HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-23 - Orange Coast Pilot\YDUR llllTIWI UllY PIPIR S A 1 llfH>AY .Jl\NlJAnY n 1982 NB • man wins $5. 97 mi11ion dalllages A 23-year-otd Newport Beach man who loet use of bis kidneys and spleen after us ing· an Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co. medication ia entitled to $5.97 million in damages, an Orance County Superior Court jury ruled Friday. The six-man, six-woman jury found in favor of Eric Barkan following three days of deliberations. A representative of Bark:an's attorney, Herbert Hafif. said the judgment reportedly was the largest ever recorded against United States pharmaceutical manufacturer. Hafif had asked the jury award $200 million in damages -an a mount he s aid was equivalent to what Upjohn had earned In profits on sales of the antibiotic Lincocin since it was first marketed 17 years ago. The jury awarded young Barkan $3 million for pain, discomfort. anxiety, fears and other mental and emotional distress, $1.25 million for future medical expenses and Sl.72 million for future loas of earnings. His current medicaJ expenses are being paid by a combination or Medi·CaJ, insurance and his parents, who weoe forced to sell their Newport Beach home to pay for his earlier medical costs. Barkan. a college student, must spend four hours each day, three days per week undergoing dialysis treatment due to the loss or kidney function. Hafir and fellow attorney Eileen Moore had contended during the lengthy trial before Judge Phillip Petty that the drug was r esp onsible for Barkan's kidney and spleen failure. During CioaJ arguments to the jury, Ham accused Upjohn officials or being "corrupt" and "deceitful." He alleged that the firm attempted to h ide the potential s ide effects of the medication. Upjohn officials could not be reached for comment Friday night. Nor could the Barkan f amily. U pjohn attorney Donald Peterson criticized the award, saying, "We believe the record just doesn't support the findings of the jury ... Eric's records have beeo reviewed by kidney experts around the country. and there was unanimity that the antibiotic did not cause t he disease.'' He said Upjohn would appeal the r:,uJing. Bark&ll'S kidneys and spleen were removed in 1979. He began taking Lincocln in 1975 to reUeve an acne condition . Hafif had claimed Barkan's kidneys and spleen began malfunctioning about six weeks after Barkan began taking the drug. Upjohn attorneys during the s i x ·week lon g tria l h a d introduced evidence they said s howed the drug could not pr oduce the side· effects the plaintiff alleged. _Irvine Company agre·es to cut leasehold fees DRILLING MUDS -This is aerial view of Aminoil dump for oil muds in the Bolsa Chica . near Huntington Beach. The dump. long a • source o f co ntroversy b e tw ee n Delly ..... _...,._.., A-- environmentatiStS and the oil firm. would be allowed to remain in operation under a plan recommended by state offi cials . Renewal of per.mit urged for . . drilling muds disposa:l _site in HB By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. o.lltr ,... lwt State water quality officials have recommended that a dump for oU drilling muds in lhe Bolaa Chica wetlands near Huntington Beach be allowed to continue operations. . Mriiooil USA Inc. has used the 13-acre site since 1973 to dry drilling mud s prior to permanent disposal. However. the company's permit expires in March and is scheduled for a renewal hearing before the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. to post a $700,000 trust fund to restore the disposal site to a natural condition when oil production ends. Aminoil officials say they expect to pump oil from the Bolsa Chica and adjacent. Huntington Beach fields until about 2010 . They say no long-term harm will be done to the area because the mud is r.emoved to local landfills alter it dries. They note that a former mud disposal site in the Bolsa Chica has been restored as part of the state's weUands wildlife preserve. Dr. Peter Green. president of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica and a biology professor at Golden Wes t College, disagrees. He ma in ta ins t h at rain has breached the dikes around the di s posal s ite and s pread potentially harmful drilling wastes into the marsh habitat. Green contends there's been no adequate test of damage the waste mud does to young marsh plants and reproduction of small animals that form food chains for birds and other animals. The proposed permit also mak es n ot e or the Orange County plan for a housing and marina development in the Bolsa Chica, the waler quality board's Anderson said. The permit hearing is scheduled for March 12, he said. The Irvine Company in a s harp d e parture fro m its previous stance -has agreed to lower annual land lease fees that some Newport Beach a nd Irvine homeowners must pay to the development firm. Peter Kremer. president or the Irvine Company, announced Friday that his firm is willing to trim the lease fees by as much as SO percent. The company also said it will sweeten a previous offer to help residents purchase their leased land by offering a 12 percent financing package. Affect ed hom eown ers own their homes but lease the land under them from the Irvine Company. The Committee of 4000 , a group claiming to re present many or the 4,000 affected residents in the two cities, had little positive reaction to the latest Irvine Company offer. "They're still playing a game through the media," s aid Barbara Young, leader of the committee. "They have refused lo sit down and negotiate with us ." She said her group plans to file a la wsuit against the Irvine Company next week. "I don't think we can afford to wait any lon~er." she said. The Irvine Company has said it will not negotiate with anyone who becomes p a rt or that laws uit The committee, in response, has vowed to work against the El Toro 'flawed' • • as airport site The El Toro Marine Corps Air Station is being described as ·•fataUy flawed" for potential use as a commercial jet airport, according to an Orange County government letter obtained Friday. According to the three.page letter writte n by St e phen Kozak. the county 's airport plans and programs officer, use o r the Marine ba se for commercial aviation would e xpose residents or many communities to high levels or jet noise. "While air carrier de partures are possible from Runway 16 to the south . from Runway 25 to the west and from Runway 34 lo the north, severe noise impacts are associated with each," Kozak said in a letter to an aide to Henry Segerstrom, developer ol South Coa s t Plaza and a member of a county committee exploring siting or a regional airport in Orange County. KozaJt said only one departure path -to the east toward the Santa Ana Mo~lains -would reduce noice impacts. Such a departure path. however, would not be allowed under s afely c riteria est a blish ed by the F e d era l Aviati o n Administration, Kozak said. Possible use of El Toro as a commercial airport has been suggested by an aviation study com mittee or the Southern Ca lifornia Association of Governme nts, a r egional plannJng organization, and the county's regional airport panel. The Ma rine Cor p s has o bjected to those proposals, claiming that relocation of El Toro operations to another base would jeopardize the Marines' defense role. Exis tin g mil itary j e t operations al El Toro already have drawn Pto tesl from residents of Irvine. The Marine Corps, in tum, has taken several steps to reduce noise impacts, according to Brigadier Genera! Ri c h a rd Cooke. the base commanding general. According to · Kozak's letter. two other military fields in Orange County the Armed Forces Reserve Center. Los Alamitos and the Marine Corps Air Station. Tustin -also are unsuited for civilian airport use. No mercy for Midwest this winter By·tbe· Associated Press High winds and b~avy snow rrom a fierce new sto-rm knifed into the Midwest on Friday. forcing schools to close and cutting visibility to near zero. Blizzard warnings were posted in Minnesota, Ne braska and. South DaJtota, and forecasiers urged residents to stock up on food. Minnesotans, socked by a record one·day snowfall of 17.1 inches on Wednesday received even more snow Friday. Fourteen Lnches of new snow smothered Norfolk, Neb., 12 inc hes were reported in Elk Point. S.D .. almost that much fell in Rochester . Minn., and more than 8 inches covered Minneapolis. Forecasters s aid Friday's storm was the worst in 20 years to hit Sioux City, Iowa. where 11 inches of snow fell by early afternoon. The storm has the potential of being the worst of an already bitter winter. the National Weather Service said. Residents of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania were warned that the dangerous storm was heading their way. Environmentalists, chiefly members of the Amigos de Bolsa Cblca, object to the disposal site because they contend tt threatens the environment of the surroundiq 1,300-acfe manh. Located south of Warner A venue atone the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway, the marsh is a natural habitat for fish and blrds, i ncludin1 endan1ered species. OU wells ·also operate ln the lowland area. Schmitz target of libel suit "It's pretty hazardous driving and we're telling people that travel is not recommended," said Sgt. Ed Pearson of the Nebraska State Patrol after lhe storm blew in on the heels of freak winter thunderstorms and blanketed highways with ice and snow. James Anderson, ezeeutlve director or tbe water quality board, says he'• recommeDdiq that the disposal permit be renewed becMIM tbe alte bu pa11ed 1taadard1 of lbe Environmental Protection A1ency. ''The wute material <from oil drlJlla1> baa been found to contain no material• ln toxic amoanta aeeordlnc to atandardl Htabllabed by tbe IJ>A." A.Ddma&cl I -11. lllp the _propoeed permit .__ -nuia require AmiDoU olndala I Allred files $10 million action over 'butch' com~ent lb JOHN NEEDHAM Of .. ..., ...... Loa AnfeJtte fei'ninisl attorney Gloria Allred flied a $10 million libel ault Friday a1atnst at.ale Sen. John Schmitz for bla comments in a press release lut month. Mra. Al~ said Friday she bad delayed nUni the awl to see lf Sc:bmlt.a. a candidate for the U .~. Senate, wouJd apoJ01iae for: bi• remarks ln the pre11 releate. dated Dec. 22, Sdunlt.a deeeribed Mn. Allred as a "allc~. butch lawyer..." The releue. titled..t.be ''M&adr ot lbe BulldJ~ .a.bo UMd what many ba~• called derogatory terms referrint to Jews, feminist 1roup11, lesbtana and opponents of anU-aborUon legislaUon favored by Sc:bmita, a conservative Republican from Newport Beach. •'I bad cooaldered fiUn& suit since the press release was made public," Mn. Allred said. "RecenUy many of my friends and fellow attorneys have urted me to rue, especially ln Upt ol llr. Sclunita' refuaaJ to retract or apolOliJe tor h1a statementl." She sald any money _•Ii• •received WIRIJd be dODat.ed to civil rl1ht1 ortanlaatloaa. lneludlnc ll"OUP9 abe aaid were "maligned" in Schmitz' written statements. Mrs. Allred said the legal ac lion falls on the ninth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding a .woman's right to have an abortion. Sch mill, a U.S. Marine Corps Reserve colonel and a member of the John Birch Society, la a a upporter of a llate conaUtut.ional amendment which would outlaw all abortJona. ReaclMd by telephone rrtday, Scbmtts declialed to comment. aaylna he bad not ~C!lftclally (See AU.aBD, Pa .. A.I) . The NWS told residents of North Dakota not to travel without survival gear: "Stalled motorists in open country could find themselves in extreme danger." Two thousand skiers were stranded by an avalanche ln Utah. Snow drlf\a piled up over secondary highways. The snow was expected to bring overnl1ht lows of well below aero to aome nortbem atates. Temperatures dropped to a boae-dlllttinf n below ttro in Saran..: Leh, N.Y., 15 below ln PowellL. Ww,, and 32 bek>w tn Great r 'alla, Mont. Irvine Company 's p lan to expand Newport Center unless there is progress in negotiations. The Newport Center plan faces a refer endum challenge in the June 8 election. The committee has protested t he s kyrock eting appraised value of land in Newport Beach and Irvine and has asked the Irvine Company to m eet a number of conditions. including offering interest-free loans to residents interested in buying their leased land. Leases call for residents to pay the Irvine Company 6 percent of the appraised value of the land. Residents also have the option to purchase the property. But as leases come up for <See IRVINE, Page AZ) $1 million • • in cocaine seized More than $1 m 11lion in cocaine wa s seized a nd a Laguna Beach m a n was arrested following a six·month inves tigation by four law enforcement agencies. Ar r ested a nd c h a r ged Thursday night with possession of cocame for sale and assault with a deadly weapon was Mark L. Mead, 29. of 645 Nyes Place, . Laguna Beach. He is being held in the Orange County J ail in lieu of SS00.000 bail, authorities said. Authorities from the sheriff's depa rtment . t he California Department or Justice, Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, the Orange Police Department and t he Lag una Beach Police Department seized eight pounds of cocaine from two different locations. and close to $15,000 in cash, police said. <See photo. Page A2.) O fficers s aid Mead was arrested as he left his business, the Jealous Ear Boutique, 1014 N. Tus1in Ave .. Or ange. He was. carrying a shoulder bag that contained three p ounds of cocaine, cash and ledger books. according lo police. Before he was arrested. how ever, Mead a ll egedly attempled to run down several officers and flee in his 1980 Porsche, a police spokesman said. He was apprehended after he crashed his car into an Orange Police Department vao and a sheriff's depa rtment vehicle. Following hi s a rr~t . authorities obtained search warrants for Mead's Laguna Beach home and a business firm in Brea. Al the lattet location, authorities discovered another fi ve pounds of hig h-quality cocaine Friday locked in the company's safe , the s pokesman said. ORllCI CUil WllTHIR Fair this weekend with some high c loudiness. Slightly warme r days. Highs 58 to 66. Lows 34 to. 40. • 11SIDI TODAY "M r . Octobu" Reggie Jackaon Ml found 0 hoYM cat Anaheim Stadium. Stt Page BJ. .~11111 · Cllllrctl-. ., ...... tie. C•g5;- ....... 1 I ..., ....... r .... .._.. Cll1' ..... ...... ,... C:I.,.... l .................... . I . Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Safurday, January 23, 1182 ISSION VIEJO MESS -A limousine, edestrian and two other autos were eportedly involved in a big traffic accident were taken to Mission Community Hospital, while four with minor injuries were treated at Saddleback Community ·Hospit~l. Authorities involved we re the CHP, two engine companies from Orange County Fire Department. a long with three paramedic units and three ambulances. W1 Mission Viejo Friday night. Six were jpjured at. the scene, Alicia Parkway and ~eronimo Road, one critically. The critically j.nj ured and a moderately injured victim 3, 000 in Valley, HUntington hssessed back taxes by county Orange County Assessor Brad Jacobs said Friday that 3,000 ~es idenls on leased land in lluntington Beach and Fountain \ Valley owe the county back axes or.up to $700 each. · Jacobs said the taxes weren't ?assessed earlier because county IOCCicials were confused by 1979 "Sta te laws regarding lease ~ransfers and their relationship to Proposition 13 property tax ltules. 2• "Recent laws regarding lease ·transfers were terrifically "complicated but once the dust ~eltled we took another look al various leases and discovered lp r o p e r t y t h a t n e e d e d lYe·evaJuation," Jacobs said. He said county officials are 1geared to re·evaluate property rl Sus Peet ~lodes cops in robbery ~ . " A man who forced hJe WQ into a Newport Beach home Friday ~Jternoon and, in an apparent §earcb for money, strqgled l'flilh the home 's occupant, eluded police who rushed to the ~ene. Police, who refused to release the name or the victim, said the man knocked on the door of her Tradewinds Lane home at about 12: SO p.m. and asked where he could find another neighborhood family. ?.~. The woman, who was alone in 'he house, said the man then orced his way into the (!'tint door and a struggle ensued, 9uring which she said she bit 'him on the hand. The man then !took $49 cash from her purse and • 'forced her into a clo~et. but she :tscaped and the two fled the lhouse in opposite directions. A The woman immediately if ailed police from a neighbor's -nome, and they rushed to the '.a rea and sea l ed off the 1neighborhood in an attempt to 'trap ..the man. The effort was _\JnSUCCessful. ; rom Page Al LLRED • • • erved and had not bad the pportunity t o read the legations. In past statements, Schmitz aid he released the blistering ttack on Mrs. Allred and her upporters as a means of bitting ack at what he called "a raw ublicity stunt." Mrs. Allred tossed a cbastlty ell at Schmit& Vibile be resided over hearings of the onstitutional Amendments ommittee. Mrs. Allred said ahe did it to rotesl Schmitz' proposed mendmenl to the state onstitulion providing for a total an -on abortion . after it's sold but that, in lease transfers, there's no change or deed to "trigger the system ." ··Luckily, we found out about the l ease transfers and re·evaJuated the land. There are Lons of leased land in Orange County. We think we've t.alten care oC il all now,'' Jacobs said. He said the county can only go back four years lo retrieve back taxes. He says most affected homeowners on leased land in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley owe about $175 a year for the past four years . Retired Los Angeles County fir eman Finnie Terry of Huntington Beach said be eot a letter Friday from the county saying he owed back taxes. but From Page Al he couldn't understand the legal terminology. "It just seems a sneaky way for the county lo gel more lax money," said Finnie, 56. "I called up and they said 1 owe $600. That's just what I get a month on my dis ability retirement." • Assessor Jacobs said there are three ar,as around the vicinity of Magn olia Street and Yorktown Av enue that are involved in the latest reassessments. · He said specific bills will be mailed out later this month and taxpayers can have up lo e!Bht years to pay the back taxes. He added that taxpayers may me an appeal c halle nging the assessments. IRVINE COMP ANY • • • readjustment, many homeowners are d.iaCOYerial ta.e annual payments are balJocJalac. Several residents report their annual payments are to IOU' from $500 to $30,000. 0De res ident's yearly fee was bumped from $1,800 to tn,000. Kremer detailed the tw~part offer he revealed Friday: -Residents would be offered up to a SO percent reduction in their first year of rent after it has been readjusted. In each succeeding year, the rent would go up a maximum or 8 percent. -Residents wishing to purchase leased land would be offered a seven-year, 12 percent loan that would be amortized over 30 years. Kremer said the offers are being made to help all affected residents r emain in their present homes. Re said his firm also wants to "encourage" more persons to btty-theirieased I altd. The latest Irvine Company offer -the third in recent weeks -is actually a modification of previous offers. The development firm earlier this month offered a variable intereat rate, one that would slide between 12 and 16 percent. The Irvine . Company also detailed a deferment plan earlier lbis month . This program would have allowed homeowners Lo defer up to 50 percent of their annual rent with the deferred amount due when the house is sold. Homeowners , though , complained that they would be worse off accepting e ither or these offers than by paying the higher lease fee. The Irvine Company said it has now scrapped its deferment plan. "The bottom tin~." suggested committee leader Barbara Young, "is that the Irvine Company is still trying to make us buy something that we believe is already ours.'' Company President Kremer said his firm's latest financing, offer will be good for only one year . By STEVE MARBLE · OC rnurder total sinaller than '80 The number or murders and other homicides in Orange County in 1981 declined from the numbe r recorded in 1980, according to a report released Friday by Orange Coun ty Sheriff Coroner Brad Gates. Th ere w e re 103 cases classified as homicides in 1981, com pared lo 119 in 1980. Twenty.five deaths during 1981, however, still are pending classification, Gates said in the one-page report. According to the report, there were 4,793 deaths in the county during 1981, 20 more than in 1980. Accidental deaths dropped substantially in 1981. There were 266 deaths attributable to accidents, compared Lo 308 In 1980. Traffic fatalities were down slightly, from 306 in 1980 to 290 In 1981. On the other hand, suicides increased slightly, from 218 in 1980 to 222 in lpBl. Death by natural causes claimed 2,250 lives in 1981, compared to 2,297 in 1980, Gates reported. • There were 1,631 deaths not handled by the coroner's olflce in 1981. These included deaths where a physician was preset. That compared to 1,513· non·coroner cases in 1980, tbe report said. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHalftM ~ 7141142•1111 All ottMr d9pa,,.,..nt9 M2~ The cause of six deaths in 1981 bas been undetermined, compared to 12 in 1980. Thom• P. Hiiey ,......... ... a....-Olllce Robert N. Weed ~ ThOfNe A. Murphlne , ... Mich ... P. Harvey ........ ~ L. Kay Schullt ~-~ Kennett\ N. Godd.-d J(. ~~ Bernard Schulman c--. Charles H. Loot .............. e=:....,. • Sunday interview gueel8 8Cheduled · Here are the scheduled guesta for the Sunday television Interview pro1rams: -ABC, "This Week With David Brinkley,'' lo be announced. . -CBS, "Face the Nation," Walter Wriston, chairman, Citicorp . -NBC, "Meet U!e Preti,'' Sen. Howard Baker. • Rescue ability reduce~ . • Coast Guard cutbacks will reduce service for local boaters "' By PIDL SNEJDE&MAN o1 ........... Top Co ast Guard officials warned Friday tbal recently announceCI cutbacks will cause slower responae w some boaUnl emer1encies alOdl the Oranae Cout. Howard Seelye, an aide lo Rep . Robert Badtlam , R-Newport Beach, sald aac1a.am learned during a meeUnc Friday with Coast Guard officials that the 82-foot cutter Point Divide, staUooed at Corona del Mar, will be reduced from 21 days per month of "Instant readiness" to 10. He said "instant readiness" means that a crew ia aboard and prepared to cast off on a rescue· call with just five minutes notice. The dec rease in readiness days will result from a Point Money • increase • • surpns1ng NEW YORK (AP> -Tbe Federal Reserve .Board stunned lbe credit m.,kets Friday witb news that the nation's money §Upply had increased a1aiD, r efueling fears that blsber shorl·lerm interest rates are inevitable. Bond prices immediately s lumped, with long·term government securities down more than $10 for every $1,000 of face value. Sbort·term interest rates rose nearly lwo·thirds ol a percentage point. Analysts bad expected the money supply to faJI between S3 billion and $6 billion for tbe week ended Jan. 13 followinc a revised $10.2 biUion increue in the precedine week. Many analysts had blamed the sharp growth in readily available cub in the first week of January on technical ractorJ, includ.inc the government's mailing of Social Security checks. But the Fed said a measure ol the money supply known as Ml, which includes cash in circulation and in cbeckiDS·type accounts, increased $700 million in the second week of the month. Some analysts · said technical raclon sWl mi&ht be reaponaible for the incre~ae, but other economists predicted a new Fed crackdown on credit availability. Ml rose to a seasonally adjusted $451.3 ~illion from a . revised MSO.S billion. The prior week's figure originally was estimated at $450.2 billion. "The market was very disappointed," Maury Hanis, vice president at Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis, said after the Fed report. "Most people in the market were looking for a decrease or a couple of billion dollars." Dlvld• crew cutback of four '° elsht men, 5"1,ye said. Men who are not on duty will be on·caU and can be 1ummoned In an emer1ency. but th e crew roundup could take as Iona u two houn, be added. '•Newport Harbor would certalnb' be adversely affected, with t.be lar1e number ot boat.s aotag in and out." Seelye said. The aide said Badham "is concerned over tbe reduction ln alr and sea rescue capability." Bad.ham waa briefed on the Coast Guard cutbacks durina a meettna at bis office with Rear Adm. Alfred P. Mannina, commander of the 11th Cout Guard District (Long Beach). and· Rear Adm. Aubrey Jones, who la in charge of the Coast Guard reserve in the western. United States. To cope with a $46 milllon budget cut, the Coast Guard announced TbW'tdaJ lt wW cao.t district offices lo Lona Beacb and St. Louis, ~but down 11 seach and rescue 1tat.ioaa U. ~ states, decommiulon 11..eattlh in el&hl s tatee and t'duce ' bud,get.a ~ 16 more ata~ The alr·rescue heUcopter base at Lot Angeles lnternalJonaJ Airport wtU be cto.ed as 'P&rt ol the cutbacks. ~ Accordin& to Seelye, the busy boalina region frolD Oceansidt to Long Beach wUI be served by a cutler stationed at Oce-.sid• on a 10-day per month reediness bas is, the Point Divide at Corona del Mat with i1a reduced crew, and by a cutter at Lons Beach with a full-time crew. The Poi(lt Divide traditionally also a n s wers calls from Huntington Harbour and Dana Point boaters. The cutbacks are expected to be completed in March. Delly ........... ~~ DRUG SEIZURE -Capt. Mik e Ba rns of the slate Department of Justice and Lt. Andy Romero of the Orange County Sheriff's Department show off 8 pounds or cocaine and money they said were seized in two locations in Orange County. <See Page A 1 for story. 1 Enjoy exciting dlso<Weftes In Roge(s Gallery: unique gifts, eccessones and everything for the patio. Beautiful new '82 patio llnee are arriving for spring, Including the elegant t:tERLAG line •vallable exclusl'lely at Roger's .. See the exciting fresh1 d~led and silk creations In our new and expanoea florist. Remember us tor parties, weddings, funerals, holidays and special events of any size. An expanded delivery service is now available. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL UMNOION ANTIQUll W' TO 50% ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL IPNNO ILOOMINO MMNG8191f MG..,,.., ·2& CIDellt'9S-.• tonJooclUWI •.._al~ M • ~--FOllNon lllelfldlll ~"9111111 ~RV• l~P\.ANTS •A.CRIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIOFURNllURE •ANTIQUES • a ............_ ___________________ ~~~ ; ..,., __ llllo IROADWAV REVIVAL -Actor Victor Garber, right, plants a kiss on Jessica James following the opening of the Broadway revival comedy "Little Me" in New York this week. Mary Gordon Murray. left, and James Coco. second from left, also appear in the show. Sift6er treated after biiiRB bat Rock ainaer Ouy O.botlne waa treated for a possible case ol rabies after telling docton that be bit the bead off a bat durin& a concert at Veterans Auditorium in Des Moines. A apolr.esman for Sroadlawns Medical Center said Osbourne, a former member of the ll"OUP Black Y.:U OllO arrived in her native land to see her ailing mother, making what was believed to be her first visit to Japan since the murder ol her husband, Jolla i.e..... Kyodo News Service said Mias O n o's mother , 71-year-Old boko 0.0, was in &oa ald aea1aa'a home overlooking the ocean at Pacific Palisades is back on the market after a $1.9 million deal with a group of lnveston fell through. Parties involved In the sale have dilferent versions or what happened, but a broker says the deal was ruined by comments attributed t o Sabbath, was given a rabies shot and a tetanus shot. The spokesman said the medical report said, "Patient bit bead off bat." The city's chief humane officer, Frum Harm•, said someone in the crowd supposedly threw the bat to Osbourne. a hospital in Kanagawa Prefecture •outside Tokyo. The nature of her illness was not disclosed. Kyodo said the widow of th e forme r Bealle was accompanied by her secretary upon arrival at Narita International Airport. industrialist J utbl Dart, a friend of the president who bas been helping him marlr.et the house. Jn an article in the Los Angeles Times on Jan. 13, Dart was quoted as saying the house was overpriced at $1.9 million and that the Reagans would take $1 million for it. ------·----~ •&nJ .... la .... b a .S DOtlcal lD tlae aew1papera, but ra•e ""'"" at u. boa olftee la a tour of Onat lr1taia ud Ireland. lluilow'I CODcert at AoJal Albert Hall la LODdoe WU dHeribed H •'one of tile worat I've ever H•n" by Jobn Blak•, a criUc for Tbe Standard. Tbe Daily lllrror 1atd llanllow look• "1awky and awkward and uc1Y" aDd baa a bid voice. But llanllow'• 15 coaeena in flve dUes are aold out, aDd scalped ticketa are aald to be 1oin1 for u mucb u SllO for a *37 .IO aeat. ateMnl v. A.Ilea. ouated two weekl •IO as Pnll•e.a &ea 1 aa '1 national security ' ad viaer, wu hired by lbe Heritage Foundation, a co n ser~ative research organiution. E dwl a J. Fe•laer Jr., Herita1e Foundation president, said be was "very pleased and very proud" to have Allen accept the poet ol "distinguished fellow" at lbe Washington -based organization. Foundation spokesman Herb Berkowitz said Al· ten's salary was "betweenbim and us." The spolr.esman said the job, which will involve writing and lecturing on national security and foreign policy issues, would be part lime, with Allen working about three days a week. HIRED -Richard V. Allen has been hired by the Heritage Foundation , a conservative research organization. Fair weekend Coast al. Central C.lllornl•. with c"-Me of ra in along north coast a nd lt1 ~orlhern -••Ins. Fair 5'1ncuy tll<eOI ~· of rein near Or_, oord er . Foo over menv Inland .. ll•Y'· Sl-warmlnv. Smog WI-llec.OtnlflO llgM encl varlel>le nllfll and morning l'I0•1tS thrOV!lf' tonllfll. 8etomlno west to ,,.,...,,_,, winds I to 16 knots In afternoon. ~,.....,210•-.V•­..._.c--. The Air Quality Manao•m•nl District praclkts 9000 elr quality tor ----------everyOM In.,,. South Co.st air t>asln V.S. summary. llluan:I ..,.,.nf"9S -re In ellKI l"rldey tor paru of Soult> D•llOUI. N~elU, '""-IOte -Mk1119M', tllrough-.y. Th• AQMO •HIOMd Pollution Standard I"°"• PSI rallnv• ol o for a11reo~. with -accumu•etlOM or "" '° • T e m1.nera tures loot ••PKled. Winch oust..i to o T mtlfl -wfnd <11111 facton di~ as -et 70 i.tow i.ero. NATION'S TEMf'S TIM 1torm -,,_1ng -ward. Albany •11d wH ••.,.Clad to strike ,,.. Albuque -.ortlleest -mld·Atlanllc stetH A-viii• with snow ch•nolno to rein or Atlanta fteHl"11 raift. Atlante Cly Fr .. llftg rein el midday stretcheel Battlmor-e from NellrHk• Into 1111nol1 and Blrm l"91Wn l!tdlene, -It.-in Wnlllft91on Bl\IT\arck 1ta«e. Bolu ·~ i.eln •• IOrKM! for 100.y •'9"0 Boston tN northern llell ot U. Pacific CoHI. Buffalo wlUI snow HPKlad In IN northern Cllertsln SC i.ockles, northern Pie Ins. uoo•r Cllertstn WV MIH IU IPOI. Valley, Grut L•hs Chey• .... te111on encl along IN north AllWlll< Clllc- Coell. Cine Inna II 10 .OS 40 tl so J7 41 l6 J2 10 u n .. SS 02 . J I 06 IS OJ 10 00 .. " •• 34 .. ()ol Omaha J2 711 Phlladphle ,. u Phoenl• S4 JS p It"""' Oft ,. " Plland,W .. 00 • Piiand, Ott .. ll Rapid City 01 .(M Reno ll 01 4tlc11mone1 tt t> Sall Lall• J1 27 Seattle ,JI JI St Louis 4J J2 $1 P ·Ta,,_ ., s. St Ste Marie °' .,. SDOl<aM JI •• Tucson Sl JS Weshlng1n tt 11 Wlclllta SI ,. S~ -lllundentorms _... Cleveteno larwceat In Ille 0No Val .. y end from C-m- \he mlddte Atlantlc states to IM Dal·Ft w111 ScMltheHl. Mostly s......y -Iller was Denver fOffCMt for IN -rn Pl•lns -Des M- JI 17 40 ,. 21 01 >S 11 11 S3 ,, 11 ,. u CA LI l'Oll•f A lfl U1e •wtr.N ~. ·Detroit Mon cold....,., -ranglflO from El PHO 10 Ml-to 10 •!low ttro -was FalrMnlls lonc:Mt IOr the _,.,..n llock!H. the Harttord ~ Mii of Ille Ptalni -IN Hal .... ~ Mh61•_. Valley. A ..... 1'-Honolul11 ...tll AllM!k cont, ti. Gulf C:O.st Houston end In Ille Solltllwftt, lem-•l11res 1-eoni "'°"Ml lie In Ille..,._ 70s. From ti. JacUnvtl• Nor1t!Htl lo Ille GrOM Ullo.at, '"'° Kens City lf!e northern Plat-., lemcieratures LH Vf9el In 1 ... 201 end JOs -• loncest. Little Roell EIM..-... Ille ~I celled for Loultvlllo temoer-In Uw «II -*-Memphis Tem_.lurft actOH ti. <-try Miami et mlddey Friday rW19911 f""" n MllwauUe .. ,_ ~ In H...,,., -... to .. MplH -SIP. .....,. In McC.ellan, T•ut. Naallvllle _California New o ne- New Y- Okla City " 07 ., JO Oii OJ .. °' .(M ... 11 .. 1• .. ,. Jl 6S SS .. 21 •• l3 .. ,. •• J1 u Cl ,. 10 u " " lJ ., .. '° S7 " °' ... u APO!• V•ll•Y 0 27 Bakersfltlcl so ll B••ll-SJ l6 Beaumonl •• 1' BlifloO JI OS Blylhe 60 ,, C.tallne St .. Culver City 60 .. Eurell• •• )4 Fresno .. JO L•UAr-ao JO IJ LencHltr 0 n L-Beacl'I St 37 LOI Angeles 60 ., Marysville so :n Monrovia St :n Mona rey SI JI Ml. Wiiton JI .. NHCllat SS J7 Newport llMctl SI • O•I-so l6 Verl...., llltfl clolldl In SoutMm C•lllornle, etherwhe fair !hi 1 --DM. SlltMIY __. doya -cefltlftwel coN nltfltt. 0r....-Cel#ftty c-. ·-· h...., ,. ......... ,. .. "· SURF RIPm ,,.._ .... ...,. wlll -llftilll In ....... -.1n-..-,.1n c- locetleM. Movntelfls Ceft ••PKI north to _....... ...... IS.-mof\. HltlfW U ..... L_S .. a Nef'INnl *9Ht "'"•to U , tows ...... s...rn*-1~ .... ,. .......... . Verl..i. cl.-S .,,.r Nortllern Cet"°""8 -_...,. _, ....... .., .... ..._, h ...... 11, ... ... .... --· A ..... "" Zvme J J 10 Seftte Monie. t • t1 N--1 J 11 left 0-.. c-v J 1t Ovt ... ,_ s..ndlty~ Ltttto c11M9e. ............ ...... .., ' • l(W I I W t J w ' 4 w We're Listening ••• Ontario Palm Sprl"V' Peso RoDIH i.1verslde Red Bluff R-oodClty Sacrem-o S.llnas San Btrnardlno San Get>rlel Sen D .. oo S..n Frencl.co San Jose Senta Ana Sant• Btw11ar• S.nte Cna Senta Marl• Sant• Monie• Stockton Thermal Torrance Yuma CANADIAN T•Mf'I :: ~ 51 ,. SI M .. 11 SI l6 •S JO fO 1' S1 )I St l:I ... ,. so 0 so " ., ,, SS J2 •• Jl 52 1' 60 0 0 Jt ... )I SI 40 ., . Cel~ry U IS Edmonton 7J IS MonlrHI 11 OJ Ottawa tJ 01 i.eglne n °' TorofllO I• 0t v ancou...,. ll t7 Winni-1J 11 f'ANAM9111CANY•Mf'I Acapulco '1 .. Barl>adOS 12 ., Barmllde U .. BoOOI• •• •1 Curacao IS 7S Guecl•l•I•• n •1 Gu_t_ IS :t6 Havana ll '5 ltlnptofl ... -•ooeav ,. n Meiellan t2 M Merida H .. Me•ko City 7t » -rf'e\O t1 .. T ide1 TODAY "'"'... • •• '·"'· u l"lnt""" ,, .. oolft. u lec·lftf-l :P•·"'· ... 1 SeclMtlllfl t:n~..... 1.1 ......... ,,. ...... ~ ... s:u, ..... ,._,.._S:Sl a.lft..._..Y, .. •:••·"'· What do you )ike about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. . , The sarn.e 24-hour an1werln1 service ma1 be used to record let· ters .to the editor on any topk. Mallbox coatributort mat lnchade their name and telephone"number for .erincauon. No clrculatlon · calls. pl~11e. . Tell us what's on your mind . ' ---- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 "IT'S LIKE THIS OFFICER"-Newport Beach police officer Stan Bressler was summoned to the ocean front beach near the Wedge Friday afternoon wh en someone reported a tiger on the beach. What he discovered was Newport resident Dick Dale, onetime ·"king or the surr o.lly ,.._ _.., LM .. .,._ guitar," filming a tele vision spot with his striped friend. ··sam ... Dale <with guitar>. Dale's wire. J eannie. and Sam's handlers e xplained the situation. Dale owns the tiger , who lives in Riverside County most or the time. Terrorism: No end seen British envoy to U :N. speaks on world affair s in NB By STEVE MARBLE °' ... .,...,,.... ..... The wave of international terrorism blamed for a recent outbreak or assassinations and kidnappings is likely to get wo rse before it gets better, E ngland's ambassador to the Unite d Nation s s peculated Friday. "It's one or our most serious problems," said Sir Anthony Parsons during a morning press conference at Pacific Mutual in Newport Beach. ·•And I can't help but believe · it will be with us for some time." Parsons , England's former ambassador to Iran, said fear or terrorism bas affected the way diplomats throughout the world live. "It's a colossal bore," be noted, "if you want to go on a picnic with your wife and you have to have a bunch of gorillas around protecting you.'.' He acknowled1ed that this week's gunshot slaying or a U.S. aide outside bis Paris apartment is only the latest example of terrorist violence. Parsons said be spent most of his life in the Mideast and bas been harassed by street crowds, · ··but these assassinations are a new phenomenon." o.11, ........... .._ CONCERNED -Sir Anlhonv Parsons. Britain's envoy to· the United Nations. worries that te rro ris m could get worse. Parsons, midway through a Southern California speaking tour on behalf or the United Nations, suggested part of the blame must be put on "the appalling proliferation or a cc urat e weapon s of destruction." H'e said the United Nations is cons idering a resolution to impose stiff sanctions against nations that harbor or abet terrorists. Parsons, who said he will step down from his United Nations post at tbe end or the year, touched on a range of subjects from Iran to the Soviet Union to the United Nations itself. The ambassador was asked if the United Nations has outlived its usefulness. ''The original purpose of forming a league of nations with teeth, an enforcer of peace has never been fulfi lled," be res ponded. He said the United Nations has value as a world peace keeper and for providing a forum for international issues. On Iran, he s aid that the revolution "was one of the m05t total in modem history." Parsons theorized the day will com e in I ran when the government's own military will rise up and restore order. "But that's a long guess," he added. "A very long guess." Kitchen gear return ordered By JODI CADENHEAD Of .... Dalty .......... Costa Mes a Moose !--odge members were ordered to tum ove r kitchen equipment to a group reeding needy seniors after a $S. million lawsuit was filed Friday in Orange County Superior Court. The suit was filed on behaH or the Feedback Fou ndation Transportation and Luncheon Counseling program. Orange County Superior Court Judge James Cook F r iday ordered the lodge to tum over the kitchen equipment held since Jan. 13 when TLC workers att e mpt e d t o m ove refrigerators, a dis hwas her, microwave oven, tables, chairs, silverware and fil es to a new location al Rea Middle School, 601 Hamilton Ave., in Costa Mesa. Moose Lodge representatives said the lodge wiJI tum over the equipment. "I'll be glad to do it," said Moose Lodge secretary Dan Reddick. "Definitely I'm going to do it, tomorrow if possible," he said. TLC attorney Tom Wells said the organization that feeds bot lunches to seniors in the count wi ll continue to a s k for S5 millio n in punitive and exemplary damages despite the court order. "I 'm not s ure what tbe monetary worth or the Moose Lodge and its members is," said Wells. "And I think it should be an amount significant to punish them because I think their acts wer e malicious and with the intent to oppress." Moose Lodge me mbers bad r e fused l o s urrende r tbe equipment until a worn carpet installed by TLC two years ago was replaced. 2411 BRITE LITE s13aa .. Fluorescent Fixture with Rep16ceable Fluoresc ent Tube. White or Brown. 4 FT. R.U.ORESCENT SHOPLIGHT ...... 2 .... • All 1tore1 open 7 days a wHk. Wntcllff open Thura. tll 9 P.M. .... , CROWN HARDWARE 1.-.ttNnt ,ou went In • hardware 1tore ~I • , A4 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23. 1982 'Dreams keep us going' Tree panel urges pruning of l"Oots . ; Author Ray Bradbury speaks on future of mankind 8y IBFP PAUEa 1torlea -he be1an wrtUQc at 12 ., .. ...,.,......., to his dreams about Author Ray Bradbury spoke dinosaurs, Man, Buck Roten. oo bl• favortte topic -the future When be couJdn't afford lbe new ol mankind -to employees ol science fiction booka be ~ North American Rockwell lo hia own. He wrote aequela to Seal Beach, calling them "the Buck Rogera atorlea, chaqed moat Important people in the endinas and added characters. history or man.kind. At 17 he met a youne mu, Ray "And l 'm not saying that Harrybauaen, who shared bis arroeanUy or easily, I happen to interest ln dinoeaurs. beUeve it's true," he said in his "We'd talk for two or three speech. "l'U get around to my hours a night about dlnoeaura," reasons for that later, but first he r ecalled , laugbin1. "Nol or all you've come to fmd out girls. Nol even girl di.nolaun, what kind of person I am, how I but dinosaurs. get my ideas, why I do what I ' "One day 1 wu walkina on the do. 1 beach in Venice with my wife "I'm a child or movies, I'm a . and I saw the old roller coaster child of dinosaurs .. I grew up on·· " tra'cka loom.in& out into the foe. all the wrong. things. I'm an It looked like the spinal cbord ot amalgam of Junk. I saw the a dead dinosaur. ·I wondered 'Hunchback or Notre Dame' when I was three and walked iaround bent over for days. Then 1 saw 'Phantom of the Opera' and made my race up and got a cape and dropped out of trees on people. ' · "The first time I saw 'Buck Rogers' I thought it was the best thing I'd ever seen I collected all the s trips and loved him. Then the kids at school ridiculed me naturally for my dreams and visions. So like a fool l took their word and threw away all my Buck Rogers comics. A week later I was depressed. r asked myself 'what is wrong with you now? What is missing in your life?' I realized it was Buck · Rogers. "All my employment later came as a result of my dreams and youthful enthusiasm. Eight years ago when the collected works on Buck Rogers came out, guess ~ho was asked to write the foreward? Crazy Ray," he said. Bradbur·y traced his early ''It looked like the spinal cord of a dead dinosaur." how il got there. That night 1 heard the fog horn blowing and it sounded like a dinosaur might groan. Thal answered my m ystery -the dinosaur on the beach had come there in search of a mate and found only a foghorn and modern civilization. The incident later became a story. and was later turned into a movie, 'The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, ... he remembered. Bradbury gradually moved from himself as a topic to the future of the country, and the place that we all must share in "bringing immortality to mankind ." Ac co rding to Bradbury, colonization of other planets is not onJy a realistic PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES ..... • •1fn IH • PerHa .. Insurance and Documentary Photography 754-6630 Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru coal '°few our clvlliuUon, ~t a neceuary ooe if thl1 clvlllaaUon la to survive. "We are a apecia1 creatµre. We have an honorable poaiUon In the biatoey or the world. 1be total history or the world depends on us. Jt'a our drdma that keep us 1o1n1. And )'ou people, the sclentiata and technlciana he re who •rt wo'rklnl to set us into apace, IA" all dreamen loo. You have that ·vision ol golq to other planet.a. You will be Uae saviors of our race," be aaid. "Only thrqugh imaalnation and will can we become aupeoor to the matter we came from. Thia ia tbe 1in1le 1reatest. country, the single 1reatest civilization in history. Why? Because we made it to the moon. We made it lo Mars ." Bradbury went on to say that a billion years from now on another planet people will remember that •·your eeneration and mine . . . . saved the world." HONORED -Tom Hoelderle. 14, of Huntington Beach received his Eagle Scout award during a Court of Honor at Saints Simon a nd Jud~ Churc h . Son o f Paul and Sally Hoelde rle, Tom is in eighth g rade at Gis le r Middle School Criine top c1once~ for Wieder's district The rising crime rate is the number ooe concern or residents living in Supervisor Hariett Wieder's West Orange County district, including the cities of Huntington Beach, a district survey has revealed. Mrs. Wieder said some 88 percent of those who responded to the survey cited the rising crime rate as a critical issue. Al so, 54 percent o f th e respondents indicated toug.ber courts and judges are the most effective way to reduce crime. In addition, 41 percent ol the 2,000 surveys tabulated showed that a respondent's home bad been burglarized. "We're going to have to begin looking at ways to improve our efforts to fight crime in our county," she said. "I'm going to make this area one of my top priorities in 1982. '' Mrs. Wieder added she already has formed a Second District Crime Task Force. 11ti::; cuttlq roou tbat. an crac aldewalkl ln the dly· may not be mou&b to aa.e some of Co.ta 11 .. ·• t.rea from u.. ••, Hy• Keltb Van Holt, director ol lelture services. ID a rlP)l't to the City Comeil. the Pariway Tree CommiUM· -·recommended replantln1' uprooted trees &Dd couiderailma of root pruniq inltead ol U-, removal. , The council appointed the cltiaen's committee to study tbe problem followlq an out.cry ol protest over tbe removal laat October of :;o trees from Collete Park street&. Tree prunina, wbicb involves the trimm l nt o r roota t hreatenln1 aldewalka, runa about $llS to $185, compared to $275 for tree r e moval, said Karen McGlinn, a spokeswoman for the group. "We do not want a city without trees," she said. "We believe the figures on root pruning s how it can be effective.'· But Van Holt disa1rees. Root pruning works for some species, but not for the ash and ficus trees that dominate College Park and make up more than 60 ,Rercent of the city's tree stock, be said. , "In the pas,t wo'v.e considered root fr(H,i•g/bat decided agains it," !laid Van Holt. "In order for this to work it would have to be done on a regular bas is. Some could need it annuaUy." Van Holt said it's been bis experience that root pruning encourages roots to grow more rapidly, sometimes causing tbe tree to topple. "I'm not sure that's a risk 50% Off on CRACKING -Costa Mesa sidewalk s are being damaged by trees and city off iciaJs are trying to get to the root of the problem. worth taking for those trees," said Van Holt. The councli bas decided to consider tbe matter aeain In 30 days following review by city staff. In th e meantime, a moratorium that stopped the cutting or any more trees in College Park will remain in effect. Jan. 23 & 24: I 0-6 pm Native Peruvian Folk Art • Weavings • Baskets • Carvings • Masks • Much. Much More! Winter Merchandise · • Dolls EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 W. lcAOCI lf¥cl. lalloa. CA IOll lc:Aoo r...-..eoJ C714J 621·3214 You can helo your newspaper earner collect at t imes convenient 10 you by ha111no your money ready so the earner won t nave lo call back BP,CC!use lh1s young person 1s 1n business for himself or herself please be ready -and watch lhat b•g srr11e wn1ct1 says Thank YOU DailJ~ilat ; begin.ning Saturday, Jan. 23rd at j Tl-IE ~ c;;-\Rl)EN 'l.'1\l \l .;Hl '\I \\I'( >I{ I Ill \I ti l \·>:,,,,1 • I • • , , -· ~' ' ~ I ------~· -------- .r;:::~~ Furniture that respol\dS to changing needs and spaces. D14AND u .IANUARV 21Md24 ONLY Furniture designed to grow and change as your children do. Furniture to meet your child's special needs for sleep. · study, storage. and play. Furniture that will continue to work, from crib to college. Furniture that adapts to the last detail -from diaper pins to dirty laundry! CHILDSPACE. a whole new furniture system designed by , the concerned people at H.U.0.0.L.E. f •RING IN THl8 AD AND TAKI AN ~ .... °"',..... 11111em · ------~-- Send a Valentine message to that special person in your life. Put it in print in our special Love Lines col- umns on Valentines Day. Sunday. Feb. 14. Here are some examples: (A) 2-lnch Ad s11 .oo (8) (C) (0) 1-lnch Ad $7.50 5-Line Ad $5.00 3-Line Ad $3.00 11 .. ME CHllSTIME UNTIL THE OCEAN RIEUS . SOLID LOYIALWAYS JOIY IHJ Oiriltma1 is for &ivin1; New Yean ii for fun But V.i•ID• Day Is Ute time to remilld you YOU'ii THI ,OMLY OMI! Love t.o Anole from Bob To Danna rrocn Eddie ROHS are red. Viofets are blue, I !mow this Is corny But I do loYe you! FRED Happy Valtlldne'1 Day · ·Lon,Gbil Just fill in the form below, or call us ~ 642-5678 and we'll bill you. But hurry. all ads must be in our office no later thlln Fri· day. Feb. 12. --------·CCQUPON)-------- Please publish my Valentine message as written below on Sunday, feb. 14. (Write one word per space. 3 line minimum. Com- pute charge at end of line.) • $3.00 __ __;it... $4.00 ----$6,00 ----se.oo Addreu ________ Clty ___ _ ___ .._ _____ Zip,.__ __ _ Bring Of' mail to: 1 Westmorelanil hits 'IN report CHARLISTON, S.C. <AP> -CBS News ii ....... la "U eatnme HM ol lrrt11poulble Joundam'.' Ill a Wl•Yia&oa Jll'Oll'am about tbe i• 1ret .._.ve ....... U.. VlltDam War, acC!Ol'dllal tontaNdO.. WUif•• -~. W......_., former commander of U.S. fore .. la .Vieu.am, waa lnteniewed for the docu._t...,, wblella eoeMndl tbe public ., .. mlalabmed about tbe true~ ot the Viet Coq clwiDI tbe Tel olfeulve. Weltmoreland told Tbe Cbarleatoa Ev~ Po.t that ancbormu lllk• Wallace "bu p6cted up blll ~ecea la order to support a lhesll tbat be and bly bla prodtaev bave ~led. '"!'be report leav• out a sreat deal of what I uid durin1 the hrtentew," Westmoreland conUDued. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 CBS probes Viet l war counts NEW YORK, (AP) -Eatlmatel of •nemy troop 1tren1th In Vietnam tbroulb tbe Tet Offeulve ot l• were manipulated by military ud clvWan ana(yata, leavln1 American• "mlalnlormed about the nature and 1lae" ol the oppoe!Uoo. CBS Ne-n aay1 in a 1peclal report to be broadcast tonitbt. (Channel 2, t :IO p.m .) Tbe to-minute profl'am document&, with t•1ttmony of aeveral former mmtary and civilian offtcla11, wbat CBS calla "a eoucioul effort, lDdeed a conspiracy, at tbe hlchest levels of American mllltary lntelllcence, to suppr .. and alter critical inte.1111ence on the enemy . . . " "Tbe Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception" includes an interview with Gen . William Westmoreland. the commander ol U.S. forces iJl Vietnam TV REVIEW planntni a mualve attack," Wallace asks Westmoreland, "but that they were floodln1 the south with North Vietnamese reautan.? '· "Well, 1u.re. Thal . . . wu known. That wu known," the retired 1eneral replies. "The president knew?" Wallace uts. "J have no idea whether the president knew or not," be aaya. estimates of a much lar1er en.my force. w eatmoreland learned or their doubt.I on his return to Vietnam, Wallace aays. "J had the definite impreuion that be relt that if he aeot those flaurea back to Waab.lntton at that Ume, it would cr••W a political bombshell," Gen. Jo.e- M c Ch r ia ti an, Wesl)poreland '•" intelUaence cblef, tells CBS. Westmore land said he did not fl consider the new lnformat.ioo reliable, w and Wallace asks, "Wby would it ba'Ye been a 'political bombeheU'!'' "Because,'' W~tmoreJand aaya, "the people in Was b i n1ton wer e not , sophisticated enough to understand • and evaluate this thine. and neither wu •u the media." · ., The "CBS Reports" apeelal, tiUed "Tbe Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deceptioo," will be aired ton1lbt at t :ao oo Cbannel-2. cm spokeswoman Geraldine Sharpe-Newton said la n1pooae to Weatmorelaad'a comments that tbe documentary ''coat.aim statementa by hi&bly 1 at the time, alona wllb several other key military and CIA ofllciab. Sam Adams, a one-time CIA analyst who was a primary source for the documentary. tells correspondent Mike Wallace that President Lyndon J ohnson apparently was unaware of the huge buildup from the north that preceded Tet, or lunar new year. In fact, Wallace says, the deception be1an as early as 1986. Despite mountint optimism for an American victory in Vietnam. CIA analyata - notably Adams -had begun to doubt estimates on enemy troop stren1tb coming from military headquarters in Saigon, Wallace says. M ililary infelligence officers subsequently were under orden from .Westmoreland to keep the reported enemy troop level under 300,000, Wallace says, even thou1b the total 1 may have been much higher. • placed. rapoaaible persona." · Tbe proeram aay1 Westmoreland told Prealdent Lyndon Johnson in April 1987 that Viet Cone anny strenath bad leveled 9ff to 285,000 soldiers. The report alletes Westmoreland did not tell Washington or CIA estimates showing an enemy of far larter numben. ~~ ... , . .... a-..... .._Qtl.11 . ... ... RAPS ces -Gen. Willi am W es t - m ore l a nd h a s , c riticized a CBS News t e l ev i s i o n doc u.ment·ary a bout the r968 Tel offensive in Vietnam. E~ 5::: TropiC.111 Fish• Fresti • Muine ........... .,,.. . .,.... .... c...e ............ ----L™l --.• Aqu~riun, Supplies . / $peclal Jen. 23, 1982·J•J1· 291 1982 Tetreodon pelembengensl1: 1 .49 I am better known as ''Puffer .Fish" and most puffers are salt water fish but I am an unusually, quaint and capti vating addition to the fresh water _.aquarium. However, I have a bad habit. I like to b It e ! a rtd my dent a ti on makes · it v e ry uncomfortable for the r ecipient of "'Y disquieting social demeanor. I am not perfect. If you have fish Ctll 142-5171. that stand up for their rigbts I am~arming. See me at Aquatic T ropicals I am on sale 1.49. 1510 W. Baker • Cotila aa ~· •· S.-1311 • Comer Harbor & Baker 9iiii Put a few words' fb work for you. THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED 11: MOST A convenient •lternative to ho1plt11/ emergency room• for:. ILLNESS INJblRIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professlonal & Personanz~d Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN . No Appointment Needed • OPEN: 1 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-6300 •M•RG•NCY DOCTO.RS OFFICE 4030 Birch St, Suite 107 ~ Newport Beach. t N SHERMAN·.OLAY'S 1st ANNUAL PIANO~ORGAN MetchendlH Meneget orders lmmedlete • ln .. ntCHY reduction! E11cellent Hlectlon of N-end Used. Meny Trede·lns •cqulred durl119 the Chrlstmis HHon. If you h•we bHn thlnl!l119 of buylft9 • pl1no Of Ofg1n. now Is the time to come -In and let us help you Hlect the r'9ht instrument. Pertt1ps It will turn out to be • ule Item. I:! AT' . SUN NEW, USED. FLOOR DEMOS. ~l.10to6 .12to5 RENT RETURNS, OHE·OF·A·KIND SPINET · PIANOS AS LOW ·AS .sgos A WEEK" .. 11-.Ls,_ 51299 COllSl.E '• .. llrMI. UPUY SPUIT s999 '2710 "SbouJdn'l someone ... have told the ·president that not only were the V.C. Westmoreland, in April 1967, was summoned to Washington, where he told Johnson that the size of the Viet Cong army had leveled otr at 285,000 men, the correspondent reports. The general apparently was n<1t aware, Wallace says, that his anatysts bad d!scovered evidence confirmint CIA "Westmoreland says be doesn't recall those orders," Wallace aaya, but Col. George Hamscher, who represented the commander at a meeting in Washiniton ' in 1987, remembers , "We can't live with a figure higher than so-and·so ia the message . . . we got.·· D SUPER BOWL 5WB LOW PllCIS IM EFFECT THIU '' $.UM>AY! • DELUXE 25H diagonal w~ O.AU. ZI" ...... c.-1..-. JYr.Pkt.T ... I Yr.,_... , I Yr. S..lce COLORTRAK 2000 REMOTE .. Clw LoO • fl'Yflt9 Uling. .................... dluels. ~ DELUXE 25" diagonal COLORTRAJ( wltll REMOTE ._ Al-'C' • HIS Seen Concrol, LED channll numbers. XllnOtdlltl cllmlt Ind much more. 511111 In Olly A Few Of Tiii l•Y IMels We Have In St.a. At Al: We Steck M•ts If RCA l1•1t1 Clltrll ~ t7"8k - '!2cMI EllllMA DELUXE 25" dlag0n1f COLORTRAK 2000 REMOTE . P'OllTA&I ...aTI DELUXE 19" diagonal MOW 111011 • COLORTRAK 2000 REMOTE SJ9900 WIHAYIA UwmGMUMlll OfTNSMODIL Hat on-ICQlll c:Nmllllimt dltc*Y. ~ ~ llld much"'°" Hll on-ter•n c:Nmllltirlll dllplly. LOW NICI -XllnOecll.ltl Cllmll llld mucll more ~ LmrrAT .... YH.rnUMOn ICA ViDIO SUPa SPECIALS--CCO I 0 VIDIO CA.t8A sraw•••• ftJlt TANI. W ... 1MR LMT ATA..WLOWPllCl.t'IUllLllllt .. llJ TV's MOST EXCITING NEW FEATUREI , ~NHN 'hT .. ........... • Vlllm Hl!ldt Advanced §pace Phone·· ~" ~~~~~~~~M!odel:; 8N1963 TheWA'nEAU Place and receive cans through the TVI Advanced Space Phone lets you dilll out on the Computer Space Command Remote Control. And . the number you dial. up to 15 d igits. appears on the screen. You can answer the TV, put a caller .. on ~old and best of all. the whole family can join in the conversation! Model SN1963W has Advanced Spece Phone, Tlme Control Programmer and all the great SYSTEM 3 features. Simulated Walnut Flnl$h. 'S&l'la SAi.i Pmel. W~~ IUY AT AIC7 Alk for term1 • VIH or Muter Charo• Acoeoted • 3 v .. Picture T•. 1 Yr. Pen.. 1 Yr. Serltc:e WerTanty on 1• ColorTr8k and ~ Ill Conto... • DtltribulDr Authoril9CI ~Ice on Prem .... • AU Avllllble Modetl ln ~ • No Comm .... °'*9 a.-.eone • Wt Know Our Product lnefde n1 out Not Juat The . Priol • au.Alty • lnlegrity • tO..ry. I t0-46 llOOIC'MmlT .. , ........ HUMTllleTOM •at C&L .... JIJt RIPSES Trans1llol'lal styling Wood and simulated Nood products m Antique . Oak finish. Casters .. lr I I I I I I • - Orange Collt DAJL Y PtLOT/laturday, January 13, 1111' TRE FAMILY Cl•CIJI by Bii Keane "Oops! I ployed the wrong number." by Brad Anderson "i.{Jf-. ,,~ "" ' . ' ~-;1' ,: - "So THAT'S where our electric blanket wast" Jt:DGt; Pi\RKt;R Gi\Rt'lt:LO 51 Woodwind 520ptioftll ~ 51Stlede 58 Plerlllt ..... 11 ll9llln rMr 12MLKet1 a HllSIPY 1oo11 UNITED ~ture Syndleat• Frldey'1 Puzzte SoMd .. Lowe In Acwne liW4Nfii9 16 Hiity looll -~Ieng 17A_.._ by Virgil Partch (VIP) . )JI "Thia tlblt lffma to be kind of tippy." ~~~m I· '1!> I ,,ST by Jim Davis -~--- PMNIJTI by Chari•• M. Schulz -------IT'S JUST 'TOO SAO TMAT l'M ONLV A SU65TIME f'MIU>t. m SOH, CHUCK .. IT REAU.V 151 TtMBtE• EEDH lMAf~~,~~ HO 61 Ml 60T IN Kl TME PX ~ NOOH WMEN HI~ ON PVTV! MOf.Al.OH& ft>PALESKOW11% K'"5 AMW! ..... -----..... ' I WHY ARe You CAW...EW "HOP-Al-~q? SHOE M.M~~~. lATIN "A~~~'· ~v w w~~1r? a.---------..t..... I GUESS IT 'S SLUGGO, WH Y ARE 'YOU STANDING LIKE THAT'? BECAUSE OF THE ARTICLE I'M READING W H A T'S IT ABOUT~ 5AVINU 5 fRQrtl Tl<E r; I ''4JO,\l6. ~ IHE MASTER 51¥(6: HE. UJ() 10 LDNE.1..4 , 5HOULD &0 m M 1650<.JR I ... ANC re NT SOOK or o;iNE. ':>£. 1'14~ roa •ETTE• •• , •••• ••E I 80U9HT SOE &EUS f\ SEA ~ so.4E: I T~Tbt£ &-IE.LL ~El.P.Y. I I " by Jeff MacNeUy by Ernie Bushmrller THE L..EANING TONER OF PISA __ _.....1 by Gus Arriola -----~ NE;.\/ER IMI IN A Ps...AU • c.AU.ee ~MOMl!J' by Tom Bat1uk UN1'"1L. A e YeAR Aeo, ::X: W AS ONE! OF ~Ht!I Jo,..,eses YOU w eRe ~RYINc9 ~O Ke!e!P UP W l"f'H .' . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday. January 23, 1982 ffi~[~IB~OO~ Puton rap · ·PLO action• ltOTICI HOTKI IS Hl!lll!I Y GIVIH t1w11 tu"uant .. 1Ktle11 1• tf ,,,. Clvll C t d• $1110 o l C•lllor nl• T '" ullcle•1lontcl will Mii et P.-il< •••• •~ COM11ttlllw •ldcllflt Oii Ult •111 NY 01 P'ell•11 ••v 11 II 00 • rn on lllt jlt•MI'" WNre H id DIOllotly hat Miii •IOl'ocl •nd WN(h or• IO<tltO •I lnl••n•lltllol hll "•••o•. 11.01 Mo•o•n L•nt, Hunl1no1011 8eoth Ct1111ly Of 0.-. •t•l• ol c e111or11I• ll1t 1ll1ndo111c1 g ood\. Cll1lllt1 dH<rl-beiOw ln ti'lo rTt•ll., • OI ltOTICI Of' ~klCl " ....... Gospel concerts set ~ A GOS.-au. CONCERT reatun n1 Jan Daley, lbe "S1myo girl," will be prese nted at 7: 30 tonight at the Cry11tal Cathe<lrul, Chapm11J1 .Venue 1rnd' Lowis Street. Guden Grove. For \nformullon. <'811 971 .. 014. I\ CONCF.RT OF gospe l rock, s pirituals and c ontem{>orary C hristian folk music will be ,presented at 7:30 toniaht at Misaion Luthe ran Church, La Paz Road at Yosemite. Laguna Niauel. AN I S llAELI CABARET is pla nned for 8:30 tonight at the Jewish Community Center, 3801 E . Willow St .. Long Beach. A HUNGER LUNCHEON will be s e rved following the 10: 15 a .m . service Sunday al .Community Pres byterian Church, 415 Forest Ave., Laguna· Beach. Information, ca ll 494·7555. TED KA NNER or the Jewish. Federation Council of Greater Los AngeJes will speak Sunday at the a n nua l m eeting of the J e wis h Comtnunity Center of South Orange County. Information. call 979-2070. J A TWILIGHT R ETREAT for macried and engaged couples is to be he ld al 7:30 p.m . S unday al St. Cecelia Catholic Church, Tustin. BELFAST, IRELAND, NATIVE Dr. Charles Reynolds will be guest preacher at 10 :45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday al First United Methodist Church, Costa Mesa . Reynolds ls hud of the Ludhiana Christian Medical College Board in India. A NEW MUSICAL, "Gloria Together Again," starring variety artis t Gloria Maddock. singer Al Morris and the Newport Express jazz s tylists. will be present~ ut 8 p.m. CIUll:H llTll Monday and Tuesday at the Gem Theater, 12852 Main St.. Garden Grove. Tickets are $10. Information, call 754·4186. ''IS RA ELI ·A RAB · DR UZE Perspectives Toward Peace in lhe Middle East" will be discussed by Farhat Be arany, a membe r of Isra el's minority Druze community, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In Room 204 of Calv ary Chapel of Cos ta Mesa. Information, call 545-4071or979-44.22. "HOW -TO PROSPER" will be discussed al a 7 p.m . 'Friday potluck dtnner at the New Thought Christia n Church, 1929 Tus tin Ave .. Cost a Mesa. Infor mation. call 646.1032. NEW YORK CAP>.- Forty-five Chriatlan leaders. m ostly pro· reaaors 1i1nd paston. bave issued a "St•te· ment of Concern." urg Ing s upport for ta "united J erusalem as the capital of Israel," and deploring the ·'provocative and destructive" actions or the Palestine Liberation Organization. PIURE JOHN HOWAAO. S-1 •'9 HOU""9id fOOOt .-•~I •llKh , 10011, rottl~rttor llOa -c>•l"Q\, beCh. and mlr.<111-• lttl'lil. t.and lord ,. .. ,.,.,Ille r19111 to bid 11 Ille '41111, pu<t~ mu>I bl...._ ... wit~ c .. h ..-1y Md ,..,., lo• •I '"" llfn• of llUHM WI All""""""" OOOCI• .... •olO ., ''· •nd ITl\1\1 t. ••fl)O••d •• lllt , ..... ol 11urc11... Salt •ulllec I 10 p•lo• <•noll•Oon Ill ""' tVtnt OI .. 111 ......... 0.1• .. n •-ioto 1nc1 olill .. tl'<I par ly Oiied lhl• JWlUlt y JO, I~ lnllr,..llOllll !>tll SIOI•" lltOI M<lrQ41111..•n. H..ol!ITMI CIT'I' COU9IC.IL.0" TMe CITY Of' POUWTAllt YAlt.•Y HOTICt IS HlllllY OtVEN I 1111 City Co\lftcll will llOkl 1 DllOCI hHrlno on lun4Ny, ,...,..,..,., 2, '"'· 11 I 00 PM HI Ult e-11 GM-•· 10200 SlalH A-. F-t.U. Ytcley, C1l1torn1c1. (tflCHnlnt ,,.. IOI-Hit a etOLUTION ltO. rtU -A ll ESOLUT10H OF TH I C IT Y COUN CIL O P: lHI! CITY(), FOUNTAIN VAl..l.EY DECl..AlllH Al..L llV881SH ANO lll:l"VSE U ANO Al l WEEDS OllOWIHG U SP£Cll'IC. STREETS ANO PlllYAT PllDPl!a TY WITHIN SAID CITY T I I! A PUi i.iC NUl5ANCI! All DECLARING ITS ll'C TEHTIOH T REMO\'£ ANO AllATE THE SAM VHOER AHO IN ACCOll DANC WI l H THI! PllOYISIOHS OF TITI.. 4, DIVISION ), CHAPT (ll IJ AR TIC.LE 2. OF THE GOVERNMEH CODE AND SETTING THE PU81..I HEARING FOR PllOTl!STS "ICTITIOUI •UllNIH llAMI! STATIEM•NT T""' lollowlng pe•\011 11 dol11g D<l•lneu •• .. ICTIT10U$ IU$1HUS flllUC •nc£ H\#\l~on 8•~11 C• NAME STATEMENT PuDll•llH 0r ... o-COA\I Dally Pllol ThOM Ol'llrtno lo lt\lllY In ··-In Cll>l>O'li-to lhh pr_... wlll Tho lollowln9 llt,.on I\ doln9 .------------I ~•fl U. >o, 1'111 •••·ll Qlvtn an oppo•h1nlly lo oo "' 1 rurtlltt l111ort,.a tlon h O.•lrtd, y m •v ton11<t "" Publl< Wtr1' 0.CM rlmont at ~1 LISA'S CUSTOM OECOR. H JI Bolln Clrc11, H111H1ngto11 But h, C•tllornl• ,,._.. 1..IW SI,_ Cllenw10 , IUI Botln Clrc11. Hunt1nv1on Bekll, C.lll0<nl• 9U4' T llh Du•lne,. l\ ~ondui ltd by -" lndlvld iMI l..IW!..Cllen-.tk Tiii\ "•ltmenl WH llltcl """" Ill• County Cltrk 01 0UR99 County on Janu1rv ft 1"7 bu>lntu H ' AOD VENTURES, 01 W Wll"°" • Fl , CO.II ~. Ca flUt W•llff Je•-Ht lm IW•ll Helm/ Ut W Wll>OO, # n , Co>lt Mua, Cl ttU• T11lt llUW ..... \ I• tondlKlld by en lndlvldUol W•llHtlm Thi\ \lat-I wa\ 111.0 wllll 1111 County Clt•k ol OranQe Coun1v on J1nu.rv I~. 1'111 "'""' "ltltJI PubllUwcl OrMIOt COA•I Diiiy Piiot, Publl>lltd OrAllQll COl~t Otlly Pilot Jen. 23, )0, Fell.'· U. 1 .. 2 344.a2 Jen. 1', U, lO. Feb 6. 1911 JOO..U 1e11aur ... 1 • U.ucw St0tt A Dining T radition Since 1922 Serving Lunch & Dinne r Reservations Suggested 645-7077 NOTICIEO, Al'l'l..ICATIOH 1'011 CHAHOIE INOWNIEllMUl'OI' Al..COH°'-IC •IEYl!llAGIE t.ICIEHH ...... , To WllOm II May Conctrn· DELANEY"~, INC I\ &1>9fyN>g lo'"" 01p1rtmtnl OI Al<ohollt Bn.,•Qe (.on lrol f nr a "H " ON SALE GENERAL IP11bllc Ealing Plactl Ileen•• lo Mii altonollc be•eroou et )•U Rtdl\111, C°'I• -u. C. t141t P11blls111c1 Or•noe C:O.•I Delly Piiot J•n. 23, 1"1 41S·t~ PHUC NOTICE NOTICE 01' Al'Pl..ICATIC* TO SIEt.L AlCOttOUC •EYIEllAG5' l O WhOm II May Con<Hft. EOWARO BRODER i • IDcM'fl"O lo Ille 0.per1ment Ol Al<OhOll< 80""'- C on tr ol for • "41" ON S Al..E GENERAL tPubllt E•llno Ple<e l llcenH to w11 olt-'1< bever-• '1 130 E u t 11th SI , Co.II -w. C• t1U 1 Publl\lled OT-Coa\1 O•llv Piiot J•n ?3, 1"1 4()).fl CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY Evtlyn M<Clff\don CllVCltr- Publilhec:I Orenve COi" D•lly PJI J •ll 13, ,.., 411· ~ South Coast C9mmunity Church Services 8: 30 A .M . & 10: 15 A .M . Cor ona del Mar High School, 2101 Eastblull Dr. Cor ona det Mar Brother Andrl'w. (;uest Spt>akt-r AUTHOR: "GOD'S SM UGGL E R" ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom of Worship An ... You've tried the rest, NOW try the BEST!" Re•.Dr ...... C.Jedlsoe Hew 1'MtM aiow. a...,..t .-,.n..pt amtl9I Clliirclll s-ley s.rnc. i --Clllmrclll llttl&.,..._,...,.,.. .... IO:JOA.M. ~" o• ,, ,, · • 1st OtlltCH Of RfUGIOUS SCIENCI. ~'~o , Of NfWPOIT lfAOI 1~ a T" _.:: -c....-u .... ..,c....-oi-......Soonm LA :: • .. 2' I Dr. Aa..rl ilwtle -,-?~,.{I WORSHIP -9:10 A.M. ~.:···. ::_;-:<, Clllld c- -"UsincJ The Cnati•e Pn1telple" • I 0 I i Cametbock Shei,-Hewpod leach left Ja161 " .._, · ' '0A IV< INSPIRA fl0 NAL "'ESSAOE OtAl ~1 V oc.itt • ..._.. ~ Mlill1tw'1 No. ll6-6tt2 • Church or-sr. Matthew by the Sea (TracJttJonal Epi!copa/) HOLY COMMUNION· Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Boole of ConV1IOfl Prayer · 1928) Church School provided MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 6H Heliotrope; Corona de/ Mar The ·~··.James Hohfeld -532-2201 ST.JOtWS THI llPtSCOP Al CHUlaf IM COST A MUA l.y Str.et If 0......, AY- 8:00 Hofy Co~ 10:00 Hoty Eucharist 10:00 5-day Schopl . Nursery ctire 1 tti. le•. C ... Mw ...... , Vic• 548-2217 --1--ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL OUOt ~-..... WB.COMH YOU ,'3209 Via Udo, Neuupllf1 leach s-t.y 1:00 A.M, PNyw ..... ...., c I s-d4ly t:OO A.M. Clllmrcll ~ _,,.,.. .._..._ s-d4ly I 0:00 .A.M. Artt.S-.,.,,.,.. .... HelJC ..... .......... ...., .. , ........ - t :OO & I 0:00 A.M. "-'Nf'Y c_.. CHAllSMATIC ...SS ,.,... s-., .............. -7:tl , ...... T..-,-lt:ttA.M.tt.lr' I ill ....... s.nic• .... ~O.Of ..... ..... .._P.Alll9yl,...._._,._'7M IO • NEWPOIT~ wntBWlauat 1tt hoow DP. MIWfOIT llACH 14f.JHI . . ... " ..... ,.... ............. ,.... WORSHIP SERVICE . . . . . • . . , 8:00 A,M CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. . . . 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE . . . . • • . . • 1,1~30 A M ._.CMIA•......, . WILCOMI ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHE«; OF TME '-'OTHER CHURCH THE FIRST CHIJRC,.. OF CHRl~T "IC•ENTl!IT IN BO'IT()N '-'ASSACHUSEHS "TRUTH" Jmwcry 24th, 1982 Coeta M.sa -Ant C....-Ch of Clwid, Sclewtht 2110 ...... "~ o,. .. c .. t ....... Clwdl & S-., Scllleel -I 0:00 A.M. ...... 1-. JHO ...... Y~ Dr. t A.M..-4:JO r.M. Me.. Minis ... WA 1·7:50 P.M. -f.t:JO P.M. 1,-.iRe -Fint a.rce. of Clwist, ScMwtist ·---,,..... ...... "' ..... ~ 4161 MlcMll._ fMMr T•I C1-dt & S-., Scllleel -I 0:00 A.M. CHll.0 CAAE PflOYIOEO_AT $UloOAY SERVICC llwllccflc .._. -Ant Clllrd of Clwfst, Sc ...... .... oe...11u•p•lffclll Clllrdl & _., SclllMI-10:00 A.M. ...... .__zza....-St. ~ ~.._.-...... C~ofCllrflt, 6JI ............ Clwdl & S-., Scllleet -I O:OCI A.M. • ...,.. __ 214 '-"t .... Mew,.. 9"dt -Ant C~ of Clwfst. Sc ....... JJOJ ... a.w.. ... .,.,. lffcll Clwdl & S-., ScllMt -f :OO & lt:JO A.M. ....... -. JJll Yt. LWe M-In W . -t A.M. • S P .M. T...., -7 • f r .M. Chllcl C.. "'°""*' l ""4tYI -t » 1 I 30 A "' F Of Slv<IY T ""* M•wport IMct. -S.Co.d Clllrd of Christ, Sc ....... JI 00 P.cHk View Dr., c-.. Mer Clllrdt I s-ct.y School -I 0:00 A.M. ...... 1--JSOO "I" I . C...t HwJ~ CdM WID. ~ nsnMOMY MHTIHGS - I P .M. ALL CHUICHIS AU are cordlelty H'lvtt.0 fO 1'1~ lhe Cf\urt" Mf'Vl('lft al"CI enl(W tf°'e Dn\I .. ~ ol , ... RNdl<IQ R"°""' ClllW c_.. rr.!lcMd AT A~ SH'l'ICIS WESTMINSTER lUTHBtAN OtlltCH 11141 .......... . IM.xt to S.. D .... fr#y. & w .............. cl.I -WOHHIP S9YICIS - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. rHOMI lt>-IZlt C .. IST AN CHOaCH I Missouri Synod) 760 Yktori• St~ c .... Mew LotMr "· r-. ,...__ n1-1611 WORsHIP SHYICl -1:11 & 11:00 A.M. S-., Sc'-' & A ...... ca.. -t :JO A.M. c ............. ry k...,_ ,...,. .. , All SAim ANGUCAN EPISC.OPAI. OtUacJt ._ • .., ..... ,,,. ...... c_,...,_ 1 ~ Bushard, Fountain Valley 963-~1 .... ,,...... 'W. NUrMa llCTO« HOL 'I c<>Mo4UMl6M •• : ••••••.•.•.••••••••.••. l:Ot AJii. ,MORMt"6,..YIR.CHUICH SCHOOL ........ t :IS A.M. MOIMtMG .... YH & SHMON ..........•.•. 11:00 A.M. HUISlaY CAU A!AILAIU tWrC1 .1 ,.,.. .. ~..,llA.M. s.c.-• .._.-..., t: r1 A.M. S«tltOft Topic Jan. I 0th I l:tO I I 0:30 A.M:. .. , •. ,. .. c.._ .... ......... ,..., ...... C HUl~H OF IBJGIOUS SCIEN.CI Member of the United Church ol R11iglDu1 Science SfAQ.Jff VILUIGE SUITE 4S 2223 MAIN &TAEET, HUllTIHOTOH HAC .. , CA M4t • A COllAI. WllCOME FIOM TME UMITED CHU.CH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY ClllCH CDMCIEU TIOMAL 611 Hetlotrop.A•t .. c_.,..._ 644-7400 D...WW.Kwh,MW,_ IOA.M.-~W .... C""'t~ ScNIOl ono N..,_.,C¥• NEJCHIOI• COMCIECATIM C•H HO St. A•'• "'9ct .. G._.,,..,L_,...1eec11 494-1061 JOHMM.llYMC>lOS MAIGAllT AHH HYHOLDS Mwttwn I 0 A.M. -S--, W....., Ct.rel! Scllool I......_, HARIOR C ... STIAM CHUICH 1Dlte5"" of Clrhtl 2401.,.,, ..... s...1.-.. 64~5711 :! Q - Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARtC PRESBYTfRIAH ~"'"""" 2100 Mer ..... Dr .. ~ ..... • .... Wlll-McQMW IH. Teey w .... '" ... Lesle ar.u-. ~ Dnct!.' ....... , .... 5-dey Won111, I Clllwcll School -f:JO A.M. ,,.._Scllool -M~ ......... ~ 644-IJ41 F~ljlllllttt l1 L' lll~q1l:ql1f illllll l ( IH trl 11 1262 llOAD ST., HIWPOttT HACH 642-2740 Sunday Sttvice -I 0:30 A.M . "God Has COIM To Help HlsChildnn" PASTOI fONY CUITO A Cordial WekCNUI• frCNUI THE UNITED METHODIST CHUICH Costa Meso RlSTUMITID MITHOOIST CHUICH 19th St & Harbo< Blvd c lwrc" Scllool t: J 0 w onllllfl l 0:4S Charles 0 Clark. M1n1s1er Cost a Mesa Nonh MESA YHH UHn'tD METHOCHST CHUaCH w...., & Clllirctl kllloel t :JO • I 0:00 .A.M.. Dr" wm-l. Steel c .. RTcAUICA IT THI SIA Newport Beach 1400 W BatbOa Blvd 673-3805 Huntington Beach AISTUMnB MITHODIST C...,_CH 2721 17th St 536-3537 W....,JwYke: IO:llLA NurM<V C.oe All "'°"""O Clllmrcll Sc~t:OO..,,., Hunhnglon Beach North COMMUNITY UMnm MITHOOIST CHUICH 6662 Heil Ave &42"""-'6 1 W~S.,.lu i :JO & 10:00 l :JO 5-d9J Sc'-' I 0:00 Fountain Valley FflSTUNTID METHODIST CHUICH 18225 ~St f6J-21tJ Rev Robert Stiepard Jr w...., & C'-cll Sc._. t :J O A.M. w..., rn..Scllleet/hy c ... 7:00 .. .M.-6 P.M. Dr Carroll E. Word, Minister w_.,.., •a.di w-. t:JOA.M. ... .._ ... ~ MEWrORT CEHTa UMrllO METHODIST IHI M• .... Aft.C--deCMw 644-0745 WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL -9·30 A.M Rev. Ken McMillan Y•Wll•W•1r1~ -~11 IJ•• FllST CHllSTIAM CHUl~H ...... ~ .... ,...,....._ .. SUMIAT: . C ... --t:H a llltO AM W•allllfl l tJO, 10:0I AM. 6:ff,.,. ....... , ..... ~ -...,_,Ser*" cmtP lol!llS Tt:RI Mllre ,~ T ff' 0..-. Dew MelCOftl I T" M~ llAt A M¥0noM-116-tlllr Oftlel -IJ6..!llt "Pr1 ti 1C11rt1ta-l"I" This Sunday Worship In ST. AMDlllWS NISIYTBIAN CHUICH 600 SI Andrews Road • Newoort Beach • 631 ·2880 Dr. J .... A .............. k .. , .. tw wonW, s.,.,.1ce1 -7:J~45 9ld 1_0:15 .A.M. , 0'SIYIH MESSAGES GOO HAS lllt4 TIACHIHG Ml DUltMG Sl'l'IH WH«S Of SHUGGU." . Dr. Jolla A • ....,.._, k~ ,,._...., PIOGa.AMS 7:l0 -. .. ,_., t11nt l llld11,_ ..... Cllllcl Cere 1:0 -......... ..... "'"' AcWt c ...... · . I 0: 15 ................. ttw. 6Ht Gr .. I .Adtlllt Clones AIC thlplic•• 645-2222 PRESBmRIAH CHURCH Of ntE COVENANT 2150 F.W.t.w Id., Co1to MHe -557-JJ40 lrwce J:.. lllnie, Pntw c;.,ndav Worsh•D & Cnurch School 830 & 1000 AM Child Care Avallablf:' Co1nnUtity Presbyterian CIM-c'h 415 FClf'ftt AYe., '--"-lffcll 4'4-7555 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Cra19 W1lltams Chr1s11an Education Hour 9 00-10 00 AM worship-10 15 AM NUllSUIV CAlll l'llOVIDfD AT ALL H-l!VIC£S CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. wit.., Cotto Mew 64'-J 19 I We re A Going Glowing Growing Ch11rcn SUHOA Y SNYICIS lllll JTVO'I' f A.M. WO«SHtP I 0 A.M. I 6 , .M, "Me•er leer False Witness" fL 20:16 , ... ~ MMl1ter -o-. C•. '°""' MW.ter HAUOlt 190be ~ S.._.. Serrlcn Frid.y ....... I: 11 ....... • , , O A p • P • f-.ly Serrlu Hnt~of..__ . 7:JOP.M. Rabbi Bernard P King Jamboree & Eastblutt Dr Music Arie Sh1kler Newoort Beach Cahl Educator Nancy Levin Fer twfw ~eel 644-7JOJ AN V""°''W~ TEMPLE SHARON' ~ 1Conservahve~ ¥ Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 West Hamilton. Costa Mesa. Calif. 92627 17141631-1262 IAlll MAUS. -.UJ / 1111( 111~ (,,, I l :,,,~/ (. ,,,,., l fl//1 r11/ (/11111)1. /11111 [/.I 111 IV1•1•/11r ·\I 'MARINERS CHURCH ~ ... , ( )11/1111,/ 1'1 .. 11 /1111,· O·OO ·'"'· W11r•h1p .rnJ 'iunJ.l\ ~'-""''' ((i 111 (Ith .:r.rJrl It' 1!-,1m Sible· (. l.1s§t'• 1( h1IJn•11 !. \1luh<ol [t,_.,,, /h1t>11u1 11/ /1rn1/1111n R1111/rr1H1I 111111111 c-·h, "',, ,, r,,, '"'''""11111111 'And lhl' rt'•'H' of c;,,.1 wh1<h •urr.isu·~ ,ill w mrrt'ht>Q "'''"· Shd1f jtu,1rd y11u1 h1•MI• ,111J \'Ou r n11n11\ In C'h11<t Jt,sus " f'~1l1pfllOOS 4 - • ·Attend The Church Of Your Choice -~This · Sunday Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982' ~UJ[rAJ[~1~I~U Reagan altering nationa-politics· President defies campaign tradition, identifies with party's right wing 8J THOMAS D. £LIA8 Jut one year into bis presidency, one of lbe m8jor tesaom Ronald ~aJ:n lau&bt in Callfomla politics is be · I "> sink in on lbe naUonaJ level. Tbat lesaoa: It's no loaaer neceasarv '° be a moderate to win ·in American politics. Twice in California, Re•1an defied tfte conventional wisdom and won bil rictoriee while strongly id'°tifled with Illa party's ritbt wing. Former atlllllli flCll Andrew Jackson, Abraham Llncoln, Woodrow Wilson and Roosevelt, all of whom produced major and laslin1 realignments or AmerCcan political parties. "Reagan and his wing have now completely enaor1ed.the old Republican Party of Thomas Dewey, Dwf1ht Eisenhower and Earl Warren," Burns said. "He has shown that you don't need to stick to the middle to 1et elected." ALMOST 15 YEA&S earlier, he did the same ln California, takin1 the state's GOP away from the Thomas Kuchel · Warren-Good win·Knigbt moderates who ran it from the 19405 until the late '60s. - president Jimmy Carter and virtually every other non-California political expert believed that would be impossible nationally. NOW SOME OF THE nation's leading political lb.inkers have come around to the conviction that Reagan is no fluke; that he may be a barbineer ill-which presidential elections no longer see col1)petition between moderates -like the Carter-Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon-Hubert Humphrey races. Instead, they may become all-out contests between radically different J>OliticaJ philosophies. In fact, Republican defeats in California over the last 10 years have come only when the party lived by the old wisdom and nominated mlddle-of-the-roaders Houston Flournoy and Evelle Younger to run for governor against Jerry Brown, himself much closer to the left wing than the center of the Democratic Party. Collfidence • in Watt 'lost' What does this mean for Democrats? Country's top conservation groups reject environmental policies • • Rorbld Reagan is something entirely new," says James McGregor Burns, a Pulitizer Prize·winnin1 historian and the leadin1 bioerapber or Franklin D. Roosevelt. "He is an ideologue with charm apd I predict his ldeology will have far more lasting impact than his charm.'' Burns and others interviewed at an American Historical Association meeting said Reagan shows signs of altering the U.S. political scene as profoundly a s Thomas Jefferson, Wicka 0 ........ ---. .... --~ 1'lt1s the computer, sir. It wants the key to' the ex· ecutive washroom." "Reagan has left them behind," said Burns. "They're still waiting for 'Lefty'." By that, Bums said, be means that Democrats must find a leader on Ute left with the same appeal Reagan has for the right. But there Is no guarant.ee they'll find one soon. "Most of the historic realignments have been by one party.· leaving the other unchanged or divided for awhile," the Williams College professor said. "The Democrats should study Reagan's political strategy. They can move decisively to the left and mobil· ize millions of young voters and labor voters who bave been turned off by having to choose between two candidates they don't like. The Democrats must avoid the temptation to move to the center.'· By RU~ELL W. PETERSON RusaeU Peterson, formn governor of Delaware, ha.$ served <U chairman of the President's Councrr on Environmental Quality and is president of the National Audubon Society. When Interior Secretary James G. Watt spoke at Gettysburg, he said that only the paid professional staffs of national environmental organizations are opposed to the Reagan adminis tration's environmental policies. The me!Tlbership of these same organizations. according to the interior secretary, support the admi.nistration's approach to nature. He characterized criticis m . from environmental leaders as a "liberal attack." Watt may be deluding himself, but I OTHER MAJOll historians agreed don't think he is fooling many others. with Burns. "Reagan's policies may , He certainly is not fooling members lead to a complete revival of the old or the country·s largest conservation coalition politics ," said Harvard eroup. the National Wildlife Federation. University's Nathan Huggins. NWF recently polled a sampling of its ''Blacks, workers, women and J ews 4.5 million members and found that may rediscover why they m~t be in a Watt "had lost the confidence of single party." If they do, Rea1an wUI Americans who are concerned about have realigned both parties, for the our environment and the conservation moderates among those interest groups of the natural resources which Wall was have been drifting away from the appointed to protect.·· . Democrats since the Vietnam War era. NWF me mber s s upported Ronald Reagan by a 2-to·l margin in 1980. More likely, Burns said, those interest Nevertheless, they r ejected Watt's groups will remain in disarray for quite stand on 10 of 11 environmental issues. awhile, leaving Reagan Republicans the dominant force in American politics for including: years -unless bJs economic policies _ EXCESSIVE AND cr ippling turnouttobeacompleteflop. budget cuts for environmental If that happens, all bets are off and programs. the "historic realignment" the experts -Emasculation of the offi ce of now credit to Reagan will tum out to be surface mining. very temporary. -The moratorium on wildlife habitat acquisition. Thom.aa Ellal, a free-Lance columniat -Accelerated offshore oil and gas based in Santa Monica, analyzes north-aouth leasing Cin environmentally sensitive state politics. areas). -Concessionaire manaaement of national parks. -Less protection fo r end.aneered species. NWF concluded that Watt "places a higher priority on exploitation and development than on conservation" and that "h e pay s lip service to environmental protection while working to undermine or circumvent many of our basic environmental protection laws.·· How about t he s econd larges t e nviro nme ntal or ganization, the National Audubon Society? The society has received enthusiastic support from the majority or its 450,000 members in a "citizen mobilization ca mpa ig n " to co unter the administration's assault on our natural resources. This year. about 32,000 Audubon members contributed "to the campaign. Never in our 76-year history have Audubon m embe rs given · so generously and in such numbers to our special annual appeal. MANY AUDUBON me mbers are Republicans. Yet the opini'on of 99 percent or those members with whom I have spoken throughout the country Is that the Reagan administ ration is purs uing a dan gerous cour se In attempting to reverse t he environmentaJ gains or the past two dec ades. The nation 's third l argest conservation group, the Sierra Club, r ecently g.athered more than one million signatures on a petition calling for Watt's replacement. And public opinion polls repeatedly show that Americans support strong s afeguards lo proled air and water quality, wildlife and wilderness, parks and refuges. lo testifying before a congressional committee, Louis 1 Harris emphasized that never in his 25 years of public-opinion polling has be found more overwhelming support for any issue than that Americans have expressed for pr otecting the environment. Through discriminatory budget cut ting , and by appointing sing le-minded expl oiters to key environmenta l protection posts. t he Reagan administration has radically transformed some federal agencies. THE COMMERCIAL interest in making the quickest possible profit has s uper seded the public interest in maintaining a clean, beautiful, biologically diverse environment. The fact that a healthy economy depends on and requires a healthy en vironment has been ign o r e d by th e new administration. But I do not believe that Watt and his boss will succeed in their go-for-broke assault on our natural heritage. The people of this country will simply not allow their air, land. water and wildlife to be degraded for the short-term financial benefit of a favored few. As another Gettysburg speaker once noted, America is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The interior secretary and his cohorts would do well to remember this. Latin America facing a:riother year. of hardship , Editor's Note: Article• on Lalin Amnico tfnd Canada, appearing tocfaJI, concludes a smes on ~ around the world and what AfMriccms can erpect this year. By ISAAC A. LEVI ~--~ .... MEXICO CITY -For the 341 million people in the 19 countries 'of Latin f.merica 1982 is shaping up u another year of hardship. And, as leftist movements spread. in many countries of tbe area, U.S . diplomats forecast 1reater politlcaJ involvement by the United States to counteract them. Some say the Rea1an administration has taken a big step by improvtn1 U.S. relations with individual governments, alter a long period of coolness resultin1 from what many Lalin Americans called President Jimmy Carter's "muddled" policies toward the re1ion. Political repression and poor living conditions are equally blamed for lbe growing guerrilla movements - especially in Central America. Latin America's per capita income, for instance, rose only ~. to $1,275 a year, in the past decade (in the United States it went up from $3,800 to about $9,000 in the same period) while the population grew 2.8 percent a year, doubling every 35-40 years. PEOPLE'S EARNINGS, meanwhile, are being ravaged by inflation which ranges from 120 percent a year in Argentina and 99 percent in Brull, to 30 percent in Mexico, 16 percent In Venezuela and 10 percent In Chile. This is hard on civilian governments in nine countries hard-pressed to keep their democracies alive bec ause or RQRUlar discontent. People in nine .other nations under authoritarian regimes suffer, too , but more quietly. Mexico·, with a half-century of stability, new oU wealth and a 6 percent economic growth, is feeling lbe squeeie less than most. \ The economies of the other countries are expected to continue to staanat.e or shrink, cau.gbt between falling prices or staple exports such as copper and tin, cotton, coffee and bananas and risinJ prices of imported capital goods like tractors and machine tools. Venezuela, with annual oil revenues of $15 billion, had zero economic growth for two years in a row. Three jetliners, hijacked simultaneously by a little Canada to finally win independence la1 CllA&LES J. llANLEY ........... .,., OTTAWA -Without flrinl a abot, Canada will finally win full lndependence thls· year.• Sometime in February or llareb, the Britl1h Parliament ia expected to ~pprove le1i1lation that will end rital~s archaic control over the anadaan constttutlon, after first ~•rtint a U.S. ·ltyle bill o1 rllhtl iD the hcummt. For SO years, Britain b.S ac>Opt to sw-rend9r tta lellalallve power over tM -couUtution. tbe Brttiab North Am.tea rA.ct fl isr, bat Cuacb'1 federal and cpro'ltnctal leederl were unatft to acree aon a &«bod for rattf1ta1 future ~~...-.. oaee it wu '8 Cuedian J Prime Mlnlater Pierre Elliott ~ ud tbe pnmJen fl tbe DIDe !!Sa1U11l.1peakln1 provlnen flnall1· nftb.t llfWllMil tat MGW.-s oe. coa1titutlonat reform plan. and lbe c•nadJan Parliament approved It in December. Only Rene Levesque. aeparall1t premier of Frencb-1peaklD1 Quebec province, rejected tbe coutitutlonal accord, objecUn1 that it dlmhalabel Quebec's provincial powers, tneludlnt tbe power over tbe lu1ua1e of education ln the 1cbool1, a ... iUve i11ue in Quebec. Levesque's Partl Quebecois enten 1982 with a tou1b new line on tbe lndependen~::tion , part of a revised plati adopted at a PQ policy convent.lon 1Mt ber. It Calli f« ftllbilnl tbe next provlnelal electlon -aQYUme betwem 18 and U• -aolely on tbe luue fl teeel6m, and f« declariq ~ from En1lllb•ape1 1rt•1 C~ wiDI a parllamea&ary m8Jority, ..-if It cSo. not win a popular .o&e majorttJ ud baa no 1uaraatH of a eo•Unued cloH eeODOIQle aMOelaUoe wiua CHda. tAveiqut, I rtlallft moilnle wHli1D tbe partJ, oppo1• tM . ...., bard 1lae and has scheduled a referendum on these policies amon1 the 300,000 Diemben or the PQ In late January and February. If fae wins, as expected, it could widen the d ivision between mllltanta and moderates within the party. Whlle fenclna with Quebec aeparaUstl witb one bud. lbe Trudeau penament wHI have to deal wilb a Hvere economlc slump wlth the otber. I• the second ball of 1981, tbe Canadian economy followed tbe U.S. lato recession. Unemployment la Ncwember atood at e.z percent. Offlciall ol botb the o.n.diaa . and U.S. COVWDIDenta bope dnelopm .... la 1112 will help cool lbe lrtcdon that bu 1rown b«nen Ottawa and Wublnltm over a lon1 Ust of economic and environmental lMYea. And maft1 Canacllani aped WI,_.. to be. Ula UI' WlleA Ula. a.reu eld Trudeau, tbelr four-ltr• prime mlnllter, will announce tu. rtUremetat. . · known group recently. raised specters of the lerust guerrilla confrontations of the late 1950s and early 1960, shortly after the country returned in the 1960s, to civilian rule. ECUADOR, ANOTHER oil e.xporter, and neighboring Peru shed military Widespread. illiteraqJ and unemployment are among ills shared by Ecuador and Peru. dictatorships in 1979 and 1980. But both s hare many ills . including widespread illiteracy and unemployment. Costa Rica, considered the region's stablest democracy, and Honduras, which became ol'le this month after 17 years of military rule, are havin1 unheard-of-outbreaks or terrorist while being overwhelmed by economic problems. In Colombia, army leaders are bracing for the worst outbreak ol°lefUst guerrillas in two decades, despite intensive military efforta to wipe out the Insurgents. The country baa been under a state-ol-sie1e for 30 years, a form of marti.al law that empowers UM army to control travel in rural areu, lmpnaoa people for 10 ~ays witbout charaes, and coad• raldl without w1rrant1. Conlf8llionaJ elecllona a.re due ln · l .. rc.11 a.ad pre1ldenllal eJec:Uona la Ma1. but Colomblau don't apeet Ute picture to chute rDO matter wbleb ol tile two blt partiu. Liberal or Couervatlve, wtna. . T88aB'I UnLI c.banc:e of an Immediate r'-i.-rr. \o _ _slvlUan lff•Hmmt bl ·900,ra, Clille or 'Ua ParapaJ, wbeu Oen. Alfredo ~·· •1ear-otd dJeta&onblp &a ensconced. But authoritarian rule appears to be easing in all three countries as well as in Argentina, Bruit and Uruguay. Fewe r cas es of police torture, s ummary a rr es t s and people disappearing after arrest were re· ported and, even though party politics are often banned, oppositioo leaders speak up mUdJy at limes. Pressure is rising for a return to civUian rule in Brazil, Uruguay and especially Argentina. where people ignored the replacement or one genval. Roberto Viola. by another. Leoopc)ldo 'Galtieri. as president in December. Instead. Argentina 's five biggest political parties demanded immediate elections -which the military ignored. The military government of Uruguay for the past eight years has prombed to allow political party activity tbb )'ear, elections in 1984 and civillaq rule lnl~. la Brull. the 18-year-old military re1ime plans to eaae the country back into civilian hands by the lime President Joao Figuereido ends hi• term on March 15, i•. A new plan la bein« drawn for le1ialative , iubematorial and munlcq,.t etectlona probably on Nov .. 15. bRANGICOAST . ·1111111111' Th• commt'llt pap ot tbe OaUy Pilot aeellt to lnlorm .nd sUmul1te relden by preaMt· Ina • variety of to0mmenlary on top c• of lnt•r••t Hd 1l1n lfleuce from lnlormt'd ob- Mrven ... apok•m.n. 'noMU~.~ ... -·-....._... -..,.,.. •·. . .... ··-· ~-· .... ._., ~ ,. Uncle Len's friends made history this week. That's because I received 54 e ntries for the UFO-drawing contest, breaking all previous records for the past few years. Thanks everybody. The contest was boosted by the addition of another school effort. Thomas Barr's second graders al College Park School ln Costa Mesa took on the challenge with 24 entries. Marjorie Holt's first graders at Costa Mesa's Wilson Scboot are still going full force with another envelope containing 17 wonderful drawings. A battle is brewing among my pals and may the best artists win. Remember , the pen is mightier than the s word - unless, of course. you find yourself up against a medieval· knight wielding an ls.foot lance. •• 0 Drawing flying saucers and other spaceships seemed to be very popular and it was pretty tough to choose the winners. And there were plenty of honorable m entions to be handed out. F IRST PLACE WINNER Jay Wat son of Costa Mesa Is there Taking first place with the best of the lot was Jay Watson, 13, of Costa Mesa. He wins the $5 prize. .Jay's UFO appears to have landed on a hunk of Swiss cheese. U there was a piece of ·~ake-around, Jay's drawing would have been a cheesecake instead of a UFO. \ife on Earth? Janine Wh eele r , 12 , of Huntington Beach took second place and the $2 prize for her effort. Yes, Janine, there is life on Earth. But what if some aliens saw our TV programs? They m ig ht think that everybody talks like Fonzie or looks like the Munsters . Ob no! Honorable mentions go to Lisa Walters, 12, of B,alboa, Molly Deneber, 8, of Newport Beach, and Maria Tucker , 13, Ben Robinson, 7, Joel Lozano, 6, Karin Cohen, 8, and Lisa Renee Virak, 8, all of Costa Mesa. A special thanks to Mrs. Holt's first graders for all the contest s uggestions. (Uncle Len is going to use one of them for next week's assignment.) Also, Carrie Clark, 9, of Costa Mes a said she bas seen a real li ve UFO while living in Washington. She s aid it was very bright. Uncle Len hasn't seen a UFO yet. But if I do, I do n 't plan o n s haping my mashed potatoes in the form of a mountain. And I will make sure to bring along plenty of suntan lotion. SECOND PLACE WINNER Janine Wheeler of Huntington Beach The verdict isn't in on whether certain age groups should be excluded from the contest. In the meantime, the term youth will apply to anyone under age 18. Uncle Len believes there are' plenty of taJented artists under age 10, so don't feel that. the teen-agers seem to win all the time. They don't. I 'd love to have s eparate contests for different age groups, but the big, funny people who run the news paper don't have the space to allow it. The youth page has lots of neat feature stories about young people in the news and topics of interest to you. It would be a s hame to have to cut out the very special news ·and stories for my friends. There is, however, one new rule that will start next week: On Ly . one drawing will be accepted per person each week. So me of m y fr iends have enthusiastically sent in a bundle of entries. That's great! But to make the co ntest fair to everybody, I think it would be better to send in only your single best effort. I hope all my friends agtee with this rule change. For next week, I'd like to see a picture of a gray whale -just like the ones that are swimming down the coast to warmer waters off Mexico. You can draw the w6ole whale or -if you 've been o n a whale-watching boat -a picture of a whale's tail as it dives down into the ocean. Use black ink only on a piece of white paper 4 inches square. Mail your entries to Uncle Len, P .0 . Box 1560, Cos ta Mesa , Calif. 92626 so that they .get to me by Wednesday. Try to mail them no later than Monday. I hope to see the entire gang next week. Bye! Lad nabs burglary suspect By JOE BIGHAM A_.._...,_~ FRESNO -"Like any k:id," B]turray Wilson "wanted to see what was going on" when he saw other stud e nts and a policeman chasing someone. So, the 17-year-old junior left his classroom to watch and wound up capturing a residence burglary suspect to the cheers of bis fellow students. "I was standing, watching, and one.of the janitors said 'here be is'," Wilson recalled later. "I looked up at bi m and ............... ...._., NllDI ..,_ -Thia male German shepherd mix ls ·looking for a nice place to setUe down. He's a 1-year-old and very genUe. If you'd like to make a new friend, contact the Orange County Animal Shelter, 561 City Drive L South, Oran1e. Telephone 83:4·7301. -ro --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-' grabbed for the back of bis jacket . He turned and swung on me but didn't bit me at all. I tackled and held him with my chest against his back until officers came and handcuffed him." Other students who bad been c hasing the man applauded when Wilson captured him. ''I had a lot of frie nds applauding," Wilson said. Wilson admitted using a bold learned on the school's wrestling team to subdue the suspect who was three inches taller than WiJson's 5 feel 8 inches. The bravery of Wilson and students involved in the chase received quick recognition from police. Five hours later, officers presented a citation for the sc hool lo Wilson and Bill Murphy, who helped give chase. The award was "for the entire accumulation of students who assisted the officer ln keepinc track of the suspect," said Lt. Pat Rhames. The incident started in a subdivision about two blocks from tbe north Fresno aebool. A woman who partklpatea in the city's Nei1hborbood Watch pro1tam to look for bome · bur1lan aaw. aomeoa• cllmbiq out of bernelpbor'a window. SM called police and prcmded a description. Officer Bruce , Pendlet.an saw a JOUtb matdUDI 1tbe deleriptlon and ru after . bim. onto the campus. Several students belped Pendletaa cbue and keep tnct of tb• n .. tns JO'llh. llUl'PbY spotted blm bl4llq beblad e ltuU4ia1 ae4 '1bo:wted at Pendlet.an. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 ·" . . ' \ \ - I ,.,..,... TRY ON A JOB -Lee Williams, 5, from Los Angeles tries on a fireman's suit at the Kidspace 1 Museum in Pasadena . The museum encourages young people to "please touch" and get involved in aduJt professions featured in the tools of trade section. The museum also includes 1 a working television broadcasting station, Herman the Robot and a human anatomy model. Man of many words By MARIANNE McGOWAN "-.. -..._. ..... CLEVELAND -When it comes to choosing words, David B. Guralnik bas about a million at his fingertips -literally. New words and old words, from profound to profane . Thev're written on slips of paper and stored in rows and rows of s mall fil e dr a wers outs ide his office with notes about where and how they're used. Guralnik is a lexicographer. From a spacious , h orse- s h oe-s haped d esk looking out over one of Cle veland's bus iests corners. be edits ··webs ter 's New World Dictionary of t he Am erican Language." The unadorned blue book is one of the four top dictionaries in the country and the one used · as first reference by such august publications as The New York T im es and The Wall Street Journal. "I supervise an editorial staff that monitors the language and reports on it," Guralnik said. ··o ur emphasis is on the English la nguage as spoken in America, and for that reason, we chose lo ca ll it the dictionary of the Am er ican language." The di ctionary is the only one o f the top four to c all the language American. "It does for the American language what the ·Oxford E nglis h Dictionary' does for the langua ge as a whole," he said. But it's not the only one to use the name Webster . · ---..... LAITWORD ON WORDI -David 8 . Guralnik is truly a man of a million words. As the editor of Webster 's New World Dictionary, Guralnik and his staff track words and their use - storing them in massive files in their downtown Cleveland Office. When a ne.w wdrd « usage becomes common, It is marked for inclusion in the-dictionary. The G. and C. ~erriam Co. o1 I Springfield, Mass., bought the I We bster dictionary from Noah l We bs ter's heirs more than a • century ago and uses the name for its Me r r iam ·Webs ter l' dictionaries. Ne ither company had any direct connection with Noah Webster, who published his ftrstf dictionary in 1806 and became' known as the father of American I dictiona ries. Although Webster l a un c he d a campaign for! c-opyright protection, there werel no ~opyri g~t l ~w s when hel published his dictionary. andJ Guralnik said the Webster namt, has become a generic term. I~ addition to overseeing the entire New World line which includes paperback a~d high ~chool .dictionaries, Guralnik, 611 IS a VlCe president or Simon & Schus ter , publisher o f the ,volume for the past year and a half. The operation, begun as a book-binding firm in a Cleveland' loft .in 1906, has had severar !corporate owne rs over t he years. I The gray-bearded editor , wh• has a master 's d e gree in I English, currently is at work on the Th i rd College Edition I expected to be out by 1987. About 12 million copi~ have been sold 'of the First College Edition !printed in 1953, and the Second College Edition of 1970. The dictionary is completely ;o~erhauJed every 12 to 20 years, 1 .walh updatings every two years · ~Gu ralnik said. It never ge~ !bigger, so sometimes entries are d elete d or definitions are .rewitten to make room for new words. · New words are entered w~ they are cited in enough pJa that Guralnik and his star consider them to have bec:omf: part of the language. He and lCI assistants and volunteer citatori all over the country monitor words and usage by readin~ scores of popular ma1a&ine1 , scholarly journals, and other material, and even by watching late-night TV talk shows. Altboulh an admitted lover cl words , Guralnik takes • scientific approach to lanp..-e, trying to keep bis feelln1s out ~ 1the way. "CbaDle in langua1e ii like 1the growth of any other or1anilm," be aaid. "You can~ 1 •ee it unlea you bave tlme-"°P pbotosrapby. A dlctloaary is a 1 form of Ume-t top pbotop-apby for lanpa1e. ' "lloet chUlC8' Jn u&.I• ~ 1often come about tbrouah_ t1norance or mil\118. But wbm 1 lt happent, lt happens.'' Ale Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday. January 23, 1982 .. I i • 1 I All aboard for top Qualitv1 contemporary furniture at low I I Teak organizer This amazing teak organizer expands to fit your needs Closed 1t measures on1v 32" x 21 x 45 .. Opened In measures 64" • wide and reveals a desk for writing or typing, t>Ookcases a file cabinet-even a tocked $ 559 storage shelf• S769value Teak Cube ----..----.-__, Table UnlQue OeSlgn oivesvou 3 tables that stack Into one cube or extend, or three units Side bV Side. $99 sweetish White Lacquer Wall System seeectanywof.,.. ....... opaor • ........... ,_, .... Basic; narrow unit 19Y. · x 1SY.'' x ~y,·· $129 vat Single ooor. narrow unit. $31 val 11teeoro Olv!Oef set. narrow unit $13 va1 laSlcwlOe unit :sw,·· x 1sv, .. x ]9y, · $175 vat Or® lld, $47 VJI . Double aoor set wide unit $46 VJI orawen. eacn narrow unit. $25 VJI Drawers, each wide unit s:s1 val .. Double glass ooor set. wide unit. S64 val ' warehouse prices! Shop and compare- then conduct yourself to Plummer's! Director's Chair smart Bedroom Group frOm Denmark In Bangkok Teak Every piece vou need to make any bedroom Into Teak & canvas Chair Superb design at Plumn1er's low prlcel This Bauhaus-Inspired occasional chair Is a classic of modem design. Made of beautlfUI teak with a durable canvas seat. It's a great chOlce for ttie llVln(I room. den or study, and also t>nnos an added touch of ciass to the bedroom. Great In pairs In front of the flreplaee tool ThebeStpart?You·11s1mptv $1119 never oet a more comfortable chair at this low price anyWhere else! "~~~~ ................. ~169 ~~·~~ ............. ,$349 ~bv':,~~.~~.~.~~ .. $ 289 ~Jj~~Fu~~~-................ $69 a functional and beautiful shaw place. ~~s~Fu~~-~~ $199 Danish Teak student DeSk-What a te11 lflc Plumn1er's valuel our Danish teak student desk Is smart. compact. and comfortable to wor1c att It measures 47Y ... x 23 .. x 28Y1 .. high and contains two handy slldlng drawers $119 and~~~~I~ student's dream at this low Plummer'S prtce! Adjustable Teak Desk Chair Wood back. seat & back. $ 59 upholstered vartous colors. varfous colors $79 val. $95 val. 79 Ttlls contemporary OeSIOn lame> either stands bV $15 ltself~~r~ Ava1rabie"Pn vat10Us colOrs. $24val. SOlkl eak Floor ~-­Lamp This 58" lamp ts topped Off with a flne llnen tamp shade that com· ptements the smarttv deslOned base. 13-way swttcnl s11ova1. Teak Dining Table a Chairs ~·~1~· $159 $239val. Teall Side Chair $ 75 Teall Arm Chair sag S109 value S135 value I INTERNATIONAL CONT•llPORARY FUllNITUll• BUY NOW AND SAVE! 111e one and on1v1 Ortglnal SbessllSS Leather ~ Chair ft'on'I NorWay Elegant chrome & 1eattler With ottoman A $795 ya1ue Ava11ao1e 1n various \ ~~colo~rs ~499 Danish Teak stereo Bench 41 . X 17" X 23 .. H plus four recoro compartments ano two large shelves for books tapes, etc A S149 value lmPortect Teak Boolrcases TW0-$178 IA. PAUOINA. 180 s. Lake Avenue. C213) 449·6741 nwo btoCtcs '°""'of COIOrldOI • WT LOI --• • 12241 Wltshlre llVd .• C213) 820-5918 rrwo Deodtl ... or..., • YAUIY • 12240 Sherman wav. No Holtvwood. C213) 765·0401 CletWeen HOll't'WOOO FWV' LIUf"ll ClnYOnl • UlnA w • 15«> E. Wimer. <714) 557-o&11 lhft OV-ltd. on NNDOrt lllWVI IOUT'MIAY•23855HawtnomeBlvd.,Tomnce•l213>378·94731one'*>C*nonriorc011tHWY'I • •WVllJO• MarguerttePlaza •1714>495·32S21Ma11noown~a-.rv~ .-10tol-MWYllOOlltol AH f'umttute crafted of the ftnMt __,,_min¥ lt9fns n Uf '8Sllm0tld In CStonf fOt WV IMCtr UI), Pf1Cel ano men:NnOl9e 9'.tOJICt co"°°' onMna. D1UyPUat . -., "" D UCLA survives SATUltDAY, JAN. 23, 19G upset bid ENTERTAINMENT 86 rn~ by Stanford. 0 TELEVISION 88 See Page B2. .... Deity .... ~ .. a.w~ ON TOP OF IT -Edison High's Mark Goudge and teammate Da rren Moore fight for control of ball during Friday's game al Huntington Beach won by Oilers . 72-71 in overtime. Chargers shocked: Oilers win, 72-71 By JOHN SEVANO Of .. INltr .... Miff There have been some strange occurrences over. the years in Sunset League bas ketball action. None, however, probably compare to the bizarre incident that took place at Huntington Beach High Friday night. How many times have you seen a team lose because it made a three-point pl ay? Absurd, you say. Well, try telling that to the Edison Chargers, who lost their first Sunset League contest to Huntington Beach, 72-71 i.P overtime, on just such a play. Granted, this is going to take a little explaining. With Edison in possession and the score tied at 68 in overtime. the Chargers caught the Oilers napping on an inbounds pass at midcourt and guard Mark Goudge found himself racing all alone toward lbe basket. · The 6-2 senior laid the baU in off the glass and was fouled at the same time by Huntington Beach center Jim Lane. Naturally, the Edison bench - and the crowd thstt had J(athered at Huntington Beach High - wereln a state of pandemonium. The basket put the Chargers up 70-$1 and Goudge was going to the free throw line with a chance to ice lt with 27 s econds remaining. Suddenly. though. a whistle blew over the crowd's roar. Umpire Dick Castaneda had called a technical foul on the Edison bench for "being on the court." Well, Goudge sank his free throw and then the Oilers' Billy Thompeoo went to the other end and sank both of his attempts to get KB within range at 71-70. Of course, Huntington Beach, with the T, retained posseS:Sion. too. With it. the Oilers ran the clock down for the good shot and Dane Shackleford was fouled as be turned to the basket. Edisoo immediately called time out to try to rattle the forward, but the 6-5 senior calmly walked to the line and hit both ends of a one-plus-one with seven seconds lo go to win the game. "It's a freak play," admitted Huntington Beach Coach Roy Miller of the call. "You rarely see that called in a game of this excitement. .The kids were out on the floor, though." "Maybe it was deserved," said a poised Coach Barry Leigh afterward, "but I thought we would at least get a warning." The unusual call marred an excellent performance by both teams. The Chargers, ranked No. 1 in Orange County and No. 2 in the CIF. took an early lead before" the Oilers took over the tempo m idway through the second quarter. With the Oilers clearing out to let their guards work one-on-one at the wings, Thompson and backcourt mate Bruce Ayers helped Huntington Beach build a surprising 38-33 halftime lead. It was only the fourth lime all season the Chargers (3-1 in league, 16·2 overall ) had trailed at the intermission -and they had won the previous three. The Oilers quickly extended their advantage in the third quarter, leading by as much as 11 with 2:54 left in the period. But Richard Chang, along with Rick DiBemardo, Darren Moore and Goudge led a comeback that saw the Chargers eventually catch the Oilers, 66-all, with 3:30to go. ' Tbe Oilers, who were held scoreless during the final 4: 33 of <See .OILERS, Page BZ ) Reggie to halo Angels sign free-agent .slugger to a multi-year contract From Ute Auocla&ed Pre .. After five turbulent seasons with the New York Yankees, free agent slut1er Refgie Jackson agreed Friday to a multi.year contract with the Angels. most difficult decision for me was whether to go to Baltimore or CaUCornia. Both clubs have really fine people. I guess the overriding factor for me was it was just time to come home." "I've known Buzzle Bavasi, (the Angell executive vice president) since I wu ld college. I was extremely impressed meeting Gene Autry (Angels' chairman of the board ). The area, the people, the stadjum ... all are excellent. When i)'OU meet a guy like Gene Autry, It's easy to understand how you can get back into the saddle again." The Angels announced they bad corraled Jackson just mlnutes after the Yankees said they were pulling out or the bidding for the controversial outfielder. Jackson lives in Carmel, near San Francisco. The Angels said no terms or the agreement would be made public except for the fact that it is a multi.year contract. Earlier published reports said Jackson had agreed to $900,000 a year for three years. Jackson was in Key Biscayne, Fla .. for ABC-TV's "Superstars" competition this weekend. The Angels quoted him as saying he was "very happy to join a club that really seemed to pursue and wanted me. With the Angels, I get a chance to play. Jackson becomes the fourth member or the Angels to have won the Am erican League's Most Valuable Player award. He won it in 1973 with the Oakland A's. The Ancels' other MVPs are Rod Carew, Fred Lynn and Don Baylor and the Angels s aid all would be at a news conference with Jackson Tuesday at Anaheim Stadium. Autry said he was "delighted" that J ackson had joined the Angels. ''He is an exciting ballplayer and one of the most colorful stars in the history of tbe American League," Autry said. Arthur E. "Red" Patterson, Autry'a assistant. said the signing of Jackson toot ·'a lot of negotiation -a five-hour conference on Wednesday, we talked almost all day Thursday by telephone anCI we still had a lot of conversation until about 3 this afternoon. tightening up all the terms of the contract." ''The Baylors , (Bobby) Griches. "I guess everything being equal, the Carews . (Rick } Burlesons and Lynns certainly entered into my thinking and all added to the incentive lo return home." the Angels' announcement quoted Jackson as saying. It's showtime on national TV Rambis leads Lakers past Pistons By CUltT SEEDEN Of .. 0-,"91 .... INGLEWOOD -The Lakers' Showtime went national Friday night at the Forum, and their performance against the Detroit Pistons was so good it had some of the 14,995 fans heading for the exit as early as the beginning of the fourth quarter to catch the delayed broadcast locally. The national audience, compliments of CBS' broadcast, also allowed the rest of the country to take a long look at the Lakers' latest leading Mii\ - power forward Kurt Rambis. Starting his fourth straight game, Rambis hauled down 16 rebounds and started numerous Cast breaks -usually resulting in a Jamaal Wilkes layup -as tbe LaJters rolled to a lZHll victory. ''Who 'd you inter view tonight?" someone asked Lalter color commentato r Keit h Erickson after the game. "Clark Kent," Erickson responded. Indeed, Rambis, tall, blond a nd wearing thick-rimmed glasses, shows his strength on the court. Along with his c areer -high in r ebounds, he finished the night with nine points. four blocked shots and four assists. Karee m Abdul -Jabbar , complementing Rambis nicely, added 10 blocked shots to go along with his 25 points. The win. the Lakers· fifth in their last s ix games, and s eventh straight a1ainst the Pistons, was never really in doubt as Los Angeles jumped out lQ a 20-6 lead halfway through the first quarter and he Id a comfortable 36-18 advantage at the end of the first 12 minutes. was a ton of fast breaks. '·We bad 55 fast breaks tonight." noted Laker Coach Pat Riley who keeps a close watch on such statistics. "Thal just encouraged the heck out of me." Rambis also added lo Riley's delight. "The competition has brought out the best in him," the Laker coach noted. After Rambis had won a startinf assignment, Riley responded "Ram bis made that choicE himself." 'Tm in better shape now," the soft -spoken Rambis said afterward. "and I've always had the confidence.'' T e ammate Norm Nixon agreed: "He's gelling better every game. He blocked three free throws today." "It's j~t amazing bow Kurt always manages lo get hia bands on the ball. He 's alert defensively and he's gelling the job done." Riley added. Credit five assists from both Nixon and Magic Johnson and Nixon's 13 points in the first · quarter for leaving the Pistons out in the cold. Of course, the inability of the Pistons' lop two players to contribute in the rant half didn't help much either. Detroit came into the game with a 17-24 record, 10 games behind Central Division-leading M~· waukee . Mo st of their su cess has revolved around r ies Isiah Thomas and Kelly Tripucka. T homas gave up his final two years of eligibility at Indiana to turn pro a fter t he Pistons drafted him No. 2 in the first round of last year's college ·draft. . .......... Leading the Lall:ers' early surge was Wilkes. who scored most of his points from about two feet away from the basket. The Lalters out-rebounded the Pistons. 67-40, and the result Tripucka, at 6-6, was the l2lh player ct~en in the draft (the Pistons had two picks in the fint round ). In their first meeting in Detroit, Thomas hit 9 of 18 from the floor and finished the night <~ IA&.E&S, Pace BZ> SHOAT SHOT -Kevin Stadler, who's nearly 2, may have his club turned wrong but he's keeping his head down and his eye on the ball -just as his dad told him to do, no doubt. His dad is golf pro Craig Stadler, now playing in the Phoenix Open. It's University's night at Sports Aren~ Hesslevik takes mile; Trojan women capture two-!"ile relay By JACK MINTER Of .. 0-, ........... LOS ANGELES -University High School athletes starred in Fr iday night's high school portion of the 23rd annual Sunkist Invitational track and field meet at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. Fredrilt Hesslevik and the Uni girls' two-mile relay team shined under the arena liibta before the estimated crowd of 12,502. Hesslevick was the victor in the boys rated mile run. Running in a pack near the front, the University High senior sped past Costa Mesa's Mark Howard with less than a quarter mile to go to win the race in 4 : 25.0. Huntin1ton Beach's Gus Quinones was the early leader before yieklinc to Howard at the balf·mile point. Howard f1nilbed fourth in 4:1.8.9, while Quinones a world beater crossed the line in fifth with a 4:30.1 clocking. Fountain Valley's Rod Emery was the overall victor in the boy's 500-yard dash with a lime or 59.5 seconds. The race was to be run in two beats with a combined time to determine the winner. Emery's victory in race two held up as the first heat's entrants· were totally disqualified. University's glrl's,.two-mlle relay team of Judy McLaughlin, Melisse Partin , Susan Armentrout and Laura Sauerwein sped to a 9:42.4 clocking. They out-distanced county nemesia Tustin by over 10 seconds (9:53.7). • three-quarters (3:45 .4) with ·Barrios and Spies playin1 musical chairs behind her. ""When she (Spies) passed me on that last tum, I couldn't gG with her ... then I watched ber pass Polly.