com pu ter aci:c•ss1b1lity and l'ducation a l TV. thl'Y may have more experient'(' now You hear people say c hildn·n arc m orl' intellige nt now, but r had some awfully b right s tudents whl•n l started teach ing ... O ne lesson t h is teacher said she has learned t h rough thl• y l .tf'> 1s nut ltJ t1 y tu l'hangt· her c·hargb so muc·h as to give tht·m a ..... nSL· of potc·ntial "Basically. th<'tr t·haractt•r has lx'(•n formt'<i at hnmt'. .. sh e said. "Th<· mos t I can do 1~ S<·t a gocxl 1:xamplc mySC'lf " • Part of that 1s d 1sc:ipline. Jt's arriving at her class by 7:30 am. • 1•ach day to help s tuden ts having proble m s . An d it's doing l'Xtracurrtt.·ular thm§s h kc selling tickets at the football gam es -a means to show her studen ts tha t she cares what they d o o u tsid e das.'\ as wdl But sht• expects disciplin e in return M a th is m o r e dctcrn11nat1on than fun. S tu d en ts who havt.' s u cceeded in h er dass<'S. though, ofte n try to get bac·k in hl'r class the n ext year. Shl• said TOM MIX FESTIVAL. • • From Page A 1 lhl'rr ltvt•s after, nobody to look up to the w~y we looked up to Tom M ix. Wt•'n • trying to bnng it bac k ." said Darrigrand. 47, rt rt'SSt.'d in cowboy boots. spurs. JL•ans. rl'd shirt and l().gallon hat Toda~" items that cost a d11n1· at the ume can fetch $50 to $100 from Tom Mix coll ectors. The f l'Sllval 1s the bra inchild o f Se1vcrl1ng, o f H ershey. Pa .. who h as a doctorate in education and has lx'l'n a T om M ix fan since h e can remem ber. Chance of showers 20 percent tonight (;o n."'"' POtnl Cotltf"pt1nn hl thf' Mtt ••<an bo•de• ond ouc 60 moll's Snu1n 10 soulhenl wind' 8 In t~ •nots 1h1s morning oecom•no souchwesr tO 10 16 knols 1n1s &ll"•noon and 1>ven1no soucn 10 sou1nwps1 sw!'ll~ 'l 10 3 leel lodoy Con\1df'tnblP cloudiness this mo1 n1n11 t>ecom•no perlly cloudy lh1s &ll81noon •no 1on1gh1 s1111 s a11gn1 chance .01 sp11nklM or fight all<>wora If.,,. Sllllllll<tr)' Autumn like wealher hos preveHed ovor much ot lhe nouon wtlh 1empe1a1ure1on1ht> cool s1d1 exoepl In lhll Sooth Temp&r81urea were tn lhe coot •Oa end 501 fhuradey 1rom 1n.i nonl'lern half Of Iha lnle<mO\tnlaln region acioss Iha no11h111n Aoci<lel and northern Ore111 Pt11tn1 1nlo the Gr•al LakH and ov111 Metne S ki•• were clear on lhe Soulheatl and the NO<lh-• 1nd pertly 10 mOl11y otou<ly .. NWheft A 1-9POll repor1td 910oll1cant rllr>fllt during Ille al~ hourt ..,ding al 11 a m POT wllh I II& tnc:hft 11 fM Navel Air Stllk><I In C0<pu1 c1111111. Teua eno about one· I 0 of 81'1 Inch II llmetlOM and l (.a:nhou Mfl•nP nn<1 Del ~10 fe•as T f'moe, a1urrs around lhe natmn at noon POT ranged hOm a low ol 36 81 l andet Wyo lo a h~h ot 94 in T &llanas~ and l.reslw.iw Fla and Mon1oomNy Ala Fo1 today 5CR!le•Pd s'1owers 1nd lhundt-rshowe, s w.-re rnrec351 h om C1tllforma ;:tn(j Oregon RCross thf' Cflntral and southe rn lnt('rmounta•n region 1ntft the Rockies and lrnm lhl' mod M1\S•SS•PP• Valh•y tn chp G•!'•H l a•o Moslly 1unny sl .. !'s wer" fo1ec11s1 PISl'twhert' Temper11ur11s 1n Iha 60s and 70s were pred1c1ed for mOSI of lne notion wllll 80s and 90s lrom lhe 1oumern Allenllc Coas1 lhrough me SoulllwllSI Culi/'or11ia ,,... Southern Calllom1a s unusually rain wes1he1 should cl11or by Sa1u1d11y t>u• cold 111mper&lures lhrouohoul cne reoron and 'hOw8rs In lhe mounlstns mey pera111, 1n11 Nellonal W1111th1H Ser•IC• aayt Chilly dr1ure 11111 hu plegued 1ne Loa Angelft area acnce 11111 weell •• ••P8Cled to mov11 oul ol lhe are& •1111< lon•ghl Bui coot 1empere1ure1 and cloudy 1kl111 will continue OY9f the WMkttnd. llCCOfdlnQ 10 Iha Wl!81her MfVICfl Hloll• •n lhe ro w 70• are IOrteH I tor Loa AngelH with 70.lo-711 deg<M high• In COlltl•I er"' Tem 11uret In mourileln r Meas should reoch a h1cih 1n 11>e 50s lrom 6810 74 on OwPna "'&lley 68 10 78 in lhe no1lh61n tleserl Intl 18 10 8!1 in lhf! tow de~rl BoatP•s 11om l"0tn1 C.oncepJ1on 10 lhe M9.,c11n bo•de• ~hould eapecl llQhl Y8118ble Wind' dullnQ lhe e•en1no becom1n11 soulhwe•lerly 01 8 10 t4 ~nol' w1111 a t 10 1 l?01 soulhwe11 1wpll '" lhe afternoon B~1w~n OM"QUO•le• inch and 1;np half met\ Of rtt1n 15 ,.._pe<tf'."d on Pa ris ol tos ~ng4'1es by lon•oni Bui cll!'&r sk1e1 8•• noc &•P4'Cle<I 10 11ppea1 unlll Sund11y Since Julv I 20 lneh•• 04 r 11n hAI lallfln el the Cl•IC Cenle• Normerrv Che 11moun111 11rmu1 O'I 1ncnes T e 1upe ra 1u rt>.~ HI Lo Pep 89 63 04 116 66 08 Ama11110 Ashev1ll1> At111n1a Allnn1c Cly Au~1n BsmmnrP B1ll1ng' B11mon9hm B1~mArCk BO•lll Boston Brownwu .. Bull11tn Burhnglnn Casoe• Ct>11rl11n SC. Ch11111n WV Ch11tl11 NC Cll!')lenn11 c111c1100 Cinc1nn1111 Cl8\181And Clmbm SC Columbut 011t·Ff Wlh Ditton Olin.er 85 6 t 83 'J t 89 67 14 '>9 'l4 11 86 51 'j9 46 9:1 61 5'1 40 64 46 67 51 111 12 83 50 69 '\1 59 43 88 13 111 55 811 66 14 44 61 SJ 15 53 67 44 '11 66 69 47 89 68 68 46 80 .5D 05 07 SURf RIPDRT turf lurf turf ..... twell •welt 9"cll AYI .... l'rd Aw1 .... 011 Zuma 2 3 12 2 3 SSW Sant• Monie• 2 3 12 2 3 SSW ~8 .. c:h 3 4 12 2 3 s Sen ~Coun~ 3 • 11 2 3 s Our OOk lor llurday llllt. CllanQe • Des M oH1e" 6<' (i t Df>l11>1I 61 40 Oulul~ St ,q Et Pa" qi 68 Fo•(I" '>8 44 FIOQ•lilll 68 46 Gr1>a1 Fall~ 53 33 Hl\lllnrd 68 •.o Hf'lt1n<1 51 H Honolulu 5q 76 Houston 96 1• lndn&plos 71 •9 Jec,~n MS 9:1 70 Jac,snvlifo '11 11 Kans c11v 72 63 Kno ,vtlle 88 8• lu veou 80 55 l•llle Roel< 80 115 LOllllY•lif' 75 <o6 lubbOC~ 81 62 Memp1>11 19 87 M1am1 86 111 Milwllu~"" 511 48 Mpla·SI P 59 53 NUh••lle 83 61 Nflw Orle&nl 111 74 New York 74 S9 Norfolk 113 66 No Pl1illt1 89 53 Okla C11v 82 87 Omo ho 112 69 Orlando 90 72 PM~(lph11 83 57 PhO!lnlJ 117 76 P1111bu1~h 73 A2 Pt11nd t S7 &e Pllend. Or• 11 60 Pro\l\denct 118 ~ Rel91gh 111 Reno 80 44 Sell Yht 78 51 Sen Anll>f'IO n 88 SNll"' 81 •• revepor S1ou• Farr, S6 t !Ill SI l OU•S 73 S1 P Tomp.i 89 I~ St St!' Mil"" S• SP<'" &nt> 73 15 SyraculM'! 66 Tc>Pfl~il 72 TucSO'l llO Tutta 81 WAShongln 88 Wt~htlA 12 CALIFOftNI" Bllkl'!Sht>IO 76 Blythe 63 Eure~• 65 Fresno 75 Llnuillar 87 lo• Anoet'"' 10 MAIYSYlll!' 75 Mon1erey 811 Nffdi.1 83 09 Oekland 69 02 Piiio RoblH 14 Red Btulf 74 ' Al'dwooo C11y 10 llA Secrem&rHCI 12 Sertn11 73 08 San Olego 1') Sen Francttco 87 02 Sant• Barb••• 1') S1n1e Maria 14 SIOChlOn 74 Ultl-" 71 01 Bartlow 89 01 Big 8etr 82 IM•h<>P 16 Cet11tne 73 LC>f\O 8eKh 72 04 MonrOYla 72 Ml Wll.on 48 Mewporl8-h 71 Ollt11tto M 71 08 S• 06 59 72 33 48 51 62 01 66 68 61 65 64 S2 82 SS 63 61 67 59 61 58 6e a. 60 82 !>8 112 37 45 8" 8& 82 42 82 eo 30 01 111 011 .03 01 .02 11 02 • Palm Springs 75 84 lllH. hight 116 10 78 Mid 10WS 35 Pasad•n• 10 80 01 to 60 E x t e11d etl Tides we n tht•r TODAY SKOfld tow 3 56 pm o.e Seeon<l hlon 10.01 p m 8, SOUTHERN C~L1'0RN IA COAS TA L ANO MOUNTA IN IAT\MDAY AREAS -Vatlebllt doudtneu 111<1 l'lrlt low 4 24 e m chance ot • few 111owe11 1ne1 ~low 1037 a m 1hun<1er1110"'•'• mo1lly OYtr 4 37pm mount811'11 llllld•y Moe11y tllr 111\d ~""" 10.~ 0 "" ... •llftlllly ••r~ '" COHiii end Sun Hit fodal 11 •~•1 p 111 .. • ~r•••· 1110111 H to 111 11 rllM .. IUfcNy " ~ • "'· end 71 to IS lllland .,... .._ , .... ..., .... , '"'· w4\ll 1C1w1 N 10 M 111 lllOW\lllfl ...... 1.H m " f WORLD Schmidt future fading? By The Auodated Preu BO NN, Wl•1tt G t·rnwny l'huncdlur lll'lrnut Sc:hm1dt':. t'Oahtum, w h 1l'h hus guvcrrwd West (.;l'rmuny for I :i yt•urs, l'Ollapsl•d to<lu y und Sl·hnm.h calle<l for rww l'l<.'\.:tlllns But opposition t'OnS(•rva11vt•s j nrl ,, .. ,••.,I • 1,. • · ,..,., 1 lc I 11ppoSl' t h c· S 111· 1 a I D c m o l ' rut 1 L' d111111·t·l1111 .. !I plun lo s tuy 1n 11ff1L't.' unul foll l'lt.<etlons rnn bt• sc..•t H tht• oppos1uo n c1.m halt &·hn11dt's plun for new t•lt.'(·lluns, WL•s t Gl•rmany t'Ould huvt• u rww lcm.lt>r us t'ul'ly as next wc•ek Princess s uffered strokes MONTJ:t: l'AHLO, Monal'o -Thl• fa1111 lv of P rinn•ss Grat'<' dl'('ldl'CJ 'tu rcmov1' ht.•r from a 11f(• support syi.wm severa l hours aftt•r ht•r bra111 ceased to furwtaon. two doc:tors who a ttendt'CI hC'r smd today They a lso said she• had suffcr<.>d two strokt.'S "We told thl' family thC're was a bsolutl'ly no hope for recovery." Dr Jt•an Chatf'lln. c h ief s urgt•on a t Prrnt·ess G r acC' Hosp1 ta!, told The Associated Press "It was a STATE ' vt•ry c•mol1onal tlet·1s1on for thl' f;m11ly. T ht.•y of rnurse all wNt.· very sad." Gr:.ic.·e w ill bc b u rie d Saturd ay . A mong those ;m ending w ill be one of he r old C'o-stars, Cdry Grant, fu-st la d y Na n t·y Re <1 gan a nd P rin cess Dia n a . wife of B r1 t a1 n 's Pri n l'e Ch ar les About 500 were expected to atte nd the funera l a t the u thedra l of Monac-o, Whl•re G race and her prince Wl'rt.' married 26 years ago. Quake n e ar Inglewood LOS ANG ELES A small earthquake jiggled southwest L'os An g l•I C's' t oday, awa kening soml' residents but causing no da~ge. autho rities said. D en n i s M t>rL•d1 th . s po k esman for Cal1forn1a Institute of Tt'l'bnology, said the q uake. which measured 3.3 on the R1c·hter scaJe. struck at 3:57 a.m. "lt was cente red four mill's southea st o f Ing lewood," Ml're<l1th said. Wilson paid no '80 tax LOS ANGELES San Diego Mayor P ete.· Wilson confi r ms tha t h e paid n o fed e r al taxt.•s on h is 1980 income of $7 l .:H 2. but says tha t "offset the VNY heavy taxes" 'for 1978 and 1979. The Republican nominee for the U.S. S en ate confirme d published reports Thursday that he.J,ost "about $10,000" m 1980 b y in vesting in a n enterprise to produce methane gas from cow ma nure. and that his tax dedut·uons were "for at le ast tha t a mount," leaving him with no federal tax liability. USC plans magazine buy LOS ANGELES -The Un1vers 1t y o f Southe rn California 1s "very close" to winding up negotiations for the purch ase of Satu rday Review, the magazine t hat has announced it will fold next m o nth a ft e r 58 yea r s. university officials confirmL'Ci "We're thinking about 1t. We should know m a day or so whether it goes." said Irwin Lieb, vice president and dean of the College of Letters. Arts & Sciences. Lieb. who is considered a major f orc e i n th e negot1a tions . re fused o n Thursday to talk a bout price or any other de tails of .the talks. Freak storm slams grapes SAN FRANCISCO The grapes in the lush vineyards of Northe rn Ca.l ifor n1a arl' treated a lmost like je wels. Grow e r s w a t c h t h e m carefully, scrutinize their color and size, and wait for just the ri~ht day to pick them. NATION That day was coming soun. But a sudden, frea'k storm - 30 minutes of rock-hard hail, w intry tempera tures, and up to six inches of rain -may have destroyed hundreds of acres of the prized grapes. trouble seen Bristol 1 • pro1ects rejected Plunt1 to build a 12-slor y hotel and three high-rise utf1c:es south of the Sun Diego Jo'rc.'Cwuy along Bristol Strt.'t't in Cost<i Mt>sa will go to the City Coundl uftcr their n•jt•c:t ion by the Planning Comnussion. The.> l'Omm1ss1o n d e n ied California Pacific Pro pertie~· proposal to l'onstr uct a 500-room hotel, thrt.'l' seven-s tory offkes and two single-story buildings on 13.6 acrns formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward and Co. The development C'Ompany. with tics to C.J . Segerstrom & Sons. builders of South Coast Pl aza and Tow n Ce nte r , indicated they will t~ke its proposal to the City Council Oct 4, said Mike Robinson . senior city plannl'r. Robinson said that the plan calling for thl• 124-foot hotel, was rejected Monday 00.:ausc it failed to meet the standards o f thi: Bris1o l S treet Specific ,P lan a dopted .in May th at hiked hcigh\S from 30 to a.5..J.cN south of the fr~way . The• high-rise project has recc i Vl'd m i xcd reaction from nearby homeowners. Whe n new plans for the South Coast Corporate Center were p ublicized las t mo nth L es Thompson , preside nt o f the nearby Brookview Homeowners Association, said he was pleased with the project. However. two other residents f r o m t h e co nd o m i nium community spoke against the high-rise development. Roy Andre en, president o f th e M esa d e l M a r Homc·owners Association , said many of the residents living in those 850 homes southwest o f the project strongly oppose -an y high-rise. Earlier this month J ames and Andre w Gianulias, owners of four acres between the close d Montgomery Ward and Co. store and the freeway won approval to build two five-story buildings. 17 Htfl Only one Famous orangutan lo zoo I c ~. I SAN IJll':C.iO (AP) (; J . u 160 f'O UrHI 11r g11n g utun whk h ~t11rrNI with Bo Derck In th1.• tllm "Turwn the Arx· Mon" nnd ChtH Ewctwood lr1 "Any Wh1c.·h Way You Can.'' h1 making a solo ix·rformuncc• this wt-c·k at the• San Oit-go Zoo. Th Is produt· t I on rou Id bcl'om e a simian seque l to "The Great EBcape," but C.J . has sopent most or lhl• first two a c l s a p p.-u r t' n l I y J u s t ponde ring h is lm£'S. His mission: Try t.o t.>scapt· from the zoo's ne w o pe n - e nded ape c n dosurl', an unus u a l $3 millio n p e n measuring 100 by 150 feet has- walls on three sides but onl y a moat red by quickly running water lo prcvL•nt fhght on the fourth. Zoo officials as ked for C.J .'s help because "we figured 1f he can't break out, nobody could," spokC'Sman Jeff Jouc.•tt said. As a s uave and famous movie sta r, C.J . might be e x p c c t'c d t o b e h i g h I y intelligent, too, he explained. C.J . was insta lled In the e nc losu re Tuesda y an d is expected to stay until today -unle.ss. of e ourse, hl' escapes. But he still hadn't made a break for freedom. T h e e xpe rime nt h as generated some results.-At one point, C.J . untied a heavy cli mbing r o p e tha t w as hanging from artificial trees to resemble a natural vine A, wo workman said C.J . proved that "we'll just have to W{'ld those things down tighte r." C.J . also found a couple of footholds in a roc:«"Wall, but we nt nowhere J ouctt said, "O ranguta ns don't sw im but they're not necessarily scared of water like gorillas. Of course, C .J . could jump or wade across or climb a tree and bend it down enough to get over t.o another tree.'' . Boone Narr, head trainer for the Gen tle Jungle. which was paid $2,000 for C.J.'s se rvic es, c alle d t o the orangutan lrom the publ i.~· side of the moat, hoping to get C:.J .• 1he oran~ul a n "''"" .... th•· 1110' 1• .. ""Any Which \\'a) U u1 I .,., ...... ·• :111d ""Tarr.an, llw Apt· \la u:· -c·r·11 1 .. ~1' 111wcl hi ~ mis~ion -Ir) iuµ: l o , ... !':'Ill' t 1 ""' h1.: IH"ll a l llw Sau l>iq .:.u /011 . C.J . to try llJ .cst·aµ.· ovt•r 111 through th e running \\ .ih I So did o t ht:rs r 1.,111 1 h1 Holl ywood a111mal 1r.11r\111g t'Ompany. But lhl' 1 J -yPar old apl' stayed put. t.•xt·c·pt tu pou11d on the thick v1C'wmg gl;i...,., ,11 ano ther p<.Jrt or lh•· l'ndostlll .. ( l f ... l I $ A:I 11 \ I h\J t Beek seeks airport relocat i By STEVE MARBLE °'"'"-oe111 Ptklt Stan A Newport Beach City Council candidate has asked the city to lead a pus h to relocate J .>hn Way ne Airport t o Santiago Can yon In northe rn Orange w unty. Council hopeful Allan Beek. appearing at a candidates' forum Wednesd ay in Balboa, said a coalition of ci ties, industrial firms and ma ior air carriers mus t team to force· the relocatio n. Beek accused the Orange County Board of Supervisors of failing to follow through on its committee's recomme nda tion tha t a regional airport be located at SantJago Canyon. H e said press ure from a coalition is the only way to e nd the supervisors' "paralysis." Councilwoman Ev•ly n Hart, Beek's opponent, said she sees little merit in Beek's suggestion but agreed chat the supervisors "are being very lax about finding a new air port site." Beek, a forme r city planning commissioner, also said Newport Beach should move quickly to annex the unincorporated county area of Santa Ana Heights and protect i t as a r e side ntial neighborhood. . . Santa Ana l lea~hts I" Inc i1 I d ir ect I v u ndcr t hi' til k1 ttl 1 patte rn 'at John Wa~ nc A11 po11 and is the scent· nf c1 b..ittlc. be tween force that w ant to preserve the area a nd others who favor i:eplacing hornC'<: with nt t 1tt buildings. Beek a cc u sed his t•ou1H il opponent·-Hart -of bt.•1111,; on the side that favors turning thl' residential community mtu .J commercial center. "Her r ation ale is that. tht' homes must go," said BcC'k. "My thinking is that the noise mu"l go." fl,, I I ft. • ·' I II ti• ol h • 11 11('\'••r f,o\ I) fl I o \ I 11\1 I t\n ,I f It I I It 1 c:dlllll\(;l l'l,J;, CJ'lll!IT llnrt •.;r•rv•• It• '1•11 \ •, .\11 I l • < ,, 1111 1011 \la1I I \l1tltt.•r :-';rrn Yt-H JJ.. ··~nt.tltf Ire ,111111 >.1·tl hv ~t''' I>"' t f' ,, h I •'••ll't k,;,·,,, 11 .... , I~ I I< l ,tOI(.• uµ '·'1 t h h1;, c •11l h 11111 she ·..:HU. • "-I•, ,,,11v -11+•" ~ • 11• V'tr t'\'t 1 111 111h 1 ,1 I .. ur (conuw :.1•1t1 ) 11111 t1111 , Tht· .H\01'.ll..llH!ll I ll' IS e.<.h1-c lt1h ci tt1 ht! c'tm .. 1dt•11 .11.~ 1h1• lull ,.,,..,,, •'f>t.mnl lntc·1 t 111••11th. • Jobs hill W AS HIN GTON -A Dem ocra ti c p roposal to provide 200,000 pubhc service jobs is headed for possible trouble m the Senate af ter being approved by the House. where Republicans branded It "a billion -dollar ballot box bailout bill." Amid some of the sharpest partisan exchanges heard this year on the House floor. the $1 bi llion Democratic plan was a d o pte d Thu r sday o n a 223-169 vote and sent to the GOP -con trolled Senate. Orange County to appeal airpt?r l ruli11"_. __ lo Orange Cou n ty supe rvisors h ave opted to appeal a court orde r blocking implementation of a $1 00 million master plan for improvements at J ohn Wayne Airport. Reagan to aid Fenwick Meeting in closed session Wednesday. supervisors said a challenge to the order should be pursued in the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. ' WA S HIN GTO N - Presid ent Reagan 1s heading oH on a brief campaign swing through New Jersey whe re he 'll tr y t o s h o r e up conservative support for Rep. Millicent Fe nwick, a moderate Republican Sena te candidate . -~·FrKl•Y II VOV 00 l>Ol -~ ~ ~ by 5' 30 om <•If CMrlOt• f om and "°"' coo; ""'11 a... c.1ft4•Wlotf!llj Sel""'•Y ono Sunooy 11 ye,, oo rooc ::'u~°:~ C::: ~~, ~o:.,"'-.. ':; __ .., Re agan, who p lanne d lo l eave Wa s hingt o n thi s afternool\( was not taking along Labor Sec retary Raymond J . Donovan , th e only Cabinet membe r from New J e rsey, which has a sizeable union vote. Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce S umner, in a victory for Newport Beach and the citizens group Stop Polluting Our. Newp o rt , ru l ed that environmental documentation for the master plan was inadequate under state laws. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot., What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate edJtor The sa me 24-hour answerig.service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation c alls. please Tell us wtl,al's on your mind 642·6086 < • ORANGE COAST CIHetned ~tint 7141142·1171 AH ottter dopertmenta 142-4321 Daily Pilat ~· Thomot P. Haley PubhltMtt, and Choef h.c~••ve Oll.cer Jone Amari Thomo1 A. MuJphln• f•tcullVO fdolOI fdlt()I L. Koy Schultz Raymond Mod.eon Vic• "Mldenl ond Otf.c1or ol Ad¥.,t•l•"ll Confrole< MkhoelP. Horwy Konneth N. Gecldofd Jr. 0..KIOt of Mor, .. lflO 0orK IOt of 0.,.,ot!Ofll •Cotculoi-t MAIN Ofl'PIQ • Wfff ~It., C•te -... CA. Mell...._ .... IMI, C•te -... CA .,.,. Ce,.tltfll -~ ..... (OHi "'*I"""' ~. ... _._..J, 111"'4r .. leftt, MMOl'IOI maltetOI' ... .,.,,'""*"' "'"'" ma, IM •-Ollu<• wit...,. -1-1 _...,.,......, _. c...,rlfM-Mt. "" ~ . -· • ,. I? . ' , . ' Sumner subseque ntly issued an order preventing the county from asking any improvements at the airport. Under the master pla n. the number o f permitted d aUy jet departures wouJd have increased from 41 to 55. so long as overall Armstrong noise lcvl•ls wcrt• n·d1111 d 111 a 1 r p o r t -a rt' a r 1 • ' 1 ti • 11 t 1. ii neighborhoods T h c p 1 a n l. a I I 1 d f •• 1 cons truction of a larg1·r ,11rprn 1 te rminal. add111onal parklll).! 1111t1 new street ac:"l'C'SS routt-:- The plan would havl• 1ncrt·.1. t'd I Salarlan •"-191111 Sa e I 11 1 111 s.3 (J(J .tiiq. ,-,,.! Every Solari an sh"eet fl onr ii-; l\ft\\ nn ~ll It•! Ovn . ~... -135 beautiful colors and p a t.tt-r 11·~ \W"ut tt>rrifit• ... 7.t~,, qyings. · .. '~!"-• $3.00 off every square yard of Sol.1rinh Suprem1 '. $2.00 off every square yarct of Desir.1ll'r Sol.imun .111tl Designer Solarian II. And $1.00 off every SQ\lilrc yurd t1f l'rt·iniPtt• !'11ndiul" Solarian, Studio Solarian, and Sundial Solarian. Of Course, all Solarian fl oors have Arrnstron~·~ l'X• lw.iH· M ir:il11111n no-wax surface. So they keep their "like-new" look \\ 1t 111\\ll "''":irq: lur longer than vinyl no-wax fl oors. • There's never been so much sel edion . nr so much savings! f3ut hurry; this sale ends very Hnon. 'SAL'E-THRU ocT:-i , 1982 - • • .• ".(I . . ' DE AR PAT: I bave I buncb &bl1 II a problem tbet b11 no 1otaU01, but perb1p1 you bave IOme s u11eatlon1 for me. I bave a c bronlc beattb problem wblcll require. re1ular doctor'• appointment•. I llave to ta ke tlme off from work and make t& up for tbeae appointments. I'm always prompt, but tbe doctor Invariably keep• me waltln1 a& leasl- 30 mJnutea. I've spoken to lbe doctor's office glrla about tbt1, but tbey don't seem to care. Any Ideas for me? K.J., Newport Beach Take It a step furLher and discuss this matter with thl' doctor Perhaps he or she is not aware o! the personal lnconvcnjence the waiting room waits are causing you. Of course, there are many oc-cas1ons when one patient may require much more than the scheduled ume for proper treatmcnl. Maybe a timc-of- day appointment change or a call to you at the office when the pat.lent load is light could be arranged. If nont• of thc·1;1• uppn.>t1dh ~ work, you 11UlY w1ml to tdl your cJoc.•tor ubout tlw 1·11s.• of a Ml'dford, Ori•, rnun whu rl<t-.•ntly won un uwuN.l o( SI l!> uftt.-r u1kl11H hi!! d1•ntlxt lCJ 1·uu1 t over a dlsputt• hwolvlnK thl• u11luu1H of llnw the.> patient wus kl'pt wulting past lht• llHll' or his dental appoantmc•n\. 1'1w putwnt t·huru(.J the-<lenllst with ''brt'tACh of prnml!!t• to kt't'fl un appolntmtml." A Ja~k11un Cuu tllY Di11tn{'l judge reportedly uwordl'd the pluiulifr $85.03 damages and $30.30 t•ourt t'OSts. Thul ooluUon, of course. is drastic. Pt>rhaps 11 mol'l' u~t·wublc arrangement cun bt• wurk1.'<.l uu{ an youl' t.•ast•. Sal er to 'bee' curel'ul DEAR PAT: Do brlghlly-<'olored clothes attract beea'! I Just bought a colorful new bathing suit on sale and someone told me this. There are tots of fl owers and blooming shrubs near my apartment's swimming pool, so bees l o ng waits . in t h e office are alway• around. I llkt• my new bathlntt 1ult, but I'll wear another one If wearln« It would reault In a bee •ting! K.T., Co~ta MtH Expt•1 t11 11uy br1.iht l'olc1r11. liU<'lh'. huar 'lpruy11. <.'OHmNlcs, hh lny rf1l'tul obj<.>t'lH and motion ull oltrut.•t 11unglng 111:cc'l'l'I. If you dc.-t:ldc• to go ohl'aci and wcur tlw nc•w lmlhing suit und u l.1t'I' hovt.•r11 nround yciu, sl"'•Y us still tUi f)Oll8thlt• ond tht•1t"H a i<vod dwm't• 11 will JtO 11w11y Turtle cure tivs offere d DEAR PAT: Thank1' so much for the column item several months ago about the California T urlle & Tortoise Club . We received more than 200 letters from your readers asking for Information on caring for their pets. In case there a re any other readers out tbere In need of information a bout tur tle and torloilt' ure. parllcularly feedln1. hatching of l'l(j(W , c·art or batcblln1• 1nd medical r are, they ore Wf"lromt to contact Ui. N.L., Santa Au. Th1 •1 c• must Ix• a lcJt uf tu1 tit• 111id tw IA>IKt• ownl'ni out thl'rc·' 'l')lunk.8 fo1 lc·Umg A VS know you had SUl'h a rm.-respons<'. f're<' tur1 le• and lQl"tOIM• t'llrf' shc'<'Ui nrv uvu1lubll' by- iwncling a sl•IJ uddrt·1>.'4·ll. st.um1,. .. J, h·uul-1ow c11\/t'l11pt' to c~11iforn10 Turtlt• & Tortol11t• Clull, PO. Box lll:l4. Sant.ti An1 Ul71l. • ( iol ,J µ1 u/J/('111" 'J'he11 wn tt! to • 1 P.1t I loruwiu P.11 wt// ,·ut r<'<l WJX', • g<'lllll~ lht• whwt•n. .md ut·uon you nl't'<f to sol\•£• 1nt•qu1 tit·s in government 11t11J uu:-.111<':..s Mwl your qu£•:-.11oru. ro Pat H uruw111. A1 Yuw St•1 \'It'<'. Orange• Coast Dm/y P1/u1. J> 0 &'>A IStiO, Cv:.t.n M£'S<J. CA. 9262ti ABC's C~arles -Dian a s agas to debut tonight By FRE D ROTHENBERG A~ T••IMcln Writer NEW YOR K -h 's a double wedding. Two TV dramatizations o{ the romanc.-e and marriage of Prince Chari~ and Lady Diana. It's too bad the best elements of each couldn't have been fused into one terrific love story. S till. the ABC production tonight at .9 on Channel 7 is more romantic, more appealing than the CBS film o n Monday. Tonight, when the prince gives his princess her first royal kiss. it's CBS that will tum mto a frog. Tonight's air date for ABC's "Charles & Diana: A Royal Love Story" wu announced just three days ago -'-an outrageously short time for .__ ________ ___, TV promotion. ABC boldly rushed to beat C BS to the church . and still wound up with a prettie r picture than Prin<'e .Charle Politic al debate set CBS' "Thl• Royal Ruma111:t• of Charles and Diana." ABC's film 1s mort.' es<:ap1st fairy talc A handsonw prince fulls in love with a beautiful young girl amid royal settings. Very little Calls on their parade. This is how Mollywood -and Buckingham Palul'l' mNmt it to be, and it kaVl'S orw wilh a wurm Cceling. CBS takes a slight revisionist approach, fraying the couple a bit around thl• edge~. It's ptobably tht' more realistic trt•utmcnt. a lthough only· Charles and Diana really know thl• dc:>tails of thei r co urtship. Un!ortun att.•ly. the film is heavyhandc:>d and corny. lacking charm and real sparks between Lhe couple. - For cxamplt'. CBS has th em met1tmg for tht' Cu-st time when,.as a young girl, sht• usk~ for his au tograph. Several years latN. she literally Partisans lo arg ue foreign pol icy, de fense WASHING1'0N (AP) -The first national poliucal dc:>bate of the 1982 el~tion season will be held Oct. 5 and feature cong ressional lead ers who specialize in defe nse a nd foreign policy matters. the League of Women Voters has announced. Participants will be Sen . J o hn Tower, R-Texas. chairman o f the Senate Armed Services Committee; Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga .• a member of the committee. Rep. Thomas Foley. D-Wash .. House maJOrlly whip; and Rep. Jack F.dwards. R-Ala.. ranking Republican on the defense appropnauons subcommittee. League President Dorothy S . Ridings ~id a second debate w1U be held Oct. 19 on economic issues - with part1c1panls to be announced later. Ms. Ridings said national issues often arc lost m thc campaigning in non-presidential years and that the debates will help focus attention on them. ...... "These issue-oriented debates offer voters a unique opportunity to hear congressional leaders articulate their party's positions and· philosophies on'· major national issues." Ms. Riding~ said. Both debates will begin at 5 p.m. PIYr and last one hour. The first wt.II be held in the caucus room of the Cannon House Office Building and the second in the caucus room of the Russell Senate Office Building. Ms. Ridings said the debates will be carried by several radio net works and negotiations were being conducted with television networks. The debates will be the first of their kind for a non-presidential election year, The League staged debates for major candidates m the 1976 and 1980 presidential campaigns. Ted Koppel, anchorman for "ABC News Nightline:• will moderate the first debate, and Marlene Sanders. corresponde n t for CBS ne w s, will moderate the second. GARDEN PARK VILLAGE A TOWNHOME COMMUNITY 2 & 3 BEDROOMS NOW FROM $129,95~ WHILE THEY .LAST 1 Q.2 % interest on our ltatt few remain ing homea in this fabulous brand new garden-like lifetayle. bumps mto him while., he's dating her sister. Diana curt.sic~ and falls down. Thud. On ABC. Diana runs through u f1c>ld to mecl Charles, who's on a foxhunt with her sister In this ont.·. Diana seems to be.• pursuing Charles t•urly on, a nd she's more ass t·rtivc and marr iage -m1ndl·d 111 tht•ir relationship. Charles also comt.'S utross tonight as a woebegone. self-dt•pr<.-c;.1ting sort of guy. He moans tha t has girlfriends marry other men. and he jokes about the energy of Henry VIII He says he'll hold t.h.s record as "oldest u nma rried Prince of Wales in history." BS. meanw h lie. roe uses on C harles' playboy reputation He's more selC-assured ''Who am I esc'Orllng this ttmt•'1" he, jokes. F~irview Rd. at Avocado, Costa Mesa Open House Daily 10:30 to 5:30 (Except Thurs. & Friday) GENER'Al ElEClRIC &Ulll lN ' OlSHWASHER. tOP, ~}:ii:~ hl~Tf 548-2239 675-2311 Ht.· pursues and gets pass1onatt• with one demanding tx-auty who lawr makes a scene when Charles six•nds ··too much time an a f'l'('(•1vlng ltnl'. In l.'ontrast is the inncx:l'nt D10na. whom both productions dcpil't as shy in public but buoyant in privcitt.:. Both pinpoint a fishing trip .w ilh Ch;1rles. w hen Diana delights in slipping awuy from the pu rs ui ng pl'ess. as sign1f1eanl, On ABC. we don't sec them loss until he returns from a long trip to India. CBS has them rolhng m the grass well before lndta. Their relal10nsh1p on ABC dl'vclops relatively smoothly. H1 i> maJo r conce~_aro. m.e. and therc"ll be no more Impulses. We live on a schedule (pronounced s hedult.•), by appointment." On CBS. then• are more conflicts around friends, age and I a d ) Uiuna the sensation-h~nting British mt'Clw "' ,. 1 WHIRLPOOL WASHER & DRYER 1 I I I ~ LA 5800 Washer I I ~ -f • Larger Capacity I I ' ~ _ • • 5 Cycles • S .ayl I --_. • 2 Speeda A I LE 5800 Dryer ••o on. the I • 4 Temp• I -Paw I • 3 Cycles I • Perm Press I I 1~·11 .................................. GE or WHIRLPOOL CU STOM ICE DISPEN SER SIDE X SIDE'S ~ -~ .. I :.....M.. r ?!T"' " ':!' -it..... f . - YOUR CHOICE SAVE 5 100°0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Orange Co t l DAILY' PILOT/Friday, September 17, 1882 Sheik's check bounc~d, so judge freezes account A JUd8l' 1n Miami ha11 frozen u •);K-'l'llll bank oe<.•ounl of Saudi Sheik Mobammad al Faul on grounth th&ll o $20,000 che<.•k to Ont\ of hh1 lawyers bounced, officials say. The lnwy1•r, meanwhile, filed a motion tu St'Ver his legal tics to the shcik. whom he accused of having nothing but "money a n d bad 'manners." Circuit Judge Richa rd Yale Feder froze lhe &L'COunl al the request of Miami lawyer Ellis R---ubln , said T homa1 A . Thomas , a la wyer who administ.crs the at'<.'Ount. . A Whltl' l loUM' tilllll•nwnl annou111:lnl( ttw t'ompotilllon of th dt"lcgutlon aald Prln<.'t · Grace was •·a "hcrl8hed friend of the f1111t ludy'1 for many yeart." Television game show hoeit Peter Mat1baJI IS oo'ns sued or divorce, according to-an attorney tor his wiCe. Sally M~hall filed ault In Los Angitnes to end their flve-year marriage, citing grounds of le.reconcilable differences, said her attorney In lhe matter, Ronald A. Liii. ·The suit as k s th a( community and separate property righ t s be determined during the dissolu uon pr<X.'ee<iings. Rubin represented t he sheik 10 a $1.4 million bill dispute with the swa nk Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood, Fla .. a~a $3 billion case wilh the s !k's estranged wife. Shelka eoa a l Fassl. Pete r Marshall First lad~ncy Reagan will head the--Qific1al U.S . delegation to the funeral of Princess Grace of Monaco, deputy White housC' press secret ary La rry Sp eakes announced. The delegation. which will leave tonight for the funeral the next day. also includes" Gov. Richard Thornburgh of Pennsylvania ; Nav y Secrelary John Lehman; U.S. Ambassador to France Evan G a lbrailh; R e p . Tom Foglletta, D-Pa .. and Jacklyn Ano e Ca hill, a State Department officer in charge or affairs with France and Monaco. ..; A former stewardess w ho was the original model for National Airlines' "Fly Me" ads hns won a $300,000 lawsuit against a denltBl for wha t she alleged was a botch ed wisdom t ooth extraction. The operation left her with a drool. slurred speech and enough n umbness to deaden the pleasure of eatin~. Spending splurge out Job lack, fear of future ·holding back buying By JOHN CUNNIFF •~ • ._ ANlr•• NEW YORK -lf oonsumers are t.o lead--ihe--troubled--economy om--~ wilderness, they'd better get a move on. U they are able to. The late s t evidence of unwillingness or inability to spend comes in the 29 percent declme in new-car sales m the first 10 days of September, in spite of promotions, heavy advertislrig and cash incentives. And in defiance, you might say, of continued industry forecasts of an almost inevitable upturn 10 sales. Inevitable, industry people reasoned, because the average car is now around 7 years old and running out of miles. But apparently there are inevitables of another sort involved. the primary ones being that if you don 't have a job you probably don't have money to ·spend, or if carrying costs are beyond your budget you ma'y manage to do without. CUNNWF W h i I e n o t as firm, there are other impech.ments to sales. If you feel prices may fall or at least not rise very much you might be inclined to delay buying. And 1f you feel uncertain about the future you avoid making big oommitments. Students o( the marketplace long have been aware that you cannot' forecast oonsumer behavior simply by the amount of money or credit that is available lo them, no matter what bankers say. Before a decision to buy is made, it has been demonstrated, the con sumer must have both the ability and the willingness to buy. Statistics show that many families have put their financial houses in order the past two years, paying their lllWI llll lBIS bills and adding to their savings. They are able to buy. which accounts for those optimistic forecasts. But are they '\'ill~~~ have they become so devoted to improving their liquidity that they will wait until the incentives to buy become more attractive? Or, perhaps, are they frightened o(( by economic uncertainty. In spite of the general statistics, which tend to average the extremes out or sight, there is an obviously massive part of the oonsumer market that is unable t.o buy. They might love to buy. But they aren't able to buy. In this category are the unemployed, the under-employed and those w h o have given up looking. While the number of unemployed is listed officially as 10.8 miJJion workers, another 6 million or 7 million fall into the other categories. Many if not most of these people, it would seem, have such pressing bills they cannot consider adding more by purchasing no.n-essential$.-And sin some are heads or households, their hnancial problems ·are magnified by dependents. The combination of 40willingness and inability have become so entwined .that one feeds on the other. I ndustry leaders, for example, ret>eatedl y h ave declared t h eir unwillingness to expand, making more jobs, until oonsumer spending picks up. But expansion In consumer s pending obviously is held back because of high un~mployment. A typical comment: ''The reason the labor market is so soft," says Robert Gough of Data Resources Inc., a research firm, "is that business has yet to see any oonvincing signs from the American people of a willingness to spend." SUPER NAUJILUS I AEROBIC CENTERS · .. 11111 I flCll drinking und klulng. She rrlt! Lleo wnttndl-d A Dade• County dn:un JUry found Dr. Allen Berry ~uilty of medical malprucllt~. Lleo, 34 . wl\11 1mlc<.'tC'd by National Alrllnc11 1.111 thl• prototype for th~ "Fly Me" campaign thul aroused the Ire oC f eminUil.lf. A Hollywood talent agency hes med u $265 million 11uit against CBS ond television station KNXT, claiming it was slandered in several broadcasts dealing with firms t h a t prepare people for modeling or acting careers, an attorney said in Los Angeles . ·T h e Super ior Court suit, f iled by Santa Monica attorney Peter J . Mc Nulty on behalf of George and Nikki Goldberg and their Talent Registry Inter national Inc.•., claims the series of broadcasts In February cast an "aura of dishonesty, fraud, disrepute and unfair dealing" over th<.• agency. hirley Jones Pby lils Ki r k Bus h , a spokeswoman for CBS-owned KNXT. said that sta t1011 officials had not seen the suit and had no comment. Husband -and -wife entertainers Marty Ingels and Sh irley J on es have su ed CrockN National Bank for more than $60 million over ./ th<' bank'• all gt.'d fallurp to J>rol<.'<:I tht!m o.,ainat on ~x­ b u 111nc-11 munog<.•r'1 withdrawal•. ·r h e co u p I e ' 1 I o w y • · r • Donald Ra lcb, uid the Supl'rior Court law1ult fll =d an Los Angeilct allegt.>t that their former bualn eu manager; ·A. Jo1epb Landau, may have wllh drawn as much as $208 ,000 from several accounta opened by Landau m their name. Gossip columnist Diana McLellan, explaining whX s he and her sassy "Ear ' feature are leaving the Washington Post, says the rival Washington Times has offered "enough to buy me." "f'm ~OinJ' for money and for fun. ' sa1d McLellan. Her "F.ar"· items wilt appear five days a week· i n t h e Washington Times, which ls published by busin esses associated with the R ev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. McLellan refused to say how much the Times as paying her. Et.agere, 54 .. reg.69.99 59.11 W1,h 12" seagrass squares you can cut your own rug. They come In a plec~ approximately 9' wide. You d etermine the length you want. With 12" maize squares you can cut your own rug. They come In a piece approximately 9' wide. You deter~ mine the length you want. Rectangular mats of Chinese maize are just t he right sl~e to accent hardwood Ooors, or spread over car- pets for an eye-catching effect. __,,. .. ....""' .,...l(aall ,..,~.,. ..... ,_, .. WIWY ................... ""'"" .,_, (111) ·-...... ·· -~,·-IH·l171 ........... .............. oi:i C-.-•- !31· 11 (}~ .... ...... --· --lllllt. ~:-..:..~..::-"'" cau• .,. ....... ·-"~-(U.) (114) ~, ... , .. , •. .. ;ee;gl;~se:~~~~-~-~: ........ 38¢ Maize squares. ss~ reg. 99e ea. . . . . . . . . "' ~;'t;e;,~~9 ............ 4 88 -_ .................. ,, .. _ _...._ Sale prices &ood one week only ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue, 772-2472 COSTA MES4 -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 -- • ... I Orang• Cu II DAIL v PILOT /Friday. September 17, tHa Reason restored to airport parJ.cing fees For ull o f its problems, John Wayne Airport 1s soml'thu1g of u gold mint> for rt•vt•nue o fod that has not gone unnot1t•t•d by airport administrators and the Orange Coun t y Bouru,or Supervisors. For example, this week the air.port stalf n.oeomml!nd(.'<.l what would h ave amounted to somt> rather disparate increases in fees charged for those who park a t th<' a·irporl. This includes travele rs and airport-baSt.>d employees. such as flight attendants and tickt•t agents. The airport sta ff wanted to boost the d aily rate at the m ain airport parking lot from $5 lo $7 -an increase of 40 pert·ent. A 60 percent increase from $2.50 to $4 was sought for the long-term parking lot JN'hich by virtue of its lower rates has been ust'd by more a nd more travt·lt~rs who kave their cars at the airport. . Finally, the whopper. The staff recommended inl'reasing the per-month employee rate from $10 to $30. Had the s taff-recommended 1ntTl'l:l8l':-. bt«m a pprovt•d. ~ross l'\•V('llU<' from parking u~rLllions would have t'Xl't.'t.'