HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-16 - Orange Coast Pilot.. " ii' • I '· -... t YDlilliTlll llllY-PAPll '-:>AlUHOAY JANUAHY 11i 1'1H.' OHANGE COUN I Y ( ALIFOH NIA 25 CENTS -lnfectioU~· ·waSte disposal issue--heats up - ' By. FKEDEKICK SCllOElll£HL Of .............. The i11ue of alleged illegal disposal of infectious waste lri Orange Countr escalated Friaay, with county health department 'officials reporting the following deveJopments: -St. ....Joseph's Hospital, Orange, was said to h ave clumped "about 100" baes of inf eclious waste at the Santiago Ca~yon landfill located in the Sann Ana Mountains east of Orange. A hoepital spokesman· con firm ed ~h e dumpine occurred and blamed it on an employee's lack o r understanding of waste disposal policies. -Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, was said to have dumped another 10 bags of infectious waste et the Santiago Can yo n sil'e. A h·ospilal administrator said onJy nine of the bags were froJD Western Medical He said none contained infectious materJaJ, per se. -Several. bags labeled "infectious waste" were found at the Coyote Canyon landfill near UC Irvine. They were later traced to Hoag M•morl8' Hospital, Newport Beach. where a spokeswoman said the error r~flected an "isolated" incident. -The UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange was accused of gross violations of procedures for U)e proper handling of infectious waste prior to its removal Cro m the h ospital fac ility . A m edical center spokeswoman said protedures had been ·'improper" and that steps wer e be ing taken to correct them. One employee believed responsible for some llleeal practices was suspended. she sald. Dumping or untreated infectious waste at ·county landfllJs is prohibited; all waste dumped at such facililies either must be sanitized by pressurized ste'm treatment or incinerated, CS!,llnty health officials saiJi. -lnfeclious wa!lle can be anything from the disposal gowns worn by operating room personnel to fluids collected when patients undergo artificial ..... kidney treatments. Such waste also includes ~sslnga, tubing, syringes and otber treatment materials. The infectious waste dumping issue l>lew open Thursday when it was discll)sed that bags of infectious was te Crom UCI m e dical center had been dumped at Santiago Canyon without being treated. Me dical center officials conceded the waste had been dumped, but said it was in eN'or. They said the center 's apparatus used for the pressurized steam treatment of waste had been under repair and that a n ~ployee had wrongly placed the wasl1l in a bin designated for dis posa l of non ·infectious materials. Late Friday morning, !tt a press conrerence called on county budget issues, Boar<J of Supervisors chairman Bruce Nestande told reporters there had b ee n ·''a se ri ous <See INF~CTIOUS, Page AZ) F ~A ._ rejects-lowering / Wayne cutback level Aband on ing a Arevious position, a ranking Federal Aviation Administration official s aid Friday that t h e jet departure proceiiure now in effect at John Wayne Airport will not be changed to lower noise exposur e to residents Jiving beneath jet departure paths. Donald Segnor , associat e administrator of the agency. informed the oCfice of county Supervisor Thomas Riley that J . Lynn H e lm s, FAA administrator, had decided Monday to keep the c urrent takeoff procedure in effect. Segnor's remarks two months ago. Supervisor Thomas Riley was sai d b y Hall to be "di sappointed" by the FAA 's ruling. Hall said Ril~y. however. remains committed to acliieving noise reductions at the airport. But. Hall warned. the FAA decision could mean that plans lo increase the numbe r of permitted daily departures.Jrom the airport, now set at 41 , could be in jeopardy. ll was the county•s plan to increase the departures to a maximum of SS as overall noice reductions.were made. Lowering of the cutback altitude was considered a major component in the county's noise reduction pl an. Mark Peterson, spokesman for AirCal, which now operates an average of 23.5 flights per day from the airport, s aid airline officials likewise wert! ··disappointed " with the ruling. ··Fr o m a n ope r atio n s perspective, we don't think his co n c lu s ions ca n be substantiated," Peterson said. Neither county nor airlines o ffi cia l s seem ed ove rly optimistic that the ruling to m aintain the l,OOO·foot cutback altitude could be modified in the near future. "Perhaps in· time," Peterson said. FRIENDSHIP DONATIONS -Students of St. Bonaventure School in Huntington Beach put soap and other needed items into ··friendship Dlilly ~ ..... Illy LM ~­ box es" for Polish children. Students from left are De nise Folga . Dave Davis. Jim McKinley. and John Rief. That procedure requires that pilots bring their aircraft lo an altitude of 1,000 feet above the ground before instituting engine power cutbacks that reduce noise. County government officials and representaCives of the five commercihl air carrierg serving the airport have been lobbying for several months to lower the cutback altitude to 500 feet. Such a change, they contend would red u c~ noise exposure . The 500-foot standard was in effect at the airport until J anuary 1979, when the FAA, citing safety ,concerns, raised it to l,000 feet. Flight recorder eludes search Students pack frkndship boxes and send it tO Poland • in Last fall. the FAA conducted an evaluation of three takeoff procedures at the airport. In November. Segnor, appearing at a news conference in Riley's office, said a new c utback procedure would be approved. He said at the time that the cutback altitud e would be lowef"ed to an elevation between 400 and 700 feet. WASHINGTON (AP > - Divers pulled another eight bodies from the frozen Potomac River on Friday, but failed to retrieve voice and flight recorders that co uld s ubstantiate m o unt i n g suspicions that a buildup of ice calJsed the Air Florida jetliner crash which took 78 lives. By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. IWty "*Sutt Students of St. Bonaventure School in Huntington Beach have put together more than 600 "friendship boxes" destined for ·needy children in Poland. • The small boxes contain items that reportedly are unavailable in that strife·torn country. Soap is the most important ingredient in the boxes, which also Include toothpaste, tooth bushes, combs, Jle.DCil, paper, hair ribbons and s·mall t oys , said a school spokeswoman. Orange County Red Cross officiaJs say a shortage of soap poses a possible health hazard. "We're really proud of the kids," said teacher Judy Bel. "They really came through and worked a Jot of hours. They're very aware of human rights and the privilege of giving that we have in America,·· s he said. M~e classes seJ Marine activity will be the sul1h!ct of several classroom and waterfront courses offere d during the spring semester at Coastline Community Col~ege. Course topics include celestiaJ nayigation, basic boat.Ing skills, . sailing, marine weath~r. ocean survival, medicine at sea and marlinspike steamship. Most registrations must be completed by Jan. 29. More information on the marine courses can be obtained by caJling the college, 963·0811. MIW .IUDGI -Jack K. Mandel w~a installed thls week as a Superior Court' Judie for Orange County .. ' About 650 of the boxes were put together Thursday and Friday, she said. Red Cross ofCicials say they recently initiated the friendship box concept because the items a r e needed a nd th.e s mall packages a re inexpensive to ship. They say the 'donations will reach needy families by truck or train under lhe s upervision or the Polish Red Cross. , "I thought it was neat to help tbe Polish kids because they don 't have anything," said Tifrany Hoover , a 13-year-old eighth grader from Huntington Beach. "I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.'' The private school has 700 students in grades one through eight. They've been bringing in don1ltions from their families for the past week, Mrs. Bel said. "We hope the donations from St. Bonaventure will encourage other schools to contribute," said Debbie Bucheleu of the Orange County Red-Cross. She said small toys can't have Anaheim attorney ·new judge Anaheim lawyer Jack K. Mandel has been sworn in this week as an Orange County Superior Court judge. Mandel, 45, bas practiced law for 20 years and was named the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association's trial lawyer of the year ln 1975. . A native of ' Erie, Pa., he received a bachelor's degree from· Allqheny College in 1958, _ a l aw deg-ree from ltte University of Pennsylvania in 1961 and a !rulJler's-~ree in Oriental studies rrom . the Unlvenity of Arlsona in 1967. AD associate professor of Jaw at Western Slate University, Colle1e of'. Law and socloloey ln atructor -at Cat State, Fullerton, Mandel also Is a former vice chairman of lbe • Oranse County FaJr Campalp PracUces Coinmlaion and"'il a former member of the boa.r:d of cllrec:tors ol the Oran1e County Halfway Houle. Mandel and hls wife, Judy, r"lde ln Fullerton with tbeir four --.. Joah, u : David, 14; Jeremy, 12 and Benjamin, ll. anything to do with religion or politics bf-cause the Red Cross has a neutral policy in these ar eas to gain entrance into communist countries. "Although these boxes are intended for children, we know if a family is out of soap the donation will .help adults too. Word Crom the Danis h Red Cross indicates they can't keep things clean over there because or a shortage of soap.·· Ms. Bucheleu says it costs about $1 to ship each box to · Poland. Sbe says the Red Cross is accepting donations to pay for shipping. Ken HaJI, a Riley a ide, said Segnor told him that reducing the cutback altitude to below 1,000 feet would create too much of a workload for crews of jets departing from the airport. Segnor could not be reached for comment. One county official said he was "shocked, stunned," by the FAA 's d ecision in light of Francis McAdpms, head of the N alionaJ Transportation Safety Board investigation, said the Boeing 737 wailed 45 to 49 minutes between its last de·icing a nd its takeoff Wednesday a(ternoon. Ice on an airplane can alter aerodynamics, add too much weight and jam wing and Lail flaps. "Any lime there is visible ice . . . under the circumstances. it's a definite issue." McAdams .told reporters Friday afternoon. McAd ams, o n e of fiv e Severe cold freezes Midwest. Readings of 20 to 45 below may break re~cords By The Associated Press A fast·moving wave of snow and bitter cold sUced into the Mid west on Friday. forcing snowplows off the str eets in Minnesota and school buses \e turn back in Nebraska. Jn the South,' thousands of workers tried to dig their cities out from under a double blanket of snow .. Snow falling early Friday over some upper Midwestern states was dancing in winds of up to 3S mph , cutting visibility. Forec as t ers predicted dangerous, near -blizzard conditions. ' In Iowa, the weather service urged businesses to. let workers go· home early.· Near-blizzard ·condilions were r e ported in Montana , where th e 'temperature hit 11 below at Cut Bank, and wind chills of 70 below were reported in some parts of the state .. "Get off the highways." said Soutb Dakota Highway PJtrol LL. Jim Jorgenson. "We don't have enough people or facilities to get out there for people who get inlo trouble by not heeding the good advice about no travel conditions." "We're going to see a rerun of last weekend.'' said Dea n Nesley of the NWS In Minnesota. referring to days of subzero temperatures and winds that combined to make a wind chill factor or so below to 100 below. The cold was ex ~cted to move inlo the South by Sunday, bad news for states socked by two snowstorms in as many days. The National Weather Service said the Canadian cold wave was expected to be at least as bad as the one that plunged the 'nation into a deep freeze last weekend with the lowest temperatures of ttie century. That cold began a week of severe weather blamed for the deaths of 218 people. Federal investigators in Washington, meanwhile, bope that flight recorders still Watch/or bridge.column submerged in the Potomac Charles H. Gorell at'claimed River will tell them whether a a1110ng card players' around the s nowstorm C1>ntributed to world as ''Mr. Bridle/' briNs Wednesday's crash or an Air his column with strate1lea and -F&orida-jeW.ner, which killed 78 -pointers-to the pa1es of the people. <See accompanying Daily Pilot{ starting Sunday. story). His co umn, "Goren on Cities from the Dakotas to Bridge" wiU appear every day 1Uina'8 were warned to expect ln the Dally Pilot. ll will• • ..,_. .record·breaJdnt l~wa. • ln the Cavalcade section • Ovemlght Iowa were f'Xpected ·weekdays and as a rt1ular to tance from 20 below to 45 realure Saturdays and Sundays. below acrou the O.kotas, Goren be1an his tournament .Nebr8'ka, Mlnneaola, Iowa and career tn 11111 and for Ute next · -Wlaconaln. . three decades, won almoel every ''People should have. national and international groceries, fuel and essentiaJ brtd1e honor. supplies on,hand io last up to a · It was his "Point· Count wHk," said Ken Schriner of BldClin1 in Contract Brld1e" Cedar 1\apids, Iowa, chairman pub 1 I ah e d l n 194 8 that of the county b~ard of revolulionlaed the 1ame and supervisors. ;-brO\tCbt expert bldd1ns practJce I t within reach of the-average player. Goren's Daily Pilot column is also augmented by advice and hints from famed motion plcture star Omar Sharif, who is no stranger to the championship bridge scene. Sharif bas won IJlany matjor toumamenls and ls al familiar rt1ure at world championships. lo 1987, Sharif 1atbered some or the world's 1reatest players to form the Omar Sharl! Brielle CirCUI and ror two years, th.e circus toured several conUnenll. matc.hina aldlls a1alnst local charripkN. Be sure lo read Ooten oo Brld1e. featurlna Omar Sbarif, every day in the Dally Pilot. members of t h e National Transportation Safety Board, said a Braniff pilot. saw ice on the 737 jet just before it took off, and one investigator said the pilot was several hundred feet away. ··He believes he saw ice building up on the fu selage ;md the wings," McAdams said. M cAdams told reporters Friday afternoon that the Afr Florida jet could have stood in a snowstorm for up to 40 minutes after being de ·iced . But Thursday he sai4 the plane was de·iced for the second lime during its stop at National Airport between 3: 10 p. m. and 3: 15 p.m. It was cleared for ita takeoff run at 23 seconds after 3 \59 p.m . Thal makes the interval 45 to 49 minutes. NTSB spokesman Ira Furman said later the time . given by Mc Adams f or the second de-icing was based on "an assumption" that the jet <lid not receive a third de-ac101 before takeoff.. The assumption is based on the fact that tbe plane left tbe departure gate at about 3:16 p.m .. Furman said . Whether a third de-icing was unde rtaken r e m a ins to be investigated. Furman said, and i n the meantime the investigation is proceeding on the theory that there were onJy two. Air F lo r ida has s aid it ·bel ieved the re were two de-icings. M cAda m s a nd o ther investigators cautioned, as .they have before, that they could not say wh e the r the interval bet ween de-icing and takeoff was too long, because the amount of ice on the plane would <See CRASH, Page AZ) llAllil CUil 1111111 Fair lbrough tonight except patchy fog or low 'clouds today. Increasing ,high clouds Sunday. Hi1hs. today 66-73, 64·68 Sunday. .:.L,ows 1n 40s~ _ ·111111 TlllY • An eclectic collection o/ ma1terpeece1 i1 hanging '" the Newport Harbor Art Mut~m. Stt Page Cl . .!lllfl Cllllml c........ c-kt ~ .. ~ t:r.r.:- ...... I ......... .. Cl C1 C14 '" ct.a, ,, C1 ..... a be -:I r • __ .,,._.,....~~--..--~~-----.,.......,,..~~~-::~~~~,...--..... ..--~~~.....,.~--.-.-.,.~-:-~""'":'""~---~:"""""'..,.._.~.._--=~'!""'"'!9'""'..,..~_,._r,..,._•...,._,,,...,.,... ---· .. I ,. ----·. '. ·' •. Orangt'Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday. January 1't, 1812 . $18.-5 million . - loss faces . OC Oraqe County 1ovemmnt stands tO \Ole Sl8.5 mllllon ln the fllltal year be1lnnln1 July 1 shouJd Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. 's ltate bud1et be approved ~ntaet bY, the ttate' Le1l1lature. Thal eatlmate was releaaed Frlday by Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Oran1e County Board of Supervisors. He said the governor Is attempUng to balance the llscaJ 1982-83 state budiet by "dramatihlly reducinl" the amoun~ or money destined to local governments In lbe form of subventions.' The state's 58 counties, Nestande said, would be forced lo shoulder combined cuts of $200 million with Orange County's share standing al $13 million. Addilion!llly , the board chairman said, reductions in cost of living adjustments for pr:ograms mandated by the slate but operates! by the county ' wo11ld mean an additional loss of about $5.S million. "The board of supervisors wtO have the unpleasant .task J>f deciding whether to reduce our programs. by $5.S million or fill in the revenµe gap with our twer scarce property tax dollars," Nestande said. Health and social services programs would be those affected the most, county officials said. T be governor · s budget, depending on the program involved, contains cos t of living adjustments of 5 and 8.8 percent. The cons ume r pri c e index during the past year has men ::::,~!ct 1!~. percent, N eatande, "rhe supervisors' chairman said the county doea not a1ree with the governor's content.ion that revenue 1011ei could be recouped by chan1es ln stete law that would permit counUes to a ccelerate the pace at which tt\ey· collect increased property taxes generated from the saJe of property or new constructlo.n. The county assessor, Bradley J JCObs, Jlas investigated the proposaJ and determined that implementation costs would be "exceptional," N~stande.said. Jacobs' review, Nestande said, showed that the new program could ~ost $2 million to implement, but only generate Sl million in new revenue. ''Jf this proves lo be true . . . then the governor's scheme is meN!ly a sleight-of-bapd lo divert local government from the reality' of the f.unding cuts it will be receiving." · k estande said eounty officials also are irked by the seeming resistance of state government for "tightening its own belt." H~ said the governor's budget calls for spending nearly $30 million to administer nine federal "block grants" for health and welfare programs. " ... This is just an example of where the state government can begin to look to cut its own expenses by r e li e ving itself of some administrative burden through increas ing program flexibility •nd responsibility at the local level." 50,000 recipients of cheese esti~ated The Oran ge Cqunty Com- munity Development Coun- cil is estim1lting that 50,000 needy persons in Orange County ha ve bene fited from the program to distribute surplus federal cheese to the poor-. Irvine hit-run crash probed Irvine Polic e w e r e inve stigating a hit and run. accident late Friday in which at , least one person was Injured. There were few other details available. Police s aid tbe accident occurred at aboul t p.m. al Red Hill Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard, and that the driver of one car involved may have been under the influence of alcohol. Tb; injured person, wt9se name was not .available late Friday, was taken to Tustin Community Hospital. From Page A1 CRASH • • • depend a great deal on the weather. The weather has not yet been analyzed closely, they said. . Experts have said de-icing should be effective for at least 30 minutes. . Though most attention has been fo c u sed on ic i ng , inves tigato r s Frida.y night continued to caution that many other things could have caused the crash and the determination of what did depends heavily on the flight recordeTs. Vincent Budrovich, council executive director, said about 65 ,000 pounds of American cheese have been distributed so far through. the council's Food Bank. Cheese has been given to 155 non-profit age nc ies for distribution to the needy. he said. On Wednesday, the Food Bank received 'another 150,000 pounds of cheese. Of that amount, 50.000 pounds were sent to the Food Ba nk for dis tribution, the remainder is being warehoused at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, for distribution over the next two weeks, Budrovich said. Thousanth lost in BP robbery A woman who had jus t withdrawn a large amount of cash from a Buena Park bank was robbed outside the bank Friday afternoon by two men, . ooe brandishing a handgun. Police said the woman, who works for a nearby metal reclamation center, had just w ithdrawn fund s for the purchase of scrap metal and was getting into her. car outaide the bank when she was robbed. The incident otcurre<Nat about 2 p. m . outside the Bank of America branc h &t 7025 Orangethorpe Ave., police said. The woman, whose name was n9t released, was reported to be carrying some $18,000 at the lime of the robbery. Police said late Friday that they could not verify that figure but that it was "in the thousands." Sunday gue8t8 on tap_ By &he Associated Presa Heri are the scheduled guests for the Sunday te levision interview programs: -ABC, "This Week With David Brinkle y ," Philip Caldwell, chairman of Ford Motor Co., and Douglas Fraser, ' pres ident of Unite d Auto Workers. -CBS, •'Face the Nation,'' Georgi Arbatov, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. -NBC, "Meet the Press," ,\lan Greenspan, who served as' chairman of the Council of Economic Advisen durinc the Ford administration. Upcoming Sunday night on CBS' "60 Minutes'1: -''Wlro KiUed Malcolm X" - Mike Wallace repotts on new information on the murder of black leader Malcolm X. -"Queen Lear" -Ed Bradley profiles Moya Olsen Lear, a housewife who became chairman of a private aircraft business. -"The Check is in the Mall" -Harry Reasoner reports on the problems <>( the U.S. Postal Service and how mail ts expected to be delivered in the future. ORANM COAST • Diiiy Pilpt · Clee.-.CS ~elftg 1141142•M71 NI 9"* deper1me"te 142 ... 3.21 , .. ~-o.11 o.11w· ................. -- -----~ 1 ........... .,. 0.-. c:.-,,__.. ~ ......... ----,.......~ ....... -Cillle .... ......,...... ..... ........... . ,,,,._, "--..._ Ctelt.A ...... ........ ...................................... "" ..... ~ ............... ...... ,.,o ... ..-.~....,c....... .... VOL. 11, NO. 11 . . , KING MARCH -UC Irvine's black community turned out in . Regional Park in Irvine to Gateway Plaza on campus. whe re a rorce Friday to participate in a march in honor or the birthday rally was held to honor the late civil rights leader: • · . - or the Rev. Martin Luther King. The march was from Mason Money ~upply up sharply NEW YORK CAP) -The F eder a l Reserve reported a s harp rise in the nation's basic money supply Friday, causing an immediate inc rease in inte rest ra tes in the credit m a rk e t s and l eading t o predictions of more increases next week. Long.term interest rates rose O. l25 'per,centage points and t}ond pri<.'es -which move inversely to rates -slumped 1 point, or $10 for .each $1,000 in face value, immediate ly following the money·supply news. The Fed said that Ml. the bas ic measure that includes c a s h in c irc ulation and c h ecking-type a ccounts and which beginning thi s week replaces the aggregate known as MI S , rose S9.8 billion in the w eek e nde d J a n . 6 to a seasonally adjusted average of $450.2 billion. M2, a broader measure that -includes Ml plus ·such items· as s a vi n gs a cc ount s and money.market funds, surged $17.5 billion in December to a seasonally adjusted average of Sl.842 trillion, the Fed s aid. M2 is reported monthly. ''P eople expected a large Increase but not this large," said Maury Harris of Paine Webber, Jackson Qlrtis Inc. Wall Street had expected a jump, he said, bec ause S oci a l Securit.)1- payments were mailep before J a n. 1. .. Panel assails Schmitz. y: \. Human Relations Commission blasts senator The Orange County Human Re lations Commi5sion has d e nounced s tate Sen. John Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, for recent comments he made about opponents to a proposed antj- aborlion amendment to the state constitution. "This type of bigoted rhetoric in the bands of. a prominent public official can invite hale and viole n ce ag ains t .a-r1y convenient· scapegoat who gets in the ~ay of the perpetrator. In this case, Se'nator Schmitz has c ho~en wo m e n , J e ws and homosexuals as the target of lifs hatefyj tirade," the commission said fo a statement approved Thursday night. It was released Friday. Schmitz, acting as chairman of the Senate C.ommlttee on Constitutional Am endments, i ss u e d a s t a t e m e nt o n a committee letterhead entitled ·'Senator Schmitz and his committee survive the attack or the bulldykes. ·· Schmitz said many women in the room represented "a sea of hard, Jewish and <arguably> .fem a le faces." Jn the st~tement ·~e termed feminist attorney Gl9,ria Allred a "slick butch la wyeress." Accor<nng to the commission statement, Schmitz' comments "reflect an extremist philosophy .which threatens the democratic principles ofJhis country. ·• P.ublic officials serve as role models and such irresponsible statements, fro_m such a highly . . r es~ected leader. can foster increased ·tension and action against the maligned groups." Th e commission a lso took exception w ith Schmitz' characterization or Rev. Martin • Luther King Jr. as a communist and Schmitz' suggestion that the United States might be nefit from a milit<Jry coup s hould President Reagan's economic policies fail. Rusty Kennedy, commission executive director. said the condemnation of Schmitz was made on a 8 to O vote, with one commis sioner, P at Krone, abstaining. Two commissioners were absent. Schmitz is an announced candidate for the RepubU can nomination for the U.S. Senate seal now held by S.I. Hayakawa. Earlier in the week, Schnu~ claimed that public reaction "t'o his name-calling campaign has · been "overwhelmingly positive" and announced his intention to seek the Democratic as well as Re publican nomination for the U.S. Senat~:" He said he decided to seek the Democratic nomination as a write-in candidate. · • ... I believe that the people who believe as I do constitute a great hidde n bulk i n t he Democratic ·Party tha t is waiting to rise up/' said S c hmitz , i n a pre Rare d ·. statement released Wednesday. From Page A1 · · 1 see this as the first step in bringing together the strongest stra nds in the national rabric in order to gird ourselves tor the pot entially apocalyptic times that lie immediately ati ead for our co~try." he continued. \ Hebrew ,J class&·set . . Con ver s a\ ion a I Hebre w classes will be offered at several are~ations during Coastline Colleg~pring semester. Miriam Rothstein will teach He brew classes at the Mesa Verde Le arning Center, 2990 Mesa Verde Drive East, Costa Mesa. Her beginners class witr meet from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . Mondays, beginning Feb. 1. The advanced class wlll meet from 6:30 lo 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays, starling Feb. 2. Shoshana Adi et" will "1'teach a beginners Hebrew· class from 9 a:m. to noon Mondays and ftom 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . Tue6days, beginning Feb. land 2. The morning t lass.. ""ill meet at the Bayview Learning Center. 2531 Orchard Drive.· Santa Ana Heights. The evening class will meet al Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelback ~ .. Newport Beach. Regast rat on £or ltlJ!Se and other Coasth e Coll1e courses is now under way. /.. • .. ""'-. " INFECTIOUS WASTE • • • disbbedien.c e of rules and prCJcedures . ., . that simply are not tolerable and are wrong." At that pojnt, Nestande dlsclQSed that county officials had learned of the dumping of bags of was te at Santiago Canyon and Coyote Canyon. • Initially, he said, about 60 bags o f waste were involved a t Santiago Canyon and several more bags at Coyote Canyon. By late aftern90n. the number of bags involvea al Santiago Canyon had increased to more than 100. The number al Coyote Canyon remained unchanged. George Kouba, senior vice president for operations at St. Joseph's, said the dumping of wastes could ''at b est be identified as human .error." He said a hospital employee decided not to get a key so that th~ waste could have been placed in a sterilizer. Instead. the employee placed the waste in a compactor for regular tra,s h . "I don 't think he She said Hoag employs a firm to pick up infectious waste. sterilize 1l and lhen dispose of it. "Any error was isolated." the spokeswom an said . Toby Mulligan, spekeswomail for UCI med ical center, said Fred Hay es. t he cente r :sl°l associate director of s upport'J se r v i ces. jo i ned Robert Me rryman, county director of environmenta l health, during a t our Thursday night t hat indicated the medical center w as not fo llo wi n g proper practices. Some b ags or waste. she confirmed, were pl aced in an unsecured area not far from a cafeteria facility. '' 0 UT p T'O - c ed·ures have been tightened." understood the significance of "Our procedures have been the issue," Kouba said. tig htened," she said . County Asked if the employee was p r ocedures r e quire that disciplined. Kouba said, "We 've infectious waste be locked up tak e n appropriate action pe nding trans fer from tbe' internally," He d eclined lo facility. / specify. M s. Mulligan said the Wayne-Schroe<ter, e xecutive employee involved in placing the director ol Weste rn Medical waste at the location had been Center, claimed only nine .or 1-0 suspended. She sald she dld not bags cif waste county officials know the terms or conditions ot said came from the center were the sus pension. from his hospital. Schroeder Nestande said a f\lU written said none of the bags contained report on the infectious waste infectious waste as defined by i ss u e wo\a l d be ma de to st.ate law. s upervisors Tuesday. OD County officials differed with Friday. he said, county health Schr<teder~ ~lai'ming that one lns p.ectors were too . b111y bag cootalned waste from the in11pecting hospitals and·ludfllls hospital's newborn infant uftit'. to wrlle reports. • • . Scbrqeder said ••someone Just The board chairman Htd 6e crabbe8" several of the bright hU reque,ated that Count1 re'd bap used foe the dlaposaJ of Couhael Adrian Ku1ptr pnfare tnfecUoua waste when they a report detaUln1 w ... t lelal shoulc\ have sought regular 1tep1 the couat.1 c~n take traal\ bap. • ••alnlt holpitals •lltPd to bave T b e H o a I H o 1 P l t a I " vlolated procedune. , spokeswoman saJd three Nia Merryman callllaned apimt labeled "Infectious wute'' were persona belleviDI tbat an recovered from the Coyote lmmediate pubUe health cNls .. Canyon alte. The ·waste, she existed. But, be 1ald, Ute said, "appeared Dot to have potential for bealtb problema been treated, but that hadn't existed due to tbe alleced lllelal been aacertalned." practices. • ' \ I .. "· .. .. ............. FLAKE -'Mickey Rooney, dressed up as a snowflake. ptays an educator for an episode of "Betcha Don't Know" series of humorous 30-seco.nd educational messages airing on NBC-TV. N ancY Walker recovering Actress Nancy Walker is ' • recovering from s urgery to ' . remove a small cancer from her right lung, a spQresman says. M i ~s W a I k e r • 6 O • underwent surgery Jan. 5 in St, John.'s Hos pital in Santa Monica. Miss Walker, tbe "wife of vocaJ coach David ·.Craig, is recuperating "at ·-.home-.,, . . . Bln• Crosbtt's widow asked a federal ceurt In New York to ac;c~pt jurisdiction of a $33,000 damage suit riled against.her. • A publishing .firm claimed • ~h.e breached a contract to write ·a book .about her life with· the crooner. The suit .. was launc hed against K8tbJ.yli Crosby last· _month in state court by Simon & Schuster, but the She Is known for her roles as Mildred the housekeeper on "McMillan and Wire," as Rhoda's moth~ on. "The Mary Tyler Moore Show". and "Rhoda" and for her own situation comedy series on ABC in 1976. In recent years she has •urned to directing· TV CQmedy. She appears regolarly in TV commercials for a brand of paper towels. HillsJ>.orough, Calif . .. defendant petitioned to have it transferr~d .to the U.S . qistrict Court tn Manhattan. The suit involves. a claim by the J>ubUsher that Mrs. Crosby refused to retur~ a $33,000 advance she recettted to write-a. book called "My Life with Bi.Ilg." A condition of the advance was that an acceptable manuscript be ready by Jan. 1, lfls. it said. •ar ...... Tn119•• .. ,. die ftM Uleet)'t• taat made her aotorlou1 la lier IO• wa1 rta_l!l.. an 11pr111lon of dtt~. 1 111 u oapadu, mr dr&a1·taJdal, were no 1DON &baa outbun&I ol delpair at bow profo&andl)' J fa iled; w.rttebed a\tempta to lllck baek at wbat ( could not bandle.'' HY• the estran1ed wlfe or Canadian Prime Mlnlater. Pierre TrudeH In her new book. • 'Conaequenc~ •• At. qe 33, Ma. Trudeau says she hu abandoned the life that made her famous - a life she describes aa "self-centered, .lndul1ent, interested only In 11\Y&elf and my problems." - An ancient Hebrew lamp believed to be more than 4,000 years old has been presented to the state Senate to commemorate the re'storation of the state Capitol. IR cerembniu, Rabil Steve &obblaa of -Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills 1ave the small oil lamp to President Pro Tem David Roberti, D-Los Angeles. Roberti's office said the lamp was a gift from California 's Jewi s h community. '\ FR I END -Shannon Tweed . Playb oy's Playmate of1he Month for November. accompanied magazine publisheJ Hugh Hefner during te~imony on his _appeal for a casino license in New .Jersey Fair weather . ... . C o astal mountelns. Hi9M In the coeslal a<NI 5a to U Lows In 40s to low *· H19M In the -...i1Ailn1 In the 40f -•Y ano >Os Tuesdey and W•-sdo Low• In IN ?OS ot"lf I:;: JOl •• Llfllt variable wln01 IM<omlnQ _,,to_,.,.,_., 10 le, ts knob bV atternoon anO tveninQ wuterty t..,1, I _, 2 Ifft. Some IOQ wltl'I f09 ..,. 1-c-lnHs 11Komlft9 ~ ··-Si .. _ .... ..,,. ' Smog ; U.S.~ summary Tnt Air Oil.illy Maneoement Olstrlct predkb 9000 air o ... mv i..r • .i ... Wl"t In the Souttl COHI air !)Min tl'lrOUOfl Monoay.' • • A lil= Into ,,,. '*1,..1.. Tl'lt AOMO •UIOMO Pollullon SIAlnclarO lncltll IPSll rallf191 Of 41 Plaln.s. °" y brlfl91"9 btlndlfl9 t0<·a11 reolons. -+ -by nortl'I wln01 IMI 0rl)ptd 'tl'lrouol'I moll or the nortl'l·,•n4rel United Statn. Tempe·~tu•es • Six Inc,,., Of new snow ltll In Ille • ' • ' nort"'rn Rockie~ S-alto was sutttrtd ac rou the / ~ lower Great Laku ano central ...,..K..._ Albany Wind OUSltd to 4S tflpfo al No!1olk, Anchor.a~ Heb .. •nOSloux Falls, S.O. ·~"'""viii Tl'lere WH llQhl drlult In 11¥ ~lent• • ~Ille N«1-. AllanlC Ctv • SlllH ~ wnnt a ll a<rOH '"" 8 lrmlngtlm Soutll. 8 1smero T•-atures around the ... uon •I lfl>IM midday Friday •anoecl from "below 80Slon nro at O.vllJ L•k•. N.O.,, to 71 at 8ulfalo lrownsvllle, Te•••· Cl'larlstn sc For today, more snow wa.s lorecut Charlstn wv In IM GrNI Lekn r~lon. tr.. Otilo c,,. ,,.,,. YelltY end ll'lt Norll'ltast Rain Chi:_ m ixed wllll,,_,.._.Preclk ttd In ,,,. Clnc:lnnall T-•-Valley -the northern Clntlana portion ol IM Gulf Coes1. Columbvl lltterty c.o~ temperatu•t1 were Oaf.Ft WU\ ,ndlcted In 11111 Nor1,,..Central 1tates Dinvtr wltl'I temperatures below rero In DH Moine$ Mont..,•. Ille Dakotas, ll'lt u-• Detroit MIHIHlptll Yellty anO tht u-r Oulull'I Gnat Laa. Falrbanb Calif o rnia Felr t"""°" tCWlioM-YarlMfe 111911 cleudlness Sundey In Soull'lerft Callfor11le. Foo and low c1ouo1 ••<oml"t .. tensive ano mowlnQ lfllaM lonl9fll and Sunday ,,,.,nine. Sl~tly cOOI..-SUndey, Or8"gt C-ty ,.,. t.xPtCI l'llON la9ay " to n. M to M SUftday L_, lll lM40I. Yallevs c... expect l'llllM near 1' teday, In 11111mlo60s ~Y Lows tn "'8409. Mountain• will have l'llglls 11'111 -·-•to SI. I~ 27 IO J7. Norttlam dtteft l'lloM SI to "· lows • a a . ~ _,, l'llom '1 to 7S. 1-s M to•· Tra,,.len _,_., Caftlral Valley Mid Saft FrMCIKO 8ay, l.l,,.r..-e, San A•"*' ....,.P._ vet~y1 n'911ts alld mornlnt1 tor dense foe. fl•ln llkoly on nortll <o••I Sunday _,..,., ........... ...,.,,..,d -· ~ .,.. cafttraf CelllO<nla tty ......... Hartford Helene Honolulu Houston lndft•pl .. JKktl>Vllt Kans City Las Yeoat Liiiie Rock llloul1vlllt Mempl'll.s Miami Mll-uk" Mpt1-SI P Nasl'lvlllt Ne .. Orleans New Ve><k Okla City Omal'la PttllaOpt\14 Plloenl• Plthl>UrOfl Piiand, Me Pllano, Ore Rep10Clty Reno Rlcl'lmoncl Sall Lat<• S.attl6. StL911IS StP·T- .Extended /orecmt • StSll-le $tloll•no Tu<1on Wetlllnotn Wl<l'llla ll'WtMI et r• 111ta1y 1n "" c-tal -w1t11 -In "" -e.11111. CM.l..ott"'" ..... Mr8119 ....., ..... a\ llmn In IM Allt>I• Valley HI La . . n l1 8•1ltrsfleld ll °" 8ar11-• 32 U 8taumont 3' 11 Bio 8H• 14 17 811Mp .. '70 Blyllla -~ ·ll, C.talln• 1' r: Culver Cit-; 11 13 Eureka 41 2' Fresno 21 17 Lanc:aslet' » °' L-Bea<ll " .Of LHA"9tlft 11 -04 Marysville u 01 Monnwle 2I -4S NffdlH 6S 2' Newport 8H<l'I .w lf' Oakland 24 .Ot Onterlo I I 01 Pauclefte Ill .10 Peso R- ·•O .n Rlwnldlt u 14 Atd 81uf! .01 -04 11 .... 000 City IO .. Reno 6S 1' Se<r-lio u ·1l S.llnes S2 21 San 8......-dlno » 14 San G-lel " JJ San01e9D u u San frenc!KO 30 17 SanJOM 43 H S.ni.Ana " .. Sant• • ..,.. 07 42 Sante Crw 10 42 Sant• Monie• J7 u Sto<k- S• 2' Taltot Yatlty ~ ~ i::::=~ U 0. Yuma U IS 4S » 17 01 27 20 Am1ttnSam 4t .w Alllenl OJ ·Ot 8•ntkok 44 17 8tlrut 21 12 ... ,,_ .w a lt«lln 4S 4J 1-11 2' 12 l 'Alres s2 n Cairo 16 ·It CMac:as as • '-"'""' ~ n Oue11111 n " F•-""1 SI 12 0.....e r lffl.iMI "' Le ., . HaftlK .... J•Nta'"91 J•'llvre Ki.v Ml Le )4 II 50 » • 7J c:aioarv Montreal Roolna TOl'OftlO v~ouwr WIMlfl89 .. _ ... CANADA 7S .. 5' so ., u SS 0 ... .. 27 u •• .. t 50 lO 11 1• .. " S1 4l ... " .. 7S ,. JO 1S .. n ~ . , .. .. ,. u 10 Ml Le '° h ... 72 70 61 70 u ... n II 41 .. 70 .. n ... 7t 17 ~ It .. 7S .. " ,. 10 II .. 73 .. 11 7J S2 Ml Le ·02 ·• 12 OS ·11 ·21 20 01 d H -U ·12 .... '2 11 n • u • 1t 7J. 64 .. : :tTide1 21 " " I? n " ,.. . ., . .. S1 • St IP ,, .. • • TOOAY Finl llltll 1:15 a.m. 4.S l'lnt... t:t7 e.m. 1.0 Seclllll Mall I : 41 1t.1n. U Sac~'-IOiG •. m. 1.~ S.... Mb S:• •""· tollrf, r l-•:• a.m.la__,,. • Mooft "'" 10:• "'"'· ......... n: ....... ....,..,. . ----..., ....... "" ............ We're. Listening ••• ' I . What do you like· aboqt the Dajjy-Pilot? What don't you Hke? Call the number beJow and your mesaa1e will be recorded. 1 transcribed and deliver~ to tht ai>Proprtate edttor. . • The Hme 24-hour answenni servke ma)' be used to rerord let· ters to.the editor on any topic. MaUbox dtlitrtbutora must include their name and telephone number for vertflcaUon. No clrculat~n calls, pleue. Tell us whal'I on your mind. _ .. ( 51" .. .----;fl ... Orange Cout DAILY ft1LOT/8aturday, January 1 e, 1882 . 'Fhey'r e.·f i:om ·Ame.rica Professional traveling couple takes CM ·winter st?P 8~ ISl'f' ADLEa o1 .. ...., .......... Frank and Fern Schlelchtr are from Rockford, 111 ••. Then a1aln, the retired couple could say they are rrom ,Florida, Maine, Minnesota, Alaakail Mexico, or even Calilornia. It a depends on where their 32·foot · motorhome Is parked 1lt the tlme. For the Sc,hlelchers are professlonaJ travelers, th•t rare breed ot person ·wbo lives by lhe old adage, .. Home la where you lay your head." . Tbe Schlelchers' traded in all the comforts of home ror all the -Tapes n o • urpr1se, s on sa ys • Franklin Delano Roosevelt's • eldest son , Newport Beach resident James Roosevelt, said Thursday that, although he was unawar e bi s 'father experimented 'Nilh a secret White House taping system, he was not SU£Prised. "I was n't surprised when J read the report in this morning's ( N. Y.) Times," 'Roosevelt said In a telep,tione interview Crom his heaUess New York City hotel roqm. "I knew there had been a p#oblem concerning m i's q u o t a t i o n a n d misinterpretation." Roosevelt said he s urmised the taping system, the existence of which was disclosed for the first time at a Wednesday news conference, was an attempt to rind a s olution to the misquotation problem that was a source of "frustration" to lhe president . The recordings, said lhe second of Roosevelt's five children, amount to a "footnote to history and will not be lhe basis by which history jUdges the important thi n gs accomplished." Questioned about the subject matter of the Oval O'Pfi ce recordings, especially those conversations concerning an affair R.epublican presidential challenger Wendell Willkie reputedly was having,'"Roosevelt said, "My fat.her was an earthy 1 man and a bit of a 1ossip here and there did not bother him. ·'He was a very human human being, but this will hilve caolhing to d o with hi storica l judgments." Roosevelt did indicate that he was surprisea the recordings had not been made public before s ince the archivis t at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park had been aware of them for years. He also said he would like to hear the recordings at some future date. Asked l9 put h is Cather's recordiag system and President Ri chard Nixon's secret taping s ystem int o h istorica l . perspective , Roo sevelt commented that, '".Obviously, M.r. Nixon wasn't as bothered as m y fa lh e r of t h e et h i c a I considerations." FDR's recording system was used to pick up·enly 14 news conferences and seven to eight other conversations which s panned 11 weeks in 1940. After that, it was not used again and was disconnected during the Truman administration. comfort.a ot thtlr motorbomt ln 1974. That's when the couple sl1n~d on as corporate coordinators fot' the Foretravel Motorcade Club, a motorhome t.-avel usociatlon sponsored by Foretravel Inc., a motorhome manulactitrer. The Schlelchera are in Co.ta Mesa attendln1 the club's annual winter convention at the Oran1e County Falrgrounda throuah Sunday. Close t.o 200 motorbomes are parked at the falr1rourub for a weekend of•" fellowship," Schleicher, the club's ofrlclal "wagonmaater," explained. He said ~ states and Canada are represented. Besides a full scheduU1· of social programs, includln1 dinners and e vening e n t e r t a i n m e n t • t.h e c I u b spon sors semin4rs aimed at ·assisting club members in servicing their vehicles. · Also, the club of(ers three to four fully planned "motorca.des" to different places each year. .• .tollowing Sunday's convention, ih fact, 75 to 80 motorhomes will embark on a journey through Baja California, Mexico. Schleicher said that when lhe club undertakes trips such as the one to Mexico, a physician and rp.echanic are included in the group. As club coordinators, it is the Schleichers· job to plan trips and conventions, including scouting motor c ade routes and interesting sights along the way. In their year-round home, a full y -e quipped $74,000 motorhome provided by the company. the Schleicbers' travel wherever lhe road may lead. They said they average 35,000 miles-a year. ~ During the past year, the 66-year-old retired accountant ·and hl1 U ·Ytlr·old wife vl1tted Chlcaao . Flor i da . Pennsylvania, Canada's Mari· lime provinces. MJnnesota, Wisconsin . Was hing ton and everywhere in between. "Thia is our home, this is the ideal," Mrs . S<:..b.leicber explained. ••A home is oniy a home Jf you're there together, and sQ it ls with a home pn wb.eels." • Schleicher added, "A home is what you make of it. We have less floor area, but more fl exi· bility. to be sure.-· He said they s pencj practically ~very night at home and seldom eat out. Their motorfiome is equipped with s u ch a.menities as a television, stereo. cedar closet, bathtub a nd built-in blender. icemaker, vacuum cleaner and mi crow~ oven. . ·'As my Dl"Olher 1.1sed to say. "Everything has its place,·· Mrs. SChleicher said. She added she does not miss the home the couple sold in 1974, despite the fact many of their possessions are jp storage. · Eventually, the Schleichers admit they will give up the road ana settle down, but for •he time being they say they enjoy the pleasure of planping trips that make others happy. The parents of two daughters and 'randparents of four. the Schletchers say their children also think their parents· life· style is wonderful. Asked whether il is unus ual for persons to live aboard their motorhomes, the Schleichers explained there are-at least 12 other club members who share their unusual lifestyle. '11t's a way of life to so rpany of our people," they said. · The convention runs through Sunday and is open to the public. DellyNal ..... -PROFESSIONAL TRAVELERS -Frank and Fern Schleicher live full -time in a 32-foot, $74,000 motorhome . They a lso plan trips and conventions for travel club . DISHMAS,1 ER Sale s59aa 1 • Ml st~r•• open 1 daya 1 wMk . • .. CROWN HARDWARE ,,,.,,. ... you ,want In a hardw•• etor• WMtcllff open Thu,., lll 9 P.M. Prices Thru Fri. 1 /22 /82 . . • • WllTCUFF 102-4 IRVlll AVE.. rtWPORt BCH. '42· I 1 JJ • HAllOI YllW 1614 SM llGUEl IMt, JOP(lf BCK.644-1170 • • COIOMA -Md 3101 E. COAST HWY. 67J.Jf00 \ • • \ I ..... Or1ngt,Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturd1y, J1nu1ry 18, 1982 G~oWtli, hotiSing :CritiCal. Su~or. Riley proJectt;ftouth Coast pOpu ation o~--= • • By JOHN NEl:DILUI Oillllt ............. The continued arowth or South Oranae County depend• on havlna eno'J&h houaln1 for workers who are heeded for ~roJected industrial and orttce expansion, accordina to Oranse County Superv1,or Tom Riley. Ril_oy. speaklhg at Saddleback CQJife.ge ln Mission Viejo -1'liursday, sald projections ln~icate that o'ver the next 10 years there wlll be an increase' or about 40 million square feet of office and industrial space in the south county. In addition, he said the south county's population would probably soar 227 per cent between 1980 and 1990, as opposed lo an expec,ted 139 percent population rise in the north county. RiJey, whose appearance .was s ponsored by the college's staff Development Omce, sahl In 20 years' time, South Orange County would have a trade area greater than Dallas, )'louston, New Orleans.. Denver or Seattle. Despil~ the rapid development s lated. fo r Ril ey 's fift h supervisorial district, he said he doesn't expect the quality of life will suffer. "We are attracting the most desirab l e commu n ity ---------LEASEHOLDERS ' Any l••••holder who•• I•••• come• up tor rHpprelNI durtng 1tl! I• •sked 10 llNMdl•lely contact S.rbara Young, Preaktent, Com.mitt•• of 4000. Phone: 14C).1031. ~want to flold a !Meting to dlacuH over•ll legal atrategy and the development of Independent •PP'•IN I• for the 8pproJdmetely 80 leaHholda due to be reaPPfalaed thl• year. ----- Committee of 4000 Phone: 640-1031 PUBLIC AUCTION HANj)MADE ORIENT AL CARPETS. & RUGS . . ~ll£D ~U.S. CUSH~ 81-333212-7 . . The abOve mentioned shipment was seized· by U.S. Customs and has now .been re· · leased by the Importer for immediate· h· quld•tion to raise urgently needed cash to mfft financial commitments. • The selection will i nclude exquisite handmade rugs from all rug we•vlng countries and wlll be complemented with other rugs of equal quality and beauty. AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE • Saturday, Jafllary 1.§ at 1. PM Newporter 1107 Jlllbaree Ne"'811 Beach View 1 ho'ir prior to Auction . Maki m! a start is prooably the most important step toward saving. There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right track toward a regular, scheduled savings. Just join the Payroll Savings Plan at work. A little is taken out of each paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. You don't have to WOIT)' about making a special effort to put something aside each ~day. It's all done for you. A utomatically. ·.5299• MGA THE FINEST 50" Diagonal PROJECTION TV SONY BElAMAX . VIDEO TAPE.RECORDER 5748 GENERAL ELECTRIC UL TRA-OECORATOR STYLES 25" ::,.~COLOR TV Wmt V11 II SYSTIM ......... c...... • •• a-e ..... ........ ~ •Ctlllt....,,_..,~IM-11111 SH OUR co...un UNI OP SOHYYIDIO HCOIDBS A.LL OM SAU MOW. ~ . . OffiCials defending ·Los Alamitos field -- RCA XL-100 19''Di agonal · .COLOR TV .w ....... ...... c .... wlttt Sc• •D ..... c11wta.1111o.e ·I~ Ufe ll, I 00 Clileul1 WHILE T .. Y LAST YOU WOt4"T IEl.IEVE THE SA VIMC.S ttUUY IH MOW - W .. LE SU,,LY LA~S RCA or GE - . GIANT SCRffH .··cOLORTV • WW...WN-nd ....... c..trol · c....-•S1u -n.11hr u..vi.wilMJ ... ---·-~ ... • 1otttu..it.~a_., • Gl45"~...._.. • ac• so· oi.,.... Mee... TAKE YOUR CHOICE la-LACING YOUR OLD RCA SElECTAVISION VIDEO RECORDER BUILT-IN'S SIE DAVIS/llOWM AIST HEW rfooueTS • • • . MOW IN STOCIC IECOIDSOR ft.AY IACK UPTO 6 HOURS • Gl ..... "-"CMllTep • .._ • .,. ·v""""" •....-•· Medin M94 ......... 11le bucks start piling up, the interest grows, and you realize you'Vc found one surefire way to save. .......... st·•·-....,. ....... ~ ... ·SAYE-NOW·t ---- ... . · • When 11ou put varl oi11our aavlnfl• into U.S. Savin~' 8ond111ou're hc/pfnp, to build u brl(lhter future for 11our count r11 and for 11ourM!/f. .. . OUI LOW NICI WILL AMAJI YOU ••• i'' •. PAIADENA (AP> -Up to 4,000 Methodl1ta have aomelhln1 to celebrate Sunday. Tbet are aatherlQ at the United Methodiat., Church here for a double urvlce, taklnt ootlce lbat .... r:•• ..... tM' WlllFC!Olleded 110 m ln nine montba, to help pay . 1 eowt Mttlemenl and ball out the · bankrupt. cburch-afflllated Pacific Hom• retirement centen. , By boldlna car washes and garage sales, selling T-sblru and postponint l ndlvlct.ual c hurc h projects , con1regations in lhe. Pacific and Southwest Conference exceeded their ahare ol the. $21 million the United Metbodis\ Church •creed to pay lo Pacific Homes Corp. over 'several years. ' Treuurer John W. Klrman aaid $21,239 was the averaae amount from eacb congregation -wbich r•n&e from ., w 3,000 members each. • He said the per-capita gilt ~as $55 per person .• Kirkman said the whole $10 million doesn't have to be paid riRht away, The per-capita gift was $55 per person. so the confere nce will hold the money, paying if in $2 million and $1 million increlJllnls, as ~h~y become · due. Bishop Jack Tuell, who will preside at the two celebration services Sunday ,-s aid the campaign s ucceeded, not only because of creative fund-raising, but also due to "plain old-fas hioned sacrificial faith-giving." '.l'he court-approved agreement for reor ganizing J>a cific Homes was reached a year ago. In addition to.the $21 million paybac~ by 1985, the agreement provides elderly residents of the homes, who have bad to pay more money during the company's Twins beat the odds Geprgia sisters celebrate 100 years McRAE, Ga. (AP) -Those who enjoy.watching people hit the century mark will do a double-take at this duo. Lucy Bro wn Col eman a nd Elizabeth Brown English are 100 years Joun&-. < They are idenUcal twins, and the Guin·ness Bpok of World records estimates the odds of a pair of twins livi ng to age 100 are 700 million to 1. "We've always had good birthdays, but this is the very best we've ever had in our lives," -Lucy said at the Her sister said she felt "like we're not worthy of all the publicity. But I s ure do enjoy it.·· • They .were born. J an. 13, 1882, in the Georgia ·countryside. It took t wo days for the county physician to arrive at their home in his horae,and buggy. Both woll)en excellea in music; gave piano lessons and Rlayed for the church. Both their husbands died in l938. . · McRae Nursing-Home, where the two celebrated. "We've always enjoyed our· lives. No fl) alter how th\ngs went, Vie always found something to latlgh at." , 1 Mrs . Coleman. who lives with her daughter , never suffered a serious illness unW she was ~. and now she uses a cane and. weather permitling, walks t'to or three blocks each day. · "If my hearing and sight were good, I'd be ready for another 100 years," she said. .. . CM disruption see·n "Downlown devastation" was p red,i c t ed b y Co.s ta Mes a bus iness leaders protesting cons truction or the proposed Costa Mesa Freeway (Route55). During a two -ho ur City Council stuay session last week a t City Hall memb'ers of the ''Citizens· for .the Completion of Route 55" wa rned that the es tim a t e d s eve n -y ea r . coristructi,on would take a heavy toll on businesses and residents. "We believe that an a lignment down Newport Boulevard will result in the devastation of the d ow nt o wn bu si n ess community," said Jim Eldridge, a spokesman for the group. "Faced with high congestion. limited or no access for the businesses and reduced p arking during the construction period, customers will avoid the area and sever e negative impacts will be felt by the bus inesses.·· Eldridt e urged the council to consider the financial impacts to city residents and shopkeepers before approving the roadwork. Court Burrell J r ., project m a na ger for th-e California Department of Transportation freeway s tudy , s aid "it's imeerative tha~ lbe city look ou• for itself," in detes-mining such financial impacts. lit Traffic wotdd be rerouted to Orange Avenue a nd Superior >.i venue during different phases' of the construction, explained Burrell. '• , Caltrans officials are studyin,--1-1-t a draft environmenta l impact statement on the eight proposed freeway plans that range from doing nothing to .a full $159 million freeway. · ~------------------~------------, I . I I I : 20% OFF . i 1 Wedding lnvitatiOns I I and Social Announcements I I with this ad I I •*;••••.•••••._., ••••••••••••••• **•••• I .. : tWe cacry everything you'll need for I I your party or social event ... from I 1 greeting cards to paper goods ·to 1 I I , I 1 balloons. .. 1 I· I i; ~llet.I&IG® 1 · 1 Ailmtca'• ,_,_.. o.. &••,_.,a....-. 0.1 • · 1 . . •. . I I ...... ,. 'IOI W. ... ,, Mifn · C1t•M1•1 I f81t . ...; a lftllol> w. t-1 -979-1170 I .. -----·-------------------------~ ... .. . ' • I I I . RCA ColorTrak 17" ...... OrangeCou t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January'1 8, 1982 • I Now on Display! . RCA 19'd11gon11 Colol'n'ak 2000 .with Infrared Remote. Control CALL B332l FOR PICES ON ANY RCA MIJCT-WE RCA ColorTrak 19'! ...... -STa tHEM-All! ,· ALL 5ALI PlllCES UMITID TO STOCK . llCA rec...ety ~ ....... pric.•IWs ,,........ ColorTN! ....... -OHHAM».HURA-Y FOi ntlSI SUPH IUYS Colof'Trek 2000 Remote Control RCA 25 'dt.,n11 Colol'ltak 2000 \tilth lnfr~red Remote ·c ntro,l IEA .SB.ECTAVISION ~ HR. VHS RECORDERS , RCA ·colarTrak 25" dlegOfW Mod9I 5Fl760 -..... OM of Fowt"* Models o1 2r D1mJ. ColorT""-e. Stoc1L. ca.. ..ce Prlc.ct! 19" DIAMJMAL MAGNAVOX 'STAR REMOTE' .n..v_,~_,. J t• Celor TY R1-t11o · •0.-Scr... ~of n .. •e•• 1L •q-tlTmillc) -....... "". 1.-.eocs•• •Co••"• no Clsaash PRICED JO SD.L OUT . •6 Hr. YHS ·~·, • 14 .,.,, ...... ,...., ... .. ,....._.lffach . ..._s-.., : - ·~ ... ., ...... . .... .., ..... 00 . . WHY IUY AT AIC?' I VFTl90 VFT450 VFTHO VFTl70 c-w ccd10 CCOl l -~· _,...er Ren H.Y. YO. OWll Pft"SOMI . -• ., e-. Priced Toe...._ MAGNAVOX 25" o...°".u STAR ~EMOTE ,,... Model 52eo ~ .. of -r a.•la .. .toe• .. AIC. hN Mll~•H of~ ........ Twll T-•-•tes. .ct w.... Ith. ...................... ., ... ., ... Jr ..... A.IC -y_. 0. S.., s-., .. , C91ihr ....... , 'OL ' . ' Mee. 6 Hr. YMS t.c... . I I ff4' llOOIHUIST ... , . ..-..... wtliii ... *' eftlctt ~ ...... ~ sagoo MUMTIMaTOM llACH butN-HJt Ask tor te;mt • VI .. or Matter Charge ' Accepted • 3 Year Picture Ta, 1 Yr. P&m. 1 Yr. Service W8"'anty on 1• ~Trllk end , Sys1em Ill Gonaolet • ~ Aulhoril9d Service on Pfeml'" • Alt .......,.. Modett in Stade • No Commluioneet 1.-. .. • We Know Our Product lntide 9'11 Out Not Jult The RIPICES . .............. , ..... ... • Price • Quality • tntegrlty • ~. fMll:s • ... ... I.,,-.. MC Cl.• lllmsl• -SlllCE 1153 ~AT AIC IS .... ~ IAlll IM PAT• r . . , .1 ~I • l . I ,. Orange Cout DAfLY '9LOT/laturday, ·""'UllY ''· ,. . -,,. -_ .... ' PA YllTTIVJlJ,I, Ark. CAP> -Th11 l1 the 1tory ot Juon ~antrell, I , and bl1 H ·ctnt 1ara1e Hie chlcken.t Scoot.r. Jaaon.'a father, Bob liantrell ot Fayetteville, aays, ''It 11n't much of a story unleas you're a hope f• lcooter IDd uoour111d 'thelr 1on-t.o add the ortature to the ltema be bad 11tb1red f• a 1ara1• 111e they were conduct1n1. uttd t.o wonder wb1 a pleoe 'ii paper wu tr1Wn1 mt.'' , ' Over th• monUla lcooter and .......... • humanltarlan." Readers can Judie for t.bemaelvea. . The story started la~t summer ln Sprtncdale, neer a POUitry equipment and sup,ply flrm. A FayellevlUe family was drivinc by when one of the children, a 1irl, aPQtted a broken e11 on the · ht1hway. The ramUy stopped and found Scooter -part inside, part outside the e11, still wet with a beak broken when she fell from what the family surmised was a · hatchery truck with a load or eggs. When the friend told J uon he. bad a chicken for aale. Juon smelled a bartJin. Jason made the deal for 25 cent.a, P•Ylnc 15 cents and lasuin1 an JOU tor the balance. Scooter then 1ot ber name and a home -a discarded lawn mower box In the 1ara1e. Jeon fed her b.lrdseed, which she learned to eat from his hand. As Scooter grew, her beak healed and she 1ot too blf for the box. She inherited a, do1 hou11e out1rown b,Y Toby, .the family doe. Scooter also learned to dig for worms. Jason says h~r favorite spot is under some. 1arbage cans, which he moves for her occasionally. . Toby havt become irtendJ. · "Scooter follows Toby more than she does me," Jaaon aald. Jason's mother H id that wbl.le Jason la at school, ahe often look• out to see Scooter r1d!q around 'the yard on Toby's back or crosaln1 the street to play with cbildren. During a spell or cold weather, the family discovered that Toby could still fit In his do1houae ll the occasion dem anded It. They round dog and chicken snuigled cozily together inside, sheltered from the el~ments . Magazine sold JAAGAIN -Jason Cantrell, 9, holds his pet chicken.· Scooter, which h~ bought as· a chick at a garage sale. Jason raised the crippled chick into a friend of the family. The family decided there wasn't much hope for Scooter. To soften ~h~ blow to their daughter, they suggested she give away the young accident victim. She 1ave the chick to a friend in Jason's neighbQrhood. The friend's tamily also had litUe Scooter learned early to follow Jason, hoping, •no doubt, for stray blr<Jseed, "When it was little,"· Jason said of Scooter, "it looked like a wad of paper, and my friends DULUTH, Minn. <AP > Attenzione magazine, a national monthly focused on Italian Ameri~ns, has been sold to • Adam ·Publications Inc. by Paulucci Publicatlons Irfc. Terms of the s ale were not disclosed. Postal subsidy cuts jolt religious publi«;ations . "· . By. GEORGE W. CORNELL ................... . NEW YORK ·-An abrupt financial jolt has hit religious publications, threatening lo stifle religious communications in this country. · During end-of·the·year budget juggling this week Cong(ess, pres· sured by the White House for more cuts, wiped out a postal subsidy for most non·profit publications. "It's really a terrible blow." says , James A, Doyle, executive director' of the Catholic Press Association and head of a task foi:ce of Catholic, -'Protestant and Jewish publishers s.eek!ng to combat the problem. , "It will mute and in some cases silence the voice of the religious press. Certainly that voice will be a lot weaker." The subsidy previously was being phased out over a 16·year pe,riod ending in 1987, giving publications time to adjust rates and operations to the added costs. But the revised congressional action abo'Hshed it immediately. . Doyle estimated the postal costs increases, ~ffecHve Jan. 10, at 50 percent to 200 percent, dependlng on weight, volume and other factors. "It's the worst tblng that ever happened to the religious press," sa.ys th~ Rev . Everett Parker, communications director, or the United Church of Christ.• "Many, many r eligious publications will simply go down the drain, kn~~ out or existence ... "We don't know what we are going . to do," says Robert J . Hastings, editor or the Illinois Baptist, one or 34 state Baptist weekly newsp.apers. Without added funding, he says, ttle paper will have to reduce its religious publications such as the ' frequency. . Chris tian Century, Ame r i ca, In 1971, with the U.S. Poet Office Christianity Today, the National shifting to a cost· basis operation, .Catholic Reporter. the National mail rates of non.profit publications Methodist Reporter. Our Sunday were to be gradually raised in yearly Visitor, U.S. Catholic, St. Anthony steps to the full designated level by Messenger, the Luthe ran, A.O., 1987. Presbyterian Survey, the Christian · Congress last year initiaUy passed H e r a Id , t b e E p i' c opa l i an • a budget continuing the cradua l Co mmonwealth and hundreds of process but President Reagan vetoed re~ional publications. it, forcing more slashes in a stopgap funding bill. · Altogether, lh~e are more than Abruptly terminated was the 1,000 religious publications in the s hrinking s ubsidy for non·proflt country. They are a main means or publicatio ns , e xcept for a religious information and opinion. sha ved·down. shortened extension Religious representatives planned for local "in county" mailings -but vigorous efforts to get the ph~sed even those rates are up an estimated subsidy-elimination process restored SO percent. For wider circulation when Congress r econvenes, but publications, the increases are Doyle says "the general feeling is estimated at wp to 200 percent. 'r that once it's out, getting it put back The extra load fell hard on national ih is a very thin possibility." ROGER'S SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY - I SALE '11.50 4.98 5.98 0 0 9 ·Enjoy exciting discoveries.Jn Roger's Gallery~ unique gifts, accessories and everything for the· patio. Beautiful new '82 patio lines are arriving for spring,. including the elegant· HERL.AG line available exclusively at Roger's. 640-58()() . ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SAVINGS ON A.NTIQUES UP TO 501/o ~ .79 ~~~~ 6:98 8.98 1.99 3.39 4.99 "' See the exciting fresh, dried and silk creations in our new and expanded florist. Remember us for parties, ·weddings, funerals, holidays and special events of any size. An expanded delivery service is now avall~ble. • • ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SPRING BLOOMING ARRANGEM~ REG. '31.50 . MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTER . .... S•I• prices gopd thru Feb. 61nd subJect to. qu1ntlt1e1 ,on hind. 18 Open 9 to 5 dolly • Son Joaquin Hiiia ROod at MacArthur Siva • ACfOll from Fashion llkJnd In Newpof1 a.och .NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES , , . . . #" -• • . . .. FAMILY WEEJ<LV • J~UARV ·17 . . 1'h8 8\U8• o'ri'~\n\tr••t · · ------------- D '\ .. Q) E ~ z .. Cl> c 0 &:. ll. >--u Cl> -::> ~··· ' 0 Cl> ~ ::> -~ c OI IJ) . .... Q. w 0 z 0 .... ~ :::> u ~ u Q:'. -v ~ -Ill a· i :> ~ ~ ~ 0 ... , f • < Qrange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturd•Y· January 16. 1982 ) ConSulners adviSed on reve_nge Book tells frustrated buyers how to get even with those who wrong 'em . • I NEW YORK <AP) -If you've. ever been wronged by a •reedy landlord, a haughty headwaiter, a disreputable seller or a lylna dry clean e r . t h e feelln& ia · fam i ll•~ -h e lplessness , frustn tton and anger create a nauseous mix. You complain. and If you're &acky. you get an apoloty and ,a sum of money that doesn't begin to cover your loss or the Ume spent fighting. ' If you're Christopher Gilson, you go for revenge . "H the 1970s was the Me Llecade, then the 1980s is the Mea n Decade." says Gllaon, a 23 ·year-o ld "mana ge m e nt consultant in New York. downright uprleht ." • Gilson, 1illon1 with. Baltimore lawyers U nda Cawley and Rlelt S c hmidt , h ave put t h ei r philosophy of reven1e in a book called "Cons umer Revenae," which outlines ways to exact a pound ol flesh from those. who make your life miserable : company president or federal agency ltUtt pack a punth and -put the quarry.on the defensive. The banker who won•t c"ah your check at the cross-town branch, the friend who borrows money from you.-and neve r pays it ~ack. an<f the hq.tl .or olber nasty or negligent· people who .. "drive lingering bats into your belfry ... The authors ' assumption is that people who seek simple red ress find the ir pro bl em "s hun te d thr oug h a b u r e a uc r a tic laby rinth of buck:passiQ&, broken promises a nd g en e r a lly d e bilitating "This JS to advise you th•l unless I hear from you within 10 wor~ing days, I will commence action against you ln 41filrfct court for violation of the FaiP" Credit Billing Act, to wit. . . . '.' Elcet eta. The key is to look for your adversary 's weak spot a nd strike, Gi lson says. • .. Even the most hardened ad versary can see the point of d iminishing re tu r ns U yQu p resent him with a sifiTation where what you are asking Is a lesser evil .tha n the r eally m a mmoth pr-0blem you could conjure up for him ." he says. ' the merchAnt re~elved ~lt~r service, the aulhora aa.)'. To get back at th& irtend ~ puts you at the boltom or his Lill or credltprs, the aulttors aua1est you ask . to bo rrow his r; processor for the we~"nd 'then refuse lo return it until pays hJs d~bt. To get back at the ·restaurant that overbooks reservations 8"' m akes you wait f or yo ur . reser ved table , t he a uthors suggest you adopt your own ' ove r booking policy. Make a ;.i do:ien reservations by Lele~ for sa'y, 8 p.m one day .-and don't show up. ··Most people don't .. retail ale, a nd they proba bly e nd UJ> blowing-an artery for all 't.belt gracious beh'avjor from a life Gt quiet frustration." Gilson says. AP~ COLD FEET - A swa n endures its frozen pond in Lillie Rock. Ark .. zoo. Temperatures throughout the Midwest . Sputh and Northeast-plunged Friday night as a nother Arr t1r s torm blas ted its way into the U.S. ··People are . more cpncemed. with their own physical and economic well-being. a nd it becom~ incumbent on you to enrorte your right to value for your dollar. "In a sense. much of society has thrown away the Golden Rule. Selr-interest is not j ust a t c e pt e d . bu ! -., Ct e n 'it• s .•indifference." Guerrilla tactic~. with J .R. E win'g·style finesse , a re the ans wer, they s ay. Tt)ey offer s a m ple letters -with the all-Important carbon copy to the · -~o gel back aCthe ba.nk that isn 'l treating you properly. take the advice of one ira_t.e merchant who rented a safe-deposit box and stuffed it with a fro:ien m ac ker e l . O n ce the decomposing fi sh was found and the box opened with a blowtorch. But what if everyoN adopted a fangs.out approach to life? ~ · If more people were serious about thjs, we'd s~ an il1crease in the quality of ser vice ," Gilson _ s ... y s . . llOIOSCOPf- BY SIDNEY OMAAR Sanday, January 17 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You receive good · ne ws concerning financial status of ~lative. Aura of cele bration prevails ; holiday spirit is in evidence, but do take some moments for quiet meditation. Long-distance call could be pa rt of scenario, you'll also decide to improve "body image." TAURUS <Apr il 20-May 20): Lie low, check details, be aware of s m all print, realize time is on your side. You'll locate missing birth certificate or other important document. Aquarius , ·Leo. Scorpio natjves fi gure prominently. · · GEMI NI (May 2l ·JiJne 20 ): Bas ic tasks require special a ttention. Those who rely upon yo11r counsel will press for answers. Be analytical, state views , but refuse to become embroiled in dispute involving relatives. , ' CANCER <June 21-July 22): Family member corrects past error, vindicates your views and expresses feelings of love. It is best lO confine activities to home base. Important call or message comes in surprise m anner . LEO <July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid attemp'ting to force issues. Obtain hint from Taur us message. If you don't know wh«t to do, do nothing. Patience and persistence.merge as twin allies. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22 >: Neighbors . relatives are drawn to you with "sad stories." Cas! jaundiced eye on one who sheds "crocodile tears." You receive ravorable news 'COnceft\ing longs t.andiog legal matter. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) :-Finish· rather than initiate project. You'lfbe rid of burden which was not your own to carry in first place. Don't pe rmit sentiment to obscure truth. You'll. "see the light" and it will be to your advantage. