HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-15 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • 9Ulll GIUT Ylll llllETlll llllY NPll FRIDAY JANUARY 1•, l<Hl.1 Potomac jet recorders intftct FL YING FORAGERS -Earth movers clearing the land at Brookhurst Street and La Alameda in Fountain Valley encounter a winged distraction in this £lock or sea gulls. The ............................... birds are looking for a possible meal unearthed by the heavy equipment: County blood supplies dip; appeal issued Blood supplies at the Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross have fallen to 11 percent of the desired level -a situation that bas prompted an emergency appeal for blood donors, . Red Cross spokeswoman Sue Veling said lbe .chapter attempta to keep 635 pints of blood on band at au times. That supply, as of Thursday, stood at 70 pints. Ms. Veling said the chapter la hoping to find 1,000 people willing to dOnate blood wit.bin the next week. Persons seetini lnformatton on matlnt donations should call the Red Cross at 835-5381, she said. Orange County hospitals where surgery is performed may be forced to curtail such procedures beginnina Monday. Dumping of wastes termed accidental By DAVID .KVTZMANN ol .. o.ety .......... The illegal dumping of nine bags of infectious hospital wastes at Orange County landfill was described Thursday as purely accidental by UC Irvine Medical Center officials. The county is investigating the incident. The discovery of the wastes at· the Santiago Canyon Waste Disposal Station east of Orange came only a day after health officials assured the county Board of Supervisors that there were no major problems with the Ule1al dumpin1 of infeclioua wastes In Oranee County. The nine red-colored plastic . bags were found by workers at the Santiago waste disposal station at about 9:30 a .m . .Thursday. The color red is used to identify the bags as containing infectious wastes. By afternoon, Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande had already called for a county Health Department probe. Nestande said in an interview that bis main concern in ordering the investigation was in determining whether such wastes were being routinely :._ and illegally -dumped at county disposal sites. "I would hope that it is not a common practice," he said. · UCI officials, contacted later Thursday, insisted that the sealed bags were taken to tbe Santiago Canyon dump site strictly by accident. However, they couldn't say lf the same type of mistake had ever occurr~ before. Bomb threat . . . empties train near San Juan About 160 passengers were evacuated from an Amtrak train Thursday night in south Orange Coul\ty when railroad officials received a telephoned bomb threat. According to a sheriff's department spokesman, the train was stopped about five miles borlh of San Juan Capistrano at 9:05 p.m. The passengers, many of whom were reluctant to leave the San Diego-bound train because of the cold weather, w e re taken to a nearby 1 restaurant while. both Amtrak workers and Sherifrs deputies searched the train. No bomb ·was found. Amtrak spokesman Art Lloyd said a reservations clerk in Im Angeles received the bomb threat from a male caller. Murder jQlts c'ondo ·residents Man killed behind guarded gates of Huntington complex ~ 87 PHIL SNBIDBaMAN ................ The HanUnston Landmark Community, a quiet condominium complea for m~ ... and older realdeat.a, wu jolted tbia wek by the news tbat a bnltal murder had been committed beblnd lta 1uarded ,.tea. William It. Norman, a. WU found ltabbed to cleatb TMldliJ ta tM bedroom of bll stucco ud WC*l-lblalled condomitUum at .,,N .. Drive. HUlldnllon Beach poUee ..W ...ia, tbly an Martlllnl IDr • •tdentlft..S mu wbo YilltM ICormu llMd~ ... t. Tbe Yllitor wu---.Crtlled u CeuelllaD..,. .. n. I-II \It J ,. ~tall .... bUUd .. ...,.., _. . ._... lliJ, .... '*••r .,.., Investigators hope to find cause of Washington crash WASHINGTON (AP) -The critical voice and instrument recorders on board the Air Florida jet that crashed into the Potomac River are intact, a police spokesman said today. Investigators hope to learn from those recorders whether excessive ice accumulation kept the plane from gaining altitude. "Instruments have detected that the equipment ls intact," District of Columbia Police Inspector James Shugart told reporters at the site early today. He said three two.man diving teams were to return to the wreckage under the 14th Street Bridge later today to remove the recorders. * * * Speculation over whether the plane had been properly de-iced before it crashed Wednesday grew when the pilot of an airliner that was taxiing as the Air Florida plane wu prepared to take off several thousand feet away noticed ice on the Boeing 737 . Seventy-eight people died in the crash. "He believe~ he saw ice building up on the fuselage and the wings," Francis McAdams, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said today of the other pilot. McAdams did not identify the pilot, other than to say he worb for Braniff Airways. * * * · llero 'true to type' Newport sister lauds .rescuer By PATRIC& .KENNEDY Of .. Dl!Nr........... . The Newport Beach sister of' Lennie Sll'\.rtnik, the man who leaped into freedng waters of the Potomac River to save a woman airplane crash victim, said today she's not surprised be turned hero. "It's just like Lennie," said Nadine Skutnik. "He's always been helpful and right there when you need him. "Saving that woman truly fits his character, but he's a private person and l'm sure he doesn't want all the publicity he's getting." Ms. Skutnik , 29, teaches seventh and eighth graders at Park View School in Huntington Beach. She was raised with * * * Lennie in Vir~nia, but moved west about 10 years ago, she said. Contacted at hia home in Lorton, Va., Skutnik, 28, qreed that he is overwhelmed by lbe publicity and public respome to his deed. "The phone hasn't stopped ringing ," Skutnik said Thursday. "I've turned down three offers to appear on television programs. I just don't feel it's necessary. "What I did I wu going to do anyway because that woman was going to die If I didn't pull her ashore." Skutnik s aid he . "was insulted" when one television representative offered him (See HERO, Page A!) * * * Chilled survivors brushed with death WASHINGTON <AP) -The survivon of the Air Florida jet that plunged into the Icy Potomac River were so cold they were near death, felt nothing when a sur.eeon reset their broken bones and remember little about their ordeal, doctors s.aY. Five survivors taken to National Orthopedic Hospital were reported ln fair to IOOd '.condition Thursday. Two other people were treated and released by the same hospital after the crash of the Air Florida Jet Wednesday. Dr. Charles En1h said the sunivora ahould soon be well probably because she was in tht water tbe longest. Het temperature plunged to 81 degrees, said Dr. Richard Schwartz, the hospit.al's chief of medicine. Mrs . Tirado, 22 , of Clearwater, Fla., was reported In good condition Thursday witb her broken left leg in traction. She learned Thursday that her hus band, Jose,' and their 2-month-old son were mtul.na and presumed dead ln the cruh. Engh said none of the five survivors had a temperaturt high enough to register oa regular rec\al thermometers enouab, probably by today. to --..----------•~ talk to investi1ators tryina to 111111 ... •n wun11 determine why the Boeiq m ..... II,., struck a bridce and plqecl into the ice-choked river shortly ·after taldng off from National Airport. Seventy-four people aboard the Jet and four moturlsta caqbt Fair through Saturday. Slithtly warmer days. Hilb• 85 to 73 . Lowa tonl1ht 38 to 48. In rush-hour tramc on tb6 Hth I TMAV Street 'Bridge were klUed In' the lllll 1•11!111 crash. A pofr of dat1chg T w o of t ~ e s u r v I v o ra ,......... .__., ·underwent 1ur1ery for bone M10 •-,_ a """" fractures Tbu.raday, but docton audNftCe /or UWtr _., • at tbe hospital in suburban Iott Jt1C01'9 CapfdroAO. See Arllntton, Va., aald none of todow'• ""'°'"*"· tbOH ldmltted appeand to bue lnterul n.)urt.. "Tia• eold ••• tbe maJor ll,11·tbrHt1nln1 problem tor .. ..., .. ol u.. patilatl ... uld Enab ... ,.,.. your tempentUn .... --below • ..,._.:,_ Ill lalo a problem Wttll fMllrt Ir~. Below Tt ., ..... , almGll nlr)'boQ would ._.. a e....aae ..... :_ ___ 1..:-.~,&... DoetGn Mid rnKlllll ,._ .. bod)' 3emperaturt il"!aa ll•• low-·~ Uae 1wnl~ - l ............. ., ....... ....., LISTENS -James Gibbs (left> ·a attorney Robert Keefe hear courtroom testimony that bs drove the car that killed a Newport Beach man last September. ~Mesa senior group .thwarted by lodge By JODI CADENHEAD Ot .. .,. "91 ..... About 140 needy Costa Mesa senior ciUzel\I were forced to eat cold lunches with plutlc utensils Thursday after TLC officials were barred from \Mlr kitchen by the Costa Mesa Moose Loclce. The Feedbeck Foundation ·Transportation Luncb From-Page A 1 ... :HERO ••• • money to appear on a talk aa.ow after he'd initially refused to appear. "I'm not taking any money for the situation I went through," be said. "It's a private thing fot 111e." An employee with l he Congressional Budget Offiee1 ; Skutnik. bis father Marty ma . two others had left their Jobi early Wednesday because ot tieavy snow in the Wuhlnttm area. ~ Backed up in rush hour traftk: . crosein& lbe 14th Street Brielle ;between Washington and • Virglnl.a, Skutnik said he didn't • see the plane go down. But be : and bia companions parked their ·car and ruabed to the river bank to watcb rescue efforts. A helicopter bad dropped life preservers att~ched to ropa to survlvers but Skutnik said be saw a woman s lip off the preserver and go under the water . "She wasn't going to grab tbal life rope again so I jumped in." Skutnik said. "They told me the.water wu 31 degrees, but I didn't feel a thing. My adrenaline was ·pumping. After I got into UM ambuJance, I started shakin& and my toes were numb," be said. Skutnik swam about 20 feet into the icy waters and pushed a nd pulled the 22 -year-old woman to abore. First reports identified the woman as a stewardess, Kelly Duncan, but Skutnik says ber name is Pricilla Tirado and that her husband and child died Ln the craah. She is one ol f\W people e~pected to s urvive U.. crash. . Skutnik, married with two boys, said Thursday that h• doesn't know how to react to the outpouring of public sentiment over bis action. "A woman called me Ln tan and said her husband bad died while in lbe Navy attemptlnl a resc~ similar to what I bad done, • Skutnik said. t "She said he'd gotten tbe medal of honor and she wanted to give it to me ~ecauH J reminded her of .his action. At · first I Just thouabt it wa• reporters who were lntereAed ln calUn1 me. "But I've been getU.1 calll from people ail over the country thanklna me for what I did. "I really just don't know what to think about it. I Just dJd wbat I had to do. There's Doth.lac more to It." Counseling proeram, which administers bot lunches to seniors In the county, was scheduled to move Wednt91Ciay from the Mooee Lodse at us E. 17th st. to a new location at Rea Middle School, 601 HamUton Ave., lD Costa Mesa. ' But Monday the locks were ctlanied. And Wednesday lodge memben refuted to open Ure Hori to TLC .orken wanting to move refrigerator s, a di1hwatfler, microwave oven, tables, chairs, silverware and files. "It's mind boj1llnj," said TLC program director Shirley Cohen. "I can't really believe they would do such a thing. This is state and federal property." At laaue is the replacement of 1,800 aqYare feet of carpet lnltalled two years 'qo by TLC officials. Moose Lod1e members say it ls shabby, dirty and faJUnt apart. Until TLC aarees to lnltall new earpet, llome memben NY they 'll keep the kitchen equiplbent. ''I know ll mak• me look llke a bard nou," said lod1e secretary Dan Redd.let. "But I know that on~ they 1ot out they wouldn't do anyth.i.q . ''When they let enoup people complalnlnl they can't eat, t.ben they'll dcuomethin1," be added. Reddick said be would be willlng to tum over the kitchen uteuUa, but wu outvoted by the Moose Lodge board during a meetlne Tuesday night. Lodge attorney Spencer Alter se nt a letter to TLC headquarte rs Tuesday lnatruclinl them tbat the lodge ls placing a lien against the property. When TLC moved to the Moose Lodge Ln December W79 new carpeting was installed along with a celling, kitchen floor and bathroom, said Ms. Cohen. The carpeting bas been a headache ever 1ince, she said. "But we alao !ut lD a new ceiUna, light&, an a floor,'' said Ms. Cohen. •·AH tt\at stuff is being leftl so they're ahead." Without the kitchen equipment it's gotnc to be very difficult to prepare food and keep lt warm, said Ms. Cohen. By late Thurs day , TLC officials had located an extra steamer, so lbat food fixed at the Santa Ana office could be kept warm until It reached Costa Mesa. Atlanta trial delayed again ATLANTA (A.Pl -'the trial of a man accused of murdering two of 28 youna blacks slain here durins a Z2-mooth period was po1tponed tor a third conaecutlve day today as the mowbomtd city honored a btaet clvll riahtl Juder. City and P'\llton County offices and court.a were closed to mark the blltb at Dr. Martln Luther ltba1 Ir., who WU shot to death ln .......... Ten., Int•. . OR ANOI tOAST llllJPUlt c .. ..-. ........... 714'IOM71 All....., ••111 ....... M2-4m 8y ITSVS llAalU.E o1 ............. A l1·1ear-old reaJdeat of or...._ bait 8dmltted ln eouJ1 tlaat · be wu a puaenaer lD the car tbat 1truck and kUled Newport Beach realdeat DonaJd Barry Warner lD the pre-dawn bour1 ol Sept. 19. "We paalclred," explained Jaek Bladlburn Wednesday wben uked why' he and driver Jamee Samuel Glbb1 left War..-=eel In U.. street near U. · ~otlon of Balboa Boulevard and l2nd Strfft. "J IQllfllted we •o @ICk," lald BlaCkbum, "but Wt talked ounelve1 out ot It. We wer. ln a due." Blackbum and other wltneaes were quesUoaed durla1 an all-day preliminary bearln1 at Harbor Municipal Court ln Newport Beach. The beartnc la beln1 held to determine whether 20-year-old Gibbs, a resldepl of Orange, should fAce felony hit and nm and felony manslaughter charfea ln Orange County Superior Court. The hearing was continued to Jan. 28 at the request of Deputy District A.ttomey Jack Sullens after Judge Donald Dungan said he found the testimony of one witness less than believable. Tb at witness -Jack Kelly - testified be saw Gibbs driving a dark BMW with its Uahts out speeding away from the scene of the accident. KeUy, who said he abared a West Newport apartment with Warner, testified be waa standing in an alley at the time of the accident when be beard a "thud" and saw the BMW drive past. TESTIFIES -Jack Blackburn testifies th_.t "we panicked" the night James Gibbs' car reportedly killed a man in Newport Beach. He testified that he saw Gibbs behind the driver's wheel but did not Immediately realize there had been an accident. He also testified that he waited nearly six weeks before going to the pollce and picklq Gibbs out of a photo card lineup. Glbbe did not testify durtn1 the bearina. The district attorney baa asserted Glbbe was driving the car with lta headlights out when he bit the 26-year-old Warner and later abandoned the car Lo a . Whittier aboppift8 center. K~Uy wu the oftly wltMM to t.ettlfy that the ear U1ht1 wen out. a taet rqal'ded 11 crud&I 1'l t1labH1bln1 wbether or not 01bb1 bebavtd with "1ro11 ne111~." Al~ DOtke located wbat they betleved wa1 the• btt·and·run veblele Hveral days after tbe lncldeot, Kelly wQ ~ rtr1t penon to ldetttify Glbbe u the driver. • . Pa1HD1•r Blackburn, under quutlonln1 from Sullens, offered a aketcby scenario of wbat baDPened Sept. 19. He t.itllled that he and Gibbe bad tcoe to the Newport Pier area to "meet 1lrls" and had ltarted home JllSt past midnlpt. "( 1aw hlm <Warner) sprint ln front of the car, there was contact and (I ) felt the wlnd1hield breakin1," uld Blackburn. "That was It." Blackbum testl!ied that Gibbs pulled the car over to the curb where the two of them sat for severaJ minutes before lakLn1 off. But another witness, Paul Lucas, testified that the car never stopped and only slowed brierly before speeding off. Lucas sald he had been with Warner that night and had run across the street just ahead of him. •·1 beard a loud crash aM a shattertng of glus," Lucas said, ·•and I turned around and saw Don (Warner> rolling off the hood." Blackbum said that when they left the scene, Warner was still lying ln the street, unattended. "We knew be was injured," Blackburn admitted uader questionln1 . • "I 1ald 10methlns:-like '~Y, let'• 10 back' -he <Glbbl) didn't ••Y IDythlftl. ff• WU in. da1•." Blackbum wd he a.net Olbbl later abandooed lbe car ln a 1boppln1 center and sot a ride home from a man and woman who Glbbe knew. "I was protecting him," Blackburn responded when asked why he dld not contact pollce. Sullens later referred to Gibbe as "an anlmaJ" aad au11ested Blackbum "is the kind of person who woutd leave a human beln1 dying in the roadway without so mu c h as s plltlng ln their direction." Witness Kelly testified al one p0int durin" the heariB& that he did not go to Gibbe' house before contacting police. Under questioning from Robert Keefe, Gibbs' attorney, t<'elly admitted "l lied about that" and confessed he bad cone to Gibbs' house. "But I didn't see him," aaid Kelly, "he wasn't home." He said he, Lucas and Warner's brother Greg drove to Orange "because Greg wanted lo confront him -I just went along for tbe ride.'' Attorney Keefe later told ·Judge Dun1an that be believed Kelly's testimony "la complete fat>ricatlon, woven by himself." Deputy District Attorney Sullens said KelJy's testimony la crucial ln eatabllshln& tbat Gibbs was drivln1 with bil ll&bts out. . Sullens asked for the continuance to subpoena other witnesses be said could coo.flnn Kelly's testimony. New arctic air prolongs winter misery By Tile Anoclated Pren A second blast of arctic air Lo a week charted out of Canada today, promialnl no relief from severe winter weather that baa kllled at leut 215 people and plied up snow In the South and the Northeast after twln storms. Wlnds up to 100 mph In the llocky Mountain footbllla overturned two tract.or-traiJera Thursday, tore off an apartment bulldlnf roof and brou1bt unu1ual y warm weather to Colorado, but foreeuten said tbe ba1Jlfy temperatu.res would ~. =' .-.'tb the approecb "Tbe ¥er)' 1troa1 arctic outbreak meam we'N loina to be In the leebn for a couple ol days," aald Dean Ne1lex, a National Weather SerYlce foreeater Ln 111.mlesota. Nebra,ka was wuaed of temperatures dropping to 2S below zero tool1bt, and Illinob' forecasts called for a weekend ol severe cold and bllnard or near-bliuard conditions. Washington, D.C., waa expected to have highs in the teens by Sunday. Doaens of South Dakota schools began calling off classes in anticipation or the new Midwest storm. Meanwhile, the temperature in AUa.nta hit 13 degrees, breaking a record for From Page A1 STABBIN G Huntington Landmark Adult Community Foundation, said Norman never took part ln the recreation activities sponsored by bis group. He said the slain man had exchanged friendly greetings while washing his car outdoors, but did not b eco me we ll acquainted with his neighbors. A vvomao who lives next door to Norman's condomi nium described t.be man as "pleasant but aloof." Mailman Earl Wentworth, who bad been delivering to Norman's home for more than a year, recalled bringing a lot of business mail and packages to Norman. Wentworth said the man always seemed to be alone, was polite but never ensaged In any lenaJlhy diacuaaion. Even Norman 's brother-lo-law, W. Garwood Klelnhen, a resident of Pal09 Verdes Estates. a~ld In a telephone Interview he knew Uttle about the man's bualnela or personal life. Realdenta aald Huntin1ton Landmark la uauall' a safe and secure complex where lbe onlY crime ls an occasional atte= brealt·ln or the theft of r potted plant.a. MOit resident.I 1urveyed 1akl they felt a bit nervous upon learnlni of the murder ln tbelr comm\llit7, but became 1 ... W· at HM after learnln1 Norman may have bffn kllled by an acquatntane. rather than ln 1 , . random attack. Doa o.,n, 1eneraJ m~ of tbt BunUatton Landman AttoeladCllia, Mid BO tnft'MMd aeeurtty ............... plannid. ID lllldielaa to the paid at tile 1at.e, tllt eomuuaatt1 a1lo 11 petrolW .., a l'.'"lal ~" ear. • ... the' date set in 1893, and Traverse City, Mich., early today recorded a temperature ol 19 below, also a record f01" the date. The South was hit with a storm Thursday that followed its twin by only a day. The second storm' dumped up to a half-foot of snow on Southern cities that are usually epared the ravqes of winter, then iced hllbw~ and lubed Florida with sale-force winds that ripped down trees and 4amaaed mobile homes. It lllll'led attempt.a to restore electrical power to thousands ol people and acbooh and bu.lineaes tbroapout the SUn Belt almply closed down, some for a third day, u the snow piled up on the roo(a. Like ill twin, it then swunc up the AtlantJc cout and buried the Northeast under up to 4 Inches of new snow, bringing the two-day accumulation to 10 inches lo New York· City and draeging some states toward the bottom of their snow-removal budgets. The death tolJ by states read: Alabama, 16; Arkansas, 2; Connecticut, 1; Georgia 10; Florida, 1; Kentucky, 2; Illinois, 27 ; Indiana, 5 ; Iowa, 7 ; Louisiana, 5 ; Maryland, 2; Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 7; Minnesota, 4; Mississippi, 6; Missouri, 2; Nebraska, 1; New York, 16; North Carolina, 19; Ohio, 8 ; O klahoma , 1 ; Pennsylvania, 16; bode Island, 5 ; South Carolina, 6 ; South Dakota , 2 ; Texas , 12 ; T~nnesaee, ~-Virginia, 12; West V1rglnla, 7; Wisconsin, 6. * * * Like Wednesday's stormi ... Thursday's snow arrived Ln the · Northeast Lo time for rush hour. * * * Frostbite ~o put bite Qn juice.cost ORLANDO, Fla. <AP) -An 11.8 percent wholesale price increase for Julee from frost-bitten F1ortda orantes may result In a 1U1ht jump in retail prices, industry leaders uy. ·'The price to consumers depend.I og.... the chain stores," said Wllaon McGee of United Growers and Shippen fol.lowing tbe new processor prices for frozen orange juice announced Wednesday and Thursday .. ••But they're getting eood prices now for concentrate." He and other officials said, however , that the general wholesale price level of $4.25 for a dozen six-ounce cans -an increase of 45 cents -was only an ''interim price" until the full extent of the freeze earlier thls week is determined. ''Sooner or later', it's got to go higher," McGee said. M arlt Belche r of Florida Citrus Mutual, a 15,000-member growers' cooperative, agreed. He said the processor s establlabed "aafe prices" until detailed information on crop losses becomes available. How much hi1h.er the price goes alto depends on Brull, which usually boosts concentrate exports and prices following a Florida freeze. Agriculture officials are withholding estimates of crop damaee -with the equivalent loss or orange concentrate - unti l c rop su rveys are completed. But most are comparing the effects of the freeze to one last year that claimed about 15 percent or the orange crop. The 1981 freeze represented the equivalent loss of 65 million gallons of frozen concentrate. More than 90 percent of Florida's oranges are processed into juice. Financial loss estimates ranged from $200 million to $232 million la.st year. OBIE SPORTS LTD MID SEASON OL ' REGULARLY '34500 INCLUDES MOUNTING & WAX .. ~ ....... GOLDEN .YEARS -Actor Robert. Young, 74, who retired five years ago after some 80 films-Poses with wife Betty in their secluded home near a golf course north of San Diego. They have been married nearly 49 years. He recently signed to do more TV commercials. Boy, 14, OK'd as candidate Eric SaJem wants to be a member of the Lancaster County Weed District Board in Lincoln, Nebraska. That's not exactly a glamorous political start, but Eric is only 14. . Nebra s k a Attorney General Paul Douglas issued an opinion saying Eric's age Iowa State Unive rsity Professor Earl 0. Heady, an expert in agricultural economics, has been elected to the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Heady said the academy is "the zenith of science in lbe Soviet Union," and for Soviet Rep. MIUlceal Fenwick, R-N:J ., says she decided to run for the Senate seat held 23 years by ' Democrat HarrllOD A. Willia•• Jr., who has been convicted in an Abscam case. cannot keep him from being elected to the five-member board. The ninth grader at Irving Junior High School got interested in the board after realiing a news report about a fatal traffic accident in which weeds may have been a contributing, factor. scientists, election to the academy is an extremely high honor. ' Heady, 65, is director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development at Jowa State and was nominated for a Nobel prize in econooii-cs this year. Mrs. Fenwick, wbo 1,ums 72 next month, says lfl a letter rnailed to people in New Jersey that she decided to seek the s~at and feels she can be a "atrona. effective member of the Senate." W ben the So'lth Oak! LesltUtun lnere..S "9 for inarrtap UceMI to • two yean a10, 1tate Rep. au& Ceray wu a little concerned. Cerny, then 1 bachelor. Hktd a fellow le1l1l~tor for advl•· lep. VI.CM 91Her told CetDJ to to ahead aid YQtil for tbe lacreue from '5. Sbe taid II be ever 1ot married, lbe'd pa)' the SlO fee. Last fall. Cerny married Pal P~tt&a1 former exe~Uve director or the South Dakota Water Concress, and d1uined tilln Biever for tbetlO. Miu Biever responded wltb a box hill of colna left • o~er from a trip owneaa. Prlaee a.ar1 .. HYI he'll keep on wind$urnna despite epllls lnto the ocean because ''I'm one of those ma8"hlata who loves taking violent exercise." "I love thra.shln& about in the sea and comine back and feeling that you've done something really exciting," . the 33-year-old heir to the throne sald in an Interview with Windaorf and Board Sailing Magazine. Charles sa ys the news photographs that have repeatedly caught him tumbling off his board and into the water may be a little unfair. Cber says she choked on a large vitamin pill and director Robert Altman "saved my life" by coming to her aid. The entertainer said in an interview in the New York Daily News that she had taken the pill to give her strength during rehearsal for the Broadway play, "Come Back to the 5 a nd Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean," and it got caught in her throat. President R ea1an ls willing to trim $900,000 from the pri ce o n hi s three-bedroom Pacific Palisades house to speed a s ale, says a friend helping Reagan market the place. lpdu1Strialist Justin Dart said the s.oo~square -foot house overlooklne Saata Monica Bay has ~n on the matkeLoeariy a year with a ·•t.9 million pricetag. "It was overpriced," Dart said. But Jim Wix, a Coldwell Banker vice president handling the property, said the official price wa1 still Sl.9 milllon. ) Fair Weather Coastal Ll9ht vulabl• wind\ wut lo IOUlllwesl I lo 1l -nots In eltemoon. W•ll•rl'I' swells I to 2 IHI. Fair ••<994-~fot .U.S. summary A COid frCll'lt i.tt U. Atlantic C.st Oft Ttwrtd9y, but -VY --tllttwlf cold t._aturn traveled from Ille Soulll up Ill• Eastern SHboard, bringing b1lndl119 llMvy --· Neerly • foot of snow lell at Atlleft1, Ge., the wea-was ICf alottt Ille Mld•Atla11lk Coal! and !Nre ••1 freulne rain over central Nortll C.rollna and sou111u11ern Vlr91ftla. Sftow -sc.llltred from the GrHt LlllM .... IN ONo v.11.., Into .... Enel•"d end heavy snowfall wu '8ft<et1lmed over the ""'111 Allalllk c-1. • MHnwflll•, • cold lront sw99I llW"Wlfl IOUttllnl" FIOrkMI, wtlll 111911 '#lftdt Md _,.. llwndentorm1 at fl'IOrlda'1011tr-southern lip. fl'rw '9My, .. HMloMI Woatllff Sorvlca ~ -In Ille Mr1Mm ,....... .... Rodllos -Oft tie l!HlWfl Solilloerd. Softlf lllleos ..,.. 111redlcted In Ille Soulll and Illa Southwest. allterlf cold 1..,....alwH ,...,.. predlc._ lfl .. ~ Plains wllll sunaro ,......... from Mefttane to northern Mlnnosota. TompwlltUrOS .,_ Ille Miion at mlddey' 1llundef rMIOff from 1' .,...,.. IOf'O In Mal*.9to, Minn., to 70 In Mir-. Calif. r;,ali/omia S4Hlthern 1..a1110<Ma wtll oo felt ttw"IMftlll Selw'def. Petctty lot ..... COHI nftM end .--nlflt. Or1n19 c-ity cen •~p•ct hlellt 10 tM mlti •to low 7'1L LOws •to •· Hl9'11 111 low 70I predicted for ............ ....,. ...... .,. .... ..._....... wlM lleW 111"'9 • '° M, ......... ...... -.-.-..... .......... aatea.~._....,.. ... ,, .......... Trnoton ...,1_, tor Cot1trel v .. ...,. ~.,.,. ,._ Mii .,..... ......,. ,..... -_,,.,... fw-.. .... l'el lfl SM fl'r-ltce --· ...,._. ., .. ..,. .... '*"' , .... Extended /orecaai Some urlf mo.-nlnt f09 or low clouch -COMt ~., ..,.. ._ coastal valleyw Monday. HllM lfl coastal ..-raftllnt from mid tot al be•<"" to -70 lftl-val .. ys. L-s » to ... Mourlt.ln hight • to SS and lows In upper 20s end 30&. Smog Tiie Air O\Hllllf Mana9ement Ol~trkl Pt'Odkts .... •Ir quality for •••~ In .,. S..... C.st air bnln Frkllly. Tiie AQMO lllltMd Pollution St8"dard lndlta IPSll ratlft91 of 41 lwallr~. Tempemtures llATIOWS TllM" Albany ,, 11 Albuque '2 11 Mllw.W. _..St.P. NUllvltle ~--"~ .... Or .... AIM., Ille »• NowYIR Atlante '° 11 Oki.City ee111moro 2t 22 °"Miiie 81tm I"""" 21 ,. ,..,.,. . ·•-..-e11 t2 ... '"'*""' 8olM ,. .. ~ ..... Me ...... 24 It -......Oro 9Uffalo It 1> ltlltlld City Clllrtstn SC 44 • .._ Olet'ltinWV n " lllCllmOnd ClleyOflM a• SellL.U Clll<atO •• J Seettlo Clnclllf\MJ It " St Louis c1 ..... enc1 11 u StP-T.,.._ ColumtMll 21 ., 9'S .. Merlo 1 Oal·FIWll\ 52 14 ""*-O.nver JI U WMll4flllft OosMolnM t _,, Wklllta " 10 NaOdlfl ·J ·21 ~Beed! 12 to Ontario • 1' PMMenll 27 22 P-llOCJ4es • 10 1tlvort1• It~ "::::: 61 • It Oty_ It M S.llnes 21 It Sen ...... no . " ._,Gallrlet ,. 14 t:=:ltee 0 IS .. u SMleM 2 !! lel"-lttM ............ ,. 00 Seftt.e M«la .. 4t TllOmWll f ·U Tottenco J9 JS Yuma ,. tt S4 07 CAMAOIMfHM" O.lrolt tt " CM.IPCMINIA T•M" C81991"t Duhltll . ·• .-....v .. ..,, ., " . .._ El Paso 50 " Bers tow tJ 40 MDftlreel Felrbtnu -4 ·M .. _, 62 " Ot1ow• Her1f«d 21 u ... ..., " 11 "991<1• Hel-4J • a 1iNP " " TO(OlllO .._..,.u IO 67 Blylflo 64 • VllK-..__ • 14 C:.tallne .. H WlllfllPOt . ...,..,. .. 12 ·S 1E11reu St 0 JtcJllflvllO J1 • "'""° 40 S1 ~ANAM IC-Clly 24 Q La!ICHtw 60 29 ACl,.ileo Let'V ... 56 11 L.,.hecll .. ~ .. ,_.... Llttlo Rom • 11 ...... ,,..... ·n H ---LoutsvlllO 20 " ,...,.., .. '4 " C11receo Memtlftls ts ." MIMOM ... 1' SI .,.._tal•• Mllnll 1• .. •WHMll 51 41 .... _ Klftel .. Meftt ... ..., MNatltfl Meako(.lty Mtflotlrf'91 Sell ,I-, P.lt. T..-.C ..... Wt11Crw u J1 " .. .. • .. a \J 2' " • 62 ,. S4 • ff 15 .. . u " .. . JI S4 • 14 .. ••• .. as 70 '4 .. ff .. 41 ..... »• 11 • t2 .. u .. 10 • .. . 00 •t1 • Orange Cout OAIL.Y PILOT/Fflday, January 151 1982 CHEESE SIONUP Eight-year-old Tien Bui of Huntington Beach uses both hands <ri g h t > t o hold ~-pound pack age of processed cheese distributed by city officials Wednesday. Dave Dominguez of the city · p a rk s and recreation department < abovC' 1 s igns the little girl up for· the federal surplus package at the Oak View Communit v Center · Ferraro eyes Riles post R icha rd Ferraro told the Balboa Bay Republican Women Wednes day that he would formally. declare his candidacy next week for the seat held by Wilson Riles. Ferraro, a Los Angeles City School Board member who bas been unofficially campalll\LDC for state superintendent since last spring, told the Newport Beach audience he ii concerned about an increase ln violence on school campuses. Last year there wer• 1,185 a11aults on students and 405 assaults on teachen ln Los Angeles., lie said. Ferraro said t.bat if elected be would push for legislation to try juveniles charged with felony crimes as adults. He said be supports vocational a nd fundamental education. "We need to get back to basics," he said. "Today we have people graduating from high school who can't even fill out a n a pplication." Jail slaying death described The stomping death of an Ofange County Jail inmate in a Santa Ana courtbc;>use holding cell has, been described for a superior court jury that must decide the fate or two of five men obarced with the slaying. Called tb testify Wednesday by pro secutors was David McQuery, who was in the ba sement Orange County Courthouse holding cell last April 20 when the fatal attack occurred. Injured in the attack was Michael Charles Bottoms, a murder suspect who died from head and neck injuries several days later at UC Irvine Medical Center. The prosecution has asserted that the fatal attack may have been part or an initiation rituaJ for a prison gang. McQuery, who was being held at Orange County Jail at the time of the attack on suspicion of burglary, testified that Bottoms, 22, was assaulted on three occasions by up lo six inmates. Two of those inma tes. the witness saidJ were William Leonard Frisbee, 30, and Arthur Ruffo, 2S, who are standing trial on murder cha rges before Superior Court Judge Leonard McBride. : Frisbee was in jail at the time 1 on attempted murder charges. I Ruffo is a convicted robber. I M cQuery said the attacke rs I pummeled Bottoms with their I fists and feet, knocking him to • the ground and then stomping I him. The attacks, be said, lasted : only a matter of seconds. : I I ' I I I · 1 I ' I I • ' I Let ~ lntrod~ you to akJlng at the new -Ski School. Here's an easy way to atart lkl~W• will taM the mystery out of what your flrat time on akla will be Ilk•. Lecture, movte tnd Inning lkl t1crw,1que wlll .,_ PNM"ted. Equipment will be provided and drytand lnetruct tJv a qualffled lnltractor. .._. 2500 W. Cout Hwr. Newport 8eech Rental Shop .... Jan. 20th I 27th w... Adulta 11 a up n-1• Kida, l-1l ftlli44 hec 1at Two S111lona, Jan. 20th a 27th. Frw ~·-•1s.oo For 2 S..tona) Newt C.11 '« Anervattona 831·3144 Lllllts 20 ....,.. ~· 8 . j FROZEN FUN A windsurfer scoots along I the ice as a skater follows him during an outing on Lake Wannsee In Berlin. West A .. W .......... Germany. Subzero weather has left area's many lakes and rivers frozen . ~age · giMebacks viewed Concessions bi/ unions fuel hot economi c debate WASIUNGTON CAP> -Wa1e co.n.ceulona. ty pl!l•d b y wllllnanea• or the once·mlt*aty United Auto Workera a nd Tea m1ter1 to rene1otlat e contracll with two rlnanclally allln1 lnduatrlea, are ruelln1 one of the hotteat economic debatea of recent 1ears. The ar1wnent center• on this question : Do major contract takeawaya s11nal a reveraaJ ol years of w•f• acceleratloo --. or does It on y •1,em that Wll'I because the trend developed in induslrlot that tradltionaUy set wage pattem1? Be h ind the headllnu dram atlalng wa1e givebacks, meantime, Is a rapidly develop ln1 consensus th at manaeera of American lnduatr1 will be held more accountable for their buslneas practices - and that labor costs ,!lO Jon1er can be made the 1cape1oat for plummeting profits and competitive dlsadvanta1es. Ironically , the Reaean ad m lnlstratlon is getting the benelll or substantial wa1e moderation In the economy despite Its abolition of t he jawl:>ontng Councll on Wage and Price StablU ty. In stark contrast to the policl<.s of Presidents Nixon and Carter, the Reagan administration has steadfastly purtued a lal11ez falr• po. Ucy toward coUeeUve bar1alntn1 ln prlvai. bueln"'· Nlxon lmpoHd waie and price controls ln the early 1t70t and Carter Jawboned bu1lne11 and labor later ln t he decade with hls "voluntary" w11e·prlce gutdellnes -neither wlth a 1reat ~"""or 1ucce11. Now comet lhe openln1 ol a new three.year cycle or contract ne1otlation1 Jn tbe ao·called "heavy lnduattles" -auto, truckln1 and rubber. -Tbe UAW'a Ford and General Mo.tors bar1alnlnf council.a reopened the exJ.1Un1 contract for ne10Uatlon1 with mana1ement, which laments that U.S. unit labor coata al"t S8 lo $10 an hour hi1her J.han thole In Japan, their toughest forel1n competitor. -The tou1h ·talkln1 International Brotherhood of Teamsters is nearint an accord wilh the financially aillng unionized trucklnl industry that several sources have said will strictly limit straight wage gains by unionists. -The United Rubber Workers u n ion has gran ted major concessions to Uniroyal, Inc .. and the United Food and Commercial Worker s union sanctioned similar givebacks for the meatpacking industry. A panel of the preatlitoua Conference Board l.n New York predlcta that flr1t·yt1r wa1e and benefit lncreuea reauJtin& from the curreftt round of contract ne1otlatlon1 ln many lndu1tries will avera1e 8.1 percent , well below the 11 percent avera1e of 1980 and 1981. Inflation ran at •n annual rate of 9.2 percent throu1h the first 11 months Of 1981. The Inflation rate ln 1980 waa 12.4 percent. John T . Dunlop, Harvard Bu1lness School profeaaor and a former secretary of labor, scoffs at talk t h at the contract ne10Uatlons In theae major industries portend• a new era of wue de~elerallon. He said. in an Interview that collective bar1ai n lng historically has been aenaltlve to the prevailing business climate and that moderation In the face or a deepening recesalon and the specter or Jost jobs should come as no surprise. What's happening in the auto Industry must be distinguished from "the normal wolf calls" sounded by companies in collective bargaining, he said. Dunlop branded as "nonsense" speculation that "wages are going to pot. .. Doctors hold hack On pain killers because of addiction fears BOSTON (AP> -Even though narcotics will relieve most pain, doctors are often stingy with the me d ici ne beca u se of a n erroneous fear that patients wUI become hooked on drugs, a physician says. As a result, she says, patienta sufCer needless pain when relief Is available and harmless. Or. Marcia Angell outlines the case for ain killer toda in the -Neecftepolnt, blocking · CLAH end a114mblle1 ·7. IN .. TAUCTION 49·z497 >AH ..'.;dMt.Nl l:, t..A 411 A•,nu1oCrlofd,..:tJ New Engl a n d Journal of Medicine, where she Is deputy editor. "T~e treatment of severe pain In b osp(talhed patien ts la regularly and systematically inadequate," she wrote. Ma. Angell said doctors are burdened by "a disproportionate, someUmea lrratlonal fear " t hat patlenll will ~~e addicted. STAURDAY. JAN. 16 THAU JAN. 30 50%0\\ ALL SALE ITEMS SoMte Euu ff<e.uf ALL MERCHANDISE FROM OUR EXISTING STOCK M&e'S • SHIRTS • SLACKS •JACKETS • SPORT COATS • BELTS • A NO OTHER ACCESSORIES -·----- 333 E. 17th St.• Cotti Me11 (Behind the Pencake Housel 642·8788 Open Mon. thru Fri. 10·1 • Set. 10·4 Annual Clearance Sale Saving• From 20.. 700/c Decorative Hardware By A:MC O "\)\\lDIRS Sf!ppt,_. I Se«MJlzl111 In th~ coordln.tt#on oft• derontl.-e lwYlw•n for roar projm. Flnlsh«J hard watt lor: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4186 Oiied~ She said studies show that less than one·tent.1l or one percent or all patients who take narcotics for pain relief become addicts. Breathing atlppresslon. another potentially dangerous side effect, also is very rare. "I can't think or any other area in medicine in which such an extravagant concern for side effects so drastically limits treatment," she wrote. She said doctors routinely prescribe loo little pain killer. T hey limit the frequency of the .shots, and even then, patients m ust ask nurses for the medicine. "Patients may be inhibited by a desire to µlease the medical st arr and not be a nuisance," she wrote. "Those who do decide to ask for pa!n relief must keep track or both the time and the drug schedule and have the strenath and endurance to summon a nurse if one is not nearby." Ms. Angell said a survey of teaching hospitals in New York showed many doctors believe very low doses will ease severe pai n , and increas,ing the medicine will not help. "These attitudes and misconceptions." she wrote. "have led to a rather ritualized and parsimonious use of narcotics for the relief of pain." If a patient is dying of cancer .. concerns about addiction are Irrelevant, she wrote. In a h.ighly publicized trial last October, nurse Anne Capute was acquitted in Fall River, Mass .. of murdering a cancer patient who -<lied after receiving large doses of morphine. , Language hill fought 'Anti-gobbledygoolC' measure would apply to contracts SACllAMSNTO tAP> -An "antl·1obbledytook" blU h11 bten watertd down, but 1tlU racH unyleld1ftl oppoelUon from banken, luuranco companies and otMr' bualneaaea. The blil , ABlltt b)' A1Hmblyman Art Torres, D·Lot Anltlu, would require coo1uiner contract• to be written ln everyday En1lllb. Torrea postponed a vote Ulla week because several members of the Auembly J udlclary Committee were absent. It la tp1 third such blll since 1978, when New York ·put the nation(• llrtt "plain lan1uage" law Into etrect. Tom Greene ot Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's Consumer Alfa.in Department said the need for the bill could be shown by passa1es such as this one. from a standard loan agreement: '·Default in the payment of any Installment or the principal balance or char1es hereof, or any part of either, shaU, at the option· of the holder hereof, render the entire unpaid principal balance hereof, and accrued charges thereon, at once due and payable." Gree ne said , ··What that means In English is, if 1 miss a payment, you can make me repay the whole loan immediately." He added, "Consumers are regularly confronted with contractual conditions that are •Imply lncomprehtnalble.'' Th• bUI wouJd apply only to certain typea ot contract1: Home rent.I, mort1a1t1 of 1 .. 1 than '200,000, the Hie or leue of 1ood1 under •100 ,000 , hotneownera ' and vehicle lnauranoe1 and loan or credl\ a1reementa. Consumers represented by taw1ers when makln1 contracta would not be covered. The contracts would be measured a1atnst 1 1tandard or wrltln1 "In a clear, coherent and Die t d e ath award made DETROIT <AP) -Tbe family or a 37 -year-old man who collapsed and died wi\hin a month or st arting a liquid-protein weight loas diet will collect at least $650,000 In damages. Wayne County Circuit Judge Joseph 8. Sullivan approved an agreement under which the protein manufacturer and a weight IQss clinic will pay both a lump s um and lifelong compensation to the family of Patrick Gaynor. readable manner, u1ln1 wordl with common and everyday mtan.&.na." Al Torres earlier propoMd ft, the bill would have requlrtd contract.I to meet that atandard, and would have made a violation punl1hable by a *250 fine. But he amended It to tllmloate the fine and propoee ln1tead lhat a con1umer who 1l1ned a contract but failed to understand it because of a "plain l1n1ua1•" violation could 1et a court to cancel the contract. To aatlsfy A11emblyman Phil Wyman, R-Tehachapl. Torrea also amended the bill to delay Its effective date by two years, from Ul83 to 1985. But opponents from a wide range of businesses, lncludln1 banks. savings and loans, insurance companJes. title companies and real estate agents, were unmoved. "I 'm against le1lilallng plain·language contracta, • · said Edward Levy of the AasoclaUon of Californ ia Insurance Companies. Blair R eynolds of the California Bankers Association said bankers are already trying to write consumer co11tracts clearly. Once the stat.e passes a law, he sald, "you put out a contract that you think complies. and then you have lo wait until a judge says, 'Yes, It does'," Reynolds said. Orange COMt DAILY PJLO,T/Frlday, January 15, 1982 s ........... UNEXPECTED RECOVERY -Cathy Poole. 10. an automobile accident victim from Bakersfield. was unable to walk or talk well six weeks before she began rehabilitation at Fresno Community Hospital. Although the girl's parents were told their goals were "unrealistic ... Cathy. shown with an unidentified womlrn. now wa lks with help of a brace and sy turns up chemical LOS ANGELES (AP ) -An autop1y on Paul Lynde haa turned up tracea of butyl nitrate, a 1ttmulant that In blah concentraUona could trlf 1er a heart attack, but ll 1 not believed to have been Involved In the comedian's death, a coroner's palholotilt aald today. ··1 don 'l think that H contributed to his death," sald Deputy Medical Examiner Joseph Chol .• who conducted the · autopty. He said he turned up "a very minimum trace" of the aUmulant. A toxlcologfcal lest Is beln1 conducted to determine whether there were any other substances In Lynde's system, Choi said. He said reeuJts were not expected for about a week.· "We are doing this t o complete the study but cause or death Is obvious," Choi said . "Oefinit.ely it's a heart attack." Lynde's manager, Alan David, sa1d he didn't know why the comedian had the stimulant. The body of Lynde, who rose to fame In the movie .. Bye Bye Bird ie " and became a wisecracking regular on TV's ' .. Hollywood Squares" game show, was found by friends at his Beverly Hills home Sunday after he railed to show up for a Gaynor was placed on a liquid protein diet in 1977 at the Weight Loss Medical Center in Livonia, Mich .. according to a lawsuit by his wire, Shirley Gaynor of Novi, Mich., and her two daughters. ~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ birthday party. is reading again. Few clues in boat ·case LONG BEACH <AP) -An investigation of a reported radio transmission that delayed by more than a day the search for four Oxnard fishermen, one of whom was later found dead, has proved fruitless, the Coast Guard said. Still missing was the 36 .. foot fishing vessel The Three Sisten;, its owner , Corey Keller, 29, bis brother, Chester Keller, 27, and Ellslo Mendoza Ramiret. The body ol Ramirez' brother, Ysidro -MendoH Ramll'ff, 27; wu foUbd Di lfii water near San Miguel Island on Sunday nlpt, more than a day after a transmission was supposedly received Indicating the boat was safe. The vessel, which set out ln rough weather Friday, was reported missing Saturday mornin1. Coast Guard officials said. However, the search was S'Uspended after the reported transmission, and was not resumed until the body was found. Our t<: Frame Sale Fds Everyone! I I I I I ' I .I I ,I •' Arter the body was found, searchers covered some 20,000 square miles before the search was called off Tuesday ni1ht. Questions were raised about the tran1ml11lo11 in part because of a coroner'• estlmate that Ramirez' body had been in the waler 48 hours when it was round, which would indicate he die"d Friday night -before the boat wu even reported missing and well before the radio transmission was supposedly received. 'I · ji t! lnvestlgators have failed to tum up J.he name or the vessel that s upposedly received the trans m ission, said Assistant Controller Pat Gallagher al t he Coast Guard's Rescue Coordination Center in Long Beach. He said the report had reached the Kellers' rather through a friend, who had received word or it second or third hand. The father then called the Coast Guard to report that the boat was apparently sare. "I was just told they !the investlsators) went as far as they could go," Gallagher said. "They couldn't get to the bottom or it, essenUall)'." .. .. We don't even know if it was a false report," he said. ''Somebody could have overheard a call and thought it was The Three Slaten. We don't know if that was what happened, If there was no report or ir they <the missing sailors) actu.ally did call. .. The Three Sisters carried an FM radio, which has the capacity to broadcast to the horizon. Gallagher said. He said some boat.a alao carry Citizens Band radios, which can be modified to broadcast fa rther, but the Coast Guard had no report of whether a CB was also on board. He said it was possible the second vessel actually misheard a transmission trylnt to reach The Three Sisters and caflin1 it by name. · "It's a problem In search and rescue," Gallagher said. "Bad communications, people miaidentifylng each other." He said he hasn't heard of communlcalion1 problems mistakenly hailing a search durinl hli three years at the rescue center "but I can't aay It's never happened." He said it didn't appear likely that. baaed oo a sin&le incident, the Coast Guard would chan1e Its policy of suspending a search after the lnltlal reportin1 source, such aa the sailor's famll)'. calla back to aay all is well. "When the reporting source calls up and tells u1 that they'te not worried ~AY more, then we can't be worried. That would be siormal rocedure," Gallagher aald. Buy One Frame at the Regular Price, Get a Second Frame That Costa the Same or Leea for One Cent At Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale when you buy one fnime at the regular price you can get a second frame that costs the same or less for one cent. A frame for a penny fits your budget! And our frames flt your style! From simple to sophlstlcated . There's elegant gold leaf finish frames; sleek section frames in silver. gold or pewter metal: contemporary plastic see-through box frames: fancy or unadorned frames with glaM and backing; textured or smooth wood frames In a variety of handsome finishes: al11stk frames with a lot of color or simply plain &ames with natural finishes. Plus more! In a wide range of sizes that w lU flt most anything from a favorite little snap~hot to an Impressive seascape. (Custom framing. fitting and labor not lnduded.) The Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale fits you for a penny! (A'9ortment may vary from store to store.) • 11 1 ' f! •I i i l ; I I .. ' . I I I t . ' f I I I . ' • . ' f I l: I I al fl . I . ' 11 1 l . ' l ! • I f j d . ' I Couniy to yield on 1 airport access r.ule I By all appearances, a plan soon will be oh the books to regulate which commercial airlines are permitted to serve Oran&4: County's John Wayne Airport -thus conc1'ading yet another chapter in the long legal saga th\lt has surrounded recent airport affairs. Bruce Nestande, chairman of the. county Board of Supervisors, says that the county no longer wiU pursue an appeal of a U.S. District Col4rt decision striking down a previous access plan. That plan. the court said, unfairly favored Air Cal and Republic Airlines -the two carriers with the most rtights - at the expense of other carriers. namely Pacific. Southwest Airlines, Western Airlines and Frontier Airlines, which. by contrast, have relatively few flights. And they want more. Next week, Nestande said. the board wilt consider a revised plan whereby AirCal and Republic would lose guarantees to th eir existing rlight allocations. Those ffl1h&a ~ become available to oU.eJ carriers servln1 the 1l11P&rt. provided thoae carrien meel strict noAle reduction aoall. Art 'thln1s conJldered. s~ra have o~ed for the ritbt CO\U'H la ~ the 1ppeal. It's cloubtful ·the cC>uQty would have preYalled. 11ven tbe new federal l$ws that require that iirports be cwened to all qu•nappUcants. To punue the In~ face ol that law wou have proved coatly and tlme..-.umlaa. , • . Better thai ~ C9J1nty 1et 1)IJ the books a plan that crealef a mechanism wbereby the 41 Jet departures now permitted e-" day from th~ airfield are allocated to the carriers that do the best in limiting overall noise exposure to residents li-ving under the airport's departure tracks. That's exactly what the supervisors have chosen to do by moving ahead with adoption of the new airpQl't access plan. unnecessary turmoil President Reatan has beaten a hasty retreat from a decision of his administration that was as execrable as it was foolish -the reversal of a feder~I policy denying tax exemptions to non-profit instilutions that practice racial discrimination. Stung by the entirely justified cries of fury from civil rights organizations and blacks in hi s own administration. Reagan is backing leg1slation to overturn the policy reversal. The law would s pecifically deny tax-exempt status to non-profit ... orgafilzations that discriminate. such as the segregationist schools that have arisen over the last dee ade as whites fled integration orders.· We welcome Reagan's effort to make amends. but the entire episode was unnecessary. Last week. the Justice Department. in a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court. said the Internal Revenue Service was moving to restore tax-exempt status to Bob Jones Unive~ity in South Carolina and grant the status to Goldsboro Christian Schools in North Carolina. Both institutions discriminate against blacks. Later. it was announced the decision would apply to all similar institutions. The filing's reasoning was that the denial policy had never been specifically authorized by Congress. Reagan explained Tuesday that executive agencies "cannot be allowed to govern by administrative fiat." More thorough research would have informed the Justice Department that in 1971 tbe Supreme Court s pecifically upheld the IRS ' power jo withhold tax-exempt status to organizations that discriminate. The high court was upholding execution of a bask federal comtnit~nt, ,xpre1sed ini many laws and court rulings : the eradication of racial discrimination. especially in the nation's schools. Bob Jones and Golf)sboro argued ln seeking the tax break that their discriminatory policies are based on pnuine reUgious convictions, contendinl denial of the break would violate freedom of religion. No one ~ su11estin& that the two schools can't believe whatever they wish or exclude whomever they want. The point is that the federal government cannot work against its policy b~· rewarding s uch discrimination with a tax break. Reagan· s proposed leg - islation will .undol.lbtedly get a quick ride through Congress and the president is sure to sign it as soon as it crosses his desk. That is all well and good. but it is still unfathomable why the administration stirred up this wasps· nest to begin with. Crackdown in order One of the more unnerving freeway phenomena is the impatient driver who decides to bypass a traffic jam by pulling onto the shoulder and zooming by a pile-up of cars. Rare is the motorist who has not been startled and infuriated by theSe freeway cowboys. Two days before Christmas, a Huntington Beach mother of nine was killed by one. She had pulled her car onto the shoulder of the Orange Freeway when it developed mechanical trouble. The shoulders. of course. are designed for just such emergencies, except when -Otherwise PoSted durins heavy commuting hours. . But a van driver. unwilling to go with the ·ttaffic ffow, also drove ocato the aboutder and had apeeded Ut» to more than 15 mlJ,a an hour When be slammed lnto the disabled car. ktllln1 the woman driver. • Arrested on s uspicion of felony drunken driving and vehicular manslaughter. the van driver now faces a second-degree murder charge. sought by the CaUforttia Highway Patrol. A murder charge now can be filed. on the basis of a state Supreme Court ruling, in cases where a driver knowingly has endangered the lives of others . The penalty can be a state prison term of 15 years to life. This is as it should be. · The freeway 1h6ulder riders not only run the risk of colliding with disable.d vehicles. but of creating accident situations as they attempt to puU back into the traffic stream . And the Hifhway Patrol and local trafftc police would be well advised. u they .1t~P up thelr crackdown on dnmken drivers. to Include these lawbteakers drunk or sober -in their net. Opinions ••IW91Md IA tM .,_..-. ... ._.of the 0.Uy ftllot. Ottw vtt.s ••· preued on lnis ~.,.~It -.r *"°" anct •rt11ts. Rt-*r comMtftt Is lnvlt· ed. Addr .. The Detty Pltot, ,.0 . 9ox U•O, Cott• Miu, CA fM1'. ~ '7141 642·4321. . • - New views of juvenile • cnme NEW YORK -The most feared people in America today, as far as I can tell, are juvenile criminals. Amoral young males. professional criminals in their middle teens. seem to be overrunning cities, anatchinc purses, mugging old men and women, killing - ltllline sometimes to eliminate witnesses, sometimes Just for the hell of it. But, according to official 'report.a, j u v en i I e c r i m e la de ere as in I significantly. The 1980 Unifotm Crime Re.Ports, Issued by the Justice Department in September, Indicate that arrests of persons under 18 years of a1e · decreased by more than 6 percent in the last recor:ded year -and that was the fifth straight year of decline. In 1980, juvenile. automobile theft arrests were down by 18 percent. Juvenile burglary arrests.were down 11 percent, aM larceny arrests were down 5 perceQt. And it was not Ulat all arrests were down -adult arrests continued to tacrease. • THE &EASON FOR the decline ln juvenile crime -or, at least in appJ"ehended Juvenile crhnllials -is quite simple. There are fewer juveniles. Between mo and 1980, the number of 5- to 15-year-olds in the United States decreased by 6 million while the overall populaUon Increased by 23 million. The baby boom tias been over for a while, so the number ol teen-agers ls going to continue to decreue for years. Teen-age crime wlll decreue, too. That, ol course, does not mean that many teen-acers will not be more vicious and more dangerous than ever. That apparent anomaly was the basis ror a pair of provocative essays published last month by Seymour Gelber, a judge in t,he juvenile division of the Florida Circuit Court. "The 11sual official and journalistic view is that juvenile crime is violent, ever-iscreasing and pervasive," he llCllU 111111 wrote in one piece reprinted by The New York Times. "First, the image of rampant, spiraling youth crime is grossly overstated, and the hysteria displayed by state legislatures, eager and ready to emasculate the juvenile c r i m I n a I j u s tj c e s y s t e m , i s unwarranted. "Second, new approaches have to be fo11nd to attempt to speed up this decline in juvenile delinquency.·' Altbough be argued that the problem is being exaggerated. Gelber, in the essay;J"8nd an interview, hardly came ac:ro9' as "soft" on crime. Rather, he was hard on ignorance and panic. He seemed ready to ·concede that new juvenile delinquents might be rewer. but worse than their anti-social counterparts of generations past. For one thing, be would reduce the aae at which a criminal is treated as an adult from 18 to 14 -to increase significantly the chance and severity of punishment. "The juvenile system was created for kids who don't exist anymore," he said. "Because of communications and television and everything else, the teen-agers are much more sophisticated than 14· to 18-year-olds once were." Gelber would also reduce the age at which kids are allowed to drop out of school from 16 to 14 -"forcing them to stay makes things worse for them and everyone else" -and would eliminate m ost psychologically based rehabilitation programs. ··we need work-ethic programs ," he said , "teaching peoph; to read and write and work and to learn what a bank account is ... "WE SHOULD set up work camps like the old Civilian Conservation Corps camps." I 'm not s ure I agree with that, although I hear more and more people talking about the idea. The step from work camp to concentration camp seems temptingly short to me - especiaJly when one understands t.hat mos t of the ·youth criminals we're talking about are black. In Judge Gelber's jurisdiction. where ~ percent of the young people are black, 55 percent of the arrested youth offenders are black. But I do agree with the conclusion of one of Gelber's essays: "Juvenile delinquents are not taking over the wo rld . There is no n eed for overreaction. and even less for giving up ... Why call them 'service' stations? 7hey ought to stop calling the places we buy gas for our cars "service stations" because they sure don't provide much service anymore. You're lucky if they don't charee extra for putting the cap back on the gas tank. 1 went into a gas !ftation last week and 1 was startled when the attendant sprayed the Windshield and started cleaning it with a squeecee. It bad been so long since anyone cleaned my windshield that I didA't realise for an instant wbat he wu doing. The traditional sign outside a gas station altlaya used to read "Free air and water.•• When wu the last time an aUendant checked your Ures or your radiator? II you need water. you put lt in yourself ln your own driveway. If you need air and can fin4 a station that stlll keeps Its pump in working order, it's always self service. I don't know what little old. ladies do for air. GAS STATIONS don't even seem as interested In checkinl your oil u they used to be. There's money aelllnl oU at a gas station but I have a feelin& a lot ol the attendants don't know where to look for the clip stick or can•t figure out bow to unlatch the hood of a car. l clrtve a lt'78 Ford, not a r~e car ln America, and II I uk lo hav• tht oU cbecked I almost aJwllYS bave to 1et out and help ' the guy get the hood up. They sell a lot of cans of oil in the all·purpose shopping centers now and people are obviously adding oil themselves. I usually do it that way. You can save a quarter or more buying oil at a supermarket instead of at the I~'' ---RIU_l_Y -~. gas station, although it's hardly worth the trouble. If gas station attendants didn't grumble when I aslt them to check the oil, I'd never do it myself. Things are probably going to get worse, too, for th0&e of us who look for a little clvillty and service at our gas station. The bie oil companies are lookin& for ways to cut their costs and one of thole ways is to have us pump our own gas, This Is a repulsive development for those of us who don't want to eet out or the car and don't want to smell like gasoline for the rest of the day. It's difficult not to get some on.· your hands when you handle the nozzle. There are going to be more self-service gas stations ln the fut11~ Reflection on minorities it that be has no nollon ol what it ac;tually means. • -Money, lilte a virtuous woman, wUI not stve ltaell up to those who merely want a transient •rf•lr witb it; It demands to be loved exclualvely for itself alone be.fore " will consent to reside permanenUy with a auilo!'. -Even when we seek sympathy, we don't want k to slop over so much that lt makes ua feel worse than before we 101lclt.d it. -ln CQOM>rlM atrw:turet, at least I su•feet Ilia& fewer men "climb 0.. la~· at~ tlau ltmply It.and on tb~a&.-whlle It earn. them up. ~ TIM candidate wlto maket the fewet~ 1t1nda the teut ch1nct of belli eleet.d. tbou1b on th1t baai1 1loae he woulll .... to be tbt 1u.,.rtor man. -It ..... Ullfa&r tb1t when tbert la a VictorJ ""' tbe eoftrdlJ Iba.re ln the trtum_.. lll'OC••kllll~ ad ..._ then li I d•U. ....-tM pltlftt lbaN 111 tM ..... because in 1960 the otl comparues pmd S3 a barrel for oil and sold it' at the pump ror 30 cen£s a gallon. Today the oil companies have to pay $33 for a barrel of crude oil and they sell eas for $1.40. A little arithmetic indicates the Arabs have raised their price by a multiple or 11. The oil companies have raised their price less than five times. Oil companies don't go around losing money, so you can bet that free air, free water and washed windshields will continue to go 011t of style. The present glut of oil is still keeping some of the stations competitive. It accounts for the occasional gas station that still provides a little service, but that is certain to disappear when gas supplies get tighter in the near future. THE LACK OF service in service stalloos doesn't make them unique, of course. We're all getting used to doing everything ourselves. The kind of service that used to go with a sale as a gesture of appreciation by the person you bought it from is a thing of the past. Last weekend I decided to give my car a treat and have it washed. It bad been more than a year since I'd been through one of those things. I was dis appointed to find that it was brushless now, not nearly so exciting, and also clisappoluted to find the price bad been raised to $5.95. I paid the tab and walled for my car by the finUh line. There wa.s a slotted box there with a 111n aayin1 "For The Boys." ' There wu one wet spot with some dirt left on the left front bumper and I uked "one of the boys" if he'd wipe it off wltb a cloth. "lf we started doing that for one perton," be said, "we'd have to do It for everyone." I dls't drop anythlnc in the slot for the service. l'ront-wheel drive. You know what's going on. Seems like everybody's offering you a rebate here or a sell-a-thon there. And that's fine. For now. But what happens later? What happens 10 or 15 thousand miles from now? Wiil the car you buy ·on ' a deal" be able to stand the test of time? The Lynx will. In fact, we're so confident that we're making you two totally·new offers. 1Wo totally new offers that no other leading automaker has. Not GM or Chrysler. Not Tuyota, Datsun, Honda, or VW. Nobody. FREE MAINTENANCE FOR ·2 YEARS. .; . It's precisely because Lynx has the kind of high technology you see above that Its maintenance costs are exceptionally low. (In fact. its scheduled maintenance intervals are among the lowest of any car sold in the U.S.) But now these maintenance costs are lower still. They're zero. They're literally free. for 2 full years. So -for 2 full years or 24, 000 miles ·(whichever comes ftrst) -virtually the only thing you have to pay for ls gas. And even that shouldn't be very much. Because Lynx ls iPA estimated at nol* ~~. 44 tST. ~ MPO HWY. ··~ .....,. ... ~.,... . ...... Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, J1nu1ry 15, 1982 ltlgh-.strength relnforc«I . ,.~wheel fa,llly Independent Suspen.tlon. . I . ~ . FREE . WARRANTY FOR 2 FULL.YEARS. Lynx Is built to such exacting speclflcatlons that we can now offer you something that GM and Chrysler don't. Something that Tuyota, Datsun, Hohda, and VW don't. It's a totally free, no-strlngs .. attached warranty. And It's good for 2 full years. Or 24 thousand miles. Whichever comes first. (The government makes us call it a ·umtted" warranty. But It covers virtually thousands and thousands of parts. In fact. It's so complete, the only things It doesn't cover are accidents, driver abuse, tires, and fluids.) But the good news d~n't end here. Starting today, only one automa~er lets ~ou save while you drive and when you buy. • 5%0ASQ BONUS. In addition to the above offers, ~ add a third. One that can help you buy a high technology car at a substantlally lc:>wer price. . Starting today, you can ~a 5% cash bonus. 5% off the base vehicle sticker prlcet on any new 1982 Lynx. roof structure. l!xterulve eorro:Jlon protection. "1Ju9tle-back" rear declc for aerodynamla. Over three bllllon dollars' worth of world-wide development and production. 'Here$ what you'll save on this offer alon~: · Base Lynx :S.dr. $275 Lynx OS J ·dr. $365 Base Lynx ~-dr. $285 Lynx OS 5-dr. $J75 Lynx OL J ·dr. $325 Lynx OS Wagon $J80 Lynx OL 5-dr. $JJ5 Lynx LS J·dr~ $390 Lynx GL Wagon $345 Lynx LS5·dr. $400 Lynx RS J·dr. $340 Lynx LS Wagon $405 Or get $250 off any new '81 Lynx. You can apply this to your down pay- ment thereby lowering your financing costs. Or you may choose to get a check direct from Lincoln-Mercury. THE ULTIMATE SAVING. Add It all up. On cars delivered from now until March 13th, you can get free scheduled maintenance for 2 years. Plus a free 2-year warranty. Pl~ 5% off the base vehicle sticker price. All at your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer's. Nobody else offers you so much on a superbly engineered front-wheel-drive car. But your ultimate saving Isn't a matter of economics. rrs a matter of pride. Your pride. In driving a Lynx. Instead of something less. •Compare to the estimated MPO or oiher cars. Your mite.age may cllfer depending on speed. wealhet and trtp length. Actuel highway mlle.age less. Lynx 3 · and ~mileage estimates not appHcable to units with power steering and air c()r!dlUonlng. t Umlt one per customer. . I . 1 SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -A con1t1tution'a provlalon a1t\lrin1 o O • ye a r . o Id 1 t a t e l aw public a~• lo court hearin1s rmlttlq criminal defendant.I "provldel no unqualified rilht to o have preliminary co\lrt the publtc and media to attend a earln,. clOled to the public and preliminary bearln1." he newa meclla haa been upheld The unal\Jmoua declalon by y tbe Callfornla Supreme actln1 Chief Juatice Frank urt. N•e w man I n·v o l v e d t II e In ~ the petition by the newspaper' a attempt to 1alo tan Joae Mercaary-Newa to access to a preUD}lnary hearln1 vertuna tlM 1812 law, t.he court for former San Joae City ald Thursday the atale Councilman Altred Gar~. '7, , F ovenwr at a lo~s [or word.I AT~A (AP) -A funny thln1 bappened to Gov. Georse BusbM aa be stood before a jolnt aesaion ol the Legislature and a 1tatewlde televlsk>n audience II'hurlday to give his b"udget iaddreu. He found be had a copy ol the WrOJll apeech. .. r have a real problem here, .. the embarrassed governor confeued. "I've got the State'of the S~te speech and I don't have Uae bud;et a~h. '' Busbee bad delivered the State ot the State addreu on Tuesday. In hurryio1 to tbe-Houae chamber Thursday to deliver the budget addreas, he pkked 'IP the wrooi doeum•t Lucidly, aome advance COPlea -ot the co'!'rect speech •• Ila cf already been circulated. nouse Speaker Tom Murphy belped tbe 1overnor out ot the ~fbl •po& by lendtnl him his copy. a.~ • ....., .... a u.-r Siert A Dining Tradition Since 1922 Serving Lunch & Dinner Reservations Suggested 645-7077 , LEASEHOLDERS Any •••••holder whoa• I•••• com•• up for reapprlllNI during 1912 I• Hked to ln\l'MChtely contect S.rbere Young, Preaklent, C°"""'"ff of 4000. "'°"9: M0-1031. We want to hold • Meetlr19 to dlacun overell legal atretegy and the development of Independent eppralaal• for the epprollrnetety eo le•t•holdtJ due to be reeppralMd thla yeer. Committee of 4000 Phone: 640-1031 Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear accused ot bribery and state Income tax ev,slon. He la still awaltlna trial. The court aald a defendant's rlihl to a fair criminal trial before an unbiased Jury arises under the 5th, 6th and 14th amendments to the U.S. ConaUtuUon . •'Thia court bas streaaed . . . the law's Importance ln help.Ing defendant protect hlmaelf from blaa by p~udldal publicity," t~dffiak>naaid. · Tbt cballenie to tbe law was the nnt ID l'ecent hlatory to reach the hlgh court. The newspaper attacked Uae order of tbe Sunnyvale-Cupertino' Municipal Court, which closed a preliminary bearing at Garza's request. The Mere.fury -News claimed the law requiring a closed bearing at a defendant's request is an uncon1tltut1onal infrlnaement upon the public's right to attend. A bill to repeal the law ls before the California Legislatwe, awaiting a report from a conference eommittee. IAN BULLET -Sen. Ed Davis is sponsor of a bill in the state Legislature to regulate possession or "killer bullets'' which can pierce armor or bullet-proof vests. Sen. Dan Boatright authored a similar bill introduced this week . Seat Of the tr<;»uble The rub was jeans in health panicf MILFORD, Ma1Ja. <AP> -It their hands feel numb. , w a a a 1 e a t · of · th e · pa n ta They rubbed thelr bands 4n di11noel1, but it turned out to be their jeans aome more. That true-blue -the patlenta were made them bluer, the arudf4y 1ufferln1 Dul1ner Jeana hl&her and the hypervenUJatlf'l Syndrome. worse. Laat month, two youn1 women How to avoid Dfflper Jeau , were brouabt in for emer1ency Sy ndrome? t r e a t m e n t a t The hoepital 1u11est1 wri, Milford·Whltlnavllle Re1lonal soapy water and a tactful nurae. Hoapltal'a Milford dlvlslod. They comr.lalned of coldness and tin1I 01 ln thelr hands. which appeared to have a blue tint. Jan Iacovelli, an emer1ency room µurse"' found the anJwer. According to The Road Between, tbe hospital 's monthly new a letter, abe discovered the women had been cold and had tried to warm their hands by rubbln1 them on their stylish new je&n1. Dye from the jeans came oil on their akin. When the women saw their hands turning blue, they became anxious and began to hyperventilate, the newsletter said. And that increased their bodies' oxygen level. making Week e nd ski . trips planned . Two weekend aid trips to Mammoth Mountain have been scheduled this winter by lhe Newport· Beach Park.a, Beaches and Reereatlon DepartmenL The trips are Jan. 29, 30 and 31 and March 19. 20 and 21. The excursion fee, which Includes bus transportation, food~ a.nd litl tickets, ls $85 a person. On each trip, the bus will depart from the Newport Beach City Hall at 5:30 p.m. For • further information, call • 640-2271. •• * SEE HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN MOVl.ES +TV SHOWS *EVERY PORTABLE SYSTEM SET UP FOR YOU TO TAY * All Hooked Up Ready to Ron You'll be Amazed DON'T SUESS OOll'T SPECIAL PURCHASE wm 5 598 HURRYI 1at COME 1at SERVE \?"i'!) 7 . -. ..;-x·~~GMAVISl0N South Coast Plaza In ttte Mall by the Carousel 751·7500 PUBLIC AUCTION I HANDMADE ORIENTAL ·CARPETS & RUGS IJZID BY U.S. CUSTCMS 811333212·1 The above mentioned shipment w• Hl•d' by U.S. CU9tom9 end ha now bffn ,.. i..-by the Importer for Immediate II· qulddon to reiM urg9r1tty needed caah to meet ffNndel commltrnentt. Th• Hlectlon •111 lncfud• exqul11t• htndmllde fllga ~rom ell rug WHYlng ~ end wtll be 9QmPlement.d with other ... cf equ9I quality find beauty. t.u.u1\!dl.'9 uiict ' LASER BEAM _ , Vl>IODISC PU YER PLAYS PK:TURES ON YOUR PRESENT TV IN STEREO ·. ·" ' ·. · .. · .. ·. ,', . .. .. . . ' . . CIMPllEILL Wllll•lllEU •RCA •SONY •GE . •MGA •HITACHI •QUASAR • MITSUBISHI 3,000 In 1tock G-2 X-Reted "Fii SILE" 347 ~Wj Alma MOST LIKE NEW LIMIT 8 per cust. G to XRated ValuMto- SPACE AIE ,..,.,,,ti 'EXCITING DISCOVERY' -This bronze c hariot with driver a nd horses is on e of two sets recently discovei'·ed near the tomb of China's first e mperor in Sian. China. The horses are FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS ·"' ...... running and the charioteer Is seen sitting as he handled the reins. China unearths old ornaments Uncovering of bronze objects near tomb of early emporor thrills China XIAN, China (AP> -China has unearthed two bronze cb,rlols, compl~ w{th .,.e!Ot horses and two charloteeTs. close to the tomb of its fir•t emperor, Chin Sbih·b&lang ti. The discovery has aent a thrill of exciteme nt through thlt a n cient Chinese capital, comparable to that of 1974 when peasants came across the shad owy underground pottery arm:L,_created to guard the emperor in death as real armies had done in hi s turbulent lifetime. Builder of the Great Wall , burner of books, and first unifier of China, Chin died 2,191 years ago. · "It is one of the most exciting discoveries in recent years," says Ma Kesun, deputy director of the Bureau of Cultural Relics here. Word of the discovery has trickled Out in bils and pieces. Ma and Bureau Division Chief Chen Mengdong gave hitherto undisclosed details. "The horses, chariots and warriors are half life.size." says Ma . "Fune rary objects In bronze of th.is size have never been lound before. In addition, they are ver y beautiful. The horses are running and each charioteer is sitting as be handles the bronze reins of his four·hor•e team. The OrlUlmt~ts on the horses are of gold and silver." Chinese archaeologists are trying to piece together whether tbe bronze chartota are part of the life ·size pottery army , estimated at 7,500 pieces. They are on the eastern side of the tomb complex, while the bronze chariots are on the west. "Like the pottery figures, the bronze chariot sets were painted in different colors," says Ma. "The two ch arioteers are mustached, dressed in short gowns and wear caps. They wear no armor but carry two·edged swords slung on their backs." Like the pottery figures, the charioteers are identifiably different In dress, hair style and facial expression. Their attitude is one of intent seriousness. Wh en discovered by archaeological workers, the sets -which weigh 1.1 tons each - were lying loosely 23 feet deep in the earth. The pottery figures were 16"'2 feet down. Perhaps one of the reasons why the find h as been surrounded in secrecy -the area has been sealed off -is '- that the sets were not intact. Though basically perfect, they were in about 1,000 tmall pieces," says Ma. "They are being assembled by 10 people in special workshops . Also, there are many problems still to be solved. While we work on them• the digging'has stopped. We now are making a s urvey of the entire area." Digging also has balled under the huge vaulted museum which houses the pottery army. More than 2.5 million people, many from abroad, have visited the vast complex since it opened in 1979. About 600 of the 1,200 figures brought to light stand in erect ·solemnitv. still ri.ithf11 l after two millenia of vigilance. The others are being put together in eight workshops while savants ponder the m yste r y of it all. Their con clusions on the life of m ilitary men in the Chin dynasty will be published in 1983. "We have enough work here to last us a hundred years," says the mu se um 's c h ie f a rchaeologist, Yuan Zongyi, gesturing toward the tomb complex. "In the past ye.ar or so alone, we have made four major discoveries." · ' He listed these aa the craves of conscripts forced to work on the tomb, a yard where the stones for the tomb were cut, a brick kiln and a m&Jsive dike to protect tl)e tomb from underground flood waters. ·'It is said that Chin mobilized 200 ,000 men to construct bis tomb, many of them criminals from other Chinese states," says Yuan. "Until now there was no material evidence to back up this assumption. Thus, the conscript graves are or great historical importance.·· The graves are a mile west of the burial mound and are 280.5 feet long, and 148.5 feet wide. Arranged in three rows, the s keletal remain s o f the conscripts crouch in the fetal position, two to three to each of 93 pits. No coffms were wasted on the m and they were accompanied by none of the ornaments or funerary objects which accompanied most Chin citizens into the other world. The age of the graves was established by the presence of Chin dynasty coins as well as tile shards listing the names, addresses and crimes of the dead. They are the firsL known Are you boring? Then Saturday is the day just for you . Read Hugh Mulligan on Page 82. ., ......... ARMY FIGURE -This pottery army figure was unearthed along with bronze wariiors and chariots in the ancient Chinese capital of Sian. They were found near the tomb of the empernr who died 2.191 ~·ears a#!o. epitaphs in Chinese history. Yuan says efforts are being made to establish the causes of death, some of which weTe through execution, others from disease. Mostly men -there were a few women ,and two children -the Chin conscripts were about the same height as modem Chinese. As in the case of the pottery army. peasants unearthed the graves in 1979. Only in 1980, however, was t he main pit opened. Others rt:main. The stone·cutting yard is northwest of the burial mound and contains a very long piece of scooped·o ut granite used to drain water from the tomb site. Tools, h a mmers, grinding stones, whetstones and iron tools, all in good condition, also were found. Iron collars ror the conscripts and criminals were other items. Asked when the imperial tomb itsel(, which ls still unopened, will be penetrated, Yuan says, "You Westerners are impatient; patience is a Chinese virtue. There are many problems to resolve before we do so. First, we have to complete surveyin1 the entire 22.5 square miles of the tomb area -only one·tenth has been done -and there are questions of how to cope with the disintegration of materials like silk and textiles inside the tomb. We now are experimenting with chemicals sent by American friends. Greece also is helping by s haring its . valuable experience. . ·'The Xian area is ricb in archaeological material," he says. "It wars not only the capital or the Chin but of 10 oth e r dynasties as well , including t he brilliant Tang. It was China's first city ove.r a period of 1,100 years." He adds with a small smile, "We could be digging for another thousand years, by which time we would be relics, too." Speech pathologist cures all kinds of verbal quirks Beverly Hills woman helps mumbling millionaires to superstars BEVERLY HILLS <AP> -On any given day, the appointment book ln Dr. Lllllan Glass' office might include a mumbling millionaire, a superstar actor like Dustin Hoffma n, a hand icapped child or a transsexual. The 28-year-0ld Ms. Glass is a speech pathologist whose practice ranees from helping people to project their voices to teachina cllenta an entirely new manner of verbal expreuion, includ\ng talktnc like the opposite seit. She coached Hoffman "bow to translate his maleneu into femaleness" for a cornlq role, and ah~ hat shown other Hollywood entertainers how to pJck up an accent, drop a ell~ cleQ up a Uap. ecentlf, followtn1 bet work wi Hoffman, wbo spoke ·'in a very 111ale way .. Dr. Gius bu been explortns cittterencea ln the • ways American men.and women communicate. "M• don't open their mouUaa as much as womm do, and end up ...,...Una more nual. WOCMD ue more muaela to 1peak," Olanu&d. But, abl polni.d out. men tend to open up in pb11lcal eom maalcattoa *" readily ·u... ..... • •&M•';lflllata~wttlt ......... ~ .,,... .. , ... ~~ ••. aa.. ..... . r She meets with women who want to change particular aspects of their voice "becauae no one takes them seriously ti they speak wtth one of those bigb, wispy voices. · "In lh.e •ms that kind of voice was the norm for women. 'Ibey all talked like Betty Boop - chatty and bigb·pitched. But lo the late '40s and 'SOI women's voices developed, and wO\Den like Tallulah Bankhead and Lauren Bacall were appeallq with those secure. to1etber voices." She thinks male•, however, would aometlme• be beUer of( communlcatln1 at a hither pitcb. ''Some men abuae their volcu, ud talk at 1uda a low pitch that it stralnt their YOke." lb. Gla11 la be1lanlnf to explore ·the f't)'cboJ01 cal his voice improved, he found a wife a nd e nded h is speech training by giving a speech to 500 guests at the weddina. Ms. Glass bas won a beauty · contest to prove her point about the persuasions of an attractive voice. She also uses the example of tbe Elephant Man wboae voice was his salvation from a life in freak shows -allowtnc blm to be an "attractive" m em her of high society. , In her work with the handicapped, Ms. Glass feel• teaching genetically impaired people to speak clearly end properly will make society much more accessible to them, Sbe spenda one day a w• in volunteer work wttb handicapped chUclren, lnaplnd by her &elief that ''the volte la the mirror of tbe IOW." Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 1&, 1982 •HUGH MULLIGAN •HOAOSCOPE FLOCK TOGETHER -While most or the nation shivers. these birds decided to head for the desert to join Las Ve"ans enjoying .......... sunny skies and mild temperatures. About th'e only problem ror the birds is finding a place to roost. I -------------------------------------------, PRODUCE .II HlqH DUE 1'.0 THE .. ~~-i WEATHER, BUT NOT HERE I AT NEWPORT PRODUCE. I I I LOOK AT THE 9 SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK, SO BUY . THEM ALL, AND SAVEi ~~~! Now Selling f'lorld• Str•wberrle• . ( ' ONN DAILY 'TIL I i =I :;.:a,:. C-0• ..,.....,.. MG ... L.8. • MO. 4 tot tUO MO. U. HO w.tl r---ff•l•f:l•Til-----1 r----1'.(•PJ:z.tlr---,r----i<•l!Iil•I1l----, I IMTWIU IAU II UST_ MU 1f ~ ::r'-I l OR~ES 11 GRAPEFRUIT 1, TOSSED SALAD I I . 5 s 1 oo j' ! 8 ,., s 1 oo l'1 •La. ... s1 99 ! I Liie. I , Ullllll I ....._. I '-----~~:~----1---~----------JL ______________ J MO. 21" lA. MG. ... L.8. MO. it' lA. I r----1(•l•l:l•T11-----1r----1'.(1l11i•Ilr--1r----i<•W;flltl----, I I C09AM 1* ...uca Ill ''TMI CAOIUAC'' I I CN.1' .... CAOfl 11 nA&.Wt 11 M90 STAii 1 , ! A'VOc'AoO's II ~:~~· II GRAPEFRUIT , I 4 ,., s1 oo ii 39c ll 3 ,.,s1 oo I I LM11111 • 11 ,_..... I 1.11o1111 I ! _______________ J 1------~·-~:_ ___ J ------~-------J QEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am 30 years old and have pne chlld, age 3. Six months a10 I left my husband. He wu an alcobollc who became physically abusive and wouldn't seek help. Finally. 1 bad enough. I moved into my parent$· home temporarily. After four week.I or looking for employment I finally applied for pub1lc assistance. Ann. I nearly died inside. No one can know the f eelin1 without going through it. I was determined to get orf the dole as soon as possi~. I hounded the employment agencies. watched the ads and left my name everywhere. Finally, 1 found a part.time job. Being an honest person, 1 immediately reported my earning&' to the.Department of Social Services. Guess what they did? Cut my grant by exactly the amount I earn. I understood ·that my grant would be reduced, but why should I work at all if I come out exactly the same as if I just sat on my butt? Isn't there something wrong with a system that provides no incentive to work'! No wonder this country is in a financial mess. Comment, please. --THERE'S GOT TO aEA BETTER WAY DEAR BETrER WAY: You have Just put your Rager on oae of the most critical problem1 of our time. And It's ·more than naa11elal. It lavolves motivation, Integrity aad a pverament tbat Implemented social pro1r._... under FDR to alleviate· human ml1ery. 8o now we have three generations on welfare. If aayone In Waahlngton has anything to say, pleaae write to me. I'll print It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a college freshman wbo is worried about m y roommate. He talks or death as a .. welcome friend" becaµse he can't bear all the terrible-things that are happening in the world today. This boy is bright and sensitive and very kind. Too good to be true. almost. Last week be had his third automobile accident within six weeks. This time his car was totaled. I'm afraid he is trying lo kill himself. What can I do '! DARTMOUTH WORRY DEAR DARTMOUTH: Urge your friend to seek counseling at school. If he refuses, Inform the counselor of this lad's depression. He must not be allowed to sllp further away. Time Is of the essence. Hurry. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I just had another exasperating experience on the phone with a motel telephone operator. , My husband is a traveling salesmari and stays in motel~ often. Ninety· percen\ or the time when I call hlm it takes at leas( five minutes before anyone answers. Then. when I ask for his room. they let the phone ring and ring and never come back on the line so I can leave a message. I have to call again. which means an additional charge for a call that I should not have to make . Do you ha\'e a solution? EVANSVILLE RAGE DEAR EVANSVILLE: Often In 1mall motels tbe telephone operator 11 the registration clerk. the cashier, the 1tturlty officer and the janitor. My advice 11 &o ask your hQlband to call you. It's cbea1ter. CONFIDENTIAL TO Wiii I Ever Learn?: Yea. Be patient. Oood Jud1ment comea from experience. And experience comes from poor Judgment • Is alcohcftism ruining-your life'> Know the J danger signals and what to do. Read tV ~ booklet ... Alcoholism -. Hope and Help... by Ann c.hnders. Enclose 50 cents with your request and a Long. stamped. self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers. P 0 Box 11995. Chicago. Ill. 6/J611. .. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT NO MATTER HOW MUCH THE. WOR.LD CHANGES, \;UYERS AND SELLER$ o~~'.. Wt LL ALWAYS NEED EACH OTHER . National day ho-hum Metropolitan Opera National Council Western Regional Auditions RJOGEFIELD, Conn. <APl -Don't plan anything exciting for Saturday. Jan. 16 is National Dull Day. the only day in the year completetely devoted to creative indolence. Take a bore to lunch. Show him the pictures or your grandchildren. Tell him about your operation. Give hi~ your views on metrification. Ask him if he ever heard of Thomas Sheridan. the 18th century Irish actor and stage manager. wtio is more or less the patron drone of National Dull Day. Dr. Johnson said of him. "Sherry is dull. naturally dull: but it must have taken him a great deal of pains to become what we now· see him. Such an excess of stupidity. sir, is not nature... . There's gratitude for you. Sheridan had actually gone to a great deal of pains to obtain a pension from King George II for the garrulous lexicographer. BUT DULL PEOPLE are accustomed to having their accomplishments yawned at if not ridiculed, which is why the males of' the species have banded together into a club. The Dull Men's Club was founded in San Francisco several years ago to promote collective ennui. The organization is open to confessed dullards, former closet dulls who have come out into the open, and those nominated by their wives and girlfriends for membership. According to club founder Joe Troise of San Francisco. as quoted in Signature magazine ~ while back, a truly ~ult person is one who shuns hot tubs. disco roller skating and any other trendy pastim~. "You just don't sparkle," he defines a dull. .. You only jo& when someone Is chasing you. and camping out is something you do when your house is burning down." On their dull, non-sports model automobiles and pickup trucks, society members flaunt their tireless tedium with boring bumper stickers: "Oare tp be Dull" and "Dull Me.n Go On and On and On." HUGH MUlllGAN MULLIGAN STEW from Henry James's "The Golden · Bowl " or drowse over the collected poems or the Rev. Charles Kin~slev . IN THE AFTERNOON, for as little exercise as the actuarial tables will allow. go ror a s troll through a row or condominiums or around the neares t ractorv district. Drop into a self-service laundry to catch some of the conversation. Peer through the fence or an abandoned construction site. Sit by a plastic fountain in a shopping mall. Go to the public library and snooze in the reference room. Seek out a Russian documentary film on health care in the Urals or tractor assembly lines in Minsk. Kibbitz a shuffleboard game. Chat with your travel agent about tours to Gary. lnd. The idea is to emul~te Noel Coward and revel in your "own vast personal boredom.·· 1f you can brighten up a room simply by leaving ll, you are well on your way to achieving the mind numbing heights of dullness attained only by Common Maa:kel ministers discussing Northern Ireland beer statistics or the editors of Pravda running the latest Five Year Plan up the flagpole. · On National Dull Day, wear a drab s uit. have meatloaf for diMer, seek <?ut your most 6uffocating neighbor, improvise lugubrious airs on the nageolet. discuss with your dentist or fuel oil delivery man the most recent fU1J-page newspasx'r ad from President Kim U SUng of North Korea or recite for them the lesser lights on the queen's honors list. BEFORE GOING. TO BED. shortly after 9, take a large cup ot cocoa wilh a cracker. wlod the tlock, put out the cat. turn off the porch lllhts and murmur somethin1 monotonoua to your wife on the order of, "Well. Maud, tomorrow's another day. Got to set my beauty sleep ... But firlt be sure !)er name is Maud. otherwise the day'• JHk of activities could beseU~. AS Ddli Day drones to a cloee. al wa)'l ........... r tlie words of that pralrle ' phll3iblW MeKinley Dlrttleia: . ~--up tn tile llklwelt WU iild~ii'eMY. il nilt U)' I aever round It '°· After· .-: loDI da1 of ~ down on the farm. folfOW.C &be 1~Un1 hon• = \M W.. = fiirow1, .... ,. ~'-·•··r=: HS "He says calm down to efficient. super-secretaries m"ke him nervous." llOlmCOPf - sv SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius: Changess~en Saturday, Janu•ry 16 ARIES (March 21-April 19 ): Travel plans are subject to change: partnership commitment could dominate scenario. ·Individuals who usually make s n ap decisions will now urge delay. TAURUS <April 20-May 20>: Focus on dependents, basic services, ability to ·reach beyond apparent limitations. Perceive picture as a whole. leave intricate details for another day . GEMINI <May 21-June 201 : Focus on emotional responses, affairs of heart and ability to discard non-essential material. Style is imprinted. members of opposite sex are drawn to you. CANCER (June 21-July 221 : Changes occur at home base. Legal documents verify property claims . Intellectual curiosity is s timulated -you'll learn reasons for recent happenings. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22>: Accent on relatives, domestic environment. ability to transfor~ ideas into viah(e concepts. Budget review is necessary. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: Avoid self-deception. see places and people as they actually exist. not merely through haze of wishful thinking. Focus on money. LIBRA I Sept. 23-0ct. 22 >: This could be your power-play da)'. Lunar an<l numerical cycles high: you meet right people at right time. obtain financing and could also fall madly in love. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21>: What seemed a missed opportunity will prove merely to be a temporary delay . Confidence will be restored . SAGITTARIUS I Nov. 22-0ec. 21 l : Scenario highlights excitement of change. travel, variety and love. You meet people. pioneer a project . gain add e d independence and find outlet for creative expression. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 >: Prestige rises. position will be backed by those in authority. A void brooding, keep resolutions concerning diet and nutrition. AQUARius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Good moon aspect coincides with journeys, spiritual concepts . abstract legal principles ·and stimulation of learning process. PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20>: Dig beneath layers of superficiality; you could strike pay dirt. Focus on financial or tax problems related to business ass9ciate. partner or spouse. SAN FRANCISCO ·-Heaven began to leak ln late afternoon. By night, rain was beatin~ a the windows. "Sierra i-esorfs report heavy snowfall,·· said the TV weather man. He looked happy, for all summer he had to sound enthusiastic over "morning tog, clearlnebynoon.' · Some teens chatter on the phone : "There's this cheap ski trip. see? Two days at Heatenly Valley." I don't imagine the Gold Rush miners called it that. Their names ran to lean description : Bedbug a nd Freezoul. Whiskey Slide and Poverty Flat. ··A freezing rain overtook us coming down Dry Creek that night.·' m y great-grandfather reported in 1850. · · 1 was wet througl). Turned blue. Felt blue. And was completely miserable ... Not all downhill schussing and hot butlered rum in the Sier~a in the davs of ~w . . WHAT'S BEEN NEW in the blooming year? Well, haircuts have. been going up. <Can you remember how to beat on an auto horn -"Shave-and-a-haircut. Six bits! .. 1 I paid 22 blooming dollars to get trimmed the last time. True, the mighty dollar has a hernia and isn't supposed to lift anything. I don't need a haircut as often as in my windswept days. But a double deuce! There were a couple of mamas under the dryers. We jet' our haircuts along with ladies -we're ALL liberated now. Thev paid no attention to me. I could be making up for the Drag Queen ball or macho as the Marlboro man. We cause no stir. Ho-hum. ""That looks better now ... said the haircutter. "I'll just blow it out a little so it looks fuller on. the sides.·· IN THE YEAR 220 A CHAP name of Tertullian said: ··or what service to your salvation is all the anxious care you spend i,n arraying your hair'! .. He said It to Roman chicks. Even then women were getting streaks. Reading Cicero on last year's papyrus manuscripts. Men's hair was of no concern except to gay Julius Caesar who wore a laurel wreath to hide his retreating Bonnie Fair. · 9 Down the many years men grinned and bore it as hair went thataway. We sat in the barber's chair. He trimmed us and for no extra charge. we got his political views. 1 My grandfather went only to Republican barbers. 1 "Time we had a change in Washington. if you ask m.e." Snip. snip. ONLY A FEW YEARS AGO I was able to break the barrier and go into a beauty salon. I was nervous as a fox raiding a chicken coop. Sat under the humming dryer reading old copies of Vogue. I had a woman hairdresser at that time. She was a witch. I mean a REAL witch. She could read cards and cast spells. She could tell your past and future. She ·said: "'I think I can make vou grow hair."' · Well, who could resist that"! Up the barricades'. I DIDN'T GET ANY MORE hair but I had high hopes. She used herbs on my head. She pressed it between cloves of garlic. She fed me Vitamin E . It's supposed to tum you into a sexpot . first you get hair. then you get sexy. The E pills are time-fused. You don·t know when they're going to go off. So I didn't take department store elevators. I walked waiting for the recoil. But l didn "t get to look like a gor· ilia. more's the pity. The E pills didn't turn . me into a menace at the supermarket. dammit. I just held onto what hair I had and went back lo sending roses. Nurse care limited DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I 'had my gall bladder out two weeks ago. I survived the anesthesia and the' surgery without ·any complicaUons -e~cept one. During the first two post-operative al&llta I needed help from a nurse badly. Bat I had to suffer through these nights aatU I received nursing help durtn1 the da1. 'Willa hoepttal bills so high, would I be ••king too much to expect re1ular nursing rare'? -MIS. ll. T rou1 HIAlTH DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN a lame excuse. A pill o two will provide a greater source or vitamins and miner~ls. DEAR DOCTOR: Are doctors sllll doing bean traHplants? -Mr. C. STALLED IN STORM -Motorists return to try to start abandoned cars stalled Tuesday by a winter storm that hit Atlanta in ............ mid-afternoon. As snow blanketed the area. interstate highways began looking like a long parking lot. .. RUFFELL'S UPt«>LSTllY ................... ltU HAHO• l&.YD. COSTA MISA -14e.I IN 25th year Anniversary g_. 1 in lhe Harbor Area ;f;,....-. . . ·· -f MMEIS ISMUMCl ... 44 I OW ..,.,_.. INY& "4twport 1eeci., CJ. Ul-7740 C.11142~5171. Pul a few words to work for ou. . ' The 552 Club Invites -You_ To laugh -While a Former Senator Burns! .. ... ROAST /TOAST Monday, January 25 McrrioH Hotel, ~ewport Beach former State Senator DENNISE. CARPENTER will be the "Roastee" Carpenter will be done to a crisp by Paul Salata's roasting crew. including Joey Bishop. Justice Robert Gardner. George Hoag II. Supervisor lorn Riley. Mayor Jackie Heather. Congressman Robert Badham. and Or. Sammy Lee. Cocktails: 5:52 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Contribution: S150 per couple . S75 per person For information call (714) 760-5917 ROAST /TOAST is presented by the 552 Club as a benefit for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. Advertisement spansored as a community service by AVCO ! I [ I oreno• Cout CAIL.If' PILOT/Friday, January 11, 1992 By JAMES E. WALTERS ..... , .... ~.-~ TUCSON, Arla. -Once r.carded u th• ideal climate for pencina with ' plant·aUer1les, Arllona ln the put 20 years or ao has become one of the wont. Which Is why Linda Alpert • developed the new, allergy.free ~ i~~~~s~:Jf :a~ ~=~~.~~s o:.~:!:: ' Cllnlc. : It's deallfted lo show people that ! many attractive plants can be 1rown ! In desert areas Uke Phoenix and ' Tucson without contributlna lo the s~yrocket1n1 pollen count -and stuffed·up noses, runny eyes and , • tlred·out feelings. · • ''Twenty years ago the pollen count I n the Arizona desert was minuscule," said Mrs. Alpert, who ls dlrec'tor or the clinic. "Then people from other areas be1an moving here ln large numbers, they wanted their houses to look like where they came from and they began planting lfle ' familiar, pollen.producing plants In huge numbers." Mrs. Alpert said that In the beginning, "We had a tendency to tell patients . they shouldn't plant allergy.producers like mulberry trees or Bermuda grass around their homes. "But they'd say they didn't want lo II ve s urrounded by sand and cactus," she said. "And, or course. no one likes to be told not to do something. So I finally hit on the idea or presenting something positive - a ctually showing folks the green, attractive and hardy plants that can be grown in our deserts." Th e National Foundation For Asthma Inc. •JrHd to finance the Idea. The medical cent•r •lreed •ht coutd select tbt land1capln1 outaldt a new aUer1y cUnJc whu the center moved Into lta new S50 million bulldlni. Helpln1 with expert advice on desert plants wa-Charles Sacamano, a Unlveralty of Ar laona hortlcuJturlst. The 1arden opened last 1prln1. Jn water·short Arlaona, there'• another benetll ln dlsc1rdJn1 the b11 producers of airborne pollena. They usually need 1eneroUJ amount.a ol water to s urvive ln the arid cllmai.. The recommended plant• require little water once established. · Recommended trees include aucb natives as the desert wlHow Chllopals linearls and the Lyslloma, sometimes known '1• fern of the desert. Both are lacy·looklnl and 1row lo about 25 feet high, with attractive flowers. Cassia, jojoba and Texas ran1er < Leucopbyllum> are amona the shrubs-of·c:hoice. Flowering around covers include the desert primrose Oenothera species and desert verbena (Verbena wrightll). For flowers almost year·around, there Is tM blackfool dalay ( Melanpodlum · Leucanthum >. And, as could be expected, an assortment of cactus, agaves and yuccas. The airborne·pollen producers generally have been imported from outside the desert. One thing that aggravates the allergy problem in the desert Is the excessively dry air, which makes the pollen 1r1Uns fly mile& farther than in tbe plant's normal growing range. • TULIP TIMt! Have you planted any of those gorgeous tulip bulb flowers vel '? If vou haven't. the rt.• is still tlme. Plant some winter flowering annuals over them lo c urry the color show until the~· bloom. Weekend g arde n chec klist Trimming• Nursery o ffers prun ing class ROH prunln• demonstratlona by nuratrynw> CharUe KuUer are ael for 10 a .m .. noon and! p.m. Saturday at HolU1ter'1 Nursery and P'torlJl. 2MO Harbor Blvd., Cotta Meaa. • • Pnanln1 la one or the leut undentood and moat lmr!rtant aspects of succeaaful roae ,rowlnt,' Kastler said. The demon1tratlon1 are ree and open to the publlc. For more Information call 546-5525. MINIATURE ROSES will be the topic of Mrs. Chester Reed and Gordon BaJlmer of Riverside, who will address the Rambllnt Gardeners Garden Club Monday at 11:30 a.m. in Mercury Savings and Loan, Edln1er at Beach Blvd .. In Huntington Beach. Reed 111 a nationally accredited show Judge and arranger and Ballmer ls a well·known rancler and 1rower of miniature rosea. The meeting ls a fund-raising event for the club. and the public is Invited at a nominal cost. For more Information or reservations call Mrs. Anthony Norman at 530·6157. THE SPYGLASS Hill Garden Club will meet Wednesday ln the home of Mrs. Joseph Monl1al at 9:30 a.m. Allen Beck of Allen Beck Flowers and Gift.a will present a program of the work of award·winning designer Randy Harmer, recently named one or the top 10 designers In Southern California. For more Information call 644-«43. THE HORTICULTURAL Society or Orange County will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m . In the California Cooperative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd., Anaheim . Steve Morgan, a specialist in collecting and growln1 ferns. will lecture on the many upecu and varieties or ferns, and some or his ferns will be offered for sale. Visitors are welcome. Colorf ul plants a v ailable for sp ring blooming •Bulbs available for compost and organic when you prune them. planting now Include fertilizers . •Plant some Illies now amaryllis hybrids and •Remove diseased, dead but be sure the drainage hardy outdoor Illies. and cross-over branches is good In the location •Have you sprayed for from fruit trees i4ow. you place them. They peach leaf curl? Without • Don 't leave any or the don 't like standing in THE TUSTANA African Vfolet Society will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday In Mercury Savings, 1095 Irvine Blvd., Tustin, to make program plans for the coming year and hear a panel or experts discuss various aspects or African Violet growing. Visitors are welcome. For more information call 644·8851. this preventive ~o~ld!_Jf~o~ll~a~g!e~o~n ~ro~s~e~s~w~a~te~r~.~~~~~~~~~==============================~ Spring is around the corner and gardeners in California have the adva ntage or being able lo plant a large amount or early color that's available now to brighten the cool season or the year. There are shrubs like the camellias which bloom all winter and others like flowering quince which show Nurserymen offer poison plant booklet Each spring the gardener and homeowner is given a wealth of Information about the possible Ill effects caused by plants In lbe home and yard. Research by the American Association of Nurserymen has shown that much of what the avera1e consumer sees ls either exaggerated or wholely Inaccurate. To help set the record strlU,thl, the • group is offering a free booklet called "Consumer Facts About Polson Plants." For a copy send a self.addressed, st•mped b1,11lne11 envelope to AAN. 230 SoutherD Building, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. color long before we expect them to. But the brightest calling card for spring Is a bed or brightly colored annuals. Who could deny t.hat sprln1 has arrived when pansies, calendulas or Iceland poppi•s are blooming happily In the garden? These and other favorites are available for planting thh1 month and next. Try sweet alyssum1 vlolaa, fairy primroses, snaps ana stock•. The last two will bloom a UttJe later than the others but by planting them now you can a11ure youneU of the charm each offers the garden. When plantin1 annuals, be sure to ~rovlde a well·dralnlng soil. If your garden is one of those where drainage haa been a problem, consider ralslng th• planUna bed by usin1 brick or headerboard aa a border and then ftlllng it 1n with more soil and organic matter to the new level. Now, you're ready to aet out those annuals. As a rule annuals prefer Iota of 1un and wlnler·planted onea are no exception. The fact they perform so welf In cool wea.tber doean 't ellmlnate the need for a sunny plantlnl alte. Your nuneryman can provide s~lfic advice on ptantln1 locatlbnl you desire to fiU with any of thoat euy·to·arow aanua11. FREE ROSE CARI DIMONSTRA TION measure, peaches a nd nectarines may suffer a severe rungu ~ attack this spring. •K eep up with your watering especially during th e lapses between winter rains. Container plants would surfer the most . •You will find 1rape vines ln bareroot form this month. They make a t errific pallo·arbor cover when summer's heal is present and they grow very Cast. •It pays lo buy a good pfllr or sharp shears t-0 prune trees and shrubs wltb. Clean, decisive cuts are beti.r for the plant than ra11ed ones. •ll's bareroot time and yo u 'll find roses flowerln1 trees and shrubs, s h ade trees, berr~ and ftape vibes and strawberri• ln tbls form ready to be planted Into your 1arden. •S!ut maklnc fllana for your cool 1ea1on veget~ble garden now. Amend the soil with NelllhnO..... CttdlA ICASTl.IR ............. Mil aery .... ahowt YM •wto ,...llMl.c ... fw l OMt. 'ONIDAY ONLY I IAT.JAl.11 10 AM, 12:00 AND 2 PM. " Select From Tbt llit ... BARE-ROOT ROSES PRICED FROM ~ 98 ................................ c ...... .................... ,..,. .......... t.vortt.1-fWS 1912 AAIS WINMllS. LLO~o•!i oordPnsho --JO,-. r••••••••••••••••COUPON•••••••••••••• IBARE ROOT ROSES & FRUIT TREES! i s1.oo off on any purchase of 3 Bareroot's i I or I 0°/o (whichever is greaterJ. 1 ~--------------·co PON·--------------~ English Primrose Bud & Bloom Plant now for shade color In winter & 1prlng Reg. S1 .25 4" pot MOW 89! Fruit Trees flare RootJ Apples Peach(ts Plums Nectarines Apricots Standard Types & Dwarf Available PrunlllCJ DemonstratJon on~ Roses &"Fruit Treff - lby VllUCll Cu1.tteJ .... ......,112 ...... Other Subjects Bare Root Roses Large selection--<>Ver 500 to select t rom lfl2Aw.-dW-.... Brandy French Lace Mon Cheri Shreveport ow Fnorths Chrysler Imperial Peace Summer Sunshine & many more Tree Roses flare RootJ 1982 Award Winners and Many More KellocJcJ11 Grom.Itch 2 CIL ft. 1lu .... .... Jt -----.... -· .. ._., ~....--.-.-.. ---- \ . Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Frlday, January ia. 1112 ••• M ore than 300 lawyers worked on it during 13 years NEW YORK CAP> -People of that ourtoua breed known as Wall Street lawyers, tbty of th• three-piece 1ult1 and thl'ff·latcb britfcuH, are normally cautious In 1peech and lftJl\IMt'. But Evan Chesler, ». wu tn aa expantlve mood. ·•1 doubt," he said with more than a touch of fondness, "that there wlll ever be another IBM caae." For all of the slx year1 Ohesler h11 been an 11soclate at the Wall Street firm of Cravath, Swaine and Moore -and for two summert before · that when he waa a law school lntern -the only thin& he baa worked on 11 "the IBM cue." And now it'a over. The government's antitrust case aaalnst International Business Machines ended last week' when Jus'tice Department attorneys announced they were droppln1 the aull. Cla.lmin1 that IBM was ille1a1ly monopollzlna the then-young computer market, the law1ult filed on the last day of Lyndon Johnson'• admlnistr•Uon In 1969 w·as one of the longest, most costly, most complicated and all-round biggest court cases. in American history. Ford • to omit dividend DETROIT <AP > Ford Motor Co. will omit Its dividend for the first three months of 198?. the first time sin ce the automaker went public In 1956 that it Is falllne to pay stockholders a quarterly dividend, the company has announced. The No. 2 automaker's board of directors took the action hours before contract talks were scheduled to r esume with the United Auto Workers union. DIVIDEND DROPPED Ford Motor Co C ha irman Philip Ca ldwell said th e firm would omit its dividend fo r the first three months of 1982. -- By the time the c11e ended, there bad been more than 2,500 de~altlons taken. Perhape StOO million In lejlll fHs ~re paid to the Cravath nrm. There were more than 88 mllllon PllH of documents. At one time or another. more than 300 lawyers had worked on It. Chesler alone put In 3,000 houri a year -the equivalent of 75 normal 40·hour work wee~ -on the case. "1t became a way of life." he remlnleced from the office the firm established In 1uburban White Plaine, hard by IBM's corporate headquarters ln Armonk, N.Y. "It wu kind ot a Jarrln1 experience to have It end," Chesler added. "You cannot devote ao much or your life to something aod not have It affect your personal life. But that's not unique among so-called Wall Street lawyers." Also not unique for the lawyers who worked on the lBM case -and nearly all 200 of them at Cravath did at one time or another -were salaries rangin11 from $40,000 tor new associates to well lnto six figures for partners. They 11ot annual bonuses of up to $10,000, free vacations, lavish expense-account dinne rs and limousines. N E W BOEING CRAFT The Boeing Company's newest uddilion. the 757. rolls out of Renton. Wash. plant this week. The new ..... ~ twin-engine jet Is scheduled for its firsl flight In February. It has been developed to replace the 737s now in service. Air Florida success story among airlines F i rm whose jet slammed into bridge had no previous accidents, rapid gr owth MIAMI CAP) -Air Florida, whose Boeing 737 s lam med Into a Potomac River bridge In W ashlngton and kllltld scores of people, had been a success story of recent years In the slumping airline industry. It had no previous accidents. "We never lost a passenger," Cesar Alvarei, senior vice president, said In sorrow after the crash Wednesday. Only in recent weeks did the carrier. based here, encounter its first taste of financial adversity. In 10 years, Air Florida used daring promotions a nd discounts and aggressively capltaJiied on federal dereguiatlon to zoom from a tiny. in-slate commuter service Into a major commercial airline. cashing In on the attractions of the Sunshine State. "Our success has been one fare, unrestricted, very clearly defined. Everybody knows what it Is," EU Timoner, the chairman and founder said In a recent Interview. "The public really understands no gimmicks and stralght talk." Within a relatively short time, It expanded Into the lucrative Fiorlda-Northeaat routes - undercutting its big competitors at first with $50 Miami-New York fares. It then moved lnto the Caribbean routes, a profitable step that cashed in on heavily Latin Mi am i's booming [eputalion as the vacation mecca for South and Central American visitors. The growth continued -through bltter price wars wlth Pan American World Airways, Eastern Airlines, Delta Air Linea and Trans World Airlines and through the strike Aug. 3 which led to the (iring of most o f the nation's civilian air controllers . At the end of the first nine months of 1981, Air Florida boasted earnings Of $13 million, compared with '5. 7 million for all of 1980. It had been trylni to buy a controlllQI share of Confused Western Airlines of Los Angeles, but Western la suln11 to block the takeover. It tried to purchase Air California last year. ·'II our present rate of 11rowth were to continue, in five years we'd be the blneat airline In the free world," Air Florida Treasurer Joseph Devlin boasted in Auaust. In September, however, C. Edward Acker, the man who masterminded Air Florida's growth boom after Con11reas passed the 1978 Airline Deregulation Act, left the company, becomlna chairman of financially ailing Pan Am. The fourth-quarter slump forced Air Florida to resort to a gimmick -'an Sidi Green Stamps giveaway. The carrier Monday be1an olfertna the stamps to Intrastate Oyera in what Ttmoner called the "openina thruat'' In turnlnt the tide a1ainst other companlea w h o were selling Northeast-to-Florida seats for lesa. 0!1\ StU~ \\'ITll TlllS Al> A BEAUTIFUL BUY •t94.&8 ..... \l'K 11111\'HlllW~ l'.\\">11\.\'"11 IWJO 611 Mo~·rt.\ l'\\')11 \'"l"I llC~1tMKt;ll l'Mll V.111 111741111 I ,\!'111 l'IUl'I: 117647 !WI jlXl l.1111;., l.\.X, I.IC 1' l(~llMK IMIC ll!l.t •01n10 MOY Ol1lm8 Oii a.\LE 1111' Oil Ll'.A.'i i! A I .1011~so~ ~so:\' I l\1 Ill\ \II ltl I II\ ~-'«>-.~fi:iO OUR 1982 CIMARRON -~ 1~~fA,f. 203 to 503 OFF Suits, Sport Coats, and Wash Pants -- -~ . ............__ ---..... -.·. ·'· -·"11 ~- ~N.\RA SEPPIRA THAT'S MORE 1HAllBllUll TOcc.usE MYBODY. All you real~ need to know Is: 15.00°k high yield guaranteed}or18 months; l•red safety; 110 fees. Ualng our ounent 1a.00% r•t•, her•'• wh•t rour IRA lnveatment oan be worths ···-··AMAL--.. , .. ..,..,.. 20 S2,000 2& 2,000 30 2,000 . 31 2,000 40 2,000 45 2,000 50 . 2,000 II 2,000 IO 2,000 ----------------------------- COME• -TAll TO • llVESTMBIT EXPBITS. Wt'll help you 11ltct the beat plan for you. .rust ff11·1n·ttte application anctretum orcome 1n. CITY STATE ZIP MAJN OFFICE: Coasl H~•v at A\IOC.ldo • 1fi0.6(XX) DOVER OFFICE: Dowtf' at Slxteetith Street • 645·5333 LIDO OFFICE! Thlrty·tetond Street 1t Uiayttte • ~S-4113 N~ lkt«h. CaaforNI Or1no• Coaet DAILY PILOT/Friday, J1nu11V 15. 1812 LOI ANOIUI <AP> -~­aeeull .. Oftm eomp&a&D tMt tUtftl ud ~ niW•U.. ••• tt bard to do Mbl•• • JaplD. llUt a Ualv~ Of Soutlatm Callforma Nl•aftber 1111 cultural dittereneet, aot. formal bafrlert, may be a major reuoa Amtrlcan1 attn 't Hllia1 to the J apane111. Buyen and aellen la tbe Unli.d Statea ...a to vlew taeb otbtr u equall, Dr. Johll Graham aays, ud Amarlcan aaleamen carry that "horllOfttal" attitude wltb them to Tokyo. But ln Japan, he 11y1, Milera traditJsmally accord hlfber 1tatus to buytn ln what Graham labels a "vertical' relaUonahip. · ••Jn Japan, moat two-peuon relationahlpa are hierarchical, or vertical, in nature," Graham 1ald ln an interview. "When two people meet, the fint tbln1 they do 11 establi.sb tbejr atatua relaUooabip, and that tell.a each of them bow to act. Americana are different from most other people in that we feel most comfortable when the interpersonal relationship is equal. In other parts of the world, people Great Western reports first l.oss LOS ANGELES (BW> -Great Western Financial Corp. reported a loss in the fourth quarter and the year 1981, the first in the company's history. James F. Montgomery, chairman and president, attributed the result to the adverse effect of prolonged high interest rates on operations. For the fourth quarter, the loss was $19.95 million, or 88 cents, compared with eamlngs of $12.2 million, or 54 cents, for the Ute 1980 quarter. For the year, the lcw was $15.42 million, or 68 cents, against net income of $39.17 million, or $1.7•, lo 1980. an eomtoftable with dltt9Hlleel 1n statue IDd ln Japan. • buyer tDjOyl bl&berutu.'' " Orataam, notlnc tbat U.. trade deftclt a.tween lbe two coc.mtrl• if expected to reach *20 billion thla year, says one reason Japanese companies are so aucceaaful here la that they are accustomed to treaUna American buye1"1 aa aomethm, more t.ban equat1. ·•A J..,...ese teller comina over lo the U.S. ia Uled to, ln bl• own country, taking • lower 1tatua position and treaUn1 the buyer with re~pect. So when be comes here, he usually makes a sale," Graham said. American sellers haven't learned to reverse the process, he aald. ·•A Japanese buyer sittlnt ln Tokyo e•pects some respect from the lower-status seller and American sellens come over backslappinl and telling jokes and treating them the same way u.ty treat buyers In the U.S .• " be said. "As a consequence, they don't make the sale and a business relationship is never established." G rabam, assistant professor ol marke ting in the International Business Education and Research Program at USC's School of Business, has published an article on his studiles of Japanese and American sales practices entitled "A Hidden Cause of America's Trade ·Deficit." In it, he ootes that Japanese businessmen feel uncomfortable with what tttey see as Americans' high-pressD.re sales tactics. •'Two Americans sitting at a negotiating table expect to be able to change each other's minds on the spot. They want to get things done and they will employ aggressive persuasion tactics and threats-"If you don't take it at lbis price, forget it' -that kind of thing,'' Graham said. "That's completely different than the Japanese, who expect that if minds are going to be changed it will be a tooi process.'· Pilot advertisihg is good business for Newport Securities. ~ 11The response we have had by runniftCJ in the Sunday Daily Pilot has been excellent." Lawrence Butler. Jt". Newp::>rt Securities (0tp. Newport Beoch fllCTITIOUS aUllNHI fllCTITIOUS aUSINISS MAMa ITAT .. MNT NAMI STATEMllNT Tiie ,.._... _..,., Me _.,.. The 1ot1owl119 ,..,,on 11 dolno bull-•: !KitlnHSH: OIS PROflt!RTIES. 10141 GarWfl ( 11 A.M.1'. ADV ER Tl $1 HG G'9WaMl.,GerWf!Grow,CAmd MARKETIHO RESEARCH; 121 """"'° ~nll, tf97t A.M.R MAii.iNG: U I A.M.R , =-~. w..tmlMMr, CA PRINTING ; t•> A .M .A . ·~~--#-.. ~·s .... -toet PUal.ISHIHG; I U A.M.lt. ....,._ --._ INVESTMENT. 2M22 El c.Mletlo. El Str .. t, FllllllUlft Vlfl9v. CA '21te T0t0, CA'"'3D. Tin .......... <-*'"... .... Alte!t Cerrolel Hl"ln1, >•'22 Et dlYllllNI. C.Ullo, El Two, CA '26a. -. ~~.I~ t ltlcllero arlen Amenoe , n>•t •nls ...,_,. w• -w Ill IN L..c:I-, MlsalOfl Viejo, CA nttt. c:-ty a.rt. .. Or .... c-. ... Metl ~ G«don, 2'91 l...C:lnd<I, O.C. ti, 1"1. MINlonVletl>,CAftMI. ,,.,.... This IMISfftftl " <-ctecl by • '-'--•i.r•....... ..... .•. ~p, ___ ,.. .. Lew "'"" c.. "'"''" ..... HM .... 11'............ Tlllt ... __. WH II-wit!\ U. ........... C..-DfM County a.rte o1I Or ... County onJ..,_ ~ ..... CA .... PWll9MCI Or-. C.st Delly Pltot. 6. t912. Fl o.c. u. 1•. Jen. 1• 1• u . "" SJ64.t\ Plltlltv.cl Or ... C•Hl Delly Pllol, ------------Jen. I. u. n, 1t, ,., 17"11 ll'lrt• PWll .... Or ... Coott Otllty Pllol, ------------OK. U, "91, Join. 1, I. U, IS su1.-i N..,.it S-nin c .......... ll'ICTITlOUS aUllNHS NAMI STAT•MINT Tiie fotlo"l119 -sens ere dolnO IMlsl,,.'6-et· TRUSTEE SERVICES, 000 Me<Arlhur 81vd., ~lie 3000, W•ll T-ff, -.rt Be«.11, CA '16'0. Newport 111ttrnet101tel S.,vlu (orporetlon, • C.lllorftlo corp0retloft, .000 MeCNthur 81'1<1 , S..li. SJOO -West T-r. HewDOrt 8eecll, CA '2'60 Tiiis buslntH IS C.ONlu<lH Dy e corooretlon ~ lnl ... Mtloftel S...-.k• (;orporetlon Dhlcl P. S(OKtrel "1rftl- Thlt Jl--wM lllecl wllll Ille County Oeflt ol o ... 1111t Co.>nh on o.c.u.•• S-llel&lton Atlenloytlltl.ow ... MecNtllw.......,. Stllte U..-... T-.... ,.... a.d>, CA ftMt 17141 ..... 1'11MN Publl ..... Or ... Coetl Delly PllOl, J~. I, U, 22, 19, 1"2 1'W1 fllCTITIOUS IUllNHS NAMI STATIMIENT The fotl-1119 pen0111 •r• doln9 l>\ltlftflS .. : FOUNTAIN YAU.EV CENTl!A JOINT VENTURE, •> Corporete PleH. Suite IO), Newpott Beech, CA '1'60, HAltOl.D o, MOAlHIAO, '1S lkvtklt 0r1 .... H .. -1 loecll, CA n..o. ZAIO A. ASTARABAOI, ti wtlllewood, lrvlnt, CA "71t. This lllnlnesi b c-ucted by • 0911ff•I pwtnerlhlp, HAltOLO G MOltEHeAD T11i. ,.........,. -Iii.ct wllll Ille County Cltfl of 0r.,.. councv 011 Jen. •. 1..a. ...... PulllltNe Orllnllt CO.It O.lly PllOt, JM , I, IS,t2, It, "'2 U>"2 NEW FIGHTER -Grumman Aerospace Corp. has received a $77 million contract from the U.S. Air Force to build two forward sw~pt wing ( FSW> fighter aircraft. The planes are ............. d~signed to achieve speeds greater than 11 :i times the speed of sound and altitudes greater than 50.000 feet. Newport /inn slwffled Dr. Chrlltopher P . K'elly, chalrman or the board o f American Dla1noatlc1 Corp. of Newport Beach, bu announced a major 1hllt lo the company'• &xecutlve structure. Ronald ff. Coelyn has been elevated t o president and chtef operating officer from bl11 prior position as executive vt ce president. The announcement comea on the heet. of another recent releasa fro m the medical diagnostic k it manufacturer and marketing firm announci ng the formation of an independent selentlflc advisory committee to complement its internal research and development and Expansio11 plea to be ignored? m•r•etin•:"·"' Firms said planning to cut back on spending for n~w plants Profits up WASHINGTON <AP> -The nation's incentivesmlhemultiyeartaxcul enactedlnl981 at Certron businesses, starting the year mired in recession, should spur investment this year and help pull the Intend to ignore the Reagan administration's plea national economy out of its second recession in two Certron Corp . of A nah eim said the results of its fiscal year ended Oct. 31 reflect con linued growth in s ales. for a 1982 surge m expansion, accord1ng to years. a government survey. But executives apparently remain ed A Commerce Department poll of executives unswayed by such arguments when they were concluded that they now plan to actually cul back surveyed in November and December. spending ~or new plants ~ _equipment by 0.5 .. 1 don't think It means \be Reagan proeram percent .this year, not counting increases due only 'l ... g · it ,·ust hasn't picked up ateam yet,·· to inflation 1sn wor,m • . such pians can change quickly, but if "real" said Commerce's chief economi.at. Robert Ortner. Net sales for the year were $23.463 million, an i n c r e a s e ~o f approximately 3 percent over sales of $22. 784 mi I lion for the prior capital spending actually falls lbis year. it would Considering that the survey was taken as the be the first such decline since the severe 1974 recession was reaUy beginning lo bite, '"these recession. capital spending plans aren't that bad actually," Top Reagan orricials have said repeatedly that he said. year. SUflalUOft COUltT Of' Ct\1.lll'OtHllA, COUNTY OFOtlANOa t11111e-.... ~, ...... (HA•L•I ttOWARD l;\jllUaao. DORllaN KAYll MALSllaO For c............ . CASa NU ... llR A111M ORD9R 10 lttOW CAUS& FOR CH .... I Of' NAME Cherin Hower4 MelHtd and Ooru n K•.,. Mel-hOve Iii.cl a ..-1111on In lllls co..•1 for •n -r ellowl119 petitioner to <"8"9e tllelr 11emes from Cllerlu •nd OorMll Mtheeel 10 Cherin end Ooretll Mcl(ey, II 11 ....._or-• ,,,.1 •ti .,.._ llllerut.i In the melter eforesel4 eppeor eel••• tllh c ourt In OeNrt_,,. HO l el 100 Clvk Center Drive, ~ S..to Mo, Celllotftie, 111'1 J.1142, •t 10 JD o'clock e .m .• 8flCI 111e11 •~ IMre t'-cevse, It eny llMY lleve • .., MIO peCltion for croono. ol nemo .,.,,... Id De ll'MloO. II 11 f-orde-tllet e COPY of this ord9f llO .,_ c.evse • l"'bll•Nol In llle O.hy Pllol, e ~per of .. n•ul clfcui.tlon. putlllflleel In llllt ce1111tty 114 toe" S'ICO • ....-tor four c-utl ........ , prw to .,. dey of 10ldMWlft9, OATEOJ-ry'-1912. RONALD"· PRl:HNER JUdlilt ol the ,.,._,for Collrt Pwll...., Or ... CM.t Delly Pltol, Jen. I, 1~ tt! >!t;1"2 "'_.,. ll'ICTITIOUS aUSINl5S NAM• ITAHMIENT • Tiie lollow1119 __ , ••• dol1t9 butlnell u : G&S HOTIL CONSUi. TAN TS, OtO MeCArtllur a1v4., loft. 600, N-Pofl 9ftcll, CelllorllNt t2MO l'rtd Glb110n1. •Oil I.• Per, .......... Im Hltll, C.llfomle '°'°'7 Peter Sllew, 17M lucelyplus. ane, Ce!ltwnle t262 I Tflit lM.._. It cenelu(.... II\' Ill liNMOt"PO<elff -IOti.n Olllff tMft .... "~ .... ~ Tlltt ,...._ -HIM wflll lllt c ... 111y Cte•l ., Or•noe ~,., • .., OKtm.., ao, "II •11'141 flutll ... Or .... CMM Delly Plitt. ~M.1,1, U,tt, 1"2 seoM1 l OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK ~~) IClt ,,.JL 24~ UV. Horl1R1 3v. •"-ofilo<:H •1°"' 0'11 StdMlcro • '"" ~t!~~:0° .. =:.1 .. : l~fr'r~: ,;\II .~t: r,x;·:~7· m:: nv· ~.:~r,.o ,~ ,~ .... ~~:~~"' ~ ;1~ UPS AND DOWNS •nd IOWflt otf9n .. COIOGH v. \II lnffllftd 611· '"' PCA I"' .,.. w. SterlSI 2'-'"" m••ktt ...... rs Hof ComCIH ... ,., •1 Intel 21 2114 ...... •• U\11 StrewCI ,...,. 2S .... Tllurs PrlcH do nol CmlShr tS 1' lnlrcEnr "' Sii. PcGeA 20 20V. Sui.ru >61'> """ lncluderttellm•rtul9 CmwTtl IJ U\11 lfllmlG\ ._ t l>eultyP t t •;, SuperEI 7\1.t 711'> NEW YORK IAPI -TIM foll-Int llJI markdO-orcommd ConPtp U~ U lnBkW&h l?I/• 12V. PMrMI 10.... llV. S~et l 251/• 2""" \tlOWt IN O,,.r · llM • C_,1., Inion lor Tllur\dey Cordis 1111'> II lweSoUt 21 21 PeME1tl 11"9 t1 ~l:Es DC ~~ Jt::: ~,',:c~.,!;-' .:,••=~ •t,:1 ~~ C ::: SloO Bid A,ik CrotTre n'°• '3 Jems• Ullli !6\lo Peltl•lr I~ ...... Tem..-x J214 n~ percent of <...,._ r~OIHS ~ volume AEL Ind ~.to CullrFd ' ~ IV. Jerico • 11Y. 11 Peo11E•P .!~ ~ Tendm $ 1'11'> 2~ IOf' ThurMler. AFAProl 11"" IJ Cr Itron t $ S~ Jlllyl'd '-.,.. Pep l<lll t .-~· lS h cumP •1 62 Ho M<tH'tl n trectlft9 911ow $2 ert Incl· AVM Cp 4\1 • .,, 0 •00 ' .......... Joslyn I :RV. ,,... •11 ~ j1 JIV. TtlcmA 111/t 1• uded. Net -percentevt Cll-t .,.. Ille Accurey I 11'1 OevtM ' IJV. ll"4. KeltSt fJf • 1'oh0 11 f'Ml•H•I 1114 1l"'i Tenent s 171'1 1'1'1 dllltrence -Ille prevlou1 clollnQ Addi nW 101 > II 08Mr 6 S.16 "' !(elver 1 S.I• t Pl ... ceSS ·~~ u TtxAB l J2VJ J2lllo ~•A price~ Tll•-s 't lffl Did AdvAou J', J'I> Oe•la g U Ullo Ke men s 11 1114 Plntlrln "'""' n Tl 21'-21 ... ""' .. ~ -• · !:~~:..~ ~~ ~ g:~N1 ~t. ·~ ~=r.~i: .w: .! :::m.: ~ ~~ ~::~~r1 ~l'I .;~ Allcolnc 44 d ..., Ot.Crys 72Vt 24 Kttlffel >.-. 2' P•sls ~ 'IQ trlCOPO ... 2A4 UflS Alie• J'\ JI.. 011'nCru » • I Kimi.II tt'h 1ff flretGM 'n\. ~ T H-LHI Cite Ameru It ltV. Ooctlll I 7""' ~ l(lllQlftl l(lntlnl PnSteyn tsv. ll" YSOftfd tJll> IJ 1 GvlE wt t • l\o>t AFurn 4 4\11 OollrGn 16"9 1•'-l YI 1 ProvrP 1\li I~ UnM<Ott 20 ~ J Sh1et1H l'-• - AGr"ffl ll>lo ,, ... 0or.1oa ' 11 111'11 KIOOfG >•Yt ?• P8v)jC n 1214 ~t tc: .:~ 1:.: J TermO ' n v. • 1-. AlnGp t U-. UV. 0t tfCn 2"" 10'4! K11epeV UV. t Purl.... •12.,.-1• US Trek 11-. 11... 4 Se•Ol'I' .._,, • ... !-Ml<rM »"' JI O\IMO I IM 1~ Kretft ~ PlltOC_!f -• UVUSll .._ 111'1 S H ... II U + 1'• ANeltnt 1• 1•v. Qurim I IM ,,. Kulk llo ,_.. .. t:::r,~ ...... 17 U11vll ' 10 • 01.S. wt '"' + "" AOMAtV IOV II lelnYnc IS 15'. L...Ulft DI> 1 •te" .. h t"i UPPe::J IN 12Yt l, l1tAio t 411'> + I/') Alte\Mt 11'1 I·'-EcOllL.86 1.-, 1.-,. LendRH S'1 Reye/Im SS S6 VNIR $7-$7"'-t OllCtyPI 2V. + 16 AWolO ' 21\'I n EIP•EI ""' 10'lt '--Co ~ M lteymnd UV. H VelHlt ' ""' ''"' lt.ol'<ll • + 1 AMdfl• ..... 6'-l!ttM<at ~ 6\0i 1.flllvt 2S ts RM.,. $ V V V. VenOvl .o lO'll 10 Yor'll.Rtll tlli • "- All95A 11"" 11'-o EleNucl 1111'> "'-l.ldStcw •-u lloedE• S Y> J1 ekro '"" u"' 11 au" • ~ + "" A119AGd -ffNt l!IMoell • ?2YJ ""' 1.lnau t ,,,,. • RoM y 21 U l't Viclr•SI ' ·~ 12 PeurTK l J.16 • 14 ApllftC IP.. II .. E1trOev 10''• 10\I> L_.rn UV. t RottlOll •~ ._ 'llcMoC •Yt ~ .. 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J2"" JJltl "'•~II .-.. I Sftwmut I ~ ~ W-Lot U Y>. ,. MCIC JO • 2 ... ••• 11... ~ SY> FtBOllfl ··~ >611'> MC m IM I SlertAt I 11\li 12"> WrlaNW 1"" 1 .... u KCA heh ~ • -BentPI FIEmt,S II 1 ..... MC erl I~ 1 SlflCOltll 2:1'4 tJYt Zlon1Jt 1 ~ U U M09,...E Pot + " l J.16 l 1-1• FtW11 In $ $1'1 MCQ\ley l:M 12illo SC..tWlr 113111t 113t~ n.e.-Not '•Pl>ll<•• Btlll s ~ 2'14 Fle11a•1 70't 20" Mlctt11W 17Vt 11\lo $wEISv ., Pct. Up JO.O Up 1U Up 16.7 Up IU U• 1U u. tU Up 1U Up 1U VII 1U Ut> tu Up 12.1 Up IL! Up 11.S UP 11.1 UP 11.1 Up 10.1 Up 10.0 Up 10.0 Up t.1 Up t .1 Up t.6 Up 1.1 ~ tl Up 7.S Up 1.S BtVMQI UY ts Fllc•v• '"' 17" MdldC•P "" -Stenoyn "'"' JIV. Bl•o 1011'> 11 FleNFI• ,,..., t~ MldlAtt ""1i.1• I BlrdSon ••· •>to Flur ocb •to 7V. Mld18k s JI 21\'t I 1 Neme Syn1ec1t Eldot llft Syntch "'! lntrtclSy SumllSy 8rwTom Wllllmn S<otGklA 9 RtpRtcl ChOl<O l!MPt CPAC Ctmltlno NllE"GY 5'\lreHet TtcMOll SoJ!O wt NORKS DOWNS Lei! Cllfl Pet, Blrlcllr S"'4 Sl't ForettO U U" Mlllle'j "" 11 · 2 Blyvoor .. , .. ,, ... ~~;~~t~ ~~ ~r :,~.1~ !~ m~ NASDAQ SUMMARY 3 Bonen1 t• ~ IV. FrenkEI 11"• ti MonlCol •v. . ; BrwTom 10''1! 20'-FrHSG 21 2114 MonuCp 11'AI 11 IW YO I 6 euclll•• .... • Frtmnl ' uv. IS\11 Moor•Pd 24V. 2.S N Alt (AP) -Mosl Kl ... OVtr• 8ufltls 1711'> 19 FullrHa 23'-14 .... MortAes ,~ I lllt•<ounler Sloc:kl supplied " NASO 1 BurnupS """ 12 G1tAutm W• '"' Mo<snln 1111 '"" Ne-V...,me 81d Allled CllQ. I CHI. Fin 1 21'i GnOevu l!'t J otChib s Sl'I MCIC . .. . 1,010,G JO .... + 1\4t : CPT \ 16 16\IO snAtF•I U 11 Muell8f' .,._ tJ US Ml• lt•AIO 1 t 1·16 •.. I CelWISv >t 31 G~:S:..". 1~ m~ Herrteo t 20 21 ~~\'~ m::: = ~ ~;..; n CcenidH 2: J~ G•MftM ., ... ., ... =~~~:. ::: ::: En••• .• : 204,100 "' 7tll .. 1J ... ,. G,..yAdv 71 7S ~v·1 t • •V. Alrl'I• ... IU,100 6\lo ~ ...... C..OSw ' tlllo 10•1 Glflnttl 1.-11 ~ .. r tllltl ". • 1~1IO 21 '1\11 + \tO IS Cpl11Alr • •V. Gyrooyn ~ '"' .. 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AOO u !MUTUAL FUND e:w...: Veron11.v AmCYIO t Ce1$1Y t l.•-ln Mer<llO us Sii ft J -ltoOfflOA 2'11 -I Off 21.6 S'll -1~ Off U ,1 s .... -1\lo Oii 11.S lV. -I/') 011 16.7 20.... -,,.. Off ... , 2'• .... •Off IU •V. "° Oft IS.0 3 11> Off IU 314 YI Off 1U "" -II', Off IU 2"--Iii Off IU •l't .... Off 10.0 114 -14 Off 10.0 2... -14 Off 10.0 "" ... Ott 10.0 ,_ -\lo Off t..S 21'> -14 Off ••• 1014 -I Off l.t "' -14 Off 1.7 '"' -IQ Off 1.1 2\lo -\lo Off u llilo -"' Off .. , II -1 Off U l 1·16 -S-1' Off I.I llilo -V. Off LJ Mun 80 t JO NL Inv Stk 11.67 It.JI Fldet 17 Ol NL Inv Sel UO U7 Fund 1 77 .. ., h Fr• 1 IS 'HL 2~~~ UO S 1l Pro SHvlcol. NL. NL NU HI. Gwl Soc .... NI. ,,..,.., NL NI. NI. NL NI. . .. ou could protect yeurHlf ~1 1•ttin1 a I ~ eDdonemnt for replacement lfl Clf~YMt home'• .......... With this ,,_ 1wcMald collect ........ '8 1et a new ldlil~ •uality. ~EllrMNueat, lli IDOlt ltates some eontC!Dta CCJYWlll 1&o 70 percent • "Of anee on Uillfillloate, says Joe Stf--. ~ol Plr«nall'I FWMl Insurance ~··· a b•eca an policy for woald ltelude •.ooo tor ta. eantenta, instead .,,tlletlandard ..... ,,_ eoet \lariee fN8l c.ompaar to ffalpany and .U&e ID ltate, but fl a ~e, It ta 10 percent Of Ul_t ~ bomeoWnera premium. T1ail contenta coverate i1 fw common types of propert.y: coucbQ, chain, etc. 1t ii Dot Jntended f.or 1peetaJ ·property <Jewelry, nae aJU, sculpture. utiqaet). lnlurnce companlea ln mott states, for lmtadce, u=. eower919 for allverware lo $1,000 -un.,ealtatlc y. Jn raet, Strawn points out tbat • Ht of silver bou1bt ln June l"8 for SS.000 would coat $9,700 to replace today. A di&mond rin1 appraised for $5,000 In June 1978 would coel f7,700 today. U you have lbia type of property, aalt your ln1urance a1enta to look into personal property "floaters." These policlea provlde "all riak" covera1e for special property; you set the coverage ltmlta. The coat ol floaters depencb on several factors, lnehadine the value, UH and location of the insured item. hWelry no.ten ran1e from 95 centa per SlOo of covera1e in Alabaft'la to between St.65 and $2.65 In CaUfomia. Floaters for furs avera1e Sl per SlOO coveraae. and sliver aver~es so centa per •100. Fine aru and collecUbtea are 'viduall1 appralaed. The many factors that determine rates for those Items make It Impossible to develop an average amount. If you, the policyholder. are lo set tbe full benefit from your insurance, you muat bave an accurate appraisal of the property lo be Insured. Admittedly, professional apprallals take time and money. Your lnaurance company may be able to provide adequate, up·to-clate coverage without lnvolvtnc a professional appralaal. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JOIES AYEIAGES NI!'# YC>f'K(Al'I ~lflel Oow"'-s •"91 ~';'olr.'t, JM\, 14 . • 11141 r. .. =r.i ~ =· ~ 20 T'11 MS• •1 ~-...... US 15 Utt 111.Jt lit SS ...... Ollll lS Siil J27.» Dl.A1 A ~It+ 1.S. lndul .... "................ •. 1'3, 100 Tr•t1 . .. .. • • • .. ... .. .. .. .. • tn,llQO Utlls ...................... 611,*IO H Siii .................... ._ Sl l4.«IO WHAT STOCKS DID H~W YO..lt tAl'I Jllft,, 14 """'· ..... Adll-911 t•,./j ~ O.cl-tQ '"° ·~ UMll......, ... 1Dj Total I-llSI .. _ .. , ... , Haw IOWI ., Ill 'MtAf AMU D10 Hl!W YOl'I( (Al'I j /1111. 14 l'rw. • ..,Ml( ad '":Ii ~L PecllNd m m. ¥"<Mneli -... ,,_ 142 ,., =.=::e • ' d 0 METALS """9My C9t1,.r 7'4t-tl ttllll a pouftll, U.S. e.ttlMI ..... """ .... ~ ...... llM .... c..-......... ._... . .,.. .,.,,.. ........ _,,,,...,..lb At PP T "'11~ ......... H.Y. ~ ........ . ......... -........... ¥. SILVEI ......... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, J1nu1ry 15, 1982 KING, 15-mg. "tar". 1.1 mg. nicotine~ lOO's1 16 mg. "tar", 1.0 mg. nicottne, av. per c1gar1111 by FTC method. \ I . . • N~ does it better •. HELD TO 11 -UC Irvine once again proved it could win without a big scoring night from Kevin Magee as the Anteaters' top scorer was held to 11 points in UCI's 50-49 win Thursday. .. Illy Piiat , FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1981 COMICS , .... C7 New England Patriots may have finally found a c'oach. C2. SlowdoW.n has U Cl. steaming But Titan tactics nearly work before .Irvine can gain 50-49 victory .. ~ By JOHN SEVANO Of .. o.iiY ........... n looks u tr not.bins ii aoinc to come easy to UC Irvine this season, especially PCAA basketball games. On a night when the Anteaters fiaured to have lltUe difficulty, they needed every last gasp ol breath within them to pull otlt a thrilling 50-49 victory over upset-minded Cal State Fullerton. A boisterous crowd or 1,676 at Crawford HaU was forced lo wait until the buazer Wednesday night for the final outco~e -leaving a lot of fingemJils frayed and netves rattled. With seven seconds remaining, the Titans' Ricky Mixon went up in the air with what was supposed to be the final shot. Instead, be tried lo pass the ball to Victor Green under the basket and when UCl's Rainer Wulf tipped it into the corner, a scramble ensued. Green came up with the loose ball and fired an 18-fooler at the buzzer. But il reiU woefully short allowing the Anteaters to heave a collective sigh or relief. ''Just another routine game," aa!d UCI Coach BUI Mullican, his toneue planted firmly In cheek. "Let's race it, everybody is going lo play that way against u11 ln this conference." The Titans, reaJlzing their limitations agai nst the Anteaters. opted for a Fresno State style or attack, which meant a lot of stalling, a lot of patience and a shot every minute or so. This naturally frustrated the run-oriented Anteaters who entered the game as the nation's No. 2 offensive team with an 86.5 average. The Titans' slowdown offensively certainly slowed down the Anteaters, but it was Fullerton's defense, too, that played a l~rge part. Fullerton used a box·and·one to effectively shut down both Kevin Magee (11 points) and Randy Whieldon (7). ··we played well, but It would ha'Ce been nice tQ win ll," said Titan Coach Georee McQuarn. "This ls certainly the best we've played in terms or executln& a game plan." Of course lbe Anteaters didn't quite reel the sam& way. In fact, many players were downrl&bt insulted by Fullerton's game plan. "This is cruy," exclaimed an upset Magee, who was held to juat FOUR st-ots (he made three> the enti~e game. "This is a good leaaue and aU, but I can't believe we're going lo have lo see this for 13 more games. "They ought lo ouUaw defenses Uke this, it shouldn't be aUowed in the league. People are scared becaW1e they know they can't play basketball with Iii. Nobody in the country can run with ua, so they don't. More than 1,700 people didn't pay good money to come and see Fullerton four-corner it. That's not basketball, that's playground." Playground or not it was effective u lt kept the Titans, 0-1 in conference, 1·~ overall, in tbe ••me. The Titana trailed early 8-2, 11-4 and 18· 10 before they methodically cloffCI the gap and eventually took the lead• 28·27, at the half. Of course lt heJped to have Fullerton shoot 78 percent durlnc the first 20 minutes, too. Still, UCI was in control, loein1 the lead only four times ln the rtna1 20 · minutes, its biHest deficit being 47"'4 with 5:50 to play. But a basket by Wbieldon (be took only six shots), two free throws by Ben McDonald and a basket by Maeee 1av~ UCI the lead back for good. Actually, the Anteaters have lo lake some or the blame for such a cl<>Sf contest. They missed four front end.a ot · a one-plWl·one at the free throw line and miscued eight or 18 charity tosses overall ( UCI finished 64.S percent from <See IRVINE, Page CZ) Rookie Ozaki holding up Kite Angels, R eggie huddle By Tbe A.aeoclaled Presa Vardon Trophy winner two back Angela owner Gene Autry and Atlanta Braves boss Ted Tu.mer.: still are trying lo sign free-aeent slugger Reggie Jackson, who earlier indicated the Baltimore Orioles remained very much In the running. PALM SPRINGS <AP) -Jet Ozaki, an obscure Japanese rookie, had tbe lead but 1olf's biggest money.winner last tear, Tom Kite, was in a threatening position alter two rounds of the five-day Bob Hope Desert Golf Classic. And Kite, who last season bad one of the most consistent records in the game, had but one thougbt. ln mind -winning more often. "I wanf to improve this season,'' Kite said. "But even if I ~ lf I ~ just like I did last,._, I ouPa. to ju.st fall into more victories than I had. "That's my goal, one or my ,goals, this year. Win and win often." KITE, WHO took the Vardon Trophy for the low stroke average on the tour, was in the top 10 fulishers in 21 or 25 starts and finished the season with a string of 18 consecutive events in which be placed eighth or better. But be won only one individual title. He's in position again. A 6-under-par 66 Thursday at tough Eldorado gave him a 134 total, 10 under par, and lifted him to within two strokes of Ozaki, the long-bitting surprise leader. Ozaki, younger brother of former Japanese star Jumbo Ozaki, used bis vast distance orr Kings show soine life in loss CALGARY, Alberta (AP) - Don Perry doesn't expect to turn the stru1gling Los Angeles Kings arQUnd overnl1ht. Bu~ two 1amee, be has instille some life into the Nation Hockey League club that cates it may be turning the co r. · Pe~ who replaced Parker Mac onald as coach last week , is sUU looking for bis first victory after Thursday nlgti;'s 5-2 loss to the Calgary Flames. Qotb of his losses have been in ro~ games, however, and the Kinas were at least competitive in tboH sames. That's a step forward because the Kings have been the least successful road club ol the 21 NHL teams this aeaaoo. "We cot off to a bad flrat period and Clldn't have tbe lntea8JtJ that we had in Moat..a (alt• ef a 2-1 lou) T~," Perry said after UM ..... ••a.& after talkinl to tbem, i-. .... it ev~ they bad in ... IMt two periodl. '' .... Jult dJdD't ·~ breab ad <Ca11a17 ,oat er Pal) 'RllP made tome •XHJthNI ••nt ... tbey oeeded u... ... TM &lap blld tlae faurtit-IMM ....... Ja tM ...... Wt""· . nal•q at ••u. 1'lda .... . tMJ ......... •tartial .... . ....... ~ ,. ... . ... ,.., IMlt 8"W ... .. .......... w. tllli "" ........ edmltfed 1Lol ~ . defeu .. ea Otte 1Awl1, U. lame.,... ... the tee to birdie all of the par-5 holes on the way to a 68 at Bermuda Dunes. Thal gave him sole control or the 36-hole lead at 132. Journeyman Rex Caldwell, who shared the firal•round lead with Ozaki, shot a 69, also at Bermuda Dunes, and was one stroke back at 133. TIED WITH KITE at 134 were former PGA champ Lanny W adt.ins. Skeeter Heath and Cal Peete. Peete had a 65 at La QuJnta, WadtJns 89 at Eldorlldo and Heath 67 at lndlaa WeU.. The format for lbla, the only 00-bole event on the lour, cal.la for the 128 pros to play oae round on each of four desert courses, each day with a different, three-man amateur team. Alter four round• tbe amateurs drop out and the field is cut to the low 70 scorers for the pro-only windup Sunday at Indian Wells. Mos t or the celebrity amateurs, including former President Gerald Ford and the host comedian. along with the top -nam e pro s played Wednesday at Eldorado. But Lee Trevino was among the. mis sing. He suffered the recurrence of chronic back trouble after an opening round or 69 and told officials he would not be able to compete. MASTERS CRAMP Tom Watson had a 72 and waA at 141. Defending titleholder Bruce Lietzke shot 68-141. U.S. Open champ David Graham was 71-138. And Arnold Palmer, the current national seniors champion and a five.time winner here, had a 72-147 while playing with President Ford. All were at Eldorado. PGA king Larry Nelson was 69-144 at Bermuda Dunes. trs OVEAt -UC Irvine's Kevin Fuller nu jumps for joy a s the buzzer sounds. ending Thursday night's PCAA basketball opener ...., ............. ~ ...... against Cal State Fullertoq. The scoreboard tells the story as the Anteaters survived a scare but stopped the Titans, 50-49. Jackson was due in Palm Springs today lo discuss the possibility of playing for the Angels. . Both The New York Times Anet The Los Angeles Times reported today that the Angela, convinced that Jackson will not re-aien with the Yankees, wlli make a final bid for the left-handed slugger. •'I 've gotten word that (Yankees owner) Georse Steinbrenner is not really interested," said Anseta President Buuie Bavasi. "The attitude I've gotten is, 'Hey, 10 ahead, do what you can,' so l'U do it. We will make an offer that be can say yes or no to and tbetl we'll be in or out." Bavasi said his information came from associates of Steinbrenner. But the Yankees said today they are definitely interested in Jackson. Turner and Jackson met Wednesday at a .. New York restaurant, but there was no immediate indication whether the millionaire sportsman had made any headway ln wootnc the former Yankee slu••er. · ''Ted flew into the Newark (N.J .) airport 1J-ei:ause "\bey were snowed in at LaGuardia and Kennedy (airports), and be called me," Jackson told the JournaJ. "We met when be cot I I i to the city." I Turner and J ackaon bad met p previously In California to discuss the Braves' attempt to sien the free-agent player. Jackson declined to discus~ details of bii. meetin1 with Turner, includlne whether Turner had sweetened his previous offer, reportedly a three-year, $2.4-million contracL Brains . -not every sportswriter can guarantee it Some are lumping Aaron in the same ~ategory with such immortals as Lindy, Rico and Leo NOTF.S IN A COOKIE JA&: . Leave if lo a few colleques to give sportawrlters another black tnark ln the public eye. Imagine the hlnacy of nine writers leavinl Hank Aaron'• name ofl their Hall of Fame baltotl. Even worse were tbe immortals they oamed in bis place, like the incomparable Lindy_ McDaniel, the alway1 ucltinc Rico Petrocelli, the ever•popular Leo Cardenas and tbe famqut Jlm Brewer. I bei:eby extend a formal apolocy to Aaron and everyone else who bu ever trusted those in our occupaUon ••• Aclually, Don Drysdale, who mlaaed belQ& Hlected by 71 • votel, probably eaplalDed lt belt wbtD be aaid: "It'• tile fJGNboU aoriters' Rall of Fame. I thlak JOU'H sot to Ht t.bat 1Lraipt. Tbe writ.,. have total c:oatrol O¥er who seta ln and who ~·t. It doean't have ' anythinf to do with my peen" ... • ADD DllYIDAL•: ·~1· • ...U, aot clll•C*9· I'm ~ llUPJ for Kaak Ud (ao.e.1_,/,:1rte11 "., .. .tao Mb me, 'l.Ooll ••• oat ol ., Uilll1. Ult ... ,.,._~, ..-a.· 8'll J • • ..-a aona:.um.~aot eo worry altOut Wnii n• I baH ao Mtrtl. l Wt ll ll'• ~~ I eu -. ..... ,...,~E ..... u1 ....... ._. ..._,leu coat.rol U:.."t'ar u Hall ol Pame Soel. .... lD ..... ~· ia.-·· . ~ SPORT& COLUMNIST JOHN . SEYANO The Angels have asked Renie Jackson for an answer, one way or another, by the end or tb1a weekend AS FOR THE PaooaES& lb Ray Malavasl's new coacblnl staff, DOtlll-. ls bap~for the time bein&,..,..J. Everyone, lncluclill& ua1ataril ....... manager Jack Paulltber, la in San Diego for Ule Olympia Bowl, the final (mercifully> coUe1e f°°'ball 1ame of the season ... • Last add Drysdale: "I' don't mean to say that l don't care, mlnd you I'm not lrylnC to pooh-pooh lhll. Of COU"'9 I'd like to 1et ln. Tbere Juat lan't a tJalftl J can do •bola it. Tbere are a lot ol ftl'1 1ood DWer9 who bavea't ID'9dl It, 9DCI lh•1'ft', Meli on tile baUot a lal ..... lban me. IAok at ROJt :=•· M mud~ u lie 61 for b111 ••• •1 1oodwl, bow eouJd ... -be In?" That'• euy, apartawrti.t cit tM ...... what time of year it was, they inadvertently announced the world champions would be leavtnc for Vero Beach Jan. 24. Well, it's Feb. at lnatead, which is r;nore like It. The playen cet bug1ed enough durln1 the season without an extra month of it . . . Fernando Valensuela's winter statlstica read like this : four appearances, 2·2 record, one no-bitter, 1.28 ERA, 28 lnninsa pitched, 35 strllreout.s, u wafts and u blta. Souadl as if Fernando 1eta as mudl bat support ln Mexico aa be does with the l)odaen l'Oll mo.a INT•aUT&D in lueb trtvla, Ille aaetaau Beqala are 0.1 tndoon· -. ... .., Joalq. eo .....,., and New OrleaDI, wblle tbe San Fruel1eo ... ,. are 1·1, loelDI to l)jttrok (wfMn &q.er Bowl XVI wW bl pJayed) IDll bntial New Orleam. Bud Canon. The two lallted on tbe phone just 36 hours before Robinson decided he'd st•y at USC, canon, oae of five Ram assistants to set tbe u from MaJavasi, has otber offen be'1 mullini-over ... THE ANGELS' screwball 11t11t, Ancel Moreno, ls 13·1 In tbe Me'Xican Winter League . . . -.. Jacbon and Anlel Owner Gene Autry , are .ebedtlled to meet lo Palm SprlAp today ... I Steelen' Swann , Man of the Year. From AP cllapa&clan CANTON, Ohio -.Lyne s.aum. , Ill the Pittsburgh Steelera' bl1·play t • receiver deeply lnvolftd In bit cib''• clvlc and charitable proJtcta, liu been named the 1981 National l'ootba!I Leaaue Man of lbe Year. Tbe Pro Football Hal ot Fame, wblcb administers the annual awtard, annouQced Thuraday Swann bad beeo telected over fOUI' other f\nalllb. The other flnaillts were quarterbaft Archie Mallftina of the New Orleans Saints, wide ~ver Jerry Butler ot the Buffalo Bills, runntns back William Andren of tbe Atlanta Palcooa and qua~lt Ron Jaworakl ol the PbiJ.-&plUa Eaalea. . ' The wtniMr, picked by a •• 'select llWJldla committee, is determined on the b .. ls of bi• contributions to hts community as w.-i aa bis playing excellence. • • Sprinter& Injured; Scott.rurw 3:56.9 MELBOURN&, Aultr11la -• Am1rtean •lll'intera 1111 Lau.., ud Maril Ken( wtrt •ll•btly lnjuNd Thurlday wben they weN brouallt dowo by banaer-wavtn1 dtmonatratora durlnf the IOO-mtter ftul of aa lnt#DaUonaJ tract and field meet. t.attany came back one.ball hour later to fln11b MCond to f.UOw American Dwayne Evans in a renum.lna of tht 1vent. The lncldent marred a mfft wblcb featured a 3:55.91 mJle by former UC JrvhM 1tandout Steve Scott -the beat tlm• ever In Auatralla. Fl yt rbnaen broke the four-mlnute barrier, with John ·Walker of New Zealand clocklni ·3:56:34 and Briton Dave Moorcroft tlnhhln1 at 3:67.12. Kent and Lattany were hurt about eo metera Into the race, when they ran at top speed Into a banner-wavlns •roup of nlne demonatraton. Kent auff¥8d an injured thith when be appeared to be kneed by one of the protesters, wbo immediately fled from Olympic Park. Lattany said he puJJed hll back sll11)Uy in an attempt to avoid the demonstrators. Meet organisers said the 1roup waa protestln1 what ll claims is the abuse of Aboriginal land rights al Alcoa's proposed aluminum smelter site near Portland, Victoria. Winslow athlete· of the month One of the NaUonal Football League's top pass receivers, tight • end K~ Wlaalow of the San Dle10 Charters. has been named Southern CaUfomia's Athlete of ibe Month for December by member of the Fl rst Interstate Bank Athletic Foundation ... Joba llc:Earoe, Quote of the day • apparenUy changing tactics because of a pulled leJC muscle, played a baseline game Thursday ,..-----------~------.'\ ~l 1 ht to defeat Jim my Connon. 6·2. 7.5 ln the second round of a Masten tennis champJonshlp in New York ... The San Diego Chargers announced Thursday they have signed four free agents, including defensive end Robert Bolar and defensive back &oa J oaes of Long Beach State . Philadelphia Easies' Coach Dlc:ll Verrnell, talking about the talent assembled for Saturday's Olympia Gold Bowl in San Diego: "U I could tUe bome one player -based on .the 1!!aal•' needa -it would be (Tennessee wide reeetver) Anthony Hancock." Knicks foul up in Phoenix Walter Davb hit lbe tying and game-winning free throws with four seconds left to lift the PhoenU. SUDS t-0 a 90-89 •ictory over lbe New Yort Knicb Thursday night ln the National Basketball Association. Trailing 89-88 with eilht seeonds remaining, Suns' center Al•b Adaat trted a pass to Davis, who failed to control tbe ball and as it skidded to midcourt, K.aick forward Camp)' Russell fouled Davia ... Darwla Cooll scored 29 points and 111.ke &lteree added. 23 as New Jersey overwhelmed Chicago, 130· 104 . . . Mychal Tbompson, Jim Pauoa and Kelvin Raasey each scored 22 points as PorUand held off a furiout Houston rally to defeat the Rockets, 111·100 ... Jeff Ralud poured in 24 points, inclucU.ni U in lbe final quarter. to lead Washington to a 121·114 lrlumpb over Detroit. Bruins overtake Islanders Third-period goals by Terry o•aeWy and llkk -~ capped a Boston comeback that save tbe Bruins a 5·4 victory over the New Ylirk Islanders in the NallonaJ ffoelley Lea11M Thursday night. The triumph was BoltAlli'a fourth in a row while lbe Islanders, wllo squandered a 3·1 advantage, bad their~ streak snapped at four games . . . DetrGlt'a Mark Kirton and Jolla ~ scored• seconds apart in lbe first period to lead tbe' Red Wings to a 3-1 victory over Colorado. I\ wu only the fourth victory In Detroit's Jaat t.4 games ... BUI Barber scored two 1oals ud six other Philadelphia players added one each as lbe Flyers drilled Edmonton, .8-2. Wiiia.OW and defensive back T)'roM Jada from Cal State Fullerton. Tbe other ls corner back Derrkk MarUa from San Jose State . . . Free agent catcher nm Blackwell signed a three-year contract wtlb lbe Mont.real Expos Thursday.. . . Roa Eller, St. LouJs University basketball coach, resigned bis position effecll ve June 30, the university announced. Tefevision. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: / 1 1 ./ excellent; ./ 1 1 V<(Orth watching; I./ fair; 1 forget It. 8 p.m., Chennet t ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Laken at Indiana. Announcers: Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. , The L.akers hope to win their third (Jame In six outings tonight In lndl•n•. Jemaal Wiikes PKed the teem to a 114·100 victory over Clevel.,td TueSday night. He joins Eervln "Maolc" Johnson and Kanem Abdul·JabMr In the Los AnaetH starting lln.up. The Latrs lead their dlvlslon wttlle Indiana Is third and well off tM pace In the Eastern Conference Central Division. OTHER TELEVISION 11:30 p.m. (13) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Ar1zona at USC. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Indiana, 6 p.m ., KLAC (570); Arizona at USC. 8 p.m ., KOAY (1580). Hockey -Kings at Vancouver, 7:SO p.m ., . KPRZ (11SO). Ski Report -Snow conditions In Southern California mountains, 9:43 a.m., 12:43, 3:43, 7:43 p.m ., KNX (1070). FV, E d ison wr~stlers post wins From PageC1 The Fountain Valley and Edison High WT'estling tealllJI continued their strong showing !fl Sunset League Thursday dual meets as each recorded easy victories to improve their respective loop marks to 2--0. IRVINE SURVIVES • • • the field and 56 perceat from the free throw line). PCAA atandlc!f!-. o...e "I bate what bappened w L w L tonight." admitted Wbieldoo. "l Uetrwlfta t o tt t played the 1thole game and took ~~-:.,.. : : ~ ~ only. five shots (by comparison, SM.Meat. 1 o 1 s Wbleldon and ~:Jee flave ~ .. ~:C~:'°" : : ! : avera1ed 28 abots ·aJmosl 46 ut.11s._ o t 2 n pointsbetweenthem). Llfltl...,,St. • 1 4 • .,..,..,,,k_ ·•u •s real frustrating. 'l'bey uc 1m...t11,c.11t.Fw1....,. .. should do something about thls. Fresno SC.,., uftl...,..,tyot Pac111e 4 Schembechler new athletic director? COLLEGE STATION, Texa1 (AP) -Texas A&M ofnclala 1ay a declaion 11 Imminent by Mlchifan football coach Bo Schembechler on wt'lether he wlll accept a 10 .year, $2.2S·ml1Uon offer to become the new A&M ath.letic director. The 8ryan-Colle1e StaUon Eacle Tbur1day quoted A&M Board of Re1ents Chairman ff.It. "Bum'' Brl1ht as saylns that Schembecttler had been offered the job to replace Marvin Tate, who resl1ned in September. "THAT'S THE JOB that's offered right oow and he ia consldertDg It," said Bri1ht. "I can only say that Texas A&M would be pleased and honored to have a man the caliber of Bo Scbembech1er come to A&M." Scbembechler could not be reached for comment Thursday night and reportedly was huddled with Michigan Athletic Director Don Canham and university President Harold T. Shapiro. Canham told the Dallas Times Herald there would be a statement by Schembecbler today. "But we are goin1 t-0 do what we can to keep him," he said ln a separate interview wllb the Detroit News. Tbe Hous~oo Pos~. in a copy right story, reported an "unlmpeachflble source" sald Scbembecbler also bas been offered · the bead coacl\'• poaltion. And Dave Diles, a sportscaster for WXYZ·TV ln Detroit, reporled sources at Mlcbi1an said SchembechJer was conaiderlng aa offer to become both head coach and athletic director. • TOE POST SAID current Head Coach Tom Wl1'on, whole contract was extended 1A1t month for another seaaon, will be fired and his contract paJd off. W~ waa on a recru1Un1 trip and could not be reached for comment. But interim A&M Athletic Director Wally Groff denied Schembecbler bad been offered tbe coachlnl job. ''We've alieady got a coach, and he's contracted for one more year," Groff said. "The only opening we have right now ia for the A·f> posiUon." Tbe Poet aaid sources told the newapaper Schembechler tentatively agreed to a contract after the Bluebonnet Bowl, but has delayed making a final declsiop at least twice. The newspaper sald Bright got help in his negotiations from Alabama Coach Paul "Bear'' Bryant, Georgia Coach Vince Dooley and former Oklahoma Coach Bud Wilkinson. A6M aEGENTS and aJumnl have been frustrated by a football program that has produced one Collon Bowl team in the past 40 years and only three Southwest Conference ch'ampions, the latest a tri-cbampion in 1975 that did not go to the Cotton Bowl. Scbembtehler, 52, the dean of Big 10 coaches, has compiled a 123-24·3 record in 13 seasons at Micbicln. He was named collese Coach of the Vear ln 19619 and Big Ten Coach or the Vear in 1972 and 118>. His worst season at Michigan was 8·4 in 1979. Eight or his Michigan teams won 10 or more games ln a season and nine were Big 10 champions. Arizona coach dies Apparently commits suicide TUCSON <AP> -A stunned University of Arizona community groped today for reasona wh,y successful, well-liked track coach Willie Willlams apparently committed adclde. · "We can't uncover an)'tblnc at thia tim~. It looked like things were really goln1 bia way " campus police Sgt. Samuel T. Ragland said of ~ 41-year-old Williama, whose body wu found Tbunday with a slqle shot fired into his right temple. Williams was dlscovered by a graduate assistant in an equipment room at the university's new Rincon Vista Track Stadium. A .38-caliber revolver was clutched in hls hand with one or six bullets fired, Ragland said. Ragland said he found a box of ammunition and a receipt for the gun, purchased earlier Thursday, in the<!Oaeh's car parked nearby. Williams apparenUy left no note, the officer said. Ragland said the assistant coach who found WilUams, Michael Busolf, "indicated be bad been ~mewhatdespondent'' . but did not know why. Williams, who bad been at lbe university since 1969 and coached track since 1970, recently had been named to coach American sprinters for the 1984 Olympic track team. Athletic Director David Strack said, in a statement, "The university community is shocked al the loss ef Willie. Coach Williams was an outstanding person and everyone connected with our athletic department thought highly or him. We regret this unfortunate loss and send our warmest sympathy to the WU Iiams family." President John P. Schaefer, in New York on university business, said, "Willie was such a fine man and such a fine asset to the university community. He leaves a real void that will be hard to fill. .. Williams, a 1962 graduate of San Jose State University, was an outstanding coJJege springer and a finalist in the 1980 Olympic trials in the 200-and 400-meter runs. He is survived by his wife and four children. College basketball 'f ·~ ....... NEW AOOU!S' AD? -A s tory rrom Texas has Michigan rootbaU coach Bo Schembechler taking the athletic director's post at Texas A&M. Meyern'ew · Patri ots coac h ? DALLAS <AP) -Ron Meyer, Southern Methodist University football coach, said be has been offered the coaching job or the New England Patriots and will announce his decision today. according to a news paper report. A source close to the SMU athletic department said Thursday night that the Mustang coach would accept the position with the NFL club. If he accepts the offer, Meyer would replace Ron Erhardt, who was rired at the end of the season. "Yes, l have been offered tbe job with the New England Patriots," Meyer told The Dallas Morning News Thursday. "The decision is up to me. I'll make a decision within 24 hours." A source said Meyer, who was in New York Thursday, had scheduled a team meeting for noon Friday. Members of the SM U coaching start told the Orlando <Fla.) Sentinel Star that Meyer flew to New York Wednesday for an interview with Patriots President Billy Sullivan, his son Chuck. the Pats' executive vice presi d e nt ; and General Manager Bucko IGlroy. Meyer was supposed to return lo Texas immediately after the interview but made such an impression in the session that he was given the job. the newspaper said . Meyer checked into a New York hotel under an assumed name and mel with Kilroy for several hours Thurs day , hammering out details or a four.year contract, estimated at $700. ()()(). Laguna women win The Laguna Beach High women's soccer team, paced by the two-goal performance of Chrissie Weldon, opened South Coast League play with a 4·1 victory over Capistrano Valley Thursday. Weldon, who has scored 12 goals this year and scored four in a game Tuesday, received scoring help from Sandy Martin and Lisa Fegraus. The Batons are 12· l oYeraU aft-:r disposing of Marina, -.a. while Edison benefited from numerous forfeits to upend Ocean View, 57-6. Wb t lb (the T ' d UC SM ......... "· LOftl llMcll St. 5' a ey ltans) id j USl San J-St. 5', UWI St • ., Tonight' a gemea Kanua St. a1 c--~w Loulllanut "-0r1e-taltes away from lbe game." ....,..,.. ca-a .,... w.oer M. a1111a11o ~ .. JOMP11'1 .. N.c . .ciw.r1o11. JOHNSON & SON Presents ... The brother tandem of Steve and Mike Mino each won for Fountain Valley by decision, while senior Barry CampbeJI is 18·3 this season after bis decision at 140 pounds. The Chargers' Gary Goldsteta. a junior, remained undefeated this season after plrtninc his opponent at 138 pounds. ~ baa Ulo received 1tron1 effort.I from Blll Olton and Stne CUl'Ty this aeason, although neltber was in action because of forfeJt victories Thursday. With Wbieldon and Magee ucsanc...,,.., •• ,ucirvi.. Wyom'"9a1Nwac1eL.Mv.... Hor"*""M-•t,..vec1aR-AadtonlatAkllf'llOlld Unlvenlty o4 Pacltk at Ian J4tM st. -...._. I' ~-·· •• s sileoced.aomeooe had to pick up utallSt.atF•-st. · ~~.~:!":'::~,. ...... ._..••G•-~ v~-.;,;-;,•~.=. the slack for the Anteaters and cais1.1'......--at~11N<11 S•. llattiln w.MJc.,,.....ataa11s1. T'"nftMeTK11a1w.Kentuc11v Kevin Fuller, with 15 points, we1>erst.a18ols.s1. C••llMOft•t~.. wes11mc.roi1naatvM1 u1a11at evu o .. ,..,., ,..,. o-........... look upt.hetast. · games like the bne Fullerton 1da11ost.et11SW o.1re+tatx .... i.r.0111o w1c1t11ast.111T1111a "Nobod en.Jo . .... Mkll191ftSt.atllllMls Ar••-•IT•sn Y ys a game like presented. Almost every .team in co1umt11a at o.rtmo11t11 °"'•.st ... ,...._ A1c .. t hy1or this,'7' adotded the point guard who the PCAA, with the exception of ~:=~~=· =:.:::~. ::'t~s:.':':r.:'.,c~~"'"'- was 10 from lbe floor. ''As Utah State, will probably use lbe ......... Mlam1e11<.ms1. SMu••"-*' far as a ~player ls concernid, same strategy. can1a1WYatH-•o;.::"" ~~st.= ~':·~::!~,.,.. a game ud this is pathetic. I Said Ma1ee: "J guess all J can Loul1l-TlchalS.Mllal1.-. •-111110.-atl.M~lll.... Tnes-Arl"'-'•1TCU c a n see so m e o n e being d l w. Teuut. •• .,....., 1 • .-de 11 berate, bu l th i 8 was o 11 be patient and when the S.tunf•Y'• g,emea C9"4re1 MkllltMI • T.-. ci .... '°"et Maryland ridiculous. We're Div1'sa'on I opportunity comes l'U Just set UClafttA ......... ,~....... lh.-CNc..,Clrcltat(lhelllfldSt. ~•tOnnl the ball and stuff lt in their · c.1 st• l'u111rtona1 L~ ·--·~ 51 ~---.!:~1!911.':~a !.~"!.~,. •1 Mu..c11vwii. ballplayen. They sboutd put a -.. -., ..... • .. .,...._._.. 3o ·seco"'d clock in or face '' u1a1tSt.•'-"· •-Me*91t.•1n_..tt. s. . .1....-.. tl.Mlltfl u • P~lfketlM-'-St. lnfl-St.att.1-.... v .......... ~ . IOmething." Added Rainer Wulf: "I don't •r1~St.•usc Mkllf9lll•Mt--.. "'"••""'"St. In the meantime, however, the mind those close sames u tons ~:r::.'!.=:. ~=...:::.=.., A"'9tnat1tt11N1119'allel Anteaters (1-0, 12·1) are 1oinc to aa we're oo lop when lbe bu.uer us .... ~ .._ =~u~=--11 baye to -·---' to alowdown 1oes otf '' ~•u ... ._°"'99 .... , .... , .... .--.,,. ~ .............. c .. , ... ..... ~ • T._..1•-•S...Oll90M. , c111<1M1et•Lato11¥H1e ,_ .. ._..u. --------;----.......,~-;"!'-;-~--.::._--.;...,;..;;.·-·;;.; .-.~~;.; .;.,; .:.;.;,.:. .:..: .:... .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~11-.=-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-.-.-.-....,_. ....... ...-i St. Har1fl~llt Dillie Haff C--MCMtaM ~-=: ~w°""" Narttl ~k • W• ,__ ColllmllM._. H-d S I I ., .......... ~k. .... _ C-lklltatSl. ..i.i.·1 Pee a ...... c.r. .. ,,.......... .. • .._ .. I(...._, Corftetllt°""'*"" c.. ,.._ ...,,. ...... c.t tut• a.a.,... Ata.·llo11ll 4*"' ...... ,,..,... O.tewe at U9Mla ~ .. UC...... HL~._.,_,,UftlwltecJI O.~ete>tf~ CS~HlltletC:.-."91v"-Tlll~ .......... I St • .....,-tatl'alrl .... cat ..... LA«CM ,_. S. L.ta 0-.. I . It.._...., .. ::::'l .. ' SI-at....,_. Ol<ti!Mefl =::=:.t-=:v ~=-~ ·'--t.-:,=~::~:::. Cete.ctl•....._ ,..,....... Tedi v. ........ ....._." ,_ttlC!fttetC..l.~M lJ 1:::;::;--.: .. v:N W..tV.,...at•.~-~~==~~ WllllMl&MlfytlC'_-._ Vlll-etltWtMelt • ...... Uul ...... T9cll .. .....,.,. ....,, ........ . Celtr•tc. et Air ,.,tw M, Te-It. llt ~ti. MenlMM!sl M ...... ,...., , ........ • ..... 11. ,... ... , T-.. T--. M. c•""-• v..._ .. Pete the "Greek'' NFL's Picks Of 0The Week PETE PEIS SAN FIAICISCI All THE WAY! THlnl #I LICITHI 1912 LINCOLN COMn9ff'ALSI I I l ~ f -• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15, 1982 F.remo's defense smothers Racific.in Bulldogs' romp; San Jose gets past Utah St , as .PCAA tips off ............. k .. LONG IMCH -Center Richard Anderson acored l• ~at1 and 1rabbed lS rebound• Thurld&Y ~t. leadlnc VC Santa Barbara to a 11·51 victory over Lona Beach State In the Pacinc Cout Athletic Aaaoclalion buketball •eMOO>Opener for both teama. Forward York Oroe1 added 16 polnts, pulled down 11 rebounds and waa credited with alx aaalatl •• the Gauchoe raised theh' aeasoa record to 6-1. Guards Mich.el RusaeU and Ilario Gatnea added 14anll10 point.I, retptetlvely, for Santa Barbara. Guard Cr1i1 Hodtea led Loftl Beach Statti, which fell to 4·8, wlth 16 points. Center Dino Gre101')' added 15 points and pulled down seven rebounds for the 49ers. Free throws were a ~ey factor in the came at the Lone Beach Arena as the Gauchos made lS of 20 while the 49ers connected on only five of 14. UCSB outrebounded Lona Beach 31-32. The 49ers led at half time 34·28, but tbe Gauchos went ahead for good by scorin1 11 straight points early in the second half to turn a 40-36 deficit into a 47.40 advantage. Freano St. 74, Pacific 40 FRESNO -Forward Bernard Thompson scored 13 points to pace Fresno State to a 7~ victory over the University of Pacific In their opening PCAA game. The Fresno Bulldogs, who lead the nation in defense, blocked nine shots, including a school record six by senior forward Rod Higgins. Pacific shot just 40 percent from the floor and had 17 turnovers in the game. · Fresno shot 59 percent from the field and had a free-throw balance of 22·36. Pacific connected on !!ix of nine free throws. .. Sen JoM St. 58, Utah St. 49 SAN JOSE -San Jose State forward Chris McNealy scored 18 points and pulled down nine rebounds to lead the Spartans to a 56"49 victory over Utah St. in a PCAA openel". Tbe Spartans, 7-5 overall, held a 22-20 halftime lead and broke the game open in the second half, scoring the first 10 points of the final period to take a 32-20 edge over the Aggies. Utah St. ran off the next nine points ln three minute&. to come within five points with 8:26 left. Senior forward Haakon Austefjord, who led all scorers with 20 points, spearheaded the Aggie charge with 13 points in the second half. Weahlngton 75, Stanford 70 SEATTLE -Washlngton guard Steve Burks scored 15 points, leading the Huskies past Stanford Univ.ersity, 75-70, in Pacific·lOConlerence action. The victory. was the Huskies' ninth straight overall and left thent with a 5--0 conference mark. Washington, which led 34·21 at halftime, built up in a 21·point lead midway In the second half before the Cardinals rallied behind center John Revelli and forward Johnny Rogers. Rogers, a 6-0 freshman from La Quinta High, topped all scorers with 19 points, while Revelli added 16 before fouling out with two minutes left. , The Huskies opened up a 30-11 lead with five minutes left in the first hall. Freshman forward Deller Sch.rempf, replacina Kenny Lyles, who was sidelined because of foul trouble, hit two buckets as Washington outscored Stanford 10.2 lo nearly five minutes. UNLV ea, Colorado St. 54 LAS VEGAS -Junior forward Sidney Green scored 15 points and grabbed six rebounds, lead.lne Nevada-Las Vegas to a 68·54 non·conference. victory over Colorado State. The Rebels raised their record to 9·6, while the Rams fell to 6-7. Basketball scores CoJ!!p• UC,,..,,.,. 50, CAI SCMe Fullerton .. UC~..,_.. 11, L°"9 llH<ll SL ff _,.,._St. 74, ,...,k. S... J-St. 5', Vi.ft SL '9 W ....... St. SJ, C.I ll lael Wtlltlnlton 15, SI.Miiord 70 NevlMM LM V1991 61, Color8"o 5t u Golla ... 70, U. of Saft Ole90 •1 Htwtllst. UTEP .. loO Seft 0ie90 St.. 1t. Ntw M .. ko 62 USIU ~ NoftlWm NI-5' St. IMtY't '2. l'wtl.wt 61 .Lt Vw .. Ila, NefW90I., Net-I teem fl .......... Tulu 71, Of' .... U Tt•tl·Atllnvton JS, Te•n·Stn .......... NE UIUll&Ma M H.wdift.Shn-, ...... -'-"' G"'lllt 2'. Mlulu>c.151. 20 VlrflMt "· W....., '7 Murrey SL 7S:MOrellNCI SL 61 AUlllfl....., 6', E. Kentucky 60 N.C .. WllmlfllllOn 51, Ettl Ctf'ollftt .. W. IC9111Udrr 65, Middle T--.. tltktWIWW • V•~ Como10eow1•U'h, ppcl ....... ......... Ml ....... '11 low• 5' lndl-11, MklMtM SI Otllo St. SI, llllflol1 SO (0\) NorttlwtlMrll '1, Wltcomln SS ""' ....... ». MklMgM St • ., Bradley 61, Ntw Me•ko St. 62 w lcllllt St. "· Crtl(lllton 5' Florlda SI. 75, SI. L..ovl• 74 McH-Sl. ll. Wlt .·P•rUldt 73 llllnols St It. lndl-St U . ... Ouq....,.,. 72. Pitt t2 Hotstra 61, L.art.,.ei. $$ Falrfi.td 74, Holy Cron 67 Fordhtm.,St."91tr'•" GtorO-WtalllnOIOll 1•. Rllode .... ,.,, 7t (ol) J tmff Medlloll 16, T__, SL• LtStllt 7', IUdtr 10 TtmpM D, Otltwtrt .. N189t<t '1, 9'ocllpot1st.7t NCWlflMstwn 61, AUumllti.. .. Catllolk u. " .,.,,.,,( ... u .• ppd,, snow ~.:le~ Gi...-..llS, ........... Vtlley 1S Cany-'2, Wet LA 61 Stntt Ba11we IS, Vt11tuu e Mooll*il IS, T•ft 1S Women "'°" ICttOOL ._.u..- Huntl ..... 8Mcll 11, W.stmlfttlff » ,_talftVtlleyS6, Marina47 .,,.-~ .. ~= MtlW Del '1, St. PWI 47 ......... Nawport Owl1U.n 2t Wooelbrkllt It l l-tof Ovltl t.11 S7, 9rtltnft M IN CAUFOP.HIA'S PALM SPIUHGS ~ A Great New Golf Course Resort Home Community Invite. Y oul The Southern Callfomla desert's newesa,moJ1a11dlln9 ~r=---resort f:ionw ~nlty h now u~ay en the Jadt Ivey Ra~ just S mlnu1es from EiMnhower Holpital and 9ob Hope Oflvel Choke acllf coune • • loatlom now avlfilbM .. , ---a wlectlon of ewer 20 dtffetene ,_,ufa~urtd homes~, Pools, tennis, recreation ... dee" v1tt111nd sumhlne. . ~P-r Freshman suard Dwayne Polee added 11 polntJ for the Rebels while Gree GoorJlan and Larry Andent>n had 10 potntl eilth for UNLV. Polee, a freabman, I Dd Richard Box led Nevada·La• Ve1u ln reboundin1 w1Ua seven each. Senior 1uard Eddle Huch led Colorado State with 12 point.a. No other Ram player Jcored in do\,\ble a.urea. Tim Murphy was held to two points but led CSU In reboundlna with 1ht. Virginia N, Wagner 81 CHARLOTJ'ESVILL~. Va. -Crall Robinson scored a career·hllb 24 point.a and helped Vlrctnia break open the same in the first half, leadln1 the third-ranked Cavallers to a 99-67 victory over Wainer. Robinson, whose previous career hllh was 18 points, had 14 of his points ln the first hall. He ......... I CAR MATS I I I I I I TWIN • REAR •6457N/6293 TWIN FRONT Trimable edges for exact fit. Black, Gofdlhige, Blue or Red. scored eight In a row, lnct11dln1 a pair of three·P.Olnt plays, to..atart Vlr1lnla on a 21·2 burst that uled up 4:43 or the first half and 1ave the r.avaUen a 38-22 lead with !:OT to IO ln lbe hall. The Cavaliers, 14·1. built the lead to u many as U points on a basket by Dan Merrifield that capped a seven·polnt run and 1ave Vi.r1inla an 89·54 lead with 6: lS remainlq . Mlnnnote 81, low• 58 MINNEAPOLIS -Randy Breuer, Minnesota's 7-3 center, scored 22 points, llftlnl the 11th-ranked Gophers to a 61·56 victory over fifth-rated Lowa in Bil Ten action. The Gophers, who upped their record to 10-2 and 2·1 ln the Bil Ten, broke open a U1ht pme midway throu$Ch the second hall. PRICES EFFECl IVE fHR U UGH WEDNESDA Y JANUARY :>O, 198/ I ~::::::::::,:O:N:C:OR:::D:·:S:~:RA::;C;K::::;:::~ I CARRIERS I I STANDARD ••• EACH 4 PC. RATCHET TUNE-UP SET 812M YOUR CHOICEe33 POG&WWIG LIGHTS Quam Hala111' ... f driving llthts-Ceotet~ "411tM/1061·2'°° n •lectlve ..... .. 411tS1/1063/107J.S21 fT ~· ..... YOUR A88 CHOICE ~EACH HEAftRHOSE STIMSONITE· Heavy duty, high atrength cord. 6 h . i.,.th. 511" Dia. #25022 l/4" Dio. 12502t lt was the first Bii Ten loss for Lowa, which fell to 10-2 overall and 2·1 In the conlerence. MlMesota fell behind the Hawkeyea 29-27 at halftime, but betan the eecond half by whlltllnf out a three-point ed1e. 41·38. • San Diego St. 71, New Mexk:o 82 SAN DIEGO -Guard Zack Jones scored 11 points, leading San D1eco State to a 78-62 Weatem Athletic Conference victory over vlsitln1 Nefi Mexico. Forward Eddy Gordon came off the bench t.Q add 14 points, pull down el1ht rebounds anCI contribute f<1Ur Steals for the Aztecs, who are now 1-1 In WAC play and 9-4 over•ll· Keith Smith and Eddie Morris had 16 and 15 point.a, respedlvelJ, for San Diego State. • AllTl·FREIZE Sale Price on 1 Jug $419 Buy 2 Jugs Cash Refund $838 . (by Mail from Preston•) $2°° $638 NET COST~ l•m•t•4 qo Oo1 Wo"Oft'• OA l ott•ry If e1•c-tncof fo.dut• occvn .,.dttoueryw1ttl"o1ho1docho•9• wew.., vponr••u•n ••PIO<••' h•• of chor9e ••'""" tOdoyt ot pwtcho .. l•tn•ted Wouonty oher T$)dat• U1ton •etJ?n we w1tl re1tlot• tt.. d•fectf1t• bolfety •1th o new boftefy chorg1n9 onty to• the JH''tOd of ownerthtp Yo1.1t f'!'Mnf+-fy '~'~for o•M,.h1~ ..,,,. b~ comp111ted br d""°'"' th• •e9vfo, P'''" o• the ''"'-of'•'"''" .... trod. u• by th•""""""' of f"'IOf'lth• ••.gnctt•d TOWCABU 12 ft. bra ided 1tHI wire. 2000 lb. tensile "!;! #6411129 2!c? VENT LOCK WAUNG-Flh rnott vent wmdow. on rnott U.S. Oftd lmpoft cora. #Vl AUTO GEM!SPIN-ON OIL FILTERS For moet Oomettk & Import con with Spin-On Ahn. •GEM-1 1 •3 EACH I I ..J I I I •• I I .I t I TIEllllml . Bobbtl So:t signups Re1l1ttaUon fe>r Jounta~~ ~~Yot~o% '°" lo be htld Saturda~ Ma1nolla. In Markel, VTa1~:yer~ro~n lO a.m. to l2:IO Foun\aln a p.m. rl proof or al• and Players 1ho~13 : n: parenl. OlvltlonJ be accompan eel 1l l&' Mlnor1, a19' 9·lt are Milota, aa 8 · ' and Minis, ue• 7i.iraUon day• a\ aarne Addlllon•I rea 30 and Feb. 6. site are Jan. 23• Jan. tl at 963·'13$S or C ll Linda Benne ~·~881 for more lnformauon. Boat show The 26th annual Solllrh Boat Show, J an. 29-Feb 7 ern CaJlfornla ConvenUon Cent.er · at Los Anaeles Speclallaed eemina . skiing, fishing andrs f~ salllna, water boatln1 scheduled ~her aspects of skiers lo condu · 1amplon water lo·sall·school and ct c inlcs. Learn . also plaMed Powerboat Instruction Phone 12 13 1 655 93 informaUon. . 26 for more 8l1NDA V F~a 14 Marathon, •Pe>na~ -Palm Sprfoii CSprln11 and Ota:1 ~Y olty OI Palm ourae Ja rlat ver un New1paper throu1h street~ of Y faat •nd wlndi dlvlalona offered I city, Twelve race 80·and·over lor rom l9·and·under to ~•1l1trat1on tortns ~:n bind womeo. aim Sprln1s Marath a e by wrfttn1 Services Division p 0 on, c/o Leisure SprJn11, 92263 J~ 1 · · Box 1788, Palm atamped enYt'I~ c ude self.addressed . T ·shfrt. Fln1:h· Entry ~e 14 SJO With certificate. era will rerelve 8 SUNDAY FEB 2 World Runne,.. Ma • 1 -Loni Deitch •U Queen Mary In [!~hoi begins and ends wind lhrou1h marJn g each. Course to beach areas L as, Yacht clubs and provide free lOct1i~n~ Beach YMCA to pre·race dinner R I or runners and hOlt Pre·re•iatratlo~ C ~~ begins at 1·30 a.m tU.h te re1latrat1on la 118';~.~7b. 61 la ta. e race1. DIYI · a.m.diyol 14·and-under to slons range from dtvlslons lncfucle 20070-and·over. Other wheelchair . Fl f°unda·and-ovet and ~nl1hera receive c:;,,;_tlme i;narathon ,, or more lnlormatl emorauve T-shirt. •26-8585. on, Phone C2t31 Fishing cttntca . F l•hlllll e1tperl11 Churlle 011vlt and Rich T1auber wlll cQl'lduct cllnlc11 ut th4.! Fl11hln1 World aectlon of the 14th annual Southtrn t:auromla Boot Show. Jan 29-ftb. 'I at the 1 Oii Anlele• convNitlon Centtr. O~vls • ultwatcr outhorll~'. hu written a bOOk. ··Hook Up," ~·tMh 11 now In 1\8 slltlh vr1nllnt· He ha• f111hed up und down the Pacific Coast. 'l' ~r 111 ratt.'d among the top Western Bus!" f111Mrmcn In the counll')'. lie wus named angler or the y6~1' In 1978 and 111 a four lime natlonol ch11mplonshlp quullfler l Clinics wi ll lnclUde slide shows. ecturH and question 11nd un11wer periods l 2\31 For nlore Information. phone 65~·9'326. Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Globetrott Forum In lnaJewOOd era to come to the J>.m. I and Monday J Saturday, Jan. 23 12 Tlcketa are s:s' 5~n, 25 (7:80 p.m. I Children Under ti , .7.50 and 19.SO Tickets available at l~ecelve S2 dJs~nt. and mutual agencies e Forum, Ticketro~ For more l r 874-4700 n ormatlon, Phone 12131 . Superbowl of Bod11buiLdtng Olint)'land Hotel It tile of SuperbOwl or Bodybulldln1, Saturday. bellMlnl at 8 a.'r~cluded In th• actlvlllet 11 the All·American Stren1th Coachet Cllnlc. presented by Bill Ennl•. co•1tate director or the Natlonal Stren1th and CondiUonlnl Auocla\lon. and by Wally Boyko ProducUons. Inc. . Coaches clinic la desl&ned to improve achool•' 1tren&th. tralnlna program•. More than 100 fltneu exhibit• to be on dll lay Admission la $5 al the door. ~lnlc concludes at 5 P m. Call 780-0169 for more Information Tennis tournament Elihlh annual Buffums/Kodel mixed doubles. teM1s tournament May 21.23 Al Billie Jean Kina Tennis Center t.;>na Beach. Tournament open to any' c ub, park, school or business that quaJl(ies a team prior to Friday, May 7 b~· ho lding prel im in ary q_uallf in ' tournaments al their oraanlzallons Y g Tournament Is not open to ju~1ors To qualify, players must ha ve been bo becfore Oct l. 1963 Thert is no entry Cee rn all 12131 436·!1841. ext 528 fo 1nCorma11on. r more Huntington Beach, Edison rout foes BYRON BALL JIM UseYITCH Unheatens battle OV faces Edison; Newport, CdM tangle By ROGER CARI.SON Oft .. Oalty ..... $¥ Battles of unbeaten& -Ocean View <1·0> at Edison (1-0) in lhe Sunset the offensive boards, but no one's done it. We 've Juat 1ot to play 'em headt up and see wJlal happens. "l beard a lot earlier in the year abo1.tt maybe de/ending Edison with a box and one or triangle and two, Fountain Valley stays unbeaten in Sunset with win over Marina Huntington Beach and Edison posted easy victories In the women's Sunset League basketball chase Thursday nl1ht, wblle Fountain Valley managed to hold off ~sky Marina. Meanwhile, Mater Del won Its second straight Angelus League tilt. Here's how it went: Huntington 78, Weatmlnster 33 Westmlnster made a game out of It for one quarter, trailing only 16-13, but by the end of the third period. the Oilers were breezing by 34. Betty Mendot:a had 13 rebounds to 10 with a game-high 1,8 points and Cathy Cordova had eiihl assists and six steals. The win evened HB's mark at 1·1. Edlaon 57, Ocean View 14 The Chargers, ranJced seventh in CIF in the latest poll, were convincing winners al both ends of the court. "That might have been the best defense we played all year," praised Edison Coach Dave White. "ll created the flow for our oflense." Center Tina DenHeyer collected 28 rebounds lo set a school record and also had 17 points to lead all scorers. Fountain Valley 56, Marina 47 With I :22 remaining, lhe Barons led only 47·45, but Rhonda Barton canned _w_o_M_E_N ___ ·~·· ' six clutch free throws down the stretch and Deanne Davis hit a crucial lbree·poinl play to assure the victory. Mater Del 67, St. Paul 47 The Monarchs' Alonda Varisco and Kathy Gorman combined for 45 points in the easy victory. MD stretched a seven.point advantage lo 31 in the third quarter by outscoring St. Paul. 31·7. Nwpt. Chrtetlan 23, Woodbridge 19 Sophomore center Slella Berkebile l ed all scorers with 10 points as Newport Christian evened lts overall record al4..t. Liberty Chrtatlan 37, Brethren 36 -Liberty won Its second game of the season as senior guard Tanya Edwards poured in 25 points. Power squadron plans boating course signups Registration will continue Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 730 W. Bay St. for Balboa Power Squadron's spring boating course. ; The lJ..week course in safe boating and piloting is free to lhe public. Instruction is by veteran power squadron members and includes both power and sail. Subjects covered include handling under normal conditions ; handling under adverse conditions; seamanship and common emergencies; rules of the nautical road and flag etiquette; compass a'nd c harts; aids to navigation ; running lights and equipment; inland and trailer boating. 1 League and Newport Harbor (4-0) at Corona del Mar (4-0) In the Sea View League -highlight tonight's prep basketball schedule and wben the smoke clears, title pictures figure to become clearer. but l don't think 1immicks wiU work.·-------------------------------------------------- Each Is billed to begin •t 7:30, as are seven pf eighl other games Involving Orange Coast area teams. Other Sunset duels Include Fountain Valley (1-0) at Marina (0-1) and Westminster <O·l > at Huntington Beach (0·1). OTHER SEA VIEW ventures include University (3-1) at Estancia (4 ·0 ); Cos ta Mesa (1 -3) at Saddleback (0·4); and El Toro «>·4) al Irvine (0-4). Woodbridge takes its 10-3 free ~ASKETBALL m lance record to Brethren in .,aramount (8 p.m.); Laguna Beach ls at Capistrano Valley in a batUe of 1·1 South Coast League teams; and Mater Dei takes Ila 1·1 Angelus League mark to Bishop Montgomery (0·1) In Torrance. Edison Coach Barry Leigh saw his 14·1 team down by a 14-6 margin against Marina ("A little heart arrest for me in the first five minutes," says Leigh), before his Chargers, ranked No. 1 in Orange County, and No. 2 In CIF 4·A, pulled away for a 22-point victory. ''It's important for us to have our tempo," says Leigh. "We end up in the 50s and we're ln trouble." Richard Chang and Rick DiBemardo lead the Chargers in lhe interior and Chang showed alm01t complete r~covery from a chest ailment, scorln1 24 •••Inst Marina. "Chana ls lookinl good and ls able lo run and play a lull 1ame." says Lel.h. JEFF STEPHENS and Mark Goudce give Edison a solid baekcourt, but that'• no 1urprile. The 1urprile iJ 1-4 Pete Blnulli '• ability to step ln and do the Job defensively with 1-4 Darren Moore itUI boeled down with lDjurtea. "The key to our IUCCtll II everyone playtn1 bl1 role," aay1 Lelah. Coach Jlm Harris' Seabawk1 counter the inalde came of Ed1loG ~ltb •·•~ Jim U1t•ltcb, who aver••• ao.1per1•m•i but ... beld 1o a aeaaon-low of 1 x pointl by Weatmlnater on Wedneadlly wltb •lowdown \act.lea. Willa. u .. vttch la th• focal paint wltb bll ..... WI Oc.aa YleW'• lupPGltllil cut <loott DllltM:Ai &ban WftDll', M DHt Clll'l'Oll ... ,., Mii• Judi•> wbtclt ..._ w bftillU.leaiawu,10.a....u . . ~..,.· ..-cern II obfloul -lt'a ~"Mff "!!;• • • --.-~·" There's no one you can slack off of." There's another 4-0 team (Estancia> in the Sea View League, but the Newport Harbor·CdM colllsion is the big one, before an anticipated packed CdM gym. "WE'RE PLAYING well," says Sailon Coach Jerry DeBusk, "but It's been againat aone teams. Corona del Mar is goln• to put more pressure on us than any zone team and (Chris) Lynch, (Mike) Hess and (Kurt) Petersen have been nails rrom outside. "They're on top with nine straight wlns. We have to c<>ntain those three and we can't give them five feel or space to shoot. "I'd Ute to see the game higher lhan the 40s or 509. We'd like to get 1t and go." The 6-7 front of Byron BaU and Joe Seager clog up the mlddle of the Sailors' zone and S-3 Scott I.Jner, S-0 Brian Folk and 6-0 Steve PelleUer give the Sailors the complete look. The Sea Kings of Coach Jack Errion have indeed won nine straithl and are ranked No. 7 in tbe CIF l ·A. Lynch, He11 and Petersen are dead1y from outside and can control the tempo to their liking, whiJe 6·8 Hank Goebel and 6·' Garth Olaoo give CdM iAslde strength to counter Ball and Sea1er. ''WE1RE GOING to have lo hope each of our kids can do a job lndJvldually. We can't 1ive anyone any help. I don't think we can 1et' much inside so we have to go with outside shoolin1 and play hard on defense,'' says 8rrion. "We need adequate shoolln• < con1l1t.ently in the 40·50 percent ranf•'·" adds Errlon. E sewhere In the Sea View the Eagles of Estancia risk their No. ' status ln CIF 3·A a1atnsl the taller (6'-7 Brad Gueas) University TroJU.. Estancia counten with qulckneu (Jeff Gardner and Co.), and la oa • four·••me wlnnln1 streak after 011•nln1 tbe 1ea1on wltb a Hven·1ame 1treak. COila Mesa lri• to 1et well at Saddleback .Klih, whlch featurea a lot of slow Roaclnannen, while Jrv1ne trl81 to lftap a 10.,ame lollnl 1tnak aplnaC, vlaltiq El Toro. llartna bu an acid test .,alnlt Fountain Valle1 lD the Suuet.1-... ln lta quest for a playoff berth. After the bl• Iota to ll!dlaoa, aaotlMr setback will make tt touab to r9e0Up. If the Vlktnp are to 1ueceed they'll have to contain Fountain Vallt1'1 Jtlf H'*fl*, wbo 1cond 16 a1•'Nt 8watlMlon8tatbMdtau'911• 11tt•lwtcelnlllllall ........ (\WCJloeta Bar~ ..... = I ... till Save gos, get better performance Spark Plugs No'• •r, 111r •r •r. llJOr. llJOY4, 1.11r, wr, uu ....... . """ 115, 11. nr.z.!J!11Jor, nn, 1in. 94c arur, 1Jzr, 1un. aur, 1ur. 110. '"'· JJn, -m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...,.. • .,,..,,,.,.,,,,.,, ggc .,..,, _,Ur. -If llL 24. llUf ..,,,, -.dr, •iu;~Hr, •isr. ""· .. ,,, ... ... .. .. . .. . . . . - TRIDON ~·[2] Wf*' Fuel Blade I Refills Filter ,,.., 1r,.,,. Ila. II"'..., can ....... ,,,_..,. .. J-J7..Z s ~~ Hand Cleaner ........ ~· •. 'f"~ ·~· .... Z·J/ZA. «UM9 ... '3~ Ne A ... T911N CON,•lll•Nc• LMl9" Seattle "-nl• Ooldel'IStata Pert~ S...01900 •ecttlcOMU. • I. ,. 10 u " ti ,. JO " lO " 10 ts MM!wftt OM.- ""' .. .721 .61' t ... 41/'t .571 Sli't 111 Sli't ... ""' Seti Antonio Den Yer HOUllOfl l(af\MI City Utall OlllH 2> 11 .67• - " " ... 61/'t ,. 20 ·-• u n .•1 " n n m 11 t 2t .H7 m-. •asT••N eot1'•••Nca 8oston PlllladelPflla Hew York WHlll119tofl NewJ•rMY Mltwaui. .. Attanl• ln•l•na Clllcego Oelroll CteYeland AWMlkOhliu.t 21 • t6 10 " " " " " JI ~DtYIM• ts " " 11 11 " " 21 " n 6 ,. ~···1c­H•w .Hrvy llO, Clllc990 ICM WHlll"91on 121, Detroit 114 Pont eNI 11 t. Hovtton 100 Plloenla tll, H-Y-" , ........ o-e. Lahnel ll'llllW Allenta at Pflll-lphla c 111caoo et Wasllhitton HOllalon ., s... AfllOf\IO Hew JerMy at l(a11Ms City Bo11on at MllwaukH OallH•IOeflffr Cln•l-lllMIOletO utall et'S.alll• Hew York 11 Gol...,. 51ate COLLEGE . m -.122 IVt .41610 .01 11 411 111'> ~ -41.t Tli't •n • 411 10 .40S IOV. .111 "~ UC lrvlne 50 CS Fullerton 411 CAL ITATa l'iJLL811TOM -W-14, Ml•on II, HawtllorN 2, G'"" 2, AllOertOl'I 4, 51 ......... 2, NNI t. Totals: 1A 1-1 4i. UC t11VlN8 -l'11ller IS, Wllleldon 7, Tllomlon I, Wllll I, McOonakt I."'-11. Total1: 1011).tl •· Hallll1TW 0 Cal 51118 F11ller10f\, If.IT. Total I011t1: C•I Stet• F111tert9ft "· UC lrYIM S; Fouled out : Stellflen1 CCal Stele F11llertonl. HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Newoort Chr. 23t Woodbrtda-11 W060tllltOO• -~-r 2, G•0- 0, Vertlerg •. Haf'Nndel 12. Fiil• 1 Totat.:. l·• It. N8Wll'OllT CHlllSTIAN -Benon11av•t1 s. Merine J, Berkebll• 10, ~n4erton • To111a: 10 >• ~-•yOooart- WoMbrl6ge NewPort Ovllllan . • • J J-1' 0 1 I 10-U Tot•• IOllll Woodbrl4ge ,., N•wllOf'I CllrlsllWt 10 M•t•r Del 87, St. P•ul 47 IT. PAUi. Roc:cllar4 4, 011tlerra• 21, Laf18<11e J, Turrie!• 4, Gam., 6. S.rldo 7, Van H•lland I, ... _ .. J. Tot•••. "11.210. MATlll ~ K. hller J. P ._,... 4, GoNnan 2•. o.,. J, s. ...... io J, Gainey •. Varlaco 21, Barry 1 TotallT2' IS-JS t1 k-.., o.en.n St, Peul I 11 1 Jt -47 Mater Del • 11 11 to--47 Total rou11· SI P ... 1 U, ~ter Oel 10; l'oule4 out· Gutlerru <St. Peull, Ven Holtan4 (51 P ... I) Edleon 57, Oce•n View 14 OCIA" Yt•W -W.ob a, Wlllle 2, a.. .. 1, SIMll t, Giii I, Garman o. Gattl•no O. Totela: S•·IO U. IOIM>N l(rUj)4la s. HOllk I, Tr•IH •• Tenabe IJ, O...Heyer 11, BlllNr s. c11a ... o. Cales J, LoSeMo I Totalt: 21 J.IJ H . k-ay0.."9ft Ocean View J 1 t 1-t• ldlton • u ,. 11-n Total ""''' OCIM v-10, llClllon IS, l'ovf..i oul 0...Heyer (ECllsonl. Htn. Beech 71, WHtmln1ter 33 WllTMINIT•ll -ScK""" S, J-. t, Gutllrle 6. J,.IH t, Sclllen<ae I, l(u"""I J, s.<ovw J, ICOllClll O Totals· 1111·H JJ • MUNTINOTON 15ACH -Ca rr ll. Cerdon 4, T-16, Paclllo •. Hamlley J, MendOU 11, 8uOell t , Cltnllenl>e•nl 11. TOCall: JJ 12'21 Tl. le-.., O-r1en Wttl"llnJler U • 11 5-» H11t1tmtton llHcll 11 JO 21 16-11 Totel lov41· W"lmlns1er n , Huntl""°" Beacll '1 ; l'oute4 0111, 1(11111ml (Westmlnaterl, 8uc k1h I H11nll111to11 •••<Ill. Tac1Wcel1: Wntmlnster CoKllt. ua. Ctw. ti ..... , ..... 1.INaTY atllliflltAN -1-.rfl 11, J, LKlltrlllt_.•1 CN""I I, M•c'•rfant t, '"''"' *' r-~1 o "'*'· ell'l'MaaN -H ... Mf •, C)Mfrty 1~1 "9f-yer t, All I, WMN,..Ct11 t T.t•lt; 1t ... ,. tcwt-. ......... 1.1wrty o..1t11111 •• •• • ....,, 8Nflttll I I I II T.Ctl let.tie: 1,...,..., Cl\rlttt.11 10, 8rew.t 'i ''"''' elll! J . l.•cUr••• u.tMflY C11rlt1lt11), WnHfltlt11 l8Nlllrt11I. l'tn. Yaltev II, Mel'ln• ier MAlll NA -101111 6, Howltd 10, """''"""' 2, ~ II, l.flla 6, A1141erNll I, .. lltmy4 T.cMt• ll .. IS'1, PCMlltTAlll YAU.Y -Nllfll t. ~6. .. llClltttlll II, Al'IMJll 6, OlllMwJ U, 0.Yt. It. Totelf\ 1• IWI 16. IC _ _, ... ,.,. M•rln, It 1J t 14-4P .. _1111111111.., ,. 1r-s ,...... Total lwtt: MerlM "· '"-i.11\ V .. 119¥ ": l'o11lef out: P11clle1t1tl 111e11t1taln Valley), Smallwaof IMarl11a 1, L•Y• IMtrlM). .Loa Al•mttoa THUllllDA\''l llHULTI , ..... ~ .... """°" .. -•llttl Pl lllT llAC•. 400 yerC11. ll•ba w.,..., (Hart) • 00 J.'11 uo DeelaMt ICrffetrl •.OO UO Crpllll C-ty (Tenllll 11.00 Alto , • ..,, l'alr eNI Feat, lloy•I J...,.., Arere4, Jltnllo Cl\ar91, OQ.A Spy Rine, Oo•n•o-F ... Pan My eopy, 00 -Flnllllecl tlllrd, 41sqvalllled a"4 pieced t ltMll. Time: 10.JI. U UlACTA ll-t) pakl '27.10. HCOMO llAC•. '10 yarclt SlleckYI c .. t .. Leo .... , S.40 J.'11 uo Slldden TllOlllM ( P ... 111\el J.. uo a·P'lu K1"41 CC-llel UO Aho reced: Jet M•~•r. Betti• LIM, • •·llultall Aotltel, El Remal, 1(-qva. • -cOUPltd. Tim•· ~12. THlllD llAC1E. 400 yerch ,,.r ,. • ..,. ICM4o£•> t• «I UO I 40 Touts M_, O."' CClle"9rl •J.«I 11.2' Leder Lewr ITl'ffWral 7.40 Alto raced: a-O•m• '1relegy, Moon HlllOrV. Ale Hott, La4Y Aeq .. st A Wiii. Cllerm On Ber, Bern Im-. •·"Hltttlc Fenian . ,...,...,, Tlmt. JUt. U I llACTA CH I pakl Uto «I l'OU llTH llACll. UO y.,.,,. •·Grenny1 Grav (Har11 J.• • «I uo t ·lombl (Adelr) . J IO •.«I l.JO See TrOIAllle RU11 18ar4l UO Alto rece4: R"""'" Sia. Trlpol BONll, Vote. councry Potky, H_,. Man, '°""' 1Cln4a COUlltry, Alamltot Ee1y. e -c....,ieCI. Time: 1e.02. U •llACTA 11.al pal<I ~IO l'"TH llAC•. UO Yll'41 Hn• K•I• (Treawrel s IO J.IO 110 Rocket S.-1Wat4l 7 .IO uo Heu Cleuy CROUQlll •.to Allo reced: Dunro••n Specla l, Trlpel PruM, tmel..,._, Wllal Trouble, Str- S.te, Ball N_. B-. My EHY s-. Time 11.17. U IXACTA IHI peltl Mt.JO llXTH llAC•. 170 yarft. I.II Biii L-CAOalr) "00 U.IO LOO I Tlllnlt I Cefl CP1111llnel J.00 U6 NHlt HI ICre ... r) J.IO AIW rec:9": Winier Groom, Cl ..... LllCh Win, Calcll LllClt, Rocket -· I:._,..., CMrOCI ... Time: 461D s • v •'"" uc•. J50 yer4• S.latll A llOCllet lllatdl IJ.«I • . .cl UO De1troyer <T-•l I .Ill J JO Loam Son (Ole•HI UO Alto reced: Mr. Captl 0.Ck, ,.,,...,,..,, a.-. llOca Pella, llalte My 8an, c.otaln $tllrll, K-. Heta Mo-fer '""'' , .... U allACTA CMI Ml4 M• JO " PICK Siil 11·.2·1·1·1·2) (Nici u.u• «I wllll u wlMl119 llclt.el Cllff ... ,. .. ,, u PIO SI• contotellon paid U7.00 •1111 271 WIMlnt llcllets llourlloreesl. a t•HTM llAC .. 400yer<tt. AIWtM TtWln (OelomMI 7t ,00 42.IO IUI a.Brl1IOI •-lAdelr) 10 . .cl SM Jet .... , I Bard) J '° Alu rauo: •·Sollla ry Jet, Sooner l(llerrlYH, Play Ttllf, Sir """"' Ar-. TllrH Wll4 Olllncn, Anotller Eac.,., . ,...,..., Tl"le' 20.J7. U IXACTA l .. tl pekl ""IO H INTH llACa. 400 yardl l'IYIFIQ WIM o...c..r IT-al 7.00 4 •• J.40 Celt Me Rey (P..,llN) •AO tM •·J•VOlll Jey IWanll 4 40 Also raced: Spe<lel DtllYfriH, Helsllnl. Litt N eon. Felrw•v• RoqtlHI, H9'191111 WlflCI, a0Le9el CAper, ~"' l(elly. • -c....,ieo. Time: 20.4S. U allACTA 11·tl peklU1 40 Atte-e:6,C4. 9MteANte ...UatN\''J ..aMl'-fl ,, . .,....,_,,..... ......... , 11i1111TMC•.•1W.._. °'""''~I ......... . Qwllllctl!M , .... ,..,1 • " .. ,. W., H-CWll\ltnf) II• AIM fl<M 1-M It-, Ltl'I .. HI,,'(, llltlll Ot1 THiii, l'ellCy 011y, .... ""-·-· ... ,kl\. 0.-W• .. , ... """' 1 •u1s. t•CMO lllACll, •~ '""..._' Ktl'll Wiii lltller llll9tfMltetll.• a.• IM R11ftllllllflll IC.taMftl PAO UI My~IDM.,_...y.I •• Alto recH. "" Wet Btfll, I .I. , ..... _.. N.' All-,"""-• Olra ~ ..... -.ilty l"Mrl, 0. A ,._y, TllM1t1tU/e. ll OAll. \' OCMl81.e CHI Nlf ...... '"··· llACa •• ·~· WllldY'• Olllle lllllllltl I.JO S.'11 J,eo hmlntr .-i1or (Aam\liltlll 1 M •·• "'''" lt.111111"1) .... AIM rece41 T11r11lnt W!Mtlt, .. ,t .. 1111, Oettn. l'tflt~ll, My 0oi-Otn, .... r WeiC, Jllllrny Ian, lrlf!M L.-. Time: 1110. •OVllTN .-aca. •~ ,..,.,.,,._, a11e11v •-IC:.altMdtl I.JO 1.40 1.00 ~ ........ , uo uo L.Ollfofl c-'OelellollJMYtl uo Alto racM: lt91'ootypa, ...... , ...,.., lletllftll ......,,.. ...... Patrlet Jo., 0,,.1'4111, '-"'•· l(lllOs 0.-, Nollle Jetture, 811UOt. Time: t·1H/S, "'"" ltACC. 6 fvrMNll., Jet T ta wt I "--'l 1 .Ill 4.00 J.40 II. lllCll 0--0t IA.,...._nl S.• S.00 1111a 'H 1111 con.,., '·'° Aho ••ce•: Mr. Aegean, One II••· Smu911.,•a Gold, C.Ya11 ... 1rre, CllacltM'• OrPllaf'I, Htllle -..1. Tl"le: 11 .. llS U lllACTA CS.JI pal4 l11l 00. SIXTH llAC•.ttvtlonel Glotca Morre I Noc Canan I J • J IO UIO N•n<I• De•I !CeltaMdal •·• s.• won•t Olw All 111<11 CDtl-1111eyel •.IO Alto ·-: Wlll1Ul119 LOW, Lor4'1 t.a•le, Roya Ct1rl•, The l(lnd, Fotlorla, lrlall LI,.., Royal Wl,,.tlll'm, Remaclf. Time: 1:102/J HVINTH llAC•. 6 lvr ...... ••la'• 5afll 1.00 • • uo Nat11rally Hk• COlll••ratl It.Ill •AO Rosie Doon I DtlellollHaYt I J.10 Alto reced: Orearner'1 HoUCley, °"11- Women, 1'11119 01119. Time: 1:0t 2/J. u 81lACTA IHI paldflu.oo 11 PICK Siil C .. IMl).S.2·11 paid .. ,117.«I "'"" II wlMlnt Uckell (ti• -IHI u Pkk Sia conlOletlOll pal4 SH IO wllll lit wlnnl,.. tl<kell lllwllorWsl. 810MTM llAC•. ·~ lur'°"91. Melclllno IAtmuuanl 1.ao i.oo i.oo Pa11 Fo,...lllno IMcCarron1 t.IO t . .eo Stop Oat1Clno CTorol uo Also race4 Peppy'• LllCllY Olrl, Pl9ftly O'Toole, Grey On Gr•y. Tenoaro•. Swlll Bird, Song To R_,.,.,, Abl1h•le Time· l:ISJIS NINTH llACa. I 1116 mllH. Clllna Bltsl IMcCarron) ?0.10 7.IO •.10 Icy Paws IOaltlloutwyel S.IO 2.IO cnoco1et• Lo"9r cces1eneoe1 2.111 At so rececl: ~1111 Star, B•l•I r011, lloyel Earl, Cllolta, Wlncly Jeremy, NHMlrodl, General e>roer. S~ SpNct. Time· I U J/J U I llACTA 1 ... 1 paid \117 00 AllendlllCe 17,7'°. HorM r•clng •t•ndln91 l'""-'t JINI. It) JOCK I YI C McCerron Mac Beu. ,,._, 111 -"""" 34 •• UOJ,090 JI II t 117,111 M Cell- Dele--.ve Slloem•ktr Merten• VtlHQutr Htwley Be Ille Plncey 0 s • '"·'" ,. s 1 m.-,, • J 1«1,6.li 41 I 4 Ul.6'11 • • 1 1n.u. lt S ' 112,HO ll 4 I 121,570 11 4 J 120,HO TllAINlllS Lllk .. LHlherbtlrY All•no L. 8arr1re G•een Carroll P.G. Joh,,_, L lmperlo Holl Cruowt Prince Spellboncl Vic tori.., 1..lne 111•"4 Wlllrl Ollerwat1 R1111u111 Geor99 Solo Guy Mr. Bat9',.. Treck 11...,y Cvpecoy'I W, J11<19able OYIKY Stana ltt IM ,. , , MOllSIS ,. • s JO 1 s IJ J • 4 11 1 12 I • 0 I 0 2 0 SUmltl ... 1 I 0 I 1 0 I I 0 1 I 0 I I 0 0 • 0 1 0 Mlmr• tourn•nMnt CelN-Ywlll leceM ....... Sl .. I" .._ Stl.GO tO.G 11.M 11.•1 .... M,460 1t,IMO 15.0IJ 1',lllO 1a.m ~ .... M,000 11,ftO ''·'" 60,100 "·"· 45,100 tt.m G ,IU l••n u""I del Gulllermo Vllll, .... 1·1, Ellol TeltlKher Clef Ra1<oe T•-t ....... 1. µ; JeM McEnroe dal. Jimmy Cenno"· .. ,, 7.J ; VllH c;eruie1111 daf Jose Lui• Clerc. I .. , 1·1. Women'• tournament C1tClllcleMll) ................. Anne Ciel. s.My COlllnt, .. I. a.t; Berbtra tr def. J-RllSMll, •·I, W ;. Trecy Alllflll .,.,..,._to CMty Reyno!.,.; 9ettln• ...... Clef. LUlla AIMii, •l, 1 .. ; Bllll• JNn 1(1,.. Cle1 SytYle Hanle.., 1.s ...... NBA doing a high-wire act ' Cable broadcasts take a b~g bite out of CBS coverage By LARAY SIDDONS A~ .... ...., The Sunday afternoons a basketball fan can spend for free with the likes of Larry Bird, Jullu.s Erving and Kareem Abdul·Jabbar appear to be numbered. The National Basketball AHociatlon bas signed what Is likely Its last nationel network television contract. Looming larae in the league's fUture is the multimillion-dollar potential of cable 'l'V. Rapidly expanding cable companies which rely on sports for a good deal of their pro1rammlng are lookin1 for major events to flU Ume. And -u more commun1Uea are "wired" and more subscribers added -the cablecaster1 ere nearlna lbe polnt ot competl~ finuclally for blf·leaaue eventa. Taldnt an apparept first atep ln the dlreeUon of cable, the NBA la•t month 1l1Md a four-year, ... mlWon contract wlth CBS, 1tartln1 with the t•·llMuon. It providee for national network coverqe or the midHuon All·•lar aame, a limited numMr of re1ular-aeuon 1ames (three tbe flrlt year, aeven In each ol th• next three yean) and a bl.I part of the playoff~1 lncludlne prtme-Ume .t.lecuta ol th• cb.amD&onanap 1eriee. Slnce 1171, CBS hH carried the NBA oatlonwld• J\ltl about every SUnday betwffn add-January and late May. But by UmtUna the number or recu•ar·1tuon pm• CBS cam ... the NIA feell it 11 JiYifta tacb trueta• • bitter ctauce to cut it.I own 4eal wtUl aot.i a1Mlon1 1Dd ctlblecuten. At the Nm• tlme, lt prcmdel UM lealU ltMlf 1D op_portunlty to Jump lnto cable TV la a b61 way. DaYid J . lterD, tbe !llA'a ....... vtoe p..,ldeat for bUlkMlt aod leal -.an, Wd U.• l••lut 11 ae1ot1aua1 . wtfll .. tl•••l1 ea bit tompenl• -pr•umabl» UIA iDI d·•1*11 •PN -for Mat HUoa. Seturd&y'e t:v. radio • 10 •. i . <t) •cm=r ...... "". Wichita State at Tulsa. Noon (2) -TENNIS -SemllinaJ1 of the Grend Prix Masters. < 11> -OLYMPIA GOLD BOWL -The nation'• top seniors compete 111 thi• lnau1ural college football all·star 1ame from San Diego. 1 p.m. (4) -GOLF -Fourth-round play In the Bob Hope Desert Classic. 3 p.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASllE1'8ALL - California at Washlhiton. 3:30 p.m. (7) -JlllO BOWUNG -The finals of the Sbowboal lnvltatlonal, taped at Las Ve1as. 5 p.m. (1) -WIDE WOllLD OF 8POAT8 - The Harlem Globetrotters Jn Florida. Also: aame~ay covera1e of a men'• World Cup dowoblU 1klln1 event. • 8 p.m. (I) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Arlaona al UOLA. -BuketbaU -UC Santa Barbara at UC Irvine, 7!30 p.m,, KWVI 008 FMJ; Cal Sta&.e <Fu.Uerton) al Lona 8el4lb lt•te. 1:30 p.m., KWRM (1S70> and KLON <• Pll): ArlJona State al USC, I J>.m ., KDAV (15801: Arlaona at UCLA, I p.m., KllPC <710). Sunday's TV, radio t'BLltVISION 10 •. m, <I> -~IA 8A8&STBALL Pblladelpb1a d . ~\a at Autberford, N.1. <4> COLI.SGS 8Al&,BT8ALL -Loulnlllt at Ml11owi. Noon (4) -8P0&1'WO&LD -Bobby Caya ( lt·O> v1. Robbie Sim• ( la·O> ln a lO·round •"-l1w1 ... llout '1'0lt! ~Oran ... M.J. Aleo: ~~~=r~ tape. It llUilaf ..... ; 12:11 p.m. <I> -TENN•-TIM ftnall or the Oralld Prix ....... tM New Yon. l :•_p.m. <•> -GOU'-Jl'laal nand pl11 lll the Bob Hope Delei't ClaaUc. a:• p.m. Cf> -80DNG -~Of tM World Cup bo•l•I ollamplonalalPt. ._,.. M llontreel. Orange COMt DAILY PtLOT/FrldaV. January 15. 1812 90b ...._ 0.Mrt CIHMe ·•ar~..,..., '" 0••111 ..... -111 ... Cf..... w..t-1• ,_.... .,..._, .. IMllY W-11\e •s..t -IM CtlVlll._.. ....... ~ tM ..... ...... ., .. , -... ... ""' JMS -111 WeyM Lrll 6HI -116 J.C:....... ....,_,16 L .. a111tr ., ... _, .. Ktllll,...... 6MP-tl6 RMCUfl ... 111 -1» 11.,reet l'erler ... ,. -tM Sutt Mec:ll 6Mt -111 Cloftla ll,.,.. .,.,. -111 ""' llrecll 11 .. l -1• 101111,,..._ .,... -t• .... .,,,_ 10... -1• Mltltr8tflltr 6Mt-1• OtYld Or.,_.,. 67·11 -I• ,, .. ~ 11 .. 1 -1• • ...., c1.,,...1 10 ... -1• 8erry Hwwtll ... ,. -1• Jim ·-,, ... -1• •• ,,, Je.c-.. "''° -1 .. AMy Hortll 11 ... -t .. °"''' Al'Clwf 11).tt _ ,,. JOIWI CllOll •Mt -"9 Otte OWi!-... ,, -1 .. JI'" CelWI 69-10 -'" ~Cr..,__ ,. ... -'" Dell~ ,, ... -1• ... 0 11-... " -•• ,.,,.,~ 0.11He1-- Jeckll_, ..... , ..... Jlmll- O.A. Wtlllrlnfl PeletOot......,, Mlle llelf 8NCe Oewtl.a Mom1HMt1111y OlllMr .... Crolt lt.-W Biii 8rlno.. CNrle1 c.tdy Joe lnl!Wlll Mlll•~­ TemWet.f\ -....v:..w l'uuv Zoeller T Im I"""°" 8rvct Lletzlle Pat Mc09wall ~rkO'MNra OeorgeCeCll• B114Allln 01nnyl!dw- Tom Jenllllns Alan Taple Allen Miiter Ltn Lott Mlkt Sulll•an II H SlkH \fence HHfner Mlkt Donald JOMk~r Tommy Al"*"'"' JoeHa9ff GaryTrlYllOllftO Jell sa.-" Jerry P•t• Jerry Hoer4 MIU McCUllOllOfl Tom Puruw OreeP~ Terry Olelll 0-Llltltr JeyH- Oon lln Vktor ,....,_ MlkeHoOMd Sloe Melnyll Jell MllcMll 0.Ye Barr Scott Wet!llM Biil l(retHr1 LArrylMl- OoutT-1 u SrlftCI Welly Ar.-,_ AIGallltf9W Oen Polll Ally ..... ~rk LYt JOMM ..... fey H-rtOAtfl .... r-1111• ,.,_c-r 8NCe ......... C:lll Clll .._..,., 0.ff lldlelllw9or B-.Nldlol1 Peter Jee...., AtM14PtltNr Gery Hen-. Hellulllll O.na Oultfoy 08"•(~ Jl"I Tl\orpe Howlf'4 Twitty Merk Ptell Tommy-on ROCI C°"""""' GeyBr- O.WSlec:ll1on "'°'" HaYft BoblHi-RlkMe...,,..ie 0ouo~ BOC>A...-1 I.AMI Orllflem Wotdy l'ltmuoll Rooerc.tvln Stow J- T om H '-rt• LH TreYlno 71).11-t• n ... -,. , . .,. _ ,. ,,.,,_,. ,, ... _1.., .10-10 -1• . .. ,. _,.. ,..,,_.., n ... -w r•n-m 70-71 -1'1 6"71 -UI ,, ... _ 141 ... ,,_ 141 ...,, -141 14 .. , -141 •f.n -141 10·71 -,., PMt -141 n ... -ut 71 ... -141 71).11 -141 If.TO -UI ... ,, -141 ... ,. _,., '2·10 -t«J 70·12 -142 71.71 -l«J 7012 -10 7J.71 -10 lf.74 -IQ IJ.71 -IQ 70-IJ -IQ 10·11 -IQ 11·12 -IQ ... 74 -1Q 70-7>-tU 7J.71 -1U. 7"72 10 70·12 -10 ... 74 -10 n -11 -1u 11-12-10 7).70-,.., 1J.11 -1Q 71.71 -144 11·7J -144 71-11 -144 11-12 -144 10°14 -144 11-IJ -144 IJ·11 -144 7S..t -144 1l·11 -144 11·11 -144 IS.. -144 71.74 -,., 72·71 -145 Tl--12 -HJ 12·71-145 71).11 -10 10.1' -10 IJ.IJ -145 70.IS -US 11°14 -HJ 1 .. 1'-141 ,._,,_, .. ,..,._ 146 7).IJ -141 P).7J -, .. 74·12 -146 7 .. 10 -146 1s.n -1•1 14-JJ -tO 12·1S -147 1).74-10 7HJ -10 IS.11 -141 n-11 -1• 11-11 -1• 7N6-1• 14-1' -14' 1$-14 -1ft 1$-14 -lft n.n -1so 1•n -IJO IS-7S -1'0 7HS -110 11-7J -IS1 11-TJ -ISi 7Ht -154 l .. lt -UJ 76.aO -IM ... n-•• .. -WO ...... ~COIH'••••c• w""M ., _."" (d!Mll-" ., • u. ,. ., tatt•rv 11 IO to m * ... 11•~-IS 12 I t,W 165 • 1ti.., 11 M S ITS tit J1 c ... ,... 10 " ' IU 215 • ... Uoilit ,..,_ .... Cllk ... w111111.-. Toronto De troll NtrrttDI...._ 20 • 4 1U 174 .. IS U U 174 ISi 44 17 11 • 117 111 CJ ,. • ' 170 ,. 0 11 ,. ,, •• I.. ,, ,, u 6 ld .. 12 WALH CON,.11.ltCa Petndl OIVW. NY 111.-n ts 12 S 111 10 H l'tlilMf!jlllN 16 1S I 171 1 S6 JJ ..... ........ JO 11 J 1• 1'6 '5 '"lttleMlf'Wll • 1' 11 • I 70 I 1' .. Walltlll\fllll U Jt S Ill ,.. 2' ..... OIYlthm lutfele ts 11 • 174 tll • Bott°" 2• t2 S 111 t• SP r'Mfllr .. I U 10 11 -IJI JS Qllellle< 24 IS S 207 I 1' J.l Harttoro 10 n t 1Q t• tt ,.......,..tar.. Caloert s ..... 2 IOllOll S, ~y lllMM9tn 4 PlllllMllelpftie I, 1:11..-tOll 2 Detroit J, Color-1 T.._,o ...... 1(11191 et Ven<ounr Toronto II Bufltto NY R ..... "atWIMIPet Fl•me• 5, Kina• I le_.,_.. LOSA .... !.. I 0 J -S ca1oary t 1 t -s .............. 1. Celgary, Houlton t C llel11llart, Bridgman), I :•. J. Cal99ry, Bridgman 12 CH0111ton, lltlnllarll, tO:JJ. Penally -"°""°"· CAii. 10: 40. I« ... ~ J. <;t l09'Y, Cyr t ICllOulnerCll, 11:11. PeMlllel HoullOll. Cal.•·»: Mtll•o. LA, S:S2; Welle, LA, mlnor..,...for, 10 11. ,....,_ Cat, maJor, 10 U TMN ...... 4 . Ca l9ary, HOllllOfl 10 I Brt491nen, Ptptlftskll, a: ... s. LAI .t.neei ... Terrlon n (MlllYey, P' .. I, •:OO. 6+ Lot At19ele1, JollanHll J CT••lor; 8aultl, l :H . '· Caleary, McOenal4 1' ICllovlt1ar4 • "•11takelllol, II 11 -lty -Henly, LA. s·JO $Mt:t Oii ... , -Los AfleelH 12•14-1 .... c11 .. ry t).6.tMO. Goalln -l..OI AflQllH, Lanard. Ca'9MY • Rl19ln .... -1,n.. etta11ene-m .. t ............ _. .... ) Mlle -1 ....,_ keU CU.S.I, J :U.tt; 2 Jolin Wellter (New 1HlaMl. > 56.,.; J. 0a¥e M..-crolt 18r111enl, J:SP.12 >.000 metltt• -1 Gnte Wtlt.I CH-ayl, t:I0.6'. Tltl• ...ti'• trout pl•nt1 LOI A .... L.91 -El OaloaClo P-Lake, Lew L.IM, '-• Parti Lau, PlidCll"l't- Leltt, Pyrernlcl Lalla. Seti Olm• lleter¥0ir 111va•11oa -Ct!Wllla LAk•. Htme1 Lall•. l'tnit R~r. Sic'-' Lallo. SAN 8all"AllDINO - Cvum..,...OU.111 Perti L.llltt, Olen Helen l'etk Lalle, $11"9rwoocl LAllle. SAit LUii 0911!"0 -L-r Laite SA"TA IAll8AllA -Cacllume Leh V•NTUllA -CMltas Lal<e KllllN HW1 ,..,.. Lah, Kem ., ... , C 9orell l"owtftlOllM to Oef'noc rel Dem. KR> .... • ..-.. to Lak• , .... ,., w Sil REPDIT \¥i. Mountain High Snow SUmmlt Snow Valley Goldmine SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S.Ow deplh/llM:ltes CoDdlUou 1 • Llltl/Cltaln 12 hp 3C 18-38 8L 12·15 hp F'J 12·58 SL CENTRAL CAUFOllNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain 50.70 pp 104 pp 4C FO (except chairs 20 and 21) FO China Peak Dodie Rid1e 42·57 pµ 60-84 pp NOJlTHUN CAUIORNIA FO Mt. Reba D-123 1L Kirkwood 144·20t pow. FO Sierra Ski Ranch 10. FO HHvenly VaUey 3) PP aoL Tahoe Sid Bowl • 2C NortMw O·UO ro Ski lncline # d.a PP t0 Squaw VaUey 48-m -~ Mt. Role •111 pow. ..v Donner Ski Rueb M-144 -F0 Alpine MtadoWI l*.llO PP ro 'CondlUOM: bp -hard pact; pp -packed po.-111 pow. - powder. Llftl/Chalrs: L -ltfll; C -c:haltt; FO -full .,-iuc.n. ; HiOf' echoof aoccer WOMaN '·"' ..... .... . ... ..... a.en ... , .... '·'" ..... •.m '·'" •.m •.m ..,.. ..... '·"' 1,611 ..... ..... • • .... Uft ••• ....... ._114,~-Valley 1 LlllUl\8 llHcll ec .. 1119 W•ICIOfl 2. Martln, .... , .... wr .... lna NtONICNof>L •fl-17,0c.9M Vlew6 .. -Gvy IEl -wt lortell. •OJ -Olton Cl:l -by forfell 112 -Cwry (el -.-, for1elL "' -"'"'""(I!) -by lorf•lt , ,. -"'*"' 11:1 -..,, forfeit 1n -.....,.. lorlett 1• -Goldstein Ill p Aoultere. I n us -o.-forfeit. UJ -Riiey I., won by for lelt ,., -Lamb <OVI •· H•trlek, s·u IM -Z-11 11:1 dee. Stey, •->. 2IO -P ....... IEl p Oofwwlly :24 Hwt. -Cwlelto I El _,by forlell ...... Vattey 4t, MerlM I 100 -Strecll C FYI won by forfeit. 105 s. Mino CFVI dee S11r11kl, •.O. IU -M. Mino CFVI Cite. Dellalo, 1J.CI 111 -Sells IMl dee. Stort. S-4 121 -v..-.... a CMI Cle< TllOnl-, 11 10 11·11 IM -llkllar• IFVI 11 l9orllllnlnl J 00 14Q -Ca"lpeiell ( F VI Cle<. AIN. 1-0 10-Manc.llln IFVl -llY forfeit. 1S7 -_,u.,, l"Vl Clad Jenlffl, J.t 117 -,..,..llor ll'V) tlee. IC-. 4.) 117 -Vlcl<erwn lPVI -A-II. •-J. to1 OlbtwN Cl'V) WOii by lorleH. Mwt. -AWl!re IFVI waft llY '°'fell .FJetd rtoctleJ "IOMICMOOL .............. ~--It· WHlmlnt .... 1eort,,.: "lbley, 9r-IOYe. fhurld•v'• tr•nHctlon1 l'OOTBALL .......... -.......... Hl!W YORI( GIANTS Announcocl Ille reslonatlon of Jim Wlllltm1. llr9"(11119ftlng eflCI Con4111onl .. coec:h SAN DIEGO CHARGERS -Sl9ned llobert Boler, 4•1•n•I .. en4; Dtrrlck Marti,., comitrbeck, -Ron JOf\H •flll Tyr-Jvllln, daf-lw !leek• HOCl(IY IM4NMtN«h?uew- OUIEIEC NOllOIOUl!S -AecelltlCI l.H Norwood, def-. from Ille l"r-n<IOll l•Prtel of Ille Ament ... HOC:ll•V L•eow COl.LIOI MARYL.ANO -Nlmecl 8-y Rots -lootbtll COKll. ST LOUIS -AMOUnCtCI llW rH l-llar OI llon IEk~er. heecl bHkettalt CM Cll, etlte11¥1 JUM lO. ----- OUTSTANDING VALUES! ltlJ vw OUA.MTUM WAG-ON !i 'Pd. trans. air con<1. leet~ette seat1. r•d11I llfff •nd morel (Stk 3089). (004796) List Prtce SIZ,b65 Dlsc...tSl470 SALIPllCI s I 0 595 SCllOCCO c 0 u p. . 5 .• p •• d, tr•neml,aion, mttalltO' P•lnl, rear wlndoWf wl per/wHher. al 1.-y Whtela,atefeo~ end morel (Sitt ».351, (017ll. ....Cl . 5 10 495 1 ! I I , ' • .... -...na • ~ 'IMICll n:.fl.·~ ....... ........ ( ...,.. W1* -... ., • .._., NOTICE OF DEATH OF ....,....,_ Dt!MICNMOflT... ...!~ ........ 1 ..,._ --.. GLORIA PRISCILLA .... ...._....., M91A~NTaD -•TORM ~........... w.tTHOttHICT U.M AVIAT!Otf, -..... Ml ., • ak1 GLORIA Meu c:.•t•111f...., 01..,lct; T• ,....._ ... ,.,..._,..,IM Aw.,c.lllMIM.,CA...., STORM WIOASECK, aka • .,,,_,,,..OM•/ ... ' NwtlVe.tltll MH•C• .. u ..... ...,Olltf'ktl ...... lwr•, IMMllN ,.o .... GLORIA WIOASECK, aka ,. ... , _ ,,_ 1 I atl a.. All9 ll'lewe-.Mtk•Mttlllf*-Y ::::'• S....,.. AN Aw., C.... GLORI"' P, STORM ANO "'"" -VtctWte ,._ .. OCl'CO II,'-1n:•""" llttMMetll ,_ ~1 CA..., " fl1lrw1 .. oie-11 Jeff'9r ,._ •• t111 M9M (MMflMtM W•••r M~ a.., Oii ..... a.. 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 CcMUc1--> cm>.at·••· Ottltlet."" "«MM A-. 0.. Aw:tC...MIM.,CA'*7 AOMINISTE"" EST"'TE •r•fMI Ht<l'l•llM •f N•111te, ~llllltllll, 1111 IHtll If T"ll ...._. II ~ ~ I " " ""9111.-~-. •111111•.-.C'-""etw ....,,,,.,._.,... NO. A·111763. c.....,111._ • Wfl .._. ._. If Ill• '4fr'9M •• reulwl11e ,., ... , 1.Mtliulla T O a I I h • I r S , •led! ._..... ..-.,..... ..... UMINMI• .. *"' .,..,.,_...,., n11 ......._. -,._ ... • beneficiaries', creditors ,, ....... •• ,,... ... "'• "" tM •1111NCt ....,. .., ......_ 11 .. ,._ c...ty Cilirtl " °'.,.... ~ • and contlnoent c~ltors of =:.=i::::::i:.~.:. =~-=11 ,. ..... ••t• o.c.n,Htt .,,.. Glorla Prl1Cllla Storm and Tiii ~ w111 •• ..... •-. TM.,..-.. "''K'" '"-'" ,...,..,0r....,c.teDe1ty,...._, persons who may be •tttc1111t 11•• •• ••ltr 111.,11 .. 11111ra11y .. ...., ,.,,,...._ tt..i-1 o.c. u. ""·"811' 1·'· u, ,., otPlerwlM Interested In the · 0111rl<lowl*, ''"" M1te1ttt111e tM '"*· ... __. 1e .. lenl• AM "'"'· uaHt wl I I •nd/-•tate. eMI,. DfeWlct. ltllWHll VICIWll 11 ......... Ille ----------"' City ,, C.le MeM, Clllf!tY 81 Orl"fl C11111ty l'lltf (Hlr•I PlaJC ma A~tltlon hH been tlled °'"'"·•,._....._A-, c:.u ~r.1111....,...a.-t. b" .... r.., I Storm In the MHl,CelMWlll•tMJJ. -;r,;,.,e1111•ett•1tt1tew111e1Me • 1 -•r • ,. ..... flllltrtllli ....._., •. , .. -..... o.rtct..,1c1,.,,....... flUIL.tC HtA••••• ••L.L. •• Su~rlor Court of Orange 11""'9ry11,"9. ..... _.. ......... .,.y ...... _ MIL.O •• Tl .. COIT& MUA County requesting that o .... : ,,_., •· ,.. ., Miii ._.. l11MrM11i.. ...-ll'L.A•••• CllMMI..._ AT TN• M u r ray I . St or m b t Kart1t....,, ceM1Ct.Jeff ...... 0tw1c1•~-' CITYHAU..nf'&••0••v•.C101TA appointed a« personal MIMtlt et tit tm ' M81A. CMJ~•IA. AT •:• '.M. ,, "'*1..-0r._c. .. ~1,,, .... ....;..,.. .. wi.m ..... ,..1k••• oa •• 100 .. •• flo1111L.a representatlV'e to J9fl. u,a,v,tta *'4JI •llllt1•• w111 .. .,.v111e11 • ,.,, ™•••Af'T•• ON 11110"0 ••· administer the estate of IAIUIA•Y ••It& , _________ .....__ ·••"'"""Y .. '.';"1111 111••• ftlO••DINO 'YHE f'O\.L.OWINO Gloria Priscilla Storm _.,. -. _.,,.. .. ., ... ,,. .... ,1me., A""'-IC.TIONS: (under the Independent ........., l'llllWlt; ... ~....,.... •• a.. ............... H .... "'d I I ti of E t-----------o.tM. ,,_., ,._ •• ..., ... ,.......,_, A<11.,, •A.a"' ... m n stra on states f'tcTmOUt Wtt••• ~7~ "" ...,, Mlt1lll. ,. --~1,,., tw • Ac.O. The petition Is set for UMalTATaM1 .. fY MHACONIOUDAHO ,,.,._. ,....., rllClllll"8f'MN to IC,_ hearing In Dept. 3 at 700 Tfl• .... _'"' ,., .. " •• ...... WAYlf• OIST•H:Y ..,..,. ... ,.. .. ......,... .. ecll ..... Civic Center Orlve, West, ~--:~wsu CONSUL. TINO, ,.,..., 0r .... CMn Del"' ....... :::''.!:. -:,tt;"...: ~ ~ = In the City of Santa Ana, ••• ..,._.,.. ~. H.wi-t 1M<11, Je11. u. •.11. 1• ,..... .,. .. , ..... ...,., 11u1ec1 •• _,,. California on February 10, Calltomle,.... _..,._ Ndreu,lllMIU-.Envlr-tel 1982at9:30a.m. aMe11a tteltlh T..--ue, 1ao1 ,...... ••-..: . De~"'IM"-': ••mpt IF YOU OBJECT to the •1tktlllre L.a11e. Newpett IHcll, t. 1-.._.. ......,.., 1a.a ... c.l...,",..,.... fllCYl11out IUllflHS 1or J•me• w. ,..,,,..,. e11111or11ec1 granting of the petition, T111t ....._. '' CONICWd t¥ '" flAMtlTATtlMllMT etlllftt tor LAlllt """"""·HOO• v1111 ... you should either appear llldMclWI "~"·Ti--. Tll• tot1owt11e per•on •• do1111 Aw-. .._.,.,.,., for• c.Mlt'-1 at the hearing and state T111t ......,_, -111ec1 """' ... .,.. • .,.., .. , uw,"::': ven-''*" r-your objections or file c°""'" c1ett1 et 0r.,. c~., ... 011.!w~·~~,i!:"" ... ::_.......,,. pro~~O:..:v:i·= written objections with the Dec.Ifft-•·"''. "'""' JANET w. DONNELLY:'* Md2J11ElflftA-.lft ... 1111-court before the hearing. ,...I ....... Or-CMst 01111., Pt~ .......... °""" .....,.,, leecll CA E11vlrume .. 1e1 D•l•rmlnellOll Your appearance may be .._ --"" ~ · Neeellw 0ec1ar•t.1 I JM. 1,1. u.n.1m M04-4!1. Tlli• OUllMSJ 11 collduc:tec1 .. ., .,. a. z-•• ...._ ......,.., 1a.ca... n person or by your --.---------111111vt<Ne1. for Joe '*"""""· Mllllof'tied _, tor attorney. _.,. -J-w oonnolly Slate ,...,,. Awtomotatte ln-enco, • 1 I F Y 0 U A R E A ~ •!SK Tllll ~ .... "'"" •Ith ... SI••• ... ,,,. PIH•, •100"'111110"· c R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a -----------Ceunty Cleftl of 0r-. Count., 0., J.,.. llllftOlt, tor • Concltti-t Ute Permit l'H:YITlout •UMNHI '· 1t12. 1.o •II-OlltdDof --· •oc•1e11 •• contingent creditor of the flAMSITATalMNT ,.,..,, »n Hyl_. A-."' ... MP-· deceased you must file Tiie '•"•"''"• "' .. " 11 001"• ""'1>11..., 0r..,.. c.nt 0.11., P11ot. ::.~""'8"1•1 0•••rm1"•110"' your claim with the court .. .._... 11u.i-.. : ~ J111.a,u,22,tt,1m 1s1.c •·a.. • ...,.......,..., 1 ...... or present It to the • • GOU>lfN 4 ••owoASaNa1iov ..., T......iw .....,., Trct T-tmstt personal representative 49ER ow-·· ..... ...., ... ,.... ..... . Yo.tnrstown, Ohio offices. Th"e banners ~~ill= .. ~1:.:..--c: ... s:.-IOS, w ..a fer Olrl<ll·Wtltht Oevel .. 111•"' appointed by the court Although rt looks mqre like the nylng indicate the pro s ports t eams and Tlllr~·a':!.~..:~~l,..N,s;.;.-:a' I . lllCTITIOUUUllNHI ~=.;: :;::-::= ::!.."7'0f'0~ within four months from h eadquarters of a. major sports race tracks owned by the fa mily. while Tiii• llullNW ,. coMucted........ •AMUTATaMllNT Condll'-1 Uu ... rm .. for. !knit the date of first Issuance association, this is really the otrices of t he sign refers to the San Francisco itMN1v~11. Ktt 11v!i':.:t:~'.0"'1"g penon •• do ln1 ~:~~:!"7:-0:01,~~r '~~~.;~~~ ~:!: of letters as provided In Edward J . DeBartolo Corp .. al its 49ers. 'Tltla .::::!1 w:S'-;-wllll Ille MtltE o•AGHI SIL.KS,. Petr .,.,,,. •• .,wldnl.lltd•r9"IMdmeplor Section 700 of the probate -------------------------------------------~~c~o10r..,..~y~J~~~c~~~c~~~~» ~~:~·~led~~lltd code ~California . The '· 1tn. Mtll• J. Oreeitl, ..,, werd-. e,.,,1 ,~,.,,. ... W:::-i>.~.~1~1f::: time for filing claims will ,,,_ Lene 9eKll. Ce!lfoml• ,_ . t I I t f ,........., er..,.. Cont o.uy Pli.c. ,.1111 ....._. 11 conc1ueled toy .., N ... 11 .. Dectar•klri no exp re pr or o our J .... a. 15, n. "· "12 ,..., lftdlwldwel •· z.. ......... ......,..t H•~ months from the date of Mlke0reg111 •• Efwtn H. "°'"· un visu .. ., •. the hearinn noticed above. Tlllt ~ wet lllod wltll IN NewPOtt llMch, '-vari.nu. ,,_, •.., fimJC.911( cewntv c1er11 or are,. county°" r•11111red drtvewe., width. 1>1111otne YOU MAY EXAMINE •-----------o.cemaier•. "" HP•'•"°"· •nd •n ••••""' ''" the file kept by the court. l'1CTtT1ousau..,.au "'mn Mtbe<lt, •, ..... rt.,. ttl1ttno -... If you are interested In the Super Bowl ducats at premimn . . P11l>lltlled Or.,. (OHi D•lly '11ot to llvl119 .,.., -bUlld. ""'' ...... . flAMlllYATaMllflT J.,. 1 1 IS n Hl2 1_.1· .... oer•"' contuncuon w1111 -estate, you may file a Tll• to111w1 .. , P•rto" •• doing · ' · · · · ••••lint""''· 1o<eWc1 et tto Eest c.1a request with the court to .,....,,.., .. : -• -L M••• Street. '" en 112 rone. I I I ti f I!. GOAOON SALL. AND SON, ~ -·~ Envlronmentel Determln•llon : rece ve spec a no Ce 0 It would be cheaper to buy a new television set PONTIAC, Mlch. CAP> - Super Bowl XVI hu aenerated such a ticket squeeze that in many cases it woull be cheaper to buy a new televtslon aet and watch the game i~ the comfort or your hon)e. Tickets for the Jan. 24 game between the CinciMati Ben1als and the San Francisco Uers in the Silverdome sell for a face value of $40 but they are bringing anywhere from $200 to $400 on the .-esale market. In tact. resale ot ~per Bowl tickets has become so lucrative that newspapers ln Detroit and elsewhere around the country are full ol cluaifled ada orrenn, to buy and sell the ducats. This is the lint time th Super Bowl bas been scheduled in the s now belt and the fact that several National FootbaJI League cities are within a five-hour drive hu added to the de mand for tickets. "WE'VE GOT' more people lh'an ever before with a bona fide chance to actually see a Super Bowl ," said Jim Finks. vice president and 1eneral manager of the Chicago Bean. "We're talking about the blue-collar guy who was in the stands before it wu fuhionable to be in tbe st.ands." The NFL distributes liclcetJ on a percentage basis, with 22~ percent going to the two Matching • WID8 purse AReADJA (AP> -Matching overt.Q Paat For1eWn1 ln the late 1otng to capture the $«>,000 K,ern County l'alr Purse by three-quarter• of a lencth Thursday before a crowd or 17, 7IO at Santa Anita. llatcbin1. ridden by Casb Asmussen and carrying· 117 pounda, covered 6~ furlongs in 1 : 15·2/5 u.s paid f1 .eo. 1.1. sa. The vlctoey wu •ort.h $22,000 to owner S.F. Henderson. • Past For1ettiu1, the 4-5 favorite ridden by Chris Mccarron and carryint high weight of 120 pounds, finished second by a bead and retumed $2.80 and $2.40. Stop Dancin1, ridden by Fernando Toro and carryLDa 115 pounda, waa third by a~ lenatM and ...... sc.eo to •bow. participating teams, 15 percent to the host team -in thia case, the Detroit Lions -and 1 percent to the remaining 25 t-eams .. Once individuals obtain the 'tickets from those sources, many choose to sell them for a profit rather than attend the game, even though on the Ucket it.sell is a 107-word messaee that includes the directive: '"This ticket may not be resold at a premlun ... " The NFL la not ob&hieu to the sales. "You ju.t can't countrol it,'' Comnlllldcmer ~ ,ao.elle aays. "You don't llle It, but there'1 littJe ,_ can do." THE IA&GUT t.ldtet ..._ appears to M Dn• AM'mH, president ol Murra1'a, a Udtet brokeraae and tour eompuJ bl Loe Ansel• that clabM it can get you a ticket to an)'tlaiDI - from tennis at Wimbledon to Super Bowls ill Dltrolt. M urray'a b• bem advertislng in newspapers around the country for month• and Adelman said at midweek he expected to buy and reaeU about 5,000 Super Bowl Uckets -down from nearly 8,000 for lut year's game tn New Orleans. "We're down becape of the site," Adelman said. "It's just not as attractive. Plus, more people are keeping their own tickets." Adelman, whose prices range from 1225 for end zone tl<:keU to $400 for seats on the SO-yard line, 1ald he nets about S30 tor every ticket he sells. 1m1 s-. ~tte Street, F-1o1n Eump1 the Inventory of estate and veh..,,Cellfwltlo'21'0I P1CTITiouseu111111sa •· 1 ... aacepllu "er"'" of the petitions, accounts Joll .... ,. ..... llUI Senti MAMtlSTATaMaMT 11!·7'·•••• lor ..... y 911llder1. a d ts d SC 1-d I Lewrette Street, l"o.inteln V•lle.,, Tiie IOI-Ing peraon1 •re dol"I eul11orlred....,. lor ~Prete. 1 .. S n repor e r ....,. n c.lllornl .. 270I t>uslftftS et: Pl•o .. 11e A-.e. for Ille,_ .. Of. sect i 0 n 12 0 0. 5 0 f the T·1111 ~ 1, c011C11oeteC1 .,., .,. s HA 11 o N • s c LE" N 1 No Condlttanel u .. Permit to_ ...... California Probate Code. lllCllvlduel. ll!AVICE, IS.O I!. Ocun lllvd .. ..,to repetr llllllne•, loceled et 22'9 KEITH C. WELPUTT JOllR_,8•11 9elll0o,CA92661 l"•lrvt ew Roed , In • Cl 10111. Tllll lletenlent we llled wllll Ille SHARON PHOENIX, 15'0 E. EnYlronmenl•I Oetermln•llon : A Professlontl "OU.R EXPENSES ARE high Cownty Clefll of Orenoe County on oc .. n 81Vd .. e.1110e. CA., .. ,. •••mpt Corpor~Uon because we've "Ol people nylng De<emlltf». ,.... Thi~ butlMS• •• cOftductecl by ... 7. z-··~ ... _It lE'4M'7 19762 MKArthur Blvd. • l't7'n2 lftdlvldllel. for llr1.1ce erown •nd H•rold O SUit ..,.,. everywhere lo make our ""°''"*"0r-.cOHtD•llyP110•. SHARONPt40ENtx H ......... eu1-treC1eoents1cws....v., e~-transactions," Adelman J.n.1,l,15,22,lt12 '""" Tiiis .. ..._ .... ,.. .. wllll .... COf'POtetlon,D.11.A Hf·Time,ffSEe1t P.O. Box7tSS eJ(pla,_...... .. We do noth'• .. • by C-tr o.rt "'0r-. c-1, on J .... 11111 StrMt. ,., • COftc:lttto...1 U1• Newport Beach, ~. 91660 UKiU ._ PlaJC llll( 6• l"2. Pffmll to ,.,,....., .. , •I-...,,_ (714) 752•7J11 mall . there'• ju•t too much "'~ !llOf' .... -• werlMc• ,,_. P9rll"'9 p bli· .. -Or c t ' "' 0 Pwl>llslled Or-. Coelt Delly Piiot, rwqvlr.......U, tocated et M02 N..,_., U ~""" anQe OaS chance of things getting lost that l'1cnnout9Ulfflats J .... •.is. 22. 2t, 1m ,..., 110111 .,, .,d. 1,. • c 2 10., •. Dally Pilot, Jan. 15, 16, 2J, way," ....... ITATa.,..NT Envlronmenl•I Det~rmt11ellon : 1982 -292·82. Tfl• lollowl"g P•l'ton .. doing PIU ma EHmpl ' . Because be pays taxes and la a ~ .. , ... , '""'-' 1n1orrnet1on ... 111e ........ ~,. ------.,.-------.. b ._ II l COSTA NSA COIN & JEWEL.•Y ,. OU ewlkeU-, .. ..,.... 1s.i.uo «cell 1 ,._ ,_1~ Ucaet roaer a year one. ·~ .. ANOL HU Newper1 Blvd.. ~!!!nl•U11Na1s •• tfl• elllu ol .... Pl•""'"' Adelman dilllill•. bela& lumped Glilll ...... CA tad1. -ATa.,..MT DepertrMnt R~ -n ..... ~,... ---------- "itb •... alpers _ na.. pie -ho ,..., ...._. ,.,. E. -.. o.ta Meu, Tiie tollewln1 penon 11 do l11g Goela Mese 'c:.ilfonlle • · " r-... CA.,,. bll&IMSies; Pvl>tl...d er.,. ~It Delly PllM aimplJ offer lleketl at Tlll•..,...l•~-l>YAll UNlfEDSOU•WOllKEAS.1to1JenlS1W N.a CODtlderably more tho their ~....... :'...., Drtve, .......,., hec:11. CA -·-·-------- face value. ,.... ......,_ -'*" ""'"' Ille It A R L T E R M 0 H L E N c:-ty 08'tlolOr ... ClwltY ... Jen. HOLMBERG, 1901 Hlglllend Ort.,., "We're le1at," Adelman said. 11.1-. Hew110t19"cll,cAtJMO. ----------~ fllll llUllMU II CoridllCled by en Seal..., Is a mlademeanor tn ......., cir.,... c-1 o.11y Pttot, 1n111.,tcM1. ltlc .. ••an. . · · ,,..., " 12 tt ,,., s 1'11 2n.c K•rt T. Ho1mber1 ..._ ' · ' • This lle'-1 wet lll•d wllll t,. Aecl tn Micbican. when the -· G-'" Ctn of Or ..... C.-.tv 4111 automobile-depmtdent economy ,... .. '•· '· 1• 1'1-bu been depressed for moot.a., , __ N_O_T_l_C_E_O_F_D_E_A_T_H_O_P ~bl,,,., ar.,.. CMS! o1111y P11ot .. it '1 easy to undenland why a .-. •. u. n. n. •• 1*G laid-off worker mlabt want t.o LEE J . ROGERS AKA sell h1a ticket. ~El :'fGTE~SoA:o To~ "Actually, it's kind of a dream ADMIN1STER ESTATE "'Cl'ITIOU19UMNaU t '' l d G NO A1117'" NAllllllTATaMaNT 0 go, Sa eorgel. a · vr. The followlng peraon h doing 24-year-old unemployed Sternn1 T o a I. I h e i r s • 1>U11""'"' Heights, Mich., man who uked beneficiaries, creditors NEWPORT SH111T co. ... at .. ,_ ·--t name .. _ -1· .... etd. and contingent creditors of NEWPORT T·SHIUS. T·SHIRTS u1 •~ ~ """' ... WIU L J R k L T·GO t~ 9H<oclt StrHt. CMI• "But, right now the money ee · ogers a a ee ...... c.i1tor1110:11w seem• more important. It's not Rogers band pet hrsons wl ho •• ..::."~;;..~' e.11 •• .,. d th t ......... bands m a y e o e r w s e Tll•• bull-. 1, cenchKWd ....... every ay a someuuuy Interested In the will 111C11wld...i v• you something worth $80 that and/or estate : DeN11t Mn .. you can sell (or $500." A petition has been filed Tiii• lt.lltelftenl ... tlled wltll lllO fllCTITIOUI •UMflaU MAIMPATaMaf'T Tiie 1014owtno ...,_en ...... ...,_, .. : •1VEltSID£ JOJOaA LTD .. !IS .,.,..._, ..._, llMCll, CA '*I ltk~A. ~.Gen. P-. 21! .,_...., Newport 9Mcll. CA .,.., . Tlllt ....._ Is t-led Dy • llmt•d-'~· II.A. .... FV lwsts wrestlers by Paula Lee Lu.pcho and =~..;';.,'~\:, °'•"" county on Leah Gale Laule In th• "'nm Superior Court of Orange ,....1.,..0r..,..c.11 o.u., Pttot. County requesting that JM.'·•. u.n. 1m .MOt4l. Paula Lee Lupcho and PlaC ma Tiiis ............ •• filed wlU. Ille c-a., otni o1 0r.,. c:-,, on OK.U, ttll. ...,.. Publl .... cir ... CMtC °"'' ....... A 32-team field with many ol the state's premier hlgb scbool wreaUen (s set for the Fountain Valley Five Countla.a Invitational, which be1an today and WUJll •R wltb Ule title matcbe1 Salurday evening, starting at 7 ! •. Amon1 U.. field from tbe Oran.. Coaat area are Irvine, Edi100 and the host Barona. Poway Hl8h from the San Diego area ls considered the favorite tn a field which al90 lncl~ea Dos Puebloe, Hemet, No1ales, El Dorado , Bakersfield, Santa Maria, Yucaipa, .Kennedy, Villa Part, Loara, Pacifica, Cypreu and South H1lll, amona othen. Amons the standout lndlviduala are Mel SUt U21> ol Batenfteld, wtao 1w IMt ence tn three year•; Jrvtn•'• Steve Scbwlebtenber1 ( 111); El Dorado'• Kent IWl.HI• (107); Yucalpa's Jess Trlpp (140>; Kennedy's Brian Folsom (1.30); Poway's Herb Umphreyville (114); Santa Marla's Vlrn:e Silva (140); and Hemet's Scott Autenrlab (169 ) and heavywetpt Jim McCullough, who mt.en lrith unbeaten status. Today'• asencla beains at 3 and tM 7.,.bour format lncludes. • the first three rounds or the .cbampioosbip bracket and the first round of consolation.a. Saturday's 1cbedufe betins at 11 a .m. and involves the second round. of the consolations, followed by the cbamploosbip aemUlnala, then the lhlrd and fqurth rouDd.s of the con10lation bracket. At 5 the third place makhel wlll be aetUed on three mata1 tben the cbamploubipa belin M 7:80, with ooe mat used. South Hll1a ls tbe defendinl meet cba!lplon. Corporatton nel"MUon center oa Cart.on Avenue between Mlebetaoa ..S Campuia ln lrvlDI. ror ,........ lnformaUoa. eontaet Jobn Blair at •OS111orc.,.., Roth at t-..i7. TIM event la beinl •'-led l.n conjunction with Leah Gale Laule bea-----------appolnted a-s personal ftCTlnoutMMNaM represent at Ive to ...._..,anMaflT administer the estate of ...!i::.:~~·••119 llO"•°" 1' .dot11g L.H J . Rogers (under the P•Hs MST, 1061 f'ren1111n Ave. I n d e p e n d e n t "C", Yllltll\,C.Af!MO. Administration of Estates o,..tee MerUn Milt..._ ,., we1nut "' T..._ I I •O.C....,....._c:AftUJ. ,..ct). ,,.. pt't t on iS set fOr Tiiis ....._. It cMICNclell ty e11 hearing In Dept. No. 3 at ......... 700 Civic Center Drive, tlllt =.:. ':.~ ... .,1111 .,.. West. In the City of Santa c:-eyone10r ... c.-icy.,..1en. Ana, Callfornl• on Feb. 3, u. 1• 1982 at 9: 30 A.M. ..,_, IF 'YOU OBJECT to the .... , ... or.a c.o..t Detty "11••· gramtno of the petition.,,_ u.11.tt.,,.s . ._ u..a you shOUld eltMr appe,r ..S l9la at the hearing end state -------.,..--- your objections or flle ~=... ... . written obiections with the ..._. IT•n ... en court before the hearlno. Tiie 1111-1,.. ,.,. ... 11 001"' Your appearance may be Ml-a: In person or by your nu AUDOATO, .,.. MKAn11ur tt ttW., ... -· .......,, llMtll, C.A a orney. ....._ I F y 0 u A ~ e A Wllll•ltl "· f111..,, ,,. Sowtll C R E D I T 0 R o r a •-· LM A•t•. c.ntorlll• contl"91ftt creditor of the -_._ ... T..,.., deceased, you must flit ,.. ....... -,...., ,.. .. .,. your claim with tht court ~ °"" ........ ~ 4111 J•. or present It to• th•,.....,, ,.._. per SOM I representative .,.. .... ar~ CaHt °"'" ,...._ appoJnted by the court ..., u,11..,-.s, twt •11 wlthln tour months from tht date of first lssuant•l-~;;c;,..;;;;Mi .. iiiiNil~ OK. U. ltll, Jen. I. I, IS, 1'12 f'ICTITIOUa auttNall MAllllt ITATllMSWT Tiie flltewl .. 110rset1 It 4fetn1 _. ...... , • TRE t'.4M1Ll' c1ac1:1 by Bil Keane - by v.irgll Partch (VIP) "That's a ntGt badge, Mommy." "Hey, look. Cl1m1I" ~ARMADtKE by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum " ... And no flipping the light switch off!" 'tbtr WORRY ... ~EH SHE H,t61}£ AOE IN ()f EM , SHE CMT ~oot4 7J£ one<.~ by Harold Le Ooux ... m:L~~~ra;.:~~~~~;-9 I'D LOVE [l ... evT I FEEL THAT MEANWHILE LINOA MA'Y. THl5 IS I'M TAKIN6 /tDVANT"6E OF Mll\E el/Tl.ER! l'O lll~E TO TAlK GARt'lt:l~D SWEETUfART !. ~ I HAP To l<tJoW How THINGS .f ARE AT)tx.J~ ~ND OFT~E COUNTRY. YOUR OENE~! MAY I TO YOU' \ TAl\E YOU TO DINNER lONtGKT ? __..._,..,, ~ ~ 0 0 SHE1U. N~VER HAVE A BLJNDLc Of LOVE LHTE~S e. rr . 00 0 · by Jim Davi~ C011t DAILY PILOT/Frld1 • J1nuary 15, 1982 MMC.IE, J POt4T NEEO '(OU TO MQ.P ME ~"'55 THE ~! I'M HOME, AUNT FRITZ! ' GORDO LOOK AT THE NICE FLOWERS I BOUGHT TODAY Ar MV ~lu. THE~P Le.AN Gl!T/ Fl:NKl' ttlNKERBEAN ~ NEVER R>R<;,E.i 1Mf lHE R.JllRE ~ Al~ SNE:fl.) IN "THIS coomRCr> RE51!> WrTH c.o.> ~OOATE.5 !£lfTED BE~E q()(J 60 I I HAVE I 00£ FINAL ANNOONCEMENT. HEF.E 100¥.> ! Mtll., I lf.Al.l?t 1'~1S tMi 8E A SIU.'f Ql,lt-51'1oN, 6Uf l'°'6) ,. "°" *'"~ lllEAI\ A .lAl U.T 1 by Ernie Bushmiller I FORGOT I W'AS EATING TAFFY by Gus Arriola HAHE IT'L.L J!JE ASA~ W#EAI Z li:ET!Re/ by Tom Bat1uk .. • f Oranoe CoMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15. J 982 Ford Escort is one of the worlds most extraordinary cars. The evidence is convincing. Escort is outselling every import car line in America.• Escort retains the highest percentage of its original price of any compact car:t And, Escort has remarkable owner satisfaction. In an independent survey, nine out of ten Escort owners said ~Y would buy Escort again. And now, Ford is making an offer that gives you even more good reasons to. buy a new Ford Escort. T\XiO YEARS OF FORDCARE COVERAGE: For two years or 24,000 miles-whichever comes first-FOFG will provide your Escort ..., with free scheduled maintenance. Absolutely free-including the cost of labor. T~ings like oil changes, filters, fan belts-even Wiper blades. They're all covered. So, you don'~· pay a cent except for .gas. lt:S an offer wrtho.ut equal on any small ca( in the country-foreign or domestic. IP We're convinced this is the best workmanship coverage in the business. It protects your Escort for two years or 24,000 mlles- whichever comes first. And that means protection from virtually any problem that might come up-from clocks to cables, to cart>ur~ors. In fact only things not covered are fluids between recommended changes, tires, abuse and accidents. Legally, we have to call it a limited warranty. But compare it to any other small<ar warranty. We're convinced its the best S°A>CASH BONUS. take delivery of a new Escort by March 13 ~nd you'll get all this plus 5 percent off the base vehicle sticker price directty from Ford. Thats a 5 percent savings up front that you can keep or apply to your down ,. I payment Check the list below. Your savings can add up to hundreds of dollars on any new 1982 Escort model. (Frve percent savings limited to one car per customer:) MOO.L BASI l"CASH PRICI BONUS Base 2-Door ~5462 S275 4-Door 5668 285 L 2-Door 6046 305 4-Door 6263 315 Wagon .6461 325 GL 2-Door 6406 320 4-Door 6622 335 Wagon 6841 345 GLX 2-Door 7086 355 4-Door 7302 365 Wagon 7475 375 GT 2-Door 6706 335 We're convinced Ford Escort is the best small car sold in America. And, now we're out to convince you. · (Fordcare Coverage and Cash Bonus offers good on vehicles delivered between January 13 and March 13, 1982.) THE CLOSEST THING 10 COST-FREE DRMNG. FORD ESCORT FOROOIVISION ~ ' I FIUOAY, JANUARY 15, 1912 , Furniture is bought and sold 'every day with a classification 8050 ad. CLASSIFIED INDEX ......... ............. ....... ........ -....... ,.s. ....... ,.,.Wt ,.._..,.,.Wt ........... w. .......... ...... .... w. ..................................................................... ·········•············· ....................... ·····················•J ~:.:;;;:··············· ............................................. . · 1' ........ 1002 11•:• IM2'...,.. 1002 •••rlll 1002 l1M1til INI INJ ....... 1001 Mete 1024 -.•••••••..............• ....................... ...••••................ ...•.•.••.•............ •••.................... ....................... . ............................................ . ~----·--,, ,.. ,. M. cal 642-5678 llllSU JllUU "-al .... ...... llltM ·-=::::~~ ::: EQUAL HOUSING f5$1t11 =. OPPOR1:_UNl:t'Y . , 11G C~.fUSTOM sir.,. ,.. ,_...._,,Notice: ;. aw. wm ~~':I.. :: All rul estate •d· Elegance & dignity tn thls fantastic ....... ,... v en I ae d I n t h 11 Georgian Colonial located on the 8th $:5: !5 ~l!re:ai1•F•~~J~~~~ g reen or golf cours e. Top quality 11-v .. '" 1"1 r hi craftsmanship thruo ut with finest !:'!'M' ltot~ ,. 1na Art o 1968 w rh s..a....i. "" makes 11 illegal to ad· woods, imported m arble, crown mold· l:a."'::.c.,...,... :: vm1se "any prdtrenre. ings, 61h baths, air cond ., 3 wet bars .,......, •• llmttat1on, or d is· + L · t 't I 4 t::'~ : rriminatton based on more. uxur1ous ms r s u1 e p us ...-.-.s.i. 11• race. ro!or. religion. other bedrms with private baths, ban· ltUl ESTAT£ sex, or nat1on.11 oriem. quet size DR. fam rm and billiard r m . Actt.,.,.Salo "''-* or a.n Intention to male Call for a ppt to see or a colored =~~:i. :: any such preference. b rochure . $2,150,000 including t he ~.~ . ..!..... 1• lim1tat1on. or dis· 1 nd ·oalebout Bay &Beach Real Estate REAL fSTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949. COMI Wl1H US ••• TO IAMCHO SAM J049UIM. Great o pportuni t y . Fabuloi.is view of golf course and greenbelt. Two bedrooms and den. End unit. Fle xible financing. Price just reduced $15,100. NOW $199,900 . 1617 WISTCUff 01. M.I. Ul-7300 ..._._, ...... ,,...... 1* rnmin.itlon .. a · ~~':'' = WESLEY M. TAYLOI co .. RliLTOltS NEWPORT HGTS =~~~.!": :: This newspaper will not 211 1 S..,..... Hill ltood . CUSTOM! $ MIWQN $ :=!'=l\r :': knowingly a1·1·ept uny HEWPOIT CINTB. M.t. 644-49 I 0 Covered entry le11ds to 1AUi.St1t ~ ad\'ert1sing for real leaded!lhiudoubledoor OIDof1lllityforS• ~.!'."!.'!.!'.Ira!~· := estate whirh is 10 viola-mtry lo atrium. Forma l II d Linda Isle · Nt>wport _ ....... ~· ._ tionofthelaw. Ii I r 'I BeiHb. Cus t om ~.,-c!,.~ !XII ,. ni: room , am'i Y wa terrr'ont home . o.t.rllttt~ . =1·-------1----------------· room and dining 11re11. . ...... r bel kt 11--.r.rm&,Crov•• 11'1 COIOMA DIL M4A Goorll'll't Island kill•hen. pnt= ar ow mar e =t::~~· : EUORS: Ad••rti1tr1 DUPLEX! 2 l'hildrens bdrms plus. ~~a~~fkS:~t.m~li~~P: KMU1t ~check ltaeir ad1 2 yeani new riuplex , built huge master suite with ._.,.,.!~nu .. 1_ A..11.. 9d = b)' ownl'r "Owners" un· lari:e prwatl' sunrie<·k. Reduced to onlr SJ.S i-..u.;;:;.. a =11-di ....... ..::-:.. it has 3 bdrms. 3 bulhs, 3 Spa Wllh total pri\ lll'Y· A million Seller Wtl t•arry ...._ ·-· -.. , ,,.,. Ci 1 :.>yearfinam·inl(atlO'. Os•••~~':. :: DA.ILYrtLOTn._s sundcl'ks, skyl1Khl s. Smust90sol'ec olrl on Y Roomfot31arttey11rhts ~v.r -bt>aITW!d t't'11in1ts and 3 445, . a now, Indoor/outdoor pool tspa ;:'t"::~ = l alMlty for the fint l'at i:arage Submit on 546-.. 23 .... lJ~lll!lfllll.... rnth retra1·tubll' roof if§.: §=,~ml lmrtloo ~:°'J.J&~.J.·~; •-•• .,..,,.. tiWt-3 ~i~~;~:~~,~~~!~ ::,..,..,...~., ---------1 ha,·e a t·omplelel~ rl'· ~ Wurkl's most romantu· ::::..'.&.~ :: tto.Mt fw s• modeled home in lmne I LAGUNA HILLS truSfr·r 5Ulll' 0\ l'rlook ~--,11..!..~ !~ •tt•••••••••••••••••••• Tl'rr.1t'e New from lhl' • Nellil'GaleR;int'h4 lir ini: l'nl1rl' harbor -....... -i:round to the t·t>1hni: and I 4 Ba 1·ustom 180 dl'l(Yl'l' Brulwr ronstdl•r;it 10n ~"~ = Gaer'Cll I 002 toupled wtth Isl t·la~s 675 34 l I \trw. Bni:ht & t'hl't'Q. Tu ~ nil Rtl'k. Bkr =-~·... uie ....................... l'rart s mans h 1 P . 3 111!111 ... -.· ... ---IOO<ls n( Grt>l'k marllll'. 7141760-729211nyt1nw .._........ !::, EASTSIDE Bdrms. 3 Ba and a fJm1 I llOOI :.Ill' ~ ,.trd 4 t•ar ll!ll!lm!lmllll!l ____ I ~~.:': !:' BEAUTY! h room makl' tl a Sh'JI CUSTOM HOME i:aral:l' $650,000 Jl•nsl'n ~-----Charnung 3 Bdrm 2 bath at $349.500' + ~.... . &Co 759 0706. 644·57.U When you call Classified I --h · .._... to place an ad, you're as· IMtllrtt IWYEST ome in prime locatton Just ltstetl prt•m1um Bluffs Ll•.ii.eopt1on Zllr. sured of a rriendlyl _.,., · · Great financing terms COLE°' awPORT qua hi\' wit IT 1wo3 Hr un wirit• i:n>t•nbvlt $139.SOO welcome and help 10 ET, fWQIC( available on this one, MAI.TORS au.. IK'arru.. rtreplat'l'S 1n Bkr.644-0134. wording your ad for best ==· -and no qualifying Price a. Ol<f Corona cM Mar re-aponse. Call Now! ~:n·r =~ $U9.500 Hurry. rail us 11~C:::..'!:'1· Sellt•r will e:<tt·hani:e or ,....Y!._~11__,AACTd•~~~!..,1 6G5878 =':'!:--ror complete details. 8 75•5511 Ile 1·re1lll\'C w11h \Our ~..,jii._ii.,.,iiiiiV'Uii-~'iilllllimmllli~-111111.. ....,........ = 640-7171 ll'rms orrrnci al ' ~.TD'• · ------1347.500 Ct1ll us now ! MMOUllCDt£MTS, POSltllS & LOST·& FOUND SEIWICES THE REAL ESTATERS Sparkling Fresh 3 BR. $129.900. High assmbl low intert'SI. Thr Real RCTctylorCo . " NO DN. equity share. Isl ~.!_alers !!6.;!-~~7 ::: timt buyers. 3 bd .. I bu · Have something to sell? ---- ID only $94,000. prin only ,.. ilied ds d . II "--11 ldl : Call631 ·4~5 Kathy agnt. "''ass 1 8 o it we · ...-eitems 642-5678 = $93,500 13.6% -Terms • No qualifying! A 1 rantan1c arr9rdable home with pm•ar} Co'" -e~ entry. rormal hving :f.: toom , added family room 111·1th brick firtplace 3 huge bdrms. :: 2 baths, \'l'IJ pri,·ate re· •u ar yard Price only = $131,500. 646-7171 §tiM• =--------1 -am --.. , --l"1 -.., -.. -- OCUNNOMT IEDUCED! SELl..ER WILL CARRY balance at 12•,; $195.000 down! Deluxe corner duplex. Could be single family home! $745.000! lalboo lay Prop. ltffltor •675-7060• = $119,500 : TERMS TEIMS!! : Owner wants eut! Super - 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with : large living/family area Brtck flreplare North Cost a Mes a bargain! Call now, 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ::: a.dlctdSI00,000 := SPYGLASS :: IYOWMER •1t Ocean View ~75.000 : 6br/412ba.4100sq fl SOUTHPORT MODEL OWNER FfNANCJNG JUGHLY UPGRAD ED Offer expires Jan. 31 25 Bodega Bay Call owner 7S9·0737 FtHAMCIMG! FANTASTIC! $15,000 down, owner wlll rarry the ri11anring. SUper sharp 2 Bdrm 2 baUt lolW?lhorM condo. Pool, sauna. and spa. Great terms! Gr eat bar&ain ! $109,900. Call DOW. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS C.M.1·2LOT There's 110 exlsth•C 2 Bdrm 2 Ba home. Tiie lot size ia 50Xll7' wilh plen· -ly ol room ror a new un· it. Auume 91.+ lal T.D. Alklna pricd105.000 CUSTOM WITH VIEW I One is easily captivated by this ' ocean and bay view home atop the 4 Bluffs in Irvine Terrace. ideal for active family living or graci<>us en· tertaining, the home hosts 4 bdrms, 3 baths, pool, a nd its gourmet kitchen bas ultra modern ap- pliances, brick floors, oak cabinets ' and bay and sea view breakfast , area. Priced at S'!r151000 and you ' own the land. Owner will finance. ltQ, QC.~~~Q0 QfAJ ~rY C.M. Ok C.M. Ofc. 548-2239 675-2311 .MACNAB RIME · g~_ IXCLUSIYI OfFlllM~ OM .. UMAI Well maintained bome on Peninsula Point. 3 BR + 2 BR guest unit. Spacious llv rm w /W · rauo floor le massive fple., charminfc, secluded patio deck. $350,000 i n cl. land. Di c k Halderman 642-8235 Trust Sale. (Nll) UMDH MAltl(lT lnc r e d i ble McLain Big Canyon condo • 3 BR, 21,-li BA, Approx 1756 sq. ft. 2 story · many upgrades • Security gated · Community pools. Spas•Tennls· Unbelievable terms $215,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (Nl.2) -=~=, S<a\\~lA-"i~s· ::: -----..... .., QAY L *WI • ._....,. ........ ol .... ,_ a'rotwblod _. ~ ""'°,_,_....,._. S 0 F T I l' I I I N I X E D I I~ I I AESIOEHTIAL. AEAl ESTATE SERVICES . DC9'TIOMAU. Y &UCIOUS IAYCllST Home extraordinaire! Spacious 4 BR. overlooking sparkling pool & spa . Beveled glass entry. Parquet floors in Fam. Rm. Remodeled tile kitchen with garde n window eating area. Assumable fi rst & owne r will carry l~rge second. $395,000. .. r IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 CE llDlll ILlllS CD. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE llG CANYON -VIEW! " Beautiful Versailles Model. Quiet C ul·de·Sac. Winding Sta irca se . Marble Entry. Spac L.R. Elegant F eatures. Gar de n Kitchen, Den W /Fq>lc, Huge Mstr Suite. Highly Landscaped. PaddJe Tennis, Great View! Special Financing. 1875,000. I '. 30 YEAR FIXED RATE . ·131;.. % INT. LOANS ' " 1 Why do people buy townbomes dur- ing a real estate slowdown!? We think it's our super d•r usuma-·i ble low rate loMs. Tbe new rest. dents of ..._ '-* v.., tell us it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and garden like recreation ar ea, the Cape Cod environment and the convenient goodies that go 1lons with each home, and the un i- que k>c1Uoo (close to everything). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom models a nd recreational facilities are open daily between 10:30 a.m. ahd dusk. , Located on the com er of Fairview Rd at Avocado In Costa Mesa . From M,950. . We1l T1tlc0me your reasons too! . Nm>OMHOUSI ... -..HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstrbdrm, ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean &. Jetty views. Marine room , 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. LIDO IS&I HOMI Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, SUQ,000. LMA ISU IA YflONl'S Main channel view from 4 bdrm , 5 bath traditional home with pool. Sl,496,!XX>. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark r"?, den. $1,350,000 ! CAmilATIOM COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm; 4 bath, 2 boat slips $2,050,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ' l .. " 4 ' • ~ j ... f ' ,, f) 1 WATERFRONT RETREAT! F1•~a• •• mlc Yiew c:o-op oe U. , ........... MCSfty~loMto ......... dlNrM, .,. 0.. IN•aa• 0.... wW """f lat .D. et 12%. •+z..t .. $251,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. RfAl. £ST A TE s... Rm•. Proptfly ~ %436 W c:_. H\ol\I 31S Miit... A.,. . Nrwiiort &id\ a.a-llland Ht-1411 '7U ... JASMI .. CRIB * •PLAH 4• • Extre mely popular 3 Br plan featuring magnificent decorat· ing, fplc. gourmet island kitchen, formal dining, family room & in- bouse laundry. All this & more for only $389,000 FEE. 759-1501 or 752-7373 a •er OCEAN ' IA y VIEW • •CUHHA YIN• • Fantastic vie w from this 3 Br ex- ecutive home on FEE la nd ! P e rfect for ent e rta inin g !! $650,000 (exclusive 759·1501 o r 752-7373). * WATEIROMT HOME * CltliTIVE FIMAHCIMG Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring Frenc h doors, frpl, professional decora· lions & private sandy beach . On- ly $265.000 & seller will carry AITD. Leasehold ! 759· 1501 or 752·7373 * TUIT\BOCI • SI 279 PH MONTH is all you pay when you take over existing lst T.O. Spacious 4 Br executive detached home reatur· ing formal dining, family room & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 759-1501 or 752.7373 * STIPS TO llACH • 10% AMAMCM AYAIUILI Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home . l blk from ocean on FEE land only $299,000. 7r,e.1so1 or 752. 7373 MIWPOl1' llACH OFRCI 2670S.MltletDrl .. C714171 .. llOI (714» 752-7)73 UMIOUllM HUMTfMGTOM HACH Studio sized bearh hide· away w/kill•hen. Cplr. J Bt. l 811. lllrl(e) ard A~ ". 641·071i3, Alil · U..1.t ... TtnMl Lowest pric-t in Collel(l' P111t ~sq rt 4 Br P• Bu ramJly room home with RV ll<'t'hS $flier will t·arry'SI00.000 AITD 111 12'; for 10 >'I'll. Fu II pnt~ 1124..IOO. c:: ,I ' ._,...,' ' •'•I• I c·omm pool & spa.1--------acrou rrom burh MIS.A YllDE 185.500 3bdrm. 2 bath. rrplc. dbl U,_.IOOf t1C)Mf l farage . A· I 1·ond 134.500 Owner will as· Realtors. 675-'000 slst In Onant·1ng. OPEN HOUSE' SAT/SUN 1·5 Mew Coedot I O°lo DSl. 2l800 Blk Santa Ana Av Peppertree Heights Features; 2 master bdrms. cath wood beam ceilmgs, reramir tile to kitrh. & bath. dbl shower in master bath. pllotless gas range, mirro Wa\e, dishwasher. t·ustom oak rabinet.s. auto gar dr OP· nr. hvy shake roof. ron l'rete dnveway & walks, 2 l'ar gar +2 rar park Ill&. Extra lge swim pool and spa. From $129.500 and payments from ll060 p/mo P•I Courtesy to Realtors So. Celf. l fflty 546.5605 U l·•lf4 Roy Mc~. ltltr. 541-7729 Tll-PUX 2 bd rm earh. 3 tar garage, I story. 2 m1. to bearh. S~.500. Call Gib Walker, Agt. 673·7300 OwMt-Fl:t9Cleta With rl'asonable dOwn owner will c·onslder t·ar· l')'ing balanl·e on this splK'tUUS 3 bedroom 21 2 bath showpla1·e. Lux- unous M~a \'trde loca t1on ' Formal dining room. entertaining famil> room, and a warm . 1n\i t1n g hreplare Near the Mesa Verde Country Club Super assu ma bit VA loan ! S299 .500. Call mm> today! '!!!Sty!!!!!!~~. clac~p:O-~ard .~. shu!!!!!t l RTEARALBTEOL~ tered 4000 sq ft 1n _____ RS Bayshores 5 bdrm. large It' ingrm. dinin· -.r-u ... -•• •it-... .r•y•sa•D•E-grm paneled hbary and ~ ~ big fam1lyrm Huge 6PW kih'hen. pantry and OHLY 150/o DOWN £<tmily eating area Owner will finance to Se'r u r 1 t y & sound qualified huyer. Well systems. hardwood located. to:ood loolung 6 floors . teak and oak uruts + 4 c·ar gar + am - l'abtnels, wine storage. pl<' parking. Below 11 marble baths and ex ti~s gros!. tensive vanelinK arl' On· CALL TODAY I~ u sampling or lhe 64._721 1 quality features St a 0,000 Fff Owner 631-2968 HAllOl llDGE An exqul1ile offennR Elegant " spae1ous 3 txlnn + fam1l) home. I ll'\· home w panoram11· \ISla of h.irbor . roastlme. ocean & night h!lhL'i. Prtsl11¢e. 1·om Cort. luxury & sfi·unt~ Rtdut·ed. now S69S.OOO 10wnt>r finant·1ni I A.,'l. 640-SSOO 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUCHHOUSE ARHICllH•! lo perfect sba~ Onl~ holtll' on Island unrier S'm.000 962-1847 /.Jn NIGEL ilAILU ~ ASSOCIATES $115 000 E side CM .~ Bd + 1 Ba. uak noors. frpl<'. 1 rar i:11r. lrii lot Owner will C1nam·e or VA terms Call Curt Herberts II. 631 12ili6 100/o DOWH 131120/o ltfTllEST MO QUAUFYIHG! ! 3bdrm. 2ba. lliOO sq. ft . remodeled k1tl·hen. 1 yr old l'Drpel throughout. Sl50.tl00 owe AITD ror ~ )n al Sl520 mo !Nmand I:'. Side area nr S,A Count~ Club. Call Je(r I a~ I: lil-lJ493-3116 ~ . SI0,000 Newµon Hei1thl11 urea. owner w rarn · with ..,_....__...._,,.._. ..... ,_...-! Sl6.000 clo"A·n I BR . R-2 IYOWHH ISLAND'S MOST CHARMING SCL RES 3 bdrm + loft. Fren1h doors & windows finl'SI appotntme nls I hruout 214 Alnfth~·i;;t Open Sat 12-5. Own 1ai,'t 673-8585 ~~ 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l PIEMIUM DUPLEXES 2 8d + 2 Bd. !iteps to bft\•h. Assume S270.000 In loans. Askin I( 1399.000 4 Bd + 2 Bd. newer bit.lg. So. of Hw)•. Assume S:M0.000. Askin1t $449,000 3 Bd + 3 Bel. QUllhlY un· its. Assume S290.000. Asking 13119.000. (;onta1·t D11rrell Pash, a.:t fur moredet1lls. 631·1266 I~ Hum ·! De\'ln Real Estatl'. 642-6368 OWMEI MOVING Beaut1ru1. 1mma1·ulate &t nm.·I~ landst·aped 4 Rr home on c•ul de·sat' Spa1·1ous rooms \'1e"A• of i.'Olf t'OUrse Crom proper l~ 0"Aner a~s1 s tecl ftnant'tnlt Onl~ Sl39.SOO Cull now 9i9·5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS lyOWMf' Eilsts1dl° Capt· Cod Con do 2BR. 212 BA. frph- Dbl Gar. Jill'. Patio 1212', As~uma hll• 1136.500. Pnn Onl~ 6'&2·3832 lo:\'l's Exl0c·u1in1 C M lloml• $129.900. &:lll'I' 'A'lll pa~ t'O!it~ Thl• Rl•al ~~'tall'rs ll!il~fii No Mone~ tlown JliR 2B.\ -------• pool. sp;i, ftl'W 1·a11>l'I. /.Jn "' . ' 'I' t • ' ( 11 I I , coMm;ru:x 100 MAl\<llil':tUTt: Nl1W r onwt rut• t 1 on , lhdll. arc·hlt\•c·t ur1" 3hclrm Ii Zlid r m. ... 000. rin••rtnjl 11\ uil. O wnl•r •ltl dr : ltM-.Mll. l:ul_.k. .. sac· p p ~ 4145-.'i f 11i111a4aa ltedl I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.. ....... ,"""' 3 8dNn + den + (l4H1I. iwpuratt• tn ·l11• 11 lrs C>wn4.ot':. 11frcnn11 f1nanc· 1n11 with l'(tUll~ ~hunnl( ~·u11 pm·t• Sl 3K,5uo 1$1-3191 ~··· . ~O \ll' AJ.U 'YI ~Ci Yuu'll h•H' to 11v.·n th11> 11n·al Sc~ \'1111 n v.· ll4l41f lk·~t lo•·utlun i\11k1n i: Stilli,GJl Muk\• 11h'. Bltr IMll ~ .. -- I . •ICT1" .......... ....... a.,..."' CAM•...... t11t , .. ,_,'"' .. ,..lfl I• ••l"I Cll wu.t':.=' ......... Tl'naf9iaAL an MIL.MAH INO ......... k .... llONIY wa111. H .. "T C. ~~ .. ~CA~:---... Ollfllw LU .. oa..-._ _. !(At KOJIMA • Afl. c, c.&a MtM. CAtllW. ' h1c11two ef .._ lat.W ~'...!.. ';· Tiii• ...,_ 1, c--.ct .. ..., 8,. MO&aLtV, ~ w.. ... _ • 11..i~ lllO~a..OY AUOCIATH. IMC,,• L.;..,I ~ .. « <erw.-. ...,. ... TIN'TU•t" ... •-• W•lU ttllfN•tN, JACK A. LOMe, 'flltt ......,..... -"' .. wlUI .. MAllOA••T WOOD HAITI NO I , C-y Cletto .,Or.,.. Cellllty 911 Jfl". IMCOMI ...oNaJY AllOCIA'TH, 11, '"' p--.. M'WteAaaT HOWa, eARRY V, .,__ walNITOCK. ILMlll POX , ....... Or .. ~ Delly~ .... W•HHllMlf• 6 COM~ANY, t JM.l .. D,Jt,11-.s,t• llH* te,.erel Nr1Mrtlllt, fl. &RILL, -· -CAL.,o•NIA lt,SAL a&TATa r.-.. -·~ 1N'lllTM9NT T•UIT, • htl11e11 ------------T f 11 t I , V A L L I! V I 0 I L I ........ ,. IHOIH&alltNO COlllfl .. ttlTAIN • •OTtC80Ptau1tar11M..11 MaOtCAL COLLIC:TIOH ..._ ....... ... AllOCIATIOH, INC., • c:_.... Nellce .... ,.. ... tlWll , .... °" 'H:'IJ1'out __,., .. _ ..... ... ,.. ..... , Tiie ...... .,._~·ere felltt ....,,....; T.t.. .... -~OlOC A,.0 AllOCIATS'., Uttt "OTICllCWTa.,_.a .. SALa Sllrl"t•ele, 11111• (, H11,.fllltte" Ml O CITY INVUTM•lf T --:::.~m:~. 8 c:.llfMlle COM~ANV, e ~l ....... e C...WellOfl, ,.,_lllefl, t~ W~e. lullt c. .. dllly ...,.iM .. Trw ... .,,.., Ille t4W!lt'--"' llMCll, CAW.... leflewlllt4111UtMd ..... INtt Wll .. L ....., JILL AT ~•L•C AUCTION ro TH• Tith lllvt>I-• h ceNv<tMI ,, • OEAR READERS: An hatereaUnc trend ln the sale or •Uver coins ~rouab the mall la now developing and worth tumlnlnc. according to the Dlrtct Mall Marketing Association Inc. DMMA warna that potential Invest.on in numismatics should look for the followlna cbaracteristiu when buyina coins, according to the American Numismatic Aasoc:iallon: condition, country or orialn, denomlriation, date, mlntmark, variety and/or type, and special charac:teriatlca. dlle ALLITATa lllNANCIAL lltlNy, tf11 ,......, "J_,.,, tta, Hl.VlCll. I.TO., O.C. HllVICH ..... ~ettt:•e.lft., .. ...,.._frellt co•~IUITIOH, "'"" CITlllNI tfltrlllU .... Of ... c-y ON 8ANIC 6 TRUIT COMflANY, CW"llWee 111 Ille~ .. 1eftta Mf, eAltaA•A JUOY, •II• eA .. a41lA CeMllly ti Or8118t, Me• ti C:.llter"'•· L ll I J U 0 Y, b I e 0" AH H · Mftlwl* f'trte._,,e lervk", 111<,. CATlllCOHa, l .J . OAVIS, Nla .. tT ., hc:c:otaor Tr111t .. , wlll "-11 el CO•UTaUCTION COltOAMY, ,._.k -tioft, lit lie .......... ~. LLOYD'S aAHlt 0,. CALl~OltNIA, • Iott<•"' lft 1ewN1 _, .. tt. UllltH cerpere tle,., OUA"ANTlf I MMet, ............. Ille ti-or .... , COLLICTION COMflANV, t Ille!,.,,..,. reet ...... 11, .. twtld 111 HIOHIST 11001" FO" CASH <~•~: ..... ._ ..... c_.,._.. .t Ume of .... 111 lewllll J-1... Fou cwper.tlMI, M I M ... ~ .. TINO Ille City ti ........,. 9N(ll, C1lllfll• If _, ff/ IN Ullllltd Mel .. l ell rltlll, l"l'ftlt*ll 1111• eNI "*'"'-net ID Mid MW ANO lllltt•RltAL .... ..,,( •• INC .. Ore11e• ...... of C•lllor11t•, .... •lie Mc:CAULIY 6 M,t.HNINO, tttcrlllM•lel .... : ( L I N a · e UC K M I " , I N C " • L .. 4J 01 Tred Ho. JllJ, et per ,.. .. ~--. QOU>WSU, eAHltl" 6 1'9t~dM lft ... ' ...... d ttvv 41. COM l"AN Y. SAMMY LI IE , MIK. ~ 111 .. oH"-ef tllec-.ty .:.SALINO LI• ANO e11d MRS. lltcor\tlrelMldC-y. ... •• " It -..... Oted OI Trual In Tiii• .... _, -lllMI wllfl II• .... pr9"f'lylwre4NltercltKrl"": c-•· Ctel'll,,, Orenet Co\IMy"' Jell. Coins that are advertised without the above information, s ays the American Numismatic Association, may be "lhe most common, cheapest, worst condition, treated, and potentially counterfelt or altered Item available.'' In other words, without the above information (which can then be compared to reference data from sources such as the "Orficial Blackbook Price Guide of U.S. Coins," a coin buyer may not be making a wise investment despite fluctuations in the price of silver. The "Blackbook" is published by The House of Collectibles. Inc., Orlando Central Park. 1900 Premier Row. Orlando, Fla. 32809. "Col a problem? Then wnte to Pat Dunn Pat unll cul red la~. getti1'g the answe rs and action you need lo sol~ 1nequ1l1es 1n gowmment and business Mad your queshoru to Pal Dunn. At Your ~nnce. Orange C00$1 Datly Pilol. P.O. Boz 1560 . C()sla Mesa. CA 92626. Ai many tellers as possible will be answered. but phoned inquines or letters not including lhe reader'• full name. address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered Thi& column appears datly ez· cept Sunday., " lllCHA•O IM,AOAWA, ORANOI Tiie ltroel eddreu •11d etlltf COUNTV TAX COU.ECTO", ITATf. commOll ...,.,......,, 11 tllY, of Illa O~ CALl .. O•HIA IMPLOYMIENT , .. I ll'r-rty dta<tllled •llO•e It oevlLOflMINT Oll"A"TMINT. lllf,.,... ..... ,.,A.,..., .. .....,,.. ANO ALL OTHEll ~IRSONS -..Cll,Cellfenlle'*1 UNK-~ CLAIMING ANY "IC»fT, Tiie 114 ......... 1rWM ~ TI TL E, If ST AT I , LI IN 0 R ery llM!ltty flW _, .......... el INl'E•EST IN TH& "IAL 1M llNOt ........ lllde4Mrt- flROP4"TY OlflCllleEO IN THlf •llt1Nlktfl, IC MY,....,.'--"'• COMPL~INT AOVIRSll TO hid Hie wlll .. lllHe wltllelll ~LAINTIPll'S O'#f'll!llSHI~ 0" ANY u ... ,..,., Of ···~··· •• ,..". or CLOUD UllON PLAINl'lf'F'S TITLE tmpllod, .....,dlllt lftlt, ,......i.,., w THlllllTO ANO OOES I THlllOUOH e11c11m1tr•n<•• to ••thly Ill• It, INCLUSIV., ~" Obtl9f1'-IK-lr'f ~--'to P tellltlfl• COft\Plllfl of deltftdellll Ille .._. Of ~ ctlller1'9Ct lft INI 11tr!Md ~ -ell otller ~ <Mt•ll'I deM of \rvtl dtW s.tem• """"°w11 <ltlml"ll MY rlOf\1, 1A1•, II, ltlO, •-*d ..._ Ll!lllOY fl. estele tlell Of t,.t.,.est '" Ille rMI TUOERtl'dtMoolNl.ITUOER.et ....,..,ty dete;rl._. 11Wt111 ed11erw to Trotora, lo Sr. PAUL TITLE ... llltlfW -llllp or c-lllvll"I • (OM~ANV, .. Tr\llleff .... JACll A. cle4N--' flelfttlffa' title M Md -1\ ANOOfjlAN, et et. et e..11<1try, .. et.,_"".,., Iott lb cw• of Kt*' M<•re ttw ~ of 11 .. ,-.oo, wttll eliefn: l'"""t "*-• • _..,..., II' MW t. "'ellltlfll si..., Wofu, Rtlltn c . 11etu ••• ..,.,., .. , II e11y, under Ltlld•llltr •11d K•l Kellm• .. IN.., .... of ... d detcl .. tl'llSt, fen, U•Clllort Of Ill• ...... of M .M. Cheree• -·-of Ille TrvttM MOSELEY ero Ille ow11ert Ill fff Incl of TNSIJ crN\ecl II'( telCI Deed of ll"'P .. of "'8t c~lll ~Ml property T<11sl, Md ~ °" ~ 11, sltuel.O Ill .. C:-.ty Of Or .... , mor. 1-. I" -IJ774, Pt99 1105 of offlclet pertk111etiy-.rl-eslOll-. r~ of Or .... C-ty, SIN of "L.ots 11 8lld it•" elokk JM of 'Lelle Celli.rn&e. Trec:t "-' .. Kii.. '" IN City of TIM lleneflclery .,,., Mid deed ., N•wPol1 le«ll, C-y of Orenge, l<11tl Of N<lll'lty ...,Ice, lly , .. '°"of• Stet• of Cellfor11le, u per Ahp ll<'H<ll or Clefeult In IM 001ie.11011t recorded In 10011 • fl•I• U . of wc"'red ttwrebv. lleretofcw• •11o<11ted mite.el'-,._ lft Ille office of encl dell-lo Ille ~.,.,.... • Ille C-y .._.,_of Mid COllllly."' wrltlt" deCloretlOll ef defe1111 •114 { II•,• I fl , ... , , • d I 0 • ' 'II • --for Mle. -wrltttll lllllk• of "l",.perty''). . Oef..,11 -elec1IOll lo ... I llNler IM i . At ell times herel,., plel11t11f1 term• ol H id dead of trutl e11d $1Mey Vtileln, RoOert c. L""'"99• recorded Aug\111 J, 1•1 • IM1"""°"t T"Ul'rOll: 1tQ411El'tT OULTZ ellf U. 1'tt. ..._, HaLUI I . OULT2 ellNll'tCIAltY: "091l"T 5"AW, .....,,.,.. 0r"'9t CHll o.llt ~ .... ..".A"A $HAW, IT•PHIEN I . Jeft, u,n,Jt, ..... J, 1"2 ,..,. KNOWLU-elTH W. ltNOWLIS '"•corded Aprll 11, 1uo •• '""'"'°*" Ne. 121» Ill llooll 1U71 .... t• el Ofllclel "Korft el tll9 .,_ __________ _ =: .. ".: ::~~·~-:i.: •OTIC8 ~;:'ui:'u·s SALi tN ft1'"'111e """'1Y, 1outM In IN TS. No 4901 C-lyfllOr ... ,~OfC1lllomle. MOHAMM£0 S. OAUOO, AS l.01 ll fll Tretl No .. mJ, lft the City ~"USTOll of N"'l*t IM(ll, ~y of Or8n99, Oft f'•b. S, IWJ, el t : IS A.M., TITl.E Itel• of Callfwnle, M -°" t m.. TllUST OEl!O HRVICI COMPANY, IMrfff ~ t11 lloOll 101, ,.._. I lo ft INiy ........... Trvst .. llMef 81141 1, l"cl11llW, Mlt~llen•Ollt Mep1, PlltWMI lo D99'I of TrlKI rKof'ded rtter•lf Ml•<W--.C:-ty Apttl 11, 1•1, ,s IMI. No ttm. In IXMIMT I llo•ll I.OU, ,.II. to, ., Ofll<l•I Tottlllor wllll 110,.·•11< 111al o Recoreh In Ille ofllee of Ille C-ty ·~ NMl'lllM• -r I.Ott A Recorder Of o..-. Coutlty, Sl•I• ol 8fld Litt 141 to Uf lftclllllve ol ..... Cllllornte WILL SILL AT PU8LIC Trec:I ns7 for 11W Pll.._, en4f ea AUCTION TO HIGHEST 8 1001!R oetcrlMd"" Attlcl• XIII, SectlOfl 4 of FO" CA5" (peyellle el lime of .. 10 In Ille Oeclerellen of Ct••"•""· lewful "'-el Ille Untied S!ettsl AT Ce"dltlo,.1 end lhttrlctle111 THE FllOHT ElfTltANCE TO THI 11.,.111en.r Ms<rlllied '" sueJ ECT ~J-u011T~~~SNIG ~oiA0T~~ 1~ TO, kctlOfl t, -' provided '" dffd • rteorcledJ-2' ,.,. SANTA ANA BLVD .. 81TWEEN Tlla •lrHI eddreu a11d ollltr SVCAMORI! ST. ANO DROAOWAV, common dealllN\ICJ', " ... Y. Of IM SANT. ANA •II rlol\I, 1111• ... d rHI pr-rty dflcrlMd allo•• la l11tereal <ort"9yod to tlld "°* llel<l b\' II P'W,.,,..lo... ""dtr H id 0.ecl of Trust 111 Ille ._R..-.Y·"-.c.-••-· IH'°"'1Y a1WMN .•11 wkl c-1y -COllfOf'lli&. • Stet• cteKrlmd os. TIM IMMfklert -Mid O.d of Loi SS of Tr-.ct No . ..._, .. allown Tr11st lleretolort tuc ul•d e1111 °" • maprecordlfd In 8oolt 411, P•oe• delivered to Ille TrullM • wrltt•" •O l11ro11011 4J ln c l11tl•• of Onlar ellon of Olla1111. A wrltte11 mltc•ll-• ~ re<or"' of the Notice Of De!Mllt -Election to Sell <-ly rec-ol Mid <MllltY wH ..,..,.... at Ille ,..._.. of 1119 Tll• sireet •llllrtll a11d ollltr ~ 11 •~ - -decl '" common dHlll"tllOll, H e11y, of Ille -119 '-•·•.at '9Corc reel pre!Mrty dHcrllled above It tlle COlll'llY Wllitr• Ille,..., .... ~,, ,, 1111rporl9d to lie: S4 C••••• Str'MI, locot..i. lrvlne CA '271' L------------------------i •lld Itel ICOlllN ,..,_ IM'I' _.intect No. $)It, 111 llooll 14110, 11 P199 SJS of -t<llfte •-uton l1f Ille lhleU of ofll<lel ro<onlaof Mid COllrllY. Seid Ml• wlll bt ,_, 11111 wltholll Tiie ._,....., TrutlM dlKl•I~ con11elll or -•lllly, • .,,,., ... or 1 11111 1 1 1 1 tmflltd, es lo llllt , llOUffllOll, or :: :,~ ~ .. :';..,"!,~:Cc:.!.!. tf1<11mllreft(ft, le pey Ille r-ollll"O c1Hlen•U011, II tllY. ~ NAiii. prlMl"I IUll'I I/I Ille llOlll -yrecl lly Sold .... Wiii be -11111 wtl"°"I u ld OHd Of, Trvsl """" l111tr H I co.,.nenl or werrenty.' upreu or 111ereo11, •s provided 111 Wld "olt, lmpllecl, r~dl"O 1111•, PoHtHlon. cw edv111ces with lnlerHI lll•••Oll H e11eumb<enGes, lo pey llM remel11tne fro•lcled 111 Mid Deed Of Trinl. II eny, prlnclpel _,, of Ille llOleCSI -ur.O llfldo< tlle Wms of Mid o.ecl ol Tr11SI, by .. Id Ooeo of TrVll, wltll lnlt-1 f•H, <N4'ees t<ld Upetlttt 01 IM !Mr-, " Pf"Wf-In w kl notels), TFWIM ... ., Ille INIU crttltd lly ...... 11(.. II tlly -,,,. lt<'ms of Mid ONd at Tl'\llt. w td o..d of T~. lwa, < ... •OH •1141 -------.... -=-~~~-----------"""""1 M.M. Motei..,, •I'd •II t<lf llti'elll Tll• to••• emo1111I of Ille 1111pald _,.done wtllllfl the IC-Md COllFW llel8flU Of .... oOlf99tloll w.;.,,.., ..., DlllH llTICIS ol lllelr -·ty as SllCfl E&tcllto"-.... pr-tty to .,. 5',!.d. IM llHllllO The S-* ~Of tlle C-y of utlmet•d '°'"· eiipo11se1 eno ore,... ,._ wt110rl1.0 IM llrllltl"I.. ..,.,_.. ,, lltt.64.U. STRONG 1982 Crom 8:00AM to I :OOPM DELC I A ST R ONG . at W 1n b i g ler Family resident or Cosla Mesa. Ca Mortuary. Funeral ser vtces Passed away on J anuary 11. will be held on Thursd ay 1982 at the age or 69. Beloved J a nuary 14. 1982 a't 2:30PM mother of Marie Moody of I n W i n b ig I e r Fa m i I y Costa Mesa. Cu a nd Mortuary Ch apel ,with Dr. LaVerne Strong or Se1nta Gerald Bash o Htc'i atang Ana. Ca , also survived b) 2 pr 1 v at e 1 n le r ro e n l s iste rs. Cynthia 1-~a les or W1nb1gler Fa mily Mortuury Batlle Creek, Michiga n a nd directors. 542-6713. Glenna Rose of Coldwater. FOSTER Michigan. 2 brothers. Liston ALLEN A. FOSTER. JR .• Chur t'h and DeWitt Churt'h a prominent Newport Beach both o r B attle C r eek . businessman. age 68, a M i t' h 1 g a n a o d 7 16·year resident of Newport g rundchi ldre n. Fune ral Beach. Ca .. passed \WBY on ser vices will b e he ld on January 11. 1982 of a heart Frid ay. January IS. 1982 at attack Mr. Foster was the 2:00PM a t Piert'e Brothers o wne r and pione er of 2 Bell Broadway Chapel wit.h h I g h I y s u c c e !J s f u I Rev. Douglas M. McKenzie busi n esses. Allen ·t e l o { H a rbor C h r Is t 1 an Products of Santa Ana. Ca . Fellow!i hip o rfi c l a t 1n g s u p p I i e r o r Inte rmen t al Ros·e HlllsTe l eco mmunic at io n s Memorial Par k. Whittier . equipment on a domestic Ca. Friends may call at the a nd inter national scale. mo rtuary o n Thursd ay. included in products he J a nua ry 14 . 1982 fro m innovated and designed are 4·00PM to 9:00PM Pierce armored cables us used on B rothe r s Be ll Broad way pay station telephones, use<I Mortuary directors 6-12 9150 and seen tn our everyday COKE • life, and telephone headsets. LEAll VIRG INIA COKE. whic h are seen in many age 70. resident of Santa a thletic contests. He also Ana . Ca. passe<I away on fo unded and d e veloped Janua ry ll. 198"l Survived American Klea~r. Inc . of b y her husband Ralph H. p i c o R 1 v e r a . C a .. Coke . or Santa Ana. Ca .. a man ufacturers or induHtr lal s on Thomas H Coke . o r s team cleaning cquiprrtenl Tus tin, Ca .. a daughte r used by private. government Marilyn ~oder or Arizona, and mintary establishments a brother Kenneth Kirke r or o n an international scale Nevada. her s isters Helen Mr. Foster was born in Ingle of Tulare. Ca .. · Marie Marshall. Texas. and wa8 Schleicher. of Tustin. Ca .. a f o rme rl y a Pa s ad e na daughler·ln·law, Karen L. r esid e nt . a t l e nding Coke or Arroyo Grande, Ca. Pasadena City College. He and 10 grandchildren She was a member or the Shark was preceded in death by 1 s I a n d V a c h t C I u b • he r son Donald Coke. In lieu u S.l.T.A .. C.I T.A.. and the o f Clowe r s th e f a mily C.E .M.A. Association. He is requests donations be m a de survived by his wife Wilma to the Diabetes Foundation o r Ne wport Beach , C a • Vi s itation w ill be o n daughters Nancy Kiger of We dnesday. J anuary t3, 1982 Newport Be ach. Ca .. and from fl:OOPM to 8 OOPM and Betty Boyce of Costa Mesa . on Thursday, January 14. c a .. sons Norman Fos ter or McCO«~ MOITU.UIH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HARIOll LAWK-MT. OUYI Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5-40-555• Hacienda Heights. Ca . and Garey Foster or Silverton. Oregon . 10 grandchildre n and l great·grandchild. also a brother Tom Foster or Sun Be rftardJno, Ca. and a sister Be ulahbel Newhouse &f Solana Beach, Co Memorial services will be held a t the Ha rbor Lawn Chapel a t 2:00PM on Friday. January 15, 1982. ln lieu or flowers the fam i ly r e que s t :t contribuUons IM' m,aJe le> the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Fund. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary or Costa Mesa. 540·5554. JOHNSON this l1wt11lt by ptel11llffs. Oelect: Olcember tJ, net J. Tiie Cllfelldell!J Cltlm -MMft ~ llorec'-• eM 111-1111 Ille "'-f1y lldverM le ~I• ........ Plel"tllk.~-·tclltndelt T ....... llylAt•tlllll of tNm "8119 llO f'lltlt, tlOe, tslet•, lloll ... A. Mff, AMt. Vke ~ ......... or,,.,.,.........._ 111tlle P~yor -~•"· 8ft'I' ,.,. --wlllcll •• s11P9rtor lo ~Ce ..... ltwol of rKolf'ttllls. (1t4) -.am •· Tiie defellda11ts herel" •llo•• P"'l>lllNd 0r.,. CoHI Delly Piiot. MflMd .. N.,, .... --\1111<-Jtll •. IS, 22. 1tlt ltJe. ctolml"I 8Jfrt 'llM. llM ...... , 1~ or ------------l11terest Ill Ille reel 11"--'Y edwr• lo plelnlltts' -llllp or eny c--plelfttltft' title IMt"eto." Md 0... 11------------""°""' IO,lllClvM"9, oro --fl to NOTICS °" TRUSTaa·I 5AL• plel11tllfa. Seid ~ts enct eectt of T.S. ••· ......... !Mm <lolm -r19M. tlllt, ....... NIWPO"-T PACIFIC FUNDING, llt11., 1-1111 ... P-1v ....,_ INC. ot duly ~ ""9toe ...-r lo Pl .. fltlflt' -llllp end Mid Clelm 11w fotl-"'9 dn<rlllied *eel el IFllll er Cltlms t,OflllllUI• • <-II-WILL SEU AT P\18LIC AUCTION Plelnlltta'Ulle-tto. TO THE HIGH£ST llDOllll FO" S. Tho clelm or <111mt of eec:11 CASH 1.-re111t ol !Imo of Ml• 111 dtfeftdMt Is-.. to,,,. llll•rlor lo ,_.., _.,Of t11e u"li.ct Stetesl •II P'•lllllfh' -tlllp of IM """9rl'f r191tt, Ullo end 1-1 COllWY .. lo -,,,. cloud c..tltuted by Ille clelm Md -field by It -Mid o.. Of or clelms o1 .........U tlld -Trwsl 1,. tlle "°"''' 11erel11alttr persoM -lllleirllHfl' llllo t--detcrllled: ell erlst from Ill• le<ll eno f"USTOR: RAU•t4 L. 111.EOA tlld Seid Mle wlll • twld Oii fetlr118fY '· upelllH Of Ille TruslM elld of Ille 1912, at tt:OO A.M. lft Ille rec:"'41oft tnnts c-911 by wld Oood ol Tr11•I. room of Ille Ollk t lo<ebld •I OM City Tiie IOl•I amo11n1 of lllt 11npeld 1011••••4. Welt. Slllt• ... Oren ... 11e1 ... ce ol Ille ootf9911o11 HC"'td llY Calllonlle. t11e ~y to lie Mid -r•t-blt Al the time .... lftlllef ...... lc•lloll •1tlm•t•d COill, ........ , tlld of !Na ..UCO, Ille I.Diet -of Ille edvtMH et ow time of Ille lnltlt l 01tll11t11" secured lty Ille ellO• 1M11tlk tll00! of ti. -k• of Sal• 11 detcrllled .-ed ff/ ll'Val -nllmetect S7' ,_"' '"''· eiqle!IM•. •"d adve11cu 11 The ~l<i.ry llllllltr .. 111 Offcl of 11Sl,M .S7. Trusl llenlolore •ucuted e110 Otled: J-y U. 1"2 cletl"9recl 10 Ow -.,.,.. e wrln.tl MIO C1ty ,_.,,,.... Oecleretlofl of Deltllll -~ ~. 81 TrVllee tor Stl•. ellcl • wrt11•11 Nolle• of 161 s... Oolwny Or. 0•1•1111 end •IKtlOll IO Se ll. TM a.,,,..1y Hiii•, CA t02tl 11,.d•rtlOMll c.eusecl 1a10 Nollet el lt1Jt 11'-1• D•leull Md Eleclloil 10 Sell 10 lie l.. McCormlc:Or !_ .. n ·•t Piiot r•cordtd 111 l"9 c_.iy Wllere the rHI ........ _ ................. y • ....-rlY .. ...-. J8fl. u. n, Jt, na tu.a Delo: J-v s. 1"2 clrcvmSlMCft IWftllllfter •ll09M MARI.ENI REDA, --wit• •• Oii or -.K ~ », 1'7S, • es jolftl !-" ------------ J .......... wuenterod f911Mt Ctworles a EN I! F ICI ARV : HAROLO NOTtCeO" Def'AUl..T TIT\.E TRUST OEEO SERVICE COMPANY .... idT~ 16250Venlwe llvd .. SI• •'°-" l.11<W-,CA."U. T•l:21S.~ •r Errol s. Sttllmen P11lllllllecl Or..,._ GMtl 0.lly Piiot. JM , IS, n , Jt, IWJ ,..., C. Sell ..... -_., Lou kltleeel In 110191NS, Trw• uncMr Oe<leratlon A"D ILICTION TO lellOf' of M.M. MoM!ey 1" en etllon ofTrual~Jlllyl4,ltlO UUUNC>all •"tltlM M.M. Moseley"· Ctworln G. lllec.,ded J-ry '· t•l es 1 .. 1r. OllDO"T"USl' 5<1t199tl. 9' .... Lot AftgeM.1 5-wlor Ne Ifft Ill boall lM1 ..... 1Q19 of .._ .... UMOeY Court AcUGn No. C IJ9 "9. Offlclll ~ lft the efflce Of Ille T.I. .... 7SM-4 1. CllMtet G. $dlle9t1 -M9ry Loll Recerder el Or ... c-ty; Mid... "IMl"OttTA#T NOTICa" Scllle9el w•r• Ille ownera of IN of lrull dH<rllloa Ille follewl"t 11' YOU" PllOPEllTY IS IH Property lrom October lO. 1'7S, to pr-'y: FORECLOSURE 8ECAUIE YOU Je-ry IO, tm. P•n•l I: A " E 8 E " I H 0 I N y 0 u Ill o •• ,. .. Count¥ Superior G-' I. Pu.....t lo C-1 Order de\ed Let•ofTr.c1No.7ut.ota,.,_,,., flAYMENTS, IT MAY eE SOLO 700Clvk ~Or.Wott. October JI, :m. Ill Ille ectlOll ... 11t1ec1 • map l"Konlld '" ......... P899S t to WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION,.... Sefll.t AM, c;..lltomie '2191 s .... ,Welu, et< ..... 