<kd $3.1 inlUion ' mort• thu11 $860.000 ow1· whut now Is t'O ll('(.·tl'<i yc·nr·ly. The stalf-proposcd im:rN1sc11 were excessive Thilt was recognized by both tht• c·ounty A1rporl Commission and supervisors themselves. The proposed $7 per day rate in the main parking lot was pared t.o $.6 &1d the monthly employee rate to $15. Supervisors did ap- prove the $1 50 per day inl'reru.e in the long-term lot rate. but only because the $2.50 per day rate probably was artifidally low to begin with. And. the long term lot offers more. than just parking. Tram rides to and from the airport terminal come with the deal. The compromise s trul'k by the> supervisors appears tu makt• m ow sense than the earlier .proposals. Sure. th~ county is entitled to mak e mon ey orr airport concessions. but let's at least be reasonable about the rate of return. Driving habits _change Under thl' l·atcgory o f good new s. the state Board of Equalization has reported that California motorists used Jess gasoline in the first half of 1982 than in any comparable period since 1976. · Motoris t s consumed 5 .4 million gallons of fuel from Jan. 1 to June 30 this year. which compares to 5.3 billion for the first six months of the gas crunch year 1976. . The drop in u sage occurred despite the fact that gas prices softened some at the pump during the first six months of this year and the fact that the re a re more motoris~ out there. Equalization board officials tended to blame the tight economy and cite the use o f more fue-l- efficient automobiles for the consumption decline. That aside. however. the highly respected oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg had • another exp1anation. He called al, "driving by objective." Lundberg believes that motorists io California are now very sensitive to the costs of the fuel they burn. We are beginning to plan our trips with more efficiency. . No lon ger, says Lundberg, do Californians just cruise around the roads in aimless circles. looking for the sto1.e that might selJ them a new garden hose or a quart of milk . Ins tead, h e says. we art> planning ahead a nd making one straight-line trip to gather in the garden hose and the milk all in one shot. The result is savings on gasoline consumed. Let's h ope that Lundberg's analysis is correct. If 1t 1s, fuel economies will continue to show up in the consumption records across our state. That would be very good news indeed. --. Opinions expressed m the space above are those of the O'a1ly Pilot. Otner views ex · pressed on ttus page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s in vll· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . Arms sales heighten risks An edHorial from the Sacramento Bee Although U.S arms sales abroad reached a record $30 b1lhon this fiscal year. the Reagan administration wants still larger sales in coming years. a position based on the belief that supplying weapons wins friends and is necessary t.o counter Russian arms exports and influence around the world. ln support of that highly questionable assumption. the St.ate Dttl>artment r ecently trotted out 1 stalistics indicating that the Soviet Union is the world's foremost arms merchant. selling almost twice as much weaponry in the Third World jn the last decade as the United States. Aside from th e fa ct that independent analysts point out that larger Russian quantities are matched by the greater military effectiveness of many U.S. weapons. the important question raised is this: Does the record support the notion that such arms sales invariably enhance American . inlluence. or contribute to stability in tense parts of the world? One need look no farther than Iran to see that it does not. The vast arsenal supplied t.o the shah not only failed to maintain his regime as a supportive ally in the sensitive Persian Gulf region; at now abets the dangerous war between Iran and Iraq and increases the chance that Iran will export Its Islamic revolution to precarious Gulf monarchies. For that matter, Moscow, too, deaplte large arms supplies to countries like lraq, Syria, Indonesia and Ghana. h as ORANGE COAST _Daily Pilot OTHER VIEWS Called effectively to influence those clients. It lost out enUrely m Egypt. despite having vinually built Cairo's military machine before Sadat turned against the Russians. Given the predilections of this administration, it.'s probably too much to hope that President Reagan might view the escalation in the spread of conventional weapons with a less rigid anti-Communist perspective; might realize that continuing to infuse modern weaponry lnto regions torn by historic conflicts no t only exacerbates those troubles but heightens the risk of superpower confrontation, and might recognire that costly arms purchases drain precious Third World resources from domestic needs. thereby prolonging the economic and social problems that open the door to Internal upheaval and Soviet adventurism. But Congress also has a role to play in this key foreign-poUcy issue. The lawmakers should at least use their leverage in the approval of anns sales to prod the administration toward reviving with Moecow and America's European allies the Jong·ttalled ialka on limiting the sale of conventional arms. At some point, American leadership must. aummon the breadth and clarity of vision to A.'OOIJllie that neither side ultlrn.wly aatna from the proliferation of weapona. t Thomttt '· tt. .. y lllsblitllel Thoma• A. Mu•phlne !dol()o Jono Amari l.ut..i··• 1dl!Ot ..,..... KteMM«h fd~9"°')1 'oOe ! dolor T..._..McCenn ~(•<!(>( of Lebanon • issues Moral Was Israel too brutal, or not brutal enough in Lebanon? Was its ''morality," even once challengt.'Cl by an "outraged" President Reagan and more frequently by an American press. suspect? Questions that have moved.a foremost American Jewish leader, Theodore R. Mann, to go directly to the Western press with his interpretations or morahty in what he terms a 1ustiriable war. IN A FORTHRIGHT summation published by The Philadelphia Inquirer, Mann, forme'r chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Or..ganizations, says Israel did what it had to do in Lebanon. "Determining 'morality' in the context of war is excruciatingly difficult," writes Mann. "If the war itself is not justified, 'hen 'morality' is determined by the act of war it.self. If the war is justifiable, then 'morality' must be determined by whether the force used to win lt was excessive. On that score, aft.er the fighting is over the truth will quickly emerge." In the uneasy quiet that has followed American peace-seeker Philip Habib's successful halting of the gunfire - something accomplished' qukkly after President Reagan's angry telephone call to Israel's Menachem Begin -there has been wondering. publicly voiced. whether Israel was too relentless, too violent. Mann disagrees -says that Israel fought with "uncommon restraint" "Its hesitancy in invading West Beirut dOC8 not cvklene<.> a flaw 111 the national character. It is rather the a~f a state unwilling to J~unch a full-scale invasion of a city containing so many civilians, unless and until all other less brutal "~ H_l_IX_M_cl_Nl_liH_T_. means of ousting the PLO have been exhaustc.'Cl "Its warnings 1n advance given to the civilians who were PLO hostages -a constant feature of the lsraeli attack from the first day· of war -are rare events m the history of war." Mann says the media has virtually ignored Israel's help. in the midst of the war. in rebuilding Southern Lf:banon and providing medical care for the Injured and "in restoring life to an area racked by 12 years of PLO and Syrian occupatiol'\ ... Mann then asks -was this war justifiable? ''My own answer does not come easily because I too, have been affected by the death I have seen on my television screen and by the media coverage of it. But I must say what I feeJ so deeply - ·that this was the right war being fought at the right Cime. "The PLO has been wrenching. t'fle Middle ~st toward war for 18 years. Only its rt?moval from Lebanon and a vast rt'Cluc:tion m its military potential and its terror potential can produce peace." - The rock bot19m fact, insists Mann, is that the "PLO and its threats of terror. not only against Israel but especially against Arab leaders who might wish to follow Anwar Sadat's example of giving pcac.-e a chance, are the real obstacles to peace an the Middle East." Mann punched hard at a Western media which, he said, reports "half truths which make it appear Israel is engaged m cruelty for cruelty's sake." He chided "gullible and obliging representa11ves of the Western media" for picturing PLO guerrilla le ader Yasser Arafat with a bai>y in his anns. a nd using ''grossly ~xaggerate d " c.-asualty f1gurt.'S handed out by Arafat's brother, head of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. F INALLY, Mann said "the media must find ways of constantly revealing to the American public the extent of totalitarian military carnage -as in Afghanistan. Iran and Iraq. and the ret't'nl decimation by Syria of its own civilian poS:ulauon in Hama. ''Unless they do, open societies -and only open societies -may be driven, by the publac's revulsion, to unilateral cessation of. the use of force. I Shudder to thmk what kind of world that would lead to " Why ·shed tears for a broken plate? Do I grieve for an icebox? I do. We're about to buy a new refrigerator -which I still tend to call "the icebox" -and I feel good and bad about it. We need a new one and it's going to be more corwenient, but I hate getting rid of the old one. It's been such a dependable friend in time of need to eat. I j_ust know nothing good is going t.o come to it when the dealer delivers the new one and takes the old one away. He'll probably take a few parts off It and just dump the rest of it somewhere. It seems so ungrateful of me. I WAS SITTING in the kitchen last night, looking around. It's changing gradually from the kitchen it was when the kids were growing up. The table I made that we all ate at thousands of times has been replaced. I hated to see that go. too. It's the kind of progress I don't appreciate. Now the kitchen is in for another big change when that icebox goes. I'll bet the new one won't have as satisfying a sound when you open and close it. I think new refrigerators have more of a sneaky sound when they open and close. I like a refngerator door that closes with a sohd. reassurmg bang. I suppose I like the sound this old one has because I associate it with all the good food I've eaten that came out of it. ,-~, -INll_Y_RD-DN-IY---~ But I didn't set out here to write of Iceboxes. The q~tion in my mind is whether or not we should be sentimental about inanlJT\&te objects. I am incurably so. 1 feel terrible when I trade in a car I've hked. I even hate to throw out a comfortable old pair of pajamas tllat are ripped or buttonless or in some other way too disreputable to wear even in the privacy of bed. . Being sentimental about a car or a pair of pajamas or a refrigerator is ridiculous and I know 1t. but I can't help myself. I have this irrational notion that the Language still needs rules Some years ago, during a Shriner convention in Los Angeles, one of the downtown boulevar~ was roped off for a .parade. Only oCCicial cars with largt' signs like "Potentate" and "Past Potentate" were allowed there; all other IYDllY 111111 traffic was halted or rerouted. One ingenious motorist, however, go1 • through the police barricade and drove nonchalant!?.'. down the street. HIE pJ~ read 'Past Participle." "'th!s s~ry, whether true or merely ben t.rovato, la illustrative or our genera> ~oran&! of tbe forms and cues of th Enillsh language. And we are Ignorant because niuch, If not. most., of the ieachtn1 of Enallsh hu chaflCt'd Ut'1 from my tchoolooy days. We were taught rules and ax1ornt and the bare akeleton o1 grammar; but thll wat n ever fleshe d out so that we understood the reason• behind the structure, or how and wht"rt lhe rulet ahould be appUed. En1Ush wu tau1ht In a vacuum; we memorised but diet not oompreMnd. When. ~tor the Unhed Sia~ . such u Jerry Fcird. can ltand before a natJonal mkrophone and tay innocently, ''They wen kind co my wif• and l." we ' know that the pubUc schools in Grand Rapids. as elsewhere. were not dolng their proper job of instructing pupils in the basic art of lang\Ulge. And the reason, I think, is that underlying principles of out tongue ~ never made clear. None, even a congressman, wouJd say. "They were kmd to I." But in Khool, all we teamed wu that "me" wu Incorrect in !'l many sentences that we automat1caJly transposed every "me" into "l," whether 1t ~longed there or not. I ha~ h ea rd high governtnen.~ off1c1al soy ••nmong we American. more often than not -again, because it WH drilled into them tnat "us" was Improperly uted in many aentences, and "we'' wu the preferred Corm. But wh)' call for "corrtttness"? A lanruage is not Inviolate In f.ct, lt 11 alway• in a ~ of chance or It dies and becorMS mummllied. Cirrectneee 11 Important not In it.elf, but becaute onc.-e a lanauase 11 allowtd to dqenerate, accurate communtcauon la bfocked or perverted. Stnce lnCormatlon ii fa1t repl.-clna product.ion u the moet buic elttment In mod m eoclety, our habits of apeeoch bfcxlnie mott than a matter of form - they shape or dlatort tho wry matrix of aoclety. Th• rule1 of apeech are arbl\l'ary, but ao are \Jle nale. of the roed; without lhem, both our ~ and uur U'alflc would dimolw into chaol and mutuel <'OnfUlion In w9*h w. c.n't teU a ~pl• lrom a P"""'9• refrigerator has feelings and will be hurt when I cast it aside after it's given me 17 years of good servioo. It will want to know what it's done wrong to deserve ending up rn the dump. The car I drive for 91.000 miles before I trade it in will be heartbrollten at being turned over to a new owner who will abuse it. My mother came to grips with this and she licked any tendency she had to be sentiment.al about things. She knew that over a lifetime, it was just too sad. Losing people was all the sadness she needed. I remember one night in our house a guest was trying to help with the dishes. As the guest was rinsing a small, old platter under running water, she hit the platter agamst the faucet and it cracked cleanl)tf'in two. While my mother was dismissing the broken platter as being of no importance at all in order to make the guest feel better about having broken it. I quietly put the pieces on a shelf. I always think I can mend a plate. LATER, after the guest had gone, I saw Mother looking at the two pieces and I asked her about It. "Yes." Mother said, "Bessie gave that plate t.o your dad and me when we were~ married. I've had It 4~ years." She · paused for just one brief, sad beat, I thought, and then she threw both pieces In the wastebasket and said, "but it's only a plate." Some inanimate objec\a don't get me at all. That's lucky. For instance, I retired a television .et from the living room about a yeM ago and felt nothing for It. It was 10 yeara old and we·a watched a lot of good and bad shows on It, but aomehow It never earned my aff ctlon It was just a piece of equipment. J hope I'm not around the hou.e whf>n the men come to take the old refnaerat.or away thouah I don't think l could stand it and the trucken would think it was pretty s trange to see a grown man ttan<:llni around with teua in hb eyeJ as they carried out a tired, 17-yur"°ld ~box. ......., .. __.. .. --.. ..-.-... -•....ctf• ....... =·~·-··· ... ,_,.. ....... _......, ... ..... • •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE J " -. Or•nge Co11t DAILY Pll.OT/Frtday, ptember 17, 1082 1 , .. ~ Child abuser conquers pr9blem w~th prayer DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am n child abuS('r. Or. I should say, I was. r ve olso Just realiK'Ci thpt my mother was an abuser, too. As I was growing up (I'm the oldest of eight), my mother always hod the upper hand. Wt• got anything from a slap lO 20 or 30 1-sh es with a bell. When she said, "You won't be able to sit down for a week," she wasn't kidding. 1 never thought of myself as being a bused. We w ere never locke d in a closet or sta rved We thought our upbringing was normal Then, as I started my own family (I had six), 1 had to have the upper hand, too. When my oldest son was teething. I bit him back whe n he would bite a nothe r child. Once I a lmost drowned him in the bathtub because be had a temper tantrum and wouldn't let me wash his hair. My mother did t hose things lo us. so I thought it was right. About a year ago ht.'" talked back to me and gol nasty. I Jost t.'Onlrol of myself and sla pped him so hard both his eyes were black. l kicked: h im when he felJ lO the floor and bruised him ternbly. Suddenly I realized I was a l'h1ld abuser I felJ QUfflllf Sy PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna .Beach to my knees und pray<Ml to God to ht>lp m1• .itop. I proml.!K>d I would ncv<:r •gaan hurt my children. My pruytrv Wt.'l"l' answored. Slnce th1.i d uy I havl' never . laid n hond on Any of them. I know thl~ Is long, but mnybe It will ~kc other moth ers stop and think: "la the treatment I give m>' chlJd r ally normal or n~'eSSary?" Ir I have Sl.lvcd ju, t on · child today. it will be w<-11 worth 1t. J ust sign me -BLIND TOO J.,ONG IN W. VA DEAR W. VA.: Thanks for 1barlng your txperlence. You were lucky to bave conquered tbe problem by prayer. Fo.r tbose wbo need tbe belp of a s upport group, I suggest tbat you write to C.A.L.M., P .O. Box 7181 Santa Barbara, 93102. Or Parenlll Anonymous, h30 Hawtborne Blvd., Suite 208 , Torrance 90505. (P lease send a long, seU- add r essed e nve lope). Both have e xc elle nt Ute rature and will tell you about tbe meetings nearest your home. Get going. DEAR f.NN LANDERS : I am new m this city and have an interesting job in a low firm. Having f!!Al#I WIBS ~~--·-------------------recen tly r X>vered trom a broken love affair, l am open lO 11t1other roman'-e -hopefully, one th a t will lead to marriage. I am 32 and ready to settle down. The woman I 8m w riting about is a lso. nn attorney. S he is a striking brunette, peachcs-and - cream complexion brigh t, c harming, well-bred, w ell-spoken and well-endowed. I don't know how to phrase the problem delkately , so I w ill simply say the woman has a mustache. 1 cannot underswnct how such a meticulous, well-groomed woman can be blind to unsightly hair that is flourishing on her upper )jp, 1 know she r eads your column because we dlSCuss it ever¥ day. If you will print my le tter a nd sugga.l a rou™' ot m·tum, I 1JromlM.' you 1 will IN h t•r know th<• lc•ltt•f w :;i11 wl'llll•n b y m<.>. -: CLEVELAND l lOl'EFUL DEAR HOPEFUL: Here's tbe letter aad my advice. Tbe answtr for &bt1 mu1tacbloed lady la a s trong bleac h (lee a druggis t) or perma nent removal by electroly1l1. Anyone wbo waot1 auldaJice .. to wbere to go for a fln t·ra te Jot> abould writ e to the Interna tional Guild o f Profe11lonal E lect rologl1t1 lac., Medical Center. 15 Bond St., Great Neck, N.V. 11021, IDd again m a)' 1 1ucgett that you enc lose a self-a ddre11ed , stamped envelope. G ot .th ose wt•ddiifg be ll b l u es o v er cost ... gut:>sc list ... what to wear. .and o ther details? Ann Landen.' <'Ompletely n t'w "The Bridt!'s Guldl'" w ill help For a copy, send a dollar, plus a long, self-uddresscd, swmped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. BoK I 1995, Ch ie4Jgo, ILL 6061 I Get.ting with balcony banter ST RATFORD. Conn. (AP) -Bless my soul, de-mothball my woolJlest cardigan and break out the leaf-raking paraphernalia, autumn is already upon us. "The sear lim e of the year ," t he poets pretentiously call it. which has nothing lO do wit.h any me rchandise establishment of a stmilar name advertising Back to School saJes. Alas and alack, to say nothing of yea verily. the dwindling days and cool nigh!£ lnfornJ us that the time ha s come to put away the frivolities of summer , alonR with the ·beach, an umbrella and the blue lamp bug ·z.ap~r\ and take up more scholarly pursuits, like handidlpping the weekend football games and cutting the Christmas card list to the barest essentials of rich re latives reasonably certain of not dymg intestate. WHAT BE TTE R TIME t h an to stage our second an n ual Mulligan's Stew "Do It Yourself With ir Bare Bodkin Contest?" This, you may or may not recall, is an erudite, exciting, demanding competition among readers to mod e rn ize the language of Shakespeare, to shake the dust from the Bard's buskin and have him get with it, lingo- .. - • , ~ · ~ HUGH MULLIGAN . MULLIGAN STEW . ' the Camous soliloquy beginning, "Friends, Romans, co1.mtrymen, lend me your ears." Among the winning entries was a rendenng of the eulogy after the manner of J ohn Wayne in a fiollywood oater: "Not listen up, and listen up good ... .'' Others rewor ked the graveside oration as it might have been given by a backwoods preacher, a motorcycle gang leader, the chairman of the remembrance commiuee at-an insurance actuaries conventio n , a CB radio addic t and , quite memorably, a Mafia don, wbo insisted he had not "made the scene at this final planting to blow smoke up Big Julie's toga " again, bright an&cl.J__Qf_lt\mLart as glor10Us to this night being o'er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven .'' etc .. etc. His squE.-cze in the designer jeans is apt to answer, ''hey. feller, get ~ff my case, we just don't connect," instead or "0 Romeo. Romeo: wher efore art thou Romeo?" RE ADE RS 'WILL HA VE no easy wk in trying to update th<' 400-ycar-old language of what basically 1s a simple daytime soap about th is really neat guy who wants to be splitsvillc with the Montague groupie scene because he'd like to ma ke ou't with this Ms. Capulet. The drag 1s her overly· supportive nurs~ or guardian. probably her fathe r's live-in a boyfnend, keeps her a virtual prisoner in their walk-up condo so that nobody can invade her space. Anyhow this Romeo dude gets high -0n---• something and risks a breaking and entering charge to rap with her on her own turf. "I unde rstand h e was discovered in a Playboy club." , wise. Th is time around, readers, Romans and friends are being asked to update t he balcony scene in "Romeo and J uliet" and give the two lovers a break from all that gush y goo about ·"how silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night" so they can invade each other's space with mo re meaningful mod dialogue. The 'prize, lik~ last year's wilJ be a casset te suitable.for burning, of the Mulligan's Stew master reading from his own words, u nless Sir J ohn Gielgud, Rodney Dang~rfield or Alexander Haig can be persuaded to read the five best entries on tape. S peaking of wh ich, Haigesque versions of the lovers lines as whispered to J eane Kirkpatrick or Caspar Weinberger are welcome and anticipated. • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Saturday, Sept(mber 18 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Perceive potential, see picture in its entire ty. leave fine points an~ smalJ prlnt for another time . Focus on legal affairs, public re lations, po$Sible partnerships and marital status. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What has been obscured will now be very m uch in evidence. Emphasis on health. employment. df pendents and "closed files." GEMINI (May 21-June 20)t s.tntime n t and romance tend to dominate logic. & ready for c h a nge, trave l, variety a nd fas t -ta lki ng salespersons. Get your own though 116 organized and on Jl8per. l:ANCER (June 21-July 22): Furniture gets moved, surroundings are beautjfied and important domestic adjustmen t occurs. Focus on basic values, safe ty procedures a nd aid from older family membe r. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid self-d eception - perceive places. people as they are, not merely as you wis h they might exist. Forces tend to be acattered, surprise call or visit coulc;t be featured. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You get what you go after -Jurrtlr. numericaJ cycles at power level. Emphasis on money and how to earn more of it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You strike note representing universal appeal. Love is very much a part of scenario. Cycle high, you get what you want and yoµ are able to choose quality. SCORPIO (Ocl. 23-Nov. 21): Be ready for new start, accept challenge. be rid of fears, doubts. You'll get to heart of matters by maintaining inde pen dent stan ce. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Follow through on hunch; circumstances will favor your e fforts. Wishes come true, romance replaces routine and you feel more alive. You can successfully utilize powers of persuasion. CAPRICORN {Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Superior sends message of cougratulations. Popularity increases, travel invitation could be a highlight. Ma ke inquiries. give full rein to intellectual curiosity. Prestige rises as resull of community project. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Wha t had been a routine iB subject to abrupt change. Procedures are revised, special services are inaugurated. You'll be a vitaJ participant and rE!C'eive added recognition. Long-distance ca ll aids in cla rify ing sense of direction. P ISCES (Feb . 19-March 20): You receive valuable information concentlng investments, legal rights and pennissions, financial status of one who advocates partnership. Gemini, Vir go, Sagittarius ruttives pla y sign ificant roles. Reject superficial explanations. Last year more than 700 keen competitors from as far a way as Rome, Singapore and Anchorage, and as close by as the Shakespeare festival theater right here in Stratford , Conn., did a number on Mark Antony's funeral ofation for Julius Caesar, .. retooling the phrases .and removing the rust Crom I mean nobody these days turns soulfully from the Pac-Man screen and lqoks longingly into the mascaraed eyes of his steady to whisper "0, speak GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Contest closes Dec. 15 . Ma il your w ith-it balcony banter for o ngoing re la tion s h ips to MuJligan's Bare Bodkin. Associated Press, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, NY 10020 NY. Roth vulnrrable. East deals NORTH +A 102 ., J98 .C O KJ9 8 76 +Void WEST EAST + K J9765 3 + Q84 <;> Vold 'V Q 5 3 0 Q104 0 A 3 The toughest opposition to San Francisco's march to the title in the Gran d National Team ChampiClnships. held 1n Alb uquerq:ie, N.M .. in july, wll.s a Mexko-Texas team they enrountered in the semlrinals. The Southwest ern t.eam took the early lead on lhis hand. I::dd1e Wold Crom t he Lone SLar St.ate, justified his part ner's confidence. Wesl led the top of his club uil and dummy was fo rced. to ruff. It seemed that lhl• rontract. was going to hinge on a diamond finesse. but after West showed out when a trump was led to the king. declarer had to rethink the rash the diamonds. ..Wold un covered a distr ibu tfo~thal would still allow him lo make his contract. He led a !diamond and rinessed dumm~·s six! East tried to steer declar.er up the wrong path by allowing the six lo win. bu t declarer would not be deterred. He led a low dia mond Crom lhe table. and East was forced lo win the ace. and dt>clarer's 1,ast club loser was sluffed on the ace of spades. Now all declarer had to do was gel bu lt to his hand to draw.the lasl Lr ump and e+aim. At the other table San F'ranrisco thought they had a good score for making five hear ts d o uble d. However. S.n Fra ncisco r('covered to win and match nnd. eventually, l he titlt'. +964 +A Q853 position. . OUTH +Vold <:7 AK10762 0 52 +KJI0 72 The bidding: Eatt South Weel Norlb I + I <:' 2 + 4 <:7 4 + 5 <;> Pan 6 I:? Obie Pan PaH Pua Opening lend: Nine of +. Despite the fact....that East opened lhe biddin~ and that North South between them h~ld only 20 h1gh-urd points, they bid frel'ly to slam. North, Dr. George 'Rosen krant of Mexico City. judged that his void in the opener's sui t, first·round control of re· sponder's suit and good six card side suit would offer fair play for slam. His. partner. Now. a diamond to the jack would no longer be good enough even if East had to win lhe trirk with Lhe ace. East could simply force declarer to ruff the ace of clubs. and dummy would not ha ve enough trumps to serve as entries for bolh the trump fi nesse and to esLablish and East found the best defense -he forced dummy to ruff with the ace of clubs. Out the hand wal' an open book. Declarer called for dummy's king or diamonds. East r uffed and declarer overruffed. A club was ruffed with dummy's last trumJI. How do you chooae the beat opening lead? Charles Goren ltu the uaawer. For a copy of MWianiac Opea(Qg l.uds." eead 11.85 to MGoren·Leadt," care of thi1 newapaper, P.O. BH 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make ched ur' payable to, New1· pape rbooli •. Briefcases carry protection You may carry a briefcase. A lot of men and women do. Generally, they're a bother; you need them to carcy your lmport.ant papers, documen\s and writing utensils, but you hesitate to )eave them In restaurant coat -check rooms: if they get lost, you're in troUble. So you find yoW11elf lugging your briefcase around, keeping it next to you even w hen you're in places where you'd just as soon not have it. It's an· anno)'ance -no more, no less. Well, tha t's changing. WE ARE NOW in a new hard-line era durtng which we are all goin,g to be expected to look out f{)r ounM?lves flnlt and foremoet, because nobody else la goma to do It for us. The9e are grim times. w hen every m a n a nd w oman 11 1ointi t o be expec~ to be the toughest hombre on the block. And one of the fint placm for thb new atUlude to show up la In the brlefcue bulirH!til. A company called cx:;s CommunJcaUon Control In<;. la marlceUng a briefcue that will hold your correspondence and t arry your ballpoint pen.a. Here'• whal el9e it will do: -ActJva~ a ailenl electn>nlc tr&Nmlt~r In cue you are kidnapped, and tend a tr.cklnt "cnal to a J)n.'detennlned recetvtna 1t.atJon IO you can be found. -S weep your telephone system to de tect wlretaPt and phone buea. -Monitor and NOOr'd your conyenaUonl for up to 1bc houri. -Blink a tiny, hidden lJchl IO .. u )'OU U &.here II an titctronk bua1ril deYa ID your lmmedlll~ .,. .. ne.. . -AcUYlte a ic:riimint ltren automeucaDY lf 808 Glffllf .... the brte fcate ia grabbed out of your hand. -Flash a blinding light a t a n oncoming attacker, temporarily stunning and disabling him. -Oelee:t the pretence of exple>1ive vapon. and' thua let you know If there are any bombe ln your vtclnlty. -Act u a bulletproof shield when held In front of you. ALL OF THIS sounds like some lhlna Ian Flemtna mlghl have writte n in a Jamet "Bond thriller 20 yeara 'co -but the briefc:ue ii being told to reel-life Americana. One equipped with all the o ptions m e ntion e d a b o v e a oea f o r approximately $8,000; the bulc brlefCNe w1th the •l~n alarm alone COlta .500. . "Thia lS n0t lntencltd to be humorous or ane 80rt of joke," Mid Alb Fr1boura. a spok4!1man for CCS Cclmmuntcatfon 'Control. "'WMt we are eeUJng iJ a portable protectJon •rt.em, ancl many PfOp1e ftnd It II worth the pricf. Friboul'I doel not ta1IJ. with a IJ'Hl dMl Of humor, and one ,eta ~ lmpnmkln thal levity doel not play a major role in her bullMm. n. ftrm Ml office. ln alx AnMrk.lan and Canadian citl•; ll manufacturtl 1 nuriabw of prod\ICtl IO combat \he t«ron of • frllhi.nlnl ._., ilnd Frlbourl feill that the new, wary atdtudl ol Americ.:m mn Clftly help • lO increase business. "Obviously, the need for produc\s such as ours doesn't say very much fot the st.ate of our society," Fribourg said. "Not-to be melodramatic, but we're like doctora reacting to a diseaae." Frlbourg dec)jncd to give much information about C:X:S's clieni. -''Our customers don't go into much detail about t hemselves, and we don't. ask" - but ahe did give one example of a group of people who buy the briefcases. . • "ln New York, there is a district.of town called the diamond cen ter," she said. "Some people In the jewelry business specialize ln tradtna ln diamonds. Often the diamonda are carried ln plain-looking briefcues. And w e are fin~ that the diamond dealert att among our patrons. ' F rlbo ur1 said th a t 1h e and o ther CCS executive.a are ~u aw are that people who read accounm of the briefcue -auch u thia one -are Uk~ly to amUe and put the whole ma\~r in tbe "what a craiy world'' category. Bul, lhe aaid, thia la not t.hf' proper retcllon. "OUR BUS~ESS I.a ~ lot more 1erioua than thai." she u ld. "Thero are people tn our ~ who, for wha tever ~uon, liod tha\ \helr Uvet1 .. ln ctanaer. Or. at the very leMt. that t.Mlr bual'*MI are ln dancer. ''Thia .. an aae of terrori.an, of bugtna ~ wiretaJa The PfOple who come to UI u eu1tomen are w ry ttrtoua peop'9. They haw a probpn. they .,. look.Inc for ua to tOlve lt. "What J'm trylf\8 to ~ ... deft 't cMpk!t UI tr)'in& to tell l()lne-.acfult pme.' 11.t'a 004 whet do. For certain peopl•. th.n la rMI ~ °"' lMr&. We try to h•IR it..m pro~ thtmMIWI " I • Orang• COlll DAILY PILOT/rrlday, s pt mber 17, 1982 Pines add touch of wilderness To add a tou<'h of waldl'rness to a patio or formally landscaped garden, try a variety of pines. The Japanese black pml' grows as a bonsai, and by planung It m a c.-ontalner the rate of growth is reduced for years. It's.young form is decorative and c:an be trimmed in the s hape o f a Christmas tree. fl .~ Take a Ction against whiteflies Althouf(h muny dlf (1•n •n l klnd11 of whlll'flil'll ulttwk pltmt.K without doing rnud\ tlumul(<•. thl• grL<t•nhouM> wliltt•tly h1 l'Ommon und troubl t•11omt" 1.·uu111n" whrlvelt•d yl'llow fohalil' Tht· peal thrlvN ln gn<t.>nhOU.'it'11 and ls an outdoor problem In warm Wl'Ulht•r, uhto du11111u1· tlll' plant by wluuliia~ lhl! IN1Vt'll from i;u11lit(ht. 1'.:Ul-t•Uw t•1m\rol of whltt•lllt•11 lnvolvt'lf u1m1g u t•omblnul1on of tl'd1nlqut•H Th1•11L• 1nl'ludt· growlnQ plllnlai of low •utK·upUblllty ln11tcod of hlQhly 11u1C..'f•p\lblt• ones such 011 bC'On11, pulniwttlu, 11urtwru , c:u~·umbn11. fuchatus, geran1umw. lontunu, tomato(.'!!, aquru1h und melon.A. Prum~ or tillmlnalf• whitefly •u.: ptlbl v 8t"l.btJon In winter to reducf' the number ot pe1t1 1urv1vin.i until the next .euon UC &rkc>lcy spt-clullst Curlton Koehler, offers Information on the s.rccnhouse whllfllly Jlnd what avlion to take against it. The greenhoullt! whitefly isn't really a "fly" but is closely related to aphids. scale insects and mealybugs. The adull is about l/ 16 inch long and has four powdery white wings. When disturbed, the pests take flight a few seconds and then settle back on 'the foliage. Arts 'n Cr1ft1 Show/Sile Huntington Center doily thr"'"5un. RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTIRY ......... ._ .... a... I U2 HA,1101 ILVD. COSTA MISA -'41·1116- Whitefly eggs care attached to HEADACHE VICTIMS' the undersudace or leaves•by • short stalks. A female can lay up to 400 eggs. Newly hatch ed WE ARE DOING A CLINICAL larvae (crawlers) wander about STUDY ON MIGRAI NE on the undersides or leaves for l HEADACHES. DIVORCED? hme Alone does not heal all the wounds. DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Help. Support and G111dance lor any divorced or separ•led person • Six Tue.day Evening• Sept. 2 1-0ct!'~6 -7:30-9:30 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Beach ~ Another good ChOll'l' ror a <'6ntainer pine is the mugho or 2 days, then settle down, NHD VOLUNTllRS remaining fastened to the plant T H E S T U D y W I L L C O M P O S E T H E until adulthood. After the larvae EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO CURRENT LY USED St Andrews Road al 15th St Across FrO(ll Newport Harbor High $15,00 Registration ~ because of its natural dwarf habit. It exudes an Alpine freshness and as exl·ellcnt as a patio border or m a rock garden. It needs neutral to acid soal and good drainage. first molt they become ilattened, MEDI CATIONS IN THE TREATMENT OF for'"°" UtforMat1on caU: oval and covered with a waxy HEADACHES. •r ,, secretion. They molt two more CALL 7141642_1057 '31-2115 times and then reach the pupal 9:00-5:00 Mon..frl. stage. Adult whiteflles emerge !~8-~9~a~·~m~·~o~r~4~·5~p~.m~·~~~~~A~s~k~fo~r~M~a~rll~y~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from the pupal case, completing The s ho re pine as-rugged looking, but it will grow in a pyramidal pattern.unless it is tic,.-d with wires to attain the twisted form of its native habitat. A full and dense conifer that sports a full coat of foliage even at an early age is the Scotch pine, whic h ofte n is used as a Christmas tree. Wi.lb its drooping branches and reddish bark. it also will add charm in any landscape.· Try growin g J apanese pine in container s. Do 11 nature does ... PLANT NOW! Nursery Special Versatile shrub. low spreading dense growth. Excellent f()( l)lri<ways Of group planting. Flori.<ot Speciul CARNATIONS Freahfy.cut. M•ny colors. .... Ha)lis~tl's 2640 Harbor llvd .. Costa Mesa Ad vaod ttwouQll ~ 21. 1912 ....... aupply lnlS. ..... .,:;.J -. ,_, 1 J • the 4 to 6 week Hie cycle. The pests feed during their .adult, crawler and larval stages· by sucking sap from plant tissues. Adults cause little damage but the feeding by the larvae can seriously weaken plants because of the large amounts o f sap removed. The insects suck more sap than they can digest and excrete the excess in honeydew (a sweet, sticky liquid). Foliage and fruits are oflen blackened by a sooty fungus that grows on the honeydew. The sooty mold can LLOYo·s !ti••'fll•tl !.111111 VINCA 4" Potted SLte. Bright Summer Color •••• $1.ot 1111 lirass S.4 Sj • t!Yift?: I• I Calfomia's Ffttst Qualty 1.89 pr. rtl (S .._ ft.) ""(SI" sq. It) 26' 1000 sq. It . ., ""'' Dhcl DllwttY • • _,. °"' pncea OI\ Oie:ho ... L '(, ~.........,. -91 ""9uo1HW If you're In Business, ' " ' you should be 1.n B THE ORANGE COAST USINESS O U TLOOK Coming Sunday. October 3 in the financial section of your local newspaper -the Dally .Pilot This Month's Specl•f Fe•ture: A focus on the IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Each Issue of Business Outlook offers you: • Loc•I forec•sts from key business figures • F:.lrst hand knowledge of wh•t your competitors •re doing · • Fe•tures on people and events In your business community FEDCO'S GOT GREAT VIEWS FOR YOU! BINOCULARS WITH POWER and CLARITY FROM BUSHNELL SEE WHERE ' SURVEY PROVES WHAT THE ACllON IS. FEDCO PROMISES ITS MEMBERS I -SPORTVIEW® 7x35 EXTRA .WIDE ANGLE 11° America's favorite giant-field sports binocular, 578' at 1000 yds. Bushnell style and unparalleled quality plus' famous touch·glide Inst a-Focus·. Custom fitted case and straps. Recently, when compared with Gemco. K Mort and Zodys, Fedco's prices were lower. Thor's right! In o consumer price survey conduded by KNXT-TV, Channel 2. Fedco was compared against these other stores on seleded brond name items. The results? Fedco's prices were the lowest. TALK 10 A FfDCO MEM~IHO OUT WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS ARE All ABOUTI A ·WHOLE LOT MORE THAN M~ETS THE EYE. CUSTOM COMPACT ·~ 7126 SPORTVIEW® 1 Ox50 EnRA-PowER-- Hlghest power for hand holding. For brilliant crystal-clear long range detail. Big' objective lenses gather light, pierce haze. penetrate vast distances. With touch glide lnsta-Focus '.Custom fitted case and straps. Bushnell Custom Compact Binoculars. Small size. Big performance. Choice of NASA. Prestigious Safari Seal of Approval. 