HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-05 - Orange Coast PilotIr 'Underbelly of America' surprises millionaire t ' ' • ' ., ~llff A.D • .............. From sunny Corona del Mar to the dark, bum9d-out center ot the South Bronx, N.Y., ll a Iona, 1on1 way~ phyalcally and tph1tually. Juat bow rar la what aelt·dHcrlbed mllliooalre and raconteur Jim Wood aet out to dltcover. For the Hcood Ume ln two years, thlJ 45-year-old Corona del Mar real eat.at~ broker turned writer hat abed the West Cout trappln11 o f s ucceaa, such as that ever-present Mercedes-Benz, ln favor or the backpack and the humbler modes or travel first lmmortallzed In the beat writlnaa ot Jack Kerouac during the 19:i05. By bus, traln, plane and, or course, even the thumb, Wood spent 10 dayl last October lmmutlnt himself In what he hoped would be the "underbelly" of America. By t.raln lo Laramlo, Wyo.; by Q,..yhound to Omaha, Neb.; by plane to Madi.Ion, Wl1. and by thumb to Rocklord, Ill. and on to poinll e11tz WoodJorced hlmaelt on the 1l1ht1, 1oundl ana tales America on the road. "I wanted to get lo touch with the real world, to Clnd out what wu hap~nln1." said Wood, who complained that hla hometown is 1omeU~ too provincial. Setting as his goal to "get into situations," Wood explained he hoped to witness a brawl, a mugging or a 1an1 C11ht. But to his surprise, this was not to be. "I thought I'd see more of the underbelly and I didn 't . People were decent, carlne and conscientious," he said. His journey, about which he is writing an IWlll COAST FRIDAY . FEBRUARY ~>. 198:t' article for Esquire maaiutne, included stops In Chicaao. Valaparal10, Ind., Lanc11tet and Coat1Vllle, Pa., and New York City, be1lde1 thott places already menUooed. The culmination of the trip came when Wood ran In and completed the New York City marathon. But, thouch runninJ In the marathon was excitln1, Wood said, the hours he spent touring slum areaa of the South Bronx were much more memorable. "It almo!lt looked like another planet," Wood said of the South Bronx neighborhood he walked through Burned and abandoned buildings and the rusted hulks or automobiles puntuate the concrete wasteland. And the people he encoWltered lead h ves totally detached from "our" world, he said ·'These people, I would say, appeared to enjoy life more than a lot of people ln our slided planned commurut1es," Wood auHetted. "They are not trapped In the American dream and I ctldn 't get the feelln11 they were depresaed. '' As he wandered down the alum 1treeu of the nelathbOrhood Wood said he suddenly found hsmaett out.aide or an Immaculately ma.nicured school bulldlns. HavinC always wanted to vt1lt a petto school, Wood . who served u president of the Corona del Mar PTA ror two term.a, walked in and wu warmly greeted by a man who offered to show him around. As it turned out. this ghetto , s lum neighborhood elementary school impressed him more than the schools he is familiar with in California. "That school could compare to any school," Wood said "I would choose that school for my <Stt AMERICA'S, Page A.%) * * * * * • YOUR HDMUDR DlllY PIPll 0 IC I\ N (, t (. 0 IJ N I Y C. A I II 0 It NI A :.> !> Cl: N l S " ' Nuke alert sirens confuse residents By DAVID IUJTZMANN Ol t• D.tty,.... ..... Last week's test of Southern Califor nia Edison Co. 's $2 million emergency siren system ror the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is producing mixed reviews. In particular. San Clemente city om cials are concerned about a survey which s howed that 89 out of 136 residents telephoned after the test were unsure how to respond in the event of an emergency. The 40-siren system. located in Chutist saved bv sludge BylODICADENHEAD Of .. 0-. ...... ., Authorities are crediting a 2-foot pond of sludge with saving the life or a Cost.a Mesa woman s kydiver who fell 12,SOO reel when her main parachute failed to open Wednesday. Lisa Boyer, 20, is listed in satisfactory condition today at Loma Linda University Medical Center where she was taken following surgery for a kidney injury and a fractured pelvis at Hemet Valley Hospital. Ms. Boyer and three friends took off from Perris Airport at about 5 p.m. in an attempt to make a four.way hookup from 12,500 reel, according to Lu Land, orfice manager at the Perris Valley Parachute Center. Ms . Boyer, a Costa Mesa waitress, pulled her main chute ripcord at 3,000 feet , but it failed to open. A reserve chute was activated only a few seconds before she landed in a pond at the Perris Sewage Disposal Plant. "It was the sludge she fell in that saved her lite," said Ms. Land. "Six feet over and she would have been gone. It was a lucky, lucky thing." Witnesses estimated that the 5·1oot woman struck the surface of the sludJe pond at about 80 mph. If the reserve chute had not opened the speed would have been more like 125 mph, said Ms. Land. Ms. Land said that the parachutis t refused to let , . anyone tou c h her until paramedics arrived. "The tact that she was in all that cold gunk restricted the bleeding and the