·• Barrios stated. Spies thus won in an excellent 4; 58 .2 followed by Plumer t 4:58.3) and Barrios (4:59.3). Spies bad won earlier in ~ girl's 8Ml running away from tbf field in 2: 11.7 to set a meef. record. Fountain Valley's Ned II • and Carpinteria's Tom G played cat-and-mouse for ll·lap race. LOS ANGELES (AP> -Stanley Floyd ran the fastest 50-yard duh ever lndoon and Mary Decker-Tabb recorded tbe belt women's mile ln history on tbe boards ln f'ridar nl&ht's Sunklat ll'•ck meet. Larrieu Ud. the prevloua besi of •:28.5. Larrieu finished second in the Sunkilt in 4:36.4, and Joan Hanten wu third in 4:36.5. the men's mlJe, winn.lq ln 3:S1.l. Frank Aasuma wu aecond ln 1:57.J Uld Austria'• Robert Nemeth third ln •:00.5 Tbt two favorites ln the event. ~~Maree and Tbopu Weutnaba1e. alxtb and seventb. The upset of the nl&ht was in the 11rl's seeded mile run where favorite Polly Plumer o f University High wu paned ln tb~ lut yard by Livermore's Jeulca Spies. In the boy's seeded ~ However, at the end, It w Grewe out !root at the flnlab as he raced to a 4: lt.7 vid.oe"W Mosher was the nmnerup ID at outstanding 4:22.1. · Floyd, recainlnt t.be form lbat macs. iblm the world's top.rated 1pr111ter"ln 1•. won the 50 ln 5.22 seconds. He came back a balf·bour lat..-to W'lD the •1ard dub lD 1.10. Tbe former top time for t.bt lDdoor 50 wu 5.21 by Houlton Mc1'ear four yean •10. l>eck•·Tabb, wbo mlaed tbe 1•1 tl'Hk HUOD wttb lQJuri•i clipped •.1 aeeoodl off tM' WWW'I WOI d bat ftlr tll"'lllf* mile wttb a ': 24.t clo~kln1. ha.ncle ·' In the men's aprinta at the Los An1etes Sports Arena, Roa Brown of Arlaona State was aecond ln both races, and Geor&ia •a Henchel Walker tbird ln bot.b. Brown'• times wen s.• and 1.11. and Walker'• were 5.lt 8Dd I.•. In the 50, Floyd •bot out ol tbe •W'tlDI blocks and steadily buUt bll &Md i. the nee. wblch wu extremely fut. Tbe s.a recorded by Brown and Walker ruked ., the third futett Umt ever nlD. 1D ---eiiill. ---- Ray .,yon o( Inland aeond an U..-i. In another surprise, Douc Padilla beat SUieiman NyambW lD t.be 2·mllt. P8dilla'• time wat 1:25.• and N1ambul'1 wu &:•.•· Carl Lew11, wbo recorded an i.door world best 1oef Jump of • feet, 1 lad laat weettmd, won t.be eveat wtUl a leap of 21·1~. Gr., Fol&er onreame a alow It.art to wlA U...lDeA~J_. ...... ta f.M.~ tonl• Campbell w .. leeoad ln 7.14, ud (leelt1Nllm',,..._.,_ . • .i..eadln1 tbrou1bout, the Tr11ja.n senior was lffmiDllY leadlq a oa•two sweep wttb teammate Tereu Barrtoe. •'I tbou1bt wbat I beard (Splea' fooUtepl) Wal Ttreu. I ran a very stupid race. J abouJdn'l have led th.roulboUt ttr• I dit. •• 1ald Plumer. I Plume:r ltd ,at the quarter (1:10.0), tbe half (2:1T.I) and at Mission Viejo•s Steve Ken. nipped Bishop Amat '1 Ro: Brown aa they recordt identical 7.57 cloetdno ln tM boy's 80-yard htih hurdles. Ocean View'• Rex Brod placed aixtb In the boJ'• .. ~ daab lo 1.41 ltCODdl .••• 'Fountaln ValJef'• Bob Sri~ waa a abtli·place llDlaher la.._ boy's seeded two-mile nm wD a 1 t :28.1 ctoctin1. Orange Cout DAI~ Y PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1812 ~·-------.... ---------------.. ~------------------------------------------------------------------- Malavui cute hie vote for Cincinnati Pl"HaAP~ Tia• Su rruclleo ..,. lD &mday'a 4 • t The ClnetnnaU BencaJa wW edle EIJ Super Bowl. with tbe nmalllC ....,. -the key to the match between teams· wltb potent p111in1 attacks, accordlnl to coacbel wboM teama played botb eonference cbampklm tbia aeuoa. Coacbea Ed Bilea of Houston, Sam RuU,liao of Cleveland. Ray llalavui of the Rama and Leeman Bennett of Atlanta all picked the Bencals to win. Coach Bu.m Pbilllps of New Orleans declined to pick a winner, but agreed with his four colleagues that the game would be close. "I have to go with Cincinnati, although I'd like to see our division win it,'' MMAVMI said Matavaai, whose Rama loet to San Francisco 2CH7 and 33-31 and to Cincinnati 24-10. "'Ibey're both good football teams. Their otfeDMS are both very atronc," itaid Phillips, whose Saints beat Cincinnati 17-7 and lost twice to San Francisco, 21-14 and 21-17. "Both quarterbacks avoid the rush well and ·neither team turns over the ball mucb." The Saints play in the National Conference Weatern Division, the same u the 49en, but the support for the Bengals, American Conference cbampiona from the Central Division, cuts across conference and division lines. \Quote of the day \ ' "Tim ia lite beiDC on a bieb acbooJ bbketbail team and tryiq to flpt your way tbroQlb five WUt Chamberlains to cet .to the basket." -•arll ._..., ol the Cincinnati Enquirer, commeatiDC oo the mauive media crush that accompanied Super Bowl XVI. Son6cl win ninth In 10~ ....... , ••• ftddled ....... fJI a ............ IT po6ata, ... 0.. I ...... ...... .. • to .,.n tM Seattle S'upertloalca to a 111-lM vlctol'J ows --f'ridaJ _..bl UM NBA. Tb• Son&ca clalmed tbelll .wla rietarJ la 10 1am .. , wblle loltoD'I wiMl.q It.reek WU baited at Uarff 1amet' . . . 0..1• O.nla 1CON11 • pobata aad lllke .. b1U 8dded JO u San Antonio defeated Atlanta, 115-101 . . • I.._ Sn ... netted M pohata ud ..... , , ... , actaed 21 ln PbUadelplt.la'a llJ·105 victory over ladla-na .•. Gre1 8allar• led a balanced W Hblqton attack wltb 23 potnta u the Bullets banded Portland a ll0 -t7 setback • . . ArUa GU•we ... u.,.. scored a 1ame-hlp 21 polDt.f to IHd Cblca10 to a 10•-u trlumpb over Cleveland ... •"" ...... and Cal•l• • _,,., eomblDed for 5' po&ata and led ffouton to a 121-110 decl1lon over Utah ... a.ell WWla .. acorecl t.be came-wt.maiq DQlDta oa a pair of tree throws wttb 1:21 left u New Jeney edCed Phoenix, .. t'1 . . . BebiDd tbe pt.y o1 BJ1u Wlll&en. Wbo lcortd I MNOD·bilb 40 pointa and 8WM)' •eecrW, wbo added 18, Milwaukee beat Denver, 111-125. Super Bowt conf.ence canceled · National Football Lea1ue -- Commiaaioner Pete a..eUe, clti.na ill ••• health, baa canceled the news • conference he traditionally baa held before the Super Bowl. The aesaioo Friday witb hundreds of sportswriters and bl'oadcuten wbo cover the event bu been compared to an annuaJ State of the League report. But Roselle, recovertn& from a bout with pneumonia, illued a statement saying be baa been "oo the injured reserve list for some time" and bis doctors insisted be limit bis activities durinl Super Bowl week . . . Not content wttb merely playinc ln Super Bowl XVI, three Cincinnati players have recorded a aong to try and wbip up excitement over the came. 1tOUu.a Linebacker 1te1cte Willia .. , l'WlDinC back ArcMe GrUlla and wide receiver Isaac C.U. sinJ lead and backup vocala on "Cincinnati Bengals No. 1." ... The status of Fre4die Selomoa, the 49ers' second leadin1 receiver, wu upgraded from questionable to probable Friday for Sunday's game. Solomon ~uffered :s spr::ined left knee in practice Thursday . S...u.r.d u.-...n .... to 10 ......... lift Buffalo to • w ' Cralt.:,:.•H1•1 tblrd·pertCMI II Yid.orJ cw.-Qmbee la tbe N....a Hoc-ey 1.-.ue Friday mot. Ywa scored two 1oal1 ud aided aa uallt for Buffalo. unbeaten lD lt1 laat lO 1•m• •.. VeLwu detwemaa ......... .,. ce .. bra&ed bla .,. blrtbday bf blal*•n1 a rtllq •lap.bat from JUlt tmide Uae ~ llae wWa a aeeODdl Ltft to live WbJallN!I a ~ W triWDpb over Cbic.,o . . . WA¥M OftllllQ, Mid to _. aa1l9t b more than 50 mt .... , lcGnd lt.ll •11t coal of tbe HQOO wltb ·~ mblua.-·nm.alnla1, anapplns a U. ud ,,.._, Bdmoeton a •·I victory over Vancouver. Purtzer movee cloee tn Phoenix PHOENIX -Hometown boy l'I Tom Purtur flnlab·ed off p 5-under·pu es ud moved •moat tM ' leaden Friday ln tbe rain-delayed com of tbe ftnt found ol the Pbom1Jt ()pm 1olf tournament . Larry Nelaon, wbo compln!::./lay TbunQ)' before torrenUal rains tbe S, 728 yard Pboenlx County Club CCNl'M and stranded half the field, retalned tbe top 1pot with hlaa. Pwtler, however, felt the advuta1e bad swunc ln hla direction despite tbe 3·ahot discrepancy. "Three shots ia notbiDC after the first round," laid Purtaer, a craduate ol Arlsona State and a lon1-time resident of Phoenix. <>ester declines arbHraUOn Second baseman a .. Oes&er, • who bad mentioned golnc to War)' arbitration, chanced bis mind and sicned a t9l2 contract with tbe Cincinnati Reda, the team announced Friday . . . Meanwhile, . right-banded pitcher P,..._ lluaa 1lped a one-year contract with AUanta. The Braves also announced that ·reserve outfielder Brlaa A11el1llae and pitcher Larr)' •cWUlta•• •creed to terms for their 1982 contracta ... For the second year in a row, Trac1 ~ baa pulled out ol the Detroit stop on the Avon women's tennis circuit, the Women's Tennis Association announced Friday ... Tbe NBA baa found the New Jersey Nets innocent of aUqedly tampering with center •anla Webl&er ol the New York Knicka, Commissioner Larr7 0 '8rlea announced. The leacuf! bad invesUgated the possibility of tampering after newapaper disclosures that Neta Coach Larry Brewa reportedly bad delivered a note, throucb an intermediary, to Webster followin1 a game between New York and New Jersey Christmas night at Madison Square Garden . MuJ,ligan asks for execution LOGAN, llt.ab -Tbe UC 1tvtne buk.tball team le M thus far In PCAA compe«ttloa .lloet coacbea, under normal elrcumatuc•. would be elat.d wltb 1aacb a record. Not UCl'a Bill Mu.JUcan. bowever. MuJ.Uau lt parUcwarJ.y ...-.wa tbe kiDdll tHCUUOD be'I leUlnt for bil Ameawt tbele d8p. "We haven't been agrtllllve, we bavea•t bellD playlq uY defeue, and we bav•'t beea nmalAI On radio tonight . KYNE (108 FM) at 6:30 I our offense very well el\Mr," Mullican aald Friday momln1 aa bis team prepared to board a IU1bt here. Hopefully, tonJlbt the Anteaters will shake Out of their ''slump." Utah State should provide Juat the r11bt medicine, too, u the Aglies are the only &eam remalninc in the PCAA tbat will cuarantee Mulligan a running game. In three meeUncs last year between the two acboola, the two teams combined for more than 800 points. UCI woo the two retular aeuon eoet.eata, while the Autea upset the AD&eaten in ..U.. ftnt round of lbe PCAA tournament. The A&gies (1-2 coaference,-3-12 overall) are led by 6-11~ center Leo· Cunningham, wbo la averaging 13.9 polnts and 10.6 rebounda. Otben in double figures include Senior Haakon Auste.fjord (11.6 points) and forward Michael llcCUYouib (11.2). In the backcourt, tbe Agpee will probably be without the services of junior Lance Wubinaton. Wasbin.gtoo jammed bia shoulder during play last weekend. °" Waabinctoo will be replaced bv senior Greg Anderson. Anderson is-avera&tnc S.l points and 1.1 rebounds a game. Senior Larry Berceson will be at the other guard spot. Berceaon ls averaginc 8.3 1><>ints and bas 6S assists ln 15 1ames. From Page Bl OILERS WIN • • • the quarter, waited belpleasly u the Cbar1ers ran down ~ clock for the final abot ln recuJatlon. Finally, DlBernardo took lbe 10-foot faJJawa1 with four secooda to play but it bit the aide ol the basket and both aides went to overtime. Each team excbaqed buckets to open tbe three-minute stanza before tbe controversial series ol eveats transpired. Stanford's slowdown hackf~e_s against UCLA "Jimmy (Lane) bas made a dllference, my guards have improved and I've found aome shooters," said a happy Miller; whole Oilers are now tied for ftrat place at 3-1 UM overaJl). "I have 14 kids playina for one common cause . . . and that's to win the Sunset League." Trojans ~ld off California; Oregon State remains unbeaten in Pacific-10 play Thompson bad 22 points to lead the Oilers while Lane added 18 and Shackleford IS. ,.,..,.. .... ~ STANFORD -Sophomore forward Kenny Fields acored 18 points, 13 ln the ftnt half, to lead the UCLA Bruins to a 42-3' victory over the Stanford CardinaJs Friday niebt. Shoot•nc only 25 percent from the Ooor ID tbe tlrst half, UCLA was unable to capitalise oa 10 Stanford turooven, wbUe the Cardinals chewed up the clock with a 1Jow-down pa11in1 offeme. The Bruins were able to stay even wltb the tentatively shooting Cardinals tb.routbout the bait however, and the teams went into the locker ded· 20-20. • Alter sophomore center John Revelll, Stanford's bi1b scorer with 12 points, led the Cardinals to a 28-2'7 lead with IS: 13 remainiq. UCLA pressed back and took the lead IS-30 with 12:24 left. The Bruina then held the ball with a slow-down ol their own-for the next 10 minutes of the ball and never 1ave Stanford a chance to catch up. USC •. C.lfoml• 51 BERKELEY -USC survived a furious California second-ball surge to post a 66-58 win in Pac-10 play. Anderson made nine of 1l shots from the Door u USC averaged 63 percent shooting from the field for the game. Southern California College used a balanced acoriq attack to stave off the stubborn California Lutheran basketball team Friday Diehl ln NAIA District 3 play to post a n. victory oo tbe winner's court·. ....! - The SCC team pulled ahead by 37-28 at balttime and appeared beaded for a breather. But Cal Lutheran acored the first eiebt pointa to open tbe second ball and kept within five point.a of the Vanpards to the end. "We were able to pull them out ol their sone defenae and we bit well at the free throw line to win the game," usistant coach Jeff Maiatead 1ald. Tbe Vancuarda are bittinc 18 percent from the line, alxtb best in the nation ln NAJA competition. "We feel coofident that we can make free throws if we 1et ln front and tbey have to foul us to try and 1et the ball," llalatead added. "We needed this win and we needed the confidence that 1oes with it." Bnd Canon bad 13 points while Rick Pluimer and Rieb Roten each bad 11. Rick Porraa bit nine and bad 12 rebounds. The Vanparda bit 11 ol 23 attempta from the line and~ ol eoo from the noor. From PageB1 LAKERSWIN • • • COLLEGE BASKETB.4LL Mart McNamara made 23 poiDta for the losen. The Golden Bean drew wttbin three points, 51-53, wttb 4:• remalaiDf ID the tame. But USC's foar-eol"MI' ofteme stopped ca&'• charae. DarNU ~ came olf tbe beach to make all three of bis aba&a from the fteAd ID nine minutes ol play. £arty ID the HCODd ball, USC bad its biggest edce,'5-30. ~ Ongon .................. 41 CORVALLIS, Ore. -The 12th-rated Ore1on State Beaven, behind Cbartie Sit\Oll's IS poiota, qioved lnto a Ue at the top of the Pacific 10 Conference with a 64-'8 victory over Wubington State. Tbe Beavers and Washlneton Huskies. both 6.0 in league play, will meet here tooipt. ... Orecoa State, now 13-2 overaU. spwted to a 24-14 balllime lead and held off the Coogan in the second half. Steve Harriel of the Coucars had a game-high 23 points, includinl 19 in the leCODd half. He also bad 10 rebounds. Wubinltoo State, which will play at Ore1on Saturday niabl. dropped to S.2 ln the conference and 11..a overall. Pepperclne M, St. M•ry'a t1 MALIBU -Junior guard Dane Suttle scored 26 points, including eiCbl strai&bt free throws in double overtime. as Pepperdine clipped St. MU")''s 94-91 in a WCAC came. St. Mary's scored the ftnt eipt points of the game, but Pepperdine recovered to lake a 42-311 halftime lead. The GaJes bounced ahead ol Pepperdi.De for much ol the aeeond ball, but free throws Jay BW Sadler and Scott McCollum sent the came Into lta first overtime with the score at a.a. The GaJes had a chance to win. but aopbomore guard Franklin Rhodes miued a J..5.foot jumper ID the waning seconds. The score wu still knotted at 13-83 at the end of the first overtime, but a three-point Soal by McCoUum put the Wavea ahead toala)'. USF IO, Qonuge 15 SAN FRANCISCO -Guard Quintin Dailey scored 18 points and Ken llcAllater. awltcbed from the backcourt to a forward spot, added 17 to pace From Page 81 SUNKIST. • • Sam T\lmer third ln 7.21. ·• with • point.a -all acatnat LM•• ........ ._-.....,. _,.. _.. Nbon.. .. Wit NU..._~·,..._ ISMI. Debbit Brill a native of Canada who also bold• U.S. clUaeaablp recorded a new a .... -----_,_t Tbom .... ..., .,_..., ...... _.Ill .. -,...~ ...... • u WU ,....,..,llllllrY••••lllt..,.._•• ftOd GD anlJ 7 ol JI from tbe _., c--. . . . "'*' • .,.._. llltM"i ..,., American lndo0r beat In the meet'• openlnc •Y•nt, tbe women's bl1b jump. Brlll 11th-ranked San Francisco to an 80-6S victory over Gonzaga. Gonzaga suffered its fU"St WCAC de.feat ol the seaaon, falling to 2-1 in the conference. The Dons improved to 2-1 and are 18-2 for aU games. Dailey, celebratinc bis 21st birthday, scored 12 points in the first half, pactni USF to a 38-21 lead. McAlister 1ot 11 of bis pointa in the second half, when the Dons pulled away to a bl1 lead. The S-5 McAllster started at forward ln place of John Hegwood, who saw limited action because of a apralc>ed ankle. Center Wallace Bryant and freshman forward John Martens did the bulk of the reboundinc for USF. Bryant scored 13 pointa wlUle Marteu bad lS, five over bis previous bigb output aa a collegian. ld•ho 41, Mont•n• Slate 31 "I'm proud of them and I told them to keep their beads up," added Leiib ol bis Chargers. "You have to give Huntington Beach credit for playing a nice game." Nice game or not, Ediaoo athletic director Lyman Clower indicated be wiU protest f'riday nicht's 1ame because there wu no CUP Ca leacue rule) to sipif y the end ol the game. There was some confusion al tbe end ol re1ulatioo because no buner could be beard, but both abots taken at tbe end missed their mark anyway. Chang led the Chargers with 27 point.a. DiBemardo added 15, while Goudge and Jeff Stephens had 11and10, respectively. Rustlers beaten, 75-67 BOZEMAN, Mont. -Phil Hopeoo scored 13 points, nine in the second balf, to help No. 8 Idaho to a 49·38 Big Sky Conference victory over Montana State, as tbe Vandals remained undefeated. Suffering from a slow start. the Golden Wiilt College basketball team could never recover in dropping a 7~ Southern California Conference decision to first-place Cypress. "We started out tight and it hurt us," said Golden West 'Coach Jim Greenfield. "We did come back and bad a good second ball and played bard." Hopson srored the go-abead basket for tbe Vandals with 16:57 left, putting Idaho up 25-24. Hopson also figured in ldabo's burst midway through the second half that aUowed tbe VandaJa to move to a 37-30 lead and the)' were never threatened again. Montana State couJd get no closer than five . points the rest of the game. Cypress, 6--0 in the conference and 14-5 oYerall, won its ninth strai1bt while dropping the RuaUen to 2-4 and 15-6. Four Golden West players reached double fipres, led by Tru.iett Hatton's us. -Cypress was paced by Jud Beardsley, wbo poured in 20. · College basketball JOHNSON &: SON Presents .... Mldllelll•'-._ .. ......... ...,.... ........ 0.... '*9U .. ..... ....... s• "lletOtlleSI. ar...,•c.....-. .,..,.... .. ~ ...... .... ~ ... ,_., ,.. .. c ........... ............ °'91119 ................... •· Mldlllllll • T_. ............... --.................. T.._ ......... lt. "-•"--a ........... K.-... ............. fit. Oii ........ _. Oll ....... Oty .. Xwtsr.O.. y...,.... ........... ..., .... .......... ~ ..,. ,..,... .. v •. c ...... ...... ...._ .. ,.~ YMl•T--0 • $ <*~ .. ---.&..,, .. ~ .... ·~ ·--·~ 0-..-•~ Diiiie•~ tM.L ...... ,.,.._k ............... T_ ........... _ .. ~ C ...... M •. T_M. o...._ .. ....... •• c...... ...... c:........ .. a.It_..., .. ......,., .. ,ir-•w.c...... Ge.~-~ I S.M ......... et~k ..... ~8t~TKtl JecU.ketl-St. N.C.-Wll ........ 8tJ_..._ Y...,...8t1t...i..cky LSUetT- Vl,....lsdlel~•Mle .... • .__... .. Mc ...... $1. Mffc.t .. NW u.MleM .. .................... .,,. ,._,., k .. T-ledt N-0....•tTue-NffY et ltlCIWftMd .... AnwrtcM U. 8t Ullllfl ,.,.,., .. ~ Onw .... ......,.._ Ne• ... US Y ... el S.-Hall li'eM5t.8t"'*"" IWnt Vlrtllftlset It .... ,....,_ ..ttt el """*" Te ....... SI.''*""'' lit. lfrMClt, NY et aeittmor. ....,..~ees,,.,. VenNllll et ....... U ................. ·~ ........ . ., ......... ( ..... Ylll-etc-ttcvt ~=~ O.......et 'lfelrtellll DIC...._ et Merist O-•• 4 ........... 1(1$ 0-...WstM-••• St ...... -. ...... -............ L .... l ..... U.etT--M. ............. "····· ............... Utk• et M. "'*!W'• NFL's Picks Of 'The Week ....... ._.. .. wttlt J• 1• :...~=---=.::::.==--.::: ....... o.e. .. alD tbe defeader ............ c:ttr •.•.•• Tiie Llillln-cleared I feet, 5 lncbel to beU.-r------------_;_ ___ __......_ __ __;.;....__-="'----wu ia-. ,.,.,.. .. _.._......._.._..,. .........._. _.... ~""--_..... . ..,_.,.._.. ••• -to-ut bim otf Jwt 11 ....... , , , .. Og 4 • f/f .. Llillln ...... .-• M IGl t.be ball toaltilt,'' ._ .._._.,_._.., ...,.._ .... 1Usoa explained afterward. =t::..-:;:':"..=== "Be'1jultauct.a1N9tPl81W." dler"Y .._ D • ..... ___. ... "·' T•• L•ll•ra flai1laed ti•• ..,_.._....._ ...... .._-.n.n -'--A .................... ..._. ... ....... _ ..... ttam t.be ............. ,......_., ........ floor • .....,.. to tbe ......... ~ .=..:1 ; :-.. -:.-: .:-..=:' .at .:ift. TM Plata. .... ........., ................ • r .. ...... ,. • tM LM4l'I .. :..:==--:.~":..:'....-: .... ..... ....... ...... Loi .............. • ·= ....... ,.. Aa1•I••' •ar1t• to ta-s.1• ~ ... :n:.-: ...,:.:t: ....... n: •• -~ ...... _,...... • •• ,._,_..,dllil~ ~-.... ....._ tr:."&"..-,:.-.:.. ... ..: ---_ .... .,... . c • _,....... .. Joal lhllldeJ'• oW marls of ...... &HIJn Aabl.ord, rated U.e world'• top woman aprta• IMt , .. , and wltb the fut •,ant daa .. lDdoon to her cnMltt, woa tbelOlal.11. Carol Lewta of tbe Uni..., of a--... ....... of Cart Lewla, woa t.M womn'• Joa1 J1amp wttta • »m effort . Al'llle -cmptund t.be ......... ,ard l'llD wWa ., 1:CM.1 clockial. Jae••'• &mli Atlmito toOi 0.e women•11 - IO-f&rd ....... ta T.TI . , New Parts ,Department Hoare Now Open 8:00 am -l:OO ·pm ~aturdays L INCOLN M '"""='"alllarbar ~ 'COitatl- Orange Coast DAILY PILOl'/Saturday, January 23, 1982 ... Same old story: -CdM at the buz~er Hess hits 10-footer for game-winner as University falls, 45·43, with four ticks left ay &ICllAllD DlJNN ... ..., ....... TMy dld ll a1aln. Down to t.M bu.u•r and a la1t 1hot. Mike Heu made a 10.foot Jump abot wllb four HCoodl remal.nlna ln the 1ame to lead Corona del Mu.~ Jo a u.o Sea View t.eacue batketball victory over vlaltin• Univeralty Friday fti1bt. Tbe 1a.me WU Ued at 43 with S: S3 left in the 1ame, .t.en the Sea Klq1 pulled ott a brilliant 1tall, which luted unUl Heu' winn1nt buket. "The play was deal1ned for Lyncb, but somehow I 1ot the ball and had to·sboot," aald Hesa. "I wasn't Jure how much Ume was left, but I knew that I bad to 1et the shot olf. I'm Just real happy we won thia one." CdM was up, 39·34, movin1 Into the flnal period, but a late Trojan sur1e tied the 1ame al '1 with 5:08 left. After a CdM time out, Chris Lynch bit on a jumper to put the Sea K.iqs abead. The Trojans worked the a>all into Bracf Guess for a layin to tie the game again, before the Sea Kinas went into their stall. Mus~angs pull away Spurt carries Mesa, 65-46 Costa Mesa Higb.'s Mustangs scored 16 straight points after the Irvine Vaqueros bad pulled to. within five point.s at 49-44 in the fourth quarter to keep their playoff hopes alive in the Sea View League basketball flag chase. The Mustangs posted a ~ decision but the final score wasn't as one-sided as..iLappears. "It was a fairly close game au the way to that final quarter ," Costa Mesa Coach Tim Parsel said. "But they started turning the ball over and we began " bit in the fourth quarter with 4: 48 left to ~lay. · "I thought Irvine played very well to that point but we came on stron& in the final five minutes. We have four biggies coming up lo try and make the playoffs, two at home and two on the < road. All we have to do is keep winn.ibg." The Mustangs were led by forward Ken Bardsley with 10 points with John Strayer pulling down 14 rebounds. Jim Pelicbowsltl bad 7 assists lo go with bis 12 points and Jeff Field bad 6 assists. Costa Mesa is now 4.3 in Sea View League play and is looking to a playoff berth with at least a third place finish in the eveftly divided circuit. Elsewhere around the Orange • Coast Friday night: Ml•slon Viejo 72, L•gun• Be.ch 57 Mission Viejo bas laken command of the wild Sputh Coast League after putting Laguna Beach away on the latter's noor. The host Artists jumped to a 12-' marlin in the first quarter, using a tough man·to-man defense, but a switch to a zone in the second period aeemed to be just what Mission Viejo wanted, especially Scott Feldman, who scored half of bis 14 pointa in that period to help the Diablos assume a 29-JI halftime lead. Mission Viejo came out in the third quarter and continued their scoring ways, outdoiDI Laguna Beach by a 22-10 margin despite the fact the Artists returned to man·to-man defense. Neil Riddell of Laguna Beach led all scorers with 26 points, while Bill Beecher led Mission with 19 polnt.s. The win puts Mission Viejo in the driver's seat at 4·1, Laguna Beach in the cellar at 1-4, a~ four others all in a bundle t.rying to catch the rabbit. M•t•r Det 54, Bl•hop Am•t 52 It was a wild finish to the Angelus Leaaue encounter as Matt Beeuwsaert bit a free throw with three seconds remaining to preserve the victory for the Monarchs. Mater Dei was up by four midway through the final period but the host Amat team came roaring back with two baskets to one for Mater Dei to close the gap to two. ~ Jack Cook hit two free throws wi,lb 1: 10 remaining to increase the margin to four but the Lancers c ame back with a wild s hot that connected and closed it to two. After Ron Tarbell bit an 18-foot jumper, Amat came back to score a three-point play and close the gap to one to set the stage fo r Beeuwsaert's closing free throw. Beeuwsaert bad 12 rebounds for the Monarchs and Chris Jackson and Mike Fielder each pulled down Dine. • EITorol7,Saddleb8ck49 The Chargers improved their Sea View record to 2·5 u Brett Trickett led the way with 10 point.s, 14 reboundl and five assists. Trent Fout.a led all scoren with 18 points while Jeff Arnold and Tom Richter added 13 apiece for El Toro. Saddleback kept it close through the fint half, trailing by only five, 31·26, at the intermiaaton, but E l Toro outscored the Roadrunners, 36·23, in the second half. Basketball scores ... UK ... ~,. UCl.AG, ....... M 0....-11.M,W .......... St.• S.C:.I ~ n, CM l.llllWnft .. cs ..... ...,n, uc • ._......,. ~ ...... S-.Clwa61 ",. ..... St.Mrf'•tl U.9fS..Dleet•l ..... S1 us~-.0...-65 Caf.O.... ............. .. ...... .... "· .. o...-u ........_.M.P, ........ St.f't ....... .......... ., ........ ................ ,, Hewelt .. Clllr.-lt. 11 ........ ...-.. . ....... 11 ....... ~11 ... L. ........................ U.111 --,,__ ....................... .. C11 Q ...... .-.. .. 1111 -c......11..-.. ., Jt ........ LA.....,. CtQ .......... ., ..... ._....ccn "" ................. ...... • ;:• 11 -~ .... U•PW ,. &.AY.., .. LA .... 11 ••CM1111ea.t1111 ....... ~ "t'm not s urprised at all o.f bow tou1h nine from the fleJd, includi.na the aame·winner. University ls," Sea Kina Coach Jack .£rrlon aald. The Sea Kin•• 1hol a 10mewbat baplna 41 "They have lost two games In a row, l.n the lut percent rrom the Ooor, and took oa)y three free seconds ol the game. The other one comlna from throw attempts, alnkln1 only one. Estancia." On the other aide of the court, Uftivenlty abot The 12·2 Sea Kinas boaeled their Sea View S8 percenUrom ~ field. League record to 7.0. "Once again it was our guards who did the CdM led from the start, outacortni the Trojans Job," Errion said. "We rely on our outside ahootlno, .. In every quarter but the last. ... "Our key toniaht was the aboot.lna of Lynch, University turnovers proved to be the and lbe team leadership of Hess," said Errion. dlfterence when the Trojana bad a 11·1' lead In the "We don't have one stnile performer that'a/olng second quarter, as the Sea Kiili• converted on six. to dominate, but we have an overall aoun baU CdM scored nine straight points before the interm.lsaion. club. We have won 12 straight, and we're looltin1 Craig Rouse had a good nlabt for University like a 80Ud team." hilting on all five of bis field 1oal attempts, Guess was the hiah scorer in the 1ame as he pouring in a total of 10 points. • 1981 320i's & 528i's .lJST ~:g1~NING ! : I .Roy Carver BMW 1 1540 JAMBOREE RD •• NEWPORT C£NT£8 NEWPORT 8£ACH, CA. 92660 714-640·6'tll4 poured in 19 points for the Trojans. They were "We have a rough schedule ahead or u,a." i uilty of eiahl fouls and turned ·the ball over IS E · aid "M t f th d " lr==========;;::=:;::;:=::::::::::=::::==;:t rraona . os o ourgamesareon eroa . L.M.Boyd ~n;.~rtmhes I , 1.,, ,1.,11 !' mes. The Sea Kings will travel to Irvine Wednesday • Lynch had the hot hand for the Sea Kin11 aa he night before matching up with Coeta Mesa, next ,_:d=r~o~pped!:=:~in::..:18=·~H~e=s~s~d~ro~v~e~f~or:....:.:16~poan:..:::'=ts~,~e~il~b=t~ou~t~of:..:,___:F~r~i~da~y~a=t~Cos===ta~M::.:.e=sa=.-r~---------~---------__11c::=================================l ---------------- FIND YDUR NAME • 2 TICKETS WORTH $30 . I-· l ,1 I.,. • -~ r 4 ...... l • AMAHE• STADH• 0. MOHT Oll.Y SAT. JAIUUY 30 Tidcets Available at: Stadium Box Offloe 10-5 Starting Jan. 26, Convention Center and all Ticketron Outlets 5 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Find your name and address in today's .. classified section. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 Illy Piiat to claim your tickets. Winners each day. so check the classifieds in the . ----------------- -'R . P[YWOOD - ........ HMDW. :'\ -· -... -....._,. - 1x6x6 CEDAR FENCING IUS'f1C. DO& IAllD 30" x 80" x 1-3 /8" POil THI ...Ct•• AaAINST llMtPllCIS! 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"·" .. .,_ ...... t(:I:)i;- -. ' c ·: Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, JanuatY 23, 1812 ON TARGET -Huntin~on Beach's Jim Lane (54 > eyes the basket before casting off during Friday ni g h t 's Sunset ' ...., .......... ca.-.~ League game with Edison, Oilers won a thriller in overtime, 72·71. Plenty to see on TV today On eve of Super Sunday, basketball, hockey on tube By BOWARD L. HANDY Of .. Deity "91 lwt A full day of basketball action plus a Kings game in Denver, awaits television fans today on lbe eve of Super Sunday. It will be Alabama-Birmingham under former UCLA coach Gene Bartow against the fourth-ranked DePaul Blue Demons of Ray Meyer. This one is at 11:30 on Channel 2 wilb Gary Bender and Billy Packer bringing lbe action live. At 12:30, a regional game featuring USC at Stanford will be aired by Channel 4. The UCLA at California batUe is at 8 tonight (Channel 5, live). The Kings and Rockies meet at 2:50 with Channel 9 doing lbe honors. ' Otherwise, there's CBS Sports Saturday featuring a bout between Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini and Ernesto Espana along wilb taped coverage .. of lbe Sunkist track meet held Friday night. There's a lso bowling and Wide World of Sports. Following ar e the top SPorts events on TV today. Ratings are: t t t t excellent; t t ' worth watching; t ./fair; ./forget It . <I . 11:30 e.m., Channel 2 111 COLLEGE B'ASKETBALL Alabama-Birmingham at DePaul. Announcers: Gary Bender and Biiiy Packer. De Paul ClS·l ) is ranked fourth in the AP poll this week while Gene Bartow's Birmingham squad is unranked. Meyer is in his 40th season as a college coach and has his Blue Demons in position for a run at the NCAA title. Junior Terry Cummings (6·9) Is averaging 23 points and 12.2 rebounds a game. Backcourt scoring and leadership Is furnished by Junior guard Skip Dillard with freshman Walter Downing (6·9) also in the picture. Oliver Robinson (6·4) leads the Blazers with a 20.6 scoring average. ~ 12:30 p.m., Channel 4 111 COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC at Stanford. Announcers: Barry Thompkins and Lynn Shackleford. The Trojans are paced by 6·3 g'uard Dwight Ander son wtlo ls averaging more tha-10 points a game. Maurice Williams, an All -Pacifi~lO forward last season, is also averaging in double figures In scoring. USC is in the chase for the conference title while Stanford is near the bottom of the Pac·lO scramble. [-) 12:50 p.m., Ch•n~ 9 11 NHL HOCKEY: Kings at Colorado. Announcers: Bob M iller and Nick Nickson. JANUARY SPECIAL APPROJOMAftLY WESTERN SKYWAYS After scoring three goals In the final period to gain a tie with M innesota Thursday night, the Kings take on Colorado today in an afternoon outing. The Kings have had thelr tr~ble-s this season bu\ ~till maintain an edge over,-le Rockies by seven PQ,lnts. ~ I p.m., Ch•nnel 5 111 COLLEGE BASKETBALL: UCLA at California. AMOUneers: Joe Buttitta. ' The Bruins hope to Improve their standing in the Pacific-10 race with a victory tonight in Berkeley. M ichael Sanders and freshman Stuart Gray lead the Bruin attack while the Bears ar.e led by Mark M c Namara. McNamara Is ei~htn on the NCAA scoring list with a 23.3 average. His field goa l percentage Is best in the nation at 71 .2 and he is fourth In rebounding. OTHER TELEVISION 1 :30 p.m. (.2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini (21·1) is making his second appearance since being KOd by WBC champion Alexis Arguello. He takes on former WBA tltlist Ernesto Espana <33·3) in a scheduled l S·round bout telecast live from Atlantic City, N .J . Also: The Sunkist Invitational track meet, taped Friday night In Los Angeles, and a live report from Pontiac, M ich., site of Sunday's Super Bowl· XVI. Brent Musburger is host. ·3 :30 p.m . (7) -'PRO BOWLING -The finals of the ARC Alameda Open, taped at Alameda earlier In the day with Chris Schenkel and Nelson burton, Jr. reporting. S p.m. (7) -WI OE WORLD OF SPORTS - Gerry Cooney, who f ights Larry Holmes on M arch lS for the heavyweight title, takes on Joe Bugner in a boxing exhibition at Westbury, N.Y. Also: The world women's gymnast ics c hampionships, taped in M oscow. Among the key competi.tors are East German Maxi Gnauckr Russian Olga B icherova and Americans Tracee Tal a vera and Julianne McNamara. RADIO Basketball -USC at Stanford, 12:30 p.m ., KDA Y (1580); UC Irvine at Utah State, 6:30 p.m ., K WV E (108 F M >; Fresno State at Cal State (Fullerton), 7 :30 p.m ., KWRM (1370); Long Beach State at Pacific, 1 :JS p.m ., KLON (88 FM); UCLA at California, 8 p.m ., KMPC (710). Hockey -Kings at Colorado, 12:50 p.m .• KPRZ (1 150 ). .NI C'l .. ftSEftl,. '81XR-7 ON SALE WITil TillS Al> •t158.•3mo. A.I' JL ltUl3 11111\'N PA n 1 E.''T SUSE eo )111:-.'11." PA nlE.'Tli llEF1'.JUCJ!O Pkl('I'. •1M117.HI C'.ASll PRICE MOH.Ill \IN<'Ll1H1..'I. TA.X. UI'. ll l*I 1(1(' ~'El!) •:tftl!M COllLEGE BASKIETBALL UC Irvine . vs. . UTAH STATE ( TONIGHT 7:25 p.m. K-W VE Fl-108 =s,t:~=·~1:e~ ~!!""'!"""'~All ····~· c..,.ny .... uct .... ·"!!!!!!'!~!!!!... ' ViJUngs stagger Hawks Eagles get rich at Tars' expense •.r aou MUNSON ............... Estancia rips Harbor, 58-46 When you•re an Oeean V64w bllb buketball faithful, you expect tbe Seahawks to win. Especially on their home court. But litUe dld they know what. trouble lurked within the vialtint Marina Viklnt basketball s quad. The Seahawlul' main nemesis was Scott Filipek aa he used his paaaini, bis steaU.na. and bis scortnc to totally frustrate Ocean View, 82-80, in a Sunset Lea1ue battle Friday nlebt. "FWpek did an excellent Job,'' said ·the elated Marina Coach Steve Popovich. "He kept controt of our tame. He's the man wbO sets up our fast break." AND OF COUUE there were others, like John Berry, Rick Smith, Andy Kluss man, Gree Chomik, and Mark Tandy. Alooi· with Filipek'• performa nce, m1ttranct-K:luasman-tumed in sparklinc efforts as well. "Marina played outstandiq," said Ocean View Coach Jim Harris. '·Popovich is an excellent coach . He really takes advantage of his players' skills." WithjusU :~ remainine in the game, Oeean View center Jlm U\evitcb hit on a pa!r of free throws to knot the score at 58. AFTE& A VUDNG FOUL the Seahawks couldn't connect on a one-and-one coming ou~ it with a jump ball. Ocean iew won lhe jump, and had t ball in its possession. Wut the 5eahawlfs handed the ball back to Marina wilb an offensive foul . And wilb only 22 seconds le ft, Filipek fed Klussman underneath to· take the lead for good, 62·58. Aa the Seabawks worked the ball around for their shot, Filipek stole it and was immediately fouled. Filipek sank two free-throws· ttltb ~ight seconds left, and the Vikings watched as Ocean View scored the final basket as the buzzer sounded. "Our rans are too awesome to have our team get embarrassed like that," said Harris. "I'm not taking anything away from Marin a , but we weren 't e m otiona lly r eady for this game." OCEAN VIEW ENTERED the second half down by eight, but soared back by outscoring Marina, 13·2. to lead. 35-32. fl~.=f.!WUGN Buttel as • abootout, it WU I blowout. Estancia Hleh • s Eat lea swarmed all over Newport Harbor's host Sailors Prlday nleht eo route to a Sl-4S Sea View Leaeue basketball decialoo, ln a C911te.t that was decided so early, you bad to wonder if the ri1ht teams sbowed up. It waa 20-5 with f : 21 left in the half u the Sailors completely died in every cateeory, white the Eagles took advantaee of every mistake, every opportunity. Never were lbe Sailors within range (lfl\less you think 2·2 is a eame) u the Eagles continued a ea me off ·Corona del Mar's pace ln the championship race, while the Sailors fe ll two games behind. "The (irst quarter was our best eight minutes or the year," said Estanc ia Coach Larry Sunderman, aUudine to a 12·2 spurt, which was ignited by the ball-hawking of J eff Gardner and pin-point shooting by Brian Midland, Gardner, Randy Tift, Steve Kraiss and Chris Maydole. T hat's right -all five starters s hared in lbe scoring and shared in game-lone honors as the Eagles simply dismantled the taller Sailors in ev e ry :1epartment -including rebounding against a 6-7, 6·7 !root. Seven first quarter turnovers and-a l ·Tor-9 perfOrmance Troin the floor helped bury Newport and by halftime the Sailors were shooting an anemic 20 percent (4·for·20) as Estancia muscled its way to a 26·10 lead. ·'I thought the press at the start set the whole tempo ol the game," said Sunderman. "This was a matter of erasing Wednesday <the Eagles' 40-35 loss to Corona del Mar) and banging loose, not getting tight, getting the press going and running." ft was an embarrassing performance by lbe Sailors in Coach Jerry DeBusk's view, as Estancia ran the margin up to 20 on three occasions in lbe final period before pulling the starters and setUing for the final 12-point margin. "I said all along that one ol our weaknesses is lbe fact we didn't handle lbe press very well early In the season ," s a id De Busk. •'Tonight we reverted back and broke down. • • J put in a special preu au.a.A .for Wt pme mid It ml1bt have bea a mlltUe. We didn't work on lt that kma C8Dd lt showed). "A lot ol pec>pa. 11y they <the EaCMI) are only .. 2. 1·1, .. s ... but they aren't atuld to eet inslde and mix thine• up. Kraial jwsl moves people out." M idtand was Estancia'• leadine rebounder with 1S boards and Gardner completed the rout with nine assists. Tift led lbe winnen with 14 points while Gardner and Maydole added a doien count.en in a rame ln which Estancia bit 21 o 39 from the field (53.1 percent) and 16 of 19 at the line (84.2 percent). The Sailors finished at JI percent from lbe field UI ol 58) on a oitht when only Joe Seaaer (14 point$) came anywhere near his Potential. "We looked frustrated and we played frustrated," said OeBusk. "I told the team before the eame I wanted a eood floor game, to handle lbe press and to play well al home. We didn't do any of three.'' As for a eame's turning snot, it may have begal) before the Eagles even arrived. It was a carefree trip to Newport Harbor, the warmups were lOOH and happy and as the game progressed, well, it was just a laugher for lbe Eagles. For instance, Sunderman decided a four-corners game was in order wilb four Ininuta ren and a «·30 cushion. but before he could really get it installed the Eagles had clicked on a bucket by Tift, a steal and layup by Maydole and another layup by Tift off a missed Newport shot and it was s0·30. Washington • • s1l8 1t out At 7:45 p.m . Friday night, Jeff Washineton did somethinl be had wailed all year to do. Tbe 5·11 guard, with lbe blessine of a Superior Court judge, made bis first appearance as a member of the Edison High Chargers' basketball team. After months of bassets in the courtroom, Washington suited ' up -although be didn't play - in lbe Cbareers' 72·71 overtime loss to Huntington Beach. W ashinaton had been ruled ineligible because he formerly resided In the. Huntington Buch school district. But the Vikings were not to be denied. as lbey countered by scoring the next five points, and taking the lead. Ocean View would not take the lead again. "We wanted to keep the same tempo as we had in lbe fll'St half," said Popovich. "We didn't want to change it." Barons enjoy an easy victory Usevitch led all scorers with 17 points , but Filipek a nd Klussman had 16 apiece while Smith had 15. The Vikings shot 70 percent from lhe floor, while the Seahawks shot 50 percent. But Ocean View couldn't hit on its free throws as it managed. only 10of22 (46 percent>. So, wilh the combination of Huntington Beach's stunning upset over Edison, it's a jungle -Ocean View, Marina and Fountain Valley are a game off the title pace. Fountain Valley Hi gh rebounded from Wednesday's 55·53 loss to Ocean View by routing Westminster , 18·43, Friday night in the Lions' gym. Baron Coach Dave Brown was able to clear his bench early as Fountain Valley got out to a 32·18 halftime lead. By the start or the fourth quarter, lbe Lions were trAiling by 21, 48-27. Fountain Valley guard Jeff Hughes made a relatively brief appearence but stiU collected 16 points, hitting on eight or 16 s hots from the field. Rob Whitehair was the only other SOUTHERN CAUPO&NIA Seo• clepda/lacka CeedMJou Mountain High Holiday Hill Mt. Baldy Kratka Ridge Mt. Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine Green Valley 11-24 pow/pp 18-24 pow /pp 24-36 pow/pp « pow/pp 24·36 pow /pp 30-36 pow /pp 62 pow/pp 36...s pow/pp 24·36 pow /pp CENTRAL CAUFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain China Peak Dodge Ridge 70-90 pow /pp 138 pow/pp 72-97 pow /pp 72·98 . pow/pp NORTHERN CAUJ'O&NIA l.Jfta/d1aln 6L 6L (L· ro FO FO FO 2L FO FO 3L,19C 3L ro Ml. Reba 96-156 pow/pp 6L Kirkwood 144-MO pow /pp FO Sierra Ski Ranch 123 pow/pp FO Heavenly Valley 103 pow/pp FO Northstar" 80-131 pow/pp FO Donner Ski Ranch 120-144 pow/pp IC Alpine. Meadows 180-271 pow /VP UC '°real . 151-1112 pow /pp FO Homewood Ski Area '18-152 , pow/pp 3C Conditions: hp -bardpack; pp -packed powder; pow - powder. Ufta/cbain: L -Uftl; C -cbain; FO -tull.,,..-. Baron scorer to finish in double figures with 11 points. John Eckweiler had just two points but led Fountain Valley with eieht rebounds while Ken Harter helped out in lbe scoring department with eight. W esttnins ter. now 0·4 in Sunset League play, got 11 points from Don Petka while Eddie Nunes had eight and Jeff Eastin added 7. Fountain Valley improved its league mark to 2·2, right back in the thick of the Sunset race thanks to Friday nitht's upsets. ------- OUTSTANDING VALUES! w.11 ltlJYW a...r .,_ .. SID.AH a,.. economy -with this oner Fully eQlipped inchlding a 4 .,..S tranamiuion. tinted glaH, radial ti,.. and rmrel (Stk. 3077) (01813). SALIPltlCI 55999 SCIROCCO Co upe. 5 speed tranamlulon, mecalllc paint, rear window 1 wlper/waaher. alloy ..,.........,~ and morel -3235) I ~17CU Nrel•' '$ MIW ltu YW IAlm COWllllN I 2 Door. MWM alaf'eO. • metattto pelnt. aporta ==~= j {ltll. -.OHDC1!1119J Ult Nl9 lttf .1161 . I -ma"''·"· 59t9 . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 .. Super &owl ottenalve record• N9A WUT11•COM•a•a1Ka ...., ........ . " ....... • II ,711 11 II ... I U It All M 1117.WM II ,. .m I II • .-11\l't ................. ,. .. ,., - 11 • .Sii • tt 11 .as 1Yt U » ... IM IJ ... UI It • •• IS aMTa•• COllPa•atKa ..... A ............ . ,. ................ ............. N-Yerti H-J~ • 11 ,. " " 11 11 D Mllw.,118' AtleMa ~~ . ...._ Cllk ... Detrelt c ......... 11 fl " . It D 11 n 11 as , . .......-.1c.- L.-.. ll:l, o.tnil "' S..ttl9 Ill. ....... -IM .... llS,A-111 ............. 111.1....._ 115 W .......... 111,~t7 CMc ... -~,., H ..... 1 .. UWIUt Mii•-• 111. 0..-IU .......... ,_.,. . ., T ...... a._ S..ttl9M,.......llltlle A ......... c ......... Okellt ...... y_ ........ s.. ..... UtelletDellea o.wr .......... -~ .. It-City Oetf'llltM,._,,.a "-..., .. s.. OletiD Mnw-..eto-.. Mett ,. - ·"' 1 .'11 "" .as 11 .as u ..,, -·"· . ... "" .as,. .... .11' ""' ) UUn , .. fit.ton.111 DaTllOIT -H!Mwe It, T"-«118 l, 9-M. LARt It, n.-H, Tytw s. Meb9111 J, 1.M • • ...,..., 6. V. ,,.._, II, J'*INL T ..... : Sl•M Ill. L.OS ,._.LSI -....... t, .,._ 11, ~.J--It, E. ,._ •• Hi-n. c..,. ... .,...., •. ~ 1, MccMe .. L.-.... ... 1, Melt-t. Tetela: •Z>• 1a · le_.., ........ Det'91t " •• JJ-111 l•~ • M JI D -111 T~ ..... --.Fwlelll..e - -· TAii ....... Ottrolt 11. Lee~ n. A•l4,tsJ. COUEGE loCel Cot. 13, C.t LutMran 11 CALl,_..A LUntalUUl-LMew tt, ..._. "· OllllMll "· l(lllsa "· ........ ....... '·..,,., "· T-: It 1•11 ... leCAL.CIDU.aH-~fl,~ .... CerMft IJ, ~ 6, •eclle I, Cerll l, H~t.•..-n1f. T-: l71•U1J. Helft .... : See.el~. 17.& Tete l 1 ... 11: Cel L11tller8ft It, ~I Colle .. 11; F ... l•e .. ,, OMwoll IC•I L11t...,e11I; Te<llftlc:el i.ut: Lerna le.al L _ _,,, CC>lmUNfTY CC>UiGE Cnnea 11, Golden W.et 11 c'fl>••n -... , .... , 11. s... 1 • Lll ... _fill t , _.... 11, Welts U, 9""'9 11. '-INle •.Mc'-S. T-...: It IMI n. eoLH .... IT -_. M, Da¥la 1•, 9-tfl 11, JaceM 0, ltl"9 II. MylH l, ~I. E--.t4. T-: •MU7. Heffllnw: c.,.._, G•. T-1 fwlS: C.,..,_ lt.,GaN9ft Wost D ; Fw ... ..e: It ... I~ Wottl ; ToclWllcal: ...........,ccw--1. Soulttern Cel Conference u..-o-811 W L W L c.,..... • • ,. ' SalllaMlftc.e ' 1 1S 1 LA~ • J It t ... ...,.. s 1 n • l altL91""""8 3 J 11 It ~--J • ,. 1 L• ....... CC I S 1 11 LAH..-I • • U T-..ity'10.-C1:•1 ~Wllltet L•~CC LAH..-etC.,..._ S..UMMka.tLA~ laM '--,.,,..... .. lllo 14- HtGHSCHOOL E.e.nda 51, Hatbof 41 etTAMOA -ICr.._ 6, ~ IJ, Tift 14, May .. 11, Mlctleftll •• l'lftCkMJ J, J ........ t, Mcc.Hll •• ~-· •• ,.._ •. Sma11c....-t , 11_1.,., I . S.111•1'9 I. T ..... :n~ .... ••• ,..,. MA•Ntl -... 1 •• ~ 14, Lill« •. Sc.,_• • . ........., • ........ $, ~·.~1.9r..-tJ.T-: tt•IO ... Sc-...,.....,. E-..clo 12 14 1J .....,. ,........__ t 1121- T-• ....,., 1.--1a 17, H.._t H..-r 11. Cdll 46, Umenttv 43 U .. IYa•TY -OW. 1f , ._ It, .......... 11,lc11Mft71 •D• ... -, .. ,.... "· cu::_:1 .,..., ... ,. ....... ,. ....... I, ........... T.._: "1NU1. MV•n-e,,_ NACM -11191 ......... 11, '--te, ,....._ ... ·-...... .. S...ya 1, Miiii i. T ..... I tl _.., 11, ............. ••IMfl ti 11 .. u ._,. HwlllRtlllll a-:11 ti • ti ti .-n TtUI ...... : ...... IL Hllllth111 ._II ,DJ , ..... wt: '--111•111 ... , 8Ndlll TtC1111lcal11 ~ 11411 .... 1. •••-Mft<ll. '"'· v•r M. .-• ...., .... , 41 • •OU•TAI• YAL.La'Y-HOtl•r I . .........., II. V,..__ •• .._... 16, It ... •· .._.. I. Jellll lct1..i..,. I, Jae ... •, .._WI I, lw\ •.JIM 1.cll-"9f •. T ..... JI .. u ... WalTll&IMtT•a-NllllH I, Petet J. EotUll 7. "'4U II, .,._ 6, Mke&al L T ..... ,,....,,.,. ............ , ......... v..... " 11 ... -41 "'""".... . ' . " __., Total le11ls: fOlllllOlll Vetloy U . w .. 1m~u; ... .., Det 14, ....... Atut 52 MAT•• D .. -CMll •. TarMll t , Jae:--• • ...,_,, •. ,...., ,I, J ..... '· ~ •• M90lllW •• ..._.. •• T ..... : IH•JtW. 811Mff AMAT -FllNr 9, All•11 I, ..... o u •• T-• "· 0.1 ......... It, w..,_e,......,.1. ,_, 111 .. nu. ._...,......,. Maler Del ll U IS lhW ...... ...... 12 u 11 141-St Tetal ...... , ~Ott 11. ll-~M; eUITI e11f: Alien c •••llop Amell, Dole ..... lo Cll._ Amati; Toc:llftkel ...,., Dale .. lllltlo( ..... A.-t) HIGH ICHOOL ITANOtNGS lea View Le..,_ '-'-..... • L C:..-dllt MM 1 I EMal'ICle 6 I ......,,__ s 2 C:.UMtM • J Ulll"""1 J • EIT-t S 1,,,.... 1 • Sed .. 1'1tt • 1 ··--•'s9-11:•1 ......, ......... ~­c-"4 MM et .,,,.,,. u111--. .. c-.-11T-111..--1e lwtMtle9t:.- • L H--.....lotcl\ J 1 Ee._ J 1 Maf'IM t I , ........ v..... I l ~VIN ~ J W..tM1-•• WI &i't9-CJ:• .. .--v...., ....... 0c-vi..••' 1 ..... ...... ........ .... COMll ........ W L 1J 2 ,. J ... ' 1 • • , 11 1 " I IJ o-811 . " • • .. , ,. 7 1l 7 11 1 I q L.--•L WL MIMloll VIOte 4 1 tt t ~r-Vll..., I I 11 1 OtMHlll I J 11 • L.......... t I M • s...c......... , , ... Uf11M8oM" ' • • • • , .. ._CJ:_ L..-...,_ .. IMOIMillll9 MlulollVlojOMCIJI 1 -.V ..... L......-Hlltlet0..H1- ..... Le ... u..-• L J • 2 2 s.Nltt Mal•Oei ....... -.................. 44. St. ,.8111 1 t 1 2 I 2 • a, .• ._ ....... -•• St. ...... 19,,,11e ...... ,.., .. ..,,_' 0-.- • L II 7 11 1 • 1 u 1 • 10 HtGH SCHOOL WOMEN NeWDOf1 CN ..... Avalon 33 AYALOfl -O. SllMlle II, ........ 16, C. 0..._1, ..... J. T ..... : ISMll. ..IW..oltT CIMUITIU -.. ftleN<_, I, Ma .... U, ......... fl, H-k lleilll I, AlldffWft 2, v .. ._.,. 2, YMr1ty 7. TttM: ... IS ... tc.w.., 0-ftln ........ 10 • ,, •-» ~ OWltltlan 1 16 11 ._.. T...e ...... , A ....... IS, ......... Owlltlall t; Mor ... ,,. ....... ,, -:..c:v=. .... -<• ........... _ ....................... G•r'H ..... t ,.,.,,.,._ J-yMlllor 1111 •0llR nMC* t.0..,.E~ l·L-,.T--...... c.-- 1·•111 Kr...,, l·T_ ...... _ 1·0.llHOI...,_ l·lt•Mll, ..... l·Ttn'J_,, 1·511•• ...... l·Tomlt ... 1-MIMOeMW l·'ar....afHler 1-¥111• Morley l·WryP.- l·Jacll FWON •·••rt~ Gi..yGllbWI A ... yN- 9 rvctL..UU PNIHOftCOCk D .A. Woillttnt S<etl Hedi Jool11- Jac:11•- Mlllora.- si. ... Stway Mlh WllvOfl LME1- ••• Calotwtll R•Y eon 8111Caltao ..... ,,_ ............. POlllAI~ .JaffMlkllell _....,NkNlt J ............ , c ... rSalMIG ,........,o,_, t·• ... rMal..io l·H-ro 91an<M 1·961C!Alllfl l·W•JMLowl 1-011-.... l·Pttor JKOtllltfl l·O.lo~ t~ .. Arctwr l·JotOUlll ......... llooll« 1 • ....., W .. IM ........ , o..twtMlt l·EdS- 1·11110_...... l·lvl<ll ..... l·J.C. SnMd 1-Mat1l O'MMr• 1-MlllON~ ..... tMco-M l-l.-~ .............. JIM • ..,_. One.._.. .. ~,­IMdLP.-. T_,V......_ ... ,_ MPlwt L..-T--. ...,....,.. .,_,..,..._ 0......., ~--­LYllU. ........... T _ _,.... c:.wM ...... O..LMM9r ............ ·~~ t·A.._...._ MMrtll .. ........ ,...., l·'ikw ......... t.earrtJ_... •. v-. ........ .. .....,,........ l·S.....--- t·Jlffl ..... 1.0. ... 9arY Ed Oeutfwt1Y •< ......... p&ey T __ ,. SA8Maeters JJ.U-70 U ·U -70 »·•-1' ,,.J:l -1't ,...,.. _,. ,..,._,. JHS-10 ,..,.._,. Ji-M-19 ,._,.._,o ,..,. _70' J~-"' 11·»-70 ,..,, _" lWS -" ,..,,, _71 JS-»-'1 ,..,,7 -11 ,..,,, -11 Js..M-11 J,..,. -" 17..,.. _" iws-'1 ,..,,_71 M->S -11 ,..,._71 •»-11 U:JJ -11 Js-i.-11 ,,..,.. _,. 17.,.. -11 ,,.,.. _" 11·M -71 JS-»-71 IWl-11 U:J,_,, •1'-n JJ..JT-11 ,...,._ ,2 '1·»-n ,..,._72 •»-12 J1.,JS -11 11-15-12 ,..._,, ,..,._,, ..,.._,, ,..._n JW7-'2 ,,.,,. -,, ,..,._,, u-•-12 ,..,,_ ,, ,~_,, ».n-n u.a-PJ u ... -n U-41-71 11·•-n ua-n ,,..,._,, u-Jt-n ».J7-1J ,..,._,, Ka-11 ,,,._n 11 ... -n ,,,._n ---n 11.--n 11.--n »#r 11 ,,,._,, .,._,, »#-11 .,..,,_,. -..-1• ,..._,. ----1• .,._,. ,..._7. ,...._,. ,..._,. -..-1• ,..._7. »a-7• ,,..,, _ ,. u.Jt-U J141-1• ,,..,, _, . ,..,._" ...,,_JS JMl -1S ,..._,, J6.J7 -7S , .. ~ .......... , ~-.... ~ Mtrll McN11lly, "·201; Oenlt W•lllOft, ... 2°'; H"911 ealoc<JM, '7·207; O.vkl ()wrlfl, n·Jtt. NHL CMill"99U. c:mtrm••.llC• """~ -~ .. Pk n11 •m•., M,.,.. •. SiMllfl t;, llelclHfo I. T ..... :.:..' ..;.11;__ ____ _ .... .,_ ---,- COllOMA NL MMI -Lywocl\ tt, -'-0 .... I a. v~ >. ,..1.,_ •. T"'8K:2214d. £ ........... c....,., ___ '.It_ K .... Cller ... 1t • " "' "' a .. ,. .. ,.,, .. _ fl •••• D6 ,.. ._...,..,..,. Ulllwnlty 11 II 12 t-0 C.-"4MM 12 U 1• ...._. , .......... , Ulllwnlty •• c:..-... ,..,, It; F ...... llllt: -; Ttcllllk•: OW. (Ulll__...,). eo... ..... 11, lmne 41 lltYI•• -cerwr ll, ..._., 8.-kll 1. ....... -.. •• ~•. U.-y .. T ..... : ... 11 .. COITAMUA-......., ...... ~I II. • ........_. "-9tr•,... It, J . , .... 4. E.._, J, G. F•t. MtllMO, l'-IOllNll o. Teui.: M17·25'5. ._..., ........ .,,,.,. .. 17 ......... C-te MelO 11 It 12 17-46 T•l Nwh: IMM 11, c.ia-H. El Toro 11, ledclebec* 41 eL ~ IAwll S, lftllt!Wt 6, ........ II, Ttlclletl It, A ..... U, •tcll'9t II, ....... .....,..1. T .... MIWl61. IADOIJIUCS-~ I, c..,. M. McAlllaltf tt, wet-a. O.ll'Yl..t a. .......... -.uw .. ...._ .. .._ l ,MCK•l.T ....... ., ... ._...., ....... •• ,_ • 1t 11 w n _., I 11•1 .. tll '* t• 1t 11 -4t , ......... :l!IT-n.~1111. PhDenbl Open HArry-... ·~ ........... , .... e ....... T-~ I.Jim~ t<lllCM~1 oewWGf ..... ................. a-.eew.. larr)'H...-1 0... ...... t·L--~ ,.,..,...~ •<"""'" ..... t<r•l9 Stmllof' l·JtYH- L.,Mlo._ -..o1141W JIM~ O...J_., Jim Oellt "'""°" 1t ... o,_ Mlll•ltt6e c..,.. ..... Tiii! ....... JtMJ-:::.. 041!Y Tr ,, ... _., J1..Jt-'5 ,.,,_ .. ,,.,,_ .. 14-»-'1 14-»-'1 U.M -61 ....,,_., as-u -.. M-M -• u.as -• .,,_ .. ~-.. IW.-M ,,..,._ .. u....-.. ,..,,_ .. ~-· iw.-.. ~-.. JW.-M ,...._,. ,,..._,. IWl-1't ...,._,. ,...,_,. ».at-It ,...,._,. Ml__.. Sl.L .... a .......... Clll< ... T_...... .,..,.... 11 ,, 7 •• 117 t1 .............. 1t •• u I.. 161 " U II • 111 lft • " ti .. -11• • 11 t1 • -t11 • Ut11t .. t1JO .... ,.. -. WAUICOll ..... Mem ~---l'NIPN4t1M1•••"1J1"''tlla• • .. t 111 161 • NY ........ • II • lt1 151 • NY •....-n ti " 6 161 UI • ,.'"*""' It • 1 "' "7 a ·~ 11 " 1 ... ,.. ,, .............. • 11 • "' 10 .. 1714 .... ,... u " 12 -1• • " " ' m "' • fl:N1t"1•• ......... ...... 8""81e S, GuR9C I Wl ........ ,,CHc:_.S 11.........,4,V--I T ...... ,._ ....... c.aewMI .................... HIW199N et .,..,... .......... o.mc ~-......... ..y ........ y,......,.. ....... ,, .... ........... (Mc ..... ...... ,.,... .. kLMlll ......... ~~~~~~~--. ---w--.. -..... Dllll ,._ rea•tlltl•------- ~ .:,:;;._. SUNKllT TRACK IMLA ..... Alwal HlltlecMot 6'-1. Doi•-<••-...>. •.»; J. Ma1111l11t CHOfftllt ... I. 6.M; J. Wllllllto , ..... C:.WWOI. .... oe.r.: •. .,_ COCOOfl VINI, ..... ,._1, E"*Y ,,.........,. Valley), ff.S; 2. eo10 coar-•>. St.a ; J . "-••d IL9 ...,,1,1:a4. •-lfl'91 """' I 0-.. 1c.-1, l:SJ.t (Melt~); J.0-111-• Mota, AIU.I, l:S1.•; J. Ealot'H E_.. JEI M•••n•>. l :SP.7. 01110,.: s. Morion , • ...,,.._,, l:Al. ••'-4 mllo-1. -wk k IUlllllOrlll"t, 1,,,IM>, •:It.I; t. ...._!Saft Llllt ~!: •1U .•; J. ~ Ill ~ llMll. •:t7.J. ~= 4. ..._. cc..u -1. •:&t; s. o.HMMz (Huftt ........ ~II), 4:•.I; 1t. McMHW C-Otll,•:JS.•·· ltffM mll-1. G••-CCertJl11torlel. •:1'.7; t. ~CF-"' Valley), •:D.I; J. WlllOM9 (l'aoelllffl, •:22.J. ••tM 1·1'1111•-1. v .... , teront•-1. t :lt.S; 1. 0rUa (9er-I, t :SU; J, DMl ILA _....., , ... , .... oe.r.: 9;-,.._ fMltei Doll, t :0 .6. t :l .. 6. Otflwt: 6. Erkll-1F-.in v .... ,1.t :a 1. .... H-1. 1(-IMillton VlolOI. 7,S7, J. .,_,, , ...... ,.,,,..,, 1:S1; J . ...,, (St. Mary'11,uo. ... .....,-1 ........... 1:061, I. Mui< 11'...-WI, 1 :OL.J; J. Gar-, 1:01.J. Mlle .... y-1. H-. J:lt.I; 2. SelAll Gale, J:lt.J; J. MtnMI Arts, J:lt.I. ~: •. c-ta -· >: n .t. lal .. r•ley-1. Mo11r•vla, I: U .O; 1. Mllllll .... 2:11.2; J. L8 Poly, 2: 11.J. 2·mllo roley-1 ............ t :I0.7; 1. A~Mla.1:11.t; J. Arr..,., l :lt.6. l'V-f. Fr•y ICl9vK), 1W; 1. H..,-CS1Jarll1, Ntv.1. , ... : J. earroll (Wott C...,Kl,164. U -1. Ftatlor IS.. l'•Mt<'-Ml ...... I, ~; 2. a.-I~. Arlt.I, U.V.; J. Y-.e CLA LO<UI. n ....... freftCIKO MhMalll, tMlll'; J. Hall ll"alm ~I. •I HJ-I.~ I._, 591 l'rOllCIKOI, 1 ... I. ,,...... ISalU ,.,.. ValloJI. 64, 1. -..i119 CC-tlla),M . Nt ... ICNOOl. WOM« .. llt-1. McG<'-IGaftftllal, l :•.t ; t. AtMN (Lacul, l.&2; J. llall COotwyl, 1:•.•· ..._,, s.Htt ILl.,.rmaro>. 1: 11.7, 1. .......... (1 ....... 1. J: ... 1; .. Y...- IPn ........ S.. .-1. t :'9.I . ~: •· ,.rett ti.et-I. 2:21.1; 1. Kelly IC.ta .... 1.1:25.A. ...... ,,..._,,~ILA,. .. ..._.,, S:l1.J ; I. Wallller (LA C"8tw1wort111. S:IJ.t ; J.,..... I-Do41, S:a1.~· 1 DeVltll (~I. S·"·>· laffff mll•-1. S. .. I CLl"r"'•ro) • •:M.I ; 2. ,.l_r 1u111.,.n11y, lnlM). •:M.*; J. 9errln IU11l110rslty, l,,,IM), .,,..J. ...... -1. Olr'Wy, 1:11.1; J. H-. l:U.I; J.Mlllr, I'-. l:H.l. Ml .. ,_'f-1, --.i Arts, ).51.J; J V....._, Sall '*"9. •:A l ; J. ~. ,:1$.1. 2·Mllo ,.l•J-1, Ulllft"llY 11,,,IMI, t :O_.; 1. Tllllift, t:U.J. J. -· Al'ta, t :'6.t. °"*"' s. lnrlM, •:•.>; 1. ,_. va11..,,1t:ao. Men'aSoccef MIOMKNOCK. ........ N-1,u.tuonltyl H••-' H..tilw K•lne· ~uu. I CMlll, ....... , CdMKOr1"9: McCt......_t. EtlOMlaKori119: v_. I. laftlaAntta "lllDAY'S ••IULT'I Ct1tltl"'4"-l'I ...... , •1a1TaM:•.•..-.. Maf11wtCIM1¥ CMc .. •reu9h UO 20M ,. ... Pnetltdloll tT-1 tUI ... ~~C~l ITAi AIM racM: llllN ., TWiii, 5flat-. .. o.te, ,...,... ..__.,., ..... Fellt, ~ W.lt, ~ ICkl, ~-. l!eyat Acll Acll . Time: 1:122/S. MCOMO llACa. • ""1ollel. ,.._,ow e~ ... , 1a.• •·• ._.. T.,.,...,.., <s.ltltl •·• s.• O...'• Dtllcer 191aclll UI Alto rac:M: s-t H F ... t. Oltlo ··-· S-. 10 .....,_, Att.9 ..., ....... , trtlMc •..-nt. lleet ""-"· •.ut f'aco, OOM1"9 c-a . "-' 1:11 l/S. N DAIL. Y DOUeL.• 15-t) pale IM.Jt. TMl•D 1UCL •'h ........ Hat Tracu 10-WI U.• n .tt tAO E•'1 l)yMlty C"-I IUO 7 •• Ha11o ... _........., c-.1 •A AIM ttctd: ... , .... Jot, Ttll 00fl, ............ ,.,_.._,Sa .......... ltlfl9 LKI. F.....i c-1, ... Yet<-. Tl-: t:•llS. fllOUane 1tacm. o... m11o. out ....... OeoMI COlall ... .... UI M1MltfSwll'Sl.._..,I 11A S.• c..twe .. S.WM to.i.Mil•a.,.I l.• Al .. rO<ff: c...-.111 Tllffy, 0... loMI ... -. AWN Mr-.r. ·~ Jae* L,. Salt et flral. 00-Slll\Oll et Se .... fllll ..... llnll llut .,._....,.. .......... •<Olld. T!Mt: 1:•1.1. 1'1PTM llACa. 6 IW'...,.._ l'trl«t~ lc:;wtra l 1UI 1 ....... Ctteft Clerll IC.C_..I 1 M $M Lal ti c l"tftCey) ... Alto racM: i...ri.-, "811ml't ·-· ~ UllMwotclle, ~sN.,...., E-. Tl .... : l:IJ.0. N • XACTA IMI ,.._. .,.,. •• llXTM llACa.1 lwlanp, 0. La Gwna ($ftOHNUrl UO l .20 1.- SNfttlfl l..,,_I >.• UI Foreot1all,...,, C'1ncey) IM AIM rKM: E11woy• lntr._, Oly,...ic CMI, Floo4 Eric, 8arrlc.-. 111 Ille 111'9, Torcolre 111-. °"""'II· Plcnk Stor, l!Mncl\ Alloy. Time: l:U •/S. l•VllMTM llACE. I I'll mllo$- Gra11Je ~ tOllv.,...I 16.20 •M 4,a Cy fl C8111Clll l• .. 11.Jt OH·O.llgMadly IC-._...) tM OH·LHllcltMM IMcH ..... ) I M OH-0...--tlw ... rd. AIM ractd: J-•a L.ad'y. ~. La PrlllCUM, J11llonM, Leny Sue. Hell to eotclMU. 00-CY Fl ~Ill ... Ofld ~­ IK ..... Tim.-: l :SU/S. N eXACTA 1 .. 11 .,..., 112' .oo. N PICK MX l .. M ·MMI ..... IUllA wlll\ JS elMifll lk• .. 1 tffwo IW'aotl. U l'ICll S1•c........,.pa1eW1A1•111\SM•......,.. tlO.•" Cllwt llonnl. ti "1cll Sia tcrM<ll cOMOlalloll palcl SMM wllfl I wl1111l119 lkub Ill"" llof-. -ter .. cM. I ION'" llACE. 6'h 1.,.1-. Don't J.,..., (Llpllam) UI J.20 UI Vllel FOtCO Co.I_.,.) t ... JM Flltm .... GalM CH-I LOO Alto rec.tel: o.1""1••. Terr ... 10·1 POL.U, EllOle Ga'f. Tlll'lo : 1:112/S. U I XACTA IM I POlcl Jtt 50. Nl•TM •AC.a. I 111' mli.t.. H--. ~ IC...ru) 10... s... J.20 Item T-C~I t .00 s.• Prodlt '-toin.an.1 UO AllO •KOCI: AUll ... da. Allfllot L.81'11, Dolonaa C-1. Senor P•Joro, Sl"PY A ... lret, FMY Qlllllo. Time: 1:0.0. U EX.ACTA IM I jlOlcl '"'-'° Attolldanco -lt,162. Hol,.ood Part! f'RIDAY'l RllULT'I , ........... --..... , f't .. T llAC •• OM mllo NU . • ....._ IKtvlnt l JJ ... llM 1M MlllllWr IT...iarl I .a UI 5-fy Hill' IT ... Ill It.JI Alto rectd: QllM• 14111, Darn •-· • .., •• MtJMI, Bye A-J. Tit.. lrllll, ....... Mya..,., • St....-,-_ Tl-:J:ll. teCOMD llACa. OM mllo pee:•. .......,~CMreer 11Mac11,,....1 n.a11.• ,.,,. Wl .. ~tT--111 ISM 9.11 A ......... .......,.., 1""91111 UI Alie rtcff~ Tiit'•• ,..._.,., Sll.,.r's SllptJOr. ca.tot-. H• .. Y kMl. Nllt\t Gritty,~ .... Flylftt T .. , •. TJ .... : 2:11 1/S. U DAILY DOUM.l IJ.11...,._Jltt.a. TMtaO RACtl. OM l'llllo pee:• • SIMCllOCllC ..... I JO .• lt 11 •• 1A _., •• ~,I(-) i.• 2M T ..... Qlllll IMolorl J.a Alto racM: CNof Ed, J-.,,.,_. Stfl98 pa..e, ....,_, 11-lfle H-, ................ o.osc.. Tl-:1:••11. 11allACTA11-41 .... $!It.PO . .OU•'" llAC•. OM mllo lrot. -.__, ,~, 10 ... , .. 111 ClllofOll'fA C~I 11.• .... S-1 Naftlo Lw CA<Urmalll UI Al• rllCOll: Game Felly, ...... ,., -· IC11le ~Jwf. T-' .. S4ar. Flotfl SW... Tl,...: l :•JJS f'lf'T• ltACa. 0... mllo tMK• AMYi uwt (Gall4ar191 JS to lt.• •M '"-:Ille II, __ , •.• *-• Wllllllo OM TlnC llt ....... I JM Also recod: oat Wewo, ••II .... ,, Ser.......,.. 119'1, o..rt S., ....-., ~. Mo. M., Flare Gull. TlfM: 1:15J/S. II •XACTA f1.41 paid .. II .• _ llXTM ltAC•. OM Mlle ..-co. Miiier G CV_ ... ,._.I Lal UI UI To LIWO C"°""'I S... UI l"IM!ly ,., .. tT...iar, 7.Jt AIM racteo llall's •llYI""', JN. 0- 1!11nMr, Hallya A••Y. J ___. ... ,., si.r A#ffl, Hy oi.i-. TlfM: 1:11 •Ii. .. EllACTA CH I .... $1tt.•. teY..nt llACe. 0... m llo pace L.,. ._.. <~l •A s.• ue .... ,_ (MMNftl .... 1.• c.-..111,,_,...,_..., s.• Alto,_.,., ~ LM. ~Sil..,_, E-eetk 1ti., Flrt '11. Time: 1:1111/S. 11aXACTA <U I ............ aa PtCll MX ,,.,.......,., ...,. ss.na .. .... '"" ..... tkllatl (llllO ...,..,, u l"lell Sia c_....... paid 167.• •*' 15 W111Mi1e lkUb <,._ ,__,, U PICll Sta 1cratc11 c ... wtatlOll "°"" ...... wttll t .......... t~( ..... lcnM,-Kraktl). a1 ... ne llM:a. OM Mita-. Oto*J..,C~I l .• IAI IA ,.,.,..........., 1•~> JM UI Hatll C•-> a.a Alte r..e: ,,._.... ..... .,_ "4M. ...-..Tr-. Tl-: l:tll/S. .. lllTM IUCa. 0.. l'llllo NC•· Le'"*' IT ... 1 11.a t.• ... ()aeotlo .... cv ..... ·-· ...... .... .,. Anl6t (,..,._I UI Altt '8CM: ........ W*tl, ........ Gel, c ......... .._..... • • TlfM: 1:,U/S. 11 •XACTA C•O ...._ attt.& H•Tll IUCL 0.. ""'9 ••· SM<tl ..... (~ .... , ....... llerl Me..,_,._.,, t.• UI LC'l9 ..... (~I I.II elay Better Golf with JAEK-NIC-t<L-AUS-Al .. rtcM: ., CMrtct KllfaM, JUI ............ 1t-c.a.1.' •••• ,., ... ,,... ~.T ..... """°'0 COTH TME&E OANQ&P.S -ANO AL-50 PP.QMOT& A SMOOTH 'TA~l!AWAV -P:iV t>llG\NN\NG · 'THE SW\NG W\TH -rHE Cl.Ut>HtEAO t-45\...0 C\...EAA.. OF TH& G~OUNO . \F THAT'S -rt>O OlflFICUL-T L.~~T~\..:T 'Tt'IE C\-U'1 Vs.RY L\GHTL-Y. TllM!t:•ll'-N aJ&ACTA (f.» _.. ...... A ......... I .... I ..., ............ ••euLAA h._.. ITAT11Tta CINCl...aTle•~ ,.~c Ya. ...... YD A-Mii .,. -UM 7,14 " ,....,.._ .. II ,., s .• , I k-.Ort It " , .. .. ,4 • Kr• ... , J I ,, .,, • .. _ ......... Me, Y& a.,. TD ..... " ... If.I t c;.i1111.-., l,I09 U1 • J ..... _ .. •• '·· 4 ,..,,.t ,, ... 16' t 1tr.i.or )1 no , ... ' Alo•....., ,. ,., ••• I A.Orllfln JO , .. LO • M. L H••I• II Ill IU I V-t • 1•1 ... t Mtlnelfy • .. 11.) 0 H•rero,,. I 0 O.t 0 . .... ... Ya. A .... TO J-2'4 1.071 u II A-.-.. lit , .. I Alo a ....... .. 2t2 I.I J A.Grlllln 4, 1~ u , H•••·-" .. 4.1 1 Sc_,, 1 " u • ICroklot I JI 21.0 • tver·wr t 11 u • 8.s.t I ' •.o • M<IMll'f I ,,, ·21.0 0 ......... Ne. ...... A .... Mcln•llY ,, un ., . --·--:i .. Y4ta • ..... Fllllor u 1n 11 SlmmoM s 2• ... Hk ka I • 4.0 l(kUfl•-.w..e .... Y ... ..... Ver Mr ,, .. I a:u c ........ n • 111 11.4 A.GrlHl11 • lit It.I R. Griffin 7 JI 1U FllllOr 1 ,. M.O Simmons I 10 10.0 DlnUI 1 0 ••• Komp I 0 0.0 L ....... Sc--. .... k·Brtt<ll llS Jofwu.on .. COi ii"'-"' .. 1( ...... • ltou IO •·•k hr SAN ~RANCllCO 4ta llS ....... l'A ,.c; Y& A .... TO N\ontaft• •• lll J,SlS 7.Jl " 8onjemlll 2' u 111 .. ,. I Soklf'rlon I 1 2S u .oo 0 ~ .... , I I ' s.oo 0 Clar• 1 0 0 0.00 0 "-"°"'" ... Na. y ... A"I. TO Clara IS l,IOi IJ.O • Solomon St ... .... • c-· SI 411 ••• 0 Yovng 31 .. "·' s Holer 11 744 t.O 0 P•tlon " "' 1.1 1 WllMHI ' 12S J.t I Eeall ' ., • •• 0 Ell loll 1 " "·' 0 llemton • 0 11.J 0 lling J 1t u I ~m•M J 21 ,,, 0 LawreftCe l 10 u 0 Devit ) ·I ... , 0 P .. U s s.o 0 """""' ..... Y• A ... TO P•hon '" SU u • Coafl'lr .. lJO J.• 1 Davit •• 1'1 u 1 E .. loy ,. n• J.t 1 Hofer .. lt:l J.J I "'"" n '°' ••• 0 -It ... ,. ~ ,,. 1 L .... FOftU 1) 41 u 1 Solom .. ' u ... 0 Cieri< l ,, 10.7 0 Elliott 1 ,, •.1 0 8..,l•m ln 1 I l.O 0 .......... Na .... .... Miiier tJ J,,151 41.S ,._ ..... ,.... ..... v ... . .. Hkl<\ " 111 t.O Solomon 1' 11) u ltlckoftlt--. H .. y ... A ... Law••nc• " 4J1 zn "'"" 10 117 "·' Loll 1 111 IS.t Wiiton ., IU J-• 4J U.l 14kkt I 12 "0 ll•mton 1 It 12 0 Devit I 0 0.0 Petton I 0 00 l.Mellol k...n ...... lt·WerKlll"I " Solomon 41 D•Vlt tt Petton JO Young JO lt.tilO.er WreattlftG CCMMU•ITY Ccill.EGI _..,. .. ._ .... ,. 111-o...rtt IGWI tty torfOlt 1i.-..... IM)9'f lall_T_, 1:-. 1,.-Mcc.arttyy IMI dltc. ltnol*O, •.f . 10-8-s CMI pi11. H.,roll, t :tO. 1t0-c;-ly CMI dee. Oroaltr, .. l. ISi-c.reowa IM) dee. Ca .... llllO, .. S. 1'1-Holl IGWl oec. Cooll. M . 17'-11 ....... I CMI O.C. He"I-. 11 .. J_ llO--lnOIMl do< C..,_,, 2. HW1.-...... y IGW) plll GOlllna, 2~ ... .......... W.SM"Dtoee c..., u 111-llO C~I 12'-Ou«to (GWI -bv•le, IS-2 . 1,.-1(-IGWI dK. Smllll, '"· 10-Harrotl IGWI de<, Geva'f, l .. S ISO-O..alor IGWI lly toll S.o....,_,, •·JO. ISi-Hall CGWI OK. Sc"'....tt. 1M. ,.,_ H.,.1-1 CGWI Cir-wlll\ WlllM, S·S 17'-Glon CGWI by 1•11 ~II. •:U • llO-V ...... lno (SOI pi11 Cl•l'll. ,., HWI.-llollly IGW) dee M<FM, ~. • , . .., -Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 HB stages • eerie I I ., TOM TIT\JS °' ............... Even the weatherman lent ii bit or atmosphere to the HuoUnaton Beach Playhouse's production of .. Anael Str-eel" 1119\ weekend as a heavy to• enveloped lht! theater ancJ its Vlctoriao suspense drama. ll was a fitting touch ror Patrick Hamilton's eerie aaccount or psychological terror In London a century ago, blending in with some well-chosen creepy m~lc to put the audience In the right rrame of mirul. Director Phil de Barr05, who lakes pains t.o emphasize th~ mood of his productions, probably was delighted. · These melodramatic touches are quite In order ror a play or this vintage -the movie version, ''Gaslight," earned Ingrid Bergman an Oscar· in 1944. Playwright Patrick Ha milton (represented locally last year by "Rope"> was. u ------------ specialist in the suspense lllTf RMlllDI' genre, but he also leaned Ill I quite h ea vil y on _________ _ complicated exposition to set up the chills to c<;>me. This is evident al llunlini,iton Beach where an inordin ate amount or time 1s cons umed introducing the situullon. wh1c•h basically consists of a dominccrrn..: husb1rnrl s ystematically attempting to dr1vt' his wife insane, and then a police sergeant ·~ cx1>l11nutlon of what the dastardly fello\\ is n •ully 1111 tc) Aftt!r inte rmission. tbings pr0<•t>t.'<i ut u much mort• spirited pace At Huntington Hl•uch , the pluy mcludcd a bit of "Master{ ul" -LA Times. Sheila Benson "Wonder{ ul" -Newsweek Maqaz1ne Jack Kroll ~ =-----T .·· CHARIOTS OF FIRE NOW PLA \'I~(; l • LAOOCOMPANY•NO WARHERBAOS ~ILlASf --·-o.-................ ,.JI",~ ·-··--... --......... -- B~TPICTURE OF THE YEAR -New Tork nim Critics Award -National Board o1 Re'f1ew Awmd 7 GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS ·WARREN BEAITY DIANE KEATO~ This week you can see REDS 11 these theatres • lDWallOS IKW'OIH IOWAJIOI fllJO TWI• • CllllOOMI ..,_OCll18UCP\6UO/t0 111, (Wl't'f'11~lOt+fa'll'l 0-W'!')'filf }~'i, lDWallOS CllllMA WI I I LDWAllOS IOVTM CO.U f 'lAU w.-1 .. ~., JQl\ TOW• Clllll• CllllMU Ca ••"""' ·~1 u•• UA l90YNSBru '90 •Ol'I -0,•Ulft.&CC••'CI •o-h•'I 1~atwt,.r ·~2!~:~=:rs~°:'~~t:1~~ =:~°':~~~·to ¥'Y ~ystery "All9eLtnl.,... A .,_ 11¥ ....,kll H-llteol. fW.U. .. -a..,,.._ ~II\' ~ ~· -..... , Mlllt, ..... ........, Clwtt Clellr, IK!wlkel flrecten ••,... ,_.,_, -J.._ .,.._, --lltlMlftt -. Metty lkklllw 8ftf Miii• ~----~''*" -.....,_,,,el 6:• tiw._, ,... IJ It IN HW!lt IMCll ,...,..,.._, Melft S-t et v.ni- A-....... ~ 9"<11 ..... "'elleMMI....., TM•CAIT ..... ""_...,.."' . . . ··--~"·"" JeO M ...... ~ • .. • .. • , .. •• .. ... i.llftfy 1(- Ser .. enl A~.... .. • • • • .. .. . • .......... C-let Teyler Heney .. .. .. .. . .. . ........ , ................... Jorrl S.tlert Ell1111Jtlh ...................... , ................... Pettrk W .. ll•r P041C•tn.n, , "'"" •••·•• ••• •••·· ... · ......... , . llt•rMUtt orfstage drama when the lead.inc actress, Brenda Merriam, was hospitalized shortly before the scheduled opening and the show was delayed a week. However, Miss Merriam handles this demanding role <which demands her presence o nstage fo r about 90 percent or the action ) splendidly, creating a highly believable, llfeslze heroine between two performers who appear somewh1tt larger than life. Randy Keene as her conspiring husband is the personification of evil in his interpretation dropping no false clues that he may be on the sid~ of the angels. His performance is immensely strong, sustaining a thoroughly nasty character throughout. On the f?ther side is Charles Taylor as the relentless constable pursuing an elusive quarry. Taylor, one or local theater's more forensically g~fted actors, ~~e~s able to render the weightiest dialogue tant1hzmg. and he enriches his role See 'Mya&ery,• Page 87 THE PrlRT THf-ATRF ' • t1 .. lt, EVERY MONDAY Al.l SEATS $2.00 "Humor and eroticism ii) a tender and entenaining work~ la. ao.toa hospital a Ion affU.. elMla, aaew oae 1tePu, alMl a maaleanu the tnae ...... ,of couqe. (\ /'! Whose life is it anyway? ~°' 0 NOW PLAYING BIUA H TOAO HUNTINGTON BEACH OAANGE 81u Plata Eowaros Sada eoac~ ldwa1<1s Cinema Coneoome !>29 5339 581 5880 848 0388 634 2553 COSTA MESA IAWlllE Ed wards South Coast Plaza 546 2111 fdwards WOOCIO<ldqe ~!> 1 06~~ r~ !ASSU 4C:ClnlO f0~-T"I$ lrtOAOfllll Hlj Che¥v ........ tomllle ttl8 HDIW.V S.alOft the ~ltftW'I ~\)Gt)~ t:11Jot)~~~o r- 1 when life is at its finest... when love 1s at its fullest... lJJRIHokAOC l'l-ni. ~n ITI him' II\ '11111, l'"oduotr"1 \ llAR~ l<HlfU. him KATliARINt: ut;tJSURN HENRY t'ONOA JANt; t'ONDA ~ON GOU>t:N POND" ...:..(U ltllo~IJI\ IWl\t:\t1tt'ot.\.\ \\IUJ\\I L\\lt~ lllll.l,kt\I\ • Riii I l 1,U.&RT --.,:... l!IU.l \\IUJ~\I\ '" tfl\e>T TH4"1""'' IW!ll RllJt:IJ. ~!-=-:.~'!'!'9...!; YOU ARE WELCOME TO mwARDS THEATRES NEWEST ADDITION mWARDS TOWN CENTER a~ -·IN SOUTH COAST PLAZA, THE MOST BEAUTll"lJL THEATRE IN THE WORLD : IN CINEMA #I ••• : i, • • • • • • • • • • • IN CINEMA #3 .•. Lock the doors ... here come the NeigfiliOrs A Comic-Nightmare FRI. 8:45 SAT./SUN. 1:45, 5:15, 8:50 ~oQ~{)~ QIJ~~~o CHEVY CHASE FRI. 7:00,' 10:30 IN CINEMA #2 ••• TifE MURDER OF TifE CENJlJRY ••• TifE SCANDAL OF 1lfE CENJlJRY ... 1lfE LOVE AFFAlR OF lllE CENJlJRY ... AND TifE CENJlJRY WAS JUST BEGINNING. FRI. 7:00, 9:45 · SAT./SUN. 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15 IN CINEMA #4 ••• BURT LANCASTER SUSAN SARANDON ATLANTIC l!!J A P~!!N!cnmE FRI. 8:30, 10:40 SAT./SUN. 2:15, 8:30, 10:40 As the temperature rises, the SUspens@ be-gins. ODVHERT 0 WIWAM HURT l!!J IAT./SUN. 3:30, 7:00, 10:30 SAT/IUN. 4:15, 1:30 MT/lllJN. RATIN8D ALL ••AU.._.. IJNTIL ... P.a NOWOPEM edWards SOIJT• ~•AST PLAZA TOWN ~ENTER ~JNEMAS ,_ ' • N obody l~.-m~ on Shdrky., M.t<:hinc *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engage1111nts and Holidays) U. MlllAOA MAll MllOOO OI lo1e cro11t LA MIRADA WALIK·IN 994·2400 -c. econ· .,.,.,,.., MUTTOll "TA~S" tNI •11:•. ••· a,a. t,-. •-I --·---"RAIDl!RI 0, THE LOIT AAIC" ---.. •11:•.ue. ..... ,,.,_ ncaano.-.-.-tM• . .... ftflllTMf"91-D 'Ctl .... , _,....WTW•AM9ic0 •t-- ----! "WH09E un II IT ANYWAY?" --·MO_ ... ___ I 1-. .-.-.,,•.terM ___ , .. "Rl!DS" n.a.•:a.-1111 IN! I PAIA -· • MUY NLO "ABSENCE OF MAL.IC€" -.................... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIK·IN --· "SHARICY'I MACHINE" .., . ............. - fo,ully 01 Conoiewooo 213/531·9510 .... ,.___ ............. , ~ "OH GOLDEN POND" -11::91. J:1•. I M, 1 M. 1•1t .......... 1 0-. ................ I _____ .., __ ___ .. ___ _ ..._,. "REDS" 1N1 .._. c econ • ,...,,'" MUT"t'Oet "TAPS' !POI ,~,,.,. ....... ·~ .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK·IM focully A I Del Amo tt.Jl,t..'11 ....... _. ... _ . "SHARKY'S MACHINE" 111 11:19, ........ ~ ... ... ne-.~-i.ow-• . oP"9- "AAGTI•" -······--213/614_·9_2_1_1 -~------------0 ........... _... I "AAIDERSOF THE LOST ARK" ............... ,, .. ... LAGUNA 1Cttaic>•-1t.•-"CHARIOTI OF FIRE" ._ '1a..1 •~•••.•.t1,.t9%tl so. COAST WALK·IN South Coos! HIWOY 01 •rooowor 494-1514 "MOOlRN PROBLEMS" .... ---..... -... , ........... -"NINE TO FIVE" I'll ____ ... , .. , ...... -·"·"····- -1UUlllCMTWI • --"ATLANTIC CITY" I'll -., ...... .. .., .. -....... -.-..- PACIFIC THEA TllES OlllYE·IN S•P MEETS t11£1CM tOU• IUCH -t"l•D ''°' 116t Al HAlllOll l lYD OlllYE·IH' DUNG( OlllYE·IN I a• 101 .. U IUIOAt I tu•DA• ••11 ,. .. ,., tu•OA•t " ••••11• S!Alfu• .... • ... 6 15 .• •• 6 :0(11-· ,,.., • 8:45 IMPORTAN r NOTICE' CtUI OREN UNDER 12 FRU! .,,.., ••• W••••• 111.-I••• 11 S 30. Sii. S•• Kth 4:30,M Cl'lfJl SOU'ID • fOU~ &Iii "' • llAOCJ ~ fOull 5"lM9I ;~ If() aM CAR l\AOO WllM IGH!l'°" ACClSSOllf "llSITlOll -llUNC ~ l'OlllAIU 1•AU CIHf.fl OIWHll U) ON A#. MOO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ''•••OY 91 a t lemo" it 179·9150 MOtnt.•A-- "D£ATH VALLEY" t111 -"MOTEL HELL" fltl C111! H SOUltO --.. EYllSl'tA-k~' 111-1--...-- Pl.llt "STiiii tt.u·-:-... ----"THE FINAL CONFLICr fOll •w• "MANIAC MANSION" 1111 t ill! llW\1110 ft!JI NA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE IN l•"C:oln A•• Weit ot Cnori 121·4070 ~utl<t/\ pa~• LINCOLN ORIVE·IN l1ncotn° ..... we" ot 1:non ' . 121·4070 I 11.jlil!lll"I Jon 0t990 ,,..,., 01 "09•""''' (lo) t62·2411 "'f'1!M 1N '_,1 IW ~'KILL SQUAD .. 111 "FANTASIES" lllJ Clllt I• !>Ol.l"O __ _....., .. _._, "THE BOOGENS" ~ Pl.WI "THEY CAME F..OM WITHIN" 111 ~ -00. T'O RU,,. TAU "GHOST ITOAY" t111 -"THE HOWLING" .., IOOT.,,.,. ·--"DEATH VALLlY" t111 -"MOTEL HELL" Ill Ctlo( 11 SOUltO HI -WAY 39 DRIVE IN lllocn I/Yd So OI G.l10tn Gro,. fl_, 191·3693 • ~ • I A HA~".A LA HABRA OlllYI IN -· -"IHcft 11>1 ........... 171-1162 ------- ·~·~· .1 OllANGE 0111\ll IN 1•, •• MISSION (')rl•Vf IN ""_.__. __ "ON 00&.0IN '°"°" ""' -"HIAYl!N CAN WAIT' N • u _ __...._.....,. "Oft OOU>IN '°"°" .. -"HRAWN CAN WAIT' .. . te"IO A"",,..,., • l•ote Colle .. 111·7022 -0.ICleTT·---"T~ INI, o "TMl~'LL IWIN"' N "World Series' chaf!lp crowned. Ll&'I bMr l\ far ll I r• ........... the ftrtt . ~ta!..-,. ot the Wor&d 8erlll ol Trtvta, eonducted • ........, at tM 'WUalalre !Meter ln Hollywood. Ken _.led Yletorioul by tdeaUfytnc the actor wholle aame wu printed lneornet.ly on hl1 <>tear -Spemew Trac~, who wu llated u "Dlcll Tracy" -at tM end ol more • thaa two houra of ---------~ri~=l~ ~ 111111IY11 and ,_... t.Nly made lt U..ftMJI. ' Beck on the home froot, t:d Stlaaerler came up with bll lhlrd atral&ht perfect week to stay one noteb ahead of tbe alao-perfect week to atay one your next increment of lnconaequenUa. . 1. Lewis D. Offield was better known to movie fana u whom? 2. Who, in the comic strip Ll'I Abner, was known u the world'• u1Uest woman? ~. Ruby and the Romantics once recorded under a name that another group made famous .• What WU it? 4. Lyndon Johnson called his official portrait "the u1llest lhinl I ever saw." Who painted it? 5. ln the movie "Little Darlings," identify the camp the glrla alt.ended. 6. Identify Robert Duvall's code name In the sky in the movie "The Great Santini." 7. Only one team bas beaten the Dallas Cowboys when Tonr Dorsett r~hed for 100 yards or more. Which one? 8. ln what play would you find Sir Michael Anstruther? 9. Jn "The Final Countdown" what were the names of (a) Charles Duming's yacht and Cb> Katharine Ross' dog? 10. Katie's escape brought swift pursuit from her supporters, but her abductor crossed them up ln what movie? Last Week'• Amwen 1. Michael Dunn (name change) · 2. Scragg (Daisy Mae's name) 3.'~an and Martin's Laugh-In (Funk and REIJSIPGIA1 12:304:30 l :JO Nl>~S-.. ,., .... CHAlllOlS OF RMIPGIAt 12:30 2:50 5115 7:45 10:10 "°""....,., 1m••DMUU T1_ ........ ,PQ) .,,, lllAmY'S llMI Ill UU ZOOTIUITOU lWt ••nm AmlCPGta .......... , .. , ~~ A UNl\1£RSAL MCTURE c,..1 i.~anmnos..c TAtvtA BOWL XXV STANDINGS ,,.,ktWMf' .... 1111 u t.•..-•1111 n ). Maft .. ._ NMIUC:tlel t 10) t1 1.C ....... l(llNUI t.TlltCW...m t.•1<-W.,_W 10.·J---..m It " II 4. o-.. Hiii 0-. C7I It • ' ....... ~(SYll -~ • M ""'V ,_....., 11(., ........... IYH 9f IMI .. N-y ,,.., I" JO Wa1naU's) 4. Jud.Y l'teufCer (temaa. pUoU 5. "Teahouse of the Auauat Moon" (Brando quote) 8. The Devil < Menjou, Houston, etc.> 7. Jim Kaat, 16 homers (slul(in1 pitcher) 8. "Don't Drink the Water'' (Sultan of • BashirJ 9. "Charade" and "Hopscotch"<Matthau as CIA agent) 10. "Ship of Fools" (movie riddle> (Snd llOUr' aiuwera to TRJVIA, c/o ·tlw DoilSI Pilot, 80% 15'i>, CMta Af•.a nas. All mtm• m...C be received by Wednesday, ot~ haJ/ tM plo.,er'a 3core wtU be awor<Ud) 'Quest' realistic QUEST FOR FIRE contains a uniqueness rarely seen in the homogenous product or today's film industry. The movie explores man's prehistoric life, not for comedy or cheap thrills, but in an attempt to depict the way we were 80,000 years ago. It is a bleak world, filled with s aber·toothed tigers, mastodons and murderous tribes, some of them little advanced from the ape. The prize for these early human beines is life-s ustaining rtre. The story concerns three young hunters who are sent into the wilderness to find fire for their small tribe. They encounter fierce beasts and even more threatening human creatures, also a sprightly girl who evokes the us ual male urges. GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATION BEST DIRECTOR-Steven Spielberg •C•IOMf ,,,,,.Qt 6J4 •''>i J ~s,. hOQ I M @Mr STADIUM Dlllfl·•• ..o·-~··uo ' ~ ~J9 811~ '°" ,_ .-... , 7 GOLDEN GLOBE NOMINATIONS lncludl119 BEST PICTURE MST ..-CTOA---p.,...... WT eurrorCY .. ACTOA-tle••4 L ...._ mT aurrOATINQ ACTMM--.Y ............. NOW PLAYING &MC 01WM11 MAU .... MU "I.AU Orange 837 Ol•O area 529 5339 •RWUDIUIO UCI ... Newoon BNcll 673 83~ Wesmns111 893 05•6 lDWUOS IOUTll COAST "LAZA uc1ncm1U Orll'Ql 13•·3911 lDWAMS•GHUllM Irvine (714) 551 0655 , ... CllllU C... Cost.i Mtsa (714) 751 418• ~.., .......................... ,.. .. ,..,,::: ...... 1 llO ....... ACC9Tff ~ ........... ~................... -,.,........._,, __ ..... 7 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 FILMING -Ann Jillian, star of "Mae West." was at the Old County Courthouse in Santa Ana recently for filming. The ABC TV movie also st ars J ames Brolin and Roddy MacDowell a nd is set for broadcast later this winter. In this scene. Miss Wes t is brought to the Welfare Island Prison to do time for an allegedly obscene s kit she performed on Broadway. Director is Lee Philips . __ ._ ---.. --.·=-· 6HLLIPOLI ......... .,. 1.iu-.1'.el ••••. ·- -~~ _ ... _.. ' GHOST "SEDUCTION" ·-~ CAI ..... ,........ ..., .. _ ...... MT-.1••:41.-UT-ta.-.--. __ __.e:-. .... -, __ ·------l'dw.ird.<, -~~':'JT!~~T O N 8 l 8 _0388 .. .. ... , .. --"WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?" 1111 ... . ,. ..... WlYNll AllEICE OF llAUC£ .. == .. ·--mn,__.,.. __ ,. .... UUYAlll AllEICE OJ , IWJCE ·==· • ,,_,. .. , __ _ _,,,_ "WHOSE LIFE lllT ANYWAY?" , .. , ••• Mystery From Pase Bl con1lderably . In mJnor roles, J orrl Sellers Is deUchUully wicked u the saucy maid, while Pattric Walker does a fine job as the sympathetic housekeeper. Roaer Mills completes the cast as a silent poHceman. I De Barros' alteplion to detail. bo1h ln 'performance and production, reaps divldencll la "An1el St.reel," which might have come undone ln leas meticulous hands. The show continues for four m!)r~ weekends, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30, in the Seacliff Village theater at Main Street and Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. ••• BACKSTAGE -The Laguna Moulton Playhouse Youth Workshop wiU hold registration for spring classes at 1 p.m. today in the lobby of the playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach .... classes start Monday at $25 1 for eight weeks and include instructions In mime, characterization, and improvisation under the direction of Lisa Surrette .... call 497.5233 for further detalls . . .. . Two actresses from Golden West College, Laura Mitchell and Patty West. will participate in a regional acting competition sponsored by the Am erican College Theater FestivaJ at UCLA next month . . . . they wi ll compete Feb. 9-11 for the Irene Ryan acting a wa rds, performing two ~.~ three·minute scenes . . . . ~ ~ BAC&STAGE -Young people 8 to 1e y~ars okl are being sought for a musical fantasy, "AJpbie la a Friend or Mine," at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. . .tryouts are Monday and Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. al tbe playhouse, on tbe Oran1• County Fairgrounds, and the show will be sta1ed for two weekends in March ... "KILL SQUAD" , ... ,,, .. , __ Uf-.1:•,Ml.•9:• "EVIL SPEAK" ,.. ... 1111 ...,_·-···- 1·dn,1rd<., VIEJO TWIN ·-.' .. ~· .... :·.,'' -830-6990 . .. . ' . .,.,.,... ..... .....,_- ~~ ~ .. --loUllUll• --.-. 1·dw.Hd<, C I NE MA .. '" : ,. . .. 546-3102 ~. 1·c1w.trrh MESA CINFMA . . -· : ' 6-l 6. s 0 2 5 • limA .... ·e ~ 2.00 • ...,, ...... 111 _.,.. "RAGGEDY MAN" ..... ,...._ --MT/11111. Ilka, rlll, t- ''DEATH VALLEY" 1111 ---"WHOSE LIFE II IT ANYWAY?" Ill 1"DEATH IYALLEY" (R) -·-.. _, ... , .. - "AIRPLANE" ......... --·-... ............ _...,... "WMOlaLI,. •• fT ANYWAY?" <R> -~ . ...... ... ... • i 1 l T Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 NO CID THE LA8T AWMDe IHOW DeYld Steinberg hoel• an .,,_.,,, petOdy of , .... ltlMCI twatde "-· • 1:M. YOVAGI TO THE 90TTOM OI' THI MA t:OO I IUNNM llMDTER .... tDlf'ITY TIENTAUC VllWPOINT ON . NUTN1lON • IATUNlAY MONMG , I P\aJCAffNM NIW8MMC.EM 'l1 THE~~ ._ MOYIE * * ··fhe Ae!Ufn Of The s.c.ucue Sewn'' ( 1980) Merk Arnott, Gordon Ctapc>. The memt>ete of a O'OUC> of ~ •ludenl• actlw In 1he l)fOIM1 tnOll9- menl during Iha '60a g.iher ror a week~d reunion. 'R' • t:aOQIHEWS I U0. KJ08WORU) I THATSCAT PACQETT'EM MAGIC~OIL PAIHtlNG • SPEAl<OUT • CAPTIONED ABC NEW8 (() W>tOE~ AGRICULTURE I IT'S YOUR 8USIH£88 OR.SNUOOlU MOYIE * *'h "Doi And The Katl- geroo" (197111 Anlmateel. Olrec1ee1 by Yoram Gross. A young girt becomes loel In the Australian bulh end la t*tr1endeel by a kan- 0¥00 wtlo glwe her a "" In t1a pouch 'G' ®MOVIE •••~"Breaker Morant" j 1N<l) Eelw111<1 Woodwlllel. Jack ThOmpaon AuetraN- .,., con.alpleel 10 llgl1t on Englanc:rs lide in the Boer W111 Cledde 10 light lhe Boer guerllla1 on lhelr own terms. (l)MOW * *'-' "Ultle M118 Marker" ( 1980) Walter Mauhau. Julie Anelr_. 8aNCI on the Damon Runyon story A gruff, stingy 19309 book- ie'• Ille la turned around when he eccep11. 6-yNl- old moc>991 u a marller lor 1 racing bet. 'PG' 0 El.E.PHAHT PARTS Mlch••I Nesmith enel memlMws of lhe Pacific Arts Repertory Company are INlureel In 11111 orlglnll proeluctlon ol non-stop raugnter and mulic 7:00. OUIT'r8 ~ I QI THE ll'l.INT8TONO 9'C> kUE MAMl.E •o ~ ·~OOUATH • YOGAFORHEALTH (() IHTDINA TIONAl. HOUR 1::IO 9 MARLO AHO THE MAGIC MOYIE MACHINE DQl8MUN'S eOR.SNUOOLO 80 ~AICH I I0008YDOO 8 ~V£Y AHO OOUATH ·~ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOf\ OMOVIE • • "Hanger 111" ( 1980) • D1rren McGeYln, Rob«! Vaughn ~a-1 al a eecre! govwnmenr ln1tat- 1111on tnve11lg11e the cauM of a .. 1e1111e·a sud- den dettruclion 'PG' l:OO 8 (() POPEYE ·~~ * *•Ao "Abbott And Cos- tello MN1 The Invisible Men" (1051) Nancy Guild. Wiiiiam Fr...i.y The ln'tlal- ble Man hires the 9Gatler- btalned CIUo" detectkles. • MOYIE ••Ao "The Blue Blrel" ( 1940) Shirley Temple. Spring Byington A Ullle girt -ctla lor true hap- pi._. • WHCYl KUPtNO 8CORE? (C)MOW • "l(fonClllle F-" ( 1980) Jeff E.ut. Rod S191ger. The young Jack London Mts out to..-Na fortune dur-11'9 the Gold Ruth. 'PG' 1:tD • (() TARZAN I LONE ~ D8KID~ POWER HClU" I MTPATAOt.. 9 FONZ / LAV!AHE &SHIRLEY CID THREE TAU TALO luelwlg von Otue hasl• three anlrnateel clualca (l)JOHN CUMY'S ICB>AHaNQ Olymp ic gold med1t- wlnner Peggy Fleming end ''IOe Cepedee.. ..., Jo.Jo Stwbudc join Curry tor thle diepley of lkeclng mrtlltry. t:0t I LMYI rr TO IMYP WJ.AALmM n...wvoa ... (() ... 9lMn' I ~---l a ........ ODii """twRET 9 HIAntCU'f NfO Wa&ADI• BUODleS -Steve Martin and his bosom buddy perform in the NBC speci~! "Steve Martin: Comedy is not Pretty at 10 tonight on K.NBC (4). DMOW • 'h .. U11known World" p96 1) Bruce KelloQg, M111- 11yn Nash. • CHOf04 .. THE ~ • THI ourT AR WITH FAEMA1CK NOAO· ®MOW *. "loophole" ( 1980) Martin Sheen. Albert Fiii· ney. Tension builell 10 I shattering dlmu among the mernbefa of • gang who are pl1nn1ng lo ••a- cute an elabor••• blnk robbery from the -• below Iha streets ot Lon· <Ion. 'PG' 0MO;VIE " ••'Ao "Ode To Bllly Joe ( 197&) Robby Ben eon, G~oa O'Connor. BaMd on Iha song by Bobble Gentry. A tormenteel teert- eger'a pall uperlencea complicate hi• llrat trua romance 'PG' 10:00 I QI 8"ACE ST AAS SHANA NA 8 9 GOLDIE OOlD I THUNOAM • CAR CN1E CENTRAL • MOVIE * • "The Lonely Tri.II" ( 19361 John Wayne. Ann fWlherlOfel A 0at>0 ol OU1· la-terronz .. IOCal ranch- ers unlit one tnAn lllk• control • THIS OLO HQUIE 69 VOTER'S PIP£UNE Jim Cooper lnlervlew9 Cal- 1lornla'1 c:otortut U S Sen· etor. SI Hayakawa, on domestic enel IOorelgn ISSUH {C)MOVIE • * "Double Trouble" (1967) Elvis Pruley, Annelle Day A young Brol- oah heoraas becomes attracted to a 11mou1 Arnerlean pop linger MOVIE * *. "l(lng Solomon'• Mines" l 1950) Deborah Kerr. St-ert Granger A White hunter guides a party through C1111keet AlrlCa Ill -Ch of a woman's hus- band. 1o:IO 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEN I ~REMOw.I' WOOOCAINVl'S WOM8HOP 69 PORTfWTS IN PASTa 11:00 a a DAFFV / sPEE>Y 8TA~ •@ MEl<IHO SPECIAL "MIU Swtleh To The Rea· cue" A myarerlous gltl ser>Cls two youngsters on 1 jOurney beclk to the 17th century (Pitt '°) G WIU>, Wll.O WOAU> CWANMAl.8 • 80Ul TIWH • SHOW tll'f PEOf>\..E • CAMPING OUT ID AMERICAN SKYLINE 11:30 • Cl) JfCAA 8Alt<ETaAU A11bama-Blrm1ngham 11 OePeut I QI 9UU.WN<lE (II AMERICAN llAHDSTAHO I WIU>, WILD WOT NA8HVlll.E MUIC JUUA CHk.D AHO MORE COMPANY 69 UVE FROM THE MET "La Boheme" Tereaa Stra- tas. JOM Carreras Ind Rena11 Seotto ate ,_ tureel In the Mel's ,_ PfO- Cluctlon of Giacomo Pucci- ni's romantic 1r1gedy; James Levine conduc1t the Metropoll11n Opera Orc11Mtr1 Ind CllONt (C)MOYIE • • "Superdorne" ( 19711) D111ICI Jen11en. Donni Mllls. A fa11111c will llop et nolhlng to keep 1 football INm trom winning the $upet Bowl @ MOVIE * • • "lntlele Movea·~ ( 1980) John Savage, David Morw. A newcomer 10 the O'CIOP of regulars et In Oeltland bat may hold the ltey lo malling the t>anen- Cler'a ClrMm of becoming I l)fO beake!baN play« I reallty.'PG' .MOYIE • * * "Simon" ( 191101 A11n Atkin, AU9tln ~ ton. $dentl91' 11 a blUN• ty mltdlrec;ted think tanll convinc. 1 bumbling col- lege Pf~ 11111 he II an aliel\ lrOM outer ..,_, 'PG' ,_ .. -AflBINOON--a 1l:OO 8 AGINCULTUM u..a.A. • loeT IN PACR • MOW * * * "Blrdmall Of Alca- traz" ( 196.,) Burt lancaa· ter. Kart Malden During hi• 63 yMrS of lmprleon- m enl, Robert Stroud become• a world eulhorll)' on blrela. • ADAM-12 • SUM CUl8IHI "Fiio" Q) NEW8CENT£A WEEKLY (S)MOVIE **'Ao-"Lillie M118 M111ker" ( 1980) Wiiier M11thau. Julie Anelrewa 8aNCI on the Damon Runvon 11ory. A gtutl, 1111\g)' 19309 booll- ... , Ille 11 turned erounel when he eccepts a 11-)'Nr- old moppet u • matker ror 1 racing bet. 'PG' (%)MOYIE •••Ao "FOOlln' Around" ( 19110) Gary Buaey. Annette O'TOOle A nalw country boy ,,,.. 10 win a bHulltul, 1ophla11ce1ee1 college coeCI -•Y lrom her anobblall II-end her equally u1>91ty lamll)'. 'PG' 12:30 D COUEOE aA8KET8AU. USC at Stanford • WIBCBtO HaOa .. Jim Plunkett .. D WILD, WILD WORU> ~AMMALI • • ADAM-12 - • THE PHOTO IHOW "Fiiiers, Dodging Anel Burning" Jon GoeN dern- onstrat" hOw to alter and c:orrect the contrut on your ptlnts Ill KJD8WORU) (BCOUEGE BA8KET8AU Wyoming al Brigham Young 12'.50 G NHL HOa<EY Colorado Roci<e!a vs LOI Angelee l<lngl t:OO. THE MUN8TEM 8 MOYIE • ** "Gt Bluee" (1960) Elvla Presley, Juliet Pr-Wlllle l tatloneel In Getmany. three Gta form • mulleal cornt>O II) MOVIE * • ·~ "Cyborg 2087" ( 1987) MlchHI ~nle, Wendell Corey In the SOC'- e!y of the tulure. Earth oa 1nh1blleel by 1trange beings Wlllch .,. hllf. hum1n. hell-m1Chlne. ., PORTANTI IN PASTEL8 "GOid E.,f'l"O' .. ({I MOVIE ••• "BloodlPOf'I" c t973) Ben Joonson, G•ry Busey. A high school alhlele atruogles to wllhstlnd the pteuure 1nn1e1ee1 upon him by his pulhy father Ind a glory-seeking football coach. 1:30 8 SPORTS 8ATUN>AY 10-rounel llghl~l boul b•tween Ray "Boom Boom" M ancini end Erneeto E.spen1 (11111 trom AUantlC City, N.J.); Sunkltt lnv1tatlon1I Tracie Meet (trorn LOI Angelle. Cellf.): a preview or Supet Bowl XVI • F·TAOOf> A 11roenout con artiat llkll OYW opetlllon of O'Rourlte'• beloved saloon • NOVA "T11t Tube 8ablee" The aclence betllnel lhe con- c.ptlon of human bablel outllde the womb la ln-- ~teel. Q ao lllftNUTl8 MOYE * •'Ao "Quentin Durward" C 1955) Robert Taylor, Kay Kendall. King Louil XI 111emp11 to create • national 11a1e out of e feu- d1t systern (H)MOYIE •••'Ao "The Eleph1n1 Man" ( 1980) Jonn Hurt. Anlhon)' Hopklnl. A CleCff.. cated phyalcl1n takea under his wing I horf1bly defonneel men wi-tlf9 IHI then II*' ~ tpenl In cM19 freak llthlblllone. 'PG' .MOYIE • • •'Ao "Breeker Mof'*'t" (1MO) Edward Wooctw.d, Jec:ti Thc>mpeon. Auetrllll- en1 con1etlpted to fight on England'. lllde In "'-8C* Ww ci.cltde to tlgtlt Ifie a-.,., ... on tflelr own ,.,.,,., 1:a CZ) Cl•IMOOM t:t0• ............ *""" A rlldlo repon llldlclleee ttwl .. ...., --.... . CHAlllL LISTINGS ,.... '*· llld..,.. ...... .. ......... • MIW4YAU8HAM .. ~r. 8 t(NXT (CBSI e l(NBC INBCt e KTLA (Ind,) e KABC IABCI I. t<FMB IC8 SI e KHJ·TV (Ind.I eKCST (ABCI e KTTV (Ind.) e KCOP-TV (Incl I e KCET (PBS) e KOCEIP8Sl (0 ) ~TV 11 Z-TV fl! HBO Cl IClnemut (J) IWORI NY.,N.Y. GD IWTBS) l'I) I ESPNI I 5Mwll"'4t I • s.,otll9t1t • lc.ol• News Nttwork) ...... llllUON"'• ~ .., ... .........., ...... tlnd, <"> Cll•......., UUMIONOllTHI Y\MIClll ~~,.,. .......... , (1.., ........... ~· ...... A.lflll ...... ........ ,.,,.. ........ ~...,..,--­... ,, .......... ......... (J)MCMI ............... j1llO) T~ ....... T.,.._, Y8INMllJ. A loc*•llllle , ......... ___ ~ OllttlletllJD llti .... ofa ......... ~wfl0-­ Uf'9!i\lll c..., 11.-.. .. pro-...... ..,..,.. .... lllOf9 tllM to tNCt tMlr ~-'"Cl' t:to8 ATC*I 0-t· UIO llMll .. Mll ooedl .... MotrtlOft. I ...... N'l*Ne> NOW THI W9T WAI WON Kate .........,, (Ella ...... 8eirlt)"*9"'9~ ..... ""'° ........ hold. Ing,_~ llOetllee: ... .. ~ .,. '9Uftlled and on dltlr wy to Qt• Ii'=' * * • '-' "A Holle In Tiie ~ .. ( 116t) F'9llll ....... Ila, E.dwlwd o. ~. • 1N11D1 ITOUW "A~ Of Mellor. ,IOI Or Fiction?" Hoddlng Certw atudlM "'-~· I:'/ of the , .. , lllm wNel\ ~· en lnnOoent man vlctlmlMd by Ille~. (() ITMTMk 0 PRONlllONAL 90W\.IM TOUR S 100,000 ARC Alarnede Op•n (from Mel'• 8ouo1ehore Bolilrl In Alemeda, Calif.). QIAMANNME> LOMel'RDI 0-ge C. Scon narraiee the 91ory of ttlle unlQue tnAll. 1:00·~ • • "Ho91>1ty ao.. f 0 Town" ( 1941) Anlmaleel. A vtllelr'l lhree9-the peao.. lul reeldenll ol Bugvllle. • MOVlf * •'h "Roblnaon Cru- On M1111" ( 1"4) PIUI Mantee, Vic Lundin. A tnAll at>CI e monllty -Ch for looel and water Idler their ~Ip land• on Mwt. • All!NUl2t Cf)GNAT ~ "&tdeet!Md Ae.llalled; Et In Arcadia Ego" 8aMd on Evelyn Waugh's n~. Capraln Ch11Jea Ryder retutna to Brldeeheld Cu- rle 111 1044 where he recalls his lr1enelehlp with Lorel Set>aatlan Flyle ,_iy 20 year a ew11et (Pert 1) 0 1='°8 MCMI **'Ao "Scream Of The WoM" (1974) Clint Wf//111.11. Peter Gr-. D lva'fWIW Location: from Ille Wllnet Center Racquet Club In Canoga Pwlt for for the ~ Annual Ron Cey "S-.. AnC1 Volfw('' tennlt tourl\WTlerlt. -~ 80WL.1M TOUlll S 100,000 ARC Alameda Open (lrom Mel'• South1hore Bo wl In Alarneela I • MUNOOMAL (() 8"0fmt IA T\JAOA y 10-round lightweight bout between Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini 1ne1 ErnHIO E1p1na (from Atlantic City, N.J ): 5-"lel lnvftetlon1t Tracie Meet (lrom Loa ""09IM. Calll.): • prevleW Of &Ip« Bowl XVI. QIMOYE (C)MOYIE • "Klondike F_ .. ( tN<l) Jett Eatt. Roel Steiger. The young Jectl lonelon ee!S out 10 Mell hi• lor1une dur-a::: Rulfl 'PG' •• ··Coast To Cout" ( 1980) Dyan Cannon. Rob- .,, Blake A runew1y ~fe and a IUllPP)' trucker hlullng cellle «>Mt to CC>M become the latg91 of • wllCI Ct- country en-. 'PG' 4:00 " GRIZZl y AOAM8 • CMATION 8CIEHCE ONTNAl (II ENTERTANotEHT lMIM.EJ< JoM Feliciano compoMS a song before the c;w,_u; Herve Vlllech1ln Cllecus-hit rnetrlage; ~ Crya1al r_. ttle ~tor hit Mure comedy ~ **•Ao "little MIM Mettler" ( 19801 Wener MallMll. Julie Andrews BMeCI on the Demon Runyon 910ty A grvtl, stingy 1930s book· le'I life It lumeel WOUNI ....... he 1CC9Pll a 6-yeer- olel moppet u 1 matller for a redng bet. 'PG' ••(I) PEIU ICTl. Y l'MHK Clorll Leadlnlan II IM- tureel aa 8rOldlilre)' PtlY9 tribute to Fr..,.. L-. the songwriter wi-com- poelttons .... reepotltlt>4e for the -of IUCll levorlt• M "GU)'9 And Oollt" and "How To Suc- ceed In Bu..,_ WllhOul Aaelly Trying." 4::IO-~IN ~ Auetrla VI Wee! Germany 4: .. CZ) MOYIE • * "Me!Yln And .._.Cl" ( 1080) Paul LeMll, JNQn Robards. An otherw!H unknown 011 1tellon enendent cl4ilme to be the rlghltul '*' to Howllrd HughH' btltlon <loller ........... 8'00• .,..,. .• ,a,.. Ol'1"R.,....,.,. I ,,..AU. ITMTNIC .... WON.DOI' "'°"'8 Wottd w-·• OY""'f'M- tlCe ~--(from ~ Getry c-.r w.Joe ... lne~ .... boldnt ~ (frOft'I Wwtllvry, l°"t .... ~ • ICOMt' • lllCMI ••• ''tCllll Kone" (1tla) Fft!/ Wrflt, ...._, ArM- *°"V· A "'°"*°"' .. INltt ... -~ .... trylllt IO ....... p II I "' of•WOllWI ...... 1==:.. .. •llUJff ~-w...~ (I.) lrA•I ... ~-· ......... TUBE TOPPERS I KNBC • 1:00 -''One ol the 8oy1.'' lllckey ltooney portra11 a man wbo move1 into bls 1rand1on '• colle1e apartment. KNBCee:OO -"Barbara Mandrell and tbe Mandrell Slaters." Ray Charlea and Silvia are pests. KNXT e 9:30 -"The Uncounted Enemy: A VlfltDam Deeeption." Mike Wallace invest11atea behind-the-scenes activity ol lntelti1ence a1encles . KNBC l/t 10 :00 -"St~ve Martin: Comedy 1.1 not Pretty." An irreverent look at American life. See photo at left. i LAWMNCe WIUC "Mut6cal TOllf Of Ewooe" (D)MOYm * * "The Oteer1 Horqon" (IHI) Jimmy St-ert. CMlllMn McOeller. A IOOI· oglll, -911ng In Africa, It llUfetd btck 10 health by • YOUflll girt lolfowlne a ~ «Mh ~ lnter- ruot• the Q\"91 tlf9 • ---with her gr and!•-, .... PO' a:ao ...... OHCa~A C&.AlleC "Bleell tlland'' Two young boy9 llllpliltf ectceel on a CIM«teel leland ~ that they al\lte the lelanCI with two eKaped con'ltcl• (P911 11(A)Q (() HIM. n.AT 0 WIDI WOM.O CW 8"0fn'I Wortd Women'1 Oymn- tlca Cllamplonehlpe (from Moecow): Gerry eoor..,. vs Joe 8ugtler Ill • Me")'- *91ght boxing llllllbltlon (from Wellbury, long leland). (C)MOYIE • • "Double Trouble" (1917) Elvl1 Prutey. Annette Dey. A young Brll· lah helreu beCiome1 ettracteel to • l1mot11 AmerlcMo J>OC> 8ltlger Cl)MOVll * • 'h "Freaky Frlel1y" c 1917) Jodie Fosler. Bat- bate Hartle. The world I• turned upaleleo-down lor a mother MCI d8''911ter wtlo meolCel'V IWllCh boCllee one t.wut csay 'G' .MOYIE • • • * • "Seyonar1" ( 1957) MWlon Brelido. Reel Buttone. An Americ.n let ace llal a polginent eflalf with the Sllll performer OI a famed J~ acting cornoany. -EVENNG- "°°Ii:'= • MOYIE * * * "The Thrlll Of 11 AM" (1"3) Dotie Day, J- Gar,_, A coucMe'a mM· rtage ta dlttuc>ted '"'*' lhe wife~•--clal ,,., I TNI ~ 8"ADOW'- ~. ~"" Tom 8oeley tekee 1 locMI beNnd the --of !tie orlglnal $upermM ...... with Noelle Neill at>CI Jedi Laraon. • WIN YOU THIN? "The Facll Of Ufa" BlllM muak;len Wittie Dbon. C04'nPOt9f of over 300 aongt. .. proflleel Ind per - formt wtlh the CNc.ago All- •• ., •. Q • POftTI MoleNCA "Big I w-·· Volleytlell ~·· (B)MOVIE • • •'h ··Brweker Mol'ent" ( 19801 Edw111d WOO<lwWd, Jacll Thompeon, Auatrall- lnt conac:rlpteel 10 light on Englanel'a aiCle in the Boer Wat C1eC1C1e to llghl the Boer guertltaa on their own ,.,.,,, .. tiO CZ) MOVIE * * • 'h "BrMker Moren!" (1M0) EOWWCI Woodwwd, Jeck Thc>mpeon. AuMraa- -~eel 10 flOhl on England'. lllde In the Boer Ww decide to llgllt the a-.,.,._ on ttlelr own ·--..... (()QI--.,,.,., .. , .... " TMBWBK Joee Fellclano ~ I tong befOt'9 the ~-; Herve Vllte chal1e dlec·-Illa ~: My CfyltM ,....... the ptana for Illa Mid COT*'V ~ .. THa WOM.Dt 7:GO. iN&w:.. °"-"The Tllanlc" 1 --YOU't 1"R HARDY llO't'I / NAHCYDMW ' ..... =-··~Of TM Haunted .._ .. •LAwtmaWIUt "Muelcal Tour Of &.ooe" e ct4EK1NG rf OUT F~: 1 repon on I m igrant l1rmworkere' ltrlke; a vWt lo e lky- CIN9r'I' ~ • loot! .. the C8fW of Broedwey ..... Pftollli Lopea. • MATllBATTHa IUOU w..... 8o,od ... In the 19H ecfvoerttur .. tllftllef "TM L01t Clly": tM lhaft ~ tndude • ,_.. ,... and • CMtoon: " ... a.111111 ~ I Ol ''Jvft- lor ca-Mell'' ecemne ""'* Hell Md ... &It ... liaa.~°'"' "°""OOUM '"' ... , ... CIYlll: Mo ..... <ml!ICMI •• ...... Tiit ..... " (1111)Jadr ...... ... T~. M ..........._ ~ ........... .. °' ....... °'..,..,. .. ..,.. ............. .. ................ .... ............. ........ .__ Cll>OL.,.._., • .,.. ..... Nl*IW' cloe.-up took 11 the two ,_ ~Ing In Ihle )'9W'. SUI*' '°""'· • OMM:TMl..W ""°'""" Filttured: a 13-YMf-old genlue; I meeting of the IClelltltt• who control Voy- aeer 2: • OOIMdlc '°'* et ltuncflirlg ,,...,. • Ft NTI (I.) OMNI: TM1 ..W ""°"'"" I a..-WAJ'Cff LOOkAUYI UO (() WALT DelNEY Oon11e1 DUDll anel hi• debOnelr friend .k>ee Cer- loca lake en anlrnareel tOllf OI North and South Amari- "-8 8 ONE OI' THE 80Y8 (Premiere> An Older main (Mlcltey Aoonty) mo- Into 1n apanment .tlereel by hie COiiege lludent- O'andeon end a •oom- tnal•. • OOCLW IMKETMU Celllornla vt, UCLA •@ KING'I O-OlllNCI Moving Into her lalher'• OICI houee br1nga Nan Into conltlct with Cerrle, 1nd Biiiie trlee to buy a gooCI llme lor Jl.tuan at her Hal· io-ipar1y D MOYIE • • • "H«ror El<Pf_ .. ( 1912) Peter Cut hlng, Chrlltopher Lee. A gll-ly prehlatorlc creerure -1heel lrom 1 ca111 In China bec:omM an unwel- come PIHl.-ger IOoarel the Trat>a-&beftan rell- roed. • N'NCA'I WHPINB ... 8U'T WHCYI U9TENltO? Hotll Carol Lawrence;' Stan Mooneyham Guee11 Etrern Zlmbelltt Jr.. Deen Janee. WlltlWn Shatf*' . • MOVIE * * 'h "The Eagle Has Landed" ( 1977) MIChael Caine. OonalCI Sutherland. A highly !reined Nazi com- mando unit 1nnttr11• Eno· land during World Wat II In oreler 10 klel~ Prime Miii· Iller Wlntton Chllfc:Ntl • lff ON EARTH "Buildlng Bodlee" Austr .. lia's GI-Berrief AMI exhibit• • wide vatlet)I of m1tlne Invertebrates .._ anceetry begin 800 mMllon years ego. 0 CB)MOVIE e *'°' "Peplllon" ( 1973) st-Mcai-. Dustin HofttnAll. A pair of o.vtl' I tlland convlcla ~ lhelr time~ their MCac>e CD) Cl) MOVIE • • • • ",Altereel s ....... (IMO) W,.._, Hurt, Blair Brown. A Harvard Iden· tlal't genetle 11ructure II altereel when he conduct• mlnd·Hpeneling experl- men11 with leolallon I ankl Ind powwful hllltuelno- • ~ LOQQM Singer / songwriter Kenny Loggins perforrN maf'Y of his oreeteet hit• -lnCluel- lng "What-I Call You Frlenel" at>C1 "Keep The Fite" In lhll cono«t teped 11 the Senll Barbera CountyBowl Ht(J)MOVIE • • "MeMn And Howwd" ( tlMIO) Pu LeMet. Jaaon Robare!•. An OlherwlM unknoliltn gae atellon anendant dairne to be the rlghltul heir to Howllrd Hughff' billion dot11r eetate.'A' a:ao a a""""" vAU.EY Stella la ca14 u Ille Vllllng prw-In Flor•'• charity play. • ~PM'W1EWS "I Was A Teerl-Aoa Movie' Holl)WOOd IN 1'' Roger Eberl end Gene Sflket •IUlllWle the r-. wllJ thetAen-ege~ll now ci..ermlnlng Holly- wood'I blggeet hit .. (R) t:'OOe8MWM WJCIMU.NfOTME WJCIMU...-rw ~ Rey CMrtee, Syt- Wl. •@ LOW80AT Gopher meell Illa OICI cdt- teg e roommate, en embmer9d plant91 .- to pertorm once fl"ON. end a "*' Pfetendlng to be ~ , ... '°' • beMltltUI doctOr.Q • OML •U.'"'Q•H_..ZTraa INC1AL . .eMAT •••IQMWICm .... .....,.._ ....... :Et 111 A1o9019 IOO'' ....., on Evelyn Waugfl'• now*. c.ptelfl c--Rydef ,...,,,,. to.........., c-. t991ft1"4 ......... ..... '* ........... Lotd ... 1111~~20 ~---~1)Q • THI wooasffl9HTI ... ''YOU.._, A.._.,. Horm''RorUNirM ...... ......... .,°' .... ... ........ vwtely °' '°°"' C"t \ (C)lllCMI •• ..... ....... ,,.71) o.'4d ,,.,...., 0-.. ..._A....., .. _.. .. "°"*lltolt ... ...... -"°"' ........ .. .......... .MCMI M ••• "Mlref ...... NIL-:--- .. .. ......... --.... ~X\lt ... .._.... ,.. ........ , \:l':!'L--Hwt,lllilt A ...... ~ """· --.., .. ..... .......... Ill ,..,., __ ,....... --................. , ·-. .................... -------............. w•Cll c.•cwc1a -.,..~~A V...... Dn•t11" ...._ W ..... .,,.1\ .. UI ... ,,...,.._...,.. .... \llelnem Wat •• lit• llolHM-IN Me• actleft °' u.a. ll1st'a•-...,... dll ---llow .... ,... .....,. and otl1IMI ..... ... -• l'IW'llpu'lll ~ .... eientllcance tolng fer ~--1 ~..-.c Ml Cl_,ICOM to.GO 81T1Y1 MMT1N: ~•NOT llMfTY Comadl9n ...... Martin II joll*9 9y ... Allen, Joyce OeWllt, Peter Ortvw. Louil ~ and Cart Aeltl9t l0t 111 ltre- -ant too6< II Amerlcen Ille. (A) I :':'AHTAaY lllNfO A country-em liftOll •• to heve ,_ late lead guttatlel bt'ougtlt bectl to Ille, and .,, El\gllln profw. -meell the~ t<Jng At'lhUf 0 • MOYIE * •• ''Nlmolal And Ale•· anelre" (1871) Michael Jeyaton. Janet &amen. The OfMI low of Czar HiGflolM for hie wife Ale•· endrl .. ... ligalnet the -•• IM<llng to the eo.-.,_. Revolution. • POR'11WT OI' A LIGINO "Sly Stone" • INDIP910EHT NETWORK NfW8 • AU9T1N CITY UMITa Countly music'• Jerry A.ad and gull., wlurel Chet Atklnt offer I llhatp conltUI OI •lylee In perf0t- mancee of ··e..1 BounCI An<I Down,.. "Dixie'' sn<I Olherl. CD) AOQER WHfTTAKEA tnternatlonelly lamec:I ling- ., / songwriter Roger Whitteker performs many of the l>IMad• for wNch he ltlllnown Cl)MOVtE * 'A."The Stuel" ( 1978) Joen Colllna. Otlvw Tobi- ea. A waller edYencee hit cw-by Meepjng with his boee'I wlftl. 'R' (Z)MOVIE • * "NEA" ( 19711) Sarni Fray, Atv1 z.cner&ae A k~l-al leert·ao« and I worldly publlther who he\19 fallen In low Cleeplte a dlf· terence In ..en other'• vtewt tlnd they can't Uw wllhOUt MCtl other 'R' 10;30 I ::: IN MVlP# 11:00 De(() 0 QI NeWI • AWNCA'I T~ TEH e w•A•a•H HIWli• at>CI B J declCle lo C10 IC>metl'llng aboul a helleopter pilot WhO - nellYM to 91ther battle- 1191d bflc-e-brac to Mii u Wllr ~. • PMOHER: CELL kOQ(H • AMl.AICAH P\AYH<>l'8E "King 01 America" In 1915. a young, ltrone>- willeel Greek llallor joMnc>e S1>1p Ill New York Harbor. hOplng to make e ,_ life for hlmMlf In ~lea Q fD eouNDITAOE Joan Arm•l•adlng spine • mulleal ....0 as she sings "COOi Blue... "Bwefoot Anel Pregnant," "Baell To The Nlglll" and "Wlllow " (R)Q (C)MOW * "l<lonellke F-" ( 1980) Jeff East. Rod St-oar The young Jedi London Mtt out 10 ..... hit r0t1une Clut· (iJ~FWth 'PG' • • • 'Ao "The Elephant Man" ( 1880) Jom Hurt. Anthony Hoptotns.. A Cledl- C81eel phy1lcl1n llkH under Na wing • hor'rlbly detormec:t man whoM Mfe IMI 1'*1 had been spent In meep freak exhlblllon1 'PG' (D)MOYIE * • "Breaker1 Breaker!'' ( 1977) Chuck Norrie. George Murdock, A CB· orlenleel I~. who ello happena 10 be In ••pert In karate technlque1. -c:hw tor his milling ~ brother In e town ruled by eotrupl olllclals. 'PG' .MCMR ** ''Wiiie & PNI" (IMO) Mlc:Nel Onlil9M, Margot Kidder. Three people begltl 1 trtanguler romance In Ot-.leh Villega that conttnu. ttvoughout the mercunal IOClal mllieu of the '70L 'R' 11.aoe~JOND A 1'1·)'99'-otd girl'• ec:cu- rale lorecaat• ol two Cleelh8 and 1 disappear- .,_ teedl e.neby to .,....,. he mey be deellng wltll the OCCUit In a an'8ll ciountrylown. a a IATUNlAY MGHT LM Hoet· Robert Conrad ~la: The Allman Broth-... !'. ~Gor<1on'1 Wer" 11973) Paul Wtnfletel. Carl Lee When hie wtfe II kllleel by • heroin overdoee, • man dedlrM -on the dtug mob In Hertetn. ·=-..... ** * "King l<ont" (1933) '"f Wr.,, "°°"" Alm-attono. A monelroue "'9 batttee an army wNle trying to Ntllln sia11111lt111 of•-~ • , .. 01a:e&&. ILOGKH (J) MCMl •• ,. "~ FfOlft ~ .... (1'41) Jo1W1 w~. OM ~ A LOUlll9NI ...,., •• rOlftMICle """ ... _...,ota...,.nown ..----to•Mft ower .. ....,.°',_. ;"Mew. • * .. .,,., c.I Me Trtnlly .. (tl?I) T..-... ... .....TWo ..... ..... ...,....111 .. ....... ..... __, .. .. ..... Cl)-..... ~-,., .................... .,.., .......... ..... .. ..... ,.... .. I 99lliL tWl.IDlll • • .. ••n.. ...... ... Mooft" ( tMI) Gr..-V ,..,aw...,.._ An ~----to IHIP tM Mell lltlO ,_ ..... anlftNl.,.... .... Md Ml 1-MONIO, .... ONllTID'-- ~.::-·D 19f'' A Coft-......, .. CIC>- • .... by .... UNofl .,,,..,, (J)MOW'll **• "T'NI ._.. .. CIMO) Mlchtet Caine, David w-. Wtllle .,,........ Ing e rllllh ol lfllp dlNp- PM'-In the a.muc1e T tlaftOle, a jOuH\ellel """""' ... aoaroet .,, llc*Md, --~-olld ooton)' of ~ • * 'Ao "8ouleot91d ..... ( 1179) Alchard Ynlgueir. OeMy De 1.e Pu, A ~ no yOvth une•pec;ledfV ,.... ~ ltla •end- atele and tr.-..one of .. neighborhood g1ng 111 Mdw 10 llM lllt own deWe to gte Martltd Md ,,..., .. ~ younger brotller aYOicl ..... oeetruc:tlon. 'R' 1t:a0. MO'tll * * * 'h "The Odd Cou-ple" ( 1NI) Jeck l.Mnfnon. Weller M111heu. •MO¥. • •~ "Point OI Terror" ( 1971) Peter Carper1ter, ~~llorne *"' "Swinging Couplee" ( 1980) O.nlel4e T roget, Guy Royer. A hulband Mell• excitement with Illa MCie!ertee .._hie wife 11 conloltd by her Irland• efter boredom c:reepe 11110 their IQ.year merrtege. 'R' 1:00. M>CI< OONC8IT Guest•: Alebam1, Th• PoNoe, Skip StlC)Mneon . 8 EWH!NG AT THE ....av (C)MOVIE e • · 'Plloble.. ( t 980 I Paul MIC:liMI GI-. Su11n Hogan. A O'OUC> of mental pallenta Ire murdereel ec;cordlng to their lnellvidu- el lews. 'R' .MOVIE • ** "The ISiand" (IMO) M lch1et C aine. David W-White lnveetigal· Ing• e r uh of llhlc> dllap- peer enc:iee In the Bermuda T rlangle. a joutnalll ~­ bias IUOM an itOlal«I, 400-year-old colony of pirll• 'A' 1:06 ® ll!X •• ntNE- LETTER WOlllO Me n -on -t he-11r eet re1ponaea anel eKpen opinions ate uMd In thll documenlery 10 - -ol the moet-Ukeel ~lions on the IUb)ec:t of M lf.uallly 1:*>. MOVIE e'A. "Racing F_ .. (1964) Joe Morrlaon, Ch11te1 M91111\. • MOYIE • * • "snip Of Fooll" ( 1985) Vivien Leigh. Simone Slgnoret. 1:11 (8) MOYIE • • 'Ao "Sidney Shelelon' • Blooelllne" ( 1979) Auelrff'/ Hepbutn, Ben OazntL Aller i.. lather diet, • woman lnhertts one of th# wor1d'• -"hleel oorpo- rllloM w><I beCO<naa the twgtt ol her eehernlng ret-••lvee. at teaat one of wt10m ta a murder'er 'R' 1:46 ;~ ~ NEWS MOVIE * * * "King 5o1omon·a Mlnee" ( 1050) Deborah Kerr. Sl-911 Granger A white hunter gulClee a party through Clarklll Africa on -Ch of a women'• hus- band (Z)MOYIE * * 'h "Foolln' Atound ' ( 19110) G1ry BuHy, Annelle O'Toole A naive c:ountry bOy lrlee to win • beautiful. 1ophl11l<laleel college coecS ew1y lrorn her anobbilfl llance llnCI her equally uppity !amity 'PG' 2:30!= . **'A ''A 0teern 0t Pu- llon" ( 19711) Ellen Bursl)'fl, ~ M«eourl. A woman whO kllted her chlldren and artempteel IOldde after her hulband left her meets an ecu.. whO e1oeen·1 reellH wtler• acting endl end-life beglnt In I Gt .... prlton 'A' 2:.401 NlW8 1:00 MOYIE • *'-' "The Hwel Wey" (IMO) Patrick McGoohan • Lee Van CIMf A ,.., ......in llal to mall• one more hit before he can re!lre. 'R' 8'108 MOYIE **~"The Wlllte T-" ( 1950) Glenn Ford. a.. Aainl. Sill peope .,.. drill- .,, by dltlerent motlva1kln8 to ICale a foreboding mountain. a:.aoe MCMI • • "Piranha. Plrantil" ( 1972) Peter •own. M- Iiam S!nlttl. ... ~ **"You'll.._ See Me Again" ( 1973) Oevld Hmrt- man. JeM Wiiton. CB)MO'tll • 'h "Fnlnl The .... Of The MariOI-*" ( 1tl0) Aot>- •rt At 1orn. Chrl•lln• BucMgoer. All....,..,~ mlld-..-wier'ld ~ -murden tM Pfo6 Mt lllflOft'I fie .,...., '9'U'- 1My. 'A' Ml(l)MCMI • ••• "Altered s ..... " ( 1llO) W9lem """· ..., ear-. A H9NWd ..,._ ..... ~ ellNolln .. .....,.,._.fie_... rNnct...-ldlt.. ..,.,.. _. .. ........,. .... MCI ,_.._ .......... oo-..:. ** "NIA" (t911t ._. "re,, Alrtt ~A ~ .............. . ~ ............. .... ...... ........... .. ............... ........ ..., ..... .. ....... ......... .... ..(l:)lllCMI **"~~ Ctlllt"""'T ..... ~ ....... ... **" ''.le!K ,._.., . (ttltt..., .... T...., '--....... ,,,..,. M.tal 642·5&78 mlSFllSAlE .. lllW ·i: P...-1• 100! . _...... 1011 •l lhr 11111 fi::~ ::1 El Two um r-...valle) , .. ................ IOll 1,..,.. IOM IAC-.ltw• ltlll i...c-HIU• IOllO Lllcllu N1111tl 1062 lllMioft V1eio IOS7 ICft9art ..... ,. S.ci..n.Mt lfll ~JloolCap .. truo 1m SMlaAM 1• SMll u c•. IOM Soolth Lqyu !Olli -...11< IOll .... ltoftw• s.lt 11()11 ... . . - EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY_... ,... ........... : All real ealate ad- ve rt ised in tb is newspaper is subject to I.he Federal Fair Hous· Ing Act or 1968 wbich makes it illegal to ad· vertise "any prererenre. limitation. or dis· u man Acftlc• ,., Sile Allort ... 111.l !or Sal• llHfh PrO\>trty lual11tH1'ro9trty ~y ...... Cr1Pl> ~~~r\) t ~-Uonulialc i-..1o btllo;td 1-P•Oll<C'\> rnmination based on 1• race. color. religion, :: sex, or national origin. 1«11> or an intention lo make ;: any such preference, 11'1 hm1lalion. o r dis - :: cnminalioo " ?!DI =~J:'<>P<\'> ll*k lhno Trlr Prlll .._.o.-t ....... ~•Ct Prop ~.,~~"" Ranchn.Ya.rm,,Grovf} Rtal Eauito E101\antt Rtll Ea1a1t V.&l\l«t ~ This newspaper will nol mo knowin~ly accept any i: advertising ror rea 1 J!>lO estate which is in viola· :: _u_on_~~th_e_la_w_.~~~-• =--------i IDlAlS 1-.. J'vr*Atd JIOO -\.al"""~ lDI ................. ..,., llllO Coftdom1ntum1 f'uro lt£WJ C ....... IN•IM Uol )42) T-Purn :llOO Tfi,,,,..._ 1.nl ~ o..it.• .. Fllf'll ~ ~ ....... , )IOjl) ~rnO<l.nl :, "-' .. -- alOIS: Actfertisen ._..dteclltltWods cWy .... report ft"' ran ..._clatety. Tit• DAILY PILOT os.-s lallilty for tllle fint l•correct iaurtloft ...,. I AllU~;:,. = ._ 1104•1> llCl!1---------i l =..":":".!i.b •!$) u__ for s..a- \'w ai-llHl"'l> !: ~ - Rtd.al1 toS.,ut• -ClAl ••••••••••••••••••••••• &~1\!<.~•ot !: Gaerd I 002 ~ A.tnUJ U50 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-tlal llt11UI ll(I! s..-.. ~· c ••• ..,v .. .,. 11...w. V.aM..t ~ j New Cape Cod 2 story Mlif R<ntllf -BUSIN£Sl' INVEST· I bldg on prime street. °" :BIO sq fl + 5 rar pkg MENT, flNANCf Residence office up. I::::==.-w.o stairs. roof lop deck, re· :==~' ::: laildownstairs. 1315.000. .._,.1ot.o.n :; ()peft Sat/S.11 1·5 11_, v.'ai1ttc1• ~ 4) 0 31st St. M.I . lllorlpl" TO, , ~ ANllOUNCDIENTS. snsn_s -- P'EISDNALS & UIST & FOUND SEtYICES SMILUON S w" o.o.11mty tor s• = 11 d Linda lsle Newport wi Bea c h Custo m :: waterfront home · ~ priced rar below mart'et for qwck sale. MAI ap- praisal S4 4 millioo !Jeduced to only $3,6 million. Seller wilt carry 7116 30 year financing at 10'': ;vis Room for 3 large yachts. m" Indoor outdoor pool spa with retractable roof ~ Undergroun d win e :::~ cellar Separate guest "® AND maid 's quarters. = World 's most romantic tlll$ master suite OYerlook· :'i 1ng entire harbor. ,.;eo Broker cons1der alion :: To see call Rick. Bkr !ll6.) 714 7~7292anytime. ~ '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 """ -,,... l!f«l l(g) !!(Jr. ...eo. ><m --~ l(1A TRIPLEX $155,000 Located in Costa Mesa these two 2 Bdrm 2 Ba units are great rentals. They have patios & garages. Assume 95K 1st loan an OWC 2nd. TWO OUTSTAHDING BAYFRONTS WITH OUTSTANDING .flNAtl:ING! loth of tlww hcMMs en W. ''pride of ow11trsllllp" cHdltku1, duorot•d ... ........, ..... good ............. cal for dl'tails Clftd to pre•lew thtM fine ,. opertit-5: •4 LIMDA ISU 2·1tory with 4 I*"' + lllClid'S roolll, forWIClll diniRcj F'OOfll. large fa1t1ily rOOM with step doWll bar & co1111try kitchu. LHdscap•d to pHiKtioft + ~ onr dip-pool & spa. S 1,395,000. Slip for 3 boob. IALIOA ISUHD pri•cft locatlcNt wittl secstty. t...W & stm.d ..... wood, w...... & .... to ettioY bclyft'Ollt & lfJhh.. lM9e• spoc"*' 4 be4. ...... wiHI MfM'" lllDShr ..,., Deda + bako.ty. flier & slip + YftGI ycrd. S 1,200,000. fff. A gnat•* in today's lllOl"bt! Fili• cilMJ; I 0% cesh doWll pay1Mt1t Oftd OWMf' wil CGrTJ ... ~ .. at I ()>f40/o illhnst. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC • REAL ESTATT. s.ir. IW>o.ok Pl'O!Wf•y M.._,.,..n1 JIS Mannt Aw &lb<» !Wiid 67Utto 675-3411 ams.n o...i. .. .. . MTIS.IStl tr'...... = .=..::::'·~:::·.. . ::: oi-... ~ ............ "" ~ ... -~ ........ . c.u.ii.ii'1'."; . = a.-..... -.......... ·-.................... ................. .... ·-... --.. ,-....... ,, ...... -................. -1 ••••••• , ••• i •••••••••• -1.'!1!!9!~· ... ~ ............ = PllDE OF OWHH$Hlf'! J bedroom. 2 ba th Condo in best Costa Mesa location . Large assumable lst Owner will ca·rry large 2nd. Try low down. Act now ! $134.950. COROMA oa MAR DUPLEX! 2 yrs. new. Owner built duplex. "owners" unit, has 3 Bdrm s. 3 baths. J sun~ks. skylights, beamed ceilings & • 3 car garage. Both units have woodburning fireplaces. Owner will assist. $398,500 . 516 Marguerite Avenue. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 1·4. ATTINTIOH IUILDHS! Where can you fi nd a level R-2 lot south of the highwav in Corona del Ma r for $230,000? Great opportunity to build a single family home. a duplex. or even two con- dos. Generous terms available. IMVEST IM YOUR MURE! What could be a better investment in future dollars and the good life than an attractive duplex in the most desirable area of Corona del Mar. Imagine th e beach at· mosphere and your i,nvestment helping you finance it $325,000. YOUI LUSIC HOMI IM EAST&""! If you need a 4 Bdrm, 2~ bath 1 story near schools, shopping and tennis club, ln one or Newport's finest re- sidential areas, loo~ no further. you have found it. This home does not back up to any street and has a lovely view of Catalina and even Palos . Verdes. All of this for under SJ00,000. A ulu I • .., of Jolllt 0. LAii' & Seil JllJ lllt c .......... ., c..... .. .. 7 SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1982 R&IM~ --- FOREVER VIEW! OF OCEAM & NIGH1' UGHTS OP-. SPACES & PAllS llAMD MEW TOWMHOMES Deluxe. 2 master suites. lar~e airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere 'in Costa Mesa. All for the low price of: $137.000 & $119.000 HAL« PAT IAUB A&TS. 673-7300 OPa. HOUSE SAT.·SUM. I ·4 2277 PACIFIC·IEHD OF WILSOMI Bankers and bookkeepers are in demand . Check today's listings, classification 710(). ~~\iW~~ LIFE IN A GARDEN GARDIH PAD Vil.UGI. al the cor· ner of Avocado and Fairview Rd. in Cost a Mes a, tr ul y offer s a multitude of custom features within · its 2 & 3 bedroom Cape Cod style community. Excellent 30 yr. fi nanc- ing with 131/4 'k fixed rate loa ns available help make this develop· me nt a highly successful and a most pleasurable place to live . From $137,950. Furnished models open daily 10:30 AM to dusk. Broker cooperation C.M. Offic~ CdM Office I IO DIGUI YllW Charming home on Spyglass Hill. Large lot with lovely pool. 5 Bdrm, 2 story. newly offered at $829,500. MOlllE ~ Lido Waterfront. Cozy 1 Bdrm, large living room w/frplc , great year round li ving or weekend retreat. $59,500. 