0 Same power and clarity as standard-size binoculars. 0 Focuses down to 12 feet. 0 Matched and balanced lenses prevent eyestral~O Squint-proof filters that block reflected glare. 0 Adjustab eye"piece. O lightweight aluminum body. Pick one up ands e hy every ounce counts. · ., $119. 87 · e us H n ELL o•v·••DNO~ UUKH& LOMll a-----FE DC 0------ MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES OPIN TO FIDCO MIMBIRS ONLY FEDCO CERRITOS (213) 86()-7711 1152~'SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 FEDCO COSTA MESA (714) 979-2660 f£DCO PASADENA (213) 449·8620 3111 E. COLORADO BLVD .. PASADENA 91107 F£DCO SAN IERIWIDllfO (714) 888-4181 3030 HARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837·4481 570 S. MT VERNON AVE .. SAN BERNARDINO 92410 FfDCO SM DIEGO (714) 262-2411 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD. LOS ANGELES 90016 F£0CO ONTARIO (714) 947-8300 s.tltl & EUCLID. SAN DIEGO 92105 F£DCO VAN lfUYS (213) 786-6863 POMONA FREEWAY & ARCHIBALD AVE 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91405 WHO MAY JOIN FIDCO? Only ,.tldenl* of 1M Stall of Clllfomle who meet OM of IN foltowlnv que~n•: • Ftlderll em , both ctvHlln Ind m lltary, llther 1Ctl"'9 Of retlfld. .......... of the Orpnlzecl (Ktlft) ~of the 8rmM MrVICH of IN. Untied ~ Government who .,. on 1M P1yr0il Of tM Fedlt•I Government. • ~who tegulllrly '9Cel"9 cllublllty com!)!nutlon, pen1lon1, 10Cl•I HCurlty peyment1, or flifroed ""''"'*'' 11nnulttff from the Untied; ...... Oc>ven,IMnt. • 9'M9, county, City, Ind -... llllUnlelfNM emplo ..... .... ectl .. Of retlted • • , ......... °'~ -.-.elon•Of ·-•ltlonl. STORE tiOURS • , • ,. WEEKDAYS 11 :OO AM to 8:00 PM LA CIENEGA • SAN BERNARDINO • SAN DIEGO NOON to 1:00 PM CERRITOS • COSTA MESA • ONTARIO • PASADENA • VAN NUYS WEEKENDS SATURDAYS: ALL STORES 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM SUNDAYS: ALL STORES 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Clo11d Wednesdays.) ------~-------------------­ENCLOSE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR 11.00-ftl.I All DO NOT A• CA ... APPLICATION FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP H :IK'O/lf't(;--- -• ·-1/1714 Mtmlle•lll'llt l&twd Oni't 10 Caiolorlloll fletioentt P.O. Boa 22159. los A,,....., CA I0022 ' I l(AY{ l!lA .. I' • Business growth potentl•l In •nd •round the Or•nge Co•1t •re• • '""' ... •Udlnt• w9'o .,. ~ yeett of ... Of Take advantage of this opportunity to place your advertising message wt'tere you'll receive results -In BUSIN•ss OUTLOOK coming October 3. De•dllne for 1p•ce re1erv•tlon1 TueldaJ. September J8, 1982 ADVERTISING RAft •10.so per ~01 .... n Inch fcommlHlon•bleJ otcMf. • lmpfo .... of~·· IChoolil Ind oofletM. • lmpfo ..... of bullinMeM Whlofl -l'*feot to 1M ,...,.,...,,. ooneoc. °' .,._ wlelon of 1M "*llo u.M._ COIMRIMlon ol tM ....... Celltomte. I ......... of WfOWICI oNdlt UftleM. ............. """''°'"' --~ ........... ........... .,,..... .... ..-... I I ...... l f ••• FRIDAY. SEPT. 17, 1812 STOCKS 83 84 Area bu ine personnel earn promotion . Page 82. D 0 COMICS n1cm1111111 aaum ·~, ' ~\·~ ~\\- • ' Do SJC drinkers . have a niission? MENDING OUR WAYS: One of the problems we have along this best of all possible coasts is that the mores of more urbane, sophisticated civilizatior1s keep closing in on us. The latest a rea being victimized, apparently, is our Mission City, San Juan Capistrano. · For background, you must consider the scene last March 19 in San Juan, which was St. J oseph's Day. relebrat e d in the little village because of the famed return of the swallows to the old mission '. grounds. · · . ~' T h e y h a v e t h i s Tl. IURPll.I ~-celebratron in town that .~ ~': centers on the fact that the --------·.-..._......,._ little forked-tail birds wing back from South Amer\ca on the same day every year, according to local legend and lore . Numerous tourists come around to gawk at the birds. Local San Juan citizens turn out to gawk at the tourists .. ALL OF THIS is good fun. The locals are likely to hang around some of the favored watering holes on the main drag. • Every now and then, a group of the locals might wander out onto·sidewalk or curb to get a better view of the visiting bird-watchers. They might carry a margarita or glass of suds outside with them, and sip along with the tourist- watching. And that, apparently, is precisely the problem. Certain San Juan civic leaders apparently fear that the sight of that bunch of locals, clinking glasses and giggling at Couple of San Juan natives sleeping off swallows' celebration • tourists, is just too much of a loose image for the pageantry of the moment. It's more like you're watching a saloon scene out of the Old West. Alas, it may be San Juan's native he ritage, but y~u don't find the citizenry drinking on the sidewalks of N~wport Beach or Fountain Valley. If it should happel" there, or in Costa Mesa, or others of our more sophisticated coastal communities, the cops would soon roar up and put the snatch on the offending public drinker. NOW IT APPEARS that San Juan, last vestige of our Old West heritage, where you can still find a saddle shop on the main stem of town, is about to go down the tube of progress. Thus lt has developed that the San Juan City Council has ordered City Manager Stephen Julian to write up a stringent new city law that will ban public drinking of booze, wine and suds. Such a prohibition would include streets, alleys, city parks and particularly. outside the grounds of the old mission. There w ere, however, a few municipal voices who felt that San Juan might not want to depart quite so radically from its old, casual ways. Some wanted a provision iJ;l the law that would make it possible for public drinking with prior permission from the dty council. It was also suggested that maybe beer and wine would be OK for some groups during park picnics, so long as these gatherings didn't become too rowdy. To date, it's unclear how City Manager Julian might be able to work all th ese exceptions into his new Prohibition Ordinance but maybe he can give it a try. IT WILL BE TOUGH to write a law that says picnic drinking is OK while rowdy drinking is banished. But through it all, one fact is cleat. Civilization is creeping in on San Juan Capistrano. You're left to wonder lf the San Juan n atives are _drinking to that? I "'You don't go into teaching for the money. You go into it, because you njoy it. I love workins with kids. I miaa that more than anything." • , Teachers minus By STEVE MARBLE Of'ttie Delly '"°' llaff After eight years of teaching aoclology to high school students, Ron Porter found himself working al' a.. wood lathe on the opening day of school this week. Laid off last spring by the Huntington Beach Union High School Dlstrlct, Porter now is t rying to make a livi ng refinishing furniture. He says he's good with his hands and has a knack for restoring furniture but would rather be back in the classroom. "It's dt:pressing," the former Westminster High School instruetor explalns. "I love teaching and after all the effort and all the work, it's ... well, it's just depressing.': Like several dozen other Orange Coast teachers who lost their jobs last spring, Porter is trying \0 start a new career at a point in his life when he figured he already had one. Porter's wife, a teacher for eight years, a1ao lost her job last spring. They have two children and money is starting to get tight. Porter says the whole thing has left him bitter. "I worked very hard to get where I was," he says, talking from his shop in Whittier. "I got my master's and I was working on my doctorate. Teaching was where I always wanted to be and s uddenl y. I'm not there anymore." jobs · • coping. .. Like other teachers laid off by financially hurting schoo l districts like Huntington Beach or the Newport-Mesa Unified, Porter dldn 't lose his job because he wasn't a good teacher. Roskel Bregozzo, who now wor ks in a video sho p, Oh the contrary, school administrators say they hate losing teachers like Porter and admit that under better financial circumstances. he'd still be in the clam'oom. Administrators, pointing to declining enrollment and the lingering repercussions of Proposition 13, agree tha t the cuts in school teaching staffs are going very deep these days. Roskel Bregozzo, until last spring, was a history and physical education instructor at Newport Harbor High School. He'd been there for nine years ar.d was a student at the campus before that. Now he W9f'ks part-time at a video ahop in Costa Mesa. "I knew It was coming," he says. "It was inevitable. I'm going to rnias it but you have to face reality." Like other teachers who got the pink slip treatment, Bregozzo will be pennitted to do substitute teaching when it's available and will earn the same hourly wage he dJd as a teacher. Teachers who've been laid off are paid their old salary for substitute teaching. After that, the amount of pay and work go down. Chris lngalles, an art 'teacher who was laid off from Huntington Beach High School more than a year ago, says substitute work is less than It's cracked up \0 be. "You work a week and then you go two weeks with nothing," he says. ''It's not teaching, it's babysitting.'' Ingalles waa a teacher for 17 years, both in Los Angeles and Orange County. Although he was laid off more than a year ago, lngalles says he stJll has a hard time belleving he's no longer in the clusroom. "I got up this morning and had an ldea for a new project for my students," he says. "Then I r ealized I don't have any students.'' lngalles, who detttibes himself as an artitt, has been doing oil paintln~ in hit spare time. He aays he 1 toying with the Idea of opening a photography shop. "You know. you don't go lnto teaching for the money, you go into it becau.e you enjoy It. J love says his layoff from teaching was "inevitable. I'm going to miss it but you have to face reality." working with kids. l miss that more than anything.'' lngalles says he still collects ideas for class projects and st.ores them away. He says he~ become a· man who is all geared up with nowhere to go. F o r m o s l o t t tr~ n o w - unemployed teachers, the layoffs came after several year's of close calls. Keith Mayeshiro, a social studies teacher at Huntington Beach High Sctiool for eight years, has been laid off three years in a row. The first two Umes he was rehired before the opening day of school. This year he wasn't. "You ha ng on every year thinking you'll be rehired and then suddenly you're not. I need a steady job \0 make ends meet but I don't have any solid plans yet." Michael Pomeroy, a math teacher and coach at Estancia High School in Costa Mesa for nine years, says he was surprised when he wasn't rehired this year. "I've gone through this process of being laid off and rehired for three years and was pretty confident this year would be the same. It wasn't," the 33-year-old · Newport Beach man explains. Joyce Zorger ~ taught every grade level exce pt f or kindergarten and second for the Newport-Mesa district. She's taught part-lime, she's taught full-time and she's been bounced from school to school waiting for the day she would land at one she could call home. This year, she doesn't even have a classroom. The district didn't hire her back. "Every year I go through this -waiting and waiting. It's rough. I've s\rUggled \0 become a full-time teacher and I can't ever seem to get there." To keep her hand In the businea, Zorger la teaching an evenina class at Orange Coast College 1n Colta Me.a and ta cl<* to getting a credential for teachln1 En11l1h aa a second tanauqe. "I got up this morning and ha d a n idea for a new project fo r m y students," says Chris lngalles. ''Then I realized I don't have a ny students." summer as other teachers retire students, competency for this and or quit. competency for that but we don't Bruce Olander, a sixth grade have oompetency for teachers," teacher at Andel'SOn School in Olander says. "It's all done by Newport Beach, was one of the numbers.'' lucky ones. He was rehired laat The result, some teachers week. Insist, is an English instructor .. ~enior . housing switch eyed ''It's _been a fnatratll'\g career but, I 1ueas, It's sort of challenaf.l'\I alto. 1 juat ao day to day and hope that the district will call me back." "You pl lulled into thinking you're indl1pen&1ble and then wham -you're 10ne," Pomeroy says. ''I doubt I'll ever aet back into lt. I could transfer to another dlltrlct, I 1uppoae, but the same thing could happen there.'' "I've been through this three teaching art or a math teacher Umes and I was almost PQ9iUve handling a ,,Photography coune. that this was go~~g to be the year Teachers with a minor In a I was rehired, the nine-~~ar field other than the one they veteran instructor aaya. So teach often are able \0 move ihto rather than sweat it out thls time. subjects where there Is a Bfet'Wt : A propoal to awltch a low· 'income apartment project from •family to eenior dtit.en UM will ~ considered aialn by the Q)eta !Meu City 'Council on Monday Jliaht. "Council membera were !crltlclzed last month by the :llou•tna and Communl ty Develollfnent c.ornmtttee, which :compl.alned that memt.n were :not C'dnlUlted befont the council :t>epn mak1n& plana to cbanp ... of th.Ne litel purcbaeed by :u.aty. r Marilyn Wolfram, city • - redevelopment dlra:tor, Mid the dtlr.eN' committee hal met with repreaentatlvea from the city a1nce then. Plana to build th• 60 family ap&rtmenta on $f .6 million worth of land purchaeed by the city wlth federal Community Block Grant funda have been 1talled llnce Januaey when the fedeN! HOUllne and Urban O.V.Jopnent prosram that 1UhekHMd nntl f« corwtrucUon Wll killed. Slnce then, dty of ftciall have tned W'lllUCC.Wdully to ., aheed with the projlct on 11 perwll at r 1930 Wallilce Ave., 2016 Pomona Ave. and 705 W. 20th St. Wolfram Mid that there bu been 1uppon for 1whchtnc the project at 20th Street to aenior citlaena hou1ln1 since rental au baldlea for the elderly atUl exili. Meanwhile, repreaentat lvea from Cen\ral Blble Ch urch, which received t l .5 miWon ln HUD fWMlinl for a~ du.M hoUllnl proj8c\ that WM never' built. tiaw laJd they would like to build the SI unJta an the dty peoptrty. By law, teachers must be notified tn mid-March If they mtaht be laid off. Becauae dlltricta often are not fully aware of their finahdal ahape at that point, a 1hot1un appro.ch on layotfl la \.!Md. The Utt la refined In May and ""'*1y redumd to a fraction of ltl lnltial RMttt. Tachen on the final layoff flat .... \Mn picked bllll:k up durtnt the couret of tM J juat said 'hell with It' ~' ~~!!t -'<lernend-. ---·-··-·---· --~ to Europe for the summer. ''twas unlucky," s.ys Inc.U.. .. 01an~er says he has no doub~ "I didn't have a minor." ·::. that he lJ, be laid off again ne>< Wh 1 laJd -ff ·-~~ ..!., .... aps:ina 1 e o w•\•n•n are -.. "It 'wears you down and J they'll be the flnt hlred ~ • think tho 1tudentt pick up on motit are convlnced that day ~ • that. They c.n Ulll wh@n there's never come. ·:;·. aomelhlnc wrona." . "h 's very, v ry unlikely diM Olander, llke many tetchen, ta I'd be hn-ect back," Incall~ crlUcal of a ayatem that uaea ••Many areN of study, • eenortty rather than competency the arta, are j\&lt dylnl in u the yardstick for who IOM amt •choola. They've ~en CU\.:1' who 11ayt. ribbon• and l don't 1ee , .... "We have compe~ *'for chanctn1." ·:· \ Or•ngtt CoHt DAILY PILOT /Frid•~· September t7, 1902 MUC NOTICE IUflUtOfl OOUfllT Of' Jttl IYAti Of' OALl'OMMA '°" THI COUNTY OP LOI AMGILll .... , ...... '*IC NOTICC .....C HOll(C PIOftTIOUI IUllHlll tetl •lung H id c;ur111 thro ugh II NAM41 ITATIMllNT e11111l 11110l• QI~' ffCl1•• w· 00·1 rn11 1011ow1r1u r•••o111 ••• «01110 Ff )}J ( 'Jl'Y ('Olf N('l lJ 1U1lh 37 deo•"' lli' IO"'"' 34 0!1 n11aln••• u \ IHI lo th• beo111111110 OI I curve l•ANPRAMA wr IT )U8 <'0th onc•v• e1111the11terly hevtng • l lrHI.' New111111 (111•1,;h. Celll1111111 NOTICI Of' INllNYION TO llLL UL "IOPl"TV AT "UVATI IAL.1 etelt OI OOAINN! ORIHlfH edlU• 01 140 00 IMI, 110flhlHllttfly1 02003 7 17 fMt elong 18lcJ curve through l•r0911ll11• WN I, l•K. • (;11htom1a oentrel •note ol It degr .. • ilitl' c;o•pora11011 &UI :>llrn StrH I. ""'I"' lo! Allu1 ll<•L I,,.., ~llf ... ,.1 .... N••f"'Vt ·---.. 7" to lhe true Point ol 1>41glnnln0 NewllOlt U•Kh. C.elllu11111 112&03 1------------- ll() 18 H!.Rl!BY GIVEN thet, Seid prope1ty I• oommo nty PrC>pe1llM Wut Inc P'tllllC NOTIC( lltlfeot to conllrmellon by th• H Gflbed H 138 No rtll COHI Dana H SrmUl. '1CTITIOUI IUllNlll ~tllled Superior Court, on Hlghw1y, LIQUllll l!Nac;h CallfOfnla. Pretldt1nl NA• ITATIMfNf ISeo~teemMr 20, 1982, °' lhefMltar end 1110 known H Boal Cenyon Thll 11at11men1 wH Ille<! wtth Ille lhe lollowlng pereone ,,. OOUlQ Wlltlam L. Slemp, 011 t•urly ut111uch.ttt• who rt.·Jolm·d Factory fn1urance Service, Inc., of ' N1 •wport Ckuth lhn.·" )'t'.1n. u~u. hu11 lx-t•n t·lt'('t.l-d '-'Xl 'C'uliv1· vkt.• prt~1cJc111 anJ l(C•111•rul 01u1111~t 1• Ht· h11s h~·t·n 0((11·t•1' ln·chorg<• o( lht• In u1·ttm·t•Mun, lnr.. of ~cwport. Waah • a former 1ubsldldary or 1'~oclory lnsurance Servi~ lwtthln the lime attowed by lew, the SllOC>lnO CefHer Coun1y Cte1k ol O.•no• County on blA!Mel 11 tlQMd, .. ••.CUIOf und .. the d•le 11 llUbje(.I 10 Culr6'11 ....... Auuu•• 211, 198? Al JJ M flNTeAPRtSCS BJ J J M ol l:ortnne Otltllth, cs.ce...o. U"tfll ta.• ... OUlfent .-...tn1en1a '1M10) c 0 M p A N y c I J J M ' 'wlll Mii at f)flltat• Ille 10 lhe hlOhMI e n l>U 111 b, a n Ce. 0 ' r •C 0 , d ' Putllllllo<l Ote1111• COIJI Dally PtlOI, ASSOCIATE8 o i'JOHN MICHAfLS ' beet ne1 bldd., on 1he twma covenen1a, cono111ont .... 1rict1001, Aug 27, Sept 3. tO 17, 1912 c o 38117 e irch Str"t Ntwl)Orl nd condl1ton1 he11ln•ll•r r1..,v111on1, right•. r1gttt1 ot-way, 3179·82 811~ CA ll2000 ' an1loned, all rtght. tttte. end re1e11e1. end •oretmtnu. M·.,11 Neel c orpor•t1on 41 nt•r•et ol Cor111n1 Orllllth, eHlgnmen11 1nd •H•m1nt1 01 C•lilo>rf'llll 1.orpoittlon 38&7 51;'-'h 1ci.u11d, at the time ol the record The property 11 to be told PUBLIC NOTICE ' MO ppolntm1nl ol Robert Glb1on on 111 "11 It" b11l1 HClePI 111 to Sliffl, NtwOO•I 0 .. Ch, CA 112 Ohneon H eJ1ecutor under her wlll, tltte Neither the •xecutor nor the T•t42H Thia t>u1ln1M It "Onduet•d by • Ill right, title and Inter•• lh•I ...... Wiii be ll•bl• for defect•. and NOTICI 0, TftUITll'I IAL.a COf POf•tl~ ... Nffl Co1l)Or111on he .. let• hu ecqul<ed In eddltlorl they melll no werr1n1v whal-WI, T.I . 12,... Jerri 11 .... 111 o INI wtllell It may heve hed II the ••Pf ... Of lmplted, es to the nature YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Sec: el;:!lf eu lfll• ot appointment ol O ld Of QUIMly ol the lmprovemenll, the DEED OF TRUST DATED 0 t5·80 ' · • ' 11ecutoo (wlll1 the ••Cec>llc>n ol 111 equere lootage or dlmenllon1 ot the UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION TO This lltlemtnl wu llled with the nte#Ht ol Ill• ...... In Oii, oaa. lend or lmpr-11, ttle toning ot PROTECT YOUR PROPf RTY. IT County Cteflf ot O.enge County on lnerala, and hydroC1rbon1, the property, Of the condlllon or MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBllC SALE $ec>I I. tllU t t right o1 _,_entry, Which 1ullablllly o r 1he 1011 for eny IF VOU NECO AN EXPLANATION be retllned by lhe •Ille) In putpoM 0 F T H E N A T U RE 0 F T H E he fHI property loclled In lhe Bide or of1er1 ere lnvllecl fOf thil PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU ounly ol Oren91, 1111• ol propet1y end mull be In writing 1nd SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. R elllornla, delorlbed u follows· will be received In '"' olflce ol T S NO 12486 p.,oei 1 ('" lnt.,Ht): Wllll•m E Johneton, attorney tor On October 4. 1982, ot t 1.00 That por11on of lot 28 or irect aaJd e.ecutOf, 11 Suite 3320, 61 i o'cloc k a m 11 the tronl olllce o. 807, In the clly ol Legune WHI Sixth Street. Loa Ang1IH, enlranc• In the rhlln lobby ol , oounty ol Orange, 1tele or Ce\llornlt, or l'!l•Y be tried wllll the Saleoo Tiiie tn1ureno1 Compeny, ellft>rnle, u per map recorded In clerk of Hid Superior Court or 1125 N. 8roadw1y In the City of 27, page 50. ol Mlac.tteneou1 delivered to Wllllem E John1ton, S1n11 Anti, County or Orange, Sllte 8'19. In the office bf the county pereonelly, 1t eny time etter tlrtt ol Calllo rnla SAFECO TITLE ecorder ol "'° county. and thlt publtcellon ol tlll• notloe end befOfl IN s u RAN c E c 0 M p AN y . • ortlon ot blocll 184 ol trvln•'• meldng aale corporation, II Trullee under the ubdlvNlon. u per me.p r-0.0 In The PfoC*'tY will be told on lhe Deed ol Trust txec:utecl by OWEN t, Plll9 18. ol Mlacelteneou1 lollowlng term• CUii, Of pan cash HAWLEY end SHERRY HAWLEY. d Mepa, In 1111 oflloe of aalO and perl credit, the terms ol tueh hotband Ind wile recOfde<I 9-$-.80, oourlly recorder de1crlbed 11 credll to b• acceptable to the es document no 6839. In boolc fol'°'fte undersigned and 111e Superior t373 t. page 735 of Official Record• &eglnnlng at • point In th• Cour1, 1en per cent ( 101 ol the In the oll1ce ol the Recorder ol horth-ll•rly lln• ot u ld lot 28, emoun1 bid to eocompany the olle< Orange County. Calllornla. by l;11111nt IO<llh 23 d19reet 07' 00" by celhler'• check, and the balance reason ol deleult In the peyment or ~lt, 88.90 IHI from lhe moll to be paid througll e s1;r o w per10tm1nce ol obl~•llon• MOUted or erly corner ol Hid tot end hereinafter mentlorled. Tu.es. rent, thereby Including th• breach or n ngthenoenorth75degrees07' operetlno and melnten11nce deleult, notic e of which wu "Mii 115.88 f"t: thence south upen111. end premium• on recorded 2·23·111 11 document no, degr-03' 48" Nat 98.19 teet lnsurenc e acceptable lo the 25034 In book 13956, page 511 or o the -•wty llne ot High Otlve es purchaser thall be pr0tatec1 as ot Hid Olllclal Records, will 1111 111 hown on a llcen11d Surveyors t he d •I• o I r •cord Ing o I public auction to the hl9hest bidder 1141, recorded In book 36, page 5, convev1noe Examination of t11te. tor CHh In t11wru1 money 01 the d of Suf'lleYI. In the ottlee ol 1111• policy, and documentary United Ste111, wlthoul any coven1nt he county recorder of Nld Orange 1ran1ler llX the/I be 11 the expense or werrenly. expreu Of Implied, u , ti-southerly along aalO of the Mii., Eec:row •-at\111 t>e t o t I t I• . po a•• a.s I o n . o r twty line the following oour-: dlYided equelty bel-the letter encumbfanca. IOf the Pll'PoM ol fOUlh 14 degree1 13' 50" weal end thl purcheNr Reco•dlng ol paying obllg•llOns MCured by Mid ,ss.se f"t to the t>eolnnlng of a conveyence ahlll be an .. l*lse 01 Deed ot Trull. the 1nterHI conveyed t rve, conceve e11terty navlng • IOI purchaler The property llhell be to H id TrullH by H id Deed of dlu• of 140.00 feel: southerly tranaterred through an aGrow to be Trull In properly 11tueted In the .83 leet lllong aald cutve through opened et Cradler Netlon61 O.nk. C ounty o l Orange Stet• of centre! angle of 30 d!$1•-00' 811 WNt Sixth Str .. 1. Los Angeles, Celltornla and described H . ") south 18 d4111r .. s 48 10" 11111 Callf0tnl1 Lot 23, of Trect No. 9363, City ol . 10 Ifft to the beglnnng of •. The underslon•d reserves lhe Irvine, II per map recorded In boOk rve concave northwetterty having right to refuH to acoept eny bids tor 395, Pag11 31S 10 311 lnclualve ol {.ldlu1ot78.7 t teet; southetly and eny reuon wt111aoever. Mlscellaneout Me~. In the on1ee ol southwHt•rly 141.04 feet •long II, for any , .. eon. Including bul the County Recorder o l si'll:I aald curve through e central angle not llmllld to, the fact lhat County of 102 ffClr-40; 00" to 1 pclnt of obJectlorl• cney be filed to a peUtlon Except an undivided one·htll reverH curvature with 1 curve '°' cc>nhrmetlon heteltt, title In the int-I o1 ell oil, ges, mlne,111• aoc:t concave eoutheuterly having • manner end In the time HI lorlh In othet hydrocarbon tubtl~ IYlnCI rlldkll of 140.00 1 .. 1. • redial et eny bid ecc:.c>ted herein cennot be In Ind unoer aaJd tend as lulty let Hid point of reverse curveture conveyed by lhe Miler within ninety r0tth In IOI deed• recorded In book be . ._r• 8 degren 06" 10" east; (901 days rrc>m 111e origlnel date of 95'18, Pages 808 end 611. Otllelel IOilth-twty 8580 '"1 lllong said heerlng on ihe pellllon for Record• CW¥e 1hr0U9h a centre/ engle of 35 conhrmetlon ol ute. the M4let ShaU The unpel<l-tMllenee •nd "tlmete deG'-07' 03" to 1 point on • line have the right to wt1hdr-lrc>m the ol coats. ex~.and edYlnOIS u run)llng 1ou1h111terty from th• aale and be releUed and retleve<I of Septemt>et 3, 1982 It $91,968.81. mqtl easterly corner or 101 18 of lrc>m lie~lty, bul mutt retuon the sekl •rnourtt wtu lt\Q'elM untQ date aald tract No. 807 to the moat purch-1 Oepollt IOrlhwtth of Hie. "°"'*1Y corner ol tot 8 In bloclt 38 The underalgned ollera lhll The etrHI eddren or other of Leguna Cliffe •• per mep property for Hie In a llduclery Gommmon d111Qnellon. 11 eny. ol rec:ooded In boolt 4. peges 58 and capeclly end wlH not be llebte in his the rHI property deKrlbod abo ... 11 59. ol Hid Mlecelleneoua Meps; 1 n d Iv Id u e I c • p • c It y The purported to be 15 Chrl1111mon tllence north 54 degrees 29' 00" underllgned does not guerentee the Wes1. Irvine, California. _, 212.20 leet alc>ng Uld line to aoouracy of eny lntormetion whlc;h The underalgned Trus1ee the.M11erly line of Canyon Otlve es any proapectlve bidder m1y rec:etve d1tcle lm1 eny lleblllty for any 1llC1111tn on 11ld Record ol Survey tr om 1h1 undersigned. a n y 1ncooreotneas ol lhe street eddreas now belno Boll Cenyon Otlve es eml>loYM ol the und8fsigned, any or other common d"l9net1on. If llhotWn on lhe m14> of Mid tract No. employee of the Boet C1nyon eny. llhOwn hefeln 801: ,,_ norlh 23 degr-07' SllOC>Plng Center, or eny b<Oloe< or Oeted Sec>temt>er 3. t9112 00" Hit 350 t t feel etong said rMJ •tale Ulestnen, end eny IUCh Beneficiary Ethel Perth•. 12 •••l•rly tine 10 lhe point ol .nlormallorl It IUbJect to error. and Chrlltarnon Eaat. lrVlne. CA 92714, beglMlng. omlNionl: ""' pr~lve bidder 17 t4) 5'4·5265 ...-2 (LeeNe'• 'lntwMt): rnue1 ,.., u 10 .u matt.,.. Wholly aanco TIT\.E '"allftANCI! Thlt porllon of lot 211 of' tract Jpon hfe own Inspection end COMPANY,• Cerporatlon, Tn11tM No: 807. In the clly of Lagune n\lllt191tlon ll'OO Wll1tllr• llYd. No. 101 BMch. county ot Or~. ala.ta ot Oiied. Auguet 31, 1982 Loe Aftoetet. CA I0010 Callfornta., u per mep recorded m Aobet1 Olbton Johnson (211)17>-nu ,boOk 27. pege 50. ol Ml!IOellaneous Executor under the JeM aldl, F-loellre Off'lcef Met>•. In the ottlee of the county wtK of Publl•hed Orano• Co111 Delly recorder of utd county; and tNtt Corinne Offffrth, ~ P110t, Sept 10', '17, 27,-1982 portion of block 184 of Irvine'• Wllllem E. Jof!MtOft 39417 ·82 Subdivision, u per mep recorded In Attomey tOt lbecutor book I, pege 88, Of Mlteeltaneoua 111 w .. t llllttl 11,..t "9oord Mepe, In lhe office of aald 1""9 sm PUBt.IC NOTICE counly recorder described •• Loe ......., CA I0017 lollOwl (:t11) ....., IU P l fll Ofl COURT O F CALIF~A Beginning et • point In the Publl thed Orange c o .. 1 O•lly COUNTY Of' otlANOE Eatete of nonllwesterly une or 11jd lot 211. PllOt. Sept. to. It, 17. 1982 EUIN •• NGoa, D1c1111d dl11ant eouth 23 Oegr-01· oo·· 3994-82 wfft 88.90 feet from th• moll nonllerly corner of seld tot and Ntlnlng lhenee notlh 75 Hgr-07' 00" iUt t 15.88 f .. 1. 1henc:9 south 59 deg<-03' 4&"' ... , 96. 19 feet to ttie -1erty tine ol Hlgll O.l'lle 11 ehown on a Llcenaed Surveyore Map, recorded In boolt 38, pegos 5. Record ol Survey•. In Ille office of I he c:ounly recorder of aald Ore.nge County; l"4lnc:e IOUlherty elOflQ aald we94wty Hne the loltowtng oour-; south 14 degrHI 13' 50" w11t t55.5e lee! to the beginnl~ Of a curve. conceve eeslerly he'lllng • ...Olu1 ol 140.00 IMI: IOUlherly 80.83 feet alOng aelO curw through I central engle of 30 degrMI 00' 00", aoutll 18 deQr-48' 10" ... , 61. to '"' to the Mglnnlng of • curw oonc:eve nort"-terty l'la.WIQ e radtul of 71.7 t feet; IOylllerly and 1outhw11terly 141.04 feet elong '8ld OUtW through • central engle Of 102 deg<-CM' 00" 10 a Point of r•v•ra• curveture wllh • curve conceve 1outne111trl~avlng' • r•Olu• ol 140.00 leet. edlal et Hid point ol reverH c veture b••re 8 degren 08' 10" ea11; IO\llhweetarty 85.80 f .. t along uld ourw tllrougll • central engle of 35 deg<-07' 03" to a point on • line ronnlnO llOUlllNl1erly lrom the moa1 9"1er1Y comer ol lot 16 of sekl trlC1 Nd. 807 to tll• moll norlherly c«ner of lol 8 In block 36 of L.egune •. Cllftl M per meci recorded In boolt 4, pegH 51 and 59. of 111.d Mleceltene0u8 ..--. thence nor111 54 degr.-29' 00-;:-West 212.29 IM\ alOng Mid line to Ille -twty line of Canyon Drive H ehown on H id Record of Surwy now being eo.t Clinyon Drive M llhOwn on the m14> ol Mid tract No. 807; thence notlh 2~ .,._ 07' 00" .... 350. 1 t , ... el'ol1g tatd H1tlf'ly line to Ille point ol Mglnnlng. Seid point belno the true point of beginning. th•n. ce nor.th 54 degr-20' 00" -· 212.29 feet l6ong Mid line to lhe eulerty Une ol Cenyon Drive aa ehown on Hid AllcOfd ol Surwy; now being 8oet C#TyOfl O.lw u llhOwn on the mep of NICI trect No. 807 thence IOlllh 23 ~ 07' 00" WM1 9.5e feet •191\.g H id .. •terly line to lhe b•olnnlng ot • curve concave north-•lerly llevlno 1 redlua of 30a.f 7 Ifft; lhenoe aouth-terty 108.00 feet •long Hid curve tllfOUOh • oentral angle o l ~o dear .. • 00' 00" to • point ol .;ompo11na curvature with • curve conoeve northw111erty llevlng • r1111tu1 Of MO 00 ffft, a redlll et Mid point ol c:ome>ound c;wveture bHfl nonh 46 degrM1 53' 00" ..a: thenoe -.ithwMterly 33.80 lttt alOf\9 Hid curve thr~ll • eenvet MOit of 2 cleQf-55 OO" 10 • pctnt of 1'9'11tf .. ~\If· Wtlh • Cllfve concevt 1outh1H1trly fl1vtoo t r1dtu• of t0.00 fMt. • redtel a t H id point 01 revere• cunoetur. bMrl notlll 49 degr- 41' 00" wHt: tllenc• 1011therly t•.•' .... alOng Mid cur-.. llw~ a _.,.. ~ of ... degr-01' 4'4" to • point of compound clk11•tur1 wltll 1 curve concave l'IO'ltlttty llevlnO I r.cfM of HO ,00 f•tt. t rtdllf II H id polnl Of ~ our. .. urt °"" nonh :)t Cl•Of,•H~ 10· tt" tHt; 1111nc1 ~, .... , .... Mid ..w tfwouglt • '*"'" ... of • .... 21'U"1otlle ~llM 'cit Md Hi1111 OfM • ftMn on MIO ~tK~,...,_~ ~i;•ld we11erl~ line tll• ~not1fl•defl­' 10 Het '4 1 U fffl 10 Ille JH1tlnntn1 ol • cvrvt cotioave ~., ... , ... 111111ng • 1Htu• or loo.oo fMt: nOftll~••v ••· 11 -· P\B.IC NOTICE ar ATE..n" OF 'Wri'HOruwAL "'OM ,._,..,_...._. Of'EflATING UNDEJI FICTITIOUl8UllNllllNAME The lollowtno person has wtthdrewn .. a oener•• parlne< rrorn the pannerthlp oc>W•llng unde< the llclltlou• bu1lne111 neme ot GOLFLAPS. 1825 WNtclllf Drive. NewpOft Beech, CA 9~. The llc t1llou1 bu11n111 name et•llmfrll for Ille pertnerthlp wu tiled on Al)f~ 2. 1982 In ttre County of O.enge Full N•me end Addreu ot the Pereon Wlthdrewina. JoeflS.~ 1112 Cornwllt ~ Newport hectl, CA t29IO F•1-..:2 Published Orange Cout Delly PllOt, Aug. 27, Sept 3, 10, 17, 1912 3774-82 Mo.. A40'7a NOTICE Of IMTEHTION TO nu MAL ""°"'flTY AT "9111VATE I.ALI folollc• ,, hereby 91ven tllat. subjec t to conllrmat1on by the 1bov•enlltled Superior Court. on September 22, 1912, et 9·00 e.m .. or the<Nlter Within the time allowed by •h• law, the undersigned, H IUCCIHOr admlnlttretor ol th• 111111 of Ellen E Rl091. deceffed. wilt Mii at prtvll• .... 10 the hl9Mll end belt bidder on the terms end ccnd1tiont hefelntller men11oneo, 111 rlgllt, !Ille, and lnlWlll of Ellen E. Rooge. a-ueG, 11 the Ume of her d .. th end all rtgttt, tttte. and tnter•t lhet lhe eatete hH acquired In add•tlorl to tlllt of dloedent et the time ot lier oeath, In the reel property loc;eted In the County of Orenge. Stet• ol Ce llto rnle. Oeecflbed .. loltowa Lot 21 of Tract 1606. S.y Vl(fw Height•, Unit Three u per m1p recorded tn Book 47, pege 10 01 Mitcell•neou• MIPI In the Office OI -------------11he County Recorder ol uld Ml.JC NOTICE County. -------------1 The property 11 commonly SllP9ffcM' Court of IM referred to H 20302 Southw11t ltat• of C....,,... se>ruce. Sant• Ane, c.t.fornlL Fw tM The 11te 11 1ubjec1 to curcenl C-'J ef Otlflf9 11x11. covenentt, cond itions. 700 ctwte CeM« °"" w .. 1 rettrlc11on•. reaernuons. rl9ht1, 1.m. AM. ~ tz701 right• ol wey. end e11ement ol PLAINTIFF TRANSAMERtC record end eny encumbrancet ot TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, recofd to be Mlltfled or taaumed In Clllfornle eotpo<lllon connection With the purehlee The OE FENO ANT RIC HARO L ptopert)' It to be told .... Is" exc.ot Wl~LtS. and OOES I 1hrOl.tOll XX u to 11111 lnclu.,... BIOi or ottera are 1nvtted for thl• IUMMONI propwty end mull be In writing and c-Number JM111 wlll be 1ecelved II the office of NOTICll You tlHe bM11 eu.d Kindel fo Ar>derton (NOS). ettorney The _. _, deotde ........ lor Mid IUOCtMOf edmlnlstrllor et wlttMMlt ,_ IMMt hMtd •OOO MtcA1thur 8outev1rd, Suite JCMI rMtMlftd •""'" • d.era. 1000, Newport BHch. Calilornle tM ~ betow. 92660. or m1y be filed wllll Ille Glerlt II you with to 8"11 the edvic. OI ol Mid Superior Courl or deltvered en ettorne:r In thlt metier. yo 10 J-E WAhelm o f Ktndel & lhOUl<I do eo prc>mptty to thlt your Andarton IMl'llOfl•lly, et 1ny time written rHponM. If eny. mey b4 11t• publlcatlon ot 11111 notkil end hted on time btfor• miking Hid Nie AVllOI U1te• fie eldo TM properly wth be told on the d•"'•ndedo, II trt1111nel pued• 1011ow1no twm• U"1 or pan CUh dectdlr -W• UL aM audleftell I Ind pat't credit, the termt Of MICll -.,. Ud. ~ deftt,. credll to be ec ceptabtt to tllt de SO dlee. LM .. lftfomlaclon qlH under1lgnt<1 I/Id 10 the SupfilOr eteue. Oouri 10 percienl Of the emount bid '&I llated deH• aollcltar el to 11C111d'1Tt9eny the ofter by certified con11Jo de un 1bog1do en ••tt cheek or any othttf fOfm eccep1ebte ••unto, d • b • r f • h • c • r 1 o to the llUC4eltor eomtnlttrllor, end lmmedletemente, de "" menere. tlle bel~ to be p11d on oloH of tu resoueat• 1ec11t1. ti hey lllgune, ttcr-attw c;onllrmetlon of aale by pu.c)e-reglatreda e tiempo tlle 8uptt1or Court. Tuea, t TO THE OEFENOANl: A ClllM OPtrlt lng Ind maintenance completnt llH b .. n llled by th• .. penu1. end premium• on ptalntln egeln•t )'Oii If y04J wfall to lnturtnc t •cceptabll to 1111 defend thie t-.ult. )'Oii must. wltllln pvrefllMr' ~ be prorated t1 ot H d•y• llllr lhl• 1ummon1 11 lht dlte of teoordlng tht ~ on Yo\'. flM w1111 thle ooun • convey111e;9 tAemlnal!Oft ol 1111e. wrltt41n rMl)OnW to the complalftt. tranaler tuH. end eny tlUt um.ta you do eo. your default will ln1ur1ncie pollcy 1hall be et '11\9 be entered on eppllerellon Of Ille lllPMM of the Mllet, end recording plelntlll, and lhl• oourt rNy tonter • 01 con111y1nc• •h•ll b• at Ill• tudgment aoatnat you IOt lhe •ellef upenH ol tll• purchner or demended rn tlle complalnt, wnlctl p;irCllNet• could reault In g1r11l•llment of Tht 11ndertlgntd re11r11H 111• •ea-. ttlllnQ Of monty Of propeny rlQllt to ''*' 1ny tnd 111 bid• pf'IOr of otller rtOel requ11tect In the 10 enhy of en Ofdtr confirming the OOfllplalnt .... DATED NOYM\ber 23, 1979 DATlO h9temMr I. 1H2, L" A Branoll, Netley 0 Slmj)eoft Clerll 11 tllOOIMtOr tlClmlnlillre!Ot =·Oetevet· =of~ _,....Ne OOloeuO. ,..... ......... A ft11r11 llflllll C:.,..,llltlt If KIMll I k"'• Mfl .............. a.. ...... , ............. -. ......,. ... ,, ............... "' ........ c • .,. _ ... "rttm ...... .... ~---. ~,:r=,:"' CA- AMQ. 27, S:.-r ,~~.~=Plot, P111111.ned Oreno• Cq11t bally • ....... -Piiiot, a.pt 10. 11, 17, 1H2 ............ 3ff,..12 '117011 Publlahed Orenge Cont Delly PllOt, Sec>I 10. 11. 24. Oct. I, 1982 P\8UC NOTICE NOTICI! Of' TRUIT .. 'I IAl.I! T.t . N0. 701tM 3999-82 On SeptemlMll 24. 1982 at 9: 15 a.m. ol Mid day at the front entranoe le> the Old Otano-County CourlhouM. localed on Santa An• Blvd • be1WMn Sycemore St. & 8r04dwey. In the Clly ol S1t11a Ane, County ol Orenge, State ol Cellfornl•. Celll0tnla Trust DMda. Inc . a• dllly appclnted trull ... wtU NII II publlG a!IC11on to the htgh .. t bidder for CUii, In l•wful money Of the United Stain. 1111 payable at the time of •al•. the lollowlng deacrlbed real property tltuated ln th• County of Orange, 8tate of Calllornle and dMCrfbed U follow., to.Wit: Lot 47 of Tract No. 5898, es lhown on a Map recorded In Book 218, peg" 18, i7, 18. 19, 20 and 21 of Mlscellaneoua Mapa, record• or Orange County, Celllornla. I . EXCEPTIMQ en undlvldeo Ol\e- helf lntw .. 1 In Ill olt, g ... minerals end 01'* hydrooerbon IUbtl- tylng Mlow • depth of 900 ffft wflhOul the rlQht of 9Ul1ace entry u r~ In tfie OMd ftom Paelllc Mldweat Development Co .. a corpo<atlon. reoordecl October 3, 1963 In Book 8744. page 181 or Otfic:lat Reclordt • Commonly llnown ae: 523 Pierpont Drive. Coate Mua. CaJlfornlo Said Hie wlll be mede without oo ... nant or warrenl)'. expressed or tmpti.ct, regarding 1111•. l>Ol4fSSlon or encumbrance•, to 1at11fy the obllgallon• aecured by and pureuent to 1h1 Power of Sele conlwred in• o«taln Deed of Trust. executed by WllMam E. W1b. Jr. end P11nc11 J wui. 11 '"'"°''· dated Mercn 13, ttlt end recorded October 2. 1911 t In Book 14249, P•ee 984, Olflclel Records of the O.enge County Recorder At the time of Ille Initial publlcetlon ol thta notice, the totet amount 01 th• unpeld belence of obllgetlon secured by the ebove deacrlbed Deed of Tru1t and eallmated coat•. expenses, and 1dvenc.1 I• $8,481. 19 YOU ARE IN OE FAULT UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST DATED MARCH t3, 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINS T YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Oiied AU0"9t 20, 1982 Celllornla lruat Dffd1.1nc 125 12th Str .. t, Suite 111, Oaldend, CA 94607 , .. t51 4~4·2682 /1/ Herb L9'bowo1 Vic.-Prnldent Publlatted Oranoe Coast Dally P1tot. $ec>t 3. 10, t7. 19112 31151-82 Ml.IC NOTICE T·1404I NOTICE OF nwsnra IAI.£ T.l.No.1~ YOU ARE IN OEFAUL l UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 28, 1979 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR ?ROPERT't', IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF' YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAJNST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWVER On Frtdey. Septemt>et 24, 1982, at 9 00 • m . Tiiie lneurance end Trust Compeny. 11 duty eppolntecl Tru•t•• under and pursuent to Oeecl ot Truat rec:ordt<I July 3 t. 1979. A lntlr NO 4 t:µ-0, In boOli 13 250, page 155 7, ol Olflctal ~da 1n the office ol th4t County Recorder o l Orange County, Catilornle_ WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOO£R FOR CASH OR CASHIER'S CHECK. (peyebte et time .ol ule In lawful money of the United Stateal II th• IO<llh frc>nl enuence to 1he Old Ot•nee County Courthouse touted In lhe 200 block ol WMI Senta An11 Blvd (lc>rmerly Wnt 8th SlrHI). Senta Ana, C.Wtornle. en right. Utle and lnter•t 1;on-..yed to end now held by It undllf Hid Deed ol fruit In the prOIHtf'IY 11tueted In H id County and Stata deeGrlbed at Loi 201, Trecl 2122 a• per map rec:oroect In Book t 18, Peoes 3 to 18 lndu9lw of Mltcellaneoua M11411 In the olnc. of the Recorder of said county Tru1tor or reoord owner: LOUIS J . BERGER The 1trHt eddr•H and other t;Ommon oeeioneuon. 