pain," said Ms. Land. .Traffic story due Sunday The traffic jam baa become a fact of life tn Oran1e County. Despite road con1e1Uon, now resident.a continue to mllfate Into tbe-county to settle ln hl1h·density nelchborhooda In central cltiea and In new planned commUAIUH to the IOUtb. hted witb dlleour&lihc outlooks tor fundin1 lrom out.aide U)e cowaty. total olnctaJ.a art re--neluatln• th• county'• tran1pcrtaUon future. In Sunday'1 DaUy Pilot, you can Jean. What thty are dolq to keep Orance County '• trampoctadOn 1yatemt mcmn,. communities within 10 miles of the nuclear generating station, was tested in full force last Friday. Southern California Edison Co. orficials , however , have downplayed any problems which the test of the e m e rgency warning system may have disclosed. The sirens, required by the federal government before the new 1100-megawatt reactors can be licensed al San Onofre, are meant to alert residents lo turn on radios or televisions in the event of an emergency About 100,000 people live in communities within the lO·mile emergency planning zone which surrounds the plant. The coastal reactors are located about three miles south of San Clemente. In a report to hi s city council Wednesday night, Fire Chief Ron Coleman said hi s principal concern was what to do about residents in San Clemente who heard the s irens and didn't know how Lo respond. The results or the city survey showed that out or 136 people phoned at random, 20 said they d1dn 't hear the sirens and 116 said they heard the sirens. Eighty-nine said they didn't know what the sirens meant. The fire chi'ef explained that the city would need to work on a beefed·up public education p rogram so residents would know what to do In the event of an emergency. Edison officials have mailed out at various times since last s ummer brochures which tell residents within 10 miles of the plant sate what to do m an emergency. Further mailings arc planned, officials said. In an interview Thursday, utility vice president Kenneth Bas kin said it appeared that only "minor adjustments or changes" would be necessary to the sirens. Baskin said the sound level of some sirens was not as high as ex peeled b y four or fl ve dec ibels He also said that several sirens ran longer than thev should have while others ran ror a shorter time. The Edison official said it would take another "week or two" to fully analyze the results of the tests. In a survey or its own, Edison cons ultants phoned about 400 households in the e mergency planning zone. The r esults of that s urvey are now bein1 tabulated. In a related area . Baskin said Edison Co. could r'eceive its low-power test license for newly built unit 2 at San Onofre by next week or the week after Debts force Laker Airways to shut doors LONDON (AP> Sar Freddie Laker, knighted for pioneering low cost flights across the --Atlantic, closed Laker Airways today be-ca u se or · insurmountable debts of more than $350 million. ANSWER COMING UC Irvine students Rick Bvr ens I le ft l and Hugo Jimenez. members of school College Bowl team . concentrate on a bonus question Thursday during exhibition m a tch with faculty VCI f acuity def eat All Stars Scene reminiscent of old televised 'College Bowl ' By GLENN SCOTT °' , ... !Nlly "'*'$\aft A collegiate basketball team mlgbt laugh its way through a 5-on-5 game against a faculty squad but UCI lettermen in a separ ate "varsity sport ~f the mlnd" learned that memory doesn't deteriorate a.s fast as muscle. A serious but confident all-star squad of UCI students s quared off at noon Thursday• against a group of faculty mer_n~rs on ca~pus in t he resurrected compet1t1on called the College Bowl. It's a new version or the old, televised college sport for eggheads, formerly known as the "General Electric College Bowl," which was on/fV Sunday afternoons back in the 1960s. High scorers during intramural competition during the past two weeks, lhe all-star squad met the faculty to train for the regional collegiate championships Saturday at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. Staged in a packed room in the University Center, the scene was reminiscent of the old televised contests In which the blatered, <See COLLEGE, Page A.Z) Whiting verdict delayed A U.S. District Court judge ha s delayed until Monday announcement of verdicts in a case in which two Orange Counly men are accused of violating federal law by allegedly failing to list the 2,700-acre Whit,jng Ranch in El Toro as an asset in a bankruptcy proceeding. Judge Matthew Byrne Jr., silting on the Los Angeles fed eral bench . had been scheduled to issue the verdicts Thursday afternoon Byrne notified attorneys Thursday that the announcement would be delayed The judge took the case under s ubmission after four days or testimony The trial was conducted before the court without a jury. Kent Rogers and attorney Jacob Peilte were charged in an 11-count indictment I.with attempting to c irc umve nt federal law in the mid-1970s Gunman holds three at hospital MEMPIDS, Tenn. (AP) -A man whose son died of leukemia ln 1980 while under the tare or a prominent cancer 1peclallst held tbe doctor and two others boata1e today, more than 18 hours after wallltn1 Into a hoepltal with a large-caliber piltol. ceremonies marking the founding of St. Jude Children's Reaearch Hospital 20 years a10 by entertainer Danny Tbomu, authorities said. "He's been s moking a marijuana cigarette," police Chier fnspector A.L. Wiiiiams said today. "He's calm now .