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Past errors are rectified -ydu m ake fresh start in new direction. Timing is on target. intuition hits mark. Highlight initiative, pioneering spirit and confidence in' your creative resources. SAGl'ITARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): 'You get access to information which can be utilized to enha nce property value and improve security. You are on brink of major discovery -circumstances will favor your efforts. CAPRICORN C Dec. 22-J an. 19): Surge of popularity. $ids in making wisbes become realities. ·Personal hori:ions expand; you reach-more people, you get news from afar -your morale soars as views are vindicated . AQUARIUS <J an. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on a chievement, priorities, recognition of efforts b)ll<• one who "pu1Js strings." Scorpio, Leo and another Aqua rian play key roles. Some restnctions could actualJy work in your favor. P ISCES CF eb. 19-Ma~ 201: Spotlight on decisions which lead to chan~, education, variety, possible travel and long-dis e. communication. Member of opposite sex is like y to be involved, you could be planning a head for "major .commitment." Campus hospita_l at SD ·studied LA JOLLA CAP) -The poss ibility of putting a 500-bed hospital on the UC San Diego campus, operated joinUy with Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, is being discussed at the.Wtiversity . . After a four-month study, Dr. Ruth Covell says the next step is asklnf approval of university governing bodies. She said UC regents will be shown the plan next month. There are no plans to ~e University Hospital a few blocks north downtown San ()iego, Dr . William Hollin1swortb uid. But Rollingawortb, who helped lo the' study, said it. wUI be better to build a joint hospital on the La JoUe ·~am pus than improve University ffospital. "In the next 20 years, med.iclne wilJ be getting more complex and we'll need lal\ger hospitals with more complete facilities and tull-time. l,acutties. • Diseases we're not. treating 1t all or ineffec{ively wlH come under o ur powe r to tre at,·' Hollinpwortb said. ,.. . · .. •·All these lhln1s will require wol'ld·clasa f a~illties:' • U nlf ornis «:feter ~.rime • LOS ANGELES (AP> ._ the . ~oard of Ed ucation has voted "lo issue .unlforlJ\I to its security .,ents ualcned to patrol cars, but will let the 200 on-campus a1ents remain in plain clothes. . The board renoned in Ila' 4·3 vol~ that the uniforms will make the agents more visible and belp deter crime. ·The • patrol agents provide 24-bour atturlty for the acho9ls and adjacent nei&bboliM>oda. . or The move hu been oppOlled b)' the unit of the CalifomJa School Employees Att0eiat1on that repr8Mftta the a1enti.. • • , . . . .JOll~SO~ & so~ 11\( 111 \\II l<t I I<' :;40. :;t>:io ~ailr Pilat JOIN THE FIRST-EVER WALK FOR ·HOAG • Saturday, January 23 EN.JOY A PLEASA'NT 1.2 MILE W~LK FOllOWED BY COCKTAILS AND BRUNCH C.heck in 7:30 a.m. January 23 at the Irvine Coast Country Club parking lot. Buses will take you to the walk course and return you to ttfe club for the brunch and special awards program. CONTRIMION: S50 per person. S75 per couple ,, (includes brunch and cocktarls) For lnforinotion Call: (714) 760-5917 ' Presented by the 552 Club and California First Banlf'-as a benefit for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. • This commuri1ty service message &Ponsored by Pacific Mutual Insurance Co. Shoe Clearance ~ originally 22.99 t o 25~99 9.98 origl~ally 26.99 to 32.99 12.98 originally 33.99 and up 14:98 Selected groups• Wanted styles bul not in every size lntermeci1ale markdowns have ~en taken Handbags included at big savings C Additional $1 off with two --, · clearance shod and/or bagsJ_ MasterCard • Vias SOUTH COA$T PLAZA .,. , . ..,.. J . • Model 4285 Enj oy the ultimate i n state-of-the-art t echnology w ith this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV . Plus, it 's factory programmed to receive 105 channels . Model 5266 ~ FReE DELIVERY. MAGNA'VOX .25" COLOR CONSOLE TV MeW'l2Model STAR SYSTEM ·· IOICh1 1LC .... ...., ...... eel .. _..-c .... ... CHECK FOR OUR _LOW PRICES x ~· MAGNAVOX GIUSCORF 12" BLACK & WHITE sw1va WALL MOUNT PORTABLE ' 3210 HeNI ·u,~T•l I~ c:.111-~ . ;Rea.' 142.'115" ~liil-· : ' •• .-. Orange Coatt DAIL V PILOT/Saturday, January 18, 198i '. Mideast '82 Ten,sions, -Strife signal another year of turmoil , Editor's Note · ArUclea on tlw MWle £cut and Africa, appearing today, are the second and third part of a series surveying problema around the world and looking ahead to whaJ Americans can expect thu year. By NICOLAS B. TATllO &MMY ... P-rwaWrtW BEIRUT, Lebanon -Arab-Jsra~li ' tensions and continuing strife in Iran signal another year or turmoil ahead in t.be MiddJe East for 1982. M a j or 1ssue s or 1981 remain unresolved : _ -The Israeli annexation of. Syria's Golan Heights in December .. and the U.S. opposit,on to it.. -The Iran-Iraq war which erupted in Septem ber 1980. -The growing confrontation between the United States and Col. Moammar 1'he U.S. administration's call for aJI Americans to leave Libya raised fears that a more direct confrontation was in t.be offing, but questions were also ra'i sed whether a continued U.S. campaign agains t Kh adafy would compel other Arab leaders to rally to his side. Libya was gradually repl acing Algerl;l as the main s upporter of lhe Polisario guerrillas fighting Mor°'co for control oI lhe Jormer Spanish colony in the western Sahara. The trend was ex peeled to continue with the U.S. government supporting King Hassan II o f Moropco in h is call for an internationally supervised referendum jn the disputed territory. -. • • Khadafy's Libya. · • -The missile crisis in Lebanon that began last April. -The seven-ye ar-old war in the Khadafy 'to J:iead African • nations -western Sahara in North Africa. A CRUCIAL TEST for the region's stability is the s ch eduled Israeli withdrawal April 26 from the remainder I or Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Questions •remain about whether Israeli Prime Minis ter M e n achem Begin 's government would fe e l confident 'enough in Egypt's new government to relinquish the territory taken in the 1967 Arab-lsraeli war. Since Pres ident Anwar Sadat's assassination las t Oct. 6, the new Egyptian government of Pr esident Hos n i Mubara k is on a more . . By TERRV A. ANDERSON A_..._,,,_, ....... JOHANt-!ESBURG . South Afnca -Independence for South West Africa , peace in Chad and Uganda and faltering economic conditions in many nations ar~ Likely to be· the main issues for Africa in l982. . It a lso is the year ~mmar Khadafy , the L ibyan tfider , is scheduled to assume the chairmanship of the Organization or African Unity. THE OAU IS A group or 49 African nations, including those of North Afnca, whose purpose is to promote the unity and solidarity of Africa. Un ti l la s t November, Khadafy had been deeply involved in Africa. Ae sent troops to the north-central nation or Chad in an attempt to help the · government crus h rebel forces of former Defense Minister Hissane Habre. The troops were withdrawn in November at the request or President Goukouni Oueddei or Chad after a m eeting i'b Paris with President Francois Mitterrand of Franc~. which granted Chad independence in 1960. The Libyans, who entered Chad in 1980. were replaced by an OAU. pea cekeepin g force to police a cease-fire in a long-staleQ1ated civil war. Other issues at the forefront In Africa for 1982 are : Independ ence nei;totiations began moving again in 1981 with an initiative by five major Western nations aimed al securing independence from South Africa for the mineral-rich but sparsely populated territory. The five nations -the United States, Canada, Britain, France and West Germany -have secured at least basic agreement on a constitutional plan for the new nation from South Africa's white ·IT\inor ily government, lo cal political parties, the black guerrilla S o uth We s t Africa People 's Organization <SWAPO> and the black "front-line" states backing SWAPO. and the South Afr icans rear the new black-ruled state might become a haven for the African National Congress, a guerrilla group which is trying to end white rule in South Africa. ZIMBABWE: In this newest black African stale, the exodus or whites is expected to continue in 1982. With skilled white workers leaving at the rate or 1.600 or more a month, Prime . Minister · Robert Mugabe, trying to e ntre n c h hi s s ocia li st-based government, will be forced to fill key economic, industrial and security posts .with se mi -qualified bJacks o r high-priced expatriates. •inward-looking course -stressing the need to· improve economic conditions for th~ impoverished masses and to seek r econcili ation with opposition groups· in an effort to head off any -' p o s s i b I e g r a s s r o o t s Moslem-ftmdamentalist uprising. Khadafy is due to take over as chairman, a post rotated each year among African leaders, sometime in midyear, succeeding President Daniel Arap Moi of Kenya. ' The OAU -1's largely a ceremonial post. The OAUJs top executive officer is the secretary general, a p(>st now held by Edem Kodjo of Togo. SOUTH WEST AFRICA: Also known a s Namibia, thi s So uth African-governed ler riiory could be well on the way lo independ~nce in the new year, but hard barg~iping--li es Still to be settled, t hough, are the details of supervising an independence ele~tion, the timetable for independence and guarantees that the process will be fair. These points are expected' to be hard to settle, since South Africa does not trust the United Nations. which has d ee I a red SWA PO the legitimate representative of the Namibian people, HORN OF AFRICA: The level of fighting'"betwe en Ethiopia and Som a Ii a-bas ed g uerrillas in the dis puted Ogaden region of Ethiopfa diminished in 1981. Ethiopia claims it is winning the war against~ecessionists ill Eritre a Province, but 'hit-and-run attacks by rebels numbering 8,000 to 10,000 continue. a Arab .leaders. are expected to meet after the April deadline for an Israeli evacuation of Sinai to try once again to forge agreement on a Middle East peace plan. Efforts In Fez, Morocco, to • ;lgree on a Saudi plan that wouJd trade recognition of Israel for a Palesti ni an state broke down last November. AN UPHEAVAL in Egypt anAa 1 last-minute Israeli refusal to withdraw from the Sinai could turn 'the Arab suwmit into a war council. U.S. policy on the MiddJe. East is likely to be severely tested in 1982. At year's end U.S.·lsraeli relations were shaken by the Reagan administration's opposition lo the Golan Heights annexation and Begin's sharp reaction lo it. The United States also is faced with the Camp David peace accord issue of Palestinian autonomy which would bring sell-rule to the 1.3 million Ar:abs living in the ls r aeli·occupied West Bank of the Jordan River and the' formerly Egyptian-administered Gaza Strip. lf the talks fail, as many Arab o bserver s expect, then the U.S. government would be faced with the difficult task of finding another process · Israel wouJ~ accept. With Israel focusing much of its attention on Syria, many observers fear a new spasm of vjolence in Lebanon where a shaky cease-fi re has held in south Lebahon since July 24, duJ! mainly to U\e efforts or U.S. "Middle East tr:,oobleshooter Philip C. Habib. The PerSian Gulf, source or most or the Western world's oil, is likely lo • , .. ahead. · • _. y" c , 4# ,.. ,• • f t ,/ ..... ·--...... ~-., ... .• 490.,,& h 11 "!/' ,. -' • J . New nuclear · battle lo·omS ~ EASr ~FRICA : 1982 is likely to mean another year of hardship in the area. President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania has acknowledged that his country is in worse shape economically than it was a decade ago. Praldent Daniel Arap lloi has told Kenyans more belt-tightening is essential becaus e or what be described as a "truly serious ~mic situation." Uganda remains in turmoil a year after President Milton Obote returned to power. Thousands of civilians have been reported killed by undisciplined s.old ie r s fighqng g ue rrillas who. repudiated the December 1980 election . WEST AFRICA: Ghana will celebrate its 25th anniversary or independence fro m Britain unde r the rule or a military regime• and an economy in shambles. ln Sierra Leone, 76-year·old President Sia'ka Stevens has said he will step asid e in February. If he does, he will be the second head of state in the region to abandon p ower voluntarily, after Senegal's Leopold Senghor quit last year. · On coast remain a focus or attention in 1982 with By THOMAS o. EJ.IAS the Iran-Ira~ war and indications that "' A new nucle ar confrontation is even though they were built with corrosion-resistant materials. But it says corrosion will take so. long that most of the subs' radioactivity will be g_o n e 1 on g b e f o r e the m et a I disintegrates. land and sea disposal methods. F ischer's agency most likely will tell the Navy it mus t prove undersea disposal or the submarines would not affect anything near the coast. non-Arab Ira n's clergy-led regimt b · 1 h c ·r · · intends lo begin exporting its fslami< rewrng a ong l e a h orn1a coast, .this ln California the battle promises to be an echo of efforts to prevent offshore oil dril lin& in the most scenic coastal areas. fl will have a political side, wit.h elected officials s peaking out, and a legal sid4!. featuring the same •federal law the s tate used last summer to fend off much of ·Interior Secretary James Walt~ oil leasing plan. revolution. time pitting the state against a U.S. Navy plan to discard its worn·out THE StlSPECTED Iranian campaign is seen as a spinoff or the war with ·1raq which has the bacldng of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan and other moderate Arab regimes. The Iran-Iraq hostilities also~ spread lo Lebanon, where more atomic submarines in deep water under the Pacific Ocean. So far. the Navy has decommissioned onl y five nuclear submarines and it says it has "no i~tnediate plans'' to take any more out or service. Even as the Navy's study began and it will take at leas~ a ~~ar to ClllfDRlll .flCUI NA VAL OFFICIALS already have claimed almost exactly that. than 400 people have been killed in BUT LAST MONTH it'began a formal fighting during the_ past !w~ye.lilrs. • environmental impact stud y process Iran's religious leaders appeared to .analyzing the effects of dumping more co mpl ete -some Ca liforn ia environmentalists became alarmed. THAT LAW IS the Coastal Zone Management Act, which requires any federal acUvity affecting the shoreline to~ consistent with state coastal plans. Radioactivity from the scrapped subs would be "within the limits of the International Atomic Energy A.1ency for sea dispos al." Everett Pyatt, the principal deputy assistant .Navy secretary for shipbuilding and logistics, wrote to state Sen. Barry Keene, a Democrat representing most of the Northern California coastline. be trying lo consolidate their powe~ than 100 submarines offshore. after driving underground the secular Th e subs c arry "low levels" or For one of the ocean-bo(tdm sites unde r study is a 14,000-foot-deep trough about 200 miles northwest of San Francisco. Another possible dumpsile lies under the Atlantic Ocean about 200 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, N .C. "We haven't studied this closely," s ays Michael Fis che r , exe.culi\te director o! lhe stat:? Coas tal Commlsslon. "But the seal of my pants tells me that if you irr adiate the ocean 200 miles offshore, it· wilJ impact on marine life and ocean currents much closer lo shore." forces or exiled President Abolhassan radiation even after all nuclear fuel has P y att noted that no radiation poisoning ever resulted from the loss or eithe r the USS Thresher or the USS Scorpion, both or which sank in the Atlantic with full y-fu eled nuclear reactors. Baqi·Sadr last summer and building up been removed, the Navy concedes, the new personalities such as Parliament result of years of neutron irradiation of Speaker Ali-Akbar Rafsanjani as ~ metal reactor components. cushion against the day when lhe ailing And the Navy admits those met.ltl 82-year-old Ayat ollah Ruh.ollab parts will eventually corrode away, Khomeini would pass from the scene .. And the Navy says ii may add 6ther locations once it rmishes studyioi both But Keene's concerns. we~ far from -·soothed by Pyalt's six-page letter . . Jn North Africa, Libya's Kba<Jafy 1 apptar~d to tie a lmost ev~ryone 's bogeyman. Khadafy's Telations with lbe United States were at an all-time low after last 1ummer'1 •shooting down of two Llbyan jets by U.S. Navy planes during Mediterranean m~uvers and l.be reported dispatch by Khadafy of hit '·teams to kW.1P~sldenl Reagan and other U.~. offic als. I .. ORANG!COAIT The commentpa•eofthe Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and 1Umulale readet1 by preaent· Ina a vari~)' of commentery • on topics o,. lnterea• and 1l1nlflcance from inform~ ob· 1ecvua and1poh1m~n. Tllomal P. H'*fl. Publt.her -----..-.>• . • ....... ,,-.....-,, ..• . . -- f . \,~ • 0 • a ~ a ..... ------------------------------------------------He said "political a nd-econ'omic 0 . • . pressures are mounting U> dispose of "Ml • ni.f.i l k d J -t • t > nuclear wastes In the sea -..the 1r.1.eaninf5J u wor erays re iremen g>:.~~c:1nu::°rt1~!t{0:!s.~: · · ~ · · · • these pressures because tbe..racific ~--'-'" participants aged s8 to 83, but by 1975 gr~litica~on from wo~~ that others Ocean Is in our backyard." SACRAMENTO -feople who delay the number· had dropf)ed lo 7,974. Of (wath families> may not, Paul said. · The state will need to manbal far retirement ~sider work a meanln1ful that number, 241 returned to work after When a s ked why they de layed more evidence than ii has 1atbered ao part ol their lives. and men who return retirement. retirement, 86 percent or the s urvey far if it hopes to prevent the Navy from ·lo work after reUremenl lend to do so Those most Ukely to delay retirement participants said they consider work moving~ But. the elements are clearly for penonal reward rather than past the age of 65, accordln& to the one· of the most meaningful parts of life, present for yet another club between ffnancJal reasons, a unlveralty study, were married• men who were and 8C percent said they think others the slates r ights -minded Rea1an gerontofoglsl has concluded. bus iness oianuers or professional thtnk more highly or people.who work. admlnistraUQn and the president's 1 An a nalysis of a 10.year Social Individuals. Wopien who dela~ed Mi . Paul round a lower employment home st.ate. c~ .. urity AdminialraUon study on work' retirement however tend~ to wor In .;x:.. • ' ~ · ·r ate amon° separated, divorced and and retirement also shows that people clerical or service Jobe. e Thoma BUa•. a frtt·laftff cohtfMiet who dela~,.rellrement be lieve that' Wblle Ma. Paul lniU~ly hypothesised widowe d persona than s he had baaedmSantoMOfdc~aMlpta~ Other• lbink more hi1hly of ....... ,, who. that people who never marrt..... and expected. She ·speculates that tome or •-""""""' "' _...,.. .t ,.... t hose, at least vqmen, may b e ata,.. ,,.,... ..... work. • without · t.be fina,nclal obU1auona ot a recelvlni financial he lp from a These lindlncs were made by Carolyn family miltlt be more likely to take ~ n Ptul, a senior staff aasodate al the early retirement and enjoy leisure deceased spouse's pension ..,,ne ta. · Qu~tee UnJveralty. of &uthern Callfo rnla'.,f activities,. she found a blth rate of Of the 241 peJ"IOOI who went bac~ lo E~I Percy Andnia GerontolotY Center delayed-teUrement amoaa lhla lfoup. work af\er retire.met*.-omy JI were art.er an. analysis of a Social Security Sbe sald they may delay retlrem•t women. "The conclusion ae.rm to be Adtrflnl~ralioo s tudy conducte d. •·because work servei u a 1ubltJtute foe that u women retlre they tend lo stay between 1* and 1m. a family. retired -more so than men," 11Jd The atudy heKan with 11,158 "They may receive a type of 10Clal ·~aul. "' .. ": ' . • a • • ' "LI a naUon •~"Ptdl to a.. both ti· norent and tree, it aped.I ftat ...., wat and never wlU t,e:" .,,__J.,,.,_ , Those wonderful winds . may have died down a bit, but the no blow show didn't h•ve much effect on the contes t. Uncle Len's friends came through. once again with some interesting -and unusual - kite drawings. There were plenty of standard diamond·shaped kites and other not-so-traditional designs. Who says a ltite has to look · like the store -bought variety? That's what Jeff Manz. 9, of . Costa Mesa must have thought when he drew a kite that looks like a fire-breathing dragon. The lad took first place this week and wins the $5 prize. Jeff. by the way. sent along a note with hrs entry .to answer my question itbout a smerf. He says it is a "cute little blue elf" on Saturday morning te levision. Well. Uncle Len hasn't seen that show yet. Besides, I prefer. "Th~ Jetsons" and "Spider·Man and His Amazing Friends" -what 1 believe are the best cartoons for qiy weekend llQeup. · Heather Grosdidier. 6, of Costa Mesa ha s a very interesting kite that looks like a t\ouse. 1 guess you might call it a housefly . (Ha ! Ha!). The youngster look second place and the $2 prize for her ingenuity. By the way. Heather is a student in Marjorie Holt's class at Wilson School in Costa Mesa. Thanks once again to · Room 13 for a batch of high fliers . Honorable me ntions go to Debbie, 12, and Brian. 10, Hughes of Huntington Beach, Molly Deneher, 8, of Newport Beach and Tracie Manz, 6, and Cynthia Sisley,·13, both of Costa Mesa. Nina Lozano, · 12, of Cos ta Mesa says "I love ' entering Uncle Len's contest." But Nina forgot to follow the r ules with her nice kite drawings. She drew them with blue ink and Uncle Len, regrettably, has lo give her a No-No. <I really haled to have to do lJlat to you, Nina.)~ Remember everybody. black ink is a must·. The big, funny people who run the newspaper get pretty crabby if Uncle Len's friends don't follow the contest rules. One of Uncle Len's friends from Corona del Mar thinks onJy older youngsters "win contests. No t true . This week , for example. tt)e winners were 9 and 6 years old. Sur e age helps prove your creative talents. But there have .been plenty of winners in the past ,who have been under 10. What do all my friends think: Should Uncle Len restrict the contest to a certain age group? If enough of you think it's unfair for teen-agers to enter, I mig.ltt have to change the rules. But I would r athe r not turn away -· \ I .. .. . • .. .. Winds off et· ~igfi-Jlylng full · -Fl RST PLACE WI NNER Jeff Manz of Costa Mesa SECOND PLACE WINNER Heather Grosdid1er of Costa-Mesa some of my longtime pals . However, I'd be happy lo entertain suggestions. Maybe you have some ideas about.. new things to draw Note: I wHI nol accept any requests to have a frog-drawing contest . Next week I'd like to see a picture of a very fascinating phenomenon -UFOs · That's right. flying saucers and other such 'alien spacecraft.. I'm sure many of my friends have seen the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Here's your chance to draw your own idea of a UFO.. Use black ink only on a piece of white paper 4 inches squ!lre an<t send your entries to Uncle Len, DaUy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Gos ta Mesa, Calif. 92626. Yes. . it's OK to inc;lude entries from one family in· a single envelope. That's how you can save·20 cents postage. .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 16. 1982 .41 . . '. Ocean·-gqing educati9n)- children of migrant.workers get t hree R's·at sea . By CA&OL WILLIABS ._ ..... ~ . ....., PORT TOWNSEND; Wash. -' WhJle snapping hooks and clean· ina fish for a 11 vine, Travis Goodtteb~teaches hlm1ell math, scienc! an'! Ensl!!_h. Not bad for an 11-year·old. The Port Townsend youth Is amo~ 60 students In a migrant education program for fi shing families. The. students now take their studies to sea, Instead oC dr~pping out or school for weeks or mmths at a time. • The migrant correspondence· school pFogram offers relier to families who foJlow the West Coasf fisheries for a living. • "In the past, a lot of fa milies weren't able to take the kids, so it was a mad ·scramble to find places t.o put kids and dogs and cats and pl;ults while Mama and Papa went out fi shing," said · Anita Fraser. whose 7-year-otd son accompanies his father on occasional trips. Mrs. Fraser says she could keep her son home all the time, but she likes to get him involved in their family business. "I feel good a.bouLlhe..fact that my child knows what Papa's do· ing when he's gone," she said. Travis and hii: parents go to Alaska during tt1e summer for the halibut and salmon seasons. The sixth.grader hos)es to get much of his year -end studying out. of the way during the trip from Washington 's Olympic Peninsula to Alaska's Brislpl Bay. Travis said he Was savini some of his fi shing income so he could go to college and become a naval architect. enrolls youngster H UDDERSFIELD, England <AP) -An Oxford University co l l ege h as award e d a scholarship to 10-year-old Ruth Lawrence. hailed as Britain's cleverest child. Mary Lunn. dean of St. Hugh's College, who will be Ruth's tutor .when she goes tnere in 1983 at age 12. said recently she has noi. come across a child like Ruth in her IS )'ears of teaching. "She is clearly outstanding 'and well . deser ves the descrip· lion genius." the dean said. Ruth. who led 530 other can· didates in a mathematics en- trance examination for the col· lege. had never been to school until last September. when she started a science course at Hud- dersfield Technical College. She and her young sister were educated at home here by thei r parents, both computer consul· tants . Some of the students In the federally fundud program live on boatsj'e3r~roond, st.oppinfin- port only to make repairs and re plenis h supplies. For those students. m ~grant educ;!lllon teaeher Penny Kelley devises an individual program that can be self-taught with he lp from parents. . Other families live in port most of the year,· but have to take their children '\'ilh them for the spring and summer fishing seasons. For those students, Ms. KelJey works with the regul ar classroom teacher t.o find out what the student will miss dur· ing the season. She packages lessons designed to help the stu· dent keep up with the rest of the class. Education was hit-or-miss for some fis hing families before the Title I Migrant program was in· troduced to the peninsula. Don Rasmussen, a 1S.year-0ld Chhnacum sop'bomore. used to miss the last week of school every year to accompany 'his lather to Alaska. Last spring he tried enrolling in an Alaska cor· respondence program. He didn't get his study materials for three months , and when _they arrived. they were for the' wro11g grade level. '· This s~ason, he is in IAe Port Townsend program , which is open to anyone in the United ' Statt.>S whose family fishina busi·· ness inlCJ rferca with normal scchoot enmltment. •·1 don't really like doin& it. myt1clf," Don said of the at-sea s tudy, adding be sometimes haa \rouQJe motlvaUng hlmseU to study when ther e is f!f hing to do. But he wuntt1 lo finish higb school and take a trade-school course in brick masonry so, llke his father, he will have another skill t.o faU back on. "On some boats, the kids are: acluJlllY a work,ing part 9f the1 c r ew," s aid Ms. Ke)ley. "I i) w.ould be a hardship if they, couldn't go ·· Port Townsend schools starte~ the migrant program after a fi sh er~al) in the · area was threatened with jail because he took hjs children from schooJ1 each l.Pfing, said Janet .Fudala.·•..., director of special education fo,J .. the djstricl. Ms. Kelley sends . packaged lessons with the students wheq, they cast off, and as the 'Students. complete the work; they mail back their papers for grading.· ~ The student returns to the regul ar classroom when the fis-' hing season is over, theoreticaJJ ly having kept up with .the rest o( the class. Ms. Kelley said. 1 lf students are behind in cer. tain subjects. she tutors them until they catch up. Dog of tlte Wee,------ IWtf ...... "-411 ... LM ,..,_ DARLING DOGGIE -Missy is a 2-year·old Norwegian elkhound·. She loves young people and is housebroken. If . you·d Uke to have a ·new friend al home. contact the Orange County Humane .Soc iety . 21632 Newland St.. Huntington Beach> Telephone 536·8480. Fe line .ma scot given h onors. CHATHAM. England (AP) Charlie, the last official ship's cat at Chatham Royal Navy base. was buried wflli full naval honors recently. and the officer of the watch read the serv1te for the tomcat. rWl over in an accident. ' Ruth said she was pleased at the scholarship because "Oxford is one of the big pla ces for mathematics and I wanted to see if I could •get there ... Her am bit io n is lo be a math professor while still a teen-ager. A bugler played the last post, • the flag was lowered to half-sta(f "Charlie was loved by u!i •all. and we fell he was entitled to a burial with full naval honors like any seaman." said Chief Petty Officer Roge.r Leeder. ~agazine has seen • best,· worst of authors By WAYNE SLATER A-lallM-tWrltw LaSALLE, 'llf. -Editor Marianne Carus. the grande dame of kid stuff, recalls the time the late William Saroyan s ubmitted a story to Cricket magazine for children. He re was a world-famous author. Here was a prestigious offering. Here was a problem. "The story wasn't very good," she rec'aJJs. "We just couldn't use it. Considering • who the author was, I was scared to death to return it.., But back it went with a brief, courteous note of rejection. Saroyan took it well. Not long afterward, be submitted another s tor y. a better one -good enough for the 9-year-old reader of Cricket. :·we've se.t Ca\rl y high standards," says Mrs. Carus, the urban e,· s'il ver,haired founder and editor of a literary magarine for children in an age of comic books, video games and television. Cricket .... was created 10 years ago, born of t he idea that a monthly magazine for, th e bubble-1um set need not be second-rate. -· TQ that end, she solicited the best writers. the best artists, the best of everything. She lured critic Clifton F adim·an and author Isaac Bashevis Singer to be active advisers . S h e assemb'led a ybun g s taff top ·heavy.,vllh Eastern• private-school ties. And above a two-bll tavern In a Midw~t town of 10,000, ahe created a j lossy, witty, silly, surprisingly sophJstlcated little --monthly-eonsidtted by marw be the bell children's ma1ulne In the world -the "New Yorker" of klddy llt. "There's a percentage of children out there who really like what we're offering," says M rs. Carus. "They eat it up." What is offered is John Updike and "knock knock " jokes, T.S. Eliot and Dear Hilde -garde's column, Robert Frost and Ugly Bird's crossword puzzles. Hopi snake·dance s tories, poems by Ogden Nash, and stories with titles like "Grumpy the Groundhog" and ~ .. Do Bananas Chew Gum?" ,. Skittering a round the_ wide margins each issue are Cricket,'_ Ladybug and a host" of other pen·and·ink critters who offer an irreverent bug's-eye view of the goings-on. , "It's almos t unique," says Betsy Hearne, co-editor of the children's section of Bookliat, published by the American Library Association. "The stories are of a quality a cut abOve the klhd ypu find rn any o the r magazine and their artwork is more than a cut above the others. Some kids really appreeiate good work and gOod art,.and they sho~kthave a · chance at it: Frankly., I'm 'Surprised it has endured." It has more than endured. In the ten\lous world ol children's magazines where the bil nas;nes Include Highlights for Children and Jack and JUI, Crttket has car.ved out a respectable circulation of 120,000. That'• enough t.o keep it In the black, • but. Just. barely, Big profits were never Mra. • Carus' idea anyway. . - ~·~Thi s .is an idealistic undertaklna. We're not ll'Ylnl t.o make a lot of money. U we were, w•'d be in comiCJL.,.aJUI_ su m a n u a I • , ' ' a a y s t. b e German ·born , Sorbonne-educated crande dame CfUCK!T °CRIATOR .. EditOr·in·chief Marianne ~arus or C?iClfenha1azine toes over a story in her orri<:e. The highly respected publication strives to be so good thal both young people and their parents can read it together. of Cricket cOUntry. In a recent issue. a full-color. fo ld -out wall poster de picts Cricket Country as a delightfully mythical place of pa'Stel mountains lost in the mist, of De wlap Forest ~nd Buggy Bay and a bending old oak where bespectacled Old Cricket houses his library. - In reality. the magazine is produced in a cluster of paneled rooms. jammed wtlh 12,000 books. over an old saloon a few blocks from a bend in the lllihois River. It is here because LaSaUe is home of the Carus Corp., an i ndu st r ial -c h e mi ca l manufacturer headed by Blouke Caru s . wh o is married to Marianne. Cricket is a division of Carus Corp .. as is O pen Court Publlshing Co .. which produces a line of elementary-school textbooks and other teaching maCerlals. Still. it was a leap of faith in 1973 when the pair decided to start a children's magazine. From the start they agreed it would be neither condescending nor pedantic. Above all, they agree~ it wouJd be fun. "Jt bas to be fun or they won't learn anything," she says. "We .)Vant lo stretch their minds, to give them something of quality. So many people talk down to children, but y~u have to respect their, intelligence. Parents give them the best ch~thes, the best food, the best to¥s, when wJ\aL they should be glvln.c them( Is rood for their little brains ... A century ago. Mary Mapes Dodie. author ot "Haris Brinker, or, the SUvtr Skates," founded tbe best known Dl..all. macuines for children, St. Ntcholu. Purin g 1ta 64 y.ears, the . magaalne published Twain. • -... I Longfellow. Whittier , Emerson and Thoreau Wh en R~dyard Kipling once asked if Mr'!i . Dodge wanted him to write for her ch ildren·s m agazine , s h e r ep li e d straight.faced. '"Do you think you.are equal to it?" That's a popular story around the Cricket offic~. Here. ·they believe they are al work on a worth y s u ccesso r to St . Nich olas. a m agazine good enough for both children and their parents to read together. , '"We want parents lo read lo t h e ir children." s ays Mrs. . Carus ··eut pa rents can't be bored stiff. If they are . kids not ice it right away. So, we're s trivin g fo r so m e kind or uni versal quality that appeals to b o th p a r e nt s and th e~r children." Most bf the material pubfished in Cr icket is original. Some unsolicited m a nuscr ipts find th eir way into, print, but much or the poetry. stories and artwork co m es fro m a s tabl e o ( es t~ b Ii s h.e d w rile r s a n'd illustrators. The result is a rich mix of VlfTte-d-styte . included an excerpt from a New England girl's newly published 19th i:eratury diary with charcoal s ketches. a story entttled "The Boy Who Drew People Upside Pown." acc:.omp «'rHed'" by paintings by Marc Chagall, ~ feature about an old tashl9ned hu s kin g be e, Waldo Widde rs hln 's c artoon-like pra ctical ' hints, a r etold Vietnamese folk tale, ~ f~fUJ story about a puppy n amed Prince Am! of 11\J~.n. ~ a ·co mp I e m en t of r l d d le a . .to'n1ue·twlslers and how·l.O artleles. • .. ,. J . . -... •, . . .. I -"" I -,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 16, 1982 I · Falcon Chair The luxurious. soft leather cushtons are cradled In a beautlfUlrosewood flntsh ftame. Chair comes In twostvtes. swecllsll White Lacquer Wall Systein ~any OMof ttlete ....... OPtkMIS anct design YoW' own eastC narrow unit 19v. 11 1s•1, 1119y, S129 va1 Single d<>Or narrow unit S31 val m . . . smart Bedroom Group from Denmark In Teak Handles any stereo. tuner, playback, tapedeck:Perfect for that new victeo cassette recorder vou are planning to buy. - Teak Fiie Cabinet --1911. )( 15 x 45 ~ S265vaiue S209 ..-----~ /' E!!!!!!!!!r-C~~== 59" x 17" x 77y," H Teen set wltll BOokcase This teakWood teen t>ec:a has snerves to orc;pnlze bootcs or display knldc·knadcs. lnctooes platform bedl headboard and storage unit by Ervl. Also aval able In oak --~wew:1~nts.~$ 299 $405var. . . scan Teak Pedestal Dining Table The one and only, ortgl~~· stressless Leatl:er Recllner - Ane~t 47"tat»e~exte~369 to 69"'. Gorgeous WOOd ·graln .. -~ ~ A $4951/atue. 1-------------------,,,.------------------ ~ I Danish Teak student Desk The most fUnctional desk for ltS size. 47Y ... x 23" 28Yi ·· high. It has two drawers and a bullt-in book compartment . $155 value. Imported · Bangkok Teak chairs These sturdy sohd ' teak chairs are ~:::;a5i~~~1 beautifully designed Record d1V)Oer set narrow unit, 543 val Basicw10eunit31'1t 1115y, x79Y1 S17Sval ) Drop lid 547 val 'i Tea Arm Chair · $1 19 value ......... s89 m a conlempQrary mode. carefully hanocralted and l1r11shed and feature durable rope Double d<>Or set wlOe unit $46 val or.iwers eacn narrow unit S2s vat Or.i~rs. eacn w1oe unit s:s1 val Double glass d<>Or set w1oe unit S64 vat S52 -Director's Chair .,.......,... U..CMlr Wood back. various colors. sg $7'9vat. .. ... $ SOllCI Teak Floor ..._ __ Lamp This 58'' lamp IS topped Off With a flne linen tamp shade that com- plements the smarttv designed base. 13-wav swttchl $110val. Wfth uphOlstered seat& back. various colors 79 $95vat. . . $ Clamp . Lamp $15'~- efttler Stands by Itself or=I to Ing. Aval tlO. Vlr10uS cotors .. $2C Vll. 'S. NITURE seats. . 1mpo1 ted ie~k 3-Drawer Chest This gorgeous teak !·drawer Chest wm enhance the appearance Of anv foyer. It can also be used as a nlaht stand. Measures 19y,,.· x 16W ' x..,, 21". $94 value. "AMII W. • 180 s. Lal<e Avenue--C213> 449·6741 nwo ~tcuoum otCotorlCIO> • Wllr LOI.,._ B • 1~1 WltShlre Blvd. • Cl13) 820-3918 <Two bk>d(S west of aunov> 5' VAUIY • 12240 Sher-ran wav1 No HOltywood • <213> ?"5'0401 ca,tween ~~ FWV a LIUfef carwon1 •. MNTA W • 1540 E. warner• C714) 557-o611 11xtt DYtr .a. on NeWPoft P#V> IOUTN IAY • 23855 HaWttl<>me Btvd., Torrance • C213~318·9413 cone tJtoctc ,,i;;;-of COISt HwV> • ••--~ • Marguerfte Plaza • '714> 495· 3252 cllhueen crown vattev & AYffV Ptcwyt . ... . . . OlllN10tol -..... YllOOlltDS . • ' All f\Jmlture crafted of~ Mast veneen-"'f"V 1UtmS ~ unnsembled rn cartons ror easv otck uo. ~.SUbject to~ on P\lnd . • •. ' ' , • 4 •••••••• Diiiy Pilat , a 0 SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 1982 Kite flying-high a/ te~ taking lead . " FOR THE RECORD • B6 at Hope-Classic .. B2 . • o.lly""'"" -..., c-. ......... TAKING AIM -Steve Pelletier of !'Jewport Harbor fires over Corona del Mar defense during Friday's Sea View- League. game in the Sea Kings· gym . Defending for CdM is Chr!s Lynch < 15>. Sea Kings won. 42-39. Corona del Mar ·takes this round· But everyone agrees it's not over By JOHN tStVANO Of -Dally ~lie« Sl.llH • Newport Ha rbor High had just suffered a tough Sea View League basketball defeat at the hands of Corona del Mar, 42-39. and SaJlor Coach Jerry DeBusk and guard Steve Pelletier were making the long walk back to the focker room. DeBus k , not quite a s despondent as the player alongside him, calmly put his hand on the -senior's shoulder and offered encouragement. "Don't worry, we'll get it bac k," he said . "You know we're going to beat them." l was that kind or game Friday rught at Coropa del Mar High. For the winner. it was a great victory. For, the loser, it was a tough one to acce~t. Angels begin contract talks with Reggie From AP diQ»atches Slugger Reggie J ackson and his agent Gary WaJker were in Palm Spring s Friday , negotiating with Angels Execu- Ci ve Vi ce -Pres~dtnl Buzzie Bavasi. Team s p Qk es m a n Tom Seeberg said Bavasl first met with Jackson last month. "but this is the' first really formal session they've had." The two sides conferred for three ,hours with Jackson and his agent outlinin1 Ure sort of contract they had in mind .. There· ,was no Indication what "'the Angels were offering Jackson. ' • Bavasl said he had gotten \lie word from associates of George Steinbrenner that the Yankeft' o wn e r ·'ls not really in - terested" in keepln1 Jackaop. "We will make an oner that he can say yes or no to," saJd Bansi. _ AUanla Braves• owder Ted Turner is also tryln1 lo woo Jackson, u are the Baltimore Orioles. ··Re member, we get 'em twice." DeBusk exhorted to his pl ayers. "Don't get too down in . defeat or too high in victory, there are plenty of games left." Indeed, the Sea View beague race is far from over . With nine games to play, CdM's (5-0 in league, 10·2 overall) victory did little more than keep the Sep Kings lied (with Estancia> atop the league standJngs and give them a one game lead over the SaBors (4-1, 9·5). ''Thjs league is nowhere near ove1=," agreed ~dM Coach J ack Errion, who has his team on a 10-game .winnin g s treak. ··Everything is loo tight." "Tight" would aptly describe Friday's game,' too, both in the score -and the players. Th e sco r e was tied or exchanged hands nine times during th~ early going before CdM scored six of the second quarter's lasJ eight points to ass·ume a 23-!8 halftime margin. The Sailors then continually pecked away at the deficit. getting close but never quite catching their 9pponent. F inally, in the last quarter, Newport wbjttled the gap to two twice, but every opporturuty the Sailors got to pull even went awrJ'. . ActuaJLy; Chris Lynch, Garth Olson and Hank Goebel had a lot to c!o with the Sailors ' woes. Lync h, a 6-2 senior guard, iicored l4 points on a variety or long-range jumpers. Goebel and Olson, meanwhile, took command of the boards pulling down 11 and 10 rebounds, r espt:ctive l y . Olso n, in particular, was a thorn in that five· of his 10 rebounds were off the offensive boaras. He finished with )2 points. ··Goebel and Olson worked very hard and boxed us out well,'' agreed DeBusk. "Defense was the key and who plays betteT defense than ·Corona del Mar?" Nell.her shooting figures were sta11ertna. The Sailors wen.Jt .of 45 from the field <36 percenl), while U. Sea Kln11 connected <See Cd•, Pase Bl> er _del~Y · -~~1ght?. 'UCI fears a slow~mofion game from Santa [Jarbara -· By JOHN SEVANO it's anybody's guess wt\at ktnd or iame referring·to Cal State Fullerton's defense. of-DeityPMMllMf plan Gaucho Coach Ed DeLacy is going to "He's not Superman." Coach Bill Mulliga n and the UC Irvine bring with him. . Of CO'U"Se, UC Santa Barbara, which basketball team are all mixed up. They It's almost a cinch the Gauchos won't beat Long Beach Stale, 71·59 in its PCAA don't know what to expect from their run with the Anteaters. and 'it's also a opener, is blessed with a talented bJg m~n PCAA foes anymore . good bet that Kevin Magee will find more in 6·10 center Richard Anderson, wflo Mulliga n e x peeled conferen ce than one defender clinging to his jersey. scored 26 points and grabbed 15 rebounds •opponents to try 'to slow down the game Against Cal Sta l e Fullerton , an against the 49ers. against the Anteaters, but he's even effecUve box-and-one, m eaning one man Naturally, Anderson's presence ln the getting crawls from t eams he never middle will a llow DeLacy more mobility expected.. on defense assuming, or course. the Take Cal State Fullerton. for instance. On radio tonight Gaucho coach wants such a luxury. Mulligan would have bet his membership KVVVE (108 FM) t 7 30 UCSB has been a tough team to rigure in the Leprechaun ~iety that the Titans a : so far. The Gauchos, 6-7 overall, started would have played basketball against his out poorly, .tosing to San Diego State by .35 c lub . He didn 't t h i nk they·d r un s hadowing Magee while the other four points before getting their act together up-and·down the court with them, mind play a zone, thoroughly shut down the enough to only lose by six to nationally you, but he dJdn't expect them to play in All·American. The defense held him to a ranked Houiton a month later . Jn fact , the s low m,otion either. season low 11 points. as Magee hit'3 of only Gauchos are hot of late, havtng won four or- "l guess everybody is going to play 4 shots taken fcom the floor. their last fi ve games. that way against us." said Mulligan The zone also did a good job of ., More importantly, though, they feel a Thursday night after UC l pulled out a silencing UCI 's other potent scorer -win over UCJ tonight just might give them narrow 50-49 decision. guard Ra11dy Whi eldon __ whose total of 7 enough impetus to win the conference. Tonigh t ( 7 : 30 l . · it's UC San l a points was 10 below his average. "If we can get past Irvine l think we Barbara's turn at Crawford Hall, where a "Anybody can handle Magee, if they can win it," said Anderson, referring to sellout )las al read~ been announced_, _a_n_d __ -'p'-u_t_t_w_o_..;:;.g_uy'-s_o_n_h_i_m_._ .. _sa_i_d_M_u_l_li_g_an_. ___ lh_e_ch_a_m_..;..p1_· o_n_sh_i..;..p_. --------- Lake rs overcome slow start INDrANAPOLIS CAP) -The p e rf ormance wa s n 't overwhelming but Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley was satisfied • after the Paific Division leaders recovered from a slow •start lo defeat the Indiana Pacers 97·92 in a Nation a l Bas ke tball Association game Friday ni~ht. ·'Our guys are com petitors and they play ii's h a rd as anybody in the l eague." said Ril ey a ft er K areem Abdul·Jabbar scored 30 points .and Earvin "Magic" Johnsc5n added 19 points and 15·rebounds. Riley also was pleased with the .14 rebounds grabbed by reserve forward Kurt Rambis, who saw more action than usual be.cause an ·antle injury kept Michael Cooper out of the game. "Ram bis was great off the bench. He had s h&wed us good defense .in tra ining -camp and underneath the basket tre really helps." Riley said. · _ The Lakers trailed 33· 16 after o n e period , but o utscor ed Indiana '.l4· 12° in t he second quarter to lead 50-45 at the half. Indiana held a 43-25 lead on Mike Bantom '.s field goal with 6 :05 r e m a ining and was outscored 25-2. Jabbar had 10 of his points in that spurt. while . Norm Nixon had eight of his 22. ·'The reason for the poor second quarter as I see it was the missed shots." said Indiana Coach Jack McKinney, referring to his team's six of 23 shooting from the fl oor. "Every lime we m issed it gave them a chance to get into their running game. It's what they want, since it's their strength," The Lakers opened a 14·point advantage late in the third quarter, but ·were passed on a Banlom layup that gave Indiana an 82-81 edge with 6:05 lert in the game. ~ J a bbar a ns wered with s ix points to open an 89-82 lead with 3:31 remairung. Indiana rallied again to pull to within two points on a Butch Carter layu~ with 1: 39 rem~irung. A Johnson layup ancr two free throws each by SANDWICHED Edison's Richard Chang cuts loose a shot bet ween the defensiv.e ef forts of Jim Uscvitch and 1 left l Dimitri DeltJ Pti.t "9119.., .k ..... K- A n t OnOpoUIOS during Friday night ·s game Charger s came throug h with a 78-63 Sunset League victory. Edison flexes -it8"muscles in .78-63 win Ch_ang, DiBernardo, Stephens, Gol:ldge combine to stymie Ocean View By ROGE R t:ARL.SON Of Hie DMIY ~MC Sl.llff i:dison High's Chargers are alone at the top today In Sunset League baskeUtall after only ·two of 10 rounds. -and if Friday's exhibition Is any indication - they're going to, stay apart from the field following a convincing 78-63 victory over visiting Ocean View befQre 2,200 fans. ''It was our best game of the year from end to end," said winning coach Barry Leigh of the Chargers. "Just a very solld game." Ocean View Coach Jim Harris, miffed at the orriclaUng, said: "Edison did a super job, all of them, including three who don't even start." '· The decision leaves Edison a game ahead of four others and as fo.r Ocean View's chances for the title, Harris added:. "There's hope, but not unless there's 14 big heart.a Ln ·W s team. I haven't.. found them. yet." It was nose-to-nose for ewhile, but Edison's auperJor power and ability to score from outside of Ocean Vle~·s sone 1ave .U. Char1ers an e lght-polnt ~lge at the halt. , It was a apan i n which S·t "' Jim Us.evil.ch wu ll.mlted. to four points u he was abte t.o 1et off only three attempts. "We were 1etlinC lood ahota and it wu sort .of our came plan." saJd H.arria. But lbinp chansecl in the third quarter ' -the Seahawks went almost exclusively to Usevitch and switched to man-to-man defensive coverage, the latter decision labeled a "mistake" by Leigh. • "That's our game. It ups the tempo, which is a mistake," said Leigh. Ha rns said it was a forced mistake - "Once they got ahead there's no way they're going to go against us, and (Jeff) Stephens kind or forced it, too," said Harris. ' Ste phens connected for 16 points, including fi ve straight buckets in lhe .second period as Edison rallied from a 20-17 deficit. "He's so consistent,'' lamented Harris. "He just drilled us. It's very seldom you see a point gu a rd with that muc h confidence.·' Although Usevit ch finis.bed with 23 points and was a one-man team In the third quarter with seven buc kets in an Impressive display, the Edison lead contlnued to swell and at Olle point .· reac.hed 20 points (72·52) with 2 : 13' remainift8. • · Usevitch also picked off 12 rebounds in one of his better performances of the year -bltt FPtaon had too many answers for the Seahawks. • ll belina wtth Rlchal"d Chanl and Rick DIBemardo, who scored 18 anCl lt PolnU respectively, It continues wltb lboM two :, • quick guards Stephens and Mark Goudge, who added 16 and 15 points respectively. and it. ends with a couple of players who did ll sterling defensive job on Usevitch (despite the 23 points). • Pete Binaski started and was rellev~ at times by regular starter Darren Moore to ma~e it a complete effort. "Maybe it's the most complete team we've seen," said Harris, who bas a working knowledge of the CIF Southern Section's best. His team is now 10-6 overall and each Is against ranked teams . Edison's victory makes it lS-1 overall for the No. 2 ranked team In the 4-A. Harris' dJsgust ~Ith the officiating was his contention that Edison was constantly shoving otf and getting away with it. ''The refs kept telling them to gel their hands off, but they wouldn't make the 1' caH," saJd Harris." When Edison s hooting was at the 50 __,, percent range against Ocean View's &one ( 14 of 28 throu8h the first two-quarten>. the Seabawks were still withln ranee. • · But when Ocean View went tq Its man-to-man coverage, suddenly lbe Chargers were rollln1, hU.U.na t ol 11 ID lbe third perTod .and 9 ~ 12 lA tbe ftDal staua . to puU away. ' ' Ocean View h.ll at a falrlJ CCIGllaDt rate (28 of $5 for 50.t percenl). while turno. ... ·.,.ere also a ftctor. • \ .. I I ' .. Orange COHt O~ILV PILOT/Saturday. January 16. 1982 ., Famoll8. sp_ort.e.wriier • t Red Smith succumbs ... Lanier, Bucks topple Qeftlce · ..., LuMr 1cored a f»IOC\·hl1b 2t Point.I. 18 ln the HCOnQ half, and M .,.... Jolt1111 added 23 to lead Milwaukee-to-a lJa.H&. vletory ~., 8o1ton to hl&hliCht NBA action l"rtday nl1~. The Ion snapped a four-1ame wlMln1 1treak tor the Ctltlca. They were )ed by Larry Bird'• 29 polnti . Elsewhere, . . . Mlkt Wood10a, Re'C1&e IUaC aod Eddie J...,_ combined for 60 polnl$ • to power Kansas City to a 114·104 victory over· New Jeruy . . . Forward •lclaa• lk~• scored 2-l polnU and equaled a career hl1h by 1~bblna 14 rebOund.8 leading ~o·n Diego io a From AP dlapatcbea 117-108 m over Cleveland NEW ~ORK -Red Smith, wbo •. · . · Se ttle guard Gua chronicled a half-century of sports W l 111 a • s c o re d a with a sensitivity that broucht hJm career-high 42 poinla that friends, respect and joutnaJlsm'a LANIH boostect-the SuperSonks to a higheslawarda,diedFriday.Hewu78. 11S·103 triumph over Utah ... llUkl The Pulitzer Prize-winninC columnist for VHdewegbe led a balanced attack with 24 The . New York Times died at a hospittl in points and the N uggels turned back a Stamford, Conn., after a brief lllness, the third-period rally to defeat .the Mavericks, newspaper said. Further detaUa and funeral ~ 128·113 .. ~ Geor1e Gervla led the way with~ a rrang e ment s were points as San Antonio blasted tbeJlouston, unavailable, 128·90 ... Two free throws by Jell &ulud with Born Walter Wellesley 1:33 remaining locked up a 93-90 victory for Smith, he won counttess Washington over Chicago ... Joll• Drew ds f bi ·u bo • scored 26 points and &ory Sparrow added 22 as ~r!:J'Sll~~a~w;.;a~r;j....fh?l'~;;;5;,r:wirlii ifan;sg~e;:~e~n~i~;----Atlanta edged Philadelphia, 96-90 ... Bernard over half a century. But he King's 20-foot jump shot from the corner with had said the Pulitzer, one second left gave Golden Sltl~ a 1C>t=1pe win journalism's highest award over New York. 1 which he won In 1976, was Qu ... L,es' Best treated for alcoholism ''the only bottle cap that GI' SMITH means anytbina." · Smith, who joined the Times in 1971, was the tirst sportswriter to win the Pulitzer for commentar_y. Quote of the day Long Beach Slate basketbaU coach Tex Wl.nter. talking about his team's erratic play and tough earl)'rseason · schedule: ''I think I am beginning to see the Ugbt al the end of the tunnel. I just hope a train isn't coming the olt\er way." Lukowich lifts Jets to tie Morris Lukowlcb scored ' a u -power-play goal with 1: 34 len in the • ·' game to lift the Winnipeg Jets lo a 4.4 tie with the New York . Rangers in Natfonal Hockey League play Friday night. Lukow)cb scored the lyini goal when he swept in Pa.i MacLean's centering pass from 10 feet out .. '. Yvon Lambert's first three-goal game of··his· JO.year: f\iHL career Lifted Buffalo to an 8-2 victory over Toronto. RJc SeWa1 s~ored twice and GU Perreault, Mike FoUIDO and leH Sauve each tallied once for Buffalo. SAN JOSE -Flamboyant m soccer star George Best was in an alcoholic rehabilitation program Friday and was on indefinite suspension from the San Jose Earthquakes of the North American Soccer League, team officials said. Best will remain on suspension without pay until he "is mentally and physically prepared to · rejoin the Quakes." said team General Manager John Carbray: 'Best had eight goals and JS asslsW"'thro(agb five, games of ttJe Indoor season to lead the team in scoring. The 35-year-old Best . who had the image of a f ast-living playboy as a young star in Britain, was ...... reported ''doing well " at Vesper Memorial Hospital in Hayward. . Best missed the Quakes' Jan. 8 flight to Seatlle and went on a drinking binge, according to team officials. He was suspended for hls failure to appear for games in Seattle and Portland over the weekend. "' I . Fernando to pitch In hometown , ....... vaa ...... ol the Loa •. An&elea DodCert wlll plteh lD th• four·l).Allon .Caribbean aJl·1tar baseball terlet to be play.ct In Sonora. Melde0 next month. V1len1uel1, the winner ()f lut year'• Cy Younc Award, a1reed Thuod•Y to" serve u a relief pitcher foe l.he local Yaqui• c lub ln playoffs (or the cbamplonahlp of Mexico's Pacific Lea1ue winter baaeball circuit : . . The Cleveland Indiana said Frtday lhey hftd sisned lefl·handed pitcher llin Wahs _to w__1b_ue:,ye,ar co_atra -. North choice in SeniQr 'Bowl ~OBILE, Ala. -Jlm~McMabon, Ell the Afl•Amerlcan quarterback l n II• Brigham Young's explosive aerial attack. makes the North an overwbelmin1 favorite over the South In the 33rd Senior Bowl football game today. . McMahon. who bold3 SS Nation.al Colle•i•te Athletic Association records, threw f~r S,$5$ yards and 30 touchdowns durin1 bia senior campaign. He will have his favorite tar1et on hand -BYU wide receiver Da Plater. who soared 62 passes for $91 .Yards and wu the offensive standout with two 5CGQn1 receptions in la.st week's ~ast West Shrine game, The kickoff is set for IO: lS a .m. In Ladd Memorial Stadium, where a near-capacity crowd of 40,000 is expected. The game will be televised nationally by ESPN, a cable television sP,Orts network. Borg may be forced tO qualify ·Bjon Borg 'of S~eden will have to quaJify for the 1982 French Open and Wimbledon unless he agrees to II play in 10 Grand Prix tournaments, the Men's International Pro Tennis Council announced · Friday. The decision was made after Borg s igned up for o nly seven Grand Prix tournaments in 1982, and under Grand Prix rules, a player must agree to play a midtmum of 10 tournaments . . . Coming from lfat place, Gralljo Deseo captured the Orange County .Fair Purse by a half-length before a crowd or 23,07S at Santa Anita Friday . . , Sebastlu Coe, the British runner who lowered the world record in the mile twice during 1981, has been named Track & Field News ' Athlete of lhe , Year ... Ted McN•lly, a former Indiana University quarterback, bas died in an auto accident, according to the Ca'lifornia Hi1hway Patrol. McNully, who dled Thursday, lived ln {..arkspur, Calif .... Members of a special three-man panel Friday listened to ar1uments from attorneys representing Bobby Uuer• and Marlo AndrettJ, the two men batWng tor an official victory in the 1981 Indianapolis 500 auto race. .. US~ collects ·easY,-PaC-1() • WlD Ander~on paces Troja~; Pepperdine shocks seVenth-ranked San Francisco, 102-91 . - LOS ANGELES -Guard Dwight Anderson scored 17 points lo lead a balanced Southern California attack Friday night as the Trojans rolled to an 89-67 Pacific-10 Conference basketb8.ll victory over visiting Ar\zona. Mo Williams and Cedric Balley added 12 and 10 points. respectively, for the Tro~· • who ar.e now 3·1 in Pac-10 play and 9-4 overaJ Frank Smith paced Arizona; whl ell to 0-S in conference action and 5·9 for the season with 16 1>0ints. Jack Magno and Keith Jackson added 13 and 12 points, respecliv~ly, for lbe Wi1dcats .. The Trojans tr.alled'early 5-4 but outscored the Wildcats 20-' over the next 11 minutes to tak~ a 24·11 ~vantage. Arizona wasn't closer ~an 11 points after tba~. Basketball scores .. College El T0<0)6, lrvlne S3 -Estan<la '°· UN..nlty 41.(00 IJSC "· Arb or,.47' Costa Mesa•. ~k S4 .4un•P9clfk11. Soe.a1 COii-7• s.ac..tL ..... Pe-rdlne 1~ USF '1 Capistrano Valley II, La9una N•V ... L.as y-... Wyomln9 SI lleach 1J UC ltlwn!Oe SS, CS 0om1119.,., San C-71, ytune Hiiis 42 Hiiis SJ (ot) Mlulon Ylelo o. 0-Hiiis 0 S.nlA CIM• 13, LoYol• .. ~ Onw LHllle cs Nottlwkloe 70, CAI POiy CSLO> L• Quinta .... SMtlatlO st to Rancho Alomltos n. LCMrAmloos 0 Cal Poly (Pomonalll,Cll8C>man7l BolsaGr.,,.42.~GrowSt cs 884leotlelcl 11, cs Lot Anoeles .......,.. I.Miiie . tt , Bishop Mon......., '1. Male<' Del ll was 36-20 at halftime 1nd Southern Cal br"eezed after the Intermission, playing reserves extensively in the late going. The Trojans made SS.4 per.cent of their field coal attempts to S).9 percent for the Wildcats, who . connected onJy ~JS.O percent in tbe first half. Southern CaJ outrebounded Arizona 36-26; UNLV.19, Wyoming 58 .. attack as the Broncos downed Loyola of Los Angeles°'gJ-68 in a WCAC opener. Forward-Scott Lamson added 14 points and pulled down a game-high 14 rebounds for the Broncos, who raised their season record to 10·4. Guard Bill D.uffy also had· 14 _points for Santa Clara. . Forward Forrest McKenzie led Loyola, which fell to 2·12, with 2.4 points and eight rebounds. Guard Casper Ware added 12 points for the Lions, LAS VEGAS -Freshman guard Dwayne Polee who were playing their first game at the new scored six points in the final six minutes, leading a Albert Gersten Pavilion on campus. , Nevada-Las Vegas spurt as the Rebels defeated Santa Clara broke open the game midw~y Wyoming 69-58 in a non-conference game. through the fi rst half: The Broncos Ced at halftime .The Rebels tied the game at SS-all with six 45-32. The Lions weren't closer than seven points minutes remaining and proceeded to out.score in the second half. Wyoming 14-3 the rest of the ·way to raise their ~ A big factor in the game was Santa Clara's season r~rd to 10·6. Wyoming felJ to 12·4. 4 4-33 advantage in rebounding. Junior forward Sidney Green led UNLV with 17 points, junior forward Larry Anderson added 16 Idaho 73, Idaho St. 62 and sophomore center Riehle Adams contributed MOSCOW, Idaho -Idaho guard Ken Owens 14. Sophomore guard Danny T.arkanian had 12 scored 21 points and three teammates broke into points and Polee finished with 10 for Las Vegas. double figures as the 14th-ranked Vandals soundly Senior forward Bill Garnett had 22 points ror defeated Idaho State 73-62 in Big Sky Conference Wyoming to lead all scorers. Teammate Mike action. Jackson added 16. Idaho improved its record to 14-0, 3-0 in league • The Cowboys made 67 percent of their field play, laking over top spot in the conferee and goal attempts but committed 22 turnovers. laying claim to the best college season record in Pepperdlne 102, USF 91 the nation. North Carolina at 13-0, plays Saturday night.· -' Kite ·sails . int~ lead He leads Hope Classic by one · PALM SPRINGS (AP) -Tom KJlt, pickine up where.be~ offTn 1911, 1e9ted an eat1•·2 • the way to a •uncter--par • for a 200 total thel propelled him to tbe lhlrd round lead rrtday lo tile 5-day. 90-hole Bob Hope Daett Golt Cluale. "NeedleM•to aay, I'm playtna well," Kite aald. "I'm cert.a1nly. hltUn1 my tron. well, probably u well aa I ever have. Anytime I 1et It in the falrwa)' I' feel like I've cot. Jood chance at blrdJ .... Kite, who finisned the t•t 14lUOft with ta consecutive tournaments in which he finished eighth or better, played In bri&ht, warm desert On TV today channel 4 at 1 • sunshlne at La Quinta FridQ. He now .bu -two rounds at Indian Wells. proba6ly the .easiest of the • four courses used in this unique event, the looteat tournament on the American tour. "THE IURDIE opportunities are there at Indian Wells," he said. "But there's DO auarant.ee. You can shoot .some high numbers, too. But I'm playing well and I'm very optimistic about my chances." The unusual format calls-for the 128 pros'ti> play one round on each or four courses. etch ~•Y with a different amateur team. Aft~r 72 holes, the amateurs drop out and the field is cut for the pros-only final round at Indian Wells Sunday. Ed Fiori, with a 66 at Bermuda Dunes. took over the No. 2 spot at 201, 15 Under par. Jet Ozaki, the long-hitting Japanese roo.kie who led or shared the lead through the first two rounds, had to struggle with an errant drive th.bl time and needed a birdie-birdie finish to salvage la 70 at F.dlorado. That left him in third at 202. "l'M VERY GLAD lo get by that golf course," he sa1d through an interpreter. "It's by far the hardest course here. My tee shots were not good. So many in the trees." He scrambled to fi ve birdies and as many bogeys over the first 16 holes. putting three drives into the trees and another shot in a lake, before pulling it together. Ozaki birdied the 17th from 10 feet and needed· only a 7-iron second s hot on the 502-yard finishing hole, a par-S. He Just missed a 15-foot eagle putt and tapped in for tbe birdie. The group at 203 included Forrest Fezler, Skeeter Heath and Rex Caldwell. Fezler, once one of the game's most promissing young players but a struggling also-ran. ror seven long seasons, bad .a 67 at La Quinta. Heath shot 69 and Bermuda Dunes and Caldwell 70 at Eldorado. Masters champ Tom Watson bad a 70 for 211, U.S. Open title·holder David Graham 77 for 215 and Amold Palmer, the current national seniors ct\t'mpion and.a-S-time winnu her:e, 71 for 218. All pla~ al La Quinta with the celebrity field that included former President Gerald Ford and many show-business friends of the host comedian. PGA champion Larry Nelson shot 73 for 217 at . Eldorado. . ~ . Kings earn 3-3 ti~ VANCOUVER, British Columbia <AP> -Jim Fox scored midway through the third period to lift the Los Angeles Kings to a 3-3 tie with the \l..i)lcouver Canucks Friday night in National Hftkey League play. - Fox scored after teammate Paul Mulvey dug the puck out of the corner and fed Fox a perfect pass about 20 feet in front of Vancouver goalie Richard Brodeur. The high shot beat Brodeur at 10:39 and slopped the Los A·ngeles losing streak at four games. Vancouver took a 3·2 lead in the second period on a power play goal by Curt Fraser before an estimated 12,000 fans at the Pacific Coliseum. Def~nseman Doug Halward and Darcy Rota scored the other Canuck goals, while the Kings also got markers from defense men Larry Murphy and Ian Turnbull. The tie left Vancouver one point behind the second-pl ace Calgary Flames in the Smythe Division. The Kings are another seven points behind the Canucks. e1o1a ... LAB8'11Jsto .. MALIBU -Forward Bill Sadler scored a PolfttL .... a,C.1•..,.111 ,. S.•vlteM.st.Pwto season-high 26 points lo lead Pept\Ardine lo 102·9J UC O•Ylset,CSS.Cramtft'°" c.-.,,u.we -• s~ St n. Sonoma s1. 41 s.nt• AN n, "-"' s1 upset victory over seventh-ranked San ·Francisco "-'" s.nt•""" v .. ..., 1s. vm. P•,_ •s in the West Coast Athletic Conference opener for BolM SI. 76, W-r St. 7} El M-Sl. T1t1tkl SI both 'e"'-r. College ·basketball JOHNSON &: SON Presents ... 8YU 7 .. UIMI St Ca on U Or M " ccuua • ~ ny ·~ Tb n..... t ·1ed b f · l l h lft" Tonlght'snemes 01L1a11omaa1Kansas C•ntenatYl2,HovnonBapt1stn •"_...~ e uv•.., rat Y our pom s a a 1me, • Mtam1atK-s1. Eaat Cypress"· LOl Al.ml• s• 44·40, although they 'made only 40 percent of their WHt Ho•thwettem •1 Pu.- • Columbia ... Oanrnouth so El OM-St, L-•• f' Id g I lle l d tr bo ded 30 19 UC Santa.-aat UC 1,,,1,,. Y011ft9St-SI. at Akron • ESPeranu'6,Pacllk•l4 te oa a mp s an were ou e un · c..ist•Fu11e11onatL-8H<t1S1. aow11119 o,...,•tE.Mkllf..,. Cornell n. Harvard )6 K•t•ll• 74. ic..,..,.," by the Waves. Ut8fl St. .._,rnnost. w. r.usst. at araclley M•ln• 13, Y~t 12 ,_,, ~ USF ed ~ d f. . I Pac Ilk .. Serl_,_ Sl Ceftlral Ml<N98ft .. r .. _ . Community cot~ s-att.a.-aPatllo • narrow t1.e e 1c1l to 46-44 ear yin the Art.-St.acusc rn.<111<e111Cln:i .. te1e,,.1-s1. ....._ cac ~· Fullerton 70• LAH-• S4 second half but Pepperdine then scored eight o on1• et se. Marv's Loyola, 111. •• Oevtoft OOICleftWftt•.LAHarbor4' SvftftyHllJs.i.Troy'° · h • · b ard $ NewMnko .. H--11 Oelaw.,..SlatE.llllnDls CYPAH'4.LASoutllwettM ~a-.-stra1g l pomts -six y gu Dane uttle -lo usFetLO'fol• HewMellko5t.atllllllolsSt. s.nt•Monl<•l3, A1oHonc1o1• M•Mlm7',WKtffnU take a S4-44 advantage. Pon1-a1u.o1s-01qo 1nc11-se . .ts .11111>o1s East L01Anve1e1tt.los Anoe1e, Brea-011no.'1.s.v-sl The Waves extended thelr ·lead to 73.57 Ttu~EIPnoats.n01evos1 Mkhl98ft .. Mlrwwt0t• • CC 70 Yaltn<le .i. Maonolle S3 St•"tont 81 Wntllngton St. Mluowl •t Nellt-• ~~· .. _...... midwa).'. through the second half, but the Dons oretonSl ... °"90ft var-~1toa1w. 111111o1s t:S:::;.~~~l:,~, ,,,,,, ......... wlllldbrklle•t rallied to within'six 'P<>ints, 79·73, with five minutes ~~11'=:'.~::,.~... Mlssiu1pp1,suiA!::' . w..i.scnool Women remaining. However, Peppecdine scored the next ca1s1a .. NOrtiw1-. .. ca1s1eteaa11 ... -111 c1nc1-t1atLouitv111e '.._., COCl.EOI · · ts d •t th le ed n th t ChatW'M'I at UC AIV«shle Nwtfl CMollM at Dulle s.-t~ usc n .Artronaao six pom an wasn rea n a er a . cs ~1H111satc.iPo11"-NM111c.r-ot1Ns1.etw.-:eFor"1 Marina tt. "-1taln llallty '1 UCLA 7', ArlrOM State 70 Cal Staw LA at cal Poly San Luis <>411-""-lacH., St. et F.......,. EdlM>nn,0c .... 111ewu "'cMuc"°°" Senta Clere 83, Loyola 68 c1•••--Mudll .. W111111er .A1..,.....e1K9"bi<h Hunllnoton 8e8cfl u , Wttlmln,ltr SN v ... L.--Pom-Plllet at La llffM Al•.·•lrmt ........ •t South Flotlda • coronaoe1 -n.N-rtH1rt1orJ1 LOS ANGELES _ Forward 'Gary Hopkins C•lle<hatA..,..... SE LoulsltNMAt11.·LlttleAoo:k s..vi.w ~ ' cost• Mewoll, Sadcll-k" scored 17 po1'nts, lead1·n° a balanced Santa Clara FrHNPaclflc •t C•l Lut11eran TlleCltadet•tMMIMll Col"OMdel-62, Newport H•rbor :19 I Estancia~. UnlV«&lty S2 .., UC San OietD .. Stoia E. Kantucily at-tay St. .-=--------;;;i;;=--;;;;;=;;;;;---ir--.-----:-'------"----------,0c:c1delll ........ m Lom. TeM.<Ml ...... •I •. Ttl'ltlSt. • ...._ Flo411 ... et Mlui.IOPI C--$4.111 Air Ferce F*l•St. et \llfW!lt .. Tech tt.tllo $4. et Ww St, Georgi. SI. et'-"' ~IM K-St ateol«ede ._ ... TIO\etV.,..... W~St.... ....... • Wllll-& Mary et J-MMlton _ _......_ .. ..._ _ Ll!Ulsi-Ttdlolls-fw• wettfNlll at OHM c.i.,... H. Tel&MSI. .. *"*"'St. ......... "4._•T-atT-St. W.Mk ...... at .... $1. SWLoul"-atNewOrle-Cre...-.et~ St. J.....,'19'N.C.~ Oevtd1911 et Moire O.W. Radfwd at lllCIWNM • Oet....ttatlC..,..,,Otlle Fr9d0rlla5'.8'S"'-• Ml<l1l1911Sl.etllllllolt Y_....ltatT-Ofllt SI. et 111111-Tlll'-Te<llatW. Kerllvc;lly EMIOU.:MOW c.-. ...... ..,. ...... ~ '""- S~N .JOA9UIN 'GOLF I COURSE ~ ' . ~ Wichita St at Tulsa ArktnSM•I TH•• Aluata.vtM Buller at 0ti1.-City NW Louis'-•I Htrdl,..51~ SMU alHOulton lowaS1 ... 0tlta11oma Pan A,,,...lc., at Lam« Te1H·Arl ........ 