1.vs. ClurlnG. ' .. M•-·----· recorlH of yow mey -Ille ...... rlglll to llrinv PLAINTIFFS. SI ONEY WEISS. S<111e99I, 0reft99 COUlllY 5-rlor Or .... COllPlly, Ctllfonllt. your t<COll"f '" good Slelldl"9 lly 11108EllT C. LUNOEOG£111 -KAI CWrl .... 29-,...., IM c-1 ordered Perc.U: • peyl"O oll .. .,.,, pest -peymellla KOJIMA .. Eucuton of Ille ...... of llltl e writ Of Ultlllloll It-lo IM Nen -~ac tushe eppurl•lltnl plus permlllecl COSIS •lld upenus M . M . MOSELEY. Sflfflff Of Or ... c-" ... 111orlll"O • ._ .... tor 1119rft• -eo•nt over wltlll" -"*llllt from .... date lttls 0 E F EH 0 ANT s . L ~ s 0 H F . •11<1 lllre<tlno ,,,. .... of"'• Preperty privet• Sir.ti OS wt fOr'lll 111 n.w -lceofdefault•ft•_... POMEllOV AS$0CIATE5, INC .•• lly ··•-of Ille,..,.,_,,,. ceseC 13' <••lel11 de<l•••tlons of cov• ... "h· Tiii• -I• s.17.00 •• °' J .. uery ,.._..u.,., PETEii TINTURIN .... SJ91ttl-l"P ....... 6tll0v0. cOlldll'-•I'd rfflrk tim. roc.orOM J, •ta, -wlll lnc....se -II .,_ WELL.A TINTVRIN, JACll A. LONG. t , Oii • ..... Dec.,,., 1, 1'11, A!>fA •. 1171lft11oe1< ""·page ten ef ec:c-t 11ec-. '"'""' YOll ,...y MARGARET WOOO HASTINGS, pur-tt•Mld wrtlllle Sllerlff --Olllclel Records •11• r•cer••d ,.., 11 ..... lo pey Ille ....... """" INCOMI! PROPERTY ASSOCIATES. C-tv of Or•-levlod llpOfl tM ..... em ..... IS. 1m 111 lloOll 1CM21, .... -'""'Of -It<-•.·-l"°"Otl MARGARET HOWE, •ARllV v. i'ltM, Ill .. -lm-t of Cl>erlft G. 410 el Olllctel "•~ordt a11d IN'I'--Cllt'Nlllled. MY°" "'"'1 WE I NS TOCK, I LM E. R l'O X, ~t Md Mir( I.Ou $cll1o9tlt111tw wnt1 ...... ~1Mrtl0. INY t11e•1••nUt .... IOo"9, WESTHllMER & COMPANY, e Property. l!•ntlfl"O lller•lrom ... oll. Oii Attor ""°' moMtll fr..,..,. HM°' 11•11•r•I pert11•rSlllp. F. IRILl., 10. Ott,,,.,_.., 10, lf7t, Ille SMf'lff Of rltllh, INMrtlt, ml11ertl rl9llh, re<ordel'°" el 11'1$ llOC_,,. lwl>l'll CAL lfORHt A lllfAL ESTATE Ille Cot111ty of Ore1190 sold Hid ftet11rel eu r l91tll e"d otller Nie of'~ ....-n -1. INVl!STMENT TRUST, e ltusll>ffl P_.-ty to plelntlffs IOr Ille """ of llydro<Orllon llY wtleltoeftr 11tme llftlHt the olllleaillon llel"9 IOre<IOIM T r 11 s I , V A L L E Y S 0 I L S ........ .,_,. tMe,....., Ii. trilllll't or ""*r Ille llPOll permit.I e '°"99' period, YOll "81/9 ENOllfEIERING CORP,. RETAIL & tt. °" l"ellnlwy j, 1 ... l .. $berltf .-rcol .. HM...,..,.....,. dteerl-. •111• tit• .... , rlollt lo atop Ille M E. 0 I c 4 L. co LL E. cf I 0"' of Ille Couney flt Or .. rtcor...., Wt 109911\er wllll ltte perpetual r191\I of foreclo ... re by peylll9 Illa ellllre ASSOCIATIOff, INC., e <orflOfellon Ooecl,. cotl'I of wl\1<11 •• •lle<hed drtlll119, ml11l119, ,..p1erl119 •11• Tt'..:::-:::r::,ior,,;., .. dll• ALLSTATE FINANCIAL lloreto u liallllllt "A'" tlld .,... .. 1119 ltltfeof Md l\Dr"-In and ~Y • ..,. letrr .... f•"Y"'"" lo step SERVICES. LTD .. G. C SERVICES lllCOO*....,,_..,.•~e. ,_1.,. "9 .-w_.,. Mid IMld ~ CORPORATION, l"llllST CITlz.ENS IL ""'-" • SecUoft tU .. tM ..... -·-· lftcllldil't IM ''"" Ille lore< ...... or H ·-IW°'*1Y 1' 8 A" K & TR us T c 0 M,. AN y . Cetllomle Cede"' 0•11 ........ If\ wlll"tOCll or 'dtroctleMllY *"' "'fberec-. for .... 0"*' ..-. 8AR9ARA JUOV, ·--IAll8AllA Nov•mt.r 11, 1'7S ... ellstrac:t ot ml ... from lenclS .U.r Ill•" lllOM Contee.I Slll~ RU EGE II -OE.ANNA LE E J u 0 y . DE a 0 RAH H . I . ..._ I ecOl"ded II' Ille C.ollllt , .... ~ 11 "UEGER, Jll Fre,.•1111 Ori.,., _,,men -r y ll•r•t,.ebe.,. deS<r _.., o or .. s Plece1ttl1, Celllornl• •UJO; CAT"ICONI!, S. J. OAVIS, MERIT Of Or• ......... ,..out of 1118 llldlmtnt -IJ•, ·-··-•ta lllto, ~ CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. '" L.os All9tlea S..C-rlor Court C... Of •<r-U. sulllllrfece of Ille I 11'"""°*· LLOYD'S eANK 01" CALIFO"NIA, e NO. ,,. ""· A'"'" Of Mid eMll'ec:I '" ....... INbew dttcrllled 8ftll te ....... It YOll ...... llllY tllllOSlltll,, you c 0, p 0r•II•11. 0 u A RAN T E £ ett.KMd llefWo • E ........ "9"', end au<ll wlll"IKlled or dlree11M811Y tlloul• contact o lewy•r or Ill• COLLECTION COMflANY, e lncor1'04'8'1dlltnlll by refer-•. drlMeid wetl\. ._.send tlletb.,...., '°""""*" ...,icy Wllkll may Nw corperellon. M & M 1181"0"TING II. Tiie edveno cletm1 et tit ancl .... .....,, or ....,.,... IN eXJer lllWl'OCI .,_ IMI'. ANO "IPl .. RAL $8RVICI, V.C., 1ele,.da11ts lucepl Ille Cou11ty of llm41t llltNOI Md• ,...,.1.r.e-1. Ro"'emller, YOU MAY LOSE dlle McCemley & MANN I NO, .,,. ......... Ille Si.M OI C•llfot'lll•I .... 1Mllltal11, .....ir. ~ ...., LIGAL "'i;"n II' YOU 00 NOT c LIN I · 8 u c I( NI". I H c ., • -Ill ol ltlClltory llons erltl"I from oHrett e"Y 111<11 wells or 1111 ... 1, TAKE P"OMPT ACTION. Cotperellon. c:ot.OWILL, eANKIR & ellstrecll of l11d11m•"' r•cord•d wtl-1, ,._...,, ttw ttwN to wttl, '" eddltlOll .. .,. 1mowit ataled c 0 Mp AN y , s AM My LE E , p11n11•"' to Section .,. •f Ille miff, ........... .,. •flt 6 .. r ..................... titler te••· ....... ., ROSAL I NO La£ ..... MRS. flllCHA"I> C .. lfenlla C.-el CMI ........,. ... t1Wtuo811 .. MWlec• or IM ~ .. '""""'llret'lcU ff dellllt11u•fll or IMAGAWA, ORA.-01 COUNTY TAX of wtlkll _.. rot.,_ ..,..._, .. t .. t of tllt -rftce 41 Ille lelld llee-.... .....,_.,., llld Ille IOlfl <M C O L L 8 C TO R , S T A T E 0 I< -.....,_."' l.M Mlelel $11peflor llenf,. ....... Ottertlled, et ......,..111 .. ,... ............... l_lel "'wt CALI FOlllNIA EMPLOYMENT Cellt1 C... ,._,lit H•.ettt<lltd the Offd from Ille lrvl,. ~1 lte c urtd 01 • Colldltlo" tf OEVELOPMENT OIPARTMENT, Mrete• lllolllllltt "9'', Ptal"llfts1 lktfl recWcledMerc.111', 1'14 11111o011 lltOS, rel11tt....._... "' A..NO ALL OTHI" fll"S.ONS II -....rior '° UIM of elt detendelllt flY 1M1tt 111704 otfklel ltecor-. NOTICI IS Ha .. HY GIVEN; T1IM UNKNOWN Ci.AIMING ANY RIGHT, rHtell OI IN 1Wlor r-*!lon of Ille JI 811r"l"O TrN ROid, Ne•,_rt ANNA N. llOH UCllOWS, INC. Is TI TL I , Es TAT l , L.1 EN 011 eltllrect el l\llltfMfll Mtec-NrMO lff(ll, CA. •11ly ••flt.O TrllslM 1111dtr lho I N T £ " & ST 1 N T H I! 11 E AL es E•lllllff "8". "llf • atrwt ..... ., lolloWlf'ldltcrltlM....,of lndt· P•O~llllTY 0£SC"l810 IN THE i.. Tiit CIOlms of lllO Co1111ty of dU)tnello11 h tllew" ell0¥e, 11e T"USTO•: "DelllT JOSEPH COM~LAINT J'DV&RSI TO O...,.~llOfst.tllW'yllem .. a werre"h Is OIYtll 01 lo 111 Zllf09V a11d 8AllllAlllA "UTH PLAINTIFl"SOWfiE"~l .. ORANY rtllllt of Ill• reurdfllOll ., • com•••'--or (~II."' Tiit llNOIY, ~-wMo. (.LOUD UPON PLAINTll'F'S TITL.l certtfket•fltllltlytlltl•itCotltctorof '*'9flcl•ry -.... °'"'of Trw.t, •£NE ... CIARY: SKIP llUllGE• THl"ITO ANO ooes I THRO'JOH .. Id c-ty fer _,,, ... propef1tt tly fffMll Of e broecl\ er defeuft '" ~ elld DEANNA RUIOER. llllMelld elld ti INC• U14Vl .._, ._...., _,1119 ltY Cllerla O, oltll1et10"• tecwred tllerelly, wHe. • r ..;.,.,... 1e11...-.1u'll11,.,..tot1W~eclef lltfNfwe •ll80Md..., c1e11.,.,. te "•<eniM ,.., • ....,., n, 1t11 •• CAMllUMal•:,.,.. ,.....,.. ..._,_. llHfte ea ...... ttlt .............. • _.... Oo<lllat6eot '-'·He.~"' ... MIW, ,..et• NOTICat v .. 11ew ltetll tllld. Tiie ..•... .. °" ..... Md a....... .......... -" Oftlctl4 ...... Ill .. offlc• .. .. .. .-... ... --..,.., -wltl*lt U . TIM <lellft If tiM St"e of wrlftlft...ac.flllll'..cll .... Of.._ ... ·-••O.--..~;Wlkfl..-=~·=-d;._\'611,._,,. C•llfOmie <-'"'ti • M.tWfY I~ i. c:w• .. 4M1trt1"'9111 w Mtl .... •• tr111t ""''"' t11f tellow1,.. wlt!IM a~ "Md flt lllfor1M1• •~rlMt ,,_ • cer1"1c• ,..., 11y 111e ~· w .... .,., MN ... _...... ,.....,..,1 .,....,, OeHn!Nlltell~V"•cltwMtrtlW .,...._....., ... .._,_,..uwef L.-141 ef lrllCt I"* .. -NI# A'llt01 U.. lie 8* deftl•••• UIMlftPIODI"""" 1--· Ml eee!Mt -IMllCle el llrMdl Mii of.._._ .. ,_.. Ill ..... ,.... 1' te ~ El ft._. ,_.. deddlr _.. \HI. C"8tllt G. ~ .,.eoolc:ll •• ,._. tit •ec.,... .-._.. s. "'1 " """· lllclwtl,.. "' mleQ~ ...,., "" ''" e11dte,.c:.l• • "'•llH 1111• u•. M1'1111• ..... ....,_..,,......,... Ne. in4 ....... 14111 ....... ef .... ttie eflla ftl ._ ~ ~ ef r"""9 WftCto • • ~. L .. le. fltllCI MOTHIU l&l •OADWAY MOtlTUAIY 110 Broadway Coata Mesa 642·9150 ~Tl-••°" 1MYM • TUTHaL WHTCUllJ CHANt.. WILLIAM II. JOHNSON, resident ot Cotta ftlesa, C•. Passed away Of\ January H, 1982. Servlcea a~ pendln1 at .. le roe Brothers Bell Broadway Morluar)'. t4a-t1•. ettecllold..,...•lllClllllM"e". Oltkle4"'°'"*' Nlf<WICIY ..... _.eflrvtt~ ltftr-i.t•lltwl· W"flll,.Ollll, ....,,...., -· "' .... Mlt wtll ... ,,,._, 11111 wttMlll cet1elll tlllleltktflt IMMll!ll -Mtt t , TO THI e>ef'•NOAN.,1 A <Mt ,~ ........ : UYelleM er wetnMy, •l~M er f9ttllee-.lf .. ,..... ce"'tlelfll llet llffll llled lly Ille I TMt#M ....... ,....,..teltt .............. tltM,"91U .... ,• Tllllt ... --'k ............ , llftfolf pt.iMtll ........ _ ..,... .., llMlllW ., llltlr ct•• ..--""*--. • '9¥ • ,_.....,.. .-11 _.el ..._ ..... _.._.... •· 11 yew .,ltll to .. ...,. tllll lllet ell HYOr~e <ll lftll tf Ml• flrille• ... ti ...... (N _. .. _.._.., •• ,,_..,ylltlelly i-ll,\'W ...... Wftlllfl•4MYtefter .......... llP ...,.,.._...., • Mtol fly tele 0... ti Ttlllll, .-.......... • tM 111•11111 ... ; T1'lot o -.-11 ... Mii Wt -It ..,.... 911 yew, tile .. tlll•c-1· lflutd ..... ..,.,....~.lftllY ....... Ill. ............. ,., ..... """ ..... c-1 •""'""" ....... Ill ' T~ ~ ...... tllla ~ ""*' """""" ...... OoM .. 1...... IWCll ...... t""' ,. HCwrlty Mt ·••NllM .. '" U"'ltl•llll c If • _ .. ,. -...,..... """ .. e1111 .... _ .... , ,...,... Mii ·~ .. tM 9((11,.,.. "" ... ""'*" .... ~.... J•le. ~ -...... "" .... ... 4'2'1 E t 7th St Costa Mesa ~tr9371 STaATrON DAVID W. STRATTON. resident cl Newport Beach, Ce . Paned a1¥•>' on Januar)' 13, 1882. Born May 5, 1124 In Qluaow. Montana. Survived by his wife Nina . dau1htert N1ttc:y Cazier and J an' De Al lO n. a 11 0 I !randdlHdnn and a brother otln N. Stratton. A Mtmodal Masi ol Chrtatlan l11rlal .&11 be on Frida)'. Jlouery u. &Ila at St. .loaelllm'1 C.Uiolk Cbureh. c.o.ta Mela, Ca. at Z;OOPll . lil lieu ol no..... donaU.. are reque1ttd to lht P11lmonar1 lt•~abWt•tlon Pro1ram. Hoa1 lloepltal. Pulftt V!tw llort•••I ~ Ille ewnwtfll Ille~ -..Cl'llled Tf'll9t• .,..., 9lt ,.,.._ ,,...... 11y ll!Meef: • ..:..o....... ...-...... -llerefll; .... 0.-.. ,,,.. ........ 'wjll .. ,.__ ............... lllterett Wllkll ,_. • --• c--J Tllet •toMefllt' cl1t"'t en lie .. e11 ,,_., _,_., Jt, l1't .. ._ .. ........,ta.,,.,,.,.._.. erel ........ ._ IM ..... ,.. 111 Ille ........ ,..... ,,,.. ... -........ ,, .. , 111. ... "" """"'81\. Au-...... , ......... lfllelltt .. ,,..., .... =" .. 't:--:.=il:..-::: IM otl fll -,_.,,. M ...... ., •-•·•-Cl*OIMlr~ Oefl111111e11cltt •"•prier , ... lfl _...:"'~ 9Mtr• ltlteret' ......_ I" lllt '"""' •I• 0..-AW. lfl ... City _. .... • e11y, Dtt....,. rwl =-.. ...... WW ::.. f"llltf ..,_...,...,_ .. ,..........l tMI efOt....-.. ......... lfellf, fef!llNM I~ tM c...tet"', •kll •• llw t¥Cfl .... _. ...,_ l'ttltf At tM 1r11t ff IM lflltlel ,_...leetltR Tllet try re1te11 tl\erHf, Ute Clllltd ,_. tfl .. M4fatlfAI ef ....... .... c:-1 .... ,_ .. ,,..,, et ttllt ...-. ... ...., -".,.,. .,. .. ,...,..., JffMl\t MMftcter; --. ., .-., -: ~ '·,. ............. , • .-c ........ ,1 ..... ,. """' ----.. trwt. ... ·-..... • .... ,,, _,., ,,_ .. --......... ,... ... ,.._. ...... ~ ~CMTU16MeleM-__,.. ........ ._._. ........ "4 ............ -..,.,....... II H ,_ ......... ..-... ..._. .. 9't~1Wllil .............. ~ ........... '""'"· • .,,.,... °"*•'-" .. ... ... -----TW9_, ...... _....... • .... .,,_ .. ,, ·"~t.,.. ... Te ................. __ -·~-._,,.. _...,.,.......... ........ ....... -. ~ _., ....... """ .... ~ .......... ,......., -.... .,.. Wfl9lll Lll---C..-"*«'Mt...... , ....... Mt! ...... .,. .... Ill .......... lt .... l!M; ........... . ....... ..._. Datt:--.~.".!-MC•IMl!tt nl-1119 tMl .. Ue"I OA~IOO.C .... '9 ........ ... Clell .. lly..... === -.-................... L ...... ~ .... ,..... .... llL ......................... ::...~ .... .._U Pt•; .. .-....... -..., ..,,.o . ....-.<--" .,.. ............. ._.., cea;usn.aa...,.,_ _. •c_ ..... ......., ......... tr"91TtfW Utftff ttle ntl .. OeM '""fM =-==--... --= i=.....,...... ~rn••= -........ _ .-::: .......... = .----·c.::r:..-= ---~--Dlllt .... ...._ __________ ..... ....... \ -..,........ , .... ........ ,.. I 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 I D A I L y p I L 0 T c L- A s s I F I E .D ' 4 2 • CNN HOUll IAT/• IM llMClta•a.,C..NM Put your family In a nice nellhborhOod. No worry because it bu a new root. new carpet, even tbe water heater la new. 4 nice bdrm• too! Enjoy family get·togethers in re· ceotly completed family room. Seller wanta your family to have It'• own homt so he generously offers no· qualifYWI & sood terms. Call now - this could be your chance of a Uletlme. · Ask for Bob Burtner 646.7434 ....... 1044 ... ., ...... 106' .............................................. **CIEAT BUY! 4 8d detached Broad- rnoor home in super Woodbridge! Owner will t~ 11dequlty! Won't IMt. Ilk for Fred. 1189.000 l\9od~rtdtc ., .. , SSl ·3000 ttttlhrra"n "'"'~.lrvlllf' Low or no d~ndo;;; So Cst Plaz11 urea Gru t assumable In ~Jl.]lm. A ent ~6S3S IYOWMll ,,._Loc..._I in Newport Beat'h 2308 CllrfDr. UniQue2 bdrm. l '' ba, large ll\•lng and din area. Excellent Bay, Ltdo. Pen .. Oce.n View ~ough space to build S420'.000. MUST SEE' 540-SW , 979-'881 OCEAHVU &POOL Like new. lrg 4 Br w bon u$ rm Only $0.~ ASSUll'lf 11 7' • Call P•trick Tenore. agt 1-------i ~1221 UtlVRSITY PAIK Best Lou lion' Pa110 Home1 Fee Land ' • Bdrms. 2•, b11ths • Only Sts7.SOO' Call today! 642·5200 A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Easlblurr. IHS.000 4bdrm, 211ba. lrg yrd. S20'7.000 assumable 13' • lsl 642·Sl61 I 640·8107 NEWPORT HGTS VIEW Beaut 4 Br w1numeroui. amenities. Own er f111ant1ng at 10', For an !millll!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!lll!!!!!llllllll~~ appl lo view th11 fine -----h ome. rail Curl L.,.. leodl I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT Modular Type Homes. 24 hr secunt)', 1' mt P' t brh + fishing pier Cedar Cottage l)'pe. redwood deck. pool. l(Uarded g ate. adlls onl> No de>&~ SS.900. 499 3816 20o/oOM/l 20/o IMT. 3 br. 2'2 ba. ram rm. d in rm. dbl ga r wlapener. stained !(lass. fem•ed, O<'ean \'U 12~,000 _ _ 497 1os 1 A lot f.orALittle I a<·re + bldg s1le. j.!ent ly sloping pan·el shon dlstant·e from tennis & bttat•h Ownr has 1n rluded plans ror ru~tom '1lla l 17S.000 S11cr larular \'iews' MISSION REALTY 494·0731 BE ST PRI C ED UNITS. Two 2 bdrm w O<'ean ne-. s Great No. end lO<'ahon. Call on rinancing. ~.000 L_,.,VillopU . 497-1761 ~-;, Houn. Sat Sun.. II Spm. 6111 Nyes Pl Owner Sale . P ure drastic a IQ' rt.'du<·ed 3br. 2• 2ba. whitewater \'1ew Must see to appre<'!alr 499 1'22. - Nrw Landmark rstate 1111 CUSTOM DUPUX Great loral1on with ma ny extras. s urh ns llahan tile noors. oak cabinets. m1rro -. a\!'. \IHuum s~s temi. f1revlal·e. sunderk an<l mU<hmore AMt:STSEE " Owner's mo\'tnl: out or stale Assuma bit• or -.111 ('OflSlder all I) pcs ur financing or ext·h.inl!e Don't miss this om~ onl~ 134-0.000 Ca II no" Cor more details. 979 ~370 ALLSTATE REALTORS 2 Hamn. I lot. Nwpt Hts .. + poo1, o wc1. Aiit. 642-6100 llGCAMYOM MrLain Greenbrier spin level l'Ondo with i:olf t'OUrse \'iew• Pool spa tennis seruril) As sumable loan Askmi: 4200 Aq. ft Unsurpassed 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!~111119 news. Quality & inno\'a· uon. Sl.100.000 Finanl' ms.t a\ ailable Consider lease option T. D '!:r~~~i99-5648 OVERLOOKING MAIN BCH 2bdrm in a prireless lot'. for only $210.000 Call owntt: '132.9840 ~-8138. CONl'94POlAIY Panoramic O<'cun views rrom this 2 or 3 bdrm. a•• bath home Some of the ameruhes Include 3 firepl•ces. gourmet klt.chen. ftrepit & spa. A real beauty 1365,000. · A c&.USTll OF-.okl LaJuna Charm! s separ•te \ bdrm l'Ol· taces . e •c h w i th Ol'f!>ltte 6 open beam l-eillng. The large nat lot has nice O<'ean views and is but a short wallt lo the beach. 15.1$.000. MYSTICtlLLS Absolutely fabulous white water views from this 3 bdrm. 21'.I bath home. Walkln1 distance to hllh scbool. to"'" and beam. Owner will help finance. ,000. i'I¥..- UDO PIHIMSULA FOISSl,000 Ope. Sot/S.. I 2·S 700 Udo,_.. Or. #9 Fam ily rel0l'atin11 out or slate and need to sel I their mobile home . 2 btodroom. 2 bath. double wide Wilk to shops and burh Ownu..s a re VUV ANXJOUS!l BAY FRONT LE~EHOLD Exqw1te 4 br S ba, near Linda lsltt.. lnrludes pnvate dock. 60' on the main bay. SS0,000. down. " assume sno.ooo at 12' ' 642-9231 YllSAILLlS Penthouse studio 20'i dn approx $68,000 Isl u~'• owe 2nd 12'. J yrs Gym . P spa. clubhse Secur1l} Sl3S,000. O-.ntr A,t &.11·~15 ___ _ :a•------- '* .. c..""""" .......... cia-· ~7141494-1171 OflMSUIC»AY l·S alOLONA WAY !Aue option or trade New a Ir 21i b• home. ntar Vlt-torla bee~h. Great ocUh vt11u, t:MS,OllO. r.daa Lund~r1 U.1 tt4·2114 For Clus'ilied Ad . ACTION Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR ~, ·~~~ HERITAGE 10 X SS Ro11drrart. !II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ A s h w o o d t 1 r m s . storaie. Best offer 1ss-«»1 REALTORS IEACHHOME $174.500 FEE 2 Br + barh.-lrg assum. loan. Churk Spiller. 111.'l 112 to 4.31 ACRE HOISE PIOPllTY Custom 4 & S bdrms home with 2'100 to llOOO tq n Outstanding reatures + ocean and valley views. Liberal t erms available $285.000 to Sl.S00.000. n. •Weiss R.E 493-1752 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10"4 down. 2 Br I Ba ron· do. Uke new, 1st fir l0t· .. patio. S!I0.000. lmmed Adlilt .... CM 45 +, l bdrm rurn, E>lrlosed patio. 8 X 35" Spare re1\I ~ Md C11 II &41·~ 9-4:30 wk d<1 1·679·7H3 eves and wknda-:,__ __ _ COUNTRY CLUB ESTATE 3 Bd-3Ba New Condo Luxury Derorator Extras Slll0.000. 847 ·3775 orcupancy.o wnr '--Pr rt. "'OOO ~S444.SS1·3889 _ -optty a s.ee.L0911N' 1016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UNtQUEHIDEAWAY ! Water view. l BR stU<" 4'0, high beam rig, rpk, H/W noors. Sundeck & rovtttd atio. Own/fin. Si».SOO. OPEN SAT/SUN l2·S 31712 Fairview lbtwn ard It 4th> Ownr/agt. ~·21!:$310; 213·6'0-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l&UNITS . ONLY S!I0.000 down. All 2Br 2ba Very nlre. Agt. 548-5832 Or~ CoMt DAILY PILOT/Friday. January Hi. 1982 ille-BJIU APARTMEMTS R4.·..iut1ful )!Ur<ll•n Jpli. Puthl'i lll't·ks SpJ. hl·ut paul .\dull~. no l'l'l~ 2 RR 2 HA SS2~ :nl W W1lhOO 1i3I !i.~1 •CHILD WB.COME• 2 IJr, <.:1111~. drvs. IHHtl. 11111" $.'iOO Wt r ~ai. tHI I~~ t-: llllh IHS 2i~Jfl 5 t.,::21111rn1 \1llti. 1•nh . l-m IA1 mf1"1lt'l't~I $125 mo l>tfl l!>~!I a Hr tv.110,l'. l.1, ltm l>in1n1t Jr1•oi, k111 h1·n. frph'. lrui.h & v. ah•r 1111111, Ull .1l'h1'lf ~llr:tl:\', '""'I. J111·u111. luun11r< fJt' 111\ lll'llfK'r1 \ \1fult11. 1111 '"" ,, .111 11111111•11 $."~'tel mu fi:ll l!llU I hdr1n S:ll~t 1x·r mo 1·111 turn .\1llh no '"'" :1143 w l\;I~ :1111 !l:'tlt. 1'n 1'11•\ ~r St' 111.11.1 Ill Min lo ~Ill ('nlr t:n..i 1::u . l'11111·r . ~111lk ,\INll , ~1 l'c'l' IHM.Uill $1l, IH \. sc.t t~U:..iz.'I 21~ ..WW.11. •Pl'ta. ..... ~ ...... ""' ........... <>range Collt OM.V ptLOTJ,rklay, January 11, 1112 ~ .. '.''...._ Al ....... .....,.. Mwl 111...., ...... ..._. 41MCHIU.,... ••H..,. 41HLlit&,._ Hff"'••• ., .. , •• ..._ 1111~w-..... 1100' !'I.·.·~............. ....................... • ................................................................................................................ ················•······ ....................... ~;;r ••••••••••••••••••• Ciilll""91 Ml4 II.I II• IHd 1169 Lid~ tu •h1rtt mebllt' 800 1q n II • Wfd• 4tora•.t·R, lrtlltr tAlll k1°'kf>•.1•111111 Lunt-I) 1'11nh1h1' Nl1l•1t IWttln,c fot dullit In m, l\tll'flllunt IJu• 111 to h~·l11 -•••• .............. ,, ... , ....................... "................ htinw. rt•u rl'nl, ah·" 11ru11 bolAt. (' M ~/mtt Kirk M k 1 w 11 r n l' r / l'umpanvH.'ull Monh'u hmn.,, I h11\l' , 11rn, 11lubll~I womun Own 1hr1l1111lt••, <•n1·I ~itr. I llllrm hill 0111. ti'rtih•, lJOOVlt-:W<Jor~.2 1ut for, r 11 lll'lt1I ludy, 84&4123 831-WllO Oolil1•nwt111t .. HB ~llW Pll'lllt'<'lll11423'76t hclrm1lM.1MUIW wa~h\·r. •In N , 11tm 1·. Kto\u, n·fril'. 1 '"'•a hlk" r11. ~11 , 4t1 ni4 ._... W.tH 4600 J)o1111t·t1IM2 llllll co•:us Wo11hl IAJ\ ,. Tu n<fnR Mull"· no 11t•li. •lll'W\,l11ltlu11t + 111 utll 11000 tnul116U:S.\9 Profl•ulonul wumun BAYFROHT •••••••nu•••••••••••• R 1 U.I Sml hit • l'urtv with Vuu! t'ull ~.~~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~31~\J;1t.1~~~1 & M'l' •w rni 41» 7~2 l\all•io li1lund Wull'iCronl huillln11 for roommull' Priml' olnrt• 711() .... 0 ~.n1111t}tOMJ. ~bl r1·<1~n~I ,:,~.~.;,, ltulboll 1:i11 ~ l.1·•1111• or 8 ~·I\ I u " • l'lll\1111 111\ldlO Nr "'"'n :i llr. a Uu. V11urly rl'O \tHhUrl• l11r1ot1• N.tl Cun L'olllll Ml'8U, ~o •c1 n. ul', ul•llllll u ,11. WI )f' blul'/ I l1l'OW11 l'\ I' i\n)'t ml'. 701 00311 O..P-.t HU h1h ciuudkll''hun u11 t11ISW7&11nuno.ufo. ~l~,.~(~61''1 "*· 11111111 lt751mo u1111n ~1:~\~'~'~!i'tirt·~.tiu111': 61311:147 ' ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• lml s:=,4!M .to« 3 Hr 2 Hu w1ot·l!11n ''u. Huumrnutl' tu thn" ~br Mt:~' w 19th St ~fl20:Julh•r5 30!1m t..o.t 12 zo Au11r11lllun Linda & Vicki's OCUM VllW Let-i......-HU ll~ull ID'lll'Ml!I 11&0,mo h4uw r1~ In c M 1250 Slw11hml. lrl tulon•1I, •)'om 1>1.1nu flolnl most ....................... >•~Y hw Al(\ ti73·33~ ~ \ltll 114.S lGlltl I MO. NII Mlr.:r• ~ SO M, 2 1·r•. w/llosp ID BA*'~K~OH!.'1.,.S!,'ft lll'l1nh' hlufr. likl• nt•W ! l.uri:l' 2 lift, 2 BA 1111111) l'urtl\' furn. huthulor • ..__.,,,. Ctetttr I "'' b1111d c't•H31 1030 " "' r .. Hl• lh" flr•t rtt·1·u11unt 1 "· • b " u11' I I ..,.. , liJOklnl( for 11hur1> h1dy .... 't:-':" 1..,,.... f II I ... •••••••••••••••••••• • 111AN t:VEK' 2" Hits ACCOUMTAMT lmmt!dT11h• 111~·nln11• for Pt,...,., with t·oru1trul'll11n biickaround Ul!jlrt•t• In IM'<'ounlln11 rtoq Sllnd ,,. Murnt to: Outler ll11u~ln11 Corp, Ulll kl'llt<rln1t SI . I rvl ne_ 12714 () 1 ' ~ , 1 ·~lllll'. • >l'li rww, llllm "1 mmc.•t ......., mo l'IOO!lmk,•r, to ahr huu"l' r•~ l' "'11 u •en 1't' Nlnlt'l' ltl'lllul. N U Ot n LOST Wom11ns d1u1non1I nr 114 ~nl tti . 2 I r l'l'illni:~. l·umm 11001 l ~rl) •~ blk 10 bcurh or !luplt•x In CdM , 1o:xr.c ofr1l·e•. lndudes fmt JRr 2Bu furn uvt & Rub> pnni'l'll• rln1t In 669·0~07 i1ur~1;11r1h~.:U~t,:~~1 llll17Ml,l'o4Cl~ "~ tl73·3.'W l300t rnn JonnlW 2MO 1111 omenllli•• F'rom J\tlli11, rio IH:ts. wk ntl or 11bou1 Arnbroal11 tOutt-ull ACCOUNTS Wtl& ·10 llJ7~ Ailult~. 0;1 ... .,.,. ltech Jt6t S. Clt.ntflte 3176 d)'!_'\ ~69 9218 llv u l ~~~ :44 ,J~11~ .. 0 tl73°347U. wktl~· rno21 ltc•t11urun1. 0l'l~l'rou11 l•f\•n•unmi!t'l!llull!!!ly!!l•l!lt..'t•.u•r•t•lll!!!s!!!!ln!!l~•1l'•I UClfVAIU i>l!l" Uu~·11 .1143-02 t:t, ••••••••••u•u•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• wk... " " 1145-5275 rt"Wurd, i•ull 7111! ~11.1 Ir CLlllK Wlc111M411 M41 p111t NEWPORT :U:AN 2 llr I 811 luun F noo mkr lo ahr belll'h OR•.:SS? An5wtrln1t 11 llomrll-SS band wunts lo Founri Youn11 Olk M mull'. mid 30'•· Hilk 111ot Rapidly 1trowln11 lnl I OUPL.·x I ur11t•'\IJ·lr11• "'"' ~I • "11ru11e Nu .... ,. hoUSl' W/JIUIT\t', N R mllflll'f\U'(',COl\fi!rl'OI \' n'Ot ~lllU'l' In nru,•lh't• Lilli Mh t'ullur t.011 rf1"111,"'1111 1> •ol'l'JUrl' l'Ompany H'l'kin# dl' • • · u • 1p,11TMENJS "' ,. ,., -1 M. 1 S room AtlJ 0(' Alrµort I f • r 11 J 1 1 2 • 3 9 rmu \' 25 50. b l'l'l 1 11 •• 1 1 2klllll' lh·lnl!. rm Som~ " M ' ....,/11~, 11 .. llll + 75 $100/n\0.114 1133·0692. ~a:""~uah t,;u on . A um 11111 1.,.4 Hlli1l m111rhr.1ny? Scncl brief II eu or l' nt c n IK'l'llO \ll•W.Rt•t•11nllydl'· N1n;2 Ur I'~ flu luun lll'l'. ( l'P 640 37111. N"'.WPO"TOL'&'l''L' ,,.., .. ,,., f'uund: Mlnlulurl' Ooxl£' rt.•M UllW & photo. HOK dlvidual ror l'ntry lc:vel 1·orUll•d 2 l'Ur .iur dr), lil•llmt•il ('\•l ltn 11 ~Q$11 r. I\ r r "C; Ill lturbor Shuppinjl lt944. Uull) Vllut. PO position In our U('l'Ounla ••c.o roo 411s 1490 COUMTIY CLUI ~ PRoFF.SSIONAl. MALE Prinlt.' bayfronl lcx·otton ..... •/lt1Htt/ t'cnLt•r Rc'CI M<ill' ll>ll UGO, c111 il2tl2tl re~:el\•abll' dept Must 3 hdrm. 2 bu. 2 1 ur i.:ur UVIH8 IM 493 2710 !<i4'"'' pro(e1sJun11I l)'IH' ~~~~~,!~0~11~.l.:\fims1 1~ .....Ce s10·l4:1.5 Sl111n1i prof mun llc•sircs l:~o~e'ib~.l~~::~r~~'.. ~l~~;cPl'~r1vu1,· ·' ur<I H~WPOEACHRT ?~!~~ ........ ~~.~~ ~~!J~~:~n;f ~~l~~:r~~ pr 1H1 rt 1111'1. unit or ;,:;.:•••••••••••••••• Fwrnt •lllall whlll• lloi:. ~l~~~~n1i\~:f;,i~.~~ 18·3~ t;~t,~1~et:~r:~!l'ndl'1~) 493 04111 SUNNY I HH APT lk-11l'h 1111111'1ml•nt 1200 OO ti()4tl ~ 5005 vh' Nt'Wlund & Slutl'f. l'OO\penaatlon It hl!nl'flla Shllf1) 3 br Ul'l !lu"lcx. An u1lult (·ommun1l)' on WITH PATIO. 1325 IOO ph,111 ulllllll'li I<:\ l'~ Kol Cettttr .,::?T::";::;;~••••••••• JI H IMll 711'hl CM>IHG SIUIHG? In I pleasant worklnl( ti ,. h R k S 83110700 uncl Wl•t1 kt>nth rull N,,,.,,.,.,rt Be:wh Vll•wor WSIN{i' 1."'~s'L,'. •i ull Loi.I <lrunl11Ju' ('11nl· J\l' mum•), huH' run envlronmfnl Conl ul'I }) In~. em·I. uur Smu 11 l {' Ill' H11) lll'l' IW'.JI. """a . ~... "'" r ' .L i·htld ok. Nr PCll & llli·ulur Spu, 7 awlm W"hnlnattr lltl ....,..,.,1 • fil'l~ !'\Ill 11t1r\il'l' Luw tin!( husilll'O. ~i·llrni.i um \ 11· Nl•w11url. ('u~la h"'l' \'OUr own in11tru1· Pal MlllJ. A~H' Sl'll'll M1thr11u.~25. 13.06590 min1tp001~.81il(hlNltcn ••••••••••••••••••••••• Atlru1·llvt•M30wi5hl'llUI Suit(' Comp luw llbrary ALL supphl'• amt f1s ~h'llu 1113311311 tor Chlltlrl'n, udulta. llfir Drlllinl( lntern11 rus l'Ollrts, bike trulls. tral'llH• F rmmll' shr 11nd mu nv 1•xt ru11 1url.'l>ini·luthn1t t'ountd Shih Tiu l>uhw. 11roups. tlU)ll. n1i:hts. lional. 18012 l\11tt·hl'll ~Oftleoch 3140 putt i n g i:rt•t•n $3t<~11841e1~i0 Nwpt111wnh:wll3t.711211 7~<MB2 Disvlu~ iDM'S. v.uillOll lmh Sl'lll'r. <:nm.rn l'lr M1tht11•I Kuni! So.lrv1ne.714~790SI ....................... BJt•ht-lors. l and 2 '1'd """ F xhr 2DR 2H1' (ondu, HIWPOIT room \hdtr1'. lh·uUt\ Shull hu1r. StlJt'flUU 5!123.WI roE &t iF. MAIUMllSWALK• hl'llrooms t1p11rtmcnls, ~11tsr,.mi1hd Se1• )IUle. IJ0(1l. Mpu, Nr IXICUTIVISTI. Sulon hu1r1lrHrs 11r11I l111~k~. Sht•ll1l' rnl\. Wh 1t1· M 47 P rof IJLZ21!!1!!1L~!L!!!!llll!!!!!!!!ll•-• 2 &3 Br. Townhouse Apt uncl townhou~''K rrom or UttfwNahed ltOO SC l'luzu S240 S40 0743 Luxunows aulll•M U\ ail h~1lruuh1· i hurrs. mii S1111n1l'I ow<. T,•11 lcr ~:111111.10 St!t•ks Whitt• F ADVllTISIMG/ Yard. ainule & rloubll' U40toSIOOO iwrmonlh ••••••••••••••••••••••• unG lor sub·ll•u•e In unt• o( n~.Jooh\·l\1·,.~n1l pl.111tw "'" Enµllbh S1•tl1•r w la1111> lll'urt for PIOMOTIOHS tar 11urul(l', ncn Hu nt On Jambon•c ,\1 Wiffl..,... Art• Mile room malt• wuntt'd Nt>WJlOl'tll "xi·lusi\l' 01 ,\li.11. m11k\• u11. hhurn111H1 I runl' ,\ 111 rn11 I Lrr l' TL(.' 75-1 9'.l04, 95HI09~ SALES PERSONS Harbour Ch1hln•n OK San Joaqwn Hiiis Roacl "'· •. f b I h • I. h r I /\I ( und ht111 lll OllUlb C1•nh'I' 75" ;1731 PROF. ESCORT L• I t f 84()."..,,., rull\ • un urn 1 rm lo !l r 3 u r 11 u 11 c ll't' 1•omp t'Xl'lt. r11or Lill u:ll !l7a~ or r.xr1 ingo11por unity or -~" 1714Hl44·1900 .11J1 All ulil 1111 1\11 w 1111r111Ll' lltlll24~11 ufll'r l'IOl!l' lndudt•ll . I found M110'11 wutt'l1 in T1ish.5-t!HIOOOufl 711m rr·rson who l'njovs th11 BR 8 I aft1•r11, H!tK lilitMt r .. t' 4 , A & 11 . Poul. llin. NO t'EE! Apt & conclu urlll'nilit•s K-lti Ollltl 6pm •Kt'l'l'PI 11111m• t'1..,t ,1 \h·~a t\r ll .1111·1 Wi\'\1'EO f l•muh· nuii. <>cdom • un im1tcd nis & Pl u)l(round Kids rl'lllals \'Illa Rt•nlab \n 1 >k 1 •l'llhlll's •Ji.mtor1ul VIDEO G"'MES °'-"''""'>·5.lli Wah l'llmings outsldl' sall'b ATTINTIOM: /\111h11lnu• bo,\~ unit 1otlrl11 10· 13 ) t•ur• ultl. 111 wilrk 111w ur t wu ,., 1•11 tnii-11 wt•t•k tll'll1n11 n1·~·1puv,•r 1111b111·r111 Ilona Tr11n•por11111on nod t·outunt u1lull sull'''' t•lon vro\ 11h•1I C;.tll 3 tu S 30PM. u11k ro1 Andrl'tl. &42·4321. l'XI 343 <\lfJ'OMO'rlVJo: PAITI COUMTllMAM Dealership or tor1·111n 11uto parts l'Xpl1rh'n1·c• µrt'ferred. Cull GJ t n fur l\VJ>POI nt ITW nL ROYCAIVH IOUSIOYCI AHDIMW '40.6444 -\utormthl' W..r..ty Cltrit Tr•" Fllin11. Hitht l)'pinu. ttootl with fittures u must Salary open. au1omo1t\'e experienre helpful l'nn tort Brenda 111 JrOOH.111.,• l\llr,t ( .... , .. '°""I ').4() • 11011 OK No pets sa2s Mo ti1~4912 Hrokl'r looms 4000 I I U( lllll or II llUll'l. •tOOrrt't'l'Oj)ll'Joo mo "' ln)!llllTil!UlllOOZ.'35 ~r8 1·an prO\ldl· S500 ni ""'"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• malurl', l't'$p Pl'llttlO lu I kl S1\l.ES l.fo: \Sll\1: SCRAM·LEJS lhl wa11 , M 11·ronl•s1a WE i-: K \' E R y •-.-------• .... W'Ool ()(•(•Unlronl ror W1nlt'r l.111-:una B<•a1•h Motor Inn. shr rent In l'M upl 2 I :~~l~h~:~:~l.;.l\ Ml'I'\ Nt•v. al'l'Ulll' lr1<· ·" :111 l.1.011\ln~ f"l'IJ 1.tl4!1370tt REAL Is+ I c c 0 M 'Automotive Db 2 ldrm, I la ltl'ntuls Furnished & mtS No Pudfil-Cousl Rumonu tl41i 7204 ufl u1·mlubll' !157 01:11 ANSWERS Trav.C 5450 MISSION Simple pro 1 mile to Be1tth w fpl'. unfu"! Brokcr. li7S-4912 llw). L111otunu Bl'u1·h tiPM l'ull, Roxannl·.1115 0740 S 2 O O ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11rom coa1 sales No d111hwasher ~mo ke 1·--------0;111\, Wl'C'kl~. Kllthl'O 2 BR Sl50 mo + Ulll. F (. I . l .. lillll! Foli.I l f1\ for prtt·e or I! PA spedal tralntn-or l'X alarm.St'pgar,bakon) OHTHllAY! ol\ll(lubh• lAJW WIOlt•r bet\l<l'l!n50&001r~11lrl wrll hm \1111 ,, \r:Ms l0tl1•\ (iruhlll t'OUll'll\!o 13 t'oUnlm•s! perle nl'f requirt•d . Adlts 14&. Defore II PM One or a kind luxurv rat~ 494 m.i J.!8536·8453 · lri m: Ml I Ai r1i:u1·1· rn111rnl HOl'NI> s-io li:ll 34~ Women cm·ourug(•d lo ~-4614_ opts 2 l1<lrm, 1 bulh upl Rulbou Inn S90 & UIJ Mother & ~on 111,,.11 111 Office S..lte 1'1·11kr 1-:,r1•ll1•111 1111 11 "I 111111 a hurn Wiil tht· apply Call for appoint 1 & 3 BR rentals ai ailu-lol'Ull'<I direi·tl) ui·ro~5 Wl'l'kh l\H1·hennl'llt• shun• Oll'l' 3HH . :JI!.\ l~us1• JOO gf in r\1u11lJlll 11u11 v.11h \ 1•1'\ i:ond 11a111 .1k1•, hl' 11111).! '' .. !'111 l'olurado, t'l'l1 17·21. :J menl. Mon Wt'd bt'forl' ble. near beath. 118 & frumtht•Reuben E U.'l' lll't•aniro11l 67511740 . hortll' 1n CllM Fr11l1. \alll'\ U.ink llrfln•burlrl 111111•1111.ol l.111 Jll'•I Ill J~k1•1I th1· llllpulll•nt rull 1lu~~ or 'k11nu JI 2 Juha,6670777 Newport S3ti 1135 or Ju~t remo1h•led with Room anti balh Jo'••m ti w. i:ur. 11unl1·11l·1·. 1111! l'llhlrt'l> & /Jmlon,il 11''"'1·' "1''•1 111'1111111'1 ··~o.· 11'11111'11 Pur11utol) for only S29S \NALYST Loni( hours. 53!!-6701 Ol'W t'arpl'tm1i . drupl':i. S 3 O o m 11 M u n , Honl'lll & Dl•p1•nd 1\11111 "''n lt'l'R ml'lut t•rl t '1111 1 h ,. 1111111 h "' 01 t ,. , 1"1mpll'll•! For info. i·ull hurd work, fur someon1· k111·hcn l'Ublrwts & 111> atnl'Ollil'l> 111a2439l'H'S. now S300+ ·~utll H1•ls tm1 Wall) Slurk. 17111 l,. "lhi•\'llhl'HOl 'l"O .. Sll•H•ul.IH21127!i unusual I.' !tktllt·d. 2bdrm. lbu dupll'' doll 1115.3113 Da\:.. 11 11 l!ki~ !!7!173.'iO I ~ Fuunrl 1 .II .11 \I ,111rwri. •MECH"' .,..IC * hous1>, bal·k \ nl, KJr µl1t1nres This u11stairs 937·1ln9tl~i. · " pouesm11 n lhorou11h "'" I U01ll01'1Udl•,af1n•plar.. ~:\{'<! SOl'TH L'Oi\STll\~K D ~-l'.u k Ill W1·-1d1tl. ~"'' knowlt'due or S"l'Url\\ L.HT1-nev. paint. l'rjll~. I rp~ ' M,ll!ll'r " B \ 1'1101 Ii.I & . . '1~ .. ,-:vr I lk I I l I -l1 I .. f ' I "' -S48S 8171 ~ (•wm 11 n mirrored bdrm rlost't 1.-illt S2?!i Ri·I t'hi•i·k F to 1hr J ht .. l h.1 t111I\, ""'le,:/:.,_ 1 " 11 1' uni: 1 •111 .. ,Oft 1nH'SllTll'nl~ I this lbn I YOU SUPPL y 759-0&tO 1loors &usp111'1uUSdl!l'k 5~9-7051 ~::-.1 211 Or Nwpl Hi.ti~. s2:tH mo IOlr <ll'Sk llpUl'I' 1\1•1111·1 , 1..tr.~111."1 . • •••••••••••••••••••••• \'OU. 11leUSl' 1·ull )OUr T .. SKILLS, 01rrlook1n1? lhl• bu~· ...... 51n1. 'D.\s ~111117H2 tl!•7 t112H Ult'IKll'l ;irt•u H F. 111 831·8600 l r-0111111 11.1.-t·tl lluuncl JobsWanttd, 7075 bn~htest unrll'rutllitl'd Bachelor. 'IO\'l' & rl'fn", h ..,.., "" 1 1 1 ,. II 11 1 ~ ,.. \ f I •· t II th WE'LL SUPPLY " SllOJ monl L'llhlles 10 -I t'\s \ t'S o ,, 'a uu 11r 111111111 111 W1•,l11111l'lt·r ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' F nent "' l' em ultl palrl dudt'd for ""Pl l'Ull l..ari.tt> 1lll1 J1·t1H• mom l>oui: Ni·v.111111 11111•,1 II I I k 11 II \'uunl( mu rrll•d man ubout this ad Cum THE C "-RSI _ S325 mo S36 1979 17141675 8000 .. ,.. slc.<111hl~ 1•mµh1) t•tl With I Rou 111 01 J t ,. "' •11ll 1· ti n11• 11 t (" 11 u 11 , c• I 111 , J,. 1 '11 '"' 111 ' 11 ll1111hl hkl' odd Jllh!t l'\l'S JlMl58llOO to S60.000 . + "' • 2BRw garagl'.Sto1t•&',-llllll!!l!llm .. ----• nr w1th11ul k1t 1•h Proll''l>ol1tn ,lf l~IH'i 7ri2~1ll 't523CAMPU,J>a·IRVINE iu1.n~. & v.k1•ntlll Cun do u benefits H \ou're the :::C.~~~~a~v:~t!h:~ll: ,, h h ••so lln\ ''""''!! $2J5 v. tlhttul . v.urrw. n 1.11 shJ1'1• 1·11111111 I . , , . ~ . ~· O l 'I I> .I a 11 I 2 . , ur11•t' of hu111l .1· mu n , .... l. pll'as•• r:•pl>· in ,.0n cus wwi er.., mu CX.'EAN \'IL"W ilulu~·• 2 .. -"· , 1 Smull 111111·1• l\\:.!O! t H7:l I ' ,... ' • serv1l'l' fiar11ge 1 We're 36 ~<> 9 ., • "' S2i0 ~ilh S7!1 !lli.'i6 nr • .,.1 '1111111 ~ 11111111ng · "1 • t ll 11h1• 1 111 a n I 1· m jutls 972 ~ l'H'S. allk fidem·e to. Mr Charle~. · __ S-=.!"7 Br 2 Ba dct·k. \ar<I. l'l·nt1·1 s:1110 11111 ulll 11 ..... 11 11~\tl. 11 11 furn 'ool5"DplY Stor• \11.1111, ~l.11!111111.1 1111 lorHtll POBo_ x2000,CdM.9262• dean. oat and 11ro hri 1·k lrph . iar . l..irf,!t<Ola,tl•rlxlrm prll l'ulltt!ii.u\11 S2.'>ll 1112 .1IUO Ind tllll ~ t!otKIO tull ·-i11~1•1 " ress1on1I We orrer an SEl'L"R GATE bu uncl 1•n1rann. S:!:lll Mal 11,111 2111 21 ha SluSrn:illOllui·Spiii·lll pmt· 1!17:illl!t · I v.oulcl hk1• a wu1trl's~ '\pt M.agr Cple Exp to l'Xl'ellentpaysl'lle and S8.'itJ mo ur lease• oµt rml:.l &l.i~I "42 2032 ·~1j l'iill · ' , s PenOftali 53SO Job. I hall' rw l'XP Maintain 17 Units for a benents pac·kat:l' thul I ,\rlulls. Sun.•"l Blufr• n . R twnhi-l'. Npl ll1tlx $:100. ' 1111 ,11111 .• 111111111 l .. 1p 111.11•••••••••••••••••••••••I ~11\74112 Apl Pl_us Nll 645-1048 indudu discounts. "' ., 1"iom m n11·1· I 11 1111 Rt'!~ J::\l's fi.lli ;:.~a t\.1'1 9:11 1 I 11111• t:1 "11I 11•111 I.on~ .1 . • boo Condos on P1ll'1fic-,\'" hortll' !\I Jo'. non 'Imo kt· i\lill" n1uwl• U"l 111 h ir ' I 'ff \Jl o l' \I H l'O WI l1·J1'• (;,1 ~1.111,•1 'h"I' A ff antis Massaa~ I ll llTlpamoo ll huutreur AICHITICTURAL rre~~ai P:~dd ''1~r1:~'\~nss. I al \"1l tor1J CM Pool ~IJ J $190 mn ' "" .. l\ •' • • I 'I k 1 ,, ... , 0 • :tlhr J1l1\._, 11''1fl"' vm1 ion iunn).! o• .. -••~so... ' ~ ' or loc>k llll!l'llwr 1i7!i Oll:!i l tor. ~.,i•1 Oll1t°l'' .. '1 ~ •• 1 . " 11.i1n·i 1!' 11 ' ' for 111 or rld,•rh ll11ht _..,M's:" " pensions and mo ri•' 1 ,' u"lh9-ll.t0ar·,,~21o8808rt & .w.tru '"2·2'1111 t'hnN.1l.11s l'ISh m"' I lmmtl'>lt lill litlitt2.thl ,\JO~tl!l.1ll 1plll .. •"J''lllA••t•k I h•IUSl'Work du\s' IOl'I EXl'elll'nl 11pp11rtun1\\ LET . s G E T ft• ... '" Xln"l II ) I l I & • . "' r I I ,,., \.111 j!l'UU' 1-:1rh. lo . . . . N ·, AQUAINTED I th'l'k ,i~0414,7!i9-l,042 . or 1111:. I'' ia F Shi turn 2HH IH\ 1.rg l.u.wn or1111• '"'I .mpm1111·11t ,\t.:1·1111 , . J . ' v.t•<'kl'llds :>490:17:1 ~ .. u11l.rhoowrf'1'! .• ~ 'l1enwJµ1>irrs· '"'~~·"l ! App~ in l•nl No 'mkr or k1t1· ~ lst &I~ I lt"l'l' lk1u11lul or Ov.111·1 llllhl , .. 1111111· lst.lllllJl'll '""1 JIU1'1 I . TF\''lfL"f' fJt" ' .. ..-·~·· lJ\,uet2 Br I Ra l(llraj.!t firo.S7~v.kM(;.16.)0J~ ' .!\ ,· •• I IU L 11 I I I I .aunJ .lllil'J'll>l' ·" '1 " r.\ l''tpt'r PEP BOYS I \I I 1'11111~ 1ti0 Hl!:l.I 1rp11rt .\n·.1 1, JI 11•11 . " II I' I! '·' " t 11 u I 'i. I :-ll.1 n k l'OORDll\1\TOll patio, JXXI 'tu 15· ni• lri.i room, p\I bu & en '""' hu1lrlr111:. ,111 1•\1•1 .i1•1h • l•I '' I \'lfnl 1111 \ , I M 1 .. ,\.\!ll't.inl fur non profit W R~le, AIA 1K1~ S500 tl!()l ··11 15th lranl·r $300 t SIOO sei· Pn~ lo ,hr 21ttl 1111 :'\ II "on 111, ,11 .ul Sm I.iv. r iKiph· "'1 i.,1111:. ,1 ,1,..1111• 1 .h11u 11 1 .1,r1 . • J ' L~ 1 i"<i·h•in ., 1, 11 rtt"r11 m til416~0 2912 1522 I a.ad! ll•d. SI 6427340 · Pl'llO I blk lrnm hd1 1 1 . 1· I 1 I .11~1· m1·r11.in •• ~ '" ,. " We•"-1-·t-C .. f)Jrn or unfurn 6JJ .3647 I 1 h I' II I'\ s r1II0 Ill" " Ill I •1 I I 111, I' I I •• • • ll ·, n l' I'" .. 11 Pl11n· Ujl 111 10 ,f unanl'Sl' .. ~SEMILER •'"""• ... • A . . ~1. t• 111 l'I' 25 s:mo m11 ('-· II I I II I ' ~' ' M ,. -E~ual Opportuml \' ·'\"II Im mt"I \1 "U ll"ll IC" 21 ... , k l h • !n!\ 0077 ""11l'I V. I l'.llll .• I ' . -, • ' •• j 43• v\ull"OlS 10 horn·· s 1n Grou•in° N fl 1T1fr nl'l'"S . " u ' .. ' r l'ffi .,U, I l' priv.· +ulrl tlt·11 l"l'<I ti K n~ \I I I I · 11111·~.i ll '"I 1 lllll\ I .. 1..... .• 0 • ' ft ... .. mployer M f' -C1.'1hn11 Stpi. lo Brh room. b111 yard, n1t·e 54().T.J7i orllifl~l;oti Ul11·,·111t1111m.111.·1 ~1 .11 1 111·11• •1 ·• • '1 211:i t1.11 hrn llll'M ~~111r1 1·chxnmun1l\ Tl•al'h hr1).!ht person 1--------• Near new xtra dlx twnhse Gura1tl' Door oper.itur hlfll' Nrul '1 reap ~o . . wi·onrl ,Ion v. .ilk 1111 ' , r..n): •~ . run tour:. ror 3 w assembl~ l'll~· Mu~l lg 3 br. 2 ba frµlt' bllns Lr!( 2HR S~9~ \ rl\ rm Aft 6. 964-1905 Avail M lhri~llJn ~mlfllt•. 21.11 lll'l'.111 \II t'ol'\ oll'l'I'" • 'h11 •• ~.111\'l,l\JllllO llllh llo(•t•ks lfunnj: Sµrrnu IK· fasl & Ul'l'Ul'llll' Non BABYSITTER w D hku,P. sk)'lll!hls 6'123400 . . lmmed HBICM l!ta i;.:1st ( l\I S<!t.I I t'a111l'b. J1.1111·'· 1'·1111'1 1 Mort~'· Trust 1 ·! fllllit'M.111!1:11.m.~~!'t:l)!I' Sulur~ alJllru'C SIOOO. smoka KNOX ro 3-8pm. my home . 2 vaulted ce11in11s dbl al I Bdrm apl sLO\e fn11 Nrre pleusanl rm . Ille tl314791dJun 1111-: l20M1 fl $;1!'\ll m11 Dffds 5035 S11·H·IO h,.i411 2H l1 1 l'all J111 t2131453352-I j 111~167S28& l'lufdrsn 54_!!·0523 tch «•r many xt ru pkinit on' Peni~sul 11' kilc'h ""' East Costa F .23 + t o0 .~ha11· v.lth 1ii~~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• adults no pt'lS S59S $400 675 0612 an 5 Mes!i • .l!.1 $200 $411·S"8 e.:"" 'IU~l ful II .1pl 2 1 rnt:E R t:N'I Sattter MtCJ. Co. • ~JG04 \"~•rsailles 2btlrm, 2bu. I bd lb i lil.:.,.,..,~1 S:!!IO mo \lp111.ln1t1~1f11111ar1 h1 I \II tq11·~ 11! 11•.1l 1·,t.1h· ~ • I Br. w 1or1, 111 Bo frpk. ..r!( mstr rm w a n "'."'""' F1•h l~l l'r1m1• II II nl lnH-cl11w111"11111· l!t1!1 • B•DAY WEEK SPECIAL pool. auraoe ••75 Laun-rrµk . l'lubhOUS('. S('l' Ell CM. priv enlr ' Fm k ·11 :!I I s 1...11 i I • " .. .., 1tall' $750 ~i l997 pri \ llC'Kl'5• 527 S mo l' • nun 11m r, . 11 . 1.1 llrt• 1111 ('om 111•11111 1· ,.c .. 1 "9 " • elf) ral'll nr shopp1n1t llUllC' I BR. 3 RA. bca1·h &12 5'&Si an fl PM duph·x on ll.ilbt1o1 !11la111I I :•I•·~ Xlnl t·~1in-u1 I 2nd TDs • 8470056 ''''""•dupl".··~"arll'a'". R & lm>mu ~ uto11lJll"1 t.111111"'·~.oi.!1.i 642·2171 545-0611 1 • 8D1y1 • 3llne1 8Doll.,1 S4""2b d It• ""' •. , • "' oom loard 4050 1!111n 0 1 1111·0·· •'llf ··r. .• . e "" r' II u a -Is I & I 11 ~ l \lo a l (' r H7~ 7tlll I' ll'l' w.111 Ill It Ill, .IH~ • :>.~r · nu g111s ~ o t<urha1?e pa iii. sooo ,11 acl ••••••••:•••••••••••••• · · . , 1 ,1, 11 i<l01·111111 ll1111r 1 It s easy to place your 8-Day Week Class1f 1ed by matl. and 11 wner.5733115 F'eh 1213J371i 4509 or ,~wt1sGr041PHm 21~trm, Zhu. ~pl I .Ilk I l'ri•illrt:lllU!\ w. t·~ldirr ,E.,•rnl w·. 11111 111'11"11'1 I • costs 1ust $8 -thats only a dollar a day' To Qualify for this • 3br. f r. 2'~ba r r11ts . i21313!J6.808tl Sr C1hll•n ~S 6221 Nl•wport SJ'b mu 11tc I ,1n•a SI lllh11 fl Ml'th1·.il ~ a11t Ir u'I 1 1'1"' ll\ 1·1 • drpi.. o r, dw. dbl jlar EASTBL..l" H Npa,·wu~ Hottf1. Mot.Ci 4100 ut~ l'Jll PJul •110 K!l.'li ~lltlw l'Jllt~~ 1..w1 ~;.~1':.:!~,,~~;,~;;;,~;·ni: e special offer you must be a non-commercial user offering e ~ 9!18_10211 847 8933 thr. pool. irntro. ~Int ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prt t'SJ1111nu1 f1·m.11t· J)!1' i h111n1a111 \all\'>. nl•ar llH Hwdesty, Rltr_ e merc handise for sale up to SSOO per ad . and the pric e must· 3 Br lux apl, O'\O\l' in lo lll'W Sin1tll' adult no SEAL.ARK MOTll 2~·10 non smuki•r '" 1 ~w~ ilffil'l' IO luw ~Ulll' 675-21,16 be 1n your ad The cost s tays the same w h ether your ad • da) 2 •, Ba. e n l'I ,..,.5 $525 mo fl.14 _.71;. Wkl 1 1 ~hun· l11•au Nl•v.11111·1 1111 al111r01•\ or othi•r • 11aral(cs. qu1el rul dl' ..... . I SIO~ rentJ s t~o~ J'.f{ l\•.11 h I ontlo $.1()0 0111 l'ntl't"S!SlllllJI 9113 ()7tl1 needs eight days selling lime or JUSI one • C 'llEW BE \l'O!li BAY •> up o ur 1'4~ 3975 • ,·. • , . , \\ 11111 " h oi' HS J 111 • sac onstdl'r k11ls . Ir" 2br. 2b.i. iu. dui·k. Phone~ 10 room 22il S.l, I .f •• R 0 I' F I l f. • S67 • m 1•1• .•• \ 1 " > M L• n11n mkr ·hr n1•w sr \I L & TD~ H1· l.11.11" 1111\. u11 ., 0 ", ••• w~.hr dr•r. l'ffiPl'lr, Nrv.1rnrl Hl\tl CM • r ·~ ' • ' r.. l't'l't'l>lillll • Us d h bo A 4 d 581 U>CM> ·' Woc·-'1Jnll"l'2 Bilri1121i·· rn.n rt •«M) N111 ·n~l1l, :\11111•11,ill\ e One WOr In eaC )( bOUt WOr S make One ·R<JIJ D W. oar. 1~nn1's, )l\'I li46 i.US ~· ,.. " .lrt'll "'"'. Sii_ ... ,, .. 11111 I • ] Ill Tow ... HOM"" lil·h d1;·k $1~'\0 mo \ r l'Ol'ldll •urn s:100 rnu rn 11111 inti sl'l '"h'lll )i·n111'1111 '~"H ... I ;,I\ I • class1l1ed line of type Minimum ad IS 3 line s Please print " s; h ~3S35.fiiJJllS. · HHDA,UC!? dllll 8..\7 09JOorti t0~2.1 v.1·l hJr opt111.n.rl 35oo Yitld plainly • F.l\cedyardl/FR,LC • -. Rl'llS Wec<kl) Rate~ l'\l"' v.111d111u:.1• i111.111• l ltt~•· I • 2 IA. EHCLSD GAil. 1.url(l' !BR \;t1l 1xl Spot K.llrh\•nl'lll's-Phnn1·~ IW\!1 & or a1rporl t"all $I•· i.I.". '1"1~lllH'll 1~1 I I • • uew ltS8 Quil't S450 2421 f: ....... C'hunnul M0\'1('5 Mui 30·~ l')(l'l' SU~~ .. :rs l>1,:1n' u .. r. •,• ....... tNl 1:1 =~· .1111•• 1.11111 ,ll I r -- ---- - - - - - - - --- --- --- -- - --- -..., " 16th St s 7 II " • t'(1m1ium .. Shurl' '"' t•I) ,..,, .,...,. ,\ 11 l' I 11 II I II • s ,I 11 I • ~Mo 848·3775 64 .4 1 SanclpllJl•r. 1967 Newport :l llr +dl'n huml' i\11 "' • II l ST I ~Ii,. o \; llt•rn;u1hno r1111n1' 1~1 I • I ~ Sttpi to beuc·h 1 3 Br. RI COStM Ml'!la 645 9137 lrll.' 2 IJthl·~ $.1.~I 0111 HJ-; \l'll • IOI 11111\ 11111nlhh tl111• I • 'H;..t.i;' 3142 1 ~8r.bothrrpks S775 & l.HeonNplB1·h S90wk eaAi,'1673·651 1 l080S/FS..ltt H itl'. 1hM11u111 17 111 • I s 6 s O per mo I m P1nl' Knot Motel Hllll2 W "-:Ti' • • ., l'tl\ .. 1,. t>rr·11,l'" ;~1 ~1 11.1 01 1!1:1 11 ~:I • I • •••••• .. •••••••••••••" mn1·ulal1!. 673 2S07 ""H NBl\4•.04•0 _. ' u. ·' Guarded gall', tennis -.-.. ' " , for ... 4350 • •2Sturr i\r1•ui-ui1tl$.')'1 il!ll i•\1'~ I • rourta, swimm1n11 pool. I. 2 &3 bdrm yrly rentals. YocaH• R...tals 4250 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Wl'lbur ~rrl T n 21.1' rh,11111111 •Ill • I tile roof robble stonr '425 to S750 mo Closl' to ••••••••••••••••••••••• SGS sln11le 1111r. !111(1• & \1 J1labk nov. hi t'lc1111 S949i 1.0. Ii' • 11111·1 \''' • • street. on channrl ad1a otfon 67S·l642 JCEANf'RONT 2 & -I fir !!('('Ure 731 W lllth St l\111 cm I~ :113.l uni\. )JJ 111 mo 1)111• I • rent to morina l:mque New oc·ean \'ICW 2Br 21 s Avail. Wlnlt•r WN•kl \' ~ M. ll73 TI87 LAGUNA HACH 7H Ki. W1•ll w1•un•1I II\ • 10.IO I 2BR~1 mo ba. 11ar S7SO mo Ph MQlllhly<q 71173 Hn11i Hcai·h uura1tl'. SliO Xlnl IAX·alion tr JI 111 12110 ~lll~·h11·~11.u. tK 1·1111 '11·11. • • 7~:.SQ.22 fi46~~~52682_e,._ PulmS11nnu~urrutMon rm Sloral(e Onl~ \~k ~ F'I ;;,-l'l'rMt fl in horn.• tirll .. 111 "11 ltlOO , 13.20 L.ogiltaleoch 3141 112~ l"pper 3br. 2ba ll.'re~ijClron11o3 BR2 f!1rKc1lh,9624-111 dudm11ulllU1ci.t->(t'l'lll -· I . • ••••••••••••••••••••••• du11lcx, bl0<•k lo beach. Ha. furn w 11ln~m Offlcelt...tal 4400 ~:ll'l1ntll~ 49-111!11 A""°'9Kemenb/ 15 80 • Lrt1 2br. Iba. on·an \U hr."um l'l'1l1n11 s. lr11 GoH. lt•nn1!I . Dall~"••••••••••••••••••••••• r«'f/Olflala/ I • ' w'gar, ¥ilk lo lown. h<·h ball'ony. )ti) renlul. Wl't'kll\ & monthly rBll'!I L611 Weatl'hrr. N B Want 525!1 Mo·Pr1~ult•ofr111• Lost l Found • Add S2.80 for tach addttlonal lln• for a tlmtl • S61S 114 H 111h Dr TSL~!Jlml 642-1603 II\ Ill i 14 55ll, llOO I nnan1·l11I l05l 70()&.l I llJrlun~ klll'hl'nt•llespt• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 499~" :'il.,.,l>Ort H11ts 2 Br 1 Ba . 9-5PM,asklor Mark l~l noor Ajenl~l 50.l2 lliOOMoinSt.Hunl R1·h • .• OCEAN FRO HT : k~~~:1°eo N~s~1189 MOO 1t'f1t 8~~1!'8t'/a~i?~,ri:.~~ EXECUTIVE Oili:>Junlr. "110111t 1 ~!'!: ... ~~~~ • • Moat elegunl opurtmenl ' ~I~ 14 $45 6916_ SU,TES ""'1 rmwl(1l<HIWll· 133 Own Your Own ll11118l' Publish my ad for 8 days starting • building in 1.11~un11 Small Studio For Qui el N l'lt•11n1n11 liu11111''~" • Beat'h Finest hx·ution In Girl Bfurh 100 rt . Pool. MAUI I bdrm furn Con· ..,...., R...tal 4450 <lrt•ut r oh•nl '"' Fur Class1'f1'cat1on • town . Breathlllkin g S275Mo ssg.~17 clo Best 11w1mml n 11 HlllTAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\lun• lnformution t'ull • vieWI. All bll·ins. heuled J Br 2 Ba. Str1is lo beath. bell<'h 1245 wkly Tcnnl11 PLAZA SI ore or Ofrll'C. 1350 i.q fl J\ I 11· l'. II~ i ti I 91\ or • • pool. iubt. goraj,ll'. 6X>.winter rental.utlls 66k~· Newluxury orfi1·,·11pul'l' ~ksuVl'f'd('Arcu 7513707 Name • elevulor Leasl' only 1ndd T11hoe Sk r to ncl o . in lrvine·!I husit•sl 5454123 Rt:Qt:r:sn:n • aw' up 3.10 rim Or PROPERTY HOUSE Nor thstar 3 bdrm . 1enter~ Ea1~> f'rw~ .ar11 tnmlrl\)hi•r \lil'n Wh it•• • Address e 494-8>8.1 I &12 3350 ~2-l"lO sleeps 8 S800 wk II 1·ess 1\\ ar . now • C" -'J.Z 711().129.') forclt.>\alls RETAIL SrACI for Winll•r fut ma I Cit z· Ph • .Whrlonltach 1140 ~on leach 1140 --• Hl-1231 6•0.n30 00 Horbor Bhd IU-Osq Uullrt• l'lt·11~1· c·onln1•1 • y IP orre _____ _ ....,. • ll~ 11ti.-4100 "' "'6 n + stor""" ""' •q fl Ml'hs~u · C • ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• --to__.... -· ...... ,,,. ., e heck or M.O. enclosed O .. ------~•Ill!••••••• •••••••••. ••••• •••• •• •• •Dll.UXI OFftC IS• Realonom1rs 67S·6700 • Kennebunkport ? r. rhlld ok. shr lull 4 br From I ruom lo 1400 sq -L Lost & Fwtd 5lOC • Ch Arge m d t • t'Ondo. Pool. tennis. Cll'. n. From 11 15 a sq rt. No Store or Ofrlt·1,•. 3 rma, ................. •• ••• •• ti y a 0 : • Isn't that the horse that won 1275. 645·5123 Naill'>' leust• re~ul red. MJ. BA Kltd1. r,a7 W 19th • The T ri ple Crown ' ·n '12? Prof -to Shr 2BR. 28/\ Alrpoth,'f' nn. 2112 Du · CM' S400 Mo C11ll Judi. • 0 # Exp • ~~~."::s.~~.~.'6~~~1~ iwin\~"~lls:;223· cS:~mc lontlon. 100 FOUND ADS • . • ~('()~ ~ COSTA MISA lo~ sq n. ror hu11lnm ARE FREE • O # Exp. e RNp m/room mate ror 2 or 3 room orrh·uultea. or of.!11'11• &44·941M C IL Bllboa f111n apt. 813·1807 AIC, plenty or prk11 Utll .....nt11 ... t1 4500 Ir. e L------------------------------• an9m11ndwlcn!!.!:._ 11\('1.Ava1t.now.ca11 ....................... 64~5671 e r·········· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ••••••••••••• , e Rmmte 10 11hr 48Ri 38A Realonoml~ m .e100 N.B .. 3875 Slrrh. 8ll60 &q. apt lJll lttJI '*· 1225.+ulll FASHION ISLAND fl. or lrn MIA zonl'. 50" Lail-:-Rl'd IM'ah 5\'lh•r f'. • I r--1 • ~~n!!J~~n~:6~~kr. Pr~l~~~k~oor :.i.~;-_r1. Agr n t ~~!~",,.1 1t'drlh1?1'.'\ • l 11111 NN~~~:;::vE i • Oitorred f emale 36• 3.WOto70001qrt. 1 <..'al'r,\MESA 89'7.:ltl8REWAR0'! • : IF MAtlEO • • ~ri1· :x~~~~:~llrr:~~ ft!foo~f:~~CJ~L~~l ~~~r1:1~rrli5:M~lte In · ·~CIC LAI • g· . : UN1t':O';,tATU ~ • 11ouse0 wrk rur llvln1t ~wct ~Ofn1''1S 3 leITn PO tq. rt l'onrretitllt· ~~ir :~0J0k11~0~~·~ • 1 1...---" • quarten. 642-4191 art. downtown HD Ntwrr up Ind. bid" w/11pprox. IM24"7 Alt6494 7249 BUSINESS REPL y LABEL .. • ovm. Dldn1t. Pn11. 10o s1•·. ~"'· f\.orrApat·e. •'1•· · : 1 e > ShOrt :mR l8A houst. l 8!13·1351 Iv rm·tl ytl, Jtlnt s w. ~t · !llJ\I!~ blk M r oocllv. ~ ,.Ol c~•H ''"Niil HO u CO)TOIUA C•1.1JOO t• = • hwlefl'11mlx·h.$200mo ~'5n111.fl.IL.OO~r $untu An11 lol', Puul kohll'. Yl'lluw & e • ; Skvl'/Phll ~·08'7 I 1q fl 397$ Blrt·h N.8 f'rankll11 7SUU I rh l n \• 11t11 nt• I.' •Tl I tir ! g • rror. rmmlo w11ntt'1I, A~ml'Mt·W2 ' ' •IMDUS.ILM• :i ~: ~~~~!~~~/'I~·~ • c 1 • lJl'llUI tll'l'. t•ondo, 1ivt. DANA POINT'e l>eMI lot• HllO Ml n. Xlnt llll'11llon l)' ~ IL'\1.1 • .. ""' • b11. Pool. 1400 + l)f)' loSOO' ll 7()1 lnt•l 1111 I In c 0 II\ II M l' " II • • • l1Xl)i'f1Ml'• Turtl,•ru•·k UU& •• jaNtllC'. 915 llJO ! WallvuJl"rttt •• •l'l'Utlly Ji'nwwl, Smull M lllk ~ • IWf; Ml·ml ~rt Beac·h ICM N 1 .,.. un wlndc.-M ~ µllllh Wht Dull Youn11 Net • • r Non·omlcr. (ot f'l'leM· N"PC>rt Blvd. he •q. rt 1 1'»""-ott>tl alll<'l'll • Ill\' 1'.ll61~ $41111.'M.ll \ • \yUtM.HM.lllS.Pll. le>IOOeq n Av1ll.1t~ 1.J!.aftfloulll.J'!tl111y1loor ll'ot1ntl : Culh•o Kllll-n •• ••llfflt:IO P11. 11 1q. n. Sltrt1 M1tn\l. ,; rl'lr ~r"! rl•U Sk) pull Cir 1r1•11. • • P. !Mt. •r 1.u11ricMll QI; IU mt • /IQ ••a Dall• 11'\'lnl' llllrRt li1&.-0. I , .. ~ "'"' LI• ·~ a&ntlAAton 8uc•ll, 411 • ....: • .. ·-ll .. .:. , 0 II n d : r " m II I l1 • OnH non\ Colido. Mel• ll Mt it. ft . -• .... Ml • -Dobet1B111, .\dlin1 II I .r..;r Otad111aa, ~~· -~· IMrr1 MIU8l. per I / r • 11 d Ult ...:.. A I a in It I• I , H 8 . • 1 & "l 811 Patio Al)ls • Drshwut1e1s & 880 s • Poot & Rec Room • Garo1n LanOscap1ng • Jog 10 Buen & Snops • Secuuly Galt$ ·-~: ADULT . .'· . ') LIVING ',I ;, f N\ 11wtJMf rJ r ,, . .. . . '-Ji ••••f•Al•l••lllil• .. ,,.._ c.,.tSenict c....w_.._._, ....... H...,_1 H1m1d1••1 • ~ ................ ~ .............. ~~ .............. . ...... -.;~;a••tt••u•••• •••••••••h•••••••••••• ••••••••••••tt••o••••• ......... ; .. ••••••••••• ••o••••nnu••••u••• ............. htt••u • HANOI NO SIO/ROl I lto11t1011 f1'1111I SN\ ll'l'1 M11turu wcmwn lo i·un• Stuim1.1oo ' 11luum t'luurl l' row n roo u I cl In it, TRllS PROFt:SSIONAL. WtttCo.11 M11lnlvn11nvu •ABC MOVINO lt;1q l.. Di ll 8j j Xlnt Klof'K t'rv•· 1-:.1 SPECIAL rur oun·hlhl My homl" n~or hriMhh•nl·rM. whl m11ntlu11, wull unlla. 1'111>1.1t'(jlrunl0Vt'tl ..i~11n llANDYMAN AT ~ • ()(f! Now Yr 11t•t•lal l>td. low r.ll'• (lul,·lt. •J 11' lk~t ~f;k, r I.I· 4~ 116112 ll\fttol11only 11o1a 11Cll2 t·rvt~ IO min 1Jh111t·h l llllln h 1111 rdwuull UjJI h'nn ... I ·1111'1n'tl ' s .. :NSIRl,t! l'RIC 1-:!i on HoU.ff c1..,.111n111 l'IU'tiful ~·r~ll'l' 552. 0410 rOf '167 Per Dav ... -' 111111, ll\•/clln rmM l lS , M~U\IOM tu wood pro lrlll.Dlll'<I m ~78 mms 131 2988/G4000ll l'u•tum W11llµ111wrlnl( ••AJHOMUI lfh'• ~, --..,..cy l\ll room 17~ t•ou••h hkrn'I 631 1~ WEEKEND/WEEKDAY BrARVI NOCOl.LEOE S11tllfat·tlun Guurun All T)•pt._.1141ltHUJ 111111}:11~voup > ru:.·~tt·~t:·~:l~J~;1·;~~~· SIU; l'hrU, Ou11'r t•llm .._.,. 011rllcnln11 Wunkd ~.~~.~~...... HOUSECLEANING 51\1DF.NT8MOVIN C: teed 8 1:. Shdll n. RAL.OoAROOPI NOCO :tO•t11r 1111 uhoot hunkrupll•>, cijll jll•t odor. t'r11t ri.'pulr ::!.................... ~:!"':';!4j, \~~11• rF~1~11e llAROWOOD FLOORS ~1-&«3 C~~~'l'l~tl·::: 11~ 0714 Thti on!} roofln111·0 with in tnl• 714 KU 1Ull2 15 yr1 l'XI> Do work DRYWAL1.1At.:OUS1'1l' l'1tln111tc~ 645 4372 or Beautlfully tlunl'd Al llOUSECLEANINO WATC H_USOROW! ,.,_....... t•onalrl.ll'liun n•IJ11ll't DAILY my t•lr Rl't• ~10101 14)'~1:.111.1 F\illylh"tl& MH737 m!waiced 832-41181 LAOY.XLNT RP:JS. STARVINOAc-OKS •••••••••••••••.•••••••• 117317U,17382'l9 a.LOT IM*" Nu~""•m1Nc1Shum1""'' 11\SU~'ll S:l2U4" 1• .. 11 r ur ........ a ·• •BRVANTS• R I n ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'~· ""' • WHY NOT ONE OF ..... "'" ~ne~-·.JW.J MOVINO COMPANY Hllbt'r ool n1t ull l> 11'-''• SBYICI --.-cw & SO Shiln. pt!\'ilillit f .st ORYWALI. Tt\PINC TllF. Bf:.l\T! 81mnmnM •••tt•••••••••••••••••• Quallty Work, Oepund; F111I .. CurttruL Lowc1l ~WllaTl~·o\erlnl! Re64mo2·\l'a•i3 New·rt1<•m'l'Mlv<·k11 DlllCTOIY -"' " H ilry. Frl'l' vsl.1139·16112 All 11.'xlurl'll & ut·ousti<· Oardenlnl(, M8·6684 tlaul. cleanup. tonerete bit, Reta. Call Pam ' l\Jitl't L.aw Allowa MIC " ]JI"• . U1· 14111!02. ~ 111~ OOITN<lW' "!m\~":~~~;,1~:r1n11 c-.t/COMrttt fl'l'l'l'lSI K<•vln87U088 t.:luan up1 , Sprlnklvr rl'.llYIVll DumpTr1K·k. flob Dwli_ht,6l3-TOl2 VIII U<·/lllJ 87!HJM3 ........ , .... , Sew"'1AJttttffMt •• For,.,. DllUl'5, wlndow11. pulto ················~······ Orywul! r\'Plltni. luxtur S\Stt:~ Gl'n,•ral M11lo QUlt'lt lfrv S4! le3ll HOUSECLF.ANING -,~ ......... -.-r.-. .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Your 1>1111) l'llot l'<Mtll Frel•l'lll Rvas TilOMPSON S 1n1t I rurt>mun11I wlll talnann:. •G4S 7287• I DUMP JOBS ThorouMhly lone WH h .;::~••••••••••••••• ~~l~ P~~!!l1N~0 IND!JS1'RIAl.St:WI NO ~r\lrl' Olrv1'\ory lk 13IOIM2 549·2170 OONCR .. :n: CONSTR. tr11de for rnlor T v. A--..11r.~1c.. &!Small Movin11 JobH &Iron. lids. 83).9()42 P1ne paintln11 by ttk hurd yrs Neut P11ul M6·29'77 'CU'M'INO or fabrlnl RcpMlt!Olll\IVl! IH)BTS'r L',INu uoN .. 'R, Ill' 11393383 64211482 900~ -~.. Cull MIKl-.:646·1391 -SI.nor t.k. Ins: 13 yrs or . -~l'fl'ttlrtiUlt'I ~ 0450 MJ.1611, Ht lU '"c· N'I ~ N "" t" R ~ Stt-¥1 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• tlAUUNO & DllM P 8'tcOMt TU h11•~1 l<x·11l ••11Mlomrre Neal patrhtt' lexlurt'll Orenmakt'r ~ .ro 'l'RAl' 0 COMCRtTE ............ CH frl'l' Trlmminll ' JOn"."•kfurR11nd). ··E·XP· .. :.·R··P·R··L:·P·A·R··E·R··· ni" .. ~. aa1 .. 10 ""-"'-· ltl·l4lt ALTER·Tl()NS IJ1· •J91M6.l 84!1 114~ •llO l)t'r 1111 rt • •:••••••••••••••••••••• Rtmonll ut Reasonubl(" "" "" .,. .,. ¥""' "" •• -" • Ac.c..... FINf llOM 1-· llnrk & 81<X·k tJ75 ll027 f. M Dl'srgn 4i l'hl•rk Pmrs ll uulln11. Odd 6411\421 Enrolled to pru<'t ke C..to.ft ,...... ED'S PLASTERING t.:ull 548 0600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPROVF.Mf'NTS ,.--1 TII r ut·ka)llnl( S il Joli•. Cl\•llfl U\IK · c••"' ... UPYOUl"'CT beforethe lRS Quality "'""l'llCX•'.Lk ~941. AllTypea lnl or~.:ic.1.na. P/R Qt I W2 "I • • _._c t MTl.1 P C I) 11 u n •• y 7"""'"'• 673 ..,,.II •-" "' ••9 24IK "" ~ " 645~ Re•tu1 l1la r ll'll. t.. r n 1\ddllion11 4i Kl1mocklln)I ... •••••••••••••••••••• llardlson $.lll':l70l · ""'"""'"· . ...,.. TODAY~ Yurllt11uru11l' 11lrc11!· ros t..,.. Buoded. Ins. Refs . Color ----"''" .. !'••••••••••.••••• Strnlll Complete SCI Ull I ff• H11nst-n'1 l"t'r11ml1· T1tv l'UI a Worry lo R1•Kt ! dn·u11. etc I ton lrm·k &..me... execrt 963.0011 Dlt•k P~TER 'STUC<:O TILE INSTALU,J) &Serv Ruus 540 ~ JolOOC"lC ShowNs Tubfl Bectricat Wuku Up & Hl•rn111t.l1•r 125 113I 11193 (24 hniJ ....................... (,.J B PAl-NTING Rep111r Nojub IOo 1ml All Klnds GuurJnll'l'i.l ....... CXJa Call un)'llmt• 972 -1639 ....................... l':.rll~' Mornan11 Atll'r HAULING Formln11 Own Huslneu; SP1'XIAL' INT EXT. 645-~1645 4199 Rt'(s John 1193 l!ill7 ....................... •-A .. ~CTOM CWldCo,.. 1'J..t:l1'Rll'l1\, vrm·d nuoof:remn1e S21100Pl•r Qukkl·lellnuvyt.l 4YrsEicp Litndsc·aping. drywall Lurry 6459383 ,....19 CustumCeram1 .. Tlll' Or1\•ewuyi1, iiurkrn~ lot ril(hl. lrl'l' l'~l1mull' on Mo 1''or lnformullon, t)'et•esl Kn~Sll 095•1 Urdn(I & Brirk Putios. S -••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Prompl1cr\'. Frc1'l'~I . repairs, Sl•ail'oulln1:. l~l".•3491111'.!• 170-6554. (•'h~·1d··~~~r·l~.··,n··~···h·t:m••l7.• lur1tuor11mullJ11b11 St•ntl Nunw . 1\•lephont-Ri ktl3101165 . • Onld. Pror Ser\'fre al I'm mull My pril'l'S Drulnsdcurvd from 110 Ch11t•k675 140!! roofing rllpair11. Lk 'tl ADD NSIRF.M. ODELi NG xl~t r~f;, lnhrnl~ lhni 1 I Ji· J:t0062I on OOa!I Numbt•r & ttl'llUl'lll lo r -PrlreA SU re to Pll'usc. url' smull ! t'dM · NH. Plumblnl( Repairs -~Asph111l6JI 411l'J Pl11ns L11· d GeurJ.!l' Hs .l'M645Gll4ll R1':SIO l'OMl\1'1. 5901 W11rn1•r i\1e.Ho~ lluuhn111l'll.!an u11. dirt. 49K2115b17-9&W t: ~_p'd Ron6736477 ~l'eest MHf &l2·9033 TreeS..-.lu Pilmpr &Sons.5576932 c' 201~eic11 Dom~ own Zllll llH~1 ahrubltl'e trrm. ell' GL MungunPulnllni: .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ALLSl'ATt;PAVINO -a.....servlcta "urk l.11"tl Alti1CiK124i ~" Jwlk,1ru11h.l1411·491M MelaR~ <:ust.work Lw•Jli24711 ""OJNrtJM•09••ltt •ExJ.ll•l1 Tret'Prumni.t • Sealt·oatln~ Strlpinl( Cabinet MallilMJ •...--,"-Hi\llLING SI I h ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Fr t 731 8281 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Commtrc•ral Lund5ra111• Repa1rsCo)'nm Resh.I tt•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1r·o~;t.El'Tflll'IAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• k LUll'rll as BRICK WORK : Smull llll l--t·es PaO,UTY l!en~lt•(ll 9S711.'IKll Lil' •3973621 ti45·8111l Cabinels&<.:ur11t-nlQ Quul work Hl·u~ rail's t'ariwnlr\ MuHunn llll' trut· owt•sl rail' jobs. Newpurl. t.:osta All Palnlln!( rnl 14~ exl MAHAGIMIHT ... 'It.Id .I I "' h Sll'\lllljobs &Rcna1r~ IMMACULATE fl'l'\'t'!ll ti315072Tum Roofrni:· Plumlnn~ rmm111 Cull7S91976 Ml'sa. lntnl' Rl'fs ~Neal & l'Ompll'IC Cm ii) (•are. ll' u. ol fTeel'llllmUll'll e'.ls 2003 ci--a-.. Senlus l>r' wull SIUl't'O Till' Thank ,\OU, John b7S 3175 Free est Refs 851 729~ Orange l'o. area 15 yrs ••DPllT•• TlHHIVICE * •4fl·2220. * lun«hu, Custa Me .. a -~ llc.>modt•I J 11~IJ9990 TRL'L'"1SllRUHTR1·· c•xpenenre Cull ror info ~ea Phont• 556·6Jl8.I llomes li7S 97SS O<rwe' frtMh Doors a:.r..., ••• l'uslom Bmk M u&onry Ct:STOM I NT EXT and rates ... ..__... ,..~... _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• tj1·nl·ralMurnlaurnn1·l· tiarui<e &Ytll'll•an·ups Compl )'iml l'Onxtruc" EXPERTSERVICE f_6_l_•lll2 ....,,_ .... ,. _,....., ,........_.......,. G -' •t'Hl!:Nl'll DOOHS• R1•pair11& Dl0l·orut1 n1: f)-ee~t 557·S2'1l c iori . i>o•1I t.ll'l'k& & LOW RATES •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,ors. .,..,..., ._, " a._.._A.11...11 _, AGG RESSIVE leiuil ~'INEF'IN ISHWORK ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1011un1•s rnKlulll'tl. Ii ·~ahl>•nu>640·Sl44 Hc.IMcltonlftCJ endosurl'li Lon1I rl'fS NU BROOK S45117S ,_....___,,. ., .. , representat1011. la111• of Remodl'lin11 Doors hun1e HOllll l.,oir ,h<lcr opemni:. $7~ l'll.m HOME IM PRO\' ~:M t:N'r ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• 645 8.il2 PAINTER NEEDS ••••cOMMii•ciAL• ••• f\(/l'S, 24 hrs 545.11422 ~and~ 720 1260 CdM All ptfast.>l>, hl'. bondt'tl. pl lunp11lnll'll I &10· Ii.la Rl•pa1r M arnll•niinn· Want a REALLY l'LF:AN You ~a' e! Bmk. blm·k. 1 JAYETREECARt: Compll'te sen 11·1· an1I stump i.trindrng 10 ~ o ~l'· Ur lns.~O-!l308 -ti W VANDER\'OttT l'lcper Fr1•1• l'~I & a1h 11·1.· tiardtftinq lh•ut mi:. ru rpl' nt r~ · llOUSt:' l'all liuti,tham 1·1·n~n1 11) job d11~"hr ~~IR~1.·!~~.11l'~~finlt~'. /IHOUSTl~AL laetyslttiftc) CONST l.GF.1SMALI. AllenC1m~1 1M1ke1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'll'<'. hh• ~'r1.•i• 1·~l No Girl th'l'~l ll4~~'123 An}'aril'JOb.6JI Jll59 Otivi•Pulnl'n11 "•1.•186 llMODELlnGI •••••••••••• •••• •• •••• • 673 1745 491 5322 499 4RHJ job too M1m II 04~ 2Hl 1 RORI N'S c1.,~;t\N I NG " 1 ,. ""' ., Turn I ost or unused Ba b} sit. our CM hum1.·~. I 1:urdl•mn1: "unh•tl \I\ 1., t'M Sl•rrn'I' a thoruua,!hl~ Harl Masonn-HrH·k · llOUSt: PAINTING ~l)llll' Into a workable Wlftdow CIHM'"J yr &u1>.11n)llme l'l'STOM ADDITIONS eor,orat!Ofll 111.r ht1rt ir ull ur'1 ~1 Blo1:k. l'on1·r1•t1• Rl'I t'ulleJ<tl'Sludt>nl, exp'd. an•a rooms d111dl'd . 642 &182. 646 ~759 K111·hl'n rl'motl •••••••••••••••••••••• • Svo.'<·iuhtl'~ rn 1il.u1b & 1 bul .ill JOhh, ll:l' i.m 1 l'li•an htlU!ll' ~IO·OOi I Jr :W-'8294 IHll 1597 Low rull'S Dilnu 1146 I~ di') wall. drop l'e1hn11g & ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let the Sunshtni> In· 8ab}s1t1rn11. m) hom1•. nr Sk' hll'S CORPORATIONS I: ,1 r rt I' n m a ' n I QuJhl). l'Wl'r._111 ·11 t:,11t•l11~l' lluu~t·kel'll'"I: Pmnlrna,!'s lht' Garnl'. lnm l'Prpt'nt11 tu l'Om Socoasl Plaza Lu \ artl Rrrs Bill !WI a.I~-! • r p (;n'l·nhoU.~l·~. \ t"'l'lahh• Da\l· I 119-l !lo!Jll I Suppho•h lurn1~h1•tl Mo•'-N nll'tron Cull Tom or Jere C;ill Sunshine Wrndu" Cleanrnj. Ltd S48 81\SJ ... "' ,\RT:la:RSHI S " L' t' 1 \'I .1• 1 11•7 uw•J ""J Pt'<ll'ri,1•n's the ame' ,. 95H~>l6 ,..__. S I t'orflll•tl In i\tlnrn ,,~ 1:artkr11ni: urdi1tl~ & r.Urt'l>l'lln rat. "mun .' 1 1u.~1w11rt '~ ·• "'"' .. ••••••••••••••••••••• L1t' 239534 ti~Z·IJ!M;2 111661·2913or493<1886 •RESIDENTIAL• A\'ll 1 SI) s:lll.: ll\I! 2 111,1 S45 Chns 9~7-8388 --...... ,. c• . t ,. II I I I Juhs 811: Ill' Small t •111 0 ES Babys1t11n11 renrcd \ti. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tt~w. rull'S ~57 5iOO o H•r l'Xu I•' P ;in~ \11 •r ll'M oo'.i .5zi1 • I C STAM A, ' •A·I MOVIHG• loofiMJ IWX'h&sna1·ks tnelUdl.'11 WeCarcl'qll r1ea1wrs I . . 714 ~9i·-12'ilC I I . HIWPOIT, llVIME Top Quuhl> S11Hial Nf:l.so:-;s PAI 'TING ••••••••••••••••••••••• c Ill arl'a 6~b 7939 Sll'am l'leun & uphul!! SEU idle II ems with a I l\&D l.Jntf\I J11d1l amt Rt•parr & tn~t.111 dl·1 W1"1tll•l1ul Ht·fl'll'lll'I'" I r,m· rn handhni.t 25 ·'rs Int fat ReSlll l'umm REPAI RS FOR LESS -TtU<'k mount unit Darty Pilot C'lass1rred lks1d Comm l"li.>1111 u11 1 111umll. rarix•n1r1 l'all S111u...: 1·x11 Cnm11l·llt11 l' rut es Al~lUlil1t· t·c.>1ilnl<(s Refs. Shlnl(lt'i. Clal 30 ) rs Wanl Ada Call 642·~!! ~ork guar 645·3716 ~d, _ LI Haulrna.? 5 UI 2111!! 5-11 1!34'1, l'll'S 710 11777 ll35 9:11NI N1111l'el1irm· 7:10 1:153 lu·'tl t'tt>t' l'til 837 2637 e_icp. ~~t'_l.'51 710·27~5 _ Clear\'rew Windows Xlnl sen ire. frel' l'St ~t'!I _613 · 90 I_! .W,W..ttd 7100 MllpW.tH 7100 MllpW..ted 7100 HetpWant•d 7100,MlfpW_,.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOOHHPll 1.AIYSITIH f\111 l'har~(" bookkel!pt•r Pt-rson net-ded lo nwl'I , thru flnondal slate 6'yrold 11rrl after s1•hool. I rnen11 Constr~·llon ti· 1:55 lo opprox 2 15pm per rl'q. Cull 8ut11•r e1·erydil). Mon Fri I Hous1n11Corp979-74~ MUST BE OEl'F:N _..._ DABLE M t:sT l11 l' IOOICKHPH wilhin walk1n11t11stunl'r Nol full t'hiHJ<tl' lo 1rhool Stonel'rl'l'k Joomal. p1illllnl(S, rl'<'lln Elementary. Wootl l'll . rn1 al'l'tl( Salar) br1d11e. lnlne Rl'f oprn to exprrrt'nll' Pleaserall552046t anrr fit2 8450 . a~k f or 5:30pm Btl_!'~ilra Bankln11 Pocfflc ............ "" ~l.tiOlll New lndtipendent Bunk Newport /I r vl nti In· dustnal Area has a posl· lion l\'all11bll' ror teller E~penence ne1.·easar) XJnt cmploytt benerll1 Medical insurant'e, pro 'flt sharing. etr. Call Susan Pelers 11141 ~1·1033 JWE!fil BanklnR TRLER Xlnt opp\y ror person with bru1ir typing &bill t). math eplllUdl' & ab1bty lo handll' sums or monry Oulstnntlrn~ workinf( rnncl . rnniir benl'frls & tileasanl RUr round1n11s Quallflrrl person ma) obtarn :ip phl'otwn al thr In rnl' of fire.~ l:nl\crnl' Dr Ph 552 5325 Pomona First Ft•dcral EOE M/F II Banking UHDUWllTEI VERY BUSY loan nff11·e in lor11I Newport Beurh Sa1·mgs & Loan. 15 sN1k m.i expenenred loan & underv. rllers for 1·on IOOICMEEPH 111i1h solid arrount1n11 or banlun11 e.~1x•r to "ork for romputer romir.m1 ~!mo, Marge CAFITlllA/ CASHIEI 6:30 am J pm. Mon·f'n unifor m' rurnuhl'd, good bl.'ndlls Call. 9S7-3000 Eict 307fi I or a_pj>I. C..... Woman'• AuJ1tant P11rl lime I.11th! houaekeepan~. some ~al prepa ration sho1>- pinl(. rrranda. ldr~ ~-.QSl 540.3234 CLHIC.AL Permunrnl part 11ml' lookrn1t for rner)!1•111· self ~tartl'r who 111orki. well with vcople Musi be 11rl'5l'nlabll'. allll' lO l~pe 50 flO. fleic1blr hours Con111rl Barb;irJ at Barrtck Corton ~y~tems 7~1·2851 EOE CLERK TYPIST P T help nreded fur bus) ell'rlronrc~ Ull'll olfil'l' rn ln·1ne lo ass1,I se<·retary I year oHrl'l' exp rcqulrl'd Type min.~ wpm. Hrs 12.3C to 4::.lpm Mon-Jo'rl Con· tart Jeanelle Hall 1133-1438 Hnllonal real estate -------- loans Sular~· t•om me nsu ralr w il h 1·x pl'rl <'0 re f, He 111' n I j!rowth potential wrlh agJtressn·t romp1n1 Plenn rail for aplJllrnl ment · Ms Denn)' Parisio 714 '645-6505 MEWPOIT IALIOA SAVINGS & LOAM •CUllC• TY'8ST Fast pared Real f.'!lale Offtre needs sharp, "'ell organized Gui. 7$ wpm tvping. dirtaphone, wilh goodSene111rinl skills. Contact Pe1111Y. 833-2900 Grubb &t Elll11 I 1100 lr1•mt A1·e. NB COUMTH HILP .Elllll.o!l!'.lllll.,;!!!!. ~---•M•'•FI c a re t e r I a a t y I e "!! restaurant In In 1ne BEAU'Nrt AN rorerr onenled hacrstyli!ll & ma n1runst for a highly loratrd ulon in Fashion lslund vil' C11ll Sundy ~81'.W. Bea111y Ort'11l opportunll). t:teeded shampoo 11ut ltlr busy sulon. I.fr re 4-'<I, NB.631·1390_ Ral·quetl>all Health Club Da) & e1·r hrs ~~9104.l>_m D .. •trt '"'°" Part timt'. 18 yc11r1 or ol11(-r. l(OOCI dri vl n1i1 re- l'1ltd. 751 4706 DeUvery men over Ill ror L.A. TlmH lo homva In C M , 3u m 6am . &ulomy l'Or rcci,uirecl No c·olltt•t1n11 $400-~/mn + bonus. 646-0637 llWHGCLIH lrvinl' ad a11enl')' nc\'ClS itldl bllhnl( l"it•r) Mu111 bll\'l' l>OOl(kt•eplnR h1wk jlf(lUnd. be \'l'flllllill'. Ill' o.tll Hvallftltt t•urah'. flrlt. & 1M 1111 Newport Qf1M1Ar~u1 1 J minck'll. 10 kt)' b\' tnu<·h dl.)'I. 642·6880. tl1S'340.1 ' 1111 t~·plnte k) 1111 rr wet Ii Yretltcnds qulrt'll Will 1r111n nn ~R • Xlnl lwnl>fita. SIU Idle llHW with • ~ 11 II M rt. Rt <'I' k \' ~ Daily Piiot, Clt .. Ultd ~·lll1l, ~Ad.:;:::,_ ____ _ 11111 Plat ................... ·\ ~ ~·· . ~ llPlf' .......... ....., , .... ,.,.... to : ! =~ ::rar-;~:'aa:~~:~~ : : bt•.nta. Oro.ell .otPOrtunllln '°' Pt1101 : • wttll ttm=•Mtl ........ n•= ; ,._.. rtllllll.PO ..... , • ••CAi ,..,....alll.,....AI: ..... 0. ... 1 ,, ..... ,.. : !Nntal C~w Sy1tem1 CUSTOMER SBYICEHP T\red bf workrnl! an th\• rknlal olfll't'. but woulcl hkc tu usl' thr sk1lb ~ 11u haH' al·qu1n•ll over lhl• .1t•ars rn drnhstr~" 1\n 'Int opp0rtunrt' l'\l~lb "Ith lhl' tc·:.im 11 1 t'USlollll' r nn H'l' rt•11s ( 0 r S a r I' I! U a r tf lleallhl·an• S1 stl·mi-. th1· f o r l' m o ~ I ti l' n tal ITlt'clrn1I t·om11ull.'r b1lhnl! & 1n111r1r1utrnn !\)Siem E..:111•rwnn• 1n dental atlmrn n·~u1n'tl. l(uod H•rllal 1k1lli1 & :lb1llt1 lo work "''<'II with puopll' Pll'u~e 1•ull D e n 1 :s l' S m 1 t h C714)95i 1121 SAFEGUARD HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS 22.11.'l ~·:.1n ll'W Rd Costa Ml'Sll. l'/\ 92626 DPS/MPS D...tClll A11l1tant Enrr}Lctk. 1•nthusia11lh' for 11r1\'llll' 11ral'llt'l' LaJZuna fk'ill'h J '' du' "'eek 31 tu 40 h11uri1 t:' lll'r tJrt•f t'rrt'il Lii I 4~ 35:111 Mon Thur~ D...tal .Aulstant ~EWPORT RE \l'll IF\'Ol •Arr an 1''llH'rll'011•11 Dmtal t\ur:.t •Art:' l'lll(Cr to work 111 a (ast·pat•ed prol(rl'S~I\ t' clfll'(' •HU\e II lm•nrll\ 11Ull(t1 11\X l>t'l'MKlllhl \ •Ha'r .i m'aturt· 111 lltudr •Hu~l' 11oud 1 l·rbol skills •Are 11 non ~mokl'r • W o U I 11 l' II J 0 \ ii 1•hallrn111n1: •·11rt'l'r !'least• ,. a II, ij.14 .0595 Dental Asmt11nt Experien,·ed Wuntl'tl Part-Time To11 Pa~' 631 3380 Elcctrunte' R1111alr Terhn1dan w cxpl'r needed for lrl(. l'Of!J Hourly wo11c l'Om mensuratc w exper. f'or app't r ail· 557 7690 ~E._ EXIC. SICIETARY Experltnl•ed Mu~t he 11CKX1 with lll'Ople HNI\'~ lyptl\ll. flS wpm. wrth ex rl'llent 11rnmmar & l'Or rupondt'nH· llkrlls Some Ohn~. Cull Kuthv for inturvtew. 644·6900. John Woynl' Tl•nnls c.iub FLO HAI. SI I.I\ D F:.5Hi N ~: H E.xp'tl, Hl·I~ t'ull11m1· 979 5200 '"ktl~' 2 !ii 1:,111.•r.il lklv Mosel> Enantl~. 111-lti rn Olfll't' & 1111011' 01 t'USSIUOal Tr:" l'I. Huur~ F1t'x1l>le Must l\;I\ l' uwn 1.ir Ile Rl'lrahh• 49J 274 I GENERAL OFFICE Tyv1nj!. pht1IH·S . l'lt' fo\rll or 11url 11m1· ru~I 1:rnwrn11 hoat1nl! maJ,ta11m• rn ~ II un•a Sala!') ba!!fd on e>. j)l'I t.:<ill ~'1\'linda for appl ~.J96.'I I lou.wk1'l'lll'I' •ull 11rn<· l111u~1·k1·t·p1·r Wllflll,I Ill NH Matu1 l' t:nµl1 s h S11n1k 1nl<( 1'1·r:.11n Prl'f 12 l!PM Mun ~'r1 S*lO mo S1•ntt Ht.,,U011' Ct1 Sui· l'O Hol\ "l"' Ouwn~ 0024 I L~ekpr. mature. 40 hrs. S3 ~ hr . SS U3 0 T . 3 minor l'h1ldrcn 759 8004 ll<~JSEKt:EP~:R Sun & Munday uni~ ll!1kk111! & t'h1hl t'an• 641 H7CIO dU\l> C 1': 111 I 4!li 39!4 ;1 l'\ 11rkn1b IHSUl.AMCI PNsonul I.1th'" lin ch•rwlitt'r t:i<pl•rl1•nt1'tl. nl•ar OC Airport. Zilli,t1ll GIMllAL OFftC I t. Wnght. 752.9055 Our ra11r<lh l"·l>llnohnJ,t ORY lnll'rnat111nal l't1mp~1n' I IMVEMT 1:1 Hl'k 1n 1-: an t' n ASSISTANT 1h'us1as111· ~1·11 sl;irt1na,! I /\l\~l!lllnl! in u1wr11ti11ni1 1ndl\·1<1uul lur u l!l'IH'r.11 I of Corv11ra11• muiliichlt'k off11'l' p11s1t111n 1n 11u1 j •1111rns Dl•l1 \ l'ri\'5, llW'l'hllSrnl! d1•1111rtnwnl Ujlt'rution or mal0hin1•11 Good I) prn11. phon1·s & 111h1pprn)l. rl'l'l'I\ 10µ ' r 1I1n1! rt• 11u1 n • 11 h1•a1~ hflrnµ 1n1·oh 1><1 Out:slall(llrla.! 1·11m111·nhu •~ic1a•rll'nl'l' 11n•h•rn•tl lion & Xlrll 1·11rn1>0n) I ll F: firm t'nll. H~O·OIZ:I. h1.•nl'fil1' rll'U~anl Work ht'(W1.'t'n) ,3() & 5 30 1ni: t'f111rt1nnwnl t'on I \famlarnunn• latl, Pal Mrlb. ,\~tr J.1n1111rrJI r11~1tt0n St ll'nt1r11· t>nlhnl! HI l'.1r1 T1m1· Tul''d .i 1 ll!Oll :\lil1hdl S o. throu,,ih Frnlu' D:n:~ ln1ni•. ~~.1 !Kl[il ~:o~: Onll ,\I Fountain :0.1 F \'<till'' lli•allh l'luh l'all GEMEIAL OFFiCE n-qwn'll ~nnw uc·t'l ·I! 1'' 1' l' r i I' n r l' I n p 11 s I mi: bank n•1·11111·il1a111111 eh' Good h•lo•phom· & l\fllnll sktll~ nt·n·~sJr~ for bus) rual 1•:.I ah· of r11·r Rl'fl•n•nn•s rl' qwn'lf !i40 11'.«JO fur rn ll'rl'll'W G"' Offlc•/R.upt ln1cslml•n1 bunk1n~ rmn '" Nt'"IJOl1 1\40,11•h nt'l.,ls t•upuhlr 1wn111n 111 pc•rtorm ti '11n1·1~ ul dulle~ wh1d1 will 111dudl' unswerlni: li'll'phonl'~. 1:rretrn1: 1•henl!!, I\ prn14. hi:hl \ R and \ P. ftl 1nl( Good telephun1· ll'l·hn1t1Ul' uncl llrt> rl'll8ional :ippruranl'l· anti dl'm1•11nnr uri• nN•esuo ut1rlllu11111 Lo\ el) offll'elt und plrusanl l'O workrrs Compet.illvc ~nlary l'Om mrnsurule with ex p€'11l'nc·e and skrlls t'or lnlen'H'W 11p1i'I t•ull Manl~n Ce1le} 9~\.2()00 Mall.9ti213il \1.11111\•nam l' 1'1•r1o11n Thi· Soulhlan1I l'or µor•:11111n h.i~ un UPl'lllllll for a lk'l'Mlll tu pl'rform h11Mit' murnl1•n;int·l' tluC1t·~ 1n I h l' r r S 1•' l' n f: I I.'' l' n ~torl'll Thi· ~Ul·1·1•sMul av11l11·anl wall ha'" a hasil' knowlt•cli.tr or 1101220 1t1ll r1n·uitr~. tlrywall & rramloit 1•on· 1·1•pls Enll) lrH•I ~alur~ with 2 rt•\ 11•ws 1lunn11 151 !I months or 1·r1111lo~ nll.•nl Xlnt t•n hrnd1l~ 1\111>ly in lll'rHon 1740 W L u \' c• t a . O r a n ll l' 9'78-0137 Mf1rmatl1 I' At• lion f.OE MANAGER Purl 11ml• pn~ltlon r m nl (' beorh 1·om mun1ty ldi.'111 opportun1 t)' ror rl'llrl'I' with monagerial expcrienc·l'. Sulary oe11ot111bl(": rluxl· ble hours. Sund resume IU Box ~. Capistrnno IJtou(•h 92624 or l' a II 496 M76 lli\IRSTYl.IST ~1111111n I•--... ----• for n·nt. $6$ wk Or wurk Crom ~· 1 to 70'. Wllh dlrntQle only M \' 49S·• da) or evea. SELL Idle ltem1 With a Dally Pilot Clualfltd Ad.&U-W EXE<:UTIVF. at SECRE1'ARV D. lily P1·1 .................. "··~. Proflisa1on11I with xlnl. ahorlh11 nd & typlol( r1billtlo ntt>dt>d for • Newport 8eal'h Reul ': E1t alc lnvut mcnl F\rm. At·t·uunt1n11 bal·k ground o drOnlle plu11. Cllll Sh~rrl 8491988, Advertisilf Accollrt Exec. ..UMeCl.HIC .:ltdronlC' dittrib1nor ~ rnalure Ptrion tor nuna dfpt, lxN11t.,11t °''' J)Ol'tunlty • Cumpuy 'bmefill l'1ll Elu . W ·3SIO Immediate openln1 fot 1dverllaln1 account executive to aoll both weekly ' dally newapeper advtrtlsloa to a wldt variety of re\f.11 1ccount1. Mutt be aelt a tarter, wuun1 to '*1tiop account. 1ll a ninr ttrrito'J. 8peft uw nper. '*Cllcl. Salary plut ~-. Btn.rtta. 8ttMI mutne ~ taro! Olton. l>ally Piiot, P.O. Boa IMO, Colt.I Meaa, CA ta No~ ~alla pltate. Nn~ofln~e~f~ dlllllu ,._ wllll ID..,_. 11Ml1lltt. • : lluil be -...lvt, taptMI of trllnlllllOft ' lmplemtftll .. new product pro1ram1. Send f'Mf!\t kl Carol Ottorl. Oaltr Pilot, P.O. loll lMO, Cotta M•, CA .. ' . . ~.~~~ ..... !!.~~1 !~.~~ ..... !!.~~ .. ~.~~~ ..... !!~~ ~.~~ ..... !!~~ ~.~~ ..... !!~o.~ M••r Nunm11: Rf:n;t\'INt: l'U:RK.J Au't M ir TrolnH MUISIS AIDE fur retail rl01hln11 slorl'. · A c re a t l v e Hum a n R esources t:xn•lll•nl Zp0rtunlt~ rn •:ic11t•r'd oll shrrth t'un1 P/tilTll· P?sill?n Mon· Manager will have the opportunity to , n1•w hom1• tll>t·or 11h11µ lloi.p NwµI lkh RnnJ.! f'.l'l II ~~·30• ~xper pre· establish a re sull5·0rie nled depart· lm·att•d 1n N1·wp11rl \'OUr .. mrll• ' }oln u11! rd <:all for •Piil l . ed l t" 1 • H1.•Ji·h ror J1:1:ri·ssn 1. \.)-l'l' mJr ml•tl . tll•ntal 644 SO"IO. ask for K•tle _ men atm. a mee mg emp oy~es und ~;ilo 11n1•nt1·t1 &hfrrns.l'Jll.C1~2HOH Rl'l'l'P' ~o WP M & nl?eds. Skills In m erit compensation. lll'rsonnt•I 2 ,l'l'arh OFFICE ple11s11n1 phonl' Vllirl'. benefits. organizational behavior and 1~nai:1·nll•nc 1·~pl·r r1• Shit"' oll·rt "lrl. .,0011 t.:M 760-73«> communication would be helpful. q 11 rn thl" rl'1u1I ff\'111 ... ,. " l.c.,tl0fti1t p · d · · ed Joli l'Xlll'f an nwn·hun " I I h n U m h l' rs Good futUrl' Wllh iirow rogreSSlVe. ynamlC CO~~any Oe S ch~ini:. "~u.il mHi·han Mt1t'<ireJ,tur Yilt'hts. 1631 rn1t Cu rn Costa Muu. a take·charge, humanis tic leader. •M' 1h~pla'. t111:h 1mp11l·t Plm·i•nlla. CM Nl'WVOrt /\rl'a rur clrpen· Please send resume and salary re · n11•n·hi1nthb1111: 1n' 1•11 01ihtMlun111· t1ubll' lll'r11on "'llh 1~ µ1na.? quire menls to: tun t•tmlrul~. onlt·rinj! X Ru\ luh, front uH11·1· u n d IJ h u n l' , k 111 s 11rt11'l'tlun•,, lahor work. ~Unll' cll•ntul 1•x Gl·ni•rul off11·1• 1•xpl•r Boxl002 :1t•h1'lluhn1: Jntl 111·rsun IM" m•1'l'S~a1~ l'\1•wµorl prdNrctl SIJrllnll Da ily Pilot n 1• I mun a It t• ml' n l Bl•at h arl'U 7tl0 2.\54 i. u I 11 r, 1110 O m 11 lk•rwfrt~rnl'lud<· nwtl11-.al l'/\RKING NrTNONTS l nsur·unt'l' bl•ndit!I Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 11uurun1'l' Jlltl paitl Vnli•I Womi•n Mi•n. Hours Mon·Frl 85 Call ll11l11lay11 Sulur~ 1·om l'•r PT . tlu\ m nill'. for Robin ulli31·G911 1111'1\!!utUll' with ullilll 1 1•\1•11rn" nt•w ''"'"•rt" 1n aECEPTIONIST und l'Xlll'nt'nt'l' Wt II~· .. ,..,.., ,,, Nn 7~ I' II D:.rih or Mu~t Ill' lll'al. th• nl'l'rl1•rl fur bu:.1 I'll ,1 l'O Roll 151;ij J>1•111lahl1'. lh•\lhl1• Pn·f Ophthalmolo,,i1sb' of l' ,..:11 ·Mt·~·• !12f;i;. 111• t•:ill IJl"l':lon t•:itp 1n h11sp11uh fin• Smm• at·1·uonlrnj! & 1 171 1 1 ·7 :, ,1' ;1 !I 1 2 I~ lntlu~tr~ c:111wl 11a.1 & 1 1~v1n).! 1•:<J.ll•r n·qu1n•tl l'XW M I" I 1:1 i1Cu1C1l·~ Women l'll IJfrdrrnl l'\lll'r pre" • l'lllll'al!l~I 111 .1111111 for lerml I il4 H~H 2H I R.ESTAURANT Expenenn'<I (11h t·ook. pi.rrl ltml'. & du) hostess bookkl'l'p1•r. Mon Fri 333 Bu) mil• Om'-'· Nw_pl Bl·h ;alee . E.AlMUTRA $SS MJn11·ur1sl wanll'll "11h 1 Jppl 1 .. 111 ;,;,14 11122. Rl't't'l>I T,p1:st NB firm rt~hw.1ni:. hu111 .11.11.~hnp lll~"l't'll !I ~. \11111 lhru 111•1•ks shar11. 11rof In :I lllrnim p11•r 5:Mol212 Iii ~,., tl111tluul Phonl' II prn11 91.0 074ti ask for 1'111 I 1u•n or.-Cull Sirn'ron ai MAJtKETIMG MGR. l'art time ll'iHl431 Tn11·t ~Jll'!I, 1.,11,.r t:a,, pil'J~Jnl "urk. '"12 ,,.,,.. Ir J 1n1 n i: I" 111 1111•tl aECEnlOHIST Rl'l't•vt . Countn l'lub in NB seeks full ' time re- n-vt Musi be art u·ulate. t'hl'\•rful & 11rofe1111onol 1\hlllh· to handle sw111.·h bounl & 11outl typln!A sktlls are essl'nl1al Sonll' weekend houn _l!,1!644·~. 01une -Part or ru11 t1nw sales All natural. 100', nutrr tiunul suntan tablet~ l'p to 100'. t'om rn Juhn ~arsrlla, i~9 !!071\ lECEPTIOHIST r or I r \ 1 n 1· u r f 1 l' l' • pll•asanl phonl' 11i>rsunah11 unrl 11uod l\'Plnll skill~ requ1 rrd (\Jll lll'n"N>an '" ..,... l'tuw Mr Walk1•1 for rn I Mu~I lw 1t11tlrl 'i'n tni: MECHAM IC fo!lhll OOHS~;, 1•, 11twh· & on phom'. will Muri:ri·i:ur V.11 ht~. I 1111-: In "nrk wt•t•kt•n<I~ 11 ' 'I l'all t; l'l'I: f111 .1 Piil . w.11 ) Ut'l'llCl•I, ( ,. l'AIT TIME li-11 ti900 John Wu~ Ill' M"ht·al \~s~~t.1nt I rnnt t. 911111 ~:ll11antl1n1: 1 out h Ti•nnls l'luh R.!. IMVESTMIMT ~:Um wh1ll' 'ou 11.•urn II f; R I t A (i t: & hark. ~.l\c. \ 1·n.1 j111uns1•hni: (11 m h;1i. t1U111 tun·. II p111i: 1 ·~11·111ni::; lnr ;1 ~, ,hJ111 fo45 17l!O 1111lt1•"nlJ matun· p1•oµlc• MEDICALM.l.MD 'lo moth~11i• amhit111us Sl'l'kll r T. ~·mt ul1· 1 IOl:l~r11lcls l'all25pm hl· I~. t: x I' t: n M •: n ti-12 4321. l'"<l J..1:1 A~k ror OF\ . hkvi:. m' ph11n1'. 1\ndl'l'a r1'lplnf.+I 03111 ,-------- M1•d1n1l ,USOHHEL llU~\ OB <:YN lll'l'tll' ASstSTAMT Bat·k ()ff11•1• A~11ist11nl Per,tmnl'I ,\tll l•rl 11tin1t t:X11t•r'tl. mc•IUr1'. Milar) lk'Vl has 1)Jl\'nrn14 IH'r 11111.'n l'ull An'" C'r \ti 1·,1>amron Npl fkh 1571. 24hrs, C!42 l:IOO Jo)nJll\'1111 ~('fl ll'l'S firm Ml'(hl'UI St.•1·rt'tu1 ,. , GtHHI (i1>1trl typmi;. ~hurthuncl. llll'clu·ul I ranMt·rlp1io11 & l'Xlll'I' n-q Nun Mmokt•r ~·I 11em.•1un11I skill' 640 0123 lwllh•l'n II 2 f\111 taint'. toalar~ rnm mensurull.' "1th "' I! l' r 1 l' n 1• l' I, I a ~ t 11· Suriu•ons nil it·l' 111 N l' w 11 o r I H 1• u t' h 6'4·5252. M('(lit•11I Asmtunt. rrunl oOke. AM, 20 hr'll (.' M 5'18·7779. MEDICAL , FIOMT OFFICE f'WTICS MIXll/ OPYATOI ror udht:'Si\'l' & 1·011tin11 mf11. To mix ruins, filler"· pil(ml'nl11 ' 1·1i111lys1s 1537 Monro1 ta! N.B l'l'lnling Pe<l I 111 rt c: s ex v r r ~Stri,,.,t OC'<"l'SSCll')' S1mpl<' book·· ml typln11. Sl·n1I M\Uml' kl'l'P'"lC 11nd rnMur11n1·t' 1 1 M M 1 D I A T I to 11cl no 1001 l''o Dally OPIHIHGS, ILACK r~ll<ll 330 W. Bu,· SI . PO & WHITI, LAIGI & Dox 1560 Cosi11 Me811 SM A·L L, , 11 SS Dl28 OPa ... CI. l.ctDt/Gtft Offlu I:-;' ESnt E 1' T "rl I ln11•slml•nl hunk1ni: lt'J•·h '"u 1·r1•al11 l' ril'nr rn N1•wpurl lkul'h f1nunl'i'n11 . 10:11 Ex nwd~ 1·apu\Jh• 111·rson 111 t·hun).!l'S. in\'\'Mlor ti!' j)1•rfnrrn 11 \ lll'll'I~ o( H'IOVllll'nl & l'OUn~l•hnll chrtwi-"hrl·h will 1n1·lutll• 1-:,111.•r 1·ounst'lor~ r(' Jn~v.1•nn11 tt•lt•phnnl'!I 1r11r 100'. 1·omm Thi~ i;rl'l.'trni: t'l11•n111. t>iHn).!. 1 15 an unu.,ual oppl~ rur h)!hl ,\ R mul t\ I'. fll l'i1<thl 11erson ('11nf1d1•n ini.t tinml ll•ll'll honl' 11;11 inlen 11•w l'all ll•1·hn lq Ul' untl 11 ru -Vlnre. 646·S880 r\·~s111nul ;ipp1·1.1r11nn an!I tl1•ml•Jnor arl' nt•t·1·s~11r1 all n but es lh'l'llouranl l.1111·1~ 'of fll·l'N and HOllll'111!. 20·25 hn Wl'l'k , pll•11sunl 1·11 wurkt>rs must br ubll• to work t:omJ,ll•l1th l' 511lar) 1•um dra\5 1\l'lo RubhO\. ex m1•nsuratt• w11h 1.•>. , Pl.'r'cl. 3 n11:hl ~hlrts \)l'Ml'n11• ;mtl "kill~ For 1 673 15«1 rnlert11.•w avp't rllll I M11nlyn t\•lh.'~ 9~HOOO , Want Ad HelJ!? 642-5678 ( c. ___ «-;;;;~->-~' ) IANTID ( (,..--5---) ) S:.1ll>t1 GRE.A T THINGS 1\ Cood Des11(n Shop in South Coasl l'l:uu nC'l'\IS CHEAT PIOl'U for part·lime sall'M Pll'aSe •·1111 Shur on 751-0510 ~AL•:S lnsul111ton l·~11 11('0!>11• e11m 43'. t•umm l'all~O·l196 SAUSMEH St'll P1l·aASos h' phont' t\nd ~her worltl fumou~ ar\18(8 S.\.000 1)1.'r mo 1nl'tlml' I' u I " n I 1 a I I. e u d ~ rum111hed . M llJur 1nt'l'O 11\l' plan. ne111 1"ir anti pn1'1t i;h11nni: fi75 0233 Models. ll·lor11. Jo' 1 Im xtru11 Xlnt 01111. Ol'W r II ,. l' S I l Y I> (" IC . 2.ia G.W·lll'.O. M~l11 ' f;at•nrt11 Fl'm ()lly Top IS. 1142-4852 Art 12. Modtt1 U .. Mfftd NNid• tall 111tr11t•llve men/women ror a11~nl'Y alll~mtlllS. 549.11112 Newport Centtir ln\·ctl ment firm auh In· TICHMICAL "'9L1SHIM• SYSTEMS. IMC. 2230S...,_...Dr .. .. ....,,n.ou1 1.0.l P/J. ASSTM6l For M unlll. 642•50'13; l'Vl'!l 1213)1111'$·WI _ 'NeV)lspaper Carriers tor l'outes lilvldual with 1>l~11111nt pluine ma nner &i 11encr11I um u tk\1111 Xlnl beeflt1. Call fur app't. ~·.'44·• MUISIS' AID•s Cc!rtlfll'd ' cx11'cr. In· h.'Mle\l In l(ctocl n11nunic t·art• pro~~ worklnll 1·11ndlllon1 6 la•lll'r uleriu . ft o11lllou ·~•ll11blt•, 7.3 ' 11 7. M\•U Vtrdu Ct1n\'11I Hl9Plt1I. •a Cl•nltr Sl. ~N'.Ml·• • ~CHAl•I .aa.t.W . c.'" 11,.,, N••l ld1. lhlld. tr.r&Di P/llmr. 7 lhil)'t. I hrs t.l•I· ly. AM dell very. l .. A 11Ml'•.11001wk . L1111un1 llc1eh. * •. in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach CALL CIRCULATION 0£PAAT..,ENT SALES HP ' 'J • 642-56 78 .... . . '. ' ~ . . Wa1tressl>s,p llnw.cla\~. H\RROR \RE\ O\\'r 18. will lrJ10 \Pl'l.I \Nt't:SEH\ ll'~: Shiraz_.~ 7~ Wt• "o' UM'll J1111h.inn·~ W,\JTRESSF.S Wt• ~l'll rt·1·111ul . .:uar TIRED OF IEIHG apphann-s s 1!1 :101; IHSIDE AU DA y ? Rt•fn1: $200. FH•t•11·1 $.1!00 Not~htinw Cur sun W'hr drHr $14!$ <'a and l'!<('rl'IM·· Sit•\ 1··~ u WSIOO ·,~ .. !>11111 Dl'U&ihnt; i~ now hmn1: l~·nal Rdn1:t•1.11111 ilU Gu.vs and GALS ror hand (.'u fl S1d·IJ~·-s11lt'. l!t)(l(l t·ar washi ni:. Wash Ft•r· l'\JO(I 12."IO. rans. Rolls Ro) l't'. li420ti311 Mcrt·crles and Port·ht>:. lmmt'd QV<'OIOl!S J\ ail CJll 63 l-6900 For Sale 4 s l'ub1t• Foot rl'fni:crator. t•a ll Iii I I 8.\7 5245 after ti1>m llcycles 8020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED RMX DIAMONDBACK FRAME& FORKS UptoS7S. 536·9g.'12 s p E c '82 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE llS! PrlCt Loaded wttn s speed AM/FM Stereo. meca111e paint SPOrt wneel, wnlre sloe wall tires & more• Our Discount •111n 1170 I A L SALE PRICE 5 9,995 List Prtc• our 01scount SALE PRICE 510. 195 '81 RABBIT CONVERTIBLE s9995 •• Auto. w s w. tires. sPorts seats & wheel, stereo cassette, verv tow mites. white tap '82 VW $CIROCCO s SOHO rrlf"lllC ~Mt rear W!nOoW wasntr & WIPff all0¥S AM1FM Utrt!OUSSttlt ptn smPt'S & more• SALE PRICE 510,495 '81 DASHER WAGON DllSIL Eautooeo wttn alf sun root Whitt' siOe wJM tlrM 1ut11erette seats stereo, prep & more1 '10810 ,..,, '81 2 DR. RABBIT S6495 4 spee<1. air, AM/FM stereo. leatherette 1ea« p E c I Wheekha1r Sl75. Oxyl(en l'anier SJO Oxyl(en re i:ulator (I{) S90. Fol<hng walker S250~Q273 '82 QUANTUM WACiON Fully eQUtpped wttti Air, s speed. teamerette sear~. rao1a1 tires & more• Ust Prtce our Olscount SALE PRICE 510,595 '81 VW JETTA lo~ w11n S S~t'O air Slt'·t'O Plt'P Ust Prlct our otscount S90SS 10.0 SALE PRICE 57995 '81 VW $CIROCCO S lOaoe<I Wlfft allO't WllttlS. rt¥ wlnoow wawr & wiper s SOHO stereo cassette soorts sears & mor'' List PrlCf "M70 Our otscou nt ion SALE PRICE 58395 '81 2 Dt. LS RABBIT DIESEL ·91 JETTA DIE~El WAGON s7495 s9495 · .... Air, stereo cassette. loW miles. Auto iir stereo c;mette leatherette seats & morel teatnerette seats floor mats <>!'IV s ooo moeis li.J'lt• ol 1ioi.t1111c rnut·h1nc. llllCM 9020. mukt• uffor ~30thSt Stc205, Nii Wwllilt~ SlulC' T1111 Pool Tublc. II'. U It C In U <.: r u rt "00 Or Ru11l OHl•r. R 0111 I'll t t , T w 1 n Mlt.'f'llPM 548-8035 CIWIKleh, 115 KW on Mhc•••• l(cneutor. f'1 ybrilh:c Wtlllted IOI I Tra rcw late model lux ••••••••••••••••••••••• un .t·•r-.S EV IL~t-:. WANTED. Two to i''our M ~ R C E D f, S 22517-5-15 or HR71H5 PREF~l\A&Y .... ta.13> W>W llres in 11t.1 cond. ~ Also Moton·ydc Jatkcl 1117 18 fl Skipjut·k. '13 Honda 750. II" ex· s11e38·40 \Ol\'OI, trlr. $24,000 or ll1\Slon. xlnt rond, 14,000 197SDODGIVAH Tr11dellnltl n H 100 Mui;t Sl•ll 12.100 964-4882 Call 64&-4629 trade for Pornhe + m1 Muryh\. 731 6394 ----'"'"h E """" --. Docli.:c '73. am rm un WANTED: Ski boots & ~ ''6u._ L!J78YllmahuTTSOOGood ma i.: whls rad1ul1.' pole!(, size:. 1&2 for 6&7 1311' Whaler, '80 Merl· l~it1on. low m1INll(l' nlit'tii. l'nl! ~urk n'>Oo' t,ear old 640·5078 25hp, l rl• & controls, top ~.:. 493 7149 Sil> 327; --& l'O\'er,• lots or extrub. ·aosuzt:KI RM80 S3SOOG'1~-Runs•·l1· ..... •11rnut Wl'~ll1.1l1u· Poµ To1i WANTED --~ • "'"~ " u Camjll•r Rons & Look1t BMX DIAMONDB~CK 11 ' Boston Wh 11 ler 675 1059 Jdr Gl"\.'Jl' S2600 499.1278 FRAME&FORKS Loaded.S950CH1rm d.i~s Kawa.~11k1 HO LTD 'ill Font 150l'ari.:o Van Uplo$7S. 536·9832 5.57·~. eves 631-5586. Twin *' Fairio.: & ral'k \' 8 \utu. PS. PB. New -!!!!!!!!~ll!!llm-~!11!!11 9 ' F 0 T r a ,. e I t' r $2400 Brki.. Tri. $3500 957 1877 Mltslc:al . ........... , Run1bout, Bult•k VII 1145.3733 OMC Dn\'e, seats 8. has ~ Homu, Sal•/ Autos W..ted 9 590 1013 potty, bait pump & t11nk Rl'ftt/Storane 9160 •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rod holders. \'HF In •••••••••••;;'.......... WE MEED YOUR ELECTRIC GUITAR, 2 water in Newport r\u 1>1ckups, hke new S140 trailer $2500. 536_8574 ·s1 mini mutorhuml', 22· GOOO USED C'AR! 644-1405,e\ 675 4512 ·~., .. I J k ... Lind~. rnmµI st•H· An~lhtn)ll'OOSlclt'rl'<I, K' b II p --""""' P ll' . &.'O rt.. riv t·onta1nt•d. µt•ncratur. 1977 lhru 1980 1m a 1ano. great ing bridge. Makt' ofrc'r am rm t·uss. awn1ni.: .. ~-Cond. SIOOO 080 898-7420 roof&dusha1r,1mmut· "94-89Udays onl~ - -Years ol run $.175 Boat Sub'!lll offl•r·552 1256 Office Fv.....m.... & 18hp. motor. tr a tier· ~pntnt 8085 645-7~e,es. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '58 22' Chns Sea Sk1rr SMC elec. orr typ~writer. Cuddy Cabin & Slit> perfect, bell Jumped 2!J()O Sn~I v.tdl' mub1 lt' hm Bt•aut1ru1 CJllm\•i.a Low rent F1nant'ini.:. urt.~p_.m 966 2051 Trailers, Tra•tf 9170 tract S90. S48 7234 _ ., •• '""" l.rW'"~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Burroughs9500w1lhauto 6454199 TF:NT TR\ILF:R fur reader S4 .950, Bur lo.._ Sall -9060 ~ale i.:oud \'On1hl1on. rou ghs 9500 with .. ., '.\U;STSELI 997llti-9 cassette. used $4.950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• · • 1 Eco Air Produl'ts Inc 14'boatTrtr IAutoSenice,Parts t714)27l·l!_lll _ S~ __ 673·0732 &Ac:c:HsoriH 9400 Pih 8017 SABOT ••••••••••••• •• ••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 MASTS&SAI LS ... TT.-...IO Parrot Double Yt>llov. 1 644·1~.e,·675 4512 "' 11:1"'111 M Head. Young , Tame '78 P1c1f1c Sean;irt MG W!Cage, & Playpen, Manah :rr L.O A. dbl OWNERS SHOO. 3 Finches, w1ant1· ender.' c utter, l(rt~al TONNEA~1 l.'~)\:~~R que Cage & Stand, $50 r ru1se &· live·abuard Fits MC s. d Kl 673-3600 __ _ __ . boat, loaded 497 5738 NI.'\ er U!ltl'<I. Si5 ORANGE WINGED 1~.@-Sl90dvs l\lana631·7797 hl'msi: AMAZON. TAME 12 Br1nd New Wind S2SO 645·6846 -1 surfers. S800 EA or 2 ror Fiberglass Bed CcH er for Fresh water fish, Angels. Sl2W. lung bed P t: Tru1 k Scat. Cat Fish. Guppies _ 631·8029 $?.SO 548 6886 &others. Cheap' Santana 20, special rol UTE IODY WORk ___ 7;.::.54.;..;·6494 _ ors. race equ1 pped . l'µto50', off' 536·9832 Plmos & <>rps 8090 l'IWI)' xtru. xlnt rond -· •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Askin m-~ Alltos for Sale ---------116' Hobie '79 w trailer. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Upright Piano. console Rainbow sails. , en IMPORTANT ~el, exrellenl con di· clean S2,3091 640·8130 · NOTICE TO Uon. ST99. Call 675-0898 Santana 35. 6 bags. rully READERS ANO eves &wkends. eqq'd. Voho diest•I .\D\'ERTISERS ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ The prtrt• or items : l&UOO. t7l4l IW().4~ .ich erttst'<I II\ q•h1de Organ. 2 keyboards. ~F~crws1n1t dealt'rs in tht• \t'h1de chords and rhythm companion 25.35 ~rs. dass1ftt'd a<h ertmni: S360 642·3379 Hawaii, Mirrones1a t·olumns rlot'i. not tn· Organ. Storey & Clark. Leavin&Febl.646·3'108 1·lude an~ aµµllrabll• loaded, like new, $1800 Great Sailinii7" 10 · laxes. ht'<•nse. transfor 080. 839·6143, 738-7737 L, h m a n . c 0 m p fees. flnunn• l'hari.:es. Wa n t second hand wtl(lrJsa1ls $350 bi.I ft'l'Srora1rµolluttonl·on Yamaha Piano Call orr.•llll0,494·5192 lrol de\lrt'n°rt1f11·ut1un~ Brad loafs, m-; or dealer d0t·umt·ntal")' $$3·1.353 Eves ..._.J--.,-9070 preparat1oq 1·hari.:es un _. less Olhel°Wtbt' sµN·1ried Sporting Goods 8094 ••••••••tt••••••••••••• '!.''the a<h-crt1i.t•r ................ •••• ... Mfwpel't Mcsifta :m Tb . cast steel weight Da wk month 646.0551 GtMrGI 9 510 set with bench and leg · • •••••••••• • • •• • •• • • •• •• attachment Good start-WANTED : SI 1 p. ex . i, Ton Dt>cli:t• Pl' Red mgset.SJOO OBO cbaoae for uSt' or S120 646-5587 macnlf 4r ruller 63122i~ -ss1.-..;o.:...___ ~ I WINDSURFER Balboa Coves-Powl'r ca--~ 95•0 S600 669 Oo447 art 6 boa 1· r · --c:s 1. _. --l s 1p at T"enl lo 38 •••h•••••••••••••••••• Sohd steel we1ghL~. bt>nch 67~JU6 PtITTIEST & access, Sl20 Boal Slip for Renl·W1ll •57 T-lllD ---=63=1:...::·90~ -Tan 111 to 65 n. Shore lt4 TOWM' 2 xlnt pr skis. Ready to power 6' \V'ller Avail HST Off£i1 go, due to knee injury. S6:!0 mo. 6'73·9321 005UKZ • ROC 200'ss. Geze bind· For Rtt\l: 8ollt s~ace up t '1 mgs $120, ROC 210's to 18' Newport Beach Look Nevada bindings 160tnl> 4M-5293 S7S Nord1ca boots Szll ~.642·5006 •Boat slip avail ror --...--• 5Qo.7S' yacht. Xlol securi Sten, RHtaur.t. ty lrl«. 873·'1873. THEODORE ROBINS FORD )/'\~r) t<1HBOR llLVD COST/. MISA bl2 t »t(i ... 8095 • - ••••••••••••••• •••••••• loafs, ~ tOtO ..,,,_ s LOSING LEASE quit· •-•••"•••-• .. ••••••• 1957 ~ oto sta w11n ...... · · Class1r Netds some tang uu,,lnesl, selling out .... st•DtG[ •'Ol'k. bul worth IL Runs ALL .supplies and fix· •I 9M well. S80()1ofr "94.9007 lures including ---Display rases. waiting Mon"lly bOat & RV 1970Cad1llar De\llle Con· room chairs. Beauty •oraat for fllY size, Z4 'erlible Nds \0111e Salon hairdryers and br ltt'~ri ty • frH work.$800/obo ~ h d I. h 1 · lauochilll • washing -- I' I t.. <>r.,, C..ty 2925 H;.vbo·r Bl\'cl • ·• COST A M ESA 979-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUMMAGNON POHTIAC/SUIARU Ulll ll.1rl>or Rh 11 t'OST.\ MES,\ 549-4300 5 49· I 4 5 7 WE BUY CLEAHCARS AND TRUCKS CONNELL CHEVROLET .~ll.tdllH h:, I • t 11-iT \ \1 ~ :-\ 546-1200 HIGHIUYEI Top 1lullan. for Sport• t'a~. Rui:~. l'Jmµ,•rs. 914 ·~. i\od1 ·~ ,\.~k for U CMG R JIMMAIJMO VOUSWAGEM l8'i II Beuth Bh d Ht''l."TINGTOr\ BEACH 842-2000 WE MEED YOUR EXOTIC & IRfTISH Cl.IS l~- JIOOW l'11ast Hw~ I Nl•v.µurt Beal'h f>.12 9405 WANTED! l.111• rrv1ctl•I Tm olas 11ml \' 0 I I 0 ~ (_:ii I I u s TOl),\Y111 liarle Ike TOYOTA·YOUO 1 ........... . c ....... .. ..... U ._UOJ w U0.'40 Top Dollar Pailt For Your Car! JOHMSoH & SOM lJftc-....erc*Y 2626 Harbor 81\'c,f, Co.ta M~ll_.-540-JR! Premium prl,·n pa1ct ror any usoo tat (foreign or domestlt> 1n11ood condition. Y rau tr c o rs. m1r· pri ~·ile11s. N ewpn rt 4 Whfft Drhts f 550 rors, shelves and planls " Also. make.up. ahampoo Dum.., nit Btclt Bay ••••••••••••••••h••••• , and ha.tr products Dr1 l'fi~rt Buch 'GI Jte1J6ler Commiindo. See Us First! Call G3l-9?S4 or 644 0510 4X4. 34K m1. 2 new 11rei;, ''!