54'-ZZlt QQ, 675-Zll} MESA WEST QC_O~_ ~]~( r ")J,A_ J IJY TOWNHOMES ~ ~~'L WOOOlllDGI COMDO Ne ar new 2 Bd rm 2 bath, single story end unit. French d oo r s, lovely n e u tr al carpeti ng. beaut. brick patio. bltn BBQ & firering. $147 ,000. 759-1616 ~~~~~~i i~~~~~ ON THE WA TEil SI , I 00,000 1 h1~ superbly craft ed builders homr exudes luxury from thl' m11m1•nt )OU enl<'r thl' on:rsi1.ed douhl t· rlMf~ Tilt' fh IOI( bndj(e ~lam .. 1se. ~ailboat bar fom1I) room. hUl!e In mg room "llh f1rl·plJt't' )(ourm.-t k1t4.'hen ~ Dctrm~41-, baths h11ll' a"ay omc~· Ont> of 1h1• lari:esr ) arcls m the· harbour and boat 1k11:k Call for ~uur pm <•H· shu~m11. ~·7521 POOL HOME Sl2t,t00 Tlus clwic rant h style pool home sits at the end of a quiet t'<lelfltry street surrounded by towenng pme trees You'll reel the warmth al the earthtones and paneling as you move lhrou!i!h the 4 large bedrooms. separate dine area. re111odeled k1lchen. and large living room to the baths and sparkling pool All for only $129,900 A Coldwell Banker exrlus1ve of rourst> Art"°"" 894-1521 SUM AND SMCIW $750,000 Secluded Wllterlronl home with 36" boat shp and wide water view. Conversation f1repit in living room. f1replat'e in huge master bdrm suite with 2 walk m closets 4 skyhghts. wet bar. beautiful plantal1un shuUers thruoul Don't mtSS lh1s property. Call for ftnanC'aog possibilities. Condo 1n Vail. Colorado included In package at this pr1<'e Truly a year round packal(e Don't miss 1l, call Coldwell Banker now 894 1521 FaHCH COUMTIY MANOI $175,000 From the moment you step lhrough lbe secure double doors to your private entry courtyard you 'II know this home ts something special The fountain bubbles belaiod you u you walk 111to the living room with bu.min& fireplace, separate du11ng area. newly updated kitchen with awienities like microwave. The yard landscaping feature! prize roses. The master suite has a private bubbling spa. This three bedroom 1s truly a lovers delight Call now 894-7521. OUTSTANDING VALUE $249,900 1 Lot·ated in pn me llu nllnglon ~ad1ff This 4 Bdrm 21 ~ bath has all the amerutl('s. ;'am1ly room with lar!le brick fireplace. cllStom stained itlass and brick. For those who apprt'('1ate the finer things from Coldwell I Banker or C'Ourse Don't miss out. Call today, ID'-7521 1IADITIOMAL .. ANCI $161,0IO Oorceoos Showuse home. Rose nrden, 111ebo accented spa plus • Bdrms. 3 baths, HParale maids/pelt quarten. ANwnable lou. Now u,te<I Sl85,oo0. Call 184· 1521 l.lllltiltll ... (7l4) ·•7521 (213) 51-3321' .at EMa I •• HJ. ... MOUNTAIN RETREAT Tow1·nng tree~ ,. O\ crs11ed 101 1·reat~ the romam e nf a ,1•1·lucled mountain rl'lreat Drumu111· cntr) Spal'1ou~ 11, rm + formal d1mni: ~Ja:.s1\\' beamed c·e1kn)(s B1lhartl s1ie fJm rm " entrrt:unl'r' "Clflar St-null) mmt•r drops pn1 c to S221UOO' \11 fJ.,I, rall ~:,,)!fi raFICT ST AITEI $13,900! Get started in '82 with spacious. spotless end unit condo Qwet t'ourt yard Owner will rarry balance wtlh only $10.000 down. with payments that will fit your pocket book' Just listed act fast Call 962·S585 TAU.&PIOUD SI lt,000 Private gated drive leads to country charmer lownhome w / city coovenienC'e. Ceramic tiled entry to spacious Uv. room. Formal dine. Private suMmg terrace + 1m· pie spare for green thumb experts! Huee master suite. Immaculate, airy + plush de· cor tl\ruolll. Hurry on this cream puff Call 962·5.S&S REDUCED SI 75,000 Oi·eJn view! Sill ml( Lil II .rnd proud 111 bloc:ks from beach 4 b11( bd rms + J baths Formal dine Green hou~e Rumanllr 5pa Man~ SS spent m quahl~ dcrnr thru out this hral'h .1de lam1I~ home ! Don l miss the hoat al only $175.000 ~ llurry rall 962 S58S WALK TO THE BEACH SI 85,000 Bnsk half mil(' walk to the lwach 1s vours M asM\(' t"u ~tor~ Jm1dst lush land.~rapml( Spat'1ous II\. rm Counlr} k1tt•hcn B1ll111rd s1zc family rm w rra1•klinl(. warm flrcplacl'. Take O\'rr loans + owner ma y c·arry lo l(el vou 1n w rea~nnable down' Hurn! Call ~·~ . 5 IDRM IOHAMIA Looking ror the big one~ lluite 5 Bdrm offers spacious liv rm with ma sslve stone fireplace. Formal dme. Many extras included In this rustom11ed family home Perfet.t for your grow111g family needs. AN now. call 962 SS85 HAllOUI CHAii'• 1-ZLOT HunUntton Harbour charmer wflh leaded 1111s Windows, beamed cellrr:n · • 2 old world ftreplaees. Located on me R-2 lot. Grell unit potentl'al. ()weer wt eln'y paper. Now only 1185,llOI H\lny. ull 112·5585. COUNTRY CLUI ESTATE 0\411 your own pool. ~pa & pullinit iireen Stelb to tennis and j!olf Treal )oorself to resort h\ mi: in th1~ ~various l'UStom home Pnn'<l far ht•lo" replJt'ement Ill• first Call IMl", i;l5-<J.10:1 NEWPORT TRIPLEX Only $205,(J()(J' fixer 1s idral for hand yman. hu1lck'r or m\ cstor. I hlurk to ba\ Don't 1lela1 C:all toda\ 6~5 0303 · MESA VERDE· SI 22,000! l'Jn you lwht•\ e thb pm·e in pre<il11t1ous ~1\..,3 \".-rd<.•0 0._nt•r I' .ln\IUU~ }OU !!<llO' Spar1oul> honw w11 h lodtb of pm at') and l'a.~) t•arr ) :.ird ~:nJO) Costa Me:,a's best address llO" ' r all 6~!'> 0303 NEWPORT FIXER REDUCED l'nbehe\·abh lo" pm·ed' SaH SS! Bnng \'Ollr paint. el ho" l(ren~l' and 1ma1tanauon lo transform 1h1~ laritt> 4 Bdrm house into,. dream home• Puol & ~pa romplNe· the settmg f,A?nder ownc•cl Take advant;age now!\ Call 645·030.1 FIRESIDE ROMANCE Intimate master suite with glorious fireplace 2 add1ltonal fireplaces in spacious lmng and family rooms Wet bilr Chttry breakfast room Exc1tml( hvmg for the YOWlg ?r young at hea rt Community pool and pnYale park mg Con\ enient location Immediate Possession Pnred for qutrk sale (';ill"°"' 645 0303 NEWPORT RIVIERA Onh $129.500' lluge lo" nhorr#~ has cot\' ftreplacl', c·he<'r) famil~ room. rl'imdeled kitchen King site master suite Sun ny pm ate patio l'ommurut \" pool. spa & tennis l:leSI bU) I (_" Jll fi.15-0303 OCEAN Y11W Newport Buch. l block to sand. R-2. Outstanding investment potential. Only s1.i.ooo. Don't miss out! Call now. M5--03Q3 CUSTOM &alders homt has evu ything ins1dt • out! Vaulted ceilings. Brlrk walls. Solid Oak cabinets. Wide custom shutters. Atrium. Sun deck. View of city lig hts. Prestigious Mn 1 • Verde Country Club aru T1ke adnntace now. CaU 64S-0303 CIStl lllsl OWllG3 · .ltl*&-Cllllllll - " 1 a Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23. 1982 r r W "' -" -, 8_.ay,JUUJ:YM By SYDNEY OllA&a AaJl:8 <March 21April19): Orialnal ldeaa are encouraced by one In posltlon of authority. Activity shown ln connect.lon with communlt.y, charity and ln aaaoclaUoo with civic leader. TAU&UI (April »Mey IO)~ Spiritual val~ dominate acenano. Emotions t«td to color Ioele. Emphaall also on d istance, laneua1e. communicatlon and a review ol poulble travel plans. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Hl1hH1ht veraaUUty, special studies and an underatandln1 of buk iasues. Focus on dependent.a, peta and resolutions concernine work, health and recreaUon. CANCE& (June 21.July 22>: Take Ume for gainine 1econd emotional wind; review prospects, give more attention to ramily member and make effort to cooperate with one whoee loyalty has been proved. LEO (July 23·Aug_ 22): You'll be in con(ad with those who do plenty of talking, but wno rn•y not actually be serious. Know it, r espond accordingly and prepare to be self-reliant. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Focus on home, chlldre.n, acquisition of luxury item, gift purchase intended for one confined to hospital or residence. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives fieure prominently. ......... P ICTITNMn •UM•EU "AMI'. ITATSME"1' Tiie 1011-1 .. , --· ere e.int >vtln•~JH' ~ARAOISE EAST·BIUOGEWOOO, 1.01 Ot'H Street, Sltlte HO, Ne•port ••tell. :tlllOrnlt ttwO Sltelwooel A.\t11t9t,,,.,,I, 111<., e 'l•••d• corportllon. aso ,._,,., •-•lrltt R-. LA• v -..s, .... .._ ..... Reel Eneror. Inc , • Celllorftfa :Ol'por•tlon, 1.01 00... Strwt, Suite 1.0. Nt-' 9Nch, C..lllOOll• lteel E,,...9Y A~ltlfl Pt•edlv, 1.01 Dow S4rwt Sulht HO. NewllOtt BN<ll, C.llfornlt tt..o This bllslMU Is conducted by • )ef'ftr•I ~. REAi-ENERGY, INC (Ury c. su ........... PrMlcltflt Thll Slt....,_I wM llled wlll\ 1M County Clerk ol <><•not County on Oeumbe< 17. 1te1. '"'"' Publl"'"9 Orenoo Coe11 Otlly Pltol, Jen. J, '• ,._ U , 1"2 I I 1.0 PIU1111l PIU ll1ll "CTITIOUS •uM .. •U NAMelTATtl ... •T Tiit l•llt•lft• ~erMll h 4el11• -. ...... " AMafltCAN ANTHOLOGIES, 11711 VttMy Vn, S<llM "'2, G.,..,, Gr•-. CA ft!MS ltOYAL TV SOUltCES, LTO , t C•lllornla corPOr.otton. 1tm V•lltY Vlt.w, Sulla ~. OM-Orowe, CA .,..., Thi\ -ln"'t It <oncllKt .. by a c.,_alton AO'f•fty Sooiful, LM. Jeflery R. Z...Oy ... y, ~t ""' ~ -llled "'"" -Count• Clerk ~ 0r•"9t County .,, Oec )0, ""· ~.,., .. -" ........ PICTl'10US au11 .. 1u ...... STAT•Ma"T T l\• lollo•ln• perttft h dtlne ........... OtAMONO "0 " A.ll'l'RAISAL SEltVICE. t tU Sitter A••ftllt, l41HllNlflen 9e«h. Ctllfefnlt ·-Cl\trlfl I . 00.-11, •ttt Alb* Otlve, Hllftll......, Beech, c.lllofnl• .,.., fllh _.,,.., I• C-ltd llY Oft llldM4Ntl. a-... 1 .o.w.11 Thlt t!All-... lllM with IM c-ty '<*• .,. 0r-c_,., "" J-yt,ttll Pl- Publl.,,., ar-.. CO.ti Delly Pltot, Jen.•. l•. n. •· tm 111.a. PllbllsllM Ortnvt C.oesl D•lly Piiot, Jen. t. t , 16, u. 1"2. t...a t-------------PIU l9llCl PICTITIOUS •uM .. ass MAMa ITATa ..... T Tl\e lollowln11 ptn.,, h doln• IMnl11tHM: PICTITIOUS •Uil"llS "AMI STATEMENT f11e lotl-1"9 ""°'" •rt dolne butlnH, .. : rlOEWATER PUBLISHING, "41 Tlftw•ltr Ct .. Hunllnoeon 8etcl\, Ce. ~ ... 1111( . -·· = I I .. PICTITIOUS au11 .. 111 NAMa ST Aff ..... T "9C11nout ..,.. .. , .. ...... HaTWM•T , ... ,,......... --·-••ft ...... _,_, ... O•AVCOM ""'O H•v•c•. ....... ...,, ..... AM.Ce.,,.. 1(1, N•llont l: llec t rtftlC C•l<llltlor Sotwlu I• C•llftrnl• ,.,_ ...... , ..... ' flltc!Wy, ._. AM,Ct.'2m Thlt w.i,,...t It COl\4"'1t4 •Y t cor-•t• 10 WI'-J 0-lry, lo<......,.,. T ,.._., Tlllt •-I -Ill .. wltll t1W1 C-IY C19r1C' Of Or"tlflOle c-IY 9'I J_r.,Jl,1"2 ''"-,..., ..... Or ... (OHi Oolty ll'lltit J .... J], JO, '.i> •. u. 1"2 ...., l'ICTft10Ul twit .... "AMlllTAH••T Tll• l•tlewlnt ,., .... I• ••'"• _._ .... , I VMAo\tT Ao\A(MIN• WOltl(., UUI •••11111, Unit 0 , T11U ln, Callf••--M••I l"tttt. tt .. 1 ll'IM Leh ..__, " .. ,,., .... (•l~nl• ... Tlllt _,,..., h <-'"' .. ., • ""'lMcl ..,,...,..,.,., Mor1 .. w.••-'"'' •It..,_ -fllM wl• -C...,,,., Cler .. 91 Or-,_., .,. O.ce"'-"·'.,.' ,.,,.... ....... ...... Or-.r CNA OtllV-~--J.., U , JO, Feb.'· U, tta ~ -------------------lht lellewlnt •er.011 It t1olft9 I Wliflffl .. , ' N...,. "CTITlout MIMNass NAMa STATa-•T OlltTY MCl(l!EVERS, 1)0 Eetl lltllSt.,C:.teMew,Ct .mi. llllW«• ....... , to.at l!I c.ml'O. ~-l•ln Vtll•Y. C•. n1t1 Tlllt w.i-I• <~led llY en lnlllvi-. Eowatolt-Thlt .._._, •M llled wllll tM C-ty C .. rk •I <><....-Cewily on J-•ry tt. tt•2. """" ~ub41"'90 Or-C..st O.i1r Plltt Jon. JI, JO, Feb. •• ta, ltl2 *42 PICTITIOUI aus1 .. 1ss NAME ITATIM«"T Th• tollowl"• ,.,...,, '' dolno buslntllff: GLASGOW VACHT CHAATEll ANO DELIV'EfltY COMll'ANV, 1"82 Ceftbtrtt L-, HYllllnetOft llt~ll, Colttornl•.,._ C•rl we.,n• Gte111ow, '"" Canblrre L-. Huntlnolon Beeclt. Catllornlt._.. Tl\h llllllM\S h ~-led ..., ... llldMll ... I. PICTITIOU.S •UM"llS No\Ma """ ...... , Tiie lell-lnt Mr_, •re .. , ... ,,..,,,..., .. MAR INE SE R VICES VNLIMITEO, ti/ E. ltl_\I ... Of'lw, New-I BMcll, Ctll,.,..le ,,.., G BflAll White, )0.Vt flluh • Bt lllN Iv-. C.illornte '*2 flt t berl 8 Murtt, >HI VW Su nllo•er, No RI . S•nt• Anll, C<tlllornla '770o • Tlllt OU\lntU II COllclw<IM bY t generel P¥tMl'Vllp G.BrlenWllll• Thlt \l.U,,_t WM llled wlll\ , ... CO..nly Cieri. 01 Or•not C-ty on J-ryJl,1"2. Th• 1•11-lnt Ptrtonl •rt dolnt ...., ...... ~ TM (.118LIEYtSION, 17"1 L.,a Pu , L ...... e N'-!. Ca '2•11 Or t n Q• Count y C a b le Cotnmunlc•llons C.omp •ny 111 C•lllOtnl• (~Allon!, 17•11 Lt PH. ""-• Nl ... 1, C• tt•n fhlt llll~lntl> I\ condu<l•O •Y e tO<"-•llon Or-Counly C-· c.omm..ntcat9-Comptny P-ltA Men , At\llltnt Secreter y Tlllt 'IAl-1 w•• lllH wltl\ Ille Covnly Clerk 01 Or•nQt county on Jtnu•r• ~. 1'1:1 " ... ~ttl... Pv1111.-Or""Oe Coe•t Dt ily Piiot Pubtl-Ort119t Co.t\t O•lly Piiot, J en •. "· U, JO, "'' 1~ Je" ti, )0, Feb 6, U, 1"2 34,_., ~ICTITIOUS •USINIU ,.CTITIOUS •USINEIS NAME STATE~NT No\MaSTATEMaNT Ttl• 1011owln9 P••tOll h do•no Tiie lollowl"ll P<tHon• ere ootn11 IN"nto•• LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22): What appears to be a disruptive domestic situation is merely a "temporary storm." You'll see situations, people as they are instead or through haze or wishful thinJdng. McGREGOR ENGINEERING, JOU Merion Wt.,, CoU• Mut, C•lllornle "'t7 ..ac l9llC( R-rl WtYftt M(.Gr ...... 5'., ,_ i---,-,-CT-•_n_ou_s_•_u_Sl_N_a_s_s __ ,, ~;~on W•y, Coote MeM, Ctlltornle Ewt JeM UP41111. t>CI ''*'"'•ser Cr., Hunti11910ft heel!, CA. tt- Joe,_ R•Ynolds, 20 Hellolrooe Ave , COfont cltl Mer, Ct tt•is C9FI W 01890W Tlllt ttltt-1 w• filed wlll\ Ille Ct)ll11ty Ct.,.11 ol O<t1199 c-ty on J-.... 14, ,., _l,,..sn; PALISADES PAOPEllTY, l~l c A L I F 0 A N I A F L E E T VI• S•tr-to. Ctp1>1r..-o Beech SEltVICH. P7 fl-Piece, Cott• C•lltornc.mu SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Contacts made in f'ecent wee ks seem suddenly to bear fruit. Relatives are involved, short journey could be part or scenario.and vou'll,~now where vou stlU'ld with a "very special person. NAME STATaMENT ,,;,~ll~~lfteu I• <-ltd ..., t11 11u!:'.:.~"!~4'."''n11 p•rM>n• ere doln9 R_, W•yne M<Gr....,. Sr Thll buslneH h conclw<led •• A lltntrel P«tntntllp. Mew, C.alllorN• "»11 Ste-n A Moftlort, 4<M Santa DoW SolDe•ll, ll7 RamoN Pl~•. Ce< ell•. Solan• 8uc11 Ca lltornl• Cost• Me .. , C.lllornie m11 ttOIS l'I ... PvtMI-Or-COMI 0.lly Plttt, CAPRETZ & KASOAN, 20'1 Bu•lneu Center Drive, Suite JOO, trwlne, Ct. tt71S SAGITTAitlUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Views are vindicated, lost object is retrieved and news is received which brightens financial picture. Confide nce is restored, people seek your opinions a nd many ask you to participate in special projects. Jt""" T C41Pf"etl, 201 Ewt11l110 CtnYOll R-, Corone Itel Mer, Ct . '"" Ke,,,...11 s. KMdtn, mu E•llm•. MIUIOll Viejo, C,e, mfl Vence C. Simonds, Jr., 17 LtUPlftH, lrwlne, Ct. tt714 Tiiis ou~lneu Is conducted by • oenerel -1,.rs"'9. J-T-~1 This Sltl-... "''° wltll Ille County Clerk 01 Or•noe Ct)llnh on CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Personality sparkles, you make new start, you gain added independe.nce and you are invited lo participate in project which challenges your creativity. J-•rv 1, 1"2. c...-.o .... K•-1"tla..-..1cw.o..se..iee l"'IM, CA 111._llM '19"W AQIJARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ): Visit one confined to home or hospital. Participate in group activity aimed al promoting funds ror charily. Fulrill obljgatlon or promise made to family member. Publl-Or-Coest Delly Pltol Jt n '· i., ?>, JO, Ul2 ?O)oe2 PICTITIOU$ •USl ... SS "AME STATUd"T PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): What had been a problem is resolved -aura of celebration dominates scenario. Social activity accelerates, you are thankful, relieved and gratified as spir itual values come into rocus. The 1011-1119 perM>n• ••• dolno buslneuo: StOI TELEGRA PH ROAD VENTURE, lOtO Pullmtn Stretl, cos•• Mew. Ct. '1•• The R .. r1 P. Wtrmll\Q(Ofl Co. Ca Ct tllOrnl• <,,,_ .. Ion>. >O'O Pullmtn imi:'in~i8'""'iuMiiiiiiimiimii•------------j Str"t, COile llMM, Ct nu• IUTll llllm ltob•trl Oou•. StOI Tele•r•ph Ro..i, c-<e, Ct. '°°22 I Otlfonl R. A.tllley, ffell 'T"eletrtPl'I R-. Cet1vnHU, Ct tOm2 Tiiis lluslntH 11 conclwcted by • ..,,.rtlperl,.rsNp ~lt0Wt1P Wtrmlnvton c.o. BENTLEY 10 1969 and moved lo Corona V 1RG 1 L H UBERT del M ar. Ca. Other s u rvivin g BENTLEY. age 77. a 12 year members of his family are resident o f Corona del Mar, h is m oth e r -in -law G r ace Ca ., passed away o n M ae Lee of Newport Beach , January 19, 1982 after a long c a . brother·in·law and wife i~neu. He is survived by his All~n and Phylis Lee and wife of 48 yean Dorothy Lee n 1 e c es Di an e t. e e o r Bef!lley: Mr. Benll.ey was Riverside. Ca. and Caro lyn 1 a~Uve in _ community a!'d Lee H eath of Kansas City. A c ivic a ffairs. He he ld W e memor ial service will be memberships in Kwianis h e ld at st. Andrew 's lnte rnaUooaJ Club_ of Corona, Presbyterian Church. 600 S t . del Mar. the S hnne rs Afif1 Andrews R oad. Newp o rt C hapter o r Taco ma , B each at 2 .00PM on Washingto n , and th e Saturday, January 23. 1982. Y~JJows~orie Blue Lodge or P acific View M o rtuary, Miles City, M onta.na. F or 40 New port Beach directors. Wllll•m J. Pittman, SKrtttry This Ile~ we tlllCI wt!'\ ,,.. Ct)lllllY Cl.,-k ol Or•~ C-ty on Jenuary IS, 1"7 "'"-l'vllll-Or .... Cettt O<llly Pli.l Jen. u , n. JO. Fft •· 1"2 Jll-412 PICTITIOUS au11 .. ass NAMa STATEMm•T Tiit lollo•ln11 per10" h dolne butlMUM' WESAK FtNANCl-"1-. MO N_po,, Center Orlwe, Suite 1414, Newport a.tel\, C•. '1t60 Rvswtl W ICl-r, 221 E,...r ... ao. L...-etech, c. ms1 years he w as active in the FINNERAN O range County Gideons and LEO F . F I NNERAN, Tiits ~ntu Is C-UCleCI by •" llldlvldutt. RutMllW l('- Thlt Jl-nl w•t llled with Ille (t)llnty Cle<' of O<•"oe c-tv on J ...... r., '· 1'1:1 JACKSOtl, ICIDOElt & SUCIU.llllG At .... .,.e4Uw s.lle 1414 ..... "-...... ... .. ._, c:...-°"" .... ~a..cto.Ce.t2* .. , .. , Pwbll-Or-Coen O•llY Piiot Jan '· "· n . lO, "'' _.., was e lected an h o n orary resident of Newport Beach, membe r o f the ~ewporl ca . Passed a w ay on Harbor Lawn Bowltng C lub. January 20. 1982. Bom M ay Mr. Be nUey served 9 yea~s 28. 1901 in Byro n H ot as an elder. or St. Andrew s S prings. ca. Survived by his P r esbyterian C h urch or wife Beth. Funeral services Newport ~each. where ~e will be h e ld on Saturday, waS' activ e tn M e ~ s January 23. 1982 a t tt :OOA M Bre~kfast F'ellows h1p al Pacific View Mortuary Previously ~e was a n .elder C hapel with D r . David o r th e . F 1 r s t U n 1 led Bailey orriciaUn g . Interm e nt Presbytenan C hurch o r San al Pac iric View Memorial Bernardino where he was a Park. Newport Beach. In member for 25 years and lie u o r n o w ers m emoria l REC~~~c~~':,':i'J~:~:.S s..1ee1 Chai~m~ for 10 y-:ars Of the COntribulions may be m ad e PtOC>OStlt (Dicbl will be rt<tlwtO by B u 1 I d 1 n g F 1 n a n c e to the Heart Fund Pacific -City o1 INIM, In -office 01 111e Committee . Mr. Bentley View Mo rtuary directors City c1er11. toutect .. inoo J•mbor• was born on October 2, 1904 FOY Road, ,,.,,,,,., Celllornlt, until 1·00 ~1 p,m. on Ftbrvary l, '"t. for the in Fargo, l'IOrth Dakota and LARRY H OWARD FOY. conttructlon ol lrwlnt G roo1 lived in the Slates Of Iowa, passed away on January 2(), Net9hb...-cl Puk Soler HHtln9 W isconsin, MiMesola, South 1982. He was a reside nt o f !\~fn"~ 1;';:~·~~ ... ~!!.!::::: Dakota, Montana and Garden Gr o v e, C a . He is "'"'ch It 1oc:•ltc1 on wetnut a.enue, Was hington before m oving s ur vived b y hi s wire t uterly 01 cu•••• Orin, 1rv1"e. to California 31 years ago. R oberta. son Robert o r c·~~~~-:.·PTIC>ff OF wOAK n,1, For 2 5 Ye a r s h e was L a g u n a B e a c h • C a . • pro le< I inc~ 1ntt•11•t1en 01 ,,. .. employed by Stockwell and daughters Jacqueline M>l•r co11ec1or -" -IMl>lno ''" Binney S tationers of S an Callaway o f 'Ga r den G r ove the 11u t1n11 01 two n1 olttlno B d • h h . ' twlmmi.,. -• -two Ill t Jlttlfle e r n a r 1 n o w . e r e e Ca .. Re ne Wood or Ontano, -·· The -11 1nctudH ,,.. n«HMr¥ became vice-pres ident and Ca. and Mjchelle Escalera or rtl•ted •te<trk •I contro1. u c•w•t1on, In charge of advertising and Buena Park Ca a nd 4 concrete -"· •nd '-'"rue'"'" h _ _., • H • ed ' • • · '"'" collecton -plplno E1191neer'1 mere a nu.1s ing . e ret1r grandc hildren a nd 3 sisters. E.stlm•te -ua.ooo. r •c<>«Mtea MOITUAllH .... Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J uan Capistrano 49f>. t 776 HAalOlt LAWP'-MT. OllVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ..... ClllOTHUS l&.L llOADW A Y MOttTU.aY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAt.l'ZIB ... O .. MTM&TVTHaL WhTCLW CHAflll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6•6-9371 NKlllOTHMS SMITHS' MOITUAllY • 627 Main S t. 1-t.intlnQton Beach ~ Services will b e h e ld OD OPENING OF PROPOSALS T ... S aturday January 23 1982 pr~'' •Ill be pu1111c1y _...., •lld ' ' rttd •I 2:00 p,m on Fet>rwry l , 1"2, at 2:00PM at H arbor Lawn lnlMCityotlrwlfttCouncllclWlmm,... M e morial Chapel w ith R ev. 11200 JtmborH Roed. trwlne: Dawn V Keltori officiatrng. c.111or"I• ' · O BTAIN I NG CO N T RACT Services under the direction oocuMENTS· T..,. -111ce11on, •r• o f Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive 1111111ec1 "Cont~t<'t 0oc-1 tor .,,. Mortuary of Costa M esa. Con,trvctlon ol I.wino: Grow1 Soltr S4() 5554 HHtlnt S'l'lle<ns. CIP -..0." Pl- • ' tnd 19e<lflut11111~ end tll doc-ts KLEIN mn 11e o11t•lned ''°"' -0et>tnmen1 ULYSSES KLEIN, passed o1 Pul»lk. -'· Clly o1 ,,.,,,,.., not awa~ on January ~· 1982. ~C:,~~u~;1,i;:· .;~:~'.~"~1~1 r.: He IS survived by his wife c11erqed '"'" etch Mt o1 00curnenti Pearl. son s M arvin and P1a11t--ll1ea11on1 wl1t be m•Ued S h eld o n . 3 grandc hildre n , forP~,,o~~~~~::re:, Etch Ira, M ichael and Robe rt, prociow1 -11.,. ecc-IM.., • g reat-grandchildre n . Leah cert111ec1 or cMlllerHMcU•blcl"-' and Ari Services will be '" ,,,. • .-"' •hef'Cent.,. --• ' . '6d prlce ~ to Ille City Of ln11M h eld on Friday, January 22. "• ....,.,.i .. 11\411tlMbiddtt,11 "'' 1982 at lO:OOAM a t H a rbor 11roPOwt '' «<ttlted •Ill -pt1y Lawn C hape l. interment 111ec11te w. <~••. 1Kuif ,.~, I I di I Of W-et'• ~ti.r. 1-ence, 11erv ces mme •le Y -1-"' • Mlltlect...., ,. .. ..,"" following. Services under ,.~,,,_. e-t 1n --' .,. the direction of Harb.or 1ooperctntof1Mtott111111,..k•. Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary WAGE ltATES· At ,._.,,,.., by Se<ti.ti tm of w. Get......,. l.tWr of Co.~ Meaa. 540-$554. c.1e, .,. °""9f' Ml ....,1".,_ w. Wl.BSN"E& ...,.,., ....,,.,,.,,. r111. .. of ..... '" RICHARD 0 Wf ESN"ER· ttw 1«.t11ty Ill 'llllllkll -_... II• i.e . • pef'fer"'"' o.t9I M YN .... r• resident al Lat™ Beach, .... ~,. .,. "*"""" .... .. Ca • Pa 11 e d away o n offkM of .. Cltv .., -..... ...._ January 19 1912. <Born July.,.........,.,., TM c-receer 111e11 18, 1907 l~ Pblladelphla, i.: :11~~: ~-~~:-:: Pennsylvania. Survived by ..-.-.... ~"""....,..,.,.. b l• wife Catherine, aona .... .-.. .-clflM'""9!•t11er-. Richard H. Wlesner of =-~=.:..-:.=:.~111 Houston, Tou, Robert R. ""oJ•CT AOMtNm•ATt<*: All Wleaner of Missoula,_..._,.....,. .... ,~,""" llontena and dau1hter ::= .. -=-~~~ Susan A. Wies ner of c11, el tnJH , ~ .. uc werlu 0 a IC I a n d , C a . , °'"'' ... ._ ~.o. ... '""-'"""· frandclllldren, Je!fr~ A. ~,,:','~...,._. -11w1 aqd 0.ald H. Wiener ol CITV't •KIMTI HIHVI01 Ti. PAC911C YllW HouatoD. Tuu, I brotbln CltY_ .. ,....,..., ..... ....otaALP... and 4 alalera. Memorial ........ ....,...,~111~ Cema•ery Mortuary 8'rYlc:ea rrtda,, Janury II, :',;.-::W,....._,.~.,._..., CMs>ei-o.matOfY 1m at Jt:OOAll at Padfte OteMJ ~ ,, ._ 1 3l§OOPeclflc Yiew 011we Yl•• Mortuary cu.-.. wWI •••-.....,,.. •ac" ll••. lruee A. karrl• =..;:;:;. &M·VOO • olflclaUna. Pu Ille View ,...... 0'9llllt e....-.. ""'-....... ._ _____ • ___ ~~ MortUIJ dl.NCIGrl. '-'·-.a.• ..,_ J-Rtynotds J .... U, ll, JO, t'eb, '· 1"2 HI 9' JOAM Ammermen. lll ~-Tiii• b<l\llle" I\ COlldu<l•d by • Pttce. C.0.IA -. CtlllO<rMA •t•27 llmll•d ,..,,,.r\llip This '4t,_1 wet flied wllll ,,.. County Cltfll 01 Or-County on Jtn ... r.,1, 1m Tiiis st.a.,,._, •• , '""" wltll IM Ct)llntv Cit<\ o1 Or•"9t c_,ty on Jenutryl4,1"2 ~""" Thlt ""11nt\' It tonducled "" a S'""""' A Montori PIU 9l1Cf ttNr•I --~ Thh 'ltltment .... l1ltc1 wlttl - ------------: °""9!>0tbtrq Covnly Cieri! 01 O••noe Count¥ Ofl llll• tletemtnt w4K tiled wllh ,.,. J•n ... r., U, 1"2 'ICTITIOU$ •"""'" C•""'Y c .. r .. 01 Ort119e county on fltll» Th• ,:=,!',A:::::n"~. O.tn9 J-ryn, ,.., •1t1~J Pubti-Or-Cot\! Dally PllOI, ".... Publl.-Ort1199 Coe" D•lly Piiot Publltlwd Or-Cot" o.ity Piiot, Jen. "· n, JO, Feb,•· ttn J7'"'2 Jen !: "· n, JO, 1.a ,....,_ ~ -J•n 16, n. lO, F.t> •. I'll >12.., -1nn' ;'c) c AL E L £c t It I c A I-PUbtlflWCI Or-Coa>I Delly Piiot, ,.CTITIOUSaUSINEH CONTRACT I NG . ti RUSSELL J•n U , lO. ".."' •• U, ,.., ~ I PICTITIOUS •u11••ss N~ STATE MS NT Tiie lollowln9 person1 •r• cloln9 O..iln•u •s: NAME STATEMENT VIE N T U It ES. > l PR 0 A IR Tiie loltowln11 perao11 h Oo•n11 ,C 0 N 0 t T I 0 N I N C. & PIU l9llC( butlntuei REl'RtGERATION, 1122·0 Welnut~------------,.CTITIOUS •ustNESS NA#E ITATEM~NT NEW AG,"· 008BS TECH, ...... MEOl·NET LTD., PROOUCTIVITY, LTD . SOFTWARE, 11 Rll(LI. IBM SOFT, l l·RllllLI, HOLLYWOOD L TO .. 4467 Ma,l\rthur Blvd ., 4111 Floor. N•wport B .. ch, Cetllornl• .,.... J C Petterson & A\M><l•I••, '"corpor•l•d. • C•ttf or11l t corporetlon, •7 M«A11hur 81wd., 4111 Floor, N•wpor1 &uch, Celllornla nt60 This O..tl"ff' Is c-ted by • ""''-par1 .. l"Shlp. JC PAnERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. J C Pett..--, c-..-°' •ht &o.rd Tiits SI••-• wa~ flled with ,,.. Ct)llnly Clerk 01 Oranoe County on SEA·HORSE 5"lON, 1~ Adtml Aven.,., TIAlltl, Ctlllorl'lt t1'IO Awenue, S.ilte E, Cost• Mtu, CA EOdl• Jot Ruuell. 21*> W.otttmen eJ•Jt W•Y. CCIOW Mew, Cai-nit .. V TONI REOINA HICKMAN,1117111 Thlt butlfteu ,, c_,.., by ... Str"I NO<"CO CA"760 illdlwldutl. T" '~-1 ' 1 · ~ E...,..J Ruswll tlldl:1~.,:;" ""' ' conduct..., by •n Tiii\ lli9t-I ·~ fli.o with ,,.. Toni R~lnt Hlet,,,.,, County C-01 Ort11911 C-ty 1111 Ownt< J ...... ,., 7, 1"2. ,,,_ Tl\I\ >ta-I wts filed with .... Publt-Or-Cetit Ot llY Piiot, County Cit,._ of 0r•"9t County Ofl Dt< >, '"' J en •. "· 13, JO, 1"2 JG0.41 "117WI Publllhed Orenot Coe.SI Otily Pltot, Jen. 1, t. "· U, 1"2 102.fJ FICTITIOUS aus1Nass MAMIE STATEMENT PICTITIOUS aUSINEU N~ STATaMENT Tl\e tolto••no perM>n1 •re o olno .,..,,~•es. 0.<tmber lO, , .. , ~l7'7I• 11u!a':.:,::~1ow1n11 persen I• do111c PlllMl\htd Or-Coest Dally Piiot, SEA LION DIVERS. Mil Gtrdefl C HARLES PR I N TI N G COMll'ANV, ao w '"" s1 .... 1. c ... 1. Mew.CA mt? J ... J, t , "· U, ltl? ~I Clrclt , Hl.Wltll\lllon &etch, Cttllornl• --------------,,.... . l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAMa STATEME"T. Tiit foll-1119 person• •rt oolftt butllltU.U Jt mn Oetn P•nn1,,.1on, •Ot Gt rdtn Clr<I•, Hu""""°" lk•ch, Ctllf0<nlt ., ... Thi' butlntn 11 cOlldueted by ., lftdlvldvtl J...,.. O Ptnn11111lon Thi• Ital-I *'" lllH wltn Ille Ct)llnty Clerll 01 <><•noe c-tv on RICHARO G KEELER, ]011 Klondl .. e Awen11111, C~t• MeH , CA .,.,. CRAIGW BATLEY, 41 -e<lto Orio , Cor-del Mer, CA '7•U . Thi\ INlilneu Cs conducted "' an unlncor_...., M-l•lton ot,..r llltn • pert,,..-,Np fltc-G IC-r This SU'*'-'I •es filed """ .... countr Cler" 01 Or•not County on VENUS OE MILO F IGURE SALO!!, ton En t Or•11ttlMrp• Awenue. Pltetfttl•, CttlfOf,,.. Zt<IWlrV I Voiles, dt II'•-R .. t, A..-lm, Ctllfomla ._, J ...... ,., 14, ,., '19"11 DK. >o, , .. , Pll"t71t ,.....,_ Orenoo C...sl o.lly Pltot. Publlllled Or-c ..... , Delly Pl'°'· Donna P Yol~ ill ,..MO RMI, AntMlm, Ctlllor .... •901 J..,, 1'. n , JO, I'•.'· ltl2 t,._., J tn. J, t , 1•. 11, 1• S.Hl-41 Tii l' bu1tn .. s It conducted by P9JC 9l1Cf llldlvld .... \ IHvtbtnd & Wllt l 1--------------t -------------I z.i..rv c Yotl~ PICTITIOUS •ust••ss Tiits .... _, WH Ill.cl •lttl ,... tlAMa STATaMa .. T Counh Cieri! 01 Or•nve C-IY on Tne lollowl119 """'°"' •rt dofn11 Je"uery I, 1"2 bu•l~uC~U.UL.Alt CONCRETE, IJI l'l .. 1' STAMPED CONCRETE 01\llSIC>ff, " " O " E '$ 1 O" A L E 5 c • 0 • 11111 Be~ll 8ouln•rd, Hwnt1noton H•v1cas B .. c1i, Cal1,.,._...,._ ~::.~. ':,M., Oomlnkk J •-•ffl• Jr., 201ll EKIWW -lllSll-MP ~:.~~:~~. ='' Hufttlnoton 8tecll. Publl.-Ort1191 Cotst O.lly Pl~ Mlchul A K•ll•nlit n, "0.1 J•11. '· "· ?l, lO, l"2 20l.fl Arbelt Drive Whittle r, C•lllor"I• ... ... Tllll tMnlneu 1.i conductH by • -r·•~. ------------Oomlftlell J lllQ\'Olffla Jr, FICTITIOU$ •uSl .. ISS This ,\at_ ..... fllell with ""' NAME STATEMENT County Cltt11 Of Or-C-h on T11t 1011-1119 penon• ••• dol119 Jt nu•,., 1. ,.., IN .. t11tU .n fllMJt DANA PO INT G ROUP l e Publl_Or_CoollOellyPllot . Ct lllornl• General P•rlnentllPl, 1 Jan '• "• n, •. 1"1 '"'°" Arin Court, NewPOt1 8Neh, Ct ntoU Setllfltv Ewe ....... COtllOf"tllon I• Ct lllomla <.,,._a11on1. 7 Aries C-1, Newpo,, 8Mcfl, Ce "1"'3 PICTITIOUS aUSINESS •AME STATEMENT P,ICTITIOUS aVSINESS 'hAME STAT•llillaNT Tl\t lollowi1>11 -'°"'' t re dol1111 IVSint'l.Sb SOFTECH l l·RI, SOFTECH ll·SI, "" MacAr1hu• Bl•d . 4111 Ftoot, ~•wpor1 4M<11, Cttlfornta .,.,. J C. Pallerton & Auoclt tes, ncorportUd, e C t tltor nt a orporttloft, t647 Mt<Ar1 .... r 81YO., 4111 'toor. Newport 8etcll, Ct lllornlll '2MO Gl1e11ris1 Soltwtr• c..._.i;on, • :a1llor11la corporttlon, •••7 "•<Ar1-&lvO , 4trl Floor. N-port IHCll, c.tllornla .,_ This llutlMH '' <°"°"<led by • lmlted-1~ J.C. PATTERSON & ASSOCIATES. IOIC Jc p .... ._.. C.llolrmanOf ,,.. 8otrd Thi' stti.m.nt WM fCIM .will\ 11\e :ounty Cler" of Ora1199 Cownt• on >ecomber >0, 1 .. 1. '1"717 Pv1111.-Or ..... Coe\I Delly Piiot, ,.., 2. '· "· n . ,.., wot-41 MICllMI H•ll•. )ti" c... Gre.- Orl•e. San J...,, c.o;,1,-. Ct. t1t7S M•rv Hallo 311" Casa Gr•,_ Or., SanJ..,.nCAcllstr-. Ct.ttt7S Tllh t>uolne1• Is condllcted by • T ht lollowl1111 per1on h oolne ____ ...._ _______ _ -r .. PA'1Mt ltllp. 0--G.-. • C.htorOll• ~el P.,,ntn!>lp '--rd 'Ill., Rll9\', PrHldtnt s.c .. 11y e.,....,.. Corp Tl\I' Sltl-1 Wet fllecf wltrl Ille County Cltrk ol Ortn .. C""nlY on J•nu•ry IS, 1"2. Pltllltl Publl-Or-Coast Delly Plitt Jen. "· ll, JO, Fib '· 1"2 )lo-ft 11us1nm'" PIU •m LMS FACTORING L TO., U Ptrll ------------Vista. INlne, Callfornl• '2714 Wttler1 i.lant, oet Grffn Tr" ~ICTITIOU$ •uSINESS L-. trwl,., Callfornle 92114 •AMa STATEilll••T JtCk Ltl<t, >tSntPClr._,,, lrwlnt, The lollowl1111 perton h Ooln9 Calllornlt tt714 bll~lnts'.-> Wtrron Sfwirp, 2J p.,, VIU•, CA LI FORNI~ CL A SSICS lr•lne, c.tNornla tt714 CUSTOM SILKSCAEENING, 7'1 Wot This 11\nlnnt 11 conduUed by a 16111 Str .. I, CMI• -••. C•Ulor11la oenertl __,..,,.p. tttJ7 WM,..,, Sl\trp J •ITMl Fefrtll Swffr......,, •llM Thlt ~ -lllecl wltn 1M AwoctOO, Cor-det Mtr. CelllO<"nle Co..ntr Clerti 01 Orenoo c-tY on tttu Janu•nr t4, 1"2. Tllh buslntst '' conducted by •11 .... _ llldl•lcluoel ~ICTITIOUS •USllelH NAME STATEMENT l"" fotlo•l"O P•r'\Oft I\ OOlf\9 INSIMU•I NEWPORl ROOFING, m E t.ih SlrMI, COll• ~. C..1tl0<nlt ,,.,, JAm<K <N\• .. Fr1u . m E ,.., SlrHt, Cott• Mew, C..lllO<"nlt ••11 Thi• buslllHI I.\ Conducted bY •n llldl•IOuAI J -G Frtn This ,,........,, w .. 111..s witt1 .... Covnt• Ct•r" ol <><•noe County on The tollowln9 p•r\011 I\ 0011111 11<11lneu•• CUSTOM C.-"APENTRY. )OJ7 Cootl119t. Co\tt ~ C.•llt0<nl• '11'2• Aober1 w Htt1l•r. JO)I C-lcloit. Co\t• -.... C..HtorOll• m,. Thh ...,..inft1 " cond<Ktecl b., en 1ndMdutl RObert W He11tey Tiii' vet-I *A\ lileO wltll llW County Clerk ot Or•-(t)ll"IY on Jenutryl•. •"2 l'ltt• P"bll\hed Or•noe Cot~I Oall1 P lltt, Janu•rv 11. 1"1 Fltlltl J..., 1>. lO. F.t> •. ll, 1"1 W.et Pubtt-0r.,. Coe•t 0.lly Pilot. J..., U . lO. '10 •. ll, 1"1 :i.1.., "CTITIOUS •USINEH NAME STATEMENT T ht tollo•l•19 Ptrton Is 001n11 blnjneues· YOGURT CONNECT ION, JG Vie Oporto No 1 Newoort Bttch, Cttltornla ma MOii-Steidl .... ,. 1"50 E Colte11e Pleet. AllC H·ll, Fu11er1o11, C.lllornlt tttll T hh but.Intl\ " conouc ted t>y en lnelvldutl. _,,,,,,..., S.ldl F MI Thi• , .............. lllecl Wtlh - Cou111y Clef• ol Or-Cou11ty on J ....,.ry 11. '.., l'fttJn Publl-Orenoo Coell D•llY Pltot. Je11 U. lO. Feo •, ll, t'9' 4U.., . ~ICTITIOUS aUSINESS N~ S1'ATEMENT T llt tot1owln11 Ptrton I\ dolnQ bustnen •t THE TUNE·UP SHOP, 1020 N9wPOt1 81vd., Co<1t Mest. Ctlllornle '2•17 Stephe" G Oe81ddle, 4 1lt Glen•-StrHI, trwln•. C•lllornl• tt714 Tl\lt butlneu IS conouctect by •n llldM~. s..,....., G Ot810dle Tiii• tlal.,,_t wes llltcl with I ... County Cl.,.. ol Ortnve c-t• on Jenuery11, 1"2 PICTITIOUS •USl .. EH NAM£ STATEMENT Th• tollowinQ person H dolno l>U\lneU·•\ (Al MILLEllS M081LE W-"SH OF AMERICA, IB/·M081LE W-"SH OF AMERICA 114 0411 Slrttl, Kewport eucn, c...111or111a ., .. , Erntti H Miiier, 12• •Siii StrMI Nowpol1 Btadl. Ct tltornla This t>u•lfwss " c-lecl bY •n lnd1vlO""I Erne\I H Mitter Thi' '~'-' wa.\ lltecl with ,,,. Cov11ty Cler" ol Or•noe c,.....,ty Oii Janu•ry 7, 1'1:1 Pl9'U Pvbll•heel OrAn9" C.oasl Dally Plltt JAii •. "· U , JO, ltl? lte--47 PICTITIOUS •USINEH NAMESTATEM«NT T ht tollow1n9 Pt non I\ doln9 business~ TRAOIN ENTERPRISES. nu Soult\ Grhel PIA<•. Sent• An•. C•"'"'""'• mew MICllMI S K .. tler, ltlJ Sevth Grlsot Pl•<•. Sant• An• C•lllornla tt104 TM' bv'tt" I\ conductecl Dy tn llldlwldu•I Mk~I S l(ell"' Tiiis \ltte..-1 wet lllecl with llWI County Cl••ll 01 Oranoe Ct)llnty on J•nu•'Y 7, 1m "-Fllllll Pubh•-Orenqp C....\l,Oelly Plio., Publlsheel Oranoe Coeit Delly P1101. J an '· ••. 73, JO. 1"1 1'4-41 J•n, 1l, l0, F.O •. 13, 1"2 JU.I? ------------~ NffMn l'ICTITlOUS •usi .. •ss NAME STATEMENT T "• loll owl no person h dot1111 buSlneHts. A&G ENTERPRISES, 2'70 Grece '--· COltt ~ CA ,,.,. A'""" Por1tr' 2'70 G• t(. u ... COllt Mtsa, CA ,,,,. This IN•lneu II CondVCled by .,, llldlvhfutl Arll\ur Petltt This lttttmenl .... llltO wllll Ille County Citric ol Or•1111t Counfy on FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEME"T Tiit lollowl"ll oerson Is ooln11 l>ullntt•H DUFFIELD MARINE DESIGN, .. ow. I 7111 SL, Cost• -... Ct. mv M.,._, OU!llelcl Jr , 4n Cost• Mew St .. CMlt -· c.t. 916'1 This butlnes1 '' conducted bv en llldlwlautt . ~II OuflleSd Jr. Thi• >Ul-t •ts filed wlll\ - C-ty C..,.. ot l><•"llt County °" J ...... r.,11.1tn Pitt• Publl-Orenot c ... 11 Delly Pllol Jt "u<1ry "· 1"2 flt1J11 Jon. n . JO, Feo. •. u. ,.., J7..cJ Pub41-Or ... Cotst O•llY Pltol, Jtn. 1>, 30, -F.O 6, 13, 1"2 Publl.sMd Or ... Coat! Dolly Piiot, "-F. s-l119tn J•n 1'. tl,JO, Feb'· 1"2. 2n42 Tiii\ 1'9'-1 "'"filed wltn ,,.. , ___________ _ -------------tCOUllh Cler .. 01 Or-C°"nty Oii NOTICE OP A~ICATK* TOHU ALCONOl.IC •EVE•Aeas Ot<tmbtr t, Itel P1U l9llCl "m" '-------------f Pub41-0r.,,.. Coest Oally PllOt. J en.•. 1'. n. JO, ttl2 ,....,, NMID'I SUN•IOltCOU•T OP CALI"°"" I A COUNTY Of:CHtA"°E ,.Cl ... C...Ol1W-I s.... AM, ea . .,,., MAfltltlAOEOP P ETITIONER.. ttELLAM A MANUELE RESPOHO€NT GLENN EUGENE 8llAM•L£n SUMMOMS CPAMfLY LAWI CA.SE NUMa•a: Ottntt NOTIC•t .., ............... Tiie C-' ~· ............. _ ........ .,.. .... .... " ........................ . .......................... AYllOI ............. If f •I ...._, .... IMl9r ...,_ "9. ••• , • .._,. • -· ..... u•. .................... Le ... ..... ........... II .,... _....It -.. •tee If M -·-· "'"" ""'"°'•.,... ~ ... .. ~ ........ ~,.........,. ,......., 11....,, IMY w flied 9'I time. II U•• .._ Mlktt. 91 ~-It .. l'tCTITIOUS •USINESS , M~ NAMESTATaMENT To Wl\om It Mty Co11cer11 • The lollO•lllO Ptrton h dolno MARGAR ET AOAMS IS .... , ... lo IN~llfll es Ille 0."'1,,_ Of Ate-le e. .... .. l N N E R 0 c E A N s Control IOI' "•r· °" SAl..E GENERAL PHOTOGRAPtttCS, ttut F~mentor, fM HI P4l loi911 •k -IC be.,.,119H 'Minion Vlelo. CA ,,.,, •• 11120 ll<OOltl!Unl $tr'Mt, ~ ,., Gordon _,,n. n.» ~mentor, F-ln v euev. CtlllOtnl• tt7tL MIHIOft Viejo, CA .,.., ,._,_Ct ..... Coffl Oolly Phot, Tllll bUSillflt II C-UCled by •n JM\. U . 1"1 *42. 1nc11w10 ... 1 --. Gor-.Mertln Tiiis lit-w'" filed wlll\ ,,.. ct)llnly Cler• of O<t119t c ..... ty on ------------- J enuary 11, 1"2 . ""* Publl-Or-CoH1 Delly Pltot, J on. U ,lO,-Fett•, t>. "" OltAtlOE C0U"TY MA1t90' MU•ICt~AL COU•T ...,, ......... ...... 11'.0 ..... Dtl .. ._.. e.ectl. CL .,...IM1 Pl-A tN TIFF BANIC OF MEWPORT.CtlllornltcOf'POt•lton. DEF ENDANT MICHAEL L GI BELLINO. t n lndlv1411tl; tftt I" TMa SUN•tOlt COUltT OOES I ltlrOUlllll S, lnctuslw . OP CALlll'Oll"IA ~-:! couwn cw ott,..... In -~ el .,. Al!llk•tlon .i .. 01'1<91 YM -.... ..._ T"9 CHA.LU AR.,..Vlt 140L•IEN f0t C-"I !MY._.... ....... -..._ C""'41eof .._ ,.. ................ .,.. ....... CAM"°'"°"*' ...... ..,.._ ...... .....,, ,_ CHtM• TOtMOW CAUM ..... . (CCII' 1170 If rw ...... • Mell IN .-..teo .. .,. WHl!ltUS Cl4A1tL•S AltTHUflt ttwMf It! .... ....n.t, ,_ .... • HOL8•N, ~lltltner, hH lllH .... ,..,. ..... tlltl your •rlt ... ~ttltltn wltll tll• Clerk ot thlt .....,...,H __ .....,11el11Mt11 ti-. H•n.,tlll• Ct11rt ler 011 Otter AYllOI WM ... -· 11 f • e11u9l119 ,...,ti_., .,._ frefll •I ...._....., IMl9r cem1re W. CHA•LEI A•THV• 140LaaN I• II• .... -•• • .... -... •• CHAaLl!$AltTHU•HOLO•N; ,...-...... e • .... LH It IT IS CHt~ltao ttlOt .. , '9'-.... ,. ........... . ........,. ..... , 1111 ,........, 11u ... ._.,....e1~• ................. ......,_e-1 ............ "' ............ _.. te:• o ..... M ~ ). t•, 111 .. llOCtrle ,__., .............. ... cellftt-.. °""' ........... » .. --·· Ill .......... eet'"' .. .., ...,.., c-t .. c:.llfONtle, e-ty .. ~0~~~1:"0:-,~ ':-:. °'911et,,. Q¥lc CllMlf' Dnw Well, CtM•ltlllt llH Mell Ill .. llY .... ..... AM. Ollllwlllo "191, ... ...... ~. 1' _,, w11¥ tM l'ltlllMll ................... ,_, II """ ..... Cll•••• •' ... .,.. •llHlt llOt '" ....... ~ ~ -~· .... .,--. ... " __ ,_ .. _.. IT ti""'""'" CHtotl••O ...................... <-' e ..,_ ,...., .... °'* ..... c-......................... ""'"',.. p•llll•ll•t 111 Ille OtllY l'llttll ~=:::::.:.-:-.:: • e Mc Ill• fl ........ --...-..:... -Clre ..... ,,..... Iii! 0'9lllit c:i-My, Ctwt 11119'1 IMlf • --Colltert1lo, tilt• t WMll ter ..., ,_ -.. rMllf .... I I IC .. -~_...,. ......... c-•••1f141. •ktl c"'•,.....-.. ...................... . ··'"'"'-' ............... . OATID:~lt,"9 _ ................. ...._ ...... -AU>ltNl .... 1111 ............. ,_.,. .... ~-DMM...__,.,,.. ....., c.t J.----. °"' eaaY L ...... , ltllll L 0--. 0... ..._..., -.-atM~• a..1.--....,.. . . co•••~T . IT••~··· ==r:::.:-=-=-..,._:-,.::::.. __ ~I_,,,. ..... ca. ... __.....C11991 ~....... ........°'91111 Cl9lllt..., ---11, .. ,_ l,. ... ,_ '9NI J-.. n, a.,_._,.,_ 1 1 I ' •. .. ................. ------------------------------------~--- . I I I I I sauit DESPBA Tl!! On the water. Price s lashed $10,000 to $214.900. ONLY lOo/r DOWN & owner will fi nance! ! Professionally decorated with gourmet kitchen. 556-7035 * ,ANOUMIC P90HOUSE VIEW * ,. • SECURITY IUILDIMG * • Br eatht aki n g vie w rrom professiona ll y decorate d PENTHOUSE !! Featuring 2 master suites, pool. security. a ll amenjties. $450,000 FEE. 2670 -San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-\')01 or 752· 7373. URO DOWN No down payment required on this lovely four bedroom. l\\O bath home with fa mily room. Asking $149,900. 556-7035 • STEPS TO BEACH• I 0% RMAMCIHG AV AILAILE Gorgeou.s 4 Br detailed home 1 blk from ocean on FEE land onl y $299,000. 2670, San '-Miguel Dr, Newport Beach 759 ·1501 or 752-7373 • WATHFaOKT HOME * * 'RIVATE IUCH * Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring FrenC'h doors, frpl , professional ly decorated & pri\ate SA~DY BEACH. Only $265.000 & seller will carry 80'": loan al 13'~ ! '. 2G70 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 OWNER FIHAHCIMG Beautifully upJ!raded e:\l'tut1' c home with low ma1n1 enancc backyard . spa &: rirep1t. New microwa\'e. Asking Sl75.tHlO "1th only SJ0.000 do~n. 963-5671 •TURTLEROCK• S 1279 P'Ei MONTH .... is all you pay when you take ove r existing 1st T.O. Spacious 4 Br executive detaehcd home featuring formal dining. fomil~ room & frplc. Only $213.500 FEE 2670 San Miguel Dr. ~l'wport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752-7373 10°0 DOWM Highly desirable singlt! story end unit with double attached ~ar<1µc Assume S60,000 loan .11 IO · interest rate 96J.5i;;1 JASMINE CREEK • •PLAM 4 • • Extremely popular 3 Hr pl.rn f eaiuring ma g n1f 1c·e nt decorating, fplc, gourmet island kitchen, formal dining. family room & in-house laundry. All th is & more for only S389.000 FEE. Owner will help finance• 11 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 759· 1501 or 752· 7373 .. Pl.EX Prime rental area. S60.000 down & owner will financl' at 12', Try straight nott' $224.900. 963 5671 • * HEWroRT CREST • • 9'1•% RHAHCIMG AV All. . . .. when you take ove r existing loan on this upgraded townhomr on FEE land!! Seller will carry 2nd T .D. 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752·7:r73. •SElLER DESPERATE• 121/10/o RMAMCIMG Spacious Rancho San Joaquin townhome w l PA NO RAMI C GOLF COURSE VI E W !! Featuring 2 Br & den. wet b~r, fplc etc. Price slashed for quick sale' & seller will help rinance. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or752-7:r73 MIWftOIT IUCH OFFICE 2670 s. ~ Dri•t f71417St·ISOI C7141752·7l73 HUMTIMGTOH llACH OFFtCE tOlJAdmiA•t 1714196).5671 17141556·70JS ~ Walker Blee 1111 E1tat1 6IJ. kale ftemt with a SELL ktle Item• l'lth • r D&lfy Piiot Clualrted Dally Pilot Clu11C1ed •Ad. ~NJ.~~~~~~4 FEATURED NEW EXCLUSIVES! . . 2 WATER CONlm-IAL IS. FANTASTIC i..,. c_.. OM WATB wlttl crGI VU. A ,.~ .. oa ..... 1s1-. "'"' two towi.a.CMIHI INl¥t bolf docU& ... ....,. .............. Each llllif hCH 3 btd. & J Whl. 2 c .. CJllNIJH & paHoL Sold fwWsW ...... ....... fW for ,.... ........ rttkMtlct! . Ow....-ftnl»lt °" fllatclng & wil Mii OM or bott\. Wll ~ e1c...,.._ Sl,100,000tee. BAYFRONT-6 BDRMS + PIER UllCllKtnlchd wide ''wattrfrOlllt" w .,_ tWs .... & specie. hoMt wlttl ...... bridi patio ..t ,_for two SS' yachts. C011unie11t locafio. amd HpK~ ... IMng rooM, elt•ahd dWltg roo., lar'Cjt bar, famity room + u..d ldtct.a. HllCJI moder suHt wfflt -W. fftploce. & breothtokh19 •u of all. A ury comfort~ floor plan with a fffilMj of privacy! S I, 950,000 ~ lalld. "ACKER BUILT" OCElNfl)NJ Quiet bHchfront with ~ OWetW'S' who take pride in their ho••· Superior "siMoww" ouc. view frOM "'Is 3 b9cl + bcMws ra hotM. S...,-k>r COMtructioft. OW CSTY first T.D. for tM right buyer. $725,000. ~ NEW NEWPORT CONDOS Owner soys ''reclitce the price o. OM SS0,000!" Yo.t CCM tab act...tOC)t of tflis S&lpef' opporhlnity to OWll ..-&if y near the lay & leach. Stop by & '" the$e units crt 211·215 19MI St. off lalboa llvd. P'riced from SJ 19,000, tfww llllits en lcrcJtt' "'-most t.o.es with 360 roof CJCW'4tns & 3 car gara9H. CHARMING OCEANFRONT Grfft locatioft with 4 & 2 be~ •its you cCMllldn't $ipficote todoy. Affordable crt SSS0,000. ON WATER $595,000 BAL IS. IHt priced decorator co..ditiofl 2 Md, + docJi for 2 boats. Many extras. lovely ..... COUNTRY FREHCH~EWPORT Ooit cabtftets, Italian tile, beoutiftitty remodeled in top quality. Spktdd 3bcl corTI« home on a quiet street. S265,000. WOODBRIDGE -ON WATER Gor<JeOUS 2-stoty condo with ..,.tit views across gree11ery °" lake. HUGI ASSUMABLE LOAM OF '201,000 at 13° o. P'rofttsioMlly dtcorat.d l bed. 21/l be. S348.500 fff. I EXCLUSIVE VIEW HOME Panonaonic close up view of lay, Ocean and night lights. Spacious, open and potenMMy format home with large lh iftg room. family room. fonnd dining nn phis 3 bchns. Mari>lt berth moster wet. Cllld 2 large view dtcb. $795,000. FEE LID0-40x90' LOT! W OfitlWhllt • .-in ttlis 3 bed. hotM with South patio on St. to St. lot. OWNER WILL CARRY financitlg at 12% internt. $369,900 II 0 Vio GlftOCll BIG CANYON-Ml. VIEW Vu from ~ rooms! Cowtyard ...try to this toWfthouse with 2 becl + dttl: Privacy & ~""ity. l..tlful decor. TMnis. pool & spa. SlS0,000. PENINSULA PT. HOME ,riced for illlMdiote .. , Owwer wll carry financilMJ or LEASE/O,, tilts 2·story, 3 bed. 3 bo. 2 fircploc•s, faM. m. Steps to 89 & S.och. U99,500. IRVINE TERRACE CORNER $20,650 cash don for tt.is .-i 2 bdrWI + deft home. Lo•tly pool 9d patJo. $280,000. 1536 S~ Terract. VIF#--PRIVACY--SREENERY A~..._s......,c••eec• c~ ..try. ,._ _.c Yltw. Twe bdrftl, dh1i19 r111, deck olld •P•· SS95,000 fM 1.-d Ml CdM. BAYFROHT-ULBOA IS. VU. .......... z..hry .... weed & .... - COl'MI', 4 . led. + ..,.. .... .., & .... ~ Mo•M cHdllloa. Prfct • ...._ t..d. S•.200,000. BOOI cmAGE-CHARMING cw, J ........... °""' ... .. ..... Ir ................ ,.. 3 ... J •, i.e..: s 136, 900. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ltEAl. ESTA Tl Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, f 982 C~SHOUS Fab. Ocean & Coastline View 3 Br 3 Ba., Formal D.in., FamRm.1 Study, lrg. pool & courtyard, pri. oeaches, Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 UHDA ISU TIADI Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat do cks , room for 4 boats up to 74 rt.. s Br, 6 Ba., game rm., formal din ., sep guest ring, pool. Seller carry 1st T ~D. or trade industrial or orr. bldg. $2,100,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221 CAMEO HtGHLAHDS Ocean, view, re·decor, & remodel 3 Br, 2 Ba. Formal din. Very lrg. yd. pri. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 "2" M°lwPOIT CUST COMDOS Lr_gs t mode ls w /ba.v & ocean views, 4 Br 3 Ba . Fr. wet bar. Outstanding Buys at $210,000 .. Bob and Dovie Koop 759-1221 COST A MISA 1·2 E.S. Lrg 2 Br 2 Ba, den, huge li v rm w/din combo, Jrg corner lot w/rm to park 6 autos. $130,000. Bob or Dovie Koop 759-IZll WATEl .. ONT HST IMYESTMEHT 4 Br .. 3 Ba., Formal din., fam . rm . lrg kit. Huge master suite w/bay view new carp., 40 ft. boat dock , seller carry 1st T. D. Bob or J?ovie Koop $575,IXX> 759-1.221 HEWPOIT CHST CONDO 2 Br., 2'h Ba, loft, highly upgrade, oak floors, beau papers, ocean view. $98,000 1st at 12%. Priced at $170,000 Bob or Dovie Koop 759-1221 LAS VEGAS COMM. PIJMt 5 ac. Dwntwn., zoned highrise comm., has small motel & trailer park, plans for apt, must sell. Grt. fin. avail. 2.1 million. Bob or Dovie Koop EXEC. -fiOlF EST A TE MQW $673,000 A price decrease of $25,000 makes this property a SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200' fairway frontage! 5 BR , 41h BA , formal din rm ., recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs. fam rm. sundeck porch, pool & s pa. Panoramic views from most rooms. 3 car gar. Storage galore. Call Bob Li cata. 759· 1221 l IEDIOOM CUSTOM I lo/o PIJVA n LOAN! Owne r finan ced -no lende r qualifying! Quiet cul·de-sac. Parquet e ntry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry. Family rm. Water filter a nd softener. Spa. Enclosed off street RV pad. Giant patio. Storage shed. Fruit trees and much more!! Just $169.000! Call Bob Licata 759-IZll R&I M~ of Newport Beach llST YAWi 1H HIWPOIT ... GHTS Large sunny condo, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, community pool. Close to everything. $162, 500., TIM.IYB. POOl Lovely 4 bdrm, 3 bath & family room San Lorenro Model in Mission Viejo with split-level yard. Walk to schools. $100,IXX>. IAYSHOUS Charming 3 bdrm, 2 bath, immaculate condition. Private beaches. Guard gate. $325,000 or ree at $4:.l.OOO. HEWPOIT COMDOS Stud.i05, 1 & 2 bdrms, from $93,000 & up. All have good assuma ble loans with low down payments. Pool, rec room, sub parking, sauna & jacuzzi, and some with ocean views. HEWPOIT CUST Ocean view 3 bdrm condo on private court. Owner will furnish new carpet. $195,000. IUUTIFUU. Y MAIMT AIMED 3 bdrm, 2 bath WestclHf home. Close to schools, park and tennis. Room for expansion. Good financing at $185,500. I ' B.!GAHCt OM UDO 5 bdrm custom decorated is an exceptio~al value. Formal dining rm and family rm. Lite, airy & spacious. LIDO aw.n HAS SEVIAAL UDO ISLE IA YRONr HOMES WITH 01 WITHOUT '9EI AMO SU,. HUllY -YOU AllM'T T .. OM.Y ONE ltU.IMMfi THIS AD. STA.RT SMART eurs Lease option. 2 br. IN COST A MESA ~~~~~It. 1139 • 500 · Assume $81,000 m loa ns !~~~~;;;;;;;;;;. I at Sll32 mo. Family room I I ~eT~ b::~'.rcg;,i:rckl'. ~lf#t Ina mg clun condition. Only )Mlrrr ... $125,000! Call 673·8550 ' tt4lil!1 OLDCOIOHA PERFECT 'Charming old CdM ST ARTER HOME I borne with pool and v1e.w 1 Br condo. only S8000 on large lot Beam cell dwn Great locat1on ing, 2 ftrepl~ces . 3 Wipool & spa Hu rry , bdrms each with own call now. Marcia, agt bath. S4TS.OOO ()CUMRONT CdM 3 bdrm + den Bargain at Sl.250.000 --• I CAMEO HLHDS I ~ DREAM HOUSE I 4 bdrm. family !dining VIEW FROM THE • WITH CHARM! rm1 breakfa st nook. • You'll loYe It her e! J pri vate bea ches I t}iglish Tudor sty le. lov I S'l:IJ.500 TERRACE ~p1'/i dt!e~f li~!dn ::~~~1p COSTA MESA I • • • 1 1 neighborhood and an as· Sharp, clean 3 bdrm on Thepleasureof luxur1ous Uvmgma 1 sumableloanof$74,000 la rge fen ced lot . conveniently accessible setting is a . l2'7'l ·~terest. Full Sl59.950. dramatic factor in the location of ' nee on this 3 Bdrm 2 MAUIY ST AUFFH . . With . ' alb doll house Is SIAUOtHULTY t his stunning property. . its ' 1 sioc,900. CaU646·7171 67~535 .. ·• commandJ.ng views or Catatma, the : • ;;to " I ocean and bay o this home is I. THE REAL ESTATERS complete with four bedrooms, 3 • SEU. 1dl<' 1t<'ms w11h u baths, pool and gourmet kitchen. Dail) Pilo1 Class1fi1•d An outstanding value at $975,000. 1• Want Ad Results 642-5678 Ad For more information call John ' (:ampbell . ~Q, ~lji~l\S Q14'Lf Y 675-2311 AESIOENTIAl MAl £STAT£ SERVICES Hm VIEW HA.LS OflM TODAY 1-4 llJJSIA~ C.. Big ocean & bay views plus perfect family home with 4 bdrms on a large comer lot. So convenient to schOols, shopping and a bike ride to· the beach! Excellent financing and YOU OWN THE LAND! J:.000. SetCAllOUUdW Pete Barrett Realty presents SHOAL HIUTOP VIEW Prize Cliff Haven loca t i~n . Beautiful bay, ocean and Catalina view. 4 Bdrm, dining room home with pool and spa. $600,000. IALIOA PB•ISULA POtMT 2 Bdrm Cape Cod , large bonus picket fence, dor01er windows, $325,000. 170U•• IF, ... , .. "· s.t l·I IA Tm a POI lHI WHOU FAMILY 3 Bdrm!, 3 baths, large living room with fireplace, formal dining. Upstairs features master bdrm with .fireplace, huge family room, large 2 car garage, patio with gas. BBQ, owe 2nd TD. $495,000. 11n1.0c.-a. .... o,..w.1.1 UC8n' PllCI ..uc110M The Bluffs Trina plan, 2 Bdrm and den or 3 Bdrms. View or Back Bay and, you own the land. 2'HYWI~ .. O,..W. IJ-4 MMJN, 1!1-1· ltllll \ ~ :' .. ·' . fi111., I •ll ',',I ,\r 11 •' E ' II I It f ) I t. I ~ HAllOR llDGE STEEHEEAL Shows like a model , 28SK in assum. financing . Lowest pri ce on the Rtdee. Call me for an appt. Tim Rhone. agt 6.11'1266 GIAITHIS! GRACIOUS TMHM 3 Bdrm 3 bal.b in one of Ml u lon Vlejo's best areas. Assume •~ '1o I.st. Seiler I.a nexible and will help fin ance th.is one. Includes wetbar, French doors to balcony and a finpit. $159,000. Call for details. NS-7111 S,ECTACUUI French Normandy Located on the prime tip of Linda Isle! Stone & stucco, climbing vi nes surrounded by a petite forest on the bayfront of 127 ft. Approx. 6500 sq. ft of luxury. Library, music/playroom, lg formal din rm . 5 BR, Lovely ter- race + pool & spa . Dock for 80' · yach t. $5 ,000 .000 Cath y Schweickert 642·8235 CP12) 4 S ' 0 H L·1 D 0 I A Y F I 0 H T Mediterranean gracious living. Distinctive architectural details, 4 BR, fam rm , marble, custom tiles. Master suite w/2 fuU baths, & skylight dressing rm. Dock for large boat. $2,250.000 Dona Chichester 642·8235 (Pl3) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 · 219 Via Lido Soud · Lido Isle CALIFOIHIA SPANISH ESTATE Lido Island captures the true es· sence of sophisticated living. This 16 room home on 3 lots encom· passes a fluid noor plan of 6 BR, maid's room and 6 BA built around an expansive landscaped courtyard & lg pool. $1,250.000 Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes 642-8235 (P14 ) HEW IA YFIOMT -HEW PIJCE! Never lived in! Balboa Island 3 BR, Fam rm home. All amenities w /quality · quiet location · slip for 3.5 · boat -You 'II love this home. Reduced to $895,000! Jane Paquin 642-8235 ( P15 ) OCEAMFIOHT O,,OITUHITY · North Laguna · High on a cliff w private cove & crashing surf below. Library family room w /fplc. liv rm. master Suite w /view. Could go two-stories. $795 ,000 Fee Barbara Au ne 642·8235 ( P16) EXCLUSIVE Beautiful. near new on cul-de-sac. Oak noors, tiled en· try. 2 fireplaces. 3 spacious BRs , 3•h BA. A fa bulous home for en· tertaining. View bay & ocean! $540,000 including land Dave Schweickert 642-8235 CP17 ) . FANTASTIC ,_ICE HDUCTIOH ! 2211 Waterfront · Old Corona del Mar remodeled charmer on 3 levels. 3BR, 3 BA +separate 1 BR. guest unit. Bay view. Reduced to $569,000 Fee Martha Ma cnab 642·8235 CP18) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 · 2211 Waterfront · Corona del Mar LIDO ISLE LIVING!' Great possibilities await you in the floor plan of this 2 story Lido Isle home with 3 Brs. den and family room. $395,000 Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-823.5 CP19 ) 9UALITY Craftsmanship on a fine view lot with 4 BR, plus library and sauna. Everythint a great remodel s hould be in a neighborhood wo rth caring about. $369,000 Co by Ward 642·8235 (P20) TllMS-TllMS-THMS Delightfol bac.k bay custom pool home. Newport Beach 3 BR ram home. Huge comer lot -R.V. access. Low down. Lg "Subject tO ' lat. T.D. & seller fmancing . $205,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (P21) COIOMA DB. MAI IA YPIOMT. Just listed lite & brisht & spacious 4 or 5 BR family home. Fantastic main bay view, doc:k , excellent rlnanclng " or leue option. $1,8115,000 FEE. Martha Macnab, M2·8235. --~~~~~~~-----------,:-----------~-------~, ......... ~ ...... ~a ....... ,., ........ 2 ....... 2 ....... ~ ' ·~ l . . .......... Wt ~ .......... w. ~-Ur .... Wt .......... Wt ........... wt tte.iiilWSi6i ...................... . ..........•.••••.......••••••.........•••....•........••.........••• ······················~ •........•••.......•••• l•rtl 100 la•rtl IOI) l1Mrtl IMI l1Mrtl Ito •-rtl ltoJi ._,.. 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .........-~......-~ .......... IALIOA 6 unita-ereat condition. All 2 Bdrm 1 ~ Ba near the bayf ront -excellent rentals -'650,000. OCIANFIOHT Like new dllplex -3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unit -on the sand, will take small down or trade and carry the en~ balance. $695,000 -best deal on the water. NEWPORT HEl&HTS Custom,. near new & gorgeous tbruout Cape Cod. 4 Br Bdrm, family rm, formal dining rm, 2 brick fireplaces, 3 decks with ocean peek. $465,000 and tenm. NEWPORT SHORES Owner needs help! Vacant and ready to deal. 3 Bdrm 2-sty with blt-in kitchen, huge sundeck and walk to beach. Now only $179,500. BAYFRONT Lrg 4 Bdrm on main bay with dock for 45' boat plus side ties. Lease for $3500/mo or offer. BALBOA "Little House Near The Ferry" 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, dishwasher etc. Only $245,IXX> with super financing. DUPLEX One block to beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + l Bdnn 1 Ba, built· ins & fireplace in each unit. 4 car garage & owner will finance e.ntire balance after a small down payment. $315,IXX>. .JACOBS REALTY • '75-6670 -D~t ... .,... lhod.; w Jotlt SAVE $500,IDI IF YOU HAVE Cmt New 3 Bdrm. dock & slip custom home. Reduced $500.IXX> below appraisal for cash buyer. -0 · ~~ ~·htt•~ Balboa Island Realty A.~D l:\'\'ES rME:\'T e(\'\ri\N\' 673-8700 Placing your Classified I" you\·e never placed a ad is so simple JUSI Classified ad. ~ou're an g1\'e l.L'l a call on the the mmonty! Try 11 once phone and we"ll help you 1 and see how qwrkly }OU word )Our ad forCast rt: get resu Its Phone suits 642·~78 M2·567l _ . CIE 110111 IJ.lllS CD. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE 1207 SUSSEX LAME WEST CUFF OP84 SAT 12:10-4:10 LEASE/OPTION OR SALE. Like New 4 Bdrm 3 Ba Home In Beautiful Westcliff -Detached Home On Fee Land <You Own It) - Owner Flexible -Price, Only $275,IXX>. 542 HAllOI ISUND DllYI PIOMOMfOIY IA Y OPIN SAT 12:3~4:10 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Firs, New Cpts. 3 BR + conv Den. 31h Ba. Sep D.R. Hu ge F .R . W/We t Bar. Kit ch e n W /Pantry. Brkfst Rm . Sauna. Study. 3·Car Gar. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd . $1,400,IXX>. UTTU ISUHD Unique 2 Br 2 Ba Home On Balboa's L ittle Is land . Front Hom e Completely Remodeled. Owner Motivated. Will Exchange Or Assist W /Creative Financing. $387,000. I.MUMA ..... OCUMAOMT Exclusive Gated Comm. of "The Shores:· Spac Custom·Built 4 Br Home O'Looking Gorgeous White Sand Beach. Hi Beam Ceilin&•, Graceful Circular Staircaae. Formal View Of Ocean. Owner Will Help Finance. $1,450,000. CUSl'C*IUl.T NOMI Promontory Bay. Formal D.R . Den/Library. Mstr Br O'LooU Bay, Hu Frplc. a Other Br's & Maid's Rm & Ba. Pier, Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Will Assist WI Financing - $1,l50,000 POOIS91~ Elegant Condo • Neutral Tones -2 Br 2 Ba -Formal D.R. - Gorgeous Sunsets -Super Fi~ -LoW Fixed Int Rate -SeuefW Carry Lrg 2nd. Shown By Appl. Alkinl '220,000. A .. Joy Of Newport'' Listing. . ~··. ·1ss.1•·1 ~ #I Capua• = ....... c.Mi BEST IN BLUFFS '81• WPll. Front row exr::,ded custom E Plan. Super buy at ,000 WITH LAND. OP1M ~/S. 1·1 Jt41 VW. 9• .. dl J & J mMS. 1 year new. Financing. $200,000 at 15~%, 30 years fixed rate. OP1M W /S. l·I lttJ VW. C_.. · l·PLAM. Custom French doors & windows. All new kitchen. All new throughout. ~.ooo. OP1M W l·I 671 Vllttl ..... HREN B. DOWD llALTOIS. llC. '44-0 I J4 u.t&..,w•n.