HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-19 - Orange Coast PilotDUlll 1:1111 _ TUE SDAY. JANUARY 19. 1982 -•a .,... FlltaI arguments · set in NeWJ>ort man's drug reaction case (See story below> •• * • * • YOUR HDMITDWI IAllY PAPER Court skirts dea.th sentence • question WASHJNGTON <AP> -The U.S. Supreme Court struck down today the death sentence of a young man convicted of killing an Oklahoma state trooper. But·the court left unanswered the major question it had been expected to raise in the case: whether convicted murderers who commit their crimes when....... under age 18 can be sent~nced to death. Instead, the justices voted 5-4 to overturn Monty Lee Eddings' sentence because it had been imposed without full 1consideralion given to certain "mitigating" evidence that might have pointed to life in prison as the appropriate punishment. Eddings was 16 when in 1977 he fatally shot state highway patrolman Larry Crabtree on a highway outside Tulsa. _ Today's ruling did not disturb Eddings' conviction. but makes necessary a ne w sentencing procedure in w hich certain factors -such as Eddings' family history and his emotional problems -will have to be considered. Led by Justice Lewis F . Powell, the court's majority said the original sentencinJ[ violated guidelines set down in a 1978 Supreme Court decision called Lockett vs. Ohio. ••Because we decide this case· on the basis of Lockett vs. Ohio, we do not reach the question of wheth e r -in l ig ht o f contemporary standards -the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment forbids the execution of a .defendant who was 16 ·at the ti me of the. offense," Powell said. Powell's opinion noted that in some cases. evidence of a convicted killer's family history and emotional problems may be given "little weight." "But when the defendant is 16 Y.ears old at the time of the offense, there can be no doubt that evidence or a turbulent family history, beatings by a harsh fathe r . and of severe e m otion a l dis tu rb ance i s particularly relevant," he said. Powell added: "We are not unaware of the extent to which minors engage increasingly in violent crime. Nor do we suggest an ab se n ce o f l egal responsibility where crime is committed by a minor. We are concerned here only with the manner of the imposition of the ultimate penalty : the death sentence imposed for the crime of murder upon an emotionally disturbed youth with a disturbed child's maturity "On remand. s tate courts mus t con s ider all relevant mitigating evidence and weigh it agai n s t the evide n ce o! aggravating circ umstances," the opinion said. The decision thus leaves opea the possibility that Eddinee again could be sentenced tp death. Joining Powell were Justices William J . Brennan, Thurgood Marshall. J ohn Paul Stevens and Sandra Day O 'Connor. Brennan a nd Marshall are opposed to capital pJJnishment under all circumstances. Chief Justice Warren E. <See .JUVENILE, Page A2) Rockets hit ·France nuke -plant Special steps to protect ' · envoys. urged PARIS (AP ) -U .S . Ambassador Evan G r iHith- Galbraith and his aides ue ·studying special measures to protect U.S. officials in France following' the assassination of an assistant milita ry attache on Galbraith's staff, Lt. Col. Charles Robert Ray. Security was increased for senior members of the Paris embassy staff two months ago after Charge d 'Affaires Christian Chapman escaped an assassination attempt. But no special protection was ordered for lower·ranking officials, Galbraith said, because it was believed only the upper echelon were likely targets. President Francois Mitterand and Premiere Pierre Mauroy promised an intensive hunt for the lone gunman who shot and killed the 43 -year -old army officer Monday and escaped on foot in mornin~ rus h hour traffic. They offered increased protection for the embassy staff. and Galbraith said the security situation was being reassessed. A woman who saw the * * * s hooting i n front of Ray 's apartment house said t.he killer was short with long hair and dressed in casual clothes. Galbraith said he was ''probably a professional and undoubledly an experienced killer." A news agen cy in Beirut, Lebanon. said it received a handwritten stiatement in barely legible Arab'ic c laiming the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Faction was reponsible for the murder. Diplomats in the Lebanese capital said they had never heard of the group. Police said the shooting . .was s imilar to the attack last Nov. 18 on Chapman. the acting head of the embassy before Galbraith's arri val. Each American was walking from his apartment house to his car to go to work. Each attack was made with a 7 .65m m pistol. And each time the gunman disappeared into the morning stream of workers. There wa s one major difference, however. Ray's killer fired at c lose range, killing him with one shot in the back or the head. * * * Terrorist victim tQ]ked with dad By STEVE MARBLE Of ltle OMty ~ IUft Newport Beach resident George Ray said today he l•t t alked with his son Sund&)', just hours before tbe 43-year-old . military aide was shot clown tn front of his Parts apartment. He said his son· was i.n a good mood Od talked briefly about plans to retire from the military soon and return to the United States to pursue a teachin1· career. "We moeUy discuu4ld father and IOl'I stuff," the Newport man explained. It wu early the next mom.int that Lt. Col. Charles Robert Ray was assassinated o . ..itslde his ap artment by a waiting 1unman who fired a 11ntle shot andTao. "I tot the call at 2 a.m . on• Monday," the senior Ray aald. "I .-I didn't know what to think." His son was shot ln the bead. He died immediately. He &aid bis son, an a11ist.ut U.S. militu'J attacbe, lived in Pana wttll bl1 wife and two chlldnn. ''Ria career for the mott part (lee A'ITAala, Pa1e Al)· f, VICTIM -U . Col. Charles Ray . whose parents live in NewPoit Beach, was shot lo death in Parts shortly aft.er tal-ing to his (•ther by telephone. • nnnor LYON. France CAP> -Five Soviet-made rockets were fired • al a French nuclear power plant under construction and one bit a concrete wall causing minor damage, orricials sajd today. The French news agency, Agence France-Presse, said it got a telephone call from an eco l ogy g roup c l aimi n g respo'hsibility for the Monday night attack. But the agency said the group's name was unclear and it had not heard ol it before. Officials said the rocket was one of five old Soviet -made, anti-lank rockets fired at the controversial Creys-Ma lville plant. 28 miles east or Lyon. fhe , rocket caused only minor damage to a wall in the main building. DMly HtlC -" • ..., ...... NOT LIKE IOWA Stacv Cornwell. 5. lady from Adel. Iowa. and at 56 degrees 11 splashes in the surf near the Newport Pier.. wasn't cold at all compared to b<i c k homt• It's the firs t dip in the ocean for tt~e young where it ·s JO be low zero. Immigrant convicted in Mesa murder A Lebanese immigrant wbo lived in the United States for five years has been convicted of first-degree murder and armed robbery in the Costa Mesa slaying of a male hair stylist who wore expensive jewels in public. The Orange County Superior Court jury's verdict Monday means that Rami Darwicbe, 25, faces a life term in state prison without possibility of parole. Darwiche, who was mtbty- upset al the verdict in Judge William W. Thomson's court, was found guUly or killinl and robbing Anaheim hair salon owner Carl Lawson in the parking lot or JoJo's restaurant on Harbor Boulevard in April 1981. I A second man, Stm Monaoor, 20. of Costa M-esa, also awaits trial on murder charges in t.he case. In additJon to the murder and' robbery counts, the Jury also convicted Darwid1e of special circumstance allegatloaa and s un use counts that collld have led to imposition of tbe death penalty. But pmeeeutor "1ohn Conley said he decided not to seek the d eith sentence beeauae Darwiche bad no prevlou1'. criminal rec:ord and Lawton'• death WU not an HffUUOD·1tyle elaylnl. Drug reaction case Wunages sought The attorney rora Newport Beach man has asked a superior court jury for more than $200 million in damages against the Upjobn Pharmaceutical Corp. Attorney Herbert Hafif, in closing statements to the seven-woman, five-man jury, claimed Monday that 23-year-old Eric Barkan was a "perfectly healthy kid" until he took the antibiotic medicine Lincocin for an acne condition six years ago. Barkan. now a UC San Diego student, s uffered what bis lawyers claimed was an adverse reaction to the drug, and had to have both his kidneys and spleen removed. "A perfectly healthy boy takes that drug, and look what happens." Hafil told jurors in day-long summation of a case that took a month and a half for . presentation of evidence. Attorneys for Michigan·based Upjohn were to present their closing statements today. Weatherma,n says showers due tonight Keep lookln1 skyward. because those ll&ht sb.o~ers promised for Monday nlpt -.S today are Juat a bit behlnd s~hedule. Dave Cooper at the National Weather Service In Los Anseles sald 1howen are likely tonltbt after makiq their way slowly downcoast from the Pacific Northwest. • He said there la an 80 percent chance of rain tonlaht, decrea1ln1 to 50 percent Wedneeday. Asked wbat happened to lloeday'1 promlMd ralalall, t.be .loreeMter said , .••• su-It WU Juat a bad cue of Ugaiq." He said the Oran1e Coast sbould·receive only a half inch of ra1n from the expected storm, and that it wHl be llght lq nature. The moist weather will brine a bit of cool air to Orange County with highs expected to reach only 56 along t.he coast and 48 inland. Lowa toni1ht will be ln the 40s. A spokesman tor the SoUtb Coast Air Quality llana1ement Diatrtct said the ralnl wlll brina . clear air to Orange County. He said there l1 no inversion layer to prevent man-made , pollutants rrom rtalnt Into the atmosphere and dls.tpattns. · The plant is two years away from completion and there was no danger of radioactive leaks because the reactor is not :loaded, officials said. Police initially said the rockets, fired from across the Rhone River, appeared to have been homemade. Official sources later said the hollow-ch a rge rockets were made in the Soviet Union in the 1960s. The sources said a carrying case found on t he firing site carried inscriptions in Cyrillic script. The breeder reactor, the first industrial-scale plant devel~ from a French prototype, is not due to go into service for two yea r s . All t h e major cons truction, including a three-layer protection for lbe reactor itself. has been completed and work is devoted to the detailed installations. · This morning, police reported an anonymous bomb warning io a Lyon office building which houses many of the companies (See a~KETS, Pase A2) . IUICI l:IAIT WUTlll' Mos tly c loudy with c hance or s h owers ·increasing to 70 percent tonight. Decreastn1 showers Wednesday with • • . some cleariq. High SI. Lows tordlht a to 48. ~ .... , A ,,,..,,,. nam '°°' llN Irv le.C ol color• tor JOO GI o umque W..bftd prognlM Ha I tlw NN Yorlc ~.Sn Page A7. 11111 ! ti !• ..... •' Orang. Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 19, 1982 • Freezing rain . ba~tled. Century's Worst 'cold wave receding across natipn r.1 ,.... .w.da ... .,... 1 A partiq bunt of frMlinC !'aln jeft CHI and truck• WddlDI off 8outMrn hl1bway1 tolay u the wont cold wave ol ~ ffatvy r.eeded, white a Wtat Coaat 1torm that fbreateHd more mud1Udea ~vered the Sierra Nevada with ·a 1ayerohnow. '< Hltb•aYt were covered with' fee thil mornlq from VlflWa ~o Alabama Hd lo eaatern k I ab'oma. Many acbools emalned abut, althoufh after a Tbe airport in Roanoke was cloHd. Tht freealn• rain and sl~t also caUHd trucks to JackJtnife and touched off cbain-reacl!on 1maabup1 -ID Wtat Vif'glnia. Many achoola ttere cloeed. Fo1 and freezing rain that left visibility at near aero in eastern Oklahoma closed roads and White House to 'control' media contact teek of 1ub1ero cold , mperaturea .wer.e• easlne cross tbe eaatern United a tea, ~·The u-dAj ~wave, wlich WASHINGTON (AP> - Ras left m '8ed nationwide, Presldeot Reagan's spokesman was movilll off tbe &ut Coast. .-cknowledged today tbe White ,but tlae NaU .. al Weather House is trying to leimpose Service •*ld •on4ay the eon l r..o~L&-o v e.r-b i g h IJlidwnlo aad~ert 1t ean administration officials' hpect more el . contacts with the news media. 11 The ..,...... ., forec•l But David ft.. Gergen, the calla for ••lq•·•ormal White House director o r ~wm0_..-.... for ttae .... tern communications, said the ~" .... JI • lldmlnlsttalion was not trying lo "The t1•• Wock contacts with reporter&. {empo~ati y .. , ed," said Re iaid the president and his ff arold Qi , UI• w .. U.er top aides should be informed ~rvtce•1 l!lllef me...-.lilt in wt.en a Cabinet m ember o r jlanhMtma. ..-) ott.er top official is invited to · a ppear on a morning news show ? Fog at Ute'"*' Hartafleld or evening interview program fnternM' •• Al~-----on televiaion, or for "a major this mondlll reM.. visibUity print interview with a number of 6o zero 8DI ro~ed doaeaa or journalists.·· 6llghts ID be diverted. . "We would appreciate if they o In Virttnia, anow, freezing would call us and let us know in /ta in aa.d" sleet be1an falling advance of accepting," said early tod .. y and turned roads in Gergen. who has been assigned jhe western, central. a nd the task of coordinating such ~outbem .,-rG of the state into a appearances. - rush-hour nightmare. The d ee is ion , h e sai d . prompted ' .. so m e :I Richmond J)olice reported a m i s under st aJl d in g ' ' and 17-car pileup on the Interstate 95 necessitated a fn eeting at the bridge over the James River. White House Monday evening .;J'hey bad stopped taking with about two dozen public t-ccident reporta unless there affairs officers from federal Jias at least $700 in damage. departm~ts and agencies. highways in the Tulsa area lhis mornJnc and cawsed numeroua a~cldentt. •'In upper East Tennessee, nothing ls moving ," Mike Caudi ll or the Tennessee Em eraenc y Man aaement A&ency said after five fuel tankers overturned on icy roada, eight tractor-trailer rigs crashed l)l one massive pileup and a Kr1oxville thoroughfare was s trewn with cars from a doien ·vehide accident. .. Anything that's movlne is going into a ditch," he Hid. Snow began falling Monday In the Sierra Nevada, and the N alional Weathe r Service forecast heavy snow for today • and Wednesday. The storm that caused the mudslides around San Francisco dumped several feet of snow in the mountains. The numbing cold weather that has held much of the nation in its grip for more than a week prompted Gov. Bob Graham to declare an emergency in the citrus industry in central and south Florida. He issued an executive order Monday that would get citrus to processing plants more quickly. The order allows higher weight allowances for trucks hauling c itrus. Gra ham s aid it is .. imperative" that the fruit be proce~sed as quickly as possible, because Crull that bas been frozen rots quickly. The polar air mass that first pushed into the country on Jan. 9 dealt cities such as Chicago, Milwaukee and Akron, Ohio, their coldest temperatures since the weather service began keeping track. The cold wave set record lows for . the date Monday from Pennsylvani a through New England, wher:-e Chester, Mass., posted a minus 34. Fi/ th fi<!sp_itaL~uf!lping waste? ight ·bags marked 'infectious' found in landfill A fifth bolpital ia ~lieved to ave pennitted infectious waste be dumped at •n Orange ounty landfill, beaJtb ofnclals ave diacloaed. • Eight ba1·s marked •infectious waste" found onday at tlae Sutiago Canyon Joseph Hospital, Orange~ and Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, were found al the Santiago Canyon dump site. Last Friday. 110 baas from the two hospitals were found at Santiago Canyon. infectious waste either be sanitited by high temperature, pressurized steam treatment or incinerated. County officials claim bags found recently have not been properly treated. A .. W ......... PILOTS KILLED Four pilot s with th e Air Forn• Thunderbirds died when their pla nes slammed into the ground at near!~· 400 mph. They are c lotkwise from upper left. Maj. Norman L-Owr.v Ill. squad eomma nder. Capt. Mark Mel ancon . Capt. Wil lie Ma~·s and Capt J oseph Peterson. Officials theorize lht' tra~h during a prac:t1ec night Mooda~· near l ndiun Springs. Ne\ . eould han.• ht·t·n caused b'thrt·e of tht• pilots .. hl i ncll~ ·· followmg their commander. From Page A1 J(NENILE RULING·. • • Bur ger l e d th e co urt 's dissenters. joined by Justices By ron R. Whlte , Harry A. Blackmun a nd Willia m H Rehnquist. Burger accused the majority of refusing to "bite the bullet" by refusing to decide how old a ·convicted murderer must be al· the time of the crime to be condemned to death. ·'It can never be less than the most painful of our duties to pass on capital cases. and the more so in a case such as this one However~ there comes a time in every case whe n a court must bile tti e Dul let... Burger said. Although that issue was lert unresolved, Powe ll 's opinion suggested that states must at least take into consideration a convicted murderer's age when determining th e prope r punishment. According to forces working for the a bolition or capital punishment, the United States has executed 126 people who w e r e 18 o r youn ger . The ndflll T:°' Oran1e were acflll to llatbar Hospital Garden "· attordi111 to fri'ctala-· .. • County health officials also have identified the UC Irvine lle41ca1 Center, Oran1e, and Hoa1 Hoapital, Newport Beach, u other facUities that permitted Discarded surgical supplies, dressings, disposable aowna and other supplies fall into the broad cateaory of infectious wute. Body parts also fall into the category. Officials stressed, however, that body paru have. not been detected in the materials found dumped at county landfills. . UOUSe g;Ven youngest was 14-year-old George fi1 ., Stinney Jr .. e lectroc uted in South Carolina in 194'4 for Also ~ay, .. ,bbut 20" dditiaall red·C411Dr.C i.afedious aste C J al lllP tneed te St. ==-.... to a.. du•ped at ta riolatiOD ol coaaty cHllPGMI nplatiom. c.nmt standards require that onian sftved; rescuer lost? ·-3 boys m,urder. Ml The most recent execution or TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. som eone under 18 was Joe (AP) _ A judge, citing the Henry Johnson, 17, who died in courts' responsibility to chiJdren Alabama for murder in 1961. of divorced parents, gave three Most recent figures indicate lnterlochen boys custody or their that 17 of lhe more than 900 parents' house. _. .. inmates on death rows across .... Gr and Traverse' County the nation are under 18. ~' urvivor recounts drama on crashed plane in Potomac ~~~~t~~t g~~~t~ ~h:i~~~~e ~~ do~~d~n:~is d~~cr~~e~ini~ ~~~~ Allan and Cheryl Church on Jan. emotional -problems. fl ed from WASHINGTON (AP> -A bis own Ufe. Stiley, however, Recallin g his ordeal, Stiley 5, and ordered that each live bis. Camdenton, Mo .. home April lurvlvor-of the Air FLorlda said be did not see such repeated said, "I remember having the with the children on alternate 4, 1977, and look three juvertil es ~ane crash said today he and acts of heroism. water rev ive me in the first months. with him. Ol .. -r --·ho was strap__.. H ·d t · t be asked ·crosecond or so I told myself Tbe boys -David, 15, Donald, Crabtree stopped Eddings· car n uc ....... w ~ e Sal a one pom mi · . .. · · the same day, after he received n bis seat and eventually the man to pass him a yellow 'seat bell first·, he said. 13, and Dale, 11 -will remain in ---tri_.to Jif ..i.... lif · ... -6 d th ·d h H said be was at least partly the home in their s m all a report the car earlie r had rowuuu, · ~ pa.as a e • ....,. --e~ac~ an e man s at e e s werved · from the highway a womanclingingtothetail could not because ,he was immellf)ed in the water al the community just west of s urface. ection of the Boeing 737 with strapped in. time-he unbuckled his seat belt Traverse City, while their .. If the ... cop harasses me. From PageA1 A'ITACHE • • was confidenlial,'' the falher Hid. "I don't know what be wu dol ng except that it was . Important. • ''He'd been promoted a IQ\. Ke was very sharp." The father nld his son, ralaed in New York, had returned to colleee while In the military ancl "'. ha<P'eamed bis maater's de1ree from the University of Santa Clara in 1980. He said his son took the Paris post later that year. . "We visited hlm last June," the senior Ray said. "Of course they visited us whenever they could." The father, who came to the . United States from Hungary as a young man, said he and his wife have lived in Newport Beach since 1962. They live in Big ~anyon. That father said he knows li~tle of the details surrounding hts son's death. "He'd always led us to belleve lb at things were secure." he said ... He told me there had bee n so m e warning s of terrorism last month and he'd been told not lo report to work one day. ''It never occurred to me ihere would be any problems," he added. The elder Ray said he. bis wire and his two da ughters - who both li ve in Newport Hetlch plan to attend the funeral at Arlington Cemetery later this week. He said he talk ed with his son's widow Monday. ·'They may stay in Paris so my grandchildren can complete the s chool term," he said. .. Later they' II return to this country. 1 -don 't know where they'll Live.·· From-Page A 1 ROCKETS • • involved in building the reactor. No device was found. The site was the scene of a vio l e nt anti ·nu c l ea r demonsUation by some 30,000 protesters in August 1977. One French demonstrator was killed by the explosion or a police concussion grenade. The breeder reactor enables a reactor to produce power and convert a uranium outer layer into plutonium raster than it consumes plutonium in its core. The Creys-Malville plant has been designed to withstand a direct crash by a heavy aircraft. Internally. the reactor housing can withstand a .. missile" such as a turbine blade s hearing orr the electricity generators. Plant officials said the rocket penetrated through four inches of a 40-inch-thick concrete wall. France has the world's most ambitious nuclea r powe r program with plans to produce abou,t hair its electricity requirements by nuclear plants by 1985, despite some cuts in the program by the new Socialist government. Tnere were two minor bomb attacks on other nuclear plants in 1975. U.S., Soviet& reswne nuke talb them . Stiley said that in addition to a n d w a s · ' c o m p 1 e l el y parents move in and out and pay The survivor, Joseph Stiley, Mrs. Tirado. who was to his submerged in the water before I the bills. I'll shoot him ... Eddings told GENEVA, Switzerland <APJ 42, of Alexandria, Va., said he right on the outside of the was able to get o ut of the passengers. according to court Talks between the United believed the other man was Ted fuselage and clinging to him, airplane." Sit.de removal set testimony. Stales and Soviet Union on As Cr abtree approached, Ii · · th · I ~molen, 48, of Gaithersburg, there were two women clinging Autopsies o~ the 46 bodies Eddings shot him in the chest. mating eir nuc ear European Md. to the fuselage on the left. They recovered through Sunday CHINESE CAMP CAP> -The trooper was then 43 'Bnd the arsenals resumed today with the -ll was unclear, however, were stewardess Kelly Duncan, raised-~culalion that Arland Crews Monday began removing father of three children·. understanding neither side ' whether Sliley was describing 23, who was released from the D. Williams of Atlanta, the only a rock slitle that blocked a would comment on the course or the man rescue helicopter hospital Monday, and Patricia victim found to have drowned, section of the State Higbwar 120 Co~rt records .ind_icate that _negotiations. ----- penoBRel sey-befped se~eral Felch of llernd~g1rt tra v be~t e m=~a~n...--....=ute to Yosemite National Par E-ddings-itad. been Sl!VUeTy . The 2~·hour meeting was the ·others to safety although losing secretary, who is reported in identified by rescue helicopter from the northern San Joaquin be~ten by h.is Stf:!pCa ther , a ninth since talks were opened ls life. good condition at Washington personnel as having sacrificed _v_a_ll_e.:.y_. ___________ u ... n_•_fo_r_m_ed_po_l_•c_e_o_r_f•_ce_r_.___ last Nov. 30. The woman Sliley said he Hospital Center. himsell while helping five others hted wu Prt.scilla Tirado, 2'2, He said the man be believes to safety. The other 45 were f College Park, Md., who was Smolen was clinging to the killed on impact , the autopsies urvived tbe crash but lost ~ oppoalte side of the piece of showed. us band, .Jose, and tbe&r wreckage, direc~ly in front of U.S. ~Park Police Paramedic wo-inentb-old aon, Jason. him. G en e Wind sor said the Stiley, .t.o bu two broken "There was a yellow lifejackel helicopter he was on came ep, IPQte fft»m a wbeelcbalr at floating beside him," Sliley within 60 or 15 feet or the man news eomf_._.. in tbe lobby said. and he described the man as f tM National Hoapital for He said that when he asked middle-aged and balding with a r t la o p • e d I c • a • d the man for the lifejacket, "he heavy moU&lache and silver hair eballiltlllll. said 'I'm strapped in and can't above his ears. Williams had a "l ttmk that mn alld I • a move'.'' sit ver oea'rd and moustache oonlla*I .a.rt were trJtna to Stlley said he talked to the and silver hair over his ears. et tMt ..... to '9M wenaan man for "a good 20 minutes" But District of Columbia a .. tllUt11M ,... IM one aad added that he would not Police Inspector James Shugart n tbe -......_ ...S • •as diaclCJH the contents or their 'said investigators wer.e also still e • wllD .._.... .. • ftnt converHtlons except to the trying to determine wtiether I I• M I wM eMc ...... ,'.:.--man'afamily Williams -was strapped in 1tis UeJ~ ·•wabftellon ''He was amadngly calm and seat whe n · his body was ..... ~ • 1 IX I ca to relatively soft-spoken," Stiley recovered Friday. Uft =•SCH." said. "We can't confirm or deny the Otbs 1:•••• luwe He said be aaw a picture of position he was in." Sbuaart pok• ._ • Jiii -Hied mu Smolien lD the Washington Poet said Monday. be • •• t 1 l11't ..._ .. a life and wa "almost but not totally Police had been quoted Friday QI • _.. .. _., saw av. poeltlv~" that be was the man. as saying all eight victims l recovered that day had been , confined to their seats. Cle_.. auu .. t I TI4*2.ft71 ....... _ ... ........, ~C.. ..... CA. t=t.:-~ 'o.-.......... :8111t-.c-.._,CA.-....... c:-..-cwrr--.c:....... WASHINGTON (AP) -After .._.,...,..., :..,.. • 4 ......,_..., touchln1 off a furor by ~ _J""m.@J. -~= .. 11•..... ·--TMMm A. .,..._ .. ..., .. ,iwlil .. -. ~ ,.. ~ uutruct1ftc the Internal Revenue ...,--~c.e:-:u.~ Service to uant tu exemptiom ~--:'::...trii~....L.-C. 1 :::2 to school• that dlscrlmlnate ....._ ........,. a1ain1t bl1cks, President .. ~ Tiii ~ Cllll ...., . ....._ .-..... _ Rea1an la qkJ.nc Con1reu to KMMllKN.~.i --~~•.....-.,•a... reveneblaorder. Oiiiilililliili · =~~ii===-.:: . The Senate Flnane~ 1::1:'.,_••• ..-.,i::w;:ap=:=•:-•i Committee will betin aa..taaH.Looa ..... 11 ~..!'!! llijllft;"" consideration ol t.be pr•ldent'a ililiililii_. C'C~.=~"li:'..,.. propoeed leltalaUon Feb. 1, aalct c.lllA.. ...... . J. ,. .-1• Chairman 8ob Dole, a K ...... ~...,~_lllli ____ ...., __ _.r .... __ · __ ...... .._ __ ~~~...., ... ·.._....,1 ~.....,~· Republican. I . ' Valentine. •• FIM Jewelry •• " 35 FASHION ISlANO • NEWPORT BEACH, CALlrO!lNIA 92660 ' . TELEPHONE (714) 644·2494 .. 1 .,..'"-- STARS AT PREMIERE Elizabethfaylor and Frank Sinatra face camera after pre m e of the movie. "Genocide," at the Ke nnedy Center r the Performing Arts in Washington. D.C. The movie Is with theJewish Holocaust. Marie 0s1JU)nd may pla-yJrincess M arle Osmond i s the leadibg candidate to play Britain's Princess Diana in a TV movie planned by ABC, The London Da ily Star reported. The tabloid said-the movie will cover Diana's life up lo her marriage to. .Prince Charles, 33-year-old heir to the throne, at St. Paul's While President Reagan enjoys jellybeans. the first lady prefers to snack on low -calorie foods, but at times Nancy Reagan resorts to more fattening foods to ktt-p-rrom akin g-her hus band, according to an article in Redhook magazine. The magazine said Mrs. Reagan orten turns to the comfort or food when she can't sleep at night , but, "too considerate or her husband's rest to risk waking him with the crunch of crackers or celery, the fi rst lady silently peels and eats a banana." Cathedl on July 29. Th'5tar quo ted an unid ecfied s pokeswoman for Ajsaying: "The story must handled tastefully. The a ess we choose must captuf the innocence and char...,hal has made the princi the darling of the world! S a~b G r a n t , ·ro r m er presi g criminal j udge in Ma r i a County Supe rior Coua ln Phoenix, has been s wo1 in to replace Sandra O'Q nor on the Arizona CouJJH.11peals. M. Grant, 39, took the oatlof office from Chier Jusle William A. Holohan of tlstate Supreme Court. M. Grant was appointed to I? Court of Appeals by Go1 Bruce Babbitt after Mr. O 'Co nnor w as ap1inted to the U.S . Supme Court. Former-aatronaul Jae~ l•l•er& la one of four Re1uabUcan1 ooa1ldtrta1 runniq for Colorado'• Ind Con1re11tonal Dt1trlct, a 1Ml -held by fowo·Wrln Rep. Tl• M~. a O.mocrat. lwl1trt, U , who ran un1ucct11fully for the U.S. Se.Date here Ul 1971, Hld he la doin1 a lot of 1roundwork f« • this race. ''I awam upstream once and It ain't fWl," Swl1trt said of his unsucceuful primary race · a1atn1t veter an Republican Sela. • Ar •1troa1, wbicb left Swi1ert with a $130,000 campaip debt. Swigert Is vice president of In(eroatiooal Gold and Minerals Ud. Actor Aha Al•a, a s upporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, iays be ls not deterred by the Oklahoma s tate Senate~ rejection of the proposal lasf week. ·' 'J don't accept this as defeat," Alda told a rally l.n Broken Bow. "Jn my opinion. we simply haven't woo yet." The s tate Senate voted down, 27-21, a proposal to ratify the ERA, but the matter could come up· again this week. FIGHTS ON -Actor Alan Ald a savs h e i s und ete rr ed b y th e Oklahoma se nat e 's rejection of Equal Rights Am e ndme nt. "I don 't a ccept t his as defeat." he said . OrangeCOMt DAILY PllOT/fuHday, January 19, 1982 'Boys' nlay be girls F emales make up 30 percent of coastal membership ) IY PATSl::. llDfNSDY Yantom, director of the Boyt .. "The •lrlt compete a1a1...\ ................... Club of the Harbor Area, which eacb other ln judo and also bav' Some Boys Ch1bl acrou the aerv ea 2 . 100 younasters in separate sleep-overs," utg country are tt1btta1 lo keep Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Downey. .t •Iris out, but offtclala of Boys • Boys c lub directors Pat Shared activities incl~ Clubta alont the Oran1e Cout Downey of Hunttniton Beach camplng, baseball, baakel aay 1lrls make up about ao and Pal Berey of Laiuna Beach gam e room acllvltiu, crafti, percent ol Ulelr membenhlp. also say &lrls In their cities gy mnas t ics and p h ya I c aJ "There are a lot of test cues s hare c lub racllltiea and exercise classes. Girls also ar1 On court to bm ...-..> but we're participate equally. allowed In nag football, but very not one of tllatm," saya Lou few participate, the diredog 'R e b e ls ' I ..volunteer for d efeat CHESTERFIELD, tlau. (AP> -Chesterfield's shortage of Confederate troops has ended happily, with doaens of loyaJ rebels volunt.eerine to do mock battle with Union forces -even if it means losing. ··By golly, it's just been ringing olf the hook," Raymond Newell said Monday about the number of calls he's had in response to the caU 'to arms. The Leeds Hardware Store owner beads a ce lebration co mmittee se t up by C h e s t er f i e I d to r i g ht .a century-old slight to ita only Medal ol Honor winner, Samuel Eddy. For reasons now dimmed by time, Eddy, wbo died in 1909, received the nation's highest military honor iJ) .Ute mail 32 years later with a total lack of ceremony Newell compares to "desecrating the American flag." So Cheslerfield is planning to right the slight with the thunder or calvary and cannons 75 years and a day after 'the ·postman delivered Eddy's medal. The two-day celebration, beginning Sept. 11, could be-the-larcest gathering of Civil War era units ever st.aged in New England. But there wa s a hitch. Chesterfield. a Berk.shire Hills town of 1poo or so Yankees, couldn't find enough rebels willing to.play the part of Lee's losing troops. The town's plight was described in a story by The Associated Press, a~d by Sunday Newell had beard from Confederate unita in Mlsaiuippi, Georgia and Delaware wanting to take part in the battle. Downey says the HuoUnaton say. 1 Beach Boys Club ls changing Its More than 3.700 youn1ste!] name to the Boys' and Girls' belong to Boys Clubs alone Ulp Club this year. Jn Irvine, a Boys Orange Cout. /1 and Girls club ls proposed to In Newport Beach and ~ begin this year. Mesa, girls have been membe~ However. in Santa Monica and for the past three years; IJI S a n ta C ru z 8 o y s C I u b Laguna Beach !he pa.st seven organizations refuse to allow years: in Huntington Beach~. glrls. In Santa Cruz the issue is past 12 years and in Fountai8 being settled ln court. Valley the past four years. ~ Jn Santa Monica, the City However, directors noted Uuit Council is requesting that girls the Boys Club of Amerlc1 be allowed to join the Boys Club. charter that has been approve4 But the club's board of directors by the U.S. Congress allows for sa y they'd ra ther close down a boys·only organization. J than allow girls. ·'Things are chan'ging no•~ The d.ireetors contend it would but the idea was that boys cost l oo muc h to ex pa nd especially neededaplacetostay services lo include girls. Qut of trouJ>le,.. Downey sai&. ''I petsOnaJly believe if kids "The suicide rate for boys wal mix at school and socially, three limes greater than girl!t. there's no reason to keep them There was more pressure In f.t6 separate at the Boys Club," said sys te m for young men lo Barry, of Laguna Beach. perform and succeed . Glrlf didn't have those pressures. J With the excepti o n of r ·t· h 1· · d "It's not a s true today ac 1v1 ies sue as wrest ing, JU o years ago, but according to U)i and overnight sleep-ins at the club facilities, girls and boys charter, it's up to each club to partic ipate together c lub se t rul es r eg ardln' directors say. · membership," he said. , "r. ,.· Each or the cities along ~ C kd I dg d . Orange Coast, except lrvloe; rac own p e e also has activity clubs for girls. But Yantorn of Ne wport Beach says this is no reason· for th~ Boys Clubs to discriminate. SAN FRAN ~ISCO <AP> - Joseph P. Russoniello. the new U,S~ auorney for the Northern Di s tric t , bas prom.ised a cr ackdown on d rug traffic. Russoniello, a for mer FBI agent. said when he was sworn in there is a li nk between narcotics traffic a nd other cdm es. ~ ··Wi t h the high cost ot transportation and the equaJ . rights movement, why not allow girls to pick whatever club they want?" he said. "We tre at tbem equa.lly here and that's-not goma to ~bange." --\- Rtin moving south Settleme nt co rrecte d Coastal Wlftlts T_, ~1\1119 1M<oml1>9 -tlWett 10 ~ I to 1• kt'IOts becoml"9 Wftlwly 12 to 10 kt'IOI• Tuespe y etternoon e nd nl9llt. wu1er1y •-I 1 to 2 tw t lncree•l"9 to 2 to • feet "'°'"Y outer we1en Tuesday "'9111. verl-cloudlneu throu9 ll T.....Sey n19'1t. Crwtnce ol \/\Owers TUH<Sey nor1N rri portion spreadlt:t9 to 'ouU1trft wete,.\ T uetdey n'911. Tempermres ... ,_.., NATl~'S TI'S Albeny 01 ·I 1 Albuque " 1' Am•rlllo 11 JI Af>Cllor-11 01 Atlet1le '' 11 Allentc Ctv 10 OJ Be11lm0te 11 .OS Blrml"91>m " )0 Bohe l9 JI B~lon " .O'J Bullelo 11 OJ Ctwyenne so n Clll<eqo " 0. C~rl1tn SC S9 ll t "'" Che r .. lnWV ll' ti. ~ Cold Wo•• Clftclnnetl 12 02 -= 10 ~ .. 1 V .S: s~mmary ~=~= ;: ·~ filmm \~·;;;· ~=·E' .. -,. 0.l·FI W111 1S >O •Y TM a-i.tM ,..._. Denvet S2 ti Temflff-,.II -11 11e1-rero Des Moines lO u oyer much of ,.,. Nortlleesl on Detroit u ·01 Gt..09AL Monee¥, but..._...,," row In Ille Oul11th 01 • 1' ~I -South -• -of El Pe~ 67 J1 Amslercs.m r.c°'cHlrffkln9cOld. Fe1rbe..U -1J 1' Athens TM -•• &rldgeMmpton, N.Y .. Herl '°'d °' 01 8envkol! on LOfl9 ISi.ref. wes 10 C189r-Itel-H-iulu 11 H • Berbedos . 19ro, two ~ from t,. ell·tlme HOllltOfl 10 3' Beirut record. CAneen. Vt .• got clOwn to lndne911> 2S 01 Bel9rede m lnllS JI. J.ck"'vlle 41 )0 8.,lln Tem"rat11rH 1>e9en cllmblne JUMeu 1S ~ BoVot• ..,.,.. nro In I.lie Mlclwest, ""' IN l(en1 City l1 14 Brvutl• 1----..~Uel Miit I t .... l#M~~V..----,_--..-lt-11 .. INI ICM ........ ey1. In TenMUff, Little Rock J3 IS Celro IMmlltll• lnllernetlonel Alrpo<1 WM Loul1vlllt :It OS C•r•c•s clOMCI for -fir• time In al -• " IMmpllls 0 U ,_.._,. -,.ers bee_ of l(y nlftwe~ Mleml 7' .. Oublln Tre ve1 elso we1 Impeded In Mllwavkee 11 01 Frenllf"'1 IOUtlleutern South Oekote enCI MplH-$LI' 11 0. ~· northwest lo•• •• wet sn ow NeSllvlll• 31 02• H•v•n• ec;c.umlll«edonr-. NewOrluns 74 • Htlslnl<I Treveleo ectvhorlos tor stro119 New Y0tk 1• 00 HOft9 Kono 0 41 " .. 41 JI v 10 S2 Sao Peulo lO ~ Q Slo<llllolm 72 SyCIMy 72 Tel"I <16 Tel Aviv 21 Tollyo U T0tonl0 Q Ver>UMl- 2' Vlonne 63 Q 12 61 11 .. • n ,. JS n n " " ., 0 ~ n .,. ·• • » 11 M 21 2l 4 l5 CANADIAN T~MP'S C•l9•rv 02 ·IO •1 ·11 ..... ,, ,. 10 Edmon-,. » Montreal 11 63 Ottewe J2 " 66 SS R .. lne By tlae Amoctated Press The Associated Press reported e rroneously t hat San Diego Federal Savines and Loan made a settlement for n early $1 million in response to a state attorney general's complaint • regarding the sales practices of Trane Co.. whose contracts the loan company was carrying. In fact, the Trane Co., one of the world's largest air conditioning firms , a1reed to settle with the state attorney general's office for nearly $1 million. San Diego Federal was not a party to the settlement. The story appeared Jan. 11 in the Daily Pilot. In Ofder' not to mies my plWle to New Yont i..t w99k I wient I up and 1P90t the night at one of the hotele neer the alrpot1. I lhad an aight o'doc;t( night and REUNITED -Julio Fernandez. 10, gets a hug from his 1 m other. Maria. when the : two were reunited in Orange" Monday. Julio was separated from his classmates during an1 outing in Disneyland. my vintage ... 11 was great. The next night the friends wklcn -._ ~ _. 111 ... d Oki• City » tt Jenise1..., ..,... IN c:Mllomla Sierra Nev-Omah• J6 10 Jo'bur9 end '°' ..,_, wind> over perts of Pllll~ " -C>i l(lev ~"' c:Mlfornle. ~la 10 0 Lime In nortNrn C.tlllomla, -... el PlltsburVfl 10 -C>i Llibon S6 l7 11 SS l4 14 7S U 51 0 Tor-o Ven<Oll,,.. Winni- 01 ·20 -Ol -11 .. .., .. ,. .., .. 27 1 didn't W9nt to take a chance on tNt ..iy morning tr8fflc betw9en Newpof1 Beech and I LAX. Once In the hotel I Mt the . alarm clodc and also left a ·•wake-up ~I with the hotel &EMWllE from the Krementz firm hosted 1 a dinner tl'leater party. We ate in Peacock Alley and HW "Dream Gi rls" ... mo1t eriloyable ... then came back to the Waldor1 to tour the hospitality rooms where th• . socializing goea on-umn the early morning hours. leall JI people were killed In Ptlend, Me 11 10 L- mudsllclel eefller this m onth. Ptlend, On « 40 Meclrld '"'*"" fll 5olWne -Senta Cnu fteno o l4 ~II• c-llft _.. werned to be r.ecry to Soll L..,« • 1 J3 Mexico City av.cueta *-rein tllere could 5M1 Dle90 42 S2 Montreel cww "'!!B..Slkln. Son Fren S• io MoKow ---9-"".T•Mflffol"'" eround 111e netlon et So•lll• •2 3' Neuau 1 p.m. EST reft91d from • -of 9 St Louis 3' 01 New ~1111 c1e9t0fl -1 ... 0 at 1,,....netlonel St P·l'•mc>e 1J « Nl<~le Fells -Werroed, MIM ..• to • 111911 St Ste Merlo 02 ,, O..o of• et .,_ville, Teus. SpolleN lS J1 Per ls '°' T......,, -WM '°'9cest Tunon 11 40 1110 fnMft t,_ ._. ()1119 Velley .c,_ TulM •4 20 Rome Ill• Great Laku, Ill• UP••• W•tlllnltn JS 07 Sen J uen io ,. S2 Q 11 7'J n "' ·20 ·17 " 19 11 '1 10 ~ M • JI 27 S2 • 17 66 SS '7 as n ,.AJUMlllttCAN TaMP'I 1opet'*>f for 7 #Tl. The next :~= : ~ morning the 81.-m didn't go off Bermuda " sa and the operator didn't get 8090ta 10 a around to calling me until 7:20 Curecao • 71 am. Moml119 It not my best ~=-= : ;: time of the~ but I got myMtf H•v-a M In g.-and jUlt dtd make my Kl1191ton '° 11 plan. . . . but my luggage Monteoo eav 12 73 didn't ~ thllt happen9 you ::;::.'°" : !! either N¥e to wait 9t JFK for The jewelry Industry 11 a r(llatively small one and .tter the 22 years that I haYe been active In this buslnesa, I find I have many wonderful ft1ends from all CMtr the country who are also Invited to th••• tradlllonal gatherings. Thl1 II MIMI__. V•le\t, ~ DMIMa - IM ""9r ~ V•le\t. Ww .... Mea.k• atv 11 •• , the neat flight to COftte In or MefttnNY .. JS = ,..,.,,,, ID ha¥e the year I found the aecond thing anyone Mid waa ''welt, how did ~ '4'7" I a•--------were pretty lucky here• In ----· .. _._,. ... kin .. ,... ___ _,, _____________ _ ~ ... '"'ef-'eln r..-. 0..-,,_ celltral W ............ 1• Ne----f'!'-111!1"9+-lt";, ~IVifiO Id ffieFM>fi1 s..nJ-. "·11· .. • •• cto. arrive. Mone et ~ Cllltw'llla. Mlf'W ,..,. -fencate • .. ,._tttc. ..., ceMrat ,.._kc- HllM ..... ..,.-. ......... lft ...,. OellMa; "' .............. "' ~ .... !! ....... ;-•• 1-. 1tort11ern l"a<lfk efl4I ceftftal AftMtk <-. Ille ..._,,. Ofll9 ' Veltey, -II of Ml-I, fr-HrWlar11 K-•• •<roH ce1ttret Ceew•-~Ari-; 111 IM ... *"*' ... 111 llMIWtll Caltfenlla; ..... ~ 111 1 ............ "' .. ,,..... ... _._...THe. .., .... ~ ..... f 111 ·=-~!£.,..:... ----..... I....,....,.. -..... lllf RIPIRT i::-9 :! ~ my hoeea Md sent hl9 car to Vwe Gnu • 2t Pictl ml up. I h9d to Chooee the ..... 80lutlon to my I~ l Tidea ~ ... ... ............ ... ... '" A"9 -.. TOOAY 1 • • I I ... ............. S1J4a ...... 1 • • I I IW Flrsll-U:4SIM91. 2 , ,. 1 I NW IKOIMlflltlh 7:17 ...... I J ,. I I NW ~-ll:Jl .. lft. Listening ••• do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't )'OU like? number below and your mnaa1e wUI be recorded, and delivered to the appropriate editor. ame 24-hour answering service may be med to record let· editor on a ny topic. Mailbox coatrlbulOn muat include and telept)one number for veriflcaUon. No circulation se. what'• on your mlnd. '·' u u u problem . Thal aott of a atlrt for my tftp prow.d an amen o4 thfngs to comet Th• weather laat ••••ndw .. .,......oftM ~ tor NM VOftt. Now I 9rtw up In Mln....ota and ~ the ... f,......,.,.. °' WW. * but w.n I don't gM """" 9"fottMnt out of IUb .o ...... T"'9twtnd .. =="-' "=' :si=. .....,.. ltw.....-tobe,,..., a80lllltrtp ...... lcld• .... ...,..._ " clldft1 ...,. .... '""" ....... a tNRderfui ..... ............. '°' ........ Klfil" .... Fld • • • "°' .......... "" dMclng ........ ~ ..,_NdlO ..... outwttt. ...-....... 1£: .. UIMI t• 91Jn end I ........... .. ... ........_.. """'° • ~ L •• ·' California beoau ae "ii•, managed lorM I~ IM the ,..... from .,._ ..,_ of the country ... nol IO good. s~ na the twnctt bJ Rolex at "Wlndowa on th• World" at the top o4 the Wortd Trade Center. The MOW let LIP that morning and ~ to n-. wind we had a beeutlhal c ... view. It waa a~ Olftw • usual. I tpent the ~ w ith Mr. Liddicoat, the, prealdent °' the GeMoklglc•. Institute of ---and the! Gllem family from PaJo Atto1 watching the footbell QlfftM.tl Later the fille of ua went ecroea the atrwt and rMllf a block to the Gloucl\e1ter HouM for ~,..., •.. and ":% from In the lt'°'1 time It to walk that fw. That wind "' ,...~ trlOldf I CM P"' tlP wtlh .... , klndof ...... fora .... ..... but I'm to glld tO --balll lo Southern CelttOJNa . . . and '°" "*Ad -... °' ... pretty thtngt I brought hOme with me ..• oome by eoon. ' I s Or•no• Cout DAILY PILOTfTUHday, January 18, 1912 mtnumu u~l Congress riileS akpott Crash renews debate but vital point overlooked ~ BJ WAI.Tl:& a. Ml!A&S A ..... Clue J , WASHINGTON -In re· pewed de.,_te over the future of Wubi.ncton National Airport, tbere wUJ be ar1ument.s about fll1bt patterns and jet nolae, abort nmways and lona lines ol pasaen1ers. But none of that &ouches the fact that has 1iven an old airport a lonc·t.erm lease. It's simple: the terminal ls only 10, maybe 15 minutes from the Capitol. And Congress cobtrols the airport. The place is crowded, it Is noisy, and many pilots don't like landing there. The columned terminal was supposed to evoke the architecture of Mount Vernon, but that was 40 years ago, before haphazard expansion. But any move to severely limit future growth, or force a J substantial shift of operations to Washington's two out·of-town airpo~ stirs an uproar and often a veto vote in Congress. It's been going on for years. 1•·•1111 and Dulles International Airport to the state ol Vir1lnta, but that plan got nowhere, either. The argument between people who want lo scale down National operations and people wbo ,want to use it to the limit -some uy- beyond the limit -began a1ain with the crash of an Air Florida jetliner la s t Wednesday. Seventy-eight people were killed. Washington has Dulles International Airport for long.range flights, but it is 26 miles from town, in the Virginia. suburbs. Bahimore,Wasbinglon ~International Airport is In the other direction, on the outskirts of Baltimore. · bandies 15 million puaen1ers a year on about 355,000 fti1bta, althou1h the pace of operations baa been curtailed by th• alr traffic controller aituatlon. But there's a price. The traffic Jama are chronic. Some days a passencer can't park, even in the most remote Iola, a bus ride away from the overcrowded terminal. . For all the controversy about safety, the Air Florida crash was the first fatal· commercial airliner accident at National in 32 yean. The plane was takina off In a snowstorm, and early indications are that It may have become too laden with Ice and snow lo climb past the bridge it hit. A longer runway might have avoided the disaster, bu\ that is ·· only speculatio n until investigators piece together what happened in the seconds between takeoff and crash. COUP LEADER SPEA~ Huge crowd listens to Ll. J erry Rawlings !raised fist) during ra lly at Accra.· Ghana. Lt. Rawlings led a ShOve.l races ~ --- ,.. Year:s Eve coup that toppled the Gl)ana mment of President Hilla Limann. His s\' left . guard with machine guns reaay. • , . That is why National is one of the last ln-lown met)'opolitan airports that remains in full and burgeoning use. It is the 10th busiest 'lirport in the United States, 16th in the world -a mile and a half from the While House. It takes the better part of an hour to get to either one. So the constituency that counts prefers National. Congressmen, diplomats and other VIPs have preferred parking rights, close by the terminal. They can get there in minutes. A member of Congress can be voting on the floor at 3 p.m. and airborne for Local officials and area congressmen bent on limiting the use of National stress lt\e safety argument, but jet noise ts the main irritant to their constituents. The Federal Aviation Administration estimates that 93,000 people live in the areas most affected by the roar of the jets coming and going. Pennsylvanians compete in ' orld championship' In other cities, like Chicago, Kansas City and Dallas, lbe convenience or city terminals yielded lo more spacious, more efficient and, presumably safer · airports a long cab ride away. Decisions about airports there were made locally. Decisions about National are made at the Department of Transportation and in Congress. When administrations have tried to impose substantial cutbacks, Congress has balked. As resident,_ R_ichard l!.,_Nixon proposed to seU both National ··Chicago or Atlanta an hour later. That is not to say that the average traveler doesn't enjoy the convenience of National. It Crash kills man MOJAVE CAP> -As his wife and son looked on, a 42·year-0ld Canoga Park man was kiUed when hi s experi m ental , home-made airplane crashed during a lest flight. James Peter Handleson died Of\ impact when his plane apparently stalled, Oipped.Jl.V.eL8Dd plunged to..the.- ground minutes after taking off. The Departm e nt of Transportation has just imposed a rei•tively modest set-of ttmits on National, including a ceiling of 37 commercial takeoffs and landings an hour and 16 million passengers a year. The crash almost surely will bring demands for more stringent limits. But they will be made by the same people who had been bent on curtailing operations at National all along. And they will run into the same congressional reluctance to give up_Jumdy airline. service lo -and from home. Racial heari:rig denied Court backs ex-Moonie's argument I ECONOMY, Pa. !AP> -For about 50 people, the combination of snow and shovels didn't add up to an aching back. . The hardy souls who braved the sub-zero temperatures Sunday wi elded the snow shovels in__ a dffferent way than most :_ by turning the flat side down, hopping on the ba~k and gliding dow~ a snowy slope. , The event was the 19th annual world championship snow shovel races , sponsored by the Beaver County Tourist Promotion Agency. It's· called "world championship" because it's thought to be the only official s now shovel race in existence. "There are better things to do with a shovel than shovel snow," said Len Szafaryn, the agency administrator who dreamed up the event when he s aw his 5-year-old son playing in the snow. ~Everybody-thought we were--craiy when we started. But it caught on," he said. he ra~es a~e held· at Old Econom\t Park, just e Ohio River from Pittsburgh, where the erature hit a r ecord minus 18 Sunday ing. In Economy, thermometers read 4 below ~'.,l.U;iu. tontestants showed up at the 153-foot • --do ill course for test runs. The secret is to have a good shovel," said M Knox . 21, who participated in her 16t onsecutive shovel race. "It's a lot of fun. It's so hing weird that we aJJ look forward to. One ye I came all the way back from Florida just to r ac ' .:- r brother, i>.J. Bucuren, 23, won the open 'th a time or 7.5 seconds -one second off ·time record. And he did it with the same sho e family has used for the last 16 years. ets wax their blades to generate the hi gh ·i>ossible speeds. They compete against tim ith officials usin~ stop watches to dete ne winners. • WASfilNGTON (AP> -Rere, at a glance, are highlights of the U.S. Supreme Court action: (The rulings were made during Monday's session.> to the campus after disturbances on May 15, 1970. FINE -Wl.t.hout comment, left intact a $1 .7 million flne against Reader's Digest stemming from the magazine company's mass-mailings of a llegedly misleading contest materials. STEPS A QUOTAS -Refused to revive a Birmingham, Ala., ordinance requiring all constr"U ctlon contractors on city projects to give 10 percent of all subcontracted jobs to mit1ority-0wned firms. The 10 percent set-aside was successfully challenged by the Alabama branch of the Associated Centractors of America. KIDNAP -Without comment, cleared way for a member of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church lo have a trial in a suit he brought charging be was allegedly kidnapped by people who tried to .. deprogram" him. Thomas Joseph Ward filed the suit seeking $51 million in damages against 33 people, including his parents, a brother and other relatives. He claimed he was kidnapped tn 1978, when he was 28, while traveling back to New York after spending Thanksgiving in Norfolk, Va. Ward argued the incident violated his freedom of religion under an 1871 civil rights law. Two defendants appealed to the high court, saying the law applied to civil rights and did not extend to freedom of religion. The court agreed with an appeals court that the law did cover religious freedom. JACKSON -Refused to revive a lawsuit against the city of Jackson, · Miss., stemming from the 1970 shooting deaths of two black students at Jackson State College. The suit was filed by the relatives of two slain students and three black students. "They were among the dozen fired upon when offi cers from the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol and the city police department came A federal judge in Delaware imposed the fine on the grounds that Reader's Digest had violated a 1971 settlement with the Federal Trade Commission by sending out advertis ing packages labeled "Travel Check" and "Cash-Convertible Bond" during its 1973 and 1974 sweepstakes contests. Between 16 million and 17 million packets containing the items were sent out. HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS -Let stand lower court ruling ordering a former treasurer in Harris County, Texas. reinstated with more than $50,000 in' back pay for speakint out in favor of homosexual rights at a county commissioners court hearing. Former Treasurer John Van Ootegham sued after he was fired for refusing lo sign a letter acknowledging he could engage in "political activity" only during 8 a .m . to 5 p.m. working houn. The trial judge in Houston said the restrictions were obviously aimed at preventing Van Ootegham's freedom of speech. SIOUX -Thwarted efforts of the Oglala tribe of Si.oux Indians seeking territorial rights to about 7 .3 million acres-in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Without comment, the court let stand a lower ruling throwing the lawsuit out of court. The Supreme Court in 1980 awarded the Sioux Nation, including the Oglala tribe, $105 million for the government's seizure of the Black HiUs in 1877. But the Oglala tribe sued, saying it was not bound by the 1980 decision. •TIREllENT FO TUNE. -..... Start a tax-sheltered, insured or Keogh Account at Gibraltar. Announcing new retirement benefits for 1982. Now, working individuals may deposit up to $2,000 per year· into an IRA. Self-employed persons may deposit up to $15,000 into a Keogh account. Deposits are tax- deductible and inte~t earned is tax-defem!Cf. Fixed Rate. Earns 14%, compounded semi-annually. Tenn is 18 months to 5 years. No additions accepted. Rate offered during January only. Variable Rate. Earns 26-week T, Bill discount rate + WJb, compounded daily. Tenn is 18 months to 10 years. Rate varies on entire balance every 26 weeks. Additions accepted. Substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal. No trustee fee on new accounts for 1982 tax yur. Free! Interest-Earning Checking with your account. Only $1,000 a year-$2.74 a d -could lead to a million dollar retir A wealthy, secure retirement can be more tMll a dream. The chart at right tells the story. Let's suppose your 14% account continues to e:trn that rate until you retire at 65. Depending upon your present age, your account could grow to a remarkable size. For example: By making annual deposits of just $1 ,000 QVer 36 years. you could retire with well over a million dollars. And nearly all of it would be in interest earned. yHr CCOUNT GROWTH ()epo51t 52.000/yr. $ 7,687 $15,374 $22,951 $45,902 $53,254 $106,508 $113,416 $226,832 ------1-.. ·-----~ Rftneffibtt, too, thiflfyou dqx)sit the maximum $2.ooo per year, you'll have twict as much money. 5 10 15 20 25 JO 35 40 S232 ... .--sw.11r Pilot advertising is good business for Ne~ Securities. 'The response we have had by ......... tM Sunday D,a, Plot ._, Mell exc•nt ... l..<1W'ence Butter. Jr. Net.port Securitiel Corp. Newport~ ~· Chec.k with· our expert Retirement Account Counsel~ at your nearest Gibraltar offla. Gm HUNI1NGTON BEAOI: f1l Huntington Ctr.1(714).898-9666 IACUNA tOIJ.S: 24260 FJ Toro Rd. I (714) 951~ . RJUF.RTON: 255 W. ~Ave. /(714) 871-6101 NEWPORT BEAOI: 2?00 W. Colat Hwy. I (714) 6.31-26ll $469, 996 $939 ,992 $940,?96 $1,881,592 Sl,875,501 $3, 751,002 • : 3l6l'1 Del Obilpo St. I (714) 493-.500 ol St. I (714) 9'J9-75a> PMhion Squire I (714.) 834-<m.7 1 STOCKMAN PROTEST -Protesters paraded in front of a Santa Rosa restaurant where Federal Budget Director David Stockman r \ . . ... . . .. -~-.......... defended President Reagan's budget cuts. The more than 100 m.archers did not agree with Stockman. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Tuesday. January 19, 1982 13-year translation of heretical sect's works ended · SANTA BARBARA (AP> ....!'A believed In a divine spark in exasts some torma or 1noet1dam,. University of California religion mankind, related lo the highest such u the Mandeana In Iraq. • ~ , profeaaor 1ays after 11 fears deity. But that has nothing to do with he's finished declpherin& "And they believed material ChrisUanlty. 1l goes back to the . translating Ind lnlerpreUne th~ existence wa~ a negative lhlne Firs t Cenlury when It orl1tnated 'J words or anonymous members fro m wh ich m a n mul\l be In Palestine." of an ancient heretical sect that redeemed. So the~ didn't have Pearson ~ound significant "the 8 was driven out of operation in much of a stake in the better strong Jewash background In the ~. Egyp .. bout 1,400 years aeo. things ol this .world." . . materials, the use of Jewish . tne cnosUc texts were a swirl Pe arson . work an g w 1th traditions. . . . sti of delicate papyrus fraament.s photographs, finished the last · · A'?olher interest1n1. thin& lo that had been stored in a two vol~es or a 13·part English was JUSt to have l~e texts 1u long-buried jar near a cave wall lranslataon and comme~tary on t h e m s e Iv ~ s s '?ea~.• n g fol' ill ~ear Na& Hammadi h} E&ypt the docu°""nts, and his work themselve-s, he s1ad. Whal we rie • • Re c o n st r u ct l n g and was publish~ last ~ear for use 'knew about gnostic!sm before sq lteciphering these texts was like by stu~ents of ancient history was based on the writings of 1is of .,uUlng together a puzzle with and religion. opponents. In or:ie of my track 1u1 very few pieces," said professor "There.are four tracks in two tap~s : the re l.s a an.oslic • Birger Pearson. m a nuscript tapes; t wo a re Chr1.sllan s peaking obviously no Thepaperswere discoveredin ChrlsUan gnostic texts, two are ag~1~st . ol"thodox catholic ,11 1945 by a pair or Egyptian non-Ctmstfan gnostic te~ts," he Chnsliamty as though they were O? farmers digging for nitrates . said . "None o f th is was the heretics. He had. the s~me They became known as the Nag available. before, and '.it sheds min.ds.et as. the }nt1-herellcal '>n Hammad! library of Coptic greater hght on the history or Ch ristian writers. HJ Gnostic documents and' are gn ostic religion fro m late "JJ stored in the Coptit-Museum in antiquity and the interplay with Stat'e J. a1· 1 ri I Cairo. 6arly Christianity." .y Some archelogists regarded Pearson's work is part' of a t 1> the find as a riva l to the project for the Institute for bond issue Y'1 discovery of the Dead Sea Antiquity and Christianity in Scrolls and many scholars spent Cla remont, where he has been k b II ul the last 36 years deciphering the appointed director of his new 1118 es a ot ua Egyptian language, written with project, a study of the roots or 'H Greek lette r s in the fourth Egyptian Christianity. . SACRAMENTO (AP) -The u: century. · "The documl!nt~. so far as Assembly voted Monday to put lo Pearson said the gnoslics Christian belief is concerned, befor.e vote.rs a_ second bond ft "had a different idea aboutGod --are all fierelical," Pearson said. issue to provide more places to from what orthodox Christian "This was e form of gnosticism put prisoners -this one $280 riJ p eople had . The gnostics that was fi nally expunged, million for more jails. iM believed the creator or the world driven underground. That's why By a 58·8 vote and with little Jd was a lesser being, and the real the manuscripts were buried in debate, the lower house "1 God was beyond him . They an earthenware jar There still approved SB910 by Sen.-Robert 1 -Presley, D·Riverside. It returns m "'Hospital'$~-ph0ne -calls-cheCk Up On ex-patients to the Senate for action on ,11 Assembly amendments. If the. Senate approves it and the governor signs it by Jan. 28, :>~ 1t will go before voters in June. . Already on the June ballot is "l another Presley. measure that !9 would authorize the state to sell tr. $495 million in bonds to build 7-month experiment proves successful; 750 willing dis.cuss stay in San Diego f a~ility SAN DIEGO <AP ) -Mission Bay Hospital, going beyond the popular follow-up letter asking . discharged patients how they're · doing, now is telephoning to find out for sure. In the firsL lO days after. the patient's discharge, s i x voJunteers make ca.Us in which they talk up to 20 minutes to ex-patients personally. -1'lle ....experiment is a proven. success after · seven months, administrator Ted Steuer .says. Alleen Crosby, president of the Mission Bay Hospital Auxiliary, deseribes it as "on~ or the-best things we .have ever done. I think we will have a lot of copycats.'' Steuer said so rar 750 former" patients in the 150-bed hospital have willingly discussed their stay. new stale prisons. w The new bill would authorize ts $280 million in bonds for Cf construction, remodeling and c maintenance or county jails. >L -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~---~---------~~~~---~---~~~~------~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~---~~ni Police group • -raps nollllDee SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s nomination of Cruz Reynoso to the state Supreme Court has picked up new po lice opposition but also' has gained the support of a _prosecutor. . The California Peace Officers Association, which represents higb-rankin& police and sheriff's officers , called Reynoso soft on crim in announcing its opposition on Monday. The California District Attorneys Association voted 10 days ago to oppose Reynoso, a slate app~als court justice who would be the first Hispanic on the Supreme Court. But one local prosecutor, Yolo CoWllY District Attorney Rick Gilbert, says he will testify for The letter said Reynoso "seems committed to going to lengths to ... stretch the law." Reynoso al his confirmation hearing Wednesday and argue that Reynoso does not have a pro-defendant bias . Reynoso is also endorsed by the Peace Officers Research Association of Calif ornla, a ran.k·and·file police group that is more oriented to labor Utan crime issues, and by yarious Hispanic groups. The confirmation hearinc will be before the Commission on Judicial Appointments, which conaists of Chief Justice Rose Bird, iienior Appeals Court Justice Lester Roth and Attorney General ...G.eo.reel>euk.me.jian. -- - The Peace Officers Association released a letter its chairman, Santa Ana Police Chief JtaymODd Davis, sent to the commission saying Reynoso "seems totally committed to going to ._ extreme lengths to hypothesize and stretch the law to an absurd degree in order to reverse criminal convictions." The CPOA singled out a dissenting opinion by 1Reynoso in a 1978 case in which he said a state law prohibiting ex-retons from becoming police officers should be ruled uncoutitutional. "This opinion is not shared by the vast majority of the public, who have indicated that they want the peace officers of this state to be or 'the highest ethical and moral fiber." the CPOA said. Gilbert, the Yolo County prosecutor, called Reynoso a "moderate liberal" with "wide support" in the bus.lness commWlltyl He said Reynoao's court o-plnions have been made "accordin1 to law, not fosteri.N bia_phlloeopby.'