81 TCU . ... Clemson at M8ryl- NM1h•.....,. •I Druel Geor·ee wes1111191on at Massac:husetb Temple M Hofstra St. J°"""'' at Lttll9" Vermont at Maine Piii 81 "-SI. Aut,..-ut It...,. 111- Amertcan U ... Bucknell Ma ...... tan at Army Pr0¥1Cleflee at Boston Coll"' Ion• 'at ao.ton u Holy Crou at Canl,lu' Columtll• ti H....,ard C-Hcvt at St. Jolln's CorMll M Dwt!MUlh 0.1••¥eMUtfWla O.PWI et~ Dominion St. ~et~• at Felrliet41 SI-at F .. rtel9" Olcltlnton LtntlllanclU.11w...,... St. FrMtlS. N.Y. et Maf'l1t Yaleat ...... HtflllllHte WHI Y~ 81SI. 8-t'"e Ylll•-• .. Seton Hall Pete the "Greek" NFL's . Picks Of ·The Week PETE PICIS SAN fUlllSCO All THE WAY! "i FREE LESSONS with I I ~UIJCHASE OF '20°0 DISCOUNT . ~' RANGE CARD. COLLEG(E BASKETBALL .UC. lriirie vs. UC SANT A BAIBARA ·-•at WI-'" WHftnt CMotlM 81 \/Mt auhd.r'• pme• Mo ..... St. at AusH,. PHY Cl-.. Vl<glftlll 1HIY'lltl ~ LICl1HI . 1912 . UMCOLM C~ALSI I !Present thjs ad and receive 3 Fre · ee Trevino Balls when YoU enroll. . . . To Enroll Cal 55 I ·5522 ... TONIGHT ' 7:25 .. p.m. K-WAV'E FM-108 ===,:;=~,?:'.:. ~~~ _.. ____ ... •il•ii••• C:..,.rty ............... lliiiiill New Puts Department Hours Now Open 8:00 am -l:O'O ·pm Saturdays N C 0 L N E R C U _. R y 1616 Barbor Boal~, Coeta 'Mcu (714) l40-l680 .. \ .... ~ , ' ,. Or-ange Coat OAlL Y P1LOT/Saturday, Jtnuary 18, 1982 • •• DeMy Pfe.e-...,~ ...... Kl~sman's shot wins it, 42-41 By CU&T S~EDEN Huntington Be•ch Wednesday 0t .. Delly.,........, · ·~ and averaged 20.1 points per · In their own sep•r•te wa.ys.-game coming into the 1am-.; Marina High's Andy Klussman couldn't get free, teammate Rob and John Berry provided the Whit.eh.air was keepln1 the heroics in the Vikings' 42·41 Barons ahead. Sunset League victory over The 6-5 junior scored eipt ol Fountain Valley Friday night. . his 10 points in the third quarter. Klussman gained Ins tant stardom with his clutch layup with 24 seconds remaining in the game to give the Vikings the victory. But it was Berry. who had to give up his-usual o(fensive con· tr.ibution to concentrate on de- fendinj{' fountain V~lley's hol· shoot.ing Jeff Hughes . BERRY HELD Hughes to just 10 points Friday night and even 'shut him out in the fourt.h quarter as the Vikings evened their Sunset League record at 1·1 before a boisterous Marina home crowd. ' "I gave Berry a tough job tonight," admitted Marina Coach Steve Popovich. Offensively; Berry had just four poi.nts. It was only the fourth time in 14 games that lte hasn't reached double figures . But it really didn't matter. Junior guard Scott Filipek picked up the s lack with a ganfe·high 18 points, including eight in the third quarter when the Vikings outscored the Barons. 18·12 to pull in lo a 35-35 He after three. The Vikings , coming orr a lopsided defeat to Edison in their Sunset Le~· ue opener, stuck with thei gam e plan Friday night, and t e result was an important victory over the No: 6 leam in Orange County. .. "WE JUST went into a dead period. We really los't momentum toward the erid of the game," explained Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. "We alsq made too many turnovers. "Marina is a good ball cub. I think they're much better than their record (9-6)." Brown added. Marina used what Popovich called a diamond and on-: de(ens~ tt\roughout the game, . with the one, of course, being Berry acting as Hughes' shadow. "He <Hughes) is our key JUY. But our philosophy is if he. comes up against this kind of defense, the other guys are good enough to pick up the scoring," Brown explained. ,. WITH THE Barons leading 31 -25 in the third quarter, the Vikings' Mark Tandy and Filipek hit back-to-back baskets to pull within two .. Another Filipek basket with 45 seconds left in the third period got th~ Vikings even. In the final period, Marina got its chance to go ahead after a - Baron turnover with 44 seconds left. With Filipek standing al the top of the key, Kluss man cruised underneath the basket, look a Joe Montana-type pass and put the winning two points on the scoreboard . HAN~.UP -Newport Harbor's Scott Liner lets loose with shot while f ac_ing the hands-up defense or Corona del Mar's Kurt Petersen <23 > and Hank Goebel <32 > Frida\' "TIUS WAS a big win for us arter what happened Wednesday night," admitted Popovich. ·'The difference tonight was the kidi; remained mentally tough when we were down by 10 points. Oilers win behind Lane night. Sea Kings won. 42-39. · ~~~~~~~--,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·,Eagles eke _ p From Page Cl They kept their poise." Jim Lfhe scored 11 points in • • • overtime CdM ••• one out in Indeed . Fountain 'Valley ·--the 'lbird quarter to lead the gradually increased its 14·11 Huntington Beach High Oilers to first -quarter lead to 1·21 wi a.6-S.~48 Sunset League basketball . Kraiss' bucket wins it in .50-48 duel with Trojans -ByROBBM~N °' .. .,..., ..... ,_ When you're a league leader and ranked No. 4 in the CIF ·a-A basketball circles you're supposed •to make it easy on your-coach once in a while, but the Eagles of Estancia High kept their coach and. fans on the hot seat Friday nipt. . When it ended it was a so:.-48 overtime deciSiOn over visiting University High, but it's just like a blowout; the Eagles are 5-0 in the" Sea View League with 5-0 Corona del M"l' invadlnc on Wednesday. 'Tm just happy to· be. 5-0," said Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman. "University is a fine ball club. With the ~ne·fawo punch of (Brad) Guess and <Randy> Meyers, they are tough to defend." Steve Kraiss made a basket with 1 :43 Mustangs colleci; :· :.Irvine pays ag1:1in Costa Mesa High's Mustangs sn apped a three-game Sea View League basketball losini streak with a vengeance Friday night, routing host , Saddleback ,.Ugh, but Irvine's shot at putting an I end to a 10-game losing streak fell three points .. short. Here's a look at Friday's action: Coate Meaa 80, Se~dlebeck 54. Ken Bardsley equaled his season high with 25 points, Jim P.elichowski added a season-hlgh .19 counters and John Rishebarger chipped in with 13 points as the Mustangs put it-out of reach early. Costa Mesa had a 42-10 halftime bulge as Pelichowski (13). Bardsley (12) and Rishebafger < 11 > combined for 36 of those points in a near-unstoppable display. "We couldn't get the ball inside," said Saddleback Coach Pat Quinn, "and we were a little bit intimidated." · Saddleback could net oruy 2 of 27 in the first half, while Mesa shooters hit60 percent (15 or 25). J ohn Strayer added to .rebounds and Pelichowski had seven boards, while Steve Cook handed out four assists in Mesa's conquest. The victory puts Mesa at 2-3 in league., Saddleback is still winless in five s tarts. El Toro 56, Irvine 53 Rob Akers hit a season-high 29 points, including 17 in the fourth quarter, but ll wasn't enough to offset El Toro's 11-point lead after three quarten and 13 into the final period. Irvine bad the ball and down by a 54-51 mar1in, but a turnover ended the Vaqueros' chances. • ' Aken hit 10 of 22 from the field in collecting his 29 pointS. · · • · SonQy Lewis, in his first action this year, led ,. ··El Toro with 16 points, augmented by Todd lnglebart (13) and Jeff Arnold (10). remaining in overtime to put Estancia in the lead 49-48. Then University stalled until there was ten seconds leftr, Crail Rouae toot a shot from inside, but lt m1aaed its mark. On lbe emuinc rebound, Estancia' Randy Tift. fouled Darryl Monroe. Monroe was s-enl to the line, sho0Un1 ocie-and-one. With just six seconds remaininc, llonroe'a..tree throw attempt rell short. Brian Midland came down with the reb<fund for the Easies, and ~as fouled in the process. So with two seconds left, Midland made the first free throw and missed the second. The ball fell into the arms of University's Rouse as time 'ran out. "We bent 10 times tonight, but never broke." said Sunderman. "We kept our poise well. .. The £agles jum~ out to an 8-2 lead. but the Trojans, led by the Fl Guess promptly tied the scor e. But Estancia moved back in front. as Midland hit-on an outside jumper ~ In the secorid quarter. Es'fancia parlayed seven free throws and rour rield goals into a 27·24 · halftime lead. But University came baclt and tied 'he game 36·36 as Guess hit. on a 15-fooler as the third quarter ended. Then Estancia started off the fourth quarter by making seven straight points. University answered with six of its own, five by Rouse. With seven seconds left in regulation: Estancia held a 46-44 J'ead. But again Rouse scored, as he ~ took an offensive rebound and put the ball in the basket. ·'Fouls hurt us." said University Coach Jeff Cundingham. ··we also didn't get any breaks from t he officials.·~ -· University allowed Estancia 28 free throw attempts. But the Eagles managed to hit on only 16 of them (57 percent). Jeff Gard.ner made eight free-tt)rows for the Eagles, while Midland bucketed 14 points. For the Trojans. Guess had a game-high 20 points, while teammates Myers and Rouse added 10 and 12 points, respectively. Guess also led in the rebound department as he pulled down 11 boards. Foul play hurts MD TORRANCE -Maler Dei's Monarchs fell victim or some questionable officiating Friday night and dropped an Angelus League basketball game to host Bishop Montgomery, 61·48. The Monarchs were assessed 19 fouls lo 7 against the hosts along with three technical fouls. "Both teams phtyed well and it should have been a lot closer at the end," assistant coach Joe Linden said. "They clogged the middle preUy weU on us and we weren't hitting the outside shots." Bishop Montgomery held a 19-17 ·edge a.t halftifiie, then moved in front in each of the last t WO periods. · Matt Beeuwsaerl had 18 points for the Monarchs and Chris \Jackson hit 11. Mike Fielder played well off the boards and added 12 points. The loss drops Mater Del to 1·2 1n· league play with Bishop Montgomery winning its first decision. Pacific ~ Co~st Am~mus~Q&lllDll!. all AlJDIO. on only 16 of 42 attempts (38 percent). ; The Sailors had two players- Byron Ball (19 points) and Brian Folk ()0) -in double figures, but no one to match Goebel and ' Olson on the boards. "I didn:t want the score to be in the 40's," said l)eBusk. "I wanted the tempo but couldn't get it. We got our s hots, we just didn't gel them down. We don'.t feel that we played r.eal well." Of course. neither does Corona del Mar, which could have made the final marg i n more , comfortable if the Sea Kings had hit their free throws in the fourth quarter (they missed six in the last period, including the front end or five one-plu~-one opportw"ties). ''It really makes it nervous time when you don 'l hit those," said Errion, "but with all the publicity surrounding this game I think the players were not only physically, bot mentally tense. "l just wish we only played them Cthe Sailors ) once a year." No such luck. The task doesn't get easier for CdM . Wednesday the Sea Kings vis it Es tancia .and the· 5·0 Eagles. f~ur minutes re ' .mg in !Jle vi ct~ r y over vis it in g fitsr h~ aunting feelmg_ Westminster High Friday night. for the Vik gs. Lane, the 6-7 senior who left The Barons, with Hughes the team early in the cameaign, unable to escape the d.ogged then returned in lime fbr defense employed by Berry, Wednesday nigh t 's loss to spread the offense around as Fountain Valley, scored 24 John Kosty, Ken Harter -and . points against the Lions and Hughes -each chipped in six pulled down a game-high 13 points during the first half. rebounds. And when the second half In two games with the Oilers began, Marina didn't let up with Lane has 'Scored 52 points and its defense. While Hughes -who has made the team a contender s cored 34 poin'ts agains,t fpraplayoffberth. · Warrior delay rejected PARAMOUNT -Woodbridge High's WarriorsJearned a lesson Friday night, a painful 4.f defeat at the ha nds of host Brethren High. · • ]he Warriors, now on a three-game losing streak, wen~ to a delay game wjth a little over 180 seconds left and a three-point lead, but their tactics backfired when plans were ignored and an·outside hot was attempted. . · It missed, Brethren converted it into a bucket, got the ball again on a turnover and scored to take the lead, then used free throws and a gift basket at the end for t he final five-point margin. "It wa s just a mental mis take,·' s aid Coach Bill Shannon. as his sen iorless free-lance team falls to 10-4 overall. Anthony R~dovcich and Bob Foringer led the scoring parade with 13.and 12~ints, but there's n ot much lime to dwell on problems -the Warriors are at Capistrano Valley Christian Monday night <'r o'clock>. 1912VW OUANTUM WAGON !> spd, trans. alf cond. leatherette.seats. radlal tires and morel (Stk. 3089). (004796). SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow deptb/lncbes Conditions Ufts/Cbaln 2L Ust Prk• SI J.NS ~$1470 SALIPltlCI , Holiday Hill Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley 12 hp 12-36 hp 6-10 hp 24.36 hp 6·10 hp 8L FO 4L 2L CENTRAL CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak Dodge Ridge 50-70 pp 4C 104 pp FO <except chairs 20 and 21 ) 44-~ pp FO 60-84 pp FO NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Mt. Reba Kirkwood Sierra.Ski Ranch Heavenly Valley Tahoe Ski Bowl 60-120 pp 120-194 pp 101 pp 57 pp 7C FO FO 21L 5 10 .595 HEW SCIROCCO Coupe . 5 .-.peed,; transmission. metaUld paint. rear wl ndo~ wiper/washer. all~ wheels, stereo c.aMtf11 and morel (Stk. 3235~ (017766) ........... • SALi ~·~· 5 10 495 ••• "j , Orange Coa1t DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, January 18, 1882 REJECTED -Los Angeles Lakers center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar <left1 blocks this shot by Indiana's Tom Owens during ·~-....­first-quarter NBA action Friday night in Indianapolis . Lakers overcame s low start to win. 97-92. .Capo brushes off Artists Cougars haii"d--'wguna an 83-73 South Coast defeat By RICHARD DUNN Ot .... o.Hy-SMlft Dao Dar_gan poured in 31 points to lead Capistrano Valley High to a South Coast League victory over vi siting Laguna Beach, 83·73, Friday night at Saddleback College. The Cougars hel~ on to overcome a pesky Laguna Beach team which was determined to fight back. The Artists were down at halftime, 47-37, but came out ready in the third quarter. Laguna Beach outscored lhe. Cougars, 10..2 in the first five minutes of play to cut the deficit to 49·47. "THEY JUST KEPT coming back at us," said Cougar Coach Mark Thornton. "Laguna Beach is a team lhat just won't quit." The ArtJsts s howed Capo VaUel they came to play by jumping out to a quick 12'> lead, but as time went on, Dargan got hot and the Cougars opened up a 10-point lead wilh 3:34 left in the first half. It was a seesaw battle lhe rest o( the way, and Lag1tna Beach's poor free-throw sbootint proved to be lhe difference. The Artists could only sink 13 of their 28 tries for a weak 46 percent. Neil Riddell continued his hot shooting for the Artists as he dropped in 21 . John Ma}'ln also had a ' hot n)gbt for Laguna, adding 17. Rustlers win . in final seconds Murphy Davis bit a pair of free throws w0ith two seconds to play to cap a wild finish and give Golden West College its first basketball victory in the Southern California Conference, 48·46 over Los Angeles Harbor. The Seapawks played a s lowdown game thr.ougbout.,. and took-possession-with 2~ minutes to play. trailing 46-45. "The kids played real well-tonigllt," said Laguna Beach Coach Jerome Karp. "H we score like this, and play tough at home, we can still win this thing <South Coast championshipL" THE ARTISTS found themselves down by only three points with 3:41 left in the game, but Dargan a nd junior Walt Decasas stopped the surge by scoring 10 pofrits between them. ·:Whoever picked Lagun11 Beach to be the doormat or the league must not know much about the game. They a re an exceptional team a nd they nev~r qwt," Thornton s aid. "We shot well , but BASKETBALL m. Laguna shot just as well , if not better." -' The Artists hit 60 percent from the floor. Don Sedgwick poured in a quiet 21 points for the Cougars, as he, Decasas and Dargan scored 67 of Capo Valley's 83 points. The l~ et ens the Artists' record to 8·8. and drops their league mark to 1·2. They will host Dana Hills next Wednesday night. "We have been in every game we've played so far," said Karp. ''We've battled in every game. bul unforlunately our record doesn't look that way." AFTER A LAGUNA Beach timeout, the Cougars came out and scored two quick baskets wiCh 1:51 left, and any chance of a Laguna' Beach victory looked im~ss1ble. down 75-67 with just seconds remaining. Capo Valley, 2· l (10·6 overall). will host San Clemente Wednesday ni ght, and try to lake over the South Coast League lead. Laguna Be~ll-was guilty of 24 fouls and turned the ball over 13 times. Rudy Dvorak and Bob Short added 11 and 10 points for the Artists, res pectively. Mlsslo·n Viejo 42, Dana Hills 41 ,., ... PllDll-Orenge Coest Ollly Pllol Jan. t, ••. 23, lO, 1912 204.ft -. PIU .. .. PICTITIOUI 8UIUtlll NAMa'ITATIM9MT -- Tl\• IOO-lft9 per-• ere ... 1"9 ~..., ... ; , ,.OI TE'-EOltAPH ltOAO V£NTU"E, Jtff ~vllme" flrttl, c .... ,_ .. Gl.'26» • T ... .w.;;; P. W-lftlllOft C., le C.lllerftl• c.--e11on1, ... 1"\111,.... n ... t. CW1e MMA. Q . m1' ltoberl Oovll. SM1 Tel•erepl\ Roeo, c-c•. c.e . ..,, O.llorcl It, 4-Y. $401 h...,epll Aoect, C:-ce, c... mn Tlllt ~lnHS Is <~<IH llt e ....... 1__.... Tllelt..,P, Werml ....... C., Wiiii-J , l'I""*'• 5-<r$ry Tiiis ............ -fllW wit!\ tM C-ty Oettl .. Or....-c;_.-\ ... ------------· J-ry ti,, •. 'ICTITtOUS eUllNIU NAMaSTATl-NT Tl•• IOll-11\9 --· ere CIOl"ii >uslnenes SOfTECH l11·AI, SOFTECH lt·SI, , .. , MecArthu t Blvd . Oh Floor, ~~cir.... C-1 Dell~-= J .... 1', u. •. F• •• ·-Jll.eJ ~•wpot1 8-h. C.elllomle ~ ·~ J, C. Palle~$0n & AHOCl•IH, NOTIClmCW "'8&.IC M•A•I ... nco rporete d, e Call lornl e e1 .. oa1 TMI PLANMINO 0<.-.etloft, ... , M«AIVMlr Blvd., f\11 COMMISSION 'loo•. Newpotl Beech. Celltornl• CWTMI '1..0 -LITT OP l!QUllTA.lM VAUiY Gllclvl$1 Softw ... e eor-euon, • NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN IMI :elllornle corporetlon , •••7 oh W-Y. J-•Y 1', lte. •I A.c:Ar111uf Blvd.. •th F-, N-pot1 7'30 p.m. In lh• City Couftcll INch, Cetllornl• ~ Chembers, 10200 Sieler Aver111e, This bvsh~u 11 <9"du<1.o oy • Fo11nteln V•lley , lh• Pl•""l"t lmlted pertMnNp. Com111tulon wlll hold• PllOll< ,,..,,,.. J.C. PATIEllSON on tlle lollowlfl9 I-· .. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ml•'W aawl-ef ·c...-11 .... I UM J. c. p......... Pennlt ....... NOTICI OP Cl..ir,._ot I .... BoerCI Petition svllmltleCI Dy Devi Cl IL• 8UUC TltAMf,~!I Tl'llJ. lle...._I Wti llled with .._ lttMl.-y, Vic• Prttl ... l/Fecllllles, 'Sllbja<HoSe<llon.iolott,,. :ouftly Clerk of 0t•"9t COOHlly on Co,.1retellon B'Nel Tudell , C•ll-•C""'"'9rclel C-1 >-c:embff J0.1"'· reqves11,.9 lh•t the Pleftnlftt NOTICE IS HEltEBY GIVEN to.,.. Flmt7 CommlHlon <OMIClar revlMcl pl-lot cre ClllOfS of DON ASP INA'-'-· Publl111eOOr• .... COHIOallyPll01, , ... J•wlll>l.....,.••lofttl.lleMl'tllslOt Tr•nslerot, lhel • 1111111 lr.,,sfer ts l•n.t,• .... 23.1912 ~i\. of Jelllefl A--st of CYll'8" ------------i •llOllt lo be-byT•-•eror,•t>ow Slrffl. · buslneu eddr•H Is 1"'1J ProdU<I PIU .TIC( c.Ml.._.,U•"'9nlllt .... N4 lll!C~~~~l;~A·~SS.•l.o ~::;..·~~.~~fc~~: .. ~'T:::': J ~::~:~ s':':"'!f .":,f.'u-:·.~~~111:. ,,_,, (~l •Ill I» received by Celllorlll•, end ell o1 -H 01 ... r P'ICTITIOUS IUSINIH fllfftlf11rt et 11111 Ev<llcl Slrffl I,_ City of Jrvlne. In IN o41ke of I ... l>vtlfteH MmH ---u-NAME STAT&MENT ~t'-91 UM ......... , N._ Bl/Lei City Clerll, lo<elecl et 11100 Jam-• •llt>ln tllrw ve•" lest pe\I, '° f•r u Th• loll-1"9 person• are e1o1no ..,.c--.a.o AotCI, lrvlM. Calllornla, untll 2:00 knowft 10 TrMSlow•. •••; IMlllnenes: . P.fltlOll -..lltlld b'I J-G. Flelu. P.m. on F~uery l, ltn, for the HUH]'IHGTOH SKI SCHOOi., S021 O A NA PO INT GA OU p I e '°°' C•Delleros t•o·itory olllce co11ttruct1011 ol 1rvln1 Groves BolM, k...c.1""°" 8eecl\, Ce. 92649. to caillornl• o.n.ref Perlnenhlpl, 1 c-.lnutn Dolildlno wllllift I,,. l.OI N•lollbor-J>e•• So••• Hullnt ABO U'-ll EH"'AN MEMOH, ArloC_,_~B-c ... Ce.92'6l CeDall.WOS *"' ,_ ..... 11212 Syttems. TN 'lie 'OI ,._ Is loalleel Trefttferw, ""'-~· -ress Is Secwrtly EJK.._. Corllo<elk>ft cit Newllope Stnel Tht property Is within IM lrvlrW Groves Oevelocwnenl 111 Mel" Strttl. lft the City ot Celllorftie ,,,._etloM. 1 Aries eoun. lvrlher IOtntfllt<I •• P•r<•I No. •. •"l<h It l«eleel on Welnul A.....,,., Hunll""°" -· C-Y ol o.....,., Ne•pot1 9Hc:I>, c... nttJ Pa<<el A1\1•»1t-•JJ. rec~ In 8-reiterly or Culver Drive, lrvlne, Ste le of Celllornl•, ol the lol-int Mlc'-4 H .. le. 31161 c:... Gr.,,.,. U!. P9tet li-21 ln<luslve, o1 percltl Celllorl.,..e. ~ ducrlt>eCI Ptrtonel pro1terty ol Orlv•,S...J.-c.i>tr-.C•.tt•7S meps lftl,,.Or-C-lyAecorder's OESCAIPTIOH 0 ,. WOii"· T"ls TrenlltfOl", lowll' Mery H•lle, 3ll•I Ce.a Gr•~ office. The office bulldfftO would h•w project Include\ ln\lellellon ol "''" All \lo ck In tr1oe, fixtures. Or .. S.nJ,..nc.istr-, ca. t2'1S •PP•O•itneloty IJ,000 squere IMI of M>IU collt<IO< -" I nd j>lp•nv IOr IQUlpment •nd ~ ""'" Of • Orl•ln Thi\ ..... ,~, ,, COf>CluCltd Dy • lloor ..... lht "••lino 01 l•o 121 u lslln9 Surll>ht..O M•nul•<lurln9 l•cillty ..,._,.,-1Mnl>lp. c:-.1"-IUM,_.,..,l .... NI ••lmmlno -· -two 111 e•1•11"9 ..... , ..... -•• v G GI.ASS .,,., 0.... Point Group, PeCllk>ft "*""11ied by ,,,_ Neorl IO 'IOH Thewof'll. lncludetlhe ne<euery VANGENUS SUAFBOAROS ... Cl •c:.Mllornl•Gene•et OP•••••. dell·Hndwlcll •fort or rel•t•CI etectriul COftl•Of. ucev111on, touted al ISS.1 Produ<I Lene ••. In p~ rttlff•...C .wt to -eulO <Htorallon concrele -11, and s-1 slruclu<H lhe City of Hunti.oton a-... Counly i.-rd Allen Rltev. to lhl iwevnt Dusw" •I 113U Ml. lor COllKIO<\ -p1Pi"9 Eno1r.eer's ol Orenge, Sutt of C.lltornl•. •nd lhel Prttldenl B•IOy Cl"' .. . Ealim•I• -'31,000 lh• IO••oolno Dulk ....... fer •Ill be S.Curllv ExCheflllt Corp. c..-...... UM,........, .... w OPENING OF PROPOSALS; T ... conaum""'1ICI on or eller Frio.ty. IM This stelement ••s Ille<! with Ille Ptllllon IUbmlUICI bY Jal•I Y. Gorjl lo 11<-uls •ill be pvbllCly OfltMCI end Slh Clo of FtOruery, 1912. thrc111011 Couftlt Clerk or 'o.anee Counly on -••I•• fetl·f-rKl..,,.,, et lltSl •••cl •I U IO p.m..,. F..,,_., J, 1912, EKr--nt-3*, •I fM Etc.-January IS. 1912 Me9Mll• Slrwt. · 1nlheCllyoflrvlneCouncll Cheml>tr\, O.pertnwnt of the Bee<"~ Edi,,.., P'll,.11 THESE MA TTERS ere Delno 17100 J•ml>oru Ao•d. l••lne, Offl<f' o1..-11y Peclllc N•tlonel Pul>ll.,..., Orenge C.0.\1 Delly Pl~I P•O<•U•d -·lo, .... P1 ..... 1,.. Celllorn\11 8411\k •I 7777 E4l-r •-I" lM ,,.,, , •• n. :IO. Feet.•. 1"11 JICM:> 1.ews ol '"' Stele ol Celllorftle. 0 BT A I N I HG c 0 N T II Ac T City ol H ... tln910ft Beech, C-y of -----------•-4.Gowr-Co* ~-.. -· -DOCUMENTS· "T ... -11kell0ris Me Ot ...... Stete of 'ttlfforftle. Clelms of -lfl -IN Fovnteln Ve4tey Mvn!cipel C-. enlllled "Conlrecl Oocumenl for IM creClll0<s Of Tren~eror mey I» filed ........ ••"4 Tille 21. • Con.ervCllon of Irvine Groves SOiar •llh Stcurlly P.c;llk Netlonel B-. THOSe DESI RING TO lnllfy In HullnQ S't'lt>ml, CIP secMO." Plens Bu ell & Edlnoer Olllce, Escrow "CTITIOUS eUSINESS 1 .. or or In -'lion 110 IN -•h and SPe<lllcall-and ell CIOC-b O.pert"*IC, al IC. -ress Ml lorlh NAME STATEMENT will De t lven .,,-1..,llv to ao to •I<' mey De ocitelntd lrom uw O.perl....,.t above The IHI cl•lt for llllno The lollo•lno Ptr>On It oolnt the puDllc hee rlno 11 turlhtt of f0111>11< -. •• Cltv of tNIM, •• u~ller1' d -11 ~y. IN...., lllllslftffs•: lnlorm•ll-Is CIHl•e<I. yov mey M<G•w. lfvln1, Cell lornl•. A fUyofF~.1"11 Clalms "'911 t>t DIAMOND "0" AfOPllA ISAI. COfttltct .... "'-lnv.o.ier1 ...... 1 •• ~ nonrelll-• IM of .. S.00 wlll De deemed 11 .... 1y hit<! only II ecluelly SEAV ICE, 12SS Steier Avenue. "1-ml-1'91trtolhe_I ..... ... <"••Old tor Ne." wt of CIOcU,.,.,.ls received by .._ Et<,_ 0..,.rT....,.I Hunllft910n &eac:h. Qlllon.la ,_... C'-INTOH St1ERllOO, Secr.Ce<y Pl•"• and-llkehOfts '""'.,. meiled be lore clOM ol Duslreu on '"' aoow Chanu E. Donnell, Ulf Albion Pl.,,,..,.. Cpmmlulon lor an eclellional cher .. ol lS oo. '"cllleo •esl d.tle lor fl11"9 <lelms Drive. Huntlnglon Be.c:h, Cellf.,.,.la PubflsheCI Orenge C.O.sl Ollly Piiot, fOAOPOSA'-GUARANTEE· Eech OATED J-ry U , 1"7 '1 .. 7 J•nuary ... 1"1 P<OPosel 51\811 be eccotl'_.le<t by a Abdul AltlWnen Me....,n, This buSlneu la condud.O Dy en cerlill.O °' c~,.,.,., cN<k or Did bond Tr-teree 1nc11v1e1ue1; 1" tllt atnount of 10 peronl or the tpl•I P~lhhecl Or-Coe" Oallv Piiot CNrlH E oOonntll -.. If' ·-bid price P9Y•blt lo u.. City of ,,.,,;,.. Jan "· ltlZ D-f2 Tiiis \let_,,I wn 111«1 wllh IM ~ t"4 .,. • 9t1MllftlW !NI fie Dldclff. If !\Is Couniy Cler~ ol Ora119t County on -----------ptopo .. I Is IC<tlllf<I wlll promptly Jan11ery 1. I~ n tcute ~ c-rect, M£•"' ,.y....,.1 ~ l911Cf ,,_ NOTI CE OF DEATH OF ol Wor~•r'• '--11"" ln\111'.,,t•, PubllShed Oret9 CoHI D•1ly Piiot, G L 0 R I A p R I SC I L L A ;~~,c:,u;~e ~!!!1~~·~::·~~~1~: MN-80193 Jen ..... n.JO,ltll m .. 2. STORM aka Gloria s: 1ooperctntottMfota11>1oprtce. NOTICE OF DEATH OF NII.JC •TIE Widaseck, aka GLORIA WAGE RATES A• reoulrea t>y H E L E N K I R K STQRM WIDASECK, aka ~~~~.,!~,~ce~::;;~':; LANTERMAN , aka NOTIC~ OF DEATH OF Gt:'O R IA WI DAS ECK, aka' o•ne••• r>rev•lhft9 ••'""' ·-• '" H E L E N K . VI NKO TOMAZIN AND GLO RIA P. STO RM AND ,,..1out11y1n ..icht,,.w0<k 1s 101>e LANTERMAN, AND OF OF p ET t TIO N T Q 0 F PETIT I 0 N T 0 :::'m~;,_~~.~.~~!1:.0~.'~.!: P E T I T I 0 N T 0 AOMINISTER ESTATE ADMINISTER ESTAT E ot11ces of""' cuv •nd .,.. 1v•1t•bfe ADMINISTER ,ESTATE NO. A-111716. NO. A·111763. upon rt-\1 The con1ree1or •h•" NO. A·111 ·7S3. .T o a I I h e i r s T o a I I h e i r s PG•I • cooy o1 wio document •• •ac:h T I I h · r s ' ' loo ,111 Tiie con1rac1or •nd •nY ~ . a . e '. · beneficiaries, creditors benefi ciaries, creditors wb<on1rec10< under "'m •hell PAY no1 be nef1 c 1_aries, c r~d 1tor ~ and contingent creditors of and contingeQ t creditors of 1es.1i.an1NSC>KllltoP• .. •111ft9••1n andcon1mgentcred1torsof VI NK O TOMAZIN and GloriaPriscillaStormand ~~~~':'u1'::~:-:::;-.:;np1o.-e1 in Helen Kirk Lan'terman per sons who may be p e r sons who m ay be PllOJt;C.T AOM1N1$TAATION~ A11 and persons who may be otherwise interested in the ~therwise interested in the quesllon• "''•"v• 1o f"h 11<olecf prior otherw1se interested in tlle will and/or eslate. · wi 11 and/or estate. 1° '"•_..,,,..of 01as sheu w 01•ecteC1 wi 11 and/or estate. A petition has been filed A petition has been filed 10 the Off•~• 01 ltlt Proi.c1 M•Meer. • · f'led cl'' 01 1 rv1n1, Pvb•l c wor11.t A petition. has been f by James. E. He Im , by Murray I. Storm In the o.per1......c, P.O. Bo• m.>s, l•ViOe. ~Y Alton Kir~ Lanterman Publ ic _Admln1$tra tor, Superior'. Court of Orange ce111or"1• mu Tel~ -·mo 1n the Superior Cou rt. of County of Orange in the County reques t inn that l~·~/(71Al 7S4-JMI. O C t t .. The clock wound down to nine seconds before Bill Jackson was fouled attempting to shoot. Jackson canned the second or two tries to lie tile game and the Rustlers took over. hoping to set King up for a possible game-winning.shoe.. But King was fouled on the dribble ~nd proc!eeded to drop both ends. or a one-an..d-one situation to seal the victory for Golden West. now· Dana ·Hills made_ a strong bid to o•ertake MissiQn Viejo's Diablos in the closing seconds but fell a j)Oint short. 42·41, Friday night in South Coast League basketball action on the loser-'s floor. The Diablos were. able to forge ahead by nine points in the lhiraperiod, tften hi{ a cold spell in the final period, scoring only 4 points as the c1Tv·s 111~n RESERVED n.. range oun Y reque~ mg Superior Court of Orange Murr a y I. Storm be.· , c.11, , ... ,,_,,..,;..,. 10.-.1ec1 .,.y,,. that A I ton K .1 r k County requesting that app ointed a s personal et1btC11.to••lve env ln1orm•1t•1•n • Lanterman be appoin~ed James E . Heim, Public represen t ative to :t:~:~:.,...:-• a••rct• 111 ii.e int•m• as persp~al representat_ive Admlni str.a'tor ~ Cou.nty of. adm ini ster the es tate of oa1ee1·J.,....ry l3,1t11 to admtm~ter the esrate of Orange be appointed as G loria Prlscl ll8'" Storm ... 1·3 in the conference. Harbor fell to 0-4. D<Jlphios hit 12. · • · "Harbor tried to slow it up the whole wa)' and they ·did a good job," said Golden West Coach Jim Greenfield. "They s pread it out and used a lot or motion. They really dido 't let us into our game at all." Truiett Hatton led the Rustlers with 12 points white Davis contributed 10. Golden West had only four free throws the entire game. John Schrey led the way for the Dolphins with • six points in the final period He hit the final basket with 10 seconds remaining to bring it to 42--41 but the Dolphins couldn't get off another s hot even though they got the ball back with two seconds remaining. Tbe Rustlers visit Rio Hondo Tuesday in their next encounter. Schr~y was the leading scorer for the Dolphins with 14 and he also puJled down seven rebounds . David Rhorer had six caroms for the losers . Coast hosts Mounties Orange Coast College tries to pick up the pieces after its 0·3 South Coast Conference start by hosting. tou&h Mt. San Antonio (7 :30) tonight. Meanwhile, Saddleback Colle1e takes its 2·1 Mission Conference mark on the road for a 7:30 encounter with the San Olego CC Knights. · For OCC, tanglJng with Coach Gene Victor's Mounties is not the remedy for a three-game conference skein. Mt. San Antonio, 0 ·1, 12·5> is s parked by TCU transfer Derek Moore, a tl ·S center who averaaes ·20 point.a per 1ame.. The Mounties also get. an orten1lve boost from 6·5 freshman forward Pete Wllliams who averages 1'.5 ~ points and 10 rebounds per · outlns. . occ will try to snap it• •trtni of poor abooUnl performances. Tb• Pirate.' 62·60 defeat to Cerritos Wedbesday waan't lllelped by occ:· 31 pWeent Vanguards toppled Azusa Pacific breezes to win · AZUSA -Azusa Pacific College shot a sizzling 75 percent from lhe floor Friday night to hand vis i\ing Southern California College its second straight NAIA District Three setback. 87·74. The Vanguards, who reeled off 10 victories in thei r 12 non-conference games, were the victims or a pair or 6· 7 forwards. Mitch Levron , the conference's leading scorer, and Jell Robinson combined for 80 of their team's 87 points In i mp roving their conference record to 2.0. -"Ttley Jus.t . took it to u1 to•n ltht," adm O~ed · SCC 191lstant coach Jeff Malatead. • 'Thoee two 1uya really worked hard inside." · As usa Pacific'• ea1le-eye . shootinc .. '° lood In tbe ftnt hair ('1T pere•t>. sec manatect to set Just atx rebounds. For the vmpardl, 5-11 senior Roelle ...... ,...., . ·•bite 'Hnlor-forward Riclr Porns added lt: SCC also rffelvecl 12 polnta from llllle Roberts and 10 from 6-6 junior Paul Hohmann. Meanwhile, Levron scored 33 points while Robinson •dded 2'7. Azusa Pacific jumped out lo a ~5-32 halftime advantage, and sec simply couldn't keep up with Levron's Inside ·scoring pace. SCC returns to action Tuesday nighl when the Vanguards travel to Pacific Christian In FulJerton. They return for their first conference-match al home next Friday against Cal Lutheran. Louganis sets marb ·~ Gre1 Louganfs, the· 1178 Olympic silver medallat. won bolh divine event.a In hit first . outlnf for tb• ·uc lrvlae awtrnmtnr team Friday aa tbe Anteaters toppled Claremont·Mud4t, 16·1'7. t;ouonf1 set IChool records ln balll t19e l · • aud 3'meter nenu and quallfled for the NCAA m ee t with bis JMh'fonnance. c11yof 1rv1,.. Helen Kirk Lanter.man personal representative-to cunder th! tndepend'1J1., =~~~~.. (unde~ the. Independent administer the estate of Adm inistration of Esta'9 P111111'1*t 0r.,... ea..a oe11y Pitoe. Admlmstrah<?n of. Estates Vinko Tomazin (under the Act). The petition Is set for J;...1 •. n.1m ,.,_.,Act): Th~pet1tion1ssetfor I n dep e nde nt hearing in Oep·t. 3 at·700 ---------"""."--hearing .'" Dept. No. ~ at Administration of Estates Civic Center Drive, We st, · PllUC 1111( 1100 Cl.vie Center Drive. Ac t). The petition is set for in the City of Santa Ana, !....------------; West, in the City of. SanJa hearing in Dept. No. 3 at California on February 10, NMIJa PICTITIOUS 8UllNIM NAMa STATl ... NT Tiie lol_.,,. "'...,s ere. ci.i.,. out!MHU: ltEAL ENERGY ASSOCIATES ,ARAOISE, 1.01 Dove Str .. I. S..lle 2'0. Newport llNcl\, C.llfornle ~ ltHI Ener9y, IM .. • Cellforl\I• Cot-•llon, 1.01 Dove St, Svlte HO, ,...wll0f1 BMch, Cellfomle ~ ltolleft A. end Jlld'f M.. MJrlKh, 1.01 0-Strwl. S..llt HO, N-pot1 BU<". Cetlfomle ~ Robert A. Mlrlt.eh, TruSIH ot ""I I -, ... Wiii of Herold J , lrlt.eh, ltOI Dow Slr .. I, Svlle ttO, IWPClrl 8Nch. Cellfonlla taMO Gent! Hofacr e, TruslH of the Votenoe ~nlm•I HoSPllal Pension rvst, 1601 Dove Slr .. 1. Svlle HO. ... ,.,, 8Ncll, Cellfomle t-..o Warren LeO«le, 1601 Dove Street, vile 160, .....,.,, 8Ncl\, .Cellfwnle . Eclmvncl Goldma11, 1.01 Dove ...... Svll• 260, NIWllOfl Beech, elllo.......... J MkMll Tvr~ Trw-tor .,._ llftYoft Hiiis At!lmet ....,.lel PeM .... rvtt, MOI 0.... 51,..1, Svlle ttt. ~a.di, Cellfomle .... Mery •-Oedfrey, , .. , o. ... trttl, 54tlt• i ... N•w-• 11eec11. •llfomla-.0 lerr" Hervey, Tr11sl• kw lfMI e, ... , Tllaftlum I.Id., EmfllOyMI ltttlremefll Plllll, 1601 Oove SlrMt, lte MO, N.-1'1 .. ech, Ctll!Ornle • I DeYld ftfler"elft, 1601 Ot"e tra•t. Svlt• t•, N--• .. eel\, etlfWllle ..... OM9rll ..... ~~. , .. , one'"""'· Svllt *· N..-t ,_,., •llferftie ..... Doft Hiimer, Tr...._ of Ult A.1,0 . .,_etltll flllNlell T n.tt, Mt1 0.... , ...... 1411 ...... ~ ·-"· Cetl,..,... ..... JalftH Jerrell ,.,,. lilll<llHI KlllMll,~Mr._H ........... Velley _.. .. PtMltll Tr111t, 1•1 0.... s.,.., Sullt .... N_,.r1 8M<tl, Catlfonlle ..... Tl\lt ..... II <Mfloe ..... e )9lnt -· •aALaNl llOY,INC. ...,c,...__, ,....:= ... -........... C-'J Cl9fl tf OI'-.. ~ • o.c....-11.-, . ~ ,......... Or-.~ Delly ....... JMi,t,•,tt,ta.1• ..... '· An a . Ca Ii for n 1 a o n 700 Civic Center Drive, t982 at 9:30 a .m. February 10, 1982 at 9:30 West, in the City of Santa IF YOU OBJECT to the a .m . Ana , Cal i f o rni a on gra nting of the petition, ll= YOU OBJECT to .the Fe bruary 3, 1982 at 9: 30 you should eltl'ler appear -granting of . ~he petition, a.m. _ at the hearing and state you should ~1ther appear IF YOU OBJECT to the your objections or file at the hearing and state ;1ranting of the l:>etltion, written objections with the your ob Jectlons or file you should either appear court before the hearing. written objections with.the 3t the hearing and state Your appearance may be court before the hearing. you r objections or file In person or by your '."our a~arance may -be Nr itten objections with the attorney. 1n per son or by your :ourt before the hearing. I F Y 0 U AR E A attorney. Yo ur appearance ·may be C R E O I T 0 R o r a I F Y 0 U AR E A 1n p e r s-on "Or by your -contingent-creditor of· the C R E D I T 0 R o r a 3ttorney. deceased, you must file ,contingent creditor of the 1 F y o u A R E A your clalm with the court deceased, you must file c R E o 1 To R 0 r a or present It to the your claim with the court ::ontingent creditor of the personal representative or present it to the jeceased you must me appointed by the f.Ourt personal representative your claim with the court within four months from appointed by the court >r present 1 t to the the date of flrst Issuance within four months from oersonal representative of letters as provided In the date of first Issuance llppolnted by the court Section 700 of the probate of letters a s provided in Nlthln four months from code of Callfornla. The Section 700 of the Probate the date of first i.suance time for.flliho claims will Code of California. The :>f letters as provided In not expire prior to four time fe>r flllno claims will ;ectlon'700 of the probate months from the date of not eic plre prior to four :ode of Callfornla. The the hearing noticed above. months from the date of time for filing claims will YOU MAY EXAMINE the hearing noticed above. not expire prior to four the file kept by the court. YOU MA'Y EX'AMINE months from the date of If you are lntffested In the the flle kept by the court. the hearing noticed above. estate, you may file a If you are lnt•rested In the vou MAY EXAMINE req~t with thf court to estatt, you may file a .the fll& kept by the court. receive specl61 notice of re.quest with the court to If you are interested In the the Inventory of estate and receive speclJI noUc;e of estate you may flle a of the petitions, accounts the ln~entory of estate request with the court to 1nd ·reports ctescrlbed In •'sets and of the petitions~ receive special notice of SeQtlon 1200.S of the accounts and reports the Inventory of est1te and California Probate Code. dfferlbed In Section 1200.S of the petitions. accounts K•ITH c. WELPUTT of tht Callfomfa Probate and reports described In A Prof ...... , Code. section 1200.5 of the c.,erau. J • S " t Callfomle Probete Code. 19762 MMArtllur a1vt1. rome c war1i~ K ... a.,._ w .... Attor"y at Law, •:....._ uuw Cent t4wy 40' ' 11.0. lel7'B W .. 1~..allHI!!-. caSUl".l..1. 'N1w,i.1 •uctt, C.. tlMI N...,... 9tllCllJ;t ..... "''" '" -'.'!!.. .. ~ • ,.. • • MS ... (714) 7D·rnt • tef: l211> ....vn Publllhld Or•nve coast Published Or.nge CoHt • ....... Or ... a-l Deity~· "ally Pilot, JM. 10, 16, 17, o.41y.Pffat.s...J•n. ''· 16, n; Jlfl, ti, It, II. "9 .. 1912 109-12. 1912 -2'211. . • .· o.My ............... 1c ............ BACKBOARD CRUNCH -Ocean View's Jim Usevitch 1551 appears to be· winning the battle for this rebound. also con tested by Edison's Pete Binaski 133 > and Rick Oi Berna rdo < 43 1 and Shawn Werner I 25 l of the Seahawks. Edison won. 78-6.t • Hope Classic tops today's TV College basketball, bowling and even football qn tap By. HOWARD L. HANDY Ofllleo.itfHelfutf There's stHI some football on television toda")' with the Olympic Gold Bowl from San Diego on Channel 11 at noon. ' But the return of golf plus the Grand Prix Masters tennis tournament along with college basketball lakes preference. · The Bob Hope Desert Classic lolf event from Palm Springs will be highlighted Or\ Channel 4 • beginning at 1 today wit!i Don Criqui bringing the action along with five other broadcasters. For the basketball fanJ!_'.! Wichit!_S\.ate at Tulsa (Channel 2. 10 a .m .>. Calif<J1'01 a at Washington .<Channel 4, 3 p_.m.> and Arizona at UCLA <Channel 5, 8 p.m.I. For the bowling enthusiast, the fi nals of the Showboat Invitational from Las Vegas can be seen at 3:30 on Channel 7. Following are fhe top sports events on TV todav. Ratings a re: ., ' ' ' excellent; '" 'worth watching; ' / fair; / forget it. (i 10 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ Heisman Trophy winner from USC. will be featul'ed on Team America while teammates Chip Banks, Roy Foster and Dennis Edwards are on Team National. UCLA's Lewis Sharpe and Tim Wrightman are a lso on Team National white Dave Otey and Joe Gary are with Allen on Team America. Tom Flores and Dick Vermeil are the head coaches for this game that originates in San Diego. .. · - ~ 1 p.m., Channel 4 / ./ ./ GOLF: Bob Hope Desert Classic. Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, John Brodie, Cha rl ie J on es, Bob Goalby and Jay Randolph. Tom Kite has taken over the lead in the Bob Hope Oeser• Classic after scoring an eagle-2 on the way to a 66 Friday for a three-day total of 200. Kite topped the 1981 money list for the TPA and was 16 strokes under par for the first three rounds at three different courses. He played at La Quinta Friday·and will play Indian Wells the final two days. Ed Frori is second wh ile second-round leader Jet Ozaki of Japan is third at 202. Bo s~ys no thanks to Aggie~· ANN ·ARBO R·, Mi ch. (AP > Mi c higan footba ll Coach Bo Sc)lembechler Friday turned down a 10-year. $2.25-million offer to become the new athletic director an"d football coach at Texas A&M. Schembechler salrl his loyalty to Michigan, forg~d in 13 years at the sclio-01 . finally made trim d ecade to re main a s Wolverines' coach. .. • . .. It's crowded '·a top Estancih, CctM·, Mesa shqre league lead Estancia, Corof\a «tel Mar ·and Coata Meaa all posted vlctorlea Friday niCbt to remain in a tle tor tlrat place ln the Sea VJ~w Leatue women's basketball lla1· chase wltb 4·1 recorda. · . fftre's how lt weol around the lea1ue: letancla 54, Untveralty 52 Amy Hathcock tipped the ball tt) Cheri Carpenter with 20 aeconda to play and she took the ball lo for a layup"' to give the Eagles a hard· lougbt victory. ·. Monica Contrera of University bil a Jump shot with about 30 seconda remaining to Ue the count at 52·52 and bring about Carpenter's late heroics. Estancia had a one-plus-one rree throw situation in th~1 final two seconds but missed ana _University had a chance to throw the ball the length of the court at the buuer but , didn't connect. , This was the closest game of the three reported and kept Coach Joe Wulf's charges in the thick of the . pennant scramble after their overtime loss to Costa Mesa Wednesday night. CdM 52, Newpo'rt Harbor 38 A lot of substitutes got to see some actk>n ~.as the Sea KJn11 kept pace with the leaden In the Sea View Leaeue. "Lisa Greenberl played welt tor us, pulling down rebounds and scoring well.," Coach Karen Gearhardt said. Greenbere not only scored 19 ..points-but had 14 re bounds, ~U ln the _wo_M_E_N ___ m ~ first half dr play. 1\eserves took over midway through the second period anti ~epl pace with Newport for the rest of the game. Coate MeH 43, Saddlebac~ 19 It was a laugher--f~.i:. the Mustangs who had an opportunity to use all players on the roster against a weak Saddl{lback team. ~'We played everyone and had a lot of improvement in o ur free throw shootfog," Coach Paul Kahn said. "Th~ pressing defense worked and I. was well pleased with the effort the gir ls made in the fast break. I feel we played-extremely well as a unit tonight." · If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified 1981 320i's -528i's .LAST 6 REMAINING ! ·ad. call 642-5678 and LEASE Ol IUY! In Newport lleecll a friendly . ad-visor wilt help you turn y9urwheels into cash. Roy Carver BM·W.' 4 x 8 x !-4" RAMIN WHITE MAHOGANY 1540 JAMBOREE RD •• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714-640-6"4 oua 9UARTEUACK ·ISGOIMG FOR THE ...OMI .. AGAllMST HIGHNICES! Reg. s142s SALE SUPB FOil MANY USES! sgsg 'COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Wichita State at -~ 3 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ · "I'm very happy. I love at here:· he said. "I'd have had a tough lime t"elling my player~ I was running out on' lhem . Michigan-has some fantastic people. W e'll have s ome problems down the road. but we'll be all right." !~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~-~---~---~ SALE Tu!sa. · . Announcers: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. COLLEGE BASK ET BALL: California at Washingt6n. -Announcers : Barry Thompkins and Lvnn Shae kleford . The Huskies have moved ou t to a 4·0 Pacific-10 Conference record white Cal is 2·1. The Bears lost to the other undefeated Pac· 10 team, Oregon State. is their last outing while.the Huskies won In Arizona. Schembechler. 52. the dean of Big 10 coaches, has compiled a 123·24·3 record at Michigan. He was n a med coilege Coach of the Year in 1969 and Big 10. Coach of the Year in 1972 a nd Reg. .. s14es s21 00 4 Jt 8 x 1/8'! ·ASH IEAUTIAIL GRAIN Wichita State's Shockers are ranked 16tn and Tulsa is 18th going into today's battle in Oklahoma. The Shockers are unable to qualify for the NCAA· playoffs itespite their high ranking because of a· three-year probation. Wichita State is 11·3 and Tulsa iS 11 ·2 goi ng into the game. Tulsa won the NI T championship last year: and has senior guard Paul Pressey back. Pressey was the catalyst in a pair of wins over Wichita State tast year. a 8 p.m., Channel 5 ./ ./ ./ 1980. , .............................................. ... •· 1 c!o feel I have 10 more real productive years and I have a lot I want to accomplish," he ~ Noon,Channel2 ./ ./ ./ TENNIS: Grand Prix Masters. Announcers: Tony Trabert and John Newcombe. COLLEGE BASKE'fBALL: Arizona at UCLA. Announcers : Joe Buttitta and Bill Walton. The Br~i ns have had their troubles this season s aid-. · both with the NCAA and on the basketball court. But A &: M B o a r d o f they have nothing on the Wildcats. Both are winless R~gents Chairman H.R. in Pacific-10 action, the Bruins having an 0·3 record ''&um " Bright s aid 4 x 8 x!-4" SA~ Reg. s2900 P-ECAN- swaa FOil STAI.._ It will be Ivan Lendt against John McEnroe in one semifinal today with Vilas Gerulaitis faci ng Eliot Tefl scher in the other match. Roscoe Tanner defeated Jimmy Connors on FridctY to put Tellscher ln"t+'te--semis. Although McEnroe lost to Tefl scher, he m ade the finals in the complicated format of the andArl zonaan O~mark. • Thµrsday ~hembechlerll~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ • had been offered the job s1.9•s OTHER TELEVISION to replace Marvin Tate; c..ALE 3:30 p.m. (7) -P.RO BOWLING -The finals of h · d · 4 X 8 X 5/8" iallll s p.m. (7) -=-WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The'· 5 e P l e m b e r . · SANDED SHOP Reg Harlem Globetrotters visi t Walt Disney World in ·s c h e m b e c h I e r s9 eight-player competition. · II Noon, Channel 11 ./. ./ ./ OLYMPIA.GOLD BOWL: All·star football game. Announceff': Lindsey Nelson and G~rge Allen. Under the unique format for this game where the Showboat Invitational, taped at Las Veg.ls. w •J 0 re 5 1 g n e 1 n s 12 69 Orlando, Fla. They also play a "game" at the confirmed he also tlad · S 16 .. . . University of Florida. Also: Same-day coverage 'of a b ee n offere d ~th e SAM DID 0 ME · SID I men's World Cup downhill skiing event. taped at co ach in g position , EXTm()R GI.Ill Kitzbuhel, Austria. -although current A&M l•••••••••••••••••••••lll!lll!•~·-•I RADIO Coach Tom Wil son Basketball -UC Santa Barbara at UC Irvine. r e c e n l l y h ad h i s SALE 7:30 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM); Cat State (Fullerton> at contract extended for 4 X 8 X !-4" . Long ·Beach State, 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370) and a nother season. s2&79 KLON (88 FM); Arizona State al use. 8 p.m .• KDAY . The Houston Post TEAK Reg -. .. ( 1580); Arizona at UCLA, 8 p.m., KMPC (7 10). • Pootball -Senior Bowl game from Mobile, Ala.. reported Friday that S4400 players were drafted, college teammates will be playing against each other. Marcus Allen. the 10: 10 a.m .. KNX ( 1070). Wilson would be fired. IUY OF THI wmmt Cincinnati -files lawsuit against Reds CINCINNATI. (APL-City officials filed a lq-threatened lawsuit Friday asking $1.f million from the Cincinnati ·Reda tor alleged breach of contract. The city .is trying -to recover st.adium rent and tees it contends It lost durin1 the baseball strike last summer. ''The contract ls very explicit in- stating t.hae . . . the Reda would be a tenant and the Reds would be obll1ed to uu that stadium during every re1ulas:lx·scheduled 1ame duHnc \he aeaaon," city m a n acer Sylvester Murray aaid of the 1ull ftled ia Hamilton County Common Pleas Court. He noted that under the contract, •'The city was obli1ated to bold that atadhun 1a plaJ readia... for eaeh 1ame," even tboulb one-Wrd ol t.be r'e1ular 1eUc>n wu canceled becaUH ol the strike. .. ·'The Cincinnati Reda are keenly I . disappointed that the city of Cincinnati has liJed suit against the ballclub for additional payment because. of the ·Gretzky get8 · rich_er &DMONTON, Alberta -Wayne Gretzky of tfte Edmonton Oilers is the beat hockey player in the world and is coln1.to be the hlghesJ-p8id in the ••me'• history, says Peter Pocklington, owner ol lbe National Hockey Leap Team. Gretzky wW make "a lot more'' than lhe previously reporled S550,000 for this s euoll wben he fia1tly si1n a'") -nnelQ&Wed CCllW'act. Pock d. _ _....l "That ft1ure ht a I way from r lty. In the next 10 yean e'll make over SlO m111ton,. aubject lo today's ratea of lnllatloo and team and nooal bonuses." claimed loss of revenue during the 1981 baseball players' strike," said Rffs President Dick Wagner. · 1 __ "The Reds be1ieve that there is no basis for the s uit. AJI of our lease obligations to Uie city -includln1 amounts due for 1981 ....: are paid in tull. ·'I note that while the minimum annual rent reqwr.ed by the tease ii. S17~.ooo. the Reda paid the city-rent OI over $461,000 in 1981. The Reda also paid. the city over •.ooo tor 1•1 admluk>a and stadium use taxn and the dty'a share' oe· eonceuion income at "lleda events. Total (1981) ,., .... li8til lie 7 Reds to t.be city were over si.-,ooo ... Mayor David Mann sfld be bad boped that ~ a MIUJemmt couJd... be -..11ted, but "unfortunately, we bne bad a number 0( c:onversalion1 wltb \be Recla to reaol ve the matter without lltJ1atlon." 4 x 8 x ~" 'BIRCH veneer core ac-•91f J10R c ... ms . Reg. s4500 L....,.TO noca OM MA.MD -14t•J07J ~ .... .... ,M 2969 CIMTUIT PL COSTA MISA ·-. - ' _,_. I, • l . ,.. I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I ~ I N8A "WHTa•N COlll ..... NC• "•lffcDl~llMa L .. _ Sutt It Plloenla Goldef\Stai. P0tll..,CI San OleOD 'I L ""t .•• 77• 10 .7JO - Jf 11 ..... t 21 14 ... ' JI IS .Sil Sii> JO U .S71 6 11 ts ... U \lt ~Dl·•-S...An.- Oenvt r Hou>ton Kensat Clty Vl•ll Da lles J4 11 ... - 1t It ·'°' •Vt " 11 .m • ,. 2l .J71 11 12 lJ .)0 IJ t t1 .UO UV. •ASTIHN CON .. •••NC• 8Hton . PlllleMIP!)lt Ntw YOf'k Wasllln9ton New Jerwy All-*Dl•i.i.. ,, u II 11 " t .. 7j0 - 11 .703 t\lt JO .474 IO It .417 10 21 40S IJ\I> C-r•IDI•..._ ,. 11 11 11 11 JO " 21 1S 21 Mllw•uti• Allente India n• chluoo. bet roll Cltvtl•ncl • JD ...... y·ik- • Lall .... t1, lncll•M n Allente ,., Pllll41d9lp1>le tO wu111n91ofi,,, c111ceoo t0 , Sen An'°Olo 12'. H~IOn tO l<enses City I U, N.W Jt rwy ICM . Mllw-.. 122, B051on 111 Denver 12'. Delles 113 Stn Dit90111, c1e .. 1eno IOI Suttle I IS. Ut.1111 HD Gold.., SIJ.lt ICM, Nt• Yor11 102 'T ........ tG- Bo\lon •I Dtlrolt Porlltnd el 0.llH San Antonio •I Hou$1on c1 ... 1-et 01.1111 Stn Dit90•1 ~nl• .703 - MIO 7\lt .Ot t .40S 11 .405 II • "' ltV. Latlera 17, Pacers 12 LOS ANOaLIS Wlllo.H 16, LA-r- 0. Jebbet JD. Nl•on 21. J°""'°11 "· MC"*» •. McGee J, B,...r 0, JorO.n 0, AamOIJ J Toi.is. u.11...0 t1 INDIANA -Wlllltms6. BentOf'l\t,Ow«I> •. Bww I, Devis ti, C. JOhnson 16, Orr 10, McGinnis 11. CMttr l. Sl<11tlft9 o, KnlOfll "· G. Joflntcn 0 T mis. 40 11 It t2 ~-.o.e~ L05 AnQele 16 l4 J1 ~1 lndlena Jl IJ It 21-n Tll~ 90&1 Kn'911I Fouled ou1.- 8en lo'l'. "Totel IO<ll> -Los AnoelH JO lndlan• D . A .... 11,m . • COLLEGE Azuu-Pac. 17, SCC 74 SOUTMl•N CAL COLLIO• -R-.1s n. Plulmei_ 2, Porr .. II, CM\l 4. Can on 4, R.ocl\t JO. ROQen •. HohmaM 10. Totals: JO 14·14 74. "ZUSA-PACI "IC Apa;\it 11, t.evron ~. Robinson J7, Powell •· Berkeley 2, w,_.., t , Wllllamt 4, Meytrt J, TOCelo: 37 U-2217. Hallllrne: A,zusa·PKlll<. 4S->2. Total fouls: Soutlltrn C•I Coueoe "· A.luU ·PKllk 22.· COMMUNITY COLLEGE GOiden WHt 48, Herbor 48 LA MA•aott -Kusundl 10. Hun 11, Patlltrt«t •• Pruitt J. Jkkt«t 17. Toleh: 11 12-14 ••• GOLD•M wt!ST Htlton 12, o .. ts 10, .80,..n·J, J ecobll, KlnQ •.Myles 2. Ou"*" 2, ~ 6. TOlllSC Jl2~ 4a. • Halttl-: ~Wot. 2 .. 24 Total foul>: H•rtlor 11, Gol-WHI n Southern Cal Conference Sant.Monie• Cypreu LA Sou- RloHondo fA•ILAK ......... Goldt11 WHI 1.MAll991esCC LA Harbor '"-OwrM W L W L 4 0 ,. • 4 0 12 j 2 1 • • 2 2 11 • 2 1 ' It I J U S I J 7 t 0 4• u T-.,-10- GolclenW4tSI " Rio Hondo I.A ~al Lot A"9f~ CC s.111a Monica et cno,..n LA He.W. el Easl l.oS A1t9tlH • HIGH SCHOOL Edleon 71. OcHn View 63 oCEAN VIEW -Carroll 2. Wtrntr~u. Usavllcl'l 23, Anlonopoul05 10, Ot8'ouwer 1, Judoe 7. CerllOfl o, &er ry 2. To1t11: 27 ,.,. '3. EDISON -Ciiano ti . OIBtrnt rdO It. BlnaSlll J, ~ IS, Slellflen> 16, Moore l , Smltl'I o. l.H vey 4, F•Dl•n '· M•for 0, Miiiard o T01al1: :n u .tt 11. sc ... .-,o.ert .... Oct ... View 14 t 16 24_., Edlt«t 10 21 JI 2'-11 Total touh : Octen view It, Edison It. Foulfd out: w.mtr IOcNt> View). Blnellll llEdl10nl. Manne 42, Fountain Valley 41 -'OUNTA_IN VALLIY -Vlllenue•' 4, HuQlttS 19, ICOS!y •• Wl'llltfwllr 10. He ner •• Newlon J. )Kobs o. l(_llbO o. TOI els· II H 41. MA•INA-Flllllft ti. S.rry 4, Cltomlk O. Smit/I 10, l(fuuman •• T....lv 4. TOl•ls: II ... ,o 42. Sc-~" Fountein Valley 14 • 11 .__., 'loi\e;t,., 11 • II 7~ To1al fou!S: F-laln Vt lley 12, Merine I Hunt. S.ech 15, Westminster 48 WISTMINSTE• -Eestln 10, Grtm1 6, Onellc1 •. "-tka 7. Downs It, Nlcolal 4. Pastel 2. 8lallesfev 2, TOien : JO .. ,, .... HUNTINGTON IEACM -t.e ne U , Tllompson 10, AYrts I, Sn.ckltlord 2. Ffft1Ura 2, Sataya 10. Maltoa O. Cerdl 7, • Rupllnoer 2. Totals· lO S-7 O . ' S< ... ..,OMNn wu tmlnstlr 12 u 10 12_. H"'"llnoton llMch 10 11 U I~ Totel foull: Wo lm lnsttr I, Hunllnoton 8 eeCl'I U ; Tecnnlc•I fouls: E astin (Wtstmlnst..-). Coron• del Mer 42, Newport 31 NIWPOllT HA•IO• -8111 It, Br - 0, Folk 10: Liner 5, Pelletier 5, S.ID-f O. ~.,.,o, Sclelmoreo. Totels:,. 7.u Jt. co•ONA DEL MA• -lynch 14. Hollin~ 0, Pei.r..., 4, Hess 10. OlllOn 1J, Go9be1 2. Totals· 16 10.17 0 . S<--.~ Ntwpot1 H-11 7 t 12-.Jt Conlfta ... MM 12 11 I 11--d Totel fauts: ..... _, Hlrtlor 20, C- del Mar U; ,,......, out: s..,.... INfWllOrt Hltf'llOrl. E ... nda 50, Un19erMty 41 UNIV•llSITY -GllHs 20, ,__ II, Myen to, llla4icl1"8 1, ~ 4. T04als: tt 10.114&. •STAMCIA -Krain 7, C-..-~ 12, Tltt • • Meyd8tt t. llilldlMd 14, J-lon 1. To4ak: 171 ... 11!0. ._...., ....... Ul\IWfflltv 10 U 12 10 2-4 lhtencl• It IS t 10 _,_,. T-IOull: Unl .. rtity ts, l'llM<la •; FOUIH M : a... CUlll .. rtltt l. .-a1c11 ... (Vlllv.,lltyl, Ste!Mlf IUnlvtrtltYI, Tift C lttanclel; Ttchl\IUI fouta: G111aa (Uftl.........,). IJ Toro II, lmne N •L TO!t0-4'1d!W 21 ,,.,_. ~ J, Tnt lleft t. Al;Mlf 11, L .. lt 1', ~ I , M_.,.. t. T ..... >to 'WI 56. 1•VHla-c.rwf t , .. _ S, • ..._.. •, NHI '· .,..... •• "'"" :It, u-. .. TCIQll: •t••». · ' mc.. .. ....-. I I T-I I 11 IS ,.._,. I rvlM t I t I 11'--A T041t ""'-1 II Tflr9~1 1r .... H I l'llltM Wtt 8 , Trldl04! (Et T-,. Co• ...... ._...bactl 14 COITA M•IA -lar .. ley U , ~lllwllll l'. •llMlllr.., U, 11t•-4. Caoti ., J •........ o ....... 4, • ._ •• l'tllallf S, Mol1111 •• I.••• Yrt •• l'-lllMMt. T ..... : 211~•. IAOOUMal -~ 6, C... It, ~Altllw J, W8ll'Mll t, 0.l'tlUI t. 'Gina 4, •"'-t Mlfttrltf ••, 0 '1."""Un 0. NIWMft S. Mr.ii .. O. T ..... : 11 IWt M. "-• ........ Cott•MeM • n 11 11-11 lalNltM<ll 4 ' IS tt-54 Ttltl IOllltt ClllA MIMI t7, ~· M: • "°"'" Ollt; M<Alllt .. r l~•I. ' BlahopMont. 11, Mat91Oel41- MAT•• Ml -Coal! t, T'"l,lll 0, Jack- • 1\, ·-11, J...., o. Me .... o . ........ a.· PenlM 2. Fit••• n. s.ow.a o, TOCalt: ti M•. allMOt' MONT90Ma•V -Octtw II, ....... 1t, W-11, M_, 4, -....m I. Hernanc1t1 0, CClrlltrO t, ea11 4. TOCal,tt tt ,,_,,.,, . Sc-. ......... Mater Del • S 12 11 .,_., 81Sflclp Moo...,,,,.,., ' I) It l ..... t TolAll f1111 t: Mater. Del 1'. a 1a11-. _...,_., 7/ l'llllH wt: Tan.If (M*r Dell; Tecllnl<al i.uta: eaoti (MMtf o.11. Hessa1t1 c.....-o.11. Cepo Yallev 13, &..auna BHch 73 LAGUNA·~:_:,......,, 11. MeM tr, Ovorall 11, Holllft 4, Stlof'I 10, T._.-I. Fori-2. Tocals: JO 1>-21 7J c"""T•ANO VALLE y -Ce ll 4, Stdt•lck 11. D•ro•n JI. O•C•H• "· MOtlt,._, 1, M611der I. Munroe J. Totals: '1 21.Jt ll Sit ... ..,o.arwn Lao<IN 8"ch t> 14 17 tt-11 Caplatr-U 21 IS 21-G Total louk : Lagl.W\a 8tK ll 24, Capf11r- V1lley 21: Fou•d out: Call ICaplstr- • Velleyl, Sllort 11._. 8eaclll. T-r CLAtun• BN<lll; Tectwllcel: Sllort Cl.atllM Btaclll. Mlaalon Ylalo 42, Dana Hiiia 41 MISSION VIE.lo-8ee<lltr "·Hickey 10, Ryen '· F•I-t, A-rt~ 2. Craw'°4"cl 2. TOl•ls: 1'4·11 0 . DAMA HILLS -Rentroo 2. Slaule•n '· Rhorer 7. Sw•rt1bau911 4, ScllwfftO 1, H•rrls t, Scllrey 14. Totall: 11 S-tt 41. k-lty0..11en Minion Viejo 13 I 17 4-41 Dana Hiiis 13 I I 12-41 Tol•I foull: Mission Vlelo 13. o .... Hiii\ 16; Fouled oul: Felelman (Mission Vie Joi HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS See View league "---0-all W L 10 2 IJ J • j • L CorOM dltl Mar S O Estancia J o Ntwpon Haltlor 4 I University l J CCKlaMtv J l Et Toro I IN~e 0 Sa<ldl-k 0 ' --···o-c..._ ... Mar •I Estancl• Newport Ha1'110f' •I Unl .. rslly Cost•~•' El Tcwo Saddl-k at t n1lne SunMtlHt~ W L Edison J o Fount•ln Vtlley I I Ocunvltw 1 1 Marin• 1 I Hunllnoton a..c11 1 1 Wtstmlnsler O 2 -·~··o­F°""t•ln Valley •I Ou.,. View Edison •I WHtmlnster HunllllQlon Be.en •I M.,ina South Coast leegue uee-• L Stn CI"'** Capl>tr-Valley Mission Viejo Lao<IM 8Nc1I t.aounaHlll> Dena Hiiia J I 2 I 2 I 1 1 I 2 1 2 .... ,, . ._ Oana Hlllsat Lo...-.._II s. .. c-at~-v....., L..-Hlltaal ......... Vl8j8 Strvltt A,..eua Le •,Ill: W L I I 81Sllop ....... 81Sllop ,. __ ,.... ... ,,,, .. .,.,, 1 ' 1 1 Mater Del SL PM.ii 1 I • 2 ~ ....... Maler 08! al..,_.._ Bl"'°P MuoAp&1191 t et SC ...... ' . 7 1 J 10 0 ti , 11 OwrM W L " 1 11 • 10 • t • 7 • 2 11 o-.. W L 14 4 10 • . ' • • ,, , • • ..... W L , 11 • • • " . " 7 S II ' HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Coate Mau 43. Saddlebock ti SADDL•llACJt :.... "ftrr-0, J-4f 7, Au'1 0, McG4nnls 10, Mocflll\*I 0, Nov ... 2, Tabb 0. TotalS: 61·1' It. COSTA MISA ~ 1.ux I, LAmar '· Gr.OV 0, S.•oer 12, Garcia l , Amwfldlrl1 2. McA..., 4, Prlct 0, Rl-oer J, Glell"9 1, StlJovlc 4. Tot•ls: It~ 43. S< ... ..,o.e ...... Saddltback • • 4-lt CCKle Mesa I) 14 I 1-<I Tol•l lout1: ~-k 1. C05ta Mesa u . Eatancle 54, University 52 ISTANCIA -llMnl\I J, Carpenter I, Vetclltr 1. --•. MacMllllt n 7, ScllO!et ll. H•lllco<k U, H119ftt1 S. Tot•IS: It l~ll ~. UNIVE•SITY -Cont,..re t, Hl11t1 14, Matwt>Me •. N-11 1. Zlmmerme11 14, Undt,_ 5. V-J. TOUls: JO TJ.Jt '1. S<--.~ Estancia 1J IS 12 14-~ Unlvtnltv , JJ II u 14-sJ Total fouls: Estancia 22, Unl'ltrtlty •: Fouled Ollt: Hines !Unlvenllyl, N-41 (Unlvenllyl, Underwood IUnl•trsllyl, Hug hu IEstancie l ; Tecllnlcal fouls H U9flH IE Sien< la I. CdM 52, Newport Harbor 31 co.-ONA DEL .... -Esoey 12. l rtacoe 2, Romney 2, Kendall 4, I.OH 0, OK-2. Von IClelMmlo •. Grtft>Ouro It, McMa ... 2. OoC10s 7. Totals: 231·15 SJ. NEWPOllT MA•aott -Oodcb 20, W•YM '· Doan 2, Adlo.I,._, l, 8tldle 2. Plalloot 1. Totals: 1312-21 •- S<we ..,QMl1en C0t«!fla det Mar 16 12 u 10-n Newpot1 Harbor I I 11 1.,_. Tota l fouls: Cdm t7, N-t H•rllor 17; Fouled out: Doan (Newport HartlOr). NHl. .. ...,,.Sc-. tt ..... J. V.-C-l 8uffelol, T-2 NY A_,.,, 4, WIM"'9t 4 T_,..,._ Htrtford04 ...... W~al Ottrtlt, fl Pllfl ......... Mafttrffl." EelmoMDll al TM-. n °"°"9c .. w--.. n Cllk t90 et SL Louis, n P itt--" al C.tgary, n . . Al' ......... SAND BLASTER-.,: Lanny Wadkins blasts a s hot from the ·sarid trap on the third hole a t La Quinta Country Club Friday during the t hird round of the ·',·Classic. Bo b. Hope Desert Kinas 3, Canucka 3 1c ... -. P.neft I.CK AllQtlH I l l v..,couver 1 o -3 I I.OS An9t1u, Murplly II I Bo~fa. f aylorl. IS 06. 2 Vtnc~er, H•lward 4 IGradln, Boldlrevl. IS:l• Pena lllu - Lindgren, Van, 1.27, Jenwn, LA. I lO; 8 utclltr, v.,., I JO; H•rdy, LA. 1:1t,Rote, Ven, l :tt ; ~ts . ven, t :n . Mul'lty, LA. major. 1''ll. Bu1c11tr, Van, malor. U-Jt; H•rOy, LA, m111or.mhconduct, 11 lJ; Sne p\h, Ven. minor-misconduct. 12.Jt; Turnt>ull, LA. ml"onducl, 11 31 ; Terrio<\. LA. mlscoflduCI, 12 JI, Fo•. I.A. rn lHonduc t, t1.J1 ; Delorme, Va n, ml.conduct, IJ:ll; Srnyl. Van, U · tt, srn,111. LA, double minor, U:Jt • Sac-Pwltcl J v encouver , Roi• 10 (H lln-•. MacDonald). 3.21, 4. 1.05 Anotles. TumDull t Cl aylor, WellU, S·H ; s. Vt ncouver. Fr•ur 17 IBoldl•••. Gredlnl, 6:1• PenelliH Joh .. sen, LA. S: ... ; JOlltntotn, LA. mlnor -mejor. l .•O; Roi•. V•n. m inor m•lor, 8 ·40, Jono1nun, I.A, mlscondu<t. IS0 41. Roi•. Van, ml•condutl, u ·o ; w e111, 1.A. tt·u. TMN "wltcl • l.O'l A119tlH, Fo• 16 !Mulvey, Well1l. IO:Jt Ptn•lll.. JenHn, I.A .• U : Delorme. v .... 6:23 Shots on 90&1 1.05 A"9f~• 10.1:1-1.:io. v ancovver t M,., 1-40 G o a llu -Los Anot1es, Ke•ns. Yanc-. 8r_,, A IJ,000 IHI I ... ...,. toutnarnent (MIMwYenl Til6N --s-.-lllot Ttf~ .... J_, McEnr•, µ, .. 1; •-T-def.JlmmyC-1, l-6, .. 7. 1 .. : Vilas Gtrul•lth dtl Guillermo Vllat, ..... • 4 Women's tournament 1.ACIMi-atll ' °""'""11MI S11191H 8trllata Polter dtl. K•llly AlnalOI ..... • ... 2: Anne Smlln def. Ctnoy Reynold•. t.4, ... ,. Mon's-tournament let Ac•lantt, New Zt.ileMI StmlllMC Sl ... les Runell SlmPSQn del C/\rl• l.ewls ... 1, 1-6, •·4, Robert Van'I Hof dtl M•ll Mllcllell. 6-7. 6.J, 1·6, 1-3, Tim Wiikison def Larry St•l•nkt, ... 3 ..... '"''" M•yoll• clef ltoyO Bourne, 1·• .... l . • I Davia Cup °"""" .__ MelCll (et CM.cas, V-••l•I ~1.v--• "'"*Da•S-.... Harry Fritz CC-•) Clef Joroe And•-. 16·14, ll·t , ""· U , 11·•. Rel••" Genols CC•n•d•I IHdl Aendoll S<ll•ll•r. •• ,_ Darkness ceu>A<I POllPC>Mmtnt ol l'NllCll "'IUI tooay Loa Alamitos .,,_IDAY'S "ISULTS (S7111ef......_. _____ tl"11 .... ST •ACI. 400 y•rcn. Intrepid Coln IC.,clou l &.00 •.60 3.00 No Novelly (Adair! 7.IO 4.00 Cold Request (Armttronol ,,JO A.Ito racecl: Jollnny Cff, Wltclls Stitch, Min A l ure Wlnsen, M_, 0.119"1, Ooo Promlu , Do IUU.e Told. Time: :I0.51. u IXACTA (t-4) oeld m IO SECOND ,_ACE.110 yerd> Pkkte JKk ( P ... llntl I 1,IO S.411 l.IO •·Casino Crtek T-IC,,.v.11 •-~ J 40 Rlcll SI• (L•Oevl 4.60 Allo rKecl a -Pludys Trvcki., 8 •19111 POiiey. Stvanna"1 RemDler, Cappy Dan a -cOUPfecl, Tlma:•Ot. TMl•O ••c• . .oo veros .... At-" CHartl 27.JO 15 JO 10.40 Vlfttatit Tri9 IC«dolal 11.JO '9.oo Kr.tyt •OC1ate IClerluel u.a Alto ratecl; Hay """ 0.11. Anni POiiey, E-"'°· ,. ... '"8dk. Rtbs Echo. MIH Van Marcus, Vtdo. T lmt: 20.,.. p •x~ Cl-71 pakl U lUO . .. ou •TH •ACE-)jO yeros My 8ar Aclmtral (Domin-ti IOI 40 41 60 10 20 Stint Court IAdtlrl :IO 00 t .JO OeO• Rk htS tC ... vttl • 10 Also re<JO Tiie Norsem•n. &e n Bondsl'Ntn, lliy Tiny Jtw;tl. Flrey Comte, Hemp B ... Juos Brown S~r. (Ill """ I B•lltr Time 1111 U EXACTA It 61IMl'd11,011 .0 P'IP'TH ,_ACE. 400 Y•rdl V99.s Bo I 8¥dl I 60 S 00 S 00 Ptl •nd Pel CHert) 5 00 J 10 Slleeky Boone c AOUQll) • 40 Aho r•ced Grovt I.Int , Sl11lln SI•. Texture_ Got HI\ s,.., •. At.11oct•ll<, Dr•t U, Ch•rro's Roel.et Tlmo JO 24. SJ EllACTA0-61P•ld W 00 SIXTH ,_ACE. 2SO ytrd\ OO<IQer Blue IC.rd01e1 • 60 •IO 4.:IO HUQ Tiny (C•HOttl 1110 6 IO Fl apld ROil C Hartl J 40 Al•o receo Poo Bur Mou, Vlkln9 COPY, Jet1 v t1V4!. Another AllOI\ Buq. Huvy Boos. 1:1111• Tumbler, Totally Hot Time 17 IS SEVENTH .-.c •. 400 ttrdl Tiie Runnon I(°"" (Herl) 4 10 l JO 1 IO OH BrlQlll Clllck IW•rdl 4 00 4 00 Bettys luck ITreawrel s 00 AIM> r•ceo TrlPOI L•dy, Ottafly N-. Ma-ln9 Memories, l'leklt 111 l.ovt. SNs A Lot. Wranote,,_ L~. C ... roer to Mt Time JQ"' U PICK SIX (1 I t l-10.SI IMlo<I U. .... 40 wl\11 one winnino 11<i.e1 Clive winners) '2 Pick SI• consotatlon 1M1id Wt 00 w1111 tu winnl~9 ll<Uh C lour llotM\I EIGHTH ,_ACE. )SO yard1 Clllch C ..... 9fr Bar IClerhwl • 00 S 60 4 00 Klplys Stint (OomlnQWrl II to. 7 40 T-n Polley IHtnJ • ~ J 601 Alto receo· O!Ko Hustle. OH·llu Euy, OH·l•m Easy. OH~ Ml•. G-r•I h . Sw"9IS J-1. C.llles G••-11•. Toy Fe•tur-e OH -Oe-•f for 111111 Time. 11 •4 NINTH ltACI. 400 v••d\ Buo• Aoytl IT•H•urel ll 00 t IO j 40 Oollo H-CBlevln\I ~ 10 3 40 A>hl'y l.YM (H•rll J.411 Al>O raceo. l.Hdlnq 51••, Oi•tlncllvely, Go Win Six, Sovno Of Summer. Pftlltrnusw . Pucll Plck•r. Euy Fttllnq Time :IO JJ U E XACTA IHI P•ld \11'140 TENTH 11,&CE. lSO o rd\ Desert JOker 1-.llclltfll 1 60 s :IO 2.IO Ont Trlek Pony (Armstronol IS JO S 40 Sonof•DllHltt CW.rd) 4.00 AIM> rauo. Klptyllff, Eaa<I• o.-n, Gt For T"9 Glory. ltalltn PreUtl, Tull Alli, Aebel~V--Tlmt: 11.41, U EXACTA C7-ll IMllO \IS7 00 Attendln<e •.4' Sama Anita ... IDAY'I .-ESUL TS 11Mllef_y_J ........ -1 ... ,-1.-sT .-acE. • furtonos Don's O...cer IG<.errel t 40 4 IO l .c> Prince Felmer l~tantclal • JO S,00 Prtdllt<llon (T...oJ' I .JO AllO rececl Miii lllt Tiit, Arrant Ori ... First Sip, a...dl-. Sier Cerffr. H-, It's A Tall, Nota'1 Guv Time· I: 10 1/S SEC°"D'•ACI, 7 lurl-s Jel Pirtle (Slbllltl t.40 4.«I UO A.Cepta111 Tuftm CM< Carran •.oo 4.00 A-Out 8tf0rt Dawn (0111) 4.00 4.00 Also racecl: lndlan o .. Club l'lusl\, JMI Man, GOOO Property, Evo, 81ac•ll•wk Creek. SlladY Career. Zoroa, Oancln9 FrlenO. A-CoupCIO. Time· 1:23 215. U DAILY DOUaL• ( .. 21 CMlld MU O TH1.-D .-Aca. ''"''-'· Sera 5'11\rlte IA-n) ll IO 14.IO 1.ao 8 allkln (SID411t l 16 40 7.llO Fencllalt IV•le!U ... lal 1 .0 Also •Keel' T-ys Woman. Velvet Brin . Sllllle, T,_ K..,, Talle AllOy, H•w1- H-y, All Merit , K-51.,clllno. Gate'• Cap .T lm"i I: 11 4/S. fl'ou•TM ••cc. 11/16mlles Wiiy z..,h CHawleyl S 00 l.40 1 IO Bronn Mark.,. ISIDllltl 6 00 4 .0 Slrttl L_, ICas.-al ..... ACa, racecl: Gr-y, P.-ly Wt H.it, Thrtat, #IV Oerllnt AIWll•. OecldM!y te:a•. c.udu<-. Time. 1:'41/S, ..... "I fl'YH llACE. 6 lurlC>nQS Ma•(Uar 11.ipt,.ml ll IO s.. 4.20 Bond Rullall (Casl~•I > 40 U fl Ttlar-IH¥rbl 4.60 Also rKtd' Dusty Hui•. Miiler Wit-. M .. ttr Warr10r, Y-D•l'ltt, Clerlc y Tim•: 1:0121s. • H EXAC"TA (~l INllO t '6 00 SIX TM •ACE. 6 lurtonos Pallsalr IC..l-1 1 00 4 40 3 JO C•ill•nd (Oii•-) 1.60 S.60 t.IQftllooteo tStelnerl 10 • .0 Also raceo· 811 0 ' Curry, Silk lllCk..-y, t.auo.tbly. F11e1 Otoa. L-1•, Bold Pe111e. Red $1ly1 Tudorulla. 0 -Enlerou c OlsQu•llhtd from second lo 1411111 Time. I: 10 J/S SEVENTH "ACE. 1 ,,,,miles. F1yl119 Penner IOefahouua.,.l 4.00 2.IO 2.JO. Avl9•lllon (Steiner I 10.IO 4.60 T•ngo O•~er (Han.-.1 2.IO• .A l10 r•ltd: Mein Pro1pec1. Exiled. Touclly, B......,ant L•U. Por Fevor, Mlsako, Princess Nlcketl•, Windy O,C Time· 1:431/S. HE XACTA llH I palO Sl:l'I SO. U PICK SIX C2-M ·S,A.12) palO 517,471.40 wltll llvt wlnnlno tlO•O Isla llorMl l. '2 Piek Six con>ofellOft peld UOl.IO wllfl 141 wlnnlnQ llC.k~> !five llotwsl µ Pkk Sb scrtltll consol•llon Pt•d lt7 .00 wllll 3'2 'wlnnl119 tic.lleb !lour llot!ft, one scrttcnl E IGHTM •ACE. I '" miles on turf. Granja 0..... ISlDillel 11.00 J.IO 4.00 8•11elomaM C~t...e.i.I 1J.OO 7.10 GraclH !~er) 4 IO Also,.,.,..,, El-Ptllcans. Kell My Port, Vlga, H_., 8rl0e, Mhi Huntlnot.., Time b f9 4/5 NINTH .-ace. One mll• Sumr1m Aun c 0.1-sa~I 1-10 4'00 J 10 Sln~pon Rive< CMcC...ran) 5 IO l .c> J Pt rson•s l..t-r (Gwrr•I 11 00 Also r.cecl· ~Otn'WI PriOe: Orio 0..Ck, Brl9nt One , Soy Ro. Mulll9•n Slew. Amt•POUf Time· I lll/S U EXACTA Cl-41 Ptld Wt.SO Atltnclenee ll,075 "' College UC lntlM 76, C-,-_J7 4QO mtdlty relay-I. UC Irvine, J;41.S. 1,000 tree-1. Llnclllelm IUCI), t :SI .•. , Murlne CUCll, 10.00.0: 3. Pelerlon CCI, 10: 11.26. JOO free-I J-• CCI, t:O.ll. 2. Guerrero CUCll, 1:46.'7; 3.1.ockllart IUCll. I JI '1 SO lru-1. Relltk I UCI I. 11 01. 1 A-rlOll(UGl>,tt U;l.-ICl,U .it.1 100 IM-1 Ayres CUCll, 1.CM.fJ, 2. Vincent IVCll, M IUO: l Nk ho4son IUCIJ. J 07.ll 1·mt1ar dlvlnQ-1. 1..-nls IUCll. Jtt 'O. 2. Lande<' IVCll. 10'2,«I. 3 L-.ard CUCll, .... Jj 100 fly-I. LOOllarl IUCll, JOI U ; J Bwr11e (Cl, J:CM.'7; J. Mann !Cl. 2 07 "· 100 frff-'-~ IUCll, 4t.26, J Bollct• IUCll. SS.tO. 3 1 Jollnson ICI. 4'.7Q. l Brown ICl,"911.lf.. JOO baek-1 Stidntr ICI. 2 Ot 7), J VlnUftt (UCll. 2:15.lS. J. Slone (Cl. J·n S1 JOO fru-t. Jones ICI, 4;42.11, 1 1.lndhelm (UCll. 4-n ll; l . Mvrln• IUCI), 4:S7 01. »meter dlvl119-1. loueanl4 tuCtl, J1t SO; 2 t.eon.,d CUCH. 206.U ; l . I.ender IUCll, 202.fS. 200 DrH SI -I. NIC-ho410f1 (UCll. 2. 17.7J; 2. Mud CUCll. 2.22.S6, l BoorJltln IVCll. 1:H.IS. •OO Ir" relay -I Clt remont·Mueld, ""·"- Wteattlna • COMMUNITY COlLIOI ._ .................... 11 111 -au.tt IGW> dK. Jae-, 1 ... 126 -Yur .... CRHldec. Tt'ede, 1 .. s. 114 -T.,.an tllHl dec. K-, 10-t. 142 -1-IRHI dee. Harr•ll, 11·5. UO -tlammond (RH) dee. Orealer, 1)-J Uf -Pt911'0 (,_HI cite:. Hall, M . 1'7 -Glore IGWl CIK. W.11, 2o.t. 177 -Harri-IGWI Oa<. Arrovo, .. 2. ltO -Valllt rl (AHi p. Cl•rll, 2-12. Hwt. -8-k ll. WtHI dee. Riiey, 1M Pl Better Golf with JACK ~NICKLAUS - .. HR6\TUALIZ.E THI& SVSTE.M ANP VOU'L\.. FINO THAT EASING PP..ESSUf\E IN T\Gl-4T SITUA'TIONS I~ ONIL OF THE MRNY e>E.NliiF\TS IT ? ~ODUC&S . HOW . .--WEL..L...\ THE MOP. IE VOU ~ONC~NTP.A"rE IT ON 6HOTM~~\NG SPECIFICS , T E . . .. I L .. lot>HDMDeMttetaMtc ................ T-K118 .......... •• '*I ,..Mt-.. . Jet OHlll .. ,...,. __ ,.,,,........... ...7N7-• ....... ...... ., .. ,..._ .. ... c.,..... ...... , ... . Jffl\9-,, ...... _ .. -~-"""" .. ..,..,I __ u-.-...... • ...... ,, ... MMtlO'Mtata 117M • CW11•MrMtlt , '1·7Mt-• k~H1(11 ........_.. Mllltr • .,.., .._..M-Jl!Z. teellll ., • .,. 6t47·71-1llr' Morrll~.ltlly • .u.11"6-a1 P ... r ~" ... 71 .. ,_., J.C. W.. ..... 7.71_., --·~-7....,._., L" llder '7*12--Jerry Pal• 70.7NS-• MIU ••Id 70.71..._JOt "" Curl ... 10.n -., J-C0811 •7·7N ._ .. SC.oil s1,,,...... ,,..,._7t_.. Waynt Levi "*7)-at Jack.__ 70.7......_ .. .. r ... c;..,... 