•. He's sort of mellow." Goulet also WU elven a pack of playtni cards, and he and the c9']JttYTI-nrpvrtedty-played poker. "They seem lo have doveJoped a real comraduhlp," WlllJam.a aatd. leukemia in December 1980 after being treated at St. Jude. Police and hospital officials said Goulet was a Canadian native who now lives to LaPlace, La., about 25 miles west of New Qrleans. Goulet's ex·wife, Phylfts Goulet, who Uves at Wapa.konet.a, Ohio, wilb two other children, was called to Memphis. ... M.n Go\,akLsaid ahe tried .w_ warn Bowman, be r 100'1 favorht doctor, when her ea-hu1band became depressed 00 lh• aftftiveraary or ltie boy's death whlle vtaltlns th• tamuy durln1 tbe Cbrlatmas boUclays. Sbe Hid ahe. was n•ver able to reacb Bowman and then gWt tryln1 the next day wben "Mr ... ex -husband got over his depression. "He didn't like St. Jude," she said "He doesn 't like anything anymore." The hostages in addition to Bowman, chief of the hospital's leukemia se r vice, were identified as nurse Jean Marie Cox and paycholo1l1t Joe Cummlnfs. A rourth hostage, Dr. Geor1e Marten, 6,, a psychiatrist. wu released about v-e oufi'-.ner belnt i prl10ner. Thomu founded the hospital to fulfill a pledse ht made to his patr()n 11lnt when hia career became auccesatUI. 'lbe holpltal speciallaea In r"t!searcb Into cal11trophlc dl•••••• of ctllldrcn. partJcularly leukemla. Flights were turned back and hundreds or passengers were stranded. Tears flowed from Laker staff, proudly wearing the airline's crimson and black uniforms. at Gatwick Airport south or London. "It's hit everyone, mate - Uke a smack in the mouth," said one counter attendant among the 2,500 Laker employees who will Join the three milllon Jobie.as in Britain, 12 7 percent of the work force. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. who often cited Laker as a shining example of how free enterprise triumphs. was "sad" arter hearing or the collapse, a spokesman at 10 Downing St. said A Scottish family of five em1gratmg to New Zealand was unable to board t heir Laker flight at Gatwick for Los Angeles "We were celebrating only a few hours ago, going away to s t a rt a new lite. It looks as t hough st could have been a bit premature." said David McMurt1e A Laker night that had left M an't:hester for Tenerife jUlt before the morninJ. announcement turned arounCl and returned to England. Two hundred other Man chester passengers were <See LAKER, Page A.%) ORINGI COAST WflTHll Variable clouds today, becomlng fair tonight and Saturday. Local northeast winds 15 to 25 mph In areas below tbe canyq,is late this afternoon through Saturday. Highs both days 60 to 66. Lows tonight 48 to 54. INSIDI TODAY Du"eyland haa 1011 a &.~!/ -WGU11 Boag. Ut lw ret1red an eel of com mcuvratt ruk·ft'k aftn 26 ycan ot Uw porlt'• ~ . Horuahoe Rewt. fSIOrfl, ' photo Weelcmdlr cowr.J t. llDll I • • • • Orano-Coalt DAU. V PILOT/Frtd1Y. f'ebruary 5, 1812 Deep ·&eeze intensifies · f oi;-RoclHes, Midwest 81 TM Alllda&M PreN r;~ A cold front brou1ht the •11 oc:ki" w•ather fit ona, for akl~ and put the Mldwest on wa for another onalau1ht of JIUb&ero cold and IDOW. The ltorm dumped anow over th• QOnhVD Rocklea and the ,bend w.a headln• toward the ppn Plain• to t.be northern l'HtLakea. Mol.lture rlaln1 ocr the Great Salt Lake wafted and froae lnto ?a.{f now that 1prlokled the J ~7'ortbwett comer of Utah, the NaUon&l Weather Service aaid. Up to 15 lncbet of anow f,u_ 9n the Al~kS resort eut of ~ Lake City, and a fresh blanket of powder covered atorm·buffeted llllnoll. Wind.a wbippln1 to 80 mph aa recorded by the UnJvenlty of Utah sent the wlnd·chUl factor to SO below in Bountiful ln northem Utah. Temperat11re11 fell to new Iowa ln Colorado, Minnesota and Wyoming. lt was 36 below in Butte. Mont .. today. The mercury hll •1 below In Detroit Lakes, Mtnn., aod 30 below at Duluth, Minn., recorda for the date. Every major weather recordlrit 1tatlon In Mont.ana had double·di1lt readJn11 of below zero by Thursday nJfht. The r~adln11 did not lnclude wlnd-chill, which is factored by com blnlna temperatures and wlnd veloclty. The weather service aald the upper Plalna could expect the freeae to lut at least through dip unexpected 'jfobless ¥.·~ewer holiday hirings seen factor in reversal • the labor force shrank by • WASHINGTON CAP> -The atton 's jobless rat e nexpectedly dipped from 8.8 ' ercent lo 8.5 percent last onth, possibly because there were fewer extra employees hired during tbe recession-plagued holidays to be laid off in January, the Labor Department saJd today. The national jobless rate dee lined three·tenths or a percentage point as the number1 of people out of work feJI by 270,000. The California rate rose from 8.6 percent to 8. 