~ ---lh alao aaf0Rey0090'1 backpound as former director of California Rural Le1at Assistance doesn't Imply a pro-defendant biu. "He may well have a commitment to provktlnc Iecal services to the poor, but does that mean be supports crime?" Gilbert asked. "The poor don't aupport crime." He ukl he would be testifytq at Reynoeo's request. Gilbert said be bu met the Judie a couple of Umes, doesn't kDow him penonally but has followed bis decialona~ . * AFTER HOLIDAY SPECIAL • WIU.Q.EAH IOflA8 • DRNIE8 •MIFF FLOOR MY1WOW 111.IO TWOM>OMMIN. I NfY '°"" ROOM1 •• ., Lio. ., ... , I CALL GMV (Al'TD. pm) . I •••••. I charity should give you a tax-deductible receipt and pick up your reftl2erator at no charge~ ThiS offer is limited to two donations per household in selected areu of Los Angeles. ~ Ventura and Sarita Barblra counties. Ccq>erating charitabl~ organizations arc listtd below. You mmt mention this offer to collect the reward Save energy and save mon~ And get $25 front Edieon for 'IOtJI' operable seoond refrigeratot, But Jury! Th9 ipedal ol"er ~ea Mmd\ IS, 1982. for ... pboaes .. ·'· :::> rq tq J I~ 11;; w. •.te H I; (J') JI] Ill 1111 I/, . ,) ·h 1ji I'.) 10 j >I ) I ')2 16 JQ J 1 rll lw le 11.1 111 h ~fi sl l(:J 0'.> c1 j il sl M ri i 18 :w 1J? IT IU M ns -· .. 1 ~ I • Orange Co .. t OAtLY PILOT/T'ue9dav. January 18, 1812 . . -·, :Perception of airport Reeds polls apart ( 1'hey-may-be wtnn1ng-recent legal and technical decisions, but polls show that neighbors or noisy John Wayne Airport anm't , gaining much popular s upport to 'curb its operations. ---t--Separate1t1ait-questionn11il"es •returned to Orange County 1 Supervisors Harriett Wieder and 1 Ralph Clark carried l:he message ; that most residents interested enough to respond to a survey wou ld rather see the airport 1 expanded than a new site picked for a larger airport. In Clark's survey, 46 percent of the a pproxima e ly 10.000 res pondents from Anaheim. Buena Park a nd Orange favored 1ex pandin g J o hn Way n e . Thirty-eight percent said to share military airfields and only 22 percent recommended building a •new site. In Mrs. Wieder ·s survev. 40 percent of the Huntington Beach. Westminster and Garden Grove • residents wanted enlargement of existing airport. 33 percent said to share militarv-civilian use and 'just 17 percent favored movin~. Haf'dly the most scientific. these s u.rv eys have flaws . In Clark's, for example, some voted for two categories. and in Mrs . Wieder 's. some didn't vote at all. Airport questions were a mong -man y topics. But these polls do point out the harct political reality facing residents of Newport Beach and Sf}nta Ana He ights -publit· attitudes are turning more toward the notion that no serious options exist except to expand · J ohn Wayne Airport. And that 's t he Catch 22 . Because no on e in or out of go vernment seriously contends that J ohn Wayne Airport can ever be expanded e nough to handle a ll of Or ange County's commercial air travel needs a· decade from now . So. if there is a public perception building in the county that sees expansion of John Way ne Airport as the answer lo our needs. we wilJ be worseoff in the 19908-than we are now. And that's hard to perceive. too. Plan strategy noW , r News item . the government start now to plan their strategy of plans to permit renewed dumping opposition . of radioactive wast es in the Protests are important. bu Pacific and may even include not enough. Sound arguments are scuttled submarines. needed. Wh y n ot pick Newport : For examp le. s peakers could Harbor'.' or Bois a Chica'? the pomt to how httle we know about Back Bav'? Aliso Creek'? this resource. And how dumping · radioactive wasles could have Once again man intends to disastrous consequences. Much. mess a round with Mothe r Na ture. And the res ults a r.e much more study is needed. And they can point to the bound to be catastrophic. problems of previous dumping We know very little a bout the tnat ehde d in 1970 at three oceans. an area our c hildren a nd di fferent sites. grandchildren may have to mine Some drums off Northern to live. And yet we plan not onl y California re po rtedly leaked. to c lutter but also perhaps· to While public health offi cials des troy this incredible source of conclude there was no danger to land. minerals and plants. public hea lt h. one has to be The federal Environmental rat h et uneasy about t h e Protection Agency is developing situation. dumping regul ations under a 1972 The s t a le Senate Rules congressional authorization a nd Committee already has approved will hold hearings in the s pring. a 5-0 non· binding r esolution Details are s ketchy. urging l he pres ident and Anticipating o pposition. a s pokesman said ... Peopl e will have a chance to comment on the m and criticize them ... We would suggest that local public bodies and citizens· groups Co n gress to prohibit thi s ·. dumP.ing off the California coast. But thi$ is only a s mall step. Bigger ones are needed. And the c ity counc ils a nd lhe county supervisors are a good place to start. F Onda commercials flunk The n ext voice you hear will be that of ... Ja ne Fonda. A hit mo vie? A radi o mystery? A television play? The ans wer is none of the above. The m edium is a promotional ad by the actr ess for the s tate Depa rtme n t -or Ed u cation praising the education program for disabled childre n. It's not our desire or intent to criticize such a program. But we do question the need for the state to use the controversial actress on the radio and television spots. If a Fonda has to be picked , how about Henry? (Peter-Fonda also is out of the question.> A s pok es m a n for the department said she was hi red for five TV ads and eight radio spots. The material is distributed to stations as public service announcements . A consultant to the program noted that she "has a history of b e in g a ssociated with the disabled'' and cited her movie "Comin g Home'' about a Vi etQam veteran. "People res pect her." the consultant added. As an actress. we mus t s ubmit, but not nece~sarily as an activist. Al a Newport Beach appearance la s t week. she plugg~d hus band Tom Hayden's Ca mpai gn for E conomi c Democracy. And her husband's a m ~itions d etract fro m the purpose of the radio and TV promotional ads. Just like J e rry Brown 's hosting of four r adio talk sho~s. the ~onda a d arrangemen t seems a little lQO political. Opi n1l~-expre~;ed in the space above ar; t~se of the Dally Pilot. Other view s ex- pressed on tn1s page are tnos.e ot tneir autnors and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1t- ed . Address ·The Daily Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa~1CA 92626. Phone (71.tl 6'41-4321. LM •. Boyd I Gemini women . . , Why the Gemini woman tends to be more flirtatious than most is not explained by the stargazers, but such is their claim. The Gemini is less interested in housework than in intellectual action, they say. The Gemini likes variety. You've read that the Australian koala never drinks water, but were you aware that the name "koala" in aborigine lingo means "no drink"? - " Unmithtated aerlousneaa 11· ORANGE COAST ••1•111 a lways o ut of place i n huma n affairs ." Plato s aid that, too. Q . Don 't the people of Great Britain drink the most scotch whisky per capita? A. Next to the people of lbe Vatican City, most probably. However, Tbe Vatican's scotch consumption per capita is 18 times greater than Britain's. " On an open wound, su1ar ia Just about as painful aS'salt. Ttiomas P. Haley Publlsher 'n.om.. A. Mu;pltlne • Editor B11rur11 Krelbich Edltorle\ Pege Editor -~------ --- • • Whistlehlowers targeted W ASHJNGTON -The most valuable species of bure aucratic life is the whislleblower. For it takes an insider who knows h is way around the bureaucratic m aze to uncover a government scandal. I have dealt with dozens of info~rmants who had the toughness and cour~ge to blow the whistle. All of them came to the same end; they became the targets in place of the real culprits. Now another whi stle blower has ste pped up. He is Ralph Sharer. an investigator in the inspector general's office of the National Aeronautics and Space Admjnistration. He dared to blow the whistle -<>n miscondud by his colleagues in the l.G. office. RE TIUBUTION was swift. Sharer was transferred from Washi.ngton to California, then back to Washington. He was refused sick leave, and when he stayed home from work on bis doctor's orde rs, he was ch arged With -be ing absent without leave . .Jie was accused of falsifying his medical records, and finally he was fired. _But Sharer hung in there: He forced an investigation of his charges by an I. G. team -supposedly independent and therefore impartial -from the Housing and Urban Development De partment. The investigators from next door went through their routines and then issued a whitewash report. Sharer responded with a blistering critique accusing HUD's investigators o r covering up for t heir NASA counterparts. Now the whole incestuous mess is being investigated by the FBI, va rious congressional committees and the Office of Special Counsel. The latter has ordered a stay on Sharer's firinJ. which was supposed to take effect on J an. 4. But federal officials are efficient at burying_ scandals . They are now slyly trying to transfer the scandals to the Reagan administration, though they occ urred before Ro!lald Re agan Q -J.-1:.-•• -.-111_1_1 -d became res pons ible for federal misconduct. The strategy is to stick the Reagan administration with the scandals until it fe els politically threatened by them . Then the Wh ite House might be induced lo defen4, if not join in covering up, the improprieties. I HAVE WARNED the Whjte House of these manipulations and have been assured that the Reagan administration will heed, n ot hinder, Share r's whistleblowing. Sharer 's troubles at NASA weren't t he first time he has rocked the bureaucratic boat and been tossed over t h e s ide . Back in 1979, as a n investigator for the General Accounting Offi ce. Sharer gave Comptroller General Elme r Staats a top-secret inte Uigence r e port with detailed evidence that the Soviet KGB had pene trated the GAO. Russian spies were being fed advance information on top-secret reports pertaining to national security and nuclear technology. Sharer's bosses at GAO ordered him - not to let the FBI -or congressional ove rsight committees -see his final r eport on r he sc a·nda l. To his everlasting credit, he disobeyed these orders and gave thLFRI a copy or his report. He was promptly assigned to study marine ma mmals. In addition to the KGB expose, Sharer reported such security violations at GAO as br iefcases with secret reports los t in the su bway. CIA briefing m aterials left unattended overnight on des ks in open areas. and microfilms of classified r ep orts furn is hed to contractors without clearance. These accusations are now being systematically leaked to the press. In one nesws paper account, for example, a n unnamed official was quoted as saying that Sha rer saw communists "under the bed." What he actually saw -and documented -were Soviet agents in the records center of the General Accounting Office. WHAT I S HAPP.~l\jlNG . t.o l\alpb S h a r e r h a s h a p p e·n e d to e v e r y whistleblower before him. If the federal managers can't furtively suppress the lonely informer , they will publicly discriedit him. Meanwhile. they will retaliate agains t him -an action intended to intimidate others from revealing orriciaJ embarrassments. Footnote: Much of Sharer's critique of the HUD l.G. wrutewash has now been confirmed by James PhiUips, a crack investigator for Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. My ·own associate, Indy Badhwar, has carefully double-checked Sharer's accusations . NASA Inspector Gen e r al June Brown said she is "disturbed" by the developments. For some, washing.ton li_f e • IS all fun WASHINGTON -When people here, the people who are the government of the United States, want to know what's going on around town, they tum to the Washington Post. Of course -it's the only newspaper in the capital. T hey don't usually start at the front page, ~ Everyone knows there Is trouble in Poland and that the president is assuring anyone who will listen that the economy is fundamentaJly sound. Washingtonians look for the small . stories abOufWlio is doing what to (or for) whom. Many of them reach first for the "Style" section. Its biting profiles are lo Washington gossip what Saudi Arabia is to oil. A recent Tuesday provided~ perfect example of bow Washington reading - and w.ashington itself -really works. THERE WAS A small story on page 2 of the Post (originally reported by J a mes Herzog of the Scripps-Howard ne wspapers ) saying that House Speaker Tip O 'N ei ll had given free congressional office sp-ace for four years to a man named Jerry Colbert. He does not work for the government. which is short of office space for its employees, but is a television producer who once did an extrem ely flattering little film tilled : "Mr. Speaker: A Portrait of Tip O'Neill." Folks nodded knowingly at that one. But the story they realty talked about last week was ,headlined: ''I'm the Pulse Beat.of the Senate." The "Pulse Beat" turned out to be a pe11p~.-»repp.Y 27 -year -old wom an lll:HIRD 111111. named Susan Alvarado. Her title is "legis lative assistant to the vice president.'' The story about her, by Stephanie Ma nsfield, was very long and followed her through a long day that began at 7 a .m. with tennis with Sen. Paul Laxall or Nevada and ended at 9 p.m. with tennis with Sen. Mack Mattingly of Geor gia. Ms. Alvarado Is a very good tennis player -she pla.yed for Ohio Stale University and intends to try out for the professional tour next year. She is paid $42,000 a year. She does ·more than play tennis;· Bitter Navy punishDlent Things I leanwd En Routt to Loolcing Up OtMr Thilaga;. -That a punisbmenl in the British Navy, lasting into this century, called "Six Waler Grog," was ll)flicted on seam en found guilty of neglect or drunkenness, and consistinc ol their m111111111 dally tot ol rum bein1 diluted with alx parts of water instead or the normal three. <Horrors.) -That in tbe fur trade, "ranch mlnk" does not lnd.lca(e that the animal ba• been raised on a ranch « a farm. but refers to a specific color. -Tbt Maine. the youncest ol the New Encland 1tate1, dJd not enter tbe Union q a nparate •t•t• until two 1ears after lllinotl did, In 1.D>; and ill nortbeaat boundary wa1 Httled only In ltlOI -That wblJe 1 .. than 10 percent ol Amerlew are cremated u a natloDal average, cremation is chosen by SO percent of Californians. (Can anyone explain why t.bls should be so?> -That Andrew Carnegie's brother. Thomae, surprised his wife on her birthday by buylng het Cumberland Island, otf the Georgia coastline, which ls one-third larger than Manhattan. -That baif the.solar energy reaching the earth's surface is used to evaporate water and redistribute it over land and sea; 1reea plants use less tban 1 percent of the solar energy to make the food and fibre that support life. -T hat when K ini Sol o mon purchased the cedars or Lebanon for the con struction of the Temple at Jerusalem. h e rurni1hed 80,000 lumberjacks u hewers of wood In the forested mountains, and 70,000 burden·bearen to skid out the Umbers. -That the dl1utroua "Charse pf Lllht Brifade" In t.be Crimean War wu made because of a carelessly worded order to "cbar1e the fUD•" -meanln1 that some BrtUlh 1una wtdcb "" In an eapoeed poeitlon 1boukl be bauled out ol reach of the e ne my, not that tb Ru11lan Nttene. ahould be 1ttacked, wbJcb wu ai.olutelJ 1uicidal. of course. She is -a-"go,.fer" foT the White House in general and Vice President George Bush in particular. After she rushed off the Senate floor the other da .. y to get tickets to a Christmas candlelight tour of the White House for a senator whose feel in~s were hurt when he was n't invited, she said: "These are the kinds or things I do aJI day.'' "I TWNK I have the best job in the administration." Ms. AlvaradQ said. "I don't pretend to be exceptionally bright. I'm above average. But because or my background. I know people and I know bow to get along with them." She is, however. exceptionally busy. In -fact, she has two secretaries and bas a car and driver available for hurried tris>S" between Ure White House and the Capitol. Her days are long, although she says she finds tim~ to date "a few" senators. "You are that much more marketable on the social scene," she said. "If you're dating a senator or a _ congressman, you're much more fun to bring around . . . If you can get a two-fer out or the relationship, not just one person being fa mous, of course it's run that way for the host and hostess.'' Ms. Al varado just couldn't stop talking about fun. "I think people are happy again!·· she said when asked about issues. "The economy, as bad as it is, has gotten people's attention. It's been a humbling experience for the American people.•· BUT IT IS NOT humble to be young and in Washington. Ms. Alvardo says s he understands that "people In Peoria" may thinlt she is paid a bit too much for what she does. But sbe thinks she is underpaid, that a man would set $10,000 more a year for the same job. Perhaps. That is why peppy men and women love to come to Wasblnl'°ft. The city of the governing class, as hwnoriat Arthur Hoppe once wrote, ls several mlles square and bordered oa all aides by reality . 'lllllY"8 It's said too few parents really lrnow how to be parents. It ml1ht be ldded, too few children know how to be chHdr• any more. S.G. ........ ~ ............ _ -=-........ ., ......... ... ~ ........... - APPROPRIATE Actor Ralph Manza plays Noah in filming of TV commercial for a wood A~W .......... chip product in Por-tland. Ore. Weekend rain. heavy at limes, coincided with filming. 'Swamp. Thbig' has f o:r.mula . Slimy hero headed I or theaters' merchandise markets COL.UMBIA, S.C. <AP> -Darth Vader beware! "Swamp Thing" is headed for the theaters, book shelves and toy stores or America: and movie producers Ben Melniker and Michael Uslan are hoping that 1982 will be the year that "Swamp Thing" displaces "Star Wars" in merchandise markets. interest in the film's unusual locations and special effects, Uslan said. AU the merchandising projects are scheduled lo coincide with the film's premiere, with the exception of the cartoon series. which would air next fall. , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT (Tuesday. January 19, 1982 ·Resort goes 'preppy' Tweeds, khakis, knee socks at weekend gatheri~g NEW PALTZ. N.Y. <AP) -If you spent the weekend watching "Casablanca," monogramming your pink box e r shorts crowning a re-e-a·a·ly cute }firi homecomlng queen and eating chipped beer, then you must have been In preppy heaven. Either that, or you grinned through preppy weekend at the Mohonk Mountain House in New York's Shawangunk Mountains. Some or the resort 's 300 weekend guests used the preppy program as a lime to reminisce about their college days. Others decided to have 1ome fun with the Prep phenomenon. Ob Bun.ky, what a time they had! They sa t In Victorian armchairs in front or woodcarved fireplaces, just like at the Club. They wore their tweeds and khakis, their knee socks and plaid kilts. They wore red and pink socks under their Bass Weejun s and Sperry Top-Siders. '"It's a lifes tyle and it's ageless and it\s memories." said J e anne Martk o~ski , a 38-year-old mother of. two from New York City. She suggested the program to the hotel's staff, agreed to h~lp and temporarily dubbed herself "Cossie" it sounded preppy, she said. Cossie's corduroys and pink socks "are like what I always wear." she s aid. And although she never attended prep school, s he thinks "anyone can be preppy." The resort's preppy ·weekend in c luded a dlsc usslon or Nantucket I sla nd ln M assachusett.s, where youn1er preps 10 with Mummy and Daddy. Two of the authors or "The Preppy Handbook," now with 1.5 million copies ln print, described the preppy courtln1 process. ••Basically, it moves at a turtle's pace," explained Carol McD. Wallace. For the budding preppies, there was a session on making .She ''anyone preppy.'' thinks can be cors ages and a cheerleading seminar. There was a mixer, a formal and Allison Cooper, a fres hman at Smith, became homecoming ~ueen. Mi ss Walla ce lat e r acknowledged she accepted the h ot el 's invita tio n for the publicity value. ·•it's something l always have an eye out for ... although it's sort of tacky to admit it." She said she was s urprised anybody was still interes ted in the preppy phenomenon. ·'It is a segment of society that has existed for years, and all we did in the book was look at it in a tongue-in-cheek way," she said. Karen Strain, a Vassar College senjor. was serious. She said people who dress preppy can't be confused with the real thing. "If someone's a real preppy, you can tell. They Just exude preppiness. '· "With all the Johnny -co me -latelys to preppyism, some true Preps are ..-esentruJ," said Maaoh Wiley, another author o/ the handbook. "They think we betrayed them." The preppy exam Saturday was the true ~t of the color of their blood. They were asked whether preppy girls sleep in buttondown shirts, alligator swamps or Lanz· nighties. And they had to kDO';'! that pale blue boxer short.s with a monogram are preppy. There even was a 100-word essay on one of three topics - "Muffy's coming out party," "Skip's flunking out" or "My Mummy." The best answer found in one of two dozen blue books? ·'This is the weekend and pr eppies don't work on. weekends." · A few hotel guests. like 10-year-old Joe Appei, refused to admit to being preppy. J oe was decked in a plaid shirt and said he goes to a pri'(ate day school. But he turned his nose up at the notion that he was prePP¥· · ··A preppy is somebody wha dresses a special way and acts a special way," he said. Besides, I wouldn't want to go to an Ivy League college. I want to go to Michigan: I like football." The Swamp Thing is a comic-book hero who, like Superman, has made the jump -or, in this case, lurch -to the silver screen. The film starring Louis Jourdan and Adrienne Barbeau~ scheduled to premiere in South Carolina on Feb. 12. The movie was shot on location in Charleston and Berkley counties. both of which have lots or swamps. In the film, the s limy main character attempts to protect a group of government chemists and a secret formula from an evil scientist. The secret formuJa, by the way, was what turned a scientist into the Swamp Thing. But the monster remains the same nice guy he was before he drank the stuff. Uslan, who makes his debut as a producer wilb ··swamp Thing" is a rebirth or the old-time cr eature movie such as "Mighty Joe Young" and the original "King Kong." United gives a great price to C and more! ......... I As a result of the positive reaction, national merchandisers are planning an all-out cam~aign to make Swamp Thing a household word, ' Other than in Charleston," Uslan said. Among "Swamp Thing'' playthings in the works are board games, Halloween masks and costumes, model kits, action figures and puppets. A Hanna-Barbera cartoon series featuring Swamp Thing is being considered. Composer Harry Manfredini has completed a SS-minute score for the film, with mus ic Uslan compares in intensity to that or "J aws" and ''Raiders of the Lost Ark." Numerous books are also planned, including a reprint of the firs t four "Swamp Thing" comic books and a hardcover collection of photographs taken during filming at such locations as Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. and Cypress Garden. DC Comics is also planning to revive the "Swamp Thing" comic book series. which it discontinued in· 1978. Uslan said the comic book publisher is considering a "Great Swamp Thing" contest, and the first prize might well be a trip to Charleston. Other books focusing on the technical aspects or making the film are also planned, due to great Mtirder clues sought KNOXVILLE, Tenn. CAP) -AJmoet two years aft.er ~r dau1bter's murder, , Bill and Barbara P.ullen have posted a $10,000 reward for information about tbe killer's identity. Tbe couple placed an lid'fertiaement ill the Knoxville News Sentinel, oftertDc tbe mcmey to a.Qyone with information leadial to ua arrelt and conviction ill tbe cue. ---Tbelr dauprer, Deborib Ann Colfe1. wu found abot to death OD tbe back pottb of her Loudon County bome Feb. 21, t•, apparentlJ tbe rictim ol a bursJar. r olcanic· ash a threat CHICAGO . (AP) -Loggers and farmers repeatedly exposed to airborne ub particles from the eruptions of Mount St. Helens could develop sllicoala, a chronic lun1 dlaeue, a report says. Dr. Peter Baxter of the national Centers for· Diaeue Control, one of the authors ol the report publiabed ill the Jourpal of the American lledical A11oeiaUon, Hi4--th .. nnmr-eJf-woft1H'trlll'-1-"71t----- Wuhlqton state face tbe bealtb baaard. Tbe report says outdoor worken sbould wear face mMb to avoid tbe luq·searrinl dbeue. You c:an help yaur neWIPllC* carrier collect at times convenient to you by having your mof'•Y ready to the '*'*won't have to call bec:6c. lee•• tt\11 young perton rt In buaineas tor himself or herlelt, ple8H be ready -and watch that big sii-ii• which ays "Thank you ·• FareCodeQN ----.__ - ----- As Iowas '• onewa)', Night COach. And now first-nm movies! No matter what your schedule, you can fly the friendly sk ies. The most nonstop widebodies going every day. Pick a time. Reserve your seat in advance if you like. Even enjoy a first-run movie on selected flights ($3 charge for headsets in Coach). All for a great low fare. • Chicago is yours on United for as low as $109 one w.ay, Night Coach. Seats are limited. Fares, restrictions and schedules subject to change. For reservations, call your Travel Agent. Or call United at 537-7521. Partners in 'fravel with Westin Hotels. To Chicago Leave 7:40 a.m~ (L) 10:20 a.m~ (L) . I : 10 p.m~ (LL) 4:40 p.m~ ( ) 11 :30 p.m.t (0 ) 12:15 a.m~t (L) ' Arrive 1:30p.m. 4:10p.m. 7:05 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 5:00 a.m. 5:55 a.m. ... .. Drange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 19, 1982 ... T .alk set on birds of prey California birds of prey will be hlcbll&hted ln a slide pro&ram at a l•Qeral meetln& of the Sea and Sa1i Auchabon Soclety toniaht at 1 : SO ln Santa Ana's Bowe rs MUHWD. Speaker 0 Glenn Olson will diacuaa the life history. status and projected population trends of tbe California condo r , American bald eagle, peregrine falcon, prairie fal con, Swalson's hawk and white-tailed kite. Olson, regional representative of the National Audubon Society. was a research assistant at the We s t e rn F o und a t ion o f Ve rtebrat e Zoology in Los An1e&es, where he studied birds of prey. • Besides a bachelor's degree in zoology and a master 's degree in public h e alth , O lso n has partlcipaied in field studies in the Galapagos Islands with the Charles Da rwin Research Institute. I Rest room sign moved at Capitol SACRAMENTO <AP > -A sign pointing to a state Capitol restroom is no longer being hu~g beneath the portrait I.of former Gov. Edm und Brown Sr . • The sign was removed by the st ate Gener a l Services De partment, which works for Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. The younger Brown mentioned lo reporters Jan. 8 that his father had complained aboui the siglf. ''There was enough criticism t ha t we've rem oved'' the sign, Dale D,w ye r , con s ultin g a..r c h i t.e c t. f o-r l h .e .• d e p a· r t m e n t • s a i d Monday. Arter some painting, he said, the sign will be put back up on the wall o f the thi r d fl oor , halfway between the po rtraits of the elder Bro wn a nd anothe r f o rmer gover n or , Ronald Reagan. Crime call hotline opened WASJUNGTO.N CAP> -A tolJ,.free telephone number opens today in a national effort to help neighborhoods organize agains t c rim e , t he Eisenhower Foundation for the Prevention of Violence announced. The number is 800 368·5664. "N eig hborh oo d v'telence is out of control in this country." said 0-r . Milton S . Eisenhower, chairman of the privately financed fo unda tion . "This h otline is aimed at or ganizing people in middle-class as well as g he tto neighborhoods around the na tion to stem. the rising tide of violent crime." Eisenhow e r , who be'aded the Nation al Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence during the Johnson administration after the assassination of Robert Kennedy, said '-h<t foundat io n 's ultimate goal "is to help those who want to help them selves." Blindings -. -·rewarded . NEW DELHJ, India (AP> -The nation's leading ma1aiine says police and dis tri c t officlalt in Bibtr state who bllnded coiminals with needles and acid bave been promoted or transferred t o equivalent jobs. ''Stars in the 1rueaome deeds have all beea liv• plum posts," India Today said. "The vlcttms , not unexpectedly, bave Jared t.be wont." . Tbe blllidln11, reported bJ newspapers la November, UIO, 11loekecl tbe c.oUDtr~ and the covernment promlled ·severe Pllllillm!"lt• • I ' ..... ir .... UNWANTED BO Attendant Alison Wood at lh'e San Diego Zoo· holds newborn orangutan na nwd Bo which was rejected by its mother So too orrit1als will raise the offspring a nd ·taler transfer ht•r to the Phoenix Zoo i n a t ra<le _agreem cnl. ..-!>. . GI Joe doll coming back? Toy may re-enlist in new role as anti-terrorist PAW:rUCKET, R.J. <AP> - GI J oe, the soldier-boy doll that vaolsbed from loy shelves ln the watce of the Vietnam War, ls re-enllaUng aa an ,antl-terrorilit leadln1 a team that Includes minorltlea and women. "We believe kids are ready to 1et off of Slar Wars and on lo something fresh and dlfrerent," said Stephen Schwartz, Hasbro Industries' vice president for marketing. "It appea rs this is golhg to be our No. l sales category in 1982." . The effoft to make GI Joe a top seller begins in April and the company ~aid It will mount the biggest te levision advertisin1 bli\z It has ever put behind one toy. The GI Joe team is befna ,... patterned arter the U.S. Rapid Development Force and will come complete with a set of ~~em ies : the inte rn a ltonal fe r ro ris t s quad C obra Command. The teams represent a mix of the United States population, i n cl uding whiles, blac ks . H is p a ni cs a nd a wo m a n-- counter-intelligence agent. "In the old days, OJ J oe was one person, but today he is a mobile strike force. This Is the t ea m sent o ut to protec t democracy and justice around the world," SchwartJ said. "Say the U.S. Emb11ssy Is taken in Jran," he sugeested. "The U.S. Army w.ould send the GI J oe team to the rescue." Hasbro Introduced 01 Joe in 1964 and did "several hundred million dollars In volume " from the doll and various accessories, Alfred Verrecchia. company vice president and treasurer , had said In March 1980. Th en, as Vietna m became mor e cont roversial. Hasbro dropped the doll's command dress and made him a team "leader " on such expeditions as a j ungle safar i. underwa ter sea hunt a nd s pa ce m ission . Verrecchia had said. Despite the changes, GI Joe's popularity "just lost vim and vigor," he said. U.S. distribution ended in 1976. Schwartz said bringing back GJ Joe has nothing to do with the R eagan a d m inis t rat io n 's hard -line sta nce agains t the , Soviet Union or Increases in defense spending. "The kids don't know an)'lb.lna a bout that,"' he said. ''We've tested the m on kids and parents. 1'he kids reaJly tlip for It alid the parents are very open to it. They say they have no problem with their kids playing with miULaty figures. "Military loys a re cyclical," Schwartz said. "But kids have been playing with military rlg ures since the Crusades. Right now. they are playin& with military figures from space, the Star Wars figures." Though his mission may be big, GI J oe will s hrink. The original was 11 inches tall, but th e n e w ve r s i o n a nd its teammates will stand just 3~ Inc hes because of "the new standa rd in the indus try in action figures," Schwartz said . ·'It allows us to make all the accessories at a reasonable price. If you've got an ll·inch doll and you make a jeep for it, it ends up practicall rre size ... • - • ·'. j . . . II • • .. . ~--------------------..-------~------....;._ ______________ ........ Daily Pilat ... ' TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1982 ·- CAVALCADE TELEVISION STOCKS 82-3 . 84 87 .. Bridge players get a · big .. deal with the debut of Charles Goren's column on Page 82. l Lana Turner · returns to TV LOS ANGELES <APl -Former movie queen Lana Turner has begun filming a guest spot on the new ··Falcon Crest" television series , marking what series producers say .is her first TV appearance since 1969. ' Miss Turner began her role as the ...mother of series co-star Robert Foxworth. In the episode to be broadcast Feb. 19 on CBS, Miss Turner battles series co-star Jane Wyman over ownership of the Falcon Crest vineyard in Northern California -scene of the modern-day drama. In 1969, she starred in the short-lived TV series. "The , Surv.ivors,'\" an adaptation of Harold Robbins' jet~el novel. Since then. the 61 -year-old a('tress has worked in movies and in the legitimate theater. according to Lorimar Productions. Miss Turner began her career in 1937 in the movie. "They Won't Forget," and later aav~ed in such films as "Calling Dr. Kildare." "Two Girls~~~oadway ." "Ziegfeld Girl,"· "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." "Weekend at the Waldorf," the original "Postman Always Rings Twice." "Imitation. of Life" and .. Peyton Place ... Her lates t films include· "P e r s ec ution " and I APWu $ .. 11 ·' Bitlersweet.Lrule... ... air Feb. 19. In the episode; Miss Turner battles Jane Wyman for tht:> ownl'rsh1p of the Falcon Crest vineyard. READY ON THE SET Actress Lan• Turner stands before motion picture cameras for the rirsl time s ince 1969 in· a guest appearance on a segment of "Falcon Crest ."-slated to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..~~~~4--'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I- TAKING A BREAK -Miss Turner relaxes during a break in filming on the Los Angeles set of ··Falcon Crest.'· Sinc e her las t appearance on television In 1969, she · ha~ worked in movies a nd in the legitimate theater. 10o/lJ of food stamps not deserved WASHINGTON (AP > - . Slightly more than one of every $10 paid to low-income families sharing in food stamp benefits last year was not deserved, according to new figures. However, the error rate was not up significantly from a year earlier, according to the Agriculture Department figures. Errors which res ulted in short-changing families on the amount of food stamps they were elllible for also iBc.reued slighUy. e repo cove the period of October 1980 throu1h March 1981 and reflected a re1ular audit of the prolJ'am which now 1ervea about 22 million Americans al an annual coet of more than $11 bUlion. Some. of its findings: -Food stamps worth about SS.09 bWlon were laaued during the six-month period; compared ·· to s•.11 billfoa worth in a comparable period a year earlier, Oct. l9Tt tbroulb March 1•. -Comparably, in tbe preTtoul yur, Sat.I millkm in Gffll d'"'ll"...,.. iaHed, an o.erpay rate ot 10.2 percent. ' PINAL TOUCMll -Apptytnc a final btt er makeup before 1oln1 ln front ol the cameras, Miss Turner prepares for guest appearance on teleyislon series: /,. Bruml~y Gap battle lost; But folks in Virginia hamlet won't give up to utility WASHINGTON· <AP> -After three years of bake sales, turkey shoots and other fund-raising projects, the folks of Brumley Gap, Va., lost a crucial battle in a light to protect their valley from the floodwaters of a giant utility. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission voted 4-0 to grant the American Electric Power Co. a permit to do engineering work and other ' feasibility stu,.dies for what would be the world's largest pumped storage hydroe lectric power project. If the $2.5 billion project is built. 137 families in Brumley Gap and Poor Valley below it would be forced off their land and 1,975 acres of the valley would be flooded. The commission stressed that its decision wa.k only a preliminary step and the utility would have to get another permit from the commission to build the project. But the Virginians .said the utility's'J)lans to build roads, dig deep trenches a nd a tunnel during the feas ibility work would wreck their land. "We are-not going to permit the power company to begin tearing up Brumley Gap before the issue of whether the project is needed is resolved," said Richard Austin, a Presbyte.rian minister who lives in the area. "We practiced three years ago how to s tand in front of bulldozers and we may have to do it again." About 75 residtnts of Poor Valley r ode nine hours in chartered buses to be at the commission meeting. They held a prayer vigil in the s now before the meeting and 'many of the women cried after the vote. "We are discouraged , but not cast down. This is j us t t "We are s- couraged, but not cast tlown." beginning," Aus tin told the group afterwards. "We have to m eet th.is with the same faith we met the last decision." In June 1980. the group woo a reprieve when the commission overrode the objections or its staff and agreed to cortSider an economic study of -the-· project financed by the citizens' group. To help fina nce the $30,000 Boston study, many families raised money by baking pies or sewing quilts. "W e 've had so ftball tournaments, turkey shoots and bake sates. We've raffled off just about anything ,you could think of," said Levonda McDaniel. a fifth-generation valley resident. In addition to the $25,000 rais ed by loca l r esidents, national groups sue t\ as the Sierra Club have donated $25,000. The s tudy, prepared by Energy System s Research Group Inc .. found that the Brumley Gap facility "would be unnecessary in this century and is economically unsound." It said the utility could use less costly conser yation and load """'m.anagement procedures to lake' care of.peak demand periods. But the commission said it would not decide t~e economic que s tion in gra nting the • preliminary permit but wait for both sides to present arguments during h earings on the construction permit. Austin said the group would right t he decision in federal court and in Virginia state courts wh ere it would try to keep the uti Ii ty from gaining permission to go on privat~ property to conduct studies. 1 The company s ay~ sucti extensive engineering work ~ determine whether the facility i~ feas ible is not unusual for project expected to cost $2. billion. , Joseph Plunk, an official of A p p a I a c h i a n P ·o w e r , ~ su bsid ia ry o f Americad Electric. said his company wai happy with the decision lt hu been "wailing on for over fout years." A pumped storage project cons ists of two reservoirs al different elevations. Water ia pumped to the higher one wbei electrical use is low and allowM to flow through turbines, m~ electricity, when demand i. high. . AmeriCans stay on the move Nearly half in U.S. found new homes during late '70s WASHINGTON <AP ) -Racemade little differencein Nearly half of all Americana likelihood of moving, with the moved during the last half of the bureau noting that blacks and 1970s, with the highest incidence whites relocated at almost the among the young and better same rate . However. blacks educated. the Census Bureau moved shorter distances, with 33 reported. , percent of the m r e locating Of 202 million Americans aged w i thin the s a m e county s and older, the report said, 91 compared to 25 percent of mov e ment , many of th non-m etropolitan areas have b ee n redesignated a metropolitan s ince the 1 national head count. People moving into cities h a median age of 26.3 years, lb bureau said, com,,ared with 1 years for those leaving. mllllon, or tS.1 percent, moved whites. to a new home sometime The Bureau also noted the Finally, the bureau sai between 1975 and 1980. widely. reported movement ot professional people were lb · r..opoliLan--mosU.&kel~ me-wlt.Ue-fM'l!lll---1 __ a_:rb[Jollln~g.bpeoilll~pslleL..an:guiedlll, ~2S~to..oi:29:cu,.o wl'.'lit~h.~-1!a.11r0;eeiaas~twoL...Jn:.coo:noi-m1....1e~tl!_'r op o I it an workers were the nation's' m 77 percent changing residence lri ·regions. However, due to that stable population. those years, the report said, "reflecting the establishment of . new households by youn1 adults who have just finished school, recently married or entered the Pair set funeral, labor force." Families with children under a1e 8 were more likely to move than thole with older children, u the bureau noted that" "the preaence of sc:bool·a1e cbildren acts to reduce the 1eo1rapbical mobility ol families.'' The tenctency to move also related dlrec:Uy to education, the bureau aald. ' "Al!lOlll penons 18 yean o&d ud over, 55 percent of thole with four or more years of colle1e moved between llucb 1171 _. March i•. compared Wtt.b 45 percent of those who bad eompleted onl1 fov yean of blp lehool -• ,., .. of tboee with oalJ elpl rean of education/' the 1tudy 1ald. ' then kill themselve REDDING (AP) -Two San Francisco men quit their jobs, made funeral ~rangemenls and then died side by side In an apparent murder-suicide next to a remote lake, the coroner said Monday. The arrangements were very ne.u . They left no mess," said Alice Claypool, counselor ror the Neptune Society, an alternative funeral association ia San Francisco. Two fis hermen Saturday found the bodies of Vincent Paul • Tafoya, 28, and Ronald Martin Staley I 32, by the ahore or Lake Brlttcp. about 50 miles northeut ~ • of R eddi ng in northern California. · They had been ''dead for a month or more/' said Shasta County Coroner' Joseph Kohn. ''There was a .32 caliber revolver beside the body of Tafoya. It appears he sbot Staley and then shot himaelf,'"- Kohn said. The men, who 1bared aa apartment near Fl1herman'1 Wharf, quU their jobs la~ November, Kohn said, and prepaid $445 fuaera arran1emeni. wtth the Nept~ Society. t I • ,. r ' ) - ..... ·-·-··-------· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 19, 1982 f . . . • •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK 1 Both vulne~a ble. t:orth deal1. • NORTQ • +• <:1 AQ10874 OA +KQJ8 WEST EAST •1087, •J95Z <:1 92 ~KJ6S O Q&O 0 9875 + 1053 • ' SOUTH • KQ3 <:1 5 O K J 102 +A976 2 The bidding: North Eut South Wett I <:1 Pu1 2 + PaH 4 NT PH• 5 0 Pau 7 + Pa11 P&11 Pa .. Ope~ing lead: Three of +. The bridge expert cor· relates his chances ino makes sure that he is not in the w.rong han:d at the wrong time. Watch the technique of Israeli internat ionalist GOllN 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Shmuel Lev in a rubber bridge game at Ne~.York's Cavendish Club. The auction had the virtue or dir"clneas. North knew that, at wout. the contract would hinge on a fineue, and he had faith in his partner 's dummy play. West led a low trump and dummy's eight won. Declarer decided that his best chance was lo rurr out the king of hearts -a simple matter if trumps were 2-2. So, at trick two he cashed the ace of hearts and ruJ red a heart in hand. He crossed to the king of clubs, and was disap· pointed when East. stuffed a spade. Now declarer made a vital move. He cashed the ace o( diamonds. Next, he led another heart and took care to ruff with the ace. That precaution was rewarded when West sluffed a spade on this trick. There was one more string to declarer's bow. He led the • Manage Your Budget • Track Investments • Games for The Family jack o{ diamonds for a ruHing fineue. Weat tried to look like a player who did not have the queen o{ diamonds as he followed low, but declarer simply discarded a heart from dummy. The rest was easy. Declar· er ruffed a diamond in dum· my, drew the last trump and then scored the last three tricks with high spades. To appreciate the skill with which he handled the dumrn.r, you try and make the con· tract if the ace of diamonds i'l not cashed early so t hat the ruffi~g finesse can be taken at the crucial moment! How do you ca..... ~. be1t openiq lead? Charle• Gorea hu,tbe aa1wer. For a copy of "WiaaJq Opeaiq Lead1," 1ead Sl.85 .. to "Gorea·Lead1," care of lbJ1 aew1paper, P.O. Boll !59, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make daeckl payable to New1· paperboob. ! • Learn to Program ~~---. . . Get down to serious buafnesa with your own computer, and use It for fun-filled games In your leisure time! Keyboard, 12· key data pad, and 16,000-Characte• memory-all In one beautiful desktop unit. Eaafly expandable to 2-dlsk Business System. Learn to program with our easy-to-read manual, or add an optional cassette recorder to use a wfde variety of ready-to-run programs. .. SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST I ;p I· I (.JJ I c I? 3 RADIO SHACK STORt COMPUTER CENTER A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MAY 'I/ARV AT INOtVIDUAl STORES ANO DEALERS Pilot advertising is good business for Newport Securities. .. The response we have had by runnillCJ in the Sunday Daily Pilot has been excellent." Lowrence Butler. Jr. N&.-port Securities (0tp. • Newport Beach For complete ad copy and a rt services advertisers all along t}le Orange Coast rely on Daily Plat .. _, ------.. -~ -· ------· ----·- Counselors 'too busy' DEAR ANN LANDERS : You frequently advise your readers to go to their school counselor and the clergy for help. As the mother or three sons I can tell you neither our sons nor I have had any success when we followed that suggestion The clergy and school counselors are always "too busy." Will you please ask your readers to tell you their findings? Possibly it will encourage the schools an.d churc hes to lake a closer look ~t themselve~. Maybe this proble m exists only in the southeastern United States . Or maybe it's a national problem. Or maybe it's not a problem at arr:'· and m y ti ming has been unfortunate . Thanks. S MYRNA , GEORGIA DEAR SMV: Tight money· and budget cuts undoubtedly have reduced tbe number of counselors in many schools. This is extremely unfortunate becaus.e economic hards hip Intensifies ordinary family probJems, and young people need someone to talk to. I hope those in authority will consider this personal ple a and cut somewhere else. Some clergymen are "too busy,"· no doubt. But they, too, are valuable safety valves and can be a godsend in time or stress. I would appredate it if you readers who have asked for help from either <or both) or these sources would drop a card and say, "Ves, I was helped by a school counselor or clergyman" or "No help was given." DE~R ANN LA NO'E RS: Som ething ·ha ppened recently that made me shudder at first. then it caused me to take a good look at myself -I mean really. look. And finally I decided it was worth s haring with your readers . I was at the home of. my fi ance's relatives last week , meeting many of them ·for the first time. His two daughters from a previous ma rriage were there . <They are 4 and 5 yean of age). Finally one of the girls turned to her daddy and asked <ref erring to me, "How come sJle smiles all the Um~ for nothing?" ' SuddenJy I realized I was trying so ha rd t-0 look pleasant (t>r maybe pleasing> that my jaws wer e aching from the phony s mile pasted on m y face. I learned a valuable lesson from that child. From now on I s hall be aware that a fake smile can be easily spotted. and l s hall be much more relaxed when I ,am a m o n g f ri e nds . T HE SEATTLE CHESHJRE CAT DEAR CHESSIE: "From the mouths of babes. . . " Thanks for the insight. I've said It many times before, but once more won't hurt : "Everybody can learn something from somebody." DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please set m e s traight. I can't ask anyone else. It's my s ister·in-law. She is a total dummy. never reads a nything a nd can 't c arry on '\ conversation unless it's about her cloJ,hes. jewelry or trips . Yet that girl can whi~ through a crossword puzzle in nothing flar. I've seen her do it time and time again. · How does she do it·! I'm considered much brighter than .she is, yet I could never do it. BAFFLED IN NEW ENGLAND DEAR BAFF: Crossword buffs work with dictionaries in their laps and check the puzzles the next day. Eventually they learn all the offbeat words and can solve the toughest puzzle in record time. What appears to be a super-brain at work ls often the combination of perseverance and practice. Pet's doggone smart Arter years or being married to a man who s its around a ll d ay Sunday and watches animal doc umentaries. I have gotten used to people giving animals human emotions. I've heard Marlin Perkins tell when an a lligator is "bored." William Conrad describe an elephant plowing through an entire village as "playful " and Lorne Greene diagnose a penguin who won't go into the water as "crabby and s luggish.'' I don't know how t hey do it. I'm pro bably the only person in the world who can 't tell when a dog is s miling. I answered the phone once wearing only a hair dry er and I thought I heard a giggle. but I couldn't be sure. · THAT'S WHV I WAS inte rested to read a story about dogs whose masters were into running. You S('(' ·l'm all ov<>r the place ... joggers fl apping along. five. ten miles a day and besides them a ball of fur on a leash panting to keep up. How do they know dogs enjoy running? lsn 't it possible som e dogs are born who don't like to chase cars, return sticks or bite mailmen?. Maybe they just didn't know how to tell you. Ironically. vets say dogs develop the same problems as runners : sore feel , shin splints. heal prostration. lacerated foot pads. arthritic hip conditions and heart problems. They even suffer from attacks from other dogs. Besides that. dogs don't flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END s weat like people . (Did you ever see a deodorant for dogs? I I w~tched a marathon once at San Diego where a ru~ner r.pme in with his dog on the leash. Both had gone over 26 miles of a grueling course. Both had hit the wall. Both had drawn from their reserves for every bit or ene rgy they possessed to keep their bodies moving . THE ONE IN THE SHORTS with two legs got a T-shirt and a can of beer . The one in the fur coat with four legs wandered around confused with a tree wish. There must be a way for non-running dogs to let you know if they want to run or not. Luc kily . we ha.ve a dog that communicates. {(you say to him ... c·mon. boy. we'r e going running!" he crawls under· the dryer with a maq .iarita a nd looks at you with a disgusted look that says, ··rm not moving until you call a cab ... He could be the s martest dog in the world. Or he could have pi cked up that tric k from me. Transplants successfUI DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: A friend tells me an almost unbelievable story : that surgeons can now perform heart and lung transplants. I know that there have been several successful heart transplants, but putting in a heart AND a lung d()esn't seem possible. I have a personal interest in this operation -if there ls such an operation. I have an uncle who is close to death because ol bad heart and lugs. He is ~· I -wen te, ·tu ~ave his life: First; Is there really s1tch an operation? -Mr. L. DEAR MR. L.: I can understand ypur perplexity. Even as a doctor. l marvel at the advances that have been made in heart and lung surgery. ' But the answer to your question Is yes -s uch operations have been successfully performed. A report < 12/4/81 > in the Journal of the American Medical Association -confirms the· existence of heart.lung transplants. The first operations attempted were carried out -1n the late 1960s and early 1970s. Animal studies date back lo the 19405 and 1950s. All three patients died after the early heart-lung transplants -with longest s urvival 23 days. Infection and tissue rejection are the great dangers . New drugs m{nlmize these complications. · Four human heart·lung transplants have been performed in 1981 at Stanford , University Medical Center. Palo AJto - one more than in all the previous history of T JOUI HEALTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN this procedure. Three of the fou.r patients are still alive. It's not likely that your unc le is a fit canlttdate far the operation, M . . too old. Ideally, the patient should be between 15 and so years of age and terminally ill, with heart and lung disease. and have no active infection. The donor criteria include brain death as established by EEG. normal chest X rays, normaJ ECG a nd no history of heart or lung disease. According to associated professor or cardiovascular surgery at Stanford: "We don't know how it will evolve. We have extensive experience with transplanted hearts. but we will have to see what happens to the transplanted lung over lime." He expects that at least 10 years wUI be need ed to answer many of the questions. Dr. Stdncrohn ~komt1 qw1t~ /rom reader• H, cannot answer all irtd1Pktmll11 but wut !,.elude tho:,e of gt~ inlenst '" fa;, column. Sdd JIQUr queationa to him. in core o/ IM DaUy Pilot . P.O. Bo~ 1560. COiia M•IG, Cali/. 92626. • . _...._ __ ~ .. ~~--·---_ ....... ' "Today'•~ have money. Today's parents aet atrance lifts.'· STAii Df Ul'Ullf AROUND THE WORLD Conversation real :disaster SAN FRANCISCO -Lively times around the House on the Hill. Rain and t • · wind hammered the winCtows. A cable car . sank through the soggy &treet. All along • i the line at block intervals deserted cable cars stood in the dripping riight. Naturally the power went off. The lights went out. The chops stopped broiling. The dishwas her stopped going thump-thump. . .., I said: "Get sonie ice from the reefer & before it melts while ·1 look for the gin .. Where's my flashlight?" • I keep a flashlight by the bed. I have a i 1 flashlight stuck with magnets on the side of , t · the ice box. I had a house flashlight. So other people wouldn't borrow mine. There was always an emergency for the house flashlight. "The cat had a mouse under the bed'.·· SO THE HOUS'E fla s hlight got misplaced. But mine were always handy to be used for other emergencies. Once used. nobody turned them orr. The batteries ran down. I SJMI : .. Fetch some candles... But alas, we're new here. Nobody 's thought to buy candles. "OK. I'll ma,ke a martini in the dark." We pioneers are a hardy breed. "BJ ast it. where's the vermouth?" I said : .. ~ight a match. l think I pui the cooking sherry under the sink ... l said: "The TV 's off. The radio won 't work. Well have to just talk~ .. Then everybody realized what a grim fix we were in. . 1 "WHAT WILL WE TALK about'!" she said. I said: "Have you read. any good books lately?·· She said: "Without lights? How could (?" I said: "Don 't be a spoilsport ... She said: "Wh y do you always leave the cap off the toothpaste?·· It looked like we were getting to really • know each other at last. But just then the lights came pn again. The chops started sizzling. The ice box began making ice. I The TV came on. An old movie about a bishop and his wife. Cary Grant played the angel. It was in the middle but it didn ·t matter. We 'd seen it twice before. • ::i HERB CAEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Early sales were spirited REMEMBER C hristmas'? The hottest -selling liquor. or possibly liqueur. was a sickeningly sweet something called Bailey's Orieinal Irish Cream. Every liquQr or liqueur store ran out of it days before the big day. Admiring quote heard most often: "It goes down so easy," and. presumably, reverses course the same way. Barnaby Conrad's gift lo his chums : a pair of batteries and the message "Toy Nol Included." AT McCARTHY 'S bar on rAarket . Festus Walsh inquired Of Owner J oe King : "Did I leave my reading glasses hert! Christmas Eve'?" "Festus old c hum." replied Joe, "the only glasses you ever left here were empty ones." Cold flas hes fro m our farflung correspondent: S.F. 's Art Palumbo, Pres. of Seagram Far East. landed in Bangkok one night recently to be greeted by this huge s ign at the ai rport : ."Welcome Pesticide Control/ Planned Parenthood Meeting." and that's one way, I guess ... Diarmuid Harrington found this sign on the terrace outside the Sydne~ Opera House's Harbor Restaurant:· "No Refunds On Meals Taken by Sea Gulls" ... ··sea Gulls" is redundant. by the way . A gull is a gull. and thank heaven for little ones ... About the annoying (and growing ) use of the term "waitpersons" for waiters and waitresses. Sally Stevens discovers that the people who serve you al the Sip & Sup H ouse in Me nd oci n o are ca ll e d "Waitroids ... WELL WE HAVE o ur fir s t self-cancelin! phrase of '82. Yaoe Nordh'av flew to L.A. from S. F. aboard a plane whose s te wardess announced upo n landing: ··Have a pleasant day in the Los Angeles area.·· DOTFING THE ITEMS: Cyril Magnin .. who pl~ged a ll the royalties from his -biog. "CaJl.~e Cyril." lo the Ambassadors League <for cancer research l. j ust turned . over hi s first check -$2,000 ... Mean question from L~e Trent ··shouldn't Jane Fonda be ~siting the Polish troops about now·.'" ... · Singer J ohn Gary. who just closed the Venetian Room. has the world's oldest groupie: 83-yr-old Bernice· Lierley of Gresha m . Ore .. who follows him EVERYwhere and has seen 208 shows. At, the Fairmont. where she caught both shows nightly, she sat alone because. she said coyly, "John wouldn 't like it if I was with someone else." J ealous beast. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT \F THINGS ARE NOT AS &AD AS THEY SEEM, \ WHY DO THEY · ~EEM so BAD'? :~Cancer: finish project • 1 Wednes4ay, January 20 AlllES <March 21-April 19 ): Accent diplomacy -something is in the works · at a distance. You are being vindicated . considered for possible award -cash or honor. TAUaus <April 20-May 201: You rebound from recent setback -one who seemed sincere proves to be otherwise. . GEMINI (:May 21-June 20 ): Be aware of legal clauses, responsjbilities -and expectation& of one who ~ls you abould make a commitment. Taurus. Cancer, Capricorn persons figure prominently . CANCE& <June 21 -July 22): If basic issues, services are neglected, you'll lose major opportunity. Key is to complete assignments, to communicate with one . whose past guidance proved reliable. LEO (July 23-Aug . 22>: Imprint style, get to heart of matters; member of opposite sex does care-. and will prove it. You'll make exciting contacts and could be tar1et fo_r Cupid. VlltGO <Aui. 23-Sepl. 22): You'll have time fo correct errors, to reinforc~ safety measures and to settle differences with family member. Old debt is repaid. UBllA (Sept. 23-0ct. ~>: Key is to ·dlvenify; look beyond the immediate, perceive potential. .. Hi1hli1bt curiosity. venatility and ability to lauab at your own foibl•. ecoaPIO <Oct. ~No.. 21 >: DetallS • llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA are ironed out -way is paved for payments. collections and money out of escrow. Cycle moves up -you are on ·brink of important move. opportunity or decision. ' SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21>: Accent on. fresh· concepts dis la of intellectual curiosity, outlet for creative energies. Focus also on personality. special appearances. correct timing and · the swing of circumstances in your favor. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19>: A\ara of romance dominates scenariQ. Lunar emphasis on m ystery. intrigue a nd discovery of hidden clues. Family member confides problem -be diplomatic, don't cast first stone. •AQUAIUVS CJ an. 20-Feb. 18): Study Capricorn message for valuable hint. You'll see people as they are, not merely through facade of wishful thinking. Financial ajd could come from unorthodox or surprise source. · · PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20): Spotlight on . responsibility. authority, business activity and prestige which results from cooperation in community project. You'll be dealing with older individual who Mil share benefit of experience. Capr,icorn ls ln picture. ' OLDEST GUEST .John n~· Car..,011 IH·t·uks up us he hf'-..ts tlH• oldt•s t pl•rson to appear on llw Tonii::ht Shel\\ n •t•1•nt I~ 103 ~ t•ar old Ttlllc· RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ·~· ... ..ct S..• .\l>raha11h1111 nl \';1n :'\11\ .... "I'm thr ee y l'urs \11u 1q.:1·r l h .111 th 1· t1·ll•p h11nl'. .. s h e t·11mnwnlc·d YOU ARE INVITED TO THE 552 CLUl'S · COED .FOURTH ANNUAL ~ . THE . . Monday. January 23 Marriott Hotel -Mew·poH Beach EARL'S 11\.l#SO•O•MfAllHC Sol•t ••t•t 11••t~q .. ''''j .. '••i. • , ,.. . 1r I , •., t• t t ,• a COSH Mt:SA641-1289 tSM N•~8hd '"SS•OH ¥1l.i<>435·0401 )lt21 CatNno C•o•t tf•t\IQ f$•ft 0...0 ,,.., •t •••'J ,.,., I If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified . ad. Call 642·5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels into cash. FORMER STATE SENATOR DENNIS CARPENTER . . WILL BE THE .. ROASTEE" I Carpenter will be d~me to a cnsp by Paul Salata's crew qt commentators and critics including Joey Bishop. Justice Robert Gardner. George Hoag II. Supervisor Tom Riley. Mayor Jackie Heather. Congressman Robert Badham and Dr Sammy Lee. COCKT Al LS 5:52 p m S 150 per couple DINNER 7 p.m . s 75 per person A BENEFIT FOR HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN Cal 17·14) 760-5917 for infonnatioft · This message soonsore.o ao; a community service by Alison Mortgage The Alliance to Save Energy nas prepared a bro<;hure tnat contains 1? simple mexpensivt:> measures to take which can cul down your home energy use b}' 2s~I) Tflat m tw:i can cut down me amount 01 monPy vou pa> tuntam~ dlt urate diaqrams and easy to follow d1n>et1ons Ta/..P 0111 advict:t ::,t:'nd 101 ou1 free brochure T/1P ?5 Solution It can save yQu plenty Of nl()r'P\ tor home energy (For example Ord you llnow tt1at e1ectT1ca1 outlets lttak neat" 1 ne brochu1P will tell you now ro prevent 11 and save ) The brocnurP will also tell you about easy thmgs to do to chimneys and flues to pipes and ducts to ~mower heads to electrical out lets to washing machines. to doors and win dows to watpr heaters Do mem all and cut your enerqy use bv ?5G.o The brochure The Alliance to Saw. Energy Box 57200. Washington, D.C. 20037 • ;~ t ,., 1 • .. , ... t.-ICJy h'tfJ 'Hf_tf')••t \d.-,fJ9btOCflufe A.HE ALLIANCE ro SAVE ENERGY ' In , II 'II ·-EVINio· -- ... ,..... I OHAM..m't ANGa..a • LYNN IHACKlllOfllD IHOW ·THI~ LOYlll mak• It cte1r tMt lhl doeln't -t lnOther c:Nld In 1111 llOwe. I =~~ CelNtWI Al!IONIW8 N9CNIW8 ~ ** "Aoacl a-" (11181). Stecy l(MCfl., Jlmll l 11 CUr1JI. Alt eecenttlc: truoll- er, • bllullful hltcllfllller Ind I peyehOt:>allllc kllllr lrlYIMng thl 11m1 rou11 111 p1ey1ng 91m11 lor 1111 end dltlll. 