~ * * • UNIQUE IM OlD COIOMA DB. MAI LEGAL non-conforming triplex in close to shopping location high income, owner will help $337,500 I '/J ROCKS lo beach, 3 BR 3 BA large assumable loan. Compl etely remodeled for you to move in. $550,000 SOUTH of hwy duplex, French doors, vaulted ceilings. Convenience & old CdM charm $475,000 PllMI Corona del Mar location, 5BR, 4 frplcs. super look and totally rerrodeled. great terms. $625.IXX> AICHITICTS own custom 3 Bdrm, frplc, lots of wood and glass & natural light. Sell ers are very motivated $470,IXX> MEAT on Narcissus, 1 bl.k to beach. This 2 story home has new carpet and rich charm. 4BR and terms. $565,000 U~l()Uf ti()Mf' REALTORS, 675-6000 24C!°EMt C.-.ff Ith way. COfona IHI Nu -- WI HAVUI C» '"41 llST USTIM6S IM TOWN PIMNSULA HOMES 211 l MIRAMAR OPltt SUH 1-S Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath, mslr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath Sl,200,000. Oceanfront. jetty views. Marine rm. 4 bdrm, 3 bath , 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. UDO ISLE HOMES 70I VIA UOO MOID SAT/SUH l·S Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat s~ps Sl,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420,000. UMOA ISLE IA YNOHTS Main chaMel view from 4 bdrm , 5 bath home with pool. Sl,495,000. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den. Sl ,350,000! CARMATIOH COYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 4 boat slips, $2,050,IXX>. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ~ : ~ ' y ' j l • ,, • ~. f • I I 1 t-i ' i::~:~' SCC:\\~~-&X.~s·:: ----Wllo4., QAT I. PCM&M • ·-~'-"°' .... '""' "'°....,..,, -· ""' low IO '°'"' bit ~ _. 0 G 0 I L J _,...~ -----.1 I T U I E S I ! A friend'• wife ""' 1 lot ol I I I' I r ~: :~ '* :.ino._ u:: l H I F M A S I rne1tioet. ' I I I I 1'~$,£~~~ •"IN' ..... 0 lfTTflS.. r r r r r 1 !!SH pMI • - - - - -• I 1'#'4*"'hii I I I l I I ·ICUMUll .. a EtCI - \\ I · I 1 ' •• TAYLOR CO. 1\1 \'. I ( 11:' "·I !'!Iii • CMYllt CUSTOM DcnM .ali-COUISI VllW Elegance • dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 18th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship thruout with fines~ woods, abundance of imported marble, crown moldings, 6lh baths, air cond., 3 wet b&Ts +more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR, fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a color brochure. $2,150,000 including the land . Financing available. Hl'W IXCWSIVl-ffAllOI VIEW First time offered. Quiet park·like setting. Huge rear yard 179 ft wide. Rm for paddle tennis and pool, or great for an orchard. Pictur~sque cul de sac street. 3 bdrms and Family Rm. $379,500 in cluding land . See anytime. 644-4910 1211 KEY WEST SAT/SUM l·S HAllOI VIEW llOADMOOI VACANT-Sii AMY TIMI View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from this prestigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 2'12 Ba Family Room, 2 Fplcs, Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold . Owner will hel p finance . MIWl'OIT IUCH DUPLU OMB WlrAHAHCE AT 11% 200' to beach. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths in upper; 2 Bedrooms in lower. some view of ocean . Fireplaces. Patios. $279,500. Owner will carry 1st trust deed of s:m,IXX> at 13%. No loa n fee. FOi LliSi-$1200MO. VACANT Newly dee. Big Cyn Townhome with exciting golf course view. Unfurn. El Dorado Model with 3 bdrms, dining rm & 2'h baths. Pool, jacuzzi & tenni s. 21 CANYOM ISLAND DI SAT/SUM l·S WESLEY M. TAnOI CO .. WLTOIS 2111S.~ ... loed Ml'ai.w.-.IPOl~IT" cana. M.1. 644-4t I 0 AUCTION! HARBOR VIEW HILLS 4 BEDROOMS· 2'12 BATHS FAML Y IOOM -2 FllB'LACIS ~EAN VIEW 1251 SUIRJNI WAY· Y ACANT SUN., JAN. 31st 2:00 P.M. CGl 644-4910ForA"°k1 .. t to klspKtat.yffMe. llOlllS: We wit cnp1rilh pro•Willg yo. NCJisht' ,..-ca.ts. Call LAoH_.for ..... '44-4tlO WESLEY N. TAROR CO. REALTORS 644-4910 ASSUMI ASSUMI ASSUME Semi custom, 3 years new, cathedral ceilings, crackling fireplace. $125,000 assumable loans. 13.7% interest rate. Priced at $181,IXX>. Seller will carry. Hurry on this one, won't last~ -HJ.67'1 /C N I T 0 J Y E Z • S A N R A M H SANELEHEW LAT EO 0 E P 0 S J N E N R N K A Y N C R P S T S 8 J 0 A U V P 6 I 0 T 0 P £ K A A M L 0 R U 0 V N E 8 P I E T T A L K G 0 8 S S Z Y E 6 E R C £ R N 0 E 0 Y R S M T M £ I T S 0 A L S T E M S V L R E 1 0 T P J M V M E U R E M A V E T L N U N S A R J 0 S 0 E T R A N N l U R P 0 U U 8 O H E I N I U H R U C A A U U L K A E A U Q T A E N P C E P ~ I J E Y L N L J U 0 0 N L 0 E A T E C H I 0 T C k M S N l E 6 R U 8 S I R R A H A E 0 K L P C N 8 l P T D N S M A 0 S KEANTURJ!ZNUTAOPNTS : ......................... . ... -............ ""' ........... 111.1 T• Dal..._ _...; T.-. ......,_ lalll.i .... O......aty 8-11 ...... Pi'f i...• --............ '-""' ~-----~ a. HOUSI 1-4 OPIM IH MOITN U9UMA 6 Oceanfront apts. Brick entry, Fplcs, jacuzzi & views + beach. $2,250,000. See Nancy Hu rst At 731 CLIFFDRTVE OPIM IN THI IWIPS 3 BR. condo overlooking greenbelt & park. $219,900. Good financing. See Marcia Working At ~ VISTA CAJON OPIH IM WISTCUfF Large 4 BR. Colonial + Fam. Rm. & POOL. Now only $299,500. See Evan Cor kett At 1106 DOV ER D,RIVE ' 0,.. IN CU COIOMA DB. MAI Delightful duplex. Well located & well priced at $289,500. See Nan cy 'Simmons At 518-181h POINSE'ITIA OP84 OM UDO ISLI Tastefully decorated & spacious 2 BR. in ideal location. Owner assist· ed financi ng. $345,000. See Debi Bibb At 227 VIA ORVIETO OP84 OH lHE 11.ACH Oceanfront duplex. Fantastic' financing. 3+2. $575,IXX>. See Nancy Nichols At 240'l W OCEANFRONT ' OP84 IN UMIVBSln PAIK f. best buy in Irvine. 2 Bdrms for $179,5()0. See Kathlene Arciero Al 4951 HEMLOCK OPIH IN COIOMA HIGHLANDS Completely remodeled 2 BR. New kitchen, bath & bay window . Private gates to beaches. $315,000. See Craig Kindig At 433 SEAWA RD ROAD OP84 OH UDO ISLE Spacious 4 BR. + fa m. Rm . on oversized lot. Secluded patio with greenhouse. $537,500. See Cynthia Rumsfeld At 223 VIA QUlTO OP84 IN HA.1101 VIEW HILLS 4 BR. on large FEE lot overlooks ocean & bay. $398,000. See Carole Mc Mahan At 1132 SEA LANE OPIH IM SU WIHO Forever View, 4 BR decorated & re· modeled to perfection. $455,000. See Carol Allison At 2208 PORT DURNE.5.5 OPIH IH UMVBSITY PAik Accent on quality. 3 BR & Fam Rm. Pa rquet floors. brick patios & more. $193,000. Fee. See Kay Parker At 4931 HEMLOCK OPIH IN Y ACHTSM.UIS COVE Newer custom designed Bay front. 4 BR. + den. room for 2 large boats. $1 ,895 ,000. See Valer ie Marshall At 1617 BAYSIDE DRIV E OPIH IN TUITUIOCI Just listed lovely view condo. 2 BR. Assumable loan. $175.000. See Rita Quiggle At 45 RAINBOW RIDGE OPat OM PIMHSUU IA YNOMT Exquisite 5 BR. with pier, slip , san· dy beach +spare lot. $1,800,IXX>. See Marcia Bents At 1415 EAST BAY OP84 OH PIMHSUU 70' prime bay frontage on turning basin. 5 BR pier & sandy beach. $2,200,IXX>. See Bill Bents At 1008 WFSI'BAY OPat IH HAllOI V1IW HOMIS One of the most gorgeous Montegos ever on the market! 4 Bdrms. for $274,900. See Lisa White At 1836 PORT WE5TBOURNE OPIH OM IM.IOA ,..IHSUU The ocean is the front yard of this fabulous 3 BR. 5 bath custom. $1,1001000. See WyM Wilson At 1137 E. BALBOA BLVD. OP&M IM CAMIC SHOllS Ocean view, 2 BR. + den . Lovely large patio w /rm. for pool. •.ooo Fee. See Frank Sennes At 4521 TREMONT OfilM OM SPT9LASS Distinguished Mediterranean Vllla. All the charm of Jftleryear. ~om· mandtn1 panoramic views. SZ,.00,000. See Linda Manton At 17 MUIR BEACH CIRCLE. . Ill llftl'OllTCUftll 644-9060 You've Arrived at ... ,_ISUJI Situated in the finest lOfation lo N~rt Beach, th.la v.:u; very ! home off en four rooms, nveUIS ind over 5000 sq ft of the most luxurious We style available. A pier and slip to accommodate up to a 100 tl boat and nearly 1/6 of an acre right on the main channel. Exclusive With Wm. F. Cote at $S million. .. .IC CANYflt If size, location and price are import.ant to you, this six bedroom · custom home on it 's own private park has it all including an expansive private pool and spa. Exclusive with William F. Cote and available at $1 ,595 ,000 with immediate occ upancy. Owner will finance to $1 million. BIG CANYll Just a chip shot to the green on the 7th fairway. Award winning two bedroom custom home designed for fun filled days and glamorous evenings. Owner will assist with financing. $1.75 million FEE. Call William F. Cote or Mary Frizzelle Lewis. BIG CANYON Perched on the most exclusive country club fairway in Southern California, this six bedroom home features a custom fool and incomparable view o the golf course. Separate two bedroom quarters with den and an enormous billiard room complete this exclusive with William F. Cote at Sl.8 million . Owner will finance. BIG CANYON A view to Catalina and spacious privacy is the answer in this highly customized and expanded 3000 sq ft Monaco model. Oak planked floors, multiple skylights and a three car gar are just a few of the amenities in this lovely exclusive offering with William F. Cote. Priced at $659,000 with owner fin ancing available .• BIG CANYON This delightful end unit Bordeaux with three bedrooms and three full baths offers an oversized private yard, and an assumable loan of $240,000. As Bordeaux models rarely come to market, you should call for an appointment NOW . Exclusive with William F. Cote at $500,000. HAID lmiE CUSTOM Fabulous Country French custom with 5300 square feet of sheer luxury and a view of Newport Harbor and the Pacific which is THE BFSI' in Newport Beach. Four bedrooms compliment this hillside estate and the owner will carry a s ubstantial note. S2.3 million. Exclusive with William F. Cote. HAIBOl llllE UtlD Sl flWON Beautiful Country French manor with four bedrooms and a master 'suite with a grand ocean view. Sunny garden solarium and hillside gazebo. OWNER WILL CA RRY LEASEHOLD AT VERY FAVORABLE TERMS OR $1,595 FEE . VERY C R EAT IV E FINANCING . Call Ann Vaughn Santas. Open Saturday & SWlday 12·4 #7 Trafalger, Harbor Ridge UOO UYFIMT Beautifully appointed townbome with two bedrooms and ften which could easily serve as a third ~droom. Three baths. Gorgeous view of the Lido Channel and a prized boat slip is included. 2600 sq ft ol luxury and it's Adults Only! Exclusive with William F. COte at $595,000 and over $300,000 of assumable financing available.. . . . vw UIJ8A r Available to buy or leue. Two bedrOom villa.• Asa~le $148,000 at 12%. 2nd ii available. Call for information. Priced at $249,500. William F. Cote. •CMYlllfAI Terrific three bedroom tonbome on t.be IOlf eoane for immediate OCCQIUCY. All ........ IDd ll50 aquan feet of baarJ . ._ per ' ="' Bxchlll" di wuu.. r. 201lllajo1-t111M ........ CMYOll ...... ,. .... l4N777 ....... ..,.. . .... ........,w. ....... Wt ., ...... ..,w, 1 ...... fwW. ~~ .. ••••••••••••••••• ......................................... ~.jJ ............................................ •••.•••••••••••••••••••• ........ • .. ,_... IHll•r• I r111 l 1ooil•••r• IOOJI._... 1001---.................... , ................................................ ~~····················~ ···••············•····· •.•••••................ ~~·.'!,~1!!\ 1UUX~S.. ~-!'ri.ilM1u-~•mo•.••u1 ~~ WNllWATH VU Tz:Jo': ___ G_EJ_ID._Y_! --- • ftauria1. Nt1t to ---• .... Vtrde'1 ifnnt! Va. OFCOIOunu~ VIUQut be1cli-cottase .. •-... crta. cau •allllf pin near c rown mouldln1 , cant, owner wanu oull llllfl paiot, carpet a.nd By prevlewlng one of PATRICK Tim .a..., qt tsl·UM South Cout Plua. i handc:arvtd frplc. shut· Lar19 3 Bdrm, 2 batll Tbi1 Cape C ome lnliallioal Eacellent T1::o1o.'ORE'S many VALUED liatin .. , 0..-wW carry fl.Dane· t ... brUI 1ppta, etc. 2 bome. ramlly room. 1bould be In Home location. llotlv ated CM., - las at u ". Prl ce br, 2 b&. full aecurity. brick fireplace, qwet M11ul.ot. s Bd, N 'ft owa. .w Mio fiDa.nce. all PRICED TO SELL TODAY ! •·•· l1ctlleot, ti· 10'4 .. ftn. avail. Lie/opt &re.lined atreet. Cloff ftnaDeiaa. Prtctd Glider Walk to beat&! Hurry, tii1Sf Sii 1HIS llAUl'YI = location. Call j ::1.iio. 15$.UJO ~~·· call now, 100K. Call me to '"· callf7NW Prof. decor. Ocean vlew ' Bdrm THE REAL C:STATERS , r..ii. w/pool, spa & city lights. Assume 11.78% True valuek29,900. Won't last! Patrick Tenore 759-1.221 THE REAL ESTATE RS .. , '' ''. \ .. RVM~ THE REAL ESTATE RS --. DIRECTORY ..., .. ....,._._., .... r-.. ~ ............................. .... Wt~ Ill...._ ... "r ••al I ; Ill...,. .. IAILT MOT WANT US.,..,_ ........ """ ...... fw .. w,... .................................... -11 w..y •s-.,. HOUSES FOR SALE J ... OOM 433Seaward, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $315,000 Sat 1-5 4 Melody Ln (Wdbrg) Irvine 675-SSU $149,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ll7 Marine Av.e, Balboa Isl, NB 67U900 $29.5,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 • •2.25 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl, NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2QCliffDr. (NwptHgts) NB ~2313 $429,000 Sat 1·5 J • ,... FAM llM w DIM 1706 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642·5200 $325,00> Sat 1·5 2 Maritime Dr, Jasmine Crk, CdM 759-9182 ' Sun 12·5 227 Via Orvieto. Lido Isle, N. B. 644-9060 $345,000 Sat 1·5 1536SerenadeTerr, Irv. Terr, CdM 631-1400 $295,000 Sat 1·5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Sbores, CdM 644-9060 $595,000 Sat 1·5 175SouthA (OldTown)Tustin ~2313 $129,000 Sat 1·4 llmlOOM 1126 E. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 1·524-SEa> Sl,495,00> Sat/Sun 1-5 31 Bethany. Irvine 58l·ll81 Sat 1:30-4 :30 4 •IOOM 14441 Chateau, Huntington Bch 673-3658 $139,900 Sun 12·4: 30 •2828Tabago Pl., Costa Mesa 556-0197 $175,00> Sat/Sun 11·4 • 2242 Heather Ln, Newport Bch ~~ $250,000 Sat/Sun 10.5 1207 ~x Lo (W .cliff) NB 759-9100 $275,000 Sa/S 12 :30-4 :30 760 Via Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-9060 $.575,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 223 Narciss~ (Old CdM) CdM 67~ $565,00> Sat l·S • * 1020 Whitesails, CdM 759-1221 $429,900 Sat 12·5 6 Balboa Coves, Npt Beach 759-1221 $575.00> Sat 1·5 9341 Tudor, Garden Grove 63H400 $153,500 Sat 1·5 ••124 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl, NB 631-1400 $850,00> Sat 12·4 4511 Camden (Cameo Sbores) CdM 673-7761 $925,00> Sun 1·5 1925 Port Provence, HrbrViewHms. NB 631-1400 $268,500 Sat 1·5 #8 Collins Isle, Balboa Isl, NB 67~ $1,200,000 Sa/Sun 1-4:30 *'17632Sherbrook, Tustin 546-2313 $269,500 Sat 1·4 1412SerenadeTerr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-7211 $36.5,000 Sat 1·5 .....____ , ... OOM ••l(qW, Bay Ave, BaJ. Penin,NB 644-9060 $2,200,00> Sat 1: 30·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE UCH&OI 101 Scbolz Plaza, Penthouse 27, NB 631-8169 $13.5,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 lOOScbolz Plaza#~, Versailles 67J..7:m $99,500 Sat/Sun 2·5 IRDIOOM 102Scbolz Plaza #239, Versailles 673-1:m Sat/Sun 2·5 J llDIOOM 24322 Santa Clara, Dana Point 494-8551 $325,000 Sun 1·4 411 lfz Dahlia, Corona del Mar 67~5.511 $320,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 102 Scbolz Plaza, T.H. 34, Versailles 673-7:m $256,500 Sat 1·4 2277 Pacific Ave., Mesa West, CM 67J.7:m $137,000 Sat 1·4 JOO Cagney Ln. #101, Versailles 67J.. 7:m Sl.27 ,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 JOO Cagney, Penthse 17, Versailles 67J..7:m $132.000 Sat/Sun 2·5 25 Canyon Island Dr .. Big Cyn, N .B. 67J..7m $265,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 N ,._ FAM llM _. DIH 2143 Vista Entrada. Bluffs , NB 64(}.5.560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 20919th St., Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 503 Avenida Campana, Bluffs, NB 67J..7m Sat 1·5 501 St. Andrews, Cliffhaven, NB 67J..7:m $162,500 Sun 1·4 llalOOM 862 Bear Creek, Costa Mesa 67~3411 $143,950 Sat 1·5 m 191B COUIT & POOL L~h 4 Bdnn 4th Ba estate, S fplcs, 2 fam rms. Hu ge liv. rm, 2 spas. Spectacular thruout. Only $695,000 with low down +owner will finance. Call DIRECT for details. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 1-. POOL I SPA Wann luxwious borne Uke new. Owner will finance w/low dn. at low int. rate. Only $269,000. WON'T LAST! Patrick Tenore, 75!H221 1WO llAUTllSI Sec. gate w/panoramic view. Two lrg 3 Br's + den w/form. din rm + wet bar. Assume 91'2% int. From $439,995 w/Wl'S OF TERMS. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 RmlSHm Ml.I. HOMI 4 Bd, pool, private. sundeck. fully furnished, ready to move in. Only $329,00> w/terms. SEE TIIIS ONE. Pa trick Tenore 759-1221 SPA I TBelS Lrg 3 or 4 Br bome w/lrg family rm + decor. Reduced Sl0,000 BELOW MARKET to $176,995 for quick sale. Calltoday! ~UME 12% INT. A great value. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 MIWPOIT COMK> Spacious 4 Bdrm condo. A BEAUTY. Lrg patio w/wetbar! Call for TERMS. OWNER WILL FINANCE. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 Tlf $15,000 Sharp lrg 2 Bdrm 2lfz Ba. New Twtlerock condo. Only $169,900. Call for details. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 J ID ZIA TOWtltOMI A true showplace next to So. Coast Plaza. A bargain at $115,000. Try $15,000 dn w/lo paym'ls. BUY IT. Pa trick Tenore 759· t.221 WOODllMI Sharp 3 8d twnhm. ASSUME 10.7% ONLY $149,500 w/TERMS ! Patrick Tenore 759-t.221 FOllCLOSUa 411·21A BY OWNER Victorian charm mut er bedroom bal~J w/mlnl view of So Bay. '595,000 . 67S.711M .... , .... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. 2bdrm, 2"'ba. sinile story. Peninsula Pt. home. Seller will finance. $415,080 OwMr/Ap: 675-5134 Mtw'-fr..tHw SJ,495,ooo". Easy terms! 55' dock. fee simple Open Sat/Sun 1·5 1·534-S81Ml C.-.. M• IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWMH "NEW" CdM CUSTOM BLT 2300 SQ FT. Wlk to bch. 3Br, 31...,Ba, circular stairway. sky 11 tes. garden windows Asking S385.000. OPEN HOUSE Sal/Sun 1·6 616 Marigold 64CHSZI 637-8778 Of'IM SAT l·I 1412Seu .. ,.,.,.. .......,,..,... .... '"L-' Sunny and ll1bt and bright and new on tlle market. Brick rroal\ aide and read patioe, hantwood paiquet f1oCll' • Inc lhnl-out. Excel loca· lion . ten tban 1000 pacet from S million homes and realiJUcally priced at IXS,000 witb a combination ol u1uma- ble and owner financln• CAU.'44-721 I /Jn Nlr.fl lJI°\ I [ f ! t. A'.J':iUllllfl':i DUPW SO.OF HWY Terms available on this super clean charmer. Priced right ror quick s ale. Gree Astle, R&"M~ -. - · JASMINE CREEK-full OLD CDM ocean vu. 2 &r den, 2 ba .AIST USTED condo Pool, tennis. sec. Locatioo &r terms are the Own fin . Open Sat/Sun I key t.o this 3 Bdrm fami· 11-4. UICurl. Own/act ly rm country charmer J 640-J.Sl!i/728'51S,1 bl.k to the bearh on cor· Duplex. 2 one BR units on ner lot w1m1n1 VU rorner lot. 1229,500 Owner rlexible. will Owner wtll assist rlnan rent, lease option for 673·4791 , 340·55 17 or $5000 or sell n ght now ..:c7.::.:54c..;.·709==-1----- Unbelievable buy for ......._ CrHll COM. <;all Diana. agt. fo\iU view of ocean and for pri ce & terms. Catalina. Spacious 3 1 631-1266 Bdrm, family room plus R&"Mt-X dining. Guarded gate, tenrus. pool, rec room plus more. Priced to I sell. $440,000. Call for showin SSZ..2000 Cc1Ma--r.,.a.1 CO~ELL BANKER. WITH AMAMCIMG FEO 3 BR 2ba or .2+ guest in Cott. W... I OJ4 owner's unit also 2 Bdrm rent.al cottage All ••••••••••••••••••••••• in sharp cond wiexcel location Owner will rany lge 2nd TD Best buy in town for only 12Sl,000, C411644-7J 11 SHAIP IASTSIOE uux 2653 Vista Ornada (Bluffs) NB 642-5200 Sat 12·4 448 Morning Canyon CC Hlnds) CdM 675-eOOO $295,000 Sat 1·5 4 M ... FAM llM _. DIM 19501 Aragon, Huntington Bch 962-8891 Sat 1·5 19762 Elmcrest Ln., Hunt Beach 963-5294 $189,00> Sat/Sun 11·6 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 67~5.511 $335,00> Sat/Sun 1·5 2324 VistaHogar (Bluffs ) NB . 673-8550 $179 .500 Sat 12 : 30-4 : 30 Clean 3 Bdrm Irv. Terrace home w/pool + sauna. Call for details. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 WSIS I~ OM. T 1 So/o DOWN Owner will finance to qualified buyer. Well localed, good looklng 6 units + 4 car garage + ample parking. Below 11 times grogs. C411W.,'4~7JI I_ 30240cean Blvd., CdM/NB 63H400 $1,350,00> Sat 1·5 309Wake Forest (Coll Pk ) CM 963-0767 $129,900 Sun 1·4 ll3 Via Ravenna, Lido Isle. NB 631-1400 $355,000 Sat 1-4 3134 Mainistee, Costa Mesa 631-1400 $144,900 Sat 1·5 UIM Walnut, Orange 673-8.S50 $98,500 Sat /Sun l ·5 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N. B. 67J..7:m $487,234 Sat/Sun 1-4 llOVia Cordova, Lido Isle. N.B. 67J..7:m $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 1Ul5462ndSt .. NwptShrs. N.B. 759-1501 $230,00> Sat 12·4 616 Marigold. Corona del Mar ~ $38.S,OOO ' Sat/Sun 1·6 l • ... FAM llM w DIM S4.2Harbor Isl Dr (Prom. Bay ) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 12 :30-4 :30 2113Miramar, Penin,N.B. 67~6161 $425,000 Sun 1·5 1657TexasCir., Mesa Verde, CM 83J.zra> $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1525 E. Balboa Bl, Bal Penin, NB 642-:i:m $495,000 Sat 1·5 •28 Miners Trail (Northwd ) Irv. 67.s.m> $209,900 Sat 1·5 '¥11 Poimettia (Old CdM) CdM 67.s.m> $470,000 Sat 1·5 317 Begonia (Old CdM > CdM 67~ SMQ,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 1130Somerset Ln., Westcliff, NB 5'8-4Ui8 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 21t Amethyst, Balboa Island 67J..8585 $498,000 Sun 12·5 4931 Hemlock, Univ. Park, Irv. 644-9060 $193,000.Fee Sat 1·5 ••1014 E. Balboa Bl, Bal. Penin, NB 644-9060 $99.5, 000 SWI 1 ·5 • •3713 Seashore,• Newport Bch 6"-GX> $800,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •• •3711 Seashore, Newport Beach 6"-GX> $820,00> Sat!SWI l ·5 2612 Redlands (E/Side) CM 6Ga18 $149,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1436 Serenade Terr, Cd.M 675-5511 $349,SOO Sat 1·5 12 Drlkes Bay (Spygls) CdM 840-9900 $M9,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 110 Via Genoa, Lido lale, NB 131·1400 SB.soc> Sat/Sun 1·5 • lOl'1 Glen Cir., Colt.a Mesa 840-9800 $229,000 Sat 1·5 33 Malnai.I (J11mnCk) CdM r7M550 1474,500 Sat 1·4 2ll7 Hilh'tDd, Westcliff, NB m.m SJ7t,ooo Sat 1.4 420 DeSola Terra~. CdM 1 ~ Sli0,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 25 AUltUq Wind. Trtlrk, Irv 7SU01 $280,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $475,000 Sat/SW'I 1·5 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1844 PortChhles, HrbrView, NB 546-~ $319,500 Sat 1·5 232 Goldenrod, Corona del Mar 673-8494 ~.000 Sun 1-4 48$equoiaTtee (Univ Pk) Irv. 642-:i:m $157,500 Sat 1·4. 2706Lighthouse (HVH ls) Cd.M 67~6000 $495,00> Sat/Sun 12·4 2221 Port Lerwick (Seawind ) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-4: 30 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde. CM 56-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1132SeaLane, HVH , CdM 644·9060 $398,000·fee Sat 1·4 ••1617 Bayside Dr .. Yachtsmans Cove, CdM 644-9060 $1,895,00> Sat/Sun 1·4 1106 Dover Dr., Westcliff, NB 644-9060 $299,500 Sat 1·5 2862Tabago <Mesa Verde) CM 642·5200 $173,750 Sat 1·5 1209 Santiago Dr., Dover Shrs 642·8235 $319,500 Sat 1·5 15 Rimrock, Turtle Rock 752· 1414 $39.5,000 Sat 12·4 2227 Arbutus (Eastblu(() NB 67>3411 $299,00> Sat 1·5 • 1459 Galaxy Dr., Dover Sbores, NB 642·8235 $495,QOO.lJI Sat 1·4 133 Via Undine (Lido Isl) NB 67~7298 $73.5,00> Sat/Sun 1·5 1251 Surfline Way, Harbor Vu, CdM 644-4910 $329,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 67>5.511 $598,500 Sat 1·5 • • 1706 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Penin, NB 67~8676/675-8444 Sat/Sun 1·5 1152Kingston (Wimbldn Vig) CM 645-0:m $259,850 Sat 1·4 5 ... 00M 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 67s.6161 Sl,500,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••1415 E. Bayfront, Bal. Penin, NB 644-9060 $1,800,000 Sat 1: 30-5 ••SU West Bay, Peninsula, NB 631·1400 $1,550,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 , ............. .. 442 Begonia <Old CdM) CdM 67UOOO $625,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 Rue Fontaine, Bil Cyn, N.B. 644-6200 $985,000 Sat 1·5 • 17 Muir Beach Cir., Spyglus, CdM 644-1>1> $2,400,000 Sat 1·4 •17MuirBeachCir,Spyalau, CdM 644-m> $2,400,000 Sun 12·5 126Vlal«ca, Udolale, NB f13.1300 Sun l·S JJ5e Plaminao CM .. Verde) CM ._ ms,• s.t 1 .. J • ... FAM IM w DIH #6 Gatewood (Wdbrg) Irvine 5.51-~ $115,900 Sat 1·5 #3 Monaco, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 64(}.5.560 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDIOOM Avocado& Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $134,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m. 2 N .. FAM 1M _. DIN 297 Bayview Terrace, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $210,000 Sat 1·4 l llDIOOM Avocado& Fairview. Costa Mesa 548-2239 $154,950 Sat/Sun 11 a.m. MOBILE HOMES FOK SALE 319100M 300 E. Coast ff wt #52, N.B. 67~3347 $68,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 .. DUPLEXES FOR SALE J-2 llDIOOM • •2402 W, Oceanfront. Bal Penin, NB 644·9060 $575,000 Sat 1·4 l•,..ZN 20942ndSt., Newport Beach 642·1355 $350,000 Sun 1·5 4501 Seashore, Newport Beach 759-1221 Sat 1-4 516 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 67~34ll $398,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 TRIPLEX FOR SALE 2 .......... . 305 Fernando, Peninsula Point ~0003 ~.000 Sat 12·4 TOWt-ltOUSE FOR LEASE J .. OOM 21 Canyon Island Dr, BigCyn, NB 644-4910 S1.200mo. Sat/Sun 1·5 HOUSE FOR llNT J • ... •AM IM w DIM us FaexLn. (Westclllf) NB 646-6789 •tmo Sat/Sun l·S * ,.. w ..... ....... ,.. BIG CANYON 2 8d 2 Ba condo $875 mo. SEAVIEW 4 8d w/ocean view. $1600 mo. Patrick Tenore 759-1221 759-1221 76M70Z R&" M * of Newport Beach a..ctd s100,ooo "" !------SPYGLASS I IYOWHEI (kean View SS75,000 6brt4'' ba. 4100 sq rt SOUTHPORT MODEL OWNER FINANCING HIGHLY UPGRADED Otrerexpires Jan 31 258odega Bay CUSTOM CON DOS. call owner 759·0737 Lovely Tudor sir ling, HLOWMillnl I c athedral reil ngs ,I 4 bdrm home in Costa Island kitchens. All in M w n't last al l So.of Hwy locale f'tont esa. 0 unit 2 Bdrm 1320,000 $120,000. 1 yr home .war-41J-411' Dahlia CdM ranty. Owner·ass1sted " · financing. Call 979·537.0. I NO LEA.5EHOLD WOR-' A LL$.,." TE. RIES: Lease has ~een I Jlt renovated and 1s r1xed for 2S yrs. Totally re· REAL TORS newed Irvine Terrac~ 3 Bdrm 3 Ba home with family room S349,500 1436 Serenade Terrace ; HOUSE WAHTED Por rent/trade. I will do painting, roofing , carpentry . plumbing, electrical. landscaping 111 return for rent. I need a rucer upper. CM or NB only. Call Pat, 63Hl871. Md!C....• Stylish. clapboard. shut· le red 4000 aq rt In Bays hores. 5 bdrm. large livingrm. dinin· grm faneled Ubary and . big amilyrm. Huge kitchen. pantry and family eating area. Security & s ound systems. hardwood floors, leak and oak cabinet&, wine storage, marble baths and ex tena!ve panelina are on· ly a sampling of the quality reatures StlO,OOOFH Owner631·2MI SI 0,000 DWH! FIXEI! B•1a1n1 3 Bdnn 2 bath. pool! Owner extremely motivated! •.soo total priee. CaU for more de- talla. s..Dl3 THE REAL ESTATERS ----- lallYllT OIMOT owe a IS.,, 1ou w/1111· belevable low Int. OD U. 11 .. Verde 4 8d WOODBRIDGE DOLL I HOUSE: 2 Br Bodega m>del, highly up,raded, tile entry & mirrored wardrobes Good as· sumable 1st TD & OWC a 2nd. Very motivated. $1411,000 4 Melody Ln. OWNER SAYS SEU.! I New home w /3 levels for gracious living + guest qtrs & spa, Modem In every way 4 Bdrm, library &r family rm. Now oUered at $588,500. 333 Poppy COUOf'~' MAL TORS HUl.C...ie.,. ·c.-...... 871-Hti ... -C ... •A•M4•1 TllADE/SWAP Owner's may trade: (1) 4 Bm twh, C. Meu. Sta:tll-eJIClty ror ll BZ not....,.low dn. Only $10&000. (2) J Bdm oa fee land 1tep1 to beach $200,000 eqt. SZJt,000 sub. OWC Ut for 10 yrs. cau Diana Cappel, •It 831·1211. lnternttd ln ~ ;,ct..ce ProfT•m· -1q ft pool home ..... ..._. '"' Sito•• llkt a model. -............... .. $111.509. ()pa lat i.s.•------1 M •rmcilla, CM or Iara t•" oe Balboa call Loia MUler, •It llbllll lnlt deedl. Over n.-i.aMorloac .... _ ........ •!MfA• * ~ • I ~ 00 • ~ a.:> ~ • >< a.:> • = • I t •on lk ...,. aivl not hich In priee; ,...,.,. ... COit: daeifild ~. /Jn ~IGEl 3AIU I ~ ' ASSOC I Al ES $79,500 CUte 1 BR, R-2, 50xl.2S Id. 202l6 Pomona. AC PETITI'E RLTR ~-~ By owner: two 2bdrm houses on 1 lot. Asuma · bte 11'k tst T o. owe 42nd Asking 1125,000 with 2.5. 000 d wn . 20t.b & Pon¥>na. 640-7464. 4BR Pool Home in Mesa Verde Large Corner 14 Breezeway 2 Car Car + Mu ch More! Dnve By, 2828 Taba10 Place Then Call for Appl lo See, 957·0959. Open House Sat • Sun 11AM·4PM . Priced to Sell At Sl75,000 with AS· s umable Loans . Cooperatioo With Agts I •VETSATIH: * FOllCLOSUll SALi Mesa Verde Fixer Principals only SL2S.008 S4J.7023 • ..._ I I 1/J9/o VA* 3 br + 11'1 ba. Poulble SS500 down. S'15K at S8S6 PITI Prine o nly 667.3963 Sl.55,000 4 BR PLUS POOL Owner tranaferred, will help w1r111ancing Lllte new home! Lge patio rm+ 4 Brs. Allstate Realtors 768-2977 WIEOPTIOH 2+ den. 2,,.. Ba, 1 yr new, ('all for deta.ilJ. John, a rt :.. -~· RvM ~ --- .-SA'811 3 bdrm. 2 bath. frplc, dbl garlge, A·l cond. SllUCIO. Owner will H · silt in fiDIDdq, ..,Mce.6 ...... , .. nit COUMTIYB46. CUSTOM IACI IAY HOMI Owner /bldr haa apartd DO tllPll* ill lllia Dtw lllique 4 Id 3 Ba bome. 3llllO aq ft of IU\ll"Y IMaa w/too manf amenttJn lo Uat. Good fin11cln1. ~ 1111.oao. ror pvt 1bowla ull Gin ~a ......,... ..... .. ...,... ..... .. ....... ,_...."" ••?' 211111 --... l I Orange Cont ~LV PtLOT/Saturd1y, Janu1ry 23, 1982 llT ,.. ........ IBNIT mTS SN E STllY PEIFECTION WICTACUUI OCIAM '1IW Mariner's Point custom 48r 2~ bath home on "-l acre, 3000 sq n.1 yn old . Room for pool or tennis court. Laree family rm, formal dlnina, gourmet kitchen, 2 frplcs, sep. laundry, Italian· tile entry w/dbl doors, mini bllncb, trash compacter. JUST REDUCED lo Cbo&ce 4 8dr l·aty home ln prime 11.. Verde location. Secluded spa aurrou.nded by lush landscaping. .... J ... PIO! arm Thia 2 Bdrm, den (or 3 Bdrm ) has It llADY TO -.&. all ! Vaulted ceilings, 'cstm shutters, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ecuca• fllONTAM ._..'-.,..... na.t llddrela on Mesa Verde C.C. Rollin& 1reen lfflla, CUFF. DR. VIEW. Traditional CAPE mirrored doors, central IUr , rormal COD home with EXCELLENT dining room, enormous wrap·around loll coune. Cootemporary cuatom 4 :!\'i!:"fn \1:1 c:!f !! Bdrm + family rm + gym area and rondo. Sunken m11ter OCEAN & CATALINA VIEW . 1 patio by Rogers Gardens and much Rambling 4 Br, rarnlJy room a court more! Superb decor thruout this yarded area with POOL. Asking Newport finer townhome. Free & RVMt\X paddle lO·ill & more! Excellent suite, 1ueat room1 ftaancin1 availab~. +study or den. Pnua -------$590,000 with TREMENDOUS clear. Submit on your terms. Now 1'ERMS. only ~.000! Call NANCY IMlllMIMO $329,500. JM:m ~ 6Jl•IJ'6 ~~:i,ot. Ca ll now, ~ifK 1 COLDWELL BANKER. 759-12'll (6"-6636-rea;) ..,. YOUI ANTIOUISt GllROOS sUNSETS-POOL-SPA RVMt\X of Costa Mesa FEO 3 br, 2 ba, Plan I. llove· In cooditioa. Close to part' pool. Auumable rananclnc. 752--132' They will fit beautifulfy lo this 3 ~Calif. ranch, gated tor privacy. SnJNNJNG 3 BR home·back on the Vtews thru walls of glass. 2 fireplaces, ~·-106' ltecll 1069 market! Nooe will compare at family room, formal dining room , nook ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •.ODOclon,,BRpool6 WllJOO.MeuVerde3br. 100/oDW~Jll $250,000f1NANCINGTOO ! & more! View from secluded mstr HAllOllllHH BAYP'RONT .. Open Sal/Sun l·S. 1657 Townbou.se In Herita1e su~u:. SWlSets, Newport 2& beyond. Auume IZlS,000 lit T.D. ~EHOLD 131..c87 Ela111nt TeuaCir. 831-2120 Woodbridge's best buy! Parlt area ol Irvine. 2· -THI OCIAM Mtnamum down . Anxious owner. at 10.3'1.. owe lar1e Exqwlte 4 BR, s BA, Terrific localion1 2 Br, sty, ll,\ Ba, pool 'park F S C 2nd. 3 Bdrm, 3ba+den. nearlJada ltle, lncludH flXB UPPll .,_,., 1026 exceptional deai, eood nearby. Prln only. rom this GORGEOU OUNTRY Assisted financing._ Now only $298,500! View, ni&bl li&bt.s and private dock. eo· oo the Luce •bdrm. only ••••••••••••••••••••••• fin anclng. Terms . SlQll,300. owe '1193 P" CHARMER. Spacious 4 Br & BRAND Call NANCY IMlllMIMO, ownr/ agt rrountainl. 6"-64215 main bay. SS0,000. don, $102,000. Owner wi ll lllATHTAllMG $104 ,900. Act now. mo. Jerry Jones, act NEW FAM ROOM . Only $279,SOO. 759-1221 (644·6636-res.) Waterfront home1 45' ' usume S7SO,OOO •t CllTJ'. HAllOI VIEWS Warner, agtsss.9400 631 OWNER WILL FINANCE. 75t-1221 boat slip, fee and -=12'7o::..:=...::fl42.=t:Z3=-1 --- Ml-7J06, A!f Beauliful 2 Br co-op I.Al IODIBS 631·126' 644-66J6 l625,000 l2'7o financin1 ...rtm&HTS ' M1SA VllOI Xlnt rmancin1. s.m.ooo. 67H(M.4 S E C L U D E D For ule by owner. As· tt.c. & Hon LE. CHAIM ~~.:·~r:~1:!: 494-1551 AcroufrmT/Rock EISc . EASTBLUFF Aprivatecoolempor•'1 do.•.ooo. 751.2380 ,......_ ... _. 1040 --------• on cul-d·aac. Avail only eritertlinmenthome w/S ....................... u.i•~rn to~ers wllh EISc age U1 ,,,. .. _. I06tl--------1 Prime cul·de·uc. up· Bdrm.a. cutL._kit.dL,- • M1SA V11D1 * N 0 9 UAL I FY I~ G . Vacant 2 Bdrm 2 ba, new ctidn. l25X 965-0170 ~ ltoclt I 041 L.,.. It.tit I 041 ••••••••••••••n••••••• MEW USTIMG uaded Lusk, 3 Br. 3 Ba woodty settinc. lotJ ol =. ~~~~ ~~~. ~'°'!i~e~~ ~~dt~~:: ~: '1!5..!1~t P:~~: lNVllSITT rAll .... SH~TIO~~L ....... FOl£Y ....... El••••V•l•E····.... of:t't\~~!Y1i2.s Out~:rt'n~ ~~·t i on b:nmi:!~ais8;0~on"::~ :!:i11iP!~·~ tt:e;:: Beautiful area. SlS,000 Pinf. Fantastic value. Cardiff. Great for Best Location ocean views" Catalina 102i0Wbitesllla,CdM w/partial ocean view. to 4th. Br. Open House pand CID' out + alley dn. A1kln1 $240,000 ~m!S l29 ,900. Blt r singles, make offer. PatioHome sumets from this coiy 2 4 Bdrms, cuest/mald's Prof decor, ocean vu. 4 Mint cond., 2 BR 2 Ba Sat. l-4,906Aleppo ICCf.ll. Best It. 111 Hll•· S-/spyml. PP. Act. PricedS137.500. Feel.aAd bdrm condo with qrtn,famrm,game rm. Br w/pool/spa + city oondo. lowest price in ~~Di It ODJy sm.500 . ... ._ ARTIST ABODE, 1 mi to COLDWELL BANKER. 4Bdrm2...., Bath fl replace ' decks . 3finplaces, apac. decks lites. Assume 11.783 the area SlG,900. Call Ei.leen64A~u41to2vac8tt7, Bkr. \ .. U ml -'V..;.;AC;...;ANT=-11-ES_A_V_E_R_D_E_ beach, 3 Br1 2 Ba SUOK, ___ ..:.F...:E:..::O'-----i OnlySl.57,500 Elevator from farage flmuchmor•.S800.000 True value $429 ,900. forappt.6'G-6259 V" $JZ7,I00.3BR2BA.1612 bouse;:,unl·S.20612 O..S•"r'"l-4 forCC11venience com· FreelandRlty&11-ll96 Won't tut! Patrick ~~~~W,/ Saad1ewood. 20'li dwn, I.A HB 960-2183 41 s..oa. Ti munlty pool. $24S,OOO. OCEAN VIEW FIXER Tenott. a&t 758-1221 r , AlL PLAY NO j owner will f inance L•"urUtw 641-5200 DOYllSHOUS Sl7SK usm. lOOK at New po;t B~O!'cK~ __ ......;;;;--:;;;-.;;;;-.;..-___ _ ISO.ODO ll 13~ s yrs. By 11762Elmcrest Lane Forever bluffs front lOW'lo plus owe. 50X90 R E A L T y Versailles condo was de· htnMI OfflllD yt. Don Pfaff, 546·2.113 (Beach le Adams) ocef anthisvlewsbdare yours ~.:} J:·J~· ... ~st sl.~ with today 's busy SHARP! Weatcllff, 3 •-------·Two story, 4 lar0 e I rom 5 rm home uv.t· · •... I' t I I · d bdrm 2 .. _, au bdrms 2 b r " DEAL! DEAL! DEAL! !>Wit with meticulous al· -. .. L .. vui 1 es Y e n m'" · • .,. am.., room , WIBl&Sl1 · 1, am rm. Fell out ol escrow. need • ' tenllon to details. A ~·-"'• • Canal Front. Newport BUOY rT ALL! Completely upgraded small office, vacant Cm )'OU ftod 5 Bdrms, 3 Elegant drapes, carpet· fast sale. 4 Br·lerrific! , I formal dining room, Wood le glus, ocean &. Shores. 4 Br. Oen Pri bachelor unit. OCEAN Beau. yd. Owner will bltlll, bi.I faqilly room, in&. Formal dining area. Vacant. Move now at spacious family room &. canyon vu s. ve ry 12$,000 down, Owner will •ale Co••• lty V I E W I L u 5 h I y carr y w Is m I d n . lllfleyardwltbpatioin Rear patio. Side patio. 1183,900 +terms IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll astudyorden plusdeck private, lots of decks. 1 carry. Must sell! Malt.e ) ... JIM.._ landscaped grounds S2SS.OOO. 646 ·6189, 1 prime sectloo ot Costa Italian custom ceramic Warner. agt ssg.9400 Ml~ & patios will add to your mstr suite w/jac .. cor· dfer! Tennis, pool. walk Pool. beach, tennis feature an immaculate 631-2177 ICea for Sl6S,OOO! This We in ram rm & bath " I enjoyment ol this lovely n er Io t. S 4 SO . O 0 O to beach Agent ~· 1044 and racquetball. clubhouse and a crystal -=:..=.:.:"'------- spadoua 2 story beauty Blt·in dis hwashe r . CO ..... DITIOlliJI , home.Sl,29S,OOO. Ownr/Agt S40·3666 ' ...;or~645-;.=...;211m=::...· ____ Sllt,500 clear swimming POOL! Harbor Ridge assum. bu 1 buce living room microwave .. · 2 'l'z yrs " " WHITE W 4W7·fl112 BR p 1 ... <" 000 3BR Oeflnitely a must see, IZL5,000 I.st T.O. 10.3% with maaslve used brick old. 1189,000. By owner. with location lo match. 4 A TH 4 · 00 • _,, • and price rig ht at tae2nd view. 644·6426 fireplace! Assumable Assumable 9 14 % loan. bd rm s . 2 I,\ b a . and city lights views a..,..... I050 Pool. 5185,000 Owner 1106,000. Submit your of. Iola avaiable at 133 ., (714) 481·92S9 collect. Townbome in Village 11. from this 2 bdrm &. den ....................... Agt 9M-0809 fer today. 979-Z390 C.Utoaee,S40-llSl 1 OwnerJeanClarlte. --------1 ~~id~ifeua:r~t~ ~e~':ai~!~!~oro~ut~~~ TOUIOWM.rAIK MEWPORT TAI•• IW.TOIS UTROMT CONDO Boat Slip available. $475,000. I D•, .......,, *•WOODBRIDGE! Supe rb view and living. Excellent starter DramaUcaUy situated 3 SHOllS ADULT mobile home S4,000 dn moves you in 3 Bdrm condo. Highly privacy. Sl72,000. Seller home. New carpet and Br2 ~·stove pipe wood WATBFIOMT par\, oo the bay, 3 BR 2 OCIAMFllOMT Beautiful home on Pminaula Pl. Priced at ~value. i 115,000 I.SIDE i5"% dwn payment. owe bllaoce, 2 Br l Ba, oak firs, Ire yard, needs aome TL C . C u rt Herberts n. •st 631-1.266 R&"M~ lhisbeauUful4bdrm.2 uporaded 'shows is offe ring oenerous paint.S210000 burniJlafireplace,plu.sb 1 BA.168JOO.ALS0,lBR, .. _th borne N ur .. h" I . • Cill>l!ll, calm shutters s Br. pvt tennis ' poo • -------den l BA rum U C: 000 "" · · o qu Y· beautifully Sellers will terms l o e P you .-.:.....-.... centr. air. redwood alkt be h 1269000 °"84HOUSE ' ' .-... · lng.SUSO mo.673·36198 or assist purchase ~-... _:s_. Q p lb~ lac · •. · OPEN SAT/SUNHPM ~Z700 1129500 , ':a.~-~L~ deck,naturalgas.BB ,2 oss e ease option. 1144PortClt_..s DIE.Coutffwy, , ·•··~"' car all. garage. Priced A&l,Clr1Mosen7S9·1221 Fri 1~2 Sat 1.5 UnitS2 OPEN HOUSE [Uj]\\bodbrld~ at $119,SOO. For im · Bltr 1l4-67S·J347 2STORY NR BEACH .,. tlCtN ea.....,_, mediate action, agl $195,000 4 BR + den w/mother in RcalllJ .._-a..-•' --MOO Au.lit Loans Bl"fs Tnna Plan. fee law suite downstairs ' ~ Seelhis4Bdrm3~?bath View Comm ma int. Cl ' ded 551·3000 ean. neat upgra . • _ .17141494·1177 • _ • ,_-_________ beautiful Portoflno Pool. Grnblts, xlnt cond. Price reduction. owner 1~81rr1nta Pl<w).lrvlnt' ~ 1• m:>ckl in Harbor View @ ,000. Agt. 642·5200 says seU now ' OCEAN YllW UDO ISU Separate mother·in·law S?s-8676 675·8444 YRSAIWS Penthouse Bachelor. ZOC"o down. an approx 168.000 1st 11~7.. owe 2nd. 123 3 yrs. Gym, P/Spa, cl ubhse. Stturi· ty tm,000. O.ner Agt. 631-8168 OpenUou.seToday l·S Three Arch Bay Jbdrm. L.,........ 1052 IATAl000MT ~rtni, almost new cpt 'g, j BLUFFS y~~,•.&00.,.:!,fhB •5"3C .. waoi.ft.. •. fnv'"'E Jba,famrm,completely ........ ••••••••••••••• Sl,000, 0 cosetopool.$319,500. 3Br, 281 Condo, 2 pvt ! _______ _ un.wwu Bruua.. urst i """''1~ ,..... remopeled , garden •VlEWHOUSE• Owmin& 2 Bdrm plus So.c:.lflealty patiol overlooking wide AFFOIDAIU fllBOM HOUSE CENTURY21 Bf:RG kitcbeli. sec. gated, walk 3 br, 21Ni. sm.~. Super den. 2 bath, pier and sUp ~5605 U l-6194 beautiful greenbelt & WATaAlOMT Br Ba 1 962·8891 l.411J111e•ecll I 041 to beach Attractive terms. Owner, '9S.S707. to accomodate 40' boat. pool, new cpts, single Spacious, clean 4 Br Z"1 ~000·1 · ~ltz63ard NO FOOLIN . J UST Psssl .. want to get a •••••••••••••••••••••••1 financing.1710499·5663 North side. f or an •P· sty, 1mmac Asking Ba.d/w,fp.n ....... itcben _.. ..: ....... l .... , ,Agt. S90.000for3 Br w/wood steal? 2 Br 2 Ba de· OCEANFRONT Modular • ....._R--.....& 1055 """fttme.nttoseeth11ex· IAUOAISUMD S215.000. BY OWNER " .. . T H 2 h ,•~••u•c -......--....,... tile, buitt·ms, 2 patios, 2 1"'-DOWM floors. Corner 1 ot tached home. Ridiculous ype omes. 4 r. "'""--.......... ••••••••••••• elusive property. call t LOT Ir rUMS 644-5050. sundeclrs. Beach living IJl/J%IMTHIST VA/FHA welcome. Bltr at Sl.18.900. Warner, agt S«wity, 1t.z mi of pvt 1 WHITEWATH YllW I 540-USl Drive by 309 Sapphire ..;;..;..~c;:,;...___ at its best S280,000 MO l"llllAUFYI~ ! 848--07~ s.s&-9400 bch, r1ShU1g pi~r. Cedar 3 br. ram. rm, 2'11 ba, and then call for details. lo\·d y Golf Course View ,.._ tnr s~ I 5,000 TW -"-'•'""'OHL-""-T-l-6-1-D-M-•--1 Collage type, redwood I new crpts &. drps As ~Fond's Plans for single family Home! Near Back Ba y. _.""" • =e.:iti~=~\~·; 1 d 2 deck. pool , guarded '' sumable 198.000 lst al """'C-,0."-home •PP.roved and re· Appraised ~000. ~:.hfe!>~! ~a~e~l~ old carpel throughout, ~h~l%~i>2/~;~ ~·_:dlts ~ly No 104'7' For sale by adytobuild.$345,000. g<t;~~n!.S'Z!r, T·ra~5:· ~oceanview.aum· SJ,50,000. owe AITO for Jltl,000. BIM·7362 -·900· ( ·3816 ~·F·~· Private 4 bedroom . 2 Waterfront Homes 0-.ner, 2lJ·847-S630 mer rent. Owner will 4/yrs at SlS20 /mo. -· OMCEIM I ys 7S·S 20f e vs bath borne that shows NEARLY VJ ACRE lnc.Rltrs 673·6900 -hdpftnan<'e Demaod E. Side area or. IACHILOl"S A IWE MOON 759-l206 like a model, Over 1000 Dover Shores fee land. I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C•Hf'J Y~ WAMTID, FAMIL T S.A Country Club. Call DBJ•KT DESPHATE I We are privileged tool· ~ feet ol decklng Sprawling 4 br hof'l!e : 50'UDO 4 II New Cape Cod 2 story 4 Br. 211! Ba. + Family Jeff <A gt I : < 714 ) OHLT $74,950 Woodbridg e 3Br 2ba. 1 fer a home that Is trulr, OCEAMAOMT wilh spa overlooking cnr !ot. room for mlnl I 4Ce brick patio, French bldg oo prime atreel. rm. le 2 car gar. Owner a.3ll6. Immaculate end µnit yr new. Low down as· "STANDING ALONE.· Spectacular view from secluded creek and te~nis court + pool.. drs. loU ol handcrafted 2llOOsq. ft.+ 5 car pll:g. will help finance. overlooking pool and swne loans. Need fast Striking cootemporary this 2 Bdrm · lop rloor woods Formal dining Prie«I below marltet.b" wood, 3 fplc's, 133 Via Residence/office up· 119,900. MOVIM'OMUP Give yourself Mesa Verde ID '82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba borne w /many extras CID cul-de-sac. OWC lrg 2nd T.D. Full price part like grou.nds Pvt sale. architecture in 2 story unit Laguna Lido r oom . 2 custom S36S,OOO. 644·7424 .. r Undine. Ownr agt st.ain,rooftopdeclt.re· DUftDSJJt,500 cocktail patio + 2 car SOCCESS REALTY design feature$· 3 bdrm. Security. Pool 1315.000 fireplaces, plush carpet· Price lleclilced 6 7 5 · 1 2 9 8 0 P E N tail downstairs S37S.OOO. 3 8 3 B d garage. Best of all . NO S4~7991 form dining rm. floor ing, wood plail.k nooring S25,000 SAT/SUN 1·5 °'81W/S.1·5 So;f ':~ean ~ie~wn2 QUALIFYING to as· pl~ .. ~ served by 21'1 COMMEICIAL in kitchen and nook / 4lOllafSt,M.I. singlecargarages Live •~ 10"' I SEE j bau.., vtEW LOT area and atrium olf the Upper Back Bay, im-llUffS . sume qoe ,.. oan Low I . I I h " r·~ room ma"e ... 1s mac. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2400 cift•le •tory 3 Br 2ba 673-6776 anone.reottheother. IT • and you 'II own II er s eepmg v . as Oceanside of Coast Hwy -~ " .., ' ...... " Mlllfe & C=•...t HURRY CALL 963·7010 sunny ms tr s u1 t e . Lag S299 500 ho a true delight. sq ft. Cst home Quiet unda Plan. spa, S30K OCUH VU 11351 ua • _... Realty World/&achs1de w/dressing area. sep. UI una. ' · $314,000 with assumable cu 1 • d 3 ·s a c N ° w dn. Loog lerm financ· Take over SlOl,000 loan. ._ -bath &. FRE NC H WaterfrontHomes.l11c flrstloano1Sl59.453 at Sl64 ,SOO. Yours tori Ing. FUllprice $212.500 Noqualifying.Jolan,agt DOCICSIDI LI. AIAHl>OHED ADULT CONDO·haven DOORS THAT OPEN 631.1400 12"'13. Submit terms to Sl0.000 DP. S1700 mo OwnerA&t.553·1006 631-12&6 JST~T+pool for si .. aJesorrelirees 1 TO PRIV. PATIO. owner. Owner HARBORVtEWHOMES S.C .. , 1076 ••1.soo B l~ .. t II . CUSTOM 0 RN ATE 6?S·3772 Modified Clrmel s BR. 3 "" .-c~ SO DM -r "' rea Y nice at I BANISTER I d 2 new cslom ocean vu 76M519 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.." ~ Immediate possession! 186,500. warner. agt ea s toup· ~s 4 Br's 41,; Ba Ha\'~ something 10 sell ? BA jacuzzi. prin only. MOM.-DOWM A1ent. 631-5737 Rent till youn . Here it s.s&-9400 per l\'.I.. comprised or f R i521.1533 T .b'ti · Owner/agent Class1f1ed ads do1t well. ask K644·S34S ......_ l•r-3 br, oce•• ·' o.: 2 t t h gracious l lv . rm · · a 1 --------'""""' -·~ .... r reg MOUSE l·S 1$. °'' ·S ory wn se w/wa'ls o1z1···. WOOD S47S,OOO. Aft. 497-MS4 view .. llO /mo UIC -1L 143MAGNOUA with form a I living, .. _,, · -•• · .,,_--T ~ Br .,. .d h gour me t kitchen . CEILING EXPOSED~.. -'It-'-1069M ..__... 1069 _.. .. .....,.. • ...--. _ .,. ..... .....,..1..--. DOYBSMOIES Qatom design redwood ' 3 • "'·11 e c armer. ~ ... ail u d I BE AMS. M ASS IV E ' #pOrt """" 11 ••rt -~n. """""'-nw home, PIDO ocean vu, ~ Hrdwd floors. crown ~"""' pa o an arge STONE FRPLC ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• L"'"'"TI-... -LOC'"TIOM GI Ori .. master sui te. All just 2 -VW' ,,_ 1441 a uy ve. Br 3 Ba. $340,000. 1n>kliol, 2 car gar off al· minutes to miles or F'RENCH DOORS which 1HI OfotCE OF 1HE aUFfS SlZZ,000 lit TD auum. ley. Call Jim Davis, act pounding surl + LOW --------• open lo EXPANSIVE 4 Br. Oen, Formal Din· 9-¥4~ fixed. Own. wiU --down payment. No O,. Ho.w SUN PORCH. Gleaming Immaculate smgle story Linda end unit on I Inc Room, 2 Fireplaces, conaiderlrg2nd. qualifying! HURRY call Sat. Jan 2.1 31 Bethany stepsaver kitchen. A largest gmblt o'look1ng Renecllon Pool. 3 car 1ara1e + larce S,I . sty family home, R&"Mt\X 8'7~100 1:30 to 4:30. ~autiful TRUE CU LINARY Taite over SlOl,900, 11% loan. Owner will Hobby Room. Pool siled xlnl valley 6 bllJ VIII, 3 ftnltyWorld/Beachside Turtle Rock. 3 bdrm, DELIGHT, has it all ; carry lge2nd. S269,000 kt, beaut landscaped. Br l~ Ba , lat TD -' 1"'9 DOWM llwlW• S..Clff Reduced payments for 3 Beautifuf 4 BR. l~ ba years. 2~utstandln1 home 'l'z mi from ocean. EMtaide condos 3 BR Secluded yard gives.way 2~ bl, lge yirds & !O a wonderful pool &. Pllial. Walkincdistance J~c., S269 ,000. Todd tolboppini Open Sat lims, 213-434·9909 Coast ., .. ,..._ .. A .. ~ .. ~:i2i' C.. u?e0;~~~~;~ E ! A •000 Pri Red ti 1125,900 ror 4 br, shake • .ce llC, °':1· roof, best area. new makea this East11de 5 paint SlOOO 's under beat lllO'. Lovely, large market. Try $12,900 lliome, xlnl nbrtid, good down. Bltr IMll-0709 fln1nclng. SU9,900. ~c.:;:;..=~;...;;..;..:..:...... __ Devin Real E1t1te. CottaMfto ... 1024 RCTaylorCo 640-9000 a.IA._ c.c. is just a few blocks from this sharp, contemporary 3 BR with f am room •formal dining room . Seller bought another and must sell now. A great· buy at $175,000. Better hurry! MSY1 Let us show this Sea BJuffs 3 BR. fam . room, 2~ ba beautifully clftanted family home with super =:o•PI complex. Just listed al oaitral tooes. Atrium. rrom microwave to Customized front row 'E' Plan end unil. Owner will assist at m,ooo. K fixed. Seller Loaded with extras. trash compactor &. is Magnificent views of Back Bay & mountains l\nandni. Only SU0,000. will deal. SlA.000. Call Fantastic term.s. Take just a step from form. CASH GBtS :f1AD1S from every room. Oversized ram rm +2 <>Pen Sat/Sun 1·4:30 Paul Yoder al Lln10 over xlnt lat TO OWC dine. rm. ll "-lcs Owner will finance $349 """ ltobinson: Realtor -..SO 2nd TD. Paciffc Area You'll rmd extensive use Creative se er will structure terms "" · · ·"""· 541-5647 Realty (714) S81·1181 rl wood, gJass. ceramic just for you on th is super 4BR . Choice 'E' Plan end unit on prune grnblt. OC~MT tiles ' oak cabinetry Spyglass family home on choice Fam. rm. rorm. din .. 3 bdnns, 2~ baths ' 2 WOODlllDGE throughout this just patios. Decor. wallpaper & shutters thruout. AXEIUPPIR completed quality comer lot. Offered at $525,000 call Taite over Slll.500. 11% loan. Owner will Unbelievable but true. 3 home. II that won 'l llo it, now ! carry lge 2nd. 12116,800. Br 2i,., Ba 2·1ty detached a qulllfied ~er may home w/hmily rm TAKE OVER APPROX. frplc, earthtooe carpel. S 2 7 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 I N assum. loans, oualand· EXISTING FINAN· ing value under market. C 1 NG AT W E LL Grab that phone thia ins: BE LOW CU RR ENT lint. Ma rl lyn , agt MARKET RATES. Of. fered al only: $335,000 l ruLLPRICE! CALL MlSSJONREALTY a'iSo. Cat Hwy. L11una 1714M9 ... 7ll -~ . ' ... ' R&IMt\X ----- -·-~. SMJITOW•B -Immaculate 3 Br 2b1 ocean view h ome . feaurea: Laree deck, Town '1 Cou~lr oak paneled den. As· n•1.L aumable. loao and seller '°""' financinl. S311,000 C1JJ ftW at ftnda "1·'76' •l•l•E LOT25xl40 11•tt11111T locludel city approved LRM.r•" I plaDI far cUltom home. l.oieat price oo water. me,•/le'"ml. Call Pbll Laree 2 Bdrm 2 ba -=•=-=-=·'-=•=·----•/Illa J e di ck and llD Decree OCEAN VU be8lllif\al view.1147•500 So. L•cuoa. 5br ltax lK 0.. ooqudfylal. 2 lllomt, almott MW. Pvt. Bdrm 2 ba 6 du. comm. lllllioa dollar ,..._..WW, ~ 1A..'!!,~I Allil. for Lpa No1b lltllft lit TD. ---1 'J IC ' pcb, •.ODO. Trade ta ..g f ,_, O!Mr•IOIJ. te¥POIT STAITB Rare chance to own a comfortable 3BR·2 ba Harbor Vu on fee land for only $224,~ call now! WAfTM-.fOI A WGAIM This cozy 3 BO, 2 BA + fam . Rm. in Harbor View near comm pool has good assumable loans and is priced to sell. $237,~. . Located -~~= Spyglass, this 3 BR, 2 Bath with formal dinin& room and family room bas fabulous mountain and city light views. Good financing offered by motivated owner. Priced to sell at $$49,000. HAllOI ... Magnificent cuablanca 3 BR, F.R. 2~ ba, formal DR, breatbtakinl ocean aad city Ugbt views make this our buy ol tbe week at tm,000 with •umable ftnanelna. Sarti• t •••• 544-1440 Transferred sell~r says submit all offers on this huge 5 BR, Fam Rm, 3\.-l bith family home perfect for entertaining. Complete with breathtaking view, 2 firepl1ce11, dramatic pool & spi area ud scar . 1arqe this vacant c:mtom ls now olfwed at lea tbaa replaeement COit at ta85,000. Call for ftnanein1 detaill. 3 bdrm MB.. see. m.•. terms. Approx ll50 .. o ISLANDDUPW rent. Ol·IUO aad Excell. loc allon , ••~Rick S1lOOn» income. 2-2.Br 2 w.... t• ~ llDitlo~c· TcY 1111sc.ooot ...................... . wn. · • ur onty llOOO down. Sbare 111"11ert1St the 1pprecl1llon. •'>Imo. payments. Sbr pool home. Act. Ella: 631497 . m &Ill 1llAM '"' down oa this ,.ell located Z BR, I ba condo. Priced to sell ai $71,000. ITAllll Tri·Anel condo nr. So. eo.t Plua. Super DR wltll __. flllandas. '111.IGO. .... . ........ __ w._ ........ 1a•• lmtfllnat ..... '!'.!!,~.JM, • -.. ·~·elm· Hive tomatltl•I you nat to 1111? Cl-tned ldldolt ..... •sm. ==-·"'-- ~--------------...... ------------·-------~~~~~---- 1 ! ... Orang1 Coat DAILY PtLOT/Slturday, January 23. 1882 ....... Wt-..... ............ ...... ........................... jl .............. " , ......... b ............... .,. ....... ., ...... ,_.,,.IM4 I ....... .............................................. ....................... ....................... ··················~···· .................................................................................................................. .. ~= ..... ~ ... ·-.. ~.!!!!? .. ~!!~ ~ JHO ~~ ....... ?~~.~ ~=~ ........ !~!~ ~ ............ !~.~ ~~~~ ... !~~.! ~.r.~~~.~ ... ~?.'.! ~~~ ..... !?.~ ~~ ....... ?~!1 ., ~llGD&AWAY I IUNITIC.M. PRIDIOF ....................... Lr1 48R !uc Style Spedaeular, breat.blak· WOODlllD•I J ... teMedl Spacloua house with w'i:{' •tudi'o, sp~, TV, One bedroom , rtfrll -r&::~ II tl•· OWNDIHJP. LOI AB· CAIO SAM LUCAS Home. In Prererrtd lfta htory, ltolattd cliff 3 8d cm,:-lrowid nr 2 Bdrm, 1 ba, h'l>lt la Uv ewtm.m.ln1 pool. S Br 2 ~wt'~~ P ones, Coau M eu. USO . ~ ~lt, &Ill LOAN. OWC K . MDICO "-idtnl.lal Area. CM. boust, 2 deckl ovtr unit .... decor Ira rm. Oataie. tus/mo. Ba. Family rm. Crplc -+ 1 • . MM:Mlafttr1:30PM ....,..~· _ • Nl!D llJS,a DOWN !bdrm coodo brand Brud New, Carpets, ocu11, $1200 I mo . pe&k, area. Jrn/m0. No P\lm. available. Coatact 2 addltlon1I utility ta.aportle.:11 J76f .... _.._............, ·"'"''•· m.4111 1 blk to'b bo Drapea . •Paint •11114 pets Crala/Suaan Mra Bundy Bua · bdrma Ni cely ....................... __.._, .. .....,. flll, . Ow~ IMCAu ~·A..ice ... ,.00011 ,";, Througbout Every IT.. •JJJ "1 · m 1eia.oo · · landacaped , autc Bllboals 3arzba,ahort l bdrm. -.m otlli.1111, JIHll·H)Oj UP:!!!!:!!!! """I ,,., -· or ~ Room 6 Window. 3 Car a • aoriakJcn, $1250/mO in FuU Pd. Gar GPUoul. PIOPllTY avail. M ,000. Terma Oar. Feot'td Baell Yard. ....................... tlda urdener ' pool or Iona term. Frplc. all ut.11 ucept elte. Nr ~ .......... !!!' ~1•UST T'JIDarreU. Ga.rden1111 Service, ~n;. ~2 vt:w cc;:• IAYfllOMT urvf ce. 440.1321. spacious noo y rly Freewa.ya, OOC •Pair· ... Ill.an ..,...,_ ,_ .... Oran11 Tree, Water •J.81a.1w ' · 2 1tory, 4 + bdrma, 2 S.S..111.0fftce75985f7. 613-8112I ----&rounda. Avail befor• ._ Wedtrocn tU 1 11 J700 Pela Subject to AP · • ::: Twllllome b b ·batba, f lreJ.hced Fum.2br.2ba,lgepatlo. Feb t. A RARE ONEI ~llatbaT\aathlarea Its Terma :'uupbfu~· ....................... ~al. lmmed Occ. ,...,..., JJl~ . ,Otwp~ ..... r,3 a1• ,...,_.view. er an Mc.auvou o'loolllna Nwpt Bay f'IS.7522876,IM-WS ... a Bclrm, Iba, den ~ ,...;.a a • 0 .... Ofc..c-. ~Mo.1157·8974 ....................... ~ aar. .. ... poo . slp.lllOOpermo. Avail. A"' " Pool" UWll Short or J.YJ.M 41UMOWI d~:::tccr:?~'j•; tyour . 20Ac,.farmillbeautlful Watalde, 2 BR, 1 A, ForltaM:buut.4br,2~ ~"75/mo.133.90$7 P'eb.1. Luxurious t hr ee lone term rental wliiBr.Pool•laua- laodlcp'1 . Almoat ~ ~-stttlng near. Lebanon tloaed car, fenced back ba, pool, Jae. Oar~ener UNTALS ~~J:cO::t!s.b~~~!s Ll200/mo~Ph. 646 6350 dry, Adwll. no pell. NII acre, cu1-c1 ... ac. Excel Ore.3bdrm houae, barn yard, patio, wuher '6£001 urv. Incl. 28r,1Ba '700 lMel. 3000 squire feet YllSAIWS + 12165 depoeit. 131 W. IMDdu.118Tl Ellllice. forest and spr l oa. dryer area, carpeted• I /mo.l82•4'7l 2Br,2Ba -Overlook• 10th tee of Large Bachelor. Nicely 19th.St 541-002. NrNslt,lrvilleBl.C1ll NM1J'mM""'=~.· SUO.~. More acreafe t:..~:::.f::'sJ:15/mo 3bdrm, 2~ba, fam rm, 3Br,28a "50 IOllCOW"M.mtlO month rurnas h cd Many 28R 2BA, I& llllehea Is - lllekey Sbarer, Bkr. ~~ aull1b le . C a I Tlburoncoooo,aopeu LeRailorRlty83Heoo \'early lease. Call amenltles~.6'5·100 yerd, lndry tac., No • ~ 11416410763 owner/Agt. (71') 4 br, 3 ba tOlldo, many '8115.847-4525;141-~. Rancho San Joaquin, 4/SBr.28a.Famll.Yrm., U1·7allO,RHltor L& 2Br, w/vlew on pet&. w· , I 111 I 091 ms College Ave ~7210 amenities, $800. Dys ...... Hw view ~ aoU course. 2 Dlnina rm .. 1 block rrom . Sea.shore Or nr 46th, un· ~/mo 631·:w1 -................. CostaMesa.CA., ledllttft mms;evs64S·2'39 Full llvinaroom with bdnn1 .~m. Z car gar N.H. High Sch ool. 3•w1.le.tSHp tU 6-1S.~mo.67l·2986 F.astslde38r 2Ba.Crplc .a'"lif"I "'BR Co d L.....a. •100 ""e>& .. -2bd th formal dlnlna r oom M>-$33C 11000/ A t Jbr, ba Sl"""". bCrllAM 9600. • '" '" n °· uw•11 • ""'~ rm. new ru. room that overt~ .. s the · m 0 · g e 0 o--.. J...i.~son 67"":: .. """•1 PROPERTY HOUSE Swim Poola, Tennie. ••••••o••••••••••••••• out, formal d in , pool. 2 bdrm, 'i::indry WaaArt~Mtw 5'1-SG.12. °'"""'•au• """ Furn b achelor Cno 642-38.50 Mi·l010 '<>Dea H®se. Sun 1-4. APPLIVJ.WY DUPLEX, 2000 aq ft . l breufast nook , 2 car room, aep bobby room. 2 bdrm, den. 'hlahly UP· E/Bhlf 3 br, 2~ ba, on Newport·Seav1ew 3 BR 11tove1 Near ocean. $350 14illz Cordoba BISHOP T•SIMhr ~from canal. N.B. gar, yrd, 1rdnr. 1675. Full modern kitc:hen, araded. Slncle atory. greenbelt Nr High Ht( home, with Crpl, rm.642·19t! PAl..MMESAAPTS. PLACE ll1aaoli1 Is Near new •·pin. 2 6»-0291 ~. Garllll-07., Fully s huttered School G Ind Wd·bar Loc:atedinpre· OCEANFKONT 2 &4 Br lS61MesaDr. =~u:= ~ ~it:e.,~~e.e:~:,:~ ~~~~ti~~ if:~!~ ~~u~t12g:ri/afrrc •db~ 3 bdrm. ~lb~. fpc:, ~1~~~tritu:1.; :r:~ ~t~~t:hto la~;~~~j ~~~nl~~P"O:,t :;!e: ~v;:~, w~~~~87~eeklyt :i! :Jti1°B~·n:u'::i: -................. ro!°·&•rage.9~%1at. Trade Sl00,000 Equity areaol WestaldeCosla kit~~~·mo~·~t,;: S97S /mo. No pets SS6-1676,(714HIM·6306 tennls rourts $1500/mo Want something xt ra ~Adults only CaU t,_O 'lJ!' 11 os cuh flow. Now tor Rolls or Gems Meta. Terrific for Anti· SD. MZ·09IO Call640-2549 s pecial an a 2 Br M ..... s.6-9860. $1JUOO. Bill Grundy, Owner 213-277.6069 Sb 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bay front, T I llH Rltram.61&1. · · que op, Accounting 141.6354 Woodbrid&e.Zatry 2BR, comm. beach, tennis, 81utra magn1f1 cent ownhouse, complete y JRTOWMHOUSI -•••••••••••••••• .__.1st...