11 any. of the reel property dffcrlbed ebove I• purporled to be: no '''"' eddrff1 °' other aommon dMlgnetlon hu bHn furnl•h•d You may obteln d irection• to th• property by aubmlttlng 1 WTlllen request wllhln 10 days from Ille flfll 'P\lbllcellon of this nollce to ~a M. G•. c/o Proctor end Proctor. 3320 Wiit Victory 81Yd • Bufbenk, Celllornle 91605 AHtnllon M1rt1n A Pr001or. Jr The undertlgned Trutl•• dlac;lelma any lleblllty for any l(l«recln.a of the 1tr .. 1 eddr-and other aommon cs.t1gn111on, II any, lllOWII herein. Seid tll• wlll be med•, but without coventnl or w11rent)', t•Pftl• or 1mplltd1 r.011dlng 1111e, Po• .... '°"· or encumbranc••• to 't>•Y tllt unp•ld balance ol tllt 110lt(el Meultcl by Hid Offd OI Tru•I. tO-wlt· .... 971 00, Including u provtdtd ln,uld note(t), adVlnCW " tl'rf, llndtt .,,. ttttM of NICt OMd '""'· ..... ctltto'9 11!4 •ll$*lMI Of the Trull .. end Of the tru1t1 orHted by .. Id 0..d of TNll The beMflelety under Mid OM9 01 Truet heretofore uec;uted anCI dtll11tred to the underalgned a w1111en o.cteratlon ol Default end Otmend for 8•1•. end • written NOiiet of 0tfeul1 8fld Etecnon to s.ie to ~ reooreled tn '"' covnty WM!'• IM r..i Pf099"Y It ioc.ttcl Tn.il ... of Ptf'ly OOllduc:tlng .... TITLI INIU-ANCI ANO Tl'UIT C:OMftANV, H40 Wlfllllrt llvd .. Lot AnOtlH, C:elllornl• t0010 SM-IOOO .. , 27IO. Detect A.,.tlt.1tu Tltlll INUrlln09 Md TNml~ ti Mid T""9M. ~ t4f1MWlll#I, f~ .... O!lle. Plltllltlled Ot•llf• C:OHI Delly Pllo1 • ..._ J, 10. 11 1112 M62-42 t The No~l o nol A ssoclo ll on o f ll c allh Und<!rwnwn rnpc-irlt'CJ Irving Gutlk or N"wporl &uch quullfl~'<j fur lht• J-A·udlntt PrudU{'t'l'li Hound Table plll\lnum uward tor SQ.IO:t ot duw.biJlly and henlth insuront<.•. Ile i11 un ugl'nl for thC> Mutual of Om1tha loauronce Cu. ..... Tloa Havens of Dana Point, a tcodw1 of nursing al Golden Wl'St College, h.c. lx'<'n appointed secretory fo r L ocal 1!J 11 of the Amc rlcun Ft.-dcrut1on of T1..•ut h111"l1, whk h rt•pl'\'111.'ll\.'C h1<:ully rn<'mbt•J"N 1n lht• Coa.'lt Community Collf'Qt' D1.'ll1 l<.'l. She sue<'W.<ds Lou Ann Harris of I lunungton Beach, who was naml'd to u monngl'ment pos1twn nl Orungc Coast Collej;(('. Janet C. Ruuell vf lrvlrw hus lk-vn promoWd to martnger of the Huntington B<•ach diRtrlcl office · for the Automoblle Club of Soutbern Callforrun. She wus named assistant munogt'r of thl' facility 1n 197tt ABLE Computer of Irvine received a $600.- 000 conlract for the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club (or an off-track betting syslt'm c:overing Hong KunK Island. Kowloon and the New Tcrritorll's Robert P. Warmington, a Vl'leran in office project development, will speak at the Sept. 28 meeting of Networking, a group of professional women aotive in the commercial and industrial real estate industries. The meeting will be held al Warmington Plaza Leasing Pavilion located off lhc Newport Freeway al the MacArthur exit in Sant.a Ami. For information call 857-2737 ' AlrCal's "Happy Hop" lour package to Southern California family attractions will give children (age 2-11) free air trawl and up to two days of free attractions through Dec. 15. Children musl be accompanied by an adull The program covers Disneyland, Knoll's Berry OVER THE C DUNT ER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND HU881ll THflU Fru l'fl, U111v,•n.ul 8 tud10!l, Quet.•n Mnry, M'trtnt•hmd Aou Lmn Country Safuri. Terry It. Teeplt: or Lak1• F'or1'1lt and Jerald A. Alford hav(.' b<1l•n :1ppo inH•d lo ht·{•d th<> land dt•veloptnt•nt for Tbt Meister Company, a N •wpc>rt Beru:h·hendqunrtl·rcd real e!!lill<• dcvt'lopment firm. Tt'l•ple hrui be-en with Mc111tcr 10 ycal'll Alford waa d1r('t"l.Ur nf t'Ommt•H'tal dL·vt•lopnwnt for Odmark/ Wek h ol Sun l>w1w Separation aod Rtcovery Syslems, Inc. of lrv1n<'. rcl~V1•d a n >nlra('l t roni the Finnuih govcrnmc•nt lo co11strut·t 22 vacuum gravity ol) wt1lt•r scparolors ror tnstallal1on on harbor re~ b1't •11kt•tt-, bl1oy t<·nden •. occ.mogrnphtt' vc~IJ; and tugs. Tht" 11111 Parlnenhlp, Inc. is the name of a N1 ·wport .Bt.·ach arch1tt.'(·tural firm fom1(·rly known as Ifill. Oanit•lson & A.sso<:1atc~. Inc. Founding pnnd pnl ~nd t·h1c•f t·x«·uuvc• officer Rush N. HUI II announ{'<.'<.i two nl·w pnnl'lpab, Wolfgang J. Hack and Larry Frapwell. The offlt'<' is locatc..od tn lht-Furg1t building u1 tht• Mc l''addl•n Squarl' ort•a Applied Technology Ventures of Santa Ana formed ATV Jacquard Service Corporation which will rl'pair and distribute part.s for ATV producta a nd prov idc Sl•rv t <.'<' r or A T'V J acq ua rd, Gensler a nd Associates/ Architec ts, an arch1U:-clural and interior dc.-s1gn firms. wilJ hold a recepl1on Wednesday to mark opening of its Irvine office which will serve Orange and San Diego COWllles. The rec:ept1on , which will alsu launch the firm's art program Wllh a show or Orange Count~ arlists, is sch eduled from 5 p.m to 8 at 300 Michelson Drive, Suite 300. John Banks is office director. II DOWN' ~-l •" I ~eMe , , .-•E"" , . :I A8ncP• IJ • lntrm""" • ) M•cr l 01 • • !Mii• , .. I EIMoltl ) . • f !Qtll()y 7\9 • SwMltn • 10 SV1'1UI •I , II ~DfWl><d JI~ IJ ~=I~~ ••• u ... u .Am.trt• ... I) Sw1tcho ... t• '"''"'91' ,,., II AtlcMI I • " ~I )\'t " f"•t'r(O ~· · 10 l~om , .. ft •l'1 11 Prodt9• , .. ll 5..0lw t ... 7• Tlpr,... s ' ,, PM-... • 1 '"'f.. , , .. .. 11> ,, .. ) t• I> .. "' .. .. ..,, •• "• .. '• I I , t" 1. .. .. '• .... " VP 11.> VP tU VP 11.S Pct Off 10.AI . Off "'° Ott .... Off 14.J , 0 11 '4..1 Ofl ... Ott IJ~ Off ,, .. ~:1 II.I 11,1 Off 10;. Otl tO Ofl IOJ Off tot OH ' 10~ 0 11 10.0 Oii ... 011 •• Off u Oii l.J Off u Oft L' 0 11 u 0 11 l,J. Off I J • NllW YOAK CAP) l •Fre 1.-. t :M ll """"' I 11 NL, Inv Rffll l.11'1 • 1) Mui IHI of (,)m-llf lnl Eq 1) 9J t• mJ Bond I" Nl 1el.::,foito.::=, ~ ~=~~~•I ~S Nl ~~:::r i; !! :t :!':1fd :~ ri :t ~~h 1: ~ )~ &~ ~ :~ U ~=,?P :: :: :t 1"9 H•I= ""••· Gr1h 7... • .. rr-11 u NL J P Grlh 11 ~ 13 H lnUltll I H • 00 Hunn 1).41 ".. Sln5ol 10.. Nl •''°" of Securltt.• EQ\111 .. 71 • ,. 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ADI• s;-:~av~l ~~F!.t~ NL ~~1°R"n \1!s rn ~::: trn I~:; ~::: rn rn =:.~~.. .u; tr.~ ~~~:J:! ;g ltNt~ :~" F t: ~: =t ~~ ":·~ 1:•!; V:!" b ~ = : :: r~I~ tO !: 1! ~ i~ = ~~ = ~ Sat~t s.cu; lj Nl l::i~ ~~ t;: ION~ , Af"111f1 ll IO lotl Hi Yid • 4J 1 0) .. Wl[Q , ,. • 0. MUI\ 8 , '° I ,. l n •• I u •'f• Grwtll tJ., Nl TwnC C.I 10.. NL "r """"' n<om • )0 • " .. W•ll " .. Nl Ooll\ II " tt" TotRt S?S ) .. lnco 10.J1 NL twnC 3'91 u JI NL vYta It t> 11 ,_ Optn I .. •.A6 ffflt< •" ) :M Surnm ti II 14 4J Falrtld & U 1 4' SIP•"' 1nw~t lwnC VI • l..l • rr ..-.v ,,, IOd Tu MO 10» n .>• fnCI C.111 •• , s It tech 111)'11111 NE.Lilt~-C•P•t IOJJ to .. USAA G•oup A.::•i ,;·~ ·N~ ~::r"'G~"a ·r::~ 1"1\I "~~~· C,':f Nl i~ ~ 111'.%11rn ~~~~ :; ~ ~~ :~ ~;." \~·~ 11N·~ 1o ,f ~l· I~(: A Blrtht II n 11 41 Cwlth CD 1.. 1,&> tn<om 11 JI NL K•nl-Moo" ln<om tO 01. 10 •s S<-r FunCll 1 o t • N I. A~·~,"' Ft"1r •,. ~::: ~ :.~ u: =~ I~~ ·N~ ~~~ =~ :rn ::·r. ~=~t.Q 1: :: li ~~ ~~I !! ~ :t V~llll~(U I:~ :t AmcJI •. ., 1 01 Con<orel 10. NI. l'r•n"ln G•oup Cw• 84 ,,,. I •1 Ntube<Qtt iH•ft1. C•i>Glfl II ~ NI. Unit Miii • •1 Ht A '°""II It 01 U 1• C-11<111 <Hill AGE J 41 '.. CllS l(t I• l.01 Llbly JU I'll tn<orn 10 ., lotl Unit~ "'"'°" ._ lt.M 1117 fund tlll 12,11 DNTC tJU un '"''° •. 16 6 7J Manlll .,, Nl IMI FG 14~ NL A«"' 111 •••• fd Inv • 12 t 5.3 I Mom • .:i 6 tS Grwtll I,. • 01 Cul SI 1' '4 11 tl Pltlfl I> as totl MMB I» NL tOf!d S 02 ) 4' Gr-to111t11 Mun&d •n 1» Opl-SU St) Cu•SJ , .. l lO S<nut ht! ,.L ~I .,~NI IMOth UO.t•tt • ln<om I IJ '61 c .... , lltv II 11 , ta Utllt J °' J.. Cul Sol J » J 11 ...... C.t ,. u "'" Se<11rll'f ,_, c .... Int •• 10.'1 ICA Lat t.11 ,...,, ... G It St NL ln<Ofn t 11 l 01 ln\tf'nl • 01 4 41 ,.fWI Int I ,. Nl 6-I ~ 111 'lflll< 23 SI U 6' ,. ,..,. 1 h 7.11 CO"I MUl • •• H vs c..v • ,, 1 » Tufr 111 14' Mk lMM• 11... NL. EQVtf • IO ... , H Int n .... I) II TuE • " • u Clry c.. -v•lt C.pn I:' • .. Mu• II It It I) NI!' '"'' tO tO "L lnllftt '" • °" lnc:em • ,. '°,. w"' ~ 1 l'O ... , 0.1-.... ~ EQU•t • 1 ju Lnln;lon ~p lotE 11\GI • SJ NL Vltf• 1 OJ I.. MuN t ., • 1t Amero.....<•• Oe<el ""not luJ'r ,,. •Jt CpUlr ft)t ll.» HIVlfil uoo NlS.IKl.OfUftO\ S.Cl£"f ....... Ceo ea • n •to 0.1.,.. 11" "., F.-llnt. GoldlCI J )I Nl NY V.nt • " • a7 Am SM , .. NL v-n; "~ Er•"' tt 21 ta,. Ta ,.,.. • ,. • " c M II c E GN~ , st NL ..... _ ••• NL Sol )h> ..... v.11 u s c.6tO t NL • H Vlei • 0'1 t •1 Del.. t ... IO )I a A •.. Grqw 1 tt NL Om•Oot t.. NL sell9"*1 Group Vel ... line J' Mun II 16 00 1• Ill l>lr Cap 111 NL l('vOl.ltl ' .. Hl llHn tUI NL One Vml It., NI. C•Pl'd 1 t7 • S4 a-II 16 Nl Vffllr tt .. U, Oooea 91 23.06 Nl Piiot I It • •1 ltnclnr If U NL. O!nlltl""r 'Cl Ct11$tli, 11 Ot 11 e1 Fwl\CI 17" NL , Cmttll 10 IJ It ,, OeelCll st ,, .. NL GT Pt< "., Nl Loomtt "'''~ lre<I ,. •t IJ tl Crowth ) ., • 64 ln<om •• , ftL E•ch :M.41 NL Or'•• .,.,.. tA so Nl G•t• Op "01 NL CIPl1 ••.w N~ ~n 'u I •1 ltl(ome "'°" II.. ... •• Gt ,. .. Nl ,.. Am 10.t• 11.10 l>f•'l'IUI G•P. G•!' 1!.ltt In• Mui 1) SI Nl H 10 17 .... u ~nurwt G"""I> .,, v.u .. ,1.SIL.!.!n" lotL •• (lrqw '° ., lot\. ,., """ 11" NL f.llntr "09 Nt. Lofll ... II; 9.!'!!:' n Ol 1• 01 Bllltan '.. .. • _,.... Hatl:lr II 2J I. t7 0 rty1 11.$4 tUll Ellnh t.. Nl Allllld I.ft t J ~I 16 •1 it 64 &Ol\CI H8 • $4 In<-1 . Jll 11 » f'•<e ,._,. )I 11 L•"Vt It 09 tt.17 us ,,,.. HL 81\d ~ • ,, 10 It • ,.,. • 11 I 9J Com s " 1• IS St L'".~~· ,1,,t,i. IN~ Hrqviel 4 ti •.U " Nine I Ql Nt u.s ll • .. Nl j)e., 01 11.a ,. u AIM u .01 I) JI G , ... I " •fJlll u • -A OlllFO 1.tl 1 tJ S1>llnt • • N Gen Sf< 11111 NL lllCGm t., a 01 Tl-'. '10 tJ 0) u.11~--CNC, •>.JI HL. A Herl.. t tt Nl Tu Ell 10 U NL Oat 10 t• NL luth«MI f!lre OTC ~ t ., 14 Ml 2 I 6 I N l llVGth I JO 6 rs • A'"I"' S It ,.. fll"' C •O.J NL Ortll IN tit• lotl l'\11\41 111' ., .. P•r•m IOot II~ Sentry 1t'1 ?16' 0t1119,T1•1 JI01!!_ t1N.t:-1 A lllw<il 1 •1 NI. Caot 04fl ' .. 10 0) Grd~ ta •I u ., tncom • °' IQ PUWMI • t I Nl ""'''-"~ •• ~ A llN 111 t IS NL 1E.1fon6HlllW-HeM HOA 4 tJ 4 '' MIOlll H 1 1 01 P-Ill I •1 NI. AHtl U 44 14 IS ~ I f, U NL I Am~ ti. HL ... _ IM • 1• .... , Gift ' IS ,.L us co... •• , • ,. ,.nll -4 16 Nl HIYi. 11: .• d " II ""' I A 1o11Gtf\ a .. •• ,_. 'I NL"'"'....,, n1• Nl ""'"' ,_, Pfl•.. •to 1o os ,f't_ u ow •f 10. HL . A NllllC •• » 11 u Grwvt .. 10 » ... ,.... , ... , HL MIT It., II .. P~nll ~.... MMA/tl I) It •s El I .. ., Ht.. ' Ailflw1y 't i • 00 tncem • • -Mel\ ,. 00 "'' MIC. II ~ u ,, •• 1... • ., 10 ,, bn•OI• IJ °' I) 11 .. I 44 u NL A , ( " G v I . lllCllOt 1.ll • INA HIV ._.. • .. MIO IS ti t• ~ C•,. IJ '° .• n Sflerm 0 • .. NL I 11" ., ... • n IC l.A.. ''•' iow 11 H..it~ IO n NL MCO I" •,. c;..-to 1• 1111 M..-a c;,1 11,. NL va....,41 ~ "'"''"'•" l lMnladl OrOUjl MyttGtll 11 44 H\, MEG t2 .,, HIVld ·~ .,, 'It"'•·-· '1•1>1_, N a.-10 •• pncr. Ut • ,, t"9f!I ' .. IO ISi Gl'Ollll Mf'O 10,. n 41 St•• ,L .. HI.. Ceoff • ., • ,. 11'141 T• u -" • ll)Ctm 4 )t 4 O noll, t n • Otwn> 4 I• 4 11 Mf'R 11.M U .$f ,., C.• 11 eo Into • .. I ~ GNMA i,._ NI.• lte<• e Jt t ~ , ... ., It» t) lft(Onl >JO a U MMl!I t JO • '1 Plle•lm Qrp nvt:ll It d 13 ~ a tin HL.. l t..C (il U 14 14 JI llltUlll 1t t• N tr~•"" _v.,I Mf 6 'tO •.. "111t ,. 106J 11.. lr\0\1 J .. • 1' "f.' NL.' LC Int n. IJ to YI.... ,. jt H Tnt Sh '., 111' lnl•• 10 .. 11 ti ~ c • ,, J 14 Vtllt .... 1 u • HI. • Im lllC t.44 ,.L tm 11G tt:'rJ I) ii t"•11n,.., J •1 NL MM-t•/O Nl .., MM Ill I 19 1 16 ~· E0Cl).'I' IJ ~ 14 If 'l ' H'-• 11"' 10 '1 NL ...,eteo t--. i"l•ropoi.1: ""'"'llt LYl!l'n ,..10-,_ .e 1...,1 1,.., ••l M111m 1 tt NI. Glfl 11 7' ,.l Af'\ Ulr t It t Q lntlp '1~ 10 D Elk to 42 11 14 loM UI t ~ $oOtfl '" lat• IHI Mlill ~ Hl,•f Miii 1' 0. NL ••ch U,!J' H ~IYlif II• U.. l ti> ti 17 a. ;llflel 11 Ot ti•? t''""~ .-veil 'gtv I IUt tot!;. ' tf~r <K-l HI l«m 11 04 1111 l11Vlll tCI. ti OJ C111 Id i " 10 U 11 lllt tt.)1 ll d Wt Ill 1S S-It •I Iv 11 t W NI. I ro 1J q "L li'el\tJ. -••II Nt1'r. t ta 6 ~ HI I~ 110 I~ P I• n I It H V llalt lvlld Orf -r..C1111• ~' Hi..• te '" UO NL Tll.~ 'JI Ill Taa a tut. 141,,t tH1Ut11t~ h " k '•1 &tmk H ?•' ,t NI.:' .,.,'M~· 1•. n ,, , ~'"Y ~ ,. 1~ Ir.!!! "I '~ ~wr 1:: '' ~ ~'.':~~ ... " ~~;r1 J ~ H: ~~ ;r =L ~,.;:. =,~ 1114~ l.,.. t: ~ = 1::.1-:.: 11' It.. M=~ ··~ : :~ ~= "1 :,a =t tM,., : I': =t :., IH": . WI&..., .,,.,.. O.H .. I !; ' •4 £"' ' "R lnU ....... 1''"' ..... ii'J... " t Ml .... ttlO 11 I t t ... r YJI : t t M ~· l 14 tfl l!Cll .... "'-0 ~ 1, i ti M. ttl , I It II» AM 19 t H II I II HL NI •I • M. 'lllillfhl 'l II NL -If& all ML. I HIY I U I 19 MM11QM '1 fJ NL h ,. I ti Nl 1..-II• II• WllC Llt ( --i IKll • ,. N I !.fO . , " • H •• ,. o... NL, ~ ~ltft ,.._ ,..,. = "i .,. """ I !'!'!9 Uh e&llelt 'lllltl .. ......, .... !Ill AMlfll ~· !:!~ '"' !: Et 1.. 1· 11 !IV 1W1 t '1 It lc;vt -•AO Pllft4I Jet NL AUIC ! "" ~ ... ... ,. .. I°''" Jiii Ml ~ ~"" .. NL 111-1 t. NL ~ ' lltw u .41 G.,, lee p =L ""' S.. It ... ti f-e... t !i ~ V H H C)(~ ~ Hl N" -tla .... " .: , ~ ~1·, "' ... t ::at u 'i; J;= rn a.. c-''r,";. ...... ,':.. ,. ,. .. ~ ' 8 .. SAN DIEOO (AP) -San Ole'° Gaa & El~tno Comp.'lny 111 seelons permission to rallc gas rates by 30 percent by October but aays .. lh •y'rt not justified In' today's natural gas rruirket." The petition askmg for a rate lncrea.se to~UnJ $57.5 mllhon was filed Wednesday with the Publle Utilities Commission. A spokesman ~id it all would 8" to pay for higher wholesale price• charged by Southern California Gas Co. . Don Felsinger, gas division manager of SOO&E, t.old a news conference that "w~·re op~ to these 1 new increases and we're fighting them.' Care Corp. ~arnings increase .. Compreheil.sive Cue Corp. of Newport Beach aatd· • first-quarter eamlngs of $2, 740 000 for the period. ended Aug. 31 were an lncreaae of ~8 percent over the · previous year's first quarter earnings of $1,736,000. First quarter revenues were $20,916,000, compared with $16,927,000 laat year. Fully diluted earnings per share tor the flrat :· quarter were 28 cents, compared with 20 cents last · year. Times Mirror declares .dividend. The board of directors of the Times Mirror Co. • declared a quarterly dividend of 60 centa per share on . the company's outstanding shares of common stock. The dividend was declared payable Dec. 10 to sh~olden of record al the cloee of business NQV. 27. R ealty seminar set Dr. Albert J . Lowry, the self-mad e multimillionaire author of the best selling "How You Can Become Financially Independent by Investing in Real F.state," will present a seminar tonight at 8 at . South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP)-S-Thu•.O•r t P<oCe •no nt1 cl\eno• 01 1ne ••n rno11 ecttve Ame<1can Stock hcnenoe 1nu.. 11eo1no Mli9<\tlt; ti mo<• th"" I I Oomt Plrl SOS,000 EvlMAr • JM,MIO -.ronca Int 2U,IOO Clla,,,., "'° 2°',100 ::ri:1~1 ::;·: K•yPflrm ' 11S,* Y~• Ut,>00 Clr<teK 111.100 A"'4UN • IOS,MIO UPS ANO DOWNS GOLD COINS • I I• ' \lo II 1't 1t i.. " ,, "' ·~ • 1 27 .... ... 0 1 ...... 11~• -lo<. P<t. Up 39.0 Up 110 Up 11.S Up 11,I VP II.I VP '1 Up t .S Up t • UP t I Up t.1 Up t I Up tO Up l .t Up l.t Up 1.4 Up &.2 UP 1.0 VP IA Up Up Up Up Up Up ... 1., 1.1 1-t 1.6 •• ., NEW YORK (API -PrlOH lat• Wtd'*°•Y ol OOld C01t1•. CO(nparad with T \141edlly'• prie. ICt~rand, 1 troy oi .. &4115 25, uo 17 26 ~ 1 .. 1, 1 •roy oz , 14115. 75, 11p tHO Mellcen IO ...... 1 2 troy OI , 15.CS 76, up M 1& AU9rtlilL t• INWa.. 8802 troy O& • S«C) 1&. up $7.00. Sourw 0Nk·Ptt91'• H EW YOAKIAPI FINll Dow•JonH •v ... tor Tllunc»y, Seo 1'. ~TOCKS . JO'"° <>;:., ~~, J:.:. ~~ii 20 Trn m t0 J74.'3 JM.JI M7.tt tA IS Ull 111.U 111.0I 11'-Jl 11 ... ._ o.t6 6S Slk »t •7 lM 21 "6.9' Ht U-Ltl '"""' 1.121..eo Tran ?,...,, IOI Utl" 1,7>',• 6S Stk U,.Jll,- WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK 1.t.PI Sep It AdvaMaCI Oe<ll...., UIK,..tlged Tot .. 1-t N ... lllglls ~: SW ,g:·. N•"' '-' Wtd &Ut 111 C>O HEW YORK CAP1 -· t• AOV•nted Oe<ll...., Un< ....... Toter•-New l\IQM New_, METALS .• ,,. 1 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonle<1°'3 metal O•IClel fhuf8<11y CQP91' 70,~-72 oen(a • PQU/\d, u S d .. tln1tion1. ~ 26-29 oents a pound. ~ •0-•2 c.tlll • pound, dallvarad •• Tin S6 2439 Metal• w.... compoaiw lb Aluftl"-t 76-77 cents a POllnd. NY. Marcwy $340.00 per llaall l"lalllllffft $365 00•$372 00 troy ou,_, NV SILVER flluncSe• HlnOy I Harman $9 120 Olr ltor °"'- GOLD QUOTATIONS .. SYMBOLS .. Cl Hew 19a11'y IOw U•NeW yaerty "'!lb , u "en otll«fwtM noteo •••.-ot Oov~ ••• lnnu•I Otll>vl~ll l>IMd on IN la~ qu1ne11y or sem•·•nnu•I d•Cl•r•t161\ Spfle1Al 01 l•tr• dovtd'enclS or 01~11 ~ dtSlQnAltO U rtg11I .. "" odtntll..0 wt '"1 IOll0•""9 1()(111\0le\ •·AIM> t•lrl or •~traa ~Annu• rtle Olu• st4X• 01v10•nC1 C·L1qu1C1t1tno 0•••0~6 Cl Oet!Weo or p..o in !"~ 11 mot14t"t: I O.Clatt<S or Qa>d .n .. SIOCll Ot..clen4 '91 904•1 up 1·P..O 11\11 year, c:ltv;oend 0<n•ll .. - Clele1t.O 0t no Kt'°'1 1111.en •• 11111 ~l ,,...1ono •·O.ClllfeG or Pl•d '"" ~··· .,., .eccumul•11ve '""' w1111 01....oenC11 in anNr• n·~ , .. .,. r·O.Cllfed or~o '"or , 12 11'\oncna lllv• 11oc:a C11v.o-1.P \ IHKk on l)<.uHlll\Q 12 mont"-e~lin\91 CISJI •lllla on eJ d~q 0< et -dlllll1llV O•tt ' "' -. a.£•·Cl1...o.l\C11 or , • .,.,.. .. ,.(A..o; .... ~ ..,.,.,..111n t·S-111M . • CIO·C•llM wCl·Wfltn 0-JlftOUleG -WMll ' 1n11td ww-Wrlll warrantt •w Wolflf "'" Nl\11 •Cl•••' •-cl"lnbVllOll P [ r•llO ffll j)fQ OI • MOCll a•••• , MulhPte of 11«-111•• ..,n~l\leG bi/• dlll•dit\9 the IAl .. I 12..fnontll tlM'fllntt ~ lnlO IHI Hie Off« • 1 • Of.,,. Cout DAil Y PILOT /F'rtday, &eptembtr 17, 1H2 .------- TH£ t 't\MILl' ClaCt8 "Know why God makes twins? He gets tired of thinking up new faces." ~:\RMADl.:IKE by Brad Anderson "What a rellefl I thought we'd have to catch that big dog we saw, but fortunately we lost him!" Jl'DGE PARKER GARt'IELD 81GGEOaGE 8 " • .. J 12 i1 by V1rg1I P1rtch (VIP) ~ e -- "Now show them your OTHER trick 1hot, George." DEl\NIS THE Mt;NACE Hank Ketchum •1-11 by Jim Davis YOU GET A LOT MORE ACCOMPLISHEP IF YOU DO IT WITH AUTHORITY PEANl'T I WAS MOPIN6 TO LIE IN THE BEANBAG AND WATCH TV ... Tt MBLE1t t:t;DH tACROSS 1HEWIV~~ MISSOU-~U d SHOE r· . . . .....-------TMAT'S TME STOO' OF MV Lll=E ... by Charles ~4. Schulz LOW MAN OH THE 8EAN8A6! by Tom K Ryan fOR CENiURIES w~ve l'EEN1lf't'INE110 MAii~ SOUN'7S 1l-lA-r E'l..OOPUJR171..ll\IG: ~~~rrw! PUT A LJTTI.£ ZIP IN YOUR WRITIN6!! -by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller ~ANGWAY--- 1 M IN A HU.RRY Ft:NIK l' ~INKER BEAN ~,I l..NOERS1AND ~ BOU.~~.~ S-rnR FUU.6ACK1 It> l~UR€D AND wot-tr BE P\.AC.>IN& "TONl6H"f ! BRABBLE ~~ ~JIUN, If 'IOO'U. *>'t 100 ~'f. 1'0 -----:--.-_-. -~'-: -: ~~" ~ ·-----"" ----, --">--- ---.... ....__ ---:-_..... -.. -:--~ --:-:. _ -: .... _ -.:.-... -'' . -:,:-__,.... --------- by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan C>1m~r-~11 rw: UKEA~~! °" ~ r~ #£,SIR\ 'bl~~ITIS~ 'bl ~TUO l OlLEUE ANO ~ ~ PAn· 11fl'E. X>6 ... l'M 6LAO ~ ~l Molil ... ~I\..£ l'M w.c&~ 'b.J~ ~. IJ\lL ~ RUO • 'fAA1" ~N 1"o Pti.? ,.00:\ Mt· LLI NS SpuNPS CR,A1Y, 8UT A BUCK tS A 8UCf( ... by Ferd & Tom Johnson ·~-==----l HEARD SWIVEt- SAY SH~ LIKED A 'MAN WfTHA TOUCH OF <5RAY. NO"rHIN' PeRSONA&..., KIPPO, ~u-r WHA,.- YOU'Vf;. GO-r IS AWFUU.Y CA"rCHING/ • . .., .. _.,NOllCl CW IA.LI ur MA&. ""°"""' A1' 1"'9YAft IAU ...... ,, .. /. \ Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Ftlday, September 17, 1882 at ....C M>JU -MUC ll)TICf MOC fGTIC( • -j YOU ........ ~,~. MN •• ,.. NOYICI cw TIMIT .. 'I MU rtalC NOTICC ~ lllOTta • P\atc NOTICC ' MJC M>TICC D••D o• "'u•,. o•no Nones or DEATH OP u.i'C..,,, ..... , NT~.u..... r10Tmou•~.. "°'mou.IWl1i11 "°'"*''..,..." ~~~1\:'~oue:::i:r, lUL J . J . CEKAOA A.ND '·'·oAU::-..... ITATIMINT ...... " .. .,....,. .... ITA.,..NT MAm lfATDdT In Ille luoe!tor Oourl of Ille llete 01 Celllotnle, ror the Counly ol OrMOe In Ille Metter ol 11141 ht•t• ol DAVID H ICHWARUMAN OeoeMtd • YOUtt ,,.,OPlfnY. IT MAY II P IC T I T l O N -T O H f! A ~ f! I , I NA Ho 1 A t the totklwino p~non 11 doln!I bli~~:"::lna l*tone .,. doing Tile follo.tno '*'°"' eie doing 1IWI loilOW1nQ Ptl'Mn• •re doing :.~ ~ ~~:=·C:: = ADMINISTER !ITATIC NO. ~~u":.~:A~~:.~1 ~1:ir,: :'~r~APS, 112& w .. 1GJ1tt °'. AOVAl.AtT. uo~ we41 eout but1=~~K. 1112u 11oo111111,.1• 1111•1~ ~MPOITT&Ae, 1320 8 NA1'Ullll OP THI PltOCllOtNG A JIHll dtterlbld dMcl Ol ttual Wtl.L lfLl ,_t:: 8"cfl. CA 92800 Hl~wey. N•wport Doori. CA No 204, W"lmlntl•, CA 02883 State ColleQe 9"'d A11..ne;m CA AQAIHIT YO~L YOU IHOU'-0 To all h 1111, ~oofklarlN, AT PUILIC AUCTION TO THI ~ ~··c'!: o= 1•11 O;. ta tPINORlfT VACHl8 )103 Crll!O IC.Oii lhefmen. 111123 I .,.,. CC!'!'~.T. L.AwYM. • credl\or1 •nd continaonl HIOHl8T 8100Cll\ ro" CAIH TllM ~It ()Of\O~ltlCI by an WHI COHI HIOllw•r NtwPOrl llloolclult, No 204. WMtmtMler, LIN I ROOK TIL INC • .......... °' 11Wl'Tll. IA&.I C1t•dllot1 of K•rl J J (P•Y•blt ., time 01 Hie In lewflll ~lelvel hKh CA t2883 CA t21A C•lllotnl• COtPOtlllOn, ll&t • Notice 11 fllretly ol\len thet tile UndertlOned wlN Mil at l'IWele Nie, 10 Illa nlglle1t end tlHI bidder, tullleot lo oonllrmellon of H id 8Ul*IOr Court. on or el1et Ille 4111 d•y 01 Octtobet 1912 II Ille olfloe ol Jull•n I . r'en•ten, • Profefflonal Corporellon. 700 South Ptower, T-nty•Seciond Floor.I.. County ol loe AngelM Stet• of ueHlornle, 1111 ttlel right, mie end 1n1., .. 1 of Mid dec:MMCI et the ume 01 d••lh end all the right, 1111• and lnlei'•I tl\11 the Hlete Of H id dec:eeNd hH eoqulred by operallon ot la• or olhenw!M Olhef' than or In addlllOll 10 11181 of Mid~. 11tne11~ of deltth, In encl to 111 Ille Clltleln rHI property tllu•l•d In Clly of Legu!'a HUit, COWll'I ot Or•noe. Stet• ot C1lllornla. partlciula rly detcrlbed M IOllOWI, IO wtt: PARCEL 1: Dwelllng Unit foot In Tower No. t u N.ld unit i. lllown on thcrt oertaln Condominium Piii/i •118Ghcld to end rnede • pen ol 11111 cetleln Oeciaretlon ol Covwnentt, Conellllont enel Rutrlcillont roGOfded June 13, 19873 In book 10748. pege 274 ol Olllole l Rec;orde, and u amenellld tly an \~~~u~ec;>f=. ~1~ 1~ Offtclel Record•, In Ille o~ ot the ~ Recorder °'Orange County, Celltofnia end e 11311 th Undivided lntwwt In end lo lot I of TrlC1 No eote. •• per map ...corded In bO<Ht 310 . P•O•• 33 1ne1 34 o l Mlecell•neoua MNM, In 11141 oltloe ot N ld County~ . .nown and defined u "Common~" on 11141 ebove-referred lo Conelomlnurn PIM. ExCltc>ttno lti..•lrom any por11on ot loll A, S and C of Mid Trac1 No. eote lldJolntno Mid Lot. Allo 111oeptlng trom Mid lot 1 ell gu, 011. hydroc•rbont, mineral• ane1 0111er eubetanclll l'flno below • depth of 500.00 .... l>ul wlllloul the rlghl to enter upon tile eurl-or 9U~-ol IM proper1y el>ovw e Clepth ol 500.00 IHI for eny purpoee what-.. ~in deed• ol rec:ord. P ARCEL 2; .Non·e•olutlve NterT!lnll for lngrNt end egr .... publlc utllltlet, -• and for 111 purpo1H lnc:ld•nt•I thereto. lnciludlng. but not llmlted to, the c:ont t ruotlont. ln•t•ll•tlon, r•plec•mt!fll, repelr. malntenac;e, opetltlon and UM Of ell ,_eery or dlllrable rolldw1yt, aldewelk• end cone1u111 over the lollowlng deecrlt>ed land: f.e. Ne. •1• C k d d . • montr ot the un1110 llettt) 111 ,..... 1 f~ Thie' b auun "ocll•ll• 8herrnan 81•1t College llvd , Anehelm CA NOl'ICI 18 MUIHV GIVl!N thet •• a •n peraon1 who r\otlt "'"end lnltl .. I OOll"'* 10 bullnetl 11 CO<lOUCllO y • 181'3 a lrookhu1tl, No 104, 9:lll0t on Frldey Octtober I 1N2 ei too may be otherwillt tnten!llted eno ~ow lleld oy 11 undtl' l4MO oeeo ,. flll• '111.,,..''1 waa lllea wnn the oorporellon WH1rn1n11e1, CA 92083 Tiii• l>ullnett la conOUCled oy 1 o'CIOcll. m 01 Mid dey. In the foom In the wlll and/or tat.: Of Trutt 111 the P.opetty ,,., .. ,,., IAOUll~ Clerlo OI 0••111il• County on SplnOtlll Veen•• Tiii• lluilln ... ,, COtldUC:tlO by .,, 'orP<H••IOn Ml ulcM fOf cionducaina TrullN'• A tJ••~ L a -.......... m...1 dllQ(lbed· UO 6• 1912 A.A. &ell, "r" lndllllduel llntllOOk Tiie, Inc Se ... Within the otti.t ot Rl!Al · pe uun ,,_ ....,n ...,_, T"UITO" MOHAMMl!ID 8 1 Pt•1rr Tlllt ll•l-t wu filed Wllh 1111 Ctlllg 8hwmen Rey M~, kl}' UTATI ll!CU,.ITllS SEAVICI! by K arl J . Zucca In thf' OAUOO en uomerrled men • Publtlh•d 0!8nge Cout Delly County Clerk ol Ora"Qe County on Thie 111'*'*'1 wu llleO wrtn tne Tlllt ''*""*"'wee lilied wtth ,,,. ~led ••1n2020 NOrlh Broeowav: ~~.~rlor Cou~1~.?~ ... ~an1e • llNJl'ICIAlllV MIRCVRV Piiot. Aug 27• Stl>I 3• lO, ~';,~~== Augult 11• IH:.! ,,.,.., COUlllY Clefll of Orenoe County on County O.,t. of OrelrlOI Coun1y on ..... te 200. the City of &ante Ane. ...ounly A'qUCll-.. ..,,.t K.arJ v AV I N 0 I A N D l 0 AH .. ubltaheel Orenge CoHI Diii '901 ?, 1f'2 Av0utl U . ttU ~unty of Oteno•. 8 tet• of J. Zucca be-appointed •• AllOCIAJJOH. • GCWPoletl PHot Aug 27 •--1 3 10 11 tOU ,.,..... "1Mtot c. II I 0, n I. R £Al Ii a TAT. I . "9Gol'*I Mercih 3, 1NO .. lnalr ... •c """ltCC • • .._ • • • Pvbll•hed Or•n~ CoHI Oalljl Bu.IHll.lte4 Otaooa Co.all 0.Wly SECURITIES SERVIOI, • OetllOrnl• .,.nona repre1entaUve to No. 1 .. ln book 13&20, P8(1138a ol ' -nu -3'11·12 1'1101 Sep1. 10, "· 24. Oel 1, 111ei Poot. ~ug 2l. ~t 3, 10, 17, IH~ ciorporetlon, .. duly appointed lldminllter tho Oltate of Ka.rl OttlGlel ~d• In t1141otttceot1111 tc~• .. _IC NOTICE _________ 3_•_8s-_o? 3818·1~ frutlM undef end pureuent to Ille J . J . ~luida. Aec;O(der 01 Orange County, Mid •ICTITIOUI 8UllMlta l'"UIK. power ol .... conr•rr•d In th•I The ~tltlun 11 aet for dHd of. tru•t dHorltlH th• ..... ITATIMCNT ,., c TI T I 0 u I • U •. IN I. I Plate NOTICE Gerteltl OMd OI Trull H9CUled by h~ Dehl No 'J "l 700 lollowlng proper1y Th• ro11owt110 Otrton I• dotno NAMI ITATIMINT • u -I • I 0 • c 0 JOANNE B WILISON, an unmerrltd c ,.. . . .. -Lot I!, ol Treen 94N, In ttw Olly t>u.ir-... The lollowlng P«ton• .,. """"" .. " " u " T 0 , ...cnnoua llU ..... woman, recorded Octotier 2. 1H1, lvlc enter Drive, West, ot lrvlne, COIH'lty o1 Ofenot, e1e11 of cl Ass 1 c ANT 1 o u E 1>ut111H1.. ~.. CAUFORHIA NAMI ITAT'hmNT • In Book 14242 otOftte111 ~dtOf Santa Ana, CA 92702 on Calttoml•, u P9f mep raootded In 1.AUTORATION. 2•28 Newport VPA. INC , 4425 JembofM Rd , 700C=-"J.!:r ~ .. , f"9 IO!tOwlng .,.,_,.ere Claflll> Hid C~u11ty, •t PIOt 780, October 6, 1982 ll 9:30 A .M. Book 411, Paget 40 lllrOUOh 43 81Vd., Cotle Mff8. CA Ue27. lulle 190, NHport &Hoh, CA , l>ulifltM K ' Ricord., 1 lntlrumant No. 2808, by IF YOU 0"' ..---to th lnclutlve of ml9Cellaneou1 mapa In AOOP ABRMIAM AGOPtAN, 92880. ott OfflGe lk>• UI ElEOANT .. ENT Al GOWIH, r•••on ot • breech or deteult In ,,_ f thu.o~J•A• e Ille ottlee ot Ille County Aeoorder of 5838 v1rolnl1 Ave . Lot Mgelel, CA 1' VI DE D PR o DU cl Io N ••nl• Ana. CA mot 111 10 Cetdlnel. l'ountaJn Vllllty, CA peyment or perlormence ol tht iJ"at\•m8 O e .,.,t uon, you Hid Or•nae County 90038. ARTISTS, INC , • C•lllornl• Melt~ 01 the 021oe • obllgellon• ucured I hereby, ahould either appear at the VOU ARE IN Of~~Ul T UNDER A Thi• 11u11neu I• CIOnducted by.,, corpate11on, "425 Jtmbor" Rd "°°""°" "•tltlon ofl Cerot A~. t110 Cardl1tal1 lnctudl';J th•I breecll 01 deteul1. heiring a nd uue your Dl!EO OF Tl'uST DATED 1nc11v1dua1 N .... 00fl~.CA92680 e.::..:•'llAV, FountlllnVlllley,CAt2708 Notice wlllc:h w .. recorOecl June obEtlons or file wrltt~n FEBRUARV 21, 1980 UNLESS VOU AQOP Abrllllll'I A0op4an Thlt bullnest 11 conducted by• CITATION (ll'ROeATI) 8hlrley Ann D1rroch, 2080. 2. · 1982. u Recorelet't lnetrument ob ti I h h TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT VOUR Thi• ttet.ment wat llled whh Ille corporation c-No ..... ..._.5 BrOOkc.t• lJI , Huntington 8MC11· No .• 82-t88188.Wlll8ElLATb c ona wi t ecourt PROPl!RTV,ITMAVBl!SOlDATA countyClcwkotOrengeCountyon v 1e1e o Proe1uc11on THEPEOPLEOFTHE•••• CA92648. .L ~ ' PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE e ~re the hearing. Your PUBLIC SALE. IF vou NEED AN Auo 414. 1982. Ar11tt•. 1ne SlATt OF CALIFORNIA Tiii• bull-I• QOllQUCled by. HIGHEST UIDDER FOR CASH, •p~arance may be In pel'llOn EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE f1M0t1 Bren leisure, p,.. To· GLEN HAROLD CARDEN (lenlfel peflnttllllp. • lewful ::;:. ol :.':United StatM, or by your att.omey ~~UTH"o0RJ>C0EE~Ng AGAbNST Publtehed Orange co .. t Diii)' Tiii• 11e1ement wu llled with tht You 118 hereby clleel •ne1 fhlt •t!i!!if='m1e1 With UMr olr ,• c; ·-'--~ k drawn on . J F y 0 u A 'a E A L·w·}.,R TH Ul ONTA TA Piiot. Aug 27, S•PI 3. 10, 17, 19112 County Clerk ol Or•nae County°" required 10 •Poeer ., • t1ee11 .... In c~·-1y c ............... ,,,.,. c I I •• or net .... -l>llnk, • •t•I• or cnron.rroR ... T... "• teldreu OI lh• 3820-412 Augutl 23. 1982 ... -· _ .. "' .,._..,.... oun y OI\ federal or.cit! union. or • 1t1t• or ~ or a con11 .. 0 en1 de91Qneled proper1y It 58 CetY«. ,.1....... 1111' coun on l2·3·82 •1 8 45 • m. in Aug 23 1982 • tedefal .,._ ___,, f •'-d -'6 C _, Dept No 8, louted at 700 WNI ' ' .... .,.,end loan UIOClttk>n o.:•~Wr o Ule ect!ued, you lrvlne. elllornle Publltheel Orenge CoHI Oetl~ Civic Center Drive, Sent• An• ,,..... ~t:",~~r !:.•~:•;!I:,~. 11~ble.!l muat file ydur claim with the 11~~1g' :.~~~\.ec:~~9:,, C:b:'.": PllllJC NOTICE Piiot, Aug :17. Sept 3. 10. 11. 198~ C.lllornla 02709, ano 10 oiv• •tl'J' Publlthld Orenge Coa11 D•llll "' ... "" court or pres•nt It l th WJO> 3819·8~ ....,&, ree~ why, -~~ore11~ to , .. _ P11o1. AUO 28. Sept 2. o. 18. 1982 lnl.,•11 held by II,•• Tru11ee, In "' o . e w1rrtnly It g lv•n •• lo Ill .. -1494 ....,.. -· -,,. 3794.l:l fhet reet property allu•t• tn Hid personal repreaentattve comp1e1en ... ·or correct,_)," FINC'f'T111eou1Ta..~!!.•NTH Ml.IC NOTICE ~~!'~1!"~~~111i~P~Wi~~·.~~ County •nd State, dHcrltied H appointed bv the court T1141 benetk:lery under Mid Deed .. .., .. _ be "8..IC NOT1CE • lotlowa within four mon•'--from the ot Trutl. by reelOf'I 01 • breeell 'or The tollow'lno perton 1s doing T 141MO no01 • ll'~~eci Lot 68 ol TrlC1 No. 6018, .. per d f f .... deleult In 11141 ol>llgetlone MGured bultnM• ... NOTICE M T"UITll'I IALE lled ....,, 8· 1982 ORANQ( COUNTY .u,E .. tO• mep reco<ded In 800ll 188, Pagee ate 0 Ira~ l11uance of th4H'eby, lleretolor• HeGUled Ind DESIGN SHOWCASE, 2426 T.•. No. lee A Bienc;h COUltT M to 30 lncluelve of M~ let~re u provided ln Section dellver•d 10 the under•lon•d • N-part Bou .. vard, Coll• Men. 1111,. o" TANT N T t c • To ~Ylej~.,,. ... A Noni~ ... o. lo• .. Mapa, In IN Otlioe Of the county 700 of the Probe~ Code of Wfltten Declar111on ol Oetautt and CA 92827. "'°""TY OWNER: ,_ ·-•ente Me. CeltonUe t2702 Reorelet of Mid ~ty. California. The t1'm e for Dem.and tor Sale, end Wflllen notkle I AGOP ABRAHM AGOPIAN. YOU AM .. DllfAU..T "A Oepuiy 100 CMC 0-W Dffl• w .. 1. Tiit " • t dd ol btllCll __ .. ol ~.·~ "'838 VI I I A N 1 l I Publlthed Oran~· Cou1 Delly • I .. __ c...-.........1. ---o r • • r••• or other c111 .... "'"'""'" will t . ..... --""' 10 ceuM ., ro n • v• , o • 01 DC o cw TitUaT, OAnD A . M, PllOI. Sepl 10, 17• ~. o~i t, 1982 en • ..._ _._ -· 1 common d••lgnellon of th• , .. , ..... i .. -, • ., no expire th• underalgn•d 10 .. 11 Uld Anoete•. CA 90038 1M1, UNLH• YOU TAKE AC ~ PLAINTIFF CROWN CORK 4 P'oWl'I "41felneboYe deectfbed I• pr or to our m onth• from properly 10 Ntlaty Uld Obllgellont, fhl• t>utlneu It oonductad by.,. TO l'ROTIECT YOUR "" Y, 39~5·82 SEAL COMP~Y. INC purported lo be '2901 Ca telpe the date of the h earing end therHll•r me undertlgned lndlvldvel. IT MAY ~O,_A~ !< IC PUBl.IC NOTICE DEFENOA~T: FRANK ANDRE\"( StrMt, Newpor1 8Mcih, Celllomle. not.leed above c:euHd Mid notice ol brMGh and of AOOP Abrlllem ~., • Al I ·~~~J ~I AN CULLUM Ind DOES I through xx. dl!:.:.~~d.~i'T.'!b~~~y ~:,'~~~ ... -:,ol)UlcMAbY ~ ... XAMINE ~~-:~1C:. \~.~,~ ~~08~~8~~~: ~~ cc!i~y'~~·~~~ou~~y'~~ .. ~~~::>N UDIMO AQ:.=~ 'ICTITIOU• 8UaaNIH lnclual,,. •UfllflllON• lnGorrect-In Mid llreet llddreae lnc e ept y .... e court. It book ol Olfk:l9f Record•. Augu11 24. 1982 YOU. YC., •HOUU> CONTACT A T NAME •TAHMINT CAM ~ ..., or othef' c:ommon deelgnetlon. you are interested In the Seid Hie w111 be rnede. but ft-LAWVlll. °"'~1~na Pl'aon• .,, dOlnQ NOTICIEI vov MH beef! •lillet Said .... will be made wttllOUt estate, you may file 8 request without covenent or werrenty. Publl•h•d Or•no• co111 Delli On Sep11n1btr 29. 1082. •I 10:00 EQUITY BUil DEFiS. 17391 The-' "'111 dee* lfMM1 roe wurenly, exprau or Implied with th l I ••Pr"' or tmpli.cl, regerdlng tllle. Piiot, Aug 27, Sept. 3. 10. 17. 198: A.M .. GATEWAY LANO SERVICE. Casper Circle, Hurlllngton Beacih. wllhcMlt ,_ being hNrd llftlfft regarding title , po1Hulon. o; ~ e .courf thto rece ve poHeulon. or encumbranc;et. lo • 3821·8~ INC .• •• duly 1ubttltuled Truttee CeJlfornle 97947 you rfftlCNld within ao dera. "884 encumbrenc:e1, to Hlltly the I nouce O e filing of P•Y the remelnlng prlnclpeJ tum of under •nd purtuant to Deed of Franklyn How••d R_,, 17391 the lnfOffllellcNI below. prlnctpal b1lanc:e ot the Note or Inventory of the estate the note eecured by Mid Deed of Trutt elated August 24, 1981. CHper Circle. Huntington S..ch AVtaot U•l•d II• •ldt 01her obllgetlon Mc:ured by H id ueeta and of the petitions Trutl. wtth lnt.,.t u tn Mid note P1llUC NOTICC rec:ordld September 2. 108t. H Celifornl• 92847 · d•"'•l'ld•do. 11 Trtbuftlf pued6 OMd ol Truet. with lnlerN I end a cco u n l d ' provtd~ •dvanc:ee. 11 any, under ....,._., Inst No 3803. In l>OC>tl 14208, OllQ4I Robe•t W•lherell 1001 Ee-decldlr -"• Ud.. alft tt • •cle I other eumt H provided therein; ~ an • r eports lhe lerm• of Mid DMcl of Trult, ,..,..,.,.....,a.,...aa 101411017 f Ofllc:lal Record• ln ' •• -.-Ud.. ~trt P•u• edv•n"•• II eny und~ t"-deecribed tn Secuon 1200.5 •-. cller-.a and ex-011... NA.Ml ITATDlllNT 1 .... tt•--·1° .... Coun • n Bey Front, Newport B••cih, delO ...._.._le ......, " • ' ~ ,,.. f h C ..--,..... ·-· ,,. The loll I 1 .... 0 .... 0 t.... ty Aeclore1et1 Celtlornl1 92883 a'--.... term•lhereofendlnterMtoneucn o t e alifornla Probate Trut1MendOlthe tru1t1 c:rHtedby ow no P•rton • Clolng of Orenga County, 811te ol Thi• builneu l d 8d b -..- 1e1venoea, and plut 1-, Clhergee Code t Nld OMd Of Trut}-Seid 1ale wlll be b~-et: Cl.llfornl1, executed tly LORINDA B. gen:etel ~nnerlh~p~ uct y 8 1. TO THE DEFENDANT· A c;ivll end expenHS of the TNtlM and of AIU Qolbet E l88G held on TuMdey, Octobet 12, 1982. SE CALIFORNIA COAST POOL HOUGHTON, 1n untnerrled woman, Rob Welherett ~ompleJnl hu been llled by tnt the IN.U c:rNled by Mjd OMd Of · . rJ, sq., •I 2:00 p.m., et lhe Cheprnan RVICE. l753 l BllH Clrole, Will SEll AT PUBLIC AUCTION This ,181_,,8111 wes hied with tne Plelntltl agalntl '/OU. PARCEL A All ol the lend dMCrlblld In Perc;el No 2 ol Ille! cerl1ln Deed reeoreled June 27, 1974 In book 1118 I. pege 1270 Of Otf~ Aeeord• In the omc:. ol 1111 County Recorder. Trutt. The lot•I •moullt o• Hid Cealary Park EHi, Ste. 890, Avenue entrence, to th• Civic Huntlnglon BNc:n, CA 92849. TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH County Clerk Of Orin~ County on •. " you With lo. d•lend lhl• obltg•llon, tncludl11g /Htonebfy Lot Audet, CA t00t7 Center Bulldlno, 300 Eut Clleipmen Slephen C.,I Moore, 1763 l (payab .. et time ol tale In 1ewtu1 Augual 24 1982 lawtull. 'IOU must. wilhln 30 d•'I' Hllm•l•d feea, c;lle rg .. end Pubtfshed Orange Coast Avenue, In the City ol Orange, == Clfde, Huntington BNch, CA money of tile United Stet") •I lhe ' ~111er2e elter thl• tummont I• -Yed on PARCEL B: LOii A, B end C ot T1ec:1 No . 8098. n per mep rec:c>rded In book 318, 011Q11 33 end 34 ot Mltc:elleneout M•P• In lh• olllce ol the County Rec:ord., ol ••Id County. more c:ommonty known u : 1008 T-. 1. Leguna HINt, CA t2863. Term• or HI• C:Hh In lewtul money ot lhe Unlleel Stet .. on ..... or p.,, c:Uh end belence eYlc:lenc:ed by note Hcured tly Morto•CI• or Trutt o..ct on 11141 proper1y eo told. Ten I*' cent of emount bid to be depoeltlld wflh bid. Bid• 0t ott-to 111 lfl writing end will be received -at the eforeHld olflc:e 11 eny time elter th• flrtt pul>llc:etlon hereof and before Clete of Nie. D•led Ihle 9th Cley of 849tember 1982. • .._..,, I. ,_._, Alty. M ~ ,,.....,.. .. ,_,...,. ............ ~ 700 •• "'""'. 22nd fl. loe ....... CAI0017 Attye !of hewtot Al"n!!ldll.~ ~ .t"ttte if•111to of .... Decodent. Publl•h•d Orano• CoHt Delly Piiot. Sept 17. 18, 24, 1982 4123-82 8lll*IM9 011111 TrutlM, 11 1111 time Dally PUot Sept J 7 18 24 Celttornte Thie bu* It Horth Front Enttance to 1111 r.OIH'lly Pubh•ll•CI Ore!>ge CoHI O•lly you. Ille with 11111 c;.oyrt a Wfltten ollnllletpubllcetlonolthlsNotlQe,19 1982 • · • • • At Ille llme ol lhe lnltlt l ,_. c:onducllelbyen ~hOUM.700CMeCenterOttve Pilot Aun 28 "'~t 2 9 18 1982 plaedtng In retponH to'"' le7,372.a3. publlcetlon of tlll• notice, the 1otel lndl\llduel. N I s t A c II I • -· . ........ . . . . complaint. (II • Justice Court, yov Oeted: September 14, 1992. 4122-82 amount ot 11141 unpetd b.,.nc41 of Ille Stephen Cert Moore ·ig~t 'uu!~d 1n7!es11~~~ ~~ 3748•82 must Ille wllh the c:oun • wrl11e11 RI Al IE•TATI aECU,.ITlll obllgatlon •1ec;ured by lh• e bove Thie 1111-1 w11 llled wtth tile and now l\elel by It under Mid Deed PUBUC NOTICE pleedlng or c:eute an oral pleed•nt llRVICf, rtllJC NOTtCE dHcrlb•CI dHd of trutt end eounrc Clerk ol Orenge County on of ,,,,., In Ille property tllUll~ In to be entered In the doclcll). Un .... • C...._. ~ Hllm11ee1 c;o111. HpentH, end Aug 0. l982. uld County end Stet• detctlbcld w. ITATEMeNT Of' A9ANOOHMENT you Clo to, your default will bl M Trwtee flCTITtOUa .,.._,. •dvencH 11 I 131,282 68. To '1-l"EGAl DESCRIPTION All that Of' U8E Of' FICTITIOUa entered upon epptlca11on ol Iha D.J. flilor1tet. lh ~· ~ 8TA~NT del411'rnlne Ille oe>erllnO bid, '/OU nuty Putlllthed Or•ng• COHI Delly cer18'n LNl•llOl<I &l•I• lllueted au ..... NAiii plelnlltt. Ind llria court rney enter. 20llO N ....... ., Me. -T1141 name Of the~ c.11(714) 937-0968. Piiot Sept. 10. 17. 24, Oct 1, 1982 Ill 1111 Stele ol Cellfornta, County o4 The lolloa_l_ng pertona 111ve judgm9nt egeinSI you for Ille r•W a.nte AM, CA la'1'lll CLUB OE MECCA, LTD., 2~2 °'" s.pt.,,b« •. 1982 3"6-82 Drano•. City ol Co111 Meu. •Oanck>Md lllruse Of Ille F1c111~ demended "' tile comptairlt, whlcilt (714) 11>4910 Toponu Cour1, t..egune N19Uet, CA ...... f'INANCIAL C~. dMctlbed .. loltow.. Bualnesa Neme c:oufd rHult In garnltllment oJ Publtthed Oreno• Co••• Delly 92877. .. Mid,.,...., PARCEL 1; Wiget, !eking °'money or property PJIOI. Sept 17, 24, Octt. 1, 1982 It hereby reglttered bv tlle •r T.D. al,.YICIE COM,.ANY, P\IJLIC NOTICE A tuble•Mhold In end 10 Unit WESTCUFF NU~ES REG . 1817 or Olller relief requHted In lht 4124-82 lollOwlng. :r;: tt-o14U i~ on lot 1 of Trac;t 10526. u We11 c1111 Or . Ste 209. Newport complalnt. ----.,.---.,.-------! Club de Mecc:e. Inc.,• coar-,AMt.a.c. flC~•a• .. •-aa shown anel deserl1>ecs In th• 8eec:ll,CA92660. b.ttrovwtelltollMllUM~ ~llUL"-M)T1C( Calltornle corpo<lllon. OM Ctt, llhd. WM1 "•...,., --Condominium pten• ("plan"), wtlidl Tiie Flc:tlt1ou1 Bu sin en Ne me el ., ......,.., M INe l!lllttw, roll -~===~,..,...,..,...