'PO' Qi) PETER ANO THE wou: Ray Bolger hi • OM-mlll IUdllnol '°' Ill ll'llmll oreh111r1 pl•ylng 1h1 mUllc of Prokofiev, ())MOVIE . • * * ·~ "Brllker Mor111t" r Jeck Tllompaon. Au11rlll- an1 eon1Ctlpled to llgt\I on · Englend'e side In the Boer W11 dlcldl to tight lhl Boer gyerlltu on thllr own tern-. UD G NM llWCETBAU Denver Nuggelt YI. LOI Angllll Llklrl UO. WE.COME BACK. KOTT£R I ::~ -8HEWI ~MILLEA 1: JtJISEBOX * •..... "Tiit Hard Wey" -----"'-~ ----- ANGRY Father Murphy is angry when he learns that Moses Gage has allowe'd the orphanage to be turned into a part-lime gambling ha ll on .. Father Murphy" al 8 topight on .KNBC (41 Coun1iy HOUM Ind HOIC>l· G NCNA Ill; I look 11 thl UCLA'• "T111 TuW Blblll" Tiit women'• rowing crew: eelenot blhlnd thl con- 1J1emlnt thl lett0tt1 Of c:19tlon of human b&blll Community Food oullldl thl womb 11 lnY11- Reeoure11 10 dl11rlbut1 l'iJI~., food lo Ille needy '" CCJ-v•~ 1 8FAMk.YFIUO ***"" "Oly For Night" l..AVEANE & SHIRLEY I 1972) JICqUllinl 811111. & oo.M1AHV • V1lent1n1 Cort111. Thi Lenny lnhlrltt I diner. llVll Ind IOYll of lllm Pl'· 8 EYE ON L.A. formert 111 lludfld In 1 Fellured: 1 look II 1111 prl-movle-wl1hln-1-mov11 VIII UYll of tlrllne •tten-Cl) MOVIE dtnll: •report on ntughly • * "Thi lncredfbl• ffngerle. Shrinking Women" ( 1980) • M•A•S•H Liiy Tomlin, Cherlle Gro- -- ~ ........ ... ~to ... '"'I' Nl~OL.ollflOR [UBE TOPPERS ~, ......... of lftY11•tlOUI ''" lelllfl • I llll'lld only ...,, 11'1 ··x. .• • ~Pim' I ®MOYll **Mo .. ~ ""6d0n'• llOodlltle" (tiff) ~ HeoOun\, ltl\ G&IUf&. AIW lier,..._ ...... I W01Mn lnMtU one o1 the .ortd'I ............ corpo- r.uont Ind IMClonlM the • .,,.. of ,,., ICNmlng , .. .u-. 11 -... one of wllOlft .. I murdltw. 'A' Cl)MOYll • * • "Tiie lelellct" ttNOt Mlcll"I 011n1. D1vld W1m1r. Wnlle "-Ugat• Ing • tllll of lfllp dlllp- siew-In thl lermuda Trtenote, I )ourn1191 ltllm- lilee ICtOM 11'1 lloiltld, ~yeet-old ~Y ol ~--.·A' 10;00 •a" •t.llMGO ~ eon.tll'IOI -In .,,.., wltll Julio 10 ... ctot. to Fltld, end Lul•M• goee 1long wllll Mlet1111 TYfont'• plant fOf her club. ••••• flllw8 @ HART TO HART JOf\1111111, Jennifer end Jennlfer'I 1111\er, wtlO Wll In underCOYer lgenl Out- ing W0tld Wll II, 111 11.-ed by 1111 eon Of • Nazi Wit et1mlnll. c;J CC)MOW * * '"' "Tiit Nlgllt Porter'' (11174) ~ .. BoglTCll, Cller- IOlll Rtmpll11g. A blzlrre rNtlonlllfl> II r-lklned bit-I IOffl*' SS offl- Olf end a for!Mf coneen- l f 11 f on c1mp prl1on1r "Test Tube KOCE • ·a:oo Babies." The S('ience or conception or human bublcs outside the womb is explored. KNXT fl 9 ·00 ··Marian Rosl' White." Movie prcmll!rC sturs N~ncy Ca rt wright and Kathunne Ross St•\' story below. KNRC IJ 9 :00 "Brt!l Maverick " Maverick tries to keep a r uilroud magnate from duping residents of Sweetwater . KOCE @ 10:30 "The Shady Hiii Kidnapping." Premiere. A suburban family's life is turned upside down whe n its youngest membl'r vanishes. c:an -up wltll -lront money. -~ A petrolmln gilt lnYOIWd In llllclclll lltuatlont 10 lhll hie ftrnlly might col- ilct 1111 lneur~. I KCCT HIWIBIAT OAPT'IONlD ABC NEWI ®MOVIE , * * • '4 "Thi Ellpllanl ~.. ( 1990) John Hun. Anttlony Hopklnt. A dldl- c a lld phy1lcf1n 111111 Under hit \!Wing I hOtrlbly daf0tmed man WhOll llfl 1111 lhln hid b1tn IPlf'lf In ~ frNk 1xhlblllon1. 'PG' Cl)MOVIE Cito! Lynl9y. Efrem Zlm- btllll Jr. Thi ~lif\11 Ind bewllclllng Holly•ood lllt'I riM Ind 1111 la lrllCld. • lNOEPIHOeHT NETWON< HIWI 12:80 (%) ~ CHAltlJH "The Adventurer" 1:00• MOVIE *** "&Ml Thi Olvll" ( 1954) Humptv9Y Bogart, Jennifer Jonie • MOVME • •'n "Fl.,. Golden Or• gona" C 1987) Robert CumrnlnOI. M119111t Lii. (l)MOVIE F7inlil1 1n 1gon 11 c drn. A aul>Urb..,-1\0UNW!f'..--+--when lhf>' rnetl tby ell~ In 111o1111ner 1111 war. 'R' tlMOVIE * * "The Holly~ood Knlgllll" ( tllSO) Robert Wuhl, Tony DINI. On Hll- IOW1111 IYI In 1065, I rowdy high IChOOI geng Wf'Mkt llavoc In ~ HMll lo lvengl thl CIOllng of t.hllf hlngOUt by "" IOCll lloml CJ'ilmlr• UIOCl- 1tlon. 'R' **Yo "Fiii NO Evlf" ( 19e9) Loula Jourd111, Lyn- de Dey George. A man'• dtrk IOUI la rlflleted In 111 111tlque mirror wt\leh 1111 1anc11--10 ~ call wllh him •lier hi dill In 111 ICCldenl towerd 1 wounded North tlndl tierull geltlng Kor11n oflfcer who arnlllet 11 her uneon· dllerlbll hi. own ln)ury Olfnld hl>lblnd look• on. Ind corrlCtly dltgnoell 'PO' Ill• wound a of otller 0 MOVIE pa11tn11. • • •n "S1l1m'1 Loi" I TICTACOOUOH (197g) Otvld Soul. J- MAONEL I LEHAEll Muon. Bllld on thl novel REPORT • -by Sl""'9n King. A euc- • NEWI 1:111ful wrfl~llurna 10 Illa Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE boyhood n6ni Where he t!I .~~l(!O FOA rr Mii out to llop a --ol (%) .....,.,.. bf1ar11 1111ck1 on Ille • • • "A Boy And Hit 1own1people t>y llnl11er Oog" (1975) Don Jollnaon, vtmF>1r11. Su1111111 Benton. In pott-8:308111 LAVE~E& World Wer IV clvlllzllllon. A SHIRLEY * * * "Tiil laltnd" ( 11190) MtchHI C1fn1, 0 1vld Wlmlf. Wlllll inwRlget· Ing • tull of llllp dlMp- pewlllCll In thl 8etmudl Trlltlgll, I ~ ltum- blel ICrOll In llolaled. 400-year-otd cotony of plfllll. 'R' 10:30 • IHOEPfHOEHT NETWOAt< NEWS • OAOeMX>UHTRV 11<1 8CHOOl -~- 12:00. tHA NA NA Gueet: Bobby v ... • 9 'AHTAIY 181.AHO A bunotlno prOClll lltVet blconlll tn -Clltectlve. Ind 1 llmld m111 gels Ille reepec1 Of hll ltmlly. (R) • MOV1f 1:to• MOVte * *'A ''Smlll Whirl You Sly 'I Oo' " ( t973) Docu- mentwy. 1:11!.= * * • "A Boy And Hit Dog" Ctll75) Oon John.on. Sulltllll Benion. In l)Oll· World Wit IV clvlllz.ltlon. 1 boy end 1111 11lklng dog ... out In -Cf! of glrhl, 1:30 CC) MOVIE * • "0.llh C11 On Tiit Fr~" Mtll•On·lll•· .. tll t r~MI I nd ••Plrt opinlol1I •• Ylld In ... ~ .. .,..., • '°"" Of flt ,.. ...... "*410t11 Oii 1119 --of ~. l:tO(C)~ ••• ~ "Dey '°' ...,.. .. (1172)~111MC. v•tlftl Cot1111, The hel and~ Of~ Pl'· 1orrner1 •• tCudlld • 1n 1 ~-Cl) IHOM'l aoa< •:OO CID MOYll * * "Hl(lfll Of Tiii Jllgo-r;.• ( 1NO) .1M111 lrolln . CIHt Oormen. A former police offlCer lfUtlGllll • dllpw1t• -Oh llltougll the 1trM11 of ,.._ voni City '°' 1111 llliMlng dtugll-* · mlltellenly llldM09ed by • ~hie; crllNo ""· .,.. (l)TOM JONm AMD IUIAN Nm* P•toll'Mlf tot IN llflC llml~.TOl'll~ Ind Sullrl MIOn Clam. • LAii VIOll ~ In lhll r"..ov. * "Don't ,.,_ Thi Pllon11" ( tHO) J1m11 w111morellnd. Flo Glrr- 1111. A peycflopltll with numerou1 p1r1on1111y qulc'k• commit• • --of ~-mufderl. 4:20. MOW .. ..... "Blondil" (1939) PIM)' Singlllon, Arllalr I.Ike IMondll Ind Olg- wood enc:ounter merttll mlladvent.ur•. 4:JO. VOVAOITOTHE BOTTOM M TH! HA "Tiii Holllne" 4:M (%) MOVME **"" "Sphln11" (1981) Frtnk LlffOlltt, Liiiey· Moe Down-.++. nl\hllle t>llCll lnllket lllllqultill ring •tternc>•• 10 etop an Egyptologllt from dllcov- erlng lhl wlllrllboull of I ptlclllte llllUI 11'11 - permitted 10 Yllw. 'PO' Wed1tesda11'• Dayf i111e Mo.,les -MORNl«J- ----~ ~ ............ .,°"' mYll! In IM 1111 unaum of "unlelentlfl•CI ttrln1 ;r::-·:'TN ~ 8Nlnlllnt WOIMll" (1N1) ~ r.-. ciwtee 0to- c111.11.~ ........ find• ll•re•ll t•lllnt _..., . "" ___.. oetlllcl llulOlnd IOOllt on. 'PO' • * •• '"Tiie HIM- ~ .. (1tnt lllOf1CI ... """· JollnrlY 0cnn. rwo dlll*en tun 9#111 lrom ,_ Ind llldl In .... voni W• ....,.,....,, ,.,...,,,. of M , .._. tNv .,. • .,...,ltndM "" • ...,.._ .,,-...·o· CZ) ••• "' ''Thole Upe. ThOll E)'ll" ( 1llO) ,,_,. Langella, ~ o·eon. not. A flemboyl!" .-W etodl tetor. wflo ._ of Broldw1y tt.,dOtll, dltlnde en 111oon~•t. ~prop boy Ind Pf~Nl,_wllh • dlorul tlft ..... 1:00 <c:l * * * "Tiit ...,.. Of Afgl1re" (1tl7) Yeeet Slld4. JMn w.ttn. Alglt1I weoea 1 delperlll 11ruo- g11 '°'~from 1954 10 1"2. , Cl) * * * "81111 NI AlnO- lng" (1 lleO) .NOy Holldly. ONrl Mlt'tln. A ttry Ind lmpr1n lon1bl1 young .,_ing ..w. qpifltOf blcornte Inf ltUlted wlttl I chenn1n91e1lptwriter. 1:ao CB)•** "Ho 6" (1980) J-Fon01, Oolly Piiion. Tllr11 working women rltlll agalnll lhllr tubju- glllon by I rnlle ChllMnlll boll. 'PG' 2:15(%) •••• "Altered S11111" (1080) Wlllltm Hurt, Bltlf 8'oWn. A Her- Ylrd 1Cllntllr1 O'Mf'_..._ __ ., 1tructur1 la lltered wtlll'I Ill conduct• mind~ Ing ~·· wllll ilole-Uon llnkl Ind powerful ~.'A' J:OO •• * ''Tlmblrjldl .. (1054) Sterling Heyden, Vert Reltton. A young lumbermen vow• v1n· llNflCI tor 1111 111.hlr'• dlllh. • • • •• • (1NOj Pltr1dc' MeGoohst, Lii Vlll Clllf. A hired INlllln 1111 10 mlk• one more 1111 before Ill can retire. 'R' boy Ind Ill• lllkl1111 dog Ml l..tvern1 •rr1n1111 • blind out In -ell ot glr11. d111 '°' Shlrley wtth I fur-8:00 9 ([) SIMON & SIMON rler. c;J A man flllt to hit dealh • AU IN THE FAMILY from 1 11o111 window onl) Aller llvl year• of auffet. m1nut11 1l1er A.J ll'ld Rici< Ing, Miki declar11 his Ind "Clfmblng And OownhlN" Tl'll llCllnlqUll ol herrtng- bonl, -plow end rlC• 11'9 ludl 111 rfttlwld. (R) -~ "-AYHOUM (PrenMrt) "Tiit Slledy Hill KfdnlC>plng" Oeor~ Gtlz- urd Ind POiiy Hollldey * * * ... "Cllllng Nortlllldl 111 .. < 1948) J1m11 s1- 1rt, Helen Welker. A reporter rll)j)lrl1 111 11- yea<-old c:lll 10 lrll I wrongfully lmprf1on1d m111. 1:38Cli)MOVIE •Yo "From Tiii Lite Of Thi Mttlonltt11" ( 11180) Rob- er t Atzorn, Chrlt1fn1 Buchlgglr. An epparen11y mlld-mennered 1>1111,_. men mutcMrl 1111 prottf- lull wflOn1 hi vllltld regu- 1111y. 'R' ' 10:00 U0 • • * * "A.urrec- lfon" ( 1980) Ellen Burelyn. S1111 Shlp11d. Aller I ,_ fllll IUIO IOCidlnt, I wom- en llnd1 111411 lhl II• 1111 lblllty 10 hell Ollw• but hi l)lfllCUlld blcalM Of hlr rlfulll to clllm 1 dMlll lnllulncl. 'PO' • * *.,.. "Sllem'a Lot" ( t079) Devld Soul, J- MllOl'I. Buld on lhl nowt by Stephen King. A euc. Olllful writer r11ume to ht• l>Oyhood home whir• Ill 1111 out to 11op 1 ..-of blurre 1t11C111 on lhl IOWfllPIOl)ll b)I ..... Ytmplr•. CC) * * ·~ "Doi And Tiii K1ng1roo" ( 1978) Anlmet- ld. Olr1C1ed by Vorern Gron. A young glrl blcornte IOI! In thl Aue- I r1II1 n bu1ll end la befriended by I ktngltOO who glYll hlr a '"' In It• PQUCll. ·G· 3:IO Qi)**·~ ''Uttll MIN M.,ker" ( 1910) Wiiler M1llhlu, Jutil AndrlWI.. Baled on 1h1 Oemon Runyon llory. A gruff. 111n-7:00 I C88 NEWS ..CHEWS . HAPPY DAYS AGAIN I A8CHEW8 M•A•S•H When Henry• Blake It tr•n1t1rr1d to Tokyo, Hawlleye ftunchet a wild cernpllgn 10 get him back. • JOKER'S WILD • OVEAEAIY "Hllrt" G..-11: Juz gr .. t Cll T)ld9'. Dr. Oonlld • Hamton. (A) c;J D MACNEIL I l.EHAEI' AEPORT ([) TIC TAC DOUGH lfl DITVrrAIHMENT TONIGHT Rlndf Oallts comp1r11 her current 1111 10 the one 1111 fed In lowl. 8 THE MUPPET'S OUllt: Blrn1dlt11 Peters.. (B)~ • • •.,... "Brellcer Moren!" (1990) Edwerd Woodwwd. JICk TllOmpaon. Auttr~ -c;onterlpted to fight on Engllnd .• lldl In "" Boer' W11 'dlclOI to tight lhl Boer guerlllu on their own termt. • (11JMOVIE * * • "Finl F1mlly" (1980) ,Giida Redner. Bob NIWhtrt, Thi MllUllly ! reptllll<I dlughter of thl ~·· Wllrdllt prlll--Clln1fll funfly comc>llclt11 hlr f11111r'1 1ttempu to condYcl 1111 ttfllra of 11111. 'R' 7:IO. 2 ON THE TOWN Faturld: Yllit the Motion Picture 1nd Tllevlllon _.... divorce Pllc>lr• or Glotta'• moving d•Y u Dia FATWEAM~.'( t;OO.tJ~ Oly." Mo-. temporlrlly left In "M111an Ro11 White" charge ol the aclloOI. 11 (Premiere) Neney Clrt- connld lnlo turning II Into wrlglll. Katharine Roas. 1 p1n-11me gamblf.ng den. Tiii true 11ory of 1 nonnal Q_ girt wllo 90en1 30 yeera 8 MOVIE fnearoer111d In • 111te • • • "Pr11er1p11on: Mur-uytum 11 Cl\ronlclld. dlr" ( 1067) Gene Blrry, G 8 MET MAWAICK Peter Fllk. An ectreu M1verfck plotl td pr_,t 111emp11 10 help her psy-1 rllWold tnllQfllll from Chl•111t1 kfll Illa wife rnllc-duping lhl rllldlnl.1 ~ Ing ll look like 1 robbery S~119'. who ererlldy 11111 rMUltld In murder. Ind wlMlng to lllfn aver Ill 8 di HAPPY DAYS of their money lo him. (R) Fonzie eon1ernp11111 l>Ul· • 9 THNE"I ting lllt llWng grlndmolhlr OC!MftAH'f In 1 nurllng lloml. c;J Jack miltallenly ~ • P.M. MAGAZINE !hit I vllltlng nun WWlll to Vflll I potpourri of r11t111-marry lllm. Q rent• 1nd learn 1bou1 food I YOU A1t<1D l'OA rT through profllllonaf •I• MIRV ...... Rulh Zlony: 1 nuralng Ullm'41CM IHChlr with h11lfng ~~ hlndl. Chit Tiii ITllll• "KlnO Of Al'lllrica" In pizza wtlllout pizza dough: 1915, • ~ -~ Ptula Nellon on negot111-wllled Gf .... llllor )umcll Ing ~~ llllp In New Yont Hlrbor, • ---·~ hoping to lftllll 1 new ... ** "Dive To Denger" f0t~lnAmertca.c;J ( 1077) Documentery. NII· • l.H ON EARTH rited by Rlchltd BIMtllrt. • 'Buildlng Bocllll" AUltr e- A look II thl WOf'k of men II•"• Greet Bllrier Rt!tf end women who dilly pu1 1xhlbfll 1 wide vlrllty of their llYll In iloPerdy by mtrlne lnv1rtet>r1t11 working In 1111 oceen'1 Whoee tneettry 1>1g1n eoo deplfl•. minion yeere Ilg(). O • LIFE OH EARTH CB) SEX 18 A THAEE- "Bulldlng l;lodles" Auatre· l.ET'TEA WORD 111'1 GrNl Blfrfer Reef M • n • o n • I he • I tr I I I exhibit• 1 wide Yllrllty of r11pon111 1nd expert mtrlne fnv1U1bf1t11 09lnlonl ere Ulld In 11111 wholl lnotltry began eoo documentllf)' to 111- "" In JOhn a--·. tlllp41y •bout • 9Utlurben t1mlly wlloM wotld la '"''*' uptide-down wtlll\ thl youngttt member of 1111 remtly venllhll end 19 beflevld to lllYI ri-1 l<ld- nepped'.-9 11:00888([)98 N!WI • IATUN>AY NIOHT Holl: Ari Gtrfunkel · GUiit: Stephen 811hop. G KOJM KojlK uncc>'<l9f'I I w9b of lnltlgul wlllrl hi l'lllpt • young """ look '°' hie mllllnO i.ther. • THI JlfJ .. _, IAiOMRllM»• George'• prol*lme In thl bedroom --S lllm In 1 panicked ... ch for tolu- tlont. -~AMDION Fred IMll ll'Melil In I ICt*M to get•~, .... vtelon Mt. • DK*CAYETT Ou111: 1ctor SllWlrl °'8nglr. (Plt't 2 of 2) Clll lfllCTACU.M ICAHDtMAV\A Vlc10t Borge, Britt Eldlnd Ind lnterrmlonal Poe> llll'S ABBA hlldllnl 11111 llpldll t1141t .... taipld Jive In Copenhllglll Ind Stock· llolm. 11:0I (%)MOVIE * *** "Altered S11111" ( 1080) Wlllilln Hurt. BllK Brown. A HlltVlrd ICiln· ti•!'• lllf*lc llNC:tur9 .. lltered when I'll c:ondllct1 .. MM<£ DOUGLAS Cohol1· Dlbb41 Reynojda. GUllte: Uptown & Coun- ~ • Llrry s1oren • OONTEMPOAAAY HEM. TH l88UE8 "Tiit HNlth Cere Sya1em" (C)MOVIE * * "SuMvll Run" (1980) Pifer Gr•Yll. Rly MHllnd A grOup of l..,,_lglrl •tumble upon 1 geng 01 dOOI emuggler• In thl .Af1. zone~.'R' Clll MOVE * "&polld" (1979) John l.11111, Kitty Slltne. A min who once 1111rld In ldult mcMll mutt lllte part In one more Ind hOPI hit new wife dOlltl'I lfnd oul what hi rllllly doll l0t 1 ~.'R' elk>VIE * * "W .. & Phll" ( tll80) Mletlall OnlltMn, Mergot Kidder. Thr.. people begin. lrilngutll romlnOI In Q,9ll'IWICfl VIiiage "'" coritinu. throughout 1111 mercurlll loclll milllu Of 1111'70.. 'R' 12:06 8 Cl) MCCLOUD) A pr111y thief f11d1 McCloud Into lhl din of N.w Yor11'• crtme eyndl- . Clll llldlr. (R) · 12:30 8 8 TOMOMOW Gu..11: ICtor Sl1111ng HIY· din: blllbell peeyer Bucky Dent; rnullciln• Aehford Ind Simpton. (Al • MOW! * ·~ "H1110W" (1"6) 1:601 HtW8 2.'00 ENTEAT AIHMEHT TOHIGKT Rendl Oaku comp,ar_... - hlr current Ill• 10 1111 one lhl *I In lowe. ·= • * "Mllvln And How.,d" (1980) Ptul LeM11, Juon Robarda. An olhlrwf91 unknown g11 1t1t1on 1ttlnd1111 clllma to bl 1111 rlghltul hllr 10 How11d'1 Hug11' bllllon doller 111111.'R' 2:29. MCMI **• "Fide In" (1068) Burt Rlynold•. 81rb111 Loden. 2:300 HEWS • MOYIE * * J.r111 V1nlthlng Lind" (1973) Ooc~tery. 2:401 HEWS 2:46 MOYIE •on "The werewolf'' ( 19S8) Don M1gow1n, , ~Holden. 2:10WMOYIE •••• "Anerld SIM11" ( t080) Wlllltrn Hurt, Blllf Brown. A Harv1rd IClen· 1191'• oen-tfe llructvre fa llterld whirl hi oonduc11 mlnd'4•PlndlllQ l llPlfl· men11 wltll llOlltlon 11nk1 Ind ~I hlllucin&· i a.'R' a:oo ~ a:20 lex II A TH~ LETTEAWON> 10:*> e ...... "l.awlllt Frontier" ( 1035) John Weyne, Shell• Terrv . Cl)** 'h "U1111 Mite Merker" C 11190) Willer M11thlu, Julll Andrews Bold on lhl Oemon Runyon llOfY. A grvtt, ltln· llY 111301 booltlt'• Ille It turned wound when hi ~.~-old mop- pet u 1 rn1111er for 1 r1e- ~ bll. 'PG' 11:30 (C) • • "Double Trouble" ( 1957) Elvl1 Pr11ley, Annette Day. A young 8<1t- l1h h1lr1u b1com11 altrected lo • fllmOlll American POC1 tir'lll'. t~ G * * 'h "High Hell" ( 1058) John Derek. EJllnl Si-'!. A mini owner apendl 1111 win.er In 1111 moun111n1 ho6ed up wnn hie ldulteroua wife Ind hit partner, •• * ... "Coe» And Robblrl" ( 11173) Cllff Gor- men, Joe Bolognl. Two long-tlml policemen trua- lrllld wllh low P•Y fOf unrewerdlng work dlddl to llNI S 11 mllllon end r111<1. • • * * "Owrlofdl Of Thi UFO" ( 11177) Document• ry N9W pllotOQrlPlllc M- llY 19309 bOOkll'• '"' .. lumld .,ound whirl Ill ICQIC>tl I &-yeer-old moc>- pet u 1 mlll<er fOf • rec- -~l>lt.'PO' llt*** "0To6"(11180) J-Fonde. Dolly Plrton. Thrll working wom•n rllbll tgllnll ttlllr 1Ubju- g1tlon by • mlll c:hluvtnlti • boll 'PO' -r 4:00 CZ) * * * "A Boy And ftla Dog" (1075) Oon Jollnlon, s-Bernon. In poet- World Wlr rv c:Mlz.atlon. I boy end hie ttlldng dog Ml out In -di °' gir1I. a. CC) * * "Suplrdome" • (1978) 01vld JI~ Donni Milla. A t~ik:-~\ llop 11 no1111ng 10 kMP I fOOlbllf tlMI from winning IM~Bowl . 5:IO • * •• "Coll Miner'• Deughier" (1090) S111y Sp1c1k. Tommy L•• JOOll. 8aMd on L~I LYIVI'• eutotliogrtphy. A young girt lrom I poor flmiy In """ Kentuc:tly ITllrTill I mud! older locll boy who ll'iglnler'I ,,., rill 10 ....csom In lhl rnuelc lndultry. 'PO' 5:31 (%)***•"Altered Stllff" I 11180) WUfltm Hurt, Biik Brown. A Hw- verd aclen1fe1'1 oen-tfe 11rvctur1 II llterld wneri he conducte mind~ Ing ·~t· with llol.-tlon .... end~ l\llludnogllnl. • R' mNllon )'Wt ego. 0 -of 1111 mott411ted QUMllonl on 1111.ubject of lllluelity. rnlnd .. •pllldlng ~·­ ment• With lloietlon tank• end j)OWl(flll hllluc:lno-JOHN DARLING by Annstrong & Batluk CHANNR LISTINGS 8 KNXT (CBS! 0 KNBC INBCI 9 KTLA (Ind ) CD KABC (ABCI Q KFMB CCBSJ f) KHJ·TV llnd I 11.i) KCST (ABCI CD I( TTV llnd I Ill KCOP.TV (Ind ) • KCET !PBS> 0 On TV l Z TV H HBO C 1(1n1>ma•1 l (WORI NY . N Y H IWT BS1 E IESPN) s (Showt1me1 " Spot119hl • 8 ICat>le New~ Network) (O)MOVIE * • "Soutlllrn Comfort" '(1981) Klllh C1rrldln1, Poweu Boollll. A troop of weekend aoldlere on m1n.uvera In the Louf!P· 11n1 aw1mp1, 11 rllC>QMI. b4I for 1111 shooting of 1 C.jun men. 'R' ~(%)MOVJE * * ... "Sphln•" ( 11181) Fr Ink L.engell1, LllieV· Anne Down. A Nthitll tMldl """"" entlquitlll ring 11tempt1 to lloc> an Egyptologllt lrom dlecov· Iring lhl wtllrllbout• of • H:IO li<ilR~ Ab conlr1butll en old troplly of Mel' a 10 • Cflufctl llUCllon, llltn lllml t11411 II la tn lrt9'>11C11ble mtmln· to. (fil 8 QITHI IUT ~ CAMON Oullte: llob Hope, Ray CNwtte. Teri G11r. (R) ea NICNEWI NIQHTUNl • THE 000 COUi'\.E Ole#'. Cllntlet lnwntl • "IPlr Qllll Ind Offlr9 1-.n I pi-of thl ICtlon " hi Character actor has f es ti val -of sorts It begins tonight 'With a young girl sent to 'Marion Rose White ,' the story of hospital for the feeble-minded By JERRY BUCK "Or. Ashcroft had a correspondence. "My agent, Meyer Mishkin, called ArT....,...WriW with Heinrich Himmler in Nazi and said they wanted me for a part in LOS ANGELES -Charles Aidman, Germany ," Aidman said of his 'Prime Suspect,' " he recalled. "He one or the film world's finest character char acter. "He was trying to get said I had lo read for the part. It was wa~c~~t~o!!:r!JS ~h~a~s...:a!...!f~e2st!:.!l~v.!!!a~I .JO!!f2so!!!rts!..!2....!o:!.!n~C~BS~--1· ~~UJJ~u·,.i:o~n~l.C ':r f.lo~m~~A~sii;h~c~r~o":C-';t~o~n~-'tJ~n1~l":°":a two-da)' job... For a ,wh.Ue.J ~ad ~ w . sterilization. A representative of King been turning down many roles because onig tat 9 on KNXT (2), he stars as George consulted him for information of my income from doing voice-overs Dr. "Daddy" Ashcroft, the flead or on starting a sterilization program in for commercials. But for the last year I California's Sonoma State Hospital, in England. California's sterilization law hadn't been turning down anything. I "Marlon Rose White." was enacted In L917 and not taken off wasn't being offered much because I Wednesday night, be plays Mike t he books unlit 1954. Isn 't that had been saying no. Farrell's boss In "Prime Suspect," who frightening? We were a head of Hitler." ''So. my agent asked If I would be '- wavers In his s upport or Farrell's Miss While eventually was released ready for a two-day role. They wouldn't cbaracterwhenheisquesUonedabouta from the hospital w hel\ tt was even send me a script, which was series of child murders. determined she should not have been humiliating. 1 ~ailed Dick Van Patten, He also is a guest star on "Magnum, committed. She now works al the my closest friend, and I talked to my P.I.," and will play a villain on "The hospital with the mentally retarded. wire. Dick's philosophy ls that.. you 're New FBI.'' "T thl d " Aid an said "she does not 111orklng, 0 et lo work. In "Marian Rose White," based on o 8 ay, m ' · '\ e l r Will Miss White's real-life experiences! noJ. hale Daddy Ashcroft. That's the "My own philosophy s rom ·Nancy Cartwright plays a young lir way he was known In the hospital. Rogers: Work ror· money, and If you who ls sent to a hos pl ta I for the That1s how he wanted to be known." can't work tor money, work for nothln1. feeble-minded ln the 19305 because her Aidman has one or the most popular So C read for the part in 'Prime Sus~t' mother nnds her dlfflcuJt to control. At voices on television and radio, He has and I read for the part In 'Marian ose th• hospltal, Ashcroft orders her done num erous voice-overs for White.' I know now what bu.alness I'm 11 d d lb i •• I commercials. The income from that led In. I'm in the acting bualnea. not the ateri .ae un er a en-ex •-vn voice-over business. I bad •otten cau,ht Callfomla law. him to start limiting the roles be would bo rts 1 iThe movie also stars Valerie Perrine accept. And that prompted hlm to up and I can't tell you w many pa a1 her mother. Ka_tharlne Ross aa an re-examine his career and lo re-commit turned down ." understandin1 nurse at the holpltal, himself lo acUng. Aidman's only TV aeries waa'ln "Wild Ruth suvelra a• a cruel and heartless lt was the role In ''Prime SU.peel" Wild West;" when he took .Rou nune at the same inatilulion, and J,.outa that led to the role in "Marian-ROie Martlo'1 pl•ce after Martin suffered a Giambalvo u Miu White's fat.her. White." heart attack. c '"T~E H~ •:iTRUC.TURE IS ENTIRELY SUPJ'ORTEO 0 Y HOl' AIR/ NBC chairman learns By J ERRY BUCK ... , ......... ~ LOS ANGELES -Grant Tinker says he's still spending most of his time "just learning" six months after he was named chairman of lbe board at NBC. which remains in third place in ratings, but he promised: "We will ~foaver be in.third place " ''We're a happy band or people trying to set things right," Tinker said at a news conference Tuesday sponsored by the Television Critics Association at the Century Plaza Hotel. Regardin1 N BC 's last-place Nielsen ratinp position behind CBS and ABC, Tinker said. "We're trytng to tum it around." Tinker, formerl)' president of MTM Enterprilet, producers of such series as "'l'be Mary Tyler Moore Show,'' "Lou Grant" and "Hill Street Blues," sald be round managing NBC was much more complicated than runo.inl MTM. "For instance, I'm havln• to learn corporate relationships with RCA. Those experiences that I've never had before," he aaid. "r think we bave lhe best manpower there ta amon1 the tbNe network.a," he aaid. ''I wanlito attract the belt creative people I can -a nd I think I can µse aome inftuence the"' ~iluse the '*1 creative people always tend to do the best programming." Asked why NBC was still in third place, then, he replied, "We will not forever be in third place." Tinker said one area that was being explored was how lo develop new programs without relying hea-vtly en expeft&tv~pi.J.lo"'t•s.---.--+-~ "You go out and produce a pilot for $1.8 million and you're crashing helicopters and blowing up the Queen Mary. But that's not what they're going lo do on a weekly basis. Thal doesn't tell you what they're going lo do on the series. You can leam more by looking at the 10th script ol a series and see the relationship ol the characters. So maybe the~ is 1 better way than j ust making expensive pilots." Asked what kind of programmlnl he wanll, Tinker said: "I'd like to see almost anyt.bln1 llke what we did at MTM. Those kinds or shows - 'Mary Tyler Moore,· ·Lou Grant' - thou thin1a are also very commercial, and I'd rather tee those kinds of thlncs lban some other 1how1 that are equally commerciat.•• Tinker aaid he lbou1bt promotinc Robert Mulholland to president Ol NBC and Irwin Secelatein to vlce chairman, both of wbotn Joined l\lm at the news conference, were po1itlft step• in the ratlnp race. I , ,. • .. ~--Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT/Tu sday, Jsnu11ry 19, 1982 ·. , 'Fling'·at Costa Mesa theater High infidelity • in I Ir TOM TITVS ................. ta the monoaamout male an endanfered . apecles? You mlaht set that idea if you catch all U.e Bernard Slade plays alone the Oran1e Coast lbla teaaon. . Slade ls the author of "Same Time, Next YA.ar." which was done twlce laat fall, and "Romantic Comedy," due next week at the La1un1 Moulton Playhouse. Both deal with infidelity, as does hls new ottering, "Flln1,•· now on stage of the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. The subject certainly hasn't been overloeked by coll)tldy writers through the years, but few have 1leaned so much fun out or a single Indiscretion as has Slade with "Fling." And Costa Mesa's production ls s plendidly . . . mounted. Tam~Mnf.c;g: s:i:o~ 1m11m111 le t s much moss grow --.. -------under her actors' feet,· keeps this appealing comedy light and mobile for the most part. And the front ranks or her cast come through with gusto, fielding Slade's dialogue with hilarious aplomb The central characters are a novelist <Robert • OeLucia) and his wire CKTiS H~n), closing in on two decades of blissful wedJoc"K and, one is to assume, high fidelity. The la tter notion is shattered by the arrival or another couple <Carol .. ....... .. A ~~ " IMrM'O II•. •ltt<IH .., ... ti T•-llWll, lt<IW< .. Olrec• .._.., .....,..,, •'"9 IMMet' Gll!Mt"• "'"•· .,_.,.. Tllll,,._...t llWeuell S.twnle~ •I I • • "'· llMll ""· t M IN C•i. MtH Civic PlayMllM Ml IM Ot•ftte c..Hlly "•lrtt-• ""'"'Mleflt Pj.t Sitt TMICAIT Ml<~I SlrM*I .................................. 9'*'1 0.1.~ .. I<•• SttMlll\1 ......................... ,., ••. , .. "" .. ,l(rlt Hllltft Mu.,, 11.-.... -----·········-···-~CAo!MKkmtyer , J ... , ................................... , ...... GIW<tlO'""-"' Gret1I l t ... lo • • .. • , . • • ............ Ollm«t .-1~ .. Sl•llNIM ,.._.,..,..,.,, • • • • ·•• • • • ·• .J...., ~ Stoekmeyer and Chuck Gresham), after which the real run begins . DeLucla turns In a marvelously com i~ performance as the center of the marital storm, tnleracling on various levels with au three females in the ca.st in an unusually demanding exercise. Miss Hagen's facial expressions are worth a thousand words in a first-rate interpretation· or both the injured and offending parties. Miss Stockmeyer has the funniest role of the cast and she digs into it with both spurs, pursuing the shaken DeLucia with an amorous, obsessive fer vor . Gresham also s.hines as her equally hedonistic hus band, inciting howls with his detailed comparison of mKrriage and literature. The only lull in the Costa Mesa show comes with the arrival of a young woman '<Judy Ba rbaglia) whose seductive scene is more on an intellectual plane ; after an hour of farcial hijinks, it's a built-in downer. Gil more Rizzo as her "room- Fewer filnis conipete for Oscars HOLLYWOOD <AP > -The number of Oscar-eligible movies declined again in 1981 as the cost of move-making continued lo· discourage all l~ but the most well:heeled film producers. •--';.-----,..,.= I ··u (the decline> is just general because the t cost of making fil ms has gotten so high there are fewer films being made. It's a tr end," Academy spokesman Robert C. Gold said Friday after announcing that only 178 feature·length films will be eligible for Oscar nomina~ions to be announced Feb. 11. · He noted th.at 189 entries were eli gible in 1980 and 219 in 1979. The award presentations. with Johnny Carson to be mas ter of cer emonies for the fourth consecutive year, will be broadcast live .March 29 THE PORT THEATRF · ,· • •,2bC 11Humor and eroticism in a tender and entertaining work: MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE T"9 --al,,_••~ • to "lbml .......... ,.,.,, .. _,.~"' tTDN ~ IOt .,,..ng by,,,., ,hJd,.,, ~ All AGCS AOMtlTCO ~ P•rentat Ouidence Su909t1ecl , . AE .. (PGI A1 8:00 ND Ean:>mv Sllling ND,,_ CHARIOTS OF RAE (PGI At 7:00 9:20 ~IRI Shows I I 7:159:15 No PasMS I~ AmlENCEOF MAUCE (PG I Show• at 7:00 9:20 llBiiJicRI M.l am AHO 00 Flt.MS RECElll[ ™f SEAL OF ™E MOllOH PICTURE COO£ Of SELf flEGULAf!Of< rollerskates • ~walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters*hot · rods*coupes• traile'rs*hard tops*convert- ibles*motor homes* lawn mos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• If it'soot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot classified ad.call M2-S678 and a fr1endty ad· v154JrWHI help you turn your wheels Into cash'. 7:10 & 9:30 No Econ?niy r:-••np 1 RAIDEI• OF ntE LOST AM (PG I At 1 :00 a 9:1s No co y ''"' John a .. ult11 •••DM IRI Tim• .. ndltl CIJtQ) .,. c=i.i=.-e '" ..... l'GI Nine To Five IPG I ~(Al ZOOT IUIT UU .. _...OF TIIE UST AM IPOI • 11'1111ft OordOfl (N ) f on ABC-TV from the 'norothy Chandler Pavilion Qf the Los Angeles Music Center. All feature-length 35mm motion pictures in English or with English s ubtiUes. regardless or country of origin, are elig1ble~e-films-muM have been publicly exhibited for pay in Los Angeles for a con secutive week beginning in calendar year 1981. Meanwhile, a rule infraction eliminated an acclaimed Brazilian entry ·in the foreign film category, the Academy said. Ttre entry. "Pixote," was to have been considered for best foreign language film. a category ror feature films with a basically non· English sound . track, first released in the country of origin between Nov. 1, 1980, and Oct. 31. 1981. Chev" has the ~ to make this Hol~ Season the fumiest fter! ~OO~U(ij . {llJQ\)~£;.~0 -7 QOl.Dmt GLOBE NOii i NATiONS Including BEST PICTURE ...,. DIMCTOR--.. "onNNI mT 9Uf'f'ORTlllQ ACTOR-Howent L "oHIM mT SUPPORTlllQ AC~-llerJ............., NOW PLAYING MIC..._ Ull -IMA PWA UA CITI C*U Orill'IQI 637 0340 8'N 5,29 5339 Or~ &34 391 l •awAMS UIO UA~ EOWAllOl weoeeatOM Newport 8'«:h67U350 WtstmlnSltr 893 0546 Irvine (714) 551 0655 EIWAllOl IOUTll COAST 'lAZA TOWll CQITOI ClllPUI Cos1a Mesa (114) 751-4184 ~~.~:==-===·--1 :::::::=::, BIST PICTURE OF THE YEAR -New Yem rum crttta Award -Natk>na:l loard of llie$w AWCD'd WARREN BEATI'Y DIANE ICEATON mate" ts fine In u brief appearance. rtpbcrt Howell's Now York apartment set ~s both spacinu!'l nod attractive, m11l1n1 full uae of the playhouse's high .wall~ st11e. T he large iskyhwht is a vurt1culurly effective touch. "fo'llni.t " Is one of the bright spots or the community th ·i.tor 1u.uuion from the playwrlsht who (this year at least ) is taking over frOJ:i Neal Simon in th~ most·produced catesory. Three more weekends re~l11 , Thursdays through Saturdays at 8:30 at the Civic Playhouse, in tlfe elusive recesses of the Orange County Fairgrounds. • CALLBOARD -Audition\ for the comedy "Division Strnet" will be held Sunday at 6 p.m . at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach ... the cast requires fi ve men and four women (two black >. according to direct.or Craig Fleming ... call 494·0743 for further details . *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1nces 1>etor1 5:00 PM -(Except Special Engage1n1nt1 111d Holicl1YS) LA MIRADA MAU o Mirooo 01 l oae crona LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 994·2400 •-c: econ• .-IM'I """°"' 0 'TAPS"- 11;.11 .. ••~•11..•-.••• ~.coo MU _,---u;c;;-"°'' flOA '*' ....... .....,.,....ICQ ...... .-.. otllCa foil,.., --·"° ..... .,. ... .._._ __ , .. "Rl!QI'' • .,.,•!II. k• , __ . _,,,,... '"ABSENCE OF MALICE" -.-.---- LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALK·IN _ ... _. "BHAAKY'I MACHINE" 1111 -•aa.-.uo.•e:m ---1a::a ........... ,... ..... , .. -c.-n· _...,,.,.,. "TAPS" '"' .................. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK·IN Focully Al Del Amt> -I . --·---'"RAIOEl'5 OF THE LOST AAK"' ----·-.............. ----·--.. "NEIQHeoflS" 1111 .,.,u:•.aa.-. ... e.•.•••' ---·-tti• t;•_ .......... 1 tf; .. --· "IHAAKY'S lllACHIHE"' ,_. ................ faculty al Cono1ewooo 213/531·9580 I ,.. _____ .., ... _ .... """" ...... _ ... ... ·------~-­-... "'REOS" !NI •a:. ....... . --·--·-... 'RAIOl!RS 0, THE LOST ARK" ...... l:11, aa. '•· 11:ilf --.--~-.. °" ... _., ··RAQTIME" '"' ....... ,.., .. 213/63~·_9_21_1 __ ~-------·---"CHARIOTS OF FIRE" -,,,.~ ............. . , LAGUNA CLWT--·••--"EVILSf'UI(" 1111 ,,. , •••• , ..... 'tl:'.9t so . COAST WALk ·IN Souln Coo al H1woy 01 a1ooowoy ~ --fl-4:..1514 _,,.,_. "'MOOERN PR08LE.MS'·"" .,.._,...,_ &Al .... ~·· ..... ,, ...... , • -· L.WIClifl9. ---"ATl.ANTtC CITY" 1111 .....,..,..,"'., . .. , ....... ~._ ......... .. &15 ... ·6:00 ,_, ...... 6,5 IMPORTANT NOTICE ' CIUI OR£N UMO(R 12 FREP. """' ........... "'"' l~ •• 1 .. 5 30. ht s ....... 4·30~• ClHl fl ~O • '"-"' ... CAii llAOIO IS tOUll SltM!ll 111 'I() "" CM RAOtO W!TH IGHlllOlr ACClSSOllY IOSflllOI --AM l'Oln'Allf !•AU Cllfoll -1111 llfl A1A IWltO ANAHll"' ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN h•••O• •1 at le mol'\ St 179·9150 PM&......,. •liAUf ,.._. ··ABSENCE OF MALICE'" -"""' MANIAC MANSI~" 1111 CINE "$0UN0 ----~- "''"' .., ..... " 0 .__,..., .. "£VILSHAK" 1•1 ....... THE FfNAL CONFLICT 0 111, C. •I ' SOil 8UlNA PAllk BUENA PARK ORIVE·IN i1nc0fn Av• West o' l(nott 121·4070 8U!NA PAllk LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•nc:o1" Awe wew 01 111ott U1·.C070 I 11•1WllU'i' \o• !><ego'""" or 1109•111101 (Sol 962·2411 WISl~INSlf11 "°-"' "FANTASN'.S" 1111 -··Pfll!TTY 8A8T" ,_ CINl fi~"'1 c.n-• "MODERN PROBLEMS" --'NINE TO f1V£'" 1111 T..a -"41 ~TO ta.I. -fM& "GHOST STOl'IT"'"'' ....... '"ALTEAEO STATES" (Ill -C.ICOTT •_...,.,_ "'TA~"-.....,. "TH£ CANNONBALL RUN" - C1111 fl SOU~D Hl ·WAY 39 O~IVf IH 8•CKh 81•0 SO Of GulCMft Cl<OOrt ,, .. "°, 891·3693 :'! ··r ft.119 "" "STRIP'ES""'' ....... "'STIR CltAZY .. "'' Cllll rr 50IJllO "'EVILSPENC" , .. . ~ "THE FINAL~· 1111 "MANIAC: llllAHIK>N" ,_ A. MA8WA LA HABRA DR'Vf IN ""9tf ......... -...... , ...... _ UMl62 0 110.'<Gi I .. ,.~-:;: .. 1111 I .. ..,.~;;' =: .. ,~ -··-... ,.,. ..... -l'0-1 .. KILL ~" 1111 "FOftT AIJtACHe, THE llfl<*X" (II) I c• •uou..a -c econ ·...,"""""°" "TAl"l"<Nt -"THI! CANM0N8ALL lllUN'I 1N1 ORANGE DRIVl·IN Son•o A"O ,,..., • St·o•• c ott•o• 558·7022 •l,J~-4' ..... ' ~ ~ t A H WARNER OQIVl ·IH •o-• A•• •••• o1 "oc,. """ M7·Htl ... 00 ... CU\OAO Local. county. sf ate. national and international r events co me to your doorstep in 'the bright. light and live ly " . ·~yPilat· : . -..- WAITING Dirt><'lor Francis Coppola. shown here at'ter th<• s<'reening of his new m ovie. "OrH.' From tht· 1 letlrl. ·· is await ing critical ,ind popular upm1on for thC' film. Coppola, w ho wa!\ par'I 111 tilt• a udwnc·t>. "e njoyed " the O)C)\' ll' .. Orange Cout OAtLYl»ILOT/T,unday, J1nuary l8, 1982 : TOol suit still unsettled? . 8r lt.Bml Tt18Elt ....,,......_. • ..._ I Teo yeara a10. Smith International Inc. brouc,bl auk aialnst Huche1 Tool Co. clalmlnc the ftrm '• appUcaUolf patenll on it.a o-rin1 seal and pressure releaae valve were invalid. It took a DlatrlcL Court rive years to hear the case and anothel' two before tt agreed with Smith. Huahes appealed the decision and reJ:enlly won a Federal Appeals Court ruJln& reversin1 the earlier decision. But Robert H. Hildenbrand, . director or financial communlcaUons ror Newport Beach·based Smith International, said more legal proceedin11 will be necessary, lncludlng a petition for rehearina by the Appellate Court and a trial of a number of tactual and h~1al matters no\ yet decided by the court. . ln a press release Issued Friday Smith International commented on material lnciuded ln a Wall Street Journal a rticle the previous day regardint the rullna : I ROBERT JONES MARC H. COODY WILLIAM BAKER PHILIP W. SHIRES .. • • 0 ' "Contrary to the Implication in the Hughes s tate ment," the r elease stated, "the court's decision does not mean Smith bits do Infringe, or Hughes will necessarily be awarded any damages. or Smith will be required to obtain a license under the Huehes patents . Such speculation assumes what the outcome of future court proceedings would be." "What we plan to do," Hildenbrand explained, ''ls what the court tells us to do. By past history, it probably won't be an immediate thing.'' ·Parker Hannifin promotes 2 The release reported Smith International will continue to manufacture "competitive, high performance rock bits and that it believes that a final court decision, even if favorable to Smith, would not have a material adverse effect on its business." For the first nine months this year, Smith had total drill bit sales of $327 million, according to Hildenbrand . An Answer Paoe beeper is hke putting the phone 1n vour pocket. You'll never miss an 1mportant phone Qn aoa1nl • World's largest computenzed paging agent • 1ne11pensive-tess than a dollar-t day. It-Wide-area comage-15,000 square miles • Direct d~I access ._ • A loc;ahOI\ near you. plus held rei>resentJtlYM al your beck ind call .. 24:hour seMce. We never sleep • Free unlimited beeping. del1Yery an<I lull maintemnce • Quantity discounts. • Call today tor literature and a lrrte dtmonstritlOll' Wilh Answer Paoe. you may be out of reach. but you II never be out ot touch! ® ~~SWER ~(jE ~ 731-7777 • 953-5782 t.al• .. tet l002\ltt•I O'uill~4'1WW _,. ___ '°" • PIU·_.E SU .. HICMI COUllT or TMI r~c~'::!~::::s STATI OP CALlrOllNIA The follOWl"9 pen on It dol"O l'OllTMICOY~TY llu•lneuM: • OPOllAll!e E S T~ T E PL A. N N, N G M a.tee-on.. INVEHMENTS, •JOO ··c.uton>I• 1 p~-:':;T~ ~·,.tt ~ 1(1 Limited P~p•• 1"'3 D•te SL, ANO TAEYOUNG ICIM F°"nt•lfl V .. 1.-,. CA. '2J'OI. OEFENDA.NTS : B'RUCE E. C•rmtn Freclerl<k G11llo, ltt4) PREO~E. !(IN STEINHA~EN, 0.le SL, l'ounUln V•ll•y. CA '210L EXECUTIVE CAR LEASING ANO Thl1 MKlneH 11 <oncluclecl II'\' • DOES I THROUGH x. INCLUSIVE llmlled l*t~o. SUMMC*S cer..-F~IO Gllllo CAM NUMlllll JR111 Thlt lMlat -wM Ii-with Ille 1c U•••'ltf9 _.I c ...... 1y Clef'll of 0r-. c _,1y on • • • • • • Turn your unusables into usable •. cash.call Daily Pilot classified 642-5671. r lCTITIOUS •USINIEU MAMIE ST AT•MIENT The lollowln9 perton It Ooln9 lluslM u as· (I) J A YNA ASSOCIAT E S· E NT E ll T AIN E llS , 121 JA Y MILIUllN, ~I W•rner Ave .. Suite Sl, H11ntinGllon a..c11. C•. '2Mt -J•~ Mllbllm Smltll, stt2 P- Or., H11ntl11Qfon S..c:h, CAI. '2Mt T lllS lluslneu ll <Oftdll<led II'\' en lnOlvl-1. J-Miiburn Smllll '"'' SIM-I .... filed "'"" ,,,. Cou"IY Cle<k of Or-County on .NI C 'IAtSt·:Ctl ,, '81COUGAR ON SALE "1Tll TlllS AD ••95.54mo. A 1'..K llO.M 1)11\\'X l'AnlE.\T 111000 6CH IO!\'Tl II.\' l'A \')I ll.\TS llllffJOtEH l'RI< f. 11117:12 '11 C ASll l'Rll"f. llH177 9l1 \IS<1.11>~:s, TA.X. UC . A 11~1 •IC FEf.1 •13":! JIAft Oi&W Olt WJ! OR L J!A'r ~ . .IOllXSO:\' & SO:\' I l\i ill\ \If l<i I 10 .;.io-.;fiao rtCTITIOUS •USINIU S MAMIE STATIEMIENT Tll~ lollowlno per,on I\ Ooino bllSIMHti JT PLUMBI NG, 2JCM ll•Ole"O' Or , Ne--1 8".ch, C•. '2MO Jay 0. T¥nowslle, U0. Redt~ Or • New-1 S.•<11, C.. t2..o '"'' llu•I~• " <ONhKlecl b1 en 1""1v10 ... 1. Jay 0 . l•r"°""~u Thi\ lYltmenl ··~ lllecl Will\ ,,.,. County Cltr" ol Orenve Counly on JWtuery IS. I~ ,,.,.,, Published Or-Coast 0.lly Piiot NOTICll Yw ............ Tiie Dec. 2, 1"1. "'"'" P11bll•hed Or• .... Co.st O•llY (~ ,..ay llK• ....... -wi.- J Wt.,..ry IS. 1"2. l'ltl... JAii. It, 2•, Fel). 1, 9, 1"2 1'7.tl Publitfted Or-C:O.JI 0.lly PllOt JAii. It, 7', Fe«>. 2, t , 1"2 lt7.t2 _ ....._ __. ..... ,.,...... .................. ...._...... ...... . Piiot, J en. 11, It, 2', l'eb. 2, ttlt Sm.ti AVISO! U... 1119 U.. ..... 1111111 ... •• ~ ,.... -.c ..... -· u-. •I• o••loeclo o Mo•H ••• u•.~------------PtCTll10USeust"ta ........ ...... .. » ..._ t.oo Ml rlCTll10US 8USINIEU •MM STATIMlfT ....._......... .._.STATIEMIENT T"° tOl-1 ... --ore-... it., ... "'~"> MOit -_,,,Ice of• The 1011-1119 peooM ••• -ltt Mlftotaa: ......,..., ....... l'Ntt.r,you~lcldo""'1r-.ues: EUlllO .. EAN PAINTElll, ·~ ._ promptly Ml th•t your written L & oL ENTERPRISES. "6 T,..,..., Cftl• Mele St., c.&o MIN, ca .... ,, rospoftM,lf-.moy bofileclO!lllme. WIY COJIOIMW CA'l26• Vl....W ...... -C.o Mew 51 Otll9d .,._ Mllkltor el <-io di o~vld c. l.M19, "6 Tr~°" Woy, St., C:..ta-.., ca. ftU7 ""a-... ... f'lt• ownto,.-rla CotloMew.,CA'l26a. Jlrl ..... •-ca.ea --51., ho<erlo lnmedle to mente, de eU• Ch ... I• Jo LMIQ, "6 T....,,_ Wry• Cotto M9M_ C.. ml1 --·· SU ...,.....,. HCrlta, sl flay Cott• IMM. CA '1262'. This ....._. Is <.-..C-lly 0 • ...,..,,..._revl•tr-ellempe Thh llUSlneu 11 conducted lly • teMra1--. ... . I . TO THE OEl'ENOAMTS: A clvll gtMr•I pertnen;hlp. V...... ... Ilk Ct"'PIOl!'f Mi -n 111.0 by the O.vlOC..U"t byM .... tlll ~I"""' ..... .,..,, If '°" wlSll IO This -· •OS lllecl --'"" ......._ -tll.O "'"" Ille rtCTITIOUS •USINISS NAMa STATIEMIENT The 1011owln9 perso" I• oo•no lluSINMU . WILDWOOD COMPANY. No 7 ler u"• Co11rl, Mt wPorl Beecll, Callfornle Alen K...-, * We<t .SOO So . Soil L•"• City, Ut411 .. IOI Tiiis butlMU I• t onckKtto by an lllCllvl-1. A..,,Knuct.... Tittl ll•t-1 , .. s filed with uw County Clerk Ol O.anQt Co..nty on J.,.uory IS, 1"2 ~letM7 Publltfted Orenot CoHI D•llY Pilot, Jan, tt. 2', Feb. 2, •. 1"2 llfo.12 dlfOllCI !fib '-''· you must. wltllln county Cle<-01 Or•noe COllftty Of\ Cou11ty Cl••-of <><•n99 c-tv on JO doys ofltf' INs tummons Is"'"'°" Dec. 31, 1911• J e"ue ry IS, l"2. 1-------------"" y ... , flle with tllh court a written ,.,,_ ,.1.,., ...X llllC( r"-'M to -complolnt. U~l VOii Publl-Or ... COH I OellY Pll04, ,.....,_ 0r.,. CCMUI o.tly Pll04 1-------------do so, YOflM Off-wlll bo tt1lered on J•n s u "1' 1"2 s.n..1 J on " ... oc...o. • t 1-.,..._ ~kotlofl of -plel11tlfh , -1111•1--·-·-·-·-·-------.... .--... ... • • ...,.. cw rt rney ...,..,. • I.......,. ... inti '°" tor tllo reli.t ~ In Ille rlCTITIOln •USINISS •AME STATIEMINT complolnt, whl<h coulO rH11ll In 1--------------------------The lollowlno per,on h 001n9 bu•lneuas: 9or11l1hmenl 01 ••OH, t•klne Of money or Pfopefly or olMr relief r~t.O In Ille complolnt, DATED: ,__y ?t, 1'80. ~OSAHH GODDARD, o.uty DOUOLAS M. llOO'T" .... , .. Law, , ...... -St. • .-m ......... CAIJ1'1 T":cn•1......, ..wi1-Or .. Coast Dally Piiot J•11. S, It, It, 2', 1"2 IJIM1 rlCTITIOUS •USINHS •AMaSTATIMl!•T The . lollowlno penon It Ooln9 l'ICTITIOUI •USINIEU NS 91454 NAMI STATIMIENT rlCTITIOUS •USINIEU T he lollowtno person Is C1oln9 NAME STATl!MIENT ovslntu as. Th• lollowlno 119,.ons e re Clol"t PILO.GEHIC OF HOLL YWOOO. b<nlneu ff. UO..let-., Irvine, Ce '2714 CENTURY COUlllEll SERVICE, l(yp s..u.r. l>Oultl -· INIM, 1lU1 Pewo 09 Velencl•, Laou"• C• '1714 ' Hlllt, C .. ifornla~ Thh t>uslneu Is <oncl..cltd by •" G•ll L. Goncoe. 11e1 21U Strwt, l nOlvlcluOI. wu1m1nst .... CA111tomlett613 • IC.VII SuH•• Mo"°mmllCI Meflell Eklefale, ~ Thlt staMmenl was lllocl with 1'-Wnl Polm Drive, No. C, Glendale, Counly Clerk of Or•nve c-1v on Colllor111ot1102 JAftuory IS, 1"2 'Thi• business .'' conCIUclecl by • """" ~ral --.wp. P1111fl-Or-Co.est o.tly Piiot Goll L. ~- J•n. 1'. 2'. Fe«>. 2, 9, 1"2 JI~ Thi• t -1 wti lllecl with the Co..nly Cler" ol 0.aRQt Cou"tY on December II. 1911. lllORLIH PAPER COMPANY. 601 Brookv iew W AY Co•I• Meu, C•lllorle 9"26 Denni~ Arthu r Norlln. •01 Brookview W••, Cost• Me'• C•lllornle '261' f~ls llll•lnen I\ <onclu<led by •n lnOlvlCl.,.I. Dennis A Norlin Tiiis sltl...,....I wn tlled with tM Co..nty Cler .. of Orencie Counly on J.,.utry is. l'f7 r1e1 ... P11bll-Orenot Coesl Dally Pllol. Jen "· 1t, Feo. 2. 9, 1"2 Ut.tl MIMHos: 1---.,...----------r1rv• Publl-Or-Coe\1 Delly PllGt, r lCTITIOUS •USINl!SS NAME STATaMIENT • ... ElllSONAL RETIREMENT _.NAGEMENT, J9.o Wfltffly Plou, ...... llO, ..._.. 9N<h, co. t2..o •ryoft Rober t Wllllo ms, U IS t,_t ~. c.-Clel Mer, C• "'" i_ T_hls ~s ~ cond..cled by •n P""~'· ~ 11,..,., 11. Wlllloms Is statement "'M tllocl w ltll the ty Cioni of Dr•ncie Coo'"ty on ~24,1911. r11tt11 ....... pr.,. COotl o.lly Piiot ... 2'. "'1, Jlft. S, II. It . 1'92 SSS2 .. I NUlllll r1CTITICIUS •USINHS NAME STATaMIENT ·The 1e11owln9 "r'on Is Ooln9 bllslneu M: VIDEO Pl.US,"" Werner Ave .. Svllt Ill, H-IRQIOll la.ell. Co. t2M7 Alla n o . Gllllnoh•m . 7071 Vo .. nllnt Dr . Hunlll>Q1on 8".c:h, Co. '2'47 This bu51""5 IS ConcllKtecl by .,. lnctlvl-1. All.,, 0 . GlllinQhom This stot-t was llloO •ltfl ,,_ c-1v c 1 ... i. o1 o.-C-y on Jonuory IS, 1"2. ..... .,1 PullllsllOCI Orenoe Coast Dolly Piiot J an. It, it, Feb. 2, 9. 1"2 2'0-G = Jon. It, K. Feel. 2, 9, 1"2 »9-t7 PICTITIOUS 8VSINIEll •AMa STATHdltT Tll• follo'flllll9 persons e re 001"9 lluSIMSSM: llAL HAllllOR LIOUOll, SIO Etsl llalboe llOulavorO, lolboo, Collfornle. EO A. ~.-,, )US E LO Palm• ..... -. ANN!m, ca111on11o .... lllchard C.. Meodows, MU E. Lo Polm• A-, Al\CIMlm, C•llfornl• '1M. Ed A Strvttlers Thll ........,_, wos flleo with Ille COUlllY Clerk of Oran99 C°""Cy on Dec. JI, ttlt. ..,.._.-.. •ec,.. lentcot ..... Oftla ... 1ttl7 s-•• •-. c.tMwMa mn .. ,,_ The lol._lno _ _.., o re oolno buslneu ot · HOLIST IC lll UTRITIONAl PRODUCTS. L TO • ~Ion Pltra, 170 Newport Ct nler Orlvt . Nt•OO•I l e0<11, Co. '7660 Onld Grai..m. 0-r•I Partner, :IOI Forni Ave., YclUN1 84.c:h, Ca t2U1 Jee" Ultff, c..nerel P•rtner, JOI Fores• Ave., laQUl\O la•ch, CAI. n 4s1 Tllh bullMU Is conCIUCled by t llmlled _.,.""41> Jkll UllH, 0-.alPertnof This ""-t wn lllod wllh IN Coullly .Clerk of OrAftcie Co..nty on Jonu•rv IS, 1"2. r1t1M7 Publl-Or-Coatl Dally PllOI Jan. 1', ,., Feo. 1, t , 1"2 2U-t' Pvbll-0rMIQlt C:0.1t Doll• PllOt, 1------------- Jo"· s. 12. "· ». 1"2 121<111 rlCTITIOUI •USINIESS MAMIE STATllMliNT The lollowl"O .,.,.ons e re dolnQ bllslnen.s: TAES BI E N, SOI A•tnlele rlCTITIOUI •UMMIU VtQ11ero, Son Cltme111e, Ct lllornla lllAMISTATIMNT m n The tollowl"Q penoll is OolnQ L•rl L McC\llloutf\, SU llluelllrd .... , __ , C•llYO" Rood. l.•twn• •••<II, 1(11!.HLER INTl!.RNATIOffAL. tel CAllllornlo n.51 L* ,tm..°'1"!<..Su!!! H , !!°'!l!!!!y.,,._iiJ,;,•,;.<ciiiui.i1."s~·i,"imt!'mn11:..4'i1,,.c"°a'"1""• ... 11_11..,•.., 9Mcll, ~'12661 un L'. McCullollQtl br.!1-.i E. l(le:~: I.* l"ortl Tiiis 1-1 WM fllecl wllll Ille ..:::· ~ t>E. ' ... ,,, Co. Cwntr Cle<k of Or~ County Oft Tllll --.. I• ceMll<I ....... Oft JMuory IS.,.., "''"" ~~ ... E. ICleflltf' PllMltNd Or .... C...t Ot41y PllOt, I Tlllt ~ w• lllM wttt1 1M J•"· It, 2'. Fob. t. t , 1"2 n1-12 C-ty Clent ef Or .... CWfttY Oft j)9Com ..... ,,., 1911. .,,,.. ,....,., ... or._ c .... o.11., ,.1iot -----....._-------o.c. 19, lilt, J-. I, II. It, 1 ... J.Rt•t "IC:TITIOUS IWllM•H !IANITATIEMSlfT Tllo follow! ... Ptf-1 aro •tlht llvtl-ot! AVALON MANUFACTURINO, It eor.or•to Pf .... Sul• uo. N....,,t llff<f1. ca. ,,... Altoellltod .. ..,., ... Ctlll!Mllly, IM . C• Otto-. c..._,otlOlll, H20 Iott 26411 Mtwt, ~.ca tOnJ Tiii• Ml-• ,, <_, .. " 0 ,.,...., ....... ._ ...... _. ... ~.lllt. """"*'Iii.Nol-. Vlee~ Tlllt IUl..-t W .. fli..t Wfttl fM c-1., c,.,. .. OrOll9t c-r - J_..,u,1•. "19' .. Robert J ones has been named general manager of Parker Hannifin's ·Air and •Space Oi vision in Irvine, and Marc H. Coody has been promoted to marketing manager or the division. Jones. previously ma rketing manager. will have complete. responsibility ror the division. while Coody wi ll direct promotion and sales of.the division's products. • Jill Patnales has become the new regional m a rketing ma nag_er fo r Anaheim·based Carl Karcher Enterprises. She will be responsible for promotions and m arketing programs for 117 restaurants io Orange and Los Angeles cQunties. • WUDam Baker has been promoted to director or resea.rch and development with Smith Tool, Irvine. His respo nsibilities include produc~ line decis ions. the development of non·slandard drilling tools a nd the direction o r project engineers. • Se&b M. Obe rg has i een named Western Airllnes vice president or flight operations. The Newport Beach resident will supep •ise Western's flight crews. · • Philip W. Shires has been a ppointed P.resident MUTUAL FUND BUllllSI Blllf I of the Data Prod ucts Division or Lear Siegler Inc., Ana heim. lie previous ly spent rive years in ma nufacturing management positions at Beckman Instruments in Fullerton . • Dena Caln has been named director or public arfairs of Ad vanced Health Systems in Irvine. She will direct relations with the national press, the pu blic, ma r keting , ad v~rti sing and s pecial government re1-1:1tiorut: --- • Charles Gelger is d irector or distributor sales or Century Data Systems in Anaheim. He will overs~e Century's use or distributors as additional channels or distribution lo supplement the company's sales fo rce . • Jann Church, president and founder or Jann Church Ad vertising and Graphic Design. Newport Bea ch, has ~en named to serve on the Newport Center Association's board of directors for 1982. N-StOLoolc wt Vl•S<f Eldor un Wll(rTtl Rov.c:~ e~~" un lnlllO • Pt 09111 Int-I "' ......... Tr-Ee TtllMOlf Poll•"" AMS Brll-GenetSy Sldl.00 ... I 5"1re"°4 UAmEn wt C0telis Polla~ Pall• pl Poll• un ComDt• Z.nEno N-BH rcl 0 YllboA s KenllSy EIColh s c11n1Tn F r19"m wt Stormie KC II 'Tech ACIVComf> Ce"IUy Cll-1' fOf'W#d StndTCh Slltl"PfGI BlrdSon c o 'o ~rt3~ Am NIKI Sle'1SI ASlr wtM Oal<o II Nw~P un S<imllSy Zone Pl Ufl'S U~lh +C'i- S\lc + I J • "" 3 .. .... 2.. . .. •'Iii • I 13"1 • ' Siio t ¥. ,~ . .. l'-• Vt 1 • \lo s • .. sv •... ... + .. 11\lo • 114 214 • .... ~ ... l]Vt • ,.,, ,.,, + \lo 3t• • .. n • 1 .. 1"1 .. Illa n·~ ' 2h • ,,. ,._ • v. OOWSIS LH1 CllQ , .. -.,, S -I 7 .. 4\lc " ,.. .. , .. -.. ):\0 .,, .. .(... -2 -I II ,.,. 4 .... 2 '4 1 v. 4 .,, • .,., I ""• 11) ,.... '4 ..... .... ,.. v. ,.. ... 2.,, .,. s .... 2Y> v. 21'> 'I· ,.,, "" Pct. Up 27.t up n .s Up 20.0 Up 20.0 Up 11.1 Up 17A UP 17.4 UJ> 14.7 Up 1•.7 Up IU Up lU Up ,._J Up IU UP tU Up 12.S UP 12.S Up · 12..S Up 12.J Up II.I Up IO 1 Up 10,S UP 19.J Up 10 > Up 9.9 Up U Up 9.S Pcl Ott 17.4 Off 1 .. 7 Off IU Ott IS 0 Of( 12.S 00 IU Off 11 . Off II 4 Off II I Off II I Off 11 I Ott II I Off II I Ot1 II.I Off 10.S °'' tu Off 10.0 Off 10.0 Off t.S Off t.J Off 9.1 Off 9.1 Off ., Off 91 Off •. , NEW YOlllC IAPI C•llClft 1 n 7 tO Hllnco l.Cll NL 1 ... , Fa 10 ~ NL Grwlll unevtll Co"v I) 01 14,, Cop Oo It 2.4 NL The followlno -OlvlO l Sl 11• HI YICI .... NL J P Gr111 II .. I) 00 lncorn unevall Inf EQ IS ... 17 )1 Stoo. ". NL lt tlont t<.tPl>lhlcsby Hllnc •'11n n LI Mun 493 NL J P lnco ... 1 .. la Fre .... vall Geor" 12.• IJU StnSpl 11.21 NL Ille 111e\1onol A•-·· Monti\ • ... • .. Purlln • tO HL Jon .. , • ~ NL M11I Sflr Jt :14 NL Grwl 11.04 11.07 SlnT• s IS NL Allon of SecurlllH NtWS '·" •n Thrlll .... Nl John Hancoo: NHUT ,. ... NL HI VICI 1J44 t•41 str•llnv s ..... De•lers, Inc., are h Frt 1 ... 1.-s Tre"" 27.IO Nl Bond 12.01 ll.OJ N•t Avie 1., NL lncom S 4S S ... Slrot 0 111 21 u NL Ille prices .. WlllCll c TNT 'SA NL Flnoncl•I Proo· Grwlh '" 10 ... Mal '"" 12.2' NL Invest I.SI •. 37 SunGrlh uo 10,., lllU f securlllts c~f s.,, 11.30 NL Dyna •fl N us Gvt 1.00 1 10 Nel S.cur111al Ootn 11 "4 13.0S Toa Mod u .a u 10 <OUIO ...... been Cheri FO "·" 1111 lnclusl ~ .... NL TH E• l.tO I.st l •len t.SI 10 )2 Tu Ek IS :14 16.10 TmpGlb 11 S2 \OIO (Net tiMI CllO Dir 14 02 NL lncorn 6 61 NL l(oulmn 1.03 NL I OllCI 3 °' ) 3J Vhl• IS W tt.91 Tmpl GI 1:111··1 iJ val.,.I °' bou9111 c11u1n11t »IO NL I'll ln"fllon Kemper F-Grwth 7.J:I 7 tO Vorao 11·" n io Tmpl w 1• M te.10 (va lue PllA .. "IH Colonl•I F-&net AP IJ.ff 14 u , •ncom • ti 1 JS Pref<I s II • ,. Quau r All NL TN'" Cao -o11 Charvel Monday F11nd 10 10 "04 DIKO I .. 9.n t Gr-• 71 10 •• '"'°"' s 11 • t3 ... ,,,_ 110 HL Trns Ill• -...ii SOl1,,110h rl Grwth 712 1.. Grwth e.19 I 9 HI YIO I 0. 1.... Sloe-t 19 9 ti Revert 7.~7 NL Trev ECI 10." t1Al Abl• • N HI YIO • 11 • IS lncom • 11 6.74 llllTFO 11 ., 12,16 Toa E• • " • ., Soleco S«ur. TllClr Fd 11.12 NL Acorn F t3.30 Nl lncom S 74 4.27 NotRe• 4 11 •.74 Mun B S.97 6 21 TotRe U O S.Jt Eciull t .Jt NL Tw11C GI 10,a NL ADV IJ ., NL Oplll • 40 10 27 Opfn •• n I Opln 12.is IJ.1" F•lrflO .... 1.... Grwlll 11 a HL T-c Sel 12,'2 NL Aluturt 1.3.11 llll Tu Met 11:sa .. :,. T •II e. us 7. Summ 1 .... 1140 NE Lile Funct· lnco 10, 12 NL TwnC UI 4.55 4.ff AIM FunOS. Cot11 0 111 1• tO lllL u WIEQ 7.tt ... Tech 10:.s 11:... EQull 11.M 20,50 SIPoul lnvt\I. SAA GI 10.u NL CvVIO l2.0. lt.tc (with AB 1'10 I" u W•ll 13.7' N Toi Ill 11.lt 11.70 Grwth 1J.J2 lt.U Cooll U.:M 14.19 USAA Inc '11 NL Edson 11.9'1 12 7S Cwllh co I.SS I.., Fn4 Giii 4.n s,. Key•-Man : lncom 9.tl 1003 Grwth 14 to IS.II U11I ACCll s s.J NL HIYIO ••• 9t Comp 8d .. ,. • 20 FOUftders Gr-. Cul 81 12.17 IJ u Rel EQ 19,IJ ,. u Specl n" NL Unit """' 9. NL Aljlll'MI F ..,,.vtll Comp FO 1.11 9 JI Gr·wtll -•II Cu• 82 U 14 17.01 ToxE• S 04 S 1t S<lldder Funch United F-; A BlrlltT II IO 12 t; Concora 19 4t ML lncotn unavt ll Cus B4 4.7S 711 Ne11ber-Be<m Com St 12 14 NL Accm I.a t.05 Amtrlc.,. Functt Conne<lkUI Gen!• Mulol .-v•ll Cus Kl '7 01 7 1l Enroy 14.10 NL Devel •.n NL Bond 4.ft 4.91 "Bel 1.14 '0! ttuno 12.01 •1i 91 S-1 unevo11 Cw• K2 ,. .. • 21 G.,.rd 27 n NL lncom 9.17 NL '"'Giii H ... 14.ts Amcp S.• • . .: lncotn Sn 6 It l'r•nlllln G~ Cu• SI 1s:o1 14.40 Llbty 3.40 NL l"tl Fd 17.2l NL (Oft IM t 41 10,2' A Mull IO SI II.I\ Mun Bd s:41 .:13 AGE 3.16 3 41 c11s SJ • '3 I 2S M•nl'll J.9' NL MMB S 9' NL FIOllC 12.01 14.05 Bond lO ........ Con• Inv 11.U II.IS ONTC 12.70 ll.•9 Cu& S4 s:i. s:n l"•rln 12... NL STpecF I .,,,. NL HI Inc 11.U 12.71 Fo Inv I 70 1.42 Consltl G U.41 lllL Grwth ... 142 lntornt 4 10 4.. Schus U.07 NL • re ·" NL lncom 1.10 t.SI Grwlh q 14 IO ~ COlll M11I 4.U lllL Option S... 6 11 T uFree Newl 0 1 17.ll NL Sec11rlly Funds Munl s.• S 27 lncom 1 ·" I 4C c1ry C•p 1>.n 14" Ullls 4.4' • 77 • 07 •.JJ Newt Inc • • NL B-7 II 7.• S<IEno "'2 t.42 ~C~er' U~ n: De.!!"'ca•lre Gr1, ~,:... UlncSotnG-! .. I) 11 •"t Mau 11 SS IU2 Nl<hol• 17.:14 NL ~nt~':: l.S: •a.eD! VA119 11.lS 12.7::1 ..,.. , .. • v• .. Lt,wlnoton Ori>· NE lnTr t 74 NL . Ulcl Svcs 4.57 Nl W•h Ml 7 ·~ I 11 O•••• 14 .... 22 CoOll 7 ••• OI Cp lOr '°·°' II " E lnGI •.OO NL Ullr• •• 57. 7 II Value Line FCI: Amer 0-ot. 0.ICll • IS •.n Eovll S.2' SM G .. MA • " NL ,.ovoFd 117' NL S.IKted "-· Fllftd 1UO NL Cap Id S.6.l •·14 T'lr Fre S.17 S 41 To11Fr S.71 S ts Gt-... NL NY v ... t •n 1.., Am Sl>s ._.. NL lncom 7,11 NL Entrp It C2 U S7 0.lto 9.CI' t . ., l'llftdli Inc· !llHll ts.17 NL Nw.,._n S.IS NL I SftS 14.14 NL LH GI IL It Ml. HI VIO l .>S e.ts 0 111 FO 1.67.... C rce 7 --1.0lb-AI I ' M t N\--- • VO Llnclllf ,, .. NL ... m 1'.71 NL r • 10. v"'" Sondtrs: en r ll.tO 10 ... !>ode• 81 f1,J2 NL .. 1101 LOO 1.10 L""''' SoyleS: llel ... r Fd: Nol Inv s.st S,,. IMom t .JO 10.0S ~':c'~-~·= 11if~ !>MC~ St IL.. NI. GT "ac IUt NL Copil 1U 7 NL lrt<I IUS IS.41 ~ cro 1t: 1~·5; 111\lflt r.11 7 ... Fd Am t 47 IOU Dru llur IUt NL ~to 0o !Ut NL Myl IJ.M NL OoMn I 01 U S ~M~ · . •I Levrga M.M NL 0 tiu NL °"''tin GrP; EMS 24.11 '!L LllN Allflelt HI Vici M.tl 11.11 5efl a.-· c .. I'' G.73 NL H::. 10·44 II 41 A .... IUS NL f. SS Lt ... NL Alllltd 7 ,. ··°' Inc lot 7.Jt l.Cll e .. _ •• Oft 1,··°'· 7s.... EVOtll , ..... • O,.yf 14,JS IU1 1o< 10.17 ,.L .ftcl c111 1.57 U 7 Opt" U.14 tUt ' EV~ .. .. 0(. 24.111'." Lt.... 17,. ".. '"' Incl ''·" NL Oov GI 17.JO "·· S.-CI 14.67 11.n Com s 12.M 14 OJ •• u NL A.~;~ ::: ;·ri .. NlN .... NL r....... IJ. 1U4 'lll(Ofn U 7 '. Ta Fr• S.ft NL =-Grwth ~·~~ 11.:.•L D••t I tuo Ml ,., . ?!: 11'1( •.st NL Homllt9'1! L-rllft llto: AIM IUI 14.04 ...... " o ... I ., ,. NL ~ r..~~!.. ~·72 SNt~ Oii Ex t.U NL f HOA 4.47 4.tt r,w 10.tt IUO Tlmo I.SJ UI b. ry r~ 11.U h •s I J7,6.l NI. ,_ •• · • 11'4 C 6.7S NL Or-11 IAO llCOfn 4.91 1.U TC Soc n.., U .7S -orlOft .. __ : l!.1CF41 I 70.M NL A lllWnt 10.73 tL E .. 1 0 111 1,.a 1.M IMO"' t· ~f. M I U 4 s... or•m M p,t7 1.71 AP.l!\'9 1U4 1', , .. I'. t U.40 NL ~~'1:!1 1,tft40 Nt l'.tltft&-: Hott 9111 I . NL ut"0ov 7.JI 7,., l"oaWld 1.61 NL l:HIYle tl:!! ;t·" S<f .. I •1.!I NI. _. Ntf.'"' I. Jl!S 901., 7.05 7 ... HOfl .. ov 17, NL ._.. .. l"lllMCI: ,._ ,_ 1.-NL ~ ... ,.~ 10.7 ljtOCI tt.• tJ • !'." "' rWf'I OJ !'IL ~-I IOl!T lt.2' 11.! ,_ 1111v 4,_, NL _. ,.. • 4 V&V, ~: ~:...,l'IC :.!.ei1 Orwtfl ,.,. "·" Hf' -, "'" NL MIO 10.SI II, ....... • .. ., t.n .~!'Olo' '*'!l 14 ~-NI. illC-J·15 4.IS INA H V &.it a.?t MIO IJ.tl IU ""9oftla 0-! .....,m 7.-NL I Tr MA Ml :~~~ NL ltecl JS 11,os 51 Or._! MCO 7,91 .... • .. .,. .... • 1' ~! 01 11,CI' NL ONIU I.ft NL r.:..: N1 rn ·=.i· ~~.H ?~W::: tfi j::{ =~~ .::~ :rn ~~ ta.: 'z:tl t;;11"~~ ... = 1l:a =t Steck 1'1 t 4I l'."'1111 ll.J1 lt.M Trst 511 t.lS .II MM• •.17 I.ti Si.ti 11 .a. IMO •., •• ~ 1. lfl •1.c 01 14 14 is o Svr"y It ... 14.a lfttlllttf'y •.U ."L MrH J,., •. 11 P1i.r1m OtD; !fwett 'a.•·1 t*·!! M 14. 1 lfl U C lllC 1t'u 1i n I''"" Tr "·'°· .... l1'110f'Ca.i101: ,,.,,.. us 10.SI "''' Fd tJ.• 1UJ v""' '·g Mu ftl ..., !!}- :::: :: 1fn =LL ::ru1Ti• .~:U"'N ~~'.: 1UT ,·:;: =~~f'L.,:'11~' NL ,;;;. fn t~ H: Ir •• ~ it. 't'·u7 ~~· J:.•,, ift , · • vr91'h ,.,. ,.L ll'IV.al t.t7 44 •ul< t.• 10..S ,._, l'Wlllt: ,... • •• 0 Ol; 11 '-• M ·~~..''*t1:1· t M ff11' 1 0 U.l1 1461 Nt•r. a: .~ C-'t 16.10 17.rt ~ ~ ... U P 111 IJ.t! 14 ..._. a..a N[ ~~ ~ ::t ':~ ~~ .• J.~~~ >" .:; ~. "'i ¥! .. tJ: :'i r,w:: .If :J:fl ·~'=~li 1t.· · =; 'ti =t THf.11 I IO NL lull -.11 NI. ""••le u~ tll " t .17 .SS =ftV ... NL r ft m 10 l Nl THM tt."it 1' II Ml lcm !Uf 10.'1 ft"'°"91 LIP L t ... Tnll tA Al 11.tl NI. ~ : ttlY r. s ..oc 0111 II 00 NI. m" tr• 12.• .., ha ,,. 1U ,_,,_,.. • t.11 t.• Pit It.a NL Ivers .. f• ~ t. t hoc Hlrilt'S7 NL Tl' __ , 1*" w : MUllHY I.SI 7.M ltfkt .. .,,..., • J' W.111 O p, 7, ·~.r~. ,·J. .. 1.,u.!,~l t~ =t ! &~l.:11 {i? ~"! ;1:1• ... ,1:D i.r' ',J: ~t ~rl. =" ::.~~, =t m ... 1 ;e .. 1. 'r'.-r ~ "1. I "'v a.• ,. j... 'S. 't... t~· C:i N1. '""1 -==.e-.iu "' ... ~ C.! ~ S,tl NL NO ..... 'j • 091 "· Nt If It Nl •<II " NI. N-....... 1"1 IM t• 1'.tt .......... NL I e-e.1u H 1'. N - 1 NL ... ti NL ..... tt .. If' C~t 19.Q NI. ...W 1U2 NI. 1!111. I.! J· Miit ... tt 11 a ,,.. 1. ML .,.._. ti •-• NL -....... ... , f'M Ut 10M • lllC ttM NI. !DI .. I , Mlf r-: .... ~I,.. . • I ( ..... dlwltl lllll 6 ._ ~· ili<ll •: NL lft" J! 1' . f~ 7-t! t" ~ 'J:lt ti'-IM =L f-,_,...,... _,., ' ~;rs 1!:1 at Ea. ';:I·~ ·= ::r ~ l:i UM t; ,. r=.. 7~!7 i.t .. -::. f t .. t ...... f~~r-~ IS.~ ;.. M '~., =:: 1~.-tt.• lill. "':,"=I II .. Jlit fl. ~-';t11 =~ I - Oranga Coast DAILY PILOT!Tuesday, January 19. 1982 S ~i! NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN 'ACTIONS OUOlatlOld tlllt~UOI T••OU 0111 fMI llllW •O•a. MtOWt U , ,A("IC, 'IW 80ffON Df. fllOlf At;O Cll•Cl .. NAlt \f9Ct1 11cka111•u ... ., ·•~llTflO • ., '"' NA to AJ;D llll"lllllT Wlft Ntl \alt\ H•I "'"'~'" Htt ~1.. N•I \•10\ Ntl ft ( "41\ (I• .. C"4 PC l\O\ (Iv~ C"4 "I fl{!• c IOO• C:llQ ' PC l\O• t 1.,,r Cl\ll I> l l•<h tlow ('1>41 I Para. ... n \1 It 111 11 , .... t f hi 4 :It ' Jt tlV• ' J II n 5"' . S:" ... ' ·'°II • H I>\ .. Ml<Mll I02' 40 n-.. .. II m ..,.,, "" N( .. i• ) 11~ .. VI '· t 1.u ..__ r111111 .• 4 E 11 •• 1 •• ~f 1.li 1 •• H"". ~:~~1' 1,. >•• 11 , " NI! pf 4 62 •1C!O ,. Ji , I ti MO t .... 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H0111• pf ~u · 11 41'-• '~ D<IO ''°' 1 116 ,.,.. 14 Pl\111..a .. , 11s ,,. .. ..._ s1ot1vc 1.a10 n n"' • 11> •1 p _, f1 )2 Sft..,, CM~ 2.40 t 40t ,._ + dW ... 1 '. 1 111 201\ + ._ Houl11' 1.16 6 stl llV.-I\ tGEd I IO I H JIV.. P~illn f' 1 l "''' SlkVC pl I . .!JOO • , v, A:,..,,·,· ilO 16 "i · Certpft,'7 .. • L;_:· .. 1P .. o l 101m i. + i,. HouNG uo • 407 40 ..... cGrH t ... tl t«>., • "-Pl\llPe 2.20 6190 40,, .. 1 .. s10<1W'll.O. I 13 11 v. 4111'.. 1!.: 1140 ., ! .... ~~.p·f, ',.~ J, ... ···~ .• I.".. PG 011n:u . . • ,,,4 .. v.. HoliORy t"' .. n..... .... Int' J Jll"t Pi•dA•I 1AG • 201 ,. ..... '"' SlonCn ~ M s JI I•"' .... ... ...... • .. .. PG pf ),1J . . 17 UY>-"' Howell .40 s 24 1'9 L•al'I J2.. "" I Pl•NG I ,. • ,. .... . Sloe>$11p I J1 , JJ n.. '• AlaP -.. . . &JO SOY> .. 2 C1r1Hw l,tt • 11 Ull'J-Elco• JO 13 12:1 ·~·-1-, HowPI 10 14 14 0 .... <N•ll w • 11 I)"' .... ,. .... I 4 ... n 1 ..... StorTe< IS 1'0? n ........ Al1gteo 1.60 I S UV, • ClrlWI «> I St 10 . Ele<AS It 41 I \<a Hub4>rd 1 I to I~• " Id 2 S 14' n • ""' Pll•Orv 2 U I 1'1 )t v.. Storer n II '°' Jin• t• 1 •1t11IM ,60 • Ill .. --CaM:NG 1.12 • ,, ~-.. EDS' 60 IS 17 ,, • "' HudM 0 "° i ""'"' aH• 502' l2 ,,,.. ... Pioneer ' • J14 tl\IJ . ,,.. SldOllll l.24 • u ""' ..... A IMnV 1.20 , 2I » • \'\ CHllCk .IO I so.I IOI&. EIMeMQ IS II ) Hully .60 I 51 13"11+ .... Mecll•n .1614 IS JI • ...... PllnyB I¥> • 411 11~. v. SuevSI\ .300 • IQ n.. '. A1 .. r10 .JO I 14 11v,' "" C•lrpT UO I ._ Stlfo .... Elglr. t llO 1 ti 20\'o HuQl>T s .61 tll'lt 341'1 ..., MtllOll n2.24 6 IS :J.t'h ~ PllnB pll 11 • 2•" Sul>PrO I¥> s 41 Jt , '. A 111111 ·• I l2 2S + to Ce<oCp " 4 J 111/'J+ 1"' f!lfa r ' I• ... 1~.· Hvman 'l.60 13 17l2 )J.. "'> Mel¥111t l .O. I )SJ 37"> • lt Plll'Jln 1 JOJt u1 ,,.. Svll•lr \ l2 .. 10. 11'~ •, AIClll I.to S •1 20'-' '4 Cel•11p • 4 6 to U"' -ElftrlEI 2 10 131 421'>-~ Hum• pft.50 t 111<> \or Mer Ta' I I J40 ~ • 11. PlanR\C .. 6\t' V. s .... ea. n I f ll II•> ·~·St' 1·• • ,. ,,...._ "" C•l•ll ot. !O I ""' ..... Emrlld 2"' ti d •1;-" HuntCll .40 JI IJ ·~ Mero , IO IS ... ., ... ,.. Pl•lllr" ,. • ' ••+• SunQ\ \ .. s 11 11 • I A lldr " U v. 1' Clft<O 14 ti IJ • -. EmryA I t ISJ 171't MultEF' .IO I '111 :J.4 • '9 M•rOlll\ 1 IO I 17 st • '' Pl•YbOV 12 6 >t 11. ~, Su<1EI n 31 ti'• AlllCO I GI I JO 41'\ll+ 11• CMlu U t l2 2l~-" Eml\9r1l40 1 24 Jl''•" .,.; Hydraul '-" f IOl II~-It• MerrLy I.JI 622lS lJV., tV, Pneuino IO • •• ,, .. , "> SurtCO 710 I J<IO 3' 'II A!f91 lltt,t6.. J ,, • Ce<1SoW I II s UI llto, .. Empl>I , .. II 13 !Olio -1-1 -MewP I .10" 1356 17"-. .... P090Pd Sl 10 )IS 7•\t. ~. 5.,,., pf ,,~ , ,.. • , .. Alillll 1.40 1 ,., JIV. ... C•nH\id 'l .... s .. """' v. Emp pt ·., 1110 ,..-~ .... I( lfld 2.20 s u """ '•Mew II I.tit .. 341 , .... _ .. PolMOIO I'" 100'> JO ... ,.. Suno.ir 1 IO l'.16 JI• •••• :~l"~t2ii'i · 1M d~">.:1 "-CtnllLI 1.'2 6 12 14 •..• Emp pl 50 • ao l'I) \.i IC In n1 310 S 50Vo "" Mesab I.JM II llS 11.. Pfldro,.. 40 t Sl 11 , .._ SvnMn i... 1., •, Allt.l:.'"11• 6 417 16\11• V.. C11lllplt.t1 .. ll1JO 21"9+ Emppt '2 1100 .,, I~ IJJ• 6111!• '• Me111 . • 1 • l'I PooTtl ., .. !O ,. • .. Sun\lal I JI i .. Al~. I 1 17 U.... C111Llpl2.•1. 1lot II ... Emplnc «>II • IS"•'-l .. ACp 240. 2IO 4Jlo.• 4,MGMFI 20e10a .. I I 'I.. Port•< IOD e J1 IJ SuprVI\ .. ,0 111 II I• Ait«;p 2 40 llO U 'h .. .i, CHtllPS l.'4 I ti 11\1< • "" E11QCpn .5610 ~16 14 I INAl11 l.'2 27 13"' "-M•lrm I t2 11 ISt•'> '• Portr Pl s.50 ISO I• .. SvprO > I• 117~ lJ'• • ,,, •IOCP ..... ,. 4 • ..... • Cnl•E "·* .. ..., 21'--E11ni18 :n s )J ., • .,_ '4 IU 1111 1.10 4 4'13 13 .. MIE PICl.~ 130 JJ • I PortGE 11•~ ~it MPiC ll.-J•• lclCp . • • • CeMPw l,IO 6 ... .,.,. ..... !!'I-Cit 1.16 1 -14' •• "" IU In IA , SJV, t \IJ MIE plftJl.-• .UQO t1.. w. PO(;'prri'm 1no fti.. Swank 18 )I 14' ••• I. ~--------------... --~'. t.\\V. Deduc~ing medical costs fThu ta t~ &t•rond of a JO.port •m~• on how lo '°~on your 1981 income 11!$~1. J The favoruble develo11mcnts lnvolvln1 medical expenses In l981 will apply lo mlUlons ot taxp1yers. You cun, it you read with care. use the court declsloms und lnternul Revenue Service private le tter rulings for your heneflt. A womun suffered from u skin aliment that loul dermulolog1su1 were unable to lreat successfully. Her afflk lton caused her to become mentally disturbed. 11'-laring 4lbout a trculmunt available abroad, sbe travc.