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!'I 81u ck V ·6 S2500. Gd after 6, 898r6809 I~ eond. 49']-6130 rv.1ac1o. tlR, Sttre0 Sall'S S<>n 1t·e·Leusi11i: IUY'CARVER 1()1Si01CE·IMW "'°.-:Jilt .., """'°"' ~ .._,.,.l(JOt INI~- 11 Sv~tler. 5 sprl . slcrt'O. H'~ l(ood l'UO!I, Wl5() &fl-0279 l" rs • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTINTIOH MG OWMBS TONNEAUCO\'ER Fits MG's, '71· ·111 Never used. 175 Maria63J.7797 he msii "'° ....... .... 9100 ...... .... ttoO ...... .... 9100 ••• • •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• I I ........... ........ . . ..... -'=•rtw ... ,.,.. ..._...,, W .... ..,,..., Wet...,,,... Ailll. ... •lfllil Ai191e.bnrW • ........ ~'I.............................. .. ........................................... -~····················~ .............................. ;;I ..................... " ..... " .................... . Me '7U....... tJ• t7H Mllpll '767 .... 1a1 t711 ••a Hll t770 V•e t71J Ckh.. ff JO ....................... ··~.;~ ................................................................... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ......................................................... . •7fw.MID•IT 71' S04 l>ic1H'I , 11uto, •'io i.•:CAR• 1 lit S,l&rlrt, 42.000 m1, s VW Cu1lom s11rurl Ill VW hlrctl'l'O. #I VOLYONAUI II Cbtv)'. runs 11rut. t'k•11ntuou llti:U2~ llil't'Ul1,ur.,•h'.nl.'Wl0n11. l33llS ..,,no Good tundlllon 11ml)tr Ultn dvan Dyn.mitt pl1llnum fNORAPIOICOUNTY I rro11t u~rublcm. 1• Mt: Ni•v..i1111ot.'rtrh 1>.0UO m1, tl\'11n. u.auo ITl416'2 r.sM nnw • 138-2944 u11 '"' Blue and r o up , s 1 v t e d ~~ B OPF>:R. ~1.-lll•n . 1tn:ul111ur . 1tll904t ··-· '"' v.~.. '770 hih· $5l9$ 648Ml4 lrao1mlulo1"1, (ll1ory SALIS.MICI '7$ Monti ~h'hl*. "'r.!1 I• 1 S\ • w t7•o _.,. · 78 v w It • 8 n IT air condltlo11ln11. 111nd • ltJ~ aood rood, SlJOO. c.:1111 •t'1\'1'U or.' ll•h•r, Ir • ........... •••••••••••• ••"••••••••••••••••••• " " sunroof ll 000 mllea OVL. 'RV btw'nUPM 875·UU m~. l'lulth. 1'hrow out ....................... la, th ~ 'u:l vw •rru~·k. new p111nt 1mlte t·u~tum 2 door • r_ • lll•11r1n11. 111·1·1•l1•rut1•r. l · PORSCm: Dl I Jl•t 1 DULt .. IN U.S.A. •Int 1113.S cni:. lk~t 0r. w 1 1 l h 1 4 i di' e c d ~~~;5~ejj m( 8~~~~~>0 EXPERTS a.,.a.r ttJI fi.11•hom1•tt·r, S1H•1•1I hh1dt lll•111it' In tubulou' ~ ftr 114CJ.4371 r oam u1on an stereo Valuwa e IM2•2000 ............. •••••••••• u1111•M. 1m. Tunl• u11. l'on1h1rnn . IOS:tXS lll '73\'WSu))(lr akt•tlt•.Cun ftte Extra shrp! n ' ~Ill O.l.HAAN • .. Ill 1111 • t!l!l4fl'.l,4!1H:nz Vdk11wu11tn.8422000 ..,..,...,.,llWl'OMQH!IJ wrt.S4!~5.9431 • "°lno Volkswut1tJ\, Dynamite Brazil bronze t98e rborBlvd lt'uahortrrHWU>' ride •· • 1:1'777 "''"' orr1·r 15119$ Jim ~hrinu ( UJOI 138H. Jim 1910 vw SrlrcHro. ~YO CHRYSLERt PLYMOUTt • I . • M(tl 9744 1973 PO RSC II f; 914 M11101u1,t0t 11w1"'°_.· '72 Bus Rblt Enll. New i!OOO· --- -rr~~f!\l~~s'!'i!~ C MESA to Or1n1r \'OUnty'a • 1911 • ••u•••••••••••••••••u O)nudmtl' 20 111trt• S CLOSl0$UHOAd r Pnt. Aphl 'Trs '78 SC'lroccu. lrnmac. transmi.ssion, ind I UD· 64'-fl03540.t46J_ oldul Chr)'1ler / , 1\T19M<iU l)>n11mlll''ll' llPt'l' tnnsm H~111n, SUPER!S2450.S4H474 c must see U300 roof (450ZSR > '7&9$ 1975 VOLVO 2450L Plymoulhdealerrorlht• • , • nl!Kbtt1' w11h unh 21 oou tuco, m111111 Slliirp, ~ 9762 --· fir ·P!ll631·3527 __ J 1 m M • r 1 n 0 Wagon. Automu lie BEST. DE~L on your Cl -• m11t .... tcrl'CI 11nd win• i-n,5~rp~ shJitrpl ! 1Mo07JJ,QI ....................... 1.~ondvw su!'brll~n~.~lcs. u"nOO<lrf 197 \ v w R. b b I ~. VolklW8"en 842-2000. tr11111mlaslon. air ('OOdi· NEW II()(' 82Chry11ler/ • 011• 'Ahcl'I~ Tu111•11111htion .. 11:.. m · ur no 11 OL 4 11 ' ·~ "... n.-·1 2d r !! • --• • nd 2000 II PlymouthproductJl • e 1477fll31 $49115 Jim Vdksw1111cn 842 2000 wagon, x4. 8 only 0$2100 67S ·S491 I~ .,,u '11-1 e oor sunroo 'flO.'M VW left le rl&hl uoruna.a 1 · m ea. O.l. u... ...... • OJ)ts.loml.~uut ! Must ms w I .. 4 Ip e I! di I ft d $$() Extra !'lean. mtrJDI. nAA" llFT~¥ERSI• M11r1n11 \ ulhwai.:l•n, '78 Por:1t·hl' 911 SC.: tier kll' S74001ofr497 1800 & tr m\uion Low miles door, '13 e oor. S399S J Im Mari 0 o ::HRYSLER/PLVMOUT~ • • IU2axxl nrf,wl!ldow.allleather Toyota 9765 w,ntr11l111 Pop ·Top and 1ar~! msR~E> ~~ :,.est~:r~•>'~:ir~ Vdks,,!• en,1142·~ 2020E.111St .. SA • ·77 MGB. i:ood 1•ond1t1on, p7·11 lmmu l'Ulalt• ••••u•••••••••••tt•••• Cu~~r. Runs & Look11 . $299 . Jim Murano D>ea.54&·9744 '7S 265 DL Wagn. Blue. __ 54J·4471_ ••••••••••••••• ......... . blerN1, &1>l Otrcr Sl!l.700 646 OA22 1977 TOYOTA . Grcu1. ~ .• 499 1278 V~ks en, 842·2C}OO~ i9tt V W R 1 b b i t . sst>d. Xtru. Good Cond. Dodge 9935 •el d M 'I I-Cht • 67S·5145 'H '12 TarfJo CB.ICA 72 Bus Reh111ll CJl&ine. 72 EBACK Dynamite tustom 2 door ~ ~2!.IL ......... , ... •••••••••• • rail tW yy • Opel· ' 9746 Rl'Cl Updated w11h ull r 11 S220I> Xlnt l' • 4 spd. reblt 1 h d '67CORONET Two-Door Chlvtfte! • ••••••••o••••••••••••• the txlras LOOKS ~1 tbaf i AutomalJl' 499-1888 en11. r slert'o t•uss. -:',.,nls 410! p:x~ra .t....b..U--..,. 4dr,lom1,$650. • il()pel6T,ncwp111ntnd1t 1.IK E NE W' ll oml' rans .. a< Ul')'Ulfl•on •· · Sq SIOOO 136 miss · --awu 646·8610 W11hrldio,tllt wtal,llnled • '>()(Oernglnt•work SlOOO 1173-2287,Work675·8410 & ONLY 2l,OOO mifest work.SSOO. l.LModcl2 1469&. Jim Marino Mell t910 '68 Churger R/T. ,New IMS 900 11orung, AM/FM stereo 68 uareba1·k. Needs -· clean. Cl DM8046). ••• .. ••••••••••••• .. ••• • glass. BU lighti, etc. No.$"'' orbcsl offor ·79 !r.!8, ~i~t c·ond! uncl1•r (txllTLQ), 67_5:1059 Jl'fr I I with S spec~ Vdki_l!agen, 1142.2000._ ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• trans. runs gd Will be • 716 · • ~5967 altl·r6pm S(XX)mi,S2G.OOO ppt:all ... 10W$4995 trunsn;iis .alrt'~ncl1; '72VWSuperBeetle,xlnt -.,Llmited,xlntrond,ps, rl111ic·. 83S ·2 18S . M.wo.tr • PturjeOt 9748 "'°k_dys993-4200 " 1979 V W <.:um Per uoruoi: u low m1IC'11. l'OOd 1 owner t•omplele pb, umtrm cass stereo, 9JO /080. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 PorSl'he 924 , lo MAIERS D~num11e Spanl Con· Be It,: B ('I g l'. reblt'eng nsi. new IOI. IOOOl\J'oof, vln. top, nu i4 Mona<·o.hd. lop<·onv. •••rand New •• , Chevy • 1982 m lea •e Al' \uto CADILLAC H'rsion p.21 Pop·lop CIBUN56-1 16995. ~Im $2550 Co ntat·t Du''l' tin.'5_83'.!·~0 . _ A/C. $1.000. Great • • S A~I F~ · Rrd·ll;lal'k: 2600Harbor Blvd ~~~ ~:~ :~g~y H{:~t Marano ~k swul(cn, eves: 9M.oi:i6. '71 Skylark, xlnl l'Ond. Shape! 4•Dr. Hafthback Cheveffe! ARE HERE! lllnl l'oml $7800 RJK COSTHtESA 18995. J im Marino 1142·~ F&\ -1977 vw Sciro<·t·; Sll9S. Private parl)' _~84 12 arter5 __ .With air cond , pwr • t'OO'll' 10 anti dmc thl• 6751579.6750073 540.1860 Vol~wagen.&l22000 '15 Dasher. ml,\l'ry Dynamite sport coupe 1!7-8107 --ford tt40 • 1tMring,bf1MS.l1llwhl .. s5aae. lc.1tlm1; ihesel! A1.i1h1 '76Ponchetl4 19i6 TOYOTA Cehl'a \'WKatCar Ha\l'loS;e! i:oodmerh. d ll~S. wilhonly~.OOOmales.4 '76ELECTRALTD •••••••••••.•••••••••••• etc No.692113662. 778 hie fur im mediate ilc Rebuilt engine Topt·un L1rtback with low 1700 342 Hanoi·cr Dr 963-MJO_ · speed lransmlssion. air xlnt (·ond! wht/lan ·79 Ford Fiesta. dean, • ..._Oltr • l11el)' Sl't' wh.\ pen11I<' dillon. $6895 1 722 1183 ma I cage. 5 s p <' e d CM. 549:0!75 '!Kl Vanai:on, ~ 00 mi, all t'Ofldilioning, and stereo. S2SCXI. good C'ond. New tires & ae ••••••••••••••••• .. •••••. Jr l' ~ w 1 t t· h 1 n i: t n O.•canslde S<lbaru truni.mission. air l'Oncli xtrai.. flaw I s, asking (678SPG). S499S. Jim 642·4686 bttts. S31<!> 640-1212 • . 'I Che Pt.'Uj(l'Ol! . l10n1ng ancl i.h:.arp ! 1974 vw Ghia Con1·ertt· Sl0.000 Call, 5 3590 Marino Volkswagt'n Coclloc ---63 FordSlation Wgn, ·••rand New I vy • BEACHIMPORTS ate01erll•as1"81911sc t978REP> SJ99s Jim tit1•' 4 i.peed ·aoc&ll\ertabeRabb1t, M2·;tOO ~ ttl5 Xl~~_n67ni3n-~or109nd eHalf.tonlUVP"1ckup.I • IW8Do1eS1rect Por 3K ma. fal'lon MJrano \'olks~a..:eo. transamssaon with iery lake new. m. t sdl! '75 BUG ~ood c·ond1t1on. ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• ...,.,., .. loudei!.! 5118 5084 low males lMru sharp! .. , COHTEMPLA TIHG NEWPORT BE.\Cll M2J!IXlQ _ A re a l l'I a s s i (' , 160-9440~ -\ BEST 0 FER i:ets lt, Game Show Wanner • Wllh 110 CID engine. • 7 52·090 0 ·:~a~~~~a~~'!."S:J~J=lt~~ '76 Cclica. 5 bpt•cd. air. 11BJ.;Z3251 $6995. Jim '69 COMVE• MlfSTSELL!...991·8679 We s~~~~reases '82 Esl'Ort Brand nl•w: radio. step bumper. BU 55791 • you're m I e mar el lvn_u._·~ ~ 53125 ~-~6 '"'<MIU ~ "' "A ne\•er dr11 en $6.000 ,_.,.. _., I( . h k ·-" 851 n_, am rm. 1ape. 1 owncr ~!~.~. \'olkswai:t-n. El200 o~._ .66 vw BUS rebuilt lrans ror thM business -. Metelhq:rey. 3 dr, 4 spd •• 1tgits,etc No ·~~ • ror a better car. be sure Gd GREEN cash -'72 Super ikl•tl" Nl·w & <•ni:me Good t·ond. erutive,proressio.al ~ •••••••••w•••••• ••••••••• ~~~~~~e r~n%af:t~~ r:;~~!l?i:Sa~~s '!e~~'.l~s~: xl'~;·o~~i ·i~u:~~~11.1$2~t11 i·onil. ~~i. N~~~stT~t. ~J~ ~~~~e 0a~~9 ~f ~~ ~~~2 ~ 9950 e eBrand New •81 Chevy e C!!ss!fied.:. CallMHG78 ~.~2052t•1·es 675-2689 oso &l6·1141:1 Sl'llUl~A<!.a.!1111H .B. Codilacs ••••••••••••••••••••••• eMonte Carlo Sport Coupe!e A.ltos, Mtw 9800 A.tos. Htw 9100 Autoa, Mew tlOO AMtos, Hew tlOO Autos, Htw Mow Iii Stock! , 1976 Capri II With air cond . radio. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• NABER~ \ 6. 2 8 hler. xlnt «ond. • rad lal whites. tinted re1·en1l~ pa anted + • glass, wire OO'l'8ft. etc SJ698. , man extras 644·1497 No """""'"~7 ------------------------------CADIL ... LJ\ ~ ~~tang 99s2 e ... ...,.,....,.. . ....,°"" · e south Coast OOdge wants you to go lldlno this winter In a great set of new SklS and bindings. If you're one of the ftrst 10 customers to purthaSe any new car on sate this weekenCI we'll see vou re- ceive a set Of ROSSlgnol skis a SOI~ man bindings, AtEE llndudlnQ mount· 1no1 trom Ski & SPorts 1ncorporatee1. But thats not all. Everv car In stodt Is on sale. This ad features Just a few examples -but t~ are many otherS. on top Of our great savings wt alSO have big tac~ torv rebates of $300 to $1000 available on Just abOUt everv new car In stock. Not every ooage dealer can Offer you tf\ese rebates, bµt south coat l>OCloe can-and we're sweettnlng the Otal with big discounts anci a set Of Skis and bind- . 1nos to our first 10 buyers. Plus-we'll happily arrange financing for quallflect buym. so hurrv Into SOUth coast OOOge this weekend for rebates, big Cf1sc:OUntS anCI If you'('I one Of ttle flrst 10 t>uyers-a brand new set Of skis anCI t>1ne11nos. aut nurrv-thts ottet endS dOse Of bUSlness suncsav . ................ ~..,... .. ""__. ............ .......... ................ .-.,. •11•-... ,,.,_ YOU SIVI '1.710.nl or oniv 'tlS.07 ... .... .an. .. --·· ····-=-\ -.:-.-·--YOU SIVI •890.001 or only 1111.111 ... TOTAi. DOWll 'I.• _ ... OM.nJ.• ...... 101 ... _...,., ..... ,.:. ___ .... . YOU llvt tt52."I or ClfMY /1<Xltlul~• 1111.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••M•••••••••••••••. l 1 ... 1.1 .,..,,..,,, '>40 »100 ·68 Cl I t d aSSll'. x n l'On . ··•ar-d ....... w '81 Chevy • \'-8. :m, A C. P B. P S. """ n..- 14 QIV loaded wilh l'X ~all _Jeff .. 6!4.:.2341 • 2-Dr. Hatchback Citation! • lras. Rt-asonuble. Will '65 Mus1an1t. pnn•d 10 finam'l'. 551·8193 sell Call wknds only • Wilh power •leering & 98. ,79 Fltetwood 644·21YZ7 brakes. tanted ~ss. V6, 563 • l"""' •tustan" "On\ All • elc No 2091161 .. _. ~ Broui:ham. 30.000 ma """' " .. ' "'"' _., Sunroof. Sharp ex1·ellrnt ori1t Best offer 01 er .. •••••• •••••••••••••••••• • 1'0fld1hon. Must SHl'rlfal'e $6.,!KX) 759.()()97 • ••ra"d a....laW '81 ca. .. .,, ·• Desi orrcr over S9.000 ~Mustang 289 auto. PS. ~· """ ~ ... ~r Connell~· 72().0425 PB. raclial tires. wire • Capn" ce Deluxe Wftllftft! • '18 Seville. all xtras' lo spoked hubraps. «Int --:.--·· • nu. xlnt! $9450 631 3114 1·ond Best orfer O\l'r • With pwr. steering. 58ft8 am 8 12. 673-4220 an S2500 nil 5912 •• brlkel. locks. windOwS. • nuon. '65 Restored . Rhlt 1 run~. air cond .. stereo. etc. No. • 66 Cachllal'. xlnt 1·on<I new 1'111! !Ires & p;iant • 4714/0785. Mew O•ly Best o<rer XJnt ~ bst 492 ~21 .. ••M•••••••••••• •••••••• • i9Se\lll:s~:r~2 r.Ma1111· ~.~~ ••••••• !!~.~ e eBrand New '81 Chevy e bllll• Mini <..:ond. J1•rr) i30ml'1ta 53.000ortl! ma • 2 Dr Hatchback Citation'. 495-6497 Supl'r sound systt·m • • • ,._ 9917 Slao.l. 4~_1813 • With air cond .. V6. power • ~ _. • s1eer1ng & brakes 1111 56898 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 16 Cutlass .. Broui:hm. t I • wnl. etc. No. 4398/6833 • i9 fk•rhnt.'tta V 8 T Top. uwnr. lo ma. i1ll pow1•r. M.w Ollf • Air. Tave. 20K ma Best ~1080770·9599 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~rer 675·456_2 '79Cutlass. Broui:ham s1 e eBrand New '81 Che~y e ~~~~tt~8so ~n~~~set Xlnt e '4·Dr. Hatchback Cheveffe!e _ 613·11~ PWo tt57 • With air cond .. pwr. • 1 .67 Comt Camaro. 327 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1tee<lng l brakes. tilt s5791. balun1·1'C1 t•ni:. nl'w nms. FOR SALE •wheel, etc. No. 6879/3149. tin.>:.1. paml. $4000/080 11· Pinto hatl'hbal·k. • .._Oltr • ~·39'l2: ~~ID95 dean. 4 SPl't.'11. new tares. ••t••• •••••••.• •••••••• ••• ·m :m aulo \'1.'ry 1·lean. 1ui:i:a1t1• ra1·k.i.:001I eetsrand New 81 Chevy e nl'w tan•s , man) n1•w I lransportallon 1·ar Sl200 • )14.toft p•1-Lup Truckl • parls $2200 Tom . 080 '/• '!;A • 11:51 1688 642·1570Jdf • Wllh air cond .. V8, auto • rolet 9920 I . _ 1131 7797 Mara a trans .. Scottsdale eg .. HO SJft8. •••••••••••••••••••••••I V6 Plnlo Hall·hbat·k Was • springs. ttlt whl .. etc,.No CL.11£VROL£T ·in wrel·k. 8-01h .ind .781Mi607. .._a.tr • * ,....;c "' 1 'framp damai:e All rise ••••••••••••••••••••••••• HEW Ital oK .. \'8 m .oooon1tm1 1. •ea d 11t..1 '81 Chevy • MOHTECAlLO new trans & radiator. ran new . • Llfl'-OVO! pum1>. I l'l)1 i:ood whls & • 4-Whl. Drive LUV Pick•! Auto trans . aar 1·11ncl + 11n-&. no broken i:lass • • man\ olher extras' lnleraor i.:oml R1·1ls With alHerra1n l1res 110 . Gon • .(.ous! (S956f65451. ,il\aal A i.:real !leal for • c I 0 . en g In e ' s ~ ep 57398. OMLY S77tl mtl·hank or parts sail's .• ~1~ · et~••~ • HOWARD Cht•rottf I Musi S<'ll all IOl(<'lhl•r. •••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• Dol'e/QuailSts. 5700. muke orr. <.:all • 'II CL-• NEWPORTBEA<.:H :968-sswan 7:_JOpm , •BrandNew ~•y 133-0555 116 Pinlo Wai:pn \'6. au to, 1 • _.. Dr Hatchback Citation' • ---AM1FM . new tlrl'S .• ~· • •. SEE US FIRST! silver & red. PIS. moo. With pwr. wlndowa, Weha1·e a good sele1·tion '!J~J~l5l9-'-675·0013 • ltMring, locks. air cond., s129a. o r N E W & U S E D V6, radio. V6, etc. No. • Oievrolets! 77Pi.toStoWog • 811719371. M•• 0.1, COMM Ell CHEVRO LET ·"" ,, •' .. I' '°' : I \1 f ' , 54(>. I 200 '18 Monte Carlo. Snrf, Cr . !Owner . 548·2373 -'67 Chev Malibu 327 Good transportation S350 . Call 549-1608 '66 Biscayne, sla wgn. 427·6 c•yl. runs l(ood ! SQ}/080. 642. 7702 64 Chev ~~ ton. Gd work lnlt'k llSOO 0 BO 646-55117 Prll'ts n1rc. Clean ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Auto. ps, AC. slereo •Brand Hew '81 Chevy .!~·964.7103 e 4.n.. DIESR Caprice' e ~ '960; • With 0 pwr. steiring, • • H•••••• • • •. • • 0 • • • • • • • • 0' b r a k e s . I o c k s . & 59391 Ply. Arrow 76. uuto. air. I • windows. air cond • rblt eni:. i:real i.:as ma radio. etc. No. 65<4918796 • S22SO. 49J.S407 • ...., °"" ,~ --9965 .:········· .. •••••••••••••• ..... ~ ••••••••••••••••• •Brand New ·a 1 Chevv • '10 Le Mans Stu W~n 3SO 4•Dr. HatcW>ack Cltatiotl! V-8 Trlr Pk11. S800 Farm • With air cond.. pwr. • • 642· l~ _ ..! _ _ steering & tnket. r.clfal • n.deriMrd tt70 • whites. remote mfrrOI'. SJ 198 ........... •••••. •• ••.. • etc. No. 8239~ ,.._._ • '63 TB ori11 57K S2.9SO 'fi8 _., T876K ·s:~~ ~-i~·H~9.;~s·1•ch:;;"• e •ecp;cecrassic Four-Door!• • With pwr. locks. wan· • e dowa, seal. steering, .. ,. bfaMI. ar. redao, etuise, • etc. No. 594615728...., °"' • ··························~ I / , . i "Televiews ............. : .... ' .... : ....... Page.Z i · On the Cover ..................... ~ ...... Page 2' .., Highlights ............................... ~afX 3 ! Sport1 ........................... ·.. . . . . . p':f! ~. .... Inside TV .................. · · · · · · · · · · · · -.-• ~ Lettera ................................ • .. Page 8 'ii! Word Game .. : ......................... P• 8' ~ TV Puzzle ............ , ....•. ~ .......... Pa{1f 8 j? ,Doily Grldl . ·~ ......................... ~ 10, -. Prime· Time DetaU1 .................... Page JO. ~ ~ a: Tube T~s ........................... .rage 11 Cable Subtcription ............. · . · · · · · · !,Page ,,, .Da•~ Drama .. , .................... 1P.age 27 :W".r""~ •. 1.L ,o,,.,,. 2B Af~~··········· ....... , ........... ...,,e e KNxTCC~) 1121 W. &IDiet Blvd., Loa Aqelel, Ca. I • KNBC (NBC) • 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. e KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. &..et Blvd., Lot Anaelea, Ca. .. e KABC CAbet. . '151 ~ro.peetAve., Lot Ancelpl, (!a. . . (I) KFllB (CBS) . 1m SniJneer Rd., San Dielo, Ca. e KHJ-TV (Ind.) 5515 llelrole Ave.: Lot Ance~Ca. (10) KCST (ABC) 8330 Enlb*r ~·· San ~ie10, Ca. • KTrV (Ind.) 5741 W. &met Blvd., Loa An1elll, ca. • KCOP·TV CJ.lid.> 915 N . IA BrM A•e., Lot Ancelet, Ca. aKCET <PBS> 4401 SUnseLBlyd_.Los.Angetes,£a ____ _ --. WKOCECPBS> 15744 Golden W~t St., HUJlUniton Bead,. CD) On-TV . · ·11.llt Grand ~Ave., Glendale, Ca. CZ> Z.TV . 2911 Nebraska Ave., Sadia Monica, Ca. (JI). HBO . 'y ~ .. ~e ~.;aoCke(eDer c.iea-, N,, Y::lf. · Cl:). Cioemu) . nme.UfeBldg., l\ockefeUerCeoter, N.Y.,N.Y. ' CWOR) Y.,N.Y. a> 'WTIS) Ananta,Ga. (I) <ESPN.) • Cl) (~e) black <S > Spotlight ··(Cable News Network) ·lele\!lews Zookeepers fit to be tied WANTED FOA TROPHIES -Jameson Parker <left> and Gerald McRaney: stars ' of CBS' "Simon and Simon,'' are not the ~ most popular actors with the San Diego Zoo since a recent epjsode about an evil zoo director. · · "Simon and Simon" is carri~ on San Die10 stat.ion KFMB, where it rol4tiDely runs hich in the local ratin&s. Elsewhere nationwide, bowev~r. the sbo.w 11 fbmdering. . ""'caoas AWAY: What do America's teteviaion anchorpeople do in their spare time? Practically anytbln1 but watch television, accordlnc to a study conduc:ted b1 the Scotch Whisky tnformatlon Center (and no, you incorri1able cynics, drlnltiq Seotch whisky was not listed u a preferred puttimf). · While the avera1e American, whoever that is, suppoMCIJy watcbfd '5 boura ol television • week, news anchors claimed they view an averaae of leu than 10 hours weekly. The anc~ interviewed at .., staUona iD JI cities, fa readlq and Ustenln1 to music over watchlnc the tube. Only 12 percent rated televiaion as their r tavortte leisure activity. 'l'b.roUlbout the crowd, however, pGl*lar support was u.ted for NBC's ~ $n ·Simona.' Page 11 before Joi1iiaC Uie cut OI "GeMral Hospital" In 19'17. John Gabriel (Mallory) plays Seneca ~eaulac in "Ryan's Hope." In addition to actin1. he produced an album hl1hli1btin1 bis ainrlng talents called "John Gabriel and Frieftds." Also from "General Hospital" la Robin Mattaon CAprll), whoee TV ro1 .. have included parts in "Cbarlle'a AnceJa." "Barnaby Jones," "Happy Deya" ad "The Out.a ol Hauard." In addition, Mattaoe appeared ln a recarrfn1 role ln "Tbe~U1ht." Boben S. Woods (Cliat) portrays Bo BuchanQ ia ''One We to Live.•• TIM former.,.-.. beret taa y .. cw ·- Friday specials .W«JNf( 11, -........ t:IO. NJD 8TIWMT '** muelo'• reigning ---~ ..... In .... OOftOlrt. ..... 11119 .. ... Forulll In Loi Anglles. ...... ~crf .. flltlln- ......... QMlrom _of .. .__ t:IO (JI) T"'8 TAU. TAL.a Ludwig "°" DrMe hc»ta tine........, Clll9llc:9. A#llHNOON 2:00 (JI) r.. WM THE 111111 Ole* C.wtt "°"' • 111*"9 journal of tM people, .,... Wld "'*"' ""*" ...... lllllory In ... "Roar· ~,,........ .. 4:IO. LAMDICo" ... °" HON Pulitzer PtlH ·Wfnnlno Mhor and ...... Alna Oua-.......... .. ~ ....... ..,..,,. "' "*1klnd. 5:00(Ji}T.-TAU. TAUi Ludwig ¥Gn Dralle llolltl ttne~dlalicl. IW!NIG 7:IO(J)~ A comedian llOllt and fclW comlO COii........ ~ CO"'P9te 19aln11 one arlGIW .. .....ci In IHI UllCllllONd comedy Oii"' lflOw. 10:aoe MMTIN~ a.: A MAN MID .. DMMI A "'9dll _,.. '° a.tartJn Luttw IQno. Jf. on 1111 ~. .MEAT LADB.CW OOUNntf~ Lynn Anderton, Donni Flf90 and Lacy J, Ollllon -tl9twld In WI 1¥e-on-.,. ~ICI from ltll MOM Qrand Hotel In Reno. 11:00• ~WTMM KINa: W.ltW..L NOT fllOMRf Eventa ... ,_ ... "_"*..,m"""101rarat1no Marin ""'-King Jr.'• Hrd blttllday are tiiG'....,.., In • ...... fllmed 111 Atten1a and w~.o.c. 1t:ao<a>~w.-. ... /IOI ...... 0.. "-' pertonM Miity "' ........ 11118-Mct.ldlno ·w..-~''and .,,. " Go, lAt ii ,._.. - In tNI cionoart ttiC)ld .. ,.,..,. Pmce In ........ ... (l)llZAIN "°"" .,... .._ )'OU ....,.. .,.,., "*' tMll, ....,._ ... _,...., tlllfl ~ you'w ..,... 111111. Saturday spec la ls JNlAJM't 1t. ttll MON•tca t:IO(J)~ Jolin .,._ .._ ~ tNngll *9llOW .,_ truth. ..,,... ......... and --tNr'I anything you'w .,. 111111. l:GO (I) TOlll .08 MID 8"9ANAHTON Peiloin•111 tot the llr'll ..._ IOgllllW, Tom Jonel and 94.llln Anton .... LM veo-IUCllancll In tflll U:IOr LMDIC'JNI CW HON Pulllcer Ptl%e-wlnnlno -.111or and IClantllt Alna DubOI ..,,..... ..,, .... apCllNltic IDoul the futwe of INnklnd. 1t:GO® eta .. CONCBll An .tabonlte nltfltdUt> performance from t"9 Sporting Club In Monte CWto. 1:0te NOT .. ATIQW YIAM An~ of tfll lltu- lltlon In ~teetur.. ... .,,..,... by Analony l.ewll of the ~ 1111»- pendent Afl'an CCIUlltrY'• Pt1me Mlnllter Rol>ert ,....,.. t:OO. M\"1'8 IYNDROME: THE ctlU> Kii.UR Hoel Bob Ry9ll Jodl9 .. .. ¥ftptomt, ~and " ...... "'of...,.. •• dtome and the current ino.-.nl ~ '"*"" I*· ---~ ....... .nou.-of "" ..... 1:10; HOWTHEW91T WAI WON Wiiie Kate .......,. (Eva MertelalMjllanr.-.io .SALUTE TO CARUSO -Me tropolitan Opera te nor Placido Domingo sings melodies made famous by Enrico Caruso -shown in a photo <lower right 1. a setr-~aricature <top> and in Pagliacci (lefll -during "Live From Studio 8H : Caruso Remembered." to be presented Saturday at 9::.> p.m. on NBC <Ch. 41 , • ClrtfllnO ~ and tw.-d by 8'loetlolll lndllnl. Ulke (INce Box· ......, .. M.llced by. bounty ....... (Pert 2) .A ........ ~ A Ml .cAl. flOR1lWT Off DIZZY'-.LllPll One "' Gllllp6e'• --flmoua COii IPOllllcM• ,,,... ..,... fie h'fl cni tor an ........ Ill glllllllee Sito ... ... "' ... ''Crown Prtnce Of.-&." (A) NO. NATICltW. CMlOCIMl'tC IP'IQAl ..,,. 8tlarb'' Ex1re0rdl-""""ui• •• ., ~ ~ • "' --"-'* tMd. ,.. ... ..,, ..... ..,.,.,.. • ... panpec> thie on ltllil ,.....ti and ............ Q 4:00. ALL THltcll ruMIC E ilD ....::W. The ec:onomlc. pollUcej iind~ ..... of" ..... 1ttee1," Amerio• 11 ,...,..... by l'IOMI 94.llln 8lf!mblro and hnford Ung1t at ~ Pubic Radio'• nlgllty ~ .... (l)lOM .'°'91 MID ltJIAN ANTON P«toi ... 111 tor -""' t11M klflll*. Tom -. and .....,, Anlolt dGJte • LAI V..-IUCllancll In tNI ....... VIDEO MOVIES SIQEEN HERE Sun day specials .INllJNtl 17, -'-MON••• ~ 5 --··Cli-4.\L ~ PN.lt TILeTHON .... "Wffkend With Tiie !" 8tarl" ~ """· Peul .... Ar*a and 0-W --SE! ..... .... °' ....... ~ In tMfowtll--~ .. ~ to .. tllMled IM frOfll Loi AnOlill and NewYor1l. (J)~XW ~ .,._ ...,.. )'OU lhlnOI ..,..., than trulfl. •ow INll -. and zanier thin ~ yuu•w _., .... In ... 11'°°'9 pt-. entlllonl from the Stlow- tlme 8lzatte lbrary . 6:10 (%) AWAl'I» TIME "Chartll C1lamplln Md Tiie Dlrecton'' l:OO. MICAL DAZZ1.E TheUttte~ ...... tuted In -.n c:lpe and lhOrU. A#IMNOOH 4:00. NOT .. A THOU8AHD ftAM All~of tN ~ lllOn In ZlmblbWe--... ... ~ by Ar#tOff'I IAwll of ... r-'Y ~ pendent A"1cen country'• Prlnle Mlnllter Aol>ert Mugebe. ·YOUNll~ lfllCW. "The 8'1.W' A dNO lnWlllgilllon at • loc:.i Ice r1nk deelr~ • young ............ lonl. } ' - i From Page3 i we&.a1u l28 1LM ~ .... ~ i-u.. ...... ~-'6 ............ ..... ·c ,_CMRIMsand...,.. LI. .............. ....., sit ,_.,Mill ...,., ...... .::i • IMt ~ • ...,. ~ =and ••~•r• _2 we• lllMCwmtTHI 8TMI Q: 8°"'9 ot ttl9 wortd'I tor. lnOll r •ti •• Ind an .,..o1·~-- pertorwi • --ot --geroue. ~IQ llld llumoroua ......... ~ ,W....and~lftlllt ........ ®8TNC*a M>OM "ONLY "All f-*'O At TN._.. ........ Georvl HiMlllGn ,....,_..w.11119 hf!llMMClillllt ..... ln ,.,. tlelurtne ..... ~ u-. pre anltc• ~ .. and tapnOtctl ......,.. '**~--10:*»(1)WONCM Betry . 8oetwlC*. ........ ..._.llld.-..T-4ot .. amono._~ .... lallluted In ... ....... b..ad on luldr9dl ol ......... C01•1• t ~ jcunalll /..,.,. .... T.ul. 11::9 (l)WHAT'8 UP nBICA ,.....,. ........ °' Alnartce'• .,.. bual- .,..,., ...... and • look ............... c:irme -pdo ........ 1:11. THI .aM "°" n....-.•--ol .. ,.,T_. .. ...._ ............. ..... , .......... tnelRTM..._Ot 1 U..." .. ®~RDOlll 0-.¥ MM ...... ,.. The MOlllrl ....... 8aof9a ....... .............. ......, ..... ~ .... In =:o~=•==c:=;-==-"...-0 ................. ... --. pre 111Pia ~ .................. ............. Monday specials. INNNfl•- w®...,...a.D 0...., .. .....,,..,.. ..... ,.,......bar ....... ..... ..,,... ................ ~ wrli>QWllW\ THI ILAOK L8DPMD °' mY\.OM .............. and ,...,.....,.. ... "'_ ........ ... In °"'°"' .......... ,...,.. ...... Ollllt""' ..... .. ...... (Pwt 1) -®THlftMT*TWAI: .. , ,... O'Nlm ri.... .... look ... --...... .... ~"'--~ ..... .. TRIBUTE TO ROY ACUFF -Country music performer Tom T. Hall ( rilbt> presents le1endary country music star Roy Acuff with one of~veral awards durinc lapin& at~ Grand OleOpry in.N~hvllle of 'Roy Acuff ... 50 .Years the Kine «?f Country Musac. to be_ telecast on NBC <Cb . 4> Tuesday at 9 p.m . ....... GUllhm•-- -poal (Pwt 1) .... w®tw.CHmnM u-acrew ~ Al•fl•lt ,...., ... .... .... .......... . ...... _....,.... ................ ........... a.. .. , ...... .. (l)DOr'8wmT ......... ~ .... ..... ec.w ._.... ,.,..._ ....... ............. ......,.-.,,_ .. ~­• ,._..T..._ .• t:IO®TMIWM1*TW. 1111 ,..,. ()'Neal ......... ........ ,....... ........... ~ -D ,.,...,."'THI ............... look ..... __ ......... ............... , .. .......w .. -.o1 ................ ...... ,......,.,,. THllllHT • • The pOlllofl cl .. AMM- CM ...... In ...,.. wond .......... 10:IO. WHAT'I NIH'Y wm4 THllllHT TN pOllllM ol .. Aleearl-_,.... ........... ".Mfll'&wt.'"' i5""--· ........ ... _,..... ..... .. ..,,.... ............... . .............. timF,a,.. ... .... O'lllill ...... ............... Tuesday Ss>e(lals JltllllAJMf ..... .., .... .... (l),..WMICYWIRO OIJCIMnM-IW .....--o... .. a:> ..... --.. ..-~ ........ .... ........ -..... ... ...... (l)S •ICILYW Ollltl I 11• 0•0 It ..... ................. ............. "-· ............. ........ , ... 1151 .... _ .. .. ............ Md, Diii" and ''How To -.0. ... ....... ""'°"' ,.._T,,_," 7* <JI).,.._ TAU. TA&.m u.dwll .... ~ .... ... ..__. ..... .. ®NYmMOTMI MU .......... ~ ..... ltw an...,.. .,....,. ~ .... ..... ,,.,..,. l:GOOl)fMWM:THl- Dll* c.-............. jollr'MI ot .. ,...,.., ...... ... .,..,. wllldl ...... ~In .. "Roar· "",....... .. #i&SIGDll -W(l),.,..N9THI wour .......... on."'911 .............. ........... ~ .... ...... ,,......,. .. (1)-•A,,_. wr19'.., ............... ., ... , .. , ..... ... ..,.,, ................. tal I •W .. -_ .... •••1• ................. tt•;:,MIULM IDJUmtlN ................ ....... •1r11-. .... MM ........ ...... __ _.. .. ... Oa11 , .... , ..i ..... flalle\. 1:11(JI)•.A1"1m- wr19' WON> M•n-on-tllo-etroot ,....a,... Md ..,.,, .......... 111 ... ... ..., .. ---.......... , ~ ............. .. ....-, . 4=11(1)11*.am~ .,._MTON ,.fom•11 tar ._ tint .,_ ......,, TOM JoMI . .._~--· ... -.. ..... 1n ... ........ l&MIC ....... mil.Gii ....... ., ..... end ,........,.. ... In ................. 1110.,.. loft. ol • 11o1y man wtto ,... Olm ......... oull lrorri • ~ ...... cPwt I) ........ '°"""" The ... ot woodoal .. -.... Cfl!IMN9, ~ ota ... otlNnlaluf9.,.. .,.,... ,....,.,Ill~ ry, .. docluleMntad. AFIZJIOOM llOO ea ITl!WART Roca mutlc'• relgnlno "'* ... ~ ...,.. In ... concert. tlPed .... et the Forum In Loe Anglle9. llflOlno many ol 1111 "" lln-glal ..... cute trom ICllMolllll .... ... ~ INCeAL "A ...._ Of Time'' A ..... girt ....,. ttlet .. ,...,. ·~ ot c:Mo os."'Q Cl) a.a HIM A determlfted 1lt1i.i. ,...... to llC NI hancllalp hold lllftt b•ck from becOfillno an Olymplc dlMlpkln. a:I09 AFIZdCHOOl INCW. "A ..... Of Tllna" A ..... girt .....,. lflat lw lldW .. c¥r'I ot --OS. (IQQ Cl) THI NIW MAID A ,.. !Mid beoofll8I a MW and lllUCif'o-4 11 lie~ Irland to • 11tt91 ~· .. Cl)OV'MT\R A ....... .,._ pum ttue ........ to tf'8Wl In ... ...,, ............ .-(l)WONQNll -.ny ...... EINirl ........-i1nct.-..r.,_ ......... ,.., .... . ...... In ... ... ._..°"..,......, ...... .... ....,.... 11¥ ...,.....,..,.,....,. T ..... .. <II> HUNTIR'9 eoc.o Delller -..:11 .... ........ 1..,.., ... ~ • ........... ..a.a .............. (Pwt 4) -.... Thursday specials .MMJNl't It, -.., ..... MO® NTIRMO THI "°" -Bolger ... one-man ..._tar an.,.,_ oroMetrt ptaytne o:o mullC al ProkolW. to*»® Ctml .. OONCIRT An .. .._... fliOl*lub ~for~ frOfil tile lportlng Qlb In ...,,... cono II .,,...,..s ...... .. • -.n mont-oe al a.'• ~ --with 8omy8ono. AfiLUIOOM 12:00 Cl) I.NF-A-THON A c:Gli 1111111 MIC and tour oomlc ~ wtoo compete .,.met one ~-........... UllCall00'9d OCllMdr 09fM ..... ... ®CHAN.-CHAl'UN: THaUTTU~ Hoet Joel Qrwr d""'•""ou•.--ttie ~,....al Clllplrl'• mrwr wflll a 11 SS ¥1 • of -of 1111 tame.II ....... lftdudlnt M'fM T'*"P," "TN fll*" and -''SllaloafMd," NO(l)~l .. THI Kl'rtltawmt .w. Allllfl.-ooe ........... ..... OOGldllg .. OllUdl. ...... ... 8NW4¥MatM .. OONCIRT ..,. v....-.·. IJncloM. s-81111 .......... .... ...... CA> .... WffNIR ....... .._,...MCI ...... d ...... Ml ""'*"°'Y CGnlpany .................. p;attM•a: ol........., I • ......... ____ ~ ... (l)WM.T~ ..-n.nt 'llllNL ... _ ......... yal ........ ., ... °""'¥ ...... .......... .. ......... 111 SSSOd In ..... 11¥ ... °""'¥ ... ...... ... '"' .•.. "' uw. Doll ONlg end --Kit-.. ......... Alel9t-................. ..... -.. .... ...... ., ........... !ML -· WHAT'ea..f °'THI a..r David lcilloentm1n ,,...,_ ...... dllau9- llon IOalllnt • .... .. .... ... _ ....... . .... ....... al .. ................... ...... "' ......... ........... (1)..-. "°"" ...., ..... l'Ull """" ..,.,.., ttien """" .................. --~~ .... -. XYLOPHIL;E XP-64 in · solid oak or walnut, dou- ble smoked glass doors, 4 adjustable shelves and casters. Truly the finest furniture available! IARZILAY GR·S in walnut or oak veneers on 11A inch hardwood . Double smoked glass door with sol id oak or walnut handles. The"' best ·buy we've . seenl . I . ~ I: • t- ... . ... , SADDLEIACI IMW 28402 Marguerite P&rkWay Mission Viejo 831·2040 -49M949 ROY CARVER Ul4W 154'0 Jamboree Road 'Newport Beach .....:640.6444 . loi Met.ARENS 1MW .At Beach Blvd. & Wtiittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -13S-3171 CADILLAC ATLAS CHIYSLIR.PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. ·Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN ..WPOIT DATSUN 888 OOve Street _ N~ Beach -133-1300 LINCOLN-MERCURY ~MSON&SOM UMCPl,.M-MERCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 .. SANTA ANA . w UNCOLN-MBlCUltY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-051 I r FRANK PROTO UNCOLM-MRCURY 16800 Beach Blvd.,·~"'"" Hu ntiqgton Beach .. 841-77,39 -- MAZD A I' PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892·665 I -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM; IMC. 445 E. · Q:>ast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 llLL VAN PORSCHE-AUDI 1363f Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB . llACH IMPORTS , .. ,, 848 Dove'S-treet -· · ·Newport Beach ....:... 752-:0900 TOYOTA --~· "'EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Qlsta Mesa -646-9303 . MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. - Runti~9ton Beach 1~7-ISSJ ,~~..c~.-~::~~r..;,; VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLISWAGEM 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach ·20QO _ Friday sports JNIAMltt11,- NIL ICICllt t:ao. CROii OOUNnW -~ "Chlllng Alltd DownMI'' The ........ ol '*"1r9-bone. MOW plow and ,_ .......... ,.,......"' -... ~~ ....... p_.. -Loi ~LAUrl 1:00®-THmNl'l ..... lAft '*"°" and Nie*~ P'WR 1110111191111 or crlt1c11 _..,...,...Ind ... ..,._, 11:00• UBICWIM ,,.;=ww u.cRML.L AttmM-.uec Saturday sports JMaJltlt'( .... -..... AFIS IDCIM ~--.). . .... WON..D"" ~ Tiie """"' ............ . "', ......... ~ ..... (INM CMIMlt. "'-k WOrtd Clllp DoMM .... .,...ii ..... ~ ........ MAmll •II.UM' .._ Yort COIMOI ve. Seo ,... ... flf\.MVllWNfO , .. ... • ... WON..D"' ~ n. ....... CllDll ll ...... Ill f 7 SI II Wiil Dllfl9r Wortd .,_ °"""°' "'-k w.wei. ........ .... ~n .... -.... .eocml ... 11 --- Jan. 24, on CBS (Ch. 2L Super Sunday will feature the San Francfsco 49ers and the Cincinnati Beqals. ----·~U.ICA ''Ccllltl HodllJ; .... ... v...._ ...... NtQl)mMIMINIC ~ ....... (ll)OL.VWW> ..,.. .......... --1.:= ~. UClA (ll)OQI:!. Mlllll'M.L ~ ... uec -sunday sports MGN•ll ... (1) .. Ula'nlM.L ns11 a·.,... ...... n: .... ............ ~-~ .. ... LAlllll 1i.t(Jl)-1"1 WL "°"' &al ~ ... ... 11111011 ...-.. """511M1ol .. NCMd ..C•••··--................. ......... Ni ( FCll Costa Mesa's Only Ccnriplete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths .. ... ORGI I OOIM'M' • •eattOOL '"T"'*'O And ....... The *Ptum.lllelngturnand ...... turn .. dllftQh. ......... 11:11. lllOIJT8 ,.._,_ Monday sports -·-~ ...00'._ u.cRML.L ...... 10" AlteDM ...... UClA Tuesday sports Mll'vtf .. - ~ ... Lwtll•~ -.. .............. ==--.... --·-=··-------"Cl ••• Mii.,...... Te.Md ftJUof ....... ..,_.,_ ... ,.. ---~~"' See Sf'O"U, Page 9 t 7. ) I r ANGIE DICKINSON ..• Gets new NBC <Ch .•> show called "Cassie& Co." OB, aaonn:a -h Brlaa Doyle·•uray of "SatudaJ N11M Uve" re1a&ed a. BUI •uray , .... &lie ... ea&f BriallJI Bill's older brother. llEll'Vr8 llBIGBT -Pleue tell me wtaat Bene ............... ree.ned MICll& la. Cu JM alao &ell .. If lie ... la • .,,. Qua a.at C.-W-'t a.. Stnllk''f . Tbe diminutive.star of "Fantasy Island" la 3 feet 11. ~tall ... ViUechaile hu-aes>e~in two movtes ~ ~AJ)iled ,erime, '"'ftatt o.li 1'at Co"*talilltaralllll• Ucl "Cr.-, Joe." . ILTma SllOi't -IM-... ._..., of ''1!11111 la .....,. •• r.•'9.~;u left-'• wUe la tlae mnle .. Int'' M 819& llke lier. Tbe independent llta. , .. _... ,vu played by Blythe Danner, wbo ltRrei..,....te Ken Boward in the orilina1 Broadway production as well. The hto weal on to star fo TV'• abort-lived wenion of "Adam's Rib." BY IU'F PAllK.BS ..... .-...... • 1'11ree of tbi• country's most p01N1ar perfdrmen -111ekeJ Rooney, Rock Budlan ud AalM Dk*'Dl!OO -WW star in their own sbowa set to premien soon on NBC. Rooney's comedy aer&•. ''One of the Boys," Hudson's "Devlia Connecdon" ancl Dlckimoo's "Cuale & Co." wiU be launched with the netwdrk's blesslnga on Jan. 21, Feb. 6 anCI Jan. 21, respecUvely ... A look at U.. world's flnt recording star, Enrico Caruso, ia Ht for Jan. 16 at 9:ao p.w. OD• NBC. Tbll "!Me From Studio 811" production will ttud)' tbe blstory ol Caruso -the 18th chiJd of a Naple1 mechanic -and bls rise to stardom u one ol the creat tenor of the world . . . An in·deptb look at Franklin pelano RooieYelt. ''Nothlne to Pear -tbe ~y ol PDa," ii set to run Jan. M~ HoMed by newsman Jolm Rmt, tbis one-bour apedal wW aae historical footaae and contemporary ftlm to eap&ore tbe ute and le,acy ol Roolevelt. who w• born 100 yean a10. Says Hart: "Pranklln Romnelt la Ute symbol of a time when lost bopea ...-.tllli1led around, a failed system was rerived Mid •••W. apd when Americana who bad Jon _, IMa ol wbo they wefe u a natloo anymore fouad an identity through the adversities of el"CIDOIDic famine and a war •laimt unthinkable evil ... " FOR SEAL -Wltat wu &lie ume of tlae llrl wllo played &lie role of Baule McCoy• Ck aeries "TM Seal lkOfJ'a''? Lydia Reed played the teen·ate "Aunt" Hassie, Lute's little slater. TALENTED TOii -Wu Tom Selleek Ute orl&laal •artMn llH! No. Selleck wu first spotted by talent scouts in a ~ ci1arette ad, for which the ad a1eoey had paintA!d bis hazel eyes blue. IN LOVE -Dld Teresa Grave1 ef .. Get Cllrilde Love!" mroa .. Laqla·~" at.eU.e! You bet )'our bippy. Graves appeartd on "Laugh-In" for one season (1981-10) and was often seen oppc>lite Goklie Hawn in the tralfttl·blkini bits they used to do durinc1he d1sco seen~. .!end tpur-ldtna IO P~O'Brla, Uftilfd Feotvrt SrncficcU, JOO Parle Awnu., ltoom 80I, NN Yorlt, N.Y. 10166. Ray Bradbury's short story, "I Sing the Body Electric," ..bu t;een made into a one·bour televialon special set for Jan. 17. ln this venion, lfaureen 9tapleton plays ao electric 1randmother who is leased by a man to care for bi.I three 1randch1Jdttb. "ll wua't cliffieult 1ettin1 into this role," she aahl. "I saw her u a regular 1ranclmother who t.rlea to be bdpl\&J to a nice family, just as real trr•ndmothen are supposed to do. It's a lovely role. '!be only difficult tbln& was holdin1 stuff in my band and baftnl equipment put on my arm - t.ryln11 to look normal whUe eocoa, oranp julce or milk poured from mY ftttgers. The special effects people took care of that ... '' "Fallea Aofel," the CB.5 television movie dealln& with thild porno,rapby and atrial lut February. ha. woo the Odyssey lnstitilte Media ·"warda competition for ''the importdt meuaie lt conveyed to the American people." The movie starred Melinda Dillon. Dana Hill, Richard lfuur and Ronny Q>x id a drama about the sexual abuse of chUdreO for profit ... James Brolib, Piper Laurie and Roddy I McDowall have been cast to join Ano Jillian in ''Mae West,'' a two-hour tv movie baaed on the life ' of the-leaendarJ sex 1oddess. Broltn is cast u · Mae's adoriq lover·mana1er; Laurie is set to See NBC'a. Page 21 FILL IW Tl4E Ml~SIN<i l..E1TEI?? ltJ IH6 ''TV ~" BEL.OW. I lAIRIRI I IMI I iilAIN I I 161 Rl'/J IMI ISOlfJI I It lckl I ILIA! I~ " I ~~11<1 l&ISI ~~~~~ ~ ~EA~NJGE iHE ~Al ,..s11t. If • Leif'~~ You flt.LED '~ ·~ p;l i•o sreu. !HE ~~A I COIMOWlf NmJR= f I I I I I I I I I ·'/JOhdd --~ ~,.... J 1MSVW ~ ~W lt#IH ;'~ 3 Mr. Llttle'a PJ decor ~ WKAP MW1man $ Uptodat• e HelghbofallncH• 7 O.¥td -Stiers 8 Clartt K.,W'a glf1 9 -~.,.Langdon 10 -Cid 11 OIMe -John 14 TV pattern 20 Who'a- 22 -and.My Gal a3 &alln 0t Clalre a Maclemlet 21 hefltMn JO l(ln Shriner ICM 31 AH AIM:lut- 34 -St~ 3S Attllathe-I al .... .,...._, 31 ,,. Hbeol\ ,....,. 31 Stafl on Tutc ,~ 40 MIN,__ 42 Dana and C~by 44 Woody or Ste9e 46 Poelman'• burden 47 J11ettet 50 -Olavolo 52 AfterMon. ~ -the'rown 57 Mias Ftemtno·• sign.off SOLUTION EDITOR'S NOTE -In the ltlOt,, lw toa1 the "ltot new comic." In tM 1970•, tlw iconocloafic comfdbt; .ome IOid ~. at times. Where i.t ~ COTb DI ilk 'IOs? At +I, M loolu back on lab career -Clftd ahead. By llAltY CAMPBELL AP"ourz••.,.. NEW YORK -"There's such a thin' u being lbe bot new com.le," says comedian Geaa-te Carlin lo a reminiscent tone. "You're found and put on TV~ You have a chance to tJe IT fM a year or two. "I bad my opportunJly for that. n can't happen to you more than once. Some of~ them immediately get right into sit.uatioa comedies and acting in movies. ··I was far more interested in perfeetln1, developing and ~lining my stand·up comic skills. 1 didn't take those other oilers when they came for me. I didn't feel qwte secure u an ktor. I tbink up my material and deliver It staMin1 up. I fell I bad longevity coming to me in that area and J wanted to prove It." ' Carlin bas luted, since Merv Griffin booted him on TV u 1~·s hot new comic. His career bu bad hairpin. curves, downs, ups, turnoffs and wrecks, but he's still known as Georte Carlin, stand-~ comic. .. Now 44, be says, "I do believe ln surges in a career. J'm getting ready, as far as I 'm concerned, for my big surge." He bas a new record out, "A Place for My Stuff." Some was taped last Auaust at the Sahara Hot.el in Laa Vegas and some wa done, a flnl for him, at a recordin1 studio. He .bad six money-matins albums from 1972 to lt'll, all taped at live shows. _ He baa "PQt to death" an experimental movie be was making in Canada and is shopplna around cable TV networks instead. He bu a boot. "A Laugh ls a Smile with a Rote iD lt," to be publiabed next year. Carlin says, "I've been doina concerts all along, kept my ankte firmly in sbow bual.aesa, and six or seven times a year I boet TV talk shows. "LerUo>' it oo the road. I stand OD staae and deliver my stories. I know I.can do it. It isn't a point of challenge any more, but I try to execute it tbe best J can. "But stretcb.1n1 yourseU and trJiDI to eJQ)Uld is Where tbe bi1 thrilJS in life are. Tbe urge I feet lately to stay lone months off the road and try to establish aome new material and new ideu on paper is proof to me that tbeee lut few years.. I wu developiq eome new directiooa witbln me. lt is a very satisfyinc pull to know that 10methln1 la beinf bom in you. I 1et happy feellnas. Utt.le tln1Jes, positive nervousness about tblnldn1 ol these thlnp." Carlin writes all bia own material and he's bis own flnt audience, judtinl what's funny. "I stay mentally healthy by the prism of humor tbroucb w~cb everytbiq puaes for me. My father wu a ,real storyteller and a funoy man. He Wled to be able to make my modter laqb. I take.areal pleasure in that wttb my wtft, Brenda. ''Brenda and I met in Dayton. I wu a member . of tbe team ol Bums and Carlin aDd abe was a boste11 wbere we were wortln1. Lookl is 1enera1Jy tbe lint Wot that bappem with boy and rlrl, but rilbt away, wben I spoke to ber, her humor came throueh ber penonallty. It was defillltely a ,..eat part of the attradloa for me. ··we Jive our life iD a alee lllbt awmer, wttfl Dl•llQ ti ...... ..S Id .... • ua •ate me . la•P." ................ -and ..... ODly ....... _, . .......... =-=.~c: •• ;; .. __ ... Wit~ .... , tMa ==ni~r.t~~.._.IM '= ....... _.. ..... ....... ;ii.;iittillii~-:-...... GEORGE CARLIN ... He had a few ups and downs during his career. New York ln 1963 and slarted lbe "bot new comic" climb. "I became a TV regular and oiptdub regular and a fairly successful openiq aet ln Ve1aa," Carlin says. "I waa doing a lot of characten and spoofs. I didn't do politics. PoUUciana are quite irrelevant, although tbey have lbe power to blow up the workl. I don't cooaider tbem worth joki.n& about." He also grew tired of bis "middle-claaa, mlddJe..ap, middle-brow" audience. One niaht in Laa vesaa In lt70, be did • rout.iae baaed OD different meaninp of a dirty word. A pa&roa toot offense. The hotel fired him. He was relldy to be fired. "J wu ripe to break out ol my ..U-lmpoHd restricUooa," Carlin says. "I wun't us1D1 50 percent ol my potential. It freed me to use all of my comic teaourcea." S"m Highlighb From Page 7 Wednesday ·sports JltllAJNtr .. --Ne(B)..aOWUM LWIWI&& .-SllOIOYI .......... PfOfff ... nel .. rte ...... ...... lllld ltr tll• •·tlll .. oMrt ............. _ .. .....IL Ofttl•YrrWM ·-IR, t ..... ...... a.-.-. ,..;-.:::;,maua. &M ~ Ullert -. .... ...., .. Thursday sports ICA m 1 IO •••••••••••••••••••••••• 'IJt" ICA YFT I tO •••••••••••••••••••••••• •llf" ICA "' 4IO •••••••••••••••••••••••• '7tt" W/WIRELESS REMOTE ICA "' 6IO •••••••••••••••••••••• ' I ,07t" W/WIAELESS REMOTE 1CA W 171 ••••••••.•••••••••••••.. 't7t- <PORTABLEJ ICA CCOIO •••••••••••••••••••••••• '76,.. <CAMERA) • "'HI ONE YEM -~----.I VWM .. .,.,.....__,..., SUPERBOWL WEEKEND SPECIAU Juuary 22 • 25 RENT ON FRIDAY 11tRU SUNDAY REnJRN ON MONDAY ...A-. Sfilllleb4 DA\'St Al,.,... ............ . ....._.,,..r..,. · WIStdff CllilllflCtic Office \ {. LJ£ t«S w:-f : Z6 ;pa -~ .,.__....__.-.r__....,._._ • ... -;"""-""--. ' Pilot TV Log. Fri<My, Jwluery 15, 1982 . g ...... ii ...... ...... ··. .. . . f 'i _,,., ~ ...-·o ~-·=; -.:J en e11 .,. ~ ~ ,.... ~-i ~,~ o c0 = ~ . 3.q · I I I I I I I I I I I I & I I I I I I I . I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I 8 I -I 1 ~ ' tfr iM I i:!l I .Q, , .. i I I llJ 'I iJ~I ... 11-·· '<I• "' l~i IJ 1 t · t · _111 · ·~· r ... "lu11 ·1 ·:· ... · ·· " l,.1 1 " i,•I ~ i .. i, · r1 .... ·i; t•l 1« .. ,It:·~ J ~JIL::·i! ',,, q ·I ' '.I ' '.I If I' ' l ·I · .. i . :.II '·I! i ~ i Pl( JU IU' ' ''' , '.l i • J, -,,, II I ,, if 11~· ii !if i .J II ·. I' JI, ... ,... . 'I 1• ~.,,Iii iii (2 ·~· ' I ,, i ... , . " ... , ~ 'l " pr. " 1 " " .. I • i ~a ". ... r.' ~. " " " .l~P@ ... i If J .. n .. ·f If .( IJ ·f .. .I .. J : . J IJlf .. I( . ·~I .. fJ j • i .ftfJ .. li ·i'~ ..... IJl .i,!l ~ if r ii I i"" . i Qi I iii'~ I i I ·~ I' iJ ~I ~ I~ I -i-< -., i f k r 'f IJ . '\' '-' hr .. 1 · .. r "ff •t · ·r .. · ·~.... " Ii~ ir · J_•I ·:fl "11 · l• "f .. 1•2 ~r1 J!f ·~J .r r~ ·f !i ... .ii ~nil' .. , . ~f ~1 .. .i .. ·i .r .... i al .. ~tr .... ~J :. ~·p i!P . i • l • 1· '._ ~ ~ 1 11H · · .1.11111 .. i·I · ·fA 11r .r ·I · · .rpptjli · · .1 · .11 · .;1 Ja@ :1°1 ·IU ···I····:· .1 _ :Ja@ . ppr ' ' .f ' .ff ·Ir ·~r ii_f 1 ·f U~!Jj rr I Jlif ' ' . 'Ufl i:• ~ .If' :~I! .pi~' .1 ' .ff . l• ~ ... . · . ,-... ··· ·J .. Pil ·f _ .f .. _._. ~UJ U1! . JI 'Jr .. If iif' .f ·f .... ~1 f I je:t ·I'' f J ·If Hf .f · · (f J~ { •·t ._fii~IJUi .J'flf 'lit f 1n :IJf ' .If ff(! ff f I ' ' ' ' ' ';lr~~i J• g ilj! ' ';Ir ' .l(f 1lllil~ f i• _R = .,, ,. 1'!, f Pl . 'ij un ·Jf ff Pl~f f i n1r if I; . .ff iJif ' ' ' ' ' .. ' '-~-S. :. "' ' Ill n;~111r~i . 4• 1;; I I '· -'"' ' . ~ ~ • l;J:". • ! ff . L~ .. -... -. ; -I ' . i ' I.; -i 1J~l•i 1 •:'ifli':fl'l=•1111j8~~1;1!1J~11 1 111•11f t1~=·=111·111•11!i~!i@r2r1~1·11•11~1· 11 . !=,u!f1U~i 1 · i:~p1·i i iii hi ;,If 1f1;111H!1l· 1;;1!~ 1 1n IJ!i1:i!il11j1 U :1111111.1 ii : : · · -·· · ·-.. 1 rt 1 Slll I l1ilf Jf f. llllil J1;f1 It S rl sr · J t Ir I ,, ' ~. ' - -.... . I KABC ., 9:00 -"Darkroom.'' A drama critic is stalked by a distraught actor. KNBC e 10 : oo .. Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters." Conway Twitty and Patrick Duffy are guests. ~ IJ 10: 30 -.. Martin Luther King: ~.Man and His Dream." A speciaJ s~lute to Martin King Jr. on hi's birthday . fr!der! Details From Page io -- .. ,,...; 11111 C1oni; • **·~· ..... >-tlonal lkl·JuftlJ tMM; Joyce Kulhawlk on 1111ployar-.apon1orad ,_cMle;~~ _....,.~lnh ·~ ••• ~ 8*11" ( 1171) Dell ,,,,,_ JI~ MM-..,. .....,_ ®lllOW •••'6 "My ~ .. (1171) Qvta M•IPMQe. AclMI llllldwln.. (l)lllOW •• • ..,,,.. 1'11nlly" (1tl0) Giida Aldrs. 8oCI ~ .MOVll • • • "Coal Miner'• DellgtMr'' I 1MO) ~ lpacek, Tommy lH Jolm. .. •a 90IOM IUDml """ ...... .,.. UNlllle to dec*il on """° lllCMd .._lnan~com­ lllll'dlt, 1111'11 ... dedeloll l.!e.'°Alll¥·Q • YOU AllCID '°" rr ,..,...._ ''The Hunwl AM" and ...,,...,. ,,... .. ;:a •• ., • u.... • .,. .,,le , .. , .. (llE a.. .... , ... , .. ~, ........ ...,., ......... ............. -~) .... ,..., ......~ .. ~~ .. -.._..._.,, . ..................... ...._ ............. .,.._.,_-4....,... ...... 1111,e 11' .,.......,...., .... ei.-- i. .. y ,__af.,....,........,~. ..... .,, .............. _ ... _9-il.1_.. .......... .., .. 0.-....,. c-Dally Nae. j KFU8 • ...... KC8T •• ...... 1o:F :::· =: : ~ :~ =- NII Tc,., Ten cll'9 Vtrnt'' 300 2Wlfl You IO MoN: 500 Nfl~ &PYMw ao 600 cas ..... ...... 700 lns..dl OL ao 01nCe F.- 00 Wiit 8. '*" 900 C8S McMe: "Hllp IO WllMd: ....... 10: ..... ... . , ·~,,. llowWI Tour " KAm CJ ...... M.A.S.H CBSNNI ..... C8SMoiM: . ..., Wlfltld: ..... KC8T m ...... NBCNNI ..... lMFrom StudlolH: ..... SCTV NllWOltl IO ICTTV • ... ...... Soul Trlin KT1V • ... ...... .. ., .. KCOP •• '-Allllll MoN: "TIUI Ttffor" KOOP • '-...... Adlnl-t2 Adlnl-12 Solid Gold ... ..... ..... .. KCEr •• Toll AnnculCld SOCX* Mldlln LllOn E.-111 " * Not lnA ThcMMd y ... 2 ______ sq Satuldaf • ' . Beta••·· JN/AJNt't .. - ~ 1MI •.. llMCtt Oii-,.._. ...... • THI MMD\' 90'l9 I MNIC'f ... lih61SM Thetwdra..end~ ar.. ""'"' INo don .. • ~ COllMntion wflln 1*11C'f I Ill ... P99' durtnt • ,.., a a II .,_...,..,,(PM 2) • u:us•aw.x ....... To ........ • c:tCICM.IT OUT' (PNmiere) FMtind: 1 IOOk It ............ modlf. "'8 Ind aMll ,...., '°"" riding C*9. • MATl&ATTHI ~ ~''The ....... ....,... ('1944)...,.,. J. cemt ftlilltl: • ,.. ~- toon: two ..... end • , ... ...... •mwm.TIU ~ ,,..,... ... -....c $0 17 '°' .... ...... ............ •nt1~ OulM: ~ o.,11. ~tulCMI • * * "Tiie ...,.. Of A19'et1" (1H1) Yee.et ........... ~ (J)tulCMI •• "flll:Nnf'• ~ 7•9 WU:ULftALSY ~ "WHlllnd With The ...,... JolWI """· ,.. MM n ,Dliril ,..,_ lllllllt•ceMol~ llt .. tour1h .... ,..._. -~tollll ..... - M frofll Loe Mgllll llld .... Yd. QITHE~ Owlt; Dudley Moen. e:ooe(I) WALT~ '"T1... Of Thi Apple ~Geno''~ glm- tl4er belllg c:flMld ~ • bcx.ruty • 11unter ... two ;r-~0-· NAOOCK "Alcll '" T1ll 'Pllloe" ....,,. ........... In IN WI roll ol tllle .,.,._ ,..,._,, b-.d on L..- c.tt11 "Allee In Wonder· lilnd"' end ''nnugh .. Loolllnl GIMI,.. lbout • ~ount glrl'1 11119lc1I ........... • ICINl'8 Ca.IND>ll•lllNUGla (.,,.,..,.) A C11o1Hn1t ,..,., ...... • lllllkNncl .,.,.. io • .,,... Cllfomla .... to a.1111 "" lnflln. tlftOe llld IUrt ·--· • tulCMI • * . .,,. Munter Qlnlc" (1 ... ) Wlllllft kger. ,,........,.._ • wm:w. MUY Tan'HON "W"'9nd With The ...... John ..... ,..,. MM and~,..,_ MM aCMt o1.-.,.11w In .. tour1h ..... nlllloft.. See Saturday's. Page 13 CENTER FEStiVAl HALL GERMAN BAND Writer blasts Pro·cte-,: & Gamble By LYNDA muCe Hardin1 Lellay, whose Int major soap assipment wu u bead writer for "Search for Tomorrow," recently stated that Procter le Gamble does not ltnow bow to produce a soap any looser. Re wu especially caustic about tbeir desire ror r..,e teen•. Lelfay claims tbe final straw on "Search for Tomorrow" occurred when be did not want to do that ooe more "r.,.." storyline. He a1&o 11ys tbe reaaon for bla axlnt rt1ht after the Writen' Guild strike bad lo do witb tbe book be wrote, ''Eitbt Years In Another World," where be wu very open about P.O's soap-opera procedures and took many~ tbe company's executives lo taak. "Not true," claims one-time "Searcb Por Tomorrow" producer Mary Ellen BwU.n, who is now produclne "Al tbe World Tuma." Accord.int to BwUQ. Hardina bad UtUe respect for the art (orm aad was not very succesdul at it, wbicb wu tbe reuon be wu fired. Sbe did not dispute that be was powerful at one tlme, u bead writer for '' Anotbel' World,'' but does think his lut few years as "Ano&her World" bead scripter were aoytb.1nc but aucceutul. She says Pf9eter & Gamble was very aware of the boot and bis feelln1s about IOap operu before be was hir-S to bead-write S". In faet, Bunin says it wu very hard for PlcG to hire Leiby lmowtnc about the book, but did feel be mi&bt do a creditable job for "Search." Bunin. u the one who fired Le May, said tbat obviously their decislOll to hire hlm wu wronc and that sbe bu little respect for hlm u a soap opera • writer. TBB SNIPING CONTINUES: Pat J'alken Smith, now bead writer of "Days of Our Uves" and /onner bead writer of "General Hospital," had anotber 10 at Gloria Monty, producer of GR, on cable Mwork news Special "The Soap Bebind the SoQI." ID it, Falken Sm1tb said tbat abe simply did not want to wort for Gloria any more and IUrtbermore, "If the show bad been oo rad.lo I'm certain Gtoria would have done the actln1 parta as well." Pat also toot Tony Geary to wk and said at one point she aated him "to get a Writer's Guild c¥Ct because be waa doinl rewrites of the scripts and tben teUiq people in tbe media about it." l>at furtbler says that she .vent to Tony and asked him to kindly stop rewritinc continually and also said she wanted to know wbere tbe gracious, aratef\al youn1 man who came to her two years aao and tbanked her for livln& him tbe role or a lifetime blld gone. ID Tclny's defeue, Faiken Smitb said, "When I asked bim lo atop doln1 all tb1I rewriting, be stopped." Tony makes no secret tbat be feels that Luke la a very hnpo~ant part ol his career and that be does take liberties with the script . However, we believe that'• probably one or tbe reuom ~Y the cbaract.er ol Luke bu been so excitina. OD the other band, moat ot tbe GR actors stick to the aerlpta, and when they were beinl written by Falken Smitb, tbey rana true and were int.ereltinl, jat u they were wbea Dou1 Marland was wrttma it. Al for the new writ.era oa OH, we'll have to give them a bit more time because their mala ccmeerna to date have been 1ettilll rid or two major cbaraden -Bobbi and Laura. . By the way, wben Gloria Monty wu aued about Fallcen Smltb on the same cable network news special, Monty said a aradously aa she could) "Pat and I are dear friends. Sbe wu a ereat writ.-, and when her aub-wrlten left wltb her, they all wrote notes lo me 1a)'l.n1 they were sorry to be leaviJll." KNBC 8 8:00 -"Aliv& at the ' Palace." Meryl Streep stars in a . musical fantasy. KABC • 8:00 -''King's Crossing." Premiere. A family makes a last-chance move to California. KTI'V e 8:00 -"Cerebral Palsy . Telethon."-John Ritter of Three's Company co-hosts with singer/composer Paul Anka and game show host Dennis James. ~OCE 9 10: 00 -··Austin City Li mats." Kris Kristofferson performs his classics. From Page 12 •IPPlllltobe......, .. ""' Loe~ end -.YO!tl. .MCMI • • \t '""'9 c.lfofnll Klcf• ,,.,.., Ylo "°"'°"· *'1in --.: • Lft ON INITH ~· ·"n19 Infinite V.wty.. DwM A..,_ .. Oligll ..... IO ....... .......... end In wtleil Of'-.. &rtfl'• lftOte NA tour n.-on 1C*:ie1 ....... Q (Jl)MCMI • ** • ••AMwrectlon .. (1MO) Ellen ..,,..,.,, &Ml 8tltpn. (l)MCMI • * "Tll• lnorecllbl• 8llrtllldng Wonwn .. (1tl0) Liiy Tort*!. Ctw1el Gto- cln. .MCMI ••• "The Hunt.-. (1tTI) a-. Moauetn, e w• lldl. ... ~ ........... Aotw Oert end 0... .... dloo.e tM --~of 1911. NOe(J) MCMI ••Http Wentecl: Mele .. (Pr9Ml9f•) S1111nne ........... Olo..d. • MTIOMAL eeau.J.lltC .-:w. "The 8lwU" ~ wy IMdli ..... ""' •· • of flow lfltrtlt tied, ,._,~---­pra.tdel • ,.. ~ -Oii ... -= ....... end ......... Q • '"91111WOC)DWftlYW-IRlltlllM'lfnr'll ... "GrwMlpa -...,.... ~ unctarNI dlOPt 6oWn • n. damol11t11ili119 IN ;"".:of .. _ (fl) ***" ........ 0171) woody Allen, l.oulM '---· (%)MCMI . . .._ .. .... LM...,.. ITUllO IH: CMUIO .• , = Tiie .... YOftl ,.._"'°''" lo, OOf1 dtJ DU d Ii, ZUlllll ..... end ... opallen Oper9 ... Ptaddo OOM-..., ,...,... ........... .................. ........ c.wo. ,. Mllfltll't *MID .................. ........... "' .................... ................. ~--,, ..... ''Sold first day to the first person that called.'~. ~~tI@642-5678 charge ~~-by phone From South Lagun-. & Nbtth ounty call 540-1220 toll-free. THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS ~ II .... '11 ~ ~ i I I 1. ... pt -I 1 ·----._...-.-..... --... -{". ---.. -.. ----~-···· ·-·--~---.,,___,..-..-._..,._ -• --.. -••-• -• • •• • • • -• -• --•-""° ., • • " ..., • -I n . ----·-· ---- Pilot TV Log, Friday, Januaty 15, 1982 , -. ~ ~ ~ . . ~ i ~ ~ ")» ~ ~ c -e.o = '1 ~ CJ1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ c::> ~8 = '1 ==· I 8 t i I 8 I I I 8 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I = ~.' ffil .~Jf r1 ,I ;rii 8 : ::f i ·(jl ·I = .. I l'i . i·~ ·''' 1111 If .. . JI ''f! i•§ ' .. ·r • . lf . f I (i ·1 .. • ' : j 1, .-.;: r··-1 I ·. ,.._~,. ~...:.. !ff' , .,I . .i~I ' t :~ ..,, Ii .I ~ " .J f 9 l I ... r 11 :: . "1 1~11 '~P f li fi~J . ~ i.~ i•i ' i\£"' l ' • 'f :: : I I : . i .. I ~ ff 1 • '-•' ·-ea .I • f .I I!f 1 · ·II ~if I if .~fl 1r1 lflf ~,i .. f! i•2 l!'I .f if (iii i . _,_,_ \., : I 1 ... : t I 1 : • • ·~ : c l : l l : : 1·~· "' • I ;,i;; .. . .. -if5 J .. ~I~~ : : ij .. Ii ,( .I ·if' ... , IJlf 1ri1 ·111 i•i Ii 8 f if f ,af i i!f I ilP i•i i : ..rr i-....... 1 · ~·' ·.-:= 'ijl.< f • ·l s 8 . .. ...,. ~ t . I • .. .I ff .f "l~ ri ·' ~iJi 8 ='·I Jf ·~ lfr1 if : ,,i l 1i : ,!JJ ~'n l~f i ij'i ~iJJ i . .~·-1 ii " 'f : . ; : : : Jal . if li l•i ' i ~ :ff I ; .ii iii~ 111= .Iii .(if .~{I .~If ·1 I llii' f i .( i .. II .. JI ii J!f i iJfi ..f( i .'.". . . ., ~ l : : : I· . f 'l f'l ... . 2s ' ~i, -~ I .i~i : : J .. [( J ,; ":~ ill' If .. :: ,j IJ .. ! ,.f r et ~i 1~11 i~:: If ii' ~if J ·~ r . ~I i I . : t : : : : : : 1~ Je; I i ' -~ ii ai . . • I ;, ; .~ ii : : f ! .f i! : : ii ii :: ,, ~iii I ~f 11 je~, !Jil i 'J, ~--i : ~ : J : : : : : : : t : : : : : : : I : : : : : : : : ...... . .. .. . 1•.~~ ) .~ 1; it,. t 1 .: ' \. .. ~ . :, :··.Ir p· .. fl ·I if II ,~(I (~I' j'='I .f ,, ~·1 ~ r•\ i 8' ·~I . i•B . : :· t : : : : : i : : : : : t l : : : : : : : :: ·1 2 .. . I N N I a ,,, l f 2i f iii : =ii iffl liif "lfl iff i ,,ii 'Pl itli ~r ,(If 121 i ~I !l"I ff(i .. if (!fl fllf i ~ ·I ' J if 12 . 11 I' i-4 .JIB i s i ~. 5 ' -· . ·~t· ·in iUJ '=~jl iJP 1;11 <>1 or [1(1 f 111 ,f .f 111~ ~~12 I ,! f !r ~-~ ~ei§ ' • J : : : .1 I . t •' ' ., ~ I : •' ' ., • I ~. • . I., . Cl) I i ~ ' I . ~ I I I ; !:'Jff:8!up11:imt•1m11.•n; ,,r1H1•t:n:p!~:l!!ll:u:fif ~i§OU~!pf'~11:Pf il~i1: 11 ~ \: !~t 1 i~~1~U1:ltifli 1 rlj't:i · 1 1~!P1iU!il f !hiJllsl H 11 1 ,J ·j1U 1 i~1ti1t1h!f II I · . ·-:. l •-.f 21~ Ji,.g S J , ,, • . ~· • 1•! Ji' 11 lfi •1 ., I ,~ii ~ l llf!• if ' ;J~ :J~ fl ~' Jltr · iJfff !tflri' ~ ! i 111 ,J~ l . J risf~ 11 l1tl1g , '~ I . ... I I I I I • How To Deal With Sh~ CoDege Costs Sky rock~ fees and cutbacks In student aid have made a colege education tough to afford. In fact ... College costs rose by more than 13 per- cent last year alone ... Students can find flnanclal, relief for their tocreasmgly important college educations. f1nd OUI m . . {A'trro=rJf , -~ ..... The Q!ally Piiot's Sunda~in!_ FORWARD IN FASHION --Few have the vltlon . . . Wld courege to go FOJWard In F81hlon . . . to we. the latest . . . FIRSTI Panache Is for you ... d..-ingty eo . . . with the ..... loob ... at rally reMONble prices. For Juniors Wld Co~temporarya only. 1().5:30 A Skier~s Guide to California's Prime· Slopes J Do you want to avoid long Uft lines this season? Do you need a beginner's slope for the tots while you try your luck on the intermediate slopes. but don ·c know where to find such accommodations? P&cked powdei phenomenal weather conditions and plenty of resorts operating from Christmas to Easter are a California sk1er·s delight. if you know where to go Read about some of the best ski resort accom- modations in California and have a great time on the slopes this year ... KNBC e 7: 00 -''The Electric Grandmother." A harried widower hires an electric rrandmother to care for his children and hof1!e. · KTTV e 8:00 -''Los Angeles Film· Critics Awards." Presentation is live from the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. KNB·c 8 lJ:OO -"Magic with the' Stars." Top magicians and Hollywood stars perform. KABC D 9:00 -"The Onion Field ."' True story of a policeman who cracks up after his partner is murdered. From Page 14 t..--. (%)MCMI • * * ·~· (1M1) Jaril. Cean,T~Wtld. aao•(I) ONRDAYATA ,... Gfandma Romano and OtWldme Cooper vie tor ........ alladlona. from tN Mell*' "°"11'1 In p ... ~ llMlt\ ooe-. ~ ll'IWOCaillw ~ ... Md topnotdl ..,..,.,_. tlorlll ~ ICta. t:IO. (I) THI Ai IC •ONI George ... ..... tN doonMn °"' '° lundl Of'I .........,.. Doomwl'• 09(' Md -Hl6ln Wiie ...... MClltllr men. -~OfA 1..-c> "AbCoopet'' (C)MCMI .... ,.... •• (1880)...,. MIC:ftMI GI..-' 8UAll r..a. **** ··~· (1N1) Dudley ...._,., LID Mln- nell. 10:00. (I) ~JOHN, M.D. GorlllO Md • -..,,.ori .. tN prime.,... In. --of pMln murdara. • aB11N9""...,. HAVE YOU IEE~I . . INJURED?. •AUTO ACCIDENTS • CONSTRUCTION AtdDENTS • PERSONAL ACCIDENTS The L.aw Offices of R. Steven. Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you Obtain alrThat you are i:-egally Entitled. Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties, Including 'Insurance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices .. -83'4-0133 24NIS . R. STEVEN PE I ERS, INC. '°' M.-,.. c-.... ~ .. s.... .... EUlllA AUTO REPAIR ~--:-:::. "::*' ~ ForelCJll & 0-.stfc ~. cNlll ... to .... :11:=~: o,.. 7 hp w ... •=•••q1JWt 1> ls.t. & Sia TooU ••~ ·-n. v~ I &a. to 11 p.a u.''(,_ ... .,...., .... o..mr. ®llllMI IS 112 ..... CMc. .~,.=~a::: .............. ltS.l ltJ =-. ____________________ .__ __ ...... •A ~ .. .,.. 1n•..t1e.1e ................. ~ ...... a... .. ... -cz--**"~---­TnllM't '""' Dnollad .., .llrt ....... --(1)-...., ...... Eiieen .._ ... ..._T_.. .......... ...., .... .................. Nied Oft ....... °' ........... OOldl..CS.., ...,,....,_...,, .... T...._ 11*» CC> MOVll *'*'6 "A °'911 Of ~ lion" (1171) -~ ............. ~UI™ : . .,. Classifieds ste;i to SQ: ilr. pat· Patio, trplc, car. $435 winter, OPEN. HI~ --Sappldre. tM-. . '' 'Fantaatlo resultsl-We : he~ over 110 ci~ta. ·., ; ... JI' ... ! -- l Monday• Deta••· ------- JNfAJNf'( 11, 1tG IYINM). 7:00. H-'"'V DAY8 /l4NH Fonzie tt.u • new ~ • euto mechenlc:e lnstruo- t<I' .. ~High. • w·A·a·H In otder to rlliM money to Mrld 1111 KOtWn hol..t>oy to medlcel IChool. Hawll- IY9 .... MP •~wlth&he ptlzil bllllg ..... end In T Clik)'o w1ti> one of the .-.-. • <WEi'IEASY au.ea: "'io« E.lw1he Kll1. "'*'* ~ ,,.,,. @ryMl QulM. ~ Q BIHTBfr~ TONIQHT JOM FelcMno tell• ebout 1111 .. Ind~ I -eono. a THE MUPPETI ou.t: Don\ o.t..ulM. ~MOW! **"* uuo.r· (1969) OMe de Havllland, Dirk ;~-* * • "Chaech And Cbon9·1 NHt Movie" (1980) fii:Mrd "ce-ii• ......... TllomM Olong.. (%)MOYIE ** "Aofd Gamet" (1881) 8tacy Keedl. Jamie t. CUrtll.. 7:80. I ON THE TOWN feeMed: a ,..,_,-old gift wtlo aurtera frOfll Down's lyndlon* *I Camp PendJ•ton for lneltuc1lone on how to .-di tor rnlellno .,.._ a tood io-. tour of Kor.-an Town. • LAVIME I. IHllUY &OOM#AN'f The glr1I -1hoc:bd 10 dlacoWr that !hair olO dub hal become a tough glllg . • EYIONLA. ,,...,,.,: a trtp IO IN Ml of ··o..ai Hoepl1al"; • profle of Alc:lt SpringtWd . • M•A•l•H ExMuated from 24 hourW of duty, Hewlleye end Col. Pott« reapond to a d.- 1*9l• cal tor -vec- from a K~ army~ .... • GMAT ~ "8(tdelhMd Aevlllted: Et Ill Arcedia Eoo" 8eaed on Evelyn Waugh'a now!. Cepleln ~ Ryder l'lllllml to BrtdelMed C.. tie In 1944 ..,.,. he recdl 1111 frtendltllp wlltl Lord ~ F1yt9 neatly 20 ~..,._..(Pll11)Q l:OO • Cl) Mft. MIN.JH .-.. eniqed wtlfl Zee end ...... oonlUlll argu- ""'...... ... two off alone on a cemplng trtp to ,.c to knoW eeo11 04t'9r ....... ••um.tHOUllON .... PMRI ~ wflO II pregnant. drope "°"' exn-tlon .... ~ ....... lntNheat.Q . See Monday's. Page 17 Wµ>NESDA\' _lHUllSOAt . : FIU.DAY llWNINQM.''1U 'Dallas'_ loses to variety in ] apali By KAZUO A.BIKO ._ ..... .._ .... TOKYO -Japan is one country where not even· J .R. Ewing can throw bis weipt around. Television viewers here couldn't care less who shot him. Tbe ratings abow they'd much rather watch teen-age singeni and other variety-show performers. "Dallas," tbe series that once captured well over half-the audience for an epiJode in the United States, was introduced in Japan last Oct. 8 by TV Asahi, one of the country's commercial networks. The show, with lbe dialogue dubbed, h~ never lifted itself oft the floor in Japan's ratings. · Shown on Thursday niibta 9-10 p.m., "Dallas" began with 10 percent of tbe audience and since then has regularly declined -hitting a low of just over three percent on Christmas Eve, ficures from the Japan branch of the A.C. Nielsen Co. showed. The surveys were done in the Tokyo metropolitan area, where viewers can choose among seven VHF channels, including the semi·governmental Japan Broadcasting Corp.'s NHK general and educational channels, and a few more on UHF. "It's a very tough Ume slot tor a newcomer," s~i Se.Ya. a _spokesman Jor.....Kaelsen l'M- slot, be said, has been dominated by Tokyo Broadcastin1 System's <TBS) popular music show, "The Best Ten," which consistently scores more lban 30 percent. Other stations appear to have gained regular viewers durint the period, Seya said. The music show, on lbe air for four years, presents new talent and tbe 10 best-selline popular songs of the week in a format spiced by a quick-tongued team of master and mistress of ceremonies. Japanese critics have praised "Dallas" as a fine series, Seya s aid, but it apparently doesn't 10 over with TV audiences that have warmly re ceived s uch U.S. importa as "Kojat," •'Colombo," "Little House on the Prairie," "Wagon Train," "The Fu1Uive" and "Perry Mason." "Traditionally," be said, "Japanese viewers bavr belm offered Amertcan fUmt stated in well-known places such as New York, Los Anteles and San Francisco. They may ~ be able· to relate to the upstart millionaire's life in Dallas. "Alao, Japanese viewers may not like dramas whose hero is a bad 1uy of sly nature," Seya said. 's· , !t • • unons not popular at z.oo From page 2 series "Hill Street Blues." Amonc the other revelaUons: --"Raiden of tbe Loll Ark\' wu tbe ....i popular movie amonc anchorpeople. -Only U percent leJt that a joumallam de1ree is important for an anchorperson~ Ninety-five percent said the moat critical qualification ii aa ability toTead and speak well. -SixtJ-two "rcent said they won between 41 and IO hours a week. · -Earnin1a of over $80,000 a year were rePorted by 80 percent of Uae SW"Veyed. Forty percen\ of the men said they make more than $90,000 annually, though only 8 percent of the 1 women fell into that income cate1ory. -CBS "WU rated u tbe belt DeWS network, followed bf ABC and, down at tbe bottom, NBC. tnterestinaly, ao of the partidpanu worked tor AH~. 20 (or NBC and 18 for CBS. Tbe IJ'UI la always ireener and so on. WHY FLA.CU AaE CAU.ED PIACU: The headline on a recent press ret .. se hyplnc ABC's series "Today's FBI'' reads ''The A1ents Inve•U1ate Rel1a of Terror Conducted by a Radical Faction ol the Ku KlWt Klan in a Small Southern Town." A "radical factloe" ol the Kv Klux Kh•nt ~• opposed, we pre1unae. tq the mWeratew~. KTLA e 8:00 -"The Graduate." Dustin Hoffman in one of his most memorable roles. KABC 8 9:00 -··Fantasies." Movie premiere stars Suzanne Pleshette. KNBC e 9:00 -"The Long Summer of George Adams." James Garner stars in movie premiere . KNXT 9 10: 00 -··People of the Year." Bob Newhart hosts a look at the 25 most intriguing people of 1981. ICOnlS .... .. .... ,_ Yo.• -~- n HEATING SPECIA L:! ! 200/o OFF §' WI S•YICI M.L MMIS. Heatincj/Air ConditloninCJ 541-5142 lllce If-II f 7'.e770 Ol•MM COUMl't _ .J. • I ... I ,. TI 7 . - Cable Toppers --... - SPOTLIGHT (S), ROD STEWART -Rock music's reigning male sex symbol stars in concert from Los Angeles. · HOME BOX OFF1C£ (H), THREE TALL TALES -Ludwig von Drake hosts three animated classics from WaJt Disney. ON-TV (0), DAVE MASON -Singer-SQngwriter Dave Mason performs many of his biggest hits from the Perk!D.5 Palace in Pasadena. . .. -·-CNN cC>-Cinemax Cl)-ESPN •Cll>-HBO CD> -On/Select Cl)-Showtime • -Spotlight (%)-Z Channel (!)-WOR (N.Y ., N.Y.) al) -wrBS <Atlanta. Ga.> - JANUARY 15, 1982 FRIDAY EVENING 7:30 1:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 JANUARY 16, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 m News Sool1s Prmlloa rr-~ News Sl1it ~ ,., .. "'Milt Ot Alt!ers .. MoWll ··~·· Movtt (!) rootw: StMw Bow1 &sltlbil (8) Mullowlllt lemon ..... "Rtsurrttt11111" Moyie "Shnnl1nt Woman" cm ~ BnUtW AillOll.t State ¥\. !XU Moyie •·CIJtter's Wr( (I) lollbel 8f*lrooni lilo'f!r" °'lllefliMlt Slwtnltnl ~an·· , , Wlntto Movie "S-t Stp1" • MoVlt Collfd Motte: "Tiit Hunter" Gllllchtf Mad As Helt CZ) lloWll' ''lld.t1 "'""" " ~ ~Olltcb MoWll ·111e Dllued'' Cl) Cellllral Palsy T.a. ,., -!:~~ --. -- al) ""' I rootbal. ~ 8owt ,,,,,.·:: .. Mov11 . ' -~.- SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 l :oO l :SO t:OO t:SO 10:00 lO:SO ..... ... "SIMWile-- • JANUARY 18, 1982 . -- MONDAY EVENING - ·7:to 7:30 8:00 8:SO 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • r,_ lllports s,o,u ........ W.Collt ... ,... ... ~ ~"Ull" ...,_ 1lltwM Md Howwl' (I) TIDCllll'd 5"1t1C.. ~ Alwu StMa b.. IQ.A Wlwtlls.ra..~ CH> HllllClnUI~ Moftl. "Tiie llltwft" flit Yw 1"' Wa: 1911 1--cm .. "CllMdl w a.o.c'• .......... --"TW' Cl) -~"la.I" <Ml'd Dotlje Wiil flloN: '1llt llepllaftc•" • .... Coi!l'd --"Sbr ,,.. . Tiie fltoboll tldwt" . -,..,. CZ) llM:"llldC..S" c. Chllilill lloN: "Altered St.Mis" (I) ltldlryc.fd fllscWlfld ._, .. .. 1111111111111: toslol Collct ~ Setell Hiii tm .... M 111 r...ir fllofil:~ ........ ,....,. JANUARY 19, 1912 nJESDAY EVENING - 7:0t 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • J-"""11 5"ltl ........ w.r.-tllf. ,... ... ~ ........ c-·eo.c·• lloN: 1llr r. lilflll" .... .,._.,.... (I) ...... c.t'd S,O,UC.... latOUfl WonlC., .. CID .. M....,.., .. ,, Sa lli>fll:'"s.r,Slllldol's..._. cm ...... "f 1111 hlllllltf --"Sodln C-lott" Cl) ._CIM'd ... ...., .... ~ .... -,..._.,....,. . • .... c.t'd flloY!t: ''Slllftl's lot" ... '1llt .....,.. CZ) .... CMl'd fllo'lll: "A Boy Ml tis °'I'' flloN: "Spllells" (I) Scn.U.-S lleJlly 8eMJ Hll .. Racine .._. "Tht Oa-&ow ........ tm News Min r.iy llo'1t .__, Al l'llalllolll Hll" I•"' JANUARY 20, 1982 WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 . 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • r-11epons . $porb lillwsdel w Colsl Rip Pqltllow CC) .... "Qlleftbn 0.-d'" ..,_ ''ltlolldolt r ""'" (I) S.,.lowlS,O.~ $porb Cttlttr ~ Al*iN Vs "'°"" 00 ........_l_ Mowt ''Oletdl Md Chol(s Nm lllcmf" Moftt "lnwrecboft" cm W.,IWn BnMtW Los AllcM U\ers Vs Mew .lelWJ Nets liloftl "C.lltf's WlJ" Cl) .... CM'd Bll111e XVI MoW ''NIM To Five" I '°"' .lonn ,. ...... Cenl'd £1tp11111I Pw Mo'llr "The formull" CZ) .... c.t'd .., .... "Improper Clllllftds" MoYlt' "Rold GalMs .. ·-Cl) •O.NJ IMMIW: Los ~ l1b1S Vs Mew .letsey Neb Outet limits Gl) MtMICMt'd News Mlnfl!My Movlt: ''ON Step To Hiii" JANUARY 21, 1982 TllUIUIDAY EVENING 7:30 1:00 1·30 9:00 10:30 ~ , .. Programming That Gets You Right Where YouLhef MONDAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now " 7:3e PM Live Newport Beach City ' Council coverage or ·'Citizens Forum .. <alternate Mondays> nJDDAY 7:00 PM .. Sound Off' WBDJQt8DAY 7:00 PM ··~ewport Now·· TBUlt8DAY 7:00 PM .. Sound Off" 7:00 ':M ··Newport Now" TUNE IN 10CABLgCIL\1'NEL24or1t Our local programming lineup in- cludes the discussion series -"Sound Off··. our interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -.. Citizens Forum, .. and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetings.· Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show .. Newport Now." Our focus is on th'e issues that are happening around y'ou, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. · PllOOll'MMl'Ml- -J I I ~-----~--------~ --· ' Pilot 1V Log, Friday, Januaty 15, 1982 8 -, ., •• c:: •• .....,. .....,. .~ · .....,. i . ..... ..... · --.. -£ I ~ ...-.o ec co 'I 0) ~ ~ ~ ~ ....,. ~ .....,. o (0 co 'I 11181111181818888888881888 1888881818 ' I f f ~ I il'; i .. ( i ~ I f f I Ir l r iJ ... r ... ~ ~ i-< ... "i fl: i If i · , .. ( , , .. , .. , • t I .. r r !i • ' • .. • .. , ~ .. i .. h J It .. I • ~ 1i ·I .. i' . if , . .. .. 1 • ~ i ·f .. ii .r . JJ .. p , ,If fJ ·: : . .r .. .1 f fl' . : ·I .. .r .. if , ·~! 1·· 1 pil ·II! 1~11 , , .. , . .i I• I . . . .I ,! .. IJ .. .I ; ' , ~ ·~JU[if ' ,i~ HI i . ' ·I u .... p .. f Hf if i'i ~ ' ' .f ' .P illf P ' ' .. ~ii I•~ '.I~ 11.1 .. I! ifJU['f s:i ·i .. .I ' '.I ' . J ~(I! ' .n ' ·H ' .fJ 1 •·i fffj ' ,Ii .p~ '. ' ' .IJf Iii " I I I If ii .. r 1 z i ;;t I i f IC fl iJ ... r ... ~ ~ I i < s i fl: i 'f f J r .. . i . . .... ~ 'I .. r ~ii' • • ' .. • • ~ .. .. .. h J It . I c i .. 1i _ .. i' . if "J .. I a i ~1~~ · · .1 · · .1 .1~1 · · · .1ru1r · · .1 · · · · ~1i1 · · ·' .r · ·~!t' I a~ ns f .... s:J .. PP~nr 1 al I .f .. ~I~' .. IJ .. 11 .. Ji tJf i .r .,A ... 1 iif i ,.11 :: J .. 1; . ·~! 'c 1! l''I ·Ill ., ·I ...... J 'a~ a I , f ~ f ~ . ,{f~l!r , . .I . ,Uj~r [I ·Er ·~ ;rr nu '.pf tii ' ... ·~(' I e ~ .rp HI! .pi 11,f . .If i e ~ ;i .. pr1 ·I:' ..... u1n1! .. ui1r .. niu' .1 ·f ... ·ll'' f sU ·I ·~i111011 .1 .. u11 I·~ n .fli iJ .. un ' ,iHP~ .f If . .i[f f (t .lf j ' ' ' ' ' «f U[i f 1 § f If I ' . ~, . .f (f if Ujlf I~ ~ . HUH .I .. suta .lllf f "nn ii(!: .. lf~tr " ""Pi ~~ s " .... u~n~npr . ~fj ~ . . ~ I I ... ... I 4' , t I JPI I !!?if~~ :Fi 1111' 11! i:f ! i 8f :11 ~I i;JP rii~!f UI ~JI (!Ii ~-j !8 i;l 11r1" (•u1 'Il ~1 1• 11 ~!!1lt1•I,1111•i,jl 1 1 1•;11 f~11 ~1Ji~t il,i(·;i t!ilJslj.~ri.,1 111! 11i1f 11:111i!i 1~?1l11!I~1 1·!i! '-1• "l>~7 I IL I I I 1 · 1.-al I ~ .t g fa f 1 · I !I l , ... I I "' I I s J I . I f o ! I a ii I W !Uul " , ii Jf ii.~! , h1I I~ i f !d h! · & ii~• ~f I i~ l J : 1 h Jif ! 1ti I •. -NBC's lineup of new shows From PogeB play Mae's mother and McDowall will play female impersonator Rene Valentine, a prime shaper or Mae's unique stage manner. The show is set for telecast sometime this year . . . In spite or the recent demise of surfer Mark Boren, whose surfboard was bitten nearly in half by a large shark and whose body bas still not been found, KCET will broadcast a program Saturday that will correct "our image of sharks as man-eating demons." "1be Sharks" will give new lnformatio~ on bow sharks feed, rest, give birth •nd why they attack. It will also feature stunning footage of diver Valerie Taylor, wbo will be attacked by ,sharks wblle wearing a stainless steel mesh body s uit developed by her and her husband as protection from shark attack. The show is set for 9 p.m .... On Monday, Jan. 18, CBS will look al the 25 people chosen by People Maguine as the most interesting of the year. They include Harrison Ford, Mick Jagger, Fernan& Valenz\aela, Ted Turner, John Updike, Lech Walesa, Sandra Day O'Connor and President Ronald Reaean . . . Bert Coovy and Susanne Plesbette star in "Help Wanted~ Mah;," set forbroadcaat Saturday night at 9. In this tale, Convy plays Skip McCullough, a socialite engaged to be married to a headstrong career woman played by Plesbette. He goes reluctanUy along with her plans to marry - temporarily -a sportswriter (Gil Gerard> so she cao have the baby he is unable to give her . . . Don't miss the Jan. 20 episode of "Real People," which will take viewers to the first drive-through funeral parlor in Jacksonville, Fla .... Philip English and Richard Young have joined the cast or NBC's daytime drama, ~•Texas," starring as the young geologist Myles Renquist and the mysterious Mr. H., who pursues him ... Some of the world's top magicians and many of Hollywood's hot stars will combine talents for "Magie with the Stars" Jan. 17 at 9 p.m. -Orson Well es will bost the show, with special guests Jaclyn Smith , Loni Anderson and Robert Guillaume. Celebrities set to perform are Jack Klugman, Tony Curtis, Erik Estrada, Linda Evans, Pam Loni. Cindy Williams "'8.Dd Martin Mull. The hljhll_ght will surety be Orson Welles convincing Erik Estrada to lie down chained to a table, ~ let a board studded with metal spikes crasb down on him. Cross your fmgers for young Erik ... James Gamer is set .to star in "The Long Summer of George Adams,'' a TV comedy special set for Jan. 18. In this story, Garner plays Georee Adams, a man whose future and family are threatened with the advent of new diesel locomotive engines which may replace the steam eneines be works on. Also set to star are Joan Hackett, Aleic Harvey, Juanin Clay and David Graf ... Meryl Slreep stars in "Alice at the Palace," a whimsical muaical tale based OD the Lewis Carroll fantasy, "Alice in Wonderland." Taped 1n New York City, "Alice at the Palace" follows Alice on her way to meetln1 the Mad Hatter, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat. Jabberwock and a host of other unusual types. 1be show will be broadcast on NBC this Sunday at 7.p.m . . -.. ·Soap writer bloat. -·'IUb.e KOCE It 8 : 00 -"Test Tube Babies.'' The science of conception of · 'human babies outside the womb is explored. KNXT 8 9:00 -"Marian Rose White." Movie premiere stars Nancy Cartwright and Katharine Ross. KNBC U 9:00 -.. Bret Maverick." Maverick tries to keep a railroad magnate from duping res idents of Sweetwater. KOCE ~ 10: 30 -"The Shady Hill ·Kidnapping." Premiere. A s uburban family's llfe is turned upside down when its youngest member vanishes. From Page 20 hlndl; Qlef T .. ,_ .. pllla wtetlCM .. dough; PIUll Nellol1 on negotlel· a·.=. * * "OM To Denger'' (1877) Docu:neo .. y. Her· l"llled by Aldwd e.i.Mrt . • LR ON fARTH "8Ulclng 9oe11ee·· Auetr• le'e Ol'MI kTter AMI eJlhlb4te ..... ~ of marine lnvertebratH .._-*Vy~IOO mmion..-. •. c;i • MOYA ''T• Tube Bablel'' The ---betlWI the con-oeptlofl af "'-blblee owtlldl the womb .. '"-- r~ * * *" "Dey For Night" (11172) Jecquellne .,...., VllMntlne Con-. Cl>MOVll * * "Th• lncredlbl• 5'wlr*lng Woman" (1M0) Liiy Tomin, CNwW Gro- din. .MOVll * *" "Salem'• Lot" ( t879) Oe¥ld Soul, Jamee -....on. &:a0. Ill LAVMNI I lfM,..aY l..lwme atranOI' • bllnd die. '°' lf*tey wtth • tur- rter. 9 • Au, .. THe 'Nlll.Y Anlr .. ,..,. of ,.,,,.,. lrlf, .... --... .. end Gloril'• mo.tno -• t:OO ;;·.:;Dey." "Marian AON Wfllt•" l"•••illet•I Heney c.rt- ~ l<dlatN Roa •8..-rMAv.m< ..._.,..to~ • Nltoad ..,.... "°"' duping the l'9lldenta of 8w411fAMll, wtlO.,. i'9edy and ... totum_ .. of ttlllr ~ '° llMl. I"> .. ,,.... OOlll/Nll'( ,,.. ........ r#J bllllwl tlW • vtJ111r1o nun..,. to IMnY'*"-g .......... ~ YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL64WJOO --·--For eo_,a ... .., Co•r...._ WESTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFffCE Dr ........ A. ...... 2043 W9'tclff Dr .. Wh IOI ...,,,.. .... 1-Cec•'t•IM _.~ Mott lnaurano. ~ed .::::=i ·1 -----------------------r r --• ' I ; I Pilot 1V Log, Fridlly, JMuaty 15. 1912 • --,.-~ ' ... ~ ! ( - . ~ ~ ..... . . '· ""' . ~ ~ ....... · . ....,. :,~i J~ l ·~ :• N>.'.· -~ C>· ··:co~ LCC> ~ Q) C1I ~ ~ ~ ~ N · ~ Q U) .. · ~ ~~ ill,}· _. 11 I I I I I 8 ~. I I I : I I I 8 1· 8 8 8 1-8 I ·8 I & I 8 I 8 8 ~ I I 1.ft?1 1 I I ~ litfill-, ~- . ~~ ·ii• I (f'i ai(: li i · I I 11' 'f i'_.f ~it i 1< ~ "' 1~1 · Iii ~~~ • . \. .. 1 fl! . .. . .. r-· i' " f . , .. . . " . ' .I " " f I l J ~i' .. I ~ ~ ti ·I ... , ' i• ; ;~: -~' ~ J:~~I h ~ 2 1 f 2ff~i' -·llfl ~ f ff if 1 -,-. 1 ~1 ~f i iilf 1!'.f-111',i · i -,i,~ .i • ~ l · (1 : "'\ if , :• ff ", . " . ". • ",1 .. If : '(12 11111 ! ~ 'f I!! . ''I i ~.: .. ..I i • 11 II • '. . ·" • rt. .!: _ .1.; .. If .. ·~ .·: ... ~~J[ff · :ii Ufi · : JU · · · ·P · ·ff 'l~I i 1 ~ · · ·f · .Pf !ff~~· · · ,iii i 121[· ;1111 Ii,. I t : ''' 'll'j >f ~ I f I 11 If O'i i~ i 1f f i Ii .Ii~ IJI . ~ :" • • -'-~-· • : ·1, }~~-. <,,. ·1 ; : . : : : : : : : . . ·11 "fi : .,.f I CD~ ~ •. ~ : : ·1 .· . : : : : . Ii,,~ 1'i ' . . "'' ' . • . I ~l\ -t)• . -. . ~ . R t j J_.11r ,--~, ~i' ·" ~ 6.J # .& ~ .~.... ,.. ~ • • • ·111 J ~ '~ :~ · f'.1 rf~81 I i f · 1: f.i iJ~r .... ~~ I i < si fl:i rr ·11 •, .~ 1 ~-1 II : : j . • !..i••lj.~_ ~·1 • ., • ~~ i : ~, . : : : ~ : : : : . : : -I~ J ~ i : r e ~~ : : IJ : :~ ~ : i> 'Iii.I : .,. : : r • I: 'I' I l • • .... , ... <,:.~ :Ii-~ ,. ~ , % :II l w ~ -12" .:i I . ' .. ;,i,·•j t -4l -~ ·' "' a. . " •..• ~ r.If.': , m . • · ;.r . . --~ . .. l · 11 El I r i i I fl < r i E l if :;-··f ' . ·f . i> 11 ~ ~ I I • '"l > ~ i., f'.f'.· .. f .... ' '' ...... ,1 , ~i "f" .... " " "fl : ,,, , : . ,.it i c ~ I I ,, " .i " . I . l!t i •I I ~--,_. ~ fli I elt'"Sii 'I iJf i f ~ I ?~ii ll .... ~l ~i Kil.., l'f i ~ l · Ir · .. ·J ii ' • i .. 1 · · 1 ·. " 1 i' 1 .. t ,, J .. 1' .. I 12 J IS! § s l · 1 · .. 1 .. .. .. J J 1 A "' II .. ppr ... f ' .. ~.'~HI (Lg r .e;rr nu .. p Jlii "" ·(fl i.• ~ .111 i(I[ .prr1.1 '.if i ~J,~':~: 111 I f ., .. , I I I ·1 i'&tl~ lf ifli !! .. il!1f l I ~2 :f I :t' 'fl~ :f'f f ii'f ~-· .I . :1 "' !1'1 ., • .. • ,,.,,~ •k ~ .. l, t "U !JJ ·i . ,, . "if t i e ~ ·1 ·Ht~~ h1 . ·: nJ . i•S I II I · " f{ .,[II .f. .. ; .. (c1il f lf,i .lff .. If ffl~ JIU ....... ~, Hii i:• ~ i.lfHrf ,.llf ~~ ijff i ltl ~l Af s<r r f~iiillif fiJ'fiii; l(fl,,~ l>iilf' ~ .. ?~ fl flf'f•ffllli'• .,,..,._ fi:.: . I ·(fi .~ :::: :: : 11• I! ;: 9 I 1-H , 11 1,,~ I rle2 •r ·· :: . I --~\'.~ri ~'·I :·~ ~ " I II M . . ,, ~ ~-, '"' ~ ·1 ~ •, .• ~ I ' ..b _ _ _ ·-_ e<· ~ , '· • • • • I • ~1 ••·•• , ··~ • T ' ' • ·-1 l "\l £ <" "1 .~J \, -.,1 • •*'Tr""p; .... ~. ' -..-c.a •. 1, -"• ~ .r" 'T • • -t. .. "-., -~ .Cf' ~ .. ,_ , I •.,A , I ' • • J-' " t I t . Cc , '.-• II I •"-' : \~ ; ' •' • ~-' l'~-J. ,.. ,., , • ··-, • _. 1t • r,.,j,.. -4,=H. -~..,_.,_ , .-... ·-..... -:--~ . ~ .. ·J .J: .. / ·.~ ·. '. '~ ~I .. l~.l~ . ;:, '~~ \. . .~ I· . . . tr . '. ,· i . . 'f;.I Lf:!:.~fr~~~;i-~l.{;r.<ls 1 r. m j .i:-1'!!Ifqru1:1i~r•~HP';11~:1;im1;·1~Pf 'r'r1t1;1J~ijrnu1r•!1·n:u~1,1·11;: . , ~'· !'fi11'!1·d ~lm'~·,r;111111;11,•r1Jl!':1~n11idr11!!~ !.i:1,.:111 ~1n;Ut' H•!I i'1i~i!•1I .~ ~ ·~:! ~t ~ -I' I~ 1' t• 11 ., f 11 I s i 11 s r If I I j r I 1 ( s fr ' Ji J-< 9 I i'I t • , 1 • t · .. ~ . ,,,." .. ~JI ; t . -I ,• f,lf1fl i•s al 1 · • 1l rll~ I°! !r5" I ~ t · rl -'. :~~ :~"~t-~ ~ ~~:l~ ... ---~;-:.~-~.,.!~ '. , ~~-_._;:__.-:..:._-_.~-= _ ..._ ---· !..-~ -,.;··--·d nsm.11 I· • KNBC B 7:30 -.. The Skater." A drug investigation at a11 ice rink · destroys a young skater's aspirations. KOCE 9 7:30 -"La Boheme." · Metropolitan Opera's new production of · ' Puccini's romantic tragedy. KTTV. 8:00 -"P.M. Magazine." A wardrobe doctor gives advice on clothes shopping. KNXT 9 9:00 -"Prime Suspect." Movie premiere stars Mik.e Farrell. f From Page22 fonda. ••• TMICIMATUT "WIC'MHMO ............ ...., to-Wlltfleruture.Md ........ -upaMI Nin. .MCMI • *" "WMre Low Hae GoM''(1 ............ ........ DIM&. • ,. MM.AZIMI A .._dlobe doctor'' .t10 ..,.. ad'llce on lllWt **-~an"-· MllOMI "-'• ,,... com-""°"; Matta ...,,_ _ ... ..,.... ..... ..... . ........ ~ Dr. Clfwlldl on~ -=-•••• .,,. 1'91 ~· C1111) ,,__ ........... VwaMllL ti LMMC>M,TMIWT "lJI Wlame" T.,_ Stra-- taa. JoM c.rw. and ...... 8ooeto ...... 11ndlntMMet'1...,,,. ~ olGleoolM~ ...... ~ ,,.,...y; .,,.... UMne OOlldl8* .. --opolt8rl Opara ~ ancl OMlrua. ®·..,. *** "CllHCe. And Cttoftt'1 Ned Movt." (1tl0) -.ct~ .. ..... niom.a... Cl>mNNXW ..., ~ -,.._.. ........... trull, ................. --anwtt*'t ~ ..,., -111 .... ..,.,,...,.. ........ "°"' .. ._. .... _.,...,,.,, .llMWff,MTI MIGMel Nnmltll and ........ ot .. ...- MI,..,_,~ ... ...... "' ..... ~ ,,.....,._ ot ~ ....... nulo. dNdlr lnternallonel lrlertgua. (Pitt 2) (C>MCMI * '100fldlce ~· (1lllOI Jeff bit. Aod Stelgar. .MOYIE * * ~ "TM Formula" (1NO) Manon llrando, o-eec. 8cott. tGl(Z)McME ** "Aoed0.-"C1111) .., l<eKfl, Jlmle a.. eur... e:aoeeUM...v INdner'• otlnoldolll new ~beoon*~ln 1111 panoNf ... (ll)MCMI **** ''Cutlet'• We(' (1111) """ 8f1dgla. John ........ -··QUNCY A,_.. lneurlnce .,_... 99'°' ...-:11 • Qoee trtand GI Qwlncy'1 of ding .. .... tor .. .,,.,,_ ,_.,, ... IOLIRO ,..,_.,., "lkltlro.. ptOWlle • ..,..., _..... tor Tillllll Mara'1dlOl-.11Pt1J. ®MCMI .... ··~·· ,,..Elln~S- lhlperd. -· .. IOLIRO ........ ·~,. prCl'llldll ........... tor~ ,...,. ........ ..,.,, . • MMft VAUllHAN W CONCaT s.1111 V8llllilln .. llDlm- ,.,.....~lltM­ ..... (ft) (l)TOM'°'8NG l&JIMANTON Pwba•t0 tof IN llrlt .,.....,_,TomJonal -~AM!ft--• .... v..-...... In tllll ......... a i--~~~~~~~~~~~~...;....;..:...;..;.._~~ ---..-~ ... ~------~! Krush -.... SUSHI BAR TEAHOUSE a TEPPAN·YAKI OPEN EVERY NIGHT AT 5:00 PM LUNCHEON• MONDAY·FRIDAY 11 :30 AM ·2:30 PM ENTERTAINMENT A DANCING IN OUR EAIT·WEST LOUNGE CALL (714) 775-7727 FOR REIEllVATIONSI 'J(eno ~~w~ii :~, )ll1 '''1 ><AHbO~ Buu.t.AMl . ·,~ ... 111 a.,.A REFINISH AND . .REPAIR ., I - ~ - Pilot TV Log, Frldlly, Janu.y 15, 1982 i ; • f -r t --. ..... . • • .,.., -~...._.....,,_ 1 ... 1L.-r . -~ -It -. --I "" ~ -.. ' & z:=:: & ~ c:.111 ~I ~I N>I t-61 N> ~1~ ~ 0 -.1:1~~ I:· .. ~ !I i 1·~ . -... Jag DOVE STREET • NEWPORT BEACH • (714) 833-1 LE PETIT Cafe Bakery & Catering * Open F.-Breakfast i--=~=-11a;;._-•lflllc~•mn-·-..;'11!1!1~ ·~- • Quiches, Crepes, Salads • Sandwiches • Fresh Soups Daily • Fresh Croissants and Pastries Dai ty Gourmet Coffees • Teas • Candies :. -Special Brunches Sat. and Sun. All Food Available for Takeout 114W.l=llwcl. lill••·--"• 671-61JI 7•3:00 T-..S-. la..d M••l'flt KNXT 9 8:00 -"Walt DHmey . World's 10th Anniversary." Salute to . Disney World in Florida. KNBC 8 8:00 -"Fame." Leroy tries to get rid of a gun brought home from prison by his brother. KOCE SI 8:00 and KCET QI 8:30 - "I Was a Teen-age Movie ~ Hollywood 1981.'' Examination of reasons why teen-age audience is determining . Hollywood's biggest hits. . KNBC 8 10 : 00 -··Hill Street ' ' Blues." Captain Furillo considers hiring a lawyer to avoid becoming the department scapegoat. ........ ~~ -' -~paw9'­..... ..-.ry.~ e w.llWIOI THIATM ''Tiie A11M T,_. Of ~ U: ~ .._ v ... · _....,....._. ........ v .... DI!>' ... .. __ ,....,.,... ...... mo.(.-.rta)Q Ml<l>MOVW ...... .....,_ 8Ulllla" (1NO) w..ii Hll1. ... lrown. ........ A.-M ' .......... I<*'• oollOe ...... Qtj .......... e8TA>G A pretty new cabt>le .......... ,.... .. t'OIMfl09. Q -·(I) NUMI A...,, .... octogerwt. .. na1gNxlr of ~· .,..... on Mno out lier ............. ln ... _ ·~':A.ITMET ...... Clptaln Fwllo oonllderl lllrtng 1111 own ~ to e¥Old .,_,."' • dlpan- '""" aD11S'911 M4, -.. ... ""*°become under· °°"' ...... . -~m: .................... " • WHAT'll.8'T0/1'1HR L8'T oavtd 8cttoenbrun _... ......... ~ .,,_ loddllO ...... Ila ..... ~ ....... . ............. a1-.-. ..................... ..... of ... ,.. ...... on~--. (rJMOVll ** "MIMn And......,, ("'°) ,... IAMlt. ....... ...... <D>MOVll ** "lmpropw ~ .. (1111)MnMdn, ....... tW91ar. <l>mNN Jotln ~ ... ..., .... '"""' "*' """'· ..................... .... WfYINlll ..., .. -IMfl, eMOVW ** ,,.._ v..-1 M " fttlO) "-KellJ, IClp ---•tt®ITNGMla~ ONLY .. ,,,,. lvel*'8 Al The McMllll Aouga" Gearva Hamllon ................ .............. ...,... .. ................... ....... PfO•O•I" ..... ..................... ..... ....., ... ~~ I0 ....... 11.alhe MCIU'C ol,...,,. lo dlecWdd hobblft and lake ..., !'CW -ror ,.,,,llteatci,_c Md «iJ'7W. And the s tc .. tlMlt -eet'¥ed Chcftt -U outkwc their ~ FREE SPECIAL PRICi DELIY.ERY MGA -SQ" ._... . PIOICTION Cl.DI TY .~~ fliAfiiii1ii1illlllelnllT,IMAIPIST Cl '*WTRCW AYA&Aal TOD • , .. OLUla--..SS ..... ~ •IM09alTO CMOOllMGM OFFDBI llW AT.SPEM »' .15 -I - '·· • I -.,; -i --f "C u.. j ~ ~ a: .. - l:--· .....,__:; --= .. ...., ...... ~ - ICNXT • u.a...-u.a...- r-,, 700 Good Club MotNng ..... Anwtca ~ ~ Sin~ LAl¥t To...,. • 9: °"' D1¥ Rlgil llr.Nrd A.M. °"'°" At A Time Pllti\ ~ Let AIA tliN Aloi llodl· &AM• ~ Aloi' ...... To Women 10: n.Prtce WllllllOf lllg LO'll TillP!toa ·~ Fen. ~ II<* ·~ I .. II a 11: Up To The ,_... ..._ YOlllOW ..... ...... TillAlllllll YOlllOW n. The ..... ...... 12: " 0.CI ...,, owu. • AITill Al Tiie WOl'ld World 1: Tuma ~ Tuma . WOl'ld .. s.d!For s..dlfOI Tomorrow TOlllOm)W 2: GI.icing Teua Jotll Genlrll GllldN Light .. OMleoll Holpltll llght . ~ .. a: Aocldord Oorllhul EdglOI John F• ....,.. DIYidlOn .. ~ ,... .. ..... CNt 4: Blmly Bob ~ ..... .. .... ~ ..... Enter· M.A.S.H talnnwlt .. .. s: ..... ..... Ullll ..... ..... Hom OnThl Prllrit .. • • Will travel to your home to prepcire ANY type of cuisine: KHJ • .......... '"" Frocid. Tllnla AW Jeck Lalanne .... Blldler MkWol••'ll LA. ..... lrOlllldl .. \ Kojlk McMe; "8 Gt9co" c.ter French Service Italian Specialties Flaming Desserts Tallow and Ice Sculptures Artistic Buffets -- ' KCIT KTTV KCOP -w,howa • • •· • enlnea ....... ...... ~ ........ Cartoon /or Nymph T'*! ... ..... Town Bunny Allport ICartoan Yoga For NEW YORK (AP) -~ Hllltl Blglb Two made -for -TV movies, ''The Patricia u.ta Neal Story" and "The . ~ ~ VIII Bin Ki1Hn1 of Randy Donlftue ILM Webster," and two ABC Ucy News productions, 8'llldlld ''America1 Black and White" and "America RlcNrd 1ar...01 Held Hos t aye : The Silnnlafll .... Secret Ne~ot atioaa,'' ......... GllOllW are = t.he entries •Muir for Nym awards In P...ard .... Outllw" Blclrlc the 22nd International .... Pl'/c.da Compeny Television Festival of "' ..... ........ ...... Monte Carlo . Dodoft .. I ~ Tbe festival be1ins O.,.OI UDoM: --!ti Feb. s. OWi.Mi ~· ''The CMtt 8ec:rtll OWr' WASHINGTON -.......... National PuhUe Radio ~ ClllltooM bu announced plam for WOl1d TV a new major arts ud performance proeram to Teua ~ ~· Oulln premiere April 4. Tbe T111 new, five·bour, weekly Thi Popeye en.ary. show, will examine tbe ~ SldSc:hool slate ol tbe arts in tbe Alln rt. People'• lluga Home SllMll world, often feature Fllf'l/tt C«.rt 8unny lnlerlort SttMt performances to be MeryT,W Thi Hlc*ie Home transmitted live. Mooft fblonll l Jecllte lnttricn Bob 8uga 8Allflfi Kll1bon VIII Studio NEW YORK Nlwtwt PortyPlg KlmlYll Aaegr9 Ste Filmmaker Robert The Tam I ..... IUIAl!wlce Altman will direct two IUi one-act plays to appear The 9IWID on ABC 's Alpha Flnleol.a ~ Repertory Proiram Scooby 0. Ser v ice ca ble TV Doo network. . FOR SAFETY .•. SECURITY ..• CONVENIENCE _ AuW:natic.oGar_age Door Operators by SAFKUAID- LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" -:::::::~:::::==\e---FREE extra transmitter with garage door Qpener SA ... UAD. Digital "High-Secuitty" -Radio controls • three stgnala ~~ ~. 