71•7·17-tll Jim si-71-4•,._Jll c;.., .. A.rcller 1M1-n-11t Jim CollltrT •t-~11-210 O.A Wtler"'9 70.70.71-11t fl'YJJY zoe11er 71.1......-m Mike Money 7447..,_?lt .-on Streck 11•1.n -m Jat H-71·7>46-tlO ,. ... , Jae....., , ... ,...._n• 1111 •rlttan 71*70-111 J-Sc-71.71....._211 • ....., Cl"""'I ~7J-t11 Tom Wet_, ~72·70-2tt aOll Gllcler ~71-71-211 8.,ry H.,_..1 M·70.7)-J1t Dan Hall...,_ "*lt-nt IOllOY W-lns 70-71-70-211 Pat McGow_, 70.7"7._:111 Brad lryant 67.J).11-11 Tim Sim-12*71-212 Da•• Elclltlberoer 7J.7J.66-211 Tom Je,,..rns 10-12-10-112 Cllarle& COOdy M-71-71-212 Gene lflller 11·7>4t-212 Del• O_.au ... 71.7J-21t IQCI Allin M·14-10-21J Don POOi.., 71-6 .. 77-212 Lyn loU 72.71_.,_,,, Ben CrltMhaw 71 ... 73-JU Joe In,,.... M-7)-71-113 - 8111 Kralltrt 11-7,...-213 Mike McCul'°"'91' IJ.71-70-JU Gii Mor-70·71-72-JlJ Sttvt ... tny• 71·7l-6t-JU 8ruce LltUll.e 1l*12-JU Cralt Slacllef' 6t·1'-71-nJ Vktor A...,_ 7t-1Ht-21l Aflely Nortll 71-74-JU Joe H•oer 70-7J.71-2t4 Gary Trlvl-IJ·IMl-214 8ruce Oovol•u 12-6t-7J-214 B•rry Jatcktl 6t·70.15-f14 Ed S-, ' 12·1Ht-Jt4 Jerry Heard '"'4·71-214 Vance Heefner 70.73-71-114 Jofln M....,,.t 70-75-6t-J14 Jell Mlll:llell 1J-71-70-214 G••o P~ n -10.11-214 Terry "'-Y 10-10.14-114 All.., Mllltt 10.7).71-214 Mlh Sulllven ••-1 .. 11-114 David Gr-.. U·71-77-JIS ferry Diet\! 1J-7t.72-1U W•lly Ar~r-7J-72-70-J1~ Mike Donald 70.1).71-JU Ml"• HOiiand 70.7 .. 71-2U Scoll Wafkln• 13.71.11-21s Al•n T ~· 71·11-7)-715 TOf'n Pur'l.lef' 7M:t,72-2U Dave Barr lS-6'-71-t tS TOf'l\my l..rmour Ill •'-14·7>-216 Bru(e Fltt\lltr 70.7).7)-21' Oou9 Tewell 71-74·71-J16 Huberf Gr"" 7"74-71-21' G•cwot Cold•• ... 73.1s--21' Jell 'S•not" 71·11·7>-21' O•nny Edward\ 12-70.75-217 l.erry Nfl-1S-6t-1J-Jt7 Jim Tllof'pe IS-72-70-211 Ot •e Eclwtrck IS-IN 0-217 Al Gt llltr-'1·1).77-1f7 ff H SlkH 72-71-74-JU D•n Pohl 70.75-71-117. 0••• Stoc~ton 75-7~217 H-erd fwllly n .1 ... 10-211 Don Bits 1]·11-7._,211 Hal Sutton 12-7.Hl-21' Merl< t..,. 1J-7).7J-.J11 Arnold Palmer 7S-72-71-211 Maril H•Yft l/·1>41--Jll Aooer Meltble 1 .. 11).77-211 BOC; EH,_ 7t-1J-61-f11 Anc1y a.e.. 10.1s-1•-n• M•rll Pltll 77·7~71-llt Lnlntton ChampJOn1hlp ' Cat t.e.1111 ...... ,, s...ta Atrtu• Mark M<Nillty 61-67_.. -JOO 8111 Ac>Qtn '7-704S -102 G.,y P l•Y..-.._,_ -204 Women use INVITATIONAL l•I lrvt• CMM CCI Tt•!I' scons' 1 tiSC, 306: J u~.121, 3. VSI u , 32', 4. Lon11 BHCll-St~ a nd 1<entuc1<y,1" • 1nOlvl-I· I N...cy Mocll.ell IUCLAI. 13; 2 111•1 F-lc• oasw 1usc1 -Mana Sl11ue rH·O.i111 IUSCI, 74 , 4 . Natlle lle )H ftsort CUSCI, TS. s. (111) Denise Str-ro (USC) J ennifer Steiner IUCLAI. 71. 7 Jecklt Nlcotetll CUSCl, 7'. Probowtlna ~ ......... I fatL.nV .... ) s......•-u...,.. t JamesM lier 2 ,..,._ > Sam Zurktl 4. Steve Martin 5 CllarlleT- • Ga ry OkklotlOft. '4.0SO 1 Mtr>Nll Holmtl\,U,600 I Sttve Wunditrllcl'l,U)QO 'KtMY~l.La!ham.N Y.,U.IOO 10 Iii.I Otvld Hi&lecl,$2,SjO 11. Jay "°"""°"· '2,SSO U . Tom ea.. ... , U ,400 U. Ernie Sdllt9tl. $2,lOO U Ttata 5-1\11, '2,200 U. Art Tr-. '2, 100 16. Ptlt McCOnfk, U.000 17. Mike Monyall, '1,tOO 11. lllt l Jeff 8alllfl9tr, '1.7SO tt. Nell 8 ur1on, $1,7'0 10. Kyte ~. 11,600 21 111•1 Mal AcOlla $1,4SO 22. Miio.• s..in11tek, AISIP. '1.•so 2J. Merllft L.tl<lltr, $1,lOO 24. K'"ln Giiiette. '1,:ZOO IJ,111. 12.760. 12.7Cll. u.-. 11,411 IJ .... 12,sM. 12,511. 12,0.. 12,400. 12.• 11,M 12.JSe 12,M. 11,171. 12.2n. n.m. 12,71 4. IJ,114. 12,113. 12.121. 11,U t. "·-· 11,tll. _L._ I ,,.. ff IW YORK (AP) -Take a referee wbo doeln't blow tlle wMl&le, two women wbo don't pla,ff rul•, a pit of wet topsoil, _..s what do you t . omlil'1·mud ~neWq, and it draws crowdl. eolle1e ban to county fairs, mud wre1Ul••· 1omettmea ·more camp_tban compedtloD, 61 dlrty bUlln .... So ll you want to see tboe• ..... -.... n1U1n1 -don't 1et toO o~'- "lamltlmea It coell more. to clean up ifter a •how &Mn-a place tltkd ln," said-Mart -Tencller, former praleulonal w·rfllller and mana1er of th' N-'w York lloeketa, a team of JO. :.. "I remember once we had a well-ilreaed couple wbo want~ to slt rllbt up front," Jae said. ''They left lookiq u ll they just bad an encounter wltll a peat t.oc." For tbat reuoa, the days of mud may be •wi!filii•••••il numbered: The Rockett are switchin1 over to oil ti wreltlia1. While 1UlJ doin1 mud shows on.demand, oU ls all a part of cleanln1 up their acl, so to speak. • "With oil, the ram can 1et closer and they don't leate so dirty," said Kitty Adams, coach of the Rocket.a and a former professional wreauer· herself. "Mosl of the fam like the chance because wUh mud, after the flnl few minutes of a matob, you can't tell who'• who." ., But, mud or oil, with lighters like Crystal Blue and'Georlia Peach, eyes don't stray from the rint that often. "I like the business, il's great exercise, not to W ff CAP) -Overweilbt w"omeo ~•>fat .. U.. wUll, cbelt, neck and 1 flll' b to bt dlablUca than those f= la io1w• bodJ lftU I UCb H ,., .... bulloclul,£. to a 1tudy at a.et1 ~orw• . The -~ of fat ID bodJ, accordinc to • "" 1tudri~Wp ~wMdael' a w~marr hes · dla"*-ore 1....,.. Or. R. ..W an upper·bodt obese ID bu elllat Umel · IJ'eater risk ol llavln1 cllllell dlabet• lb• a woman of normal "lli'l 111111 lblald be teated rw lb• dlseue. Those_ with aotNr W, obe11t1 1bowed little or no lncreued rllk. Spealdn& at • llllwaukee news briefing that WH• mGDltered by reportera thrcfo1houl the CouDlry. K.iaMbah Hicl. the risk loe5 down with dletbl& and lou of the fat. ~~~~ro . ' Illy 1'1111 Classifieds \\)\\'/ sit-· -.\t\'I~ JDention the experience I'm getting since I want to I ~~~~=~~~~===~=~====~ become a.professional wrestler," said Ms. Blue, I 20, whose real name is Patricia Patterson. I fl~ l'<>(t\ cot'U• 91& ~ c '<>(t\\et\\ ~ e\~c\~i.,_ce.6~· • , \;~v . ~g'l\~ I AP....._.. ORAPPLERS -Wrestler Crystal Blue. foreground, tries to throw-opponent during a mud-wrestling performance in New York City. Management complains it costs too much to cleao up afterward. Ms. Patterson was attract~ to the sport because her-.mother was a professional wrestler known as "The-Dragon Lady." _ ,rJow "The Dragon Lady," Barbara Patterson, also is wrestling with the Rockets and using the money to finance her way through nursing school. A few good tumbles often net her $50-$10 a night. The ring, a pen about the si.ze of a sandbox, is ... Tropiuf Fish• fresh• Maine Aqu.ium Supplies / . . . Special J8n. 18, 1tl2.J•n. 22, 1f82 pterophytlum scalare: .N • •padded with foam rubber covered in blue vinyl. 1 have a dlscold shape, high soa,lng The girls wrestle in tank suits or bikinis. And when dorsal and anal fins, loncJ flowing ventral they do mud, only the finest South Carolina mud fins that l()()t( like teeters; f~r distinctive will do. . . black ~nds that enhance my silver color. Kitty Adams said she prefers South Carolina See me at Aquatic TropJcals where I am on mud beeause it is soft and fine enough, so that it sate under the name "Si(ver Angel" for .99 doesn't need to be sifted for rocks before being put 1110 W • ..._,•Coit..... II .. ';''.only two calli from the Reglater. Sold It In the Piiot , th• flrat day! ·' ' • ~~~1@642-567.8 charge it~-by phone From South L•gun• & North County call 540-1220 toll-free. 7 million visited Se.a World in '81 in the ring. -... 1 ... Corner ..... a ••lier ··~c~linam~is~r~awQ~~~~~~~~~&~~~~==~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~=~==~ favorite." she said. "Besides, the red South 14 SAN DIEGO <AP> ::__ Attendance at the three Sea World marine parks topped seven million for the first time in 1981, president Robert R. Hillebrecht announced. Carolina mud looks classier than just regular black muck." When they use oil, sunflower oil is used. "We use a good cooking oil," she said. "It doesn't taste as bad as mud and it's good for the skin and hair." Sea World in San Diego counted 2,795,000 visitors, an increase of 6.5 percent over 1980 and 5.2. percent over 1978. Sea World in Orlandq, Fla., reported 3,141,000 visitors, an increase of 3.9 over the previous record turnout there. Ms. Adams got the Idea for a ladies mud wrestling learn when she saw a match while on tr;;;;;;9-iiiiiiiiii!i;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lour as a professional wrestler. ·~ Tiii: ' Sea World in the Cleveland suburb of Aurora, Ohio, reported 1,135,000 attendance, a decline of 4.6 percent. lt is open only 110 days annually. "The first time I aaw it I loved it," she said. ' DllllS Sosbe got together with her tag-team partner, ~-.. • .;;... known only as "Horrible HaMa," and set out to __ ......,. · form a team. 54 loc 11m: r..<.oc. ~ ~ •• """' e>oo<' Magazine takes niystery out Publication lists latest crop of w!wdunits SPARKS, Nev. CAP> -Jack. Shnell stood. in his kitchen cl ut c hin g a razor and contemplating murder. Shnell, a big man with a shock of short, white hair and a gravelly voice, isn't a violent sor t. But he's right at home these day s with murder, suspense and intrigue. A few slrokes of the razor, and . he stood back, gazing al what he had done. His wife, Pat, watched from the <:omer of the ·room. Finall}', she could keep quiet no longer. fingerprints on tbe latest whodunit. "There 'are probably an absollJt! minimum of two 1-ew mystery.. titles a month by each publisher, and some publish three or four a month," Mn. ShneU said. "There ls almost never ari·y advertisin1 or promotion budget tor a mystery. And .there is no way that these people who love mysteries can possibly ftnd out about them." ·Except, of course, through Mystery News. Mrs. Shnell got the idea for the magazine in part from similar being published for mystery readers, Mrs. Shnell admitted. But s he said t h ey offer information only about select«! mysteries, and the true myst~ry junkie wants to ·know about them all. "'It's kind or like the old fashloried movie fans," she said . ''They wanted anything they could read a bout the movie stars . We are going to give the readers what they want." Of course, different reaJiers want different things : "In effect, every mystery buff "Oh , it's going to be beautiful," sbe said, smilinl al her husband. And together the Sbnells scanned a n oth er pa1e of Mystery News. Trimming and pastin1 up magaz1ne ,pages isn't exacUy ,. what Jack Shnell bad in lllind when be left 30 years' work in radio and television production and moved from Southern· California lo Nevada several years ago. "There is almost never any advertising or promotion budget for a new mys(ery," says author of "~Mystery Neufs." But his spare time now is devoted to Mystery News, a dream oC his wife's which slowly took form over the past two years .. The first Issue, a 12.pase tabloid with 35 charter su btcribers, ca me out in December. It's a bumble be'ginning, but the ShneU1 are convinced it will lead to ·bluer and better things. What they offered in Volume 1, Number 1, was alx book reviews, 72 publishers' notices, an interview, and .assorted odds and ends, all about m11tery books, and all inteaded for tbe diebard reade, who Jutl can't w a i t to get bis or her publications aimed at readers oC romance novels. But mainly, she said , the stimulus for the maeazine was her fn11tratioft over not being , able to find the latest mystery from her la90l"tte authors. A bookbuyer by profeuion, Mrs. Shnell is a full-fledted mystery buff herself, aad baa trjed her hand at wrft1n1 a mystery DOYel. For yeari, sbe said, 1be tried to think of ways to 1et news about mysterlts to dotlna fans. "I tried to sell it aa a magazine column," · sbe said, '·and I 1ot another stack of rejection slips to add to the ones that I had for my book." There are other ma1aunes bas thdr own preference, aril. they want lo see everything that 's available in that catefory, that sub-genre," Mrs. Shnell saia. · So Mystery News will cater to them all, with special sections on mu.rder mysteries, spy mysteries, horror mys{eries, ghost mysteries -in . all, 13 categories , includihl "miscellaneous." ,. What's M\'S. Shnell's lavorite catepy? That's a mystery, but there is a clue. · "She likes Agatha Chr ... " Jack Shnell blurted before be was cutoff. "Sb.bbbbh," Mrs. St\\iell said. 'That would be be very impolite at this point.·· Eas~rn snow bu~gets pressed BOSTON (AP) -82.me nearly all oC ill $11.f ·mlltion · M auacbusett1 coamuamH, snow-dellfance ~ • lau caufbt off l••Td br an requested a tt.5 •llUoa ·especially snowy wlater, aµppl-.t to lllow tM llltll'• aJready have tcraped tile lat 11,700 lllilel o(hlpwai. · pe.,n nlea.-from their 1aow Dapite IHk of "*di, ..... rerhoval funds and may be · ' • forced to cut other aentcea tp) p :..:...11ina nnm raise money. l ; .,.;_,, ac'- Tbe city of Bo8ton may baV-'./ L ..!a L-....1 to turn otr It.reel tt1ht1 .or IMve pDU108 -pro'""1 garba1e uneollectea beca ... 1t already baa 1one o•er it• PEIUNQ (AP) -Ptldnt and local officials say they wlll coatlaue to plow streets and hl1bwaya and wait unW later &o 'see where the mone7 comet from to pay for the wort. Boih Boalon and cambrldp expended their entlre snow · bucl1eta 6n the Dec. 5 atorm that dumped up to two.feet of IDOW lft .the area. l(;ollS--'°"'"'"' C09'Ta ...e41·1-1m..__ . ~~-.oeot . ._,c--. .. .._........... t" • • • • • • Tum your unusables Into usable cash.can D•HyPllot clasSlfled 642-5611. THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST 'A convenient an.matlv• to ho•plt•I emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thor~ucjh. Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appolnt~ent Needed • OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK MS °OATS-A YDR 8A.llA1 P.11 . ('i1 ~) 752-8300 •••RG•llCYJOCTORS OPFICE ~30 •rch St, Suite 107 l N8¥1POft Beach N' a • . } $325,000 bud1et for aaow pollee bave ordered a man· :----r•em111ont,-. dete••• fer ..-.. .. •• tt1h1 . Tbe nel1bbortn1 ellf. of PbotolnPba of..._•••· tM · Bolton Mayor Kevin !I. Wh1te lias directed bls 1 Public Worb commluioner lo transfer filndl' from three other public worU ittowtl -tlle ,.,... •b• u~ and 1arba1e eolleetloa. Ca~bRdle bu ..,.hiq lift 1ta Peklnl OaJly uported. ne $171,000 1DOW bud19l Uiil laal paper Mid tlle ·maa, l•11tlfW uked the ctt·r Con•ff to _., • KM. m * wlll Md. ti'WfW IDOMJ lDlo tM HU• l prtaWd _.. tlaa t• ..S. ·The 1t1te Pultlle W•r'• ~ and weft ....... 'oartmeat ...... ~.. t1Mm for. centl •adt. . .... . ---==~~ .. -- ·•ror every storm we 1et -.cl ... l'J dollar J apead OB mMilll• tbe 1treet1 of Boston 11fe, aomeUdQI'• 1ot to sj¥e" uld commiuloner .lo1epb r . c.ou ... Jt'11Qtaa to llurL" ·r ---~~ ---.._------------,.-------.. ~---.,---. ........... ----I .. ... Or~Qge Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Jenu4fY 16, 1982 -·-------=-- ml • CATHEDRALS & · :Pr9-life open house set today FLORID~ BOYS Forum opens-tonight Author Cha im Potdk, who wrote "The Chosen," is to speak al 7:30 tonight at. Santa Ana Higf) School Auditorium. His talk kicks off the third a nnual Jewish Community Forum. Speaking on "Authority and Rebellion," Potok 'Will diSCUSS the theme that r uns through many Of his novels. hf addition to "The Chosen," Potok is author .or s uch wor:ks as "The P.romise," "My' Name is Asher Lev" and, most recently, "The Book of. Lights." . Other forum speakers this year are to be a 1 ar c annen aum, e on y ra 1 a Vatican Council II ; Dr. Barbara Meyerhoff of USC's Anthropology Department, ahd Simon Wiesenlhal, a Nazi hunter. Series ti cke ts ar e $15 to $3~ per · person. Informat ion and tickets 530·6636. LIFE CENTER OF Orange. County ldcks off Ila 11eventh annual Llle·a·thon wlth an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. today at 311 S. Main St., Santa Ana. The c~ntcr suppor~s anti-abortion and other pro-life efforts. · 1 AN Ai.i.-W.,MEN'S SEMINAR, "Reach Out ' For Your New Beginning Tod~y," will be tleld from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.11\. today in the arborelum of the Crystal Cathedral, Chapman and Lewis Streets. Garden Grove. Mrs. Jack LaLanne will speak. Information 971-4080. REV. JOE JORDAN will minister at 10:15 a.m . and 6 p.m. Sunday ~t Believers Faith Center in the Irvine High School Auditorium, 4321 Walnut Ave .. lrvine. Information 953-0134. A JOB-FINDING workshop will be held Saturday at Fria Confere nce Center, 23052 Alcalde Drive, Suite A. Laguna Hills. Sponsored by Faith 0r.c ..... .,_.. Guest-preacher Executive-Secretary of Ludhiana Christian Medical College Board, Indra "THE CHURCH IN INDIA TODAY" Fi s..day. J......-y 24, 1982 420 W. 19th Street. Costa Mesa I 0:45. a.m..\Worship ••r•lce 7:00 p.m., Informal mHtin9 Public"is invited . ... Community Chur ch , the workshop ls designed to help particl~ants lind satisfactory emplo).'.ment. 1.riformation 8:$5-1134. . ... • · PRESIDENTIAL SCiENCE ADVISER Jk Ljie A. DuBridge will speaJc on ... Voyage lo Saturn" al 7:30 p.m . Sunday at Laguna Niguel $hepherd of • CHURCH 11111 the Hills UnJt~ Church of Christ, 30121 Niguel Road , Laguna Nigue l. H EBREW UNION SCHOLARS FORV~ begins at 10 a .m. Sunday at Temple Beth Shofom, ·2625 N. Tustin, Santa Ana. The series will focus on "Jewish Immigration and the American Dream ." Admission is $3. Information 532-5646. &a1. JAN. 30 No p.111. TORRANCE EL CA MINO COLLEGE AUDITORIUM 1C1im,11Jw 6 Aedo,.do llttacn 81vd 1 r or Information Call 21~ 370-0185 ' ri 111q M ~' r' ,'lJ ... MASTERS ~ South Coast · C9mm,unity Church Services 8: 30 A .M . & 10: 15 A .M . Corona del M a r ._.igh School, 2101 Eastblutf Dr .. Cor ona del M ar "EV rom o ey o Man or Man To Monkey?" Tim Timmons Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 Tim Timmoni., •·oundin~ Pastor The Antf- ln$tttuttoniltlst Maybe you feel !hot it Is s1mpty nor fashionable 10 belong 10 o ct11.xch anymore, or !hot the d:lurc:h hos lost rhe sp1ri1VOI porT of religion WMhip wirh us ond see • who1 you think. • Lutheran ChuFch of the Master lKJO Pacific View CO<ana del Mar • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : Wocsh1p Service : • 10:30 A.M. • r ••••••••••••••• 1 ORANGE COAST CHIJRCu ··nmECTORY MESA BIBLE CHAPEL 1734 0ranQe An0:::-ta MeM PWor? W' _.le Jecoltt ~Worship· I 0:00 Pcntor Jacobs Speaks EY ..... SerYlce_ • 6:00 · Ccndllll)ht c._1°" '"THE AMEMIC CHRISTIAN" Wednesday Enfti119,7:30_p.m. Bibi~ Study With Pastor Jacobi Topic: IOOK OF ·ACTS s.twdmw"'""" 6:JO 519.z4;· .1m11rowii.-... , ... ,..,... "You 've tried the rest. NOW try the BEST!" 1 Re•. Dr . ._. C. JeclllOft Mew~ aristl-EY-Pfitt . ..... ~ ari'"-Clwcli 5-dey 5-ke & ....._ C"-"cll I 5MI & '"'-·...,.,,.... hecll ~· --. IO:JOA..M. .. THI C0M9UIST OfRA•" Cwcll Offkr. lt2t ,...._ c .... MeM _,..._ 646· I 032 DW A 646-6464 • • .,.o• 111 ·., ht dtUlcH Of RfUGIOU9tSCIENa' ~·~o' , Of NEWPORT lf..AOt {~a T" ,.;% ............ ~u""eo c-o1~!k:-c-lA ~a •~I 1 Dr. A.IMrl lwil• ~.,~,-,:I WORSHIP -9:30 A.M .• ~:,.~ • Child c- ''The Power IR Ow Po1wssion" -, 0 I t Camelbock Strwi, t4.wport leach loffJ ... ,......, . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . CMtJRCHES 8F!ANCHE$ OI' fl'<E MOTHER CHµRCH THE FIRST CHURCH Of'CHRl!'T SCIENTIST IN BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS 11LIFE11 J~ I ]th, 1982 Cost• W... -Ant Clllwc• of a.mt, Sc......_t· 2110 MeM Ywdt Dr~ Cflt• MeM Ct.rcll & S.., Sc ..... -10:00 A.M. ...... •-. JHO W... ¥ .... Dr. t A.M.-4:JO P.M. Wea."-W . · W-4 7-7:50 P.M. -f.ftJO P.M. irvine -Rnt a.re• of ChriSt, Sciewti1t •-oos.......-............. Sc..o. 4l61 Mc•u•-IMew Y•I C1-di & S.., SclMlel -I 0:00 A.M. CHtlO CAAE Pll()VIOEO AT SUNDAY SERVICE .._....,,. .._.. -Ant Clllrdt of Christ, Sci_.... ltti I Ohe, ttwtlMjt• heel! Ct.rcll & _.., ~ -I 0:00 A.M. . ....... _ -221 M~ SI. L_,... leoclt -First Cllll.d of Christ. Sc....... . USHlpDri•e Ct.rcll & S.., ScMol -I 0:00 A.M. ·~ ·--...114 Forftt •••• ... ewjllort .._.. -Flnt C'-dt of Christ, Sci ....... JJOJ Vie Udo, ....,,,.,. hecll Cllirdl & S.., Sc .... -t :OO & I t:JO A.M. R ..... •-. JJll YMI LWo M-. .. W . -t A.M. ·I P.M. T-.-1. t P.M. CMd C...~T-evs -t30-11'30A ... FatStudyT- Mewport .._.. -Secolld a.rdl of Cllrht, Sci...... . J I 00 Ptidfk ¥19w-Dr .. c-.. ..._Ii. Ct.rcll;& S.., ScttMI ::... I 0:0o A.M. ...... R--..noo ..... 1. eo... HwJ~ c4M wm. IYB•t•a nsnMOMY MllTIHGS - 1 P.M. ALL c~c .. s '-FOR /1.H !~SPIRA TIONAl MESSAGE OIAL '3e.6e3• ::·.~· R="':.;;.:' to'"..,.,,,,. ct>u<cll --•ncl •llfO'l IM on·~- J A COllAL WELCOME FIOM THE UNITED CHUICH. OF CH If St · · COMMUNITY C•H COMCIEGATIOIW. 61 I ..... ..,..,. A._~ c_ ... ..._ 644-7400 DOMld W. ICllh. MWtt.r 10 A.M. -S.., WonMp Cf\utCft School and NIJIMfY c:.t·e NEJGHIOI-· CONCIRATIOllAL C.H 340 St. A•'• Piece JOHM M. HY.NOi.OS MARGAln AMH llYMOLDS . ' MWtlws .. IOA.M.-$~WwtMp Cllwcll School & MwMr( HARIOR CMtlmAM CHURCH IDltc .... ofCllmtl 2401 lrYIM•tS .. 1.-.t 64~5711 M ... w.,.., 10........_ G._s.r.;._, MWthr . Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. 'MARK PRESBYTERIAN OitJidt a100M•Yl1teDr~....,...a..1t • •••. W.-Mc~ Rn. T..yw-. Pfttw Lftl9 lrocti-. Millk onct!,'MCW. , ...... 5-dey w onMjt i. Chwcli Scllool -9:30 A..M. Pr.-Scllool-1\4.., ..... frldey 644-IJ41 ·• -·p~1pnout l1 L lH~t1n:1111f i111ll1I C IH'trcl1- 32u •OAD ST., MEWPOtrT IUCH 642·2740 Sunday SH•ice -I 0:30 A.M. ..,.._ Tn. Mohre Of Fafftt .. AJTOI fOHT CUIYO . - This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDalW"S PHS'lnillAM CHURCH 600 SI Andrews Road • Newport Beacti • 631-2880 Dr. Jotw. A. H..._. ir .. Pntor Wonhlp Smlu• -7:3o;.1:45 CMd I 0: IS A.M. .. ·-· ... "MOU MT AIM PEOPLEl" :J>r .. Cllort.s H. Dlenttf•ld. preochilt9 I· Kiftcr 3:7 . P'ROGaAMS 7:30 ~.t..t1 ttww Klftd~ CWW Cwe 1:45 ~-•Mini Ad.It Clcnen IO:~ 5 -.......11f..t1 ttww 6MI Gr .. I AcWt Clotwt AIC Hclplis:e 645·2222 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE CO\lfNAHT 2150 Fair•i.w Rd., Costa MHa -557-3340 l"9U A. ....,..., , .... Sttndi!Y Woro;h1p & Church School 8 30 & 10 00 A¥ Child Care A-va1tabte Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Eldon H Thies Re'V O}I§ Wffiiams Christian Educaltpn Hour 9 00-10·00 AM Worsh1p-10 15 AM NUASfllY CAllE l'llOVll>£0 Al All SlAVtCES CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 w. ~.Cost• ...... ·-us..3191 We re A Going· Glowing Growing Church \ SUHDA Y SUYICIS lllU Sl\IDY 9 A.M. WOllSHl.P I 0 A.M. & 6 P' .M . "Reme~r The Sabbath" Ea. 20: 8-11 ,_. n.-.. MMi1tw -OC*CJ C•. l..tti MW•tw v oc..itt • Msie ~all ' Misll1tw't Ho. i36·6tl2 • CllllfC-Pre•w.d AT A~ .SlllYIC'S '===========================.i===========================l.==========================.t~-=.:.~~:__~~-=-~~~~- Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradrtl0f!81 Ep1$copal) Christmas Eve Eucharist 9 p .m. HOL Y.pOMMUNION ·Each Sunday·-9:00 AM (Book al C.ommon Prayec • 1928) · MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar TM le_•._Jw. HoMfeld·-53 .. 7111 - ST.JOHN'S THI. IPISCOP' AL CHURCH tM CO.ST A MISA • .., s ....... °'9llJt ·- -8:00 Hoty Coca••"°" I 0:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 s-day School Nursery q.re tti. •••· C--t ...,,....,, Vic• 54 .. 2217 - ~ t sr, JAMES EPISCOPM OUIOI · WB.COMES YOU • . !3209 Via Udo, -~ Beach s-dey 1:00 A.M.. ,.,.,. ..... Heer C dt s..y t:OO A..N. a.re•~ ............ s..y I 0:00 A.M. Pfr'lt S..,. "wrw .... tw,·c s..,. ............................. " t :OO & I 0:00 A.M. ~ c .. CHARISMATIC to1ASS Flnt S.-., ..... .._..-7:GO P.M. ' ,....,_, ......... ...., ....... .-... sw.k• Wiii a.-. Olt Of ..... n. a...,,_.. P.A ... II • ....__,.._ 67M~IO . tbPOIT .... LUT'HEIM OUCH 7tl Drrw Dr. ..-ol'T llACM 14 .. UJI .... ., ...... ,.... ............ , ...... WORSHIP SERVICE . . .. : . . . . . . . 1:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION .......... 9:·15 A.M WORSHIP SERVICE ... , . , . , . 10:30 A,f.1. ......,u..,......, r WILCOMI M12 , ... ,. ... " Hunetu"'n heott' iC•-::clrJ ~ l 1H AM: ' C ...... 111t:4IA.M. w_....,, .. ~ Hl·lltl )· WESTMINSTa LUTHERAN OUKJf '· IJl41..._A,,.. IM.~ to S-D .... Pnry. & W1•111•1 ltYC.1 -~SHIP-SllVJCIS - 1:30 I f 0:00 A.M. PASTOll JOB. A.. Swt6GUM PHOMI HJ-tHt CHllST L M CHOICH !Misso11ri Synod! 760 Vic .... St~ c..te w... LAAw Y. T-. , ..... _ 6Jl·l611 WOisHIP SIRVICI -1:15 .. 11 :00 A.M. 'S-., Sdleol & ....... a.. -t :JO A.M. ~ ....... ...,~~141-6166 All SAINTS ANGUCM EPISCOPAi. CHURCH Ace ... t. ... ltH ...... C-"wrw 1 BM2 Bushard. Fountain Valley 963-3801 m . s1w.-w. HUHB. llCTOI HOLY C0. .. 4UMl0.. .. : ....................... 1:00 AM. 1MO•MIHG PlA YR.CHU•CH SCHOOL .••.•.•. t : 15 A.M. MO•MtHG PlA Yltl & SlllMOH ...••......... 11:00 A.M. HUI'!!!, i:'ll A!~IU fllnl &~ sm.y I I A..M. ~ ....... ~t:llA.M. SenMft Topic J•. I 0th ' 9:00 & I 0:30 AM .. ·~ Wcrf To Total LMIMJ" Hewie•.,..., ....... CHURCH OF RBJ~OUS SCIEM_CE Member of the United Church of Religious Science 81AC:Ufl' .,,__UIQf SVITI '45 212:1 MAIN Sl'AliCT. HUllTIHGTOH HACH, CA 112114' .. ·---·-- A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Cost~Mesb - ARST UHITID METHODIST CHURCH 19th St & Harbor Blvd Cllwcli~t:30 Wonlllp 10:45 Charles D ciark. Minister COsta·Mesa North MISA VBDI UHITID MITHOCMST CHURCH WonMp I a.rc1t·Sc1M1e1 l :JO • I 0:00 A.M. Dr. '#19-L St.et ctaRTcAUICA iTTHISIA Newport Beach 1400 W Balboa Blvd 673-3805 Huntington-Beach AISTUMIT9 MITMODISTCMUICH 272117th St 5~537 Wortlllp ~r. '10:15..,., 1<1...-y car• AH ~ C"-"cll Sc~t:OO..,., . Huntington Beach North COMMUMrTY UMIT8 MITMODIST CMUICH 6662 Hell Ave 84~·••61 ' w °""" s-ic9 l :JO & 10:00 1:30 s..-y Scheof 10:00 Fountain Va•ley - FllST UM19 METHODIST CHUICH 18225 Bushard St. '6J.2HJ Rev. Robert Shepard, Jr WonMp & .C....-Cli SclMlel t :JO A.M. W\d.y Pr.-Sc .... /D9y c- 7100 •.M.-6 P.M. Or. Carroll E. Word, Minister WonMp & a.rdl w-1 t:lO A..N. A --_, CMllCM NEWPORT CEHTH UM1ED METHODIST I 601 Ma ........ Aft.. C.W .. Mw 644-0745 WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL -9:30 A.M . Rev: Ken McfMitlan Y•WllleW•1 1~ -..-;;.Mi1H11J .. FIRST cH•1stlA~ CHUl~H M•-' Ace... HwllllllftM hecli SUteAY: CIM•" 1:10•1MIAM Wenlllp l:JO, lt;ttAM. 6:0UM AcH•t..J_. ·~-:' ~ hr:!.'.c" 0™111 MIHISTEAS M11te,...... T W Owetlotl, 0---& T ... M- llA&..A-ePOftOM-116-9111: OMc. -IU.Ult ""' ta 1CllrietSlllc•l"I", 'SHIR HA-MA 'ALOt . HAl'OI llFOaM TIMPU S ...... Senle" frideJ ....... I: IS P .M. ' •• n 'ot n n t ,..., '-"lu Rnt.~crfte.~ 7:JOP.M. Rabbi Bernard f.' King Jamboree & Eastblufl Dr Music Arie Shrkler Newport Beach. Cahr Educator· Nancy Levin For lwfw....._ ul 644-720J All V1SttC>r1 Wtl4COtne TEMPLE SHARON. ~ (Conservative~ ¥ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 West Hamilton, Costa Mesa. Calif. 92627 17141 6ll-3262 TEffiPlf RT Ul8I MAUS. -.LO SHAllA T SllVICH Fri..a p.111.-Sot.· I O:JO .... OF HIWPO•NHJMllR...,_I Family Services-1st Friday or Monlh-8 pm. Re1tq1ous School. Adult Ed .. Youlh Groups. Singles Kabbalat Shabbat. lar.t Fc1day of month 6:00 P.M. • I 0 I I Camelback. .Wwpod leochlotf JeMbot'HI &44-IY'9 C_._.l..ed L ,_.. • w.c.-M"'9• v ....... , L•1•lr•1\' f,,, /\ t:,1,1,f C/111,1 t . ..,,,,.,, . ./ C/11111 /1/ /11111 I /. f,1, IV11r,/111• /II MARINERS CHURCH /~1111 Oo1/ir1.11f /11nJ1 /1111,\' CJ:OO ,un. W11r-h1p ,,,,J S11i,<l,1y !>• h11t1I 10 111 <>th i;r1tUl'l 1 o'. I ~ <1111. llrhle ( l.·~~t'~ (( hiltl/l'l' t.. •\Jult•l 8i~o11 At'fllllt' nl /nmltt1rt'I' 8,111/,.l'llr1I /1'111111' ('.J1)-(l(l 1-'1 ·F.11· lnf11m111l11''1-- . •\ncl the Jlt'•tlf! ,,f C11J, wht< h ""IJ·•~ws ,,11 rnmprelwn· •llln, ~h.111 l(U.ird vnur ht'<HI• .111J vu11r mmJ• in Chi l•I ks us " P~1lippt.ir1> 4·7" 'Attend The Church _Of Your Cho~e This Sun'day ~ ~· I -. ..... ... 'QIRL WITH THE GREEN EYES, by Henri Matis~ -• STEININGER'S WAY, by Franz Marc . San Francisco collection ~omes .to Newporf Harbor By JEFt PARKER °' .. .,....," ... sun r With the current exhibition at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, there ar~ more masterpieces under the museum roof than al any ot.her time in its history. Ttte unsuspecting visitor is met at the gallery entra n ce by George Braque 's "La Gue~idon, · ', turns to be confronted by Henri Matisse's stunning "Girl with the Green Eyes," r~ounds. straight into Picasso's "La Cruche Fleurie_'._'.. -and staggers off to find a gallery peppered with works by Kandinsky, Marc, Klee, Mondrian, Jawlensky and Diego Rivera. "California Collects : Important Works From the San Francisco .Museum of Modern Art" isn't a large show -there are 63 pieces in all -but anyone who braves its eclectic intens,ity will, in the words of NHAM curator Paul Schimmel, "get a rine introduction to modern art. It's intense for sure. But I like making those kinds of-demands on a viewer. You' don't leave this show unaffected by it, t I The exhibit found its way to NHAM almost by fluke. Schimmel learned that the SFMMA would have to store its pe rmanent collection in order to make way for the Edward Hopper show now occupying the museum. An impassioned plea by Schimmel led SFMMA to l~n the permanent collection to NHAM. marking the first tlrne that the masterpieces have been shown outside San Francisco. 1 The show marks another first for NHAM ; it's the firs t lime tb.e museum has mounted a historical survey exhibition or such far·reaching depth. The earlier works -some dating back to lllEA Mann Bro Plaza 3295339 COSTA MESA Bnstol 5407444 ·-~CO llCliftl~ CINCMJll.DI -°"""' --l!!I El.TORO Saddlebeck 581~ ~~In 921 1706 OMNGE ~Md ORANGE Stadium Dr In 0398770 M.STWIEJt UA Ctnem11 8930546 1908 -are a departu~ from the museum's strictly contemporary interests of years before. "l think the community here needs it a nd wants it," said Schimmel. "This is the fi rst time they've been able lo come here and see the sources or the art that's been s hown here since the museum opened . We've done a bit of educational backtracking and I believe it has worked. Attenda!}ce is up and we've bad .. nothing but. favor able comments from visitors. "Anytime you have a survey show you're going to end up with a great multiplicity of styles. r think the visitors are seeing connections between artists, countries, styles. When you get a show with such a large historical sweep you get a sense of the continuity of history -the WJ>Y it seems to go back on itself and then break fhrough. So much or whllt happens in art now was made possible by the artists you see here," he said. Although the c urrent exhibition doesn't represent all modern movements -surrealism, cubism, futurism and pop are conspicuou~ly missing -certain funda01ental artistic directions are included . The re ·are strong 'Works In the Fauvist, German E~pressionist, "'df: stijl" <the s t yle) and-Amerfe-an-"second-generation;' expressionist traditions; a particularly classic collection of photography from the 1930s and 1940s, . and a strong showing of Abstract Expressionist work. Because the SFMMA took _an early interest in American Abst~~~t Expressionism. that movement is chronic~with particular care and enthusiasm. " ·Of this latter group of painters, Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell. Sam Francis, Richard .-· ---, .... _. 3GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS _ OEST FILM DEST OIRECTOR-~OUIS MAU.£ DEST ACTOR -BURT LANCASTER OEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR Los ~ Flm Cltdcs -Nodonol Soc»ry of {Jim (Ilda ATLANTIC CITY EVERY MONDAY ALL SEATS $2.00 .Humorand ~ eroticism in a tender and enratainUig ~~ -)lrwt M.I"'· NEVIi Y(;)RK TIMES m~ue~IA) AU PIGtllS ,l:Sll!VCD : / , . . .. ~ Thia .... you ~n'" REOS et theM thHtrM: ............ , ............ nn. .ct....t Newpott hlcll 1 u o 1 eo M1SS01 Viejo 1:10 6990 0ranoe 834 2 s~3 llW ... C.llA WllT UA MOftll • "oo• ... i-tmo WtStmlnsltf 191 393~ llN "° 4022 ,_, ___ ,,, I l~ ....... --... """"'°"--~ .. ..,1 -......... :w .......... r.......,1111Nl __ .... . ·• ... • ------~ --------......... ..! .. _..,.. .. ________ ·-~----' ~ ,,.. .... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January '16, 1982 J, (;I !HE FLOWER VE~DOR, by Diego Ri vera Die benkorn and Al Held ·grace the c urrent exhi bition in colorful. expressionist frenzy. Such large, colorful .works seer;n a far cry from the earlier Fauv or Germa n Expressioni~ works just a few yards away, but ~ccording to Schimmel, that sweep of history isn't as disconnected as it might seem at first. "I was looking at the 'Girl With the Green Eyes· the other day. studying the background. There's no rhyme nor reason to that background - it's pure expresston ism:-Then r IOOked around the corner at the Diebenkorn on the far wall. Same patterns, same abandon. It's fascinating to see that connectiol'I -they were painting 60 years apart,·· be said. "The sam e goes for th e G e rman ExpressiOnists and the American Expressionists who came later. You can see the ground that Franz Marc broke in his painting here, which h a ppe ns to be one of his gr eatest works. • • • rnE MURDER OF THE CF.NTURY .. . rnE scANQt\L OFlllE CF.NTURY .. . THE LOVE AFFAIR OF lllE C£.NTIJRY ... AND THE Cf.N1lJRY WAS JUST BEGINNING. .. Mondrian's 'de stijl' school relates to modern minimalis m in the s ame way -i-t was a forerunner (hat broke ground and made t~ngs possible fOl"-1-ater a rtists," Schimmel said. , Even anudst suet) high-volum~ work, certain pieces manage to s tand out. In addition to Matisse's "Girl with'the Green ·Eyes," a painting by Mexican Diego Rivera -"The Flower Vendor'' is a singularly stunning work. The broad surfaces, demanding color scheme and uninhibited' bravura all s uggest F~uv and Expressionistic . influen ce. but t he precise e xecution and geom etrical compositio!'! 'suggests "de stijl" of Mondrian and even, perhaps, photography. Franz Marc 's "Steininger 's w·ay" also commands attention in this very attenfioo-gelting show. The~rman Expressionist's fi'811lboyant yet exacting mounta in scene is· a breathtaking (See NHAM, Page C2> IN CINEMA #2 ..•. Lock the doors ... here come the Nei~rs A Comic-Nightmare PLUS . STEVE MARTIN in "Penn1es . FROm Heaven" starring BERNADEITE PETERS - 0 .~.~:!?'~~--= ~ o.-.-... IN Cl_NEMA ;;4 ••• ' ' .. .. .. .. .. .. r .. • • .. • • • • • • • • • -·· • EAT BOX OFFICE • • • . . • ed ' d SOIJTB COAST PLAZA war 8 TOWN CENTER (;JNEMAS • 1 I ., f l.4.N ..... PW&Te•818Tel.. .:.,m:u:..m~-=~-751-4184 ~' .. , ' . ... ,.. ! . I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday. 'January 18. 1982 NHAM show offers mod~rn samp·ler <Fre• Pal• en example of. expresalonlat verve before It went abatnct. Plc:aaao•a cublat pattern• and the ul\lnhlb&\ed colon of lhe F•\lviala are apparent in thla work, but the effect la •tartllnl and new. Sc:hlmmel deacrlbel tbe plec. u "a tnae eluaic:." "Callfonala Collecta: lm~t Works rrom the San Franclaco Museum Gt Modern Art" will continue on dl1pl1y at NHAll throu1h Feb. 14. Houra are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tueeday throu1h Sunday and Fl'idayt WWI 9 p.m. " -- 'Steve Canyon' creator horwred Arthur Penn "finally gets ~ Tig_ht' al' BOB THOBAS ran into lrreconcUa bJe diflerencet with _paddy .... ._. ..._ ...._ · Chayefsky three weelcl--before iftoolln1." HOLLYWOOD Before a special screen· "Four Friends" came out of a "nice and eu y ln1 of "F~ Friends" •l lhe Los An1elea County frlendahlp" wiih writer Steve 1'u ich <"Prea.kln1 Museum of ~a few weeks ago, ArlhUT'Penn told Away") ~udna work together at the AIQ!rican the audience: · Place Theater1 "We must do aomethlnl t.ocether.'' ·•Finally after my 10th picture, J think J've aot they told each other over a hall·do1en years. Then It ri1bt. At least I think J've aot lt ri-*'t· I'll let you one day .. Teslch sent the c:Urector a aomewhat decide." auto blo1ra phlcal sc ript about a.. Yu1oslav The warm reaponae from thole who watched immi1rant who &rows up In ,a Mldweatem mUI Penn's tum of ~oun1 life ln the lMOI indicated town· and forms Jaat frlendahlpa with the other they shared the director's aaaeument. Critiu young men and one free.spirited 1lrl. have split some findln1 "Foor Flriendl'' Inspired "It wasn't an easy project lo sell," Penn a nd moyln9; othe rs· conslderln1 It lndul1~nt admitted, "because of two factors: 1. It had to be and Implausible. Moviegoers will be able lo decide done with unknown actors -usin1 well-known for themselves this month when the Fth11ways stau..would have lbro~n ·the picture out of kUter; release goes lnto wide distribution. · 2. The period of history had already been covered Arthur Penn who started as a floor manager in films." · in TV drama, ~fore becoming a director ln the Filmways Pictures rlnally agreed to undertake m edium's so-called Golden A1e. came to,Lown for the $11 million production, and Penn mana1ed lo the _publicity rounds. He is a scholarly·look~ weather two regimes at the·troubled com]>any;cfflt NEW YORK 0 (AP) -Cartoonist Milton Caniff man, lean and dark, with searchine eyes behind leading actor is Craig Wasson, who has appeaud was the guest of honor al someone else's birthda,y horn-rimmed glasses. He ls perha~s the least in a few films , including the current "Ghost party. prolific of major American filmruaken. Slor y." J odi The len, who plays the fe male The anniversary observance was for Steve The 10 films bave been spread over 23 years member of the quartet, was found by Penn In an .. Canyon, the comic-strip flyboy who began showing and inc lude such winners as "The Mir acle acting class. She had never made a movie before. .._ w ····the' right stun after 'merging from Caniff's pen 35-Wor~~r," "Bonnie and c~rd~" and "~~,'~ .Big ~ow 'that his two· children are grown, Penn DIRECTING -Arthur Penn is a veteran of 10 years aao. · Man as well as ·losers: Mtckey One, Night assln"ed that he'll not. •take so long between films. including "Bonnie and Clyde," "The The luncheon a t Columbus House was Moves" and "The Missouri Breaks." The latter, ~.,9ictures. He's working on a love story set in the Mir acle Wor ker" a nd "Little Big Man." His sponsored by King Features Syndicates, which starring Marlon Brando and Jack Nte!H>'"°°7f W1ls Civil War. lat~st fil m is ·•Foµr Friends." db~ioo~the''SteveCan~''strip~more than his l a~ film. ~ve yea~ ~~W be made ~---------~·-----------------~-----~------ 500 newspapers. Cantrr was presented a silver "Four Friends,1 ' • • · • ' Tiffany bowl with an lnscrlplion pa.ming him '.'the Penn deoie<I rep0rts thal he had troubles with dean of American cartoonists." the strong-minded s t ars of ''The Misirouri · Breaks": Allan· l'riaulx., editor of King Features, said "The alleged problems on the picture were GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION BlST DIRECTOR-Steven Sptelberi Caniff,and his wife, Bunny I residents of New York misrepresented. Actually' it ·was among the most l~_,.annlidmPlian:lim:"ES~pe-JrifiJltig~s~, ~wlT'eFre'Mia~mon~rlgnthtmei1..tr:-OO-..:.p_eo~p_le_~~e-id, friendly productions I've kno'!"n .. The · e · reports of friction were ttie result of the bitchiness *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday ' All Performences before S:OO PM Joseph D'Angelo, president of King-Features~ of journalists . toasted Caniff as Col. Allan Sbc;>eQlaker,a public "No 'Missouri Breaks' was not successful, affairs officer for the Air Force, looked on. and perhaps we all were deserving ,of its failure. Beetle Bailey did not attend, oot his mentor, The cause may have been avarice and insufficient cartoonist Mort Walker , was there, along with preparation. Because of commitments with cartoonist and playwright lutes Feiffer. Erma Marlon and Jack, we had to start before we had a Goldberg, widow of cartoonial _Rube Goldbel'g, CiiQshecI scrlpt. Thal never works." The gap helped honor Canilf and President Reagan sent a between films was not caused by disillusibn, Penn tele6 ram congratuJallng Caniff. red e .-llSSU . Caniff started his career u an artist at the "The re al reason is so corny that I'm Dayton (Ohio) Journal-Herald. "Steve Canyon" embarrassed lo tell it," he said. "I had tieen away initially was· produced for the Chicago Sun· Times, so much of my kids' lives that I decided .to stay Priaulx said. home during their adolescence. I continued ~s..1,...rxtpPHr ~~~ y;:-"-................. '°"'.,... ....... '° ............ ~ '-(t •UM.I ..CCllfl'IO '°"' ,,.... tllrlltOAOI..., Caniff also was the creator of the strip "Terry working in the theater with 'Sly Fox,' 'Golda' and • _ and lbe Pirates." other la s. I also prepared 'Altered Stales' until I . - 7 QOLDD GLOBE NOMINATIONS 1nc1uc11no BEST PICTURE mTDIMCTOA-__ ........_ WT IUPJOllTINO ACTOR-Mew_. L ...._ mTIUJJOllTlllG ACTWa--, ............ NOWPLAY1NO AllC-llAll ... IMA PlAU OrlllDt 537 03•0 Btu 529 5339 •....-Lm UAcmJU ......., llacll 673 8350 WutnwlSler 193 osce EIWAMI .. TII COAST P'lAZA • •cm~ er-. 53-4-3911 B1W.-ll'CIDDlflll .. imnt (7UI 551 0655 . .,._ c:aTU CtWMAI Com 11tes1 (114)151 Cl84 Winner: CheY1J has the ---to make this HolidlMil Season the funi .. st e¥erl ~oo~~~ CIO~Qe.,rQ~6- f>.e'1Wm~ fhe liUle ~ )'(>~ ~ •v ~ ~ <( ..,., ~~ 8 f>iE rMl)"A<Jw. Winne"r ! ·7 Golden Globe Nomina tions 7 Golden Globe No•lnatlons Ineludlng BEST PICTURE Including BEST PICTURE ednrds ' ... '· WARREN BEATTY DIANE KEATON EDWARD HERRMANN JERZY KOSINSKI JACK NICHOLSON PAUL SORVINO MAUREEN STAPLETON PIO!oGRAPHY BYVITl'ORIO~·EllrttDlrt'DEDE ALLEN · WIUm:N 8YWAR~ BEATr¥ ANO~ GRIFFlTiiS ·.fACntc£DAND CIRS:TEO fr( WARREN BEA1'1'Y IOI .. jN l.-a-=-1--·_. ...................... ___ ·~-= ~ .... -. ............. ~_ . I ' . ed.-ds NEWPORT MEAi COAST· HWr.lrMACAITHUI •mWIOM'. WWW'IU 644-0760 ' ' tExcept Special Eng1111111nt1 1nd Holid1ys) ' "" .... ll!A(JA .... All o Muodo ot Ro.ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN ; ,, ... 2 .. 00 ~--. ...nu. "flAIOE,.I OF THE LOST ARK" ----..... a:• ......... Pt.41. --._...°" .... ___ .,., ---·--"'NEIGHeOAS".-i ,...,.., .. ",_~ ......... , ------··"° __ _ M U::a.~. _.,._ 1:.9, 1_.. __ .,.. .. ,.EDS" •I'.•.-·- ---"9. ! ----.............. ::Alli ........... ·---• IM.l.•--"UIEHC£ OF llllAUCE" -·--,~-----"IHAAKY'I MACHINC' 1111 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN ·--· ...... -. ..... - faculty ot Conotewooo 213/531·9580 "SHA"KY'I lllACHINC' .. 1 ..... .... ......... .. ' -----... --__ ..., _____ _ -11•. -·ti• ..... ----·-·-· " ......... _. ""EDI" 1N 1 I ·ne.•• ... -c.-.n·------.-,,t-1 "RAIOE"I OF THE LOST A"K" ''TAPI" ·---.r. ... I tl"M . a: ..... ,,.,,.,,. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WA Li( IN --.--------k>cul!Y At Del Amo 21J(6M•t211 ,AC,i;l';A I .. "RAGTIME".,.. ......... ~,_, .. Cl.*'-··---''EVILIPEAK" 1111 ta:-.ia,t::M .. t•t:a...-- so . COAST WALK·IN Soutn Coo1t H1woy ot lkooowoy 494-1'514 -~--. , .... ._._ ... ___ ''MeOE"N ~" 1"' • "ATUNTIC Ctn"' pq --·----..-...... ..,,,_.,.._.,..,~.., .. -I ... ,,_.,.,.,., __ _ ,ACIFIC THEATllES OtltVl·IN SWU MEETS Stl(ft• •Olll IUtlll l"llO l•I OAI U HtlllOll l l VD DflfVt·tll 6 OMltlf ell!Vf-111 ... IOJNUfllMH I,_, 01111 '-"" WllOAU &I-·• tl ... U• • ..,_ .... _, "'"'·&·16 ,_ ··•6:00\ ... \\l#'t.,9·45 IMPORTA'NT NOTICE' CIUI ORlNUNOER 12 fREE! """' , ... ,, .. , ••• '"'" '" &·30· s.1. h• " .. ' 4·30r11 CINf:.1t SOUtC1 • TOUll IM CAI W)IO IS 1'0Ult ~ 11f 11C1 01 CAii MOIO WITH IQl(llOlf ACCESSOl!Y l'O$IT10ll -llUllG AM l'OITMU t• AU Clltf-R ~ DI ON AM llAOIO ANAHfl .... "'AIL·-• Ml.LY._.. ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN "ABSENCE OF MALICg" INI -"MANIAC MANSION" 1111 ftee•OY 9' Of letnOI'\ St ___ 1_7_9_·9_1 __ 50 ___ ~--· C1~ !1.S0111o£_ __ • _ ..,.. ___ .. .__ eo-• "EVILINNC'' I'll -"'FANTA .. H " 1111 -"THE FINAL CONFUCT" 1111 "PRETTI 9A8Y" 1111 CIM n SOUllO . -p ~,..A PA.Iii BUENA PARK DRIVI IH aen-• "MOOl:RN PRoe& IMS".,_ -~Aole-of lftOtl "NINE TO fl~·· "' IZM070 • "•" ·'61.1 LINCOLN ORIVE·IN -----'°-..-' ... "GHOST IT~Y" "" uncoln A•• *•"' ot (n<>'' 121~4070 ""1 f''~l"4'1't W -"ALTE,.EO STATES" C111 HI WAY 39 DRIVl IN e.otn lt•O SO Of °"''*' Cito.t ,,_, 891·3693 , . ' I eo-• """ "f'ANTAlfH" 1111 ""119 "PftETTY 9A8Y" -"STIR C,.AZY" 1•1 '"' "ST"'"'" t•t I - --~c1_N1_1_1sou_~---~----.,.,.-~~~·~~~SOUN~O===-== "EVIL•-•""-1 ,,_ ,otNft .. 11-"'-~~ ·-I "KILL~·· ... "n. Fl'(AL..,~r· flt! "FORT AIJACHI. THE MOt4X" Clll "MANIAC IU.NllON" 1111 CHI( II - "' .... ~ .. " lA HABRA r:111~1 "' -c.-n·---"TAl'l"fl"lt -·~ ''T .. CANNO...,.U. RUN" -I -·-·--·--171-tMI ---- ~ ... . . . ORANGE [)QIVI IN Sof\IO,,,.,.,,.,., ~ • ,_ co.,.99 ~E'E'l" 558·7022 ;::~ . • a..1111' a....·· ... "'-·~ ·-···"-····----... "IUU. ="°''.. l"a-dl 6 ~· ........... " ''flORT AftACN, 1'MI ...... "l\ "Ult lit UIOU" .. MISSION [)111-.,1 1N . . . 'N A R ,~ ~ R ' ~ I ' f 'N -· ,..,.._ . .._ __ "IOUTHIMI....,..... '11t -. j) •• _..,....,.. .. ----"LA~A" "*'tA-.a.G'' L ~i~---------~ .......... ~_...-..._._ .... __ ._ ....................... ..---------------------------'--~--~~--~~~~~~~~- . . Orange Cout O'AJL Y Pl~OT/Saturday. J•nu1ry 16, 1962 ~------.__~---------.--...~"'!"""!' ...... ------------~~ .... ------..---~.....;;._ __________________________ ~ __________ ...;;.;.:;:;;.... __ ~~ ' -' telnporarily. ai iA Y UIAUV'IT ·~----. NEW ·YORK . --I strould hue auapected IOllletblnc WQ amlal l11t Jan~ when 1 plclStCI Q a newspaper here and read that my pat Alan t\Ml, bad dled ol a heart attack In O~m. Utah. ii lhoclled me. But aomethh\J dJctn't rin1 true. Maybe It waa that herd r~portedly bff.n out <there aeouUnt sitea for a acri wball horror ntm, "Wbo 'a Ooln1 to Bite Your Nec~Dear. When AU of My Teet.ii Are Gone?" SUH, I wlote a sympathy note to .bla wlle JeaMe. --But two seconds after mailln1 ft,. J bad uneasy feelin1. After all, Abel'• checkered past did lnclude a celebrated hoax in th• early SlxUea -a campaian to put pant.I on animals. Maybe J abould have waited a few days. "That would bave been wile," a penitent Abel conceded a few days later. Hi.a cbeckoul proved to be a masterful hoax tbat took in, but in no way amused,.the iu1.at New YoC'k Timea. •·Boy, are they mad at me, not to mention some of my friends," be H.i~. Theo he cheered up. "But at least lt lets you know bow many ·people really cared for you. And that's not a bad th.Ina." Abel, you see, is a put-on artilt by profession. He revels in the mental hotfoot, the superior spoof. Of late, he's been starring in an off-Broadway show that recounts rus adventures in leg-pulling. "Jester at Large" is Ute opua, playin1 al the •UtUe Broa'dway, on Broad~ay. It's -his New York sta"e debut. And ifs no hoax. . A recent visitor found it to contain not only Abel, but also piano/ playing in the manner of Jonathan Edwards. tales of his hoaxes large and small, a question...and·answer period and, al the start, eulogies for the star. ' · "In a way, it's really like the wake I'd planned after my demise," s ays Abel, 48, a kindly, pipe-amolcing man with an expensive manner and the look of one who sends his clothes to the cleaner for rum)>ling. "J had a church and a Dixieland band all tined up after my death"' he says. "Instead of eutoeies, . there'd be a roast by some pals -Marvin Kilman, ~the-TV --columnist,-Buck' Henry, CllU-Rober't'Son- and Jack Weston, all friends iri the business. ''Then I was going to resurrect myself. But then J got to thinking, maybe I've gone overboard. that it'd be too cruel. So I called it off." His hoax was exposed, anyway.,. by reporters who bad their doubts about his cancellation notice, which took eight Abel plotters to successfully post .her~-Su~h-suspicion, however, unseemly, ·~ natural when the departed not oniy bas written a ~~ called ''Confessions of a Hoaxer ?t who, in his lifetime, has: • . ' -Created S.l.N.A., the Society for Indecency lo Naked Animals, which got national publicity and created an uproar by demanding that animals ._ _ _..,w,,.e,,,...a~r pants: The group·~ battle cry: "./\nude horse JS' a rude horse! " , -'Produced a criticatiy.acclaimed film, "Is There Sex After Death," which co-starred SJ.N.A. camP.aigner Buck Henry, the-actor, writer and occasional "Saturday Night Live" host. -F6unded the world's first topless string quar\et. . • , ~· Twice ran his wife's campaigd for the presidency. She used the name Yelle Bronstein, MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE rite ~-Ol.,,.1•-••o -_....OOIA' ....... O"'°')'ol .. -... -~-ri'l ALL MlES .... OMITTEO ~ 0....-..... ...,.....,n Al.l om 4HO 1111 F~MS RECEl\/6 n1E SEAL Of THE MOTl()f< PICTU'IE COOE Of SELF REGUl.ATIOl-i rol lerskates • walkers .oys *WCK10flS*·••• scooters*hot , rods* coupes• traile'rs*hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes* lawn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• If it'sgot wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viserwill help you t urn your wheels Into 'C cash. REmfl'GI At 12:30 4:30 l :JO No~ ... No,_ CHAMOTSOf' AM IPGI At 12130 2:10 1 :11 7:4S to:IO I ..... ~IA) T :30 3:30 1 !30 7:30 t :lO NoP-~ I ·~-... LICE IPG) f'2: 1 S 2:45 I : 15 7:4S 10:10 RAIDEM OF THE LOST AM IPO I a. f'IHll GordOI! (N) ' wanted Con.ar•• taken olf aalary and put on 1tnistrt commlnton. A atOl'Jkeeper'a_aon, ~bet haU1 from the Ottlo town ot Unesvill,. "home of the oniy Y brid1e i,n America." .He bad • normaJ boyhood. He 1ot lnter-.t.ed ln put·Ont by accident while at Ohio State. • He was to etve a serious lecture on music, he says. But after waJJdn& on at11e he promptly fell into the orchestra plt. The audience lauabed, tbou1ht it was a 1a1. That wu the start. .ffe drifted Into sbow buaineaa, first as a drummer .. then as a would·be comic. He says he also briefly worked h.ere for the American Automobile Association, drawin1 tour ~aps. But he and the Triple A parted ways after a New Erieland tour route he mapped for a customer included the inteW1ence that Burlln1too, Vt., "is the site ol the oldest unlvenlly and ol~eat dally newspaper in the state . . . and aome of the oldest people in the country." . Vowina never to work 9-to-S again, he played his drums, did a comedy act in small clubs and amused hJmself with various spoofs, including a put-on mall order business. "raise squid at home.··· Then, ~n the early Sixties, he bloesomed with his campaign to clothe naked animals. )le wound up on TV tallt shows, and eot letters by the bushel basket. Many suggested be was out of his nut. , The publicity launcheci citizen Abel as an "expert'' hired by pranlcste'ts to put on innocents at sem~nars. conventions and sue~ The lectures still are his main source of income now, at fees up to $1 ,500 per spoof. His basic tallt is on ''the fallacy of creative thinking." fl invariably degenerates Into wild claiqis and bizarre revelations, all delivered with a perfectly straight face. Not for rum the secority and tedium of civilian work : "It's more fun my way. I'm happy if I can s urvive b y lecturing and doing a book oc~asioQally and so f~r -knock on wood -J've done that." Whether hoaxing for fun or profit, Abel never puts on individuals. His targets are groups, corporations, movements, towns', even the press. Some people contend that hoaxing is a manifestation of deep· rooted hostility, or even anger. Abel once worried about this for a few minutes . "(have a good friend, a psychiatrist with whom I often trade a drum lesson for an hour on Uie couch," be says. "One day, 1 asked rum, 'What's wronf. with me? I don't . fight with my wife, we don t scream, we aren't divorced like everyone else and I'm happy.• .. · "He told me, 'You have outlets, you find ways to release tbe tensions. You're protesting but through the hoax.• And I guess that's it. Sure, I do it because it's a lot of fun. ·:But It is a release of the bpstility we llll have because we're all being stepped 0n in little ways every day. The pressure builds and you should let it out. You have several alternatives -crime, drugs, alcohol,. election to Congress, bowling, movies. • · ··Mine is the hoax.'' "Master{u~" -L.A. Times. Sheila Benso.n "Wonderful" -Newsweek Magazine, Jack Kroll ~ :t c=HARI==ors=or=r=1RE= l -' lAOOC~Y A#IJo .... 8"0$. lllUAll ,~ ........ o ........ , .... 'W'OA~ o ... --.... _._u..c.......• ........... 1 ~~~~~~~!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ : . 11Penn1es F.ROm Heaven·~ -.. .- Schmerle r slips into th~ lead Two perfect weeks ln .. • r.ow... nulted Ef lklfeerter out ln front of the pack ln tM tarly stages ol Trivia Bowl XXV, but Asnt II and the Over &a.e HUI Gaas are hot on his trail. Here's a Up tor local Lrivladdlcta who'd lJlce to match wita with others of their Uk -the Wilshire Th~ater ln Hollywood la puWnc toeether an event called "'nle First AnnuaJ World Series of Movie Trivia" next Wednesday .. To enter. call Sus an 111111 n [I. Obrow at (213) 278·5692, and good luck. On now to the third round or triviality with our reduced cast of 10 (more would be welcome if 1 they'd like to join the fun ). We expect everyone to answer number Alx since there are so many' clues. 1. Gary Neil Miller shortened his name to make it blg as whom? 2. Before she married Li'l Abner, what was Daisy Mae's last name? 3. The phrase "Look that up in your Funk and WagnaJl's'. was a familtar comment on what variety show? . 4. Name the first femaJe pilot in the U.S. Navy. S. "Wisdom makes life endurable" quoth Marlon Brando in what movie? · 6. Adolphe Menjou; Walter H11ston , Ray Milland, Ray Walston, Claude Ralns, Vincent Price, Cedric Hardwicke, Donald Pleasance and Burgess. Meredith all have played the Sfme character:--Who""? 7. Name the active pitcher with· the most career home runs. - 8. The Sultan of Bashir shows up in what play? 9. Name the two movies in wtii~ .Walter Matthau played a CIA agent. 10. Lee's account of life south of the border turned rus tablemate scarlet in what movie? Laat Week'• Answers l. Paulette Goddard <name change) 2. Garfield (Jon Arbuckle) _3. H~dson High (Jack ArmstrongJ ,.._ UUY,_ll AISEICE • OF IWJCE ··==· ........... ULLY ... AllEICE OF llAUCE .. rn111 - SHARKY'S MACHlNE TRIVIA BOWL XXV STANOINOI I '· •• ldlllWW 1111 Q .. • _, P<rter m • •• " 1. a.-t•Ull II '· ~ ...... , " . .. o-..... •::t''' , . "T11tenwm " ~· . ......... ,, " •• ••0-..-111 , •• .... ,... .......... ,,, ,. , .. .,,....._,,, • .... ._...,...,,..._...,., .... ec __ .,.... 4 . The Ne w Yo rk Herald ( Llvin'gstone newspaper> S. The Wall Street Journat (Frankenstein paper) 6. Brooktree <~m's hospital) 7. Buffalo Bills (Monday night victor) 8. "The Mousetrap" <Giles Ralston) 9. fa ) Group captain, (b) Peace is Our' Profession C"Dr. Strangelove" > 10. "On the Town" (movie riddle) f Send JIOUr a MWtt1 to TRJVIA , clo the Daill! Piiot, Bo:r JS«>, Co1to Me.a 92626. AU mtrie• mwt be received t>Jl •Wedneada11, otherwiie half tM p4ayer'1 last 1core will be a worded)' . Actress sues 1V Guide LQ$ ANGELES CAP) -Actress Gail F isher Levy, a former star of the television series "Mannix," hasJiled a Sl million libel suit against TV Guide magazine over an article that indicated . she uses cocaine. . The suit, filed in Superior Court. -denies she is a current user of the drug and says the article that ~ppeared last March 7 subjected her to "hatred, contempt and ridicul e." · Ms. Levy admitted in filing the suit that she had been a rrested years ago for poss essing cocaine but said she was subsequently placed on probation and rehabilitated, ultimately earning a place in "respectable society." The suit anmed a s de fendants Triangle Pul>licalions Inc., the publisher of TV Guide, writer Frank Swe rtlow and as many as SO unnamed persons. · trfn.1tdo.., \ADDLFBAC K PLAZA ''SHARKY'S MACHtN!" "''· L'11 M T-, .... _,, .. 11!11 . . 581 -5880 HAMSONfOM> 'DEIU FTHl ST MU< APU~f "°- MelEP.N l'Ml'f.MS CHEVY OWE _._ -- WAU-n CINDERELLA ""·'··-.,.,-..... ........ 1:et,tMIOI -Orange Co.-t OAll.Y PILOT/Saturday. January 18, 1982 .. " I I • ~----. . KTTV --Channel ·l1 ·--... METROMEDIAr • St.artin.g ,, .."' 8:00 · P .M. Saturday, Jan. 16 'till 6:00' P.M. Sunday, Jan. 17 * Starring * -John Ri'tter -Paul Anka -' Dennis James -· Gavin Mcleod -Meredith MacRae and a ·host of others! . ."" _1)le best and~ Brightesf~· ··__.;;_- -are out to ijlme for ,ou! . - : . . MC)N . ~ o)anUafY16-17 tor Cerebra\ sy • ~TO 8ENtAT UNITED cert'EW?Al:PA...SV • ZEHNDER TRAVEL GROUP 5321 University Or. Ste H. Irvine. Ca. 552-3052 . PtlTSUBISHI BANK 3900 Michelson Or. Irvine, Ca 857-2000 TIERRA DEL SOL REALTY . 216 Forest Atle. ,, Laguna Beach 497-17 44 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 4509 W. Coast.Highway Newport Beach 675-7060 NOACKS.TROPHY & ENGRAYING CO. 170 E. 17th St. . . . Costa Mesa. 646-3141 SUNSHINE CO. 18582 Beach Blvd., Ste .• 21:4 · H.B. 963--9033 HUNTINGTON BEACH HONDA 19232 Beach Blvd.· " ... Huntington Beacl:l 963-1595 sr.tTH'S DAY CARE CENTER 2245 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa, Ca. 631-2~ . ' MESA VERDE PHARMACY 297l Harbor Blvd. Coast Mesa 92626 546-8'710 .. SHERATON-NEWPORT 4545 McArthur Blvd. Newport Beach ~70 · COSTA EA LOCI & IEY 1093 West Baker St., Coita Mesa Ms.3246 . ·AWED BUILDERS 1727 Superior Costa Mesa. ea. 54:8-9328 IVEllA PERSON~EL - Tempc)rary & Permanent • 2082 Business Center Or., Ste 290 . Irvine, Ca. 833-941 O DeANZA BAYSIDE VILLAGE D> E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach. Ca. 67~ 1331 i THE VERMIWON STITCHERY 1582 Parkway Loop Ste B . Tustin, Ca. 730-0142 WAI.KER & LEE REALTORS 2670 San Miguel Drive Newport Beach 759-1501 MAYOR OF HUNTINGTON BEACH Ruth Fiqley SEVILLE PROPERTIES -PO Box 2671 -- Newport Beach 6;31-5155 . .. : ___ EDGEWATER RillTY . 188 Pomona Ave. • Long Beach. Ca. (213) 434-4481 AIRPORT GRAPHICS . 17962"6 Skypark Blvd. Irvine, Ca. 751-2050 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN : 301 Newport Blvd. REHE DANCE CENTER ,. Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 645-8600 .. UDO VAN & STORAGE 2200 Alton Ave .. Irv. 540-2121 "The Bank tor All'Reasons" SOUTH. COAST BANK · 890 Baker. Costa Mesa 540-5300 THE IRVINE COMPANY 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach 92660 TURNER ASSOC IA TES 1105 N. Coast Highw~ Laguna Beach 4~-1J 7 . •T PIANO SHOP 8600 Hamilton Ave .• H.B. ~1165 JACllS REM.TY 2919 Newport Bl .. NB 67~70 . I HAIR GALLERY 1215 W. Baker Costa Mesa, Ca. 556-7850 I CBmllUC ESTATES-INC. 2222 M81'tin:Suite· 140, Irvine, Ca. 92715 975--0412 • :r. 9891 Yorktown Ave, Huntingt~n ~ach 962-5440 ASSOCIATED BROKERS 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. . Newport Beach 673-3663 .LLOYDS NURSERY 2038 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa .. Ca. 646-7 441 THE GARBURETOI SHOP 2945 Randolph Ave. Costa Mesa 642-8286 R. C. TAYLOR CO. #3 cOrporate·Plaza, NB 640-9900 AMF SCIENTIRC DILLING ... 18011 Mitchell So., Irvine Ca. 92714 • 557-9051 ,. W lElflMT HMS, 1£Al.TORS INC .. . 315 Marine Ave., Balboa Island 6~ 2400W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 631·1400 · TllWAWllAPPLE -23-720-El Toro RG-9, Su C & D El_ Toro, Ca. 92930 711-3238 · · iMPORT .AUTO SUPPLY 101 N. Manchester. Anaheim 77&9900 . . . VICTOR TEMPORW-SERVl6£S - -4341Blrch, Ste:" #Z13 -- f'iewport Beach ·55E>-8520 . . ~ GATURAVR CENTRE . ~ 16033 Bolsa Chica Huntington Beach 846-8.177 . . . KERM RIMA HARDWARE 2666 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 546-7080 PACIAC ASSOCIATION ADMINISTRATORS ' 1 THE CARO'' 1532 S. Trotter. Santa Ana. Ca. 667-0777 AIR CAl 3636 Birch Newport Beach, Ca: 752-1000 HERITAGE BANK With branches in Costa Mesa. Irvine, Lake Forest & Santa Ana 851-4000 . NIGEL BAILEY & ASSOCIATES 2732 E. Coast Highway Cororia del Mar 644-7211 -PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN • . 10175 Slater Ave. Fountain Valley. Ca. 963-n36 1 ~ 4 LAZl.O'S Pl.UmlNG & HEATING 1856 Pa~:n Cir., C .M,. . 100 . VOLT TEMPORARY SEIYICES 3848 Campus Dr. Newport Beach 546-47 41 ' COtOIAMA ~llNTS , 2110 E. Mcfadden Ave. Santa Ana 92707 835-S.11 fltl.TUiNS 1113W. Baker St. ea.ta Mela. ca. $48-1598 .. •I -· STARS -Bradford Dillman and Mary Frann star as Paul and Nan Hollister in "King's Crossing," a new series on KABC (7) premiering at 8 tonight. Mined Elllott, 1n orphan ~ from hll NllfY --lemlly Ind togetNt .,. two ot "*" hMd for ..... '(). . t:IO,.~..,. ozm NflJ HAMIET Ill HIAT'HCLR NflJ WWWDUKE • MoYll • • * "TN Febulov..-Wortd Of ..,... Verne .. (1M1) ~oult TOCIC, Emeet Nev•L • CHU9'CH 1H THE ~ • n.'GUTM wm4 Am>INCk MOAD -·NC:M~ Wlclllta St.-n. TUisa 18PACelTAM 8HANANA 0 GOLDll GOU) I lHUNDl.M I :.CAA!csmw. ** .. TeJr• Terror" (1835) John Weyne. Oabbv H~ I TMI OlD HOUIE YOTER'I flftLINE ''Oninge' County In Wllltl- lngton" OrMge Count(• four congrffamen are lnteMewed In WeeNngton, o.c .. on ...,.. •~1119 0r8ng9County. Cl) HcM BAlkET8AU. Regional coverage of Cfelghton ve. Marquette: Wldllte va. T ulea ®MOYIE * * * • "Reeurrectlon" (1990) Den aw.tyn, SM! Sheplird. After • near le1el euto 8ccldent, a WOINn flnde that 1M !lee Che ablll- ty to heel otherl but .. per. ...,.,.... _..... at-her reluMI to delm a divine ~.'PO' CllMOYIE * * * "The E)ec;tr1c; H«M-"*'" c 1819) Aobef1 Aedoo lord, "-Fonda. A Laa Vegm co.boy ..... a 112 mlmon~llof99 to -Nm from hie ~--.·PO' 10:IO I AMENCA'I TOP TEH M'MMOWI' THE WOODCNM!A'I WON<8HOft • PORTIWT'I .. JJASJB. (C)MOYIE •• *"' "Bananu" (1871) Woody Allen, LOUlll• i.-. A Pfoduci I..._, bored with hie -VOay r<M.lllne. goee to a lfl'9ll Calin American COW'llry end ~ • dlctatOt during • polltical upt!Mv9i. 'PO' H:OO I AGAICUl TUN! U.8.A.. ~Aft?AN 0 WEEKEHO 8flfCIAl .. Mlel Swltc:h to The RM- c:ue.. A m)'lterloua gift ~ two youngsters on a journey beck to the 17111 ceintury, (Pllrt 1) • WILD, WILD WOALD l°':UTIWN IHOW MY NOPl.E eootclNQleCJCAN ~IKYUNE ~ Colorec:to State et Air Faroe~ 11:ao•~ Loadlon: from the Rolllng , Hiii High School In P.io. V•dee. • a AliotlfllCAH MNDITNflJ I WILD, WILD WEIT NMHYU.I MU8eC M.IA CMLD NflJ MOM COW'Nt't • LANDKAPll°' HON Pulitzer Prize-winning eutllOr end IOlentllt A«l9 Duboe ...,... why 119 JI opUrNltto ~ 1119 M\Ke of ,,,..Ind. 8lllOVIR ** *. "Animal Cfac:ll· .,. .. (1830j Marx Brotherl, ~Dumont Cepteln Spauldlng, the African ..,.,,.,, ,.._,. "°"' • r90ent ~·to wrMll havoc at a aoclety metron'• W9ellend perty. :o· tt:GO. Cl) GMND,,.. MAl'T9,... ~--.. ..,.. ~ ... pllyer'9 ........ to lrlCIWe.,.,,,,,, COnnan Md JoM Moen.. roe (l¥e fnil'll Medlllon 8quer9 Gerden In New y Otte City). • LOIT .. PACe • Ol.YWIA GOU> 90WL LIW frorq,&.n Diego. llXty· liJc oA the nation'• beat Mnlor ell·at• football pley«a from the COiiege rllNt• mMI for OtW i..t gtldlron match before inovtng on to the PfOI, with Ptllledalphla Eaglea COICll, OICll Vermell and San Diego Chatgera COICll, Don Coryal coaching the llAD.w.12 .MTINO "Contempo<ary Qulltmak· ••'' I !.=~ ** "Road G-"11981) Stacy KMC:h, J.,.,,.. LN Cuttle. Ali eocentrtc tnldl· er. • ~tlful lll1dlhlk• and a ~Ihle killer tr~ IN ..,,,. route ate playlng gAIMI lat Ufe end death. 'PO' (B)CHER IN CONCERT An elabotate flklh1c:lub performance from th• Spotting Club In Monte Catto. (J) "°8llER , BM>EOAOOM {%)MOYIE. * • * ~ "The Paraltu View" (1974) wanen a.t- ty. Paula Prentla. An lnvHtlgallv• reporter ettempq to uncover . • netlonwld• network or polltlc:al .....in.. tt:aO I WlllCaO HIROl8 MOYIE • ••--n. ......... &Ned" C1161}_8cott ~. ,,.,_ Benc:rolt. Aller • 8ec:fet 8ervlCle IQWll .. klled by • ~. the -·· ton ~to8Wll091111 deeltl. • NWf;.U • THI flMOTO IHOW ......... Tiie Pmt" Jon Ootl dlMolletl ...... i~ri:; 1:00 ... "°" -~ -c~ of tN third round ot one ot golf'• top _.. (llW "°"' Che Indian w... Country Club In Plllm ~ c.llf.). e THI MONITIM ·~ * • • "Rouatabout " (1864) EMe Pr~, Bar· barl St8"W)'Clt. A c:ernlval llnger .._ during • lull In bullneM. but retume fOt lhe to... of lhf owner'• daughter. • MOYIE **Yt "CHll McCall" (1959) JamH Garner, .Natalie. Wood. A nnanclal genlua reklndlH a. romance with tll9 daughter of • pleltlca company OM'« wl'lO la eutfw1ng from~ dlfllcult• • PORTIWT'I .. 'AITIU • NOT IHA THQUIAND YIAM An uemin8tlon °' .. ellu- atlon In Zimbebwe feet'"' ... Interview by An1tlon)' Lewie of, .. 1-'Y "*' pendent Atne.i oountry'a Prime Mlnl•t., Rowt Mugabe. 1:aG. F·TAOOP A.oem'• vote wlll decide 1n electlon. and O'Aourk• ~to make II pmy off Ml ldeOmll). • rtaVA "s.lmon On The Aun" The powtf' Ind detennlnettofl of llllmon .. c:.ptured Jn .,, ~ of. Che role of .,_ wlld ""' In tht conflc:t ~ economic. growth and coneervatlon. 00MOYIE ·* *· "The tnoredlbl• Shrlnklng WOINn" (1M1) Lii)' T omlln. CMtta1 ~ din. A eullurben ........ find• herHll 9e111n11 emaler .. her uncort- OMled lluebend looll• on. 'PO' .• MOYll *** "Brother, Cen You ..,_ A OllM'P'' (1971) Doculi•gy. Olracted by ..,.... Men. Tiie ""'*' of .. Dip Willlon ""°" .....,....,...,..°' .. "' Amlrtaa .... from .. -... ........ IO CHAlllL um11s t:t0I =:=a-llWID ltiiMr **" ''ClipUln ~ (tt7t) Lee Van a.f, Cir• ........ wtMft .. lndlan ....,,, .. ,, .... llllld. • e l<NXT ICBSI e KNBC CNICI • KTC.A (Ind.) e K•~ CA8CI e1<F~ tCBSI e kTTV Clnd.) • kc;OP•TV (Ind.) eKCV (PIS) • eteOC:I ,.._, lO) • a1 00 o;._TV Z·TV HBO IC'I IClnen'l .. I IWORI N't'.,N.Y. aJ IWT8SI ctJ cis~ (I) l!MwtltMI ' • lpott ltflt e IC*e ..._ NetWOtkl Y.•lood1d ~la ..... In •••••• ·e.nmaa.. 'fMI a.D llCILLlf' "°" .. ~ lootce ... bf' -., .............. ~ ..... ..., .. ~ lllO UI ... to llWfWt ,.,. ..................... ___ ., .. .._. 19'1 ~· • 1180,000 ............ lllfllt (frolft -lfiOMaoait ..... c.-i,. Laa ~ ... ~ ~~~**'Y fllnn''... (lt74) JIM .... 11111111 Win· llald. IMed on Vie ltofY by Martt '(W91n. A )'OUftt ~ Ind • runewey ....... beoolM lnVOlvecl In • --ot~wtlla IMln9 dooM! the Mlaaleelp- ~"'*on a reft. MOVll • • "lll9dltfoatct ~ .... (1118) 06lfWI '«ct. • AnN Francie. A .... ed )'Ollftl ...._ 911~ to ,..,. oroer In a blg-c:lty trelnlno echool where ....... ..__and ...,_ Mv9 ltiken tOOC. t-.ao • Gii LPQ,tJff.llLAHO •• wo#THI waT WM WON Wtllte I( ... MeceNn (E? Mane ~I 1e llltfacttd to • dtHtln(j gunfight., end llarUMd b)' 8hoal!One lndlene. Luke (INoe Bok· laltlW) .. .. .. eel bV • bcMlt)' hunter. (Pett 2) • • MIJllTOM' ':wtlet'e HIPC*llng Al The J. Deity Hewe?" • Hoddlng Certer, tormer preu epolceaman '°' 11119 State Oepert-•. tool!• .. ...,, en. workf • latgeet datl)' ,._..,.,., le up I« ..... eANIGKT .. ~ A~PORTMIT~ DIZZY OIUUPtE One of QI~'• moat lamoul c:omP9'1tlon• PfO- vldea Mfr-" for an enter1alnlng gllmPN Into the life of Ille "Clown Prlnoe Of Jazz." (R) •:001~ IA8KET8ALL Cellfornla at Wulllngton • MOVIE ~ * * "TNef Of Baghdad" (1981) Sieve R .. vH. ... 0-gla Moll. An old geille QOlll9 to the aid of a thief trying to revive Illa dead glrltrlend. the aultan'• deugllfer. • MOVIE * .. "The Five DMdly Ver!Oml" ( 1979) Chiang Chell, Sun -"'Clllen. TM dying muter of • «:llOol '°' martial Alli Otderl Ill• Younoeat, dlaclple to llop 1119 evil dMdtl of Ill• otll« lludenta. • MOVIE * * * "leleM Of Love" ( 1"3) Robert Pruton. T any Randel. After tridl • Ing • gengllet Into 1>"1llnll up the money lat a movie tllet nope, • write< and • producer hMd lat Greec:9 where the producer , ... In to... wf1ll Che gangtler'• niece. "'IA~2t NATIONAL oeooMPHIC PECIAL "The Shartle" Exlraatdl· nary unc»rweter n1m toot· • of how ~ !Md; ,... ind wfly lfiey an.ac:tt ~·Mls-4119"1-~-f ....,. on Ille tMdnlltlng end ..._tlall.Q l~WOMAN ***'·Another Thin Man'P ( 1t38) w-.i Powell, M)'f • ne Loy. • Hie* Ind Nora Charle• lnvntlO•t• • tia.re --of lllQdent• lnvolvlng lrWI wolfhounda and. bumed ba~ ®MOW! ***-"t To 5" (1990) Jene Fonda. Dolly Parton. Titr.. -11tng WO"*' ,..,.. 8g8lnet-ttlelr ~ getlon by • male chauvlnle1 boM.'PG' (%)MOYIE ** "Stagee" 3:*> 8 MOVIE' •• "Cf)' Panic'' (1914) John Forl)'lhe, Anne Fran-cia. . 8 PA6FualOHAL 80WLEA8 TOUR S 150.000 ShowbOll tnvll• tlonal (from the SllOWboat Bowing Cetiler In LlM Vega. Nev.) • MUNOOREAL 0 W10E WORLD OF tPORT9 Thil Hatlem Globetrott•• In exHbltlon et Welt Olaney WOtlcl (from Orlando1 Ra.); World Cuc> DownN11 Silting (from Kltzt>uehl, Auetrta). .MOVIE * * '* "Coat Miner· a Deughter" I 1980) Slaay Spacek. Tommy L•• Jonea. BliNd on Lorett• Lynn'a autobiography. A young girt lrom a l>OOt family ln N(al Kentud!y m..n. • mUOll ~ loc:el bo)' ~ engineer• '* rlM to eter90'" In the mualc lnduWy. 'PG' 4:00 •• KO.W< I TOlf~ A.LL TI#fG8 CONllOEMD 8"CIAl. The economic, polltlc:al and 80dal elate of "Main- e I reel," America I• ,..._ by 11oe1a su.., StMtberg ~ SanfOl'd • lJngal: or National Public: ~IO(e nlglltly ..-.mege. i :TMK *'**'!\ "Banan•" (197 1) woody Allen, Loul .. i.-. A product l•t• • "°'*' .. hll ~ toudne. goee tlti' • llNI L.Mln ~ j)Q!tllllry and beoolflla 1 dictator NlllO • polltlclf upMmll. 'PO' • (I) TOM J0tm MO ll*"AHTON 1119'1ol ming I« IM ltrll time tQfMller. T-Jol"9 end .....,, Amon dlllzle a u. Yeo-~ In tNe !=-...... "The ,., ..... VIW' ('974) Warr.n ..... ty, ,.... "'91ittM. All ln.,..o,.uve reporter ........ to llN01"' • Mt ....... ~ Of . .-e::o. .. Nllw Yelfll 0--. va. 81o .. u....-.NfO I ::muu-----1 ITMTMK , .... WON.I).,, ....... . 1lle ....... Gtaan ••• ............ a.., -' • .. Orange Cou( OAIL Y P1LOT/Saturday, January 18, 1982 TUBE IOPPERS ~· KNBC e 8:00 -''Alice at the P.alace ." Mer~l Strecp stars In the title role or thh; musical fantusy~ KABC D 8:00 "King's Crossing." Premiere. A family ma kes a last chance move lo California. Sec pho«.o at left . KTTV • 8:00 -··cerebra l P als)' T e lethon." J o hn Ritter or. Three s Co mpa n y co·h.os t s 4long with singer/composer P tuil Anka and game show host De nnis J a mes. 'KOCE ~ 10:00 -"Austin City Limits." ~.-is Kristofferson performs his classics . Billy·swan also guests. WOtlcl (from on.n<k>, Fla.); Wotld Cw Downhill Skiing iom Kltzbuehl, AU91rla). KOJAK ~ * * * "CHiie Keep" (1H8) Burt Lanc:M t.,, Peta< Flilll. U.S. "1tantry· men ettempt to protect a Belgtan cutle nued with ad IJMIUIH lrom German ell.ck. I IOI.JO GOLD eocc::s. ~IN OEIWAHY New York Coemoa "' Sao Paulo Cl) M•A•a·~ Hawkeye Yndergou ~ draatlc; change whel1 Iii ~ temPOtary com· "mancler of 1119 407711\. 9 NEWS 8 t.AWMNCE WEu< "Salul• To Nuhvllle" ®MOVIE • * * ·~ "The Mlrllcie Work· er" I 1t1g1 Pe1ty Dulle Aatln, Meline Glll>er1. Dedk:at.O INCher Annie Sullivan .,.. ~ poeal- l>le approach to c:ommuN- ce1e with '* student -ttie dear. blTnd i nd atrongwil!ed Helen Kellet • (D) MOVIE • ........ ''MajOr Berbaf•" ( 1841) Weooy Hiller, Rex Hatriaon. Ftom the play by Oeatge 8etMrd 51\ew. A rlotl eoclefy Oi'I joint the Selv•tlon Army. ' 1:301 HEWS OHCEUPONA a.A88IC "The LHrlleratocklng T .... " Altllougl\ Hewkeye and Jett s-tw••• .,. both In tow wtlll Moll)', Sgl. Dunll1m admltH 1 Hewkeye end Pl ... • him .. • husband '°' "'' deuotUr· (Patt 4) (RIO Cl) WB.COME BACK. KOTTER When t~• flu ••MP• through &Jcllanan, the enrlc:tled atudenta are put 1n w1111 the s-111oge. a K!filO'a CAOe11NG (Pttilnlete) A dOM-knlt ·~ ...... \~. mow to a amall Calflomla vfllage to dalm an Inheri- tance and etli1 Ill•.-. (C)MOVIE ** "SIM9lng Cw .Mot· der" (tNe) 8lrr)One Slg- noret, Yv•• Montend • Occ:upenta ot • train com- partmenl -tatget• lor • dN"' at Ille llanda ol a deranged klller. ,..c;,Mtlon of lllrM unutU- el lnddenta. at THE MUPNTI • Guell: Cryatel Ga.)'19, (C)MOY1E * * * t "The Battle Of Algier•" (1987) Y•c•I Seedl, Jeer! Merlin. Algerte waoea • deeper••• atrug· gle IOt lncltiPendenc:. from 1t54to tH2. ®~ LIMON'a llUCt<l'TUM (D) OLYMPIAD "The lmrnortela" {%)MOYIE * * "Rlc:Mrd'a l)llng•" 7:IO I DANCE FEVER LOOl<ATUI Cl) o.N; THI! HEW F'AONT1EA ·=PAlSY Tl!LETHOH "W .. ker.d Wllh The Ster•" John Riiier, Peul Anica Md Dennlt J- llMO a cut of <*ebfl1lel In lhe tounh annual nation- al 8PPMI to be lelelllMd ~ from Loe Angetee and NewYOttl. Qt THE MUPPET8 , -.Gueat: Oudl.y M00te. 8:00 8 Cl) WAL. T Ot8HEY "Tai•• or The Apple Durnpjlng Gang" A gam· bier being cllaNd by • bounty hunter 'lfln• IWO ~··In cerd geme. Dll!eAOJ£CT PEACOCK "Allee At The Petace" Meryl Streep atara In the title r<>le of tllta moalc;al lantaay, bllMd on Lewie cairot1'• "Ab 1n wonoer. land" and '!Through Ille Looking Gt-,'' ebout a young glrl'• maglcal ~tur•. • COUEGE 8A8l<ET8ALL Arizona va...UC~ 8 KING'8CA0881NO (Preml•t•) · /\ .,CIOM·knll 'lamlly makM e 1Mt-chatl4'le move to a amell Callforni• VIiiega to dalm an lnhetl· lane. and start Ufe .,_ • 'MoV1E * * "The Murder Cllnlc:" (t9e6) Wllllam Berger, Fr~ Prevoel A razor· wielding creature atalk• the COtfldorl of • remote medic:el Clinic:. • • CEADAAL PAUJY TELETHON "W .. kend Wltll The Stars" John Ritter. Peul Anita and Dennie Jamee !feed a CUI OI ceiebrttiea In the fourth an~el nation· ~ EVMtG-al ~ to be televfMd .. 1 ~= -;.~oeAngeteeand ...., .. ~ 11':*.,._"Tlle Califomla Kid'' *'~ "The Legend Of Bog-pg74) Viel MOtrow, Manin gy Creek" (1972) David ~. A peycnotlc: vlgl· H.... Lucy Granthem. A lent• lherlff reaorta to any mvstertoua. llelry c:tMlure -. to 1nf0toe the lew prowls the 9Wamplend1 ol 1n Ne ~town don'leln Artlanliii. • LIFE OH EAATM G .GAIZZl.Y ADAMI • (Premlef'e) "The Infinite Grilli)' Adema to.. his Variety" D1Vld Attenbor. memory following an Injury ougll allempta to explain and becomes • fright~ wnere. when end In what man 11ruggllng 10 eurvlve .,. order tllcl Earth'• more In. Ille wlld.,neaa end than IOU' mllllon apec;iM evedlng a datetmln•d ev°"'9<1. Q bounty hunter ®MOVIE· ., MOVIE * * * • "Reaurrectlon" * * * "Tiie Pink Penlller" ( t980) Ellen Bu,.tyn, Sam (1964) David Nhlen, Peter Sllepatd. Aft•.,_, fatal Sellera. A Jewel thief auto accident. • woman ettMlistrTh take poeaei: -flnda ltlet 1M !lee the ablff. alOn of • Pfloeleee gem tlMf with the help of the F'9nCll ty to . othera but la per. eec:uted ~ of '* pc>lloe lmlpec;t0t'• wife. reluMI to clalm • divine • WEN YOU THIN't lnfluenoe. 'PG' I Premiere) . "Oacar (D)oou.EOE M~. Flin) ~·· "IAll<!T8AU. tt30a ..... Bee Freamen Arizona va. USC end Lo-r1n~b Tucker (J) MOVIE remember pioneer blectl * * "The Incredible fllm dlrmor Oacar ~ WOINn" C18IO) M~Q UI)' Tomlln, Ctlarfee °'o- • ~ AMl!AICA din. A oou-tle lltlde h "Colteoe Hockey. Minne-hard to cope wh.n .,... aot•Vs. Wleconaln" · euddenl)' ahrlnlt• In -.. Cl)A0118Eft 'PO' ~ .MOYIE ' ** "The High Country" ... _."TheHunt•"C117t) ( 98 s..... McQuaan, Ell Wel-l t) T1motl!y 8ottoml, led\, Allpfl "Pape.. Thor. Unda Putt. An eec:llPed eon i.cta • dangeroua Ille convtc:t Ind Illa ~ • a ~ay bounty capped gll1frlend, flMlrlo hunt«. 'R' to the mountalne from e:ao • .._ PMVIEWI eoclet)', muet dedde If IMy a-Ebert he¥e .... ,_ lbefof9 • ..._ end Gene ...,,...._ Slelcel a-Ille worat being caught by the rnov1ea of 198 t. euthorlU.. 'PG' t:OO 8 (I) MO'V1E 8'.aG •• Cl) 8 NEWS "Halp Wanted: Mele" THf8 :AINMEHT ~ere) Suzenn• lntervtewe wttll 8 .J. Thom-•. Gii Gerard. A C*'9er woman wno _.. .. ... Julie 'clvtetle. Red to be • mother pe)'W • Sii.non. Aobef1 ~Ind ~--flUnchd Unda&ena. I WHY IN THI WOM.D'1 ~ dolNrw to merry 7:00 INIUM:H°'.M lfld~her. "Elephant Men" • Ill C.-UL I ... WIMYOU7 ,AUYTILITHON THI 1MNW IOY8 I {QOlfT'Dt NANCY DMw •. NATIOML u.,1,__ _,.Ml'tCINCML .. ' ''The 1Mt11•" EJl1rlClf$. The HMly bo)'e Ind Hiney ~ IP'tno '"'° ec:llOn .. • nary und9 ..... ... loot· a dMectM conv.i11on ... of how ltlar1!1 t.d, .... 1*1ICIPMll -,... and why !My ..... ..._... ~·,...,~ peet ~a ..... OOd a.on•tlldllttlllltnd ....... ._.(,.,,I) ...,._ •LA~· e"THl=a&et1111rrt · ....... ToNliltllle•• IHOP' • ~ rf OUf "Gr8ndpe •• "8M" "°' 1,,..,.,..,., '-t"'9Ct: • (JndlrM ..... dooM! • ... """fMNorl modet-tree ~lllnt .. ;.-:,.. .... omlliecl .. r.:°' ...... " ~ ..... AT'ntl ••• ,. .. ..,_ .. (1171) ~ ''The ........, WOOdJ Ali., LOUIN ,..._., ("44) lllMtlll J. '--· A ,,__ -· l:aO. 8 LIVI ""°"' IT\JOtO IH:: CAMMO ••lllMI> The N1w YQftl ~mon­ IO,~ by~ Maflta. and ~ 0,-• '-* l'tfCldO t)om. . '* l*fO(lll m"9lc Maod· MM wtlfl ltle late Kellan ... 6wtoo c.n.o. • 'AHf MY PM.AND Male Hett'• greet 9'"'6- ~·-.. go. beck In. time to meet 11er lamow ,,.. r ... ttv.. • et0t• °""''* ~. P"'ofogt8'JIW, IOUlll' -•n eowt>oYI tMm UC1 W1U1 a n.tMWeV .-.111 I fMC•f'l\0¥lng GfU)' ll\Ollle • A' • (l)MOVtt * * "Th• Hollywo,od Knight•" (tHO) Aobef1 WUN. TOtly Denu On H#-• io..... .... rt 1916, • rt/W(t'f ~ echOOI 9'lll9 WI'•• havoc In ~ Hiii• to .....,. the~ of their hel\OOUI by Ille local home owner a lllMOCto atlon 'A' Ind • ~ Mardlee 11:ao• MOW! • 1« a myttetlOua woman. • ADMt--12 Mallo)' end ANd rec:.elve direction• trom a helloop- tw dwlng a lllgh-IOMd C!ri-. • • NMHVtu.I MU9IO (I) TH! W/IOCY WOMD ~ JOHA'™AH WINTER8 OuMt· Howard CoMll. io:oo1 NEWI MOYIE • * * "Th• Long Gray Una" ( tg55) Tyrone Pow· •· Meurew1 O'Hare A retiring MrgMnt looll• bd upon Illa ... wlalllnO he COUid connr-In the Army. • INOEPENOENT ~OAKNlWI • PAIW>OX ON 72NO ITM.ff ' Autl!Orl Plllllp Slat• and Or. Lewie Thomu Plovlde the c:ommen1ery for • doc· umentary look et lndlvld!Q. ellam and American aoc;J. ety f .. turlng the anony- moua p-aby on a New Yortl CK)' atreet. • MMTIN CITY UMIT8 Krl• Krlatolferaon per· f0tm• e reper10ir• ol 1111 ciMlic and newty relMMc1 '°""' and I• joined by' aongwrlter Biiiy Swen. ®MOVIE * * "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" (1981) Lily T ornlin, Cllallel Gro- din. A aut>urt>an llOuNwll• find• llerull ~ 0111lng •Jllellet u lier uncon· ce<ned llusbend loolt• on. 'PG' (D)MOVIE * * "Cutter's Way" ( 198 t) J«f 8tldgM. John Heetd (J)MOVIE * 11 "S-1 S11gar" A yo.ing girl being forced to w<>tk on 1 jungle plantellon rNll" plan• to aMk her revenge eigelnat the men In ctlarge. 'R' 0 GAl..LAGHER: MAO A8 HELL {%)MOVIE * .. "The Damned" (1869) Dirk Bogerde, Ingrid Thu· lln. A -itlly lnduatrlal !amity la 1om apart by the decadence ind ·aoclel ul)Naval of earl)' Nazi Ger· many. 10'.30. ,NlW8 IN REVIEW (C}MOVIE **"Road Gama" (1981) Slac:y Keach, Jamie LM Curlll. An eccentric truck· er. • l>Nutll\ll hitchhiker and • paychope.t/11<: kilter traveling Ille tame route are pleylng games for Ille and death. 'PG' ,,:00 I a• Cll a NEWs AMERICA'S TOP TEN a CEAE9RAl. PAl.S'f TELETHON (CONTD) • PN80H2R: CELL llOCKH • AMERICAN PLAYl40USE k (Premi.reJ.''The Shady Hm • Kldnepplng" George Griz. U{d and Pody ~olliday Iler In John a-ve.-·a telepUy abciut • euburben family wllQM world ·1r rurned upakMHlown when Ille youngeat membe< of Ille lamll)' vanl.ahel and la believed to ba\19 ~ " ....... _ napped O ( CD SOONOST AGI! .. Juat Folk" Soma ol folk mua1c·a t.Qendary artists •• Odette, Tom Puton. Bob Gibson and Josh While Jr -perform many ciusic:s alone 8nd together ~)0 .MOVIE * * "New Year 1 EVIi (1980) Roz Kelly. Kip Niven. The dlac: jockey e1 a punll rOcil otub rec:elvea a Nrlea ot~cell• P<om: lalng that --will be murdered In her llOnor every ~ belWMn 9 00 _ and midnight on N...., YHr'a Eve. 'R' 11:30 8 llSAAHABY JONES An academy r-<imtstr ... turn• to lier friend and lor· -e * ~ "The 8iliiC* Wrtcs. mllr' ( 187 4) Mlotlael cain.. Oonelct ~-WNle on aaaignment, an agent find• hlmMff Oetrll)'ed ~ hit ton klclnaoped • MOVlf * * ... "lfTl98Ct" c tlt4tt en. en Oonlevy, Elle ~ A ""-conoelv9d plol by .. woman and lier paramour to dlac>OM of '* hu•t>anct ~an "eccldentet" deltll baflrM lrontcall)' ror the ecilemk}a pair R~-c. MUt· der" (18e0) Simone SIO- noret, Yvea Montand, ~ante or a train cort'- plnment are terget1 tor death " the llanldl of • Olranoed .kJller .MOVIE • • .. ,,,. Garoe Fat via- tur••" 1 'iifli1 Rlc11,erd Harrta. RICllard AoundlrM . A tutllleet mer~ary w11o amuggles • American l!ell- c;opra<a. Into Alnca ck.lflng • 1err0tlat war ts pilled egetnat • liefce freedom llol\ter. 'R' 12:40 CZ) MOVIE ' • • * 'h "The Parellax View" ( 1974) warren ee8t· ty. Peula Prenlls, An 1nv11t1galiv• ••~orter 1t1emp11 to UllCOV9f • nellonwlde ne1work of po1111ca1 uaaslllna 1:00 D AOCK CONCERT Gunts: Roc1S1-an, Kool ~lie G.aog. Slave • 9J CEAEBRAL PAUIY TELETHON C00Hr0) ,Q!EVENINGATTHE IMPROV 1:06 Of) MOVIE • • • · 9 To S" (1!190) Jane \Fonda, Dolly Penon TllrM working women rebel against. lhelr tubtu· ll•llon by 1 malll chauvinist bo11 'PG' 1:308 MOVIE * * War Gods Of The DHP' C 1985) Vlncen1 Prlee. Tab Hunler An underwater atya ruler.kid· naos two young women ({)MOVIE • * ~ .. The Electrtc HorM- man" (1979) Robett Red· IOtd, Jane Fonda A Lal Veges c:owf>oY ateel•a S12 mlllion !¥'0U0hbted llOfM 10 aeve him lrom Ilia up101t1t111e owners 'PG' 1:50 1J NEWS 2.1>0 8 NEWS 2:20 8 MOVIE •• * "She Couldn't Say No' I t95 4) Robert M1tQhum, Jean Simmons The good tnrenllons of • weenhy woman Mrve to disrupt the ec:onomv ol her hometown 2:308 NEWS (C)"4QVIE • * "Survival Run" ( 1980) Peter Graves. Ray Mmand A group .of t&M-agera •tumble upofl a gang or doe>e amugglera In Ille AH· tonl "-1. 'R' lltMOVIE • * "The lncredtbte Shrinking Woman" 119801 Lift Tomlln. Chanes Gro- din A housewife find• ti herd 10 cope when she ~denly sllr1nk1 In size ·PG· . 3:00 ID 9) CEREBRAL PAI.SY TELETHON ~0) (IDMOVIE **'A · Callf0tnl1 DtNm· Ing" I t979) Dennie CM•· toPner, Glynnla O'Connot. A 1Quare young·Jnan from ct.1eego arrivea on the Cat- llornta beac;ll ac:ene ~ t>ec:omn Involved with the deuolltar or an 1g1no;i beac:I\ tiuro. 'R' mer ac:hoolm•t• Belly tor 3:20. MOVIE Neiatanoe atl., a -'-of * * "Calllng Or 0..111" .. emlngty unrele 1ea1lt--,,..,,...n:;.;;..;;.;;11~ney=~Jf.',"', "°iJ-t llChool "aocldenta" occur Carrol Nalsll. Tiie murder D a 80T.V NETWORK Of an adulter ... la pinned tO (R) on lier tnnooenl lover, e MOVIE *** ... "Junie)( BonMr" (1972) Steve Mc:O-." Robert Praton. An aging rodeo ater return• home • fat one lut contHt and find• that hi• famlly end th• town have tolaJly Ctlangeel . I AIJCN£W8 PN80HE1': CEU 8lOCKH Cll MOVIE ** "W~ Of Fortune" (1941) Frenon Dee, John Wayne. A young attorney ~ the '"''" •bout • ClQtTUPI polltldan and Illa undattlanded dMllnga. ®MOW! ••.,. "Back Ro•O•" (1Nt) Sell)' ~. Tommy Lee JonM. A llOolter end a down-on·Na-lucic boxer meat and hMd weet to find the oNld • 99"9 UC> fOf adoptlOn two v-w ..... . 'R' 3:80 Cl) MOVIE * * "Sweet Suger" A Youn9 g1r1 being forced 10 woric on • jungle p&antetlon mall" plans to Mell her NWnge agelnet the men In dlafoe. 'R' CZ)MovaE * * "The DtllMed" (1999) Dirk 8ogerde, lngtld Thu· lln. A -'1hy inckAetrW lemlly la rom apar1 by the decadence and 1oc1,1 uphelvaJ or earl)' Nazi Ger· meny. 4:00 (C) MOVIE * * * "Tiie Battle Of Alglera" 119417) Ylcef Suc:!I, JNn Martin. A1gerte wagee • deaperate etrvg.. gle for~ from 1854 to 1812. Cerrot Nllltl: • 1M.. ...... ..... ...,,._ lflMll ..... r.....-f---!"-.. ..._ ......... _-1- 1"' .-..... L.11111 ....... .,,..,, ~ .. ..-..,,_ ::...:..·.= • anwm.,,.. 'N' ~ (l)MCMI '*............. . ........... 1-- \ .. ,_ i: --- O{fngl Co•t DAILY PILOT/Saturd1y, J1nu1ry 11, 1112 TRE F.4111L" c1act1 "Go bock and •close the door, young mon. We're not trying to heat the whole Mi~borhoodl R' t, Mommy?" MARMADtKE by Brad Anderson "A cat ran across the TV screen." ~LOGE PARKE" I'M ~61NNIN6 TO THINK • THJ5 l& THE WAITIN6 ROOM AT LA 6UARDIA AIRPORT! rM TRYIN6 TO TAKE A NAP! GARt'lt:l..D OKAV. oou:., YOO MAVE YOUR ROU.£t7 UP N£WSPAPER . I '°'AVE MINE. LET'S HAVE AT rf.' . -, UNITED Feetur. Syndicate Frldey'a Punte Sol¥9d ~. I by V.lrqll Partch (VIP) -e ~ PDNIJTI , I CAA'T STANO IT! ._.__ • • • 0 TIJMBLEW EEDI I AP'-IW.. iO YOU 1\101" AS CHIEF, JO'f AS A f..OVINGi PO'Tl f\.G" FATHeR-FIG<,Rf .. ., i f by Jeff MacNelly , -· ~HOE ~ .,__ ___________ .. ------.... "Whit looks good to -you?" Hank Ketchum I ~ by Harold Le Ooux LOOt\. I TOC..O FOR&E& ... AND NOW I'll TELL YOU' l'U L.OOK AT THE LINE& WHEN l 00 ON THE &ET .. MTt9t I'VE HAD A NAP' NOW, C':1ET OVTTA HERE.' r al ·"' ~f' H II ~Wit: . ~~ t}1Q dominant ~Jiiic characteristic of oJ<lafuma. , NANCY---:- PEOPL~ ARE SLIPPING ON OUR ICY SIDEWALK--- PUT SOME SALT ONIT GORDO I COULDN'T FIND THE REGULAR SALT--- by-Ernie Bushm1ller SO I USED YOUR BATH SALTS by Gus Arriola ALL IT TAA:ES ts ONE OF /JS.' Wcx.'I I ~~ t'LNK l' WINllt:RBE,.N 'i 1Jt1NK Wf'VE FINAU..<; IMNAGED lO "TURN 1HE ~NE~IN~Of GEl"TlN& NEW c.oNTROUEIG by Jim Davis_ OUT /Nm lHE FIEL.D ! --~----~~~~-. ,,, ,\•I I / . "• .. . . .. '~~=---11 ~~~==~1~~=====:=!!i DR,.BBLE MY GOAL-IS 4r0 MARRY A C'OC-r'O" ANc:> t...1ve 1'He t...1 Fe OP "IL-E!Y .' I l&lt6 lllOMCUIMU I~ 1'0 t~Ett 6E. .eLt 1'0 ~AK~ 11' ~ 1'o ~ ~APf-R (ft(1ct , ~----- by Kevin Fagan :t'M ,CSONNA MAKE! A PL..AY FOii' R1i....eY/ • .. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 18. 1982 T!'• .changing U.S. Army lo percent, by ftacal, year New drive seen ... Sun n.earing .'l~w point' ·o-... IO 70 eo l50 30 20 10 0 '.9n uSui-y·law ... 'rHOMAS D. ELIAS Concerted attacks on CaUCorn!M'a usury lawa began in 197j, when bau "I interest rates ,-.en headed upward and voters peaaed •• 1( bellQt proposJtlon Jiftin& lntere~ limit.a on real ettele loans. • ,. '· One result of that vote la lodey's l~tt money situ-ation in the second and third trt.tfl deed market, with moat homeowners recelvln1 a steady stream of unsolicited Jofan ofrers. Those foans are offered at rates or 18 percent or mo'ie· Now come• the second prone of the usury law attack. Ba~s and retail stores orterine credit cards, ch,r1e. accounts and Installment purchases want the state Jlmlls on their transactions llrted claiming that would Joosen credit by makin1 mor~" money available. Current law allows interest ~on those typesrof consumer loans to vary according to Federal Reserve Board actions. Right now, the top legal tillfll•· flCll interest rate on a $2,000 bank loan is about 22.S percent. while installment purchases can't carry finance charges above 20 percent or so. REASSIGNED -Maj. Gen . Robert L . Schwitzor, fired last. fall fr om the Nationa l SccuritJ" Council for making a n unauthorized s peech about Soviet intenttons. has been given a senior pl annin~ post on the f\rmy s tarr. 6ossiping lw'lpful, prof says I NEW HAVEN, Conn. By R08£KT LOCKE Al>k.._.wn. • SAN FRANCISCO -The fiery. ch.arnlne I aurrace or the aun seems to quiet down ever 80 years or so, accordln1 to a defWte but uoexpl!ri,ed cycle ol activity that Impacts on the earth, HY.I a Boaton scientist. 1 I "This llJ a beslc variation or the aun," aald I Boston College physicist Joan Feynman ... Every t. 9() years. (give or lake about 20 years). the auo t changes in a way we were not pl'eViC)U,$1Y aware at there is a minimum In solar activity. • "There are rewer aurora <the northern llehts : that dance across the night sky In the rar north> ond the solar wind is quiet." The solar wind is a stream or electrically charged particles flowing out rrom 'the sun. Th.e , northern lights are caused when those particles ' come crashing_•i(l!o E.lltlb's...almo.sllher__e. and the .- colorrul lights vary accor.ding to the wind's intensity. I Ms-.'Feynman told the American Geophysical ~ Union that ~ne-·and colleague Sam Silverman,: building on r:esearch by Geor1e Siscoe of UCLA,! found that the last solar minimum was atibut 1900. . -. . She said in an interview earlier that both the : timing and the increasing Irregularity of the solar · wind, which preceded the last minimum. suggest · another low {><>int is approaching -though it might not be reached for a decade or two. Besides afrecting the dramatic northern.lights, she said, the ~Olar wind can seriously affect radio communications. filling signals with static when severe, and mus t also be co~idered whe n , ~te: The last year or the peacetime drah was 1972: other years shOWn are dwmg all·votunteer f&ce. F'igul'H for bladla allld women ete tor entire enlisted strength or the Army. the other figures .are IOf th0s6 en~sted each par11C\Jlar year . Those limits. according to bankers and me rchants who appeared before the state's Retail Credit Advisory Committee in hearings last month, discourage businesses· from providing credit to consumer~ who want and need it. They make that claim even though a 20 perce nt installment loan allows a merchant to collect more than double bis selling price over five years. CAP> .-The thera~t:Utic value or "idle gossip" has gone unrecogniied for too long, says a Yale University profesS'or who is writing a bOOk to explain h ow s uch intimate talk helps solve proble m s and ease ··d esigni·ng-·the··traj·ectary .. a n~ stamina· of" .... :·· s pacecraft. And. she said. some ~'very iffy" hln1S suggest periods of low solaractiv1ty·may correspond with lower ave rage temperatures. particularly 'in Europe. But consumer groups wam of what might CNi:aOO T-CIWt. SowfoM COi.-,., ~ 5-u -US ~ 01 ~ happen if ~ere is no ceilin' on interest. · "Thts whole thing · has some very practical VOLUNTEER ARMY CHARTED . Presjdent Reaga n's recent decisjon to extend the draft registration has for.used attention on th~. nation's volunteer army and changing nature of the U.S. mrhtary forces . The volunteer (!rmy is backgrounded on these two charts. In Arizona, says the national. Consumers Union, some used car loans now exceed 50 percent .interest and 5eCORd mortgages topping 100 percent are offered. ln Oklahoma. some small loans carry 170 percent inte rest and some small loan companies in Texas charge 200 percent. "Elimination o f us ury laws does not necessarily mean an'iqcrease in credit extended.", says Harry Snyder, a member or the state retail credit committee and the top Consumers Union official on the West Coast. "The current cerrorl) is only a Trojan horse that credit providers are using to sneak higher and higher ·credit costs onto stress. '·How m a ny times have you been told. ·Big minds talk about ideas SmalJ minds talk about people?' I don't thank that ·s true." Professor appltcat1011s," Ms. Feynman s aid. • Scient111ts long ago identified a shorter sola,.... <·ycle. the nurpber of sunspots on the surface peaks every 11 years with a corresponding peak in activity such as the solar wind. U.S. military ~eenlistment rates Patricia Spacks s aid. F1cT1T1ouuus1N1u In peroent "It 's been m y r e al NAMESTATEMENT FICTITIOUSIUSINEH 1-00%,.._;;-;__~~~~~~~~..--~~~~~~ consumers." • campaign tO OVertUtn .,..!.~:.::•owlno person Is dolnO Tht 1==~..:T::r~:~".~e doing 90 1;.-~~~~~~~~~1--~~--~~~~--l Consumers Union also contends that lenders will not be satisfied with partial measures like those which have raised interest ceilings -in 42 s tates since steadily htgher prime rate pens began coming five years ago. that idea. II so CAl ELECT RICAL bu\ln~•u• "8· t Jk' JCO NTIUC TING. ?f\RUSSE LL CHAR LES Plll NTI HG y a 1ng out other v E. N Tu RE s JI p A 0 • I R COMPANY. uo w "'h Slreet. CO\I• eot--~..-::._..;7'!~""111iiii-.::=:--::::~ p e o p I c · s p r o b I e m s c o N o 1 l ·, o N 1 N G & Mew. CA .,,,17 ' bl t k ' REF RIGERAT IO N. 1911·0. W•lnul RI CHA-ft&--G et~• rou re a ~ 0 WOr 0~~ Av•""•· T~ln.C.•llforll•••l!6111 . IClonOlke Avenue, Co\!• Me\e. CA ideas aboUj. your own, Eddie .i... ""'~" nt1 w., .. ,,..n .,.,. ShC said "Bet e aood W•v C~t•MMe C•lifornl•9JU> CR•IGW BATLEY.ti Monlecllo · . W en • l hit ~l,.H 11 Cond\K19d by '" O"ve. C.,,_ del Mar CA ttn.5 frie nds. you can s a y l;fldMd ... 1 rh11 .,..>,,.uh <~uc:'"" 111 •n things that you wouldn't EO!ll• J Ru1...,11 unlncorp0ratect auoclat1on ot11er lh•" . . . • Thlt ,,.,..,_, ,.,. lllocl wllh the • o•rf"4!rlhlo. say In pu bh c II k e Counly Clerk OI Or•noe Co..nly on Rl<Nlrd G Kffler maybe an illicit love Janu.,..,,,,.., Thi•, .. ,..,...., .... "...., "'''h ,,.. . Ft .. JI C""nly Clerk ol 0••"9P Counly on afra1r iS 8 good thing.'' PuDhlNcl Or-Coul D•lly PllOI, 0.c JO, 1•1 10._ ________ ,...;;:111r;...~"""'1--.....;;;...::.__.~~~--"'-4 "If ceilings are simpl)' lifted to some intermediate level consistent 'with current market rates. creditors. fear they would' have to return to s tate legislators, hat in hand. to ask for ·another increase if interest rates climb still higher." Consumers Union says . "From the creditors' viewpoint. that's uncertain and inefficient." Gossip often has been J•n •. "· 13• 30• t'lll J00.11 Pu1>ll•Nct otanqe coast oe11:';:,~":. Oi.;.;::::::;;.a;:;;;;;;;;~~~~~-'-~~~~--~~---' seen as malicious or an NU mm J•n ' '· t•. U.J"7 un.-1 activity fit o nly for 1----------1964 '70 72 '74 76 78 Banks would also like to eliminate the crazy quilt or varying state laws and limits so they can charge whatever they want wherever they do business. That freedom would make the transition to large.scale banking across state lines -a change major banks want and exi>ect -much w o m e n . s a i d M s . F1CTmous aus1Nus PUil.iC •TICE Reenlistment rates by military force Sp a ck s. an Eng 1 is h NAMUTATIEMENT --,-----------• p r 0 f e S S 0 r . B U t ~:'!s~o;~~wl"ll PPf\OM ert Going INl~~~~~~:~~~TIE FJrat term· Cereer Total SOt'iological s tudies TIDEWATER PUBLISHIHG. no FOUNDATIOMOM In percent·• FYl1 FYIO FYl1 FYIO FY11 FYIO have found gossip is !,':!,••t•r Cr., """""Vi"" Bue" C• rr.e .!~:~~~P~~,":'~ ... M••< USe fUI in SOJidify lng Ev• Aet\ VllCClft, lfl.ll flekwaler Wrlglo HIQllall Fou11d•llo"· I\ Army 55.0% 50.6% 72.6% 69.3"4. easier. ' COm munjly Val ueS. Cr • HunlinQICW\ BH<ll, Ca 91-•vall•ble •I ti. Foun<Wlion's prlntlpel Joanne Aeynolo.. 2A7 Hellalrope mllu 1orn11oo<11on Def_.,. the "°"" N1vy 41. 741'. 36. 7% 72.8% 67.0% But the lower prim,~ r ates go, the less impetus banks and retail lenders have for their push to eliminate interest ceilings . ''For centuries the A ... coronecte1MarC•.91'U o••oo•m-40001n_k.,. .. , COnSeDSUS Seems tO have Thi\ bu>l-1 ll conOUCled by • -lor e e»riod Of 1IO Gey\''°"' 1,_ Menne Corps 26.6% 23 2'% 738% SO •'ll. been that "public and ..... ,.,r-_~~"°'°' ~1eo1111i•-1<a1oon1owt1o reqws1', /I.Jr Force 42.go,r. 36.8% 86.1% 81.8% Since the prime is now dropping a nd expected to continue a slow decline for at least a few month$, the sooner and har<kr they .make their push. the better for the usury law opponents . That's why they are now working so hard for abstract talk iS SUperiOr Tiii• '1•-1 W•H flle<I' wllh Ille Found•t lon Principa l Oll lce lo private and specific ~=~=~~ ~!~;!.,o' Oranoe coun•v on t':~~·: H~'c:·~ o. A1lc1a, •!03, ,. Totai '3.0% 39.1% 71.5% 70.5% talk," she said. But why Ft..,s Feu>0a11on P.1nci...1 ·e.xc1uc1es indUct... \ ·•Regular reenb11ylents as a percentage of ehg1bles h Id 't be" I Pvtll'-d ~-Coast O••IY Pilot _. SOU t • argue Jefll6.UcJO.Fe1>•.1"7 HM:? J-E.elram that the statement ·All P"b"''*' Or-Coe" oe11y P1101 Cl*:ago T-Ot..,nic ~ US Oecwlmen! OI 0........ change. -men are mortal' i.s ·not PUIUC 111'££ Jan "· 1~ ,..12 any more true than the s tatement · 1 am going to die .· and it's n o t interesting. at least not DEATH 1mc11 ·eut no change can come in California without both legislative a ction and another ballot proposition -unless a ne w federal law overrides state interest limits1 to me . FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME SlATEMINT FICTITIOUS IVSINIEH The tollow1no per•on Is Oolno bYiineUH NAME!.TATEMENT WESAIC Pl NANCI AL, MO Newporl T ,,. toll.owl no ppr\on " 001119 Ctnler o .. ve. Suilt .... Newport DtJIU"'U ~ , Buell C• 91WO GLASGOW YACHf <.HARTER 'R~•vll W KidOor 211 Etner .. O ANO OEUVE~Y COMPANY. ,..., ' B•Y la~ Beech Ca. 91UI c .... .,.,,. L•"41. Hu..ilngton Beech, SPENCER Wash i n~ton and Tom of Garcy Fo~ler of Silverton. JOHN (JACK 1 STALEY Portland. Oregon. also 2 Oregon. 10 grandchildren SPENCER. r esident of s i ~l e r s Mr s Te n a and l great grandchild, also Balboa, Ca. since 1952. Craigmiles or Crestline. Ca. a brother Tom f:oster of San Passed away on January ut.· and Ch a r 1 t Y Ly ons of Bernardino. Ca. and a sister 1982. He was a member of Portland, Oregon, also 2 Beulahb~ Newhouse of the Cement Masons Local step-sons. I s~ep·daughter. Solana &-uch. <;:u . Memorial J523 since 1935 A member 18 grandch1ldr,e n and services will be held al of the Newport fl arbor Elks gr ea l ·gr a n.d ch 1 Id re n II arbor Lawn Chapel at Lodge #1767 for 25 years and Cremation .with b~nal ~l .2:00PM on Friday. January Just such a law is now making its way through' Congress, s ponsored by Indiana's }tepublican Sen. Ri chard Lugar. "Gossip has to do with tr1 via. with s mall things. That 's implicit in the d efinition. and women are more interested in concrete pa rtic ulars about human beings. The notion of talking inti m ately is m o r e natural for women than This buslneu h 0 conductlPCI by •n C•h rornla 91641> ln<ll•l.,...1 C•rl W•y ne Glasgow. 1'6U R.,.~11 w Kl-r C•~Dtrr• ~. H""''ng1on Beech .• His bill stands little chance of passage today, but any action by California, the nation's largest state, to loosen inte rest rates at all would greatly strengthe!' the arguments of its backers. f Elias u a columnist txued in Sanlo Monico.1 it is fer men." This ,,_,..,, .. a• lllf'd wllll tht Celil:"n••.,.... 1 cou11ty Cl,.,~ of Or•n~ Courily on Tll ' Dv\lneu s conouctw llV an J•"~"' • 1_, lndM.,...1. JACKSO~, KIDDE• t Ft•Ut Thi• ~:.~·=~Ilea wltll lhe SUCkllNG co .. nty Cl•rlt ol Or"\n99 Co""" on At..,..•l'\•I yw Jenuery u . 1"1. F1-• s.11• UH...., F-..... Pvblll""' Or-Coau Oallw PllOI, Ml Newpa1 c:.ler Orin New...n 9M<k. c.. u... J•n ••. u. JO. Fell.•.,..,. 151.n 1 8 member of the Laguna sea. Memorial services will IS. 1982. In lieu of flowers f9J( 1911( ~ l911C( _.,. ..,._, ' r.Je •ra Hills United Methodist be lleld on Saturday, the famil y r .;>que s t s 1 _________ . ___ 1 ____________ 1 r-...."9t9K • ----------------------• Publl•lled Or-Coall Dally Pllol Ja11 9. u. U, JO, 1''2 ?O?·ll Church. Survived by his January 23. 1982 ,al ll:OOAM conl nbulloos be made to the FICTITIOUS•USINIEU FICTITIOUS•USINllU ---F-ICT_lT_l_OU_s_a_us-,-.. -.. -u--Mt.JC •TICE F~~T.''!"T!Ta~!.'!!TU wife Doroth" Lou s""'ncer. 1 al Laguna Hitls United American l'ancer Society or MAMIEST,1\T11MEMT .• NAMllSTATl'MENT · • .. _ ... ~-~ .. 1 .--M th d l eh h 2 "' Tl" lollowl119 perso111 ••• ctolno Tiie lollowlng perton• ere doing NAM STATRMIENT Tne following person I\ doing granddaughter Deborah Sue e o IS • urc . 4442 the American :lleart rund IMl•lneuH: Du•lneun : Th• 1011ow1ng perton• ere oolno FICTtTIOUSaUStNtrss bu,,,,,,. .. ,, Hanrahan. of Bellingham Moulton. Parkway, Laguna Services under the direction (1) CELLULAR CONCRETE. 12) NEW AG.*'· 00885 TECH.'"''· bu5lneu H ' N~ STATIEMllNT PYRAMto IEXCHANGORS. ,,., W 3 S h j n g' l On -'-Mills. Ca The fa mily-O( Harbor Lawn·Mount0hve STAMPED COHCRElE OtVISIOH; MEOl·NIET LTD . ~ROOUCTIVITY, VENUS DE MI LO FIGURE Tiie lollowlng otrson h dol119 Humll'llft0bird.C~t•Mf ... CA'1626 · r · ts · I' f fl 11t77 eee<ll 9ouleva..d, H"nli1>9ton L TO., SOFTWARE. tl·Rll lLI, IBM SALON. ?OU EHi Orengethorpe Donl,,.nH. NANCY JEANE CASSUeE. tm great-grandsons. aJso 2 reque:i ID ieu 0 owers Mortuary of Costa Mesa. llM<ll,<AllfOr..i..,.. SOFT, •t·Rlllfll, HOLLYWOOO A"9nue, Plet.enlle.C.IH«nl• AMERICAN ANTHOLOGIES, Humll'llftObird.c.c..l<aMeM,CA'7•,.. brothers, Fred O( Tacoma.•donattOnS be made lO the 540·5554. DomllllO J. 1,....i11e Jr .. 10111 LTD .. 4 .. 7 Me<Ar1nur lllvd .. 4111 Zee....., 1· Yooes, U? Pa-RHI. 11177 Velley vi.'°', 5"11• lU, Gero.n Tllll ~ I\ U1ftducted by en A m ~ r. j C a n H e a r l J()tlNSON ll"sllerd StrMt, H"nllnQ1on 8H<ll, Floor, Newoor1 Belich, Cetltornle AneM lm, c.lllONll• ta07 Gro"•• CA 92MS lndlvlct ... 1. McCOIMK:I( MOITU .. llS Laguna Beach 494·94 15 Laguna H•tls 768-0933 ·San Juan Capistrano 495-t776 HAllOl LA<WK-MT. OLIVI Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_ClllOTHHS HU .OADWAY MOITUAaY t 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 6't2·9150 IM.T11H ... OH SMTN & TVTHIU. WISTC&.W CHAf'll •21 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6•6-9371 .... ClllOntMS IMITMS' MOITUMY 627 Main St ._,ntington Beach 5J6.6S39 • -PACMC'11W re IOllAl PAU 8::.'r.Or.W:..~ 3900 F'ac1fte v.... Ot1¥9 N9wport BHC:h 644-2700 • Assoe1auon C•lltorni.,,,.. HMO f 0-P. Yollft •s2 P•-R.... ROYALTY SOUACES. LTD., • N-yJ•-Ceswc. . -WI L 1-1 AM II EN RV ~1 t< 11 J c P a ... 11e1m.C~lto..nl•••1 FOSTER --ChHI A. •ll•n a11. 160.1 • •ll•l'Wrl & Anoclatn, Thi• b"sln•H h 'corulucted by C•lllor11ia coroor•llon 12717 V•U•y Thi• \lalemfonl wM fifed will\ ,,.. · J O HNSON 3Rl' 70 a Ar ... te Orlve. -1tll•r, Cellfornle lll'c orpor eled. • C•ll lornlo lndlvlct .... slHullNNl&Wllel Vltw S..ltP 2•1 Garden Gro••, CA Covnty Clerk of Oranoe CovntY on ALLEN A FOSTER. JR.. resident or cos' la ··1cLa, 'c a. --coroor•tlOft .... , M«Ar1 .... r 111\<d., 4111 ·-ttMS OK >O. ,., N. B"" " ~ Tiiis b\Hlnen h COftd<lcted by • l'roor. Newport Beecll. Celltornl• --.fiery 1 Yolln 1111• busl11en I• condu<l~d by • F1mtt a pr~mi_nent ewport each Passed away on Thursday. 119ft•r•• PM1neNllff>: •2M0 Tiii• st.it_. wn meet •1111 ,,,. corooretl"" • P"blls-oranoe Coft1 0•11• Pllo1, • bus 1 n~s man. age 68. a January 14 l982 foll owing 8 Ooll'llowck J. lng<elll• Jr. Thi• tMi"neu '' condlltlect by • Count'(. Clffll of 0••"91 Covnty on Aayalty Souru~. Lto Jan. 1• ,, 16, u, ,,., S.tMI 16,.:Year resld~t of Newport lengthy Uin'ess-Mr,:Johnson cc!i~~Y ''C:.~Jr'"ar~~~~\~ ': llmlled~\RsoN Jefluary 7, ttll. rnem =~• Z.woy>ily, Beach, p a .. passed af..ay On wa s a r e l ir ed s 0 u n d JM ... tY 7. 1"1. & AUOCIATES. INC ... 0 FE s s I 0 NA L Es c. 0 w Tiii• ""'-' ... flied will\ 1119 January 11 , 1982 O( a heart Engineer from the Allee PtllOt J.C. P~. H•VICES Covflh Ci.rk ol Or•,_ Covnly on attack. Mr. F~ter was the Corporation, he was a Past J•~~:'.'~.~~ '°"' D•t11,::: Tiii• =·=c:!~ .... ~,:'C:.,11h ,,,. ._";!.~.~'::,.,,., o.c JO."'' Ft;n., o~ner and p.rnneer or 2 Master or Racine Lodge #18 ~----------Counh c .. r .. of Dr•noe Counly on IEtc,_ ..... lflD·MF Publlt/le<I o....0. COll\I D•llY Pilot h 1 g h I y s u cc cs s ( u I F&AM Racine. Wisconsin PllUC •Ta o.ceMberJO, "" PubllsNcl Or-co .. 1 D•llY Piiot. Jan 1 , 16 n ,.., 1~ bus In e 'Is es. A 11 en . t e I and the Fi rst 1N. l Master ol -----------F1ml6 Jan •. i.. u. JO "" 101 .. 1 •-----------Products of San. ta Ana . Ca, Ma r Vis ta odge "820 Publl""'40r-Coes10.111Pllot, -111•nc£ I ( " "CTITIOUS aUSINHI Ja11. 2. t . 16. ?J, tta S60Ht r-s u p p 1 ~ r o F&AM , Newport Beach. ca . , NAMUTAHMllNT PWUC 9ITICl Te I e com mu n I c at ion s He was also Past Patron of llU!~.!s~o~~wlng persons ••• ctoino equipment• on a domestic Harbor Star #568 Order of CAPAETZ & KASDAN, t0'1 ~nd in ter~ationa l scale. Eastem Star. A member of ... sinus Caf\ter Drtv•, Suite 200. included in pro~ucts he the York ftile in Racine. 1"''':a~~~uc--4•. 101 E_,1,,. Innovated and designed are Wisconsin. a mem6er or the c..,.,.., •oec1. c.-*' ,,..,., c... armored cables as used on Scottish RJte in Long Beach, nm pay station telephones. used ca. aod a member of the K•Metll '-Ketclllfl. m1S E,u,...., d l d MIHIOft Viejo, C.. f»'t ~n seen n our every ay Tripoli Shnne in Milwaukee. .,.,,,. c. Slm•ndl, Jr., " hfe. al\d telephone headsets. Wisconsin. Beloved husband _.,_,,.,,..,.,ea. nm which. are seen In many of Retta J. Johnson. beloved T1111 bvllNH.I• ,_Cl"~• athletic contests. He also rather of Lisa John son, a nere• ::.:7.111!~ round~d and developed senior al UC San Diego. Tiii• ~ ... 111 .. wllfl .... American Kleaner. Inc. or Graveside services wlll be -'• c1en o1·0r..,.. c-ty .... Pic o Rive ra . Ca .. conducted on Soturday, _,.,,,,.. ,., .... manufacturers of Industrial J anuary t6, 1982 at IO:OOAM l"Uttll.,_, 0r.,,.. c .... OeHy Pli.t steam cleaning equipment al Falrhtve'n Merhorial .,.~_.. ,...,~:....•...:..!..~ _. used br private. aovernment Park with Or. John A. PIC'TITIOUI aUllM•M NAMll ITAT•MaMT Tiie lot1owln9 p.,so,., h dolne buSIMHes: SIE,t,.HDM& SAL.OH, 1$tl Adoft\t Av••.,••. Suitt E, Cotte Mne, CA '2tt6. TONI "EGINA HICKMAN, Ill 1111 11,...1, Moree, CA t11 .. , Tllh llulitlftt I• <Ofld\Kt.. ..., ... lndM41toel. • T .... ._..Hld,_ o.i. Tlllt ~t -m" w1111 tt. Cov111., Clerti crf °'""' c-ty .,, De(. I, ltll, PICTITIOUI tUMNIH MAMllSTAT&MIENT Tlla l•ll•wlno p•n•n '' 001n' llUSIMHH: SEA ~ION OIVEU ... )1 Gar-Cir< .. , 1411nl1"910ft ll<t«h. ca111..-"'• ,,.. Jerne• Deen Pennt119tot1, 101 O••d•n Circle, H11nffn11ten lleecll. ce111orn11ma Thlt lllltlMU It <Of1411K led b't .,, llW!lw'*'91. ~0 ........ ff\910ft Tllh .......... -Ill ... wllll \lit c-•., °"'" .. 0r.,... c-•• ... J_.,,.,, ... ,.,..., Pvblltlled Clr'"91 C...t 0.lly Plklt, P1111n Jefl It, n, •• Fib, ., "'2 2se.t7 l'UlltltllM Or.._ CN9l Oolly Pt.._ JM.t,•.M.2J, Im let• and m1l(tary establishments Huffman, Sr .. Associate PlaJC ~ PlaJC 1111( on an international acale. Pastor or St. Andrews .______________ -•mww ff yo11twft1""Meclfe"lf. : Mr. Foster .wu born In .Pre•br,terlan Church. and PtCTITiou1au11MHa rw.u. .,.,,_ PtCT1nous•uS1MHS new l'lctlt10111 lull~ I " • ..._ITAT••ffT PIC'Yt:ftOUtautHt•ll ........ ITATIMaNf .. ManllaU, Texas, and was the o flcers of Mar Vista , ... ,......,~ --· .,. "'"' • PIC'TfhoutllUte .. M ttAMalTAH•ttT T11e ••"-'"• ""04\ 11 .. ,,.,, "'"'• Md "-_. • f ormerly a Pasadena L 0 d IC t g 2 o I'' & AM Mfflfft•: ...,..ITAT9M99" Tl•• ••t1ow1,.. "'""' 11 "'"' ._,.lneu•: •u.........., 11 * ~ I I .. l •t.t d I ' oa.• HOTIL CONSVLTANTS, Tiie ........... ---.... Ml-•: I.MS FM:TOllllNO LTD .. n "°"' ... ,,. ,.._ ...... ...... I res .,e n • en ng o fflctall ng . Maso n ic 0 ,. MecAr111.,, ...... •••· .... _....... CALtPO.-MIA c1.Ass1Gs v••1a,1nr1M,Qil...,.,..•ttTM 11te1 IN......_.. fl M • Puadena Cit)' College. He Memortel services will be "-'°"teec11.ce1!flfnl'8ttMe "•"'* "umMO, ,_ cun~11LKK.-11N1NG, 111 •• wutwt IMftt, ._, G•Mfl T,.. cl•r• ,,_-...et ftlllt. 1 was a member oft,.. Shark C!Oftducted .by the Mor )'Isla · Pree 0111'""'•· .... u Pu. o,...., ........,.,CAllfwfN.,_ '"" St• .... c .... Met•. ce11i.r111o L-. 1rv1111.c .. 1tor"'1e'*'" '"'' DAIU •t!J,.O~.O• ,_ ............ _ la I and y. ch l c I u b . Lod&e on Suodu. Janu•rv .,.,....ft\HMk,C................ Allefl 0.0... T ...... ' .. ...,, --c.. -a.. .• ~ ...... ,,_,L-...-~lift~· .......... i .. Ls~ A ""t .,._.,. ~-.... ___," .,.. ~. ,,,, ••• ,.,,...,,, .-... ~.~mt• JliMil...,,. ...,_......,, ttt\'\ ce11 .. ..,,, .. ,,.. *MO.•. o.r ...... . u . ·'· '· ........ ·'"'· ••au""" 1'7, llll2 il 2:00PM in the •ru.~~ 0nay u.-., ".,,..,. !!_L 1111 -.-... cw--. MjW, Cal...,. W•rr"' "*'·ta Perk "'"'· lnahtclet "" •flthe c .£.M.A. AasoclaUoa. He 11 Masonlt'Te'ml>le, at. Ulh.tnd Tiii• ......_ .. c..-c ... fir"' -··~-..c .......... _ .... 1,.,,l,..,Cel...,..tt'1• Ora...-c.e.. ... 8llf survived -by his wire Wilma St. Andrew's 'Road, Newport _...,., .... .._,.t..,, e111er 111-. Tiii• ........,.. •• 4...w<'"' 11y • TM• ....-m c~t• ll'f .,, Tiii• ...i-•·1• tCIHutlH 111., • =.:...._....., i. .. _. of Newport Beach, Ca .. Beach, c1. T"'e ramllv •IM'f,..,.. ..,,.,.,.....,...1 IMtwlhal .. ,,.,.i..,...-.,. "'..-• • 1 A # ......... .....o. T...... -'-P.S ·····" .,.,.....,., ~ ' daulbt ... Nane1 ~ ol·au11eatt contrlbutlon1 be '"* ......_.. -"........ •llh .......... -....,. w1111 JM• .......... -111M •"".,. T11h ........ _ " ... """.. ...et'"' .. __.... , Newport Beacb, Ca. and made to the Callfornla c_t., C'"11 It#°'""' CouM.,-.,. C-t'f c..,. .. 0r ..... c-o, • c:-t'f c:...-.. °'...,. c_.., • '-'"~et 0r..,.. c-.,... ••'111811111 ""• ••· BettJ ~fl Colla Meta, lh1onlc Homes. Piere• DK--.r•.1'tt. : ,_,,,,.._ DKMMlfl.,..,, • '-'Yt4.""· '"'rtate ..., ... a • c Norm Foe " ,,,,.. I p • """' • • ~ .., ...... TMI DAU·-' a., _. an ler o1 Brother• Bell Broadway ..,......,0r .. c:.1to.1i ~ ~0r.,..CMatoeii.,P1-. .... ...,~ee..Oe1iyP1-..: ,... ...... 0r-.c.e.10elt'f PMet "~OT, 11'.0 . IN'"'·,. Kacttnd• Hellflll, Wnc1 Mortuary ctlncton. MZ·ll50. .1111. u . -is.,;,,., .... , JM. t, ,._a•. tw ,,.., ->-•. , .. aa: •· "" • ,...._ Jet1. "· n. a. , .. " 1•. ,,.. c.... ..... CA. -.. . .. < .. • '•' I, I I I r ;;:..I 1. ~ l I . • • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 18, 1982 FAMIL: Y FROLIC' Virginia· Governor-elect C h arles R o bb ,a nd his wite. Lv nda Bir d J o hnson Robb h ave some fun wit h. t heir three g irls al hom e in McLean. \'a . F rom left are , AP-'fll! r' P Cathy , 11; Lucinda, 13, a nd J ennifer. 3. Robb w ill be ina ug ura ted . in Ric hmond. Va,. o n Saturday. -J;;ut!ier's life· filmed Former Torrance minister stars in 55-minute movie THOUSAND OAKS <A P > - Lee Roy Brandes believes t hat som eday the Ro m an Catholic C hurc h m ay m a ke Ma r tin Luthe r -t o u.n d.e .o.r Protestantism, a saint. from the time he goes into the • Brandes believes ··M arun monastery to his death," said Luthe r has a real message. for Brandes, 56. who h o l d s a Christians a nd no n-Christians d o c t o·r a I d e g re e i n alike in 1981. For instance-:-:a ~HHtt--+r-o-m e-1 tow-tn-Wttt~nberg askett· wha Cla remont College. I tbink' Martin Luther would talk "Ma rtin Luther is proba bly one of the three prime movers or Christendom; with St. Aug ust'1te and St. Thomas Aquinas," said Brandes, a Luther an m inister who left his Tor r ance church la st year to put the life of Luther into a SS-minute film. He ·prepared for the role1 by about today if he were alive . J immersing himself in Luther's, said' t ensions between t he East troubled life. / and We~t. hunger in the Ttlii-d "I told myself I was Martin World and personal salvation -1.. Luth~r : that I had nailed up the three very r elevant topics~ J 95 theses," he said , referring to think." , ~'A Man Named Bra ndes said~Luther's life is a good example of the change that takes place through personal salvation : "Certainly the first ''The time m ay very well come when the Roman Catholic C h ur c h m ay m a ke Martin Luthe r a sain t. H e d id Christ endOAl a great deal or good, though at that time he was consid er ed a heretic," said Lu t h e r '' t O ·, l part where he comes through '1 the struggle from the point of prem i ere 30. AP.T,;l doubt. to the ~int or certai~y. • " The first act 1s a very moving Brandes. . "A Ma n N amed Luthe r ," produced, paid for and st<arring only Brandes, will be premiered Luther·s uhprecedented protest at Luther an colleges throughout in 1517 ~gainst the Catholic the · c:.o untr y Apr il 30, said church. Brandes. The fiJm includes a dramatic One of those premier es will be scene or Luther, then a Catholic at CaUfornia Luthe ran College monk, nailing his long critic al i n Tho u sand Oak's, n ea r essays a bout t he c hurch·'s Brandes' private organization to teachings to the door of a church p r o m o t e Lut h e r a n i s.sn, in Wittenberg1 Germany. . Encounter, Inc. He was e x commun)cated', Br andes said he's a lready eventually, ana nearly ld lled. arr a ng ing to have the fil m Brandes filmed much of the s hown on television a nd will movie in Ea;;t Ge rmany and a nnounce the distributor in two s aid he had trouble with East weeks. German officials, "but I don't T h e fil m is b ased on a t hink I ought to say. much about th ree-part drama tic monologue •. it. T.o b ad -m outh t he E ast that Br andes has performed ror Germ ans at this point l don't s eve r a l year s, illust r ating think will help the cause any. Luther 's life as monk, defender "There was trouble ," he said, a nd evangelical. "but the mayor of Wittenberg "It covers 41 years of his life, was most gracious ." • thing, showing how Luther was ' in utter despair and was able to com e through this hell.'' Ro ma n Cat ho lics who ha ve seen the live perform ances "say it is historically correct and they co m e to appr eciate Martin Luther rt>r what he d id, .. •said Brandes. "It's not anti-Catholic at all... ' I n f a " l , l'll e"'"" Luthe ran minister 's next project is to film the life of Pope J ohn XXlll. Audi-Visual Technolog y of P hoenix d id the ri lming and ed i ti n g . Go l de n T o u c h P roductions of Burbank wrote t he te leplay and Elmer Rams~. a p r ofessor at Califor nia Lut he ra n College, wrote the score. Brandes' wife, Laura , traveled with him as makeup artist for t he prodlktion, which he says will cost muc h mctre t ha n s~.ooo by t he time it is distributed. 23,000 babies hurt Ill walkers Majority of in jured due to /al.ling down stair s -WASHINGTON (AP > -Mor e than 23,000 babies were injured lflst year using baby walkers, the Cons umer P roduct Safety Com mission says. Members of the commission were s urprised at the statistic, presented by stafC m embers, and d emanded to know why the industry had not r eported the problem. C h airman Nan cy H a r vey Steorts said she was "fran kly a sto unded t hat we h a ve n't gotten any reports from the i n d u s t.r y o n this," a nd Com m issione r Stuar t Sta tle r said m anufacturers "mus t have known about this for a decade or more." The commission 's data came from surveys of statistics kept by hospital e mergency rooms. Aaron Locker, counsel to the Juveni l e Pr o duct s M a nufactu rer s Associ ation, d enied Statler 's charge in a telephone interview. "We 're concer ned about it, too,'· Locker. sald In New York Clty. ''I d o n 't thi n k the manufacturers were aware of uus. We'U look into It and if any action Is called for, It will be ta ken." • • Ma. Sleorta ordered the stair to meet wittf·manufacturers and report to the comm ission within most da ngerous products are possible afterward. In .a report to the commission, the age.ncy staff said 10,200 or the injuries with ba by wa lke rs required treatment in hospitals. The m ajority were falls down sta irs while the ba by was in a wa lk e r , while the secon d most-common type of accident was when a walker lipped over with a baby in il. · ''Most of the acc ide nts happened when the parent or COllUllR~ g u ardia n looked a way for a s hort time or was mom ent arily d istr acted." the s t a H report said . · 'ThJs may indicate a need for greater emphasis on inc reased s afet y p r ecautions in a r e as where the walker is to be used, suc h as blocking olf stai rs and steps, and removing s mall rugs or ot her obstacles from the floor." · T he CPSC staff a lso .said hl&h chajrs, which have been under a n industr y safe ly st a ndatd since 1975, were ln"olved ln 7,300 injuries treated in e mergency rooms during a recent year .. Restraint systems holding the accidents in the last eight years, 261 of the m fatal, the.s ta ff said. "With things like d r aper y c o r d s , t h e re m a y b·e a n awareness of the hazard. You put the crib next to a window so the child gels sunlight" and the child strangles on the cord," said C PSC s taffe r George Ruthe rford. P l astic bags have been involved in 157 strangulations in eight .,Years, the staff' said. Dry cleaning bags accounts for 98 of t he fat alities. T r ash bags, p acking m a t e r ials, plas tic sheets and pillow cases also pose da ngers to <Small child ren, the agency's staff said. City's~ law backed ·COLUMBUS, Ohio <AP> People travelln1 th rou1b an Ohio city must obey ill bandlun o wnersh ip rest rictions e ven lhou'gh they live ellewbere, ·the Ohio Supreme Court bu ruled. T h e hllb coqrt reversed a lower court naliq that deemed ioo broad and uaenforceabte a \Jntl'erat\1 Heilhta law bantnc ba.nd lUI) poaes1lon without a • ---~.-,---Fed eral l •• re q u i res m anulacturen to tell the a1ency lm medlately when tbey learn ol a u fety problem wltb their a ln the chair are re.quired. "T he seat ts are t ere bu , u In can, they may not be u.Mll," com m iuioner Sam Za1oria eQQlll~'• ID card. That wa eball~ can bJ J am• W. O'Lell'J, a· •c o ns u mer pr odu cl1 . A 1overnm ent·lm poaed ufet y ltaDdard, a voluntary 1tandard • bJ lie laduaO'f or l'ftllll ot ttte said. . • Haaards ln adult producta sometimes le.cl lo LnJur1es lo babies, tbe 1talf said. Stri.ap 1 have be& l•vo lved -t n IN r, · p rivate i n •eaU1•tor from Moreland Hill• ~bar1ed with vlol1tla1 It after UalHn&U H e l1 bta =• dl1eon r•d HHral -.. ..,_la tbe tnaak~lllteu. \ 6 .4 ~ • 5 6 7 8 p-- 1 ·.L 0 T c L A s s· I F I E· D 6 4 2 • 5 6 AllMOllllC(MENTS, P£1SOMA1S & LOST & FOUND -. ....... t:u ,...,, lA'1al Hot1«• L.ool 6 ..... ad Ptr~t;• Sor•aJ l1uM• Trn t1• SEHICES S..-•w• °''""°'> • EMPlOfMENT & rtlPAIATION St-1 .. 1-Jot "•ftUd • Ktlf"••.,. 11 • r MEJCNANISE ams.o W:;t¥ ¥s:s ......... ......,.,w. ........ Wt ......••.••..........•. ·····~················ .......•.............•. , · ._,... 1002 ._... IMJ .1;~;~;; ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• IOlll 1• :C EQUAL HOUa.NG 1• OPPORTUNIT Y IGM , :: Nil11Mr'1 Notice: :: All real esta le ad 11M vert1sed ,10 this l: news_paper is subj~ct tu 1ou Ow Federal f air HoWI :: 1111 Art ol 1968 Whlt'h MEWPOITICH ESTATE! 3 Bdrm 3 holh 1•ustom hun'le, l'ORWM(' With de· t•orator furnished 1n- l trio n . S111H1ous rrodern home rerlet·ts lndivlduulity or dc111gn Lu.sh landsl'11ping sur· rounds large spa. prke 1445.900. Qi II 646-7171 •IAYPIOMT •· IOATSUP $545,000 WOW: Loweat priced bayfr~onl home ON BALBOA E:OVF.S. Lai;ge 4 bdrm, 3 bath: double Cireplare. covered patio plus murh more! Will AIT O-or sell SO'., 7S'; or Jem option! ..... t.yProp. RHlon *675-7060.• 1t11 makes it illegal J o ad 1m vertise "Ill)' prelerenre, : limitation . or di s :: rrimlnation based on 1• race. color, reltg1on, $62,2 0 . Sgl family home r om· -------- 1• .. ~ 1111 J• 11'0 ·---11411 Im !Jlo Wt sn, or national origin. or an intention to make any such preference . llmatation. o r dis· crimmalioo." nus new$]1llper will not knowln,ly arcept any advertising for real estate which js 'in viola· lion o( the law. -::1--------mo -111111 JIOO -lllll ->4ZI -~ :WO -:noo EllORS: Adnrtls.n ..W check thtir ocb daily .... report "'" ~ i-.diot~Tht DAII Y11COT os.-1 labilty for tht first h1corn ct h1urtioa """. pletely renovaltd,.clean u a whtstle, c~e as a -4UMDAISU 'Anxiclui owner will ron sider all oHers • •Will linanl'e sale •Will lease option •lmmed1ale occ'upam-y. • Pm·ed to·sell. ttr:;;C ll6 &avmw .. 63:1 -3444 . ---- PREVIEW -::.1---------u• ....._for Sak 22' I Eldtta. C.M. :: ... ,-•... _91•············ O... s.. 1·4 o.ty :: ~ 1.002 Stan1ng out • This 1s the wo ••••-•••••••••••••••••1 pla<'e' Big R 2 lot. neat 3 ... ~ Yiloge bdrm. 2 bath home :g New Cape Cod 2 stor) SlowtnJ( down~ This 1s l:: bldg on prime street. the plac-e. room to a. 2800 sq. ft. + 5 r ar pkg garden. near shopping & Residence office llP· onl) Sl.t!l.500 - stairs. roof top derk, re (p _ / I ~~ _ tail downstairs. S375,000 OOU~na ORA <./Hat ~W/SH 1·5 .fi'+~ 410lht5t,N.I. 673-6776 673-8~94 MESA VERDE! Only Sl27.900 ba rgain! Vacant! Owner wants out ! Quiel tri:_e·lined street. 3 Bdrm 2 bath\ family room . br1l'k· fireplace. Walk to all shopping. Call Cor more details. 546-2313 Dlrtcll~olotllat Stylish. rlapboard, shut· tered · 4000 sq rt 1n Ba ys hores. 5 bdrm . large liv1ngrm . d1n1n · grm paneled hbary and big ramtlyrm Huge' k1lt:hen . pantry and family eating ar ea Sec urit y & sound syslems: hardwood THE REAL ESTATERS 1'111 floors. teak and . oak J: 1 10 OOO DOWH 1 rabmets. "'tnl' storage. . • ,. , marble baths and ex urulS, 20 • dwn w sml lensivr paneling are on cash now, 4 blks rrom I\ a sampling or the beach. Hurry ! Ltnda. qualit) re<1tutes --lllll Nt6.1H2&6 StlO,OOOFtt _·I Owner 631 2968 -----IMS --: SI0,000 DWH! :; FIXER! -Bargain! 3 Bdrm 2 bath. : pool! Owner extremely .., rmtivated! S88.500 total : price. Call for more de· -· tails. 546-2313 51 -THE REAL ESTATERS I • • • • • • • t If it's got handles you'll grab a sale faster in Daily Pilot classitled ads . call 642-5678 675-3411 IUHOUSE SAT/SUN ·1·5 M9wC....l~DL 2l600 Blk Santa Ana Av Peppertree Heights Costa Mesa Features . 2 master bdrms. rath .wood be<1m reilings, ceramir tile 1n kitrh.Jc balh, dbl shower 111' master bath. pilolless gas range. micro wave, dishwasher, cuslom oak cabintts. auto gar drop nr, hvy shake roof. ron- <;ret(I dri veway & walks. 2 cat gar ·+ 2 car park· mg. Extra lge swim pool and spa. From Sl29.500 and payments f'-"ro-'-m'----t SlOO and Sll25 per mo. Courtesy to Real.tors So. c.lf. RHlty 5~5605 631-6194 LAquESTA Sll l ,000 A grnt oppartum1-y- pr1 red"wel I below market. Owner wants fas,. sale & will help fanante J Br 13• Ba . rharmang floor plan 751 3191 c:::::. " . . -f"-',•.J,.'•·· ') Or a lot of caah? Then call clUlllled. Tholt thlngt tlklng up ~lnyouc. ll()me, ltemt you haYen't uMd In agea,maybe just what .someone t lM neecll. SO gtve uu call ... It's eaay to use clusllled to get your l\andS on aomecash. '!!~ _ ... ,.,. VIEW HOME IN COROHA HKiHLANDS! w ith add· on poteotial. New listing on FEE land with .ex- cellent financing available. Call for appomt· ment $3.50,000. YOU OWN YOUR LAND IN IUINI TIRRACI! Great family h.o me on corner loc ation ._ 3 Bdrms formal living room , plus .large family room ~th fire place. Patio for e~tertain.me~t. Workshop in gar age. Seller will assist m financing $395,000. eo ATTIHTIOH IUILDllS! Where can you find a level R-2 lot south of the highway in· Corona del Mar for ~.000? Great opportunity to build a s ingle family home. a duplex, or even two con- dos. Ge ne rous terms available. INVEST IN YOUlt FVTVRI! Wha t could be a better investment in future dollars and the good life than an attractive duplex in the most desira ble area of Corona del Mar. Imagine the beach atmosphere and your investm ent helping you finance it $325,000. C-el -CA9111 U¥M! Tired of yard wor k ? Need a new llfe style? You will love tbis im m aculate 3 Bdrm condominium. Discover how easy it would be for you to have a carefree Ufe for only MTIS. ISO ='" . = ... , . ... ·-~·:. = =='· ;:· =. C9lilll • . • ·-~I . -aw-..... -·~~..... ..: ;ri"' ·-i-ai .. ' . . ... LiiiNlll .. .. • ' .. -••..nt'l . ' . '"1 ..,_,. .. w-.. .............. -ONltlllMilt • • .. ,.. ' . ..., ~ .. : ... : '. :. : . :: .n..lttflort </>•• • • -v ........ ' .. ,, ... .,.. ... .. '134,950. CALL NOW. . REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 OfllM TODAY I te 4:l0 COMI WITH US ••. TO DOVH SHOllS. St'm ht'-t ._. bedroo. ~ ............ 20.40 foot ................. ,.,..... ..... ,... -' ... ~kit~ Two cer wn1~ • .. , .... tw. cw ..,.....o,e.w.s- 4ottva••• STAI UNI 1650,HO COMI WllH US ••. TO DOYU SHOIES. I*-, ' ................. Sldilg roof II*'-c1llllli1111 i111l1...t•or ti•· ~ 19-.d ~ ........ ,..... Tint finplecn. Lonlr bav •itw. 0,.. Set. S.. t 906 .GAL.UY bRt~E . . • • . • . . $600,000 COME WITH US ... TO IA YCREST. c.-....... ...._.-...•1tdlte _......, f'OOlll ,.C...tty rttM•led. -Two ~ P ..... floors. Wood p•tliltCJ _..,..w.o,...s.e.s.. 1315 AHTHiUA WAY •••....• U60,000 .. c·oME WITH us ... TO IAYCREST. l•pre11f•t urb :c•:I. Three lar91 ........ ,.... ,... .ct ... bwlwl --...-..-FlihliH..,..... O...s.t.S& I f21 TIADIWIMDS. LAME •••• un,ooo ..... Oceanfront. jetty views. Ma rine rm , 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq. fl . $1,385,000. UDO ISU HOMIS Prime.Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm , S bath, lge liv. rm. 2 boat slips . Sl,500,000. Remodeled. 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec . rm .. beam ceilings, $420,000. · UMDA ISU IAYFIONTS Main channer view Crom .4 bdrlll't 5 bath home with pool. $1,495.000. I Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bat h, playroom, dark rm, den. $1 ,350,000! · CAIHATIOH COVI Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm , 4 bath, 4 boat slips, $2,050,QOO. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J .l l 1..1 r 1 • ~ • -• ... I '·1 f::. If.JI LOWEST PRICE ON 'UDO Y CMl1 """' to HURRY to qet a. oa .. ft 11· · c.,._....,,...._. ........... 1ti. •al..2Wr..2~~·--­... jliHO: Mt0r ~ ilid" Of Lido. Cal for • !'Palt1'4: ... ONLY $287,000 BURR WHITE REALTOR . INC . 67!>-46)0 C<*I WllH US •.• TO TURTU ROCK VISTA. n.. .,_._ be••••• __. ca. ..,... ... F-'Y ....... ,,.,.,., .... .. I h Cal .... c .. ..-.. to c.. -~ I = C-:: • ._.. cCMril. V&.w of I ! ~--dty...... --------------1· Zl """-KY ICNOU .•...•...•.. S279 .500 -&fo.&..K&.Jl..Wl&>~• COME WITH US ..• TO WHTCLIFF. <:'J/ . '.'"IJfi If. . 1, c .. ••.ttv located """ bt~ i.e... Jhe V.:J4 "fP Sp1d• .,_ floor ...... D.W. finplact. ...... ..._.,._,a.~ ,.....copper ,, * •• "'" forilt· '°°' witll .,.. o,.. SUP£Ra OFFERINGS s.e.s... , . p 1016 DOVEi DRIVE .......... $265,000,_ ·--'--'N~NU-l() " Twtl'ft of ow 11cit9q Is... en fe• M .. color iJ-tii. CIMll fold HOMES AMO UHD MAGAZINE: Copy 11 · a•allalalt at ot1r Opta H-.s. .or cal ow office. 1617 WISTCUFf DR. M.I. 631-7300 SELL 'idle Items with a SEIL Idle items with a Daily Pilot Classified Daily Pilot Classified Ad Ad. RESIDENTIAL •EAL ESTATE SERVICES I or.. HOUSE IM' . OPEN OH THE HACH Oceanfront duplex .. Fantastic financing. 3+2. $.575,000. See Nan cy Nichols At 2402 W. OC EANFRONT OPa. IH HAUOR VIEW HOMES - One of the most gorgeous Montegos ever on the ~rkel ! 4 Bdrms. for $274,900. See Cora Baldikoski Al ·1836 PORT WEST BOU RNE 1 OPIH IN CAMEO SHOllS Ocean View, 2 BR plus den. Lovely large patio with room for pbol & spa. $.595,000 Fee. See Craig Kindig At 4521 TREMONT OP .. D4 HAWN Forever View, 4 BR decorated & re- modeled to perfection. $45~.ooo. See }\'ynn Wil son At 2208 P ORT DURNES.S OP84 OH SPYGLASS Formerly, the 1981 Design Home. Disii11guished custom Mediterra- 11ean Vill a. Commanding ocean view . $2,400,000. See Kathleen Arcierc) At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE .. 0"84 1H ~AH JOAQUIN 2 BR + den. Tranquil settin g over· looking golf course & wide green· belt. $199.500 Fee. See Ginny An· derson At 13 VERD~ . OP84 IN TUITI.aOCI( Just listed lovely view condo. 2 BR. Assumable IOan . $175,000. See Rita Quiggle At 45 RAINBOW RIDGE <>PIN OH UDO ISU Street/street oversized lot near beach. 3 BR. + den. $510,000. See Edie qJson At 112 VIA KORON <>PIN OH IJMDA ISU Gorgeous cm tom .on the bay. Room for 3 lrg. boats. Exeellent financing. CAU. 67S. 7656 for appointment & admittance thru security gate. 1990,000. See Lucy Rose At 92 LI NDA ISLE OPa. HOUSE THIS WEllEND SOI AVE. LAIGO (O p.e n Sun ). Elegance & traditional quality abound in this "just totally redecorated . & updated" 3 bdnn. 2~h ba. end uhft townhome situated on magnificent ''tree studded" greenbelt. $272,000. 210 VISTA airaADA (Open Sat-Sun ) THE BESr THERE JS!!! Unequaled quality & location: Tcitally custom. Remodeled Plan "E" 2 bdrm suites + family rm & massive living rm . Direct front row "bluffs edge" water view. Co untless deluxe feat ure~. $495,000. (Will lse/opt or exch). ' NO ON. eqwt~ shan-. Isl EASTSIDE time bu~ers. 3 bcL Iba . BEAUTY! only S9-l.ooo. prin only C.'harmmg 3 Udrm 2 bath (.'31163_1·4~5 Kathy agnt home 10 p(inw loeat1on GIAHT , Great rmanrinl! terms EXEC HOME available un this one. • andnoquahfymg: Price One of Mesa Verde's Slt!'.SOO. Hurry, c.all us rinest . neighborhoocf!l. ror romplete details Beaut1full y clec·or all'd 646-717} R ep u b I i <' h o ml' · Crar1ous entry leads to THE REAL ESTATERS ----- LOWDOWH IUCHHOUSE OWC Isl long terms. Lrg 2-sty bearh home only $165.000. Hurry c;all now! Delia. agt 631-1266 an elegant II\ mg room. ramily room and gourmet kitchen area. Kitchen overlooks energy saving pool and spa 4 giant bdrms. 3 rull baths. exrellent rinanr· 1n g. $289.000. Ex· ecuth•es. must see. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS 30 YW FIXm RATE '13%% INT. LOANS Why do people buy townhomes dur· ,in_g a real estate slowdown?? We think it's our super duper assuma- ble low rat~ loans. The new resi· dents of ..._ , ........ tell .us it's the inherent amenities like the gazebo and garden like-recreation area, the Cape Cod environment and the convenient goodies that fO along with each home, and the uni- que location (close to everything). Furnished 2 and 3 bedroom models and recreationallacilitles are open daily betwJ!en 10:30 a.m. and dusk. Located on the comer of Fairview Rd at t\vocado in Cost4 Mesa. From $137,950. We'll welcome your reasons too! . Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January i6, 1i982 l ... OOM lUSSantiago, Baycre&t. NB 673-6900 $450 000 SatJSun \.4:30 824 W. Bay,Peoliisula. N.8. 631-1400 $1550 000 Sat/Sun l·5 #7 Tralalger, iiarbOr Ridge, NB 640-5m $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 5 IR ... FAM RM or "" 126 Via Lorca. Lido lsle. N.B. . 613-7l>O $525.000 , Sun 1·5 * •2500 Bayshore Dr, B~shrs. NB ·-· DIRECIORY 631-7l>O S2 100,000 Sun 1-4 :30 • •92 Linda Isle, Linda Isle, N.B. ..., .. ....,........, ... ~ .... ~-,. .. --.-· ................... w.. .. .._... .. .,.._ .w Illy.... ....... It....,-, DAILY PILOT WAMT ADI.,.._ ................. fer .... ,.._..,.. ............................ _ .. ~ ... ~. • • • t' 644-9060 $990,()()().L.H. Sat/S 12-4 \• 17 Muir Beach Cir. Spyglass. Cd~ . HOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM 117 Marine Ave'., Balboa Island 631·1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 428 Riviera Ter CmaHlndsNB 631.alO $5951000 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 700 Lido Pk Dr, Co ach 9, Lido Penin. 673-7300 $.58,000 Sat/Sun 12·6 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irvine ' 675-5511 $149,000 $at/Sun l ·5 2 II .... FAM RM or DIH ..252l 16th Slreet. Newpoi:t Beh 675-6000 $197,000 Sat 1·5 4521 Tremont. CameoShores, CdM 644·9060 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 411 Tustin, Ne.wporl Beach - 642-8235 $265.000 Sat 1-4 •2 Maritime Dr. J as mine Cree k. CdM . 644-90601759-9182 Sun 12-5 - · 15 Roya1 St. George, Big Cyn, NB 640-5777 Sl. 750,000 Sun 12·4 2502-Vista Dr., Bayshores. N.B. 644-9060 . $495.000-Fee Sun l ·4 " 1409 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr. NB 644·6200 $950,000 Sat 1·5 1536 Serenade Terr. Irv. Terr, CdM 631-1400 $279.000 Sat 1·5 #7 La Serena, RSJ, Irvine .759·1501 $180,000 Sat 12:30-5 1 Redonda, Northwood. Irvi ne --~M~;96() 9at12~ 3 IEDIOOM 2291 Elden. Costa Mesa 673-8494 $149.500 • ·~ Oceanf r'ont. N. B. Sun 1·4 642-3215 Fee Land Sal/Sun 11·5 661 tjyes Pl.. Laguna Beach 499-1422 Sat/Sun l l-5pm 2506 Fordham. Costa Mesa 751-3191 $131,500 Sat 1·5 3024 Ocean Blvd .. Penins~ula. NB 631-1400 Sl,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 104 Via Palermo, Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $435,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 212 ,Via Eboli. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7l>O $487,234 Sa 12·2/Sun 1·4 #7 Chateau Roya l. Big Ca nyon. NB 640-5777 $659,000 Sun 12-4 113 Vi a Ravenna , Ltdo Isl~. Npt Bch 631-1400 $355,000 Sat 1-5 . 2661 Crestview. Bayshores. NB 644-9060 $298,500 Sun 1-4 3056 Royce Ln .. C<>l!la Mesa 751-6176 $119,500 · Sa t 1·4 • * 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal. Penin ' 644-9060 $995,000 Sun l ·4: 30 · 418 San Bernardino. Npl Bch 631-1266 $279.500 Sal1Sun 1-5 425 Gloucester (E/Side> CM 642-5200 $145.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1909 Meriday. Santa Ana 963-6767 $109.900 Sat 1·5 466 Broadway. Costa Mesa 673-53.54 $159.950 Sun-1·5 616 Marigold, CdM 64Q.4521 /63'f ·8778 Sat/Sun 1·6 ] IR ,.. FAM IM or DEN 2048 Commodore Rd .. Newport Beh 631-0680 $399.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 1226 Pola ris, Dover Shores. NB 494-1177 Sun 1·4 U30 Summerset Ln .. N.B. 5484058 Sat/Sun l-4pm 264.5 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 494-2894· $345,000 Sun 1·4 542 Harbor Isl. Dr (Prom Pt) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sal/Sun 12 : 30-4: 30 1657 Texas Cir., Costa Mesa 831-2720 $139,500 Sun only 12-5 214 Amethyst, Balboa Island - 673-858.5 $498 000 Sat 12·5 110 Via Genoa, Lido Isle. Npt Bch 631-1400 $369,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 410 Kings Rd., Newport' Beach 645-5718 $429,000 Sat/Sun H>-5 28 Miners Trail (N/Woods) Irv. 675-6000 $109,900 Sat 1·5 16 Southern Wood <Turtlerock) Irv. 851·2300 $357,500 Sat/Sun 12-S 2298 Redlands Dr .. Newport Beach 631-1400 $265,000 . Sat/Sun 277 Morning Canyon {Shrclf) CdM 675-6000 ~15.000 fee SIS 12·4 870 Deep Creek (Village Ck) CM 675-6000 $139 900 · Sat 1-5 ~ Poinsettia (Old CdM > CdM 615-6000 $470,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 68S Vista Bonita, Bluffs, N.B. 831·7l>O $232 500 'Sun 1-4:30 1930 Port Bristol Cir'°' HVH . NB 831-7300 .$268,SOO-r·ee Sun 1·4:30 23 ROcky ~g Trtlrk Vista, Irv. 631-7300 ,500 Sat 1·4:30 251S Crestview, Bayshores, N. B. 644-m> $:m SCIO Sun 1·4 •204 Via Eboli, Lldo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 12·5 2715 Bayshore Dr., Bayshores"' NB 644·9060 $285 000 ~un 1-4 l>OO Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 644·~ $750,000 • SW. 1.,. 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr, CdM 831-7300 $1,200,000 ·Sa /Sun 1·4 :30 .J..20 Sboreclif!..Rd. Shoreelilfa.,.CdM •ao $495,000 Sun 1-4:30 1438 Serenade Terr, CdM 87W511 SMl.500 Sat/Sun l-5 I W'l Tudcaj •i!aJat1t. NB "r •• •iuuu . · S,un l-4 2181 Vista Entrada, Bluffs, N.B. 631-7300 $295,000 SunJ.4 :30 112 Via Koron , Lido Isle. N.B. 644-9060 $510,000 Sal 12-5 2507 Bam boo, E·Bluff, N.B. 644·9060 $199,000 Sun 12·4 549 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach 642·8888 $445,900 \ Sat 1-4 • 1016 Dover Dr. Weslcliff, NB · 631-7300 '$265,000 Sat/Sun 1-4: 30 1921 Tradewinds-Ln, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $325.000 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 • 9 Rue.Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, N.B. 644·6200 $.599.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 1721 Kings Rd .. Cliffhaveni NB 159-1501 S650.000 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 2113 Miramar, Penin , N.8. 675·6161 $425,000 Sun 1-5 • 4006 Inlet Isle. Corona del--Mar 675-3411 $299,500 Sun 1·5 * •3415 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 644·9060' $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1.956 Flamingo (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0000: $215.000 Sat 1-4 6 IR ... FAM IM or DIN ........,0 Hillcrest. Big Canyon, N'B 640-5777 $1,595.000 Sun 12-4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHB.OI lQOScholz Pl~za #205. Versailles 673-7300 $99,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 I IEDIOOM 1010 W. 1\1 acArthur ~37 S.C. Pl~a;·Santa Ana,_ . 644·5061 .$83:700 · Sat/Sun 2-5 102 Scholz Plaza. #~39. Versailles 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1·4 673-5354 $1,250.000 Sun 1·5 I IR siM FAM RM or Def 304.Narcissus, €orona del Mar -101 Scholz l>Jaza Penthse #27 NB 675-6900 $795.000 Sat/Sun l ·S 63l·8169 $135,000 Sat 1Sun 1·5 2612 Redlands (E/Sidc J CM 642-6368 $154,900 Sal 'Sun 1-5 2 IEDROOM 2600 block Santa Ana Av. C. M. 4 IEDROOM 631-6194 $129.500 Sal/Sun 12·5 8 Collins Island, Balboa Isl, NB . 102 Scholz Plaza . T.H. 34 . 673-6900 Sl .200,000 Sa 1-4 Sn 1·5 Versailles 1207 Sussex Ln CW.rlirfl NB 673.7300 $256,500 Sun 1·4 759·9100 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 25 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn. NB 1925 Port Provenee, II rbrViewH ms. 673-7300 $265,000 Sun l ·4: 30 NB . 2277 Pacific Ave .. Mesa West. C.M. ~jlt+Sun-1--5~~--smtSCm 1·'1 402 16th Pl. ( E/Sidef CM 300 Cagney Ln ii 101. Versaille~ 631-3374 S225.000 Sat Sun 1-4 673-73(Kt SJ.21.000 Sat1Sun 1-4 2646 Basswood St. < i-:.bluff) NB 45 Rainbow Ridge. Trtlrk, Irv. 759-9100 $229,500 Sat 1·5 644-9060 $175 000 Sat/Sun 12.4- 223 Narcissus <Old CdM l CdM * * 1033 Bayside 'cove W . N .8. 675-6000 $.595,000 !:ial Sun l ·5 644·9060 · S680.000 Sun 1-5 9341 Tudor. Garden Grove 711 Lido Pk Dr. i:A, Lido Pemn. 631-1400 $153,500 Sat l·S 673-7300 $450.000 Sun 1·4 1412 Seranade Terr (I n · Terr J CdM * 19098 Flagship Cr:. Huntington Bch 644-7?11 . $365.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 673-7761 SI 19.500 Sun 1·5 2124 Miraman. Newport Beach 642-7404 Open Sal 1-4 • •443 Canal St .. Nwpt Sh rs. NB 840-8208 $282,500 Sat 1·5 4 IR ... FAM IM or Dait * * 1706 E. Oceanfront Balboa Penin, NR 675-86761675-8444 Sat/Sun l ·5 14 Morro Bay (Spyglass) NB 5.52· 1'714 $615.000 · Sun 1 ·5 •22.11 Tustin Ave (Nwpl Hgts > CM 637·0471 $3.11 . .000 Sat/Sun 1·4:30 2 IR ... FAM RM of. Dait #3 Rue Fontainebleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 209 19thSt., Peninsula. NB _ 631·1400 $.169,000 · Sat Sun 1-5 501 St. Andrews. Newport Beach 673· 7300 $162.500 Sun 1·4 2143 Vista Entrada. Bluffs. NB 640-5560 5495.000 Sal/Sun t-5 503 Avenida Campana. Bluffs. N.B . 673-7300 5.195.000 SatJSun 1·4 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isl. NB 3 IEDROOM 673-2556 ·Sat/Sun 1·5 501 A\'e Largo. Bluffs. N. B. . 2596 Willo Ln .. Costa Mesa 640.5560 $272.000 Sun 1·5 559-9400 s.115.000 Sal/Sun l·.5 17 Summer Wind . Nwpt Cresl. ~ .B. 1521 Tahiti. Laguna Beac h 673-7300 SI95.000 Sun I ·~ 497-5454 $495,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 8 Baruna Ct .. Nwpl Crest. N .B. 1533 Tahit'i. Laguna Beac.h 673-7300 Sun 1-5 497.5454 $495,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 • • 1815 W. Bay A\'e .. Bat. Penin. NB •32 Drakes Bay <Spyglass I NB 673-6776 $475.000 Sat Sun 1-5 675-6000 $479,500 Sat 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shores. NB 3 IR p1111 FAM RM or Def 548-5647 $420.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 :30 #3 Monaco. Harbor Ridge. NB 1251 Surfline Way. Harbor Vu, CdM 640.5560 S695.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 644-4910 $329,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2706Lighthouse <HVHlsl CdM TOWNHOUSES ~5-6000 $495.000-fee Sa/Sun 12·4 FOR SALE 131 Via Und ine, Lido Is le. N.B. 2 IR ....._ F"M RM or Db.I 673-7300 • Sun I ·4 ...-"' g, 1505 Miramar, Newport Beach Avocado & Fair\'iew. Costa Mesa 673-9060 $655.000 Sun 1·5 548-2239 $134.950 Sat isun 11 AM •1658 Utah Cir.,.Mesa Verde, C.M. ] IEDROOM 631-7300 $185.000 Sun 1·4:30 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 21 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn. NB 675-5.511 $.598,500 Sat/Soo 1-s. 644-4910 $1200 Mo. Sun 1-5 2402Vista Nobleza, Bluffs. N.B. Avocado& Fai rview. Costa Mesa 6734400 S299.500 Sun 1.5 548-2239 Sl54.950 Sat Sun llAM • 1106 Dover Dr .. Westcliff . NB 644 9060 $299 500 S l 1 5 ] IR ... FAM RM or Def -· a · 335 Bordeaux, Costa Mesa 133 Via Undine. Lido Isle. NB 64s.0303 s129.500 Sat/Sun 1 .. 4 675-7298 $735.000 Sat /Sun l ·5 1315 Antigua Way, Baycrest, NB MOBILE HOMES 631· 1300 $.160.000 Sat /Sun l ·4: 30 FOR SALE , 2933 Cassla. E·Bluff, N.B. ... 644-9060 $327,000 Sun 1·4 3 IEDROOM • .. 400 E venin g Sta r Ln . 