HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-09 - Orange Coast Pilot.... 8Y GL&NN8COTI' °' .. ...., .......... Members ot Oran1e County's Board ot Supervilon have their bands full this weekend with lawsuits cha1Jen1lnt their declsJona on future UJe of John· Wayne Airport. They are burdened with two related but separate lawsulll that threaten in remarkably almif ar fashion to weigh down the supervisors• intentions to enlarge the airport. In one band is a ruling issued W410neaday by Oran1e County Superior Court Judae Bruce Sumner blockin1 expansion ot the airport unlil more t.borouah environmental studies are completed that dlscuaa poulble' consequences of expamlon. On the other band .ls t~e rejection by U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter or an access pl an detailing bow many aircraft each airllne can fly lnlo the airport. Both lawsuits overlap at one $27 billion state budget submitte d SACRAMENTO (AP > - Pinning his hopes of avoidlng a permanent tax increase on a q uic~ recov e-ry from the recession, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. p~ a $27 billion state budget Friday. The Democratic governor's spending plan for the 1982-83 fiscal year beginning next July 1 represents an increase of $1.24 billion over the current year, a 4.8 percent spending hike which compares with an estimated 8.8 percent inflation rat~ To balance that budget, Brown is proposing a $1.5 billion package of stopgap finance measures, includlng a one-Ume acceleration in tax collections and new fees on utilities, ~Uege students and some farmers . Few of the tax accelerations direc tly affect individual taxpayers, although persons' who buy new homes would see their property taxes increased faster, and proposed new P~blic Utllities Commission fees would (See BROWN, P age A2) Phone rate bik,es seen for PacTel lb KEITH TUBER Dit1y ..... ...._,E.._ Settlement of the U.S. Justice Department's antitrust case against AT&T could result in rate increase requests from Pacific Telephone, analysts and a PacTei official said Friday. Pacific Telephone is one ot the 22 local operating companies, worth $80 billion, Ma Bell bas agreed to sell as part of the settlement. AT&T will retain its long-distance service and its two subsidiaries, Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric. In addition, tbe agreement allows AT&T t o provide tel e phone equipment for customers, including that now furnis hed by local B e ll companies. Said AT&T board Chairman Charles Brown: "This historic decision was one not easily reached when one seeks to balance the interest or tens or millions or consumers, the rights or 3 million shareholders, and the important obligations t.o 1 million employees, and our duty to national defense communications. I am confident we have chosen the right course, although it is most assuredly not (See AT&T, Page AZ) ocMEDICAL UC CARE -:;Dilemma probed How best to care for the county's medically indigent is a quesUon that has nagged Orange County government for decades. County officials thought they had the answer in 1976 when they sold tbe county medical center in Orange to the University of California and contracted with the univenlty ror medical care of indigents. . Now, the county is em~roiled in a dispute with the university over medical bills that has statewide lmplicaUons. And the waging of the battle itself has reached multi-million dollar proportions, giving rise to what one offlclal described as "a job corps for bureaucrats, a.ceountant.a and lawyers.'' MeJnwhile, queation.a remain about the care of Oran1e County' 1 medically indl1ent. _ How thll happened and what•s bein1 done about it is tbe 1ubjeet ol a report by Frederick Scboemehl, chief of the Dally Pilot's Orange County bureau. His report tte1tn1 ln Sunday's Daily Pilot. \Ylll 11111111 DAllY PAPER C HANGE COU N TY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENl S poJnt -rnoet slcnificanUy in the number of allowable dally departures or commercial jet.a. To make matters worse for the a~rvison, the two judicial rulines not only overlap on the question of the current limit or 41 daily fiights, they c1,sb. When be ruled in favor or plaintiff, Newport Beach, and issued an injunction probibilinl the expansion plans from golnf lnt.o effect, Sumner ordered no more than the 41 rugbts. Yet the ability to lncreue those rupta alter fint requlrina uae of comme rcial Jets with quieter enflnes to reduce cumulative noise is at the heart of the expansion plan. Physical Improvements t.o the terminal, landing strip and parking facilities are i n cluded to accommodate the lar1er crowds the extra nights can bring. By holdin1 the maximum dally departures t.o 41, Sumner has made an order that could Delly 1"1194 l"1lleltM .,. ,._ltll 0'0-11 8 EAKS FUL L - A pelican looks like a. bird that wa s designed by a committee. However, up close, they can look quite elegant. These four were enjoying a fres h water pond off Warner Avenue across from the Huntington Harbour Bay and R acquet Club. ' very well fly In the face of an action Kalter, the federal jud1e. la expected t.o take. Although be rejected the access plan currently in use at John Wayne untU a new pne ia deemed acceptable , Hatter implied during bis September hearing he will condone a system of budgeting more daily flights as a condition to llmJting noise. Thal means that Hatter is likely to eventually accept a new access plan that will iollow the supervisors' plan to increase daily flights lo 55 by the year 2000. If the new access plan should go into effect soon, a conflict could arise quickly in which Halter would be allowing more flights, but Sumner wouldn't It then would become a matter of competing j\lrlsdiclions: restrictions or s tale environmental law versus those regulating interstate commerce. "We 'd like to gel that clarified with Judge Sumner." said Robert Nuttman, deputy county counsel. Hatter round the access plan invalid because be said it discriminated against some airlines to the advantage of long-time airport incumbents, AirCal and Republic. The suit was originally ftJed " by l>aclfic Southwest Airlines officials, who were unhappy with receiving only two dally rlights and prospects loo slow lo suit them to earn more. The county has lnltlated an appeal or Hatter's decision. On Jan. 4 the Ninth CircuJt Court ol Appeals refused to alter bit ruling pending a hearlni. · Meanwhile, the supervisor• are expected to confer In private sessions several times durtna the next Cew weeks t.o plot their legal strategies in both cases. An announcement is expected as early as Tuesday on whether they will appeal Sumner's ruling or embark on preparing the new environmental data. It is well -known that the supervisors are distressed by Sumner's ruling, which could cause them to appeal in hopes of overturning a decision that might require much more expans ive environmental data for major projects, Super visor Thomas Riley, whose Sth District includes the airport, spid Thursday the ruling appears to be .. sett.ine a precendenl that might be very dangerous in the planning process in uyunly." IBM antitrust suit out U.S. d rops case same d ay AT&T proceeding settled R E PORT D E N IE D - President Reagan has denied a report some of his advisers are pushing to hav e presidential counselor Edwin Meese lll depart. perhap.s to the post of attorney general. WASHINGTON <AP> -The Justice Department on Friday dis missed the government's 12-year-old suit that charged tbe International Business Machines Corp. with monopolizing the computer industry. The department s aid tbat Assistant Attorney General William F. Baxter, head of the antitrust division , wa s convinced after a lengthy review or the ca se ·'the costs of continuation, weighed against the government's likelihood or s uccess and the potential benefits to be obtained, warranted dismissal." Baxter said he made no new attempt to negotiate a settlement before deciding t.o drop the massive s uit, which consumed six years In the trial s tage during two earlier administrations. The announ9ement came only Rams cough up back taxes money The Los Angeles Rams enriched Oranae County coffers Friday by $655, 107 when the club officially ..paid delJnquent taxes for lM> and 1981. Tax Collector Bob Citron happily displayed the check t.o reporters In bis office later Friday, stgnallne at least• a temporary end to t he spat between government officials and the profe11lonal football organliat.lon. Rama officials paid the poaaessory interest tax under protest, however, aW1 pJanninc to cballenie the aaae11ment before the county's Tax Appeals Board la June. The Rama MY they believe the a11eum•t la far too bllb. Polw1ory tan• are le.ted by county aovenuneal to cover t.be nlue ol ••elusive uae of a tu exempt public facWtJ .-u Anaheim StadJum, where tbe team plays its National Football League home schedule. The laxes had been due late last year a n d Citron bad indicated be would possibly lake action against tbe team unless it made Its payments. · Neeotiationa between various government and team official• ensued, leading to Friday's delivery or the check by John Shaw, treasurer of the Rama organl1ation. · Of the full amount, about $589,000 is principal and lbe remainder la lqterest. The club believes lt only owes bet~ $S01000 and $701000 In principal ano IMereet. Citron aaid tbe Rama wanted to pay $50,000 iD cub and tbe r•m alnder lD bond forru pendtn1 lb• outcome of appeall to tlM tas board. How•ver, be 1aid .a.at arr anceinent would not b••• bealtaaJ. hours after the Jus tice De partment disclo sed a settlement with American Telepbone 4t Telegraph Co. of an antitrust Sllit begµn in 1974. Under that settlement, Bell Telephone agreed to sell its 22 local telephone companies, valued al $80 billion and malting up two-thirds or its assets. Tbe IBM suit was filed in the c lo si ng hour s or the administration of President Lyndon 8 . Johnson in 1969 and has been described by one legal scholar as "the antitrus t division's Vietnam.'' Abbott B. Lipsky, an aide lo Baxter, outlined the reasons for the dismissal action in a memo sent to Attorney General Wi lliam French Smith at Baxter's request. "I am convinced that the only responsible course open t.o tbe government is to seek IBM'S agreement to a stipulation or dismissal," Lipsky said. He added that he did not expect a verdict in the case until 1983 or 1984. The suit is before U.S. District Judge David N. Edelstein in New York City. Both sides rested their case in the trial last June 1 but both the government and IBM were given until Feb. 1 to submit additional findings in writing. Baxter said that even iL the government won its decision, there would still have to be substantial additional UUgatlon to determine what relief It wu entitled t.o. I The eovemment had filed the suit to break u.p IBJI in 1988, but aovernment lawyers now feel the cue ls outdated because it waa a product of~ time when IBM ~yed a virtual lllonopoly that no lon1er exl1t1 in lbe computer Industry. Buter aa.Ld tba1 even if 1BM boldl a monopoly poeltJoa lD the that IBM e ngaged in illegal pra ctices to maintain a monopoly have lost their own private suits. Spokesme11 ror major computer firms s uch as Control Da ta a nd Sperry-Univac declined to comme nt on the decision. Baxter said it was unlikely that even ir the government won on the trial level it would win an appeal. He noted that the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against a similar theory of monopoly in a case involving Eastman Kodak Co. Also, Baxter said, there was no assu rance that the government would win suit.able relief even if it won its case. The suit charged that IBM sold computers In units to exclude competitors a nd undersold competitors on new parts. Baxter noted that s~ the suit against IBM was a civil case, rather than a criminal one, the government had no chance of obtaining Clnes or imprisooln& the res ponsible company individuals. IRAICI COAST IUTlll I Fair through Sunday •with some high cloudlneaa.· East to northeast winds ·20.30 mph, decreaain1. · Highs 70 t.o 75. Lows in .OS .. 1NSIDI TlllY Eul'Oflf -Eal Md Wed - " f ocmg maftJI poUtkal °"" . tconomlc prob(~nu f11 tM MW l/«01'. Sft Page Af. c:omput•r market "tbe a. 1overnment '1 case dot1 not • allea• tbat JBll achieved tlaat ~ po1ltklllW .. al.'1!' a. lloreo.-r, Baxter said, other • companlM which have aUeaW ~ -~~~-mll!!!!~!l!'!!l!l"'l!I! .., ) ' -· Oranqe Co•t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9, 1912 tt.rncu•NNl:DY Two JlunUnctoa Beach bout.- let• . than a mUe apart c•uebt fire ll'ridl)' ~ornln1, reau.lUq lo lbt death '()f u pelt trapped ln tb• bom••· fire offlclala re'°"". There •ere no human casualties, fire official• iald. The two blues were three hours apart and weren't related, aaid fl re Captaio Roser HOimer. A dot and seven P®Ples died lo one blue. Two bampaten, a house cat, and numerous fish NB dentist . ctia~ged by state A N~ Beach denllal was arrested Friday and cbarted with practicing medicine wllbout a license, police said. David Eggleston, 38, whose business address was listed as 1441 Avocado Ave., was arrested at a~out 2 :30 p.m. in the culmflnltton of an investigation by the Board or Medical Quality Assurance, Newport Beach Police·u . Mike Blltch said. Eggleston, who ls licensed as a denUsl, "11egedJy has Illegally treated about 500 patients for n o~ · d en t a I i ll n e s se s a n d "charged large fees for the treatments," Blitch said. Blitch said the investigation was initiated and carried out by lbe MedlcaJ Quality Assurance Board, u\d that Newport Beach Po\i,Ce asslsted in the arrest at Eggleston's office. Blitch said Eggleston posted $5,000 bail shortly after his arrest and was released. · FfpmPageA1 peri1bed ln the other, He>1mer Hid. At 10:45 a.m., an electric blanket that bad been left on cau1hl fire and cauaed more tban •so.ooo dama1e to • sin1le·stQry b(>uae at 20591 Esret St., near Jndianapolla Street and Newland Avenue. The dwellin1 la owned by Nathan Banhofsllty and bis wife Debra, fire officials aald. 'Dey weren't home at the time of the fire. A house cat and two ham psters died of smoke inhalation and flab in an aquarium perished became heat from the flames caused the aquarium water lo boll, fire officials said • • 'lt was a srnolderin1 fire and the house wa.f locked up Ugbt allowing a ""at deal of heat to build up before the bedroom window brokt and air fueled the fire into a blaze," said Rick Grunbaum, f_.-e inspector. Hosmer said the electric blanket either shorted out or had other blankets on top or it, allowing a heat buildup under the covers. Earlier Friday, fQ1tr occupants of a house· at 20162 Harbor Isle Lane escaped unharmed at 7:50 a.m . after s trong winds apparently knocked over a porta1>le heat lamp onto blankets in an enclosed patio. The beat lamp had been left on overnight to keep a golden retriever and seven recently born puppies warm , Hosmer said. He said the blaze quickly engulfed the patio and spread to the house and garage, causing more than $60,000 damaee. The house is located south of Adam"S Avenue and west of Bushard Street. n ·s rented by Roger Lackey, Hosmer said. BROWN BUDGET • • • 1 ultima~ly add a few centa a m011tlrt&1as and electric bUJa of Callfomia cons4nu1rs. l:Jl)iven&ty stµdeJJts would aJso face fee bikes or $55 to $100 annually. , Brown · conceded that the . balance in bis bud1et is "precarious'{ and c<HA)d be upset , if the economy does not rebound as predicted by lfti •. year, lf the • Lecr.-tature rejects bla ·temporary revenue meuurea, or if voters' approve two new tax FromPageA1 cut initiatives on the June 8 ·'ballot. • rr ..any of .tbose thiqa bapPen, Brown said ih a btidcet briefing, then be and legillato.n would have to consider either tax increases or deep.er program cuts. "Obviously, the cost-of-living items (in the budget) will come under greaf pres1ure,'' Brown added, 1u.ge1tip1 that the relal1vely mCMlest lncreues now proposed could be wiped out -entirely.- Youths lucky in weather accidents LOS ANGELES <AP> ~ Two--their foundations, awnings were youths escaped with their lives ripped off houses and the wall of Friday from the powerful the new $500,000 North Fontana weather that has battered Parks and Recreational Southern California - .an Building blew down Friday, 11 -year-old boy found at the acy Enslow said. wreckage of a Sierra plane Meanwhile the Civil Air crash that killed his parents and Patrol said a plane mlssing a Rialto youth pinned by a since Sunday just east of wind-felled tree that crashed Yosemite National Park was through his roof. spotted from a Navy helicopter about 11 :45 a.m. Friday, and a rescue team f ou nd an 11-year-old boy aUve at the site. Oranges blew off trees in Santa Barbara County and. citrus crops or all kinds were endangered by overnight temperatures below 28 degrees Friday, agriculture officials said. Forecasters said 75-mph winds would die down but cold weather would remain in Southern Calilomia. In Rialto, in San Bernardino County, the rafters crashed all around a sleeping 22-year-old Eric Smeltzer when the tree toppled onto his roof, said Central Valley Fire Department Battalloo Chief Mel Enslow. "Jt trapped him in his bed," said Enslow. "He had an eight-foot trunk laying right across him, and the roof rafters shot down and stuck into the floor and into his bed like spears, a ll around him-. Firefighters cut him out and he walked away." Power lines continued to fall Friday, mobile hom~silifted off Tbe boy, tentatively idenurled as Donny Vaughn, was flown to Valley Medical Center in Fresno for treatment or severe frostbite from nightly below -zero temperatures at the site. Services slated for Ora Racker FuneraJ services rqr loo8time Newport Beach ta,ltJe shop owner and resident Ora J . Rader, who died Thursday at age 91, are to be held at 1 p.m . today al Pacific View p bapel in Newport. Mrs. Racker, wHo moved to Balb.oa in 1919, and her late husband operated Baldy's Tackle Shop when it was located on the old McFadden wharf near the Newport Pier. .............. ., ........... RIDE 'EM Pamela Court of Huntington Beach looked excited about the stagecoach ride offered during opening of Wells Fargo bank branch at 2211 Main St., in Huntington. But her 3-year-old son Alexander looked sort of blase about the whole thing. Above. Doug Murphy drove the handsom e coach. AT&T SETTLEMENT REACTION • • • When the wharf was demolished, the tackle shop was moved near the base of the pier. The family s till runs the opera lion. 1 lhe outcome we sought." ln return ror selling the companies, AT&T will enjoy more freedom to move into the ex panding field or high· technology communications, including cable television and computer linkups. "There is a great deal of relief that the cloud that has been over the bulinesa for many yeara bas been removed," said Pacific Telephone Vice President Paul McMullen. "Now we can get about the business we lrnow beat, and that is tefephone service." Mdlullen said it is difffoull to a sseaa tfle impact on the company because the actual divestiture plans have not been completed. Ron Price, a communications analyst for the brokerage firm Sutro & Co. in San Fran~iaco, believes Pacific Telephone will ' beeollM a better company as a renJtalUte settlement. "l ~tblnk wb•t it's golnc to do ls force Pacific Telephone to funcUon more like an everyday ·bualQeSS, instead of as a subsidized section of a very 'large utility," Price said. "They're going to have to i become a better bu1lneaa, I allbolllb It'• going to take some time. Where they have been soft likely will be raised. The trend over .the past several years, he said, has been to price services closer to costs. That's been the trend, to move pricing," McMullen said. ··1 expect that trend to continue." He added that long-distance revenues have been used in the past to s upport local services. Assistant Attorney General Baxter said tbe agreement wau mean more com_petition in the telecommunications industry. But be cooeeded that local phone rates are likely t&-co up in those areas served by the Bell companies which AT&T must divest within 18 months. In Washington, D.C., Glenn E. w atls, president or the Communications workers of America, expressed concern for the 1 million employees in the Bell System. "The AT&T d ecision recognizes the importance of AT&T as a national resource which supports the underpinnings of the information explosion, new technology , and the telecommunications lead of this nation. The employees are also a national resource,'' Walls stated. I.in 'tbe management oper.atiOOI in the put -carried by tbe now • ' The C W A w i II bee i n I or doUan from AT&T -they're immediate negotiations to reach colal to bave to become more agreement on further employee effeeUve. protections and will use the I ''JDA&Wi1'' Price conUnued, comment period to ensure tbat "I think )oou'll see fillnp for protections of our memben are more money. Tbe ratee will be provided. more ,....c ln tbe loq nm, "As AT&T diveats itaeJf of its oact =them aett.led." local operattnc companies, CWA I Me ••reed lhal rat.es la concerned about the financial ORA ... ~I~ CtaiHllled edMrtlelftt 714.'142·1111 a.llti: Pllll Al ott;w d1part1Mnta 142-4321 ..... MA•N Off1Ca ...... ...... C:..MIN, CA. I -....--: .. , .... ~ ..... CA .... impact on consumers as costs go up and service changes." McMullen said PacTel's employees would not be greatly affected by the change. "They'll either be working for AT&T or the local exchange," She is survived by son Waller "Bud" Racker of Newport Beach and daughter Betty O'Connor of Costa Mesa. She also leaves six grandchi ld re n and 10 great-grandchildren. McMullen said. "Their pension .----------------------------------------plans, collective bargaining agreement and other benefits will not be jeopardized." "I expect," said Sutro & Co.'s Price, "that Bell's employees will probabl)' feel like an unwanted child dropped off on· someone's door step. "They'll realize soon that they'll be beUer off because of it. The first question they'll ask them selves is, 'I've been put out on my own, how do I handle it?' I think they'll be fine." Trading in AT&T stock and that of related companies was halted Friday prior to t.be settlement announcement. The major antitrust suit to break up the Bell System was filed by the• Ford administration in November 1974. The trial in the case, in recess over the recent holidays, had been due to resume Tuesday. Guests set on Sunday interviews Here are the scheduled guests for the Sunday television interview programs : -ABC, "This Week With David Brinkley," Weal German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. -CBS, "Face the Nation," Rep. Jamea Jones, D·Okla., chairman of the House Budget Committee. -NBC, "Meet the Press," Rep. Jack Kemp, R·NY. Upcoming Sunday on CBS' "80 Mlnutet'': "Land Lord " -Harry Rea11oner profiles Secretary of the Interior James Watt. "Homeless" -Ed Bradley reports on the people who live a~ 1l"P on t.be •treets. Klng Sobuu" -Morley Sa fer vltll1 the kine of Swedland, wbo eq>lalna why be ba• retained tribal CUltom9 tor b1a Comd.ry. INDOOR SPECIMEN SALE SAVE ON FICUS BENJAMINA NEANTHE BELLA 30 mor~~~~~~~~s -/{ KENTIA AND MANY OTHERS : Select from a beautiful variety of large Indoor decorator plants this week and save 30%. Th~se 4 to 10 foot plaots are easy to care for and make Ideal focal points In any home or office. See them soon for best selection, sale ends Jan. 21 . eom. see what's new ... Roger's FIOl'lst 11 blossom· Ing dramatically, beginning a whole new tradition In floral excellence. Our llOl'al artists custom-create ahMr magic with dried Of fr"h arrangements, and ~r• ready fOf parties, weddings, funerals, holidays and special events of any size. Our ex.pended delivery ser· vice -makes Roger's more convenient then ever. There are always exciting dlaoovenea awaiting at Roget's Gallety. Unique gifts, acces&Ories and every. thing fOf your patio. Watch for beautlful new '82 patio lines arriving fOf aprlf\9. Among these, lhe elegant Ger· man HERLAG patio fur· nltUfe wlll be avall•ble J: excluslvely at Roger's . Whatever your dining and entertaining needs, you'll find experienced and peraonallzed help In the Gallfll'Y. . MOST BEAUTIFUL GAR.DEN CBNJU ep.n t •S doll¥• lonJooquin i-. hoda1MocMt1u11M • AOlo.llOll'I '°""°" ~ lft .....,_ 9'0Clfl NURSERY • INOOOAPlANTS •FLORIST • LANDSCAPING• PATIO FURNITURE• ANTIQUES u----TINY VISITORS -First Lady Nancy Reagan gives welcome pats to Diana Garcia. 7. left. and her sister. Jeana, 4, from Staten Island. N. Y .. who paid a visit to the White House. Diana, a victim of Cerebral Palsy, will appear on the Jan. 16 United ~erebral Palsy telethon. for which Mrs. Reagan has taped a special opening message. Fonda will mias special premiere Newscaster Floyd llalltet will be master or ceremonies. at a champagne celebration following today's •Recial Omaha, Neb. premiere here of "On Golden Pond," Beary 1'0D4a'1 latest movie. Fonda's dauchter, .Jane, alao will be in Omaha for the event. Kalber , a former newscaster on NBC's "Today Show," ~gan his television A 65-year-old ,vidow is preparing for a drastic chance ol lilestyl' -from the comforts of her auburban ChJcago home to the slums of Calcutta. loaepblae Smialek will leave by plane next week to join Medller Teresa 1n. aid.in& tbe poor and diseased in India. She said it took two years to persuade the Nobel Peace Prize-winning nun to accept her as a volunteer. career in Omaha. The Omaha Community Play house, where both Fonda and bis daughter began their ~cting careers, is sponsorin'g the event. The 16-year-old actor, who was released tb1s week from the hospital where doctors were monltorln1 new treatment for bis heart condlti~ will not attend the event. Mrs. Smialek, wbote bus band, a doctor, died three years ago, is a pediatric nurse-practitioner trho bas bad experience helping innn-city children. The couple was cbildleaa. "l just can't pan up a d~ance to work witb llot.ber Tereta,'' sti. aald 'l'bursday after compldin~ plans tQ fi.Y to Calcutta on Jan. 15. "I'm hoping for pediatrics, but if Mother Teresa assigns me to the leper colony or the dying, that's what I'U do." Bpt«talller Sa••1 Dam Ir., })Ut Oil a IO·mlnutt 1.ho• for Hveral bundr..t cbHrlnc. clappa.a, tnmatel at U1e Northern NHada Correctional Center In CarlOll City, Nev . Davia, who appeared wlU> comedian Tom Dreue•, danced , aana, did tmf•raonatton• and Joked •1 h tbe lnmatu wbo crowded into the prl1on 1ymnaalum Tburaday to watch the •bow. Davh la currently performln1 at Harrah's hotel·caaino in Reno. The club aent its 1bowroom orch•tr• to back up Davia at the priloo. , ... ........._,aCanadlan reacued with hia two dau1bters after being shipwrecked nearly a month on a Pacific atoll, baa been arral1ned on a charge of firat-detree theft. Harriaon is cbar1ed with ta.Jtlq the belonain11 of a former crewmember when be aet salt from Maui ln November. Other possible charges involve complaints by two more former crewmembers of Harrison's trimaran Sisyphus who say Harrison also took their belongings. Harrison was arrested wllhln an hour of bis arrival late Tuesday in Wailuku, Hawaii on a chartered plane from the atoll of Palmyra, 1,100 miles south of Hon9Julu. Harrison's two dau1hters, Mlclldllae. 20, and Krla&ell, 1', later held a press conference wilb their mother, Harrison's ex-wife, describing the storm that dismasted their vessel and left them stranded on the atoll for 27 days. CO-STAR KISS -Actor Tony Roberts gets kiss fr o m c o -s tar Jud y Graubart at a party fol lowing the opening of Uieir new off-Broadway production ·'The Indian Wants the Bronx." ·warm weekend m ...... i.1 ... Ill COMUI ........ ..... Molldlly .. lo 71 COOl"'8 '"'° ... lllter 111 period. LOWI fl"IOllly 111 'GI. _...,,....,_••»e.1......,., cooll119 •-• IO -.,... lat# IA perlod.~111 ...... -....... NOAA. US Ot., ti Ct•••"•4 ,. l1 • J1 " . JI u •• .. ·10 It .. u. t 4 • n • .. ., • ti tt ... tt • 17 • " .. 47 • f1 IS It Ot u ts -02 ·1' .. " t7 • .. b n n ,, . lllf IEPllT ... ..... . .. :r-1 ......... t ... -• ... .... • ........... --.. 1 • - llldll11Plts Jeclllnvlle KeM City u.v ... Uttle ltOck L.outsvltte ~­~ Mllw.._ Mpt•St.P ........ 11 .. New Ori-. N .. Ywtl Otlle City OmeM ,........,.. "'9eftl• ~ ~.Me l'ttend,Orll It .. City "-ltlc""*-,S.UUll:e SMttf• ltLwlt ..... , ....... ltlt•Mlf1e ............. Wldllte ....... C--..,.._W_........ I • • • " " " " t • .. 1 • -_... ... w._c ...... _ S.Otetitc..r t 1 • -lie CHtt. WIMy et ll1111ee I" ~-...,,: ....... dlmlet• • What do 10"' like about tbt Delly Pilon What don't you Uke? Call the number below and ,our mt11a11 wtu bt recorded, t.rauerlbed lllld dtl•tnd to U. approp1 late tdtt.or. n. Mme lt-bour .. ,..... Mnlce ma1 bt ulff to record let· ten to IM tdltar • HY topic. 11.U• eoetrlbuton mutt lnch•dt tbelr name and ........,. nmllier I• ••rtflcaUon. No clrculaUon c1111.-.. ftll • Wllat'• on ,our mlnd . •• 6.5 S4 .. . .. 21 .. ,. n II .. lO '° 7• 12 °' 1f ... .. lO " 41 2t 22 45 14 26 .. 11 u '1 • ts 11 It It • 22 .... 24 12 u M U OS 46 IS . .. " " 11 ·11 ,, . 41 " ' Orange~ DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 -lian.d~buy aid~of~ered- 1rvme Co. to finance leaseholders buying homes' land ' By STEVE llA&BLB °' ... ..., .......... Tb• Irvine Company, declarl.q that lt wW not &ower 1kyrocketln1 land leau payment.a ln Newport Beacb and lrvla., bu announced lt wUI help up to ,,ooo affected realdenta purchue thelr leued land. The development flrm aald It intends to set up lta own flnandnl procram with inter•t rates u IoW as 12 percent. The company baa been crlUclzed by bomeownen wbo complain they're belnl blt with hu1e increases in annual leue paymenta. One resident of Newport's waterfront Baysbore community reported his yearly fee Jumped from $1,800 to $67,000. The Irvine Company also bu unveiled a program aimed at helping reaideota who ar~ unable or unwlllln1 to purcbaae the lease land. The announcementa are the latest Irvine Company effort to resolve the dispute. A 1roup that clalma to represent many of the dlagrunUed homeowners -the Committee ol .000 -said it will file a lawsuit acalnsl the company next week. The leases. most of them put to1ether in the 1940s and 'SOs, call for residents to pay 6 percent of the appralMd valu. of the land to the lrvlne Company. The affected realdenta own their homea but leate the land under them. The dispute, thou1.b, centen on a clause in the leaan which call for a readjustment lo paymenta after fl() to 25 )'ears. For many, that means mammoth hltea ln annual fees. Leaders of the committee claim homeowners face lncreuea ol up to ,,000 percent. In Its new purchase offer, Irvine Company Prealdeot Peter Kremer said his firm will finance property purcbuea at a variable interest rate. Kremer said bh firm la willing lo finance up to 80 percent of the purchase price of the land and up to 75 percent of- tbe tot,al value of the hou.ae. The variable interest rate would be adjusred periodically to reflect changelt in the market lending rate. l In the Irvine Company offer, interest rates woJJd be adjusted twice a year. TMy would not exceed 16 percent and would not drop below 12 percent. Tbe Joans woukt be 1ood for seven years but amortized for a 30·year period to keep loan payments down, Kremer said. Thia means that after seven Hayakawa speaks to Edison students By JEFF ADLER Of .. Deity ,.. SUff Republican U.S. Sen. S. I. Hayakawa -kicking off bis re-election bid with a campaign s wing through the s tate - Friday explained the intricacies ~f Senate life to students al Edison Hieb School In Huntington Beach. Following a capsule civics lesson, the 75-year-old aeoator captured the attention of the students by volcln1 hla support for draft registration and calling · for enactment of a law that would require a two-year tour of duty In a national aervlce program for botb males and females. "Young people should give one small part of their lives to the service of their country," Hayakawa said. "It will make US better citizem." He said the legislation be wanta would require service in e{tber a mnrtary or civilian program. Hayakawa also plugged his proposed constitutional amendment which wquld make English the national lan1uage. Turning to written question.a posed by students, Hayakawa addressed such diverse issues as the Equal Rigbta Amendment abortion, nuclear power and Social Security. . H e said that while he supported the ERA initially, be is not now working in its behalf because he opposed exte.nding the ratification deadline. ·'They changed the rules to change the Constitution and I voted against that." be commented. "This is why I stopped supporting that particular issue.'~ The incumbent Republican said the abortion issue should be decided "by a body of women," not one predominantly male, since ultimately it will be women who have to abide by the decision. In answer to other questions, EXPLAINS VIEW -Sen. S.I. Hayakawa fields questions from high school students. Hayakawa said he favors nuclear power and expects vast changes i.n the Social Security syste m by the time students reach retirement age. Questioned about his bid for a second Senate term, Hayakawa said he i.s "not worried" by his current fourth place standing in the seven-person race. He said bis campaign effort bas just gotten under way and he is confident he can win renomination with 21 percent of the GOP primary vote. Hayakawa added, however, he doe s not see a strong front-runner emergini in the near future. The senator also reiterated bis s upport for the Reagan economic program and said he i s opposed to further tax increases. ytarl, atreet.s ......... ~ elther bavt to paf oft tlM lo8D or tlDd a MW flnanclq MUl'C.. The lntltlal reaction from committee leaders waa akepUcilm. • Barbara VOUDJ, leade.r ot tbt proteat coblmlttee, tald Iler 1roup will bold a rally Sunday Ill tbe Marriott Hotel •here lt wUJ unveil a lilt of demand.I. She aald the committee'• alx·point prosram ii enUtled the "Leaaeholder'a Bill ol Rlpta." Kremer also bu detailed a plan for belpln1 IO·called hardship cases cope wltb increued leue payments. With hateahlp cues, Kremer aald, arrangements wlU be made on a cue-by-cue bull. Amon1 the Irvine Company definitions of hardship are t.bole people over 12 yean ot •I• and those with pbyaical-dlnbuttles; Kremer said his firm also will take into consideration i ... in which the lease pro"rty la the sole residence c.wned by an individual and cues in wblcb a leaseholder currently is undergoing readjustment and an evaluation of personal wealth. T-M Videotex in marketing ,venture Times Mirror Vldeotex Services of Los A.n1elea and Infomart of Toronto have asreed to form a joint venture to market and operate videotex systems in the United State.. In videolex ayatema •. consumers have accesa to a broad ran1e of informaUoo and services using home televlaion sets linked to a central computer. lnfomart, equally owned by the Canadian publiabtn1 companies To"rslar Corp. and Southam Inc., markets Telidon, the Canadian videotex ayatem. Times Mirror Videotex Services, a Costa Meaa-bued subsidiary of the Times lllrror Co., will begin an extensive fteld 'trial of videotex in Southern California in March. A'ccordinl to J~ Warwick, direct.or of markeUn1 for the test progam1.350 homes will be Involved in t.ne trial -150 1D M iasion Viejo and the rest in Palos Verdes. "The main thina in the trial is t.o gain data on the comjUer .t a k e l b e n u m b e r a a n d extrapolate them on tbe 1ener.al population to determine lf you have a business here. There la a con s iderable investment involved." The field test will last a minimum of six montba, Warwick said. The first four months will be provided free ol charge to the consumer, with a test group being asseaaed a small fee for the last two montha ·'so we can see if it changes behavior," Warwick said. In addition to providlnl news information, the service will include telesbopping from Seara, home banking from Bank of America, entertainment reservations from Tlclletron and up·to -the -minute airline schedule information. The lnfomart Times Mirror venture would join with local partners in establilhinl videotex systems in major cities throughout the U.S. Introduction of videotex in other markets will take place after the Southern California field trial. JANUARY-----------~----­ HOOVER CLEARANCE rfB Including: UPRIGHTS POWERDRIVES . CANNISTERS SHAMPOOERS ELECTRIC·BROOMS· DECADE~ UPRIGHT CLEANER ...... 85301 82038 I 82015 U-4111-.t U-4153 U4151 U-4111 F501t AU.Hoo..., .. Stock Now 0. w. ,,,. Celebrity ~th powermatlc noz:zt9 .................... . QulkBroom ...........•.......•.•...... ·· ·· · ····· ·· · Qulk Broom ...•••••.•.•...•••• ,, ••..•... · . · .. · · · • • • • Comertlblevritfl he!9dllght, tool Mt, & 2 •Pffd ........ . FloorlrNttlo 80Nbbef ' poll•her ••....••............. Por1ap0Wer with Whe91t • !. .................... • • • • .. • • ...... ·' .. l' Orange Cout ~LY PILOT/Saturday. January 8, 1982 -~ ........ WHITE PARIS -A street sweeper making bis rounds a t the Trocadero Garde ns in the s h a do~. of t~e Ei~fel !ower is the only per- son vis1bJe in this view of Paris after an overnight snow. Mandated classes hurt school quality By THOMAS D. ELIAS As sta te and federal governments force local schools to set up more and more specialized progr ams, the quality of California education drops steadily. And there's a coMection. That la ment came a-s long ago as early 1980 from Michael Kirsl, a Sla4ford Uni-ver&it-y- professor who was then head of the state Board of Education. Kirst complained that for each special new class imposed from above on a school d istrict -but not paid for from above -some other class is usually dropped. ' ClllflRllll f ICUI Since most newly-mandated classes are for dis advantaged or handicapped children, the more a d va nced s tude nts s uffer mos t as new requirements a re added. For the eliminated programs generally are advanced classes offered as electives. NOW COMES A federally-sponsored report indicating students in the new programs also suffer when too many classes are added for their supposed benefit. In fact, the students who may suffer the most harm are those targeted by the most new classes, says the report by two research psychologists at the Rand Corp. think tank. Migrant Hispanic' students are most adversely affected, they said. ·'In one district we studied," said Rand researcher Dr. J a ckie Kimbrough, "mi1rant Hispanics received ... a remedial reading and math program and an emergency s chool assistance pr<>gram. These students were puJled out of (normal) class a minimum of four to five times daily. As late as grade five, most bad never had a class in science or social studies." The Rand team found those puJlouts not only 'deprived disadvantaged or handicapped pupils of standard class offerings, but lboee children also wound up in segregated classes most of tbe time. "Since most of these children are eligible for a number of programs , they remain in segregated classes for a large part of the day," the report sa id. "The segregation is especially pronounced in schools with s iza ble enrollments of Hispanic children. <They are) less likely to be returned to the ir core classroom than black· or white children." CLASSMATES ALSO SUFFE& while the disadvantared students are away at speelaliled classes. "Teachers are left with pieces of classes," says. Kimbroulh. "They often !ind it almost impouible to pre_sent maln s lr!l am state-mandated _programs." Other problems : Resentment between mainstream teachers and apedalbts wbo don't take on outaide tuJts Uke coacbin1 or monitorinl 0 ballwaya. Dltputea over who ls to 1rade a chUa apendinC half his Ume In special prosrama. And quarrels over malnatreamtng of di1advanta1ed children. Rand 1u11eslions for eaain1 thole problems? ONE IDEA 18 TO TA&GBT cbUdrea for 1peclal procrams tbey need IDMl and limit tbe · time AIU' cblld spenda lo them. ADotber la to bold Ule •fedal cl .... at off Umel, durtnC lt1ld1 llaUI or after tcboGL ADd tbe R..S team ,..._. tlaal finaacially ttrapped 1cbool dlltrlcta don't Heel to run an MWly mandated procr•ma at ~b ot UMli' Mboala. 'l'be1 IUd..t ~ ddldrm be broqllt to uatra&bed leanalns centers for their 1peelal ....... I IVY'S LEAGUE Winter Sale ~,...... 00111..-d In ptece. 1 lift ,._., .. t In flrendly .. u" Pll pettl wtth hOt PoOf, clubhe>utt. etc. 8pa~ rent -..0.~T..._., -.,r, ocw.r9d Ptltio cooler, Vent11ated IM .....,, kitchen w/t9frlg. 1torege. ~'I lor NnlOr on 1oo1a1 8lcurtty or WIMMnd NCOnd hOm• for coup ... a.ncs tot P'Ctu,_ Owo« dltat>*t. '4,950. Bo• 183, lalboa lllMd 92ee1. Storts Saturday, January 9, 1982 THE ATTENTION YOU NEEO-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to ho•pltel emergency room• for: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 40% to 50% OFF ALL WINTER ITEMS 123 Fashion Island, Newpart Beach • en•> tM0-5721 Store Hours -Tues., Wed., Sat. lM p.m . Mon ., Thur., Fri.10-9 p.m .• Sun. Noon-5 p.m . MGA THE FINEST 50" Diagonal PROJECTION TV SONY BET AMAX VIDEO TAPE RECORDER • ll__.. COlllrol "leta Sc•" • Tosti eo.trols • Fnftt LoadMc) -~~ .. -~.t= . '"""' ·ONLY ·5741 WrTH Vil II SYSTIM ' SH OUR COMPLIYI UMIOP SOMYYMO uc:oams A.LL OM SAU MOW. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Th orough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointment Needed e OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR B A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752·6300 eMERQENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 I Newport Beach YOU WOM'T IB.IEVE THE SAVINGS ttUllY IN MOW -WHILE SU,,L Y LASTS RCA or GE GIANT SCRffN COLOR TV .~ ............ ...... c:..er.t • C...-ct5m-n. ... u....--. RCA SELECTAVISION VIDEO RECORDER RECORDS Oil rl.AYIACIC UPTO 6HOURS .... Uiilh c .... ...., • Gl45"~~ •RCA.SO"~~ TAICE YOUR CHOICE llftACIMG YOUll OLD BUILT-IN'S SH DAVIS/lllOWH AllST HIW riOOUCTS ••• MOW IH STOCK • 61.,n 0 tlw" Ceek Teti • J ... All' -v ............... ......................... SAVEllOWI T 'HistOric' fir_!'wood-a prohle:rq__ Not enough of Torrey pine landmark to fill demands It waa propo11ed 11 a way ot 1upporUn1 a 1ooct cauH, but Or.nae County Ftre Department offlclala are dlscoverlnc that tbelr aale of firewood from an blatortc Torrey pine tree almpty may be too aood a deal. The 10$-foot-tall tree wu a well-known landmark al the department headquartera In Oran1e unUl last month, wben an incurable beetle infestation led to cuttina the tree into buae chunkl and lowertn1 them by crane. Planted ln 1888 by early aettler Emma Bunek, the 'tree was. considered the tallest Torrey pine ln CaUlornla, said Ken Macl..eod, department buaineaa mana1er. Today tt Ilea In plec:es -aome already split into firewood -at t.be department's stor a1e yard. Because of Its significance, department olflclau decided not Parking law enacted Most Orange Coast police departments say they will be actively enforcing the new law under which people who park ln handicapped spaces can be hit with $27 fines. Assembly Bill 2192, authored by Gerald Felando ( R-Torrance), allows police departments lo cite cars ln private parking lots. Previously, ·police couldn't ticket cars in handicapped spaces, without approval of a city ordinance. Rep;esentativea of police departments In Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Fountain Valley and Huntif\&tQ.n Beach reported they will be actively enforcing the new law. A representaU ve of Laguna Beach police s aid that department is still consdiering whether to actively enforce it. OCTDwill p ranyour bus triJ!·for 6~ to sell the tree to a wood wholesaler but to uae county JaU inmates to cut up the firewood, MllcLeod aald. The wood 11 bein1 chopped into lar1e but "mana1eable" chunks -lar1er than one would buy at a wood lot -10 a below-market price of f75 per cord was set. The money from the aale la to 10 toward purchase of new trees to landscape county parks. But since word of the sale began spreading about a week ago, MacLeod sald calls have been increasing from residents who'd like to buy the firewood. Now the problem is too little of the histonc stuff. "We've had a lot of interest generated," be said. "And we're only tal.ldJll about 20 cords ol wood, maximum." MacLeod promised no comulltmenta wlll be made and no wood wil1 be sold until next week, so for the sake of a good cause, he wants pros pective buyers to wail until at least Monday to call about the wood. The number is 538-3551. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8aturday, January I. 1982 LESSON -Theodore Bundy's conviction has not been forgotten . but its lessons have bee n ignored. ··Every night, girls are going out and meeting guys that they've never seen before,'' says former sheriff Ken Katsaris. Bundy is on death row for slaying or two college coeds in Florida. RepreaentaUve1 of .El Toro Marine Corps Air Station have Ufted a Jan. 22 deacULne for couoty approval of a ~ol ranee propoeed for Ule 's 1outhe11t corner, an aide to Supervisor Bruce Neatande hu aald. Orange County supervisors postponed a declsloa that wou.ld have cleared the way for construction of the pistol ranae. which would be shared by county police and the military. The de cision before the supervisors this week wa1 whether t.o approve a land-lease agreement that would allow lbe proposal to move forward. However, supervisors delayed any action on the a1reement after Laite Forest residents livin1 near lbe site for the ranae complained that tb~y would s uffer rrom the noise of gunfire. Marine offic~s had said that if agreement with the county couldn't be reacbecl b)' Jan. za, tbey would bulld a mllltary platol ranee ellewbere on °'9 air station. Under the proposed agreement, the county wouJd build the new platol ranee with money from the sale of tbe platol range county police now use ln Oran1e. Oran1e County Sheriff Brad Gates has said tbat ran1e la beln1 encroached upon by development. The Marines would lease lbe proposed pistol ran1e site to the county at no char1e and would be 1iven the right to use the ran1e to train mlUtary poUce and officers in the use of sidearms. An aide to Supervisor Nestande said that the Oranae County Planning Commission wlll considf;!r the proposed pistol range and take public comment at a meeting on Jan. 18. The board of supervisors will have final say on the matter. ·1 •Superb Picture •Outstanding Dependability •Automatic Color control ,.,!... .. --~..:.;.;.;.;..;.,;;:.:;..:.;:..io;..;.~--~~;.;..;..;;;;;.o;_~~~---~~----~----------........ .-...------------~;::..;. .:-The oualitY goes in before the Name goes on~ No matter where you want to go in Orange County, we'll make it easy for you to get there on an OCTD bus. Just call us at 636-RIDE. We'll tell you the exact routes and times. And if you need schedules and Ride Guides, we'll send them free. So give us a ~1 . You'll find the bus is your easy-to-use ticket to work, school, --==-=~~~ shopping and entertainment in Orange County. 1!11636-RIDE ~ -----c.-, SUPER VALUES DURING OUR ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE -ALL MODELS IN STOCK If' lil&llal SYSJOI II -Tll£ llST ZDITN 1r _..SPACE PM: Wlln ~ MOO&MOIJI 112 CHANNEL CAPABILITY All Vt* /\Jff Pl.US 42CA8lE ()WffLS without ' cawerter (except SCIMlllied llrO!JalTIS.) The l'IENOLOI • N1MO FIATUUS: : frt:!;! :ti. T• • Celers.lry • LJttits,.er . , ........ .. Ptc-.C:...W • CtMtTYw JMOt-. ... . ,,.. .... a-. ,.,. ..... "' lOI 111 Smut II "ntlSIT THAM .. AJllD tMn.HOMI WOT IMTHISHM.' 1=1 VENEERS The CEZANNE • 8N2577P Computer SC 4000 Remote Control with Advanced Space Phone Frencf'l Provincial Styled Console nme Control Programmer Quartz-Controlled Electronic Tuning 112 Channel Capability. Audio Powe< Amplifier AudlO Control Center 4-Speaker Sound. Pecan Veneers. ~ and Simulated ~ Products in Pecan F1niSh o.,. Werrewty -AH 'U z..... 25" Diet-sp.. m·. 1a J y..,.. fltdW9 T•. I Y- Pmit & I Y-Srrice. MAKE& II RECEIVE PHONE CALLS THROUGH THIS TV! The VAN GOOH • IN1t73P Genuine P9c:an ._._,.. Brvalled Nicllel-Oold colOrllCCeflta. Oonlrol eru dark Brown and Blad! wtth bfigllt Aluminum color trim AuOIO OulPUVE.,.,none Jactt Earphone Electronic Power Senlry ..... SNttU ...... ~ Tea.- The MICHELANGELO• SN2575E 15" DIAM>MAL wmt MY AMCID SPACI f'HOMI llMOn COHnOL 23" .. RANDOM ACCESS REMOTE -·-of H._M ... , hi Stoclt. AIC na.o,.... C...,.,H...,... for z ...... ...... c ....... , .. _..w ............ ............... .......... . .-,.·tc. ............ AICT.¥.wellilllYe ....... --............... Weahdl ...... _ fr.-eywy ... '749 ISHJllJI ....... ......... .......... ..... .... . lltO.Ttlllt .......... ......,. ' . Del.AS...., WHY IUY AT AIC7 A1k tor terms • VI.la or M11ter Char'oe Acee~ • 3 Year Picture TIA», 1 Yr. P ... 1 Yr. Ice Warranty on 19.!2 coeorl'Nk and System 111 Consol•• • OtltrlbUtor Authorized Silrvlce on Preml ... • Alt Avetl.,.. Modet1 In Stock • No Comml•oned 8~ • We Know Our Product lotlde Ind Not Jult The .Price• Quality• Integrity• Hoo•ty. llC cul ltlOISlltl -SlllCE 1953 -.1a It• AT AIC II Lml ~ W• IM P>J• • I 112 CHANNEL CAPABILITY AllUHFMlf rt.US U CABLE CHANNELS WllllOUI COll'*lef ..,. rcraml*'O pragrMIS) • • Orange Co•t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 .. Crisis in Roland lfttest threat to detente Economic woes, fear o/ war, political instability plague European countries. IY aoaE&T e. aEm t"!' ..... ....._ ..... BONN, Weal Germany -The erlala In P.oland ba. added another •lement ol uncertainty to both 1lde1 of ~e Irop Curtain in Europe, a ~Unent alreadY fadnl a dilllcult future ln 1982. Tbe ·Dec. 18 military crackdown In Poland not only threatens domestic treedom for the Polet. It may destrof what remalna of d~tente -a major conslderaUoo for Europeans in both East ancfWtMt. By the end of 1981 ; the crisis was alr~ady sbowint-siins of unravelin« would prod Moscow into allowln1 1reater internal h'eedom ln lu allied countries. But Poland l11n't the onJy problem facing Europe in the new year. Economic woe11, fear of war, poUUcal instability and a sense of spiritual bankruptcy plague socieUes In both East and West. Several West European countries are grappling with their own special problems . For example: -In Spain, many rear the right·wlnJ mllitary may yet seiz_!J).Ower and snuff o-ut the democratrc reforms which Editor'• Note: The MW year haa beQIUI with p ipotl around the &OOTld -a c1iril that at ~r·1 nd time, oCher area& oJ t~ that olao are fraught leading the list of tr°"ble r~. at leoat /or a long-tnm and ahort·tttm dang tr&. Auodated Preu correapondentl hove "'"'4!11ed tlteae prob4ema in a aerie• o/ article• looking aheod to what Ammcona COit upect m 1932. TM 1trlea begim today and will appear on cmuecutfw SaturdaJll. much ol the framework of detente.ihat had been built between the United States and the Soviet Union in the lt'JOa. President Reagan, claimin1 the Soviet Union "bears a heavy and direct responsibility" for the events in Poland, announced a series of cuu in trade and technological exchanges with Moscow and threatened more unless the situation eases. . A COLLAPSE OF Poland's economy would be felt not only in the Soviet bloc but in Western Europe as well. West German banks alone bold an estimated $4.5 billion or Poland's $16 billion commercial-bank debt. Western experts fear a default bf Polana cOiild . shake confidence Cn the European banking system. At the very least, a default would piake Westem bankers wary of loamt to bther Communist-governed nations with grave implications for wtrat seemed only a few years ago to be a potentialJy flourishing East-West trade. An armed Soviet intervention in Poland might well mean the end of U.S. -Soviet talks which opened in Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 30 on reduction o( medium.range nuclear weapons_ln Europe. SOME COMMENTATORS have also noted the Polish crackdown calls into question a basic premise or detente - that a reduction In tension between the United Stales and the Soviet Union followed-the~eath .of-longtime dl.ctator Francisco Franco l,P 1975. -The Belgians face long-term political crises stemming from thetr inability to work out a formula of governmental representation acceptable to the French a nd Dutch-s peak ing parts o f · th eir population. -IN FRANCE AND Greece, new Socialist governments will be pressing ahead with their programs for transfqrming life in their countries after years or right-wing lt.•adershlp. E<!onomic problems appear most acute in Soviet-bloc states. where a decade ago governments were mapping plans for achieving Western-style living standards by the l9Ms. The Eastern economies are plagued by energy and raw-m-.ll•rial shortages and housewives are having trouble finding a good selection of food. Romania , Hungary and Czechoslovakia no longer permit foreign tourists to carry foodstuffs out of the country. Travelers from the Soviet Union tell of shortages of basic foods In trovincial lbpps and limits on the amount of certain items sold to each customer. Most Western European economies also face economic troubles in 1982. In Brita in, the Conservative government of Prime Minis ter Margaret Tb1tcfler bas forecast a . ~~Olli*Cli·-.. --... ., __ modest recovery next year. But the country is already grappling with nearly three million unemployed, a record number of bankruptcies and deep cuts in social welfare programs. ITALIANS FACE an inflation rate or lR.5 percent and a chronically unstable ~Ov(.'rnment. And nearly one Dutch "orkt•r in 10 l054t his job during 1981 with little prospe<:t of li(etting a new one any time soon. The eC'onomic uncertainties have weakened the authority of m any ~O\'N nm ents 'in Western Europe, raising the question whether some of the continent's best known politicians will be in charge by the end of 1982. Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, of West Germ any, returned to office by a landslide in October 1980, must contend with the left wing of his own Social Democratic Party which opposes him on a number or issues. including the stationing or new U S. nuclear missiles in Europe. In Britain, Prime Minister Thatcher h1ts also,.attled Conservative Party factions which o ppose her strict ... monetarist etonomic policies. The upheaval in Poland shows that not only Western political leaders need fear popular unrest. Polish party leader Stanislaw Kania was dismissed after failing to appease either Moscow by taming the Solidarity union or the Poli sh people by reviving the economy. PROSPECTS FOR HIS successor , Gen Wojciech Jaruzelski. appear clouded because of the 111 -will stirred by impos ition of martial law and the spilling of Polish blood. Other less dramatic s h<.1keups could come elsewhere 111 tht· So' lt't bloc. President Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania has already fired several ministers responsible for his country's sluggish economy. Non-aligned Yugoslavia is struggling with Europe's highest inflation rate as well as widespread unrest among its ethnic·J\lban1an minority. raising new fea r s about the future or the multi-national state. o: But beyond the problems of local politicians li es a sense of fear in Europe that the old philo_sophies no longer answer modern nee<ts . In Western Europe. many in the younger generation embrace locally frowned upon ideologies such as Marxism, and every issue, be it ecology or armaments, seems to draw a large, enthusiastic following. DURING 1981, hundreds of thousands or West Europeans, mos t of them youths. demons trated against the planned deployment by NATO of new lJ .S. nuclear m issiles. and seemingly lesser issues, s uch as a housin g s h o rtage in Amste rdam , the Netherlands, and the expansion of an ai rport runway near Frankfurt, West Germany. ' The same phenomenon exists in Eastern Europe too. where a generation of economic and social fail.,re has unde rmined faith in the socialist system. In many ways, the young Poles who flocked to Solidarity and the young Germans and Dutch who join anti-war rallies are chasing the same dream -a Europe in possession of a n.w, fresh idea in which people can believe. Surviving the '80s: Making most of resources Reprint Jrom the UC Clip Sheet, a biweekly Wued by the Uldt>erlit11 Newa 'Of/ice, University of CoU/onUa SVtfemwide Adminiltf'GUcm, Bn"lesl· What liefi ahead in the Eighties? ls survival even possible? We asked some sclenllsts, educators, physicians and others teaching at the University of California's nine campuses what their outlook is fOI' the years ahead, and what, if possible, can. be done not only to survive but to make the most of our resources as weU. lo hard times, says Robert Sodllller, director of the Center for Consumer Research at UC Davis, people tend to form cooperatives, such as food co-ops. ''I think people are becoming more concerned with high food prices but also with the remoteness of the markelin& systems. Stores are becoming larcer and less and less friendly. I thln1t a point is coming where it is just taking so much time to find things in a store, ~hat a smaJler, more comprehensive food CO-Op is a much more desirable option," be adds. FUTURE · THE CONSUME& researcher also predicts a traKI toward more and more food·bUying IJ'OUps, where people tet tocether to order larce quanUtles of food using computers for ordertnc. bilUng and record·keepln1. The reuon? •'A buyt.ns club gives lta members a ~hance to trade oft a certain amouat of extra time for potential price savings." Also at UC Davis, professor of gricultural economics Sylvia Lane ays that iD order to survive the next ecade eomwnen ant folnl to ban to Improve tlMlr '"nutritional efficiency." ''We're not very nutrttloaa.Uy efficient. SOft drinb ... a tood cue ln point. • How llJUd DlltritiOD do you cet out of a aolt drink? Yau pay a very blCb price for watered•.,. • _ "We ban to become aimply more aware ,of bow we can choose n"tritionaUy efftclent foodl that we Uke and be c~ allOpper• .. bu)'lna the beat •al~attbe lowett price." Mart .r,..mnct. ueodate director of the ~ Sd_.. Protram at UC a&ver~~ tllere an SCUI to bave to be lD th• w.,, ft 111e ener11 INt that • t.eebaolou, trom wt..... I .. now~. la lD .... n He. addl that wind, ftotbermal arid aolar elleJ'fY wlll be uMcl 41 a supplement to coal and natural' 1a., for electricity 1eoeratJon, but that · these convenUonal enern sources wlll still be used u a mljor base. ON TBS INDIVIDlJAL lnel, be 1811 people wW be U1in1 aolar water beaten beeaute they ar.e a mueb cbeaper way of beatlnf water. ''Tbat mlcbt ulUmately become a eommcm 1J*tMD where there ts ~uat.e lmllllbt," the ener1y apeclau.'t HJI, ud be aleo predlctt that earreat l•atallaUoa probleml IOla wU\ ....... Lar1•·1eale wladmllh UHd to . l • 1enerate electricity mi&bt be operatina lo California within six or seven years, sats Mel Menalis, lecturer in environmental studies at UC Santa Barbara. But be cautJona that many technical problems sttll need to be worked out. "One bas to unden~." aays Meoal.ls, "that lhe a...clynmka ln tbe wtnclmill are much more aeve-re than ln&l)alrplane." Re says that PG&E and Southern CaUfonaia F.dlson are both lookinl at lar1e wind projecu. As for amaUer wlndmllla uaecl to pump water. crtnct 1raln and generate amall amounta of electricit.y, the researcher says they are calalq in popularity in rural areu of the cCMllltrJ. Genetic en1inHrln~1 Paul Sypb.-d, chair of micro al UCI Colle .. ol Medicllle, wtll not anb' eff eet medletne but al.lo Uricdlln aad UM eeoaomy lb tbe comlnc 1.an. "ID tbe area~ ..nev.1tun," tbe lclentbt natel, • • ,... tiat are naturally NllttaDt to ber~lel•H wtn be laoleted end .,...,. r4'd to corn, wheat, eoybeen and -:CllMr~ ·'In the medical arena. diseases 11 ke sickle cell anemia will be eliminated by replacing the defective gene with a good gene whiJe the human embryo is s till d eveloping or even before the egg is fertilized. "AS FOR THE economy. whole new dimensions in manuracturing eould arise as a result of the ab11il~ to manipulate the genes in fungi. By increasing the ability of the organism to perform chemical transformations, new industrial products a nd disease-fighting medicines could be produced." Addressing the social implications of genetic engineering is Robert Sinsbeimer, chancellor of UC Santa Cruz and professor of biology. There are certain questions we must ask about this new technology, he says: "Is it safe. is it wise, is it moral?" Because genetic engineering may soon allow us the ablllty to breed a certain· type of being, there Is a potential for danger. "No sped•." says Slttsbeimer, "bas ever had an opportunity to design· ita own future. Crucial choices will be made, choices which we can hardly even imagine, and the Judamenta to inform those choices are not to be found readily ... We will need, and histori~aUy soon, a new ethos." THE UNIVERSITY CAN play a role, the UCSC chancellor adds, by training a new cadre to mediate between "scientists and enaineers on the one hand and the citizenry on the other." Dr. Charles Kleeman, Factor Family Foundation professor of Nephrology and medicine and director of the Center for Health Enhancement, Education and Research at UCLA, says; ·'£very single thing we're d4n1 ln the health field abouJd have one •lntle objective; it should be d.ired.ed toward the betterment of the Ufe of everyone on this earth. "Tbe ultimate obJectlve of th~ prevenUao o( di.lean ls tolri.DI the probi.m of nuca.ar armamenta and nuclear war. If we do not set a handle on that problem, all the other' problems are meenlnalela." C~wltb thia belief ii UC San Franclleo 1lclu Peter G. Joeepb who la ua tant cU .. lcal pro(easor of medlclne. He taJI~ ••AMS&ICAN PRYSICIANI not aenerally known for tbelr polhfcal aetlvl11a, have r•c•alaed U.at tile nuclear war probMm ....mlaUJ II a mediffl w -'tbe lat ~.our cl¥lU11de will lmow' -4lllpll.t u u lDtndallM polllkal ... ., fnlD1ltC the '""'• ................ ... ndear 1aperpower1 aad tlaelr lmttaton, Ute pQttdut bope to erate a world climate conducive to the only treatment that works : universal nuclear disarmament." Michael Addison, professor of drama at UC San Diego. forsees the growth of regional theater, despite the cutbacks in federal support. "Twenty years aco," he says. "you had New York, period. Now there's work aJl over the country, and one would hope that i• years from now there will be even more theaters and theater companies. "The most crucial job, of course, is retraining a culture: reminding people that what they've been used to for the past decades -movies and televlsloo -isn't all there is to drama~ or comedic entertainment." And in the field of music, Professor Roger Re y nold s of the UCSD Department of Music, predicu a new kind of musical happening in the '80s. "IT WILL HAPPEN IN the next decade that a performer or composer will be working live with a computer in an auditorium, so it wlll not be as sterile as a situation-where a few reels are turning and sounds are emerlillC. With the use of a combination of projected images and sound, one aees, in the 'i.>s . the possibilities of a very rich, powerful experience: human performers interactive with technology." • A psychologist at UC Berkeley sees a trend toward a "mid-lite cri.aia" in men occurring much earlier than the a1e oT 40. Richard Berry reports that he is seeing more and more cases ol 2$-to 35-year old professionals who seek counseling because "I've made it and I don't like it." The problem stems, he believes, when young people become so concerned about• Job security tbat they make career choices withoui coulderinc Lbelr own personality and i.ftterata The UC counselor bopea more students will re-evatuate the!!ari:Cb choices by looktna inside and , "What do I want to do?" before lookia& around to see what is available. I " I, - / ll looks like everybody had a great time during the Christmas break. How does Uncle Len know this? Easy. All of my friends told me so with an avalanche of entries for the contest. Just when I was getting a little worried that my pals were deserting me, the new year ushered in renewed Interest In Uncle Len's Corner and my personal conviction that au is well in the wonderful world of contest aficionados. (That's a fancy word for someone who likes something a lot.> The competitibn was stiff, but when the going gets tough, my friends aet a batch or paper and the best black pen in the house. CI bet you thought I was goina to say my friends get going.) Surfacing as the best or the lot was David Lorenzini 's s ki picture. The 14-year-old Costa Mesa youngster took first place and the $S prize. David's sister sent in an entry as the "phantom artist." But somebody added her name to the entry -it's Susie. You can't fool Uncle Len. Coming in second with a picture montage was Maria Tucker, 13, of Costa Mesa. Her entry gets the $2 prize. Th ere were pl e nty of honorable mentions. Mary Walters, lS, of Newport Beach 't'ent to a winter wonderland in Green Valley Lake in the San Bernardino mountains. Erin Last, 13, or Corona del Mar had ·a snowball fight. (Splat!) Ron Ledwin, 13, of Huntington Beach went skiing. Dylan Rogers. 7, and Michelle Strand, 11, both· of Costa Mesa, visited Disneyland over the holidays. Did you go together? Also thanks to Jeonifer Brown, 10, of Balboa, Jeff Manz, 9, of Costa Mesa and Molly Deneher, 8, and Jenny Day, 6, both of Newport Beach. Jenny said "My baby smerf was riding m y new bike with training wheels ." Sounds like a lot of fun. But will somebody out there please tell Uncle Len what a . · 'smerf" is? Once again, my friends in M_arjorie Holt's class at WUson School in Costa Mesa have delivered a wonderful bunch of entries. I missed you guys over the holidays but I'm glad to s~ you.back. It's been a little windy lately and that means kite season is just around the corner. I'm sure most of you go out and buy your kites from a toy store. But ror the contest I'd like you was ever FIRST PLACE WINNER David Lorenw11 of Costa Mesa --- -- SECOND PLACE WINNER Mana Tucker of Costa ."rf esa lo draw a picture or a kite you'd like to have that doesn't have a mass-produced flavor about it. Uncle Len will be looking for originality. creativity and air worthiness. (Thal means it's unlikely a kite made of lead will ny well.) Draw your entries on a piece or paper 4 inches squ are and use black ink only -fine point is best. Send them to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 so that they get tO me by Wednesday. Try to mail them by Monday. Include your name, and age on the back entry. Happy flying. Orange Cout DAILY Pf LOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 HANGING AROUND -Giant panda Ching Ching rests in her enclosure at the London Zoo. Ching Ching, whose name means ''Crystal Bright'' was presented by the Chinese government to former Prime Minister Edward Heath during his visit in 1974. Keepers can hear the wait COLUMBUS, Ohio <AP> ....t. Everyone is in the dark· ..... the polar bear cut> her&! includilig the little bear itself. The cub was born Nov_, ~ at the Columbus 1.oo. The cub and the 16-year-old, 750-pound mother, Zero, are ~ut of sight in a darkened den, to simulate the kind of digs the mother paws out in their native Arctic habitat. Only zookeepers William Cupps and Diana Frisch have seen the hide and hur or the bears. Even the sex of the little one has not been determined. "They don 't come out until spring," Cupps said, but spring to the bears may be this month if they get restless. "They mainly just play around," he said. "Ir the floor gets too cold, the mother will put he baby on her stomach. But there's not a whole lot or action in there." __ Dot · of tlle Weelr ---- Deity'""'~..,·~·-­FAIENDL Y -This male malamute is looking ror a ni ce place to settle down. If you'd like to offer him a home. contact the Newport Beach Anima l Shellc·r . 125 \k~;,.i Drive. Costa Mesa. Tt•le phonc 644 -3656 Scientists flock to fores ts for bird studies By MADELEINE JACOBS ..... ? "-lerwk• When zoologist Jim Lynch looks at a forest, he tries to take a bird's-eye view. And like the • birds, Lynch sometimes can't see the forest or the trees. For, increasingly, there is less forest for its avian denizens - and people -to see. The con- tinuous expanse of deciduous forest that once blanketed the entire eastern United States is today little more than an archipelago of forest fragments -tiny islands adrift in a sea of megalopolitan spraw!,. industrial development and cropa~. The birds, especi811y the millions of colorful tropical mi- grants that funnel into North America every spring and sum- mer to breed, have not been in- different to changes in their en- vironment. In several wooded areas and parklands studied over the past 30 years, scientists have documented a drastic decline and, in some cues, the virtual dlsa.,pearance or ooce- plentiful warblers, vireos and other son1blrds. The situation is alarmina to scientists like Dr. James F . Lynch at the Smithsonian's Chesapeake Bay Cente.r for En- vl ronmental Studies, located near Annapolis, Md. And Lynch'• ldentific counterparts in Lattn America, where forests are beina destroyed at an ex- ponential rate, are equally con- cerned. "There ls a 1eneral feeling that birds provide us with a kind of 'litmus test' of the environ- ment," Lynch explains. "When a apeclea diuppean from an area, we may be getting a aipal that the entire system ls under 1tr .. ," Scientist.I al?'ee that major ch..,_ ln the abundance. ad distrtbutJon of acora of .,.,., includla1 some of our moat f amlltar apeclea, already blvt occurred In eastern North UNDER STUDY -Scientis ts are learning that many factors influence the tendency or birds to inhabit a particular forest patch. Pictured is a red-eyed vireo. American · woodland areas. Some researchers attribute the extinction ·or their forest habitatj a similar argument has been aavanced to explain the de· mise or the lvory-blUed wood- pecker in the southeastern Unit- ed States. But It ls not at all certain whether such chanaes are due solely or primarily to tbe break- ing up of large forested areas in- to smaller "fraaments" or whether other, subUer fact.on are also pla)'ine an important role. · "The 1ospel," Lyncb aay1, ''has been that tropical mlcrant birds, which reside here ln the summer, cannot cope with fra1mented foreat1, Our Im· preaaion baa been that these birds either avoid small bolatecl f oreata or that they tend not to reproduce aucceaalully ln 1ucb place1.'' ' Thus, the prevallln1 .Phlloaopby 1overnln1 the A'Stlblllhment and manqement., of reserves for birds and other wildlife bas been "the bigger, the better." "The trouble ls," Lynch con- tinues, "previous research bas not been extensive enou1h to either conf'lrm or re(&l•,e this con- tention. Many scienlilll belle.ve that we miabt be able to manqe our forests and parklanda more lntell.lpntly if we could aet a better un.derstandlna of exactly wb7 a ~cular species ol blrd wlll or Wlll not inhabit an area ol forest.." Now, ln a newly completed study of more than 200 foreat patches ln M'aryla.nd, Lyncb and Dr. Denn.la Whl1ham, a Bay Center botanist, have evidence challen,ing the connntlonal wildom that 1lse ud laoletion are the molt Import.ant fadon influencln1 bretdl•t bird populatlonl. Thelr 1tu4Y, wbicb was 1pomored by tbe llarylad Power Plant S1Unt Protram, II Ukely to prompt a reUiJnklna ol stra tegie s for fore s t management and conservation. "It turns out to be a very dynamic situation in which a large number of factors in- fluence the tendency of birds to breed in a patch or forest, .. Lynch says. "Many species don't s~m to respond to size and isolation, at least in our :-tudy area. Instead, they key in- to particular aspects of forest structure or the 'ecological rich- ness' or a site." The study is the largest of its kind so far conducted anywhere, involving forest fragments ran1· ing in size from 7 to nearly 2,500 acres. For two summers, re- searchers monitored bird populations within these wooded areas. Twenty of the most common migratory species were studied, including a variety of familiar w a r b I e r s , v l r 'e o s a n d flycatchers, as well as the scarlet tana1er, the rub)'· throated hummin1blrd and the wood thrush. These species spend the non-breedinl IUIOD, more than ball the year, in Mex- ico and Central America or South America. Ten additional species llvinl the entire year In Maryland or mtarattni only u far south u the Gulf Cout re- aion included the blue Jay. Carolina chickadee, Carolina wren, cardinal and vartou1 woodpeeken. The re1earcber1 also measured a number of cbarac· terilti.es ol the forest lncludlnl the beilht and demlty ol the forest canopy; the 1l&e, aban· dance llDCI ldeaUtles of tnlfl, 1hrub1 and berba, and tbt dear-of llOlation -tbe dla· taMe Hparatlal the patdl fr'Cllll other wooded ....... 'lbe atucly yielded reaml ot data, wtllda,..... tba tu~ to ltatittieal nalysll on a com· puter. From thlt emeried a key relationships between the abundance or each bird species and the characteristics of the forest patches. Virtually every bird species showed a significant correlation betw~n abundance and one or more forest characteristics. This was not surprising since from other research Lynch and Whigham knew that such factors as the size and abundance of trees, shrubs and ground cover influence various bird spec!les. But they had expected to-find to the density or l)erbaceous vegetation. On the other hand, the red-eyed vireo, the most common forest·breedlng bird in the study area, and the Acadian flycatcher were rar more plen· tiful in non-isolated woodlots with a large number or different plant species. The ovenbird was also more abundant in non- isolated• woodlots , but preferred forest patches with a high densi- ty or tr~. In contrast to the migratory birds, resident species such as FEATHERED FRIEND -This Carolina chickadee is one among 30 species involved in a study or bird habitat~ .. aeriea ol ''prOmes" showtna the 'that foreat 1ile and t.OlaUon would override these eco&Ollcal ~auona. "In fact," Lynch ,_,,, "this proved to be the cue only for a mlnortt1 of 1pecle1. ID 1eneral, ••di 11*1• reai)CJDMd to a uni-que combination of forest cbaraeteriltlc1." The abundance of some ml· fratory blrdl, 1uch 11 the Ken· tucty warbler, showed almoe no senaltlvlty to area. and lsola Uoa, but wu 1tron1ly 1ensitiv 'the Cai'ollna wren. and th Carolina chickadee actuall •tended to be more abundant smaller, more isolated fores pat.cbes. "Resident birdl appe able to cope better with dis turbancea ln tbelr babltat,' Lynch H)'I. "For these 1peciel small woodloll may serve !'lifeboats' in a .sea of urbanlu • Uon." ; . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturd-v, January 9, 1982 Ctve vour home a touch of flame oratn teak with tnese lovetv bOOtccases crafted of tne flnMt veneer And fOr a touch of practlcalltV. tne stielVM are ad)ustable' 11Ktt oar1'I c:onstNCt90 WftFI l'nlttNnQ PVC A. 21y,··x12v.··x16v•·. $149val s89 a. 35y1·x12v.· x«>.,,, .. $109vat. C. 35Y."X12'h"lC76Y •. $169val. TWOfOr$111 Director's chairs are perfect fOr summer entertaining, 1nooors ana out. Natural WOOd frameS. wtttl a vartetv of 'bright canvas.colors. GOOd value at S39. auyonefOr $22 19't'alC15X45 tililiiiilii ... ~111 S265value ~~ $209 u....-__~ our warehouse program slashes furniture prices all over southern Callfomla! We've done It again at our new location In Mission VleJo! Don't bellve it? Shop and compare! smart BedroomGrOup from Denmartt In aanatot Teak Clamp LamP Mattrec;s not1nc1uo~ Famous Danish vatentlnsen Dining set Tl'llS smart, practtcal teak tat>te has 2 teaves wtllcn extend the too from 48Y1" to goy, ".The solid teak hlghbactc dining chairs are covered wltn natural. durable fabric. Teak, $839 val. Rosewood, $97'9 val. Chair. $115 val $595 $695 $79 ' Nest of Tables from Denmartt AunlQue space saver. '69 HandteS llf'fV stereo. tuner.~. tapededc. Perfect for that new video cassette recorder vou are ptann1ng to t>uv. 59" X 17'" X 77Yt" H $155 Fun caDlnet aompartment and 4 · •drawers. Durable mar resJstant laminate top. 67" X 23Yt" x 26%" H. $315vat. EnJoy RIO for less I .And we dO mean tnts smarttv r1cn contempararv group called "RIO" bV Etcomes carefultv handcrafted of solid ash and st31ned In a lustrous roseWOOd tnts super cushy SOfa ioveseat and chair ··make It happen" ln¥ivroom ~~~SC.~~~ $599 ~~;~I ~895 Teen set with Bookcase and Matdlllll oressers TeakWOod teen bedroom set, Includes platfOrm bed. headt>Oard and storage unit bv Ervt. $405 value. PLU MldUfd* Teak A t>eauttfU•tv aestane<S E11tet talnment ptece. 80•1'1YI • _S'7 H. C8llter $395 . BR'S, INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE Mu.II.,. • 180 s. Like Avenue • C213> '449-6141 mwo IMOC:*l IOUtn or COIOf'IOO> WllT LGIDl B N • 1ZM1 Wiishire IMI. • C21!> 820-3918 mwo DIOdls westOf IUnetf> • VALLIY • 122«>Vtermln w.t. NO HOI~ • C213> 7M-ot01 fletW9en~~ FWY a LIUref canvon> IMl'AW• 15C>E. Wimer• C714> 557-ol11 Cblt0¥ef'ld.onNl'#POrtP#V> Teat TV /5ervlng cart Multi-use for TV stand or fOOd set'Vlce. Large easv-ro111no casters. . swecHSll White Laequer WallsYstem , a.lect any OM of ............ optlofta or ......,. your own eas1c narrow unit 19'f. x 1sv, • 79•1, 5129 val e stngie ooor narrow unit S31 vat Rec.orcl OIY!der wt. narrow unit S43 val &as1C wt0eunit31'11 • 1S't. • 79'1, s11sva1 S1SS Drop liO. $47 vat m Double ooor wt wfCJe unit S46 val Drawers eacri narrow unit sis val .,. onwers eacri WIOt! unit 531 val Double glass ooor set woot unot 564 val SS2 $246value Sherwood Living ROOm Combo vou·re atwavs prepared for ovemtont guest'S wttn this smart tMno room comb<> covered In durable. beautiful cotton auctt The luxurious 68' · sofa unfOIOS lntO a comfOrtabte oea. ,___,~ and the ctialr t>ecomes a bed' mu111 IAY • ZlmS HIWttlOme INd., T~3a 371·9473 conebtocknonn OICOllttfWY) •HIDll V11JO • 28191 MarQUer1Ut PtlwY e #'r4> '95·5m flltW"n crownV*YI AWlfV PlrWVl ....,._ ...... 0119110tDl-llWY--tDI All fUmtture cnftlld Of theftrwtt ~"*'¥ fCllml .. Ul-•ll*d In CMU>nS tor N1V pldC UP. i · MM cna 1e1111 tubJICt to stoic* on'*'<!. WWW._.._ Ill • _. , . llllJ Plllt -Ocean View High football coach resigns. 0 0 TELEVISION 86 See Page 82. . Robinson rejects Patriotic Offer Citing loyalty to the university, ·he'll stay with Southern California LOS A.NGELJ:S (AP> -Unlveraity of Soutbem Calltonla football Ooacb John Robluon said Friday be and ~ wife bad decided to 1tay at tbe 1cbool rather than move to the New £n1land Patriots because "we bad what we dkln't want to tlve up." - Tbe 46-year-old Rebinloo said they bad a "commitment to use. belonging to something." Tbe collegiate mentor said the pro team was fair, all the way and offered fn more money than be was receiving as the Southern California coach. "You have a different level of worth you are dealing with," Robinson sald. "All I can say ls we bave values but we don't get tested much financially.'' He said be and his wife did not feel they wanted· to leave Southern California, where be bas been bead coach six years and bas four years left on his current contract. The president or Southern Cal bad this university bu been the single best ''I probably wUl never have the sa! nevertheless given blm permiaaion to experience of my life." offer u far as money goes." negotiate for a professional job lf It He said that even If New Enaland Asked whether the prospective NCM were fo be to bis 41dvanta1e. negotiator William H. Sullivan Jr. had probation against Southern Cal had any Robin11on, who s ucceeded J ohn offered more money, he probably would bearing on bls decision, Robinson McKay, has won three Rose Bowls and have turned down the Job. ans~ered : "Whatever goes here, we one BlueboMet Bowl. have problems. We 'll face whatever. At a news conference Friday, be said Reports were that Robinson was problems we have with pride and be was disgusted only over a 26-10 loss offered a five-year pact at a total or Sl.S di&nity ... to PeM State in the Fiesta Bowl at million, while b e is r eceiving Tempe, on New Year's Day. somewhere in the neighborhood of In talks with the Patriots, Robinson "We humlllated ourselves," be said. $100,000 annually at USC. submltted two proposals to New "We will correct it." England. But he then decided adainst "The Patriots' offer was generous • He said the New England offer was and great," Robinson said. "We could taking tbe job. claiming even more the only serious one from lhe pros be have bad the situation very well oU. money would not have changed bis had bad this season. ''The olber two What we didn't want to give up was our mind. were preliminary and occupant mail," commitment to use and belonging to As ked if h e would· remain in he said. som ething. collegiate football and and never agajn Robinson, ln answer lo a question, . entertain the notion of goin g into said be was not ruling ()ut professional ·:'The money was very seductive," be professional sport, he said: "Things offers in the future, depending on what said. than can come up in the future can be the situation might be at that time. Robinson said he was not at liberty to different. How can anybody say what However, he added, "Being part of ~ive the amount of money, but added, they will do in the future." ~~~~~~~~~~~---,.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...;_.;,__~~~_,;.;.~~~~~~~~---=:...:,_~~~.....:....~~~ WILL STAY -Saying that he had a "commitment to use. belonging to something." John Robinson declined a bid to coach New England in the NFL and will stay with the Trojans. Miller's dile nuna .Shall he take Lane eack or ·not? By ROGER CARLSON Ot ... D.ity ........... A year ago Huntington Beach High bas ketball coach Roy Miller lost one of the finest prospects in years for the Oilers -J e ff Was hington , who transferred lo Edison High in the same school district in the fall of his ~phomore season. ln basketball, one starter is 20 percent of your team. A blue chipper is substantially higher. A month ago Miller lost another one -6·7 Jim Lane - his No. 1 player. an obvious All-Sunset League candida~. a player who led the Oilers to the Marina Invitational tournament championship with a 23·polot performance sparkine a 67-61 overtime victory over Compton. Deily .............. Lane apparently decided be wanted to attend Laguna Hills High and play basketball in the South Coast League , but misinterpretations of the ClF rules have led to bis being ruled ineligible at Laguna Hills. so, -N·ow HE'S baclr .at Huntington Beach and MIUer is f aced wilh a n e w set of circumstances. What does be do with Lane? TO PLAY OR NOT TO PLAY -That's the question at Huntington Beach High. Jim Lane-< lefU t\as ~eturned. but IWy Miller doesn't know if he will allow him to plav. T'be Oilers lost at Millikan High Friday night. 72·46 in their final tuneup for Wednesday's S unset .League open er at Fountain Valley. Lahe is now a student at Huntington Beach , but he wasn't in uniform Friday. "I've got to confer with the team," says Mill er, "before I make any decisions. "I've got to talk with Elmer (Combs ) again, and others that I respect. geperal _consensus the Oilers aren't going to make it within the structure of a very strong circuit. If you··take Lane· back it's obvious the coach hasn't a shred of discipline or consideration for the loyalty or his team. If you don't take him back its obvious the coach is so vindictive be could car e le~ what ever ha ppens to th~ future or a youngster Whatever Mtller decides, he says the decision will come -before the league opener. WORKING INSIDE -Costa Mesa's John Ris hebarger (left) shoots against th~ press~re d'ef ense of Kurt 'Peterson 'Of Corona del Mar. while Dave Palmblade of the Mustangs rights under the boards with Chris Lynch. Corona del Mar won. 42·40. See story. Page 84. "I've got to get some imput. I don't want to lose the team.'' Combs was a coaching legend at Huntington Beach and wa.a Miller's coach. IT'S A STICKY situation. Lane obvlously makes lbe Oilers a contender for the CIF 4·A playoffs. Without him .it's, the Lane averaged 16.0 points in five starts for t he Oilers in December after missing the season opene r because of a knuckle injury. SINCE LANE left Huntington Beach the Oilers have recorded a 2·5 r ecord, losing to Los Lakers fall ·to Gilm"re, 81111s,l l 9-113 CHICAGO (AP> -Artis Gilmore c halked up a season·high 31 points and Ronnie Lester added 22 Friday night to Wt the Chicago Bulls to a 119-113 National Basketball Association victory over the Los An1eles Lake rs. The Lakera raced to a 33-30 lead after the first quarter as Earvin °1laglc" Johnson scored 14orhil1ame-hiab S3 points and the Bulla sank onlf '1 percent ol their sboU from tile floor. Jamaal Wilkes aeored all 12 of his pointa in tbe aec:Gnd quarter as the Laken increased tbetr advant.,e to 12 points, ltleir lar1est lead of the nl1bt, with 2 :03 to play before lbe lntermiu1on. The Bull •cored · the lut l1x DOlnta of tbe P«k>d to leave the l.aken with a a .51 balltime qe. Cblcqo rallled early in the t.blrd quarter with four butets to late a es.a lead at 10:12 on a layup by Leiter. Chicafo 1a.lned lta tartest lead of Ule ••mlnl. I0-81. at 1: M ol t.be Wn:I periOd wltb a p.lr' ol free Ulrowl bJ Lett.r, -.led IM'7 after t.bne pertodll. In ~· fourth q&aarter, lb• Lallen raWed to re1a1D tbe Jeacl at t :Sl with two tree Uarow'I bf lllk• Cooper, but tbe 8"111 u.. ouUeGnd Loe ~ 11-4 °"' .a 1:11 apua. UCI welcomes Carmon to the fold Former All-CIF product decides on Irvine after stirit in Colorado By JOHN SEVANO Of .. DMtr ..... llafl The way tbings . ..-e happening around the UC Irvine campus these days, it 's quickly beeoming ap_parent Bill Mulligan will stay on as the Anteaters' basketball coach. Rumors concerning Mullitan 's departure have been circulating ever since his arrivlll .at UCI two years ago. "The minute k evin Magee leaves, so will Mulli1an." were the whispers. Well, if the Irishman ls fixin& to go elsewhere, he's certainly not dolnJ{ himself any favors with the recruits. he's bringing ln these days. Wednesday Kulll1an announced that Troy Cannon bu enrolled at UCI and will be eJlaible to play by the start of the 1983 PCAA conference season. · Carmon, a 8-6 forward from Lopg Beach Poly Hl1b, la a former All-CIF selecUon who or&fnally webt to Colorado State. "I spent an entire year tryin1 to recruit hlm," sald llluW1an. "When we didn't set him we were heartbroken . . . and now we have him." KUW1u and UCJ became Involved ln a heated rec:ruJUn1 war witb Colorado State few Carmon'i 1ervice1 tut Mmm•. After a aerlH of cloa1'·aDd·da11•r meetlnp wbleb luted alm01t two moat.bl, Carmcm ftnalb decided OD CSU. •11 waled $0 1et away from home at ftnt,,. ~lalnM Cannon of blt Initial deellion. • I wanted to see what lt would be like IOIDewbere elff. "'1 didn't tab IOftl, bowe.er .-about '. CHANGE Of HEART -Troy Carmon, who orlginally enrolled at Colorado State, has chanfed his mind and Is back at UC Irvine where he'll be ellglble for the start of the 1983 basketball campaign. two weeb -before 1 knew l bid made a mistake." Cannon wu 1Ull wUhna to stick lt out \.boup until be dislocated bis abouJder ln a 1ertmmap. .. "I hurt it in'a practice scrimmage," said Carmon. "I can't say If !really would have stayed or not. It would have been harder to leave if I was still playing. "But as soon as I got IJ\jured, and I knew I wasn't going to play in any games, it made il easier for me to leave." . Carmon, who averaged 17 points and nine rebounds his senior year at Long Beach Poly, is the third player to commit himself to UCl this year. Steve Frederick, a 7·0 center, announced his Intentions to attend UCI early this fall , while Costa Mesa High sharpshooter Ken Bardsley, a 6..t guard, made his feelin1s known Monday of 'this week. "Ron Palmer (Carmon's coach at Lona Beach Poly) wu the ftrat lo call me about Troy," admitted Mullltan. "He told me Carmon wu comlnt back and wanted ,.to play for us.'' "I'm very happy," added Carmon. "I was thlnk1n about comln& here almost the efttlre thqe l wu up ~re." Colorado State'• style of ·play, plus a touch of homeslclmeas, is wt.at brou&ht Carmon back. · "I didn't Uke the 'Way they played ," be uld. "I knew they controlled the ball, but I didn't tblnll ll would be u much u they control it." Of course, under llulll&an, there 11 no control (from a ball baDdli.na lt.andpotnt>. lnatead, there'• a lot of runniDI and 1bootlnl which 1ulta Carmon Just ftae. "I love tlM way tbey PlaJ' buUtball bere. Ttiat.'• wby I wanted to colM back to Irvine." Amigos, California, Esperanza, Millikan and Mater Dei. As for Laguna Hills, Lane played three games for the Hawks at the Brea Invitational, a span in which Laguna Hills defeated Sunny Hills and rival Mission Viejo. Each of thos e wins is in jeopardy. If Lane is ineligible than the games may have to be forfeited. "We thought we did the right thing," says Laguna Hills athletic director Gary Carr. "We called Dean Crowley (CIF administrative assistant), told him the circumstances and be told us <verbally>. 'OK .' WHAT HAPPENED was the apparent move of Jim Lane and his dad, but the entire family did not move to Laguna Hills and except in cases of divorce Cwbicb t h is is n ot) it is necessary that a complete move be made. "We've written a letter to the C IF expla i ning the circumstances," says Carr. "I don't think we'll have to forfeit. We were on the up·a.nd·UP and received permission. When it was ruled be was ineligible be did not play." A decision from the CIF office Is expected in the future Laguna Hills was 12-1 on the season entering Friday's South Coast League opener at Dana Hills. Originally it was Miller's understanding that Lane was quitting the Oilers because he was "tired o f playing basketball." So, Miller is faced with the dile mma. He baa lost two brilliant players in a span of 13 months. Now he has a chance lo .1et one of them back. UCU,49ERS AGREETOPUY LOS ANGELES <AP) - UCLA and Loni Beach State have signed a contract to dRlet twice ln football within lhe nut three years, lt wu announced Jointly by the tclM>ola Friday. The first 1ame will be lD the Los Anleles Coliseum next Sept, 11. The aec!Ond will be ln tbe Coliseum on Sept. 15, 1114. Althouth tbe 1cbool1 are located juat 33 miles aj)aft, it wUI mate the ftnt &lme they've met in footbaJl. . .. Players lack desire, Gianb skipper says Prom AP 411patclilel Ill BALTJMORE -If modem day baaeball players have lesa de1tre than the old·timers. says Frank l\obln1on, blame multl·year contracu and akyrocketlnc aalartes. "A lot of players arrive at t.he baJlpark when it's almoet tJme to 10 out on the field," the manaeer of the San Francisco Glanta told the Balllmore Sporta,Reporters ~iation Friday, "and when the came's over. they rush to eel out of uniform. "l 'm not knocktne them," said Robinson, who la considered a prime candidate to be voted into baseball's Hall of Fame next week. "We still have great players, but they don't thiQ about the game as much or apply themselves. We had to, or we didn't make a living." Robinson noted that some current players ask to renegotiate long-term contracts two or three years ahead of time, claimlng they can't concentrate until such pressure is relieved. "If they think that's pressure," Robinson said, "they should play without a multi-year contraet knowing that next year's salary depends ' on what you do this year. That's pressure." In answer to a question. Robinson said no player is worth $1 million a year. "I'm not saying don 't take it," he said. "But I don't think anybody can give a $1 million performance.'• Quote of the day , San Diego Clippers forward Freemu Wllllams after a sub-par performance: "I couldn't even throw a fish in the ocean tonight." Mets gets Veryzer from Tribe The New York Mets acquired Ill velenn shortstop Tom Veryaer from Cleveland in exchange ror left-banded relief pitcher Ray Seara&e Friday. Veryzer has a .242 career batting average in his 7\.11 major-league seasons. Searage, who came to the Mets from St. Louis in 1979, compiled a 1-0 record with New York after joining the team June 8 ... The Phillies have decided to trade shortstop Larry Bowa, although a deal bas not yet been completed, club president BW GUes said Friday. "We are going to continue our discussions with several clubs concerning a trade, .. Giles said. MacMillan hits peak for Rockies Right wing Bobby MuMUJu Iii) scored four goals Friday night as the ' Colorado Rockies blasted St. Louis, 7-1 in the only National Hockey League game. MacMillan became the first player in Rockies' history to gel four goals in. a single game:--1:.eft wing Don Lever contributed a goal of his own and assisted MacMillan on three others. • Slrd lgnlt• Boeton rally. L•rr1 aar• aad Ger•hl m Be•Mt-combiDed fw lT pomu to 1parll a fourth"41.uarter Mteek thal' Hfted tbl Boltoa Otltiet to a •eo N•tloaal Buketball Aaaoeiatlon victory over Pblladelph11 P'rid1y nl1bt. With Boltoa ltadlnl 75-74 and 1:47 left In tM iame, Bird hit a jum~r to launcb a lM apurt that put lbe Celtics ahead 8CM8 wltb 4: 41 to 10. 'l'bt wln '-moved Bolton to wltMn a half·1ame ol the ?tera In Ute Atl1otic Dtvieloo . . • Du ......... wu credJted with a balket wben Mllwauk"'' Har••J Cate~i•I• inadvertently Upoed It lnto the Atlant1 baaket H the ' Hawka capped a wild flnlah with a ao.• vlctory over the Bucks . . . Adrlaa DaaUey ~·o acortd 30 point• ana teammate. Danell Gr~ ud aleke7 Greee contributed 28 and 22 aa Utah downed Indiana, 1 108·102 ... aare1ee ''f'..U" Walker ud &ay WUllama scored 18 poJnta apiece to ltad New Jersey to a 110·100 triumph over Cleveland, handing the Cavalieri their sixth atrat1ht ~etback . . . Alex E•IUall scored S5 Polnta and Daa luel added 31 u Denver came from nine points down ln the fourth quarter to beat Portland, l.24·121. Patriots' search goes on Spurned by the man tbey [il coveted, the New England Patriots' •. • officials set their sights again Friday on someone to coach their National Football League team. "The. search IOU on," Pata' General Manacer B'Hko Kilroy said Friday after Joa. ltobluoa said be would keep bis Job as coach al USC. "We have DO second choice right now. We're not negotiating with anyone," said Kilroy at a news conlerence. However. the Boston Globe reJ)orted Friday that the search n o w f o c u s es o n S II U Co a c h a o • Meyer . . . Cban~es are 15().50 that Dallas Cowboys' defensive tackle Sella Dau. will play in Sunday's NFC champiooabip eame asainst San Francisco, despite severaJ treatmenta - inc.J.uding acupuncture -that doctors have tried on his• injured right leg. "ll the game was played\ today, I couldn't go," Dutton said. Dutton awoke Wednesday witb a sharp pain in his right thigh and a ruptured blood vessel made the leg swell to aJmoet twice its normal slze ... DH Ross, tbe Cincinnati Bengals' tight end, admits to a super case of the jitters as tds club prepares for Sunday's AFC tiOe tilt with San Die10. "On the out.side, it may look like everything is OK, but uwde it's eating me up,"ROss ~milled Friday. Clippers owner fined $10,000 San Diego Clippers owner Doaald T. S&erllD& was lined $10,000 by National Basketball Association Commissioner Larry o•anea Friday for bis comments made at a luncheon Thursday. Sterling's fine for "conduct prejudJcial and detrimental to the NBA" was levied after a swift investigation of the remarks Sterling made, indicating that be (Sterling) waa willing to accept a last-place finish this season to be in a position to land Ralpla Saa,.oa, the 7-4 center from Virginia . . . A crowd of more than 90,000 is expected al Stanford StadJum for today's Sith Shrine East·West Game at noon ... The public di.rector of the Los Angeles Olympic Committee, Fraall Bo&eJakla, 39, bu resigned, saying it was "impossible" to produce quality publicatiom under the tight-financial limits set by organizers o f the 1984 Summer G•m~ ... Albert~ Salaur bas ptedlctea victories in bis only two marathon races and established himself as the fastest marathoner in Stadler's 'best' good enough He leads Laguna Niguel's Ta-pie by four at Tucson TUCSON (AP > -Craig Stadler reeled off a string of four consecutive birdies on the way to a 6-under·par 64 that enabled him to open a 4·stroke lead Friday after the second round of the $300 ,000 Joe Garagiola·Tucson Open golf tournament. "That's my ~t.," Stadler aaid after posting a 36-bole total of 129, 11 shots under par on the s:797 ·yard Randolph Park Municipal course. The score matched the best two·round total on the pro golf tour last year. The stocky Stadler. noted by his contemporaries as a decided fronl·runner, said that two of bis three previous tour triumphs have come by runaway margins. "I 'm a streak player." be said. "When I get it going, I tend to keep It going. Of cour11e. there's always the threat, on a course like this, that someone will shoot 63 or 64 at you. "But I've got a lot of feel in what I'm doing. And it feels ~ood ." Alan Tapie of Laguna Niguel, a non·winner alter seven years or tour activity, he.Id second at 133 at the halfway point of this, the klck·ofl event on the 10-montb 1982 schedule. Tapie birdied five of his first six holes on the way to a second round 4-under-par 66 ln bright, sunny desert weather. Scott Simpson was next at 134 after his second 67. The group at 135, five under par. included veteran Al Geiberger, Jay Haas and Andy Bean. Ge.iberger shot a 69, Haas 68 and Bean, comlnc back from a hand irtjury that sidelined him much of last season, shot a 65. "It's all up to Craig," Bean said. "U be shoots a mediocre round tomorrow, we mi&bt be able to eut some pressure on him. U be shoots better than a mediocre round, he's going to be a bard man to catch." · Johnny Miller, tbe defending lille·bolder and a four·time winner of this event, failed to mount a challenge. Miller, wt>o won golf's richest prize, a $500,000 first·place ebeck. last week in southern Africa, bad another 70 and was 11 strokes back at 140. Stadler, who has quietly establiabed himself as one of the game's more steady performers with three titles and $425,000 in earnings over the past two seasons, said he was very pleased with bis effort. "It could have been a little better and not a whole lot worse," be said. He missed tbree putt.a of slx feet or less, but made more than his share. He made his big move with a strine of four consecutive birdies, be&inning OD the etabtb. HALLIDAY'S SPECTACULAR, SUPER, SALE Suits, Sport coats, Shirts, Sw~ters, Slacks, Ralncopt1 and Jackets. All FINEST ·QUALITY STOCK SAVE 20 TO 50% SAIF STARTS TUESDAY, JAN. 12th . IM I lrwlnl Aw, M1ccp11rt le9dl. Ck t1WO J1l"9tw C7.") MS-0792 Fouts' d.iseute shelved for now Chargers just thinking about Sunday SAN DIEGO (AP> - Quarterback Dan Fouta• WI.ion dispute will be a for1otteo Lllue Sunday when the San Dle10 Char1er1 try to complete a 1allant National Football Ltaau• comeback , hh teammatet said Friday. ·'That'• tbe furthest tbin1 from OW' mlnda," said offensive tackle Billy Shields, who helps provide routa with the best pus prot•cUon ln tbe National Football 1Aa1ue. Tbe Chareers, one step from their flnt Super Bowl berth after cllncblna a playoff spot on the final day of the season, are 4 \.ii· polnt underdogs in the American FootbaJl Conference champlonabJp al Clncinnatl. The 6-8, 275-pound Shields said Fouts' differences with the NFL Players' Association have not spilled onto the playine field. * * * Cold awaits San Diego CINCINNATI <AP) -The American Conference playoff game between the San Dleeo Chargers and the Cincinnati Bengals wlll be played in bitter cold weather, according to John ' Robinson. meteorologist for the Cincinnati office of the National Weather Service. ·'The cold air moving into the Ohio Valley between now and Sunday may be the coldest we've bad here in a couple of years," said Robinson on Friday. Robinson predicted a near record. low temperatUN of 10-below zero Sunday morning with temperatures rising to be between 10 and 15 deerees by game time at Riverrront Stadium. Fouta, lb• force beblnd San Die10'1 1uper-char1ed palll.U aame, 11 tbe only player •mcint the l,500·member union to refuae to pay bis dues. Lut month, aix daya before the Charcera faced Oakland in the re1ular season finale, the NFLPA ordered Chargers owner Gene Klein to suapend Fouts. Kleln refuaed, ao1rily labellnl the NFLPA move "blackm.U." The NFLPA has filed an unfair labor practice complaint wltb the National Labor Relationa Boards atainst the Chargers over the tuue. Shields, one of tbe team's player union representatives, said: "It's ridiculous to th1nk that we'd let that affect ua for this game. 'Ibla isn't NASSCO," he said, referring to the San Dieco based National Steel and Shipbuilding Company. N.ASSCO , the largest shipbuilding firm on the We.st Coast, has tN:en the site of bitter labor strife. "There are similarities with our management -worker problems," said Shields, "but we don't plan to drop our wrenches." I. Despite the matter, tbe tellim will stick together, said Shields. •'The offensive people are very close. We understand bis position. He feels dlfferent about the union than we do." "There's no animosity." said veteran wide receiver Charlie Joiner. ''This is a democratic society. You can't fault a guy for doing what he thinks is rJebt." Fouts' personal war with the players' union began after be opposed ratification of the collective bargaining reached with the owners In 1977. He has verbally attacked NFLPA leadership for allowing a contract that makes it difficult for a player to become a free agent. Marks fall at meet N adadores trio dominates 200 IM GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP> - Petra Schneider of East Germany stroked to new world bests in the 20()..meter women's lndi vidual medley and the 800-meter freestyle events Friday in the U.S. Swimming International meet. Schnelder, '18, surpassed the previous record by Tracy Caulkins of Nashville, Tenn., - who dominated competition last year witb seven gold medals -by .20 of a second to sel a world best in the 25-meter pool of 2: 10.60. Caulkins bad set the mark last year. Caulkins, a University of Florida freshman, was second ln the 20()..meter individual medley at 2:11.21. Patty Gavin of the West Chester Swim Club, Pa.. was third at 2: 13.61 . In the 800-meter freestyle, Schneider swam to victory ln 8: 17 .32 to break a 8: 18 77 mark set by America's Cynthia Woodhead in lM>. At one point she was swimming seven seconds ahead of the world record pace. Schneider is the world·record bolder in the 400·meter individual medley and was Olympic silver medalist ln the 400-meter freestyle in 1980. The USA National team took first, second-and ttrtnt-ptace in the men's 20()..meter individual medley, led by Bill Barrett with a time ol 2:00.81. Jesse Vassallo was second with 2:02.71 and Steve Barnicoat was tbtrd i1' 2 :04.25. . All three are from the Mission Viejo Nadadores. Petric Darjan of Yugoslavia woo the men 's 800-meter freestyle in the time of 7:53.46. He was followed by Arne Bergstrom of Alabama (7:57.53) and Roger Madruga, also of Mission Viejo, (8:00.17). Both of the United States' top relay teams won in the 800-meter freestyle event. The men's team of Jeff Float, John Hilteocamp, Kyle Miller and Barrett beat out Canada and Sweden with a time of 7:23.29. College /ootball I r • COUEQE BOWL ROUNDUll' l~ldenc. Bowl ,o:c::;; • ......... u .1 T•11•t A&M JI, OllYIWllM $1. " Garden State Bowt IDIC.UMe .............. J.1 T-•Wl~lftJ.1 .~.!:!... IYU a, ............ St. a Cdfomla Bowt CDM."lt~I Te .... 17.SMJeNSt.ts Tllnaet"n• Bowl CDllC. h ;;.,....., "'-.I Ml-1 It,,...,_ MltsllaWI 11 -....Gray Game (DIC.lletlh tet a:r,A ... I r lll!f tt, G...., f tun 8owl CDllC.M•etf'-1 &14ilieme• ............ ...... of,a"'99owt ' , ..... ., ... . . ""' ..... .... , ¢! ..... ,..._. P99dl Bowl CDK. J1 M A-.01 ..... It ........ ~--' lllueboro...,.t Bowl IDK.:11M....._I M 1d1191n 21, Vet.A 14 Cotton 8owt u. .•• .,..., T•Qt14.~ Flfftll Bowt , ... , .......... , l"eMSt.•,U\c;il RoMBowl ,,,_, .......... , ............... _. OrenpBowt ,,,_, .. ,......, ..... , ci.n.-n . ....,._. 1s SuprBowt c.-........ on.-1 ~Ill 24, o-wt• 20 Ea•w..t 8Mn• Game , ...... ~ ....... , t!n' M.-n ,,.. w.tt Att•ers. ~ ,.,_ Hula llowf ................... , t!nt AIHtlln ,,.. w..1 AJl-tters. c~ , .. 1 '!-"" lenlof lowt ..................... Nerti\ AIC4111n VL ~ All .. W'I ..., ............. RESIGNS -Ocean View High football coach Ken Moats has resigned after rour seasons. Ken Moats quits OV grid post By ROGER CARLSON Of .. INltY .......... ' Veteran football coach Ken Moats, citing it "bas been enough for me~ resigned bIS position as head coach of Ocean View High. "I've asked for reass1oi&ent within the football program and will continue as the track coach," Moats said Friday. "I've no complaints, It's beeo a time of good support, but I feeJ they need someone else in the prof ram. " know I want to continue coaching football, I enjoy it very much and hope to continue in football for the next three to five years during my teaching career." Moats' four.year tour as the Seahawka' coach r~sulted ln an 18·20-1 overall record, and combined with bis 40·39-4 record at Huntington Beach, bis 13-year career as a bead football coach reflects a 58-59·5 record. It's been a span in which Moats was highly successful at tbe outset (the '61, '62, '65 and '66 teams were all winning units), but tough sledding came when (1) new schools wiped out huge segments of Huntington Beach's program and (2) Ocean View found itself locked rant into a strong Empire League, than a stronger Sun.set Leaaue this past year. , With_ the exception of the um season, all o{ ..Ocean View's 'Campaigns were within an . eye asn ol earnmg CIF pliYofr bertbA, but the Seahawks came up short each time. "Not reaching the playoffs has been one of the things that stuck in my craw," said Moats. "It was a hard pill to swaJlow." Athletic Director Tim Mennealy ays the vacancy will be advertised within the Huntington Beach district Monday. HB women lose LAKEWOOD -Tbe Huntington Beac.b High women's basketbaJI team ended its pre·league season on a sour note, loslng a 55-52 decision to host Lakewood in a foul-pl~ contest~·----------------~ JOHNSON a SON Present.8 ... Pete the "Greek'' NFL's Plcka Of The Week SUHDAY HATIOMAL COMF884CI s.. ,.,... .. ..... D._ AMRICAM .COMFIUNCI a.c•,it .. ., s..o .... New Parts Department Hours Now Open 8:00 am -1:00 ·pm Saturdays LYNX•LN7•CAPRJ•CONTINBNTAL• MARX VI• LlNCOLN•COUGAR•XR7•ZBPHYR I NCOLN ME 1618 Barbor~. Co.ta 'Meaa R C U (714) MO-a680 DOUILI PIGU"ll -Ocean View's Dimitri Antonopoulos <left> and Mike Judge each connected for 10 points Friday in the Seahawks' 65-57 setback at the hands of Verbum Dei. Ocean View intimidated V er bum Dei rolls, 65-57' By JORNSEVANO _ .. .,...., ......... If Ocean View High's ba.sltelball team decides to make a hi1hll1bt fiJm of iu 1981·82 season it's a cinch the Seahawks won't include their c~ntest with Verbum Dei. Ocean View, trying to play Verbum Dei's style, couldn't run, jump""Or shoot with tbe-Eagtes and the result was a 65-57 home defeat Friday night that was more lopsided that the final score would indicate. "HOP EFULLY, THIS Is our last stage of learning," said Ocean View Coach Jim Harris. "We've been emphasizing our ouulde shooting lately, but lbis ls the first time all year we've been wild. "And, the harder we tried the worse and worse we got." The final statistics tell the grim story. Ocean View, 9-5, managed lo connect on only 25. 