'f /, ·l~NU' \ ... (/. ... ..., ...... -::-..-.. J ~· . :::~";!:::::::!lilt .. >J~ , .... Day or Night Prompt, courteous ; . conscientious service. 15 Y911'1 Hotel & Restaurant Experience , I By L \'NOA •JtSCB ALL •Y CBILDaEN: Retainlnl cooaclousness, Nina forp\'el Palmer for pmbiQa her dow1I lbe stain and bis put lncliKreUooa. Confident lbal a perjury char1e will be dropped. Palmer plau a sec.ad honeymoon with Doo.na in Europe. la order to lltap a recoocili•tioa betweeo Brandon IDd b1s lilt« .r8dith. Edca 1eu Mona lo Invite them lo dlaner. After queationine, Paipela teUa Chuck that lle&anle feels her parents blame her for the death ol her brother Peter in a car crash. After talkln,1 to Gret. Joe defends Jenny to Enid. Eftelle dlacoven Rick It two-Umln1 Betsy with Carrie and ab Benny to check Into ll. ANOl'llEa WGaLD: After readJat Jamie's novel, Marianne wants notbln& to do wttb blm, while Mac vows never to have lbe boot publilhld. Learnin& Cecille dru11ed Jamie, Sandy waata to break olf with her, but al.so wants to have a continui.DI relatianabip with bia child, ao,,be am a Friday weddiq date. Blaine t.ells · Marianne she la lhrou1h with Rick. Larry and bis new police partner are unhappy about their interracial part....uip en U.. welt aide ol towa. RacMI ud Allee renew frlencMblp after Alice accept.a Ste.e's rnarriaae propoNL Jn order to marry Brian. Pat vetoes llac's New Yort &Mfbliahinl job offer. Harry sulfen heart attack. Diana and Pet.e's relaUouhlp blouoms despite HarT)''s objectiooa. "8 'IRE WOU.O TURNS: Eacapln1 Bud's bullets, Steve boards a bus for Kan.au City. Jeim. mma&inl the Plaka, and Nict wonder where Steve bas IODe after Nick discovers larce sum ol cash l.n Steve's jacket. A&alnst Tom '1 withes, ll•rfO dreua like a booker in order to buy dress from the ,Fiddler. but winds up 1ettinc arrested ror aoliciUnc. An anaerect Tom nra Ilario. Miranda calla Tom, wamint llU'IO wtll be tilled if she doesn't atop her plollina. Milliaa Dee. John wanta to spend ~ time with Andy. Cyntliia admits abe bou&ht hospital pharmacy to be closer lo Karen and David. . DAYS OF OOR UVES: Triab decides that bookie named Bart DevereaWt bas intormaUon about David. Roman I.a put on one·week auspenaicn for aiding David's escape. Renee tt&aim consciOUSMU. Stuart orders his ex·butler -to klll David. Stuart orders Alex to get Andel'IOD ror ~pest price or Alex ls a dead man. Marlena decides Lee should coalinue in therapy. A form ... patient ol Marlena, who bas a prof1le aimllar'to the Salem Strantler. 1tranclea bil wife aft.er abe cbeats on him. • DOCl'OllS: After accuslnt Natalie of st.ealln& the watcb abe boulbt for Mike, Kalk It auaptdoul when DanQY fiDdl It and retuma il to Tbeo. After Nola tells Pblllp that sbe doesn't approve ol Natalie, be calla lbe Medicine Man and cucels Jerrs date with ber. A Curious Jear learns abe bu left with IAJU. After uotber battle wltb Greta, Bllly moves out. Matt tells Steve be appoieted Jeff to Uaiaon poaWoe beca1&1e be wanted no· trouble rrom Preuer. . EDGE OF NIGHT: While honeymoonin1 in Swiu.iand, ~ inadftrlentJy tella Raven Gunther wu blackma.llinl Mm. Aware of lbla croa mi.state. Sky plau fataJ 1tiin1 accident for Raven. 1n return for Damien's promise not to infOlm lbe Cavanaupa lhat Nora wu a mental patient, she aUowa Damien to.see Gunt.ber'a lut letter. Nicole confront.a Barbara about her 1011lp coacernln1 llUea and JIH'a rela&lonship. Unaware ol Jinx's lllness, Derek lporea Miles' wamin1 and fCMUS a relaUonahip with Jinx. An ecstatic Calvin lean.a Dee Dee baa turned down Julius' marria1e propoUl whUe Star's Broactwa1 show la a tut. Kelly lnter..ted in Jim Didrtckaon. Oavtn jotm com,pany aa dance director. Gl'.HE&AL H08PITAL: Eludlnl ~·a llot pursuit, Kurt flDda refute In Scotty's apaJ'tnMDt. After beinl tricked Into meetlnc Scotty ln New York. IAwa llstem to his attelnllt al apololy. Not reaUDnt Laura llbd leo&t.r hne taken aa early fUCbl back to Port Cbartes. David becom• coafuaed ud follows Laura Templeton, a wom• who looks llart.llntlY like Laura Spmcer. A furious Joe confroota Heather and tells lier Co "°It aolic~ lepl cllenta lbr blm. Wiiiie talklDC to Dr. Kata, Joe reaa-Ulill be wanta He.U. to be Ida kleal ~ of a ....... -a ....,.. wbkb "'1 be ualair to of tbent. Altboup A ... apoteciMI pubUcly \o Dr. BradlMW llir ..,_. lie tllled • _.... * operatin1 tattle, .._.. piida ~bero on ,.,,..._ ud retaim her ...... ,.. .......... SECOND HONEYMOON -Raven Sw'ift Whitney gazes lovingly at her husband. Sky, (Sharon Ga bet and Larkin Malloy> after arriving in the Swiss Alps for their second honeymoon on "The F..dge of Night" daytime drama. "The F.dge of Night" is seen weekdays-on ABC <Ch. 7> at 3 p.m. Carrie prepares a hunaer strike. Qulnt purcbuea layette for Nola's baby, who baa been named Kelly. Mike refu.ea to handle Amanda 'a divorce from Ben. ONE UFE TO UVE: Afttt Olympia dies, Beau lea.rm abe left a meaaace for him wtlh Pat. De•astated and bitter when Pat tells him that Yucy wu Ilia father. not A.la. Beau dilowlll Aaa and lakes lbe name Beau Ralat..-. Seaflnl • new at.renllh In Beau. Chuck qrees to wortl for bini. Lucinda, appeelinC to Aaa'a eao. tella him only be can atop Mimi rrom marryinl Larry. lllmi avees to~ weddin1 to Larry to nurse AH beck to heallb rom IUftlbot wound. Plytq to San Cano. for medic'1 conference, Larry la unaware tbat Ivan Kiptiq, usinl allaa Ruao Wiide, has arraqed to cootrol Larry's every move. R.etumint to Uu~, K.areD and llatto are held wit.bout ball on counterfeit attanpl Tbey accept Walter Sandenoe'• otter ol rree letal repreeentat.ioa, waaware that Ivan bu paid blm. Petal' la atmmed wbea Brad plQI • caaeue of the •• .,._, coe1..-" Peter reclled eo a priest i.D which be ap(ained tbal Mary ii Kat'• lliaby, not Jenny's. &YAHS llOPE: Ari and Faith are UuiUed with each other ln lbe preeenee ol the llaril Kara alariae. Ari a1rea wWa Joe that the best~• • protect the aluiM ii to publldle It. lactt It hired to apb and report• the opealnc ol lbe crate tontalM tbe 9briae. Unaware that Joe ii worklnt wtUl teYWal 16..titatiora. Jiii and lack are appalled that Joe ta ...ntq wltll Ari. E.J . '1 joy at beeomlnl a staff reporter la alulUered wbea she learns from • teletype r..,ort that her triend Ox Knowles, a race.car drher, Ital been klDed ln a race accident. A Jealous Dalia deddea to diacndk l!.l . and retain Rolet'• affecUona. SEAACH FOR TO•o•ao": Followinl Tl'avis. Sunny la abocW wben be id•""-lbe bocU.-ol Kent and llarcla Benaoo. Convinced tbat lbe ........ were . murdend, Dane la eeatlDced Travis la next oa the hit Utt. Dane_, McClure realise .... oa mJcroftlm may M peoo&e wlloM won could IMwe repercuaaiou ln acleratrtlc world. At the leateJla'. Cl••r feels macomfortable and .u1pst1 to Lee tbal u.e, _. u.etr reldmlbip. A.ltMqla be'• bad ...._ to chttlt. Brian bell•• to upertenee severe dlllJ spells .• .,..an.., anaered wbeD alle shows up at U. put)' wearilll lbe aame cll'elS • ~ aueat. .,. .. (11111} .. {D ....._ ,,.,;} . .. , ..................... , .. ....... ........ ,.,... ... , ,,, ,..,... ..,._._.,._..~ ...... e} •• t: .... i-.t.. ....... I I I . I I l ,IN#AJNlt'( 11. - IYINltG ..... \t ...... '1Lor' (197t) DIWld '°"· .... Miian. ..._on .. no\191 ~ ..,_ l<lng. A_. CllllM ....,.,.,,.,.. to,... ~ "°"" .... "' -out to ... --of ...,.,. ---°" ... toM 1pecple ~ ..,,...., ~ UOCC>***"No..._.- (1M0) Jedtlon er-. Ctoeby, s... & ..... FOOUlgl of. --...... ,...., power ...... held In New Ylftl Qly dllr- lng ~-. ttn. featuring tM Doollle Brothlrl. ~ llmon, Jer.-T ... _,~ 8Prtnoet••1.llOOllllllllllll tNI ~. 'tlCI' 1M (II) * *\t ''lMI o.11111'' (1MO) TllUn O' ..... Kttf.. ty MaHk:tlol. At ....... C8f"P, two ......... -• ~to ... wftcl•b9 the ... to loll '* WVlnl--~ ·w Cl) • *''8cMhlrn Com- fort" aoo I """' W• In___., ••• "HM'lg Beblel" (117ft Diii Arna Jf., Mr*-~· Four dlYetM couplff decide to enrol In ..... dllldbWI ce-.. <B> ••• \t .. _ loctr- guard" (1171) Cllrl1 Makap .. ce, Ad1m .......,.. TM new kid .. e Clllcago lllgll ICllOOI ..... , ........... ICflool Ol*8llt Ind .... • ltll¥ llMd up to .. cri-.. gang wtl6clll Nd .... _,.., """ bolt\. 'PG' ()) * * * "'"* F.,,.,.. (1MO) Olde ...._, lob Newtwt. TM~ llpllllll...,_of .. OOllfllr(• ..,.. ..... der"6ll ,.,.,.., -IO .,..... .. wt"'8 ..... OOll JTCIUI Mr ....... ........ to oondUct .. llftlllr'lof ...... 'R' ...... ec.i ...... ~ (1tl0) .. Spacek, Tommy LH Jon-. lelld on LOf9tta Lynn'I ....... IP!Y. A ~ tlrt lrom • poor ..,., In nnl Kentudcy -""' • illUClfl older local bar wfto ....... ,.. to ....... In .. lllUllo lndultry. 'PG' .. CC>••·\t~" (1111) ..... Muni, George """A ........ ._. ............... -.. NlJp ..... ~ otlalllCf\. ta(ll)••··.......-· (1111) ..... ,.,,, ... ........ ,,. ..... of IClllO ,.,..,, ..... ,..., llld,... .......... al ........ T-..w CZ> •• ~Wit(· -cm •••\t .. u. T1r110'" ,....,1t71) ....... •o, Merta Mnel'9r. CllNceld~.._. .... ..._.,A mt•1111111 ... .._ ............. ................ .......... . ,.... _ ............. ... ,....... affair ....... 1 ...... -._.._ .. ..... Ii i=i'l:: :i..• ...... -~A-.-. ........... .............. ............... ............... .......... : AN UNUSUAL GRANDMA -One of her charges. young Agatha I Tara Kennedy 1 looks quizically at her surrogate grandma <Maureen Stapleton l in the science fiction-fantasy drama. ··The Electric Grandmother." based on a Ray Bradbury story, on NBC <Ch. 41 Sunday at 7 p.m . • In lft IOddlnt. 1:10. ** * "OunllgM At TM O.I<. Cotnl' (1111) .... ~.Kirt Dou!>- .... W)'9tt E8rp llledl • ..... pOll9 In • "'°"'°"' .. 000 HalldJJJ and .. a... In TClfllllliDll. MIDM Mtnf Ill 1110a. 1:11 <Z> •• "'lronOo..,.. (1MO} Clnt ..... ~. 8ondre Lodla. A ..,,,,_ ......... ""' .... ~ ........ ..... of ........ In • Wld Well ....... . a.•***~OfTM ----w(1mlf ... toe · C.0.. JDMW11••t· A """°" .. ..., • ....,, murd«9d clurtn9 tll• ... o1111...-n .............. ••• \t . .,.,. Unblfllilo- .... Yenlt" (1'11} ~ ..... TIUNllo~ A P''"'"'' . monet•r ....... .,.. • cie.......i .. , ................. ............... ~ .. a:>••,. . ..., .... -.~ . ..,. ..... ... Klfln. Ml Mor9IO. A ..................... ~ ............. '"llade.,.... ltOfll• llW .. llf9Dtl•*'t ' ............ 'JllW1'U 'ff .. • •• • .,.,. TingW' ,_ Vlllollll ,... .W- Iii ....... Aft ... '°'°' .. ............... Of ......................... ........ •**"'...,,_,.,.,..... .. ,,......,... ...... ..... c. ....... ............... II RIIS • ._. .......... llMMl'I .. IJllll 111'1 .................... . I"' .. ' ••W .. •• ..,.. .... a ,,. -........ .. ,_.Wllt.Utllf .... A -....---............ -...... ........... ........... 0,, I don'• ........ (tt79) ~ Hlpburft,.., GD- .... Altfl lllr ........ \ • __ .._.._of ttll wodd'• .......... OOI'• porlllonl Ind beOOI.- .. --of .. ldll!Nng NIMMI. ...... -of .....,. ........... ... ()) ••• "t'fnl ,..-r (1tlO)OllclltAldlW. lob ..-.rt.TM~ . .............. °' .. OOUr!W• ....... ~ cMntiel ,....., IVW to .................. 00:6(1 P II' I ,_ ...,,.,., ........ IO oondYI:! .. .... °' ..... "" 4:11 CZ> • * .,. """ Glell.!I Of Wlldofll" (1'11) .._ ,.,.....'" ............ OlllMY~·~ ...... lrom .. °'*** ._......., ..... IO ........ ~ofWI ........... <tltCC> ••\t ............. ,,....._._ ...... ~ DICeJle, ...... ...... ........ tell• ,..... ............ . ........... end ........... _..._ •ea MM,,_,. ..... ·w Saturday movies .MllNN/f'f .. - ~ m .. ~ .... , .. :~ •• ~ In ,., lloNlr ~ ..... ~ ..., end m6dnflftt on New v-·•ae.·w 11:80 ••• •\t .. Junior Bon111r" (~972) Steve Mc:Quean, AoOlr1 '""'°"· An aging rodeo •l•r retuml llolM for -.... c:ontllt and .... "* .. ~ Ind .. town ,_ --chlngad. (I)** ''WMllOfF«, lune" (1M1) FflnOll Dea. John W~. A young .ttomlV ~ .. tNtll ..... • corruipt polttdln ... ~ ......... ti'".·~ ...... Aoeda'' ( 1111) Siii)' "8ld. T OflWll)' &.. Jonea. A'**-end 1 ~ boUr l'lllM and I.ad .... to Qnd the ollPd .. 99"9 up '°' ldopdor'I two,.... ..... 'A' 11:41. **. ''Tiie 8tloea Of Tiie Fllt•W" (~ Anthony <MM. a.er wen.. In lft ..... IO Miid wand w. ... ~ ..... ~ .. ...... IO~ .. tom. Pope. 1t:OO <JI) .... "Lipe And 7 Moeeln" ( 1171) Ale Lutz, PU T'tlOfMI. TWo rough and tough wMtern ~ ...,, up '"" • ~ ......... ~ moW'9 or.,. M0\4a. 'A' ()) • * "Thi Hal)'wood Knlghta" C'1•) AoOert WWII, Tony DINI. On Hll- io.-i ... In 1111 •• """"' """ lllllOof 99'111 -----In~ ... to_.. ..... °' tflllr fllngout ~ the ................. ....... .... 12:t0 ...... ''Thi l!lldr WlndmlP" (1174} ....... c.ln9, Donlld P' I I I IOI. Wlll9 on .._ ........ 811 lt•flt flncll lllmHll ~ Md 1111 IOfl llklo- =~ "ln..-C"(1MI 8rtln Ooneewy, Ell ..... A .... ooilOIMld -~ I WOlft9'I and .. ...... • .... °' .. ........ ¥19. "• 1'1 ....... dllll ........ ........_ .. .. ~-· . (C);•· ......... c. ......,.., .. ...... ......... v.. ........... 0ocll4 I • al a .... CIOm-,..... ........ tor .............. of • ........... ..... ,,. .... ,., ~ ...... ........ ....... ~ ....... -,.""""' ___ , .... ............... .......... Mital .... ...,....._.,.... ................. ~ ..... .. CZ>···~ . .,.,.,.,... VW"('974)_ .... ... ,.... ~,.,,. '""''"'"" ,.,.,,., ................. ..-1rnwl• MtwOftl Of ,......-.. t•®***"ITol"( .. .....,.....0.-...... ,..,.. .... ......... ..... .......... ... ......,._.._, ... . .....,.. ,. ........... or,.. .,..,.. (ttll) v...... ...... ,. Mlllllllt. "" • .., _..._,.NW ..... . ............ •... ,...._.. . II • 4" 4"'9 ...... ......... ~. '-__......,_. ··----· --·----· .~..=~ l 'i ~ • I ............ * 'rA: Day or Ntght Prompt. courteoua - conscienttoua eervice. ... IRVINE D0QR COMPANY setes & s.mce 552· I 41 I lneur_ed. Bonded I Ucenled Contr. No. 312381 Jhe Olaest Floorcovering Retailer in SOut~ern_ California . ·Family Owried . (I) Serving California' Since 1879 ~ . • ( - I • • 1 I I l ' r-------~· -... ~ ---------.. I ~ . Pilot TV Log, Friday, Janu.ty 15, 1982 W'· ,._ -~" 1-':.' ' . ' -. 'l' ' -I ~. I • •• u . ~. I I . I I ' I i '--.. . ll~!f.fHD!l!.il1'iT!i!!!,lfT. 11 ~1 mutr!)n1 1'itt·1·1111nr1,,iu1 11u1~!11J n•?F!tj1~:~un~1!~inw1~1~n1n1 ~1· 'r·.1 • .... ;.:jfl'11'•J 1r· 1·~1 Ii I ;I s"" I l!Wf~11''I ,,~I Ir! •1jl f 1ii i 'IJi t!IJf •' hif hl i1·~~,-1•hfi~J 1 'I J ll~s: ' ' :~ _,,,»•' ~-I' .!1 -!1 1~1 · I f· 11·f Q • 11.! JSLl.l>t'~ '~I 11t1 ( '1111 1f t!i ~Jh I g~ ~t 1_:('•1!.f f I I· ·~-· ''~111J ~~li!:t1 IJ1! _J• · · . lffJr~ li!:11J ~111f i ilflQ fl; i !r s> .• rf ~t!llJ!.I Jt!fl ilfl ~ i.! I i(.'. -i. '· .• • I i . iit co c...o-03g '1-.;.~ .. '"\I·~ -.: ·._, ' _. • 0 ..._Di> ,-'m-11:f'Ii!ll'•111r8r111-161i1JJJ'l''IJ'Qe.1f !rf'!lltJf~'1'11•i1 ~; ~:l~ ... l ~: '1l'I I;iJ Gf.'l~il • ~ .. :. 1•1 J. IJ r•H, I wh I ~i 111· ilog.~u~ 1 J&d~" ,1J11111 J'r'l!lf. !! 1-,11 'I·~"' 1-·l~il: h1t ·•111• ~~'~!ii ~.O~li.ilBthU!I p IHI: h!!l~1:!ii1f J lUl!.~h!!~il !iii!: UiU ._. t _.· . · 1 ·-,~ ~--. : . ·-.. . I ~=.§.~ ~ 111p•.•~.':T1.1•. Hin;11n(;1111•~r!JiP•11n1;•!11•~tr~un~1inu ii~!! , · .. -1,11,~e:H•' i !!;11111 ~If 1t!i0:o~Uf, 1 1~1 1 iJJ;~utr d~H 1Hli?•:r·t1t1I :•!HtQ· m:ff hJln11 drll!~!' !Hnnlu1~ g'~[~~ . >=~~= .. ' -. ' . ·-· ~ -. . . '' . . . = ~ ~ Ill 1--t.L'O' -.d -•. ·~'. '-:.: -·~ ~. ,. ~ "° L. ,~. '° 1• ·~ •. . nft :i----a I · · I ~· ... ·· !I '" -· -· f · ., . . ' . ~.:~1:'. ~--j:f l ... f~· ~ .-_· ~ .. -., ~ .-(lj ..... ~·~ q.1·1: .• s. i.11,1 Gi~liUllHf#·'1 .,ifliU.lf(.'1i1'·!!tll~'IUHt~n111:i,~¥ ~!H. I 1~:1Jt:~J1 Jri _ Pl·•ftf~;!!1f!li~i• titi 1f1~1U! h;fi!Jl !Ji~.g !D·1n:.:v;!r1rl.l~hl1~'.·'~d!de 1?t•J~4 !:J1h~I• Ut1!hl' ~~1j'~= ,.. . . __ , __ :~· ··" ~ ,_JI ~r'(J. J ' -e > ":( ; ' -;-;:;-~-;, !r~· " -'f" r -. ' -' ..,,..-,. -...,.. • I. '<:'.'" -• ,., ___ ,, •. ;,t' l • \l ,· ... '!' I';, l '·L \ , ' • -. . -;·'.;;' .. '. -' t i, .., • I.,_, . , . . ., ";.. • . , !. • . ~. '" . ' ~· I . I i I " '. "'.-l' 1'"-·1~ ~ ~ IJ ! .... :JI l!tp~'-'}111!!1111~¥!1 ~'!II11:!:1 !1,~Hl li!iJ. U!l!l Ilrl :Ha~•i f 11J~tl 1 r II! iii f ~ 1 '''Im' ljf IUiUiU?l~JJ UQ · -,-l~lld~lliiiil i!!!!:11!tli!lf i! !!l!I~ !U1!ir!t!ii!in1 1 !,lllf l!!l! ::11!! ili.1U!lll!i:n1!~!mniiiJ1 1! i!:~ .~,. , ,~.t"-"" • " "~ r •"u11,il~i.1n~,; 11(~!1•,-.1d•i1 'i !lfl~!11 11•11 '! r1i1Pr! 1'1'in1 ii• ··f ~1:~,rf p; :1\1i1tr! Ji 1·~ld~1!~!J~!t11 ~~· · tf 1i!lli~i!tlu1 ~til!:1·1 il!Jllli :i!iliilf U!!ii;l!l11!!!!i 11m;u rillit · 1lili 1ff i iHi!i lili!!i:1 ~; !!!f itl! MEN'S TaADITIONAL WEA& ror thos.e who shop ror Quality Pat Martey'• unparalleled traditional• wear on forever! We have the correct f It ... handaomely detail~. succeuful look HOMEOWNERS -ROOft' ADDITIONS -REMODELING . $0600 AS LOW AS 7 A MONTH• that sets you out front in the best-dreued THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER ;-' realm. Come'"· TIME TO ADO ON . THAT EXTRA BEDROOM·1 Ladies tradittonws too. "~"=-~~ ~ARTt ·,fi~A°s~E'tl~~f JT~~~IL ~,fg~E~ v;i . Distinctive Fashion ANO'BATH REMODELING . ·,~ CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR~ VISIT OUR St<>WROOMS AT ~ JtJ WISD9e1111l MALL : ltciU .a--.--, ..... LIYIL NIM SlilSI :fIJ ~ 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -~ <FiDCOMPLETION DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN ~ ;.uFREE CONSTR_UClK>N. ~ JfJ . 71 ........ 17' -714-lfl·4tl7 ~ ~ LA~o · m CONSTRUCTION ~ w m "BASED ~9%8-l:~~~.'~.~.OF te.000 . ' m lk..llLI 8 1-373261 r.n. - f l I I I L- I I J I ..... Monday movf95 ,INtAINff .. - .. <I> ••• "UMI'' (1Mtl OM9 ell ~ Olrtl ....,_,.nllrl ...... .. ..,.. ............ ........ "*"'*-..... "9 .... trCNbfe , ........... ..... • * * "Collle Te eo.I"' ,,...,,o,..c....., .... ert ...._A rUMWeiJ ---llld·~ tructier fteull.,. oeltte oOllt '° 00.---... ..... .......... ~.,..._.,... r•<m•••·u.rt-. ca.. • .........,, Dlrtr ...... ,. .. ....... .. .....,. ...... ...... ......... "*" .. _ -... lie ftee trouble . ....... -. .... ••••"CMlohMd Cllelll'• ...... ,.... •• ~ ........ ·-a...·· ..... ,,_ CMile. ..... ,......, ....... ____ ......... RAILROADED BY PROGRESS -James Garner stars as an Oklahoma railroad man in the 1950s, whose job and future are threatened as the diesel engine replaces the steam locomotive in .. The Long Summer of Geor g e Ad a m s." a comedy-drama on NBC <Ch. 41 Mond ay at 9p.m. Mtllteelto ... tapolttle ~ ..... " \ . .. Z:tOCID••"'~ DreelNng" ( tt1t) 0-.. Cllrletopller, Qlynnl• O'C-.A..-.~ -"°"' Qllceigo ....... on the ~ IMNldl t een• end become• ~--... deuat*' of.,..~ beedt bwft. 'A' 2:11• •• "Sendert"(11141 RlcNtd Todd, Met1enne Kod\. Upon #1Mno In • IWnOle Mrtcen .... • ,.,,. ~ cltlcoYer'I ....... '*',,... ()OI.. ....................... ................ MOCI>***'-'......, ........ (1tl0) Edw9rd Wa of ad, '** nion. eon.Alllll ... 11~ ed to llgtlt on EftgMnd'• lilde Ill h ._ Ww decide to """ .. .,., .,.._on...,_ --. .. CC>** "MIMn""" How-..,. ,,...,, ..... LAMM. ....... AoMrOL Alt ... .. ..._ ... -..on llltMdllM ...,. to be ... rtgl'4M .. to ~ Huf"-' bllllon dollar ....... 'A. ~10 (JJ ** ...... aper a.n-NW' ,, .. ,, Mir! Jil'OI. ....... ...,... ,. .... of mltunderetandlne• --•loclm-Wto ........ ~.., _......, °' ........ ~In .. ...._ of cHld .... 'flG. 4:11 CID * * "Tiie A9Un" ( , .. ,, Jen..McNel v. on,~~.A ~----· ... tnb'olr ... In ID"9 ..... .,_,,.,Jlzttre -..,.,...110;•~ ............ '". ... ....... ~. ly ...... ~ ..... llell ..,.. ..... Tuesday movies JAMJNlt'( '9, 1MI IVINltQ t:GO CC>** "Road 0.-" (1N1) Stacy l<Mdt, Jamie lAe C4lrtlL An eooentrlc trucker, • beautiful 111tctM• llld • peydlo- pdlic: kller trewlng tlle ..,.. ""* -~ ..... for .. Ind dMlf\. 'PG' <1>•••14' ...... ..,.,... ,....,, . ~ WaodwMI, JMll n.on.p. eon. """ .... oontertpt. ed to "81" on EnQland'• ... In ... .,., w. ..... to """ .. .,., ..,...°"....,_ ..... t:IO. **'-' ''Tiie Hard Wf/f" (tM),_..MclGJIM'I. ,lMY1na.f.AIMd ....... to ..... .. .... lllt ......... .. ,.._.,.. r:00C1D•••~ .. ...._ Manni'' ,,., ~ WuJ d. JMll f1Mimp. eon. ........... oonaortpt. ad to ll;M on "91ncf"• ... 1n 11e .,., war ~'° ............ ............. _ ....... (JI) •• * ""'91 f&lllly'' ,,., ............ .. ~-Tlw ... ... ,...,,, , ...... °' ... OOWIW• ..._. ,,_ c1a1111 .... JJl¢P ti .............. to ............... ....... f:IOCZJ•••"A ... NtdHll Dog" '"':l:: JoMaon, .._... . In Poll• ..,. .. "'.. . .. ,. ................ -·--= l~ ... - Ing .. IOOlr ... ~ ................. • * * ''1lM To Daneer'' <"m Dooana...,, ....... , ... ,.. ........ ~ A loot • .. WOftl ol inen and "°""" wtlo daly put .. hat In Jeopardy by --.. In .... OC991'1 ~*14 "'Oliy For HlgM" (1972) Jecqi ••• IMatlt. Yallrlllna CorWe. The hat and io.. ,,, llm perfofwlerl-..... In. rncMa ..... .....,.. (I).* ''Tiie 1110.-.. ~WOIRM"(1...,, LIIV TClnlln, aw.. Gro- dln. A.......,. '*:Jt t. find1 "9raelf ;etUftC .......... ~ __, ......... IOOlra on. 'PO' ••• ,. .. .._..Lor (tt7t) 0.... loul, ,,.,._ .......... Cllll ... nowi ~....,._Krne.A~ Gellllll ........... " .... bo,Mod ......... ... ....outtolkllt•--ol barre..,... ..... '°"'"'*"*' by ..... HO;i;~ ......... WNW'.,_...._~ Catfwrltflf, Katllatlfte ,.._ TM true *'Y ol a non.m girt ..., ...... 30 1 -,... lnoaoa..,.. Ill a ... ..,.... ... Oi .... ca> ••• ....,.._,,Co. for1" '1tl 1) tcalll Carr. ... ,._. 8oo9le. A troop °' ........ .-.. Oft,,..,..._.. In .. ~ ............. ,..,.... bee for .. IMolne °' • ~_.. .... tttCJJ••l4......-...(1tl1) ,,.. Llnlalla. ~ ,,,,,.,. Down. A ,,,.._ ..... .......... -"" ..... '°*" ... few•* .... hM dlloo¥--..... .., .. ~, 11aoh ,,...... ............. permitted to*-· 'flG' t:IO CID * * ~ "lldMr IMl-don'• IMoOdlna"' (1t79) ~ HtpOum. a.i a.z. zwa. MW '* ..._ dlee. • -lnlwt1ll one of --~•.,......cor· potedonl and .,_,,_ the *OM°' .. ~ ,....,_, ....... -°' wtlOfll 11. ,,.....,_ ... . (I)* •• ''Tiii ...... .. (1NOl.w.":.h... Caine, Da-M • Wiiie im. fpllllne • ,. o1 • ct. llPPl9•10ea In ttle 119"1'1U- da frtan;le. • jluMltC ........_ .. ..... ... ...,.... ........ .. ~ ......... 10:00 CC> * .,. "Tiie """'~ ..,.. (1t14) Olrtl ..,...,._ CMtiette ~ A bizarre relalloMtllp It ,. •• tnecl balw9ll • '°""" .. °""* Md • former coftcentr .. lon _,., ,,..... ...... .., " .................. .... .......... ••••''TlllllllMd" (tMO) MtcNaf o.Mle, DM4d w--.......... .......,....,,,_ .. lllPIE&'-1111 ...... de frtan;le. ....... ..........,... .. ..... ..... ,.... ...... . ,,.~:."Mired ........ (1tlaf ~ HUrt, llllt lnlwft. A ...,... .... ......... .....-. ..... ....... .... ... ~-· ' .. , ................. ................ .....,.. 1Mt(I)••·~---..... , ........ ... MNfrl ....... A ... Mtad ........... ..... """' ....... ....._ ... .... _ ..... .. .................. ......... l?'R ....: (I)** . .,,. ,., ' --a!',;:.-......... A title on the door.· .. rates a Bigelow 0o the floor. \bu're raising some mighty brainy brats,Mom!Theyknow Bigelow's got class built right in, along with comfort and tough, long-lasting good looks. We don't recommend swiping ... but we do recommend . . Bigelow. After all, the folks ~t Bigelow have been making fine carpets since Davy Crockett was a kid. Come in today and look over our beautiful Bigelow carpets. 'rou'll find colors and styles and patterns galore, all with the lasting good IOOks Bigelow is famous for. ·-• I ~ ... 1111r .,. ... . -------1 ' ;' ., " Pilot lV Log, Friday, January 15, 1912 i 1·~11· 1~ .. 1.·11•f~Jm f iP,!~!1 1(~;,,J:Hl~Ji'Hf l!'j~ll '"I~,,,. s·1111u1:;mn~~11f"'llfj!1· t '1li ·~1,llt11~1,si 1•1""1iw11111f SS •1$~ · ,, .. ·~fl · 1 ~1•11• a•1 -o(f•J f•tl ltii•" 'fl •lj ti~ .... 0 ffr-• It • Ifs lj = , -•• t • ·11• ~Ti l;l'.·t' ll.·~.t!!1Ji i.i 1~1 ,l~hi1~!ii dn1t 1· ~i 11!11r1!1illl11 11d 2H:J11ii ::,·1 !i !,;·1·!lf'P11!11Ul111 1l i11~hf 1t!!i~l 11 .'. •. • ··I f-t:lr•,1, tf f-i 9 1 11 11 11 -=f, I it· i 1111 111.1 l'O' 11 •':? 'I= lti~ 1.1•1r!S .ll i 1 t -l$IJ Ji lj ~ ,. ' _l ;:1. ,,, '"-'·" . 1~ l .• l . i Ji Qal$~ t ,;!l " '~~ir J! ,, !01' if .. i1fl , ~~llJ. ,[fi!r>s .iJf1 : tltii r J.J '1 ~' _, _ I_ Ir"' .I. , .. ~.. • I" \ .. 0 "' ; ,_,i 1 , • .-. l'i1,t-~: :.Al>r .. ',}. I -~ ·.-·• .. ;·· . i N ... • , ~ I ·. '. ~ tt . . . i I! I ,," .. ·l~,::A II!'\. ·: .t~ ··~=-· .... .!JIC r. ; I : . . II • g • ' .. { W'f ·~nlHJ'!l 1lfi;1u11:1~!1 l:~!T•!!flll'~~ i I u llffim!1mni-1~1·1~UUG 1 Jn uu~P'ii 0 ~~ppi~!!iUi~!!t t e. J1'i,~1t11i.i1'!1~P1f.i1!1Un1 ·~!!Ii ~!1:i!':j ; *l u1H!~l!f l!lidil1!i"t!i:(!lf g 111~1iiH!Ji1!1hi1!f (ifHi!~1~ili :. t 'aJ{=~~·· !-~' ::· .. ~~:·-~' ~~"' 1!uh!J 1 /~mu~_ bh~::·:~~~ :J~ilH ;if h t}Jf _ .. t,;11: ,;!1;_; l-~~-~ ea '~~1,111111•~!.:g1111i,j~illj·111'~1'lil~fl1,•~1:u1n~nmJ1I~ii ~! HHh ,; ~:,i;.'."f"' ~11~.~.:~ .. ~··.· .._ l :.~:1 fj:·'·{i•r -~ ,~&9 oC~~ 1~rf•11~1 '~!1·3~lillSlli; 1·-~fW ~:i;~;;·:.~~ ·'11 ~~ ~·1 >1":~~~.~·: ., • ~ 14 • I s I . !. ' ~I I > 3. j '° I' ;, { z .f D> :T. n ,.. Z , , •~ft' •..11 ... ,~1.l.li1~id. l•1c!;r11•rt'11·1·!1~1 !11;11:1,·•1' '11iJ5 ~-~1~1ifr_!f r ;!!?.:, ·~~~-"1 .~~~~1~.i-: ··. -.. :. I . tl••IJJJ , 11• f . Ii •1 .sA \ J.,, tfli ll I 9 f£ co-·g-co0>~~ ., ·"~· ·t'' , i ,;_ii'•''' . '~-.~_a,_,,,~ J :~, ' 1!IJ : Iii& .. J, ,1 : f J--lsJtiJ ~~ I ~ ~~·i ~i-~g ·.~.~~·~~'.\F;. r~· '.· -m.f [1~.~1.:1:1c':!~:I~ ;~e!'. JHi!~,1 ~~-'J~211 <:l1.,,!~;u~•ii1r~!1 ~:1~i1 i1· l' ~~~~f !?~ · ,,, ,~ :;~~\.:j.;: I •• I 11 ~., I I r • § r E. I . >... • JI! I I . i .. • .. § -• s l zt • • I ., i 0 -· ~ -·I» ::s ~ -' ~ r ~· -~~,···11~· ~~i Ii~-1IJJ-I~ l1~IJ ~ ssf i ~ itiI~ jtf ~~li!rj~as i1 ~~ ~~~.:;:-~· i '~1:f1 ,,,,. II [. f (1>ilti111·.li! 1 i 1,~i if i '1! I :tlQJi (l!J 1.! l~il:JIJ ~f ·If it =-~~;~~~a ,~-~-., . "· ... )~ ,;i 9'f ~ ,I . I· I . J ... _s>J I call : isil Ii!'...: ·sS!c:>':, 5',~ . s, 'i < :s 3 ':T$ V> ' ·, ' • t • l ~ : ~ -:;. -!I .. .& • ~ ,, ft) .... I» ... .;;. ~ t:t-~ tl,!tf I . •al~~ !;] ,fi f! f~1 ~ = • SL;,; l ~!l~J f.l . i li!r :e§.~ ~ ;-~ ,. .-. ~ ~ t..::.· ' I '• . , ., • , '1 i"> 1 , ~ t 1 I · i -i I I ·j i . O!l!liJ!'iW ~~!HllJ!~0 UIPIU!~l!~~J!1pH:HUi~ i I ii p 1 1:~!Hf H!it•f :!Jll1.ij 1lij!Uf l:H1r~p 1 miH!H!lf i ilf ~~itllf !!f!f! ·1r1!Hj!!'1!:1:!;i•t !:lirJ11·!1:1J1(!!i ~ ~ ! 1:h11h~i !!fH•ii~i ~ii1~,4~:ii~i1t' ??l!U!lh~11 ;11~U~'11ti:l h · u:t ·, •11!'' ,hJH 1 !t td · ra!fi ~ .rfMhn , d!. n thm · l:liQ !h uu~ 1I iiha• Hll ( f 1 t iii I. -I ... . -' !' ,: ... .. I \;.y ~· -. .. '-·.-. . : i i I I 11m•!Jfii 111•~!"IPj l!IJ?P! u~·~1 llf i •j1u I !1 ~ ! !1 u II f i!Ulf I ~P~lft Ill ~?r1 i I u -~liil IJU1 !11 !! f i U!!li!Um!!(!I i!l!ii~Uiil!li ii!illliii !illl illili!f llli! ~!! !i!I!! f !Hlii!f :i il!lHlt!li ;i !;II;; i: ir!lliUli l !lii~lil !~i ·FOR SAFETY •.. SECURITY ••. CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES . ,,. IN ORANGE COUNTV . . "We Are Never UndersolQ" •. ~· ................ ,.. "uadlng ln•lall•r ot Autom.-fk · . Door Openet1 In Orwng• County" IRVINE DOQR .COMP,ANY Sales & Service Insured. B:nded & ~~ !~~ N! 312361 ... KARATE SELF-DEFENSE INTRODUCTORY COURSE ' 3* PRIVATE LESSONS * Gift Certificate* Available Private lessons are verv impar- tant to beginning students. We feel that 1 private lesson Is worth 3 or .c hrs. of mass group Instruction. Learn self-defense from Cham- Plon !lack-Belt Instructors. Bob and Barbera White hive been ·teaching Karate Jn O(.ange County· for over 13 years to men, women and chil- dren of all ages. Get Into good shape and learn self-defense at the same time . . -6 ! • I . '""· ...... , , ....... -1 ..... , . ····-~m1:·aa·1 · ............. : ................................ : ·-...... -......... -....... . ........... -. ............... ...... ., .. ..._. ............ , . ..,. ...... ...., .......... _ ........... ....... <il ....... . t'~.J1c.e. l'Mam J>tote l Li•CAlftll FRESHEST •tE CREAM Von'• .. v~n Center '-•~./ 2014 Weet Avenue J ·~' M54000 , "' All of tit••• a..-t. ator•• are celetir9tltt• Wltll Q,.nd Openln9 price• tool ---------·- .. eekender \ I 1' 1 I '~ • I : : : { • I l ~ : I 'l .. I ' I I I All they wanted to do wasdance Ballet. grogp fmdS support By MICHAEL DOUGAN °' .............. Lawrence and Sarma Rosenberg, dancers and newlyweds. hadn't specifically planned to move to San Juan Capistrano - they only kne'!V they wanted to escape the smog and bustle -0f Los Angeles. And to dance. So. when fhe C&pistrano Ballet Centre in that town's Esplanade Shopping Center came up for sale last March, it seemed the perfect opport.UJlity. a chance to live in a pristin,e seaside community, to dance and to make a · living. They found that and something more. "We expected to be predomina ntly training students," explained Lawrence. 31. .. We had no idea of the wealth of talent we would find." . -That-talent included a number of professional ballet dancers who also sought. to escape the ravages of urbania ... People from this area have moved to New York to perform," noted Sarma. ..They moved to New York and then they moved back." That discovery was the inspiration for the Capistr,no Ballet Company. a non·profit outfit formed by the Rosenbergs that will make its Orange County premiere at 8 p,m. Saturday and 2 p.m . Sunday in Mission Viejo's Saddleback Fine Arts Theater. "There are so marly talented dancers and professionals here who had no outlet. .. said Sal'ma. "Some have worked before and have stopped for awhile.'' Lawrence said most of the 20-odd dancers in the company hail from Orange County. .. but not from the neighborhood" of San Juan Capistrano. A few commute from Los Angeles for weekend rehearsal sessions . Their credits include work with the likes of Les Grands Ballet Canadiens. Israeli Classical Dance Ballet. Ballet Classico de Mexico. Alvin Ailey II and the Marin Civic Ballet. . And the works performed are as diverse as the performers' backgrounds. This weekend's concert will inclUde selections from .. Swan Lake" as well as routines set to the music of Scott Joplin and Benny Goodman. While finding talent posed no problem. the Rosen bergs faced a greater challenge in getting t he Capistrano Ballet onto point - fundraising . The cost ran into .. the thousands," said Lawrence. "Every tutu had to go from scratch." he explained. "every set. every piece of scenery.'' · To help find financial support and guide the new ·~ompany's destiny. a board of directors was formed that includes ballet buff and comic Dom DeLuise. Then t he Rosenberp turned to their new community for support and found there was plenty. ··The community seemed Interested.·· said Sarma. • •from all analea -people volunteertna to help 1ew. that sort ol tblna." In lfldltloll. ··a lot ~ amall busbMuel have been ~·. yery be~a.·· .•M Uld. LaWNneeancl Sarm. ·Ros1nberg (pldYred), •rtlstlc dlrecton of Capfstratn0 Ballet Com"'9Y, · have found• wuttt. .of d.ncfngtalent In orange County. I 1 •• .I ! Table to Table ------------- f B enihana matches cuisine ' to sho~nshlp ~ ,, ·.::: an y>t description for this light consomme with a hint or fish stock. LL By JOEL C. DON Of-D.ity,.... ~ .: BENIHANA OF TOKYO, 4250 Birch St., Newport ~ Beach. 955-0822. Lunch, $3.75to 16.SO, served /rom ll:30 41 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monda!/ through FridaJI. DinMn, /rom j $8.25 to $17.50, from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. MondaJI to ~ Thll.rsday, 5:30 to IJ p.m . Friday and SatvrdaJI. SllndaJI /rom 5 to 10 p .• m. Reservation& recom~. . Oo the other hand, the salad was non-descript. But it's at par with most salads served in Japanese retaurants. It comes with a French-style cream dressing. The chef wbeils in his cart Md prepares your meals according to instructions taken by the waitress. It the juggling act looks impressive, remember that your cook &aas spent a solid two months in training for this special show. § o:: Slick TV commerci•ls highlighted by fancy knife work. pepper mill juggline and • pounding percussion section promise a special culinary exhibition at Benihana or Tokyo. . . So what do you really get when you sit down to a hibacbi-style dinner at this international chain? Lots al show or sumptuous fare? It turns out you get generous helpings or both. The beauty of this cuisine is you can walk in with ·a gargantuan appetite and leave feeling satiated and not bloated. Japanese food' tradjtionally is Ue.bt. with heavy sauces kept to a minimum and aH mea1a served wlth hearty portioos of vea.etables. C Even deep-fried tempura is more vegetable or seafood than batter.> Since beef in Japan is considered a delicacy, If not a precious commodity, most meals there are served with fish or poultry. At Benlhana you'll have the luxury ot ordering a number of cuts of meat, but don't pass up a "li&hler" meal or scallops, shrimp or lobster. Our dinner choice wu for hibachi chicken (8.25) and hibachi shrimp with scallops ($13.50). We asked to share our meal. The chef slmply dished out equal portion1 of shrimp, scallops and chicken to both plates -a fe•t eas1 enou1h when all food is cooked m ma.su on one Ifill. In addition to the meat or seafood entree. each dinner plate comes with assorted veeetables cooked stir-fry style on the hibachi grill. The vegetables included bean sprouts, zucchini and onions, cooked quickly with li&ht seasoning .ad soy sauce. And you hfve two dipping sauces, one ginger-flavored and the otber mustard. White rice is the popular accompaniment. But for a pleasant cbaaee, have the chef prepar-e Benihana's speclaJ fried rice. He'll lake your rice portion and fry it wilb a whole egg, vegetables and seasonings. All dinners are served with soup, saJad, rice, hibacht shrimp appellier and ereen tea. Your meals are cooked al your table oo large hibachi grUls. lf you come with less than enough people to fill a table, be prepared to be seated with another couple or family. It's communal uling with a personal touch. The onion-flavored soup was served in porcelain (not plastic) bowls with spoons. ewe would have preferred to have it '°"' Western eating utensils in traditional Japanese style.> My guest described the texture of the soup as delicate, The somewhat simple menu also offers sukiyaki steak ($10.75), hibachi steak <SU.25), ftlet mignon ($12.25) and blbacbi scallps ($12.95). Rocky's Choice (named -after Benihana owner Rocky Aoki ) includes hibachi chicken, hibachi steak and pineapple at U•.25. The top.priced item on the menu ~atures the best of two worlds: The Benihana Special ($17.SO) offers hibachi steak and lobster tall. ~"-1 ....... LM..,_ THE JUOOlEA -Shiji Nishimura is one or Benihana's performing chefs. Benibana can be. great family fun, so don't forget lhe kiddies. A children's dinner menu is offered before 7 p.m. to youngsters under 12. And don't forget to warm up to the Oriental spirit. Order the traditional sake (rice wine> will\ your meal. lntUmisslon ------ - ------- ------- 4 pre ntieres on tap By TOM 11'ftJS .... ...,""' .... TbOle wt!o crave sometbina new and different in local theater will have cause for rejoicing next week when four Orange County premieres arrive oo Orange Cout stages. First up is the West Coast premiere of "Bodies" at South Coast Repertory's Second Stqe, bOwing in W~nesday. Thursday will mark the woTld preriiiere of "Pirouette," an original play at OC I nine by a :. recent p-lduale. Sharilur an opening nl1bt on Frjday .wfil be '1RomanU.c Comedy" at the La1u11a Moulton ·Playhouse and "Bullsbot Crummond" at Golden West College. "BodJes," under the direction of Richard Genbman, ii a dramatic import from -land and f~ ~ two mldclle-.iua eoU,aea who reunite after may ,.... Ud ftDd tlbelr put ,iadl1GN&lw •XC'•· ~ tbe-rouraome wlll taady Cronyn, Lawrence Pre11man, Cbrl1Una 'Pick1-llld Mau.btw Failalt. Performtinee1 will be PYm nllbtJy except Monday• at l:Jt wlth matlneee at I p.m . on Sab1Nu1 tbroulh hb. 1 at the donlla&a Uieater ol SCR, 165 Towa r.Mer Drift, Colla ..... CaU _,_..for tlokel u.fonna&laa. UCI'• "PlrGMtW' WU,.,. .... .,, .alumnus IUchard lhdt11n.o ancl .. centers on a romantic trianele in a baUet cla:as. Robert Volk, Gineer AJlen and Debbie Grattan bead the cast. • '·Pirouette" will be staeecf Thursday throuCh Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Human.IUes Bultding's LitUe Theater. Reservltions are being taken at 833417. Bernard Slade's • • Rom•ntic · Comedy" 1potli1bt1 L•guna's manallnl director, Douglas Rowe, and bia wife Catherine in the leading toles under the direction of John ,. erzacca. - After its opening weekend , "RomanUe Comedy" will be staged Tuesdays through Saturdays •l 8 p.m. until Feb. 13, wlth 2 :30 matinees .on Jan. 24 and Feb. 7 at the Playhouse, 808 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Ruerv•llons 494·0743. l'ulMbroWe farce ii the fare •l Golden West CoHese where "BulJlboe.. Crummond" take• r"hlence neat Frlday. 1be Brltiah aatire • "B"' movle detectlves features Biii Pomeroy ID tbe Utle role. P.aformance1 wUJ be 11ven Jl'rtd•Y and .........., o1 aext week and Jan. n*• at 1 p. m. la tbe coll••• theaw, with a elotiae_: matinee SuDtu.i.la. 11, at I :•. Tleteta are av.Oilllt ID die coll• ba'**" or 1»1 cauta •.eo10. .Classical . ·11111slc -------------------- A ntighty meal of Mahle r . L.A. Phil .challenges cr owd t o sit and listen By MARY JANE SCARCEU.O CN .. Delt't ..... MiMf Tbe Los Angeles Philhumonic Orchestra served a light dessert before a heavy main course Saturd•y • evening at the Santa Ana ffigb School auditorium. · Simon RatUe, newly appointed thls season to lbe post or principal guest ·conductor, and pian1st Emanuel Ax opened with Mourt's 8 -fi•l Piano Concerto. A reduced-size orchestra followed the soloist in a pleasant, inoffensive and Ughtwei1ht performance played correcUy but wit.bout warmth. It was a p.atry from a bakery of no particular reputation. AftJr an early intermission, the audience returned for an almost lndi1eltible main course of Mahler's lOth S1JDpbony. The orchestra la well aequ.tnted with the co~er'.a works, siDH Mahler wH a favorite of Zubln Mebta ln bla rears u conductor in Loi ~. but hi• last symphony ae.er W beea performed locally beyond the .... lnOftmeftt, When the COmpaHr died ln 1111, only lbe ftnt Mellon •u complete, but In recd yean the other IOdt' •lll'Oftmentt ltaw bica 11ecvnltl«ted .... from notes and fragments left behind. To say that much or the symphony is depressing is an understatement. Mahler •. never the cheeriest or composers, was in genuine despair over his marriage md personal life while wrilin& his last work, pou:rlna bis feelings into the music. The result is an overlong tangle of disjointed melod1es and repeated themes wblcb threaten to become self·lndulgenl at times. The piece is redeemed by moments of dramallc force and great, passionate climaxes to repay listeners who sit through its well-over-an-hour performina Ume. Mahler's not for everyone. His music is an acquired taste, like bot curry or Brussels sprouts, and newcomen shouldn't begin with his 1ast effort. A few audience members cbose the. pause between movements to leave early, but most rem-1ned to hear Mahler out uxt applaud. . RatUe will ret~rn to Santa Ana tomorrow nllbt with •lolim.t ltabak Perlman to pedorm Haydn, D¥arM and Prokofieff, but cloa't calf UM Oran,. County Phllbarmonlc: SOdib for. Ueteta because tM contert us -t>een ~-~.ni~I!! ....... ~--""'"- 5 :!! ~ iilllllili ... ~~ililillillilllllilllilll .. ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-..~11111u f J the verge of fame ~t age 9, :Angela's on BY .JOEL c. DON o1 .. ...., ......... _ While most ol her friends were just beginninc to tackle tt)e t.hree R'•,, Angela Coleman bad taken mike in hand to perform for tbe likes of Cab Calloway, Stevie Wonder and Muhammad Ali. She's a singing dynamo at aee 9, with an adult voice strapped to a child's frame. Uttle Angela, as she is known, bas performed alongside Barry White and Andy Gibb. The gospel singer, who went PfO al age 6 from cb11rcb slneine glgt1 , will perform today throu1h Sunday at Knoll's Berry Farm during the park's three-day "Gospel Weekend." Little Angela will sing in the Cloud 9 Ballroom at 4: U> and 5:35 p.m. each day. deubt, wilJ be the young girl from Soutb-Cenlral Los Angeles. The youngster started singing at age 2, spirited by church service · . hymns and rock 'n' roUs tunes, "When she was 4 years old she bad a volce that was 6 years old," said her mother, Ruby, a private nune. "When she was 5 years old we realized s he bad professional talents." Stevie Wonder took notice of the s i n g er du r i n g o n e or b ei" performances and is considering producing her records. Little Angela has been noted for her commanding stage presence and penchant for perfe<:tion. And her vocal talents come without formal training. .,, ~ a: "l hope that she goes atralabt to -' the top," ber mother said. "Thia is <... something she wants." ! Little Angela is shy on the E telephone during an interview ~ allowing two· and three-letter ~ answers to questions. She's obviously :. more comfortable in her element -:£ onrta~ N She performs regularly at her · cburcb each week and her mother enrolled her in private boarding school so that she can set the attention needed to develop into a s tarlet. The family is helped by money from the church coUectioo plate. Little Angela bas a preference for rock 'n' roll music. Her mother would erefer a goepel-'Singing career. ti\4t Ruby Coleman isn't afraid.. ~e't-,.. daughter will crow too quickly into the glitter of show business. Also slated for varjoua stqes ~£ the Buena Park attraction are Jessy Di~on, Harry Booker fi Company, The Clara Ward Sineers, Earl B. Smith, The Gospel Celebrity Showcase Orchestra & Singers, Dwight Miller fi Keith Davis and The Cbes~r Whitmore Dancers. "Most people can't believe she bu.n!.Lhacl leaso11s/' sbe.. said. · ~stevie said before they start working be wants to enroll her in a school for voice training." Though Little Angela bas been singing professionally for nearly three years, her mother says her daughter bas yet to reap fortune in addition to her newly found fame. LITTLE ANGELA -Prefers rock to ''I have a Cirm band on her and 1 've always tauaht her the difference between rieht and wrong," she said. "When she gets the wroag idea ·l have something I can give her." The highlight of the weekend, no gospel. · Most of the gigs have been benefits, designed to give the girl exposure. Entertala111ent briefs • --------------------------------------------- Jazz stars to appear Jazz greats Oscar Brasher and Ernie Watts will join four Orange Coast College jazz ensemble groups for a concert at 2 p.m. Sunday in the OCC Auditorium. Trumpeteer Brashear and tenor sax man Watts are top Hollywood studio musicians. Both have performed with some of the world's leading jazz bands. They will appear with OCC's Friday Jau Ensemble, Tuesday Jan Ensemble, Saturday Jau Ensemble and Evening Jw Enemble. The Jour groups, featuring nearly a hundred musicians, are under the direction of OCC professor of instrumental music Charles Rutherford. Tickets, at $3 each, are on sale in the OCC ticket office in the administration buiJdin.g until 7 p.m. today or noon tomorrow. Tickets will also be available at the door. The concert is co-sponsored by OCC and the Coast Jan Society. For information phone 556-5527. Calligraphy exhibit Ora.nae County'• first callipaphy uhibit will be presented at Universal Savings, 4590 MacArthur Blvd., beliMinC with a cbampape reception next Monday from 5-7 p.m. Tb4; show, presented by local instructor Teri Kahan, will feature art pi~es produced by advanced students from CoasWne Community CoUege and Golden West College. · Viewing hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Jan. 29. 'Fitness Game' tours "The Fitness Game!:· South Cout Repertory'• 1912 Educational Tourin1 ProducUon, wHI bit the road Jan. 18 and play some aoo performances throup June 11, it wu recenUy announced. Tbe edueatJoaal play Is ID orillnal muaeal that ........ .-.Ucal condltiolaiq f« elementary school cbtlclfen tllroqla •laalal. duce ud cbaraa... TM 6•h',.l 1Mw na be ,... .... both on indoor and outdoor stages and Is available tor booking throughout the county. TMs year's cast members are Cheryl Crabtree, Robert Crow, Mark Dausak, Bryan Rasmw&Sen and Patti Wojcik. The latter three made their SCR debuts in ";\Christmas Carol;" Dausak is stage manager at Orange Coast College and Crabtree ls a graduate student of theater arta atCSULB. For more information on ".Tbe Fitness Game!" call 957-2602. Sebastian's honored The drama critics of Los Angeles Orama-Logue maguine named Sebatian's West Dinner Theater in Saa Clemente u winner of 11 awards for theatrical productions theft durin1 1981. The awards -tor best performances, belt choreography, best costumes, dlrectin1, playwriting and production -were 11Ten variously for four plays. "Brigadoon" received five booon, "Funny Girl" netted three awards and "The Max Factor" and "Deathtrap" toot three priJes betw~n them. TV history probed An biatorkal look at television from 19'9 through the present wiU be provided this spring in a coune tiUed "Television: The Finl 25 Ye.,.s" at Orange Coast College. Co\itse instructor Jerry Lenintton said the class is intended to five students a new appreciation of television's put. .. •'It helps studdnta to become a bit more discerning today." he claimed.. "TV la 1otna to premeate our lives even more aa Ume 1oes OD. It'• important to know where we come from, and f« that reason we study blatory. Si.nee we are bll conaumen of what teleVialOD bu to offer, It'• Import.ant to kaow jut bow tbe medium bu become what it ii today." · Studeata Will view klDelcopel, ftlme IDd video tape recordlap of ta.. early pl'OIJ'•-· tlMrir atart and rorm.u. TIM ..... lilted u ....._ ...... Alta tM, m.et.a .... vtar n~ INlii 1-10 p.m. RegislraUon for classes ls underway through Jan. 29. Spring semester begins Feb. 1. For registration Information calJ 556-5772. Jewish women's art Four contemporary women explore the truths and historical legends of their Jewisb heritage in "Trad.Won in Transition" at the UC Irvine Art GaJlery from Jan. 21 tbroutb Feb. 20. The arUata -Bruria, Bet.b Ames Swartz. Gilab Yelin Hinch and Jflcbele Zackbeim -work in various media. Permeatin.f the exb.lblt ii a searching for the "Shekhinab," or Hehrew female presence of God. An illualrated catalog is available at Ute ubibition. 1be Callery is located in UCl's Fine Arts Villaae. S~R courses offered Courses in beeinnlna actinC, audlUODlq, voiee and a special beblnd-tbe-sceoea play seminar are being ottered at South Coast Repertory beatnninl the week or Jan. 25. "Artists in Action," Mondays from 7·10 p.m., will feature an in-depth exploration ol the •tacinl ol "Tbe Play'a the Tbinl" ..a "llMrJ JV, Part f." Voice trai.nlna, for all publle apeat:en will be beld Tuesdays from 1-9 p.m. "Audition!,'' a1ao OD Tuesdays from 7.9 p.m ., olfen a apeelal 1erles ol techniques to showcase the performer durtn1 audlUona. Be1lnnina actlnc coneeatratea on character creation Wednesd&11 from 'MO ... m. For enroUment informatJon, phone 95'1·2Jll02. Haydn's 'M888' slated JOHpb HaydD'f "llua ID nme ot War" will be performed by or..-1e Oout Ooll•'• ..... Cborale at It.a annual wlater eoacert 11t t p.m. . Saturday la the OCC AuctitGrium. In eddW!lll OOC'1 ID-Yake Qwnber 81aeeri wl11 pnaenl Pouleae'a ''Sept. Cbauou'' ud worll1 ~· Sela ... aan, di L8llO Ad lobam Bae.Ill. • Tiebel ..... ,.. .......... fer~ under 11 -Oolll an·1to111 a. ~ wUI bi told at t1ae cloar or at t1111·.occ Ullrl& amia. I. llODY mAT: Rated a, etarriq W-lltiam Hurt u a · Mnllinl. lcwettnadl atteraey llDd KlltbleeG T\lroer as tbe femme fatale. Tbia aexy, ~ mystery takes place in a fietitiou Florida town • bot that people In i cafea order iced teas two at a thae. Dlreete4 by i: LawreMe 9'udaa u aa hom .. e to film noir, the R ratin1 comes from brief oudity. salty laquase m a geoeral air ol llte•ineu. 8l1D9Y au.-Y1 llatecl R, wi~ .Jack LemmcJG ud Walter Matlltau. Aa eaeounter between a awddal network ~ and a moll b.itman, filmed In Rlvenicle. Tbe R ratlnl ls for lanfuafe. CHA&IOTS OF naE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cross and Ian Charleson as runners ln the 1924 Olympl.cl, where they run races for different reasons but man~.ie to win Juat the same. Bil on scenery and moral elevation, short on plot and development. A rou.sina . syatbemenouDdtrackbyVan1ella. ThePGraµn,mustbe for its lofty tllemel: there is no nudity. no violence and very UtUeoffensivelanau .. e. · THE nENca UEUTENANr!iWOllAN: Rated R. stars Meryl Streep in the role ol the beartbrokee and heartbrealc:inf French Ueutenant's woman and Jeremy Irons as the Victorian 1enlleman who 1amblea bfs love and reputaUon on her. The Victorian love story Is iolercut with another plot: the modem day rum crew. maltlng a movie or "The ~h Ueutenant'• Woman" has ill own romantic dl'amu and downfalls wbicb are meant to compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence, but we're never sure quite bow. The R rating is for adult sexual situations. GALUPOU: Rated R, atan llel Gibton and Mark Lee as two young Australian soldiers who nght in the tragic batUe at GaJUpoU in World War I. Peter Weier. an Australian director, has taken a turn from his · metaphyslcar film making lo produce what is hls best work to date. A simple. great movie. Ttie R rating Is for language and violence. GHOST STORY: Rated R. stars Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and John Houseman. The R rating is for nudity and adult situations. . HEARTBEE;PS: Rated PG. stars Bernadette Peters. and Andy Kaufma n as futuristic lover s in a robot-heavy world. Tile PG rating !s for adult s1tuatlon. MODERN PROBLEMS: Rated PG. stars Chevy Chase as a hard-luck air traffic c:ontroller who receives telekinetic powers when nuclear waste ia spilleCl onto his O!!W cJr, and Palli D'Arbanvllle as his flrlfriend who see...hlm through these tryins times. The Um Is uneven under the directiun of Ken Shapiro, fluctuating between scenes of brilliance and gags that don't work. o· Arbanville and supporting performers Brian Doyle-Murray and Mary Kay Place are particularly good. The PG rating i1 for languaae a.nd .clult situations. NElGRBOBS: Rated R, stars John Belushi &11d Dan Aykroyd as a mismatched pair or neighbors on what begins as a qufet suburban stre.et. Aykroyd·s Vic is a pathological Uar and cheat who drives the conservative Belushi to violence. The R rating ls for language and adult situations. ------------ lhe King's Singers IN CONCIRT AT ORANGI ~A8T COLLIQI "Stunning d/ap/1y of ·~•net, pfflClalon, "9faltllity and humor" ....... ·--····-····--··············· .. ·· Bo.ton Olob9 "l vtrythlng thHt t/K gent1-men ting, they llng •1»0t1cullrly." ._ ............ -............... Wahington Pott SATURDAY, P••RUAllY 8 OCC AUDITORIUM -8 P.M. 2701 , ..... Rold, eo... ~Qi. - RESERVED SEA TS: •ro. • • TIOlfET~·-Bif PENNDS raoll RAVEN: Rated ft. stars Steve llartia Md ~ Pe&era ii) a Uwowbaell to 1•·1 111111icall. Set acainst tllle depraaion, the story It aerioua, evee a little black. Thell ratinc It for adult situations. aAOft•E: Rated PG. is u intelli1ent 1cree11 venion cl E.L Doctorow's ms nonl, which weaves historical characters -Karry Thaw, Stanford White. Evelyn Nesbit, J .P. Mor1an -into the lives ol wbat tries very hard to be a l.JlpkaJ American family. Elizabeth McGoven lives a wiMing performanH as the dreuny ey• Nesbit ... Howard I!. Rollins ls commandlq u CoalboYle Walker, a Wack plaoo p&eyer wlillo ia ae,usect by b•1ot1 aDd b1lreaucrat1 aUlte. Th' tliredor, llik»I Foreman, bad a ~u.lt tut in CUUina tbe aprawliq beak ia&o rum shape, ucl he's done tbe job admlrabty. TM PG rat.bl1 Is lor ..uty and IOIDe riolen«. &EDS: Rated PG. •tan Warren Be~ty u John Reed. u.e American joura.list, ud Diane Keaton as Louise Bryant, who becomes hia wile. Thi..fUm rWll well over three houri on a budcet of over l30 mUUon, and tbe lovint care ol Beatty, who· also produced and directed. shows. But there's a tameness to Jt too; you don't walk out thinltifta you've seea a great movie. The PG rating ls for lanauaae and adult 1ituati~. a SllAR&Y'8 MACHINE: Rated R. stars Burt Reynolds as a toqh cop caupt between 1 corrupt departmeat and ever-present bad fuys. The R ralln& is for violence andJAnOaae. · aou.ovEa: Rated R. stars Jane Fonda and Kris Krlslolfenon in a tale or lntemaUonal intrigue and passion. NOt for those who expect heavy action or violence. The R ratinc is for adult sltuaUoos and vulcar lan1uap. TAPS: Rated PG, is the unllkely tale of a froup ol military adtool cadet.a who arm them.selves and occupy the campus lo keep it from beiq sold and turned into condominiums. Timothy Hutt°" leads tbe kids ud 'overacts nearly every scene. Ali. GeMral Bne. Georae :. Scott 11ves u inadvertanUy funny performance that we're not suppo&ed to laugh at. The PG rating is for violence. TllEY ALL IAVGHED: Rat~ PG. stars Audrey Hepburn. Ben Gaznra, John Ritter and Dorothy Stratten In a romantic cotbed y set in Manhattan. Peter Bogdanovich directed from bis own script. The PG rating iS for adult situations and language. . • • Capistrano Ballet debuts From Pagel volunteerial to help sew, t.bat aort ol thine·" In addition, "a lot of s111all busineues bave been very, very helpful," she said. "Some of the lar1er corpor ations hll\<e a.ls expreued inte~t." One ol the burdlea, she recalled, "was to make ll clear to them that thi.I is not a cbild.ren's croup -'I'm A Little T~apot' or somethin& llte that." The Roleoberp hope to expand tbeil" company and their repertoire, while retaintnc their eclectic stance. "I tbi.Dk O\U' approach will always be the same," explained Sarma. "We're not tolnl to try to do the sort of thing that tbe American Ballet does.'' Their 1oat is "fuJI employmmt," __11!91linl paid salaries for tbe troupe, wbkb ~~~ ~· a number of rrofesaional dancen in their mld-twenUes an other ,,younger , "apprentices." That won't be euy, said Lawrence, but "we expected it would be even more difficult to pull off what's happened so far." The shows this weekend mark the company's second appearance. They debuted lo _Loa An1ele! Jaat.mootb. The Capistrano .Ballet hopes to1ie1i.D vlsltine acbooll end charitable or1aniuUona to present lectures and demoaatratiooa. Reserved aeatlng for the Saturday and Sunday performances, al $8 adults or $4 childr en, is ·available by phoning 493-0066. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Jbuth Coast Repertory The 81-82 Season ..,,..._...., A quaint castle on the ltalia.n Riviera Is the locale for this witty 8XPo5e Of lhe theatre. Thia tauoh+mtnute romp, full of frivolity and ribald repartee. is tti. oomedy for theatnHoYers. Mainstage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday ..at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Still Available (/ 856 Town Center OriYe. Calta Mell. CA 92828 For tide« lnfonnetion or rnervltk>IW. <:1111 (714') 867-4033 ·. DlwersloDs '.-PLAYS.-~-- "FLJNG," a new comedy by Bernard Slade, ls bn stage at the Costa Mesa Clvfc Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Curtain Is 8 :30 Thursdays through Saturdays untll Feb. 6 with reservations available at 754-5159. "THE OLDEST LIVING GRADUATE" Is Irvine actor Wll Thompson at the Anaheim Cultural Center, 931 N. HarbOr Blvd., Anaheim. 'The drama by the Ana-Modjeska Players will be presented Fridays and Saturdays at 8: 30 p.m . through Feb. 6. Reservations 991-4135. "ANGE'L STREET," the play that Inspired the movie, "Gaslight," opens tonight at the Huntington 8each Playhouse In the Seacllff" Village shopping center on Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Performances will be at 8:30 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays through Feb. 13, with tickets available at 847·4~5. "BODI ES," a new Briti sh drama, opens Wednesday on the Second Stage of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Curtain Is 8:30 nightly except Mondays with weekend matinees at 3 p.m . Reservations 957·"°33. "WHAT ARE YOU Doing In My Life?," comedy starring Vivian Blaine Is in Its world premiere at Sebastian's West Dinner Play~ouse, UO Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Plays nightly except Mondays at varying curtain. times. For tickets, call 492-9950. "THE SEVEN-YEAR ITCH," George Axelrod's comedy about a middle-age man who falls for a girl half his age, continues through Feb. 6 at Westmlnstttr Community Theater, 7772 Maple St., Westminster. Curtain Is 8:30 p.m . with performances Fridays and Satuntays. "THE PLAY'S THE THING," a c omedy about the theater, continues through Feb. 14 at South Coast Repertory, 655 T<>wn Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances nightly except Mondays at 8 p.m . and at 2:30 weekend afternoons. For tickets, call 957-4033. See DiversiQns. Page'6 Call 142-5171. Put a few word• to work tor JOU. GOOD TASTE MUllTIOll ... One of Sout"-m California's Award Winning Restaurants! Now Apperalng .. Mmile.. .... • Sun .. Mon. Eveninge 5:30 • 19_p.m. Y...W s.ctla9 ef ....... ! . •b •uru lntmaud · 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH FOR RESERVATIONS W..2030 A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE REST~URANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. YouT favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delig htful../ salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. vamaio 60 Fashion hi.and N~Be.lch/Mt-4811 Century Plau Hotel 271·1MO . ~ ----- " ..• H•nd Clapping •• lr>ereab1ucro1»1a •. " L.A. Times H. • • A Bloger Then Life Celebration ... " Register " •.. Exciting ... l)on't Misa" Delly Star Progress H •••• Outstanding .•.. •• Anaheim &,lletln I -.. i FromPogtS ~ "ANY WEDNESDAY," a _ rom.aatlc trlaagJe comed_y_, li' continues through JM. 23 •t tM :g new Garden Grove Community ~ Theater In the community's · 1· Eastgata Park. Performances are Frld•ys •nd Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. and SUndays •t 2:30 p.m. ~ -CLASSICAL MUSIC-. - ii: tTZHAK PERLMAN AND Simon Rattle st•r In af' Orange County Phllharmonlc concert •t 8:30 p.m. Saturday at Sanw Ana High Schoof Auditorium, 520 W. Walnut, Santa Ana. "MASS IN TIME OIS WAR" by Haydn will be perlormed at I p.m. Saturct.y by the Orange Co.st College Chorale and Ch•mber Singers In tM OCC AudMIDrtum. Tlcketl .,. K Per ,....,....Ion, call 556-5527. CAPISTRANO aALLET presents Its Orange County premiere performance at 8 p.m. Saturday at the Saddleback Fine Arts Theater 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. For. reserv.tlons, call 493-0066. --- Weekend. For Information, calf 952-9400. A JUDY G.ARLA....N_D ; M e m or a b I II a F 1-1 m Se r I es continues at 7:30 tonight In Room S15 of the Apptled Arts Bultdlng at Fulltrton Coll~. 321 E. Chapman Ave., FuttertOii~ -"The "Wliira ot Oz" wltl be shown tonight. Admission Is $2.SO with tickets sold at the door. Sunday at the Disneyland Hotel Con vent Ion Center, Anaheim. General admission Is $7 .SO. A JAZZ CONCERT and Tea Dance is set for 2 p.m. Sunday at Turtle Rock Community center, 1 Sunnyhill Drive, I rvlne. The Johnny Anello Band will be featured. For lnformftlon, call 754-360. -IN YEGAS---- ToM JONES Is at Caesars F rom Page6 Palace through Jan. 27. ~ . . " ''BEST LITTL.E WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" plays at the Desert Inn through Aprll 4. BOBBY VINTON and Joan Rivers play at the MGM Grand through Wednesday. Melissa Manchester and David Brenner open Thursday through Jan. 27. "CALIFORNIA SUITE" plays at the Meadows Playttouse Tuesday throuoh Feb. 13. ., QOI DID' GLOll• ·~· llOll91ATIOlll ~ ..... BUTPICTUM ---------_/ -~ "FABULOUS FOLLIES" Is at the Dunes. "CITY LITES .. rs at the Flamingo Hotel. "BEYOND BELIEF" pfays at the Frontier. "LATIN FIRE" plays at the Hacienda. I I w ' L D w 0 R L 0 0 F. BURLESQUE" plays dally except Mondays at Holiday Casino. . "OLD TIME BURLESQUE" plays dally except Mondays at Maxim. 7 ~ ~ ''LIDO DE PARIS" pfays at the Stardust. Or•nge. for Information, : .... I 531-99.t1. i WHEEi. OF FR•EHDSHIP wm ;. go to brunch at 11 : 30 a.m. Sunday &: at the Crossracts remurant In .t Fountain Valley. Fof'fnforrNtlon, i:- ca II 956-8669. s "FOLIES BERGERE" plays at the Troplcana. "I LOVE MY WI fSE " plays dally except Mondays at Union Plaza. j -SINGLES--- MISS ANGIE'S Singles Dance Club wrtt sponsor a dance Saturday at 9 p .m . at the American Legion Ballroom In GET-ACQUAINTED PARTY ... created by Emily Coleman will be 9' held tonight at 8 at Oakwood i Garden Apartments, 2235 w. N Broadway, Anaheim. Cost Is $10. For more Information on the social, call 964-SS70. See Divelsionl. Page 8 ------------ 1 r 1 r ~; ( • ~ • ; • 1 f r. · r. f .£VIRY MONDAY ALL llATS 12.00 -.......d erockiau in a tmda- and mlataininc work!' -Jlnet Mlllift. NEW~ TIMES ·BIW • ---.. ~..--.Cl'llWl.Mme.A o---c:...-- 3~ lncMlng OEST FOREIGN ALM OEST DIRECTOR-LOUIS MAll.E OEST ACTOR-BURT LANCASTER BEST PICTURE -lo1An9Ns""' (Ada OEST ACTOR-BURT LANCASTER OEST OfUGINAl. SCREENPLAY-JOHN GUARE -lot,_,... fll'll Olm -New y~ fll'll Olm 7 QOLDIN GLOBE ROYDIATIONS ·~l-ll•••·-··­................... Ill ·······--··· •.••..• , ••.•.•• ·-·-·••1111•• --........ ......_ . ..:::--....:.: \ - 8 Committee for ~rts presents .. . Bella lewitzky Dance . Company n.n...s.t. J •• .-, 14, 15, 16, 1 tlZ 1:00 ,.-.-ym.p , ........ General $5, Sr. Cit .. UCI Fae/Staff/Alumni & Student $4, UCI Student $3. Tickets 'available at the ASUCI Box Office, Mon.-FFI. 9:30am to 4 pm -~5549. For further info. call 833-6379. . ~"ifds~rQ..,~'~mP N.~sbig~~. From Page 7 CENTER CLUB SINGLES will meet at p.m. --S.turday in Newport Beach. Ann Martin will discuss "Beginning 1982 Single-eyed." Admission Is $3. For Information, call 975-0700. PARENT$ WITHOUT PARTNERS Orange Coast chapter will have a wine and wit following a discussion at 8 p.m. Saturday In Irvine. For 1nformatlo"-call SS9-0M6. EDITOR'S NOTE: Live Gigs u a complete luting of Orange C<XUt nightclubs o/kring Live entertainment. Acts are subject to change without notice: AJRPORTER lNN 18700 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine -833--2770 Entertainment & Dancing Nightly ·- ALlSIO'S 1670 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach 540·2475 BEACHBALL 2116 Ocean Front Newport Beach -673-5894 Stan Orlow BEN BROWN'S ..------------------~ Costa Mesa -642-8293 31 Ul6 S. Coast Hi&hway South Laguna -4~·2663 hi a BoSton hospital a love affair ends,. anew one~, a Bodor ha~es Ids patient, andam•nlearns the trae mea•ln1 .olcoanp. Dancing NighUy ANCIENT MARINER 607 W. Coast Highway Newport B!ach -646-0201 BAXTER'S 14346 Culver Drive Irvine -85'7·2103 BILBO BAGGINS Mesa Verde Shopping Center Costa Mesa -545-1718 Live Contemporary Rock BLACK ANGUS 17920 Brook.burst St. Fountain Valley -968-4477 See Gigs . Page 9 f'r~m PogeB Dancm, NlpUy 81.tJE KET CAFE 197 211l Place Newport Beach -875-3333 Entertainment NlahUy aLVE PAllaOT South Coast Pla.u Hotel eo.ta Mee.a -540-2500 Daaciq Ni&hUy aGilDWAUl 1511 S . Coast Hla.bway Laguna BeHh -tM-ISll •• atJaNS 37P'u1Mo9lalancl Newport .. ch -644-2030 • Muafc HlcbUY aoaaY lkGEE'S 353 E. eo.st Hilflway New,c>rt Beach -873-5380 Dancilfg NilbUy Me'l"LEGGDS 18521 8eaeb Blvd. Hufttiqton Beach - 9a·M10 Danciftc Nlcbtly to Comttry "Masterful" -LA. Times, Shella a.naon "Wonderful"· -Newsw.ek Magazine, Jack Kroll A I.ADO~ NlllJ ........... -..tMI . ,..,..., ... o.-......, ... -.. ....... __...._.. .... -.... CM.UMll LAN9ING 179 E . 11th St. Coeta llesa -MZ·.S ' CAla'O&NIA SlJN ltrJO Mapolla St. Huntiqton Beach - IU-3078 Country Rock Da•cinl CANN DY 3010 Lafayette Aw. Newport Beach..-675-5777 Music NlthtJY CAPY'S l lt McFadden Place Newport led-175-UIM ···~ -'111£ CD.l..\a .:__m l'on!lt.M~. La1uu Beadl -41'7""'81 CS.UY---E 1• a..-.waow Drive Santa Ma -541-1512 Top eeuntry Al11* CaOllllOUI Y050 8roeldMnt St. Fout&lll Valley -1114711 Dandnl~Y ~OWN--Dmi S. eo.t H&Pway "THE ANEST AMERICAN MOVIE Of 1951 :· ..--.---~-. _ .. ...,. __ ..... .:..in·.n.. 3 w•1-.om NGlltl8llWIGI• .. ~-~ _.tal»_ ..... ....,. -~ .......... ..... Las-Ntc'liet -••· ••eMOtJJ •.. caYITM. IM.eON 17t8 Plaemtia An. eo.t.a-.-1t1-m1 Daaclnc NlPllY to C...try 8ANA 'l'aADU 341.!0 S. Cout fflibway Dua Pant--.- NIAftl zm Newport 81..t. ea.ta lleu-ID-UIO &ock -o.eiftl NilhU'I --- BUE~t. f'At;~, •,. " ... _._. ·-···-:::-....... .:,..TO,....,. __ ... ____ ,_ . ...,.IJ.O"'"' ... ''M.TIMD ITATD" lit _ .. _._*'- ''T,.,... ... "" • .,..C~MIN"N :~ANGt • .. 9 -!II -I .. . .. ·. , IOµ._~~..:_~:....__..__.;~~~~~~~ i GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION J. ..... _ IEIT DllECTIM-l1awen lpl1 ..... It) ·- ,,. •twaml e..l1I c:Mlt PUU Soi.-c-. l'lul CotQ lilllW ~·• 1111 ·~ o.,.. .,. ~3 ,_,._.,._111w F 1---------·--... -1 ------ Nobody leans on Sharky's Machine. '~ ......... . ~ ~ .. I.YI ~ 0 IHBVERc(j VEAi 8UT AJllDICAll JUmr IN Yl'.AR9." _ ....... I •• '" ·11ve 7 . Gllf J FromPoge9 Dancint NlahUy THE GALLEY Jt:&~lllAll'S 34734 S. Coast Hiahway 8TEAIDIOlJSE CaplsuaooJkach -~-Wamet<-Ave; 661.tz43 Huntineton Beach - 848·2662 GOLDEN BEAil Music Nightly 306 Coast Highway Huntington Beach -J.P. MAC'S 536·9600 10142 Adams Ave. HARPOON HENRY'S Huntineton Beach - 963-7829 ·26062 Del Prado Dana Point -493-~ Country Rock Nightly LAFl'STOP HOTEL LAGUNA 2122 Bristol St. 425 S. Coast Highway Santa Ana -751·'786'7 Laguna Beach -494-1151 Comedy Stars Nightly , HUNGRY TIGER LAGUNA STA& DISCO 3201 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar -675-7575 1164 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach -4M-8S64 I CHA BOD'S MARmarl' HO'UL 18582 Beach Blvd. Newport Center Drive Huntington Beach -Newport ,Beach -640-4000 541·6331 Entertainment. & Dancial llcCON4'HAY'S 725 W. Baker St. ROLWVER IS POWERFUL "An especially stylish performance ... enor- mously powerful and glamorous." -Detroit News THRILLER "A high rolUng thriller. It is a compelling and entertaining yam ... -Boston Herald · FRIGHTENING "The CHINA SYNDROME or Wall Street ... a real and frightening eye opener." -Anoc5-ted Press . ~D\ KRISTOFFER.SO~ 'ROLLOVER kl FC ~ AoclJc:ton ME~ l<1E l<RISTCffER9CJI ., ""~ J. FW<U.A lb "fU.LCNER" HiE CfOM.f "'* ~ ...:>wl. SMN..1.. Sow~~ [WI)~ 9tly ~[WI)~ 8n:I H:1HW) I0"4 & [WI)~ ~~BA.a <J4IERT Oll9clld 1¥ ~ J. FN<l.l.A ..-won---· tnJ .-... • I ::..-=.::.'-=9 .. -==.-~ -urr::mr. Costa Mesa -540-5061 Dancing Nightly Disco Dancing Country Rock llltCOUD~'UANOING NEWJIOAH&JNN 3180 Airway Ave. 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -S46-9880 Newport Beach-644·1'700 Rock'n Roll Dancing Dancing Nightly Nightly. OLDWOllLD MEDLEY'S 7561 Center Slreet 18744 Brook.hunt St. Huntiqt.on Beach- Fountain Valley -963-2366 89'7·1470 Dining and Showcase Live EnlertaJnment Entertainment Nigh Uy 7 nights a week PANHANDLE& IUSSOVBI 34130 S. Coast Highway COMPllOMISE Dana Point -661-6688 23020 Lake Forest Dr. PL.,NKHOUSE Laguna Hills -855·4248 6060 Warner Ave. MOONRAKER Huntington Beach - 18542 MacArthur Blvd. 1142·5111 I rvlne -833-9800 PLANKHOUSE MVLDOONS 18872 ~ach Blvd. 202 Newport Center Drive Huntington Beach - Newport Beach -640 .. 110 964·2788 --·--- MUSTANG RANCH PLUSRFOX 428 17th Street 25192 Cabot Road Costa Mesa -631 ·2331 See Gigs·. Page 11 ~has the ., ... to make .......... s. .... the funliat.....t A SHAMlfll(; Ci•l1'0Evv~ -(H SHAl'lllO fl~M MOOERN fiRoaEMs PATii OAASANl/lu.E·~ KAVfllACE _aoru.......,.., NW.~1111 -IW tollMANI b.cuttv• "od-OOUGl.AS c !tENNEY Produ<.cl by ALAN GllEISMAN ond MICHAfl SHA~G Wt111•n br KEN SHAPIRO I TOM SHEROHMAN I ARTHUR SELLERS O.r.c19d br KEN SHAPIRO Must< br OOM.INIC FRONTIER£ COlOOI IV OlluJl1 • .._ I.Ive GI s· ,I From Page 10 Huntington Beach -SW1ZZLE8'11CK Laguna Hills,-830-8220 847...\300 ...... 19022 Brookhurst St. llEVBEN•S Huntington Beach - aONSTADT'S 968-5022 719 W: l9t.h SL. lSSS Adams Ave. Costa Mesa -&U-2973 Costa Mesa -~9872 TERRY'S Ll ve Country Rock REUBEN E. LEE 2901 Harbor Blvd. Nightly 151 E. C()ast Highway Fountain Valley -754·9963 QVIETWOllAN Newport Beach -67S.58U T.C. PEPPERCORN'S 696 S. Coast Hi1hway Entertainment Nightly 8052 Stark St. and Sunday Huntm,t.on Beach Laguna Beach -494-0162 842·SS35 aED ONIO.N SANDPIPER WAREHOUSE 2406 Newport Blvd. 1183 S. Coast Highway 3450 Via Oporto Newport Beach -675-2244 Laguna Beach-494-4694 Newport Beach -673-4700 Rock, Reuae. Variety Call Cor schedule STUDIO CAFE WHI STLE STOP 100 II ain Street aEGISTaYllOTEL Balt»oa Peninsula -31952 Del Obispo 18800 MacArthur Blvd. 675-7700 San J uan CaplSlrano Irvin1u -752-8717 493-2227 Dan ing NighUy SU'ITER'S MILL 7891 Warner Ave. WHJTE HOUSE .. ~NDEZVOVS II Huntington Beach 340 S. Coast Highway ~ 7492 Edincer Ave. 84~8800 Laguna Beach· -494-llOIS Winner: -7 Goldea "Globe No•laatloas. Inelwdtng BEST PICTURE : Winner! 7 Golden Globe Nominations Including BEST ~ICTURE . WARREN BEATTY DIANE KEATON EDWARD HERRMANN JERZY KOSINSKI JACK NlCHO~ON PAUL SORVINO MAUREEN STAPLETON ,, 2 f - - .. •• "ARTMUW.,._ ·~y WMIN I LAUGH" (R) NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NIWlfllASIS DESTINATION MOON APOCOLYPSE NOW CLASH OF THE TITANS IVANHOE RETURN OF THE STREET FIGHTER WOMAN OF THE YEAR . A HUGI SELICTION Of MOYIE HITS 1HO.UOINO • NOSf Al.OtA • talCMOUS • ~ • ADUl.T TAllS •VCl:S • MG SC1196 • COU>1 CAMIRAS • COU>I TV'S • VIOIO OAMll • ACCISSOlllS .... 3ff C•M S-Hllfh StrHI C-• ....... CHI.,_ l,_11 ,,,., 131$10/'"'1114)131 ,.,, ACM)SS llKJM llAU'H'S ''KIL~~" ... --.,,.,- ----t .'.,,' 1 ',/: I J 'l ' .', ', ~ , I .. ; f I "EVIL SPEAK., -----\ 1 '·... f ' f 1 ~ .. • • • .:. I -. i I .. FRIOA Y. JANUARY I~ 198l • Oillled plane SUl'VIVOrs W ASIUNGTON (AP> -The aurvlvon ol tbe Air Florida jet that plun1ed Into tbe icy Potomac River were 10 cold they were near death, felt nothilll wben a 1ur1eon reset their broken bones and remembe~ llltle about their ordeal, doctors say. Five survivors taken to National Orthopedic Hospital were reported in rair to IOOd 'condition Thursday. Two other people were treated and released by the ,same hospital after the crash of the Air Florida jet Wednesday. Dr. Charles Engh said the * * * survivors should soon be well etlO\llh, probably by today, to talk to invesU1ator1 tryiq to determine why the Boelnl m struck a bridle and plun1ed into tbe ice-choked river shortly ·after taking ort from National Airport. Seventy.four people aboard the jet and four motoriata cauaht in rusb·bour traffic on the 14th Street Bridge were killed in the crash. Two of the survivors underwent surge~y for bone fractures Thursday, but doctors at the hospital in suburban Arlington, Va .. said none of * * * those admitted appeared to have internal btjuries. •'The cold was the major life·threatenin1 problem for every one of the patlenta," said En1h ... When ·your temperature 1eta down below 80 de1rees, you get into a problem with heart irre1u1aritles. Below 77 dterees. almost everybody would have a cardiac arrest." Doctors said Priscllla Tirado's body temperature was the lowest among the survivors, probably because she was in the water the longest. Her temperature plunged to 81 degrees, said Dr. Richard * * * Ice on jet's wing~? Long wait on airstrip studied in crash WASHINGTON (AP) -The Air Florida jeWner that crashed Into the &>tomac River may have wailed up to 40 minutes after it was last de·iced before taklng off, a federal safety official said today. Francis McAdams, chief ibvestigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said the eyewitness accounl$ raise concerns that there may have been unacceptable amounts of ice on the plane's win1s. "Any time there is visible ice observed under the circumstances that ice was observed, it's a definite issue," McAdams told reporters at the site of Wednesday's crash, in which 74 passengers on the Boeing 737 and four others died. A Braniff Airways pilot whose plane"was taxiing several thousand feet away from the Air Florida plane as it was preparing for takeoff also noticed ice on the ill-fated plane's wings and fuselage. •:He believes he saw ice building up on the fuselage 4Uld the wings," McAdams said earlier. McAdams did not idenuty tbe pilot, other than to say he worts for Braniff Airways. McAdams s aid investigators, who talked to New fri~d blast liits Soutli, East . By Tiie Auoda&ed Presa A seeood blut of arcUc air in a week char~ecl out ot C..-la today, promisilll no relief from severe winter weather that bas killed at least 217 people and piled up snow in the South and the Northeast aft.e~ twin storms. Winds up to 100 mph in the Rocky Mountain foothills overturned two tractor·trailers Thursday, tore off an apartment building roof and brouebt unusually warm weather to Colorado, but forecasters said the balmy temperatures would drop sharply with the approach or the frigid air. •'The very strong arctic outbreak means we're going lo be in the icebox for a couple ol days," said Dean Nealey, a National Weather Service forecaster in Minnesota. Nebraska was warned of temperatures dropping to 25 below zero tonight, and Illinois' forecasts called for a weekend of severe cold and blizzard or near.·blizzard conditions. Washington, D.C .. was expected to have highs in the teens by Sunday. Dosens of South Dakota scboo&t beean calllu off e'- ln antlclpatlon ol U1• aew Midwest atol'm. lleuwblle. tM temperature in Atlanta bit U decrees, breatlna a record for the ute set ln UH, and Traverse City, Mlcb., early today recorded a temperature ol 19 below, also a record for the date. The South was bit with a storm Thursday that followed ita twin by only a day. The aeeood storm dumped up to a half.foot of snow on Southern cities that are usually spared the ravages or winter, then iced hi1hways and lashed Florida with gale·force winds that ripped down trees and damaged mobile homes. (Photo Page A4.) It snarled attempts to restore electrical power to thousands ol people and schools and businesses throughout the Sun Belt simply closed down, some for a third day, as the snow piled up on the roofs. Like its twin, it then swung up the AUantic coast and buried the Northeast under up to 4 inches or new snow. County blood bank at emergency level Blood supplies at the Oranae County chapter of the American Red Cross have fallen to 11 percent ot the desired level -a situation that has prompted an emergency appeal for blood donors. Red Cross spokeswoman Sue Velint said the chapter attempts to keep 635 pinta of blood Oil hand at all times. That supply, as of Thursday, stood at 70 pints. Ms. Velin& said the chapter is hoping to find 1,000 ptople willlng to donate blood within the next week. Persons seeking information on malting donations should call the Red Cross at 835-5381, she said. Oranae County hospitals where surgery is performed mar be forced to curtail such procedures beginnln1 Monday. the other pilot for the first time Thursday, were getting a written state ment from him today. Meanwhile, the critical voice and instrument r ecorders on. board are intact, a police s pokes man said today . Investigators hope to learn from those recorders whether excessive ice accumulation kept the plane from g_ainln~ altitude. "Instruments have detected that the equipment is intact," D.,.rlct of Columbia Police Inspector James Shugart told <See JET CRASH, Page AZ> Suspect: Defendant killed kin. b GLSNN IQ)'JT ... ..., ....... Defendant Wlllle Wlaely plmaed bl.a stepfather under a truek cab b.e..cause he was jealoua over family property. the aecoad man accused in the March 9, 1981 death of Robert Bray of Huntin1ton Beach tea Wied Thursday. James Dunagan, 26, told an Orao1e County Superior Court jury be drove Wisely to the Sprin1dale Street location j~t south of Edinger Avenue 10 Huntington Beach where Bray was repairing bis engine, with the cab body tilted forward and above him. From his seat in a panel truck, Dunagan said he was a lookout as Wisely approached the cab, a hypodertnlc needle in his windbreaker pocket and a revolver tucked in his belt. '' 1 caught a 11lmpse of movement of the cab," the dark·haired Dunagan said in a slow monotone. "When I looted again, it was down." Wisely then ca01e back to the panel truck claiming Uie incident went "perfect," the witness said. They then drove past the cab where Wisely Sol out. again to ensure Bray wu dead, claimed Duna1an, wbo said be could see Brty's lep sticking out from under the cab cover. Duna1an bad claimed innocence until this week, when be agreed to testify againat Wisely, 29, in exchange for pleading guilty to a le&1er charge of voluntary manslau,nter. Wisely ls on trial ror his life, accused ol fmrt-desree murder with posaJbUity of the death penalty. (See WISELY, Pase-"> BallOonists return to Mesa Pair who crossed U.S. non-stop recall record flight a:r Pmt. SNl!IDB&MAN ., ............. Aerial adventurers John lboecralt and Pred Gorrell became latenaatiolla.l celebriU. 1ut October when tbey piJcMd 9'aper Cldckm UI OD tbe. 11"11 DOD·ltop belJum baUooe ... aerou tbe Untted Staw. • The Pboelllx bula•1ma ntarned to tblir' ••• , .... - Or .... Co..t 1Wh11 .. Colla ••• -'ftm*1 .. "°".., ..., fame laMD't ,._. tMm ID rJ..• tbe people wllo ~ neord m,bt •• off .. 11'"-Dd. . Sboeeraft reealled Uaat IM Uut two l•••r Clalcla•• ft'OH·eeaa...-r auna...-wwe ........ Iii .. boll Cks tdf1 ~",... . He aaid ID otlMr laundl attel were awdled. ••we aeeded a cbaa1e of KeMl'J llDd MW people to be ma.'911.-l and ached about our pfOINID, •• Sboeeraft aald .• 'The ·''We had given up on li~.'' Schwart.a, the hc»pita1'1 cbltf al medicine. Mrs . Tirado, 22, of Clearwater, Fla., wu reported in lood COftdiUon Tbuncl~ wtUt her broken left lei in trac Sbe le.meet Tbunday tbat Mr buaband1 Joae, and tbeir 2·mtnth-oad aon were mt"'., and pre1WDed'dead ln tbe erull. En&h said none of the ftft survivors had a. temperatutt high enough to realater on regular rectal tbermoJDeten, w h i c h do n o t ~e I ii te r temperatures below 90 dear-. '•Several patienta were in extreme danger of dyin1" becauae of the cold, Schwart& •aid. •'Their estremities ·-were so cold that they did not feel my reducLna their fractures and puttiq tlle bones back ln place and a~)'ln& the cut," En.h aald. • Tbere was very little aw ...... and almost no pain at UM lraeture altea. • • A..18o, )e-Aid-, "You set into a problem ot Jou of memory and loa ol brain function when the temperature ls down as the temperatures of these were." · "They don't know what happened except that they can ~ • remember the cold and beina 1' the ice water," he aald. ' • However, ooe ol tbe surviviaf pa11encers, Bert Hamlltoo, ~ of Gaithersbur1, Md., to~f reporters that after the cruti. he was "almost on my aide" and "reached down and unhook .. my seatbelt and Just awam oul the end" where the tall aec:Uon of the plane had broken otf. fie clun1 to a piece of the fuaelAI• and was rescued by a helicopter) · Hamilton was rePorted ln fat~ condition and underwent surgery on his rl1ht wrla~ Thursday. 1 ( J> CllAllt IURVIYOft -Television sets across the country have shown tennie Skutnik diving into the icy Potomac River to save a ----woman's Ufe alt.er this week's pJane crash in Wash.tngtoo, D.C. Hero.'s act 'rwt surprising' Skutnik's Newport sister says valor fits chara~ter MODEST HERO -Lennie Skutnik said be was ·'insulted" when o ne television representati,ye ·offered him money to appe~ on ~ talk show. "She wasn't going to grab tbat life rope again so I jumped in," Skutnik said. "They told me the water was 31 degrees, but I didn't feel a thing. My adrenaline was pumping. After I got into the ambulance, I started shaking .and my toes were numb,'' be said. Skutnik swam about 20 feet into the icy waters and pushed and pulled the 22.year·old woman to shore. First reports identified the woman as a stewardess, Kelly Duncan, but Skutnik saya her name is Pricilla Tirado and~ her husband and cbild died in the crash. Sbe is one of nv" people expected to survive thf crash. Skutnik, married with tw9 boys, said Thursday that 11, doesn't know how to react to the outpouring of public sentiment over bis action . .. A woman called me in teen and said her husband bad di.a ft'hlle ln the Navy attemptiq a rescue similar to what I ~ done," Skutnik said. 1 "She said he'd 1otten the medal ol honor and abe wanted to give it to me because. J reminded her of bis action. AJ first I just thbu1bt it w~p reporters who were interested lf callln1 ine. P'alr tbroUlb S.turda7. SHthtly warmer da71. · Hi1ba 15 to fl. Lowa tont1ht 38 to•· Ollll¥ .......... .., ......... ._. YIC'tOIW CLASP -Super Chicken balloonists Fred Gorrell (left) and John Shoecrart display a victory clasp during program at Ora111e Coast Colleae. With them is a Jtlannequin dressed in the heavy clothing the men used to survive 40·below-zero temperatures during record·setting flight. weN ... .., s ··super Chi In put from tbe crew's lptenUon to av~ ...., "super coura..,._" and tolaad the balloon tt there waa W weather ahead. • • Bllt 10metbin1 cban1es in you ~ you're up there," be said. "We were told there were storms abeads, but we kept Oylq anyway." The balloonists presented a slide show focusing on t•e inflation of their lO·atory balloon at Orange Coast Colle1e, the lift-off 12:41 a.m. Oct. 9 befcwe a crowd ·o1 500, the cross-country ·voyage above the clouds where temperatures often dropped to 40 below zero, and the rocky landlnl on BJackbeard Island off the-!f.&el Georaia. • • The ~ allto announced their plans to return to Orange County Jn 11'1 to participate in the Got'doa. Bennett. Balloon Mee, whkh .W launch from llUe Sqoa.re Park m Fountain Valley. • l>uria& '11ulnday's program, Georte ltocNa, a member of the Coast Community College -0-lttYttt bfffit or-trustees , preamited tbe balloonists with a docament proclaiming "Super Chicken wee." Rodda tb.mked the balloonists for helping Oran1e Co•st . College gain a small place in aviation history. He said the pilots had proved to be "not auper·cbickens but super-heroes." The balloonists In turn presented to the college a plaque containing a sand dollar taken from the Blackbeard Island beach where Super Chicken Ill landed. •'Thank you Orange Coast College," Shuecraft said, "for sharing our dream•wllb us ." ·Roof ingjob fraud . d)iirning itlsued .. A WSIUI has beeo issued by • the Orange County SberUf'a • mce for older residents to be • wary ol lr&Yelini contractGn offeriftl low-cost rooftn1 ~. Foor IOU1h county reskldts ·livina ila mobile home pub reportlf tah week they fell b a chelM t6 which the wo"'-' 10 dOOI' todoor sell int low·cott rGOl sealing, said sheriff"s Lt. W1att Hart. The vlctlmized residents live in South Laguna and Dana Point. He said the gypay-Ulle family of workers commonly . ·known as the Williamson Gang ., apparently is moving toward '·San Juan Capistrano. Hart sald worken offer to apray a root sealer for a price slightly leu titan $200. He said tbe sealer 1enerally 1llatens while still wet but "usually in the ft:rst rain. it all wubea off." The WIW•mson Gao1, be said, laaa btell e>p1111tlng lts schemes since early in the century. The dose·knit family is believed to have come from Scotland ln 1910 and at last count, had 104 acUve members, be said. Although law enforcement officers are aware or the gang's practices, prosecution ls difficult, be said, because "normally, they operate just barely inside the law." ~:ownei· of ~ewport :.shop electrocuted . " ;., The •year-old vice president b of a Newport Beach machine .shop was electrocuted Thursday, suffering a '40-volt shock while attemptin1 to change a fuse to a shop 1rtnder, authorities report. WUUam C. Roberts Jr., an Irvine resident, was kllled instantly at the Aero Products Corp. l)lant, 845 W. 16th St., Newport paramedics said. · Robetta was vice president and eeneral manarer of the firm. Roberts' father, owner or. the farm, said be was standing next to his son when the 1:10 p.m . incident occurred. He said bis son reached into the fuse box and grabbed the fuse with his bare bands. Re said the voltage was so powerful that be and several other people were unable to immediately frff Roberts from the fuse be bad grabbed. Funeral arrangements are pending. Tmckers, union settle Roy Lee Wllllama, president Ot the 1nterDatiollal Brotherhood of Teamstera, Uld Art.bur ff. Bunte Jr ., ~ead of Truckinf Maaa1ement Inc., cblef ltar1aln~lD(. arm for the UDloniMll tndlllf lnduatry. Neltblt 1~, would discuss terms fll ..._,.,..ment. Bomb threat • • empties train \ . near San Juan A bout 160 passengers were evacuated from an Amtrak train Thursday night in south Oranae County when .railroad officials received a telephoned bomb threat. According to a sher1Trs department spokesman, the train was stopped about five miles north of San Joan Capistrano at 9:05 p.m. The passengers, many of whom were reluctant to leave the San Diego-bound train bee a use of the cold weather, we.re taken to a nearby restaurant while both Amtrak workers and Sheriff's deputies searched the train. No bomb ·was found. Amtrak spokesman Art Lloyd said a reservations clerk in Los Angeles received the bomb threat from a male caller at about 8:30 p.m ., 10 minutes after train 584 had pulled out of the station for~ Diego, The caller said t.he bomb wquld go off at 9:30 p.m. Uoyd said passengers were allowed back on the ttain and they arrived as minutes late in San Diego. FromPageA1 WISELY . • • Deputy District Attorney Edgar Freeman explained during questioning be bad visited Dunagan Saturday at Orange County Jail. where be sized up the case telling Dunagan he was responsible for the death but "not so much as Wisely." Freeman said Dunagan also will plead guilty to conspiracy to commit second-degree murder, but he will recommend the sentence on that charge be stayed. "I made the decision totally on my own," Dunagan testified. He told the jury be never believed Wisely actually meant to kill Bray on the day be was enlisted to drive the panel truck. "I was real shook up," he said. "Willie gave me serious instructions not to talk to anyone about it, just to keep cool and say as far as we knew, it was an accident," Dunagan said. Dunagan said be met Wisely in December 1980 and even then Wisely wanted hlm to help lr.llJ B_ray. Wisely believed property has mother and Bray owned should have been his, Dunagan said. "He figured they were wast.in& it on drinldng and alcohol," be said. Prosecutors have said they believe Wisely may have killed Bray by releasing the cab and holding his s tepfather underneath until It pirtned him and prevented him from breathing. Man guilty . in Vegas fire LAS VEGAS (AP> -Former Laa Veau Hilton busboy PbWp Cline WU fo.md pllt.J t.odQ ot murder and cme couaJ el~ for 1tartln1 lalt P'ebra.,.,•1 blue at tbe Hilton tlaat IEWed et1bt pel'IOftl and lDJund • otben. Tbe nine-woman, Ut,...man Jury reached tbe 'YWdlet .,... HVH days of clellberatloaa. Cllae, H , faca a poulble dNtta ~ty _.,Ill• ID prtlcila • tM..