300E CoastHwy,lf52.NwptBch DoverShrs.NB 675-3347 S68.500 Sat,Sun 1·4 631-7300 $650.ooo .Sat /Sun 1-4:30 DUPLEXES l906Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 631-1300 S600.ooo sat/Sun i--4:30 FOR SALE •2391Bay FarmPl,BackBay,N B 2 11 p11n I 1R 63l-7l>O $199.700 Sun 1·4 :30 411-411' 2 Dahlia. Cd M ~77 Madison. Costa Mesa 675·5511 s.120.000 S.at/Sun 1·5 751-5225 $139,900 Sat 1·4 1836 Port Westboume, HVH1 N.B. 4 11 ,._ 2 ll• 644-9060 $?'74,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 l l l 43rd Street. Newport Bch 1647 Reef View Cir, HVH , CdM 644·4910 $279.500 · Sun l ·5 644-6200 $450 000 Sat 1·4 ••1617 Bayside.D.r. TRIPLEXES FOR SALE Yachtsmans Cove, CdM 2 • • I IR • 1 IR 644-9060 $1 895,000.Fee Sa/Sn 1·5 305 Feman<to, Balboa l>eninsula 111 Via Dijon, Udo Isle, N.B. 645-0303 $205,000 , Sat 12·4 631-7000 $495,000 Sun 1-4:30 •2242Heathei:.Lane, Newport Bch l IR ..... l IR • 1 II ~(8)9 " Open Sat/Sun 10·5 • •447 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isl. NB '511 Camden (CameoShrs) CdM 752·5710 Sl.l>0".000 · Sat/Sun 12·5 673-7761 $92.5,000.fee Sun l·S 3202Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde, CM HOUSE FOR LEASE 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11 ·5 l • ... •AM IM " DIM ' 4726Cortland, Corona de~ Mar #7 Rue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn. NB 673-~ 1238,SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 631·7~ S2,S90MO~ Sun 1·4:30 223Via Quito, L-idolsle, N.B. -HOUSE FOR Rbl'I' 644-9060 ·$.Ulsoo · Sun l-5 5"• •11'7fPltcatmlMeTiVfrdUC·-----a .. • • MM IM .-... --=--64S-o.'m StM>,000 Sa 11·5/Su 1.4 1115 E.uex'Lane. Westcmr:NB !>t Nardlsus, Corona del Mar 646-6788 alO/mo Sat/Sun 12·S m.900 $7115&00 Sat/Sun l·S 28GAJtl Vtsta (r;/Blaff> NB ~ sm,ooo aa1112 :3o-4:JO t • , . - I Orana. Co-. DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, Januuy 18, 1182 -·~·-. . 41 ' OM LIDO IAYFIOMf M,edlter.raneun ,t:racious living. Dasllnctave architectural details. 4. SR. ram rm, marble, custom tales. Master suite w/2 full baths, · & skylliht drekslng rm. Dock for large l>oat. $2,250,,000 Dona Chichester 642·8235 (Nl3 ) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12:30 to 4:30 · 219 Via Lido Soud Lido Isle CHATIAU OM ••LAXY DllYI Enter tall stately doors to a spectacular pool w/marble & tall columns. Look thr:ough the home to the bay & ocean beyond. s BR, den study. lg lot. $1 ,900,000.. Barbara Aune 84!-823.S (Nl4 ) ... SO' RIGHT ON MAIM IAY! 70' pier head line accommodating large yachts and a handsome 5BR, S'h bath home w/fam. rm. & formal din. rm. 24 hour security island . $1.850,000 . Dona Chichester 642-823.5 (Nl5 ) \ IA YFIONT Sheltered by Harbor Island + Main bay view w /fart' rm & pool · great for entertain· ing. $1,400.000 LH Seller will help w/financing. For Appl. on securi· ty Island ca ll Dona Chichester 642-8235 (Nl6J 1 CALIFORNIA SPANISH ESTATE Lido Island captures the true es· sence of sophisticated living. This 16 room home o n 3 lots encompa~ses a fluid floor plan of 6 BR. maids room and 6 BA built around an expansive landscaped courtyard & Jg pool. $1,250,000 Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes 642·823.5 (N17 l . llG CANYON VEISAIUE On quiet cul-de·sac & over looking the Fairway. This lovely 4 BR offers the ultimate in grac ious li ving .. Elegant first level master suite w /bath in the round. Expanded fam rm w, brick fpl r & lg gardens w/black bottom pool & .. ~ $975,000 Lynne Valentine 644·62.00 SACRJACE 80' Bayfront Home ·· In Beautifu l Bayshores. Newport Beach. 3 doors from John Wayne's forme r res id ence. Sparkling pool~, master suite on the bay with Mr. & Mrs. Bath. galleria sunroom with breathtak- ing view · den with fireplace, high ceili ngs, crown moldings, 3 BR suites · office w/bath. Price reduced to S800.000 for immediate sale. A leasehold estate. Barbara Aune (714) 642-823.S (Nl9) ltG CAMYOH Outstanding family hom e. 4 BR. fam rm & spacious areas for out door li ving. Broadmoor Plan two on extra lg lot. Custom tile floors. vaulted ceilings & stone fplc . Garden patios offering privacy· . pool & spa . S799,000 Lynne Valentine 644·6200 (N20> IA Y VIEW COM DO • LEASI 0"10N Owner anxious to sell or lease·option beautiful 2 BR + den condo in the 'cdves. Try 6 mo. lease option at $2000/mo with $20,000 option money or S49&.000 High assumables. Debbie F'ratt 642·8235 (N21 ) SP~GLASS RIDGE A delightful "Belvedere" on quiet cul-de·sac. · Lg courtyard entry, four BR, liv rm and fam rm w/high beamed ceiling & opening to covered pa~io. All on lg lot for active family. 3 car gar. S450,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (N22 ) · A RW WIMMER $270,000 Low down & owner w/carry balance 5 to 7 years "NO INT EREST" Beautiful 3 BR 2 BA upgraded condomin ium w /firepla ce 2 balconies w I · some view. Laundry rm & 2 car spaces.' Pool & spa. This won 't last. $270,000 Mary Lou Marion 642·8235 (N23) DISTRESS SALE! Harbor View Homes · Expanded Monaco model added fam rm. 3 BR, 2 BA. Barone wallpaper . mirrored wardrobe doors. Owner must sell immedia!ely $225,000. Fee Land Joyce EdJund 642-8235 (N24) MEWPOITCllST Beautifully deco rated, bright & cheery end unit with partial ocean ~ <rB'R, fam rm, 2'h BA condo. Well located in area that offers many amenities. $225,000 Bell Chase Lee 644·6200 McLAI" • ltG CAMYOH Immaculate 2 BR. 2 BA condo lower level unit w/private & secluded patios. Formal dining rm · fplc-wet bar-sunken liv rm· Great "SUBJECT TO" 1st. P1us some seller financing. $184,500 Suzanne Shuler 642·8235 (N26) • You've Arrived at ... BIG CANYON Nestled ori its own private park, with six ~edrooms, tMs huge custom home offers u lurle private pool and spa. For the executive family. Priced at $1.595 million, 1 Owner. will carry. Exclusive with William F. Cote. Open Sunday 12 t.o 4 70 Hillcre~t. Big Canyon BIG CANYON ........ ..-. ... Often desired.· seldom available, four bedroom single story. Graceful garden living at it's best on one of the largest lots in Big Canyon. A s mall fortune in professional decorating in cluding tranquil private gounds and spa. Owner will assist with financing. ~Call Mary Frizelle Lewis. $825.000 ,..EE. BIG CANYON Eshlte Wt A two bedroom townhouse with ocean view. Large sunlit rooms and brick patios. Den and breakfast room. Best buy in Big Can)'on. Call Elizabeth. Maso.n_ P riced at ,S449,500. BIG CANYON ·Three bedroo{TT Monaco. hi ghly upgraded with view of ocean and Catalina. Owner will carry large second. $659.000. Exclusi ve with Wm. F. Cote. Open Sunday 12·4 7 Chateau Royal BIG CANYON Just a chip shot to the green on the 7th fairway. Award winning two bedroom custom home designed for fun filled days and glamorous evenings. Owner will assist with . . i.J.liQn FEE. Call William F. Cote or Mary-FmzelTe Lewis. Open Suncjay 12 td 4 15 Royal St. George BIG CANYON Ideal family home includes fairway · view. pool and guest quarters. f our bedroo ms. Owner will help with financ.ing . Sl.8 million. Exclusive • with Witliam F. Cote .. BIG CANYON !--arge kitchen. formal dining room. pool . spa and s au na ! Three bedroom, 3· bath home. 3450 sq. ft Great financing ! Exclusive v. Ith William F. Cote. S895.000 BIG CANYON Lovely three bedroom Bordeaux on corner ten. 2ooo ·square feel of luxury with an expansive yard to ac commodate your own pool. $241.000 assumable fi nancing, Full price $500,000. Exclus iv e with William F. Cote. BIG CANYON LEASE Terrific three bedroom townhome on the golf course for immediate occupancy. All amenities and 2850 . square feet of luxury. $2500 per month. ~elusive with William F. Cote. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM Fabulous Country French custom . with 5300 square feet of sheer luxury and a view of Newport Harbor and the Paci fi c which is THE BE.5T jn Newpor( Beach. Four bedrooms compliment this hillside estate and the owner will carry a s ubstantial note . $2.3 million . Exclusive )Vith Willi~m F. Cote. HARBOR RIDGE . ...... SI 00,000,000 Beautiful ·Country French manor • with four ~rooms and a master suite with a grand o·cean vie w." Sunny garden sofa rium and hillside gazebo. OWNER WILL CARRY LEASE HOLD AT VERY FAVORABLE TERMS OR $1.595 FEE . VERY C REATIVE FINANCfNC Open Saturday & Sunday 12·4 · #7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge UOO BAYFRONT . Bayfront l o wn h omt!. Two bedrooms. three baths and den. ·Pier and slip. Wonderful view o(ttfe Lido channel. Owner will carry. Priced at $595,000. Exclusive with William F. Q>te. VILLA BALBOA Available to buy or lease. 'fwo bedroom viJla. Assum,ble $148,000 at 12%. 2nd is available. Call for information. Priced at $249,500. William F. Cote. o••·s+.oua Theses E. side units are truly pride or ownership. Llve in the Ire 2 Bdrm cotta~and rent other units. Assume exist ftnancl_ng apd owe 2nd. Full price 9,500 C.M. CUN Full price $113,000 for this 3 Bdrm dotlhouse. Has new roof, copper plumbing .a n'd bathroom floor. Amenities include spa , 2 car aarage, and RV access. Try 20.K down. SEU.II DESPERATE!! On the wa ter. Price slashed s10.ooo to $214.900. ·oNL Y 10<1r DOWN & owner will finance!! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556· 7035 JASMINE CREEi< • •PLAH'4• • Extremely popular 3 Br plan I l' a l 11 r 1 n i.: m a g 11 1 t 1 " l' n t clt.•<·orat 1ng. f pk. gou rmt.'t isl.inti k1t d1l'n. formal d1ni11).!. tam1h room & in·houst.• laundn :\II this & more for only $389.0oo FEE. w~· 15<11 or i52· i3i3 URO DOWN ._.Nil.. down pavment requireii this lovely four bedroo m. two bath home with family room. Asking $149.900. 556·7035 . '. • snrs TO HACH' I 0% AMAHCIMG AV AILAILE Gorgeous 4 Br detailed home. 1 blk from ocean on FEE land only $299.000. 759-J.50.l or 752-7.373 •WATEIFIOMT HOME* CREATIVE FINANCING Sensational 4 Br jiome sma ck on the wate r!! Featuring French door:-. f rp l. µi·ofl':-.s 1on~ll aecorallons & prh·ate sand y beach. Onlv S265.000 & seller will carry AITD. Leasehold ! 759· 1501 or 752-7373 OWHEI RMANCIMG Beautifully upgraded executive home with low maintenance ba.ckyard, spa .&. rirepit. New microwave. Asking $175.000 with only SJ0.000 down . 963-5671 * TURTlEIOCK * ,Sl279PER MONTH ... ~ is all you pay when you take over existing 1st T.O. Spacious ·4 Br e x ec· u t i v e d e t a c h e d h o rn e featuring formal dining. family roo m & rrplc . .Only $213.500 FEE. 759· 1501 or 752-7373 10%DOWH Hit1hly desir-eble single story end unit with double attached garage. Assume $60.000 loan at 109',. interest rate. 963-5671 ~ tao~ OCUH & IA y VIEW * •CUFRtAVEH• * Fantastic view from this 3 Br executive home on FEE land! Perfect for t>ntertaining ! ! $.S0.000 (t•xt·lusm•) 759·1501 or 752-7373 4-PLU Prime rental area . .$60.000 dow n & ov.iner will fin dnce at 12'i;. Try . straight note. $224.900. 963-5671 IACIC COUNTRY VIEW •TURTLEROCK GLBh l"abuJous view lrom thts 3 Hr end u n it Ce a t u r i n g f p.l c , fo r m a I dining. gounnet country kitchen & private couf"t yard ! Only $280.000 FEE. 759-1501 or752-7373 •SBill DESPERATE• I J•/2o/o FtMAHCIHG Spacious Rancho San J oaquin l ownhome w/PANORA MJ C GOLF COU RSE VIEW !! Featuring 2. Br & den, wet bar. fpJ c, etc. Pnce slashed for quick sale & seller will help finance . 759· 1501 or 752· 7373 MIWPOIT llACH OFflCI Z670S.~Dri". 1714t 75t.ISOI 1714t 7H·7l1l HUMnMGTOH llACH OfflCI t032~A .. 1714196).1671 17141 556-7015 • ....,... : . ·1•a ••stl ••a ..-... .... w. ·N..tfww. .............................................. ~ ............................................ . Bl CANYll CUSTOM Elegance & dignity ln this Majestic Coloni al Mansion locllted on the 8tt\ green of golf course. ToP. quality craftsmanship thruout with finest wood s. abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 6Y.i baths, air cond .. 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious m'str suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet s ize DR, fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a colored brochure. $2,150,00Q including the land . HAllOI VIEW llOADMOOI VACANT -SH ANY TIME View of ocean. bay & Pavilion Lights from this pretigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br -2112 Ba Family Room. 2 Fplcs. Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a p~ime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329.000 Leasehold~ Owner will help finance . 1151 SUIRIME WAY SAT/SUH 1·5 ..wPOIT 9EACH DUPUX OWHa WILL FIMANCE AT tl% 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms. 2 baths in upper: 2 Bedrooms in lower. Some view of ocean. Fireplaces. Patios. $279,500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of $230,000 at 13%. No loan fee . I l't' • 43rd ST., H.I. Of'EH SUM I ·5 FOi WSE-$1200.MO. New li sting. Big Cyn Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unfu rn. El Dorado Model. with 3 bdrms. dining rm & 21.a baths. Pool. jacuzzi & tennis. . 2 I CANYON ISLAHD DI. SUM I ·5 WESLEY H. TAYLOI CO .. REALTORS 2111 S.~Hl•RooCJ NEWPORT CENTER. M.I . . 644-4910 11.\HB<.>H U. E .\ L 'I'\' DWI.EX COIOMA' DB. MAI With just 20'* down. owner will finance at 121til'4 interest! Large Wa rmirrgton 'iruttt-lf upt ex' w ittr3" bdrms. and 2 baths in EACH unit. D~luxe throughout wit~ fireP.la ces, private , garages. bit. m kitchens. beam ceilings. carpets and drapes . A super va lue at $319.000. ' I 11..UFFS .. C.. Pl.AM Terrific location overlooking the po ol. Spacious 4 1bdrm. 3 bath condo. $29,950 moves you in ! 30 year 121,<;zl'/r financing . $299.500 L.H. full price.-Li ving rm. ,qpens onto large patio -perfect fo r summ er e nte rtai n ing . 4th bdrm . i s downstairs .-id eal as an offi ce or teenagers room. 2402 Vista Nobleza will be open Sun. 1 to 5. IAUOA CONDO . Full security bayfront building with swimming pool and boat slip available. Nicely decorated l bdrm. bayvie w apt avai lable fo r immediate occupancy under a lease option. Out of town owner says ''Sell !". Priced right at $299.500. LAU HAVASU S up e rb dese rt home with breathtaking water and mountatn views. 3 bdrms. and bath, large gourmet kitchen. family room and pool. Overlooks the golf course. Completely air conditioned . Only $160,000. Owner will finance at 12•.~q interest. CORONA Da MAI LOT Ocean and bay views in a quiet ~rea away from the crowds. but JUSt a short walk lo the· beach. Oversized R· 1 Jot with 75"'i owner fin ancing, priced to sell at S595.000. INVESTMENTS 5.5 ACIES * CAPISTRANO Ideal horse ranch with a view from Saddleback to the ocean. Within the city limits, but private and secluded . Owner may exchange . $695.000. IAUOA ISUM> COMMERCIAL Prime Marine Ave. property is seldom available for sale. Act fast! 100 "/r occ.upied building with attractive bnck facing. $498.000 and owner will finance. • COSTA MISA . llT AIL. CIMTll High traffic West 19th St. corner location. ConfjJletely leased to desirable tenants. Motivated out of town owner will finance. $477 .000 L.H. 7.JACllS 1-l on Highland Ave. just two blocks ,.from the fwy in North East San Be rnardino. Great visibility. Approved for 120 condos. $2,100,000. ' I {7 I 41 6 73-4400 IJUI Ul·HH Tiit Herttor A~1 ~t htlMllllH ........ c...-w 11~\ltl~()ll • la•rll ··~ ._,... IOH . ·········'············· ···········~··········· ON FU LAND IN IASTllUff ~t.;!ltw C_. Re9ut1fu1 iJoOl hume Ele1111nt Engh1h mot1i witb r1lyllahtJ4•1.-w• All ~ ro~n mo 111111n11 . 11unw s12~.ooo 1~1 111 hlllllk11ru-d ffl.lh-. i.hut iµ.•, 1n1erl-sl it hm:e lt<lk bra s awts. l'h" 2 bll mu. pl us (am II ~· br. 2 ba. ·ru!I il•t·uril\ Ont Dill 101.•' rm il\'811. ~ ) ~.000 ___ .2SO_. -llllllll!lllll!ISS!ll·lllll .. 20 ,_.,,,~ WANTACTION' ------~ ClauHed Ads k 2-S678 OPEN SATURDAY J4:30 PM VIEW~VACY~IEENEIY A•, .... , ...... ~ ... ~d .-,. r ... _,, •ltw. Two t.dr•, df•f•9 r•, deck ad· 1pa . SstS,000 t.. ...._ 4ZI IM,,, T..,..., C4M OOYER SHORES--IOOL LGnJ11 .. tory, S bed...._•• priYocy, lorqt poof & ff ult.It ff•Hc IH. ,450,000 FH. 1415-lmff• HARBOR YIEW-IEAUTIFUL LGnJI 4 bed. p~ ........ .,.. ...... '-ity ""' ..ntti flrT.'"· ....... tr.fl. Wtllt. to sct.ool S2 l,500. I Ul Port "'°YftlCt - OCEAN Bl.VO. YU-tDM I • Vu locatl0tt-75' fro .. op + Early ... .,.. ~ d9ara s.. & ettjoy c:terytcr. Sl,350,000. 1024 Oct• cl,C...defM•".. OCEANFRONT COTTAGE Perfect coner for b11ilchrs & decoroton who w..t o c ..... oa prl1H beach, conulut to all . t'4n:soo. 3314 w. -oao...-~·--· Mtwpart. BALBOA ISLO. OPPORTUNITY Dro1tic priu reducffolt oa tW1 odor.W. 2 bed. ho... Spotle11 & ftnist.d • .... locatic& $295,000. 117 MeriH An.,lolla. IRYINE TERRACE CORNER $20,650 cotll dowtl for tWI .. 2 .,... + ....... LoYtfy ::;: .. patio, $210,000. 1516 Seuaa Ternce. UDO HOME + APT. A..._.. IMocJa retrHt with 2 Md. holS. & I bed .t. ilt o ~ locotioa. SlS5.000. 113 Via ... _ PEllNSIU BAYFRONT -fEE lorqt.& lfMIC"-wftll tor.Yer VU H9" yocM dMb: ~tory 5 bed. + patio & fi" .. 'b ........ Ht of 5'00,000, 1,550, 00. FH. 0Wft. wit exc"-c)t. 124 w. lay BAYFRONT-IALBOA IS. VU. le..HM 2-story wittt wood & glau °" comer, 4 led. + dit.nR. loc,t slip & ••al yard. MoY .. ift cOftditioll. Price i..ca... 1-4 S 1.200,000. #I Collin lslt,lolla. U00-40x90' LOT! Wortllwtlilt ..._ a 1Ws l bed. -... wfttl ~ ~o • St. to St. lot. OWMH WIU CAllY fislmclsHJ .. I n'o ......... $36', too. 110 Via ....... ***** PBINSULA PT. HOME Priced for .......... , Oner wll carry f.._chtq or LEASE/OP. Hals 2-story. 3 Mel ) be. 2 fnpioces. .... ""'·se.p. to 1oy & beoch. ult.soo. WATERFRONT RETREAT! ...,,...._ __ ,_.._,c View co-op oa L~ p ........ MCWtty bli~loM to ... .Irie#, ~ .,.. 0. ..._ C>WMt' w• c.-ry Rrtt .D. o't 12%. ltdilced" $251,000. • HARBOR RllMiE LOUS XIV Mtw 2-storJ •11or llo•u wltll hdmwfltd ~ • 4 M .,_,, ft11. r• .• t••• r•, ttp roo•: l~::iHtdoor •P•· ltt•ttor. r _,......_WIMIMC-*J ...... ..,....._. ..... u.200.000. OEYASTATltl DOYEi BAYFIONT c ....... d ... ., ... c-1r•d ...,., .. 4 ......... ...,., f.i.ni. 9MI _. fer IO' ,_ ... M9r ..... ......... tccttlh. OwMf' .. t..,., AITD & It fltaf~lt I• t•try wey • 12.000.000. I -· .. ' . . . J Orange Cout DAILY P1L.Q.fJ81tu1day, Janu'ry 6, 1982 •• ......... , ••••••• .-... , ...... • , t•J tWtt ,_. 541 ....... ,_. 541 I HilMt fer S-'t ....... FOr 541 ........ '°' S. ,_. 541 ~.~.~••••••• • ••• •••••••••-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••1••••~··•J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••1••••••••••••••• IOJ -......._...._.._ .... ...._~ i1•rll -IMI •111r4 t•• •••rll llOJ ._.. 1002 ••Nf IOOJ 'Ge•Nf 1001 •••rtl IOOJ .......... ; ...... !, ... tlOT 1'00 llll~trr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······················l .................. ,.... ....••••............... .....•................. . Owntr has weird ·ideas \ however hi8 WSE OPTION ST AIT SMAIT 11Me4 SlH.000 acrountanl said ''$('11 ! I • Don't worry c~~~~by~~WOll IMTMllLU"S IN COSTA MISA •IAYFIOMT• SPYGWS 1tboot the down. lle'lt even consider StJ>glas:1 1tlll -l..11r~e tut Fantasllrterm~! 'Just ~n~J~~,1'(;, ~'::,~ 45• ho~~dnq1tt· IY OWHll &tn EX;WWE for th~ down payment BEST IN BLUFFS . with lo\'Clypool $Hdrm, S!4.IXX> down ind 11200 ll•lltUrl'l> l'otY rircpla<'r ' bl'al'h. hll'' i•hi·t•r> (kt>11nVlew1:m .ooo and carry ~e balan<·c hil'lsclf. In h lury, ntwly ofh•rrd ut prr mo ll11:hly up J lar1tc bdrm~ Svarkl htlfn' 3 hart:t bt'tlrnom~ 6br·41v ba .a<ICI Mt fl Newport 3 r 2sty /bit ' k"t h Sll29,500 ;\l.it7S91tlfll aradt•cJ t•ncl unit 1 1 OI ··+·n.2haths,firculai·i· SOUTllPORT M00t:1. w ·IO 1 C ' \Ile have a behlJlj(ul selection of " FN1turt~ Ook 11lank1n11 11111 '' t•an ('CllltlllOn n ) :,~i' rnud1 mor11(W1ll OWNt;ft J"INA lf:J NG _·huge sundeck & walk t1• be ach .· homes at this time. All floor plans. • a1ld•·uoo i1hut11·r:o. Nl·w ' $t2$,000!Cull 673 1l5SO, trudr down ' Own1•T HJGHLY Ul'GR1\0t:u Reduced to Sl7t.500,. G od l d f' . d MOltLIHOMI G13('tll'f41! llurrv , ('1111 '~~1~-=~1· I A""lll 673 9187 or Offerrxn1re1J11n l l o v ews, i:oo ma ncmg goo LIOOWAT£RP~ON1' / OLDCOROMA '" " • flUiMCI• f101 buys . Some lease options . Some rwy t Bdrm. lari.:c 111· l'harm1n11 old Ctl M ~] Z! b~ 7060 s.m.ooo• curi!~~~;~11~737 TOIAn MAlllr • int luding land. Please let our experts Int: ruom with flrtpl111·c. iii home.· w11h 1>001 untl \'1cw -• ------- OCI! A .... FRONTS show them to you. l(t~at ~llr round living ''= l·s·1. ~~nl un lari:1• lot fkum l'l'll '°"'" or weekend retreat. Ina, 2 flr1:plu1·1:~. 3 159 500 "&"nl 759 1616 hdrm• t•111·h with own UEAUTIFUL SINGLE FAM ILY OPIH l·S ' '2 >' -· -bnth S47S,OOO. low down. low interest rute, 30 yr loan. 422 v.&tta Grcmdt, •ltw · S4 I 0,000 NEAR NEW DUPLF.X low ·down, 67tVl•..,..:•lew ' UH,500 I · t t l 29 1 f 653 Vhto a.Ito. vltw UH,000 ~IK'~ e~e~W'aifuri :~~ c l. real low 2t4S Q.dad1, wlttl l9d uso.ooo down, low in terest rate. 40 yr loan. 407 Vista G,_., 4 Ir' S22S.OOO JACOBS REAL.YY- •7S.'670 Jtlt Mtwport 11¥4., con.er 30th AUCTION HARBOR ISi.AHO HOMESITE . .~ l3 Harbor Island Newport Beach, California -Lot ;Jit h plans f Qr house and dock will be auctioned at 10:00 A.M. sharp January 20, 1982 ; at the Conference Room of 1First Araerican Title Insurance .Company, ll.\'. E. 5th ·Street , Santa Ana. Ca ~ifornia , Minimum bid will be One Mi lrlon Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000). with a minimum down, payment of-Nine Hundred Thousand DolJaFS ($900,000) e~h-. with financing not to exceed Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,000), due in eight. (8) years with interest at Twel\•e Percent (12%) per annum, inte rest only e_ayable monthly. -· ~~or further· information and-bid- : doc uments and plans, contact .Barbara Weiner al (714 > 675-2030 or I -..(+14-H Sl-1642. Fi\te hundred dollar {$500) refundable plan & document deposit required HEtEN 8. DOWD REALTORS~ INC. 64 .. 0114 Ust & l.y Wlttl 1lw &perts CUSTOM WITH VIEW One is easily captivated by t his ocean and bay view home atop the Bluffs in Irvine Terrace, ideal for , active fam ily living or gracious en· tertaining, the home hosts 4 bdrms, 3 baths. pool, a nd its gourme t kitchen has ultra modern a p-, , pliances, brick floors. oak cabinets , and bay· and sea view l)reakf ast ea. Priced at $975,000 and yow· .own the land. Qwner will finance. CM. Ofc. 675-2311 I I I Pete Barrett RealW presents VIEW VIEW VIEW . llMCiS ROAD-CLIFF 'HA VEM O'ynamic view of bay and ocean. Easy comfort with 4 Bdrms. family and djniflg room. There's a bonus of a lovely P.OOI and spa. Call Jean.Jiltter. S600,000. . --. CORONA oa ~R-OCEAH VIEW Private community with pool and on a greenbelt. 4 Bd rm. family room, move-in condition. Call Ann Peters. $429.000. MEWPOIT SHORES WA THFIOHT 4 Bdrms. 2'rl baths, with sandy beach and lovely 'big patio. Close to ocean; pools a nd· tenni.;. Good owne.r financing. Call Elaine Demond, $250,000: PllUV An IA YFIOMT WITH SLIP - View of bay from kitchen, dining hooM AND LIVIN~~ROOM . Ex· citing terms & plans available. CaU Jeff Bertyleit. $.550,000. ,._.. __ . ___ ..,. _______ .., _._, OUTST AMDIMG VALUE $249,900 1.Ax-atcd in pnme lluntlOJ!lon S<-at'11ft This~ ·Bdrm 2'z bath h.i~ all th{· ;1mt:nit1C:~ ramil) .. room \\1th larJ:l' lll'll'k f1rrpla('l' <:U~lom stmril'<I ~IJS~ .incl lirll'k F<ir thost· \\ho appr~llatl' th<' f1nrr thini:~ Im n l'oldwc•ll l:lankt•r of rour~l' Pon I m1i.s out t\111 tud.i~, ~l-i521 • FIEHCH COUMTIY MANOI " Sl75,000 From the moment you step lh'1>uRh the secure double doors to your private entry courtyard you 'll know thi s home Is ~me.thing special The fountain 'bubbles behlnd you as you walk into the IJving room with bummg fireplace. separate dining area, *newly updated kitchen with amenities lik.e IIllcrowave The yard landscaping reatures prize l"06eS The master suite has a private bubbling spa This three bedroom 1s truly a lovers delight Call now 894 7521 Sl,000,000 VIEW Oft,000 Picture yourselfloOklng at the breathtaking city lights all the way lo Catalina from -your \-\ acre Spanish Villa. You are surrounded by fine amenities. hardwood Ooors, expansive use or glass. brass deta1hng, 2 wood burning fireplaces, luxury thruout this 4 Bdrm home. Dreams do come true. Call Coldwell Banker now and see bow easy ii can be 894-7521. POOi.HOME Sl2t,t00 This classic raneh style pool home sits at ~he • end or a quiet country slrttt surrounded by towering pint: trees You'll feel the warmth of the earthtones anil paneling as you move through the 4 large bedrooms. separate dine area, reraodeJed kitchen. and large living room to the baths and sparkling pool All for only $129.900. A Coldwell Banker exclusive of course Act now 894-7521 OM THE WATER SI , I 00.000 1 his superbly crafted builders home exudes luxun from th<• moment you enter the O\'crsi1.«I douhlc <1nors. The n~·init bridge shurl«t~e. sa1lbout hur. rum1ly mom. ht14te h\'init room with fircplun·. 11ourrret kitehen, 4 Rllrm~ 41, hath~. h1rle-uwa~· orfil'{' One()( lhl• luriirst yurlls ln lhl• harbour and bout (~lt·k l'uli lor ~·our 1)1'1\'Uhl ~howin).!, 181-1521 T~l·nni: tn•t•s + O\ t·r~11t'cl lol t·rral<"> tlw romann• ot :.i Sl'l'lmlt•d mountain n•trc•Jt Drnmatn· rntr) S11.11·1ou~ It\ rm + furnl.11 dmmi: :\la,Sl\l' ht•Jmt•ll ,l't•1hn,,:.' llilhanl 'It<' fam rm "' t•nl\'rta1m·r~ \\l.'thar St·nou.' own('r drop-. 1mt'l' to S22ll.:.00' i\t1 la.'I. t·all ~W! ~'l&i PElfKT ST Alla $13,900! Get started in '82 with spacious. s1>0tles~ end unit condo. Quiet court yard. Owner will carry balance wit:1 only $10,000 down, with payments that will fit your p()Ckcl book• Just listed -act fast Call 962·3585 TAU.&PIOUD SI 19,000 Private gated arive leads to country charmer townhome w/ city convenience. Ceramic tiled entry lo spacious liv. room. Formal dine. Private suMlng ter(ace + am -ple space "f"or green thumb experts! Huge master suite. Immaculate. airy + plush de- cor thruoul. Hurry on this cream puff. Call 962.5585 ·REDUCED SI 75,000 Otcan \'lew'. S1tt1ng tall and proud JI , bloc:k~ from heat•h .1 l11j.? bdrm.'> i J haths F'ormal dine Green house. Roma ntic spa :\lany SS spent in qualil~ decor thru out this beitc·h side family homt' ~ Don 't m1~s thl' boat at only Sl75.000! Hurr~. t•all 9!i2·~ WALK TO THE BEACH $185,000 Rnsk half m1lr walk to thr l~arh 1s yours ;\lassi\·r two-slot)' amidst lush land5c·11ping Sp:mous It\ rm Country kit chen. 81lhard sw• famil) rm "' c:ra.c:khnl!. w;irm f1rcplac:c Take OH•r h1an1' + o" nt•r ma} t·arr) In l!Ct \"OU in "' n·asonahl<> down' llur~' Call ~-5.'i&'> ·- 5 BDRM BONAHIA Looking for the big one~ llui;e 5 Bdrm offers spac'IOOS th-rm w1th mas~1ve stOClt' fireplace. Fonnal dine Man~ rxt ra s mclooed in this l'WIOmfzed fam1I~ home Perfect rot your ltf™'lllg family nerds. Act now. call 962·SS8S HAllOUI CHAIMB 1165,fOO HunUngton Harliour charmer offers leaded glass windows, beamed ti!illngs • 2 massive "Old world fireplaces. Huge cov. patio w /brick 880. 0wntt will carry paper making this a steal! Now offered at $165,900. Hurry, call 962·M&'5 COUNTRY CLUB ~STATE ()\111 \uur U\\ n 1>t•ol. ~pa & pu11111i.: i.:11'\'fl Slt·1~ lu tl'lllll' .11111 cnll Tn·;1t \IKl,...df lo rt..,.N1 II\ 111i.: 111 lh" 'Pa• 1u11-. \'ll,111111 hullk' l'nn'tl f.1i lwlu\\ ll'Jlla1l'1t11•11t II•· 111-.1 ( .111 rlt'" 1•15 mo:i MEWPORT TRIPLEX llnl~· $211!'>.IOI' Fqwr 1' ut.·ul (111 hJnrl~ mJn t1u1l1lt•r or 111H·~1t1r. I hlork to h,I\ llon I (Ida) l'all tucla\ 1>.l.'i 0:111:1 MESA VERDE SI 22,000! t'.111 you hdll'I l' L111, Jll'll'l' in pn·~lll(IOU' ~h.,,;1 \'l•nk•'' O"lll'I' I' ~lllXlllU' ltlll l!:Jlll' S1>a1·mu~ hon I\' "1th lo.uh uf p111 .in .11111 1•a1>\ l'ari• 1 :int EnJ".' 1 • .. ,1.1 \ll•,,1, h1·:.t .1tlclrt•:.1' nuw ' Call Ii 15 0:1m MEWPORT FIXER REDUCED l"nlll'hl'\"ahl~ lo": prH'l'<I' S.i\t: SS' Bnn1: rnur paint. l'lhow )!rl'a~i·. and rmai:int1llon to .,tran.,rorm 1h1' la ri:1· l' Bel rm hou.~1· mto \OUr lln•am hnm1• rool 6t sµa rumpll>t1: lht• 1>l'lt111g IA.•nclc.-.o"'rwcl Takt• ;uhantu)!l' nn\\' l'all &15 0303 FIRESIDE ROM~NCE lnt1mJl<' ma slrr suite \\llh i:toriou~ fire place 2 addrtional hrepla<'es m ~pdr1ou:. h\1ng anti famil~ rooms Wei bar l'hre~ hn•akfasl room Ex1·1t1n1? hvmi: for tht' voung or young at hl'<ll1 Commun111 pool and pn l'ak parkin ii l'onn•mcnt lotat1on lmm{oehalr pos.i.e~s1un Pn C'ril for qwt·k salt• ('a II now f.!5·030~ MEWPORT RIYIERA Only $129.SOO: lluj{e townhomi· has t:ozy fircplatc. l'hct•r~ family room. n•rrvdell'fl kitchen King size master suite , Sunny prinite patio Communal~ 110111. i-pu & tennis l\•sl hu~' l':ill 6~5 0303 OCEAN YllW Newport Beach, I block to sand. R·2. Outstanding investment Potential. Only $180,000. Don't miss out! Call now. 00.0303 CUSTOM Builders home has everything ln.~ldc & OUt ! Vaulted l'Cilini;s. Brick walls. Solid Ouk cabinets. Wide custom shutters. Atrtum. Sun deck. View ol city llghl~. Pr<estlglous M'esa Verde Country Club art>a. T11k<• udvantagt' now. Call 645-0303 ·. OPEN 7 DAYS A. WEEI, l:JOAM TO IPM W.fflt.W (714) 194-7521 (213) 511-3321 · It f*aa:& -, IJ. • ~ t-H•tlltllllD (714) 12a (213) S92·1525 It ln1illlt & Cafi•-u. . . . . ·~~~~~~~ I I OPEN SUH 1·5 34 15 Ocea1t II CdM (J.ot•an(ruut :I 111lr111 1 den ll uri.:1.1111 111 St,2.'l0,000 472' Cotti-': CdM~ 4 bdrm, fam1h 1linln11 1'~. l>rl'akfust nook, II fl \' 1.1-t t' IJ l' a I' h t' ll Sllll.500 466 lroodwoy, C.M. Sha!'}>. clran J rHh m Oil I Jr 1: c r 1• n t t• ti I u t Sl59,!ISO MAURY STAUFFER SU UOH REAL TY 673-5354 --.. , Of~ ~J) ·=Jk, OPEN HOUSES I ·5 t'l'STO M C:ON DOS . IA>l'l•h Tuclur st\ 11111:. , t'tlt hc1t n1 I c·rllrn i: s. island k1l l'ltt·11~ \II 10 So of II"\ lcll'.tll· Front Uflll 2 llclrrn S:l20.000 111 Ill': 1>.1hlia. t'1IM :-\0 1.E,\SEllOl.I> WOR HIF:.'i l.l'JW h." hl'\'.n rl·1\11,,1h~I J111I 1, ll\t•d lur :!.~ \" TutJll\ rt· nl'"'l11 ln1111: Tc:rt Jl'c: J 11411111 .I ll.1 ho1111• " II h fJllllh ro••lll s:1 t!l :.oo I l:th S..·n·n,1dt• 'l'\•l r ;in· wooi>IWll IH: E IJOl.I. llOL. ~-:! 111 ll<11h·i:J m11ll'I. h1i:hl\ upi:r J•h·cl. llll· l'llt 1' N rn 11 c urc•tl ",1rtlrnh1•, <: uucl J ~ .. um.1lill· h1 ·1·n & owe a !ntl \"n 111otl\.1l"•I SI R (Ol I ;\ll'll"h l.n OW\EI! S\\'S SEl.I.' '\1·\\ h111t1l' "' :1 ~tlo Im j!I Ill lll~IYflfl: I Ph"l •Ill'' f, -.pa M1.i .. 1 n 111 1·\.1·n "'lie\ t 11<11 111. llhr.ir~ & l.icnil~ 1111 :\11\\ 11111•11·11 at srm~ :,m :1:1:1 P1111111 COLE Oii NEWPORT' REALTORS ~SIS R. c ... 1 Nwr. c ......... , ... , 075·5511 I* ! C) I ~ • p t ·oo • • • I • p t •jln lit apen' sivl not high In price; reuon· able C09t; classified edvertialng. IY OWNEI owe 15 yr. loan w /outstand ing terms & rate on this Wlusual Mesa Verde model like home. Open Sat & Sun J-5 3165 Bermuda. $167,500 Own/agt ~ Lois Miller 63 1-1266 NEWPORT ILUFFS IS PETE JOHNSOM am_the RETMAX specialist for Npt. Bluffs . If you~re buying or selling <'a II Pete J o_!lnson at frJPl266 MESA VERDE • Like nu 3bdr .. ram. rm .. lg. "swimming" pool, new carpets. fresh paint. Motivated Seller. $190.0M.-Al so for re nt S9001mo JA CKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 IUY THIS OHE VA TERMS . 3bdr . lg. cozy fam. rm. w fireplace. excel Costa ~1esa Loe Sl22.500 J AC KIE llAN DLEM AN 631·1266 tOCA TIOH LOCATIOM LOCATIOM Mesa Verde. near golf course. 4bdr .. tall trees. secluded JX>QI & s_ea . All the good things & best ~roe . s295;l)Ufrl>peilTTousc-;~un 1 -~JACK HANDLEMAN 631· 1266 EXEC. -GOLF ESTATE ' NOW $671,000 A pric<' decrease of $25,000 makes this property a ·SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200· fairway fronta~e! 5 BH. 412 BA . formal din rm .. recreation & hobby rms. 2 frpks. fam rm. s un· deck porch. pool & spH. Panoramic \'iews from most rooms. :l car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Licata. 759-1221 3 IEDROOM CUSTOM 130/o PRIVATE LOAN! Owner financed . no lend er qualifying! Qo1et cul- de-sac. Parquet t>ntry briC'k frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantrv. Famih· rm. Water filter and soft ener Spa. 'Enclosed. off-street RV pat! Giant patio. Storage shed. Fruit trees and "much more ~~ Just Sl69.000 ~ Ca ll Bob Lic<1ta 759-1221 OCEAMFRbNT -OCEAMFROMT Convert this ex . lrg duplex to your pri. residence and live on the finest beach on the coast. Grt fin . a vail. Steal at $650.000. Boh or Dovie Koop CAMEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & Coastline View 3 Br 3 Ba .. Formal Din .. FamRm .. Study. lrg pool & courtyard . pri. beaches. Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221 ~ LINDA ISU TRADE Breathtaking bay view. 2 boat docks. room for 4 boaL'i up to 74 ft., 5 Br. 6 Ba .. game rm .. formal din .. sep guest ring. pool. Seller carry Isl T D. &- trade industrial or off. blcl g $2,100.000 Bob or Uov1e K~p 759-1221 ,., CAMEO HIGHLANDS Ocean. view. re-decor. & remodel 3 Br. 2 Ba. Formal din. Very lrg. yd. pn. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 "2" HEWPOIT CREST CONDOS .Lrgst models w bay & ocean views. 4 Br 3 Ba. Fr. wet bar. Outstanding Buys at S210.000. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-1221 WATEIFROMT IEST INVESTMENT 4 s·r .. 3 Ba .. f''orma l din .. fam. rm. lrg kit. Huge master swte w bay view new carp .. 40 ft. boat dock. seller carry 1st. R.D. Bob or Dovie Koop NEWPORT CREST CONDO 2 Err .. 212 Ba . loft. highly upgrade, oak floors. beau papers. ocean view $98 .000 h t at 12', Priced al $170.000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759·1221 TRADE AYOCUO & ORANGE RANCH 78 acre VaUcy. center. trade all -or part for home in Laguna. Newpdrt. Irvine. El Toro. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221· W VEGAS COM~. PllMI 5 ac. Dwntwn .. zoned highrise comm .• has small motel & trailer park. plans for apts. must sell. Grt. fin . avail. 2.1 million. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 6Jl·l2'6 .. , ... 71f·IUI, • ~l . t - .. . ... .. '. f Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 16, 1982 ...... krWt ........... Wt .......... Wt ........... Wt .._..· .... w. .......... '* .......... w. MllMthrWt .......... w. .•.......•.... _. ........ •··········•······•·•·· ......... , .................................... ·················~····· ....•...•.................................••.. ,~····;················ ..•.................... '-W. . ··~········•#••······· ••511 lOOI • 1001' l1•rtl ·' IOOJ C.W .. M• 10J2 1~Mno 1024 c..teMtM IOU ............ 104 ••• 1041 "-Im.._. 1041 ............................... , .........•••••..•.......... , .................. ~············· .............•......... ······'················ ..................................................................... . . . .... '"' _111!1!1 ____ 1111111 ________ i----··--lllllli• J PllMIUM 2 new t·stoi ,ut·t•1m \'U ~en 1Hqu111" Sost1Sun . l-1•2,•1~•.•,....-•MC-•t ... -~ $1LU0N ,$ DUPLEXES OP9t HOusl SAT/SUM 12-4 UMOUI .. ~·'.1 ~3•3-"T1.h81"· 11 ~pm Gta·N~·t•s .PI y, •. ,.,.n·11>t·a1 thh"! 30 J • • • UNl'l).UI IN USTILUFF/THI ILUHS ,_ .J LOVB. Y FiMIL Y HoMI. spa, patio, 3BR 3BA. frplc skylights & new carpet. AH this and you own )'our own land $329,000. ... FJME IN EVERY INCH, this 4BR + bonus rm home tnut wus just remodeled incl udes frplc & air cond. The Bluffs $275,000. SECLUDED E:NTRY, new carpet. end unit makes this 3BR 2 stor~ Tnna Model in the Bluffs '}.good deal. $249,500. #GREAT GRHH IELTS see this 3B R 2BA single story condo in the Bfuffs. 2 patios and the owner ma·y help finance $160.000. • * •UNl9UE IH COSTA MESA ~- l IDRM, Family· Room. assume finan cing, lrg yard make this a home to see.· Owner agent will consider all $169.500. \. ENGLISH TUDOR LOOk 2BR + dep. beamed ceilio.g.s, ~ar .s b.opping. .and check out the fir\ancin.g. $197.000. l IDRM. French doors. family room. used br!tcks near the Back Bay. close to shopping and freewa y S212,500. 21"1. lid JO . VAMISHVILL4 r .J\, 1 .. ~11.. u II Own ·r S11I\! rHI;' .... Olpom.ltyforSalt 111.•twh tA!~uo.1~· ~r:.~ 24 ea. .. 1 ... c..e. Mete SfOICDOWN $&'1,lm.A~.49'7-5454 ~d,rllSlll'alh rc.~1.Ul',\•d 3~ir .. ,r,~w··1·'utlo12u.~ •• u•,}~11tur1:1u1~ •·411.ulll u lslu Nl•w11oi't hiloanK.A~krni:S391lOOO Put you r hmil'y in a n ice Urllmu~lt· Svuols h THIHAICHIAY 2 1b11.wlflltw>ittr11t~ Hr ~1 1 ttu ·~undo 111 H l' 111' h • (' u ti I II m 41111 i 2 Hd, t11•w1•r l;ldi:. \ neighborhood. No worry beCllUSe it l'Wrtyard entl")' 10 Ol4t• 3bdrm. 3bu, (um rm. Mu~I .~c-..· to :llJl)rl'l'lllh'. Ncwvurt ('rc~I 1225.0IJO wutl.•rtronl huin\• So ol H~·y Alll)Ullle has a new roof, new carpet, even the llrnt' 1111rlour with !lllrckrn k'il11hcn • ll i.tCC' ~·HZ! TSLPr~ r"''l'\! fur billow mu rkc·t ~o.ooo. AJ<kinit $449.000 water heater hs new. 4 nice bdrms mass II·(• C'r :ii' k 11 ti i: l8(11lar uc:eltn Vl~W. Ii(!('. New t.undmo rk l'tilh '. (.'ull l)('lor-::-64·i~OOJ k1~::~~\:11Jt' n~l~.~~I' 3 I.Id t !I lid, 11u11hty 1111 too! E11ioy family get·togethers in re· r1rcplare_. ,1·11ndluli~ht Klllctl, w11lk lo bc111·h At .. ~sq ft Un11urv Sll'd l"'llJl!!!!!!ll!ll!!!!!!!!ll-1111111!!1111111!!111' 11~· All~ulnt• Sa~ ooo " forrt111l dmm11. l'llnlln11 traetlve •fln1rnrln11 viuws. Quohty & in 01·11· 1- Nlu<·t•d lo onh· S:S.ll Asklni: $3149.000. C<lr.llllt'l cen11y completed family room . Seller kllt•hen. W11ll uf i:h1~~ lo (714'499·Yi63. lion Sl.I00.000. f 1n11n1· . c~ Vi .. ~'!.1:.~~·,~~~:~,:~1~n~:?· Durrell P~sh. 11111 ror wants your family to have it's Qwn 1·0<·ktk11111. put)o ~th. h~11<· fantastic· bl.IY ! 3 bd. ~ bu 11ni: uvullalbh.• ;01~~111~l'r Nl·w Ca~)(' Cod 2 i.tor~ Room ror a 1ur11ot11·hts imredctml~. G3 l!filJ home so he generously offers no· ~pur . •n11 ~w1mm1n~ i·tindo &um c1•il frpl t>Uttl' op ion ' • llltli: on prim<' !>IJ'('('t Indoor uutclcl()r pool;l!pu qualifying & good terms. Call now -~ Jli.>aullf~I . utrl~rn , 11atio.. rlubhousl'. '11001' Trt1Ck-:1. Abrt, 491H 6111 2IOl ~. ll. + 5 l'Ur 11ki: with Mrut'l11bli· roof. this coul a be your chance of a <;lose to h1·t•1 h 1 r~ Owner i·11rry lout1 •-Hilt 1050 Resichui4·•·lofJ1vi· up l' ncl l'C' I! rou n<I w In e 1· f . f11IOt;·~t,cl~wUnRRYlth ~~:1'1 Sl59.000. r l'I! All4!'n. Rllr. ==•••••••••••••••• 'Sl11f~. roof tup.dl•t'k. n· ll ~ I "time. ; ,,,,Q .. 70 ... 1q0 '"-•n• 7c78. >BR 8 • T h t"1·1111"wo•t111r~ ..... cooo l'l' ur .,i·p11r11ll' l!Ul'St "' .....,. .,.. " • l'i " own 11UH'. " ' ~ ~. ...... · AND .m11111·~ qua1·tt·r~. CDM DUPLEX {)rq flt:!'ll,}'~o~ldlll4·uc•h:side Charmin~ 3 bdrm. 2 bath Vi~. sauna. a>OOI. tl'n· ~w;s.;. 18·5 wui:1c1 K most rnm.11nt1(' &>sl buy 111 CdM.1.ri: 3 Ask for Bob Burtner --owu VILL ... S + guest apt. No. end nis. R~·· Club. i;uru1w. 410 lht St, M. · masll'I' SUth• 1111•1 luok lkl hoO'l<' w rrvtc .. I :! l}il 21 '""'" " "' Emtrald Trm1c·c Walk ~1.5 ... IW~~!lllJ 673 6776 1 IOI! l'nl tfl' h ~rbor, uµt. Onll' $2ti~.ooo owe 11 LI 11' 646-7434 2&3Bdrm.Condos from to bearh. A11sumable ... Woi~ .. 1069 .Brrok1•r l'Ol\~11.fl'1•at81111l .• wil-IO.OOo clwn Jon·t• SIOtl,000 with just $-1000 loan. Owner will help .. .,.. 1 •. O ~ .. ··E•R•••••• EXECUTIVI HOMI u ~t~· 1·ull 1t11·k, kr Wult7.\'. aj.,'\ 6JH2titi JIJiWJlJ'r'lnl'ipals only. fi nant·e. $279,500. Pei: 5hclrrn. 31 :bu. lrt·lel't-1, Ul 700.7292.:rn> ttmc. .... a T.HIS I~. •M· ll!S... '1Ke1_1t 556·6516 Allen Rllr, 494,75711. forri rm. dun, sunclt't'k. 2 Ow ... RaWILL ~ ~ '" ,. NO 11UA l;l t'Y I NG B"E Sf PiR I <: ED O WC 1 S Yr I o 11 n lrph'!>, i·ul·OC'·SU<'. lri: Si>arkl;ni: Jt'resh 3 RR. $129.900. H11:h assmhl. low 1111ert•st Tlw Rt•al ~ t all'l·s 91i:l•ti71i7 HARIOI RIDGE OP&4TODAY 1·5 -#3M0..AC0 An ex(Ju1s1tl' otrt•r1nµ ~:lt•i.:anl & s11a1·111u~ :1 hclrm t fum1I~ h(lnW. I ll11· hom.·· w panor:mtit· llbla uf h a rh111•. 1·oasll111t' ~t·an & nii:ht hi.:hts Prl•st11Zt' 1'0111forl, I u ,\ u I',\ & s e I' u I' a l ~· Rt't!Ul'l'd now Stl95.000. j(~m·r nnam·1nJ,:). i!i .. ; '.'i l1' ': .. 1 .. ',1 t!~ r t l l l 1 1 1 HI•' l1•~\ ) it JI ,\ '. I It' [ 1· ... tt luf' ~1' 1 H1 ' , """ VERDE " • lul Mnl1\'ul~'<I i.eller. us ANANCEAT 12% You'll Ion· lo own this UNITS .Two 2 bdrm w/out.standini: terms "' & 11 With 15., 'clown for 10 ~·orSl2'1.SOO. l.lvlni: I'm. i.:rl'at Sol Vu;tu wipool. w/oce1111 1·i1•ws Great rate on lh1s unus ual ~~:'11')~. Ton)?.~~;.,) :11 1 1;, 2Sxl7 ft . l>inini:. L ltxlO fk·~t loc·1111on. Axkrni: ·No. end J()(•atlon. Ca ll on Mesa Verde roodel·llke hen ·. •.u ... .,3., .. Ofi·. l:OM DUPLF.X ~·cars. 3 Bdrm, 2 lmth, rt f:Ut in kill'hl'n + 3 r· . .,, 000 home. n-n Sat/Sun 1.5 .,,., ov ., 700 MAltGU~:1trn: i.:rt•at · 1·11nclat1011 wtth Bdrm p, Bu. $136.000. Makl· ofr likr tnanl·rni; .... ss. . v 11 730 lti2 . N l' w "o 11 x t r u ,. , au n . man~\·xtrui.. A ('. ,\.,~•·nl s•o.a.•1u 1141Ml709 LagllllO VIMoge R.E 3165 Bermuda. St67,SOQ ~ " ,, 497 17LI Ownrtagt. ·Lois .MHhcr, E"'STILUff Mt'<lit ard111t·<·t11l'I" Suitedfari...aawqtrs. LASTCHANC,E! ----~---" ~ 63H 266 · "" 3 h ti r 111 & 2 h cl r 111 . Endost~I patio. •·ornl't I 00/o DOWN Eiw,·uti\'e 4 Br 3 Ba. 2 2 hou:;es on 1 Jot , hn~ 1n SVal'ious 4 Bdrm <·ondo $400,000, f111and11J1. a1 all 10( with nv a1Tl'ss Ask I ,'12% IKJIUIHf ~lop·. r ., m U .1· rm.. one r e.nt the other. A BEAUTY . Lr11 p11tio 0. "I I "l ""\A .._,,. <#. --~~ ~ J .. WW"lbar! Ca ll r.o r w 11 e r n c 111i: ~ 11,.11111 ror an ap· NO NIALIFYINGH r or ma I cl in in i.: rm Panoramit· O<'ean 1·1,ews, ~ '71-l)b'7H).131 . iwnntm·nt to 't II .,... 0 alkt be h •. ,25 000 · TERMS Owner wtll v l se" i·a 31xlrm. 2ba, WOO sq. lt.. SJS.000 II own . WC. w· 0 ar · ..., · · finanl'e. Patrkk Tenore By OWNER ~ 1151 1•t•micldt•cl katc-hl:n I vr $ 15 5: 0 0 0 . I. l' a s l' ~L~..;. ----1 ... y-....., CO ... DO olcl. ('tll'lll'I throu~hout. SllOO 'mu 20731 Aquat11· COHTEMPORAllY "' "'v"' " CdM Dt.plex SL'i0.000 OWC AITD for Lant· Brok1·r 94i2·ti3ti5 m" PWlOr11mit· m·ean l'iews See the world from this Pridt•c1l 11w1wrshi11. xtra 4 yrs Ill $1520 fl10 IU2·l<llll , from this 2 or 3 bdrm, lorty view of hay & WKll' lot . lw~t lor rJ(•)o IA•n1ancl E. Snit• an•a nr 21~ bath home Some n( oi.·~an. Boal shµ avail li•rm~ 1'1'11'<'11 1111cl1•r ~~-1111!111----· s .. A. Wulll~' Club Call ·* * Y2 Ml. TO the amenttll·~ tnC'lude'3 ~75•000· 111\Hht S:J59 .5 oo MESA VERDE Jl'fftai.rt > mrn113.:11 w 9ucff r1replal'es. l(o urme t OCEANFRONT 1·942·8.S!IO. ..:Uil' l'ontlu 111 i:n•al 1111, OPEN HOUS'E N\•wvort l..ft kitl'hen, rirev1 t & spa. A L a r "e h 0 me 0 n , o 111•111 tu qu .1111.1 1111' lll·1i.:hts, $331.000 Uiwt'SI pr1t·1·cl un i! 1n real beauty S366.000. " -OPEH--S·A-T•tc.•U-N-l •5•I Ioli\ 111Ll'l'l'~' loa 11 2211Tustin 1\1t• Mari11t•1··b Coit· t:nd un ACLUSTEI OF... ~:~:~~ ir:;~• !" :i~~c f "' • Sl.'lka·.'~ wall qrr~ 2n1I OPEN I LlO. Spat'l<Hls ~ 1l &' alla1·h~'<I J.:ar;ii:e. 2 .. ,old Lat.:una Charm! !i 675.8676. 675.8444 14t12 ~T ode Terr. I TD a111I an· ask111J.: onl.1 · Bil. 21" ha, cl1•s1i:rwcl for Bclrm. I', Bu A~k for separate l bdrm t'<>I· -· - ""'e errace S9H.900 t'all Annl' th<·1·xt•1·ut111· SparkhnJ.: Bill. · t ages , l.'Ul'h w1th _MEWPQRTHGTS 41drm tteLmtd Md . .'a~lut1cl~ai.:t1iJt iz1;!; p1"1l.11lt•11l for 1•nll•rla!1f. •. 1-Sl14'.900 f1r.el'la1't' & open beam Two fabulous units. '• R&"Mt\'< CUSTOM DUPLIX Great location with manr t•xtras sut h as llahan tile rioors, oak l'abmets. m1<·ro wave. q c uu m S}S lcms . fireplan" sundt-l'k. and mud1 more AMUSTSEE !: Sunn~ unil li i.:hl .i1HI 111i: S.:p;irat1• muth1·r·tn i)UL~ .. ..ab..ad.-.. t•e1hn)l. Ttw lari:r. rli!I tot µreal location. R·2, fa,n· bri11ht :11111 1ww on lh1• luw qlr:>. .\111 Llu.1 ti ~i """" 11 p has nwe ot·can 1•1ew:t 1aslk finaJ)l'ln~. Only ma rk1•t 111•1 \' k fr uni. {Fox. rn-1;;11 Wi I {. Reiltg and 1s but 11 short walk lo $1%4,900. 'itbt M illikl!n. Bluffs Ll·a~t· op'lmn 2 br. :mil-llllil n•acl pa1111s. thebclll·h SS3S.OOO. aJ(l631 ·1266 ll.1dl· gn't•nbl•h $1~.!>00 hhrclwootl pa1q1wl floor sao.ooo .I SSl·:WOO . I MYSTIC HILLS Owner's mo\'ing out of state Assumable : or Wiii C'OllSldt•r alJ l)'pes Of hnanr1f\1: or exchange. Don't mass this one, on!~ SJ.I0.000. Call now for troredelaifs. 979·5370. ~kJ,_1~4·013~ IOJ.: thru·uu1• E)>1•t•l locu FIEEDOM HOUSE Ntw1.1011 lk1 µh1s 1ir1•u., lntBarn'!_ta Pkw),lni1nt A'bsolutcly f;ibuluus ._...._Isl.ct 00 lrnn h•ss than tOOO J Br IRa.lllri:~·~aril nwnl'I' w r;1rr.1 wll h wluh'walt'rl'iewsfrom -C! . I 6 pan·~ fn1n1 S milllo11 $95.000 f"ll·OW!l. \!!I $11i.l"XJ clcJ'"lt I BR. R ., •NEAR RK\Cll• this 3 bdrm. 2'~ hath ••••••••••• •• •• ••• • "• • • h I I 11 l ~ ft ' onll'S unc l'l'U 1st11·a ~ u..aa~·TAILE It~ Hum·• r>c•\'111 Hl•UI 2sty-lmnwcl llOS~ home. Walk1ni: d1sl~re IEAGH-HOUSE pnC'rd al SlGS,000 \ltth a , ... """ ~::Stull'. 1;42.ii:llill SU9.000. $1ti.OOO 1ln lo h1i:h s1·hoC'll. town and A Real Cutle! I 1'0mh111at1on ol as~uma I 1'ERMS P1.1~3 $14111 P~TI 91;.1 1:11;2 lx•a1·h. Owner will help In l't'tf1•1·t shutll' Onl~ hie anll owtwr f111an1·111J.: :l llr ~ho:;a \\•nl1· hom1· OWNER MOVING Smashuii:I~ Bi•aulilul. nu rin11J1t1t' S450.000 horn.• on lslancl untll'I' CALL 644·7~ 11 ' on qual'I 1·u) •h-s;J1· llt•au11rul, ammut<ulull' iliiutl nw.•rlc•>ki·d Harl· .-;,._.r $300.000 • · · 1 1111i:1• ha e k ·' a rcl •I' & nll'd,,· lancl~c·u11ecl -I fir · •"'· ·..- ' <:n1r. l1'n01s & 'url Ill)! ..... " .... . \, . • • pt11al'~ Sl'll~·r will prn Sl)'1n11u' 1'110111~ \'1t•w 111 . lluntini.:ton Si•ui•ltfr ALLSTATE REALTORS ------ PRIVATE HOME VIUAIAUOA' 962·8847 enm· · l;11Hls1•;qw1l ror ma X hon\\' on i·ul cit S,ll· l Siil/') ~ llr. 2.;Jt)() !<f ··~~~~ I '1111• lll'J.I 1o;11·111'I' & J,:nll 1·11u1·s1• frum 11r11111•r S S l ID,RM, end unit . s kylight. new ' • 1111.ann· s111e1K ,11 11·. 11 011.·nl·I' us~•sli·•I 0111·n ·at-. un qlll:IZ utueo.o~ carpet. finantiog. $135.000. J 21 l';ill 1\111w :.1c-ra11la11il. l111.111n111-1 0111) $1:111,r,oo Sn·nii· Ba~· ,\i.:t llosik. "-""-c. ..,, (Selle or Lease) Young p<..oople · Pool rour resourl'CS ldl'al I wo bedroom vtlla ror )'our first home. Fresh as a dai sy Opt'n S 1 0 nagstone p11tio. $1lt8.000 assuma blc• "' 12'. Least· ovt1on 1s a' 11ila blr Pmed at $249.500 4 Bd w pool. Fu lly furnis hed. lmmed a.\' a ·1 I . $ 3 2 9 . 0 0 0 11.1 TERMS. Patri r k Tenort. a i59·1221 Talc of Hie Tow11 agt ti:ll t<!t~i l\1ll 1111w !17!1 :.:110 11.1c;.s.r;.11 e Cluss11· 4 hclrm . :1 "9Cm'· Su . S1\l'RWln:~ llu111111 J,:l1111 • J.!.!~L494-l 177 •. of 1111.1. ,\.rl·JI .. harmer • St·aL:r1..'Sl.iaJ:i.:dUnullcl 5 ...Ql!BiSUMDAY l -.S: :r-=---::---:::--:-::=:----:-=~~:--~~1_.-.._. .... ~jjjjll""""'lllllllii;if-f~~:il~o-.. -ttw1n~ • t-..,. ..... 1rt1i.d...,_,..,.+-i~t-+<1r>-+--1,_~.~Mu~ L.· •U~l()Uf 11-11'\Uf~ IY OW..ER l''"'ll nnw. 1\sk1111: 52:.!l.50tl 26.1SSOLONA WAY • IU~ ~ ISL.\ND'S 'IO~T it:l:I 2tlUI I REALTORS 1 Submit' llkr lWl·UiW IA.'aSl'llPlrnn ur tracle REAlTO.nc _ 675 6000. " .. J New J Br 2'' bl! home. in,;y; • CHAR~ll~G SG L IH:S CdM's FINEST -MESA VERDE 1 Q ne:tr \'i1·ton a hl•a1·h. l"!!l!!J!!!!!!!!!!!l!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I 2443 Eut Coul Highway. Corona del Mar . 3 hd rm + torr. f'1: .. l\(·h (\bl11111 liul\i1• Ouhlami ..a.111trm. 2 hath. rrplr. tlhl ~~1st,1t1!. (';1~~ .. 1 ('1111 HuRliH·~ I 042 Gn•at ()('l'll n \' l('WS OCEAN vu OHEOFAIUMD Comvlet e r e model · . 1·uswm e,·erytrnng -!Br, WIHAVl,1-0FTHlllSTLIST .. GSIMTOWM th1Urs&,w1nc~o\l ~h~llll'~t a an g Jl'l'h1t1•1 tlll'<' 19J!.1ra1:1' ,\I 1·1111tl tlo 2fiR.2':11.\. r1'pk. --$345.000E<tnal.JJncllwri.: &POOL avpmn ~wn. s 1:1111u. j "~'au11full.' t1 .. 1·11r;1l1'1I :1 s 1:1.1.5()1 ownl·1 will •• ~ DhlGar.Jar. J'atu1 R·~:sT"i:uv··.y.~.;~;.i:~; &ASW1· ~94-21194 3Ba. . 0Pt'nSat H 2124 Ml{amar 2!4 Amclh~sl. _<!pm Sat Hit. Ii hr.er) ~u··~I ,,,1st 11tlniani·11tJ.: I:!'!'. 1\~~unwhll· Like new. Ir,.: ~ Br l2·5...2_11.~i.:~3~65.... Sl'IJ;ll';Jll' S!Uiliu S~tl~.l)(HI Roy McCarcle, Rltr. s 1:111.~. 1'1'111 0111~ ~~We r~~~.1:><·1~~r ~~~· Sll,000 DOWN ~~~.u1s:u~e 8.~.1.~ Sell idle items 6~·S678j Want Ad Results 642·5678 -:-r~47~ fl'I' lnducll•s. i:or:.:"1111' 548-7729 t~2 :111:1;a:, l'S Tom G1H11•rti46·9200 ODee Sat/Sull 1 •4 Call Putmk 'fi•nore. ai.:t •..a..--p-:11-··•a 1 007 cl1'S1i:m·r furn11u r1· L' ,1 11 St-I.· (044 W~·kufr TODA\' 7c.n l22 -~ -OPE:"S\T.Sl'~t ~ r.Xl'l'Ul l\1• ('" unw Cummuh'rs.~a<I· an<t h'l 's m;1kl•a1kalo11 .,.,. 1 642·7404 Ask far llOll Lawe CIE 110111 ILlllS ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE #3 RUE FOHTAIMULEAU llG CANYON . OPEN SAT 1-5 New Listing -Beaut if ull Upgraded D.ove r Unit Single Story 2 Bedroom. Two ·Baths +Den Bright Cheerful Decor -Speciar Wa ll Coverings -Shows Like A Model -Owner Will Carry Financing -You Are Invited To Inspect -Enter By West Gate. And Cheek l'ft With Guarct'Price. $425.000. 1207 SUSSEX LA.HE WEST CLIFF OPEN SAT 1-5 LEASE OPTION OR SALE. Like New 4 Bedrm 3 Ba Home In · Beautiful Westcliff -Detached Home On Fee Land (You Own Ill -Owner Flexible -Price. Only ·$275,000. 542 HAUOR ISLAND DRIVE PROMONTORY IA Y OPEN SAT 12:30.4:30 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Firs. New Cpts. 3 BR '+ conv Den. 31.2 Ba. SeP' D.R. Huge f _R .. W/W_et -Bar. Kit c hen W /Pantry. Brk(st Rm . Sauna. Study. 3-Ca r Gar. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1 ,400.000, 2646 IASSWOOD STREET EASTILUFF OPEN SAT 1·5 Owner Financing. Flexit>le Terms. Poss Lease/Option. Org 4 BR Lusk. Spac. F.R. W /Parquet Flrs._formal L.R. D.R. Area'. 2 Frplcs. Sunny, Cheery. Mountain. Nile Lites View. $229.sOO. LlmE ISLAND Unique 2 BR 2 BA Home On "Balboa's Little Island. Front Home Co mpletelg Re modeled .' Ow ner Motivated. Wi ll Excha nge. Or Assist W /Creative Financing. $387,000. UGUMA l'IGUEL OCEAHFIOMT Exclusive Gated Comm . Of "The Shores." Spac Custom· Built 4 BR Home O'Lookfrig Gorgeous White Sand Beach. Hi Beam Ceilings. Graceful Ci reu ~ar Sta ircase. Formal View Of Ocean. Owner Will Help Finance, $1,450,<lOQ. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEI.TO K & ('() TRY S 15,000 DH~ Sl2!1,000 S..tl1•1• will 11ai lh'l~S l'111:1er tu LA. !JJr. this ni1•t• 2BR G urclt•n j li<">l'J.:1111' Sha11i ~ B1l 1·11111lu nr So 11r..b Th(• lk ;il K<ll•ll·t·~ 21 ! R;1. upi:ra1kd Broacl· lYIX' hulll4.'. The hl\'1·1~ PENINSULA POIMT 1;;;, 1~Jll011r r,;,x 11<1~1 I ro a~ 1 I' I a, a. o 11 1 ~ 9l>:J 1;;m 1m11r Cnniln 2 frpli•s, .k1frht•n h11s an UPl.'11 har \~ NEWPORT ~~HORIZON'S ~REALTY c A, E. c 0 D OLDCDM I s11:u100 .\!!I l'alrn·k NoMi~w~clown :lllH 21L\ "~·unt~.al'IW!lllil•S.14 '· to lht•dinini.:ureuuncl 11 --~-----~ CHARMER 'l'l'llOl'l'. i5!1· l:t.!I '""'I, !'Ila. 111•w c•.trpl'I. assuma hh• $245.000. mok·out 1111ttu. i\• wood 2Br. Ii: bonu !> r m . JUSTLISTED I .. ulil1·S:H'tl 'Jlfi-l:!2-15:i Ow11l'r.t21Jl5i92·2175 hurnini.: frpl . an1t DOVERSHORES lfll!l_ll!..~!!!..!!!L!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ S325.000. • • uit·attnn & ll•rm:. ..ir<'I h1· MO MONEY DOWN l"ilte I 044 boolu·as.1'S in th1· II\' rn~ AFFORD AILE 642·5200 · k1·~ tu lh1' :1 11111'111 1:1m1 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••! Thl•re IS a Tl'n"'s t I 1-141 Galax~ Ori n• W"'Tt8fl0....., j PETE ' BARRETI .. REALTY Corona dei Mer .I 022 ....................... $299 ,500 + OWClst I', ·hlk~ ln <Wl'an . <1011'1 st. 1'i' lot 1 Forn•d sail' on Iha~ 1·uk dupll':I'. Dm·t· lJ) 315 Larhpur CJpn Sun 1·5 Jt•ann~· Saller. ,aL'l 151.J·l221 , \ RVM* JASMlNE CREEK.full 0t·ean 1 u 2 & den. 2 ba l'Olldo Pool. te.nnis. set'. Own Ian Open Sat Sun lH. 19 Curl. Own a.J.(t ?40·)515 i28-5151 I 1 1 OWCw/NoPymh nt•atb\' St•TI1•rs wuulcl ,.,'""' "' )'rm i·uunlr\ •· 1aruwr I --:1 h1'. :! h;1 hunw Li:1' J TRY S 15,000 I l' a~~ .. lJ 111· k 0 n I' Spat'ious. de.an 4 Br. 2•' hlk to llw h ... 11 h 1111 111r , • . . . ,,, I ., I Br [)l•n. Forrrfal"0111· Ba d r k't h n'·a· lut " 111111•1 ,. , . 10(. ~.1\N \ 11-.W ;,! Br 2 ll;i 1H•11I. J:J" 21:1 Ml-1 Mi! I a .;.1u rµ ri: 2 Rclrm 2' ·!Ha St.S.500 · w. P new 1 t· en ' 1 k l ·,1.~ • • Nl·w Tu11l .. r11 .. k c·oncln VICTOR! ... 1r. ... CH lllJ.: Room. 2 Fih•plan·s. Ille. bwll·ins. 2 patio~. 2 ' • < "<L' () • 0 ... 2 HR .,, I I I Onh· su~.900 Call for AITD I O<lYi DOWN . 1·ar i:urai:t· + arj.!l' ~µndet·ks Jkat'h linni: (}w1l"I.' ll1•\1hh' \I ill .,, i·c· • \Hl'I • ..,,.,. i:at i• "' • ' ' ,.. roA ·1 I rl•111 11•.1."1' 11111111" f111 "''"" w111•1 I 1i:1 """'11• • • 111·1111111 11 1·111 · o ll1·'1b1· R1·ll1m P110I s1'z 11 ' " ~ ' · · cl11aals l'all11'k Tt•n11r1· . " · .t• at 11 ·s llt'Sl JJrmg your S.'ll.W ,,.. ~l'll nt.:hl 1111\1 1;t2KH1111 1l11w rm.~ ,.,,j· i:;ir. 111111 a.ct 7!i9·l221 • · 1 ()·l'aJl \'ll'W: spht ll•11•I 1111, l>l•aul. 11tnclsc·ap~d. chn'i:h) '& fish'n polt• fg~1·"r;1l1"~·1.,·~~: }~;1. ; POOL & SPA . '.,~1"«~~.~ ... -~n' 1i',i';~,t~i;~:1 ~~~11'.~~a~J~'1:ih ~,.~~ ;:1 1 11111· P.1~a~~·rn~~g~1~~~~~~~t .\S~u~~i 5.oO.o fur tJl'l l't· & t .. r111~ I (;1•1•at 1•nt1·1'l,11n1n a.: 1 c·ompl\'11• pf'llul',I \'J Opt•nSal Sun 1·4::IO 1'11·121~1' hu1111•, It\' ~•••l':tJ.:1' $79,500 · t·anl. mo\I• 111 lncl:i) Robinson· Rl'allor 1 short bhwk ltH>('ea n 3 Sl-19.~l 11111 l\1•111w11\ Cull· I RH. n i. !>ll:X 12~ I (shur.· w a frtl'ncl I 548-5647 Br 2 Ba'~ in t':Jl'h UOIL • 1111. :w:m '1•01110 11:1. • . IR\'INf::S ·. Pn1>t'(I FAR BELOW a11 -SUO'll' Ol'l'an \il'W, sum ai.:ti•ll t:lt~i chown 1\l' l'l'ltl1· lllt t WOOOBRIDG ~; pruisal al $159.500. Ju,I hlTll.·1r n~nt Ownl'r \ltll Costa Mesa 1024 ......•................ 4 BH 2 Ha. !pit , us1•d hrk $225 .000. lcith l'I & I TuMan. li31·33i4 hkr 1·11011 I GREAT ST ARTER RC'O-IC!l'll 'Cl 2 B(I, I l'i.: le II $1!8.900. Hill Kl·mwtl.' 63J.12ii6. aitl RVM* * VETSAnH: * Fore-closure Sale M1.,,a \\·nl1• F1s1'r WO!\ 'T I. \ST l'nnr uni) Sl2.'>.000 5-1:1 'iOZ:f Ilk r COUNTRY ENG. CUSTOM RVM* BACK BAY HOME , I Ownl'I' blclr has s~ian·tl • no l'XtJc•nst• 111 th•~ nt•W :.111 lt\22 LANDING PETERS lisll'll! l' tJ f11111nt't' Cull for 11.i. GllEAT OCEAH MEWPORTHGTS ai~AHTED,FAMILY llG SPLASH! I ~ll'G E 20\ Ill 1111111 ,111d I sµa , Tn It•\ l'I ~ lit' :Iha & l;1m rm, 2 1 ar ~ar Taki·' 111 1• r Si I 2;,. u 1111 ,, 1 I Sil'>! mu Sl7!l.ll00 llk1· . 751:EN HOUSE I S/S 12·4 327 09'e Street 2 31r 21/Jlo Colldos IJri.:e ~ant Sl7.5.000 1•a <ij,'1.. 113 I 54~ll l)~·h~htfoll~· l;.1111b1·ap1•cl, VIEW . VIEW ~ ffr 2': Ba + Fain ill bll'hantini: pu1111 an·~1. n..-1t.... 12 4 o .. ;•ut •Br w num1·1·11us spu. $315.000 11.~; 077 t . ._,...... -11._ •· · ot'u ., rm. & 21·ur i.:ar. Good as· I \i'I")' pnrntt•'. On about amt•n1t11•s Own1•r som:ihll' fi nann ni.: SP.A&TEHHIS 1·' An1'. ownl'r 11.111 financ·ini:atlO'• F11r an fhttler w1llht'lµ.Callus l.tJ.: 3 or 4 Bd wml' w lri: flna111·1• this i·at·ant :mR appt to i tt•w I ht~ r1111• tc'i'l.ht' low clown. I am Ill rm + cl1·c·or I honll· anct J.:Ul'l-1 houst· ho m I.' •• t' II 11 Cu rt DUPt.EX $239 500 ""''"'''" SIO 000 "' "'""""'' "''''"""' illi\1.· i ' 8c "· J Be • dow" Sliti.99.'> ror qu11·k s11h .. , umt ~oll·uH•r for profit I Soml' Ol'C'a n r iew. 2 i·all tncl;n ASSU M t: tir JU St l'l1J c•~· i·~9 smµlc t•aq:arages. L11e 12'.,INT ,\ i:n•at 1alu1· Bayi·it•w. S3ll.'l.000 Suh mone.renl th(' other Ca ll Patm·k Tt•nm·t . I m1t offers! Ninfa & Craig O"lritt1 759-1221. ;igt. 31EACH UNITS 1Y OWNER 840.8208 A L M 0 S T 0 C E A N PriN Locatiaft! FRONT ! ~ DOCISIDI I . I . -------~~--,.,~~~~--.-0.-0 un1<1u1• 4 Bd :i Ba hnm1· r::~::~~'. $©'\l~~-~ C<r5" u•t nl0 sc1rtofl11x.or~ lnmg BRI NG oFn:ns 1111 1h1s l>t'<tutaful :1 RH ~:ast:rnlt• hQ.mt•. S1·lll·1·1t ha1 t' " Sj)t't'tal'Ular \ICW or In Nl' rl lk>lll'h 2.108 l-~111111!_!1111!!_!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!1 C • . • t R ,. ·h \', . Cliff Dr Uni<tUl' 2 h<lrm . rcsc .en -1 at ~r.i 1 • d1a tarize ltt'ltt)! anc1 JUST REDUCED -----14.,.4 ~,CW a ,OUAH W ((~1man\ ,1mt•n1tlt'~l11 ltsl Gooir 1rn:rn l'in11.. /\..,k1ru: s:m.ooo For l>"t shOW\11).: 1·11 ll 'G l1·n lldlwarth. agt 55!1·9400 port:haSt'll anulht•r Xlnl IAIW or no rlown c·onclo in f1nan1·i1111 Slf14 .!IOO 1\1:1 So Cst Pla1.a area spa.n ous . 2 B~ 2BA . 1hn. ;;n•11 i':xn•llent $200,000 elm~ rm. Wl.'lhai · !pit' & • Bai Lulo P1•n Oc•t•an 0 h o,,o,,ge '-"*'' ol the '"'" >CfCmbled -.,d• be· low •o '"'"' 1.,.,, s.miple -d• l'Hu vcoA I I' 12 I I I. 1--.-C_t ... T-.-H...,H.......-11 1 , I I' I I . l GUPERJ .! I I' I Ii J z An oldlimer was glYlng a newly married fellow some $ound adY1ce. "Remember. the argument you wtn whh your .--F-E_L_T_O_Y_...,I wile ain't ....... , I' I I I 17 A Comolt•• '"• r•.~11• QuOled -. . -v by i.11 ... 9 '" lhe "'' ... "' -d· .__.._....__._~_.._.. yov doveloc f101T1 llep No 3 below &t2·6lf>K , Gn•at assumaltl(' In N(•w \'11•w Tnwnhnmt•s :! C;all Tim. S~c·nt 9ff6·653!i Maskr su11l's I.µ rm1t. I TURTLOOCK <llill-1•nt• µuT Dl'luXl• \'IEW HOM F. 1•01\St. \'tl'w of On•an & Open Sat/Son 12·5 niµht lights: Quit•I Art•a 16 Southern W()()ll Parks. lllH'n span•i>. 38r + libra_r)'1dl.'n, 2450 $ 115 000 $137.000. $1!19.000. Hal or -sq ft. 8.51·2300 I RVM* bmkecl patio + 2 ll'r : ''ic~ i:--'.u •h : .. at·, l .\hanclonect Spy)!.lass nfk ~1ucl1os Pn m,e r>rn· j liui Id S'.i2'o.~oo ~ ... l\t L'S~ Hill owe straii:ht note pert) S89~.ooo owt.: SEE, A~ 6"3·22l8 494-7551 5:io.513s. m -6881 • TRADE UP TO ~e ~Ca~~k RE . -. -. , HARBOR RIDGE "' 3 FINF,ST . . · FOil A UTILE PROPERTIES l'qt.at~ to tradr. 3 ~R J~a Th11t's what \'OU )!et with W OWNER + ii l• n 8 4 4 • b 4 2tt " F..sicll.' CM. :i Bd +-I Ba. ~aJ 8'.!um\gls6J3·7300 , HEW I oak nool's, Jrpk, I l'ar Hllltiftqt011leach 1040 LIST• G i:ar. lrJ.: lot. Ownl•r will ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,N fi nam·e or V 1\ terms ARTIST ABOD~ t mt 111 Frl'c·s,tand.tn)! Gross· Call Curl llerbc.>rls II. 1 ·h 3 R 2 ll: SI 10L. mont in VtllaRe 11 2 a !l 6:11 1266 ll'3c · • .• r. a "· h<lrm. 2 ba. Very well ... LOT NEWPORT HG1'S 1 l 11.111 take rour ('Urrt-nt lhis pnmc ACRE PLUS FINANCI NG t·o1ir1l-s~ 111 hrokt•rs BUILDING SIT E A BLUFFS BY OWNF.R· i:cntl~· slopini: pan·1•l. CUFF DR · 3Br. 2Ha r11ntl~1. 2 1111 l<X·ated just a short cits· A PANORAMIC \'I fo:W pat1r~ m 1•rl11(1lunµ~ wtell' tanel' from trnnis & thC' of lhe 01:ean from this lwuu1 1ru1 a.:n·t•nfll'lt & beac·h. prondcs SP~:c. trucl1t1onal C.\P~: CO D pool. n1•w l'pls. sani:l1• TACUL1\R OCEAN & horn(' F.XPANSI\·~; ~ sl ~. 1mmar Askini.: otll'nhoust Sun 1·5 20012 ma1ntainec1 hur.1e . E:ll!~'l Ln .. HBOOO 2111:1 original owners. Good • l!ll'ation bat•ks lo sma II CANYON \'I F.WS. Not Br's. rum rm & POOi~ Sll.5.000 ti-1-1 5050 Casto Mesa I 024 park Sl39.900. ••••••••••••••••••••••• enou1th? Thr ownl.'r has SS00.000 m<·ludrd deJailPd rnn· strurtion plal)s fo r an unbelin11blt-CUSTOM VIL'W\ IN MEDITER- RANEAN STYLt. We belie,·e \'OU'll a)!ree 1t's "A LOT FOR A I.IT n ,E .. at thr full orrerrd prire. or Sl75.000. ~·.,r FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAN I MIGHr LKiHTS OP84 WACES I PADS llW4D MEW TOWMHOMIS 1erms.1·all MISSION Rf:AL'f.Y IJ5Z3C.UWSDa~flVM 98.'>S Cst Hwy. l.a,.:una ------49_4-0731 wJ!!=r~!a! 1 > r FOllCLOSUH new. Low down · assume FOaCIS louna. Nt't.'ds fait sale. SACllflCI SALi • ~da.f 12-Wood' ~O\~lijlll'.X+-1. 20 Whitc<'lourl bkxt to bcat·h. 1220.000. TRI u:n :1. With Pt'l'k 11 \'1t•w ~ .1 11r ·~ + ram rm l'nhann•tl With IOb or ll.'111111 & l'harm ~:xt·l'll1·nl l l·rm~ S2i9.f!OO. l'OllNTRY COTT.\<; E W11h ull lh1• Cl!t\R M 111 tht lk11:ht11 HR MW ~i':W KITI.:llJt:N ! lloi; it .oll for onlr 12.'10.000. R.n : RODGt:Rs tlll·l~i UDO WATERFRONT 3 L' N I TS 11 n s a n ell IH.'al·h Sl.300.000 With ~.000 as,umahlt• lst ()pt·n huus1· Sat Sun 12.,; -l~i \'1a l.11l11Souil R~a Wntt•r. ,\i:1·nt i52 .. \il0 $195,000 ASSUME LOAMS • &'I· this ~ liclrrn :11 ~ hu l11:autiful P11rtofin11 Mtll. In H urhor \'tl·~ S..11uruh' mnlht•r 111 b1• cart ri;. :ii 11111 1>1 111·w t'llflll:ltni.:. rhr.11• lfi IHKtl ~1$.:i(I() -- .. • POOLSIDE SITTING • El~nt Condo Neutral Tones - 2 BR 2 BA -Formal· D.R. - Gorgeous Sunsets Super Financing · Low 1'~ixed Int Rate - Seller Will Carry_ ~rg 2nd. Shown By Appl. Asking $220,000. A "Joy OC Newport'' Listing. Deluxe, 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing. C-ountry atmos here in Costa Mesa. All for 111elow price of: SIJ7,000 I Sllt,000 HALorPATIAl8AGn. 67J.7JOO SUCCESS REALTY i:u.roor Am.~·,. 494·111i 549:7991 OCIAMAOMT Ku•tblurr. S24~.ooo 4bdrm, 21 ohu. lru ynl. S200.000 ;i~:.1um;ihl1• 1:1• 1 ISi. IMZ.Sllil , tl40 lil0j So. Collf. lfflty . . 546-5605 u '·61 '4 .· OPt:r\ not·st: Sut 1 ~ ;, \_ t1SA WEST - ,. --~ --... &.JIM •acti I I... . OPIM HOUSI ....................... SAT & SUM 10.5 ~EANF"RONT Modulur I Om· of lht mo11t si>n· T)'IH' Homci;,. 24 hr. tarul11rti,•w11 in l.11i.1un11 IM..'fU~l~. '~ lh1 I'"~ tlt'h "'11<-h w1lh fin11m•in1t tu t '·~•unic pier. (;('dur n 11tt·h. rrh·utl' !lh'l'l'· CuU41JtC l)'JW, redWf":l'I ~tub ll'uot it_11IC dt'tll, pooi , iiua rdc<I 26'15Vlcttlrit1 Dr. t.111111n11 i:11te. adlt1 lll'IJ. No lel('ti.Sl.4t.U)OO *"~ ...... ··~~· . OVERLOOKING l&AIN 8Clt ... la • prt,...10<'. -~-·Call ~-~ OCUJllONT L.OT Alto 1Vlillbf\• for in· IPf('llOR. l>oftal Wllf. Coldwell Ba nil tr. tn!•w.t· - HEWP.OIT HG TS . $199 000 hrund n1•w ~ Hr :i Hu, h•aturini: 1111u1·lous uurn.11. t'r ti 00 r*. llk~·llh•11 ' 1:011rnwt kth'hl·n. Outl\t antlln1o1 \'llhlt'. Jt•1111nt• S11ltt•r. i» . R II rm l u :i o t• u r t 'l'h,•lst'11, llurhur \'w• llon•·f' .... ..,... ... .._ Sl.~!1'1.800. l'llS) h•r11111 • M'tloc·k, fw 'llnlllll' "~­Al>\;l.'t mub1h• homt• pal'll, '"' lht• hi)'. J IUt 2 ltA ...... Al.SO, l RK. ... l'RA. fin ....... OP•:N IAT ~ l·4Pll •K . ..-._llwJ. Ull& ·-.:~ .. ~.~~ .. r . . Orange CourOAIL V PflO I /~turoey. Januaty 101 1V04' .......... ......._Wt · ............ · I Olw~•tett OIWM•.. OlwMlltett ................... ................. "-"U.fwrJ1•1' HwittU.fSJ1h1' . ..::~······ .. ········· ....................... ······~···· ... ········ ............... , ................................................................................................ , ............................................. .. -.e~ IMt ..... INt IMdl 1"9 ........ ..._, ..._,,.,.,., JOOO M•tttt c..e.W... lJ24 ............. U40 NII ,oftltecll lJ6' NII ••rtlHdl lJ6' ••H••••••• ..... "•"••••••••••••• ... H•••uue••••••••u ,..S. llOO•••••nnen••••••••••• .... All JIOO••ou•uu:u•••••••••uueuut••u••H•tu•o•uueetn•o••••••nuoeuo••••o••••••~• lftWile ILWfS Co.90 Thia beautiful upgraded 2 bedroom plus Ion condo wlth view of bay and ocean has 3 patios und is perf ecl for entertaining. ' HIAyt4 OM UDO You11l love this )paciously remodeled 3 bedroom home on an extra wide lot. Sunny patio & jucuz~i ! Only 10% down. OWC! ! $.50,000 under appraisal. uteOll COMSftUCTION OH LIDO Unbelievable but true with $20,000 de · ' posit. Own~ will provide wallpaper and decorating service at cost on this 3 bedroom gem. The time to buy is now! · • UDO lA YNOMT _ You will love this new exclusive list- ing. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, excellent terms. Owner financing "Sl,500,000. * I IDIM, new ly furnis hed & decorator perfect ! Turn-Key ready for occupancy. GREAT 2nd floor location .fa cing landscaped court ya rd & fountain . Outstanding value. $129,500. * 2 IOIM 2 Ba LaTour, fireplace + So. exposure + mini ocean vu. Low down payment, immediate occ upancy. Only $165,000. Ag~rit. 760-8617 VIW BALBOA NIW OFFEllMG. Top floor corner. Outstanding ocean & bay views. 1 + den or 2 Bdrm. Fireplace. skylights, assumable financing at ll.6'A-fixed . ~.ooo. Agent. 760-8617 w ............ K .................... ,.. .. ..................... t'IOk lo !;() <.:111 Phm1 46R Oindo l'JRA $825 SPY6USS 38R.28ACul·dt · 1u· t.ri: Z* sq f\ ~o in pre-10 X 1~ Road r r 11{1. C.M. Ta SMlhr MOCAltUM MPT Grccn~rook Homu 3 n)1 bl, LS!>t & lk1!,....Nu OC..-an '& o11tbl \ lc.w •• Yrd S82S mo K1d1 ft i.11111ou$ Lido V1llUt• Alihwood 111 rm s. -plex Xlnl fin11ncc Wari1 Cho1l'I' New ort 8R,2t;:i l,.i\•.1am.VR .2 l't.1.s '761176.'l.'I 4bdrm. fr.m rm .. ~ l'~ P1110K MS 7818 • ~;i w/boal slip. H1i;h ilur111tr Rt·•l uHrr aml\ 075 (y7311 345·4123 8c11l'h Sp)'l(lbi. Hril 4 car Qar lir1rk frrwtd l'fl005~ VO R CRM'S 11:ir S2200tmo "·' n 4Ur. 2811 homl'. 30 bo;it ~•ull\llble 10': lal Will 758 OC8'1 BR homt• w / no 1·a~h )'d ~ mo Sl.200 dcp Ati b)' reb Ii.I 3 br, 2;, 76CHWi07 dork, Nwpl 15, SllOO mu llbo <'OO:ildcr Inst/op 0 t:R /\NX IOUS duwn' t:lll'lll will t radl' 99'l t:arnullon 640 8140 oo. 2 st)', S8S01 mo 2 hr. l HhJfi. Condo J Ur up. I hr 673 6210, 673·24~.l'' • lion ~~.~?. •. !~.s.~ N1·wp11r\ llc1i:htto 3Rr S~.000 l'QUJIY for rnw 3 br. 2 ba. l'll'l' kll. dbl bt1 , $750/rno .Super down, 3 b11 K1tl•hl'n BALOOA ISLE 2 6r}rl> lllt·4338Q~r/Agt ~.~ •• ~ .!~P.~,X-n~~0t·. lult(!(.I. Ran,·h or tn\"e!d• JCOr . on q_wct 1·ul dc ~nc· bt'a1·h & nuor sho111>1n11 nook $1300,64~ 2007 l$OO New puinl ,1.11i. JHOUSISILOT .m.CH .. CCISS IN''G4•~•i mcnt pro11nt.-rn tn Ml'ti11Verde S725/mu loc Call000-~71 .,8 ...... .,8 "R• 6?S4000 RodAgt "' .... """' Oran~r. H1vuriilclC, or t $S001>t't' ()ys 64~·2284. " r • °" or' r • 111 • 2 ••To leocll with lhll 'rharrntng 3 S~n D1 c140 l'ount1u1t l'VS9f.6·2896 2BH. l't UA Tu~nhOUNl' Ot•11 Slcp~ tu b..ar h. 3Br 1~81.1. dbl 11ar. d/w •BR Shin4tled Co1t111ic 8 d rm h 9 m c 1 n. At"'&i~ro~~"ti»;m M11y ndd Nuih tool <.:on 4 stt:-2 HA. adultllt nu ~~cp\~/ d~,:~ ~~~( .'~~~~~HOUSE dtsp. SBOO / mo lu ~lus b1~ loftr Rear ho1m~ CAR~BAO L;o1ul11 or Sct·urit)' Cuur<.13. Pools, tact Mtk(• (.'row. It (,.' pt.'ts temp. rcn11113-6 mo ~15_775·~16 ~ 3ll!J() , 642 1010 • Ordnr/wtr pd 846·2$1!_. 28a~ a~kylll llvtrm . MJ~uod dcc•kin11 und Tl'nri'•,•·OnlyS?•,90().& 1'!}'1or.Co6400000 On Monrovia St near ---lt'-C.e.uyou n , loA + separate p11t1os. new 1·urpl'l:.. ·~ "' .. -19th ft~ 9~7 0899 4 Btt, 2 llA. r11. 2 l'llr )lU r. 381<. 2UA, Pvt l.OI", 2 .. "'" " Studio with a UA. owe 5 r1repla<'C ;rnd lhul '11 A11sume II ~. I I Loan haUstatf"' -"" . Ctnn~ )'cl.1111tio $750/mo rool~. rntil'. w D. NU Oe11n H@ITl(' 3.000 sq ,, yt•IVS S229.SOO. RI OH1' .. PIU VA n : \I• i l h l 5 ··i Down . W_..td 2900 3 Br. I Ba. + family rm. days 1191 .1947 sooo 1~1. l.aAt, Set Oep 1111erlooluni; tiolr 1·oorse 494•7551 Dt-:ACH Cull M:111u1:1·1nt•nt Available. -1111ru1110,' 11111 yu~d. S600 i•vi-slwknds 7f.0·04S3 6'll·6Jl2, 700,0036 i·vcs 3 bdrm. 21 i bu for mu I .. u-c.. k IE JD Pro11Nty M ann11e ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100. lst & last. 752·2881. chmni; rm, wrup around -'~°'11!!.C~-W~t l71t4ll7£~;.!,ffr• ~111 7Sl 2'71!7 l COMVALISCEMT JRH l'~Ofl . nu i•pt. SllHll !lrirJIJr.21~~.~ ISularhor V11·w.-.11~."1~I' polio. Ju<· Perfect <·ond .. "" """" H-•iT.e.L .:ur.11allu. poo..,.,., 11t·r•t Ur '111 .,a '-ot.1• 14,ith imml'diatl' o<· AndpnN'il nl!ht\00111 .,,_"" wull~u11er~kyllght s ~-RENTALS 7~03314 t111.1ark & 11 001 12200 1 SO'UD04H Sl.35.000 68UNITS ~!~"!!>:~bl'<lb Or'lllll!\' sh111i;11(h•xt. fr11l1· li:yd ~ $1300 mu int· utlrn~ 1~':!"~·7315 year )', 200' Crom t>lubhouse "".,,...,""""' dbl gor 1'750/mo 73HJ669 ·~'!"7°" ar·•·· r '"0 l63• "T" ""'h M h. h $1,495000 H1__.. 3·2~2 8. !Kill''" " Woctcl1(f3Br, f1r+sml .... ar . ust Sel'. l IS llS F .... I I.! E1S1d<· 1·ute I llr rnllajll'. _..,. .. 2 ... R <.: ti • ti 11 'g h~itall OwnrtaRl C-rcl~ orcni sae. t'nt•e 1•ut R..tats ••••••••••••••••••••••• ., on °' " u ofr New rpls t pa1n1 133 I P'r0 trilt 1600 from $1,795.000 for fost ....................... yard & water $4IS. Isl Lux t'OlldO 2Br 2ba. f'lp. Com~le~ 28A Nr llo11ic· -._646'67~, 631 2177 Y o Uediftt ...,. r + i.h· S1n.1tlc or ma rrled ~ • 1 t L t & O .,.,., -~ ~ Sat/S. I S ••••u••••••••••••••••• sull' Ownl'rs want oul 1 Ho.es Fvnlilhtd 1 b bllll!I, 2 1·ar gar Tt·nnil>, ......., ,,o b • 3b c·p NEWPORT CR EST CON -.-.7S.f2tt · Net.,.115' ,_ dn todosc ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~11~ su mil on ·pets poolljac·. set gate W1r Nu Dc>os 71'>8 7G33 I)() 3 Bdrm). iiel4. near l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I High \•1s1brhty (' J ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1': S1t.lc2Wrm , Dl'W lhru ~--3l44 Br Orn. frpk. lurgl' Agl64S~ ..wrc>ITHACH ~ -· • CorONdetMor 3122 an~ S82S 714 673·411S.i Harbor V1el4 Homl'i. 2 pool, l\'nnls S8Z5 mo. o...r Wiii FttM.ct Oc·ean \ll'w 120 ft fron· 642·6 I Sl Upgraded 2Br 2ba.) anl, o u l. for m a I ct 1 n • ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• sw1mm111g pool. Ja1"uu1, 60'U&.. tai:e.Useex1sllngbuild • i·arpurt , n o d O!:!> 1 IJrt•akfai.t nook , 2 l"ar l ur lof\ mdl oii IJrook 2 ntr garaiie. 11m:stc 3 Br 2 Ba TClwnhouse -r ing o( 4000 SQ rt ur budcl MMmLL • CIA AIM $73S mo Agt 673 1181 gar. } rd. i:rdnr 5675 u I 111. ;at 1 u n , 1 n r1d3 Park Lido neat Hoag ::.~~t~/~wti!r~ss.te~ 10.<m sq ft Own1·r w1JI ... .., ... -1 _,. twLA011 ltoc:h 3140 :>16·4~ ~pr mo. S6-t2 mo\'eb g:mlcner. pool lien ice Hosp 1750 mo Adults baths. family room. 4th l'ltlT)' $715.000 631 ?JOO. • •••• ::': ••••••••••••••• Sul)l'r bhar1.1. nu vaint. }'OU In Pool/spa. Llnd:i. A I a I I r e b I s I onl)l Mll-6509 floor observat o ry. Realtor LO\'ELV 2BR.2 UACal l'UfTll'h ~ fld,fam I'm , l2iiti S12S()mo 7700347 ALMOST3brwpur opt ,elevator Subm11 off et I UMITS Class1r. w w l'pb. d w. 2•, Ha.110ol. i.p1.1 t:.t mo Eastblum, <( br, ramcly dbl gar. fned. pet SS9S Redured 10$2.900.000. 011vl'nhain Ranl'hO San SAM CLEMENT! • fp, h: }ti w~fru11 trees. rent + dl'IJ Gurdencr & room . lgl' _varq 642 5161 OC~!fl'AtS 750·3314 la Fe I 45 Mil. w j.'X1·1•111 t-.:o;tahhshed mroml' un patw ~rdnr wailh cir) pml MC' 1111'1 St200 mo or640-8107 H.tww Vitw H~1 506 '1"Str.tt 2 hdrm. 2 bath apt. OVl'r 3 c·ar garage. AlliH·hed bedr'Ol.lm. hobby room & hair ball! .isx 100: 101 Roum to build with jlO(cmt1al ba,r view Su ti mil offer. 