>lt'<i to the c:ountry with her two children and was su<'cetisfully treated 111> an outr>atlenl. The cu:.t of the lrea tm enl as a medical expense was not challen~wd and. in a i)rivah.' leth:r ruling, lh · I RS suld she could also dedurt the cost of travel to and from the foreign lftlll PllHI $? country for medical treatment. Bul. lhe IRS added she could nut dcduc·t the cost or her living expenses abroad as an outputient nor the travel or laving expenses incurred for her childre n NOTE. H she had been an inpa tient in a hospital for treatment. her hospital costs would have been deductible mPdi<·al expen11es. ::ldJ. '? ·; 1f ~~Vt.· ~ Cn5oya .100 •" "'H 1111 Ensrct.n .........m ~ ... ...., 1-P ,...., I 1ttt 21 v.. 'Mlro1J • n . rw ..,.,, • 1 P0<G Pl 2 60 , •••• i. 5ybron 1 OI t 11t "" 1, A114N fl lit-tit t ~T.i t10 I lfl ~+ V• EQulfa l.40 6 4S Jt ldH IB I 10 f 20 20'\oo Vo MIE Pl 1.)7 1140 '4'> PolllCh 1.• i I 2t1 26' >, I Sybr" 017 40 1 1' '• -~--f AlldStr l 0 10 • n UV•-V. CVIPS11112 S 4 """'• .... Eoulmk )l 6 • ""' IOHIT :It 61 6'• • \!< Me~Fd lot • POIMEI 1.60 I IAI 14\o, -,. Sy11te• 1llO10 614 S9"", I'"' AldTtl 11 ... . S 14\o-•1 CtfllrOI J .. 13 EQrnk 11tt JI I UYI -'-lllPowr 2.41 1 211 1''h. MllCft oil OL. 1 14 • •• Pr•mr 1 .•ll 1t l!~o• V. Sy.cos '813 101 -, v, Another H1g1 Tax Court case involved expenses claimed by New York taty parents incurred to keep their menl<1ll y 111 :.on in Topeka, Kan . so he could be d ose to the M<'nninger Cli nic localed there. A particular psycf\l)fncra 1s was ffiis.cil1n Tope a w1 whom he hart a relationship that could not be duplicated elst•where Since lhe son was unat>le. or unwilUng to live elsewhere, the parents rented an apartment for him an Topeka and paii:I his living expenses 4111.0. t llJ ,. ... " CnlrYTI .71 • ll "-·· •· EQIGS\ 1':17 I tS J1lll+ \4 llPow pl4.12 1l4llO ,..... Mcl\Elll 130' 1 II.._, Presley 110a 3 Jt 1-.. y T AlltCll pU.11.. 4 1n.-'I\ Cen•lll I 40 s 20 ,._' ..... EQILf do. 10 " ' -.... II Pow pl).11 . 1200 u ... Ml\WI pn 67 • 20'h . . • Prmrk Ill.All • IOS7 Ill;, I\'> TECO I ,, • 4J ,,,, ... AUrA.u\ .•t> IS 12 I CrMeed •· IS "'-· ... E'lmrtl tll4 t 71 4''h-f't llPowpl 4 10 H'>.. MdCTtt 1.1• 1 llA 11""-" Prl....C i.t'7S tl\.'J •t TRE 1 I 116 11"1~ y, Al<ot• '·· s to l~ ..... CttuAlr .IO I , .. 21..... . £\qui,. 1'1111 s • 1Sl/'J-Vi ITW 1.0I • ,. 11..... • Mldellll U•. •1U "'--~ PrlmMl.IOr 10 ............. TRW J 40 I 1~4 so• .. '• •11115'11 S l 17 o:i.-._.. Cllmpl" t.• l lM l7'1Q• \, EtMKC .loo 6 60 11 •"" fNCO .to. 11) u ..... \It M!d5UI I ... S Ill 1214• .... f'r0<1G4.2010-2111\ltll;,+7._ TRW pr .SO I •3 Amlll 2.40 • 1127 l'V.-.,.. Cllmt pl, to.. I It • .,, Eslrt,,. ... 10 10 n"". "' l11<Cao II 10'4 v. MtORO• 1.40 6 IM t•lllo.... Prdlhl\ .J2 lJ ' • -.... r •llBrd "10 .. >'I '· Alllrt• '.n s 20 17'!4-\It Cl\lnl pl uo.. SI ll\I.. .... Etllyl I 50 s •IS n lllCCC 1.1'e . . 10 ........ MlllerW I )Oa I II ,. • " Pro••• 1.40 It s JO -.... Talley ~ ., .. " Amr< pl 2.60 • l ~-v. Chim Sp .I0 12 Slt • -~. Evan ft 1.60 ll .. ...,. lftdlM pf.I.Cl . I~ 4) \It Ml118rd 1.20 • ., '"'. .... PSvctl , .. , Ill ., "-T •nOy. "601Q 3A'·t. 1 AmHlu 1.10 1 1S) 12 .... • \'\ CllarlCo 113 ,.. IV..... Evan pl 1.40 . S ·~ , .. lfld M ptt.IS I 13'h v.. MlllR .S2 I S t•l't• "" f'Seol "'1.111 .. 21 14'h+ VJ Tl\Clyell 10 106 IOl<I> AmAor 'I 1014 ·TJO 4'-'• i, Chari wl I S'-'-y. IMCel' I •• :J.t llll•-.... 11\GIM pl2 2S 4 14Yt V.. MlnnGs 1 It S 11 19~-\lo PSI... IAO J ton 21 .... • •r, T<MIMI lib • >I I A'l\Arr .. 101' ,.... • CMrl pll u "° ~-... Eutv • ... s l)\oi-'" lncliGll 3.0. • II 2"'-\, MMM 311 ISO:Z lA"-... l"SI~,. 1• .. di , ...... "' TchClr n • JO 13 • I• AAlr wt .. ?St l-.+ ~ CMJFd I 2~ 10. IL • \. Enon s J 4 1111 30 l11dlPL 2 40 I tH ltV., V.. Mil!Pl 111 • IU Ill .. + I'> PSlll pf 1 ..... lUO '"····· TtMlr"~ 1 11 0106 SJ • 11., M ir pf 1.lt . ll ll"• + ClllY l.10 61001 SS...,+ l'h -,._,. -l11dNall 2 S 11 HllO v. MlroCp .. I 3 II\•-It. 1>$111 pf 7,U .. dmO 0 • V.. Telcom IOli l"-, '• Allllr IJ IS 1)1•-+ '.rt ClllM pfS 25 II 34~ • \, FMC l,llO 1 $10 ,,..., • • . . lntaco -12 IS 601 llV. , " ~lpsnlnCJ 3 IOI 6• 10431 1>47~ +I~ "1111 pf '·" •• 1100 U • 1 Tt!Oyn' J •JM 134•• • 411. A rf\4 'I S U • ISi 36Vt + 1-9 CllelMa .llO S 2l Pio• l'I FMC pf 2.25 . l Jlll'J l119erll l .40 • •t lA'<lt \lo ~ a< · • --P$vHH t.12 6 .., tlVo V. I tit> I M1 .... , • .. Altdpl2.7S . 'lt\lo .... Cl\mNYJ.IA t 114 ... "". v-. F10roe 4119 IUdl)'lo ~-•no.Rpl J.lS ).I l2\I. ~ MoP lbs 26 '°"' \It P5NHOf1-1S .. olO" .... hn"'o '"° )1911 "1., 1, A8rO pl 2.'7 • J lH' ~ CllN'I' oil.,. I• " F•Or<:1 21 I H ...... ,.. •no•Tec lA I I l\.f .... MOPS prl •I 1 .. ,.. • v. PSNH pft .. , J ., .... Ten< pr 11 ,. ,,,~ '• ABdc:al 1 llO 1 u t n ~ IC1M1Va 1 ot • •1 ~ • ~ Fecet t• It 114 • . • tnrosu J s 27' n v. v. Mllel n . 1195 n~ • '"' PSNH ptt.JS :. 1 1•1't "-Ttredyn 1• ,.,.. J3'-. •. ABIOM 1 I 1 1'111 CIM.sP11 I SJ • I» lt". · Fairclld IO l 11• dll -'II lnsllco lb I 3'I ISl'I-"• Mot>ll S J • ... Hh-1'o PSNH pfJ.IS .. 2' 11'11. Tnoro •O ) 101• l2 \, A8usPd • • J 1214 io'\ CNW 11 S .. Ollh 'I'll F•lrc pf J 60 94 026\o OJ) 1"1!.1111\ I 11 11¥.-\'I MobllH 10 2"• ~. PSvNM t ... I U1 U"--\\ TeMlr pl l 16 I 13 )t•1, I Amcan 1.W • 134 11 .... 1\ ClllMIW 41 37 s1v. .. 11. F•mOI s S4 t J u • 14• lnlllFn II .60 s M """ v. MON.er .1021 ... 1\'>.. PSvEG t .44 1 )I) II... Ttu co J • IMS 31\lt "" •entry .JOt u JI I .... ClllMI pt • '°"',, Farell • Ill .,.. .... llcp5e J.IOll .. 37 ISi.\ ...... ModCpl 6J •s ,...,_ ~. PSEG llfl.AO 1 10 . . fOClft I 10 • Ill 3'1•. t. AC'[an us 1 )JI 26~ • 'I• ClllP11•T 2 IS H 1...... F_,, '1 314 tnte•to t• 6 Jt2 ... ,., MoM~ :! J! t~~ ~ PSEG JfS.llS dOO U • 'n THE•l l IO • 11 •"-11+ AOT 1.s2 10 " 36 1 '\-l'o ChllFvll 40 ll 107 II • "' FtdlCo I J) h 194 22'"'. 1 lnltt pl I IS . '°' " -· -.. I I • • pp~EEGG ~s, "11 <l!O, ).Ill' •• • •• TT•'•EGT pl ?I !! • .! !.!,'•, ... AEtPw 22' ) "2 ....... ,,. CllrlsCll 1.S2t 14 IJ l3" .. FclExp II Jt• 411>,.t''t lntrllit s 1.10 • SSO 21 • 14 MOllR s .tO 4 3'I 16\, • V. ~ ,,. , • T ., ~ ., ~Z'bPJ 1 ~ 61 I~ 411!!.. CC~Cr01!fa' 1•.4010 • 1.! 1'11~ -. 4 FdMoQ I 11 1 16 ll•~ "1 lfllrlk J.60 4 14 31h • 'II Monrtll IO • '4 "°"' • YI PSEG pf2,4l . I IS\'1 . Tu1Jn.<1 IOI> 1 bl d14'1o ~ ~.-emit - -.. " ... .. .. Ft<INM 16 . •II 1"4.. lnlAtu llO t 1t 13..,, • \I. Mor,qor ,., • U 0'\lo,.., PSE pt t? tt . ''° d'IO'I\ • ,,,. l uln.i 2 14 soo IS ~ •\ AG!!CP 2 I 13' 40\lo ..... Cll•Y'll• 15'0 41-.-~ Ft<IPB 1.20 7 4 ,.~ .... I BM 1: .. 10 , ... '11'1 ol'lo Monun ).IO • SW •sv.-"' PSEG pfl IO t200 ... 1 ., T~•lnl' .OS SS J'llS "". '• AGn Jiii J.lS . 1 )Jqo. Cllrys wl . S4 l + ~.. Fd$Qnl I I 10 65 t21'\ • I\ lnlFlev I 13 111 It . , MnlOU l I • ...... "" PSEG pfJ S? tSO .. , 1 I t hNM• ? Cl 6 tt it', ... AGIBd 2.0h. .. IS~... Cllry'J pl 1• 4>\+ '" Ft<1C>St I~ I l4' JJI\ "• lnlHarv m t'-. MonPw J,. I t., 14"" + .... PSEG Of' •1 1130 60' • T •OGH 1• IS IOM )I~ -"" l'Cin~ I toe . J ~ 11'1 CllUrCh 14 t 140 21\IJ + Ito Ferro 12011 1'I lllo-'• llllHr pl S,I. 12 II • .... Mon5t I Mii ~ 141•-V• PubllO IOS J'J hP•c JSn )4 21•, •, AHoi'JI I 12 s .. l!Rto-Cl11Bell J 7J I 44 21 Flc!Fln 01 . 11 Jll. ••• lntMln J .60 s 126 ltV.. ~ MON'i' ... • ,. "• ~. Pueblo It • <Sf> '"" luUlll 198 6 60S ..... AHomt , II JtJl lS -l1o ClnGE 1 10 I 112 u..... . FldUnl J IO ~ • ts" .... lntMull ..... s JO 20 • 49 MooreC 1.10 • • )Jv. . PR Cem i IS ,.,, I 0 Toll In • " llo1t AHOW> I Cl II 6tl ..... 'II, ClnG pt 4 120 16\1..... Fldtjl l 6 s U\\ .. v. lnlP1pr 2.40 i 103 36 v. MorM' ... s '" , .... ~ PoSPL llf> s •• IJ • 1u1ron l,IO 10 ... 2•'• ••• AMI 1 .Sl U 131 2~-V. ClnG pl •.JO 1100 S9....... Fitole 6t S 21 .. II. If• lntlleCI .Jl 11 ll 10" •. Mora" 1111 • 19 !Sh• "-PurH I to 10 21l 14'> "" h•alr pf t Cl S dl6 lo AmMotr .. :ISi 2~ V. C111G pt t.21 llO SI -I trllmwy $21 !'o 'II lnlTT t ... t 1202 11.. -1an J.40 • .. Sl • \l'I PurltnF IJI 6 l'I I>'• .. Tnlrpl I 40 •O?I '-AH1tlfn2M I ff~-.. ClllGpl 9S2 .. ia stV... FlmE.pl . )4 ) ..... ITlptK 4 10 ....... v. Mor ncl l.10 1 JO,~ • '" Puron, 104. 42 l~·· Tl\eO 14 .. ,1. It ASLflla • I ·~-.... lllMll 1212 '2 24'•• '• FllC 'I 6t 6 41 14'\+ I.\ l"tTTpt J.tl . 6 MV.• "• MorwS to 6 12 IJ•., '• Pyro JI ., S'o TllrmE n 11 lol to•• It. ASlloa .toe S 20 100.-\lo Cllkr11 I.Si 1-U •.,. Fl'IS t 141 , 183 4Yt • 1·• lnlTTplUO 4 .. ,~ Mor .. or ISJ I 21 J1 ''1• Qua>.O tlO 6 Ill »'• ''• T~lolll\ 1.1010 117 7'''1 ._ AmSld 7to I 4'1 2~ " CillSvc 1,6010 1611 40\'t+I Fl,.IFilcl IJ) IS • l/o ln1'4•111 J.12 6 43$ JI•,. "Molrota 1.60 '"" s.;i,_. 'o Quak50 IOtO lO 17" .. lo Thm8tt 19111 .. so ASltrll •• 10 141 12V. + \II Clly1n• I to • 782 22 .... -Yt Flrestn 60 .• •IO 12'11 • ..... lnl•P<• I !O S IS 171/o-.. ~111FIMI 7,U 10 4' JO>lo-'II Qu•na' .60 • ~ It Tllomln Mb I ts 14"• •> AmSlr .• , 40 17~-.... Clty1npl L . ·u )JY)-"' FtAllllf • s 6 .. r .. _" lnlpGp 1,60. 1 )I' .. ,,.. MunlrO toe 1 u •v. -.. Oue•lor 51 14 I~ ThmMOn s •• 12V·-..... ASlr pf S.SI . 6 ~ V.. Cl.Olr 1 e !> 31 S"ll. . F!Cfv'I IO . S6S '"· . lnt8allr 12 U l!H'I. MuntnQ 4 14\1'1 -R-R -Th<llh 10 • 36 11.._ ATT • S401S041 !I"-~• ClarkE 2201 lt 2714+ \j\ FllClllC 1l011140 Ill• ln"tPwl. ... 6 41 l?I\ •"OMvrpllC IJI S ,. 131't• 1, llCA t lO .. JIJl II'••'~ TIC.rs 1.20 S • 16 ATT pl 4 11 61 '" Cl•Cll t.IO S 1• 2'-" flBTin IOI t .. :J.t +lit. ln-Jll 121 1'210 IS MvrPO IS •~ 2' .... -l'J RCA pl • 10 41'•• Vo TtOwlr ., 9 110 n ... i;, AT"T pf )....... I ti~ ... CtevEt 2.1• • ••1 IS -,, FlClty 1 J 4'' ., lowal!I ··n I S) 12~ .... MurryO 170 s 11 11 ~-RCA pl J IJ , .. 16V.' ., T(oerln 'Ill" tu 11v. ·~ ATTpl 314 .. 17 21Vo 1'0 'CtvElpf7.J6 ,.,t3700 .. V.+1 F11nlkp2CW S 233 31\lo-'~ IOWllG 2:to S J1 11"-t v.MutOml.SO. U I~<-'> RCApt 36S 1'I 11';• 1. Ttmel' 116i.ol )Silo '• AW1tr. '·°" 4 2 Ith. lc1oepa. .llO i .. 1~ .. v. F!MIU .1411 t1S 13''>-.,. lowaPS 2.40 I 11 •• 1 ••• ,. Mytr\L .10 It 1,,_. 1·" RLC ... 10 114 11.... Timi pf81 SI 4 SI .. AWll pf l.2S ·· dO .... • Ctoro• 14 • .. It F'JIN8o l• S 20 41\'o-'-1-aA'J 1.14 • 20 Jllll. V. -Ill--ATE 40 1 JI •'• Timi plC4 50 671 M .. 1\ot AWa lpf l.2S . 1100> ,~. .. ICllMllP 76 1 JIO UI\ "' F'4Sl8n t lOI> 4 1' 21-.-~ locoCp 2010 .. "'• N80 JOI 4 .. 2ll<H R•l~Pur n ) Sl• II''. lo TlmesM J 10 )J 43.... • I ·-'°"'to • •11 1' \'\ C~I Pl I . I II • FSIPa SI lV.+ .... 1rv9et. l.04 s 2' ... ' .... N81 n J2 ,,. 19... ... Ram•d ll6 S'o .... Tlmkn ) «> I II 60'• v. A~ 'I .AO I • ll\'I t Vt Col<llm U I) H•-\lo FslPa wt l "11 1 .. llC J0r 12 JO 11\1. l't NCH 72 1 It 14'/'J-V. Rampc I.toe IS JS 73 Yt TooSnp l S 194 74~ •, •-Ill I.JOit 561'*"-.''-CNsi.1 AO SIS ui.+ .. FIPIMl .Ofe 's n ...... .:...~ p ·-J-.J --l'ICNB .• 6 41 14~• ... llal\CO 14n 10 111, V.Tolll\m\ s.• IS IS 0 "• Amiee ),44 I IJ 27'1!-"-Csll Pl I It . I 3S .. FtUnR 'Jl.04 10 ltl I~+ \IJ J-tF UO 11 J .. 21~ "-NCR J.70 S a.1 4011 • " R•ylll ll017 st IS"' lo Tot Edi\ l .i. 6 1U I Sh 1o, A¥Pln l."111 ~ q ..., Clllp 113 . l U -V.. FIVlllll 60 S •S ~+ V. JRvr\ t0 7 120 It -'-NLtnCI\ I I -ll -h R•ymdl If JS 1n, ... To1Edpf7l6 'IS AntP<i ~ .to • 2 ISl/'J• 11• COCICI 1.J2 t ls.l :J.414-Ml F!Wlt< l 4 10 2114-" J"vr pf S:• 4 SJ -1"" NL T I J2 • M 21'¥11 • "" Raytll \ I 40 t 271S H'> • .. TOIEO pfJ 11 4 tJ'~ \lo ·-n 11 ..... CloleN' n 11 l UV.. "" l'il<lll> , 6 ti J7'-• " J-•· 11 ·s ,. ... NVf' Ur I .. 1~ .... Rt..,8 s IO I ~ »• ., Ton,aCp '°" I tt 11v. .. AmS nl.60 .s l6 1~. Col«o I ,,, '""-14 '"""ch .... UI ·~ ...... J.,,..F ''°'• 2U Ill.\ • Naot<8 u:s I ,. -· 'II ldBal pf2 u • 11"• lo Tool Roi «lt>IO s ,, "" Amstar UO l 1' 1~ "\ Cot•mn 1,2013 JI 211<> • \I. F ... IEll .st 11 SS ,.,_ .... Jetfftill t S2 j 1,. JJv>-v. -ti plUO. 1110 11 1) AllRtl •It I 6 "• • Vo ToroCo J'I 8 Amslpl ... 1 S \ CotoP•I 121 11151 I~• Ii F1tm119 1.24 I IS ,_+ I\ J...Cpf t• '200 S41h-V. Naito 212 4J 411'•-l llu,.t;Q 90 Sh I~ IO\tO 1'1 141•• i, Amsted tA I ., '3"4-.... ColfAlll 71 I 111 11•1.. \lo l'lt•IV .,. " ,.,.._"' Jfl'C . • .. so sv. '"" -..co .3212 •• n • "' lltdmn 30 0 114 ""'. '" ,_.. .. I n II"> A"lioo I l6 lf9 111'11' i. COllnF • 1A 6 12 llV. t '4 Fl .. I pf 1:.i . . S ....,_ ~ Pf • 1 4 t NaplFd .to 12 lA IS"' "' RHu t• S:O. • '• T 1 1 '4 7 11.,, An<llor t,a. • ,. 14'h -..,, ColPe11 14013 11 ISV.-v. FlletSh .16D * ~· "' J«C ... J .... dO ....... Nerco .... JI •• " """'B , » s I "'"'. "' r'::R~J, 11 SJI l) • "' ArlCl•y 1.l2 • ISi 11 •• ., Colllnd\ • IH 25 .... FIOllPn D ,, ..... "=.rc 1·•·; > " .... -....... -I IO • l2 11• .. '• Re1cllCh .. s ,. , ...... lr•tor. J111 ., 1•'• .. ,. A,_.1< .. 12 Ito 12 '• "• ColGH l.}() 6 '9 3014 • v, FllEC' .IOU 27 ..._I(, JewtCCJft.J4 ~ :v.; ~ NalCan I 6 4 2014 • \, RepAlr 10 lll 4\lo fW C,p 10 141S 14'> • "- Alllitul 1.a • "' 1'~. . . Comb Ill 1110 6 St) 21>1... Fla Pl l.04 • SM JMll ..... Jewk• s > .~ " NC11vSt ·"°" 10 SS II "' Rtl>CP .0 • IS1 tHo •• ,, TW.., '12 s•,. '. Alll•lt I .f611 151 ll&e-"• CmbEll t ~ I ~• » • ,., FllPw I• • '1t 11\'t+ Vi -NllOl'JI J.20 6 1111 11\\ "° RtoFnS I JO 10 Ill :II•, ~. TWC t 1 -., 11• , ..... n n 1 I 014 .... -... c-d· •. -JI 14 ..... nv •• ~ FldtH :10 s ,.~11~ .... JtlillJft• .•11 »tS ,. ...... -. 11101'11 pr! IS I 13"'-.... llepNY , lO 6 )I :).t ••• TWC ppl , ..... ~. -• • Alflllny .... • I 6"4.+ 1'-c;.;;,,.-;; ,. 1 ,. I.,. FlwGeft 21 11' ~ -"""'1 " n • ,, ...... NalEclv I lil 1 M H\4• •• Reo511 u , •• T.111. .... franvn 140 • 1.0 ~~= ·~ APICll 'l 24 IS 01 ,..,.. • 1'\ Cerfldrl .. )56 41~• '°' FlllOf" • 10 llS • + " J9'111Cft t.• 1 l3 '4 ' '4 NatFG l W S J'I JO • Rep Tea I -I .. '4', ... S II\ ApchP W1 i.. II 21"-• "-CmwE J IO 6 --• .... F_..,. '.:Ill I •• + 1" .-L .... to .. m 11"°-.. NatGyp t.41 7 _, ~ • v, llt~T pl' l1 , JO '" Trenlnc 1 U 0 I '1 • ~~ • ~-12 -~ ~ I ~ ... ,,~~ • --ii • ~ =' I 6 I u ...... NIHom J ,.~ • • Tr•ntcollO ,., 41• ... ~p,... ...... . ..,., ~ • CwE pt , 41 . 2 llV.-"' ........ ---R'l Cot n 6 I• I)•.. r , ) ., • ••1 AP!>!Mg 6 llS I~ ,,_ f-MK J,24 . i W ~-~ JM Ill t .14 t ... !7~ '11 NMdCrt .. 6 1, IU I'll+ ' '-rll'IC p • ' •• 1 Arcet• 1.2110 I r 3nt.-11• ~=~ ~: ~:~: lJ ::~:-~ FtOHr U2 .. 12 914 ... JoyMh I.AO 6 111 m11 • '<It NMdEn' 4011 "2 164• v: =•Y~O: ~ 1! .~~ m:, v, Tru>'J<n 10 2'I 14 .~:: It Areal pf 2 .• 4 SS ·.cwEpf t..40 .. rtOO SJ •I l<IH-'J l.Ol l2 179 ,.."'... -K-«-.... NMlntS 2S • 10 ..... R:=.:.. 114 , ... ,. •• ,,.,.~~~~ton 1:~ &'• • Ar<ll -1.1• · ti JI,!! :" CwE pl I U • 41) 43'4 \oo FMIWll '4 I 21' 1)14-.... ~g~n ) l~d ;\to • '• NPre~l I U. 6 IO »'">' '·o Ruh•m 110 I IS U ''> TARlly 1J J l't '• ArcltO 'I 1411 I :M 1, ... '• C1SmE5 1 a I 1' 14"" Fotoml 13 II Sii> -' !to \o NS.ml 1111• 11 ... ' .. Aunro I Cl I JU dl•lo .. Tr•"WV t,800 6 n ll • " Arll!J 2.a 6 714 111~ , ComWI 2'JO 12 Sil •2\4 • '-' Four Pl> JO 2IA ..... • ._ ~L,:.rl .. ~ .: f.v. ' v. NtSvln I 41 6 It ?• Reynln J IO I 11100 0'~ • 'I• Tr•vlr\ J 19 S ll& 44' •, 1., Arll,..I .to S • -• CO~VC 'l..J7to S6 ll'" '°" Fo•SIP .. 6 ll 10 .. t '"' l(a1•r•i 1·-• •1• IS~• lll!il1fll1d1 1247~ lJll U~ II\ llP¥1npl410 l ll') -,. TrlConUlt 316 70•,., Arllll' .IO IO w Ill.lo-, .... Com:t . . SJI "". '" Fo•llro I 40 u tn "'" ' ~ -, ' • v. H• 15I , ,, _ .... R .. ,I ' -l ,,, d-\ .... -•• A•lllRly 4 111 114. .... Comp II .. , 14\lo 0 .... FrptM< 60 • 1012 !lh ;· .. Ka IC• I 40 • l3 20.... "" N•ITH • 11 u • • ... ev~ ·-~ • TrlC .. pf 2,., ) .... .. Armida . JO "'· .• CptVS<I' 211 .. 1 ll'4• .,, F lflrn «I • " •• 1(1IVSI • SS 4SH '• Nllom 1 JO } ... 21lt ''• :•Y~ pf~~ • IJ~ ~~. !: ~"So'" 40 : s .:~:.I ~rmco I.to S Jll ~ " ConAor t6 I 60 It • .... F~uelll I «I 1 lJt 19"+ " l(•MMI .JI I )I Ill•• '" N•lm pl ' IOI ll .. R <II ~; 1 IO 4 )J II <. T •··~ 1 11 n 14 ' .. Armc pf 2.10 • ?'It\ Cone.Ml J 20 s u "'"'' "" Fuqua ¥> .. JO• I KaMb Ill • 111 20" N••PW , .. I ,. 20'•. R:~ran I 20 • 1Y ]I"': '· I~::.... 41r I I 8 A•mflu 1.41> 4 .. J3 • ''+ CO<lnGn I l6 6 ll' •II'>• "" G-G '• ' l(C~PL J" S 9' 2l • '" NovP pt I 60 1100 '°"" 1,, I G IO •SI 16..,. , 1 ~ ArmWlnl.10 I 113 l6 • Ill CnnNG lto. • .. '·•GAF-lci11 .-..... ~. l(C Lol220 ) 14V, N~•PplJJO tJOO ., ... "' ~.~~pt I010 ,.. 11~ i•l(O\ ~ ~ ~· g:-'" AroQI lb I I U>4 t "• Conra< 0 IO 14 60 lJl/o, GG~TF pl I 20 3 1711• 1 > ~~~ pf"l l3 9 2: n: 1 ::: Ne•P pll ~ J 1~ I• llo:s~:. t 40 I 9S JI~ '' T~n,1lp ti) I h~ ti';: ', Arow6 I . ti• It 67 121i't • ''• Co<>EO , -S S14 J1V. • ... "' )( 2 C) a n Jti., ..,_ ' It NEn9EI 2 IO 6 IO i .. • Robl\n ,1 30 4 4S ?I , T ,..,n()s;d 10 • 6 , • ., , , 0 Artra .70 2I U lO''t ''lo CO!IE pl 6 I 11)1 • I GA T pl 2 50 1 1' KCSo pl I • ilOO I '' NEnP pl1 l6 ' '°'" llot>lttt • 9 12' 11• • '• Tyro~ l,-" 10 S ISi Ill., Arvill l.IJ 6 M ll''t + ''I Cone pl 4 U . 11440 l2 •I 2010 lli U '• ... ICanGE l 1J ' l'4 1~ '" NV!>EC. 1 6 1JS 14.. " R0<hG 1 1611 ~ 0 IJ .. • • • Tylprtp SS I 11 ii'> Arvin pf t • 2l ConE pl s 1l ).I GGCE~c'o 41 • JO ,.... • IC•nNb I .. • ,,. ' ••• '• Newtll 40 s JO ,.... • •• Roth Tl , CM I lO ,.. ... T •• 1• -l .... :~ Awrc;o 1.41> I) .. 13\lo • 1: i Con Fels 1 12 6 4' 1'"•· Kan Pl I 170 f> 6 11• • • lo Nwhal 17 10 JOI "" • • • ymv.r • ,.. , .. • AllltOll , «> ,, J'4 11~ .. CllsFrl I SJ 4 21 ,,... .,, GE011 Oe,. '1 1~ 1! • :z l<•Pl pl1 J1 II ,.,,. "' Ntwml 160.o t 419 oa.•·· 1•: floe~-· I S6 I 608 28 .. is:"', u ·L -u-u -... AJhlO pll... •. 21 )3•1• 'l'J Cn•NG J 16 • II ··~-"• GF EQp I l(•Pl pll,JJ . • IS • 'i-Nwo••~ t• IO w. i.•. '• R~l"I pl• IS ' 1:111' "' .. 1201 .. • .. AldOG 1.IO I 22 lW.. ~ ConsPw z 44 s dO .-;;;: G•IHou 40 I 14 2•lo. ~ K•IYI" 3 151 ••• NlaMP 11>4 s Jll 12'4• •• Rol\mH , tQ I , SI .,. UGI ...... JS·~. "' Ald0p4 HS . p 4µ:,. "-C"Pw plf $2.. rJ0 S4V, GalWWll 1 n II Sl'I ll'-. alY pl 1.46 •I >• Ho•Mol ) 60 '100 n~ • , , llC!I\• In I .0 ll ._ UGI pl llS 11Q0 I~ A'MO n ?l IJ) ll\11. .... CnPw ""., ~ .. -11, g··~·· ;: : ~: :~~ ~ aul8r 2'11 l2S 191., :..: NllMPI J w 1400 1•• ... ~. RolllllH 16 • IO ~t . ~ UMC I lO • u 11• .. : : ~~~~'Ti H~ ~ .; l~:: ~ c1111PwPw ~7.n16 ::_ n.so11_ ~ .• !~'. G!!r~f '·n 11 w nw: =~~~1 1 ~ • .~ 1~~ v, NN11a~P: ~·.·~ 11001_ 2,t:~ ~ =~~':,~ ~~ ~~ '"" • ~~e.lu 'l<' • !! !:~ \\ C ,.. -.., • Gelto 112 S 111 11 + elloog t'10 t 110 n~., ,.. amp • ' •v 1 • Roper ~ 4 6 11'-•;, UNll ' J S ... •11 1c11 2.JO 1 u21 • "'• C"Pw pl • • • JJ J4'h .. , Gtt'l)C• .. II l4>oo-•llwd 40 10 ' 9 .,.. NN11~!Aof' 101.u 1'1110010 H\: 1 Rortr " to 4S II US"G Cpl JO • '"" 40 At •• pf 2.IO . ltu .,. ·~ C~Pw pl) ti . • U\Q '"' Gemln J.-0. 2 .. . .. tn11 10 s .. 14V. • Nia ... 1j" J ..=. 11 ••• ' Row•" 06 I ,,. u.. .. Uf\llV• t IA9 s s .., •I HCp • 4 I 1' • v• CnPw ..,... IS • 2 )4'4 • "• • ~ ,.,. 16'-I.\ ' • -<, 7•· A~I \ J211 I 24*• .. CnPw;1so 12 I~ I.. G,.111v t._ -.,-enml I012 11 JJ NIC R 21A ·I .. l4 • ._ RowanpfJ44 I •..;,"' U111NV4S~ • l YI ... •11101\ '416 1 .. JS't+ ... Cn-pr12J . 1 111,. ,4 GAmOll '41116 •> ~. ,_ yUlit J.11 •1st'""•'' Nol)IAs l1' Sll ""',._RC~ 10. I IO,. ... 'ii UCl'"I' ?IO• ~U tS• .. AvcO(p 1..20 4 l tS 111,_+ 1i't CnPw _.2·43 II IS"-• ''< GnBUll ·• 4 1t Ith I\ •"Gil ... S 1' llYt .,_ NorlWn l 60 • S5I 50 Ro,10 •2 .,. S t•S l1"• • ... UnC••b l.40 S 2S1S ., ... 11, ..... "" ·~ Avtry IO II t 13'/lo + '-' Cont Air t• fl,\• l/o GClnm ... ' 203 »V• ' "° trG pl I 10 1 11 N II '3 JI II\> •r llubcirm I 24 .. • ~.,, UnC°'"' 70 t '4 13 Avnet 111172209 ._.,,. . ContCoc> .... 17 S'.it . GO•l•n 30 10 '"-~ trrMs 1101022'4 ,. .. .,,.,_ N:,,~nt20 s ttou·~ ~. RusT09 1 S llO ll'• UnlonC 191 • S4 4 .. '• Avon 3 7 141 1'1:· • 1 • CnllCp 2.«> 141 1•'-• G110l11 .n '1161 n r,. .. O \Cn 4 II l).\o 14 N 1 a. OI • 37 ,.. Ry•nH ~II l1 16~ I<• UnEtec I U 6 J71 11 • •• Aydin 12 .. lH .• cnuor02 60 266 31"'_ ~o~ gg:1=: ~"':'~t<oros ~:! ,~! ~.,, ~. nn H , • .,. R•ous1 _~n_J .. ,,. "'~~F,~.~ 1~ ~, ;~ -...... -CnlG9 pl 2 3 ,. • .... GOlll ,..,. SS 2'7 ttv. v. «r.JJ: ~ 1° IO s Ill ".... NOAPlll l.10 s ,. lloh SCA JOI II JOO 14V. .... U'IEI of • <IO t40 Jt~t .,.. BT Mtg " 1 1'-• ·• Cl'llGp pl4 50 2 l1 GnHo" I . 10 ltVt-Vo l(lo pr8 · • t s1•,, • ih NEurO nl :J.tl IO 6 ••~" '"' SCM 1 S q1 21'-' ''-Un El p1 2 13 1 ll'->, 't BalrtlC n «> • 71 14\lo. v. Conllll 2 . s l33 :n • I J G l11sl s 42 II 1410 41 .... "" l(ld PIC 4 4 S2 ..... Noe\IUI I II I •I• A • ·~ SFN IOI • 13S " ... UOllCll 1 i ~ ll ~ "' ::rel:' -~ l~ ~~ H"' •1~ conn11 1 S6 1 701 1s.v. • 11o GnMln' 1 ... 1 IA4 :14v. • .,, K1mbC1 >.Ml > o .a NC1ISL lJ 111. • ~. SPSTt(• n s u 22.. "" u"P"' 180 12 111 4714 • 1 • ., 8•ldWU l.60 II M •1'¥11 • CIOall 'J .SO I t40 l'lh • .... GMOI 2 110a tff SSOS Jt.V. + 14 KlltlllRd .'1 ' ll 1t\oo '' NIMP5 I 50 I 341 11 S•b•ne 40 I• t» U • ~. UnlroYI S l21 •t.\, 1, 81dU ... 2.0I . 6 IOOV.-l'l'J 'con"owc11 llf. 4,:.!!! ·,· • n -1 G-• pl l IS s 211><. ... -r I019 13'1 11~. NoSIPw J S6 6 -'•'-· " StodB\. l2 h M ""'-Ulllryl ol . 1110 40..., "' '-• ·"" 2 21 ';\ GMol pl , S . t .""' ~ ofmr s » 11 14 Jll'> • ''> NSP pt 4 t• 1400 11'• 510d5< S4 44• ..... + U"ltO" 8 se l'"-''• Ball~ I to 6 • 11 "'' C-Ull 01r30 420d l V. GHC'l 04 .. 4 IJ\lo• l/o -rsl.40 10 JCM 16 NSPwpl6IO 1400 ", • '• SloOS wl , 20 '" U<18rnd 4011 19 0\11 ''• 8111 2.11 .... " •r, C-lpf1W :n 10'/J-... GenRe 17610 110" • " '""' 10 1i. NorTtlO H t • ., ... 1, S•o•CP .. 1 ,. "'-· ... UCl>TVll.14U 94 2111,.1 Because thl· son 's ability to c:are for himself was limited the p<Jrcnts also enga~ed a Topeka lawyer to see the 0 son at least once a week and lo help him buy clothes. pay balls. clean the apartment, etc. The clinic recommended, too. that the son ~hould learn to drive lo hl'IP get around by himself. The parents thneforc bought him a car. which his psychotherapist approved because it was a symbol or the son's indt'pendencc The p(Jrc nl~ sought to d educt a s medical expenses all of Lhe above costs -apartment . meals. lawyer fees. car expenses since they were related to some degree lo{he son's medical trea~ment The Tax Court held that none of these expenses qualified as medical expense deductions The son used the car for persona l purposes as well as driving to ha!> psychotherapist There was no s pecial mt!dical equipment in the apartment and the son received no medical treatment there. Another 1981 Tax Court case offe rs help for parents who place lht!ar children an private schools because or learning disabilille:. that lead to emotional or mental d1socders. Here. the parents had two children who hacl reading and writing problems that resulted in m ental disord!!rS · Educators advised the parenL"> lo enroll the children in a private school with a program ror them. This school had a re~ular curriculum for which the tuition was S.S,100 plus a special program for children with learning dis abilities costing another SJ ,800 Although there were no psychiatrists or psychologists on the school staff, the parents rieducted the Sl ,800.as u medical expense. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOlllC. IAP I S4l+s. M-A• pro(• Ind net c~ M n. 1111 .. n mo\I •Cl••~ New York Sloe>. E•<,..noo tuU(•\, lr..,lno NliOtWlll• •• mo•~ 1,..n " IBM 1.:114,IOO •l'• •11o Plllllo\~I .... JOO 40.. ' ... E•ao" ~ fJI 100 JO PPGlllO "40 JOO JJ I 1 hM't ) 601,'IOO )4'1 , 1 Gen Motor. S50, soo )9\. '. M•tttl lftt SU .00 ll'4 • .. Amtt T&T SO..toO Sol':i. '• Clllcorp •.'CIO 'S • '• WarnrCom .,5 100 1114 • 1'• !>100010~ •~ 900 :16" lo WHAT STOCKS DID T•lt;dyM '5 4l8,200 •J.41_. t 4\• NEW YORIC. fAPo J"" 1~ Pr~v G•nTt1&E• .oe.soo lO'> • 1• • StoOlll nci 400 JOO .,.. • .. -.... • lll .00 11'• AMERICAN LEADERS UPS . AND DOWNS ~ EW YORK (AP) T'"° IOllowlnQ llsl -.. 1~ New ... .,,. ~•o<• E•<"- 'JtoclU -warr111h llWI NVt 0-UCI Ille MO'JI -(IOown I... moil 1>1\td Oft 1 r:,•<1<1,J..:::C,~MnoP r-rd•t'> O' volume AO-•f'M'"' Otth"•d uncl\an<lf't'I I COit 11• ••• •20 111M "::. s,. rot•I '''Uf"""i Ntw noo~ Ntw lows WHAT A.MU OIO •O 0 NEW VORC IAPI J"'1 11 Ad•Antf<I O<"ll"td Un<h•"900 Tot•I t\iut!lo N•w ll1QI>\ .. .... t&#\ METALS Todlly J .. JOS lit 171 J )4 c., • ., 11 ... 1'' J tenl\ • OOUftd Ot•ll,.al-• ....... 11·>4 '""". ~ t i"< •1 CtnO •pound, otllv•red Tin II "14 Mtlal\ Wttll <omootllr lb AlwMI-.. 1 ... 11 Ct«l'Ja PoUnd N '( -<WV t ctO,oo .,.,, ties" ,.a1i-u...001royor N Y SILVER •70 110 11 11 A ., ) ... J ,, n B~ll .IO '1710 l& ' " Coopr 114 ' Ml 4' • 'IJ GPU It .. 61111 ;,. OPP•r.1 • 1100 211/'J NSPw ptl.IO . 150 16 ' I S.l t w't J 60 7 II• fl'lt• I/• U8rd Pl I.JO 6 ' '• :•11 Bt::ii'~ ~::;· CoopLb :..,·; "~'-·. Gnlltlr . 1 •'II rooer t.'1• 111U,1• Nt.,.alo Jt •• 1• SIJolP l:J.4 S 11 10,_. • unEr>r0l'1 s :no ,1.r.,1 I......_ AO 10 4' U\'\~ CoopT 'I .J.4 l 1t IA.\o-Ito G<15ltnl l IO • n Jlttt , .. ulllm 10 6 4 10 Nodrp l IO IJ 122S 0'-'• SP•ul 1.20 0 • • "• Ulll.im 2 l6 S ~ " \, ;,;QP", .IO 3 u ""'. COOllWCI 1.60 • I "1S\it.-'. Gn51HI .... • .. .... . yOIOC lie 17 .. ll v. NwSIAlr .IOJ6 .,, ,. SIReoP ',. s )SJ ~.\, .1 Ulllu pf H I . • 1•"" .... C":Vpf,.~ s .~ ~:; ~cor°'~.~ 9 8 1 : ,,lt:~ g~:P, ~::.1 ~ m:·':Z ywr .!'L~L42-"'"· 1 ' ::~~~~·.~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~.~~' •.61•: ~~.iv, ..... 8~1m,: ,:io ,~ ~ .... 1' Ho M><urllr~~ 1r.o.,19 oeiow \J ••• 1n<1 -Ntl M\d _,.,.,_ cn.-.Qts •re 1r.e dllltirtnce bet-tlM' prn'°"' < IO\l"G Pf'•<e •rct toot.,'\ ~~m. Pr•<• 1 ComName t..t~•,,.. .c';t. u:c;, 1 'I bO troy ounce H"""Y & 11•nnHt only~ 'Oally Quole e ofV 1 I 21 II V. "" ..... 217 •'ht li't GTE pt JA 1t tr~. FE 1 ti S.._ • "" NwEn pl?.13 It 20 '' !>Ju•nB .... Jn ... U"lllnn 72 I I 17\tit • Iii k • l6 'II+ ' CorrBtll I 76 12 3'0 20V.-I'\ GTFI pt 1.25 . ylOO fl'•, \"o LITCO I 17 J 30 Nwllnd J ... • Ml l)l·'e • lo\ SJuanll 14 49< • llo '"' UJer81l 1 It 4 II Ul'o :'1~ .. r: : n~; ~ • ~ Cowl91 . I" I ,.....,_ GTFI pl I JO .,,oo •• ,. "'LLCCp 12 ,~ •• ,, NwlP pl t.SO . IS 11~.. 51...S." M" I 0 .• UIOMM I ., 4 • '• e II T i s •'1 3 + 1. Co•llcl' ,. 17 • Miro--GTFI pl 11•. '"° Cl.Sii 1 1" LLCCP pl • d 6\\ .... NwMll I.JO 1 .. n 10"'. "' ss',,"',n•'11'0R! I .. , 16 ,.1! '11~ UllPlcMn 6J " J·~ •• ,. e~r',J l.~' ... ;::• ... m:: l~Od ~~:Z·-·~ ~~~.SCIO: m ':!; ~ tl~A l~.11~ ~·••" =:~~~I,~:~; ~ .... : ~ ~IW•I it2e • tt u\\+ tl~:r,s SO~h ~ lTi:. "" ·-,ttlO lS IO'l'o-.... Cray~ J9 12l2 U..• ... Gllllld .OITI 274 UV.+ \I. lTVpl S 2 4J ->lo Novon 71 !00 31 "'"' S1vAS1p,IOeU 211 14""• USGYOl 2«1 6 Jllo JO -\\ Ber..C:ll ··IS 114SS ~t 'I\ Cred!F SD 14 11 17l9, .. , c;e,,st I l.IO . 4J 111'-.. LTV pl I 4 14 "" Nucor 4111 83 S6V.• 1 51vEIP t.11 I It 101.. I USH-. .36 61121 dll'~ '-:::r, ~ ' ~ ~ .... !;: Cr ... F jlt'US -1 JI"-Voi Ge""Pl 1,1411 ... JO',., ... LOulnl \ It ... 20 • l/o -0-0 -Sl•E pf I• t I" USll'ld .16 246 • -'• e '(W • 40 II "'° 6 " Criton S U U.\o• !l GIPI< t JO 10 141 II'• L.ac:G•s 2 40 • 13 It~, i. On ln' 2411 421 1'14 • >lo Sl•ln J.41 I... US Illy ;a" SI If\-+ , S:".[ .ioll 12 n 14:\4~ '\ Croc•N 2.AO S IO 11!~ + .. Ga Pc pf8J 14 1 ts ''> L1mS.1 ti ''"' 14 Oa•lteP I.SJ I 1 1311> Savi" pl 1.'° t II~ USSllo, 1 2S S m JI ~ aWKll 1:16 IS 116 .\lo • ..,, CrcllN ptt,lt . lllS 211/'J • "" G1Pw pfJ 16 IS tJ~.. L•,..9Y 1.10 ' JI 16"", ,,_ OcclPot 1,10 3 II.. n~ • "" Su on OS. f Sl 41• USSl"I 2 1 •O 21 l't ... T" .311 11 .. , ).11,\. ... Cr.ml( s .. I 6 II .. GePw pfJ,S6 . 10 .. . . 1Lanl•l'l .3411 ,. •• ~ .. "' OcclP plJ.SO ) ... ~-,,_ ScnrPlo I ... "' ... ll'h. USTotlc 2 40 t 10 ., ... '"' layFln 10 I 1 ........ CrwnCll I 116 2'•11 + .... GaPwpllst II 16''-'" lawllnl 1213 IS Ill~ .._ O«IP plJ 12 1 14V• S<l\llh llU 11 UnTe<ll 7'40 St..OOJ'•,. '• fay$1G l'2 I l6 ltl.\+ ,~ Cr·wz..1 2.JOIO _, 17 _,,.. GaPwpl2U 12 11 .. learPt 1111 t).I 11 .. Occ1Ppt1JO S IS''" ''• Scl\lmbs IOl2n'4 SI""'• UT<llpl ll7 • 4' ,1, Bay.-6 ) 11~ Crltl pf46J . 14 •''•-GaPwpf7IO r10 tt l>Lte•Sg 140 6 JCM UI• .. OcclPPf146J 30 97 • .. !i<IAll 1017 1t6 JS... UTtllpf JSS o 11't • ''\ lkarl~ I I 1 ll\4-,,.. Crvm" l.M S S51 ~ '• (HPw pll 72 • aoo 4' o I LJwyT'r I.SO t 4 261• • ,.. OOECO ~ 1 I llJ U:"' '°' ~°"oiL'ao M ! i! 141~ ·· Unlhl 16' S 463 11 .. ... I 1.-• l""I "" ·~ CulbrO SOe 11 ) ,.,.._ 14 Geosrce 1110 IS <IO • L"Enl 1.0l 10 4 ,. .... ()Qden I IO s ,. J•.. ... • .. ff u .. 1n pt t 50 1 71... v. .. II pf 1.ii -S lS ~ CumEll I l S6 UV. Yt Gerl>Pd 111 • 17 JI • Vo LtQPlal .6' I 11 1111• .. OfiloEd I 16 I 501 12, Ill! !KolFel l.IO 1-a22 11'¥11 2l ••Om 40 ,. l!O 4J -Ill CurlW I 4 1 ,,... • .... GerbS< 12 II .. ·~ .. ltlWal • s ..,, .,., Oii Ed pf 4.. 190 JI .. v. !i<ollP I s .,. ....... tl~:~.d~l ~ .. ~ 1S~ \> lectnO 1:10 11 17 4S ''• CVCIOC>S I. IGt 1 11 24\11. ··.. Giily 1 40 6 1111 l•>lo •I"' Ltllmn '16t 1S1 u OllEd p14.S6 '400 JO ' "" Scollys 17 ' 66 dt•~ \> Uni¥•• .. I JO 2&1,: "' lkktr '10 tt7 1~• '--0-0 -Getty pt t0to 1 14'"' • LHtl\lr s' ,JO 's 40 IJ\\ OllEd Pl I 14 11410 4JV, '-Scovil! I SJ I IOll II\,, .... U"lloFO .. I JI 16,._ • 1• lklcoP t.6Cll 6 70 W\ •I ... • OMG )0 l3 .. 3•r, • '-" Gl1n1P 60 Siio + \II t<IO• IM I 41 114'> •r, OllEd pf I» rtOO 0'4 J Sclidder t) ll 17 "" U,.L .. I I SJ • 0 ?.JI~ >\ .,..,.. a 1 Its .-Dimon 111 ""' GI""'"" " Ji.. ~ ",.•Y 'to s u 14 OllEO pt 1 80 3 •t "' , .. ci pl 1·• · 1 t UpJol>ll 1~10 '1S Sl\> ........ . .. t .. 20 • .. 0.11Rlv I U S 2' 1Jl/'J . . G clLw' 10 6 2" It -... f\Kad It I ll + \'I OllEd Pl• 11 11~ 't o I SlaCI pl t. 10 .. II 12\6 USllf& M S 46 ?J · '" llltd 2A ' .... 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" 0 11 • S 11 Prlmartr n ti'" ''' Oii •.S I? F11Mf'os Inc tJ'~ '• 0 11 6 > UGTFlpl8 t•. "'Oii •> h KOT 1""'1SI ''-1• Ott 6) IS OTFI t.tlpl \II 1 llo. 0 11 •.1 11 PllEI 4 4011t 11 1"-0 1! •.I lz....t!IM USc>f lllt -1--2!! '°· GOLD COINS GOLD QUOTATIONS .. ew YOllK (AP> Prtcu •••• Wt•ntt.dly OI OOld <oln• rnmo•r~ wltll f\Jt .. aY'IP'l<t I .q TAX REVERSAL ? Gov. Edmund G . Brown. Jr. predicts P res"ident Rcagu n soon will reverse his tax cut pro~ram and propose' m ajor I ax increases. "' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOlf(TuH day, Januafy 19, .1882 I . ~luor gets $13~5· million job Oaalel Cou&raetlola Co., a wait or F luor Corp.. ls currently al work o n a $13 .S mllllon expan.slon or tht! rlral auar gum milling plant In the United States. Deriva.tives or auar, a tlny le~ume rrom India. are used In hundreds of home products, Including catsup, s h ampoo a nd paper. T h e original auar plant. buill In 1953 for General Mills In Kendy, Texas, produces it ems for use in the rood and dairy industries as well as lhe petroleum, paper, textile, pharmaceutical and mining industries. Kenedy is located 60 miles southeast or San Antonio. • American Dia1no1tlcs Corp. of Newport Beach said lhal as of Dec. 31 . lt bad completed the first level or financing on the resear ch a nd d evelopment lax s heller investment program it initiated las t fall. The ·first level or the program, known as Fluorescent Chemistries Ltd. l , had raised a total of $345,000. The program will remain open j Each way with round trip purchase. .... ICIUlllll for further Investors until Mirch 31 al the optJon or the generaJ partner. T.0 .1. Financial Inc. The goal of tho program is to reach a tot.al or $500,000 which 'will be used to develop a series Of l'\On ·lsotopic fluorescent Immunoassay CFJA> test kits and i n s trumentallon t o comp l eme nt American Diagnostic existing F IA product line. • The board of trustees of Wells· Fargo Mortgage and Equity Trust, Costa Mesa, has declared a q uarterly dividend of 70 cents per share of beneficial interest al its regular meeting. · This represents an in.crease or 10 cents a share ( 17 percent) , from the 60 cent dividend declared in . each or the prior quarters . The dividend is' payable Feb. 19 to s hareholders or record Feb. 5. Wells Far10 Mort1a1e and Equity trust's nel Income for the second quarter ended Dec. 31 wu Sl.2 million, or 33 cent.a a s hare, or beneficial Int erest conrpared with SS million, qr $1 .27 a share, a year earlier . • VTN Corp. of lrvtne for the second quarter ended Nov. 27 reported net income of su.•1. or 1 cent a share, on 2 mUUon s h ares o utstandlnc, compared with net Income or $110,516, or 6 cents, on l.9 million shares outstandlnc for the llke period last year. Revenues for the second quarter were $5.1 million vs. $5.90 million for the like period last year. Jobless rate up NUREMBERG , We9l Germany CAP > -West Germany's jobless rate jumped to 7 .3 percent last month in the sharpest monthly increase since 1959, the Federal Labor Office said. • BOSTON, PHILADELPH~A, WASHINGTON,D:C., NEW YORK~ (La Guardia and Newark). Now only $149 each way with SAP, fly How f~res from Los Angeles International, Burbank r Ontarto. No restrictions. You can even fly t.p an extra city t no extra charge. For example, fly to New Turk and return om Washington,D.C. And best of all, you're flying ontinental. Where our people still serve you with the same pirit and pride that built our airline. Call your travel agent, ompany travel dept. or Continental. ' YOU' NG.PRO ares subject lo change without notice. Travek ust bes.?in by March 31. 1982 . Seat are limited . . . . CONTINENTAL WE'RE STILL THE .PROUD BIRD. Los Angeles: 772·6000 • Beverly Hills. San Fernando Valle).'.: 986·1000 • Burbank. Glendale, Pasadena: 246·7181 Long Beach: 537·4400 • Ontstrio, Pomona: 988-654 1 •Orange (#>unty: 537·3114 •Riverside, San Bernardino-toll free: (800) ~25·0280 • San Gabriel Valley: 5794210 • Santa Monica, South Bay: 646·2230 • · .... SHU,., ERS CUSTOM QUAUTY SHUTTERS Designed, Finished Installed ~ 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE r ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! c.1(714)548-6841 or 548-1717 MElllWOOD MlllUflCTOIY 19n Placef)tia Avenue •Costa Mesa. CA 92627 MN-I0717 NOTICE OF DEATH OF JOHN 0 . PRINCE ANO OF PETITION TO DMtN1STER E5T*T NO. A·111665. To all he irs, beneficiaries. creditors and contingent creditors of Joh" 0 . Prince a n d p ers'ons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Jack Prince in the. Superior Court of Orange County request ing that Jack Prince be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of John D. Prince (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive. West, in the City of Sarita Ana , Californ ia on February 3, 1982 at 9: 30 a .m . IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state you r objections or fil e written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by you r attorney. ' IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court o r present it to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of lettlirs as prpvlded in Sectlon,700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four mo11ths from the date of the hearihg noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMIN E the file kept by the court. If you are Interested in the estate, you may file a request with the court to r eceive special notice of the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, accounts and report s escribed in Section 1200.S of the california Probate Code. Thorpe, Sullivan, Workman & Thorpe, Attorneys at Law, 4th Floor, IOO Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90017 ; tel: (213) 680·9940 NS.16371 NOTICE OF OEATH"OF JEAN C. CRAWFORD AND OF PETITION TO A-&M+NfS-T-E-R EST AT NO. A·111757. To all heirs , beneficiaries. creditors and contingent creditors of Jean C. Crawford and persons who may be otherwise Interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Cynthia Jean Crawford In the Superior Court of Orange Cou'nty requesting that Cynthia Jean Crawford be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of Jean C. Crawford, Irvine, California, (under the I n d e p e n d e n t Administration of Estates Act> .'The petition is set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive We st. Santa Ana , Ca l i fornia 92701 on February 10, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJ E<;:T to the granting of the· petition. you should either appear a t the hearing and state your objections or fil e written objections with the court before the-hearing. Your appearance may be In person o r by your attorney. IF YOU AREA CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the coort o r present it to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from '1he date of the hearing noticed above . YOU MAY EXAMINI; the file kept by the court. If you are interested in the estate, you may fil e a request with the court to receive special notice of the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions. a ccounts and report s described in Section 1200 of the California Probate Code. Wittman & Wittman, By : Randall R. Wittman, Attorney at Law, 17722 Irvine Blvd., Suite 2, Tustin, California 92610. t"WI~ Onnve Coa•l Oalty ~tot (714) 731·1553. - NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARIE L. SCHWORER ANO OF PETITION TO AOMIN.S R E$TATE NO. A·1 , To I heirs , l'.len eficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of Ma r ie L. Schworer and per sons who may b e otherwise interested In the will and/or estate: A petition has been flled by Thomas L. Schworer in the Superior Court of Orange county requesting that Thomas L. Schworer be appointed as personal repr ese ntative to admlniste< the estate of Marie L. Schworer (under th e Indep ende nt Administration of Estates Act>. The petition Is set for hearing in Dept. .No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive. West, in the City of Santa Ana , Ca lifornia on February 10, 1987 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OUJ ECT to the granting of the petit ion, you should either appear a t the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before lhe hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. I F YOU ARE A CREDI T OR or a ·conJ ingent creditor of the deceased. you must file your c laim with the court or p r esent it t o the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Sect ion 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court if you are interested in the ' estate. you may file a request with the court to receive special notice of the inve ntory of esta te assets and of the petitions, a c counts and reports described in Section 1200.S of the California Probate Code. Robe rt N. Broxon , Attorney at Law, 1308 Park Avenue, Balboa Island, California 92662. 675·5460 Published Orange Coa st Daily Pilot, Jan. 19. 20, 26, 1982 33-4-82 J.., n. '" ''· '* 2..., Published Orange Coast . Dally Pilot, Jan. 19, 20, 26, MJC l91tE 1l92 307·8'2 l'ICTITIOUS 8USINHS l'ICTITIOUS 8UllNHS MC •TCE NMM STATSJqMT • NAMa STAT•MINT T11e lollowln9 per\on 11 clolnt Tll• lotlOW1"9 pef\on• ••• d0l119 buslM6'M buslneu M: l'ICTlTICIUS •USINISS A SULLIVAN AOYEIHISIHG co.; ENGLISH ANO ASSOCIATES NAM& ITATIMINT a. SULL(VAN PU8LIS..ING co.; c. IHSURAHCE MARKETING INC., Tll• lollowln9 person h doln9 HUNrtNeTOH HAIUIOUR MARINE; Swll• 3000, 4000 MecAtlllur Blvd., llUslMUM: 0 . 810AHYTHM INSTITUTE Of N-potl 8Nc:h,C•lllOl'nle~ KLM a. ASSOCI ATES, OH ORANGE COUNTY, 10M W. ae1«1oe Ef\911111 -As-l•lft lnwrence Wern•• ·-· H"1lll1>9ton Beecll, 81Vd .• Swlte JSJ. Hewpotl lliNcll, CA M•rk•tln9 Inc., • Ce tllornle Calllotni..,... ~. corporation, Swltt JOOO. 4000 Scwll• Tlln> Mt.Iller. l'7l~ Catouset Hulon l(eellenlll Swlllv•n, 1'44~ MecArlllUt Blvd• Newpor1 Btacll, une, Hunll"91"" lie.Kii. Calllornlt Stl,,,... i.... H_I......, a..11, CA c ... lfornl•ftMO .,... .,_, Tlllt llutlneu It conductecl by • Tiiis buslnns 1• conc1uctec1 bY •n flll• business Is conducted lly corporation. lndlvl-1. ,,.,_,,.,...,. wlf•. • EnGflltl a. Anoct Soni• T Muller -K. Sullivan In--• Merketl119 Inc. Tiii• stet.,,,.,,I was l11<1d wllll Ille This st_.,_I we llled wltll - p..,1 c. Ward Jr , County Cl~k of Ou~ County on County Ci.rtl of ~ ..... COUfttV .,, flll• ~~ lllld wltll Ille Deumt>e< 31, 1'11 1'1"'49 f-<· JI, 1"1 111""9 Counly Cl•rk ol ~anoe County on Publlsllod Or-Coa>I Dally Piiot, PubtlMWCI Clreft91 Coast Oelly Piiot. Oa<•mW "· 1'11 Jan s. 12, "· 76, 1'191 UJ.'2 J , 12 • _ .., ,.,,_, en.,, , I , ,.., I ~I PubllMWCI Ortn9t Coesl Delly Piiot, Ml.IC lltlC( J11n s, n. "· i.. 1m 1»-12 11---------- 1 I t I .i I l l I .. ·COMICS CLASSIFIED CS · C6 Bruins appear to have returned to form. See C2 . BY WILL G&JMSLEY Af> ...... OW: f 1 John McEnroe ls 'a tennis. "tantrum-hollc." LJke. an incurable drunk, he 1oes off on a temper binge, is sorry later and vows to reform. Thep, at the flfst touch of a senaitive nerve, be ls olf again in one of bis now classic court explosions. He probably will never change. His eruptions are coming al more frequent intervals. The range of his targets have broadened to Include most of the top players he must face on the world tour -Jimmy COl\nors, Ivan Lendt, Jose-Luis Clerc and others. ONCE VE&Y controlled while wearing Uncle Sam's colors, he has even begun acting up in the Davis Cup_, embarrassing bis captain, Arthur Ashe. What a pity. John McEnroe is possibly' the COMMENT A.Rt' greatest natural tennis talent in ' the game's history. This is not a brash opinion thrown out recklessly. Chal'l'.!pions of the past -Don Budge, Jack Kramer, Arthur Ashe - repeatedly attest to it. The world's most astute critics subscribe. Yet this 22 ·year -o ld left-handed racket wizard from New York is seeing this tremendous gift erode through scti~olboy petulance, a short temper fu se and court arrogance. Three times American champion and finally conqueror of Bjorn Borg at Wimbledon, he has suffered eight setbacks this year, twice losing to Lendl of Czechoslovakia and Connors but also bowing to such playe.rs as Trey Waltke, Carlos Kirmayr, Bill Scanlon, Vijay Amritraj and Vince Van Patten. WALTE WAS 46th and Kirmay r 62nd in the 1980 computer 'Tankings. Others , ranked as low as 26th and 40tb. GOING HIGH -Newport Har bor High's Byron Ball looks <leru . takes it around a defender <center > and rebounds 1 above>. H'" ·s averag ing 18 .5 point s and 11 rebounds a ,game Don Budge went two years, 1937·38, without losing a Journament match. The tennis world was shaken if Big Bill Tilden ever lost to anyone of lesser stature than Rene Lacoste or Henri Cochet. It's always been tradition that, if you're the best, you don 't lose to quarter-final guys. Newport H~rhor i~ having a Ball this season !· And Byron Ball -a 6-7 junior center -is the reason why the Sailors are enjoying themselves : Tennis is the most formful of sports. True, the fabulous prize monies, escalated by the ~ar between lbe Grand Prix f ircuit and Lamar Hunt's World Championship Tennis < WCT >, have produced a stampede ol young. tough court artisans, but hone -with the exception of Lendl -approaching McEnroe's remarkable skills Jnd innate instincts. Actually, the curly-haired firebrand is so good he should never lose a match to anybody -Borg, Connors, Lendt, you narpe 'em -but the non.stop, world-girdling tour foste.rs weariness and downright boredom. McENROE· CAN'T help havina letdowns. The point is, even goina at half-effort, Super Mac can whip most of the guys be faces across the net and he' (See McEN&OE, Pase ~CZ) By ROGER CARLSO{'ll Of .. OMty ... ._.Malt For a youngster who entered the 1981·82 basketball campaign as the best kept secret in the Orange Coast area, and with what amount.s to a half a season of experience on the high school level, Byron Ball is making quite a name for himself. very quickly. That's right -Byron Ball, the Sailors' 6-7 junior, had knee surgery as a freshman and missed .all but four games, then he was brought up to the varsity as a sophomore and broke his hand around Christmas time, missing all but a half dozen games. So, this 208-pound 16-year·old is presently in his first January on the Sailors' hardwoods, and at the rate the Bluejackets are going, maybe they'll be pushing it pear March before they're through: . Harbor is 4·1 in ~a View League play and 9·5 overall as it continues in the scramble for the league title and CIF 3·A playoff possibilities. Wednesday the Sailors are at University High following Friday's 42·39 loss at Corona del Mar. "I thought we'd win that game, for s ure ," says Ball. His coach, Jerry DeBusk, agrees. "I thought we'd win, too," says DeBusk. "But this time it's a little different. We'll play them again (Feb. S al Newport Harbor). In the past (when the two were in separate leagues) we weren't able t(> do it, to mark a spot for them later." Ball s houlde r ed som e of the responsibility for the loss, but DeBusk disagrees this lime. '·He was pretty upset, reeling if he had hit some key shots we would have won. "But that could have been said for a lot of our players (the Sailors mana1ed only 29 perce nt against CdM 's man·to-man defeue)." . · Ball is averaging li.s on the season, 18.6 in league play and on the boards he has been sweeping them at lbe rate of 11 per game. From the field Ball Is connecting a\ just a shade over SO percent. The 6·7 junior has an assort,ment of s hots, all with consistency. His favorite is his jumper, DeBusk gets the most pleasure out of his hook. Either WP.Y Ball can hit with good range Cl5·18 feet ). in addition td applying the muscles inside. A lot of things go into making a good bas ketball player, and desire ranks ·near the top for most. For Ball, it's one of lhe real keys. "His dad, Grant Ball (a History teacher at Newport Harbor>. once told m e, 'Nothing is more important to By ron than playing, basketball. I don't know if that's goocf or not,• " says DeBusk. "And 1 concurre<t. "But this is the kind of importance Byro11 puts into it." "This is my big thing,'' says Ball. "But I really didn't get a chance (for a while),'' alluding to the injuries as a freshman and sophomore. "I worked hard last summer trying to m ake up for things," he adds. Ball's major work now may be with Impromptu press conj ere nee upsets Bengal c~ach strengthening his legs ano improvml.t his .upper. body .,strength, but that I probabl., won 't begin until the summer. 1 The Sailors are a run·and·gun tea ·J when the tempo is to their lilting, an I Ball's 6-7 frame doesn't detract from it. ··We do a lot of running in ou~1 practices," says DeBusk. "We try tq ~ run our practices in the same tempo of.1 the way we'd play a game, so he has ld do 3 lot Of running in practice." I Ball connected for 31 against l Capistrano Valley and has been in the 20s on rive other occasions. I The beauty of it all is the fact that not only does Ball have lhe balance of this season to ~ontinue his pace, but so cfo several others -like 6-0 Brian Folk and 6·7 Joe Seager -both starters, along with Jim Wolfe, S.S and 6·1 freshmen the junior varsity and an unbeaten (i league) freshman team. So, although the Sailors, and By~ Ball in particular, have been makln noise. it's apparent it's just begiruling. Super Bowl XVI starts out with a r·oar .as Gregg shuns media upon arriv__al._..·~~.IJ,...l.l.LI...--~ ~ PONTIAC, Mi~h. CAP> -ClnciMati Coach Forrest Greag, bristling at an unscheduled early invasion by Super Bowl media, canceled an impromptu press conference shortly after the Ben1ah showed U'P at their beadquarten. San Francl.aco Coach BUI Walsh had dre11ed up aa a hotel doorman Sunday nitbt, offerln1 to help arrivinl 49er players witb their ba11a1e, but .Monday, Gre11 put an unscheduled meeliftl with the media off.lfmita for his team. Shortly alter the Benaats arrived at their hotel be~dquarters, Ore11 admitted that the extra attention that surrounds Super Bowl teams wun't one of bla fawrtte lhinp. "I to.. Ice cream," he said. "Bu\ If I bad ice cream every day. J probably wouldn't like lt uymore." • Then be looted at a crowd ol about 100 n ... .-ien and' said, "I'm about full ol lee enfam." luper .ao.t week news eoafennces maaUy billin today, but wblll the San ------- ~ the times originally specified." 'facilities before the 1974 game in D a I . More than a dozen 49er players Houston. That outburst eventually cost showed up at their interview session. Grant a $5,000 fine. It seemed unlikely ]~~• ( When that was concluded , NFL that Gregg's display of stubbornness . . • • officials, unaware that Gregg had put would result in an~ official reprimand. ·the Bengals ofr·limits, led a busload of But it was in stark contrast to the writers to the Cincinnati c lub relaxe~ atmosphere surrounding the ,headquarters. It became apparent there 49ers. was a problem when the writers were • • • kept on the bus for about 15 minutes Ricky Patton, leading rusher for San Francisco team •rrived Sunday night, the schedule was pushed ..ahead. The 49ers made a number of players and Coach Walsh avallable •after their workout Monday. 'The Betltals were asked to do the same and the word from Cincinnati was that they would. But when the team arrived, Greg \old his public relations director that the players would not be on hand for the press. · "When I talked to lea1ue people, when they 1et the schedule for us, they told us there would be specific Umes for interviews," Gre11 sald. "We have work to do u a football team and the playen have no obl11allona other than w h I le the league people tried Francisco during the regular season, unsuccessfully to change Greg's mind. will be in the starting lineup Sunday "They asked for~ few players," the against Cincinnati, Walsh said. coach said. "I told them it would be me because they (the players> have Patton, who gained 543 yards during obligations and J have obligat.iona." 1181, missed the NFC championship It was sug&eated th•t Gregg seemed game against Dallas because of a knee annoyed at the wtiole affair. Injury, •'There waa n6 pre11 conference • • • scheduled by the lea1ue for today,'' he Guard Randy Cross of San Franclsco said, adding caustically, "My dinner's was forced to leave the team's two-hour getting cold... · · workout. Monday because of· a sUaht With that Grea left and the smooth back if\Jury. Sup.er· Bowl schedule had suffered ill Linebacker Wlflie Harper wu the most serious disruption since lllnnaota lone 41er pl~er who dkl not pracUce. Coach Bud Grant complained about Harper ls sulferin1 a s U1ht touch of the ·1parrow1 ln the Vlldn1s' traintn1 nu: ROUGH START -Cinclftnat Coach Forrest Greg refused to hold a impromptu press conferen because it wasn't on th schedule . '. --... -.. ..-----. • Orenge Co~t DAIL'( PILOT/Tue1day. January 19, 1982 .... ------------------~· ~t!-------------------------------------------------------------- ,. .. 49ers give brushoff to friendly doorman From AP dllpakt.es 1 • · PONTIAC, Mich. -The San EIJ: Francisco 49ers' players, bundled up f • - against the cold, brushed past the gray-haired man In the doorman's uniform who met their bus at the team's ·Super Bowl headquarters hotel. '"Welco me , may 1 help you with your bags?" said the doorman. who was 49ers Coach Bill Walsh in a disguise which also included dark glasses. The players who recognized Walah broke up In laughter Sunday night out.side the hotel in Southfield, Mich. WaJsh had arrived earlier in the day, from Washington, D.C., where he was honored at a sports banquet Saturday night. . "Pretty cheap outfit. Not one tip. Not a dollar." Walsh said. Quote of the day Former s lugge r Fran Roblaaoa, speaking after be was elected to baseball's ·Hall . or Fame along with Hank Aaron: "It's very strange. It seems like I've been chasing him my entire career. Now I finally cau~hl up with him." · Anderson receives PCAA honor UC Santa Ba rba r a center m R icha rd Anderson, who scored a total of 36 points and had 22 rebounds · in the Gauchos' two games last week, bas been named th~ Pacific Coast AthJeUc ,o\ssociation • player of the week, it was announced Monday. Anderson, a 6-10 senior from Anaheim (Rancho Al am itos High). is averaging 16.0 points and 11.4 rebounds ~r game. He was outstanding:during a 71·59 UCS B win over Long Beach State.last Thursday night and a 65-62 loss to UC Irvine Saturday night. UCSB's victory at ~ng Beach Stale was the only win by a visiting team in the e ight conference gam es p layed la st week . The Gauchos are l·l.in PCAA play and 6-8 overall. GOOD OL' JOES I\ couple of pretty famous Joes have m ade their wa~· to the Super Bowl Joe Nam ath 1 left \ and Joe Montana. Fro01 Broadway to Monongahela , MONONGAH ELA, Pa. IAP> -Joe Montana's hometown is a close-kni~ ethnic , blue.collar community nestled along the Monongahela River in the heart of Pittsburgh Sleeter country. But townspeople beam with pride when they lend their allegl~nce to Montana, a favorite son who will quarterback the San Francisco 4!H;rs against Cincinnati Sunday in Super Bowl XVL "It's like he built a 3,000-mile bridge. It made San Francisco and the cit y of Monongahe la synonymo~ as far as loyalties go," said Mayor John Moreschi. "No matter where you go in town. down to the store or along the. s treets, people are t alking about him. We're all rooting for Joe," he added. With a population of 5,200, Monongahela is located 30 miles south of Pittsburgh in a river valley lined with coal mines, mills and power plants. It is the home of former National Football Lea gue kicker Fred Cox, who holds the all·time scoring record for the Minnesota Vikings. '. And its newest sports celebrity is Montana, who is called Big Sky in San Francisco and was nam ed the Comeback Kid at Notre Dame for engineering come·from·behind finishes. Al Ringgold High School, he was known as Just Plain Joe -nothing as fl ashy as the name given another western Pennsylvania quarterback. Broadway Joe Namath of the New York Jets by way or Beaver Falls, Pa. "Joe Montana wouJd be Main Street Joe," said Morescbi, who ear.ns $3,000 a year as mayor.. and ttvea next door to the monlciplt bwiamg. GWC en the road WH11TIER -Golden West College wiJl 10 after its second Southe rn Callrornia Conference basketball victory tonight when the .RusUers travel to Rio Hondo College to meet the Roadrunners (2-2). ·coacb Jim Greenfield's 'Rustlers snapped a three-same conlereace lo.ine streak Friday ni1bt with a 48-40 victory over LA Harbor. Ton.llbt (7:30), the Ru.sUen will have to contend with Rio Hondo'• sbarp.sboot1Jll Uikl Nlko, the No. 18 teenr on Rto HoDdo's all·dme list with more Uaaa IOO career polnta. Allo standinl ln GWC'a wq ls forward Lennie Carter wbo coaalttmUy tcorea ln double flpres. Paclnc the Ruallera ta 1uard Trulett Hattoll wbo carrt• a 20.1 nera1e tbrouP 11 1amea, and teammate Darin Bowin who ayerat• better than 17 p06nb per same. tbe Rustlers, after compUna a U ·I DOD-ecaaf_..ce record, dJ'OPDld thelt ftl'll ~ eioa.fennce sames before Fii"da1 m,ht '• trill 09er tMSeabawb. • Sherrill Texas A&M'a next coach? • PlU football Coacft lacllle • 89aerrUI reportedly waa lD Coll•f• • • Station, Tuaa, Monday, •m d published report.a be may be Mekll\I a 10-yea'r, $S million contract to become alhletlc dJrector and head coach at Te-xaa A•M • . . Prole11&onal f ootb11.H assistant llm Carmody waJ named Mondl Y as the new bead coach at Southern IUaalaalw>I to •ucceed lobby C.W., wbo b leavlnJ \he Golden Eaales for SMU. Carmody, 47. ha• been defensive line coach ror the Buftalo Bills for one season . . . The Montreal AlouettH or the Canadian Football Leq\M find their entire coacbln1 •tart, General Muacer ._ Geary announced ... Tbe eluaive at. Veala, an outttanding Junior colleae runniq back who bas dod1ed several major colleae rootba.11 coaches lately, appears to be headed ror the University of California. Veala and a friend, Junior college teammate DeU. Edwards, a linebacker, had made a trip to the Unlveraity or Illinois last week. Ct>ld weather, reportedly, prompted them to return home. Tearful fan wcints an exptanation , DALLA'S -A S o u'lhern • Mississippi s upporter. wear ing a f • Golden Eagles gold and black shirt a nd with tears streaming down his cheeks, c rashed a group of writers questioning new Southern Methodis t C.oach Bobby Collins Mond•Y night to ask his own questions. "flow could you do it ... was It the money, Bobby?" said the young man who saJd he was a Southern Mississipjti graduate. Collins very patiently explaJned to the man that "it wasn't easy to leave." After the confrontation, the young man shook hands with Collins and left the meeting room at the Hilton Inn. Nervous SMU officials S.Plrited C<>lllns ort to a meeting or Mustang sqpporters. "I've got about one and a half million dollars in the next room ," said an anxious SMU athletic director Bob Hitch. Toronto snaps Rangers' streak Unanswered second·period goals lil' by Rick Valve, Terry Mart!A and BW , Derlago, who added his 20th of the season in the fin al period. rallied Toronto past the New York Rangers, 5·2, in the only NHL contest Monday night. Right wing Reee Robert assisted on four of the Leafs' goaJs in helping ha lt the Rangers' winning streak at five games . . . Calgary goaltender Pat IU11la, who recorded one s hutout a nd allowed only 10 goals in four games, has been barned the NHL's Player or the Week . The Flames finished with a 3-1 record last week. Frost chooses free-agent route Rllht·hander Dave P'rott, •• .. ••• ned outrtlbt by lb• Aftl•la to Spokane ot the Paclflc Coaat CM1ue laat week. hu choeen to become a"" a1ent. a s pokesman for the Anplt said Monday. By virtue ol havln1 more than three years of major tea1ue service, Froat hu the rishl to opt for free agency, which he bu exerclaed, the An.els' spokesman said. That choice gives the 29-year-old veteran the l'labt to ne10Uale wtth any club. Fn11t'1 best year with the Ancela waa lt'19, when he compiled a 18-10 record wftb a 3.57 earned run avera1e. He baa been .bothered ln recent years by a back ailmenl. He waa 1-8 with the Anaell lut aeuon and 1·2 durtn1 a brief stint with Salt Lake City or the PCL. · Scott tops Walker -again S&eve Seo&&, a UC Irvine product. 1 • held off loba Walller of New 7.ealand to win the mile run in a relat.lvely slow 3:58.82 at the Alcoa ChaUenae track and fie ld meet in Sydney, Auatralia. Othe r Americ~ to win included MUie Bulls lD the 'triple jump (55·5), Mel Ll&&aay In the 100 metera (10.66 ), Dwayae Evans in the 200 and &u Martla In the 5,000 meters (13:40.88) ... Free agent &eule lackaoa, wbo has the Ansell oo his Ii.st or possibilities, says he will have· an answe r by Wednesday ... Oreeon State'• J.ester Conner, who had 32 points, 12 asaists and 12 steals in the Beavers' sweep of two road games, was named the Pac-10 basketball Player of the Week~ . The Dutch sloop 1 Flyer sailed into Mar Def1:Plata Argentina Monday; the first vessel to complete the third leg of the 26,000-mile Whitbread round·the·world yacht r ace. Television. radio . . Follow!~ are the top sports eve~ls on TV tonight. Ratings are: ./ .t ./ " excellent; ./ worth w~tchl~ fair; " forget it. F'i\ t.9~ 8:20 p.m., Ch•nnel9 ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Denver. Announcers: Chick He a rn and Keith Erickson. Forwards Alex English and Klkl Vandewegt:le along with center Dan lssel, lead the Denver team. This trio scored 8~ points Sunda y night In a victory over San Diego. The Lakers held their two.game edge over Seattle with a victory over Kansas City and will have Jamaal Wilkes, Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the lineup tonight. Denver Is second to ,San Antonio In the Western Conference, Midwest Division standings. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Denver, 6:20 p.m., KLAC (570). Hockey -Colorado at Kings, 7:20 p.m., KPRZ (1150). APW....,.... SUPER FEELING Sa n F r a n cisco quarterback Joe Montana walks to t he field for the 49er s' first workout Monday at the Si I verdome in Ponti ac. M i·c h .. wher e Montana and Co . will meet the Cincinnati Bengals Sunday in Super Bowl X VI. From Page C1 McENROE • • • certainly should never lose as ofC'en as he does. UCLA _ gets lb. act tagetbe.r_ , Most of t his can be blamed on a trigger temper which sears and destroys concentration. All experts wi ll tell you: Tennis matches are wo n. in the head. not with the feel. hands or racket. ~roeca.m e·to~tf\e M3<J1son SQUil"e Gar en last week after a tumultuous losing battle with C9DJJ91§ in Rosemont. Ill.. in which the game's two most volatile performers almost came to blows. This followed ugly outbursts in previous m atches with Clerc a nd Lendl and at Wembley, Eogland. with Connors, who won there also. Bruins crush Sun Devils; for their second Pac-10 victory From AP dlspakbea LOS ANGELES -Forward Kenny Fields scored 18 points and reserve ·guard Rod Foster added 17 as UCLA whipped Arizona State 75-59 Monday night in a regionally televised Pacific-10 Conference basketball game. The victory raised the Bruins' Pac·lO record to 2·3 and their overall mark to 8-5. Arizona State fell to 0·8 in conference action and ~10 for the season. The Sun Devils have lost seven straight 1ames. Arizona State scored the game's first. two points, but the Bruins scored 216 of the next 30 points to ao ahead 218·6 after 12 mjnutes or play. Fields had 10 or the 26 points. The Sun Dev~arrowed the gap to 33·20 at. halftime, but UCLA scored 12 or the first 17 points of the second half to go ahead 45-25. Arizona Stale wasn't closer tbaQ 11 points after that. Arizona State guard Lafayette (Fat> Lever led all scorers with 22 points. Paul Williams added 13 points for the Sun Devils . Ralph J ack90n added 12 points for the Bruins. who have won their last two games after beginning Pac·lO play with three straight losses, their Po<>resl conference st art since 1946. · Texas 105, ltu 89 AUSTIN. Texas -Texas' front line of LaSalJe Thompson, Vjrdell Howland and Mike Wacke? combined for 81 points as the No. 19 Longhorns ran up their second·highest point total of the season to defeat Texas Christian 105·89 in : a South)Vest Conference game . . Texas grabbed a 39-31 firsl·hall lead and never was seriously threatened in extending its perfect Paterno to quit as AD STATE COLLEGE, Pa. <AP> -Penn Stale football Coach Joe Paterno ~ resign as the university's athletic director on arch 1, exactly two years alter he took the positio the school said Monday. In a statement, Penn State resident John W. Oswald said Paterno "now wi hes more time to concentr ate on his coaching tasks and to spend more time with his fa mily." · The univers ity said Jim Tarman, associate athletic director at Penn State , would replace P aterno. Tarman has been with the school for 23 years in several capacities. Paterno, who led the Nittany Lions to a 10·2 record a nd the No. 3 ranking in the nation last season, was in Detroit on a recruiting trip Monday night and couJd not be re ached for comment. Paterno, who has coached Penn State for 16 years, had replaced Edward Czekaj as athletic director on March 1, 1980. Si.nee taking aver ....Paterno has r-eor1aobed the Penn Stale ,...athletic depa rtment, has become involved witn Ute College Football Association and has helped push for the formation of an Eastern football conference. . IMIOU.MOW c....,... • ..,,,,........_....,..._ .SAN .JOA9UIN GOLF' . COURSE FREE LE_$SO.-.s with PURCH~E Qf '20" DIS.CcalNT RAM&i CARD Present "this 1d ind recet-.. 