-.._.mc~ . ........... .,......, IMatikt ~llil&nMii . • WASHINGTON CAP) - Federal r•1ulator1 have reduced the net worth that federally lntured 11vlna1 and loan auoclaUona muat have and thereby removed , about 80 lntUtuUoaa from cloee 1crutJn,y by tbe pemmeot. · At the ume Ume, tt1e re1ulaton -members of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board -•treed Thursday to lacrap a rule that Jlmlted borrowlns by tbe nation's approximately •,OOO federally Insured insUtuUOftl to 50 percent of their assets. Richard Pratt, chairman or the bank board, described the revision Qf the borrowtue limits as "very important" and said It was made in litbl of the changin1 structure of aaviogs and Joans. Pratt and Andrew DiPrete, another board member, approved the proposal to reduce from ' perceat to a percent the excess of assets over liabilities -net worth -that S&L 's must have to escape close supervision by the board. The change Is ret,roactlve to Dec. 31, 1980. Federal law gives the board the authority to maintaln the net worth requirement at between 3 percent and 6 percent. It was lowered from 5 percent to 4 percent in November 1980. DiPrete told the meeting that be bad voted against the previous reduction to 4 percent. But he said he had decided "this is kind of a critical time for the s avings and loan industry." ·'I think we are fooling ourselves if we pretend the industry is temporarily weak but will come back," said DiPrete. It will only be revived, be sai , if Congress approves legislation to give savings and loans powers to operate more Uke commercial banb. Tb• lndultry baa been bard hit by 1nnauon and hlcb lnttHlt ratea, •nd an unprecedented number of iutttullona have suffered loss" or have be9o forced to merae with other ln1Utl,lllcJm. la other a4;tlon, the board members approved a propo1al that would scrap current restrictions that limit the total amount of bofl'OWlnl of an S&t.L to 50 percent of Ill assets. FromPageA1 Tb• chanae, th• board said, is dealaned to live Md..a •rut.er · flexlblUty ln mana1ln1 tbelr llablllUea and in arru&ln1 aal• of loan1 In tbe 1ecoodary market. Finally, the board approved a rule that would permit Uae approxlmat.ty 2,000 federally chartered 11vln11 and loans to lean personal property to customers. Savtnas and loans may not now do that but com merclal bank• may. JET CRASH PROBED. • • reporters at the site early today. He Jaid t.hree two-man divinl uama-.were to -return to U.e wreckage under the Ht.b Street Bridge later today to remove the recorders. Speculation over whether the plane had been properly de-iced before it crashed Wednesday grew when the pilot of an airliner that was t.axiing as the Air Florida plane was prepared to take off several thousand feet' away noticed ice on the Boeing 737. Seventy-eight people died in the crash. "He believes he saw ice building up on the fuselage and the wings," Francis McAdams, chief investigator for the National Transportation ·Safety Board. said today or the other pilot. McAdams did not identify the pilot, other than to say be works for Braniff Airways. McAdams said investigators, who talked to the other pilot for tbe first time Thursday, were getting a written statement from him today. · McAdams said ice could have added welaht to the plane and affected 1£a performance, but 4t~er inveati1ators eautioned against speculating about tbe possible cause ol the craa.b Wllil information on the plane's '<(Oice and instrument recorders becomes known. Meanwhile, it was learned from federal records that the plane had been forced to make an emereency landing last year when one engine failed on takeoff. The engine was subsequenUy replaced. Shugart said the divers, working without lights in visibility of only 1 ~ feet, were "working by hand" and would likely stay in the water , although for only an hour at a time at most, until dark. The water around the plane is "extremely treacherous" with large chunks of submerged ice, investigator Rudolph Capusti.n s aid. To remove the recorders, he added, the divers intended to cut through the skin of the tail sec lion. Bel8fonte hailed on Kirig . day Entertainer receives peace prize in Atlanta ceremonies ATLANTA <AP) - Entertajner Harry Belafonte received the Martin Luther King Jr. Non-violent Peace Prize today during weeklong ce remonies marking the birthday or the slain civU rights leader. Belafonte wu pres,nted the 10th annual award by King's widow, Coretta Scott King, during an ecumenlcal service at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where King once was co-put.or. Mrs. King call~ the singer a key strategist in the civil rights movement. '·I am perhaps more moved today by this ,award than any award I have ever received in the put," Belafonte said. "It means a sreat deal to me." In Philadelphia, only a third or the invited guests showed up for the mayor's breakfast honoring King because of a boycott organized by an association or black policemen. Belafonte was scheduled to receive the award Thursday night, but his arrival in Atlanta was delayed by the snowstorm in the South and East, which has played havoc with the ceremonies scheduled to observe King's birthday. A march through downtown streets was scheduled later today despite the weather, but former Vice-President Walter Mondale bad to cancel bis plans to attend the .ceremonies marking the 53rd anniversary of Kine· a 4'irtb. AHhougb the ranks or supporiets were thinned by storms that.left 6 inches or snow in Atlanta, Coretta Scott King, King's widow and president or the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change, de livered a speech Thursday callin1 for extension of the Voting Rights Act of 1964. She said the civil rights movement s hould resist "attempts to pii poor blacks against poor whites," and asked her audience to join a "coalition or conscience which offers so much hope for the world." Nearly 14 years after King was gunned down, the drive to make his birthday a national holiday appears to have staJled, and the day is celebrated as a full legal holiday by only 10 stales. But his birthday will nonetheless · be remembered today around the nation with a gospel concert in Chicago, candlelight service in Dayton, Ohio, and human rights awilrd banquet in St. Louis. Legislation lo make the day a national holiday was introduced in Congress four days after be was assassinated on April '· 1968, in Memphis. The proposal by Rep. John Conyers ... J>-Micb., bas been renewttd every session since, but never cleared the House . '' lt is long past lime to recognize the contributions of Dr. King," said Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-&tass .• in a speech Wednesday in AUanta. "Martin Luther King's day must be a day for all Americans, for Martin Luther King 's dream is the American dream.·· Opponents say another paid holiday for federal workers would cost too much, and some Southern conservatives have questioned whether such a high honor is merited for KiQg, who would become the first black to be commemorated with a national holiday. The 10 states that celebrate full holidays for King 's birthday are Connectic ut, Illinois, Kentucky , Maryland , M assachus ells , Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania. OBIE SPORTS LTD s27900 REGULARLY '3'500 . INCLUDES MOUNTING & WAX .. f I ' I .~ ......... GOLDEN YEARS -Actor Robert Young, 74, who retired five years ago after some 80 films. poses with wile Betty in their secluded home near a golf course north of San Diego. They have been m arried nearly 49 years. He fecently signed to do more TV commercials. Boy, 14, OK'd '"candidote Erle SaJem wants to be a member of the Lancaster County Weed District Board In Lincoln, Nebr aska. -That's not exactly a glamorous political start, but Eric is only 14. . Nebraska Attorney General Paal Dou1Jas issued an opinion saying Eric's age Iowa State University Professor Earl 0 . Heady, an expert in agri c ultural economics, bas been elected to the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Heady said the a&ademy is ''the zenith of science in the Soviet Union," and for Soviet Rep. MUIJcent Feawlcll, R-N.J ., ..say• she decided to run for the Senate seat held 23 years by Democrat Harrtsoa A. Wl1Uam1 Jr., who bas been convicted in an Abscam case. cannot keep him from being elected to the five.member bQard. The ninth grader at Irving Junior High School got interested in the board after reading a news report about a fatal traffic accident in which weeds may have been a contributing factor. scientists, election to the academy is an extremely high honor. Heady, 65, is director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Devel.opment al Iowa State and was nominated for a Nobel prize in economics . ·lhis xear. Mrs. Fenwick, who thrns 72 n••l month, 1aya la .a letter mailed to people ln New lersey that abe decided to seek the seat and feela lbe can be • ''strona, effective member of the Senate." W btn tbt So-.th Dakota Le1l1latun 'tncftu.ct tbe ,_ for muri• u..,. to tlO two yean "'°il llate a.,. • C..1 wu a tu. coocel"Md. Cerny, tben a ,bacbelor, Hktd a fellow le,Ulator for advlee. . Rtp. Vl•let Biever told Ceray to 10 ahead ud vote for the lnereue from ta. She aald ti be ever aot married. lbt'd pa)' tbe hO fM. LNt fall, Ce"'f married Pa& PalMa. former exeeutl•e director ol the South Dakota Water Oonsreu. and dunned Mlu Biever for the $10. Miu Biever reaponded with a box full ot colnl Jell over h'om a tJip overaeu. PrtMe Clwi .. HYI he'll keep on windsurfing deaplte spll11 lnto the ocean because "I'm one of lhoee maaocbJsta who loves takina violent exerclse."' "I love thrashing about in the sea and comine back and feelina that you've done something really excitine," the 33·year-old h.elr to the throne said in an interview with Windsurf and Board Sailln1 Magazine. Charles says the news photo1rapbs that have repeatedly caught him tumbling off bJs board and into the water may be a lilUe unfair. Cher says she choked on a large ,vitamin pill and director &obert Altmaa ·•saved my llfe" by comlb1 to ber aid. • The entertainer said ln an interview in the New York Daily News that she had taken the pill to give her strength during rehearsal for the Broadway play, "Come Back to the 5 and Dime. Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean," and it got caught in her throat. President R ea1an is willing to trim $900,000 from the price on his tbree·bedroom Pacific Palisades house to speed a sale, says a friend helping Reagan market the place. Industrialist Jutta Dart said the 5,000·aquare·foot house overlookln1 Santa Monica Bay bas been on the mar:~.rearty a y~ar with a Sl.9 oo Prtcetaa. · "It wu overpriced," Dart a aid. But Ila Wlll, a Coldwell Banker vice president bandl.lq the property, said the official price ·was still $1.t millloa. p Warmer days due Coastal lllglls from H to 74 S.tur•ey, dr-lng to IM ... "" ,.lit ay. ~s fromM .. 44 .... Of'Mk'9Clfer lletll den. Mounlalll """' will be ~ lft U. 5IS ell ..und, wltll -. fr- 15 to 40. Fair w°""' s.turc1ey s11g1111, Exte-J -d wermer den. ~ Coesi.i ,_ •. 1118" .s. Weier 5'. lrll•ftd 1-•. 111g11 n. j Elsewtwre, 119111 verleble wind• Orecast 111g111 -,,_.,."' llour'S be<omtno Wtsl lo to11tllwesl I lo 14 kllOU SOUTHE"N CALIFORNIA Setur-en.-. ww ... 1y •-Is 1 to 2 ..... Fair K in excecit pelclli COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS lot melllll' IOlltllern welen l•I• -Felrwlth_....,,c_.._.._ '8nlgflt -s.e..ns. .. "'°'lllng. l«•lll' wlftdy Ill _, ... -.. .... Some Hrly "'°'"1119 fog or low ------------clollds -ce9t ~ end In• U S coastal welltYS Meftdey. , •. summary A~ er<11c .,, ,.,.,, pfu,..i 1... Temperatures wlftd.<11111 factor 10 mlrt111 60 detr ... In perts Of Mont-.. rly -l'. H SllOW begen lelllng In IM upper Midwest tram Mont_ to •-•· S-elto <*ltlnwd to fell o.,.r seutlle r11 New Englend, Ille mlcHUIMtk co.st. Ille _, Olllo VelltY -h Gr9e Lakes. L.elw lodey, s.-wM o•riected to fell fr0tn llw Mrtllerll llelf of h "KllY MoulltltiM ttwOllllll llle G,.el L.elln end ec,_ tlle ._.., NII of Ill• Olllo ll•lf•l' lo Ille northern Allenllc Coast. Sllllnl' •kin .,.,. fWtCll<tM tor eie Soutll. High t..,..,_return from ceMr•I Mo11l•M to nortllw.st Ml ..... tot• _,.for-to be mi-10 l.o min. IS degrees. In Ille rest of Ill• MIHlulppl ll•lltY to -N ... EftttMd, ...... -• • ....,..Ill U. !MM. Altleny Albuque All\erlllo Anc'--~ .... "' Le ~ Lall : : ... 1.ltll•-::.. ,2 21 uuts11111e I# 11 ~· 25 IJ It Miami ~" :,, =~ :. : .2S Mffl!Yllle 21 :It ..... ~ .... :~··=:r 24 1t .oi. o.ie City 1t IJ .04 OfNlfle 41 It . tt PNIHllNe ,. " .. ~ ............ ' ... .ti l"tteftd, Mt " o _., ...-c1tt 21 2 ...... 21 -4 Sellt lAM .52 2t Ml.Ml 52 II St~•T .. ti o .w SC ... M9f'le n 1 •04 Tlllae I ·l .ft Wetlllfttiln ~ ·21 WkllftA ,. 14 40 u ,. 17 2S u 1• u .. .. • .IN 0 ... 02 ta IS • 2' 17 II .1' n ,, ·" ... ,, tJ II 2t " .2' II J ,Ill 21 " .2' " s G. .,, ,. ti .• I .. ll I .I. t ·1' 11 • JO 1t .11 s. n EIUWll•r•. 201 .,.. >Os w•r• swe•lcled lllglll I« Wl'-11111 - Hewe-.. from n. Olllo Valley 10 MUtNm New Ef1111911d, 9ftd perts of Ille T-llelltY, JOt end ... I« "'9 Glllf c-t -IOlltllem Plelfls, Md 7h In Solltll..-n Cellf«nl• •1111 Atlaft\11 AUefttc cty lhltl- llml I""'"' a1tmere11 Boise aoston allffelo O.rtst11SC a.rlst11WV OK._. ClftC!ftMoll Cl..,...... ~ Det·lll't ""' DMwr O.SMolMI Detroit Oul11tll Felrtle'*5 Herttonl HeleM Honelllltf 1-..11s JKllM.tle u 14 4l s IO 1'0 17 .IJ S7 11 .'7 CMJPCMt•IA T•Ml'I •• "-" Vtf..., 62 U eeutllenl Ari-. T ffl\ller....... e"""'4I llM Nllofl .. ,.,. tlllS .......... "' •M9fd tram tJ lllelew ~Ill ROClltorll, Ill,. ta 6)"' Key Welt, Fla. kntew " 40 m a.-n-., ~ .It ........ Jl 17 Cal.i/omia lllf RIPllT ....... ,~ ·-·-,... "°"'-~····-..... , •111 •woit~W!llM_., ....__..,...."J'llll•llOI ..... r:i: =·-, ...... ::-::. &Ill ,_, ODl'Y-.. 811Mt! 81l'llM CelallM EllAU "~' L.-....r Long 9eKtl Los ~ Moflrollle Monl .... lo Mt.Wllmn NMdltt Htwpeft IMctl <>Marte ~ ....... ~-"-­"IYenNll .....w. R ...... Qty ........ Sell ....... SetlG*"I Sell 0-... S...l'~ll(o Sell.JoM SMlte AM Seflt•9-• Seft\llMerle Tllennel Torrence Yuma Cel .. ,.., l!clnlOft• Melotrffl ,ou ... , ..... Ttnllto wtNll ... TODAY D 1' ... " SS St 41 40 J1 .. . .. 0 71 " 74 ,. 10 JI J7 41 " » '54' .. . .. 0 " . ua 62 • ,.. " . .. . 7S ,. .. . SI • S4' • 74 44 ... ... . 10 14 .. ., .. 41 42 .,. IA It ... S.t 11 OS 2.1 ll '1 J3 ·H u It ft OJ ·14 ,.. IK .... '-71Dp.m. t.t IATVllDA'Y l'l,.tllltfl 2:SSe.m. U "'"' 1ew t :17 e.m. t.I lee_."'-" 1:4111.m. I.I , StcMMI.... ll:G p.M, IA ....... ,,._,....,,,...,, . ...... ~. --""' ,.. ........ llllley, ... ll:M .. M...,..,. _______________________________________________ _.. __ ~·~--· - Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15, 1982 CHEESE SIGNUP Eight·year·old Tien Bui of Huntington Beach uses both hands (right > to hold 5 ·pound pa c kag e of processed cheese distributed by city officials Wednesday Dave Dominguez of the city parks and r ec r ea tion department (above I signs the little girl up for the federal surplus pac kage a t the Oak View Communitv Center. · Ferraro eyes Riles post Richard Ferraro told the Balboa Bay Republican Women Wednesday that h e would formally declare bis candidacy next week for the seat held by Wilson Riles. Ferraro, a Los Angelu City School Board member wt.o bas ' been uoorticiaUy campaiplng for state superintendent atnce last aprin&, told the Newport Beach audience be la concerned about an increase ln violence on school campuses. Last year there were 1.185 aasaulta on students and ~OS assaults on teachers in 1As Ao,.1 .. , be aaid. Ferraro said that If eJected be would push for leaislaticm to try juvenllet charged wltb felony crimes as adults. He aaid be supports vocational and fundamental -education. "We need to get back to basics, .. he said. "Today we have people graduating from high school who can't even fill out an application." Jail slaying death described The stomping death of an Orange County Jail inmate in a Santa Ana courthouse holding ceJl has been described for a s uperior covt jury that must decide the fate or two of five men charged with the slaying. Called to testify Wednesday by prosecutors wa s David McQuery, wbo was in the basement Orange County Courthouse holding cell last April 20 when the fatal attack occurred. Injured in the attack was Michael Charles Bottoms, a murder suspect who died from head and neck injuries several days later at UC Irvi ne Medical Center. The prosecution has asserted that the fatal attack may have been part of an initiation ritual for a prison gang. McQuery, who was being heJd at Orange County Jail at the time or the attack on suspicion or burglary. testified that Bottoms, 22, was assaulted on three occasions by up to six Inmates. Two of those inmates. the witness said, were Willialll Leonard Frisbee, 30, and Arthur Ruffo, 25, who are standing trial on murder charges before Superior Court J udge Leonard McBride. ' Frisbee was in jail at the time on attempted murder charges. Ruffo Is a convicted robber. M cQuery said the attackers pummeled Bottoms with lbeir fists and feel , knockJng bJm to lbe ground and then stomping him. The attacks, he said, luted only a matter of seconds. $ First Time, Skiers * New Ski School ••• -.,~ "'.~· ~ let us lntrOduce you to lkllng t the n.w • Ski School. Her~'• an easy way to at.art aklr:~u tMe ~ myatiery out of what your firat ttme on ekft wllt be llke. Lecture_ movie and lnntng lld technique wlU be p,..,Wd. £qu6pm.nt will be provided and drytMd Jn1truct by a qualified '"8tructor . ..._2500W.COMtH~. Newport Beech AentallhoO w ... Jan. 20th a 27th WW Aduttl 11 a u~ .,._, ... ·Kida, 1!17 n-4.it H/F , Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15, 1182 \ WARSAW, Poland CAP) - Poland's army daily called today ror a purae of the Communist Party, eovernment, media and educational lnatltuUons to "remove evil from our life.'' ''The time of martial law creates the ideal conditions for introduction of real, effective and not apparent ... verification or staff ln the party, administrative apparatus, economy, education, press, radio and television," the newspaper, Zolnierz Wolnosci declared. The hardline army paper stressed that the first targets s hould be people who bad backed "opposition," during Poland's 16-month labor crisis that ended with the declaration of martial law Dec. 13 and a crackdown on the independent union Solidarity. Spain announces military sh a k ef,lp mechanic di days after their car broke down ln the Sabet&, says he wasn't In trouble but "would have Uked a cou9le of ham sandwiches now and again." Ghana regim e to hold power ACCRA, Ghana <AP> -The ~ad of the armed forces said Thursday that Ghana's rultn• two,week old Provisional Nationa). Defense Council wUI rernQin in power for some tilllle lo rid the country of its ms, the Ghana News Agency reported. Brig . Gen . Josepb Nu noo -Mensah , a PNDC member, told a group of m erchants and manufacturers summoned to the council's headquarters at Burma Camp military base that e"tended military rule was necessary to rid the country of corruption, the news agency said. ............. CONTRASTS A heavily bundled pedestrian walks past a window display extoUing the virtues of summer clothing for a cruise in chilly Atlanta. Icicles above lend a note of reality . · Inflation up . -hut slowly WASHINGTON <AP) -The nation's rate of inflation at· tbe wholesale level Jncreaaed 7 percent tut year, markJnc the slowest rlae in that meuure since 1977, the 1overnment reported today. / Analys ts attributed the slowdown to abundant supplies or food, the worldwide 1lut of oil and the recession. The 1981 rate -as measured by the Labor Department's Producer Price Index for finished ioods -was well below the 11.8 ~rcent in 1980 and 12.8 percent in 1979. • The index rose 6.9 percent in 1977 and 3. 7 percent in 1976, according to Labor Department figures. In explaininf the easing of the wholesale In talion rate last year , the department said the slowdown was across the board. "Energy prices advanced rapidly early in 1981 but then registered much smaller increases or moderate declines during the rest or the year , .. the department said. Energy prices soared 14.3 percent last year, under the 27.8 percent surge in 1980. The index for consumer goods other than food and energy also slowed l.ast year. rising 6.9 percent rather than the 10.4 percent in 1980, the department said. In December, the wholesale Inflation rate went up a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent, down from 0.5 percent In November and 0.6 percent in October. But It was ahead of the 0.1 percent ol September and 0.2 percent of August, the government said. If December's rate held for 12 straight months, the increase would be a seasona lly adjusted 3.1 percent, department officials said. Meanwhile, production at the nation's factories and mines feU 2.1 percent further in December, the fifth straight decline ln an ever·deepening economic recession, new government figures indicated today. December's decline was the biggest one-month drop since the 3 percent loss In May 1980, al the heart of that year's severe recession. "Since its peak in July, i ndustrial production has declined 6.9 percent," the report said. MADRID, Spain (AP) - Premier: Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo named new joint chiefs or staff today after relieving four top military men of command. The development preceded Spain's entry into NATO and the trial or rebellious officers who t r i eT to o v e r l h r o w t h e government. Arab, •eek u nit y against I sr ael ROME CAP) -I s rael's annexation of the Golan Heights has spurred Arab leaders Into another attempt to paper over their differences and form a united front. Joh training program weighed U .S. businesses have been cutting back production through the faJl and early winter in an effort to whittle down inventories of unsold goods. And with output falling, those same businesses have been laying off workers. contributing to the cu rr e n t 8 .9 p e r ce nt unemployment rate. Thatcher;'s son tells of o rtl,eal TAMANRASSET, Algeria <AP ) -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher·'s son, rescued with his co-driver and -Nffdlepolnt, block"'9 CLASS end etH~t · • IN.$.TRUCTION 49'24977 ')AN C..t:ME:NlE. l.A · 41b A••n•do D• lo l\ ... t llo Initial resulta ol the fledgling campaign for unity in a sharply divided Arab world lnclude a push for U.N. Security Council sanctions to punish Israel for its annexation or the Syrian plateau it has occupied since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. STAURDAY. JAN. 16 THAU JAN. 30 50%0\\ ALL SALE ITEMS SMte eue. ft<aut ALL MERCHANDISE FROM OUR EXISTING STOCK MEH1S • SHIRTS • SLACKS •JACKETS • SPORT COATS • BELTS • AND OTHER ACCESSORIES ··----- 333 E. 17th St. • Costa Mesa IBetund the Pancalte Housel 642-8788 Open Mon. thru Fri. 10·6 · S.t. 10·4 WASHINGTON CAP> -The Reagan administration is giving tentative approval to replacihg the popular CETA program with a $2.8 billion job training program that would rely heavily on business-labOr councils set up by governors with federal funds, labor sources say. The new program would be accompanied by elimination of tax-free payments of the sort paid to the working poor who took subsidized jobs under provisions of the expiring Comprehensive Employment and Training Act -commonly known as the CETA program. However. the sources said participants in the replacement program apparently would be permitted to continue drawing Annu.al Clearance Sale Savings From 20.. 70o/o Decorative Hardware By Operating your second r~erator costs up to $144 a ye"4I' in electric bills. Older models can cost Sp«lallzing In the coordination of the decorat1¥e hardware tor your project. Finished hardware IM: · DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN,- BARS, CABI NET AND lrATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 Clalecl Monet.,• unemployment or welfare checks during their training. What Labor Dep~rtment officials describe as the "core program" would include $1.8 billion in direct gran~ to the states for job training, said the sources, who declined to be identified by name. The new r e port s aid that output of consumer goods fell 1 9 percent during December. That included "sizable further reductions" in the production of home goods such as appliances and furniture and a 4 percent decrease in auto assemblies, the report said. J I ~tnu~· GuaFds move to . P atton Security. to be shifted where 478 inmates hav e escaped SAN BERNARDINO (AP) - For the tint Ume in tbe state's history, prison euards ar.e being transferred from prisons to tt.te 'over -ecurlty at Patton State Hos pital, v. here 478 inmates have escaped in six years. The prison guards -the first five ..-rivina at 6 p,m. Thursday from t.he California Institute for Men ln Chino -will take charge of the current 36-member security st~ff. A Chino assoc.late superintendent, Bob Bales, toot charge of Patton's security staff. Patrolman held in murder case SAN BERNARDINO (AP) A California highway patrolman h as been arrested in the shooting death of a Las Vegas woman whose body he reported finding near her abandoned car along Jnterstate 15 about 30 miles north of Barstow. Booked for investigation of murder Thursday was Michael Gwaltney, 40, who bas been with the CHP since 1971. He was being held without bail. Offlclals of the CHP and San Bernardino County aherltr's ofUce said Gwaltney waa arrested after investleators found a dismantled revolver be lieved to be the murder weapon ln a truck at Gwaltney's home In Barstow. Ma n aentenced in R i bicof f case SANTA MONICA (AP) Anthony LaQuin McAdoo, who pleaded guilty to his role in the murder of former Sen. Abraham Ribicoff's niece, wa:s sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Superlor Court Judge Laurene Ritenband handed down the sentence Thursday. The 20-year-o ld McAdoo turned himself in New Year's Eve 1980 after a seven-week manhunt for the second suspect in the murder of Sarai Ribicoff, a 23-year-old journalist. Diablo gets water disc!iarge perm it SANTA BARBARA (AP) - The controversial f>iablo Canyon nuclear pot.ier plant hu been given a permit to dlschar1e water into the ocean while lt la conducting low-oower te11t.<11. Atter a 15-hour meeti~g, the Regional Water Quality Control Board voted 7i-2 Thursday to give Pacific Gas & Electric Co. ' a waste-water discharee permit for low-power testing at the nuclear power plant. PUC in action :.inA.T&T case SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -The California Public Utilities Commission, warning that affordable telephone service is at stake, has asked to intervene in the rederal government's antltrust case a2ainst American Telephone and Telegraph Co. A settltment under which the communications giant would di vest Itself of 22 local and regional phone companies and earn the chance to enter new businesses was approved by one federal judge but not by another. Orange Cout DAILY PlL.OT/Frlday, January 1~. 1982 H/F -~ ........ LYNDE SERVICES -· Television game show host Peter Marshall, his wife Sally, and son Stefan were among 250 friends attending funeral services Thursday for comedian Paul Lynde, who died of a heart a ttack in his Beverly Hills home last weekend. Lynde was to be cremated, and his ashes were to be buried next week at Amity Cemetery outside his hometown of Mt. Vernon. Ohio., Gas price fix suit filed SAN FRANClSCO <AP) -The nation's btnest oil companies have been accUJed of Caao.llne prlce-fixing practices datlnc bacJt more than 30 years in a $300 million lawsuit riled by three union locals. The class action suit was filed in San Francisco Superior Court on Thursday on behalf of all CaUfornians who buy gasoline with credit cards, attorney Franc1sco Scarpulla said. Named in the suit were the San Francisco-based Chevron USA and Standard Oil of California; Atlantic Ricbtield Co., Continental Oil, Exxon, Gulf OU, Mobil Corp., Mobil Oil Corp., Shell Oil, Texaco and Union Oil. All do business In California. , Scarpulla represented the Retail Clerks Union Local 648 of San Francisco, Retail Clerks Union Local 870 of Oakland and United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1288 of Fresno. Co-conspirators include 21 o th e r multinational o il companies that do not conduct .business in the state, the lawsuit says. The companies' control of the ma-'tet amounted to a . "s.hared monopoly," ScarpulJa said. No prosecution _____________________ _ in Settles case LOS ANGELES <AP> -After a seven-month investigation, the district attorney bas decided not to prosecute Signal Hill pol.ice in the jailhouse death of Long Beach State University athlete Ron Settles. But at the same time, District Attorney John Van de Kamp said in announcing the decision Thursday, the probe has not ruled out the possibility of foul play. "Nothing would have pleased me more than to be able to tell Settles' parents -and you -that we now know with certainty what bappened to their son on June 2," Van de Kamp said. "But ... the evidence will not permit that type of a IJ~~-d~ clear-cut verrlicl." He said he doubts whether "we wiU ever know for certain the proximate cause of Ron Settles' death." Settles, 21, was found banged in a Signal Hill jail cell shortly after he was stqpped for a routine traffic violation. Police claimed SetUes committed sui cide, but bis family and friends contended be was slain by police. In September, a coroner's jury found in a 5-4 verdict that Settles died "at the hands of another, not by accident.·· A Signal Hill police spokesman, Ken Richards. said the department was "pleased" and not surprised by the district attorney's findings, adding, "We've known for months that no other decision could be reached." Meantime, Johnnie Coc hran, the Settles: family attorney, said the decision would not stop the family from pursuing its $62 million wrongful-death suit against Signal Hill "There's a different burden of proof in lawsuits, and we feel strongly that he did die at the hands of another, that he was in fact killed. We believe we can prove that to the satisfaction of a fair and right-thinking jury," Cochran said. or the district a ttorney's investigation, Cochran said. "I appreciate the thoroughness. Jt was not a whitewash. But there are a lot of unanswered questions." Van de Kamp said the investigation found an altercation occurred in the booking area between Settles and arresting officer Jerry Lee Brown. But he said there was no evidence Brown or other officers later had killed Settles. In a 52-page summary of the evidence in the case, it was noted that no eyewitnesses lo Settles' death were uncovered. Van de Kamp also noted that county Coroner . Thomas Noguchi had changed his previous finding of non-accidental death following the coroner's inquest and told the county grand jury the death may have been suicide after all. Although the coroner's office said no trace of drugs was fouftd, it wa5.Jevealed this week that new tests by another agency bad turned up small amounts of the mind-altering drug PCP or "angel dust" in Settles' stomach, blood and urine. But Deputy District Attorney Al Gatcetli said the drug discovery was "insignificant" to tbe probe's findings. Even though Van de Kamp declined to file charges against Signal mu police, some or whom still face misdemeanor charges of brutality to prisoners, he criticized the department. ·:~\!!Elizabeth Howard·snr ! 1.. €;·· CUR~~ll DINNER THEATRE; ·:;;. . A Fh11Y THllfQ ~VJ1k£WAr 1bDI~ THE ~EST . In reading enjoyment comes to your home 1 days a Mek In the Buy One Frame at the Regular Price, Get a Second Frame That Coeta the Same or Leae for One Cent At Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale when you buy one frame at the regular price you can get a second frame that costs the same or less for one cent. A frame for a penny fits your budget! And our frames flt your style! From simple to sophisticated. There's elegant gold leaf flnish frames; sleek section frames in silver, gold or pewter metal; contemporary plastic see-through box frames; fancy or unadorned frames with glass and backing; textured or smooth wood frames in a variety of handsome finishes; artistic frames with a lot of color or simply plain frames with natural finishes. Plus more! In a wide range of sizes that will fit most anything from a favorite little snap-shot to an impressive seascape. (Custom framing, fitting and labor not included.) The Aaron Brothers 1 C Frame Sale fits you for a penny! (Assortment may vary from store to .store.) ~ ' : . I f . • • • ' • • . . . • i • • • t i • ' . } ' . ' llllyPllat FRI DAV, JAN. 1S, 1982 . lllTlllTll lllDl /flllTlll VllllY CAVALCADE GARDEN • STOCKS 82-3 84 87 FL YING FORAGERS -Earth movers clearing the land at Brookhurst Street and La Alameda in Fountain Valley · encounter a winged distraction in this flock of sea gulls. The ....., Nit ....... ., lltdleN It .... birds are looking for a possible meal unearthed by the heavy equipment. Pizz a-v ide o bidde n i.ed in Jt'alley Dumpi ng of wastes termed accidental Jt' alley school .. boa rd weighs junior h .igh Tbe Fountain Valley Planning Commission bas refused to re_sonsider its deoUl·ol\ not to al'low ' comb.J\ta\ oa plua parlor-video game arcade to open in a local sboppiq plar.a. The ~eloper ..... Cent .. of Redondo Beach, now has asked for an appeal bearing before the City 'CouocU. No date for this bearing bas yet been scheduled. Sega ·bas apylied for the conditional use permit needed to open a P .J . Pizzazz restaurant-arcade at 18030 Brookburst St. The commission denied a permit to Sega Dec. 9, after nearby business people and residents compJalned that the restaurant-arcade could promote crime and traffic problems. Wednes day night. the commissinon d enied Sega's request for a new hearing on the proposal, sayin g the new information presented by the developer was not sufficient to warrant a new bearing, City Planner Don Contraman said. By DA VlD KUTZMA.NN °' .. Delly "'91 l&Mf The. Ulegal dumpinc of nine bags ot infecUous hospital wastes al Orange County landlUJ was described Thursday as purely •ccidental by UC Irvine lfedicaUCenter afllt!llllil. The county is investigating the incident. The discovery of the wastes at the Santiago Canyon Waste Disposal Station east of Ora.nee came only a day afti!r health officials assured the county Board o( Supervisors that there were no major problems with the illegal dumping or lnfecliou.s wastes in Orange County. The nine red-colored plastic bags were found by workers al the Santiago waste d~sposal s tation at about 9 :30 a .m . Thursday. The color red is used to identify th e bags as containing infectious wastes. By afternoon. Board of S upe rvisors Chairman Bruce Nestande bad already called for a county Health Department probe. Nestande said in an interview that bis m ain con cern in ordering the in vestigation was in t determining whether s uc h wastes were being routinely - and illegally -dumped at county disposal sites. "I would hope that it ls not a common practice," be said. UCl officials, contacted later Tburtday, ins lated that the sealed bags were taken to the Santiago Canyon dump site strictly by accident. However, they couldn't say lf the same type or mistake had ever occurred before. The bags contain various hospital wastes, such as paper products and tubing, which are used in the treatment of p.Jtients at UCI Medic al Centl'r-in Orange. No body tissues or other organic materials were in the bags. Both county and university officials stressed that the wastes could only prove harmful if s w a llowe d o r if someone punctured his or her skin on a sharp obj ect. A medical center spokesman s aid the wastes -which normally are sterilized in the hos pital's autoclave -were apparently placed in the wrong dumpster for disposal purposes. The Fountain Valley School District will begin a aeries ol P'Jblic meetings MOAday aimed at galberinC community oplnion on whether to begin a di.strict junior high program. Ao ad•lsory committee studylng grade level reorganiJ.ation will conduct four public work.shops al schools in various sections of the district. District trustees, who will make the Clnal decisJon on reorganization, wilt bold their own public bearing on the matter Feb. 2. The trustees are expe<ited to vote Feb. 4. The Fountain Valley district's schools now are arranged for kindergarten through eighth grade at each site. (One pilot juniot high is operated at Bushard School.) District trustees now are considering the creation or a separate junior high school system for grades six through eight. Parents have been asked to present their views on this proposal at the upcoming meetlngs. Are you boring? Then Saturday is the day jtut f or y ou. Read Hugh Mulligan on Page 82 . D a Murder. jolts condominillln . J residents in HB , I B:r PBIL 8NEIDERMAN °' ................. The Huntington Landmark Community, a quiet condominium complex for middle age and older residents, was jolted this week by the news that a brutal murder had been committed behind its guarded gates. William K. Norman, 56, was found stabbed to death Tuesday lo the bedroom of lib stucco and wood.shingled condominium at 8877 Tulare Drive. Huntington Beach police said today they are searching for an unidenWied man who visited Norman Monday night. The visitor was described as Caucasian, age 25-27, 5-1() to 6 feet tall, slim bulld with dark collar-length hair and brownish eyes. Police said Norman apparently bad been expectinJ the vi.aitor and that the man bad entered at a guard post on foot. Norman's Orange Datsun auto was discovered missing, and investigators say the vehicle may have been taken by the intruder. Police were continuing their search for the auto today. Sgt. Ed McErlaln s aid no motive bas yet been established for the killing. Norman, stabbed once lo the chest. was found by officers Tuesday after be failed to keep an appolntment with a business associate. McErlaJn said Norman waa employed as a salesman of promotional materials, but be declined to identify the ~·a e111p,\oyer. Norman apparenU1 waa not well known in Ute Hunt.incton Landmark Community were be lived. TH south HunUngton Beach complex includes 991 condomini ums in tbe SUS,000 price range. Condominium owners mu.st be age 40 or older. Many residents are retired people. · Community spokesmen said news of Norman's slaying spread quickly Tuesday as residents strolled or drove past the murder site, wbicb was .roped off by police. But a visitor to the community the following day found a quiet c luste r of homes where the jingle of wind chimes carried down the block, where older women walked small dogs adorned with red bows. John Yerkes, president of the Huntington Landmark Adult Community Foundation, said Norman never took part lo the recreation activities sponsored by hfs group. He said the slain man bad SUSPECT -Huntington Beach Police released this s k e t c h of a man who allegedly visited salesman William K. Norman shortly before Norman was stabbed lo death. exchanged friendly greetings while washing his car outdoors. but did not become well acquainted with bis neighbors. A woman who lives next door lo Norman's concJominium • described the man as "pleasant but aloof." Mailman Earl Wentworth, who had been deliveri#lg to Norman's home for more f.ban a year, r«alled bringLnc a lot ol businese maiJ and packages to Norman. Wentworth said the man always seemed to be alone, was polite but never engaged in any lengthy discussion., Even Norman 's brother-in-law, W. Garwood KJeinhen, a resident of Palos Verdes Es\atea, said ln a telephone interview be knew little about the man's business or personal life. Residents said Huntington Landmatk is usually a safe and seQ1&re complex where the only crime ls an occasional attempted break-in or the theft or outdoor potted plants. Most residents surveyed said they felt a bit nervous upon learning of the murder in their community, but became less ill al ease after learning Norman may have been killed by an acquaintance rather than In a random attack. Don Danyko, general manager of the Huntington Landmark Association, said no increased security measures are planned. conlmentary make developer wary? • .. ONCE AROUND THE BEAT: The trouble with living along this best of all possible coasts t hese days is things keep happening and won't stand s till and it"s hard to keep up. piles announces. ··Residential Units .. ' Great piles of eart h are h a ppening even t o da y along M ac A r thur Boulevard . just inland of Corona de l Mar. A stylish sign near the dirt You wonder if this means more condominiums? If so, the signmaker apparently changed the wording to "residential" when compared to a similar sign put up earlier on Jamboree Road some time back. lt directly announced, .. Another New Condominium ... · SOME MISCHIEVOUS miscreant came along on that one and using precisely the same paint and style of lettering, changed the sign to read , "Another --New Condominium." The expletive deleted here was clearly editorial condemnation of condos ·but, alas. cannot be repeated in a f amity Journal. The aubltitute sign was so well wrought. however. that it stood for some time1 amusing passing motorists. before the developers caught on to it. J he project defies modern technology. Make a few trips up Fairview and you become convinced the signals are synchronized for traffic moving at 108 mph. *** FAIRVIEW, HOWEVER. is no worse than the left-turn pocket off Coast Highway at Morning Canyon Road in Corona del Mar. The signal never turns green for the left turners. Rumor has it that the reason they never fixed the signal was that awhile back. a middle-aged gentleman pulled into the left turn pocket there and while waiting for the light to change to green, died ef old age. . They buried him right there because the light wouldn't turn green for the hearse. Now authorities don't want to disturb his final resting place to fix the signal wires. ••• TIUNGS KEEP CHANGING in the old newspaper dodge, too. It has been widely rumored recently that the Santa Ana Regis ter is installing a lest kitchen. Newspaper people used to worry about secret government meetings, triple·ax murders and left-tum signals that don't work. Now it's apparently testing muffins. You have to hope the guys on the Register watch the yeast or they may !ind the whole newspaper plant hu moved to Yorba Unda. • lf you happen to hear about a large explosk>n on Grand Avenue in SJnta Ana , you'll know that recipe won't be making the news columns. YOU HAVE TO WONDER who'll they'll ~est the new recipes on. I'll bet it isn't the adve'11alnl salea staff. You. want to telt new reclpea on. somebody who is expejdable. They'll probably ae eome edlton. ' l f ·-:Bv PHIL INTERL~N.01 of Laguna.Seactt ............ 1-16 "He says calm down to efficient. Super-secretaries mAlte him nervous." HOIOSCOPf · BY SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius: Changes seen Saturday, January 16 ARIES <Ma rch 21-April 191: Travel plans are s ubject to change: partnership commitment could d om in ate scen a r io. Individua ls wh o usually m a ke s n ap decisions will now urge delay. TAURUS (April 20-May 20 l : Focus on dependents. basic serv ices. ability to reach beyond apparent limita tions . P e rceive picture as a whole . lea ve intricate details for a not he r d ay. GEMINI <Ma y 21-June 201 · Focus on emotional responses. affairs of heart and ability to discard non-essential m aterial. Style is imprinted. m embers of opposite sex are drawn to you. CANCER <June 21-July 22l : Cha nges occur at home base. Legal documents v e rify prop e rty claims. Inte llectual curiosity is stimulated you'll learn reasons for recent happenings. LEO (July 23-Aug . 22 >: Accent on relatives. domestic environment. ability to transform ide as into· vi a ble concepts . Budget review is necessary. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: Avoid self-deception. see places and people as they actually exist. not merely through haze of wis hful thinking. Focus on money. LIBRA tSept. 23-0ct. 221·: This could be your powe r -play d ay. Lunar and numerical cycles high: you meet right people at right time . obta in financing a nd ,could a lso fall madly in love \ SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 l. Wh at seemed a m issed opportynity will prove m e r e ly to b e a t e m porn ry d elay . Confide nce will be r estore d . SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 211 · Scena rio highlights excite ment of cha nge. travel. variety and love. You meet people. pi o n eer a pro jec t . ga in a dd e d independence and find outlet for creative expression. CA PRICO RN <Dec . 22-J a n . 19 1: Prestige rises. position will be backed by those in authority. A void brooding. keep resolutions concerning diet and nutrition. AQUARIUS <J an. 20-Feb. 18l: Good moon a spect coincides with journeys. spiritual concepts. a bs tra c t le~al principles and s timulation of learning process. PISCES (Fe b. 19-March 20 > · Di g beneath layers of s uperficiality : you could strike pay dirt. Focus on financial or tax proble ms related to business asspciate. partner or spouse. S1All DIUl'Ulll AROUND THE WORLD SAN FRANCISCO ·-Heaven began to leak in late afternoon. By night, rain was beating at the windo~·Sierra resorts report heavy snowfall," the TV weather· man. He looked happy. for um mer he had to s ound enthusias tic over ··morning fog. clearing by noon.·· Some teen s cha tter on the phone : .. There's this cheap s ki trip, see? Two days at Heavenly Valley ... I don't imagine the Gold Rus h miners called It that. Their names ran to lean des cription : Bedbug and Freezou t. Whiskey Slide and Poverty Flat. "A freezing ra in overtook us coming down Dry C r eek tha t ni g ht ," m y g r eat-grandfather reported in 1850. · · 1 was wet through. Turned blue. Fell blue. And was completely misera ble ... Nol a ll downhil l schussing and hot butte red rum in the Sierra in the davs of gold. · WHAT'S BEEN NEW in the bloomin~ year? Well, haircuts have been going up. <Can you reme mber how to beat on an auto horn '"Shave-and-a-hairc ut. Six bits ~ .. 1 I paid 22 blooming dollars to gel trimmed the last time. True. the m ighty dollar has a hernia a nd isn't supposed to lift anything. t don't need a haircut as orten as in my windswept d ays. But a double deuce ~ There were a couple of ma mas under the dryers. We ~et our hai rcuts a long with ladies we're ALL liberated now. Thev paid no attention to me . I could be making up for the Drag Queen ball or macho as the Ma rlboro man. We cause no stir. Ho-hum . .. Tha t looks better now.·· sajd the haircutter "I 'll just blow it out a little so 1l looks fuller on the sides .·· IN THE VEAR 220 A CHAP name of Tertullian s aid: "Of what service lo vour salvation is a ll the anxious care you spend in a rraying your hair? .. He said it lo Roman chicks. Even then wom en were getting s treaks. ~ Reading Cicero on last yea r·s papy rus manus cripts. Men's hair was of no concern except to gay Julius Caesar who wore a laurel wreath to hide his retreating Bonnie Fair. Down the many years men grinned and bore it as ha ir went thatawav. We sat in the barbei-·s chair He trimmed us and for no extra cha rge. we got his political views. c My gra ndfather went only to Republican barbers. I "Time we had.a change in Washington. if you ask me." Snip. snip. ONLY A FEW YEARS AGO I was a ble to break the barrier and go into a bea uty sa lon. I was nervous as a fox raiding a chicken coop . Sat · under the humming d r ye r reading old copies of Vogue I had a woman hairdresser al tha t time. Sne was a witc h. I mea n a REAL wi tch. She could read cards and cast spells. She could tell ~·ou r past and fu ture. She s aid: "I think I can make vou gr ow hair." · Well. who could resist that·.• Up th<' barricades '. I DIDN'T GET ANY MORE hair but I had high hopes . She used herbs on my head. She pressed it between cloves of garlic . She fed m e Vi t a m in E. lt·s s upposed to turn you into a sexpot fi rst you get hair. then you get sexy. The E pills a re lime-fused. You don't know whe n they're going to go off. So I d idn ·t take department store elevators. I walk ed waiting for the recoil. But I didn't get to look like a gor- ill a . more's the pity. The E pills didn't turn . me into a menace at the supe rmarket. dammit. 1 j ust held onto what hair I had and went back to sending roses Nurse care limited DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I had my gall bladder out two weeks ago. I survived the anesthesia and the surgery without any compUutions -except one. Durlng the first two post-operative algbts I needed help rrom a nurse badly. But I bad to suffer through these nights u.atlJ I received nursing help during the day. With hospital bills so high, would I be Hking too much to expect regulmr nursing care? -MRS. R. DEAR MRS. R.: A common complaint. Hospitals try hard to provide nursing service in spite or a countrywide nursing shortage. But they're up against continued crease in enrollment of student nurses . ewer nurses are graduating. Meanwhile. Mrs. R., be th:tnkful for those who try hard (when they are1lvailable>. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: My ba1band u.Hcl to take only a ictass or two or Mer daUy. BQt no.-he's becornta1 a lleavy lleer clrtaker. He Ml u exc:ue, lie aay1. Me h11 read M•ewllere Ulat beer coatala• e11eatlal Wl&a•llll aild nalaeralt. ''It malt be good fW •e," he 1ay1. It It? -MRS. F. DEAR MRS. F.: Beer dOH contain small traces of vitamins as well as tracH of such metals as zinc and copper. But I Ualnk you will a1ree that hls lncreued Wake of beer for vitamins and mlneral1 ls -..\ T rou1 HIAL1H DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN a lame excuse. A pill or two will p1·ovide a greater source of vitamins and minerals. ' DEAR DOCTOR : Are doct s still doing heart transplants? -Mr. C. • DEAR MR. C.: Brilliant heart su geon Christiaan Barnard performed the Id's first heart transplant at Groot Sc ur Hospital in Capetown. South Ar ·ca in December 1967. But problems with Infections. immunological rejection .and other complications soon frustrated .suraeons, and enthusiasm for the procedure waned. In the United States most h ave disco~tinued the operation. However. there is stut one institution in this country -Stanford University Medical Cente , headed by Norman E. Shumway, M.D. -which still 1.,.ciillzn In the procedure. Seven of 132 patients who recel ved tran1planl1 a t Stanford in 19'74 h ave survived for five years. Nlne ol 11 G.l*:•l~ in 19'15 sunivtd for four Y't•n. -·---- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15, 1982 H /F •• STALLED IN STORM -Motorists return to t rv to start a bandoned cars stalled Tuesday by a w inte r s t o rm th a t h it At l a nt a in APW ......... m id -afternoon As sno'' blanketed the area. interstate highways began looking hke a long par king lot. RUFFELL'S Ul'HOLSTERY .......... , ... s... 192;, HAHOR ILVD. COSTA MISA-14t.l 156 ~ . THE . ~~:~o 1411.,, •• ,.., H••bftf .:::, I , •. ,,., , ....... ,~ .... , •• ,,., .. , '1V•f , r A '' ".,~ .. , .. •I Y(y ,\.1# 1 cosu .. u .641 ·1289 l &.H N••OOtt 8t•CI OOISllON Vl[.J0495•0401 ta.n Ca'"'.-io Ceptt lt•"O • tl •n CHetct ,,..., ••AH,.. ~•wt t 25th year ~ A11naversa ry ~J' in the Harbor Area :i'" ,,, c . • FMMOS IHSUUNCE ,..,, 44 I OW Mewpori ltYd. Mewporf '-ell, CA Ut-7140 Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. The 552 Club Invites You To Laugh -While a Former Senator Burns! ...... ROAST /TOAST Monday, January 2 5 Marrioff Hotel, Newport Beach Fonner State Senator DEMMIS ~. CARPENTER will be the "Roastee" Carpe~er will be done to a c risp by Paul Salata's roasting crew, including Joey Bishop, Justice Ro bert Gardner. George Hoag II. Supervisor To m Riley. Mayor Jackie Heathe r . Congressman Robert Badham. and Dr. Sammy Lee. Cocktails: 5:52 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. Contribution: S150 per. couple. S75 per person For information call {71 4 ) 760-5917 ROAST /TOAST is presented by the 552 Clu b as a benefit for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. -Advertisement SPonsored as a community service by AVCO J ~, .. Pt Nil Clott C -•-A -~i" a:f: ,f ~1 .. ~ ~ A P UUt ffr+ Yt A Intl >--."' ~ ,l·~.;~~ A X D 13 ;lit ~ AMU»t '2 If W .. ACIMC I «I ' 4 1\ii + "" Aln JI ' • "' .• A °' t IS f\lt •• AN • l.Jt ,. 14~+ "° ~ ,, J ~ .~. ~ AtlllU l » 1 »I •I-+ "' Al"""' 1 10 JIJ I .. dl2~ Ii, ~~ • If~ ••• AIM~ : 1! n Pl+,~ •--eo ' 11 10 ••••• AIMIN 11 D 211 1,_+ -AleP pfAJ'2 ., t ~+ '6 ~::~,. .:~ • : 11: sf'\ i~ AleP pf ...... llffO "9 -11,jl ~::11': 1 ·= : .: l~ Vi A•~ .1 I 10 12 • ..., Al..,tft t ,_.__ la AIU!! I S '34 ~ '.\ AkeSt I I Cll t ll I,_ ... ...... •d' -Yt AllQQI 10I I 10 41\11+ "' •19 ~.. 1S It + 14 A~llt t• 1 111 ?M+ "-"E1U '°' n11t .. Al 2.\t t lS ltl'l+ .... Al I 1 4 Ullo+ 14 Al~ t • 4 ID .,..,._ "' Aldei) ... 74 t ""• la 41d(;p Ill 12 . " 11 ~ 411dMrlt i 1 , 10 + ,,. All'"4r I .IO t l02 ~ .... 4kfTet" ... t2 16~+ It ""! '311 u~ 14 "II llfS• . . 2 U'4 ...• • , .... IJ ts 23'+-.... AlpllPr . . 1 i~ '-' AICtf t I .. S U1 t.414 .... Ami-S J t • + °"' AINIX 2i ' IMO CM+ 1-Alftree 1. S 4 IN+ lo\ Am"-9 t 1 432 21~+ .,_ AtnAmr I 10 IS ta 4 ••.• An\Mr tt 119 "41+ ~ AAll w4 19' il'l + 16 4Alr,, I.ti.. 1 13 -It """' 12 3 ""'• "' 4~J t J.U t "' »io. + "' A Ill 17$ .• 1 ltio.+ 14 4 t I 60 1 IOlt JI~ llt 4 I~ I 1 1 19"+ 11t "...,.. •• 2~ .••• "~ 2'0 • 112 11'-+ " "~'"' 209 'J ' 1~ " ~ "!t"' rn 10 ft: W't:1: 4 IPw 2.1' 1 JU ft: ..... AmEICP 210 1 '24 41~ .... Al'emll to t M "'·.,.. ·~<j: 2 1 S5 12n7 ~ ~ 11lf'2lcJ: I~ ~ 14 A Cv tlOa 2 fl -'-' •HerltL n 1 1 ,,.,._ 11t AHoltl 1 12 S 174 IS'-t+ Yt A Home 2 11 1'0 :Wtit-1W A.... I OI 12 lOI J1-+ ... AMI 1 S2 14 'ff Miio+ 111 AMMolr lS 2'1>-i-. A ... tR n2 M S SJ lS\lt + 14 *iJFl• t3 Wl ••• ' .. ' 4 10\l• -Am 210 S tltd2~ .. ASqrtt • IO n 111111 + 1* AmStr IO 1 J2 JI + "' 4$1r Ill S SI 1 •-•• ., ATT S 40 7 UlO ~-" u:.'"'"'''-''" ATT pl 4 1 '1-! ATTpl JM jO 27'-+; !Jt~r. : ~ • i lf~; " AWel pf I 2' 1100 ...... . AWa lol Ill . aoo tlllo+ ~ Ameron 1 60 • • ~ Ill AmesO I .«I I t 21"'. • • · • Amel.II U012 J7 AmfK 1 ... 1 45 AM_.ft I a '1 Ill }lnPC•• .. 1 4=ftlli0 'J ~ Am-1t0 J M AIM'9cl 2 A 1 t3 ~= '' ,. 3: '= AnClay t J2 4 210 ~= t~'l J: 4N"1rl " tt lJ1 41'11eft n 1 11 ""'"""' ... . " ·~" . ,. " '" Apcllft un 29 tl ~!~ ' 21 ,& ,:/ Arut pf 2 1' . 7 4.rcllD s le • 902 Art1PS 2 • • 212 A'11111 60 S 12 Art.lat IO IO Kia Anl'llllty 4 ~ 4rmco 1 ao s • Arrnc fJf 2 IO 1 ArmR11 I «I 4 I 4rmWln 1 10 ' n 4'9QI lb 1 ' Al'OwtE s 1' II 4' A,,,. 10 JI • Arvlft I I? • 42 A ...-co t 40 11 tell> AllllOO 1 40 ll All\10 pfJ .. AtdDG 1 IO 1 .t1tc10 p1 • n AllllON 1 '° S !lfil1~~ l~ ~ -- Vllktnc w.c.-1 • n""-"' Wleol' J.1'~ + "' W«llRI ' Ali • We<kM -e 12.,.._ "' Wel'-0 .141 151 ttl-\; ~ WIM-1 ts 1'S 1"-11+ \It Wa!e'ft 2 62 .. + 111 WllKlh OI J2 • 12t 411'"t-~ WelCSv .. 11 1 '2'MI-" wehJm I '2 14 """ + v. WalU pfl.40 • • I 211-11 + ... warnec 1 • l05 » -\lo wmcm 1 o ~ S411\ + " WernrL t «I 11• ttt 11...,+ I,\ Was!IGI J W I f1 f7 t\ + 1111 W1llNI ' 1 01 S S3 17~ 14 WlllWt 2. '2 4 a. 17'11. \lo wa1i., .«> tt 226 at'Mt• ~ Walkll'I .• 11 ~ 27'4 .. WayGol .20I 1 I t•1t + \\ WHnUl'I 10 2 ·~ . WebOO 4 2' .... + "' WelsMll 1 t 2 J7'-t + '" W.11sF 1 '2 S 1• ~ + ~ W.IFM 240 1 I m.-\II We~n i • • 1~ Welt 11 ' ,,"' • .. WtPt '1 ' .......... . W!IAll\. " , .... + .... " 14 -,,., .. 21'• . ""• "' .,. ., ... _ ~ 1 .. 1 11 "' .. h u .... ~ HI F, ., -oi depend.I OD several factors, use-and loea.Uoo of the lMured ••'I ..-re from 9$ catts per $100 or cover hi to between Sl .65 and S2 65 in Caliromla. fl'loatel"I fot rurs average $1 per $100 coverage, and 1UYet averages so cents per $100 Fine artt llld eolle<:libles are individually appraised. The many fact.on tblll determine rates for those items mtte it im.,..lble to develop an average amountr tr you, U\e Policr~older, are to aet the full benefit from your insurance. you must have an accurate appraisal tit the property to be insured. Admittedly, profealonaJ appralaata take time and money Your insurance company may be able to provide adequate, up-to-date cover.,e without involving a professional appraisal STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORl(fAPI Ffnal Do. J-. .. 9, AMERICAM LEADERS for f'-l09y, J.,. 14 STOCKI 0.-".. Lew CleM C ... a Ind W.•. Ml.ltl U. O't 142 21 + l.Jl 20 Trn l4.Sa 351 n :Ml" •• 64 • 2" U UU 101.1' ICM JO 102 SS tQJ II + 0 10 ..S Siii 11110 J31 41 J2S 41 )29 ti+ I S.O '"d'" •.111, 100 'freft m ,ooo UUIJ 61'.:JDO .S Slit UM.400 WHAT STOCKS DID .. ew YORK (AP) J.,. 14 Actvencec1 0ec11nec1 Ul'ICllenoed Tot.I I&~ N-llllM "•• •o- -TAMUOID NEW YOltl( CAPI JM 14 Actva11<.ed Oecllned UftClleftQ9d TttallUU. N•• llllllN .......... METALS GOLD QUOTATIONS """ oay 14' 113 JU 741 1 u -ft41. u .s Oral\09 Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, January 15, 1982 TIE •tlOll B• Bobby Soz signups l In Valley Bobby RealatraUon for Fo~n ,/In fronl of Vona SOic lO be hllld Satur ad Magno\la. In Markel. Talberfl ~ \0 a.m. to 12:30 Founlaln Valley ro p.m. oor or age and Players ahoul~ brlnl~ ~~rent. Divisions be accompanied ~!,\5' Minors. ages IH\ lire Majors. ages _,,. , and Mlnla, ages 7i8irallon days al same Addlllonal reg s and Feb. 6. site are Jan. 23, JBan.;:ll at 963·7353 or Call Linda en I 9&4-1661 for more informal on. Boat show The 26th annual So Boat Show Jan 29-F uthern California Convention' Center eb 7 at Los Angeles Specialized sem;n skiing. fi shing an~rs on sailing, water boating scheduled ~~~er aspects of skiers to conduct I ampion water to·sa1l school and c 1n1cs Learn. also planned r><>wt>rbo11t instruction Ph one (2131 6 information. SS 9326 f or more Marathons SUNOAV P.£B M1r1thon ' · If Palm Sprln Spr1n1s i n8/°o•ored br city ot P11~ Courae Is flit eaert Sun Newspaper throurh street~ ~?ry fu t and winds divisions ottered I city Twelve race 60·and·over f or rom 19·and·under to Re1lstrat1on forms mtin and women P1lm Sprlnn· M. available by wrltln . Services Division a~aiJhon, c/o Lelsur: Springs, 92263 l~cl . . Box 1786, Palm stamped envelope E ude self.addressed . T -s hirt. FJniah·e ntry fee ls SIO with certificate rs will r ereive a SU NOA V FEB 2 World Runn~rs Ma; I Long Be11ch at Queen Mary In t!thon begins :ind ends wind through marin·ng Beach Course to beach areas l. as, Yacht club.! and provide free IOd ~ng Beach YMCA to pre-race dinner 'n g for runners and h<>!it Pre.registratio~ ace begins at 7 30 a m ·Late registratron 1~1t{8~i Feb 6 ) is S8~ t he race 1 01 . 30·7 am day of l4 ·a nd und vision s range f d. er to 70 rom 1vfs1om Include 200 ·and over. Other ~~ee lchalr F ir J>Ou,nds and-over and ~n1shers receive ro~~t1me marathon 42~r8<~ore •nformnti~;:iorahtrve T-shirt · .,.,... • P Bne 12131 Fishing clinics 1''111hina el(perh t:hiarlle Ou\·1& un~ Rich ruubcr \\Ill conduct dln1c11 ul the. t h1hln1t World beCliOrl of the 16th 1annuul southern Cllhrornla Bo11t SJ\11\\, Jarn 29 Feb 7 al the 1 O!I Angeles t'nmentmn Center D~vls a 111111'>' 11tt·r uutho1·lt~-. hu11 \\1'illen ~book . ··llonk Up," \\htch 111 no'>' In 1111 111xlh pl'intln11 . Ile hull ri shed up and down the Puciri<: Coast Tauber Is ruted umon~ the to1> Westc~·~ Rtn1s f1 11hcrml'n in the country lie \\as named unl(ler· of the ycur in 1978 und 111 a rour time nutlonal c ham pionship q1.111hf1cr Cllmeb will inclut.h.' sltdc shO\\b. lectures und qucbllOn und unt1\\er period:; 2131 Fo1· mori.' lnformutlon. phone c 655 9326 Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Globetr Forum in lnglew otters to rome to the Pm I and Mondu~;~at~rday, Jan 23 12 . Tickets are ss' S 17 30 p.m 1 Children under 1iso. $7 so and $9.SO Tickets available at t~ec~ve S2 dJscount and mutual agencies e orum, T1cketron For more I 1 674·4700 n ormutron, phone C2131 SuperbowL of Bodybuilding D11neyhind llot.1 11 alle of Supe,rbowl o~ Bodybuilding. aturday. bc&lnn n& l u.r~cl uded 1n the aclivltlea II the All·Amerlcan Strength Coaches Chnlc • resented by Biii Ennis. co ital«' dlrector ~t the National Slrtngth and Condlllonina Association. and by Wally Boyko Productions. In~ Coaches clln\c Is desl&ned to Improve schools' strenalh tralnlnt proart!m• More than 100 lllncu eichl Its to on display. Admission is S5 at lhec~;eo.0169 Clinic conclude6 al 5 P m 8 for more lnCormutlon Tennis tournament Eighth annual Buffumi. Kod i.'I mixed doubles tennu, tourn:i ment M ay 21 23 At B1ll1e Jean King Tennis Center Long Beach Tournument open to anv. club. park. school or bu111ne11s that qu:il1f1es a team prror lo 1-'nda~ M,I\ 7 b' holding prel1m1 n uq QUJl 1(y 1ng tourn11ment~ at their organ1 zulmni. Tournament lb not open to JUnror:, Tu qualify, pla)erl> must have Ix-en ·born be!?re Oct I, 1963 There ll> no Pnln frl• Call 12131 ~36 lPWI . u t 528 for m . informallon or~ Huntington Beach, Edison rout foes BYRON BALL HANK GOEBEL JIM USEVITCH Unheatens battle OV faces Ed:ison ; Newport, CdM tangle By ROGER CARLSON OflkOMly ...... S!aH • the offensive boards, but no one's done it. We've just cot to play 'em heads U.P and see what happens. "I heard a lot earlier in the year about maybe defending Edison with a box and one or triangle and two, Fountain Valley stays unbeaten in Sunset with win over Marina Huntington Be ach and Edison posted easy victones m t he women's Sunset League basketball ch ase Thursday night. while Fountain Valley managed to hold off pesky Marina. Meanwhile, Mater Dei won its second s tr aight Angelus League tilt. Here's how it went : Huntington 78, Westminster 33 Westminster made a game out of it for one quarter. trailing only 16-13, but by the end of the third per iod, the Oilers were breezing by 34. Belly Mendoza bad 13 rebounds to go with a game-high 18 points and Cathy Cordova had eight assists and six steals. The win evened HB's mark at l· l. Edison 57, Ocean View 14 The Chargers, ranked seventh in Cl F in the latest poll, were convincing winners at both ends of the court. "That might have been the best defense we played all year," praised Edison Coach Dave While. "It created the flow for our offense." Center Tina DenHeyer collected 28 rebounds to set a school r-eeord and also had 17 points to lead all scorers. Fountain Valley 56, Marina 47 With I :22 re maining, the Barons led only 47·45 . .but Rhonda Barton canned WOMEN s ix clutch free throws down the stretch and Deanne Davis hit a c rucial three.point play to assure the victory. Mater Del 67, St. Paul 47 The Monarchs' Alonda Varisco and Kathy Gorman combined for 45 points in the e asy victory. MD stretched a seven-point advantage to 31 in the third quarter by outscor ing St. Paul, 31·7. Nwpt. Chrtstlan 23, Woodbridge 19 Sophomore center Stella Berkebile led a ll scorers with 10 points as Newport ChrisHan evened its overall record at 4-4. Liberty Christian 37, Brethren 36 Liberty won its second game of the -season as senior guard Tanya Edwards poured m 25 points. Power squadron plans boating course signups Registration will continue Monday at 6 : 30 p. m. at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, 730 W. Bay St. for Balboa Power Squadron's spring boating course. , The 13·week course in safe boating and piloting is free to' the public. Ins t ruction is by veteran powe r squadron members and includes both power and sail. Subjects covered inc lude handling under normal conditions : handling under adve rse conditions : seamanship • and common emergencies: rules of the nautical r oad and flag e tiquette : com p ass a 'nd c h a r t s: a ids to nav igation : running lights a nd equipment: inland and trailer boating. Battles of unbeatens -Ocean View <1-0) at Edison (1-0) in the Sunset League and Newport Harbor <4-0> at Corona del Ma r (4·0) in the Sea View League -highlight tonight's prep basketball schedule and when the smoke clears, title pictures figure to become clearer . but I don't th.ink gimmicks will worlt.·-------------------------·----------------------- Each is billed to begin at 7:30, as are seven of e ight other games involving Orange Coast area teams. Othe r S unset duels include Fountain Valley ( 1-0) at Ma rina <O·l) and Westminster (O.J) at Huntington Beach (0-1 > OTHER SEA VIEW ventures include Unjversity (3·1) at Estancia (4 ·0 >; Cos ta Mesa (1 -3 ) al Saddleback (0·4>: and El Toro C0-4> at Irvine (0·4). Woodbridge t a kes its 10-3 free 1'_ASKETBALL m l a n ce r eco rd to Brethre n in Paramount (8 p.m.); Laguna Beach is at Capistrano Valley in a battle of l ·l South Coast League teams : and Mater Dei takes its l · l Angelus League mark to Bishop Mo ntgomery (0-1) in Torrance. Edison Coach Barry Leigh saw his 14·1 team down by a 14-6 margin against Marina <••A little heart a rrest for me in the firs t five minutes." says Leigh), before his Chargers, ranked No. 1 in Orange County, and No. 2 In CJ F 4-A, pulled away for a 22-point victory. "It's important for us to have our tempo," says Leigh. "We end up in the 50s and we're in trouble." Ri c hard C h ang a nd R ick DiBemardo lead the Chargers in the interior and Chang showed almost complete r ecover y from ,a chest ailment, scoring 24 against Marina. "Cha ng is looking good and ls able to r un and play a full game,'' says Leigh. JEFF STEPHENS and Mark Goudg e give Edison a solld backcourt, but that's no surprise. The suri>rise is M Pete Blnaski's ability to step In and do the job defensively with 6-4 Darren Moore still boeged down with injuries. ·'The key to our s uccess is everyone playing bis role," says Lei1b. • -· Coach Jim Harris ' Seahawks counter the inside came of Edison with 6-9"' Jim Usevitcl\, who avera1es 20.1 per game, but wu held to a season-low of six points by Westminster on Wednes day with slowdown tactics. Whlle Usevltch Is the focal point wl\h his size, lt's Ocean Vie~ s1i1pporUq cut (Seott DeBrouwer. Shawn Werner, e_. Dave Carroll aftC\ 6·4 Mike Judie> wblcb makee or breaks~ Sea.hawks, 10-1 overall. Harrie concern 11 obvious -it's pbyslcal. • .. "We're so different." ..,. llanb. Our torapetiUve tdfe Menw to bt wanttnc. 1'b1a l•rnt t a ~ of who tW advantaae of -.-. • ...,.. hav -~~ • k There's no one you can slack off of." There's another 4-0 team (Estancia> in the Sea View Leaaue', but the Newport Harbor-CdM collision is the big one, before an anticipated packed CdM gym. "WE'RE PLAYING well," says Sailors Coach Jerry OeBusk, "but it's been against zone teams. Corona del Mar i s going to put more pressure on us than any zone team and <Chris) Lynch, (Mike> Hess and (Ku rt> Petersen have been nails from outside. ''They're on top with nine straight wins. We have lo contain those three and we can't give them five feet of space to s hoot. "I'd like to see the game higher than the 40s or 50s. We 'd like to get it and go." The 6-7 front of Byron Ball and Joe Seager clog up the middle of the Sailors' zone and 6-3 Scott Liner, 6-0 Brian Folk and 6-0 Steve Pelletier give the Sailors the complete look. The Sea Kings or Coach Jack Errion have indeed won nine straight and are ranked No. 7 in the ClF 3-A. Ly nch, Ress and Petersen are deadly from outside and can control the tempo to their liking. while 6·8 Hank Goebel and 6-4 Garth Olson give CdM inside strength to counter Ball and Seager. "WE'RE GOING to have to hope each of our kids can do a job individually. We can't give anyone any help. I don't think we can get much inside so we have to go with outside shooting and play hard on defense," says Errion. "We need a d equate s hooting (consistently in the 40·50 percent range)," adds Errion. Elsewhere in the Sea View the Eagles of Estancia risk their No. 4 status in CIF 3-A against the taller (6-7 Brad Guess) University Trojans. E•tancia counters with quickness <Jeff Gardner and Co.), and Is on a four-game winning streak after opening t h e season with a seven-game strea.k. Costa Mesa tries to get well at Saddleback Hi1b, which features a lo t of s low Roadrunnen, while Irvine tries to snap a l0-1ame losing streak a1ainlt visiting El Toro. Marina has an acid test a1atnst Fountain Valley in the Sunset Leap~ In its quest for a playoff berth. Aller the big 1011 to Edlaon, another setback will make it touch to recoup. If the Vikings are to aucceed, they'll have to contain Fountain Valley'• Jetf "'••bet, who scored 34 a1atut fluntlnlton Beach and hu been In tbe IOI t1"ee in bll last tb .... IWU \ =i-.. . ..... I .. - Save gas, get better performance Spark Plugs No's N&Y, N1Y, "8Y N9Y, #JOY, #JOY4, Ll1Y, WY, L88A ....... . ,..., 115, a."'· no. nor. Fur. 1ur, g4c #UY, JlZY, #JZY, IUJY, JJJY, FHY. JJ4r, JJIY, "°' '10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1..nw o.. Mt'l llttr, mr, "'"· lllOY, ,,Ur, ,_ U , llUZ°" llJZY, 99 C •ur. nun, IMJ4r, l#J4r, nur. •ur., nu1r, 11u1rs.. . . . . . . . . . . . ... TRI DON ~-~ Wiper Blade Fuel Refills Filter 11': ,,,, long. Sin te IN...., cart ... ,,... f(:.1;.i,10{) Semi Metallic Disc Brake Pads ii "Always uny a spare" #73'0, 7"5, 7'50, #7~ 14'0, 1490, #75'J,8"1 ........... from u•1•Mt1M111a·w l'Lf!lll . fir'. J/tf" s21e ,,_~ .. J-J7..Z Hand Cleaner .. ,,,,,,.. "' .,,,...,,,,., Z·J/a .. ...,., .,. s3~ f 1 ..... wna•~•• . ~°U1\A9o~ , .. "' .......... •u , r · Of'fM -..,._.A.,....."Y NOTICE OF DEATH OF ..:=.:=:... =~ .. ~:. ...!,':...-=--...,_ -....,. GLORIA PRISCILLA c.11....,ca,..., ••Tt• .. tTlllCT Lu. av1At1~ ... ...,.. ..... STORM 1k1 Glort1 s . ... c ......... Ot*lctJ Tt ,......,. ... <~rt ......... ,c:.M9 ...... CA...,, Wld1seck, •k• GLORIA ht'-tl11t Otvtti...; Nertlll._.11 .... etu•t1•11•w.e«Dl*llt· LM ~. llMMlfll 1".0 .... STORM WIOASECIC, 1ka p..-, -,.... llj .,, ...,... AM ,.._UM M4lce IMt M "...._,, t*I>, .............. ~ GLOR I"' WI D"'SECV .. lllw~ -~-le A-le OCl'CO ft, l-•111•-.m l11tt.-.r~-MtM,CA_,, ,.. ,.. "• l"I P•''"'"" CM-•· J .. fnlY ""',.. ., lll• -.WM (tflNll;ll .... ,., MIC'-1 ...... °" ......... GLORIA P. ST.ORM AND le~..,_, m•>.,.•tw. Olttrkt, "'4 fltectllllle •-. c.te A":i c.-.-...ca'*7 0 F PETIT I 0 N T 0 f'r•t•ct fHUllllltfl •f N•hirt, lllltH, Cetlfer1111, tll• •Hrf .. T111t ....._ It CllMw•• "' • ~DMINISTEA ESTATE ...,......, ... 9"1ffkllrlft. Ol~tertWlll ......... k ......... "" .... , ............... ~nictltll .. ._ II-t.c .. 1111 111ir111te ef reuM"t 1h1tllc Llletcw. NO. A·111763. •111<11 ...,..., ,... l,.,._!Mltfl c~.,. ... ""' Sllvl~I Tiiie ............. -Iii. wltfl ._ T O I I I h t I r s , ''"",_. t• 1~•111 "" """ '" IMNCI ,....,, "' ""'" 11 tt '"' c-., Ct.R " °"-'-'Y .,. b•neflclarl•s, creditors rMIKe ...., ..,_. •• Mtlllll., 111 Olttrlct'• NerWleutll ,...,.., weter Oec. u , Hit • ... .,.._..._..,. ..... 01t1t1e1. .,_"''"""""""'· Pt"• and contingent creditors of TIM 1111Ject ""' ''" .. ....,. • "*'' '"' .,......, Pt•l.ct •• 1oce1t1t ,,..,.., ar.,.. CMtt Ot11, "111t. Glorl1 Prfscllt• Storm 1nd e111c1e"t 11 .. •• •• ,., '""•"" teMr•ll~ w1w11 Pelrvllw ""'-' Dt<.u.•Wt • .1 ... 1.e.t1,t• persons who may be Oltlrltt·wlttt. 11111• "'"'"""" Ille ........ , .. , .... ,. NI•"'""'· .,..., otherwlr• lnte-ted In the 9t!tlrt Ol*'<I. •elw"• Vlc;torta llrHt '"d 1111 -----------..., • va City •• (Ml• ...... C•w111, •• Orot• cewllt'I' PllOCll Co111rol NU ll'flC( Wiii Ind/or nt1te. Or4Nlt9. "'',.. ....... A-. c:.1e ot11rkl'1t'etM1w~1. AJe,tltlon .. as ......._n flled ,.._, CMltenlleftUJ. Ac..., fl .. Cllrflt e11t 11 evellMI• -" ......, ,..,,,_ """""' J~ • '"' -1n" oiwtctetftuf•nevi.w l'UeL1c tt•A•tMOI WILL H by ul'rey I. Storm In the PllK'u.ry tt, 1• • '" ......... .,., ~ ellY ~'°"' NU.O tY , ... COITA .... Superior court Of Orange OetMi "-YI, t• or -e twtlltf lllfor1Mt1e11 ,.._ l"LAMMI ... COMMIM .... AT TN• Count"' req estfnn th .. t Kerl ktmlt, (tflteft Jeff ........ Oltlrllt "~'-' CITY .. AU.. n , ••• •••v•. CDITA , u • -........, et..,,.,. . . MUA, CAUf'OllMIA. AT•:•, ... Murray I. Storm be "'*'"""0--.c:...1 o.11., "'"" """ ,..._ .. ~ ,..,, 11etk• 1, o• "' 100 .. •• 'ouuL• appointed as personal J111.u,-.11,1• ,... •H•U1" wlll.,. provl ... d. felr TM •••• ,, •• OM MONDAY , rep re St n tat Ive t 0 I IAMUA•Y 11, Ha , _________ ....__ opptrlllll ty le pr .. ent vl•wa ReOAltOINO THE FOLLOWING administer the estate Of _.,. •llN' <111Cffftl!lllNdrtnUR.t111ei1meo1 Al'l'LICATIOHS: Gloria Prlscllla Storm ,_ .-. .... !Miik""""'" ' z-........ "9nl!ft 1•.ewa -----------oetee11:J_.,~~':1_, o.-a1 .....i ._....._.._, acu°" ,.. . .,~, <under the Independent Ptc:Tmous • .,....... ~ ~ i.creterv tor Jeff Mwtlll, ., ,._ 0ri ..... ,,,. • Adm lnlstratlon of Es tat~ MAMe IT.t.T•M9MT MEIA CONSOLJO;llTIEO ,,.,,_. ,,..... ,.....,...,,.,.,. 10 tcr9"1 Act). The petition Is set for ...!.~:~l:owlnt perton It Clolnt WATIER OllTltlCT iwtllfll -,....,,.,__t tcllClft I• hearing In Dept. 3 at 700 TUNOWSICE CONSULTING. "'*IWCI Or .... Cotti D.ily Pltot. =t.::.-:u: t! ~'c:;..::,: Civic Center Drive. West, uot ......,.,,.. i..-, -...... 9"<11, Jtft. tS. IO. n , •• nHI " e.i1u111 -· lclutld •• -In the City of Santa Ana, c1nf9nl1ettMO _.,. -· eddfffl,lll .. 1112-.Envtr°",..... .. 1 Californla on February 10, Ill-1110'91' T-Mo.e, 1201 ,._ .... -. Oelffml111t1on· £•...... 1982 t 9 30 BorUlllro Lene, N•wPOrl BHCll, z. 1-_...,....,._It I.... 8 : a.m. C•llf0f'tllt'211M PICTITlCUS aUllMHI for Jernet w P•lrner, eutllorl~" IF YOU OBJECT to the Tlllt ~· It COlldliCt.cl by ... M.ud ITAHMIUIT ...... for Lowis SI'""""· 1•1 ........ granting of the petition, lncllv._I •011er1.A R. Te-•• Tllo followlnt perton It doing AWllW, -·fer o Condllle<MI YOU should either appear " ,,__ bus!""'": UM Penni! -,..,~. lrom ,..,. t .. _ . d t t T1111 ,......,_, •• "'" w1111 "'° JWO LIMITED, "°' senll•oo ,.,d wtbock to •II-• M .......... 11 a the ,..,aring an s a e '°""'' c1o1tt o1 Or•-county°" 0r1,,.,........, ... 11.c.at2660. condOm""""' iwolt<'t. 1oc"" 11 ,,.. your objections or file 0ecomw•. '"' ,.,m,1 JANET w. OONNEl.LV, uoe •net 1m Eldoft•-· in"'"'-· written objections with the 1>v11111Md0r-eoo110.11yl'llot, s.1111"° Ori .... "-"'" e .. c11. CA E""1"11'"•"'•1 0•1•rmln•110"' court before the hearing. --.. ""°· N090ll..,. O.CIMlllClft Je11.1,1, u.n. 1m seou1. Tiii• IMlnn• 11 conc1..cioe1 b' .,, a. z-• ...., P9nN1 x•.cwt Your appearance may be 1nc11v10...1. '°'JM Murphy, euti..rlud _, ior In person or by your -.,. .,._, J-w. Donnelly St••• F.,.,, A<Aomo1111e '"""•nee, •' attorney ,_ ... ,-. Tlllt ,..,_, ,.., lllect with 1._ Stele fl'arm Plue, llloomlngton, · -----------county Clertl of Of'e19 County on Jon. I lllnol1, for • C-ltlonel UM Permit I F Y 0 U A R E A PtCTJTIOUI au11M•ll • ,.., 10 •11-°"'-''°'-· •oc••-" •1 C R E D I T 0 R o r a MMM nATaMeMT ' · Pt"'1t mi Hyi...i •-. 1" .,. MP 10,.· contingent creditor of the Tll• followl"I POrtO" It Cllollll Publltlled OrMl99 Coo11 Dally Piiot, ~=.v~~~nm•ntel O•lermlnellon : deceased, YOU must file .......... 111111-.. : Jen.•·"· 22• "· ,.., "'.., •· z-.___ ....,..., U•M your cl aim with the court GOLD .... ARROW GAS INl•GY 4.1" Ow-'I u••oau•-1•1 Y•ung-•own. Oh1'0 orra·ces. Th·e banners co .. *',.. HIU •-. s..1te •os. _.,. ~ Md T111Uit•w Meit,,. Tree• T·"""' or present It to the ns" " .. ,,. .. "' " -lh•l1etlftl•.c.te1Mte,CAmi.. ~ ... ,-. '°' Ol•lcll·Wrltll• Oo•lepm•111 personal representative Although it looks more Hke the rlying indicate the pro sports teams and JAMH H. 1e1TCH1ENs. •»1 s. compenv . ..,,._,1.., ..-ni for o. k Tl\lrCllA-.Atudle,CAt10!». PJCTtT1ou1•ustMllS Sc111-w, n.o E..., •-.tor• appointed by the court headquarters O( a major SpOrtS race lr&C $Owned by the family, While T1111 ....,_It <Oftduclld by 111 NAMUTATl!M•NT Condlllontl UM P9rmll for• l'-11 Within four months from association, this is really the offices o( the sign refer s to the San Francis co 1-1"~· H tel .,_,!1i:,:.;~1.0•1"• person 1• do t no ~:;~c1:"T.0:°1,°:~r ·~.~.!'~~ ~:,:: the date of first issuance Ed d J D B l I C t · t 49ers -· •c-.. ,ICE 0 • 5 df'tvew•v width. 111c1 • ,.,,...., ....., ,_ of letters as provided in war . e aroo orp .. a a s . n 11JUwn-twesmoc1w11111 ...... "AGH• 1L1Cs.•F•1r., .. 1o1,,._1"°"1oei.oum-Se . 700 ft ...... bat ---------------------------------------------l~Y~of()r .... ~~~~~~~.~-·~ ~IE~:~:~M-ct~ 0 ·~~ e Super Bowl ducats at premimn It would be cheaper to buy a new television set PONTIAC, Mlelt. (AP > - Super Bowl XVI baa generated such a Ucket sq~• Uaat in many cases it wouJd be ebeaper to buy a new televi&ioa set and watch the tame la the comfort of your home. Tickets for the Jan. 24 game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the San Francisco 49ers in the SUverdome sell for a lice v a I ue or $40 but they are bringing anywhere from taOO to $400 on the resale marlret. lo fact, resele ot §iper &owl tickets bas become so lucrative that n~papers in Detroit and elsewhere around the country are full of classmed ads offering to buy and sell the ducats. This is the firs~ time Ule Super Bowl has been scheduled in the snow bell a nd the flct that several National Football League cities are within a five,hour drive bes 1dded to the demand for tickets. "W~T more people lh.JJ>:{v;r"" tlc-;;re with a bona ff de chance to actually see a Super Bowl," said Jim Finks, vice president and general manager of the Chicago Bears. "We're talking about the blue·coUar guy who· was in the stands before It was fashionable to be ln the stands.·' The NFL distributes tick& on a percentage bula, with 2%'1\ percent going to tbe two Matching • wms purse ARCADIA <AP) -Matching overtook Pest For1ett.log ln tbe lat.e going to capture the $40,000 Kern County Fair Purse by three-quarters of a leneth Thursday before a crowd of 17,790 at Santa Anita. Matchln1. ridden by Cash Asmussen and carrying 117 pounds, covered 6~ furlonp in 1:15-2/5 and paid $7.60, $3, $3. The victory was worth $22,000 to owner S.F. Henderson. Past For1etlin1, the 4-5 Ca vorlte ridden by Chris Mccarron and carryin1 hJ1h • weight of 120 pounds, finished Becond by a head and returned $2.60 and $2.40. Stop Dancln1, ridden by Fernando 1'oro and carryiq 115 • pound$, wu t.b1rd by 3~ leftltbl and paid $UO to sbow. participating teams, 15 pereent to the bolt team -in this case, the Detroit Lions -and 1 percent to the remalnina 25 teams. Once individuals obtain the 'tickets from those sources, many choose to sell them for a profit rather than attend the game, even though on the ticket itself is a 107-word messaee that' includes the directive: .. This ticket may not be resold at a premiun ... " The NFL is not obtiviom tot.be sales. "You just can't eoantrol it,·• Commissioner Na Roselle says. "You don't like it, but there's UWe you can do." 'l'BE IAJlGDT ticket deal• appears to be Dave Adelman., president ol llurray•a, a ticket brokerage and tour comPMY ln Los Angeles that claims it can get you a ticltet to anytblaC - from tennis 1t Whabledoa to Super Bowls in Detlolt. Murray's has been advert.lsinl in newspapers around the country for months and Adelman said at midweek he expected to buy and resell about 5,000 Super Bowl tickets -down from nearly 8,000 for last year's game In New Orleans. "We're down because of the site," Adelman said. "It's just not as attractive. Plus, m.ore people are keeping their own tickets." Adelman, whose prices range from $225 for end 1one tickets to $400 for seats on the 50-yard line, taid he nets about S30 for every ticket he sells. ' "0Ult EXPl!!NSES AltE high because we've got people flying everywher e lo make o ur transactions," Adelman explained. "We do nothing by mall; there's Just too much chance ol thinas getting lost that way." Because be pays taxa and is a ticket broker all year Ions. Adelman dllllka beiq lumped wltb scalpers -people wbo 1lmply offer tickets at considerably more t.b1n lbeir face value. "We're leaal," Adelman said. Sealplna la a misdemeanor in Miebl.Caa • . · · And in llllcb.l1an, where the automobile-dependent eeonomy bu been depressed for months, it's euy to u.ndenta.nd why a laid-off worker might want to seU his ticket. "Actually, it's kind of a dream to go," said George, a 24.year-old unemployed Sterlinl Heights, Mich .• man who asked that bis la.st name be withheld. "But, right now the money seems more important It's not every day that somebody bands you somethin1 worth $80 that you can sell for $500." FV lwsts wrestlers A 32·team field with many of the state's premier high school wresllers is set for lbe Fountain Valley Five Counties lnvilatiooaJ, wbicb began today and wr1ps u~ with the title matches Saturday eventn1. starting at 7:30. Among the field from the Orange Coast area are Irvine, Edison and the host Baron'- Poway High from the San Diego area ls considered the favorite in a field which also includes Dos Pueblos, Hemet, Noeales, El Dorado, Bakersfield, Santa Marla, Yucaipa, Kennedy, Villa Part, Loara, Pacifica, Cypress and South Hills, among others. Among the standout individua.la are Mel Eat (121) ol Bakenfleld, wbo bu lost once in three years; trvlne's Steve Schwichtenber& < 169); El Dorado's Kent lwan11a <107); Yucaipa's Jess Tripp (140); Kennedy's Brian Folsom (130); Poway's HeTb Umphreyville ( 114); Santa Maria's Vince Silva ( 140 >; and Hem~s Scott A u t e n r i c b (_ii"5 9 ) a n d heavyweight Jim McCullough, who enten with unbeaten status. Today's a1enda begins at 3 and the 7'1\-hour format includes the first three rounds of the championship bracket and the first round of consolations. Saturday's schedule bellns at 11 a .m. and involves the second round of the consolations, followed by the championship semllioals. then lbe third and fourth rounds of the consolation bracket. At 5 the third place matches will be setUed oa three mets, then the champlonahips beCin at 7:30, with one mat used. South Hills ls the def endlna meet cha!,Dplon. 8.unfo.r Hoag set Jan. 23 •. '*· Miiie J Or09fl• • ..,, Werdlow. · 1 · code of California . The Pl.al L .... Betcll.C:.lltomlete-. En vlronmenlal D•lormlnellon· time f"" fllt"ng Cla1'mS Wl'll PvOlllll9d 0r.,. Ceetl o.lly Pllol This !Mltlftft• II <Ollducle<I by •n N~ll .... O.C•~•Uon ..,.. Jen. 1. u. za. 29, 1m 1...i '""'""'-,,:· E":i,. ~ ~.•.:.•::: not expl re prior to four Tiii• ~= Ill.cl wllll "'° New-I ~h, ~ ver'-'" ,,_; months froni the date Of '9JC.9'1( Count' c .. r11 Of Orenoe County °" r•o11lrod drlvowey wldtll, IH.lllelllftl the hearing noticed above. -----------~-"" H.Ptr•llon, and •n ••1111119 •IOI YOU MAY EXAMINE • P'lmtl ..ibacll, ... CClftWr1 °" oaltllnQ ..,_ th fif kept ..... to.-rt PICTITIOUI aUMN•ll l'UOlltNd Or .... CMfl Delly Pllot, lo llvl"O -· °"" IMAICI • ..,,,. ...... • e e vy .. .,. cou . MAMIUTATIMSMT Jell. 1 I IS tt. HU 5,_.1 Mw .. r_ lft CClftltaKllClft wltll -If YOU are Interested In the Tllo lollowlng ,., .. ,, 11 Cllolng '' . . o l1tlntwnll,-wantoEe"C:-le es tate, you may file a blillneMM: Mes• Stroot. In on At 1one. IE . GOltOON IALL ANO SON, NaJC lll1Cf IE11vlro11monlel O•lermlnellon, request With the court to 1m1 Safllil ~·Stroot F-1e111 Ei<emp1 receive special notice of v.1 .. y,Callf0tftlatt1111 PICTtTIOUSIMlllMIU •· z ... •u.,.tt•• "•'"'" the Inventory of estate aod Jon AIMr1 Bell. 18221 SIMA Ml.Me STATE.-. NT 11·7'·4t•I tor Bugg., lulfders. I La11rtlto StrMI, Fownteln Volley, Tll• lollowl"O pt<IOfll ore dolno ..,lhorltad ...... for HU90 Pn.lo, lt6S Of the pet tionS, aCCOUntS C•lllO#•le'21W IH.lll,,..1es: Ptecontt• a_,., 1or tho ·-•14 o1 • and reports described in Tiii• buslnnl •• <Oflduc:IOCI by... SHARON 'S CL EANING CllldllloftalUM .... rmlllo_ ... .,. Se ~tlon 1200.S of the lrMllvld...i. SERVICE. u•o E Ocun Blvd., euto ,_,, -""•· ••-d 01 H4' CaHft>rnla Probate Code. JollA~a.11 BolbM,CAfH61, Felrvlew Rood, I" • Cl rone . T"lt ,.....,_, •• 11100 wllll -SHARON l'HOIENIX, 15'0 E. Envlronmontel Oel•rmln•llo1,. KEITH C. WELPUTT Count., CIO•ll ot Or•noe Count, on Ocean Blvd., a.11:1oa. CAtU.61. uempt A Professional Oo<emwJO. ""· Tiiis bullneu Is conc1uc1oc1 by an 1. i-••<-'• l"ltmlll , .. ...,.,., Corporation l'lm>J ltldlv._I. for Bruce Brown end Herold O. PuMI-Or .... Coo.I 0.11, Piiot, SHARON PHOENIX HAlllOfl, --Ind-··,.,.. $on·Voy 19762 MacArthur Blvd. J..,. '·I, IS. 22. tm IOs-.2 Tiiis Sle'-1 ••• meet wil" ''-CorPOrellon, O.B.A. HI-Time, ••S Eut Suite 200 Coun1,c1er11o10r-coun1vo"Jen. 11111 s1 .... 1. ror • Condlt1011•1 u.. P.O. Box 7955 t , tta. Permit 10 ,..._.,. .. , •1'-out-NewPort Beach,~. 926'0 Pl-MO<'tQO, -• vetlenco from perlllfl9 ( l"ue,lltlled Or.,. C0.11 Dell, Pllol. r94utr-U, louted "' i.oi __ , 714) 752·7311 tJtCTtTlout 1M1StM•11 Jeri. 1. is. 22, Jt, 1m ,.., a o u, •,,., d . 1 n • c 2 ,. n • Published Orange Coast MAMllnATIMaMT E"vlronme"l•I O•lermlnell on D ·1 p·1 t J 15 16 22 Tiie loll-lr11 ,..,..., h dolne -· 111a Exempt a1 y I 0 , an. ' , ' MtMBa: ~ Forl-lnformetlonClfttNe-1982 -292·82. • COSTA MelA COIN & JEWELRY PICTITIOUI •UllMllS appllcetlonl, ............ 1W-StU rw cell i.----------l~CptANOE, w• •--1 Blvell., MAManATIM•MT •• , ... office of Ill• Pl•ll"'"' I -· -Giiiet Mfta. CA ftN1. OePOrt..-Ill_., 1'llO n Felr Ori.,. rwaA .. ,_ .... Haw4.144E.lOlll,GMteMHa, Tll• tollowl"O ponon Is doing COlta-·Cellfoml•. ··-----------CAftUJ. 11u11 .. ue.: PW11,,..; or.,. co. .. 0.11, PllOI -TllH ~· I• ~-.., •n UNI rEo sour.111 WOllllCElllS, ''°' Jon IS 1"2 ?94.., •1CT1n--....... --lfldlvlduM. H .... lencl on .... l'Mwport Boacll, CA . . ~ ...... ...,., -.- .... ........ "'60. -----------MAMl ITATSMaWT Tllll ........... -lllW wtlll ttoe IC A AL T E Ill M 0 H LE N Pim.JC ~( Tllo lollowlne pers.., 11 do ln9 c.-ty Qer11II~111 JOfl. HOLMBERG. ltol Hl8"1•tld Drive, bu1lnou • 12, tW. ..... ,_,, leoc:I>, CA t2* MAIN $TAIEIET ASSOCIATES, UM ..,_,. Tf\11 llutlnns II <-..ctecl by on MN-80793 llillecArtlu' Blvd.. Ste SOt. N--1 J~ ...... -n°'.:':,,C:,:DellY :i~ IMIT:~.-~:.:...':'w~f'i~ wi--NOTICE OF DEATH OF ee:.i~m~·Too1o. u• sou111 -"" _ _ ~ ~ H E L E N K I R K ltHamora, L .. AnootM, eam ..... 11 ,_,y Cteni of Of' ..... C.....ty Oii L A N T E R M A N ' a It a .... flU mil J111. '· 1m. H E L E N K Tiii• IMltl""• 11 c-ucttf .,, • -----------Pue,11,.,..or.,..c-to.11~1=-LANTERMAN, AND OF 11"'1-:':.::'~;.-., NOTICE OF DEATH OF Jet1. 1. u. tt. "· ,.., ,.,_., p E T I T I O N T O n.11 ......,,_. -n1e11 wu" ,,,. LEE J . ROGERS AKA ADMINISTER ESTATE c-t.,0Wttof0r.,..c-., .. J.,.. LEE ROGERS AND OF ..X llJG NO, A-111-753. t>. lt12. p 1_, P E T I T I 0 N T 0 T o a I I h e i r s , Put>11"'9d or..,.. Coest o.11., Piiot. ADMINISTER ESTATE P=~!:~:..":T" beneficiaries, creditors J•n u.n.n.Feb.s,1"'2 2IM2 NO. A111707. Tllo follqw•no P•rlon Is dolno and contingent creditors Of PIU elm T o a I I h e i r s . buslnouu: Helen Kirk Lanterman-----------beneficiaries, creditors NEWPOR T SHIRT co . and persons who may be and contlnnant creditors of NEWPORT T-SHIRTS. T·SHIRTS otherw1·se 1"nterested 1"n the PICTITlOUl•UllN•U '...,~ T ·GO , ... ll•IKO<ll Str .. 1, COii• NAMa STAftMSMT Lee J. Rogers aka Lee MoM,ce11torn1amv will and/or estate . T11o 1o11ow1n1 ~ .,. ,,..,.. Rogers and persons who oenn11 Miiot, soi Eeit a..,. A petition has been filed buS!n011u· ma y be other w I s e BA•boe. C:.ll1orn1tt21Mt by Alton Kirk Lanterman 1111"IEltSIOE JOJo•• LTD .. ru . t t d I h 111 Tiiis -Inna 11 c~ted by .,. • • 1111¥Grtldlt, .._,.., llelc'll, CA~ 1n eres e n t e w 1nc11v1etwt4 tn the Superior Court of Rk'*11A._._,Glft.l"artMr, and/or estate : o.nn~Mllft Orange County requesting m 1111ven1c1e, --. 9Nct1. CA A petition has been flied Tlllt ltnemeftl •• mod wltll "'° t h a t A I t o n K I r i*'Tll~ ~-............ ~ <:....__,_ .... • c-ty Cllrk o1 Or-c_,, °" \Tllh. ~ .. ..,_ -w, by Paula Lee Lupcho and o.c .......... , .. , Lanterman be appointed 11m11od_,_,..,. Leah Gale Laule In the Ptnm as personal representative •.a. -lltW Superior Court of Orange "'*1.,.. ~ ... CooS1 °•11' Pllol. to administer the estate of Tiiis •-•• moo1 -111e County rtquestlno that JOfl.t,e,u,u.im *' .. '· Helen Kirk Lanterman c_, c1erti ""ar....,. ~ °" Oec.2l, 1 ... Paula Lee Lupcho and ,.. Illa (under the Independent Pt1tm Leah Gale Lau le be Administration of Estates l'WltlMdar.,.c-t1o.tf'fl'lllt, appointed as personal "1CT1TICUSMl4MHI Act). The petition Is set for o.c.>s,tWt.J ... i.e.u.1W1 JW.., repre s ent at Ive to ...,...n.t.nMSMT hearing In Dept. No. 3 at----------- administer the estate of w!.~.:~1:0•1"1 '"""' 11 d• 1 "' 700 Civic Center Drive, NkC llta Lee J. Rogers <under the l'ltlEIS WEST. 111" Fr-11n ""'· West, in the City of Santa•-----------1 n dependent "C",T...Clfl.CAfMI. Ana , Californ i a on P1CT1nousau11M•H Administration of Estates o.111e1 Mwtlll Mella!\ "' wainut February 10, 1982 at 9:30 llUM9STATH .. MT Act). The petition lssetfor ·~~~-=:~:,:;.;,..,by •11 a.m. .,.,!1':!.;~':0•1110 '"'~"' 11 "01"1 hearing In Dept. No. 3 at IMlvldlMll. IF YOU OBJECT to the w1NHA1t LTD .. •• -.st c:ant 700 Civic Center Drive, ...... , ~Mtl-•ni-••-_ granting of the petition, "18"••• . .......,9NOl,CA....U. W t I ...._ Cit f S t '"' _._.. -'" u,. Roll IE"o•n t11c .. • Cellfor111a es , n "'"' Yo an a c:-tTcio.tta1ar....,.CMtnty111J ... you should either appear <CN'11CM'etlclll.1•-1C••tH...,.•v. Ana, California on Feb. 3, •>. ua. at the hearing and state Newi-t llMdl.CA~ 1982 at 9:30 A.M. ,.,.., your objections or file Tllh '""'""' 11 c0fl4lllcte4 •• • IF YOU OBJECT to the "'*1..,.. 0'-.10-1 o.ttv Plll4, <DrP«•tlDn. granti'rvt of the ,...tltlon, ,,.,,. "·a. It, Fw. 711m tM-C written objections with the "°'' E-inc. .. ., ..-court before the hearing. c. ooo HalWI you should either appear P9lJC llta Your appearance mav be v1ce PnlklMt , at the hearing and state ...,.. in ,person ot' by your cc!!':,~'.:t.~::~:!:'J~ your obJecUons or file "'mnous•t11•M•M attorney. u. 1m. written ~Jectlons with the ....,.....,,.~ .... T 1 F you A R E A ,.,_. court before the hearing. Tll• ••11•••119 ,.,.on •• 401111 c R E D 1 T o R 0 r a """''-Or-. 0..11 DtltJ ,....._ Your appearan~ may be-...-•: ti t d't f th Jeft.tS.22,n,l'tlb.s,1m ,.,.., in person or by your uu ASSOCtATH, dtoMKArtllu• con ngen ere 1 or o e tt .,.,..,Sia.• . ........, a.oc11, u. deceased, you mus t file ..S llta a ol rFneyy, 0 U A R E A ~·111em L. Tooley, u• so11111 your claim with the court -----------or pres ent It to the MOTtmo.. A~tc:.t.Tttltl C R E D I T 0 R o r a •"""-· L• A .... , ... 011'°'111• personal representative f'OtlettAH• •M contlnvent creditor of the,.., .... ._ .... T .... y appointed by the court owM .. 