7. Overall, 9.2 million Americans were out of work in January as .. Court nixes, legacy tor .Hughes' actress .. HOUSTON (AP).:_ An appeals court has upheld a pfobate judge's ruling that barred a 52-year-old actress who says she is Howard Hughes' widow from sharing in the late billionaire's fortW'le. Terry Moore, a Hollywood starlet in the late 19'05, asked ... 1.. that she be granted a jury trial ·'· to decide the validity or her 1 ,, challenge. ,\it.Cl' Ms. Moore claims she married Yi. ughes in 1949 on a shjp sailing ·, . rom San Diego toward Mexico .f6'&nd never divorced him. ·~i Last July, Probate Judge Pat ·~'Al.Gregory dismissed Ms. Moore's ~it;j:laim to the estate, estimated to .:. 'be worth up to $2 billion, ·u~t>ecause she railed to produce a ~!hi arriage license or other >'~tlocuments proving she is ~.Hughes' widow. ff'" The 14th Texas Court of .•l'.l\ppeal$ agreed with Gregory. ·t •Ms. Moore, 52, will have 15 days to ask for a rehearing and 45 days to appeal to the Texas ~upreme Court. t Ms. Moore's attorneys in Los Angeles were in court and could not be reached ipimediately for comment on the ruling or their tdient's plans. S" Ma. Moore claims she married • the eccentric tycoon aboard his :&_yacht "somewhere at sea . . . ~711eaded toward Mexico" and ~,ater bore his child, a baby she ~~ayt. died shortly after birth. ~·"1 The marriage was kept secret ,,.bec;a11se she did not want to -;.1f_amage her screen image as an £liinocent, naive girl. Jt.J However , in the 30 years eRJollowlng her alleged marriage ~o Hughes, Ms. Moore married .q~nd divorced three different ~men. Hughes also was married ._;~ actress Jean Peters from 1957 .~until 1971. · · · In 1972, Ms. Moore divorced er third husband, Stewart ~ii ramer, and was awarded wiustody of their two children, 't~ebild support , alimony and . .;1 -: REBUFFED -Actress Terry Moore <shown in 1964 photo) has lost her bid for a share of Howard Hughes· fortune Mi ss Moore says s he married the billionaire in 1949 a nd never divorced him community property, the three.justice panel noted in the opinion. The statements Ms. Moore made in California courts were "clearly inconsistent with her sworn statements in these proceedings that she was married to Hughes at the time " the justices said. ' "Having done so, Ms. Moore cannot now be heard to maintain a contrary position in the absence of proof that the s tatement was made inadvertently or by mistake, fraud or duress," the opinion s aid. 300,000. An analyst with the departmeol'11 Bureau of Labor StaliaUcs iodicated the reversal or recent sharp rises in unemployment may have resulted from the declining bu~iness activity. ·'Many of the industries that typically lay people otr were so depressed they had no extra people to lay orr," said Deborah Klein. She noted that traditional ·rising joblessness following the Christmas holiday shopping season was reversed this year because many retail stores bad not brought extra people onto the payroll. "Beca~e firms didn't hire as many people as they usually do in December, they didn't lay orf as many," Ms. Klein said. lo testimony before the congressional Joint Economic Committee. the commissioner of labor statistics, Janet Norwood, noted that layoffs traditionally rise substantially in January, ·'as employers in the private sector pare down their payrolls after the holiday season and the goods-producing sector , especially construction , is affected by winter weather. "This may be due, at least in part, to the already high unemployment levels in those industries which typically contribute to the January unemployment increase.·' iris. Norwood indicated the decline in the size of the labor force may have resulted from fewer people seeking jobs during bad weather. At the White House, deputy presidential press secretary Pete Roussel said, "We're viewlnc the figures today with caution, in view of the severe weather during the month." But be would give no explanation about what impact the weather bad on joblessnesa. Asked whether the administration felt unemployment was on a downward trend or would grow, Roussel said: "We'll bave to wait and see.'' Ms. Klein indicated the adjustment of January's jobless figures for the 1980 census apparently had little impact on the unemployment rate. Total employment stood at 99.6 million last month, about the same as In December. I The decline in unemployment last month was the first since the jobless rate fell by 0.3 percent from May to June 1981. ;,, From Page A 1 f COLLEGE BOWL 1\T UC IRVINE ... •; r:L "' 'clean.cut Ivy Leaguers pounded their buzzers to characters including Pericles, Sinbad, Captain --answer "10-point tossups·• as if their internships Nemo, Socrates and Winnie the Pooh -that depended on it. made the difference. The students looked a bit different "I thought they'd be really strong ln the hursday. A couple wore 1weatsblrta. One humanities," admitted losing all-star Alexia forgot t() shave. But they had the same faraway Cain, who as a history major wu the only team look of intensity -as if they were trying to keep member not studying math or science. 