7 percent of its shots (.17 of 66> alJ evening. -PREP BASKETBALL Verbum Dei bit only '3 percent (25 of 58), but the way the Seahawks were-shooting it didn't matter. ''We never got into a style and we never got them to play defense very long," added Harris. "It was really the tempo of the game that caused everything." The first half was a basltelball purist's nightmare. Verbum Del, 13·5, appeared content to just throw the ball at the basket and then attack the boards. THAT PHILOSOPHY backfired, thoueh, when three starters got into early foul trouble and Ocean View spent much of the first ball at the free throw liJle. In fact, of the Seahawks' 28 first half point.., 14 came at the charity stripe. AU that and the best Ocean View could do was tie the score at 28 at the half. ... By HOWAaD L. RANDY .,................ I CoUe1• fOotball makes lta aw.. toftf for all Intent and purpose-with the Ea1t-Weat Shrine came ln San Francisco and the Hula Bowl from ,Honolulu today. For the ba1ketball ran, two 1ame1 featurtn1 nationally ranked teams, will be 1hown slmuttaneoualy thts morntna. No. 8 ranked San Francisco Journeys to South Carolina with Channel 2 brlnllna the action live at 10. For the second time thl1 season, North Carolina, the nation's No. 1 team, will face a foe rated No. 2 Channel 4 brines the acUOn live at 10. The East-West game from Stanford wlll feature Paul "Bear" Bryant aa coach of the Eut squad with Mtchiean's Bo ScbembecbJer as an assistant. Marcus Allen takes' his Reisman Trophy winnlne talents to Honolulu for the Hula Bowl on Channel 7 at 1. Followlno are the top SPorts events on TV today. Ratings are: '1 1 1 e>Ccellent; 1 1 1 worth watching; I 1 fair; I forget It. ~ 10 a .m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: san Francisco at South Carollna. Announcen: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. The University of San Francisco Dons are ranked No. 8 and have only one defeat to mar an otherwise perfect record. Quintin Dalley, who has averaged more than 2S points per game over the past two seasoos, leads the Dons. He is joined by top rebounder Wallace Bryant (7--0) who Is snaring 13 per Qame on the average. ~ 10 a.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Vlrgln1a at North Carolina. Announcers: Dick Enberg and Al McGuire. For the second time this season, a nationally · televised game will feature the top two teams in the AP poll. North Carolina Is at home to No. 2 ranked Virginia and both are undefeated. The two Atlantic Coast Conference rivals met In the NCAA semifinals last year. James Worthy and 5am Perkins, defensive specialists last year, have taken over the offense this season for North Carolina. ~ Noon,Channel4 ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Washington at Arizona State. Announcers: Barry Thompkins and Lynn Shackleford. While the Huskies were winning a pair of Paclfic-10 games at home over USC and UCLA Arizona State was losi~g a pair to the Or99on schools on opening weekend. With Ken Lyles scoring 24 · "I told my4ids that 1 rou.ldn'i believe ~ ... ~~,,.-4 OUll 9UADBIACK ISGO•ta FOllTHl..,..- AGAINST Hl&H PllCIS! this close," recalled Harris of his halftime speech. "I told them we should probably have been down 40-20." Despite the apparent break in the score, matters didn't get any better for the Seabawks in the second half, especially the third quarter when they managed but two baskets. Center Jim Usevitch hit a short jumper with 6: 10 remaining In the third quarter to shorten Verbum Del's lead to 32-:n. But that was the last basket the Seahawks would score for the next three minutes and, in the meantime behind the hot outside band of guard Donnie Brown, the Eagles rattled off 10 straight points <Brown accounting for six) to take a _commanding 42-31 advantage. THE EAGLES then extended their leact to 16 points twice in the fourth quarter before the Seabawks ouucored them 12·2 during the last 1:26 to make the score respectable. The 6-9~ Usevitch tied for game-high honors with 22 points, but even that fieure is mialeadine in that the senior made only 5 of 22 shot attempts. The rest came at the free throw line. Usevitcb wasn't alone in bis misguided mlsailes, however. as the entire team continuaJly altered its sbota to avoid the jumping ability of the Eagle players. "We weren't afraid," insisted Harris. "What they <Verbum Del) did was a form of intimidation, but it's not physical, it's more of a style. Everytbine we seemed to do toniaht was rushed." Dimitri Antonopoulos and Mlke Judge scored 10 points each for the Seahawks, whiJe the Eagles were led by Brown's 22 and Richard Townsend's 11. The COOl8$t waa the final preseason tuneup for the Seabawks who will open Sunset League play at Westminster High Wednesday night. Baske tball s core s ~ SM J-5t. 7S, USIU U c.tlfw!M t1, °"""'., .......... c:.twwe LOfl9 ..... cc tS ......... -71 LA ve11.., SS, lA ...-u SJ Ill c-m. ft, LA Ml•loft ,, 2xld Gii.AT FOil FIHCI RAILS IOUGH REDWOOD 4xlxl/• IEAUTIFVL GllA94 ASH PLYWOOD ASPHALT ·ROOF SHINGLES WtlTl/caDAJl TOMI 4x8 Reg. $26.00 Reg. $12.69 Bdle. NEPAL· ROSEWOOD Reg. a 3 .. Orangt Coelt DAILY PtLOT/8aturday, January 8, 1882 . U points, the HusklH ffftated USC In overtime, then ... p.m., Chann•I 2 / ./ / stopped the Bruins H Steve Burtts scored nine POlnts .. " " In the flrwit 1112 minutes. PRO BOWLING: Miiier Hiott LIJe CIHtlc. A • Noon, Chann•I 7 ./ ./ ./ AMOUnCen: Chris Schenkel •nd Nelson Burton, W Jr. CH SPORTS S"'TU-OAY E t w t Sh I Guppy Troup IHdS the way for five fln.llsn In Game. ~ " : as · 95 r ne today's finals of tht Miiier HIQh Life CIHSIC In Announcers· Lindt N 1 d R Anaheim that wlll be shown here .,... tape dtt•V· staubach. • ey e son an ooer Others In the top flvt Include Marshell Hotman, Bobby Knipple, Wayne Webb and Joe Hutchinson. Paul "Bear" Bryant wlll coach the East tea~ with Jackie Sherrill of Pittsburgh •nd Bo r;'.\ 4 50 Ch I ""' ./ ./ Schembechler of ~lchloan as his assistants. ~ ... , : p.m., •nne • Stanford's Paul Wlgsaln dlrtets the West squad with, NHL HOCK EY: Kinas at Toronto. San Jose State's Jack Elway •nd former Utah coach Announcers: Bob Miiier and Nick Nickson. Wayne Howard as assistants. Georglrs Buck Belue and Arllona State's Mike Pagel, two of the nation's The Kings are In the middle of a seven.game top-flve-rafed quarterbacks, wlll face each other In road trip but their fortunes haven't changed much this one. Belue finished third In the nation In passing since they left home. Marcel Dionne Is the INdlng e~flclency (60.2 percent with 12 touchdowns>. scorer for the Kings who are In fourth place In the Campbell Conference with 31 points. Toronto Is fifth A 1 p.m., Channel 1 ./ ./ ./ In the Norris Division but has 33 points. W OTHER TELEVISION WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS: Hula Bowl. S p.m. (2) -NFL REVIEW AND PREVIEW. Announcers: Keith Jackson and Frank Broyles. 9 p.m. {13) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA at use. All -American Jim McMahon of Brigham Young RADIO faces Ohio State's Art SChllchter In the 36th annual Basketball -Lakers at Detroit,•: so p.m., KLAC Hula Bowl today. McMahon wlll also have USC's C S70); Loyola-Marymount at Cal State { FUiierton), Helsman Trophy winner Marcus Allen In the 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370); Pepperdlne at Long Beach backfield If he decides to run the football . But from State, 7:3S p.m., KLON (88 FM>; UCLA at use. a all appearances, it could turn Into a passlno dual p.m., KMPC C710) and KDAY (1580); Saddteback at with McMahon backed by sam King of Nevada-Las Riverside CC, 7:30 p.m., KSBR (88.S FM). Vegas. Darrin Nelson of Stanford, the No. 2 receiver Hockey -Kings at Toronto, ~:so p.m., KPRZ In the nation this past season, is also on the team. Ct 1 SO>. ~~mlll!---------...-~~~~~~~~ I ~ Tiii: &ARL'S l'\.~•M9ATlllG ...... -........ ' SI l•C )176~1 S•t'fQ Tttne SIM1t •I 'lt:Nf Coo/ I fC••• SfCW'• ,,..., ... , y~ ., ... • Cotl'A 1m.4641·1289 ... .._._ Ml-¥1U0'405-440, I -~~-!~·~ Olo9o ,,.,., ~ ~~ I "NI I c 'l ,f tSI·:• ...... '81 LYNX ON ~LE wrm TillSAD •&,895 • r.\.X. uc· r. uoc. FEt: • 1 UMM Jl&llY OIW OS MU ltl"I '* U!A'f! AT MHIN801' a 801' LINCOLN -MERCURY 540-5630 SALE sgss SALE . . Model 4285 Enjoy the ultimate In state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. Plus, it's factory programmed to receive 105 channels. Model 5266 FREE DELIVERY 25" COLOR CONSOLElV Mew 'l2Madel STAR ·SYSTEM · 1010 1LC .... ........... ...... C11lsel. . CHECK FOR OUR LOW PRICES :a I • MAGNAVOX auSCOAF 1211 BLACK & WHIT cs .......... 71, cs~· Hiits .. csu..,.....-.~., , . ., PANRING i$12.so s7ss SWIVB. WALL MOUNr PORTABLE • Cl a ehrtfltlf 11, C•I ~•ly (~· ,CM""' CILO> IP, "IC ........... II ....... W....._..k .. M-.._4 .............. .,._,, , . ., ...... 111,...._ .. ........ 11,W19erk'6 ...... .._ Mma ... Nlr ~·" ... .,_,.. ..... ,, ,..,..... .. Tllftt., ~-.-•. .,.,.a ....... *" -I llAUl'llUI. Ate PIAC'nCAI. 4x7d......C•TUATB LANDSCAPE TIMBERS .,.....,,., ..... • 'I!!'! -' . . . ,.. Reg. SS.99 :~F Mpdll mi2 • 8ullt-4n Antenna ........ " .. - § , Orqe CoMt DAILY PILOT/8aturdmy, Januery 9, 1882 .no SCOTT FILIPEK. Jllac. ANDY KLUSSMAN RUDY DVORAK 808 SHORT _i Artists sta~ger Tritons ~Short, Riddell, Dvorak spark Laguna; Filipek leads Vikes - ., ... . ., •' .· Laguna Beach High's Artists pulled off a major upset Friday night, shocking the visiting San Clemente in the first round of South Coast League basketball action, wJijle Marina snapped a three-game losing streak with a one· point decision over visiting Long Beach Wilson. Here's how It went on a night where there were some surprises: L•guna Beach 56, San Clemente 55 ~be Artists moved out to a 10-point lead in tJte. first quarter. then held on to win by a single point, leading the entire game. "We really got good play out of Bob Short, Neil RlddeU and Rudy Dvorak," Coach Jerome Karp said after the game. "We went ln front by a 21-11 margin in the first quarter and were ahead by seven going into the last period. • "We went up by three when Dvorak hit the first of two free throw attempts and they scored with five seconds to go but fouled one of our players. We missed the free throw and they had a hurry-up shot at the buzzer but missed." Riddell made 3-of-4 at the line in the fourth quarter for the Artists. Bob Short was the top Laguna Beach rebounder with Bruce Waldrup close behind. Riddell finis hed the evening with 17 points, while two others were in double figures for Karp's winners -Dvorak with 16 and Short with 13. James Hill led San Clemente with 18 counters. Muina 58, Long Beach Wiison 57 Marina High's Vikings turned back Long Be ach Wilson behind the double-digit scoring of John Berry (16), Scott Filipek (15), Rick Smith 02) and Andy Klussman (11), using a 21-polnt second quarter to get the upper hand, then rallying in the fourth period. The Vikings had a 56·55 lead with time dwindling and Filipek was fouled, eetting a one-and-0ne opportunity. The 6·0 junior sank both attempta to give Marina a 58-55 bulge, then the winners just let Wilson have a gift s hot at the end. Berry and Klussman each hauled in five' rebounds and Filipek had nine assists. Filipek's 15 counters included nine in the f6urth quarter. Wilson was led by Pat Senski ( 19) and Steve Brooks (16.). The loss drops Wilson's non-league record to 7-7, while Marina upped its mark lo 7-5 as the Vikes await Wednesday's Sunset League opener against visiting Edison (13·1> . Dana Hills 46, Laguna Hiiis 45 Eric Schwenck scored a basket with two seconds remaining and in the process committed his fifth personal foul in a wild finish. After Schwenck went out of the game, Laguna Hills missed the front end of a one-and-0ne free throw attempt and Dana Hills grabbed" the rebound as the game ended with the Dolphins grabbing a one-point decision in the South Coast League game. Laguna Hills moved out to a 25· 18 halftime lead but fell behind In the final quarter, 16·9 as the Dolphins grabbed the decision. .. • WIDS, 42-40 Hess' 20-foot~r with :04 left does it By aOGEa CAaLSON 0( ................... Somewhere, aomehow, there ll muat be written down aom~wbere In an old acorebook or on a bulletin board ln Southern Callfornla prep basketball circles. It says: "Don't let a Jack Errton-coacbed team bavt Uu1 ball with the score tied In the fourth quarter." The reaaon la obvious. Jack Errton, the coach of tbe Corona del Mar High Sea Kln1s. has been down the road many· times in the put quarter century and he and his players know what to do wlth it. Friday night the player in the limelitht was 6-0 junior Mike Hess, who sent home a 20-footer with four seconds left to provide his teammates with the winning margin in a 42.40 Sea View League thriller before a near-packed crowd at CdM. "THEY JUST HJT EVERYTHING outside and under pressure," said Costa Mesa Coach Tim Parsel, who saw his team lose a 10-point halftime lead. "They beat us from the perimeter." The Sea Kings, down by 10 at the half and looking like certain losers after a 40 percent performance (8 of 20) against Mesa's zone, hit 9 or 13 in the third period, still from the outside, to tie it. Mesa got the lead at 38-36 and 40-38, but each time the Sea Kings retaliated, first a 16-footer by Kurt Peterson,• then an inside shot by 6-7 Hank Goebel with 3:47 remaining. The Mustangs missed from medium range, the Sea Kings got possession, Errion called time out with 3 :23 left and proceeded to run the clock down to 28 ticks against Mesa's man defense. ANOTHER TIME OUT, then the dwindling or time as CdM looked ror the right shot at the right time, and Hess clicked from the left side of the court. Costa Mesa got the ball with three seconds left, but John Strayer's overhand attempt from 60 reel out hit the front of the rim and bounced away. "It was just a gutty performance," said Errion. "We were down by 10 and hung tough, These are that type of kids ... there's no quit in them.'' Peterson and Chris Lynch staared scorine honors for CdM with 12 points apiece. Lynch. playing with a sprained thumb on his shooting hand, was the Sea Kings' major weapon in the first hair, but Errion went to Peterson in the second half when it was apparent Mesa 's zone was leaning on Lynch. "El~r PeterlOO aboota 'em down or 1¥8 don't 1et ll," Errton 11ld. Mesa'• bl& aun. 6--4 aenior Ken Bardsley, wu held to 14 pointa, hlttln1 half of hla 14 att.empta. The Muatan•s be1an with Garth Olson OD Bardaley1.theo 1wltcbed to Hae In the 1eeoad ball. '• Putung Hess on Bardsley waa taktn1 a bll chance," sald Errlon. ''But he did well and I thou1ht Heaa directed the team well under preaaure. "Peterson made some clutch shots, but thla was a team victory," It was also an uphill victory as the Sea Ktn11 did It without penetration, without boards for the most part and without a press. MESA'S QUARTET or 6-4 stars were never pressured beyond Corona del Mar's standard man·to-man defense and the Mustangs had only three turnovers, as opposed to CdM's 1lx. But what was a Mesa game for a half turned the other way in the third quarter as Errion's crew hit 9 of 13 (almost e xclusively from the perimeter>, then matched fourth-quarter buckets by Dave Palm blade and Bardsley, got the ball with the game tied and went to that old Errion ploy -the las t shot. Eagles, Tars • • post v1ctor1es Newport Harbor's Sailors and the Estancia Eagles refused to be slowed down Friday night a.s they got past the slowdown tactics of El Toro and Saddleback to log their second straight Sea View League basketball victories. Here's how it went: Estancl• 50, Seddleback 27 Saddleback's Roadrunners were within a 26-21 spread in the third quarter when Estancia's Jeff Gardner put an end to their slt>wdown with a couple of steals and eventuaJly filled the lane and completed a three-point play to give the Eagles a 29·21 margin. A couple of minutes later the Eagles had a 15-point bulge and it was over. "That three-point play really took the air out of us," said Saddle back Coach Pal Quinn. Last-second shot def eats Rustlers Guess, Trojans topple Irvine Gardner led all scorers with 22 points and added nine assists and seven steals. He was 8-for-8 from the line and Coach Larry Sunderman said, "It was just a nice job for him. That's why he's an All-CIF player." The Eagles hit 56 percent of their shots from the field (19 of 34) and made 12 of 14 from the line. Also sparkling were Randy Tift (16 points on 6 of 8 from the field > and Steve Kraiss, who pulled down 11 rebounds. Ir ). .. . ; ~· ·s ~ru be,. •ee J2-: ~ir. l. ' oJ 'I !tXi' nd MU ci~. '(lib 1l':·. SANTA MONICA -Golden West College dropped its second straight Southern Cal, Conference basketball contest Friday night. and the Rustlers did it the hard way. GWC (13-4) held a 74·73 lead with 12 seconds remaining, and the Rustlers had possession of the ball -in Santa Monica's zone. But Rustler guard Truietl Hatton, en route to ·ai would-be victory-sealing basket, was called for charging: The Conah"s got ttle batt baek md Bob Hodges scored on a four-foot jump shot at the buzzer for the victory. Hodges, who was fouled in the process, converted the free throw to give the Corsairs (2-0,12·6) the victory. The triumph overshadowed another fine shooting performance by GWC's Hatton who finished the night with a game-high 31 points. Teammate Darin Bowen added 21. For Santa Monica. sophomore Mike Gerren scored 15, Hodges chipped in 14 and Bill Ware scored 12. "We played very hard and we should have won the game. If a very questionable call (on the charging) goes the other way, then we win the game," said GWC Coach Jim Greenfield. GWC's Art King got in foaJ trouble early, sat on the bench much or the time and fouled out with eight minutes remaining in the game. G WC returns to action Tuesday night at East Los Angeles. The Huskies went down to their second straight conference defeat, 67-56 to Cypress. • Dawson rips Carter MONTREAL (AP > -Outfielder Andre Dawson of the Montreal Expos says the $2 million salary teammate Gary Carter is believed to be seeking is "a little ridiculous" and warns that Carter's negotiations with the team could cause dissension. Dawson, in Montreal this week to attend the team's annuat mid-winter news conference, also said if the Elipos don't sign Carter soon the team should try to trade the all-star catcher. Carter, has one year remaining on a five-year contract believed to pay him $230,000 per season. ~e is repo~ to be seeking $2 million a season for sax or seve'h'-years. "Not taking anything away from Carter, he's the best catcher in baseball," said Dawson, "but something is going to have r give because if it, Carter's contract negotiation carries on into spring training, there could be a lot or tension and· animosity." If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classified ad.Call 6.42·5678 and a friendly ad· vlser wllt help you tumvour wheels Into cash. University center scores 23 in Sea View League win By CURT SEED EN OI -o.ty ...... SCMf The timing was right for Irvine High Friday night. The...Vaquero basketbaU squad was playing its first Sea View League game at home against a University squad which still had to be reeling from a lopsided defeat in its opener Wednesday night. And, the Trojans were missing starter Norm Stozloff who was balUing a bout with the flu. To ma~e ~gs even more intereslinL University's Craig ROOse, a 13.1 point per game scorer, was ejected for a flagrant foul after just 33 seconds had licked off the clock. SO WHAT HAPPENED? Well, it seems there is this 6·7 senior by the name of Brad Guess who was still on the court for most of the game for the Trojans. And by the time the night was over. Guess bad pumped in a game-high 23 points and consistenUy clogged up the middle on defense to s park the Trojans to a 58·39 victory. "This. was one of the games we had to win," admitted University Coach Jeff Cunningham. "We have some tough games coming up against Corona de l Mar, EJ Toro and SaddJeback -all in a row - so we had to hang in there tonight." University was coming off a 57.40 setback to Costa Mesa in its opener, and the Trojan game plan to even their record at l ·l was quite simple ". give the ball to Guess. The lanky center scored 11 of his team's 14 first-quarter pointa and added ei1ht more in the secon~ quarter as the Trojans opened a tentative 28·23 halftime advantage against the pesky Vaqueros . ·'It was pretty obvious we bad trouble handling their big man," conceded Irvine Coach Al Herring. "Oh, we wanted to stop biftl, but we just couldn't keep him away from the boards. The guy has such long arms, he can just reach over our smaller guys." fl' ACTUALLY, GUESS wasn't that big of an offensive threat in the second hall -as Irvine center Doug Brozovich and ~3 junior Bernard Ussery held him to just four points in the final two periods. But his defense made up for tbe absence or offense. ' The Trojans opened a 38·27 lead with four minutes remaining In the third quarter and then took a 52.35 advantage with 2:54 left In the contest. Irvine, meanwhile, just couldn't find the basket -a problem that has placued the Vaqueros all season. "They put up a good defense," explained Herring. "They were basically man to man, but they let Brad sag in the middle and be was quite effective there. That forced us to shoot from the perimiter a.nd we're Just not a good shooting team." Still, Herring was pleased with the way his team played, particularly on defense. Newport Harbor 54, El Toro 30 "Our defense is getting better. I'm really proud or the the guys, .. he noted. As for the shooting: "We're shooting around 35 percent from the floor. In f.act . we're shooting 51 percent from the line. That's what some teams are shooting from the field," Herring added. Byron Ball had a ball despite an attempt by the Chargers to play a s.low-down game and as a result, scored 21 points and grabbed 12 rebounds for the Tars. . , WHEN GUESS WASN'T scoring in the second hair, his teammates were doing a good iob of balancing the attack. Troy Larsen scored 8 orliis 12 points in the final two periods, while Randy Myers had 8 of his 10 points over the final 16 minutes. "They tried to play a slow-down game and it worked pretty well for them in the first quarter as you can see," Newport Coach Jerry DeBusk said. "1 thought they were real effective in their patience~ _ "Even in the second half, they were still being very patient and not taking any shots unt.il they thoueht they could make them. Irvine's Brozovich, a 6·4 junior, led his team's attack with 15 points, including nine in the first half. Senior Robert Akers added 12. "We expected it but we got things rolling in the second quarter and didn't have any trouble after that." DeBusk felt the Tars shot well during the game even though they could ooJy take a 6-4 edge in the first period. 1t was 22·12 at halftime and the margin increased in each or the fmal two periods. "Irvine's improved a lot," added University's Cunningham. "1 think the thing that helped us tonight was our experience. We have five guys on the team who played <varsity) last year." The Vaqueros did their best to keep the game interesting. Even after three quarters, they trailed by just nine ( 42-33), but the Trojans wrapped things up by outscoring Irvine 16·6 in the final quarter. CM hosts wrestlers The call on Rouse, which resulted in his ejection, came after a scramble ror the ball. As the play was whistled , Rouse's elbow caught an Irvine player in the side of the head. Athletes from 31 schools are at Costa ¥,esa High today competing in the Costa Mesa wrestling invitational with action beginning at 9 a.m. The finals <first and third place> are scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. Among the field are a half dozen from the Orange Coast area -including Corona del Mar, Estancia, Fountain Valley, Ocean View, Newport Harbor and the host Mustangs. "It was just a judgment call by the referee. It was· his decision, but what can you s ay," added Cunningham. College basketball Tonfght'I g1rne1 -UCL11etUSC Or-St. et C.llfornl• LO¥OI• .. C.I Slet• Ful .. t1on $an DleoD St. et H-•11 P~N et L-. 1 .. c11 St 0'991ft et SIMford SI. MMT•• P«llk H.0. w.i.y., et U. of San 0'-C~ .. Cel Stete Hortlvk19e C.I Poty (SLOl et Cel Pol'!' ll"omclMI C.I Sin ..... field et UC IU-."'Cle C.I St• Ooml ..... t Hiiis al C.I State LA L• vwne et Whittler Occ ldeflt .... Radlendl CaltKll M 0.,emont·Mlldcl ttecll'" He¥ Me Las veon et !Mw Mulco WHlll"llOA St ... Arllo• .. Wellll"911Dft et ArlJipna St Ut.llet~~· lolM SI. et Nev-.A- I 'I U .. WYomlftll MJ-ietC--ldeho et Hof1r.NI Ari.- Mon!-.. ldel!O St. MDflt-.. w.c.r St. ~· l all SI. et Kant SI. Cent. Mkllloen at 1ow11no Or"" llllnol• .. ,_ Pvrdue-~ Mleml et H. llllftoh ... ,.__ .. "*-... ,.._St. .. H. I•• Wldll\9 St. 81 ...... ., Cl-._.St. •CM<W..11 lllCll-5t.lllC~ OllllMmll City et Oetroll S. llllllOflel ~-· °"'° u ..... MkN9'11 ..... ._, Otllo .. .,,,_,,, ... 111111--~-St. 1.oula ....... St. lt .. llMetK- W. 11111111ut K-st .. Ot•I ~uu,..,_ .. 111, ............... ~ Ml ....... MM1t111t911M. Wl~et0Nt9'. WIL..or-8"etV.._elW ...... Mlu lsslppl et,.,_.,.. Amerluin U. et Dre•I WeU Forni et CHlm.on Florl<Se St. et ~I• SI. West C..ollne M "'"'"'*' LOvltvllle et Vlrvlnl• Tedi Vlrvlnle .. H«111CMollN lthodt l!llMd et west Vlrofnl• us,. .. s.lltl Cerol IN T111-et Soutll Mlulssltlol Allron -T--Tecll Sovtll ~ .i Ale ·llrmlAQll•m Marll\ell at "-'«hi an St l'~!NetAubwn Auttln .._.., llt Murray st Cttll-ry at Hf. Loultlene Cltedel et Tem.<Ntt•.-oa If.. T--st. et Oevtcnon MerylMCI et °'*• Kentuc.ky et r--H.,.Cll~~ et 5-mlord v en41t1111t at~· l!Ht Cetollne M J~ -lton AlllMIUIPD! St. et LSU .... euoneo .i tWstt• SI. JOMPll'l ti o.lt•t'9 MesMCllUMtb •I Ouq .. _ ~"'"*"et Herve rd ... ....... lonatl-u SAiie el l.elayetta NevyatT_. Pt11¥klilow::t Ill SI. JoM'1 UtkeatR~ Syrec-111 VII-• SI P....-stitArmy "''"'_ .. .,_ ......... Teua111SMU Air F-• feua-1!1 Pno .. ,ior111 TeusM.M H-WI et feQt Ted\ Lamer et Piii Al'Nf1~ TlllMMHewMt1tlaSt, NI¥ ... LMV..-et New Me11k e N. T-k M T--Nllftll'Oft w11.-P.,....« Olllellerne TC:U « ltlc» TOU•NAMa•TI f'lllt ll ef a....e, ~ Oel'llllllM, ._..rt, ~..-a.wiey ......... '--· EW ltl2VW QUANTUM WAGON !; spa, trans. air cond. leatherette seats. radial tires and more! (Stk. ~). (004796). List Price SI Z.065 Dhcomt SI 370 SALE, .. CI s 1·0 695 SCllOCCO Coupe. 5 ·•P••d' tranaml .. ion, metal"cf pelnt, rear wlndoWlf w l per/w11h1r, ell~ wh .. 11, ltereo ceuetfo9 end morel (Stk. 3235);. (01?J.a , .. er .. 5 10 695 -(_ > . N•A .. neR• c:ottflaRaMce ~­S.ettla l"tlMnl• P.artlMCI Golden Si..• S....01 ... .. etltk .,.,, ..... WL t4 ' t1 11 It IJ " 14 " 14 114 .......,.Dfvlt*I l'ct. .. .n1 - ·"" t~ ."4 4~ .~ "" .s.J J~ .uo '"" Sen AnlONo Denver H..,tlon u~ ,. 1t ·"" -,. 17 ., J~ K.an .. •Clty 0.11•• 14 1t .414 "" 1110 J1S ' 1121 .. ...., I 2A .uo 1J •AST•aN CONf'aRaMCa A.-CDfvi. ... Plllladelllflla H I Boston 24 I N•wVon: 17 16 WHllln~ 14 II N•• Jerwy 1S 20 c-.1 Dtv!Uell Mllw9111t .. Indian.a Atlant.a Cllk.t90 Oalrolt Cleveland 2'11 11 " n " IS It 14 lt • 27 .... ,..I<_ Clllc~ lit, u..n 11> Boston"· Pfllled911>111• to N-J•rwy 110, Cleve!...., 100 Atlenwto, Mllw-M• Utell 1111, lndl.ane 102 o.n ..... 124. Pwn-111 T ........ •0-~•lo.troll New Yorlt et AllMl.t New.J-y el Pfltledetptlf.a K.ansu City el $.al> Antonio "-nl•elO.Ou Se.atll• et 0..W..- Ulell .at S... Oievo lndl.an.a .at CO-St.al.a .7M - .7SO ~ .SIS I .'31 IOYJ _,.. " .67• -.SIS M .... ·~ ,441 I .424 "" 111 1•~ Bulla 119, Lekera 113 LOS AM4HL•S -Br-w 2. J-1 WllllH 14, Abdul ·Jebb.tr "· E. JOflnson n. Ml•on 11, ~ 14, L.andbe<-10. Mc.- 2, JordM 4, Rambl• I TOCels: 47 lt-2' llJ. CMICMM> -0.-3, J -Withs S, Giimore 31, LKl•r n , Tllevs 21, !iot."l 7, J-• 11, Ol.atrlO J, Jeck-. o, K-o. Woolridge 2 TDl.ats· o ,..,. lit. kw. Illy 0..'111n Los A11911ft » 2' 25 26 -113 Clllc 990 JO 16 36 t7 -lit Fouled out -N-. Tole! foul• -Los At199IH 27, ChlC.tQO 27. Technlc•• -Clllc- Co.acll SIOM. A -11,'47. COLLEGE UCI atatiatica G "9 l't-A .... Kev1"M- Rendy Wllletdon BonMcOonalcl Reiner Wull SotlTllOrn- Kevln Full•• Leonard Jollm«I Jolln B..-llev Grant Taylor Aldl Cl.ace to Curll• Crontey M.arlt $t:llM TOTALS 12 12' 70 ,.. 2'.0 n t2 1t 203 "t 12. 60 11 141 II.I 11 42 1t 103 I. II 20 n SJ S.O 12 72 7 SI •.l 12 21 7 .. 4.1 11 12 10 34 l.1 10 It • JO 3.0' 6 7ll7U s 2 0 4 0.1 6 0 3 l OS 12 •2' llO 103I .. s COMMUNITY COLLEGE Santa Monica 70, GWC 74 c>OLO•N W•IT -Helton 31, 0 ... 11 10, Bowen 21, J.acob• 4, King 2. MvlH •. OUrllam 2. Totali: 21 1 .. 12 14 IAMTA MC*ICA -~rren IS, Akll 6, Hodg .. u. Ware IJ, Wllealle '· Hiii 4, W- 10, C•rr 7, Jecll._, 2 Total•. :M 1-111• Hallllme: Geil don Wttt. ~J1. Total loub: Golden Wnt 11. 5.anta -.!<• JO.. F°"'ledClllC: Kine~~ Southern Cal Conferenc. ~ o-.11 W L W L 5.ant• Monka 2 0 12 • C•oreu 2 o 10 S LASout~ 1 O I 1 Rio Hondo 1 I 10 1 Lot Aft991*! CC 1 1 7 7 r.olden WMt 0 2 1J 4 EHi LotAnoitlH 0 2 7 10 LA Herbo<" O 2 S 11 T...UT'•G-11'•1 Goklen _,el East Lot Angei.t 5.anl• Mofllca .at LA HarbOr SoutllWftl el A lo Hondo Los A,...._. cc at Cypreu HIGH SCHOOL CdM 42, Costa Meas 40 COSTA MaSA -P•llcllowUI 6. Pelmblecle 10. Ber6slty 14, Al•,..IMI•-•, Streyer 4, J. Field o Tot.alt: 141-12 40. COaOMA DEL MAa -Lynell IJ, Pele,.on 12. HHl t. 01...., 4, Goet.I I. Toteh: l02·l 0 Sc-Illy O..r11tn Cotla ""-w IJ U t 4- Coron.t del -• 11 It -Totel loul•· C:.la ~ .. 1. c or-oet Mar '· Newport S4, El Toro 30 EL TottO -l'outs I , Cr1Cllett t . Arnold S. lntlellart 4, RlcMer 4. Totals: 912-11 JO. M•Wl"OllT MAaeoa -8.all 21, s.a_. 01 Liner I, ..,.., .... , I, Folk 1. Scldmore s. Went.au 2, Ef191.tnd 2, :5elby o. Wy.,.t o. Wolfe 0. Tot.tis: It 1~11 54. Sc-. ..., o..""" EIToro 4 I 11 1-a Newport Hertlor • 16 14 11-54 Tole! flluls: II Tcwo "· Newport H~ lt; Fouled out: Pelletier IN-rt Herbor). Estancia 50, Saddleback 27 • ESTAMCtA -Krelu 2. G•r-r 22, Tlf1 16, MeyODM 4, Mkll-2, McC.11111 4, Oralle 0. Toi.tis: It 12-14 SO. SADDLaaACK -o...._1 J. G ... I , McAllltl.,. 10. IAbMcll 4, Gan.a 2, Hewom1 0 Tol•ls: 11W27. Sc.nilly~ Est.aMl.a U 1 11 17-iO S-lebaa 10 4 ' 4-1:7 Tot.al fouls: Estwicle, 1', ~1.-.11 14. Fouled OUI: ~ 1$edcllebKIL). Untve,_,ty 58, lrvtne 39 llMtv••stTY -Gueu u. Aou .. o, Myers 10, Aetcllffe •. Cllol S, Larwn U. Monroe 2, AIPlund 0. Tot.al.: 24 11H2 st. 1av1Na -CMver 4, B•X1er •. Broeovlcll U, HHI 2, Aller\ 12, u • ....., 0, M.artel 0. Toteh· 115-1' 1' Sc-..., o.a.-., Unlvenlty 1l U 14 It-• ....... .. • 10 ~ Tolel fouls Unlver•llv IS, lr•lne 70 Tecllnlcel: Rouw CUnlnrslly) Election: AovM IUnl ...... lvL HIOH SCHOOL ITANDINGI Sea View LHgue COf'O,..OllMM Est.an< la New"" H.trbOr Cott• MeN Unlvenlty El Toro 1n11na S.a4cllaNc:k L-W L ' 0 2 0 2 0 1 I I 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 lllilellMY'•O-Hew-' H•r1Mt" el Coata IMsa co,_.,., MM at~'"' lrYllle el Ettencl.a El Toro.at Unlvenlty South CoHt League L...-w L La9u11a llH<ll 1 0 O.ne Hiiis I O Minion Viejo I 0 Capl•tr-Valley 0 I S.nCle"*'1• o t Laoun.aHlll• 0 ........ .,,.o- Mlulon Viejo al $..an Clt,.,..,le LaguN 8e«f\et ~ Hiii\ C.apl .. r-Valley al 0.ana Hiii\ Angelus LHgue LHe9e w L SerYlle I 0 BltllOp Am.at I 0 St Paul 0 O NI.tier Oet 0 Bllllol> -·~ 0 w.-...y'•G- Sl P.aul .at NI.tier 0.1 Bllllol> Amal al S.nll• 0-1111 W L 1 2 IO t 1 • • s 7 s 1 I 0 I 2 I «>-•• W L I • ' 4 I I I 6 12 12 0-aN W L • • • s s I ' . 11 • HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN LakeWOOd SS, Htn. Beach 52 NllNTINGTOM aEACM -C.arr t , Cordo•• 1, T-...nd •. C-r 2, Mendota 12. Euckel\ 11, Cllnltont..ard II, HemSley o Totato: 2012-i. S2 LAICIEWOOO -U wlon 10, F.au.,.r l . Walll• '· Andtnon 3. VorNet o. Bllbl J, Gr .. n II, J~ 0 TOC•I• It 17-J7 U. k_...,_,,.,.. H1inllnQ1on Beecll U IJ 12 12-u LaltewOOCI 17 13 11 14-U Tota l tou11 Hunllnglon Beacll 14, L•kewood 21 , Fouled out Mtndoaa (H11nllngton Buell! NHL CAM~•ELLCOHf'CEaENCIE 5"'ytM Dl•l.tM Edmonton V.an<ovver Calgery Kl"ft Coloredo MlnnHot.a SI. Louis Clllceoo Wlnnl- TOf'onto Oetroll W L T Gf' GA "9.. 1' • 1 131 '" ff u 10 I 144 117 1' IJ II 10 I~ '" ,. IJ 12 S 165 ltl 11 10 2' • 11t 1" 2' Herrh DlvlMM u 11 13 ,., .. , <l " " • 154 IM 47 16 IS ' 171 1'2 <I 14 20 I IM ltl l6 11 " 11 111 115 J3 11 14 • 140 177 JO WALES COHf'CEaCEHCE ~Mrldt OM"-' NY 1\1.andtn Pllll.aM lpfll• Pllt1burgll NY Ra"91!0 W••lllnoton 24 11 S IU IJt SJ 24 14 I 15' 147 ft 11 11 • 165 ltl Cl 11 II s 144 Ill Jt 11 2S 4 Ul 111 2' Ad.a,,,. Olvlil• Bo•ton Bulla lo Montr·eat Oue~c H.arllord 24 11 s 171 136 SJ 2211115912752 21 10 t 1'1 120 St 21 u s "' 111 41 10 21 ' 1:19 17' ,, .. ,.,...sc_ Color-7. 54 l.oul• 1 T--·10.- a1.,..a1 Toronto Winni-al 0.troll Botton •l QueCI« Bulla to .al HerttOtd Clllcago itl NY Renter\ C•IQary •• Edmonton Pllll-plll• •I NV hlancler• V ancouwr •I Pllhburgll Mont,..•• at Mlnnesoc.a WaslllnQCon •t St Loul• WreatJlng HIGH scNOOL ,,,, .. U IEI T-12 100 l>lnnect -wel11no,. 111 KlnQMllll, 4:41. 107 -Aln.ander I ET) dee. C1'91'1, 6"J. 114 -B,.,.. Cl I dee. Warn, f.1. 121 -Mldd!Hlead (ETI dee. L.arltlM, "4. 121-Furall-• (t) Pinned F.aclo, J:4t, 134-hntley (I) dee AeYllel, t-4. 140-CIWISllM IE Tl dee. Suman, t -2. 147-Keller 111 pinned L-•. S:IM. n7-Aeed (I) pinned Eldf1d99, 1:s1. l~Sc~ (I) dee.. HeNI•, 14-1, 117-,._.. 111 pin,_., Rkller, 2 11 102-Svl.-olETlde< Si.t•ly,7..J. Hwt-s11-I II de<. L-•· M High ec:hool soccer eon ·-............ tlll E•l•ncl• scorlno: Moreno 1, u,.1t11 1, Devitt 1, Vnqua~ 1. Sacldlaeacll-1ne: <:Miro 1. c.-Maut.c.r.. ... Mari Cost• MaM acorln9 z-r!P,a 1, ..... I c-.... """'tc•lftt: Mc01m-2. II I U a.clll, ........ I M~lfllllan ... 11-lne: Nut. - Tvoaon Open er ......... l\lanTetlla Sto41$1,._ Andr8- J..,H-AIOel......., f'llUY Z"41ff L.ona,_,...._ Va11<eMNfMt J ..... ~ kMMr._ Mllt•D-'11 MJU 5'.tlllv .. Hwt1anor-ao11 Ea•twtad Oavldf...,.. 800 Glldff OreeP_, •-yc1.,.,....1 Do11Ja~ Dove a.,., Tom Pvruar 'TornJe•IN ~eterJec- M.lkt McGullougft Jlma-- SleveJ- FOf'l'ffl Feiler G•ry Trlvl- JOlln J au- Mlk• R•ld Berry J..Uel JOIW\y Miller LennyWeAlna Kelt11F*'9U1 JeflMltc:r.11 ld.S.1- Terry,._ PalMCGowen BN<t Oouol•l> Aon Strecll C•l•ln""1t BtrryH...-1 Aoqer C .. vln Jim TllorPI JoeH•- PelNOoll-b Tim Simpton Joe Inman Scott Watllln\ Tome,,..,. Maril PleO Ed Flori Woody Bl.ackbum Oen• Qulgf.., Allen Mm .. Jim ColDart 0.a n H alldor•on AlllMH-le JoNISc...-r Halt Irwin ll••d Bry.anl Biii Kratrtn Geore• eum. J ell 5.andws VIClorA_I_ J.C. SnMd Scott Hoch O•vt Slockton Bob By,,_ CurllsStrangt Jof\nC- Oelt Oouoteu Gene LltUer Sit .. H.ar1 Terry Olenl Fred Coupttt Bruce Ll.irte Urry Nat'°" Biii Brillon Larry Alnktr Clllp Beck Mike Hiit Bllt Garren Aonnlt Bl.tell Miile Bra,...... Oen l'rlcuy Jim Dent MlhSmllll Fr•nll Conner 0 .avtd s..,,.. Lyn Loll LH Elder BobbyW-lnt Blll~·­ BlllC•lf• Jell Kern Morrl• Hti.lsllv George c.ote Gtry Hellberg 0 A Weltrlng LovGr-... Clll Chi AOClrl!IUel A04 Cun Dave E IC,..lber-Qer Howard Twitty Grier JonH Fred Marti Mick Soll Mltl~r B.armr M.a.dl. O' IMM• Oon Pool.ey O.ave Hiii Tom Tatum Tommy V•lenllno George Arc,.., Jon Cllalln JetfTllomwn NI.art< Lyt RuCeldwell O•n PoN Cn.rtteGl- Jlm Simons R-rMalll)te Stev• Lletll .. Lerry Ml•• Ar1 W•ll Homero Blanc .. Woody Bt.ackbum l on Hlnltle Bob Tway M.arll Rosa George 5"or1r .. Sten Melnylt Jim Bertlar Paul P11rtur Andy Nortll MarllPelletler Santa Anita f'RIDAY'S aaM.ILn ..... '" ., .... _IQ ., .. , -,,. 11MS IU ., ... _,u .....,._1u ,...._,,. ., ... _lat ..... -1• Pl ... -IS7 ..... _,., 11.t6-,,, .... -111 1H7-IJ1 7Ml-1l1 11 .. 1 -1• ... 10-1• ,,..._,. ... 10-•• ,.,.,_ ,. ..... _,. ..... _,. 70 ... -1. ... 10-1• n-..-1 .. 11•-,,. ID-tt-IJt 7M4-1Jt 7 ... -1,. 11 ... -1,. 11•1-,,. •t-10 -11' 70-70 -HO 7~70 -1411 71 ... -140 7W7 -140 71 .... -1. 71 ... -1411 71 ... -1411 ,..,, -140 71 ... -1. ... n -Ho 1~10-140 7HJ-140 •t-71 -140 •t-n-141 71·10 -,., n •t-141 1•11 -141 11-70 -141 ,, ... _ 141 •t-72 -141 71-70 -141 10·11 -l•I ,,..,_ ,., •t-72 -,., •t-n -141 11·10 -1•1 •t-n -141 71-70 -141 •t-n -"' 72-10 -1'2 71-71 -10 n -10-142 72·70 -142 71-71 -10 72·70 -10 ,, .. , -142 71)-12 -IU 74--41 -142 1~12-.. , 10.n -10 71-11 -IU 71-71 -1'2 12·11 -143 71-72-143 12·11 -143 11-72-143 11.12 -14.) 72·71 -143 11-10 -143 72·71 -143 71-72 -143 1s-41-143 71·72 -1'3 1Ml-143 71>-13 -143 1C>-7J -143 72-71 -141 1J.10 -143 71-73 -144 , ..... _ ,44 72·72 -144 73-11 -144 72-12-1 .. 74-70 -144 7--144 7s..t-, .. 74-70 -1 .. 7).71 144 72·72-144 73-71 -, .. 73-11 -144 71·72-144 72·12-144 72-72-144 11·11 -144 74·71 -141 1•·11 -141 14·11 -us 717•-J..U 11-74-,,s 13·72 -IU 17-41 -14S 75-10 -141 7J.71 -16' 12·74 -16' 11·1S -16' 71-73-'" 73-73-16' 7 .. 70 -16' 72-7•-16' 72·74-16' 74-72 -'" rs.n-147 1 .. 11 -,., ,,_,. -"' 13-1' -147 12·1S -147 1'-14 -147 , .. n -u1 JJ.13 -... 77-71 -141 73·7S -141 7•·75 -, .. 1~13 -14' 1~1' -ISO 7J.7S -ISO (lltll ...... , ............... "' ...... , l'laST aACa. • lurionvt Nol>I• M.iocly CM.artlnu l 27 .60 t.60 uo EHier Glow (Velonwel•I 4.10 ,, ... Donette (Dal,,,__ye) l.20 Alto recect· Court 01 .. si.r, Biiiy KunodV. O C Buu. Promln.are, Cool Mlstru1, Mlr-,UI MU Time: L 12 2/S sacOHo•Ae•. 1 ""m1,.._ Prlncau Aly• IOl1v¥"l uo l .40 > 00 All Nall Heed (Slbllle) I 00 J.20 Pampa• CAI ( Dl.aJI S.IO Alto ..ad: Tr-'t 8Huty, Count ... Suun, Perty Sandt, Aomentlc Mullell. Pet'I C!wttm. Time : 1:6' 1/S. U DAILVOOUaL• (W I paldset.OO. TNtaO«Ma.-1........_. Tenll• Fll"ll cca...,_1 • 60 4 10 J.00 I Love C"""'*'Y ILi_....,, I 40 • 20 Jutt Goellt\ IG.alllt-1 UO AISO r.aced: N1a9lc Bro.aclCHf, Argyle'• llro111er, RMI Pl>yl, lnt0lred Aoaln, L.otM Cool T lme: 1: It llS. f'OU R TM aAC•. ·~ fur 10n9t-A Royet Wtk>lme (Mcc ....... 1 •• l.20 uo Air B•,.. cea..-1 a.10 uo Korn 1511111 .. l UO Al'° r!Kad: T ... Ollll ... Kid, H.aullM, Swift Hitter, ""'1rla't Pull, Casino Pit•, arow11 .. '• o.-n. Tlme1 l:ltllJ. Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS . ";;:::..;.' ~ •' MAT ARE. TME CORRECT PR.&SSURl!t POINTS ? IN A GOOD GO\-F GR.IP. I H0\.-0 ON Flf\M\..Y e>UT NOT 'Tl C>MT\.-V IN ~OTM HANOS, ANO WITH A\..\... MV FtNQl"fi ON .,.'"4 C LUb. ..... 1' .. llACL • l11t!Met. Ullll'Mlc ..... IVallftt11tl.al UO i • Ut l'enlttl~l •·•,.... MewN•O.WCIMec-.> t,• Al .. rtc.-1 9'tilf WllA A•. ar-. CelMaa, er .... •tY l'ttt,.U,, e . IUU ~~'''"" ... IUICTAO-tl ... Ut ... llXT•IUC8.6 ........... . (•-.... , IMcCMfMl t.ao UO IA f'owr Ter 111~1.al >.• IAI It•• ,.........., IC:..taMNI t ... Al .. r.acM1 "'" s,tnl, J.attlftt A-1, H . Two 011, Ardltnl ltl..-t, AU•ry•ll. MIN OuldMra. ata'tMM Tll'lle; I: 114/S ICVe•Y" aACI t lwt ..... IM•l•IM l~l t OI l JO .. ,. r11111"4t CHtwteyl •.ao , .. s .. au11• R1111 11111111t1 10 • Al .. raw: Tetto, M .... llM Miiie, WI-. u11rec11a,..., Tllf! t• ... ,, ~"'Y Tlmt: l:OH/S, ti ••M:TA 14-41 p.ald \117,oo. ti ~ICtC II• ( .. 4·M ·N l MIO M,S70A •1111 24 ·-,. llck.U h la llOfw&l. U ~Jt SI• centoletloft "'° t'll 10 Wltll 40t wl....W. tlOela 111 ... llOrWiJ. •IGNTit RAC•.·~ IUf~ 111 Trw l'orm IMcC-rtnl I 411 S JO t.11 Prine .. • Or(le 10.1-... Y•I 1 40 ... Ewcluslvely RelMCI IC..teneoal' 4 ... AISo reced: Wlllt• Mom•nt, Got•c••· A1lrlo11s, S..Cl.a, Ona ICIU. Time: 1: 16.0. NIMTM aAC•. l\lt mll .. Prlncely Vffdlc t ICH llMNI too J.60 2.40 Rem Boldly IH.awteyl t.60 t.20 Pell11 IMcC.r.,) UO AISo r.aced: N•oe•·• va110. MaJullc COllrt. G•illl, ComoervaUonht. Flvlnt 0- T lme: 1:$0l/S •t IXACTA 1~11 P<tldU400 Alt..,.__e: lt.t43 Loa Alamitos f'atOAY'I aHUL U l)ltt .. ,......~ ... --... 1 f'laST llAC•. 400y.,.cb. Lovely !AU,.,_ (Arm1tranel 1J 10 4.20 J..tO Fl .. t .,._ (Oornl ..... 11 •.OD 4.20 Fly to the -IT,....urel IUO Alto reced: W1111 Joe BOCI, Oe\lllng 0..1. AHi E.asy Jet T-, '#Mia BIJI Body, lme Gian Too, EHY Fkllt, A•bo Polly Time: 20.11. U EXACTA CJ.•I P<tld Ul.40. HCOND aACa. 400 yerci.. Olckevt Fire Allll IH•rtl 7 40 '-20 3.• YouK-WllolMltc:,..111 100 1.60 Walleme_.l_(TrHs11rel ...0 Alto recacl: _sv-Cl""'9r. JlmtJo• Ace, Tu l Oanc.e, Teulonl<. Eaol•h A•--. Fla\lly Gold Moon, Jo.a Pkcoll Time 10 11. TMlaO RACE. 400 Y•nls Gty Native Too IH•rll 10.10 • 00 3.00 Humbuo County (Nlcooemu11 • oo 3.60 Tllrlll ot Victory lt..ao..,I J.00 Also rec.O. Jff1'111\ 8"1, ""'""' Ma", Wink Cllk , Honda J el. Oonna Summer-. G•g•. Time· 10.P. U EXACTA C11>-•l P<tiO 14' IO l'OU •TH ••ca. 400 yerd• Hu~lllno Euy <Creagerl 4 ID J.IO > 40 Stlaved Ole.a (Herl) > 60 l .40 Sir LyM Oeo (Treesul'9) lM> Al.., raced: ~tvs OueMnberg, Am•rt<, , Eaalmer S.ld, A N•lur•I. Montier L.a Aue. Time 20.5'1. U EXACTA 12-61 P<tld n 40 f'lf'TM IUIC9. 400yardt TN Pl.an CAdalrl 2 60 2 40 120 SI• For Sure (Datombal t 00 4 00 Counl T,_ C...... (Hert) J.20 Alto rac.ao: MllO l•le, E•IY lr.adll ..... T n.ickers Joy, By e.dulno. Go Concord Time 20.41. U &XACTA l•JI po11dU7.40 SIXTH RACIE. 400 yerdt T ••I• O Tu.a~ I Piikenton i 40 IO 14 .o 7 :.io EHY A.ambler (C....CIO<•I I ao •.oo Oeelandt IC,.agerl 10.20. AIMI r.aceo Mr 0y,..mll• 0.0. ""'"""' LH . Goin Fw It <;en.rel Brown, Cl'-r Fllgf\1 Time 20 43. HVIENTM aACIE. 400 y..-ch Joe Are Coo4 ( 8.ard) I 40 '.20 4.00 Call Sllot ITrM>Ur•I 17 .20 1.40 OrOt> ol Br~ IC¥d01a) S.IO Also rac..i: G.ar1-Slt9"ent. Ima 1: .. , Rell. So11ny Ille Bull, My Fllglll Pl.an, Un<onl.Ued Time: J0.35, U EXACT A IS-II oalcl •IS2 00 U fllCK SIX (J.ll>-2-4-7.SI P<tld Ul.142 ""'' -•Inning tklta1 Illa 11or ... 1 U Pkll S .. consolation P<tld stO 40 wllll 10 winning UCkeh Cllve ,_,..., U Pkll Sia Kretcll conool•llon paid SU•.'° wltll 3 wlnnlne tlOeh I four"°''"' one Krelcll) • I GM Tit ltACIE. 400 rwcis Flylno Aocller !Ad.air) 4 '° l 60 3.00 B .. t Of Me IBlniMI 7 00 4 60 Klu.aclllc (B.ardl i.• AIM> rececl: WNn Roell ... Aye Do,., Miu Cllk ll.1 Polley, Feature BMy Rapid S.lnt Sllone, Nellw Strl"O' Tim•: 20.D. NINTH RACIE. 400 yaro\ Mldlend Halln ITr ... urel • 00 4 IO J.40 Intrepid NI.an !Hert) • 40 •.OO E•Plotlve Nallw IC.atd01al 4.00 Also r.aced: Kii• C.llaroer. Miu Br•re O•wn, Nellw 5e>arkl~. Tw ice The Sl>k• Time 20 II U IXACTA 12 .. 1P<tld\.SO00 TEMTlt -CE UOyards Sir OancHlot !Karil 4 40 J JO l .40 Fort A J •I (Flor'ell 4 00 l.lO Guloed Wl\11 ICNvHI >.Ill Al.., raced: lme Luclly Coln, Sur: Splash, Ona T 0 W•lcll, Arul>kl Time: 21.0t. U UlACTA 12·71 palcl SU 60 Allend•nn: 1,sn NF\. Injury repor1 1n111rv report for Sunday•, NalloMI Footl>•ll Conf~enc• cll.amplonthlP - t.tw-Oellu -San Fran<IKt1 -tN Am.trlCM Fooeball Gcln .... enc. '"" game belwHll 5.an 01•90 and Cincinna ti, •• ._II.ad IN H.allon.al Football Le._: Do-at S. f're11<kc.a Cowboy&: G Herbert Scott C.anlllel q .... tloneble. Ed J-• (llnMI, LB Angelo King IMll.l•I L8 o.o. t..ewrt Ccelfl, G K"'1 Pet•rMn 1-.1dltr1, OE Bruce Tllom!on (hand), CS. OWlrti. W .. ers Chip). OT Jom Dutton I INQ!ll, .,._Ille 4'9,.: AB Ricky PMton (llnMI CIOubtf\11. OB o..., a..>lamln 111111, RB Wall E••...., lllul OE Lewrenc• PlllW'I (\houlderl. WR 0.lglll Ct-((lul, T Ktltll Fallflh0"1 Ctlul, probable SM 0...-at CIM"'Mtl Cllaroen: CB &ob GreQOr (neekl, G Ed Whit• lneclll, OE W iibur Yo1111g (,,.m•lrlngl. LB Keltll Fervu•on C\houlclerl. _.tlon.able. RB Clwcll Munet• lfM, oe Ed Lllthff lflul, RS JOlln Ceppellelll 19,.1111, ce w111 .. 8«Mno11 lk,_>, LS Jim uttavlc (groin), C8 MIU Wllll.amt 1.,.....1, OE Leroy Jonft ,..,. lnte<llonl, TE Kellon Wlnatow (SllO<llderl, WR WH (llandler l rlllsl, ~ 0-ge ••rt• lllem1trl"f), pro«lffle. ...... lt: No lnfllflai • .....-. ' . Chehenae tourna1Mnt · ca10.C..1 CWPllM*t ....... Woll ... F111e11 • ." .. TtlMNr, 1 '· 6.-l ................. J -l.lft Off< dltf _,_ M<Eiw•, J._ .. ,. , .. ; '#ofnen'a toum•ment ............. , ~ ........ B•rb¥• Polter -· Andre.a J...,.r, ._,, 1 .. ; Sylvia HMllte def, llOnllle G.aduMtl, •2, ._,I Anne Smltll clll. ,...,,. Sllrlver. •"*· M. Mertln.a H.avretltova del. lettln.a Bunte.~•. u . DHI• Cup ptellmfnary round. c ....... ll ... , flNllJMAU I, ......... I ~ ...... Rodolfo GMlrlel I............. .,., P•no Clll Y'*I, ~2. l-4, W. 6·1, '2, K•lvln ltO IHono Kongl &.1 ""-'-' Vall..-mos • ._,, M.•·> College •Wlmmlng UCll11.,...._I CetMMtaeit~Mll f'lnt De\' ·-" MUI I meter diving -1 E111-. IMV Swim Club). «M JS; 2 Laftden IUCll. 1'0.tS, J. Simon• ICSLAl. 370,., SOO l r ••"YI • I Jon e• ICl•remonl-Mudd). 4 41 U ; 2. Oon•- 1 Pepperdlne l, 4:0 01. J Tf\Ornton ICS NortllrldQal. 4:4' .... JOO IM -1. Smltll IC!. Norlllrldge), ?·Ol.14; 2. Aye,. IUCll. 2 03.01, J. 8- (Pe-rdlne), 2:03 .... SO lraestvl• -I A-II. IUCll, 22.17; 2. Jollnson IClaremonl·Muddl, 22.40; 3 Cordoba~ ICS Hort1Wh$1Jtl, 21 41 400 medley relay -I Wllde•I A-1k Club (Chico>, 3:• .... 2 CS H-ldlle, > 3t Jt. I. ..._rdlne, J 41 11 Tearn uorln11 UC lrvl11e 116, CS N or lllrl dge 114, PaPP••dl n e 70, Clar•mOftl·MuclO S4, WI Ideal Aqu.allu 47 WOMEN l·meter Clfvlno -1. Serwen ICS long' BHClll, 425.'5; 2. Ger.ard CUCll, 414.05; l. GaKO ICS Long Beeclll. UI 40 200 medley rel.ay -I Te ... \ l •<11, I: 54.Sl; 2 WOlllnQIOn SI., 1 S4 It, 3 $.al> 0._ SI., l·:oJ~.-V-1 Pal..-IS-~St.I, "s Ol.17. 2 Hampton ICS Hor111rld99l, S 11 2', > Oentorlll IC!. Nortllrld99l, s " .. SO breitS1 •trolte I Berloccl IW•\llln(llon SI.I. n 21. 7 L•UQlllln ISefl Diego St.I, n .40, 3. Yukm.,. CTeu• TKlll. n.". 100 butterfly -t St•nlloll ICS ~ Beaclll, ff.01; 2. Stewert CWelhlnvton SU. 1·00 04; >. J_.r IS.an 0'*90 St.), 1:00 i.. 200 IM -1. L.aUQlllln IS.an Dle90 St.I, 2 12.•. 2. °'""" Chu• T•clll, 2 u 60; J. Ber toe cl IWelilllngton SI I. 2 1' 7' 200 beck-• -I --ICS Lone Beac ll l, 2· U U , 2 HAmplon ICS Non11r1<1Qe1, 2· 11.29. J. Hyde !Tu.at Tedll, 2 ..... IOO lr-yle ,.. .. , -I CS Nor1tvlc1Qa. 1:0>.SI; 2. Tun Tecll, 1·0t.•2, J. Color-S1., 1:1U1. Tum tcorlng: San 01-SI 1'3, TU.ti TKll 131, WMNnoton SI IOI, cs Lont 8Hcll IOl, CS Nortllrtdot ti Pro bowtlng _.. Mltlt Ute ClaMk (al W*"*IW<wl, ..._ .... , .... _Le_" 1 G_., Tr-U'U 2 Manftall Hol,,_ t,70t J B-. Knipple •.m 4 w • .,... w-'·"" s Joe Hutctllnson •.m •· Dew O.vl• '·"' 7 s1 ... WestberQ t ,4St I M.arlt Baur t ,GO f Gr .. o.m..ko• t ,Jn 10 Mlltt Aulby t,a 11 Gery Okkln'°" t ,J7' 12 J.ay A--. t ,lM 1J J•,.,... Mili.r t,m 14 Gii Slllttr t.271 U Fr-Elem, Jr t ,254 16. Bruca Certer 9.2:51 17 Tom Filion •.m 11 Gii SCr-t , 119 It P.ul MoMr t, 170 20. JolVWly Plrttaoll• ,, 160 '1. George P-s t, 112 n 0.11111• Jee_, t,057 u. Ste .. ~llcll l.M 24 Al.anGr-t 1,111 Fttday's tranaactlon1 9AM8AU. MetJwal u.e- . NEW YORK METS -Treded R•Y S.er•te. l>lkller. 10 tlle CltWI-•-- for Tom v,,..,,_. short.too. SAN OIEGO PADRES -Hel'Mcl P'tl• Bock e-rel m.,....r 01 Hewell al It. Peclllc Coast IA41Q11e. IASKITaALL .. .......................... MILWAUKEE BUCKS -Pieced J-8rf6o9.,_, .-...•-•rO. on ,,.. lnf- llst PooT8ALL " ............. llL...-OREfN BAY PACKERS -S'9Md J• Slenerud, kicker. eno Kurt Allerm.an, ltnelMlcker. MOCllaY .........'"'", ........ COLOaAOO ROCK I ES -Signed J•ll L•rm•~. ltft wlfto. l«CIR N.-~aacur....._.. COSMO$ -Sl9ned IEl'tln Cl11er, mldfleldllf'. l'ORT t..AUOEROALE STRIKEaS - SlenH JOI!.._, ........... R .. HM llkk Wlege11d, dehnder N•M•d ••Y Wl~dlret'.ter9' c....-M41cllfllc.t.. ._.,,.., CdMties; Estancia wins, 4-1 A 1oa1 In the lut minute and a ball of the game lifted Coroaa• del Mar into a 2-2 lie with o.ta Mesa, while Ellancla k.noebd otr SaddJeback, '-1 ln Sea VW. Lea1ue play Friday. Meanwhile, HunUnstoo 8eadl tallied lat.e in the second ball to earn a 1-1 deadlock with Sentte ln non·league action . Junior center.forward ~ McCrlmnon netted blJ •~ goal of lbe game with under-two ·SOCCER - minutes remaining lo help tM Sea Kings salvage a Ue •l ~ 1 Mesa. CdM is 1-0-1 in the S.. .t View after bealine Irvin Wednesday. Richie Blogg and Tem Zamarripa scored ror Ilea which overtul'ned an early l deficit to take a 2·1 lead into final mome.nls. The Mua are also 1-0-1 in lea1ue play 4·1·4 overall. Estancia rests at.op the View with a 2·0 mark a disposing of Saddleback. different Eagles scor including Carlos Moreno. /1 Ursini , Bob Devitt Salvadore Vasquez. Al Hur dribbled 'In and s from around 20 yards out with minutes left to play as the Oile cl tied Servile. · + Servile scored first in t~ opening half and on a pena1 k i c k go a I" by M arc Veruckvitch. Huntington Beach, now 7-2-1.' plays Mission Viejo Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 on the Oilers' field. Sunset League play opens Thursday night, 7 o'clock, against Fountain Valley. Troup takes over lead in Anaheim · Guppy Troup moved into the lead for today's finals in the Miller High Life Classic bowline tournament at Anaheim's Wonderbowl, taking a 106-pi.n lead over MarsbaU Holman who led after four rounds. Holman is second and will compete with Bobby Knipple, Wayne W e bb and Joe Hutchinson in today's tele~ finals. Channel 7 will bring tM telecast here on tltl>e del.u .t t _ o'clock. The finals are set fef:1 11 : 30 this mroning. In today's first match, it be Hutchinson against We with the winner facing Kni Holman will take on the s with the winner of that m going against Troup for $23,000 first prize. Knipple mo.ved into the five from eighth place a Thursday's competition. He the only one to break into the five during Friday's two r of match play. Webb, the 1980 PBA Player the Year, made a strong m from l,7th to third plac beginning Friday's competi · : and managed to hold on fcif t fourth. Holman, one of the moat colorful bowlers on the t.ou.r, ii the onJy finalist who made t.be field last year. He finished second to Stevt;, Martin in 1111 and can conclude his first tournament of 1982 no worse than the same position. Holman is trying to get rid ol his title as a hol·dog and a victory today would give him a big start on the 1982 season. He was the leader by lOS pbm a year ago while averaging 221.1. pins for 42 games but in lbe televised finaJs, ran into-apllll and piii.s that wouldn't fall. RI.a 185 fell far short of MarUn's 216. OCC, Gauchoe battle foes Orange Coast College tries even its South Coast Conte basketball record tonight the Pirates entertain Santa (7 ;30), while Saddleback tra to RiversideCC where the touted Tigers await, also at '1: p.m. OCC, coming off a To. decision al Fullerton WedJIMllll ni1bt, boasts a 9-8 record. Pirates shot a dismal 31 from the field againat Hornell. Santa Ana. an 89-78 over hapless San Diego M Its opener, boasts a 13-' record. At Riverside CC, ao 1uard Mlke Kearse aQd Tl1era 07·3> host Coacb Brummel's GaucbOI. Keane, Mt . San Antonlo tranate sparked .Rivenl<h CC to a verdict over Palqaur Wednesday. SaddJeback COUDltrl wttll sophomore 1uard Geor1• Turner who II averaaiAI.,..... Lb&D 20 pol.nta per ..... ,,. Guacbol downed Ctt.naa. _. .. II l.belropmer.- -, e l(H)(T <CH> • I e KNIC (,..IC) · e KTLA (tftd.) ~. KAK CAK> · f i • KflMe tees> 1 • KHJ•TV (Ind.) e KCITCAIC> 1 I,. l(nY (Ind.> I •• ICC'M"TV CINI.) t • KCSTCPnt ' •KOCI tNS> ~---1"'"·~~,,_--""'!"'"--~~~--~~-------~· ........... ~ ...... ~."""'~ ......... ~""""''~'~""'"11!!!11!!1'¥1!•-'!" ......... ..,, .. ~, ............ s ....... "".c!9!!•.•> .. 2~2•2 .. a111 ... im11!111'tll!!ll"!'l!lll!!llll!ll!l& .. ~011112 .. a~e111•s111s•z• PORTRAIT -Captain Stubing <Gavin MacLeod> falls in love with an artist, guest star Lee Meriwether. who comes aboard to paint the captain's portrait on "The Love Boat" at 9 tonight on KABC (7 ). .-lllld B s.lvedOf lllld ~In CellfomlL (I) TANM I LONm M.-.. ·M8CAL~ ThoUHle~--- turwd In 1111'11 dlpe 4lnd lhona. .. , LIAWITT091AVW. VLLAALBIM WILUI Thia ..,_.... profllee, mn .,_gotle Md ~ ~. Ill flOUm GOU> I TMUNDAM (C)MOVm **'4 "Mk Ari'/ Giff'' ( 1Mt) 8hWtoy Meol.lllne, 09¥ld Nlwn. Job lllld 111»- bMd-huntlng occupy the llnle of • girt ~ wrtved In .._ Yoftl City. .. , .......... OZZIE NIO HANmT HIAntCUPR NID MAMMDUICa .MOVm * * ._. "Tho Slags Al Rad Allow" ( 11154) v.... ~ _..,~On.I. • CMUIQt .. THI HOltlm • THE GIUfTM Wr'n4 AmlllM'* NOAO t1=Mt0.al> • • ''"""'°'* Ch41n1*9'' (1981) Alan Mein, Mart«ta H~.A--of~ dor91andlnQ9 -• eodal _.. IO IU4IP¥Cf !NI a aoparatad oouPe _ohld...._'PO' Cl) THE WADICY WON.D MJOMATHAN ... llM aw.c: Aober1 filllar. 10:00. (I) NCAA M8KET1W.L 8-1 Frwld9oo .,._ Soult! Cetolna eacouw M8KET1W.L ~et NorUt Caroll9 I IHANANA GOLo.GOU>/ TNJNl)jtM I CM~~ ..,.,. . * ... "Paola Of The Seddlo" (,._, Jdwl Weyne. ~ Corrigan. I nte OLD HCX.a VOT'Ur8,...,.. Jim Cooper lnl ..... ~ ._. BnMn. Sc**• of Iha ~. CalHom'a Stne ~. abolll -- --leglalatlOn tNt wll ""9cl Orengo County. ~=-, ... •••• ··~1on·· (1880) Ellen &umyn. Sam Shepard. Aft• • -falal auto acddant, a woman flnda that ... "-the lllbll- ty to heal OChars but i. pot· ~i-...ofi..., .