'Redu!'ed to $56.S,OOO. Title Ins. & Trust Cu Lewi!! 953·2020 ex 131 1 Trust/ Es late S~IL s.c..... 1076 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NOTHING DOWN New large 3 br. Ol'eiln l'i~wS2,_!.90. Ill<.! S45·9911 Ck_ean Yu Condos 2 Bd 2 ba. SJ0.000 dn S132.~ 3 Bd. 23 • ba. luxuQ $l5.lm dn. Sl&l.500 AA HACH ILTRS. 714/492-2108 Open House Sun 2 5 30 PM 4 or !>BR. Pano Ore an \' 1 e w X Int F1nane1ng 213 San Pablo. Lingo RE. Den rus. 498-4950 s. ..... Capistrano 1078 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I I ll'rms JI llufdahl its plus hornv uni~· om• fnlt. 'm111 to'b1·h: piunu' "lll ·54S·ti44s.i~1.il191 Blurf~ <:u ndo :t BH . L-O\'ely 3 bdrm Carmel llSU42:i.6~2·6237 hlo1·k to 01·l·an und J!Ol.846·8781 •~~1dt> CM 3 R11 !', Uu WOODBRIDGE 212li1\, New t'rpt Pumt Model V3rant Quick -.-bhups Assunw h1JnS LC11J1o9N1leoch l 141 S8llO 11r ~oi C:ull, Rbl 3 Bd i·ondo. ground fir 2 l';;lr Gar Frpk, S980 possession. 11350 mo · COMMir.aCl .. L 549!>.000. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~tlliken6:11· 266A l • unit, {Jcaul. deror. lr1: Wkclys, 732.3383 En·b & W11lker&~e, 75!:1501 ~ "" WaterlrOftt HomH 3ticlrm, 2hil, 11111 pct. xlnt l)Ullo ar{'a. 5675 mo No Wknd:.. 64011831i EXCL''SIVE VIEWLOT IRC.Rltn. 631·1400 on•an 1u . triilt· • ~ • pl'ls Crail( Sulan D1gCunyon lon•I> Ul'an u Oc-eans1d1'of<.:oust llwv iBJO mo unlil Junt• 30 ltlHY.!13 bwlt Dov"r motll•I 1 IAYSIDE COVE 111 La~una S299,500 . • 49-i.7334 , SK.\ !17..ti • ~tory. 2 Br 2 Ha Otnin1t Ra r c + b <'a u t 1 f u I Wa1erfru11t Homes. Int lftdul::4 581 f'ark Dr. $750 mo. Rm or Oen ( Ap iirox t' o I um b 1 a M ode I . 6314400 rr . 2100 Newport leoch 3169 3Br clo1: & kuts OK IHW l!'(I rt ) out~i~e unit. (cutun•s full deck + ~~-••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••~•••••••••••• Owncrs.192™2 _ SISOO mo a44 57 1i . wall'rv1rw Vt!ry l•rgc2 CondoMitihuni/ToW•· Fm.•stn(I!( 1ml hlch;. 1!000 1.100 l~~.t diarm.111_!'-1 l.r , ~BR r.~n· St\ le Twnho1ne. new J br. 3 ba. 7~MY706 BR + den. fireplare. 1.---f ..a:.. 1700 sci II ldt•al for ownN lxlrm, 2 ·bath. lri: su11 I: · pallo i:ar P:irk pdol \aulted re1lrng. 2 car ~ ors-~ • Xlnt S W S:rnt:t ny pat1u. \'Ompl<'ll•b u11 llornl• In PrMcrr\'.. · .• s97 33 9o • Lo I d f ••••••••••••••••••••••• u. lr I ', p I p . kl i:raded. S1700 mu Yl•u r lh·s1d1•n11al Ar,.J (.'M Jill 5 mo 8' S7 1tara1tc 'e Y eror or L<-1surt> Worlcl rondo f or ~a51 ri JU r.in '" ly Bil! Grund_y. G7S tiltil Uran1I N\•14 . ca riil'l::.. 'Jlw l~akt'!> lllR Lo~t <.:on IAYFIONT most disrnmmating l Sall' 8,v Owrll'r 2R R. I • IHCH t:LO R L'ON DO I) r all n & p :.i In l clo r1•m11~. Pool. Spa. ~' :~(h~'. .. f ;r eb:~~~ .. c ~ le\'l'I S2.000 mo. lease 2BA Upi:rudl·ll rJrp,•t:. LokiSole 2200 Fum b . 1 r I ·lbh ·1 Throui:huut E\cf) SaunJ On lhl.' L.ukl' p d /\&l1ll l(i().~rr_ ---Gfl'JI '°"'"" SllS.000 ••••• ••••••••••••••••• f· 11· s£;~ 1 u '121~~ lloonr & Windu"' 3 Ca r S525 l)u\3 i52 1!200 f!Or~l'OUS \ ie14 ier an .714·S~!'!-710t , ~~un Fri ILOERS ~OOn. 17·14 ;~3 9373 h '!JI l-"1•m·l•cl 1!1!1•k Varel J EH'l>5.W 9581 i!~ ~ pt•r mo Anul 3 Br Npl Shores .S7!i0 H-5 714 -•70 11331, J SPM ms_s_ t-<.ard,•n 1 n It ~wn • • t'. ~:t~ORAMl(.'"\~l'!W Fllnll!StK'vtt-28r-. 1685 EISi•CostoMHo -. . I ~r.inj!~ Tr""· Wltlt•i R:.ini·hoSun JoJquin. nr f'am1lrhm3Br · S900 rul"NTRYl'l.l'll I It :! lot. J u1111:.. llltlr'~ ~m.MO~ll.~.ll~>MI-•. I 1·1~ SuhtHI lo \v Ll"I. 2 lJr ... ikn. frtik. lmmactwnhseJBrSl27!i ESTATE p..•rmcl Sdl or t r.1111• for <;annc1 \ illai:i·. <! hr 2 111 ll\ JI Im rm· cl 011 $1125 mo Cati P<il F'n Ba\fml dock 5Br SJ250 3 Bel 3Ba \•14 l'omlu I fm1i.h11t 11ruJ,•rt Ila. 1100 i\dult:. .'!"pd:. I Sl250 ~to 9!'!i H9i I IS:ll t~ll 11r !!JI gJ&I • Wa1erfront'Homes, In(· Lu D S7~ mo 'rll 1113 ;l(.il.~. L' I . •) 631 I ~oo xur. l'l'MJlllr 957-4027 ~25 1648: ur ll I-30. ~.J~l.\111' lorulo -bclrm. Woodhr11ll(L' T0140h•H)'ll'. • .. f:,..1r11> I CYPRUS COVE 1772 1*11 11, bJ, fir,•plan· & l(Jr Jhr. 2' ·ha. cml u1111 . Newpurt HJs . fresh & Ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ SIH0,000 K-li Ji':.) I Sli50 mu !i4ll 351ll ilJrm ''' h1·•"h U" B f I W-.a.....1.-t 3291 S Cl L 1.,11 lbdrm. 3-tth SI \\ail • · · • ""' ,.. rll'un 13 R, p t• ti:e n..._s ff' • '111 ''mt'llh' •11 ' fo't'li 1~1 tilll 11c1 Mun Wl-:.btdl·. 2 BH . I fl,\, 1:r.i<ll-<I. hkl· JW\4 . IJkl'. yard Sl!SO 646 1220. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IRcomt Proptriy 2000 Oiw ol lht> largL·st 11•·Pa11 thh 5400 ~ 5-8!1 c lo:,l'(I 11ar. frnn~I ba1·k h·nnc:.. 111111ls. S900 mu 1;-t2.5200 Nu 2 Bdrm condo. S600 pr ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111•11 lob 111~ulx11\1s1011 · • ' I. 1 Jrd. llJl iu. 14 .1sh,·r MF S.'i9 !>I:'>! lllJ. S100 moves YO'! m Sll6.!'!00 lh nwm•r 0<·~:,\NF'R. ONT 2Br 'I tln,•r an•:i, c·aq1,.1,·1t & Beauutul opi:rad(•d 3 Br illtnd 631126&• INCOME 1~122Q0 1 1\lr l..w~ I bJlh SllOO mu Hil a tlrJlk'(IMl~lflol~.$475 m11 R.EHTALS 13, Ila C:omlo f'rplr. PROPERTY W I \ " ··2 ·110 " 'Ir I B· S7"" i:arai.w & 1·ar 1111rt. patio, llarbur R11l"1' lol . NII, I ri 1•r,, g, 1., ;i !'!-111 5'U2ur710!>4i29 '< · a l/V SPECIALIST "' 2Br.2Ra $11~ pool. jac·ou1. l>Uunu mi!S1Jlul·.Stil51\ l0<1tul~ Mui :Jll'~ 1·x1.•c· SJ~:-":I', l'1ii,1r:.dupl1.·x.21111. I llA J Ur.ZBa SllSO 5m5 mo Calli72-73li S..lt'<'t from :1 19 u1111~ Tl'rms '.l\"Jil:illlr Lo ~u11 your Rl'l'd~ 1racl1• for T L> ·~. 1n1·or1w 1 nnip;rn~" Shan· lu\ 1.·I) 1·p1~ clrp~. dnsl•fl :.:ar no 1..,. Raiso r Rll \ 1133 8600 • 11 ., 1, F' 1 propl) ur Wiii J \' " :1 Rr t ckn homt• \II\')\ kul~ or pd:. $4!>0 11111 4 ., r ,.. Jil amc y rm .• c••1-~" i·ash llll'\.'l>IVI' wr Ira:. 2 lad1e!. S.'lSO 11111 $.Ill f>:l l2 ur770·~29 itJ111"h11 San .l11u(1Ulll. 011111111rm .1 IJIO\'k from 1!..-t-1.....i 34_ OO J 5 11111 $hum (• 1·a Al:ll 673-1)511 11\'W ul gulf 1·uursl' 2 NII lllgh Srhuol ,...,....,~ ''2 to4.31 ACRE MOISE PROPERTY UDO ISU WESTCLlff Custom 4 & 5 bclrms IAYFIOKT home w11h 2700 to 5000 sq til~J759.()1Hl ~Br.nJI-' clrp~ \c·ar~ar, twlrm. <ltn. 2 ~:~r ~;•r SIOOO m u 1\ ~t·nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1K1 1Ms Must ha11· "'' ~S CwO .)J:.!~ 541 5032 _ \'Illa Balboa. Ptof der · Momtoift,DH~rt. HouwsUttfurwi1hed lt'Mll'\'' $-150 11111. 1:-t & Completely· furn . 2 R~ 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tusl + SIOO Cll'll ti·th !iG.'17 Wmclhrnlg1• Chall'au. i! S11an1.1ui. huuH• ""ilh bdrm. 2 ba. hv rm. din $1,000,000 llworLtost 0 Outstanding features Channmg 2 Bdrm plus Two bcd'room. two hath ~ ore.an ;4nd vallpv den, a bath. pier and slip ·l·ondo Pool nghl outsidl' \lews' Liberal terms to arcomodale .io· boat. your door Owner will al'ailable .. S28!i.OOO to North side. For an ap· carry 2nd S129.500 wrth Sl.500.000 pointmenltosee-th1sex SS0 .000 assumabl e Wlholl&Wtiul.E clusi\•e property. call fin~·1ng at 12'.. Ll'~se 493-2752 546-1151 · opt 1 on a\' a 1 I ab I e w II h ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!~ ~ do14•n at S700 per r- · :_. HERITAGE mo ~ r s.to.,_. IOIO REALTORS '*Cote Realty ...................... . & Investment IRcom Proptrty !11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!~1 LAl\5.777 Great mvestm~nt. ~P· BAVFRONT _. porturuty on this un111· LE~EHOLD corporated property io Exquisite4 hr 5 ha. near ~HEIGH.TS Santa Ana Heights Linda Isle. includes 5 E C L U D E D, Large eomer lot. almost private dock. so· on the ·, CH•RM 1• acre! Superb rental · b sso ooo d "" units havt-rerently been &~s:~e i?so:~w~i A pnvate contemporary remodeled. $189.900. 1.2%.li42-92JI. entertainment homl' w :; Call for financial in· Bdrms. rcntr k1t t•h. formation toda y woodsy settlnJ!. lots of 919.2390 · glass, towering, trees TARBELLS and spa. Rooml to ex· pand on & out + alley JE)lJ[OJR al·cess Best st. in Hgt,s Pnl'l>d at only $279.500 714 &II 0763 2925 College I\ 1" Cuslu Mrsa. CA ~--at 3202 111. 2 ha 1·cu11lu. ''n• I swim.min)( IJOOI 3 fir 2 rm. den. ram rm Pool. .• • •. . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • • • • --~ s D .. L I f I Palm: Spring,. Srii,71111 ••••••••••••••••••••••·1 ·~,& pofftu• i:.ir .w111Nlhurn111g lrpk. °" r ami~ rm rp (· + spa Beau>-i1'w-~ Turn"''\ T,·nni:-l"unilo Ex1·hang1• Fun cl1ni: 2 hr tuwnhoml'. fr11k . knm,. 1•1111 1 lllk rrum :.! 3dd 111un.il. utiltt) &y.Llghts Lease$1500 1111 (ioli l 'lu ti l>ri \ 1, Grou11 lrw Em plcH'\'l' 11a1m.1111ol. i:ur ~11 cloi:' I J k ,. P r11 ( d ,. ,. ,, r ll d r m s N 1 l" 1• I ) per mo or option to buy ;14 3:!09:>4.i ur :.i;ll JlJJ Transfrr ur111 531i 2·1!111 t'h1hll4:d(·on\l· $.5~5 SHOO rm 997·31~2 1 1 ii n·clH ii pt•1I, au lo \Jl41!i4i 4156 Hl\R Offers 111 lt·J~•· 111ur J or 1.399 · \ Bak,•r !lliO :r.lll!I · • spnnklcr::. Sl 250 mu Ul "'ETinrnH.- r I 'I SPiii"'( S '" 1 ul. :I IJ tcmuo. mJll} • I I I hi •LL-.1.1.td 3425 1 '·.. .i Rr hou,., ,. ,1t IJlr .. 1 .. Woodbri~tw d ds 1:ard1•nt•r & 11oul ---''·!' ., ... IOx .... markl'lt\•ntll''~SI001lt'r .. S"Oll 0 2 1trlll,\l'll. II() up SC rlll"C 640 1321 . ---'IL \ • •• ·k Jm, nll H,.,. 0 '' •ra I 1 Sn I l • '"""188 Off 1•9 5•9-• i APPlEVALLEY ., .r. i l4nrn1: ·: p.11 .. llll• SullJt'l'I 11.1 rt•ntal lii3J:U\.1•1i.b-152439 . i: ·q· I J!\' :.ur, ....,u H'I?" ., ' •o•••••••••••••••••••• -DlJlh M.ik< ul fc 1 sur\l'\ &tliffrr,~I m.1111 ~·ull} ,.huttt:r,•d J Br 2 Ba bl'a,•h hno::.t> Spar1ous 2 Br 212 Ba Tax Shfttr .. , 9t\J 0307 knan~··· 2 \l".lr' 1.,.,~t·r IJRr h~nll·. 21J •. 1. fr11k. lg F'1r,•11IJt1• \1num '\,· .. r 5825 mu \t:>arlv \qui To11o•nhome . Easts1de. Nu r new 4 p I u 2 Ollt of C--'-' I l!r Jnt Ll'SM''' rii:ht 1,1 1el. (,00(1 h11 ~--q~11·1 I) o_c~ I Jn cl_ 1 ,. 11 n 1., ~· c ll 1 !>I :\I' 14 110 r 1 Patio. garagl.'. w d hk· ~rm. 2 bath ea1·h un11 I P'r ;:;""'' 2550 show for suli h·.i,.l' 2 Jrl J Sf~ .,rn~1 lu:J ll2IO I S9 .;i .. mo \ o p 1· 1, Short'S g.w.8208 .\~enl uµ. pool. spa L'pgraded With firepla1·r. l'nt'ICIS('cl opety 141~"· rurj•r'"'\"'-111" Ill\ 11rh1J ~49.11·1 {"> 5.'i2 Oliti() rnlenor. r1replare Must . 9-' ' I ••••••••••• •• ••• ••••••• '"·~ .,, <J· c-• $750 paUo .. "~rha)lt'fl ' • .. ,st, I MIU.R• MCH' REUT ·Ls ~Jill J br 2 llJ. l~llll 'II"· 2 UR co:--1>0 .. Jlr rnnct I llG c ..... ,0... S\'t' I mo '"2·1603 Pos las . ow 1•0~ • ,_"" """ t hJrm1:l11 "'. J!Jr . P111.1I 11·nn1~ S5i5 mo """ " TSLMgmt .,.. 1159.SOO. Bill Grund\,! !I+ Jl'rt'"· Ill Murn\'1,1 'frarh Weeki\ Win11·r iaqH'I AlrJp1•i., n1·w (' 21 Su ri 5!>9 1;111111 OpeftTwsth~SOt En•s wkndb 642·1S31 Rltr.~~-6161 111d u11in 11 2,000 :-. f 2,:1.4 Bd rms. ':-i,."'11111t klll'h1·n rlo:.\' tu ,•11·r Sharon 11 to2 $6!iO mo Woodbridge 3 un PL X 1 l,1rmlinww. lar11c· harn. ,IJ(•a1·h & Balboa • 1th 1 n i:· Nu JI l' 1:. I *7 a.. G _...._~I BR. 6 mo. lease P1·t ~d. QUA 4. Ii 11m i:aLi1.1nw\•ll&i:Jrai.1c JACOISREALTY ~~mo 1~i 1us1 ssoo.l.alpiolncti 3241 Cu ~tri:~t ,:~no pet s 559·3194 , 3-~·2-2 CM. Vl'I)" rll'X1hl1• ~.000 clown. & 0 W (' pe""•ERTY 11,.11 ~ il).'IQ " ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ll.)j.8ll_3 on l~rms. Bill Kt•n I JI 12'. Total tHli'\', ~ r 10c·canfrunl homE' 2 Br 2 bidroum. two b· 1hs - 6311266 Slll~.000 9 · JclJu1·,•)ll MGRS. lkau 211R 2131~. dbl 1:ar Ba Ari sludrn. largl• R1rhl~ dl•t•uratl'<l Mull'cl Dix 2 br. I'• ba rondo. ai·r\•~ ;tlso ;11 ;11lahfl• 675•6173 ll_llll Jl"l'.~ u( . .(. 1\1 l\frs;c J gnrclL•n, ;lllPhanl'l'S, 2 tonl'S ;!()()() SCIUarl' feet l'e!DI 31r. bll Ins. 4~11777 ti021 \mld• .. !'!~12 7!1 10 · i.:aragl's ,\\ail ~'l'ti Isl <hrrlooks 10th """ 11J washer <il)l'r. we1 bar. l'Jlnn· in lhl· ,k,1 hv1 hling llalM>o lslond 3206 E S11l1· c~~pl1•xh. I lhlr, I ha SHOO mu (.;ii I ,. ' l':. golr tuursc $2590 mo.nl h ~.11a s1.1hat111ol n' is r;:1u af rroem :.11 1·. Slri .500 Jt;nl ·~···~··:.·····~··.·:~···1.1:Jr . .-o . ''. i __ c .11,~1 49'ibi9!i ~~~·~~~R~·~·1tt~;· Ca ll ~mo + ~ei·.,641 ·04 12 , 11 , I 2-li2li~:\ppli•\"allc•~ Balboa lslancl W.1111f1 unt S:l75 llMI No"' lo1:l :!011 2BR. Si()(l Isl L.ist \lier VEISAILUS Penthouse stodro. 20'; dn approx $68.000 1st ll~ .. 7r. owe 2nd 12'< 3 yrs. Gym , P 1s p a . clubhse. Security $135,000. Owner Agt 631-8169 GREAT DUPLEX.. 3 Br. 2 Ra ~~"1r~1 _n·n 3 he rnnd u. 1:wo :.11 fl . nr ti P M ·I 9 -1 3 -1 11 a . ,., ~-:. 10'-r down, 2 Br I Ba l'Oll ~.000 1809 w llal~tua *•SOK TOTAL tal ~Mo 110 0.1·1• I :\141lt lkh (;1111 t'c•Ul 'I'. 21:1 449 r~ Harf>orVitw H0mts Walk to So C:11ast Plaza I do. like new: Isl fir 1111·. Bllcl Opl·n 1>;_1111 . 2 ·I Tin) 2 hdrm i·ott.1~.._ SiOO 1110 ~ti! ii:l29 :ill Is . . . . . . Heau11ful ~ hdr11111l1•alll bdrm. dtr'. pool. rPl' fa<' UDUCED! ~~.1~0~;:>;1~: :,mw"'ne~l T~1~~ulH'rl lll•a llor. DOWN PAYMENT Sf;(XI Sonkl'n ""ll'rlwll 1 iJmi .i~2 ~1X4ti 1·~~1 !;:~:,~1~,'.11~br~l~~r~ lnc·at ell In Fash111n ~':'~) Jeall' ~~ µets App al S270,000. 41lR. 211BA. pool. $240.000 Own/ Agt . 955.(!809 OCEANFRONT Private home 3 BR. I Ba roooi for addilioo Step from the beach. By owner. !)WC . F ee land 71'1/642·3215 67!>-S#l_,_~!·~ I • 7Xµn~~· 15 h•>UH'S. Jll Rdn'tll1i.'ia:ll1I I orR~;~T\LS ba.3000 sqlt suoo:,;;0·1.bland & ~c·h\lillf> Sl~O<! • _.60-93S3or1683184 4101(~1d 2310S...taAnaAv run as .iiit rnm ph•x I b(lrm. 1u11• l'llllal:l'o I 17lhnfrom$2000ll 1 S4!>-1166.4994252 . ll'll 1!.188222 or il55 llH6 2 .BR I Ba MaC'Arthur O""n Sat· 0 lO.S J95,000 Coito Mtso P1i:.1t111· cash f11114 CJll huu.w from ha~. $!>Oii 750 !J.'111 i cla'" ,.1 2 ,.,. h • I t:'lhkh) \illag\'. SA Wallt to S .. ~ b b ·~ I I I I \~ r..1238~·· --~ , .. ean ..... rrn oust . Ill 31 BR 38\ (SI Pl3l3 6,jS 9095: $429,lm.20'1 down 4 r. a uyW «fwn. Eleven umts 1102hctrm flf<l'IJ1 ~ I=· "" lll"llllY' n•mo1ll,•1t J ·br t'l•nlral \"dlai.:e Sm 1 ! • i .ore;1n.\il'14 . 1 f>.124662 OWCat lJ'K t•reativefin.;646·6960 townhouSl'S + a four [g]\\\~Mthrldgc: Two 2 RR hmt•s. furn or 11 bllC) & pJlfo. !':OW I }atcl & !!Sr $750 month I nu l"Pls. l(ar. QUll't .irea . · - Fetlmd 5-lhi.GIJmCI 1016 bdrm 11• bJ RtHH'h unfum.}rl~ l:.r $i50Jncl 542.5 49738911or.i9.i-~76 · SUXXJ mu6315S33 To~ Appt anylime. Agt ••••••••••••••••••••••• houscl Annual llll'omc Ret1lt1j ~ lii5 966i OC R~!NT ~l.S 7~ 331~ 1 ('o;y -qwc·t 1 bdrm. den '1 llG CAMYON Uimnilhtd 3525 --'85='-7·..;;;487;.;..504,~64~>--~--7_18 __ UNIQ EHIDEAWAY ' :~ ~~~e~n~.1~15~~;1;; 551·:1000 · Ba) front. b~;H'h. 3 Hr 2 0-Poillt 3226 c·ottal!'' Fr11k. lo\l'I} Sup e rb 3 IJ d rm 1••••••••••••••••••••-• Waler \'1ew, I BR SIUI"· 2nd TD at atlrarllH' lt?tBarru o Pli•>·lni114' Bai 123 f, li.i\lronl . ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ard 3 blks 10 hea1·h tov.nhou~t' o n i:olf IEONEOF Newport Beach duplex. 4bdrm ft 2bdrm , $265,000: $50,000 down owe balance al 13r;. 673-5257. WAITM-fOI' A IAIGAIN Rare chance to own a comfortable 3BR·2 ba Harbor Vu on fee land for only $2241950 call now! NEWPOIT AFFOIOAIU This cozy 3 BD, 2 BA + fam. Rm . in Harbor View near comm pool has good assumable loans and is priced to sell. $237 ,95-0. IA.II B.IGANCI l.n this impeccable Spyglass 3 BR. Fam -Rm with breathtaking moun· tain· and city light view. $549,000 Good Terms. HAllOl llDCH JUSTUST8 Magnificent casablanca 3 BR. F.R. 2'h ba. formar DR, breathtalclnl 'OCean and. city light views make this our buy of the week at $625,000 with assumable financlng. co. lugh beam clg. fplr • rate Submit all offer\ RalhoJ Is land $1200 i HR. 2 BA. In lr\l•I. nl'ar $Gso m11 Pei: Alll'n, Rlt r. I ,vur.,e lor leui.l• $1200 THE LUCKY FEW H1W floors Sundeck & R 1 OlltofStatt winter St400 dnnual j l~:arh. 2 1·Jr "Ur, 1anl "'94·7_Si_8 I rmnlh Renl rn Costa Mcsa·s ed l 0 f. CalJ Wolfin°er "a l.,. 2 00 11 rb d 213 '78 ~•11 "' t'O\"er aio wn in 121.'ll~·lJ!M., ' Property 6 ~.ays " ... , $750moi75-0'l39 •--wu....i 3252 f1.Ui266 ~E W ESTi;ated20 S139 • .500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ch • t .. .,,, .... 2•· f --r-·~· C01a J h 21. ... I rl Tu14nhome \"I LLAG E OPENS{\T1SUN 12 S l6UNITS ' l'tdh Cc«lar l'111 new crnwtq-.-My .,.·aut 4 ... ,rm. uJ. am •••••••••••••••••••••••.,. r t. · va. e · 1vi.uu"NLtY •· B 3 7 2 F · (bl ONLY soo 000 d 1\11 ' ·' J bdrm 2 6a rollai:c• rm. frph', dhl gur. fni•d Exl'<' 4br Jba lam rm 31 \'lean twnhSl' P11111. JOI!. '-um.iu"' :...2 "' 3 r. I I a1 n ·1ew wn 2Br 2ba v'er•. no11:;,n ,\'.,1 hr um:·· 1.11J<"[,to'· Shl\~aOIGth \'el)· pm ate $950 )rd.' u 500~ 962 21!M i·ar i::tr .. 11t'w·. nr orea·n 'I ctr $150 ,\g_t 5'U 1140 2'' Bal 1600-1800 SQ rt or 3rd & 4th l Ownri agt _, • ... on..:s s~ . ,, . ,, 67~ 10111 • $loo.l 974 J.i20 11ure uxur) G araj!es. 213·221·5310;213~·6850 s.is.~ s.s:J.000 1114)5460839 • FCM1tan1Vollty 3234 · . WOW!! h)•dro tubs tn master ... dtt 1098 4 UNJTS. ASSUM LOAN RtalEstat Corono~Mor 3222 ...................... LarJ:t• 2 HR, 2 Ri\ patw Wu1f t lasl ' Nl•wport ~u1te. formal dining u•u•••••••••••••••••• AT 11r;: OWC BREAK t...ch t 2100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !i Br 2 J Ra. sphl·lel'l'I. :I home. 4 yrs nr14•. bC'am Crt'St tow11hous1•. n\•Wh rooms. wood burning ~ NO QUALIFYING EVEN w 25'. DOWN ~ CMCJt 2 BR 2 BA O<'ean \'tew c·ar )!ara)!''· rcdc<·. pool c·eihngs. Comm pool & reder J br 21 .. ha Wolk firepla1·e:. m1t·ro·wa\'I' LONG TERM FINAN· Sl92.5001\ 1979-4383 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pvt .' b1•h.'. $1100 m~ pri \'l!S No prl s spa,$i50 &Iii·~ to bt·~l'h, 0te~n1s. 111101. Ull'ns. fe~red patios &! CING S CHOICE NEWPORT HACH. 700..~or673·7t97 ~ mo 968·9171. Miuioet Vlfio 3267 s1ia Mini 0<·ran new yar~ Pi:irnh' elegant Assume approx S90,000 IMVESfOI . Custom Es I a t e 1 n 3 Br 2 Ba house 713 HOME F'OR H1':NT ••••••••••••••••••••••• A1a1I Feb I S950 mo I hl'lnlt onl)· 15 minutes at 13•-,'lr avg. on this 24 & 18 Unrts, 4 years Harbor Rid11c. $SOOK Larkspur $750 1 i·hlld 4 Bdrm Tiburon Conclo HOMES f'OR RENT. yr l(•ase Ch1l1tn•n ok lrom Fashion Island . 7 .. 3Br. I Ba pool home new. Costa Mesa. equity tra!lc fort·umm'I, OK. no IJl'IS. Will ~how S725. F11nrcct .l'anl & 3 Bdrms $650 .. Felll·ed 6'1().1644 minutes to SC Plau or Below mkt at SIO<l.000. 18 Units zonedror iit new land. TD"s or .'.' Owner Sat /Sun on I y 1 o 2. 11arui:e K icb & pl•ls ~·ards & garai:l.'s. Kid5 & HARBOR \'IEW HOM FS 0 C Airport Josi l'ast or Good area. Call Jo-An ''-·I~ 673-0470 640-1!.175 wrlromc· 1st mu + ckp IJ('ls 14'1.'kom(• 1st mo + 3 8 2 1,, d, r 1. ·., Nl'wµort 81' ti & so. of ( ~ 14 ) 9 6 4 14" 2 ""'"VO <••2000 • I f I «••2000 \ t " r. .a. ~II. rp I. r. San OIC"O F'rw1 Start i . " D BourkeRltr 5-169950 Want a tax shelll'r? Sell 2 Br. Crpll'. !lit ins. ,,..,,. ngen .nu t•c cep .,..,,. 'gen . no i·ar i:ar i.:ardc•nn ,. . ED G E W A T E R my 11 ~ year new tnplex garage. Adults, no pets Dix 2 br. 2 bu . frplc'. Cl't' SI 100 \,ail 2 I 112 ing 31 $IOOO a month REALTY l2l3 l4344481 HOME&INe-OME Otl'Xl'hange equ1t~ for S12S fl¥·1809 patio. enrl 11a r Good W--..rtleoch 3269 Sl.10067lSS501i4454~H 63154~9. 24i3 Orani:e 2567Eldeni\\'(' .C M 1•1lllll11or? Owner. /\fl 7. area l"ompl re ·-..,... ' '" ' · \ic .losta l'tl r>J 2Yr old li.:dlx 3Br.2•,Ba 714·700-0734 Lrg JBR. 2•,Bfl. F'am ruN>1shl•d SliOO nw ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br. 21 , ha 1ondn w 30' OELL"XE Pntl un11 , hkl· h 0 me + 5 u n r ls Rm. Den. DID Rm . 5-16 3429 c~ VilacJt bual shp. h11.:hh up 11('\I. 2 Br 2 Ba rrµI. Scheduled gross $42.100 IE ~CHANGER Frpk. Patio. 2 Blks fr Nl'W 2000 sq ft lnrludes 11rad<'Ci. plush l'rpt:. & pool, .:ale. man~ xtras llOO For more info call bkr hasol'rrrespaceforrent Ckean Rent /Lease ........ Ollltoch 3240 2bdrm ruSldenre +1000 walh-01er1ni;s A1all Tustin SA hnl· S62S ~o 979·SG99_ GcneTnbolet $1400640-~ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• sq ft. offirc Secunty mo to.mo St200 pt'ls r,5.2580.751.0;96 •••••••••••••••••••••• EANFRONT Modular Type Homes, 24 hr security. 1., m1 pvt bch + fishing pjer Cedar rollage type, redwood deck. pool. guarded ate, adlls only. No . &.900. 499·3816 e wide. adults over 35, no pets. Appl. Lo int rale, ~.-0$69 AMPlCM . 4S t. l bdrm_ furn . t>lclO&fd patio. 8 X 35 ·· Space rtnl 195 mo. Call 641-11527 9-4:30 wk da. 1·679-7753 eves .:and wk • IOUOXtrol.-ca1>ana 641;..S:ru_ _ WMIMA HIUS - SplcWM Z bdrm + dtn, 2 bath. 24d0 motMle ..... sStarPark, 11 on· IJ ..... hd )'OU &et I tDOtltht FREE 1pare ,.... Aceet m-41.SI or ..... By owner fixer triplex 957-4027 S Blks to ocean Ele1rnnl 2 gate. 1nterl'Qm. S2000 11511139-1or675 1938 $146.<msm Isl al 1 •r~ al Goldenrod, plus view Br Fam1l)' Rm & Orn mo or poss11ile option !';1'14110rt Cn•sl, 2 Br. lofl. N ..... I cnh <!.C.t>1•o --P'roptrtt 2000 i....~ 4 "'"rms 3 bathe SllSO Mo. Plush l'rJ)IS. 2' ~ 67J.67i6 2 I~ 8 a . r r II I I' . ~· ..., ....., ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '""'"'· uu • 0 • Ba C""ar & nlass sun I " ·, ram11y & formal dmin)! derJ<~-u d 1>1 "r 3r. pn. !fG CANYON r,:~e Sll~n1!'! ~:,~ n a 1. 3 BR condo nr. S. Coast Plaza~terms $112,900 · 2. 'Corona del Mar-custom • duplex. 2·3 BR units · $347,500 3. 4 ~lex · 2·3 BR/2~2BR $238,500 _...! 7 prime units • $342,500 ::~mo.,_/ J.I i:urage. fully ma int c o. 2 Br 2 Ra condo. NEt:O A Rt:NTAI.~ 'f!X>t()tla aa ,.lffm }"ard. Adult~. no pets In· S875/mo A\':ul. immed Call JarquehM. u)!,·nl. ~,,J.,,.,.J1M. qwre al 527 18th St !Fo to mo P11t rrck no1'0Sllo\11u 67HOOO ..J!N.,v ·"f"7-"' 96CHl.331L -59 22 . . _ . ~ 6-.70_91.91. -HOMES fuR RENT SE1\ VI E'W. '4bdrm . I~ Y· Y l Bdrms $675-$725. • 21,b:i, + fam rm Grt•111 *11. C.-...,., om ,,. e n cc d y a rd s &. ,,ev; Pool tennis il600. garai:cs. Kids & pets m:m:io 3629 CoftMfta 3224 welcome Isl mo + clep. WXUIY.IAYFIOMT 2 Sto~· 38r 2bu. lg'' ~u11 ....... •••••••••••••••• 545-3XXJ. AGent, no ree 3 Br 2 Ra. with bollt slip. dt•t•k. w11lk 111 ht•o1·h C·l p.i.....~11,y 2 Br l Ba . ...__I · B R I Avail. now .. Mun\' 1'00IS, ti!nn1s A\a11 211. '""" """'' us1ve 2 2'i · u 11 . llfT1()nities. n soo Mo s10001mo 642·7714 housr fn hlg~ trnrri<' spu. knnls, -~er )!all' R..,J._"t~l•.•gi2 area of Weatsulc O<>sla (;!age beu1·h SH.~ Ml :1 ""'~ "., NcWJ)ol11 Hci11h111 luqa·. MC111. TcrrHtc for Anll· 911!-1398 OCEAN t 11hurmtn11 2 Hr 2 ~ qut Shop. Accolintln14 2 RR 2 u .. • doi1t• to ( CITY VUS fr111l'. db~ 1111ru1t''· 1111'«1· Of(ire, Law Office, el<'. adiools sh~· fw'' •m I' ~· a r cl . N 0 r F: T(S . Xji-. p1atlA1t. Wtll dl8· " •. I .. t:lll'Clll. 4 Bdrm . run . 17H mu . 54H" IHI H(l . N!lramdclinatosuil. iro.Ktith, __ ·4411 lUllt' exel' hnnit ~·CllSO. Approl, 900 sq rt. U · 4 bdrm, 21 t b•. a.. 100 S'l_ (\ SUIOO/rno. Patrk k. •Jtl 2• .bdrm. 2bu w !IH1nn eluding the yard . f(lftfener 1nl'l u<Tccf. 1»-11.z ' $500/ mo . SO -su 2, C101t lo schools, 1hop· frplt• • poo I • JI or no.sm. pin a. park. 11 llS d 1 •1mo. Adu Ill. no pd• ~ 11 b r TJ0.917t1 tv~-_ llt.lut•Suodcip Rcf'1 -m. 'I 1, am rm, ~.S1S.2Ulday1. dill rm, dm, frpk, 2 car J= + D• BWm 3 br, z1, b1, r:: rs11m. le ~bar· Nltt or. 1't mi to ~:':a'.:"l.:;': dtn. pool. 1oocl lor. --~•o•. e e: bed.Nosmokm ,_, ... 0 --... s1•. Al\. '44·•att; _..,_, .. --..... -......... !. M4.fDt t !>!!':t.~.~ .. ?~~~ 2Br. l&~<·pti.. drµ~'. i.ta r. no l)('b Cost a Ml'Sll ~ mo 5411· i234 2 bdm1 I ba .::rr $625 Also I hd rm l hu SS2S 4271 i Iris SI K5~-9999 da)S ti42 llil!l \'\"(':\ ·wllnds CM 2RR. 2h.\ Sn' Crvts & Drps 2 l'a\lo~ & <.:arµorts I (;h1hl OK. HIS m> Ca II 9~ i 112'il .,.... ..... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....., ...... l707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wint\•r. I room & Iii\ S.'IOO 1 J hi from lwh. Ind!'\' 67Hm ' Snwll l ttr rurn ot \all fur~. Stove. rvfriar. rrvr •. dnp,•; tats ~· o.tYR J Ir. l ... ,.,.. apt. Clott 'o bteC'i.. wt•ltr '''''' oalf . _,_ ••.• lut. IN . . ...... • • Oraoge C911t DAILY PILOT/S'aturday, Janu•rfll.-t982 .. ' . . . • ( ,. . . ' .. --"" JlllM ••• ~ ..... ...,....,I .. • .ti ·~-.. I • IL.&.-.. ' ..... n ................ ; ... ;::::;:. 4-M4-w,• =• 1--. A.Jc llle:lh......., ~ 1•111 ......_ ~·..._ lllfth 4JIO ...... a.. 4JOO fflctl...., 4400 SNrep 4HO c:::..19...... J7J4 ..................... , ............... ····~?··············· ........•................. ; ............................................ , ........... ; ....................... , ....... ·~····················· ...................... •la l16t c.t.MIM lU4 eo.t.w 1124 ~-It•• 3140 Mt iporflt..a. JUt OCEA~RONT Hc4 Br. Prof~11111411 rtimi.w 1111~ S1otaUt'·R V tralll'r • 'Cil.& DI OIO • •t•• •••u••••••••• ................................................... , .......... , .. •••••••••• ... ~ ......... ~, ......... t\v•il Winltir Wt•11kly/ 2~-o40, 000 ~mukt'r 111 ... boat,(' M $351~, tC1rk All1Jfftrtr ~~ l'AI 81& ! b,llll 8 t1 Y CI u b • 2Hr I ll11 Apl •CMLD Wll.COMI• 1 Br. w/1011. lfdta. frplt, UDO VIEW Gora. 2 BR , Monthlt.!!.73 71t13. ah are beau . Newport Office s.ltt ll.')l.a!OO " • • AID hll(~l'hN' 1 llpl I A·U~l' o~ Nt'~I)· dc1•or.. Glli !'Cl 2 Hr. Crµts , drJlll, (IO(ll. 1JOOl.1111ru11e. $475. L111u1 (p, adls. ' Palm Sprin11111rN1 c Mon Dt-aeh C'Ondo. S3()0 mo l..£'11!1t' 300 sr 10 f uunliJlrl .... W•td 4'00 Conwar1.1 l;l'tort• you M;" """'~ H ~nu !111.U • 'l'f'lrl i:ur • 1iool;--1hhwr 1..ndrY SSOO Wtrll:'uis •\Kl tit')' fflt'tl nr -shopp.Jna l1000tmo61S 1!"9 tt'l'eteei condn 3 R;R 2 • 1145 :ms VallrylJnnlrom.,t"bUHd-•••••••••••""•••••••• rt nl . ~ustom d1·111~n . ......,,,t•xt .~ .Mulls.642 5073 . l4U:18lh .645ll701!11fl S ll-t7CW ' llallX1u lsl11ndWutnfronl ~a. rum :-Vl ll t rrum M •• OOIHlmkr ichr new 11)1; Ullhlll'll &duni1ont1l l:icni:le ~om.~.rt·~11t111111 fut~r~11 : Pool, R8Q, YllJAILUS Sva1'HlU~2Pr.18u $395 2567Eldl•nAvc I>lxWr s.1502br,adults. 38r.2llll.VCorlfrcn (,olfl 1''1101K lhttly , Woodhrit111,•2 llllrm 21ia 11Ctvit·es1ndudl'cJ t'on ble,dl>swnduhlc.w l>r t'U\' rel ! IH 11111., 11 u r l.11ri:c. lt11t·h1ilor Nkttl) 3 Dr. I' l Ba 14~ 1.nun 1• Jilli lwnsht· putio ~ c~ M~·r. 7711 to:llit' 11 n 1:11. SSOOtmo 7~0 0:147 ~~-ck1 Y & moothly rJHcs rorl<lo. ·f\Jrn. SJOO mo In· tuc1 · Wally St:.irk. c 114 1 uld soo 111•1•ks (.' M huu1w roun•1" 'th I t furn t •h cl M 11..,,.for rvv•l.548!1"6 ' I I '1 'wr1••r ·6733Jl• -uvu I 7 14 ·5~8 1!001 •lull 0•70930 "4(1J1•23 !i19'-7350 ur•, .. .-lor"nt b\' l''"h I "~ w1 \' u:1 1 " l' <1ny ·1 i r-v ureu. 1'1lt', btns, 2 )rs-~ · · " Avail llnmed V,uultt•cl 9SPM u~kfor Mark ' o.J • • uru .., SO~H <.:OASTRANK "t'' ' • ' h1~.11a>1n11 . ..Adu I ll v llll'll'n1llcs. S6SO 64~ Hl45 2R 1' I N old SMO mo C11ll t11 sec Cc1lln11. StJ)s to lfrh • . (!Ve!i. U4S-H<m urtcr S.3'0J)m 1n11 al lts Ix-st Nu llt'lli • 111 W/IO•T L · Mr own '0Jst 0 IH!U \179-500'.} ~-' rG11r11Ae Door opctutur .Liiu Bl11 lkur eabtn, pool Mid 30'11 exl'C· Sll)'ti "J 's IRr.furn rrunt$46~ ~ s IP utlurc a ult ~ onl~ l.j:2 hdrrn.Adllsonly.sni ....... ' 3842 'l.r11 2B R. $595 )rly lhl, t•Olo'i' tv , 2 rrplrll, rumpuny " Shurclov1•ly ()((•/desk llplll'I'. Al<ll~e Mitcll••-' = Wilson, ti4_2 )971 llr~·~~·~~~.:i::IMMI ~~ 7~~ W llllh .• t 1ict i'Olllliderw.I. S42S u\o ....................... 642 3400 _slj_)lj'14 $<15·0016 3 Br +den home . All ex· alrµbtl area R t:. in a.t• 4650 foilt 3726 S _ fl:!G-4.5'19 ~:~~wT!~in!~~~t 1 Ddrm ·1>pt. stovr. fri ll. MAUI I bdrm f~rn. t:on trW>. 2 l11d1ts s:iso1mo ~ of~e;:~~ P1~~~C:.r Wi~i:;·R:~i:i.'r.rit ·~·~· ........................ c....... .3776 Poclflc 2 Br lwnhse, l.tv Rm tile too(. eobble stone pkln1:. On t>t'lllll8Ulll clo Hi-~I s~11~m1ni:: ea.Ag\.-61!J.IWI m"n'1 ''l'on.~1·lc1 rw .• rmt.3Br.28u,furn upl • Sl.ln"t ul•l11r 1 nr Villu• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ttrr-t ·~ti O ••"'' 6'"' .. ·0012 "ft .• lx'uth 1245 wl<ly f c-ntlli. .. r .. ' L' lo •hr b"uut 2 llR ' ~ ' '' I b ·' "" ' .., .. ~ Lllr"~ 2 li I 1 -A inm.: area. kllt'hl'n. ~lrt't't, un 1•ht1nnl'I adjl1· ~C''" .. ,, f.61-... "'"' r o .. 1S2 Sill. Ad Is, no 1>el11 lhnu »ITlllll & t•oi" 1 ·11<'rs · "' r rl't Cl'Orutt•c • 00.'i PARK ORI F. CM I I t h & ll --'"""'· t.luphrx ('OM w/s11mt· no 673 3'7" k·' 'G02 1\0 .... ,~ •• .f7'• •. s3"9~' b!ot•k shops .IJeut'h. new Ua th"lor ""d ont ... bdrrn pru'?1(', llrash .. watt•r 2('8(111RIS8SOto n,1:1nnu. OIQUe Lar1w urn. Util 1111. Spot Tuhtt" Ski ''o n d o . •. O)Uk " ""l li •390 ~ y, w u )' ' I .,,., r · ", ... " "' ,,, ktll·heh 542• ''18 W ,-I "" u. u ai:. e., l(&ruge, mo. 1~· Q·wet ._ .. " 2•'•1 f' N ,._ ... ·' • "' • lJll J.uxur)' O(J1~·l' for ·94$,52'75 ~C!f!O).. Cunuclll. "· ' apts A I adults und no l>OOI. jui·uu l. laundr)' 7~.:5-022 t"""Gilh.St. ,,,1 .. :471K· ,. • ort-hstar. 3 bdrm, 67J·115!,12s;~·i; ll"libc. Beautiful O C . ~ , d . ~-oc laul)!JQ' l'.l@n no Dcts"' Avail. 1mmed. rYillt 1844 Sic~ to bearh 1·3 Br, 7~1.29:1 ~. • .w-" ' · ' " ~'lyft' bwll.'lin!( all·e'xcl' rt>nt .. Sl)llC'e tp 1>rat•tin• ~ It h 1740 pets. Pool. IHJQ unil ra1·. o11 nrop11rty Adults, I ·1 -!!:..!!. sleeps 8 SHOO wkly F ""4• br 3b11 l"'rn A1rvort Art•a Garden Hon·(•ltss bu11 wanb to ....................... "'-= lw.ti ~Imo. fl31 ·49S4 ........................ t·2Hr. both Crplcil. $775 & No, Tahoe Condo, 4 llr 5 t~1~11r;~ ;>;·;J11 \ ~~0:! ~n-1ct' ava11' Sm low Louc~u.~k Call Jun H.J.'sFIMEST u.tw.ishtd UJ.. tfl._._.. &; ::-1 1 2 BR -$4 Woodbndge 2 HK. 1 •~ Sll50 per mo I m llllll lo Northstur s.100 <t9752'76 libru r y. ssoo 01u Si!Q-_ : - Spanish Ei;ta~e Livin1t! ...... ,................ ••EU IEiLi stsic e, g 50·. &. across pool. Jiit' • rnat•ulatc 673·2.'>07 wk Tum 8.57 ltil~ !175·0017 • l:leaun I tik 1...u..--1·•--.1 1806 New c·pt, avail Peb 1 tennis . Stt•vc:' Whit ~ ----. . -luliRH1/IB¥~1t/ roundi~g~~rTer:a~·~~ .=..~=........... FAMILYA.PTS. &&2·4834,675·73911 973.0944 d}s. 55 1.5045 Nb•w oceansv71~·0w2llr 21 1 ~d,toSlt•t. OOO fo~Shr ~~n CM Condo <tr11·cmCoronudC'I Mur. ,pool. Sunken gas lib<•. Balboa Island Water Sparkling deun largl' S(; Plata t\re11. l,g I UR _e_ysLajtlJ~ ---J,;-!1~.~.r. • .'' I n1~ov Ph ............ ••••••••••• , F OCC Student S250 ~!ce·oanml l'Ust.u~yasywuult~"e~Ps.' ••~•~• .. •••••••••• spark Ii' c . • r 3 8 2 8 y 1 apts fur famiht•s w.: 1or 2 l'Ot\d", pciol, •iia. l'lb hsi•-1 ___ •-h ,,flW~. 64~·2fill2 G"Y •oouM •JE n;x1 ind util U42 8065 .... • .. .., a.-i..~ ng uuntutns. root. r. u l'Ur y l'hildrtn. Nr park lleat s,.,.;_:50"·10·'~7•" . .....,..--oc 3848 $725. U1>"tr Jbr. 2h1~ ~ " ~ ~ h $ Carpets, drap1•s. panel· -.I Sp a e i o u s r o om s • .renl!!l_~f~. 770·0347. patd. No pets. . "" •• ,, u "" ....................... d 1 ll k b h CON'l'Ael'· Larl(est•G11y • c. --ing. 420 sq'. (t ·SJS011nu. Opporlwiity SOOS Separate dinrng area. 2 br. I ba. bit Ir\~. nut1o, 2 BR. 2 a• M 2• I bdrm. S360 per mo. Util I Bdrm Iott apt Frµk up l'X, 1 <IC 10 eul' · Malt·/f't•mult• Scrv1c'l' in hoGes 67S.5444 •• .. •••••••••0 •••••••• Walk · In dose.is ,.. " .., " r di • f . ' beam t'l'iltn 11s lrg S <.; I G R C for)... 4350 -----. , LOSING LEAS~. quit homelike kit c·he n & gar. S5501mo yrly No ~W._Wihion 6~1·5583 ~rnea_·.,~_•5'18_1s.9~lll'ts. 383 ~~~~r:st"rus~·:\2 ~~~i8 llaleony,yrly rt'ntu'1 • o (2~laJo304o. • ....... -............... . FREF.Rf:NT tingbu.s1ness,sellingout c·abinets. Walk to Hunt· J~t~.J~~·~7 . 2 BR. I BJ\. newly det•. :i Simi~. 494-7222. ~ . TSL MJi!'.ll -1142-ltl03 F, l'hrhl ult. shr lux. 4 br' $65 single gar. s are & Up to3 mos!' )'OU att bf. ALL supplies and fix · ingtonCent('r. 1 bdrm. pnvate. lca)c or cnrl gar, adults only' no 1'ti·Plex. Nr SC: Plaza. 10 ------. --Ncwpon Hins 2 Br l liu. rondo. Pool, tennis. ct<·. ~urc. 731 W 18th St. ~eb. 1st. Pnme H.B ,o . lures including: . . 1Bdrm-furn.5485 :t'1nthly. Isl & lust. Seto. ~s64~)~19 ~111" lo Ji1t Cn trS i'~1k·I OC.EAH FRONT no k1tl'hc11. NoUl't }100 75.64S·il23 Nanc , C.M~tl87--ra.c.t:. lo~I Competitive Display l'ases, wailing Adults. no µel s Utilities Pree• cpo s l t . Park In g . cstsadc Cost a M t'!la , ,,J:ii:.. Nt~~t:· • n . Mlll!t degant apurtment n~ 6'14-67M. 84ti-3'189 -Prof le> Shr 2BI, 28-A llntit Bearh ge'lrage, SOI) ~;,i~J5· ~ J~posure. room ch al rs. Beauty b7S-~9_or2139'l3·!!~_9 d.ptx.ulistairs,2Br, t[lu. hu1ldinl( in Lai:una S • ---" St o I J\ k ~~--__:_. 1 -Salon hairdryers-and 2 bdrm, I ba house. Yrl1• Clll!tra , heul. q•fnl! & IBR. S3UO Bt•al'h. Finest l0t·ati on rn mall Sluilro for ~uict CdM Use. I blk fr Bch' F rro orag.c n Y s CXTiee spa1·e for rent . 385 hydraulic thairs. mir· fo'rblS.S75mo Nogar · sfo1•r. rntk1scd garage. :!BR64~'-~J150· town Brl'alhtak.in i: Girl. &a('h ~OO rt r ool, Pref. 558·5311. 6f5·9619 lgr ~eith.962'4471 sq. h . sernnd fl oo r ron;,shelves andplanls. l.A QUINTA.liERMOSA ~94-4524 Quiel &•pfe. No kids or '* --'1cws All blt-111s. heutcd Si!75 Mo _559 ·-577 ""e <>Hice Rental 4400 Prestigious Westd1 Cf Also. make· up , shampoo 16211Parkside Ln.lblk llal»o.PMsul; 3807 ptts S45'0'mo. 548-~442, NEWBifEEDAPTS 1.10111. subt ga rugc. 3 Hr.2Ba'Stcp1>tohc;11·h Rt-s p 11111·011ni matc l'or •••••••••0 ••••••tt•••• areaSLOO sq.ft Mt>d1cal :rndhairprodut'Js. W. or Beach. 3 blks S. oF _77~SCi29. £l;ll'h. & Loft . 1 Br & l'le\'alor Leasr on Iv StiOO, winter rental, ut 1l:s llall10a Pen apt. U7J.1807 1617 Westdiff. N U. Want Bid•, Call 645·6501 t all 631·9754 or F.dinger .. ....................... I ·f $85() & up 330 nrf 6r inl'ld u.11 011m anti wknds <f'inan('ial lllSt 7000s. r Fuunta1'n ,r:,, .. ::, ll""f _after6,898>6809 847 5441 OCEANFROMT VILLA CORDOVA .... 11 from S-125: Prpk. 4~-lm'l. PROPt-:RTY llOt:SE lst.Ooor.AJ:ent541·5032 u '' "" ----"'_:.:_·~'-!.!-Yeurly tease unrurn 'J Sf)adous E Sit.le ,\1>t s. rct· room. JJOOI. J:ll'UH1. i;.1.2 3850 r..a2 IOIO 01\'0rt'cd fl·mal~ 35. F'w>\offlce in law,surrt LogMno ltoch 37 48 bdrm. 2 Ba. bltns New E1wT i:ar. 11at111 dshwshr I: JS & w at l'l" JI ii Id . Small stucl10, Nr ma 111 on:,\ VIEW cll'luxr <! cm11I & College studo•nl EXECUTIVE 'for attorney. or Ill her ••••••••••••u•u•••••• paint <·arpet . drupt•s & slme. Most uili rrt·l· Adult~. no pets 393 IK·h G1101I klll'ht·n lJtli will t'Xl'hun!(l' 'l'rglit SUITES prol'ess1onal 963·0T8J Luxury studio. spa, TY. S850 mo. Call Linda or '.'lo pt'ts. H;imJ~o_n. CM fi~s .. 14 !.I inl'I $325, 4!1<1 :JOH Hr. 2 lfa ih•1·k. ) aru. houst• wrk for l 1 v In I: IN S l' p E R 0 f' F' I l' ~: maid sen·iee. phones, ArtAj.'l675·70UO t'aDRM S410 PALM MESAAPTS MossStrt•t·I. ~m studio brio•k rrvli·. i:ar 1-1uur1crs li42-41!11 afl HERITAGE SPACE, & re<·t'pt1•111 WHY GAMBLE! snsw '49U227 ---New -3BR. -2BA V11•w 2323 F:ld1•n AVL· ~M 1561 M1·s<.l1)r apts M1111mal 1·ook1111:. ~~:l;~~~ .. G~·rir ~~I~~'. 6J>m . PUIA area. 500 sq fl s,)90 mu --~-leach- 3169 J at. 598 ~ Y !_I~ __ 6_::!£.7§05 _ 2 Br unfurn S l2!i \11•w, hl'al'h l'lo~c b~. Sunsl!IBluflsCondoson Shart>JBRIBAhousc I l'<i:wluxuryorrite~va<'c ut1l 111d Set· system. •••••••••••••tt•••••••• ~l:J· 7~7 . 7212. 0 a> s_ . 2 Br. enc sil !(a r al! e. Atlull$ only. -t'111l .h1 wn u11l indui11-<t. -~115. my & l"a1·1fi1· A \'1• at \1Jrtor111 l\11us!.1-,'ro!Jl l11'h. 1200 mµ t n trl'i n e' c ll u sie's L we lb a ('. u Pl 1 on a I OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. 213 · 9 8 ti 16 02 E ,. es. Adults. no pets $.')25 mo 9 .f~S-16·9860. ~'lllO. . .. • C M t cl:M>.9-i40, 1>42 ~~ Steve P))il 54IH>97 t c•itnter! Easy Frw) at" warehu'use ~,ai:e. Close i\-1 Vending r outc a1alla be "BI C " Produc·ts GOOd stcad) rnl'ome. short hours, loc·al t·ompany <.:ash re quired $3475 ~t·ured by supplies DYNA-MI C PRODUCTS. P.O Rox Z'/93, Palm Dl'sert, C.:a'lif I 11 Avail. Winier Weekl y Wkn<ls i73_~ ~itson .631·4889 O.OP~ 3826 494-82;15 ~94 225.> . Br . H .. cl I Prof rmmte wan11•cl, N'SS A1'a1I now! Call rDwy1'a!!_sa_& .• ~. -a~_•crp~r_t Call ~1 lhl ,,.,3 SJ ~ Studm $290 + • .. hlork to 2 2 a t:on °· pool. t lx:uut dee rond(• pvc f d ...,,""""' ~.!:!!!>:.:'!' ·11!!~ _ 50 u.t1l Pd !BR . f.astsule2BI' I Ba Nl'ur •tt•••••• •••tttt••.a••• l1t·ni·h near sh•ippinil fn>lr. 2 ~rtnlll' put111~.' rm & bu. Pool s,ioo + or ctails • Want something x lra Duplex H7 E Hay '" c s l' h oo Is.· n-o p l'l s l~EX Larj.!1• :1 bdrm. : . ,,. 1o:n11.1nif1c•\'el 51;50 1-1h• . , ., , SS 1·1211 _ 6'40·42lQ. • II U'N T I N G T <1 N s pen 1' a I a· n ·a 2 Br ~_!bo~ 547-11_55, 542 019CI s-t25 roo l\31·6155 • ll\'llll: "", Sonw u I i I:; pa t d h o I l' I 1111!.ll ~;J() 1711:1 551-49!15 uqi~nst ~ Tu rt 1~.r()t'k . BEACH• -' .R Id '·alrforn1a 4!17 :1077, . '. • R~e:8.512252 •DEl.UXEOFFtCES• 1080S/F.r .. •t Towrihouse. comp)etely 2bdrm. Iba. frpl<', gur. 2 Ur I Ba dO\\llSt:ur. oi:can\'lclA. Crl!lll ~ l' 1942797 Woll r r"mal lit-:! RI.: · .-If JU!Jl?$895.M,Q;__7G0-9J.17 yrly , sl<'l'S lo twai·h :!248 l'a rn un Dr 2 1·ura1cd 2 1·a1 g ,11 · · t' ~ · · '· Hmmtl' Nwpt Shores Fromlroomto l400 sq , •.•3Prf."°"te6ffircs - ~l----- -VIDE.O GAMES SALES LEASING -SH LU>UUDunM All 1 .. hildr"n ..Q'-· '\:n ,1,,,,_ S6.i0 mu 195-1<190 , No Laguno 2 BR. I IJ;i furn ur unCurn, 5304 1 non·mi-k1"<lrinkt'r O\'l•r ft From Sl.1~1 a Sll ft, No : • ~2Starr Areas vn• , "'n =~0.JS~~ Ji.13-l!!l.5.5. ->-= ' "...i.lx...~ :rrxrrm TI 21' with g-;yntJ,,.or ~-r 't!..ll.1l:l!01 -~. SitOO-mtr'-tt<tO.cio:Jf . INre-reqUtrl"l'l:-"Alfj--;-;-wet ar vaea.ch rentals, :!&3 3 br. 2 ba, frpll'. OW :1 SI~ mo Sil•rra Mgmt · xrm. -ta, i•ar i.:ar,. f Hi hD 499 •""2 . Liom0131 ; A1n111 1e I 2172 D \ u lall 1 Fl bdrms, a\'aal, b\' week or blks lo l>eath Gar $69~ Co t>ll-132-l firl'plat·1•. l'f1'at1• \'Uri! • . g r -,,.,~ WATERFRONT I ·r- 1 r nn U· 1 ''1 > e now st our ·~e.l.ll_~·a1l. -~01~ ~~~_,;..;,i rmnth. Ai(l. 67;i'.81'!!> r_r!.rJi_7H _7!ll-21x1r~. Iha. klli·hcn. t•n t·l I S.'llX> ;l:u 1>1·~~ -~ I Logwto NiCJUtl 38S2 Prcst11:1ou~ l.1l111 1\rl'a. 1 F N1111-1101kr, for Fm·ml !Jlllll Ci1JI AM:8:p 322:1 t<i+I 171.l)IW8·3133 Ct;TE 2 SEDROOM 2 Br 2 Ba S-)75 I t gar Eas1 l'o,,ia :\k,,.i 19.l lJ.ttii ·' ........................ ~ ... tt.•n l'On!111 w1boat II \'clM lls1· St!l5 Pl 1nH STREET • LAGUMA 8EACH WlNTER 122 25th $1 i 'last & 5200. dt'p r~i°' I> • SS50 mo 552 461!!1 st1Jq1 ~ hr t•x i:1· .tu.1~~~~' Lxri;~. 2 B~ .. :! .B;\ l>~lw shµ $1!KXl mu \\·arl~ ur l 040 5992 Rd 10.Jo PP.I COST k MESA Xlnt Location LJ11to 12!10 Poot S.pty Store Ind trul'~:·~o.ooo full e_nc·e 497-510!! _ S460.Call642·6514 I 6i3·9521 f'l rt'µlat:I! 11001 p\( bhll\S. l'fld gar sn1.11 ,pon11.. 4 ~r~ Ill \\, lo(,1m kus~·.upl!Oll poss1hh• j l'r11lt·~~lon;il Wllffillll 2ur3room off11·esu1tt•s Sq f) i5• Per sq rt rn - T~rary Corofta d~ Mar 3822 • ~:11~::1~., ',/1~ 1~~ ~sl~~. ri 8':' ~lalaga S5:!5 1:10 115!!0 .. ~')la S75(1 ·~~ Ckl!!(J L~Boch Apt. 'I 10 sh.ih· lar1111 ~ 11 (\in 111d. '\\ail now (';,ill Elet1m·1t' 494 -1451 -~ -1 h ... : l'hil1t ok r l'l'll ~ 1·v1hni:s. rnmm pool & 11:1!1 4J:lllOwiwr Agt l11u11long for room matt• Ar. plenl} of pl'kl( l'lil duding u11ht1cs F.xn•pt Bt-auty Salon rn Lagunil Hills Good rent Loni: lellSe Gd star1er shop • Make ofr OWC paper - 55&-8.s99afl~m. __ tt!.1.i. .. :..&.: -.,., ••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• .. ,, ., I -..a...-.. 11 h ii 'I C) I' l' .• ll I I I' .. R I , ~•Oft • • . EP TO OCF:AN. Most gu_rdcn a pis From S!iHO l ,'.,''. ~ lr . •11•;ir oc c•a11. ·-~,...rt Beoch 3869 '" 1 t)(· tu hl•J1· s:1;,11 ' u ~ • l'a onom1,·s ~75 liiOO FURNISHED · Renl b~ .1. I·' C . 5.S1-2Slt g.ir.1i:t•, 1•ll•.111 ••••••••••tt••••••••••• 1m 171~ I 9&l ·1421 or' s:11• I $1:!5 n~> ''31 fil:li • 600 ...,, fl J\h>~a \\·rdl· 5255 :\111-Pnvutc ofri('t• a:gonth or longer Bl'allt l iarrnmg 111 0 u orun;i. ---· tifl )~Ti -ulli'r IO:JO ,\M tli llilh 1 Rmntt.l'. Nwp l Shon·:-, an·~"' parking krt1·henettespt Z-BR2ba Newpo~t Condo i 2 Br 2 Ba frpk, oc·ean Sparkhni.: .dean 2 Hi· 1' • 1 • ·' PARK Mf.WPOII St '\'l'I (UL•~• air~ 111 non smkr dnnka 01L·r .18600M111nSt Hunt Bc·h W/\'iew. $1200 mo I i·rcw fr6m d.ec·k Ba S.190 Pent't'(I , uttls BToro 3832 -AP. IDTM[ hud..i . . . 25 5400 mo li4000:JT. -_5:!!!:11£:1 Da1l~Jantr Atluu~pd Emplopncnt A~cnry Owner must sat riflce 30K .. Po'tenta a l tu ~K~lsl yr. Perce,·t for couple seeking a serure' future Calrf l'urp Owner will tram. Call M1l·hael at 540-8290'afl .Realtor759-1877. I $800.mo. all Anthony p;,iad. Rt•fr!l!t' :I small ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml HTS ,,.,.I l'r t il1·11 ''1•.·11·1, IH6-0131 BAYfROLJT ,\varl no1A'(714)'"'0.3133 _ ---days 6·12-5757. l!l'f's & l'hlldrt'nOl\. rwpl'ls ! Br 2 lla rnndu, n11 ... • n ....., wknds ~~-fi§;l9. lJltiO Wallal'C' 1; 12 4!105 1!"11, \U1~ S?OO. mo S-175 1~1 & last -t • S:JOO Room malt• Co ~han· 3hr l~~ra.· off11·e 7_C!O 9440 NO LEASE REQUIRED Specious stuchos. one and IW\) bedr0om apan- men1s. FURNISHED Ind UNFURNISHED. Oakwooo also otfers • All Utililies Paid 'Immediate 0oc:Ul*'CY '$1 Mllllonin !Br. I ad uh univ • 111• Eastsulc J Br 2 Ba frpl1·. • h-lb-4658 COUNTRY CLUB ~l'l' .\cllls Pool , i·rwl h1llbl' F l\I in l' M S25CI 2 TO 6 MONTHS ~igner apt, $6.)0 rfio ls1t. like "''" $625 LL....o..:_. __ ._ h 38 LIVING IN i;ar Nt'" l'j)t~ lil0·~178 I' t Ulll •i45 t6illl NEWPORT Short term orril't~ sr1at'l' N .._,.,,..,........,oc 40 ... EWPOWT . <-Cl-J• . 31176 l~JUk•n" for -h,·1r11 l"tl~ , Ex.l!t·u.t1v.(_ Su_ it.es has or. _o~ts &10 i H 2 'PROPERTY llOl'SE •••••••••••t••tt•••••tt ...,. .-. ""'""'"'~ .. ~ u r I bl O l a\'arlable in prime l()(•a &I<! 38.10 i; 12 llJICI BEAC ••••••••••••••••••••••• nunsrnlfrr. to ~hr house llC:. a' 31 a ~ .nr lion. nc:ar A1rportcr Inn. 3 ldrm, 2 berth 2 Br 2 na Towntwnw MARIMERS WALi( l1.F:,\N 2 Hr ·1 Ha l:tun M ilupl1·x in Cd M. Airport. fro~I~ wCfu:: walkinl! dastan<·e to OC Old'CDl\I. \'rew. 2 sun· vanl. launrlrl' i\ctulc ~: 2&:l Hr TownhmJSt'.\pt 11.,. i.:arill!l' Nu l)t•ts $)))+ mb.John !13321i50 scnict• arni a l' a 1\1rpor1 , Xerox mal'hln<· dceks. beams. fPl' S975 no iwts $-15<1 ti7!'i-X<l71 Y.trd, stn)!k & douhl1• ,\n J<lult 1·11mmun1t.1 1111 S42.S ~93·27 10 dys . 559 9216 I'\ L'S no\\ lor I munth fn•1• an!I oth<'.r amenities 6, ' Clothing Sturc Womens Gd rnr. i.:uod leUSt', $10.000 -t-1n\' 0.11er ,wall car~ at low rllle A<·aal Feb 5 Rtdtard I . . . . 1·ar garage, 1w;ir llunl lhl· llal'k Ila~ S111'1" ,.,.In·;:! fir 1,, Fla laun wlmil IJsuSJ.19976. C<1ll E,·a &l-0-18.'lOda. . 2 Rr r\dult. tn•.rnwll 1·1•11 Harbour Chilctrt•n OK t:irular Sp11.,7 'iWtm-cir~. li'1•am1•1I t't•tlin,,: F nrnu.mkr lo shr 1JC'ach I MO.FREE 1·· (7141851·97"! &10·7072 e\'('S ·~1o:s. Sl'f\'t' bar. rl•I rll:I'. X.10 li807 ntlllt.! IMMllS. K l1i.:hk<l ll·n-$4.'iO 1!1·3·27tu hoUSl' w ~;Jmt'. N H ~-_7IJ-113~2'-------· -lots or wood :-;11 1wts 4HR. HA & , 1 Pool. tt•n-ms 1·11ur1i-, lukt• 1ra11~. . Mewport Center View Hpt ... or;bor M Large 3 Br 2' • Ba a1>t 22!M:i Mapli• SI S.l211 mu nis & Pl an.: round l\icb µ u I t 1 11 g i: r l' l' n Adult stud 111 S't •" l'. S225 mo. l~t & l;i~l -+ s1;, ~1rst ~·lass rull s~n l<'c W!'ll apixnnfttrl oflH'c Pnme ~:a~ ·loca 1318 sq. ft.. frpk laun: 5·1!Vi351i.673·8!!0.'l OK :-.; Sf :. ~I lla1·h1•lors. I an1t 2 rl'fng l't1ht11 ... S2ci0 mu SH 111•11 li~ti :i7K7 · 1-.XF:C .11rr11·cs. rnc·!ullcs 01·crloolonl( Harhor On d.,'far ,l'arport.11·h1hl . .' 0 Jll'IS '2· · 11 l h1~lrtM11111> ,;1par11111•nb. $.'1IC1mu"''" ~'l1;11>11 a.II amc•Jlltll·s ·fr om u .,,. C•t "'"'' ~\nprox tion Partner left the OK S99 11 Jhr. 2ba up111•r 4 pk\. .\Jt-254:. 1 192 0 ,-... ~ " • "' urila \nv o own II . no pl•ts. 5 1111· 1 s 1 1 · · · · J am 1ownh11ust·s Crom IXCJ PROFl':sSIONAI. Mi\l.E S2?t> mo• 1~4·718!1 l.OOOsq rt m4Hi45·i l00 " · 1 ,...,.., us er wi all ullls 322 Ma 1 a< u 1~. no pi•t!!.. S52:i. 21Jilrm. 2ha. i.:,11-tll'n a11r.. s.'>lOt $1000 h (·onsider <tll offers. f\(11 .. rgurn l' l_l~OC \'al1"111•1;i .'>t:i 11111.'1 I h I I u l'l'r mont . Smta Ana 3880 St.'\'k' prorcss111n.il I YIJl' N f. F:_ D .A fl L'S AD •·-:-"'·s R--'ol . 44SO 6_13-2810_ --• ~11 644 ·2578 Wil l ~how re:-as nl'"" t•m· i-:ar On.Jumborn·At .... , •• , •• , ........... ,·Mf'roommall'Shar1·2 DRESS! Answi•nni.: & ~ '""" -~t _Sun 102 only PLUSH S-18.'i I San .h~a11w.n ll11ls Hou(! Sl'NNY t RR ,\ PT-ht"drnom Jru'nl 1 ng~ on mail sen·1l·e, t·onfl'reni·t· ;-;;;~;(X(;1~;·1j;;)~~~1~(~' MaMy to Loca 5025 Spal'IOUS Stud1u f r1,1k 2 Br . 2'; Ra T" nh"l' , Dt."t,' 91111 ll60R : I I I~ )t"U 1900 WITH l'.\TIO. S.1:!1> fltoarh ap.irtnwnt S200 1 nlc1m AdJ OC Airport M \' d t•••••••••••••••••••••• New l'arpcl :'\o doi:!> 16.'iO s~ fl ol luxun . 2bdrm. lh:i iluplt·\ d11ll I NO F~~~;· \pt & ('undo 1 t:t:lli 07Clli m > plus u1il1111'' 1-:\l•S ' SIOO mu 71~·833 0692 l'S:J t•r e \r ... a f'1nanr~al park age for ~.Uti_!_Pcl.760·9657 lqil.t. hi !! lllJI~ gar . l\ou~~. hal'k 1td j!a1. r1•11tals.\;ill,aHt•nC.lis W • 389811 96a~~.,,.,"2'<'1'k 1·nd s 1·;ill NL' •. WPORT ClF'"ll,"'. 5~5-4!23 loan or \'enturica111tal prd P1·t 01\ A<luh ~ lll'W 1.1ain1. l'r\lf.,, dq1s ! ti75 ·1912 Urohr • ntmiftster """"'-. r r r. I prepa1red for rxpa.nswn AnoMucnMore• CostaMno 3824 ~7!irno S4K5 Ki i l :\1•wm;111 I . ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Pnr11l'b!l~frontloi·atrnn l RETAILSPACE start·up.product or t'On•' ............... ,~··•••• 673-i\3.11.; lil:l!Jlitiii 7!J9.()t!.lO Ul·l'tirtfront,ror .V.nrl cr Oneled . .\111 look111i-: f11r .;,i qur,•I. 11l1•al for.Jalo\' firm. LO • stnirtton List of \'en. For a month or a hie· ...._8 _ ... BllU Rl'nt11ls Furnislwd & SJl:.l" ll!W7•;.~om · matun'. n•sp p1°rM>11 lo ;urann• or ai·t·t ·I( SI 50 on HarborBl\'d 12SO sq time Mooels open oa11y ~ u RRESIDE COMFORT Bo1rh1•lor. i.11" c• •"-rl'fhi:: unrum Broktor 1175 .. 1912 · •1 ~ shr rent in \M a111 2 1 1 • , r .1 . a. . ft. + storai:r 35• sq ft ture Capital sourres & 9amto6Qm.Adottson1y, APARTMEMTS Larl!l' 1 BR downi1lairs vttl 1w1ll_ ·-j· ~ntsfvraished Ramona. li-157204 aft ~~tit ini J 1t1tor. Realonom1t's 6i5-fi700 ~ii:io'rs. included. Recreation nopets Beautiful lanllscaped w 11wl patio. fp. II "· • ms mo!i36 1979 ONTHEIAY! arUWfwftishecl 3900 ijPM · Qa garden a1>ts Pool & SpJ ~>I. :11>11. rar port.• 11" 2 BR w gara1:1'. slo_n · & Om• of a kind luxur" ............ , .......... 2 BR SISO mo 1 ut1l. f , , koll Cetttet: , Sto.re or Office. 3 rms. Morf~s. Trust kwood Co ,·erctl 11 arkin f!. l)ClS adu!ts onl~ Slf.5 1hshw;1shrrS.~50m11 aµt s 2 1xlrm.tbalh ai;t WiffletreeArb h(•twet•n50&tlO)r!>olll !Ni•wµo11Be al'h.\1N·o1 R,\;Kill'h 56i W 19th Dffdi · S035 Garden Apartments Adult s nn pees ~'iO II aria 549 2447 536· 7979 Fu & r 1 I HR 53ti 1145.1 fH'l'S f\1 II S<'fVll'c Law CAL ~lo. Ca ll Ja1-k, •••••••••un•••••~••• •, · · --· l1M·att'lf !11rel'll\ .u·ross I'll un urn Jc rm -. · &1111• '<:omt> J;i.w hlJrnn !'Ht\ Z27i SciHt« MICJ. Co. Newport Beach/No . 880 Irvine fal t6inl (714) 645-1'°4 Newport Beach/So. 1700 16th SI (Oove1 at 161111 (714) 642·5113 lBR s.i:i;;s-uo ~t'WJlOrt Hls Lrg lbclrm, frorntheRt·uQt:n E Lei· .1pl All util pd \U Muth1·r & sl)n nt•1·d to and man\ t•xtra~· • 2 BR I'• B,\ S.SOO Iba. m•w l'rpts. :.lo\l'. Just n•mitclo•ll•d with Jn1l'n1t11•s 1!4fi Olil!l ~hurr nirl' :fl!R. J lli\ 7 .... """2 · COM· Pnnw lo•·at1on. 100 131 E 18th G-tt1-ti811,· """"" t .,,.,, r r " · ' sm. ) r<I W;1t l'r pd ~n n1·" rarp\!lin i.:. clr;ipl's. Rooms • 4000 h11mt• 111 'l'dM Fr pl•". -11 """ ~Q l ur uusrn1·s~ 151 E 21st 548 NOii kitb. no pl'ls :l'70'" La kll<'ht•n nibint•ts & :ip 11 w. ·i:ar. i.:arili•ni•r. PASHION ISLAND oroffn·l· li+I 114!14 N P I I . $395 I T •"••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ·t & D t \ I Prl'St1i:1ous lst floor -, EWLY DECOR ere .n rno IJ 1a111·1·~ h u; u11~t;11r11 Laguna Bcal'h Motor Inn. I . !lllt"S <·111•111 . 1·a1 OCE \N \'ll::W lkal'h Ston·. :'\l'l\f>Orl I Br. j!as 1id. (•nt•I ~:ir 700-0759. • 1 & 2 BR Paho Apts Ullll lllrludt•s •• f1r1•plat'I', !J8.~ No Pac-•fll' ('o.i~t ~ow $300 + I ~ ut1I Hd~ J500 t' 7000 -f Walk traffic· pnnw IO(';J All types of real estate IO\'l'Sl ments Sln('c 1949 • Sptcialhlnq in · '211d TDs 642·2171 545·06 I I ----~ d washer. pool Adults Zbdrm.1•,ba lownh011SL', • Ooshwashers &880 s rrnrrr r('(I bll rm 1'111,;l'l Hwy, Lil!!Urla R1.,11·h 1~?53113 Da)s. 6-t~ -t9651 Dte;r ('o~rnNc~i~lllnl' I t1on! 800 sq ft 675 4185. &12-5073 $500 mo Call Kath) • p001 & Ret Room th1r~ & a ;µa1·111u~ d1•1·k Dail~, Weeki.\, K1tc·h1•n '~-1 t"" • ;14 667 2 1lll nr!ll~ :m i 67:!-1401_ l•-------- 3 BrTownhouM• 6-:l'!:_&l:!J_o_l'._855·3875 •Gardenlandscapono O\t'rlook1'ni: th1• hU\ J\ailabl1· Lo\\ Wlnll'r f lo ~hr3~r.:Jbaclplx. 520&~7?· r. ()() !NEWPOR T BEACH ~i:~d·:~t3~ed~.ab~.~~ ____ __ J'<ewly _det·or. i:as pd . * 2 BR Mesa Verde. up· • JogLOBeacb &Shops .$llW l'T1f\nth l'tihtu•s 111 ralt'S 494-52'.M Nwpl lll!ls, $238 mo I -n' J:-'! n1 ~11 ~J~r Pnrm 10<· on bus' l'al' 50'. ""Wt.\'. Short or long F\Jrn. 2 br. 2 ba. lge patio. end 1iar .. pool. dswhr per. ~'llew de1·or. /\dlts. • Secuo1y Gates l'lud("(i Por ;ippl c·rill Halbttu Inn S!JC) & up r?~s ~411-8782 957·6126 I -~t·nt'!i4t:5()321.n 1 . I C:st fiW)' lrlC'al for' rt'tu1l term~Ssooominimum • o'looking Nwpt Ba y "~cl_!l!ts.64?-~3. l!O~ljs'S1_75833·~74 · <7l4lSi5 l:!OO(J werkl \' Kttl·h1•1111l'ICI! ~i s , ., .• · uilfl or offt1•1· U:;t· l.000 lilH__._s~ ltltr Pool & sauna. Short or 1 Br wirarport & sml Ot'ranrront 67!>·11740 · Roo mmat1· want l'd I ~A~/\N>J.1'I_sb1.•stlol· i t113.IXX!sqfta\a1I - Ion g . term rent 1t I TilE \'ICTORIAN: ~cw-,patio. Adlts only. no.pets Quiet 2 Br . I Bu g!lrai.:t•, R-d prof cs s 10 0 a L l x p <' 200_ to500 at 1C> inl'I all I ti14 1 &IS i lOO 675-28 6 $12t16tmo. P_h 646·6350 I~· decor. 2 Br. w 11ar.. -~ 31oc M v· palt0. pool Adulis. no ~m an bulh F!!m womun to sh an• t·onclo 1 n11. & J:m~tor. 975·112Q_ ~-..0..:..:..:..::..::::=...:=::__ __ !•!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!ll!!!i!!!!!!!I t & d bit ~:..--__ o_n~<' rsta N ~-.-di h '"'ls. S.500. 1801 "11"1"-th S ·1 O O 11111 M, a 11 'I 1:A c· ·t h • C:O...rc1ol W d h S S H new rrps rapes. ·., ... B earnewxtra xlwn se ~ v amelllfll'i.li4S'""'"n\c·.~. n.r,r<><-,'· oas ~11pprni.: NEWPORT • •.ow as, S for ave something you ms. patio Adults. Call .,..penor. I rupstrs.enl'I lg 3 br. 2 ba frph' bltns ~·6:!2·7340 "'1'7·"''iStli """'~' ·: 1cnlcr. S.100 rnl'I util EXECUTIVE STE lt11hb 447S TD s Re Loans. lOK up want~ sell? Classified ociweenl·SPM .636-4120 gar , Adl!lls. no pets. WO hkuP. skyl111hts 1 Rr ,·rl\'·rental sll'us to "' "" .~ Call~5·7488 • , .......... ••••••••••••• No Credit.• Nofl('nalt\' adsdo1twell.642-S678. OO'i"G_"\'11.10~ _s.no refrjg. r lH ran1te. 'aulte<I cr1lini;s dbl at· h. · · k. Masterw B/\.Poul.lst&. --Lu.'<unous suitrs 3''!1tl., Ca1111eM VllOCJ Oenn''o A 5~373j1 TOWl!hous'e Townhouse' ~-~612·5964 -l(·h )!a r many xtras lit· . gar 1>a r in)( L;1~t. $27:.. Rl'f Ch1.•1•k Mat .fl'm. 2Br 21 ,ba for.sub-lc•asc• in _one of l Ne . .;2(;i)54f ft lnr~ d. s --~~~01·. '. • 2 l3r l:ondo nr SC. ;ululls nn pels S595 . SUO ml) !lb-39r.1!, ~97051 f.:otl '21'1 Or twfl)ist>. Npt Hgts. SJOO Newports e'1<'lus1,·e of· 2 bd q,.~ · u,~, 35°/o Yitld Unfurni5"td 3525 · Unfurni5"td 3S25 rn.~'"''. nr~l46. ' •. Refs Eves646-7555 fi . 1 , \ rm-l:eshn-n<·e-+ tvVV $ --=-Pl:iza s A Pool spa. .,.,, """" ~_5_-5_105_ . _ _ · _ .l<'e. 1 omp exes. ' rrport .1 .,, ft . officn Snt·ur'it' 16,7~ seasonl'll Isl TD •••••••••••••••••tt••0 ••••••••••n•••••n•tt• tennis·. si,o(i Adults. no Ba\' ,·iew . 't•arl\' Room in nll't' 4 RR HR ~tale needs. apt to shure close.l.ncludes. 1 j;1e inter;;,m" 52000 on 13.33 acres lltnd at 111111111111111111 ~pe~9-32.12 !>_r641-l.ll!O 31~~.f ;,·,,2~~.adblr~~~· . i~;~;~~~.~I' s~~o· i0on:i' ~PF~. n~n,·~;r~~eo ~~-~l~.::.l~~~·,~il~~~27 =~~~~~!s".~~~ilonal ~· or possibll'. option. ~':n~~dfn~ C~unty~ 1~-? SGS0.968--1021: 847-893:\_ R w •IOOfreeC'op1es mo 673'6776· -·-mt only monthly,.due 1 ·-• 2 Br l Bu. gar allarhed. 3 B I l m6 Versailles Zbllrm. 2ba, 842-2581 I smflll anlt•d Non •Ample1.1a~kmg llldllstriallentol 4500 S'r 2()"', dis<'ount. (714) • -Adults. no pets. $475 + . d r ux ap . u ve an lo· (rpll', clubhoUSl', SCl' xi~.;-r Hoag. P\'l ba & m k r . 3 8 R M ~ b tie •Kitrhen •Scc·I''' serl' ....................... 751-4826 da. Or 493-1153 N T h St'<·uril\' &16·2723 ay 2 12 ua, e n d &_tlte.$750.~7_1997_ eot. No smkr or kite Hpme Ocean \iew_ 'I bl · NB 3975B' h 8860 -ew own Omes ---· '--garaites. quiet cul de -tt/\ MSwk i\' ~.6_1035 · 1 L:l_&!!n_! $250 497-40!!1 _ 1 a\·a1 a c · ,, 1rr . sq. and}SZ·7191 e\·es. I br <iuplex, en('! gar. sal'. Co nsider kid s. Hul(e 4 BR. 3 BA. bearh ..,.,.., •,... _Ci111Jl_mrnnnt•975-0i40 l\.orless.'MlAzone,50' . . -washer, dryer. sto1'(', s675 mo 730_4741 • c:l~eduplex,yearlcase. Em-play~Female,llght F"ShrFum.2BR . 181\ Smalloffl<·c.l4x2'l.l7873 per s q . ft Agr nt $50,000MW- -For Rent refni:. Ad oils, nu lll'ts 581_5986 Is I & I as t. w u le r k i t r h e n p r 1 v S325. Isl & Last. o-at" ... Blvcl. 'l.B ""·rn ~l-5032. _ P11 party wall buy TDs $300 mo. 1st. last & SN' ---------garbagepaid.~. avail Rererenres s2s o: _<;.t_n_dJ._760-8~_3 "" 'II I r u mi sq. rt. t•oncretc tilt-atafairdisrount. Agt -• 631·5001.~·43.13_ _ llRTOWHHOME Feb 12131376 4509 or 642-6846. Pror to shr 2bd on N.R. $250.S42·!lOO --.,-up mcl blcll! w approx -7_60-BIOLC!!!&_ -2 hr ramily apt. patro, Fenrcd yards/ FR PLC <2131_396·~ ' Fem, .£i.2S. kilc-h~ Penn. I blk from bch Nfo:AR 0.C. AIR ~ORT 750 sq. ft. ofr spat·e Fut. COMPETITl\'E Fl RSTS pool No pets. S.125 mo 2 Ba Enelsd Gar. NEW Hlilltil9• leoch 3840 room. big yard. nice l\l/F over 2.1 ~300 mu 1 to6 Exl'.t• OHu·rs ty fncd yd Xlnt S w 2nds & 3rcls a\'llil;ible. -~6·~251 .54~·~ S660Mo 848-3775 •••••n••••••••~•tt•••• hme, Neal & resp. $250 +ulll dep req d Kn~ froll!~O-641 ·8070 24 hr Santa Ana l11c· Paul Res. or in<'Ol"flt prop up -* 2 Bedroom/2 Bath rm Aft 6. 964.1905 A \'a al 54Q-!_377 or 67S-4606 2400 w. Coa1t t}ankhn i!'>2·51J 1 _ to S.Sm1l Also I' ash for - 2 Br Mulls. no pets. new 1 d H B CM M 'Ch l 1 2.b C exast 'g T D ·s to I 00', or lyder.stove1 refn~.end Kennebunkport?. _m~'----ns 1an rmm r r .I Hlghw, 1 'osta Mesa.300()sq(t.33· fare\'aluc l714 l7601~51 - l' • ...<...1. & p -[ U na_t10 '"50.97_9_-44_10 N1"·c nl ~ t t t Iba East C M. $213 (across frorn 'ano~) per s , f. 1ndust nr * .>111~1\ 300 [fl Very 01! "-'. .,.. ' " ea.,, an rm, I ~ 63147960 ¥ Or 85i -2848 . il S ~ for • 2' BR. golf ('OUrse 11ew Isn't that the horse. that won kttrh priv .. East Costa _-__ an -:m.1200 sq rt Priv ha s_tor'!_ge 642·4758 D St -Mesa d. 00.548-5998 F 23 + to share with rms. includes util. Reas u_a~~c!_r -e\'l' -•2 Story, Split Level . ~s~A;~il1o~Ketii The Triple Crown in '72? Leg mstr bdtm wtba in same. large furn. apt 2 renl.7Jl·J605,645·3683 OfficeRlfttaf 4400 - 631·1266 • -~nX~ Ea. CM. priv cnlr & Ba. N.B. S290 mo •••••••••••••••••••••••llA..Yl•MIMll.Cc.-flh/ 2 Br. l Ba. 1450. Adults. 1 k}\...::/.'7-.:..; privileges. s21s1mo 646-33'77. · • ~'enrt:"d -~Bay WlllOOw Newl)' r-"a"orated, d1·8• If )OO're not sixe ...+io (pr what) Ke~kport 642-5457 arts PM Fem. non-smkr, 3br. 2ba -•Seprate0tnang1'ea w~erpaid,Balcony,car K~pon isoneofJ4disiinctively Pvt entranre & bath ~/mo +otll.Call/\I· L ••••••••••••••••••!~~~ ,I • hwashe~~"~rc. gas & -was. don., 1ee1 bOO _ .,.ou·,, not alone. La~ Beach room $255.' duPlex on Balboa lsla~d +COT"' nrnLrT A:~::;; ........ port, pool, ·pa1. room. dffaent opartrnent floorpjdns ot ~owrnd Villoge Wor'kipg man. 494.4459 · ~~~. 0 r D 0 r e n e : wn Yo1tr Own House - •2 ,._ r-200/''"t""'~llC !\,,.., ~, Call art llA . Casa io H.nlrqtonBeoc:h. Seow.ndVi~geisoresJt Bayfront. rm' ba. pool, 2bd b p k £ 1nvrtyn•n1 conrn T Cleaninl( Bus iness. •• '\Iii Ulll ..... ,., UlllOI WU! """'"'' Granada 979-1911 . .: • I of IOloly perwoalited profeuionol pldnniog. jacuzti sandy beach rm, 2 a apl, ~t . ' " 1-J L. n (;reut Potential. For - - Bachcler Apt. S2SO utils n._ (o__J of ott ..:.. de / ' ... A......., ' Newport, $375/mo. incl More lnformution '"•II inc Id . es l ·9889 o r· "~ u-.i en ..... n )'OU RllVe. mo....., . ...,.,, util. Ca.ti Paul: 6"40·1937. A Ii t•e. 85 7 · 6 t9S "'~ r • -•Sim kr Wasllr nl ~yer 645.8165. .J.~~ect1 ~~~~~e ond Svinq -For renr.priv. ent., prlv. 7Sl.J70'1 __ - neweo on o 0test ...,i,, uuuvonq bro~s ord quiel bath, Balbc>a Is. $300, One Roommate wanled, ... Mesa Verde, 2 br. new ~ c.ooled-by 1'10116d ocean bteem. Add 10 ethers . 673·2668 -share 4 bdrm house 2 ba JRPORT CENTER J\EQUESn:o - i:rpt, drps, paint. Quiel that tenri\ cOllf. s. swirnmttt. · .....Js, 0 iarlmi ord • •-,. 2 bdrms _per person. M Christ~er Allen Whit~· area. Cul·de·sar. $475. ······ 7 I"""" r ---&IMrd 40Su F. Yard, Fireplace, for Wtntl'r Form:a I •· CHAJ[llt PADll 498-1936,964).1465 · ocOf111911en! locorionneor.shoppinqord ....................... classical musir, ·quiet. (X-0.... Office t...-. 'Oant.·e Pkast' 'eo,.ntarl -utU M 1 Br Nr bus, r pts, drps, ~on:l)'OU'veCJ)loploceCW\y0"8would ..._.,.,._H• S320+"'1ulil.Ms.38JO ._ll .,,_. M~li~~a!. -,, ...... .___ 1'n Costa Mesa Oplt. Quiet mature c cdl home.IEvenKennybunkpon!I Sr.Cilizena •. Ms-6221 NB prof gentlf'man'wlll • WIU•llA woman. 220 E. &_ on:I ~ bec*oom one ond lwo bolli H.hh. Mohll 4100 share beau home w flady "lo 200 s?,uare feet. = F,om ... _ p... ......... ZBR. 11.,aA. Patio. rrpir. • ~~' ~!lmdfrotn $490.00 , ....................... over 80$37S 760-0802_ 1 Cv8at1'1laWbmle . oFr. LeCotaese -~ .. """""" Gar. Dishwasher No SIALAll MOTB. ftesp Str M Rmmt to Shr Hours: 12 tll Dusk Daily Pets.~ Mo. ~ Wkl.Y rentals now avail New ZBR. 2BA Condo . for more information ,._ f714J 646-1112 w -543-5478 lagen Hunu on Vt1"9t __ • 1105 &i up. Color TV: lrv'ine. Woodbridge. 12'1$ _..___ f714J 646-llt F..utslde .J~rt_J,r&-lBJt__ Plloott in. ~m._227t Incl tllil. S»OOM -F.ftt'I Gar,· Yf.d,....Ver1 Ntwport Blvd. CM. FShr 38R, 2BA ~fl'OJ't 201l •n "°9ontfn tlll Rd. At a&Qwtt9t. ,,_ Hamlnon SC, 0...NoPeta.$U&Jlo. -'14'$ -~Wt 111. lF. tm Pl .,... Ont blodi Wiit of Hlrbor IN¥d.. 541,4253 . f5666 ~on Wo9t l<N ~on 8eoch. ~ t9 A PLACl7 . thil. F\lm ar Unfurn. ~ '-M CANYOM ' ·oua 1 Br. G1rden • . (714) 893-51118 • RtM. W"'1J Ratel m.ma N""°" .... pt. Poot•r«. Allutlla f'omh*OiecJo~~-onltodito ~·--11,.'Nlcdta1forabet· MO-m7 piid: Adults, no pell. "*'_..,on Mtfodden to s.o.wid ..... -.___, 11-1• •-....., &:i -'t wut 11 •..-1 lltta t.-U.!-. -.....1..1o..1.. •I"\..-~ JO "" ·~ ..1...1.. • ~ .,. ..-,._, .. -.,._., .... ,..,...,.,..,.-......-·-1 ""' r" -........ 191T Newport eo.. -~-It ;i!!S:S::::::========::J~•!!.!lll!gJtlf!:~A·~·~· A~et~5·--1 111.CGila.K .. tG--tm .,._taanw. ...;;i.:.:..-....:.!llllllilllilll••lllill&---.;_ • 5300 . . " \ ,, - .... • . .:..., J _ .... Orange Coat DAILY P9LOr/Saturd1y, J1nu1ry lb, lwttlt • •••!!~-~-·~1M----·--:..-Cwlt/Co.c Dry.. .. -'-•lilt --.-Hll"cMooiRoort tfa•tdellllit · ....... . . ....../I.,. -~.~~~: .... FALL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ................................................................................................. , .......................... ~ ............. ·rwriitP1rci1 .. NG .. •NOUSTRIAI st:w1NG fK . ..wtel I SOM • THOMPSON 'S ORVWALLIA<.:OlfS'l'IC oardontnJ( Wunll'd ltAR~X,)o n.oons Quality Work, Dep\'nda· Sl'ARVING ACTORS IW t . 0. I ti x'i... 0 "CU'ITIN(/orri..br11·~ .,CIAL Rullder• Sinl'e t947 t'ONCRt;TE CONS1'R . 14 y1:111:x". t\llly lil"<I & Mowin1t l"l!lipll rakln11 llt•;.aut1fully dcuncd blc, Rl•f•. Cull Pum & MOVIN(} COMPANY 1u• ~~t Pau1$4~297f f'h•h Jlmatd Mll-0-150 ~ 67 P l\ddltlom;. remodelln11 l.11" •3933113 642·8482 lnliur1.'tl. 5Jl!·5M!I 11 w e e p i ri u ' f' r c ~ tulil ~uxed 1!32 411111 Rob .QwJjM,.!73·71!_12. Fast fl Careful. Lowest -· --· er Dav Doon. winllOWll, Pt1tio CONCRETE ORYWALLTAfllNC ' cst1muteM. 64~·4372 or ~ HOUStiCLEANING Rlltt"S 4w Allows. M/C Neutput<•ht'f41ttXIUm A~~l'Efr~~~ONS ;, '•ALL you ply t'OVl'f5, Free <'lit Ro11s. •OO per •ri fb All lcxturt•s fnic•oust it' 645-5737. •••••••••••. •••. •••, •.. Thoroughly. done. Wa~h Vl11. LlcJln1!.:_l!]3,08l3_ . Ht. _It 3-Jj 3t Call S'8 0609 for a Yt 1!!1~ 549·~17.0 ffrfrk & B!t>ek. 675·Y02? fht• CJlt. f\.evin 675·0088 GtMral Ser'fict1 lluul, l.'lcunup, 1~or11·rclt' & l~ers~.JIM·~4l :-,........., ED'S PWTERINO .-- 30dah ad R08TSTEINBRONt.R, c:..r..Jc Tiie DraftillcJ Stn<ict• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt•rmval DumvTrul•k 1llorough & Rehabh: ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• All Types Int. or Ext. Tie In l t GKN'L,CON'rR'AC:TOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• T rltl' Trim in 1 n It & QWekserv. 642·7G38 €xpcriencctL Good refs . .fin(' painting by ijichar.il ~ ~esf11,.t:.roli "".fj{.£iNSTALLED ... • DAil Y .Lit" #399463 f!i5.:.0456 "ii;,;;~·c;;:;j~··rit."• E.M. Oesigo & Chork Rt>n"X>val ut Rt>asona blc DUMP JOUS 5S2:~L546·~ _ ~nor.r1cilm1J. 13 yrs or PJ...MnR & STUCCO All Kind~ ouurantecd SPIBLVO.ICTI ' FINEHOME ~ Fioors ·Showcrs ·Tu~ Pac·k11~in11 1 S H Prfres Huulrn11. Odd &Srr1;1l1Movini;Jo.ll~ fo:Xperiem·t'<I & Reliable ~~oc <'Usto:f~~·10 Rep11ir.Nojoht,oosml.. Refs ·· John 893.1007 IMPROVEMENTS Call al)l'.!ime072,4639 MTL t PCB fl urq•y J obs, Clon ups 9!11MllS.f.64G·l:tlfl. Puson -W i ll Do ou. · 645·4203~5·4199 c;t'OmCt-ramic'Prlt' DIUCTOIY •Add1Uons4'Romodt•lln.i ------Har1l1SOll2i5·~0l. _ 760-!lm~..§!3·~13 llAUl.ING&OUMP J~~J!'anjng.~!!_:43:iL c.t.P~ ........... Pro~i t at>r\.Fre{'eSt OO ITNOW ! fl,. QilldC.re ~cal Pur 11 Worry to Re!)t! JOBS,ask for Randy, "'a•iwlffi-2S yrs exp. Llc~$i1 ....................... • •u•kG?S·l40ll .t..La....!.e-..1_ ....................... W··I. u 1·R• 'I 641&4'"' rw.-..-..., Bond~"t Rf C l 0 I ed( $10 -.._.""'"._.a ~~ Child Cart> 1 h • ....................... ....c P "' cro1nc or _ ·r ·" .................... .-.. · ..... ns. e s. o or rams tear· rom -- Your Dally Pilot ,__._... xlnt refs, inf:nfs t~;~c4 Etl!:CTRICIAN 11ril•cd Culls~. Morn1in11 Mt~~ IQ.IAHUPYOURACT Noo smokin1t1 Christian expert.963·091L~ Plumbing Repairs Trft$ef°¥1u Service Direetory --.ut.t.~C'T9M "I'll c M 64 .. a ... 6 nl(ht. fret• esunu11t• on 110011 Evcmn11. S2G.OO I ~r TODA""' ~. cl / .. • middle age rplc wlll t,.J.B PAINTING-_J:"ree~:!tl-M 642·9033 •••••uu••••••0 •••••• Represtntatlve . L o.'.L.. • • ,,,_,_. -largeorsmalljobs. • -Mo. f'or I11rormat111n, ·• · .1 ar 11.ar .. ~~ t 1 N ° :)( ·•Expert Tree Pruning• 64Z.H71, td 322 Uc 1349892 719.6!;54 Olild ct11y l'arc. II<' d. hot Lk. 1396621 ti73·0:J59 S\ond N11mt. Tl·h·11honl' eln·up, ek. l ton trul·k ,1se~1t mo., Rw1;t1 SPECIAL! INT/E T, Projltrty M•119-llt Commercial L<Jndst'l!IK' "IJ!!~••••!!l!l!!!!!l!l!!!~ADD'NS/REMOOELING lunl·hes. Cost11 M1•su ~--,--;-. Number & Rt•qurNI to ~.631·1993 !24 hrsJ rv~nt' area es. ~all. Larr 645·931H ........................ Seryl~-_9~8388 .,, Plans. Lic'd. George area. S56·6884"W752· ll02 20 YR~2~1C00MM L 1 S!JOI Warnt'r Avl',llox HAULING. 951'~95-I'm Small -My priees PIOPHTY Ac~o•tiltg PHmer&Sons,557·6932. ------rs~·)'· 0 my ?~'n ~HR !1'<>'1147 t)uil'kt'leunur1yd lnc:OMtTClll are small! CdM. NB. MAMAfHMEKf ..................... ~. • CltmlngStn'lce1 W<!f'k.L1l' d. Al646·~126 , -f'rrcest Kris 63i.<>9s3 ....................... Ex~onm6477 Or Co 15 yr· ••ElCPllT• * P/R Qtrhes. W2s, ·Fin, CclbilMt Malalllc) •••••••0 ••••••••••n•• UC'D ELECTRICIAN <.ra1ihil' Dl'M!lnl'r Rkk 631·0865 · EXP1';R. PR1';PARER G.L. Mangun ~ainting eX:~:nce'. ~~~laior infoli TUI SllVICE Stmts. C0mpleJe $et·UP •••··~··••••••••••••••• · Quul.work -Reas rutt•s Lo11.os , hrof'liur1·s. -. ! t:nrollcd to prac·tke k nd t ••493-2220•• _&Serv.a eas.'540·5834 Cubme~s &Carpcntry IMMACULATE Frl'Cl'St 6.'1l·S07i!Tom flyers. on11.. art work . llauhn111t1ean·~µ. d1r1. hefQr<'lht-IRS. Quality Cust.wor .Licl362478 a ra9es.3_•J_t1 ******* • ....... . Small1obs&Repa1rs c~s I --~· l"ll"fh"U<I•. ltt'OUlb & sbrubltret• lr1m , t'll'. l <•92418 lns.Free~_l~l~! ... .,.., ces L--h Doors • ' ' ~ , Junk h !:!.J:eas._£QSt. ,,.. · Free csl males. 645-2003 H 67 9755 Offl """"' photograpJ!x 4!13·11745 , tras . 848·4984 . CUSTOMiNT /EXT a.fllli.e.l•g . Drl~·:v-•••••••1~··••• ,.-_ . --,--omes . ces •••••• .. ••••••• .. •••••••• . . HAULING .Student ha~ lesSCMll . 'EXPERTSERVICE oo••••••••••••••••••••• JAYETREE CARE ve,ay-paring_ lot w-ptllttf --U'RENCH000RS• Handymaa t ·k I ·1 ' ........................ W WRATES • ·J?D.HornRefinishing Complelt-servi,re und r.epairs. &eako_ating. •••••o.u••••••••••••••• ,.,..,..,..__...... ,,._. ·-' 10 11anas installed 6' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ii:e trut ·• ..owest ra e., VOCACLASSFS NU BROOK 54< 1175 · I b' "' rind' 10 r~ l'OOCingr~airs..Lic'd. FINtF~NlSHWORK =:::~-:-;~::,r slideropeoii .S7SOt·~m Carventn .. Masonry Pro!'1pl.Cill759·1976. YogllC-Olleiit-urtncJia . ~ ... Ml ~.-«h ca 1Mt11. ~ump,g IDI\. Y.; S&S Asphalt 631..ilJ!L_ Remodeling/Door~ hung • nl, (unnaint2}j I 640.10ti5 Roofing Plumbini: l~nn!~OiJ.J.!ihn. Ml'l.hod. 85S·ISSll NELSONS PAIN~ ffnepainl[ng. 645·0664__ ex 1. Lie. fns. 640·9308 AUSI'ATEPAVlNG Rand)'.720-1260Cd l'ot _ Hollltl~aar =--= --Drywall Stut·ro.T1le Tnt:EStSHRU81'RIM --Int/Ext Resid/Comm ltwdelllMJ/Rfl'olr VflldowCa.aaitM) , Seakoating Striping CHAR RENOVATING All phases, )It', bonded , GcrdenMcj ' Remodel J B 64G 9990 Gara,l!l'& Yd Clt•an ups MasOftrf A<-ousti<' ('eilings. Refs ................ '" ........................... .. 1 Repairs. Comm./Resid. C()mpl. inttcxl & rust. exper. Free es~ & ad\'lrt" ....................... G;.~eral Ma;;;l-amanl'c t'rl't'..l'!>l 557 ~211 ....................... lit:'d. Free est. 837'2637 OMM•CIA " eSuflshlne.lJL_ __ _ Uc. 1397362. 1645·~81 rabinels.2Syr!!&45·3749 AllenC~nst <M1kl'l . TREES 'Repairs& Dec:orati1111. Housecltanl BRICKWORK : Small PAlNTER NEEDS . 1..-qstllAL CallSunshmeWind<tw Attanieys :{ .. ' G.W. VANDERVORT -~97 S322/499-~S~3 1'owro1nm10vt·tl. <'lt•an •Quali~_y • Ray 640~5144 ............ i:c1 ......... ~~~·a,Nl'~\~i~r~.' ·~1~~~3 WORK-JO yrs elCp. lot lEMODEUHG' O~n '.Ltd. 548·11853 •••••••••••••••••••••• CONST.LGE ISMALL I dd111on~. rt'mOd<•ls. ~is. Ten('('S repa1n•d & llOMF:IMrRO\'F:~H:NT WantaREALLYCLEAN 1>7S.3115. /t'Xl.A<'ousllrcellings. Turn losl or un~sed •RESIDENTIAL•. AGGRESSIVE I cg a I .673·1745 h4:Jme 'mrcro~·emc o l.' anstuJled 7~1-3476 Rt•pa1r!Matnlenanl'r llOUSE? Call Grn~hum '"~stom "rirk ~f ~soi1~ D~v1s Painting 847·5186 spal'C into a worka ble Avg l sty SJO; avg 2 sly representation. law of· CUSTOMADDITIONS ;;?~~:·w'::°,~ss pa~•~.~:· WHYNOTONF:OF lh•a1111g, l'a f'l>t'ntr}, Girl Fr11~c·s1.645·5123 l;.',';111,1 ~anl ri;nstr~t· HOUSEPAINTING area-rooms divided, j:i5.Chns957·~ _ flces,24 hrs.545·8422 Kitehen rt"mod plumbing. ·e1,: I Ir TIIEBEST!S1mriions l'll'l'. lilt•. ~·n·c t•st No ROBIN'Sl'LEANING 111111 • pool dHks & Collegestudent,exp'd. drywall. drop ceilings & ClearView Windows labylitffRcJ Sky lites. Refs 8 111 "'U87ll. ~h!1!l<Hl63~ • _ Gur(k•11i11g,64ti-titiK4 Jl~'.~ t'oo ~rnall ~~5 2Kll s.;n·itc _ u thoroul(hl~-tndnsurl·~ Lol'al refs lpwral~j)~_646·1869 ltim t•arpentry·to C'Om· Xlntserl'iCt'. free est. ••••••••••••••••••••y 64&0092__ _ _ _ r~ · Gurdi.•nmg wunte<l. ll.1· 1•x "' , t:lt·an ~ouse. -540·0851 ti4~>1512 Painting's the Game. pletlon. Call Tom or Jeff Ken_ _ __ _fil3Jl018 Bablsit..ourCM homes,! -..--•°"' pa h11rt1rultura s t l l.1111"11Joh~.h:e :,ml ~:xi1t·rtisl·Ho"st·kcl'IJHI' Pedersen'stheName! at.661·2913or 493_3!~--Prof. Window Clean1n~or Yr Up.anytl·me. r--...ir-wlce ••••••••••••-.••••••••••. S••~·1al1ms 1'11 l'l'lhl·.· & .., ~ ... Hurt Masonry Bri1·k. Li ... ..-..~· 642·0862 . h .... . d . _,...., ~· ORPO .,,, u• • ., (Juahty. l'Xllt'r, 111· 11 ' Suppht.; furnishc~ Block. Coni·rell'. Rt•f • """"...,.. Kill· ens, r .... 1111ets, rop Orange Co. to serve you 00·8482, 646·5759 ·~:·c••••c••··~i·••••••• C:. PARTNRAERTSIOHIMPSS gG• a rnhd e n n\1' a 1 n 111. ·.llilH·,L.1194 9Wf! _ Jnistworthy._ 9$7· J lAl'. 368:!94. 646.1~'>97 P.aptrillCJ calin_gs. t5·o290unt1ers .Rl'as e"t'·f·,pnormo 1r Acasl .s iqouna 1~ ,',,; Babysitting my home nr '"' are rpt \.' eaner"5 "' · · . rt't' oust:s. t'l!t'tu 1 e ~·n's Homr Im pro\•r .\Yl'St C'oast ~hlfllenant·t· . · •••••••••e.u••,•••••••• 2.0.£!5. • ---' • So Coast Plaza. Lg yird. · Steam clean & uphols. Formccl by Allorne-ys gardcninj!. orl'hld~ i:. mcnl ~·, ofr! New Vr S1Jrrnil ~vlnq .. HANGING SIOJROLL •~-, sen·11·e. Free est. Nwvt 967·«il6 Trurkmountunit Reas.ral~'S. 557.5700 other exot11· pl~nt~ &·r\'ll't'. All Joh~. bil! or on Housl·Cleaning' ••\n·l~Mo"viN•G:r•••• Dist·. on paper. Strap· ;::::":':{ ............... ,if]~.Ji!.m646·3992. Babysitting: fenced yd, _Work_&!!!!!:..._:· 645·37 16 Custom WoodworllittCJ ·7_l'!:4_91-4278 . ~m;1ll 9114·5231 . li31·2900, 640Ji681 ~ror low rates. Q~j~k: ~mg,_ Scott 645·9325_-:-__ R~ng. Fast Servi1·e! SEll idl~items with a • Wilch & snaeks i'neluded. Shampoo & steam dean. •••••,....••••••••••••••• K&D Landsc·apt• Mu mt f'llOFESSIONA I. w~~f.KENO WE~:KDA y i·ar{'ful Sl•rvii·l'. 552.0410 custom Wallpapering. Xlnt Refs. Free Est Daily Pilot Classified C.M. area. 646· 7939 Color brighteners, wht Cr o ,.. n m il..UJ tl.rn i:. Itesu.!1<.:omnu.:1e;in-uµ. llANUY MAN ,\ 1' llOUSl'X'.'LEANI NO • .sattsf3rt1on (}uara rr-~ _ _:~~ ~A_d_. ------- Mature women to ~m crpts ·.10-.min'."breac·h. manlles. wall unils, _Jd_HauhQ&5_~8_24!9 __ Sfo:NSIBLEPHICES 55164'1:1 •A ... IMOVING• teed s. L. Sht'flin. RB'AIRSOMLY! .. foryourchild.My home . ~~II, 11v'dm. r'!1s. SI~; eab1.nc·1.s H~rdwood Clcan·ups; S1Jrinkll'f . 9i9·22ti~ 1' ,\t llOUS~~CL1':AN I NG '1'011 (Ju:altty. S1wnul TI!!:<rl!j_ __Al!_Tvn .. s.&16.6_463 lnfantsonl .642.6072 a\g room S7.50, lOlflh solutions to "'ood pt<'· S~sltims Gt'nernl M:11n R ·. & 1 l 11 .. 1. 1 \.DY XLN'l'ftfo'FS t•arl' in handlini:. 2S yrs .l ...... Y-' _ BA--L.u,...,,1.