----1 Ger•ld Ouc:llarm•. 2434 2 Orenee. CA... N,.. ITATUIENT plen WH recoroeo on 9117180 In , ••• ,,.Cl to •bove WU tiled ru ......... pr...., ........... ~~A~U Toponu eoun. L.aguna Niguel, CA (714) ....._ Tiie lollowlno perton 11 C101ng BOOll 13737. Page 1057, et MQ 01 Ofenge County on June 3. 1911 ..,._ ......,_, tf _,, _, bp T 92877. Publl•ll•d Oreno• CoHt Dilly l>utl""8 ... Olftc;tal Recorelt of 011nge county Ro11•rt Inc , • C11itornl• Ned°"......_ t>utl~Ollowlu·. ng P«IOna ere Oolng Thlt t>u.i-It conducted bye Piiot. Sepl 17. 24. Oc;t, 1, 1982 DIAMOND UPHOlSlERY, 2~26 •or u mey be re-rec:orded ' c;orporellon. 1817 Westc:lttt Or , Ste. OATID: .,.,_, 7, 11a limited Per1neralllp. 4121·82 NewPorl 8ouleverd, Co91e Men, PARCEL 2. 209. Ne)pon Beech, CA 92680. LEE A. BRANCH, ..... f~Me:.sM!:4J..E9. ~!>ut 8::' ... 0ucfllrp-~-"" •-II' NOT"'r CA9 .. 208207.t .. B ...... A .. AGOP .. N An unellvleled one llfty-lllth Thl1llutlneuw11condU<1ledby11 Clerlt. ··-• · one • 2-s. • _,,_ ~-~ "' .. ,.. """ ... 1,.. • (1 /551111 1n1eru1 es • 1enen1 In !e«por111on By· Jenny v. Moreno, : Jayce 0.. Rldlerd1, 840 Anne. Thie etat-1 wu flied wtth lM flCTinOUI ..,.... 5838 Vtrglnl• Ave , No t . lo• c:onvnon In 1 wb-leuetlold ntlle Flokert, Inc:. T ... ....,. .. ~'Y lJgune BNc:h, CA 926$1 A. 9rencll. Coutl7. Cletll ol Oflll'Qe NA• l'TA,._NT An~. CA 90038. In end to ell ol tne ,.., j)f()perty Floxano Wetd .. .._ ....aON, ~:"~.~~·1849 Anlla. County on Sept • 1982. The following ~rton I• Clolng hi• bu-;, oorioucted by en lncludlng wllhou1 llmll•tlon the Prts1c1en1 YOUNG a IUl.ENTOft Thlt ".., ...,_, ~-a ......., bu"-u · lndlvtdual common erH u dallned In the Tilts 11••-t w1s lllld wtth Ille 514 ~....,. ........ ,,__• IMdl,_. II COllOucted by • A "'"1111Mal ~lllfl ElllE WAllCOVERINGS, A00P Abrlhem AOOPlan Oecleru1on o f Covenenu County Clerk ol Ofenge Cou!tty on 110 ...._A..._. ,...,..-11 Pettnetthlp. AlWMp • uw I l"A 38 .. 8 N ... C Thi• ttel-1 wu lllod with lh4t Condition•. end R .. trlcllons Aug 26, 1982 LOftll ~ ~ tMi ~ • JoYC9 o, Rldlerese _ Mm c 1•1ra1a Aret llMlt ...._ " '" I.. ewport .... ecll. A County Clerk ot Orenge County on "Oec:tarl!IOn") !eootded on.9/11!80 F1~ Anom., tor. ll'taMtlff ~~:'I ~em:·~::....~~ 'on1141 uo •• .,... ~REGO RV KEVIN CLINE. "Augutt 211, 1982 )n Boote 13747. Pege 1545 et Mq. of Poblltlled O-r90ge C'oHl Dany--~c.tl & .... --Ce.. .... .._, -..,... " 8M 1*96, CA 112101-447' l lSA 3B h 6 Newpor1 '·1MON Offlclel Recorelt of Orange County Pilot, Aug 27. Sept. 3. 10. 17, 1082 (211) 4»«ll01 . I 15, 1982. • '1-92883 I 1 • Beec:h, CA Publl1hed Oranoe COHI Dilly nn lot 1 of TrlC1 10525 In Ille CltY 3772·82 Publl1lled Or•nge CoHt Diii)' 1'197411 Publlthed Ot•no• CoHI O•lly Thi• butlness IS oondueted by an P11o1. Aug 27, Sept 3. to, 17, 1982 ot Coet• MN8 .. Shown on • "'9P Piiot. Sapl 3. 10. 17, 24. 1982 Publllhed Orenge Cou1 Dell}' Pllo1, Seot. t7, 24, Ocl 1, I, 1982 lndtvl-·""• __. 3822-82 reeorded In Book 462, Pegee 48. .,._ 1r N()nl'r 3908-82 _.1101. Sept 17. 24, Oc;t 1. 8, 1982 4127·82 ...,,.. 0 ,_,,,_, I<. Cline ..., • 49, end 50 ot MllGelllineou• MI08 In ~uu..n. 1 ~ • ----------4-1-1-44-2 .,._.,. NO'""r Tllit ttatem;.u~ .. llled wllt11he the of'llc;e ol t1141 County Recorder of VDU AM,.. DE:FAULT UNOE" A rtaJC NOT1CE ------------P\ll.IC N()TtC[ ..-~ ,,_ County Cie<k ot Orange County on rtllJC N011C[ Said Orange COUnty, or u they mey DEED Of' TftUIT DATED AUOUIT C"'·~ DlllH NDTIC:IS Aug •t 20 1982 • be •monded or t•tec:otded. 14 1H1. UNLE•a YOU TAKI NOTICI Of TIIUIT'f.S'8 IA.le ~.~..:· u . F19M07 '1Cm10U9 llU ... aa EXCEPTING THEAEFAO~ ACTION TO ,,_OTICT YOUR NO~T~. ~=·· a AL.I T.a.~1 Tha following perton It doing Publltheel Orenge Co111 Delly N.u. ITATlmNT Unlit 1 through 55. lnclu~ on lot "'Ol'«"TY, IT MAY 91! aOlD AT A NOTICE ,_.,,.. ""*-u: Ptlot, Aug 27, Sept 3, 1o, 17. l982 Tilt lollowlng per1on It dol11g' 1 Of Mid Trec:t 10525 u lhOwn on "'9ltC aAL.I!. IF YOU •E.O AN YOU AM .. OU:AU..T UNO€fl .4 GERMAN VDU AJW IN HPAut.T UMOl.J' A S ,, ME,. F E D 3836-82 ""*-.. uld Condominium Plen IEXf"lANATtON Of 1'HI NATUM DE l!D Of TRUIT DIED 0 f T" U a T , DAT I! D U '"' " 1 l ---------.....;..._;._ BORN BEAUTIFUL. 28 8Ncon EX C E PT ING FURTHER Of' Tffl "'OCIEMNO AOAtNIT ' OAT E O G E R T R U D E J . al .. TIMll" t7, 1MO. UNU:aa ENTERPRISES. 18831 Agete Ctrcte. rta.JC NOTICE Bay, Newport a .. c11, Callfornl• THEREFROM. all lrnprovtrnentt YOU, YOU ... OUU) CONTACT A DIECIMll'LJJ, 1'"· UNLEaa YOU TAKI ACTION TO '9!0'nCT HUntlng1on e..cll. CA. 02849. 02890. •nd 8Pf)U'18nar>e:ee loc;ated or to be LAWYE"-YOU TMCIE ~110M TO fl9'0TECf GERMAN. ri!sidenl of Costa IWOU" ""O'IE"TV, IT MAY •• Wllllem Frencil• Surnmerll•ICI. c .. 3'1U Jeen Agnee Baell, 28 8eec:on loc:at•CI on H ICI Lot 1 OI Trect NOTICE Of' TfllU•TEIE'I IAUE YOU" .... 0,l"TY, IT MAY •• Mesa, Ca. Passed away on !IOU> AT A~ IALa. If' YOU 18931 Agete Clrcle, Hunt1no1on VDU ARI .. DllPAUl T UNDO A Bey, Newpotl &Hell, Calllornla 10525. T.a. No. 3Mt7 ~ ~!.Al~ .. ~..! VTHIOU September 15, 1982. Born INHDANIXPLANATIONCWTHI! 8Nch,CAt2e..9. DllD 01' TRUl1' DATED 02980. r liX<CEPTING FURTHER NOTICE ISHEREBVGIVEN.lhet NT., ..... ,. ........... ,..,....,... Dec ember 4 . 1 9 0 9 in .. ATU"I Of THI l'ROCHOfNQ ... !1~!.~"'-.. ciondueled tty en .... TSMllft to, 1 .... UMLIEI• Thi• bullMN I• COndUClted by en THEREFROM, exctutlvw ...-nttnll on Ttiurtdey, Septembot 30. 1982. A UH OP' THI ll'fllOCHDINO V AOAINIT YOU YOU aHOU w"' ~ YOU TAK• ACTION TO "'°"'CT lndMduel In and to Ill those rHtrleted 11 9:00 o'clock a.m. of uld day, In AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD S I n Ci eedn nbes . 1 n di a n a . lcONTACT A LAW..... LO Wllllem F. Summerlleld vou .. '"O"l"TY. IT MAY •• ,,..,, Agnae Beek common ., ... u shown on Mid the room 111 Ulde for c;onducllng CONTACT A L.AWYUl urv v y her daughter On Tueedey, October 19. 1982, •t Thie 11··-· w• llted with lh4t SOU> A1' A~ IALL. YOU Thie ltet-1 WU flled With Ille condominium plen TNtlN'• SelM, ""'"'"the oftlc:ee 01 On September 24th. 1982• ., • tt Margaret Sue Fair and h er 10.00. m., TRANSAMERICA TITLE County Clerk Of Orenge County on NUD AN UJl\.AMATION °"TN COUnty CWlt or Oranoe County on RESERVING THEREFROM, REAL ESTATE s ECURITIES A.M., WILSHIRE RECOHVEVANCl husband car I Fa Ir 0 f INSURANCE COMPANV, .. duly Aug. 11• 1982· P1taill NATU ... 01" THI .... OCllOINO 8491. 2. 1982 HHm•nlt tor ecceu. Ingran. SERVICE. loceled II 2020 North INC •• Celtlornla Corporetlon, • Belflower Ca., son Bill •ppo1n1ee1 TruetH under end Publl•h•d Oreno• CoHt Delly ~g:~:~: :~w:eo,.u IHOULD f1"71'1 egrHa, enciroac11men1. 1uppor1. Btoedway, SUit• 206, In Ille City ol !."!>'su~~':'T~~= German o( 'Calta Mesa, Ca., ~au,.!~? 20Md2. 1go801l. "" .. •'1~1r. dedNo. Piiot Sept. 10. 17. 24. Oct. 1. 1982 NOTICI! M 1'MllTEl'I 8ALI Publlehed Orenot C<IHt 01111 rtpelr, replaoemenr; malnteneric., Senta Ana. County of Orange, Stell Jin. 16, tOO 1 •• •, II ln11. No .,... _ .. .,.. ... 3991_,2 Piiot, Stell 10, 11, 24, Oct 1, 1982. and Other purPOMt, ell U lllOwn Oil ol Calltornle , REAL EST ATE l5.2e6, In book 13913, pege 1638, 4 grandson1, 4 grand -29198, In bOOll 13152, PIOt 14ae, -UM>E" DIED CW TMlaT 3998-82 the Condominium Plan or .. SECURITIES SERVICE, a Cellfornl• 01 Otllclel Aec:orda In 11141 ottic. Of d a ugh t er s , 2 great -ol Olflelal Record• In Ille Office of rtllllC NOT1CE ' TC .No. IOMI defined In 1114t Decler•uon. ciorporellon, as duly appointed the Count! Recorder of Or•not g randsons and 3 great-th• Counly Rec:ord« ot Orange LMll No. 4m7'I PARCEL 3 Trvtt• under end pureuenl 10 lhe co 1 t 1 1 c 111 1 C 8 C --·• ......... NOTICE I• hereby ~lven that •-.,. Mnnrr Non·eaclu11ve ••·--t• tor p-ol HI• conferr& .. In l"al un y. • • 0 • o•n·•1 g randdaughters 2 brothers ounty. lite of alltornla. .,._,,,,..... -SER"ANO .. ECO E ~-""''~ ~"·~· .., " Eltec:uled by ROV N HUNTER~ . • E•ec:uled by JAMES F. FAHEY end NAMI ITATDmNT " " N YANCE ec;c•••. t nor•••. •or•••. certeln ONO of TNl1 ucuted by MARGARE'f M HUNTER. huSl>llNI and 3 sisters. Funeral LINDA FAHEV. Will SEll AT The tottowtng penoneeredolng COMPANV . • C•lllornla f1Cnnout9U9Mll enc;ruc;hment. support, and tor Shr•o• BrOderlOf'I, •tingle men. •nd wile. Will SEll AT PUBllO services w ill be held on PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST bull-... Corpor•tlon .. trUll••· or ~ l'TATIMINT Olher pur~. all .. thOwn In the recorded Septemb4H' 23, 1981. In AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOE" Sunday, September 19, 1982 BIDDER FOR CASH (P•'l•bl• ., PAX tfnERNATIONAl, 937 tUCCHIOr 1tu1tee. or 1ut11Utuled The followlng '*"°"' -doing Condomlntum Plan •nd .. defined 8ootc 14229 ol Offlclel Record• Of FO c s ti o4 Nie I tewlul of Ac;eputco SI .. lagune 8HClh, CA lrUllH PUrtuent lo the DHd ot but!-ae; In Ille OeclerlllOn. s•ld County, at pege 1030, R A H (payable et lirne ol Nie at 1:45PM at Pacific View u~ 8 n money Ille 926$1. Trull executeel by WILLIAM R. OCEANVIEW INSTRUMENTS, PARCEL 4. Record.,'• lnatNmont No 28924, In lawlul rnon•y 01 th• Unll•d MO"'"'...., Ch 1 Inte n led tetu) et lhe Chepmen WHITE endJACOUEllNEJ. WHITE, 2" 3 "'-·~· StetM) at the front enlranoe 10 tht • -, ape · nnent A--entrenc:e to the CMc c.nter Oemlr Jottp Peveo, 93 7 .. 2 W. Peolflc; Cou t Hwy, """"'llYI _,,.,11 In end tc tty reuon of• brMCll or default In old Or•""• county Courlhou--at Pacific View Memorial Bulldlng, 300 E. Ch•pman Ave , Acepuleo St., Leoun• Beech, CA end WILLIAM J . WHITE •nd "-Port9Nch,CA92883 1boMportlonlOIL011o1 .. 1c1Trac:t payrnent °' performenc:e ol tll• ci'" 8 -· P k N o--h Ca Of Cellfomle..,....... Ille and 92651 rec:orded S.pterr11>er 18, 1980 In Wllllem l Her1on~, 21881 •10525 tllown •nd defined u obllg1t10111 1ec;ured tllerebv. locete on ent• Ana BIYd • ar • ewport ~c • . enge, . .,,..1. t . Book 13748, Page 160, ~""'*'' ... __.. .... _, ., ...... _, .......... ..,..__,... I I dl I" I , ~ SyceM0t9 St & 8'oadw•y. Pac If le V iew Molitua ry tntereet CX>ml9'fed to end 110W helc:I Jim a-ion. 937 Acepulco St., Offlelel _.,.,..,..,.,.., nunt""''on CA ·-,,..,..,. ""''"'""' .,_ wNcin ere nc u no net breac:h or de tult, Senta AM. Celifomia, all rtgrll, Ill .. d ' by It under Mid Deed°' TNll In the Legune Beec:h, CA 92851 No. 24415 of Record• In tht t2t4e AP\. 153. adJ_,t wllll end eppunenenl 10 Nofloa of wtltc;h wu recorc!ICI May end lnl_. oorwe)'9d to •nd no. Jrcctors. property tlluatad In .. Id County ftllt butlnee. ,, conducted tty• olllc;e ol Ille County Rec:ord« ol Julle M. Hartong, 21881 Mid Perceie 1, 2. 3. end 6 <*lc;ritled 27, 1982, 11 l'\eGorder'a lntlrumenl held by It under Mid OMd 01 Trv~ -------------1 •nd Sl•I• delc:rltled 11; gtnerel r>artnettnlp. Orano-Counly, Cellfornla .. end ISfOOl<.nuttt, Hunlltlglon 8Ncih, CA hweln, No. 82• 182943, Will 'SELL AT In the propertv tllueted In .. Id , .. ,_Cl•OTHHS ~-OADWAT wo.TuAa't 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 8,t2·9150 IA1.TIIHGHoH SMf"4 & TUTHtU WISTCUFf CHAPll 427 E 17th S I Costa Mesa 646-9371 ,_Cl810TNMS SMITHS' NOllTUAa't &27 Maln St l-tlnf~aoh r r.cairtc Y•w .-.,.,ALPAU ~tety Monu91Y C hapel-Crematory' 3600 Pacll1c View Or111e Nwtport BHC:h 644-VOO 0 ... Lot 45 al Trec:t 6006, .. tflown on Damlr Jotlp Pevec; purtulllll lo '"• Notlee ol Oefeult 92&4& Apl. 163. PARCEL 6 p u Bl. I c Au c TI 0 N T 0 THE Coun"' end St•t• Cltec:rll>ld .. • Mep ,_Old In book 183, Peoee Thie •t•t-t WM flied with Ille Ind Elec:llon to S all th~•under '"" ~ .. ciondv01ecl by an An undlYldlel one flll'l·llllh Hl0Hli8T BIDDER FDA CASH. l~t 102 Of Trac:t No 2822. Ill ...,. 15 end 18 al~ Mepe. In County Clet1l of Orenge County on rec:orded Mey 24, 1982 In Book lftdMduCll (llulCHlnd end wtfe) (115511'1) '" IU'nple lrll-1 Ill end ltwfUI money ol tflt Un"ed Sletn, tile City 01 Coate MeN. County of tilt oft1oe of the County Recorder ot &.pt 16, 1982. NIA. Peot Nl"...!f_.~rvrnem Ho. W1111em l He11of1o I 0 th t Im Prove men It e nd Of e cuftltt'I eMc:k drewn on e Of_,_ Slete ol r atu......•• et ...-Mid Coun... ,...,. 8217823~ Mid VJT..-Aeoonte. wM Thia ttet-wu llled wtt11 -llP~r1ena~ on Lot 1 of Trect attee or ne110net ber*, • •l•t• or -... -. · .,.,. • ..,,.... ,....., " ••• SELl Oct•.._ I 1-.,,_,. 0 ,. l'NIP ~ In Book 118 Pagee ~ Th• "'"' •ddren and other PubNthed Oreno• CoHt Delly on .,...... · ...., at t:16 Coutlty Oetk of 0reng9 County on UI 25 l"lml)rovementt") eubj9c;t to ,.,_, .. Ctlellt union, or • •1•t• or to 18 lnc;lu•lve ol Mlece1teneou1 common d"'onat1or1, of the rHf Piiot. Sept 11. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 1982 1.m . •I Tiie front entrenoe to tne Aug. 11, 1M2. lh• 1erm1 end co11Cllllon1 of the 19derel Mvlngs end IOen eMOOletlon Mepa In the Ollloe of 11141 c tt property dHcrlbed ebove I• 4113·8~ Old Or1nge Counly CourthouH , ~,_ Declaretlon, end lh• term• end domlclled In thltatete, aH oeyeble e1 ~Olf 1 Mid oun putported 10 3129 Bolton Wey, locieted on S1111te An• 8ouleverd, Publl•hed Orano• Cout Dell)' condition• of th• Meller l .. 11 Ille time of Nie, ell tight, title end ···~~. 12, 1981' Coate~. Cellfornle. ruet.IC NOTICE tletwHn 8yo1more 8trHI i nd Piiot Sept. 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 1N2. rtcorded 8110169 In Boolt 4833. lnlernt helO by It, u Trut1 ... In lnet. No. t81H BK. 13971 Pa~ Tiie underalgned Trull•• ------------Broadway, Sent• Ana. Celllornte. at 3997-12 Pege 274 et .. q ol Olflclal thet rHI property tltuate In n ld l920. Clltelitme •"Y llablllly for e ny NOTICI TO CMDfT°"a publlo MIO!lon, to Ille lllghMi bidder "-de Counly end St•I•. dHc:rlbed H The ttrHt •ddreH end olllet lneorreci1,_ of the llreet addrNI CM' llUUC TilAMeP'IJll tor CM11 pe)'lble et the tlmt of.... Tiie '''"' aelelrHt end olh•r follow9: common deeignatlon, II eny, of Ille end other c;omrnon deefonellon, II (leoa. a101 .. 107 U.C.C.) In •wllll money of lht United lt.e1el. "81.JC· NOTIC( c:otnmon deelgnellOn, II any, of tile Lot t OI TrK1 No. 9886 u per , .. 1 property dacfll:led abow II lln'f, lhown herein . Notice I• here~ 1111en 10 the 111 right, tftlt , end ln1trttt, ,.., properly deaerttMICI el>ove 11 mep recorded In booll 4 11. pegee pufl)OrteCI 10 be-1808 Belter St., Seid ul• wttl be m•d•, but ~~1,~~t:~·.~J ~A~YT~,."HJKv&: ~~~~dtod::: i':.°':'11e'*dprif.{yf Notice 1, hereby given tly the purported to be. 401 8rlglllon 47 through 60 lncituelve ot Cott• MMe. Cell. . wlthoul ciovenent or werrenty. II ti d a pplicant CA(IFORNIA $iwlngll,CotteMaN,Cellrornle mll0elleneou1mept,rec>ordtollll4I The under1lgned Trullet ellP'M• or lmOlled. ntgardlng tllle, ~~n ..... ~,."!&•~~·d·,!..~•1n,17111r7orw'.· !'!~•led In Mid County end lite COMMl!ACIAL BANKSHAAE8 1 The unele,.lgned Truttu Or1noe County Rec;order ot H id dltcilelm• enu llab.lllty tor •:t po•-•lon, or enoumtlf-. to ... ..,.. .,._, _ _, -..... Claec;rlbecl u_fgllOww: 0 111 1 • dl•olalrn• 1ny trebltlty tor eny ¢Olillty ln<i -... 1 .. _ =& .. d pey 1111 remelnlnQ pr1nc11pa1 eurn of 19111 StrMt, Coet• Mau. CounlY Of lOt t of Tr1ct No. 1061~. u 1 orn • oorporetlon, "5 TOWft lnoorrecl,_ Of the ett'Mt llddr-Tha ttrHI •ddreu or other orT_,,_"' ••' ""' ' 1111 not• MCUrecf by Mid OMd o4 Oranoe. State of Calilorni.. that • 8"0'#n on• Mep rtoordecl In Book c.nter Drtw, 12111 Floor, P. 0 , lo~ end other cornmoft deaiOMllOn, 11 common d111on1t1on ol th• rHI •nd other comm0r1 •llon, • Ttult, with 1n1e rHt thereon, u bUlllltrenef•le•tio.Jttobemedelo u a. PaoH 45, 48 and 47 ol 7060,Coet•..._,CellfomlltHat, ll'ft tl'loWflhtteln propetly Mnlln•boYe delertbctcl le •n~,llhow!\hereln provided In Mild not•,~" BERNARD PAUL RENEAU end Mltc:•ll•neou• M•P•· record• Of ~ Wiii apply 10 Ille Fecterel e'atd H it wllt I>• madt, bUI purf)Ot'led to be 1101 Debra Drlw. u:'d .... wlll ti• made. blll eny, under the tarm• 01 Mid ONct THrA•nN101•"r••J•E· Awt.101R1 E .. Nu•'tnA1U11• OrengeCounty, c.r11orn11 Propeny .. --... ~~to s.ct~ without cov1,,en1 or warrel\ty, Cotti Meal, Ceh!Otnle. ; out cio~I ~~·17,• .. y. I T 1 f h " v addr ... Lt purpott&Atw known•• -.v. .. ,. __ ·~.,.COftlOenv ,_, •~ ... or._,..._., ,,_........, litle The ndt 11oned ll•r•b l(PNM or ft,_..,, ._...ft .. ' • :.~ O, ,:~;U:,.:'~1of•1r;! •ddre11 I• 2115 South H•rbor, 30IS KloncMt•A~;Co.t. MIN, t o tleco"'• • h nll Ho1d1ng r,01Huto~'0,9,;cu;t,",';ncea dl1c;lal~1 e1t' lltblllly for en~ po.-lon, or enc:umtirancea, 10 '''"" c;reat•d by llld Offd 01 ~o•I• M~=· County ot Orano•. c.li1ornl• 02'2e. ~:· ~~u~r~,:~ nctudlno ; .. ,, c111ro•• and lncOffe<:lnete In Mid .. , .. , eddr"' ~ r:'ec':='!:s~ r:: ~ Trvtt. 1;: °,!,~':·be tren~twrecl It t1.T~0~~ 1:0:1~!~119 .=,: ThOuHnd (480,0001 elluH of ~,~:!,~": ~';'9!:1d~ ''!1 °'a":.~::'":..':' ~;:c:ttllout Tru11. wllll lnlereet thereon. n ~04;' ::'°"'1~:.::: louted at 717 w 19th 8trHt, by Ill• ptoperty to tit t0ld and common ttook of lout111rn T··•u . 10 P•Y fll• re m1 1nln9 werranty, upren or Wl'tplled, r.= '::' ,::•;, :=,"Q tly the property 10 tie lotd a nd Cotti M .... County ot Orange, teuonetll• Hllmelld co111, ~.:m '=.'~°'C*= P 'clpa11 1um1 of the noletlJ) reo•rdlng title, P•HHllon. or or Ttuet, I•••. 011.,0 .. •net renonetll• H llmated ooeu. ltete Of Callfomla. txoei-end edYanoM 11 Iha time ~ t2TOI wt1tCfi ..._ .. • ured tty Mid Deed Of Trutt lo encwmbrenoH, to utlely 1111 ~II..,. TUIMe and ol '"' •Jt.PenMa end edY-el the time Said rroperty le dltctlbt<f In Of lht lnltlll putlllcietlon q,I the GOl\llllute ona hundred n.Afffftl "'"· 127,650 09' with lnterH1 l)flncloat balenoe 01 tlll Nolt or lrultl Cf .. llCI bJ aald Deed oP< of Ille lnltlel putllloetlon of Ille rnere 81 •II llOClr Ill tredt, NOllOI Of I ... It 1177,419.91. (tOO peroentl or tfte i..u;d -ll'9f.on from Je~ a, 1tl1 et othef Otltloellon MGUNd by Mid TN91 Notlcie ol Sale 1e 121,321.oe. •"""·~'end oooe1.-. Of Only currently dated CHiii«'• outitandlno •h•rt• ot '°"'h;,n 11.28 pe1< cent per an,,um 11 Oeed Of 't"ruet, With lntereel and Tiie '°'et emount of .,. ~ The berteflolery unc11f Mid ONd lhet PflOIO 8eNlol ~II~ Clleckl Ot Ctrllltff Checikl ere Cetlfornle N•t1onel aank (Ill ~ In Mid "°'8(8) ptul_oottl othet tum• u provided lllertln: t1e111nOe of me ot111g.-ueciured tty ol Ttuet llMtolor• Heculed end u 8e11 lttloto IH IOCei.ct • 717 ecctl)llble 10 tilt Truttee orOltldecl 0rDlllllU1ton) end td\lanoee mfldl by hlllflellrt, plut advenen, ti any. under lhl Ille ptopertr 10 be 10(19 !Hid daltvered 10 the und•t1lgned • w. ttlll 81r.-t, COetl Mela. Ooun1y Pfoper ldentlflOlllOn" evalleble. flle)pub41o. It ln"'"9ct to eubfnlt WICtl In._... ~ ·ea~ Of twmt ''*'°' end ln..,_t on IUCll , ... oneble ettlll't•l•d co11e O'!~n~e'r.: :'n~': .. = Of ~:\'u~~et~ ~n~it be wf~:!~l •:!~.~~~11>:,~:,~a:.~~ :':.:',::"',.::.. "\:::•~ ="" ol 11nder1r1no llrtt 1ru11 ::•:;:;,:dOIC:: T':.. °':J: !.--r11e"'rnr=. ~i:n ":t 'r,: NotlOI of Otfeutt "'° '*'IOft 10 OOl\IUfl\INled on or lfter the 4111 eicor-or ln'C)lled ~ 1tae. , d 1 " .. ..... TN beneflclttY ~ Nld 0..0 1111 tNl\I CtMled b'f Mid Deed of Hotloi °' .... le 111 trt oo ltl Tiie UflOll'llO'lld ~ Mid d4t'I of Octotier, 1M2. at 12 Noori at PO•-llon Of encum11fen•. to • •re IHtYt ftll ot I an Of ""* ller9'ofore .. ec:uted 11nc1 Tru1t. Tiie lot•• 1"1ount ol M id n. "'~ und.t Mid o... HoOct Of Otfllllt Ind lleCtlon to Cetllornla ... I hcrow, tnc., t3A Mtltf'/lhelndetlteOnelleewredlly :::::..~1~~ ltallYWed to Illa undertlgned • obl19811on. lnctlldtno re•eon•~ of Trwt~ __,led '"'l ltl 10 be recotdeCI In !tit couniv bet f7ttl ltr•, au... 108, coete 1Mldl(~1 1~1Udt"~•'".!......tee ... ~ 111., than lfltrty 1101 d•"• 11 .. , written ~111on. of def&lft *Id Hti"'•t•d ltH. cllatOH and dellvlfff to Ille ~,, .. ,,141 1 ..,.,.ttle,...MC>PlftYllioc.ted. Mw, County Of Oranoe, 8t•te ol ,....._OT ,,. ,,,.ii ....... ,,.. ._,..,.,., 10 , .. 2 " ........... 0..IMnCI for 8 ato, and • wrlll•n ...,..._o4thlTMt ... tltllatlme Mitten Otc:MlllllOli Ol°Oefd encl! o.tt: ._M!Mr 1, 1eu. Cellfomffl 1ru111 orHl•d by H id dHd, time 1, nHdeCI fo; eubmltt1no Not* of ~eult and Elocltlon to orlnltlel putlllCatlOn of.,_ lotOttoe.,. Demand 1or ..... _., , wrltt1'1 fra11tet1tertH TIU• lftHrH•• Io t., • • know 11 1 o •II• tdvMOM INrlllndar, ~" im.... ooiw•1s -"' "* _tlofl ,.;;; a.a. Tiie UttdtnlQtlld oaueocs Mid 121.es2.n Hotloo of DofllUll _. lleollon 101 CH•MJ Tr1n1t1rM1, 111 t>uel""8 nemoe "prO\llded thetaln' end 1M unpe1c1 _......_ .;... _,,.::::-;:;; ~ Notice ot Default" end lloetton lo C>ated ltc>tornt>« 1 tMa ... Tllo ..,......,_. .,.... ... • ......... k Ind llCldl 111 llWI lly Tr....,.,,. ~~ Clf the notuooured lly .-~ .. (4111144:i1i'e T'flo ,;;-... to be ,.,, .. "' lftl 00\lftty "EAL UTA Ti Nol~ _. .,..... to w ..... .... AM, CA _,... ._ot tfll llW .. ....,_ iltl Pitt .,.. el .. CI wltll lnterHI l.llareon H ~ Wiii .........._ '""fll"Artll 1t'9,.. ~ • locMed. IECUM10 SllWM:e. ~ In 1f1e oowncy ..._. N c.t.:'..-1 ~ 11111010. t.e Hll>ta, Loe pr= t;:,::8 i, 1ri2 tnc1uc11no '~~o;"i ~;;'~1tc Date "4'0I* H. ,.., • -callfomle OOl'OOfllllOr\ !'Ml """*" II ...-. • ,u ..... !=:...~---.-·De11y· ~~~--. •1•• ... •o a,00111 .. Y•Mc1 llMttno «WM--... Oft.. ~LMO..,..,lfto. 1 ..... ,. Mlt\llUll, .,.... .....,.. n. '* a -"' Cilu --;:_ ., ._ CoMPMn • .. -~nu-.. "._ .. ........,-, ::.-:. l= a.t...• _,,"" tty OJ ~ ...,... """°''~-N. l'llot, lept 17, 24, . '· ~~ ....... ,_ ~ mt............ = :::::.i =-..,. dur'"9 Ho,"° . I ' • "8 l'nilldelll • ...:I.\>.-=-::row:=-.., . I t-_________ ... _..;;a~ .. ·~:...= Of.,.. COHI Dilly !::?~OA --0 Al I, 0 .. H 111 ~0:-~J. ..... CA tOOtt ..,... ao:o•o Nortll •ro .. wey, Loa~ CA 80010 flllot,.... 17, ,.., • n..e COMMl~l ~ • 110 '.. .... i.n11 AN. CA "* l:r'C''11 ' ';' .. ':'."-'.'. ~/'ttal': t--::11rrr~!"P.'~~-_.,..;.••y;i:~=~"8.Cca . l.,. ., ,,. ,.,......w 1111 1 ~ H Juo•r. ¥*,,......... . 191 117,41...,...10 _ ,.,...,.,.=::, . 0-Ill I· ,II.LL Idle nMte wlt11 a I'~ Otllllfl eo .. 1 011ty ftvb4-.. °' C...t n ~"*' °'8fttl CoeM Olltr "'*'lellN Otanaa CMe• Dlilly Pu...,_, OtMIO OMat 0.-. 11.-.cf Ad. M -N7I. Delly "'°4 CIMtlftM M . "°'-8"" .. t7, M, on 1, 1111 f'llot a.,t to. 11~ _, ...... "'" a. tO. _. 11, 1t1t .......... 10. t1,M. 1tll ~ "°" ......_,_ 10. tl. tlt:I • •12Mt • ~ 3t1t.U • • ~ : iJ • I. J, • .. I r, -./'. SEE US THIS FRIDAY, --- $ATURDAY, SUNDAY SA E IS NOW ON-e. I st C:OME, I st SIRVEDI DON'T MISS ITlll . . BRAND NIW '1982 TOYOTA TERCEL · 2 Door S~dan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped (476445). Front wheel drive for you mount'aln drivers. Economy, reliability & quality -you get It all ANO at • super savings! s OUR LOWIST PRICED NEW CAR! BRAND NIW · 1·992 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (271211). All trre'-performance, economy & reliability Toyota is famous f.orl Don't miss this one! s , WORLD'S BIST SELLING SERIES! BRaND· NEW 1982 COROLLA SRI .LIFTBACI< 5 speed transmission AM/FM stereo, floor mats, pinstripes, wheel well moldings (805616) Don't miss this one. s ·aRAND'NEW 1982 TOY~TA PICKUP Standard bed Vt ton model wtth 4 speed transmission & a 2.4 litre engine. (053974). You'll J-U-M-P for joy at this fantastic buying opportunity! Fully factory equipped & ready to roll! s BRAND NIW 19R TOYOTA4x4., PICKUP 4 speed transmission with multiplex radio. This car has window package & much more. (050332). s SPORTY WITH···IAT FUEL ICONOM-Y-1- ONE TOUGH TRUCK! A .TOUGH TRUCK --RIADY FOR THI DIRT! 1966 Hat'bOt BIVd.. costa Miii 'lhlnklng of selling your car? If IO, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects; take trade-ins, · hav• avaUable financing & do all paper wort<! When your car Is sold all.you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-9303 714-540·9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS IN. ORANGE COUNTYll! 11111DOllY UPll LIFTllOI Ec0nomleal 4 c:yt. engine, 4 IPMd tr11n1., air cond., atereo c:aaa., pWt. ateerlng & brakea, rear window lhade & exoeptlonally clean lnlide & outl (43493F). $5699 1171 TOYITA OlllLU 2 .. .- Economk:al. 4 ~ with air cond., atereo ca11ette, exterior trim package & morel Very clHn & completely orlglnall (347YBK). s3999 1111 TOYITA llPU .. llllNF" The ultlmate Toyota with full PQWfr, al.r cond., atereo, crulae control, tilt wheel, alloy wheels & morel (964XMN). Don't mlaa thl• one at only s5999 1171 TOYOTA OlllLU WIUI Po pular 5 apeed trans ., air conditioning and AM/FM stereo tape. (245WRN). Room for the Whole family at the low prlce of J~•t s3399 Believe it ~or not!. *2999 --;-~--! 1~----------~.o;-.i 1118 lllZll ~°f...Jt• -L.~·--· 1171 llTlll 1210 . 4 door, auto tranamlaslon, radio & heater, low mllel. Excepllonal car In & out. (189PSU) 111 MIPE American Airlines 5 apeed, elr cond., atereo, alloy We're ,.....,.ic.,, """,,.. wheel• & more. ( 195ZUY). Don't 00t119 ...,., ... c1o ti.•1 ml .. thl• one for only WIN 2 RCUD TRf TICKETS TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES llt"'V , .... ._ *' -!Kt -one OI CM _,,,,_ 99 ~---J#Cf:.=---------11c•re chittnQ S.oMm~ to (tUakty '°' Of••tne by th.s ONllftniP tor 1 "'lE r°'-""d ''IP licqtt fO HAWAllt ¥.e A~c•n A"hne~ Mvtt hlliire ve110 ~"'9'Wf'\ ou•t --oo ,,,.. ~.,,...,... """'"'o~ NotlMitror1 or A,,..C<r ~ ~ or ,...,, " 11 4 TIYITI OlllU!I INIT OllPE Economical 4 apeed, a/c, AM/FM tape. Muat aee to appreciate. (121KXZ) '299.9 ..... ~ ()j;o. ·-.. -... '''°'" 11ee1 drow t --------------·--------- .. l .. Diiiy Piiat · FRIDAY, SEPT 17, 1982 FOR THE RECORD C6 Dennard w8nts to do ·talking on field Preston Dennard has never been a · headline grabber, publklly ~>('ker or fortune hunter. All the Rams rcct.•1ver has ever wanted to do is catch footballs. But instC'ad of running pass patterns these days, Dennard has been busy running routes around reporter's questions. Earlier this wt.•ek. accusations were levied against certain Rums players, charging them with "laying down .. on quarterback Bert Jones. At the professional level, or at any level for that matter. not only is th~ charge considered serious, but also unforgivable. The action uo comparable to taking a dive in boxing, or purposely engaging in an act of ineptness. Both are unthinkable. But such a finger was pointed at Dennard, along with Billy Waddy, Wendell Tyler, Kent Hill and, reportedly, some others who have openly backed Vince Ferragamo over Jones L~aving the m in the dust JOHN SEVANO The entire aCfaJr even reached such epidemic proporuons that Coach Rny Malavnsi relt It necessary to talk to thoSC he lelt were involved not once, but twice, prior to the-start or the season. In fact, J ones felt so strongly about it that he even approached Malnvasl, asking that the coach talk to a few players tlbout the problem. .Dennard denies he plays differently under one quarterba~k than a nother . But the truth 1s the five-year veteran hasn't seen the ball too much this ... Univer sity. High's Gary Ianuzzi leaves T us tin defender on a 50-yard dash . iwuson , and It doesn't 111ok llkt· th1• s1Luut1on is going to ch~ingt• suon. Jn th<' four pre11t•ui.on unu one regular season games playcu thus fur, Dt•nnurd ~1as caught but one pass. Projected ovl'r a UJ-gomt• schedule. the Univcn.>1ly or Nl•W .M(•)(ICO product Will have gathert'<.I in u whopping four f>abSc1> total, which 11> in c.Jm.'t'l <.'Ontrast lO th<• 49 ht• t•uught an I 981. all I would do is got myself into a position where if l breathed the wrong way I'd be gone," says the Fountain Valley resident. "The way I Koe 1t, my worth is going to be the same whether l catch 100 balls or 50. The same thing happened to me my senior year in college. I only had 27 balls thrown at me all year, but I caught 26 of them. ~ the problem'! Anyway, udd to thut Lhl• fn<.·t that Jones has io;hown a tcndem·y th111 M.•uson to throw to has running bac·ks more thun his wide rt'«.'ivcrs, and the fact that Denru1rd is an the final year or his contract . well, Lh<.· p1l·turt• has to be getting clejlrer. "If I only catch eight balls all season for the Rams, and that's good enough Lo get them into the Super Bowl, then that's good enough for me." Dennard. as only a receiver could, does a nice fake~ the Inside when asked 1( he thinks Jones is purposely avqiding his receivers on the CJeld. Despite the shaqx•r focus, however, Dennard maintains he's ncvt•r WQJ'ltcd Lo be controversial and doesn't care who's quarterbacking the club. · ''l l'an't do anything about wh4t happens on the field ," he says. "I just think it's ·a rr.atter of getting used to your personnel. Offensively, I don't (See DENNARU, Page CZ) "I woukt have to be a real dummy to say I'd rather have Vince than Bert at quarterback because I Dllllr "°t f'tloto by Ch.rte• ll•rr r Reg.gie's error oostly to Angels TORONTO (AP) -;-Dave Stieb do<:sn't mind going without a decision just so long as tie pitches weU and the Toronto Blue Jays American League Weat W L Pct GB 84 62 .575 82 64 .562 2 wistieb fired a three·hitter over Royals 11 innings againSt the pennant-Angela contending Angels as the Blue KANSAI CITY (161 HOME (71, Sept 27 Jays Posted a 2 -l vi'ctory 1·n 28.29.A1199l1:Sept300ct AWAY (91 Sepl 17. 18. 19. M1ntM1SOta, Sept I 2-inningi., leaving the Angels 20, 21. 22. Angel•: Sepl 24. 25. 26. Oakland t~o games .behind the Kansas_ ANGELtPGI HOMEte) Sept 20,21.22, City Royals m the AL West raie. K•nMs City. Oct 1 2. 3, T•xas AWAY 1101 Asked 1f he w.as disappointed Sept 17. 18, 19, TOfonto. Sept 23. 24. 25. 28. to have not earned his victory, ra.us, Sep1 27. 28. 29, iatnM• Cny S t ieb r e plie d : "Everybody·s aware of what I did. "It's a great feeling to pitch that well against a lineup like the Angels have. Overall, I'm happy with my performance," the right-hander added. Prior to the season, Stieb made it clear he wanted to be traded to a contending club after losing his salary dispute with Toronto. That n ever materialized and al t1lough Stieb still seeks employment elsewher e , h e continued to give the Blue Jays stellar performances. "l pitched 12 innings against Oakland 1n 1980 without a dccjsion and then. came back in my next start to pitch 10 innings against Kansas City," said Stieb. who struck out seven and walked two. "I'm kind of used 'o no dcc1s1ons." Roy Lee Jackson, 7-8, picked up his second-vietA:>ry in as many nights thanks to Willie Upshaw's one-out single off Andy Hassler that scored Alfredo Griffin from third base. Griffin led off the 12th again.st Luis Sanchez, 6-3. wiUra routjne fly ball deep to right field, but Reggie Jackson closed his glove prematurely and the ball skipped oCC his mitt and fell for a two- base error. Afte r Hassler intentionally walked pinch-hitte r Barry Bonnell , Lloyd Moseby advanced the runners to second and third with a Cly deep to right and Ups_haw followed. with his 12th game winning run batted in of the season. "I just missed the baJI," said Jackson, who struck out twice agamst Stieb and was O-for -4 overall with a walk. "I was running hard for it. Barons try to bite the bullet ·oilers get 10-0 win Marina takes on San Luis Obisp.o ; Tars host Cyp ress By ROGER CARLSON Of the D•llY Piiot Sl•ff Step No. 2 in what has to be the most murderous non-league schedule in years is on tap tonight for Fountain Valley High's Barons, who travel to Tustin High to duel the CJ.F Southern Conference's No. 1 rated team -the Foothill High Knights. Already behind t hem 1s Mater De1 (a 24-14 loss for the Baro ns) and after tonight's duel. there a re still St. Paul. Serv1te and Long Beach Poly to deaJ with. Servite and St Paul are ranked No. 1 and 2 in the Big Five Conference and Poly is No. 4, right behind No 3 Echson and ahead of No. 6 Marina, two Sunset League rivals of Fountain Valley. "Mater Dei was probably our easiest opponent," mused Fountain Valley Coach Mike Milner as he approached the issue of Foothill, which features a rugged slot-I offense and the Bob Salerno-coached multiple split six defense. Here's a look at each of 10 games from the Daily Pilot area tonight. Each begins at 7:30: * Fountalo Valley vs. Foothill Foothill's Knights rolled up 283 yards on the gro und on 45 rushing plays in defeating Capistrano Valley (14-6) and James Laird, a 180-pounder, is the heart of the attack. On the other hand, expect Fountain Valley to go to the airlancs after being limited to only 35 yards on the • ground by Mater Dei. The game is at Tustin High. * Marina vs. San Luis 'Obispo San Luis Obispo's Tigers appear to be in over their heads a fter a 28-0 shelling by Crespi last week and a passing game which netted no yardage. Marina enters behind quarterback Bill Marler and runners Eric Karman and Clint Kmg. The Vikings' veer was held to 247 yards by Newport Harbor last week, but could break loose tonjght on the Tigers' campus. * Cypress vs. Newport Harbor '.The Sailors of Newport Harbor will be trying to even their non-league re<.'Ord at l · l at the expense of the Cypress Centuri- ons. who are expected to test the Sailors' secondary with quarterback Darrin Ruble, who accounted for 163 yards against El Toro. Newport's multiple offense is geared around three quarterbacks. The game is on the Sailors' campus * Laguna Beach vs. Savanna Laguna Beach Hlgh's Artists open the 1982 campaign at the same silt> where Coach Dennis Haryung started his coaching at Laguna in 1974 (Western High) and will unveil an offense revolving around 5-6, 155-pound Bede Arabe, who scored three TDs as a junior. Tight end-defensive end- punter K('vin McDennon bolstt'rs Laguna's attack. * Corona del Mar vs. San Clemente The Sea Kings of Corona del Mar will be trying to improve on their pa$ing numbers after failing to mount an aerial attat'k against Huntington Beach San Clemente is known for its splat sax defense (usually amounting to an eight-man front), which hgures to put additional pressure on the quarterback. CdM 1s 0-1. San Clem{•nte 1s 1-0 after nailing Magnolia. 20·6. The game 1s on San Clemente's campus. * Woodbridge vs. Irvine Each is 1-0 with bragging rights al swkc in the city of Irvine. Woodbridge, In its fir-st season with seniors banks on the pas.qmg of K evin Burke and running of Rudy Figueroa and John Schroeder. Irvine counters with its winged-T . led by quarterback Mike Zorn and a very quick set of backs in Andre Willis and John Salinas. The game is on the Irvine campus. * Westminster vs. Pacifica An aerial game Is supposed Lo make Westminster a Sunset League contender, but it didn't surface In a 7-0 victory over La Quinta last week. The Lions will be trying to get il down r ight behind returning starter David Neville al(aanst Pacifica (See PREP, Page CS) Zoran Katz . J o hn Zehnder Estancia's defense do1ninates again, 14-0 By ED ZINTEL Ot'"ltw Deley Not ..... Es tanbia Hlgh's deCcnsive unit continues to shine and though the offense is yet to get into high gear, the Eagles are begtnning Lo roll as evidenced lily their 14-0 'win over Laguna Hills Thu.l"9day night at Mlsaion Viejo High. Estancia runnlng back Mau Sple1 carried the ball 26 Umes for 137 yar<U and tcored the F.agles' fl.rat and deciding touchdown, taking a 13-yard pus from Scou Davis midway through the 1CCOnd quat\e.r. The Eagles' other touchdo wn came with one tee0nd remainJna ln the aame u Davit sneaked over Crom the one. JP.l\anda head roach F.d Blanton, who I has guided the Eagles to four CIF playoff ber\.hs In hls five years there. claims that this Is a rebuilding year. "Defenstvelr., we're starting to ptar, better, I don t see any problems there,' he said Thursday night. "Offensively, thougtl, we're a young team and we're making miatakea. There wcr(' aome wrong plays called tonight." B ut with a defen ae like they demonstrated Th ursday nigh\, the .Eaales can afford a few ft'l"Orl, The furthest penetratJon La&una Hilla could mal<e was to the F.atancla 28-yard llM and the Hawlu were able to adva~ {?~~.~-~gle territory ju1t twk~ 111 ,v~1ereme. r.tandA w• led by junior guard Aaron Dowdy and junior tackle Casey Camareno. The other linemen, Paul Sanchez and Ma rk Duvall, were just as superb. H o w ever , Blanton wae mortt concerned with the condlUon of atarllns middle guard Mark Jacobson, who s u ffered a broke]\ arm In the first quarter. He could be lost the rest o( th~ .caaon, according to flral rcporta. "l was extremely r.roud or the down linemen and the 1 ne backcra." said Blanton. "They worked hard all night. Until the oCfcnse comes around, wc'rc gotna to ~ly on the defenac." For E1unc:la. Spies waa the workhone. OD th~ E1alH' ftrlt poaeulon, Spies carrl ~ tht ball 1Jx • umcs In helpmg them get down to lhe Hawks' 16°yard line before the drive· stalled. He again almost slnglc-han~edly took the Eagles downficld early In the second quarter but Mike Naylor's 25-yard tield goal attempt hll the croasbar and bounced back. Fl)llowlng o fumble on l..ajuna Hills' next posacsslon, Spies gathered tn Davis' s hort pau out of the backfield and lt'OOted In for the qnly touchdown the Eagles would need. On th<" other 8idl'. when Ed Adam!t left Ml..Uon Viejo H11h ~hool to .. ume the hew fQotball eo1eh.1nc job at Laguna Hills High this ynr, he told bin.If that (See ESTANCIA, Pa1t Q) By ROB HALV AKS Of the o ... , Hot ..... Danny Thompson rushed for 114 yards and one touchdown to lead the Huntington Beach O ile rs pas t Los Alamitos. 10-0. Thursday night at Huntington Beach High School. The Oilers, now 2-0, broke the scoreless lie with 9:38 remaining in the fourth quarter when senior Zoran Katz connected on a 21 -yard field goal attempt. The three-pointer was set up by a 33-yard pass from Eric Lawton to James Dunn, wh.ich put the Oilers at the Los Alamitos two-yard line. Thompson iced the game moments later when he romped 39 yards for the game's only touchdown with 5:35 to play. Thompson broke the big gainer off left tack.le then cut it back Lo the right and· outran the defense. Katz added the extra point. ·._ "The touchdown run was a broken play all the way," said 9J.ler Coach Greg Henry. ''Danny showed us what a great athlete' he Is by turning nothing into the biggest play o( the nlght." Los Alamitos dominated the game in the first half, but a solid Oiler defense kept the Griffins oH the scoreboard. The Griffins had the ball d eep in Oiler territory three Umes in the first half, but came away empty each Ume. On their first possession the Griffins drove from their own 32 to the Oiler 7 and attempted a 24-yard field goal which waa partially blocke d by a Huntington Beach defender. , In the &e<.'Ond quarter defensive back Louie Cerda stopped a Los Alamlto.s drive wlth an Interception at the Huntington Beach 9-yard llne. · Brett Lansford recovered a Huntington Beach fumble at the Oiler 34 to jlive the G riffins toad field po.At.ion a1aln In thtt first half, but the Oiler defel'\llve forced Los Alamitos to tum • the ball over on downa four pla)'ll later. "Wt weren't very cmoilonallr. charged ln the firtt half,'' aaJd Henry, • We ~ out flat an<t weren't hlttlnc ~ mu~ the F.•PI like we did a week aao. We didn t make any technical Mijuatmen'-at htlhlme. we ~uat Ul•d t.O r~t.l.M ou r emotional level. ' The Olien, who wett held to 60 yards total oft.,_ and jutl four flnt downt ln tSee OILl:U. Pap CJ> ' l . . 