-... to Qalrn • dhtne lr'lftuenC*. 'PO' . ..,.,. * ** "9 To 5" (1990) .-. Fonda. Dolly Parton. nw. WOttllng -,... ...... lhalr' ~ gatlon 11¥ • --chauWliat tioea. 'PO' -1 lLAI ICA'8 TOP TIN wrMMOWt ,,. WOODCARJlll I ....... .~ .. PAITIL Ill HM'TltCU'ft l#J ...,,....,.. 11:00 I TNVAN ... ..., INCW. ..... .,.... The Vampire Rabbit" NW a ternly lldopta an abandoned bunny, ,...,_.. ~ s-*9 laed .. ....., C8I and dog to ..... "'* ,..pes ... _...,.. • WU. WIU)WOfl.D °"VIMALa I== Ut INCM llM.M MOYIE *'*'4 ·~ Owwwd" (1tM) Aobort T~, K9Y l<Mdal. King Loula XI att9""'ta to crMt• • ,....,,.. ..... out °'. """ dll~ (JI>,,.., ..... 1t:11e8 U..DDUt ~MD 1 -.o.-.o~· .....,....., MMC»t&OMD .... ~ • .MCK LOM)ON""" ...... DmVMI TN .. of .. C •=•-• .................. )OUlfl to NI ~delml cm Oii.rv (%) l ·TV ®HBO Cl:> (Clnamnl (J) (WOR) NY., N.Y t1) (WTBS) (J} <ESPH) Cl> (~Imel • SOotl!Qht e Cc.aota Nawi Net-rtl) ~ .. the .. of 40 In • dacu- dtama etamna Wiiiiam 0.-.. (Jl>MCMI ···~ "Doc1of ~ .. (1111) °"* Sftatjf, Oar-. dine c:t.plln. Two io-. ~.~:.r --~ I -.~-• -AFTERHOON~ L _ .. =-= --·'-1l:CIO. (I). IA8f.-r .... caAfla •. Tosi colega _.,,. trorn tha&et-..-....- lt'°9e fi"om .. w.. In .. __. colega tootblll ... a1er game (11¥¥ from Palo Alto, Calf.). • ooe•-UlaT'MU. WlllOfllneton at Anz-8._ • L09T .. IPACI • MCMI •• * * '* "A StteMcar Named Deal<&" (1851) Marton ~· VMan l.lllQfi • ADMl-11 • QULTING ··ai. Auction'' I HC*a CIGAIAN)Ei .. CIBIE"_,. ooe~ ~ Uteh et COiorado State Cl)MCMI ***~Moun­ tain" (ttet) Sim Ac*-. .......... A rough 4lnd t°'91 cowboy dellNw9 • n-. of io... lllld the ~ aplrtt In the Old w.. ·a· .MCMI * •~ "Oda To Mly Joa" (1978) Robby Benaon, ~ O'Connor. 8-' on ttle ~ 11¥ 8obbla Gentry. A tonMntad t~ agar'• .,... ecper1aflO¥I ~ .. """ tt\la ,_,'PO' (Z)MCMI *. .... ''The o.ttlnG Of INladcwlt''(11fl)&ullrlnah ,_.., In tw!WJt.~ Uy ~ • young -lrOfl'I the OUIOodt hM dlflk.My lldjudng IO ....... ~°'.,, ...... girt¢' ac:noot. 12:11 I :::.r8fD....,. • * MRaq&Aam FfJ' A a-- llgMar'' I 1M6) Aod C-oron. Stepien Mc:HM!y. • ADllM-11 • M ""°'° IHOW ''Mllklng CcwMct.a'' In IN darilroom, Jon Ooall ~ IN llordwata and c:t.1iklOla needed lo IMlk• oontact ....... and iihotoeir--1 HOltlm CIGAllllN)El .. im•81"• ,. =- •o·wmWON.DM WORT'I LM --oa of ttle Hula Bowl (from Honolulu, ......,Q .MCMI ··~ .. ~ Tho Light Of The~ Moorf'' (115S) Dorl• Day, Oordon ~-• "°'""""" .. PMTILI '"• .... ICe "" Profle'' • WNT1NG PORA MMON ''The l.Mtar Of Apcllcao- ltoft" (C)MCMI * * "Double Trouble" ( 1987) Elvla Praelay, Amotta Oliy. A young Brit· teh hatrH• bacomaa ~toafWftOUO An*"-' pci, ..,_ - 1:11. P..TROOP 0'9'ourM'a dovllltl ,..,_ dnoaftda on F·Troop, .,... .. ,.....,to rwnodal ttla tort. • NOVA "A Toudl Of S.•IMIY' .._ ~ tlndll10¥ on tflo~andpa)'­ ~~of · toudi In our ._ --~~fatA MMOM .. ...,._,. Cl)'"°"" ILOCK .... TAU(MlNf "'1NMI ,.,,_ YMlllO ~ ....... ,,_ Dauglla. • ••••ttraw .MCW9 .. . ..,... ........... (1114) Mirto Mdr&al. ~ I .. ~ • Nna..r°"nta I "' Devld lalioffbrun ..................... .............. ...................... ................... ' .................... ................. ----. ,~ ........ ..,,_ ....... A *"I .. , ........ ... "'*....,..,.. youfl _.. ...... cm..,. '**'* "'n. ~ n. I ........ (..., ... IMll"-',v..~ ......... .,,. ..... ...: .... ..... _ ........... ... ,," ,.........,. .............. _ .. .... *** ~IX' 49'' ( .............. .-..--.1-... ................... ....... -. .... y .. at)'• W.f$ MI ..... UMofM,._. ... .......... ., ........ ........ 'O. ~ ....... ***'* "l•O•llll:ur" (,..1) N1t111 T.,-y, NIDd W..1-.1.TM...-..flt '°"' .,..,, tNtne ,_., ...... to .. ,.,.... .. ....... T ...... 'W .. , .. Cl*nRu..&A •... .,.w • "°"" ••• ·~ Altd ~ .. (1174) Cllnl .................... ewua "'* ..,.... pr-. an -.....--~ -~ ***" ''TM ... Of °'11M" (1t4f) ..,.,_ T~. K.eltlaftna Hapbwn. ..... ,..._ ,.,,,_. Md ,....,. to ... the ~..:·'*"'Y- **** ''TN Uon In~ ..,.. (1111> ,,_ <>'Toda, I ~ Hapbwn. Eno- IMd'• King Hanry II ,_ an egoNdng daGll6or'I Oller '*' ~ .. ha oon-...,., .... '*' °'°""Y --,... to .. •Olig ••ad S--of~.·PO' MO •• wmt YOU ON~ ~: Gal:lrot'1 IW. • lllCMI "A4-IU. Of Ptnoo- aHo" (1111)~. .MOVm **"' "Pony bpr-" (1163) CNlitOll Heaton, Rhonda Ae1M19. A pair of ~'*-help to .... ttietttiolNlloosa I~. , •lllel*l ANAHCe NIOMONl'Y Mll"'-Eff "!Ma1& Pleftnlno;: WllJa AltdTNlta" t1= *NNOWIOID • "8'ood BaNlar'' I 1980) Tally SavalH, Eddi• Albert. A llOrdar pa.ttolman tnea to bftno lalldowl,., wflO tnlllc In llegel ...,, wortlarw to jualtoa • a:aoe MOYIE "**''The a..mor" (1974) Roddy Mc:Oow91, J- FWWl1ino. • rv.nw. •• L.ooelton: Aoour9 Anlmal Shlllter. I .aJNDOMAL ,_OMM. FWtAHCE AMO MONEY WM.'a" IT "!oteta, Gift Altd lnhari· i....T-'' ._. MCAIDOMAL .,.,_TOUR t 135,000 .... Hlgfl Uta ClaMlc (from ttlo Bruna- ._. Wootdarbowl In Ana- heim, Callf .). • l(().W( 11...-.m • .,,.,. God Altd Tho Aeot- ~·· Tho pottlcilpetlon of °"'1lllar1¥ In ~ during the~ MCI poot~~ .. -"*'-d. • HUllWftm THNJUllH 'n4I AMI ''Al'c:Macturo: The Shop- ...,, Of &c>ece" 9 INTIRTANmlf ntewmc ..... ..... wftll Don Ale- ....... Eddie Aabtlltt. Nathe Fnonl!lln and W.,.,.,., O'Wl- llama. Cl)WOMMG Betry eo.wldl, Eltaan Brannan 4lnd ,,.,_ T~ ... -:othe,.,...,., ..... M+turad In this epacMI. b..cl on hundrada of ~ ccinduc:tad 11¥ joumalM I OUU-Studa TOfUI. . ..,. **''The Aatum" ... 80CC8111Am .. 89ll;Wtr Argentina v.. New Yortl Coemoa ~MTI ··~~The au.t For Seit'' (JI> .... WHrTa,.., TMm~DWMN: LMON8TMllD A ..... P*Mli,.ICa of tile telry-t•,. ctaaelc talllul1no ..... .... lllld ~.T..,.iatNew Yorti'• A9dlo Ctty M\latc Hail. (Z)YO'M •• ..._ em(' (1990) Clnl ~. ~ Locke. A ~ ~ .-.nen "°"' .... ....., ,..... .. ~afpar- '°"'*IO In • Wld w ... "-·'PO' ....... HOCQY Loe Mgeloa Klnga ..... TaronlO ............ ... 9AMvmwNIO ,...... I ,_4MI. 8TMT'9( The e. .... Pf* anoountww .,. ......... ~ ....... ""°'*° tM -IMo•tlftlO~ • MO'll9 ··~ ''Not" (11M) Gana .......... Jll'll llroM\. Ao • plot to ... up "' .....,. .......................... prtloft !tot. .80UD8Cll.D Holt: .., .... ODlloet: MM¥o fllDCoo, au.a: Doi* w-, a.tti. Wind a Are. ..... Olnlond. ...... ~ CW1I .... ca-,. Dia. Dolt ........ .. n=-..:: .. ...... ,.,...._ w. Mlw Y• 0- 1 ... A~ .::iawax ......... , .. ot .. ca-_u.t.A. .. a:>--.*" .._.. ""' Clllrf' c ....._ ,,.,, ...... .............. ................. .................... ........... <JI) ... .................. ,., • .-. 9-t. OllNlllt ...ci...r. 1NI ..,.,Ul].I ... ~- -.. 'TUBE TOPPERS l<HJ G 8:00 -"Evenina With the statler Brothers." The country music aln1er1 are honored by friends and associates. " KTTV • 8: 00 -''Sleeping Beauty.'' Mlkhall Barys hnikov hosts classic ballet. KNBC e 9: oo -:.The Late Show.·· Art Carney and Lily Tomlin star ln movie about an aging private eye who tries t o solve t he murder of hls ex-partner . KHJ 9 10 :00 e... "The Lou Rawls Parade o f Stars.·' Star -s tudded spectacular benefits the United Negro College Fund. -. "-'ty. humen ... --~·-In • IN !Ind of Atnr.. 'PO' ... =-TM9M8TWM WON On .. tr9ll 10 OfaoOn, L.l.U (.an-8oldaltnet) II .,. .... P'otao*IO • _...flt.~aact oallld tlla ..._ ...... from .... """'"°" (P8rt 1) • o.aUPONA OLAlllC "Th• LH thar atootdng T.._ .. .._.._,a..... ~. -acout9 for Sf!. Dunham, -eoaWi ,.._. 11P wltti LA Aanald. (~3)('UQ (l)~MCK. KOTTlli 111 MOii •II a..Al .,....TOUf' 1136,000 .... HIOh UN Claaelo (ffom ttio lln.lna- wll* Wonderbowl In ~ llallft. Calf.). Cl) 1141 WN:.«Y WOM.D M JONATHAN WWTIM Ouaat: Aober1 FUllar. ,-EVB1NG--eoo1== **'Ai u~ Roell'' (1957) EMa ~. JuOy Tyt.r. A young prtaorw' IMrna to pley the guttat, and .,. hla ,......, clrnbe 10 91ardom. .MCMI •• * ......... Roberta" ( 1955.) Henry Fonda, .--Cegney. • .-nzoMMMC A CHcerto cHd ~ bade to the roote of hie cult\n. • WORT'I UJllFICA "19111 National Cydlng CMmpoliehlpa" <ID..,. * * * ''The Wortd'I a...t- aet AtNata" (t973) John Amoa. Jen-Mk:hael Vln- C*'lt. A coacll wflO i. Mv- lng • run of bad luc:lt tWturna lo hie roota In Atn- ca 4lnd dlacoll9"I • _..,., athlete. 'G' (l)MDYm *... "~1'9Ctlor!" (1MO) Elaft Bureeyn, Sam SNpard. Atw a ,_ foi.t auto aocldant, • _, llnda tflat .. hail the liblll- ty IO heal OUlen but i. pot· ~~other rafuM1 IO dalrn a dMna ~·PO' .MCMI • • ''Improper CtwVlall'' (1te1) Alan At111n, Mattona ~·A _....of mlaun- damandlnga ~ • aod9 wont• to ~ ltw1 • 1¥P9t"aWd oouPe -dllld ._... 'PO' t:IOlt.~=-IT TH9W&K ..,.. ••• wlttl Don Alo- • .... Eddie Rabbtn. Aretha ~ lllld Wendy O'Wll-..,._ • MACH"°" TME 8UN Thll ~Nied l(C£T ~ dal. gaarwd t_,, c:N- drarl, taadlM ttiam the wlaa&.aaf~. (Z)MCMI ***'Ai "Crla1 And WhllC*'a" (1912) Han1aC ~ Uw Ullnwln. onaad 11¥ .,.,_ ... "*""~--­two ....... mnd•~ lllorlme ..,,.,,t girt '9Cell their.,.... .. tN¥..,,,.. to OOIM lo grtpa wMti ...... 7:00. MTWIU-°"MAN '** v ....... llOOla .. IOok Into the _.... of human behavior and eporllllOI• Into -of .. _ .... ~~ -of...._ cuftur9. • HOI OCMJ8T -1141 w.rOMQATHBtA LOOKMCK Mertln -....am ---lilghlgla of the ffNt-o.t WGftd GetMrtng °' .... ~c•• ~ ,_.., .. Jun& In Janlaalam. .LA....olwa.K ........ Tour Of Ilg Cit· laa,U.&A." ..... , .... , WA1WLOO VIL.Um A conoar1 fMhll1nO IN .,.... from the__.. .... val et '*"°'1c Watartoo Vll-;r-MA,.._ AT 1141 IUOU Faalured! "King Of The ~ .. (1tM3) *"1no ~ ......... _, 8'111¥¥ ....,.... • 1941 -100n: • 1'44 ltlot1 .eentnt ...... ~and ... .,_....,..,of "LAM Qty Of The .Mtf/111' (1...., ..... rtng UoMI Atwll Md Aue-... ...... (I) ltlMIDt ""-.... DOOTOR ....... ~ ... ~ ............... In .. .. ryof ............. ln .. ,......,. ... .,,~ ................ ----==--._ ......... y.,.. ..... (l)lllCMI ................. ,~ ....... ........_o.r. .. &...._ ........... ..... .,.....,,,,... . __......, .. .... YM'-..... .... .... 1171, ....... .. De-. .......,, ~ -. .... T .. _. ................... ........... .•.•... .,.., CD>OI.~ ''The Dloel?Not1" .,.•cwa~ ~ JudOaa: .,,,_,,, w ..... ~Zeman. I t-Oerwy. Guaa1a: °'90 Kihn aanct. • l.OOKATUI (I) Ofli9I; TMm ... ........ I ~ LOOKAlM #10 (I) WALT....., ' Noted .,,._, Ludwig von Drake -_... of '*' ~ IMMllng Donald Duck, Mtckay "'°'* 4lnd Chip 'n' Dela, 10 lluMreta man'• hunllnO lnallnot. ··~ MANDMLL N«J TMR lllWl:)M..L ..,._ Guaata: John 8chrl06dar. Tan1 Gibb. (A) • n.tCW9 * * ''The Ctaatura From llladl LllM'' ( 1975) "-* Elam, Outl T~. Two anthropology •tudenta tr.,,.. to ttle loulalane ........,.to~for• ~monots. • 0 ONN ALL NIGHT T any ti. a llghl wttt1 Gor- don lllld Nna awey to wont et•~t*lmo4&1. -~W!TMTME 8TA'T\..a IROTl- Frtende lllld -o.t• Cid* to honor .. s...- 8t'othara lllld their oont,. button to country ant•· ~. • alld WGIUUTY MlllNll ~ Meta T~a d+aellc bal- lol t.-:.ot from the Aoyol ()par'O ~. ~ Gat- dan. Acdelmad dancara DINtd Well and Marta Peril -taatUNd. • !iWONQIT "How To~ Altd ~ coed In The ·ao.·· F1w of Amartca'1 most • c E 111 NI aatf-fMda man UAt about how to live with lnftetlon. • OChWY "Wa~~"A lmlll lrdan tribe Mng In • rmmote MCtlon of Iha Atnaon Rlwr BMln .. .iucUad.Q (HJ YO'M ····~a.a.-..·· (1te1) Alan~ Maftatt• ~· A_,.. of"'*'"" dantandlnga -• llOdlll -"• to euapect ..... • ....,.,atad couple _cflld....._'PO' (§)OOll- MIQTMl.L UCt.A ve. USC Cl)MOYIE * * *... "The Baphant ....,... ( 1te0) Jotwi ""'1, ~ Hoc*Jrw,. A dadl- cated phyaJclan take• under hla ~ • horribly deformed man wi-llfll .. then had ,,..,. ..,.,.t In Cf-.> fl'W axHblttona. 'PO' .MCMI ***lo4i ...... Morwlt" (1NO) Edwwd Woodwwd, Jack Thompeon. Auatf .... -oonacrtp4ed IO tlglll on England' 1 akie In IN Boar W• dadda IO tight ttlo Boar guar-. on "'* a- tarma. (Z)YO'M • * • • "E•callbur" ( 1N 1) Nlg9t T .-ry, Nl:lol W..-L The ....... of King Arttu bftng i:o- ¥fld dadt to tM lmlght:a of tt1s Aound T..,.._ 'A' t:IO •Ill MAlaN8 A t.NWG Maogle .._ • big par1Y. •;ppoaadly In OAllac:tMtol• of lier ~ but llCWelly to promote • romanoa bet-her broaW and Dot. • -.AK 111 .... ~~lll!'llllW•• Aogor Ebert and Gana a.. '** Iha t>.-l'NMaa of 1te1, *""1nO -- '""" "~.'' "Atlantlo City:' u0ttertot9 Of ~u • and .. ..,._ Of The-Cfty ... ... (I)..,.,. *** "Foul Pta(' (1178) Ooldl• Hawn, Chevy a-_ A *"'I llnftan .,.... the aid flt an "- polo& deeectM .,... .. ~ liMJfllad In • barre --ol ...,,.... and ~ ....,..,.. ;.MCMI ••• * "The l.Ma ..,_.. (1117) M c.moy, Lly Tomin. A -*' sw'--vm -.e .,_..... .,_.. 1'1111 and murder wttmn ha cornea out flt ,..., •••it to locMa • • betonglng to .. oflb.---cl9nC. ;.UWll~T OoiptiMI ....... ..... an ..... 1111•=---.... .....-.MCl•nMr ,_,... --,,... lllP .... _..._ .. pocll'ft'• ..... Q COLLIOI IAIKITIALL UCUelUIC . ..... ..,.. '°°"" "' .. _.. ... ..,,...,. ...... .. .,. ....... . .. .......... ..... .. ,,,,,___,....., --·••ICIJ ...... . .. -...... I U KM -. ............... ................... . .............. -. r..:-... ""DlltlMI T,...." fMlf} ..... ,,...., .. ........ ,...-... . . - lat: llelrM• .... _. ... .... .. . ...... ... ;::u'Ti.o ._ T& •e;Jt d. .................. ®llCMI • '*'**".,,........,. c~o.w_.,..,.. ..~ ..... ... ..... ....... .... ................. ... ........ ...., ... I • WtlffNl'f-.MD I A ....... .,...,,.,..... ,....,.._ •• ,.to .................. __ .... ~"°"' •lloc*.Q • ntaU>UMWU NIWl9°"8TMI Lou ................ ...... __. ......,. ..,,,. ................ NiJtroC1'191 ~ . ..,.. ....... IOOM '°"'"OW-W ElqMne. ......... adwoo ........ ..,_...._ -In KCET mdoa tot a dllOi 1 ., flt ........ and....._olMCT. • AWnN cm' LMT'9 ~ ...... ~ come°"',._..."""...., l'tlOlnt ...._ MCI la IOlrlad ~ IOlilW"'*' ~ CrOMll ""°~1111-1111 .... ''Sien On The w ..... (D)MCMI * * "The lncradlbl• ~W-"(tteO) Lly T°"*I, etwtaa Or~ din. A ~ Inda II hard to OCJC)a wt.n .. ~ lihMka In ..... 'PO' .MCMI *. ''The Hlgn CountrY'' (1N1) Tirnotlly eon-. Linde Purl An aac+pod COfMct and hla fiend!.. capped glrtfYtand. ~ to tfla rnount.alrlO Prom eocloly. must daclda If Oley ._ ... ~bafof9 b91ng caught by th• aultlotttiaa. 'PO. --1::......w 1 ' ''Unity In tnaquallty'' The WOltllnO Md Mng oondl- ttona °' factory _.... In WeM Garmeny. ,.,_, lt.ey and ar... 8tttaln - comparod.Q (C)MCMI ***~ "l.mt Tango In Pw1a" ( 191'3) MMOll llran- do, Marla ScllnaldM. Dlrac1ad by 8amatdo ... toluccl. A mldd .... agacl .,,.,. --unf.ithfUI .... ~ COilWlilttad ...... and .,. ..... ~ young -meoll lllld bagli\ • compllcatad affair throughout which they remain namalaM to -" I. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 NUlllll ...... NU .. .... .. . .... "° .. . . . . ' ' . • Laa J . aoo••• At(A ~ , ..... , .. ..,.... " .. , ... ~,...... .... .,. .... ...,_. ......., ~ -... "' , .. ,.. ....... "'"" " •1111 • .....,., ..... AaJa '(March 2l·AprU ltl: Family mtmbv commualcat.e Meda -ud dtMrvt1 altenUoo. Lwaar tmpUala OD bo!»•1 property, lonc·rUI• pl'Olpeeta mad abWty to nDG anawen to perpltXiq qUffUoai. NOTIU OP 0 ... TH OP '?::::=:" ~=:f ':;':..Tar:=" ':.:..Ta=::' '"'"~&:"'°.,. ..... aocaau AND o~ ~rl·t '""'"" l'LUI, .... ~.:i INfHjll•tllt "TO .. Ml:::,.':O,ei,ooean1cN,ll•ll, -::r ... ~IMMOelLIWAaMOfl t-H'\.110 ':.t:l:nr P I T t T I 0 H T 0 ....,_..,oe,c.Mt-...CA....,. _.-..... 1111 .. •, .... ..._.... Ail101,Nat uo.. l'ttOOUCTIVITY, AM8IUCA1 ._, M01111.• WAIM °" 110111n· w••H. •011u ... ADMINllTIR l!ITATE ..... .,. wai•. ,,.. ..,....., ...o.0t..... LTD .. IOll'rWA•t. t1·•11u.1. , .. AMS•IC4 1a.-...,....,......,.,. L.u•oaooo _. u1 tCOJtMA • NO A11t107 C4.C ......... CA..,. ...., • .._ •• ;. ......... IOl'T, tt·•lllCLI, HOLL.YWOOO ----~'*'* ... Cit .. ,. ef IN ...... ef .. ,.. T. 1•1 h 1 '"" ...._ ... ~ -, ., ......,,.. ~ . .._,... .._ ... c., L to .. *' l!'KArt""'' a1v•., '"' • .,.... H. MMw.-: •• ltr.t. aL.llY, ............. ~ LaAION '· 0 e t r S • .,..,..._ ,.... "'"'· N ... '91't a .. clt, C:ellfernl• ...._.. 1Hd11 Cel . . POMIMY AMOCIATat, INC., • btntflclarles, c rtdltors .,.,._...,. R-J• .Hui•, att11 Le.w. '*' / tllf• ........ It ~· w • .._ NTflt-TINTUIUN ., and contingent creditors of "'" ....,_. -f .... w11t1 "" ~ ............ .._,., c.e...... J. c. ,.., .. "°" • ,. ... ~1•1... 1,....,...., ••u..A TtNTutt1"' JACK A. ~. L J R k L c;,_1lC1ef11 If OrMtt C.WWy .. • TlllJ ..,..,_.It~--., M l ftctr,erelte, • Ctllfltftlt ....... H Mii... MAltOAltlT WOOO HAITl ... I , ee . ,.rs • • et (' ............... , MKArtllllr llvd....... Tlllt ........... -,. ... •I• -IHCOMI l'9'0PllRTY A&aA#IAtl•. Rftn ,.... 50n ho' 0-. I 1'11. lllltlvtwet. "--?' -.,trS an ..,.,r S W . "*" ...,.Jtlllt l'ltor, Hewperl .. telt, Ctllfernlt C-ty Cllf1i If OrMtt C-ty 111 A•OA•IT HOWi, IA .. RY v, MIV be othtrWI St ,...1 ... 0' .... C..CDtltyfltlet., TMt.....,...._flltfwltll .. t*9 J-ryr,... ltNITOClt , ILMllt l'QX, I t t d I t .. 1111 De<. It, .. Mii,.,.._ l,t , I .. ._., c-ty CMfil ftl Or .... (Mdy .. Tlllt W.IMtt II C~M •Y • ltTH•IM•• • C:OMl'A•V'. t TAlJava (April IO·ll•Y IO): Study ArlH 0 meanie for valuable hlnt. Relatlve1, abort journeya, call.I and "ur1eat" requeata domlnate acenario. Dectlioa la Nached coacemlDt purcbaae of lu~ury lteJQ or art ob~ n trts t n nt w o.c..-.-.,.,. umttH-1Nf~, ~..._.<>~CMROtltyflt.._, 111er11 ,,,,,..,.,_1,, "· aRILL . an~/:.rric:,t~~ bttn filed. Mt.IC ll1ll .._...°' .... ~=~ t~~1A~:~ .. c J1111.•.•-.:.."'.. ~ '!Mt. tN\~f.,'',:,,':.~".,:~:.,~ !:!,..., I bV Paula L" Lupcho and fltC'TmOUl&Ull••• OK.It,»,""·"-"·' ... ~~ ... r• ....... -·-• ~~:.~~""~.:L~:,.~ .frV..'1 Leah Gale Laule In the ...,..., • .,....,., T111t ~ .... ntH "''"' ,.,. --------~-----.Ml o tCAL c OL.L•cT10111 Ii GBJllNI (May ll·JUM IO): What you Hek la oloaer tban mtaht be aetlclpated. Doft't ne1lect tbt obvioul. Avoid teodtacy to complicate tuuea that actually are bqlcally 11mple. Get rid of 1up1rfluou1 material. dellne meanings and streamllne techniques. Superior COurt of Orang Tll• teu-1 .. """ 11 cso111e .-JC 1111( count~ c;..,.. of Or"9t CW111y °" "'=:::::.::' AllOCIATION, INC., • ~....,. · Countv requesting that -i:::.ai Auto ""'A••, mt i..··-----------10e<einaer10,nei. "'""' 1 .,.., tofl•••nt "'Mfl •• •••11e s::v~c'm~~I:~.~o~d."t.::1~\~--1 Paula Lee Lupcho and ....,.,....,,011111--.c..t1M1 l'ICTITtOUSawe•... · "" .. 1 .... 0.--.c:...t oeMy ll'ltot, -.--.: 01tPO•AT10N, "'"'' CITIHHS Leah Gale Lau le be 11Mt0.1.M,21rt"'"-" .. ,..., MMlltTAHMIWT J111.t,•.'6.n.•• ,..,., OtAMONo "O" .>1tP•AiSAL •ANK • T•un coMl'ANY, . appointed as pt s I c-4e--.c..t1111 lllt_., .. .....,....u.... •••v•ci. nu 11•••r ""''""''· IARIARA Juov. eu aAttlARA , r ona Tflh .............. "' .. Clltv,.............. .... ... HvM ..... ~(ttlfwfll.... L.alf JUOY , o••OltAH "· re p r. se nt at Ive t 0 ...-vtMt. ·-Ill ............ r. CA...... w.. a..... •. Otwll, "12 A ..... CATltlCONlf, S.J. OAVll, Ml~lf '• administer the estate of ......... ... .............. .., .... .......... °'11"· ............ ~ CtllMrM SJNSTltUCTION COM,.AN Y, CANCEa (June 21.July 22): Project atronl lma1e, but avoid beinl bombuUc. Thia could be your power-play day. You make ri1ht decllions, you can win alUes, influence people, imprint style and lay groundwork for future profitable project. Lee J . R ........ rs (under the ""' ........ -"• •ltll .. ,.,_L'I UlfS' •.v. (l!NT··. NMta.1 ~: •• -..,....It c~td •Y Ill LLOYl>'t I.AHi( 01' CALl"O·~~' -~ C-ty Qerll .. Ort,.e c.uMy Oii ,.. ,.. ,.. " •" ,. _ ... , ... ,...... •r-•t•llon, OUA•AHrw e li,· I n d • p e n d e n t ~•.ttt1. INC .·O•ANGI .• Ct lll•rnl• l'IC·•t•-·•.... .. IMlvldllfll: COLLlc;TION COM,.AMY' • "d I I t ti f E t t Plnn:t NAMl ITATIMl.NT o-ttt •. 0.-M . • LEO (July 23-Au1. 22): Empbuil OD activity connected wlth hospital, charity, special lfOUp, c lub or organization. You could ,become Involved ln cMc or political action. Mucb occurs behind scenes and you could be 1ubject of questioning by media. Vl&GO (Aue. 23-Sept. 22): Vitality returns, charisma la emphaal1ed, you make new atarts in new directions and you score direct hit in 1ettin1 to heart of matters. Lunar· emphuia on friends, aspirations, desires and the obtaining of information which could eventually lead to profitable business enterprise. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Ambition that aeemed out of reach is now close and you are gaining a firmer: foothold on .-emoUonaLand financial security. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius natives play important roles. Individual you respect will return compliment and actually seek your counsel. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on travel plans, e.nlargement of personal horizons, artistic endeavors and long-distance communications. Popularity increases, holiday mood prevails and you could have reason to celebrate. " m n s ra on 0 s a es CM'9ftU.., ••ll'l'IM•• ...... r A-... Tll• ....... ~ ,.,_ .,. dofftt , .... ......,.,.. -, .... WIVI ... or .. r.U., M & M ltll'OltTING Act>. The petition Is set for ,.....,.,.. er.,. Qielt OoftY Plitt ............. c."i.· wt!Mt•Mi c-t, cltttl .. or,.. c-tv "' A"o tttl'Hiv.L suv1a. iNC .. heart~ In Dept. No. 3 at o.c. tt,., "'1,.i-.t.•."" MP'*' Tlllt .._,_ i, '~" •Y • P A R A o • s I J-y 7 ,.., ••• McCAU LEY & MANNINO'~ 700 Cfvlc Center Drive, W 1911( c.,..,ttJ:.w °"...._ EAU·••uoGtwooo. '"' o.... · ,.,._ ~.!'-.:.!'~~~J.·~=~-·& West. In the City of Santa ~ v1«e ,.....-... trHt, k it• *· H•WIMH1 ••ec:ll, l'vbll!INd or.,... CMtt Deity ,.. .... co M PAN Y. s •MM Y L '•. Ana, Callfornla on Feb. 3, l'tCTtTIOUI ._,...... Tiii• ...._ •• fl.-•ltfi , .. :11~':'..::0 Mt.....-•. •nc .. • J111. '· "· n,-. ~ •11.a. ROtALtNO LEI! ANO ..,.. Mfls. 1982 at 9:30 A.M. IWMIT.Aft ... lff ~":'4 f"' ..... of Or ... <*IMY"' Neveu corporetle11, uo Soutll j PIU 1111( c"!.~~TAYllOT'~M~!Al~CAT,O~~Tl(OTl!r. I_. YOU OBJECT to th• Tiit 1•11••1"• ""°" 11 dolnt "'"'· ' · .,_.. l"41U14rlal Rold. I.ts.,, ... , N•¥ad.t ..,.,. ...,. """' "' ... • rA · r "' ....._.; .. ·-.. CALlf'O•NIA IEMl'LOYM.NT g rantlnn i>f the .... Ution, ....... p•--·NT'LS 11•1 L.••• '"°' .. I c Ill I Tit• foll_,,,. --· .,. 001"9 OIVeL.OPMeNT OfPA•TM8"T· , . ., ..-__ ,. """ ,.,. " ' ' l'ullll .... O' .... CNMOtlly l'llot, •eel "'"''9Y• 11<,. e a or~• blnlMUlll' ANO All OTHER l'IRSONS VO\' shOuld either appear ..... --. c..e MfM..(&._,fM»ee.n OK .......... JM. J, •• lta Mil .. , :or111<tlklfl .... , Dow..!:::."'· s..,. al!NTON PRINTING, , .. .._ UNKNOWN CUUMllllG AHY RIGHT. at the hearing and state L.W~ ~--:. .,_ _____________ ..... -~ *" ::::":"...=c:~ ..... :.,tdl... Grove,_.,,,, Ctlllorni•.... T I T l E . I! s TAT£. l I EN 0 II your objections o r file Tlll•---••ClftlMltdll'YM PllUCllTIE 16010-StrWt.SulteMO.N--1 AlleftOwtflTtmpl•,•Emr.U INTlltl!IT ... THI! •l!AL written objections w ith the IMIWlllM. llH<li,Ctllt""'•""° Etstlr¥ ..... CtllloniltmH P•OPl!•TY OIE$Gltl910 IH THE rt bef t .. _ h I ..,._,,M.lltrl,.., Tlilt bVtllltU ll ~ollductell 1>y e Denny leltoY P'•nlOft Ir., 17tl CO MPLAINT AOVl!ltSE TO COU ore rnr ear ng. Tltlt ............ -flltCI wlttl !tie PICTITlout•Ull•IU ;>e11tt1IPMt'*"'lp· 1-t,Cot~MM4Ctllfornleta» PLAINTlfll"SOWNlllSHIP O•AHY Your appearance may bel c;_.y Cter1l"' Clr•lllt c-ty .,. MAM&ITAftMIMT Al!ALEHEAOY, IHC Tiii• ............ collducle<t • ., • CLOUO u"°" l't.AINTIPfl'S TITLE In p e r son or by your o.c..,.., •. ,.., Tltt lellowlnt "'''°" •• ••'"' . GMyC.Sllwr,,..,., -··· ~"-' THERl!TO ANO DOl!S 1 TH•OUGH tt 1'111114 1111.i PYMldlftt M.,O. T........ tO, INCLllSIVE, °'""'*"'s. a orney. ,.,.. .... or.,. Ctttt Otlly Plltl ~~O .. EllTY Olltl!CTIONS1 Tlill ~ w• lllM wlltl tfM Tlllt ~ -n1tc1 wllli -fittlftllffl ctmpteln ti~ I F Y 0 U A R E A; .J>t< ,. -. "" ,--. 1., tta SUN• 11»> 11nE•10. 01•1cn0Ns; «> c " 0r c-1 c-ty c1en. ot Or•-c-rt .. ...,,,,_ ........,., .,.. 111 -__.. C R E D I T 0 R o r a · • -' ' THE YACHT cLue, 1100 w. CNll c-"'1 .. ;",., -., °" J•""''' 1, 1ta. llftllnown c111m1,.. °"Y ,...,., \Ill•, contf...-nt c reditor o• the • _.., -Hwy., w.. •. __, .. tdl. CA Oe<•m-• ' · ""'"' P11ta1 ui.te, ti.. • ,,,.., .. , '" t11t rMI • .,.... ~ ,_ ._llM. ftMl D I Pl P..t>11"'90 Orange Cotsl Delly Piiot, P"-r1Y d9tcrltltcl ...... " ...... "" .. deceased, you must file 1 -----------......i 'w 1 LL 1 AM c HA 11 L E 5 Publt.-~ Coell • '' 1°'· Jen. t, ,., n, io. 1t12 1...a. P'•lnlltfl' _.tlltp., c-ma.tl .. • • your claim with the court .. ICTITIOUSIUllNHS HAZEWINKEL, JOO Tit• lll•lto, )Ill. t , •.••• t3, llC "'~ c-...., plalntlfft' tllle 10 - _ .. or 1>resent It to the· NAMSITATIMSNT NewP«t8Mdl,CA'2t61. r.JC 1111(· of ltlem, Md IOr Ill CIUll Of tellOft personal represent a tive ~i:.;~1,ow1n9 ""o" 1• 11oin11 1~~::-• •• ,_,.. 1>y .., ...X 1111( ------------.,-··~~.;._,.lff•Sla.yWetss.. A-rt e appointed by the court T•AOIH EHTER .. ltlSES. n u WI LLI-( HAZl11111NICEL PICTITIOUSIUllMIEU PICTITIOUSMllfMSU l.,. .... ., .• " .. l(el Kejlrn• .. 'Within four months from Sou Iii GrlMI Piece. Sanl• All•, Tlib .._, ... llltCI wltlt "-NAMI: STATIM•MT N .. ITAH ..... T UtcU10f'I ol Ill• Uttt• of M.M. the date of first issuance Ctlllonwe'2104 County Cten. of 0r.,.. c-My Oft Th• tollowlnt 1>•"0" 11 1101n11 Tiie 1011-•nt ""0" h 1101"' MOSELEY .,.. tllt ... ,,.,. I" '" of Jatters as provided In Mtc11 .. 1 s. K•ll•r, nu s...t11 DK "· '•'· ""''"'u•· ""''""'•· 11mp1e" -~ r..i ,.._,,Y " GrlMI Plec;•. Stftlt Alie, CtllfOrftle l't,_, McGREGOR EHGINEEAIHG, t 1) SO CAL ELECTRICAL tltutttdlntlleC..W.,efOr .... ,,,_, Section 700 of the Probate '2704 P~llthtd ar.,.. C.0..Jt Delly Ptklt. 200 Merton wo cot• Mo• CO HTllACTI HG, u RUSSELL 1>1rttcu1tr1yc1ncrtt1Mes1o11ow1: Code of California. The Tiil• IM'"'u •• ~ondllc,t-!f Dr en Oe< 1t,M,1•1,J ... t:t.1ta uot.-i calltorn11m21 ' ·VENTURES ;" P•O AIA "Lou l1 MdlltnaMck2Mof''-tk• I , ,Ill I I , '""'"!duel: A-r1 we.,... McGr'90<' Ir 20M ,C 0 N D I T I 0 N I H G & Trt<1, .....,.,,. .. tCll,' In t1W Clly of t m e or ng c a m s Wiii ~· s, Keller ""''°" W•Y C.lt MtM. c.ui'c.....i. ltEl'AIGERATIOH, 1'11·0 W•lnul Newport ... 11. QeuMy of Or-. not expire prior to four Tiiis 1._ w• flltll wllll -...X 91'1C( '1617 ' AV9n ... TUltlll,CtllfonolanMO Stele of Callfornle, e1 per ••P .f1"10nthS from the date Of COUftlY C1tr11 of Or-C-ty Ofl T"h .,.._ It c-ttd f1Y .., Eddie Joe llUHell, zm WM_.., recerhe In ·-' Pt .. II. of th h I ti ed bo Jllluery 1. 1'12. lllCllvl_.. Wo. COIU,,...., Ctlllorllit tat7 mllc•ll--· In Ult tff~ of e e ar ng no c a ve. 1'11MU l'ICTITIOUS •UstNIU ·..-w..,... McGr " Tiii• bul'""5 •• '~" .,., ...... c-., ---.. ...., C-Wy," YOU MAY EXAMINE Plll>lllNlllOr-C.0.•10.llyPllot, NAMl!STATRMSlfT -'IMlvl0\111; llltr•ln rehrrell to•• Ille the file kept by the court. J111 t, 1•. n . 30, 1t12 16'-42. T "• fo11ow1no D•••on 11 1101no Tiii' , .. _. ••• 111H with ,._ Eddie J. RusMll .. .,._rty"J. ,. I. l" . . SAGl'ITMUUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Mys tery is solved, you resolve dUemma and financial prospects grow brighter. Emphasis now on revision, review, dlg1in1 beneath surface indications and gaining additional information c~ncerning financial status of one close to you. If YOU are interes ted in the l>;i•lnttuo: County Cieri< of Ort-Coun1Y °" This •-t WM flied wlllt ,._ 2. Al ell Umtl i..reln, plelntlllt -· lll9l'IH'. AMERICAN ANTHOLOGIES, Jen .. ery J, l"2. Counly Cl9rll of Ore-.. COUftlY Oft Sl-y WelH, II.Obert C. L-...r l, estate. you may file a ,_,.,llK nmv.11 • .,vi.w.Sulte,.2.o.r.., ..,.._J-,.,1.1t12. -icar1tet•,,..-•c1u1.,...,..in..., request with the court to G•o••.CAt2MS Pu1>1111wc1 Orange c-1 De11, Pttot. "'-..,.. ecllfle .-.-.. of u. 1!•'9W of I • ROYAL TY SOUllCES, L TO .. e J t I 23 • l'IJ 111M2. "'°'I"*' Or-CtMt Delly Nlot, M.M. -lty. -ell ICU ~In CAPIUCO&N (Dec. 22-Jan.19): Find reasons (or recent happenings. Be analytical, read between the lines and insist on answers, not evasions. Lunar emphasis on joint efforts, public response to your ideas and renewed communication with one close to you, including partner or mate. rece ve special notice of PICTITIOUS HIHflll C•llfornl• '""'°'•''°"· urn veney 111 . .: •· . · _ Jiii •. "· n.30. 1t12 ~ _,.,..... wtttlln """-..,. ceurv the Inventory o f estate NAM&ITATaMSMT YI••, s..11. 2'l, !tf•ltell GrOYe. CA · ~ o1 lbtlr ...._.," • wd1 E•ecvtDn. assets and of the pettttons, ~':.:.!:1,0•1"• """" 1' 001111 9™S Nale 911C( ~ ~ ™ ,_.., e-.t of .,,. c-ity of accounts and report s 11l!Xl!NTERPR1SEs,ms Mew Tiii• 1>"''"'" "conouc1.o o, • O••...-llMIOlthD(lnd-llrtfltl"'°' Verde Orlve E•I, C.te Mest, CA <Orf>OfellOft. PICTITIOUI MISIM•ts lllll l....,it llY plel...,..._ described in Section 1200.S '1626. lloyellySourus, I.Ill. NAMIUTATaMSMT l'ICTITIOUSIUllNHS '·TM ........ b c ........... 11-1 of the California Probate PAu1. l'LECHNER, 2175 M .. • Jeff..-.,11.z-.,111y, T"' followlnt ,..,..,,., ••• 11e1n9 ....... ITATIMaNT .,...," .... '".,.~-.. 10 ~od ~Hldlflt tlod!Ml••: T"• ltllowlnt person h dolnt lntltfl. Otl•-a-••11 .... all e . VerdeOrMEalt, •a.l',c.11-. Tlill ti-I wtt llltCI wltll -Yl!NVS OE MILO l'IGUllE DU:ll""•e. _....,.11t1'11111,lftle,-e,ll9" tlth (. Welputt CA,_.._ County Cl9rlt of 0r.,... COUftty °"SALON, JOU EH i Orellg•lllorp• WESAltFINANCIAL,MOH_.t orln~~lfltM~or AQUARIUS C Jan. 20-P'eb. 18): Maintain moderate pace, higbJ.ight diplomacy especially in dealing with family members. Attend to basic. issues, keep resolution concerning diet, exercise1· and nutrition. Attor ney ilt Li!W Tiiis ...,..,,.., 1' G..-.C-Dr .., OK JO, 1•1. Aw-, l'l~lt. Ctllforfli•. C•nter Of'lw, Sult• u1•. N•""" ..,Y -" ......., wNdl I• --.. 19762 MacArthur Blvd., llMll¥~ ... l'ltdlfttf" Plm1t zecllerY 1. Yot1e1. UJ ,.,_ R .. 1.• llMCll, ce. ""° n.t of~ Ste. 200 Tlllt .---flltel wlltl Pvbllthtd 0r.,. Cotst Delly Piiot, ,.,..~...,_..., . 11u .... 1 w. IOddW. 221 E_.,. 4. TM e.teMMts i.reln ebov• ~~:rm.~1~ch, cA •2660 :c~~~ °' °' ... c-;:;:: -J•_n_._,._,_. 1 -:..-· "-·-... '-"2 _______ ·~-· A":~~m'~:;;:~~·":.::~ ~~·'IE:.~·~~ .,., ·" Si-i' ~ s= rWllUlo .. ,llK ~ ................ Wll I A-tt W. IC._ t>l•l11tlfts'-lfllppr111yc--Published Orange Coast ,.,..1..-Or-Cttst Delly P11ot. 1nc11vld..akc.--• Thll ,_ w• 11,.., wt"' _ Pl•l"lltt•' u11e ............ -a.. 1 Dally Pilot. Jan. 8, 9, lS, Dec."· .. l"1,JM.J,t, lta '4»4l l'ICTITIOUlausAN•U Tlih ~!~~ wltll -County Clerll of Or•-C.OUftlY Oii 1"' ...... IO,lftclinl ...... "'*-10 PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Emotional r esponses tend to dominate logic. Scenario is "busy " featuring children, variety. speculation, important changes and establishment of a speciaJ relationship. 1,982 1~ MAMlllTATaMINT C.ou11ty Clffk of Orlflte c-ty"" J111uery•.•'ll.. . Pl•lnllffLStlllllol••--N<f\-w llJTa T"• felloWl"9 .,.r..,, It 4oln9 J.-.ry 1, ltl2. ,_, "'"" cltlm -f1tM., •lte, ....,_, tlutl,,... .. , ,., .. ., 'ACKION, KIOC>alt & lltill or Int ..... In -"-1Y ...,_ COASTSHEETMl!TAL,IHC.,ne ,.ROl'lfSSIONAL lflCltOW MICKLIMO lOpltlntlfh'_..,.MdMIOcftJm W.11'11SC.-,CMttMeM,Ct.~7 A1twM" .. ""' or <l•I-c-lllute • c.-""°" Cotlt Sli•et Mtl•I. Inc. (• HltYICll s.t1e1u•--............. Pl•lnUltl'llt .. -.... . . Ctllfomte corpo;'etl.,I, 711 W. ll'lt> l'.0 ... •11111 ..... _.c-terort,,. S. TM <ltlm or cteoms of H ell SCr .... c..NMfte, Ca. ta.11 ..... AM. Ct. tl7IMll1 ........ a.di, Ct..... .........,. ls..,_-M It Md"'"'*'° ---. CottMICll MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach ·494·9415 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Cap1slrano 495-1776 HMIOll U.W~MT. OUYI Mor1uary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . CQsla Mesa 54().5554 ... ca1aonas -.a..•OAOWAY MOaTUA&Y 110 Brolldway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IAlTl ..... OM ......... aMMLL WHTC ... CMANL 427 E 17th St CostaM818 84f>p9371 -. . 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in the Daily Pilat DllTI 1mc11 Te.ls tlull-s Is cOftducttll ..., • ._..._,.......,.,. l'..all.,,.. ar.,.. CMst Delly l'llot pltlntlfft' _.,. fll 1M ,.,.._rty corpor~TSHEETM!TAL J.:~·~.~~CttstOelly,:::· J.., t,1UJ,30,l'IJ 102~ ~~"i..;"::'==.=.~ OtvlOO.~. _,,_ ~ _,,,,. .,.,..,., -pltll'ltlfts' lltlt .__.. ~ ~ ._,_ ,....,., Illa ell erlh '""' t•• tub ... , T"'' ~ -,...,. wtttl 1tie cvc11m.a-.,....ltwlfter ....... . County Cl-of Or'"9' C-y Ori PICTITIOU• .UllNIU N....,_ '· °" °' _,. ~ •. ""· 1 Dec ...... It, t•I. NAMSSTAT•Ml•T "ICTlftOUSJUIUt&U J --~~ D1l1D 'rllt BlT•-..T"t person ri dorng ,....... ITATaMllNT · llltoel Md"""" L.911 SC:Mttfl In Pulllllfltd Or.,.. c:o.111 Delly Pilot IMISI,...• 111: Th• 1.,,_,"' ,.., ..... .,. dolnt ,_ of M.M. _..., Ill M eclloll OK.lt,1',"'1,J-1.t."'2 ~ CALll'OllN IA CLASSICS l>vllMltM' -ltltd M.M. ~ v. ~ G. CUSTOM Sll.J(SC.•IEEHIHG, mW.. TM CAaLEVISION 17611 Lt 1'&1 Sc .......... M., LAI..,,..... 5-wlor t•tll Slreet, C..1-MeM, Ctllfotftle lttwnt N ...... Ct. mn ' C.Urt Ad i.. -C I~ Dt. m11 • Ora nt • County Ctl>le 7.ClltnetG.ScHellfl..,.Mtrylou J-"'-rell S........,,, 610\'J Co mm11nl <tllona Cornpeny (a Sclil•t•I -r• the o•ners of llW A¥oc-. car-c:ttl MM, Ctllforlll• Ctllfornla eof110rtllanl, J7'11 Lt l'•Z. Pr-rly from Oc._, ID. lt71, 10 mu u oune Nltuef ee ~7 Jenuery IO, 1m. Tiii• _,,,.., 11 conduCIM bV en Tlilt -1...:.s j1 C,OflOuCltll ay e t . Pur....,I to C-.t Or-... _ lnc11¥1-I corponllol\. OCtoOe.r 31, 1'71, It\>-ec:tloft eftllrteit t "-I'. s-1-Ortntt ~y CIDI• kltey Weiss, etc., et ti.,,._~ G Tlih , .. ...,_ -lllell wlltl Ille ~.9-~ Sclil .. el. 0rtf'99 C-1y 5-lor County ci.rll of Or-c:-y Oft P-. A.-· ceun No tt-1'-64. -c-t •-De<emller t. 1"1. MslttM!S.Cr....;ry 11\et • -11 ol •.cutlon l-to IN "'1mJ1 Tlih ... ._ wtt lllM wltfl u. 5-llf llf Or-~ Mltliot11111t Publlllled Or-C-1 Otlly Piiot, Counly Cl.,.11 of Ore-.. County on -dlrKll"O !tie Ille ol llw p,_,,, Jen .•. 1., U, JO, lta 1-.C. Jllluery S, 1"2. by fHMfl of I ... ....,.,.....,. In CIM ( 11' l'l ... 5J' HI f-ln Ptr-.... •el!Ove. Pul>ll.-OrtftQll Coesl O.lly Pilot t . °" °' ttooul ~ I, 1'71. Jen t " t> ID llC _..., ...,....,Oflt to Mid -11 ti.. Sft..-lff ef Ille · ' ' ' Couftly ef Or•-lev le<I ""°" IM PICTtTIOUt•UllMHS PIU 1911( =~··:..-~~: .. ~i;::. N~ stATIE.MIMT lo------------' Protier1Y. i.u!~:..~°!~~·,.. --.,. dolno PICTITIOUS MISINaH 10. °" J-.. 10, ''"· , .. ~lff of G&S HOTEL CONSUL TAN TS, NAMI! STATIMaNT Ille County of Orel\ .. Hiii H id OtO MtcArtllur 111¥11., llole. •OO, Tll• followlnt f>'UOM er• llolnt Property lo plel ... lth lor tile ....., of Newpoft BMdi. Ctlllonil• t1ttO l>uSIMU as. sto,000.00. Fr•d Glbllolls, •OU Lt Pu, CAPR.ETZ & KASDA N, 20tl 11· On..........., S. 1•· t .. SllfflN Antllelm Hiiis, Ctlltoml• ~ llusln•u Cenl•r Drive Suite 200 of ltw ~of Or-~ Ulla '"''"' ea. mu · • °'"· • <tPY of wtt1c11 •• etttchtlt PICT1TlOUSaUllNIN ... ,., SNw, .,,. E..celyplllt, Jemes T. ~ 107 Evt11lne ll•r•t• •• E.11"1bl1 "A'· tnll NAM«STATIMllNT llree,C..ilfornletW1 c 11-. c:er-dll Mii ca. llKO,__.......,_...._ •. Th• 1011-1ne _..,,, ••• 11o1no Tiiis -•-11 <OftClli<le<t .,.,. ,:'J.,. ' 12. ,._,to S.Clleft U• flf -Mnlnenes: •unln<GrPOr*" MMXlt1klfl _, 11\eft IC•,_., S.. ic...... ml! Ettlme Ctllto ....... C-of Civil ~"" SOFTECH al·AI, SOFTE.CH ll·SI, 11>ert11tr11ilp. . MIHIOll Viejo, Ct.,_.; ' Nov•rnber 11, ltJS tfl tl>Slrt<I of 1 .. 1 MecAr111ur lllvll .. 41h Floor. Tlilt ·:::W.= ••• 11..., wllll Pie Y111ce c;. SfrnenOI, Jr. H luidtmelll -rec..-la,._ Ctunly ~ewsoort llMcll, ce111om1a n.26 c-n•y ci.rk of ore-county' on ltkT "'1 ,,.,, I"''"'· ee. ml4 o,"' ol~"'..,~!!.., "'!~~ J. C. Patl9'10ft & Autcletes. Ii , -IMll b cOft41Ucle<t by e ~ --~ .._,,_ ..,._, ....-ncoroortled, • C•ll lorftla De<~J0.1•1· ~ No. IJtot.Ac.....,llf .... -.-111 orPor•IJOft. *1 MtcA.rtli<H' 81vll., 41t1 l'l"74t oeMrel _,,. T ~ ttttc-.... a Eldlllll1 ...... Md 'loor, N•wPorl ... ch, Cellfornl• Pul>lltMd~CoestDtlly Phot, Tiii• ~--lllecl wllll Ille l1K,,,___....int11otreferetK•. '2t60 J.,, '· 1. u. 11. 1911 -.a\ county Clet11 01 0r.,... C_,ty on u . TM •d¥.,,. cltlm• el 111 Gltctwl&t Soflw.,. C..-etlOfl, e ------------IJenuery 1 "'2. ll•l•ndenl1 lt11'91't lM C-ty of :a1 llo•nl• corporetlon, 4U7 PlmJC 1111( ' fi1tMM ~~ ::.::.,.~".,..c;:':;~ i'::c~~lf:::'~·,:/'-· Newport Pllbllllitd 0rtftQll CoeU Delly Piiot ebstrects of Judoment recorded Tiii• l>USllleH Is COllOv<lotll l>Y • N....,Jll Jiii ...... u.30• lta ,..,..., pura.uen1 lo Stclltft '74 •f tli• BRAZELL services will be held on al 2 : OOPM . Officiating •mllotll PWt"'"""'-fllc;T1TIOUslut1•ass Ctllforni• Olc:lt °' CMI,.,.,...,. 111 J.C..PATT51150.. NAMSUA.T.EMSNT W 111'1( of wt.le"_,,__. te••-.i""1 to CARROLL BRENTLEY Monday,Januaryll,1982at B is h o p Ed Wr ight. &ASSOCtATES,INC. Tll•loll-lfitS-IOft••rellolnt t11tHWtldlllLaa,.,....s-r1or BRAZEU.. resident of Santa 9 : OOAM al Westmins ter Inte rment Pacific View Jc ... ....,_,, wt1-u; .....,111 court c.. Nw9tlltr ,,. Ut, .._...,. Ana, Ca. Passed away on Memorial Park The family Memorial Park. ln lieu or CNl"""'of 1 .. 11..,d •EAL ENEllGY ASSOCIATES SUNRIOlt couH ...,..,. • fl:flltolt "•"· l'ltllltlffs' ii.. Tlllt Rl""'-1 wes flltCI wltl! 1tie PA•AOISE, M01 Do-. Slrwt. ~ CWCAµNtlNIA IJ ......,_to \118' ef ell .. ,,.,,...."°' Thursday evening January requests donations be sent to flowers the family requests :oun1, ci.r11 of Or•ftet COUlllY °" uo. H•..,_. 8Mcll. C.tlfor'lll• ""° COUNTY 0,. ffAMOI reetofl " tw ,,...,. ,_......., tf e. 7. 1982 in Fountain Valley World Vision, P.O. Box 0, contributions be m ade to ~.,,,.,.,.,, ""· ... , E,....,. inc .. • c.111on11e 7•ovtc~on,,.w"t -trect ot ~ •111<• htrMo Memorial Hospital.· H e Pasadena, Ca. 91109. your favorite charity. She is ,.1m11 COF110Fetklfi, 1601 oow Sl, s.iite *· ._.,.....Ct.flltl ue:xlillllt"t ". owned and operaied Coast s urvived by nieces and Pv1>u.,,,.,0r.,..coett OeUy "11°'· N•wportlletd\,CtllfOrftlt'*I MA1t•1Aoa~ 14• ™ cttlfn• If IM C:-y"' Screen Service in Costa SMITH n e phews. PacHlc View 1" J,•. ••.n . •tm .st02•1 1601•=: ~=~. ~ ~Nl!u'e'~~ONEll · KELLAM A. ~:'r. c::":: ... .!~::;:-.~ ! Mesa, Ca. for lS years. He M·ARY C. SMITH, resident Mortuary directors. -• -11ttc11,c:ei11om1t9*0 lllSPONDENT: GLENH EUGENE <"11fktttfMW-.• Tuc.ee1tc-of was born 00 June 27. 1910 in or South Laduna , Ca .. r----------;----, ___ _;...._:.::=:..:: .. ::'--=-----llotler1 A. Mlrltcli, Tnlllff 01 lllAMILETT llkl C-'Y "'_,,.,.... ,,_ny ut Trust I UlldH" 1tie WIH of HtrOld J, tun .._ ""' ..... t11ot ~ 0 O klahoma a nd married passed away on Wednesday, M1r11<11, 1 .. 1 0ow ,.,..,,Sul .. •. suMMONtCPAMILYLAW> Sc.....,.,,, ........... ,,.,.,. M y rt 1 e Po p e j o y I n December 30, 1981. She was W -PICTmous au11•1u Newport hKll. c.11,_, • .,,... CAM NUMal•: Olmtl ~· ..i-MfWto " E•lllbl1 Roosevelt, Oklahoma o n the wife of Olin W. Smith, -•llK NAMtlSTATUdNT Ge11e Hof•cr•. T'"'11" 01 tllt Yw....,. ...:".!!:',... ,_. -Y "I ". • Th• lollOWlng ,,.,._, ere llolno Yol•nd• Anlmtl Ho1pllel Pensloft dee ... ...-.,.......,. f9W ...._ 15. TM cl elm ti Ille at.et• 01 October 30, 1929. He was the deceased 1972. A former fltCTinout1M111111au 1>u.s1,_1as· T•u••. 1.01 °""' '""'· "''" *· .... ,. .._ .,.. ......,.. ..... • c .. 1...w. _..,., • _......., ,..,. l\b of 12 children. He Is book publleher In Los MMelTAftMSNT C HARLES P•tNTINO N.-... u-:11,et111«11 .. ...o .., ....... ...., *' ...... ...1•1nt"-'•~.._...,,,. survived by hil wife Myrtle Anaeles, Ca. She wu born ln Tiit .......... ,.,_ .,. dol11t COM I' ANY, • w ""' MIWI, c-. w.,.,... l.eGtrlt. , .. , o.... serwt. AVltot .,.... .......... .,.. °'"r1me111., l!n"""'"*"....,.,... Of "'" v•·-. b_. .. __ lbr• St•elton, Pennsylvania on ........ , ..... CA'2t.27. S411t• Mt, ......,, 9Mcl\, CtllHlmlt .. .,...... ........ a.er. ue. u ........... 11_ 1--Act ........ -#-· ·~-·-"' ... (A) IUNOROWTH SAf'IE, ca1 ltlCHARO G. IC&Ellll, IOtl .,... I .. I CNt1" 0. ~ ~ -,.... Lee of Albuquerque, New May 9, 11101. Prior to her SUNOW1'M x. 1t9 Poclflc c.-Kltlldth A-. cost• """· c;A l!•rnu"11 G•tdmen, 14'1 Otv• • • .. llK • • -•" _ .. u•. tw•u• ....... ...., ..... ,......_. .. I J H _ .. _u f Id i c llf ml h ....,._.,"""""'9a•&Ndl.Ca.,..I u . strHt, ""'' *· N..,.et't ••""· ~ ........ ..!!. • ... "-• ..... ,......,. .. l!OIM''a" . ... ex co, ames u • ...., o ret ence n a o a s e O.....L.~7m--... c•Ato w.eATLl!Y,••1111tntt<ttt c.11,.,,....,.. --.._.. wHa•a,.OttE ........-.,., r.w Blair, Oklahoma, John worked In Washington, D.C. or1vo........,. .... ......,ee . ..,... 0r1ve1c..wci.iMw,CAt2iJ._ Mlclwllll ~. ,,.,.... .-"" ~!_!~.+MttMtll""!.!r'~•""' .... -.. Victor (Bun> of Wichita. She was a past president of "-o. ~ • ...., ...,._ Tiii• ""',..... •• CllldlKtM "" .,. ClllVoA Hltll Alllmlil .._...1 "-1111 •·-• "' "" ,........, .,_ ...,.. • '· T-.. •••••.,. '"""'"" 111 Jtamu, allten Lortaa May the Newport Harbor Lady "'" Clfclt, ~ 1Mc1t, c.. tit<"•s;;as ..,. tttltf' lflMI ''"'''· , .. , o.w It'"'· 11101 at, .. ,,........, .. 11.i Y-. ,...,.._., 1111 _,,. " ..., t..._ ~ ... ~ .._,.,.llMcll,~..... ,....,...._H....,,111eywr•141tt!M. •••t .all ••ver11 cltllM ef ..,. llot1 oL Wicblta. Kan1a11 An1lera in lM8 and 1he wu 1'Nt ., .... 1• ~ .., • •lcNrd "-Mery R-Oldfrey, , .. , o.... _ll 1u ... :..~ ... MIMilc ~~~.:,: .. ,,,..,. .,.....,11,.. .. _, • .,.. Lu~lt Kallie Squires or known (or bu flshin• abilll~ ..-..r:.:;::t Tiii• -11 ... whll "'-11r .. t, S91•• •·......,, a.Kii, ---. w.c:-t· W' I .,___ II( ., ...._ ,._,1.__ •• -lltcerlt llWllMl•l•mtfltl, • "" 1 ...... , ... --... , .. , ,_ ct.•• ..._...,, ar1aret and ca u1ht a recor __., _,., c1er11 ot 0r.,... C.tuM, °" --·-·-...__....... ·-~·-....... --· -. o.tftl......., aeny H-y, TNtlM fw tTlit ~ ... .,......_. t ................. ._.__. ..................... ..... NtlJ Paolllno ol Brentwood. Albacore II\ 1952. Memorial Tiiie ......_.. -" ... w1t11 .. ., ,.. ,.,,,,. """'" m 1111vm Lte .. am,.._.,., ,..., •*-· ..-.., ,...ietr• • 1111 __..., t11t ........,..., ._,.._ C•.,. allo 2 tom Lee Merrill 1ervlcea will be held at c-.t., °"" ,.. er .... CeuMy • ""-."'*' 0r.,... c.e.. Otliy ~-. .-... ..-.. "*" 1e01 o.v. """'-,.__., ... ...,.. ... 1 of ••cbid, Spain and Dean Pacific Vi~w Memorial ~-...... ..,,.. 1111.t,t,1'A.t111 ,,., .. , = • ,._..,. a..at11, c..1...,.. '·::.'~~~~ • .,...._ J • .,~ ...... ...,.,. ,, ...... .,. COila Meaa. Ca. and 8 Park, Newport Beach, Ca. ,...... or...-Olall DlllY ,.... O•vld '-"'''"· , .. t Oen cM<"""'9 ._. -i.. It.,.. foll •"'*" ~ • t118t • ••u • " raucblldrtn. Funeral on llooday, January 11, JIU OK tt .. ,.. .._._,,. ..,... ... 1911( ,1,..,, Sult•*· .. .....,, a.""· 101 .... ,.........,.. •• .,.ef ... _. 111 '*"'" 11ewt • •-" ·~--------------------------· -' ---' ---·----•' ..-------------.fCtlttwNt.... .... t1ie1IN•....,_It18fW41 Ill lllttr"1 ......._ IA .. ~y OMerll ............... , 'Jtll. ._. ....... _, ........... ~-===-i:.:a:::::..: 0...---. ..... -~t..c... Ille,_, IMY t"1tr t J ....... totl •tMc:.wt ...... Jwt_.,.-.• 'I ~..... ~ lfllulldt .......... .,.,.. ~ ~t ... , ,) Otl\..,_,T~9'-A.t.o.' tt11ettlll11t tlllvltlOll ti'''"''•· coal.~&WCl'OHf,_:....• c.,,., ..... ,,.... Tnlll ..... 0.... ........ ...-rt. cHld t ....... dll.. ... .._~ ......._ ... ~ ... II .................. <............. .., . .. , .. ,, ...... -· __,...... . -.r~.,..., .............. TW'I~ ...... --~ ~... • -.... ... _ClllWY ... ... Ja-. IMY'OU 1"41 Mtc•Mt · ·-.-wal•lllt ti....... \a,....._Ct._ '(.--. .,._...., .. " . ... ---_,., ~·.,..., ......,...,........ . Vtfltl.:"• ......._ TrlHlt, Mtt ~ ........... R$f'MY ... ,._._..~c..t....,-.; 0..... ...... ......,....... ......... --Ml<~ A. 1talunl1•11, , ... , ~­ '1111 ........ ··~..,. Mllttl ~. ·1 Tlllt .._ ..... It c...-.C ... W t ltaAL 1Na•OY, INC. ,. ....... ! OeryC. ...__, ~J • ...,""9Jr, ,......._ TMll ....... _,..... ,,. ........... _...._ ...... ,., aw. f1f °' .... c.-., C-IY o.n., or-. c.-.ey"' 1,.. DeufMIW 11, ""· ..- ......... o-at C... o.My NM. Jf/111. t, •• 1'.U. 1• 11'41 ,. I. I· 1· T l • I· I. f t f. l • I 1 -1 ... .. .. . ' t -... , o;ange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9. 1882 Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the idea is the same-TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your II sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check.the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. What to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven't used in the II last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Fwniture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price furniture low enough to beat auctions and , secondhand sales (check the classifieds f~r / compartsons), but high enough so you ca~e down a little when someone shows interest. RackinQ_cbair~ chest of dr.awers,-tables -aM chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped, and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. Clothing. Make sure clothing is clean , and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a nmt on clothes except for unusual items, which should be tagged With an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." · Appliances. These will sell for a fair price only if they work. No one will take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned ori etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". Plclllts. These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jasper. Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your dd. · Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking chair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet, many gadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 · a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions if . needed. Don't use abbreviations-many people won't bother to decipher them. CAUTION: Don't advertise anything you don't realty have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at ~he start of the sale ~ . 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA. Open 8-5:30 Monday thru Friday, Saturday 8-noon. -' Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley-guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot, you're not paying for waste circulation in Los Angeles or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make a few signs • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size is 14" x 22". Placing your si9·n~ The morning of the sale, but not before, place your • signs. Be sure and add your address and any directional arrows. Th is should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it Wln be-~n-1rom both-sides of the streettJy passing .cars and pedestrjans. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well, or you can use masking tape. However · you mark them, male• prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember, whatever you can't sell you 'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. Serving refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts, or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand. Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or • boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can 't help it. Use one tabl~ as a desk where you can see ,everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions, relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors and friends. m See if any want to join your sale. Th is wi II give you someone to share expenses with and increase interest in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in your ad (example: "three-family sale," ··neighborhood sale"). Group sales are a lot more fun, too. GOOD IJ.UCK WITH YOUR GARAGE SALE/ MAY: IT BE SUCCESSF.IJL AND F.UNI -. --~--- ' . . I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, J•11uary 81 1982 ~· A look at the real Andy Kaufman •1 aoa ftlO•u •1111'.W,....,._ HOLLYWOOD -I• tbe movie world ,..ady for Andy Kaufman' Or Tony Clifton! Or a com blutJon ol both! You lhou.ld lrnofi wbo Andy Kaufman la -he's the eecentrtc Lath Gravu ot the hit TV series, "Taxi." You can aJao aee him on talk abows, where be exhibits bla off·the-wall comedy. Or ln concert -i>pearances, where be wrestles women in the audience for a $1,000 prise. He clalma to have won all bis matches. If you were fast enough, yo).l also might have seen Andy Kaufman in the Universal movie, "Heartbeeps," Not many did. The film was one of tbe many bombs opened at CbriatmuUme. It is still around, waiting to become a cult cluslc. Who is Tony Clifton? More about that later on. Kaufman was interviewed before "Heartbeeps" opened, which was just as well. He lives ort Laurel Canyon in a modest bungalow amid sreat clutter and a stronc odor or vitamin pills. He 18 a health addict, neceuarlly so because of his wresWng schedule. He says be baa not used dru1s since 13 years ago, when he dabbled In pot at school. Kaufman ls medium-shed with an undistinguished figure and a bland face. Except for the eyes. They seem in a constant stare, aa lf he were scrutinizing things -and maybe people - that ordinary humans cannot see. Concerning "Heartbeeps " Kaufman says that the script "made me cry each time I read It, that's how moving I thought lt was." Does be cry easily? "Not ordinarily, though I used to cry every time I saw reruns of 'Father Knows Best.' Robert Young used to have a little speech at the end of each episode, pointing out a little moral. That got to me." "Heartbeeps" cast Kaufman and Bernadette Peters aa robot.I oo the lam from an unhappy life at the factory. As he does wtth all hb roles, Kaufman 1ave much thought Lo b1a U.tvDretatloo ot the part of VaJcom-17485: "I wanted to interpret him not robotic or u a mlmlat would do, but human-like, or as human-like u bis computer would allow." Now, about Tony Clifton. Kaufman claims that Cllfton la a once-famous performer "as much loved as W.C. Fields" and an idol of Kaufman's youth. Now Clltton ii over the hill and resentful, of Kaufman's succeaa. He sometimes appears at Kaufman's performances and makes a scene. Maybe so, but when "Clifton" created havoc on the "Taxi" s how and on Dinah Shore's program, he bore an uncanny resemblance to Andy Kaufman. ''Every lime Clinon is thrown off shows, I get phone calls," Kaufman declares. HOWDY ANDY -Andy Kaufman . seen weekly as the eccentric Lalka Gravas on "Taxi," stars as Va1Com·l7485 in the new movie. "Heartbeeps." Tangerine Dream releases 'protest song' -sung • ID Russian By Y ARDENA ARAR a-..... Ptwa ..... LOS ANGELES -It's the damdest protest aong to come down the pike In some time. Tbe words, more breathed than sung by an unidentified vocalist, are almost lost in a sea of reverberatine synthesizers. In any case they're in Russian. so it's doubtful more than a handful of American listeners would be able to understand them anyway. In short, "Kiew Mission," the first cut on Tangerine Dream's new "Exit" album, is hardly campfire singalong material. Nor was it meant to be, says Edgar Froese, founder of the West German trio, pioneers or electronic music for almost 1~ years. . "If we would have done it in English, most of the people would have thought, 'It's another hippie type of message' -save.the-world , don't-do-any-ha r"1·tO•other-people sort of statement," says Froese, a platinum blond who wore dark glasses during an evening interview, • . ''\ . THE P()Qt THFATR~ ' I'• I H EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 OOftA mM n. '"*> &.al ~ S4(). 7444 581 5811() m11EA COSTA~ flOlllftA8f VAi.JD OMNGE M.nn Btu Pl&u Edo.wdl a,_,. F.,..,...,. V>loy C>ango Mall !>29 ~ Coon•., 979-4141 8J9 1500 63Hl340 omANGE UI\ Olv c ....... 6J4.3911 OllANGE SI.mum Or In 6Jq 1mo iiUIWiut UI\ 0.-893-0&46 NOW PLAYING MIC .... llAU .._WA PWA UACITI~-o.-anoe 637 0340 Iha 52B339 Orangt 634 3911 •EJWAMI UOO UA C..OU EDW•MIS WOOONIOM '"'"" (71 41 5St oess Newpor1a.acll873 8350 WtSllMSI« 193 054& UNA191 IOllTll COAIT PWA TOWil C8iTO ~ CoSQ Mesa (714) TSI 4114 r-=.,-=;r::.:..~-=-==--=== .... , ==-~ Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine. ·~ti I, 1 l '4j,,•,'\ ~ .-,.. I'·~ I ........... , ·~ ~S!::iii -' ~ -• ' • J ~11~· ~ . •• -.... I '•• I . and whose own English is thickly accented but free-flowing. "We've done it in the Russian language to have some sort or double meaning, so that people who read it or hear it over here and don't know what it's all about will try to find qut what it means," he says. "In finding it out, they may get into some sort of explanation which if they would not have found out anything about it lbey would have understood the lyric right away." But no translation is provided with the album, and one wonders how many listeners will take the trouble to do their own. "A lot of people do," Froese says. "People wander into libraries and start reading Russian dictionaries, believe it or not." There aren't tbat many words to "Kiew Mission," and even in translation the lyrics remain somewhat cryptic, conveying not so much a simple message as a suggestion of lbe need for communication in a troubled and fragmented "Two hours of non-stop thril~ NOW PLAYING •UWU91 SOWTll coasr ~ ow.... -·· -Rex Aea1 So<ltfo Coasa "Ml Co>U 11t:u ~--IMUI lliBD ~•6 1111 r_V....,Ut t)OO ~St¥•••O." lNUNJ:HllAllll n .... llllm·m •C-0!"'91 63' ~~) h.,. SSt SS 0<111gt llJ9 1710 ioo-a--lllMMro UWAllll IM9lllACI •1-W,tf Jt •tit.fl fl T.,o SI! SU0 W-tft U1 J69J •ACAW'f JR l'W1 Yovr <:¥0 wltl edmll ~ ano • ~· to eny .,.ri()(menctl ,__ IMlY ... % ·-=· -= -..... ....... world. But then Tangerine Dream has never relied on the spoken or sung word; of the band's 15 albums, only one other has featured vocals. ln Europe the band's reputation has been built first on its awesome electronic prowesa: On stage the three members are all but obscured from view by huge ban.ks of equipment Including more than 24 keyboards. Tangerine Dream also has shown a knack for concert showmanship, but not of the glittery costumed, gyrating pelvic kind normally associated with rock stars. Instead. the trio has commanded attention with flashy light and laser shows, incredibly loud -rHZ ...