-~;;-0.,..1_C'"'-m---.:==:.:=;:,.,.:...:::..::~=--i-..s.io.;-ehr:.-$5-Gu.a~l~m, ~ _._ __ t ..,.G-l!H1!8 · ~-t!Jmr __ ns 11-! 1 1 • " • • • l'XI}-l,;~pel-1t+vt>-N1~ , . ---·-.. -uv"' nv r "v v ... • ""'OO C , · -----· --".IOtiJ\rt' pThmo l'arµcnln Cafl [~nnt:°ll39"3'053 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Th I f' h ... cy ,..... Ol'.-rp .. te!Jau:.. ~ F · n.. n -I · · ' _;._..,. ~ou\t-ninw 730-1353 · "S eon y roo 1(lg to. wit For Classilied Ad trm - ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• l5 ns exp Do work ..... , .. _ ormrn~ "'''" uUSllll'SS: 541:118-14: l'\'l'STTlr.t!771 COST MESA ~\'ING COi.LEGE •BRY;'N1 • i•onstrul'tion rebatt•s. For. all yo.uneedtoknow m ·selL Refs.531·0101 1 ··••:.••••·:~· .. ·~··•••••• -t.YrsExp.J,an.clsi·a1J111i.:. Rt'pa1rs. 1J~1nt1111: /4 • WaUt'O\'enn!(Removal 673-6743673.8229 abotlt bankruptcy, ull ,_N St -N Sh -~ 'l'Ull rcp~'.~s. lrxtur ~rdng & Brr~k Pa11os1 j l·arix•ntry Chn:,trnn. rr NEWPORT, IRVINE OENTS MO\ll~'G All Ty~ 642· 1343·. --! ---- 7141335.9162 • o .earn .o . ampoo rng. Professional will Gntd. Prof St·n·1t'l' at' hablt•H97·9262 W1>r1tll'rful JU.ft>n'llt't'~ CO Lit· 11T124.4Jlt -'-Huber Roofing-all t \'pes St run Spec·1ahst. Fast trade for t·olor T \' Pmrs Sure' to Pll'aM' I Call Sioux ! lnsurt'<I. 641 11427 . Seil tllings fast with Daily New·recover·d!'~ks .. WantAdHelp? • 642-5678 ~FI_e~csl 839·1582_ 96Q:S§.52_ _ 498·2115b 7-9&W E '!a!'tAds _Cal1~·5f!.71l l 1135·930li ~J.\Tt:H USGRO~(. _ PilotWantAds. _L)_c_!411802..:?1.!!:9734 CaTI a. DaiJy.fi.1~ AD·~~ 00-5678 Loet&Fo.d 5300 Lott&FOUltd 5300 Lost&'Foulld 5300 Lost&Fowid 5300 Lost fr Found HOC. Travef 5450 HetpW-.hd 7100 HetpW..ted -7100 HtfpW-.hd 7100 W..ted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ······~················ ••••••••••••• , ••• !•••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-······················· Lost: small blk M P~r .. Lost killie 1·4. hlk whi. Found, rat at Maqnl'rs Lost 12 20-Aust dal1 an Fl>Ulll~· 1Mun's watl'h in dfSlu <.:olul'ado-._ ARCHITECTURAL &bysitter . IOOIKEEPER COUNTER-COOK "Robie", ·yellow & I long-haired, Mesa \'erde Park. an W l'Sl t l~ ff. Sbephl.'nl. tr1-1·1tlr>MI. Costa Mt>sn t':111'art1·r .M'l'I• Ii 21. 3 roll <IU\S DRAfTSPERSON For My l'"JYr Old Full· f\rll rharge ~kkeeper Part·tlf'\X' & Full-tim~ .......... 'f'h-i nest-one. l'ot.lavl &Baker(;M546-2331 · ~k ·wh1ltk·lon)! -lrnrr-. M·:·2 ,-r~.-,.,..11'1Sp In nmnsnrtl(';5.1Cl 7!1ati 1~ >kllnl! ill Puri.:trtoi-1 ,Ex .. Pllent opportunity Time . M·F. Ne wport. ·thru fi~ancial .state· Cal~ ~or appt. Gary s w/CdManimalhosp.no I F~dset•otkeysonFair &46-~ band.(:~16;J110:io fouml Y;n1ng approx ;1 fur onh ~>9~11·om1Jlclt:' I\ )!rowin11. Newport Ctll'ot area· only, Call ments. Cons.lrucllon ex· Deh,CdM.675·21.B__ on tag. Please r all Bel· Or, C~ w namr Ed on Found Basse~! HQund LOST: Womans diamond • mo, shl'P huskr m" for info. rall Sil'\(' al Bi·a•·h uffll•<'. Man.·3 H!> .Julie. Work, 644·5800, pl'r req Call Buller ty,-548·6583 !!!!al pla9.'!04~4639 pupp,1 \'It' Westminster & Rub.1 pnnt·ess rang, 111 j µ u p p ~ , (.~ o I I :ar li.t2·!flia t'Xl>l'I' · Ex l 7 16 9 II om,. . HousJ!!!.~)!£.,979·7450· _ FOl_Ulid Shih Tzu, Dobie, Found : small white dog. Has bl.al·k fll'a t·oll:ir or a ll11u t ,\ '!1bru,1 a lll'll Nl•wl;1111I 1147 4601 •v R.\·h.·l" Alt\ fl'.IO-~. · IOOIKEEPER lnsh Settcr,-<;;em:ian iic. !liewland & Slater. !B:!·~ _ Ht•staur:rnl Col'llt'rnui.lptnoflGI 5150 ~rntnt& <it4 l&I0·2912 Not full Chari:e shor~ ha~h · Siberian H.B.Sl8·7976. F OUr\D Ji.in 12 . n·~ard,i·alliti8 2999 ••••••••~••••••••••••••! Pl"tparation ASSEMBLER IAIYSITIER· JOl.trl'fal.posllngs.mon· Hus .~" .eltie mix, Lost· Col'kapoo fem Dobl'rma n. fl'm IPounrl Yoong Blk M •ffanti M • '.••••••••••••••••••••••• Grnwmi:N B.m(r nl't"lls Person needed t.o meet cal.. in1· ac·t·lg. Salary SJ>antel m!x, Ter rrer. lrvi~eNorthwood;irca-Adam_sMagno,b a HB. Lab .~tu..t:oU;ar. 1,.,i; A , S a.SSCKJf. Jobs Wanttd, 707,S l>ri'l:ht pl•tson 6'}"1'oldgirlaflersi·hool. open to experienl'e. m1~. Engl~h. Setter_ it -d 8 5 7 '. 8 ~ 3 4 968-!Wti4 . Alam110:.. 213·431 4831 OJ!< n 2.1 hr~ a cla.i j •••••••• •• •••• • ••• • •• •• w as~t·mhl,\ l'X". Must 1·55 lo ap11rox. 2 :451'm 6.t 2. 8 4 5 O. ask for lr\'lne Animal Care ewar · · --.ilav~aw1~ Yuuni: marr1t•d man " 0 M F Bab Cenler.754-3734 . ~ ame. -Found . Slk & whlll' Found· Minralurt• l>o.\u' fi!I (~1r1:~ous 1(1rls lo woulllllikto11.tt1ohs1•H'S IK-laht&a,•c·urate. Noo· Hery a y. on · r1 , _r_~----- . Lost : Grandpa's Cane Shepherd PUllJIY • ~I HarlJol' Shnpp111 ~ 1rnm1>t·r \llU .lill'Ul7.I, & l\k1·n.ts ('an do; smoker KNOX ro ~A:[E~~3sf1/~~~ . IOOIKEEPE& .. Havesomethmg!o sell? \'ie: New1Jor1. Costa Bushard & Bannio>( (t•ntl•r R<'<tM:ilc· 1 s~mna IMt·ab ,1~1\t'llas 1arn•ti 11r hanihman iil,lltilS·'®\5 · withinwalkmi:distann l withsolld.arcoun11ngor Cliwined ads do 1t well. Mesa. 673-3638 __ Red t•ol. 964·9!148 !HG 143.1 1 o u r 1 s t s II a n k Joh~ !i1;(!r.il.~ t·H·s; ;1:.k \tkmtant L•H· 111111 ht•lp 10 st·hool Stonenrek banking exl>t'r tcrwork •••••••••••••.•• 9 ••••••••••••• 1 {~~~;r~,·~;n;~~.~:~~:'~r 1 ~or Ball • (hsabll'd woman. Own Elementar ·.,Wood -for !'Omputer l'l?m!Jany. I "l'l' s ~ DI 11 er~ .1 11 Kmlllll.I: for dolls Ill nl) bdrm. CM. &.15·58:~ bridge, rrvme. Ref's. ~~·i]!Q~~r e. • 8 DAY WEEK .. SPECIA,L • welt-om~· rn 1i.ts:14;1:1 ~\'~"';,.I1f~t2\~r!arn Pleasecall552·0461after CAFETERIA/ • I 2112 lforhor HI l'M I ,,._,,'a u • " ATTEHTION: S:30pm. ·CASHIER • • • 11-; I I l I i lh l'nmpa111011 l'huufft'or \ mu111ous 1111\ s and 6 30 am·J -pm. Mon·Fr1 • ' or11 °1 ~l'lr~ ll~Jn~~n "1,, ! dt-san·~ pm;1t1nn "arii'I)! 1:1rls Ul-1:1 \'l'ars 0ul1I. 10 t8ank1tt.I! uniforms rurnishect. .. ..• 8Days • 3llnes 8t>ollars .. • ;~.11'.~1;~~2Hf~~!>.l):l I hw 111 ur t•ldl'rJ~. h)!ht l \\llrk Ohl' or lwu l'\'l'n· Pacific good benefits. Call, ••• • ·Ill · •• hnust•work. rta~s 111.d in,.:s a Wl't•k ,.:l'lt1n,.: ~.... 957.3000 Ext 3076 for Its easy to place your 8-Day-Week Clas,s1hed b y mad. a nd 1t • 11 .. !ntl~ Ton!ght~ Nt'l'll Wl'C'~l·nds ~l\10:1<:1 I nt'WSf>i.ll'l'r s uhsmp ll11 ~1otionl '!!'Pl..: • costs just SB -that s only a dollar a day' To qualify for th is 1· tnnunrny'Call.Mnnwa '.IUOS Trans.portali.on New lndepl'ndenl R.ank CASHIER/P-tirnt I ff tbe Ommecal Se Ofle n •. _ ·.~·1822 · HetpWanttc1· 7100 anti l'onslant adolt Newport !n ine rn Aftemoons&wknds.Ap· • spec1a 0 er. YOU mus. a non-C r I U r rt Q •• 1tOf,DS·W.ould l.O\'\' TCJ •••!•••••••p .. ••••••••• ~~l'l'fl·1s1on !Jro\'r.llcd. J dusttial Area has a !JOSI· b • merchandise for saleiup to $800 per ad. a nd ttie price must I r, art)I' with Y1s1u ! I C~ll ACCOUNTANT t,a11,:110.'>;:w.i2r~32'1ask ro,r lion arnilable for teller ~~-~~ ti:~~~luA~·e: • tie 11f your ad. The cost stays the same· whether your ad • I \t',.St I l' 1~too3' s'"' \I a lmllll'.Ollltl' lll)l'nlfljlS for J4~( rra. ,.. ·~ . t'X Experiem·<' lll'lb'essrif.r~ • · / ~ lllll' · person w1t)t t'U1L~lfUl'l111n 1 Xlnt. em~loyee ene 1ls. CM.G4l:J~~--- needs eight days selling time or tlJSl·Qne • ba1·k1:round 01·i:m: Ill • I Mechral .msurante. ~ra· CASHIER/SALES . • • • Linda &'Vl'Ckl''s an·oun1111i: n'ri Stnd rt· , ,, >MOTl\'E . fat sharing. et1: ca 11 HOUSEWARE DEPT. • U d h bo Ab t 4 d k A sunwtii R'utlt·r llt1u~1ni.: .~'TI Susan Pelt'rs.,<7 14 J f\rlltime.Apply :Crown . se one wor in eac x OU wor S ma e vne • •ESCORTS• l'orv.1m1 l\1•11cnni:S1. PARTS ~H033E_O_E,M 'f_ Hardware. 1024 lmne e classified line of fype M1n1mum ad is 3 ltnes Please print fli\l'K & BETTER 1n11w!rr.11 COUNTERMAN · ~\'.!J~estrlii:f) N_~ • Plainly • TllAN En:H~ 2<1 llHS ~cc--£!..n Cle-£-l)(oalersh11J or lurl'1gn Banking . Child,·are'Houseke<>per "' ._..,,..'7 n. ~ulv !Jarts c.xp<·ncn1·(' • 669-0207 I Somt' t1p1ni:. addrn)! prefrrn'll Call Glt·n rw TaLER . Wanted after Sl'hool. • • ~------------------------------,1 • • 10utral11 I mai·h. "'II train anuiRJIX>OiYnlCm~nRl.VER Xlnl opply for !Jerson bab,.-sitlt>r. & PT ~c'"1xJrt Bl'h ·an•a Good ' .,. with basir typinl( al11li· hous.ekeeper. Hou rs. • J • f'lnant'i.Jlh set·ur1' s1nglt' b t· 11cf1 t ~ r a 11 ROUS ROYCE ty~ math a~titude & 2PM·6 :30PM 975·0412or I mall'. miil 30·,., st•l'llinl( 11J'6i5·7071 Kath~ I ~bili_l} to handl e somrnf I ~1-41!18 art. 6. Deerfield • I ~ •• r1nan1·1alh· SCl'Ufl' A6N40-D_it,.M~W4 IJlO lley. Outslandrng ~ea. - ----f1·malf• 25 5o. OhJrct -i working (•ond .. frrngr • CLERICAL . • I I rnatnroc.n)? Send bnt'f ·~COUNTS r benefits & pleasant sur. I Permanent part time: I S-8.00 I • rrSUJTI('. & photo: Hox JtfCCLEIEVRAl(ILE Aotomotivt? roundings,_Qb~a,lifil'd I looking fo r e"nt'l'l(Ctlc • I I • =944. Dally Pi lot. PO • person may 0 am ap· 1 self-starter who works 10 I ~x 1560, CM _92626. Rapidly J?rowmi: Int 'I ~ht·u~i~ aUll~e lr\'tineDor. well wit h people. Must • I • t·ompany Sl'tkini.: d~ ~ ~ . 11t·e. ,,,_,, 111vers1 y r. ~-----+------+-------1~-----t-----.~ , • Siron!! prof man desires tailed oril•nt ed in. PEP I>~ Ph. 552·5325 be presentable. ahle lo • I 13 2Q pre-Uy srnsual lad} 18·35 1 d 1 r 1 1 u..11.;:J type 50·60. flexi.ble • '1' , •• t!aGO~-s. "1::_1S29K.ol_l29IN. G;_ 7 -~~~1~~l~:EP~~1·i~~~ ~000-J,o;>na First F~~~~~ ~-a ~~~1:r ~~rr~a~~ 15 JO ""' Jfl?WV!! •stems 751·2851 _F.0£ • • Sa\'e monev. hu\'r fun tn~ 60 wpm. arrurat<'-1 • take your own inst rut·· 1y, 10 key b>:.Jom·LAt· M-. Mo. CLERICAL e I Add S2.60 for each addftlonal llne for 8 times • tor Children. adult~. munts rel·en·able exp ;d'Jock Banking Personnl'I clerk vosition d h helpful. oUlstancltnit U .... D .. 'WRITER filing. lite p1r entry. de· -etc. M11•hael Klint• ' .,. VERYBUSYloanorricr lailr«ordmaintenalll·e • I ~·3448. Ill a pleasant work mi: •MEf .. H~~IC * , in local Newporl Bearh & orgl\nizat\onal skills. DtlverY PencMt Part time.· 18 ·years or older. good dri,·ing re· rord. 751-4705 DELIVERY Fulltime . Good dri\'ini: .!.~~c! ~1980 . - [)flivery men over 18 ·fot L.A. Times to homes in C M 3am ·6am Eronom~ ear required. r\o rollec tini: $400-~50 mo t' bonus 646-00.17 __ ---- D...tal Assist.t Ene~ctk. enthusta~ll<' for pri\'ate pratlt\'l' Laguna Bearh 3 •, da~ week. 37 10 40 hour~ Ex per preferred. Call 4~·~ M2n-Th~~s · D...talAuistClllt NEWPORT BEACH IFYOU:. · •Are an ~xpenenet'tl Dental Assist •Are eaJ?er to work an ;1 fast·pacetl pro11re~si' t-o(Qt·e •Ha\'e a fnl'p!ll~ outi:o· ing 1JCrsonali1 ~ •Ha1t• a maturt' .ii t1l1Kk •Hail' good ,·erbal sktlls •Are a non·smuker •W ould enJoY a l'hallenJ?mg career _ftea~e ~·alh_641:Q!>95 dri>ent:il Assistant ahExperienl'ecl Wanl· ·-·:--~t Part•Time lop Pay' 631.:338:0 Dc..t Shop loller Apply AM onl~. OK's Donuts, 2959 Faarnew ~d.CM Elertronrt' Repair Tei·hnrnan "' exper needed for lrJ?. rorp Houri ~ waJ?e rom m;>nsurate w exper. For app't l'all : 557 -7690 -~.E. _____ _ • I -• )!roups. ays. nil! Is. 1·•Jm""nsat1on & benefits I " -. • I Publls h my ad fo_r 8 days Starting • en\'ironmenL Contat•t ~ •-Savin11s & Loan. is seek· ~8950 -~hitr Ms. ~7w[ro~ Pat Mills. AM I-' St·1en YOU SUPPLY ing ~perienced loan&. ~--C=LE.;;...R_K_T_Y_P_l_S_T __ , EXEC.SECRETARY • I I CJass1'f1'l"'at1'o n •• mp yo. ee s Ill' tific Drilling lnterna THE SKILLS, underwriters for eon· P(T hel~needed for Experiem·e(!. Must be "' W1Happy Hearl for t1onal. 18012 M1ll'hell i•entional real estate bus 1 1 1 !!ood withpeople Hea1·y TLC 754·9904, 955.0095 So., Irvin('. ;14.557.9051 WE1.L SUPPLY r · Y ~ ee ron <'S sa es typing, 6S wpm. with rx· · • I Name • -PROF. ESCORT--EOE M F. THE CARS! · ~:~:~r~:e il~~tht:oe~: ~~t!"~·'.r~i~~!~ :~11~! r~l~~~n11J~~c~ars~lt0"'" -• II Address • _ynsh, 549.8096 aftJ'..P~-Ad min. Asst. lo top___ ~c~~~Js ~\~e~r;h:~g: ~~~~~~"Cpoe. te~~~f I !:i~~ e~p. required. Type Some filin~. Call Kathy • ~ANTED: FcmalecrULs· mngnl or Ps)'l'h1atm srrvite garage! We're ;g11ressive rompany ~~;:~:O·n~r~.1&,~~ ~~h~nt~~1;~~ 6~~~n~~ I City Zip Phone • llllt.L'0'!1Paru~n 25<ISy.rs. Hosp. in Dana Point clean, fast and pro· Piease call for appoint'· taet Jeanette Hall • I • Hawa11. l\111·rones1a ldeul Can1lidate will fessiooal. We. offrr an nrnt: -833.1438 .<::lull • C heck o r M 0 enclose.d D ~vingf'e!>. l .. f!ill.:31QJL possess top not c h excellent pay Seale and Ms.Denny Parisia .-SEU. idle Items with a I · · • Prcttv ~mall blond lad\'. l'lerit'al skills int'lud a benefits pal'kage that 714 645·65-0S F\nd what you want in ·Daily Pilot Classirled • 1, Charge my ad to: • gracious. fcmin1n'e. s IL bl: dNall oriental· rn rludes diHOUnls . HEWPQITIALIOA Daily Pilot Classifieds. ' Ad. some means, bustness l.'d & cupable or orglUliz bonuses, 1>aid Vl\rations. SAVIMG$ & LOAM ----~---• ~-E • bkgrd. young SO's, live·, Ulj{ a busy offrce. some medkal ancl life Ins.. llOOfru1'neAve .. NB l11·1y p·1at . • I I 0 . # xp. • ly, l'aring, 'toyal, seeks legal experienre pre· pensions and more! EOE • M/F : I .... _ ................... : tall gentleman 55 10 62 £erred. We offer rom· L E T · S G E T · · · • • with similar qualities & petiti ~e salary'. out. AQUAINTEO! Apply in 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!11!!!!!!11!~!!! e I D ~ . Exp..• ~l~~~~~r!~du;~o~~~ ~~~~(~{ w~~~e!~t:1r! person at: ~ ~~~~!Jc~~~i~n~:e~ ' / L mit himself to a spealal ment. ..Cap1straoo. By PEP BOYS mank urist for a highly Advertising Accllit .UIC. ---·.· - - - - - --- --P-AY-TH E .._POSTAG~ -::.:.::.::-.:.::::: • lady to stay young with. The Se a 1:1 osP11 a I I 5221 ltoclt ll•d. located s11.lon in Fashion ; Immediate open'R" ..!« a_dyediainl ACCOW\l r ......... WE 'LL c Send phone ., to Box 496·5702. Wa .... lftr, CA. . Island vie. CalL Sandy • ._ • '• 11111 J NO POSTAGE •, •• ~· Costa Mesa. ca. Cl"r•rooAmlD01'Sds •. sub· ~f~~~fe:r:.f?~ty . :::· :;:~;: !:Sv!~li~i::~ :~e~y .:r1e~;·~ ...... "' · . retail accouots. Must be self stuler, • i NECESSARY ',. J. Frenchglrlage21w<1&1ld slitul~ classroom aids Great oppo rtunity, willing to (lev.elop accounts in a new I If MAILED • like to stay with family oe~'l.led by The Hunt · r~ h'lmpoo asst territory. $plice sales exper. Aftded. Salary • 1 IN THE 0' • for 2 "10· while attending l.nglon Beach School Dis· 2 'l!" busy salon. Llr. re· pjua commlss4Gn. Beoefltl. Send NSume to • 11· :: classes. Would help w/ trict. J hrs per day .S4.98 -d .. NB. 63l·l3!!__ -Can>! Olson, Daily Pilot,.. P.O. Box 1seo. ~ UNITEOSTATES ' ~ • hsework & welcome perhour.Appl)l,73S 14th llllll'lilt .. ' Costa Meaa,CA9311:!6.Nopbonecalls please. e t' BUSINESS REPLY LABEL '" e ~h:f Pg!~~~~:t t~~~ Sl,™36·8851 • • .,, .... : •••••••• : ... ••• •• ' • • ~ . ? • I Cent. France. Call, ANALYST. LOng hours, ,........_ ~ifl..1 !!'!! FIA~TCLASS PEIU1lll NO U COSTA #UA, CALIFOIU-iA i' SS2·7911'l· . • hard work, for SQ.me One • ~-"'811 R r • g ' · 1 ~ f unusuall)' ~k.llled , ~ i .a1ulf.tWM f..._. ·.: Ntwpo1llionopttYnt fOf'aaeaPtrc sifltd ... ic ~'~ wu. SE Pac;> av aOOAtSSEE • 6 • ,...,_.. Stnlcft U6 poisesing a thoro1rgh , AUJ I u.1111, ~ • display penon wlUI mlftattinttat abilities. • : Oririna COllt Di.lly Piiot m • • ..................... ~ knowledge of set•uritY. • • • Must be lnnoutlve, captblt o1 oraanliatloa c .-3 '"'*Your Licence? Very lnvestmenlS. Ir lhis lsn t : Eiper. newtl>ll* dlaplay •aJapel'IOll lo ' lmpltmet1tla1 new product proar•mi • " a1J1i•1 4 i • Hlghly Recommended. ~u please rail Uour ;: htndle ket IC~ ror Orance Cout Dally Send ra'"8t to Carol Obon. Dally Piiot, • ~ f !-t-'! CHouan~W·v~11rTorYou1.BoAny ·g'titest under uU ized : !,!~~0·~~=mlhlon11and,eaceJlent: P.O,BollllO •• ec.t.Maa,CADal ·-.:: • • rs, 1 rave . n· MBA friend & tell them ~ ~non~. ...,..~ ~an l fl •Of penoa • e dablr.lnsutecbeontatt-•bout this ad. err . ~tHarett 1n1 , -.n-omp • • ~·--· i lox 1M0 I • J &111.Y, Tues at Matteo's, l*Htioa to llO.oot.r+ : ,......11 c'° llaril Fmdll, PO ao. 1•. eo.t. :· • ~C:... -; 1 • m&!l67. Or After HAM. beneflt.s. Ir you're U\e : .. A. -· No ,._. calla, pltue. All : .... • 330 )I. lly SC. I 6'7$-~. belt, please repl>' In con• : Cqual ()ppoetmity lmpio)w. . ' -w C!t-..... • 1 I Cotti Me11, CA 121,1 I' •. !!:.~ ............ ~~.~~ =:;.,~&~~;;· ·:. · ~ ·0.11!.-:UcA' • r ' 1 2 ,,,. for prtct of I! PA Apt Jllllr Cple. Exp to · : 1 OMNGI COAaT OM. Y MOT ~ '41111 ~ .. ,..,.. : • • -••••••••••. Coupoot. u Countries! llaint1In 17 Units for ~. ••.u.~~~I"" ,• •, . . _ •••••••••••••••••• lt0.131..-A!Plta,NB.9'$-1.. !a ... ...._., .................. ; ............. .:.. l' .............. , ..... , .................... • ' - a .. .,, . . °'8"99 Coat OAtl. V lltCOTlllturday, January 1~. 1182 ~---~~--..... ~;_, ............. ____ ~~~;....--.......... --------~----~..--;..._--=;..._...,..~ ...... .;;.._--,-...-.~--""'!T'"----~ ...... ~ ~':~ ..... ?!~i-.......... -..... " .. !!~ ~';.?'~!.~ ..... ?l~ ~!~ ..... ?!.~ ~!'-~~~ ..... ?!~ !!'!'-~~~.~ ..... ?~!! ~'!t!8!'~.~ ..... ?!.~ !~~~~ .. 7:.?!~ crea ve um a n u our cu ' ltmlUCTIOMAL ..-_, • )4ed1eal A11h111n1,'rront • ltt'tept . 50 WPM 'SaletPart·TI~ SAllSlAOT/bpr:'4 SALES AllOCIATI ... , ...,. ,,... tificc, AM, 20/hr~. C M. PAIT TIMI pluont phon~ voh-1'. • .. JOY VISIT for matemlty atort. f\atr _. mallvt, eam e•tri1 · ll11111er wilt have the opportunity to 11t•bllih a reaulta-orlented depart··, meat aimed at meeting. employees' needs. Skills In merit compensation. AUrntwlve o c..c 2S Ellmlftlt oppurtunit)' In ~·7779. 6 8ptn l'!l(paMina youlh CM1~1~ WJWA1t1•TOM er p111mie. South Coaat m,o n e Y Tc• t' h hour1/wok . tlo. oew iM>me deear. Jiop Ml':OICAl.onu:f': l'Ounsellna nrm haa Unr~n" Himlllun ' Plua MT-5734 · llH'dltcnft. Wiii ll'1ln. ~. dip. Pfffer-lorated Ill l'tnrpnTt P'fbtJ>k1onsS L1111 (J)t'lllOi~ for U •hau·p RHep11on111 , typlnjl (lhfr prapl111ou wlll see SAi.a S31.f91 81ebelot1 Dt1rCJ in Be h r 494 5"" OUl&otni: maiurt• IK'O&>k ·IUUS-requlrl'U, H_,0 oo lhe ~ne~ you l'Un • 1 '•--•"•--• • benefiu . organizational behavior and commu nication woul~ be helpfu l. Prosressive. dynamic .company needs a take·charge, humanistic leader. Please send resume and salary re· qulJeme nts to: Tt,SL, llnR.ulatk• or a ac or .u1111rtulvc ...,1 • to moU.v11tc iuntilllous Mun.fr( for hospital make ll!i a~ An clc$ Poor Mllea1e• Thi' 1• 5X£8 lanau•Me It tixper. In ~~~5::~~~ 0{'~~~~~ Models. octors. ~'1lm 10.l3yrohts C11112·51>m MTl&llllcdlrml~HB. Timu t•in·uliathm ~el't. ~m:tnt'~~ultilevel • ·GMDIMSHOP ESL Instruction. Re· rnan11gemen1 ex8er re. .xtrus Xlnt o1>1>. n1•w 642-4321, ext 343 AMk for 891·~1 ...;.' rli•ld rt>p Muny people ~!" n,s tOfltl'jlt 'dCB We have a fu ll time qUfft 1ppUc:1tion from 'd . h r II I: t' s ( I y p e Ii And~t'll l 00 lhe Pit cln·ulut1on 1"'"" mi ellr !!Jelen er I , Coast Communit y ~ob':.~:1~e~r:~e~~. ·2u~78fi0 Ell RECEPTIONIST 1111le11 vrogrum co rn nv~&ma es wh;:~' ~~~n~~. :~0!red~~· Colleg~s. 1370 Ad1ms. dlalng, vlsulll merc•han Models & t.:sl·orts Fem PHSONHIL rmre t~un SZOO 11 week Id 0 earn your " ble, ultt petton In our CM 92621> 556 5947, lse d[aplay, high imimt ~lly Top sS " ASSISTANT ,.,....., Aitist.,e for working just 11 frw Mr, North m 963·!9~ warden shop Exu l .· Box 1002· Daily Pilot bt>tore 5pm, Jan. 27th mtrch1111dl•illa. invon 642 4852 Ml 12 Pcnonnel/ Ad v11rtisio11 Unique, well (!UY Inf( hour1 cueh puy 11ii,;nln11 S-... ,_.,let i·umpany benefits In· E.O E. mlfl h tory rontrols. ~ring ModlK.....,.td Dept hv opent1'1;: l)t•r poa;IUon tor u vu()' up new 1'1nics Subst·riv. Attruetlv~ compt'tlt1ve l'ludes discount priv, In· fMVIMTOIY--proceduret. lllbor Needs tull uttrattnt' · Nt B 'h t •pi.<t:lalglrltou11111tsur lions 111 their t•Om · mulllt'd y0unl(Pl4ln' JUranc•proarom. jld • ••••sT•NT srhedlllln° and person· expuniuon P ' c ---·fuJ. •rml r .. t1rt.'d ex murutl~ We pay hourly 11romen to assl~I youth var1tlon and holidays, C06ta Mesa. Ca . 92626 _.,. ,,_ • men/women, fOr~genr) 1-,J'ISl)('laJ cn;w1•:1 (1rrn '"'-0 ' Wll n Aisiating in O""rations nel rn•na cement ~·1. 1 "" 762 r ood• h th 1 .('l·uu\lt Wldevurlot)'l>r e + 1itcmerou~ cor prottral)'l fur un· prorat shann¥ 11nd ol Corpor11te m";.~11/stock Benefits Include medical -iJ.!Lmcn 11'....., "' •Ylunl(. 1> or unt · dulll'fl mdude the ub1Uty mi11:1lons. tr yuu hun• a derprivllt'ged children pension plan. Apply an rooms Deliveries. lnsuranrl' and pard Newport Ccnlcr invcsl ciqX't i·eq. Non 11muker. to communlcull' well nest llf)fH'lHUnl'C & Guarlnteed {nl'OnH>. pt'rson. JC Prnney. 24 EX-ECUTIVE GMeral Help operation or machinrs, holidays Salary rom· nlent firm St'eks '" •ti4().0t2l_tictwccn 9 2 with m..ny typt'll or peu knut'k for lulklng with t'\ln & rewarding posi· Fasblon Island. Newport SECR'ETARY· M061ly Errands. Help in shippin11, receiving Ii n1l!l\5ur11tr with ablhty dividuul with pleasant I pie, from m1llion11irt:~ to Jl('OJllr lulk lo u~ ubout t1onCallT1m895·21!97 for Bearh. E.O E. M/F PrQ(euiaoal With xlnt orr1re ,, Hume 01.: bUvy JTfting Involved an4 expenenre. Writ~ phone l'Tlllnner & general PnnLing hou~whold help. s1mplt lhlll i;neat p111mt· OP· ~ntmenl shorthand /1t t yplllll 1·ltllMonal Travtll, Houh F.IC~rlt'nct' vrdt'rrcll Ad No. 75<1 l' o Daily ?!ti l'e 8~ i111 s JCJ !11 , • uHll't' l'hores. crr11nds. ~7 ~11> Cull Mon fo'ri. Sal ~""-"'--- abllille» need rd ror m~xibte Must hav1: own R/E firm. Call, 640·0123, Pilot PO Box IS60 u..'flcfits. Cal ror npp t. Utho-Strlpptn and hcinl( an · elegant ""' ..... t, ext WI. l.'S Newport Beaeb R e~I rarSeRchable •betweenl:30&5:30 Cos1a 'Mest19262Gurc111i l ~·!lda..1-644·02}0 h~ll'SS. Salcsptrso1i ror 11lon1 Smdwich-S•• SICRETARY Estate l'n venmc nt 493-27~ _ ( 71 4 I 7 5 4 o 9 1~:! MUISIS' AIDES I M M E D I A T f nw ~1rl sef('t'lcd must store. 1>/t1m1., after Pcnon needed. Mon· Open Inf r or a Firm ArCQUnllng back ~ JOBSJOBSJOBS EOE/M/F c r Aaclo.llU'-S, IL•clll bt.• JO l'Xlraord lnur~ noons & wknd~ Thl' Frl 9AM·2PM. must bti Se('retaria pos111on ~round d finit I '~•L AllOvtrtheNataon -rrt1ied & ~"'p'd In vrs.,,nw "'" ualaar c ll "laar . :imb11ious,have neatap· •horthand req111r•d, . a e I e p us ~ OFACE For list ()( i:ompanies to M curl.st wanted with lerl'!>ted 10 ~ood riursmg & WHtTE. LARGE .. t.ll'hl('Vt'r, wt:ll ~UC'llled. u ¥ r & rrsonalllY .. "' -'-""•""'IJ""Sh;:.::e;:,.:~n:.:..·;:.;$4:=;9..:·2988=:...· -~1 .uquirff.sorne acet'g ex· fol ing, busy HB shop rare, provt•d workinl! i.uµh1:.t1c11t('d nnd ex· 64S-~10-6JH'fl ~u anrc .must type 75+ wpm . Perient·e in fio s t t•ontact. 3blf i "" 22 d . & t ~ SMA LL , PRESS ll:cm.·1 .. well ~roomrd -Call. RA 111 CM. hours· 8-5 PM. Salary . ........ Clllk Electronrt' distributor needs mature person ror (Uing dept. Excellent OIJ· portunity It Comp11ny Gall, (60'.!) 252·0979 rom I> er. 5.,...1 I &4 ('On 111un:s ll'tl l' r ~ll!Bl~CE. "1 •.J-.. P•--bl-tween 9. AM llt I PM. neuot1able. R"f"ren" ... S mg/bank reconc1 iatlun """""46 k f p 1 1 p 1 10N"a11 ~ She must be umh1tious, ..,_. ,.,.....,,, .. •" '"' ood OP.527 """'u' ns or a sa ancs 0111 ions I Mature""rsonn1:ededat 642·1_900 ~ •· _,,ommendat1ons r"· etr G telephone & n 7 Da s -a\'ailalile, 7 3 & JI 7 >nl!hl, t•heert.11, sf able p ,... 1 -"' ·~ • typing skills necessary MAIUTIMGMGI. Mesa \'erde tonrnl TECHNICAL and ha\•1• 11 1tro.a hotomat. App Y in SALF.S·VldeoStore. PIT. quired Write Classified for busy real estat~ of· Lead Secretcry Trat't sales. ex per 11 1 I 661 c 1 s PUalSHIMG fJt•n.un&lit) a net ~peak· person: DIS P <:: II ·Su pref ex per 1n VC:R & Ad 1982, Daily Pilot. rlre. Rererenees re For ~R. partner. or ntteSSa!l 962·668_:1. ·ospi a ' 'll'n ('r t. SYSTEMS. INC. mi: \11u·1: \'er} flexible Laguna. part·llmi-. 2·6 rrov1es <.:all Mr OH'ken P.0 Box 1S60. Costa •benefits. Call Elsa, ~·3880 . qwn.'d. 644-9900 for Ill· Newl)Ort beach fltm. C M ~·~ houD Fnoi;4.:, ~1:11dlt~~ P!f, SOE:.IC~ekends_ • G46·S2S6 Mesa, 92626-0560. tervaew. Must ha\'e Min. 3 years MASSEUSE' Nursing 2230 So. O.Ottt Or ' 1Ul\'aOl'l'll'li.'ot 1111110..tum· want Ad HeJn? 642·567S : • - HA IRSTYLIST station Calif. htigallon exp. Top Wanted for 'South toast LYN CHARGE Anahetlft, 93''1.053 r t) and i:n·ut htartin!l ~ --- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I rorrent.SGSwk Orwork skills required Ca ll Village Salon Pleai.c 11 7 Rcllt'f. Con\' llosp E.O.E. 11J1 un· yourll 1n t•x Fmanee-Minag~rneeded from~'. 1070,.i. With Barbura MuTra y Calll714lS56·7136 Nwpt Brh liehob 1•han1tt•foqourwllhnl(· for finance department cltentele only. M v &16-4466 MECHANIC iinentl'd nurl>t'. tlt'd1l·at P/T ASST MGR nl-:..' to learn, be dcpen· with staff o/ ~. Post 495-00!!0dayore\'es.. Maintamanee M h t'\I & with i.milri. Con 1lulilt'. dl•dH·at('d and through general ledger. -Janitorial Position argregorYae 1.5. liwt MrsSlonc.642·tl044 For i'> unlt1> 642 5073. st•lf rn11t1\'atctl. Pleusl' 5 years expenencc r('· HairSt111isl • _ 1631 Placenli'!, C f!I ,_ t'l't•:< f21Jlll4i5 3851 l·IJll immi•ili"tul>• ror , Part·Timc Tuesda}1 Nurs 11: y ~ q UI red c 0 mp any Regis Ha tr .Sty Ii• ts through Friday. Da)S Me<liral Assai.tanl. front . II r llllll', 71b\S, 2 hrl> <lat aµ1>t II.SI 724,i benefits + profit shar NeedsTop·HairCullers Only. At Fountain & baeli', EKG . \'l'na MURSESAIDE I~ .\~I iMt\t·n . 1..\ 1ag. Apply, 1660 Plal·en & Hair Stylists with Valley Health Club. Call puncture, ty1>tnl( ~~xix·ril all shirts Cm11 Tu~s $100 wk l.iil(Una tia, C.M., or send re· Some Following. Doin11 Matt, 962.1374 -~S 1720 llU>t> · Nwµt lkh Bnnl( lk.•a1·h 49-111491; 1--------• sume to: ·~o Box 1530, The Latest Fashion Mediral Secretary· Good your snulc & Jorn us' R.E. IMYESTMENT C.M.CA.92627 Styles· • Cuts. Op Mwntenanre Person. The d' f)-l'\' mJ·r rrll'd cll•nlal Rtal&tatt SoltslMn Earn whill' you le:irn -"' Sou hi d c · me 1ral transl·npllon & 11 L' R 1 T G L· FLORAL SILK i>ortun111es Unlimited. I an orporauon ~ serrelartal skilb & hfc• ms (';ill ti42 ll044 Nl'l.od 2 exvenem·cd 111.-0 r. A ... . DESIGNER · Top Comm 1s 1ons. has an opening for a FUii lame. salary l'om· OFF vlclnC'OM MJ-:RC1AI.& IN\'F.STMF.NT wil l Exp'd.Rers.Fufllime Guaranteed Salary , persoo'toperrorm bas1r mensural(' with u IC~ . INOrSTRIAL rc•:il teJt·h \OU t·rl'at11 e m5200 !wkdys 2.s1 Paid Vttations & Bonus rnamtenSance duues in ~eri e n r {'. p 1115 l It· Sharµh alert l(lrbl. guo<l l>sllllc For ell ~unessful · (rnunnng, 1031 Ex POl.nt P~o~ram . If ·You their even· Eleven w • l nu m 1• rs . & grow1n i; firm Best rhan1:1t1s. investor de: ,.__. .. L OFFICE , Th urgcons orrtl'c irt M G y h fi .. I & 1· --Want to A vant•e in Our stores. e sut•t·essful New p 0 r 1 Re a c h al' regur ac• h. I 'JI working c•onutlwns Ill l"t' lll>ITll'nl ·rounse ing. Typing, phones. el<· Profession. Call Regis applicant will ha\•e a 644.5252. Plat'el}~a .... CM N t' w v or t Be 11 t· h t:;xµcr t'ounsclurs rt• FUii cir part/lime Fast Hair .Styhs ls. South bas1 r knowledge or 714 640-5051 rent• 100'· c·c1m m This g ro-w 1 n g boa lin g Coast Plaza Shopping 110'220 volt cirru1lry. MIDICAL <Xrit·e Rf:CEI VI NG l'L e R K, 1:. .in unusual ioppt~ for magazine m N.B. urea Mall M0·8888 , drywall & framing ron· FIOMT OFFICJ , NE F.OED ror retail l'lothrni: store rt~ht pe~u~ .c?nr1~~n· Salary based un ex.per_ c•epts~try level salal'l' 1 p d." l . 1 ~1 M EDI A TEL y F lime position Mon· t ~ u I int ~ r" 1 v. Ca 11 Call Melinda for appt. R'OSTES~ with 2 reviews during 1st Ol.!es~ry': 's~~l>~1~;k~ I ''secretarit s ~'rt s:JO.~~. ex per pre \ 1nc·c..Mfi·.S880 ( ( 14NTBD ·NeW_s~~r 646-3963 p:Ume. apply 1n person: 9 ·months or emplo)•· keeping and msuram·e I v.nh & without I I'd ('is I I r or 11 p pt ________ , Le B1arntz. 414 No ment. Xlnt ro benefils and l!ptng Send rcsumt' shonhand I &1-1·~0. ~k for Kalle RESTAURANT GEHEIAL OFFICE ~~~~.1 . Bl\•d.' N. 8 t'i~ ~~ r,rsgnr ~7~~ ~· to 4d no 1001 t• o Datl~ I GtMrol Offiu R _.. . t ~:.x1Jt•mtm·~I r1sh t•ook. Our. rap.idly expanding I E.O.E. 978-0137. Arrirmalive Ar· Pilot 330 W Bay St. PO I NEVJ.;it J\ ~·~..: • f'.C~,.OIMJ pa rt t 1 ml'. & d a) lntemitlonal Company lion/EOE. ~ 1560 Costa M1:sa WorkClosctollomt• (,uud future with 1trow hobti:ss buokkl'l'pt•r Is seeking an en HOTa "QJQ} VICTOR 1ni: Cu in Costa Mi•sa.'I Mun f'ri 333 Ua\'Stdl: thusiasllt $elf·starllng Switchboard operator & MAIMTINANCE -· EDIC Tempontl) Sen ll'l' ·l·11•por1 t\rt•a for dt•j)(•n Om t'. Nwpt Hr h · • Carriers tor routes in Huntin.gton Beach, Fountain. Valley .& Newport Beach tndiv1dual ror a general . relief night au<Jitor, lor SUPBYISOR " · M AL ~·8.S20 !-:OEM F 1h1lilnll'ri..on with I\ µin}! I orrire posit a on in our luxary Laguna Beach Needed for Conv Hosp. FRONT OFFICE .11111 µhurt t' c; k ·1 l I~ Rt'Staura~l ., · purchasing department . Hotel. Conl&<'l Rick El· Elect , Plumbin g & For internist m Newport t:l·rwral olr1n t•\1.1t·r H~tt'l>l>. 2025 hrb v.ct•k. Good typing, phones &i liott,497·4477, EOE Preventati ve Main· Beat•h. Profil'it•nt in Orthodonttt· pr\'11·rrt·d Startrn i: mul!l ln· ublt' 111 work f . l. · d tenanre: Xlnt Salary /1t pegboard, insura11 1·1· X·Ray lab. front uffln· ~a I a r 1 s I! O o 111 u ila~~ ,\lso Busho) · ex Outst 1 1 n gd' re q 111 re Housekeep4r BeneJi1ts. A~ply Be"erl" r or ms . me d tt' a I work. some dental t•x I nsu rJ ni·t• hl·n1·l i t ~ l?l:r d, 3 11•1thl i.titfts . an mg rompensa l'Ull time .Housekeeper • , 673 l~ lion • Xlnt company wante<I in NB. Mature Manor, 340 irtona CM terminology & medit·a tx'r nen-ssar) \•wpurt tl(lun. ~Ion 1-'ri 8 5 (Jtl ~nefits.Pleasantwork· English Speaking ., lions Knowledl(e of llcc1l·harell 7602554 Roo1nat6J1m11 SALESMEN ang envu:onmenl. Con-Person Pref.· l2-SPM .1--------· bark oHl<·e helpfu I PARKll"G r\TTNDNTS lit'l'l'Pl Tni1~1 :'\ B firm Sell Pil'ussos b~ phone tact. ?.at M~lls. AMF Mon·Fri. S800 mo. Send MANAGER 644·0077 t2·l20NLYI. Varct WunH· 11 ~hn . ,cl•ks ~harp. prul w Ancl other worhl fttmuus Scieotafll' Drilhng Ill · Resume to Sue PO Box Partttime position Have something to sell ? FT PT . clay vr nrle. fur d111rlual PMnt•. t~ 111ng. <trttsts· lSOll M1t'C'hell So · "C" Downf 90241 Pn\'ate bearh rom Classified ads do ii well. t•x1·1ttJll! new oppurts Jn l!t'n orl' l'all Sh.iron .ti SS,000 ver mu inrome I • Good Earnings CALL CIRCULATION I DEPARTMENT Irvine. SS7·90SI EOE · muruty ldtal opportunt· 11 • . O C Must bl.• nt•al. tlt• 8.'>I (}.'31 P•ll l' n ti JI 1. l' ad s ll/F ~pr. mature, 40 hrs. ty for rel 1 ree w 11 h Slop .. Tue lime to rela,x ~pendablc. ni•xihlc• Prl'f rum1shl>d M.iJbr mnn !!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I S3.3Slhr .. SS 03 0 T,. 3 managenal experienre. •and shop at home. Its wrsoo t•xp 10 htt>s>ttalt RECEPTIONIST til'l' 1>lan: ne" t•ar and minor child rel}. 7S9·8004, Salary-negotiable~ nexi· simpl~. with Dally Ptl~t I)· 1ndustl) Good µuy & r I) r If\ In l' or r I,. l'. µm(1t shannjl. . U you're not reading the HOOSEKEEPER. Sun & hie hours. Send resume Clasa1r1ed Ads. ~nd 1r grutu1lil'll Wonwn <.'o 11 It• a s ant 11hun1• 675·0233 littl~ ads. i~ Classified. Monday only. Hskkpg & to Box 2356, Capistrano )'OU have some~tng to 1•ourai:t~l lo .11mh Fur 11t·r~onalrt\ anli .:1111cl SJki.. outs1rle Yng al!,· • Super Trips • Great Prizes .llily .Nii you re m11smg a lot or <·hildrare 641·S700 days Beach92624orcall · sell. call a rrieodly c1ppt t·al l !'i5K 1112i . h1>m1t skill:. n·11om'<l ~res~lll' F s•: day newsy information as ( E \'a l 4 9 7 · 3 9 S 3 496-6576. CIANified Ad· Viser at bt.1Ytt'l!n 9 ~· Mon thru fljljl• • week Sal & t' om m well u s-Ome great buys. ev Jwknds 60-51'1'8 Pr1 !li9 i-1~ iii(). 7~ 642-4321 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring them or mall them.wllh correct cHh l o Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa MeH, CA. '212tl .. oUr .famous ·_DIMES_·A·LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIQA Y. • Ea,ch Item mu.at be priced with no Item · over $50. 20c: pe• NH -$1 .00 mlrlmum. '• No llvHtock, ptoduce or pt.nt• FOR tNFORMATION CALL L.OIS 642-5~78, ext. 319 . '• No commercial ads allowed CHJLDS wardrobe SIS SH EEP S KI N NOUVEAU lamps S30 TV $5. TV stand s'2 NEW Coleman rooter OAK chatrsSl-0 Ueveled CUR\IE0 6fl">fll.rotton 1XTRAlarJ?e'w1rebaskets ANTIQL'Esteamerlrunk Pressure cooker, new seatcovers: 2 custom each. Bentwood hall Bookcase $35 Guitar $25 Electr1r skillet S5 1"A1rror $20 Mu ff en 1elvet. nrrt' cood1t1on .. for plantl"} S2 50 Twin $45 Used 12xl6 5 TA SS. Toys, some Fisher fitted. ~xtra plush Will tree S27.50. Mirror SID SlO Interior shutters SI Bowlin!? ball and ba~ sland S20 l"uur old oak bilrj!atn at S40 646 7325 sr ze firm b-Ox ~pnngs radials SIO earh 3 Price se t ~ 25c-SS f1Lmost bucket seats Chrome and mirror Light fixtures SI and S2 StO Waftli: iron SS hl'nl\\oud l'hiltro, S2:'> · Sl5 Clothrs. Jc!Ckets . barMools ltke ne"' 24m Ch1ldrens books Sl'·SSO. Sold new for $350." Now deco .tables S25 and S2S. Oouble bedspread. blue nu r I( er M u kl; r S3 t'llt'h Marble r1replare GLASS show Clise· SJO: wool eoats ~i u l 2 14 high chrome• fabric $20 Ceramic cookie J~S S50 each Custom Mirrored pedestal with flowers Sl2. Sin~lc quill t';i 11ta1n ~ rhair Sii m11nlel S50 Ouk ht.'ll S4:i i Tent 1'!X 14 S!io );.,.,.,. S2 SJ llousew:trl' SI carh Propane boat S2·$S. Ceramic wfre Mercedes Benz floor oak trim~ 134 East green and yellow $15 Crorkpot S.S Water pu:k Clm·nlJI ruJ! ~!'> Cash ' roui:h Skin panb ~izcs 1 earh 215 Carnal ton slo\•e S30 Coleman 10c·S2. Cnb bumper pad mats. 3 sets S25 each 19th Street 6315831 with 2 pillow shams SS Bean boiii '$7 Old rt'l!"lt•r $51! I JTl!t' 11 9 IO 12 S7 ~ Coleman I A\I!. Coronu dcl Mar ramping stove S7 Like $$2 '8abysw1ngSS.Old 64S·7Sl2 673·2252 • v.ood trunk 5211 kero H nc· (';in s::. sto\tSl5 :-It\\ all ~ites 6752763 nev. fl ex JO gallon crochet dollUes 25c·SI LAOI~ English 3 speed OINING table S30 F'our C: h 1 l d rens r lot h>l n I! Th t• a I er HJ I S:! 5 \\Ood planter:. ~SICI 6ft -aquarium with wood Boys 201n bike $10 CLASSIC new wall bike S4 S Sea r s llll"S5 Breadbox.wood ~lahOl!ilnv s1uu1, $4 'itereo SSO Womens S BETTER quality ba se $40. New smoke Window shlltters ror c~1medock, JI. day key Co mpanion electric rhairs $28. Stereo $3() 0 n d i: •J pp er SS Fold up s~wini: rabint•t spt•cd btkeSSO. 10 "allon I ch1ldre?Sthroui:h adults detertor $7. Paperhacks cloUte inserts. 7~ru36in wind. wa'!'l!l fanash, :'II lawn mower as is SS Two speakers 53° Ch·ersturred chair SIS SIO Sony r<.'cl to reel r i "h lank ""1th 1 rlot~es 2Sr·SI Office 25c rarh Oishes. S2o. Tupperware Sc·SI wood"tab1net $50. Flam Nisero automatic ski 646·7940 .Pair Chevy rims wilh S50 Oak table s4s a.cccs:.ories SIS . Chain I r~rnilure chairi. S25 i kitchenware 50c s2. Work basket magazines Fiim rom pong game bindings SS. 545-3838 TWO twin beds with tires $.'>. Childs electrir P 1 r l il r r' S I S 2 O "3 " SJS. Cut orr ~uw $50 hie~ SIS Childs. Iv.'" I Women's clotJung. sites 5c each. Jigsaw puzzles SJG 5. COTr1nko~/~l•e5 ~3r1 OOUBLE hung windows, mattress $30 euch One orl(an SIO 1552 IR i Elm fietween 16th and 17th 7 mrh c1rrular saw SIO. ~apt am ehtllil bed S20 1 S· lO S2·S20. Saturday 25c. Roof luggage rark ran a -... '" ._, wood sash. all sizes SI twin no mattress SIS Ave . ('o~ I a Mes a St reel One bloek Wc'"st ~nil S6 Belt ~ander $45. ow er looli; S5 s2o and Sunday. January for VW bug SS. ehest or CHRYSLER 31., H.P. each. 673. n31 Co mm er c 1 a I floor 549·7ti08 • · or Placenua uo IJabciX'k ~lc~·tnr heater SIS. Bow Garde~ 1 ools · l>Ols 16th and l7th 10·4pm drawers SIO Coffee outboard S3S Kenmore . machine $50. Wet and in bat•k Saturda' only sa"S $3. Pach Weed 20c·S3 Clock wood SIO. S422 Sealrock Ori ve . table $10. Stauffer washer and Whirlpool KI NG size comforter dry vacuum SSO. Dinette llANO crorhed rupe $10 ------· rulCer Sl2. Tools S2 Step ladder SI Drapes llunt1ngton Beafh 1orr , Po~iu,re Rest exercise washer SS each. Heavy Four lnatc~lng sh~ts. set $50. Desk with charr Orapcry and rur~aln G E Portablt• l!M blark each corr~ maker SIO. assorted sizei.. som<.' ~ e-w I and between machme $50. Saturday .duly trailer hitch $35. dust rurrte and p1ll~w $30. Dresser SIO Two rods $3 ()rape~ and andwhiteTVsohdstate Clolhmgallsiics!iQr·SS. new$lSS.ShmG)mS2. Ad ams an it and Sunday. 3290 WateT heater St. Ski cases $45. orr white occasional rhairs St5 rurtains SI S3 1.ar~r S3S 12tn porliJblc blark Jewrlry 2.'ic·$2.S Sunday Tennis rackets St cuch lndwnapolis > C1lifom1a Street, Costa bindings V-amt-S5 ·Ski background with earth each. Clothes JO·SI 50. p a 1 r "a s es S 1 o 11 nd wh 1 le TV $25 . only IO to dark 2207 Svort goods $2 Floor 1-------- r Mesa.549-8491 boots SS 493-0152 lone color tlo'(>'ers IS45 Anaheim, Costa Typewriter SIS BOt'k Typewriter portable Avalon St C.osta Mesa. lamp $2 Hous('hold ,•STATION Wagon '72 759-0~ Mesa. g.5 Saturday and tractioo unit S2S 8 lrack $15 Strack tape guts S8 WROUGHT iron dinette g 0 0 d f, l o l' S 1 Toyo111 2000 radiator CLOTHES dryer $2S Books lOc SI V1v1tar camera SIS. ProJector screen S8 Tripod S6 Exerr1se bike SSO Lad 1cs balloon lire bike S40 Color TV S20 Ne" Un1trcx calculator $45 Poker table S3S 01nette set. chairs $50 Large chairs SIS·S25. Wood benchl.OS SlS Camp cots $3 Sleeping bag $3 Coltman lantern S6. Mens shirts. panlS, all hke new Sl·$4. Shoes SO S3·SS. 239S R('dlands Orive. Newport Beach. corner Santa Isabel 'Kl·NG .size bed S3S. VINYL 8rt couch $40. . . Sunday. $5 S'tl Hrwarc SI O VariableslfobhghtSl2. tablewith~lass top 42m ~1scon~ueld :"lontake S25 tarter and 'J Naga~yde rocker S20-Tires SS·S25. Recliner BMX dirt type bike $45. Antique mirror SIO IS mch tLre and wheel ,..n F h 053>' P 3<'t' ~~lllOI: Ke nerator $10 each C" · $10 Ch ' ....... $20 Oirt bike frames $10 NE'w "'' gla•s slider S.'.lS. s·"1 8 truck ster"" with ...,, our wroug 1 iron 1332 WatJ;On Ave· Cosla "'hnel• and t'1res SIO RAO IO 11 S. Record player S2Q. Two folding bikes $25 each Rollaway bed, like new $50 Ptrrur table and 2 benches S2S Red"ood chairs and tabl~ SIO each Two high back \1el vet chairs $50 each Two pl aid chairs S2S each Lamps S20 Ice Cream freezer SS Glassv.are Sl Camping slools SI. Desk chair SS. Baskets S2. Tools SI. Heater S5. Fan SS Wacker chair SS Saturday and Sunday 297S I Preston Orin . Laguna Niguel 495·0398 uair · aar ueu · chair S35. Color TV $50. . . · "" ., Nice clothes and shoes .. v ~v c h·a 1 r s SI O ca ch M • 979 9942 s d ,.. " ., Wind chimes $3.SO. Natural wood shell' unit Skas 170 s cm SlO Re rrigeral or S2S 25c·$S Pendulum clock record changer a nd Excellent rnndttion e:w • · alur ay each Rear hatch door Plumbing and electric $35. Wood dresser $40. 644·5785. IO·speed bike $50 Baby S20 Electrolux sweeper speakers $28 Radio ~0·4® 9·4pm SJS Two front doors S2S partsl0c·SS.DresserS8 Stereo andreceiver$50. COFFEE table S•s. cribS25.64.S-1600 S20 Kitchen ware control bulldo11:r. as is VELVET rhair. OrJngc e,at'h Windshield SlO 645-3344. 880 w. 19th RCA stereo l'O~e $20. corree lable $20. Valet TIRES (6). Four G60xl5, IOc·SS Sheet.~ S3. Bunk SIO 2130 Doctors C1rrle LOST weight. near new $40 l,.arge l'ha1r with I front end parts SS·S2S. Street,ColUM1!$3-BabycribS35.K1dstoys S2S.Lamp$1S.King size two L60x l S some bed frames $20 Single upt O i Costa Mesa Sears exercyrle. g reen ottoman 535 63 Oodge3quarterton "AR PEN dou•n 'AP twi·n SS. Freezer Cw.orks) S2S. bed $30, Dining table excellent and the rest b e d fr u m c S l S 642· 7589 accllent condition $50, 54S·3lo:J or fi.12.2204 s I a nl 6 . radiator S3S 0 " .., 1747 Orange Ave Costa Oversluffed chair SIS If o o v e r 4 5 4 Automatic transmission mallress itA<. T~o fanry · " S35. Chalr $15. Love seat recapable $40 for all BI K E mens boys ' -' " Mesa.. ..,c La SIO Tire chains S20 Electric · · Constellation vacuum. 0 1 L drums. r lean SS S50 16 5 wheels St5 W.B wood 8 n d g I 3 5 5 sleeper -... mp 550· Save $200 or more TV ra1or ss Books and IO·speed, a namt brand. work s SIS. Poloro1d "'"' g a I Ion s. S 7 SO En°1ne parts SlO·'"u. ·cupboard doors Sl2 pair. JUNIOR tri'cvcle SIS. Gas lawnmower col r RCA 21in works h I -.. h d """" " ~ , 0 • .. magaZJ·n~ ,, •.. lron1oa as e ec ... c om an t'amera with leather Galvanned drums with Wooden bab" bed with . Four wood shutter doors Childs wagon 110. Toys Hand lawnmower $15. perfect tor 30 mmutes boa rd $~~ """sk 1 boot~ hght, looks. runs new cosr, works $20. 4x8 hd SlO 642·"""' springs $35. '4x4 p1rlure $20 all Antique oak 2 5 c . S 4 . C h i Id s C a I ~ a g e ~ 1 0 needs a tube somewhere $7 en 218• '22nd Strnet" $49 ~..8()66 Aium inum bav window u..... with large frame SS bench $4 0 Wa lnut table/c ... a1r S2.u.. Boys Typewnter. Remmgto.n $20. 548·7234 ,.,., . " . , SOf antl·que foot stool Sl2. toddler"'clotlaes"" ""-·'"". SSO. Case 115. Men s Saturday and Sunday CUSTOM Queen spring with sliders 530 36in T A ~Lasso· mpsCSSI ·Shto Ga I vanized pipe IOc ZENITH blark and while """ ... BAR nd tool S30 C t M d fireplace srreen SS 1953 win """ ot es e11ch Small plasllr to Old blrd,.age SJ. Old S1'mmons J•nny La·nd clothes. •mall S2S. a s sset osa esa. an m;u.tressverygood St SIO T bl S porlable l"'nTV Cl"an ' " R di 110" So tape Maple record cabinet . cond1llon sso 775·7189 Republic.CM 642·0862 a e 5 larit(' terra rolta pots "' " · picture frames 50c·S3. crib SSO. Booster chairs a o · ny Sl7. Talbes SS·SIS. TI RE chains for sm~ll Surfboard S3S New AM 25c SlO. 325 w Bay likl' nel' S50 2000 Slate Two amlhenlic oriental $2. 14in radial tires $3. ~eek SJS, .• Chess game Lamps $5-SIO. Twin bed car SS. Two stereos. WOOD telephone cable PIRELLI t6S·l3 tube Oelco 12V car radio S2S Street. c.;0~13 Me.sa A\•e Costa Mesa rugs $4S each. Basket! i651 SalHish Drive, $15. ReCrager~lor $50. SIS. Day bed SlO . work.1ng SS each IS <36in diameter 29i n type radials with tu~s Hoy d en IOOW C B ~-5908 BOX trnller $25. Gravel 50c ·S4. Small g irls Huntington Beach. Boolrs: 2 bag hard BookcuesSS.Sl2. Maple ~allon lank, rluorest'cnl high ) with removable 3 forSJS lnstamat1r 126 booster SSO. 'C he'C k 520. 'Brlrks Ix each 1 stingr ay bike $12 . 964·6600 roverec!. M. Law book kitchen cibanet 125, hghl SS. 20 g~llon tank 4Sin round top S50. e lectrir eye Kodak protector S3S Two desk ROUGH bei.1ms I 7 1 Cement bloeh lOr Antique haniware SI-SS SIO. Ki slory book S5. E 1 SS. 2 Tonka fire trucks Maple ,.ate leg table camera SIS Kod1k .JS t'halrs $20 each Model I new I 6inxlOlnxJ6ft $30 Posts and lum~r TS( ot Old youth chalr$4S. 9l0 PETITE woman and Accounting book SS. m:,.c~!n~ise di~pfaye S5. Box hat SJ. Cake 38inx58in extcnsJon S40. range find er S2S ai rplan~ StO. Ki rby each. 398 llamlllon less Clun old Ro-r W. 19th Street. Costa baby clothes and shoes 0 I ct I 'On ll r Y S 4 . l bl 'th shelves S25 decorator kit $4. Small Old rocking chair $50. 673·4fi6'9 vacuum $50. Gas cook Street. Costa Meu . 015 stove SSO. Jud~s Meaa.9am, 10c·S2. Klngdll!I ruffle Com{>uter program ;ict~=S2SIO G75-2S4S bookcas~ $5. Students wood drafting table top SSO. Snow skis SlS. SILVER 1 d . ~hair S40 Old wnn:.er SS. Old lantem SS. Pl1n1 bo..ok ss. Reclining • · hair curling kit SlO 421 nlC3Jin s50 1920.s MATTRESS and box Metal storage racks 122. P al'I! ice .. TW I N trucker CB light $S. Toy1 soc. rocker wilhhauoek$25. _after9am. Large roll or wrapping I SI spring, twin S30 Full Knee bo:anf S20 Chairs tus~ns <6 new1 S$ washln1 machine S50 • l,,.Mas n•w ....,.. "" DI b 'KA D-• h •·bl e tclnc nger sewing leoath ........ ,. -at, sl•'" Cu"lom !'lad• T•rrv Washlna mactunc SSO an e2 _.:. "1 ~· JV s t!'S """'· ,_g ... e Yachka zoom umer1 FtN& Cbina complete plastic ll''lin wade SIO. machine and cabinet • ouno-. w C.., S$·$50. Ores11er SIS. "lo.th aprons"'-«•: . .,:. Btr. ind 2 stooli1 $20 IZlll •-va n mirror $7. Stereocabioet with3 $50. Golf clubs $10. Oil service ror 8, excellent Bookcase -shelf for desk sso. Old high wood bed 12, petite SSO TY 0 Portable Kenmore 'H, d h 1 d,,., -.w Ule 40c each. Target spuken 00. Old painting $n. Painting condition. Silver nower top 15. Reconf rabinet frame l.10. 1e.o·s Inlaid race set $25 Stereo di1hwashet $50, Kitchen oo a r ryet S~. Aquarium.~ SS Ind SIO trip throws aintles aild receiver; i mpllner and 24x3S $50. Shelf aelf border'. BrldaJ Wreath $6. $45-S!rnl wood Hi·Fi cabinet $50. speakers $20. each. utenclls. dishes. Pols. Patio silt d'ral>ff'Y SI$. 30 11lkln llqUlrium U9 dOllbtes no. Cull only reverber1tor $25. bracllt!ll 50c, Pan $3. Twin Colonial bed ~6·9381 pans 25c·SlO. Silurdiy New Brazl1111n vase SIO. Ed1tr 125 Honda 450 "7·349 ' Woodell file t'htsl ss. 192 Ctrnallon cost• SSO. 5.57-4848 • Slant boani Sl2. While p1rts Sl ·SSO Bike parts R h I S fr1me. mahogany/hand SODA Pop boll.le wooden oam to 4pm 1618 lrvtnr wooden poster bed Sl·W $4 ~Y P•<'kup PAIR twin yellow rall1n a It an eM ~ '!' r Mesa. Saturdly and PLATE Jiau mirror WOOD play pen $20. decorated SO Oold cr1ld S3 each. MS.1553 Ave .. NfW1>0!:l Bfach frames S2S. Men~ ska \allf!ale! S20 Suturdiu• bt1d*rd1 S20 eaeh. M I p on~v a, SundayM. 84Ml40 with frame $,JS •• size FoldiDI. stroll er $8. tweed barrel chair $25. shoes and rack .. II It 9 .nd Sund•>'· 35412 Book ue SS Blrdcai e oata na. 11'111 el io 27x4$. Maple 1ove seal Deluxe carrier SS. Wood Sec r c l a r Y ch air BABY crib and m•ttress s.~.AL91j:r:~~fl ta bile SI 5. Br1ai1 trim fi re Cum lno C:ap1:11 r:ano, SIS. ~ • .; llble DO. PlatttllJJI. LADY'S Schwinn 261n rocker. cloth covered storage ~nch. S8 lbir chrome/ bl eek SSO. $40. New at roller $20.1...... µ m11n1 e streen DI. Commode or CapistrlM Reach Cltatlll.54f."'2 WASHIRa . Drytt '50. blkt , very •ood wlUI larte foot a~ to d11r:,e~S::-,;.. ~;:~shirt! Zenith Hi Fidelity Playptr1 SIS lfilhct111r cl:c~ sas.,:~ln ;~o~ end table wllh mirble . Slasl e Md and boi COftditionSZ5.Glrl'IJOin mateb. Autumn LVIOfS, I -Stereoeh'Onlc record SIS Port1-<rib StO.Cash c • n s 4'9 top w. l.adlt11 twffd CRA t'TSMAN 1_11:11dl' ANTIQUE 'kueMn s.Me. 1Priftl'8S.._.. b j ll t very 1ood rlowtrtd MO tor both.' medium sec. Shots.. no plocr, 8 11pukera. only. •91:16 • Klllybrcdt, ~11 Mella. coat !lilt 20 ,., u . Mkromettt ~ 11, to pleao_llGILMll__, rMdwOa !!!. 131.ull 1751 "l\9tin A\tt,. C«lta I S3. Sanjtalre uprlJh~ portable $50. Two TV S40·t111 • Coleco chfld.~ bowllna 12'1Mw 14$. Cral\!lman ir1M • t acll rour POtla •¥tf'"bei ~ .... -.rte -l v.ac.uum.. 125. Two nQ eart 1 ~Round mirror ---GKAI RS:-Mt el 4-Whlt._ ILL 142-51]2. 171 M achlftillbl comllinaUon -,...awe ........... •·......., .._.,. COINAIR Pro style I a f•han•·SIO and SIS. nln d i.AJne t er ssq. TWO barrel c halu, wroulht iron ror patio Cttal Plttt.:emta Mesa 1q u .,, 1.-,w, Tu-. --=al rooa c~alrt ll•l••r ... Two ,., d11er 11. lAcl1 Sdaltk ALl!DA (1prln1 auitl Foatorla tquare cake Ballet bar 110. !"fewport while .Ytl veteen, or lnatde. !1&celltt1l IO-tpm. c r· • r t 1 • a 8 .. c ... prop111 tllh m . aaloa l~ drJer tll. wet.n it t SI., 1he ttand '45. N.-wWlow 8tacb.m452 ucetlent <'OftdMion 115 toldltJon &».m.mt ROll l·A·Sll•t r I H _.... .-.;or._. Attoutlt rtl~::.or 11....,lloJalolncelbt lltdhnn. Y_.. lkU. •h•dea 50c·t2. Startt u.cla. Old Kumort ..... ._ dla 1 •ala•....,w rlls ••ll•H te••lrr. .. .. .... l tnewrner aa. Soa1 111 cm wtt.11 POies szs. Saturday ll1m until CRI CDlll!HS dreu er HWlftl m1dln1 hod, LAWJUIOW&R atln. .. D161J=ClalllntdAd rro. J/la .. •'• llllP .. Meb -11W...... If...._ AJl/f'M wD llettrlc 11ltar S20. H id. 2'f Collett Dr. t U. 'h)' eMlt 1$. Please 1 ood cottdltlon t H . new C!OldWQI. c.a&thtr. 11 1 ..... , .• wlU. lHP l ·D ....... ....... _. •. ..,......, ... ,.. IMrM..., _.. tall•zm •-1'41 IMnte.ITMnl • •.cm.., • .-. • .r·- tlJO ....................... , .... , ,,, .... .. TOWMI -OflllllJ WllUY 'Q.IAHCAIS Me~UCKS r-OHNf:ll ' HEVllOLU .. \f . S•b 1100 -~-- IMHIUTR Top dollars for Sports Cars. Bu~. C11 mpers. 114's, Audi s AlkforU /CMGR .. MAllMO YOLISWA•84 11711 Beath Blvd. HUJmNGTON BEACH --="=JJ.IJ __ .... 1'11&\':s WE PAY TOP DOLLAR POI UllD CAIS ALANMA-..oM POMN.Cl~AIU 3'ID Hartk.i Bh d COSTA Mt:SA 14MJOO 549°1457 TIP Dlllar Pid F0tVUdJ'Carl J0HMS0M I SOM u.c ... er1., 26211 Harbor Blvd C.a Mesa, s.tO·S4i30 Premium prices pa1$1 for uny use<.l l·ur (foreign or donwslk )- in Rood f011d11lon See U:i First! V H TH COAST iJadge 'I .-e llu1bo1 Ahd -('oslil \h·~u 5-ltQJ!J() WEIUY·· · USEDCARS&TRU . J ., COME ll«>R CALL FOR Fiii UPIAIS'AL•,. Cormie .... oeLillo CHIVIOLn 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-6017 or 549.3311 PORSCHES WANTED .-~~~ 1:1631 HalbO< 8••d • °*'"" Gro,.. '" Ul·nlJ BUY JEM SELL 'EM TRADE 1EM. RESALE SALES- ..:Jw Bay.C.M Across from Robin's Ford 645-296 3 .1982 MOD~S HaE ,-· MOW! • , p 0 4 a Cringe Coat DAIL V PfLOT/Saturday, J1nu.y 11, 1•2 ...-;;~,..., ..,,_, w.,~-. · . .. ........... -w;.... .. MM;flii ~ ~UIH· ... UH4 ..... UiH ......... , ............................................. , .........• ,. •........ ............. ....................... ....................... ..................... ........................ . ...............••........................... !!!! ............. !?.·.~~..... . t1H • "'' ....... t170 ,... t772 Cr••• tftl a...,.. tt2tc......... "" tflZ..... tfl7 ................... it$(; ....................................................... , ....................... \~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ············•!••1•••••• ..... I COUMn'S ~l:~ .. "rrb1.:~ lt79 \I W <;11m11er 191$ VOLVO 24SDL COMTa..Pt.ATtM• SBUSPllSTf 'T7 M•rll V, xl1111·ttnd. 'fi8Chlu1~ Int con<I. \i Ptnto lt111,·hbllrll W11s ' 0&.DUT ' IK' ""'11 Y n a u..,... Dy1111mltr Splril <;uo Wa11on Autom11 tie CAOIU.AC? Wt hu·u11oodHlet-tion fabri e inl, SSUO V8. 002, ~ f , r U, I'S. Ill trrt>t·k Bod\ 1o1nd & •'YI s~;:;110Jin:'\:!~1~>; vrt11011 1• 21 Pup top trwminion. air t•<>nd•· Wr 1 l•llar m tram I or NE w ' us£ o 957-0144,MM364 a111 :·1111 Jt'fl.~u.111 (r.1m·. t111m11~1· i\11 1•l•1· ~~-• •• ,. Vtfuwll"rn 142 zooo 1 rtlh 2;.000 ~~tiY·H{:*L tio91n1. and 12.000mlttt-fO 11:: buJtnnl (l)c aitvroWll ff·H ~ MUilan11. pnt·td tu. OK \ll 147.000ori.: 1111>. -• , "' 1173 J>ORS,''H E "J • •1 19.ll9<newJ <• u I I Exira l'lt!llJI C7$2TJOI. t\'Utivr,pro(tHIOOlll ••••••••••••••t..'••••••• M'll Cu ll wknd~ oul\1 II("• Ir.in' It r1at11~11u1&. • " " .. • " 1 m ,., u no 1399~ JI Ill ~orl n 0 =Stlectl 'fi'"TCOR()lOf.T 1.,u 20'Z7 tJUllllJ, H'I'\ 11001 w.,' 5ilt'91 St·n·11·" l.l'.i~tnll ._If & ,_ --Dyn11m1te 2 .O llln• 5 Voluw111tl'n, 1!12 2000 Volkiwui:c[I ll42·2000 fll 4 dr lo mi ~ •a; i:ood t·•>nd , 11 I') I. nu llrt" no 111 ok1•11 i:l.ii.~ ~r ADl n1n ... NaUnl spet>d tr•n11m1~11on , "ISU~hcr.lltlKcnl,vcry 16 2& 01 W, 111 , Of 1912 G..6111Jjo hn'll,,al·,mut .. i·ll' 1111 1·11or .:uotl Rc <h• N.JI ~v 1:1\. ...;:-su stereo. maJts. Shurp, llood ITl\'<·h 1•0011 11185 I= X • c;~Jtn , ut c1•••· . . 1163 11105 .i1J1I 1\ ,,:n .. 11 1l1·al ror f(lLS ~ ,i». ~ .. , us liharv. sh#l'JI! C007JJQ > 116.'10430 · • lras ood Cond Mow .. Stocll G8 < h11r1wr R 1T N1•w na.•c·haninu IJllrt ~J1,., "-Jl\.C IJIVll'Y JO• 15495, Jrm M11r i 110 .9792112 'N{)Jm~ . , lrw. runs ad Will bt• I~\ Mu,1.11111 111111 l!tiO Mu't '(•II Jll 111111·lhcr .io...=-~~==• . wl?l.~ Volkswa~n.842·2000 • 1974 y~ Ghia Corwt-rti 1,'ll>Volvo wgn.31.(>00rnr, . ~1.Blteefoe~u~!• ::g; duslr. llH 2 111 ~ Alln<·w Lk••tolh:r S100. mukt-01 , <.:a ll . A'&ll8ilr '711f'Ol'lil'he911 SC l!'lt-r b I I:. 4 s,, t' t' d a'uto, xlnt l'Oll(J $84$0JCA l L ~eoftb's. 702" llO>.J'.ORO. "1M1 0097 'ili~Mufl 7 :Wpm , 'lt lMW 7331 1nrl ~&ndow ull l~uther transmlss~oi;i with Yt•r~ fi40.~ .. J .. .....0..L' Ll. "14 Monuro. hd top ron1' liG Mu~rnnJ.: 289 uutu, I'S S1lv~r. blue lthr. 4,o& !!!!!~•!! p7.'g lm. m'atulatl'. !rr":.11:1· ~,>'f~8~11rj~~i Jr.00. t~lll1c•ij111~1 &1t'hkc~~~i0Gd work ~/C:.1 11.000 . Grt>:.il PH. rad1ul t1rt~. l<\'lrr ~ • tt60 mi.1mmanond S29.000 .·MJt•d.tifliSiSiuu• SJ~?_(Xl_!46~2 _ UBJo;?.32Si 56995 JI · Allfol.Ultd C'1,..1,1fv\-..1 "40'1100 true ~ li4f~? Slmpc. _ 11poked hubl'upi., ictnl ....... _ ... ~ ........... ._ -1~ &&33 --'79 928 -· ~ ~ M · v · m -. ................. ....-. &t5·8'1l,?nrtt!'r~ 1,11111 Th·sr offi•r 11\ t•r Pl)' Ar 1·uv. 7C. 11ut11. :11r. "77 BMW ~30t, 1,n..;;11•• ~lta ~ 1740 ·!'lent l'Onu· un. ur arino vlkswaKcn. Meli ttlO : ----;---66 Chevy, runs Jrcal, eoo. m Milli 1WI 1'111: 11r1•11t "'"~ m1· stereo sun '°' 4 d I ••••••••••• .. ••r.••••• 5000 m1, 126.000. llP Cull 842-~~ ••••••••••• ••••••••••• 11 F1eetwood. 59K ml. front end prob kl m. ~ 9940 " R I RI I I . S2ZJO r:i3 S407 owncr,~.~1·03~2 •Ml,.....,. n '1 . k ..iml '"·x nl~on ,f)S, r I th I l • ' . f),'lJo'ordStuhun Wtin Ol'W 1'111! ten·~ & 11a111t 1977,LYMOUTH ' rt • sp ' '' wkd1s993·4200 'll>Vanagon 4 5oo 1111 1111 ~I t~" '1 . d I Cull pwr, 11ir. w/ sun/ MIMXl18 H~TOff''l!:l\ ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• GSJ l':tlon•i >I lruns. • '81 3201, 9K mi . i:ood entcfMtretdes '76 Porsche t I 4 :~~'::xi C~tt ~~~:3;~ •ng 1>b. uwr;n 1•111ss stl'r.1•11. ~~~n ~ 7~~ ~~ n · I HO CHI VIOLET Xlnl runn)ng t•onit ' Xlnt ~· li~t· •l!I:! ll02 I VOlAH .. stereo. good sh;ipt'. blk, to• MW RcbUl.lt engine. To11 t•on· J , ' lfi>o.11r?O . v n tuµ. nu . ftlCKU, SSOO. 673 4019 '79 4 ~>ti 1 i' I I • I N EMIEI WGH afil w!_nds 540_4732 ,... ... ti 1 dlhon. ~S . I 722 1183 l9lll VW Dic~el. L MO(jl'I 2 · tires JP7·3!140 Camaro ttl 7 6 1·ylin1h•r, uutornu l1t'. '7~ Ford LTD llroul!ham iViJ.'i t~··I· 0(1 ., ' r l'ar '78 BM Com ':7:~se'~r Im ~·~lll1!1dc ~abar_u:.. door R~bb.11 '!''th~ speed 'il Skylurk. xlnt t·w1d ........................ f11t1ory mr. lull t)()W('r, ·I dr. xlnt l'Ond. lo m1: 5'1.9·125G ,\uturnat1l'. r:ict.or~ ;ur AM/. FMW c8352~1 St~r11!0f •• • ..... Yo1 ... ,.l l"ast• aricl 60 TakeQl'er leas.e '81911 SC trll~nu. ~sion. air c~nd. 11 $119~ Pm~ult' pur.ly "19 llt•rlint•ttu \'II T Tnp , AMtl-'M i.tert'O l·asst'ltl'. rww ttrcs, 11.p. Sl,400 lull vown. tint•·cl J.:1"'~ AC, Nw Trs' SIO .... o"oo ""'"'; , ·~·. bl . t Por JK mr fa ctory l10111ng und IO\f mi les. 6G7-81Ul. -Air. Tu()<'. 20K mi Hcsl r11b1'<I wh1ll• "'11l'r trn·~ 1714) S45-3,IS7 Olck•bile 9955 l111!1<:Jl!l' ru1·k. u111l 111ud1 mos sens• l' pym i. load~ 1 ce>o .;.... Be Ii: e I 8 e ' It ' , E. OH··r 67• 45G2 • ma •s und r 17 ooo' -••••••••••••••••••••••• min·' ,\ Ml ST SEJ., •-"'Ul_"·'-· D 1 a I 2 I 3 •• r ""'· . ....., . .....,.. ··1BUN""•) • .,,,fit J 72 .lectru Pwr 6SK '-" i: • l' · Ga~Show W1'nn1·r i30 • w tlit·""''uJ''' ......-_... ~ v --------' ...,.. *4R"11 Im · . nul MUSTSF .. 1'111S "" . IJl('IW ~J,."lorc~mi """" Dahm •720 714 Mt.-.:RC:E_DES 1s 213 SACRIFICE. '78928. 2SK Marino Volkswa.it>n. Dn1t M1 ~rttn wiwht· . '68('AMArt0 LJ:fJ.· NFW (-'Art ,, '82 Eiil·ort Urand nc1Ci ' Super !>uuntl ~\,h•m S2711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• or714 637 2333 ~'es lm~acul:te. nkew 8-:'2·~ lop SIOOO 6.11·3054 327. _· \_~:11~1 0HO tlri·JwiS.\'llJ ~~~~:11'/:.e;.~~ llrs~.or:6 $llj()() 4!M 1111:1 O.R. HAAN ' '82 210 2 d 1972 MERCEDES BENZ r "(.'US om spea er 'lk> Convert1blt.' Rabbit. • .76 L,'l,L'·'"''R• L.'l"O $6588 '76 Culla.,s. llroui:hm I lllKYSU :R PLYMOl'TI r. l>)nllll\Jle 2200 sedun ~t'.!f<l..!.S19•850· ~-0:5628 hk1.· new. must St'll ! .. n .. I I\ 'bi (.'om1 Camara, 321 0. HAAN t;.ic) G02;I w11r. lo ml ... 11 po\\t'I, 2020 .t: Isl. I • s 1\ l $106 Jl Wllh automatl1· 1977 911S Couµe Ex 76().!N40. \Int l'Ond' whl ta}l halann'tl. eni:.nt>wrim~ • ••• , ,.,,·111 1-'restu. Spurt Mell $2500080770!tm 5.-1.4471 transmbs111n and a ir celfont eond. Sl6.900 pp ,69 ;;.""""'VHT,lllir. S2S(J() ,,,2_4,,0,_. 1 tires. pu.tnt. S/JOOO 080 CllRYSLl.-.:K/I LYMO Xlnt t·ond Lo mt. I rondlt1onin1t Original 5.l9-2L20· 631 0688 ""'"'" 11; .,... ""' ~·:rrl2. S4ti·~ 2<Y.!O F. 1~1 St ·• SA owner S3~._754 74G9 '79 Cutlai.i. Broul!hum St 1971 'LYMOUTH -+ Lax... '8 ~. 0 EL Nc~r ·ne~ (2 159~9 > ~I New,t-ni:. ;lutt'h. ~ 080 6U.W07 Codilac-ttl5 'ftl 307:suto. Ver>' d<'an. ~~1•4471 i31"orlfW:1gon. nu tlrtos. ~n Ui1.·~cl Xlut HOllZOH Cap. rosl $4964 Res S.5695 J 1 m Marino Blau st er, must see. '72 Super 8l'l'tle New u••••••••••••••••••••• new 11rei., rn;in> nl'\\ .i9 Plt'k UJ>. 3'• ton. 4 sp . runs good. bu.h fair C li46 451;2 • t n hncltr. I 'l>t•l'tl IJ1 value $248192 Total \cjkswa~!!.8422000 __ make ofr Afl 61Jm t.ni.:. New Truns Xlnt ,79 A-..... wood ~.J7r1~!, 52 200 'rom , Vil l'llA SIS,000 ORO :wJ4030aftcrS Piftto tt~7 ton :ur IJll1Ci1·ri.h·1·rrr1i: pmts SS409 12 Cost ·70 MBZ 280SL Xlnt ~-0826 <.:ontl Musi See' S2700 '""' .,., uoo 6'Ci7003e\'es wknds 1 :__...._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"" hrJkt'~. t\\11 111n1.· ~~:e~~~~e~oy~au~~ ~1~n!.J.Ji8i1~o~0_7:~. -. -;--64Pomh~ ~ 080 846-17<16 ~~~~~3$h·.~0;.o:'.11~\ Che•rolet ,,20 '73Nova Hakhbk. br~wn ::'::': ••••••••••• !!.~~ FOR SAU ~<tllll lllll'UWnt'r MUST Tod , . · XJnt Cond. Orii.:m.il '66 VW BUS rebu1IL lranb i·omhllUIJ Must sa~·~ifii·'t.' ••••••••••••••••••••••• w\1kbe111<1• h111 60n~.!1~9wcll i tJTo1Cin C:PE ll:l.llOO oni: 71' f'1 nl11 hatc·hhuc•k. • t:t:• th971ll'JX I ay • ·79 JOOSD Turbo. Ant . 998.().)64 & engme Good 1·ond nest <.tUl'r uv;r S9.000 ., CHEVROLET 1 s rng l o 1 =1 mill"S LoaclM w xtra~ d t·.in. ~weed. n1-w tin·~. S2995 .• f~~~"a\\~P/~1·~ .. a~~t 1~~ .;._..---9755 ~·:.~~~/a?~9~~f~~: Mr C:smtlelly 720·W2S' MEW 1911 Chrysler 9925 ~.:J1~\~~t'ft'o:uxur~ & :~~L~l~,~~b~~~.~~i:S~~~ t•111tvs9.·~i<Hfi.~~Ol"fl • · · mi ;$2.3 900 \I 0 '80 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl'l.'at8909Adam:.ll B '78 St•\111(.'. all :<lras! lo MOMTECARLO ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 0110 20'.!Q f\; Ii.ISi .SA • · · · ' s • ·ao Lt:: CA R • -I 11 S9450 ·31 3114 O.R. HAAN ............. ,_ 9950, JOOTB Stal W~n. blk ...,.'°5 '63 VW Truck. nl'w 1n11111 ou. x n. . . b. LEFT-OVER! """""-1 ti42 IS70.M r 541·447 I !di S ...,_ Jm K 12 ti73 4220 "II t L'llHYSl.ER 1'1.YMO UTll ••••••••••••••••••••••• llJl 7797 •t • ~ sa< e int nrr. 3rd 171 •1 ., ... 6598 & mt 11135 en" 111.'!>l ol · " Aulo. lruns . air 1·011(.. ~ · "uria b k I f ~ l1'tL" ,. noon 1, , ll'l> u shc>l't Jr,·1•\\t1~ ricl.c 1976 Capn' II · P..-£.:ac 21!4SHarbor Blvd. ac· sea. am m c·ass.. ---fer &16·4371 . many o .. er cxlrus . '7'7PintoStaWaCJ ""'' 9965 Costa Mesa 7l;0.20K m1, S23.SOO Eves . ~Royce 9756 .73 \'WSup"r Bct•llt•.''•iri m l'a1lllla1·. xln1 rnntl. -Gori:t>oua! (5956/65451. 10110rat"~·l'1 1·11 11111 1 ):. \'(), 2.~ lrll'r, xlnt 1·oml. llrl\l'~ rlHL' t'll'llll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6285 •• • ' "' Ul"'t•Jlf •r 0..,YS7791 o (c :I ""iry:. t'r reo1·"ntl,: 11 aintt·cl + · I •t S W 714,540 6410 -. ~-•••••••••••••••••••• V"rt ••7rn ~ • l ,_ l'I ti I I r th ' .. ,\ulo. 11~. 1\l'. ~l l'l l'll iO ~·" Jll\. la l(ll 350 • < """ 751S91'J H~... 1>.1!"!11 l~l·at•r or l' ma nyexirus 6441·197 \' T lk L' --1929 re pro. ~!t·rl'edes •#J DEAL[R IN US A-•67S·9..131 • · · -1 vn-D Che•rolet UES1 D hA L 0 11 your ~ -, Sl991i 91>1 730:! !j rlr • i.: S&>O r 1r111 , • 1977 DATS UN Z80Z Roadstl'r,sec to belccl'e · • · . .• '79&·11111.· D:rrkr.h-t;ilhc·• Oovt.'QuullSts NEW 'lll or'll2L'hn·~ft·r If you want your .ad· iti Hl'Nt\llOL"f.~utu,lo f"'2 1~ Dynamite Z t'OUPl' 5 $17.500 AJ!el 1:.i4-1330 nrtv CARVER 12 Bus. Rblt En11. N(.•w blut'. M111t Conti .h·1T) NEWPORT llEAL'll Pl h xi speed transmission. air --~ --l'L..11 Pnt A·phl & Trs 491H'97 ~mout µn Ul'lb' veriisingmessagetort.'· 1111. nl'\\ pa1n1. :.1fl1·r. n...deri>ird 9970 cooditioning, stereo. and '7~ .t50 SL. Superb C'ond. ~ 1 c_~ SUJ>ER!124SO 64() 447.j " ~33.0555 O.R. HAAN ach more people al S2100 &u 109li :-: II • •••••••\••• .. ••··~· .. •• mags Extra sharp! Sifl·~n~!pti .. ~4~66 .N..:Jl...L:T1'LJ1\...C 71 Vw Super Bt.'ctlc. i:OOll m !!M.'llllt·, hlu1.-. t~th(.·r. 15 Monza htd\bk. 5 spcl . CllHYSLElt P"YMOTTH lower cost. Cfasslried Is '63TU oni.: 5il\ S2.950 l·all 1844WYB> SS995 Jim .~. ---~~=z:'P c:ood . reblt en~. sunr(. 111rl' whls. bha rµ. Aocxl i·ood. Sl.SOO Call 2020f: l:;tSt .. S A thewayt.ogo!.Call Now! TH 76K.autoSl.350 Manno Vollc-swaAC'n. 7fl4SOSL.C . Milan Brown. ClOSEDSONDAYS ,. unfy S2100 67S~91 h· Ri500 080 5!!2·0694 !iw'nS..llPM.675·1183 541·4471 642·5678 &.lfi·OJll9 842·2000 ~~:is.m~rrZ~.~it~ri~ -------n\'i -AllhK, Mew 9100 ......;., New HOO ..._.,Mew -. 9100 Aadot, Mew . 91PO Aldo•, Hew. HOO AMtos, .,.... ·HOO 675 9929 1111bcsw t 7 62 W .. 4! st f u I a a Pop Top I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------••••••••••••••••••••••• Camper Runs & Look;. •70 210 SR '81 GL wagon. 4X4. all Gl't'at! S2609 499 12711 . , o R co M PA~ y White. exrellent rond opt , Lo mi . beaut! Must 77 VW Rab~ll. 40.000 m1. FORD MOT rll ~· PP615 ~ _ sell.~ ofr 497-1800 sterc'U. <1uto. $2495 •~~~,...•1 Blu~'7w5~~eO •~~ar Toyota 9765 ·is -\·w71~~=71safaJ AND THEODORE. ROBINS FORD ANNOUNCE tape. crw se. pne('(I to ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'amper Ultra dt•a II .. 11. Sll .900 PP. lfnTOYOTA ""' m· RI"''"" c% .a.a.1 5-a%• , 960-2471. CEUCA white. SSL95 646 G!ll4 5 CA0111r11 • PLUS ·n 280Z -A,, -f 1·ao MB 4SO SL Cham-Lift bark Automat1r Sarnfic·e·MVSTSELI.' • IOMUS . . . . '."• am m. pagne leather ~assetle trans .. fac1ory air 1·ond1-Reduc·ed from $4,000 In 0 -•:115 , . -o r§'ss, rn.ags.1mmu1•' Blu alloys' Must s(·ll. make llMrng, A~J FM stt'reo S3.300 1970 Karmann .._,,. !r,,.e t t • S 6 a O O I ofr 5.59·Sl21 & ONLY 21.000 mrl es! Gina. ong owner Xlnt fJIOM ""'l)ds el'eS 559 6983, I -t021TLQ>. rO!)dit1on M7-2837 ~ ' ON NEW 1982 . d . (213>697·7211 '76 MB 450 SE. One or ~ow $499::. --~ ESCORT "G", "GL " an~ "GLX " MAKl•e& CASH ... 11 ROM 11 •0ltOll IOllGFOID -. --The Fines t Luxur\' ~ ~ '72\'WHUG OF BASE STICKER PRICE '66 411· SIU wi:n. J.:O()(f &>dans at '1th the Prir'e ... AIERS Rebwlt C'lll<: $2200 OF e ,(sE STIC~~~ f'.>AICE <'llOd! nu brukC'S. ball. " 499 1888 '• 1 . of a New iSO ··Srlver-CADILLAC ' ~Jn J!.h llres..:.S800.s4o5383 Snrr Priced un.der 2600 HarborBtnl. 1971 \W Super R1•ct11" _ -/'1Al''1~ * EXTENDED 24 Month Limited Warran ty · ~J!J'.i.~~--_ '81 310 GX ~Dr. snrC. ,, Wholesale Book al COSTA MF.SA runs 1111 New µain!. ~~ -,,... __ _ . ?r1·;r~cnnit 54990 i~·~1 ~~1 Qw ek saie. __ 5-4~L860 .~~::,~~·'J~vm~m S. . ··1\ * FREE FULL MAINTENANCE for 2 Years : jij~ 1972 610. I ownt'r. xlnt 'IO Ml 6 t 1976' TOYOTi.\ CelH•a mat" Wht Wht 7K m1 W W (ask for deta1'IS) -_ cond ·s1000 • Lift bar k with low Sl2s00 OUOGJI 074!l · -· ~-~Wle'~ SNv~~k hhr, all op m1lea gt!, 5 s peed . ~ • • lions a Menedes c·an of· transmission. air t·ondi· .6.5 \W Bug. rt•blt. nl'W Wlll'..llll'#~...,.....,.....,..~...,....,.......,...,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,.....,....,...,..,.-"':_,...,.....,.. .. '81 l\laxrma. brown . 2tK fer Lowm1lea~ This ! tioning and s harp ! paint. 1nt. 1·a~M·ll1•. UNDER FACT I RY ,'llY I ICE SALE rru. xlnt l'Und. loaded. ll\\ner (.'ar 1s 1 of the last l978REP> $3995 Jim Sl950 661 3982 Sl0,000 iliO 8011 or 200 69's bit 1n ·so PP Manno _"olkswai:en. Vd•o 9772 • &1129-1 _ S-19.500 (213 l4S6·5289__ ~2000-_ _ _ _ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71.510. -ldr-, runs J?reat. 62 Merredes Benz 190SL i8 Celrra GT epe. air. #I VOlVODEAUI !'~s~ S995 M7 0952 sports roupe Both tops i.1erro. 5 spd. ~Int tond ' INORANGE<..:Ol'NTY' 19'UE WILL 111..1·0T IE u~DERSOLD -OVER 40 NEW 1981 FORD CARS AND . __ :,.___ Restored. gd 1n\t t. ~95 644·20.>2e,es n n n :!!~~Ji ~~b::~rr~~· ·~12·: ~~9!5}-Per~ ;;(~~i~~ A~\~~~~: ~h~: sws,savicE TRUCKS UNDER THE FACTORY INVOICE -SEE US FIRST, ~ND SAVE:' 962·343:1 l'OOd S9800 nu radials. super dean'. O\'t:tlf~~,Y~~~RY ! ·71 2~0Z. l!OOd mpl!. 645·9502 s.5100obo 675 5686 EXPERTS I f\ . /\. mags, am fm. mu)t ~t.'11. '63 ~18 Rbh Eng Good ·78 ~hl'a Gt~5 i.pd. I '\I\/ \ S2700.673-l491alt 6 Cond S3000 OBO AM FM Cass.AC. P ~. EAIUIKE MEW lfJ6 '75 710. Al'. s t1 r k . 49Hi296Ev~ ~-PB.newt1res &mai.:s. VOLVO I 411._-.. A~I FM . sharp! Runs '68 MBZ 250 "LOOKS ~~-7794. D~vid _ 1966 1facbor Rfl·d ,.. .... .R!' I $23!15 546 2070 LIKE '81 ". '73 CclH•a. looks i:ood COSTJ\ M F.S1\ " 11 ~be ..,.. '78 Datsun 8210 ~t ui.t -~ 494-S~L _ runs good,SllOO: _6~6-9303-540.9467 $ 1000 See! S3SOO Xlnt (.'oml '66 230S L. ro mp I ~6631541·.1396 5.59·9581 restored. wire whls. 4 Tri-.ih "9767 AIJtos. Used Fiat 9725 spd, ITX'l'h. A I. Sl4.000 •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• •••••••••··~·•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 080 6-10·8611 78 &p1trire. -12.000 mr . ··-••••••I '76 X19. good rond Tak!' '8l 380SLC.1vor)".assume SJ.750. G~ l'Ondll1on CAllLLAC .. over paymenls. lease $1.970. + 44 pay · _714·359·3022~·~6 847·0956 rnents at S914 72. + tax. Vdbwagen 9770 -, s _d_5_ d Re~1d \:lfU(' $22.840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cLrlDINCE . { 1 !PY er. sp . Sll'rNI. 7~~1 981 \'W St'lrOl'e--0 IJtM p·, ver:r good cond. Sl6SO WANTED . MBZ4SOSE-L. ynam1te plalinum i.p84Hl2i9 eve.s will trade ffi\ 197.p , roupe 5 s peed SALEI 1 1 1 1 ltll Fl.AT Rolls Ro)'('e· Sil1·er transmission. fa ctory • SPIDU 2000 ShadO\\' Excell 1·011.d. air eonditionmR. and Olampagne ed1t1on ,\II S 3 6 . 0 0 0 \'a I u e suflr~f 11.000 miles .. options, still under far 1647VELZI Call 760·8702 Like new. I BSH269 I tory ':\'arranty A MUST ~ 9742 $8695. Jim Marino Sf.E. ....................... Volkswagen, 842·2000. $1995 1980 VW Sr 1ror<·o SADl&.EIACI( IMW ATTBn'ION 0)11am1te Brazil l>ronze l 2040 495 4,4• MG sport roupe. Low miles . .!J:____ · A OWNEIS air rond1t1oning, s speed ttc.do 9727 TONN EAU COVER transrrussion, and sun- ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fits MG's. •71. '81 roor. {450ZSR ). fi69S 1.978 HONDA Arrord 5 J i,m M a r 1 n o Never used. S7S ks speed transm1ss1on. arr :M:ina G3J.7T97 1 ve msg Vol wagen. 842-2eocl. eonditio01ni?. stereo r· '00-'65 VW lefl & right Very clean. (064 U PR I door. '73 left door. SS-0 S399S . Jim Marr no '79 MG MIDGET earh Western stylt> whl Volkswagen, 842·2000 Clean, s4100. 962·8229 rims lor Super Beetle '80 ACCORD , '66 MG. New Paint, Tires. ea. ~·9744 4dr.30.68Sm1.$7495 BatterY'. Regulator, 19'19 VW R abbit. S49·2120/63J.ll688 Generator. Starter. Wir· Dynamile rustom 2 door . ·79 Honda Arrord. mint rn11. Clutch. Throw.out w i t h 4 s p e e d '(•ond 20,000 mi, 5spd, Bearing, acrelcrater. transmission. Extra xtras$5995.642·7314 Tachometer . Speed-c lean. Clf;>MB06'6). ·81 Hooda 4DR Arr°Ortr omeler. Sl75 Tun e·up. S4695 . Jim Marin o $2771, Best Ofrer. Volkswagen,842·2000. I" or JI · Au t 0 · A 1 r · 499-4722 497·5372 •72 '''W Su""r Beetle. xlnt AM/FM Cass. Load ed =....:..=---· --• ..-Xtra Sharp! S8000 Mter Mii f 744 t'ond. I owner. complete 1.!'M. ~·97St _ •••••••• .. u ••u •••••• reblt .eng ('76), new in~ '8! HONDA PRELUDF: 1979 MGB Dynamile ·e· $2550. Con I art Da ve loaded w xtras 15.000 1:>adstet with only 21.000 eves: 955-0238. mr 57900 544.)988 or miles. Stereo and wire 1977 VW Seirorro -~4STIL___ wheels. Top condition. Dynamite sport roupe (417613 > S499S J im with only M.000 miles • '78 Ho~da C~1·1r Hon· Marino Volk swagen. speed transmission. air I damat1c. new en1une &.u.2000 conditioning, and stereo. • S'JSOO Call Bryan · (6'l8SPG> ••995 J ' 675-3242 -'77 MOB. good condrtion. . .., . 1m -.---.---. stereo. BeslOf'fer. Marino Vol kswagen. •81 Honda• 4 dr C1\IC', 675-5145 -=842.=.o·2ll00~"------- A C 19k Mu irt sell. 9746 '72SQUAREBACK ~JU!. ~.fi086 ~ .. •••••••••••••••• Xlnt cood. 4 spd. reblt i5 Honda C1v1r Hatrh 11Opel6T new paint nds t ng. fm stereo cass. Onh• 58M Lk Nu lome enginrwork.SlOOO 11900.646-1136 40MPG. Same Owner orbest oUer 1978 VW RABB I T . 6~ ~· 645·5~99 ~ $46-5967 aner 6 m. Dynamite custom 2 door w i t h 4 S·P e e d ...., f7JO Pwpat • '741 tranftnisslon and stereo _, ................... ••••••••i•J,.•a••2•••••••••• <'asselte. Extra $harp! --~111111!!111111111111111 ... •I Y S 1570UJO). 13895. J im 'GJAGUAl\SEDAN ARE HERE! M~rlno Volksw;r'gen, 1971 CADILLAC FUETWOOD HOUGHAM (623ULA) s9995 1910 CAIMI.UC UOllAlllTI (359ZAX) SJ2,995 I t7t CADILLAC COUPE DIVIU.E (896WOV) s1795 1976 CADILLAC EU>OIADO CONVRT11U (351PPM) s9995 lt7t CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILU (38AWOX) s1915 197t cADl.Uc SIYW (tAKm2) s111,995 IMO CADILLAC COWi DIYIU.I (mZAJ) s11,15 .. AR I( 11 Come in and drive lhe ..::842=-=2000=·------- " **°!l!!!ll!!!!!. 11!!111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!64!!!2 !!!!!!' 337!!!!9I lndlng diesel! Auila· "IS Rabbit, great cond. Offer aood thru l)le ror immediate de· Must sell. $2300. Monday, Hl-12·. .. 8W• t7J4 hvtr)'l SH why people · 67S.2688 ,.-- -·· .. ••••••• .......... ar.• 1wil<'h in1 t o 1977 VW Rabb ll. N~' I '71 Kannaan Ghia. Must ~I Dynamite2 door •unroof t Mtl. lll)viq. 11500/0BO llA~C~IMPOITS w i t b 4 • P e e d C US.Jl3'7. .. .. ___. trllllmiuion. Low miles ,. I ~~ and Iha I <815RX£> ' ' ' .... -711 JIDl'On_llACJI • s rf -mi -.llUIOl ltVD -•••••••••••••••••• ZSJ.MOO 2H . llm . ar no . WUl led 5Sild -__ ~--VcA!wyea,MZ IOOO. carTAllllA .. Alf sGrf It.no 'Tl SM DltHI, H lO, "II hlta-k, rebl=, Ullll ilml: i111t ae.I --. •• -. ...... .,_~. •"'1 • • ~ • -Don ' ... Ill. .... ... .. ,.. &lat, · 1~!1!!!!!111!!!!!1!11!!!! Gl • • I'!! 1971- FOID MUSTAM& GHIA rmTGSl If 71 FOID MUSTANG GMA ft2CUOll If II FOID ESCOIJ "LON MILES" 118CIA5801 1971 CHEVY :Y• TON fttel(Uf' 11~771111 3450~5350 543N 1971 FOID T.-0 "LOADED" 197' F.OID LTD UleAU (t~11