1: - , Double loss drives Martin to te ars ,, " Frum AP dlspatchea ' CHICAGO The OakJand A's II 1 drove Managt•r Bally Marlin tO tcurs 111 losing a doubleh eade r lo the Toronto Blue J ays according to a ' baseball Wrtlcr who met Marlin after the same. The A's showing also drove Martin from the ·~Toronto ballpark He sat through Wednesday • night's tirst game, a :i-2 105S, but left early in the St'<:ond game, which th<• A's lost 12-11 to the Blue MARTIN "I guess take." Jays Marlin's team, Ameri<:an Lc>aguc West champions last ~nson, 1s m fifth pla<.-e now. Thc A's had a 60-85 r~rd going mlO Thursday night's game here agains t the Chicago White Sox. J ackie Moore, one of the A's t·oaches, explained Martin 's depa rtur e W\.'Clm·sday night by saying, Billy had seen as much as he <.'<>uld Later th<.it night at a restaura nt, Martin told baseball wntc•r Kit Stier of Oakland East Bay Today, ''I could havl' had a stomach ache. I might havt• had ('Un<.'<'r " -· · Q'uote of the day "What America did to my father is a tragedy. Everybody know s he went on drinking binges. After losing h is medals, his honor , and hts first son, naturally he hit the bottle Even he was human." - Cha rlotte Thorpe, daughter o f former Olympic track star J im Thor pe. Simpson delivers blow to Kansas City Joe Simpson dubbed a two-run II triple in tht' ninth mnmg Thursday night, giving Seattle a 4-2 victory over Kansas City and denying the Royals a chanc."C' to move three games ahead of the Angels in the American League West. It was also the 68th wm for thl• Manners, most in the history of the fra nch ise Elsewhere, Aure lio Rodriguez had four hits, including a game- w tn n i ng s ingl e. to help Chkago defeat Oakland, 6-3 . . . J im P a lmer . hurled a . s ix -hitte r a s rampaging Baltimore completed a five. game sweep of New York with a 3-1 win. The victory pulled the Orioles to within o n e game of pace-setting Milwaukee in the East . . . , Rookie Glean Wilt on's two- stMPSON run homer highlighted a four-run sevl•nth inning as Detroit d owned Bo!.ton, 4-2 . Charlie Hough won his fourth straight game. p1tchmg Texas to an 8-2 triumph over Mmnesota with th e help of a three-run homer by Larry Parrish . . . In the National Leagul'. Mookie Wilson had four hits, including a solo homer as Nl•W York ended Montreal's five- game wmnmg st..-eak m the Mets' 9-4 win over the Expos . . Cbili Davia belled a two-run homer as Stnaking San Francisco handed San • Diego its sixth straight loss, 9-3. The victory was the Giants' 11 lh an the last 13 games and_puJled them wtthin 5 1n gaml'S of the idle Dodgers in the NL West. Baaeball today On lhl• da~ In ~buU In lY~l .. Phil IUuuio'• ninth lnnlrli MIUt'N1• bunt dl'llVt'rf'd Joe DIMaplo from third ba_.• with tht> wlnnlna run n• tlw Nt.>w York Yank«'tl nippc!d thl• C.:ll•vl•h.ind Indiana 2 1 at Yankt.'(' S l4ldlum lo me.wt• mto (l111t ph.K'' In thl.' Am rlc•n 1..1.·aau T>wy wouldn't I>-• dlalodg<'<i for tht" rest of tht• yeur Today birthday: Clncn nnall uut!I •h.lcr Wuy1w Krt'nd11ck1 l.s 28. Rams blacked out locally Sunday S unduy aftt>rnoon's Notlonol [i] 1''ootbalt League flllmL• bctwt•tm the 4. • Rums and Detroit Lions at Anaheim S tadium will not be televised locnlly. A Rams spokl'sman said 7 ,656 tk kc\.!I still remained to be sofd lute Thursduy afwrnoon. Instead, Southern California viewers will .sec the l p.m. game bctW('('n the San Fran<.'l!K'O 49ers and Denver Bronl'os from Denver on Channel 2. Non-winner Adams leads Hall of Fame John Adami, a non.winner in !I five years of PGA Totu activity, birdied his last two holes to complete a 4-under-par 67 that provided him with the first-round lead Thursday in the Hall of Fame Classic in Pi!'lehurst. N.C. La nce T en Broeck, Tommy Valentine, Lindy Miller and J im Barber , like Adams career hon-winners, s hare d second, a stroke back a t 68 on the 7,005-yard No. 2 rourse at the Pinehurst Country Club . . . Don.na Caponi and Kathy Whitworth try to continue thelr domination 9f the LPGA Team Championships, which was due to begin today in Portland, Ore. Caponi and Whitworth have teamed lo win three of t he five team tournaments, Includ ing the last two . . . The United States held its narrow lead after the second day o f the W orld Amateur Championships in Lausanne, Switzerland, with the Japanese two strokes behind. The Americans were led by the second straight 3·under-par by the veteran Jay Sigel of Philadelphia. Ferguson rallies Biiis past Vikings Ferguson's third touchdown pass of •• • ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -Joe [!] the game. an 11-yarder to leaping Jerry Buller ln the far right comer of • the end zone with 2:48 to play, and Nick Mike- Mayer's tie-breaking extra point gave the Buffalo Bills a 23-22 National Football League victory over the Minnesota Vikings Thursday night. Ferguson, who also hit Butler for a four- yard touchdown pass in the third quarter and Frank Lewis with a slx-yarder in the second, m~rc~ed the Bills 94 yards in eight plays for tht wmnmg score on Bulfalo's first possession after h e n a d been i ntercepted at midfield by cornerback J ohn Swain m idway in the final quarter. . Until that winning drive, most of the passin~ heroics were by Minnesota's Tommy Kramer. He threw the ball 46 times, rompleting 20 of them for 265 yards, including scoring strikes of 22 and 2 yards to reserve tight end Bob Bruer. Ex-NBA player Robinzine found dead Bill Robinzine, who was named m to t h e National Baske tball Association's 1975-76 All-Rookie team, was found d ead an his car Thursday a nd police in Kansas City said he apparently killed himself. Police said Robinzine, 29, the Kansas City K ings' first-round draft choice from DePau l Ul11versity in 1975. apparently died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Toronto. 4:30 p.m .• KMPC (710): San Diego al Dodgers, 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790). Seahawks unable to ·capitalize La Quinta preserves 20-13 vic tory with fumble r ecover y . By RANDY TIFT 01 lhe Delly Piiot Stett As the 0 l'can View High Seahawks were threalenrng to score the potential winning toul'hdown m the closmg moments Thursday night -having moved to inside the La Quinta 10-yard lme -a not-so -funny thing happened to the Sea hawks. They fumbled away a first-down snap w ith 1:07 left. enabling the Aztees to run out the clock and post a 20-13 victory at Westminster High. DENNARD. • • From Page C1 think we'll have o ur stuff down 'til r:nidway through the season. ''I've JUst got to keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully I'll start geuing the rock (ball).'' • In his first year with the Rams, 1978, Dennard caught only three passes. In his three seasons after, however, he ha uled in an average of better than 42 per year. • Obviously. at the rate things are going, Dcnnard's number will s uffer a drastic reduction which will more than likely have an effect on contract negotiations dunng the off-season. "l had goals ~arly M to what I wanted to do this season," Dennard admits. "But it looks like I'm going t.o hav<' to take what I can get. · 'The way I see it, I don't have a problem until the time comes As far as I'm roncemed, there's not a bit of diffe rence between me and JJ (John J efferson of Green Bay) It's just he gets the rock. "I'm always going to be a consistent ballplayer, and l 've always sa1d that I would like to retire as a member of the Rams. But this is not the end of the Une for me. IC t don't play here, there's always somewhere else." In the meantime, though, Dennard expecis \0 maintain a low profil e. And, he's not too happy about the fingers that have been pointed at him up to now. "You know how l am," he aaya with a amile. "l 'm just a happy-go-lucky, fun-lovtna guy who likes io play the game. l'm very conient and very saUafh!d. "Plua. I'm not In a poeltlon to dictate what kind of personnel we should have on the field and what kind we ahould n't. _ "I'm disappointed l'v been accu.ed here and there by aon'K' people. What l aay shouldn't even be th questlot"'. Who care. whet~ 1 want Bert or Vince myway. "l 'v never chan~ •·•d I rwver will chance. All 1 want to do ill catch the ball for-the ~ms." The Scahawks' drive had been kept alive by a fourth-down pass interference call at the La Qwnta 33-yard lme, which gave Ocean View an automatic first down. Quarlerb3ck Chad Pariseau then hlt tight end Kevin Walsh over the middle for a gai;1 to the seven. Then lightning struck, as the Seahawks lost possession. The game was so evenly matched that onJ y eight yards sepa rated the t~o teams in overall yardage. The Seahawks gained 131 of their 221 total yards on passing. "Our offense was good," said Ocean View coach Steve ColClesh. "[ think the statistics will point that out. Pariseau threw the ball well and (runnin~ back Todd) Parker d id a f ine job." Thronghout the first half, both teams played very conservaUve. Ocean View scored on its initial possession on a 28-yard field goal by Reid Thibodeau. Howeve r. La Quinta's Steve Krueger ran the ensuing kickoff 90 yards down the left sideline and into the end zone. The kick failed and It was 6-3, La Quin ta. The Seahawk.s marched on thelr next possession 73 yards IQ. l~ plays f a. touchdown which put them back on tQp, 1~~6 . The scoring drive, oonsun'll1\atlng at 5:~0";""wa.s highlighted by a 37-yard run over tackle by tailback Todd Parker, who also scampered l -yard for the touchdown. Thibodeau converted the extra point. • _ In the second quarter, La Quinta took the ball 80 yarcb on 18 plays, eating up 7:45 of the clock, for a touchdown giving the Aztecs the lead, 13-10. Tailback Roger Church dove from a yard out over the nght side for the acorc. La Quinta looked like.,it mll(hl score again in the first half as the Aztecs ~hed the Seahawks back to their own 4-yard line. Seahawk punter Pariseau. however. crashed a 45-yarder back to midfield. The Aztc.'Cll -still In good flelc* position - wasted the opportunity to score. < La Qutnte 20. Oo.-n Vtew U ._._,~ I.a Quint• • ., 0 7-20 OoMn vltw 10 0 3 0-1!\ OV -Tnlboclffu H F.O LO -Krueger 90 kick return (klcll tailed) OV -T .~a rk e r 1 run {Thl~kklkl LO -C~cn 1 r1.1n (HOUOfl kick) OV -T~23FO LO -OOINI t rvn (Ho!IOfl lllek) AllendlllOI -1* ( .. tlf'lltttd) a-.......... LO OW Flftl dOwN U tO ""9ea-yetd• "'°" t41 29.90 PMtillO ~di n II I 11 t ...... 4-10.1 ''°'""° """"' &'2 Wt FUl'llClleeoioat M t-1 ~atti.ov.,dit .. to .. ., 1 1, t~ """""' LO Church, 11·13, Allred. 9·28. l(r~. 4-)4j Lewi•. a.a; Gomaz. t-foMnlnu• 1, ov T. Perk.,, 18·ff, Mount, 11-48. ParlNau, i -IOf·lllllll.I• 27. ......,...,., ..... LO -Gome&. 4 ... 1, al, Lewie. 0. ''°· 0 OV PerlMt\I, 10-21~ 131 11\41 atdllel Rt HtvMi LO -Vtu. 2·30, fUllllO, 1•13, Krll909'. 1·6 OV.. Oet1on, 2-31, T• Park•. S t4, Steer. 1-7, Welttr, 1·20. Catroll, 1· 10, I ~ert.er. t..e Ba rry Sneed (32) of University 1,igh s ha kes one tackler and looks to get ·pa t T ustin's Dwig ha Fairback (2 5). Tustin rushes pasi University Trojans' comeback bid falls short in 20-13 d e feat By CURT SEEDEN Of the Deity Piiot ltett • University High football l'oach Rick Curtis is the first to admit that inexperience has been a key factor ln the Trojans' first two games. And it was a young Trojan defense 'hat had the task of tacklin~ o oair of senior runnine backs Crom Tustin High Thursday night. But as it tlirned out, the Trojans didn't do enough tackling. tried a 28-yard-field goal attempt which went wide left. "That's where we lost the momentum -right there Curtis explained ''Alter that. they (Tustin) got it back." Tusun then used up about seven minutes of the final quarte r with a 77 ·yard drive which culminated with a 10-yard touchdown run by Hegerty. Tuelln 20, Unlverelly 13 ScOfe by Quarter• Tust111 1 8 0 7 20 tndlvlduel AueMng l -Pfelce. 15-73: ~1eep, 13-62, Hegtrly. 11· 16. Baker. I· 15; Rushton'l 3.4 Running backs Brett Pierce and Jeff Fsteep plowed their way through the Uni Hne all night to spark the Tulers lO a 20-13 victory over the Trojans at Irvine High School. "Tustin came right a t us just as we expected," admitted a deject<td Curl.LS a1te.c. the ..game.._"We didn't know if we could stop them, but we found out tonight." Ul'lllle(Slly 7 0 0 6 13 u-1anuu1 36 run (Pe,,ano ktekl T -Pterce 13 run (Fatrbank kt<:kl --;;-RutfWon '°'"" 1111ei. ,..ledr U lem.1u1 5-93. Sr>ee<I. 9-1 I, eatdtkOSll•. 4-lor-mlnus· 12. WalllOfl -3-4of----OO------i And the Tiiiers pulled off their victory the hard way. surv1vmg 100 yards in penalties (compared to five for University). Tustin also had to survive a fourth-quarter flourish by the Trojans. Down 20-7 with less than fou r minutes remamm~. \he Trojans got a big break when •quarterback Will Wat.son'& pa ·to Lance Faille bounced oCC has intended receiver and into the hands of teammate Mike Zaldivar. The 5-8 junior snagged the ball and then sprintl'd 62 yards to slice the Tillers' leads to 20-13. The extra pomt attempt failed . Up until tha t TD. the lone bright spot, scormg-w1se, m the University off<'nsc was a nifty 36-yard touchdown run up the m1dd~c ary Ianuni in the first quarter. The play was set up after the T roja s' Chris. T-Hegerty 10 run (Fa1r1>111~ ktel<I U -Zald1ver 82 pesa lrom Walson (ktclt tatledl Allendence Individual Peu l09 T H•fly. 6-10-2. 68 1 500 u-ea10 11coo 1. 5-9·1.29. Welton 4-6-1 72 ces11ma1ec11 ~ Oeme Sl1U1t~1 FIOSI downs RuSheS-y111d1 Passino yerds Passes Punts Fuml>l ... loll Peoall-·veros T 14 43-216 66 6-10-2 •·28 2~ 10.100 u 6 21·62 101 9·18-2 ~6 --'¥ 1-S lndMduel ~lno T WNve< 1·27. Berc:lay. I· 13. Ell••P 1-12. Rushton 2-12. Piefce. 1-4 U Z•l<!Tvjlr 1-61 l(ern. 2-21>. Sne ed 3.12 1e nu zz 1. l-fof--s· 7 Fe1lle. I~ Evans. 1·2 pee, P alom a r tangle tonight What Palomar Collt'gc football t·oaches are touting as the best Comet team in years will be the op position tonight fo r host Orange Coast College in the 1982 opener for both teams (7.30). OCC Coach Dick Tucker will start freshman Greg Denham at quarterback, but last year 's starting QB, Clay Tul'kcr, will b<' available for action. ..... Carranza picked off a pas.9 by Tiller quarterback Pal Hegerty. One play later. Ianuzzi rambk'CI r ight up the middle and the Trojans had a 7 -0 lead after John Peirano kicked the extra point. Tustin responded with a 13-yard run by Pierce al 9:37 oC the first quarter and a five-yard TD run by Mike Rushton at 1 :34 of the second Tucker, who broke his ankle this s ummer. has · been throwing well an practil'c ~nd has report.ed no dascomforl. The Trojans got a nother superlative run from lnauui in the third quarter -a 50-yarder that left the Tojans on the Titler 14. But that's when the Tiller defense duj{ in. and t he Trojans eventually Palomar. which finisht'CI the 1981 st"ason with a 2-8 record, is led by sophomor<> quarterback John Peterson. who completed 84 of 140 passes for 838 yards las~ se~n. NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE West Division West Division w L Pct. PF PA Ra iders 1 0 1.000 Atlanta l 0 1.000 16 14 San U1e~o l 0 1.000 Rama 0 I .000 23 35 Kansas City 0 1 .000 New Orleans 0 l .000 7 21 Seattle 0 l .000 San Francisco 0 1 .000 17 23 Denver 0 l .000 East Division East Division Washington 1 0 1.000 37 34 Buffalo 2 0 1.000 St. Louis 1 0 1.000 21 7 Miami 1 0 1.000 Philadelphia 0 1 .000 34 37 New England 1 0 1.000 Dallas 0 l .000 28 36 N.Y. Jets 0 1 .000 N.Y. Giants 0 I .000 14 16 Baltimore 0 1 .000 Central Olvi1ion Central Division 0 ~00 Green Bay 1 Detroit , 1 Minnesota 1 C=go 0 T pa Bay 0 0 LOOO 35 23 Pittsburgh 1 0 1.000 17 10 Cincinnati 1 1 l l .500 39 33 Cleveland .000 10 17 Houston 000 10 17 Thllreder .. leof• 8ullelO 23 Mlonuota 22 ltlM•r'• a..n .. ~ •I Allen•• (CtlanMI 4 •I 10 • m I Hew York Jets e1 New England ,... OtlMn• ., c~ Ph41ede1Pfl•• el C ....... nd Sen et.go II Kan .. • City C1nc:1nnet1 11 PlllMlr.i•gh Oallu el SI LOUii Oetro.i at"-' 1 0 San Franc1laco et Oenv., (Chanllel 2 •I I pm l SMnle et Houalon Wet111ng1on 11 Tampa Bay 8elllmofl et Miami Monder'•O..... Or-Bey at New York 0111111 tChanllel 7 al t pm) , 0 l.000 0 1.000 1 .000 23 23 9 7 3 37 45 24 28 l3 36 27 21 6 82 HOUR ALL AMERICAN 17 3 14 21 23 31 28 13 45 24 28 6 7 27 L.INCOUI MEM:UlY 2626 Herlter llY~., Ceite ..... .-. .. ao lllllTIGll SILE nus., Sept. 11th - Mon., Sept. 20th 1101,lllUI JOHNSON ...>-&.SON presents ... llFL ,. ........... . Rams over Detroit • Son franciseo over Denver * Dcllla1 over St. L'-uls * Raiden over Atlanta • GrHn lay • Orange Co11t OAIL.V PIL.OT/Frlday, September 17, 1982 Cl · ETAN IA W I N • • • • O I LER • • • ·Spor ts on TV this week end From Page C1 tho finll mutlt-1 o( Ul.laJnnl WU to build a 1tron6' tide<~ and 10 from there. Well, Adama h111 apparently tu<,'()C!ed~ 1n hll pt'l"IOOW mlla!on. h '1 the "from llwre" that'• giving him problema. T h e Hawk• played well on defense a1aln but the fi'SUlt wu exactly the same as In their season opener a week ago: a 14-0 loss. No thanks to a sUngy Estancia defense, Laguna Hills haa yet to score after two games lh111 ~asctl. UCI women lose J T h e UC l rvine women's volleyball team will open play In the Titan Collegiate Tournament today after losing, 15-10, 15-12, 15-12 to New Mexico State Thursday. The Anteate rs are now 4-4, while New M exico State improved to 11 -2 On the high schoo l level, Huntington Beach is 2-0 after dumping Footh!ll, lrvine evei;ted its maJ'k at 1·1 after beaung " Mater Dea an rive games, and Marina fell to Orange, also in five games. T .rojans, Marina • post WIDS Univers ity High posted a n impressive victor y, while Marina was forced to settle for a split in the opening round of the Moore League water po l o tournament Thursdav. T he Trojans romped past Buena High, 15-1, to advance into the second round of the championship bracket. Marina fell to Crawford H igh of San Diego, 14-11, then rebounded to stop F.speranza, 21-15. Mea nwhile, Mission Viejo also won its first· round encounter, beatin g Santa Barbara, 11-4, as senior Tim Ho u rigan poured in sev~n goals. • Mike B artlett had three goals and fou r , teammates added two to help University advance goainst Downey today. In goal, John Pendleton was nearlv flawless. Marina· junior center Jim Zakasky enjoyed a productive day , converting nine goals in the two ~ames. ANGELS-ROYALS '>f PT 70 7 1 & 77 SUITE W 6 TICKETS 171 41 541 -2263 l 714 l 532 -3821 Arts 'n Crafts Show/Sale Huntington Center doily thru Sun . .. ~!:.! All QONDITIOl•lll llOLU WATIR HIAT1NO llA fMtOOM lllMOOlllNO S. I< 21101 Ser\'loe Time 81art1 et Y-Door (Cell Store --Y-At .. ) COSTA MBA 641 -1289 ,,,, ... .,...11¥4. MISSION Vtuo 495-0401 2en2 c:.NM c.,k11•• ~ .... ,,,,,.,, .. A-.y ......,.) WhMt botherttd Adami morl', however, wu th•t thlJI tlm , lh~ Hawk.I really ndwr twn • de~ t.o 1COrlna. Al lea1t ""alrut lrvhw lut w0t·k. Laguna Hilla moVl'd the ball 1<>mcwnat. E.tancla U ml t«I Lugurut I Ill i. to 68 tot.al yard• on tht> night - all by pwiilog. The F.aglcs aackt-d Hawks quarterback Lee Plcmt'I three times for 'losset1 tOtalil\~ 24 yards. * From Page C1 &ftm.• tht• K m , Lad Alamtu. Coru:h John Burne lndlcat<'d thut thu OrirflN would h1ttv • w gel tht1lr pu111in6( l(Umc l!lOinli! lo J>l'Wt•r tlwh otft•nM• The Oth•r 111M·ondary, h owt•V(•r, provt:'d 1t111gy, allowanJii o nly 88 yurda through tht• ulr und Crt•d11 collt>Cll'<t twu..tntt•f'l'<•pllotu * .fiaturda., TELEVISION 10 o m ( 1 l) RODEO (.'t1vf'l'nK'' of tht• l':lll•1u1Jurij, Wwih , rodl'O, wped &•pt 6. 11 ·1~ u 1n (4) BASEBALL KuMWi Cily ut Ml111w:t0t.u J 12.30 pm (0) AUTO RACING l:oVC'rag<' of thl• World Sfx>rllimon 300, t.up<'d at Charlotte. N.C l ::iO p.m (2) COLLl!:OE FOOTBALL San Huntington hec:h 10, Lot Altmltoe 0 JOSt! SUllt• ot S tanford. '-• b1 0 1141•••" 2 p.m . (4) WESTERN OlJTDOORSMAN. 111•=.1:~ ~':a°:,:. Hiii• o ~~:1~7:::0~~h g g g '8 '8 4:30 p.m . (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Eat•ncl• D 7 o 7 14 ttB K11121 FQ WBA liaht huavywe1ghl tltllst Michael Spinks L Hill Q 0 0 0 0 H8 Thompton 39 1un (K•I• Kick) D I J l D . ( n 3) .,~:PIH1 13 pHI l1om Oav11 (Naylot kick) Allendln<:e 3,200 (ttlllma1od) (21-0) do(endi; his title 8ji(U nSl 0 mny OVIS • · E-O•vla 1 run (Naylcu lllck) In a scheduled 15-round bout-al Atlonllc City, N,J , Attendanc:•-1,200(Hllmeteal Oam•ll•ll•llce LA Ha ~ Jj.m . (2) HORSE RACING -The 0 •m• 11 • 11 •110• 1 LH Flrtt down• 12 13 · Marlboro Cup, a milc-ond-onc-quurter ral.'C lor Flrat down• 12 4 :~:.~~:.~~ 3:t-i3~9 37·t~; three-year-olds and up. tapc..'<i at New York. :~==~yy~~~ 48•1:~ 20~ Pa'"• 10-24.2 1-14-o 6 p .m . (7) COLLEGE FOOTBALL - PUMa s-11-1 9-2 1-1 ~~~:...,1~1 4-1~~ 5i~ Mlchigan vs. Notre Dame In the first night gam<.' ~;;.1:..._1<>et 52~ 8;~11 P•n•IUH·Y••d• 5-66 &-109 ever played at Notn• Dame St.adlum. Michigan is Pena1t1M-yetd1 6-70 4-4-0 ll\dMdllel Ru.nine favort!d by one point. E-Oevls."'t~~.~':t.~'1.13, Splu, LA-Conboy. 18-88; Ern1ndu, 9-68, 11 p .m . (5) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL 28-137, Sand•r•. 1-5. Urmson, 1-2, Woll, M019ln. 1-7• CarOlel. 4-7. Nicka, 1-IOf-mlnu• UCLA at W1SCOnsan, taped earlier in_ the day. 5 3-28, Guyot, 1·1 HB ThOmpeon, 20-114, Saterltetd 10-40 RADIO Beach St.at at Wyomlna. noon, KWVE (108 M): lndlona al USC.:, 1:30 pm , KNX (1070): Cal State FuUcrwn al Cul Poly <Sun Lull Obiapo), KWVE (108 FM) 7.10 pm. KWRM (1370) delayed at 10 p.m .. Saddloback v1 Goldt•n Wett at Orance Cout,, 7;30 p.m , KSSR (88 5 Jo'M). Edi.Ion al Vt.ta, 10:30 v.m., KWV~; (108 Jo'M), dewyt-d S u n day TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (4l NFL '8% -Scheduled segment.a include a profi e of 4Ucra coach Blll Walth. Len Berman is host -10 a.m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Ralde111 at Atlanta. • . 11 a.m . (7) BASEBALL -Pitllburgh at PhOadclphio . 12:30 p.m. (2) NFL TODAY -Scheduled segments include a look at the San Franci8co 49ers' efforts to repeat as NFL c hamps. Hosts: Brent Musburger, Phyllis Goorge and lrv Crou. 1 p.m . (2) NFL FOOTB ALL -San Francisco at D <!n ver. (4) -WESTER N OUTDOORSMAN -Segments on ke fishing in Nevada: rodeo clowns. Host Is Ron Hayes. 4 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Indiana vs. USC an a game played Saturday. lH-Plamel. 4-lor-minus 24, Trento, 1-2. Lawton. 4.23 , Lo(lez, 1-0. Tomu1ck, " T 11 20 Rom•n. 4-3, w1111ch. 4-4, Ma11ano, 1-to. 2-lor-mlnu• 1 Baseball -Angels al oronto, : a.m.. RADIO Pnc.. 3-4: Reiner, 3-0 tndlvklual ""•Int KMPC (710)1 Housto11 al Dodgers, 7 p m.. KABC lrldfvldu.i '-1ne • • Cetd' ... 10 24 2 88 (790) Baseball -Angels at Toronto, 10:30 a.m .. E-0.vls, 5-11-0, 47. ..,.--· . . · . lH-PlerMl,7-14--1,50:P1tee,2-2-o. t& HB-lawton.7-i5-o.92 Football Ser vile at Moeller-High ·KLAC'(570); Houston al Dodgers, 12:10 p.m ., IYldu I" IYI lftdtvkhlal ~Vfn9 KABC (790). • E-Zav•l•~~-10, ~.n=.. ~lor-m1nu1 5, LA L ..... 11. 4-48, Ernlll\des, 5-35, Conboy, Cincinnati, 10:15 a .m .. KEZY (1190); UCLA at KNX urmllOl'I, 1-19, SPteS. 1-13: Covey, 1.10 1·5 Wisconsin, 11:30 a.m .. KLAC (570): New Mexico Football -Raiders at Atlanta, 10 a.m .. 1.k.HR;.~!~'.9f.~o 5-42: Mcoe10. 2-t&. Trento._...:_2:.::.~:·e..:.:A:u~::..:·:...:";:..:.8::..1:.:.r~:~.::•M.:11C::::.:....·~r:5:_'_·8_· _ 1 h_om_p'°"_·_:s:...:ta=.::.::le:_:a.:_l ...:.N.:_e_b_r_as_k_a..:.., _1_1_:J_o_a_.m_._. _K_I_E_v_c_s7_0_>_; _Lo_n_I{ __ < l_0_7_0_);_Dc_t_ro_i_t _a_t _Ra_ms_. _1_p_.m_ .• _K_M_PC __ <1_1_0_)_. __ •Manufacturer's suggested retail price. E>cdudlng taices, title, hcense and destination charge. , I . . ---...- 4 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, September 17, 18H Mustangs still look · for right formula ,.,..._.,.,c ......... tt ...... a--..,. lenl•ltQO 0 1 O 7-•• toe••...... ' • a 0-•2 CM-kn..wb H '0 CM 01ent t tun (1ut1 lai6tell BY ROOER CARLSON ~ .............. A lrwitrattd aroup of Cotta Meu HJsh Muat.1n11 atood on IC.he turf al Newport Harbor Hl&h '1'huraday nl(lht -wonde rln& 'what went wrona and wh•t lt'I eotna to take to right a ahlp that Ia pre.ently mired Ln a two-game loalng •kid. .Deeplt.e outgalnl~ their foe In total yardage_ and t)oldlng the upper hand for three quartert, the Muatanga were 14-12 non- league football victims to Santiago Hljh, prompting co- coach John Carney to ahake his head in bewilderment, uklng.- "We've got to ask ouraelves what we want. -"' ''We needed this one to get over the hump, but w aot bt-at on the •me kind of mlttakel that happened -aainat Santa Ana." Meu had lu cha.ncee. but twl wQ forced to aetile tor a fi~ld goal when knockout blow• were [n order. The MU1tanp hJt the boardJ firtt with p_,ter Schurb'a 2l'>-yard field pl after a drlve from the Santl~o 33 flul.ed at the l'>. Ron Young 1 fumble l't!<.'Overy aet up the march, and l'>-6 running back Wally Gnnt lOOk charge before it bogged down n..ear the Santago &oal line. Coeta Mesa went 66 yards In 12 plays at the outset of the second period wJth Grant bursting over from nine yards out with 6:00 N!malniJl8, but a trick two.point SUHIMIHllS ASCOT POINT SllHS Oliven, Neyw.-4, HM4 ... HIATS, SPllNT CH DHlllTION MAIN-TONIGHT DASHIS, I MAINS, FIATUllS-SATUIDAY SIPRMlll 17-11, I P.M. 18l00 S. VllMONT AVI . 'H DIU convvnlon athtmpt rallud to ma~rtallze and M held a 9-0 lead. But the Muat.anga let Santiago off the hook tx-fore halftime aa the Cavolif:1'11 rNrched l'>6 yardJ in a apan of 86 le('Onda and MCOrcd with 66 ticka loft ln the half u Tom Fletch~r f o und John Anden10n open over the middle from five yards out. The Cavaliere' paulng game was perfect -no lncompletlona and no tn~rcepUona -which ln the end was probably the difference. Costa Mcaa g o t o n the scoreboard again in the third quarter with a 32-yard field goal b y Schurb after Santiag o stlffened on defenae. Mesa got as illJ1321-l lOO 171J1lU1147 GAi 800l1lll A&.MWA -FIGUft ••• , smn STOCIS, CIAll IACI SUllAY SIPT. It I P.M. WHERE THE WAYS MEET .. ACTnlOUI auu.11 lllUMC9'AL C°""1 FOR,,_ ~ ...._ ITAftMnlf ITAft CW' C~ ·~ lollowlng person It doing IOUTH ~ COUNTY ~ *"-u; NDICtAL IMITNCT . ---;-&A\..80A OAAPERY SERVICE. 1" C.... C..... o.tft W... 141~ Vlll8Q9 Wey. Cott• Meu. CA ..... AM. c• .... .,... 02Qe, ~ 9'oemlT CMll.IY, and Ltrry f . 8rtkOYICll, 7681 13 ~ .. CMllLIY Uberly, Huntington BHCh, CA DelillflMRI: DAVID KAVIANI, and 92&47. 0..1 ....... Thll bullnna II oondUCiled by en llldllelN lndlytdual. 14 II DM8 • • Larry E. Bfekovldl C.. N9. -fhla eteltment wu filed with the NOTICll YM M¥e ..... ..,_ Counly Clerk of Or1111g9 Counly on TM MWt ..., ..._ ....... ,_ A~. 25. 1982. wlthMt ,.. ............ ........ . • ,1.104 ,.,....... ..... .,.."9ed .P»bllahed Or1nge CoHI Delly 1M ...... " ............. . Pltl>C Aug. 27. Sept. 3, 10. 17, 1982 II you wlah to tMk the ectvtce or 3771-82 an attorney In thl• matter. you ----------llhould do to ptOfTIPtly ao tnet ~ l'tll.IC NOTICE wrlt11111 rnponH, II any, may be c,. .,. ftled on lime. ..... .,, AVllOI Utled lu •Id• ~ANT MOTICI d,9M••d~. II OIH .. f ~ 1' YOUA f'AOll'IRTY la IN ...., ..... U.. .... • •1 ld9 8 1~1CLOIUflll HCAUll YOU:::-.:-...:-... ==·~ Aflll 81HIND IN 'fllOUA ·...- PAYlllf fl, IT MAY •• IOLD ~Ull•d dHH •ollcltar •I :=':...!~~': conHJo de un ab~ado on ••1te , • ..,l•t rovr •••oval fa t.ad I I u n t o , d • be r 1 I h e c e r o ~ ,.,... el.,,,_ pMt lnmedlatamont•. dO Mta "** .. JMOlllt f'lllt ,..riwltlld IU ~ oecrtte, al hey ~ _, ~ ..... .,_ ~~n.r~N~~ cMI :rz::."'::. ~ lNt ,_.. compltlnt llu bMn fllod by th• 1 of plelntlff IOlllMl you. " )'OU wllh to Thi9 amourit It ... I t ,457 .3 .. ~ thla lewtult. you mu8t within Jl;y 27, 1ee2. end wtll lncf-untM so d•"• eller Ihle 1ummon1 11 '/flAlf .c:count becorn. c:urrent. You , mey nol heve to pay lh• entire ~ c:"..::;.. lllel0wl3:. ~ unpeld porllon of your aocount. wr do 80 your ~ wlll even 111ough lull payment wn be ant= on .J,p11eet1on of tho demanded. but you mu'1 pay tne p1e1n1111. anct "* coun mey enter • ~ stated abcrl9. (udgment IGlllna1 you lot tt1e ,...... Nier thrM monthe frOrn the dett demeodld In the complllnt wt11Cit1 ol re<:ordetlon of hit document could retull In garnl1hm'enl of i::r~'=.:= .... ••Ing of money°' ptoper1y fOfeclOMd upon pormftt 1 tonger or other relief reQuHtod In the period you htvt only the legal right oomplalnl. to atoC> the fOf.ao.wo by paying Oated: Juty 13, 11182 11'-tntlr• emounl d1m1nded by ~ B. Henle 'fOUI creditor. CWll To nnd out Iha emount you mutt ~ Debbie er-~. or to.,,.,. for ptymenl lo ~ 11op the forec101ure, or If yout "'••w11n• ,!~---...... prop«ty 11 In forteloeure for any 200 ... ..,.. --Olhet ,_ conttc:1· " SE.CURrfv PACIFIC NATIONAL Santi Ana. CA 112701 BANK, SPECIAL ASSETS DEPT. H (714) 1173-11251 13-5. 333 s . Hope Str•••· LOI Attorn.y Bat #580111 Angel••. Cllllornlt 80071. Publllh9d Orenge CoHI Oally Telephone: Art• c;od1 (2131 PMoC Sept. 10. IT. 24. Oct. 1, 1982 813..e687. -3896-82 11 you have any q~tlone. you NOTIC( 1hould oontect • ltwyer or th• oo-nmen1 egency wtllclt1 mey 11aw i.-o-11_A_N_o"""1~~o~u~N~T~Y-1~u:".".,.~,~,.=-=,=0=11 in.ir.I your loln. COURT Romtmbe t, YOU MAY LOSE NCt"-C.....bfM .... LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT leMa AM, c• ... 9l1'01 TAKE PROMPT ACTIOH. PVJNTlff: JOHN Q . APAMS Ind NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thlll ALYCE 8. ADAMS EQUITABLE DEED COMPANY. • DEFENDANT: EDWARO R corporellon. It duly appointed OAVENPORT; HAROlD O. ADAMl1 TruelM under I deed of lndt d•*' ROBERT A. OOTSON; MOTEL ~ 1, IHI. mlde by H'"'*1 M. INVESTMENTS •• Callfornl• Cooper M Truetot. to -• oert• pertn•r1hlp: LAZY I · TUCSON, obllg'11on1 In fevo• of Security l TO .. 1 Callfomle ~: LAZY Padflc Nttlonal Bink .• NetlonJj I MOTEL, • Clllfomla ~: Banking Aatoelltlon .. 8lneflclery, PICKWICK INN, INC., • oorpottdorl; -dad Mey 5, IN 1 .. lnett\HMlll end DOES I ttv!"'I" I5· lndullW rtd. 5098 In 8ootl 14045. PtlOI 1522 • llmbM of OITlc:lel Aedocrd In tne Oflloe 04 c..--1111,1 Iha Aeoofder of Orange County end NOTIC91 Y• Mwe ..._ MMld. n ln1trument no. I 1·447 l tl ol TM ..wt ..., ............. ,.. Lo• Angel•• County, C111torn11, ...... ,... Mlllt ._... .... ci.:.rlblng ptoe>lf11ee 11\efaltl. ,.. ................ ..,.. ..... That ttle IMIMflc:l91 1111•911 undef 1M .... I U I ...... . 1uch d eed of trutt '1ld the 11 you w11f1 to Nek tlle IMMoe of obllge llon• .. cured fi\otoby en ettorney In thlt matt.,, you 'noludlng • note for the aum ot lhollld do to prClll'lf)tly ao that 'f04ll 1750.000.00, are pt_,lly hold 11\1 written rMponM, If any, may be Ille l#ldenlgned; "'81 a brNClfl of, filed on tlrM. end default In, Ille obllgetlone for A V 11 O I U e t e d " a a I d e ~ eucti deed of trvet It aaourlty ffM•Adede. II trlllHtMI ~ "" OCCUtfOd In that peyment "" ......... u.. .... Ju. .... • not tie.I made of: ......... u.. ,...... ...,. Th• ent11e prlnclpal belen~ .. I -. &.. ta 1'oftnetcAh n .. ~ ec:crved lntweet. Wfllell IUftl ....._ ropre .. ntt the obllgatlont ol "ti uatod d•H• 1ollcltar t i Hermen M. Cooper under tht l c;onMJO d• un aboQ1do en t ett oerle ln Generel Continuing aeunto, d t b e rfe h e o t tlo ~dated Juty 3t, 1871. ly lnmeclletamonte, de "ta m.,,.,a. Ille Mrm8 of ttle 0-.. Conflnulng tu rwpueeta MOl'lta, ti 1M1Y ..._. Owe rt nty, H11man M. Cooper puedl.., ~a Uempo. guaranteed .,.,., tnd .. ob1aeUona t TO THE OEF'EHOAHT: A c:M at Tr~ Tool Co., !no. lo comple4nt 11 .. beef! flied by tlle the "'*· plalntlft llOllf* you. " you ,..., to That by -ot -=ti bftedl '"' defend .. lewault, you ,,..., wlllllrl undortlgned, pr-I beneficiary " day• after 11111 eummona I under H id dH d of ltuet, llH Mf\l9d on )'OU Nt w1tt1 tNa coun 1 8QCUt.ed and dllllWecl to M6d cllAy W11tt.n ,.aepori. 10 1M OOfftC)lelnt. eppolntt d TtuttH • wrltttll Unle9 )'OU do'°• Yo!" cMfaUlt..- o.cw.tlon of Deallt and 6'fNfld be ent«od on ~tlon of the for ..... and .,.. oeootlted """ plllntlft, and 11111 _,,, mer enter • Mid duty ~ 't,... Mltl ~ ..... you '°' ... ,.... deed of trutt Md all dOCUtNntt deifMllded ii tN OOll .. IC. _._ evldtnclnQ ob1t9111one MCurtcl could rH ull In t•rnl1llment Of ~.and .. deOl9*t arid doet ..... talna °'money°'~ llefet>y declet• 911 "'"'' MOur9d or otlter rtftof ,.quMted In tlle =:t lrM!dM,_ dlle, end hea oOITllllM\ :: .. t:'pr~ .=,,: ~~ DATlD-lB~ ~t'JH Mid _.., Of "'* to be a.fl • t old In •ooordanoa wltll tllt e,: ~A. ~ provlelone thereof to H ll1fy the rr= . . Obll•tloN _.... ~· ~ Oeted:~tt2 o•u-••Y eA fllTT ...... .,,...,.,.,.,., ~~ MUS JDll ............... ~ _,_ .... ...,..,. lyi w. A. M\IMler, .>t.. .... -..co=o~~.1eea "4''i~~ A.I INtTitUMIHT NO. et 1a, (not) '"1>11-.cl OrMQe CoMt ~ ..., ......... 0r...-Cout o..., l'llOC. •·a. 10, 11, a.. ~t.a ...., ..,._a. "'"·" ~.a , __ ' -- )~~ ~:i:;.::~'· whlle yow . ' ........ ., ~· The pol1thu,fho1 d11pli- calH hand ochon. Include\ the Wo•mOtltr, 2 l•rry cloth bonneh, cl•on.,.9101•. and S1mon11 formulo 901 hord pot l• wo• 11011 88 •• IOT 8 97 PAIR I Ann••• 1280 N. Eudkl 77999• • 2340 W. Lincoln Ave . ..._1621 • ......... 5256 leoch llvd. 9M-1UO CefJRI 440 North Main 7J4 IJll c:.... ..... . 1739SuperiorAve,..._,J,.4 NOW OPINI C.a-1•1• 9110 Foothill llvd ..... 811 hal I fllO.D Sierra Ave.118 1ee1 ••• ue•v..r . • tllO Womer Ave. Ml 1187 far u th4 Cav1' 11 before acttllna for the three polnta with 3:44 I ft In the third quarwr. Rub\·n K lly '• fumblt" recovPry at the Mesa 20 eel up thf' winning drive, a th~-play march that found Andcl'IOn open from 17 yud • out. Lloyd Shoemuker hit him on the numbera and Santiago hau a 14-12 lead. SUU, thtjro was time for the Mustangs, especially with Grant'• t.ol.l&b runnlna, throuah a m I d d l e t h a t w a s b e I n ·g consistently opened by Frank We rner, Jimmy Kim, Schurb, Mike H ove r so n and Ric h Schlesinger. But a 39-yard march died at the Santiago 30 and when the Muatanaa aot the ball '*-'k •"4tln lhere wu but 1:21 leh and 83 yard• aeparating them from paydlrt. Brian Jack.Ion ended any 1u1penae, plcklne oU 1 MC!111 aerial on the eecond play and tht' Cavaliere had their aecond straight two-point victory aaaured. 'the Mustangs e11me out of the game relatively Injury free (Grant had a dislocated rlngN and Ki Pae took a shot t-0 the head, buLtb.e.y're..both OK)_ ''I don't knnw about our situation mentally," said Camey. ''We've got to stop people to beat people." Defensive standouts for Mesa Included linebackers Pa.c and James Kyung. I And•11on t pan ltom 'l•tGller I V!MlqUM llletl I CM ktlllfb sa ro t Andttton IT P•H 110"' lhoeme1u11 (11 .. Qllff lllClll Allendanot-1.IOO l"lltN*'I a-.ttaUetiH • Ct( Flfll downt I , 11 Auti--yatd• :n.11 •2·121 PllMlflO yatdl 4' 13 Pu... 1·1.0 l-12·2 Punlt 6·35 l!·)3 Fuml>IM-IOll 4-2 •· \ Pt111tll'9e·yt1cle 1·02 3-50 lndlvktyejA~ S Simmon•. 21·11, Gu1m1n, 1·6: Ktpowtl, 3·9, Sll*"tlltt, 8·lo,.mlnu1 18, F1e1ct1et. !·8 CM-Otani, l!U 1; ~lie. '-"1 h Deleo, 4· 18: Htg~. 10·8 lndlvlduel 'llNlne S S11oemeket, •·..O. 33: Flelc1141f. 3-3.0, 10 CM Hlgey, 8· 12•2. 53 lndl•ldwll "9celrinf 8-81mmon1. 3· 15, Andelton. 3·28. CM Englllh, 2· 10, Heyee. 2· 14, Spt/111, 1.11. Grant. 1·8. Cook, 1·7. Troteclland. 1-3 Dowgard· ANTl·FRllZI/ COOLANT 3~! CASSEnE OR 8·TRACK CAR STEREO . . t . , I • ,_ . --·:• p .,, Tone and boloncc 5995 control' AMtFM ,1,de YOUR H lector r ·.: CHOICE EACH •SR·200 #SR·JOO COAXIAL SPEAKERS Two S ;· 011 suspenl•on. woln bu1h-1n cooa1ol 2' tweeter\, 20 01 magnoh •SK·620C 22~! 39!! Give• yow • CU'lom 1ollorl4 d4o for ltfty loe4 Mft. lty ~,... ~2) ~ , Fo• mo" co•• & u vck• Come• with ) lity• 46!! 30%0Ff IVIUDAY LOW '9UCI Semi outomo tic. Ftu.h or r.guklr mount to fit fnO!!COrt. ••x.10 TRU-TEMP THERMOSTATS For most :(£ U.ICO · lt•b111lt 1 ~. FOG & DRIVING LIGHTS ....,J6(0ear) 6411951(Amber) 6411944(Cl9otl Flwt.d For mo" 1960 10 I 2 voh co•• •«•pt lmpo•h 1979 up GM l4 1S1 •"CJI"'• 1971 up GM 200 231 260 26S 267 301 30S •"CJltn• 1971·11p Cl••v•H• ond Oii d1 .. •I 1 ••s •"II'"• With ••buoldobl• ••<'-ong• I EXCH tCAMO • Reb111lt For moll <o" 1fat•PI Import cor1 '"'•grol re911loto•-. 011d Amtrt<Oll Motor' w11h Motorolo ,,, ...... Oftd overllH uni'1~ 1 a•s W11h ••buildoble ucho119e EXCH Fo r mott co•t with 111ttgrol ••twloror. A"'9rlcen ~ton w1th Motorolo 1y1t•m, moil 1969·'72 GM proMtl, tt6', 1 t72· 'IO Ch•y•I•• prodwch w11h so, •o 24.S or •s AM' Incept lmpor1 con ond 70 or IO AM' i.1. moti.I GM lX(H pre4uc1t • IW1t+I ••bw1lctoW. HCllont• I .. ~ • • ,,. .. MAJO .. LIAOUI STANDINOI American LHGll• WllTl(RN 01v11ro N Kanus Cuy ~ ChlC~o Sea me Oeklend re ... Minnesota W L 84 en 112 64 78 f>/ 68 ,, 60 86 sa ea 53 93 l AITUIN OIVlllO.. MllWAUkff 86 60 Balhmo.e 115 111 Boslotl llO 66 0.110<1 73 71 ....,. York 73 73 Cleveland 7 I 7 3 T0<on10 68 711 Pct. 01 575 56l 2 5311 5·· 4611 16'> 4 11 l4 3117 26 363 31 689 582 I 548 e 507 '" 500 13 493 14 486 18 Thuu o•r .. k0t•• TO<onlo 2 Ane-1• 1, ( 12 tMll>QI) Teaas 8 M1nnASO!ill ;l BatUmore 3 N-"'°'k I Delrou 4 Bollon 2 Clllc~o 8. Oakland 3 Sealll<J 4. Ken .. , C•ty 2 Only gemes tc:he<lulttd Tod•r'• Oom .. A,...11 (JOlln 12 111 et Torr:>n10 1Ct1ncy 12· 14). n Cleveland (Su1ctoll11 12 61 81 Bal11n1010 (D Martinet 14· 111. n Botlon (Oenmen 7 II at 0111011 (Pe11y 14-7).n New York (Weaver 0 01 81 M1lw~ukee (Caldwell 15· I 1 ), n Oakland tCOd1tot1 0·01 11 Chicago (Dotson 11-111. n Ken .. 1 C11y 1Spt111or II 9 ·91 al M111nuota (Haven• 8· 11), n Texes (Sm1tt15011 2·21 al Seatlle 1s1olld8rd 1·1), n National LHGU• WUTERN DIVISION Ooclgero Allanla San Fran~..co San O.eoo Houston C1nc1nnah W L Pel. 01 83 64 585 80 66 548 2 ' 11 69 527 5't 74 73 503 9 68 78 466 14 ' 54 92 311() 28 I EASTERN DIVISION SI Louil Pl'tlladetplllA Monlreal Pittsburgh en~ ..... Yo.k 81 63 562 80 es .6s2 '" 79 66 !>45 2't 77 68 531 4'> 63 83 431 19 51 86 3118 23 • Th11t.o.r'• 1c.., .. N-Y0<k 9 Montreal 4 Sen Franc1tc:o 9 San Ooego 3 Only gamea llC~uteo To4e1'1 OamH Houllon (OlP1no 1 1) at Oo4ge11 (Reuu 16·10). n St LOU•S (Rasmu.sen o.o ond Mura 11-101 at N-YO<k (lynch 3-6 and Holman 0 Ot 1 11 Chlcego (Maril 9·8) at Montreal !Gulhckson 11-11). n Allenll (Camp 11'111 al Cint.1nnA1t (So10 11· 11), n Pittsburgh (Rhoden 10 121 Al Ph1l11delph1a IC1tl1011 2 ·81. 11 S an Ooego (Orovec •y 4-31 81 San Francisco (Laskey 12· 10) n AMERICAN LEAGUE Blue Jeya 2, Angel• 1 CAL,,ORNIA TORONTO .Orhbl abthbl Oownong II 4 O O 0 Baker 3b 5 0 1 1 Cat-lb 4 0 2 0 M~by cl 6 0 2 0 S.y10r dll 5 0 O O Upt/law 1b6 0 1 1 RaJcksn rf 4 O O O WOOdl ti 4 0 0 0 0.C.na 3b5 0 0 0 NtdhQn Ph 0 0 0 0 Grlc'h 2b 5 1 1 1 Mutllnks pll 1 0 0 0 hnqtct 4 000A.lhn611U 0000 Foll 11 4 o O O Powell dh ' 0 2 0 Boone c ' o o o Gt<"• 2b 1 0 0 O S.tl~ r1 4 0 0 0 Ptrlh c 4 0 2 0 IO<g 2b 1 I I 0 Adatnl pn 1 0 0 0 S1teb p 0 o 0 O WMI Pll 1 0 0 0 RLJc•son DO O 0 O Grol11n H 5 1 2 0 To1a11 39 I 3 1 To1a11 43 2 11 2 k0<a br lnn•no• Cahlorn1a 010 000 000 000 1 Tor onto 000 0 10 000 00 1 2 o,,. out When WIMtl>Q run SCO<IKI E-Re JllCl<aon OP Cahlorn1a 1 LOB Calllornia 5, Toronto 12 2B IO<Q HR - Gtletl 118) SB-lotg (31 Clllnofnla IP H R Fa.sell 911 9 1 Curtis 'l 0 O Saocr>ez (L fi..31 1'> Hasale< T0tonto 1 0 l!R II 10 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Slleb 11 3 1 1 2 Jackson (W.7·8) 1 O O O O 1 HBP Cerew fby S111b) I 3 12 A-15,693 Ranoera I , Twlna 2 ,..... 