-r PICTCIRI! OPTllE YEAR, NOTHING l!L9E COJU8 CL091!;." -1-A •• ._...._ '•=:.::--a "''· t :30, t :30, 10:30 aAT/IUN. 12.:30, 2.:30, 4:30 t :30, 1:30, 10:• ''1i!FY L;r;JiEP" ...... -u-1-. .... -. - I )0 • 3 4S IOO •ltS•l030 SHARKYS MACHlNE = "'-"'flifmL • .,.._MTIST'a~ -.1:••·"~ .... ·~-6flLLIPOLI public address systems, and some unusual venues: After a 1974 concert at flheims Cathedral ln France, Pope Paul Vl banned the band from Catholic cathedrals. The band's current lineup -Froese, Chris Franke and Johannes Schmoelling -has since completed "Dead Kids," a horror film starring Louise Fletcher and Michael Murphy. "What we want to do is make young people aw are about lbe situation we are all faced with," Froese says. "It's very critical, and ln Uie end it does not matter if the Reagan administration decides we should blow up our bloody planet right now or if the people over there in Russia would start doing any sort of nuclear war." ~ l'Ml'fMS Ol[V'(QW( I. I t· I· ,. I .. . ·: 1' .. r r'. i i" i' 1· 1· I • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 I • . !'.&ivia ~l without Max · Fraky begins U ,_."aver ............ Wt&& wD k • (a) Peter S.Uera' milllU') rank and (b) the motto trlYiwMhu "'° eoetpM.....aartJ!8 tldl cohmaa, TRIVIA BOWL XXV STANDING of hit \l'lll? DGW'I ,..... belt clauee. <........_. ...._. Mu 10. Ann did some bonlnc up on her blolo&Y rnleJ' baa Joined Trae1 OMINJ .aad T•• '· t.:.':~1no.e 1111 :: •· ~,:CJ~1~'' : after sbehmet the textbook example of her perfect ,..._..._.cm the aldeliael M Trivla Bowl XXV ••ldl!Mrwtm 11 ,. c-'-'ICllNm • m•n 1n w at movie? l•tl Wider Wll.• I .• __.. ~ CIOI IO •· JoM "-" OI J JncitcMatally, lut week'• query number tbne '· MM,.,_...._-..m • "k1iw.r-m 2 Laa& Week '• A.uwen on JM Qampett'1 dot wu t.bt l,OOOtb q....UOO 1. Tom EweU (name cbanie> Pot•*-t.bt eohamn madt ltl debut mon thaD a. On radio what bifh school did Jack 2, USMC (Broom HUda'a bh>omen) el1bt 1ears qo. Now that'• trivial. • Arm•tl'ObC attend? 3. Duke <Clampett'• do1> Confltctlq aoureea ' 4. Name the newapaper which lent stanley to 4. Jane Byrne of Chlcaio (movlnc mayor) ~--~"iiiu~~ oo queatloDJ four and 5. Neropolla ("Quo Vadla" city) 11n,•11f [l • '"9lD ~~~!'~~~uloutedt, find Dr. Liviqatone In Africa. 6. Auiatant librarian <Jalfe'a job> r• _ .._.. _ 5. In the cloainc scene of ''Young 7. Wln the Heiaman Trophy (Jay Berwanier) ,. ... !!!!!Ill--•. --1 but tbat doeln't chanie Frankenstein," Peter Boyle la 1n bed reading what 8. "Sleuth" (Milo Tindle) UM fluJ 1t•ndlft11, alDee newspaper? 9. (a) "Same Time, Next Year," (b) "What I ·all three pacesetterJ ftnllW with a1ne polotl. · 8. Name the hospital to which Pamela Ewing Old toT Love"' (Ordinary People>. Onward and upward to ao-.d Two In Ute new wu coofined In the TV aeries "OalJaa.". 10. "Bus Stop" (movie riddle> incouequentla derby, and It'• tWl not.too late for 7. Before t.hia season's final came, the Oakland newcomers to deal themMlvea In. Raiders bad lost only once on ,Monday night. Name I 1. Pauline Levee lit u, the aUver aereen under the other team that beat them. what name? 8. In what 1ta1e play would you find a (Send ~r aruwer• to TRIVIA, clo tM D<lilJI Pilot. 80% ISttJ, Cotta Me111 92626. AU mtrle• mutt be r•c~ved ~~=:::;:;;:::=~~~ ,. I• I 2. Jon Arbuckle ls a mljor character In what character named Giles Ral21ton? comic strip? 9. In the movie "Or. Strangelove," what was btl Wedneaday, othenoile haJ/ tM ploy.-r'1 IG.tt ICOf"e wUl be awarded.) Ozzy Osbourne -heavy Dletal's nrlster ~acabre The thick, working-class accent of his native By Y ilOENA "RAR ._&-..,.,....,.. LOS ANGELES -For 011y Osbourne, looting to make the folks at a CBS recor~s marketing meeting sit up and take note of bis debut solo album, it was a cue of a bird In the mouth worth two 1n the bush. probably get arrested for it. I don't do it for anything but a bit of spur-of-the-moment lunacy . ''I was drunk as a fool on the day that I did it,'' he adds candidly. "l don't think I could have done It sober." Birmingham, England, persists, but Osbourne has -------------------- come a long way since the late 1960s, when Black "J went in there with two doves ln my pocket to throw them in the air, just to walk In and make an entrance, I suppose," the 32-year-old former Black Sabbath lead sinter recalls. "I just tbrew one ill the air and bit-the other one's head off and threw it on the table." Ugh. But as a reporter at.r'U1tled between incredulity, disgust and lauibter, Osbourne somehow succeeded ln makint the Incident sound, if not appealing, at least somewhat reasonable. "rve been in the record industry ao many years -you meet so many people and they never remember you," he says. "So I thought, ·Junk to all this,' let's make my entrance known, make my presence known so at least when they see my record tbey'U 10, 'SelJ it quick before he comes back again.' . · "I mean, I have a reputation of belnl a cruy guy," Osbourne says. "I suppose I am, I suppose a lot of people see ln me what they want to be themselves. Everybody wants to be a lltUe bit bizarre at times, I just get up and do lt. "Tliething is, when I ao it, there's always a camera there. If anyone else did lt, they'd ''ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST." "Pennies FROm Heaven" NOW l'\Af1NQ I C81TIMDA fl TOM .,_,.llACll ..._ C#1'llla Center Saddlebactc Cilema Cinedome • 979-4141 581·5880 1148-0381 634-2553 COITA MUA South Coast Plaza Town Cenlll (71 4) 751 ·4184 (iO ..... !i@ffltrpiii+ fl Antique~ Huntington c.nt• mell today fhru J8n. 10 c1neoorne (l There's obviously a method to Osbourne's madness, which itself seems to boil down to an image carefully nurtured with the likes of the bird caper, a Sunset Strip billboard in which bis eyes were red lights, ·publicity photos ln which ·be sprouts horns and a demonic glare and a live show that Includes spattering "blood" on audiences. Offstage, however, the picture changes dramatically. lntei:viewed at the palatial Beneaicl Cany.on home owned by the parents of his manager·fiancee Sharon Arden. Osbourne -his cherubic features framed by shaggy, baby-fine golden locks -looks very much the proper Englishman, in conservative black trousers and a crisp white shirt. "Masterful" , -L.A. Times, Shella Benson "Wonderful" -Newsweek Magazine. Jack Kroll r= CHARIOTS OF FIRE l IPGI 4 LADO~~ WllAN[" 9AOS IUUASI ·---•.-otO•..,..•t.~.,..,<.....,. o __ ._ __ _.._.....,,..._ .. .,._....__ EDWARDS CINEMA HADOltAT ADAMS COSTAMISA 546-3102 ~:tilAI CCllll'OllA 'l10H AU. llQITS l>ll5lJIV£0 ' I • • • "'C..Clr" •• Sabbath became giants of t\e fledgling heavy metal rock scene. In l!r79, Osbourne and the band parted ways - "11 years with the same outfit is long enough for anybody," he says. While the lawyers thrashed out the severance, I Osbourne put together bis own band, which for road purposes consists of bass player Rudy Sario, drummer Tommy Aldridge and highly acclaimed guitarist and co-songwtiter Randy Rhoads. He never expected his first solo venture to succeed as quickly and as well as it did: As much as the SPCA may not lik~ to hear it, the punchline of the dove tale is that the aforementioned debut solo LP, "Blizzard of Ozz," bas sold in excess or al million copies, a remarkable ~bowing for a debut LP. Sc r<Z<Zn Compl<ZH Call 6J4 ·iss~ Thia wMll you can ... REOS at theee ttleatrM: 11to J :11 l :JO 7:4110:00 •••DMIRI ....... lnn'Oln" ....... t1UI,... •c:tmlllR Nlwpol1 8eacfl 644-0760 Mis.sol Vil!0 130 &HO Orange 634 2553 ...... CMIU WUT IA_.,.. W~w H I 3935 Bria ttO 4022 a..v has the ~make \ this new year .• · the funniest ever! ' · A jMAMl(ll(;.Qe(ISMAN P'llOOUCl'°"•A IUN ~Fill!' ~~EMS PATTI f1~MNN AAY PlAQ -~•·NIU CNTa -ICWINJY ~I becvti.,. l"roduc.,. OOOGLAS C KENNEY l"roduwd by AlAN ~ISMAN oncl MICHA.El SHAMllllG ........ -, l((N SMAl'llO & TOM 5t4POHMAH & AllTHUlt SlWllS Otr4K'8CI by KEN SHIV'lllO M111tC ..., OOMINtC RtONTIUf COlOl"'Da ... THREE SUNDAY EVENINGS, 7:30 P.M. January 10, 1982 MUSIC FOR GREAT LOVERS The Pacific Symphony turns to thoughts of love In a program of music Inspired by history's greatest lovers, highlighted by a rare performance of Schoenberg's ~Romantic masterpiece, Pelleaa and Melisande. The concert opens with the classical beauty of Gluck and Includes Ravel's popular ballet suite. f ebrym 28 1982 LILI KRAUS, PIANO Liii Kraus. whose Mozart performances are legend the world over, makes a rare Southland appearance. The all-Viennese program In- clude• 20th century classlcs by Webern and Berg and the monumental Bruckner Ninth. March 28, 1982 A STRAVINSKY CELEBRATION fl. festive concert oei.t>ratlng the 100th birthday of Igor 8travln1ky, ranging from his witty Circus Polka (wrltt•n for • young elephant!) to the 20th century m .. terplece, The Rite of Spring. Pacific Symphony prlnclpal players are featurecr soloist. In Baroque worka of Mon•everdl and Baoh. Order all three at special discount prices. Sec. A S'ioi'.~ Sec. B $21.00 Seo. C 11&.00 CONCERTS AUATKNOTl"STHEA1'U A PtlbUc ,.,,.. , o IM CCICMI •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performance• belort 5:00 PM (bttpt Spacial En91gament1 and Holidays) I../' l!,41i1Au A M4ll MuodO 01 Ro1ec:ron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN ,,,.2,oe · -C.-·---"TAPS" -·-·------·---"'RAID£RS OF THE LOST Mil"' ---------+--"*-·--... ,,.. ..... -°" -""--°"' ... """ ··-~~~--::.=-.:: "'"IEDS" ... •1:9.4-lt::lt ··---·~· ..... "'MRNCIE OF MAUCE" -·------ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN ---·-A.-..i "NIEIO~I" 1111 •1:11.l!M.••------· "'SHAIU(Y"S MACHINIE"' t111 ·--·--- foc:ylty 0 1 Conolewooo · 213/S3t·95IO ' ___ .....,.__.., __ ---· =·.:::· .., ... .::::..-: :: .: .. ~~._~:: .. 1111 I ~ .... IEDS" !Nl -C.-·-..,,_ "TAPS"""" ·-----··· LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH W AllC IN . 1.._ ........ --·--"'"AJl>EAI OF THIE LOST A"K" ·-. .,, ...... , .. "' .. ,,_ _____ ,,. .,,.._ "RAGTI_.. -·--------·-I ''CHAfttOTI Of' ...... """ ' ''"·---""' ("'9UDDY. auoor 1111 ....... -"PATUINtTY" a..-.- SoMlll Coo1t Hlwoy ot ltOOOwoy 414-1514 ---·-·-"NIEIG"90fta" • -·---Mt..------ ,ACIFIC TNUTlll$ OtUVf-1111Wlr •ms SrvTCa Y0111 MIC&S-Slt• TM( t&f Al HAlllOll ILVO OlllVE-111 I OIWIGE DAIYE·lll 1 .. TOJNUl,,...tl-• fllf _ S_TS ll .... • ITAllll• -........ -e·15 '~ , .. ,:oo .-'"'"•945 IMPORTAlllT NOTICE! CIUIJtREN UNDER 12 FREI! """' ,.,. .,..., .... '"'• r11 5 .,.,. S•• S.• "•• 4 30r11 ~ ~·'l'Ollll AM CAii MOIO IS 'l'Ollll P'lMlll lf'..0 All CAii MOIO WITll iGlllTOI ~SSOllT flOSIT10ll -WIG All PllllTMIU.1 •NJ. Ollf.A ~ DI 1111 ,. MllO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,_.,.,.,ti CJI le"'°" SI 179-9150 M.Mll MM • CMIO&. .-TI' "'THIE FOU" MASONS" --"'IENDLHS LOVF"ge C"I ~·flSOUllO 8..,lt'4A ~AS.'l BU ENA PARK DRIVE IN one-..... wet1 o1 "'°" 1214070 !\Lt~-PAP• LINCOLN DR IVf·IN ,.MA...,..... . .......,, .... "ABSENCE OF MALICE" (PG) """ "'STI" CflAZr'""" Cltlf ··----eaT "MANIAC MANSION" 1111 """ "LIVING NIOKTillA.Rf"' 1111 C"'l l•~ --· "llOOE"N ll'ftOeLOIS" tl"ll -.... NIE TO FlVI" """ .,.,_..,,._TO~-TM6 "'GHOST STOflY" tit! f'\.111 11nco1n A•• Well 01 cnoll .. THIE CHANOEUNO" 1111 • 121·4070 A H Ai ~io A LA HAB~A 1)1/ Vf "~ ........ -.-.... -... tn-1161 -...... -C.~·-..,._ "TAN"--·-n. CAHNONeAU. MIN" tNt I " ORANGE 0 1m 1 IN M I s '.> I 0 N ''~·I\, ~ IN ----~ ·~ '°"" .::.''°"'"" . . -0 "~•LOV1"11t . ., ....... , "You should have been with us, Daddy! Mommy mode the car spin around!" ---- . b'f Vlrgll Partch (VIP) I -:-.. "No, thanks. Onct I gtt 1t1rttd drinking, I can't atop." / by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~~ /-9 1·f -BZ- "Sometimes Marmaduke hides his bubble gum behind his ear, Aunt Shirley." 'JL'DGE Pi\RkEll . . . : .. .. ..... ~OON Mt: LLI N8 by Harold le Ooux MEANWHIL.E l'l.l. HAVE ANOTHER ------..i LITTLE l OVCH ANO THEN TAKE A I'VE BEEN THINKIN7 .ABOUT 7HAT cAJl INSUIWJCE pot.ICY.. NAP! I HAVE TWO ~ tiefORE I'M CM.LEO ro THE OET ! ~__..., 06VIOUSLY, SIR, "'"' 'IOU AF\£ NOT A PATRON OFTME ART5! PMNIJTI SHOE I ~IT,CLA\~~! 1 CANT PLAY 60\~lf. WITUW~CIJ! NANCl' 1 ""°NDER IF THE ICE IS REALLY THIN I Or111g1 OOllt DAil Y PlLOT/Saturday, Januwy t, 1912 Cl CAN VOU IMA61N£ THAT ? CAA 't(X.I REAU. Y IMA61HE 'TMAT, CMOCK'? lllan'. l MJGUr ~1EM ... weu., r oe»1'r KHaJ ... SMF5 A Ye1.V 6000 STUOEHT •• I SlWPOSe SHE 0£56M~ IT ... Charllt M. Schulz t MATE TALt<:IM6 TO VOV, CHUC~! by Jeff MacNelly At.~ 1 M1arr ~w ro ~ WU.T~WJ(TO~ ,Z, ME IN MESlC . ~'/ YEP, IT IS by Gus Arrio~a Ft:NKl' WINKt:•at:AN by T 9m Bat1uk l COWf KN()(>.) WHIO.f it> HAVING A 5CAPEGOA'f ~ .•. R)R A 5Uro... MPH.J!Jf ... 0 0 ' I I_, . by George Lemont 'fHl!N 5'T"AY' AT -n-ie HONG KON6 L.O'T"US HO'f'e!L.. ••• 'T"HllY Rl!!At..t..Y KNOW HOW 'T"O 5,.ICK 11'"' 'T"O YA/ --.r Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 9, 1982 rn~a~IB~0Jm Church is loaded for bear MORGANTOWN , W. Va . <AP> - Forke-of·Cheat Baptlat Church partthlonen ln um wUI conUnue their tradlllon ol eau111 bear meat on the th.lrd Sunday in July. And they'll be alvlnc thanks to 1roups from around the country. The Rev. Joseph Gluck worried last month that no bear meat would be available to continue the meal, which he says has been held uch year since 1775. But he says the generosity of others has changed the gloomy forecast, which resulted from the death or the man wbo had provided meat for years. "I guess the twist of the story ls that now the preacher is Inundated with bear," Gluck says. "First an offer came from Calllomta, and then a grizzly from Montana, then from Alberta, Canada, and then we heard from a farmer In Pennsylvania who said be ta · sendln1 u1 1ome meat. Then someone lrom New York State and then someone from Maine said they would tend some." Gluck says t he dinner was started the year the church was founded because members had heard from lndians that the food helped produce longevity. ''This year we will have a plcnk of bear from all over the country," he said. Latin Masses seldo111t provided WASHINGTON CAP> -Although Roman Catholic worship now is overwhelmingly in English, 94 U.S. dioceses still provide occasional Masses in Latin for those who want It. But s uch use is "neither frequent nor widespread," says the report of a Vatican survey. It round that the Gregorian chanl. once the main liturgical music. also has mostly disappeared, giving way to hymns The report says 108 of 153 responding U.S. bishops receive no requests for Latin Masses, while 43 receive occasional requests. Forty-seven bishops said there are no approved Latin Masses in their dioceses. . Survey res ults ·'demonstrate the s uccess of the liturgical reform," says the Rev. John Gurrieri, director or the U.S. bis hops liturgy committee. worship was made by the 1962 cond Vatican The shirt from Latin to ~vernacular in Co11ncU. but bishops are suppos to provide a revised form of Latin Mass if enou people desire it. The s urvey found that some bishops quit providing Latin Masses because so few people attended. Abortion stand taken PHJLADEL1>HIA (AP> -The general board of American Baptist Churches has adopted a re- solution saying that a "human embryo is the physical beginning or life," but that abortion may be justified ··when the physical or mental health of the woman or fetus is gravely threatened." CHAIRMAN -Anticipating the Right to Life-athon Jan. 16. 1s Bi shop William .Johnson. head of the Diocese of Orangl'. who is honorarv chairman for the event. lie "!, holding 3-month·old Matthe'' Buth.•r . whose mother. G Ion a Butler of Fountain \'alley. is acli\'c th the Right to L1 f<' speakers bureau The HAVEN OF REST Team with PAUL EVANS NEWPORT-MESA CHRI STIAN CENTER Fair Drive & Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Su~day Night-Jan.10-6:00 p.m. , Hunger thetne "TH£ COMING WO&LD Food Crlslt" la theme for the Ml11loo'1 FaUval from l :IO a.m. to t p.m. Sunday al Community Untt.ed Methodist Church, 6862 Hell Ave., Huntintton Beach. Amon& workahop 1roup leaders wlll be Dr. DHn Freudenberger, author or books on world hunaer. Mf.'TAPHl"SICAL, NEW AGE and other books will be soJd from 11 a.m to 2 p.m Sunday at Mission Science of Mind Church, San Juan Capistrano. For lnrormaUon, call 661·3610. ClllCll 11111 BIBLE STUDIES FOR Career Women wlll meet from 7 to 8:30 p .m . Monday in the Newport Balboa Savings Community Room, 1100 Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. COASTLINE CHAPTER B'nai B'rith Women will meet in the community room of Merit Savings & Loan, 6392 Walnut Ave .• Irvine, al 8 p.m. Wednesday. For information, call 897 -2455 . l-. Tropical Fith e Fresh e M~rine Aqu~rium Supplies Special Jan. 9, 1982 • Jqn. 15, 1982 Botta macrantha: 7 .99 I come from Borneo and Sumatra. P eaceful but active In my search for food left at the bottom of the aquarium. See m e at Aquatic Tropic als where I am on sale under the name "Clown Loach" for only 7.99. 1510 W. Baker• Coate MeH . ~ -541-1391 •Comer Harbof & Baker miiiii • ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY ~.~ I ' MESA BIBLE CHAPEL 1734 ar-A••i::St• MHa , ............ Le ..... Monmg WortlMp • I 0:00 Pa1tor Jacobs Speali1 &...a.g Senk•. 6:00 '•tor Jacobs Speali1 WedMlday h...Mg 7:30 p.-. lllle Shldy with '•tor Jocob1 Topk.: 1001( OF ACTS W... ..... 6'1. .............. , ... ,..,.. IJt-14• ... You·ve tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!'" •••• Dr ....... c. JecklOll ...... nr-..p; c ..... h ..... t Mewn-,tit arwt. ca.re• S-..., s.r.tce A --Clllrc• ~~-LAmA..la:::r.~1'!!11!!1!.. .... • Of .,, • • 1 If dttltCH Of RRIGIOUS SOENCf' • ~~o. • Of NEWPOIT IEACH I! a T' ..-; C:. • -c-u-a.urc11o1-.--L A ;• ·~I Or. Allen ...... ~ .. ~,-,;', WORSH8'-9:30 A.M. ~ c ... c ... · ReliCJ&ous Sci .. u : It Worils! I 0 I i CG1111••clt Slreei. W.wport leach l.tfJrt .. ~ . '~Oll AH INSl'\llATIONAl "'ESSAGI: DIAL ~I ...... ....w~ ............... ~ .. J . Church of St. Matthew by the Sea. (Tradirlotlal EPJICOP•I) Christmas Eve Eucharist 9 p.m. HOLY COMMUNION· Each Sunday· 9:00 AM (Book ot Common Prayer · I 928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregations/ Church 611 Heliotrope. Corona <Jel Mar n. ~-.I-.. HMhW -531-7113 ST.JOllfS T .. lfltSCOPAL CHUICHIMCOSTA MHA l.y street .. 0....,. • ._ 1:00 Holy Co~•:•nlon · 10:00 Holy hc.._.,1t 10:00 s.day Sct.ool . NurMtY care I Mlle In. ~Ma •itp111t, Yk•• 54t-UJ7 r ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL OIJIOt ~-=----WBCOMES YOU . .l32o9 Via Udo, ...... Beach" ~ l:OO A..M.,,,..,. ... ..., c 3 . ~ rl t:ot A..M. a..11 ............... ... ~ ""tt:IOA.M. ..... ....,,~ .... tWrC t I....,. ...................... , ..... 9:W&IMIA.M.......,C.. CMAlllMAftC Mt.II -..... ...., .... ...,. _,:Of, ..... ~-IMtA.M.Mllrh' Ill ............. ...,..o..Of .... n.... p A. I. ...._._,._.,7M: It CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OJ THE ...OTMfA CHUlllCH THE '•AST C...iACH OJ C-.5-T SCtE4'tl1ST IH llOSTON .. ASSAO<OSETIS "SACRAMENT" Janucry I 0th. 1912 Cotto..._ -Ant Clwc• of CJiritt, Sc._..... JHO MeM ¥ .... Dr~ Cotta MeM C._.. & S.., Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. ...... 1-. JHO Mfte ..... Or. t A.MA:JQ r.w. Mea. ttir. s.t. WM. 7°7:11 '.M.-f ·f:JO ,.M. '"ilM -Rnt a.rcJt of cllriit, Scietlff1t ._... .................... ~ 4161 ............ Y.I Cliirdl & ,_., Scllosl -'0:00 A.M. CHll..0 CAA[ PAOYUO AT SUHOAV S€RVICl ttwctlsc:glw .._. -Ant C~ of Clwbt, Scl..tht ... I Qt.os. I .... ..,..1 S.•• C"-dl & S.., Sc._. -I 0:00 A.M. 1 ..... l ... -UtMelJISt. Ul .... Dri•• C._.. IS-.., Sc .... -I 0:00 A.M. .......... -J .. ,....t•••· Mewport .._. -Ant Cllm-dl of Clwttt, Sc ....... lJOJ Vie LWD • ..._...,._. .._. C"-"dl & S-.., Sc._. -9:00 I I t:>O A.M • 1 ..... 1 ..... JJISVleLW. M-tl1int W . -t A.M.· S ,.M. T-.-7-t ,.M. CNlllC...'--T-1-1)0.1130AM '°'81>.dy T""• Mewport IMc9' -SecOlld a.rdt of Clwfst. Sc ...... l I 00 '•Hk V1ew Dr~ c-.. Mw Cllwdl & s.My Sc .... -I 0:00 A.M. ...... •--JIOO '"I" I . C .... Hwy~ C~ wm. nweta TISTIMOMY t tarn ••s - I P .M. ALL CHUICMIS AH .,. con:Nitty tfWft90 to '".no '""" Chun:" ~ Incl ~the Df'TV•teoft of'"-R-..0 "- QM c-rto•WH AT AU SllYICIS WESTMINSTER lUTHBtAN otURCH 1Jt4t ........ . IMest to S-Diep '-f. & w .......... ""'-' -WOISHIP smMCIS - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. ,ASTOi JOIL .. s~uw PHOMI HMJH ALL SAINTS ANGUCAN EPtSCOPAl OtUROf A.cue ........ 1'2t a.. ef c-.....,_. 1 eal2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 BT. SIU ... W. NUDm, llCTOI HOL.f e~ .. : .......... : ............ a:10 ..... : MOIMlMG NA YB..C:HUICH SC:MOOl ......•. f: 15 A.M. woa..-,.. Yml a SIRMON ••••••••••.•• ; ' 1:00 A.M. ~··••!A.LUU I 11 ..... ...,,,AM. __. • ._....,f:llUL SerMOlt T oplc Jan. I 0th i"l:ff·I fEOAlr.. "Get o.t ~ n. W.y•• ..... ~.,...,._... cHuacH·o~ •EUCMous sc11M~c1 Member of the United Church of R•llaloue Scl•nc• 1 UAC:l.W'VIU.AOI $Vitt 4f llD MMI STRHT.'HVfllT1"(J'TOM alA~. C"-~ -·~ _....., .. .•. ,, ....... ........, -..,_ ---- A COIOIAl WELCOME FIOM THE UllTtD CtfUICH Of CHRIST CINMtlnCSH CllCIWT-. 611 H1lstu.,. A••~ c_ .. ..._ 644-7400 D...WW.I ............ 10 A.M. -s--, w....., Civc~ ~ ono H...-. Care M~ CONCIWTIDQI. CMCH >40 St. •-·• P'tece etG .. -yre.L..-a-.. 494-8061 JOH ... M. HYHOLDS MAIGAllT AH ... llYHOLDS MWtt.n IOA.M.-~W ...... . ..... _, HARIOR etmmAH CHURCH I Disc .... ef CllrWI J 40' Inf.. ., "'1tl ..... '4M7tl Attend The Church of our Choic_e ST. MARK f'RESBYTERtAN IL.nu"_, JI 00 Mer Yl1ts Dr~......,..,..._ • ...... W-..McQ.W ...... ,..., ..... , ..... -·· ...__.. ·~ , ..... --__..-. ~ INnct., 5-dsyWoraWp & Ci.iru School-t :JO A..M. """Sc.._._ ......,......,..Frw.y U4-ll41 Pll1pm1tttli l~ tl1~qn:t1t1f il11h1I C littn 11 326% •OAD ST .• HIW'Olt'T llACH 642·2740 SIMdav SttYlce -I 0:30 A.M. ••JESUS IS LORD .. ,.sro• fOMY CUITO A Cordlai Welco..• frota THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mesa AISTUMTID MlntODtST CHURCH 19th St & Harbor Blvd Cllllrc• 5chod t:JO Wonlllp 10:45 Charles D Clark M1n1ster Costa Mesa North MESA VlllDI Huntington Beach AIST UMrTm MITMODtST CMUICM 2121 17th St 53&-3537 WonMp Jenkr. 10:11 &.llL N<..-v Cele AN "'°"""9 c:i..rc• Sc....._t:OO -. UHmD METHODIST CHUICH Huntington Beach Nor1h COMMUMITY ""'19 MITMOOtST CMUICM 6662 Heil Ave. 8-42.,.461 w.,...1 Owd1i Sci..I I : >O • I 0:00 A..M. Or.~-1.SIM c .. RfcAUICA IYTHISIA NewPOrt Beach 1400 W. Balboa Btvd 6~5 Rev Rober1 Shepard. Jr w.,...., & e._.. w-1 t :JO ...... ~ '"-Sc ..... /hr c-7:00 ........ , ..... w.,....~. l :JO i 10:00 S: JO S.-., Sci..I I 0:00 Fountain V8.lley AISTINTID MITHODfST OUCH 18225 Buelwd St. Hi.Ht> Dr Carroll E. Word. M inister w ....... a.rdl Sc-.. t-.Jt UL ........... _ MEWPORT CBt'TB UM11D MITHODIST ,, ..... ...,., ..... c:.... ..... 644-0745 WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOl -9:30 A.M Rev. Ken McMiiian Y•WllleW•1•1~ -AM1114•• PIRST CHllSTIAM CHUR~H ..... A4-. • .....,. •• ._. WM9AY1 . c .... " .,.,, ... ..,. Wa..... l!H. , .... AM. 6M PM ....... , .......... _.....,..,..... one~ _ ,_ T W.e>.wtOll, 0... ...._ & , .. MooN •AL• N¥0'f'l0tf-U._, ... OMae-IN-Ult '"f111 "aC .......... tMI'" This Sunday Worship In ST. AMMtlWS nlSIYTalAH CHUaCH 600 St Andrews Road• Newport Beach • 631·2880 Or . .W.A .......... Jr~'Slfsr W....., S-lnt-7:)CM:4S md l_O:IS A.M. .. It Pay1 To RetMtftber" Tllele•.~LA•s9H 'IOSUMS 7:JO ... .-.-41attf_,_,.,..,,. • .., ..... .._., ........ _..._ C:.WW C... t:41-k .......... c...... 10:11-. .. ._. • ..,,., .. _..&._.cm ... AIC It 11J•1 U S.2222 PRES8mRIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2150falr-<w•14., CMt• Mete-ss1.J>40 ..._ ... ..,...,, .... Sunday Worship & Church School 830 & tOOOAM Child Care Available re yteri• c~ .. 41 5 ,...... ···~a...-..... 494-7111 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Eldon H Thies Rev. Craig Williams Christian Education Hour 9 00-10.00 AM Worship -10.15 AM -MllY CAlll 'R0Yto«.0 AT ALL IEllYICU CHURCH OF C .. IST Jl1 W. W.-, Cette MeM 64S.l It I We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUHOA Y SBVICIS 1111.1 STUDY t A.M. WOllSHtP 10 A.M.I 6 P.M . ''Remembet-~ Sabbath" IEL 20: .... ,_. n-.i. MWttw -o-. c•. ,_,.; MWshr HABOl I~.,....,. S..._..s.nic" fri4-y f'I'..... t :ll P.M. ··a a· n t' f...-y S-lu ·Ant,,....,............. 7:10'.M. Rabbi Bernard P King Jamboree & Eastblufi Dr Music Ane Sh1kler Newoort Beach Gahl Educator: Nancy Levin ,_ IMfa u:Asa eel 644-1JH AH voe~OA w"°""" ~EMPLE SHAfl9n!a11ve) ¥ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 West Hamilton, Coate Mesa, Calif. 92627 C7141 Hl·l2'2 RT .. MAii $. m.LEI SHAHAT SBVICIS ,,.._. .....-w .. 10:10 ... Of HIWPOIT-'IVM.11 ..... 1 F1mlly Services· 1st Friday of Month-6 p.m . Religious School. Adult Ed . Youth Groups, Singles Kabbal1t Shebbet. lut Friday of month 6:00 P.M. 1011 c-•ock.Me...,...._h, ... J ........ , 64~1'" ,... . ....._...n..v-• ... L1111h11s For I\ C111lll. C liri<l·C1111t1•rc•d C /ru rc/1:' /0111 lJ, f1•r W1or,J111• 1\1 .MARINERS CHURCH Rn11 Orll11H1I. l'r~nr/1111.~ 9:00 •m. Wor1h1p .and SunJay Schtiol (0 ti• oth 11r.adt) 10·1.5 .am, 6ibw Cl.tun <Ch11dr•n & Adulttl Biso11 l\1•r1111t nt }11111/1oru Bouln•11r1/ /lliout 040-bO 10 For l11for11111tion ''And the pe.ict of Cod. which surp•UH •II rompr•htn· sion, 1h•ll ituud your hurh o1od your minds in Chritt !nut·· P~1hppi•nt 4·7 -======::::;:=================-~======---~~~---;-~-:-~-, 'Attend 'Fhe lJhurch Of Your C.hoice ThU 'Sunday . J Pulitzer Arthur Schie.s ing.er ~·rites in an Prize-~nniFngA~lrYnWtEKL y report exclusive . R gan can be ' that, '• PreJ1d~n~e tr~iy understands, successful ~ J 1conservative •mandate the ~ bfe to s balance the demands of and~ •t• " .. ; ... uneasY cdall ion. i and Uli) • servat sm "Ecc:>nom1c ~o n have always been evangelical moral,'~"!irites Schlesinger. uneasy partners, ts to get government "One groups w~he other wants to put off our bac~. beds.. · government 10 orh future of the new· Read at?<>ut . eFAMILY WEEKLY . conservatism in Sunday. ------------- D Cl> E ft) z ..J i w• m~ c:( ~ ~ Cl> ... 1:) 1:) < Cl> c 0 .c a. >--u ·. Cl> ... :::J -ft) c OI V) Cl> -:::J 0 a: -u ... ... .,, 0 i :::> ~ 5 .. 0 ~ By THOJIAS 0. ELIAS U lHl wH a year wben tb• Rea1an • AdmlnlatraUon fulfllled campaJp promi.. by attacktnt numerous environmental re1ulaUona1 tbl1 year fttw'el to see the ftnt eonc...te N9ultl OJ at least aome ot those attacks. for despite all lhe publicity atveo to lDt..rtor Secretary James Watt and hla attemptl to lf!W' new offshore oil drtlllni. open faral lands to more mineral exploltatlon and eue Hltl'tctU.. on uae of federal irrigation water, none of thole e fforts produced even a •t.nale oU well or new mining lease last year. But delaying tactics by Watt'• opPQMDtl can't stall his drive permaoenUy IO lon1 u be baa President Reagan's backint. And be does. The effort to open 2-4 million federally~wned acres controlled by the Bureau of Land Management seems likely to brin1 Watt's first ·au111111 flCll breakthrough. Tbe opposition to# oil, 1as and I mining activity on those lands is far less intense Ulan the fight &gJtlnSt new offshore oU leases in sensitive, scenic areas. I In California, Walt seeks l.O open 6 million acres harboring herds of bighorn sheep, desert tortoises and other endangered animals. Those lands also are believed rich ln silver, gold, borax and magnesium. The only strong opposition to that plan comes Crom the conservationist Sierra Club, which says it will go to court if Watt opens any areas it considers environmentally sensitive. Legal acUoo could probably deJay an order opening new federal lands, but not for long. For the foes of such development don't have as strong a federal law to lean on as coastal interests do when opposing oil drilling. So an opening of some previously-protected federal lands in California - most likely in Southern California -is a good bet sometime this year. By contrast, the odds are' that offshore oil foes will be able to stave off new rigs and even new leases for at least a.nother year. For one thing, before be can proceed there, Watt must overcome last July's federal court decision requiring that any action he takes be consistent with slate coastal planning. Almost any plan Watt pursues will be challenged on those grounds, as long as the offs h ore wells remain unpopular in California. Politics also dictates that Watt go slowly a long the shoreline. For this is an election year and virtually every elected official whose constituents live within 50 miles of a beach has opposed at least some or Watt's leasing plans. Even the state's Republican Party chairman has WATT warned or the consequences for the GOP if new oil wells suddenly sprout along the coast. If Watt's opposition is more muled in the desert than on the coast, it is even weaker in the irrigation water dispute. The secretary completely endorses arguments by lobbyists for large corporate farms who claim the old 160-acre limitation on farms using federal water is outmoded because the small family farms encouraged by the limit are impractical in the era of ~hamzed farming. _ But Watt can't act alone to change the 160-acre limit. He can only encourage Congress to act - and refuse to enforce the limit in the meantime. He's doing that already, but it's no real change from past policy. The limit has never been strictly enforced. In California, then, the prospects for real change spurred by Watt, and not just loud talk, are strongest in t..he desert, where the federal administration has more absolute powers and far less opposition than it does on the shoreline. ( Elia.'i is a columnist bcued in Santa Monica). Chinese calf born . PEKING <AP> -Two longhorn cattle given to Chinese leader Deng X laoping, by the Texas Wild Animal Parlt are the parents of a frisky male calf the Peking Evening News reported. ' The paper said the calf was born in the Pelting Zoo. RECALLS SPLIT Paul McCartney says he was the last of the Beatles to come to the view that the group should break up. McCartney 'not to blame.' LONDON (AP > Paul McCartney, blamed by critics for breaking up the Beatles 11 years ago, rejects the charge and says that of all the "Fab Four," he wanted most to keep the group going. "I certainly wasn't responsible for splitting up the Beatles as some people suggest,'· the 39-year-old superstar said in an,. interview in The Times of London. "In fact, I was the last o ne to come to that view. I'd wanted us to tour, to briOg us closer together again.·' McCartney, who with the late John Lennon wrote most of the Beatles' music, also said he and Lennon did not dislike one another, as has been suggested. However, McCartney ackn ow ledges that Lennon 's publi c criticisms of him In the early 1970s shocked and hurl him, and also inspired him to prove he could be a success in his own right with the group Wings. He rarely answered Lennon's challenges, he said. because he had li-t"llc-c°'llar'l~e or matching his former writing partner 's renowned wit. "It all gets absorbed into the myth, your image builds up, it gets into plays and books and it becomes the truth," said M cCartoey "Except that it wasn't." Lennon, who was shot to death outside his apartment in New York on Dee. 8, 1980, actually liked him, McCartney said. "From a purely selfish point or view." he said, "if I could get John Lennon back, I'd ask him to undo this legacy he's left me." ~o-frills training due Low-cost interest survey recommended By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: I am a 3t-yeu-old female wit.It ao specific trade. I'm interested la ret11rnln1 to ldaool to learn one. How do I 10 about decldlng? -M.S., Renton, Waah. A high school counselor can direct you to a low-cost interest survey such as the Strong-Campbell' which ls $8. This "test" could focus your attention on possible career fields to investigate. If it's a trade you're after, consider a no-frills approach to learn specific marketable skllls. The high school counselor who directs you to an interest inventory should be able to tell you what vocational trainln1 opportwlities are available at public postsecondary schools in your area. CARllRS NATTS gives these tips for choosing a vocational school: -Licensing. Most states require licensing by the state's 1 postsecondary school llcen.alng body. Your state's deparment of education can confirm whether a particular school is licensed. -Accredit.etion. A school that is accredited has met minimum standardS established by an agency recognized by the U .S. office of Education. -Visit the school. Talk wltb students and instructors and alt ln on classes. U J>06Slble, take a worker in the field ot your interest with you to aee lf the school Is using up-to-date equipment. i ..Ji ·-~ > •. 'Q. t-o.. w 0 AlternaUvely; you may want to consider a private Job school, wbicb 0 cowd be an excellent choice. ~ Vocational 1cbool1 that belona to -Placement help. Find out what happens to the school's graduates. How many are working in the field for which they prepared? Ask 1raduates if the traintn1 waa valuable. A.Ill employera .U they are hiring graduates from tbe aebool. Determine what placement help you can expect upon craduaUon. ..J c I Q. i Wd a: i ~ ~i i wr * ' ~a r I ::> i alE ,.. N -.. ·-" . Q c -u .,. .. a i 'f ! "; i o&u z 0 t-s a ~ u 'j tbe National Aaaociation of Trade I: and Tecluuc.aJ Scboola (NATI'S) offer - -.. nearly. 100 different occupational o coUrHt, Jncludln1 •ucb disparate I careora u dental aulatlna. interior decoratfan, doS 1?00mln1, tkin caN, 'm•dical office mana1ement, paperb~linJ and office machine repair. Popular fields are radio-TV data procesalq, electronica, medical services, draftlo1, and auto mechanics. TulUoa aver&1es about '1,!00 per year aad atudentl AN ellslbl• for the same flnanclaJ aid u that awarded tey tbOH enrolled at colle1ea and univenlUet. ·Moat courses Hqulre Ina tbao on. year to complete but ,,~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~!l._c Pre>fl'&ml raaae from four mcntba-to ~! •01ean. - -Compare coeta. Sbop various achoola to lff' where you 1et. tbe IDOlt for your money. Aak about eacb school's Nfuod policy in HH you cban1e your·mlnd. READ&R ·SERVIC•i For o ~ of • • Haftdbook of Trade •114 '1'ec"11ka! CarHra Cllld '1'"*"'o J91J·IM2 .. taUll Hpl I Oft carHr:hftHftg ot1d o Utt of J NATTB·aecrttlOtd edoolt, ,.. o pcmcord,.... to ,,.. LoM « ..... a1 eoi ,.,, eoa ..... ._ . .._ tor I "NA'f'TS." Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Slturday, Janulf'Y 9, 1982 . Cl • 5 6 7 8 D A I ·L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6. 4 2 • CLASSIFIED INDEX ......... ,.. ....................... --., IOOJ '"• ...................... . Te Pia Y• M. Cal • VACANT 642·5678 I ,!f~Jll'~!er wW carry at U.5~ or llOISD Fii SAU • will conaldtr lute !>P· o-,.., .. 1• Uonl Hlibly up1r1ded tt:l:!:."!111. · · :: ..1.ou•• IM'U ... IMl'l • Trill• m00er. 0111 pl•nll· ~-.... , w r;i -. """.....,, Inc and wood thuttert ~-~111111 ::. OPPORTUNITY · New carfiet ! Only ~........ :: ,.....,-. Metkto: P.llO. Ca 1813-1550 l~...;~1.'":., :: All real estate ad· . ·-1• v er ti• e d I n t b 11 THE REAL ESTATERS t:::: ~ ... DeWllplpet II subject to ~ N11uo1 :: UM Federal Fair Hon 1111-Vtt)O 1111 lq AU ol lMI which OW.-ANXIOUS ~~ .... S:::h ::: mik4a It llle1al to ad· Beautiful. Immaculate, a... J11a• C•P1M1tno 1m vertile "any preference. nicely landacaped 4 Br :.1' .. "::, :: limitation. or dis· home on cur.de·uc. IMlll.Ac-1• criminatJon baaed on Spacious rooms. View of ='=•Salt 1• race. color. religion. coif course from proper· Kat EST'TE 1• ta. or national origUI. ty. Owner·assi1led """' " er an Intention lo make linancin&. Only 1139,SOO ~-::.= ~i.s.1t :: any such preference. Cal now. 979'53'10 ::':.!Zr-:n, 1• limit a lion 1 or dis· A · C-.lftJl.GU c,,.,.. JS cnminauon: LLSTATE, =~~!1:1!'' 1100 This newspaper will not • =~~~·~~ :: knowin.ly accept an} • AE~LT5»f'8 1 ....... Pl"Cll'trtl 11111111 1dverhsln1 for real =~-' ~ esute which is in viol•· COSTSTA M11ESA ll•1tH1M TrlrPrh za tionofthelaw A.RT ~=~t.:""" -Only Sl2S.OOO! Auume ::=:=~· g: Ho.etfwS. Sil.~ in loana at 1832 ._...r .... ,,,,.... = ••••••••••••••••••••••• monthly. Owner will 11u1t:11>1«£uuac• -.._... 1002 carry Family room II.tel !lll•t< Wonlff -••••••••••••••••••••••• with cozy f1r~l1ce ! 3 HNTALS c-.,,. V11tw large bdnns. Sparkling llwHl.llu...._ uw r ~ coruhtion! Hurry, call "-Unfwfllllltcl DI New cape Cod 2 story 673-8SSO ._ f'llr•or Uof -bldg on prime Street. ~= [:;• -3CIO eq. n + 5 car pkg. T ... -.-rv,. := Residence/office up. THE REAL ESTATERS T:;::.~q~~:' : stain. rool top deck, re-~' .. ""' _ talldownst&Jrs.1375,000. =~~l•f = ~35i:':.M~i~ =·· lloerd = 673-6716 MESAVEIDE EXECUTIVE! i=,·~:,..i: ::: I 3% Siilmmtr lt.C11t1I,. ._ f 17 ~00 DW lo.II Buccola bulll home with double door entry ; leads into formal hv1ng room, forma I dining room. huge family room. stone rlreplace1 country kitchen. Al overlooks spectacular pool and spa Elegant ma st er suite, 3 other lar_ge bdnns. plUJ a den with builtin bookcases. Truly an executive home for only 1299.000. Owner will help with financing . Call now.~2:113 v ..... .,. 11.tOltb -' "· ~~::r .. ~:!: W> Be eve t! A fantastic Olfttt lkal..i :: home with large living =~r:~, uio and family area Brick -11~·" M.-~ :: f 1 rep I a ce. s unn y ~.i. ~ ---kitchen. 3 huge bdrms. ..... 11.iiMESS, INVEST· -:. b~iJrJ:~~'.n~~ MDIT, flNANCE interest. Call for more 5(IOI details. 646-7171 :::::::: ~ lOIO :::::::~.:i1 = 11->l<I LM• Mm Mcww, *•a.cl• 5a» 11...,.,..,rn , i.om THE REAL ESTATERS UM>HSIOOI AllOUNCDIDITS, rmotlALS l LOST & FOUNI 2 Br 29t!/l~ condo w/grnt amenrues and »ou excellent finan cing. = GE'b,iAltle, agt 7~·1221. = RE_AX. THE ~EAL ESTATERS ~W/S..IJ.S .,.;:eolldot I OCYo Da. 2600 Bllt Santa Ana Av. SBYICES = llEDIOOM STARTER.- Peppenree Heights Features: 2 mstr bdrms, cathedral wood beam ceUngs. ceramic tile in kitchen le bath. dbl shower 10 master bath, p1lotless gas range/ oven, micro wave oven. dishwasher. cuslom oak cabs. auto gar, dr. opener. heavy shake rod. concrete dnveway and walk 2 car gar + 2 car parking Extra large swim pool artd spa From $129.SOO and pay ments from SUJ60 p/mo P&J -Only $130,000! Woods and streams surround this charming Costa Mesa garden home = Enclosed patio. 3' car 11oe garage! Sparkling pool. l'iexible terms. Just list· -eit. eau 673-8550 •1• •1J ---a -a.I -a.I -Mi MrlO tr!S llO'll -•1 --..., ------ THE REAL ESTATERS ---... ed$100,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMER Orean View 1575,000 6br/4~ ba. 4100 sq ft SOlmlPORT MODEL OWNER FINANCING HIGHLY UPGRADED O~erexpiresJan 31 2S Bodega Bay Call ownee?6?31737 Courtesy to Realtors. So. c.lf ... 546-5605 u 1-'1t4 '-"' ....... SttVl('t ....... .,,...1: ... , ............. llolull..,C\.ontr INU.5ail $1Sl9$»0 DOwM! Owner will carry financ 11010 ing! Super sharp 3 Bdrm m> 2 bath townhome con :: do-pool, sauna and spa -Great terms! G real SI 121.000 NEWPORT ICH! Beautiful upgraoed 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo Vaulted ceilinged living room. bright sunn y kitchen Attached garage Barga in cash iltii ..... si.,. Ooth llolu5t>nd•S.1 -..si...,. -barg11n ! Ca ll now :: ~Zill I · TIUSPOITATION Aircraft gr~MMt ; 1$Ltii14_ Oasstfied advert1s1ng is a betlfr way Lo tell more people about the service you have to offer. Ask about our low rates to- day. 6'2-5478 -l)< ... -.... 11-Hms S.k lt•OI Troll«> T ra•tl !:::.~:i..u tut Trade your old stulf for ::: new .1oodiea with a 11• 0Maifted ad. 642-5678 AllTMllLE C-.al • ~-Clu11n ILKrH IAe \ ttlHrl•• ~t~!t!'ocb in.cu v .... A"'-OLthlflll A-Wu1"4 AUTOS, IMPOITED C-al AV• ltoJDto """' AW»lwl Hc:1Wl l.llW C.pn ~; .Pau"" J'trO.fl P'I•• -· Jqun J ...... K1r•nnt.ihu• i-w ..... Mud• lllltr«dn .... ll\O llllGB °'"' P&Mt141 ,..., ..... l'onrl>o ....,ull 11.wlalloyot RO\ tr EL ~::.-.- YllLaw•a«• v .... ams.in c-.1 AmS,ISO -. .. -----•1• -- - -····· Ml AllllC . ..-.... tk •1• OMllM , .. •11 C.un> ... ltll Qittrolol • • -tlllr)'sltt. .• -~· .. = 0.--.. -. . .... . !.I! .... al ;; it:':rt .... -=·· ····-····= o.:lii;, .. . . . . . .. ' . I!! ,_ ... ' ... " .. ii! st::':' .· ···-............... ,,... . . .. ... "" .... ~ ... °"UM Dally Pilat "tilt Rtlult" lttVIC, ~ dlnttory. Your ..-riet II our 81*111t1. ~--~- 11--'"'"-'----...----lh C.l.A Y l POLL\S'--~---1 H. ,_ °""' _...., c;..d. ~ V J.u•,••,.t to th• Sfert To develop mcno9• tor !tunday, rfOd-<flC~"'!llO.-. of"°"' Zodioc bon+l •'II" 'lit >tto t1 toii;~ ,,..,,.. »...,.,,.. co..,....., • ).... ))All I)(~ .... "°' ,, .,.. )t(tollit .. , .. ,. ).».Jl).4l :~ ::: =~:. ,,..... ,.......... ,,,. """"" ·-ll-·-..... •-ac;.... .. _ ..... ...._ ... ,,..,. ''LM-f ''" .......... ,,,. .,...,.... ""'°""" tJ,._.... t.lTN t>w1111 ,.~ .... ,.,.., !lo.I .,..... ,, .. ,.,... •lfttn ,. .. "..,... .,. """'-.... -.._ ·-.. ...... tt M •W'ff'I Nlltttl ·-ltCM ID-n.... ttwrr.. ,,....,. n~ we...-.,,_. D-.,_ II• ,._ .. _ .. _ ·-... ltO.-•Daiiii• ...... • • ...., ,.,,.,.. ··~· "'"'"" • y.. tic.,. • a.. ... .. ..., ·-., .. ..... ...... . ....... .... ~Goad ®Advrt>t C)Nt•tul .... ,,,.,, CCOTPTSETAAJHYIUWTC S P l M C T A Z C T P 0 l T P I C F S l E A Z R N C C U A H E R U T E E U E M T Z I U M I R R A Z G N R R T 0 X S 8 A C 0 0 R II T 0 S E C I R A I P X E Y T Y A C T I R S H T E 0 R N L S II T E C 0 8 X C S E T J E C U 0 I U J A E A E X S U E J A l T 0 C M C M G R C R N C T L Q S R I W C C £ t £ P T I T C l 8 A I S R 0 E H A R T M V U N I D T QRTONULEREXAOTRROCT E J. U E S I N E C R P Nf' ~ 6 C [ R Pj 0 E T J N I F E 0 I L l . C E C C W L Y E T U W I H L M I 0 E L Y A T N REMALDllUNC J llEllTAOL I • . - UI • CMfYOM ~ CUSTOM A IM&. AICHnlCftti&. IMUTY Ele&ance fc dlrnUr in this f antutle Geortian Colorilal located on the 8tll areen of 1011 courae. Top quality craftamamblp thruout with finest wooda, imported marble, crown moldings, 61,; bathl, air cond., 3 wet bara + more. Luxurious iutr suite plus ' other· bedrms wtth private batbl, banquet alze DR, fam rm and bllliard rm. Call for appt lo aee or-1 colored brochure. $2,150,000 lncludinf the land. HAllOI YllW •OADMOOI YA.CNff -sm AMY TIMI View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this presti~ious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 2th Ba Family Room, 2 Fireplaces, Community Pool and Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. Owner will help finance . 1211 SUIRM WAY s.t/S. l·I MIWPOIT IUCH DUPW OWMm WIU. ANA.MCI AT I 3% 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upper; 2 Bedrooms in lower. Some view of ocean. Fireplaces. Patios. $279,500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of $230,000 at 13%. No loan fee. FOi WSI -SI 200 MO. New listing. Big Cyn Townhome with uciting golf course view. Unfurn. El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms. dining rm & 2th baths. Pool, jacuzzi & tennis. 21 CAMYOH ISUHD DI. S• I ·S I WISUY M. TAnOI CO .. lliLTOIS 2111S. ..... H•loM MIWPOIT CINTB. M.1. 64+4910 '=!::' S@~4l~ -//, £~s· ::: ----Noo411f QAY L l'OUNl---- •1~ '-"-'• ol .... '°"' itrombled -ch ti.- low '° '"'"' '°"' Jl.,plt -ch I t I· R ,~ I y I 1 ... .---........ I C SUUH Ii' ' 1· I I I . t I II E S A I I f Tnt pile• of Junk food at the Is I' J I • fl'IO\lies It ridiculous. Tlley'Ye • • _ _ ~ opened 1 new thNtllf In town ....__..____. __ __.__. -with frN adml'*lon -but I B U L 0 M Y I tlltft'a a two pe>pcorn -. I 11 J .I I _e ~:-d.~~ ...... --'-~------__.._ ...... 'IOw ~ .,_ llWp No J below . • :~~t~~~f~mm r r r r r r I' I 6 't:r:~A~A imm '0 I I I I I I I I SCIAM-UTS Mlwtra 19 Cl _ 111 _•11 ltlO SEE YOUR ADIN PRINT IN24 HOURS Place your Daily Pilot classified ad before 5:30 p.m. and it will run in the next day's issue. The Daily Pilot is the only afternoon Orange County newspaper to off er you this 24-hour service. Stop by our of lice or call 642 ·5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you place your ad. You can charge your ad or use BankAmericard or Master Charge. DAILY PILOT REALESTA1! EXCEUENCE SJNC!1NI COMI WITH US ••• TO IAYIHOllS. ........ .,,. .... •• fff a..11. W1tttfN1tt. Pl•t ......... ~ ..... ow.,.~ ...... l ................. ... ......... ,,... ::"! .t.1rc .. .. ~:c••11..-1ys .... 11 ... '. ....... U. I 00,000 OPlt4 SAT It SUM I te 4:JO COMI wmt US. •• TO llYM THUCL F•••lc Ylew flf ........ _.ea.. Tine ~da• .._.... H• ~ ,... ..................... . •1w1•,.... ".:ti:'~' ...e.,.. FU. 1301 DOLltlM Cl .... Sl,200,000 COMI WITH US. •• TO DOV& SHOHS. Dlslillctlft floor ,.... C ... , ..... few ............ Y6t roof l.. ....... c... 1t1r1et ••1.-dnr 11 • ..,. lewd ce .... 19 ..... ..-. Tlrte ...,._ ... llJ •ltw. 1 t06 CiALAIY DllYE • • • . • • • • $600,000 , AY'.U AIU IT APPOIMTMIMT COME WITH US. •• TO IAMCMO SAM JOA~ ....... •lew of 4J9ff cowse ...e 9'11 iii. Two ite•aa• ...e .._ W ............. c .... $16,000 IM"k•,... ....................... Mow Sttt,000 I COME WITH US •.. TO MEWPOIT TIUACL be1pNul#y prt••· &d ..... Tlrrte .... DD• I U,9 .......... Arffaffc Mede• tlle. IHeled 9feu wa.4ew. w ..... .,... ... ~ ...... ,...... IM 1 I IL View of pn _. cltJ l&cJMs. Yery ..... firlmcl9g ............. s 149,500 1617 WESTCUFf DI.. N.t. 631°7300 9 '~~~~Jc. OCWlllOMT Riverside Area. No L>sn , !!ft"CWll •cl•ofty allllibiDL 64!).44§6 ~WILL "" ---balance It 12~. 1115,000 '«> DN, equity sba.re. lit down ! Deluu corner time b\(yen, 3 bd., 1 ba., chc>lex. Could ~ ain~le cdy ... 000. _pria. oel1 family home! $7'5,000. ean Ql-400 Kathy apt. ..... .., ,,.,. 1dlt"1\ems "1th a ...... ~ily Pilot Cl111Hied -·*·'·7·1-·7·06·1·*-· RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES OP9t HOUSl 1·5 ' ' . OPIH IN UHIYYSITY PAIK A best buy in Irvine. 2 Bdrms for $179,500. See Cora Baldikoski At1 4951 HEMLOCK OfllM OH UDO tSU Tastefully decorated & spacious 2 BR. in ideal location . Owner assist- ed financing. $345,000. See Edie Olson At 'lZ1 VIA ORV! ETO 0'94 IM IANCHO SAM JOA9UIM 2 BR + den. Tranquil setting over· looking golf course & wide green- belt. $199,500 Fee. See Kathleen Arciero At 13 VERDE OPlt4 IM CAMIC> SHOllS Ocean view, 2 BR. + den. Lovely large patio w /rm. for pool & spa. $595,000 Fee. ~ Carol Allison At 4521 TREMONT OP84 OM UDO ISU Smashing 3 BR. + den. Atrium POOL. Entertainer's delight. $595,500. See Cynthia Rum sf eld At 204 VIA EBOLl ...... OPIM OH IAUOA ""'"SULA The ocean ~ the front yard of this fabulous 3 BR. 5 bath custom. $1,100,000. See Wynn Wilson At 1137 E. BALBOA BLVD. OPIM OM SPYet.ASS Formerly, the 1981 Design Home. Distinguished custom Mediterra· nean Villa. Commanding ocean view. $2,400,000. See Hillary Tbamer At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE . °"" '" SHOllCUflP Lovely ocean 4c canyon vlewa. 3 BR. Din'g. +Guest quatten. $.W(),000. , See Linda llaraton At 324 MORNING CANYON . SILL9 DISPllATlll On the water. Price slashed SlO 000 to $214,900. ONLY 10% DOWN & owner will finance l l Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. ~7035 J.Ut•• CUB ••Pl.AM 4•• Extremely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnifi ce nt decorating, fplc . gourmet island kitchen. formal dining, family room & in·house laundry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. 759· 1501 or 752· 7373 zao DOWN No down payment required on this lovely four bedroom, two bath home with family room. Asking $149,900. 556-7035 * Sf&lS TO IEACH• I~. AMAMCING AV All.AIU Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land onJy '299,000. 759-lSOl or 752· 7373 •W ATafl()MT HOMI• ' CllATIVE AMAMCI._ SensationaJ 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors. frpl . professional decorations & private sandy beach. Onlv $265.000 & seller will carry AlTD. Leasehold ! 759-lSOl or 752.7373 OWNS AM.AMCIMG Beautifully upgraded executive home with low maintenance backyard, spa & firepit. New microwave. Asking $175,000 with only $30,000 down. 963·5671 • TUITUllOCIC • $127' Pa MONTH .... is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br executive detached home featuring formal dining, family room & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 759-1501 or 752-7373 100/oDOWH Highly desirable single story end unit with double attached garage. Assume $60,000 loan at 10% interest rate. 963·5671 110'" OCEAN & IA Y YIEW • •C&.llflKA V-.• * Fantastic view from this 3 Br executive home on FEE land ! Perfect for entertaining! ! $>.50.000 lexdusivel . 759-1501 or 752·7373 4-NX Prime rental area. $60,000 down & owner will finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963·5671 UCI COUNTIY YIEW •TUlnHOCIC GLEH• l''abuJous view from this 3 .Br end unit featuring fp lc, formal dining, gourmet country kitchen & . private courtyard ! Onl y $280,000 FEE.159·1501or752-73'73 .SB.LEI DESPEIATh 121/J°lo FIHANCM Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w/PANORAMIC GOLF COURSE VIEW !! Featuring 2 Br & den, wet bar, fplc, etc. Price slashed for quick sale & seller will help finance. 759-lSOl or 752-7373 MEWPOIT IEACH OFACE 2'70 s-..,..,c Dri•• (714175f.1501 (7141 752.7373 HUMTIMGTOH IUCH OFACE toJ2..._A,• 17141 HJ.5671_ 17141556-7035 ~ Walker Blee 1111 ht1t1 BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautlfuJ selection of homes al this time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you . OPIM l·I 61J""9 ........ Jt41~ ..... 1mfw. .. ar..w111._. Safi.HO SJIO,OM SJOl,tOt TIM.Iva"°°" Lovely 4 bdrm, 3 bath & 'family room. San Lorenw Model in Mission Viejo with split-level yard. Walk to schools . $190,000. UNIQUE UNDER $400,000 IN NEWPORT 3 .._ Augusta model, Big Canyon, beautiful. $319,000. l ,._, family room on Balboa Penin. New custom constr. Financing. $33.5,000. 3 ldrlll, fireplace, Harbor View Homes. Assume financing. $245,000. 4 ldr9' Palermo model in Harbor View Homes. $322,000. 3 .._ custom in Irvine Terrace. backyard bay view. $375,000. 3 .._remodeled in Irvine Terrace. Pool, spa, new carpets. $395,000. 3 .._Hampton model in Seaview. Guarded gate. cul de sac. $395.000. 3 .._ family room, two fireplaces. Seaview. guarded gate. $395,000. Spotleu in old CdM . Duplex, fireplace , brick patio, beamed ceiling. $325.000. 3 .... 45' lot in old Cdm So. of Hwy. Owner financing at $400,000. 4 .._ completely remodeled. in Nwpt Heights, 2 firepJaces. $365_,ooo. 2 lctr., den, fireplace, assum e financing, in Harbor View Homes. $232,000. 4 .._ Sandpiper model in Harbor Vu Hills. Financing. $399,000. U~iaJ~ ti(M-~i REALTORS.67S-6000' 2443 E..11 Co•t Hltfl•llW· Coroea HI Mar WI HAYUI OP 1MI llST USf146S IN TOWN CllAWUFF UNITS Located on Eastside,C.M., these units are in excellent condition. s very private units, two 2 Bdrm and three 1 Bek Assume existing financing and owner will help finance. Full price $.149,500. . HOUSI + DWLIX Eastside C.M. location, large 2 Bdrm 1 lh Ba house with service porch and garage. Two 2 Bdrm 1 Ba units with alley access. Try $30,000 down. Assume low interest loan. Asking ~.000. . . - Pete Barrett Re presents OVEMW MOii POI YOUI MOMIY: Newport Beach cottage, exceUent condition. 2 B<lnns, fireplace, formaJ dining room and builtin kitchen. Tile roo:f- and new plumbing. $1S5,000. MOii POI YOUI MOMIY: Central Joeation in Costa Mesa. 3 Bdrm lth bath, all refurbished : Paint, floors, kitchen, baths, drapes, etc. Full price. $98,500. MOii FOi YOUI MOMEY: Quiet street in Newport. Customized 3 Bdrm, den , 3 bath home with 5 garages, concrete rear yard for equipment, etc. One of a kind op· portwtlty -for $175,000. MOii FOi YOUI MOMIY : Assumable 1st and owner will carry • 2nd TD . Immaculate and redecorated 3 Bdrm home with huge open beamed family room . Nice area convenient to schools $13.5,000. PET BARRETT REALTY . . .. ·. ' • "ett. ••• """· ...... mE 111111 ILlllS CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE 321 A VIHIDA CYlfTOS IWFfS OPIM SAT t 2-4:JO Prime View! Best Panoramic Front Row View On Back Bay. Highly Upgraded End Unit. REflllo~e.led Kitchen ... Wrap Deck. dQu151te! Let Me Invite You To Inspect. You'll Love It. $365,000. 107SUSSDLAME WISTCUff OPIH SAT 1·5 Price Reduct1onf Remodelea . Neutral Tones. Upgraded Cpl. 4 BR 3 Ba Exec. Home On Quiet Street. Pvt Gated Courtyard Entry. New Landscaping. Owner Will Carry Financing W 20% Down. 1600 IALIOA A VIHUE UTTLEISLAMD OPEN SAT 12:3M:JO Unique 2 BR 2 BA Home On Balboa's Little Island. Front Home Completely Remodeled. Owner Motivated. Will Exchange Or Assist W /Creative Financing. $387,.000. 542 HAllOI ISLAND DIJYE PIOMONTOIY IA Y OPEN SAT 12:30-4:30 Custom baylront. FEE LAND. Parquet Firs, New Cpts. 3 BR + conv Den. 31h BA. Sep D.R. Huge F .R . W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W /Pantry. Brkfst Rm . Sauna. Study. 3-Car Gar. Wood Deck. Bay. Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. · $1 ,400,000. LAGUNA tilGU& OCEAMFIOMT Exclus%ve Gated Comm. Of "The Shores." Spac Custom·Built 4 BR Home O'Looking Gorgeous White Sand Beach. Hi Beam Ceilings, Graceful Circulat Staircase. Forever View Of Ocean. Owner Will Help Finance. $1,450,000. POOlSIDI SIT11._ Elegant Condo -Neutral Tones - 2 BR, 2 BA -for Formal D.R. - Gorgeous Sunsets -Super Financing -Low Fixed Int Rate - Seller Will Carry Lrg 2nd -Shown By Appt. -Asking $220,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. EASTILUff Owner Financin~. Flexible Terms. Poss Lease/Option. Lrg ' BR Lusk. Spac F.R. W /Parquet Firs. Formal L.R. D.R. Area. 2 Frplcs. Sunny, Cheery. M0tu1tain, Nite Lites View $229,500. llVM -MIW USTIM6 Great Buy In ~ (\lei. 2 BR, 2th BA . Prid\"\\\ \Jrahlp. New Drapes, ' 1;eutr1l Colors. Furniture .• ~ailable Call Now . $120,000. SPUT LP& COM>O Major Greenbelt -Lovely Franciscan Model -2 BR, Conv Den, 2 BA & Powder Rm II Carry lit T.D. At .... 00 EAST8LUFF DA. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 ZI% .__. WIU FINANCE One level Blutra condo "Unda" plan 3 Bdrm 2 Ba w/vaulted ceilings. Sparldlnt fresh. $225,000. BACIBAY VIEW You own the landapUt level 3 Bdrm end unit with wrap around patio. Vacant.fast possession. Solid value. $290,000. SllllSETMOOEL- HAIBOR VIEW HOME You own the land.split level 3 Bdrm Bdrm 3 Ba, lrg family rm w/frplc, formal dining, 3 car garage. Perfect family home. $298,000. . 1HE PERFECT BACHROR Privaq abounds 2 Bdrm 2 Ba, hot tub spa, nucro-wave kitchen, ample use of wood, paneling & glass, 2 car garage + added workshop. Vacant, reduced to $200,000. BEST BLUFFS VALUE Lrg 4 Bdrm or 3 Br 2 Ba + pvt in·law suite or live.ins. $190,000 permanent financing at 12~%. this home is 18 mos. new. $298,500 includes the land. Opn Today 1-5. 2130 Vista Entrada. II.OFFS STARTER HOME $161,500 and owner will help finance. 3 Bdrm single level, fn>l c. side yard patio. Owner moving. · Bl.U~ARKLIKE LOCATION Overlooking vast greenbelt & pool l/1~Q.P.ift'M oJY~noa I .. iv.' t'4coedo IA W/O'QtHdl~ tmu • MetJttr ,::.:f. comm. ~ 'W:t ma Br. faml· ,..._ ooola, rm, pool/spa lltH ••uuna. ii'rrnaae· wdl i.o-. tm,MO. iJ Ttri· 11.arquu, att Qpo Sn l·5; UU mi. Bt!Mu. Birmuda. Don t ~111 tlala 11aua111l elftt;l Rft 1 .... _ i.~ 0....JA#Loll.Ul· --.. ---•"'-• raaie.t draw In \he Daib Pilot Claaallltd Wtll. • .a Dall) Pllol Ad. a.&ned Ad. ·M11. ; ~corr nrnLTT sp ~ mv~rnr.m {Onrnnr You 've Arrived at ... BIG CANYON NestJed on its own private park. with six bedrooms, this huge custom home offers_a large private pool and spa. For the executive family. Priced at $1.595 million. Owner will carry. Exclusive with William F. Cote. · Open Sunday 12 to 4 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon BIG CANYON Vistas or Paradise! A magnificently decorated home on lar ge professionally landscaped lot. Exquisite appointments surround crystal chandeliers, rich woods and the finest in brass. pewter and marble accents. Four bedrooms and spa . CaU Mary Friz~Ue Lewis. Priced at $825,000. areas, single level ':.Bonita '' plan, 3 1 · Bdrm + jacuzzi. Solar hot water, gleaming parquet floors. The value is here $213,000. BIG CANYON A two bedroom townhouse with ocean view. Large sunlight room and brick patio. Den and breakfast room. Best buy in Big Canyon. Call Elizabeth Ma son. Priced at $449,500. Wt always hnt HM ksf UsfiMJs at the b.lt prices! PIMNSUU HOMES Jiil MIRAMAR OPEH SUM 1·5 Newly remodeled, redecorated . Traditional 3 bdrm, 3 bath home . mstr bdrm, ocean view. $425.000. West Bay Ave. bayfront. Slips for 2 lge boats with this remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. $1,200,000. UDO ISLE HOMIS I JO VIA 9UfTO OPEH SUM I ·5 Features on Home Tours. lovely traditional 3 bdrm, 3 bath redecorated borne. $475,000. - J 14 VIA ITHACA OPEH SUM 1-5 Newly Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large recreation rm. beam ceilings. $420,000. LIMDA ISLE IAYFIOMTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm , 5 bath traditional hom e with pool. $1.495,000. Large lagoon view from custom 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark room, den. $1 ,350,000. CAINATION COVE Spectacular bay front harbor view from 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2 boat slips. $2,050,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ·: -, :. ;; ... ""~ 67) 0101 Make your advertising U you've never placed a dollar go farther! Lbt Classified ad. you're in your business every day the minority! Try it once in the Classified section and see bow quickly you of this newspaper. ·get results. Phone SQ.5678. .~8'2-=-=5678~·:_.._~~~- 110 DMIH YIEW Cbarming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. 5 Bdrm, 2 story. newly offered at $829,500. t ACllS 14 FALUIOOI Very suitable for Avocado or other orchard planting. Great for tax shelter and priced to sell. owe paper. Nomi HOMIS Lovely lrvll\e Meadows . Priced from S?A,000 to ~.ooo. WOOllllMI Near new condo. Much desired 1ln1le story 2 BR, 2 BA·i Preach doon lovely neutra 1rall to wail carpetin1. Beautiful patio. Good ftnlDdq. 816 CANYON Three bedroom Monaco, highly upgraded with view of Catalina. $659,000. Exclusive with William F. Cote. Open Sunday 12 to 4 #7 Chateau Royal BIG CANYON Just a chip shot to the green on the 7th fairway. Award winning two bedroom custom home designed for fun filled days and glamorous evenings. Owner will assist with financing . Ca ll Mary Frizze lle Lewis. i1,1~.ooo. Open Sunday 12 to 4 15 Royal St. George 816 CANYON Ideal family home includes fairway view, pool and guest quarters. 4 Bedrooms. Owner will help with financing. $1.7 million. Exclusive with William F. Cote. Open Sunday 12 to 4 #8 Cypress Point BIG CANYON Large kitchen, Cormal dinin g room . pool, s pa and s auna ! Three bedroom. 3 bath home. 3450 sq. ft . Great financing! Exclusive with William F. Cote. $895,000. UDO BAYFRONT Ba y fron t townhome . Two bedrooms. three baths and den. Pier and slip. OWC. Priced at $.595,000. Exclusive with William F Cote. HARBOR RIDGE Country French estate! Four bedrooms and master suite with grand ocean view. Traditional appointments and subtle colors. Sunny garden and hillside gazebo. OWC -priced at $1,595,000. Call Ann Vaughn Santas. Open Sunday 12 to 4 #7 Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge UDO ISLE Immaculate four ~droom home with pool and spa . Great financing available. Priced at $625,000. Also available for lease or lease option to purchase. VILLA BALBOA A vailablc to buy or lease. Two bedroom villa. Assumable $148,000 at 123. 2nd is available. Call for irif ormation information. Priced at I $249,500. William F. Cote. WESTCUFF Two bedroom, 2 bath condo. Pool right outside YoW' door. OWner wlll carry 2nd T.D. $129,500 with $80,000 usumable financing at 12%. . - Orange COM1 DAILY PILOTJllturday, J1nuary 9, 1112 COU 0# NIWPORJ MAI.TOM HULC...Cltw•• e .. _ .. .., e75·Ht1 Bhtfs. Lease option. 2 br, 'Wide IJ'ffDbelt. $139,500. ar. 114t.o134. r<'alh 64 -1133 ANYTIME IWFfSCOMDO MUST SELL 3 bdrm. new carpets. drapesi sto¥e, paint Move in cond. Call for appt. only $133,900. Ud lease options avail. A Ol'v1s1on of ll;irbor lnveM111en1 Co. It's timr to plan for that vaca11on trip. For extra cash. why not sell some ol those items you don 'l need with a Class1f1ed ad? 642·S6'18 SllU8 OffEllNGS ill Riii LOCATIONS" 2046 VISTA CAJON (Open Sai & Sun). Rare opportunity to acquire one of a very select rew 1 story, S bdrm, 2 ba homesites overlooking a 5 acre span of lush greenbelt & a reflection pool. Lovely new interior. Was $265,000 NOW $240,000. 501 AVE. LAIGO (Open Sun). Elegance & traditional quality abound in this "just totally redecorated & updated" 3 bdrm, 2'h ba. end unit townhome situated on magnificent "tree studded" greenbelt. $272,000. 2l4l YISTA EHTIADA (Open Sat-Sun) THE BF.ST THERE IS !!! Unequaled quality & location. Totally custom. Remodeled Plan "E" 2 bdrm suites + family rm & massive living rm . Direct front row "bluffs edge" water view. Countless deluxe features. $495,000. (Will lse /opt or ex ch). 2 ltl Vl$TA l:MtbD• (Open Sat & Sun). Former model home. Spacious 3 bd, 2'h ba split level "Trina" floor plan accented with decorator features & enjoying a wide open vista. $250,000. IAYAIOMT 4000 sq ft redecorated. 4 Bdr 4 Ba & huge bonus rm. Pier & slip for lrg boat + smaller ones . Inspect then offer 1 yr lease. Maybe after that you'll want to buy it! 6UNIT5-RI In Balboa near the bayfront. Excell. opp'ty. $650,000. JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 2f If Newport llYd., Cot"Mf' )°" 675-3411 MEW USTIMG COIOMA Hl&HLAHDS! 2 bedroom and den view home with add on potential. Ex- cellent financing available. $350.000. on FEE land. Call for appointment. FU IM IRVIHE THRACE! Great family home on comer location. 3 bedrooms, formal living room plus large family room with fireplace, patio for entertainment. Tiled floor double car garage with work shop. Seller will assist in financing. $395,000.00. ...... IUILO YOUR DIE.AMI Close yout eyes and im - agine yourself on the sundeck of your own custom built home near the ocean. Discover the personal satisfaction of building your dream on this land in Corona del Mar. South of the highway. Priced at $230,000.00. YOUI FAMILY WILL THAMIC YOU! For living in a 4 bedroom Lusk built home in prestif ious Turtle Rock Highlands. Your friends wil envy your taste in home ownership when they see the mastercrafted home professional landscaping and a home that beckons you with warmth and love. $350,000.00. WATCH THE WHALES '90 IY! From this magnificent 4 bedroom custom home. you can have your own front row seat of one of nature's wonders. This home has all the charm of Laguna plus the convenience of being close to Newport on ocean side of highway and only steps to beach. $685,000. CAaFlll LMMGI Tired or yard work? Need a new life style? You will love this immaculate 3 bedroom condominium. Discover bow easy it would be for you to have a carefree life for only $134,950.00. CALL NOW. CAMEO SHOllS Fab. Ocean & Coastline View. 3 Br 3 Ba., Form~l Din., FamRm., Study, lrg. pool & colJrtyard, pn. beaches, Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221 1 LINDA ISU TIADI ! Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft., 5 Br. 6 Ba., game rm., formal din., sep guest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st T.D. or !trade industrial or off. bldg . $2,000,000. Bob or 'Dovie Koop 759-1221 CAMEO HMiHLANDS Ocean view re-decor, & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba . Formal din. 'very lrg. yd . pri. beach. Bob or Dovie 1 Koop 759-1221 -i• NIWPOIT CUST CONDOS Lrgst models w/bay & ocean views, 4 Br 3 Ba. Fr. wet bar. Outstanding Buys at $210,000. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-1221 WA_,.ONI" IEST INVISTMEMT 4 Br., 3 Ba., Formal din., fam. rm. lrg kit. Huge master suite w/bay view new carp., 40 ft. boat dock, seUer carry 1st. T.D. Bob & Dovie Koop MEWPOWT CllST CONDO 2 Br .• 2 Ba. loft, highly upgrade, oak floors. beau. papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st. at 12%. Priced at $170,000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 TIADE AVOCADO• ORANGE IAMCH 78 acre.VaJJey center, trade a11 or part for home ~n Laguna, Newport, Irvine, El Toro. Bob or Dovie Koop 1ss-122r LAS VEGAS COMM. PllME 5 ac. Dwntwn., zoned highrise comm., has small motel & trailer park, plans for apts, must sell. Grt. fin . avail. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 ..uM _. CANYON ELEGANCE Versailles on ~('-"'"<:P 4 BR, 4 BA, maid's qtr. Formal din., Sel.J 0 L a ·uge" Master suite, jacuzzi, "Supe. _ $650,000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759-1221 EXEC. -GOLi ESTA Tl MOW $671.000! A "price decrease of $25,000 makes this property a SUPER value! Custom golf estate home, 200' fairway frontage! 5 BR., 4 \.'z BA., formal din rm., recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs, fa m rm, sundeck porch, pool & spa. Panoramic views from most rooms, 3 car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata. 759-1221 J llDIOOM CUSTOM I 3"o PllVATI LOAM! Quiet cul-de·sac. Parquet entry Brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry Family rm. Water filter & softener. Spa. Ericlosed off.street RV pad.,Giant patio. Storage shed. Fruit trees. $169,000. Bob Licata 759-1221 aa..F COUISE FIOMT AGE Finest address on Mesa Verde C.C. course. Outstanding contertlporary custom home. 4bd\"., f am. rm., gym area, paddle lOis & more. Excel. financing avail. JACKI~ HANDLEMAN 631-1266 tMHT UGHT VIEW Unique loc. in the Mesa Verde. 4 bdr .. fam . rm .. 2 fireplaces. Good financing w /motivated sellers. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 TUITUIOCI Delightful garden home. 2bdr. + den. View of rolling hills. Reduced to $259,900. JACKIE HANQLEMAN 631-1266 MISA YEIDE 2br condo in great location. No need to qualify for low int. loan. Sellers will carry 2nd T.D. and are asking only $86,900. Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266 W81A.TAILI TllMS 3br Mesa Verde home on quiet cul-de-sac. Huge back yard ls landscaped for max. privacy. Seller will provide new carpets and finance $100K at 11 %. CaJJ Anne Mccasland 631·1266 • llOUMT AIM Y A&.LIY Walk to golf course from this prime 4bdr. 3 ba home. Aaaume the loan and u k seller to be.Ip finance. $111,IOO. Call Anne McCasland 631·12M Cf • -U-HTIFUL Urti 4 .... ,__ ...... .,.. ~ ..... ,., .......... ..... """ Wtll ·\t ...._ P,1.100. ttU Ptrt Plt•H II NEW NEWPORT CONDOS q..atty -4 ••••n.t ,.. •••W•'t ....... -l c• .., ... -MCStty. I S-7 /1'1• ..._... fill9C... Spec ... •lh wtMa .. fMt of o pr1-. ...... )60 .,. .-W of hy & <>a.. m. 1369.000 .. $4)9,000. JOt,211 & 215 lttt. St., off a..o. IL 0 ~EAN Bl VD. VlJ:....tDM •• leceffoe-75' fro1tt119' + lorty Newport ~ chanft. S.. I eefoy pi.....,..,. r1 ,lS0,000. 3024 Ou• at.d.,C--.. M•. ltEAHFRONT COTTAGE Perfut coner for b•llder1 & .._.,,we. ...to ell••• oa ,,.... ..... co. ........ S4t9,500. lJ 14 w. OceaftOllf, .... ,...... BAL IS. OPPORTUNITY &>...tic prb re-.CHo. • tllls Cldorllble 2 bed. ..... Spoftff1 & ....... d .. ..... tocaM... $295,000. 117 M ..... 14.Ye,. ... IL COTTAGE ON GREEM 0 .. 1rfllllllty tlD OWll 0 J bed. 2 bo. t.o .. -~· , ..... Pt. ly .. ,.,.. $295,000. 1723 ........ s... PDINSULA BAYFRONT -FEE LMp & tpOCJo. wlttt fott•er YU .... ~ dllb. Z...tory 5 bed. + patio I -"-·--· .wry ............. of $900,000. $1,550,000. FH. OWR. •• excMIH)e. 124W.!ay ON, WATER $595,000 BAL IS. .... priced~ ..... c ....... 2 bed. +dock for 2 boats.. w.y Htroa. Lonfy 11•225GretdC...t. BAYFRONT-IALBOA IS. VU. ...... ,.. 2..tory wlttt wood & giot1 oa c.,..., 4 hd. + diR.ra loaf alp I .... yard. Mon·ltt cOlldffloe. Price illclllldes lcMd. S l,200,000. #1 Collit1 ............... ***** NEAR NO. BAYFRONT-IAL IS. 01tly 4 yHn riew with oppeoll•CJ lltttrtor. Large 4 bed. J bo. hoMe + . I IMd. apt. J ~·· c......-c.IU.gs. JO Y"'" IC*I for opproL $250,000 ....... at I J.75o/o OWMr lllOtl•oted. S..... alofftn. S475,000. DOYER SHORES FORMALITY .. d .W fffatt for prhocy .cl wcurtty •.a.,.t for ltlhrtalltllg with cU4Jntty. I......,...,._. with pool & brick potlo: J bed. fo""411 dhl.rm. pl•• fo111.rM. $699,000. fff. ON WATER-fULL VU + POOL S.mity, COM'.-..Ce. pool ~ boot lllp OYOilable. 2 bedrootft, 2 berth CO•Op •p• ... •t !ft Newport. All Eucutln retreat! $215,000. ltEANFRONT-UGUNA Spectoc• YIEW frotn Hds •ff lo ......... Udo. Secwffy 2 ~ otl top floor. Pool. SJ I 5,000. ltEAHFRONT-HCEPTIONAL 0.. of • kW °" tt.e "gold coest" of Pea._. Pf. 1,...11JW. to .,Ucate focMy wtlli OYff 6000 1q. ft. 0WMr w• ,.,.._.. for raKll, c01MMrclal or Hbllltf Thia 11 frt1fy • lllltplflce1tt ,...,....,. Sl.950,000 It.. 8 llllS-SAN CLEMENTE .. ut1,....__.,....._..ey ............ ,....,.. ··-·" ........... 000. IACH COTTASE-alAIMINI · Ollr I ...... ...., Owmr Mt ef ......... , ........ JWJM. .............. , r;;:;;;;;;:=::::::::::::::::;;::::t ·Save Crom Forecloture: l38C>O down • ' MIWU~ Cb1rsnl11 -olcr CdM hoo)e wttfl Dool and Vlt11J on tarr loil. Bum ceff· IOI . : flrepl1cu, a bdfml each with ow1t bath. $47$,000. °"" MllOu•ILCdM b . 1·5. <>celrilront a ~ + den. Baraaln at Sl,250,000. 4n6 Cortt.d. CdM Sit ' sun 1-5. 4 bdrm, family /dining rm , breakful nook, private beaches. $238,500. 4" lrNdw-r, C.M. b . l-5. Sb&fl>, clean 3 bdrm on laree fenced kt. SlS9,950. MAUIY STA.Uffll SEA UOMUALTY 673-5354 Whv•do pe~rle buy townhomes during a rea estate slowdown??· We think it'• our super duper assumable low rate Joans~ The new residents of ._.. Pn V-. tell us It's the Inherent amenities like the aaiebo and garden like recreation area the Cape Cod environment and the convenient goodies that go along wlth each home, and the unique location (close to everything). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom models and recreational facilities are open daily between 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Located on the corner of Fairview Rd at Avocado in Costa Mesa. From $137,950. We'll welcome your reasons too! £lQ., !-MIWLY COMPUTIO lfTH CIMTUIY CLASSIC Classic. three story eq~estrian estate, over 6,200 square fee,t, six bedrooms. ~1ve and one·hal! baths, sweeping sohd ma~ogany staircase, second service staircase ~rea~takmg cr~tal and brass chandelier in entry hall: five fireplaces, library, custom gourmet kitchen white marble entry, guest apartment with own kitchen plus much more. Panoramic view · ~·acre lot. Custom' pool bsp~" de(.ks, and complete landscaping included. Custo~ uut b>: WRE Construction. By appointment. IFYOU . ~~Q(S ~1\Lll'f OFFEltED AT $1,100,000 COLDWeu BANl(C!RO have a service to offer (>I" goods lo sell. f lace an ad in the Da ly Pilot Classified Section C.M. Ofc. CdM Ole. 548-2239 675·2311 PHONE: IJ I ·6500 Phone 642·58711. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 IEDIOOM 433 Seaward, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $315,000 Sun 1-5 4951 Hemlock, Univ, Pk, Irvine 644-9060 $179,900 Sun 1·4 700 Lido Parle Dr #9, Lido Pen., N. B. 673-1:m $58,000 Sat/Sun 12·6 1600 Balboa Ave (Ltl Isl) NB 759-9100 $387,000 Sat 12:30-4~30 2502Vist~. Bayshores, N.B. 644-9060 $495,000·Fee Sun 1·4 •3314 W. Oceanfront, Penin .. Npt Bch 631-1400 $449,500 Sat 1·5 2131 E. Ocean, Peninsula, Npt Bch 631-1400 $338,000 Sun 1·5 22S Grand Canal. Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 ~.000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4 Melody Ln (Woodbrdg) Irvine 67~ $154,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave., BaJboa Island, NB 673-6900 $295,000 Sat 12-4 96 Havenwood (Woodbridge) Irv. 759-161'6 $147,000 Sat 1·5 2 ll ,.. FAM IM or DEN •2 Maritime, Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 s:Bl.000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores. CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 13 Verde, Rancho San Joaquin, Irv. 644·9060 $199.SQO Sat 1·4 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631·7~ $375,000 Sun 1·4:30 15 Royal St. George, Big Cyn, NB 640-5777 $1, 750, 000 Sun 12-4 227 Via Orvieto. Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sat 1-5 19 Valley View, Turtle Rk, Irv. 759-1501 $278,000 Sat 1-4:30 1536Serenade, Irvine Terr, CdM 631-1400 $295,000 Sun 1-4 J lf:DIOOM 418 San Bernardino, Npt Bch 631·1266 $279,000 Sat 1·5 715 Patolita Dr, Irvine Terr, CdM 644·9060 $360.000·Fee Sun 12·4 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N. B. 673-7~ $487,234 Sat/Sun 1·4 #7 Chateau Royal, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $659,000 Sun 12-4 1543SerenadeTerr (Irv. Terr) CdM 644-9060 $350,()()()..FeeSat/Sun 12·4 4.11 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 2944 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach • 673-4849 $435,000·fee Sun 1-5 1436Serenade, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •6408 Ocean Front, Newport Bch 642-3215 Fee Land Sat/Sun 11 ·5 559 Vista Flora, Newport Beach 673-8550 $248,800 SIS 12: 30·4: 30 4827 Bruce Crescent. Npt Bch 631-7370 $215,000 Sat 1-4 * • 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal. Penin. 644-9060 $995,000 Sun 1·4:30 1723 Plaza delSur, Peninsula, N.B. 631·1400 $295,000 Sat 12-4 3024 Ocean Blvd .. Peninsula, N. B . 631-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa "'673-5354 $159,950 Sun l ·5 435Jasmine Laguna Beach 494-5007 $288,ooo Sat/Sun 10-4 l II plll FAM IM or DEN 5552 Yuba, Westminster 963-~1 Sat 1-5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $595,000 Sun 1: J0.5 •2048 Com modore Rd., Newport Bcb 631~ $398,500 Sun 12-5 1226 Polaris, Dover Shores, N. B. 494-1177 Sun 2-4:30 1515Cumberland (Westcliff> NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1301DolphinTerr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631-7_, $1.3)0,000 Sat/Sun 1·~:30 •1016DoverDr .• Westcliff. N.B. 63H:MJ '265,000 Sun 1·4:30 2987 Quedada, Bluffs, N.B. 644-9060 .$273,500-Fee Sat l·S 3809 Park Green Dr., RVH, CdM 644-9060 $119,000.Fte Sun 1·5 •8479 Windsor Crt. (Wimbledon Vl1)CM I S..10. .aa.ooo Sat/Sun 12·4 1NO Port Bi9tOI Ctr., RVH, N.B. 111·1IOO •• 500 S.1-4:30 1121 TNdtwliidl Ln., Baymtt. N .B. 111·1111 ..., Sat/SUDl-4:30 DIRECTORY 1.., .... ~*"'-Y .. ,. ........... ,. ......................... .... -~-,,.... .... ..,.trod' I ......... ~·DAILY Pa.OT WAMT A.OS.,...._ .._ ..... .._..._ ... ,__..,... ..... ,..._ au i.tWtc.-.-ts....., .,....,. 542 Harbor Isl Dr (Prom Bay ) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sa 12: 30·4: 30 •204 Via Eboli , Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sat /Sun 1-5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest. NB 644·9060 $325,000 Sun 1·5 1393 Galaxy C Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $525,()()()..fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest, N.B. 644·9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven. N.B. 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1830 Port Ashley (HrbrViewHms) N.B. 642-823.5 $225, 000 Sat 1-4 1174 Atlanta Way; Costa Mes a 963-6767 $129,500 Sal 1-4 870 Deep Creek (Vig Ck) CM 675-0000 $139,900 Sal 1·5 2113 Miramar, Penin, N.B. 675-6161 $425,000 Sun 1-5 307 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 675-0000 $470.000 Sat 1-5 214 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle, N.B. 675-6161 $420,000 Sun 1-5 15521 Sandusky. Westminster 963-6767 $181 ,250 Sa 1-4/Su 12-4 9 Rue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn. NB 644-6200 $649,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 120 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N. B. 675-6161 $475,000 Sun l ·5 4006 Inlet Isle. Corona del Mar 675-3411 $299,500 Sun 1·5 3 Kensington Ct, Hrbr Rdge, N.B. 759-UY78 $575.000 Sun l : 30-5 ••34150cean Blvd., CdM 673-5354 $1,250.000 Sun 1-5 l IEDROOM ,.. GUEST 324 Morning Canyon. Shorerliff Cd M ' 1)44-9060 $590,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 IEDROOM 40216th Pl (E/Side) CM 631-3374 $225,000 Sat/Sun 11·4 1315 Bonnie DooneTerr. CdM 644-9674 $329,()()()..fee Sun 1-5 18779 Magnolia, Fountain Valley 979-6453 $169,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1207 Sussex Ln (W.cliff) NB 759-9100 $278,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 1925 Port Provence, HrbrViewHms NB ' 631-1400 $268,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 611 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 631·5103 $.118,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2130 Vista Entrada, Npt Bch 640.0020 $298,500 Sat 1-5 #8 Collins IsJand, BaJ boa Isld, NB 673-6900 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2124 Miramar, Newport Beach 642·7404 Sat 1-5 3077 Madison, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139,900 Sat 12-4 •2402 Vista Nobleza, Bluffs, NB 673-4400 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1·5 • •443 Canal St., Newport Shrs, NB 840-~ $282,500 Sat 1-5 4 • ,.. FAM 1M _. DIM 29911 Rwming Deer, Laguna Niguel 494-8595 $215,000 Sun 1-5 2755 Grnnet (Mesa Verde) CM 751~ $1fn,500 Sat 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Jsl, N. B. 673-1.556 Sat/Sun 1·5 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 4fn·5'54 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2120 Aster, Costa Mesa 759-1221 SlM.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497·5'54 "95.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa No;.i C.M: M&-7434 $140,000 ~t/Sun 12·4 133 Via Uodine. Lido Isle, NB 675-7298 $115,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 310 Allio. Newport Beach 631·18 sm.soo SatLSunt-4 :~ • * 1708 B. O!=e!Dfr.nt. Bal ftD .• NB ,,~~ Slt/SUDl~ 1906 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 631-7:m$600,000L.H. S/S 1-4 :30 1251 Surfline Way, HrbrVu, CdM 644-4910 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1106 Dover Dr., Westcliff, N .B. 644-9060 $299,500 Sat 1-5 223 Via Quito, Lido Isle. N.B. 644-9060 $.537 ,500 Sun 1-5 5192 Chablis "The Ranch" Irvine 551-3000 $165,500 Sat 1-5 • •400 Ev e n i n g Star Ln , DoverShrs,NB 631·7:m $650,000 Sun 1-4.30 23 Rocky Knoll (Turtle Rk Vista > Irv 631·1:m $279,500 Sun 1-4: 30 111 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N. B. 631-7:m $495,000 Sun 1-4:30 2858 lnroz Dr., Mesa Verde, CM 631-7:m $250,000 Sun 1-4:30 1315.Antigua Way, Baycrest. NB 631·7:m $360,000 Sun 1-4 :30 '°l202 Delaware Pl .. Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 • •219Via LidoSoud , Lido Isle, NB 642·823.5 $2,225 '000 Sat/Sun 12 : 30·4: 30 2706 Lighthouse (HVH ) CdM 675-0000 $495,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 16 4 7 Reef V i e w. Ci r . ( Spy g ls Rdge)CdM 644-6200 $450. 000 Sat 1-4 1205Sandkey (HVHls > CdM 675-0000 $459,000 Sat 2·5 2227 Arbutus ( Eastbluff) NB . 675-3411 $299,000 Sun 1 :30-5 1441 GaJaxy Dr .. Dover Shrs, NB 548-5647 $.12(),000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 4() Vienna. Hrbr Ridge, N.B. 700.8659 $725,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 15 Cedar Ridge, Trtlrk Hin, Irv. :;15-3411 $.150,000 Sun 1-5 1108 Dana (Plaza del Sol) CM 645-<Xm $228,000 SIS 1: 30-4: 30 • 1776 Panay (Mesa Verde) CM 645-{003 $375, 000 Sun 1-4 1152 Kingston (Wimbldn Vig ) CM 645-<Xm $259,850 Sat 1·4 4726Cortland, CdM 673-5354 $238,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 IEOROOM #7 Trafalger. Harbo1 Ridge, NB 64().5777 $1.595,000 Sun 12·4 824 W. Bay, Peninsula. Npt Bch 631-1400 $1,550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 ll ,... FAM RM or DEN 126 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7:m $525,000 Sun 1-5 •5250Honeywood Ln, Anaheim Hills 673-7:.x> $269,000 Sun 12-4 • 17 Muir Beach Cir. Spyglass. CdM 644-9060 Sat /Sun l ·5 2615 Bamboo. E·Bluff, N.E. 631-SZlS $339,000 Sat 1-4 1956 Flamingo (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0.'m $215, 000 Sun 2· 5 43 Montecito (Spyglass) CdM 759-1616 $829,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 6 II ,... FAM 1M or DIM ••70Hillcrest, Big Cyn, NB 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sun 12·4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACH&OI 100 Scholz Plua #206 Versailles, NB 673-~ '99.500 Sat/Sun l ·4 I •IOOM 1010 MacArthur Vll Blvd., S.A. ~ •.100 Sat/Sun 1-4 #72 Ldelllnet, Tbe Like, Irv. 7•11T't '1•,oao Sun l•I , .. Auwne loana. 3 Br, F /R, tU>S,900. HunUnrtoo Harbour home on water. Boat dock. ~.ooo. Owner will trade. $115,000, Nr. Beach. Beaut. expanded home. Assume '96,000 14% ln. Low dn. Newport Beach Duplex. $40,000 dn. Xlnt. summer rental. By beach. ) HJ.OHi S 13,500 DOWN J .. JIA It DIOIAI. •YM ON4 MOUll IUM. 1-4 SIJS.000 CALL: IW4A ~'°"' 2 IB>IOOM 2600 block Santa Ana Ave., CM 631-6194 $129,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 300Cagney Ln #101. Versailles, NB 61a..1:m $127,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 25 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn, NB 673-7:m $265,000 Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave., Mesa West, CM 673-7:m $137,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 Avocado& Fairview, Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun lla.m. 2 ll pllll FAM IM or DBf 501 St. Andrews. Newport Beach 673-7:m $162.500 Sun 1·4 503 Avenida CampanaJ _Bluffs, N. B. 673-7:m $395,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 209-19th St.. Peninsula. Npt Bch 631-1400 $369,000 Sat 1·5 2143 Vista Entrada, Bluffs, N.B. 640-5.5fi0 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J IS>IOOM 2510 Alder Ln .. Costa Mesa 631-7fi00 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·4 17 Summer Wind, NwptCrst, NB 673-7~ $195,000 Sun 1-4 550 Vista Grande, Bluffs. N.B. 631-7:.x> $234 ,500 Sun 1-4: 30 •321 Avenida Cerritos (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $365,000 Sat/Sun 12-4: 30 14 Landfall, NwptCrest, N.B. 673-7:m $270,000 Sun 1-4 Avocado at Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m. 862 Bear Creek, Costa Mesa 675-3411 $143,950 Sat/Sun l·S 2193Vista Entrada, Bluffs. N.B. 640-5.5fi0 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 2046 Vista Cajon, Bluffs, N.B. 640-5.5fi0 $240, 000 Sat/Sun 1-5 501 Ave Largo, Bluffs, N.B. 640-5.5fi0 $272,000 Sun 1-5 l ll ,.. FAM RM or DBf 1'3 Monaco. Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5.5fi0 $695,000 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 IS>IOOM 1013Nancy Ln .• Costa Mesa 64~0303 $129,500 Sun 1-4 J ll ,.. FAM IM or DEN 335 Bordeau (Nwpt Riviera) CM 645-0303 1 $129,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-1 IEDIOOM 1911 Cliff Dr. Npt Hts, N.B. 631-1400 $325 '000 J II pin 2 II 702-702'h Marguerite. CdM 631-1266 $262, 000 4 II pin l II 1809W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. 752.-crm $340,000 Sat/Sun 2-4 6-PLEX FOR SALE 1412SerenadeTerr, Irv. Terr.CdM 644·7211 $36.S,OOO Sun 1·5 RENTAL l • .... FAM IM or DIM 1115 Essex Lane (WestcUff) NB 646-6789 $995/mo Sat/Sun l·S TOWNHOUSE FOR LEASE l•••AMIMett ... 21 Canyon laland Dr, Bil Cyn, NB MM910 tlD/Mo Sun 1·5 \ MAllOI 111•1 CUSTOM Maplfleent French lhdlterra· ntan Vtlla -Unparalleled vlew1 ol Catalina -Harbor -Moun· talna -E1e1ant resldeMe -8600 aq. ft. -s BR, pool, apa, aauna - muter 4c executive sultea, Mcwity ayatem -Pre1t11ioua private community. $3.t000,000 . Suunne Shuler 6'2·8235 (r13) COW«IY UTATI 2.2 acres with approx 5500 sq. ft, on Newport Back Bay. Elegant & spacious s BR, His and Hers Master suites. Spectacular views from f am Uy, llvln1, & dining rms. Exquisite garden grounds with poo l. $1 ,900,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (Pl4) IA TIIOM'r Sheltered by Harbor Island + Main bay view w /(am rm & pool -great for entertain· iftg. $1,.00.000 LH Seller will help wYfJ.Dancing. For Appl. on securi· ty Island call Dona Chichester 8'2·8235 CPlS) CALIPOIMIA SPAMISH ISTATI Lido Island captures the true es· sence of sophisticated Living. This 16 room home on 3 lots en· compasses a fluid floor plan of 6 BR, maid's room and 6 BA built around an expansive landscaped ourtyard & lg pool. $1,250,000 Tom Atunson & Terry Hanes 642·8235 (P16) UM 60' IA YFIOMT LOCA TIOH Outstanding financing. Room for large boats. Oversize slip. Lovely bay and night light views rrom most rooms . Four bedrooms. As· sume large low interest bank loan-owner will carry extensive secondary trust deed ror qualified buyer. $1,200,000 (fee land) George Grupe 644 -6200 (Pl7) UMOA ISLI Desirable Eastern ex· posure slip for ·55' boat. Tradi· Uonal style, formal living & din· ing rms +spacious fam r m w/bar. 2 story entry w/antique Waterford crystal chandeli~r. Master suite includes sitting rm & fplc, extra closets. 3 additional BRS. Seriously for sale at $900,000 Leasehold. Seller will finance . Cathy Schweickert 642-823.5 <Pl8) CHIMA COVE WITH VIEW Ocean & bay views from outstanding 3 story home. Family bedrooms on i>rivate second floor with master. suite on upper level. Amenities include used brick, slate floor, & stone fplc., & elevator. Steps to beach. $695,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 ( P19) AMT'ICWA WAY Entertain in an atmosphere of elegance in this dramatic residence. Designed around a stained glass atrium w /handsome mirrored bar & the perfect floor for dancing. Formal din rm views lushly landscaped garden w/pool. spa and waterfall. 4 BR & den & full security system. ·$675,000 includ · ing land Cathy Schweickert 642.8235 (P20) IA YFIOMT fOI OMLY $649,500 On Newport Island. Two large f plcs, wet bar -marvelous patio ' on the bay & private deck for sunbathing. Master suite has view & fplc . Barbara Aune 642-8235 (P21) MEW DQ.USIVE -Of'IH SUHDA Y 1-41000 Grove Lane (off Westcliff Drive) Newport Bcb. Beautiful near new on cul-de-sac. Oak floors, tiled entry, 2 fireplaces. 3 spacious BR, 3lh BA. A fabulous home for ·entertaining. View bay le ocean! $S40,000 including land Dave Schweickert 642-8235 (P22) IA YSIOI COVIS Private beach , gate guarded community. Steps to Balboa Island. 2 BR, 2 BA Con· dominium. $359,000 Marilyn Kershner 642-8235 (P23) MIW OFFlllHS -OllSIMAL HADOI YllW HILU Rare con· temporary home with light open spacious feeling, lg lot, conve· nient location & mini ocean view. 3 BR, f am rm & newly remodeled kitchen. SMS,000 Leasehold Belle Chase Lee 644.QOO (P24) VllW AllA IOPllSTICATIOM Harbor Views PrestiCloUS Sea wind. Great view, very private area. 3 BR + fam rm & Koi Pond. Fabulous in· door /ootAk»r feeling perfe~ly d• corated. $299,000 .Jane Paquin M2-DCP25) POOL I SPA Orut 111tertafal11 bom•. av •t::Js•· c••· ew at 1. ......... REIM~ Or'"1f OOllt DAILY PILOT/Satu t, 1112 ............ ....., wncW &lna· •11pee. wt1111Ut + s molf ldrm.I. V•11lted fftlt, rrml dln1111 + fam rml How 11kln1 -000. ASIUlll lou .;u-. a• owe. ZDdl HANDYMAN'S DllAM HOMI 4 Bdrm "entertainer'• deU&ht" with 10' wet bar. 10x20 workshop, 16x32 pool O,.. ..... J•~=· ...... ""''.... v., . •• NO QUALIFYINO I aan,, t.llle advantase .._--V-_.-,-,-~-dow-n-,-11 11d call ua today I RVM~ bdrm1.!ormer model. ...,74" '116..1 OOOMPrlc• , ______ l!~~ .~~~.n.0f.~; C.::., I.Irle Cll.i. uarp i Br O...Wll"'-• _..Ta11........, .... a ..... r ...... a __ 1.f7 ..... J0 ....... __ 1 ~--1 .. I.. bome ce ll•I lot W/DU la -~ IC ......... .-.:. 1o22 roa1•1car1ana1.cau U a lharp low ma • SLAl .. SSOH auo wa St. Im · CLofM ...... •Soflf•I Fantastic financing -$130,000 I J..3',~) at Sl~/mo. Full price $100,500. Presented by Harold Reynol~ Performance Real ~tate97M453 Woodbridte Co«1ae Ill• dtr market value • fl4'7,500. 2bdrm. 2ba1 fam rm, frpk. rldwooa dedl. A.uwuble loan. ao.e to pooU1 •P• Call owner: 552· 181% or _. o.t ll .... .-. ·-1-...ct ' Bdrm bomt EX.llC MESA VERDI mecula~ home ln treat ...................... 1,. ._ • ._. wtt.b cwtom apa •BBQ IBr·h111e P/R, Pro De famlJY neltbborhood. THI .. ~IAD! ~ CAM YOU 1Dt1re1t you, aee tbla Cor 6 Land•c· 14 \4 '-WalH.o achool K thru a. , Ul·OIOO . Broker• Wekoml. TUITLllOCI TWO STOIY GIANT ~now at value. FIND bread new Sele~t New Lou Avell. 2b2l' family room in Duplex OG 35' lot. llOUD· S Bdr + den + ltl Property. Fan tut C A#/ Jun: .... .$500. UMI 8 bdrm home. New talD vu q~et st. Rent rlnuclnJI P'ull price car p e t • pa In t now. build later. llcrqerm.•ca1rc~ + 'IS •Yl'fSAnM: * thnJuPout.AJl,'151·53SS BY OWNER 3 br. 2 ba. Plan I. Kove- ln cooditloa. Clo.e lo part ' pool. Assumable l'iuncly. 753-133' • ..-. owe. Jeanne 2tuUBa +xtra r1-•tr '==S• eve6wtmda.· Saker, Ill 75t-1Zll Bdrw/Walkin cloH(, Fr. ..,_ docn. 2 lrl b•ckyarda .. "uer ,_.. __ .... 1040 util. rm, Span. tiled WON'T LAST. •••• .. •••••• .. ••••••••• klt.tbeo. •hate roor. + .Prtncool,yfl.25,000. mo re and all for TIY $1000 DWM 543-'10Z3Bkr. =.• M .SOQ. Remodeled S Specioul s Bd, 2~ Ba IUY IUYI •• -• • •--C ________ _. rrs a1o·where! 2186 condo ln E.•lde Costa • .,. ·-DM ~J( I Redlandt. For pvt ahow-Ke1a. owe paper. Only Low. low down. Won't SIOIDOWM Belt !Miy-(ij call"lj\l io& call Jim Davia ..... 500. Joyce Wallie, last! 4 BrloYelY home on Dramatic 8panl1b Bd home /f I ... ... -cul·de-aac al. Take ad· courtyard entry to olde •JU'P c, + 2 7»12Zl:ni... aat01·12118 '\'antage or buyer's tlme perlo ur with .,.... ............ T'llll OMf Green Valley -plaMed community. Spectacular 2 stry 4/5 bedroom. Beautifully landscaped. professionally decorated . Quiet cul-de -sac . Sprinklers, playhouse. Water softener, purifier, garage door opnr. Fresh paint inside. Xlnt financing. Veterans: No down up to $135,000. Hurry -ask TIY 115.000 Sharp lrl 2 Bdrm 21,; Ba. New Turtlerock condo., Only 11•.IOO. Call ror details. Pat.rick Tenore, qt •1221 . tJJt. OnlY DG,ooo. owe .. t , 1 1 for Yusef. · R&"M~ CENTURY 21 962-4450/962-0103 w/N0,000 dwn. Joyce marae anx ous mus ve crackling Wahe, aitGl·~ owner. Excell. terma. fireplace, candlell1bt ~ Ha• Sat/Sun 14. ronml dinin1. cantlna 2120 Aater. Call DOW• kitchen. Will ol alias to mcunvE HOME I ~ HOUSI , --MIS---,..V-El-.D-E--•i Marcl1. agt 1se.m1 cocktail patio with huge w/lK down OR teller ..__ " sparklln1 swimming ~ ... _. 1040 tt f --1rillcarryatlO"klnt.OR i:Br.lBa.largeyard 1TAKEOVER$139,SOOat ~· Beautiful atn· ........ __,, H1zt11.. 1042 •-t I 11 000 ••• ,,,,63 Agt ...... ••••• .... •••••••••••••• -.i • ..,.,. paymen p an ava . i-,-AS-K_I_N""'E....._C_R_E_E_K_.f_u_ll.... , ......... ...,, ,. ~! 4 Br 2 Ba. comer oae to beach. Try ONLY 1125 llOO ................ ~·~ .... Prime Irvine pride of ocean vu. 2 'den, 2 ba s,u.· i 5 000 lot. A·l cond. Owner $10,000 down with 103 o.-...... Bdr' .__ t BEST ~UY. Tr1n1dad ownership location. • may assist. 1197,500. ----------interelt. HURRY . call ...Y• .....,. .. IJl-vcl laid. Prime toe 3Br 3ba. beautiful bo rz ~-D·fi·~ool. ~erulian Sat't5Suecn. Price ar. Call oow 751·0205 ALL T .. S IM MESA ~ 1010 area -ah a k e r 0 0 f · d'llc at 1"~, int. Bkr. · spa. · me w 1 vwu ... VY" 1C' _, ... c u 2 Br 1 Ba Thou 1 ands ll n de r ... "-ti ,, •• ......,. patiol, auoc1auon poo • 11.._ ltCurl. Own!•r· ~ ne,:.:., 1 car rar: TIY $15,000 DN! YllDI Re!!t,yWorld/Beacbaide market. Try 112,800 .om~ er ....... .-all rec raci~ties. Owner -~6t0-=15:;15=..:=5::.::"::..t---1 owner wW fmance or VA Sharp 3 Bd condo nr. So. Fer $124.~. Li vine rm · AIAM>OMID dawD BKR. 848·0709 I 044 AYI "SelJ •l". Ken, •at IRVl11io.11t Tiii. Call Curt 1\ "' C l PI 0 I 25xl7 ft. Dini.ng L. llxlO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 558-9.clO or~. "'" terms. . • ••• 011 Ill. n 'Y ft. Eat in kitchen + 3 2STOIY + rooL WT. CHAMCll -y $15,000 D .... NIEi 6.11'18 SUSJIOO. Agt. Patrick Bdrm. l~ Ba. $17,500 E uu 4 B 3 Ba 2 ~ " Below market ' owe Weslllde Luxury . Tenore. 7se.1221 A&mt 558-6516 Immediate possession! xec ve .r. . W~I O/o lit TD at l""'· c 1 • 5124 tOO -story. famil y rm .. OV 1..__ .,.-,.., ., yra... , Rmt till youn. Here it formal d1nin& rm . "'· Bdrm w~, ree land. Completely upgraded WTSIDICOMDO is! Big 2·Stol')' T.H wilb $35,000 down. owe . Payments 1853 pr mo ~~s le. RE/MAX family home. only 5 formal living, gourmet '15 s, o o o. Le as e PJTI. 3 Bd 1 i,; Ba Have something to sell? minutes from the ...,Loe..._ k.itcben, cocktail patio SUOO/rno. 20731 Aquatic townhome in Wood-Classifiedadsdollwell. -------ml BEACH! 4 nice .siied •BR28a,fplc,usedbrk. 2Mttr511ht and laraemaatersulte. Lane.Brolcer962·36350f bridge. Vacant. No c..a....ro.ln bedrooms. profession.al· 1225 000 lSth Pl ' $117,500 Alljustmi.nuteatomiles IM2·1418 qualifying necessary. STOP!! WITH FIMAHCIM ly landscaped pool size I Tustin 63i.J374bkr-coop 675-1771 d pounding surf + low y-o-.. v1• I ... ~ Ide~ f<r 1st lime buyer Take time to relu and 38RZbaor2+ llleltin lat.Doa'lmlasthisone! ,-=-==•t.=.::..;::;:;.;..;..;;;.~~,_,JBfJl••lllB!I down payment No _, "" ~ <r mvestor Ownr/Agt. shop at home. It's 1im· owner's unit . alao 2 Callt'J9.23llO IFYOU qualifying. HURRY · 2•3Bdrm.Condosfrom Km•!MOOorSS2·4368 pie with Daily Pilot Bdrm rental cell.age. All T Inion Call M?-6100 $108.000 with just l4000 Classified Ads. And if ID• sh•"' cond. w/excel. baveaserviceloofferor Reall World/Be hsd down. Principalsonly. you have some• .. ,~, to location. Owner will ~ ""' fn ti aa _.,""' sell, call a friendly -r ,._.E.<1.'TST.a.•yy IOOdst.osell.rlaceanad y ac I e ~-· cca,oc16 UUQ carry lge 2nd TD. Best Remodeled 2 Bd, lrg lot. n t~e Da 1Y P ilot. Wna•rut with Daily Classified Ad-Visor at buy in town for only S88,900. em Kennedy , j~~assiifiiied~Seict:10:n.~~!!::==~~il;fi~fi;~;J~Plloti~w~:i.it~A~ds~.~~~~===-===t.~&e;ti:i678!;••••~ S*.000. 631-1268, agt. ·SS78. c;• 644-7211 /.Jn '<lli [L [}l\ILEY & \ ASSOCIATES R&"M~ ------1 E.51DI CHAIMEI T•of .. Ton Priced to sell now! aauk • bdrm. 3 ba, So Comp!. remodeled. 1 or a oUlwy. A rut charmer. kind + financing. ~'.ooo Owner/Bkr 646-SCISfCathy, agt. 833-2801 4 IO FIXER CDM DUPLEX 0ML Y $I 05,000 700MARGUERITE Paint ' save on this New construction, Calta Mesa special. no lhdlt. architecture. qualilying. no Loa.a rees 3bdrm' 2bdrm , and seller will also S&.000. ftnancinf avail. carry. May go lease op 0 w n e r I B d r : tioo. Owner will take (714)675--9'31. trade. Diana, agt OPIMSAT~H 1·5 1412 S.111dt Terr. '"9Tlf'NC• ..... ,_u.d ~. light and briJht and new on mitt. Bnck front, side and rear patioaJ. . hardwood par· quet uooring thru-oul Excel. loeation · less than 100 paces from SMillion dollar homes. Realistically prit'ed at •.ooo with combina· tim ol assumable and owner fm1U1cing. CGl.ow 644-7211 /.Jn ~IGEL QAILi:Y & l\SSUCI ATES C4M'1A..ST .. 631-12116 OHL.Y $105,000 3 Br 1 Ba. Priced to 1ell I now. Unbelievable I financing. Kathy. •et 646-5GIS MESAVEIDE OWCAT 120/o Unbelievable terms on this custom built 3 8d pool home Close to IJ)Ucourse and on a quiet cul-de-sac. ()po lhe Sun· day. Sel~rs are flexible and creative. Call Diana f<r further info. 631-1266 Custom home: Outsbnd· ing architecture, beautllully decoraLed. 3 --------i BR . library /guttst. !epll'lte studio. $795,000 fee. Includes gorgeous designer f u.rnit ure. Welton•Co. Georgine 67s-6IOO or SSS-1809 COllwMesa 102 •••••••••••••••••••••• MISAYBDI 3 bdrm, 2 bath. frplc. dbl garaae . A·l cond . 1134,~. Owner will H · sisl in fin1U1cing. '°' McCarclt, lltr. 541.7729 unt & Associate REAL ESTATE SF1 I El SUPER ANXIOUS! Outstanding 3 Bdrm 2'h Ba condo w /wetbar, 2 car gar + lrg Mstr suite w/frplc, & walk-in closet. $139,900. Make offer. Opn Sat/Sun 1·4. 2.510 Alder Lo, Costa Mesa 631-7600 104J Wttklff Drift, Wte 206 ... ,..,.... .... 1714t '31·7600 MUST l&L ' OUTSTANDING V AWE $249,900 Located in pnme Huntington Seadlff. Tlus 4 Bdrm 21, bath has all the amenities. Farnil) room with large brir k fireplace, custom stained glass and brick For those who appreciate the finer thini:s from Coldwell Banker of roursr Don't miss out. Call today. l&i.7521 It will be a pleuure to come home to this ex· qulsitely decorated townbome on the lagoon: plush can>etina, tile, lots or wood and mir· ron enhaiitt tfii& 3 br, 3 ba home. Entertatn· ing will be a pleasure whether by the Uvmc room nrepaace looking out at the lag~ or on the deck with spa. Call now to experience it. 894-7521. flBICH COUNRY MANOI Sl75.000 From the moment you step through lbe secure double doors to your private entry courtyard you'll know this home Is something special. The fountain bubbles behind you as you wallt into the Uving room With bumlng fireplace, separate dining area, newly updated kitchen with amenities like microwave. The yard llJ:ldKaping featu~ prlu roses. The mamr suite bu a private bubbling spa. This three bedroom is truly a lovers delight Call now 1194-7521. SI .000.000 YllW Oft,000 Picture yourselflocitin1 at the breathtaking city liahts all the way to Catalilla from your ~acre Spa.nisb Villa. You are surrounded by fine amenities, hardwood floors, expansive use of &Jus, brass detaUina\ 2 wood burning fireplace1, luxury lhruout tht.s 4 Bdrm home. Dreams do come true. Call Coldwell Banker now and see how euy it can be. 894-7521. POOLHOMI $12',fOO This cluilc ranth style pool home sits at the enc! ot a quiet~ stttet surrounded by toWerJn1 plne trees. Yoo'IJ feel the wirmlh rJ the ea.rthtones and paneling u you move throu&b the 4 large bedrooms. separate dine area, remodeled ltitcbe1', and large living room to the baths and sparkling pool. All ror only $129,900. A Coldwell Banker exclusive of courl\. Act now. 1194-7521. OM THE WATIR SI ,1 00,000 ~'ft•· • This superbly crafted builder& home exudes luxury from the moment you enter the ovmlzed double doors. The rlyl.ng bridge ltalrtase, sailboat bar, family room. huge livinc room with fireplace. a~t kltchfn. 4 8dnns. '"' baths, hlde·away ottlct. One OI the larcelt yards In the harbour and boat doc~. Call for your private showinaf, 8M-7S21 FORes'f E. OLSON, REALTORS MOUNTAIN RETREAT Towenn11 trees + oversized lot creates the romance of a serluded mountain retreat Drama tie" entry. Spar1ous llv rm + formal dmmg Massive beamed <'eihngs Bilhard sai.e fam rm w1entertainers wetbar Senous owner dro~ pnce to S228.S00' Act fast. call 962·SSllS PllCID TO '50! At •,aoo th1J ane is priced to be 1one. Gre.at slartf.r home er investment. S big bedrms .. overaized yard. Serious seller offers flx·up bonus of $2,SOO to you. Make your own showplace and save big! Cash in by calUng 962-M&S. TALL&PIOUD Slit.NO P:lvate 1ated drive leads to country charmer townbome w I city convenience. CeramJc tiled entry to spacious Uv. room. Formal dine. Private sunning terrace + am· pie apace for green thumb expert.I! Huae muter suite. Immaculate, airy + plus.la de· cor thruout. Hurry on this cream puff. Call 962·5S85. REDUCED $175,000 Ckean view! Sitting tall and proud 112 blorks from beach. 4 .,ig bdr!Tl'! + 3 baths Formal dine Green ho"8e. Romantic spa. Many SS spent m quality decor thru-OUt this beach side far:uly home 1 Don't miss the boat at only $175.000! Hurry. re 11 962·5S85 WALK TO THE BEACH $185,000 Bnsk hall mile walk to. the bearh is yours Massive two story amidst lush landscaping. SpaclOUS hv I'm Country kitchen Bilbard site family rm w1crackling, warm fireplace Take over loans + owner may carry to get you in w/rrasonable down ! Hum·! Call 962-SSllS S IDRM IONANZA Looking for the big one? Huge 5 Bdrm offers spacious liv rm with ma ssl ve stone firepl1ce. Formal dine. Many extras Included in this 'rustomiLed family home. Perfert for )'Ollr growing family needs. Act now. call 962•5S85 SMART ST ART $121,900 4 Bdrm fetnlly home accented by atriwn · eoo,,. Uv rm • ram rm. Se1>arated by t~w1y fi~l1ce. Relax In ~ IP9 or do • few laps In 1parklln1 Pool. Tnaly a an.rt It.art for growtna family. Vacant for fa poaeaslon. Serious seller Sll)'I art no.. Call962-~ COUNTRY CUii ESTATE Own your own pool. spa & putUng grt'en Steps Lo tennis and golr Treat yourself to resort bvin1t m this spacious custom home Pnred far below replac-ement Be first CaU now. &lS 0303 NEWPORT TRIPLEX Only m s,000' Fixer is ideal for handyman, builder or m vest or. I blork to bay Don't delay Call today 645·0303 MESA VERDE SI 22,000! Can you heheve this pm'e m prestigious Mesa Verde' Owner 1s anxious -you ga in! Spacious home with load~ of pnvary and easy rare yard Enjo} Costa Mesa's best address no'A' Call 645-0303 NEWPORT FIXEtl REDUCED Unbelievably low priced! S:11·e $$! Bnng your paint, elbow grease. and imagination to tra.Mform this large 4 Bdrm house mt.o your dream home Pool & spa complete the, setting Lender owned Take advantage now' Ca II 645-0300 FIRESIDE ROMANCE Intimate master s uite with glorious fireplace 2 add1t1onal fireplaces in spacious llVlng and family rooms Wet bar. Cheery breakfast room Exciting hvmg for the young or young at heart Communily pool and pnvate parking. Convenient location. Immediate possession. Prired for quick sale Call now 645·0303 NEWPORT RIVIERA Only $129.500! Huge townholnf has cozy fireplace. rheery family room. remodeled kitchen. King size master suite Sunny private patio Community pool. spa & teMIS Best buy I ('&II 645 030J OCEAN YllW Newport Beach, l block to sand. R-2. Outstandln1 lnvealmcnt potential. Only $180,000. Doa't mils out! Call now, MS.o103 CUSTOM &ilden home has everythln• Inside It out! • Vaulted cellinits. Brir k wills Solid Oak cabinets Wide custom shutters. Atrium. Sun deck. View ol city liahts PmticlCM Ken Verde Country Club 1mi. Taitt advantap now. C.11 645-0:m. ,, Sharp Mesa Verde 3 BR, Fam rooml oo cul-de-aac. Seller will make iii easy on terms. ~ su1>4:r buy ·~ '175,000 call today. OPltl 1 DAYS A WIB, l:JOAM TO IPM . • ·-··~~ ...... ~~~ ........ ~~~ ............ ~~ ................................ ~.':':'.~ ... , .. ~.~.~ ....... ~!!~ ...... m 1611 ---~ ..... " ..... !~ ~~ ..... !~~ ~.E.!~~-.!.'!' .... !!!! ~.~~ ... !~ ~~ ... !... .:rr WWW lt11 =~..! .. ~ .. ~~ u.., ~·;:~ .!1111-... 1111!1~~-------... C81l.. -~ """"-HUii • • ......... ..~................ llOUlftD =· ~~ ... All TOWMMOUll " ..... ,,· 1cr W/,oof.-PtiT:ll ...... akass.t' ....... ....~... I iMw~if··-°' . nv """"' • -m f'UUJf mo-.,1t1ur1ar1P. 0 .... "'or ,. ....... ural1ll ed •. Im•• , m.•A. hol-0 • .., C-.. ;u;4C ot ~=, ....... ., ... (?HJI!,.. ·~ •M ll/ll t'Oll'lt vlew. llDI 111 tt.. la -1 8 11 d r b1e t c"T a v a 11 . S S I t t t 0 O. , 7 loyal It Otor&t Rd. A ww -1 C>OH rw. • •tl · W ..... Jltlfy_,_.._ \Ilk comlDlllllt.y. u~' • n w/TllMS. Panlck CMlat/lltalJ.4 ...Uulbomel But-It Prta.antr. •ft .. 1 ,..., ......... 1161,000 flnwlll · eu14111ltr1· t.!:•11. rrtably rt · I IR. ~· ao IDOIMY fob~I~ RJtr. = :=t:= ~f~~: 22 "" co1do1 •II" -.!! ....... ! .... " ,..._ l•C· Cfiarllt Elwh, · Oner wlll COD· ~ et lJ.15~. % fem nn ud ovtrloott f1a11ela1. SISK dwo. 11nt bedroom 2 1_, " superb home ror the moat Tarbell aultou .... trldtl ... ootn. tplc1, covd Nlr patio, ... rw-.u••m Cllfalrw•y •• Su Ju•• 0.. will CUT1 s 7n. old boa1' la ci.u.a&. dlacrlmlnatin& buyers. A rull wall .... • Vacant aid move In ovenlae atladed y1rd, " _.._ .. n .. ....M ........... Aben· .,.._ WW tl'""•••e 1-i.omt t r I . DOW. Call Dla11, •Ii qultt Dbft\d . ...,,000 or ~ I Br ·~ 81 -·-,__ ,_... -I one rp c accentuates the step·down vw. 1167 take ovtr 1_11, Jat. CoDdo with «eao view: cbled by elderly folkl au~ .....n or condo I• He.,.rt llvlnc room surrounded by ltaUan tile ..... a;d9.......... r. ', , ...... /09t -.,., ... at..,.mo. szu,soo to Newporl Md 111> for 1rabl. Of. 4iiCll~ ;.,;·nftibl. Aru.Cauddcull en try. Downstairs master suite la LAUAllA Moeo clowa. BeiutfM ._ ... aM215 Crt1t. Call DelorH fend It~,~. <Ltod oe tt rm1. am Ku· m.-. totally llolated. 4 addit. tie bdrms owe /1IOOOO d 'B N •• p 0 rt c re It Ge I b. r I . Ts L almtwortlnaaa.) LAKE ARIOWH!AO upstaln. Walk to beach. + ,.; nn ' +~and · IYOWI• ~m~ ~ii~~~:: Pvt :t~I for Pn!e!ti!l·•1•· 't.,:i:/4 ~~ tf:~·= ,.,..,..U::::.::.a.>1t 9 1:1r'cirr·1ordet:i: 1~ lb ;.:.a~~oer home • ...aan. · · :=,:-:, oe.w•.... Palm~ll@~~ • Dl._ Crelia A Auoc. 2'7 yn. Harbor Rid•• llAM> MIW UDO Sptc1oul cleu 4 Br Z~ -•••••••••••••••••• --GOLDEN 714/5.11-5400 ~ iew a ii ab ... ~IT ua.TS CUSTOM HOMI ' . me-• 4-Jia In Santa lilatl•.1d • r a, " n• . Ba. d/w1.to ... 1 new kitchen I fOO eood. Poiltlve cHh. PROPERTfES ~Wrl• ....... "IOUS dee. Stl0.000 -low down. OIUd ve, 1ecluded 5 .0 eq. ft. ot traditional tile. tMin·lns 2 pat)oa 2 --(7l~) ..... a:M95 7~ 1511 IM. 10441...,... 1044 SAYs';&a_.. Courtesy to bk fl. 8dno home + Hplfate eelpate + 3 ur llf. IUDdecb. etuh 1JvlD1 _ ........................ -. .. --· . • ..... , ........................................ &p.elow A&eao Hei&hta ~-mothtr·ln-l1w unit. bolt yrd oo bit Udo St mt it'• bt'lt. Brina your OC!AN'P'RONT Modular MOC.SH IM WT 2 Br, 2150 aq ft ~·• ... VllW $111.100. Ttr1D1. Rbt. 4bdrm or (3bdrm + din(by • fla11'n pole. Type Homu, 24 hr SAMa.••m Wut Cbolct Ne~rt IRVINE + VIEW! ASSUME 91/io/o IMTaml Tastefull y dec·orated 2 Br + den Irvi ne end unit condo w/view! Excellent finan cing includes a 91 l ii ~t .'fD +very. nexi.ble owner assisted financing with m"1ima l acceptable down payment. Call Adrienne. agt, 759-1221or975·1060 for details today! to h I h t '"""" dell), 4ba, 1t1 din rm. Altial • ooo *'lttt1. ~ ml pvt ~h ·--J I I I.MO Seid> SpnJua H1U 4 wn ome w t ex re OlllY .ooo. Tue oHr tam rm, lndry /aewlni DWt.IX Sl i 1 000 + fllllln1 pier. Cedar a:= btacll loe., BR home w I no e.,b larte fbeamlly roomedthat llOl.• Jou. I Br J~ rm, opt. maid'• rm, a 1 lbort block to C:Cean a cctt.ace type, redwood lat~COGd. Rtnll low. don? CBeol will trade coWd toovtrt to Ba, 3yruew. fJt>ICI, lDcl lDd•cPI • Br 2 81•1 iD eacb wlit deck, pool, 1111rded owe /fl OOOdow sus.ooo. equUy f« raw two lar!; bdrml. Ttrma JOHN 11.ARSHALL 1pk)n, aec. pre-wire, am ocean view, sum'. ate. 1dltt 0011. No • 1• n. lued, Rueb qr inv..t· avallab Oft thll lbarp GM• -•AfOUUIE crptl, Open Sat/Sun, mer rent Owoer win te0.•Jt11 w••wyo-•CH ine at properly ln lnveatmenl. Submit aU "-1·5pm, 210 Via Su btl fin C II f t.. --Orlftlt, Rlver1lde, or ctr~~-~,'50. TOOWMA Remo . 875·SOU .J. ance. a or $~i::.':':!:'!ale. DW\DIM Sao Die10 CounliH. .._._, • IAYMONT owner/agt. WAMTID FAMILY Adil P it . No peta. CAPl~~CH ~add cub tool Con· 0-PoW 661 441 COMD07 HAllOlllMI 4 Br 2~ ea' + Family CI0084e-Ml2 . Ocean view urut an ex· t1ct Mike Crow, R.C. .,. ... ,..._. I06t BESTBUYINNB Xlnt flnaqch)e avail on ByOwner.Lowestprlce. rm.l2car1ir.Goodu-sas.ooo. Lovtly home ia =-!!"~~~r~'oi'c TaylorCo.840-9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• owner, tarp Cape Cod th.la beaut. lrg 2bdrm belt loc. 2bdrm condo, 1um1ble finan cing. Liauu Beach. uo w/20~ down. J oli I ... .... C1111ryY~ :.c:.-:..~·000. ~e!it~tth~'J.:!': ... 900.M)..ta =i:w"~: Call UI ~!!~~.:1a·c·f bv~ek. -.ooo. ..!~~ ........ ~!!~ New Cape Cod 2 •t:r, Cfn come lr\le for you. IAYfllONT CONDO IMl\IX $260,000 ~-;.1 .*7. ar · A., Pvt pty locki.ni for home bld& ooftprime str~ · ~~~!'LBdrUm~ondo. C"all Equity Sharing &>It slip av all. $415,000 3 Br .. ., 3 B d .. RI S to buy on lease notice 2llOOsq. • +Sclr P•I· _..._.. '" Propertlea today ! OCIAMPIONT · .... r. own. "' (Back Ba y-lrvToe) S~~~~d.