3 Fr Lee Trevino Batts when you enroll. . J \ record to 13-0, including a league-leading 5-0 conference mark. p 6 pite scoring the most points by any Texas opponent this season. Texas Christian fell to 7·8 overall and 2·3 in the SWC. Thompson, a 6·10, 250-pound junior. and the 6·6 Howland each bad 15 points in the first half. Thompson finished with 31 , and Howland with 26: Wacker , 6-9 had 24 points, including 17 in the last half. T exas continued its free· throw mastery, hitting 21 of 23. Texas now has connected on 244 of 328 free throws in 13 games, while its opponents have made just 102 or 148. Memphla St. 7$, Virginia Tech 73 . BLACKSBURG, Va. '-Memphis Sta te's Tigers raced to a 15·point haJltime lead behind freshman Keith Lee and Otis Jackson and held off a Virginia Tech r ally for their 10th straight victory, a 78-73 Metro Conference decision over the 20th-ranked Hokies. The Tigers, 11·2 overa ll and a front·running 3.0 in the conference. shot a blistering 72.7 percent fro m the floor t o build a 42·27 margin at inte rmission as the Hokies s hot just 31.4 percent. Virginia Tech, now 11·3 overall and 2-2 in the conference, cut the gap to seven points early in the second half and finally got within two at 75-73 with 43 seconds left on a jumper by Al Young. But Memphis State ran the clock down and J ackson hit two free throws to make it 77-73 witti 14 seconds remainiri.r. McEnroe·~ increasmg t irades were all the talk when the game's top stars gathered an New York for the Volvo Gra nd Prix Masters . "I've made mistakes." Super Mac confessed,. at a press conference "I've put myself in a corner. Whether I'm right or wrong. r m stuck. I'd like to go out t here and have people respect me as a tennis player. not because I'm a bad personalit y or just a personality." WHEN McENROE made his stormy debut al Wimbledon as a teen.ager four years ago, some people attri buted his insolence -which got him dubbed "Super Brat" lo immaturity and said. "Aw. he's just a kid he'll get over it." Orange Coast's Ril~y · quits Orange Coast Coll ege sophomore forward Rick Riley has left the Pirate basketball team for personal reasons. The 6-7 Es tancia High graduate had scored 131 points in 17 games and was ave raging 7.7 points per outing. He aver aged 5.1 reboun<h per j[ame. Riley wasn't the only OCC player to leave the t eam . Reserve Mike Markel. a 6-3 freshman, also from Estancia, has left the team as well. Markel reportedly is planning to transfer to Cypress College to play ba~ebail. --~~~~...;.__~~~~ College basket·bllll JOHNSON & SON " Presents ... PCAA Big Ten Conrerence c.f, .... C.f. s.- WLl"rt WLl"rt W L '°Cl. WL ""I. UC lntlne 2 0 1.000 1J 1 ·"' ,_. , 1 .HO 11 2 .... Fresno SI. 2 0 l.000 " I ·"' MlllMIOta l 1 .7~ 11 2 .... SMIJ-5t. 2 01 ... I S ..u Ofllo SI. l 1 .JSO " • .750 UC·S.11t.a.-a 1 1 •• • I .at p.,._ 3 1 ,150 • 7 ,..., L.M18Md1St. 1 1 •• S I .• 111111o1s , , .soo • .m C.ISto .. Fllll. • 2 •• , ,. .412 .. ~ .... 2 2 .SOD • . .-.J Pacllk • 2 •• 4 10 •• I M iano 2 2 .soo • .• u UtallSI. 0 2 •• 1 11 .1G Mlclllton SI.· I l .uo ' I .42' P~10 Conrerence Wlt<ontlfl 1 l .uo 4 I .m .... Mlchlton 0 • ',000 1 11 .Ol3 c.f . 8'g E'9ht Conference • L l"rt • Ll"rt WHfll ...... • 01.• 1' I .161 c .... -O,......St. • 0 1.• It 2 .., WL""t. w I. l"rt Pete the "Greek " Wat11i.....,S1. s I .m 11 1 .611 MIH ... rl J 01.000 IJ O IOOO USC 4 I ..., It s ,.., l<aftMtSI. 2 0 1.000 12 1 .IS1 Callf0r11la , l .400 I • .m 0.1•-I 1 .soo 10 • .7M o,_ , l ·* 1 7 •• l(OftMS I I .soo • • .. ., NFL's UCLA 1 l .uo 7 s .• ......... I I soo • s .~ St.111Md 1 4 .200 ••. at COi«-1 2 J.J3 ••• 600 Picks Of Ar'-9$4 0 s •• ..... o_....._.St. 0 2 000 I 6 .511 Ari-• • ·-s,. .m •-ost. 0 2 .000 s • .lS1 The Week WCAC Soulheeetern Conference CeM. .... C:••· -W L fllct. W L l"rt W L f'lcl, W L ""'-PETE PICKS Ooft .... I 0 1.• 10 s Ml LSU • 1 .IOO , s .s p .......... '01.• • • .. Ai.MM• • ' ... , IJ J .157 I SAN FRANCISCI USI' 1 I •• ,, ' -1(•11"'<-'I' J t .600 10 l .M Seftta Cl«a 1 1 •• " s .w Allllltm ' l .soo • s . .a St.·Mery't 1 1 •• .... 0-Wla l J .soo • 4 .... All THE Por11aM I 1 •• ..... ............ J l .JOO • • .m Sell,0-.. 0 ' ... 1 1 •• VeMwtl!K I 4 .lJJ ' s .6'> WAY! Lorete ·o 2 ... t IJ .I • , ....... I s .167 410 .. Ml11l11W1SC. 0 • • ooo 410 .• w.-m l~ tonfefenoe ~et Conference c:.e . .... C.f . ...... W L P'tt. -~ ..... W L fllct, W L fllct. -.-.... . ., .. 12 .... 4 01.000 IJ 0 IACIO Hew .. I J ..... 11 ' ... ' 1 ... , • 4 ,.., SMO-..SC. I 1 ..., 10 • .n• , I ... , ' •. M'J 8rlfllM! 'f OUl'I J ' ... 11 • ..,, J 1 ... , 1 • .sa C~.Wlt. ' ' •• 1 1 .• , 2 .JOO II 2 .... To-·lllP.-I J ·-11 . ..,, ' 2 .JOO 11 , .11l ""-" t J •• 1 • All ' , ·* .. s .w ........ ate. 1 • ... I I .. 1 J .tse ..... Air l'ette • t •• s ... 0 , ,OOD • 1 ·"' ays LYNX•LN7•CAPRl•CONTINBNTAL• MARK VI• LINCOLN•COUGAR•XR7•ZEPHYR ,JOHNSO ,. N L I NCOLN ME 16116 Harbor Boalenrd, Coeta 'Mcaa & SON R C U (714)~ R y -· ,>,__ ... ... .,. .. CIDltNHete8 ~ ........ • I. "'" •• • 11 .n1 IS H .... I H t• .61t • II U •• • JI .. ,Ml ~ II t1 •• 17 ................. ........... .. tJ Oellwr a • .......... 11 11 IC-• Clly 1' l• UUfl I' It Ma O.llu ~ •An••• Cll*"•••..c• A...-DhlllMa . ' 2' II ti " ti lO " n .111 .... 2"' .... " .•1• """ .... tllo'I CllMt'• OMsNm wiw-.. AUMta ·~ Oetrell Olk ... c ........ .. 12 11 , • ti lO " u IS U 7 • .... .... '"" .. ,. . .•M tOlo'I • ~It .t .. """ ....., •• le_ No .... adlMYIM T__. • ._ UIWI .. ~ ............ v ... ................ SMCtto•c....,..... ......... Ollc..- 1(-otyMHeulloft Oot"91totUtlil\ SonAl'lllllleot..._ ... NBAIHde,. ,,.......,..."' SCIOlll ... CHNlft, SA Dofttley, Utell MotoM ........ Ef19ffal1, 0...- Er.,lfle, PNI. , ..... LAUn w1111..,,., SMttle •lrd, ...... .... " ...... » QI UI I,_, JU ,. -2'1 1,101 ... J1 .. 2 .. 1,021 21.6 Jt Jff 1• I,. HA a 311 I.. tSI IS.O 12 311 IW 71• IU · J7 M2 11• .,. au ,, a. tto m 212 ••eou•Dt ... Mo ............. SllllN, SNttle • °" .,.. T ..... n m Ut .., 112 J6 107 JU •t IU IO U6 DA -IU ,, 121 w as tu •· Wllllrns,NJ 1'_,lld, AlleMa Tllomptft, Port. ,. 121 271 Jn 11.J ASMlff , Mowe,S.. ....... ~L-.n C'-lla, PMlaclltlpNo Arc11111o1c1 • ...-o..,1s, o.n.. ........ » J11 t.A • ,. u ,. J11 ... ,. m u ,, "" 1.t ... I HIGH ICHOOL WOMEN Cel LUlheren 41, Ubertv Cl". rl CAI. l.UTNaaAM -Ron.I 4, Nltl ». Vlllt.aey 11, er...... 4, 8\lllle9 6. Toe.tit: 21\441. Lll•aTY CM•llTtA• -EdwerdS ti. J. lo<ller.ie S, ~II to, To., .. , J, a. Locleertllo2. TtUIS: IS 1-1927, k99W~ Cal LlllW• 14 • 12 , .. _ LIMrlyOlrltal• 10 • 6 I~ T°'ol Muf\: C.I l.ulller°" It, Llll9rly CllrltllOft; Fouled out: Volleslrey (C.I • lullarOft!, Cr•wford CC•I LutNrOft)1 J. Loc:llerlllt CUWty Owlsll..,l. ' • .. ~ Loa Alalftltoe MOlfOAYlf aUULTI ................................... , "IHTllACE.GyerCll. Soemt True ICMcloul •.• 2.40 J.a Mita Huord COUll(y ITreHU'9) 2.IO 2.IO Tu Tun Joflft CllMdl SM Alto rocoel: A·Our•tron, Go Jo""" Go. Fun11y Polley, A·ICIPIY• l(lu , 8ye 8ye 8Mu111 •· .....,_.,., 1toeue. Go c-...... At:::':.s. ~ U EXACTA CH I pold l!0.60. 1acONO ••c•. 110 yorm. A•NHll¥111o Nows (TrH~u'914.IO J,60 LIO S<lcldeft TiloYclM I P..,llno I 2.IO J.40 A·Soturcl8y W•rior ICr•Ollffl No llO't'lft Aho rocod: Llglll Reword, letlle Mounloln. Tr..U.1• To Mo. C.tcll Lwcll, ...... Lino. A-ouplecl Time: U.tS. T!JJ a 0 llACE. JSO yo rd• VIiion• Roe IT_,, tJ.60 "·~ 1.• Too Em Vil IFlorHI 10.. uo Mltflly P'olk y ITr.-urel 4,40 Alto rocOd: P898f'S Potky, Tlftys Su, Promt1t Vonllcl, My Morcodes, ,.. ... ,.,.... Polley, 1ta11.-Wotcll, RUS4yt Moon Olol. Time: lt.04. U EXACTA llM I pek1U40.60. ------Att rop 2cr I. Norttl CMollno 1601 J.Ml-1111 __._ -> , A l'OU aTM •ACE • .00 yorda. I~ I~ 1 .. 1 IS-I IM ,,., t,21' e..u SMrew IHM'IJ 11.40 1.00 1.• 1. IM Somloa Jue 10. ... 11 10.JO tA J. VlrtW. •. O.Peul l,11S Andy 11111 lllevlM ) 11.IO S.MI-. "1 Alto roced: 8or 80 Mon, 0<><1111• " '-low• IJ7 Tr-lo. Vllliftg 0..., OOftl M<Kllo Olnoro, 1. Tous IM IW IW 1).2 15-1 12·2 IW 1'·1 11·2 IM ..... IM 11·3 11·J .,, L ... 1 ... c:.11 ~ Nk k, L...-aocllot. 1'2 Time: 311.SJ. •. ldollo t. K MIUC1ty ... $J ••ACTA c .. s1 pold • 31AO. 10. Tul .. 11. Son F'-Klsco 12.0r..-.s.. 1J. 0..11teao•, DC t•. Nor91 CMwllN St. IS.Ark- 1 .. AI ....... 17.t.OUl .... llo 11. Kat1 .. St. 1'.H-.,. 10.T ... _ ... .. 961 "'' Stl GI .. 17• ,.., ,., 126. 112 ltCAA leeclera ICOlll .. .... "' -. .... ~.UC INIM 1' UJ 71 JD J1A G,..._,.,, LAlflQ lkll. St. 1) 105 " Ht IU Woldron, P'ocKk t• tt • au tl.7 WOM,.CS F"'*'-' 17 11S .. JI• 11.J McNMly,S...JeMM. 1' .. 45 217 IU HOlleH, L-. lkll. St. IJ • M 212 16.l · ,.,.,_, ucsa · u '2 • n• 1u Wll..._,, UC l"IM t4 1• t• 224 ..... H ........ I'-St. 1' '3 JS 2'1 t4A c .... ~ ui.11 St. 14 10 " 1ts tu one•• IMOIVIOUAL L.aAD••• 1'ellOuMl"9: ~ IUCll 11.t •"9·: Alldo~ IUCMll 11.•; C~ IUSUI 10 6. Flolel Goel Percem..-: Me.-. IUCll 70.l (151·2111; Wllloldon IUCll U .1 <teo..lS.1; McOoNld IUCll 6'.0 l ... t•I. F'" Tllnw Per~: Howor4 CUOPI 11.S CU.WI; WCIM ICSFI IO.I 114-MMI; Hlee!M IFSUI 7'.J l~J. AUltb: Woed CCSFI 1.t ..,,.; ••rtoton IUSUI 4.4; McOOftolcl CUCll U . TaAMLUIHl•I Sc:or1111: t. uc 1,.,1ne, au .,..; 1. csu L°"9 ....... 71,6. ~:I. I',_ S_, U .1 • .,,.; 2. Sin JOH Slet", JS.t . 1'sM1111•111 Mot'tift: t. UC l""IM, +o.2; 2. S•• JOH St•••, + J.•. Fr•• Tllrow "•"°"'---:I. PocHk, nA t...ml; t. cs FullortOft, 72,I 12R·U0). Fleld Gool ... rcOftUotlt C~I : t. UC lrlt!M, 61,• C41s.1n1: 2.-,..._ s. .... su 1-....1. Field C)MI ~c:eft\e91 COefefttol: 1. ,.,_ Stelo, 44.6 Cl57·S1•1; 2. 5-1 ,,_Ste•. 4U , ... ,..,. ....... ..... .... u ua 11 JD ..,,. 14 t•HtM16.t u .. n 1" "" 14 45 • 110 7.t .. • 10 10 s.o IJ221S .. U ti ,. " " 0 " ta to ,. 11 .. 12 •• u • 1Jl7U s I 0 4 U ' • J J u I• OJ 111 t,tSI GA Basketball scores cce.r UCLA 7S. NI-. 54." P'l"N llAC• • .OO yerds. lbtorl!Oft IC!of1twl UO >.» JM My SIM1'-IFretlMI JM J.11 5MWd Dice IHOrll UI Alto rocoel~ Doc NM!, M" Fytlll ...... 0.edly ~ •-Is Solfll. O.vla Gold A .... 1. Pol!Md a.-i. Time: ».05. P EXACTA ( .. 21Pold111.00. llXTN aACE. '10 yords. :rroftllft 9-IMYl•I l.40 2.40 2.20 ..... To• ,.....,, J.40 ... Go S.. Him (Word) LIO Alto r-: Ml IC-., A.ru ...... 1, Judllt Lnl Gorrett. Time: •S.W. l•V•MTN aACE. lSO vordt. FIMFellowFrloNI CAm'ISl""'tl ""'' u •• 19.20 Cr4K~er Joell ... IFlorHI 7.40 UO Eosy Awonll lllMdJ 1A Alto rocoel: ""rfoct Morll, Miio St,_, ., • .,. a-Finn. er..iu ltel•reM•. Tiny '"°"· 81ue l"ool. 8111 BM 8o1. Time: 11.11. U EXACTA llr1l Pokl "61.60. $J P'ICll SIX IMl-4+2•1 pold '2.m .40 wllll U wlm l,. UOo«s Cllw llor-1. ll P'kll Sia Contol«lon pe"9 UJ.40 wllll 41 wlml"' ll<koU ,,_ -9"1. EIOMTN aACE. ,,._ y-. Ollll ULA LAU 1Gr-H9ffl 7.AO 4.60 2 .. MluSMuys..dy CLMlltYI 10.40 SM V•rllll J9ll le.rel) J.• • Alao rKed~ Wwp T-. Eosy F•"""· IHftS ...... C-' TM C.olS, Suell A 8'91rl, Del~ l(lp, Polflt Tllo T-. ·TlfM: 11A'- lll•TM llACa. 440 yorcb. Oefllm N OMiNnda · CN!cod9m.,.I >A UO UO $vt. P..-r FMI..,. IMYl•I 2.IO 2.eo· Prlwele P'roctko (Word) ttM AIM rocoel: FrM<ll Force, Clfl Slllney, Sotlolot s.et, -..C To Jot, OW-fler c.otfl. Sil•• Squore, •ow -On • Tlmo: 21.61 • 11 aXACTA C'"41 peldts.60. T••TH uca. 400 ,., .... Mltflly Flll>Y CHorll 10.JO U O UO HOM Copy T-(~) lO.JO t.• Min KldC-C ...... ftll SAO Alao rocoel: Joclllft T~ltn. -...tty Acn, lu OWr9er Too, Wiiiy w ..... ....._ Tlllllll Sill,._.... Dome, IColt Wll!tl. Tlme:a.54. II EXACTA l•IOI peld 111.•. Alto,.._: l,6U. - ..... CMll'M~COll ...... ............... W'-TePU"' ~ t7 11 ... "' ., .,." ... .. "-..... •c.r... U •U 1t Ml m • II 16 . • n, lt9 a '" • • •• ttt ,. ....,..~· 17 ,. t4 ... 11 •• 171 111 -~ , .. ~~-ff-..,..-.-.....,. • 1' II tt Ut ti to II ttS ti •• tM WA&.alCONPaaa91ea . ,. ........... ,....__.... It IS I , .. NYI_.....,,. H 12 • .. ~ .... .....,. It .. • 1'4 . ...,.... .. ,. 1 171 W•"""-' II 16 7 t .. 811ff•lo ' 4*-Dlw..._ 21 II • "' ....... " ., • t• o.wc H " s tu MefttrMI H II II -Horttwd to .. 10 1'1 ~··"-T-•.NV1' ..... n2 T ........ aO- Coloredootl( .... •utt•le .. MOfttrMI ""'' ......... •tO...C SI. Louie ot V-- "HL leeclers '""'-*"' • j'°'"'"·~ S7 .StaalflY,O...C 17 ~1111. w..Nc-1 u ... ., ... ., .......... ,. T9Ytw, .... .. '-"°"'· QllQ9D JI '*-·"· • SmlUI,~ JS Trottier. NY 111-1 21 Mklclloton, 8tlt0ft ,. Ceffey,EclmoMOft 2• A"*1'..,.,E..,,_ .. -· .. 4t ttt .. 161 " IQ .. .,. .. tn .. "' )1 ,. Q 1• • ,. SS ,. IS 1• • ...... .. .. St 71 41 H ,. n .. . ·" .. JI • .. ct ., .. " " " as " .. " Dffp••ftahlng llEW"°'" CAl't'a UMlllll -n Oft91fn: I MM ..._, 2'J mock_., ,.. rock fbll. IDll .. .,.t LACllWI -JI Mflen: •S recll COCl,I COW 'od. . OAllA WNAa" -S1 Mflen: " !lost. l llMI ... I llel!M, MOmocMnl. OC•A•H -IJOf191en: 111roc:11c-. AVILA MY I ........ LA!sl -11 .,....,., t 11"1 COd, U red rocll COCI, 16 "419w ...... 1' rock fltll. ""' NO.O (Doll It. ~I -• Oftll.,.:•c•kollolL l...,.O'CMll-M ......,., t• ........... W callCO Mal. 1 llla<k ... -.S, t llOlltlut, 4'11 l'O<ll COii, JI rock llSll, 2 mKUrel •• 11119 COd, J cow COIL IEAL aaACH -• .,....,., >04 rocll '°"· t cow cod. llondllC~'" "-icau LMl&e MILWAUKEE aaEWE•S -11 ...... O.rtt T.._, pltd;or, Ond ••..,.... lllm '° SliKlllANI of Ille C.Ollfornlo L .... . NEW Y<>f'I( YANKEES -........ Oydit Kl"9 tllolr rnojor ...... ....,_ Kout. .... OllnWftUcl lllOI Jell To.-1 -Jorry Wolllff, coocllH, _.,. -IM role ol plklll"I CMClln. TOaONTO BL.UE JAYS -S-. Oret Well•. firs« llowm•n, I• tllo Ml-..eo TwlM to~ Ille lrMt for Mt ...... Hoalllll ....... I., ........ ~ HOUSTON AIT1'05 -SltnOd 1'oY IC..-, 1Nrd-.... 1._.,_c_,kt. flOOTllM.'-~ ~ Lool&e MONT1'EAL ALOUETTES -l'lred Jim Eddy, Interim llNd 'OOdil. toee•• ._.._...19cc., L...- TAMPA BAY 1'0WOIES -lltftod Jelmlnllo, mldflol••r, to • ono·yoor COfttrOCt. T01'0NTO 8LIZZA1'D -"•IHM .. Makolm~forwd. ~ .. N0"TH c;.<lltOLINA STATE -NMIM Elliot U,_.k, Gori .... Boll Sut10ft oaotl- leotNll cciec:'lle. 1'0CHESTE1' INSTITU Ta OF TECHNOL.OGY -Nomad Wllllem o. Tlfflloy11N11i.c....cooc11. SOUTHEaN MIETHOPIST -N9MOd .....,Coif ............... ~. SOUTHIE1'N MISSIMIP'PI -N ...... JIM ~ ........... _ ... TIENNIHSEE -N• ...... Al ..... ....,. onlsteflt,_...I coocll. • uwts & o.r. 72, .-.C. L""'9r• 6S ...... ,._ ................ ,, ._... Tous•,TCUW Wis.._ e., ••"""-St. u 0re1..n ........ ..,. In the Larbplr, find a new classic chic and the tradi- tional quality and Warranty unique to The North Face. Olll ...... CllY JS,._ .... Sol H•.-1h1a1•a N. Ntdlells St. Sl TtwfJllli111D11 .... ...__e.at1H U. To-.. 19,Mc ...... M.11 .... ............. ., ............ Jee._...._...,....,. C......71,YMl61 N.C.-o.rtlltl 111, ~ M. 74 ••~11.~Todl .. W,C8r9111117~...,.....71 ._.... •. ,..~Teon --... ... n. .............. ,. I. MMllllllO't'W' .... 171. .... 0.....6' .... ~ ........ ,, ....... 77.-~ .. .... ---..u.•~w ...... dlllllit ...... N• 71 • Df'Ouel "· ...... .. ...... •.ae.-n I&.~ 111111-="· ~-. Dktl ...... 14 ...,... nt•rn••., .......... (Mc---~···" ................ ,. llt.i(llt. Odl ... UllU • ............. -.. .... ... u.n,Yf!M.•• · ........ Cl*llll .... uc~9'L.':l. --e.--l ..... ~--· c:.a. ""',Or .• -. • COMt DAILY PILOT/fuetd~, January 19, 1982 I ' . Vintage golf ·at. ·its best Course is bea~tiful, ooti1'll.c~~f~~-u at' least $sit to play_ Goll COW'NI on the deeert at t.bll Ume of year .... _ .. _________ _ ar• •-and IUlb for tbe lDOat part aad t.be ' .._ ,.,,.... •· ---nd1 w ... 11 .. 1.. 1-• c.~l~F" Vlnta1• Club at 1 an_"-_• ao •••-· • ----- Y.OQ remember tile Vin...,. Club. ll'• u.er•ac• ,.. ··1110 L wure &M t•rllo& Ml of w'• ...., .. ._._IOU ·-• E tbelr annual bath for ll00,006 la prlae moaey .. y ol t.be older prOI co~ never played for dMICb dwina t.belr enUre &ow' career. . Tile -.Vtnt will be heJd OD tbe meUc&&loualy , • • - - manicured layout llarcb 10·1' and .a r',,I,. ~ It all be1ln1 thla week wltb th• ROii pre-t.ounwnent.tound of plt stv• one even more· <i::"""aacken·H1Jlnx at the Newporter Inn Friday. It'• respect lor tbe brealh·takins beauty and crystal : ;the aMual start of Clambake Week tba~ beneflll • clear alr at Vlntate. Let aJooe tbe opportunity to 1 .... Ho11 Ho.pttaJ and lncludea the Rua for Hoa1, a hackone'1 way1roundtbell-boledesertparadlse. new addition .Walk for Hoa1, tbe annual There ii water, water falll, land trepa Ca Roast-Toast ahd then the two-<lay 1olf tournament clalm for tbe loo1eat and blU•t trap on any · at Irvine Coast Country Club Thursday and course in the world acc:urateJy 1wded OW' ban lnto . Friday, · · lta spacious area) and all the other accouterme"'ts ~ CHAIRMAN GENE BAUM saya thla year's of an outatanclln1 coune. event will·~ even bigger and better than paat Undoubtedly the pretUest bole on th.ls and yeJta and h~ la enthusiasUcally looking rorwerd to ·many other counes la the par-3 11th hole. On '::Jl1a , tum~ over a larger check to the hospital u a oael Lbe left 1lde of tbe 1reen la strewn. with· • · result of all the activity that takes ~me 300 bou den and desert sand in ita natural habitat~ On volunteer workers to produce. the illbt ia a lake that ex~ the lenlt.b of th~ , Baum and his group will be ·in San Dle10 fairway to a specta~ular water fall just back and,. .Monw atternoon t~ pick up any playen who fail to the rilht of the 1reen. to meke the field for the San Dieto Open. A total of 72 pros and 72 amateurs will play ln tbe two-day, ENOUGH OF DROOUNG over the coutse 36·hofe competition at Irvine Coast CC. where Arnold Palmer, Sam Snead, Gene Littler, Some outstanding playe~ have participated in Ken Venturi, BUJ.,Y Cuper, Miller Barber aAd ~ the event at ICCC .in the past inciuding three oft.be • January amone Other~; wt,19ibe eompeUng for a top four finishers in the Bob Hope Desert Classic . $40,000 flrst prize. The only requirement is that tl\e this put week. · pr.os muat<be 50 yean of age or older. :a , Winner Ed Fiori was here ln 1978 while third And in case you have the ur1e to pley one 61 .. place finisher Rex Caldwell played at ICCC ln the moat beautifuJ and outstandint courses on the 1977. 1978 and 1981 and fourth place finisher Scott desert, keep in mind that green fees for guests are Hoch was here In 1980 . $50 plus another $7.50 for an electric cart to be-· :{hat should give some idea of the caliber of shared with anoth~r golfer, a totel of $57 .50. • ' t~' y2ung pJayers who participate in the Crosby Our score over the 8,042-yard silver tel· Cla.tnl5ake at Irvine Coast CC annually. .. layout! How about 91? The pros will play• longer ,. J . • • . • gold tee course tb~t extends to 6,892 yardl w~Ut . NBWPO&T HA~BOa HIGH graduate Nan~y some knoll-top tees that give a spectacular ~ew of '\, Mocitett, now' playing for the UCLA women s the course that ls nestled at th_t base of .~team, retun1ed to her home course last week at Eisenhower-Mountain and has a wealtJPof colorful .~ Irvine Coas t CC and promptly posted low flowers blooming along the fairways and adjacent indivl~ua# gross score. She's. a freshman for the to the ueens. · · . Br;tlins °"5 year. • . . \, Too iffy a stmlt?. 7 'W~riors ~et Human pyramid shak~s up ~neerleader .free 0 thr 4 o 3 w 42 · l . towin -SYRACUSE, N. Y. <AP) -formed by their te~inmates. ' While a cheerleader recovers The sight arid sound of Munn's Sophomore guard Mark from a lO·foot fall which injury silenced the itnnounced Foringer sank a free throw with fractured her skull, the future of crowd of 25,6~ and virtually 30 seconds re mainin·g and stunt.JI by Syracuse University took the figh't out of the Big Eas\ Woodbridge High made it stand pep squads is up in the air. Conference rivals.~ . · h w · d d The accident -Sunday "Forthefi~ttfmeinmylife, up as t e arriors e ge hospitalized Miehelle ,Munn. 21,1 I wanted to stop p' laying," said Capi:;trano Valley Christian, 43"'2, in a non-league basketball of Sayre, Pa., a captain and Syracuse ~ach Jim Boeheim. game Monday·rught. popular member of the The lrst thing .Georgetown's The Warriors, 11.4, led 18-person group. John TboQlpsoo w~nled--to know throughout the game as they "I think the fans identified after a 75-70 ~ss was Munn's built a 19·nnint halftime lead with her because she was so condition. · 4 11:'-little an<f she had such spirit," A television a.IAd.lence al~o saw behind the shooting of Foringer said Syracuse lawyer Ann the cheerle-A'er-..rithing in pain and f>4 junior center Anthony ..,.. Radovcicb. Glavin, who attends all of .and heard l\er sobs when a stony C · t v ll Cb · u Syracuse's home -~sketball ·silence in• tl'le. Carrier-Dome ' apas rano a ey raa an 0 ames. "That's what impressed allowed NBC' microphones to wouldn't fold, however, and • • · k the • eventually knotted the score at/ me about her. Everyone bas pac m up.*" · · 42·all with 40 seconds to play. been saying, 'Don't tell me it ' ' Foringer, who scored eight was THAT one.' " ffamiltnd'.·, Le.w. is points, came down tne floor and The S-l, 98-pounc! Munn was v was fouled attempting lo shoot. briefly unCOMcious after the tall pace UC {\*omen . The 5-11 guard then went to the from a human pyramid durtn& a . ~· foul line and conneeted. timeout 4~ minutes into the K•ther1ne Hamilton ·and Capistrano Valley elected to · Georgetown·Syracuse game. Dorothy Lewjs combine6-for .(3 go for the final shot al the wire Then she went into convulsions ,.points as UC Irvine defeated Sao but.never got it off as the Eagles and began to moan with ;'ain. "Diego State, 58-56, in a wome.n's threw the ball away as tbe Taken by a mb·tthnce to non.confe rence collegiate 'buzzer sounded. . C r o u a e ·Irvine Memo r i a I basketball 1,,9me Monday night. lJadovcich was the principal Hospital, she spent Monday in The Anteaters, 8-10, held a clog in the Warriors' attack with ·the intensive ca r e unit. 31·27 advantage at the half and .17 poi nts . Foringer and H owever , Joseph Julian, quicklybuilt~tuptoalO-point 'leamm,te David Wise added Syracuse's vice president of bulge e.arl n the secqnd 'eight each, while Tom BorsuJt public affairs, said Munn's period. Bflt · Diego [''late, a nd Kevin Burke contributed parents, Lavere an<! Janice behind the fhooting of Judy fo ur apiece. Muno, felt good enough about Porter (U points), kept clawing The Warriors. who still held her progress to return home. back unW it bad tied the score an eight·point m-tein entering The universlly has suspended rqidway through the 20·minute the final quarter, were hurt by further use or the pyramid -slinza. . · their inability to hit free throws called a Swedish roll -pending HamOton, 23 poi JI t s, and during the finaJ eight minutes. an inquiry into its safety·, Julian Lewis,. 20, r~atedly"' gQt free Woodbridge missed three said. The routine includes underneath the tutsket for easy one-plus-one opportunities ln the forward someraaul ts by two scores whiqb eventually became f i n a l m i a u t e s to a 11 ow male cheerleaders through too muc.h forSfJl Diego State, Capistrano Valley Christian openings in a human wall 13·5, to ov~rcome. back in the game. . ~ . ; W Sii REPORT:~·- . SOUTHERN c.tuFORNL\ Smow -..,1ac11e1 C• .. tlou Mountain mp Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine 12 bp 12·26 , 6·10.. bp 24·36 . - CENTRAL CAUF'ORNL\ June Mountain S0-71 pow./pp 'Mammoth Mountain 97 pp China Peak . 38-55 · Pit Docfoe fti-4 .. e •72 ·pp • ... NORTHdN CAUFORNIA Mt. Reba ,8CH20 pP ~ Kirkwood 120-3>4 pp Sierra Std Ranch 92 Heavmly Valley 78 pow./pp Tahoe Ski Bowl 7lH1A '. Nortbltar 144 Ski Incline 34-48 ·-Squaw Valley 42-1.20 Donner Ski Ranch 90-138 Alpiol Meadows 14'-llO S.1ar Bowl 14'-111 PP Uftl/claaln 3C FO 6L 4C ro lSL ro FO 7L ro FO . 22L 2C 8C 3C 17L 3C 1~ BoreaJ 120 IL Homewood Sid Area •• pp/hp 3C Condltioaa: bp -bantpa4*; pp -~ powder; Pow. - powct... : '. µfta/cb.ua: 1'-llfta; C -c...._ · FO-=-full r ~=~;...a.::-=--~ 0 5 5 ) ! ~...;:;..;;...~.....,. ........ ~-....;.....~.;_,.----~ ............ .._ ________ ..,...._.. __________ ...... ______ ._. ____ _ I Tourney lur~s Beard . Crosby Southern set Jan. 28-29 at ICCC By HOWdD L HANDY °' ................ --frank Beard. • winner ot J l evenu OG lhe Te1.1rnament Playera Auoclatlon (TPA ) tour lncludln1 the 1967 and Uno Tournament of Champk>na, has confirmed tb•t be wut r.lay In the Crosby Southern Clambake at Irv ne Coast Country Club Thuraday and Friday, Jan. 28·29 accordinat to 1eneral chairman Gene Baum. Beard was a member or the 1988 and 1971 Ryder Cup teams and won hia rirst tour event ln 1963 at the Frank Sinatra tournament. lie won $17 ,938 total that year.. ' OTHER EVENTS BEARD has won include the 1965 Texas Open, 1966 New Orleams Open, 1967 Houston Open and the 500 Festival, the 1969 Minnesota Open and Westchester Classic, the 1970 American Golf Classic apd the 1971 New Orleans Open. FRANK BEARD The two-day pro-am partner event at lrvine Coast CC will culminate a week of activity that begins with a field of 108 for Friday's Koa1 Hackers Hijinx at the Newporter Inn. Gregg in position to 'ring one up' ' . FOR THOSE WHO prefer to walk , a new event CINCINNATI <AP) - A Dallas Cowboys ring adorns Forrest Gregg's dis figured finge r , a reminder or his last ta.ste of the Super Bowl. "J wear the Cowboys ring because it's the only one that fits," the Cincinnati Bengals' h ea d coac h sai d Mo nday. "I got my finger mangle d in Bubba Smit h 's facemasll:" • Gregg was a player on two Super Bowl ch ampionship teams with the Green Bay Packers and on the Dallas Co\Vboys' 1971 c hampionship squad, where he earned the ring he wears. Now, he's in a position to add another as he takes the Bengals to their first Super Bowl. " After resigning from hi s first National Football League head coaching job with the Cleveland Browns under heavy pressure, Gregg has taken a last-place team to the top in two years. "I don't know that I'm any better or a coach than I was i n Cleveland," Gregg told a crowd of sportswriters in his Spinney Field o ffi ce Mo nday . "I thought I ~as a good coach in Cleveland. I'm doing the same things that I did then. I'm a creature of habit. '"I believe in discipline. f've always believed in it because ·that's what I've seen succeed. And I believe in conditioni ng and mental preparation." Gregg has been de sc ribed as a has been added to this year's calendar, Walk for disciplinarian akin to Hoag. Check-in time for the walk is at 7:30 at the former Packers Coach Irvine Coast Country Club parking lot. Vi'D'ce Lomt!_ardi. lfe Buses will transport walkers to the site of their brought his st yle to event and return them in time for brunch. Entry Cinc;innati, where the fee for this one is $50 per person or $75 for a Nale 1911( downtrodden Bengals coupl~. 1---------- w ere c 0 ming 0 r r Paul Salata. the Orange Coast area's George f'ICTITIOUUUllNHI c 0 n s e c u ti v e •. 1 2 r th M d ...... HAT ...... , Jessel, will serve as Toastmaster o e on ay "" 1o11ow•"• 1Nrso11 ,, e101ne se~:sponsro.bably the one night Roast-Toast honoring former state Senator •: · 1 c Dennis Carpenter. &Cit, at "....inon t., "10 thing that I've tried to After that array of events, it's down to the •• ~~11•11 ,. ...... •t• get these guys to think serious side of the week with the pairings party T..:!""~~~92:'.,. a b o ut is lo give Wednesday night (Jan. 27) and play in the two-day --. everything they can as golf tournament on~hursday and Friday <Jan. TMI :,;!-::' ttled w1111 "" football players, to work 28·29). One amateur partner will be paired with C-ty Cl9tl °' 0r.,... c-i, on as hard as they possibly each professional in the field. ., ,..,, ""'.., can in a football game , ,....._.. 0r.,... ,_ Dooy ,., ... for 60 minutes," Gregg LAST YEAR, REX CALDWELL, who finished o.c. 29• "'1,J ... s. 11• "· 1912 mMt said. third in the Bob Hope Desert Classic last week, 1 fmtX 191a That devotion lo the teamed with Jerry Helperin of Big Canyon work ethic seemed to Country Club for the team title. Caldwell also lied f'tCTmoua eu11Nus take root late last for fourth in the individual competition that was NAMUTAHMHT f'1CTin ouuu11NH1 season, as the Bengals· won by Mitch Mooney in a playoff with Tom Jones. .,.,!,~~·~~'"' "'IOft1 •r• e1oi,.. Tf\e .::=:i:=·.~. "'"' struggled to a 6·10 mark Past Crosby Southern participants have gone VAL ENTUP1t1ses. a. w. ••Y ._1,..uos: d espl.te a rash of I s1 .. c°'1o"'"°,c11-.21. a o&TMAN/OLMSCH•ED on lo do we I on the pro tour. , v1ro11 Almon L.ocll•bey, 7CM4 IL PltOPl!RTIES. 2"' -so &-.we, injuries. Gregg said it There are 17 players among the top 60 who are °'u nfrant a.1bM,c&m.1. "'"••.1 .... 111e.ce11t.mlo'2m. took a while for the exempt from qualifying this year who played here v1ro1"'• Loell•b•Y. 200 I!. RICHAltD c . ao&TM&N, ,,., tb °'t8'1froftt, llolOO.,CAftt61. Morse Ave"ue, Sulle a, lrvl11e, players to get over · eir in the past including the Bob Hope winner, Ed, T111s 11us1"°'' 11 ,_ucted by •" c •111orn1om14. · fear Of losing. F' ' lndlvlduol. RAY P. OLMSCHIED, 1714l·C • ed lh IOrl · • V. A. LoO.C.y Murphy Avenue, If vine , Callfornl• · It seem \o me at Others among the top 60 money winners last T1111 st•-wu fifed •"" t11e nm. every week we were year Include: Gil Morgan (18), Fuzzy Zoeller (19), county C•••ll 01 ore,... county on T1111 ""''""'is (anducted by• t • b tt Oec. ll, t•t. Q4111erol Ptr1Mrstllp. ge ting e er. even Keith Fergus (21), Lon Hinkle (22), Tom Purtzer ,..,... 11~c . ..._..,. though we were losing," • p t Oo t h · (28) Fiori (36) Tommv Pv1>11...., 0r-.. coo.1 Dolly Piiot., Tf\I• ....._,, •• filed wltll 111e ( 27 ), e er S er UlS • . ' ' JOll. S, 11, It, Ii, ,.., •SJ.a Cw"'y Clerk of Or-County on Gregt said. "We were Valentine (39), D. A. Wei bring (45), Da11 0ec.2.1.1•1. playing good teams. We Halldorson (47), Peter Jacobsen (SO), Frank fmtX Illa • "o o • s . ••No ALL • were getting beat, but Conner (51). Greg Powers (52), Tom Jenkins C$U. :~~~!-r'°:'u.eor.w..._ not blown out. We were Mark Lye (56). Don PooJey (57> and Van~e f'1CT1nou1~1ntNH1 awMw,..,...._,..,... l . to h t . t N--. ITATE~NT ............. CA.... ,.,,_., p aymg ug . no JUS Heafner (80). Tiie lollowlno ptnon It doh•• PW!Wlld Or .... c..tt Delly Piiot, rolling over. ·------------::i= -i.nin .. 1 os; 0ec. "·"''·JM. s, tt. "·"" ffl2.t1 ··All of a sudden I PUBLIC NOTICE rwlA -... • w.J. SAUL PllOOOCTIOlft, we1 • WMMr , ~ 9ooc.I\, C. • .,.., -· -think these guys said, wo1i.ce J. s-111, .. , w.,...r, ......,., 1111111K 'Hey, we can win if we NOTteaW~•'l1&&.• f'ICTIT=:....... ~~1~1111'!;,:1_. w ..,-------------keep our noses to the 0a ,....,_., " ,.. ot n:• .. "'. NAMUTATllMll"' .,....,..,._ "~~::_::::- grindstone and keep on f~~:.:,:.~~~.~~·.~ ...!:,..~ .,..._ -4leMt ,.,.. ::.':.:.~111'" ...... Tiit '9llowlflt --on 11o1.,. working hard.'" (~ .. ~ •• -~ HA' Pl!NNY INNS fltOYAL c-1v Cioni Of 0r-.. C-y .......... HOS: Gregg said the club's TNlt ......... , .... TNIM,tftNt SUITES: WESTCHESTElt Docem-2.1,1•1. PACIFIC wooos ASSOCIATES, tartoh1 0-. .. Tnnt eJIO<Utff .., VILLAGE. LTO .. tteo New1Nrt "''"" ,. Qo;oll Stnol. Suite HO, H--1 newfound deter'mination VINCENT J . MlltACa, .. _.., ,...,, c .... Mine, CM!fomlo '21U7. "'*ltNd llir .... Coo" Dolly PIMlt ... <II, CA nwo. showe(I Sunday when IMfl,Olld~,...,_.,...,,.,.. Mervy" A. P"•l•11. Mo11011 .. , 0oc.,.,1..,,J ... s.12.tt,1t11ss.w1 :OW:i~:!~·=;~.:::::;; the Berrgals defeated the litStn11•-t "°· It,., 111 lleOll "*'· Ge11ertl 'Perina•, Wulcllulor eo.cf\,CAnwo .... • .. Offlc:lol ltocoNI Of Or..... VIII••·· Ltd •• uo South Gius.II San Diego Chargers 27-7 c-y. c.t~•· ...,. "",...._ •• StrMt,O('.,...,c.t1fOl'fllo'*6. NmJC 1111( 0.-ls A. M9rt1n._-ro1 PortMr, t 0 win t b e i r f i rs 1 ~~,.~-: ::U.. ~~e~,P~·~ .. ~r~~ ::=:,.:;. ,_._. 11.Y • f'ICTITIOUI •UllNHS ~':'!~!=.··Sult• HO. Ntwl)On American Conference un11ee1s.._ .. .,,,. .. , •.• 1111emo111 Morvyn&....,...., N.U.ITAT•M•NT Tiii• M111ets Is c-uc:led by• title. They played the en1ron(e 10 l'Pral Am••l<•n Tille Tf\ls ·~ •os '"" wltf\ U. Tiie lollowlno perao11 h dolno llmll.OP«ti.nNp. lnturo11ca Cornpony lo<oltd ot IU C-IY Clor1t of 0rOll9t C-ly Ofl au~l,...sos: Don~. Vlelro g a m e in s ub. z er 0 EHi l<lftf\ 51,..1, In .,,. City of S.nl• l)e(. ~. '"'· SIR ROGERS LTD, 270 E 11111 SI., Tl\lt .=::i.ne; .. td •"II '"' temperatures with a Ano,cot1twnt•,•111"°1r1""'·111'°0 "" "'711., Co.l•Meu,c.&-.21. • countv c1tr11of0r..,.. c-•Y °" lnterut conveyed to oftct now neld Dy II F>ubllslled Oronoe Coot Dally Oona Id L. It-rs. uo Knoa st.. • wind chill that made it under said DHd or Tru1t In tllt "Pl1e1. J.,., 12, "· 2', Fttt>. J, costo Melo, CA mn. Jen. 1• 1'12. feel like 59 degr ees Prwuty sttuoted in said County•"" 1•2 .,,., Tiils M111ei1 11 conci"''" by .,, :~'!.':;.MtMw,cam. be lo. w "ero. St•I• dHCrlbtd OS: CJty qi I .... 1.... lndMduol. A Low p .................. ., Loi"· Trad '711, os allown on• ~ '9TI( Oanold Lll-rs P,...........C..W.._ Mop re,..-in llom :47, powtS "· 40 Tllh tt.t-1 wos llled with Ille ----------...:......,_-----------l•nd 41 ol MIJ'ellaneous Mops,-----------c-ty Cltr••ol Ora119t c-ty on -Mec=elft.,W..J• lllll llTICll ..... "-::;::,:=:.~~.f~t:~!~~. IU ...... couc•~': .. CM.l~NIA Dec.,,,'"'· "'"'" ........ . CA,.,... ,, ... ...-. ~ ......... ~ t 111 c-•-y..., • -'"-•• •1 P11bllslle<I Oro nee Caoal Ooflw oos. oll .,.., 11,_oco.~ .....,._,... -ft• ...... -.....,. -PulllltNd 0r.,.. Cooll Dolly l'llot. P"~. J-. 1• ''· -. ·~. 2, 1-' Ofld Uflder Mid I...,. •1ow a •P'f\ at 111 ltlo Mattlr.. 51-..1 ..... -· .. .. ........ -SOO IHI, aut wllllotlt tflo rleftl ol -RIOGLEt -*'· S, la_ 1', Jt, !912 "'l :., 21..a 1Ur10U Ofllry, OS rotorwed In tllt 0... MlllOf MUFF Costa Mesa. Ca. and Donala 1rom c .. de 10 -=-. • um1toc1 A .. ,.... -.....,. • CIKtorM OL I VER W M F F , F Bennett of Bi~ B ear PwtMrtNC>,rocon1MOc:-t1,1m troo tr°"' lllo c-,.-~ • C '--L 111 9to4< t4l7, ..._. IM• of Olllclol f\ls .. ..-or~ resident or Costa Mesa. Ca Lake , a .. dau_g,~er s . Rt<Ot'cts. Am• Passed away on J a n uary 9. Naomi J ean Grifr1th of "°"'·---o1111eb9flotklory ctTATI091 1982. Pnvate familyservices M iss i o n H ~ll s . C a .• 5 •t wllOte r...-tM .... 11 •1111 ,.,...._.,._,._.. Were he Id . Pr I.vat e 11 r a n d c h 1 I d_ re n . S <•"ducted: Ardo111 M. s,11wob, ~ ... ~ ... Tni-. C/11 '°"""""'"' Home l.OOll, l&a&HOONMl!Nn inte rment. Pacific View g r eat·grandc.hildr en. 2 IM., 1401 Dove StrHt. Suite HO, < .. :AOCWT1a..: Mortuarydirectos:s. brothers Leonard and NewP«la-t1,CA tHM, T••1t1AH1tEXPtCkEn ........ ,. • B ENNE1T R a y m o n d R o d d a . o f Dlrttti-to 111e _.,. ,,,.,_rt, ,.,,_s '"""",. • • tfle tot11er .,. S moy bo Cllltolnecl ""' ,_."" -motll« ..... ,,..._ .--111 ..... • -MYRTLE BENNETT . Sacramento, Ca. erv1ces 1n wr111,.~ ....... ..,..,1<terywlllllfl Nmed. resident or Costa Mesa, Ca will be held on Wednesday . 10 d•Y~ '"'"' 111e flr11 pu4111cou .. o1 •Y or•r fl! "'" cwrt yeu ••• . J 20 l°"" at 2 ·00PM llllSllOlk•. flo••by c•W--._, ....... tfle Passed away on January 17, a nuary .. • """' · 5111 ao•• wlu tt• "'"° w1111ovt Jwto ~"' D1J•tww SE c 1982. Survived by 2 son s a t P ac1C1c View. ~ha~el · cov1110111 or worronty, upnu o Of tllt-... ...... led caw1 locotitd •t William ~eorge Bennett or Interment at Pac1r1c V.•e.w lmplled, OJ to lltlt. -SOHIOfl or 11710 ....... •w .. ...,_Ill, cetff., _:..._ ___ -=;__-----.Memorial Park . Pac1f:c encumbrOMn to wtllly 1t1e UllHI .,, '•llNWY n. 1912, ot •:• A.M. ot . . . McCOIMICI MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HMIOI LAWN-MT. OLIVI Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540.5554 ,_Cl UOTHllS llU•OAOWAY MOITUAl'f 110 Bro.ctway Costa Mesa 642-9150 NIC11aOnm1 IMl1'Ml'NOITUMT 827M•ln sr. ~nllngto!'I Beach 536-6539 '. . ---.......... ,.... ____ ._...._..._ Vl·e w Mortuary directors. b•I•"<• ttu. on tllt 11010 or 1101o -• .. Y. ,..,. .,.., t-.10 llMw c-. soc11rtd by Mid l>ftd ., lniat, lo wllt H l llY Yoll llove, •f\y Mid ,.,.... ROBERTS S1t4,SU.n , plus 1111 lollo•ln sllav,.,... • dlc!M'td lt'w from lllo WILLIAM C. ROBERTS . tstlmotu costs, uptnsts on c.1trol0fllla-"1<tordlfltlotllt . c OdVWl(ff et tf\e ""'' ol If\• lnlll•I petition ... Ille lltf'ol11. JR .. resident of lrvme , a . 1tUbll(ollon of 11\11 Notice 01 Sole: Tllo ,...tan flltd ._,..,.It,_ t11e Passed away on January 14. Sl,tous. --•,,...,.ttiell*IO<ttfllldfor 1982. He is s u rvived by his Deted: J_r., U, l"2 111-fllefllfwodolollon. father William Roberts. Sr.. "1"1 Al'fllWlc.,. TIU• DatH: ....,, JD,'""· 1n111rMC• Compony Jefl!I J. <:wcoron of Newport Beach. Ca.. 1c.111om1u01'11Gr•llon Col#ltyCIHtt m olh er BeUelu Schlieper o f Don 0r-roc1 ey L. Coltfnoft A · d ht L · AUll\orlrtd Offker Dtituty ru.ona. a ug e r isa, 1i.EostFlftllStrMI •k119ND,,.._.. s Is t er Pame la K i n g o f s.nto&no, CA '270! OMCPty ....... --. .... "" Te n n e s s ee a n d N an c y Publl.i.ct or.,.. Coo1t Dolly Piiot Or•lllO. c.tlfornlo..., w e s t berg o r I 11 i n o i s . Jon. "· u . l'ttt>. l. "" uo.t. 17141 ...... · · · h Id l-------------1 Publ......, 0r.., eo... 0.11, Plllll, Slumberroom v1s1tat10n e ~!!:_J. 11, "·*'· '!' __ ,._,.., on Saturday, January 16. 1982 at Baltz Bergeron ·Smilh & Tuthill Westcllff Chapel Mortuary, 427 E. 17th Sl .. Costa Mesa. Ca. Private services were h eld under the d irection of Baltz Berger o n -S mith & Tuthill Weslcliff C hapel M ortuary 9( .Costa Mesa. 8'6-9371. .. .- f'tCTIT:OUS eUMNIM llllAMalTATSMINT Tiit loffowlfto --•r• OOlflt 1>usl11H1as: COUNTRY WOOOS ASSOCIATES. 1000 Ouoll Slroel, S..lte HO, N~t lleoc:f\, CA nwo. Don N. Vltlro, ~rel Portner. 1000 Ouoll Slr•I. s..tle MO, N-rt 8N(ll, CA""°· Dennis A. Merlin. General PortMr, 1111111 Quell s1,..1. 54111• 260, New-1 llHcf\, CA '2'60. Tlll1 buSlllHs 11 c-uc:lod by • llmlltcl~p. Doti N. Vlelre GantralPort..., Tiiis ~ wo1 filed •1111 '"° c-ty Cltrll °' 0r.,.. c-ty on JOfl .•• 1"2. 1111 ........ ,ll!Mw,C.... &e--., AU.P......,IM .... ~···· ..... car.w ... -Moc---............ "" ~--.CA ... Pt ... P11Dll1"9d °'·~ Cen t D•llf l'llOI, ~· 12. "· ........ 2. ""11..., f'1CTIT1ouseu11••• N._.ITATU.NT Tf\t IOllowlflt ..,..,., oro .. 11111 auslnenas: DIWAT, LTD., a l.llftlted Port,....lfllp, t Milty 11119-, lrvlM, CA '2715. RICHAltD J. DADAMO, <>-ra\ P~ner, I Mitty Moodow, lr"IM, CA '27fS. --GUY THllAP, 6-ol PortMr, 2111 l o AmMlllo, Oel Mor. C•llMrnla. Tiiis auslneu 11 (onclvclM by o llmlltd ~"'1p. ll~llord J. Dooomo Tf\11 ..._,,. WM flled wltll tllt Counly Clerk ol Or•• C-ly on Oe<.14, '"'· J&MaHit.·PteM•TTll A-.n.., .. u. 714-..... °""..._ ..... ,.-Jn fl C .... ~CA maa. 11'1M, Penney & Penney, John C. Penney, Attorney at Law, 3471 Via Lido, Newport Beach, Ca. '2663; tel: (714) 673-7120. Plltllltlltd Or-Coo.C Dolly PllOC JOfl. u. 13. "· 1"2 m..2 • fl ICT'tTIOUS MMN•• ' NAMll ITAH ... NT Tllo ... _.... __ .,......,. ""91notsos· ST ANl'OltD WEST, ttll Corn ........ llCI .. ~ 9-11, CA ""'· Joupll 1111 Slonfer•. !tlO com.-..1te1., ~e..ct1.c• '2MO. LOUii J • ........,,, 11GO w..t ~ Ortwe, ~ ~ 1111e-.... .,,,,. Helotl A. O.te«, llll llllddWood LOfll, .. -1 9to<ll, C ...... nlo ...... Lotlle J. S&lflford. fJM So. G41tley ltOH,o-.n.HoflllU.~ •us . Tllb bullnnf Is (Oflductad by o .....,., __,.,,,.., J .... N. 518'\fortl Tiiis SI ......... Wft tll9d wllll ltw ,_., Clor1t of o.-..,.. Coun1y °" Jo11.l ,t9l2. 1111._,.....,&.._ A Prtfc 11 uc..__ A,.,_,, 01 Low 4MIC ...... 0'1w. Peet Offk9 ._ 1117 ......... -..0, CA ft6'l ,.,_,. l'ubll111ed Oro,,.. Coou Dally l'llal, J ... 12. It, U , Feb. I. 1"2 J»G PUii!._. Or ... C-Delly Piiot, -----------0.C. 1', 1"1, J ... S, 12. It, Ha S»MI T•E f4'"91Ll' Cl•Ctl by Bil Keane "But he hit me bode first!" ~ARMt\Dl'KE I by Brad Anderson "Let him In. I'd rather he came through the door than the window." • by Virg il Partch (VIP) • I ,_,, "What? Did your mom send you 5 dollars for your birthday again?" DE:\~IS THE ME~i\CE Hank Ketchum ~~ I ,.,, ~l}~11 l1. IP'' I . ,,1 :'111;1 ,..-----,----- 11, ,· -by Jim Davis ) .": .. ·• "'· .... ., •• ~ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tuesd1v. J1nu1ry 19, 1982 • PUNIJT8 t>Y Charle• M. Schulz rssr, ~CIE ! THE TEACMER JUST CALLEO ~ YOOR NAME! Tt:MBLE•EED8 I ~ATE TO PRACTICE M Y SINGING ALONE ALL THE TIME ------- MARCIE! WAKE UP! ~16MT NOW, 110 SAY -nte SMIL.IN6 CAVALIER OF 1'Hlf P5Sl!Ftr ! SME'S THE MAYOR. OF "ZONK c1rr ! by Tom K. Ryan FIRS1 .. T'JME: l(OOVE Pl-AVE:P OPP05n1= A f'IG-NAME, KIP? by Jeff MacNelly CJP" by Ernie Bushm1ller .--~~~~~~~~~~~~-,"'TT1 W H AT I N EED THE NEXT SONG I 15 SOME ONE WILL SING IS--- TO LISTEN TOME II TAKES A SHAKING .SEINE T..:> PUMPMV PER}tNf ~Cl)~E o= nJe 100 lllGHLV OPE<:.JALIZ'EP,f by Gus Arriola . GJ.AD T~ !JECll!!J,t!.L5 OF YOUR !WM8 L l/.JC:f TUMMV ARE l!JE'IOAIO EVEN MY .t:XX3'5 EAR/ t 't:NKl' •INKEllBEi\~ by Tom Bat1uk UJQ(ILc.> I I KEEP A CAN OF 5PAtfl IN fYV..) DE.51< DRPbJER I OOITT 86.JE.VE Ii! I I'VE NIBBLED ~ AT rw.J UJNC.H AU. MORNIN6 AND NOW 11'5 fVV.i LLJNC.WPERIOD AND 1HE.RE'5 Ne™IN& LEFT! FOR JU~T ~AN ~l)I ~ 11''5 AMAl lNCi WHAT ONE C.AN f AC'°MPLIOM WM(N ONE POESN'T f . ~)~ MOON Mt:LLIN8 ACROSS be1 -•• 1 Hill 51 ~edence 5 PwCM60n 52 Oermlnt 10C..... MlAdl 14 Mou .... d • Emdl 15"'"91n ~ llem: 11 Tooei e lrlln 2 wordl 17Meo .. -~ -.-: ti Altlll t'9 2 wontl .. a-tld ttTlld 17IMIC:tl 20-.to ...... 21Trtllle •&pne 230f..._ DOWN 2t ....... , ...... 27....... I Alrtoln port 30 ·~ I .... ...... 4 ltucll ..... 5ff0ftl - MAYBE F"OF? )OU 7 PRoFE:SSOR--MY OWN STAY~D PRETTY MUCH THE: SAME:. •CINMll: --....... a..-•,...... 14 a.o.e: "· 31 Crcd ,...., 21 ............ • .... ._.. I...... 27 .. Voglle . --• Old....... . ....., nollll 41 -.,, OOlll 21 fMnld ..... 10Arlt..-: 11 ~ a CllllMd a II Girt'•,... 41 ""9r 11 ,..... a .... un11 .. ~-" ........... .......... ........... ,, ...... ,... .,,. .... ·-··-•ca..• .,_.. .. ,_.8111fUtlf •W KNOW WHAT ON£ CAN'T DO by Ferd & To m Johnson Lf:TIS US TAL.k ROOM AND BoAAD. .. WHY DO Y'OO SAY )'OU PON1 -r W AN.,-.,-0 GO IN'1'0 .,-HI! H09F' I 'T" AL-.,-OPA Y, PE!AR.? (OM( Ott.. I OOt<l° T "A'JE. oM£. ~ L..f.1 ME \Alf.AR 1\ rOfl l LrTTl .. E. lt.)i.HLE. ! l'. 'M AFR.Al P ::f. Ml<SH-r CA'1'C H S OMe-rHtNG ! fOa 8ETTEa Oa t 'e• •OalE YOO LIKE 1HIS Q ~m,M~. , SlCAl.lSE. 1°~ A l "ILO. ~ltA1's iovR E:i.(IJSE. ~ by George Lemont PIP ;t .JUS~ HE:AR. .,-HE: COOKt NG SHE!R.R.Y O PE!N ?! by Lynn Johnston A\.L I CAME itJ TC*.IN FO" WAS A ~'" KE.yCHA\N ! I . I '· ' . . Orlngl Collt DAILY ptLOT(TueedtY, Januaty 18, 1982 J .. '-• The f!t<Jtketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Among ~ople looking /or a rf'fllal. 109'0 read rttil e1tate claui/i«l 'JIU. 'INDEX ,, .... YwM.Cll 142-5171 ·n~·~uu .... : ~~-.... -= ~. -. ., ... ... . ~ Twit'-:"' , .. .. · = I .EQUAL HOU8INQ I~ · i ~~;m:~·; . ...,~.. IW. ,. _ _._.;.._ :: newspaper Is subject to .._. lhe Federal Fair Hout· 1111 .::.· : : Ing Act of 1968 whirh ='·':".. ·... :: makes it illegal to ad- .............. 11• vertise "any preference, IUUSTATE limitation. or dls-~1ww. iae cri mination bned on ~$~ :: race, color , re~iglon, ~ '1 -sex, or national origin. c.-.m.i q J: or an intention to make c 11 •1-1 1111 any such preference. 1:.W:~"ri'~ · ::; limitation, or du CUSTOM W /VllW Orie. ls eully captiva ted by this ocean and ba)' vu borne atop the Blldls in Irvine Terrace. Ideal for .-tive family living or gracious entertaining, the home host& 4 8drms. 3 Ba. pool. goui:mel kitchen and has ultra modern appliances, bri c k floors , oak cabinets and bay and 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ w vu breakfast area. t· Price S97S,OOO and you ---~ ...... ---i own the land. Owner will HAllOl RIDGE finJUlce, An exquisite offering. IOGllS REALTY Elegant & spacious 3 '75-2311 bdrm + family home, I lev. home w1panorami<' vis ta of harbo r . OH FEE LAND coastline. ocean & night IM WTILUFF lights. Prestl'ge, com· HAllOI YllW llOADMOOI YA.CJ.Hf --AMY TIMI View of ocean, bay.& Pavilion lights from this prestigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 2~ Ba Family Room, 2 Fplc~. Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home jn a prime.Corona del Mar neighborhOod . Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. Owner will help finance . WISUY M. TAnOI co .. WLTOltS Ziii S.~Hlllf Roed MIWPOIT CIMTll. M.1. 644-4t I 0 t:=::;r"-.'1, ::: crimination." _,.. ............ .. -.... "-·'l'rtt Prh . me This newspaper will not Beautiful pool home fort . luxury & serurity. with city lights view' As· Reduced, now $695,000 sume Sl 2~.ooo 1st 11t <Owner financ•ingl. Agt. -~~----~-------•I 9;-•"k interest. 4 large 640-5560. $MILLION $ =·~,...:-' · · · ·: knowingly accept any o.itlc.i.rPH.. : 1* advertising for real bdrm s. p I us ram 11 y ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~I room. Only S32S.ooo. call ST ART SMART o.....-.y for s• 67J..8S50 a~ COST .a. MES• 1141Linda1s1e . Newport YOUIFAMILY DESllYES THE HST! Largest I story Lusk built 4 Bdrm home in Eastbluff. Bright & c·heerrul. per rHt ror family h vi ng Largr front courtyard with bnrk entry. Mai:n1rirent \'iews of Catalina & c·ity lights. Quiel loeatlon. Outstanding hm1ly neighbomood 1299,000. o.io1a.urn. -estate which is in \'iola· .::t'i!.~i.:'." : tionolthelaw. .... ..,........... ·- IOIHLS ------• " "' "' Beac h . C u s t o m Assume $81.000 in loans waterfront home . .................. J .. ..... ~ ,. .............. 11111 .. at S832 mo. Family room pm·ed rar below market EllOIS: AdvtrfiHrt features rozy fireplace ! for quick sale. MAI ap· ....., dtecll tlteir octs 3 large bdrm.s. Sparkl-pra1sal $4 .4 million . THE REAL J:STATERS dalr _. report tr--------.c ingclean<"ond1tion.Only Redut•ed to only S3.G ron a-diattly. n. S12$.0QO! Call 673·8550 million. Seller will carry 071 at,.,. >.-;.,.:..::-,::..i . . . .... = ""'-Uol. .3S&S DAILY PILOT 011-1 ~year financing al 10', . a...... .&-... ..... :.. fi-t Room for 3 largr yarhts. Qllfln• ,.,.. . . -a.i.-1111 ..... -r\1111 ........ • mt --·1 ""'" -• • Indoor/outdoor pool/spa l•corr•ct l•Hrtioft with retractable roor. Aflo ll111W11. • -.-... .......... 11111 -..... .. ... =-~=··. = !l-'iw-• . 41" ""'1· •------1 Underground wine I c·ellar Separate guest If ·t' got ND maid's quarters. • I S World's most romantu· ·-handles m11ster swtc overlook· • you'llgrab inst entire h arbo r. '7S.l•ll a sale Broker c·ons1derat1on. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~l .• faster in • To see t·aJI R1rk. Bk1' r- ==· =-------•I LUXURY DUP LEX . ._...19._. ..-SO OF HW Y Two ~ ,., 1n1 Ult for 5* . spar1oos 3 Br 2 Ba + den =... "";"'1-.i .. :: ••••••••••••••••••••••• units. Upper has mini \'U .....ne111n11o1 . .-. ~ I OOZ ol ocean Laundry space =•-:· . C ............ ••••••••••• in earh unit Adjacent to ... "-lala . ~ -DESERTED ln·ineTerrace. $449.SOO ••Daily PHot 714 700.J292anytime . . e . classified llSES, lml· MESA VERDE! cou OP ..n,lllORT' IDT, FlllOCE -, Only s121,900 bargain! MALTCMS MEWPORT AFFORD AILE This c·ozy 3 Bd 2 Ba + ram rm in Harbor \'1ew near 1·omm pool has good assumable loans and 1s prired to Sl'll. 1237 ;9.50 • =:=:; . • sei• I Vacant! Owner wants HtlLC:-.....,. ==, : I out! Quiet tree·hned •c-e.tMer ._,19i.-. _ street. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, aJ&·SStt =:.~... :;: family room . brick Alllllllcllr111TS, 1 firj!plare. Walk to all '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ " "" shopping. Call for more I~ ~s & details. 546-2313 . Lm&Ftltl •-.1c1•1• °"...... . Lopt~, ~.:.::.-·· 9etlala.i.• ~ ...... s1• Sl.IO ~ Wt THE REAL ESTATERS : NO ON, equity share. Isl -time bizyers, 3 bd .. 1 ba., only $94,000. prin. ODIY ioooo CaH631-400 Kathy agnt. Make your shopping easier by using the Daily PilotClassiri~ Ads. :=--! e ads. tall • 642-5671 4 ,. Help yourself to a Heaping selection or Qualified Hopefuls inlbeDAILY PILOT HELP WANTED ADS 12% PIOIA TE SALE! A CClNY{Nl[Hl 5"0PPINC Nt0 9£WIHC GUtOl f-Olt 1 HE ·= , 11• -... •u -=· = --· ----· tin --"'1 .... -· .., =· ----... - A fantastic 4 Bdrm, 2 story home with a mapificent riving, family area. Fireplace . country kitt•hen. 12', fin~lng a\•11lable. Call for mo r e detail s . 546-2313 ttWI! a.diced SI 00,000 SPYGLASS IYOWMER Ocean View SS7~.ooo 6 br/41, ba. 4100 sq rt SOUTHPORT MODEL OWNER FINANCING • HJGHLY UPGRADED Offer expires Jan. JI 2S Bodega Bay Call owner 7~·07:r1 _ : NEWPORT ICH : ESTATE! -3 Bdrm 3 bath custom : home. complete with de- tllO ,, . • fut • IJi.ll tt• r.:· .. - corator furnished in· teriors . Spacious modern home refl ects individuality or design . Lush landscaping sur- rounds large spa. price $645,!KIO. Call 646· 7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS ------ CAlON 1Hl CO Tulip Potholders~ Easy Aare Dress . I ~ I 9286 I 7108 .... la C..tort when "you see th1i. 3 Bdrm .+ den houite You'll want to i:et 1·uzy 1n front of the bai: fireplace. Only 20', down and lake alh an tai:e of an erfct·tl\'C rate or 12.1•; Pril·ecl ut $136,500. 7S1·3191 RCTc1ylorCo -: I \41 SEU. tdle llems wllh a Daily Pilot Class1f1t>d _ Ad.~5678. . . . DblNG BUSINESS UNDER A -F.ICTITIOUS NAME? - If you have juat tiled your new Flctlttou1 Bu1lne11 N•me •nd hne not yet 1ubm1tt,d It tor 1 • publication, plHH don't forget th•f the Hmltatlon 11 30 day1 from cMte of tlHng. The DAILY P.ILOT wUI publlah your •t•tement for 140:00. Our clrculetlon Include• the entire Or•nge Coeat .,.. •nd lepl · notlcea •ppe•r In •II edtlon1. In order to 1ubmlt your lt•tement for publlc•tion send IPPfOPri•te copy •nd • check to 1HE DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1sea, . .eo1t• .. MeH, CA. 92626. we·n 'do the , . reat. F~r lntorm•tlon abo ... leQ .. I • advertlllfl9 ple•ae. call 142-4321: : Ext. 332. ' I ~ TELL MORE PEOPLE ABOUT YOUR r Signs are grnt to give directions to your oar1ge sale ... but to let peop191 know you're having a salt, you shouJa schedule an ad to run In the Classified section of this newspaper!' lt_'s the best way tQ tell people Wl'lat you're selling, when and hOw to get to tl'le Nit. Clll tqday and ltt us l'lelp you wOfd ypur.s~ llllY PUT CLUBllS ... 71 . NMMSUl.A HOMIS Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boa~.: remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000 .• Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ff $1,385,000. ..... UDO ISU HOMIS Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lg. L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000., Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LINDA ISU IAYFIOMTS Main channel view from 4 bdrm,· 5 bath home with pool $1,495,000. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! CAINATION COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm , 4 bath, 2 boat slips $2,050,000. BILL GRUNDY. RfALTOR : • , l · , • • • •, •· ~ ' ,.., I b 1 RESIOENrtAl REA~ ES TAT£ SERVICES •CHAIM & llGYIDUAUn Elegant country feeling . Customized kitchen with oak parauet floors in entry, kitchen & Fam Rm. Brick patios & beautifully designed & maintained landscape. 3 BR & Fam. Rm. $193,000. Fee. University Park, Deane home. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 COTTAGE ON GREEN o,,,,.., to OWll. l ..... 2 ...... ..... bdllMr.-...romt-bytt. ,n.ms.ooo. AFFllDABl.E -WGE o.1y I 0% c-" ._ luilllM 2·1tory z ...... a.de. ..... ,,... ..... ew.r-• ........ $129,500. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. IEALESTATE • S.., R ........ Ptopt11y ~""'" 2436 w COii! fi"'\I 31~ MMw. Avt ~Buch w-Wend .,....... 67).6flt SllK & RNlf MODEL C S Y L 0 P R Y l l K L 0 E G A I N N T P T A T R 0 P R P P F X X R G R N 0 0 A P E X E T E l R A A A Y 0 l 0 0 l Y U 0 D S 0 P U 0 C M C T C W I I I T C R Y I L H W T S P P S I T T L E T A E B G A T A 0 I L E T I A A E I R A T P N~E T T H E P A M M T R N R M T L L C 0 W Y X L I H ~ F I C C 0 D N N S E E 0 P P L A 0 G H M l H H H A P E S A H E 8 E M A E R I P E l E A 0 R S E M L E 0 R A N l A R A k T T R 0 E M 0 T 0 l 0 P Z R T I C 0 P Y A 0 T R X 0 I 0 Y N A·u TR GAR HP S Y 0 PP I Y T P E 0 T 0 T I N E N E 0 E Y E E D l E D A A M E D E N I A M T I S R A = ~ Olllip .; lnlitltion w.n,lt .. Mold ~ """"" I.I Type St.llldlnl , .. ow F ... TOlllO«tw:Clcti I STAR GAZEK• .. CLATLPOUA 1;-,_ o.lr.....,... ~ "•-"i"'''"'"s-To clewlop "'"6099 tor Tundoy, ........ ~iflglo.....-S °',.. Zodloc ......... ,,_ ,, .. ::=:i 1111 ·-·-·· .... ·-UW'1t M-.. oo .... . ...._ .,,,. .,... ·-·-'°" ,,_.,. """"' ·-·~ ·--·-·-~= ·-.. _ ••"4 ,, ... II~ •ffof II-llf• .,,_ ;:;:.. ~:=.. .. """-' ·-"-.. ·-·-"'-''"-:r.' ",., ........ "°"' ,._ ...... : ... ~=-==-.. ::..... ·-!5:. ..... •• .... .... 1= •• It. ... ,,_ ==-ee:. ll-r.:: ·--.. DaleboUt Bay&Beach Real Estate . 'REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE lf4!. -~- COMI wmf US. .. TO MBA YIUI. Neat four bedroom home located on quiet cul-de-sac circle. 40' solar heat· eel pool. Built in bbq and sbufneboard court. Convenient to schools. $185.000. 1617 WISTCLl'P DI. U 6JJ.7JM1 C.M.1·2 LOT There's an existing 2 Bdrm 2 Ba home. The lot slze is SOX137' with plen· ty ol room for a new uo- tl. Assume 9'k lst T.D. Aamg price $105,000. TR\DITI<>\ \I l<I \I I ~ 631·7370 OCEAMFIOMTS ~-For ' Todav's M.ts.t BEAUT. SGL FAMILY· lo dwn. lo mt. rate. 30 yr loan. NEAR NEW DPLX ·lo dwn. lo int. rate, 29 yrs left. LIKE NEW DPLX-real lodown~low int. rate. 40 yr loan . JACOBS REAL TY ........... 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• insert I rule IYOW ... lSLAND'S MOST CHARMING SGL RES. 3 bdrm + loft, French doors & windows. Finest appointments thruout. 214 Amethyst. Open Sat 12-S. Own /~ 673-8S8S insert i rule ..... , ..... ·1001 • •••••••••••••••••••••• , ...... , .. . CAPICOD Charming 2 Bdrm home with large activity room with separate entrance. Qua!tpicket fence. dor r windows, add a nice l h to the home . 642-5200 J PETE BARRETT . REALTY _6.Il•6'-"'-'-'70,___1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Th·e fastest dra;,.. in the West. . .a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. 642,5678 Ha\'e s omething you · want lo sell? Classified adsdoil well. 642-5678. EIE 111111 1L1111 ca. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE DUPUX Balboa "Little Island" Waterfront W /Sandy Beach. Full Bay View From Both Units. Upper Wld Make Wonderful Owner's Unit. Has 4 BR. Lower Is ·3 BR Unit. Lrg Front Patio. . EtBilD IAY MOOllM Exquisitely Decorated View Home. Superb Modern Styling. If Your Tastes Are rnchned Toward Today's Sharp, Clear, Clean Features, This Attractive llome Overlooking The Ocean Should Be Inspected Immediately. Many Special Attributes Includi ng Excellent Fmancing. Undoubtedly One Of The Best Priced Houses In Emerald Bay. $695,000. ® ·--............... nW£NAB · till~- WATll FROMT IEAUTY This beautiful home t.s on the waterfront & greenbelt location, in mint condition.._ Owner will carry 2nd. 3 BR, fam rm & formal dining. $350,000 Marion Frizzell 551-8700 (N57> LOYILY FAMILY MllDID Charming, well kept 4 BR home in Mesa Verde area or Costa Mesa. Features fruit trees, BBQ, RV access, lovely paneling and ·more! $134 , 900 Madel in·e Crawford 752·1414 <NS8) -==' ~~41\\-&~~· = ----~.., QAf I. NWl!t----........ ,_,. ..... .................... ..... ,.,.,.,_ ........ I· i1i"1T1 I I ftOWEY I I I' 1 , .. ' • Cll ..... .... =. 111·a.•2+ t11eat In ....,.. 1uall • 1110 a ~~-al ~taae. ~II •--.. to9d. w/uttl. loutlon, Owner wlll tq lat 2nd TD. &eat .ai.111 town ror only -·· W'44-1211 ~···. • \ ' l \ , )( J ~ ~ \ I ) COM DUPLEX 'JIOll~ROUERITE New tonstruttlon , lltdlL erchitectuu, 3bdrm fr 2bdrm. •.aoo. ftnancing avail .Own er f Bldr , (714)6'/~9431. c.t.Me¥ IOZ4 ....................... MEATSTAITEI Remodeled 2 Bd, lrg lot. •.IOO. 8111 Kenn edy Ill R&M~ fllllDOM HOUSE 3Br. l Ba. large yard 185,cnl .... 64~07631 Agt. OCEAN.VIEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. detk, yard, sec gale S11SK. Owner 1-63().9440, . &eem MISAYHDI 3 bdml, 2 bath, frplr, dbl garage. A·I cond Sl34.SOO. Owner will as- sist in financing. to,McC.-dlt,lltr. 541-772' SHAIP WTSIDl 6PUX OKY~IS°lo DOWM Owner will rlnance to qualified buyer. Well located. good looking 6 lmits + 4 rar gar + am· pie parking. Below 11 times gross. CAUTODAY 644-7211 ~"4 "· 'At I I / - •ADIOw/MefT• ... .,.... .... W•teS.rf $160,000 671-1771 3BR h()fJlt In prime loc. Crealh·e rinancing fil!1 126 . 968·6138 "-1044 ....................... or no down condo in So Cst Plaza arell. Grfat assumable In. Call Tim, Agent 966'6535 PANORAMIC VIEW isn't the onJy oulstand· ~ feature you gel with this 4 bdrm. 2 ba. Mac· Tavlsh in Tunle Rock Highlands. Lavishly UP· graded. PRIVATE SPA located on tul-de-sar street. Call today for an appointment $385.000. Exceptional finan1·1ni: being ocrered. ·'.~ .... HERITAGE REALTORS JUSTUDUCED szoo.ooo Abandoned · Spyglass Hill owe straight note. _A . 643-22$8 TRADE UP TO HARBOR RIDGE I will lake your current eqwty in lrade 3 BR 3ba + den 644-6426. courtesy to brokers. Weatfleld FAMILYA"S. Sparkling clean large apts for families w1I or2 children. Nr park. Heat paid Nopets 2 BR. 2 BA. SS25 ll8W. Wilson 631-5583 2 BR. I BA, newly der. encl gar. adults only • no J!!lS 64> 1819 Westside Costa Mesa. dplx. upstairs. 2Br. lBa. Central heal, refng Ii stove. ent'losed garage. Quiet & safe. No kids or pets. S450 mo. 548·5442. TI0.5629. . ' °'11111 Collt DAILY '9LOT trueedly, Jlnuy 11, 1112 F•MActiM CIH a =t &42-511l VocatiollR..tals 4250 ._..toSlt.-. 4300 a.t•toSlt•• · 000 a...t•toSh•• 4300 ..... toSh•• 000 Offiul...., 4400 , ......................................................................................................................................... . Palm Sprin~s are11 1Mon-Prof lo Sbr 2BR. 2BA 2 BR StSO/mo + ut1I. F Prvlt.~iooal remale age Resp Str M Rmmt to Shr 17TH STIHT --~~..-i,llJfij~ terev CCI 1·ondo 3 BR 2 Cd~~ l blk rt: B1·h. F' ·between 50 & 60) rs old 25 40. non·smokcr lo New 2B R. 2BA Condo COSTA MESA ea.' rum w1atrium Prer SSS-5311. fi75·9619 HR536·8453 ~hare beau Nl'wport Inane, WoodbndJte S275 2or3 room office suites. Golr. tennis. D ail~. eve --;-Mat rem 2B r~2'l bu Bcal·h1·o~do.$300mo. J.!1.£.!ulJ.!..559·~4 __ AIC,plentyorprkg.Util •• ..,.._ ___ ..., _____ ~_,_ __ .,...__iilli._iiiii.liiili.-.6 ... ._.. Wloekly & monthly rates Res .roommate ror lwnhse. Npt Hgts $300. 645·3975 -FShr3BR.2BA Bayrronl incl.Avail.now.Call ' • I O\'Ul l 714 ·558 ·8001 Ba P.enap\673·1807 RC'fsfaes646755S 1Pro4'Fto shrbeaut2.6R Ap1 W 1M.IF.S32SPI Realonorrucs 675-6700 Afslaeal1......_ Af&IN1Cahu.fw1L Afchacab......_ Afalw.e1.,.,.., · 9·5P M."askfor Mark alt6pm_~d11.kn<ls F 23 + 10 share 11.alh duplex CDM wtsame no Utal F\am or Unrurn. 600 sq ft. Mesa Verde ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• -. -~. 2bdrm. 2 bu pool same. lari.:t• furn apt 2 s moke Pe Is S 3 90 . bi3 .fJSS _ -area. • Co.htMesa 3124 llullia4oa•och 3140MlwporUeocl9 3169 S..Ca-..te 3176 MAUi . lbdrmrurn.Con· Jar JOO yrds BEACH. Ba N e $290 mo 673-8562evs -Mother & 4 yr. old son 545-4123 ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• do. Best s wamman i.: S325 536 ·5IH 4 l'ves. IW~3377 f", 30-45. Jbr. 3ba. furn wanls someone 10 share -~·-""BREED-Ari~... $450. 2 br, adults. lJOO....Yl,,P'LCor~R~ CLEAN-1_ Br _I.. Ba laun· beal"h S24S wkly· 1'~ lll~..a1.604a · _ _ l'em noo·S ir J6r 21111 ha)rileltz{k•et1 Froot atTffii\~ 0 tage --SA-YffON Bach. & Loft l Br. & Mgr.-T7ffElns 1fD -fp;'adts. dry, garage No pe s. OOl ·~ PROFES.510NAI. MALE 11'"11· .. y "n 8 .• 1 •• : ... lsl.~nd. C:o nd u $300 F. \"es 3 BR w pn ba . lg Primr olfice. 760·!M40. Loft rrom •• :..:. ~le. Owner: 673-3115 -$1000 mo 675·6359_ $425 • ..493·2710. 3 h 0 (' s k I c 0 n cl 0 . .,.L r I ... ...._ .. lJUp .. 97 <7'6 r d d w D """' • '"' , bd St-..-..s pro essaona type ....,. mo + 0111 l'Jll Al· -t 1 ~· t•n1 e } a r . • rec room, pool. jacuzzi, 3br. Ct r. 212ba. crpls. Balboa l~land Waterfronl "9rwlsltecl N1orthslarSS030 kr j . M F'roommule Share2 i.:'on or l>o rl•ne NB prof gentleman will i:ardener. Child OK. gas as water paid. drps, olr. dw. dbl gar 3 Br 2 Ba Yearly ren oru.tw.lsltecl 3900 ~ <'l'PS 11 · w Y beclroom Hunt an i:ton 6737338. shan•b<'auhoml·w lady ~ 6"2'?_196_ HAdamilul.ls, nCoMpets. 393 .968-1021·847·8933. l.?l.S9001mo 77_!>:9347. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~=oe<:1nd 4 Br 5 l.leal·hl ap:ilrtlrmitl',nl ~00 2bdrm~ 2ba apt. Park ovrrJOS.1157600802 -Hou.sematc wanted. non · ton, · 645·4-411. 3 Br lox apt, mo ve in lo· I Bdrm apt stove rrig E A W I .,,... D 1 0 • · iro Pus 0 1 t~. r:,\ es .,._... hal l · smukl'r share lari:e 2 PALM MES AP1'S da)'. 21 2 Ba , encl k 0 · p .· 1 · ., min lo Northstar $400 and weekends t·all Newµort. S375Jmo. ind r:u~ w. you wan in bd 2 b· 1 w "ar USlM~~Dr. garages. quiet cul de ~~f,s-0:12 aCtn;nsu a. VILLAGE wk_.J~~7·1668 -~-utal Cal!Paul...§40·8932 Dal.ly PilotClasslfieds I Ne'::' O\·e~napNo San 2 Br. unrurn. S4 25. sac. Consider kid s. Versailles 2bdrm. 2ba. New 1"2 bdrm luxury •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • Clem('nte. $270 + •, util. Adults only, Call btwn S675 /mo . 730-4741, frpk, clubhouse. sec. adu.lt ap\.S In 14 plans. 1 \ · Call N1l"k 496·54&4 lt•a1 e M . 546-98SO. 581·5986 &?le. $750. 557-1997. Bdrm from $490, 2 bdrm . L • ~ssaM on r~£_order 'gl'~:1:.~~1;;f~~ !~i!~'rtk T*f!i~:r~~~ ~,::.:~;~~~;; : 8-DA Y WEEK. ~~!.~IA : i;,CTi:~;;~~=~' SUPER LocatioQ! Over Mo 848·3775 ~arbagepa1d, llOO. avail Gaa fer cooki ng ' heal· • 8 D•y• • l line~ • Rcspons1ble roommate so Adu.Its. No Pets. ~ lag paid. From San Mo. Apply Apt "E". Mr. ff'wy CMd Mal eb <213>37fi·4509 or Diego Frwy dri ve North I e It s easy to pla ce your 8-0ay Week Class1f1ed b y mall. a nd it e ~~1~11~~. ~~-~rew 2 &Wilaonl46-44T7 3 bdrm . 2 ,, b a , <213)396·8086 Oii Beach to McFadden I d II d I T I f lo this :c -fireplace, ramilyroom. Large LBR. UIU pd. Spot. lhell West on McFadden • COStS• JUSt $8 -that's Only a 0 ar a ay. 0 Qua 1 Y r • Ma l ore respons 1 b I e 2br. lba.open beam cell· Y•et bandble car gar. lg less_ Quaet. $450. 2421 E lo Seawind Village • ·special ofter. you must be a non-commercial user offering • F'emale. non smoker lngs . .:,13 M~e-N'"o sundeck. S695 mo. 1st. l6t.hSt. oo.ma (714>1193-5198. -merchandise tor s ale up to $800 per ad. and the price must ~:11.,66po1r1 Ot·canfront. pdl. ·MS--last $100 Set. 7781 Laber· Sleps lo beach. 1·3 Br, Wlffl tr ".Df • h h th d • '"" LALANNE' AP1'S ty. 846.9088, 848.4115 t·2Br. both rl'l>ks. S77s& F\Jm fl':f~:'r :drm e be in your ad The cost stays t e s ame w e er your a AtLmtave 3o yr OldM 1838 Placentia. 2 br. Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath. S650 p er mo . I m · apt. All util pd. All needs eight days selhng time Or JUSt one • Se\>l<s /\llract1\e 30 yr $420. Incl. util. Dys maculate 67~~ • old F to Shr Home ..._..; evs968-4078 rrplc. patio. garage amenities 846-0619 • Plalonar. NB Area ·S32S . XlnLS62S.675·9132. N"· IX'ean view 2Br 2•, -4000 Use one word in each box About 4 wo rds make one · One bedroom . rerra g ba, gar S750 'mo. Ph OOS. • • i_l4-631·7~ ' Costa Mesa. S350 . 2 bdrm, 11' ba. 1375 646.saJO 645·2682ev ••••••••••••••••••••••• cla ss1 f1ed line of type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please print $250 Mo. Fem. wntd. 646-0:Mlaner l:30 PM +S375 depasil. Gas pd. · --Laguna Bearh Motor Inn. • • 1. .1 h , b h Nr Bearh Bl & McFad · $725. Upper Jhr. 2ba 11& No. Pacir;c Coast plainly sp 11 oil . s r N t· • W .. eWoocb den. Ad lts no pets duplex, block lo beal"h. Hwy.' Laguna Beach • • :s:f>_ i0t_8j~r C~l~k~o 75,w~" 19 ..... St. ~ beam c·e1l1n Rs. lrf! Daib . Weekly. Kit chen • r:------------------------------, ISM "' bal I I I . I • 6-11 IWIO d):.. 642 5978 ()9th St as Wallace Ave ) 2 Br I Ba garage. 7794 cony.> r Y ren a · available Low wi.nter I l'\'l:'l> Minutee rrom the beach Newman. S450 lsl. lasl TSLMB'!l.!. -~ rates. -t94-S29-t • I ' • LUXURY2BR · l BA + dep. 642-4431. Ne~rt Hgts 2 Br l Ba. B;lboa In~'. SsO &~i> • I ' I • Nwpt Beh ram1I) home . 2 Marblepullmantop Deluxe poolside xtra nok11chen No pet. $400 weekly Kilchennelle. I I ~.S300t'[.m5 Dedlratordrapes large 2br. e•ba. bllns. m>.~·6780.646·3l89 orean rronl.675-3740 • • I • I -- Plush W /W carpets dswhr, l "i miles beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba Steps to beach. Room and balh.F~ • I I I 00 I GcnQet Walt-ln closets Adults, nO'pelS' S450mo sax>. winter rental. u11ls s 3 o o / mo M a n y I • I • forl..t 4350 Private ~atios SJS.8362. meld. amenities. 645-2439 eves. • I • ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~~~.~f:~al ~-PROPERTY HOUSE 937·8079dys • I 10.IO I si:.