003 120 200 8 10 0 Mlnneso~ 000 000 101 2 11 1 Hough and Sundberg ll1ole 0 Cooper (51. Boros 171 and R Sm1111 W Hough 15· 11 L \/1ola 4 7 HR Oelrotl l A ParroSll I 14) A 6 1111 Tleef1 4, Reel So• 2 Boston 000 000 Ot 1 2 6 I OeltO<I 000 000 •0•-4 8 0 Torrei Ct••• 171 M Brown 181 ano Gedman Allenson W11CO• and f"ahey w W>lco• 11·11 l TO<tU 9 9 HR Oe1t0<t G W~son ( 121 A 8.253 Oflolff 3. Yanke" 1 -York 010 000 000 I 6 2 Balhmo.e 200 001 00• 3 6 O R1g11e111 ano Cerone Palmer and o.mpsey w -Pllme< 14 4 L Rog11~111 11-11 HR -New Yorio, W•nlleld t351 A-250811 MMIMt• 4, Royall 2 Seattle 0 10 100 002 4 10 1 Kanua City 002 000 000 2 3 I F Benn111er llande 8e<Q 18) S1an1ot1 (Ill and Swee1 leon1rd HOOd (9) and wa111an W-Vande Berg 8 4 L Leonard 10·5 S-Slanton (7) A-16.909 ~lle lo. I. A'e 3 Oaloland 101 000 001 3 12 '1 Chicago 100 202 Oh 6 13 0 Baker. Hanna (61 and Kearney M Heath Hoyt. Hickey (Ill and FIO w Hoy!. 111-14 L-Baker. O· 1 S-Hlckey (61 A-10,1129 Natlonal Leegue ...... I. l•poe 4 New York 102 010 ~-9 t3 3 Montre.i 001 001 110-4 t 1 1 Swan, Puleo In. OrOICO 1111 and HOdgff. Sandet1on. B Smllh (II) Burtt• (7) ScllalDde. (II) and Carler w Swan. 10-6 L-&ander1on. 10· 12 HR Naw York Wilson (5) A-24, 1115 01ent1 t Pact'" a Sen Otego 00; 100 002 3 II 0 Sen FranctKo 002 002 2311 II 12 o loll••. Ha•k1n1 (71 Wel1h (8) end T Kennedy, 8<eon1ng. M"'I°" C7l And Brenly w -Brelft1ng 10·4 L Lollar 14 9 S Minton (211 HR Sen Fr~l9co c Davis (191 A-4.37:1 Croee countrr MIOft ICM()()\. MIN w..-,111oe 11.1.a.-....n 1 Alldoeloe (l8). IS 511, 2 \"(Pon CW>. 19 40, S Mlcldltll)j\ (W). 16 52. l RMIM)' (1.8~ 17·02. 6 ~m«llO<n (W). 17 04; 0 lee 11.11. i t .01, 1 vuaa IL•). 11 oe. 8 Goldell (W~ 17 1'; II Ougerd (I). 17 17, 10 M.aellofW). 17·18 ' WOMIN • -.... , .. L.8 ltrNn .. cw-. .... wtM fetf91t) I .IOMI (L8). 20 481 3 Bei (WI. 21 ff. 3 ~,_ (W). 22 00. 4 Corne (W~ 2) SO. 6 Aeoollfl CW), 23 so 1111• II, Vlklnga 22 laoi• br Od1len M111ne1u1a 2 11 J 0 U Bullilu 0 1 0 10 2) Min :,ar-11 Ml>O• • luml11ed 11<11 ol Hnd ion• Min "'~'•' .''l 1.u••• frum K•am41ft tOa11m1101 k><• I Mt" etrvc:tr 1 fJn-sa ho~,, K••m•• tOwr111111to1 lu~k) M111 U1u•H 2 P•t• trom Kremur 10 ............. ki~kl Min FG Oan111e1111 43 Bui lt'w1• 6 P•I' l•om '••Outnn (M1k" M1t1w• •ock) Bui bull~• • '""~ "''"' f '"OU~'>" (I.tr• fu1t&dl M1n JG Ou.nmefot 4 .. eu1 n. Mi•" "'"~'" 11 Bui Bu1tot 11 p1t"to• tt nm • ftt\)v•uu IMtk•·Ma~et klCk f A 17 733 lnclMdual llalllllc• RUSHING M1nnHOl<I Br<>""n 12 V.l N111on 3 tO l'.r11mer I 8 You1111 I ' Buflalo lea•• 13·76 Brown 12 ~4 WMUnglon 1·2 Ft!rgusoo 2·nll•1<1•;) Moor" 2-minus 4 PASSING M1nnesoh1 Kr•mer 20·46· 1 265 Bullalo fer9uson 2!>·41· I 330 RECEIVING -M1nneso11 Wl'tlla e 142 Senaar 3 27 Nelson 2·38 leCount 2·28 Btuet 2-2• l-1s 1· 14 Br-n l·m>nus 8 Bultalo Butltlf 7-111 Lewi• 5-9J Brammer !>·53 Brown 4.32 Mosley 2·21 lea•~ 1 t 1 Tu111e 1·9 MISSED flEl.O GOALS M1n11uo1e none Buflalo ~11te Mayer 43 High achool acorH (non•l .. gue l Esttu•ct.• 14 Laguna Hill~ 0 San11aoo 14 Costa l.4e.a 12 Saddleb~'" 20, Sania Ana 8 EIJ)t!ranza 29, Capistrano ll~lley 7 T uston 20 Un1v&"11y 13 Hun1111g1011 Beach 10. Los Alomuo~ O la Ou1n1a 20 Ocean View 13 Kalelle O Volta Parlt 0 El Moaena 7 KennecJy 6 La Habra 27 Cal1lornl8 0 Men'• tcxirn•ment (et P•tmo, Slcllr) Second Round Slngle1 Jrmmy BrO'kn (US I del Ton1no Zugarelh (llaly) 6·3 6-4, Jose Garcta (Spain) del Cfauo10 Pana111 lllalvl 6·4 2-8 6·3 Fernando luna (Sp1in) def Jose Avendano fSpaonl by ckfa11U Diego Per"' (UrUQUey) def Hans Glldeme<Slet IC""•' 2·6. 6-4 8-3 Balazs Tii!oay (Hungary) det Jose lQPez M15'IO 1Spain1. 3-6. 1·5 6·3. Pat>lo lmaya tPe<ul del Goanluca R1ndld1N tltalyl 5· 7. 6-4 6-4 DoublH tournament (at P011te Vadfa, Fla.) Second Round Cl)1p HOOper-Blatne W•lfenl>Org (U s I del Snetwood Slewa11-Ferd1 Teygan (US) 6-3 7.5 Sieve Denton (US H<evln Curretl (South Alroce1 aer Andy Andrews-John Sadq (US I 6·7 6-1 6-3. Merk Edmondson-Kim Warwick {Aus1ra11a1 del Andr-Pattison (South Alrlca)-BU!Ch W&lll (US), 7.5 7.5 voe1or Amaya·Hank Pl1ller (US I. def Tracy Qelane-Mot P\Jrce111u S ). 6-3. 1-6. 6·4 B11an Gottlnea IU S J·Raul Ramirez (Me•1eo) def Marty Oovlt·Chris Ounk tU S 1. 3-6. 7·6. 6~0. Tim Gulllkson. Tom Gutliltson IU S I del M1i..e Cohill (US f-S.rnie Millon tSou111 Afroca) 7.5 6-4 World Ladle• Tournament (at Tollyo) Finl Round Slt19 ... Wandy Turnbull CAuS1ral1.;t dal Mary LOU P11te1< 1u S I 6-2 8·3 Hen• M1ndli1tova 1C1ecflOS10V11t•al a.tL Aoo. Krtonlur• tu.SJ. 6-3 6·2 Bemna Bunge IU S I oel Sabono SonlnOnds tlt•!vl 7.5 6-1 Barbara Potter tU SI Ciel Kathy R1naJ01 IU SI 6-1 11·7 7.5 Bonnoe Gedl.I-tU S r de! &-. Jeen o<mg (Us). 6-2 6-3 PMI c-tU s Jdet l ..... Allen IU S 1. 7-6 7-6, Sandy COiions IU SI d11I l(al"y Latham tU S l fi..2 11-0 M1ma Jausovec. IYugosla•••I def Jo4nne Rus~ll CU S I 6-3 6-3 • Men'• tournament (at Ho.nton) Fl,.t Rovnd Sfnglee John M<;Enroe !U S I de! T erty Moor IU s I 6-2 t>-2 Elt<lt Teftsche< IU s) del Pe1er Renner! flJ SJ 6·3 7-6 V1te1 Gerula111s IU SI def Enck lskertky tSwede<>I 6-4 6-4 High acboof women Marina 13, El Modena 5 Slngln De laal (MJ C1e.I. Quigley 6-3 det Robbins 6-0 Oel B11ttrlc 6-2 Ctau1 tMt IOSI 2·6. won 6-0. 6-1. Alberts IMI IMI 1-6 won, 6·0 7.5 Double• lOl1IO·f'ofgl11f!IT) {Ml leoSI 10 cauy t,lougherly 2·6 Ciel Chr1s1tanson-luc1dt 6·3 def Warner·MOY"' 7·f! Stanloeld· Harris (Ml won 6·3. 6·2. 6·3 ll~ng­ Hlllebr•nd (M) lost 3·6 won 6-0 toll 5-1 Laguna le.ah 14, Unl .. raltr 4 SlnglH Sturm l•BI IO!ll 10 LeFet>vre. 2-6. IOSt lo Corfman •·6 def Segal 11·2 Jen<le flBI 1051 6-7 won 6-2 tost 4-6. Willette (LB) won 6-2 6-2. 6·2 Doublee Pacti-Con'~ llUI def AndettOn·Otaper 6 I def Bushka-M1001e1on 9·3 de t Brenda-Lucas 6· I GOdfrey-Wallace tLBJ won 6-2 6-0 6--0, SUQ>-Ntytot llBI won 6-2 6-4 6-4 Edi..,.. 11, l.ol Amlgoe O SlnflH Smo111 IE\ <>et Gl1nll<as IHl def Pham 6·0 def Moo.e 6-0 Sel..u !El won 6-t 6-0 6 1 Reshvo !Et .. on. 6·2 6-4 6·2 Doublee loll-Howell CEI dat P Phem-N Pham 6-2 del Ullellne<-Kemt>e &-4. clef Tran-Bu< 6-0 Shea·S•mmons !El won. &-4. 11-0 11· 1 _Tru11llo·Klubnlk (E) won, 6-0. 6-3. 6-2 Wat9fDOto HIGH I ChOOL Vnl.,.,elty IS. 8-41 1 Buene 0 1 0 0-' Unl-•lly • 4 3 •-16 Ufl1ver111y acor1n11 B••lle11 3 S Wuhtx>urne 2 Cotwtck 2. Gerich 2, Schlacltot '1 K Weshbourne 1, McCullouOh t Crawford 14. Merlna 11 Maflna 4 3 2 2-11 Ctr.wford • lJ 2 6-" Matltla KOnng laUaky 6, Spanovten 1 Brotherton 1 W111de 1. Hopllins 1 Oellney 1 MMlna 21, f1941"enu 1S E-ana 2 5 4 4 IS Maron• S 5 8 6 21 Ma11ne scoong Hop1<ln1 8 Warde 3 Zal<Hkr 3 Sp1nov1c11 2 Ono••• 2 B•otherton 2 R Lynell 1 Mle.aloft Viejo n . l enta 8Mbal• 4 Sama Bwbara O 2 O 2 4 Mt-v .. 10 3 2 $ t-11 Min ton Viejo 1cor1n11 Hourigan 1 F*11enllW1 2. RoOgera 1, lkleltt 1 AltT'8 t.!:ro ':."::'L1 -t 1 •llG!e<f 42 ""· 3 l>onllo. ot 111aell«el. 6 tMepehHd, I cai:-on OAYSY'a LOCICI" ( ... w,.n ....... 13 ano•• 1u l>Olllto, 10 calico l)e .. , 400 ~ .. ., .... ncr., ... D~ WHAM -.. tngltltt 57 l>IM, IO ~to. 2 Nllblll, 80 1'11«.ketel, 10 I •OCk M~, I Wl'lilt ... l>llM• 1 ~' 81AL 81ACH -ti •llOle 11 U b•flKllde, 4 bonltoL • 'lllCO bHt, HO IMCkerel, 2&0 roclt ""'· I""°~ 1• wN4e fie!\ 31 ewlpln. ( .... ) .. .,.... 43 bOl'IUO, 490 lflecll•ef a ...,. IMIM. a ICUlpln. 350 Wlllt• ~-450 ..... hall U• 01100 (HlM Le111ll ... I 121 MO*• 41 .,.,_, 2 1un1 ft°"'"8 , .. , T..utllOA''I MllATI (till .... ..., ..., -llnf) l,..ALOOIAI "llllf "ACI 41, l11rl(ln(ll P1emeci1t&l'°'1 (U..1n11 I 00 160 i It.I N04• 1 WinM>nl,l (ltalhfl\jtl 1 to a ao l •Q Chek (AlllOCH\) 2 60 Alao rat ed Na11mallt ltu'k s C:ount 011111 Jet time H :J/6 M I UCTA (4 )) paid 141 00 OUARll.-HOAHI H CONO RICI . 360 yardt Ann .. • Copy (Tlklk•I o eo 4 40 3 eo A1t9ffll Je1 (Mll,flelll • 00 3 40 Jey Dftr Gal (Al'llllllOllOI 4 40 Alla ••ted 0 1y Jl•b•I 100. MIN HI)' Ceper, lurb(J lhfUtt, AHUfltn• VoutoWmt tve Ool Winge. H1w11..,. .. Pride Tim• ti oo THlftO ltACl1 400 ylfdt \/WO (AlmttrOrtQ) 11 00 1 80 • 00 Supe<t ... p., (Tfiomu) 7 IO 4 40 Perfect Requell (B .. vtn1) 9 00 AllO r a c ed l'll•nlom llOgU• U"'onlMted Truly • Cll". Oothlnkl""· My (1tty Victory Time 20311 16 I U CTA (e-1) Pl~ HI 100 THOflOUOHel'I DI ,OURTH RACll. II lur101191 G•-berO ,,.,nano.11 11 40 • 80 3 60 PrOUd ChOl(.I (Slbllll) 3 IO '3 20 ttave Ooe (Blec:kJ • 80 Also reced 11 • the Betry A D•t.iY Batter Royelly F1111 I love 0...1 Con111M11 Me Time 1122/!I ''"" RACI . 8 l11rlong1 Wiik ~ Home (HlnMnl a 00 4 00 3 20 Wlllll a Ster ISlb•lle) 4 llO 3 20 Trtbal RH•• tMan•I 2 60 Also raced Stray l•dy. Hope to 1 ell. My Freckles Count, CoutM l anding Time 1 12 2/~ I UITH R4CI!. 1 1118 mllM J .. mlnt P11nce (Mllfla) 3 llO 3 20 2 40 HIOUChl (Stbme) 4,40 3 20 Edna K (S1e111no•> 3.40 Alto reced Cabin Rouge, Hal'• Gem, Fiiiy Plv1. Mr Cheatum. Harley Time 14114/6 ts llCACTA ( (5·71 P•IO S0.$0. HVINTH RACI. I t/lCI mllat Pirate Men (01teo•I 1& 00 II 00 3 80 Power Commander (E11raoa1 13 20 5.40 Co.ntth Watrlo. (CampH ) 3 00 Aleo 1ace d Eminent lad, ProJ•cllle. 4maz1ng Oeflvary. Mootlt/I Ptlde, Our Son Pete Ttma 1 49 215 EIGHTH RACE. S fU<lonQS Ye! Time (Fil)uero•I 13 llO Bubble Gummo (PedrOHJ l:lefrM(Mana1 1140 4 20 1180 480 2 eo Rebel. Also raced Tamarlane. Aeldlft Cruy K Hearl Pueblo PleM<.ore Time 111 416 • ts llCACTA (2·5) p.icl 1357.00 NINTH ltACI . 8 kiriong. Reb'I Ol#tlaw tEa1racla) 13 20 6 20 3 llO Hol TrecU ISpenc1t) 15 00 3 8C> Rembfe °" John (HtnMnl 3 00 Also raced P-1 Slick Pin, C.uz Da Sul, RalH • Pt!H , Here ComH Dave. Alm Adil am Tim. I 12 315 TINTH RACE. II lutlongs Raold Embe< (UttadlJ 10 40 5 00 3 60 • Log111hythm (M-) 4 llO 3 80 ' llaln Throckmo.ton (Noguei) 8 ~ Also r~ Cheyenne EAIJle, W11 Alli.a.· Rewatdlng Tragic 114111, Most OtpiOmanc Time 1 112/S ts llCACTA (2· 7) Paid S 107 $0 l!LIVENTH RACI. 8 luflongt dummer !Bleck) 13 20 6 20 4 00 Common Foe (HlnHn) 12 liO 3 llO SteiQng Sllvt (Ot190al 2 80 Alao ••Ctd Bold Hor11on1, Plantellon Jub1lff. Roel< En Sam. Round Polley. Fae Few Fum. 8ran Bey, Old SmOkey Time 1 12 4/S TWl!Lf'TH "ACI . 1 11111 milea GIVe Him Wings (HanMn) IS 20 II 80 4.20 Two H0<ne (Nogue1) 7 20 4 20 Sir Spruca (Sl*'Ce!) 4.40 Also ttold Advance Van, Haughty Heir l(AChlM Oolcl. Rd<y Honor. Sern • Pride T11n4 1 47 215 • IUCTA (4·llllMI S3~50 Attendance 10,020 Hall of hme c1 ... 1c (at Plnelluret, N.C J JOlln Adami lance Ten Btoeck lommy Valentme l1t10y M•Her Jim Barber Allen Mile.< Ed F'10<1 Larry M11e T1<ry Meuney Het Sulton Cu•tis S1r1no• Bob Byman Bobb~ Ctampell MOfrls Hataltky PM Hancock Mike Holland O.ntt Wataon Woody F•t~hl#Oh Jerry Heard L" Elder Jey Haas Tim Nom• Steve MelnVl< Ed Oougl1ef ty Gary Koch .i.m Booroe M•a R.,d Gaty McCord E"c a.11..i Payne S1-at1 Rod Nuc-Ol•t B•" sanc1w Cherlea Ktenkel Jim Neiford Greo Powen Rog..-Matti>" O-ge Archer Gibby Gwl>lfl Blaine McCafktter Jtft Sandef1 Scott Hoell Rletlatd Zokol 35-32 67 ~-35-U 33-3!>-68 34-34-611 35-33-~lt 33-311-69 35·34-811 32-37-69 35·34 69 34-3!>-69 34-35-69 34-35-69 34.3~~69 311-3~-70 36-34-70 36-34-70 36-:M-70 36-34-70 35-35-70 35-35 -70 33-37-70 31-39-70 35-35-70 35-35-70 38-34-70 3S.35-70 35-35-70 3!>-36 71 37-34-71 36-35-71 35-36-71 34-37-71 36-35-71 35·36-11 3S.3' 71 37.34 7 I 34-37-71 34-37-71 34-37-71 34,37 71 34·37-71 36-35-71 Women'••~ll COLUOR New Me~~ State ci.1 UC lrv\ne, 16•10. 15 12 15·12. NtO" I CHOOL HunllnglOll BHCh d•I Foothtll 15· 11, 15·0 15-6 Jrvo,,. ci.1 M•ter Ott, 8 15 1~ 11·16, 15·7. 15· 11 Orange del Marina IS·ll 4· 16, Ill IS. 1!1·5 tS-5 ') O'ange Coa1t OAll.Y PILOT/Frld1y, Seplember 171 1982 el E~p ranza tops Cougars, 29-7 By CRAIG RUS l'.:LI O(Uw D•llr ........... Whrn (.;opuilruno Vullt•y ll1gh'1e Co~wh Olc:k Enright louk1'<.1 u\ lhl• 11182 football 11Ctwdulf', lw knc•w t'tf''d leurn a lut 11bou\ hlti t1.•am ult.er the flrt1t two gumcs. UnCortunat1.·I~ for thl' Couunr11, Enright hus disc:ovt•rt•d lht"y r t' u long way from bt'lng a Southorn CcJt\Ct'ruocc• titl{1 (.'Qfllt•ndl'r. Followlng JJn diht pQllll 1wruwn openini loss to defending CU-: Southl'rn Confcrom·c champion FoothiU lwll wt1ck1 Enri)(hL's injury-riddled 11quad lOlit t.o a very t.alent<•d Espl'ranui crow, 29· 7, be fort" 1,200 fans Ill Valentia High Thursday. The win mov<'S thE> slxth-runkt..'<1 Aztecs to 2·0 on tht• young season, while the Cougars, who were prj•v1uuMly ranklod 10th 1n Orang<' County, will mos\ undoubtt>dly drop uut of the prep rankingli. "We've just got to remember that these were just practice games," said Enright "At least 1t shows us what we m•ed to do to get to CI F (playoffs) smce tht>re's no doubt that Foothill and Esperanza will be right there." One thing the Cougan; nff'd to do 1s attack with a mo re balanced o!Cense, like the Aztecs did Thursday night. With Steve Morford and Glen Cole piling -up the yards on the ground, and Pal Wren going to the air when he had to. Esperanza piled up 396 yards in tot.al offo~ toJ'ust 115 for Capo Valley. · Morford di most of the damage. After gaining over 200 yards in Esperan:r.a's opemng win over Sunn y Hills last week (33· 7), t he senior tailback accumulated 1:1nothe1' 136 against the Cougars and scored three touchdowns. After a safety made it 16-0 at the half, it was Morford agam, this lime in t he third quarter from a yard out. Saddlehack • stops Saints By TERRY WHITE Ofthl DeJIJ PUol llett SANTA ANA The Saddleback High Roadrunners usc.<d a tough defense and an equally potent offense to hand the Santa Ana High Saints their first loss of the season, 20-8, T hursday night before 4,000 fans at the 'Sant.a Ana Bowl. The Roadrunners arc now 2-0, while the Saints evened their record at l · J. Quarterback R-Od Pesak figured strongly in the Roadr unners' first drive, completing a 22-yard pass to Todd Cage that gave Saddleback a first down on the Santa Ana 11. Pesak also had a four -yard run, setting up Lynn Slack's one-yard touchdown plunge with 6:21 left in the half, giving the Roadrunners a 7-0 lead. Saddleback Coach Je rry Witte was happy with the team's runnrng game, which led to the. Roadrunners' se<.'Ond s traight victory over a Sant.a Ana city rival "I was pleased with our running backs. They're running the ball real well," he said. Kevin Bradley and Robert Williams accounted for 136 of Saddleback's 154 tot.al rushing yards. Bradley rushed 21 times for 6 J yards. while Williams totaled 75 yards on 9 lWries. PREP FOOTBALL. • From Page C1 Pacifica, 0 -1. revolves around fullback Greg Applegate. The game 1s at Graden Grove High. * Dos Pueblos vs. Mater Del Mater Oei's Monarchs captured the No. 8 spot in the CIF Big Five Conference rankings after stopping Fountain VaUey, 24-14, doing it with a pai5 of long distance plays. Quarterback Roger Reynoso and fullback Al Pola key the Monarchs' attack. The. game is set for San t.a Ana Bowl. * El Toro at Mission Viejo El Toro is the "hC>me team" on the Mission Viejo campus and will .be trying to improve on a 2-6 overall record agamst the Dia.blos. Mission Viejo is on a 15-game unbeaten streak and is the No. 5 ranked team in th CLF Southern Conference. El Toro, also l ·O, is the ClF Central Conference's No. 1 outfit. Nil.JC NOTICE COURT Of' C:AL~IA COUNTY Of' INYO lwperiof Court of Ille ltate of Callfomla 111 N. Ectwank llreel lfldep1nctet-. C:allterllle Nm PWntlfl CO .. lLAND LUMHfl YAltOI, INC. Oefet*nt OONALO fLLIOT C:LAflK, CLAflK LAND DRVILOPMRNT C:O"f'OltATION. a Cellfotl\la Co1ponllon, TUYVEIANT IN8U"ANCI C:OMftANY, e C:allfetl\la COfPO'•flol\, el\d DOii I lfltolltll X, lnellltlff IUMMONI c:-Number tt,laO NOTICll You llevt Men euN. Tiie c:-• 1118' decide .... "~ wllhOut )'Olir beltlf llMfd )'OU reapond wtfMn • .,.., .... Ille lnforlllettoft (Mtow, ti you wllh to Mele 1118 lldvlGe of en 1ttorney In Ihle ma tter, you lhould do IO prompthr '° tll•t your written IH PonH , II any, 1111y be 111ec1 on time.. AYllOI Uehd ltla 1lde d•111•11dade. II trl•u"81 ,ued• ~ -"• lM. ...... note • -... w . .......-....... de ao dlM.. L .. la lftfefMeetoft .,_ Ti·u 11ed dH•a •011c1t1r e l con .. 10 d• un •bogado en nl• ••unlo , d a t>e 1t1 h a c e rlo lnmedlatamente, de •I• manera. t11 taepueeta -11 .. •hey alguna. puede Mf 1eglelrad• • 1MlmPO 1 TO T~t' DEn HOANT A cM1 eomplalnt hH Hell llled by !he "4Mltlft agllinl1 you If 'tOl.I With 10 Clef9lld tlll• 18W9Ult, you mutt, within H day• at1e1 tllf• 1ummon• •• -wcs on you, flla With thl• c-1 • wrtnen rHPOl'IM to Ille oompt11nt Un,_. you do eo, VoU' del•ult -Niii be t ntared on 1ppllc111on of the plelnllft, Ind lhlt court llllY tnler I 1ucsomen1 aoaintt y0u IOr Ille , .. .., demanOeci rn 111e coml)lllm. ~ could tH 11ll In garnlt l'lmenl of wA09t, taklnQ Of ~ t)(r Of*IY or otlle r relier raquatt• In th• COITl~lllnl. OtleO Aug 24, 1112 Ml'letttl IJomtey, ()ep\lty ........ ......, P.O. .. lr1t •lllu•~cA_. C1'Mt......, . ........, ........ P ublltlled Ora11ge ~ .. DeliV ""°' "°' 17, 24 °" '· •. '"' 4t2tH •' "8.IC NOTICE ftCTmCX.11 _.. .. NAm ITATl•NT The followlng oe11on 11 dolno butl,_.U E J LOHNES & COMPANY. 311110 WHt•rly Place. Suite 100. Newpo<t Beach. Calilornla 112MO. Edward Jay Lahn ... 2t14 W. Co111m1>1ne •A. S e nt• An•. Calt!omla 82704 Thia bu11nes1 11 'oncluc:tad t>y an lnd!Vidull Edward Jay LohnM Thll 11ttemen1 w•• filed with thl County C181'k of Ot1nge County on Sept 1, 19112 ,, .... Publlahad Ortnge Coa11 0 111y Piiot, ~ 11, '24, Oct. 1. 11. 11182 4116-82 Pta.IC NOTICE ftc:TmOU• au ... H NAMli IT A Tl•NT T11a ronowlng pe11on 11 doing l>utff1911 ... I. 0 llAIOA Pl.UMBIHO, 1030 w Mao.Arthur Blvd • Sant• An•. CA 02707 Lale~te Oeotge Bak!• II, 1o:>o W Mac.Arthur Blvd., Senta Ane. CA 82707 Th11 'but1-ia con<1uctec1 t>y en lnclMOuel L Q eeio. 11 Th11 11atement w .. fJfeCI wtth the County c1er11 of 0r•"G9 Co\inty on 8e9t IS, 11'2 ,,., .. -.. -..... c .... Delly .... Pilot, Secll 17, 24, Oct 1. I, 1982 411042 rta.IC NOTICE '1CTIT10UI euelNIH NA• ITA TIMINT Tn1 tollow•no pllftOn 11 d olno butll\911 •• ,, COl.ONIAL PAIE99..r. M$9 IOlta A~11e> W•tmlnalei, \iA, MAAIE V. WILK, 8847 Lark Ci10., f'ountaln Valle¥. CA 021ot Thll buatMtl II c:onclUGted t>y an lncll~ual Ma1ie V Wiik Tl'llt 11atament .,. .. hied with the County Clel'k Of O.anot Coul\ly on Augul1 25, 1N2 "911'1 PuDltth•O Ofa119e COH\ Delly • ""°' AllQ 27. ... 3, '°· 11. 1"2 •11-a llLL ~·· lte1t11 wltll I o.ity "'°' -,. . ' ' 6 4 2 • s- 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Real E1tate the Compl9te O~ CoMt• M.-tPeoe -i ' CLASSIFIED ~~-'·"1~1~············ INDEX ~ ,. Tt Place, .. , A•, Call 1.:.1 ~l~ 642-5678 fOUAI. HQVSIHG ti NOUS£$ FOi SAL[ O l'PO,.T UNIT Y ,, ... ,., llalboo hi•"" IMltie. P•Nn•wl• ~:r;::r ~~fh ~-.... ~ o..-. ttouw llTOf• '"""-•in Valt•t HUMl"l'-CNllAuth lt\llM • ...... "°" .. ( .. &~•Hill' lA.l.ul•fl'tlt.HI Nlht.Oft\' ... jO t-rr:'...:-..·:· '"·· ( ....... , •l'WJ aAa• fwol liot<ll ............. _,,.. tA"MIA'4t't -kollo<M•3•l• rut mm S£1VIC£S St'f~K't' °''""°'>' EMrtOYMEIH & Pt£PAHJION lthoOlt. IMINtUM JtAW•Al.-.J• 11.1,11. ...... 11 1 , ,M£1CKANDISE ""'-APf!••Nn •I f'91PUS 4lll ...... .. ti., .•. ,., A¥Tts. N(W AUTOS, om """ ~l:UkoL P1t.H1ller'1 lttlH1 ' 1 '""' All rail ffllte IM!vertl..O 10 In thll ne...,epaper 11 ::m 1Ubl8Ct lO the Fedaraj1 ,.. Fal1 Hou11ng Act of 1JI08 ,,.,. which mak., u llleo•I to :::= adv•tllM "~y pralar91\o 111W ee, Umllatlon or dlaerJ ::• nation ba11d on rac -COIOI, rellglon, 1111 :: nation•• orig in, or • tllll Intention lo make • ::;: aueh p1eleranee. llm ll IA lion or dlacr1m1na1~· ::: Th11 new81)8P9f wUI • :: knowlngly accept ttet advartlling for rMI • WO -- 9'1• ---... •w -- - t• wt11Ch la In v1o1111on the law HHllt Advert sers should chec their ads dally an report errors I med latel y . Th DAI LY PILOT a sumes llablllty t the first lncorre Insertion only. ...... ,,, ,,,, .......•...•....•.. ,,,, "'''' ....•...•.•......• C.•1111 I ••..•............••.• llAIT 4 1111 FIXER, $11,0 Fantastic: opportunity paint and clean make • 101 of p ro Great ttarter fariiTTY home or exClellent for the Investor. Call 5-48-23-cr- THE REAl. ESTATS:RS LOOK For our new 1egul~ weeklJ fea1ure · BOAT SHO\Y ~ CASE '.'. Every Saturday In lhc; Dally Pilot Classifieds , Lt cars*bikes• •skateboards•~·' trucks*baby carriages•tect: cartsatrlkes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scootersahot ·" rods•coupes• ~.: trailers•hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn •• mowers• ti moS' •corporate ... headquarters •garden carts., Model A's .. •• •typingtables ....... wheelbarrows~,, recreational vehlcles•golf "';; carts•mode1 • trains•bikes · ..) •ptanos•cars ~. refrigerators , *skates•••••• ~. ... , ,. ------------------ - -- Orang Coutt OAIL y PILOT /Friday, ltpt•mlMr 17. 1912 • -lie Complet Or n1 Coa t Market Pl c i.·~!!!!.~'.'. !.~~·....... :~!!! /~'.!:'.'! .. ;·;;; ~ .. ~!!! .('.': l'.1!. •• . • . . !'.'.!!!!.(~~ !~t .. .. . . !'.~~!!!.('.'.!.'.'.'....... !'.'.!!!!.('.~ !.'.1.'....... ~~'!!!!.('.'. !.'.'! •••••.. llHHf Ht l•/1 HH1•1 111 1111 0.1 fl ,,,.,, • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ,,..., I• II I I ~~~!~~ ...••.... ·'·~~ .!~~~ ......•...•...• !'!.-.~~~~ .......... 1.'.ft f!!!~~{ .•..••... !.'.!1 !'!.".~~~{ ......... !.~~ ff'"-~.~!~.'1~! .. !.~~ f~!~. !!!!! •••••. !!tf .,,, .. ,, •t•A IHI .,,,_.., ... IA 1111 ••• .-.-~•·"'•••••••••••• ...... ; ••••••••••••••• ····~················· 111&1 "'" .. cooL w.+11 v11w u•• 11u ••••• ... u1T111 I.MM/~,!~'~ P\lrCll•· C.'HARMINCl, ~ 8EfltUX>M. 2 l\A'rtl 2 STOltY Prlmt• J.Jdo Nord bllylron\, 6\)drm, ~·..;beth Ull& llU * IAYE 21 I * .. 1130.UOO Complete TOWNHOMY. OV1'!JU.OOKIN(l HUOlll.INC: t ,. L H 2 bua ti $l ~00 000 lt78,000 ee•h dOwll 10 remodel plua addition "BROOK t>OOUl.:t: (.11\ltl\OE A"M'AC'llto:l> -" · " t 1 Pl ' ' 1120,000 111 auumable Pric. go.. up 111 2 wke Countty ch•tm lhroug lo'OR YOUR C.'ONVENl t.NCt; Vfo!KY NEAil loan• 1 aty, " Wrrna. 4 when llet9d w/rHltor 4 hou1 138 Walnut St SOUTH COAST PLAZA AND TllY. FU1'UIO: Rt•mocM1'tl 3 bdrm, 2 bath ... larat~ n.'C. rm b•th• ... llj) IOI 4 boel DA 3 8A w/ oc.•nlb•Y 8 h 0 w n b y • p 0 I NEW Mutm: c t;N'rEK OWNER 113 VEICV bt.'Jm C(•iling11. Cutnllhcd. pt1t!ol. $420,000. Model h!rne pertectlo~ view Oreet term• Call o5w$!.:!r998, 784 1648 ly $695,000 FEE AN x I 0 us ... N 0 It As ('RI(' EI) ·r 111 s IOH.000 760-1010 0pet1 Sun 1-6 1--· .. _____ _ , ;~~.~~iY.0~'.~.~~t?.f'~)~u~·f11W1~~~1~~; PEllllULA 110111 IU.4110 IHI l•l•I IOZI Thu• outatund1ng valu~ fe&turl1 fabulous • VALUE' •'Ott PHIV/\TI<; Slll)WINC (.'l\LL l'rlte Wt.'lit &y buylront. Slt!>' for 2 bou\M 3";J,~;~;-;;:~:;t~~~;; poof l &1 d11fl: Lar~e ,3 ~r}m, (amhlly room, vouK ltEAL ~TATE: t>tto~·•~SION/\1. rt•modc(C'd 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200,000. IPYILAll home wtth 3 eer garage. ormu ining, Pus muc \, muc more. Jeck Dud•nhoett.r 0Seuth,ort" 2 thtp••oea 1ov. dn &Ill If Air It hr h.alflell A&Nh at Ck't!lln & J<.1tty view•. M lll"u1e roon1, 4 bdrm, 3 $ Bdrma, 4Y. be Owner w111 htlp finance 10% cash down payment is only small lW ESTATE STORE lll·llll bnth, 3700 11q h $1 ,:IBr>,000 Oc:eanlront R-gu~n '~.!!5~~000 12~~~44 6111•0882 part of l"Xcellent flnandng on thi11 EXCLUSIVE DOVER SHORES Wlttt lq1lffttet IHl l1r Yltw SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION lllllllal Sele or 111de epeclou• •Br 28a, newty r~ led New fure>e>een J'JI· mllmo kllQ!en 1211,000 Cati (1141 758-2908 ,.,, ,,,,,, .• !.~~~f~~ ••..• Y.~ Trl<J• 11 .... CIMr 381, 281 home, Anehelm • com· plate relurbl1h • t•rn• tenant 10 yr1 for Rel, LA. Orange. 8. Diego, COHiii lrlll. 160,000 (7 U ) 968-260 or !105-5511 ., NEW~.f 8~~~~"t~~~KNIA LllD• llLE llff•OIT IHUlll •1 CALL 1&0-1468 fl,.,, · 1032 fantastic off1c,r~.a • n AMIUYI NIOI A t2/ .:z::, ••••••••••••••••••••• • • UT /Ill 1·1 Lagoon vu!w from 6 bdrm. 5 bltth, playroom. Big Canyon (MeLeln) -..,., Y "*1 ~ WlfHIT 1Cl2 l&WY •.. ,.,, ...............••••... dark rm, den. &at slip Now $1,000,000. T11teful upgrad"· gor· U,000 HW• Gall fraa SttH 140-INO tr ICO·OOll SUPER HITI ICM CRESTLINE ...... f 11•i•l" ................•..•.. geout appolntmente. ••· C.1t• #11• 10'4 2 tp1clou1 bdrm•+ 2B• • 1um1bte 11% loan Se· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 pool, 1pa, 11une & curlty. 11renlty, 1wlm· IE•• .,.111 tennis All for only $89, . • TOWIHOME Love nest In lflt 1ky New IAYlllE PUCE St02,000 Simply lovely. 2 br w/llrepllce 170, .. , ... ,,, .. , "" ...................... opgraotd Founteln Plaza 000. $6000 down now. Spectal'ut.wbayfronl dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, end unit townhome $4000 next year Owner 2 ba dn 2 boat spaces. Rcduced~$1.:>00.000. ~ould be 4 Bdrm (Jack & carry 10% auumable .ttlfl. Squeaky clean. very (714) 586-0369 ming & tennl1. 1320,000. -H 900 Mull sell lmmed t l!'liijl()l Jf t l{)Mfi OllAllHl Pleese cell 631·4587 · Beavtlfulf • Bdrm lemlly Celt UI for YEAAL y or ~NTER rentalt. Aeglr ProperUH 675-4000 'Elvlle spa. Near llllle BRANO NEW "Hee 1 of ea playground. Great .. r ' nanclng. 546-2313 Orange County Tqwn-..,.. homes • Lu>1ury 3 bdrm Ml=t '"'12li• homes Deeulllully de-*'h1;J}1"-!J ~l~~~ .. n~u~~~ b~~~; :~~ -------·--1u1t won't bellevel Call now Brandywyne Pro· " .,.. TIE CROWN POINT peftl8S II, 531·9670 llllEI IHYE 2 & 3 Bdrm Lu1111ry Con-dos Encl garaget Full 1 amenllles $5000 down. Call Rich Own /Agt . 964-6171 10 AOHl-1.0. ~:.SPYGLASS NOHE PllPHn Could be two percelall Located In loothlll coun- try. E of Irvine Leke HILL Property features pestu- res. native chepparel & • 1 Pll>'ed privet• lene llned S~perbly constructed wllh orange trees As· ~ted estete on almost ''\ king $136.000 w/$56,000 • Kre with spectacuiar In assumable flnenctng. FAIRIAllS UIOH New 4 br, •Ph ba, c(lswrn French Normandy Est.ale 1.2 prime am~ hilltop $1.250,000. AVALll Fee simple cottage on quiet Dcscanao St. (In Flats). $145,000. OIROllll CAYS Coronado Island cuat. bayfronl lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/term... BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )~I Boy,•d•· Q,,,, ~. B 67) 6161 Realtore. 676-6000 home, leaturlng apa & H1ali11t11 1nclo11d garden room 11.oi I 040 ,.,,,,. 11111 YEHi ITUlor Lovely 4 Bdrm 2 8a home, trg tree 1heded yard . peneled tamlly room, secluded p11to off Mttr Bdrm. Super prlee for area et only $159, 000 761-3191 C:::. '•I I I ( • ~l»Hll'IHl11•, on th• ltll,Jler tulle. •••••••••••••••••••••• , •• , •• ,,. 3101 Completely remodeled For llrtt ti,,,_ Buyere. New :===========:=!!Ill! ! .. B•r•·b·a·~·,•r•o•n•l••w•/•d•o••c•k• ' throughout with many program 2 Condo• 1 Br. .. upgrade• 101 t,,. dlscrl-1 11ory + furniture. 111, _ I 4 O O Imo yr t y , ~!~~·~~%0~u/~~ :~k!~~ ggg· ~Jir9e2a~~~;s ~~\~· ~'!!r.!!.~~!! .. !.'!~,f~~!~.N!! ....... !.fl. :mo1mo w1n1e·. Av111 polntment to He. cell BY OWNER 3 BR 2'" be PUTilll liREEI ·PERFECT ST ARTER J.R PROPERTY 540·1151 house. 2.000 sq ft , 2 Prof dec91ated warm 3 1 CONDO• MANAGEMENT fplc's, fen-_,, "rd 3 yrs Br L.R D"R ·FA """ greal So Coast Pleza 1175-6173 ......, ' 1 • 1• ' w.., toe, been unit w/rec rm. ---------old W/lelte 1m11ter k tell , rplc, plus a pri· tennis pool apa. $8000 On the Point 3Br 2bl house/condo or trull v&ate lr1g manl'1Jred yard dwn. prtced' 10 Mii AgL patio, winter IH, 1v11i deed in trade or wlll di· 1 pr vete putting green 652-2000 752·0187 I m rn e d $ 7 5 0 I m o . ~HERITAGE REA1.TORS 1coun1 for caah down & 3 car garage A real ' 6 7 5 • 3 8 9 4 o r l&Olllll PU payment. I 163.000 value et $376,000 end INVESTORS 213/792·•810 See be- Ouya & o•••. don't mlaa 112.000 HWI 720-0527 dys/evs you own lhe land Try $5000 down & $200 mo. ginning Sunday thl1 low prleed 1 Br con-I O It 10% dwn. Patrick Teno-negative ceah llow lor a _;;..-~---'---- do In trvlne Beat 1oca-I I • I• TMI SAii ra, 831-1288 3Br Iba sgl temlly deta· lli1d,. Vl•J.• 3111 tlon In Orangetree. right Specloua 3Br + 21/rBa, la1k Ftrtoltlllft ched home. Rich Own/ ••••••••••• •••••••••• IOW/ITI VIEW on the s1ream & water-redwood patio & •P•. 2 etory. 2 bdrm l'h be Agt 96•·6171 btolltlwt lt•t AL•IT II lll lllMI fall, adJ,cent 10 the Ja-hand1ome brick frplc, beach-Condo co·ot> Bachelor Unit, S. C Plaza Beautlfully furn 4 bdrm. cuul. Cell now, this wilt xtra lg 2 car garage w/ Pool, aeuna. weight -aree $89.000 Open & 2'h ba. cuatorn Jae 4 BR. 3 BA, 2 sty, seren e Laguna Beach NH tell $76,000. owe ':1~e9~·1~~1°{ ~aSkAr'; room, sub parking ---illliiiiiiiiiiiilliil elry 11v1ng room. ha11_s_i_300_._A....;g_t _6_7_5·_1_3_3_1 _ CDS, Porta(ino, elcg~e. appraisal 631-7370, 545-7838 648-5680 Ocean end Pier View ILIFFI l&IUll beam celllngs, grNl pool .,,,..,, ••tl 3111 $495,000, asking $450,000. Seller w /assist Listed et 1180,000. S65. You own ,,,. land 2.000 & •P• off BBQ area. ••·•"••••••••••••••••• b d h STEAL IT 000 under rnarket All 1q ft, 3Br. tam rm, 2'h Tennla crt1 & rec room LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam on uy-own wit early escrow. O U er cash or new tin Greet Ba, wide GrNnbell, near add to the tun. Rent no rm, 4 Ba. $1700 mo. on price & terms. Low dwn, assume loans. opp'y tor aorneone who pool Far t>elow market more Owner w/lake SELLER OFFEH LOW llTEIEIT ~:::.B:'3~~ti~r~.T:; cen act fast Agent $245,000 WIN lease op-1ma11 down Call now, ~s St,950,000 Call Mary Richerds G 631•2711 531 -8100. Aak for Jim tlon Bkr. 8'•-013• 552-2000 or 752·0187 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. 1 Ba S700 mo Biii Grundy, Rllr. 875-6181 11 " L p 1 realest terms on 4 BR, 2 BA beauty i n Rlilhelmer. egellt to•J t It Costa M esa. Huge backyard . Pride of liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 0e1ror111e owner • must --''---------! -~ .. ti 111 .. ay 1 l Pll OLDIE Tl OCW Perk Lido Adult Condo 3 ftlll• 1~ Beautiful home for quell· • • 759-9100 ownersh1'p . T ha·s h om " will gladden your ael or trade. 4 bdrm pool B "-,,_.. •-·· 11 ' . (W .. 11 IPll) .. ••11 Fiii B No money down' no r. pool. near hoapl11I, •••••••••••••••••••••• ""' peraon1, grac..,.,1 • · •• · l!!!!!!!!:~I h ear t. $136,900. SI ,_ -h hpo1m! .. 1'!..B,eclt ay area. quallfvln" own vour beach. $145,000. Owner I •EW otllll vlng $2500/mo lae. See large ad In Saturd•" ng,. ttory town ome In re .... ""'ow recent •P-' • ' 111 h-' A ,,.'°l044 675 1530 Dally Piiot R.E. section ' Ro~ M~l/in Hf"altur 7 l·l-641-8629 Cape Serlea. 2 Bdrm 2 pral .. 1 Low tntere11 111. home on our unique w .. ,p. gent.,...,... 2 Bdrma: 21/r ba, low --·-------•Uff_,-* bllhl. with private patio. $50,000 down Open to •hared appreciation fl. WIEST 111 OlllO down. 10.75% financing Outatlndlng I & den. 2 : ;' llok ll4treHt ltalttr .lJl-44'4 731-1115 NAT IUP Newly 11decoreled • 111 oflera. Call 5•8·8•74 nanclng We have 5 IN VERSAILLES/NEW 1v111 Cell Rich Own/Agt Ba, eundtck, for I or 2 Pftl llllf 1 cheery and Inviting. or 891·8058 PIP homes in Hunt Beach S.CUrttw, pool. Reduced 96"-6171 petM>f\S. 1760/mo IM 1 38 ~ALBOA cov~~. 3 Communlly pool, club· -v-1.-.-.-,-.. -.-,-.-,-1111&..--, !BqArr"'~:,~~t~ot~~'!!! prtce because no realty Ol .. ,,.,.J •1t•lt Y63rl L12".,'1 Miiier, agt bdrm • 2 bath REOU· house, leundry and e111r1 " """l~~h .,.,., $1200 to S1600 mo Call feeal $120K. 631·2918 ••~••••••••~••••••••• __ ·_vv _____ _ CED TO $499,5001 pp~;~~'1orA .~:r .. ~;'. .,,, George Brookt Mon HYU 11110 #dJlt B1•n NEWPORT CREST CON· 'IT .t.-rm MESA BLUFF CONDO thru Fri. 71,.1891•555• DO • Beeut 3Br, view ... 000 • red~ed to sell by owner. v Cullom 3 Bdrm water-111 l•l1 11 $1200 mo Agt 6"5-0295 •.• • REDUCED llULTH/IWllll 142·1200 $152.500 Contect Linda /m H 1044 lron1 home w/pler & 111p •••••••••••••••••••••• 13•0,000 •171·1111• B 11 rd 9 5 5. o 2 6 o , •••••••••••••••••••••• FEE Appraised S 1, 125. UlllA lllLI Winier 3 BA 2 Ba upsllln • ::::::;:;1 850-9903 11¥111, 1127,100 000 Sacrlllce at only Beauflful 2•X64 3 BR 2 unit. $875 rno .•Dramatic Harbor View Adorable elarter home In $899,000 Asaumable 111 BA. lge t111lng and dining 675·3504 Homes, 4 Bdrm~·;, bath. AESIOfNllAl AC Al FSfAfE SERVICES •FllllClllllE• lovely neighborhood! Ex· and 2nd Open houae area. Kitchen opens to Oceenlront 2 Br. l Ba . • highly upgraded two •t HWI Ill cellent financing avall•· Sun 1-5 1036 Polaris. tem rm Corner lot. garage. pello. no peta. ··=~~~:~:~~a~~~~"!n~ Owner wlll contlder 2nd ble. Many amenities In· _84_6_·_05_2_3______ 6-40-5937 Includes ullla unlU June Sfller wlll carryl Call now REDUCED II IRYllE TERRACE ~~~;ldloer. 3$~r519.3000Br ~gbta cludtng 8 trull trees Call 1111001 Liva In Newport Beach for $ 6 2 5 & $ 5 7 5 I m o . l de\allsl M8-7l7l A truly best buy for a large view 645_9254 "' 979-5370. SEAVIEW • elegant & $19.000 2 Bdrm 1 ba In _84_&-_25_1_0_. ____ _ - -property in this prestigious Ital Ettltt tftltt charming Hampton Mo· prlvete comm. Very Oceanfront • ettrectlve .i.1?'j£711.H MEI& Ytllf community or million dollar homes. Wanted, In place, New-HU .,. HWI del. lebulous views. de-~7·5·2·7~2 Mu II see . 3BR 2b• $1200/rno, 9 :;~~ Highly upgreded four port Hert>ot/Costa Mesa 5BR. 2tnba, 1006 all. cor, 1p1, privet• comm v • .. moa tse Suzi 875-9118 -----bedroom home Roof, 4 bdrm. family room & p ool, aree. All lnqulfles confl· $189.500 Anume In, w/pool & tennts tacilltles N 1 Bch Adult P k kitchen •nnllancea, and overlooking bay & ocean. Good denttlt. Mall repoles to owe balance Prine ---------$485.000. Open House ewpoB r · ar S.tll w•HI 3111 _,...,.. on •Y 78 Obi Wd. No ...................... . carpeting· alt,_ within terms. $445,000 L .H . $660,000 with Ad. No. 1020. Dally Pltot. on 1 y 5 • 4 . 8 3 9 o & WllllllHE Sal/Sun 12·5 1903 Yecht pet 2Br/2ba. Mo'!lng. 2 bd, walk to beach. ,. • For Cteulfled Ad • , ACTION .~.~ Call a the 1111 two ye111 eon-land. PO Bo• 1680. Coste 1136--9851 3 bdrm. 2 b• condo COiin• 6"4-1017 mull aell S65K bsl ofr $650/mo OCt.June '63 venlent locatloo Owner Melt, CA 92627 Acron from community BEST DEAL IN HARBOR 676-6643 lnctudH Utll'• (213) Delly Piiot AD-VISOR 642-5878 wlll help fine nee $ 134, IPH IATllllAY 12·1 HUI VIEW Pat11. $ 119,500 By OW· RIDGEi Beaut 3 Br home 999-2953 900 1111 IAL.lTU TllUCE LIQlllATIOI 2 8drm. 2 bath condo net. 861-1566 days with 1ncred view In ~!.'.~.~!!f!!~ .. !.~!. -.---ll-J_.J_.__l_"_ 131-7100 . 126,000 dwn, aasume Full amenOI .. ind MC, FORECLOSURE SALE prestigious gate g11arded Older Dupltx Mar 45th at. ..~!!!!! •• !'.!'! •• ! ..... . IN NEWPORT CENTER low lntere11 loens. Sharp i"'· No quallfytng with tmmaeulete Woodbridge com um n . S 4 6 5 M . NB. 3 br. 2 be. up1111r1. IH•11•I 3IOJ WANT ACTION? Wml'lt Ada Call 642-5678 CllNlled Ada 642-6678 "PRINCIPALS ONLY" r,, end other such 1ttract1ons should alert youl Is theLe alld reason that ftte property •. or a Buyer, can't be .represented by a , responsible, professional agent? SELLERS often resort to ''F.S.B.0 ... because they haven't found an agent who wlll treat their needs with enthusiasm. care end joy ... I WILLI Please call JOHN GRANATH 551·3005 Ranch Realty-Woodbrld09 WIERE llPPl Y Mini 1111111 IAYHllT II UYllHH Delightful "Nantuc ket" on lot 63x 14 2 . Grey shingle, white shutters, planked floor kitchen & family room highHght the charm. 4 bedrooms, 3 car garage. Large brick~ central courtyard. W atch all the sailboat races from formal dining rm, living nn & family sty l e k itc h e n . A super value at U.750,000 including land. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ON.WATER- NEW .._.DITERRANl!ANI ,..,. eoc.tloft by .. , lelaftd with your own ... " out front ... tM ftnt to 9"joJ tNe ~·· peradlM. V.W. Unique ,... ..,.._ •"" ""' .... ~ . ., .. lnol11dl1tt tpa, ••t btr, 1tove & -refrlt•r•tor. Four tot1I bedroom• + fo11tlry rMm, a flroplac•• +-din. rm., ..-.!•teem ""· ...... , ... .,, •t.r00.000 .... WAT£Rf'RONT HOMt. . "' Ht-\I t 1111"' '•'-._ ............... lt•"Wf"""' ..... ·-"·· -.....-· 111·1400 3 Bdrm home. 1240•000 6000 down 10.75,.. Avalon 2 bd 2 ba A/C 642-77•5 2 br, 11.¥ Ila downatalrt •••••••••••••••••••••• 64 9060 Fred Tenore. 631-1266, loan program 1v1llable. corner'lot sieooo'down --.-F-F-.-.. -.-.-.-l-11--Wiii sell .. la for $700. llEITILS . 4-. 1131-2711. Agt. • Call Rich Ow n/Agt. & TO Pay· 857:2045 II 000 or w111 build to suit 964-6171 Ideal toe. Charming 3 tor $875.000 & up (plans Yutly-Weeltly-WinttK, 2, LOVELY bdrm, 2 be mobile home & approvals obtained) 3.4 Bdrms *IAYCREST* 12¥4 financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home f eatures 3 brs., fplc, large l ot & f ee l and! Lowest price at $26G,000. Cal l 759 -1501 or 752-n73 for appointment to .view. llWNll IUOI lfFIOl 2111hallptllrht (114) lll·1M1 114 111-tall ~ ~:'..°:~~ ~:::. ~ ~ To d•w•JGO ""•Uott f~ F\jdOt reor.t _,,4' <ON'ftPOF'do""Q to~' 01,,..... zoc1-"''"'• r l ti11"6• ...... _. ·-··· .. _ ... =~-4 :!:::-.... ""'" u•ie• ,,,...,. uo.c ....... ..... la~!9:!!1 =~~ 1\ • .,, n0ot n•• ..... .... poi::.:sw..-1 r. !"" ... .... .. _ ...... .. ..._ ·--~·­................. ·-·-vo.-....... ... ..... .. _ ....... _ ., .. ...... ~· *°" .,,..,,, ..-::=:-... ,..,...... ., .. _ .,,_ ........ ·-·-,,,,.. ..... . ... •C- I CATPEK I l I' I ;I I lt11111•~ .,,..,, .. ..... ...... ..... ••-""• ., ......... ...... _ .\_ ... ....... ··-,,_ n .......... ...,. ··-,. ... ,. .... ...,....,. '"'' .... '"" r.::-..... ...... .._ ·-:7:=' ·-., ... ·-.. .. Nc...tul L NOGAY l'1 r 'I r I· I . l --.......;or-..,.--.--11 ::··l Oolltel..-« I• tl\at -,... T l P 0 V . tntno 11111 tallt yau l\Ot 10 CIO I 11 I I w11a1 you plan to CIO jutt 11 r '°°" 11 you get ,1d of 1111111111 .. ,-iD_R_E _l_l_L --.1··-. I' I I I' • ~~:: ~ ...:i:::. "=' L.. -JI-...&.. --.i.1.-..L ................ ,... ....... ,,_ -N9 1 ~ .... • 2lH r.. Ft. tftlet • 1200 141. Ft. h let 1111120. 1210,IOO IHI& YHH On the golf courae. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, many, many eK· lras. $278.500 with 10% down owner wlll cerry al 1211i% lnterat. 1t1 •oar.it, lltr. Ml·ll21 Need • huge 2 Br. 2 Ba New Orl11n1 Condo, frpk:, pool, cll.tbhte. walk to •"ops? Drive by 17•1 Tustin, Unit 22A. Cell 1173-3313 IOI apc>I FHEOLllH TIWIHlll End unit. tl(yllghta. llre- plaoe, waterfan & 1tream, community pool. 1p1 & tennis. Low down end Inter"! Hurry, Gall ........ BRIARCLIFF PLAN Wood burning flreplace, A r m I I • g • R • 8 I I y JACOIS RUL n 2 Bdrm home In Arbor large kllch Sundeck 714-544-248• PIDP LMle wltll llreptace. Steps to pr"' beach, 1----------1 • mounleln views, comm pool, Jae $68,500 or IM Duplex on lht aand 30th M•IAIEIEIT ""' ClubtlouH plua low 955-0424, 760-8727 SI NB Newly remodeled • lnterell llnencing $175, _V_E_R_S_A-IL_L_E_S_C_O_N_DO__ in and out 3 br . 2 bl lll-1171 000 644-7020 1 br, 1 bl. southern ••· upstairs 2 br , I be. Uftl IUL HTAlE poaure. subterranean ~~=~'b~~ b~:~nc!0:; Wiater ltetals k t evellable now From OllE OF THE pr g. aec en ranees. 139'/olor.Syra.Greettor ICIOO to s1800 C.ltfor outstand i ng pool/ summer rentals $735, BEST clubhse By owner $98, 000 Armltege Realty. detallt Oceanlfonll 900 111umable. Sandra 71,..544•2484 evallable locallons In Turtle Rock i 6i-4i2i·8i1i•i9iiiiiiiiiiiiii 1---------1 larfrt1t/F1tn1. Vista. 2 bdrms, 2 bl & C•••trt/•/ Drive by 111 11 Bayelde den, splll level, Tlfree UH ISLE Dr. Avail now Lg dock, patios Short walk to '"-'!'7. lllO 2Br w/larnlly Outtten-pool and 11nnl1 S258. Large lot 4 bdrm• ptue ••••• •• •••••••••••• ding ioc.tlon. l3000/mo. .. ,... 500 ~~e?yce;.~~~ar·~~~g~ CDMM'L C-2 ...... 0..11/lefra lt-1•111• IOl1 master suite. Loceied on Prime C M loc 4000 8q Brand new home, 2Br, COLDWeu BANl(C!RO •••••••••••••••••••••• '1 -~ central corner str•d• fl bldg, 15.000 sq fl pro-den, view, •II~ lor lg • OCEANFRONT • 'I' Generous owner flnan-P«lY $1000/mo Income b o e t A v a 11 n ow 400K·bell buy on beaclll ~~-~~ll~G~-~-~-~~~ IJ_ cing $850.000 1160· 1596. 720-0662 $2500/mo By OWnet 11-40-7990 : f~4/.~ lWt ltt./l1fr1 COZV 2 bd houM clOH fo Lllll 2 II lWlllE Hf! !!!!!'!!l!!r.!!r.~ Fantastic tocetlon, 2Br. bch. $275,000. Opeii with 2'h batlla, 2 car encl S ·8600 Newport Beeeti 2 on a lot flreplece. tormal dining, Sal/Sun, 1·5. 