~top/offdl~k.u~ A BEAtm'. Lr& patio m.3141. Beaut. home on Penin. ~1n: c:e,~agv~.e'uv! C Ill..... ..FEAL lW.fJIO l..owornodownCondoin ........... 1041 ww• IVUI v-. w/wetbar! Clll for Pl.Pr1Cf!datlotv1lue. inooereottheother Watt:rfroatcommUnlty: WIAI~ ..=..:-=:::......----- ll'Vlne, areal assumable ••••••••••••••••••••••• talldownttalrs.1375,000. TERMS. Owner will ~bEHc;>MI E I 67W6'78 87S-S444 ~&C=O'lri ... ~ 2 Br 2ba mobile. . __ .. ~ ... W..e.d loan. . ~,.,.,...,,0NT Modular 0.-W/s. l·S f1Daoce. Patrick Tenou ........ w , .. ~ a, lJi· eve , ..-.. ....... ~ .... to_,..-See Iv~ eaunmacnt9G6-6S35 T~,H~mes . 24 hr. 4lOlhtSt,tU. famrm,den,1wwieck,2 By Owner! 4BR Plu1 '40-IJ I ~p4;°(0~,22• ~ 4118-tCMO iz.ooolo lS,oofi sq n . Or dl c h d u. a c security, ~ mi pvt bcb m-1778 frplca, cul·de·aac, lrg aim.. 3BA, 3100 Sq ft. DOCISIDI I. I. n r the Canoe r y Irvine Newport area. • • T;l • r· h. . C d l«.Motlvated1e1Jer,as· Auumable Loan . .. ......... _ftt. Contact Howard Turtlerock, views. + IS inc pier. ear •-------1 ....... ~A s •-Su ....,...,.._ atrium, pools. S224.000. Cottage type, redwood •-au me ' owner will ...... 500. "Y"n at• n Waterfroot Homes, Inc. c:.M. Ta,....,. M.ltunan 714/54().0500 &4l.ao70. deck, pool, guarded OWliBWILL cany.Toay.owner/agt: 12·4. 2297 La Linda ZHOUSISILOT 631•1400 , 4-olu.Xlnrflnfllce. ate, adlls only. No DCHAMelDPLI IYOWMB hm : S48 ·8833; ore : Court.NB.548-6542 2a.Toleeclt ::::::::l~-=~-1'1~~:/~l·345-:~4123~ .... **W008BllDGEI. 800 • .,.,3816 3"3BEDROOMS 7»1222. SO'UD0 4 ll lBR Shl!!Aled Cottage i..==:.:==·-=~=~-''"BLOCKTOBEACH ,.._Loe-"-! ~ bi 1 R h ••••••••••••••••••••••• • n • Eastblutr, $24S ,OOO. 200' from clbbse beach. us IC . ear OWle • -1..&.-..a Has it all, great price & ~ $212,SOO in Newport. Beach. 2308 4bdrm, z~ba. ltg yrd, ukyUghted Uv /rm, UDO,...SUU WAT DWI.Ill! ...... ,.._ location. 3 Bdrm condo 20o/oDHt l2"• 1"1• • _ 675-1711 Clllf Dr. Uruqu~ ~bdrm. SZO'l,000 uawnable 13% Mu8t aee, thll house has 2BR, rentablestudio and $63,500 '340,000. 1809 W Balboa ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• $129.SOO.AskforJan. 3d .br, 212 a.dta1m.garmr, • dl.~~.largelivmgand .l.lt.80-5161·640-8\07. 1t aU133.~tUaN1eDnllN. E garaee. Great Invest· 2Br /2Ba In Cannery Blvd ~D Daily; 2·•· ........... JIN ID . rm. .... . I ID. area. Excellent • OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 ment! owe s yeara, VUlqe.4ynoldw/com· Ted Hubert Realtor ...................... .. ~bridge l w/opeoer. stained &lu1, Bay, Udo. Pen .. Ocean CUSTOM DUPlU -~......., 1299.500 _nmtypool. 7SUT17 Terrific 2 Br 2 Ba winter D a ... hg fenced, ocean vu . View. bqb space to Great location with 9"'"'~ 49 .. 7551 reot.al 'til June 1800/mo ~ 49'1-l~l build $420 000 MUST "T" E'adt o.ta Meaa Dplx. incl util. Alt. 673-40Q • · I rmny extras, surh as OHEOfAklHD ... McC.-dill Hi&b aasum Ina. at -SSl-3000 • SEE! I Italian tile noon. oak Complete remodel· ~3. owe. New roof/· c:.e.Mese 3124 4tit •n Pby,l_!V~M ~ MOITH U~UMA ste>-5135, ~-6881 . cabinets, micro t wave. custom everything 4Br. paint. 11S7,900. Own/Agt ...................... . IRVINE CONDO Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, 2 sty WOULD YOU? SEA VIEW vfi a c1u um sndy s ke m sd. 381, DOnl SHOllS Beu.lnam.11167 eves. Newport Hei&hll a bdrm. Count.ryFrenchhomeon II I Sec. gat w/panoramk :a:~:u ec •an OpenSatl·S .. J~Dr. r 2 ba. lrplc .. gardener. Reduced $5000. Assurrl~· 1 lfe wooded Jot; oak like CQmfortable v ng view. Two lrg ~ Bd'a + AMUsTSEE !! 21.24 Mirmar OplllW/s.91·5 •UCITIN"* 2Sl Knox St. $700/mo. ~le loan at $l00,000. 'Tius 1 r oors. Playhouse • in Npt Hgts at a ~0'!1· den w/form. dln rm + n....--· . t f 64~7404 SpaclOUI 3 Bdrm home · . • 72 UNITS ~~.:::..=;S.:.:11.::..0 ____ _ 15 a~utely your ~est renced yard Ideal for fortabjeprlce.Tb.llt11t. wet bar. Assume 9~%' VWI~I mov1ng ou 0 Alllforloalowt I wi~alriumenlry, hi,Ch lltahs.lt $2,350,000 buy In lrvlne. Beautiful· kids & pets Only Brand nu 3 Br 3 Ba, Ft. int FN>m"311900 /lots st.ate. ~sumable · or cesli~ =r;down hv· With or wjtbout furn, PricecuttoaeUfast! ~.._. 3141 ly cared for l bdrm end $288 000, ckD'I. ..abJite + + + t f · ..... n .. 8 • p w . It will con.sider all types or e ,...,_ · ii ...... latt, ......... G""""'"'"' or. r-(ti" ..it ea r<-6 1 e=•••••••••••••••u• c~ ~th view of hills. OPEN SAT/SUN 10·4 Builder t 't old 0 n•·n-a .,.... at rte financing or exchange. ~<> NEWPORT ~with builtin.;;etbar ~a'Hiih'e~:'e'!'t s ,...,.71xUNIT"""Ps· oans - has ii. s own private . Owner'94-S057 now• S2;'sa~ 'O~C ji7t12211 Don't miss this one. only HORIZONS and large kitchen with pk EXCITING, EXCEP· 5t.aarwayloentry, a lov-1'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jea~ne Salter. aat 1111111 r..i•(~• $340,000. Call now for REALTY eating area. Huge back ....,...,~ ...... ,_. $1JI00,000 TI 0 NA L and ely living room with 51221 • • '.:. ~-~ rmredetai.ls. 979-5370. yard with alley access ....... ....:• .. • ... .....,. K•y-~t ) X Gross ~~~!2,FVUUL. C~·~U,.Dm· fireplace. dining area I PIJCESWHID! A r boats .,.,.. ........... _,...., .. w..... .. ... .na;~ .... .., :11t~~e;"w~th a!~N~: P:'J; :~r5wi~~;~~~ WAH?ACI'JON? LLSTATE Ute the equity in your or 64iS200 ::abestM•·ZBi!'towortZBale.' .:'.' .. ti ia ~ 642~.~l~l . ~~in~ot,a~rrfi~;:JY4 area. Uving room and parking. Near Heisler home ror the down pay· --lllPO---bdrm. Tbe ultimate ex· tltthm open onto large Park with wlute water a..ifedAdaMZ,5'71 ~. _REALTORS ment on a 6 br, 4 ba, Beautiful Belair M.H. ~•ct uu1• ~ve home. S3SOO per 13Xl3' deck, roomy view. •·u doesn't cost a1--------1 spyglass home with w/frnt kit, 12xl.9 liv rm. ~,..,..,~,-im.Shortlermorleue. master bdrm has thing to look!" NOW ,,._,.._ superb view. Great op-121.10 M.str Bdrm. Encl W•fi..eHw1 generous walk-lo rloset. S?S0.000. Loe._ portunlly ii you want to ~· Nr. Hoag Hosp. 8d 2 Ba condo. Wood· lie. 714/631-1400 Every room I.a light and LOIJllNIYlloge l.E o.lel! 212 D &•A,..,IAn imveup.1144-1988 .SOO. bridge, IS% d w 0 . airy and .tastef~ly de-497-1761 Eruawidelot 1¥11"9-1~ 2Homes llot NwptHts a.ASSIC ..... • corated in white and fNN: poo1 'owc' ·· ~-·HOME ..... ooo 114_.__.IHdt 316' Is T HERE'S • nAKINO AT $275 000 + • l ,Agt, _,_ 3 units Costa Mesa •-r-o• neutra . otal $17,300 uvv • 642·6100 UDO ISi.i SALIS · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• down to 851umable loan YOU KJD! ... Next door 615-1771 FEAlJ'Y c-... ideal for starting invest· UDO ISLE charming 4 or seller will. consider to "Bogie's" old house, l!mJ .. -.. mtB OCEAN FRONT Pnvate _IAYRONT 2'106Harbor •• ···c206·A in&portfolio. Sl67.SOO bdrm, 2" bath. trg aua- lO'Yo dn. Call Mona this Laguna Charmer ·-·---home 3 Br l Ba room $1,000.000 540-5937 1S units, E.side Costa ny patio, completely 111>· Cheshire lo see 112 sits oo a pnceless level llM'lllD llVINE DrllJY for additJon Step from Olarming 2 Bdrm plus Mesa, 75'k nn. avail. graded Sl700 mo. Y~a:r- Lakepines Open Sunday lat Just 300 yds from the ......,.... ~ the beach By Owner. den. 2 bath, pier and slip 81:3& Mobile Home , very S'131,000 lY Bill Gnmdy 675-6161 ltoS ~ch! 3BR 2BA. frpl, llf'llW'l' 0 WC. F ee I and . to accomodate 40' boat. low space rental, c.M. QUAJL PLACE -·· Cheshire Realty bdwdtnrs & a big yard. Lhll"'9,} BY 714/642·321S. North side. For an ap-$4500. 645-6Zl7 {6-8) PROPERTIES r... Molli"-• 759.1877 The pouib11ities are ~~~~~~·-' o-• .... c•tT·LE Poinlmenttoaeethilex-. 752-1920 28dMobile,UdoSTOO RARE VANDERBILT in Park Homes. Large· spacious 4 bdrm, 2..., ba. Separate master suite. View or hills and future part. Pool and schools close b~. ~·~· endless. $118,500 with a = SUZAMMI SHUUI __... -cluaive property. call C rcW On water. 2B" mobile low lllt.erest lsl. It's a OCEAN VU 64 ••• 35 •OMUDO• ste>-llSl PutJi rtJ 160 2100 BIO. sUaJ ! ! & POOL -& Brand new 3 br custom .......... •••••••••••• Waterfront Home•. inc Like new, lrg 4 Br St Ceaturiog all the 631-1400 JIYTHEIEACH w/bonua rm. Only art the NEW YEAR right by amenllie1 of a million MIWPOITIEACH 21.112 SQ FT Horse Property. 3BR . Pampered Vintage $C29JIOO. Assume 11.7~. previewing these outstanding doUar home. Great de-Hilb visibility, C-3. IMO. ILOG lBA. K.ids &r Pets OK. Units with a Sweeping Call Patrick Tenore, aat properties. The Best of Newport! tau &r craftsmanship I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ocun view. 120 ft: fron-on 1 . s a c . n ea r Lra Fenced Yrd. llOO View of Crescent Bay 759-1Z21 used throughout. Take 1--------taae. Use existio1 build-Harbor/Westminste r rro. Mr Goodman, Day. and Seal Rock. A large• MCUIM H CANYON ~::t\~ ra:i~y~~ OPINSATfSUM 1~4 ~:4000:i·Jlw:bul~ $1.350.000 w/310K dwn. 551-2&ZB.Evea,d7·52'16 2BR 2BA w/frpl and 2 A"'--1ut 1 · I t 2 BR 2 ing is believ1n• this 151SC•ut•d,Ml I ' 'l· ooo· 63e~..!!.. owe IOl5IC at less than 3 BR 3 Ba Bluffs eoodo. terriric Studios! Jusl UO'tUI e y ammacu a e • gem. A1t. V1:'ginia WES'reLIFF, 1240,000. ~,l.S, . I,.....,, lnl. 6K pr mo. 12 u. all SUSO. DoltJe Johnsoa. list.ed.S89S.ooo.owc BA condo. Formal living room, O'Bri ...... '"'" Lo 1 3 Bd 1 rented c IR agt 7m.ll66-17S-SOOOagt. wet bar, fireplace, private patios. . en,u............. ra:Ji/ room, ~t~ ~:'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Maurl~e R.· M~rpby - Security gated, community J>O<>)S, 2944 Clff Dr. pre1tigiou1 Westclifr. C11d1•l1lwfT.ow• ~. .. .................... . spas and tennis. Great "subject <kean, bay and night Minutes to the beach. ..... ..... 1700 fwS. 2200 ~ 3202 ,, T light forever view. 3 Owner anxious and will ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7"1AYVIEWPL WftlUALLY ' OPEN SUNDAY 12·4. ••••ID VERY PRJVATE 3BR & _.._ . .. 523 C.otPVSDl·IRVINE LAllJllll leoch I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 new cstm ocean vu homes. 4 Br's 4~ Ba. F.R. 1S21·1S33 Tahiti. $4115,000. Agt. 497 ·5454 THI& AlCH IA Y 3bdrm, 3ba. ram rm. garden kitchen. spec- tacular ocean view. sec. gated, walk to beach. At· tractive fina n cing. (714)499-5663. SALllYOWMB lmmaculate 3 Br 2ba ocean view home . Featura: Larie Deck. oak paneled den. As· awnable loan and seller financing. $319,000. Call eves or wkndl 497 ·'Z766 Guest House on approx that if more people read V..A, fa cing The Sea. this month's National OWC. $36S,OOO. Geographic relative to 494-755 I Newport Ha.rbor • O.C · ... Mcc:or.ack IE choice bayfroot proper· ty will sll:yrockel. Call Olanning 3 bdrm. 2 bath John Campbell ror appt + guest IP\ No. end. to see this brand new Emerald Terrace. Walk listing of fabulous bay. to beach. Aasuma ble ocean vu cst111 home and loan. Owner will help you be the judge of thla finance. $279,SOO. Peg *'7S,000 price which in· ..;..All:;;;;.en.;.;;;;;....Rl"'"'tr~, 494""'""'· 7 .... S7_8_. __ , eludes a large parcel of Fantastic buy ! 3 bd, 2 ba land. coodo. Beam ceil., frpl, IC>QoaS UALTY patio, clubhouse, pool. 675-2311 Owner carry loan.j!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $159,CXXI. Peg Allen, Rltr, 494-7578. 4 Be. Den, Formal Din· in& Room. 2 Fl.replaca, 3 car 1ara11e + larae Hobby Room. Pool abed ~ beaut. landlcaped. Owner will 111ilt at ~Only "2(),000. • /Swl 1-4:30 Robiftlon: Realtor 541-1647 to 1st. .D. plus seller terms. Bdrm, 2 ba, 2 story Cape help with the financing. Leiaart World Condo. For ••••••••••••••••••••••• $184,500 Cod. Fee land. $435,000 For an appolntment to Sale By Owner 2BR PllME LOTS Upper Newcort Bay IACI IAY CUSTOM Delightful 3 BR family POOL I home . Superb for entertaining. Family room and master bedroom circle around large pool find patio area. Large irregular corner lot on cul -de-sac street. R.V. access . LOW DOWN . Excellent TERMS . Fast escrow ............... $205 ,000 1 MCUll4-llG CAMYON Outstanding value is round in this large 3 BR -2 story condo. Sunken living room , large master suite, move-in condition, com- plete built-in kitchen plus micro- wave. Formal dining room, wet bar. Security gated community pools, spas and tennis. Under market .................. $215,000 IAYCllST Beautiful IV AN WELLS built 4 BR 4 BA family home.· Bright and spacious island kitchen. oversized room, large lot, private and secluded garden off huge master suite, rich' wood cabinet·ry, qua l ity built throughout. Unbelievable floor 1 for entertaining. A very special offering .................. $335,000 H•DOI llMI CUSTOM Magnificent French Meolterra· nean Villa. UNPARALLELED VIEWS OF CATALINA AND NEW P ORT HARBOR . An elecant reaklence of exceptionaJ quality and impeccable tute. Ap. prox. 6500 sq. ft. formal living and dining rooms, library. master and executi ve suites, butlers pantry 1 wine cellar, elevator, samia, five rlreplacea 40' swim.mini pool Mlh fountains aod ape, three wet ban. Private communlty. One of the finest, H · elusive eutom re•tdencea ID ·~·-Bwb ...... , $1,000.000. OWC. Own/ Agent. see,callS.0-llSI ZBA. Upgraded c~rpets'. onPCH. zonedC·3. OWC area. S br, 3 a, 2650 sC, 673-4849 Open House Great View. SU ,000. aper or exchange. exec. home. Sl.JSO. 2 car ~lloS 7lf·S4S-7101, Mon·Fri. a 646-5096 gar +carport. 1st+ last 20% cash down. Owner J.S. n4-T10-833l, 3-SPM . VIEW LOT fil-mJ. ;0~ c in(~~ 1a3p~ fanaoclol. 4 Br. 3 Ba. Grutest patio In 1\.2, Pacific Ave, CM. pointment newbome. Over3000sq. MacArthur VIII. Up· Marion. agt 646-5096 E-""':11c::;;;h;;;::a""n;;;;,;&'-e-F_u_o_d-in-g tUeelaod. A&ll3l·Sl03. <r.-a..... 1076 araded 1 br. VWa1e 2 "------•-t G I E I --·-· 137.~Sat.SUn.1_.or vwuo:i.,.,..,.. roup nc. mpoyff i-------· ....................... caU,¥.'.1144-sosl MOBILEHOMELOT Transfer unit. 538-2*. Y1IW + YIEW ~ DOWM 4 Ideal mobile home afen to lease your 3 or Wat.ch the sunset over New large 3 br, ocean B~FORDPLACE viewlots,nearl tSFrwy 4 Br. house at fair C.taUna while sailboats view p ,190. /mo. SCS-9911 ~ery -~ce ..,! 800bd"!'~ 0001 ~ tn beautiCul Wildomar rmrtet rent leu SlOO per race in the b:![. from thls -. y .. u . -· • -· u · "'lta area 1 m1· mo. Subject to rental Oys-l"Y aaume 1st, owe pan.r. .un... • · · .. diff ...... in ~u::h:a: spa~~:= 1mmacu1:t:3eft'2y, ba. Fantastic l5t time b~y. from hospi~al ' hi· =e~2 re~o;L:.e; and eourmet kitchen. library, 3 car 1aragt, Gr!enbelt le pool. Blue school. 3 ~1 li;m so grant Leuee rlht l o You be the judge or the cul-de-sac, wide pvt lot. Cb Ip Pro Pert I es I store ~hoppane . center. show for aub·lease. 2 an,ooo price which in· clole to beach. 2 years &sr-:IMO. • Utll. In. Sephc tank weebforprocesslog. ctudea a lar1ce parcel of new. Xlnt long term area. S27 .SOO·S29,SOO. fl.IWl.Own/A"'.498-ZSlO ...._., 25~ dwn. 13% int. land. C.U or appoint· ~ .... S. I IOG Parcel map 16137 book m!nl toaee. Have tomethint to 1ell! --·••••••••••••••• 10 pp S8-7S Riverside IOMISUALn a.iftedadadoilwell. I•-------Cty . U mi from '75-2311 Ml\WOITllACH Anaheim city limits. PZESUIPLE LAND Cuurtar to brc&ers or MIWPOIT STAIT8t Rare chance lo own a comfortable 3BR-2 ba Harbor Vu on fee la nd for only $224,950 call now! WAfTM.IOI A IAKAIM This cozy 3 BD, 2 BA + fam. Rm. in Harbor View near comm pool has good assumable loans and ts priced to sell. $237,950. snu & SOPHISTICATION ln thil impeccable Spyllua 3 BR, Fam Rm with bre1tbtaklo1 mountain and city light view. $M9,000 Good terms. CUSTOM HOMI t llMT AL . Just listed premium ~uaUty with· t wo a BR units -beam1 - flreplaces in Old Corona del liar. Seller will exchanse or be creaUve with your ter'ma -offe1 ed at $141 ~ Call \II now! Priced below mkt at call 714 674-1121. Sl.87,000. Seller mu1t lltll. Short walk to shop· plQI. beacA. CJS REALTORS ·--~ IMCOMI PIOPllTY SPICIAUST Wed from 3-IJ unlll. Tennl available to suit your' needt. • • IEMTALS Yearly-Weekly-Winter, 2,3,4 Bdrmt. Newport Beacb. Ba.Ibo•. JACOIS UAl.TJ PIOPllTY MMS. 67Hl7l ......... 3216 • a a 0 0"'191 eo..t DAILY Pfl0Tts.turd1y, Jenuery t. 1112 -.. COUMrlY CLUI UYIMalM MEWPOIT IEACH OMTHllATI One of a kind luxury apts. 2 bdrm, •. bath •P1-. located directly acros,. from the Reuben E. Lee. Just remodeled with aew carpeting, drapes, kitchen cabineta ' •P· pllances. 1biJ upstairs unit Includes a fittplace. mirrored bdrm closet doors ai a spacioua dttk overlooking the bay. Sl.800 m>oth. Uti Ii ties in· duded. l'or appt. call (714 )67S.IOOO. ~ · Kennybunkport? lsn 't that the boat that won The America's cup in ·m ~~ If you're not sure who (or wt\lt) ~ WIS. dOn't ftll •-)Ql'rt not alont. ~ Is one of t• d:stlnttMly ~ """""'It ftoorpllns ll SMwlnd Wlagt . In tultlngton 8lldl. 5Mwind V\19 is • r'l5IAt a( tatJtJ ~ profmlonll p&lnning. Tht kind a( ll1lntlon )QI dlltM. A piffttt bllrld af nllUrt Ind llW'Q- nmtild In 1 lo111t wlttl ~ twooks and - panda. cqieed tit fllbnf OCllfl i..... Add to thlt tlnnlS couns. IWl!Mllng pools •• jlalz.zi and • airMl•it locldor\ ,.. --.no and ..,.,,.. and 10U'~ got ..... would proucly Cll homl.(EWn ~) OM Ind lWO bedroom. ON lfJd lWO bid! lcMl "°"'~ ' -~-.~-r--~~~~..,...~~~-----_ .................. ._.. ..... _ .... ~ ..... -.. .. =.............._._....,...._ ..... """"'!"~~-"""""~-------..... ~.~ .... ~ .. ~·~ .. -......................... 1 .......................... ....... .. ' 0 -:':~·. tiait ..... ;; ....... "'"...;41.:._. lilMlll.:.__ 4 .~ ,-...-~ .a.-• • ~:·~~ ---· , • .,... I Liltl.... -·--~ 1 1111 ·~*lliW 71 · ·""w..-... 7tll ~ .,...._ __ ... _.. -....... =---0 1111 --.. • ....... " ... ---.~ ............ .._. ... .. ~ ...,. ....... -................. "........ ..................... .. .. ,................. ....................... .... ......... -........ __ ................ ~ 1' i:•• •AIMillll ... IMLAllWOJ& 111/P w lk' 4 lw ...._.. "llD' A IUS AD · ..... 1f, tl Ht. ••· "''"'"'"' .. "•''."' ..._., IMlll' fold ID ,_c.o&ai Nlu.atioe """ = t~ ~ !'~~ °';i,11N ................ !! ............... IWt.V ... c.11. iii J>&al? ........ 1prti.kltr1. JMd~i'!· -•• u ..... bru'•••t. PuhtOI ........... ID....... .,,..... • 14,, •• ~}·~·~f • i/ Pwtlr '"' .-.,~ • .., • Ctltr tv +llHll.1&1111 im&l_... ...,.,..,. ~..._~~·.... J'&la. iati· • --lllml tdllittlY. ...... ..,.a.u ....... , Aawo ... M,. H4 .,..,. 11111 .. _ -,_ ••Ill' la••·• m0 I.I room. 111iM1PLuwaw.Ouoo· ,,,...Adt.OCAlrDorl tTM)l!ll=!p lllllilltrwtdeeda.Over Laa · t.ooel Toatcbn Nttd a1rtatO.llyunold,to WlllO•lf 11......,• •• Jltr,!-! .. MldL~ Ntw,.rt •lvd cw . .. N.I . llet ltc'. .. llm/lm), fJt.aMlli. N.8., ., ..... -... ~-==':mto:n• ~=·A':!'.~: ~T c.u Moalca... = :-.~i·:.m:·; ------11!11 ! . ~!!!:!I! ... ,._ --Pt.a. NH/mo. Irle NIWPORTorric& ft. er ltla. MIA IOM, IOI ....... Mr Harbot:i preye1lua• . tu.Jm aew1 • er aubacrl • C11f111r-0Wa11 '~ AveU l••d. V11aU..S ... APLACl7 llf!lt!.t11-l!!f Prime bayfroot lontloe per iq. rt . A1eot ._ --ill brown eue w/Bttta OO!Dl-WouJd Love To Uoet.'~a01portat1la Plrt-tla nlllaP • .,. C.lU•I· ltpt to Brb. a.u.Weelc\y. Kata ONBIACH. 11/Ptoaltra Ideal for law flrm1 In· f!l·llm. 6 -.raved oe leu. CaU Puty wltlt Y0til Call and tolltlllt adult ~.~~et:~ 0.-Doer operat«. ~·"'-lit illft, Pvt be, N.B .. 1lt ~ ot acet ••• 11.50 OO&TA llDA m..mo. ana. eh. a. bn Le 1 JI e or • y l v I 1 a_upenlalon provided ~ 1111J • ~·· tstS yrly. "l"awu..!Mov~ lllMt.IQ.LfJI pr 1q ft incl. janitor. 1100 aq rt. Lite In· Wt~oW' hu Ut for lat 1.S, Cry/blk etrpe ,, MY!!mf. Ttl..ae CUUt.oi:30PM uk toi M ,C. · ~.,.;::;..... ____ , ._..,., *1NtW'pOrt PIOllONTOJlYPOlN'I' MMMll • dullrial.8'7a.SMD 'fe~~· 1°!'1:'· cat ad·loq hair, blk Andrea. 6d·i21, eat. a-.d New Dtlue. lBR Bl. Olita .... N$.tlr1 Namkr, lu:a. J br apt w Clllhr ... 41H DMailOll Auoc ~. nli flea collar 4 moa. vie LL..&. & v~''s NS CAStma Condo lo r It au' Uve • Npt kll •1wk w/trplc, SIG + ti\ U\11. Newport Beach. View ol , .......... ••••• .. ••••• • • Anaheim 6 Ctnttr CM -Ml !!!!m••••••I Put/llma. C.U-elrbara "''*"'· tp, tad. car PlaelCnoUl*l.C302W mm.tru.*7 ncea. full service Law Stor•1t·R.V..tuller· Arnquowror C3l.U •ISCOITS• AllrOlllOTIVE f«IPRti-.-. •/8*0ft0tf,•toract. Pal.NB..._ 11/F fwa t Bil bCKaae •. ,._ r,_ft l•wUbrary boll..C.11.SSS/mo.Klrk: llomaeqdtyloana P'OWld: Wallet ull to BACX6BETTIR p•-,. ..... PGDitJatual. "50/mo, -• -·~· m..cmo. t.o'5Q,000ormore. 'dentlf , nli\NEVER MHRS -•• -ht + lut + dtp Yearly oe Ule beach ~· Sbota, or bcb, and many ntru. ~vtratea. I y, I COUMl'llMAM HOUllWAllSALIS f7MJ1J«MOaU · HcUI rooma kltcheoeut 6'tennla, car. w/d, .'l!J:0'2 SeaJor Cltlseo need• rut:fie0Ci1y aervlce. Ml-SIN 669.0207 Dealtrthlp or fortl&o f\all ot p/tJme . Apply: •bath. mt' up monthly piano s.\'IO. + ~ util 2 Officea. 1125 Mo. AP· 40x50' oulllde •tora1e Ml·Mel Found: Elderly gray do&. <OuteaJI) 1uto p•rta uperience Crown Hardware, aeu 2 bt, 1 bab fr1>lc , ~r. 2 + • aecwtty dtpo1lt. s..4MO proximate 500 aq ft. ipac. for comm bua • Bra.neb1Un~1er M/poodle or pdl mix. pre(erred. Call Glen ror Su Ml t H b ;:,,:: 11;.'~~i rly. 23ot W. Oceanfront, Mtr Bl Balboa Peno, llUliUea ·included. Op· van j /elee. avail. O~ JUDIFRA.NTZ Npt Ht• 844·306, Z3yrokloon.atra.11lltat· anQPOU>tmeat. Vlew)Nre , ( ar 0' · Newport Bea c h 38fti'lm.lluatbuttp. UCNJWarthouaespace. f!..•f!!H p.m .. aec . C.J.T.FtuncialSvc. ~986 lrlct!vefemale, recent· IOYCAIVB a.-...,.. .. L Winter rental. Larae 2 113-4164. tao Pl~ util. f73·5t53 Available Immediately. _._,,. 181 Beach 81 Found, L 1 b I N e w. ly moved t.o area deelrea aou.s IOYCI ~"' bdrm, Beach acro11 St. w........at-..... 4210 F Shr Lux IBR IBA Cbeerrul Prime OC lllnt1nctoa Beach f o u o d I a o d m ix , to meet wne. Reply to: Ate IMW GmeraJ office, accurate i'lrn or unforn. 5304 l'Y--P\lm IA& lkb. 'ocean Aif1'Clrt Location. Call ...._,....,,, Loam, aecured bf Australian Shepherd, Mldweatemtt, P.O. Box , ... 1.444 =·good with n1urea. Staahotell5ll010 let••••••••••••••••••••• J t...,.,..,.. ----=-1--bln1Uono Dbl I VI I •--EJT CA--...,.. l ''"""'""OOhrto . : ~c;,v.T...UNTZA4Br. Front.Condo.l300.Con· eannea -.. !=.'!••••••••••••• ~~ ... pe-"'Ral o em xJ. iz a, .._.. oro ·-· A'"""'M.IVl'TV"" , ,..,..,,,.., . New Ocean View 2 bdrm Av.U. Wlnt.er. Wffkjy/ do. 11.r Goodman, Day, MIWPOIT IUCH ,.,... .-.. Spaniel mix, uolden Lab Pl ~ v•v.., .. r. atart. War11er/Harbor _, " 2'-\ b1, car $750. Maalhly.mma. s.ma. Evea,4t'l·U'78 N r b 1 ..._ 0 nnx»rtv. mill, Enall•h Setter, ,._, P ... C tea•• area. C.U : 545-0U7. for MS.SIOO, !v8'5-211112 1 .... ,_~ __ 1 cu-. F Rmmt to Shr Ml.aii0t1 ew qua •fly us nua O,s11tC1ilr 5 05 Terrier mix, Irvine LavtteYoUrrr:tendato •ff AlldDrivw appointment. Bdrm IJ"llW.I .... ..... and prol cl ice bide. S2$ ....................... '• 1 -•I Animal Care Center aotk linaene, love po-AutomoUve esperience ·-------•· l IJ)l, stove, frig, terey ) coodo 3 BR 2 Viejo Ille. S300 Incl ullt. to 3.700 aq ft . Well WSING LEASE, quit· ,.,llllll/ 75'-373' ~ cruma • party =m'ed. 5 day wttll. Oub oldn1t. On Peninsula. Ba furn. •!atrium Full Pvt. Mike 546-1200, landlcaped. Tiled decks ~bullneu,&ellinl~l ....... ~1 11......:...... Found 1_., black/white 111.mea In your home, commen1urateto MM.17S.06121fl 5 Golf tennJa. Daily. 7'10-7928 Controlfed rree parltin1. a~pli-and fl" -.._ ...... with an exciting home ISOIMVIMTOIY ;;.;uv ... . •· ....................... Angora male Cat. Vic. experience. CalJ Gree c--s Eutbl\tf 2 Br. 2"' Ba. avail 6 moot.bl)' rates Fem. Roommate to 1hr Sdajanitorial. Layoullo turea. 11nc ud.ln&. 'ti ••u•a-rllt SIOO Baker/Harbor. Nor th y::tY by LADY J . call Dunklln/Parta Dept. at """'- ,, I Ii enclad 11ar .. pool, frplc. 1 va I . 714 ·551·100 I Ira 3 Br rum. house, CM your req ul re men ts .roo Dl.ap a.v .. bca1ses, Bwa1 untyll ....................... Costa Mesi. 84.2·0lOO. or your early party San Clemente Ford. Special I day 1ul1n· IDl/mo.640-5296. ~SPM aakrorlbrlt. area.548-5812 75-lll501.weekda. m " 1 u ea date. 1·768·4441. Salea tto ment, Jan. 13th, Wed. 1' ' 1 Br I t I No T-L.-... ~ .. -4 Br s y 1 0 f 5316 572"" rt *1 oo ..-r Salon bairdcyeu and AE aroundA proff. Fiddler 1.-0Jt: Redlriab Seller.~. l'elll needed. 4!M S:.f6 1.m. to 10 1.m. No ,_ yry rena ,stepsto anuoi:~uuuv. . ear y. c ean root ..,. ·•. ""' hydraulic chairs mir· ... ccomp. or your Spade. 1'11 Yrs old F 0 R T H E Au&omotive experience required. t::-bc b. aar parting. Min to Northstar. "50 Balboa. Luxurioua at· SQ,ft..,JrZSBircb.,N.8. ron,shelveaandplants. P.artlea , rec pt ., Answers to Zholtl. SOPHISTI CATED W__...Clilftr CalJToday 1440/mo . 673·39S8 , wlt.Tom857·1Mll nmpbere w/panoramic Aaent5'1·50.12. Alao,make-up,shampoo !>.!,.Tl.,~~Y·ar1m1 , etc. m77·33311REWARD!! -~-, 557 nnJC 73l-M44. ~Bi~'{ ca:I~, 'j°°I view. S300. 67S.Z1M 300 SO FT OFC and hair products. ,,,_..,. ~ I.oat: sm. bm bedraggled ~~·r~°':~ r:t!':'! Filing, li~r;ing, good ,,.,_, Vmamea 2bdrm, 2ba , 1~ v, rp cs. Lady to share mobile SlllO/mo. l>vt. bath, gd Calle31.f7$4or l.olt&'-d 5300 doc. New Hopt ' Ed· eamuandtoys. H<>'tess with figures a must. ·,-n. L. in~ frplc, clubhouse, sec. a 14.~16 home, reas. rent. nice parkfo1, Slater Ave., aft.us,aaoe ....................... inaer, F v . Reward a fun filled home party. Salary open, automotive 'U ,. II \': ~ glte.f150.5S7-l997. Mammot.bcondo,2bdrm, for retired lady. H.B. (714 )847 ·5079 ; Cosmetics, facial.a , body &1Mll81 Ladies only. 770-5162. experience helpful. Con· rMCU Ellch&sive Cliffhaven 1 2 ba. Kltcll equip'd, col· 497-3)()(. (213)592-1636. NB L I PH"" lad Brenda at lJW()QAp'Y"~51 ... bdrm apt with sper· cred 1V and Jae. Reas M/F to share, dual Newport Beach, 504 N ~J!:ie.~'· rg FOUND ADS REWARD: Lost fema e ~ l7231ircJaStn.t tacuiar view. $600 per rates77•' !2!,~t.a5eMrvll1Fro~ rmster Br ZliAJ Ba. lux. Newport Blvd. 3SO sq. rt. R-t1ur1nt/B1r c M AIE FREE ~: ~~~f'D~~ m~: ~e. imtall~ ~:r. :..'!:fn'11e NABE A. ... .... O ... E ..... A ailF .... 1 '"""'d ..-.-... ... on· 1 Dana Pt condo, pool, n t .... • · ·• "'"' CADll .L . E.C mo. v cu • ..-. a. to900aq .. Avail.a 85' est.30yrs.lllneasforces 548-2980. financially secu re _ _ · · · 832-3400, "642·7264 HAW All jac., 2 frplc's. '96·2661 a IQ. rt. Sierra Mgmt. sale. Gron $700K yr "·fl. Found: Terrier. Tan M remale 25·50. Object ltiX:> t~1rlK.11 l\lvil l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!I~ Bay view, yearly, Poipu Beach, Kauai. afters. Co.i;41-1324. 130K bandies. Agt. Sam WI r; Bassett Hound, Tri M. matrimony? Send brier «i\MMt,1 .,40 ,.,100 Cl.ERK TYPIST beautifu l 4 Br. $950. Beach front Condo, I Br. F roommate to shr 2 br, 2 Huntington Beach. 419 l.erke2t.a/385·9300 64z.5671 H k G F resume & photo: Box .!!l!l!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!I!!!~~~ Small, growlnj co~: Broker~3683. S39 nightly. Plus dis· ba Promontor y Pt , Main St. 380 s~. ft . SCHOOLS A~s~r.)i'an ship.herd #944, Daily Pilat, PO pany needs competent Lar-l s Uu"· d countcar.4flt.l.S26. -"/mo.673-8601 ~'""'/mo S1'erra gmt .. ,_ 8, .. ··T F Sh rt &xl.560 CM921626. R~YSITfER -For in· peraoo for filing & typ· -r. Q pai · 1iu"TOUFTS ~ ........ · Coata Mesa, land & Australian Shepherd, ...,,., .... an, · o · •-u Adults, no /(ts. $450. ~ NB BACK BAY AR EA Co. 641-l.324. ... .. 1,.,ft., ln 1 _.. 1 2 · 1 ed HJlir, Moetl~ Wht, M. Strong prof man desires ram, school days Feb-ID&-""curate..., wpm re· ...... , E l"''.. t ,,.5 4718 c:ondo, Park City, Utah, Prof Ft h I .,.. ....... a c . Br .... er: ma e, yrs. tn·co or ' L b Mi M p-u •"•nsual lady 1• .,. June, nr. S.C. Pina. q'd. Duties Include typ. ~ · ""'· "" · · 8 Ba 0 1 r w same, ......... ...... 4450 64M.287. wearina Hospital ID. a x, rown , · '""'"'.... .,...., ~19 ~ letters 6 invoices, , ·-Vill Balbo d on slopes. 2 r. 3 · nu 2 BR, 3BA, fum Con· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 63l ',_ Newport Bearh Anlmal dan/nites72G-0296 ~~------na:R." ._ -ten"ng data in· ....... 1 a con o, Diacount St9 nightly. d " S3"•/ TAYLORSOFTSERVE ... ....., Shelter." .. ...,ci 8 b tt W t d ..... ,..~ .. '· pool, sec., 2br, 2ba. suas. ~=·sm.r ... mo. Stottor0ffice.1350sq. rt Machine, model 18756. Coct·a-poo. Bllt w/some ---Refined Gentlema n, 45. ~e:'eou~ge St~!nt to Apple computer. S900 • $'19S/rn>.S52·08S3. 0 E D lllesaVudeArea Full prusure. loci. Grey. 3.,, yrs old No Found: Dobie. Jan 2nd Adventurer, Libra Tuea·Sat. 8.30 t o llll. ~et spotless lrg 2bdrm, LAXEARI R WHh'IAd RIOITE, LAGUNA: lrg ~123 ' service & warranty. Cdlar. Vk CM. $49·0626 Indianapolis" Bushard Avail to Escort traveling 12:30AM. 631.0130 HPSSYSTEMS, INC. ". 2b1 lower duplex. 403 Home, s ps 8, c ' ren home, classical music, Stott lease ror sale. 320 sq $3100 dn, $12,500 ru11 .,.._l, 675-2213 HB. 9M-7780 Lady through March '82 645·9552 r.. 38th St. Newport Isl. ot, no pets, oonsmkrs non. s m k r : S 3 2 5 rt, lo.ng term lease. ! pnce, 2 yr pay-ort., no I.oat: Bllt Umbrella. Gold Found : you n II F Ref Avail (213) 716·7700 Babysitter CLERK TYPIST "" $650/mo. Open House only~/;:!l3ss 494-4116j49'7·398t. beautifully decorated, add ons,. Call Dick Handle. Engraved. Siberian. Blk It Wht. T~tf 5450 LovtnJ:ladytocare~or6 Ptr help needed for • held Sunday Jan. loth, ~ NB area. 673-~ 'UI 2pm {closed Joeepti A Stanko. Sen· Amber Eyes. Vic. Gisler ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm. d baby from ~m busy elertronics sales ~. ll·2:30pm. (714)626-6247. rT~hoe, 3bdrm w/lake fwl..t 4350 832·6202. Mon.&Tues.) timental Attachment. &Harbor.645·$498 2 F1y for price or 1! PA to ,10 or llam, Mon ru dfice in lrvine to assist VI~, lrg rrptc, close to ••••••••••••••••••••••• Davenport Island. Hunt-Found: Large black Coupons. 13 Countries! Fri in CDM ho~. Refs, secretary. I year ofrice WATa.FIOHT I skunf Comp I ruro. Garage in Corona del IETAIL SPACE s~~ Gtr.J~NG iogton Harbour (213) W/tan shepherd type $411. 631·36111 llOll·lm:>kerS73· 901 exp. required. Type IACHB.01 185/ •Y • SSOO /wk · Mar.SM/mo. Harbo Bl d 1 ... " 582·W6 f.'!.P..f! Red colla r. i ,.·:i::=._& -min SO wpm. Hrs 12:30 Readytogo,moveinlo· 549-0012. 770-o.'M7 00 r v ·...,.,sq.' Newarcadeloc.avail. . ...,.._ ... -·~-llAIYSITTll to4:30pmMon·Fri.Con· day$275 675-9522 MAUI HAWAlllB I f\.+stDra~e.:JStsq.ft. 957.0131 Found 1·2, sht·haired, tact Jeanette Hall · mo. · • · r, s 115 165 sincle gar-, safe & Realonomics &75-6700 u_..__ T young, cat all blk F, Found: Cockatiel, Mesa .......... ••••••••••••• Penoo needed to meet 833-l'38 Large Bach apt. P~ 4• lwt, $50. dy <710 secure. 731 W l8th St ~ ,.., leather collar It bell. No. Verde CC. Jan 5 Call to Sdlldl a. 6/yrold girl af\erschool, &quiet, no pets, $350. in-, 673-6210,eves673·2493 C.K.673-7787 Stott or Office. 3 rms. .,_ 50l5 CM549-1994 idenllfy 557-0258 • ..._.. 7005 1:55 to approx. 2:45pm 1-------- .; ch.id.util.&3l-Z299 l ..... to~ 4l00 Eaatside, Costa Mesa. BA, Kitch. 567 W 19th •••••••••••••••••••••••tat: white M Lab /Ret. ••••••••••••••••••••••• everyday, Mon·fr i •Cl.Bl• EASTBLUFF sparious 1 ....................... 10x10x24 $'75/mo. 180 CM. S4()0 Mo. Call Jack, SGftllr~ Co. w/gold markillis, "Lef-,_.1a .. 1 5l5( S3l90 WEEK. Chnsuan ~~:[E~~J>s\P~~e TYPIST lbr, pool , patio, xlnt CiAY IOOMMAn 21st. St. Days 646-4262, ~2277 All types of ~eal estate ty". Hurry home your ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pre-School. 320 E. 18th a.lk d Fast paced Real Estate view Slnele adult, no CONTACT: Largest Gay Eves6 Wltnds645-9S43. C-rdal lnvestmentasmce 1949. brother "R1ghty" mis-Attc.Hi MaHaqe Sl. Costa Mesa. Special ;:~h:,I ~fon:~~:~: <Xfice oeeds sharp, well pets.$52.5/mo.644-4767. Male/Female Service in Hntg Beach ga rage, $60 •~ 4•75 SpedclAm.,e. ses you. Joe 642-0795, 0pen24 hrsadaf' Prv(ram.646-5423 Elementary, Wood-orpniud Gal, 75 wpm "'-C c d 3 So Ca I G R C --.. ·~ '99L. S48 8llZl d .. typing, dicta phone, with '""'w...,rt rest on o. · · · · mo. Storage Only Ask ••••••••••••••••••••••• . .-,.,. · 7 ays 1 weea _.. Wamhd., 1075 bridge, Irvine. Ref's. ood Ser . 1 k'll! BR 2+ bath. $890/mo (213)630-3040. for Keith, 962-4-471 C ~ •42-2171 545-0.i I Found Doberman F HB 69 Gorgeous girls to ....................... Please call S52·0461 aner e retana 5 1 · Burr Wh ite Realtor. F,childot,ahrl"!'.4bri-.. __ 1 ...... al 4400 Ne:':'.'J:rt.lncludes What a Wonderful World Alabama & Adams pamper you. Jacuzzi. Young married man 5:30pm. ContactPegfy,8J3.29()0 II'. 61~ condo. Pool, tennis. etc IVl'IftiAI' -2 bdrm -:-d 1000 r Sh i · ht 1 Sfl6.3'22or536·8990 Sauna. Locals as well as wpuld like odd jobs eves Grubb El"· .,.,5 ~·•5123 N ........ ••••••••••••••• res1 e.nce + o opp ng, ng a to u r i s t s . 8 a n k & k d C d .,,. Acl"OIS from Sch -Vear· ~ ....... ancy 1617 Westclirf. N.B. Want sq. ft. office. Security your fingertips every· Found: Dalmatian F. ap· w en 8· an ° a I•-------I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ly: Barhelor $285, 1 ln'tStewardess rurnapt fmancial inst. 7000s.f. gate, intercom, $2000 day ! Dally Pilot prox J y r , vie Ameri card, Master variety or handyman 8an11ing • Br+den~. encl gar, nrbcbCdMfemno smo. lst.rloor.Agen1$41·5032. rm. or possible option Classified Ads. To place Magnolia, H B . on Oiarge, Amencan Ex· jobs . .,m.~eves ; ask PACl='1 pootcallS<IG-5078 2S-35S300.675·5148Pam -673-6776. your ad, call 642-5678 1/4/82.842·2tn press, Diners all rorBill. . ,._.. EXECUTIVE and I... Cl "fled Ad welcome 114/845·3-433 A I House Cleanino lady ---S. Cle•• 317' M/F,M-smkr.oopets,25 SUITES WantAds Call642·5678 Vi.,..'"'h.h.youa~s• 1 · OauifiedAd.a 642·5678 2WHarbor81.CM · · • 'I VERYBUSYloanomce COOK fUll time. must know diets. Convalescent Ho6pstal, approx. !IS pa- tienu. Cheerful " de-dicated Free major medical, dental & lire IOI. Call: 642-8044, Mrs. Day, ••••••••••••••••••••••• yn +, $250 mo incl. ulll """ ~~ -all wort ~Y the Job, have in local Newport Beach ~v=:~;;,:~!o AA4,S45-7975 ~Afil ••••.••••• -••••.• 4 ~ •••••••• •.... .... =~ :fav~ex~trer ~;":p~r~~~~ ~~ak~ .... Secluded I br apt, nr ~~:~~ :O~m;~ie~~r; PU%.A • ' 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • f'~~t~-i::pm till ~:~:Jser:r ~on~enn: ~t;~':;\~~~·laun-~Ott~,,cp~.64G-S992 ~l~~i~'~fib~=~=~~ • • • HOOSEKEEPER . Prer ticnal real estate loans. dry, beamed ceiling. No ...;;.,;:;~....;;.;;..;.;;.;;..:~----1 center! Easy Frwy ac-,. LI 8 D II • live in. Exper, xlnt rer. Salary commensurate .. , lb J ll .... "" Prol lo Shr 2BR, 2BA cess. A\'ail now ! Call • 8 Daya • ~ ne1 • o ars • nea.t~ sober .. pleasant, with experience. Ex· ~oo· Br. l Ba. laun-CdM Hse. 1 bllt fr Sch. F for details. • posJllve, reliab!e, loves cellent growth potential dry, garage. No pet.s. :::'· sss.sau. 675"9619 551-1231 UM230 It's easy to place your S:Day Week Classified by matl. and 1t e =::::.~ve Ca ll ~. (,f:;;~~~~lo~0:: $425. 493-2710_ MtF For 3BR. 2eA. fplc, •DB.UXEOFflCES• e costs 1ust $8 -thats only a dollar a day! To Qualtfy for this • HllpWllllhd 7100 pointment : Dtrl. Gar NB 1225 Mo. From 1roomto1400 sq e special offer. you must be a non-commercial user offering e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ms. DemiyParisia s..-tst, last <David > tt. Froms1.isasq. ft No e merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the price must ~-65051,. •o• ~ .. 1..0 3171 8311-11925 days 673-2374 lease required Adj ACCOUNTS l"'IE""""'' ~ • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eves. Aif1Mlrter Inn. 2172 Du· 'e be tn your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad • llCBYAIU SAYl~S & LOAM ~lex2BR,gar.rp.wet-M1Fneededlor2BR,1BA pont.CalJ AM.83J.3223 needse1ghtdaysselltng t1me or1ustone e ; Cl.al 11001rvineAve .. NB bar, adults, no pets S425 Laguna Beach House. • I E 0 E M /F (213 )c""' _,.._. 26315 v· I ...... S99HT • . Rapidly growin• Int 'I . . ' .,_......,. ta $375 pr mo 1st & Last Pl 1 1" '" .. Callrornia, Cap. Bch. .175 Dep. Call 494.4427 COSTA MESA e Use one word 1n each box About 4 worQs make one • ~~~~~n~r~~~kti~~ ~:: Bar Help, day/eves. f\ill a_. 4000 after7.30 2or 3roomomcesultes. e class1 f1ed line of type M1n1mum ad is 3 lines Please print e dividual ror entry level or part·time c M ••••••••••••••••••••••• M/f lo shr 3 br. 3 ba A/C, plenty or pr!tg. Utll • plainly • position in our accounts 646-5544 Dorothy Laguna Bea~h Motor Inn, house, Laguna Beach, incl. Avail: now. Call receivable dept. Must -·• ... ci•..as 985 No. Pacific Coast or beach MOO. 499·5177 Realonomics 675-6700 type 60 wnm accurate 11SA¥•• "'" • -,,. · · lm med. or,enings for Hwy, Laguna Bear h. Luxury-nthouse, ocean Si~ 2 o~c suite in pre· r ------------------------------, • ly, lOkey by touch. Ac-. . Daily, Weekly, Kitchen & bay view Villa sUgiousairportuea 375 • I -I counts receivable exp. Nosme toS:ghstsl in available. Low winter Balboa, 2 br. 2 ba, pref. aq. n. For details call I I • helpful, outstanding G~:r°~alar:c + 5:0':: rate!. 4!M·5294 prof fem $450 + "°' 851-62216. • -• I compensation ' benerila mission up to 60%. Call Balboa Inn. $90 & up ut1ls John M acaluso~ sq n Mesa Verde .• I I ln a pleasant working rorinteniew.646-7451 weekly Kitchennette, 54(}6565 (8-5); 631·7569 area. I I • environment. Contact ocunfrool.675-8740 evs/wtnds ~123 • I S l.OO I Pat Mills, AMF Scien-BEAUTY • tific Drilling lnterna· Lake Forest. All house Housemate wanted. BAYFRONT • I • I tional, 18012 Mitchell Pra•~MIS..0. priv. W /D. Lakpde, pool , Family atmosphere in ..._._ olfi · 7S0.9440 10 IO • So., Irvine, 714·55H051 Looking add to our tennis. All util . S280. N.B. Nr community pool irnwc ·ice. · • I . _ • _ EOE M/F. atarr. a manicurist, lst&last.5116-4038 &r beaches, $300 per mo . iCoata Mesa, 2SO sq. rt. • I 1 •• 20 c • clientele not necessary. Hu g e f u r n r o o m Covers all but food It sl&te. $175/mo . Utlls in· l'9 e • Richard Ouellette Beau· w/private entrance & long distance calls. cld. 779 W. 19th. St. • \ I-----+-----+-----+-----.,_ ___ ..,... ANALYST t1 Sa.Ion, 200 Newport bl. I.da or closet space 759-0780 851-11928. • I ,,_.., •· LoogHardWorklorSo-Center Dr., Newport ROOMMATE WANTED' .. meooe Unusually Beach To siocle person, no . . Custom executive omce, I • Skilled Possessing a ,-----=------ kitchen. $300. S<IG-8945 Fl Toro Condo. close to 400 sq. ft. Pvt bath with e I Add $2.80 for e1ch 1ddttlonal llne for 8 times Thorough Knowledge of locM.raplag/ Room and bath. Fem Ma ll 's ' shopping shower. Balboa Penin. • Security Investments. If a.rt 1300 /mo . Man y center. Pool. patio, D>Omo.642·4623. • I thia Isn't You. Please For Nwpt. Beach aamtles. 645-2439 ev~. view. 2 bdnn. 2 ba. Jim Lovely om ce on Lido a / • Call Your Bricbteat Restaurant. Call for ap· 937'*11'9dys 856-2813 aft Spm Pm. prof. decor. ready fW p b I' h d f 8 d St f ng • Under Utilized MBA pointment, 646-0201. u k )bsterw/BA.Pool,lSt& Respm/roommatefor to rmvein,ISOaqft.re· '•I u IS mya or ays ar i Frlend"Tellthem (Ol"M&r.orbookkeeper Lat. 1275. Ref Cheek. S.lboa Pen apt. 673·1M1 as.Ji15.QIOwkdya I. ~, Class1'f1'cat1on •. About this Ad. Com· $49·7051 Ext 214 . Or aft6pmandwltnds. penaation to eo,ooo IOOll91M5 --" N Tw hs t So.~ C~ • Dollan. Plus Benerit.a. If Multi branch i.nsurance ~1~ p.,. ewport n e 0 --in t b • I Name _ ___._ I COSMmClAM Prestigious drug store located in Newport Beach is seeking an ex· per cosmetics salesperson. Must bl! ramiliar wtth selling all rraocb1se hnes. Xlnt starting salary + com· mission Call for in- terview app 't: THE GUILD DIK Ulll37MHI COUKTll HE.LP Car e t e r ia style restaurant in Irvine. Racq uetba 11/Hea I th Club. Day & eve hrs. m-0838, 9to4pm. Counter help ror sandwt rh shop in Costa Mesa. 18 or over, Mon· Frt . 10-4pm Ca II ~1004, ask ror Marvin. DATAENTIY Immediate optnings for data ent ry person on IBM System 34 with Newport Beach CPA F\rm. IOKey Stouch and bookkeeping knowledge helpful. F1exlble hours may be arranged. Ex· cellent Salary a nd benefits. Apply in penon at Coleman and Grant, 5020 Campus Dr. Newport Beach sbr w/pro( person, ten-..,..et IVl.I · Sy I • you're the beat, please aeency •~ reapons · Nice furnlahed room in ni.s, racquetball, health law swte for compatible • I reply in Confidence to ble peraon to band le • private home, C.M. Call et 840-7• umat. Inctudea recep. .• I Address • Mr. Charles. PO Box ceneral led1er, recon· ~DENT~l!ll!Afll!llLfll!llH!ll!!E!l!llLl!!!!P--• afler!pm. 548-6892 spa. c. · tlonlst, ana w eri n g 3n1. CdM. 92625 clle bank statements It , WaterfJ'Olll 3bdrm 3ba, Mature Woman. Non service, Janltotlal and • I Ci'ty Zi'p Phone • prepare profit 1s lost OMCIMAMAaB > •• ...tu be b : ::-:1 · Smkr. Wanted to Sbr imlCh more. can Corrine A1' Cl.Bl statements. Salary com-Elperienced. Att YOll ......, ac • pow. Jae. "--utifW Ho I HB I • u. ... ,ft... Be b ' ......_._ f R rd 1 fDJ/mo. <714>~8087· :Ji women.~ · m4>951-3SM t I Check or M.0 . enclosed 0 .: r;rty-=:ier!cot 8:! ~°!:,~:ecJii~bew~!i :C:~~ ~po~':ut~ 1 Room CDM. nice priv. Fem. 27 ahare corgeous MIWPOIT I seeks ambitious In · FGS: (714)~. with Excellent Potential duple1 to prof .. resp.. furn. twnhae w /resp PIMHSUlA .• I Charge my ad to: •• dividual with minimum ror Penonal Growth • ' quiet, II. refs. hse working female. Un· Spacious executive or :e 2 yean exper In com· IOOTHATTIHDAMT Reco101lion ! Our ! privlleces. S:ZSO/mo. aft believable r ooms fices across from City I 0 ~ * Exp • puteriied payablea Auertive person. Modem Prolreuive Of. !pm640-7MS w/waterfalll, etc. $300. Hall. AJ.lservicea nail•· • L.:::_ Tr • ayatems. Ability to func· New Po rt Arch e • n~ Seeks )'OUR Ex· WES'IO.lFF AREA NB/CM area. 760-804.5 ble, 'opt.iooal'. From 225 • II 0 :. • don in a team environ· Marina. call btwn. 9All perUle to Complement 1 Room w/privale bath nr 1q ft. up, at ru$Ollable # E • ment. Good 11lary + 6 5 PM, &f.2..4644, MOil· Hi&bly Motivated 6. • • u..... .. u-...ital. Mature, Rmmt.e to ihr 4BR lBA rental• No lease re· ;. Xp. benefita. Contact Mike Fri., uk for Judy QJ...,l"~lled Team. Excellent • .._ ._,.. ~OD Bal la. 1225+vtll ' IJ( 1:v7u1 ( I Hano-Be flt P .. I prd .. fm.le. oon·amoter, ltl/F 21-35 llOD·imtr, qW!d.Call673-3002 • ayer --or n· ,. ne 1ea11e D· J '275. BriaoorJdmf75-rTG <lfice in COM, 2Dd atory· te L------------------------------l«'riew e.....w~·, c 1 ud e • II e d I c • l 84UMl.leaveme111· Male u.a t.o a11r CdM 2 wa111 up, e111 acceu, le r .......... WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ............... , t A.a.._.U••r:; ........, :::P:of.!:~0:.~ Lacuna Beathchl, nfewly Br. lb•. frplc . $237, ~· drftapea, panel· :• •, 111111 NO POST'GE I :, ••·. ~alary, SllOONup ... me Part t I me . LI I ht 11 Qulilled. HunUnstoe dee .. every 111 um. Avalllmmed.844).2715 1111--11 .. ~.... .. -perieoca ec .• u1t bousekeeplnc. aome B!acb.147.eoM Nrlullne tN-&111 .,,.,..,... t NECESSARY be able to atttod Traill· meal Pftl>&rltlOft lhop. - a.a-.. _ · ..... BA Klt"h Harbor Rld1e. Attoney IT • 11 0 ': ••. G$(hool. Jan 18th ~n , errand1, ldry. O.WA• t&ll I .... ..., .,.., r•• ' " •Ill ab are with pro· a.-.wfaft Ir MAILE = Pool tennil NB ..,_1 rrv • , ,, St0-3ZM Challen&IDI Potitloa :./U, .. ...:... · · f91kiaal or bu.I. man, Ex«uliftlltl1tet hu0 olc· 1!. l IN THf g • Available for tlt· : ---luury condo, SHO. ftcet aYall•v • DI' • • !. UNIT£D STATES I -WmtAd!el!lb IOM'1t WaAdllelp? MJ.5171 e_erleoced, llal\lrt, I Room far net oo A1•te. +&MG d111. NO-•St Alrpoft, trom • •lfuU .• ~ 1, ,, •• 11111 Pilat Ener11tlc AHlllHt. Balboa lallad. '2:50/mo. !¥!!,...._._Bob service ualJable. Call I I BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ,. ....................... Top Pay for R la•t ~ m•. !<Ider. ad.In lady to 1br eow for 1 mootll free. • .5 > • PtrlOftM. ~11· Noe· ...,... attractive room, llktlbrbome W/Htne, u.....,.. . 9 f l"5T CLASHUIMIT HO U,COSTA MUA,CALl~O"··o• . i • . . _.Smkr,____. _____ _ ~emllloJtd. With 900.llt,lut.Callaft.• ~ .,. ~ • •• C ·.lua~ fal.. • -••/'lllll•• or •ltbouf tttcb orwbd.m.-. ' "OSTAOEWUIE,AC>l'tAIX>AESSEE , u -u : u" ~ . -·-1111 • =A wtlbCMat. ~ = ~~· .:· :',.-~i..r:..'T .. ~: •: ~ .. ~ ol"lil"': eoai'1at"v Piiot • _ --_ I •: : ~:::r1 ~~~·~~:~:~,:="~a~~ ~ ~~L • i..r1• mater bdrm. Pf'lv ...-' · · c.oabd Jobft f7S-I00'7, .. : D•ll1 Pilot. Salary, commlulon and : • w. ""'°" .. Ida b net •tr*"' D3D •1115 : excellent btatfita. Gl'O'*th opport!Wtln ' : 11"9·Pl54 • a .... aa.W-r.. II+ fft to ahr 1-.,. .;, for pellOfl .tUl caner amllkJoaa. Seed : .......... .e-a..a molll•--~ •JlllwtthHD.... IMO.... It Mri .-~ !tie. 1111-t room •It• *-1 tll..J1rtc:.e. • lox 1MO 1 : ·=~S::,.~':mM.;:CA..~~~ : :~::::.c\~t~f1~~ ._ 111a.r•· • r=o.1t•lled.. lllltdill·r.I= I • : ul11\...,1uu. An Bual Oppor.' : .... ~_IDA• =·lie. J ~ c ~ ..,+IMt. DIC.~ rr le a30 W. l1y It. _ ···• : ,t..ity ~,.,._. : .a .. --~~~:;-:;-..i:9i.U_,~,~~-~ all ••lliu"· •• 'e Cotti Mela, CA 121H i.. ~ t I _ 1 !:'1£ .;:r~ =~.i¥:· ,.;,-~~ i:· ~ . . : . . . .. :. --..• · :-~.~~,.-1· .. · ., , i. ·'Z~Jr.;u ) .... i ;;v !t;) 1~~-~.ma; ---i·if.~ . ···'.·~.... • .• -· ·~ 1 ..... ··--~ ............................ ~ ,-... ~ ~~--· -.~-~---..£ . 1il~ -··-.. :L. ' • I -----l ~~··-,t~---- ... llllllli ........ -.. -....... -... ---.ilillli--.iiili-~ilii-•lilii-'l.iii~~~--~iiiill-iilii_,...ilio_~·~i;o,jj~ .... ~·· ............. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO.-:;;a;-lii;;iiiil:ii;a;&ill'-.. M-... -~-~-..... -.;.:.;;·-;...:.:::::~::;:..::::;~;:£:~-~--:;;.;.-..;;;;:,;;:;;;;::;:.:.•=a~"::.a:;~~'=~~~;:;;::;-~e.1~~·~~~c...!:I '-:=-~5~~~~·~..,.,__._.:!s='---~·iCll ...... L ..... d ~,._.._,,...._.,_._._ .. ___ , Or1ng1 COllt OM.Y PILOTJ81turday, Janu.,y t , 1112 "i ~ .... t4-1i.Mr, .... A ta I 'llt • ....................... ~ ...................................... ......, .......................................................... ... ~·MtJODI')' liha'/cle1D•UP dirt BJUCKWORk ; Sm1a L.1-BPAIN'l'ING DlWMtlNndfromllO QlleomTtlt1'oon RciOftu • Phamb1n1 shrub "'" trim' etc: Jobs, Newport, Costa IPf.CIAlJ lNl'/IXT PlwnbWR.,&trs Rall llled bridl "'en Dtywalf.bco ·Tne Junll.tt~ •. 41i4 lieu. Irvine. Reh. dry!lll. Larry~ l'reeP!.J!lill~·toU ..... tJS..lk. Yo.wtllt lteal>cW .B.M ·IMO HAULINO-tt~ent b11 17~115. O.L. lluawa Paiothl& Dllllwatber dlsPotals. orcua. MS412 , I I ytcy C...JeaMr.h ---=-=~=i..:;.._ __ , O.:.aJllaint1lnance lit t.nd. Lowest rate. lluOGry our •e-clalty. Oil&."'°"· . Uc laat71 toUeta • l11aCet1, rt· Q.iltocllCeramJcTUe .............................. h;;.-;;.;~~..... """1n•Decor1tln1 Promslt.Call'1»-mt. a.an. ~ulcll, depend•· a..rreeat 7ll..a:tl paired or replaced. 11 Prompt• Fr•ett Fbrall11)UMtdtollnow ftlOMPSON'S • t •Ra NO-Sl'4 1'11ank ou John ble.Wtdoany1lnJobl AllPalll&.lo&··lll M50 t rn!!)!!!.Jlm&Sl.W a-T;s,1.,. • aboutbukruptcy,ull CONCRETECONSTR. H<WEIMPROVEMENT H ldl-' •131· * -. Neal. !om~i:!. P••:nirM•lllmllf t14/a5-t1a Uc tmm MZ·Ml2 RtPllr·llaiDteunce•• I ADTypeeM-:Z .......... _., .. ..1s."'l· ....................... ,..~ Heattaa carpeatr ............. •••••••u Vf!rJ reu u ed .. .--_. ,... -, ..................... .. ltMyltnk• COMCllTE .-. tilt.'"" est. ~0 w110REALLYCLEAN Bob&48-7iJ w . .,.· CUSTOMINTt l!!XT P10P•n •Exs>ertTiw PNotaa• "•••••••••••••••••••.. •toiperaqft• ,,_.O... job too •mil. 84.Wlll HOtJSJl!TCallOhlaham CUltomBrtckMalOCl"' !XPERTSERVICE MAMA._.IMT Commerclall.a .. ~al~:. Cl~:~~,.. 8r1dt 'Block. 875·IOZ7 ....................... CM. Girl ....... est. &U-5123 COmpl yard It 'u LOW IUTES Onnie Co. area. 15 yn s.rvlctl NT nail r.°'4T·I 'c..ktlt d''llENCHDOORS* tbldall obt l&e/aml ROBlN'SQ.EANlNO lion 'pool dc~ll: ~ NtJ.BROOK 59=1175 aperiw..Call forlnfo.1------· ........ ••••••••••••••• 1~ pann lnatalled, 8' Quality ·iP.ir 11 ... d Servlce-athorougbly _,,108·ur-•~ai , .. ,, NEU;ONSPAINTINO llldr1tee. •••llT•• .....,.. llidtropenln1. f150 com· ~ .... ' " cleanhouH. ~0857 66.12 .... ,,_., "' · Int/Ext Reaid/Comm 9'Hll2 ....................... ...ISTIMATIS pl, <unoalnted)MC)..1065 t:.1 .. d d •--•• .. c...111-11 Refs TmSllYICI ,....,..__ ,,.,.._ --· -lY wora ?.;n •· Cov th t t Ith --~ llOlJW • ' •-•·!~ • · Ut CMIWICI I SOH ".-uui --°>••••i ..Ja. ca'11 am •-tr · 1 coocre e .w lic'cl Freeeat.UMU7 -••4'rJ ** Hamen' ,.._ l Tll .. -.... 2 •a • brick! PatJos dnvea ••••• .. ••• •••••••••• lkiJdtrsSlncelN7 *"'ramc e ....................... BooOwi t.783·7012 Illa et 5484'1.M • PA.lNTERNEEDS Cu1tom buildina. re· ******• · AddltiODl ·rtmodelln& f!oon·Showers ·Tubl .1'9'IH1•5 EllpertlaeHousekeeping v" I Ci e..i .. bl .. WORK-30yraop.lnt modellac. malnt .. re.l!!!!!!!!!llll••••• 4cc1.r Doon, wlndowait patlo Callan.ytJme '72·44139 F 1 9'55 Q,,"pU-f ..... 1·ah-.. •OU aave u ca, oea, /m . Acou.stlc celllng1. =lniilebauUnc. Steve JAYE TREE CAii • -.. -era ,., ....... t eat T.....-i/removtd, clean -.. ... ..... cu --• ~ job~a br -..6 ...................... ....,. • ....,,.. · · C1 •adotS. Ci1Mrill ~, TrUltWorth 957-8003 ._....,_ • • · O.Y11Painlln11M7·51M Complete 1trvlce a.,. P/R QtrUn, W211 Fin. Uc. 13109'2 $49-2170 "18. tnces repaired ' ' . All,yaiu · 831· ..:;.;.;;;-="'-------• ... ,_fJ •-'·A1n.&1 tt vn •to---Complete i>-t up •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Installed. 751·3476 WmtCoutMalntenance ..... '••·-.,. Remodel k itc hens , ....... ..,. ...... ~-' ..,...... ~ . ROBTSTEINBRONER. ..._I~ -. ao c ldl _._ ,CIA-. 0 -u ..... ,. c.... ..-Garden! W __. 25,off! NewYrS,...cial •••u••••••u•••••••••• cablneta. counters . ..=r::.·=.:..:· =·-=""=---"'.m -.•.nc ,....,.,...... OEN'LCONTRACTOR Allphuea,Uc , · dtd, ng antlC'U ooffouaeClearung• ....................... HANG1NG$10/ROLL Reuonable rates . .._Cje•'ml ~ Uc.f311tMS 145·"56 txper.Freeestlradvlc:e Mowlng,edging,raklng, 8312119/~6681 . •ABC MOVING -Exp., Dltc. oo paper. Strip· ~2001 ••••••••••••••••••u•r• ~~;;;···•••••••••••••• ,._ M Allen "-·t (u lk•> s wee Ping. Fre e = prd.1 low rates. Quick, ...:n .. "--'t"u........ .., -... eSu-· .. '"e •·" Drivew1y1, parklnf lot '"*111-" "'"07"siiz -~ estimates. ~5-'372 or ed h1kpr avail. careruhuvlce. 552.ouo ,....._ ""~ ...., . ......, ..... ._ u• ...,,.., ... repairs. aealcoa in&, ....................... ' I 845-5737. Encll•h apeak. UC. PAPER HANGER ...................... Call Sun1h.lne W}~~ roOfinJrepalrs. Lic'd. nNEFINISH WORK c.ta.Woodw.... WHY NOT ONE OF ecked857-619S •A-I MOVING• Bonded• guar. No job REPAIRS FOR LESS Oeanln(, Ltd. ._._ S6SA.aphAll831·'199 ~~elin&/Door11 hung ....................... TREBESr! Simmons CONNIE'S CLEANING Top _Quality. Special too amall or too la~e. Shlnilea, rial. 30 yr1. •RESIOENTIAL't AUSfATE PAV.n~G CHAR i:~~:O :i:nwti°es.m!au11ldulnnitgs, Garae. Ding.~~ QUAUTY WORK care 10 handUnt. 2S yrs Pree eat. Tooy898·Z7 ..!!P· tree est. 770.Z72S Avg 1 sty '30; avg! sty Sealcoatin• Stnpang .. ·1 o·..... _ .. b 962-0768 exp. Competitive rates. Wallpaper Contractor. Rooting Fast Service! W· Cbria 116?-1311 Repel eo·· /Ri ·d Cornpl. lnl/ext & cust. cabinets . Hardwooo .,_.rungw111t~, yex· Noovertime.730-1353 G Gom r U !28240 XlntRd1.PreeF.al Prd. Window Cleallllll. Uc. 11::-m mm. 64S~=~8i ,..~~~· 645·37'9 =~1.t;k;ood pro-~i!li°~ i rnu ~\~~~a~ WE~~~'g~~~$ y ~~~~1v1~~ ~a. 20~,:, .• ~ .. 366 . 4N·9582 Free est .. qual. aerv. &---r-·....,. ... • iarden ma1nt 551-&Ul OOLl".""''"'·'"" .... IPtfC.n .. AllSOMLYI T)'·Rae S75-0Ml --....... ...,. • ...................... n....-... -"~··--Vegetable J H I . ~ "' ,,_....., . aH~v1ew Window• n••••••••••••••••• W Ca C Cl ... ,__ ,_,u~. apanese OU.Sec earung insured. 64l·IM2'7 ....................... AllTyees,&46·6463 ...... AGGRESSIVE legal ~ rel rpt •-tahnen •o••R•YW••••••••••••••••u• gardening. orchids ft Experienced. Weekly WATCH US GROW'. lldoorP'lmtC.re -n --'-'., .,=-=,.,.A""""""R=o""'o:.:F::..IN-=-G=C-0-.' Xlntaervlce,freeest. representation, law of. ....eatnc ean.up ~ls. AU./ACO~~IC other exotic plants OwnTr ,,.., 5 96 DIU.DU Km 67a.I011 fkea,athrs. ~ Truck mount urut 14yn exp. F\illy he d &i 714-497-4278 ans,"""· 1 SJ'ARVlNG ACTORS Beauli!y your otrice or The only cooling co. with Wcrtguar. MS·371S msured. 532.~9 K•DLnds . /M U)'OUneedahouaekeeper MOVING COMPANY ratio w/lush potted or construction rebates MplttilMJ Shampoo &i steam clean ............. ~-1 R 'd png, amt as fussy u you are. call fast & Carerul. Lowest anging plants. 873-6743, 673-8229 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Col b . h h · ... -·-, _...,. Cft es1 /Comm. Clean-up JOBS II: r R d 673-lllllO. Xlnt refs Rates Law Allows. MIC Green Velvet In tenors. u..ber n....1· ll n-bysit,ourCMhomes 1 or ng l~ners, w l ......... •••••••••••••• LtHauhn°.ca.2489 ,as or any. "'"'"lc""3/7149797286 .... l\UUlllllg·a types ';&up anyl.ime · Cfl>l.s • 10 mm. bleach. E.M. Design & Check !'!...., 641·1M2'7 QuaJityHousecleanlng Visa.Uc/lns.673·0853 ~ . ...,, · · New-reeover·decks. 64ill482 646 5759 Hall, llv/dln. rms $15; Pac: k aging / s H ~SerYlc.1 Q.EAMUPYOUI withaPersonalTouch p~ ....._.,,.....,. Lic141UI02.S48·9734 • · avg rooin $7.50; couch MTL /PCB H arvey .......... ~··•••.••••••• 1 ACT Belh556·01S6 .=.::? ...................................... Tit 'MU Babysit In My Home SlO; chr SS. Guar. elim. Hardison. S4S·3701. Tree Trimm 1 n g & TODAY · Yard/garage H I i b PLASrER PATCHING for Working Mothers. Bf. ""'odor. Crpt repair. Removal at Re. asonable cln·\JP. etc. l ton truck. ouaec ean ng Y exp, Fine paintinJ by Richard Restuccos. lnl/exl. 30 00••••••••••••••••••••• the Week Lr y d R ,.... a.ctn al Prt H I -. 631 11193 (2A b ) dependable Dutch girl, Sinor. Lie, ins, 13 yrs of TILE INSTALLED · I r · e · 15 yrs exp. Do work c ces. au ing. Odd ~ · rs /hr.556-8347Tina happylocalcuatomers yn.Neat.PauJs.s.2977 AU"'-.. ·Guar111teed Avail. 