~~1?1:31g~. 1s8~~e S~ CalllOrtwith storage H.ti11r , 3142 OC642EAN·3850 VIEW d~lu2·x1~120 MLasasterS27w/~A.RPoor 'c·hlstk& • I 13 20 I • C.M 673-7787. -Sea/Outdoor Gu BBQ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ " t. .. e ee . • I • Laundry Guarded gate, tennis , Br .. 2 Ba. deck. yard. 549·70SI Ext 214. Or ~ ~----4---:---1------t------1-~~~:-I Adultst nopels courts. swimming pool, bric k f rplc, ga r . 545-SU~ --• 15 IO I '. OfficeR-.. $500 tile roor. cobble stone SECUR. GATE. S790/mo XJn'l nr Hoa . pvt ba & • I · I 4400 CAU 541 4630 street. on channel adju· or lease opt. Adults. enl. No smir or kilc. ·1 I • --===~·..:.:..::=---cent to manna Umque Su~et Bluffs Co~dos orr S60-$7Swk M 646·1035 e I Add $2.60 for ••ch Hdltlon•I Hne tor 8 tlme1 ..,. ... SITTl.,_I 2BR S8SO mo Pacific A\'e at V1ctona. · I · • 1 bdnn. beam ceHings, 738-sOiz C.M. 1·630-94.a. 642-8808 Room 1 n H. B r o r • I I • responsible person S200. I • . 1\allPatio.Garoptional, 1-1-..... 3144 2 Br. 22Ba. Condo, ~I. / I 21 30 M/F • alJutil I N ....... _ r 1 t to !!!......... ~st · Pub11·shmyad.for8daysstart1'ng I• except e ec. r ••••••••••••••••••••••• rp c. pnva e pa 1 s, ...,., . .......,' Freeways, OCC " Fair-Woodbridge . 2 BR, p , ground level. S6SO + d'e· • I •. srounds. Avail before Ba, across pool, jac.. PQ!it.. 731J.1783, SSJ·19M. Nice pleuant rm. lile Cl 'f" t· Feb 1. A RARE ONE ! tennis. Steve Wh ite. W'Uller rental, lg 2 BR. kllch priv. East Costa • aSSI ICa tOn I • fUS. 752-2876, 96&-6565 973.0944 dys. 551-5045 rurn or unrurn. 5304 Mesa, yd. $200. 543·59911 • Name I ', • E.side C.M. nr l7lh Sl, 3 evs/wknds · · Seashore8S1·8070 1.Jdo lsle-1275. Incl Some · • •••••••••••••••••••••• 11611 Westrlirr N.B Want I r1nancial inst. 7000sJ. l_!ll. noor. A enl541 5032. EXECUTIVE SUITES IN t&ITAGI Pl.AU NEWPORT Exetutive Suites has or. races available nr 0 .C. Airport, from S36S wlfull service 3\'ailable Call now for I month free. Ulla 833·9976. IMO.NH Mewportc..ler F\rst class -full service EXEC. p(fices. includes all amenities. From msimo. 644· 7189 NEED A BUS. AD- DRESS'? Answering as mail service. ronference room Adj. OC Airport. SIOO/mo. 714-833-0692. NEWPORT OFFICE Prime bayfront loc1tion ideal for law rirm. in· surance « acct 'g Sl.50 pr sq n incl. janitor . 64S-6646 KolC..ter Newport Beach. View or. fires F\Jll sen ·are Law Suite Comp law li brary a nd ma ny exlras. 752.(llJJ2 53> & 572 sq. ft. Sl.00 per sq. ft.. 3975 Birch .. N.B. Agent S4l·S032. DANA POINT's best loc. :m· toSOO' at 7<>" incl all. Utll. &Janitor. 975·1120 MiwfotT EXICUTIYI STE. Luxurious suites avail. ror sub-lease jn one or Newports exclusive or. fire <'Omplexes. Airport close. Includes: • Rec~1phone •Ullliues •Janitonal •100 free ropies/mo. •Ample parking •Kitchen •Sect 'y serv. a\•ailable CaU, Roxanne 975-0740 Br i Ba, frpk. :Jrg deck •-•~.. ., .. , Paci o us l BR 'n P/r i vt. IMd a t el. b uts Y • Address I • MOO/mo 831 1266 or ...,.... _.. ~ • Eastbl·"'r. Pool, Qw"et. "' ou 1 e in eru s. I .__ . . ....................... "' 675-• I • -1 Bdrm loft apt. Frpk. Pleasant area! Single • City Zip Phone I • _,.... 3126 stove. refrif, d/w, 2 bUt1 Adult. No Pets. 644-4767 lzg mstr bdr!" wfba in New luxury office space in Irvin e's busiest renter ! Easy Frwy I <'· ress. Avail. no11o•! Call rordetalls. · SSl-1231 640. 130 <rctdesk space. Active a1rpott area. R. E .. in· vest. ofr. Call Paul or Doug, Newport Invest· me nl Couns elors . 7S2·Slll. <rrlre In Corona del Mar, se<'ond story walk up, ocean vu. easy acress .. Carpets, drapes. pan.I· lng.. 420 sq. ft. S350tmo. I ·-··················· ocean. 1st/fas• + h ulil. Ea. CM. pnv entr ' Ch k o' M 0 enclosed 0 I , 1.ge2 lcht, 2bo privpeges. s21s1mo e ec r · · I e •">. DUPLEX: Large 3 bdrm, '600/mo. '94·7222. B 1t-1ns, Ci rep I ace. 642-5457 an 6 PM I 211t18' 11v1ng rm. Some e Ch e m· ad to· ocean view. Recently de· OCUH PIOMT Adults, no pets. $625. Lag. Beach room $255. arg y . I • ;• corated. 2 car gar. Most t;legpnt apartment 675·8842, 645 -8323. Pvt entrance ' balh • I • •tmo.•·1490 J>ulldanf In Lag una 781).$8; Wortingman.494·«59 · • 0 ~ # Exp. I • • -Beach. FinestlocaUon in LIFF 2 Br. 11, •. b 1 L._ I I bdnn, 2 ba, 2 car gar, town .. Brealhtakine Ba. Townhouse. Adults Bayfront. rm• a. poo ' I ftreplace, private yard views. All bit-ins, heated oob'. no pets. $800/mo. jacu:;s::~ bea,cb, •• 0 • # . • E-xp . I • •Nopeta pool, s ubt. gar age, 1128 Bedford Lane. • • m.OM7 elevator. Lease oily. S414SJ3 Gated Area Pool Octan I • ~ 3 lw exet. duplex tmO le up. 330 Cliff Dr. · Side Hwy: S. L•l§ln• • L------------------------------ 1 bll·• eocl. sar. Small ee.a:J. ........... Rm ! BA. Pvt Ent.1295 • r········· WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE -------------, • 1 clllld ok. Nr PCH as 2BR, 2BA. Yrly Rental. Pl Util. Empl Ref. I • • 1Wy1 .•. 7aM580 Avail Now. UOO . 411M122WE .. s, • : • • 111111 NO POStAGE • 1 • Z Br. near ocean. sa.1& AfterSPM. .... ... ~ 40IO I NECESSARY I• ....,._.dtaa. ll69 ' 2 bdrm yearly ren· ....... •••••••••••••••• • : IF MAILED : • !!HSS1 tals, S4ZS lo 154$ mo. ..... ...... ". • I , IN THE Q • ..... <htt.o an 8?5·l642· Sr.Citizens: . ~·8221 f __ ~ . -UNITED STATES -!' ~"~~.~!.~! ..... ~!.! ~~ .... !~! : j BUSINESS REPLY LABEL " e Adult studio. Stove, SULAllMOTIL • ! ~ • """'· Utilities S2tO 1110. Wkly rentals now evall. ''"''CLAM H•lllllT NO 11 COSTA llllU' CAllf()tl .. IA R' • '510imveln. S105 ' up. Color TV. • 9 8 • Phona In room. 2274 JC ~TAGl wu II 'M> Iv AOOMWE • ~.::~::;.• I : : . 01,.1.,..HJeo.Nliy Piiot I : a..Wtek'11ates 1,. • • Kitt .......... ,. '1• "!"~·"'·· ... ,. T.:"a:= I : now. 11, 11. I •1 rt'ml...... ••• • Co1t1 ...... CA n121 • l • . . ..................... . •DIL.UXE OfflCH• F'tom l room to 1400 sq. n From Sl.15 a sq rt. No lease required Adj. AlfllOl'1er Inn. 2172 Do· ..2Q!!t Call AM. 833-3223. 615-5444 • Oassiried Ads • to. sqare feet blllablef«' Ltae Clll Wll. r. Cate Ip more 1altna.u. -.. =----------··· -· ----°""" COiii OM. Y PILOT ff Wilday, JlftUatY 11. 1112 I IMIW.W 11 ........._L.....a..... • --.. •• a, 11 !e!'........,.. 71 ~w--.::.a / 11H ~W~ 11 !!!W_.. 7 Wiiis• 7111 .._....., • '••• ................ . .,........... ....... .., •• ..... lmll99 .... .. ..... ............... e;;11........... . --........... IHI -m............. -.... _. '" ................. -... ,...,.,,.,.,,.,.,..., ' ':'l4· ttdaetna a _,_, l'lllRINT -..... " ............. for total reluatJoa wlU1111i•••••••0im-. p/U.,AM, • F.! •man ·11ourc 1 • llynoroldlr, Will it•porary J Up .. J ... lf ycMurt by ,_........ a Pl'dtulOMJ mi1111t. ..,..,..., ~· Ap-M .... *' ::= 1 to'· Jr,~. f11ll or put rlllltee...,. M lll. PriMt H 8 ol Intl tNrl.•et,oeo flail 8evtlM,541al1 pty ·.~:N··°"'*--rt)')' ~·= ...... 1=: 11 _... • ---a..o. ............ "-•rt.' ~!'.· .~toa10d.._0,.!_~o.N tt 8 , va,_Jl!..DTOAT•~ rlt't 10( Compttlllvt l!'tt 4tHl• --Lontl)' Tocalahl! NH4 oc... ---..-UI ---• ..__........ -... -""' n.,... ~· ...., ~ ... XllU nr.o•ure •-1 S•loft In L•1u .. ComPan !CallllOftlta. Yd. C.M. rOO•• DtllUrlH. ... .... It ...... employ•' --~----- '°"•an · -Hills Good rettt. LoftJ _ ·lllZ =-:.e-:ie:;i 'needl. aw. An Did compeua~ ·w•dfl~ •'~=~~=~ On~'"" ror rtnt. JM ltu.. Ocl atarter •hop. COf!OS..WOdld Love To OUllMllllST • · .... hta~ .,,u,.1 1.,~olied. ,·beaeftta, Ol'lani&atioul behavior f0rmeWmity 1tort-hll llCllfMY~. 1q rt H<'ond fl oor Make olr. owe Pat>tf. Partr. with You! Call IS YOUI ror Ute, local deliveries. , Ellptrlntt frtltrr.d. f commualeaUoo would be helpful. ,., •lthne. South com pttrwl/Advert11in& Preat11lou1 Wutdtrr WILWall~m. Lull e or Sy I\' I a P\IU time, llon·Ftl. Od. RJEfirm. Call, .... m. Procresa.ivt, dynamic company netdl naza.157.5714 ... u. openlna per :.r.'l-.,L;~iril c!~::O)'m":.~1 ::~rke. •An•-xtlme_. 1.•.1·•---•I ~Rvf :J. ~:~1 ~!~ :.=0~· ,t~~~ betwee111 :• s:ao. . a take-char••· bumaniltlc leader. lllM. outtide~. -Y-n&-. -,-,.-i J:~i:' ~~1:! f~~ Fountain Vallfy, near UK Potentl1I to li.ula&Uiaati'S hM lftlnledia<eopenln11 C.11.540-tmJ J4MlfOllAL .pJ~ lend resume and salary re· 1res..'lv.,e 1 F· •. 5c1:" dmay O.Stnlnl,shortband, Fwy, olOce In th sulti.' 200K tlit yr. Perfect ror Yml JM1 rorTII.U:RSon a P'ull· !!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!I MCtmed.. 1 qW.men*-to: · . _ . w~-•• • om · ...,., i-eQ. lllon·smokfr. for 1tl0rnty or other roi.ple seelllna 1 se~·ure · •ftCOITS• time bui1 In our D•Y• Jobi avaUab&e now all : .r lox'tOliz .. __ • .....__,__ Call •40·0123 between prolftslon1l.l63,07 future. Calif. l'Orp. BACKlil&:M'ER NftportBeathbraneh. for dellverle1, must artat. llluJt llave .. n ' • . 1 _1 • .... • _. .. .._ t-1. SUPER OFFlCE Owner will train, Cell ntAN!VER! MHRS havevalldcaUr.dnvers equlpmut. Call ror " .,_ ...... !MllYPiot '. llawreperlOllneeded at llllil•••!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPACE. • rertptlon :ichael 11t ~·8290 art. 66f,0207 !:ft~I:' 0:'~:.n:':~n~i: lkense 6 euelleot driv· aepUIM721 \4UI Mell, C~. ~ 1 • Photomu. Apply i" llCllTAIY area. 5G01q.n. S590 /mo. -·--(OulcaUJ Ina record. F/Urne, ex· L••Uz•lln ~a:,-!118rt~t·1C2!.···So2,.; 11on1ai• Comp1ny In util lnel, Sec system, ClothlnaStore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•ml !!!..! .. •!.e~U:'t~~ cellent ~ompan y F or !R. e,•rtttl\ ot •--•oni_. ,.. .... "d' v :=ort Buch has welbar , optional Womens Od lnr, ,ood Fi II I I ·--1 benertts. Call Balboa Ne"""'rt ta""" rJr-. Nurai•"'' ~~ ,_.we~en 1· 1roraSecret1ry ~-.... Cl 1 SlO 000 nanda y secure• 111 e lid bacllJl'Ourld helpful. A... ~..-• n ... ... Part· Time. 011taoio1 . w ....... ouse apace. osc ease, ' + nv. male, mid 30's, seekfna Knowledaeof 10.llty and Marlne,54t·~ul. Muat have llJa. I )'tart LYMCHAl•I Per'l<lllallty a Must. Rt S...Mlc ltl Wldl ~ °'*'°izaltOD fwys Ii 0C alrpt,1rt. Call Owner will carry at low fl 11 a n r I ally secure 11 .. i.t ty"'nf •· ....... 1 •• ..1, E.0 .E. m tif. titi..-.-wp:-lf~ IM 'lleie!;-Conv · Hot~. Able to do 1 Varlett,ol Attract Iv• l'Ompetitive *1lla. eye for accurarr Diana, 545·0636 rate ..... ... .. -~ •-N B h R h ...... ' ' att-tlon to d .. t11· -female 25-50. Object EXECUTIVE skllla re~eJr,d. Ca I wpt c . e • . clutlee S1'Ch 11 typ a. mindotV youn11 men · .... ,. • H UN T I N G T O N 77 J.1i 32 matrimony? Send brleC You'll find our H lariea SECRETARY Barbar a Murr a y oriented nune1 dedltat· tiling' be at eue with women to iwist youth Non·amoller · ulary BEACH• llAm SALON -resume Ii photo: Bo• comPttllJvt . beMflt1 ex· ProleuiODll with xlnt. 646-4488 eel ' with •Ill let, Coo· phones. lovolvts dtalln& pro a r 1 m (or 1111 • SI.Jal. Call : Katie, I oat S/F Wte Laguna Beach. Xlnt loe. "44. Dally Pilot, PO ffllent, and comfortable shorthand 6 typlnt Mlinteawe p.,.., ,.._ tact: Mr.Slone 142 with reeldenre or a dtrprhlle1ed childree. 54()..9350 • • 3 Private ()(fires, Will sacririre. 3 oper. ..:Bo=•c::lS60=·~C:.:M:..::::926::=~::::.:.· __ 1 workin1 condlttona. abllltlu netdtd for SouthllM eor,.r.uon Nunina Private Home OwMn Guaranteed Income. 8RYIC! STATION AT· • •2StaUAreas Owncrmusturate Strong pro( man deslrt11 Pltue appb' In perllOll Newport Burh Aul )las an ·opeeJaa let a ....... -'uoc In Irv ine . ~n I r.-ardln& l>O'I· TINDANT. P/time. Ap-· • • Wetbar _ __:;644.:::...:·2:!:15::.l...:.<Lol=s:.!) __ 1 pretty sensual lady 1 .. 31 to: Estatf Investment ,,.non lo jllf/on1 '9Mlc lxper'd all llaltta. C..v. WartdayureSat, Sun' UOaC1UTim 1195·2.M? for * AtlJ St1Uon 17th Ii' Av&ilable now·lst Floor 5025 days/nite17»9218 Pinn. Accouoti111 bat k-malntew. d9ttH In lbp. =· l ch. Mo' ll<lldays. l :U to $:JO. ment ~· '" NB. • Call (714>848·3133 MIMytoL... &•••1 &round a defUalte plu. th 1r SIVh·llevtn i..i ldeel Sit111tlon for sau . .._ _______ lllClrl' TERM room & •••••••.•••••••••••••••• PIOF. ESCOIT •-.A CallSberri S.-2118. e • fO'lr 1 e 6 ,_n 111 elem. Call Barbara for.. ..__. In U<'h•nce for LAGUNA.HACH Financial packace for Trish 549'8086aft.7pm WISTllM •torn. TM ~•I rr.e IQJr. cnM., cltntal rnter,lew Appt at _.. be Xlnl Location.Uptol280 loan or venture capital ' • SAYIMeS ~8rU:.~~~~.~e,:!~ b~p91;;-;~;!'~iC•' 'lil•lm.C!f!:ft2:!1ff. •1Dllltweeiit·5PM. SAUSUP =nr ach, Sq Ft 75< Per sq Ct In· prepaired for expan.sion ~ANTED: ~emalecrwt· .. H~ I h er ~r.. p -..,,;' ,_, eluding utiUUes Exrepl start·up, pradu<'l or ('00· mg c~paruon 2S·3S yrs, " w l sta 0 6. ost 110,_ ·-I ""I • crnce llCIPllONST Very hi&h perrentage "' Elenrktty 494-4451 struftion. List or Ven· Hawa11, Mlrronula. C..... • tJ\roueh general ledger, dry.wall It fr ... e., Nlll>ID Z Ptr CirtJ needed to claelng. High income. -tu~ Capital sources & LeavingFeb.116'6·3'708 ~ .. _. 5 Y1earsdexpecrience re-~lh•::t'..'T'-$11t" UUllDlATELV W'ftr~e ror N.8 . N1tlo11al writeup• lo Investors tn "luded _, .,........ qu r e · ompany -· • 11-A·irport N•at Newsweek. Reader 's li2SS Mo-Pnvateomre parking/kitchenette spr l8liOO Main St.Hunt Bt·h. Daily Jantr. All Uhl pd ' • ,..... 5410 ·-"-.J:t A-flt h 9 mont .... ol am "• ....... flllU nr ' " &ss-1806 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ua.ml s + ~· s Ir· ... ... I Ith• .... , .. ~··t tfpearatk't and rrtetidly Dlcest. Time Magazine. .,. r .. "/EOE/ .. /"' '!"&· Ap~ly, 1-. Pla<"en-ment. XlM <'O. bttMftta. w •• nuu ~na~it 1 must. Produrts recently shOWl'.l .._._ .,....... ...y or prire or l! PA "" .. .. t c nd .. •-•~ · r."ri 11-w sbolthaact ,_ ~--... r~~--13 c t ' 1 '"!l!!!l!!!l!!l•M•m!!!!!!!!!!!!I Ja, · .. or se r... "l'l'V ID -• .., ana anernoooa on l>OOUlar TV pro1ram Deidi SOJS ~· oun nes. I ! aume to: PO Box 1530. ·LaVe l~i. ran1e . ......,Offlct ·1 ~ "Tbat•s lntred1ble". ••••••••••••••••••••••• $40. 63l·3669 Beauty • C.M. CA. 921627 978-013'1, AJJ1rmallwe Ac· NEVER A FEE ~·~Vll=·=..:::::.;==-----.1 QllJ6'7J.3235. Sattler~ Co. dl'SklColorado Gr eat opportunlty. F/time·lndustrious self· tfon/F.01. WortCloeetoHome llCB'TIOMIST 2T06 MOMTHS All types or real estate abFeb. lr.21, 3 full days needed shampoo aast. diretted person to ex -MAIMl'IMAMCI VICTOI ror Irvine or Hu, Short term offire sri11c-e investments sinre 1949. d skiing at Purgatory for busy salon. Lie. re.· plain eduufional pro· ... ..--Temporary Service p I ea s • n l P h o D e es b . -c......111•'-llt for only S29S rompletel !fd. NB. 63H.3IO grams Ii aecept re· Need~r-~lloap. ~&9 IOI MJF pe2on11ity and Jood S_..tct.-S•s ..._-..-..a S ... LES availa le in 1>n me ora· ..,.... ....., For info. rall Steve at . 1 b h cu -.._ ty,,..,1 skills required. Person needed. Mon· .•,...-n--,,_ tion. near Alrporter Inn. 2_, TD1 642·9275. IOOIUIPll gtstrat on· Y P one. Elect. Plu1Db l•(C I Call ' P'ri, IAM·2PM, mu1t be rtr IOlition open for as· walking distance to OC 64"2171 545-0611 l\all charae bo<*keeper Wort from your home! p t t lv~ 11 aln ~P avail im...,.cl, for u lt --t.:uous, have neat ap· ..UW person with p.ast Aill)(>rt. Xerox marhine 1-;:~.,.:;:;;::;~:;:;:;~pc'fll• thru flnaodal stale· Great erowth Potential l;.~~ ~lftt liliry i, m>Uvated indv. eaa•Jo 979-7450 ~ p;;'ance Ii personality. telephone sales ex· and other amenities: I• menta. Construction ex. &careerfuture. Send re· Benefits. A~ Bevtf'I)' learn Mrlttg Ir Diatr R«-epliooial!Serret1ry Call, RAC 10 CM, perience. Apply in Call Eva. Earn 16t;{ on Balboa ~-· Call' Butler sumes to: Uni versity uanor,'"" -a CM akills.j)/t&41-Mu st be N ea l , ...... wwtAM '-lPM, at 1660 Placentia Island trust deeds. Over .......... ••••••••••••• _, p P O B .. .,.., us• --O · d G d ._ .. ..,.." • (714 )8SHn7_8-w~ 7075 1Corpf7t.7450 rograms, . . OX Part tlm .. lnt .. rlor r1an1ze ' • 00 ..... _........ VtC.M. sor: ~ty. Short or long .... -...... . --·-0 .... -.... CA 93030 = "" " ~i t i H e Taam •----..!-=..,.,=:...._--IOOOllPH ._,1 _, .. u, . . i....--la_. ma'1nt••-• 5 • av ,. -'MEH I LOC term. minimum. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._ ....--......... •-v •• .... n't Call .. argarel .... ________ HIRAPIST Infant cxfi~ suileS ~vall ·im Iii H ... :li lltr Young married man Not Fu II c h a r ge . _.BBAL OMCI .... ,.....,.. .._. helper for n1akt time 9'15:ai00. "" .. l)welapment. Program, d ( Sl 00 67ir 2 6• would like odd jobs eves '---J, """tinas, r....,.n· Typing. phones, etc. ExtelJeat apportuolty 111 work. 548-~1. Mike or _5 ""<An llCUT AIY P/lt'me . 111 ember or me . rom . per sq ;r & wkends. Can do • """""" ....., " ,.,v ""· J I. F t new home de<"or SIM>SI Brure. ___ .,,_........,.,_ ~---1 0 Pen i h g r o r a rt . full ser vite lease '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I l'il , Inv. arctg. Salary rul or part time. as 1 t d · Ne p l serretar1· aJ posit ion trlllldis<"iplinary team. 1637 1 Bear h 81\'d •~. "ariety of handyman open to experience gr owing bo at i ng ota e in "or llC.rlOMIST NDJ'lfeechng bkgrnd. 714 842-6636 I mile W1 ~ow has SSS fo r jobs. 972·9S2S eves; ask 842·8450. as k for I magazi ne in N.B. area. Beadrh flor a11~ess,1 vde , .. -........ Health Care Manage· shorthand required, •eceuary . Spanish soulhoC405f'rwy TO s1R~Loans. lOK up forBill. Barbara. 'Salary b~ on txper. an sa u orien e -• •-mrnt Companyin lrvine must type 75+ wpm. lilelpfu l. Call : Jackie -No Credit., No pt?nalty. Terry & Joes Car Detail· .._....k I k Prr Call Melinda for appt. personnel,. 2 years 6-9pm ElixpandClin&myouhat~ has an immediate open· houn: a.s PM Salary P"'9> View Mpt Harbor Qennison Assor. 673-7311 . h ouua eep1ng r er • , 646-:1963 managemen ex per re-eounse ng r ing for a highly skilled. negotiable. Rererenres. 541;5760. Well appointed oHlre. 350'0Y'....u mg. Call day or mg t. ~II Tue9s thAuMr FAr1k. ~ ... ~cE q'd in lhe _retail fhteld. openlout olngs fort 3·5~sha)! professional r erep· &recommendations re· TewTrsJrDrhen ...... look ng Harbor On " -966-5729or975·7463 ~ween ·II s ~ vrn Job exper in mtl'<' an· g ng ma ure tionisL We are a large, Q\ired. Write Classified Auto Club exp. Apply in v•er I . Sl6,73S seasoned lst TD ~ Wmhd 7100 ror Jan642·3431 N.8. rirm needs nexible, dising, vllwil IMrt'han to motivate am iliOIM 'dJ d' Ad •982. Dally Pt lot, E s Par Cst Hwy Approx I on l3.33 acres land at •-r mot 1 vat ed per son. ise display, hl1h Impact 1~13 yr olds. C1111·5pm. rapt Y expan ung ro~-P.O. Box 1560, Cosl1 penon: 300 · l7lh t, l,IXX>SQ (t !714 ) 645-7100_ Ad n I a .n t o . S a n ••••••••••••••••••••••• 100019'11 I ..... "'3 A ", p&n.y. and we need an ID· .~ 1-C~.ll!.:..·· ------. " ... CCOUMTAMT • Answer phones. type. merrhandisina. nven· 642-...... l. eJtt.... . sa 1or dividual who ran best Meaa,"3626-. NB Sm Off1re nr OC Bernardino Coun ty 15', "" -with solid arrountine or daily banking. Must be tory root.rob, ordering Andrea. ..---tour ·image and~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TYPI sm8 AiJl)Ort. Approx 350 sq mt only monthly, due l lmmedia.tehopenings !or bank.1 Ing exutper. to work at'<'uratewith ngures. p rored u r es , labor ;.. ..... the"";'me time, handle c--. u Part-Time, Eves It Sat. rt.S350mo S40-2960 _ yr ~ d1srount. 1710 personwtl ronstrurtioo or comp er rompany. 8S_H1277 E.0.E. S<"heduling and pet10ft· , ......... ,..AM b .. 0 . 1 •• -... -,-~., O. IT EK Quad. 'Npt Newport Beath. pnme . 751-4826 da. Or 493·1153 batkground. Degree io 631-'n!O, Marge nel man~ e men t. _,_. ~ a usy imens on Por <'OllltrU<'lion. varied leac h . N' ea r J W Peninsula l~aii·on. 300 I and <«•.7191 eves. accounting req Send re· Be ..1·... .. -dical s days a week lrwh1dln1 switchboard (Approx. dutles, lidht phone, tyD4' At.rport. Call Bob or "" ""' · "'·-10: Butler Housing CAS ... /P..._ GINEIALOfffCE noi. ... ill<' ~··-Saturda~. Art or draft· 130 rails per hr.). ,. r r -sq.rt.2offiresuites.S300 COMPETITIVEFIRSTS '''"'"' insurance and p1id •70wpm,oPpl'y orm· Sh el ly . 752 ·1625 , r mo. Mark 673.6606_. _j 2nds & 3r"· av ai'lable. Corp, Hiil Kettering St., Anemoocu & wknds. Ap· requires some a<'c1 ·g ~x· holidays. Salary tom· ing bar ground helpful. Minimum 5 years ex· telligenl self·starter. tAM 6 PM "" lrvine9Z714 pl.v The Earl's Plumb· pe ri e n re In po st · 1 h b.l.t F\111 t·ompany benefits. perienre.required. Must 751-6616 · · fUm OHil'e Nr NB C1v1<' Res. or inrome prop. up .. :..o... 1 •v .. ,_ 1ng. 1526 Newport Ave. mg/bank reconciliation mensurate w t a 1 1 Y Apply PENNYSAVER type 45 wpm. Surcessful 1-----!~=:..._ __ Center. 600 SQ Ft. Bar & to..SSmil. Also rash for AJUPW• .. • CM.641-1289 etc". Good telephone & and experlenee. Wtlte 1660 Pla1·entia Ave.. 1·11ndidatc will be as· SIClETilY TY,IST Overnight F'acilit1es. exasl'J( T.D's to 100'.; or For elderly lady at typing skills neeessary Ad No. 754 t•/o Daily c.M serti\'e, motivated, & to computer company. Na \ional Coll ection ~-7730Eves. fac•e\falue. (714)760·1551 Beach.640..4718 CAStlll/S•US tor busy real estutc or-Pilot. PO Box 1560. possess exrellent com· Willing lo learn all Agency Irvine. is look· or 857 ·284.8, ask for HouSIWAll DIPT. fit·e. Rereren1·es re Costa Mesa 921626 or tall PEISOMMIL muni<'alion s'kills. Com-aspects or romp uter in& for a typist, min. 60 Sublet.«Corone dft Mor. Duane or Steve ilCHITECTUIAL F\111 lime. Apply: Crown q11·red. 64().9900 for in-< 7 14 > 15 4 · 0 9 1 2 uSISTANT """"at1on pat•kage rom · businen. Must ha\le wpm, will train on dir-300 to 400 sq. fl Coast -·--· -.. r..ir-.soi.a EOE/MIF -..-·~ 1 •~...._n, Good benefits. Hwy. Parkin g. rear en· .-rth/ ---•~Pl " · Hardware. l~ l{vlne teryi~~----_ ---Personnel/Advertising mensurate walh bat•k-good bas1r secretaria ~'T"':~t atmosphere, trv. sui table for tn · p--.....1-/ Exrellent opportunity Ave. (Westcllff) NB HAIRSTY LIST stat ion MASSIUSI De!"" h11 openin\ per Rround. For interview . sltill!.631·77 10, Mar e. o •:30. tr interest-, ~.-.:_... wl growina Newpor t N t • hi II"'-R · <714 1 .,., suranee." loan agenf. Lost&..--.. CHEF ror rent . S6S wk. Or work Wantl'd ror South Co118t cxvans100 · P · C' • l·a .... aron asms ir--" /I ed. call Claire. betw'n h. I C Beach offire. Min 3/yrs o w· h V' II S I Pl e Finan<-ial services rirm 641-1616. EOE M F__ ~~ ecept grap irs, no reta1 on· .. •••••••••••••••••••• exper. fyrs experience. Able to rrom &5' • to 7 ''. at I age a on eas Good lypmg, shorthand. Desired for Newport 1-~:::..:.:ll.:..75:.:l..:'3800=---- tal't Chris, 673-8494__ twllh 5100 W.Rylee.AIA prepare & rook pizza. dientele only. M.V CaJH710556·7J36 ---ex,...rreq Non·smoker RESTAURANT basedhomebwldengCo. H Aval I. oow ! (714 )1148·3133 ' l lilslltess lewtal 4450 .. ~·;c;r·a·r~·ci°:s~·j;~~·u•r• (714)640.2912 Italian pastas. soup. ~ d~eve~ -t'diral Assistant, front ~123 betweeti 9-2. Experient·ed fish rook. Oleerful telephone vol.re mJ~=ion:~N.B ~··•••••··~··••••••••••ho me . ea rn free ASSEMILEI des.serts.traditionaldis HAIDWilESALES & ba t"k, EKG . Vena part t ime. & d ay and d1rtaphone reqd. arlrvlne.Ablelodobark .>toreorOHire 1350sq Ct merr handise. Sally hes Ii ba ke It alian F /time . Apply in pun<'ture.typing. hostess bookkeeper, Previous exper in Real ar f!Ult.-·kw:~IW.k.lllls....&. __ _ Mesa Verde Area IMB-5243 Growing N.8 . mfr needs pastnes C.M. 556·9801 Pe r s o n : C r o w n 645·1720 Pnntmg Mon.-Fri. 333 Bayside 'Elilatt' or De,·elopment some eves Also avail 545.4123 -brigh t per s o n "ild~~re/Housekeeper Hardware. 1614 San ,.. __ ..., Drwe.N lB<"h. preferred Starting ~ti.me bark.ev wk.nds & -.......... 5300 w assembly exp. Must ""' '" 1 8 __ ._ Lfflto.Sfri--.. -Salary Sl200 ~er mo --------~~ ..--befast &arrurate.Noo· Wanted after srhoo , _!f~l.N~-_ RlO,..._,.E rT·--~tt...tl.. Xlnt'--.-'its. all Tim &18yrs.644·5463 ••••••••••••••••••••••• O b b It •-P IT · "'~ • ~·nC'l M Wed8to3pm IETAJLSPACE •-.--------i smoker. KNOX C · a ys i er • HOTB. P ediat ri rs exp er IMMEDIATE Newpo oners hlS Gal vmat752·7363 Cl! on Harbor Blvd 1280 sq 11 mo 675-2885 housekeeper· Hou rs. s t hbo rd t & net'essary. Simple boot· 1-...oli.t'-.S IL ... Cl a f/time Tuesday thru WAJTR~F.S ft.+ storage. 35' sq. (t .At . .!.:l~eod!!...=.an:.=..:t.:::Ll:.v_e_·IO-t_o_h_e_lp-1 2PM~:30PM. 975·04~ or I WI c a opera or """"'in• and insurance __ ..... "9 • A Saturday pasi11on avail nm OF IEING Re.alononurs 675-6700 FOUND ADS dtsabltd woma n. Own 857•4198 aft. 6· Deerfield ~ef n1[ht auditB; '°{. Mdtyi)ing Send resume & WHIT!. LAlfH & Will train. SSi-9212. Mr. Secrttir.y IMSIDI AU DAY? lD£ fl(( bdrm, CM. 645-5839 anoa I ib:f>' C:O:t~~~irk a El· to ad no 1001 r:/o Daily SMALL, P 11 SS Emmons. r;.r;ar;,~~1~ w5:rk.e~.~ Nat enough time ror sun NEWPORT BEAC H "" l•--------1 CUllCAL hott,4'7-4477,f:OE Pi.lot330W.BaySt..PO EIPWf.. --------hrs,perweek May work and exercise? Steve's , Prime loc on busy Pac Call nacTIOM: Personnel clerk position Box 1560 Cosh Mesa Sal~ into full·hme. Centen· Ddaillng is now hinng Cst Hwy. ldealfor retail : Ambfiious boys. and filing, lite p/r entry. dt" HOUSECLEANERS, to ~ TICHtilCAL JOIN A SUCCESSFUL. Dial Estate_!. 975-04.-!L_ Guys and GALS for hand an<L or omre use l.000 642-5671 Id lal.I re<"Ord rna intenanre «hr. Prr. ""·r. ,,.5.5123 Models & Earorts. Fem PUIUSHIMG NATIONWIDE SICan"•y rar washing. Wash Fer· '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'j girls lO-IJ years 0 ·to & t' al sk lls .., ._.. ... Ont T " j " LF.STEAM -raris. Rolls Royre. toJ,IXX>sqftavail. I'!'! work one or two even· orgaruza 1°" 1 · Y· op ... SYSTIMS,IMC. ->A ,.._ d · (714)645·7100 __ Lost 12·20 Austrailian ~8850 Housekeeper 6424852Art 12 30So.=Dr Be one o( over 600 in \nlt. utaes in rl. typing. Merfedes and Porrhes. S h d . 1 d ings a week getting ERK TYPIST F\111 time Housekeeper · _:._ 22 • de!>endent sales agent~ twx ing. teler:opymg. Ii lmmed. openings avail. ~al letltal 4500 hep er · trHo ore • newspaper subscrip· CL · wanted in NB. Mature Models Ulll-'hd A•lhti.. tJ ·0531 seClii di<'taphone skills etc Call63HllOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• M, 2 yrs. w/Hosp ID lions. Transportation PIT help needed for Eng II s h Speaking Needs tall attrartive LO.I. seling produrts or the Must be well organ1 zl'd N.B .. 3975 Bin•h. 8860 sq band, CM 63J.1030 and r on·st ant ad u It busy elect. sales oHire in Person Praf. 12·8PM. m-1women 'or aaen~y Thos. D. Murphy Co .. a & " rt T I . to a••lst •eAt 1 yr " no I' .. ' -----pioneer in specialty ad-a seu Sta er. ype rt. or less. M1A ion~. SO' LOST; Womans diamond supervision provided. rvme ~" " ' Mon· Fri. S800 mo. Send ass_ 1 •nments. 548·1762 ro.o.s WPM Word p Per Sq rt J\aent &Rub)•pn'nAess ring .. m Call 3to5:30PM,askfor office exp. re~ .. type n-u~to "··e. PO Box 1......1Est-'-S•--• vertising sinr e 1888. kill. d I brio· " ' n SO WP h r • ne:i ""' "" MOT&. M ... IDS irw ..,.. • ~..i ""'-•nh our sales forrc. cessor s s es ra e 541·5032. or about Ambros ia Andrea. 642·4321, ext. m1 · " "C"Do_wnv .90241 __ ""' Nced2expenent•cupeo. .... ._ Xlnt lr\line location for """"'sq. ft ~oncrete tall Restaurant. Generous 343 12:»4:30 PM Mon thru. ;;. <2l p/Ume positions ror pie m COMM ERCIAL & we provide imprinted Western region sales or ""'Alup ind. btd'g w/apµrox. _reward. t·all 768·2999 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Fr I. Co n la r t GI I! n HOCISEKEEPER. Sun & smal.1 rmlel, CdM. S4.25 IN DUST R l AL re a I t·alenders. speri alty fired large elertron1rs Schroeder833·1438 Monday only. Hskkpg & tostart 67,_~ es .. ate For a surressful items and executive Es 750 sq rt. ofr spare F'ul· LOST' Very Senliml!:1tal Babysitter needed. full or child rare. 641·8700 dal's · · " 1 Be gilts to their rustomers. man". tabhshed Co .. ly fnrd yd Xlnt S.W. Grandpa's Cane. I Nel'd Prr for 16 mo. gi rl w/ . exp. ln Institutional ( Ev a 1 4 9 7 _ 3 9 8 3 Newport. Center lnv~st· & growing r rm. st This 15 your big op-compelitl\·e salary & Santa Ana loc. Poul it to Walk. Vic NB, CM. one other child only. cook 1 n II r or • m1 I I ev/wknds ment firm seeks 1n-worltlng ronditions in Portunity for good com-xJnt benefits for long Waitresses. now hmng ror Day & Nite positions • Apply in person Wed & Thiirs 4-SPM. Ca labash Rest. li9 E. 17th St CM w ........ reno. Franklin 752·5lll ~mg Areas. 673·3638 630-3482 or673--0322 ~vile conv hosp. APP· ---· dJv1duaJ with pleuant New Po r t Be a <' h · missions and ronlinued term employment. Call Calla Mesa. 3000 sq rt. 33< Fe· Keeshond, grey .tr BABYSITTER ~I~ at the G1trdeftl, 450 IMSTIUCTOI phone manner• general 714-646-SOOl fnrome from repeat or· GlenSrhroeder 833·1438 per s • r. indust o r silver. M: Gordon Setler Orrasional eves for 2 enneyre, Laauna Bch. CHlt•'sDmce offi<"e skills. Xlnt RECEIVING CLERK. ders. Commissions are X ••y Slorage.642·4758 Mix. blck" brn. M: children ID my COM 494.ans to tear h pre-srhool benefit.s.callrorapp'l: rorreta1lriolhingstore. paid immediately.Hyou MOWISTHITIMI """"' 2liOO sq ft with front of· Shepherd Husky. blk & home. ~6667 COUNTER.COOK c h 1 Id re n r r eat i v e L}T1da, 644-«230. F tune position. Mon-want independenre and for job lttllen lo check Looting Cor X-Ray Tech fife. large rear door. set tan, w Mith. t D. Fe,: Part·Ume 6 Fltll·time. mythm lidante in Hunt-, . t)'• 8:»5:30. exper pre· a selling career eontart : lhe Dally Pilot Help with Ort ho X·Ra} or Exper·d. r time. Ex ce llent co mpany benefits. Call Balboa llarine:-549-9671 EO.E.mtr1h up ror marhane shop. Shepherd .. tan & blk pup. Call for appt. Gary's ington Beach area. Must U.you re~ reldint.:;.e r d Ca II ror a ppt. John E. Morrissey • 1 Wlllted dassificalion. Jr CRT medical hr. Full 32,,. a sq. rt. or sasoimo. M: Bouvier. blk. Tn -IAIYSITTll Deb, CdM. 875-2193 have some danre ex per. little ads an Clu• . 644-5070, asUor Kalie Phone 602•625· 7535, 28$1 die Jtb you want is not time. 01re surroundings. l.240LoganAve. Unit G. color ed peacock Person needed to meet Top wages, national ro. you're...., a lat ol Rerept 50 WPM & So. Camino El Greto. there you might con· dtys.N"Jl()rtBearh of· Cos ta Mesa. Days Newport Shelter. 125 6/yroldgirl arter school. Del•tryP.,.... Ca ll collert : (209) 7Y inform~on 11 pleasant phone \'Oire. Green Valley. Arizona sider offering your ..-:fi~re.::::·:..:.76().~2554=.:. ___ _ • .,..9352, EvesS460681. Mesa Dr.CM.644·3656. l:s.5 10 approx. 2:4Spm Part time, 18 years or 250722betwttn8-4pm. w •m •· CM760-7305 85614. tervlces with an ad In SECRETARY .,..,. . everyd ay, Mon-Fri. older, good driving re-th J b w t d 2daytperweek. Laguna Costa Mesa Bldg M t Fo~nd :. Choe or Illar MUST BE DEPEN· cord. 751-4705 ••••••• ••••••• Selllh1ngs. fast with Dally Have something to sell? I ~o Phone~~.~ Ac<'ll. orfire. non :OX> sq. ft with living pomt Siamese. M, l yr. DABLE. MUST li ve DIU"BY ~a~ds. Oassifiedad~do itwell. · armller. P.O. Box 1134. quarters or omre on 9700 Collar96s.37"4 within walking distance • • • a Beach 92652 sq. ft. bla,c:k topped & ILACI LAl/M• to Stooecreelt Elemen-F\Jllti me. Good driving • ltlBIATE ore.. • fenced. Will s~ll. rent, Lost: Jan 7 in Lag. tary , W oodb r i dge .1~r!.:!:ec~~~'Cl~·~640-!::.!7980=--- conslder opt ion. By Beach. White around Irvine. Please call o.ttlAaait._. • Motor route in Prime NewPort • Owner642·4610 rmuth. 835-2487 or art 6 552-046lafterS:30pm . NEWPORT BEACH Beach area. Low miles; ap· Industrial bldg. 6000 sq. 494·7i19 lFYOU: e proximately 35-0 customers. e ft. w/sprinklcrs. lrg rear ~t: white M Poodle, 16 •Are an ex perienced • Weekday -hours 2:30·5:30pm. • ov~e.ad door & fenced yrs old. lamb rut. vie. Banking Dental Assist. S •-~ • .;.. Sa 7 ui...1 adJOtntng paved p~rk· Atlanta & Broothurst, UHDllWllTll *Alf eager to wort In a • at at o'>UIJ. m· am. llUIJ mum • ing. Corne_r or Redhill & H.B. Reward. 968-1835 VERY BUSY loan omce rut.paced proareuive amOlllt of coUecting. For de· Pau la r1no, c M . ill local Newport Beach <trite • tails call Bruce Carty or • 549-9671. SCRAM-LETS Savings & Loan, is seek· •Have 1 friendly outgo. • Foster Ouellet at ~. • s...,. 4550 Ing experienred loan • tngpenonaUty ••••••••••••••••••••••• ANSWEIS underwriters for con-•Have a ma ture at· •••••••••••••• itorage·R v ·trailer· Frosty -Woven -ventlonal real estate ttt;:te d b 1 _ boat. C.M. $35/mo Kirk . Cheelt -Ramiry _ loans. Sa la ry com· ~tbve goo ver a . . . 63 l4!00. COFFEE mensurate wilh11 ex· .. ~ 1111·············••••··· .. ! · perience. Exre eot •Areanort-1moaer ..,. W..ted 4600 "It sure loots Ulle rain,·· growth potential wlU1 • W o 11 Id en j o Y • ••••••••••••••••••••••• said the waiter a~ he aggressive company. ~career • • Single Mom. 25. responsi· ~~:'ti.~'.!!!e~:SC:~ Please call ror appoint· PlemecaJI W.a5 r; : hie. dependable, w/4 yr dissatisfied customer, ment: dfDlllllalAllialnt • : old son seeks C.M. house '1M It smel&t llke COY· lb. Denny Parlsla al>Elptrienced. Waol· or apt to rent by Feb. 1. FEE." 714~ .._ Part·'nme. Top PQ"I ~8203af\er5.30pm. ~""D·. 2 •ml blll doaa MEWPOITIALIOA 111-3* .rvw --SA .... i&LOAM ..... 1jlaYnt/ 1/17 . Vic Federal ' llllOfrYlne Ave.,Jp ............ ..... Wilson Of. 54MA7 E.O.E. M/F Apply Ail cfnlY. DK'a ............ ••••••••••• Found: Female Toy Poo-Dalluta, 0 .. tairvlew ...... die, champagne; male Rd.Of. a,p.c_-. .. lwl-ltrwt 5005 Shepherd Huky. blll • Have somelhiftl to aell? WANT ACTION? ...................... ~ · t•n wllh Mich l11 ; Qauifitdadsdoltwe a..ifedAck!f=M71 LOSING LEASE, quit· Female Sheptltrd tan i · 1111 liag bulloea, stlllng out b I k p u .P PY : II a I e •11111 •' '• • ;. •' · • • '• '" • ··., 1 • AU. suppli es 911d fix. lbabier, blk. tr1·colored '• turesinchtiUng: Peatock . Newport Display cases. -waitlna Shelter1 125 M•a Dr.. C : ldn • .._ ..._ : room t halu , Beauty c.oata •na. 8"-aM .. •l 1511111 .... • :;~c:i..,n~1r:h7i~~ :rr~ nae ~ :::: ..._ ........ • i rcn, lhtJvn aod plaolf. ) bJ le lllf .... Cllll ..._ Allo.111111••· shampoo Pflot. llllrJ, _. ...... : ' .S halr prodUl'ta. ....,.., 0....-ler .... ! I CaU•·ffMor r. •I" Cll'tlr • ..... ......._ : I ..:=I ~ =:-= 11t.-'°.t =-~ ~ MLll"--LNlkO ; --~, Sh;'s. -: "'9ll'Nllllot.a•a0. : ~ . . ' . i I • • QrMot COiet DAIL V PILOTlfUllday, JenulfY 11, 11Q ... - Mll ... A I ..... ... ...... .. ~·rW ~--.. WANTED 20"GT, TORKER OR DIAMONDBACK f)-ame & Forks. SSO.S7S. 536-9832 MUST-... Mot•, Mblt Nd II .. ttnu. lloo• J==.;..:...-----1 .... 111e .... Gl·ntrlftt COMMHL CHEYROL E 1 '>41>-1100 . -. TUESDAY . JANUARY 19 1'l82 o.11\1 ~··~ .. Gery_ LINING UP Students lr~·in~ to rc~isler lor ~pnng tl;isSl'S al Golden West College in Huntington Bt•at·h f;ic•p<I :i long wait Monday. . . * * *. * • . ,_. '~ I r:1• • . YllR 11111111 llllY PINI O RANG E C OUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Alt.ache received warnings Newport fat her of assassinated envoy recalls talk with son ' . . By STEVE MARBLE T h e ra ther, a na ti vc of 0t11Mo.»1,io;1eu1AH Hungary who came l o the Lt. Col. Charles Robert Ray United States as a young man had been g iven warnings of a nd now lives in Big Canyon. suspected terrorism in P aris as said he last ta lked with his son recently as lasl month, the Su'nday, hours before the fatal ra th er of the a ssassinated episode . 43-year-old reported today. _ · He said his son was in a good George Ray, a Newport Beach mood and talked brie fly about resident, said his son had been plans to retire from the military ad vised in Decem ber that there could be problems a nd had been told not to report t o his U.S. E m bassy post one day. .. But he a lways le d us to believe that things wer e s ecure there," the father Sftid. "It never occurred to a ny of us that there ntigbt be problems." R ay was shot down early M onday outs id e his P a ris apartment by a waiting gunman . who fired a single s hot a nd ran. Authorities said the assistant U.S. military allache was struck in the head. They said he died im media tely . "I didn't know what to tbink." s oon and rell!rn to the United States l o pur sue a te ac hing c areer "We mostly discussed father a nd s on stuff," the Newport father explained. He said his so n g uvc nu i ndic ations or a n y looming problem s in Paris . flours later, though, he was info r med his son had been killed "I got the call a t 2 am. on Mond ay," the father l>aid "I I didn't know what lo think " lie said lhl' call cum c within 30 m inutes of his son's death". He sa id milit a r y authorities in Pa ris informed him that his son was walking to his car when the single shot rang out Ray had hved in Pun s "ilh hi s wife , S huron . a n d two children since August of 1980 "ll1s curcer fo r t he most part was ("Onf1dcnti al, .. t he father sa id. "I don't know wha t he was do in g exce pt th at it was 1 m l)Orlanl.' · "lle'd been pmm oted a lot. I le wa!. Vl'ry !.harp · · T he father said his !.on, raised 1n New York ;mil Northe rn C al iforni a, ha d rl'turned to coll c~c whil(• in lhl' militar y and had <.'arncd his master 's cle~ree ($el' Rt\ V, Page A2 J VICTIM Lt Cu l l'harlet) Ha,\. \\hos<.• p~trl'nts live in :'\t•\\ port fkat h. wa:-. s hot to dt•:1th in Paris s hor1 I\· after t <ii k 1 n g t n h i -.. r a I ti t• r 11,. t "It• phmw . · ROckets hit nuke plant Ecology group claims credit for French attack .... LYON, ·France <AP) -Five Soviet-made rockets were fired at a Frenc h nuclear power plant unde r construct ion and one hit a co nc re te wall causing minor d amage, officia ls said today. The Fre nch ne ws agency. Agence France-Presse. said it got a telephone call fro m an e co l ogy gro up c l a iming responsibility for the Monday night attack. But the agency sa id the gro u p 's name was unclear and it had not heard of it before . Orficials said t he rocket was on~ of fi ve old Soviet -m ade , a nti-tank rockets fi red at the controve rs ia l Cr eys-Mal ville plant, 28 miles east of Lyon. The r ock e t caused o nl y minor damage to a wa ll in the main building. The pla nt is two years awa~ from completion and the re was no d anger of r adioactive leaks b ecause t h e re a c to r is not loaded, ofCic ials s aid . P olice initi a ll y s aid the rockets, fired from across the Rhone Ri ver. appeared to have been homemade. Orficial sources late r said the ho llow-c ha r ge ro ck ets were m udt' 111 thl· Soviet l "nwn 1n the 191Hh T he s ou r<·t·~ s a id· a t·a rry1ni:: t'ase found on the fi rin~ s ite t arrit'd 1nst•r ipt io ns in Cyrillic stript. The hrecdcr reuttor. the first 1nd us tnal-scall' plant developed from a French prototype. 1s not du(• lo ){u into sPr \'lcc for two year~ A l l t h e ma jo r co n s tructio n . i n c luding a thrl'e ll!yer protection for the r e a c t or ibe lf . h as bee n completed and \\Ork is devoted to t he dctail~d installations This morning. pol ice reported an anonymous bomb wurning to Supervisors Panel action due vow action on Schmitz issue on dump i.,.g Legislative c~mm itlee •action . A on a resolutio n co nde mning By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL °'-Deity~, .... The Orange County Board or Supervisors vowed today to take swirl and vigorous e nforci!ment action aj!ainst health facilities that vi o late r egul ati on s involving disposa l of inrectious waste a t county-owned landfills . T he board's act ion came in the wake or disclosures that a t least five Ora:ige County hospitals have disposed of s uch wastes in violation of existing disposa l requirements. Ouring d is cu ssion a t this m o r ni ng 's m eeting . bo ard Chairman Bruce Nesla nde said the UC Irvine Medical Cente r wi ll be the fi rs t insti tution to be a ffe cted b y t h e c o unt y's get -toug h poli c i es o n th e dum ping issue . Nestande said county health departm e nt o ff icial s have noCified med ical center offic iaJs that the facility's license for t rea tment a n d dis posal or in fect ious w a s t e has been withdra wn pending development or a new disposa l program. T he county's a ction will force the medical center to a bandon its current practice of sanitizing infec tious waste in a pressurized st ea m chamber. Ins t ead, the facility must now turn over its infectiolJll waste to an approved company for tre a tment and disposal. There are two rlrms in Orange Count y tha t provide s uch service to hos pitals. Last Thursday 12 red-colored b a gs containin g s us pec ted infectious w ast e from. the medical center were found at the Santiago Canyon landrill east of Orange. Med ical center orrtcials said employee error r esulting in the bags being discarded in bins for general hospital refuse. One employee (See WASTE, Page AZ> s tate Sen. J ohn Schm itz fo r "outrageous and orre ns i ve'" statements is s lated lo begin Wednesday in Sacr a mento and could reach the full Senate by Thursday. Senate president pro tempore Da vid Roberti, who introd uced what Is s ur e to b ecom e a cont roversial measure. said the r e s o lution need s o n ly the support of a majority or those voling lo pass The r esol u ti o n wJf;c h deplor es the Ne wpo rt Beach Republican's recent statements on several issues stops short of a censure motion for which some lawmakers had called. Schmitz . who s pok e with reporters in the state Capitol. d is p u ted th e r eso l u ti o n 's contention tha t his comments we r e "o ffe n s ive t o m os t Californians" and predicted it would aid in his campaign for the U.S. Senate. The r esorulion con demns Schmitz for hi s att a c k last m o nth o n abo r tio n ·ri ghts advocates and for saying ear1ier tha t a milita ry coup "was the bes t thing we could probably hope for" if Preside nt Reagan's programs fail. DEFENDS STATEMENTS Stall• Sl·n .Joh n Sdrnlll t.. H :'-1 <.'"Pnr\ He:i C'l1. ~"~" C'Ol'l"l'S po11Clt•n 1·t• I r n m h 1..., l'OllSlltuenl .... b l"lllllllllJ.! x I Ill h 1-.. l a\"or rt'L!ard 1n l.! hi-. t·o m mt•n t ~ about :1hort1011 n g h"t-; .uh 11l·att·:-. .11ul :t bout a mi lit :ir~ C"nup Court skirt's teen death penalty issue WASHINGTON <AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court struck down today the death sentence of a young man convicted of killing an Oklahoma state trooper. But the court left unanswered the major question it had been expected to raise in the case: whether convicte d m urderers who commit their cr imes when unde r age 18 can be sentenced lo de ath. Instead. the juslices voted 5-4 to overturn Monty Lee Eddings ' se ntence because it had been <See COURT, Page A2> a· Lyon ot1 1ce building whi~ houses many of the companies involved in building the reactor. No device wa s found. T he site was the scene of a v io l e nt a n t i nu c lear de mons tration by some 30.000 protesters in August 1977. 0.e French de monstrator was killed by the explosion of a poliee l'.Onc ussion grenade . The breeder reactor enables ~ re actor lo produce power and con vert a uranium outer layer into plutonium rast er t.pan i1 consumes plutonium in its cor e. Acne drug • reaction brings su~t T he attorney for a Ne wport Bea ch ma n has asked a superior court jury for more than $200 m ill ion in da mages against the Upjohn Phar maceutical Co!"p. _ Attorney -He rbert Ha fif. in c l osing s t a t e m e nts to ttu~ seve n-wom a n . rive-m an jury, claimed Monday lhat 23-year-old Er ic Barkan was a "perfectly healthy kid" until he took the antibiotic medicine Lincocin for an acne condition six years ago. Barkan. nowr a UC San Diego st ude nt . s uffe r e d wh a t his la wyers claimed was a n adverse reaction to the drug, and had to ha ve both his kidneys a nd spleen removed. .. A perfectly healthy boy tak~. t h at d r u g. and loo k wh•t happens.'" Hafif told 'jurors in day -long summation or a case that took a month and a half for presentation of evide nce. Attorneys for Michig an-based Upjohn were to present their closing statements today . ,._ In asking for $200 million jp pu niti ve da m ages, Hafir sa·d tha t a mount represents lbi profit which Upjohn has m' on the prescr iptioi'I drug since was first marketed in the I • 1960s. · The Claremont lawye r told~ jury in Orange County Supe Court Judge Philip A. Pell s courtroom : "Should they (Upjohn> ha e m ade a dime on this product!· They should not ha ve made a dime ... I don't want to see the m wa lk out of here with a (See DRUG, Page A2> --,_ ORllCI CUil 1111111; Community cOlleges fight signup crush 'Mos tl y cloud y with c h a n ce o f s howers '• incr easing to 80 percent .. t o night. D ec reasing ' showers Wednesday with some c learing. H.igh 59. '' Lows tonight 42 to 48 . . INSIDI TlllY By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of lllle Detty l'tMt Se.It Local community colleges which are offering fewer sprinE classes than they did In 1981, art reporting muc h heavier lhar normal earl y registratior turnouts. College oCCicials s ay studenu may be signing up early tc as1ure themselves a place in th< cla11es still orrered. They sa) .aludent.s who register' late may find themselves closed'oul of thE counes or class U mes \he ) deslre. . , • The Mrly tarollment rush ebc m a y be a s ig n of the s till · g rowi n g popularity ol t u ition-free community wllege education. which traditionally be co m es m o r e a ttractive in times of economic hardshjp, campus spokes men say. Evidence or this interest could be seen Monday In the long line of students stretching back from the registration a rea at Golden West College In Huntington Beach. • R egi s tratio n be gan las~ Wednesday al Golden West. At mid-day Monday , the coUtce already bad enrolled about t,000 • • 1tudenls. according 'to Don Randol , a ssis tant to the pres ident for ins tructional operations . "In the past , students have alwa ys asked us what is tbeJa.st da y' they c an r e gister," observed Randol. "Now it turned around, and the students wanted to know how e arly they could sign up for classes." Orange Coast Colle1e in Costa Mesa got an eatlier Jump on spring registration, be1lnnln1 the process two week• a10. Officials at th•t 1chool said lon1 u-1lm11u to those at • Golden W-est appe ared at Oran1e Coast during the first day1 of registration. The lines at Orange Coast have tapered off, school officials report. But as o f Friday afternoon, the college had re1iltered 16,413 students , according lo ·Wayne Wolfe, a11oclate dean for admissions and records. Oran1e Coas t , wUh an enrollment of nearly 35,000 in the fall semester, ls one of the l1r1ett community colle1es in tile stete. Coastline had an enrollment of 30,000 in the fall while Golden West had about 23,000 students. ~ There have been no lines at C o 'a s ti i n e Co II e g e . th e F q untain· Va lley-ba s ed school that has no formal campus but offer1 ch1sses a t about ISO area locations. The college uses registration by mail. and Coas tline offi cials s ay posta l carriers have had their hanc;ts full since the slgnup pe riod betan Jan. 4. Co astline o fficials said Monday that spring re1lslra\ton ls . runnln1 al moat 40 percent (8ee COLLEGE, Pace AU u A prqpw emm wcu tile true te3t of color& for JOO Clt a unique wee~ program in ' the N8W York mountof,.,, Sn Page A.7. 11111 ............. u --............. ~ .. C.•••• u,,a ( ......... ( .... C-lct Cl ( .......... C4 •Dff9-..C.. ct ........ "' ·-•I 1 .. (MftM .... u 1-. :•11 .. U.L ..... I 6 - ~ ~ ----. --~--------- -. ••••• Otanpe coaat DAIL v PILOT/Tuffd•Y· Jef'IU•fY 1a, 1882 ., • From Page A 1 DRUGS • • • a rnUt on their faua. They can.not •••-out of •t9'h courtroom wltll tht record Shower: likely tt;>night in Ol!ange_-€ounty ., "1've aceuauaJattd la thlt c ... and the llarm llM1'" -.. " Haftf claimtd U.wm oMd&la ew by the mfcl 11701 tbat eir ~ ••• cautnc Mrlous dt·etrec:tl, but mltreprtHnted 1olthe antlbl.UC to lloctora. tbe K eep look l n1 1 kyward , • alter making their way elowly because thoH lltchl ehowus ~own coast from the Pacific promised for Mond•Y night and Northwest today are juat a bit behlnd achedule. Dave Cooper at the NatlonaJ Weather Service In Los Angeles 111id showers are llkelv tonl~ht He said there Is an 80 percent c h ance o f rain t o n igh t, d ec r ca&l ng to so percent Wednesday, Asked what happened to Monday's promised nainfall. lhe forecaster 111&id, "I guess It was Just a bad case or liming." He said the Orange Coust should receive only 11 halt Inch or rain Crom lhe expected t1~m. and that It wall be ll&ttt ln nature. The moi11t weather will brin1 a bit of cool air to Orange County with hlahis u pected to reach only 56 along the coast and '8 lnlund. Lows toni&hl wi ll be in the 40s. A spokesman for the SOuth <.:oM•l Air Quality Ma11agemenl Olstricl said the raiM will brln1 clear a.tr to Oraanie County. He said ther. la no invenlon layer to prevent mliln·made poUutanlJI from risln1 lnto the atrno.spherc and dJ.aalpattac. ' .medical prcit.Hloa In ceneral ~ • .tnd to the Fe•eral Prue , {"'dmlUtraUon. ·~·1 A~ UM •me t11ne, he Mid, the 't.t Oll'lptlftY ctu.d Pft>l'DOliOG of # t dNC ln tbe UnW &&at.et and ;.,1 ODHDtrated " 1ejl\p1 it Freezing rain stirs traffic nightmares :·' l\"J:;.7Jfid :..'l~~&":.; ••• ''~! lnjurhe. ..... .... lb •. .......;.., If ..,.. ~·-m· .. ····-~ · '111 •• • llafir aallect•*" to .. ~IE• car~ t.,.e ~ eclMa1 19Glher ........ ....... .. : II d* Jl#lf wW M~t the 11~_tall amoail" adllllll bt *"'· It "~oald be the .._n's t..-t product lJa~ ~~ .ltfuid. From. ~age A 1 RAY ••• from University of Santa Clara in 1980. ~,., He said his son was looting .; ~fOrward to his retirement' and a >hfeaching career, possibly in ; l California. •Jt.J "We visited him in Paris last 'nlfUne," the ~her said, adding. It) •J o( -course they visited us "rlwheriever they could." The father said he. his wife '"~hd his two .daughters· -who • 18oth live In Ne wport Beach -"~elan to attend the Arlington ':teemetery funeral later this l!week. · ~r.v. He said he 's r e c eived messae~s of sympathy and :11 ~ndolence from all over the world, including President Reagan. The Presldent, pi Wastlingt.on. ;--;-n.id Ray "gave his life in the t •. Une of duty as 9Urely as if l\e .. ,tad fallen in battle." • "Our · hearts," &be PreUdent aid, "ID ,,_ te hll lamJy in eir · Wteav. ... t , ••d the antlll act of bit murdeTen infercel • ~U. to tuip oft ln:::3uenal r~m W p l'bntlar aiedtlleU..r~" .. WASHINGTON <AP> -The ;year since Presideet Reagan's lnauguration has been marked by "a brand· ol anti-consumer extremism .that would make the people of the Nixon and Ford a dministratio n blush with · shame." says cons umer advocate Ralph Nader. Nader sent a letter to Reagan • Monday bitterly criticizing the :· .. administration's policies on I to, airline and product safety. ntitrust e nforce m e nt , : mmunications, banking, ergy and other areas. "Your governnfent 's ~eratives on all fronts are ·~· stroying the application of law d order to corporate crime, t onopoly, fraud, aod negligence witb a mean spirit of utter .shamelessness. They seem to have no potential for shame." Nader said. achine gun f,ill repealed Sy Tlte Aaloc:lated Press A parting burst of freezing rain le ft c ars and trucks s kid<ling off Southern highways today u the worst cold wave of the century ·receded: while a W est C oast s t orm th at threate ned more muds lides covered the Sierra Nevada with A layer of snow. Highways Qlere covered with lee this morning from Virginia t o Alabama and in eauern •Ok l a homa. Many schools re mained shut, a lthough after a w ·e e k o f s u b z e r ·o c o I d • Le m p er atures we r e ea s ing ac ross the e a s t e rn United States. From Page A1 The I l·day cold wave , which has left "289 dead nationwide, was moving off the East Coast, but the Na tio n a l Weather Servi~e said Mo nday· the Midwest and Northeast can expect more or the s ame. The service's 30-day forecast ca lls Cor bel o w ·n ormal temper atures for 'the eastern two-thirds of the nation . ·'The Siberian Express is just temporarily de r a ile d," said Harold Gibson, the weather service's chief meteorologist in Ma nhattan. Fog at the busy Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta this morning reduced vi~ibility to zero a nd rorced dozens of flights to be diverted. In Virginia, snow. freezing r a in and sleet began falling early today and turned roads in ·the western , cent ral and southern parts of the state into a rush·hour night mare. Richmond police reported a 17·car pileup on the Interstate 95 bridge over the James River . T h ey h ad s t opped t a king accident reports unless there was at least $700 in damage. T he airport in Roanoke was closed. T he freezin$1 rain and sleet a lso caused trucks to jackknife and touched orr chain-reaction s mashups In West Virginia. Many schools were closed. Fo~ and freeilng rain that lert vlsibtllty at near zero in eastern Oklahoma closed ro ads and highways in lhe Tulsa area this morning and caused numerous accidents. "ln upper East Te nnessee, nothing i s mo v ing ." Mike Ca udill of the Tennessee Em e r gen cy M a n agem e nt Agency said after fi ve fuel tankers overturned on icy roads. eight tractor-trailer rigs crashed jn one massive pileup and a Knoxville thoroughfa re was s t r e w n .. w i t h c a r s f r o·m a doien -ve hi.cl-e accident COLLEGE ENROLLMENr CRUSH ON CO~T. ahead or the t o t a l for a CoUege. which has campuses in Chancellor Robert Lombardi availablectasses.he sa1d . • • comparable dale in 1981. About Irvine and Mission Viejo. said. ''That's exactl y what Spoke s m e n for area 12,000 students have signed up s tarted r eg is t r a ti 0 n in happened here. Classes filled up community colleges said one for Coastline classes thus far, December . very quickly." factor respons ible for the large college spokesmen s aid. Saddle ba-ck classes began early registration turnouts was The spring classes at Golden Monda y, with about 28,000 Lombardi said Saddleback 's the announcement of class West, Ora nge Coast a nd studentsenrolled. spring enrollment will .be near reductions. Coastline do not begin until Feb Told of the early registration that of the fall 198 1. despite the Last semester college officials 1. rush in progress a t other reduction in class offerings, said they were trimming their N e l g hborin~ Saddle back community c~lleges . Saddleback ~ore stu.dents are crowding into list of spring classes to curb "' e nrollment, becaus e of the From Page A1 COURT SKIRTS DEATH QUESTION. • • im pose d w i th o ut full 1consideration given to certain "mitigating" evidence that might have pointed to life in prison as t he appropria t e punishment. Eddings was 16 when in 1977 he fatally shot state highway patrolman Larry Crabtree on a highway outside Tulsa. Today's ruling did not disturb Eddings' conviction. but makt>s necessar y a n ew sente ncing procedure in which certain factors -s uch as · Eddings· family history and his emotional problems -will have Lo be considered. L ed by Justice Le wis F . Powell,~ court's majority said the Of'lginal sentencini violated guidelines set down in a 1978 Supreme Court decision caJled Lockett vs. Ohio. -··Because we decide this case on the basis of Lockett vs. Ohio. we do not reach the q_uestion of wh et h e r -in light o f contempora ry standa rds -lhe Eighth AmendmC1nt ban on cruel and unus ual punishment forbids the execution of a defendant who w a s 16 at t he time of the. orrense," Powell said. Powell's opinion noted that in some cases, evide n ce of a convicted killer's family history and emotional problems may be given "little weight." "But when the defendant is 16 year s old at the time or the orrense, there can be no doubt that evidence of a turbulent family history, beatings by a hars b rather, a nd o f severe e motional dis turbance Is particularly relevant." he said. Powell added: "We are not unaware of t he extent to which minors engage increasingly in violent crime. Nor do we suggest a n a b sence of l ega l responsibility where crime is From Page A1 committed by a minor . We are concerned he re only with the m anner of the imposition of the ultimate pen a lty : the death sentence imposed for the crime of murder upon an emotionally disturbed youth with a disturbed child's maturity. ··on remand. s tate courts m<Ust cons ider a ll r e levant m itigatmg evidence and weigh it ag·ains l th e ev id e n ce of aggravating circumstances." the opinion said. The decision thus leaves open the possibilit y that Eddings again could be sentenced to death. Joining Powell were Justices William J . Brennan, · 'I'hurgood Marshall, John Paul Stevens a nd Sa ndra Day O'Conno r . Brennan a nd Ma rs h all are opposed to capital punishment under aJI circumstances. C hief Jus ti ce Wa rren E . Burg er l e d t h e c ourt's dissenter:,. joined by Justices By r on R . Wh it_e, Harry A. Bl ackmon a n d Will i am H Rehnquist. Burger accused the majority of refus ing lCl "bite the buJlet .. by refusing to decide how old a ~onvicted murderer must be at the time of the crime to be condemned to death. "It can never be less than the most painful of our duties to pass on capital cases. and the more so in a case such as this one. However. there comes a time in every case when a court must bite the bullet," Burger said . Although th;it issue was left unresolved, Powell 's opinion suggested that states must at least take into consider ation a convicted murderer's age when determining the proper punishment. Accordin~ to forces working WASTE DUMPING. • • for the a bolition o f capit a l punishment. the United States has executed 126 people who w e r e 1-8 o r yd u n g e r . The youngest was 14-year-old George Stinney Jr .. electrocuted 1n Sout h Carolina in 1944 for murder. T he most recent execution or :>O m eone unde r 18 was Joe Henry John!'ion, 17, who died in Alabama for murder in 1961 . Most recent fi gures indicate that 11· of the more than 900 inmates on death rows across the nation are under 18. Eddings. described in court documents as h aving de ep emotional problems. fled from his Camdenton. Mo .. home April · 4. l!n7, and took three juveniles· with him. Crabtree s topped Eddings' car the same day. arter he received a re port the car earlier had s werved from the highway surface. "If lhe .. cop harasses me. I'll shoot' him." Eddings totd passengers, according to court testimony. As Crabtree a pproached. Eddings shot him in the chest. The trooper was then 43 and the father of three.children. Court records indicate that Eddings had been severely beaten by t)i s stepfather. a uniformed police offi cer. -Brezhnev' 8 son hit LIEGE. Belgium (AP> The son of Soviet leader Leonid I Brezhnev faced angry workers who shouted. waved Solidarity posters 'and threw eggs at him Mon d ay in Cha udfontaine. Belgium. limited state funds allocated for communit}' colJege growth. Golden Wes t and Orange Coast colleges eac h eliminted 200 c lasses.' Coas tline a nd Saddleback each cut 300 spring classes. College officials said students • were a.ware or these cuts. and many registered early to avoid being closed out or plfrticular courses. Officials at Orange Coast . Golden West a nd Coastline said the registration rus h may taper off toward lhe end of the sign-up period. R egistration b y a1;>pointment continues through Jan. 26. If it does not taper off. the coll eges may bE> forced to curla1l petitioning .. a process by which a student enrolls m a class by obtaining a teacher's permission after the semester begins. 'At Coas tl(pe, at le ast 30 p e r cen t of t h e s tudents traClitionally sign up for a course s imply by attending the first session. "This is a whole new ba ll gam e. because we've never tried to reduce enrollme nt before." said J ohn Breih an, Coastline's associate dean of admissions and records. H e p oi n ted o ut t ha t registration forms ma y be com ing in faster than usual. but the number of classroom seats is still limited. When the classes are full. students simply will be advised to s ign up for a different time or a nothP.r course. Breihan said. "We haven't .hit the panic button yet .·· s aid Bernard Luskin. president of Coastline . "We 're in a self.adjustment process." Referring to the state limit on community college growth, Luskin added, "It's unfortunate to have a freeze in an area wh ere the r e 's a g r o win g p r ope n s i t y for furt h e r education." .. Anything that's moving is goin~ into a ditch," he said. Snow began falling Monday in the Sierra Nevada . a nd the Nat ion al We ather Ser vice forecast heavy snow fo r today and Wednesday. The storm that caused the mudslides around San Francisco dumped several feet or snow in the mountains. T he numbing cold weather that tias held much or the nation in its grip for more tha n a week prompted Gov. Bob Graham to declare an emergency in the . citrus Industry in central and south Florida. He issued an executive order Monday that would get citrus to processing plants more quickly. The order allows higher weight allowances for trucks hauling c itrus . Graham said it is "imperative" that the fruit be processed as quickly as possible, because fruit that has been frozen rots quickly. Crash victim~s kin awarded $550~000 I The fa mily of a Mission Viejo woman killed in the 1979 crash of an American Airlines DC·lO at Chicago's O'Hare Airport has b e e n awarded $550.000 in dam ages by a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury. Carol J ean C.arls on was aboard ill-fated fli ght 191 on May 25, 1979, which lost an engine shortly after t akeoff and lunged to the ground. Mrs . Carlson. then 31. and 272 other passengers were killed. Mond ay's jury v e r dict, awards $550.000 to her husband , Robert Carlson of Mission Viejo. a nd her parents. Oliver and Oorethy Ambers of Green Valley, Ariz. Newport Beach attorney John K a ys, who represented t he plaintiffs , s~ki the money would be paid by the @fendants in the case. McDonnelf Douglas Corp .. manufacturer of the plane. and American Airlines. Kays satd the trial, which only concerned the amount of the award, lasted a week a nd was presided over by Judge Raphael Galceran. Kays said ""an unders tanding had been reach ed with the defendants so he didn't expect a n appeal to be launched contesting their li ability. He said Mrs . Carlson was fl y ing from Conn ecticut to Ca lifornia. and had switched planes in Chicago when the crash occurred . The Carlsons were married for four and a half years and had no children. New sheriff named LOS ANGELES <AP > - S h erm a n Block , who rose through the ranks of the s heriffs de pa rtment, w as s worn in• Monday as the county's 24th s heriff overseeing the nation's most populous county . ~ SPIUNGFIELDrtli. <AP> -A aastUy approved ...,..1 ol • t'ont.roverstar lriU alt.wtng ~rinte ~ « madline 'luu ._ "-_..""° lw by /)(ylt ....... ~,,.... •• , ~ Tb• tel*fitl'**Y. ... .,...... t •U ... I ~ Fe·w Jet ~e Mhto•· • · was suspended. On Friday, county health official s s aid the medica I center's policies for the on-site handling or Infectious waste were improper. Medical center officials did not challenge that contention and said procedures were being tightened. bags of waste have been found thus far. In today's action. the board placed all health facilities that generate infectious waste on notice that the county health offi cer . Dr. Rex Ehling, will pursue "All possible avenues of legal action concerning a ny hos pital or institution found to be in violation of said laws." Valentine. .. •• "' £ wliri1tm. (q ~t hat nt•Y t~"ftl a ~ilU!ke aade · -fWhen i=-.::.ptt>~d . . . , .. ilaal 1'IW vttt \o ~I .... i..., &Aat io•t' .-red Ja•~ t ••e -.verw••l•A•IJ , de~plte rromplainta from a few m-ben of lbe House U.at lawmakers .. ·tere yteldtn1 to public 121hy1terta" and l'l'\tful news fjfit~· &1 Other hospita ls to which improperly disposed infectious waste has been traced include Hoag Hospital, New~rt Beach : 'St. Joseph's Hospital, Orange; Western Medlcal Center, Santa Ana, and Palm Harbor HospitaJ. Garden Grove. More than 160 c ....... ..,.,.....11wa.