200 little hatches to their memory open at the UCI is known as a school with strong aame time. . programs in math and science, so it isn't Sitting at one table, identified by cards by unusual the team ls loaded in those fields. But their first names, were students ,Walter Blume, Blume, the bearded captain, said the lack of an Alexia Cain, Rich Byrens, Hufo Jimenez and even distribution among disciplines could hurt. alternate Trey Hadad. At the Qther table, Although they lost, the all-stars had their identified by last names, were faculty members moments Thursday. Blume scored a symbolic' James Danziger, Patrick Healey. Linda slam dunk over a red.faced Healey by first Georgianna and Joseph DlMento. identifying the characteristics of a cell. Healey Squeezed into the remalninl space were is a professor of cell biology. moderator Terry Lew. an usodat.e dean of After the contest, the all-stars shru11ed off atudentl, a 1corer, timer and about three dozen suggestions they are among the university's atudentl who bune on each question and answer "brains." Byrens candidly admitted bis grade with antl·profeasorial tenor. point avera1e ls only a shade above a "C." No one seemed to think the faculty had a "This ls euy for me because I don't have to chance, including the team members, who do any work," he said. "Writine a paper - complelned durln1 introductions of the that's too hard." dindvantace of a declinins brain cell count. So why the interest? Try competition. But the f~culty won anyway, 135 to 9S. It "We'll have nine hours ln the car on the was their su~nor knowledce of the heroes of way up there," said Blume. "We'll quia each P.aat and pnnt -a curious collection of other the whole way." ORANOI COAST Cle11tned ~ltfttalng 714,tM24171 Alt otlMf -.,.rtmenta 842~!21 Viet memorial the end ol th week. Renewed 1tornu have left two reel of frah anow over part.a of Mlaaourl and resldenu were told to brae. for more. The heaviest snowfall was i.n a band from Kanaaa Ctty to an area between Hanibal and St. Louis. "The pbooo hu been rlnlina off the hook from an1ry people," said John Kock, a St. Loul.a city alderman. "I know the street department 1uys are working their tails off. But a lot of people . are prettv angry." Unemployment 9.5-Seasonatly Adjusted 9 .0 - 8.5 _ Percent of Work Force 8.0- 7.5- 7.0_ '6.5- &.O-FMAMJJASONDJ 1981 Source Dept of Labor ·~-........ A BIT BETTER The nation's jobless rate dipped slightly in January a ~ indjcated by graph. Gray whale trapped in net escapes SANTA BARBARA (AP) A California gray whale, trapped two hours in fishing nets 200 yards off the Santa Barbara coast, managed to free itself and return to Its annual migration, a charter boat spokesman said. The 30-foot mammal, part or the annual m1Jrallon of the eray whales to B1Ja CaUfomia, was spotted just after 5 p.m . Thursday, said Scott Hester of Sea Landing, which charters boat tours and flsbing trips. Local fishermen and whale watchers boarded two boats to try to aid the whale, but couldn't get near the panicking animal u it kicked, splashed and tried to fitbt its way out or the nets. About two hours later, divers made p~parationa to go out to the whale to try to cut it free. ~ they arrived, however, the whale worked its way out of the neu and resumed its trip south From Page A1 The St. Louis 1chool1 have been cloMd all week. Temperatures fell to new Ion ln Colorado, Mtnnetota and Wyomlnt. The cold reached Into ArlZOda, where 18 lncbes of snow fell Tbunday on the town of Gaacon. There were nooda ln New Hampeblre and Georal' and a blt Ice atorm ln Muaachu1ett1. In Oeorsta. offlciala ran out of 11i1n11 to warn motorists of flooded roads. Weather service forecaster Bruce Candra pred,lc:t.ed a "record nooct" for Sweetwater Creek, ln Dousiaa County near AtJanta. The crea wu expected to crest at 22 or D feet, 12 to 13 feel above nood 1ta1e. In New York's DutcbHI County, two people were rescued by rowboat u an lcejam aent waten 1wlrlln1 4 feet deep out of Wapoinaera Creek. Yor lbe Northeut, the fioodJ we,. brouaht on In part by W'lle&IODably bltb temperatures that melted the Icepack . Executor asks bitU for trash removal A Balboa Island attorney was seeking bids today to determine how much it will cost to remove up to five toms of trash from the atill·cluttered Coral Street home of Grace E. Lee. Tbe 78·year-old widow was found dead this week in her island home under several feet of garbage and litt er . Investigators believe she'd been dead at least a week. The cause of death has not been determined. Officials said rout play is not suspected. C.A. Higbie, the attorney who wrote Mrs. Lee's most recent will, said he is being pressed to have the house cleaned out for health and fire hazard reasons. "It's going to be a monumental task , .. he commented today, "and it's not going to be cheap." Newport Beach police officers and city workmen hauled an es ti mated five tons of old newspapers, half-eaten food and thrift store items out of the house Tuesday before finding the woman, slumped in a corner of her living room next lo a wall beater. Mrs. Lee had been reported missing a . week earlier by neighbors who grew worried when they did not see her for several days. Neighbors described the woman as a creature of habit who took daily walks, usually going to an island restaurant for breakfast and then to one or several Oran2e Coast senior citlzen centers.