&... <Xfice, Law Orrlce, etc. ~ .... _... ..... 0 l\"jBA. Pool, Sp. a, tennis docks. S2000/mo. Agent harbor/ ocean vu, 3br, fwn? $895. Mo. 760-9117. Wtt INr, 19Mhc-....t OCEANFRONT Modular -.,.. Xlnt parking. Will dis· .__,. -••,. ,.. , a.. ....,r M Le 64().9900 675 3767 newly red« Kids/pets '."'P"9"" Type Home a, 24 br c..M. T• Sltelttr W..ttcl 2900 CllSI remodeling to suit ........................ • ...ae . ..,,., 0· ue. • · · u~.61~2967 ,...._ woef, Nf•lh MClllit,y, ~ ml pvt beb 4-plex. Xlat fuiance. .. ......... '.'"........... Approx. 900 sq. rt. ex· 5 Bills to ocean. Elegant 2 'JS-OW. 97$-7909 Newport Crest Condo. N 8 E ,.,.... w /efectrlc + f1s1Uc pier Cedar 30l5K. 1'7s.oo73/1·3'5-4123 Pvt pty looking for home el ud ing t h e ya rd . 'Br. family Rm• Den. Avail 2-l, 3 BR, 3 BA + 3Br, some w/ocn view e:::fv~r~orn! a:i~ ~I dow opeMf' loh ef CCJUaae type, redwood to buy on lse option (Bk $500/ mo . 548 · 5442 . a50 Mo. Plush crpts, 2...., Fam rm, 2 car gar, mo 631·0460 & guest house. Grellt for ........ xt11t loc ..... deck, pool, 1uarded Bay·lrv.)957·6190 m5629. Ba. Cedar• glass, sun· Broadmoor Her itage End unit, 3 BR condo. children ; walk to Club •tor lacll I•'{· pte, adlts only. No 6111.TDUPUX!I Pvt party has· $32,000 lo HOMIOf deck , dbl car {>rv Park Condo. $825/mo great location near Hoag Hou&e, school , green S6SO/ 540.0'4 ~· •.IOO. •3816 '340,000. 1809 W Balboa invest in 4·plex +In garage1 fully maant ~SOii& Hosp.. comm pools· belts, Ideal family com •· • Blvd Open Daily. 2-4. 0 C C THI LUCIY FIW yard. Aaults, no pets. In· ad Its only, S800 m o Br. ~ 1 child OK No Ted Hubert Realtor range 0· a n ~ot Rent in CoJta Mesa's quire at 527 18th. St. WOODBRIDGE·Charm WSK REALTY 615·3411 munity A arbor View pets. 2S63 Elden Ave. *mmll* 7S2..am , carry negative. Pnn· NEWEST gat e d 20 960GL Qiglisb Cottaae. 3 BR, Homes.Call 759·1058 675-m74 "llhlleS. By owner rixer triplex ~~~'.:,only . 833-9626 Townhome VILLAGE HOMESFORRENT 2~ BA, t yr old. Frplc, 2~r:'f:r~ac~o~da~: Rl~S['~~:::,Yo~ll~~~e 2bdrm-=:..= • .:..:2~b-a_d_u_p_le-x-. -1425-. $146,000amlatat7~~ COMllUNlTV 2&38r. 3 Bdrms. HS0-$700. calh. cell's. din rm . Carport & P1t10 oane otiable. SPICious Yard.garage,qulet. Wllb or without rurn. Needltcuh645-3340 2..,Ba.1600-1800sq.ft.or Fen c ed rar ds • bk fat r m . A I c. $1001 63 800 SludlOS one U'>NX< Md4Grembrier Hm In -pure luxury. Garages, 1araaes. Kids 'pets 1arduer. highly up-mo 1·5 . andtwolledfoomapan. ~ Lapea Hllls nicest 5 ..... hydro-tubs in master welcome . 54 5. 2000 sraded. 1125/mo 631-11030 ~21991 or 1213)347-2544 tlY. HOME men1s FURNISHED 2 br, I ba, r11>kl. reCrig. ....... l•-•ftl.PLll---•1M--•I ....................... suite, dining rooms. Agent noCee. DeerfleldpaUohome, 5111 3 BR 3 Ba Blutrs condo, Lovely 3 Br Carmel and UNFURNISHED. •11111 .. P.t "-"~ woodbumingrireplaces, CBR ~ B family, 3 br or 2 br fr $11.SO. Dottie Johnson, Model. Excellent loca OakwOOd also olfers ' Beautlfl&1Mx80Keywest SAMCllNIMTI micr o.wave ove ns , I · l"i A. $625 den comm pool avail 'fro.1966~5-6000agt tion SlJSO mo 'AllUllllti.sPlid Hm . ZBr, ZBa. This is Walk to beech. Large ....................... private pati06 ' yards mo l!t, Last & Dep. No .,. .... : ..;..... , I DClUSl"E ti.belt la town. owner's unit w/pvt yard ear.a .. Mw 3 IJJ G d . d d Pm 768-7633 rlCU. t.S. •'"" mo. inc . Y 'Immediate All Wilts have new paint "•••••••••••••••••• .. • ar ener prov 1 e I Ex I I 2 B 2"'2 B I gardener. 559·5927 aft IAYSIDE COYE Oocupency Maa,.,,.t le-' ' ' c• ....... s. Dido 6 yrs Upgraded 2Br 2ba, yard, Ele1ant living only 15 c us venl a P . 7pm/wllnd oa·e +beaut. Columb·1a • S1 Miiiion In Beautiful Belair M.H. -..... • minutes from Fashion spa, ten s. sec. gate. · ....., w/fmt tit, 12119 Uv rm new, 11.8 X gross. Sub· carport . n o dogs lsland, 1 minutes to S.C., Clole beach ssso. Aft 5 Woodbrid&e, lge 2 br. 2 ba model, foll dttll + water Recr•llon 12llO MIU Bdrm. Eacl millenns. S198.SOO ~/mo. Agt 673-1181 Plaza or O.C.Airport. 962·1.198 condo, rrptc, a/c, lie 2 view Lge 2 BR + den, And Mucn More• f:°scit.Nr. Hoa& Hosp .• ~.Rl9 ~!'!~.~.~!~~ ~~~ 1a:!.~s~:o~~;~•2sc:!a:.s~.~!:;.e~ r;~!:;in~aJS69~~ ~~· ~~~~ cJrc0: r!~ ~~~a:~;,~o::d~:~· CLASSIC ·....., A IS $100 OCC Rent, to Show fiwy, Starting al S900 a Ill>. Keilh,962-.. 71 ............, rrost dascnminatlng. 1 'Private community of 9amto6om Aduttsonly WO-..HOMI •• f:EAL. lbeforSale!Nlce Z1try, month 631·5439. 2473 CHOOSEYOUR CRPTS 2~.48r,3balhwlth ~evel.~molse.Agt. SEAVIEW, 2-4 Sr no pers I ES IAI E 38R, 2~i8a, Fam Rm. Oranee Ave . Costa ..., Feb , family room. S8SO mo. 6"61 homes. rully equipped SAW f)oplc, Din Rm, Water & MesL Ad,,, ·lit. 3 brb 2 ,<z flnt and lut t SlSO de· Rarbor View "Carmel" k i t c h e 0 w i t h Oakwood 210lllarbor, Ste206-A a«m 498-1040 Gardener. f7SO. 847·5630 SHARP! 2B R, 2 "2 BA ~·.2~1.f 5~~~S2u:e ~ =-Macnab Irvine, JBr 2ba, fi replace and microwaves, 2 rrvlc's & Garden Apartments ""!!!!!!!!!mlil1!!40-!il!ill!f!!J!l7m!!!!!!!!!1l1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lt".,.rtleacll Jt6' Qindo, EASTSJOE Obi beach & near.shopping Hwon,551·8700. gardener.645·5503 wet bar. $1'00 &. $1700 a tJ--.t Beech/No. '!!! .. ••••••••••••••••••••• gar, C11>k. Patio. $685. loc. Call •2471. ....... leacll 3241 4 Bdrm Eastblult home month. 644·S403 ,....,_....,., lmtltrel... llACHDUPLD Cannery Village Mobile 642-31132 LANDllARK's BEST 3 ••••••u••••••••••••••• aut o s p rink 1 e r s . NEWPORT CREST 4 Br ~ :~~~ C.baDa1 pl06414178 llD. TO SJI0,000 Home Part Fllrllisbed 2 Rem>d 2 br, 1 ·ba, gar. BR, 1 adlt over'°· S6SO. 3 BR 2 Ba EMERALD Gardener.~. 857-4828. 2•, Ba . Some ocean (7l-4l M5-l104 Newport Beach De Ania Two gorgeous units. h Br. 2ba, pool, adlts. no Crpts/ drps Couple on· 5Bl-741l BAY 1 aty, or beacb, lov· 642·0050 view $925/mo Agent S4llO incl. utils. NO pels. 443 Hamilton !IA . ~7184 EASTSIDl Country Woods: Large 1 Br. loll. no children or pets Country settinc. S46S mo 180 21st St. Days 646-4262, Eves II. Wknds 645-95'3. lleMillAll ArAITMIMTS Beautifully land1caped garden apts. Pool fr Spa. Covered parking . Adults. DO pets. 1 BR 1.31 E. 18th. St 151 E. 21.st St. 22.50 Van guard ""° 646-6816 5'8·2408 540.9626 bayrront Park. Mint block from beach and =a~::~.'fi~b:C,sy~ ly.Nopeu.$sso.675·0097 BeachTownhseJBrZ~ ~~1!7~200 m o 45baBR1FAMILdYHOdME 631·2262 Ne~=/So. CGDd. '18 dquble wide. only 2 yean old. Ocean ly incl util. 673.J685 or S62S. 2 Br, gardener/wtr ba, 2 car, 2 blks rrom · ge yar ·gar ener Can 11 CI• ll f\replace, brick patio. ~~~rC:~r~:i l·Z.1648 1·772-1801 pd. child, n o pets. beacb.(7SO/mo.968-9110 toitt2br, No. end, frplc, S1700/mo 646.SJSS u.twwi•-4 l4JS h~e~~::;~3 2BR2BA S.S25 M0,000. Bill Grundy ( • E•"""BL,UFFSHOME E'slde S48 ·9441 or 3 Br, nr Westminster bltKA1405L.g~tS850ala4.97· ... nl lBR,st~~/bemoach ......... •••••••••••••• 398W.Wilson 63l·SS83 8'7$:C161. or owner occupancy· "'7• 551-4171 Mall ii 2120 -.. c R..... """' ,,..,., Soaclous 2 Br. 212 Ba Clean lge bachelor apt. 1111Uberty,14"10, lro 2 Owner fin111clng availa· 4 br, 2'-'l ba, view, jac. ,ava . """"'·ex· Ni(Uel Shores 3 Br, 2 ba 979-7295 to~nhome. Eastside 1325' mo. bltns. Call ~.maQYextruiJlp~k ble.Calltoday979·5370. SL'l50/mo.640-6169 Jbdrm. 1"'ba, dbl gar, trM.964-3002 home Gate guard Bhlf Condo. 4 bdrm, 3 Pal.lo. farage, w 'd bk S.Ca-.te 3776 ~m8askCorDaveor ar Crescent City. AL£$'PAff 3 8R3BaBl"rscoodo qq,dll)l,blt·lnrange&4 Br.Z....,Ba.8onusrm, Privacy . Adult s batbs.Jl200 mooth 141,poo .spa Upgraded ,••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Pam szo,oeo; 1071458.3300, 1,. $1150 Dottie Johnson' oven. dtw. Everything Fam rm, 3,100 sq. fl. nr USO/l ease. Owner 644.2607 interior, fireplace Must Large 2 Br redecorated, ...:.::::.:.:..------m..ml 'fro.~5-8000a&t ' new. Open for larac· Greer Laite. Slots. eves •3838 see. $750/mo. new kitchen. garage, 2 Br I Ba. downstam D-Mobile Hm. s.woo. REALTORS UOOBalSILE chrmf ~~r ~~~~~2:n:d 4M>-62038Dou 2 BATH CenA-' 1oc:•u.-MTS 3be~~·t1lu18:1uf~s~ntu~i TSEvLesM1~~ntds. ~22·11~31 b21ocl 8k sbopsw Cbeaancba dS425a ~~ldr8 •CnaOnyonNoD~t12 B:iow Market Value. 211 ~ llUUIY patio Ave. (()If Meye.r Pl.). yard,IUO at.io risoimo '-""' 3' Hr.~~ mi of( Bac k Bay y I e w .... .,.._ . ...., 21J t378-3119 set~. Si~;.,.. Mg;,,t: Low dwn. O.K. Dir. i.-.eshln~ (!'~ ri~~/mo. Bill S7t0/mo. 549·1783. No Ganlet-Jt4? pvt heh, fiahing pier. $1000 t mo . M ary S.C.PUIA Area ----=Coc=.;·...=c64..:.=l-=·l324~.'----- a31118. Beautiful 2 Bdrm condo "--, __ 81 C f!!l!. eves/wknda 760-(M$3 ~r. 8dlt.a only, no dogs 640-6049. I 3 Br 2 Ba. ate, pool, sec '-f! lwllh Fireplace, pool, pvt tmely dbl wideZ br, 2 ba 1 ~ the water. Near ten· ~ 2lR •3~ 11eu Verde. 4BR. 2BA. Brand new 3 Br. Stove & S7SO·l8SO·Sl,OOO. (714 I Canal Front, Newport gates, no pets PP S630 u.fwwishd patio, dishwasher , on cm pvt mr lot In Hunt 1'111 COW'U, already has F 1 D·. . · tlloO f\i>lc , Bk·lna. Avail Feb dlshwuber. Cbild & •3818 I Shores, 4 Br + !Aase or 96Pr!iS2 ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• Etside. all in x·lrg 2 Br. Harllour.146-9060 te~ant, areal t erms. ,.orn:.-~·· 11t.f7SO . ..S.U3S smaUpetOK.'950/mo ....,JIR. I optJOlllObl()' St.SOOfmo N.B 3 bdrm. 2 ., ba, lcllloal...... 3106 gardenapts.FromSS60 CcW pn~ed '99.~ Choice 0• 2 BR. z BA Pentridge 536-1"11. Lar~ yard. View• $750 Tenn.is, pool, walk to rireplace. ~arage and ....................... ..;:;~;:..;...::·284=1.:.... ____ _ " ·..a. 160( Irvine loc:ataon. Call to-UDO Z Bdrm MOBILE. Cme -rmo 1 yr lse nr•UT 28R 2BA Ml ..... part'iatu'ul · beach. Agent 646·104<1 or ~arport. Pa .o. extra Pk· Balboa Island Water-5£:-... "-g clean 2 Br I"· HJINJ deySS.Z..2000 1700 ON WATER 2 W -'1 t' """' , ' n. ,..,, 64S-21DS. . I ing, VIEW! $645 mo .,lllll, ... ••••••o••••••••• .. ••., COLDWELL BANKER, Bd.mi MOBILE-. °'1~2r100re n on Y. a g beBcbC, lots. _,olS'"~;~ ran tst. lut, security Call Ron 968 851S or front. 3 Br 2 Ba. Yearly . ...SO. Fenced, utlls --... _....,_ CIM-332A ....._. Ylew H rental $900 mo. 770-0347 paid. Rehige. 2 small .-.IT-.. CH FEO WaterfrontHorneslnc. 3BR+boousroom,2 BA urn. • ,..., ___ 2BRu-.a NB h ~ B 2 Ba-Cl. _9S~l~·IS ..... 7""'6------a•......___,-1-.,_._ 7 childrenOK.nopets NWP09' •-_..,..lS 631·1400 Mesa Verde "Ustom 3 br. 1\12 ba. recently t.n· ....,..Sm Yrd """"G e ~d c . per4 r. i., ose Downtown Sec rat --llO 1960Wa11 . Hi&b visiblllty. C·3. '""""' • lulat.ed,fencedyd,2 rar . . ar, K1 s & t o park & p ool 1 Pool · , u Bk ..... •••••••••••••••••• ace 631-SS83 Ocean view. 120 fl. rron. AllFAWMG! t.L.--•L'" .... ese! home, lg yd, $1200/mo gar. IUds welcome. Isl Peta OK! f7S0.'94-2S76 Sl2SO/mo. includ ing . Ja.c, tennis. 1 Oceanfront 2br 2ba $800 2 Br. Adult. beamed ceil-•·-U .... -'ating b ·1c1 Two ·u both 2 bd r-.-•• -~t'T77 eves d ..,.... A ·1 gardener 64().1635. I SSOO rm. 673"4688 eves. rro 507 E. Balboa Blvd. !nae, serve bar, refrige, ._... ... .,..... w · um · rms .. •••••••••••••••••••• Ill>. + ep .• ,,,,,, vat Best i:~ntal ht Laguna -. _ Beaut 2bdrm condo. --lnaciUDDOaq. fl. or build each wtdbl garages. ~ 320 Sharp, 3 BT, lrg yard. Yeti: I. 963-1329 Bead!! Chan11ing. new. PWSHexec 3 br w/gar pnme S.C Plaza loc 673.QJllO Michael Realtv lots of wood. No pets. 10,aeq.ft.Ownerwill S1St7SO S62Sfmo, lst &. last+ St t b h v· lyremod Jbr 2ba cot f I~ $695 Bachelor Apt Near 2256MapleSt.S420/mo. ?nY· r'lSOOO 6317300 , . ...................... '\..,.. Av .. 11 now., • .,_......., 'Pl o eac . ie~! . ' . ll'l_)C, ,now waterfalls, streams, "Aa"h, sunde"k. 11·m1'ted 5'8·7.,.,,,,673-8803. ~· • · · • RENTALS ~· .._. · · ,.,_.,._ 950 Lux 3 ~r. 2 ba. hv taie. Walk to beach & OC-R NTALS 75().3314 spa, pool $800. mo ~.. " """'· Two ~d es on l lot.t Will Yearly·Weekly-Winter, HOME FOR RENT rm, dining, dbl gar Call showina. Sl200f mo. Ca ll m4J673·90l9; 675.oMO cooking fac Utils incld Jbr, 2ba upper 4·plex, cons1 e r cr ea 1ve 2 Bdrm. 1525 Fenced 962-&117. Bilffiedmore,551·8700 PenlnsulatBr SSSO S29S 760-1713,~1776. adults. no pets. 1525. M.SAMDaO Co. ftnancingSl44.9SO. 2·3•4 Bdrms. Newport yard & garage Kids _& 2Br. wMgaraae. stove & MONARCH BAY Ter-Fantastic view 28r $685 M.wclx I '*"" S3SO Llt 11 Pd l BR . l040C Valencia. 545·7983 Oh ... /1-.do CENTURY 21 Beach& Balboa. pets welcome Avail. dishwasher. Child & race Beaut home + Home, Npt Snores $750 Tennis, spa. view. run Durilex. 417 E Bay Ave rWSH 5-hih Gold Star S48·ll6B JAS2!!ellTYEALTY ~'}>~LSI 545.2000 Agent, small pet OK. SSSO/mo. ~isbings. 4 Bdrm Family hmJBr .. , .S ~~;9~t )San~al tl\~an Ba bo:a~-Z.l.1SS.M2-<ll90 2 -Br. 2l.lt Ba. Twnhse:- 4 Ac prtme comm'l land. Hunt. Bch. 9 units r"vrs · 536-7979. ......,.,/mo. 3 Br Townhouse ' St275 • 3 br. 2 ba, yrly Nr beach 1650 sq ft. cl luaury, SU5 mil1ioa •/except. all2 Bdrm, $465,000 MGIS. Townhouse. deluxe. near Waterfront Homes Inc (Immaculate) I 857-2914 F'rpl<'. OW. gar $650 rrplc, big dble gar .. terms. R Hafdabl, Bkr.536-0123 new,3 Br 2~-. Ba. decks. aa.a51 631·1400 BayCront5Br.. .S32S0 1 ~ho San Joaqwn in Avail.673-5719 yard Pet OK. Adult.a. 1511425 ssi.m1 frplc, 2 patios. gardener -._..__. 11•g• <with dock) Irvine. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. 1645/ • 1 N.B. duplex, 2 JBR6 lst ..... l.i.d JJ06 furnished. 1795/mo . &tt>erc Bd1mlly home . ....,......_,...... .a • Lovely lee Npthome Com~runit. $7SOper mo. Ccwwdtl Mer 3122 ~· 642-9666 Weal Costa llesa CJ. T.D. assumable, WC ...................... Adults,nopets.5'8·3365. All applian~ included. ....................... wllhSlgebdrms. Avail Feb t Ca ll ....................... -=~~--.....:::::::...:= IOIUOcm lot. + 2 bdrm 2hdT.D. Bkr, Balboa Island Waterfront Freshly painted S775 Exec. Cbr, ~ba. ram rm, 3 formal dining Clflrler/A 640-7210 STEP TO OCEAN. Most AUSIDI COMFORT bae. 11.33,000 or rmke 642·1355 3 Br. 2 8a. Yearly ren· 2BR. lBA. SS75. Garage mo. car pr, Vlew, nr ocean. r charm1n[;in old Corona. Large I BR downstairs _.._ -000 ...... -·bleat v Fenced Vrd. 613 w 19th . '74·3420. am nn, immac Ta .. D•t 2 D-2 f I . I uu. ... -....... la!. )!IOO. ,..o. 770.0347. ~-u•< ,,__,,,,_ .,.,... St.500/mo yearly 11... .,. 11> c, ocean w me paUo, fp , d/w, t \4 <M. Carry b 1 ck I ~ J:t."j., -.,_. -'""• _........., 3 Plus Den, Luxury Home Cwith dock) wfu MlllNd 3525 \' 1 e w r r o m d e c k pool balance at 12YJ3 wi&h 2100 Bayfront, beach, 2 Br. 2 3 BR twnhse, 2~'1 BA. fp, SUrrounded by Mexican °••••••••u•••••• ... ••• ~1 mo. Call Anthony pets' 5fcta·1~ar ~rtS.:So po 000 down. Owner ....................... Ba. 123 E. Bayfront, etc Nice' $825 /mo Olwtyard Very Nr Bcb DEWXE end unit. like d 6<12 5757 & 26SOHarlu Y ' 86-iii fieeltlld1iind.bldg.8000 B~lboa Island. Sl200 963-~18or~·512:8 PYtma.'Pool,Tenni.~1 WaterfrontHomes lnc new 2 BR 2Ba frpl, ~631a· e\•es a549·2«7 .. J al r winter $1'00 annual ,. __ a ~ Realtor 631-1'00 ~· gale, many xtras -• 2 BR Mesa Verde. up. , • ..__........ IQ."· e or owner-Heri>,da..c2131C78-3S17. MESAYllDI ............ -. • S Un 3•...__ .. b......... per New decor. Adlts, • r~_..__ user. Xlnt S.W. Santa . !.:!. '93-0t67 tin· .A. e. 1625. No I __...,.. """ IJ 1-.....-Ana loc. Paul Franklin CHAllMIMG SUMMY Large l'. bdrm, 2 ba. Lr& Jbdr 2b ti 3 Br. 2 Ba, beach house. . 715·2580 751·0796 Old CDM. View, 2 sun S475. no pets. 83J.897' 3t,000sq rentable. 1 lh 7~Slll 3 Br. 2 Ba. cottage. Very kids/pets ok Fpk.. FAHJ'ASTIC RENTAL! home, 41;',s ne!' r,;1c~ ~~~· ra:t Availl decks, beams. fkc. S975 • 3 Br Condo nr S.C. acrea. Out of town Ltitstw S. J JOO private.185(). S7S.lOlS. solarium. flSO. 545·5128 Soac. exec. 4 Br. 3 Ba. 1 cathedral cei Ii n 11• e s . e wp or -, fwllh ,.,.,llted Avail Feb 5 ichard Plaza. S.A. Pool, spa. oner. 11,100,000Terma. Sit rAll DllYE block t beach S900 pool 6 as Sbon:a. IMC>-alll A.1ent •u••••••••••••••• .. ••• 64().1850 da. garage $750. (114) 8'8·3218, (%13) ..... ! ................. ear.. .. M.. l22J oc o . comm. spa. · . . Corw .. Mw J72J 640-7072eves. S49-3232or64H'60 515J.l552 81.ilden/Joveators •n••••••••••••• .. •••• 3Br, lBa, vacant, ne-w 591293. &t&-9>. WOW!! QJrona del Mar 20K s9 ft 2 Bdrm, 2 bath condo. l epts & drps. lg yd, r7SO 1100 Off Rent To Show UL....t-vw... )•67 Won't lut ! Newport .......... ~ .. ··•••••• .. Spacious Studio. Fr pie 2 Br I Ba. gar attached, C11il1• .. l-=r•••· R3 hmhse/condo site. block to beach. Washer, mo. Owner549-2042 Hie for Sale. Nice, 2 ::::'.;::':, ..... ! ... Creal townhouse, newly ~~ ~~J: ~r.11· ~;~~ = JtT[~~~ 7J:~7ogs. Adults. no pets, 1475 + ..._.., 171( Pvt beach access. dryer. rd rig, 2 car tyroew,3 BR2~ba,2 Slry,38R,Z"'BA,Fam HOICESFORRENT r.l«,3br,2~ba.Walll M guerlt Secwily,646-2'123 ~-... kl··~~~~··••• Serious princ. only By garage. $875 mo . sty condo. Fplc, trash Rm, Frplc, Din Rm. 3 Bdnm. llSO. Fenced to beach, tennis, pool, ar ~:0317 J Br 2''1 Ba lJO·O sq. Ct. 2Br.Adults,nopets,new. ~ or \.NI"''" For owner. S5f.936S 64().5.134 comptr, grnhse wln. pvt Water Is Gardener.11SO. yards ls sarages. Kids" spa. Minl ocean view. f11>k. 2 blocks heach. ly dee. stovetrefria. encl Sale By Owner. 1BR, Tennis' The Only Lot in 2 br, frplc, patio. Nr emlyard.2carelecgar. 847·5600 pets welcome. 545-2000. Avail. Feb. l. S860/mo. l I IUTOOCEAM $995/mo. inclds utlla. patio.$450.97S...l0 ZBAOre'1UtP11'1·ead•edJ!c1srpeooots. Cypr.ua Cove . San. Fasbioolsland&oceen. f?SO/mo.759·1234 BEACHbun&al01f ilrg ent nofee. yr lease. Children ok. Furn. stud io l nl'I ()pen HouseSat 12·3.322 Mesa \lpde, 2 br, new Vi . • . Clemeae A f Sli 3 b b br I ONLYMSO 641).1M4 refri g & utll No Marguerit e Days rpt d'1>S . l Quiet 114-SU-1101, on.Fri. Both TeDnl,r'~!rts6 f150,lease.640-1177 arp r . 2 a . l+ r,•PP.·L-:. t61 ,_..._.. JJ6' k itchen. $325 mo 759-1301, Eves 6442518, ~ea. Cul:d~~!c'. ... 75. U.nC..TJO.m1,3-5PM. Clubhouse. 1st Time Of. Lease. Nrly new 3 br, 3 pool/spa, bbq , gar, OCRENT~ 750-3314 .................... , .. HARBOR VIEW HOMES 67S-0649. 640-6175 ... l«>R111LONGBEACH rered!FlrmatSlSS,000. ba, 2 rrplc, balcony, k~?~t. dr·~~~·l new 3br,2ba,c11>t.reacedyd, LUIUIYIAYFIOMT 3Br,2Ba,den,r.,,1c.2 ,..-....&....._.__ l7z .. l br,beams.stove,r.efrig, 498-1936,966-1465 Virlinia ..__, __ n &Company. microwave, bar. 2 car 1c1 en. dmo . very clean, $650. tst, JBr 2 Ba wilbboatslip car gar, gardener , 'WVWW,__ "'gar Some vie w NEWBREEDAPTS. CounllyClubEatates ~~ ~·Gardener ~7~st. SSOO e p. lall,tee.960-l662 Av~il. 0110w . Man y ~~.~21 1 182 ...................... ,Private 1., blk Big ~h.f~mLor.!2s~ ~I~ New3br,3baCondo /mo. 3bdrm 2b bo • ......_.. amenities. $3500 Mo 1 CASA DE ORO Corona. $.SBSfmo. Mgr pool -ui LmuryDecorator t•1.r•Detert. 551-83aft.6pm. encl~·atioairpJc"~!,.;ice ...... _. lJ4J Bn*er615-4912. JBR.2BACuJ-de-Sac. Lrg AU.UTILITIESPAID 220 B Marguerite , ~/~mw,ter'8::id'. £xtru ltlort 2400 Ocean vu, pvt bell, new 1 't/ t ' ed ....................... Balboa bland Waterfront Ynl. $1125 mo. Kids " 675-3741 Ad Its t :IH Fr-om$1U.OOO ••••••uuu••n••••••• deror,2 cargar,2bdrm, pore· n es r one. Ma l a Ch annel , 38r 2Ba y l . PttaOK.MS-7818 Compare before you 2Br2Bacood I w ·nope &.· (714)M7·'108I PALll SPRI NGS 21!!.11100/mo.780-8312 .. Nopeta.S7SO/mo.+11SO WlterlrootTownbouse2 t.aL • 11· eary ren llastbhlrs, Br, family rent. Custom desltn adults.ms ~enc .gar, ton,CM.6'5-4'U. ~ _ _. lBR Coado AREA/EXCLUYSJVIEd 2 BR l BA~ rrpl 't1e14W!?; c Is.: Br. 2 Ba. wet bar, frplc. ~~ ~s 7. rm. tie yard. 642·5161 or feat~rea: Pool, BBQ. 76().8290 39rTownhouae .. '::"I.. 11 Artb ' LIQUINTA. 2 r o vl 'b k d 6• ' . ~-· l many up-1radu _.,._. 641).81(11 cov rd /arage, 11ur· Nnl d pd -2 '•111C 700ur owner's own wknd ru1e ~ Ymo_ ; to mmoo• 2 br bouae, yard " SUOO/mo. 714/815-7171 .. Ocean • Dllhl view, rouode wilh pluah CotfeMeM JU4 J y ecor. aa• .. • · •L·-·· baall. BIO aq fl. 38r, • • 11ra1e, aseo + d~t. 4bctrm, fam rm, 3 car 2bdrm,2baw/slonefrplc, landaupinJ.. Adult llv u••••••••••u••••••••• enc car .. pool, dtwhr . .. .,. T.D. lock Dn. 2~81 frml din, altp· 1825/mo 1175.4315 or Kida/pet!~.MS-8381 IJaa coado 2br 2ba, fl.P· ar. IUtO/mo. Eves: pool• 1ar. 1690/mo. iqatltsbest.NopeU. NEWLY DECOR Adulta.642~. • -=tttal dn hv r m Ule/cet mma . bltm, 2 car 1ar, tenma, ~ Adults, DO pet.a. l~t. lut 1 Br. rum Crom S46S 1 Br. cas pd, encl gar 2 Br. 18a Apt I ... ., UlnlN ctuaJ #,,1cs, AC, 2 BR. 1 ba 11r apl. ~ ~TW1111... poot, Jae, aec ate. wtrac· · • l150 cfeP. Ref• req. 3115 W. Wilaon1 642·1911 d/wuher. pool. Adults Newly de(or. Ou pd. ..... Ille alarm' s11 xlra la mo. 708 ~ Goldenrod 3 bdrin, 2~ ba, view. cm.1125.m-4154 ZB R Co~o .NA~ult m.modaya. lktl:-•le-' 3740 642-5073. ~':a.=:· dshwr. •1111111111•• .. •••••H• 11raae, beited poo!,, CM-1214 f711 .. tmH•a,.4114 1Jaa4..~·· 2!.R, 3BA. 2 =i.t t_{, g::· 8LUlT5 I br, 2~ ba, ....................... PALM MESA.APTS . . ;; ., bolt/RV strt. btn llV~•lftVE Close to S.C. Plau, •U' i:~· 811P Avail. Nol>ao :;9.:Tm · deo, PoOI, 1ood loc. H.I.' Fl.,.ST 1561 Meu Dr 5Dedoua1Br,1 Ba .•· .' CCT_.a_ ~ Olltltndq •In ~•11• 3bdrm, -. .. lam dbl l •!!fV_.lJM -· $1000 A..t '44 Uta· I ,_ ' i Br. l~ h..M25 Ua raa'Mii.S~ ~Golf. 1285.000. ~·... livrm. lkick liiCd yrd, 2 HUMBOLDT llLAND. e.rbor' v ... Jlomta.-Z ........ ••. · .... ~ __..l'.ltat•U•int! -~ ,IUl(UrD •. $4.U. dl)'#ec .• all.541ase . Priced below mlit at Plbl trade. drs (114) I~. err. lmmac. 3 car 1ar, •·•Cam•· °"water w/"'' dock. 4 Br. Den, frplc1 tars• Waldiff IBr, f/r+aml rBeou'nduldi.alD::sP•. rTk·ellrkrea~~rd· M.546-=· Call btwn THE VJCl'ORIAN: Ntw· ., • ....,m.tMll '9J·N5t, evea/wknds Br w/Cltm DOOi + apa. tiaa,C.11 ..... 140. ldrm.•/moyrly. •wtmadlla pooi,Jacuul, ol N l / l l ~.. 1 deeof' a B I fllLTahO'ttl'loM·low ea.• n. Warm oeuiral tonea. c...iJbrw/won W.urfroltllomea,lac. 2 car 1ar11e, prinle c. ew cp •pa D • pool, en 11s bbq, 2 HUGE Bedroom•. "I • '• 111., ..... w.ato...,,..a 11a1mo. Roa Salter, lbclP&•.lidlMM 811.1400 __ locatloa , laclda ........ a1.2111 1parklln1 fountains. Ground Floor._ Fully ::r=.•~rr·:u ..... hrtCIJ.,,. .,.. OCRENTALS T50-Sll4 .._.__ •244 ....-.. POOi HrYlce. N!WPORTCRESTCON· Spul oua rooms . Carpeted. 8u11\-lns. bet l.SPll aMlat Clll•u .-... etndncr condo with ~ a Av a I l. Pe b . 11 l . DOI Bdnna, riew, near Separate dlnln1 area. SUPER Location! Over -!""0 .. va--· .,,. -.n.L<&v-kltclaeoellt. IU,000 SlGpl.oalliDflfamllY _ ................... PJmo.170:0M1. POOle 8 i:s. llZS/mo, Walk·ln closets . 30Adult.a. No Pets. $315 ""' "'-'1 ca l-6Jlol6H _..._ll'illltoebal a~~-Dltaded Bo&De . IBR, llaffa Coado. JIR, ~ bomellh kitc hen • llo. Apply Apt "E" 2 BR. l ~1 ~If der. _ _ .._........ cw will tale partner. 0C ALB 7»-D1A 1 ttA w /fam rm 111 J\otlA. Mn c,,t/P•L *** JW&1U: J bdrm 2 cllibAneta, Walk to Hunt· •WU.0..14f.4'77 tmd.pr ..... ...,/lt ·-·+a-. ...,. --...,1 c.e.MIM JJ14 OC.RINTALI 1 UlllYtrallf Park. "15 z car G•. f'rPlt -bl frple, '700 mo. 251 lnalonCtnter. LA LANN! APTS ..s.P@=l6=-=lllt=----°:'sa-:1 e::'I )ou lmttlt rhtrfrnt uu _ ................... , 1-lbn.•to.... I Plua •1000 lecurlly. Wllldp, ,..., I, .. t i..a.MWUO 18drm·fum.t485 , .. Plaunlla. 2 br. Wtttslde Cotta lie.a. •1 ti t't 1 1a••· Ille• Jl01,stt trde 4 11, t IA, ahlla/ao -W 0pnT:4m •a1• lo Poo~ Park, 81affa. Great Loe • Adults nopet.a $420. l~cl. ulll. l>ys ~n,llr,dl. nJ.:.; .. Onat•Co •teaaP.rt111alM• ....... M .. , ..... ='!:.: .. ·::·· .. eus-....., Dua Dtcorl HI, 2\4llA. UUMUtaP'tMl 0 --........ ...... .:::i.,.,...,. Oil llcaroria St. Mar ~ W.1, ... C!09· ---'1iAtt 0... ••el. l r a• • m • t 11 U · lt'a Ume ~Ian for that ~•Nit Ne m . a. .... drn • .... ':9· ftr'U~a~':o ,: :1'!'."T.i!'' • .~;:n;'.~.t.~ui;c!: :.'·!·~~(A= :.:tt:!•::;:' Loe • • ~~='i!~~=~ · ;~ .:t ~ ::! ;;.:' a ............. DIAIJ PUil ..... CIM °""' nl...,.,..ff •· lllMl•adlllltDaDY •11t•>....,._ Dtcor Ill, t"IA, w . .--aata,1""S:ol d itemayoudoe't :::a-.=~ CaU r.. • -.ma. ........... I PUot Wut Ads! can .... , •. tu.nu. , a •••• • 11 tt. .... need wkll a Clwlnect ---~~ ~~ I el . • now -ta.MTI. t::ad::':;..,._:=:::===J.::~~~!!!~!ili~~!-!;: Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/S1turd1y, Januery 23, Hae2 Flll c.,.tlrriu C....W_._.., a' h i . tlllllll . Hm11f1l ,..... LP''' I ,...,., ~ .................................................................. , ......................................................................................................................................... . SPEclll Beb)'llt. our CM homes. I Swnpoo • sttam cleao. Crow a mo u lcU 11 , WHY NOT ONE OF e.ul,deuup,eoocnt• BRICKWO•K ; Small PAINT!R NEEDS J:D. Hon Rlfloil~I •!llPtrtT,.. Pniolaa• "' rr•uo. anyllnw Color bripttfttnl wbt ma0Ut1, wall ualt11 111E8DT! llmmou removal. DumpTnacll. Jobe. Newport , COltl WORJC-30 ,. eap. Jot ~-. lilt. cabinet• ~rdal Landtcape ~ &1, &42-1412,64'·57~ _ crpe.a . 10 rnln. b eatll. cabinet•. Hardwooa G ........ NrV.M2·7UI lleu..t lrvloe. Rlf1. •t.Acoua ccelllnf•· "5·0M4_ .,_ .. ,tt11 1..., er On Ttrldtrl..ov1n1 Care Ha.II, Uv/din. rm• $15; llOluUona to wood pro-K.ll>LandlcapeMalnt DUllPJOBS !1J.3175. Pain 147-5 16 ·-··· gl ... ;l'aAl.l.youi)ly Rabysllllna. anytime:, ava room SUO; coutb h 0PMS21 tt.Sd/Comm Cleao·aP •Sc:naUllovlnaJobl C\MomBric:llM UOIU')' Pa&atlnc'alheGame :f:! ..... n........... ••lllPllT•• ror1 rds 9796646~ 11~2 SIO; rhr ~. Guu. eUm. ~ UHaWiA&.'541.Jdl . IKENl·llll Compl. yard c:ooatrut· Ptdlntft'1t.MNarnt! COttt•"CIAL T•IMYICI 30d1~1d I *'•lc'I petodor.Crpt r~palr. It ;.;1.;;;; ................ formini Own 81Atlnt11· HAUUNO•DUMP lion. pool dec:k1 • Uc.28.34 MZ-0862 =STllAt. ••4t):2ll0•• Di~ tlt.~Y .,............... ....... ~5 Y:J tf:ls· 5'1~010lor DRYWALL/ AOOU~IC 4 Yn EXp. Landlc:aplna'. JOBS, uUor Randy . =r· LO(al rela. Hae palntlnf'roll. &rad HU• * * * * * * * A For all you nffd 10 know · --14 yn up. F\llly Uc d • GrGia 6 Brick Patloa. 141-1427 --7 yra ap, quality work. T 1 t d I•••••••• rtLOT 11buu1 bankruptcy. call c:-.t/Cwrttt tr.ured. $32·~ Gntd. Prat. Service at Hart lll11onry. Bric:ll . Low rates. Dana644Hl6t urn ~· or un:•:1 SRVICI 71411135 9162 ••••••••••••••••~••••.. DRYWALLTAPING Pric. sure to Pleue. KAUUNG-8tudent haa Block, Concrete. Rer. ~1 Shill Palnllna Af· !~!c:.ro!°m: dto:1:ed~ ,....._. DlllCTOIY .. i.n ntOMPSON S Alltextur••acouatlr •z11sb0 ·96W/E Ip tnick. Lowt1t rate. Uc.W..141-l5'7 fordable Quality Lie dtywall drop c:tllln&• • ..................... .. OO ITNOW• ....................... 1~~=ECO~S:.:U Fr~tat, Kevln81S.IOl8 Gardnl na -c'o~.P I. ~.CIU75f..lt78. MllOlll')'our&pfflalty! Fre.Elt. M'atk.S.S-4290 ttfm c:Upenlry lo com· Credentialed forme r ...,_ s..... CHIWICk & SOM ~ ,._ s.mc" rlean up ' Tree bauU.111 11ynk you, John. a~ qulrll. depend•· or m-pletlan. call Tom or Jeff ~;ac::_ A~"k':l1'~J.~t3{J\ Your l)ally Pilot ttwldol'I! Since 1947 c.r..lc Tie ...... ;.;:............... ror uaable ltema. TREES/SHRUB TRJ M ble. we Clo any siae Job. p ""-at 881 2913 or 493.31186 ~ ~ . ~I M Service Uirtctory Additions remodelin, ••••••••••••••••••••o• E Ill De1l111 • Cberll Michael w.t734 Gar11e' Yd Cltan·UPI *'3Hll04* .,....., 1....a... 17111•1 rona e ar. R P,._ t t Hanstn'aCeramlcTile p' • .. 1 / s H freeeat S57·12'11 ........_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• -..., 1-"-6'4""""· ~~"'------' ·~tnaivt Uuur~. windows. pato . lra l_l_ DI Oardtlliil&Wanted . .._._,, HANGINGSlO/ROLL ··~· .. ••••••••••••••••• U2-S671,ertl22 l'l.Wi'~ f're~e\l Reas F1,oors ·Sbowers ·Tubs M T~/PC:B Harve1 Mowk11.edgln1.rakin1. "-C...S..lce •••••••• ............... ~pt>Ul&·dl.eronpaper JtEPAJRS f'ORLESS TIP!'!SerTlct ,.. .... !!111.!!lm•!!!ll!l!!lll Lac. •310!M2 S-49 2170 Dill anyJlme 972·4639 Hardilon. 545-3701. I weep In I Fre e ....................... •ABC MOVJNG·Elp., Visa/MC . U5·9325 . Shinales. fla.1 30 yrA. rvPiNG .............. .. Acc....., ROBTSTEINB-RO-NER. QlllWC.. ....... eatlmatea 64H312 or Aide, Dffires prof., low rates. Quic:ll, Stott exp. Freetat.:17Q:2'72.5 rurate reas. C~tsse~f~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• GEN'LC'ONTRAl'TOR ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••• .. •0 •••••••••••• ~573'!. Uv~lnP01Jll.oow/Com· carefulatrvlce.~·04lO Experienced pape r .. AllSOMLYI trans 63t.4(165 evea T'/R Qtrhts, W2s. F'1n l..tc..!_399463 645 6456 $3190/WI( ELF.crRJCIAN -priced tt II pat1blePe!!Oft.l33·l47l •A-IMOYI~* h•naer 15 yrs. Good All 646.6463 . ~t~. CRornpMe Sl'tup FINt;llOME tlot lunch. C.M. Chris· rJb,!-C:r:emafljl~l[!~te 0.11 .. ~:::::: ............ ,I' d1• .. J Top Quality. Sperlal Ser vi ce 851 ·14 63 BALBOA ROOFJNGCO C ..... .. ~ t'l.ll 540 Ml.34 IMPROVl::M ENTS I.tan Preschool 646·5423 U •~ 311882 ....a. Caii>tfttry MalODry ,...................... rare In bandlinl 25 yrs j,214-llll0-3149). Th I roof · h ..................... .. Af!Pl•u lepalr Arld111ons & Rrmodellng a. b J Serrkn rR~JD/coa1:1·t™ Roofing . Plum bin& W~~~~ 'bf.!'a~~~ exp. Cof!lpetltlve rates. IJC. PAPER HANG E.R co~~~ctio~n~;g·a~!~. ~lfi =i~~tw.;1~~~·~ ....................... M• ....................... .... Do Drywall·StllCCO ·Tile Girl Freeeat 845-5123 NOoverUme. 730-13$3 Bonded. cuar. No JOb ~43,fm.11229 ,... . d .... 11153 Profnpt, prof srrv1ct-on ""yrs eJCP,. my own Remodel. J.B.fti·llllO · · STARVING COLLEGE tooamallorloolarge ..,.earwi Lt · ,,_. lllllJOr JP1llr~ Stl'Vl'' m IMMACULATE wort. U c d. Al646·1l2J6 General ... l In ROBI N'SCLEANlNC ST\JDENTS MOVING Free est. Tony 898·2'728 J\.lber Roofin&·all typei •RE~JDENTIAL• A~~rv $41111514 CMN•"'""' cONTA .. CTOA• Cle •lllDI S..lc" UC'D ELECTRICIAN Repairs Ii ~or:t':~; Servlc:e-a thoroughly CO. Uc. #Tl2H36. ~~-~~;t;~e~;. Avg l sty $30; ave 2 sty .l...a..M Homes67s:9755 ornces Quat work ·Reu.rates •Quatity•Ray640-Sl44 cleanhouse. 540-0857 lnaured.641·8427 ,_.._... ·' .Ouis967·1388 .....,....., I Jc 113-l9892 770..655-4 .reeeat 63l 5072Tom ---E'w..-o1··K-·-·" in WATCH USGROW ! •••-•••••••••••••••••• •1... rtl~ Cl Vi W'nd ....................... . . HOMEUIPROVEMENT ...,..,...~ ...._.eep I •BRYANT'S• rwe•o ear ew t ows Dnvewa~,. PM.,tnl! 101 McxHAlE COHSTI. PEP GIRLS cleaning TOP 9UALITY Repair·Maintenanre &tpplietrumlsbed STARVING ACTORS Wallcovering Removal "Quality Roofing or Xlnl service. free est. repaus, scalroatinit. ru~tom homes. rram· service. Homes.Offices· Electncalworkat Heatinc. car pentry , Trwtworth.y. 957·8003 MOVINC COMPANY AJI 642 1.343 F\ne Homes "645·0104 Ken 673-9018 rooting r1•p111r' L1r'd in11. remodel, French ~· 548-0663 Reas. rates. a\)1·5055 elec. tile. f'rtt est. No Quality Won, Dependa· Fast • Careful. Lowest · S • Al..... • Window Clearu11g ol ~As.1:>halltl31 ~1!19 doo~. skyb1o:hts & pa110 ,.___,,___,. G ~ Elect.rirourSpecially! iob 100 small. 645·2811 bit, Ref1. Call Pam 6 Rattt Law Allows. MIC ....... /1.-lr ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Orange Co to serve you \IJ.sl\Tfo'.f',\\'INt. u1\1·n.8"836S2 -.--.on, ...,.. Clean 3u1rk, dependa· CM. BobDwl&ht,673·7012. V11a.Uc/Jns.673·08S3 ....................... BUDGETRATES/Lk'd w/pr o r essi onal , o-a1 "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble ;::e oanysizeJ'ob · b PLASTER PATCHI NG •-.. · s 1· b OK '4 "'onom1·cal, qual1'ty '"' cuatini: S11111111g ,.___. .w · · lbidalljobs,lne/sml 'Iboroul 6Reliable ...,..min m JO s n R l' R d -,.... .. tr Ho.1--'r •631 2004• n. .• u .. 1i 'd Ex..-ed Good r ,.........._ Restuccos. Int/ext. 30 Free est. Ins 641.758! service. Free est. Nwpt epa.ar.1 omm i·~a ....................... All ph li....-bonded . ..,.....ty,exper, c · ~.toe · res. __, rrs.Neat.Paul545·2977 ----cl e.KJm646·1992. ~.£:.!397362 64~ Hllll fl NP. FINlSll WORK l!llper Wee es~'& advice RoorCov.... OaveI-1194-9'798 5..'12·9152.2/546-I096 F\;••:i;,t~00b .. i;.9ii .. d• Neatpatrbes Ii textures S.W._/Ahratioltt t:vMM lt~.sm Ht·modchng Doors hung AJlenConst <Mike> •••••••••••••••••••••••Ben's Home Improve· HOUSEWORK DONE suJ 1/ntr/13 1carf L.......-'.' 93•1 .. 39 •••• ;;r.•••••••••••••••Make thos e goob Jne Camp111w11 1\sphall ltand}'720·l2GOC:dM 4S7-Sl22/499.4803 BESTM~ONRY ment BY JAP ANESE : bappy lO:iJ~u.Sto~r's.o ~... "' INDUSTRI ALSEWJNC ~d items you're Paving le Ito of 111 i: I'll \R RENOV<\TING ADD'NS REMODELI NG TILEar LINOLEUM Service All jobs, big or Prclessiooal. Call Yoshi, Thank you. 631.4410 ED'S PLASTERIN G &Cl!l"TING of fabncs IJQt .u.sin' a.v.ailablt to Resurf J<'lnll 1 t'pJars 1•0111 1 int ext & cusl I • Gr 675·4394 small. 964·5231 839-~ All Types Int. or Ext Free estimates 548·0460 oth f -1 b d ~e,tlcu.1t · ~• rq•lnl( l'ab1~t>1~ :!.">Jr-'> 64~:1H9 ~,ans ~ d George Frad!Doon Repairs. p alntio g . HOUSECLEANING C.._P...._ ~ f'reeesl Tl. ~~mge~!:1 lo/s!1~ 645~ \M ~•'!> . S -mer & ns,s57·6932· ....................... CIJ't)entry Chrislia.n, re· BySwedisbLady Exp 25 yrs exp. Ur. 4$41 PJ..ASTER&STUCCO ....................... an Class1ried. Call' Llmeway~ rarkrng Lot \ L roM i\Dr>ITIONS ddit ions. remodels. •FRENCH DOORS• Uablell!n·9'l62 NllArea 548.2111 Bonded. lns. Rers. Color Repalr NoJ'ob loo sml TILE INSTALLED 642-5678 Re11111",St'alrnatmu Klll"hl'n rt'mod. home improvement , 10 panes installed 6' expert963--0911Dlck .,.,,.,,....,.c 4199 AllKindsG ed -"=...;-'o"'-------" S.k.~lt1es Rcrs Bill wmdows, doors. patios, . . • JACKOFALLTRADES Collece Student deans · ...., . ........, .,.._.,_. _ uarante S&S \&phall 1~0002 slideroptrUng,$750com· Calldayornioht, bona In C M 6 H B L-J·BPAlNTING Refs Jobn 84{).9217 -------~. l.1cG314t99 drivew ay s . r e · pl.(uopainted)640-106S •Jark675-30i4 • deoesld. . . . . SPECIAL!INT/EXT. n ti 1 CustomCeramicTile ~ spec1ahze m Custom ~umbing . etc Lie ref. 8'2·9383 drywall. Larry 645-S38l ....................... • Tiit 111sP1t ...,.._.. ~ .............. ~~~=~r11:~6 & Kat 8'/U Ph960-·0635 ~~~':'.~~~~!. .. ~~.~~.~ ...... 8r~!~\~!iea~ln~· I'm Small-My prices Dr~~~·~,~~'1t~~0a'rr:10 ~C~:'6~/~~~est on U.Or-.COMI •. . <\<.iGll ESSI\-t:; lci.:.sl •f t M--f' JM~System *tracl'>l"'L* HARrYN.000 FLOORS Xlnt work J ea o are small! Cd». NB. Free esUU1M 642.9033 r--•-t-. DAILY PILOT representativn. la1tt of "IOOr 0 ~Jor ,epairs t'l'ee des1gn7free est ....-~ "' Be I ed 631 S016 Exp'd. Ron 673-6417 ...... _...,K,. D fires,~ hrs Soil~ ~1.?2 R emod' It n g D 00 rs Room additions. tenant Any chair band tripped autifully c ean · · -ATLAS PLUM BING & ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLASSIFIE Hung 84211!151i.ll482464 impr ove ment. in· or re~lued, si~.75. A 1 andwued. 832·4881 College Student will ~.~~:;eti~~;J~fs HEATING-REPAIR ~~~.~~R:e~~~~~nd 1 ADS ~.~=~·•••••••••••~Set-Yiu I surance work. decks, To.uc Of Class In·!........ ~!;,'!.ti~u~!;~~doC~~ Ins Freeest 731-8281 REPLACE 645·1688 stump grinding. 10 yrs ••••••••••••••••••••••: patios teners, 711 W. 17th SI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ans w·r· Ad •·498 Pr~rM•-••.t exp.Llc.lns .640.9308 ITER.adO~,YOUR CAR We Care ''"'t ne:iners 770.8067 Lie 31.3174 •AZ, C.M. 642·7712 ,,,.,. 11t"N UP YOUI "CT "' CUSTOM INT/EXT -r-· ~ -nste· ,,. wa~ IO 1~J Steamtll''an &uphols ,._.-1 ~ A 642-4321 EXPERTSERVICE •••••••••••••••••••••••Expert shaping, th1onmg ~ ;52 500'i '1S2 08!!2 Truck mount unit eo.,.oratt0111 WWW g TODAY! Yard/garage lllC.m T• LOW RATES PIOPllTY & slump removal 7 yrs You Can W II, fond It, Trodt II Wi!tl o Wllflf M • PROF POl.ISlllN(; -, Work&lJ.ir ~5 3illi ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••1 cln·up. etc. 1 too lrucll ....................... NU-BROOK 545-1175 MAMAGEMINT exp Ins 675-2821 [ 842•5878 ] Servtce Jt \our homl' or ' -COIPOIATIONS TIEES 125.631-1993 (24 hrs) EXPER. PREPARER NELSONS PAINTING Orange Co. area. 15 yrs Ttee Triming clean ups ~LO~ R·ick 6i~ 0344 ~oS~eam :-Jo Shampoo & PARTNERSHIPS Topped/removed. U · 1Hauliog/clean·up, dirt, En rolled t() _practice Int/Ext Resid /Comm experience. Call for info. Monlhy service free est' One Col S-k• -Stam S1~l'1ahst Fast Fonned by Attorneys pert rlean ups, lawns re. shrub/tree trim, etc. before the IRS. Quality Acoustic ceilings. Refs. and rates. 646·7556 Tony's Tree f°'' Cndl1 ~ W Jnl_ \11~ L Jll 1.i:.! jti7H dQ Fret! est 8.19-1582 Reas. rates. 557·5700 novated. 751-3476 Junk, trash. Ml-4914 at rea. coat. M9-2418 lir'd. Free est 1131-2637 t6l-l 112 Service Real Estate-tbe Complete Orange Coast Market Place Apar+Menk u.rfum. jA.partmHts u..fw1'. Apa; l11w11h """"'-Apa lwh u.fwa. Apa luauh u.fwa. ._ 4000 Yocafioa ...... , 4250 ._..to Sltan 000 a.t• to Shere 000 Offic:e l...tat 4400 ••••·•·•··············• .....................................•..•.........•••..•....•.•.•...•.•..•....•••••.........•••.••••.•....••••••••..........••.••..•..•.......•............•.......•••...••.•......••......•.•.•...........•••. Costa Meso 3824 tbttinqton Beach 3840 ~Oft leach 1840 LCllJl9MI ia.och 3141 Mlwporl leach 316' Laguna Beach M.otor Inn, No Tahoe Condo, 4 Br. 5 F Shr Furn CM Condo ON THE SAND RM 52Xl &c S72 sq ft Sl.00 per ••••••••••••••• •••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 915 No, Pacirir Co ast min to Northstar. 1400 w/F OCC Student $250 Newport Oceanfrnt ml. sq ft., 3975 Birch., N.8. \1·wl~ 1lo-(111 ;1• .. 11 l.1riw 2 1..i l nr tn pie~. ln1n1 un Hr. Frwy met Mal I Bdrm loft apt F'rplc. Large tBR Util pd Spot· HIJl'.Y· Laguna B~ach wit. Tom 857-1668 mo incl uttl 642 8065 Prut /Bus. person. non· entS.Cl·.5032 Ar 1tt 11 I 1 • , 1,, nl 11 n1·\\ , Jfflt'l'l.lrJpc~ 3 b dr m . 2 11 b a . stO\'e. ref rig. d w, 2 blks less Qwet. $450 2421 E Dai~y. Weekly, Kit.rhen Dix tndiao Wells condo. 3 eves. smkr S4J3 + uul. Jim al Huntington Beach. 419 i:~rai:• l.t·I' Ill\ "" m1n1 hl1n1h Slater fireplace. family room . Ot'ean, lsl'last +·~ult! 16lhSt.~·4718 ::,~.a~~~w wrnter br. pool, spa, tennis, 645-75571..eave message Main St 380 sq ft. 11o.ts s;,01,11110 1 1t11;i;.1 l\CJ1·h. $:175 \\aH•r & \\l'tbar.dble cargar,lg /tro 494-7222. Steps 10 beach 1·3 Bt. /da .631--0772 IAUOAISUND jFhas2brCM apttoshr Sl95tmo Sierra Mgmt. '/;!Ilk 1 1\.1 iu l111oll•\ m·1tt i.t.s.\ pd K'll ; mo ,1f1 H 30 sWldeck S695 mo Isl, Moss Sl . s mall studio i-2Br. both frp lrs S775 & Balboa Inn. S90 & up Selected Lady looking w1F SO+ 1200 + ,., uttls Co 641-1324 h •lt.>1.111 fn(ll \II l(.•r l'\l last SJOOSec 7781 L1ber apts. min. cooking. S650 p er mo Im · ~~'!'froo~i:J~~elle, ~~~ •• !?!~ N-ewpo""'-'--rt~Be--a_c_b_.-504--N-. 'llo IH b S!.1111 mu :>hlrm. lh.1 1luph' doll t) ~9088_...Mll·4l_l5 __ view. beach close by. maculale.673-2507 · · G•'Y IOAJUM•Tf Newport Blvd 3SO sq. ft. M.3·5418 h11us1• bJr k \11J. gar. Utilsincl.S280·S290mo WATBRONT Room 111nd bath. Fem. "' """'"' to 900sq fl Avail.at85< fk11ut "t•d am t unllo nt'"' 1•.11n1 t•rph <lrps W /\ LK T 0 BE AC H 494-8235 494.2255 PreslJoious Udo Area S 3 O 0 • mo M a n Y CONTACT: Largest Cay a sq. ft. S1trra Mgmt. $18S 141;1 \o•\\rnan Bachelor. s lo,•e & ' · " • aa.'nilies.645·2439eves. Male/Female Service In Co 64 fvnme 'ii l'l,11,1 lul ;~'ltJt.10 refrige Gas & water Mewporl9.ocll ll6t ~+den condo w/boat fm·lm9dys So C al . G .R C _......_l~·l.32A"-"--·---->l~al,t·r,~~::'i' ;~,~1~J1':1',: lBRTOWMHOME P.aicij300 mo 536·7979 ··,······,·•N••(•l•••PO•••R•f .... ~::~:i=i~~· !~:~lh1~r Bayfroot. rm & ba. pool. I !213)63().3040. . NEWPORT 11t11;;;1•c11•1 1, V.1IU h'flA•Ml\Jrt'!> Fl<PL'. W.\U<TO BEACH I Br I 0-4J380wneriA ·acuni, sandy beach. F 23 + to share with EXECUTIVISTI. "' · '° " "'ilh stove SJSO mo 1 Imo 840-8087 same, large fum. apt 2 Luxurious suites av all. t JlH'h L1 .1 act.· ' fir I 1111 \\Jal 110\\ ''"' \(.'h1111h 1111 pt I' So12.1 1n1 '"'h 1 l.1 1 I hr ' 11.1, "1111 llucor adults IHI 11•·1' S.'i"~ , tl1r :MtlUli • ~:·~lllt• <111111\1• '1 llH up pt•r h;11t·1111.\ IW \\ h olt l qu11'1 .1rluli-1·•11 t. ~O!h s.l!•H•I• 0100 IHW\ :-.I t ll'l:l•ll •111r jt •. t •' 1• I &.•ar ,._141 \u 11\1' ~~~I I i1 \I/I ~-"1'11: •• llr I II.I }r" 21;2;, rl1lt.:11 \!Jl I • I. ti i;;,~ n.b 1 iii• 1 "i: ·11n tH\ \rtu11, 1111h Jll \\ W1bu11 1;,11 ~1., "'RR ~ H \ •II ,,.,., 11\t II J I I O I v. 11 ' t IH ) • carp1111 , l.11111 rm. r•u11I. Ulll ud. l c.hiltl Oh. $11.0 mu. rust IJ,f • <ll'p nrlla1l>or& l~hSt Set• nwn.a11er al l!lil1 M" pit, ~pt I tll 'I Pf l'<lli M2 28t.it1 1 ,111d 2 l~rm 1 r.11l1·r\ Slfi5 to $21i0 • $1 ~,11 ~!'(uni\. 11111 haltlr•·r, nt• pe\S l:H? 111113 LI., !-: It.th C~laMt'\.1 S11we ~om :!~ "' 1 ' r 'oel so11 ·•·ck' t 11 1 t<nl hou,\' ur ;aµI an ('w•t .1 M""u h)' 2 I Ill I ~Hfl 'tr11'11 ly e nnrl 11 \' l'd ra.pon.\lhle & 1ll'lll'n1l:t bit', but h:ive llm1to•d lfllVt In rt1mh i'lt'.t~l' c_fll G45 8203 uf11•1 r. oo 3826 .••...••..............• r>VPLEX l.llrlo(P I hrlrm 281(18' lmng rm Som" ~anvi1•w R1•1·pn11\ rll' nt.i r.J1.i-.1< •. ir 'l\f:W 536.7979 IDIDJMENTS 12 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, pool. Ba N.B. S290 /mo . for sub-le85e in one or SWJ \lo K~M 3'ii:, - ---NM ffl>k. 2 private patios. G~ed Area. Pool Ocean 646-33'17. Newports exclusive of· :! Br 1 H.1 i:J1Ji:t· ii9t ~Oft 3142 COU..-RY CLUI g~ level. !650 +de· ~e ~~YP~ ~:g~~ F, lMS. Jbr. Jba, furn I flee complexes. Airport \1·'4m Ill Sl~I hi 1.i~t Hcrbow "' II. 73().1783 65H98S. Pl u' • 1' E I .R r Lao Bcb Ocean Front close Includes: . . ••••••••••••••••••••••• UVllJ'-1.... ti . mp t e D -hoo -1lt'J't.i.i11.11 Guarded gatt' tennis "9" Spacious IBR 1n e.4722 wEves Condo $300. Eves •.-:~/p e I I l • ~RT Eastblulf Pool. Quiel, ' 497,5275 •Utiliues •Janitonal ldu\1' 111111 ~111• 'llrJ t'OUrtS. swimming pool. l""llEnrv Pleasant area' Single Rmfor~t.Sl.55 mo Stu· ' •IOOfreecopieslmo IJri.te :!hr 2 li• bltni. tale roof. cobble sto,ne IEACH Adult No Pets ·ssooimo dent prerer red c. M Pror M/F over JO to I 0 A 1 k 1hwhr I ·milt·~ heal'h ~reel, on rhanncl adJa· 644-4767 631·5510 share 2 Br. 2 Ba .. • :KJ~lb!,l'!~~yserv \dulb. no pd~ $4Wmo cent 10 manna Uniq ue Ao adult community on --. . Newport Beach Condo available 5);8.1f.2 2BRs&o mo the Back Bay Spec LAp2~Zbo 11s~~·i!~~ t,.":i~ 1310incldsutlls.646-7332 Call1Roxanne9'1>07•0 738-5022 tacular Spa. 7 swim Bll·1n s, fire place dent Refsreq 646.5268 Housemate wanted. non· . seoen~ ADULT ~ ~-LIVING . " • \ ~fi: '-l' ~~-, • • .. , I -i"rt Cd01"Q • C•1s•~ J~I e•' ~ 880 s ,. Bu.• S Srioos SEA ENVIRONMENT 9l\..l.." •i.l('Hl!l"tr-H I) e • l J~ w I Hr \\ lofl . I'-: Ba rrplr. pool. ~.am!(•' $4iS Laun rl~ r.1111 01 'hoppinl( ~~ C,r}SI 1rl! ll><lr111 rondo 11at1n. 1tt,1'ih Jn frpk pool & ).st H< ~·.1tc rl•>'>t' to 111•,10 h ,. 1110 Ill'\\ S.'i50 ·~JJ sr~12 t ll \R Ml\G U \C'lH I.OH '' lkh f'nc-d v rd l t a1 r11 s.12s Mo 5.111 221fl f\Jnu,ht'll & I nfurn I 2 J Udrm \iii' <.i~ m . JJrnt.11 SJunJ, pool. I 1• 1tn". v 11 I I e v b a 11 . ha.~kPtball ~ame room llunt Bch 846 0019 Waterfront Condo 3BR ming pools, 8 lighted len Adults. no pets S625. srooker, share large 2 Ofr desk space. Acti.ve JB.\, lennis courts. pool. nis courts. bike trails. 675 8842 645 8323 Male. room. share bath bdrm, 2 ba apt wlgar ~~~carc!u RP;ul 1~; SIOOO new cmts, 846 5792 P u I I 1 n g g r e e n i ll().6(8) • ' S2SO Call bet 6 & 7 PM Near Ocean No San ·.cc Bachelors, 1 and 2 --------557·27&3 Clemente. 1270 + 'l'l util Doug, Newport Invest· lrriM 1144 bedrooms apartments. ia.odt Ft-Oftt Corona del Mar uni urn Call Nick 496.5484 leave men l C 0 u n s e I 0 r 5 • ....................... and townhouses from 2BR. 2BA Yrly Rental room w/balh ar refng. messqeoo ret"order. ..;.7.;;;:52'-'·Sl=Il"-. ----- lrange Tree Condo IBR SS40loSIOOO per month Avall No w SHOO S27S utils incl 760-1813. 3BR Hse Behind Back 2sty,1300 sq rt ofcspace . W Loft Washer Dryer. On Jamboree At SSS.IEB2,A~pPM . 661.sllilaft.5pm. Bay. Mellow. Clean.' or OC Ai rport. Call SFrtpdage,AT~snnu1sm. !0011~. &o San Jto7alqtJ!,~,H11900lls Road Bef ath 2 blocks. 3BRI 2ba, Laguna Niguel Shores. F 2>30 yrs. $2$0. 979'8886 eq·~p d. S300 + 1, utay y wy 7· 7pm, 545-44211. ' " "' 41.,..... fl)lc, gar $700 yr y, no nommkr. pvt home in .. I. cess Avail now• Call Balance of lYr Lease l'<C FEE' A & C d 645-l6S2 Mature responsible 642.-JDIKeo fordet ails. Furnished So. Laguna .\va1I lmmed S525 · pt. on ° guarded comm. Quiet! Female. non smoker. Rmmt n eeded i m · English Tudor Bldg 335 ~1-72!16 ______ rentals. Villa Rentals Lovely ground rloor 2 all new furn. Tennis. Newport Oceanfront. med 1 al~1 Y M / F 551·l111 640.4230 srt. 4 desks. bath. wet 675-4912 Broker. bdrm. 2 ba condo. Com· pool, jac, tv, washirl 123S/mo. 548·1667 Newport Terrace. pool, bar. ocean view New LolJmo a.och 3141 Oceanfront for Winter munity pool, Newport dryer. Step& to beach. F/share 4 Br. 3 Ba. prvt jac, student prfrd. S275 •DB.UXf OfflCIS• decor. S375 per mo . ••••OC•••:•;:•Fl•••O••NT•••••• Rentals Furn1Shed & Height.s Area. S72S P\'t kitcllenette, pvt ent hme River Ave N B +Ult. 646-9215. ~~o~r;'f~ ~os~~~. ~o _499-..,.._536~1'------ ti;A" unfum Broker 675·4912 646'4121 R ~ ~· S'1 .. !35090 · lst &c Jae.' pool. tennis,· beach y,...,,, resp rem w/7 yr lease required. Adj Officefor Rent M06l elegant apartment NEW Ocean View 2 B . """"· "9'·........... $300/mo. 1nc1d utils -· I 2 o Moot.hto Mooth.1200. bui ldino in Laouna ...._.THll"Y! 2t,BA.gar.S750/mo.Pb Bedroomwithkitchpnv .,..2963 old to sbr your home i\irporter nn. 217 u-., ..... .,,.,0r"•n 71 ... 9 v "'" "' """' Pref 2 rms. Beach area. l Call AM . 833·3223. ._""'"" .....,. "° Reach. Finest localton in One or a kind luxury 64fl.5800 eves Nr bUJ and shopping Attracti · 30 Old M 536-1B75 aft 5 30 1 1 ~"'-Be b 450 Sq Ft town Breathl akin g apts. 2 bdrm. I bath apt L«e lBr+den, Yrly $450. center. 962.7520 Seeks ~~tractT~e 30 yr M/F : .. b 2' 17TH STIHT SQO'.'aSui:;ble for s~ \'Jews All bit-ins, heated located directly across lsl/last+SJOO sec. Adlts. Rm in p vt h o me . old F lo Shr Home • non·sm.r, s r COSTA MfSA Bui. 0.-0318 pool, s u bt garage · from the Reuben E Lee pool, encl gar, new cpts. employed ma le pref. Platonic. NB Area. S32.5 mstr bd.rms. townhouse, 2 or 3 room oWce sui tes. elevator Lease only Just remodeled with 64().5(778 with/without kit priv. TI4411·711211 ffl>lc, spa, microwave. AIC. plenty or prkg. Util $850 & up 330 Cliff Dr. ~. c~""'·•~g. dra""s. 3 Br 2 Ba St t be h m.~ A~all immed. $375 + "a incl Avail now Call 4~8083 '"'w -.. -Lii• .. -. eps o ac · $2SO/Mo, Fem. wntd, WI + d"". C.M. 8Sl·2089 Realooomi',.. 675 "'700 --· -----llitcllen cabinets & ap· 17SO C!OO th l t .ti -.. ,.. "' 2bdnn, ocean vu. SSIO No pUances. This upstairs PRoPERTY HOUSE 1811,peMaJ':°~r ·Fe~~le. ~~lit~\~~ ~o~~ho _..l_ve""me ....... ss"""-. ---~- pets, adull working cou· unit includes a fireplace, 642·38SO 642-1010 2.5·35. Bristol/Redhill. w/FP, Pol, Jae. Mike: Oplx to shr, Bal Penin. 600 sq. ft. Mesa Verde plepref 494-4269. mirrored bdrm closet 642-l9111i stepa to brh. S230 mo.. area Steps to bch. tbdrm . doors & a spacious derk WATaflONT ·. . 54u 4io dys: 642·5978 Isl + last. Vi utll. 545-4123 l'2ba, 1550 incl ulll overlooking the bay. 211DIOOM ~ relng, microwave, eves. 675-6014 BAYFRO.._.T &-1724 e~ SJ.MX) month. Utilities in· Ready to go, move in to· kit. priv .. phone, swim· FEMALE to 1hr 3br 26a Roommate wanted Fem f"'ll ----i eluded. For appt. rail day Boat dock avail. min& pool, steps lo Bch. bouM an Balboa Island non·s mllr . Ba I Isl, Prhneolfi~e 760-9440. _. ...... °" ia.och 3140 (7141720·2473 Mon·Fri roo.675-9522 5 mo. 548'5366 $233/mo. Judi 675-5216 $231/ mo in c I o t 11 Costa Mesa. 250 sq. n. UH SO.FT. COIOMA OIL MAI Newport Balboa Savin1s BWldin&. Air condition· In&. rll't)eting, utilities and j anilori a I. S22SO per roontb. ... ,.,••••••••••••••••• 8-5PM. IBr. 1bill1-0 bay & bch, ....-.,Mohh 4100 Female, non ·smkr. 3 67~eves. suite. S175 /mo. Utils In· lr __ ....;;..:========:;:::======:;;il•l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!I S400 roo lse. 673·6210 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm 2 ba dpx. 2 blks to Share3 br, 2\AJ ba condo. 2 cld 779 W 19th St. b k t ? UDO VIEW Gorg. 2 BR. eves673·2493 iEAL>ll MOTa Bearb on Peninsula car 1 ua1e. Newport ..;:;&S;;.;1;..;:-8928=------Kenne un por . fp,adls. Newport Heights 2 Br. 1 Wkly rentals now avail. S250 mo + util. lst•.last Beadl.640-9547 NEWPORT coratl'd 2 ""'' )!at II '3S01~ t95 1490 Wasn't she the biologist who won 1000/mo 675·6359 Ba. yard. encls<I garage. S105 ar ~p. Color TV mo rent. Call Suzi or NB prof. str. M will shr [Jtt('Utive Suites bu of. Balboa Island Waterfront No pet S 49 5 I m o . Phones 111 room. 2274 Beth. 673·5046 beaut. borne w. adult fires available nr 0 .C. A Dl v1s1on or The Nobel Prize for Medicine in '69? 3 Br. 2 Ba. Yearly ren· 642-5722. ::,;~rt Blvd. CM Neat. ma t ure pror. 30+.p!5.7fl0.0902 Airport,fromS36Swtrull llarboC'lnvestment Co. ~Ill> 3 br etrr riupll"it , 11 bll·ms, encl J(ilr Sma 11 ti child ok Nr l'Cll & • ~.!&! ~~5 730 l>.~!10 II 1 or 2 Br near O( ei1n. l ' gltragc <'lean 2Atil!2 ·'A" Cor<kn u Or t>fil ISJ7 ~1402 2f\57 l(Ollt•('ll 9.t~r older J U1 \ 1llu~. j 1 small .& COl)', t JICrbOn. n pelS S375 & S39S -Olm. --28R 2ba apls, New cpls & dcapes S450 mo No p«t Dana Paciftr Int -llOl 831·93'70 !~!!~.~.?~.~~ '4.MnBSWALIC 2+3Br Townhouse A11t Vfrd. sln&le 6 double r• 1ar.,e. near Hunt. JQ.rtjour. Cblldren OK. Iv "'\ ~ tal.@IO/mo. n0-0347. t-Cl1•lt• 3176 stral&ht female. non· Prut to share 3 bdrm, 2 service available. Call llll!!!!!!!IRJ!!!!!l•!!!!!!m•• l\..J ::..,/"....:J r· -._ ...... Cl? smker,tosbr2br,l lt\ba ... r I 8dnn apt. stove. n g, ....................... ,_A,.._ apt. Close to beach. story coodo in Corona now fOC' I monw ree. •~flWY f' you re not sure wllO (or what) Kennybunkport ~g. On Peninsula. 2 Br lllt Ba, gara\e· l'aun· Reaa. Weekly Rates SHS/mo. ind. utila. del Mar. Ihle or female Uad1Ut76. flOM'rA•I was.c1on1feel bad-y01.t'renotalone. _.67~0612aft5 dry, bllt to eac h. Kizt~bea«Cb tea1·MPbonies ...., .... •-=--.;.=...=:;...__---IMO--'"'·U "-av·".atu,• Venallltt 2bdrm. 2ba, •tmo. 974-7225 " anne ov es R • nu55 ru ,.._ au w Kennybunkport IS one of 14 distlnctJvely Sandpiper 1967 Newport Help! Mother• aon need mmate to abr new ... _,.rt C..tw sq. ft. ptexlble office C11fferent apartmentfloorpfansat SNw!OdVillage rrptc. rlubbouae. ser. NIC E 2 BEOR~O M Bl .. CGitaMesaMS-9137 bolbUe roommate, Irv beeul,38R,2 st.Y bme. F\ntdus ·rullaervlce apace from711sq.ft.• r ll11fltingtoo Beach. Seawind vmage 1s a result &ate. J7SO. S5H"7 · apartment with view of condo bome. M /F. NOft· ~~ $300, utal Incl. EXEC. offices. includes up. O.C. Alriiort area. of totdlly personahze<lprofessional planning. lll&e 4 BR. 3 BA. beach the !°" course, hil11, .......... 4H5 1mllr. $275 + utll. all amenities. Frort\ MIWPOIT HACM The kind of attentton you deserve. ~~:up:u, r ar le~er cu~\ c/ennl1 rfur t; ... ::~;;~•0 157-4flt-twl., =~ ll~F 3~~ tmtn .144·7119 LOC. ,' t. perfect blend of nature and IMng-.!rt,., al~ .:!van e I Oed prope~ y,all RlllnttolbrDupla. HB. =Clem o 1 r I NEED A BUS . AD· MUMe.stoO.C. Airport. ,. I 11b (2elp3a) .. 7· ... ~·oa or ~ .. ~. I caryo f s"Ut Sr.Clt.zeu ·'221 1 ba fr Bcb. tllO. Avail b Spanor2'"0 am clvlu DRmf An1werin1 • •J.Qhq. ft. RttePOoe-nestle<1 sn a forest w1th babbllhg brooks and quet r~)--v· "• ~":i't~~.;!:U.~ .... 4 P'lbL--.E••. o:;. v +ut . .-&~ereeee 1 daia.-•-... a. pon<is.cooledbynaturaloceanbrttzes.Addto Bay view. 7early , style buildtu. 2 adults __ ............ Uke lt•illl aloae. but= Lu Cond room.~· OC ,=.rt. =---1~~ • that tennis coorts, SWtmmlng poots. ajaruui and beautiful 4 Br. StSO. anly. Noc:hilcf'ren or pets ..._,taammer, weetly, c:•' lllford It? O.er ZS Nda"i1 atrai :( @OOtmo. 1'·833 · biMd"°::' ST: •q~: a convenient loc.atJon near shoppjrag and llroterMS-3S83. t>le• '4$0 per month l Br., aJeepl 4. Balboa female waled to •bare II prof. 1 5001 ~ NEARO.C. AIRPORT Av"1. lmmed. For lldo. emptoyment andyou'veoot aplaceanyonewoukl Nn'·IEACONBAV ;\valiablt February: p I ... ...... :n. .,..ba~ r~ TU·tW 411 140~24~: ltolExec.Offltet (an prouotycallhome.(Even Ktnnybunkportl) 1112br Zba, vu, deck, Call owur <7 14 > ....... 4Zll .._ sm iaoUW Pd ,.,.,,.._. fro•l!IDO Ml"'70Mbr One and cwo bedroom. one and twO bath w1ltr/dr1r cmpetr, 642-0JJI. -............... 'ISl..JllOor•-11.Jta WI •R l~8A •I FRIE RENT DMIMC. 7l4/H!-llH 1 ~ •· D/W, 1ar, lennl1, pvt W.MI Jiit Nl'l6 4 &r. -..-..•tr.M.8 . Upto3moalfyou c.ibf adut ~rtmeots rom ... 90 bda. dad. Sl050/rno.1r· _, ............... , A""-WIDter. Weekl1/ ~ ~ .... ,,.: ':c:: 911• lltil. illtl. Call hb. ia. Prime R~B. of. ':.•:::.~-:;:: .• tn Hli .... "1119t l1.as.u;m1111. I SUNNY1BRAPT ,m. · Mtr 0 .. , zs 1.11111/mo ._ d1a 151 .. lt ••• nee lot. Competitive ttl.-i.i. Anlt ... '"' .. S7ZS. Upper Jbr, 2ba ) ~:ATI0,$325 =~~·,<:ri +d -~ltrts --,.. •. Xlnt tlPOHre. -~ • ..-. ~to beac:h.I ~ la ''"' w/atrl111 Mt-71n•!!!:!!!!· l'hl.r..aawtoa~ C!l.,.,.,.'1. WAJfrll>: bum c•mau. Ira aolr tta•l• Dallr lllP,....llededtodar lllr,1 .. 00l~frplt. •HUNTINGTON l1dutrlal or .,flee 1sss5 .... 11rmnt,on viii-•-u.-•-.......... r. bllc.wy,yrtyrtntal.. Afa=:•1a11trt11• -*lw 1 .~ m.i * -•"1 , ... to .DW.W .. to .sm.. llACH• =---a II nv --w· --v-... ~ 'JV'•--w-·-''""" TILllpt IQ..llm •-...11•1• Jttl awiil. Tl4 ·H i :Htl ..... --•• .,... mM t•IJflllt = ... ::i~°'==-.· ... C7t •)898-t96l llr.281.lltipetobeacl ... ,.................... llJmllTIANUllTI Preft11lo11I •0•11 ••Jfltlyliiorne. From lht Sin Oiegc> Freew1y dr'M nclf1h on lllldl to •·winter rental • .Ula "'"""Uh •llA. ... C.•. ... .. 'If eld ,_. , • •JlllftAnaa Mcfaoo.n. then wat c1n Mcftddeft to.s.wlnd Vi!'P· flldd. fWw • .,.. I ...._ .. .._. ... • dill .... Dia .... w-.11no.. • • • ._ FumWqs Millble••d91y IO AM 'tleuk. PIOPDTYHOUU apt. Al1 .uJt4. All Dlilr Pllll Cl...... ~~ a 0... Vilwl .. AMllMl ... lll "-C11 ··-~ M 9'QMMM Orange Coast CWL Y PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 ~~......... _ .... !~ ... ~~ ... !.'!.~.~ .... .!~ ... ~~ ..... !~~ ~.~~ ..... ?!~~ ~~.?~!.~ ..... ?!~ !~?~!.~ ..... ?!.. ~!~ ..... !!!~ ~ .. !\'.~~ ..... ?!~ ~!~ ..... !!~ . C:-a••:c:.rer..: ·~~-· a .=MAMA-. . .... ~IMAM SALll IOATI rn "-tliM-a WHtclld k.1:91'CM :1:tl. flll 1• .n11111t';.:.h':m'ti A creative Human Resources lM~.f.~~ft09 . =!tft".~c~uDlck :=J~lln~·=:~:~~ 11111.lecltt., 1:\1;1Ji.,•Ucal arr:--u.hp. .rm_-/ IBIC.8..lllr,l"lllaapt l .. naatrwillbavetbeoppo~ltyto Nwpt Bell. Reh~. 1411-71ll•HMlh) incapacetoboatownen El1ctroafc1 Co. la · lie. ,_ "l:·.'.t:: rmK •• ..._... ,.,. ru:1,.•r e1t1b ll1h a re1ull1°oraented on.m.s nlll'Nl dedlul· PllMt• • coaun'I, Haltnt nn ==•~~al~ =•rhuolftttt daa. can•~• . .,...,. l'.l.IL wldt • 1 ,., ue· department al med at meetln1 eel• .wt~ •m 'f1 Con· •AB Dick, toe> quaUty = ;:·~~··rf!0' w..1tJCM1 art .. e.ap'd kttc-.tupe l9'•M. .._ ,. ATfEND!NT employees' needa. Skills in ~erit tu~ 11 · one, wortonb'. 11ana1ement •l•ln1t co~m.' artt~ E&«.k,..,,wldl ... • ••.Hiatle\, en, It 111111t•1 '41-1671 Uv•ln 9111~ diubled co mp en 5 at Io n . be n e f 1 ts , an 11 . eeded ia ~.B.&U·tz33 train I n~ dz; r1 o d . tell 1ypl1~ •kllll A~.=1~= I ~N~.-.':':':. MCI W[M-. r;:u::A1W.*"· ~~~:0~1:.~.l~ro~· ~o~!dh 1b~·t~lp1f~~ ==~ .. : .. ,~~N~e10~~~~ 1'~~::~~~~~:11~r~ 8N500;S$. . ~'°~:~.:,!~~:~ Ncmalnk1, 10DClrhaldn1 Lott: .Ian T ln Laa. . A..a. .... ..w..t'ft ·,... Bower 675-%7w wkdya SAUS handle eorrteJOQdtact, • JTO,MOMnlS ut1 t •• etarlau. Beach. Wllit• •NMlad ATTIMTIOM: Procress1ve, dynamic co~~nt n~ ::~:;r:;;s ::~~~::: w 11~~~~·v~~f:~'1or =:rt:t.:!:.r.t:. a.t term aft\C. tpace Siil nutll. ·•ld'J OI aft t A mbltlout boy1 and a lake·char1e, buman11hc eader. rroees1in1 e•per prt· Receotlonlat p/Urne work with our call 111! loml accowtt· IYllUab&tln prune Iota· .._.,. ctrla 10.aa years old, to Please send resume and ulary er ably on wans Part·Tlme. Out1oln1 new promotional con· 1111 or ~"""''••· ...,. Aliliorttr IDD, ~ lat: lriahSttttr ftm. No wort one or two even· requirements to: S)'ltem. ~~ aa v~~~\·1 ~ c e pt. E xc e I op · per. daired, We otter dlltuce to .OC -'/ l.D. Namt: Lucy. 8tw1 Ins• a week aettlna Box 1002 16.\.. dutl iin portuniUn aod valuable excel. pay• beneftta IA· XtrOll macl\111• Warntr/Edwa,., RB. "ew1paj)1r 1ub1crlp· Dail Pilot 8 aucb u typ ~ ex~rience for colle1e cludin;our tier amuJtlea. -................ Reward. ()ya 551..JUO, ll0111. Traneportatlon Y <rfille fillnl " be •l eau wit atudenl.I. Mu1l be ll!'l· 4 DAY WOii W. Call~•· m 78 ';'-evau._, and conatant adult Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 NEEDED ~r!~Ig~:~:e~~nf bl~\oua· ~ ~terv~ew Company la located 2 .-u~ ..!J!.l~f .... ~••• r~~ t:•:r:cj~ ~~u: ~:~~t;,u~:~:1:r lM=~~y I':~~: ~~~r~l~e;a ~a~to5pmon l ru ~:~=~uirw~.~ <lftct ultea ll •1 LOIJNO LEASE, quit· batklesa, yodellin1 do1. Andrea, t4HS2l, eat. COUIH LM"LSICT wltb,•IU1out WorkdayureSat,Sun6 Salesperson wanted for Pleau call ror appt. mt1. t' ava . m· U...buaUMu,aelUn1out •• SO "' aborthaod Mond 9 ~ t 5 30 attrac.'livewomen'ssboe Teloolc Berkeley, ft r111r"' Sl.00 per 1q. AU. 1uppUet and fll · Found P' T Poodl ~~,:r, ~a;~ Spa/vl liom. '! ~~ .• ~rarr:TC: ._ .. Offkt Ideal a~~uatlon f~r Stu: dept. ln Fashion Island per s 0 n n e I D e p l ltUt l!~"~~e ~j~•:: ==· walUni c.bam~aane~Yf mix~ ~Mtllr openifti. Good drMna sm>ter.5"·3733 NEVER A FEE denl. Call Barbara for P/tlme, ex per. pre· 714-*..0l 114/IO·•Ut. 1 mile room chain.' Beauty Cocker, blac1t; F mlitd Wllllled, oo exp~.oec., mord. Hours: 8:30am· Live·in Assistant for WorltCloletoHome Interview Appl at ferred.640-7810 •••••••• !!!tt!lhfeFrwx. S.lon hairdryers and Ttrritr,wbitew/brown: but does help. w ax 6 lpm. Ca ll Linda : elderlyaentleman. Uve YICTOI S.W·l9>0 Between9·SPM SA.