540·5933 or elf.Refs.531·0101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J obs. Clean -ups HAULING N IUIJW> 567-4144 N St /N Sh ~RJCIAN pnced 766-9185, 673·9043 Quick clean up yd Aquanus Cleaning. Call Thank you. 631·4410 eat patches" textures Refs John 893· 1667 Fer Ad Acti11 Call a Daily Pilet AD-VISOR 642-5678 Oilld Care. fulltime, pl/· Stai~asm ·\ l·~~ nght, Cree estimate on Have something you Freeest Kris631-~3. Lynne. ~ndable. Ex· C:....P-..-. Freent. ltl-14lt Have something you time. drop-i ns, new Fr:C.::t ~-~ largeorsmall1obs want to sell! Classified Rick631-086S ~trs 839·3053 25 yrs exp. Uc .a:l!ML SeUwithEASE! want to sell? Classified lt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! barns & up. 642·S6Sl · uc. 1396621 673 0359 ads do it well -Call Have something to sell! WANT ACTION~ Bonded. Ins. Refs Color It's 1 BREEZE ads do it well -Call l'1nd what you Wlllt in C.M. Sell idle items "2·5678 Oassi!ied Ads 642·5678 NOW, 642-5678. , Classified ads do 1l well. Oaailed Ads M.2·5678 expert. 963-<»ll Dick Clualfied Ads M.2-5678 NOW, M.2·5678. Daily Pilot Cluslfledt. DIMTALASSIST. ~OFFICE Ladies w811ted to be con· "/TIMEASST Saln,.._Th11t SALES REP for new at RDA exp. or pr even· requires some acct 'g ex· sultanls for the most ex-PAIT TIME T :iia RECEPTIONIST Some nights Exclusive torn e Y co m Put e r tative, quality office. perienc:e in post · citing exotic home party EllecutiveSecretary for B~ge-~l.arggoeogdalFrveirdbaayl Utrptng,bkkpg,varled jewelry boutique. Call, s.ttvice. full or parl· Frr. mglbaok reconciliation plan sweeping lhe Bldg Contractor F'lexi-du~ies . 20+ hrs/wk., forintervtew 549-LS.2 time, comm+ exp.Send 752.1320 etc. Good telephone & southland LADY J reps ble hrs. Average 4 br ' skills, Ugbt clerical and lrvme.Call557·5116. CIRO JEWELRY Res u~e to . Brad ... m. d a.y Sa I a r y e om · salu. Hours rlenble. Nel5on R · bl o t Dental Fu II ti me typing ~ neceasary eam ap lo S3S pr hr or ll'll!DSurate with ab1IJ1y Coata Mesa. Ask for IECW1'10HIST Sales • eceava e ~a cha.lrsld~. RDA. Ortho f~ busy real estate of· rmre full or PIT Call Corona del Mar area .[_em·,642·1666. needed ror busy GUATHOUIS Systems. Wells Manne exp. req , fri ng e ft~e. Refer ences re· rorrmrein!o 768-4441 833-0498 Ophthalmologists' of· Bldg., 3190 Pullman Ln. benefits, NB 642·5997 j ~· 64().9900 for tn· lAgal Secret.ry 1'!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!l --~ ... ---·I fice. Some accounting &c tAM-2PM Co5ta Mesa, Ca. 92626· n..-Sfonca.rti ...::=.:..=.::.;ew.;.:.. _____ , Newport Beach Al PartTlme/Sales PUii.iC t.YPUil aper. required. WfPM I Sales l y";'~. e.xper. Salary HAIDWAIE torney, 1nl~resl1ng MeedXfraU--7 RELATIONS Medical exper. pre· REAL ESTATE Sales Lainma Beach (ull tame -r-' ~ra,.tce S/y-~r The Arben Compan1'es !erred. m4)&46-Z47l. -..A T commensurate with ex· .. ~ .. ~.., ~· · " Positions. available de· · -. Jom the Loa Angeles are"""' now. ry a new per. 10·8:30. 40 hrs. rel11l sales, Coast ,4:'per.Elen.&sl·l733. rmnstratingproductsin ,onUdoarelntervtewing Recept.,CounLry ,Clubm TlmesCirculallonTeam Held--Energy. Ex· Laguna Hills . Mr. Hardwa.re,497-4403. liquorstore clerk, beach grocery stores m your Uldividual! who want to NB setla full ti.me re· & adapt your work panding company on Dreyfus. 7 6 8. 3 7 8 4 . Housecleaning 1 day per area, nighls, ex per. nee area, 14. per hr + bonus. Think & Grow Rich. for cept. Must be artic!!late, sch e d u I e l o y o u r Lido inter v i-e w In I 79).~. week. • hrs per day. Top wages. Apply Ill (TI4)963·3107 personal interview. call ch~rfu1 & professio!"al. lifestyle. Work S/hrs a bright, aggressive peo· SlCllTAlllS Work temporary jobe close to home. VICKI HESTON •MSOCIATES 540-CM()() Electronic Repair 14.00br.CallbeforelOor .~:Holiday Houst DA•TITIME m.2902. ~IU~~hg~e tswit~hg day inaTimes Ci rcula· pie. For peraonal in· Techni cian w/exper. aft6PM1645-5000,419. Uquor. 2937 E. Coas1 .-""' t • ar YP lion sales office near terview call673-2902 SICllTAIYfUIC. u..:..,"'"u . <rlicegirl,studentOK • _ _.._, ........ ~....&...-skills are essential. your home"·havemore ' . needed for lrg corp. Housekeeper ~ . .,.... -a...,-. Some weekend hours "' Personnel/AdvertisiDI Hourly wage com· f\ill lime Housekeeper MANAGEMENT I Hours Sam-noon, M·f Prestigious Laguna ean~ .. c•iu o· time for your'fam1ly , eamslreaa 1n tailor C--A-o Dept. bu oPelUA& pu mensuratewte.xper. fi'or wanted an NB. Mature Join our team, P /T , CM/NBarea.645-MBO Beach Real F.atate Of. .... . .,..,., ian_e__ studies or leisurely shop, must do fittings. Positi;"A~Ible for expamioa · Nwpt Bch. app'l call · SS7·7690. Englis h Speaking serious only apply .--------•I fice needs2saJespersons IECW1'/SEC'Y periods. We pay hourly Crown Cleaners T11lor Legal S~c retary . SC F\nanc1al services flnn E.0.E. Penon Pref. 12·8PM. 831-3838 PAITTIME for general Real ~late. Lite trp1n1. filing. &romnuss1ons Shop,~ Warner Ave .. I Plua Area. Experience Good typing. shorthand, Mon-Fri. S800 mo. Send ~ Exper prer Laguna genera office duties K.B Mi-7391. '!'QLi.red. caJ.1641-902.c exper req. Noo-smoker. Executive Secretary n-ume lO Sue. PO Box MAMA .. 11 6-9pm. r.apanding youth Shores Re a I l v Co . Hrs: 9am 4pm Apply LOS ANGELES TIMES "----ary Call 640·0123 between ~ Bookkeeper for New nc:;o counseling firm has ~ 1375~."nA A CM ~~ SECRETARY Pri v ate School. "C"Down.y.90241 Ce ntral Kit c h e n openings for 3.5 sharp PreglerRltr al Charlie's Chili . .,... .. .,wer ve, GirlFnday/OrderDesk General duties include 1"!!!9-!!!2.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shorthand, Typing & .. II I Manager needed by outgoino mature people ---'4"-'94-0748 Corporate Office. 767 W 540-0301 °rYl>inf. Phone Sk1U.1. 10 lYPIJI&, TWXing, teleco-I~ Spelling Skills must be tbi•Aetp 9 Huntington Beal'h Cit{. to rmtfvate ambitious Real E:ltateSales 19th St .. Costa Mesa. f,qual Oppty Employer Key. Small Busy Office. pying, dic:taphone sk11ls SICllTAIY superb ewwc.... Sc.hool Dist. 10/mo pos . 1~13 Ids Call 2 s Or Wed Utru Fri between s ALES oc Air p 0 rt Ar ea . el M t be ll . ..,,,,_ 2382 Bov lS & Girl 11. Live·in. tlon. SL099-•1J67/mo. de· yr o . . kpfm ~·---~ lOam·lpm S411·2294 "' .......,, _,.., Pl Benef1'ts anlc: ..... ..U!. we or· Mortgage company ill .-....,. • ' • 642-021, ext. 343. As or ._wu · · Orange Co's leading .,.,.,._,.,, us · B_anu.c:u"' a seU starter. Newport Beach hu EXECUTIVE WRii!LlPPay Top JJ"7F7o72r 7pendin3c ·lg4tonh esxpet r. AHppBly Andrea. I custom rinomaker 11 -=85::;.:1""·9638=------Type60to65wpm. Word openUig for a Secretary SECRETA.RY ... eraon . .....,. ., . . . . 1.1. IMVESTMIMT lookin f bv h rod ~rocessor skills desira· 'lh ood . . days. Eves 5-46·2718 536-!ml. Dmo Polilt hll 1 . g for .1g f ul C· SICIET AIY e Xlnt Irvin loc ti ~-"· g ,orgaru11Uon Prdesaional with xlnt PAYIOU S-Jllmr--'-.,_ Earn w e you earn. 111g pro ess1ona sa es flnancial & englnttnng · e a on ~.eye or accuracr shorthand & ty ping t• 111&1.,.r/AW. MATURE .r•-T Prol ~Offi H ER IT A G E person Musthave2yrs conaultants seek for Western regional & attention to detai . abihties needed for 5 days/l night, male _.--VISOI •f{joph Co eua~ ice INVESTMENT -:111 expr. Position offers I DP/WPS Specialist aalesofficeotlarge elec· Non-smokH, salary Newport Beach Real semi-invalid. 646·042.4 WOMAN Restaurant chain cor :eJt Loc~:fc:!sions teach you ere at 1 ve benefits. top comm & w/strong secretarial tronics Manufacturer Sl, 100 Ca II: K atle. Estate Investment weeltendsor eves Vaned hours, Nwpl Bch porale offi<'e ID lrvme. -GreatWal.k·inbusmess f1nanc1 ng. 1031 EJt salary. Call Mr Con· background ' report F.allblished Co. Com· -=641).=-=~='------- f\nn, Accounting back· Housekeeper for 1 location. No exp. nee. needs exper. pay r~ll •Award-winning l'hanges, investor .de· trucc1forappl.SC9,l42A writing exper. Must ~e srlary & xlnl SERVICE STATION AT· ground 1 definite plus. person, Ii ve.1n. pvt. will train. 6'2·9955 ~~~::ev i:fo~e~f a~:an~ advertiJing velopment & counseling. Sales Part-Time I have 2/yra ex per on em P :~ Y :e ~<>;1g be;~ T~DANT. P /time. A~ Ca.U Sherri 549-2988. room " bath. T . V . Medical payroll. Knowing com •Member of all Ex per counselors re· 84JOY YISIT WANG 20 or eq u a I Jeanette Hall 833-1438 ply Shell Station 17th ' Exp ' lie. qualified English s peaking. Part/time pos1l1on puler payroll is a must really boards ~= ~~u~f~~tyT~~~ WfWASHIMGTOM $1SOO/O'I). (714)770.1353 Secretary. Type, dicta· ..=l.:.;rrvine=,.,.,:..:N:B:.... ---- massage l«hnician, full 673-1879. available for Medical Good co. benefits. salary •lntemat.ional referrals right oerson. Conhden· Lincoln & H1 m1lt,on & SICllT AIY lion, minor bookkeep· Slupping clerk needed. ~...!C:fcrof. office. Call tbkpr for workin g Cpl. Teclmologist near Hoag commensur ate with ·~uppog~nager ti al (n-lerview Call ~er people you will see Wrihocn•&.../ ing. Small f inancial No ex Per i e D c e ...,1 orappt. Live-in . Exp R efs Hospt. in Npt Bch. Ap · abl.lily.C&U:S49·9322 Vmce S46·Sll80 on the money you can C 1 T~~ Corp.&33·9900 oecess.arybutaneyefor temale. Uve·in comp~· 673-2584 prox. 25/hrs per wk. Lie · make as a Los Angeles a +a " ~ -detail & ability to wort nion wanted for elderly i~•-s••1r.s • req.CallS411-5582" PHAIMACIST forinlormation call Times circulation dept ~ewport Beach Jour1--------al a fast pace is re· woman. Board & room ""'"" AWO • IBJfFWOIK Walt~l-Mcy RESTAURANT field rep. Many people ompany ne ~ 5 a SECllTAIY q!Ared.Full orparttime 'for small services. must c.t. SerYlu Spnr MEDICA~CPT. Pe op I e oriented 4tl-341 Experienced fish cook. on the p/t circ:ulataon ~tall pe~ "'tith e:· Type 70 wpm, 10 key ad· starung at $3.50. Boob drive.S48·2850 Take charge person to Generalpra ice Hunt· pharmacist needed to •TARBELL• part /time . & da y sales program earn ce en . typki~llsg wsor 1•1 der, reception. phones. OnTape.lnc .. 7ll·C W. ll!..ll'V'\ft ~Raatic1r. assume rnponaibililies ingtoa Bch. Expr. re work in our Lake For"t hostess/bookkeeper. rm~ than S200 1 week I ~essmg 5 1 · ma variety of duties. non 17l.h St, Costa Mesa. rvvv~an ., or order desk and qi.ired. Salary negotia store every other Sat. ''Siilu 1926" Mon Fri 333 Bayside ror working just 1 few . offi ce fast paced in armter. llOO/SlOOO mo. S41'rS62S WOllR customer service ror ble. Xlnt opportunity for 9-5pm on a permanent Amenc:a's Largest Dnve N t Bch hours each day signing ~ewport Cente,r _ loc:a· CPA firm. CM. 75"4·1CMOS ~;.;;h ;...;' ='------- 0 C. C. Cb i Id r e n's m1rine electronics mfg. the right person Call basapp~t·. call for interview l..====lnd=e~pe::::::nd±,e::nt:::====I Restaurant up new Times Subscnp· lion Travel pnv1leges tpping I Recei vine Center. 2S/bra per week, Coordlnale order pro· 714/842--0665 lions 10 their com· after 1 year. Sa!ary c--.-Cledrk • P r og ressl ve R k d ~ ·~-ftlo.l•ST Prr Dell. help needed. baaed on quaJincauons --·~.r me teal device mfg. Sam·lpm. equest ap· cessing wor loa ..-.CALM.I.MD THEG411LDDIUw G1cuH.:'=ediate clllbetweeni-llAM. munities. We pay hourly CaUJean758.0155 . Permanent Part-lime 3194 ''C" Airport Loop Cpllcatloni froCmllCoasl amo,ng your startk, Seeks PIT. Frnl ofc 17141155-t7t7 Hr 8 30-5 30 752-5401 w~ei + c,efneroush com· . 20bnprweek. F1exible -=Dr~ . .;;.C.""M;.;.. ____ _ ~~~~:c.~.~: ~'a°:eJ!P~~i:~r ~~·~PrR ~ED IUMTCARE ~~t!p~g. ~xp lttallSdtt ~tCX:ppe!~~n~~~: ~:efti~!r;:S1~~~P~ Student or P t Timt 556·SIM7 & submit by service process Some ·· .,,.,,g, ns. P one, FUii time, expr'd or Prer, but not nee. Con· Laguna e e 8 c h knick for talking with Topl1c:eyourme1111e Dept. Mardan School employed, room• board 5pm,Jan.19Ut. knowledge of marine recptn644-0381 horticulture background tact Erica or Amy. hardware full lime . people talk to us about beforelhe 71~ · +aalaryinexchanceror E.O.E. M/F IH electronic:a a plus, but Medical, Back Ofrlce As-pref. Must have good ..!~=.:3:.:.1:::10'-------i Coast Hardware. this great p/llme op· reading public, afternoon housework • aa&AL OfftCE not req. Salary com· siatant Experienced drivinuecord. 545-6252 RE c E p TI o N 1 s T 497.4403, portunity. Call Mon-Fr1 phone looking for a home of child care. Newport G,.JCU Has Immediate menaurale w /expr & n.ta Mesa. 645-9990 General office abilities. 957·2361, ext. 1204. ' 1 Daily Pilot your ownho ? You'll find 8dt Rtr1. Mrs. Colwel Qllellin Hr 8 ...,5 30 ability. Send resume or Medi al f'LASTICS MIXll/ d 1 h l . Sales C usified. 642·5678 rmny mes advertised 644-2:507 or 780-&0 f\IU E" s :.-: · apply al Newmar, 1020 Bus~ OB/GYN needs OPllATOI ~~~tte~ef~ft g:~ef~t!: •.,DAL.SHOP• SALESPEISOMS for sale in Classlried Have somelhin& to .-eJl! Prer, ':.~efn'!t ~~: lc,xt. W. 11th St. Costa Mesa. Back Office Assistant. for adhesive & coating must be well organized. Ellcitlni opportunity for -="'~e;;;.ry._da.==xY,;..· -----1 Classified ads do it well. • CA ~. t mrg. To mix ruins. reliable, & capable of F\ill le part lime. Will person who enjoys the tact Erika, or Amy. . . . ~·~mature, sa 11)' train. Prer. exp. in retail freedom &i unlimited ~WO 1D1urance1dmLD1atrat1ve open. \All Answer Ad fillers. pigments & working w / minimal . politionavailable. Plush ..JS71 3'hn 6'2·4300. ca t a I y st s . 1S37 direction. Call for in· ~sales C.M. eanungs outside sales &BBAL OfffCE offices near John Wa)'lle Medical offi Mcmovia, N.B. tervlew between 10·12. 556-9333 5"·l82l c$"'aOOn/ PE rEKo v vi Ed ReY. Electronics firm in Airport. Exf . not ice manager P/time,7da"",2brs.dai Janlllh&l2th.850-114l Sala " WI • Costa Mesa seeks person necessary. Wil train. for ~.D .. Newport area. ~. WM DTIA $$$ RE AL IS TIC C 0 M . with general orfic:e ' Must be able to type ~al office exp. req. ly. AM delivery, L.A Have somethin1 you Part or full /time sales. ~ION. simple pro· light bookkeeping. Ex.. 50wpm . lntereatina Typing 60WPM . Good nmea. $100/wk. Laguna want to sell? Classirled All natural. 1003 nulri· gram~aay salts. No p'd, Including ac:counu . 'MWk wtireat oppt'( for pay & benefits. Se~d Beach. "94-8496. adado it well. 642-5678. . al special training or ex· payable• accounta re· seH·•tarter. Sa ary typedt •,etter, salary ht1s-Da1·1y Pl.lat" ....... , .... ··········~. ~oon1~:t~~~~·~~·o~~ ~~~c:een~~rqaualerdedto' c:elvable. Permanent open. 714-833-2066 for In-ory. rea'\I me 0 : Marsell 75i-8076 ww posttJoo requires relia· t«view appt. ~wified Ad tm. Daily a, · apply. Call for appoint· blepenon.Call· Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, SeUlna 111)1hlna with a ment, Mon-Wed before VALOR ELECTRONICS IMSUIAMCE Costa Mesa 92826-0580 ; Sales • Daily Pilot Cluslried Ad 2. Julia, 667-0777 540-92S4 Pen~nal Linea Un· lvodels. actors. Film It a simple matter . . l'1nd what you want ln denniter. Experlenc:~. rr;tr11. Xlnt opp, new "Ult call IM2-S678. • Pilot Clualfieda. Gmen1 Help near OC Airport. Zlllg1tt I fa c e , I l y p e s Moetly Errandl, Help in 'Wriaht 752-11055 Office ' Home. Oc .• •..;213-651).:;;:;;-_;=-78llO="-· -----1 CMllonal Travel, Hours IMSUIAMCI 6 Eseorta. Fem nalble Mutt have own Multi branch c11uaJty Only. Top i$. car. Be Reliable aaencY bu openinf• in eo.4152 A.ft 12. dS-1744 AnaheJm, LoDt Beach • ......_ Ullalttcl GENERAL LABOR El Monte otflcet, wide Need.1 tall attractive Ute mf•llant aaln. no proepcctlnf. -1-n for ~ency • .-.; 11 ~ A motottycle H · .._ ......... 1151'.-" ,c. · per. belptw. Attractlvel_!!!!f!!!!!:lltl~.~:ill52L_J ----1111111111~-.f Ulery, eommltlloa, rr·IMll'UI •9AI. OMCI lftlt blolfttl p1cb••· MU1S1S AIOI ~ na*UJ a.,...Silll f:a~=~lt at Exper'd all lh.lftt, COnv ~ O>mpur __ Holp. Nwpt. Bch. Brtn1 Is .tttklll aa U · J1W1U1 1fS smile • Joln utl ~c lilf·lt•rtl•J Miit bs ...Uft.cl IQ all rr. mJr. med .. dental 1111ttt1111 for a,~ ..a.-o1'-dwon 1e. •lfelM.Call:MMOU. a.s::•Uoa Dour ~ ---.-=~ :.!1r.:t'c='x1.,: u 111 1 ra ca 1 1 red . local nf'u mlllt. 1ou .,..... n a mltan, NJOGll· O.Sll -compeua· bit profHsloaaJ ull ::,,:. ~-:::. ('1H)5"-4NT ror ID· Ill ..,.,....., c.. 1.WYl=:..i.;lft':;:;:::.:.·---- lld, hi llllll, AllP .IOIDm>UATION ldlltlftc Dnllal JtJ., °"' __ ,__ =. ~~:! :&a u:;.&1fftW WP OP.• Ol!IUm PAIT·TIMI llPIWAll 191f. Mature. peuonable1 ..,..cJc~oeedea willll lltltUc ability to arclind'M 6 cllapl11 ..... II our Nnpott lllMll ..... ••·J'ri, ,.. ... .. ... =r· Trainee For llstrict Mltapr Thia bi&hly successful local newspaper bu an openlna for a trainee In the circulation department. Buie: 1kllls w.111 entail supervialoo or 10 to 14 year old boy and girl home delivery carrien. Anu ol 1upervtaton will bedtlitU)' collect.Iona and salea. Selected app~cant will receive liberal •tartinf ulary, reiularly adleduled raJaea, bonua opportunlflea and m1n7 frln ae benelJta such u comJl&0,1 paid dental •id health plan, croup life lnaurance, v1c1tlon and slci leave Coq191ny veblcl• Is ' furnished durlna ~hours. Al>.Dlicinta m~t be over 18. have a _1ood difttnc tlCOrd and be neat appeariu. Hours .,.. ,...Uy l1 AM to IPll, llond11 l.hru Ft'ldi.r. Some overtime It 1v11t1ble . If you art quallrltd aod lnlereated ln lt•f.!llJ.~ cfrculat.Jon b .. lnell coot1ct the ~,: IifOr '!.m f pftilf:.'l• Mtta before, Alli fw Dan WOliama or Ken Goddard . ''='=-'· ,; • w. Bi1 Street ._ ec.ta 11-. CA : ~. Equal OpportmlJ lmploJtf .r ,_ ............................. ·!.,.··········:.··· EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BIG 8 CPA FIRM LOCAllO IN FASHION Ill.AND Big 8 CPA firm located in Fashion Island is seeking a professional secretary. Typing 75 wpm , shorthand 100 wpm, capable of workl.nna in<lependenUy. well organhed and versatile. Competitive atartmi salary and excellent benefits. CAI.I. ~ M'POMI •rr 17141 640.9200 . DT. 247 IQ.ML °"°"""'1Y IMP\.OYa { (, ) ) 14NTID ( { ___ <O> ____ ) ) 'tf ewspaper Carriers for {outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Em Rings • Super Trips ... • Greaf P ..... · • I l ~ Cout DAIL v PILOT/81turd1W. JenUllY '· 1812 ..... 1991--... .?! ... tl!2!~~ .... ~~~ ~.~!~ ....... ~ . r ,11 .. , .. l•••ore . t.r1 '• .. I• A11tr1llu - _..:,1 "'-••ID llOYfCtl 1 lcellaw, I ftt oW. 0 5° lft ll'U& f'YWMe wua ... v• u.. OHOrtudr to di& ..._ _.. &· a retults·orltnted apart."• llfaatur• u,r1111it =J«j· oi.t. AU _.. lllMd al meetlni employeea' ''" .. '· UDI, •tt.1" ---· • -.. Sldlll In merit cornpoaatlon ~c:' •..:.111•· ~ ·i::~i.::tf: -..nts, 1oraallbatlonaJ behavior and Ml la,, ... lblt d1a pulon, all 1tto11. cemmun cation woul~ be helpful. b.-..t&H1Jte1eoei _..,_..,_. ___ _ 1PNnulvt, dynamic company needs HanHt ltld. •1ot. a,_,<Adblatltcato..S. a-tall.-rse. humanlltlc leader • -.. bu a11 lhotl • Pleue lend resume and salary re: ......... w.MJI U,~~.ca11 Eric quh1emena. to : ~ ............... u._.. ... . LMtl•u• Sacrifice! 2 •-1mont Bo l Nl/10. I ~ -MOW ···l!!I 0 -Y ~•petd Milled. Helium Bouqutb dt· .... • x -' • 111.GratWatcbdot! mall Sojllab Oak livered. Perfect for Hydrotic8tylin1Ch•ln. Daily PUot \ !:f·'=· ~ ,:~~ m.p Drt11er, sm. Lar1e atcuion. 113-4411 Uted e arontb1, StOO t-0.ta Mesa, Ca. 92626 1 feeclaa. 't.owe1t price Adorable abandoned Oak Drt1ur, 1110. 11 Ba -Cue Bia Maul :~:~·h~!o~ aL:r! -11!·~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~·9--· uar. Jim or Xen $/tmo&dmaleSbepMtd .,,_.. Larp ~per Lamp ' ~t Potato Chl11t. WlbW:btr Block T-. 2 ~ • , mix needJ 1d lovlo1 • M$.T3fJ '"deli erect vr IMl ..... 71 M ... Wmcl 71 1 HP ,...__ • bame. 151·58. Udo Ith~. tr .. 111ree 6 OAAAG! SALE·Bartalo al>VlNO· 11\l.lt Hll told 1"""' v . ta.05t yellow Chain, 4 monthe -. .......... •••••••• ~ ................... -~"~·paint ,.,. • 1010 ~· 111 Via Orvieto prlcu/make o fr . velvttc0ucb'1ovff.1t, ad.int'• Health Club old,po.-.ara TIACH!1' hfaot ..... ,,.......... -. 1•&\IDI Fri.s.s,Sat&amon. Eve~bln1 must Jo. 1ame table• chairs membenhlp + 1 mo. rNHlln$ --•-n. 080. 5'S-*5 ....................... Avocadot -4for11., ri... an.. rd, Head 1kl1, IDIPI .... -·er' d-'" ,:_ =worth SUS; Hkln& ~I \ Dlw,.Cl4Dlnt Procram D!NTALorMED 11 ~ ._ ...... _. ..... • lhM 080 ............ ,r/Umt. Member of P\'eferCRT. Full time. CP!91& ** UY**· 5 for 11. 323 Bowllna Ruuell Surfboar d, +Polterdblebedframe. ,...., .m·-· AllSl£IS v..llclplinary team. Nice aurroundln&•· ,... • ., HJ Good uaed f\amltlltt 6 GreeoCll f11bloo clothes, kit Xlmc:ood."2-907 lb cut lroo wat aet Grf\ooo"' lb ea.. 6 Soaft.11h Daya Newport Bcacb ............. ••••••••• AppljlDHl--OR I wut 25'' cir msl (Syn old) ware,.tfu.m. copy inach, aoxeo oak desk w/dbl w/beach 6 lea attach . ~ h.. cua - GulbruHa llalto Console Orfan • 12 LelUe 1pe1ker1. XJnt cond. 11 ,150 SAC. N'f·!m ~!..! ............ !~! D=r 5780, ltO'•· Blndin&• $100. "7 ... 71. lmnt.lllll. Call: )ackle afc. SZSM Muat 1tlll 4xS speed MllorHLLforYou us o r r 1 a S 75 etc. UHD1 ear1f.Sat. Jan lateral otlt file; 2 twln ~nt 1150. Norelco Aoife-""mbly - S.S'llD. eraflc, riuh , film MASTllSAUCTIOM Orandmotbencloo.lt'50'. 9, IAM·5P . 1401 box sprtop w/framea; microwave 111S. s ._lNUWM ~ .... Hf4 1MC'•o.a.ye.a.-W.ds#1t ~~!:•..:.Jl~~larp&aecr.kz. '461616.HJ..tUI recliner 125 Gd child'• Dolph in Terrace , l1X42 cololllal deak· bultoob *'° B/W TV ;::.,~e:'~':::1!:c:!!~ ~., ..... , ....... .. ..,.. "" -s ......... •••••••••••••• -""'~ ---dotbee ior.S,.,, crockpot ClrvlMTerrace> .. Cdll. Da11i1h wall unit. ISO. Boocie board l2S They BeautltW Slate Pool Ta· t:lperi~pnf~. AJjfl 8 IOOS Ima. Ylshlca mat UA • llUYMMn'UU J7,Gu8BCU80,54t-7Ml8 531-7lO&, 1_Nl-_W7 ______ lhea~eln=l~ = ble. All equipment. '950. IG-MU ....................... cue. Copy atand, mile. IM 157..aW Ca~Plablnl Equip. 11\lmilure ' household Dln tbl 2 leaves ' s Exclualve Tiffany Club admlllioo ~but there'• ...::;llote=;;..;•;;.;;.;,_ll70~~--- Yal I.Au ~..i... Movl111 Sale! Final dark room equip. 3Smm -.J N • Lo ~ Sat J iteauA: more . 13 ...., w• "" n membenhlp. No duet. ........ _, , .. ,.,.~ week ! All a~ock nle Praktiflex.142-9008 ";,";;~·-·sleeper:: :=SA.iyoild.c'.:~Y· Fealherwood, Irv. ~ . .,..,.27-• s ~pri c e . 9S7 -8390 a two pop cor n ._.• '1"1 ~rta pro&rama priced. Some Items cost Minolta XE7 w/wlde ptt.FACl'ORYl5HTOI 'Gart&e aale Sat. only, s.ttamM. lfl•d .,.,u Bo Sri ._1_..<N.-arit=--Y...,) ______ ,~.UM. ·-•••••••••••••••••••• adi. John Wa)'De Dlw lll'Joo. Jan 12th .to anele leo1, auto ex-KING INNERSPRING 3094 Colle&e, Costa -. ._.., ll p o1 • Machine . Used . in ._ .,... LOSl.NG LEASE, quit· . Growing firm lab, ll·S. Country Liv· pol\ll't, perf. cood. PP IMM\'D .. FIR... M .u-•t bo Deliper/AAUque Whle Mattress, 160 1 · woftiofsorder $50/bat W...., INI ~but1Dea,sellln1oat 4 rellable ....,..pie in& ~ues, 417 311t M).t461. """"'" • mttraa ... l1JI Utt, at, c:.t.. AttbJtectural Pea, Frame, 12$ ... aotaatJc ,J ._. 19 ... ••••••-•••••••••••• annplin IDd fill· 1t-'""v s set uaed worth clodl1ns 6 much mort' -"-... "•"-1.306 Wkdva, .. r ,.,... ..... i.wrHltd ln maklnc t., N • Cannery WANTED: Used photo-• ..:. never .. ...,d i N S4.S-C74• · alained leaded 11111 \AAIU ....., , !Qj'"~-;:'"'";;C~lli::~~;-11--------1 t1n11Dcludln1: maile". Good future, Vi.illa.le,m-33118 ...... .J.;c u ......... -ui· .....,,Hc.-e . ever · doon •window. room Aft.erSPM tamp 0 eclloos W'.t._,.. ni.....aav c1te1, w1ltid1 .... ~~ -· &-....... • .. ..._ ~ .. n. ·-'"" qu .... n 1• worth "bad d h h Id d 1 ~hued by Dave ~"""-....... , ~employment. WllUd, Blrdeeye M•pie me o t , st 1""6 be/, -.,h"'....iu •t:z d 1 " n one ouse O v Ider . ma o Y Twin beds, new mat· l'h .. orL.a-ftr room chairs, Beauty , 557-?MO. chest & Bedstead photonood reflectors, ~uaUr~15'·~3.50e · ~ ~~:,·2Kc~f. hollowcore Interior treues, beadle11/fool r. M950'1 liir=--Salon hairdryers and . TiiRAPIST-lnhot ~1311 renectorumbreUu, etc. - . • f doors, rd oak table, less. SSO /ea. Earl)', . k s•• .. 2 hydraulic chain, mlr· °""°Pment. Procram American Oak Curio Call 75&-00llOevenings. Corner Twin bed 1et, 17S ee tables, boob, law partners dt1k, many Amer. dbl hide·•· bed, cd M Pepsi Mach.tne. Wor · •• • ron, abelve1 ud planta. P/time. Member oi cabinet. 147S, Pore. Cats IOlS ~D~rade for Queen. ~.~o.~u;se~nphi~: ~~boollpi/.'b~~;:~f::~ slip cover, S'7.s. 1 pol~:· ~ &'~ki~/s:i jl!W!!ANT!!!!!IED!!!!!:!!T!!wo!!!!!!!to!!l!F!!ou!!r!! :!:t::k•upue:!.•mpoo ~=uybtte:!f. g~·wash basin 1120, ••··~ .. ···~·••••••••••• . 760--0161 tory. paintinga. 992 Sat/SUn Jan ,_lDth, 1S39 ~:~~ewr1ter ' . OBO. 9734138. 9-4Pll 22S/7S·l5 or HR78·1S Call~:rs,. or a1ce111rv \pa~lsb ..!'!!.''' vase 75, PCershi1anh.Kl1llleo. Beaut. New ethnic look sofa ~~·Sat 16th. Sun Monrovia UN.Sch. .....___ 1060 Qistom 300 Gallon Salt \lied tires in gd COGd. afterl,S6808 b ,. · ,...,._,. oc 1 1 w/green ' i ...... ...,.640-6140. ~ . Wale r Aquarium . Allo Motorcycle Jacket ~~£~I: Jackie ANTIQU £ CLOCKS : eyes. Fem, papers $175, ~· bothDormoewsl5z7e3 ~~&· swap Meet al O.C. Fair· Albe C . ~:·~···b··~·•••••8• .. 0 • Complete w /cabinet, liulMO. TY,!.~ l"I .. _,_....-. Chime ISOO Strike or 4196-4652 .....,. ......,_ grounds has man(. new z:a6 rt, M, refnc. n nra .. are. yrs. Filter System. UV Call646-4429 ...._ __ TIAYILAtNMCY aprincp,631.5919 2 Ped. Neut. Burmese 2Twl.n, 4 pc»ttt bedJ with seller spaces avai . Sats desk, tbl, couches, + P1ubb. Ndl E•p ri,der. Sterilizer. Decorallons & 'u.-i..·--_."-=-~~=---• •••-•••••••••••••••••• u.a. ........ .... 10 I 0 Cal.I. 1 male 1 fem. nd mattresses. Hl&h Boy ' Suna. Thouaands of 111>re! 1~4. SaU1 Sun $1300 BO. 646-4298 Fish. Mu.st See! 9'73·0838. -Beautiful Color TV' 2 yr Well ~bed Sabre ;.7.;~~ ............ gdbome.Suaan63HI06Z O>estbl M·~h~Nf!;11~· bl&ers. 546-2522 for in· .Urnlture, household, Portable corn!, Santa 1..;M::..:...-------• .. ~=.~ ..... ~!!! =l~n: delivery, office: All pbues of HARBOR AREA Persians, 6 Month. M, T:'bte-6~150 Smali formation. misc. Wl2 Sierra lnei Ana Hei1hts area, etal picture frame Vibraphone. 3Spds. 3 Oc-'Ji· Color TV. $150. 19 .. 1 &nYel.Soulh<>ran1e Co. APPUANCESE~VICE Sl7S.. 2 Adult F, l50 Ea. lamptablel20. Portable Sat. only 8·S. Stereo. Irvine <Sierra Lisa en· rvx:,·~.~i~U de· m>ldioc •different col· t.avea. Good Cond. ssoo Color TV, SlOO. Both • 1Mlll/'1IMGll••ill".,eet ... d•Ya. W~~-~I appliances 541>~ dishwasher· works good rUfD .. ba17b80Y. i1te~ms~ ml uch Mtr~l lCMS S1al·Sun. ....,ut F1uhy s ~r old '!!/ftot67v~l~ .. Uners. 2S to OBO. 538-1873 Xlot. 9S2-W3 'over -~Kl recood .. 1uar. "--ld40 Pl. Nice offl(e desk·& misc. u1n ana ov1ng a e : many ""' . ...,. ,,....,.., Gibson acoustic J ·•S 11/yn. App~ in -non: appliances. 5'9·3077 .....,.. dra ..,< Call· Lane. H.B. later & ~must 1o includlni Thorouibbred. C estnul =tar is d d. KSC Z5" 'IV, II.ice, walnut, re· 1 1 u t ,... ........ ••••••••••••••• wer....,. · Edwards -.... "-.Jan 9th Stallion. 16~. Race or •I coo ~ needs color adj, .a a or, 1768 I IUY APPIJAMCtS KEmiOND Pups. AKC. 1»29f1; 581-7910 I . . · . •• -l'Ull .,,.__ _.675-Gl · .., Newport Blvd. c II I . PrinutJve Pi d lbl 10th. 9am· 7pm. 28322 ,.,..,..., saooo. Mr. Good· tt1C$p!!, ,.5. 918-9207 ' · · Les 957·8.133 Cham. P sire. M/F . ..Pel 4 Baby Furn, Crib, Ca rseat I ne roun Pueo Corrales, San man, Day, 558-2628. 1=~c.=.-""""".....-......------.ELF£TRlC GUITAR', 2 & Walcf'JW...,...1 Relrig, rroet free, clean, ;~,~ iJJJ~P~ t Y · 6Chanain11Table, 12Sto j ~iiJ/~ Cb;r~t~':t JuanCaplstrano. Eves,'97-5276 •BALLOONS pi~. like new $140 'o;" .. 2:::- Graveyardahifta. Apply works eood. USO . · · $125.~72 reetbl.SSO .. clotbing,an· 3&-.&.5G1tl Ham•Dld6oochl065 Uniqueperaonaliiedcit\ 644-l40S,ev67S-4512 ...... !" .............. .. at: Charlie's Chili, 541-8513,~"'485 SHJH TZU pups AKC Dl.oKtw/4 chalrs.11SO. Uque cranberry glass beds,:etri,.'akiclothes ........................ f(J'birt.hday,weddings, OffkeFwaihn& .._... tOIO Qiqiorate olfice, 767 W. Dryer, 1as. clean, works eo and up . Cash' only. · dbl bed $100., reclnr S2Sd lamp S20 .. piano stool & miac 3064 Johnson Ave Old ruhloned claw-foot 11111.iv. Call 645·6445 ......... 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19tb8t. Coela lile11, Wed cood. '85· 548·8513 or 638·9308 bunk bed $65., sora be kit. tbl. $60/ea, many ~. 51· t bath tub, good cond SUS. n.11~-..1 Ne.....,,.rt .............. ••••••••• w ANTED-: u ... i.t ~jd'"t tJlru Fri between LOam· -.M.<--' .,.. D 1175 81'12 E .........,....,. = ... .,. tpm.S. 541-4485 AKC Irish Setter Pup-~ ~-misc_antiquea, jewelry, ~~s · · vea Newport Beach Tennis ~.,.. TrailerforDincby 1 2ZM. Washer, clean, works · Shots Xlnt ht Lady Englander queen rhildrem items, books, 'IV. bikes, rum. Sal ' Cl b F ·i 132C....,. CaU548-9187 ' E•pwerAITllS. ~rsus. m1·n. ~S95. 548·8Sl3 . ~e minlblea .. tuserel·~M~~ YF· ~~~ri~· ~~~~ $~~t ~:~~Ba~~. only ~~e90:.~:.e. 4604 rc'~!'!'ti:r. '~f:t;~i~:: ~e . .S.:.'p~.~~ $400orbestotter. Wood akJff 17', 6' beam. f .. I ......... ... ~7S78 llan"acturer Prices to SAFE. 2 door upncht, ' ~9145 nat bottom, American /tiJDe av · · Apply in Washer/Dryer Good AKC Rec. Reasonably =to S800 Brides po&i~ combo 6X4X4'. I Fu Copier, l30. bi& wbJ trailer, pkg penon,JollyRoeer.400 1 Qmd..1100 Priced~9380 ICAl"5 your Patterns aacnf.$1500.957--0131 Remingt on BC·2 D flCO).CaUAll,979-ZMO. So. Cout Hwy, Laguna 831·5711 M Copier *'"" M1·cro F1'lm AIR BO"T 60 mi p/hr •ach. AKC Irish Setter PUP.· agnificenl Dining Set! -wi & recieve Free Refril dbl. dr. like new · ....,.., · n · Refri~erator. Whirlpool. pies. Show & Pet Avail. Will Seal 18. llual See to Girts. Call Mon· Thur. s:m. king sz water bed, reader. 130. 831-8613. Airplane eng. Perfect WonlProcet .. FFSidebyside. Harvest Shots. Sl2S to USO Appreciate! S&SOO OBO _ • 8.Ultol2Noob.M2-69Z9. p.50.960-9508 673-0168 for ducks.• enjoyment. ~· Like New . $350. 581-8722 ~eeto'E64Hn3'° Days. Faalhn ioso '-&'Cat 1050 .__._ 8070 For Sale, Irvine Coast SMC elec. olbc t~wnterd, '4000/bo71'·54f.Z91J Need skilled operator with xlnt command of pammar formatting. 1NMralo oa Bum>0gbs Red9ctron. F tr noon to IPll.. Resume1 to: 18012 ~ Park Cittle, Irvine, 12114 . A tt e n t i on : · S3l·l!i08 OOLDENRETRJEVERS ....,._ vea 6. .. ............................................ '::.:::'.~ ............... ~.C. membership, class :~eal\O:s-e:~umpe '°!'\ ...... 2AKCMA.LESS150 "-dtloYes..t 8ftgreensectional.Good Dresser w/2 Hatching Wedding Ring Set with "' .. :::r.i..-• fOJO Refrig $200. Freuer li200. 971-2065 area lJOO. BeautlruUy quality. like new SlSO. Nilbtstand.s. Like New. Diamonds, appraised SS2·9021 hts 1017 •••• •••••••••0 ••••••• Wshr/dryer si2s ea. OOBERll.AN PUPPJES Rand Carved Frame AIU,~1·3541l SlOO. Two Rattan Bar @!(). Take"50. 493-3US. Juke Box. $200. Pin Anti-....................... Waated: small Dinghy, D/W$100 646-5848 MUJTARY MACAW reasonablj pric ed. . FOR SALE w/Bei.ge UpbJ. Melchin& Sectional Sofas, S250. Stools w /2 matching Cl1rtd111H ~ & que P1nBall Machine, ,.._ .... OBO Eves: 64S-t589. Whirlpool F/F refrig. 22 7H-8N-~1 Set. ll350 080. Carolee. SwlveJ Rocker. $150. footttstl. Never Used, s.r.tces I07t S200. Foosball table, $40. &ii'~Ms cage. · cu ft, xlnt cood. aacr. PitBuUPups 641-13'4> Days. 640-4910 Orbestofrers 642·9804 00.631·LS08 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Free:zu, $200. 831-86U, ..-.... ......... '"""-"-"=-----11Mh.Powtr 1325. M7-4639 aft. 6 Putt-breed 12 wks. Must Eves Aft IPM Bentwood Rocker. dark. *•MS•* m-0168 & OrcJ-1 IOfO ..................... .. M40 Imperial Re!rigerator 20 sell. Fem SlOO Male Sl50 SOFA: Cream, L shape. Fabulous oak office furn. beaut. con d ! $ 7 5 Save Sl.000 or more on Aquarium 8S gal. fr~ •••••••••••••~••••••••• f'lfff fOl IOAJS CU fl. Sid·by·side, good Make Offer. Dys 5411·24Sl tl500. More 60 " ro 11 to P desk 5311-6104 aft 6 Flne .Urs shown in your water, complete operat· Rare Claulc 7 'Austrian WU ...... cs to Go-Carts verthe Fad an otr the market fth a Classified Ad QIU Now! 642-5678 cond..$250. Evesm-6390 4113.:!870 w/cbair Lawrer's ~ Repro Regency own home by Darrell ing, incl. 30 Tropical Grand. Beaut. But· 53Ultl 642-0638 A.lghan, AKC, female. bookcases. f lln~ Armoire $125 : P an e Sa\.mden.848--4017. Call fish.Cost S700.sellSJ(IO. ternut. Reasonable. 17' Whaler. ISRP. Ctr ELL idle items with a blue, 3 yn old, all shot.a. SEIL idle item.s with a. cabineta, aotiquie benc table/benches $125; SPM for App 't. Will CM dys ~2655. eves 6fZ.9981J, 642-l9SO c.on.ole. Radlo. Licbta. Daily Pilot Classified jelltle, well-behaved. Daily Pilot Claasified ;;!.:!J':·P~~ ~~ ~t metal desk f1S. 640-1206 Consider Trades 556-8'123 Sell t.binp fut with Dally Cover. Anchor, Raila. Ad. ~· 768-3836 Ad. offer.&40-5111 WantAdHe.lp? 642-5618 1 642·56'18 ClauifiedAds 6'2·56'18 roe.want Ads. Trtr, 16SOO Firm. Daya, _ 752-1133, Eves eu.o::sis. Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line • ltrtng them or mall tl'lem with correct caal'I to Dan, Piiot, 330 w. Ba, St., Co1ta Meta, CA. '2121 our famous DIMES·A·LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST 'BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. • Eecl'l Item must be priced wltl'I no Item over $50. 20c pe• llne -$1 .00 mlrlmum. • No liweatock, produce or plants FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. • No commercial ad• allowed LA R.G E selection or TWO rattan swaval chair ROUGH Sawn plywood NEW single box spnng G 0 L F c I u bs mens · BAR and stools set S30 0 1 L paintings SI O·S30 V A R I ET Y m us 1 r antlque and vintage $50. Large old trunk paneling ~ in. interior and mallress $20 each. Kroydon. Da ve Hill Bookcases S5-St2 S111gle Oriental style lamp SS instruments Sl2 SSO chairs for home and with drawers S40 Extra and exterior S12 each 15 Bedframe SS. Two nite complete. bag. covers. mattress and spnng SI S T~ in box sprang and Brass trumpet St2 5 office S4-S:IO: Oak rocker large wood desk sso. gal fuel storage can stand 15 each Baby glove. cart 1n new Maple record cabinet mattress S20 Metal bed Stnng banjo S35 Brass $20. Old w1!M1sor chair Large commercial Sidi SIS Wall lockers doors crib $25. New mattress condition SSO Golf $1 7 Lamps SS ·S1 2 frames S7 and SIO ,. or magazine holder S 2 8. Ant 1 q u e oak saw with case sso. sort 661n high 18in deep $40. for crib S20 Electric clubs, ladies complete. Maple cabinet base S25 White, knee hole student with hons paw (eel SIS i captains chair $50. connection cord S30 5 Luc !Sin Chevy rims broom SIO. 254 Bucknell bag. cart. nice condition Chairs S2·Sl7 Pictures desk S25 Night stand Englis h brass waste Stutdy old oak stool zenith Trans·Oceanic SJ each. 2 into I exhaust Rd ~7-5817 S40 67s.&278 S2·Sl2. Tables SS·SIS SIO White rattan chair basket wilh hon's crest TABLE stereo !Ph1lco1 ST R 0 LEE bab y with excellent phono oarriage. strol ler . and radJO $29. 131n lire portable bass1nett ~ SS. Portable TV black romb1nation. basket . a nd wh ite. plays draft guard and 1un excelienl S35 Longines shade included SSO small stereo phono $25. 556·2947 U L Good '!¥ood fold sso. Portable stereo system for Honda 360 ~. Ph one 675·2546 arter with cushion SIO SIO. Very antique brass deck chairs S6. Tilt record player S20. Old S50 Hlgh securily round FOUR VW fenders 110 REFRIGERATOR roa 9am. ' Canning jars Sc each finger nng candle holder awiwl olfice chair S30. 78 record · player s2s key lock ror utility box e a c h Sc h w i n n sale.• Older Keivinator Skate board SI. !Sin S9 Brus umbrella or Martel stereo receiver -------- S29 2060 Stale Ave SAT URDAY only Solid Costa Mesa Follow Oak green hide·a·bed $45 3 Street home arter lpm Norge COltl gas dryers, Mat~ set or 4 old oak Foot locker SIS. Old S7 Cash only. 00.-3996 Colle&iate bake S50 good condition S45 3KllS, Kne1ssl !Mi's with Copper Luy Susan 16 cane stand $4.50 Te11 dlnl91 chairs S2S each. electric fan SlO. Two an Upright freezer SSO 646_.524 Salomon 555 bindings Matching bowls S2 so classic old solid brass lpm. ont works. others for parts. all $30. Four drawer and cupboard Kll~en , dining and curtain rods with C RO C KPOT S S. Good electricdryerSSO. 1 9 0 0 • 4 0 · s SSO.Skiboots,menssize each. 215 Carnation Cirepiacetoolsets S5-S28. WHITEchairSIS Brown eo~f e tables SIO·l50. drapes. excellent Watl!rpick SS. Blender BellSanderaJmo,,tnew COLLECTABLES Tie. 11 S9. Womens Lange Ave .. Corona del Mar Large selecti on or old chair SIS Gray chair I Ills style drop lear condition sso. Electric S7 Recliner S2S. Large 150 Skill saw and cufrlinks $l·S4 Packard me 8. 16 Voit Slolom 67S·2763 brass or Iron r1repl1ce SIS. Dresser S2S Four w table S21 Wooden can opener SS. Electnc bean bag $7. Mr Corfee b I ad es. good $50 radio Sl2. Wood rish 16. beginners water ska SJ. andirons 15-$211. Vinuage wood kitchen chairs S16. bablf swing SS. &n wood ice crusher ss. Sunbeam S8 Ladies l4Jb bowling French Prov in;: I a I Knighls 25 year pin SS. Large vise cost S80, sell PORTA·CRIB $30. New brass wame 1"'512. Old Five lamps 15-SIO Girls arlidseaselSS.Severai 8speeclbienderbasess. ball and bag SIS, dresser SSO Stained l8 inch protractor SJ. $25 Marine Radio mattress a~d bumper working copper electric• 3speedbikeSl5.Morey deal) 18·SSO. Antique Porta·Crib S25. Pots and Captains chair SlO. Old glass hanging light $20. Wood film holder s4. 'antenna. new list $70 pad 1 Beatrix Pollen heaters S9-Sl2. Boxes or Boogie SIS Stereo S29. oaJr~ssion desk $50. pans Sl·SS 2147 Iris. wood trunk Pl. WaJfie Men's and women 's Kodak A2. camera S30. sell Sl8. 35 H.P. B&S and s.h ee t s for fine old sliver plate on TV ss. Clock radio S4 Go d 4 O • 1 wood 64S·9510 iron 17. Electric skillet clothes, large $2·SSO. Tr 0 p h y b 0 w I s 2. engine runs SIO. Stereo P?rta-cnb 525. Twin bed solid copper. brass and To aster S4 . F 0 u r hie chair $11 . Two $5. El ectric burger Many hand tools S2·S50. Silverware case SS sp.!akers 4in SS each with frame 135. ( w!th ,>ewter pitchers. trays, l ransistor radios ll nc!Jlenl matching teak MENS or boys IO.speed maker SJ. Restaurant Router S3S. Large Carvir\& fork S3. Butler 540·1683 sheets SSOI. Extra ruce bowls. vases and urns each. Two walky talkys cabieetlamptabiesS30 Name bra nd . ha s malt machine Sl2 smoker barbecue SSO. rdod umbrella stroller S2S. Sl·S2S.7in Rollodexdesk SI h BB I an It 145. Ber e tt a electric light ~nd horn. Hoovtr upright SlO Wroughl iron yellow, ~~~n pi':~. b~i~r~b USED redwood 2x2's, Male"'!tY clothes, nice file 57. Large selection or Tw:a~eMIS · r~ct~~s ~ slarlar pistol $4.SO. New Looks. runs hke new. BI a ck a o d w h l t e glass top patio table SSO. Fob SS Reeb. barn boo ipproxJmately ooort SSO. ones. Sizes 12·20 <most· exotic chemical I ab each Jigsaw puzzles filly' jaunty Canadian E•tras $411. 548-8066 portable $35. 1552 "B" Good meat, fish and Cish poles '4·116. Tea Drafting table/desk S25 ly 14. 161 S2-Sl0 Baby glassware make neat IOc each Games l l·SS. Modt.y sport caps of MAPLE drop ieal l1ble Elm Ave.549-1608 poultry scale SSO. Heavy kettle 112. German shell Electric Kiin needs clothes r~ a boy S2·SS sculptures, vases SOc·l3. M ode!s IOc·SOc. 1500 wodl leather.brass. 145 . Two matching REFRIGERATOR for duty large compressor. SS. Army thread kit $2. elements $IO Typing Strl~.e·.~ate shoes SS l4 Inch tank periscope 16. Warwick Lane in Dover bave ear neck naps S4 spindle back chairs $45. spare only 17 cu. ft. alr lank on wheels SSO. Flaa case S2. Bell, ¥'!~e 0~~e~sv!r~','::rr!sci 1942 B Anaheim Ave .. Good Wilson Imperial Shores. Newport Beach. e·act&. I pair or old Tennls rackets: Arthur BottomfreezerS30. 36in Tool bench $1 0. canteen $1. Filed knife cnairs (upholstered Costa Mesa.~ or golf bag SS Wrought iron ' wood d1rung sideboard or use as dresser S50 Seven tables, coffee and oth ers S4·Sl8 Dinette table 115. Electnc range a nd ove n S2$ Bedrrarnes S4·Sl8. Red vinyl couch 150. Ski boots 16. sn fast actloo Jet air hockey g1me S..W. Green blue shag carpet, I room S2S Oval balhroom sinks with plumbing SlO euh. sn long marble pullman tops 125. Comer Tulip Ln, al 2175 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa bic~ry or oak snow A 1 h c 0 mp I S30 . stove, 4 burner with Rollawar tool box S2S ss. Sblps otncers book. projects 1 S2S ea<' h 631-4274 cook pot wall rack 13 DOU BLE magle rocker ski'•· poles too $10.$50. Spaldinll fibergl as and oven, older $30. 839-4945 Rigid pipe cutter $40. hat $12. Wood crulch $3, Large Spanish oa k table DOG house X·large $25. Antique and vanta1e door S2S. Playpen 15. Old crib ~~u~t~~ ~ s:ila ro~ Mant antique wooden ashwood $29. All items Heavy duly oil drum Leather straw basket S30 Aquarium tank 20 Set of bunk beds S50 sets and plumbing SIS Toys SOc·S2. Used ltru1l1's, chests and excellent CaJI all week COLO R TV 18 inch SSO SIO. Two canvas t.arps, s3. German knife SS. Electric waler heater rixtures of porcelain. lumber 25cft·S2fl. Two SIS Pure lead 20c lb box U ·S3S. Large 631.26Q! Large cool er and heavy duly SlO. each. Lighter S2 Copper tray ~:~~~a:i~~--~~~t~: s4s Four stall rabbit brass and glass ll·S7 si nks. loilet SS each. Tw in tru c ker C B Frellc::h wicker trunk accessories <home 01 Pipe fillings 20c. Boole SI. Cedar bQx SI. Yale hutch all equip. s2s. Ant iq ue cast Iro n Tape recorder SlO. antenna ntw S20 New N S h II i S50 U b II d ri table and 4 chairs S2S. I · b th 1 b sso s ...... n......_ 28in barrel onl t2 froaf: 1800's $40. Large TE NI s oe ro er tra lerl . m re a an b c·a-brac shelves lock $3. Coin holder StO. Two baby carriers 13 porce am a u tereo ..... .,.,.,,.sSc·50a. Y 11lettkln ol antique and skates. size about 8, like outdoor clothes dryer S25 Bike rack ~. Two Pipe smokers stand S20. 12~ W. Raymar Street. and ss. GM lnfanl car Antique bath sink with Men's suits 15 each. 42 gauee plain full choke v In ta.. farm a D d HW Sl5. Girl's 20in $2. Large chest drawers vw bumpers SlO each. 2 Brau bell $3. 490 Costa Santa Ana Off Bristol. seat $12. Childs electric brass flxturu 145.. Many lone 167 Buoy Street ofr Cor model 1100 S4S fbl2 kllQ!en tool s and stlnfray bike. excellent S2. Aluminum siding chromewbeelsandlires M St Cos M JustnorthoCMcFadden. organ ss . Pair of hchls and lamps from OrangeAve. gold vainmirrortlle40c con\,Jlnera 25c-U O. U5.S:U·4286 8x3fl S2. Galvenized $20 . Saturday and esa ., ta esa. HEAD Pro skiis 180cm shutters $4 Books every era for floor table each. New Craftsman Box!f ol )lioal fittings threaded pipe lOft $3. Sunday. 9411 Fireside ~ E W 31 day walnut $40. AM/FM Strack car 25c·S2. Kitchen utensils and ceiUna 13-$50. Brass ONE pair OS 200cm skils Rout·A·Siiner with lHP lflhflt and rope 25c-$1~: LUGGAGE .rack for Aluminum awnln1 Drive, Huntington finish wall clock lSO. stereo $11. Cruiser bike SOc·SS. Saturday only and white hobrlail 111ss 130. One set "Look" router SliO. Target trap ~tellenl cul Iron . trunk I Id S lo . 38x36in 13. Wire and Beach, Atlanta and Flim Fiim pong 11me $20. Surlboards $10-$3?. 8 5. 17801 Qu intana chandelier $18. Antique Nevadi bindlnc..s 140. t hrows . iln&les or douMt llnlt wllh Delta SlnxlOlnxl61n . rough picket fenclnl 3ft hi1h Bushard. 135. Atari Gran Trak Wela ults SI O·UO. Lane, Huntln&lon auto carrlaae lamp, 646-3619 doubles SIO Casi\ o.ily. laulel D>. 843 W. 15th beama, m like new $30 $2. Wallboard, new II. $3$.MS-Ml3 Bowlin& ball 18. Ctpri Beach. Slater and brasa rim bullleye lens MAN'S IO _897_-3489 _____ _ llrNt, Costa Meaa each. 318 Hamilton Portable record player REFRIGERATOR sso. rims SS. Rock albums Edwards. 118· Variety 0( cla1tl( • · lhotl, many MANS Hi s h (.._.,,,.__ Monrovia and Strttt. C.M. 11 ... Satln brialma WEBBER barbeCue l50. and vtntqe auto ll&hlt like new 1.1-$10. Fllhln1 n .. c wlnn __. ·.. c 1 Baby awlng 17. Stereo Port lee maker 145. and tapes Sl·l3. Folk and aettllOries 'H-'HO. cear2Sc·D>. Ntwtlttto 5·•peed bike has PJattnlla Streets I. RAILROAD tles SIO balls 11. Records turntable and ~elver Twin bed• $50 each. guitar case SS. Portable OLD Iron headboard and Metal auto trunk tis. parts, tubes, servos. fuders. carry rack. Ml.fPS Saturday 9·S, each. 235 Chevy head 33RPM toe each . us. Sony Retl·lo·Reel Pictum15-l50. Paraona AM /FM radios $10. footboard, tubular Miller neon style beer trim•. poll, tool• 1ood UN. IOOd rid'-1 Satly 1M $SO. Fluorucent 4fl Valances and drmln& ta Pt deck 1 5 0 table SSS. Mlk 111 HarlequJo Roman ct frame, Ulte brau bed sl~n Ill. Oid billiard l5c·S10. 410 o.ta Meta condition SH. 721 W. fl t 4 t b SIO t1ble skirt 25c·ll. 5 Te11-1peed bike 13$. booktl25 548-2149 $40 41M-3284 St ff'l 0ott M 2tlb Sll'ftt Colta Meta tO&KH us. Patio ~ ure, u e · gallon white rock asoe. White naucahyde chair dlahn, aet suo. Mu11, · · · ba ls !Oc-81. Many 1IH1 r • 1 •a. boui&NU4IT • t•r:l)ture $15 -$30. 0 Haua trite beam 20141 Bushard Street, 110. Corn popper 87. f lautt, pans, ctndlea NEW Simmons double of picture frltMI, much rtar . . Y pen S l 2 . acale $$0. aab only Huntlneto n Beach AAtJca• U.11table115. l-$25. Candle Holdera CLEAN$S&allonbarttl1 sprln1s us. New oak SOc.SS. 'IO,OOOunused DINU(Qtooaubalra,aet EIOKT tleacl• Ht. ·bed. MCde ~ .... Saturda~,. Snday la-1 dwlp tray 11. •· •11131 Corona del IUO. Galunlted 55 Slmmou double color poetcarda Of l"6. of 4. ....._ ""1 nlN litd-.tll .acwm ''* flCll:Plll&I._.. AUTONATICrel~Mi hm-4pm.A11ite1n1are Babybllhlllblt.lnlant Mar. rll~~wlOllidl mattrtu US. New artalnlbtfift.y'atef.or Sll •ult, rt.al out, ru liitl'Y dul7 .....,, at·P5. ~SUO.Sportear 1oochndcJun. ,..t$1.a..1'11112 ,K"S Fl1cb1r 210 , 101.b e«y I fenerator double bedframe tu. 11. M3 W. , 1501 Strttt. pair,~ wlOI oar cltanA1111 <'Omll wtUI ue •tO. Lamp• -~ r'"-" .... 1aunin11m , ' so capac ty nuer ISMJ51 Coata lltH (bttwtt11 lock1$1S.t7M21I ......... ~ p • b -_... "' VW ''7 e. &op rtck S30 I !iupersl• wttb Marter ultd, caM MO. Ho{lptr lloaro.11 aad PIK'tlltia 1-~;;;::::;;;;' ;;;;;::;::,.:;, ·, ;:. ••• -,::,. ;:~tet!~rd'J.1 i~t~: Two UNd G•l$ tJree UJIS and blndln11: 1 blodlnaa, euelltnt '50. Radar aet, loll of I TllACK tape f\ltl SI. Strut11. SU·OIU MIRCIDIS 8ena1• aMia11 ud froat Md rnr tO-•--' on rtm1 US. Two Htad llOcm SfS. lf•rt ~IUO. "°· Poialala loodpe.rta$i0.Ml·ao4 Vartab6utrobll.10l Sll. S•t•rda1 f ·I, S.aclay acc..aorta: z -.vallt1 1 1111112~• ,.,... .. Wk•.._..SIJ. 11;:;;; bt1twoo4 cbalr lH 1'0crn SU. Polee $4. ...auey-.-11 iadl Urt .,.f wtMet -fitted allupctla 'f1. T~ct•Uidftl ,.1,.1 W~ttrtcl eldl Olldl o1t1 .._. :'::••'~ T:= OARA<JI door °'**'· ~GI mllner clsalr •· I tr'ld *"° ~ ... uua •r .... • . •t:• .. 1 " ... r.: .. 'l:.r: .. 0c.::. ~ .. rma::, e:. ti'a.a• =la.::· .:an:'~ &·. ~. e::'bo~ ~:::=r:"::.~·..-:i: 1 f!'.~AS = r .. ~= = ~~~~~ .,.... . ~a•tleru~: Oa;llt door •l1tt1 JOln btocJu t H . ~WI' • •II MIN,. I 1 LI ,.... ..... ... -G41.YNllllD .. 11(1. I • ..... ... ] ....... lleerill) .... Lontr .. door• at. .. mo DltW'I ...... ~ ,.... Cl ....... ..... UJ.•He It flt.=~..:~·==-~ ar:a lpr-1111 UI. ,~ .. -=tf COlll =~,£·Cella Jllll. ~ ~ :.:-.=.:,:~-----· + I I . "" ...._,, WOU 1975 DOOGI YAM -· Tradesman 8100 UptoMoftyourbody 'Mustaell 12 100 !lgtlltimate! 538-tm t64-4112 . a• Offsbore moorin1 w/27ft ''7 Sportcraft twin engines, many mu + 11· eodboard. SZUOO Term• OBO. Dlllllt~~ m-t111 Uuf111ilc.. '74 milli·bua, 19 pus. 'TS P\llto VI. ~t ol ('C)IDl)J. eng. overhaul. a. 11• all&tile fi · body and all eqlne, in· very lo mi. 67S·6200 r av or :fl tide putt and upbol, "'111 to 11 ft power boat. Ca ... * ln aood shape! -"161~.o'IG0"""'------1 Good 11111, doors, ·~o:~-=·bed, 41. WW acbUie l&ff ol my batcbbect, rear, enc. 64M080 Callie a · Stevens Jor rMIJator, ne• trana, ----=-:;.;.....;;;;:;..;;.. __ _ 111ieaf1ounlie. l42·'198 wtil 6 lira. Part out or 'T2 Ferd Van l Ton. 2,000 Call f inf In olf road auspenaioa ..... C.•n ,.tr. °" orma· wheels l tires. F/M '"!:-For Your Car! JOHHSOM & SOM U.C•Merc.., 26218 Harbor Blvd: o.ta Mesa ~5630 Premlwn prices paid for any uaed car <fomcnordomeatic:) ID (oOO condition .. See Us First! Boet slip for rat to 2S ft. tkll aft 1 pm or wtnds. casa/atereo, high bacll men .__. swtvel chairs, carpet &at Slip (OC' Retil·Will lilimi truck chrome tube paneled, tralJer bitch. l888 1 larbor Bh·d Tlke up to IS ft. Shore bumper. NewllOOBO V·I 302, auto trans. • ro~la ~lt-i;a ~ 0330 power 6 Watu Avail. 554-tHS yellow.t12.~.0.B.0. ....----------- ~-mm1 'IVyclta aep.up bumper. _...;75MISZ~=:&..:• 7""54.a31=-::;::=--t WI IUY --... ~----...... ~-------,.-,.-New•OBO ;a Chevy Deauvllle 8 USEDCARS6TRUCKS ........ ••••••••••••••• __ _..;;;;554-1=.;:;.1'"""45 _____ 1 p a 1 s v a n , f u l I y COME IN OR -------POllCHE eqlApped, gooll shape, CALLFOR llY ST•lfll£ Easy cred.il·lime ori1. owner. S48SO. ... APl'IAISAL ..,. paymentl 673-3745 Connier·DelJllo Moatbly boat • RV EQllMrebuildma. "JSFordlSUrfer. blu, rm. CHIYIOLIT llkrale for any aile, M ~ RSR cn.aiae, cptJ, P·•tripe, 182118EACB BLVD. hr ucuri ty , free 714!50-f'l23 mags, imm1c ! lo mi, HUN'l'INGTONBEAQI laUDcbing • washing m trw uel, 12 volt '5500. Cash. 4N-S419 147-60l7 or r=~ef~~· J!~:P::; ceurator starter, Dodge "13. am/fm .cass, 1----'5'-'4._f_,·l~J~J~I __ Dr. Newport Beach. cauae•. stee'rinc whl ::cf. whla, radlllls, POISCHES MM5» compl. lJOO 'ood enc eng wort. $1500. w•....-£ft. -cue, misc tin ware. -=a3217=-==.:..:·-----I "" 1..., MMl!ll i4 Dodge Van. no dings, ~ Iota of ltru. $2500 or ';J£ .... fwS. l.r!de,080.$49-0012. --•TO ..... •••••••••••••••••• ... ......_ W....Ji-.,/1. ~~.., StO '*' Hltbof 91.,., IMPORTANT ---o..dlfl 0t-·~ ... nu NOl'ICE TO ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••1-'=~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ READEBSAND Wl ... YOUI ADVDTISERS eooD USID CAI! Tbe price of Items Anything considered; advertlaed by vehicle 1177 Oma 1980 deaMn In Ule vehJcle ·~--clualfied advertlslne . ceh11nn1 does not In· · ....................... elude any applicable ; I' ca...-lbell. nu moat taus, liHme, transfer I small PU t.necb, l200 fees, finance cbareea, •. ,,, .. ...._,....-,. 1 femforalrpollutiollcoo· L ~-.:-r__. OBO. ea..tm tl'ol dmce certific1Uont 21125Harbor Blvd. tlllata4.... 9140 or dealer documentary ca;'J'A MESA BUY 'EM SB.L 'EM TRADE'EM RESALE SALES 443W. Bay, C.M. Across from Robin's Ford 645-2963 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pn!pll'lltioo ch1r1es uo-• 1-t ~ apeelftedl·Cl-_.-. ...1.lf .... ~ .. ~ .. _ILZ..._--i Find wblt you want In die llllYertiHr. .,.. NM k2-S678 D!UY PlJot Clauifiedt. ....._ ..._ tt00 A11e1. ~ ttoo AlllM. "•• teoo ~.~ •••••••••••• ··-······••!••!,!•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HOME OF m· :AFFGDABLE LEASE PLAN!! •eLCCUSTOM J .. HATCHIACI SADDLllACI . IMW 2IMm MarJuerite Pkwy . Kiuaoo Viejo Avery pkwy olr l·S 131-2040 4tMt49 CkJHd Sundays n.tMolflxcltlmcj PstOfY ... IMW~Or LNMC..Wh McL..ttl IMW!! ._OrLHH rlo:r ........... L14t $2Z..5333 OIAMHCOUMTY'S OLDIST & l -Sales·Servlce·Leasing IVr'CARVER !015i0CE·IMW ---.i.--~ -.IL'Ol INI-- lt7t JJOI Henna /black, sunroof, air condilionlng, stereo cassette.light allil wheels, fog U1hts. CA TODA'r'.! SADDLBAQ IMW 111·2040 4fS.4t4t lt717UI While/red leather in· teriar, has all options. THIS CAR IS LIKE NEW · MUST SEE!! Oic. 932VM> SADOLBAQ IMW 111·2040 4tS.4t4t 19762002 Metallic Fjord,/blue, air conditioning, stereo cassette, light allo7 wheels, fully recondl· ticJDel!. new Urea. MUST SEEl:AR! SADDLBACI IMW 131·2040 4tS.4t4t .., m wiique, all ltras. immac. aml dwn, as- sume leue.17S.Zl.96 S+.DDLBACI IMW JDAY DIMOSAU •• sAffJ.s '4132•·· e&ifari beige/mocca =·•lloptioos -&Pa brown/tan 5-lpeed, all optlona plus. •Polartl silver/blue ~IPMCI. all optlona. oCypreu freen/tan automaUc. CllJJJI •Wbite/beife JeaUler Uomatic, alloptiom. • AUOIJI llAteMIWttll'1 S'laL A Y AJLAIUl ~ whlte/bela•, tic. •(J•'• Jlact /blact, .... de. SMm.mACI IMW -•unerttePtwy K .... Vleio Ate17~ <l·S"f1rl') Dl-IMI 4'Mt4' a.ldl!!!lgJ ALL BRAN 191 1'1 AND Ai i&mOle ,1•1". .. "1•1 TONNIAU COVU l'IU M0'1, "71• '11 ~UNd.'75 lbrtaGl·TlfJ Ive DE M OS DfMYIWA.oM I qt., lir, P.&, P.B., pow windoWI. NliJFM ....,, timid 9"-tllt ...... LOW Ml.EAOE. Stk. No. 5113 (lie. IBC>Oml $ 99 I '76 UMCOl.M MAll71 ve. automellc:. air, full powef, ~ atereo. MUST SEEi Stk. No. 5233. (lie. 433PAH) '3999 lf7'CMIY • MONTI CAll.O VI, A. T .. P.a., P.8 .. ~ wlndowt. I ...... tlft ...... wtrt wt.la. 8tk. No. ., .. (lie. mMCl.) s SOLD AT OIC lt7t timCUIY 117 VI, l lt, pow., ltHrlng, power wlndowl. AMFM ""90, wire whMll, ti nted gl... Stk. No. 4728. (lie. 5e4XU8) '45,9 ltlltimCUIY CM'll • cyl .. IUtOmlllc. air, poMr tteering, po.., t>r--. tinted g .... Stk. No. 5211. Qlc. 195ZEFI) '4999 lf7'Y.W. IAmT 4 c;i .. MOfNtlc, power 1Mr1ng. MUie-. 8a. No. "12. (lie. MMZU) '3999 VI, aUIOINltlc, t.tory elr, AMtFM •twee>. 8tk. No. 5142. (lie. 247408) . ~2899 ' 1t111mc. .... VI, Momlllc, flctofy alt. ......._ . pow wlndowt, tlMld --. ..,.., eop . ._ No. am. (lie. OllZl.C) '9399 --.. t1tCAl&LAC iCOWI 11¥1.U I. IMVOV) '1195 ~ •CAMUC CUIDIQ.U {777ZM) sn,995 IMOCADILUC COWi DIYILU· (353129) s1o,s95 t7tCADILUC SIVl.l.I (1AKZ762) -•. '18,995 .lt7t CADILLAC •AMDIVILU (314WQX) ~ $. NEW 1981 FAIRMOUNT 7lllOID .... " .. , ..... 4 cvl. economy & 4 fpd .• trans. Super Tranaportatlonl (101370J Beeutrfully equipped with power steering, cloth .. ti. body side moldi"91, :-'~~ Ser.208062. StJt.0784. TRICK LIDS• IEW 19821 . . . ~ II STOCK •W ••• Volume buying means volume soles - We must keep this huge inventory moving! 71flOID L11W ... AutOfllltic trlnL. air cond. a super tra na~ort at ion I (107MYEJ. I 76POIO •zhw Automatic trans., 1unroof and crulN control. (050PUXJ. 1~ '74 FOID Y•C...., Fu1ly equipped. Auto. trans.. stereo & readY to got (106PKOJ. '76DATSUH 11ow.,. 4 cyl. engine. air cond: & super economy. (841SEU). Trucks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram TOttfl Tn.d !'biter' 'to CHEVltOUT •79 DODGE PICKUP PICKUP 11r11rtt1 '7297 'IOTOYOTA PICKUP ''""°'' '4997 '7' FOltD IAMCHRO 11"'°'1! (1111'Q I T L I I