- Higbie said the woman was wealthy, owning several pieces of pr4M1erty and reportedly havint'S'everal savings accounts -one with a balance in excess ofJl00,000. e said tbe will woo 't be read until the Orange Cou nty Coroner's office establishes a cause of death. Coroner's deputf'es said it could be two months before they pinpoint the ca11se . of death because of extenstve lab tests they now intend to conduct. The tests, they said, would show if the woman had been taking any medicine or drugs. Investigators said it is .. very unlikely" the woman may have contracted some sort or infection from the years' of trash stacked an her house. Newport Officer Tim Newman said some of the trash in her home, piled from floor to celling ln some rooms, was nearly 15 'Years old. He said letters were found that were postmarked in the mid-«>s and that old newspapers dated back nearly as far. Neighbors said the woman reportedly had a nephew in Costa Mesa and several sisters. But, they said. the relatives apparently never visited tbe woman "She never Jet anyone in the house," said Newman. From Page A1 LAKER • • • stopped from boarding a Laker jet for Miami and had to return duty-free goods bought only minutes earlier. At Laker's main ticket office outside London 's Victoria train station, manager Mike Bridges read the following notice to stunned passengers: "We are now in the hands or the official receiver. Until we have had some instruction from the official receiver, we cannot trade." Passengers who reserved package vacations on Laker will get their money bhck because they are covered by a government·backed bond, the British Trade Department said. But scheduJed passengers on no·frills Skytrain flights and other Laker nights will have to apply to the official bankruptcy receiver for refunds which could be a lenJlthv process. Passengers due to fly Laker from New York, Los Angeles Miami and Tampa, Fla. wHi have to find their own way home. AMERICA'S 'UNDERBELLr • • • own kJds, there was a greater intenaity there a sincerity in learning. It was so contrary to what I expected." Wood said he visited several classrooms at P.S. SO and was asked questions by students, including one question, which be said really floored him: "Did yo u travel on an empty stomach?" Following his v111lt to the school, Wood, disheveled and dirty after 10 days on the road, bopped on a subway lo Manhattan and strode into the posh Mayfair·Regency Hotel to meet his wife, his yearly adventure nearly complete. Bv lhell. Wood said he waa ready to become bis "real" self once again ... I like both sides or the coin," he admitted. Once reunited with his wife, Wendy. be renewed his friends hip with NBC news correspondent Tom Brokaw, an old friend, and was cheered on as he ran the marathon by actor Robert Redford. a chum dating to bis junior high sc.hool days. Truly, the other side of the coin. Asked why he takes such unusual trips, Wood commented simply, ''That's what making money means to me -the freedom to do what you want." He added, "it's relaxma and offers spiritual replenishment.•' $ First Time Skiers * New Ski School ••• Dilly Pilat deeign approved Let ue Introduce you to skiing at the new Ski School. Here't a!" easy W9Y to 11ait WASHINGTON <AP> lkU~Wewm toe the mystery out of what your first time on akta wlll be ltke. Lectu,.. movie MAIN Offl'IOI! ....... tef M,, C..U Meta, CA. Mlln .--· ... ,,.., C4IN Mfte, CA._. Interior Secretary James Watt and Inning etcl technlque wlll be PreMnt.d. Equipment wilt be provided and d~d h11 approved a modified deslan ln1truct on by • qualtfled lnltruciiiili' !lll!!~lllllllJ!!•!!ll911111"11!111 for the controvenlal Vietnam v~-11emoriel. --41 ..... u..Q-1 .. -·~~a~:C~t.Hwy. wUl be broken early next maot.b. Rental Sho~ Ja., Scru111, head of the Wiiis_ WedM9davEv.nlnne. memorlal fund. b., aaid. , •- Scruw Hid Tburaday th• W..C Adutta 18 I up chan1• atrHd to lD a m..un, n.: 7-t lut wMll wit.h crillca ol the Kld1, 5-17 de•lcn lDYOlve addinl UM llatUe n.: W ot a·u.s. eemceman and a paa. oa wbldt to ftJ an Am«tmn na1. > • ,. ........ ROMP IN THE RAIN -Actor Mickey Rooney, left, and Harve Presnell clown it up in the rain prior to their Broadway matinee in New York. Rooney's show. "Sugar Babies," is playing across the street from Presnell's "Annie." The two have become great friends Plumbe r win• $3.3 m illion in lottery A '6-year-0ld plumber has won $3.35 million in the New York Lotto lottery. Carmine Serrano or Queens, announced as the winner, bought bjs winning ticket at Carl Miller's lobby newsstand al 1180 Sixth A 17·year·old sc1ent1st from Memphis, Tenn., has been selected by a youth magazine as All·American Girl of the Year. Catania Gre1ory received a $4,000 scholarship in the competition , which as desiened to "focus the nation's attention on teen-age achievers from 12 to 18 whose outstanding talents are worthy of public acclaim." A venue. Serrano works about a block away as a plumber in an office builrung. The record Lotto winner, Louis Eisenberg, who won $5 million in November, bought his ticket at the same newsstand informed sources said in Warsaw. The child was born Jan. 27 in the Baltic port of Gdansk and has not yet received a name, the sources said. The Virginia General Ass em b I y commended Lennie Skutnik for heroism in rescuing a woman from the Potomac River after the A 1 r Florida Jell in er crash Jan. 13. Tb• fame and controveray of m1d1m-turntt1·mayor 8aU1 8'ul•n may follow her be)IOO(I the sr•v• .. a ''dllly of a aull" 1hape1 ur over her Sl5 million wil , H)'I &ttoroty MtlN BeW. Btlll 1ald that Jolm DaY141 OwH of San Rafael1 Ila. Stanford'• d11lnheriteo '°"• plant to conte1t th• will, which leave. the bulk of Ma. Stanford's estate to frlendl. Ma. Stanford, one of San Franclaco'a mo1t r1moU1 madams who later became mayor or Sausalito, dled Monday or heart failure at age 78. . The wlll, slaned laat Jul)', left nothina to Owen, only $1 to 1randson Mlcllael Owea '-Pd $1,000 to ber adopted cfiughter. Mara Mellada Owen. Gossip columnist Dick Maurice, who admitted helping rake an after-the-fact prediction or Pruldeat Rea1an•a assassination attempt with psychic Tamara Rand, flied for bankruptcy in federal court in Las Vegas. Documents filed in U.S. Bankruptc)' Court stated Maurice owes $372,540 and has no income. Maurice, who once hosted a cable television program and wrote a syndicated newspaper column, lost those Jobs following the phony assassination attempt prediction. ..... The 4-year-old contest 1!> sponsored by Teen Magazine and the Noxell Corp. Danuta Walesa, wife of interned Solidarity chief Lech Walesa, bas had a baby girl . their seventh child. Skutnik, 29, of Lorton. V:i , was given a standing ovation before the House of Delegates and state Senate a s a resolution was unanimously adopted lauding has "unselfl sh act of bravery " TAKE~ iLL -Singer Chubby Checker. 40, father of "The Twi st" dance , is in a Columbia, Mo .. hospital for treatment of pneumonia. His condition was des<!ribed as "satisfactory." Wutarly wind' I lo 14 knol• .,..,_ -1'91'11 -Yarlat>i. _._.. •llCa!IC loc.al ,.,,,,,.nl wl""' IS lo 2' mllft ,_,!lour Itel-c..,yon\ from Santa Monica to Venh"• Wfftorly ,_ti 1 10 J -· Motll• clear. Extended forecast Pair. WlncJy In mountain• ano llotow pentt motllY endln9 Dy Moftclay. MIMlltr flryf of IN -• Coa9'al orH 1119'1• U lo U and _,,...,. 10WS In IOI arid -«h Mouftt•lfl ..... h!QN JS to lO •nd ·-· H .. JO. U.S. sum mary A 1-.. -of lr'91d Ar<Uc: aw or•~ """" of Ille c_,al Unlled S1•1tt Oft """9d9y • ...,I .. ·-toll on Ille -•llwotfern and central Ptalfl1 and Ille.,.,.,_,.., lloc•IM. II •• nally ..-y llllt <-In Nerlll O•llote anll nortllorn Mlc1111an, •• tow-lamperahir• ~ _.. Mt ~ran Ille nor111ff"n ....., .,, tlW Nlloft. lleln or,_ was 10,.cul for l ... y In W•IN'll\Oft, the conlrat Reulet Miii acl'Otl Ille IOlltlKtftlr81 ltle!M .,.. tM m1<t-M1u1s11pp1 •ncl 11ertllern 01110 vatloy1, Into Ill• ~alAl-IC1'8tM. • .,.. -·~-from sovthffn Te-....... W. Glllf CMM IMO Ille ... ""'" alld Mlll.A114Nltlc Con! rttfilM, .._.. olet 81"9 for.Casi for c.tlfHnle, IN Soul-dltMr1, and fr9ftl Nor111 O.lleta Into nor1110rn ,..,_ ..... Hltlf\1 "'°"'..-'be-rero to MW 10 atlow _,. elQIK1..:t In IM ~ -~r81 PlalM and IM "'"9' Mital ...... Vltloy California ,...,,...,. ..... ., ... ~1n ,_._ .,_ af ~ (Mlfomla. WI..., .... ~ In -'-Int 1M1 ..-U. CMti-cool. Or .... Ollft\' CM ftPKI -'11 w ,...._ wt• , ... m,fl. H .... ._._.,..t4wt.I. l.-.Mto6' lflleM •a.rt wltl M¥f IHS ,,,..., ~· ...... '""" ..... aflll ....,,... ....... -•~•11• ...... _...... ... ,...""" •!IMC ... "' ..-MM, --.... ................... s. ...... ........ N.rtll-t wllldt u-a "'ltll at ·-..... -~---. ....... ~-.tllltN•• .· .., ... ......., .......... Clear and cool H . lowt JO to lS s...tllarn -1'1 ltlQtl• 51 to M, lowt In JOl Part•v <to"dY ovet "O''"•'" mounteln1. oth•r•h• fal' bvt conUt\u.O coot In Northern end Centr1t C•lltorn1a Wld•tPr••d lro•u In hn JeeQuln Valley A9•1cul1Ural arMt Temperatures NATIOfl HI I.A Allluqw 3' 14 At!>evltle $1 1' Afl•nla n ll Attanlc CIY lO 1' Banlmore 4lt .0 Blrmlnqiw.. .. lS Blsmarcll °' 17 Boise u 10 Bot Ion .. • Bllffalo " 14 Cll8rltlnSC u " CNirtslnWV J3 31 JS seer.,,,_ JS S.llna• Cttoyenne ~I 11 Reno Rlchm- S.11 L.ok• S.•111• :M " 17 11 san a .. -.... Cllka90 .. .en Cln<IM.CI )0 u St LOUii • ,. JI San Gaor\ol -04 San OletO Clovel•nd ,. 13 St P Ta~ SI S1e Mer~ Sootlano Wa"1ln91n Wichita 12 U Son I' rM>CIKO Cotumt><n 1' JO ·U SonJOM Dai.Fl Wiii )I J• °' 11 02 Senta I w11ar• Oett11tr 01 4 OouMOln"' 01 ·11 Oelroll 11 03 0..M.11 01 14 61 Pato •I 11 Falrbanll• )1 II Hart lord .... " H•I .... 