1s.ttl"Ol'ALCOMOUc deceased, you must file T1111 ............ -, .... wttt1 tt. HV•llM9 Lte• .... your claim wtth the court c-tv cio.tttfe>-.c-o•YOllJ•. within four months from 1z.t,.., or present It to. the u.1• ,,,_ the date of flr'1t Issuance T•c=~'':l~r'i wu.uN Personal representative ..................... ...._ ,._ ........... .., ..... of lettef's as provided In no --...... " .. °"91"••• ..------....... ..... • . ..., Section 700 of the Pro.,.te " Atctfltlk ...._ ... CM.,. • • appointed by the court -*'· 1s.11.w ...... s, •• •• Code of Callfornla. The "•1" ON SAL• n•• & w1Mt: within four months from ---time for flllno claims wlll :::.Ce::.,:::'~ic;-:::.;: the date of first Issuance not expire prior to four IM!tlfttl•9lec:.tl.Cel.._... of letters as provided In ,ecnnous eut1•ua months from the date of """'"'" 0r.,... c-.. o.1.., "'9C Sectfon 700 of the Probate UMlllTA~ Jefl tS 1• _. Code of California The Tiit '-''"""' --.,. ...,.. the hearing noticed abo.ve. · · . I ....-.a: YOU MAY EXAMINE -•-time for flllng cl1lms w 11 cHtc•NT ASI0(1•Tn, ,.., the flle kept by the court. ,_ ._._ not explr• prior to tout ~~--.~~.!!!!.· ••. If you are lnt..-.sted In the1'--------.. ----..... ----~-" rnonths frocn the date of ......_._,_,, ---·--·----.. ~··-the -•rl-"°'Iced ibove. Mu11 011""' sci..11111 .. ,, .. estate, you may file a TOMLL '""' ... c--.. • ...._. "'1<._..,, request with the court to ALCDM&tCMftaMJH YOU MAY EXAMINE UOt ... , ..... lt(ll•. lctUM•I•, r·ec•\ve ....,.,., notice Of ,.,.. the fll• kept by the court. "''_..._ ~~ T•---1tMeJ~1 lf---·•relnterestedlnthe ,..,...,~ • ......_the nventory of estate oeHAtt.i.1 ... 111 ~ .... St.,,., .. t 0 n'll fll• • A-. c-• """· c.ltfllrllle assets anci of the Petitions, ~~ .. Ak.,...k .._.... e e, Yu Y ,.... •""counts ind reports~••"'1"0MIAUH•"& ,.quest wtth the court t ,....., ...,. '"'' ''--'· m .. ., .. , CflllWk .. .._.,..., -.-. receive IPtClll notlu of ,. .. ,~.,......,~,c.1"-""•..., deofstchrlbedc lllnf SecltlonP~t.5 Mii •lceM11c .,.,,., ... , •• ""' the Inventory of est1te .. ::,"~~= Code• a om a • .._ • ·~=· •c. ,_, .... ve11ay, ..... lnCI Of tht .,.tltlont, Gey A. ................ ,... •• • ~ C> ... c-t o.llY ..... 1ctevtttt 1nd report ._., .._ ""91N; ~..,, J s .. JM.''·.. .. dH<rlb9d In e-uon 1200 ~ 111 . ...__""mu..... ereme CnWI rta,---------~ _.. ............ ~.... Attor1t•Y It LIW, HI of 0:-Clllfomt• Prob9te ..::::,::::-_: <lllMtM iw • WtllMN llvd., Wit 11M, .ftli c. ....... '-'"·:::::, .. ~.,.., """<ca. "211; At............ TMI .:™:'f:.,.... ...... tel. (11J>MMl'1 1!!•!.MecA .... r c-11.0.. • 0r ... c-tv • ,......"'-°*'~ ,,., ~ .. -. """" ....... "' .. --' CA""9 ~·· : ..----------1 m•f JD.m1 :. .. ...._-.. c:au M•-"'*· PuM.OrMlt :$i-. ... -.. llltt I,_.._ Delly J ....... 1S. ---Ditty.... .. ........... . t• .-.. '· .. a• _.. ...... .__....!.. ........ ....;..--.;._~~--~~--""""'-----' ' ' ... • ~ I I f I • WP•• .. ~CN'CAUflCMlMIA PtmTIOWMIMMIM llAM81TAT9M41Wf co::::.-:.=-· Tiit lollowlftt ....... la fllftt ~9"1'0.UllT ...i11eM•I TITU10H M.HOP9•tt MILMA"lt INO", IMO lkkl<lt, llDNIY WllH "011"T C c.tt1Mo1e,<:A9"J1 LUNDIGOalt 1M iiAI 1(6JIMA • 1.vtt 1...U. MMllw.,d\, Ml OtnlM, I I I I I w f M M ,_.., C, C.te Mn.I. CA t:t621 ,J,~c;L:~. ;..::...._ ~ &.~tQH"fl, f .. 11 ....,_ 11 <OftMlllf '" lf'I ~•.ov ANOCIATll, INC .•• lftielv'-1. <.,_.-_ NTI" TINTU,.IN _,., LYie i. Mlnw1tlfl W•LL.A Tltn'V"IN. JACK A LONO, '"'' ~ -lllolf wltll tN MA"OA•IT WOOO HAUINOt. c-l'l'~llfOrMttc:..M)MJM. INCOMI ,,_~•lttY AllOCIATIS. U, lfet, MllltOARl't HOWi, IAlt"Y y , Pl ... WI I NI TOCK, ILMIR llOX, ~I ..... OrMtt CMtl Dlll'I' ~tot. WISTHflllllll•. COMl'ANY, • .1111.u.n.2',, .... ,,,.., 212'11 tllll tl l Jlr1M"l\IJ, P . lltlLL, -· -CA~ll"OANIA lta.AL IUATI rW9UIO -·~ .. ••m".,...,..,. ... NAN ffATIUMllT Tll• lllll•lllt ,."°" It M lllt ...,.i-··· I . C. ORYWAl.L. Ull llWtl, C.le MIM,CAtM.11. WllilMI A. C..UCll, UIJ 11*11, c.11 Mo .. ,CAttU1. '"'' 111111-.. II t lndull .. Illy en 1Mlv1*'91. WI •1147' A Covell Tlllt ,,.......,.. w .. lllod wllll 1111 c-ty Cllnl "Oteneo Ctunt'I' on""'· S, 1ttl Pimt• Puttll"*' Orellllt <luat Delly Piiot. Jen "· n. "· , .. '· ,.., 2'1.ct Ti~ori coinhuyjng INVllTMINT TltVIT, I •11t1111tt ------------T r 11 I t V A L L I Y t 0 I L $ l,._..,tl PUtM ~lllW Or-Coul Dell• ,.llOl, Die. U, t•t, JM. I, I, U, ltll UJO.tl •------------- DEAR READERS: An loleresUng trend ln the sale of silver coins through the mall ia now developing and worth examining, according to tbe Direct Mall Market1ng Association Inc. DMMA warns that potential investors in numismatics should look for the following characteristics wben buYln& coins, according to the American Numismatic Aaaoclatlon: condition, country of orlsln, denomfnation, date, mlntmark, variety andior type. and special characteristics. INGINlilUNO CORI' .• RITAIN l.. NOTIU Of' T•UtTll'llA'-I M I D I C A I. C 0 L L Ii C T I 0 N .... IPMIUlt 1 ASSOCIATIOH, INC. •• (orflO(tt.... Nollo 11 horHy ..... " 11111 Ill Cl-I ALLSTATI l"INANCIAL l'rkl•'I'• "'°""'O.yOIJ_,y, 1"1 -------------lll"VICH, LTD., G.C. Sl!RVIC•t ot UM"°"' If ll:CIO 1"'-•11 tlulll ftOfll co•~ttATION. f'lltST CITllfNS lllttlft(I "° .... Otllltl C9'111ty ~ I AH K • T llUST COM ff ANY• c;..,,,,_.. 111 ttw City ff lolltl AllO, IAAIA•A JUOY, •Ill IAAIAAA C-IY of Ot.not, ttaM et CllllOMle, L I I! JU DY, D E I 0 RA H H • Sletowl4M f'Gf"lclOMW• SorvkH, lllCI., CAT•ICONE, $.J, OA\llS, MllllT 11 Succitn« Trvalft, wlll Mii el CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, JWll< lloetl"', ti lflo llltMll ......... LLOYD'S IAHK Off CALll'ORNIA, • fw <.etfl Ill l-'UI -· ef tt. Unltecl c orporel lon, G VA RANT f I llAltlt, Ill.-.-. 111.,.1i-et ..... COLL l!CT I ON COMPANY, I lflll cert .... 1'111 ,,..tty t111111'9cl 111 ,.,Pltftllll, M & M •Ef>ORTING ... city°' -..... 9Ncll, c ... nty ol ANO ltl,.!ll"AL Sl!RVICI, INC., Oren.. Sitt• ol C1lllor11l1 ano Cl9• McCAULIY & MANNING. CIHc:rlmd11fqltows: • c L I N I ·. u c I( NE ". I N c.. • Lot " .. Tr.cl NO. ttlJ. •• fllf' m• c°'""ltlotl,OOLOWl!LL. IANKI!•& r•or--111 ._._, ...... Otllnl o , C 0 M ,. ANY , SA MM Y LI! I , Mh<. ~. i,. ttw Oflko of lllo C-y "OSALIND LEI ANO enel MRS, ltocor~ef s.idc.-tY T.1. .... -NOTICa OP HUITll'I &ALa MIO CITY INVaSTMIHT COMPANY, • Clllfornl• CltllOt•llon, ea ilUly eppolnled Tt\lttoe undlr 1111 toll1wl11t 4"CllllMI _.of tnitl WILL HLL AT PV8LIC AUCTION TO THI HI GHEST 11001'.R PO" CA$H (PIY•blo at II-Of ••I• In lowlul mOMY .. 1111 Ulllleel iMIHI •II rl91tl, 1111• •NI lnterltl conYOYDd II ...ci now ll•ld by It ~ NICI DolCI OI Trust In 1111 proJOrty 'hffeltllft .. dllc••-: TRUSTO,R· A08EAT OVL Tl encl HaLl!N E. OULTZ aeNEFICIARY: AOBaAT SHAW, 8Alt8AAA SHAW, STEPHl!H E KNOWLES 4ltld ll!TH W. KNOWLES "CTITtOUI I UllMI .. MAMe tfATIIMll•T TM IOll9Wlnt potson• .,. e1a1no '*"-.. · ,OXX ANO ,bSOCtATH, l~I Sprllltdlll, lvlte C. HUllllllOIOll l•ecll,(A"1t4'. I' ou Mii Aasoclet .. , • Colllorn•• coroorauon. UOJt 5-flll9fllll, lulte c, Huntlnoton a..cl\. CA~. Tllll l>v•llllta h COftduClllCI by • Cot-IUofl Pon-"-laMt J-L. Fooca "'"'Cioni Tlllt at.I-"' WIS lllld wltll Ow C-IY CleNI of Ot-County on JI#\ "· 1"2 Pi.al PUl>llllWCI Orenee Cont Delly Piiot, Jen. IS, 21, "· Fas. ltC 25'-t7 Coins that are advertised without the above information, says the American Numismatic Association, may be "the most common. che~pest, worst condition, treated, and potentially counterfeit or altered item available." ltlCHAltO IMAOAWA, ORANGE Tll• ttrHI eoorua enCI olllor COUNTY TAX COl.LECTOlt. STATr. common c1Hl9Mtlon, 11 eny, of lftl 01" CALll"ORHIA EMPLOYMENT tHI property ClenrltMCI ebove la OIV£1.,0f'MllNT OEPARTMIENT, pUrportedlolll: '1111 Avoc-. Newport ANO ALL OTHEll ,.tflfSOHS 811<11,Calltornla~ AeOtcllil April 17, 1UO U PlllJC llTIC( llUlrumenl No. Hit> In -k '"77 ~----------­ In other words, without the above information <which can then be compared to reference data from sources such as the "0Hlclal Blackbook .Price Guide of U.S. Coins," a coin buyer may not be making a wise investment despite fluctuations in the price of silver. The "Blackbook'' is published by The House or Collectibles, Inc., Orlando Central Park. 1900 Premier Row, Orlando, Fla. 32809. UNKHOWN CLAIMING ANY "IGHT, Tiii u.-....... lnitlll <lloci.lma TITLE, EST ATE , LIEN 0 II .,..,, llMllllY 1w wtY IMotteelftlfl ot I N T £ It f: S T I N T H E It E A L the alrlll ........ eftd oO>er com"'°" PROPERTY OESGA18EO IN THE dffl9Mlloll.llenv,1-llltlln. C 0 MP LA INT A 0 VE It SE T 0 hid ule will 1M mecle without Pl..AINTlfF'S OWHEASHIP OA ANY covenenl or warrenl'I', npros1 or CLOUD UPOH PLAINTIFF'S TITLI lmplleel, '99A'dl"9 UI .. , pououlon, Off THERETO AHO DOES 1 TH"0UGH oncumbrencos to 11t11ly tho 10, INCLUSIVE, ~b. obll .. tlont llC.urld W --Wllll lo P1elntllls c-l•ln of cleteflellflta Ille -ef .... Uflfened In tllal Mmlel lllAln. alWI all _, _..... CMteln -ol lnnt 0.lecl s.pt...,l)ff unknown cl1lml119 eny rl9lll, 1111•. 11, lteO, •~llllCI •-LEROY P. Hlalo, lien 0< lnt .. osl In 1111 tell TUDERenCIEMOGf:NESTUOEA,11 property CloKrlbed llerolll ICIY•rM lo Tnator•. lo ST. PAUL TITLE plelntltfl' -tllltl O< c-lllUtlftl • COMPANY, es Trwlffi lor JAClt A. tlOud -..... """ tltle lo -_ .. ANDON IAN, ....... lllM4k lary, lo M "'°"'• -IW 111 caue If ecllon aecvro ti. """' of Sl ... too.oo. wltll otteeos: lflllH'•ll .-, • provided In .. Id P I 1. ~olnllffs SICINy w.tu, A-rt c . notes, ae1.,ancu, II an'(, under ' (;o/ a problem? Then wnte lo a Le1te1ouer •nCI Ka i Kollm• u 1111 term• o1 ..io CIMCI,,, '"'''· fOH. Dunn Pal will cut red tape, getting Hecuton ot Jiit Estate of M.M. c:111roos -n-• o1 ti. Trust .. the answers and action you need to MOSELEY ••• th• owners In '" •nel of Tn.110 u·11toe1"" Mild Peed of almpl• of !Ml co'111n , .. , ,,_rty Trust. -roc...-ci on Seclternblr Ill. solve inequities m government and 11tu11ee1 •n-c_,1yof 0tenee. more 1w, In boolL tJ174, -111Hot oHk••• busrne.u Motl your questions to Pat p.rt1c1111rtvWKn-a1fo11ow1 roc~ct• o1 Otanoe c-1•. SUit• of "Lott 17 -11 In ll«k 23' ol 'Like CMHornla Dunn. Al Your St>nnce. Oran~ Coc:rt Troct. Nowport Beldl,' 1n 1111 City of Th• benefklery unc1tr >11c1 -of D I n..•-t p O Bo 1560 Costa Mesa CA 92626 As Ne•POrl e.oc11. eoun1., of Oranoe, tnill or M<"'llY e1evk•. by,. • .., of• 01 Y r aw • r ' ' Stole of Celllornle, H P•r Map brucll or Cletault In ,,,. obll9elloM many letters a.s possible unll be answered. but phoned recorctoCI In look 4 P•e• u , 01 aecureel 111ereby, heretofore He<ulod mqu1nes or letters not including the reader's full m11oe111--. In tho o111ce of l1'CI *"-to 111e -~ • nam". address a-"" b .... 1n•s• .. -·rs· .J. .... e number ,,,. c ... nty Rec:.-~ o1 wto c-tv." wrllton CIKl•••llO'I of ootault -~ ,... ..., ~ ., rKIU ......... I II• r. I " , ••• ,, • Cl I 0 • • 111. Olmond '°' Ule, -wrllll•n notk• of cannot be con.mlered This column appears dally ez· ""-rtY"I. c1et11111 _, e11cuon to ... , -IN _..,,_ z. At 111 11-s llOr·oln, plaintiffs torm• ot u lo duel ol trust end cept Sunuuys.·~ Slelnoy W.lu , R-rt c. L.-.er •KO•--AUOUll s, ''"II IMtr-1 L-------------------------•NI Kai Kojima -· 0111'1' -'n1.0 NI. U1', In 8ooll 14110, al p-SSJ of elld edtng llllK'*>n of tlle g, .. ,. of oftl<l•I rec:oraot wlcl c ... 111y. .. --------------"":~------------1M.M. MoWllY. Noel •II IC1t lllroln Tiie lot•• emounl Of IM un ... iO .,.,. CIOfot wltllln II• K -end ( ... IW bllenc• °' tho obl19'1llon IK-bY DlllH llmcls of ,.,.,, euti-lty ., IUCll EM<Ulora.. the Pt-"Y lo ... '°'"· lnclvclln9 Tiii S_...,, <*Kt of tN C-..V If oallm•l•d co1u, ••P•nHa end Ot•"OI hail lllthorlllCI ,,,. lwltlolnio of l<f¥1nc11 l1 •1'11,MJ.H. tllls towwlt W plalnUHa. Ooteel: ~· 23, l'ltl l . Tllo Cllf..-t• claim encl •tort ~ _.._. SPENCER Innovated a nd designed are •""'"'-'"""'"""°""-.. 10 ~···••.- JOHN (JACK > STALEY arm ored cables a s used on Plllnt11t1.~tundHcllMlf•tt T,,.._'¥•••uttn Of I.Mm -... r'9111, lllle, 11tet1. llal R,A. ""·A.Mt. Vici ~ S PENC ER . res ident o f pay station telephones, used or 1111-1Wllftewrtn t111Pr-""or ,..,~A ... Balboa, Ca. s ince 1952 and seen In our everyday eny_.pert _.,,, wllkll i. _..,II c--.co .... d I h h d ls lllel'of plelnlllh 1110 ...._ Passed away on Janua ry 10, lire. an te ep one ea se • •· Tiie clefonoeno 11er1111 abov• Publlahed Orenoo eo.11 0111y P11o1. 1982. He was a me mber of which are seen in many Mmld•"lffotNr ____ J111.1,u .n ,1wi 11s.n. the Cement Masons Local athletic contests . He also rietmlftQW1Y""".11t1o,ott .... 11ot10/f1------------- t523 since 1935 A m e mber f o unded a nd develo p ed ~~~~~':'::'~!'°.Z:=:: PlaJC 191a or the Newport Harbor Elks American Kleaner . lne. of p111nt1111' t111e --10," _,.. Does 11------------ Lodge #1767 ror 25 years and P 1 c o Riv e r a . Ca .• tllrO\llfl 10.1nc1v11 .... 11• --10 H'ttcaOPntUtTaa•11Aa..a be ( th L ra lure rs Or Indus trial PIOln11th. Seid ........... -Nell Of T.t. .......... a mem r o e aguna manu c · ttwm ci.im _ 1'19M. 11111• ottot•. Hills U nited M e thod ist s team c leaning equipment 11wtor1ntwett1nt1o1Protiorty.--W , .. ~~:":T~C,..::.'!:D~,:; C hurc h . Survived by his used by private. government 1op1111C1f'W_...,,.,_. ... d cta11n ..,. ..i1-4111 C1Ha•-..... ., trlKI wire Dorothy Lou S •.,,ncer . 1 and military establishments or <1•1-censtltvte • clovd ""°" WILL HU. AT PUBLIC AUCTION "~ I I plallltlfb''""'9._.... TO THE HIGHEST 81001!R 1"0" granddaughter Deborah Sue on a n inte rnattona sea e s. Tiii c111m or t••••• et -CASH 1...,IOM 11 11_ of Ml• 111 Hanrahan or Be llingham. M r Fos ter was born In ........,.,,.._.... ...... lftllftffM ,_.,,._.,.,.,.un1-sc.tftl eH I M h II T d lll•lfttltft' __.,,., ... "'-rtv ....... title .... .,,.., t eel t W a s h n g to n . 2 ars a . exas. an was MCltM<l••h.,.......,...,.,.,...... ......... .. cenYOy • great-grandson s. a lso 2 formerl y a Pasadena .,c1elfNt1•••..,.._....._ ~:'r11~"",,'=:.~=:, brothers. Fred or Tacoma. re s I d e n t . a lt end Ing ,.,_ ~ .......,... tttto u..w .... -..z Pl99 1401 ol OHklel Rec:O<ds OI Ille otllce of Ille Ae<oroer 01 Or•nee c-IY. Mid ClooCI of lnftt .,..,,,.,.. tho followfnt pr~y. loutocl In Ille County ol Otenioe. tteu Of Colllor111a lol ?I ef Tt•I No. m7, In IM CllV ol Newport Boecll, County of Orenee, Sl•ll ol Celltornle, ts ,....wn on • m~ tllef'ffl ,_...In.,_ 107. ,..., I lo 1, ln<lutln, MlsullaMou• Maps, ,.C .. ds of said OrlftQI C-1'1' l'.XNlatTI To9elll•r wllll non·••<lut lv• •Pf'll•I-' ••Mmenh over Lola A encl Loi• 1'1 to tst 1nc1u1h• ol "Id Trett J:lS1 10/f 1111 Pll'llO~ MCI •• clet<tlbeel )ft AT!lcle XIII, Section col 1111 Dec l•r1llo11 ol Cov•nenh, Conditions •no lttllrlcllons llerolnelter CIMC:rlblCI In SU:IUECT TO, Section t. a• provlcleel In dHCI recorded June u . 1'114 Tiie 1troet ,oorn1 •net olller common Clltllrillon, II .,.,, of 111e •••I property CIH<rlblCI above h S>U•PO<ledlo,._ 4t21 ROldlurT "-· cor-CMI Mar, Colllorlll.:. Tfte -klarv ...-u lcl o..o ol Tru•I lltrelolort eo cuteCI enCI d•llverecl lo Ille Trusteo • wtlllen DectaratlOft ol Oeleull. A ••ltlln Not ice of Oofeull -Election to Sell w11 pr_.o el ,,,. ,._., of Ille benellcl•rt. eQCultel ond rocor-In tlll couf'fly -· tho rHI pr-t~ •• IOCeleCI. Seid sale wlll be m.Cllt, but wlllloul covtn•nt « w...-ranty, ••,,,....Md Of' lmplled, ts to llllO, llOlMUlon, or oncumbrlllCft. lo PIY llw rem11nl119 prlnclp0I """ tll nw Ml• wcureCI bV U ICI o .. CI ol Truil wllll lnletul lllereon, 11 provlcleel In .. 10 note. eClvancu with Interest lh••oon 11 provldlCI In Uld 0..0 ot Trust. II any, ""°°' Ille termt ol ulcl DolCI ol T ru>I, IHI, cMr9es 111\d .. pen, .. 01 IM Tnntoo end ef tlw ltVll.1 crN too t>y ..1e1 Offdof Trwl. Siio MIO wlH .. Mid on F-•v t, ,,.Z, oJ 11:00 A M In llW re<opClon room of IM olfke locei.ct •I 0111 City lovlhetCI. -., s.tlt• •. Orenoe, Collfornle. Al ,,,. llnw ot Ille lnltlll ...-.1ca11on ol 1111.1 ....OC., lllt IOCM -of IM oblltfllon 11c11reel •Y Ille abovo Clltu'lblel -ef _, end n llmetld t oth, tllfll'lffl, •11d tClotlnCH I• ••».-..SJ. Oelld: J-y U. 1"2 Mlcl City,,,.,..._ ~.11Trus1M 1• 1 Soutll Qdwftv Or loWfly Hllll, CA 'IC)jl I lt1JI ,,..,,. L. McCormick Pllbll-Or .... Cooll O.lly Piiot, J .... u. n. n. 1m ,..,.., W ashington and Tom or Pasadena City College. He •II o rlH 1'1"' 1111 1•c11 •11• TllUST<M': 1tA1.Pt4 '-REOA 111e1 P ort land. Oregon. als o 2 was a member of the Sharie <~°':,-:C-~~=~. 1 MA•LINl ltEOA,INMliMCl-•tte s i ste r s Mr s . Tena I s land Yacht Club. J....,....._ ......... .,....Cllitfift ·~ .. m iA1t Y: HA"OLD~--MOTt--ca-~-o-•_P_AU_L_T __ C raigmiles of Crestlin e, Ca. U.S.l.T.A., C.1.T .A. -"d the f· tc~:'~"'~.! ttOHtNS. ,,,,.... -0oc11rot1ai AJtD IL.ICTl°"TO and C h a rity L yon s of C.E M.A Associat!oo. He ia =.. M.M........., v. C:~ G. a1Tnttt.,....Ju1y 14. 1• llLLUNDH P ortland, Oregon. a lso 2 s urvived by his w1Ce Wilma ScMoeiM ... 11 •• LM,.,..... s.w1or ... ~~ J:;',.:; ':. "~'!t ~~:= s tep-sons l step-daughter o r Newport Beach, C a ., c:.H1~Ho.C '""'· ..... klal ~ 1n 1111 office o1 ,,. T.s. .... 1._.. · . · · , o.en..o ldllotltt .... _.., ..._ "" -- c,.~, .. NOTlal OP TRUSTaa'I IALI TS. No. 4107 MOHAMMED S OAUOO, AS Tit US TOR On F•b. $, 1't2, el t: IS A.M , Tl TLE TRUST Ol!EO SERVICE COMPANY, H duly ...,oinled Trust11 unCllr •nd purwenC to Deed ol Trlnl recor- Aprll 17, "''· •• IMI Ho nm. In book 140U, P•9• •O. ol Olllclel lte<Qrcll In lftl oflko ol ,,. County Rec-• ot Orenee c;_,1y, St••• 01 Colllornl• WILL SELL AT P\lllLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST llOOEft FOR CASH IPIYlblc el time of Mle In lawful ,,,_., of tlW UnlllCI Slllftl AT TliE FRONT ENTRANCI! TO THE OLD O RANGE COU N TY COURTHOUSE. LOCATED ON SAMTA ANA 8LVO., BETWEEN SYCAMORE ST. AHO IROAOWAY, SANTA AN• oll rl911t. lllle and lnt0<HI c.onwy.O to -now hold"" II unCl•r H ICI 0.eCI 01 Ttull In Ille "'-"" .itllMeel In wkl C-tv ond Stol~,,_-LOI U ol Trect No t4 .. , •• ,,.,._ on o m•P rec:.--In S-411, PoQe• 40 111rou911 43 lnc lu\lve ol mlsc•ll-t m4195. rocotd• ol llW c°""IY r~ ollllCI c ..... 1, Tllo ureel •dClrea• anCI otller common CIHl91"111on, II ony, 01 Ille n•I pr-rly CloscrllloCI above •• purported to 111· S. C•rver StrHI, lrvl111, CA '7714 Tllo ~ TruslN OIKl•lm• a11y lleblllty 10/f any lncotrectnon ol Ille tlrfft lelclren -ollllr com"'°" Clffl911allon 11 eny, ~ M<eln . Seid wle •Ill t>e .-, DUI wit-I covene10 or w•rrenty. ••P'''-' or lmptl.O, r...,.01119 1111•, pouuslon, Off enc:umt>renus. to pey Ille rernelnlftQ principal wm ol tl'e noteC1) wcur.o Dy Mid OtoCI of Tnisl, wllll lnterotl lllereon, .. PtOvi-In Mid Mlehl, .ctv•n<.11, ff wtY, -,,,. lerrn.s of wlCI OHO ol Tnis1. 1111. clwlrves -•RPlnllH ol ~ Truttll lnil ol llle tru•b <rHllCI bY Mkl OHO of Tr1nl. Tiie totel omounl 01 Ille unpaid b9tenc:o ol tN obll91111on •«-by 1111 proewrtr to bl aotd -rN..,.bl• e1tlmo110 colls. ••~•nut •nd eCIVlll(H II IN llmo of Ille lnfllel peblk otlon of u. Nolkl of Se•• ts $74.to.,k The -llclary under Mid OooCI ol Tru11 llorelolore oHCuled •11CI clellY0•.0 to nw ~ • written Oocl..-.. lon OI Ool .... I end 0otn...ci tor S•I•, and • written Holle• ol O•f•ull and tle<llon 10 Soll Tiii undenlOM<t c.eu..O takl Nolle• o• oe111111 -Elocllon to $ell lo be recoreleCI In IM c-ly -•• Ille •NI pr-rlV Is IOClllO Ooi. . .J_., S, 1"2 TITLE T"UST DEED SE ltVICE COMPANY 11MICIT~ 14250Vent .. ellVCI .Sto OOA ~U..'IMM T .. :21). ....... ly Emil S SIUlmen Publl-Or-C:..al Dally Piiot, Jen. IS. n "· 1"2 n...cJ 1 8 g rand c h ii d re n and daughters Nancy Kiger or Sc~, ... , .,.;. 1111 0,..".,' 11 1111 R-*•., 0r-. Cowllt'I'. MllCI.,... "IMl'Olt'f'ANT NOTICI" g reat -grand c hildren . Newpo rt Beach, Ca. and P---,_ Oc--. lt7S, to of""" Hacrlbo• '"• to11ow1n9 IF YOUtt P"OPEttTY is tN C rematio n with burial at Be lly Boyce or Costa Mesa, J~;;;;.,,""10.'im. -P'='~:,: :oA1t:c~O:~~E" ~E~~us,:ovi?~ O••neeeovnty5-f"l«c:-t sea Memorial ser vices will Ca sons Norman Foster of I. Pvr-' to c-t Or-Clltod LoUlofTrec:tHo 1u..-.s-on PAYMENTS, IT MAY BE SOLD 100c1vk C:-~ woat, . . . nd H h c d Octolllf 11. '"" In.,. ectlon entltllel ,....., ..,. --~ I 10 WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTl()fl, ond C•llfornl '2101 be held on Saturday, Hac1e a e1g Ls •. a. an s1C1My--.nc.,eo1a1.~cturtuG. •m1P('9() youmey __ ._.,.,,.10 .... 1"9 S.11taAM, • January 23. 1982 al 11 OOAM Garey Fosler of S1h•erton, sc111oee1, Otenoe County 5-rlor ~.~,:1=1=· '~'of yovr eccovm 111 9000 na1W11119 t>y :~;~:~•~F~~H~~~~ :!'~!i al Laguna H ill-; U nited Oregon . 10 grandchildren Court Ho ,..,...,1twc-tor•roe1 Parcou INIY"'911••-_.Cluli>aY"'°"" KOJIMA<H Ellec:U10<sof tM Estateof M elhod1s l Churrh 24442 and l great-g randchild also 11111 •writ01o1t1<ut1on 1-10 t111 Non·•><•u•• .. app.,rt•n•n• "'"' pormllled <~•• ana u111n•H "-·"-MOSELll'V · · • T F ·f S SllHIH ol Orenee C-ly tut110rllln11 uwmenl• IO< l"9f'ftl -99,.,.. over within uv11 '"°"'"' lrotl'I I,,. dale this 0 E F E N 0 AN 1 s L EA so N F Moulton Parkway . Lag una a brother om oster o an and e11rec11ng "'° u•• o11110 p,_.,., prlvtte •lr•ts ••wt'°"" in 1,,... ""4k1olelllfeu1tw1•rec0<-. POMEROY ASSO~IATES, INC .• • HI 11 s. ca The ram i I y Be rnardino. Ca and a s ister Dy ... _, ol lho Juc:tonwnt In CIM c ,,. certeln CIKl•r•llo"' ol covo ... nts, Tllll .......m IU417 00'" ol Jan ... ry corporollon PETE A Tl HTUltlN - requests in lieu or flowers 8 eulahbe l Newhouse or S'9ullortt\lnPar~9Clfl••bOve coftellll-end rHlrl<t'-<IKO<CllCI 7, l"1. -wlll lllCrt~ vnlll y-WE LLA TIHTUltlN, JACK,. LONG. donations be made to the Solana Beach Ca Memorial '· On Off • ....,. OK.~ Hi,ofma. April'·"'''" -•~. -wz et ~cout ~~~-'*'10~v '1~":,'11.!~-=-..~: MARGARET wooo HASTINGS, · ·' h Id --t tolllcl-11 11'1 ...... rt Ille Oltlclal Record\ a nCI recordeel ·~ ~·· ,.... -•• ... ,.... INCOME PROPERTY ASSOCIATES, A m e r 1 c a n H e a r l ser vices w1ll be e al eovnty of Ot•noo 1evleo u.,011 111e Honmlllff n . 1m 111 llOClll 1001,,... portion of -ec~t. even t-.oto MARGARET HOWE, IAAAY v Association Harbor Lawn C hapel at rl9fll,t1tte...ci1n1.,..1t110wtrtuG. uo ot Otllcl•I Rocoros ono peymontW11ClollWICleel.Du1voum1nt w e 1HSTOCK, ELM&R FOX , 2: 00 p M on Friday. January $(1110091 -Mary Lou S<lllt91I In Illa em•IWlments -eto. P•1f~:: = ..:...".:' ,'::,~;. .,.,. of w Es THE I ME It £ COM PAN y. • FOSTER 5 1982 I II r n s Property. E11uptln9 tllerefrom ... oll. Oii 11•n•r•I parlllortlllp F. BRILL, EN FOSTER J R 1 • · ~ e u o ower 10.0nJ...,.ryto.1'7•.ti.Sllorlffol rl9llla. minerals, mlnerol rl9hh, recorcl•tlall • tllli Cloe-I lwlllcll CALll"ORNIA AfAL liSTATE ALL A . • .. the ram I I y r e qu ests Ill• County ol Oran9• sold U ICI n•tur•I vu r l9llll a nd ..... , Clll• of rec:-llon -" 11er.-1. INVf:UMENT TRUST, • b.nlnHS a prominent Newport Bea ch contributions be made lo th Pf'Oillrty to pt.tntltt• '°' 1111 ,...., °' ttyorourbon by w1111soever n•m• untou 1111 oblloMlon tlllftQ t«ec•-T ' u s ' • v A L L E Y s o ' L s businessman . age 68. a A . c Soc'ely 0 t.I0,000,00. kflOWnl .... ml'(lllwlllllnO/funderl .. -pormltl•'-'Po'loCll,Y ......... ENGINEERING CORP., AliTAIL . 16-year reside nt or Newport m e ric an. a ncer I 11. On .......,.Y ~. i•. ,,,. Slwrttt .,.,c .. ol •...ci .., • .,.._ dotc•tblcl. •nly tll• •1111•1 r19111 to stop ,,,. M E o I c AL co LL e c T Io N lhe Amencan Heart Fund of Ille CountY of Or-•Kot-t1111 toeetller .,1111 1111 porpotwl r19111 o1 lorectosuro by peylng the •ntlr• ASSOCIATION, INC .. 1 c.,_111on Beach, Ca .. passed a way on Services under the direcl1on Duel.•'"" of Wlllcll 11 •llAKllH orllllne, mlnln9, .. p1orln9 anCI _,.,........,..,...,.,._crlelllor. Clb• AL LSTATE FINANCIAL January II, 1982 of a heart o r Harbor Lawn-Mount Oliv ll•r•lo .. EalllDll "A" •nel -·""'...,...,. -slorlftl In To find out .... ·-· '(OU..,.. .. SERVICES, LTD., G. c. Sl!RVICES k M F t S the lncorpor--oln11roleren<1 r-1-ltw,_lrom .. ld l-pey,ortoon ..... IOlfPl'fmlflllOaloP POA ATIOH Ft•ST CITIZENS allac r OS e r wa Mortuary or Costa Mesa 12. ,...,_... 10 So<Uon •74 of 111e 111,.,;; 1..0. 1nc1U1t1119 ,,,. ''"" , ... torec-.. or 11 .,_ -rty 11 ~~"N K ; TRUST "coMPANY. o wner and pioneer o r 2 MO·sss.&. c:.11torn11 CICle,,, c1v11 ProcodlH"o., whlP1t0<k., 01rKti-11v or111 eno '" , .. ,.,..,,.. '°' '""' -r-. IAReA"A JUDY, •k• aARIAllA h i g h I y S u c C e S S r U I JOHNSON Hovombor 17, 1'7S en abstrect •.f mlno lrom 1-s oilier tMn t"°M contkl SKIP RUEGE" -OEANNA LEE Ju o y , o EBO rt AH H 11 I JllCl9 I -O/fdlCI In IN C-ly I I o II llUEGElt, ltl Fr1n•ll11 Drlwe, bus iness es A en -le WILLIAM HE N R Y mon rec hereneb0¥•dffcrbo ,o oreH Placonllo,Co tllornletlUO; CATAICONE,S.J.OAVIS.MEAll od ( S ' A C of Or11191 1t9!119 out ol tl'le lllCl9menl wollt, lurirwts encl sllelb Into, tllr0<'9f\ CO HST It UC T t OH COMP AH Y, Pr ucls o a!'ta na, 8 · • JO H NS 0 N , age 7 0 . a In Los ..,..., Superior Covr1 c-or o<rou tho ,._,,,ec• of tho 1ene1 1l4"""'1t0. LLOYD'S llAHK OF CALll"OltNIA. • s u pp I I er 0 r resident of Costa Mesa C a No.1JtHt.ACOQf Ohelo1bo·ect11 IM••lnotlowclHCl'lblclllleltoboUom 111'~ .. r:uc~~:c1·n·y·~::!1:"!; ~= corporollon, GUAltAHTEE Te 1. e comm u n 1 ~at i on. s Passed away on Thur~ay. ~,:C':;:.=:.4: :.,""',.:.~:· -~~~ w.=~t=.,•;.,:~~= lllW""'"°"' ~· w111c11 rnev Ill•• ~!;.~.~.;,~ t~H6 ~o::~~:,·N~ e quipment on. a omes ttc January 14. 1982 followin g a u . T"° .ovor" c111ms of •II end........,, or .. .,....., u. ein.. 1nsuree1,,__ • ANO RIEFEAAAL ni.vtcE. tHC., and international scale, lengthy illness. Mr . Johnson 1ef1noants teacopt ,.,. County ot umlta 1h1Nof end'°,....,, retu-1, 1t1mem1>e•, YOU MAY LOSE db• M<C•ml•'I' 6 MANNING, inc I uded in pro d ucls h e l ' d s d ltel\09 end ,,. Stat• of C.IHornl•I oqulp. melnl•ln, .._,,, .. fllll Ind LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NO'T c LI" IE· au c KN E ". IN c ... wa s a r e Ire 0 u n onsltl Clf tllllvtorf ..... ··•••"9 fr11m OPl••I• .... IUCll well• or "''"''· TAltE PROMPT ACTION. c.._.u... COU)WIU., IANKEA . -------------,Engineer from t h e Allee ebllncu 01 JuC19m•nt recorcttCI wit-I, -r. 1111 •19111 to •ttt1, '" eeldlllon to,.,. •1t101H1t •to-. COMPANY, SAMMY LEE, Corporal.ion. he was 8 Past punuent to S1ct1011 '74 of 1111 ""'"°· store. uptor• oncl opot•I• •tMWe, -.ictenyprllf'lallft. li.M,« ltOSALINOLEEMICIMR,, AICHA"O McCa.MfQC MOltTU,UllS Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J uan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HAalO. LAWl'6-MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crermtory 1625 Gisler Aue Cos1a Mesa 54~5554 f'tHCl laOTHHS l a&. MOADWAT MORTUAIT 110 Broadway CoSla Meta 642:9150 Mas ter of Racane Lodge 11 ~ .. ~~~,:~=.-:!~:~==~:.":tr,.: ~c;,:t>;:r~~·.::·~·=·~ ~--:~~w:c~o~es~~~TC:: F&AM Racin e , Wiscnns1 tho ellttrl<t'" Loi AftQoles ~·-...... 111111DWCIHCr1bMl.•1t~lll ...... -.....aldelellr..-tes-CALlllOltNIA EMPLOYMENT and the First Past Master of Cov'1 C.. """'*°' '" "'· •ttocltod tM 0..0 trom ttae '"''"° CO!fftPll\1 b• c vroo 11 • c olldltton of OEVl!LOPMf.NT OIPARTMl:NT, M a r Vis ta Lodge 1$20 ~:::,"~'::.·:~j,:.~=~':; :.0~=-~1<~i ~~!'411":°'*111os' ,.:;~.~HEAHYGIVEN;Tlllll ~;J>N~\~:!fN::N~A"~g~~ f~&AM, Newport Beech, C a , ruton et IW prior recordlllon of ltw >9 llut11l119 Tr11 ltooCI, Newport ANNA N. ROH ESCROWS, INC. la T 1 TL t:, £ s TATE, L 1 EN OR He was also Past Patron of a0$1rlC1 .. Juelgmlnt •Ille....,.. ...... a.oe11, CA. Cluly •Ptt0111tec1 Trvttll vncler llM I NT E "Es T I N TH I It EAL Harbor Star •~ Order of °',~~"~= ·~~~im1 o1 111e county of 0;~11'~n~tf;:-!1 -:::! ~..!~ fll~';'~":t::'To~A~ '',":,'suH ~~0,:=~':1 ~~~~:'.0R ~~ T;~ Eastern Star. A member o f 0t•ft91 GCIMlll .. •MlutO<y llens ••• wetr•nh Is 9lv•n .. to ... ZENO&Y •nd IAR8A"A llUTH PLAINTIFF'SOWHEltSHl,.OR ANY the York Rite in Racine. ru111t of Ill• rocorctellon ot • compl•I-• or CMroctnea.I)/' TM lEN08Y, ~-wlle. CLOUO UPON Pl.AINTll'l"'S TITLE Wisconsin a m ember or the cer11fl«llotlleel by tho T111 COlle<tor ot llOMllclary unClet' .. Id Oood ol Tr111I, IENfFICIAltY: SKIP ltUEOl!lt THl!llETO ANO ~S 1 THROUGH •, , .. 10 COW!t'I' for 111\MCurlCI pr-rty by tHJonof o brHCll tw llefeult In tho lltlCI OEANNA RUEGER,~ lllld lO INCLUllVE Scottish Rite m Long Beach, to .. • e1111 end own'"9 l>'f CMrlff G. obllt•llon• H <u••d tller•bV. w11e • ,.;...,... Ca. and a member ol t.he Sc111e9111• en 'llflt to.,. ellwo« Of 111rototor. omcUllCI -... ,_.... 10 Roorclld Novoml:lor ta. "'' H ~ ltUM9SR• *"' ""''poll' Shrin• in u uwauJlee ,......,.,.,. etlKlled ,__ H EllllleMI tlll undl• ..... I wrl*" Ooclllfet'°" llllMr.No.2564'111~1 , -1-NO'TICl!I y.., -Moll twC1. Tllo I I. "' "'°' I '18" Of OofMllll. ..0 ~ fw Salo llftCI ff Ofll(lll .._. lfl otfl0 flf tM f-' Wisconsin. Beloved husband u '. Tiie c111m of 1111 11111 of wnttltl"'3kotlllrM<ll1Mot11«11o11 1toc..,.,e10r...-y1tallf"" ~==:"'..:'.::'~ of Rella J . JohnllOn, beloved c1111orn11 -i.ts of • ltMlllory 11•11 to <9'1• \Ill....,...,.... 11 sotl NllCI of 1ru11 d11cr1 1 •111 1011owln wltlllfl • _... ,.... 1111 tllflnMtllft !lather of Lisa Johnson a 1'"'"' '"'"' • C111"ic.to "'""" 1111 Pl'IOlf'Y to aatltt'f .. Id ot11l"110t1&. ~y· • Mtow. . . ' ........ rt_ ef .,._..,_ uftClor UIO ~ ltlofNIW h ..,.,.._._.. UIOllld .. , _. tr.,. 2u• et ..., ,..._ , ........ .._ • ._ ~ .. 11•1 ... s en tor al UC San Diego. u~ ·--.. A<l .... Mt ;;. llOtklof brol<llllllf'";;'l;c11111 .. ~ ~ ..;· .. ';..... ... .;'Q EtAf:::... ... -.-....;-;;.;; IU: Graveside services wiU be CllMllt o. ~ -"'<" w11 lllllf • !let.,.. .........-s. "'1 n 1Mtr. 1r1ehd1 .. a1 IYllwa•-~ "' sin •••llftd• • m•M• .... ue1 . conducted on Saturd•Y 111 ,..,.. ..... _._. ... ~ .... uw1t1111191t1411'0111tm,a1.-. t111 ei111c.o •IM~, •KOt'Cllr °' ,.._...._.,. .. a lfllt. LH .. O•OOAM' lltt.O(llld....-.. Ealllelt "I ''· . Ottlelol lttc:ore. ' Mid ,l\IMy, lelcl *"" lf'Vll ll<'llfft 1...., '-" .._ January 16. 11182 at ~ • WHlllltll"<>I'•. lllallltlfll llBY !ff UICI ..... wfH .. rneelt, .... wltllWt certain ............. lllCNlflflt -.... --•. ftANT A I II •l Falrh1ven Memorial .~ .... ,...... cov•lll lll or WlfflfttV, HPf'OH ... l«tllolifll'letS,S,•.oo. cotm:~.~~'!":..~ ...... by c,:,. P•rk wilh Dr. John A. 1 Tlllt.........,_.U•fl4!'llree11ot1t lt!IJlltd.~lltlo,Jlllltliell.W TMt IM lllMfki.t tntorlft -p1o1nt1t1 .... NI~ I rr S A I t fw1ll W. fWtllf'I al ttwlt clllmo ..., 1110"""-. lo ""' u. n11'llaltllllt -11dtldflftrVl4enlfIN1111'--"llN f 1111 •1 •-11ftlf tlll• I u man. r.. ISQC a e 11111 111 ••v•r•• ctolm• 11 •••If prltle...-t11111 ., __ ,., __,. ;c11,.... ..,_., -,,_.,., ';i.. '¥ •· ' .,._. • • ..., Pa 1 tor o f St. Andrews *"MIMI a...,."",,.. irr • ••11 "' .. 1e1 o.... • TNll, wtt11......,..., .. "'° ~. n.t • ~ •. -!:"'.::;:.-:-.::; :.•.,:~ Presb,._.u Church, a nd °' ~ c-t: . !fl NICI,...,...,....,...._ •• 1t _,, -.ttYtt "" • tllllltiltllM ,., wt11<t1 wttll ttolt _. , """°" _.... ... 111 the otttctta o( Mar Vis La t. Tlllt • •r11 ., tlll• e.wt lllldtr tlll *-" •Id Dlllf 11 '""~· '""" Clltd 11 ·~ 1• 11e11r1ty "-, .. ,ontt to tM '""'"'"'· 01 • L 0 d .. e ., 8 2 0 F " A M ... ,.. • ~ 11111 fl•"""'' -'"'• <fllrtlt• .,,_ •·""-.. tM eccvrt'ICI 111 tMt llft'(ftllllt "" -....,. JUtlk• c-1. .,... _. 1111 "'"" .. • 1111 ---.. ,,,. "'-'Y wecrlllllf Tru•tll ....i .... '"""' (,..... IW mNt Of! • ""' .......... ~ " c-o ff l Ci at i n f . M a I 0 n l C lllf'llfll .. ICI 01111 of Tr\llt. IMd .... will • Tllo ......,,"""" f/f l~ott wfllctl ~11 •......_ ti • .,...,.. 111 1t11 Memorial aervlaea will be a. t1111 .. 1•1141•1111• <l•lm• •r• 111N "'''*"· J-V "· ,.. 111 t11<-e111t~n. tw1,en0•" -~> U!Mmyw•• ,,_.,.._.. d ~ .... b lb Mar Vtlta w1tt1Mt ,..,. '"" 111111 "'° -....... t:• '""· ._ • ~ A.,.._ 141~ lfllUltlMlltl " 1"11' .... · 111 ._ ~ _... ,..ic..""' If• con U\:UOU y e ..... •II .. tN!ft lllW ........ If ""'-·· .... Ork c..Mr ............ D • I I 11 .... fl ( • • • • II • , , I • , w <-' ......, • I.Mae on Sunday, J am11ry '"'•'"' ......_ '" "" ,.,..,...... • ••tt a..-•-. 111 "'° City -""*--· " e111y o..-.-i ,..., r=".=... a:.,: "" .:-r.,. ,....,. 17, 1112 at 2:00Pltl In the ....,.,...,.....,.., .. .,._. ... ,:.. .,.°'°"'' ...... ...._.,lll'f, fffll•llW!f 111 ... ..,...,, .i11t" Matonlc Temp&e. at I.5th and •· ~ Mii _., Mlf _..,,..... At n. tltN If N IMlel .-..1ce1i.n Thl •1 , .... n 111eruf. 1111 cOllllf ,_.....111 ..,....._111., ...-. St Andr_. Road ~rt .... a. c.wt ...... I................. .. ................. ~., tM lllllfl tllellM. Jrl Mftl Mll•ll<l•rv tlltl• .. _,, • ..,..,..., .... • ., .. I • ....... ,.., 0..-1.,__.,1,... 1111,ele tole11<1 of tlll Mll .. tt... ...,..., .. 11 ... tltrwt,llelollocvlllf ....... ,....... .... ~ 6 4 2 ,. • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • Beach, Ca. Tht famlly COll.CMn•••tCMCMIOllf ... ,.."' .. ...,...._,... .... _, ... ....,.. ...... ~ _......, , 11\'W ................ . 1u11e1t.1 coetrlbulloo1 be 911 ~'-m.tt ... ~ am. ........, Tr..-tff, • wor111111 o.c11t111i.n ot "'""""" 111 ... _...,,.,.. ...-made to lb• Calilornla 'he~ .... --...._ 111• .... ncH I• ••n.Mt.o . Tl Oefo.tt_.~.., .... ..,.. .... .,. .. ......., .... ,_"' 5 6 7 M1tonlc ttomH. Pierce ':!~':= ==--~•·YM_,=-~=~.,....:.,.~ ,....,... ...... ,_,.,... .. ...., Brolhtrs Bell &roadway ....,. .. ...._.. D•to! ,,_.,,, .-. •.c""'""' ... , ... M, ... ••ll••U•n• DAH~a~\::!"NCM M.rtu•-directDn ta·t150 ~ .... or ... CM.i DIM" ..... """"" l"tlllflfl _.,... .,........_ .. ._ .,.,.., ..,. ~ _, . . ........ .,,... .... "'"""''llC -----~··----... ....,. ..... , ..... ,_... ............ .................... ... ..,TrJ ...... C.....-¥ _..__...,,,. .. .......,.-, c:fa Mlt..Wll ..-"c_ .. lfllll__,.,._ .... to COJl. CM9Y Iii LO liOOli -I Piii I ==~ :.:::::. ...... 11 ....... 11c11r .. ~~=--. - Pl ~ --1•1 ' OlleCllf.,..... o....~•"" -~ ....... Coilild ~., l :::.:• o.::== ~cs--= ~·u.. ........ c.. ....... ~00..~C>ol'Y""-........... (llMI! .. = .. l. .... ,... .... .,... I,: It. .... ~... ~ ,.. JM;.. & .,_"" 8 ............ ....................... c.NMM I024 ....................... . .................... . OfllM HOUll SAT /SUM IM J024Cle• .. •' C..llW... Put yo u r ramily in a ni ce nelahborhood. No worry because It bu 1 new roof. new carpel, even the water heater is oew. 4 nice bdrm• tool Enjoy family get-togethers In re · cently completed family roopl._ Seller wants your family to have-WI own home so he generously off era no· qualllyin& & good terms. Call now thls could be your chance of a Ufelime. Ask ror Bob Burtm:r 646-7434 t 044 Hn 1port hodl I 06' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWNll rri• LocaHo..i *•GREAT BUY! 4 Hd detached Broad· moor home in super Woodbridge' Owner will ram 11oreqwty! Won't last ask for Fred 1189.000 fiil~~~tt in Ntwport ~1dl 2308 curr Dr Un1qut: 2 bdrm, I •, ba. large living and din arra Euellent Bay. Ledo. Pen .. OCeiin View. E'Jlough spare to bwld $420,000. At UST SEE' ~ 551·3"0 •ti1B1rn11u -""~~.lrvlllr 540 5~. 979·6881 OCEAMVU &POOL I.ow or no down 1•unclo in So Cs t Plaza Jrea Grtal assuma bh• In Call Tim. AJ!nl i16G GSJS _ Like nrw, Ir~ 4 Hr w bonus rm Only $l29.900 Assume 11 7'. Call Patn ck Tenore. agt 1--------i ~1221 UMYEISITY P AH Best Lm·a uon ' Pauo Home ' Fee Land' 4 Bdrms. 21, be~hs' Only St57.500 Call today! 642·5200 £astbluff. $Z4S,OOO 4bdrm. 21i ba. lrJI yrcl. $i!07,000 assuma bit> 13' • l5t &12· s lJi l .,!4_9 81_ 07 j PETE ' BARREn .. REALTY NEWPORT HG TS VIEW Beau! I Br w1numl'rOU~ am\•n1t1es Own1·r finanrm11 al 10',. For an ~----111!11~-lll!l!!!!!!!!'I~ appt 10 new this fine h ome . ra ll Curt ~~~~ ..... !?~~ -rbert.s 11 a 631 12166 OCEANFRONT Modular • , T) pe Ho mu. Z4 hr " i.ecunly. •, m1 p\t bch _ + r1sh1ng pier Cedar C~taice t)pt', redv.·ood CUSTOM DUPLH de('k, pool, 11uarded Great Loratton w11h gate. adlts onl) No man} extras. sur h as dogs. S00.900 499·3816 Italian tile floors. oak -rab1nets, micro v.•a\ e. 2011/o DH/120/o lHT. , a1·uum s~s t em~. 3 br. 21t ba. fam rm. f1repla1't'. sundec1c and d 1 n rm . db I Kar ml)('h more w1opener, stained i:tass. A MUSTSEF. '• rcnred. orean vu Owrwr·s monng out ol S245.~ 497 1115! sl.ite Assumable or A Lot ForA Uttle t a<'re + bldg site. genl· I) sloping pan:<"I short distance from tennis & beal'h Ownr has 1n r luded plans ror rll!ltom '1lla Sl7~.ooo Spc<· tal'ula r \1ews 1 MISSION Rt.:ALTY 4~·0731 BEST PRI C l.-:D UNITS Two 2 bdrm "' ocean '1ev. s Great No end location Call on fi.naooog. S26$.000. L-Yl.._l,E ~97.1}li - ()pen House. S11 Sun • 11 Spm 661 Nyes P l. Owner Sale Prire tlrastirally redured. 3br. 2'2ba, whitewater Vl\'W Must see to "PPrt'('tatc 49!11422 , ev. l.Jndmark l'Slale 4200 !iQ fl L'nsurpa!>sed \1ews Quahl..' & mno'a hon Sl.100.000 Finant" 1n1: a' ail able ronsider lease option T D Tr~~-!99·5648 OVERLOOKING MAlN BCH 2bdrm in a pnreless lor ror only S210.000 Ca II owner: 132·984@ 49.1-8138_ COMfEMPOIAIY Panorami<' ocean v1rws from this 2 or 3 bdrm. 21 2 bath home Some of the amen1lles inrlude 3 firepla<'es. ~ou rmel klLrhen. flreplt & spa . A real beauty SMS.000. A ClUSTEI OF ... old Laguna <.:harm! S .;eparate 1 bdrm rnt 1ages. ea r h with '''!Platt & open beam eeihng. The large Oat lot has nire ocean \'lews and is but a short walk to lhf bea<'h. ~.000 MYSTICteLLS Absolu tely fabulo u s white water views rrom this 3 bdrm. 21; bath home. Walking distance to high school. town and bearh Owaer will help Ctnan<'e. $450, 000 will 1·oosider all l) pes or rman1·1ng or exchange Don"t miss this ooe. onl) 1340.000 Ca II nQv. for tl'l1rcdcta1ls . 979 ~O ALLSTATE REALTORS 2Homei.. I lot. Nwpl Hti. + J)OOI. OWCl . Aet. 642-'100 •GCAHYON Atrl.ain Greenbrier spill le\'l•I 1·ondo with 11otr rourse view Pool s pa tennis sec·urtt) As sumable loan. Askin~ UDO PIMIMSULA FOISSl,000 ()pea s.t/S.. t 2·5 70l>UdofiartDr. #9 Family reloratmg oul of slalt' and need lo sell their mob1Je home . Z bt<droom. 2 balh. double -.1dr Walk to shops and beac h Owne r s a r e VERY ANXIOUS!! Ii .. '' BAY FRONT LEASEHOLD Exqws1le 4 br 5 ba. near Linda Isle. 1nr ludes prhate dock. 60' on the marn bay $50,000 down, & assume $750.000 at 12'. 642-9231 YEl.SAlWS Penthouse studio 20' • dn 11pprox $68.000 Isl u:i~r; owe 2nd 12'. 3 y r s G y m . P s pa . clubhse Srruri t> $13S,000. Owne r At:t ~1·8Ull_ !'l'ttr~r. .. \IM4~" ... ________ _ .. ,...~,(II) ..... Com"""""' .......... c. ... .171414t4-t 177 OP9t SUteA Y I ·S 26.15SOLONA WAY Lea$e optjoo or \~ade New 3 Br 2~ ba home, near Vlcto{il beach. Great ocean views. D'S,000, FAnl Lundberg lrAmoc: .. , .. For Classified Ad ACT10N Call a Dal.ty Pilot AD·VlSOR 642·5678 I llllll 1111:1/lllTI ClllT • Planner 1et1 Greenbelt talk Eric Jeuea lbe county's chief of planning and speciaJ projects, wlll address the annual Laguna Greenbelt, lnc. meeting Jan. 23. Greenbelters will meet beginning at 7:30 p.m. in Bridge Halt at the Congregational Church at St. Ann's Drive and Glenneyre Street. Jessen is in charge of implementing the county's open spa~e and recreation elements to the General Plan. His talk wilt be illustrated with sUdes, maps and diagrams. Refreshments will be served and the public is invited. • Winter classes set in Laguna Registration contlnu~s for winter classes through the City of Laguna Beach and will continue until the courses are full. Offerings this winter range from dance to martial arts, and registration forms are available at the city 's recreation department, 515 Forest Ave. For informatiofr about classes, call 497-3311, ext. 201. • Genealogical course set Saddleback College in Mission Viejo will offer a course in genealogical research during the spring semester at the Crown Valley Community Part Center in Laguna Niguel. The course includes genealogical resources such a census records, miUtary records, public vital statistics records, church records, probate and court records. The class meets from 4 p.m . to 6 p.m . Mondays. Reg~bation is currently under way at the college campus . For more. information call 831-4835. e LB s~niors plan trips The Laguna Beach Senior Citizens Club is sponsoring a trip to the Mission Inn in Riverside Jan. Z7. A chartered bus will leave Crom the senior center, 384 Legion St., at 9 a.m . and &returo at about S p.m. COit for the trip la $12. 75 and includes tranaportatlon, admission and lunch. Seniors have al10 scheduled a trip to the Getty · Museum in Santa Monica on Feb. 24 al a cost of $7.50 per person. Seniors will by buy their own lunch at the museum's Tea Room. A four-day San Francisco trip, with stops at Hearst Castle and Solvane, ia scheduled for March 15. Reservatioos for all outings are now being-taken. To make a reservaU. or for lnformation call 411-ZMJ.. e Aging panel report due Orange County delegates to the 1981 While House Conference on Aging will give a report on the recommendations and issues of the recent national conference at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo Jan. 28. Policy Issues discussed included. Social Security, health care financing, long-term care, employment and legal services for senior citizens. The public invited to attend and ask questions of the delegates. The meeting will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m . in building C, room 13. • Color topic of OCC lecture How color affects your mood and productivity will be the topic of two Friday lectures at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa. Newport Beach artist Miami Sbaroe will discuss the significance of color at 7:30 p.m. tonight and Jan. 29 in the Science Lecture Hall. Registration will be taken at the door. Admission is $4 for a single lecture and $6 for bolb. ONCE AROUND THE BEAT: The trouble with living along this best of all possible coasts these days is things keep happening and won't stand still and it's hard to keep up. ··:· ~ ·-~... . ,!_~, llllllPllll~ Great piles of ea rth are happening even today along MacArthur Boulevard. jus t inland or Corona del Mar. A stylis h sign near the dirt piles announces, "Residential Units ... You 'fOnder if this means more condominiums? If so. the signmaker apparently changed the wording to "residential" when compared to a similar sign put up earlier on Jamboree Road some time back. It directly ann.ounced, "Another New Condominium." SOME MISCHIEVOUS miscreant came along on that one and using precisely the same paint and style of lettering, changed the sign to read, ···Another ---New Condominium." The expletive deleted here was clearly editortat condemnation of condos but, alas. cannot be repeated ln a f amlly journal. Tbe aublUtute slen was so well wroueht, however. that it stood for tome time, amusing passing motorls~. be!ore the developen cauaht on to It. *** FRI DAV, JAN. 1$, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS 82-3 84 87 Are you boring? Then Saturday is the day just for you . Read Hugh Mulligan on Page 82. D a 1Laguna jail death 'not closed' I FBI continues its investigation into case after police:. DA drop probe By STEVE MITCHELL o1 .. .,..., ............ Whlle Laeuna Beach police and the district att.omey'a olfice consider the Jailbouae death of Robert Gary Wardmad' t.o be a "closed case, "-the FBI is continuing its investigation of the July 22 lncident. ''Our investigation Is still ongoing," said FBI supervisory special agent Mike Dillon in Los Angeles . "We are not terminating it at this point." The U .S. Justice Department is followin1 up on a complaint last month by local civic activist John Gabriels who said Wardman's civil rights were violated when he was taken into custody the morning of July 22. Wardman, a 37-year-old spa sa lesman , wa s found unconscious on the sidewalk in front of the Main Street bar that morning. He was taken t.o the local jail where he was found dead in his cell less than 12 hours later, the result, an autopsy showed, of a severe skull fracture. That Jed Ule arrestine omcer, Charles Maine, to admit he accidentally dropped Wardman on his bead while taldn1 the man out of his patrol unit at the back of the station. But coroner's deputies said a fall from that distance cowd not account for the severity of the skull fracture. It was not until months later that police received Information that four young Laguna Beach boys had been involved' in a fight with Wardman the morning he was found unconscious outside the bar. The boys, who did not report the incident because they feared repercussions, later said Ward man attempted to assault them outside the Main Street bar, at which lime the older man was tackled t.o the ground by the boys. Since the downed victim appeared drunk and not injured, the four youths said they fled. · The information provided by the boys "finally fills in the Dumping of wastes terllled accidental By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ... Delft,.... MMf The illegal dumping of nine bags or infectious hospital wastes at Orange County landfiU was described Thursday as purely accidental by UC Irvine Medical Center officials. The coimty is investigating the incident. The discovery of the wastes at the Santiago Canyon Waste Disposal Station east of Orange came only a day after bealth .c>fficials assured the county Board of Supervisors that there were no major problems with the illeeal dumping of infectious wa1tee in Oranee County. Tbe nine red-colored plutic bags were found by workers at the Santiago waste disposal station at about 9 :30 a .m. Tbunday. The color red is used to identify the bags as containing infectious wastes. By afternoon , Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande bad already called for a county Health Department probe. · Nestande said In an interview that his main concern in ordering the investigation was in determining whether such wasles were being routinely - and illegally -dumped at county disposal sites. "I would hope that it is not a common practice," he said. UCl officials, contacted later Thursday, insisted that the sealed bags were taken to the Santiago Canyon dump site strictly by ·accident. However, they couldn't say if the same type of mistake had ever occurred before. ·The bags contain various hospital wa~tes, such as paper products and tubing, which are used in the treatment of patients at UCI Medical Center in Orange. No body tissues or other organic materials were In the bags. Both county and university officials stressed that the wastes could only prove harmful if swallowed or if som eone punctured bis or her skln on a sharp object. A medical center spokesman said the wastes .-which · normally are sterilized in Ule hospital's autoclave -were apparently placed in the wroo; dumpster for disposal purposes. The medical facility's incinerator had been temporarily out of service at the time, requiring the waste material lo be picked up by a s pecial firm for sanitary disposal. However, hospital officials said, another disposal company picked up the bags with the regular trash because they were accidentally placed in lht: wrong dumj)Ster-. The bags have s ince been returned to the medical center, which will bum them now that the incinerator is repaired. The number of bags found at the dumpsite was somewhat in question. Nestande said nine bags were found while hospital officials believe there were seven. picture of how Mr. Wardman probably came t.o be lyln1 on Pacific Coast Hi1hway," a deputy district attorney said. And , since the boys purportedly were defending themselvers against Wardman, no charges will be leveled agalpst them, Laguna Beach police say. But since the FBI probe into the Wardman case involves the victim's civil rights, ll will continue. "The results ot the inveaUgaUon will be forwarded to the Department of Ju.Uce in WaabinJton, as is the c~ with all invest11allons," said tb~ FBI 's Dillon. In addition, the city still faces a multl·mHlion dollar lawsuit filed by Wardman's family as a result of the jailhouse death. Huntington murder slwcks residents By PIUL SNEIDERMAN Of .... o.lly ...... Sa.If The Huntington Landmark Community , a quiet condomin ium complex for middle age and older reaidents, was jolted this week by the news that a brutal murder bad been com 01itted behind lts iuanted gates. William K. Norman, 56, was found stabbed to death Tuesday in the bedroom of bis stucco and wood-shingled condominium at 8877 Tulare Drive. Huntingt-OP Beach police said today they are searching for an I unidentified man who visited Norman Monday night. The visitor was described as Caucasian, age 25-Z?, 5·10 to 6 feet tall, s Um build with dark collar-length hair and brownish eyes. Police said Norman apparently had been expecting the visitor and that the man bad entered at a guard post on foot. Norman's Orange Datsun auto was discovered missing, and investigators say the vehicle may have been taken by the intruder. Police were continuing their search for the auto today. Sgt. Ed McErlaln said no inottv~ has yet been establlsbed for the killing. Norman, stabbed once in the chest, was found by officers Tuesday after he failed to keep an appointm~nl with a business associate. McErlain said Norman was employed as a salesman· of promotional materials, but he declined to identify the man's ernployer. Norman apparently was not well known in the Huntington Landmark Community were he lived. The south Huntington Beach complex includes 991 condominiums in the $115,000 price range. Condominium owners must be age 40 or older. Many residents are retired people. Community spokesmen said news of Norman's s laying s pread quickly Tuesday as residents strolled or drove past the murder site, which was roped oft by police. SUSPECT Huntington Beach police released this s ketc h of a man who allegedly visited salesman William K. Norman shortly before Norman was stabbed to death. But a visitor to the community the following day found a quiet cluster of homes where the jingle of wind chimes carried rlown the block, where older women walked small dogs adorned with red bows. John Yerkes, president of the Huntington Landmark Adult Community Foundation, said Norman never took part in tbe recreation activities sponsored by his group. He said the slain man bad exchanged friendly greetings while washing his car outdoors, but did not be co me well acquainted with his neighbors. A woman who lives next door to Norman 's condominium described the man as "pleasant but aloof." Mailman Earl We ntworth, who had been delivering to Norman's home for more than a year, recalled brineing a lot of business mail and packages to Norman. make developer wary? The project defies modern technology. Make a few trips up Fairview and you become convinced the signals are synchronized for traffic moving at 108 mph. *** FAIRVIEW, HOWEVER, is no worse than the left-turn pocket off Coast Highway at Morning Canyon Road in Corona del Mar. The signal never turns green for the left turners. Rumor has it that the reason they never fixed the signal was that awhile back, a middle-aged gentleman pulled into the left turn pocket there and while waiting for the light to change lo green, died of old age. They buried him right there because the light wouldn·t tum green for the hearse. Now authorities don't.want to disturb his final resting place to fix the signal wires. * * * THINGS KEEP CHANGING in the old newspaper dodge, too. It bas been widely rumored recently that the Santa Ana Register is installin1 a test kitch.en. Newspaper people used , to worry about secret govel"tlment meetings, triple-ax murders and left-tum slgnals that don't work. Now it's apparently testing muffins. You have to hope the guys on the Register watch the yeast or they may find the whole newsp r plant hu moved to Yorba Linda. 1f you happen to hear about a large exploelon on Grand Avenue In Santa Ana. you'll know that recipe won't be makinl the news columns. YOU HAYE 'l'O WONDER wbo'U they'll tut the new • redpee on. I'll bet It Isn't the advertllln1 saler'ataff. You. want to tat new r,oipes on, somebody wbo la expendable. Tbey'B ~bly uae eome editon. \ .. WASHINGTON (AP) -The survivors of the Alr Florida Jet thillat plun1ed into the lcy Potomac River were so cold they were near death, felt nothing when a sur1eon reset their broken bones and remember Utlle about their or<1eal, doctors s_ay: Five survivors taken to National Orthopedic Hospital were reported ln fair to good 'condltloo Thursday. Two other people were treated and released by the same hospital after the crash of the Air Florida jet Wednesday. Dr. Charles Engh said the * * * aurvlvon should soon be well enough, probably by today, to talk to lnveattaatora tryina to determine why the Boelnl m struck a bridge and plun1ed into the lee-choked river shortly after taking off from National Airport. Seventy-four people a~ard the jet and four motorists ca~ in rush-hour traffic on the 14tK Street Bridge were killed in the crash. Two of the survivors underwent surgery for bone fractures Thursday, but doctors at the hospital In s uburban Arlington, Va .. said none of * * * those admitted appeaH<t to bave · Internal i.Qjunea. •'The cold waa the major Ufe-lhreatenln1 problem for every ooe of the patients," said Engh. "When your temperature gets down below 80 de1r ... , you get Into a problem wltb heart irregularities. Below Tl degrees, almost everybody would have a cardiac arrest." Docton said Priscilla Tirado's body temperature was the lowest among the survivors, probably because she was in the water the loneest . Her temperature plunged to 81 degrees, s aid Dr. Richard * * * Ice on jet's wings? ~. Long 'wait on airstrip studied in crash WASHINGTON CAP) -The Air Rlorida jetliner that crashed into the Potomac River may have waited up to 40 minutes after it was last de-Iced before taking off, a federal safety officlaJ said today. Francis McAdams, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, said the eyewitness accoun~ raise concerns that there may have been unacceptable amounts or ice on the plane's wings. "Any time there is visible lee observed under the circumstances that ice was observed, it's a definite issue," McAdams told reporters at the site of Wednesday's crash, In •which · 74 passengers on the &o~ing 737 and four others died. A Braniff Airways pilot whose plane was taxiing several thousand feet away from the Air Florida plane as it was preparing for takeoff also. noticed ice on the ill-fated plane's wings and fuselage. '•He believes be saw ice building up on the fuselage and the wings,'' McAdams said earlier. McAdams did not identify the pilot, other than to say he works for Braniff Airways. McAdams said Investigators, who t.alted to the other pilot for the first time Thursday, were gettln1 a written statement from him today. · MeanwbiJe', the critical voice and instrument recorders on. board are intact , a police spokesman said today. Investigators hope to learn from those recorders whether excessive ice accumulation kept the plane from g_ainlnll altitude. struments have detected that the equipment la intact," District of Columbia Police Inspector James Shugart toJd <See JET CRASH. Pase Al) New frigid h1ast Suspect: hits South, East Defendant By Tlte AalOda&ed Preu . "Ttie very atron1 arctic• killed kin\ outbreak meana we're 101.Qa to be In the icebox for a eouple ol days," said Dean Nealey, a N atlonal Weather Service forecaster ln Mlnneeota. 8y GLENN SCO'IT o1 .............. Schwarts, the tao.pltal'I eiWf fl mecUclMr Mrs . Tirado. 2J, of Clearwater, Fla., wu ,.,.... ln 1ood cancllUon Thursday wldl her broken left lee ln traeUoa. Slae a.meet Thursday tUt ber bUlband, Jose, and tb~lr 2-montb.old 10n were mtumc an<l presumed dead ln the crub. En1h said none of the five survivors had a temperature- high enough to resister o• re1ular rectal thermometeH, which do not re1tater temperatures below 90 de,rees. ''Several patients were •In extreme danger of dying" CRAIN IUAVIYOR -~n sets across the country have shown Lennie Skutnik diving into the icy Potomac· River to save a rem.mber the "'d Ud .,..1 the ke ..... "lie Mid. RD~er, OM ol tM .uni~ paueeien, Bert MamtJtaa. q of Galtheubur•, lld., to~Cf r•porters thM after tbe ~ be was "allDOllt on aw 1kle'' ''reaehed clown aad abooll my seatbelt and Juat ••*-tile end" Where the tall MCUoll of tbe plane had broken otf. He clun1 to a piece of the fUMl• and wu rescued by a beUcopUl'l Hamilton wu reported f • ~ A condition and unde -e~ surgery on his rllbt *' Thursday. · --.-· womaJfs UI~ after th;s wee.It's plane crub in: Washington, D.C. ' A second blast of arctic air in a week charged out of Can8da today, promising no relief from severe winter weather that has killed at least 217 people and piled .up snow in the South and the Northeast after twin storms. Winds up to 100 mph in the Rocky Mountain foothills overturned twb tractor-trailers Thursday, tore off an apartment building roof and brought uousually warm weather lo Colorado, but forecasters said the balmy temperatures would drop shlµ'ply with the approach of the frigid air. Nebraska was waraed of temperatures dropplDI to 25 below iero ton1-'1t. and Illinois' forecasts called for a weekend ol severe cold and bU11ard or near-bliuard conditions. Washington, D.C .• WU ellpected to have highs In the teens by Defendant Wlllle Wisely plnned bis stepfather under a truck c~b because be was jealous over family property,' the second man accused ln the llarcb 9, 1981 death of Robert Bray of Huotington Beach testified Thursday. James Dunaaan, 26, told an Orange County Superior Court jury be drove Wisely to the Springdale. Street location just south of Edinger A venue in Huntington Beach where Bray was repairing his eneine, with the cab body tilted forward and above him. Hero.'s act 'not suiprising' Skutnik'~ NeWPOrt sister says valor fits character ) Sunday. Dozens or South Dakota schools began calling orr classes in anticipation or the new Midwest storm. Hospital wastes found at OC dumps More than 60 bags conlaining infec~ous hospital wastes were found today ;tl two Orange County landfill sites, including one in Irvine, accord1og to Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande. The bags, Nestande said, were dumped In violation of county fa Ith Department regulations 1arding the:i.r disposal. Fifty bags found at the nt\ago Canyon landfill east of Orange were from S~. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Neatande said. Ten addiUonal bags were from Westero Medical Center in Santa Ana, Nestande said. The source for several bags found at Coyote Canyon in Irvine bad not been determined at mid-day. Nestande described the condition as intolerable and promised that county officials would take all steps necessary to end iUegaJ dumping. lncludin1 possible revocation of waste disposal licenses of the hospitals. Meanwhile, -county officials were investigating the dumping of nine bags of the wastes earlier at Santiago Canyon. Those bags in the previous dumping belonged to UC Irvine Medical Center. Hospital • officials said the dumping was purely accidental .. The UCI Medical Center bags found al Santiago Canyon contained various hospital wastes such as paper products and tubing which are used in treatment of palienls. No body tissues or other oreanic materials were in the baas. From his seal In a panel truck, Dunagan said he was a lookout as Wisely approached the cab, a hypodermic needle in his windbreaker pocket and a revolver tucked in his bell. ''I caught a glimpse of movement of the cab," the d\rk-baired Dunagan said In a slow moootone. "When I looked again, it was down." Wisely then came back to tbe panel truck claiming tbe .. incident went "perfect," the witness said. They then drove past the cab where Wisely - out again to ensure Bray wai dead, claimed Dunagan, •bo said be could see Bray's lep sticking out from under the cab cover. Dunagan bad claimed innocence until this week, wbm be agreed to testify agalnat Wisely, 29, in exchanae for pleading guilty to a leaaet charge of voluntary manslaughter. Wisely is on trial for bis life, accused of fll"Bl-degree murder with possibility of the death penalty. <See WISELY, Page .\2) BallOonists retUm to Mesa Pair who crossed U.S. non-stop recall record flight By PHIL SNBIDEaMAN ot .. o. ......... Aerial ad•enturers Jobn Sboecraft and Fred Gorrell became lnternaUonal celebrities left October wben they pllcUd Super Cblckeo Ill on the &II aon-1top helium balloon fUcbt acroa tbe Unlted Statel. The Pboenlx ba1lae11.._ea returned to tWr iauDebpablt - Oranp Co8lt O.U... ta Colla ..... -'l'banda7 to fr'OTe dMlr ..,.. fame bala't U...S tMm to ror1et tbe people wbo ........ tbetr rec:ord IJflbt 1et olf IM trouad. . lboeeralt reulltd that tM first two Slptr =-=Cbiekea ero11-eoaatr1 attem .,.... .. :.. ... •-Jrom ., ... :. ,. He •aid 20 other launch sites were studied. "We needed a cban1e of acenery and new people to be interested and uched about our pro1ram," Sboecrilft aald. ''Tbe · . ·".We hdil given up on living." f rHpoue was onrwbelmln1• we et <>ranee eo.t eou ...... Tiie two pilots laed YOwec1 to Nturn to tbe c..,. to ~ tll•ir tu1bt II HCeHlful. Tbunda1 nlabt, before aa aucllmce tbat flUed ID09t " tile colleC, audllorhun. tM ..,. 11-t ... ~ ...... ~ the audience saw Shioeeraft Ud Gorrell reluinf ID yellow patio chain, each bold!"\ a 'bottle ol beer. Tbe pt'Oll'am cooliat.d ol • caaual conversation and Ute partnen aftm traded qulpe. "How did you like that ,..- bul.ter we ate on ~ fDPt?" Shoeeraft' aalted: "Tbe pe.anut b•tter WH okay," GorreU replied. "a.t tryln1 to sDN8d honey ..... It was 20 below aero •'t sometblnc el.le. It troee ln ., teeth... . But Sboecraft bHame men Ml'IOUI wlMe M ctb(~ ... the ftnt ~ Cblell•lol9, with ....... eo-Dllot ...... bee••• "E la , •. fteree tlladw..,. OlalO. c ... ? .., MODllT HIRO -Lennie Skutnik said tie fl•• .. insulted .. when one television representatt.ve offered him money to appear on a talk show. "She wasn't going to srab that tile rope again so I jumped in," Skutnik said. ·'They told me the water wu 31 desrees, but I didn't feel a tblng. ICy adrenallne waa ..pumping. After I eot into the ambulance, I started sba.kiJll .and my toes were numb," be said. Skutnik sw•m abcMa 31 felt into the lcy waten afd .-... and pulled the U •yf .... otf '"f.maft to 1hore. · t . ; t"irst rtports 14•• . •om81) .. a _. .. ,.. .. µ..nean , tMlt 'Sllll'911llr name ti Pti berll ..... the cruh. at u peeple~ ... ··--" Skutnik, married wftil . ti etas~. · '. J1· boys, said Thursday th.t doesn't tnow bow to react to outpocartq of public aeotimtmt over bla aetioa. ''A woman called 11M ia tean .. tUd ..... lmlbaacl bad died •a.ile fa the Nav1 attempttnc a . rtt1cUe •hllil• to ••t I ba4 ... e •• $btldk amid,. • •'Mae said .... d ietten ~ llledal ol '**' ... Ille .... •to 11v_e _At to •• IMc••se rellllpted her of Ma action. A tlrtt I JU1t tllou11f.t lt wa ,.rt.en who were ma. ... d cawq me. , '· _ .. 111111 llllJ Nit FRIOAY,JAN.1S, 1912 CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS 82-3 84 87 Are you boring? Then Saturday is the day just for you . Read Hugh Mulligan on Page 82. ' 0 0 City, raD~h ne~ pact on super shopping mall? BY &lat\llD O&EEN ................. f'tnal aareement may be .near ·I on a plan calllnc for the Irvine· • 'Company to guarantee up to Sl million a year to the City of Irvine in exchanle for blndlng approval to bulld a "super shopping maJI." That's the assessment of Irvine Councilman Bill Vardoulis, who says that ~er nine months of neeotiations on the plan, there are sicns that aireement is near because or a statement by company President Peter J<remer. • "'Now we are anxious to complete the development agreement,'' Kremer told City CouncU members Tuesday. "We hope the agreement will give the nompany reasonable assurance that we wiJI be able to complete Irvine Center ... (and ) Juarantees the city receipt of revenues..'' Irvine Center is the name for the commercial development the company intends to build on a triangle of land formed by the STRANGE MOUNDS -These mounds near the intersection of Harvard Avenue and University Drive in Irvine may look Santa Ana, Sao Dleao and Laguna freeways in Irvine. The land, much of it in oran1e 1roves, now bean the company sign, "Site of future Realonal Super Shopping Center." City officials are lookine to the commet-clal center as the major source of sales tax revenue on which municipal O{>erations will be based. Vardoulis explained that •. without the sales tax revenue from Irvine Center. the city won't be able to provide city services for proposed Irvine ,C o m p a n y r e s i d e n t l a l developments. That's why the city want.a the company to e nter into a 'development a 1 ree meat guaranteeing that the company will aive revenue to the city starting this year as lf Irvine Center were built and a sales tax revenue was being generated. For its part, company officials are Interested in entering into the agreement to insure a future Irvine City Council doesn't change the zoning on U>e land Dlllly""' __ ., ""** O' .... strange, but they arc really just piles or vegetation and dirt cleaned out of'a storm channel in Mason Re&ional Park. HOspital waste dumping said 'accident' Illegal cache of infectious material at Santiago Canyon draws probe By DAVID IUJTZMANN °' .. Dllfo( ""'IWt The illegal dumping of nine bags of infectious hospital. wastes at Orange County landfill was described Thursday as purely accidental by UC Irvine Medical Center officials. The county ls investigating the incident. The discovery ol the wastes at the Santiago Canyon Waste Disposal Station east of Orange came only a day after health officials assured the county Board of Supervisors that there were no m_,or problems with the illegal dumping of infectious wastes in Orange County. The nine red-colored plastic bag, were found by workers at the Santiago waste disposal station at about 9 : 30 a .m . Thursda~. The color red is used to identify the bags as containing infectious wastes. By afternoon, Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande had already called for a county Health Department probe. Nestande said in an interview that his main concern in ordering the investigation was in determining whether s uch wastes were being routinely - and illegally -dumped at county disposal sites. ••I would hope that it is not a common practice," he said. UCI officials, contacted later Thurs day. insisted that the sealed bags were taken to the Santiago Canyon dump site strictly by accident. However, they couldn't say if the same type of mistake had ever occurred before. The bags contain various hospital wastes, such as paper products and lubin_g, which are used in the treatment of patients at UCI Medical Center in Orange. No body tissues or other organic materials were in the bags. Both county and university officials stressed that the wastes could only prove harmful if s wallowe d or if so meone punctured his or her skin on a sharp object. A medical center spokesman said the was tes -which normally are sterilized in the hospital's autoclave -were apparenUy placed in the wrong dumpster for disposal purposes. The medical fa c ility's incinerator had b ee n temporarily out or service at the time , requiring the waste material to be picked up by a special f i rm for sanitary disposal. However, hospital officials said, another disposal company picked up the bags with the regular trash because they were accidentally placed ln the wrong dumpster. and prohibit the con1trucUon ~ Irvine Center. That'• what happened in Newport Beach In 1979 when the City Council there passed a gene11al plan amendment stallln& company plan1 for a major expansion of Newport Center. Historically, city councils have been legallf prevented rrom enter ng Into development ag ree.ments bindin& future city councils. · However , under state legislation, city councils now have the power to enter into such agreements, 1ald VardoullB. . He noted tha.t these agreement.a are flexible enouah, however, to allow a future·clty council to cbante zonln& tr development of a eiven pro1ect would cause a ma or e nvironmental or safety problem. The 480-acre commercial center is to include three major hotels, a 1.75 million square foot regional sboppinc center and four million square feet or office· space. DA in Irvine, raps 'system' Los Angeles District Attorney John Van de Kamp said Thursday in a speech before the Irvine Chamber of Commerce that society bas to stop "trifling with the wicked ana makine sport of the innocent." He underscored the statement by sayine that this year he'd like to see: -Reform of the bail system to insure violent criminals remain In jail while awaiting trial. -A reduction of time -consuming trial continuances, which be suggested are sometimes sought by attorneys who want to lengthen court proceeding .ao that their legal fees are lncre&Hd. -Passa ge of Senate Constitutional Amendment 7, a measure draftelt by Van de Kamp and submitted by state Sen . Robert·· Presley, D-Riverslde, which proponents say would set clearer rules for the aathering of evidence by law effteers. Van de Kamp said in the speech before about 150 people at the Registry Hotel that under present judicial restrictions in force in California, technicalities often prevent evidence from. being used against criminals. He said that these restrictions originally were intended to make s ure that law officers didn't do t.bings like commit burglaries and beat suspects to gather evidence. However, these restrictions have been interpret ed too strictly, meaning that criminal trials often turn on evidentiary technicalities, Van de Kamp claimed. "We have to ask ourselves who is on trial, the defendant or police?" Van de Kamp said. Under SCA 7, restrictions on DllllyNle .......... SPEAKER Los Angeles District Attorney John Van de Kamp s p eaks to the li'r v in e C h a mb e r of Commerce. the gathering or evidence in California would coincide with federal judicial requirement.a on the matter, he said. SCA 7 bas passed the state Senate and is now in committee in the Assembly. If approved by the full Assembly. the measure could be placed before voters in November, Van de Kamp noted. B.e.foi:e_ delivering the speech in Irvine, Van de Kamp .,vas in a two-hour press conference in Los Angeles in which be announced there was insufficient evidence to file criminal charges against Signal Hill police in the jail cell hanging of college football star Ron Settles. -BY RICHARD GREEN condo commentary make developer. wary? ONCE AROUND THE BEAT: The trouble with living along this best of all possible coa~ts these days is things keep happening and won't stand still and it's hard to keep up. Great. piles of eart h are happe ning e ven toda y along Ma c Arthur Boulevard , jus t inland of Corona del . Mar. A stylish sign near the dirt pilea announces, "Residential Units:'' You wonder if this means more condominiums? If IO, the signmaker apparently changed the wording to "residential" when compared' to a similar sign put up earlier on Jamboree Road some time back. It directly announced, .. Another New Condominium.·· , . SOME MISCHIEVOUS miscreant came a long on that one and using preclaely the same paint and style or lettering, chan1ed the sign to read, "Another --New Condominium." The expletive deleted here was clearly editorial condeltlflation of condos but. alas. cannot be repeated in a family Jo~maJ. • The subeUtute alp WU .., well wrought, however, that lt ltood for some time, amusing passing motorists. before tbi developers ca\llllt on to it. The project defies modern technology. Make a few trips up Fairview and you become convinced the signals are synchronized for traffic moving at 108 mph. ••• FAIRVIEW, HOWEVER, is no worse than the left-tum pocket off Coast Highway at Morning Canyon Road in Corona del Mar. The signal never turns green for the left turners. Rumor has it that the reason they never fixed the signal was that awhile back. a middle-aged gentleman pulled into the left turn pocket there and while waiting for the light to change to green. died of old age. They buried him right there because the light wouldn't tum green for the hearse. Now authorities don't want to disturb his final resting place to fix tfie signal wires. • , •• * TIONGS KEEP CHANGING in the old newspaper dodge, too. lt bas been widely rumored recently that the Santa Ana Register is installing a test kitchen. Newspaper people used to worry a bout secret government meetings, triple-ax murders and left-tum signals that don't work. Now it's apparently testing muffins. , You have to hope the guys on the Register watch the yeast or they may find the whole newspaper plant 'has moved~ Yorba Linda. If you happer. to heat about a lar1e explosion on Grand Avenue in Santa Ana, you'll know that recipe won't be malting the news columns. • j l · • \ . • ., '.1111mc• •John Spencer memorial •et Memorial services for lon1Ume Balboa resident Jolaa Staley Speae~r, who died . Sunday, will be held Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. at the Lasuna Hills United Methodist Church. Mr. Spencer was a n year member of the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge and a member since 1935 of the Cement Masons. He ls survived by bis wile, l Dorothy, two brothers, Fred of Tacoma, Wash. and Tom of Portland, Ore., .. and two slaters, Tena Craigmiles of Crestline and Charity Lyons of Portland, Ore. He also leaves a granddaughter, Deborah Sue Hanrahan of Bellingham, Wash., and two greal- grandsoos. The family requests that donations be made to the American Heart Association. • Publuher joiJUJ board Publishing executive Ber~ W. SaUoa of Corona del Mar bu been named to the board of trustees of the City ol Hope Medical Center in Duarte. Sutton, chairman and chief executive officer of Sutton Industries, a Newport Beach based printing and publishing company, bas been active ln the Newport Harbor Chapter of the City of Hope, said City of Hope spakesman Joe Broady. City of Hope offers free care to patients sulferlne from cancer, Leukemia, heart diseases , blood diseases, lung dis eas es, diabete s and other hereditary and metabolic disorders. • Meaan wins Eagle rank Breat Scltellltaae, 18, ol Costa Mesa received the Eagle Scout Awards during ceremoo.les al the El.ts Olub in Newport Beach . . Schellhase bas been active in Boy Scout Troop 666 since 1971 and attends UC Irvine, where he ia majoring in computer sciences. The Eagle Scout Award is the highest honor given in scouting . La s t year Schellhase attended the National World Jamboree In Sweden and the National Jamboree in Virginia. • Weekend ski triJM planned Two weet• ski tri,. t.o Mammoth Moantaln laave been scheduled this winter by the Newport lltMh Pub. Beaches and •e ... atlft Department. The trips are Jan. 29, 30 and 31 and March 19, 20 and 21. The excursion fee, which I iAcludeB bus transportation. food and lift ticketa, ia "5 a person. On el.ch bip. ·u. 1MI wtD depart from the Newport Beach City Hall at 5:80 p.m. Forfurtherioformation,eall 540-2271. • Baby sitting clinic• due Baby sittlng clinics for 12 and 13-year-olds will be offered by the Costa Mesa Junior Women's Club Jan. 16 and 23 at th e police auditorium, 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Whal mothers expect from babysitters will be discussed .hn. 9. A nurse will talk about child care and feedin& Jan. 16. And police and fire officials will give safety tips Jan. 23. Thos e interested in attending the free Saturday clinics from 9:30 to 11 :30 a .m . can call 546-2586 or 839-7476 to sign up. • Me.a,.'s daughter cited at college A former Costa Mesa woman bas been honored for malotalnlng a 4.0 grade point average la.at fall at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kan. Betit Venard, daughter ol Dick and Carol Venard of Costa Mesa, is one of o students who achieved the ~gh hooor. .. lillyl'llll FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1982 CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS Newport oil wells • running By STEVE llA&8LE ol .. Dmtr,... ..... Newport Beach ls back in the oil business. 'For tbe first time in nearly a year, 16 oil wells located on the dusty uplands of West Newport have been put back ln motion, bringing 1!iO barrels of the crude to the surface each day. The wells were shut down last January at the height of a dispute between city officials and Robert Armstrong, an oilman who had operated the rigs for 12 years. The wells are slant drUled into offshore tidelands .owned by the stale but controlled by the city. Armstrong, no longer running the wells, now ls suing the city. The city presenUy ls allowing a Long Beach oil firm to operate the wells and projections are that Newport's annual oil revenue will soar from $180,000 to $1.2 million a year. The dispute which led to the shutdown was one of economics. Armstrong has been gl'1ng the city a 12 percent cut of the ·profits and city officials agreed they likely could do much better than that. As it now stands, Newport's temporary agreement with the Sampson Oil Company brings the city an 88 percent cul of the profits while the operators gel the 12 percent cut. The city's money goes into its tidelands fund, money which must be used on beach and harbor maintenance. The temporary agreement with Sampson Oil, explains City Manager Robert Wynn, soon will be replaced by a two-year contract after city officials seek competitive bids. 1t is unknown, be says, bow many firms will vie/or the right to pump oil ln Newport. Wynn aaya the city will select the flllll .Un.int Newport the best lllbetaf return. Be says oilman Armstrong may set into the bidding if he wishes. NB police • gaven van The Koll Company bas given the Newport Beach police department a $17,600 van to be used by the department's SWAT team. The gift was accepted by the Newport City Council this week. The new van, Police Chier Charles Gross explained, will allow his department to transport SWAT team members and their equipment in one vehicle. In the past, be noted, SW AT team equipment has been haufed in a small prison van while officers ride in separate cars. 82·3 84 87 Are you bhting? Then Saturday is the day just for you. Read Hugh Mulligan on Page 82. D 0 ) I seniors, Moose clash l Mesa TLC locked out of kitchen in damage dispute lb JODI CADENHEAD o1 .. o. ........... About 140 needy Costa Mesa senior cituens were forced to eat cold lunches wltb pJuUc utensils Thunday after TLC officials were barred from their kitchen by the Costa Mesa Moose Lodae. The Feedback Foundation Transportation Lunch Counseling program, which administers hot lunches to seniors in the county, waa scheduled to move Wednesday from the Moose Lodge at '35 E. 17th St. to a new location at Rea Middle School, 601 Hamilton Ave., in Cosfa Mesa. But Monday the locks were changed. And .Wednesday lodge members refused to open the doors to TLC workers wanUni to mov.e refriaerators, a dishwasher,· microwave oven, tables, chairs, silverware and files. .. It's mind bojjli.nj," said TLC program director Shirley Cohen. "I can't really believe they would do such a thing. This is state a.nd federal property." At issue ls the replacement of 1,800 square reel of carpet installed two years ago by TLC officials. Moose Lodge members say lt is shabby, dirty and ' falling apart. Until TLC agrees to install new carpet, Moose members say they'll keep the kitchen equipment. "I know it a>akes me look like a hard nose," said lodge secretary Dan Reddick. "But I know that once they got out they wouldn't do anything. ,,. "When they get enough people complaining they can't eat, then they'll do something," be added. .. ...., ......... ..,"'" ...... DISPUTED CARPET -Costa Mesa Moose Lodge member Je~n .Welty examines a worn piece or carpet at the lodge ; bulldmg once used by Feedback Foundation's TLC : program. Until the carpet is replaced, Moose members say ~ the~·u keep TLC's kitchen equipment used to feed needy seniors . Reddick said he would be willins to turn over the kitchen utensi.la, but was outvot.ecl by tbe us c g' els 4 pom· ts Moose Lodae board during a meetlnl Tuesday night. Lodce a&torney Spencer Alter • h I sen\ I ,letter to TLC iiir11ln SC 00 1·ssue headquarters Tuesday " instruct.in& them that the lodge ls placing a lien against the property. When TLC moved to the Moose Lodge ln December 1979 new carpeting was installed along with a celling, kitchen floor and bathroom, said Ms. Cob en. · The carpeting has been a headache ever since, she said. "But we also put in a new ceiHng, lights, and a floor," said Ms . Cohen. "All that stuff is being left, so they're ahead.'' Wi.lbout the kitchen equipment it's going to be very difficult to prepare food and keep it warm, said Ms. Cohen. By late Thursday, TLC officials had located an extra steamer, so that food fixed at the Santa Ana office could be kept warm untiJ it reached Costa Mesa. Corona del Mar buslnes11 leaders have drafted a list ol su1gestions they want the Unive.rsity of Southern California to consider before opeoiq a graduate school In a residential neighborhood. Directors of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce suggest their four-point list cbuld help the university overcome opposition to the graduate school plan. USC has leased a vacant Corona d el Mar elementary s chool as a bu s ine ss adminis tration graduate campus. But efforts to open the school this week were blocked by homeowners who complain day and night classes at the campus wlll cause too much noise and traffic. Residents have filed a lawsuit against USC. But chamber directors suggest residents might be won over if USC agreed to: -Replace and add to playground facilities at the abandoned school. -Allow community use ol the school auditorium and schedule cultural events at the campus. -Offer courses other than business that might be of interest to local residents. -Improve maintenance of the school and its grounds. USC officials said they have seen the suggestions bot have not formally considered them. Homeowners and USC I officials are to meet in court later this month. USC also must obtain a development permit I from the state Coastal I Commission. A bearing on that permit is to be held in late t 1 February. j ~~' ~ Did c~ndo comment~ make developer wary? ONCE AROUND THE BEAT: The tr~~e with li ving along this best or au possible coasts these days is things keep happening and won't stand still and irs hard to keep J I I up. Great piles of earth are happening e ven toda y along 1M a c A rt h u r f\oulev a rd , j us t inland of Corona del . .Mar. A stylish sign near the dirt piles anno,unces, "Residential Units:" You wonder if this means more condominiums? If so, the signmaker apparently changed the wording to "residential" when compared· to a similar sign put up earlier on Jamboree Road some time back. It directly announced, "Another New Condominium." SOME MISCHIEVOUS miscreant came along on that one and using precllely the same paint and style of lettering, chan1ed the sign to r'ead, .. Another --New Condomlnium." The expletive deleted here· was clearly editorial condemnation of condos but, alas, oannot be ~ted in a family journal. The 1ubltltute 1ip Vlf//I IO welJ wrought, however, that it Mod for tome tible, amu1in9 PHSil\I motorists, before the developei's cau;ti& on to It. The project defies modern technology. Make a few trips up Fairview and you become convinced the signals are synchronized for traffic moving at 108 mph. *** FAIRVIEW, HOWEVER, is no worse than the left-turn pc>cket off Coast Highway at Morning Canyon Road in Corona de l Mar. The signal never turns green for the left turners. • Rumor has it that the reason they never fixed the signal was that awhile back. a middle-aged gentleman pulled into the left turn pocket there and while waiting for the light to change to green, died of old age. They buried him right there because the light wouldn't tum green for the hearse. Now authorities don't want to disturb his final resting place to fix the signal wires. ••• TIUNGS KEEP CHANGING in th~ old newspaper dodge, too. It has been widely rumored recently that the Santa Ana Register is installine a test kitchen. Newspaper people used to worry about secret government meetings, triple·ax murders and left-tum sfgna& thal don•t work. N"ow it's apparently testing muffins. You have to hope the guys on the Register watch the yeast or they may find the whole newspaper plant •has moved to Vbrba Llnda. Jf you happen to hear about 'a larae exploelon on Grand Avenue in Santi Ana, you'U know that recipe won't be mlkinl the news columns. YOO RAVI TO WONDER whO'll they'll test the new recipes on. I' bit lt isn't the advertlaln1aalel1tarr. You waat to Wit_. reclpee cm.somebody wbo ll ex.,....blt. aey•11 ~y UH tome edttOn, ' I I I l I I I I ' S.1• P ~ "Cit (IOW C I ,,.~,i-i 1t A ,. Ut» "• -11111 • f ti ,.~ , ., " "o; ,. . ! ~llC~aa ! IA Jos _... I{ ~ 140 t IS )l'l'I+ W. 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'°"' homes with ~ate insurance qalost a ~Una lou. But what about the. contents? II r.-r covera1e enou•b to repl~ your furniture, 'f\f Mb, curtains, ru11? Or even tD match their cub ntn wben you boUMbt them? ... The oijds are \ your lnsuranH is not adequate for your bom•'• ClOlitents. And ytt, thllla Where you a.re IDDll •ulnerable in today's tra of •-1rockeling buralarie.s . Burit.anes account for near1y half Of all serious crimes rep0rted by the FBI; our aDQUl.l Joues run into the hundredS ol millions; adequate IQturance is beconilti1 ever more vital to you. Typically, coverage on the COl\leJats ti YoUr home wUI come to h41f the totaJ or inlw-aJ.tee on 7ou.r house. Th'US, lf )'OUlaave a policy with $80,000 ot !Ql_.,.ance on your home, yo11 also wouJd have M0,000 ha coverage on &he coo.t.enta -not enough to cover tbl aetual cash value of better-than-averaee fumlt~ ~V. curtains, drapes, SC)fu, carpets, rugs, etc.. mucb less their replacemMt value. · ' Actual cub vaJue takes into account the use you have already received from the ltem. 'lberefore, if you bad a claim for 5-year-old TV set, you would collect the cost of another set ol the seme age and type. . ; You could protect yourself by 1elting a homeowners policy endorsement for replacement value coverage of your home's coatents. With this endorsement, you would colJect enough to get a new TV set ol like kind and quality. Also with that endorsement, in most states some companies increase contents coverage to 70 percent or the amount or insurance on the home, says Joe Strawn, vice president of Fireman's Fund Insurance Companies. Therefore. a homeowners policy for $80,000 would Include $56,000 for the contents, instead or the standard $40,000. The cost varies from company to company and state to state, but as a broad average, it is 10 percent of the base homeowners premium. This contents coverage is for common types or property: couches, chairs, etc. It is not intended for speciaf property (jewelry, One arts. sculpture, antiques). Insurance companies in most states, for instance. limit coverage for silverware to $1 ,000 - unrealistic today. In fact, Strawn points out that a set or silver bought in June 1978 for $5,000 wouJd cost $9,700 to replace today. A diamond ring appraised for $5,000 m June 1978 wouJd cost $7, 700 today. H you have this type of property. ask your fosurance agents to look into personaJ property "floaters." These policies provide "all risk" coverage for special property. you set the coverage limits . The cost of floaters depends on several factors, including the value, use and location of tbe insured item. Jewelry floaters range from 95 cents per $100 or coverage in Alabama to between $1.65 and $2.65 in California. Floaters for furs average $1 per $100 coverage, and silver averages 50 cents per $100. Fine arts and collectibles are individuaJly appraised. The many factors that determine rates for those items make it impossible to develop an average amount'. If you, the policyholder. are to get the fuJl benefit from your insurance, you must have an accurate appraisal of the property to be insured. Admittedly, professionaJ apptaisaJs take time and money. Your insurance company may be able to provi(je adequate, up-to-date coverage without invol\'ing a professionaJ appraisal. $T0CIS IN THE SPOruGHT AMERICAN lfADEIS 'tl:m '·=:= •t0'7GO --ii~ Ii ,..:100 ...... UPS All IOWllS NIWVOM~-..... _,,__,.. 'f!!:!I!.!! ..... - - -... Ii:'" ___ ....,.,.._.. __ _ s.it>ronEng 1 915! 31'11 + l'l'I W.caE,. t llO s~ -"' Oome"""l • 15'1, llMll + ... Pt•-otl m.soo "" • "' Qvs-...ot• m.100 " + "' ~' "·'· ., -\\ ~~ ..... llll. + ~ I"''~ • ":= T--"' All. Ifft ..... 1' • "' ;