-n Al otMr di' I ........ 141-4121 llAINOFPICE ..... ..., ... C....-.CA. ... ,..,_: .. 1•,C.-.Meu.CA, ... !:...':." =h::·r=-· .~=:"Ji 0-.. --r~ • ....-.. ...... llf'<laljWllll ••·~ .... -· • The board declared that all s t ate laws an d county ordinances regarding infectious wa s t e di s po sa l will b e "vigorously enforced.·· And that board called for further d~tailed r e ports o n h o w existing r eg ul at ion s s hould b e strengthened. "We are putttng the m Cthe facilities> on notice that from here on in there will be v.ery close scrutiny," said Supervisor Ralph Clark . Nestande, who has served as the county's chief spokes man on lhe waste dumping Issue, said "those who Insist on persisting" in violatinl county procedures could be forced by the county to esaenUlUy close their doors. He accused some hospital operators of be ing ''careless 'nd reckless." "There is a responsibUlly to abtde by procedurea lhat exist . . . Thi• situation hu been intolerable,'' bfllald. JS FASHION ISlANO • NEWPORT BEACH, CALtFOflNIA 92660 Tlll,HONE (714) 644·2494 • -""" ---~ --. ---............ STARS AT PREMIERE Elizabeth Tavlor and Frank Sinatra face camera after premiere· of the movie..•. "Genocide." at the K ennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. n.c. The movie deals with the:Jewish Holocaust. Marie Osmond may play princess M arle Osmond is the leadibg candidate to play Britain's Princess Diana in a TV movie planned by ABC, The London Dally S tar reported. The tabloid said the movie will cover Diana's life up to her marriage to Prince Charles, 33-year-old heir to t_he throne. at St. Paul's While President Reagan enjoys jellybeans. the first lady prefers to s nack on low-calorie foods, but at limes Nancy Reagan resorts to more fattening foods to keep from waking her hus band, according to an article in Redbook magazine. The magazine said Mrs. Reagan often turns to the comfort of food when she can't sleep at night, but. "too considerate or her husband's rest to risk waking him with · the crunch of crackers or celery, the first lady silently ' peels and eats a banana.·• Cathedral on July 29. T he Star quoted an unidentified spokeswomen for ABC saying: "The story must be handled tastefuly. The actress we choose must capture the innocence and charm that has made the princess the darling of the world." Sa rah Grant, ·ror m er presiding criminal judge in Maricopa County Superior Co urt in Phoenix, has been s worn in to replace Sandra O'Connor on the Arlzoaa Court of Appeals. Mrs. Grant. 39, took the oath of offi ce from Chief Justice William A. Hololtan of the state Supreme Court. Mrs. Grant was appointed to the Court of Appeals by Gov. Bruce Babbitt after Mr s . O 'Co nnor wa s appointed to th e U.S . Supreme Court. Former-al'tronaut leek lwl1ert le one of four Rtpubllcane ooa1hltrl•• runntq· tor Color1c1o•1 Ind Con1r111lonal Dl1trlot, a Hit hlld b~ ,fOW'·W'ln Atp. Tt• ~a Democrat. Swlftrt, 41, who ran uni ucct11fuUy for tM U .I . Senate hire ln ltTt, aald be la dolna • lot of iroundworl for • this race. -• "I s wam upstream once and it ain't fun," Swlterl said of bis unsucceuful primary race a11inst veteran Republican Sen. 911 Armatro•c, which left Swigert with a SU0,000 campal1n debt. Swigert is vice prelident ol International Gold and MineraJs Ltd. A ctor Ala• Alda, a supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment, says he i s not deterred by tbe Oklahoma state Senate's rejection ol the proposal last week. "I don't accept this as defeat," Alda told a rally in Broken Bow. "In my opinion, we simply haven't won yel." The stale Senate voted down, 27-21, a proposal to ratify the ERA, but tbe matter could come up again this week. FIGHTS ON -Actor Alan A l da s av s he i s und e terr ~d bv th e 0 k ·1 a h o m a s e n· a t e · s rejection of Equal Rights Amendment. .. I d on't accept this as defeat." he said. Rain likely tonight Coastal •hould ctroo lo •.000 or 5.000 t.el tonight end •• low •• l .000 WeclMSO.y ' Gu sty winch •Ill blow thro.,.11 mounteln are•• lonight and througl1cM llW day W-y.• Temperaturn art t-PK•~ to Clroo Into trw uooer ~ tonli;iht In Los Mo\lly <loud~ with <hence of A~IH ....i the velleys and into,,,. sllO,..rs ln<rtu1ni;i to IO percent low 10\ 1n the mountain\. with the tonli;iht. Oe<rt ••l ni;i shower\ <Nn<eolralnlOPtr<~tton•Qht Wt-SO.Y with -<IHri119 Coastal low O 10•1111111. }' hlQh ----------Wednesday Water S6 w!~:.:~:.~~w " •on111111. s• hlQh Temperatures Else-••. IOVlllH\I lo ''"""'""'' wind• l hh mornino 1-tt ~no t\ NATION be<oml119 -... 1, 11·20 knoh lhh HI L• P<~ Mternoon and toniQlll WHl.,.ly swell Albany 1 9 f.J I.et lnc:reulnQ to 1-4 IH1 moJtly AllJUque 41 111 outer wale<• tonlQlll. Varlet:>tt <IOutH AmarltlO 71 lt throug h tonlQllt with • chance ot Anchor•~ 13 ·• ~ers north. W>rHCllni;i oout-••CI AShevllle 41 35 tonlQllt. f ::::~:~tty ~ ~! .OJ 8attlmcwe 11 15 V S Blrmlft9hm 70 ..o tO . ~ summary ~~arck ll ·• --40 11 01 FreeilnQ rain fell In Tenneu... ::!:'svlle ~ .~ Kentucky n oth« Sou~rn statH Bllflelo 13 3 01 today M -plied up in tNt T-5t •I basin and northwest Ntvilda. ~:::r:•:n ~ 38 2• .01 From Virg inia to Alabama. ctte' s n 50 21 lllQhW•Yl bt<•,.,. •lick with lu , Oii= " • lor<lng u-ooh to re main shut Ctn<lnMll l'I ti despite a .. l\eral using of tllt Cl9'1efand 1' 5 sub-Hro co4CI that has held the E HI Col .. mbus n 11 In II\ grip, 0 I Ft Wiii 75 4 I Tiit N.Clon.I Weather Servi<• w ld o!~ver S2 ll Monday lb JCMay lofec•'1 call• for . Des Molnn 15 " bel-·ncwmel hlmoer•tures lor Ille Detroit 14 11 01 eastern two-thlrO oHhe nation. Dul 111 1 • .OJ TIM ....., Mlflulpcli valley and El ;..,. 61 ., wetlern ....,_.._, 904 a $1Wlftlt.Nt19 ol FalrbenU • 11 ·20 01 -tocNy. "'"'and --.n H rtlorCI 9 .. meved over C•llforni• end ,,.. H!ten• lt 5 01 nortllem P.cttk ~I. ancl Clef'IW f09 Hon I I 17 IS Ot eatMreCI al0fl9 lhe wHtem Gulf Hou:t~u 69 .,_ cotsl. Fair_..-prevailed across lndnacills U II Ille rest of IM ,,.lion. Skies were Je<llsnvllt 61 u Mft•••llY CINr -r Ille southern 15 •1 11811 of tlW ,...at tl•IM and across ~~",!•City 37 1l H-EnQ._. us V99ft .. '1 Rain~-• for.cad lilir I;; Little Roell ll Jt ot Ille d•Y .cross llM Pacific coat1. c"-1"11 lo ,,__, the northern Loulsvlllt -mPfli\ Miami Mllwault.M Mcils·St.P NHhvllle New Ori_... Nt w York NorfOl- Ol\la City Omah• OrlanclO PtlHeelphl• P-rn• PlttsburQll Plland,- Pll•ncl. Ort "pl'ld City :r~-S.lt ulle Seattle SI Louis SI P·T•mc>e St Sit-le SC>okene TU<IOll Tulsa Wa.,,if191n Wl<~lla • 1• .01 ,. JS " ,. 11 17 IJ ti 11 37 l6 .2S ,. ., IS 1> ,. ,, 53 11 ,. n 16 .. IS fl 10 Sol 20 " 12 ·• 44 ,. 39 • Q 2) .01 l l 17 .. 21 .01 t2 lS l6 u 13 JO 2 ·11 1S 17 71 .. .. JO 15 11 .. 17 CALI '°""IA 11.11 ... sti-0 ,, £....... .. ll "'""° Q ,. .01 Llln<Hter R 3lt Merysvlllt 5.1 Jt 0.-lencl 5S P-11o111a " a1 .-ee1 lllllff .. " .04 .-.owood O ty 57 0 . tO S.Cram..,10 • • .01 Sen Francisco W O .I• Santa~ 5' a Sent• Marie • - S•ooton ss • Tllerm•I •a fS Barstow .... BIQB•ar " n Ill tllop ff 11 Cetatlna st " L0"9 BMCll • .. MOllrovle • •S Mt.WlllOfl -• Newp0r1 9Nt<1\ ft .. OntarlO SS • Palm S.WlflllS .. • Pes.defte 11 a SenBer-.llno • 3' SenJow S7 • SenlaANI .. 0 hell of tll• Rooln. Snow was PAClk tect !Torn the GrHI Uikn to Ille ncw-n hell ol the East toe•t with rain ,,_" O••tr the •oulhern A-lachl.,s. • Catee<Y Iii .. ·., IURf REPIRT ~ t2 ~ t ·II ·I ·14 Sunny Sllln _., .,rttast over m"d' of the ~61alns and the ... ,..-~. Temper.CIH'ft .._llPKled to ,..,.. lrom two !MD '""' from .... "°'1....... Roell lhroulll Ille n•rthern Greet L• s end Into Mrt-nNewlE~ lefl)Ptf'eturft -ly Y rM191G from mi-n In Glens •11•. H. Y. "' • .,,,.9,-111e, Teu $1Mtwen •r• llll•IY t WeClnHdey, pertlculer CNtlel --taln a l!Mtlonal ~ Servk• Met ........... , .... ... ~. ....... Dtl...., , ......... ~ ~.I ~?=•iliillllll ...... -.-.-.-.-.-.-. ... ,..._ Winni,_. I ·II .It ·2 -t7 • •J . ,. I ·17 .u ,...... ·-...... ----------LAc... A ..... MH. .... T .... -"""°" e•ufts .., -• T;de1 Hunt ...... l'tet 1-2 poor • ... S.nlA AM,_,_. Jelly M -SS 40lfl St. Newpof1 1·2 -SS nM St . ....._, I 1·1 -H ..... _................ TOOAY ...... .._ t..i -111 _.._,.. ,..,... ,:., """· a.J llocttllll•.~ I t ...... w SK-tow It:»~ t.J ""-Y HGllOw I -W Tilel .. .,_1 I -W .. DtM ... 'r Sen c ......... ,.... I I -,. I ""' 111"' •:• ··""· .., Tref...... ''"".. t:U .. fl't. t.• 1T·S1,..t1 1 -" Sec:Oftffllilll s:sr~':. u .....__!.OMOR.-OW'S TJOES: H'-i: •:02 e.m. ~l t:M ••"'· lwetl Direct•: Sun rl-•:S7 ••"'• -.,, .. .., wt1S:1Jp,t'ft. • llEPOltTING AGl!HCIES! Sieve .. ..,.. ..... .._.....~ ee-. ,.__rim l :IJ e.m '$ ..... ,, Mlll.eOwiNll.LMryMolre. -t:Op.m. We're Listening~ •• Whal do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't Y,OU like? Call the number below and your metHlt will be recoNed. transcribed and delivered to the 1ppropriate editor. TM same 24-hour answerin1 aervice may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors mu.tt lnch• their name ana telephone number for vmflcatlon. No c1rcul1U. call•, plate. Tell us what's on your mind. · -' . l -FemaJea fnalce up 30 percent ~of coastal membership Cl , ·~ PAftlCK &aNNSDY ............. 8o1M ..,. Clube acroq th• covntry are ftaihtin• to keep f irl• oUt, but oltlclafa or Boys Chitbl U., U.. Ora.ate a...t uy 1lrt1 make up about 30 perce..l fl tlaeir mem.,...blp. ''There an a lot ol \est cues (ln cawt to un &Jrlt > but we're not OH of them,·• aaya Lou Yantom, dlfeCW ot the Brarl Club of &bl Harbor Atta, wlakh serves 2 , 100 youncatera in Newport Beach and Colta Meta. Boys club direnora Pat Downey or Huntln1to11 Beach and Pat Barry of Lapna Belcll 'also 58)' llrla iD their cities share club f•cilitlea and participate equally. . Downey aa11 the Hununcion Beact' Dor• Club la chanctq IU nanae to the Boys' nd Gltls' Club thla year. Ia Irvine, a~ and Girt. club la propc>M to begin thia year. However, in Santa MOftlea and Santa Cruz Boys Clab organliationa refuse to altow Jirla. In santa Crus the iJne .. beina Httled in court. In Saata M011iea, the City Council i.s requesting that prts be allowed Lo join &be Boys Chab. But the club's boanl of directors HY they'd rather clo11 down than allow 1lrl1 . The directors contend It would coat too muc h to e xpand Hrvlces to include girls. • 'J personally believe If kids m l x at school and socially. there's no reason to keep them ~parate at the Boys Club," said Barrr, ol Laguna Beach. With the exception of aetlvilies such u wrestling, Judo and overnight sleep-Ins at the club facilities. alrls and boys participate togethe r , club directors say. ·'The girls compete against each other in judo and also have separate s leep -overs,'' said Downey. Shared activities include camping, baseball, basketball, game room activities, crafts, gymnas tics and physical exercise classes. Girls also are allowed in flag football. but very few participate , the directors say. More than 3,700 youngsters belong to Boys Clubs along the Orange Coast. In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, girls have been members lor the pas t three years ; in Laguna Beach the past seven years; in Huntinli(ton Beach the , paat 12 Ytafl and ln FounWn Valley the pa1t four ytar1. I\ However, dlrectora noted ?it the Boys Club of Amer a charter that hu been •PP"O by the,U.S. Con1re11 allowt1 1>r a boys-only or1anJutJon. ··1~--n "Things are cban1ln1 new, but the Idea was that ~· especially needed a place to stay out of trouble,'' Downey ~d. ·'The suicide rate for boys tras three time. greater than ~­There was more preaaure in Mte syst e m for youna men lo pe rform and succeed. Girls didn't have those pressures. 1 "It's not as true today ~~s years ago, but according Lo~ charter, it's up to each clutflto se t rule s regarding membership,'' he s aid. 11 .. Each or the cities alona Ute Orange Coast, except lrvifte, also has activity clubs for g"1s. But Yantom ot Newport Beach says this is no reason for &i.e Boys Clubs to discriminate. N Settlement corrected Cl ·y outh1 reunited with his family I By the Asaoc:lated Preas '' The Associated Press repo~ erroneously that San Diio Federal Savings and Loan m e a settlement for nearly• l million in response to a sti\e attorney general's complaint regarding the sales practices"of Trane Co., whose contracts lhe loan company was carryi°".w A weekend outing. at Disneyland that turned into a nightmare or red tape lor a scared Me xican boy ended happily Monday after the Immigration and NaturaliuUon Service allowed his parents across U>e border to pick hJm up. The American uncle of lO·year-old Julio Fernandez brought the boy's parents across the border Lo pick up their IOn at the Albert Sitton' Home, a juvenile protective facility ln Orange. J\llio "scared and cryin1," spent the weekend tbere after beinc separ.ted from bi9 school-age group Saturday on a visit Lo Disneyland, his uncle, Tom Hughes of Chula Viala said Monday. I Beron tleinl reunited earl)' Monday .nemoon. Julto ..S Ms family hed to deal With a classic case of multi -layered bureaucracy Ulat simply toot more than tn days to wort through. To maJce things worse, Hugbes· car had a Oat Ure after the family bad entered the UnJted States on Monday. "\fe had ctvea hirn <Mir pltofte num bef' In cas.e anythln« happened to hJm~ .Hugbel uid. ''He saw ,a 4"1.Jisneyland ) aecurity omcer and told lllim wbat had happened.·· Julio had l\lcked the aumber in bis so~ ror safekeeping, Hughes said. The boy got olf tbe park's train rtde at its first stop, apparently not realizing tK> was to stay on with bis group for a longer ride. · "He'U never ask a cop tor heJp again," Hughes said when the family was reunited. ··They put him injail." But Julio, wh.os e uncle trans-lated for him , told reporters he would go to a police ollicer again if he were ever in trouble. Oisneyland spokesman Bob Roth said J ulio reported .himself missing "'at about 7 p.m. closing lime," Roth said. "He gave us his aunt's number. We called her and she said s he"d come and get th"e boy. "We waitetl for three hours" and Mrs. Hughes did not come. Roth said. so the boy was turned over to lhe Anahei m police. In •fact, the Trane Co., on.e of the world's largest lllT conditioning firms. agreed •tto settle with the state atton{iy general's offi ce for nearly ._.1 million. San Diego Feder.al Wis not a party to the settlement. The story appeared J an. 11'\n the Daily Pilot. " " REUNITED Julio Fernandez. 10. gets a hug from hit> mother. Maria. when the two were reunited in Oranllf Monday . Julio was separated from his classmates during an· outing in Disneyland. 11 &EM WISE Mery ~. Certified Gemol091s1 AKLES H. ~ARR N my vintage ... 11 was great. The neld night the lrie1 from the Krementz llnn host a dinner theate< party. Wa a 1n Peacock Alley and se ·cream Girls" ... most 11n1oyable ... then came t>eci. to the Waldorf to tour thi hospltellty rooms where tht socializing goee on until twt early morning hours. 3 The 1ewelry industry Is J rel1Uvety small one and after the 22 years that I h8Ve been active In this business, I find~ have m1ny wonderful friendl from 1111 C1VfJ< the country wt.; are also invited to the~ tradltlon11 gatherings. Tl\ · year I fOYnd the MCOnd thin anyone Mid w• .. well, how d your yeer end up?"' I gu.. wli were pretty lucky here• In Calllornl a because wt managed soma Iner• ... b'fS the reports from other 1*1• ~ the country were not ao good~ s~ --the brunch .., Roleic at "Windows on thlf Wortd" at the top of the WorM Trade Centef. The snow let Ult that morning encl thanks to th4l wind w. hlld a beeutlfut c,.. view. It ... a lowety Plr'Y usual. I epent the ~oo w ith Mr. Liddicoat, th preaident ~ the GemolOO Institute of Amertca. end Gliem lamlly from PllO Al Witching the footbltll Later the five of UI went IC the attwet and NIH a btook the Olouctleater Houae f dinner . . . and MStv frOlle · the ahot1 time ~ ** to that f1r. Thlt wind wee ,.. trlgldl I can SM" up ...,_ kind~ WMlw fot 1 lhoft but''"'•= come DD '°"""""' ,.,.. . . . you ~ -'°"" ,_ ptdy thingl I IWOulM with me ... come bf aoon. __ .. . . H/F Or1nge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, J1nu1ry 19, 1912 .rnffiu~oorn Thunderblrct Accident----- Stunt pilots following leader 4-killed as Thunderbird team slams ground in 400 m.p.h. iJive INDIAN SP81NGS, Nev. <AP> -Strtct trainina to keep their eyes only on the plane next to them may have led three pilot.a of an eUi. Air Force stunt squad td' blindly follow the lead or a fourth and slam into the desert after a 400 mph dive. "Normally, he (the leader ) is · the only one lookina where he's aoing," said Air Force Sat. Jack Conner. The Thunderbirds' commander, Maj. Norman L. Lowry III, died along with the three other pilots in Monday's accident during practice. The Thunderbirds pilots, who sometimes fly as little as three feel apart in their T·38 Talons, are train ed to "fl y oH the commander:-leader," watching only the plane next to them and not the ground or instruments because of the tight formation, Conner said. "We don't know whether it was a midair collision or a case of follow the leader into the ground," he said. adding that it may be several weeks Before inves ti gators m ake a determination. "It's one or the possibilities," Conner said of witnesses reports that the planes slammed into the desert. He said it would take a trained observer to tell what had happened because the planes •were flying so fa st, about 350 knots. "At the speed they were going whe'n they came out of the 'loop, 'J j ust thought, 'That's the end or that for them fellows,' " said W.G. Wood of Indian Springs, who witnessed the crash as he drove a lon g U.S . 95. "It happened so fast I couldn't tell you if one hit sooner. It looked ·like all or them hit at the sam'e time." The loss of the four offi cers was th e mos t devastating \ .~ accident in the history of the pl'eclalon fiylng team and let\ its future ln doubt. . A resident across ttie hJgbway from the auxiliary base where the flight team practiced said he heard the whine of the red, white and blue jets as they clirnbed to a high arch, then the scream of the engines as they plunged downward lo comple te the maneuver. ·'Then boom·boom ·boom, boom·boom·boom as they hit the ground one after another," said Loren Conaway. Geo r ge LaPointe, a construction worker, watched the jets disappear behind tree lops. "They didn't come back up," he said. "They were golna full Ult, really screaming, and al the time I thought they were too low.'' Air Force orricials s aid a pane l wo uld be form e d to lnveslitate the crash -an inquiry expected to take up to three weeks. The crash came as the four planes were completing what was known as a "line·abre~t loop" -climbing side-by-side for several thousand feet In a s low, backward loop, then hurtling down at more than 400 mph. ~eveline off al about 100 feet. Besides Lowry. 37. of Radford, Church outraged by LONDON <AP > -Church leaders ar e a ngry and most critics unimpressed.~ by a book s u ggesting J esus married, staged the crucifixion and has living descendants. But the public today was. snapping up copies of " The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail." Marilyn Edwards , spokeswoman for publishers Jonathan Cape Ltd .. called the b oo k 's sales "re a ll y phenomenal." She said two printings had been sold out by Monday. the first day of publ ication. a nd anoth er printing of over 10,000 had been ordered. London boo ks to'fes that o rde red 200 and 300 copies priced al $1 7' a piece were reporting their stock exhausted by first-day sales. she said. The book goes. on sale in the United States.in February. The book -by British writer and filmmaker Henry Lincoln, 151, American novelist Richard Leigh, 39, and Ne w Zealand researcher Michael Baigenl. 34 -iSDased on more than 10 years of historical r esearch, including what the authors say are newly discover ed and ''Will upset a great many people." deciphered documents that shed new light on medieval history. T h e esse n ce of their contention is that a secret society called the Prieure de Sion was founded in the lith century, and from that day until this. has been protecting Jesus' descendants to prepare the way for his return to pow~r· through T-hill yields • mcrease Trend of weekly hikes began in December ' WASHINGTON <AP> -Yields on s hort-term Treas ury securities reached their highest levels in nearly three months, continuing a trend of weekly increases that began in early December. officials said. a day after the electoral college meet s to elect him. He will be Finland's first socialist president. Kelums Crom 91 percent or the vote in the election Sunday and Monday gave Koivisto's Social Democrats 43.3 percent of the popular vote and 146 of the 301 seats in the electoral college, only five short of a majority. Va., killed were Capt. Willie Mays, 32, of Ripley, Tenn.: Capt. Joseph Peterson. 32, of Tuskegee, Ala.; Capt. Mark E. Melancon, 31, of Dayton, OhJo. Lowry became commander of the Thunderbirds in October I after Col. David L. Smith died t when h.ls jet crashed on takeoff following a performance in Cleveland. " Another Thunderbird officer died in a crash last year before 80,000 apectators at an Ogden, Utah, air show. "It's loo early to speculate as to what will happen"/ with the Thunderbirds, said Air Force spokesman Col. Mike Wallace. MANEUVER FAT·'4-Line-abreast loop Thunderbirds were pra<'ticin~ al time o.f fata l acl'ident is d e pir terl b~· ~raphic new book on Christ QUake scares New England ~ residents the acces sion of his divine offspring. · Building upon that thesis, the authors propose that the reason Jesus had descendants was that he married Mary Magdalene, had at least one child by her and survived the crucifixion with the help ot his disciples and Roman co-conspirators. The book suggests Mary and her children fled to southern Fra n ce . where their descendants' bloodlin-e mingled with that of the Franks and ca me down thro u gh th e Merovingian kings of the Middle Ages to modern European noble houses. Jesus· fate was more obscure, but h«: was likely to have fled the Middle East, it says. The book's contentions have provoked a religious maelstrom. Sphking for the Ro man Catholic Church, the Rev. John Crowley. private secretary to Roman Catholic Cardinal Basil Hume, said ''The thesis is Incredible in the most literal sense ... The Duke of Devonshire. who according to the book would be on e of J esus ' descendants, called the volume "absolutely obnoxious ." "'It will upset a great many peopl e ... good , honest Christian folk ." he said. . 'lt is a sign or the degeneracy of our times," said the Right Rtv. Hugh W. Montefiore. the Church of En'glar1d's Bishop of Bi rmin gham a nd official spok esman o n matt e r s or biblical research. The Sunday Times took the is sue le s s seriou s ly . It lampooned t he book with a cartoon or an angel saying, "IC Jesus marries, l hope it's a nice Jewish girl." CONCORD, N.H. <AP > -A •moderate earthquake -the strongest in Ne w Hampshire since 1940 -"sounded like an explosjon" as it shook homes and frightened residents in northern New England. No injuries or serious damage w e r e caused by Mo nday's tern blor, which. officials said was unrelated to an earthquake .._ 10 days ago centered in the Ca nadian province of New Brunswick. The earthquake was centered near Franklin, a town of about · 8,000, and some people thought that buildings w~re collapsing or furnaces had exploded. The National Earthquake Information Service in Golden, Colo .. said the quake registered 4.8 on the Richter scale and was centered near Franklin. TOI About $4.9 billion in six-month bills were sold at an average discount rate of 13.102 percent in Monday 's auctions, up from the 12.806 percent of Jan. 11. The government aJso sold about $4.9 billion in three-month bills at an average rate or 12.505 percent, up from the 12.121 percent of last week. Polish. price hike• coiled for Feb. 1 · RETIREllEIT FORTUNE. NY Times, report.er ~nted par.do m TRENTON. N.J . (APJ -The New York Times and reporter Myron A. Far ber, who lost a celebrated contempt of court case that pitted the rights or the press against an individual's Mght to fair trial, have been granted pardons or their 1978 convictions. Saying be wanted to "clear the record," outgoing Gov. Brendan T. Byrne granted the pardons as one of his tas t acts as · governor. He declared lh'al Farber and The Times "we re attem pting to uphold a principle they believed in. They should not be burdened by a record of criminal contempt any fonger." Byrne, who leaves offi ce at noon today, signed the clemency order Monday morning. Finni.ah premier claims presidency )iELSINKI CAP > -With a majority in t he electoral college assured, Premier Ma uno Koivjsto c laimed Finland's presidency today, and his seven opponents conceded defeat. K o i visto , the fav o rite i n pre.election opinion polls and the acting ch.lef of slate since President Urho Kekkonen r esign ed three months ago, will be sworn in Jan. 27, \' 'WARSAW CAP > -A Polis h government comrpittee conceded today that proposed food price hikes ''could not possibly be welcomed by society .. but jnsisted they are necessary and recommended they take effect Feb. 1. Meanwhile, government sources said the Central Committee ot the Communist Party was expected to meet soon. It would be the first such meeting since martial law was imposed Dec. 13. The government also said it would bo lster agriculture and the food processing Industry a nd cul back other sectors of th-e economy to put more food on Polish tables. Syrian force• fire at planes BEIRUT CAP> -Syrian forces fired anli·aircraft missiles at (oUJ' Is raeli reconnaissance jets over eastern Lebanon today, witnesses reported, but there were no reprt..ci that any of the planes were hit. . The four jets flew over the Bekaa Valley, in east central Lebanon near th e Syrian borde r where Syria C!eployed Soviel·made SAM·6 missiles afte r an Israeli attack . during fighting last year between Syrian and Lebanese Christian forces. Income rise meQ,ger • <::::.. WASHINGTON (AP > - Americans' personal Income rote just 0.2 percent in December, the smallett gain In nearly two years, the 1ovemment reported today. It wu the latest lo .a aeries of ne1atJve economic allftl that have 1bowed up in aovemment reporta for December -a month that many economlltl expect wUl eventually be s een as the worst of the 1•1·12 receukJn. Ind..utaJ output and use ol the nation'• factories declined in December, wbile unemplo1meat rote, rec:int reporU ,.::ir lndlcated. Tbe lut tlme pe Income l"OH lea than 0.2 pettent waa ln April 1180 when It lncre11ed Just 0.1 pereent durtq that year's brtef but steep receulon. ' Persona.I income role 11.3 percent tor aJl ol 1•1. up 1ll1hUy from the 11.1 percent of 1•. and ~robably about two pes-centa1e polata more than tbe rate of consumer lnllatlon. <>ne relatively briaht spot in today's Commerce De~ment report wu the O. 7 percent mber increase In personal conaumpUon expenditures. · It · would be difficult for the economy l(> show much tmprovement wit.bout at least a moderate re 1 ur1ence la a pendln1 bJ conaumen, which, la turn, would lead producers to lncreue output and rehire some of tbelr laJd-ofl work en. All of the ftlur• lD tbe DeW report were adjultecl for normal HUOlllJ variations. • .. ... Start a tax-sheltered, insured IRA or Keogh Account at Gibraltar. Announcing new retirement benefits for 1982. Now, working individuals may deposit up to $2,000 per year into an IRA. Self-employed persons may deposit up to $15,000 into a Keogh account. Deposits are tax· deductible and interest earned is tax-deferred. Faxed Rate. Earns 14%, compounded semirannually. Tenn is 18 months to 5 years. No additions accepted. Rate offered during January only. Variable Rate. Earns 26-week T-Bill discount rate +Wlb. compounded daily. Term is 18 months to 10 years. Rate varies on entire balance every 26 weeks. Additions ~~.Substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal. No trustft fee on new accounts for 1982 t.ax year. Free! Interest-Earning Checking with your account . Only $1,000 a year-$2.74 a qay-could lead to a million dollar retirement. A wealthy, secure retirement can be more than a dream. The chart at right tells the story. IRA ACCOUNT GROWTii Let's suppose your 14% account continues to earn that Atmdol 0.pollt 0.polll rate until you retire at 65. Depending upon your present yorNo. SJ..000/yr. Sl,000/yr. age, your account could grow to a mnvkable size. 5 s 7,687 SlS,374 ror txample: By making annual deposits of just $1,000 10 S22,951 $45,901 over 36 years. you could retire with well over a million 15 $53,254 $106,SGI dollars. And nearly all of it would be in intettst earned. 20 $113.416 $226,a;'l Remember, too. that if you dq>osit the maximum 52.000 25 $232,859 5465.?18 30 $469,996 $939,f}2 per year, you'll have twice as much money. 35 $940,196 s1.881J92 Check with our expert Retimnent Account 40 Sl .875.SOl S3,7S1002 Cowwelo~ at your nearest Gibraltar offk:e. SAVINGS A.91119 ONr C Wiii-........ • Office. 81#tewl .. C 1992 Clbnilt•r Savi• .,k Attoeltt!Ofl. . ~ lf.AOI: f'1l Hun~Ctr./(114)~ LACUNA HILLS: 241.60 El Toro Rd. I (714) 951~ .. / SAN JUAN CAPIS11lANO: 'Mn Del $ANYA ANA: 39'15 S. 8rtllol St./ (714 "Slnta Ana Mb . RJUERTON: 255 W. Or.,.ethorpe Ave./ (714) 871-6]( NEWPORT BEAOI: 2'00 W. COllt Hwy./ (714) 6.11-. • ) '. o;anoe Coaet DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, January 19, 1982 High tec}µ'.lolOgy urged Broum creates pane_l to develop blueprint for growth SACltAMto.;NTO CAP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., warning that California faces stiff acienliflc competition from Japan and the Soviet Union, has created a sp ecial panel to develop. a -.::strategic blueprint" for high-t echnology growth ,, during the 19Ms. Brown. repeaUn11 a familiar theme that the "high technoloey aspect of m anufacturing ls expanding to the critical point," said Monday that Callfornla faces "a d e terlora}lon of society,•• unless -workers and stude nt s be~ome ••technologically literate." electronics indus try have received Brown's attention Ill the past. In his 1981 budget proposal, Brown sought $5 milli o n lo finance hlgh·technology rescarelil ,al the University or California at Berke ley. The Legis lature eventually chopped that to St million. H/F "'}'£~ l!lftf a LI• Brown · s 18 ·member, commission, which Includes m embers from the computer·electronld Industry, labor and state government, c<fmes on the heels or his $491 ,mtlllon education-work training pro posal contained In the governor's new $27 billion state budget. The Democratic governor said California will require an expanding' pool of tec.hnically trained workers in order to compete in l11ternalional markets, and called for stiff math and science requirements at the hlgb school level. Brown said the panel should d eve lop wa ys to "equi p C alifornian s to g r ow technologically," adding that California Is "not doing enough f IJJ ' Co mputer t ~c hnology , scientific development and the Judge' strikes down state's shield law · OAKLAND CAP) -A Superior Court judg e has ruled Ca l ifornia 's s hie ld law unconstitutional, ordering the CBS television network to hand over portions of an interview in which a man confessed to a triple slaying. Judge Stanley Golde issuOO- the ruling Monpay after a hea ring, saying that the shield law designed to allow journalists to-protect information is in co nfl ic\ wltb the U .S . Constit'!tion's sixth amendment r ight to a fair trial. • Bu~ CBS attorney Edwin •Heafey told reporters outside the Alameda County Courthouse after the ruJing that CBS would, probably defy Golde's order and appeal his ruling. The defense has soyght the tapes in preparation for a .-etrial o r Braeseke, whose 1977 conviction was overturned because it r elied on an improperly o btained polic'e confession. Braeseke admitle.d_ the..-kiUing again during the interview\ part of which wa s tele vi se d nationally. Golde ordered CBS to turn over the tapes by Feb. 20. Golde Taia that. Braeseke's cloudy memory of the interview taped in 1977 was il "compelling reason" why the tapes shouJd be b~ made available. Golde said that while he agreed with the concept of a journalist's right to prot ect sources, he added, "the problem arises when this conflicts with a defendant's right lo a fair triaJ." ( jn •m ath and science . . but the Russians and J apanese ar e dra matically different.·' · Brown defended spending the $49 million in a time of severe fiscal austerity, saying the state "must set aside money to invest in the future." The governor said the demand fo r t echnologicall y s killed workers, which currently runs more than three times the supply, will exceed five tim.es the ·s u_pply by 1985. The figures came from a report by the Am erica n Ele ct ronic s Association. U n der Brown ·~ budget proposal, $19.6 million would he_ spentlm training for science and m at h teach e r s from kindergarten through the 12th gr ad e , including money for textbooks and facilities. Other parts of his pl an include; -$1 l.2 million for technical jpb· b<lsed training. $8 million to train welfare recipients . ' -$7 million to pay for ,,,.,, l)Jlt. I" 110:. ---'•11>;, SUICIDE? AC'lor Tre nt no., Ll•hman. shown above as a No.) r hild-cJctor in the te levision ndi :\e ries ··Nannv a nd the '>'Jk p I'() r t' s s 0 I'. .. a pp a I' e n tl ~· 1 hun~cd himself on a sl'hool rw~ \'U rel f('lll'l' in Los A n~elcs. 1', 1 Lt-h·marr. 20. who pla\'l'd ni: . · no·: Bult h in thl• s l'1'1 es. was .!lac founr1 h~· ::i flicnd Monda~·. Joo '.)'HI no'1 ~akehi~ in Berkeley lo cn:;i 1>m BERKELEY IAP) -A mild' n i ea rthquake rumbled through11?b Berkeley on the Hayward fault, , rattling windows and prompting nn ' a s mattering of telephon~ calls 1~rf1t to law enforcement agencies in ~9 ' the San Francisco Bay area, 1811 authorities reported. 11:11 l'.J'I./ TOURS 1 ROCKETDYNE Astronaut .Joe Engt'I wayl'S to employees and their families of Rotkwell Rotketd~·m· Division in Canoga Park Monda~· while touring the plant Dom Sanchini. left. vice president and program manager ot Space Shuttle Main Engine project. applauds. Al issue are uritelevised portions of an intervie·w between "60 Minutes" program reporter Mike Wallace a nd Barry Braeseke. convicted in 1976 of killin g his pare n ts ll nd grandfather in their Dublin home. The shield law was approved by California voters in 1980. Heafey, an Oakland attorney who specializes in free·press cases, said the ruling would be appealed. engineering education and research at the Uni versity of Ca l ifornia a nd lh e s tate ~niversity ~ystem . .The blue· ribbon panel. call ed the California Commission on Indus trial lnnov a t.ion . is scheduled to present its report by December. No injuries or da m age were ni•ii r eported in the quake that · struck three miles southeast or 1rf 11 the UC Berkeley campus al lt t J 11 : 13 p. m. Monday, aecording to u rf l • a u t h o r i t i e s a t t h e U C ) 'N Seismographic Stat ion. u1w The station registered the 1 :~ te.mblor al magnitude 2.9 on the ~~~ Richter Scale. ~14;; Coca Cola to hµy 1novie indust..Y? LOS ANGELES CAP ) -The Coca-Cola Co., the world's largest seller of soft drinks, is expected to ,make a $750 million offer to purchase Columbia Pictures Industries. according to newpaper reports. Quoting industry sources close to the negotiations, today's Los Angeles Times and The New York Times said that a proposed de~I was presented to Columbia over the weekend. The newspapers said Columbia's board of directors was reported to have received the pr;oposal favorably. Judge says suspect 1lwuld /ace death SANTA CRUZ CAP) -A judge has said that Oa vid Carpente r . accused in seven trailside murders, should face the death penalty If he is. convicted, rejecting defense contentions that the law is "overbroad, arbitrary and severe." Carpenter's court-appointed auorney, Larry Biggam, had said the death penalty law violates the 8th and 14th amendments of the U.S. Constitution and failed to guide jurors about who should be put to death. Crime initiative miases June ballot SACRAMENTO CAP) -Paul Gann's crime initiative, a wide-ranging measure aimed at making convictions euier and sentences longer, apparently has fallen short of qualifying for the June ballot but will probably make the November ballot, Secretary of State March Fong Eu announced Monday. The 12-point initiative includes provisions to deny bail to some non-murder defendants. virtually ban plea-bargaining for serious crimes, narrow insanity defenses and allow evidence from some illegal searches to be used at trials. Officer arraigned on murder charge SAN BERNARDINO CAP) -A California Highway Patrol officer pleaded innocent in Municipal Court on a murder charge In the interstate highway shooting death of Robin Bishop, 23, of Las Vegas, Nev. Patrolman George M. Gwaltney was ordered returned lo jail in lieu of $100,000 bail following his arraignment Monday in the death a week earlier of Ms. Bishop. Municipal Court Judge Dan Rankins set Feb. 9 for a preliminary hearing. Peace off icer1 oppo•e Reyno10 SACRAMENTO <AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'a nomination of Cruz Reynoeo to the state Supreme Court has picked up new police opposition but aJao bas gained the support of a prosecutor. The California Peace Officers Association, which represents hi1h·rankina police and sheriff's officers, called Reynoso soft on crime in announclnJt Its opposition on Monday. ;-~----------------~-- ' . • COUf'ON. I I . AFTER HOLIDAY SPECIAL. I W.LL a.EAN' I IOFAS. DRAPES· IU~ FLOOR I NfY TWO ROOMS 111.IO 'fW(j ROOM MIN. MY"°"'" M>OM8 ... llO Lie. 27oM801 L~~--~::·~~---~:~: '. .. Operating your second refriaerator ~ up to $144 a yc.'ar in electric bills. Older models Cl?\ ~t fOU even ~re. To hdP 'JOU conserve that ~,_Southern C.ali- fomia &iisQn is making this ciferto F.ctiaon customers: Dooare ~ operating aecond 'refriaeraa to one of the charities listed below' and ...... ti) ""Odon this apedai oler when~ CCLI tli se· °"··~·arid~-~hodfm the par-. · ' q rcharq M ~·min bi ~fy tbr a: ~xiiorl on cM~'1be charity should give you a tax-deductible receipt and pidc up -your refrigerator at no charge~ This offer is limited to two donations per household in selected areas of~ Angeles, Orange, • \kntura and Santa Barbara counties. O:>operating charitable organizations are listed below. You must mention this offer to coll«t the reward. Save energy and save money. And get $25 from Edison for )'O'.lT operable second refrigerator: But hurry! Thie ..,ecial ofter expires March lS, 1982. ftJr·cletafle, phone: .,. m u T I. " r II '' rl ~ r.~ l ,, rl' J';W ,:1a /, .,.,It l '• ,., .. l li. T I!~ 'J'h . 10·11 'f. l~ r 11'/ i;"o{ hl'J ~·, l1n1 ><;d 10'.J ~ )'J1 '{Ii ~HI l9b II . ' I• 11'1 r1rl? in i bill o"M bnl U i:s UI') >CIG l!lb I 91(1 J,6 1 om \ iA :ui na •di , .. . . ,• •Bloodmobile •et in Hunii~on The American ~ Cross Bloodmobile will be in Huntington Beach al lhe First Christian Church on Feb . 4 , seeking blood .donations from 2:45 p.m . until 7:30 p.m. A Red Cross spokesman said people between 17 (with parent consent form) and 65, weighing at least 110 pounds •nd in good health, may donate blood. Red Crofs donations are used in 44 different Orange County hospitals, a spokesman said. • Council aid• •enior citi~na The Huntfogton Beach Council on Aging made the Christmas season a l littte merrier for more than 112 needy senior citizens last year. The volunteer organization of senior citizens donated an,t collected contributions for the low-income families. Donations totaled $2,431, 2,552 canned goods and 500 gifts, according to recenUy released city statistics. The organization is headed by Fred Leahey and Lynne · Bolding. City officials say numerous res idents and businesses also contributed. • Early kindergarten offered The ·ocean Vie w School District in Huntington Beach is offering early kindergarten admittance for youngsters at least 4 years and 9 months old by Feb. 2. Paren~ interested in the spring program , can call 847-2551, extension 228, for further information, or go to the district offices al l~ 8 Street, orf Warner Avenue just east of Beach Boulevard. The early admillance ·program is geared to provide y·o u ngster s w i lb longer exposure to public education prior to first grade, said a district spokeswoman. • College sets single• program ."'· Coastline Community College .will sponsor a "People Samplers" program ~ _..lor,..slngles_aL8 £JIL Edda,y._ Jan. 22 at the Holiday Inn, 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. these programs. the college reports. No advance. r:egist.r:ation i.s necessary. Admission is $12 per evening . More information on the program can be obtained by phoning the college, 963·0811, ext. 256. More than 200 people, primarily professionals, age 25 to 55, often take part in • Burglary seminar •cheduled A burglary prevention meeting, sponsored by the H u n. t i n g t o n 8 e a c b Neighborhood Watch Organization, will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 at Hawes School , 9682 Yellowstone Drive. The pr-0gram is free and open lo the public . Huntington Beach ' police detective Ray Hattabaugh will offer tips on how to prevent bur1laries. Free literature concerning home security will be available. According to police. 36 residential burglaries have been reported in Huntj.ncton Beach during the past two months. Ex-council members a-warded $75,000 Former San Clemente mayor Bill Walker and former vice mayor Donna Wilkinson have been awarded a total of $75,000 in their lawsuit against a former, councilman and four other defendants. The defamation suit, which originally sought $4 million in. damages, was filed nearly four' years ago in Orange County Superior Court on behalf ol the two council membe.rs who were recalled by San Clemente voters in January, 1979. .. . ··, • The action stemmed 1ftom allegations by .the two council members that leaders of a home0wners group wrongfully accused them of "lack of responsiveness to tJle public and abuse of city funds." The defendants, whose insurance firms will split the Burn victima' cosmetology • seminar set A pioneer in cosmetoloty for burn victims and others with scarred faces wlll present a special lecture Wednesday in Costa Mesa. Marvin Westmore, whose Beverly HiJ11-based cosmetJcs firm la one of the few to cater to burn victims, will lecture and 11ve a demonatraUoo on new tecbn.lques at 7:80 p.m . in the Sfln llarcoa Room at tbe South Coast Plua Hotel. His visit bu been arr&n1ed by an emotional aupport 1rcq> ol victhna who were treat.cl at the· burn center at UC Irvine Mediul Center. PrHldent Barbara Kammerer of Hunt1n1toa Beacla attHIH, .boweYer, tbat WHtmore•1 preaentatloa i1 open at ao cbar1e to &ft1one wltb tcan, wbetber from accidents, blrtb or reconatnaetlve1ur1ery. cost of ~etUement, include former-San Clemente councilman Howard Mushett. Others include Joseph Barton, Earl Cludy, Al Popik aad Richard Lentz. The five were leaders of an ad hoc recall committee of the San Clemente Homeowners A ssociat ion who found themselves at odds with lbe two council members. Mushett, who was a council me·mber at the lime of the controversy, was recalled along with Walker and Mrs . Wilkinson. Neither the former mayor nor· vice mayor ce>Uld be reached for comment today on the settlement, but their attorney, Conrad G. Tuohey of Santa Ana,' said if bis clients were content, then he was satisfied. ''But no one is ever made completely whole where one•s reputation for honesty and integrity has been attacked,•• he said. 4th lawsuit filed in AirCal crash A fourth lawswt in connectk>D with the Feb. 17 crash ot n AlrCal jetliner at Oraa1e County's John Wayne Airport baa been filed in Oranae Cqullt1 Superior Court. Malcolm Woster a p....,_. on FU1bl 338, cialma in tbe acUon that be sUttered lldurtel because of alle1ed ne~ actions of the airline, Aircraft Company, Ualte Tffbnololi~J pUot Don aan and co-pilot Ned Petenoa. ,,.. i::·--· ..... t ... Sl mUHOl!I daJDAI•. , f'Ullll • IWDmed into CM nmw91 at dutll &alt rear after an *1r tralftc contrOUer twtee told tbe nllbt crew' to caileel tta landlftl .a clrcle tbe ~. , . ·-· . -.. _.... . . ..., .... TUESDAY, JAN. 19, ~912 CAVALCADE TELEVISION STOCKS 82-3 84 87 Bridge players get a big deal with the debut of Charles Goren's column on Page 82. Misuse of Cable TV feared Huntington mayor seek~ guidelines and controls to prevent 'manipulation' By PAftlCK KENNEDY .... ...,,... ..... Huntineton Beach Mayor Ruth Finley voiced fears today that cable television could be misused to manipulate public opinion in "big brother" fashion. ''Television is a powerful force, .. Mrs. Finley said. "We need clear-cut guidelines and controls early in its development so there aren't potential misuses down the line." ''It scares the heck out of me." Mrs. Finley s.ald city governments could misuse the system to promote city programs ln a one-sided fubion. She also said -etty officials running for re-election could use televised City Council meetiqs for-a campaign soapbox. -- "We need to make sure that everything is above board and t-hat nothing even appears suspicious,.. Mrs. Finley said. .i1'here have to be assurances or equal time for opposinc views.'' Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley , Westminster and Stanton are served by Dickinson Pacific Cable Systems. The company, which offers 36 channels, received franchises from the cities involved. Several channels are available for broadcasts by community members, city government officials and school district officials. Last week, the first City Coun,cil meeting was broadcast live to 10,000 Huntington Beach homes. Presently, the Public Cable Television Authority ( PCTA ). made up of elected officials from the four cities, oversees instaU~Uoo and operation of the cable system. Huntington Beach Councilman Don MacAllister . who sits on the PCTA, says it's unclear how much authority ci ty governments have over the broa casts. However, he ~iscounts Mrs. Finley's fea.rs of 1ovemment misuse. He said his major concern is possible future broadcasts of pornography. ''I suppose there could be some misuse in the future but tbere are very basic FCC rules and federal laws that oversee broadcasts," MacAllister said. "I don't see the big brother thing Oil wells running again in Newport By STEVE MA&BLE o1 .. ......,,... ..... Newport Beach is back in the oil business. For lbe first time in nearly a year, 16 oil wells located on the --dusty 'UJ)landa-of-West Newport have been put back in motion, bringing l!iO barrels of the crude to the surface each day. The wells were shut down last January at the hei&ht of a dispute between city officials aad Robert Armstronc, an • oilman who had operated the rigs for 12 years. The wells are slant drilled into offshore tldelan8&-awned by Ute state but controlled by the city. Armstrong, no loncer running U.e wells, now is suins the city. The city presenUy is aUowing a Lon1 Beach oil firm to operate the wells and projections are that Newport's' annual oil revenue will soar from $180,000 to $1.2 million a year .. The dispute which led to the shutdown was one of economics. Armstrong bas been giviq the ~' city a 12 percent cul of the profits and city officials agreed they likely could do much better than lbat. As it now stands, Newport's temporary agreement with the Sampson Oil Company brine the city an 88 percent cut of the profits while the operators get the 12 percent cut. The city's money goes into its tidelands fund, money which must be used on t\eacb and harbor maintenance. The temporary · agreement with Sampson Oil, explains City thna1er Robert Wynn, soon will be replaced by a two-year contract after clty officials seek competitive bids. It is unknown, be says, bow many firms will vie for the ript to pump oil in Newport. Wynn says the city will select t.he firm offering Newport the best financial return. · He says oilman Armstrong may get into the bidding if he wishes. happening unless those laws are rewritten." he said. But, ·MacAllister added, "it's scary when you look at raunchy pornography going on Cover cable television) in New York that nobody can get rid of." ··we as council members can't sit in censor~hiJ> positions but I'd like to see ~guidelines against pornography." He said the public access s tatio n s will ins ure all . viewpoints an equal and fair. presentation lime. M a c Allls ter says cable television will provide better co mmuni cation between government and citizens. In a few years, the system will be capable of conducting opinion polls by viewers pushing buttooal in response to questions fiuhedl on the screen. S'TUDENTS' MARQUEE J~r\' Moran Ion ladder I and Ben Davis prepare for unveiling of new marquee at Ocean View Hig h School in Huntington Beach. Stude nts raised $7 .000 to buy the 20 -foot-high and 12-foot -wide ~i g n at the corner of Warner Avenut• a nd GoTfrn rd Streets . ~,~~ First, you find the -engine ... GASOUNE ALLEYS DEPT. -I've just spent a delightful couple of days helping the son of our household unbolt the innards of his little foreign car. The experience might be likened to doing a crossword puzzle with wrenches and screwdrivers. These little foreign rigs are amazing when you climb urider the hood. ln there, you find 25 pounds or s mog contro l devices coverirtg th e top of a four-pound engine. Personally. I was brought up in the Peppertree School of auto repair. You parked it under a peppertree a nd went to work. U you couldn't fix it with a plumber·s pipe wrench. a bent coathanger and some bailing wire. it · couldn't be fixed. YOU NEVER FELT IUGHT working on some old heap unless a few peppercorns from the tree ~ere either dribbling down your neck or running up your sleeve into your armpit. Nowadays, to work on these foreign heaps where all of the identification plates are written in Sanskrit. you need metric wrenches. It's easy to tell when you need metric wrenches for · the job. When you get under the hood and discover none 'of your regular tools fits any of the nuts and bolts. that·s when you find out. . Repairint the engines on the little foreign rigs isn't so tough. really. It's FINDING the engine that gives you trouble. I You have to remove all the tubes. pipes. flanges and bells and · whistles that compose the smog control equipment .• ·r When you get all tha~.Junk pulled off and thrown on the garage noor. it looks Jike you have just been invaded by a pUe ol greasy snakes. I Fl&MLY BELIEVE if the Lord had intended automobUea to come equipped wtlh smog control gadgets. He would have lnatalled them oa Model T Fords. Faced wtth all thls piplnC and tubln1 trivta that. wilt; the srace of the Ahnlthty, will Mme day IO back ~ the ------ J1Ut pull the right handU? and all the ~orna /aLI oUi little engine. I have left myself little notes taped to the various gadgets. H!nts like. "Thingamabob bolts to green hoolenany. lower left side of engine where you can't reach it ..... AcluaJly. there wouldn't be such an all-fired rush lo get this lilUe Peanut Four repaired except that all three or our family heaps broke down all at once. leaving us to the tender mercies or the Orange County Transit District. You feel cast adrift. You're floating outside the Dana Point jetty and just los t both paddles. · As bad luck would have it. the son of our house w~s involved, one way or another. in the abrupt demise of all three motor cars . His went down in ihe most spectacular fashion. with great wheezing sounds. smoke belching ·from the rear and steam pouring from the front. HE BORROWED HIS m other 's c ar and it self-destructed wtth only half as good a show. Just steam from the front. No belching. No smoke. The young man then hitched a ride with me and the brakes went out on my tub. It may take a lifetime to convince this young man that he didn't put the hex on all three machines. He knows this nice girl named Arlene and s uddenly he aot really worried about her well·belng. "I sat ln Arlene's car yesterday," he recalled with a frown. ··1 sure hope she's au right. " . ' ' ' ... 5 ~~,Y~~uoefo2.~~f.2§!!~.,,c.!!~~•o"~~N!N~Q~S ·~ /j . ••CMMIOIUANO•oo•••o tYT•• NAIOAOIOIN•llNlf . ~'~ ?~' .. :::-_ ~ .. :::".-~ .. =.~,_ ~.:; ••~n ,..,. ~.:; .. !;.*,.,. ('.:;, ~" • '\'\ '(.. ~·' 11 fl~·~ v. J ·: ff l,::: ~ r1 t11 ~ iF! ~ i:~?o I: 3 i! fl\o ~ ~~";.,, '1' ,: 11~ a::-~ ~ i .1" I :: .... ., t6 • , ... .1 ·1 ... ""'. ~ s:::11·, tO '* r. 17... htor. • • ·m ti.. ... "~ • e"= (IO.. I : " ... ~ == .. ·· :,s m m; ::: II~ 1.;. 1 ,. :~~ .... , 11~ -"-·I I • ~=~:i I 1; •• ~ ~~~ : .a.!IV TS I t m U•• It! J I \4-: ~M":i•",J;1so 1 ~~· =r I"' l d ff~!~ :~lllCI tlt' ! ~ mi~ t~: ;! =~ :;: ~:..'~ '1 t J llfll•.. • 10, 14 14 11nt !'I .o;ii ;i m• ~ *"" I• S~ ~ ..... 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J ,....,_ ... er ... , • ra• .. n ,,," ' • . ....:.:i~ . ii ,. 5 • I !! • ., as .. , ,_ l • " ,.,.""' ,. ,, 111."1--. • ...., " .., -w 112 1" m-..... • • ·1; tJ •l'°I ..... = t i r l: "'""'"""' """"' NEW YORK (AP A ot ,,..,,. , , .a1 17'• ... _. • • .... : ~"· .i."'• :: ~ •I ~ ~ 11r•~ "'m~· 111 > -group ~:1· .. .: i ~ • HeJl<M .6011 " j--" t ~. y. :" .IOr ! w,· " +r· investors headed b y financ ier SauJ P. • er = ;., ~ !. ~ ·· ... "I...., .. s 77 -~ .. J 1 ... ,, "lf •:J!, t lh ~ S t e inbe rg a nd publis h er Robe rt t11f • • 1 4111 " • "V•ll .1s 11 47 _._ ~ 'f . + w Pro 1.i1 •'"'-Ill ~m :~ ,i ,~;:::::: ::! 7· ~:I~;;::,~ »14:::;; J ~:::;,; ""-~':_..ti ., n ,a1~_+·n W e ingart en has withdrawn a u t • '" ,,... 11 ll T ~Y u 1 m ~-1-.. ·-... p ropose d o ffer lo a c quire a """' .-• .,~ s,-.:,"' ' He11111 ·,. • """"'• "' ' ... "· , 111 ~ .o. .. t -... L' ,. ... , .if 1 si.-.._ 1 p;•· · 5Jo.11.1 • 111o-.._ ~ • 11111 ,,,. • ,..._.. conlrolllng inte r est In fina n c ially • ~·i .: :S::::·: :: ..... ,;:1;dlf t -:: ~ +·~ '':ll~;t ·•' 1',.,..•·14 tro ubled Filrnways Inc •• ll was 1M W at IN --" "' ' .-M I• I '" 61\'t-1 "'4' a I IS It 11' a nno unced. II .» t • .. -i. • •• t ' t HM\IU t.J,I 1 11 ~. I' • :~ =·25 .. J u • " I 1-t lb Fll bo rd ll1..-1j-~;-;;·t "-ft" _·l;i F~'.:;i ~aJ F.:.: 1·· .I ~·~ =:Lao I :·i ~ fi:~ o r dlr~~ :.e1n:arte~::~ "A~ a E1 1 l lr, 1~-111 1 ·.. R~ ... i"'' 1 11 ~" ~ tJ•::::: :17 :: " !~.!_: r esult of our conUnued lnvesU g aUon • •• ..-..... J ~ I • . ' " "'I I nt• " A .. ~ r;" and e valuation of Filmwaya and !!'~~ '-: :f:::l 1:il 1 +· ' .. = ~ r.el :t !f '"'*' •1 .. " i : ~ communlutlon wttta •ndv1tr1 .r • . • w. • tj.• ; • ~ .. t Pwtit ·12 1 + " aftll••c:--have c:onc:lud....a .... _, ... _ • '· f "J !t ~·~ ~-:: , ~ '. t • 1~ ·t. . 11 ::·; ~ 1~ i ! e · .~~t "';~;;_ we beUend ;..t~ U: • • ; ·"' • ilJI ·· • s ..... ti 1 ft. ... ,. ~~ lt ~'t .;~: v. Juallf our offer 'teml. '' H /F 8J. fThl1 l7 th41 ucond o/ o 10.pon ur'W1 on how to save °" your 1981 blc.omc tau1.) The f avor able developme n t.$ lnvo lvln a m edkal exp e n ses In 1961 will a pply to m illions o r tupayen. You can , if you read w ith c a r e , u se the court 1 ~ d ecisions a nd Inte rnal R evenue ServHe p rivate l~tter ruling¥ fo r your ben e fit. 1 ; A wom an s uffer e d fro m a s kin a lime nt tha t loca l der matologists were u n a b le to treat s u ccessfully . H e r a ffliction cuuised ber to become m e ntally d isturbed. llcar in.c about a treatment av~ilable 11broad s h e tr aveled lo t he countr y with h er two c hildren a n • was s uccessfully treated a s an o utpa tie n t. The cost of t h e t reatment a s a ~· m edlcuJ expense was n o t c h allenged and, i n a p r ivate lette r ~ !« r uling, t he I RS s aid " ~~= ~~~d o'}l~~adve:iu~! IJlllA PllJll i:--Z a n d from the foreign country ·ror medical t r eatme n t. But , the f R S a d ded s h e could not deduct the cost oC h er liv ing expe n ses .. abr oad a s an outp atient nor th e travel or living expen ses in cur r e d for h e r c h ildren. NOTE: If s h e had been an inpa tient in a h ospita l for treatme nt, h e r hospital costs would-have treen dedu c t ib le medical e xpen s es • .. Anothe r 1981 Tax Court c ase m volved expenses cla.irned b.Y New York C ity _earents in c urred to keep their mentally ill son I n T ope a , Kan .. so ne could he-......----1 clos e to th e• M e nninger C lin ic located the r e . A particular p sych o therapis t w as based in Topeka with whom he had a relation s h ip th at could not b e dup licated e lsewhere. S ince the son w as u n able o r u n willing to live e ls e whe r e , the p aren ts r e n ted a n apartment for him m Topek a a nd paid h is living exp enses. Because th1• s o n 's a bility to care for himsetr w a s limited. the parl'nts a lso e n gaged a T opeka lawyer to see t he son at leas t once a week a n d to help hi m b u y clothes, pay hills, cle an the apartm ent , etc. The c lanic recommen ded, too, t h at th e son shou ld learn to drive to help_ g e l around b y h imself. The paren ts therefore bought h im a car, whic h his p syc h o therap is t approved because it was a symbol of the son's independence T h e paren t s s ought to deduct as m edical exp enses all or the above costs -a p artm e nt, meals, lawyer fees. car expen s e s since they were r e lated to some degree to the son 's medical tr eatm en t. T h e T ax Courl h e ld that n o n e o f the s e exp e n ses q u a lified as m edical expense dedu ct ion s . T h e son u sed the car for perso n a l purposes as w ell as drivin g to his p s ychother apis t. T h e re was n o s pecial m edical equipm e n t tn the apartment a nd the s o n r eceived no med ical t reatment ther e . Anotber 1981 T a )( Court case o ffe r s h e l.Q for par e n ts who p la ce th eir c b.ildren in p rtvat e sch ools be('au se of learning disabilities tha t lead to emotion a l or m ental disor der s. H ere. th e p a r ents had two child ren who had reading a n d w r itm g p r oblem s that resulted in m e n tal d isorders. E d ucat or.s_adxis_ed the p a Fe n ts t o enroll the c hildren in a private sch ool with a progr a m for the m . T his s ch ool had a r egular c urriculu m for whic h the tuition was $5.100 p lus a s pecial progr am fo r c h Lldre n with lear n ing d1sab11Hies costing a no ther Sl ,800. A lthough ther e were n o p sychiat rists o r p sych o log ists o n the school staff, t he par e n ts d edu c ted t h e Sl.800 a s a m e dical expense. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOAK (APt -Se•O. Mond•Y prlU • ..., Ml C"'"'9f of 1111 lllt"'n most Kltve ..... Yort Sloe-Eac"""911 IUlle\. lredlftQ Nlionally ti mort IMn SI IBM 1, .. ,tOO •1~ +2'111 Pllltlp\Pel .... JOO ttl"' •I~ Euon • 131.200 JO PPGll\O ..O,JOO " -1\lt b:~L!1an t°J:: ~ : '.,, Mell•I Inc SU,«IO I)\, • .. A,.,., T&T 504 too SI''> 1. ~!'~:it-~:~ ~.. : 1~ SIOOilOIL C~lliOO ----~ WHAT STOCKS DID 1111 T8 Teledyne ' 438.200 1:i.~ + •~ NE'W YbRI( CAPI Prtv GenTel&EI 40l,SOO ~ + 1v. StdOlllnd 400,)00 •7... • ... Mobll ' ll1.ol00 711/o .... AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IAPI Tiie lollowong 1151 ToO<ly ci;. AO••ncPG 77• Oecllneo ~ s,,. Unch•ft9td •10 •10 Tol•I •SS<le\ 1181 ... , New 111QhS 10 11 New IOW"S •S 71 wt<AT AMU OIO NEW YOAIC IAPI Jan 11 p, .. Today ""Js AOv•nctO 141 Declined 30S 2(111 u ft(,,. "9tO 11' ., Tol•I l\W" n2 "' New lli!IM 3 , Ht • lowt 14 " METALS C••.-• ""' ""' u ,.,1, • po.,,.,o, u.s OntlnAllons LtM ~34 tfnh • POunO ZIM '2 cents• POl'l'd, dellw...S Th• JI 7...S-l•I\ Wffk com-llt lb Al•m ....... l~n CM1' • -N Y Men wy M20 00 per 11•~­ <J .. II .,, 1t10w1 the ..,_ Yon Sloo E•<"- \MCU -wwr..,h thel IUin 90flt 11C1 Ille n>oA - -tlll most INMCI on f:,""'' ol ~ rtgerOltu OI votumt No =t.. tr .. l"O below u •rt Incl· •IAI"'-U.0. 00 troy 01 , N Y ~------------~11 ·= .. :::! ~=~::-:..~!7:.: ~::.::;i: prl<t elld tOOlty"S ~&im. prlo . Name Lest ChQ 1 Co,,,_ ''" • '" ' BIKe•r~!SL tllo • '"" J OuQl I tlpf 17"-• 1' • 4 Mtlltl _, ''-• -,, ) NoC•IS4. I V• I.. • HOtltonCp •to 7 EAL w10 H't ... t CnP• 7 161>1 SO •\lo t ""'""'°" 73111 .. l 10 Trlef191 llld 11111 • 1 11 IMlltr llld '" ~ IJ Acme <;lev >~ ll't n WnUn UOof .. ..., • 5•'> I• T•ltcornCp J\oo • '> IS PSNM L7Scll 17 10 • .. 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L..,._: ell.-llxlng SJ7S JS, MP II SO ..... , $314 54, uP to" '•llMltwt: Ult Ol, yp ... s. , Z•ricll: Lelt ll•lno Sll• OO~up U 00 lllcl;, u 17. 00 ..... ..,. E..-...1 OfllY 0111\' QUOle UH U, \IP \l.SO. ' E119tlflerd. Oflly OAlly quol~ l•brlc•t.a, SJ'A.01. up lt S1 SYMBOLS -~-.-~ ....... u.i.. .............. .< .... _ ~ ....... , ........ °" ....... .......... or -'-WI -1-llon 9-i.I ot •lrt-...... or ,._ llOI .....,_ •,...... _ ....... lfl ........... !004no ... ..,._ -or·-•·~,. oo.--....... =--tt tJ4 ~ Dec-...... Ill fHKMlftf It ~ ~ ............ .-.... .. ~---.--. ......... .. ------....-.-.... ..... --.... -..... -~,, -.. ---~-· ... ... .....,.,,_pl\ll __ ....... ~ .. -... ._....,,_..... _ __ ... ......_ __ .., __ ........ .,....,..,.. ................... -.. -....... -. e...c.t1ec1 ... w,..,. <11e1u,wlff --------.....,_....... ' ,. .... "" ........ -........... . ..................................... I,...... ...... ,.._""°_ .... ,.. I • .. • ! • • 2 •••• Oranae Coast DAILY PILOT(rue1day. January 19, 1982 From Page A1 DRUGS • • • 'Showers liRe-ly tonighi ill Orange CoUnty !tn11ll' 011 their roces . They cunnot walk out o f t h la court room with lhe record . tdatrthoy 'vt1 accumufut\:d ln thi11 cuse und lh~ hiu·m they've don.,," llaflf claimed UpJohn oltlclala 'MJ k9ew hy ttu• mid 1970s that l?lflttiolr drug wu!f <'ltU!!lng serious .,.,,f\ilde·cfrccts. but mis represented • :t tlhe antibiotic to doctors. the Keep looklna s kyward. because those llgM ahowers oroml11ed tor Monday nlaht und tuday are Just u bit behind schedule. Dave Coo~r at the National WeatheJ\&rvlce in Los Angeles said showers ure llkelv loni14ht after ~klo& their way s lowly downcoost from the Pactrlc Northwust He t1aid th~re ls 11n 80 pe rcent c han c e o r rain t o night , d ec re as 1n ~ ~o 50 perce nt W cdn~day . . Asked what happened to Mondll')''s promised rainfall, lht! forecas ter said, "l iUCss it wus just a bud cusc of timing " li e said the Oruni&c Coast should receive only a half Inch or rain from the expected storm, and that It will be llsht ln nature. The mol~t weather will brlng 11 btt of cool air to Oran1e C-Ounty with highs expected to reach only SG ulong the c·oast and 48 Inland. I .ows tonight will bt: m the 40s. -. A 11poke11man (or th South Cuu11t Air Quality M anoiiemcnt Oli1tricl suid the rains will brinlC cleir air w Or11n1e County. lie 11ald there ia no inversion l<i yer to pr •vent ma~·made poljutant'i from rlslnc into the atmosphere 11nd dlsslpatlnJ . medical profession in general w'o~ n d lo t h e I'' c d e r a I I> r u a '.Jo jAdmlnistrution. -.~t; At the same lime. he ~aid. the ~a..comr.any reased promotion of -u~}the c rug In the United States and Freezing rain stirs traffic nightmares clir~~:r~!!~t.ruted o n selling it ;~' ~ Upjuhn s pecialists claimed l· 1 :th rough out t he l r i a I that •, 1 'Uncocin did not cause Barkun's injuries, which they s aid were ~Ii the result of cause or causes ·•;IJ unknown. {IJ d• In addition to the S200 mllljon ;, 11 in punitive damages, Hafif asked lhe jury for $1.5 million to take care of Barkan's future .