6«-1281. gar. & yerd $5000 down I 1 blk from ocean 12 X ,_ kllellen. bright Ind and p1ymen1 •Hiiied Gross Well malnlllned. elry. $1250/mo. c.,.., ,,, •• , IOU c II RI Lido eolty Welk 10 shopping. Bkr. WattrfrHt ···" ··~ti·1;;.;··;·· ·~~/~;t Ge4~171 Ck •523lAMPV5Da·IMNE 213-306-1828 111-1411 H--~ • 6 7 3-7300 Sherp 5 units E· de C.M. Uf1~ues1+1ncome Pt1•trtH It. I By Owner. well located ~~~~~~~~~ ow c. Makes sense et .. ,.._ /du' JZH OWC 11t • Flex. Termt 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Sep din Orangetree condo, I Br : 15% dn Bkr 979.-t363 •••••••••••••••••••••• 509 Acacll CdM nr boh rm. Covered patio & loft. Pretenlly renled au••• i•• ••• YEARLY 1 person only. Spotlete Vecent Duplex Adema end Herbor. near tor Investment purpotet --Severel deluxe 4-pltKel, 1700/ 111 & 1111. $500 Huge 6br'/3ba+3brl3be •YefYlhlng. 1135,000 ' or avell for Immediate D£~DrDIT£!! Incl Covington• In ctto+oe MC No pela 210 PMl1 4401( own/bkr 645-70"8 "3-0S63"' 1 occupancy Priced 11 ¥U\n locatlon1 as low u $50. Ave. Belboe leJ.nd. call CONDO, 3000t tq tt, top llPll 1 ac1uat mld-1081 p1.1rche· 10% DOWN/OfFER 000 down. Take over _11_1_5-36 __ 24 ____ _ quellty. Kint roe. 300K ae price of 182.500 Ow· NEED FAST ESCROW! 101n1 Prine Ollly. Agt a.ta.-. OWnet 640-7990 DPPllTllITT l ner Wiii help llnenc• ev OWNER 645-8100, 5411-1366 ~-955-2033. 769-1071 Kl· 5 bdrm, 3 bllll Vk:tOl'lan.A --p-t.-d-u-p-le-11-.-,--,0-r-,-,-1.-, lui•HI• 31f'J 12100 •• YI. ren. s I. p 8 I 0 s 0 . B. y . • ••••••••••••••••••••• S p o 111 t v e c •ah . c 111 700 pet mo moves ,.a in TRIO£ Yll II La .. fnet WHAn•1• ubsten1111 price reduc-Shawn. 540-1959 St.tpet 3Br rnultt beth• " .... lion 17~2 home big oarage charge your boring lllCOrne pro-Builder h•• cep11a1 om 6 br. 3 be. pool, l•c. Complete15 Remodeled rlCHlll~E METRO ALTY 63e,.7005 perty or oulgfown r"I-problema, wHI leaM with Owner/agt 551·11829 I; • '" denee with large equity option to purchlM within ••ecutl\/e Bdrm 2'Aba. $50,000 equity In Hul)I· On the beech, 2 Br 1u11. for thlt neat ru1tle end 16 month• 11 TODAY'S "•••• ..... IHI formal dining rm, huge lngton Harbour condo condo. ocean w . MCurl· roomy ' bdrm 3'A bath PRICE N-2 OI' S Dr, 3 ••'••••••••••••••••••• fern rm w/wetber, 2 for Cotta Me•• area ly 1750/rno. CIOO E. home wflh 180 deg. 81 Condo-ale • lulC, .-a11 aay frplca, apa, 1260 ,000. u11ltt Cen add ceah. Oceanfront. 907-8362. oceen view In welk to amenltlu Greet locellon 1 ~ -Owner will buy down to 7141645-0554 838-309" • beecll Corona del Mar next door to 111o.1llop-AWAAD WINNER 13% • _ --------- location AEDUCED TO ping, the1ter1 & tran· Ocean views 3 bdrm, 4 Open Set/Sun 1·5 _,, /tr lalt C.... ''' #u 1W _..75,000 with 11.75% IPOl'llllon. be. kit w/convenlenc.1, 2297 Redl1nd1 Of. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••tt••••••• Int 714-631•5065 °' lam. rm. tge garden. pe-11 23rd IY IWlll 2 er cottage, 2 ldlla l>f•f. •••1•11 842·2000 tlo. tormel din rrn, lge llv 750-6565 or 644-0656 , .,. 1011 In Huntington No pets 1700 oeve, agt. -• rm. Quiet cut·d•·HC Owner/Agent Beech CA on 211t bel· _s_5_1_-oe_1_s ____ _ COLLEIE Piii 1812'~7~~ HTATI IM ~Peel~~~~~ Jaamlne Creek. 9'e0111t 3 8y owner 1110.000 In Bide Bey &tea. 3 Br 21~ 714-H0-2411 Br family rm, •t•p• to •P• & tennl1. 11500 . ... umeble loane. Spec:-NO. LAGUNA COTTAOE 81 2500 sq. tt. Security 875-2740. taculer new aperkllng Price Reduced I Low geta, private community. #•••Ill•, Ot111t, --------- 10 .w. pool & epa make thl• 3 d 0 1~95,000 5% Down Wiii lflltl 14 2200 •q n. 3 bd. 2 ba, 2 '9 I br, 2 be, home 11errtflc own wnr M otvd. conllder tradea, etc. Ar• •••••••••••••••••••••• car gw, 2 atory, cm of Deluxe duplex. •m• to bargal{I. F1.nt11Uc tln•n· ~~.r:',~ ::.:rip!: mt I a o • R ••I t y . Kone. HI Time Share Beylide and HetlolrQpe. fll your budget Own 111 ctng. filll not lut tono et Arn Miiier, agt no.2189 714-544•2484 Condoe for ••le. 1 B< & 2 I 1000. 873·8623 or Of pan, Darrell own/agt. $139.600. Open l\OUH .... '"" Tl IUI ••JFlllT e r. Ctlt for detell•. 780-8503 RE/MAJ( 160·1221. Set. t2•5. 970·729&. •• I -._~_o..._4_M _____ -l-S-PY_O_'_ ... -.,-.. -.--•• ,-.. ...,...--.. -5 UNITS Mii for clOee to ,. '-"CK> ................. ... llTTlll,.... 28r lba. rec:enlly ,.mo· Mak• an offer on thll 4 101 velue. 1340.000 PALI IPlllll I bdrm. 4\tba. lam rm, •1••... deled on an R3 tot. Bull-bdrfl eondO If\ I qui.I 6 CASH TAl.t(81 p I bolWI rm On QUlei cul• ,._, dable Forced U le. prlvete looa11on lnd 64• 11922 ...... r llC By O WN EA • New d9-MO. S Twin Lake Cr 2 Br. Coueoe neer 819 1 150•000 owner flnen• unit 1 112.000 only ~ ......,. Cu1tom bullt,horne lor WOO/l'llO 7IO-t"61 Corona 8Nd\. •Int llnan. dng Dftve by, t>ut CfO not I "* IU.... WATEfllFAONT 8 Y OW• t:a.:~ ~1trlde e~a~ ;:>:7~ dltturb 180 l 21et 8t .on tllHe 3 bulldabte N£A, 40 tt boat lllp. ~. C1nyon Country~ 213t31t..eH3 Ctiuc* lot• tnctuOlng ptan1 Giiden, P/lotate comm • eree tn Patm SPftnge. 3, CAMEO SHORES. by ow-•Ull -I Petmtta rf>fldy 10 be put· FM lend. 873-llt9 400 equere ,.., o• tu•UJY ""iw--~-!!!-.,----Ulf--'*• ~view, 4 IA, s led ll4t,t00, •·-,_. __ ,. 1~. 11v1n\ with 3 bedroom• ••• ••• •••••••••••••• b d n 001 I 2 4 Bdrm 2b• e11ec:utlve --,, •· • ·~ • •e.. ! lloeme In lovely MeH «-. ••••••••••••••••••• ••I and "'Wtlla Pool eiid mt& ... wet bet• roof, oar· Verde. Quiet CUI· *"°·I ~ ..... r I'll ta1•I I J a c u 1 1 t • .a-..a...a ---.... pet, drip ... UH,000. ,'-le$fdc• -ll•lll M7S.OOO·lurnllhed; 11t - -lurer Htum• 1'1 et 12'4 llnenctng 1v111. LM· ,......... ••• ··-·-I TO ol 1425.000 et lS"·I Oec0t1t0t ""9ct . ..,_.. 7¥.~. Down payment 1 •• u•umabl!l_l~~n. I ·Approx 2400 ICI tt •• i 0 •11 wHkcl•Y• only: ctoue I bOrm. l'-'H, ,_ I 1 148,000 owe 1400. 17UOO. cell ln-N10 I I Wiii .... '· Letlt lot left (11 4)540·83. 31 &roller ~ COd '-'·)IC.,.. 000 et 12'11 for 10 ~. 1•• a.....,..._ rio111 on b .. olllro11U A ~atlon I creation --. pllt petto. 1eo.11M ~ ... Cllt -I "Aflll IUYI Call av•• I I balcony ............ 1----------1 . 492·4N4 • .,, Ctlmen19 c.dlll-to oo-e.nt ' o-teoe Oecor•ter ... fM fltte., dtft If! Ula. f714t 494-t 177 wtlltevet Ille 'ad i p1p1t, drapefl .. tnd ~:: ..... :..~~:0:::1·~~===11e1w IM Ade.'°"' t!M-1'A~.:.:~· .:.: ~&':::-..... "":· =-~·o:~m:. = I .. 2·1171 . ... Mi.-11 _, ........ *"' -.,.., RI 142.a11 0..-Nowt 141·1171 .... Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Friday, September 17, 1882 -th Complet Or n1 Coat !~m.fHP!t!tr.I. .. ~.VwNN.tAft .. ~m.¥1/P!NI~!~ .. ~.Pr.IN!~~ ...• !mrJt.&r.ilA'!4 ~,;;;-,. ],,,.,,.,.,, - -ht,,.,.,, ANim•" •,.,., ... a..-4.w 8M69 ._. llM &..p Jta.A . .HM l..t. t .tMf .. __,, a...t .t ... ~p ..._ llM !!ff!~ f•/ff~/ffel ltd,,.-1.1..J -la/119'*' oe••••••tt•Tm"•~•;r;r: r.;~~:;;r. .. ~;.· ~· ~:;::·;;;:·~::~ ~~~·~·c>~;;·:b:i~ ~i~~;;,·;;;:•h:;~: .... iwli"lil.-:' r;m., ·;,,-.~ .. Y.ii f,:.~ ., ...... Y.41 i.;;;~;m ....... -.:,;:;,·;;.~"t .. "iiii 2b':':,~0~eti.;,,~t! :n2 OOl't llltctl, MOR l &tO g11: nr 8o 'co .. 1' Plue. . Q.,, ..,_, btt-1n1 M7J din rm, lndry rm, lrplo, ALL UTILtTlel PAID u• •••••••h•••• •• •••••••••••••••• •• • ..... 1Mf ••u<r••••••••••••••••• 127& l 13211 113·1121 OC·llll!INTAl.I 750--3314 COMlll l)OOl l llP& 1176, OC·AIJITALI 760•U14 rm IOI boll Ot AV, Ofdnt, 80 ot Hwy deluio.e 4 Br S NE.W IRll!D APTI ••••••••••••u•ooTtt:. lllf>I 10 be&ch, 2 14tm M/F ef1r my tit CM II O"LL NOW 2br Iba w/ .. O.HH lllf&1 • tt28 mo H 4•S1ll Comp era btlore you ::.a.Ji,!ifc,IC~:r:.r ~ :o::m ~'°':.:;::· ~= I nt1111ff ~II" o0;3~2r .9:'a'l1g'"•P;.• •U& f:!! o k laundry, .: huge l!/lldl 3br 2'Ab• fem rm, -Iring 011 kid• and 1111 rertl Cuelom dHlgn eot ... l!l/MAX Tat·til21 & wa'tet Pild No • 11 Hut u par,. .... eur· 3 v .., -~''"° &48-7073 gar bllll0t• kltcll l!IOO lrplo, yd, enol•d 2 0., 2 to 4 bdrm•i.. tlattlnQ al along toot 'ully equip. featuree. Pool, bbQ, 393 H · ~ rourtdlnge. Te rraced OC·AINTAL8 750-3314 gar. Amenlllee Incl Jeo. l800 to •1400. kllcllen ONLY UH + cov'rCI garao•. 1urroun. HA. pvt gar. 11/rf. UPS* 846.,41 1,mllton, .M. pool. 8unklft g11 bbQ. Welk to beach Vrly Clean Female n~or 111111 2 bf, I bl. H !IO No pet• tPIC 2 bd. a bl c C&\o\ 840.1111 Aoommata to attare 11109 2 bdfrn. doM 10 bMCll fi nit pool A au 10-16 oho ded with plUeh landtel· dplll . Avtll alt 9/:tO ep1tkllng fountain• Ntc.3BR281.den,M ... 1':'001~ let.~t&o.p'. M!TAORLTY Mt-1000 P'nG Nopell u oo , 2t3·0t·t19111390 . IBA, relrl,. no Spaatoua roomt. ••P•· del Mar. grdnr. no pell. 8'M891 Of "45-3021 1 Br Furn SO IS wtlndt pell. 2 adult• P'ltf 3 l•C 1ate r~• 1ec>11ate di• 1860. Sierra Mgmt Co. 11111 I APll 306 W Wilton M2·tt71 2 Br 1b1 eouth ol high• W 11111. 873·'7787 nlng erea. Walk·ln CIO· YtlW llT, Fum. Npt lcti 127& mo 9'1-1324 2 2:es ~l~:n.D:sa/i~:. 0.al hlal jflf wey, PVI 'entrance, paflo. HllO 2 Ir, 11-tba tw~M. =~I~:: kt~c:111~ i·5~·::~T~oLLooo 831·3871, 876·2180 100'1 evall hefea a few •••••••••••••••••••••• m•· Single. Rell req. Pool, fetlo, no Piii lnQIOI'\ Center E11clut1~ Cllll Of ., .. , 876-0"8 latga 1 8r P1nt11tlc ---------oceen view HOO/mo. 2 room• 0f0f' rent, 111 and Wkda/' 832·3400 ~~~eqd.Callbet811'1d 7 •n ""1• 7... E I • II C lovely 2 •r blt·lna ... '"711 Super 1 d8t. 1 Ba. VIiie, O. 87&·3446 . 131·21 7, 84t•OOT4 2 Brm untu~n I076 _ • ...., .. open -ul)'I xecul ve ulu ondo. u u courty111 • very private. • Like new, Bulldet't Mo-No peu. 1•60/mo Welk to Bell. 2 bdrm, I Cloee 10 beech.. 2 Bdrm, 2 ldrm Townhouae LANDLORDS/REALTORS del. City llQllU Ind Cory 1 Br blt·lnt ... 300• 873-3313 bl, trpo. bat. Quiet. enc 1490 mo. Crplt, drp1. unlurn., M!IO. :!t~~~, Wkndl I Evea HQ..l96t F111 lree tenant provl· ac.en VI-. 11200 """'' ... 'hr ....... ""',i.u.:..,., 0 oer.1775.876-8689 pool , Qtr No peu No~e.Ullfltleelreal der•. Call Beet A.atty mo ,....... "'~~.,_ lllW-POOL HOUSE tlpacloua ••al/aflt• 9'2·4,70 ~QUINTA HERt.AOSA 53MtM 842·3893 Turtlero c k exec , 2 4+'.l+o.rtw/rodllrplc IHfi ,141 ·---ayau -16211 PatkaldeLn, lblk I ..., I ,. ... 3 br. 2 bl, lrpk:. Quiet 1-m••1•"· den. 2~ bl. •••••••••••••••••••••• Wall locat,cS 3 bdrm. 2 .... --· wj ~~~·&!?~:.~· prlv patio. exclu11v M .. • Verde. Xlnt co;;~ 11350, Rita 844·9080, 636-7005 •IT&ll LIYUll beth apt. with llrec>le~. l.atg• 1 Br, relrlge, 0 "..,..... .. , • EHtalda. Batutllully $860/mo. 975.9400 873·8589 8etulllul park•llkt 1ur• bllln kitchen, enaloHd range, laundry, carport, 1 It, refrlge blt·ln etove a 11ndecaped. Pool and rounding• Terraced pello, c1rpell and dre· ~3 1· Nwo "t1!·114h .211 5 1m1°. oven, dr=:H· carpete •--•-'-t ••-3 l>d. Avallable Now. o.,. N t pool s nk• 1 bb "' ' "' No_., 2•7• clutmouH. 1750 mo. ,.., ,..,. ,.._ denet N p 19301 ot • ren 11 egncy chg · u n g • Q. pet Nice oondlllon. 541-0492 ....... v " 494 .... 791 •••••••••••••••••••••• · 0 et•. mo METRO Re:ALTV eperkllng '°unt1ln1. 11100 Pl' month 1---------1-~----------------1750.cozycottaoe. 2 br. 1 83l-t8t6; •t3·7788 Sp1c1ou1 room• S•P•· L11oe 2 er. 1 Ba dlw, In· lll•Dt Wl&.I I Ir, I ... ba, fenced big y11d, Pl· ORANGE TREE CONDO. M tll WltD rite dining ar .. Walk.Jn dry rm , w 1 1 1 de , Llg 1 a 2 8R townhouN Frplc, flngl. yard, gar•· llO & playtiouM. Garde· 18r, air, relrtg Incl, no Balboa Cov .. executive c1011t1, home Ilk• kit· 5'90/mo. Avail Oct 2nd. aplt. encl ~ar, lrpfc, ga. no pete. Private. ner, water, tr .. h pd by pell. Avall 1 ·1. $486 home. 2 & den or i chen & cablnell. Walk to 9'6-6825 hook-up1. ear Hunt. 1 Br. lrplc, ••""•· ,..,r1,.., U ..... l llM.I 1860/mo. ltl. plut eec. o w n • r . C •I I mo. 651·2554 bdrm. All opening to Hunllngton Center. 1---------1 Hrbr. from $470. Cllll· v• •• .-,. I 6 8 W 8 S (213)870-0888 111. 6pm. 3 8t C garden, n•tJo overtoo· 1Bdrm·lurll.1515 Lm, 9'•• la•••••-dlen OK l'Q.8807 ac(ou from ocean. Prulnllonal In mid t/llr· on y. 4 . 1 th. t. lmbrldge townl\OU ..,.. ,, L _, ------------l'OO/mo. 861-1192 llet Mell• upgrade yM#· 499·1617. ., f:'"-l'••• ••· pool. Avail. 10116.• king water. 2 frplc't, git No pete. ulllltlet lrMI ge bach w/lplc, patio & ly N-por1 lodgl"" On ., w• -• llre ring, 1p1, etc. etc. LA QUINTA HERMOSA carport. f400 No 1>911. A .. tt••at f: J &.H ··• 1 BR TAAILER. Private. ••• HOM.EFOR•R•E;.;T••• $850. 548-8198 Maybe lumlthed. ti~ IOf' 1621 t Parkeld• Ln. 1 blk Mffl Plnee, 649-2441 -• I 118 •• or netr the water wlPI yltd. no pet1. Utll1 paid. b I II bl I W f ., ___ h 3 blk S II lla.l•t• ' compallble roomma._). s 50 + 3 Bdrm. $750. Fenced DEERFIELD Lovely 2 l>d. 01 •11• • •• " y • 0 ...... • • . A l)I\ IMOn I)( Becnelot I Ba. w/tnow«. •••••••••••••••••••••• MIF. Garage. mutt. TO •~-1~'r10 ucurlly. yard & garage. Kld• & 2'..t ba, townhome. $725. 111g5/mo. 75 t·2787 ol Edinger •. 847-5441. llJrb<>r lnrrslml'nt Co ige yd, $275 mo. OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 Ba, $600 Incl. ulll. PhoH pela-lcome.545·2000. 552-0431atl5pm. dav-.968·8103evet. 873-0188 lgeunlt.1pec11cul1r 1n1wer ad •5ft , 4 Br 281, bltlna. dtw. n-Agent. no lea. 2 bd. 2•..t be. perk front .I.I, Pr.,.rtr llp9t, ~l.~!~.~!.t .• !J.~f : ::~~'~!•':!om ocean view. Walking 642-4300 24 ht•. cpl•. drapea, trplc, dbl •••f'-1••• condo • .,., ml. lo UCI. No VerHlllH 2 Br. 2 Be Luxury tludlo, frM HBO. QUIET 2 Br 2b• lrplo ao 2 I e;o, 1"" fB• No pell. • '' 2 BA Patio Apl5 dletance lo •hopping & R car gar, pool. $850/mo. ,. ,, ,..,,, 8•"2850 "k c--... 1700/ nhone maid eerv •P• of hwy. lonn t8i-m. IY50 4 mo °' 2 person•. Newp0<t'1 """' retlau· oomm1te wanted, pro-2310 Sant• Ant Ava. lfH 'Jfl ......... .,.. " r ~..,Bo.ok 75~~·120 it30 ~k. 499.3015' . mo 979.13Jo 7 5 5 W . t 8' h S I . • r.,rdtft llnclsc111M10 rent• Avl Sep. t5. lo leulonal, MIF. qulel. Clll 213/375-6107 •••••••••••••••••••••• W•U• lfMj lJ41 r If • ..., . 646-g607 • 01smwantrs & 8801 June 15. It 100 mo. el1nlc1I muelc , non· NR BCH Nice 2br w/l'luge ••'••••••••••••••••••• Glamouroue Beyltont Oceanfront. magnificent t .. 11 #na Ul4 * 2 B 2 91 SC Plu • Jog to Btadl & SllOps 873·4•63 tmoker. lhare 4b< hOuM RENT TO OWN: New 2BR patio. novel kllch 5'50 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Condo ~ox 2500 IQ •Br, 11850 a tBr. 11150. •••••••••••••••••••••• r nr • In C.M $350 mo+.,., ulll 2"'b• condo. Call Rlcill OC-RENTALS 750-3311 Nu 3200· 1ux hm on bk.tlf. It. 2 Br. + ~n. 3 Ba. 4117·20'42 fs~5.PNog'p.~175c:.'fe;J: !'!!'!! ••••.•...•• ! .... _&4_5_·3_8_t_o ____ _ Owner/Agt 984•6111 OC·RENTALS l80 deg. YU 01 harbor. Underground prkng MC •SIGHT a SOUND OF 91e8tiBJlll Ne VI ho kll " I AVAIL -lllTILY •3Br, Twnh11, nr S.C. 1·5br'eS200 toS2000 surf, mtne, 3br, 3ba, ... elevator. Avall. Oct. 1. SEA 1Br. frplc. gar. · * &,t 111 ~~~amok~·l29~ ·~rv, , Plaza. S.A. Pool. 1p1. 750.3314 open 7-dl)'I cur It Y • 11 u "••·a pa· S 1450/mo.~.,ty. w 1 n te r s' 2 5 m 0 . &PUITllllfTI Sou Ill Cout Plaza 1re1. Qualify 2 bdrm, 2 ba. 850-1991 or 631·7215 ~~l:h;x::.P~0,:0 "i:::~: 0.,. $780 mo. No .,.,,, S 11800/mo. 496-7009. SCh'tlfelekert Aeelty •04-5l84 BHutllully f1nd101ped Sec gate I 4 7 5 . uptt1lr1. no pe11. 17871 Httnelvely, beaut new 752-5822 harp 2 BR condo, 1 tty, Old charmer. view. 3br, Celt Dave 8'6-914' garden apt•. Pool I Spa &46-,887 Van Buren 1525. Call fOf' Room In 4 bdrm. 2 be hM aH bllne. pool, $550 mo ---------1ALMOST OCEAN FRONT Petlotldectle. No pell. 1---------apt 848·5924, 980•1347 Kitchen, w11har/dryer. condo. In N.B Harbor 2 BR 1 Ba. 1 car gar, lge Cell 540·1 t58, 11k tor hrwd nra, lrplc:. deck. Nr. Ull llLI 2br. t""b• houll, $775 Bec:helor $410·5'15 Mall Verde 1p1clou1 2 1225 no 1111 dep. Ridge arOI. Pref 2 f\oen. yard. $650. Dave beach/ town. It 150. 4 BR 3 Ba & den, 11400 mo. 2br, 1 bl duplex. 1 Bdrm. $485·$470 Br. 2 Ba. Apl. Oarage, 2 bd. & den. 2 ba. frpl, 6'2-'172, &42.a386 ev clally reep M/F Pool, 6T3!0186 494-8930. mo. 222 VII Palermo. 1725. Both furn, prkng, 2250 vanguard lrplc, bft-lne. conipletefy lndry hookup, tennl• & tennl• crll. 1p1, 3Ba. 3 Br 2 81• lprlc. Lovely EMERALD BAY. 3 br, 2 87!1-7188 p1t101, view. Winier only. 5'0-9828 Of' 642·4905 redec .. no pell. $575. • P • . n r b ch . 190 & up with kitchen, COf'nplelely turn, ulil Incl. 111&111 home 's•ret. 1 ml. to ba. 1600 IQ. l1. lrpl, brick 54,.16491497•5125. 546-6009. 71'1980·3745. weekly. Oceanlronl Mo· 1500 mo. 553·0644 Al LANDLORO donn·t cere beach. 850/rno. Roger patio, Gtlth •na. ,1500. 3 BR 2 81, dbl ger gar, ---------1 l 2 B 2 B th 15851------------------tel. 675-8740 Gal~her or 760-18'5 about moneyll S11yt rent &40-9000. 963-0902 213187a. 225 s. blln•. fple, patio. grdnr .__... JtMi ,111 erg• r, 1 1 $525. Beeutllul 1 br, loft & 3 Bdrm. 3 Ba. Apl1. Av111.1---------1 thll 3Br 2'A Ba CUllOf'n l-N-E_A_R_B_E_•_C_H- 3 -b-r.-1.-L ----------Incl. 1900. 548-1232 .• :.-;~;•••••••••••••• 831~.9.,1.3W~ WJ_~aon2 • ..,,.., dbe1n1,m1 'ciltelbllln,g,Plbluloll.t·llrnpll,, lmmedlately. 1600 I Sflngle room lor mature Roommate lo thr 38' eot. """" •-·--nnu~t kit " ,. 3Br 2'LB 2 n.-.... 677 Elal ... -..6.Hf/Y'-...a D..., "' --""'D 1825. Walar A•"'. 2 kid• emata. Npl Hie. 1200. CM 1300 mo .. utll pd . .,.,.,. ........... ___ ... _ bl, lam rm. 10/1. '"•25 • ... •• car g.,ege -··· --1 . ne -" .... ~ ca1r••c: ""87 fOf'mal dining, rocit lrpl mo . .,..,.,1 973-8931~ w/opnr, tncd yd, ocn -'-8-IO-C_•_N_V_O_N-1-1-0-50--1 2 and 3 bdrm. Ldry,Jar., 3 Bdrm, 2 Bethe .,.25 ~!!; ~Z~~. lac, no pets. ok. Frplc. dl1hw11htr, __ .,.. 846·54 13, 839-2711 d-"'ner decor lhruout ..,,.... 11\ew. Avall lmmed. 1"50 " 11 I 1850 .., .,_......,.. g Ir I g e · 5 4 5 • 2 0 0 0 . .... A ... " ~. Vlcill '::"'1ny m~e EXT"•$ mo .• 97.1o"t 9 Goff oourM view. 2 br, 2 rep ace. 1" up 151 E. 2111. 548·24061---------Anant no 1-• " ---------... -"" Come home to thlt 2Br .. ., bl ,. winter. M0-4784 ---------11525. Very NIQe. 2 br. 2 .. ~. · -· •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem. only to tlll lrg :i: 1350 l1mlly unit chef 1tyte • gOf'geoul Wl"P•I*. ---------1 Spaclou• 2 Br. 1Ba.1'425. ba b-'-lrpl '--am --•. • l Board and room In lovely So C "'---f pl L.a..u• •11'11 ••51 aec:ure ltM. ' ..... ' "" .....,. •U .. t -.._I•• "4I ..... Varde hA-•. Ex--' ,"r-tb . .,·, '"1n.....,dry. no' 'pe11. UNDER MARKET kitchen garage 450 + ':':7. .,,, t1• 3 Br. 1'..t Ba. S4T!I . Ung, built·lnt, ner, lndry ..,. ,., "''"' """" rentats-r..YI 537·8970 Chg •• ;;o;;e;toR·Re;;.;··· Laundty tac .. pool. tac no peta &lo-e338. ,, 'I food. Re11 req ~S..2095 1285. 957.0899 3 BR 1~ ba dplx, SA Hgtl, METRO RL TY 636-700S 4 Bdrmt eue home. 5'6•9556 12•7PM 1·2-bd-·r_m_ . ...;.2_b_a __ up-1-,1-,-,.-.-N-o •••••;9;:;,;.;::;;:•••• Btlfll #tllll fl Ammie to lhr Irvine hOu· lnc:d yard, gar, $830 mo. lBR HS£ 300 $900. Fenced yard & G• ''&OOD pets. 1500 mo. Avall 11500 mo. ••••••'••••••••••••••• ... Mott amenlll• •11111 ~~~g~7B Birch St. ~S.~~1!....~ --------i Wzwlfleld 1011 Alts. 5'9-3598 492""353 8 [IC H IRE I or nearby. $260+ulll Ullrl modern kltehen w/ ....,,.... 2 8 "bl I d N r~ ••~4 n " " 857-1668 fee. r • uxury con o. r p•-y ._. -2 br. l'h bt, trplc, pvt 11TI8I ,,_ --------. ....... - all bll·ln1 pet em chg ---------beaoh. All emenltlea. LIFE'' -• .,.,. n.110 ow N 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• $84/Wk Roommate wanl'"d , 3br: 2'hba. nr new. fenced yerd. trMs. Call all. 4. $800. 940.50 tO. SUPER SHARP 2br 2bt w/ petlo. pool, kid ok 1475 OC·RENTALS 750-3314 •NH l&ITllll• 3 Br. Clean & quiet. Cir· pell. drapee, laundry !IOO k ·UP , yar d , garage.Water paid. No Pets. 181 Santa t11bel 960-3989 llllEI I &PTS Spectacular 3Br 2 bllll Aemode4ed kltchen ... 800 .. ETRO RL...., '"""700!1 M" -1 111-tfa., J'••f B Ill I d t ,.. · 'gar. ope a. W db Id 1 • "" '' .,....,. ,,.,,. ns. -Moat beeutllul complex. Hu u gar en •P •· $520. 834 Htmllton. 00 r ge yr new 1260/mo. Co111 Met•, ••••••••••• •••••••••• $745/mo. Harry Patel. P1Uoe/dec:tc1. No pet1. 2 s..3•5478 homel 3 Bdr, 2 Ba, gar-Reftlgere\or·Mald·Pool Clll George &42-6381.• Belutllul 2Br 2bl huge bHllthe ... 2 1 3 I 2 7 8 • 6 4 0 0 or YEAR~ fUN: children welcome. ---------den er Inc. no P • u Nwpt Blvd & Wltton garage kid/pet 500 + Oullllndlng 4 bdrm. 2.~ 2131870•3008 Social AcllvlllH 2 Bdrm 1~ Bathe l5'0 lmmed occupancy. 2 bd. $875/mo, I yr. Cell Agt. Colt• M... 548-9755 Fem 10 1hr ocean view METAO R~ 836-7005 bl, -tblt, CU910f'n Jee:. D fr • ct or • Fr e • 2 Bdrm. 2 Bathe "65 2. b•. 17x2t lvng room Larry 957-6400 condo, No. San Cl•· 11100. Agl 875-1331 ....,.,. ....... Sund• y 398 W. Wiiton with frpl 1550/mo ---------Y-1y on tho bMctl. hotel mente nr twy. pvt rm & 3 br, 2 199 b•tht. newly remod. Peta. 575 + chg. METRO RLTY 836-7005 1111/POS II Workshop gar. 400 + ~O RL TY 636-7005 ~'!!r.!! .~!~ ••• !.'!.f NICE 4rm wlplf1y patio Lg kltch, fncd yd $425 OC·AENTALS 750-3314 Newport ShOfM 3 Br. 2'A Allordabl• ltmlly unit. Ba. 2 block• to beach, Very Ml. move In + chg. cioee 10 tc:hoof & tennft. METRO RLTY 836-7005 _96_2_-688:_3_. _____ 1 !BR · 490 3 bdrm, 2·~ bl, ""'vate. 9Nndl•BB0'1• 831·5583 Of' &42_.905 641-4908 L.a..u1 t..i "41 room, kltehenOlte & lho-bath. 2 poola, 1280 mo ... • Pll'llee•Piut ':':'I................... -· $280/mo. plu• MC. Incl utll. 498-5436 Obie gar. Ck>M to beech. mueh more. Townhoute 2 St. 1V• 81 .• 2 bd. 2 b• townhouee. E· ~aanlront. magnlllc.nt depoelt 230e w QQean.. ---------&45-9095 0 R 1 A T lrple, pool. 9'>•. llleched 11 de , 4 yr o Id, yd, 4Br, 11750 mo. front. Newport· Beach. Fem. lo attr 2 Br 1 Ba, 1 Blulf1 Condo . Lg 4Br, RECRIATfOM ! garage. No peta. A'(ell $800/mo998-7300dav-. 497·2042 &78-'154 houN lrOf'n beaeh, $300 3Ba. Greenbelt. 11100 Tennl a•Free now.$826/mo.631-4984 nk tor Dick, 840·24~6 ST · lnd.utll.873--9129 Eves. wknd• TINY RU IC COTTAGE. Pine Knot Mo..i on Coul ------------ mo. 18().9 I 10 Agl. L9110nS (pro a PfO $550/mo. 2 Br. I~ Bt. 1---------Nr t>ctt. & dwnlWn. tingle, Hwy. N 8 . s l • p. l 0 M/F to ''" furn 28t. 20I 3 Bdrm 2'h Ba. comm. ehop)•2 Health TownhouM. balcony. In· Daluxe new 2 Br. 2 Ba no dog•. I 4 5 0 . ocee n. Wkly rate•. Ill>' .. pool, Jee;. $39511'6 poof, 2 car garage. Clubt•Sauna• dry rm, cer port, Ill bit· garage, trplc. dish· 780•9857. &45-0440 Incl ullt 546-0929 : ;. 1900/mo. Fred Tenore, Hydr~ Int. Avllf Sept. w11har 1525/mo. # •---&. •-i Sh 1 d 631·12H or 631·27f1. SwlmrnlnoeOoll T3L Mgmt &42·1803 831-8155. No pet•. 360 .,,..,, -• -1111l .. 1011 r uxury con °·rrJr DrNlng Ailnge A ••-h'l'i•••v••••••••••• r... 405156 fwy, pool, H . Agt. a 1AuT 1, u L 1325. utlflllel Incl. Sm. 1 vocado. NO FEEi Apt. l Condo Re11on1bte ratH. Kil· gar, lndry. lrplc. bellot A' ART MI NT e ! bd. 1862 Newport Blvd, Nr S.C Plaza, lrg 1 Br, rentall. VIiie Rentllle. chenettM, l)honM, m.id furn, 2 dedlt. Ptef J>fof, s1n·g 1ea, 1 & 2 CM 831·7392 patio on 1trHm, poof, 875-'912 Stoker. """lee, Z channel mo-oon-ttntlr. retC> a ""t Roomy 1BR bll·IN . 250 Perfect 3 bf, 2 be, c:hef'I kitchen, radla.01 lrplc, Charming 2Br + bonu• gar. l<lde/pet. 550 + chg. J.a J1a ~ Nr tllh/Pomona 1 8t 1 epa. eeeurlty. 1450 vle1. SANDPIPER MO· S40Qmo.&41·1M02......_ c..z,,,,.. '"' & Unlurnlth•d•No Ba. down1111ri, 0 /W. 770-5055 ~~·e!:S:1~ Blyd. F SAN CLEMENTE • lg rm METRO AL TY 638-7005 ulll peld garage .... 495 3 bd. 2 ba houae With lncd POOL HOUSE Enormou• yd, nr park & school. 3BrMVOfalbathayard $TSO. 840·4051 or fOf' klda/pete gar .. 800 536-0621 titer 6 p.m 11111 I lPTS 636-7005 100'1 IYtll herOS a few EASTBLUFF Exec:. home 3 br .• 2 ba. den. fOf'mal dining, 2 lrpfe. garden patio . 1 1250 mo ••• ,~••••••••••••••• Pet1•Model1 Open ......... ater pd 1 .... 11d 1 bd m dpt ...... N...__. bd'I hM ,.....,. view wl Hllltlde executl\IO hOme • dally 9 10 8. c-""" •• w · "'' r • 11. ""'g ...... ..,v · · ...... . .... 21L b f OK. no pet• 1'50. Agl., 1 perwon. 1350 No 1)9tl. u.. ... fern $270. 492-7343 uu. ,. a. mty rm, lv'g llLWff~ no tee. 545-2000 6-42-0461 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING -Ill rm, bonu. room, 3 lrpl, a • fN NEWPORT BEACH -•-F. rmmte. 1250 mo .. utlli belutl!UI yard anO jtlcu.t· lerM , STUNNINO large 1 Br. tBr. up1111re, no pett, A total environment Wkly rental• 1105 up. pd, Nwpt Shore1. N.8 ll. 11560, lndudel gar· a.. -llt Oatden Apt, pool & rec avall Oct 1 $370 mo. 352 apertment community on Color TV. free coffee, ll'Ol. Ill' buctl. &45-2547 d-. waler and truh ,..,., .,... 710 W. 18th. St. VlctOfll 645-6181 tile UPP« Bay. Prlv11e hMted pool & •tesa to M/F to ttlr 2 lly 3Br. ""'"'"'· 861·7717 ...,.. ..... /.. clubhouee and health ocean. Kllc:h'I •viii. 2"'·B CM t N Ea1tblul1 3Br. 2ba Avall 1....;."-~'-..... -------1 880 I I * 2Br. 181. Neer So C ~ar H11b0f' Shop'g, roo-945 N r--~ ,. I •P on-n o w S 1 O o o I mo . J.at• A.a• •111 rv ne Plue, S.A. Luxury con-my, clean 2 BR 1 Ba, •P•· 8 tennl1 court•. 1 ·..,.....,Hwy, ernllr 1250 mo. Incl uUI 640·9019 Arnie or •••••••••••••••••'!•••• (II 16th) do. w/pool. $550. No be1m1 . no pell . poole,doeetobutlnell, l.agun•Beach.494-S2!M 111,1u1&del).&45-3438 8'2-0350. 857-'628. Not a rental agncy chg METRO REAL TY 831-0838ukforElalne 5yrt.new:3Bdrm.1¥•bl, (714)&45-1104 pete.833·8974. $410·$420. TSL Co. airport. FUhton leland. VM1ll••••W141 hmroommatetotllr4Br. Aflordeble 2 Br Kld ... 400 LIDO B•YFRONT n-• Cul ·dl·llC. kldl Ok. ...,.. ..... ,... 2 BR. 1 BA, t·rplc, ~•, 6'2·1603; 9'2·1276 9,onve"2~~t alloC!ct: •••••••0 ••••u•••o•• 2BI -fttront Non 1-.. r " .. $725/mo, 111/tul 9300 1700 18th St. """" .. te. Un ....... ltlled Lake Tahoe on water w/ ~· · · "'" Large 4 + 2 +den Wlfrpl Br. 6 Ba. 12950/mo. dep. Avall 10/1, Heidi (Dover at 16th) gar. 1395·A W. BlkOf. 0..1 It/at Ulf Ion, 1 & 2 bdrm IPll and boll doclc. 4Bt 3bl Hee 1235 mo. 5'&-1187 ~· kllc:h Q4'.:ill50 831-3e71, 876-284!0 979-2390 "" N 0 PI t I · C II 11 d 0 k • •••••••••••••••••••••• t~. II m . 'comp I I urn . Rmmtte wented. MIF, 10 ::H-:-1,::bor:=-7v::-:1ew:-::-:-:H:: 04 -::m::--=-.-:ear:::-::-.1....::.:.:...::.:.::. _____ I (71.4) 642·5113 1525/mo. 6'5-3'15. VACANT 2Br. 2Ba, car· -s540 ·11000 552.2115 or eve• enr beau1 3 BR nme In 3 Br 2 m11r baths c:heft "*"~ 3 St. family rm. ~..i.IUI 2 BR. 1 BA, old houM, no port.1525 mo. S.V.11 l>ICMlort and 1 975-<1311 Irvine PV1 bl. pool. Jae. kllch •Kida pet gar ... 525 L-$1150. &«-9977 fallmltllf' 1411 pelt. ehlld OK. All utll pd. 542-3597• 730-7165 Bdrm unlit feature line lplc & mueh more. II Int• 2 Br, 1 Ba. 2862 Sant• ---------1•••••••••••••••••••••• 415 Hamlfton. 1535. 1 Br. garage. near ocean. detlgner turnltu;e and PU HUIT -ereeted ple11e call, Ana Ave #4. 1450. mo; BluH1 3 br. 2'h ba, lam 3 Br. Condo neer So. C, 645·34l5 very clean. 1390/mo. ~.Move In to-(Monterey Country Club) 714.752.7933 (hm). 851-6228. 636-7005 rm. greenbelt, pool. Plaza, crplng & bll·ln1, 2101402 2657 S day Of' reeerve lor tum· 3 br, 2 bl, turn., w/lrplc. 540·2636 (ofc) Leo. 38' POOL home 2 Ille bathl modern appll nu crpt git k/p 850 +chg METRO ALTY 835-7005 11400 mo. Agt 844-0134. overlootc1 lreenbell. Brend new Condo 2 Br 2 • · ee 11 mer montllt. Smerlly Goff. tennlt & swimming. ---------pooll, ..,.. dubhouM Darting 1 BR. 1 blk fr Ba 2 car garage ;., 24882 Cordobe Dr. Apt •lurnlahed model• open Dally. wkly & monthly Rmte wanted: Mature, Nol • _,,., ~ P... H.,bOf' View Hom., 2 St, ea.ell. Security gate. beach, w/gar., winter opener. wood burning A. • dally rate 1 . Ca I I .. ark , reep lem. lor 2Br 2ba METRO REAL TV-.. '!!~· .. 2 1 ,. 9 8•°'· ~~11.030919m5.o. .&so. Calf 979-4231 -rental.1550 winter. $800 lrplc, view ot 1tr11m & 1·3-e_r_2_8a_ .... oc.an---vu-.-,-v-a-H. · 55&-8001 wkd)'I... N. B. ept. 1 215/mo. ......,... u """ & ..... nd vr1Y lnet utll. Call Joyce • t e f 111 I 7 8" "'/15 ••501 On J ...... .... t lat/lut 8'2-0422 1 Ill • •71 Nr beach 3nn home 1395 '"' 1· Agt. 631· t286 w r 1 · "· • · ""' mo. am..,.,.• ""' 1 Kona, HI. Condo for rent 1 ---------• at BEST Flet lee H.,bor Ridge ..... 4 8' 3 Orangetree Condo, 1'16. M2•1309· 498•4179 San Joequln Hlltt Rd Br. tteep1 4. Avall 10-15 ., .... /w ... , 4Jlf Big 4 rmer 4 children. utll 530-6190 Ba, beeut. decor, 3800 It. t 8t & loft. tennlt, pool. ......, ... a,t 13gs1mo. t Br. 1 ea. Apt ... f''-It 144-llOO ~~,_1J;!J· 1250/week. E••8•f!'_:••c•::•-~::,~·•on•••p:: 4 br POOL hOuM, MYOrll battlt. lrpte. 850 + chg. METRO Al TY 836-7005 pd, EZ t0tmt +chg. pool, tennlt, guard gate 11 r•1 m No p 111 1 bdrm. winter rentel. Carport. lndry rm. Sub-• ,., • .,_.....4..,. ...,... "" ... .,,.... •• METRO RLTV 836-7005 *"" 11111* ~2o~p'.'":g· ~. bR«;,~t= 553-1141 · · $425 Including ulllfll••· mil on pet batcony Call ••i UH 2 Br 2 Be from 1526. No 1---------1 Ille)', Mio, a..ri.1t0tege • Ill 0 •JI With frtdge/ttove lntNde. No peu. 573.au, fOf' appt ' · r;.;;··::.::.:.-.:.••••7••• pell. Acro11 from Npt ... tall 19 lbn '"' only. 170. 673-3800 • ,. BEST Rlty 63M1llO lee 75t-122t 2 bd, 2~ be, 2 Cit gar. 54S..1930 TSL M l &42·1603 xe...,......... xtra arge 8c:h Golf CourM. Offloe •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Ill •21 let ..... lot1/1t0f'age, Nr Harbor gm 2br, 2 ba, bltne, dtwflr, hB ~ 64~S Oltc:rlmlnMlnQ & 11~ o.na Pl garage. lronl dtl- • ,. I r llMlf HI Sch and Oakwood Winter rentalt lllTllT • 1'A mllel beeeh. No~·· · ly r11po111fble Female v-•y, CloM to beach. Smen dee>Olll +chg. BrlnQ the !amity, nlCe 3bf, Wltwlllf -Aph. 545-387' dt, now avlltable. Can Eattlloe $82S/mo. 2 St. ISOO/mo 638-8362 'A Block to beech, 2Br. 25-39 ywe to anwe 111-I 7 o . 4 9 3 • O 8 O 3 . METRO ALTY 838-7005 dbf bath. lrplc, lncd 28A.ptutden,3BA.bay &40·5158,9"'" ....a 11a&.n l 'L B T Tl .. bright & airy. 1700 mo. xury 2 BcftM:PromonlO· 648--&4445. Ytew $2000 month yeer • " •· ownllouee. •II WI II UITW yrty. 906--8283 , Pl T --------3 br. 2 beth lamlty unit, 1595. BEST 1111 tu ly. bona Clllclleater: ,.., lllllllllllT bulll·ln1. lndry rm, cer-2 br, 1'Aba, 1560. 1'Y • ownhome. ov.r-Slngleceroeraoe•nCott• ffETTo~L5ri~&.1oos 539.5190 &44-8200. #r.!.~~.'?.!~~!A'i IJM171 ::'o~rdlb11cony.em111 ~t>r1y:or'h!!!,·.15to1!:.., o:i~~r~'\<;~t1D~~: =~~°!:i ::ic:,.r== =-s65~~~5;r- ' __ .. -• ..... F~ ~11'!' :~~0f:;0~ ..a.. t11W 1111 C>cMnfronl. Deluxe 2 bd, TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 545_3387,957•1473 730-0104; ev1/wknd1 tonal background to•--------- ---' r · •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bl. ll200/mo yrty In-833--3743 P.O Box 36-B, Balboa Full kitchen tor Mom. 1 1450 '*c "'°"11 BElhST+oetlaoef WINTER t mo. 38t. 28e, eluding utll 752 ... 488 Spartcllng ~ 2 Br 1'.4 nllWI ir•-_, llUNS, Clllf. 92912. _,_ ._._1 ~ Ready nowt Pett oll, prvt o UN. a r fiat .. M1y turn, 3rd hie from .,. ,...,. . "' ' Ba. $475. Ullll pd. Aelrl-... ,__. l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-_,., parking. BEST Alty 539~190 So . Bay 1800 mo. 97..-vvvl ge. 2 ""'" ctllldren ok. Spec. 1 & 2 br. lovely 1875. 2 bdrm, 1¥• b1." llllllTE ;9;7•y;;;,"ciiff."N.8:0 25' 53t...t190 IM 3 St, 2 ea,........ nalnted/ 870·1030 Beaulllul oceen vu. 2Br. no pelt. plnee & •treema, lee. Sunnv up---. View. No t • .....,. ft 1 ........ ,,._,, .. -b I ht & I M t 1980 Wallace "9" ga111. entry by phone, , ,.... la o ...,_ IQ. • •• ._... ht 1.rHtll ll•HJ ~!:'~o~T:c:d c1:;~;.1~~ N E w POAT c AES T ,,a,,, 0:.:. S850fm'l&31~~;: C • ~rlec ar••,}:~5· "gym, ~·~~.1a:z7t~8 Way. FllDEIS Agent 541·!5032 Nev. again. Complete 4 1700/mo. Incle ,..,Cloner. CONOO-S..Ut. 38t. New I.Wah '111 3 br Snll l Snnl Mo l111llleif Ada ere the .,.,.,. ape ... _ .,1 ---1B;;..R_OU-PL-.EX---Oldett a w -t -... Fountain Valley OIUce room nat. $300'• dllld It 903-5798 -cpt a pllnt, f1000 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• • "' · ana*9r to • 1ucc.e1ful .--..--. IPllCe 2500 IQ n e eo. tint at BEST flat lee. . A"'. &45-0295 Small 1' St. ~II. drt· 'renta. tep1 to Bch. gvege Of' ywd Niel '1'1 a 2 Br 1 Ba. g11age. 2nd fir, STEPS TO BEACH AH ettentl ~ with fl 'oood .. ,• • .._ •• f 1 1 2131"'-., ..... 817 3"•5 .._., balcony. ttove. O/W, ..... 51mo .. -1 .... ., """'°'' ,....!COi • · expo ..,.,, 539-8190 2 bdrm, 1 be, MCI garage. HARBOR VIEW HOMES pee, re r go, • ove ,._..........,, ~ ""' ...... , er way to tell me><e 1550 l300 Ca ~.. .,,_ nu &;;11 Coal.....,.... gooc:1 per111ng, Telbeft & $375 mo. (ee.ctl Bl and • 1'25/mo. 875-5088 OCEANFRONT 1'.4 Bdrm. peoplel 897.5eee .~ .. dep. u CLIFFHAVEN Oood M ...... ~~ a r 0 0 k" u rt l . c . f I Br In good locetlon, 1'A big yd, H!IO mo. Aot. n .,., .., ... •1 "' p .......... 1 rm, P• • The Tomorrow &now. l---------Purely elfOf'dable. Nloe 3 Sitter). 8'1-3152 3Br. 281. din rm, lg kit, Winter "'ental 3 Br. 1.,, 1 B1 ...... !IO/mo. wlnt-•1a"":r-8 ~ ...... 2 Bd tlo "'"""' 751-61111 blth, ttudenti or tamlty 48', 2ea. grdnr Incl. 17&0 551·4'130 Ba . 1 c er g er 101, Bache lor. 11ap1 to ..., "41 SELL Idle Item• wttn a dlellwHh•r. gerage, 1~~~~~~M~1·~1~-~y•oo-tOO PLUS 1400 eq.f't. nne 11 BEST Alty open 7 mo. llUT _ 1700/mo. Stepe to bay, 2 belctl. l !IOO/mo. wlnt• •••••••••••••••••••••• Delly Piiot OIMelfted Ad. 1590/mo. 9'5-7836 Pwllhoule Bayfront aui- d-....... 781-8923 ..... blk• to beach. 301 Ed· PROPERTY HOUSE t pa kl patio ., • ._ c ••2 .... !IO ••2 1010 Lile ~mt dutlM evlll '°' Flnanclelll_;j••Pontlble •. r no. •· 100'• of ~1111 1 . .-... Catlllnl l mtt, Hunt...,.· gewater S oronedo 11 --..... '" • K 87"1003 ·-· ·-Lg• cuetom 3 br 2 ba ""' b k t? t9tlf I eeml-f9tlred ........ "'-• 2 to ...... ~" " BEST flat tee &3Ml"" • ton night Rt• New, de-1yfront • Rob I neon enne Uil por ...., ....,., ,.._., • ---------..., oondo, dblO g ... Xlnt loo. luH 2 br, 2 ba, aecur. Ae911or 548-54M7 • A,.,,..•ll • 2 Br apt, utll pd. 8ml ~ Hoat .... .a• ...... - NotlatfrOf'nSOUlhCOU. 1696 + .. c . Aeh. gate, brick lrplc, yetd, f"'811ldM Isn't he the guy who kicked the l>Hehmoi.1.&4~.tO MOIOf'·SallOI dodled'" Attn1ettveruetlo~ Plaza. '4 8t hOuN mulll 8' .. 40'2 PIP No pet1 Ideal for ho• 2 BR 1 81, 1 gar epece, 'Ao •••••••••••••••••••••• Winning field goal 1n the '74 $ p b I? Lovety 3 bdrm, 2 bl,,_ ~2 ,bhM central ailr, Mtttng, We eupflly dltte, battle, carpell lll~out, CONDO 3 Br. plue den, neymooMrt. aeso. S.. ::,~o ;:ron :0 b:·,:0o ,,a,,, U er OW . ~ti, drapH •nd IP· nOlt, athl, 1t1ower, apece copier Vou ....,.. cozy frpl, 2 cer \"•· lrplc 2 car att.eched g.. lit then call. #B 103 ...M 714-876-•4142 . "91•1811 W'/ ~(V'"'\~ encee. Step• to water. kitchen. all elactrlc. ply .,hone, I h 5 Pf' tnO ltldt -:'~· 8! T Rlty r 1 g 1 . I 7 5 O I m 0 . SUNSET BLUlllllL c<>r· · •••••••••••••••••••••• V--"~I J\..I\,, ;;...-"'" -..:; 1 3 • 111.5 • 0 t 2 1 or PlelH l ertd re1=:i pr detk. C.. 844-1111. open eye,_ TI0-133'. nor of v1o1on. a e. P .. Oceanfront l cloH to. 2 bdrm 2 bl newer dpta tt you're not sure who (or wfljt) jl.tnlttbunkport wai. •--87'3_··_1H_9 __ __, _ __, =~•~';'~ r.Q. IOx so. LAGUNA, 3 Att:il llWt •UM1•• e1n 3 BA. 2 ee. FP. Wiik ;·~~ :n·i c::~· ~;~• f:,m:'1JO: .l....'~·~:· yrty. Mat1u7re50non3-1m1cr.: don't feet~·,, not .ione. Kenntbunkpoit is one OCEANFRONT 4 Br & 3 aa.e. Balboa 111an0, c.. 2 Sutt• ...,... Gd. ttwy htltlder overlook Ing 10 bctl !>Ml• ldl• 880 • ' • ' · .. , · no Pot•· X f 14 d ft Ir. 2 bl each. lrplc• llt. t2M2 Vllltllhy. 417·2'61 N9wport, 2 atory, 11 rm pit, iuo. 'im pou. 551-8122. t7W102 2t317"-'195, 257.9792 o ISllncbwtly d1f rent 1p1rtment noorpqns '' S1lllO/ 11450 reapecU llOme, 1'.4 ba, p11e oar-6'o4·1094 Newfv rernOOOled 3 br, 2 Winter Aent•••· 1ec11. 1 or (7 14) 873·39118 S.1w1nd V1llqt in Hunttncton Buell. Seaw1nd Y~l .. e is vety. • Mlle :t&-45 etw &t>r, 2bll ... lllU• Pot•. fncd yerd + oer-. ba StllO/mo a 1>t 1 bl, bd ll'ld 3 bd with ooeen 8 0 0 h • 1 0 r v •a r 1 • ttslllt of tot•Ny per101111iled professional pl1nmna. f>f.oPEATY HOUSI! hM rtr S.C.Plezatllrwy. I.Moc. w. lnOI. f'90llSll., kid• ok. 18311 BEST c;, HOMES FOR RENT 17So/mo on tho 'Pentn-v •.• w . & 3 6. 8 7. 8 . 13'0/mo Utll• pel~. The kind ol 1tt1ntion ~OU dtWve. 8'2·3150 8'2·1010 8p1. aaa5+•11•t• Utllt. MC'y HNI, conf. rm .. T deyt, ,_ 3 l 4 l drm, • 700 10 1u11. Step• to ocean. 815-0311 t7&·9&e2 ·9'&-13111 · A perfect bltnd of n1ture Ind llVI"" -nestlld tn a N•wpo•T SHOR"'t .... _ ... ,_.glS. kit .. mell hendlg.i ••-•1"* 1800. Fenced yard• l yr 1y1w1 11 t • r Dy 1 • lo t ,.. .......... ... "' " " ...,.. R t 1 Cl M/ epon1lve to your • --garagea. 1Ud1 & g •t• 815-3132• 9111 Mfr6710 FURN DUPLVC: 3 I r. 2 c1 .. n 28r, 111, patio, ru '""' .,._,,. bfoob and qU!tt pond1, tooltd by plex, 2 bd. 2 bl, ownetn. oomm• • wen • 11111 need•. Adj • .. 1 ftMltll ....., welcome. 6'5·2 00. ' Ba. t17 '!. a.'lboa. Wint· MOO mo. natUtal OCUll brtezn. Add 10 Ulll ttllfU COllllS, lrpl '1w 2 COf get ~lo tlr:l'I, no-ernll, $250 + 'wt In , V lf'ldf Agent, no lee. \/tow 28r, 2 .. Condo. II.I· • r o' Vt I Y . 913.-1031 ...,..,wtcndl. tw1mminc pool$. 1 'flt .•nd a con.et11111t loctlion ..... , I •'o o ' mo · • G • n i ~ 111 •D)ol8'2-&448• eft Mo/mo: from "is . 3 8A 2 Be. "°'acre i.noed, .....;;;..._..;... _____ I •UFY ltl'lenltlel. 1100 mo, I 7 0 0 • S 1 5 O / m o . • empk>J ,,.. •T&-1142. PM 6'2•M20 ~. ;'tct!·~:~~~·.:t~: ~ ........... 11.ff l yco 845-228t 17H745 Of MMH4 ·~~. ~~·l~ie~= ·~~!.ndwould =/~r:~~. fiv!nptace NIW,ORT Pe11tn1ut1 1 2 ... t .. ~ :1''· wl ---------~ .... 771-3131 WlllU Mc\.AIN condo. a10 C•· Unml w/cllanrt•I view. IOH K•nntblln-port) One ancrtwo bedroom. one and I""' bd, 1 bl, $4H mo. utll• vie•. fem.r t ·3 yre. nyon, 2 IA 21.4 be, Im· 1 bdrm P!'Nete perlllnt Incl utll. Ooen 8Uf'I 3302 blth epettl'llttlts lrom $540. '"' pel, egent 870..18'2. ~.:' J!.':;,':42•4~· aar 2'M9e TWMee. trs>tc. patl~I, eto. 179& mo. 11, 64f..6121 latte6de O.M. 1 I 2 bd ,_,..., fl'OI yrell, "om 1371/mo AO'. 17f.1t62 • iif.' 2 .,. c.. eoncio. ~ ::..::ecfled "°"* mecvlete, cllllcl Ot<. no artd .,eaol\. Ulll Paid. MMcua. lfS..1143 HA8HOAE OAIV!: 2 Ir ...;... ______ ....._ b I .,..._ Av...._ pelt. I 1100 mo. Call 1650 Mo T5a·H11 L~ a•, a .. 2 ~ nd lbl, I: ITOO/mo ..-., 2 "o "*9 S Ir. Apt. In C • lmme dletely. Qerry or 011r11te.1----·------1 .. " ~ , .. , M •-1-...... _ ... .. HOO/mo on 1 Y'M'..... t73-77t1: 1eo. 1397 WIM•~. lp90, 3 l>t. 2 • gerege. . M2.. 2 • -..... .,_,., .. . "v• otnere 10 ChOOM V 1 • W " b Cl I u. b ba. lfePt from bMC:ll. NO pell v .. rly II • -Avalt. Oct ht. Kare n ffom. We're the onea to "' '" • n I . Cowl & bey view from 'TI0-1713, N34307, in Hunn ton Vllla9f ~~ -::,i:r O:!~: _13_1-8032 __ • _____ I a.II tor letMe. comnty1oof & tennlt, 8'1ndeok. Muet eeet M80 ffont. I Ir' Of 3 er. NeW1y Reep. PY M 111r l\OUM .• luerde llft•, trdnr, winter IUO yrly , e,,., "1 ._ .Mft ~.-......., Oen be !Ur· wit YO prol'•t.':l:a + ~I W....•rWft 1100 mo ...... a14t. 111-sto4 •••••••=··"-"n' 1m5 ttunt1""°" v,. ln. HuminstO!' leatlt CA ~'1i44.ot1• ut ... I LfO." ..... Mof• , ........... getting ~ ., ... ffft Modem 1lr apt, WPoft (714) '98·9961 • 8MOftfronl wtnW ,.,... Xtf• .... -,.., oootn. New 2 ar 1 b• nouH, ' tne ~ """8" tl'lit mrr.-. •••• nn •• T:.T'I or lat at• tor redted r!Olll Ille San O.. '"""' .,.,. Mt1ll on lteell lo OC1·Me1 4409 ~ ._,.. w/po«. '"'· Aft r•rCI. No peu. HOO. ~-_, Nl·aet Y'M'· "you,..,.. cam-OeNn vi ... bnut1M1y •· "° ..... "°..... '*'""""""" .... Ill lltFMdell It~ -re. I"· 1100/mo. I" f~ 14CM8t0 tylet, •Int toe. C .. all. 17t0. *"°' 4t7·114t ... 200e • .,._.,.. rratN• ,..,,Ir•• per tllat'1 not t•ltlnt fUJn. town~. frple. Up to 1100 ta 11) ,......_,...... • "'-..., 10 ......... ;::::" MOO \Ml.,... Cen lie_,.,.,., 4 M .......... ___ ..;..._.;.._,...._,, ______ ;.;._ __ , "'9d, ... " now -"" • pool a ,.tlo ..... Imo. 116·1MO MOn-'n ..t •l!!!-!!~!!!!!!11!!!!-!!!-!!'!!!-!!"'!!! ..... !!!!!!~ 1", n I • h • ~ 10 Modi. IMO. #em Adi ~ t4J·&e71 /We ~ .... 71 C111111ed Ad. 173-GIM °'ell Ni ... ll\lft. I'" 1141f44.ot14 lfWt31 •