~ SEC'Y/UCB'T NB Sm Office nr OC ~ydraulic cbalrt. mlr· M Pomeranian mix, Poliabcara, 1ooddrivin1 7S·MI01. 1700 Adams In 2br. 2ba apt. In c .M. Temporary Service llCB'TIOMIST .. ,,.._Mom with bcdittPin& ulllJ, Allport, Approx 350 aq ftlfl,lbelvea and planll. ~:~w'bi't~n. l.~.~•k125Y. rec., 18 yrs old min.. Ave, C.M. E.O.E. Ex·execuUve wiJbe• to ~ EOE M/f for prestigious salon Need extra income? P!f rtllme Send ·resumes ~mo. St0-2llO Allo1 ~ke-up, shampoo • "' .... -lmace Auto Salon, C.M. -C.C./.....,. maiolaJn opUmum in· who enjoys people & can q>portunlty •haring suc· to: C & R Conatructlon, Newport Beach, prime IDdnaa.rproducu. Mesa Dr .. C.M. Nwpl ~l17l It.ml. Harbor. 25 5our dependence but needs 0..'lw ...... handle busy phones. cesa ldeu. Call Mike to· 1S&S Sunland Ln .. Colla PtlUlula location, 300 Ca1Jts1•'754or AllimllShelter. BABYSITTER Wffk. 113-1521 berore some wiltance. ldeaJ forselt~tlvated lndiv. Must be fashion con day.-.1988 Meaa.CA.'21S26. 1q,ft.2otftcuuites,$.100 afterl,..._ Lost: German Shep. for my 11 /yr old . 9pm.Rita. applicant would be ao eaiertoleamMrkt1• 1clous. Opp'ty for ad S..lep SERVICESTATIONAT· .:i ~1:.~:7~~~k ~~~r loc. ~/~~e~i;,'~p~M:: ~rt%~M .~~ ~n: =~DJ~~.'\~: ~~boen;:~~~yctP:Ffi~~ ~~. s k I 11 s. P IT . =~ft:~~~~dt~eu~lfe~: ~t~a:~~=w~~e7o~s~a~~ ~~s?i~Fst!J~ml~·it"~ <ater.fi005jFt. Bar• Will aacrifke. 3 oper. 6.11-117' ly . Call Julie, wk : ~ln person: Dlpplly ~f;ulon";J compa. 0 RD ER DESK Salon, 200 Newport tlmeworkwitbournew .::lrVine:..:..::~·N~B=-----~~lbl acilitles. ~~2ua15t1v(~c~~e ~L.•ull1",_err, gf!m•Y. mv1~~.· :::: ext. 1169: bm: 81 dutsC,M18S4 Newport nlooshlpfodreeboard& ~~OMN~RE .. sp~~Vpl~:. i:;1;°&a~t~ Salon in pEro°lftl~nal crtonc~lpt. Sedrvice statlfoo Atte~ _..,...,Eves. .,............,) ;;xiw " "' .. Babysitter needed CM ¥ ., • • modest compensation. .. CM. neat appearance &t and.xce alen boplepoex!m faoesr· ant:!xp., re .dreq., Prn"'' &ablet, Corona del Mar, Ud. Partners. for start· Rocer's GIJ'dena, N.B. Slt&AL OfflCE CaJJ6'75.2444 ferred, must have good nd v ua ,.~r age ..., 6 up, ay sh1 , aoo to 400 sq. n. Coast in1 up·tO·d ale N.C on Sat. Jao. 16. $25 <Hamilton ' Harbor> sense of humor, gd frie ly a mu.st! Call college students Must Suo off 9 hr d.11 y, Hwy. Par1tln1. rear eo· machine s hop. Great REWARD,6'4-5296. P/f642·32&1 ~ypl~& '~1bt ~ook· H•ls mc•M• benerits, competitive 645-4012forappt. be ambitious for in· 1215/wk + comm. NB try' auilable ror In· Poteetiall. Call David Briefcase taken rrom Bab~iller: mu~l enjoy Me:.F:t fle!fU: ~r~'. De Pend ab I e , ex . salary. Call646·9664 Rec~st terview call . Mon· Fri .::.644-.:.:....:7.!::lS::.:l _____ _ aurance, loan agent, n4/'7S.10:U 1reen Mercedes. At P!a,ytng with children. 1 645-542 periencedbrull lime days Pa .. ( ... J Good clencal organi211· 3-S PM 7so.9213 SERVICE STATION AT· 1r1pb.I~. no retail. Con· "All Our Yesterdays" Forest Ave 4 in La1un1 011111 per week + some l. for olfice ldgs Newport ablpping and some typ· tional skills, ~ WPM SECRETARY TENDANT. PIT even· tact Qu'is, 673-1494. book store, goinl out of Beach. Personal docu· days. Own trans. CdM GitMr.t Offk• Beach Phone 644· l526 9 IOI-Part time. Ideal ror and good speller Ex· 2days per week, Laguna 11\gs & wknds neat IP· afke lo share, dwntwn business. l0%/503 me nl s Inc I u ding area.CoUe1estudentolt. Clerlt. Newport Center to12weekdays housewife. Hours nexi· celleot working coodi· Acctg orfice. non pearance fc handwrit· c. 111 . Construct lo 0 minimum olf all stoclt. passport. Substantial re· Reliable w /rererences. Office Has Immediate MAKE MONEY while at ble. Temporary lions aod rringe benefits srroker. PO. Box t 134. ang. Apply at : 2590 oriented preferred. Call Sale on now. All must ward. 675·986S 673-~. Opening for Clerk with I home. setting up ap· 545.5223 557-6316 Dana La wia Beach. 92652_ Newport Bl., C.M. for det&l[s 142.4372 dys, clear by Feb. lit. <Still Lost : Siamese Cat B~bysllter ne eded 10 Key by Touch to pc>lntments for comm'I P"_..TI....,.Eta•Ra llCWTIOMIST SICUTAIY , ""''""""·~-e1·v·inc .,l5'10eves. ~DI antiquarian Halecrest HaJl-of·Fame 2.~PMlo6;00PM.Mon· ProcessSalesReports& carpetcleaniog.S5to$20 -• "' ~ So h d 1 ...,u,.,.-...... I · b Area Mon Jan 18. day lhru Friday. Harbor Credit Cards. hr, work oo comm. Great spat in Dana Pt. Health Care Mana~e· .meooe ~ 0 oesr:i Clerk, me Experience <rface space for lease, . oa se ectave su . CM\,_ •Baker979·9061 644-4460 Female pref. 963.9345 Some typing. Cashier or menl Company in Irvine rrund w.orking, for a hv· Required but wlll train. $175/mo. Balboa Island. j«t.S) 640-2491. 3026 E. ....,........, teUerexp. preferred. baa an immediate open· Ing. Rwes without ask· West Ai'l)Ort AreL M/F 6'15-l731l. CoaatHw CdM. NB. Found. punch preas, Babysit~er Needed for General Labor MAMACHI ing for a blghly skilled. ~If YO!J're worth at 3 ~hrweelt.$46-53'4 Costa Meu Laun· Newport vie. 131·3240 Chrlshan Mom My Golr Storage P /T , Must be ent.busiullc 6 CallProvideotFederal ·professional recep· girl ofrlce. Expr. or T h r Ch · ti ............ 4450 dr)'·SllKgroupermo. <Calllldeolily) =ble~~~~ust Be private Country Club. seJt.motlvated. Apply io Savings. •96~133. tl~l. We are.a large. 1 traioee.642·9237 ~:;.:~ho°:J . pmm~~ ....................... 641--0763,A&ent Found. Sm Bllt M Doi f~ 64~~~~ ~:30am· person: ... ~~oBa Tennis EOEM/F rapidJyexpand1ng co!11 Secretary Mon-f'ri . g .Jpm . SI.ore or Office. USO sq. ft . WM $925.00 with Loni Hair. Injured :...,.,m, .es· 1 · Sboes, """' uranca pany. aod we need an 10• Experienced Secretary 963.:7@; 536-1112. M•a Verde Area ra--ript froot Paw. 536-07!3 IAIYSITTll •Gen. Off 1 c e-CI e rk Pkwy. Irvine. s.51·3304. PAIT TIME dividual who can best ror part·time worlt. zo.30 ~ "-., _ __. Wed Person ne«led to meelj Typist. FIT 8am·Spm. lhture Woman ror representou~imageand hrs,perweek.Maywork TeedMr We are I National Com· ruuuu: .. Shepherd 6/yr old girl 1fler school, Perm position. Entry babysitting infant. F /T 6-9pm. Expanding youth Ill the sa~ ~me· h~ndl.~ into full·time. Centen· Cot•llfor --------•! pany Specializing io Hot ~ ' pu.pey, Spr· 1:55 to approx. 2:45pm level, 40 wpm. Small your hm. f . v area counseling firm bas a ~usy D1mens1on nial Estates, 975-0412 For H01toProflt II· llTAILSPACI Food Vendin& Equip· inldalee fc Mead.owlarlt., everyday, Moo·Fri.j company w /good l3M539 openings for J.5 sharp switchboard (Approx cnKarbarBlvd .. 1210sti. ~ntreaturiof, Nauonal M6.a:i MUST BE D"El>EN· benefitsAno642·9363 outguioJ mature people 130 calls per hr ). clta•g• Pro•r••· I ft. +~e.35tsq. ft. Brand Preso d Foods. Found: Pit BuJI, male, DABLE. MUST llvel MECHANIC to motivate ambitious Minimum 5 years ex· SEClnAIY/EXEC. Plac• •f to I 5 ReUonocruo:a 875·6700 Your Machines will be approx 1 yr Vic within walking distance F.d~y~~/T ed Maccre1or Yachts. ' 1~18 yr olds. Call 2·Spm. perience required. Must Personnel/ Advertising J•••M ~•• II I!• •••••••1!!!!11 Located by Professional Shalimar CM 845,5668 to St.onecreek Elemeo-uca ona Y orient 1631 Placentia, C.M. 642·4321, ext. 343. Ask ror type~ wpm Successful Dept. has opemng per tt..s II y_. C... ea.a lleaa busy Nwpt Locators in ~actories, Found·SprioferS aniel tary . Woodbridge.' co.Houranex.Preferra· Andrea. candidate will be as· expansioo · Nwpt Bch. =t Ttedl = Blvd. MIO It rree stand· Schools, Hospitals. In· vie. Albertson's,PDaoi Irvine. Please call ble ~M. Call Betty tielCA.1.ASST sertive, motivated, & F\nancial services firm . ... • ~ • inc bide. fully Improved : dust.rial C~mplexes fc Pt. &6l.QZ29. 552-0461after5:30pm. Bruce. 979-1955. P ff, Exp'd front ofc. PASTEUP PllSOH possess excellent com· Good typing, shorthand. _... --. Ind.. c111t. ldeaJ retail or Similar. High Trame found: Sbelty mix Great HOUSKHPU ~yning,1";.·is~·~k1~ffnt. S days a week iocludiog mwi.icalion skills. Com· exper req. Non.smoker. ~ s .. ., Apprea dike. Rent Sl.<16/sq n. Lo c ~ l 1 o o s . your Dane mia Red Setter BEAUTICIAN·c1reer Perm. position 25 hrs wk ..-. Saturday. Art or draft. pensalion package com· Call 640·0L23 between SROO. C911 Jll .. DHMOaft.•.. I ~b~:~:~ V.~~~ Bassett, 'Dobie mix: orie~t~ hairstyli~t 6 plus Huot. H~rbor bef N.B.644·0381 Ing background helpful. ::~r~ocwf~~e~~:!: s-i.. 121JJ45}3524 For Lease: office, 864 sq. raoty plus a location German Sbor th air, m1111cwut fo~ a highly 9pm. 673-1521 Rita MB>ICAL OFffCE FUii cornpan~ benefits. call Sharon Ruins ,714 > .. TEACHER -I n fan t ft.+warehowle,2S08sq. Guarantee 6 Company Keesbound Siberian locatedsaloninFuhioo Housekeeper/ Nanny, Exp'd f ront office Apply: PEN YSAVER 64H616.EOEM/F SECUTAIY Development Pro1r1m, ft. G~at loc. Street vis· Expansion Pro1ram. lbkey. Jrvl.ne Animal Island vie. Sandy : p/lime, 3p·m to 7. Xtra person for busy urology 1660 Placentia Ave.. Mortgage Company in P ttame. Member or ability. Forbes Rd., With a Tweety-ooe <2l) CareCenter, 7S4-3734 64MO'l3. hrs possible. 536·4048 office. Some back office C.M lllefCook traosdisc1plin1ry team. L11uoa Niguel (by Machine Minimum lool* .after4pm. exp. Need good rers. F\lll·tlme, must know Newport Beach has Special ed. fc Spanish rrwy). Joann: 499-3577; Pure.hue for Only $200 Reward! Part time,'n-:i~g. to HOUHll--• Good benefits. F\llltime, ,......,.,~ diets. Conv. Hosp. N.B ~~r :,gsa~i~~t~z, important. Call : Jackie 4'7-4144. $25,086.00 with Just 16.5 Lost : Box family pie· key 2 afternoons per _ _..sa H.B. area. 947•6004· Needed, opaan lime. Work area. frtt medical, den· skills, eye for accuracy Popp, S46-5760· Be b S N SI D t CalJ 972•"72 .. _.. Sun and Mo n t.a.1 61ifeins Call· Jane. ac tore, ewporl. a es P.tr ay. your utes. : . ._ """"'·Diann. Houselttti>inl and chiJd tielCAL UCEPT 15 to 25 hours per week, It allenlion to detail. Ta.B'H~ SALIS W .. tralfic-prime loca· routew11Jearnl44.900.00 Found: Germ. Shep/blk _ 536-2032 care Laguna Beach Busr front office, ex· evenings and possibly 642•8044 Non.smoker, salary Frl'posilionopenforas· lion! 800 sq. ft. 675-4185, j Gnllt, per Year. If you Lab mix F , young, vie. ·---• Area. 641.8700 <Eva 1 per d only. Newport Saturday. Experience in Restaurant. Now accept Sl.100. Call: Katie. StttiYe person with past 6'73-140L have S2S.OOO.OO Cash Ba.lboa Pea 673 2790 ll'VVR"_.5 da 497 3983 d Center. 644.()870. ad buildaog or pace Inc applications for new 640-9350 telephone sales ex· .............. _.1__....... 4500 available NOW 6 Cao · · Part.time leadin1 to ys, ' eves an makeupdesirable. Abili· Sandwich Shop. part perlence Apply lo _... -Startlmmediately,have F terrier mix wbt. F ru11.time. F /C book· weekends. M.iddle-a1ed companion lylowort rast and IC· time help. Hours 10·2 persona11660 Placeoli1 ....................... a Serviceable auto 6 can Cocker gtlx blk M wbt keeper for mort&11e to elderly l1dy Prvt curately under pressure PM Excellent pay. 1521S I "'·II ~UTh ArflYI N.8., 3t75 Birch. 8860 ~ Operate from your Samoyed, M Shepherd broierage in Newport Insurance room 6 Bath+ board 6 necessary. Salary de· SprincdaJe, Huntington .. u ·Ume, c .ee . u . ex· ..!.A~v.::.e.::.C:.::.M::.;. ____ _ ft.or leu. MlA zone, Home. CALL NOW O'IUbl,brn,M Pomera· Beach, arowtb op· f "$ Sal. N.B. area, close lo pends on experience. I Beadi <between Bolsa 6 p~r1enced 1nd1 vidual THERAPIST-I ofaol L1~. ft. A & e o t TOU. P'REE niaa mix bl/tan. 8"·31156 port\IDity, salacy com· .L • bay 6 bch. Rel required. The Dally Pilot Is an Mcfadden > with strong typang & Development. Program. l-IOO.Sl~2115 1Z5MesaOrCM men1urate with ex· Has openin gs for 673-3t09 equal o pportunit y Sales irl out oio 41 shorthand ta.lents wa?I· P time . Member of 8000 sq. ft. concrete tilt· FOUND : Seal Point perieoce. Non.smoker aW>mobiJe sales reps In Models 6 Escorts. Fem employer. Women and fri~ lB g 1~ ed. Apply in person with transdlsciplinary team. i., Ind. bldg w/approx . ...,..._.. Siamese male, Adros St. preferred. Call Kalie. Huot iogl on Be acb Olly Top SS. minorities are en. Jr spuW,/~1r~~ p!~ resume to: ~r fl!eotes NIJ'I' & feeding bkgmd. 750.q.ft.olcspace. Ful· o,,a t.lty 5015 CM546-6772 640-9350 branch Inside sales, no 642·a52Aft12. COW'IJedlOapply. lime Se 0 d GI "" al Robert Bean, Wilham necessary. Spaoasb IY fncd yd. Xlnt S.W. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found· Female Enaliab ,..~ llttl Store I proapectin4. attractive Modlk aw.lttd . 1 Submit applications at 2122 W. Occea~ Fro:i~~4ii Fro~t & Assoc . 1401 helpful. Call: Jackie Santa Ana loc. Paul 36.,ol......_ Bulldog puppi'e Vi' A Ki~b compensauoo pack.ace front counter 6'7c331il Quail St., N.B. Popp,546·~760. -.-.. u-7c .. 5111 7• .,....... .. tc en help needed j in' Al· ... •-1 fuJI com,... a Needs tall attractive ·c " .. ,......... ..... · ~~.~·~;. l!l TD. ~~077 6 Broolrbunt. F\lllotp/Ume. Ap,Plica: ~'d:inctrainin&.n~x: men/women for agency ~ omt SALES TIUSEIYICE Wanted 800 to 1000 Sq Fl .,..._ ,_......,., --~ lions Moa lhru Fri, 9 lo I cellent fnnge b. enefits uaiJnments.548·7762 D Plot IMTBIOI DESIGH SIC'YJUEC Trainees ok Apply : ~er:! °'s-:::::gf:~ \'fc~ ......,W..te4 50l0 Found: CalcuJator llam. Island Sweet in(had.ing rompany paid MOT& MAIDS JJO • .hy St. Fi air for decoratinft foe prestigious Laguna Newport Tire Center, ,,,_., ..... 10 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Call bet 5 &6 PM ~ C.M. 440 E, 17th dental. Rapid advance-U . , f CoataMna, CA nec-•ary Fl h . Niguel land develop· 3000 E. Coast Hw y . ""' ..... ......._. .. ___. ______ ,Want ....... ,000. Pay Top Jo. 642-4106 Sl., \;.M. 6'5·2883. menl potential. Some (2) p/ . me positions or ' __.,. · ex. rs, wa me n t c o m p a n y CdM """" · ft 'th f ont r -small motel.. C CdM *• .2S train. 661~ Prol aJ •--===-· ------_,.,sq, ·WI r o · terut. Secur ed b y Clerical poellloo in food :iuto exper ience &: r essaon manner'"' ..... ....., ..... SSIO fice. larp rear door, set $152,000 Equity. NB PWI•• USG commodity corp . casualty license des.ira· tostart.673-4SZO. "X-llCEPT. SalesPart·Time top level skills a must '"""'"-M ; for machine shop, Horne. Strong Borrower ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• brifbl, resp. accurate ble. but would consider MUl~S AIDES ~;:to'~:,rary jobs 1· W~~l~ITTO... lirldlfte Pacific ~~·~ a~:~~~t~ i~ !\~0~ ia:,a-'.ft.\°'IBJO{~· W/5Mll Net Worth. Afl..thMassaqe IYPIDJ sltlJls. excellent oonexperienced lo· Needallshafls.Canearn VlCKJHESTON ,~-"',... " <7l41831·8031 builder needed. Xlnl Cosh~uv:: o!y~ Owner,213·277·6069 OpenZ4b daf' spelhog 6 organiza. divldual if otherwise 161 00 ~er 8 hrs . &ASSOCIATES LUIColo &t Hamill.on & Stc'y/()pef'affoas wages, working coodi· ~1.152. Eves646-0681. Mwt;111a. Trmt 50115 7days a'!~k ~c:ial~l~tiiu~~1~!fi i~~~~intment, call ~=:i~lo~ ;:1 ~~;p~leaj S.0-0400 ~~~fyouy:~U ::~ w...,... t1ons &t benefits. Please lnduatrial bldg, 6000 sq . D.edi ~ 69 Gorgeous Sirls l.o Mr Landry c."8180 Charlieat549·8909. Rd. Sl 119 N rt --so ...... •r.o make as a Los An~eles Excitine career opp'ty apply 81 · Art Carr ....... •••••••••••••••• pamper you Jacuzu -~ f Gs al h • e. · ewpo r-sa ""'°' · · · · f P Transmission Co .. 10675 ft. W/lprinklera, llJ rear Wtlfte MIA Co. Sauna loc:ah as well as Coot, ll!'P· in institutional ,..,,...,.;.s· iii L.~. c~suoty Beach 642·9955 ASSIST AMT Tifj melds c1rcMulal1on eplt or bright ener.eli c Bechler Raver Av . f . v. overbead door It renced All t-ot~"'real estate t 0 u r i s ts Ba n k cook an g for s ma 11 ....-.-·.. Nursing Personnel/Advertmng ae rep. any peop e person interested in In· 962·6655. adjoinl.n1 paved park· in· v~!::'ots ·m· c•l9'9 Americard, Master priv11econv hosp.App· LVH Dept has opening per onlthe pit c1rculat1on teroa11onal travel . -"""'-=:;..;... ____ _ mi. Comer or Redhill .. ""''"-.. " Charge, American EX· ly at lhe Gardens, ·~ JOB.5 JOBS JOBS 7.3 & 3-11.~ Conv. Hosf expansion . N~l l. Behl sa es program earn languages & young peo· TYPE sma Pa u I a r i no , C . M . c..-1~ ii D . 11 Glenneyre Lag B h All Ov th N t'o ""-. 1 f' I rrore than S200 a week pie. Rapidly expanding Part Time Eves ., Sat ~ll&'Zl. ~;::" Press , 1 n e r s a · una c er e 1 1 n. NB are.a. Poa. attitude "'"141C1a. serv ces 1rm. {or wo,_.lng just a fe.w European based student • ' · -''" welcome. 7141645·3433. 494-8075 For list of companies to smiles needed, xlnl Good typing, shorthand, I hours each <fay signing On ITEK ~uad. N~ 5:..!,\.!~~:rur!~~I a I '4~2171 54~0611 2112 Harbor Bl. CM QismetoioAts contact: benefits. Call: 642-8044. txper req. Non·smoker . '4> new Times Subscrip· f:~~taenJeinpri:~~r:;'~ !t~cr~. ·Calf a&bJ or 64M96S Widow bas SSS for fOrlotaJrtlaxalionwith TICHMICIAHS Call,~{'#,2"'f:J79 Nursing 640-0l23between 9·2· I lions in their com· Beach. is seeking a Shell).', 752·1625, TD'a/ReLoans,lOKup. aprolessionalmassage. for exercise & weight OpenTDays NUISISAIDE ...._Att..S• mwi.ities.Wepayhourly person st rong 10 9AM-6PM . WANI'ED: NoCred.iL I Nopeoalty. Stevel~,548·2817 louhealth cUnic. Grow· Exper'dallsbifts.Conv. Top sports programs wage+ generous com· secret1rial skills but ...;;..;..;:=..:""-"""------ -=t~o~~[ij! Deon1son Assoc. 673-7311 Lonely Tonight! Need inc co. w_lth opp'ty for CARAGE SALE ads In. Hosp. Nwpl. Bch. Bring localed ad.I. John Wayne missions. If you have a anxious to rapidly as · ~Time Wanted. For SoutbOranieCountyfor JStYoYMW O>mpany?CallMoniea. substantial advance-the Daily Pilot bring your smile & join us! Airport. Crowing rirm neat appearance.& sume managerial Mon-Wed-Friday evenina and wttkend re· 116,735 seasoned lsl TD 953·1822 ment, S3. 75·S4.S0/hr happy results. To place Free mjr. med.. dental needs 4 reliable people lul.ack ror l1lklog with rf.Sponslbilities whJle de· Chiropractors Office. beanal of responsible on 13.33 acres land al COEDS-Would Love To startin&64S-77lT. your drawing card &life ins.Call:642·llO«. interested in making ~le talk to ~s about =to~ ~!~~Fn:!r~ Calll...eeal673-60'70 roclllbad. Ade I an l 0. s In ..Party with You! C~I Sell idle items G42·Stl78 642-S678loda ! . money. Good ruture: IS areal p/time op· .. Germany. Startino Women with transporta· Ca~R~.LD. 1 Bern·....,--Cowlty. 15~ "l.e sli .. 0 r s y 1v 1 a -People who need people steady employment. portwuty. Call Mon-Fri, ., . h 1 "' uv.anu d A_ ... ,_: ....... 11. h ,.1.at shouldalwayscherkthe 557·7660aft.4pm. 967·2361,ext.1204. salary 116 ,000 + Uon lo ouseceao, part Int only monthly. ue 1 "'Y""""'· 761·......, 1 , . , , , , , ..... , , , , . , Serv' 0. l th benefits. Send resume or lime, ~.00/hrly. Must be se.wp 4550 YJ'. ~ discount. (714) Stroni prol mao desires "· D~l~~~l~Tn e Want Ad Result.s 642.5678 Make your shopping 1 letter to: A.S.S.E .. 228 rast, thorough & effl· -•••••••••••••••••••• 751.-a& da, Or d3-11S3 pntty sensual lady 18-35 ': easier by using the Daily No. Coast Hwy, Laguna c i en l . Di an e 7 14 I s~~~~ ... ~~i~~~l~k ~ -:.::.1;:TD dPROays/niFtes. E~SCOIT ~ Advertising Sales : ••••• ee •••• eee PUotClassifiedAds. eeach,CA.926.51. 964-9766. at.-00. note for sale. S27,000, • • • .... W..e.d 4600 due Mar 6, '13. Paid Trish,54MO!l6aft. 7pm Ex~r. newspaper display salesperson to • IMMBMATI Of'IMHG •. = al 18~. Well handle key accounts for Orange Coast Daily ....... •••••••••••••••• P1'lot S I i . d II · p · ........ ~ 251 responsi· by large equity. I:..&. t y:.1.:•5 . • ary. comm ss1on an exce ent • Motor route m nme Newport • ........ Call J L-. a Ml benefits. Growth opportunities ror person : bit. •be, w/4 yr oe dSCOITS• with career ambitions. Send complete ; Beach area. Low miles : ap-• cld •oueeu C.M. house 640-0.27 BACK, BETTER resume to Marji fendel, PO Box t560, Costa : e proximately 350 customers . ~'°Jt:t5~j,j~~· 1· ~::'e~.',e~~!? ~ny THAN EVER! 24 HRS Mesa CA. m . No phone calls, please. An : e Weekday hours 2:30-S:JOpm . e Butlnett Ill.II OYtr 45 sm.ooo Equity. NB 669-0207 Equal Opportunity Employer • Sat & Sun. 5am·7am. Minimum • ..... room in Irvine at Home. Strocig Borrower ( Outcall> amount of collecting. For de· .... caU 133.1424 or w/51111 Net Worth. !' ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT -• tails call Bruce Carty or • •.-J. Owner, 213-m ·6089 lrUTUOUSE 330 w. BAY ST :i • cosu MESA. CA. t2t26 • Foster Ouellet at 642-4321. • Rlllnd cple need 2·3 Br. ru. In "" EOVAl gPl'()RIUN!h U•PlO'J'( II ~fl:,f.'·~.0'u~lt~ •;.,~":l"'1 ~~~s ,~···-;~·····~······:······· ............ !-•••••••••••••• ,;:~.;·~'.!.":: ~·;.· .. s;u ":.;..:.: .• ~· ' •• , Pll ............ ······> EXECUTIVE 4rm.-.No.2151 _ ................. bodymusacebyDlane. ,, a... Ollron• del Mar Found: Grey and •bite Buflll, 10.6.541·0407 . • ............. J:lllt r.-SECR·ET· ARY .... k1tttn w/patcl\ ol calico. AttrSopb Lady for dinner IWl1ll ~ ,.,.,.. ~ Callt'B-lm C.U..._5311 eKUt. Oller. Sead bus Immediate CJl)fftinC for .ctvert.1atn1 account ,._ •• ... .. °"' •o.otr ·~ JI-·-.,.... .. , .. " .... .. ...., .; .. ... ... ·-.,_ .... ..... . ,. "°' r -:E- "~ .... ::r:i ·-·-., .... ·-._... ,._ "-~:=-"" ,._ ""' "-"-....... ......... ...... """ ·~ :::- =- card 11 poqlble. PO Box executive to sell both weekly fr dally 177Glrvtnemu newapaper advertitlng to a wide variety of T,.,.. 141 retail acco~~·~._~u1t be self •tarter~ _.................... wlllln( to ~ •ccounta ln • new 2 lb f« price ol 11 PA terrfforj: Space Illes e1per. needed. Salary ~. U Countrin! plua eomnaleelon. Beneflb. Send m ume to f40, GI·-Carel Olloft, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Costa 11 ... CA .... No phone calla pleaae. ~~~ ...... .. MIW....._ 711 ....................... ':::I married mu llkt odd jotlt .... 6 9':..U. CH do a •triet1 ot bandymu e'iuf'lm e••: uk ~!~ .... .?!.. AOCOUNTINGQ.IU --Clmffed llmnr New. paeltJoa oplftina for an~~ dllpi«y penon wtt.b m..,.ma ablllUn. , Mu.It be lonovat!ve, capable ol or1ani11Uon • IJQPlemeatJft1 new product proarams . Stod rwume to carol Ollon, Dally Pilot, P.O. Boa IMO, Colla 11th, CA ... ~£ Colta ... ,CA .. .. . :;:n ::: :E-:r... ::.. ~~= L1w ftrm, AIP. All, ate·tne ... ,. If•· ~.. _ ~ ()ppJrtUDlty ~jaloyer /' \ ··•••'9•••······························· LOCATID IN PAStlON ISUM> Big 8 CPA.firm k>cated in Fashion Island is seeking a prolessional secretary. Typing 7j wpm , shorthand 100 wpm, capable of work ing independently. we ll · ,organir,ed and versatile. Competitive starting salary and excellent benefits . CAii. flOI APPOIMTI •n 11141 640.9200 EXT.247 ICIW.~~ ( ( ) ) •mD ( c---cc:;---) ) ·Newspaper Carriers tor l'outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley .& Newport Beac~ •Good Em1•9 • Super Trips • Grtat Prt.s CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ·111y .... 842-4321 ~II Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 ... 0 A I II ............ "..... H I .... I04t ,...... IOIO "" It • • ......... ... a ! . ... ............................................................................................................ . 9i v illi111 ............. ~~~:;:;•tor HIO; ,..,AKCwlllloypUJ Mowtul <Mk Hall TrH, Qr.-Ann tOlfM tablt, !lee. 1wtar, l .Jlrkup * °"* •· w_.r PJ,Nll=•~· •· lM• It.'*· Oak Wand lo boy , IZSG w/tml am.1. louad1 A MC~ of ta. WJWl lot, Diil id 8l, -10' Bell, Ill i1 pelf fOt .,.lialMf -~l'M!ll TU W Doi.le Mtalat1trtt. AKC -ha 8d. fl10. Ko1 8drm Mt I. pe wlaitt Haliii M a.di wort . · · ~ rltu.J:, dryr, R11. llalt1, uoo . Bd,Comp!.fiiO.MS=mf ooc1 coo . siu oi · •t ~A.JmCl1~~l11;:W~A•unrr:.!.!.tL-1 ,, .... •AU:,\ cltaa rw!t9.l!O.$f!.O.T!I .,_.married mut NII llU n~• Redwood llot tub. I ' d ClOlllllT · tood. WlrtraaTenierP\1111,• alltu.rn.lyrnew.Solld Coucll, matchlna love diameter X '' w / W l1•f7Hlll ao.. ......,. lblM. A.KC. DIO t:A lhfle triple dnuer, 1eet,tlkenewcoftd Sac. beoclle1, UOO/OBO ft' ..U dod/~-I IM :..Wm • ovea, l'!Ml__. wll Cbal, 1lu1 cotree Bodi S.113>1834 .!!L-:--.---- on.taJ VUt STI. • u11 'for Cluu DOBUMAN PUPPIES t 1 b I e . end tab le . Conttml)Orary p anon &...• ••••• SllO 2 U · U I 8 H 8 S a t. DlnW Table Olk Par-H e 11 u m II o u ct ue U ~. oak Hwla cab 12 cu ft Wt1tlo~bae, 114-IN·Wl 14-IMIFrl qlMt Top W/E1t, S200. Delivered. A Grul .... TV. dlma room. ...... ~·"· tnll ........ r.v. w/Mdll '1TI Aafq ou 't::inf'lfrl:-;n~by 11DalmaUan.17 moa old. Conttmp. al us In I aid 15.2· Vlleatlne! tlllle • Lamp 115 .. j,,,,I ... ft' 1 hM papen, ahoU, lovtt coffee ' end table. WO.UAA...11•••iti1 173-4419 .......... IOll A1t oa' chr t o : nana. .. cu 1•/aw/ ce 100.IM·SW Worth llJOO, lake S400, "'-· ~"be · ''DALI" Lltho "NSL W .... ~~;:;-::;-::::=:-;';;':::::d~:::u!!:!!!!'!..'_"'_· ... 11_a_e_n_u_~_·1 Pl.inbred Pit Bull PUpl, m..T'3 'Pi.!:~lt.g~u.'' Bal.let 149" a . uk for I ...................... . °"" llO rr .!Dalnlftcent 8/wbolct, 1100. Hide·a·bed, &ood cond, 965-2272/983·7333 JlmM2·54M Olildlldl clar Halt In lloodl __. .. diabll Ht Rid 1Wrt1. Admiral, 20 cu ft, 5411-9170. SIOO. Dinette set w/6 -.... .......... -.-:;;;..-. ____ 11 ~ con ton. • 10 I r a whtt !IPllol. I cbalra, clMii •· s4u 724 aide Lhua Ajllo, tove1ble 10 chain, 96.S. Porta·po\ty, .,.._C..t .Levi Cords. 13 S4 It SS. o v t r Jj II o r e 1 ~~alaee i.2. -table, ornate can· XlideBRAND N . 1R1 okt female, irln&er · MH587 ~Il~~3 . CC U1•1r1W, YOUOI MW Slaff. lzod Neiabbol'hood Garaae SOWEP!KEBONWD·.L Car Top::;~ Fits All lit AePrtiatd t l5000 EW ~IUS.168-8219,. . 1 12'JOO full Prlc1S.ve13C>O Sllirta, Sm, Pool Table, Slle.Sat.2U·4pm.Anll· r. Wff!lS!.D IU·iST' llaytqwubtr•dryer AKCGoldeo Ret. pupa, Attractlve8'aol1,TS'lov. 20 yPrdw~aSentlll250. Pl.llow Call 714·tT5·1413 or 7&.MlSantababell. q ue1-furn .·blllea-Irvine, Fri /Sal/Sun Cari! OnJy Used Once. AMirautolkHooeler xlnt l'JOOpafr: 673·S47'1 champ llnu. sholl fr eseat,J'~~~· o see, COmfort16..~ 975-1415 AlltJQue O•lt Cbr•, 120 palntlnga-clothlne-101m to 8pm Living ~---~---l ... ·1322-=---- cmd, •.•• ciocll. C1 ......... c• wormed, 11~. 545-1684 EA. 'Wd SlltlrS, SS Panel. fardeo ICC. games etc room furniture. custom ~ •Mf1J7 Sink, stove, rerrig. $40. -.....toY 1045 ~.BEA,'!'fw.4atePOr~ERmo· ......, 2HPELEC. llOTOR 3RJ11 Wl~I r, 115. St DahJ 112 Pescador ·or., lined drapes. Zenith col· ......... IOl3 *-279 ~ • • ueu( I070 Com&>lettly encloeed for 8. . DepreHion _.Ne!port___,_-=-.-Be'"""'•=cb=·---1 or console, old relri&I ...... ••••••••••••••••• ANIGVEl&ARY SALi! .... ~•••••••••••••••••• eu matt, htr1 intna .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Z!IG/'40volt 3 pb ' Glu C andeller. S4S. .._.. S. housebola atuf,f, .ii Accordion SIC. JZSO, best -.ill!llllllll!!llm•• .. -IStan 17 cu n froet·free Fr•. Sbeltie Setter Mix. "bedsprd, uaeo I yr, Pamit, dbl yellow lle1d. f7S/080 '531:9132 C.noery Oil Palotin1. Evtrything &OH, 3 •Pl• stutl, woma n s 10 Italian made Frootallnl JA UA R 30 , retrt1. 6 mo old l360. Femalellmo,needsyd xlntcond,$275 Wlllhclp yng, time w/uae at $100.ManySmallltema frbcMe.All funushinga, ~,.Near Culverand lknubeg.booUS48·1392 lOAll·tPM Ortg~S.S. 64Ml71 move, assemble. 11.l1YptD. Sic S6SO. 3 t ed Vacuum clnner •l Baraaln Prlcea. tools Ind acctssories, tak~~·lo~~mE;:tlv~~ TRUMPET, Yamaha, nu°'* Prizes 1037 .. ,,.., I050 157 1760 •'lnches. 4 ens • ca1e 125, 3 Tnlck t1rt1115 e1. ~T 23rd. l-JciJ44 some old, some new. YI.le. Lett oo Yal e, right student, &ood cond. 1120. Soft1drinu•coI·--.&..... IOJO ....................... ~~~k c~~io cab. mm3&00 9.50Xl6.S.1Sl·t'125 1 1 errace. Evfl'Ytbin1 goes! Cash on.~cnmento, len on 644-lC.E/Blulf,N.B. ee -,-. **IBUY ** CW'V .,assa es.S47s. Huvy 14K 1old 30" ft.alpaneleddranas ....,..S.I only.320So.l!roadw1y, He r1taae to alle y Trombone,Klng3BCon· G=r~~:e BiXibc·i:i~·eit;~AiiAj.9 Good used F\lrniture 6 631·~ chaln, pd S2000, Hll floor to ceillni. 'Ori Furnlturl. pl1nL-s . Sant• Ana. Sat Jan. marked Helena. Garage cert Tenor. •Int cond. ABBEY ~-Clean. Neu New. Appliances-OR l will 2pc'7 solal200.~k111l Jl000.965-22'72,963-7333 wttte xlnt cond. with clJ>thes, lawn tools. ZJrd.RAJNORSHINE• 115. slide nawless with con. ANTIQUE MALL 1200. Firm. 540-1131. sellorSELLtorYou table bltn lights with/ New men's 14K aold 1 rods. .493-0379 b.ikes, antiques, collec· Fri/Sat/Sun. 10.4 pm. certstandatmutes.$500. U1Sl Wtltminst A Randy MASTaSAUCTtoM SlOO, t1ble limp S30. call bracelet, pd Sl200. sell VW Bus, Heavy Duty llblea. Priced lo sell 1762 Westminster Ave Call640-7558. . Garde G er ve. MEN'S SCHWINN M&-'7256aft Spm @16. 965-2272, 963·7333 1 "•&a&e Ricll ll2S. Sat·SU.n 10.S PM. 3025 CM-642.A7S8. GIANT 5 Family Gar.aae Sale SM~i:'ve •LADIES'lSPD 646-1616, llJ.t U S Two Maple butches 15() as ....,. 67S.I083 Sam o 1 PI Io ff Mu lti-Family Garage SaJt water Aquarium. T~ , ..... ••••••••'1-~~ea~.£Cub~h·.17""~"~"""LJ20 sofas. New. a . Lov· S!50. Oreaser $.10, Maple Mhc..... 1080 . . Labndor)CM Sale. Antiques. silver, sma camper shell. anti· Student, Good Co nd : . . .. .,..,.,..., eseats S88. Sleepers. din tbl, 2 lvs S30. 25 c:u fl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ram aet.1195(: El Camino 154·8494 oak and lots of small ?iues. tools , collectables, ~-644·Hl96 H•c• IO I 0 GTl~~ri N~shH11tl d112 BS pd $199. FACTORY 9S7-S708 S/S, cm. like nu refer L981NbusG LEAS EU. Q·Wt-~.· 1116?1: allabota1mt ahrualnl •. l•-------•I fltremsont , ,.wabood1·netsst,ovme,1bontewl b':;h· ~1:-r·db~sn, bootoo~:: ~1:2· Office,..,.. .. t & •~••••••• .. ••••••••• .,.. n., an e ars. KJNG INNERSPRING MSO. bk cue $20, Maple ttng iness, set ng out _, MOVl....SALI ~ " " "' s.-1--6 1015 ._ .. HARBOR AR EA . Uke New l l7S. 64s.4199, EXTRA FIRM mattress tblw/door !168·6813 All .su.pplies and flit· l6C>'; kingsiie waterbed. WISTCLIFf sctry, chest of drawers, Est er St .. C.M. loff •• :;r.::;::; ••••••••••• • PlJANCESERVICE 6'5-4303 set, never used, worth Waterbed w/dwrs, mlr· l"!"'S mcluding : . • 126S. 498-3282 Richard. Prof pool table. pino. clock.mucbmore. Irvine St I 8·5pm Sat 4 fabric & oak arm IMq llled 1ppllances s.u> sac. 1248 del. Never r or s & r a b I n e t s Display ra.ses, waiting (Ive mess). b • Sat & Sun, Save Son Appl, ll!!onl!!!!!!!ly.l!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!ll chairs. brown vinyl set· -Welellrecond .. euar. 20"1MXllll used queen sz. worth New-$1200, sell-S3SO. ro;r chairs. Beauty r,;~~11echu~.d~~1~:: Fu rn. Clothes. 8272 r: tee, xlnt cond, 1200 all. lllJ)liuc•. 549-3077 Redllne.w/Takagilpc s:al,cashonly,l218del. 839-5243 Saon ~~irdr)'.ers a~d 0-ltloeS• camping equip, new KingfLSherHB. Selling E very th ing , 631,SMl,9:30.3,M·F. HOJ Offill crank, shotgun seat, hvy Usually home, 754.7350 Sofa/Settee L·shape 13 f~. hydraulic chairs, m1r· 1S97 Riverside Place bass guitar& amp, etc. Wdball Garage Sale Big ~fas, tables, ~esks. CXfice, like new! side arm COUt CASH• du t Y r i ma • a I Io Y Beigefwoven lilte ne w ~· shelkes and~lants lcnr 16th bet. Tustin & 1500 Hi£hland Dr. NB Clean.out! 2310 Glen· AJ'c~ware SS1·2SS3 chairs. swivel chairs. TO mtsot4 bars/seat clamp. ~ or MUST SElL $325. 673-6261 ar:f1i:::: P~':ie~.ampoo Santa Ana. C.M. > Sat/Sun 10.4PM neyre Lag. Bch Sun-Mon G~:r~e~~~te~~to~ side chairs. exec. at sect. CUSTOMHS best offer. S31Ml832 Mahogany double bed Cooch & chafr to matrh Call 631·9754 or AU. DAY SAT /SUN IW!!!ll•B•••!!!!!!!! Fabulous misc. Items. Barzilay Cabinet. Kini desks <metal It wood ). Get 125 for your opera· with mattress. Moon loose cushions Like after6 898-6809 48" chain link fence. 3 Way too Many Items to NW.t Elem. School, 14th sz Aquanus Waterbed. Credentas I metal & ble leeond refri1erator. Racers Wanted! Morning shaped mirror on head· new. sacrifice s150 · rms golhd crpt&dlnr nedw I, Ust! 401 Princeton. CM. It . Balboa. Sal. 9·2. Etaeere, Coffee & End wood I. 7'x4' Teak con· lt'a ~tiol you up ro tninlne 20-30 miles. board. ~ H l~vehloOlls fw1.axtte~·~elrs', wsntewesl. klr,s •. ~.QualityStulf! 21Stufish Court NB. Sat tables. Limps. Antique fferbtf!CI! tb! wl/ 8h ~lue Sl44 or more a ye1r In d 760-0327 eves $500080 631-7797 alt 6 e 1 um Bo u<i u et s u. SI ~S Mirrors. Decorator a ric ~wive c airs, electric bills I Don1te NEVER USED: Bunks Delivered. Perfect for cab In et s. 2 w a 11 1 9' lood condition · · 645-Zl99 Items. AJI top quabty In chrome base. Call Steve your openllog second ..... Matert• IOJS Woodworks Ba..,tOOISSlS S200. Qn bdrm SS40. Every Occasion furnaces. plants, trees, Coun~ry print. brown MOVING SALE. Sat. on· xolt cond. S6 Beacon or Uoda 7Sl.e2'7 1 l"lfri1er1tortoooeofthe •••••••••••••••.••••••• o-·-.. t bl • h i a.lass top dinette $225. 673-4419 washer, refrig., bdrm lone& 100.644·71&1 ly "3. ""· .. washer. p1·no Ba NB 613·3116__ 3M 2ll3 CoPier w/stand, dwil' red bel ~W25•j,FT ea . .......,., a e .. c ars mattress/box springs: set, couches , alum SATURDAY ONLY 10 .,. u~• ., Ues Ill ow, ""' $150.6?J.n37 Twin S80, full S90. Qn -~~~~~~~ wndw awnings, 36 '' spd bike, crib. Addino ~table, dishes. sur· 2 am at .only !14 SL200orbestolfer lad be sure lo mention Redwood 2x6 ecking. Ki h ....... MORE'·'· 77"090l I ••1cru...a-111tSSOl ....,,_ " furn .. "locks. de· Couch, chairs. sk11s, 964-95041962·0105 tllla speeial offer when 4-20' long; al.so redwood i le .en t ta~8· brown ....., .,.. 7h B;"":itli louvered wndw glass ::··~~h~"~a~·l~e;~ cor. access .• ~lotbes. 789 hseh.ld ite.ms..i. ect ZH9 Smith Corona Elec Like yau make the 1rrange. (enclng. Lowest pnce orrruca op · Dual king sz bed $ISO P s. gun 631,3199,675-8301 • Paularino C.M. Or eAve \.. M ments. Get a recei•t, guar J i m or Ken SSH393 sml '1gecbestoidwrs:1 S250/080 S36·9832 mower,endtables,lawn 0 neww/c~1_.3922su>Cl. llld Soutbem Califom1a me 646-9885. Kiog size Waterbed on night st1nd,S300for3pc JEEPS-Government rertllntr spread er. 3FamilyGarageSale lSl4 over. ro; B Bar ""' ldilonwill,P•YYOU S2S. Olympus OMl ·I w/ pedestal w16 drawers Cash.720-0363 I B>u&htinerror~.Sell Su_rplus Listed for crutches. ke rosene Sat&SUn9-Spm stools0 2.stereoseqwpS,etc Aptto 200 bond copier Your douuon is tu de-chrome body. l.4SO mm $:1;50obo. 963-SS39 alt 2 B' couch 6 loveseat, oub· 1200. save SSO No J 13,196.00, Sold for S44.00. lamp, ~ T Pe~· 11216Cbarlestoo St. C.M. ~ m a t ' u n Good cond. S1200. Will durtible.f'reepickup~y lens+Olyrnpus 75 tol•" French Prov. brocade bybelge.~pr Coffee ArborPress.new For Info Call 131211 pertree e • in a . G1rage Sale! 3 Trail auept $200/dwn·SlOO tile ¥ty. This special wom lens & case. S.150. ~ settee, gold-orangefred . lbl . 720-0363 832·9700 93HS61. Elt 2239. ~l~eief~· ..... C~M______ Bikes, 2 Honda 12S's. I Garage Sale. Sat iSun _mo_. "'"67 ..... S--.115119-=----- "-fer expires Much lS, 640-2776 down p1illniows, like new. Dk wood bdrm set, s p~. Crib, co.mp $75, walker Fridg. S7S.22Survival ri· •LOOI• Suzuki 250. '64 VW Baja Pio~er tu~r11:1~· 20011M 1112. IS00/080 644 2065 " SIO pl11ypeo S35 car ne $75, love seat SIS. Super G1racer! w. ith Bug. '63 Chev 1 Ton type ter la e, a Y Fordetaib. phone: New bidet w/polished . . llin&OOO·sl6ze73 bed. like new, seat $30, folding r0cker 631·9273 Pril'el 14·1200. Fridge, Dump Trunk, '66 111-clot.bes, lots or misc. 6SI TYPIWlfTEIS. Calvary . brass plumbing fixtures. ao.dbtd S 150. l . .5477 SIS, crib toys S3 ea. Washer/Dryer, Lamps.. tematlonal ~out 4X4 Victoria. •A, C.M. l500 to l600 Value now LlaheranChurch pdSllOO,sell~S. 673-26tB misc.831-6275 l•-------•I T1bles. Pi ctures . New Cast lron Bathtub, 3 family gar11ge sale s:&.95 +tax & service . • (714)972-4687 llM-2272/963·7333 BunkbedsSl.25.kldsdesk ACJDLDSDREAM FAN. powerful adj. Clothes! Stereos, 7 Pc Honda Express, Runs Baby items,oven,loLsof ~es:0~5out Word OUJdreo s H01pital c-,.. & and chair $40. sma II 5 foot taJI Stuffed Rae· heicht S ·9'. 2' blade, S7S. Game Table, Numerous Good for Parts! Tools & furn. 2501 Holly Ln NB 1213) 702·8670 afOrangeCounty ~-1030 bookcase $10. s drawer coon, excellent rondi· 964-8008 HsehJd Items. PLENTY Lots al Misc. 200 Santa Fri-Sat lO AM - (7141972· ™2 •• ;.Te••••••••••••••••• dresser Sl.S, 194S Oak lim S2SO or best offer ~!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!lm!!!!~~I A PLUNDER. A GAG-Isabelle. CM Sat Only, Big Huge Ga1"age Sale APECO any paper copier St.VlocentdePaul Vlvltar Thyristor 28S veneer Radio cabinet, BoxSprings &Mattress CaU499-4'4S4formorein· SCBHll(JS GLE OF GOOGAA'S. !M Come and See! ll's 111. wtstand. Sl900 inclds, . ('714) 633-9190 n~b ISO. Vivitar 7S·205 lift top, perf cond. S7S. Cost. S675, Sell $200. formattoo. IUUll-L CH EA P ! ! ! ! ! Go to 1~N-:-wpt..-...,..-=H~gt7ss-.""'S"""a7t.--r&...,SU...-o-. 98216 F1amineo. F. V prof set-up 97S· 1262; TheSalvaUonArmy Canon mo unt SIOO . 675-83Sl fm.3770. ___ Jacuui J-B06 portable •~WEIS Sunrlower between 9-S. 419l'ullerton. in the Sat6SUn9:00AM _7_59_·934_1 _____ _ ~714)S47·0831 alters 100.673-0822 Couch. 8' gold1green Rattan md din. Rel w 4 Whirlpool b1th, near W Fairvlew,Bristol,Tum alley. Good furn .. bikes SAT/SUNDAY. II Lo 5 1--...... ----• 17.S~ ft , Frigidaire, xlnt Doga 1040 crushed velvet. xlnl cane chrs. 1200. Rattan new 190_ 640-l1'1S Befall -Igloo -on Smalley It Follow & lots of good stuff. 967S Kensington Dnve. METAL DESK ai CDDd. $200/ ofr 64S·8927 ....................... rood, $259. 646-2279 et.age.re. $75. Antq t bl MOVING-Sanyo ref rig, Suite Fa ~r:;ish -Sip. Sat Only 9·2PM 6G9772. _llln __ t ~Be._.a"'"c-.h.'-----SECRET AR y DESK evea~wknds KEESHOND Pups. AKC. Brand new solid oak ~ r 720-~ S7S Hitachi TV , SSO A friend's wile u.ses a lot Right. drawers. Left · Rdri1, frost free, clean, O.amp sire. M/F. Pet & bd.rm set. massive coun· COM PL BDRM SET Desk chair. $2S Sony d liquor in her cookine. typewnter Open pull 642-5678 ' excellent ~. S48-8Sl3, s b o w . pvt Pt Y I.I)' traditional. 551-6948 Dbl bed, s pcs. SIOO tuner at spkrs, SIOO 10 Last night they bad a typewriter is ready to SIH48S 213/IBHMS alt 6 pm· al\. 7pm. 673-8639 spd bike. $7S. 64.5·0803 Flrnt of meatloaf go. Sl2S 96'-~ ~-'--'-~"'-""~=..::;.;..;...._ r Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line ,.. ' • Bring them Of mall them with COfrec:t c11h to Delly Piiot. 330 w. B•Y St., Co1ta MeH, CA. t2l26 our famous 0 DIMES-,,-LINE ADS MUST BE DIMES-A-LINE PLACED BY J p.m. ON FRIDAY. • heh Item mu1t be prtced with no Item over $50. 20c pe• Nne -$1.00 mlr!mum. ) FOR INFORMATION CALL • No llveatoctt. produce or plant• LO IS 642-5676, ext. 319. • No commercl•I •d• allowed . - LAW N e d ger S2S NEW quahly 1.P gas ANTIQUES1nger sew1ng RATT N end table SIS ,TR UNDLE bed $4S. SO Aquariums SS·SlO 30 regulaU>rs with f1t11ngs machine base. makes Va cuu m. uprighl S23 Cup per cul:itor $1 0 Ga llon S30. Cement lhst Sl7.50J S6.50 Moen lovely table $35 Unique nt ique Fostona ~quarc Sortball bals S2 Chl.'v blocks 30c. Judges chair s1ngl,f·control kitchen 1nla1d leather top coffee c a k l' s 1 and $t o rl.'ar l.'nd $10 Chev $40. Gravel S20. Planter fauret, excellent SIS table. make 11 neat desk FootstrJOI, !>mall $10 hratcr SIO 6 Year mb mixl2a sack .Barkl2 Gas infra-red camp S2S.Sixdesks,schoolto P1 c 1 11 rc>~ SI s:; $20 Bahy ('arseat SS box. Headboard $S heater. new S50 Mai: office S8 S50 Sohd oak 7 C: I a sswarc ~ll(' SS Stroller $1 5 Sorcer Posts iSc. Other small wheels 11\lla 1 4 boll 14 drawer vintage orflct• L 1 n c 11 ~ 5 1) c s 1 5 b a 11 s nu m bH 3 S5 lumber 50c each. Honda inch $25 Combination desk $50. Many solid II a n d m :i d l' w 1111 t IO ~ 1>1•rd h 1 k e $IO parts Sl·S2S 2inxl0ft lock gas ca p S.S New wood chairs and rocker~ afl(han~. n(•w SHI $15 ~l otorro~~ bl kl.' S2U pipe SB. Other sizes 50c motor home. trailer. S4·SSO. Much uak, set ii r 111th1 n i.: Ml' n lo Girls 211111 3 speed bike Old clean Roper gas drain hose SUJ.lpOrt S20 oak dining chairs S2S merl1u m. teeni. and $110 Gtrls 12in hike $10 stove SSO. Lamps S2 S82 Knowell Place, each Handsomeset oC.t lad1e" sor SJ Men & \\an seat SIS Carnes each. Bike parts 50c·l2. Cos ta Mes a 1714 1 -ve ry antique 11.ood shO<!s. llD S3 Curtains, b,1ke SS 17301 Destry Outside work tables SS 548·3710 folding chairs $45 Old ne11o 11oindo11o shudes C1rcl(' llunl1ngton Two bar stools S5 each oak tilt sw1\•el offi ce soc $2 Musical ic11o-elr) Beach 847 !i332 Cement edging 30c NEW blue porcelain sink chair Sl2 t"our oak box. new $1 2 Starts 0 0 0 Rs s2 e a c h ucb. 3S492 Ca mino S20 Wrought lron8hghl roc ke.r s S20 SSO Sat urday llam 2350 Drawer all sites 50c Capistrano. Capistrano chandelier $40 Kids Charmin~ old ch1lds College Dnve SS6·8842 each °""'l•na ball .., Be.aeh. round alwrunum..soo\\' wood f1>1ding_,rm dr.nT --------t ""' ...,... ... shde S12. Brass framed S7 Ten dirung k1lchrn MANY old and anhque ~~r7mg cass e St 1234 S mirror S8 Tree planter lamp and cofftt tabl~ oil lamps ~S35 Lo\•ely · e lon. anta An a PING Pong table S20 Metal cabinet SIO. Two bar stools SlO. Floor polisher $10. Ski rack SlO. Surveyors tri·pod 110. Medicine ca binet SS. Skis US. Adding m 1chlne SIS Barcrafters ski racks t2S. 19S41 Canberra Lin e. Huntington Beach. COUCH 8fl br o D1ugabyde ·sso. Chair, 1reen wil.b Ottoman S3S. 548·3100 or 642-2204. redwood 361n square x S12·SSO 45 inch round 16 inch solid polished _6_73_7_m _____ _ 3410 deep SIS '64 d ining table wi th brass otllable lampSIS WOOD dining set S3S Chevrolet truck hood beautiful!\ turn ed Ships oil lamp red lens Oak coffee table S4S. S35 Animal cage SB. 2112 antique legs'~ Solid S9 23 tnch sohd brass Rl\'Jnd coffee table SIS gallon steel gas can brass wood hasket or pliinler lamp $7 Old Antique Ollk rocker S3S S2 50 Cash 548-6234 magazine rar k w1lh brass tr umpel $12 4 Old one drawer desk or TWOeleclncdryers,one lion's paw fret S8 14 inch 1942 ~av) boat ma keup table SIS. Whirlpo o l . o ne i n c h hand t ooted COmJ.laS.'i Sl8 llundred~ Bookcase SIO . Nite Kenmore Both working polished copper bowl S6 or new 34 inch ripstop stand SIO. Upholstered perfectly. color white. Brass umbrella stand nylon parcichutes, neat living room chafr SIS. $3S each, can deliver $4.50. Solid brass bed. piny things for all ages Co Uee t able $20 . Also Kenmore washer, headboard Sl8. Antique SI .each Ten pair of Matching side table SIO white $50. Call evenings 45 inch solid brass end antique hickory and oak Three drawer dresser or leave message. birch teachers maptool snow sk1s SIO·S45 Large SI S. Xirr o r SIO . 673-5686 $7. Collection or old selection of antique und Mnhogony cahlnet $10. PECAN coffee tahle 20x 66 S4S Sears 10 s peed bik e S50 Co mmerc ial floor poli sher, Doyle model P3·20 S50 Commercial \'acuum. Doyle model 218 S50 Student desk. metul 18x36x28 SIO Very old double bed heudboard with "wrap a r ound footboa rd. h1 c k o q~. piirltally refinishe(J S20 Bedroom mirror, Western Sl> le. 28x42 SIS 011 painting. autumn scene. tn frame 24x24 S20 Cafe curtains. four pa1.., lo\1lh valances .. ... CRAFTSMAN 1n s1de lWATERBED queen S.SO L PRIGllT frenH . Micrometer set 1•, to • lleater and sheets ~. excellent cond111on S50 1211 ne11o S45 Craftsman I ll efr1gerator and Two chests or drawers. Mach1111sts combination free1er SSO t•ach 7ft good rondilion $211 and square new $40. 12xl2 couch S50. Cushions $55 S3S Two <'Yhnder 11 + gold vain m1rrows 40c Love seat SSO Cushions 'z II P Opposed iia s ror h Tar~el trap SSS. Bar stereo S50 e n g rn l' $!'>0 :-J e w throws, singles and AM/f'M ISO. B·track S50 Pan11somc 8 track tripe doublc-s SIO Cash only Flashing lights a nd r1.•rorder SSO Schwinn 1197·3489 speakers S50 Stereo S50 man ~ bike $.')I} Twu 11 Mint cond1t1on Sofa bed lnl·h rhrome 11.hecl. ne w ELECTRONIC parts, $50 H1dc·a hed S50 tires $IS Clollunl! and n e 11o 2 !I c s I 0 Phone 644 T190 I loo Is a n d fit 11 n gs Granex Ronex ramera I SI S20 Small roll awa) SIS. Bass trout Pole SIS 1COLO R 19in TV good tool bo~ 520 vw rear Mans 8D shoes.likenew I condition S4S Kin~ s1ze 1 h ood. frnders a nd S6·SIO Kodak 35 camera bed frame and box bumpers SS each B&D Sl8 Baja yellowta1I pole mattresses S3S t964 VW belt sander near!} ne11o S25 Albacore pole . trans S50. :66 Porsche S45 Lar&e rombtnallon never used 526" Argus 911 rear gnlle S25 '70 smoker barbecue $4~ C 3 c amera and La ndcr u1 s er motor Wrought iron glass top attachment~ S25 Tackle c o Ill PI e l e S 5 O · 7 0 pa 110 tabll• $3S 9411 boes S2().s:J> S48·9832 Landcru1ser trans SSO F 1 r e s 1 d ti o r 1 v e -nd tie back s , Bittersweet orange S7 Brasi; cafe rods with rings and brackets S2 T11o in bedspread. cotton quilted. earth tones with RACING bicycle stuff some orange SIO Girls Campy chain wheels &kt iacket s11e 10 12 blue SB·S2$ Seal post SIS with rainbo11o> $7 Large Brakt' sei -S20 Wool fhghl kennel 18x30x36 lea m Jers ey $4 0 $23 Hart skis with poles _s_59_·_5064 _____ _ Wrecked '70 VW Bus Huntington Beach · s t ripped SSO . New concre-te blocks 2Sc . lllDE A BED double S!7e each. 645·9502 I $20 ~ S687 • THREE bookcases s10 ,RECLINABl,E "eight each Fold.Ing camp bench, along 11.uh 100 table S4. 26in lamps S20 I bs of weights pl us pair. 29in lamps and s11are weight bar and shades SlS pair. Clock dumb bells S50 673-4769 and SIV! 9 boots S35 12 SNOW h w~_. ,. gauge Texun reloader c ains. "'''· 1t with paper hulls S3S 13 and 14 wheels. used Drake 48 lb recurve once S15.ss9-5064 h un t i ng bow S30 . TENNIS rackets. Wilson Silvert.one 19 Inch block Xtro MS. Large s1ie SIO. a nd white T V with Used baUs, excellent lOc stand 125. 546-7308 each. 559-5064 ~ GAU.ON. clean, ff.SO uch. G1IV1nlted with Ud. $10 each. 642·2204 KITCHEN Table $30. Six chairs SB earh. Mattress and box spn ngs S30. S wivel rocker 145 Electric dryer $35. Black Hairdryer S40 1cha1r 1nd white TV S2S lypel 7SH508 school maps SIO·S2S, v I n l ~ g e a u t 0 Two matching liv ing Ten classic old solid accessories and lights room chairs $20 each bnss fireplace tool sets S3·S45 Custom shaped Glass top coffee table C 0 NS 0 LE 21 In ch AQ UA RIUM 20 gallon S9·S24. Many old Iron <curved backJ wooden $10 Two large lamps console color TV. RS. rectangular,. pump. and brass 3ndlrnn sets a u to trunk fr 0 m S2!'> for both Loads of Built m corner ~t S50 aerator included s12 SS-$28. Complete gas twenty's S.'IS. 14 tires c 101 h c 5 S 0 c S 3 12 inch portable black 646·5607 radio $3. Bean bag SB. Sun lamp S20. FuJI blue comfort.er SlO. Car wash wand 12. Wood jewelry box $8. Set ·Brittanica encyclopedia 1963 SI B. 540·3022 Cost.a Mesa. OLDE R f ull s ite Wedgewood range. good condition, you haul SSO I 7 HP Neptune outboard motor SSO Audi wheel 12. Crosley front axcl. springs and wheel bubs S40. 548-4934 3 SPEED l11d1cs English btke with l'hrome fenders S4S. Automatic release ski bindlntis $7 SO. Aluminu m skL poles 13.50. Sport cur ski rack SS S4S.3838 BOSTON Whaler boat bath S50 Check writer S35 Dingy rudder SS. Old blow torch SS Shark Jaws SS·S2S Shelves SSOc. Large sand dollars SOc Trailer hitches SS-S20. Ms.3544 Electric typewnter S40 . ......;..'-------- 631-1847 askfor Bob CHESTS or drawers SS·S2S. Velvet rockers fire log SIB Vintage aryd whttls Mercedes to Paperback books 2sc and white T V S2S -------- working solid copper f'1at S2 SB Two good Saturday and Sunday Typewriter portable TWO matching tires on electric heaters S'9·S12 IOX16S 6 ply S8 each. 8.s m. 2035 Fullerton SIS 8tracktapegutsS8 bal1nced G.M. rims ~~?ia;~e}:o:: ~1!::; ~~~:s ::~~,;:!~~ Ave., apt s. Co6ta Mesa. ~5a~~c~e J~°!~~gh!~~j ~~~8:x~3~a~~is T;~ <J l' A R T z C 1 b 1 e headbghlS. round, set of •I S3S Sanyo AM FM cassette $45 Album~ 1 1 so·i. rock J SI each In me 833-23il5 TWO pair rrulches $12 50 pJJ r Two I drawer tire. i.en Sl2 50 each 640 1146 50fA 7fl floral $40 llall t rl't' Brn111.ood Sl O \'1br alor st and S2S 64S·4339 TWO small girl's bikes S7 50. SlO Coffee table SlS King i1ze e~~e­ b I an k e t . p e rfe ct condition S10 Kmg size bedspread SIS TV black and wtute SIO 540-1.289 BRASS fireplace screen $20. Mallress 3s SIS. RR IJS. T.M.T. car e111l.11e ties SS. Electnc range lrutment. regmlar j 1$0. 8272 Kingfisher. rrice 114.~ sale price Huntington Beach. lO. Plumbln1 Y1lves WI NE rack Sl2. Bell ZSC·l l. Adult ••.Iker. helmet site 7l!lt SH. new, S3S. Aluminum Siient Sc.'ott pushmower crotches 110. Gas t1nk sso !..) mower S 12. era for noor. table and 12·S3~ Antique wicker A I R go Id v e Ive t S20. 8 track stereo with Pi nto rims S3S pair. ceiling S3·SSO. Brass t runk 140 W1c ll:er lovesuts. excellent record ch1n1er and l·new 14SX13 radl1I SIS. double chimne)' student suitcase SS. Jenny Li nd condition ~ each 3 speakers 128. R1dlo 1·185·70xl4 r1di1l SIO. floor lamp DI. 6 Way spool wood bed 54 Inch Piece coffee table set control bulldoter. as Is 63t·3701 Ooor Lamp, glass shade l3S. Thlrt)''S walnut SSO. Olive green hi·back $10. 21.ll Doctors Circle. _M_A_P_L_E_ki-tc-hen--c-ibl.-n ... - CHILDS motor scooter SSO. Crib IDd dresser SSO. Dressing table l20. Wilker 15. Stroller §. Floor heater 110. 327 Bowling Green, Coat1 Mesa. 545-4138 ELECTRIC antenna $30 Tire chains SIS pair AMF' tncycle hke new $25 Wood h1ghcha1r, nice SIS Leather chent c hair $40 Clothes 2Sc SS Assorted books 10c·S2 . Two burner clect11c hot plates SlS Costume Jewelry SI.SS. Men·s Avon cologne bottles SJ·S25. Original oil paintings. framed. 30l n x 40 in 135 . Upholstered lounge $20. F'ivc mag wheels. ms GMC/Chevrolet $SO New attache' case, paid S40 sell for SJO. New soccer balls Sl2 GM Am /Fm car stereo with power booster S40. Alter nato r a nd regulator for GM IZO. Saturd1y and Sunday 9a m ·S pm 1121 POKER table. portable Chuleston Strttt. Costa S2S. Mens suitJ/vest $30. MeSI m.au so Sport shi rts, like new 1.=::;:==:;::==~ loc llln1 c ap 14 Ch1lse loun1e $9 ..Culunert womens coat J Pi ed. tss. Ladles sweaters Folding ch• r S3. . x 1 n d b 10 111 ea 12 chair 12. 2"14ln tires a Pa~ 12 Bowl'ns' uch. A10 13 Flrntont ..... .. ...__ _:,_ T1 , wide <Wal ll~ on Ve1a -... ""' l:VIUr V • OT rim <new ) 132 Vt&• aeed• work, both tor radiator 118 1o:apeed •tu. lliD llld ltln. 2092 · 0 rn1.te base SlO . w11erf1ll double bed occaslonaLch1ir $20. apt D .. Cost• Meu. '" Charming old brass 138. Bi& selection of Holly 2 barrel u rb SlO. 642·7589 :: ::~~~e: table lamp, red glHa 1ntlque and vintage Two new <still In box > ANTIQUEOI" chiJ'rs _, ci blr~t •17. Lamps shade 115. 8 Inch CoPper rarm llld kitchen tools Corvair cubs $40. P1lr a •Y • i I II S ••3 d tal 2Sc •10 s 391 'i"'"" •~ d e a c h . 0 I d wood SS·SlO. T1ble1 SS.13S. sw m poo le IS. ~ a.n con Mrs ·• · n s, .... ,. c ..... et oors headboard .. o. Shutten Plctu.rn 12·"0. -a1 .. , W. 15th Streett, Cost.I string ban.Jo DI. Boxes S t O . 8 I g T r 1 c •• " "'" • M es a • b e t wee n or fine old allverpl1te on computerbed toy and SS a panel. Wallpaper 12·110. Bookcues ~SU. Monrovia and Placentia solid copper ind pewter !railer, near new 125. s SlS. Otpre1ston 1lass 2rt•trt Ion• dlapl1y I s t r ee t 5 • so. o 1 3 s pitchers, trays, bowls 11llon jeep gu cans 14, c h • n de 11 er S 4 S, shelf lable 125. Day bed Saturday 9.s. Sunday and uma tl·SZS. 843 w. c a r rad 10 1 and Prohlbltloo miniature 110. Kitchenware 2$C·•· 10·4pm. 15th Street, Costa Mesa, cauettt!I SS·l20. Gas bottle SI eacb, Set ot Arter tam. 3102 Cor11 Wallace Ave. Phone ldlnuembledl S2S. 148.7911 Costa Mell Golf bag, M1cGre1or -------·-Sl8.CarvacuumS10.Sl3 TIRES, set of four, Jl'llL ct..t and cb1lr Narcissus, Coron• del USxH new. all·weather ·'50. ,....._.,older cheat Mar. 64().n09 125 each. 548-1425 between Monrovia and edger szs. 9'715 Raven dishn for 8 DO.' Electric Ave. In alley 4 blocll:a P lacentia St r eets . Circle, fl'ountiln Valley. knife ST. Two new loc.k we At o f SP Ire a 548·013! Saturday 9.s, 963·33115 sets 12 ueh. Picture Rett1Urant, Harbor Sund1y 1M. framet 11 each. Mlnr ;Blvd., Colla Meia ;pe, worb fine SSO. PLAYBOY. Penthouse, LUGGAGE u ck for at«~•, 40 J~'°" fiu•tler. Oul. muy tr u o It 11 d SI o. ~ •· IJ other ma1aalnt1, all Sl uJOlnxllft rougb SU. Blue Chip 1t1mp beam1 17> tDew) UO book• only U .U . etch.• Hamilton Sl , • lt·SPllD bike SH . ..... Cotta Neta. -------1 DESK 935. Two bikes ao. S2. 444 laabeUa Terrace. r-1 0 XENS parachute Jump 1 Drawm tea. Dryer ISO. Coron a de I Ma r . e:~~~i.".G':.t 1htly aull $45. Nordlk1 skt j TV 120 Radfo and Saturqy23rdN. boot1 llH t medium r ecord playu UO. CHRYSLER 3~ H p BIKE l"ICtt rot' car a . Women's F.dehttilS ski o utfit, sl'le 8 us. Wrought Iron sates <no hardware) 2 ror MO. Odyssey TV came GO. Tennis drtues, alae t f$. 197' Cblldcrart Eneyclopedias, 23 boot• uo. 1950 World Book !ncycloped lu. II boob, •· Complete 10 1•llon •quarlum uo. Deluxe Chemistry aet t lS. Soet>bol derby car •••• 11113 o..i..r,,. trvtae.al·JIU looHr 1prl1lll wltll .attact• •t1 •· W NIW l1IOW elf a Ina l20 llAG wt.ts wk11 Ures. ·•r111 11dlro11 (lor eacll omce ~air '50. 15 ladl rtm 5 i.ole from MS. CaaUewood card I Sickroom suppllea CAPTAINS bed wlti. outlloerd ID K~ table t o . 4 . 75· U ..,._,10. Mat«lal a.rzs. drawen, child liae •· •••ber ancl · Wlllrtpool llotocroae tlrt 8 C·1'-1J Toya and clothes St·•· Jack LaLanne twlD • ..._a~ .._ Ute SIO. C11-l5 Un $10. eo3 Atldl ID UM alleJ. mattreu llO Good dut tnAlar wicJi .:. IATAA l•Ht11 Two VW tide window •· 7 Co r o 111 d t I II u . tltttric drJtr -· I wafer ........ ll Sill ffft, .. tc.•l•I IOld ~nn,..., ..... Slit. ,.,_,. •· .... •· Doc11• ~111 • ot'l. .......... --•1.au ., .. U.11 ..UI rHll ta•. &el..., _, a..., ...,._... lllllldD Sit. ......_a ... &, ai 11• -''4::.:e'!::; ....... lOlm •. m-. ...., .. .,.. :::•9\.,.. • - SH2. 00 Pants 32.34 Wte new 13. 10 P1lr ID shoes. like new SS·•· Hits 12. Heath receiver Sl2. RCA color TV SIS Vacuum cleaner 110. Ladles blouses 2k·l4. Old balloon bite PS, Rotisserie a . Kitchen ware 2Sc ·l4. Metal chairs a. Dinette table szo. 1ronlna 1>otrd ... Fr.med plctu"" 11·14. N1111•llyat chairs '12 ancl llS. Ltmpa ••· Stilt •. Redwood paUo !Mncltf.I SU. U1abrttl1 .................. 8lftlllnl ....... aw., lnlb tl(lll a. New LUY 1turlDI •llt•I SI. . ............ ..... b1l1, Sl·l4 S.fur4a1 1111. GMdwlll. •••t CWMJlutalMW. ..., ==- Ortng1 Collt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, t982 HOME OF m .AFFODABLE LEASE PLAN!! ·ONLY 'U eLC CUSTOM I II. MATCHIACI ·--·-- PUBLIC NOTICE USED CAR LIQUIDATION II !llS bltn.lllt llOlkY Ola.utf MolOrl'.JO dllllllM ol Inventory ltllt his bMn In stock owr '° dl't'$ to Ofhlf dH~ Of""~. Our st !ft ,,,. nl9t< hit decided to pns on ttleM t1ntastlc wv11111s to the PUOllc. From todly to clott o4 IMlness ~.Jan. 2Sttl. YOU tan buy one Of ttww Cl fS 11 ltww •II time IOw prices. Most ctrs hive • 13 monttl. 13.000 mlle wtrrentv 1v1lllblt 11 • am1ll chlrw. Tiit tienkJ wlll ll111ra vlrtv1ttv l~ of ttlt cost Of "'"'urs on~ crtdll. '80 CHEVROLET CAPRICE WGN (514ZIB) Wire~. roof racit. 3rdSNI, till, pwr wndws Slereo tape. air. Who ...... Blue Book '6150 SALE PRICE '6595 180 FORD GRANADA (358ZBW) Low miles, 4 doof. air, auto. power strng & Ins. radio. Who ...... Blue Book 14600 SALE PRICE s4999 '79 M.G.8. (7~VHA) The special II bleci( L TO Edition. Mag wtleels. stereo, lugg. rad!.~ WhoMalt lkle Book 14925 . SALE PRICE '4999 w,....a.Booll'4150 SALE PRICE •39£5 'n FORD PiNTO SQUiAE w (043WOZ) Lugg. racll. wood grwn side penels, 4 cyt. 811 Whoteult 8'ue Book '2250 SALE PRICE '2695 '78 CADIUXSEVUE DiEsEL ( 1 ACL461 l Cldllllc tuxur, & diesel economy. Loaded Wholtult Blue Book '8500 SALE PRICE '8395 '81 PONTIAC PHOENIX (18TE216) Only 11,000 m.les, wire wtleels. melalic blue with cloth [nm. Wholtutt Blue Book '5875 SALE PRICE s5995 '81 v.w. RABBIT PICK-UP (1244230) Oteset powe<. LX model, elf, 5 spd, stereo cass & more Wholtult BM Book '6625 SALE PRICE *6795 '76 M.G.B. (~31 Has laciOfy wire wtllels. amlfm s1ef90 Wholtult Btut Book '2800 SALE PRICE '2995 '81 BUICK REGAL (18YJl77) r_, IOOI IPO'l wtlS. lil auile. pwr wndWS. 451'55 ...i & more. 18275 Wholtult Btue Book SALE PR~E '7999 '79MAZ ARX7 =·Super lrttle coupe. Meg ..... -.o. 5 . WhollM BtUI look '7275 SALEPRICE'7595 77 CHEVAOlET MONTE CARLO (4296511) Wirt wheell, 11119'mg. CNIM. *· Whol11111 8'ul look '2825 'SALE PRICE '2795 71 TOYOTA COROUl SAS (883NPI) SIMtr wilt! tlllclt """· Meg ..... 5 IPfld. ~lluelook'22QO SALE PRICE •2495 ,, -. W! '':.A.We c a.va..u .-av1 . s1795 ~c· . •1LLI I .. 1115 . . . -ltlO~ll.LAC cCMfttlVl.LI (177ZAll 111,995 l=LLAC OOD llOlll(iHAM (823\Jl.A) s1995 --''":Uc (49'2846) s7995 l~C S15,e I tit c-uMl.UC a.oo ...... T? (359ZAXI s12,995 ()(fer l!ood lhru Monday. I :!5 112 N~R~ CA L ~,\ ~ Oplloflf ··~'""• •ulO ... tl•t 11101 i C.-. R~!ll 01u 11 ~ ·~497 01 •ti121 MO::: -.,.,. c..~--­............ -• ......... •4t7 OI ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 23, 1982 lt75 CNIYIOLIT MAUIU II: 4wto,,..t·c '""' •. , '°"'°' , -~-·-..1 111515\ '2297 o• S92°' "°:: 1et1 _, ~PR -21~ 01t11,10 1>1y,...nt Of+Cf - ~ .. ,.""'""""""""""II; on_....,...,,. , lt77 DODGI "SUUH" YA H eo-.-'"" -<'C 1vto '''"' tvtl ~""' a ....... ~-­-"O ·-(!Y!tooOI s4997 OI s 177)) "°.::: UH dow• A , R '1 10'!I D1f1rred ptiff'Nftf O'f'ICI -. 11112• 3l _..,, .,.._ .... _..,.. .... ltlOPOID MUST AM& ~ .... ..,...,_ _____ .. c•llCI -.. lfl09 •-•' ...,,.. 15997 OI 1111" -= ........ ~" -207"" 0.ler ... jley-1 JWIC. -lllka • _....., ...,._. ... ---°""" 191 Y A a C.M. MOTOIHOME Fully self cont11ned 1nclud1ng ga5/elec relrig.. forced a•r heater. gas slove. roof rack & ladder Ser "30520. Stk 10622 s300:-::i Onginal llsl $19,327 '4632~~'!. ALL USED CARS LISTED HERE -AT OR BELOW WHOLESALE BLUEBOOK PRICES -STOP • SHOP • AND SAVE NOW!!! '