•dJ1medical expenses and another ·~1~.l750,000 f?r lost earnings. ~•. If the Jury were to grant the !l)Cffu ll amount sought by Hafif, it •,rfJ would be the nation's largest product liability award. he srud. By The Associated Press A parting burst of freeiing rain 'left cars and trucks skiddihg off Southern highways today as the worst cold wave or the century receded. while a W est Coast s torm th a t threatened more mudslides covered lhe Sierra Nevada with a layer of snow. Hi&hways were covered with ice this morning from Virginia to Alabama and in ~astern Ok l a homa . Many sc hool s remained shut, although after a w eek of s ubzer o co ld . t emp eratures were easing across the e a s te rn United States. From Page A1 t he 11-day cold wave, which has left 289 dead nationwide, wu s moving orr the East Coast, but lhe National Weather Service s aid Monday the Midwest and Northeast can expect more of the same. The service's 30-day forecast calls ror below -normal tern peratures for the eastern two-thirds or the nation. "The Siberian Express is just tern porarily derailed," s aid Harold Gibson. the weather service's chief meteorologist in Manhattan. Fog at the busy Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta this morning reduced visibility to zero and forced dozens or flights to be diverted ln Virginia. s now, freezing rain and s leet began falling early today and turned roads in ·th e wes tern . central and southern parts or the state Into a rush-hopr nightmare. Richmond poltc~ re ported a 17·car pileup on lhe Interstate 95 bridge over the James Ri ver. They had s topp ed taking accident reports unless there was at least $700 in damage The airport in Roanuke was closed . The freezing rain and sleet also caused trucks to jackknife and touched of( C'hu1n-react1on smuhups in West Virginia. Many 11chools were closed. i"og tind freezing rain that left visibilily at near zeco in eastern Oklahoma cJosed roads and highways in the Tulsa area this morning and caused numerous accidents. "In upper East Tennessee. nothing is moving .·· Mike Ca udill of th e T e nn essee Emerge ncy M u nageme nt Agency s aid afte r five fuel tankers overturned on icy roads, eight tractor-(railer rigs crashed 1n one massiv.e pileup and a Knoxville thor oughfare was s trewn w ith car s from a dozen ve hi cle ac ci dent. -y ... from University of Santa Clara 1n 1980 COLLEGE ENROLLMENT CRUSH ON COAST. • • l1'>h He said his son was looking •J~:)forward 1.o his retirement and a ·llwteaching career. possibly in C2 California. ~iCJ "We .,.;sited him in Paris last h111June," the father said, adding. lo?. ·of course they visited us "'" 1 whenever they could." The father s aid he. his wife ->1_l1lrnd his two daughters -who 1 •£both hve in Newport Beach "J plan to attend the Arlington ~:.nt:emetcr y funeral la ter this ahead of the t o tal for a comparable date in 1981. About 12,000 studer1\s have signed up for Coastline classes thus far, c~legc spokesmen s aid. The spring classes at Golden We s t , Orange Coast and Coastline do not begin until f'cb. I. Nj>igh boring Saddleback From Page A1 College, which has campuses in Irvine and Mi ssion Viejo , s tarted r egistr a ti on i n December. Saddleback c l asses began Monday, with about 28.000 students enrolled. Told of the early r~gistration ru s h in prog ress at othe r community colleges. Saddleback C hancellor Robert Lombardi s aid, "That's exactly wha t · happened here. Classes filled up very quickly " Lombardi said Saddleback !. spring enrollment well be near that of the fall 1981 , despite lhe re duction in class offe rings More students are crowding into available cla~scs. he said. o Spok es m e n for area com mun1ty colleges s aid one factor responsible for the large early registration turnouts wus the-announcement o f c lass reductions. Las t semester college officials .;aid they were trimming their list of s pring classes to curb e nrollment, b ecau s e of the limited state funds allocated for community college growth l? week. · ,.r,w H e sai d h e · s rec e iv c d m essages o r sy mp ~thy and t11 !condolence from all over the world . includ ing Pres ident -Reagan. COURT SKIRTS DEATH QUESTION. • • Golden Wes t and Orange !. Coast coll eges euch elimmted 200 classes Coastl 1ne and Saddleback euch cul 300 spring classes. The President. in Washington. n--said Ray "gave his life in the H hne or duty as s urely as if he • had fallen in b;:itlle." "Our hearts, .. the President aid , "go out to his family in heir bereavement, and the anton act of his murderers einforces out determination lo t a m p o u·t i n l e r n a t i on a I errorism und prevent s imilar ragedies in the future." i mp os ed without full consideration given to certain .. mitigating " evidence th al might have pointed to life in prison a s the appropr1 ate punishment. Eddings was 16 when en 1977 be fatally shot state highway patrolman Larry Crabtree on a highway outside Tulsa. Today's ruling did not disturb Eddings' cqnviction. but ma~es n ecessar~a new sentencing proeedure in which certain fac tors -s uch as Eddings· family history a nd his emotional problems will have to be con!i idered. Led by Jus ti ce Lewis F Powell. the. court's majo rity said the or\S?inal sentencinS? violated guidelines set down in a 1978 Supreme Court decision called Lochtt vs Ohio. "Because we deeide this case on the basis of Lockett vs . Ohio. we do not reach the question of wh e the r in light of contemporary s tandards Che Eighth Amendment ban on cruel · e(Jgan haUs sanction impact But martial law in Poland still deteriorating WASlll NG'l'ON • (AP > President Reagan said today that .S economic sanctions against the Soviet Union and the· Polish government have had an impact, bul that the martial law situation 1n Poland s till is deteriorating and further action may be coming_ -r. -"We're not gol ng to waft .• • forever for improvement in the ' ituation there." Reaga,n 'told a hile House news conference Reagan did not s pell out dditiona l punitive steps l hat might be taken ~11 Nor did he s ay what s pecific 11esults he bel iev es w e r e ,1.J>roduced by the crackdown he · ordered on trade, aviation and fishing rights after Wars aw -1 mposc.'<J martial law to control t h e Solida r i t y r e form movement. "I think they have had an ffecl . a ltho ugh there's no • question the situation in Poland • is s till deteriorating," Reagan •2ernid . "They have tried lo i hpresent 1t as moderating : it :>\sn 't." w He said Pope John Paul JI sent 1'1i m a message a pplauding the On Dec. 29, Reagan said the Soviet Union "bears a·-.vy and direct responsi bility for the repression in Poland." The president a nno unced several sanctions against the Soviets. including s uspension of flights to the United Slates by e.r~Uo'-. the Soviet -airline: postponement of negotiations . , between the two nations on a long -term agreement for the Sov,iets to buy U.S. grain .and suspension of exports to the Soviets of high-tech ma terials. On olher points. Reagan: -Defended his economic program once again, saying thal as tax reductions take effect, ·Tm quite sure we are going to see an u~ng in the economy" and an eafing of unemployment. He also said his social s pending budget cuts do not deprive the truly needy but are designed to eliminate benefits lo people "I think are unfairly benefiting from those programs." From Page A1 -Acknowledged there was confusion of the handling of Lhe announcement the I nterna I R evenue Service would no longer withhold tax exemptions from private sch ools that practice racial discrimination. ··w e were dealing with a proce<!_ural matter ._'· he sa!d, th e n acld e d that it wa s interpreted as a policy m atter . lie said there was no basis in law for what the I RS was doing. • • t am opposed with every fiber of my b e i n g to discrimination/' he said. The adminis tration ha s proposed legislation lo Congress to continue the ban. Said his administration was cracking down on leaks because .. we need to protect national security a nd our ability to conduct foreign policy." Noting that it is against the law for unauthorized people to release classified information. he said, "What we're doing is s imply abiding by the existing law." • ttfldm in1 st ralion a ctions and • {1 :idescribing them as beneficial. ~r "We have he ld back on some • things that we can do." Reagan : ~?aid. adding, · · . we're not , "oing t o wait fo r ever for WASTE DUMPING. • • 1; 1 improvement in the situation. f .:'Ne do have those steps we can ,: r;take " I:" .. "'' ~~~Brezhnev's son hit ,. ,, :: ni LIEGE, Belgium <AP) -The I~ '"lmn of Soviet leader Leonid I J :~rezhnev faced angry workers t. who shout~. waved Solidarity t' vtJ>OSlers and threw eggs at him '1>tMonday in C ha udfontaine, • blBelgium. : Ql • et • t6 was suspended. On Friday, county health officials said the m edical center's policies for the on-site ha ndling or infectious waste were improper Medical center officials did not challenge that contention and said procedures were being tightened . Other hospitals to whic h improperly disposed infeclious waste has -been traced include Hoag Hospital. Newport Beach: 'St. Joseph's Hospital, Orange: Western Medical Center, Santa Ana, and Palm Harbor Hospital, Garden Grove. More than 160 , ORANGE COAST • Daily Pilat CIHtffled ldveftlslng 1141M2·M71 All other depemnenta 142-4121 Thomas P Haley ~ .... 0.f~Ofll«< Robert N. Weed ,.,._.,. Thomas A Muroh1n9 f- MichMI P Haniey ~~ l . Key Schultz ~ .,,°"""°"' Kenneth N. Goctdard Jf C-0.- bags of waste have been found ' thus far. In today's action. the board placed all health facilities that generate infectious waste on notice that the county hea lth officer, Or Rex Ehling. will purs ue "AJI possible avenues of legal action concerning any hospital or institution found to be in violation of said laws." The board declared that a ll state laws and county ordinances regarding infectious wa s te dis posa l wi ll be "vigorously enforced." And that board calJed tor fu rther detailed reports on how exist i n g regulation s s hould b e strengthened. "We are putting the m <the facilities l on notice that from here on in there will be very close scrutiny," said Supervisor Ralph Clark. · Nest~de. who has served as the county's chief spokesman on the waste dumping issue, said "those who insist on perslstlng" in violating county procedures could be forced by the county to essentially close their doors. He accused some hospital operators of belng "care l ess and reckless:· and unusual punishment rorb1d!> the execution of a defendant who w as 16 a l l he t i m e of l he offense." Powe ll said Powell 's opinfon noted that in som e ca se s. evidence of a convicted killer's fami ly history and emotional problems may be given "little weight. .. .. But when the defendant 1s 16 \ years old at the time of lhe offense, there can be no doubt tha t evidence of a turbulent family history, beatings by a harsh father. alnd of severe emotional di s turbance 1s particularly relevant." he said Powell added · .. We are not unaware or the extent to which minors engage increasingly tn violent crime. Nor do we suggest an ab se n ce of le ga l reSl>OnsibHity whe re crime is committed by a minor We arc concerned here only with lhe manner or the imposition or the u ltimate penalty: the death sentence imposed for the crime of murder upon an emotionally disturbed youth with a disturbed child's maturity. "On re mand. s late courts m u.s l cons ider. all relev.anL mil1galllli.! evidenre ;rnd weigh 11 aga i ns t !h e evide n ce of aggravating c irc ums tances." the opinion s aid The decision lhu~ leaves open the possibility th at Eddings again could be sentenced to death J oining Powell were Justices William J . Brennan. Thurgood Marshall. J ohn Paul Stevens and Sandra Day O 'Connor Chie f Jus t ice Warre n E Burge r l e d th e court 's dissenters. joined by Justices By r on R. White . Harry A Blac kmun and William II Rehnquist College officials said students were aware or these cuts, and many registered early to avoid being closed out or particular courses OHicials at Orange Coast , Golden West and Coastline s aid the registration rush may taper off toward the end of the sign·up peri od . R egi s t ra ti o n by appointment continues through J an. 26. If it does not t aper off. the colleges may be forced to curtail petitioning, a process by which a stude nt enrolls 1n a class by obtaining a teacher 's permission after the semestl'r begins. At Coastl~ne, at least JO p ercent of the s tude nts traditionally s ign up for a course simply by attending the first sess ion. "This js a whole new ball g am e. because we've never tried to reduce e nrollme nt before." s aid John Breihan. Coastline's associa te dean or admissions and records li e p oi nt e d ou l that registration fo rms may be coming 10 faster than usual. bar the numb<.'r of c lassroom seats ts still limited When lhe classes are full. students s imply well be adv1st'<.I to sign up for a different lime or anothi>r course. Breihan said. '"We haven't hit the panic button ye t ." s aid Bernard Lusk in. president of CoasUine "We're in a self-adjustment process." Referring to the state limit on com munily college growth . Lus k in added, "It's unfortunate to have a freeze• in an area where there 's a growing prop e n ~it y for furth e r education." Valentine ... Fine /e.vt:lry "Anything thut 'is moving is goinJ( into a ditch.•• he said. Snow began fulling Monday in the Sierra Nevada. and the National Weathe r Service forecast heavy snow for today and Wednesday The storm that caused the muds lides around San Prancisco dumped several feet of snow in the mountains. T he numbing cold weat her that has held much or the nation in its grip for mure than a week prompted Gov. Bob Graham to (jeclare an emergency in the ci trus industry in central and south Florida. He issued an executive order Monduy Lhat would get citrus to processing plants more quickly. The order allows higher weight a llowances for trucks hauling c itrus . Graham s aid it is "imperative" that the fruit be processed as quickly as possible, because fruit that has been frozen rots quickly. Crash victim~s kin awarded $5!10,000 The family or a Mission Viejo wuman killed in the 1979 crash of an American Airlines DC-10 al Chicago's O'llarC' Airport has been awarded $550,000 in dam ages by a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury. Carol Jean Carlson was aboard ill -fated flight 191 on May 25, 1979 . which lost an engine shortly a ft er takeoff and luR ged to the g r ound. Mrs Carlson. lhen 31. and 272 olher passcn~ers were killed . Mu nda y 's jury verdict . awards $550,000 to her hus band. Robert Carlson or Mission Vi ejo, and her parents. Olt \'er and D o r othy Ambers o f Green Valley, Ariz Newport Reach attorney John K ays, who r e presented the plaintifrs. said lhe money wo~ld be paid by the defendants m the case. McDonnell Douglas Corp .. m anufacturer of the pl ane . and American Airlines. Kays said the trial, which only concerned the a mount of the award. lasted a week and was presided over by Judge Raphael Galceran. Kays said an understanding h a d been reached with the defendants so he didn't expect an appeal t o be launc hed c;ontcsling fhcir liabffily lie· said Mrs Carlson was fh in~ from Connecticut to California, and had switched planes in Chicago when the crash occurred. The Carlsons were married for four and a half yea rs and had no children Blast kills 6 BULLETIN SPENCER, Okla. <APl -A natural gas explosion ripped thro ugh the kitche n or an elementary school as it was• bein g evacuated tod ay, and authorities said six people were .killed. f:'d Schulmen ~008 "There is a reeponslbllily lo 'ibttte by protedures lhal" tJt:.lsl . " . This slluallon has been intolerable,'' h4'1ald . JS fASHIOt" 1$,1..6.HO_ • NE.WPOJl'UEACH. CAUl'ORNIA 92660 t c.rot A Moore ........ ,. 1 .. 1 I • I • llllll 1111:1/llUTI ClllT • •Carpentry counes offered In s t ru c tors in lhe Construc tion Techno logy Depar~roent at Saddleback Colleg~ in Mission Viejo say they a r e a ttempt ing to provide some financial relief to homeowners by offering ba s i c a n d adv a n ced carpentry ~ourses. Da y and evening courses • for the home handy man are offered at Saddleback during the s pring t er'm . Classes include: Int ro du ctio n t o Wood work in g , m eeUne Tuesda ys and T hursd ays ·from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. -I n t e r me d ia t e wood working , m eetin g Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m . -Advanced woodworking, m e etin g T u esday s a nd Thur sdays from 6 :30 p.m. to · 9:30 p.m . -Beginning ca rpentry.' m eeti n g Tuesdays a nd Thursdays , 8 a.m. to noon. •Ski, survival classes set C ross c ountr y s k iing , winter snow camping and s urvival courses will be offered auring February by the Saddleback Co ll ege Com munity Services Office. G e og r aph e r and outdoorsman Robert Cooper is t he ins tructor fo r the courses. The ski program includes two evening lectures and a weekend of insvuction in skiing. ' For in for m ation a nd r e g is tration , call the community ser vices office at the Mission Vi ejo campus at 831·4~. or 493-2923. •Movie history to be topic T ne his t or y o f m ov ie m aking in Or ange County will be the topic of the Jan. 29 meeting of the San J uan Ca p i s t r a no Hi stori c a l Society. A taJk will be given by Jim Slee per, who authored the t>OOk "Great Movies Shot in Orange Count y." The public . is invited to attend. The leeture will take place a t t he San J uan Women's Clubhouse. 31442 El Horno, San Juan Capistrano, al 7:30 p.m . For informa tion, call 493·8444. •Seniors to see 'Great Canu~' "The Great Caruso," wit h Mario Lanza will be shown free of charge to Laguna Beach senior citizens Feb. Ht at 2 p.m . The show is sponsored by Laguna Federal Savings and Loan , and the Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach, and wi ll be screened at South Coast Theater. Free tickets are available at the Senior Community Center, 384 Legion St. Ex-council · members awarded $75,000 Former San Clemente mayor Bill Walker and former vice mayor Donna Wilkinson have been awarded a total of $75,000 in their lawsuit against a former councilm'an a nd four o ther defendants. The defamation s uit, which or iginally sought $4 million in damages-, was fi led-near ly four years ago in Orange County Superior Court on beha tc of the two council membe rs who were reca lled by San Clemente voters in January, 1979. T he action stemme d from allegations by the two council m e m be r s t h at leade rs or a homeowners group wrongfully acc used t he m o f "la ck of responsiveness to the public and OC singers lwnored in opera contest abuse of city runds ... The d e f endants. whose .insurance firms will split the cost of the settlement: ·•elude f o rm e r Sa n Cle m e nt e councilman Howa rd Mus hett. Others include J oseph Bartoo, Ea rl Cludy, Al Popik and Richard Lentz. T he ft~ were leaders of an ad hoc recall committee of the San C l eme n t e H omeo w ne r s A ssoc i atio n w h o f o und them selves at odds with the two council members. Mushett, who was a council m e m be r a t the time of the controversy. was rec alled along wit h W al k e r a nd Mrs . Wilkinson. . Neither the former mayor nor vice mayor could be reached for c o mm e n t t o d ay o n t h e settle ment, but their attorney, Conrad G. Tuohey of Santa Ana .· said if his clients were content. therv he was satisfied. ··But no one is ever m ade . completely whole where ~ne's r e putation ror hones ty and integrity has been attacked," be said. Singers from inland Orange County ca pt ured top honors in a uditions by the Orange County D istrict of the Metro politan Opera National Council Western Kron' qw• S l Region at Newport Harbor High School Saturday. • T wenty.four s ing ers were Se..-ance Set j u·dged by former -M et star • ,.. ·• - He rta Gtaz; Hans La m pl, c a1 for Saturday State Long Beach professor of mus ic a nd conductor or the U n i v e r s I t y Sy m ph o n y A memorial ser vice will be Orchestra; and Gary Campbell, held Saturday fo r Laguna Beach faci lities coordinator a nd' art gall e r y own er Larry planner for the USC School of Kronquist, who died Saturday Performing Arts. from complications arising from -CMtestants were introduced a,...eart-atlmenr. He was 78.' by J oseph Gaudio. Mr. Kronquist, a well·tnown The vocalisls were divided artist in Laguna, was the owner into two categories: career and of the Larry Kronquist Gallery, apprentice. The career s ingers located at 484 North Coast have learned and performed at Highway. least one rote, while those ln the Mr. Kronquist , a resident of apprentice group have yet to the Art Colony since 1950, was appear oo sta1e In a complete an exhibitor at the Fes tival ol role. Arts for 17 years , ·where hi• Winners in the career group seascapes In oil and watercolor were :'rtrs t , Anita Berry, werea popularfeature. Fullerton; Suaan Dixon o1 · El Before coming to La1una Toro; Jamee Ard, of Santa Ana; Beach, Mr. Kronqulat wu an Celeste Tavera of Oraqe'; and. artist and photographer for Mark Feiner, of Anahei m . Boeing Airc raft in Suttlei Winners In the apprentice Wash ., and the McDonnel c I a ss were : fl rs t , Su aa n Douglas Corp. in Santa lloaica. Mont10men of Oranae; Crate He is s urvived by bis wife ol.,. Cantley ol Fullerton; Donald years, Mary : a dautht ... , Dtana Christensen of Fullerton; and Lee Johnson of Upland: and a Frant Strand of Hacienda son, Robert, of Latuna BHch. Hel1htl. A memorial Hrvlc. wW be .,.,. 8urrouCbt of hlle:rton, held Saturday be1inatn1 at a won U.. Aluander Sau~' p.m. at McCormick Mortuary, aw.a.rel -----~..-.-.La&waa..-Caaro• ••M Semifinal auditlona wlll .,_ .La1una Beacb. ,Cremation ot beld ln Fe~ In Loi Aqelea Mr. Kronqul1t '1 remalaa wut at USC. precede the service. , ' ..., Piil TUESDAY. J AN. 19, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION STOCKS 82·3 84 87 Two enter • race in Laguna T wo mor e Lag una Beac h residents have entered t he 1982 race for election to the City • Council, bringing the number of candidates seeking the three available seats to four. T he latest entrants are Ron Willia ms, a local real estate developer , and Bob Gentry, an adminlstrator at UC Ir vine. Williams said he has lived and worked in Laguna Beach since 1967. He is currently serving bis second term as chal~man of the city's Board of Adjustment.· W i ll ia m s, 4 3 , h o ld s a ba chelor's deg ree in bus iness adm inistration and a master 's degree in counseling from Cal State Fullerton. He is ma rried and bas two children In L_aguna Beach schools. tr elect ed to the co uncil. Williams said he is interested In defining the d~velopment goaJs of the city. a nd adopting an or1anized policy so landowners wil l k now w h.at t y pes of construction will and will nOt be a llowed. I \ Bridge players get a big deal with the · debut of Charles Goren's column on Page 82. ... He said currently the city has a written policy co ncerning d e v elopment whi c h is not r eflected in the city's hearing · a nd approval process. Gentry . also 43, holds a bachelor's degree from Hanover College and a master 's degree from Indiana University. He is single. CATCHING FANS' PR~USE Dud1-1t·r <·utehl'r Steve Yt•a ger s ign:-. ha lf-time autograph!'> a l M o nd a~· ni g h t '~ C'e l e hnt ~ a nd fa<·tll t ~ bas ketb<1ll g a me at L<.1gum1 He;.il·h I l1gh S <: h o o I. The g a m l' w a s :-. po ns o r l' d I)·' S C'hoo lpower a nd ne tted Laguna st'hool..; om., ""' "'99 .. CMttee Mwr I uhout SU HIO. Though high school teac hers pull up a !-tpmtt•cl l'fl o rt. the y lost to the cele brities I>~ " n •portt·cl 1111 lo 86 m ar gi n. according to orw !-tpt·<·ta tor. "ho <:o nfes:-.ed confusion about • I Ill' s<·on • 111 tile fin;d moments of the gamt•. ! Gentry sa id issues he will speak on during the campaign include hills ide. deve lopment, tr a ffi c a n d parkin g , the proposed move of the Festival of Arts to S y ca more H ills , a r fo rd abl e h o u si n g a nd condominium conversions. ' i San Onofre siren test to begin I Ge ntry s a id his job as an administrator al UC Irvine has made him familiar with the decision-making process. which will be a plus if be is e lected. P:~ -~~:~~.7.~:n.~ ;~r :::: ::e:.;:nE~e:tn:v~oc~~~~o:.,.""" w11 1 .J· em e rgency sirens will begin Co. are sendi ng informational conducted Jan. 29 at 11 a.m. The next Monday in comm unities postca rds to area homes. sirens will be operated for abou within 10 miles of the San Onofre The first day of testing on J an. three to fi ve minutes. Gentry is p res ident of the M ystic Par k Neigh borhood Associat~on and has lived in Laguna Beach tor 12 years. Nuc le ar Gen er ating Station 25 will involve two s irens located Barron said ea ch s iren will so ul h o f S a n C I e m e n t e . at t he San Onofre station. Sirens according to t he So uthern will be activated about-three to g ener ate a stead y s ign al for California Edison Co., operator fi v~ times for one to two minutes .. attention or alert warning" as Others in the race for a City Council post are Bobbie Minltin. 45, vice president or the North L a gun a Co mmun i t y Association; and Dan r enney. 40. a member of the city's design Review Board. th f d r e q u.ire d b y the F e de r al and co·owner of the facility between e Jl.ours o 9 a.m. an Em e r ge n cy Ma n age m e n t The sirens are part of the 4 p.m .. a ccordtng to Edison Agency planoins rot evacuation in the spokesman Dave Barron. event of a nuclear emergency. On Jan. 26 and 27. individual Ou ring the tests. readings will Laguna residents wishing to run in the election, to be held April 13, must take out papers at t he City Cler k's office al City Hall, 505 Forest Ave. Utility officials say the sirens s irens throughout the entire be taken of sound levels at are being tested lo verify the emergency planning zone will be local,,ions throughout the area. operation and adequacy of the turned on for about 30 seconds. . Sirt.>ns must thereafter undergQ alert system. Depending on the A second phase of tes ting, sound tes ting once a year . ~ test results . ·adjustments or s ch ed uled ror J a n. 28 , will "The sire n sound is bein installation of additional sirens act ivate groups of s irens ror impl e mented by the federa may be necessary. about 30 seconds simulta neous ly a ge ncy a s a nat io n a 11 ~ To inform local residents of within indi vidual comm unities. r ecognized a le rt message,"; the planned siren tests. Edison . · A final full-scale test with all Barron s ai d , ~\ ~' F. f. d h . irst, you m t e engme • • • GASOLJNE ALLE YS DE PT. l'\'e .1 ust sp('nl " delig htful couple of days helping the so n of our householcl unbo lt the innards of his litll<' foreign c a r . The t•xpeh cn(·t> m ight be li kene d to doing a crosswo rd pu7.zlc w11 h wr enches and screwdr ivers T hCSl' lltlk I Or l'tg n r igs an• ama zin~ whe n ·' ou <:l'im b u nder thl' hood . In there. you find 2.5 pounds of s mo g c o n trol cll'Vlt'CS ('OVer i ~ th e t op of <1 four-pound engine Pe rsonally . I was brour,ht up m the l'l'ppert rt'l' School of auto re pair . You pa rked it 11ndl·r a pt•ppert rt•t• and went to work . If ~·ou couldn't fi x 1t w it h :1 plumlw r ':-; pipe wrench. a be nt l'oatha nj:!er and so ml' bailing wil'l' 11 couldn 't be fixed YOU NEVER F E LT RIGHT working on soml' old heap untess a few-peppercor ns fro m t he t rt•e Wl'H' cil tit•r d ribbling down ~·our neck or runnin~ up ~·our sleen• into your armpit. Nowaduys . lo work on thes e foreign he a ps wher e all of t he identification plates are written in Sans krit. ~ ou need m etric wr enches. ll 's eas\' to tell whe n vou need m etric wrenches fc>I' the job. Whe n you ge t under t he hood and ct1scover none of your regular tools nts a ny of the n uts and bolts. lhal ·s when you find out. Repair ing the engines on the little foreign rigs isn't so tough. really. It's FINDING the en ji!ine tha t gives you trouble. You have to remove all the tube s . pipe s. fl a nges and be lls and ' whistle s that com pos e t he s m og cont rol equipment. When you get all that j unk pulled off tmd thrown on the garage rtoor . it looks like you have ,1ust been in \'adC'd by u pile of greasy snakes. I FIRMLY BELIEVE I! lP,e Lord had intended auto mobiles to com e equi pped wltn s m og control gadi?ets. He would have lnstaUed them on Model T Fo rds . N!d wlttr I ll tftls'"'pfjjfng and1u6ing fr1via at. wT£f the grace -or the Almighty. will some day go back on the ---- Just pull the n ght handle and all lhe pepperconu /all ovl lilllt' cnginl'. I ha ve le rt m~·self little notes ta ped to the var ic:us gadgt•ts. llints likl•. "T hinj!am abob bolts lo t{reen -f10o tenany. lowt•r le ft side of t•ngine where ~·ou c.·a rft . rea ch it . · · Actuallv. ther e wouldn't be s uch an a ll·rired rus h to get this litt°tt• Peanut Four reµairt•d except that a ll thr~ of o ur fa m ily heaps bro ke d own all at once. lea ving us to the te nder me rcie s o f the Orange County Transit Distr ict. You fe el ca st adrift. You're floalinJ! outs ide the r>ana Point jelly a nd j us t lost both pmldlt•s. As b<1d luck would have it. llw son of our house wus involved . one wa~· or a nother . in the :..a brupt de mise of a ll three motor cars. His went down in t he most spect acular fas hion. wit h gr e at wheezing sou nds. s moke bekhing from the rrar· a nd sh~am pourinf! from the front. t . • • H E BORROWE D HIS m ot h er 's c.·ar a n d it self ·destructed with only ha lf as ~ood a show J ust steam ' ,-.. om the front. No belching. No smoke. The youn g m un then hltctwd a ride with me and the brake s we nt out on my tub. It m ay take a lifetime to convince this young man tha t he di<tn'l put the hex on all thr ee mac hines. He knows this nice ¢irl n£1med Arlene and s udtienly he got reulll' worried abo~t her well·bein ~ "I sut in Ar lc ne:s car yesterrlu~· ... ht> reralled with M. frown. "I sure hope she 's a ll righL .. " I • l -.. ... ... • ·-~ . ' TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1912 CAVALCADE TELEVISION STOCKS Agran to run • again 82-3 84 87 Bridge players get a big deal with the debut of Charles Goren's column on Page B2 . -I ,, .) • UCJ prof joim drug abiue clinic Irvine City Councilman Larry Agran a nnounced today he intends to seek a second council term In the June 8 election. Dr. Max Schnelder c linica l i n structo r of medicine at UC Irvine, will be one of m any medical expe rts participating in a conference on drug abuse to be held Feb. 4-5 at Cal State Long Beach. The conferen ce in the university's stude nt union will include l ectures, work s h o p s and case presentations. The registration fee is t6S and $15 for students . Participation in the conferenc·e for one day costs $35 for non-students . For more information caJI (213) ·98·4468. Irvine Unified School District Trus tee John Nakaoka and businessman Bruce Vorhauer have said they would also run for council. The council seats or Art • Chemistry clinic pla~d 'by UCI ,Anthony and Ag ran will be contested. Anthony. who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault in connection with an attack on his wife last year , s ays he won't seek re-election. PROPOSED CLUB ~ • ·Skel <'h depicts In i m· Boys and Girls Club. C'on ~l1'ut·11011 1~ SC'h t·dulc:d to beg.in next month on the 2:l.500·square-foot fati lity. J A science clink for high 1 school instructors with topics ranging from sub atomic p .a r t i c l es t o i n c u r a b l e "sudden death" disease will be presented by UC Irvine professor s of chemistry, physics and biology on Feb. 6. The aU-day clinic is aimed at allowing Orange County high school science teachers to become familiar with several new areas of scien· tiric r esea r c h bei ng conducted at UC I. Interested teachers may contact Susaa Wilbur, UCI school and college relations officer at 833-6070 to obtain information and registration forms for the workshop, which costs $5, a fee which includes lunch. Although three peopl~ have already announced interest in running for City Council, the first day for candidates to file candidacy papers is n ! t until Feb. ts. according to the Irvine . City Clerk. Agran often allies himself with fellow council m ember Mary Ann Galdo i n favo r ing environme ntal causes and slow-growth stances. Y Outh club slated for Irvine ' $1 million in donations make construction possible By RICHARD GREEN of .... .,.,..,. Pllel , .... Construction is scheduled to begin next month on Irvine's Boys and Girls Club, a project matte possible by more than $1 million in donations. The club is to open next fall on a cily·donated site on East Yalt Loo p. so ut h of Barranca P arkwav . Hobert Ingold . ... ------ president· of the Harbor Are~ Boys Club said Monday. Th Harbor Area Boys Club wil operate the 23,500-squa•e-foo Irvine facilit v. • • Rape prevention work.hop alated Majority council members Anthony, David SiUs and Bill Vardoulis form the pro-growth fa ction on the Irvine City Council. A gymnasium for basket~ and volleyball, exercise room, multipurpose room with sta1• and -adjoinin""itchen, photd dark room and lame and craft areas will be included in ~ club. The facility was desig The Irvine city Community Services Department will sponsor a rape prevention workshop Thursday from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. al the H eritage Park Youth Services Center, 4601 Walnut Ave., Irvine. Karen Binning of the Irvine Police Department • will p rese nt the free wo rks ho p .. which is to present a ·•common sense approach of self defense." Passive and aggressive rape resistance techniques will be discussed. For more information call 754-3814. ( Irvine creek p~hed for chemical test. by the architectural firm o De Revere, Wise & Garakia!:'t Newport Beach, according to Ingold. I • I roine dance set for retarded State Department of Fish and Game authorities were conducting tests today to determine the nature of a milky-while non-toxic substance found floating in San Joaquin Creek in Irvine Monday. He said the club. will offij s upe r vised recreationa a c tivities and educationa programs to people from 7 to 1 years old. A minimal annual f will be c h a rged for clutl mem bership, he said. i Dave Baker, chairman of °' 19-month-oid fund-raisin1 driv~ for the club, said while enougtt money has been gathered t~ bui Id the club, addiUonal donations of $400,000 are bein.-' sought for operatjng funds . J The Irvine city Community Services Department will sponsor a Valentine's Day Dance for mentally retarded people on Feb. 13 in the Heritage Community Park Arts and Crafts Center, 4601 Walnut Avenue, Irvine. Th e re will be refreshments, door prizes, disco dancing and a dan~e contest at the Center from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. For more information call Linda Oleson or lloalea Terrell at 754-3631. A spokesman said the 1uMlance found at about 11 a.m . la tlae creek near llicbelson Drhe and Harvard Avenue PIMd no 1ip.lfteant threat to the ••u.m.nt or wUcWfe. Ex-council memberB award,ed $75,000 Or-.e Couty ltrefi1bters ••mMll tbe creek to prevent the aallaewa substance from floet ... dowmtream into San DI• Creek, which nows into u,,_. Newport Bay. 0r--.e County Environmental llanacement Acency worllers conductefi field testa, which indicated the creek water's ·acidity and oxygen levels were normal. The dams were then removed. The I rvine €ompany has don ated $85,000 to th e rund ·r aising drive. which gathered a total of $1 million. Other contributions came from the James Irvine and Fluor foundations, building companies and private citizens. Baker said in a pre ss confe r e nce to ann o un ce F e bruary's construction start. Building plans for the clult have already been approved b3' Irvine city officials. • Former San Clemente mayor Bill Walker and former vice mayor Donna Wilkinson have been awarded a total of $75,000 in their lawsuit against a former councilman and four other defendants. . The defamation suit, which originally sought $4 million in damages, was filed nearly four years ago in Orange County Superior Court on behalf of the two CQunCil members who were recalled by San Clemente voters in January, 1979. The action s temmed from OC singers lwnored in opera contest Sangers from inland Orange County captured top honors in a uditions by the Orange County District of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Western Region at Newport Harbor High School Saturday. Twenty-four singers were judged by former Met star Herta Glaz; Hans Lampl, Cal State Long Beach professor of music and conductor ·of the U niv e r si ty Sy mphon y Orchestra; and Gary Campbell, facilities coordinator and' planner for the USC School of Performing Arts. Contestants wer~ int_roduced by Joseph Gaudio. The vocallst"5 were divided Into two categories: career and apprentice. The career singers have learned and performed at least one role, while thole in lhe- apprentice 1roup have yet to appear on sta1e in a complete role. WiMers in the career 1roup were:' first, Anita Berry, Fullerton; Susan Dixon of EJ Tol'o; Jamee Ard, of Santa Ana; Celeste Tavera of Orance; and Mark Feiner, ol Anaheim. Winneri In the apprentice class were : first, Susan Mont10mery of Orance; Cralc Cantley of Fullerton; i>Onald Christensen of Fullerionj and Frank Strand of Hacienda Hei1bta. - Man Burroupa of Fullerton, won lbe Ala1nder Saundenoa •••rd. Semtltnal nditlou wlU be held ill hbna8ry ln Lot Aqelee at USC. f . alle1atiuls by the two eeunctl members that leaders or a homeowners croup wroasfully accused them or "lick or responsiveness to the public and abuse of city funds." The defendants , whose insur ance firms will split the cost of the settleme.nt, include former Sa n C lem e nte councilman HOward-Musfielt. Others include J oseph Barton. E a rl Cludy, Al Popik and Richard Lentz. The five were leaders of an ad boc recall committee of the San C l e m e nt e H o meowner s A ssoci at io n who found themselves at odds with the two council members. Mushett, who was a council member at the time of the controversy. was recalled along w i't h W a I k e r a n d M rs . Wilkinson. Neith~r the former mayor nor', vice mayor could be reached for c o m m e n t t o d a y o n t h e ·' settlement, but their attorney, Conrad G. Tuohey of Santa Ana,· said if his cUents were content. then he was satisfiecl. "But no one Is ever made completely whole where one's reputatton ror honesty and integrity has been attacked," he said. 4th lawsoi fded in AirCal crash A fourth lawsuit in connection with the Feb. 17 crash of an AirCal jetliller~ at~-Or..,e • • County's John Wayne Airport baa been filed in Oran1e County Superior Court. Malcolm Woster, a PUHnl« on Flight 336. claim• la the action that he suffered l!Uwiea because of alle1ed ne~; actions of the airline, Aircraft Company, Unite Tecbnoloelet, pilot Doa Clark • and co-pUot Neel Petenoa. Tbe puaencer ii Helrlnl $1 million in dam.,.. ;.,. Flipt 118 llammed lato tM runway at dust lat ,.., .._ an air tralftc ....t.roller t"* told the flilbl cnw to eaMtl tu land"!_ ...a cirele tbe atrpdrt. DMIY ~ ~h LM ~..,_ CREEK DAMMED An Irvine eit~· Public Works emplo~·ec drops dirt to Ora nge County n rcfightcrs who place it in bags in an effort to dam San Joaquin Creek and prcvt.•111 ~· milky-white substanc.·t· from floalinl? down:-l reum Baker requested contributi~ to the club be sent to the HBf'bor Area Boys Club, P.O. Box 192971 Costa Mesa, 92627 GASOLINE ALLEYS DEPT. I've just s pent i.l delightful couple of days helping the son of our household unbolt the innards of his little foreign car. The exper ienC'e might be like ned to doin~ a crossworct puzzle with wrenches and screwdrive rs. T hese little for eig n rigs e:t re amazing when you cl imb under the hood . In there. you find 25 pounds of s m o~ co ntr o l devices coveri ~ th e t op of a four-pound engine. Personally. 1 was brought up in the l'eppertret• School of auto repair. You parked it undl'r a peppertn•t• and went to work. If you couldn't fix it with a plumbcr·:- pipe wrench. a bent coathanger and some bailing wi rt•. 11 couldn't be fixed. YOU NEVER FELT RIGHT working on some old eap UAJ.eai-a...few peppercorns--ft'om the tree-wer e--eit her dribbling down your neck or runnin~ up ~·our sleeve into your armpit. Nowadays. to work on these foreign heaps where all or the identification plates are written in Sanskrit. ~·011 need metric wrenches . It's easy to tell when you need metric wrenches for the job. When you get under the hood and discover non(' of your regular tools fits any of the nuts a nd bolts . that ·s when you find out. Repairing t he engines on the little foreign rigs isn't so tough. really. It's FINDING the engine that f!ives you trouble. You have to remove aJI the tubes. pipes. flanges and bells and· whistles that compose the s mog control equipment. When you get a ll that junk pulled off and thrown on the garage floor . tt looks like you have j ust been invurl<'d by a pile of greasy snakes. I FIRMLY BELIEVE Ir the Lord had intended automobiles lo come equipped with s mog control gad~ets. He would have lntlalled them on Model T Fords. Faffd wtth all thla"piptng and tubing trivia that. wilt the grace_ of the Almighty,. will some day go back on the -- Just pull the right handle and all the ~coma /GU oUt -little engi ne. I have left m~·setr little notes taped to the various gadgets._ Hi11ts like, "Thingamabob bolls to..guen- hootenany. lower left side of en~ine where ~·ou can.'t reac h it . . . .. · Actually. there wouldn't be such an all-fired rush to get this little Peanut Four repaired except that all three of our family-tleaps broke down all at once. leaving us to the tender mercies of the Orange County Transit District. You feel cast adrift. You're floating outside the Dana Point Jetty and just lost both paddles. / As bad luck would have it. the son of our house was involved. one way or another. in the abrupt demise or all three motor cars. His went down in the most spectacular fashion. with great wheezing sounds. smoke belching from the rear and steam pouring from the front. .· HE BORROWED HIS mothe r 's c ar and it self.destructed with only half as good a s how. Just steam ' t-om the front. No belching. No smoke. The young man then hitched a ride with me and the brakes went out' on my tub. It may take a litetime to convince this young man that he didn't put the hex on all three machines. He knows this nice girl named Arlene and suddenly he got really worried about her well·belng. ·· r sat in Arlene:s car yesterday ... he recalled with » frown. "(sure hope s he's all right. " . . ... • l Dllllil CDllT .. Diiiy Pilat TUESDAY, JAN. 19, 1982 CAVALCADE TELEVISION STOCKS B2-3 B4 87 Bridge players get a big deal with the debut oft Charles Goren's column• on Page 82. D a I• Condo plans postpone«Jl. Via Lido project studied by Newport officials i A controversial plan to co n s truct time -s hare condominiums along Newport Beach's waterfront Via Lido has been postponed indefinitely ·'while city officials determine if the re5'>rt project is even suited for (t\e beach city. The plan to bulldoze an existing office and apartment structure at 3336 Via Lido and er ect a 20·unil condominium complex would be the city's first time-share project. The only other Orange Coast city to permit a time-share project is Laguna Beach, where a motel was converted into a condominium structure . Under the time-sha re system , each co·ndominium would be sold in week-long increments. The result is that each of the units could have up to 52 owners. NOT LIKE IOWA Stacv Cornwell. 5. spl ashes in the surf near th.e Newport Pier. It's the firs t ~lip in lht> ocean for t~e young Delly ...... .---.,o.,.a...._ lady from Adel. Iowa. and at 56 degrees it • wasn't cold at all compared to bark homt> where it's to below zero. Appl icant R .V . Hogan, Newport's former comr:nunity development director, said the unit s s h o uld appeal to resort-minded tourists. Residents of Lido Vi llage have complained the project will Mesa slaying suspect . guilty A Lebanese immigrant who lived in the United States for five year s has been convicted of first-degree murder and armed robbery in the Costa Mesa slaying of a male hair styList who wore expensive jewels in public. The Orange County Superior Court jury's verdict Monday means that Rami Darwiche, 25. faces a life term in state prison without possibi lity of parole, Da rwiche. who was visibly upset at the verdict in Judge William W Thomson's court. was found guilty or killing and robbing Anaheim hair salon owner Carl Lawson in t he. parking lot of JoJo's restaurant on Harbor Boulevard in April 1981. A second man, Sam Monsoor, 20, of Costa Mesa, also awaits trial on murder charges in the case. In addition to the murder and robbery counts, the jury also Services held for pharmacist civic leader convicted Darwiche of special circumstance allegations and gun use counts that could have led lo imposition or the death penalty. But prosecutor J ohn ConJey said he decided not to seek thf d e ath se n tence b eca use Oarwiche h ad no previous criminal record and Lawson's death was not an execution-style s laying. . According to prosecutors, Darwiche and Monsoor attacked and killed Lawson as the threti men sat in the victim 's car at JoJo1s. Lawson died of &ua.sbot wounds and it was believed M was killed with his own gun kept under a car seat. No weapon was reeovered. Lawson's body was found lying ·in his vehicle, which was left m an industr ial area of ·Santa Aria. The victim's roommate had te s tified th at La wson . 31 , regularly wore jewels worth more than $40.000 In pubUc. In addition to his hair styling business, Lawson a lso was a custom jeweler. Both Darwiche and Monsoor, roommates at the lime in Costa Mesa, fled to the East Coast. Darwiche was arrested in El Paso. Texas, while Monso.or turned himself in to authorities. .,.... "" ....... ., Ue ~-­ CREEK DAMMED An Irvine city Public Works e mployee drops dirt to Orange County firefighters who place it in bags in an effort to dam San Joaquin Creek and prevent a · milky-white )iubstancc from floating downstream. ~\ compound traffic und parking woes in the area. The project, rejected by the city Planning Commission last year on a unanimous vote, was appealed to the City Councll last week. Council members suggested t.hat before they even eye th project, city officials s houl develop some g uidelines foC co nve rting bulldings td t ime-share condominiums. . t They hinted the city mi1ht even reject the entire time-shar4 concept. Mesa council nixes copter Ian.dings The Costa Mesa City Council decided Monday not' to allow helicopters to land al Downey Savings and Loan near South Coast Plaza. Following a lengthy hearing at w hich numerou s r esidents objected to the heliport, the council on a 3-2 vole turned· down the request from the fi.nancial center. with Donn Hall and Ed McFarland favoring the project. councilman Hall told the packed audience that approval of a heliport at 3200 Bristol St. would actually decrease noise because it would give the city clout in dealing with other pilots who fl y over the cit v. Irvine creek probed for chemical test •State Department of Fish and Game a uth ori ties w e r e co nducting t est s today to d e t ermin e the nature of a milky-white non-toxic s ubstance found floating in San J oaquin Creek in Irvine Monday. A s pokesma n sa id the substance found at about 11 a.m. in the creek near Mic helson Drive and Harvard Avenue posed no significant threat to the environment or wildlife. Orange County firefighters damned the creek lo prevent the unknown su bs tanc e from floating downstream into San Diego Creek, which flows into Upper Newport Bay. Orange County EnvironmentaJ Management Agency worke.rs conducted field test s , which indicated the · creek water's acidity and oxygen levels were normal. The dams were then removed. ·'I believe if we den y the. permit, the noise le vel will increase," said Hall. "I'm sure pilots will s ay why should we care about Costa Mesa." The city has no control over 1 helicopters that fly over lbe city 1 and can ·only issue permits -for .. businesses that want to land or ~ take off in the city limits. l Noise from helicopters has• 1 been reduced in t.he last two months since Fluor Corp. pUotl stopped flying over the city and the F edera l Avia t ion Ad m inistralion raised the operating level from 500 to 700 feet, according to a city report. Despite the reported reduction in noise levels, homeowners s t e adfastly objected to the heliport. "I can't understand why the convenience of a VIP is more important than the safety of my neighbors and family," said, Harriet Went. Funeral held for: Bal Isle flower lover Private funeral services have been held for 30-year Balboa I sland resident and civtc volunteer Maria Schworer, who died Jan. 9 at the age of 75. Mrs. Schworer was a 20-year member o r the Nightingale c h a pt er of the volunteer auxiliary of Hoa1 Memorial Hospital and had served on t.be hospital's board of directors. On Balboa Is land, friends said , s h e h a d earned a r eputation as a plant and flower lover and her Sapphire Aven'-'e home had beeome known as thie "Flower House." She leaves he r hus banb William and four children. : Private funeral services were held late las t week for long-tlme Newport Beac h resident and pharmacist Lonnie R. Vincent. who died last Tuesday at 77 . Mr. Vincent. a past president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, owned a number of area pharmacies i n c I uding one in Newport Beach's Lido Village. During the trial; Darw1che. the son of a wealthy Le banese family, claimed 1l was Monsoor who killed Lawson and ll)at he had no idea an attack was lo take place ~,,,. First, you find the engine • • • He was a mem ber of the Newport Har bor Yacht Club and a charter member of the Irvine Coast Country Clu b. He leaves his wife Carmelita and daughle1 i.~r.; R:~t-2rd Vost of Portland, Ore. Also surviving are three children. The family requests memorial contributions be made to the Assistance League of Newport Beach or the Hospice Association of Orange County. J ury foreman Steve Mitchell , of Laguna Beach, a Daily Pilot reporter. said the panel could not agree who actually kiUed Lawso n . but believe ~ t h e L e ban ese immigrant participated in the attack. Conley tiad told jurors that Darwiche "probably" had been the gunman who killed the hair s tylist. Witnesses said they heard several "pops" come from the car in which the three men struggled. Some of Lawson's jewels were recovered when Darwiche was arrested. Mes an offers en.d • • t_o carpet cnsis By JODI CADENHEAD Ot-. Deify ...... Swt A Cost a Mesa man bas volunteered to replace a worn carpet that led to a dispute last week between a group serving senior citizens and the Costa· Mesa Moose Lodge. UnUJ t.be carpet was replaced, Moose Lodge members had said they wOuld not tum over kitchen equipment u sed b y the F ee dback Fo und ati9n Transportation, Lunch and about 140 needy Costa Mesa seniors bot lunch. "I'm eoi.ne to be old someday myself," said Roger Aston1 owner of the Carpet Barn. "Ana I tbou1ht lf there was someway I ci>uld help, why not." Hla offer lwaa made Monday. Loclle memben refu1ed to open the doon to TLC worUn waatlftl to mov. refrtseraton, 1 dilbw11her •. microwave ovenr tablet, chalrs, silverware ano · files last Wedoesday to a new I location at Rea Middle Schoo'l., 601 Hamilton Ave. ''I think t h at 's i n the community spirit," s aid TLC program director Shirley Cohen of the donation. "It makes our jobs worthwhile." Without the kitchen equipment seniors have been forced to eat with plastic utensils . Since Friday TLC bas been using an extra steamer so food fixed at the Santa Ana office could be . Jtept warm until il reached Colt.a Mesa. "It's more expensive and a hassle, but we·re copln1." said Ms . Cohen. "We feed 1,700 seniors in the county and we've never missed a day of serviq food." llooee Lodge 1ecretary Dan Reddick saJd be hoped th• donation ol carpetia1 would end 'lhe dispute.\ The Moose . Lode• board would have to vote on u.e matter, he said. GASOLI NE ALLEVS DEPT. I've just spent a delightful couple of days helping t he son of our household unbolt the innards of his little foreign rar . The experience mi~ht be li kened to doing a crossword puzzle with wrenches <1nd screwdrivers. Tll ; . (;;, 1111-1111~.i~ These little foreign rigs are amazing when you c limb unde r the hood. In there. you find 25 pounds of s m og co ntr o l d e vices coverirfg t h e top o f a . four ·pound e ngine . Personally. I was brought up in the Pe ppertree School of auto repair You parked it under a peppertree and went to work. If you couldn't fix it with <• plumber's pipe wrench. a bent coathanger and some bailin~ wire. it couldn't be (ixed. VOU NEVER t"ELT RIGHT working on some old heap unless a few peppercorns Crom the tree were either dribbling down ~·our !'eek or running up your sleeve into your armpit. Nowadays. to work on tM.se foreign heaps where all of the identification plates are written in Sans krit. you need metric wrenches. It's easy to tell when you need m etric wrenc hes for the job. When you get under the hood and discover none of your regula r tools ft ts any of the nuts a nd bolts. that's when vou find out. Re pairing the engines on the little foreign rigs isn't so tough. really . H's F INDING the e ngine that gives you trouble. You have to remove all the tubes. pipes. fl a nges a nd be lls and whistles t hat compose the smog control equipment. ' When you get all that junk pulled ofr and thrown on. the garage floor. it looks like you have just been invaded by a pile of greasy snCJkes. I FIRMLY BELIEVE if the Lord had inte nded a utomobiles to come equipped with smog control gadgets . He would have installed them on Model T Fords. Faced with all thls piplng and tubina trivia that. wilt: the grace of the Almighty. wm some day go back on tht • Ju$t pull the right hondU and oU tile~°"" faJl Oili little engine. I have left myself little notes taped to the vario1,1s gadgets. Hints like. "Thingamabob bolls to green hootenany. lower left side or engine where you can't reach it ... " Actually. there wouldn·t be such a n all-fired rush to get this little Peanut Four repaired except that all three or our family heaps broke down a ll at once. leaving us to the tender mercies of the Orange County Transit District. You feel cast adrift. You·re floating otitside the Dana Point jetty and just lost both paddles. As bad luc k would have it. the son or our house was involved, one way or a nother. in the.abrupt de mise o( all three motor cars. His went down in the most spectacular f ashlon. wtth great wheezing sounds. smoke 'belching from the rear a nd steam p<>uring from the front. HE BORROWED HIS m oth er's c ar a nd it self·destructed with only half as good a s how. Just steam '-om the front. No belching. No smoke. The young m an then hitched a ride with me and. the brakes went out o n my tub. . · It may take a lifetime to convince this young man that he didn't put the hex on ·au three machines. He knows this nice glrl named Arlene and suddenly he 1o< really worried about her well·being.. "I sat ln ArlenM car yesterday.'' he recalled with a frown. ''I sure hope s he's all right ... ·· \ . \ ... • Orange Cout DAIL V PtLOT !Tuet day, January t 9, 1982 N .,. NYSE COM.POSITE TRANSACTIONS •VOT4TIOle61-C:"UM ,.~o••o• , ....... YOU.MIOWllT, 11'4(.,IC, ..... MUON, oeHO•f •llD CIN'Cl•NITI nou lll~ ... 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II S21 stV.-1 O!lirellll -' .s ,.1o_ 114-II\ ltN11 M 1 '5 .-.. .. .. W.c:llllt .40b 10 20 11 • 14........ I Ht I 6 J76 ..,___ w. .._ ltllll !.JI 12 1"1 6114..... W•lftotO .14 156 11 -s v. nc Pl t. I~ PHH , ... 11 IS 21.,._ .... ~, 1.IO I • .. .. . .. WIM•rt u" m ,,_. l"" . Liiie .. " 2 + V. PN8M11.JOe 7 50 --.... $Mj1011 ... 10 "5 ltlll-" WelOtll I I ts 41\io ....... "' ti= ~ .. lllt J,~ v. PPG 2 ,. ' '" 17tlt-"" SoMI. 1.10 • G I ~""' WkHRto• n . " " llY>-\'t Lltleft ,:., • ~ IS~-~ PSA ·'°" t JM 21"1 • \'> Softre. . ltt I) IU. 16 -Yt WalCSv .. 11 111 '2\lo- 11¥1-\It Ltclllld iO 727 .. ~, Pee.AS 1.l4a .. 27 "-··· . Soolfn 119t • 17 JMll + 4 W•llJm I" "' 11\to-17~-"' PecGE 2 n '1161 JOv..... Source uo .. ,. 21-"" W•llJ pf I 1100 I • Pe<LIO 2.76 5 :M l•~-Iii CD "2.40 . . IJ I~ • . . . W•IU pll.60 , 1 21 111 2l"4-"' •t''"" . t13cl 1~ w. wernec. 1 • St 16 PecPw t,16 • HJ In\..... 10 1.a • 1S 1~ ..... WrllCm I .. ,., ~-· P.c:P pl US . II 2.09+ W. rf11 2 6 at 1"-+ 9' W•nwL 1 • .0 Ill I ... ""°" + Peck I I .J2 t SJ 121't-.... t •• 6 12 Joi -'Al Wl'11Q6 2 ... I 4J t7,._ PecTT 1,4010 430 1~-Iii 911 1 S lt1 17 + .. WlflNU 1,0I S • 17'0-V. ,.ecTI" I 7 11 It'-..... PS Ult 7 JI '°"""' llhllWt l.J2 $ 9' 11-f'•IMW ... u 1:111 11 -1 lh 1*' 6 let ""'"':t Wet .. t All 1a '2~-p •'"l8C I -S JO 11th -I.lit 6 leo 1214 + .,. W•tltlll ... 1) n 11~ + P;i.Ae" '.~ • IOI 14 + VI ~ I .. t St ~+ ~ WeyOOf .. 1 I ..... • P'MIAm .. -Ill!>, .• 91 .. , S q ~ .. We-V11 t 11 •V,-P-'!iC 2 S .Jft ...__ "' llf J, .. ' VIM.., ..-. We-llf 1.1'.. 2 10W. . PetKft I UI 1 S4 llYO+ 14 t t IM ~-1 W11100 • llt I~+ '-' Pl~O 11 D 210 J7~1 Ry 4. 1 I• ... " W.h1F 1.'2 S llf ts~ V. P I l.M S 6 17~..... Y IAO 'i 4 1 ""' WtlFM tM 1 41 12 -1 Pl'll a .M • ,.. 1~-.. ,_,. llt .......... wa" .• t 115 i"'-11> P~efl s... 1 ID 1--14 I.. 11t """", W o Al 11 D J!'-• Perttll'9ft .J2 u as 12\4+ 111 ... , ~ a. ... ,, w PP!•• .. iao n -P'p!f'°",,1 111! ,",. •11~= ~ '.J.. S • .,. PIP t 1 •• S •Ii •• ~Pl•' ~ .,.. -I"' •1 l:"'LJ Wtl,IT I .'2 .. 4 1~ f'eyltNI .311 t • I~• -WI .• .. WftAJrL .. nt S'AI+ pty(lfl "•'° IJ SI 17 + Iii I I.» + .,.. WAlr '4 I .1 I 14\11-Iii DOw ·Jones Final OFF 7.7-0 CLOSING 147.11 . . ~ ~ Deducting medical costs f Thit u the secol'ld o/ o ro por1 ~nes on how to aa~ on your 1981 mcome to:rea.) The tavoralJle developments Involving medical expens~ in 198! will apply to millions of taxpayers. You can if you read with care, use the court decisions 'and Internal Revenue Service private letter rulings for your benefit. A woman suffered from a skin aliment that local dermatologists were unable to treat successfuJly. Her affliction cau:;ed her to become mentally disturbed. Hearing about a treatment available abroad. she tr aveh.'<l to the country with her two children and was successfully treated as an outpatient. The cost of the treat m ent as a ~-medical expense was not challenged and, in a private hiller ~ ,c ruling, the IRS said IJ'1llA PllJll ~.:;.,~ she could also deduct L I T the cost of travel to _________ .., __ a nd from the foreign country for medical treatment. But. the !_RS~ she could not dedu&lfie cosfof her 1ving expenses abroad as an outpatient nor the travel or living expenses incurred for ber children. -NOTE: If she had been an inpatient in a hospital for treatment. her hospital costs would have been deductible medical expenses. Another 1981 Tax Court case involved expenses claimed by New York City parents incurred to keep their mentally ill son in Topeka. Kan., so he could be close to the Menoinger Clinic located there. A particuJar psychotherapist was based in Topeka with whom he had a relationship that could not be duplicated elsewhere. Since the son was unable or unwilling to Live elsewhere. the paren~ rc:nt~ .an apartment for him in Topeka and paid has hvmg expenses. Because lhe son's ability to care for himself was limited the parents also engaged a Topeka lawyer to see the 'son at least once a week and to help him buy clothes, pay bills. clean the apartment, etc. The clinic recommended. too. that the son shouJd learn to drive to help get aroup.d by himself. The parents therefore bought him a car . which his psychotherapist approved because it was a symbol of the son's independence. The par ents sought to deduct as medical expenses all or the above costs -apartment. meals, lawyer fees, car expenses -since they were related to some degree to the son's medical treatment. The Tax Court held that none of these expenses q ua lified as medicaJ expense deductions, The son used lhe car for personal purposes as wel~ as dri~ing to his psychotherapist. There was no special '!'ed1ca1 equipment in the apartment and the son received no medicaJ treatment there. 'Another 1981 Tax Court case offers help for parents who place their children in private sc~ools because of learning disabilities that lead to emolio.nal or mental disorders. Here •. the parents had two children who had reading and writing problems that r esulted in mental disorders. Educators advised the parents to enroll the children in a private school with a program for them. This school had a regular cW-riculum for which the tuition was $5,100 plus a special program for children with learning disabilities costing another $1,800. Although there were no psychiatrists or psychologists on the school staff. the parents deducted the $1,800 as a medical expense. ..,, IOI! Ml700 an.ooo 'l>S,900 J92, 'CIO •.t00 311,800 3".'IXI ,..,000 MJ,IOO l«l.000 l29,100 l!IS,000 2IO,'.)OO 17UOO UPS AND DOWNS ...... '~-Pkt J ,;:-oe .C:. .,~ ... 1 ~f.:'P 1 T\'COlAllS ' I lllPw U4pf ' ,1oo4pt " 10 ~ ... ,. II WelUlm pt 12 NL T (lllrp IJee()Epl " . 1S llecMrey lt~Seln )1 NYS L'91Pf _, '• ... ..... -,,_ -111\ ~ -21'9 • Vt .. 4--,10 _,,,, -... -1 Pct . Up SO t Up IU Up 10.l Up u Up t.t Up u Up 7.4 Uo 7.0 Up t.1 Uo .. , UP •.7 Up 6.4 Uo •. o Ull S.• Uo St UP SI> \.!P S.6' Pct. Oii 11. Oft ,,. Oii u ~ t~ °" 1J Off ,,, Oft "' °" •.• Off ·:: g: to Off u Oft S.f Off S.7 Off u Qfl ,, METALS NEW YOAk (API -SPOI nonlerrov• mel•I prlCH ICllMy c_.,., 11' 7tV> unh 1 pouftcl, U.S clettlMllom LaM te-)ol Ullll\ • "°""" lllK •I c&'Rls • pouncl, cle llverecl. Tl• $1 76'S -tels WN-c...._lle lb, 4'-'-" 1 .. 11 c..,IU pouflcl, N. Y. Mtrairy $GO.OOPH lleta. ..Wt-..il*OOtrOYOl .. N V. SILVER 'li •rwlY ~ H.mtM. ll llO Dtr lroy -•· GOLD QUOTATIONS ~le<leel _.., OOld prk" lodey' L·-: rnornl"ll 11~1"11 Ull lS. up U.50. L ....... : ··-··••"II u n .H. IHI SI.SO Perk: '31' S4. "II'°·"· ... -... ,~OJ,"" .. w 1enc11: u ie ll•t1111 u1• ao. "" SJ.OO 1119: $)77.00etllecl ......... , OlllJ clellY q-S17t.U , uP $).!iO. ·~I Oftly cMllY quotl 1-k--' "'4.01, ~SUI. SYMBOLS ...... ,, .It S tS ~Ill I M It -~ WCNAt .t41v tt7 10 111.• 6 ,. 21 ..... "~ ' !!....... WPe(I s IO S2 • f!ftl .. COi .. $ ell t =·;r-:::"" 'I .s •!: :vu~~'t·i· ~~ ~ ~~.· .. ~ ...... " .. I W T....., S 16'~ ,. NI W Y~I( C4PI -Prkb .... Mol\My "1 '"11 U '"' " ,.+ eftel'co!M.~•llll l'r~y'all(kt. . 1 . . ; ::=:'·'° : ·a n; :: 1 + " .... i.• u -· 1'14-~ , ·~, ,,.., oa .. &1'1J.7S,.,. t*.7). ' ! .... ...... ..... ,...., .... ""9.7J,llPP.11. -wnr "' tAI .. J6 J51olo-~ ......... _ • -. 1,J , __ .,~ _.,.,,.. • + WIYrJ!.t..SO .. 17 _,+.,. -·-.--·-• 1 -14 =~,.~~.~ 'f ~~ ... ,:.._,.<_, . ...,,,.., .... wus. -. WMIP'il t t7 • ..... -.uu , ~ t ·1 =~·a:~m~= r s-u:~·~· • . ~CIJfC • . 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