01 1• Hoflolulu I• SI Hou•ton 41 • lrw:llloe»ll• J4 IS Jaclllftvli. 1$ $t ~City O'I ~ LotV .... 50 • Lllll• llocll n 22 Loultvlllo J1 21 Memofllt • ,. Miami " 14 Mllwav.._ 11 01 Mpl .. 51.P 01 ·ti Natl\" Ille l4 " Now Or'-S2 C2 N-Y-41 • OldaClt' .. 11 OrnalM OJ .. Pfllladllfll.a 45 l' ....,...1. " ~I CALlflOllNIA .IO 01 HI APOlt V•llty " B•hrtflold " Bartl-SI ltoumont SS Bl9 BMr 42 Bl"'°CI '3 llytllo .. C.Callna ., CulverCllv M Eu,.•• 62 ,,..."° .., Lancaster M LOft91Mecll '1 LOt A"991• M M8ry1vlll• S.f MOnrovle M MonteO.llO .. Ml Wll..i 42 Noedwt M Newport llMctl M Olltarto SI ltatm Sprl"" 11 41 SMtaCnu 02 SonteMarlo Sant• Moftk• Stockton ': r.-vauey JI ~:;:~~ :: Yuma •• PAN AM JI 43 A<ePUl<O '°a.-'° .. _ u 8090I• ,. , .... ~ .. 43 GuecNtol•• OG_..,._ M Hev .... 19 l(lnetton U MAlut .. n .. Mfflda » INakoClty 4J MOn .. ,,..y 90 HHWll 40 San Juan, P It .. VMaCrtll Pllttbv""' 11 u .. CA_,.OA J7 ltnacMna IO lta• ---S1 Pllaflll, Me 41 ,. ptlaft41,0re 41 • Aepld City 04 .JO 17 CJ11911ry !: Id-ion IMl!tr.t ,.,...,tide fl ltocl Bluff ll lt ...... Cltv '1 1t._a11a .. ,_.. v--WllWll"" Tidea SURF REPORT ...................... hM• ~ ...... ,. ....... Zuni• 1 a 11 1 t M leltta MMlke \ I ta 1 t W ....,..,, t I 11 I t IW left Oleott c;aa.ty 1 , t I IJ I t W ~ ...... .,,,..., L.lqit dlaftlle • ..,. ................ a.. W.'re Li5itening • .-• SI SI SI ., .0 $t $t ff .. ~ " M )I 11 u .. "' • .. n .. • II • II .. .. • n ff •• .. ,, Ml ,, ... ti ·It 11 as .. What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like"· Call lhe number below aod your muaaf' Will be recorded. ,. • " • H 41 43 41 44 ... " » J) ,.. " 4J Le .. n .. 4J n J7 n " n u n J7 a .. n ,. Le " ·11 01 ·1' ., tt •ti transer'tMd ~nd delivered to UM appropriate tidltor. The 11me 24·hour an1wer1n1 atrvlce m11 be "'" to record let· • ter1 to the eidUor on any topic. Mailbox contlibuton ID.al tnehlde t»tlr name and telea>taone numbft' for veriftutklill. Ho di'Nlatioa (allt,pae.M, Tell, wh1t'1 on your mind. orange Coelt DAILY PILOT/Friday, February e. 1982 8 11 new bus rolltes set' County transit·dtstrict to introduce change_s Sunday 8eJtnn.tna SundJl)', tht Oranie County Tranalt Oi1trlct wlll introduce what lt h0pe9 are 11 new and lmproved bua roui. in Oran1e County. The route lmprovementa, accordint to Ralph Clark, OCTD board chairman, "will help meet p111en1er demand, Improve service and aenerate additional fare box revenue.'' He. added that route cbanaes made each February, June and September are Intended to reflect seasonal cban1es In travel patterns and respond to new transit needs. One new route and five improved routing schedules affectlng the Oranae Coast are Included In the plan: -New Route 21 will provide local servU!e between Cypress and Huntington Beach via Valley View and Springdale with a 60-minute frequency 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Service will include stops at Cypress College and High School, Buena Park, Loa A l amllo11, Garden Grove, Weatmtnater Mall and Marina Hl&b School -Route 33, which oper•ta between Fullerton and ffuntlncton Beach via MasnoUa, will now run at 30-mlnute intervals weekdays between 9 a.m . and 3 p.m. Stopa included are In Anaheim, Stanton, Garden Grove, Westmlnater and Fount.a.ln Valley . -Route 35, operatin1 between Fulterton and HWltington Beach via Brookhurst, wtll feature an Increased number or dally tripe. Stops are in Garden Grove, Westminster , Anaheim, Fountain Valley and at Huaties Aircraft and Mile Square Park. -Route 37, operaUn1 between La Habra and Huntington Beach via Euclid, will now run at 30-minute intervals from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Stops are in Fullerton, Anaheim Plaia, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, Fountain Valley and at Five Point.a Pl111 and llUt 9q~ Park. • ~ -Routt 70, optrattn1• (1 Huntlntton Btacb aloft Edln11r, •lll now run ' 15-mlnutt tntervall from I al~ to I p.m . weekdaya. Stope ari. 6J HunUn1ton Harbour, Gol•t~ West Colle1e. Huntln1toa Center, Fountain Valley ana Mile Square Park. · -Route 85, operaUng betwten Santa Ana and San Clemente \.1' Paseo de Valencia, will now r,Ui) at 45-minute lntervab from t a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundaya. 8tO# are at Santa Ana Civic ~· Irvine, La1una HUI• M , Saddleback Hospital. La a Niguel, South County Court, Monarch Bay, Dana Poiotl Doheny State Park ana Capistrano Beach. Fares are 75 cents durlDC rysb hours (8·9 a.m . and 3-t p,m. weekdays) and 80 cent.a at ..tJ other times. One-way exp1'U route fare is $1.50. NB man, Lagunan named Brown appoints pair to fill county ~ourt va cancies West Orange County Municipal Court Judge David Carter of Laguna Beach has been appointed to a vacancy on the South Orange County Municipal Court bench by Gov. Edmund G Brown Jr. judge at south court, joining judges Blair Barnette, John Griffin and Richard Hamilton Beecher now holds a ranking position in the county Public Defender's Office. In the past. he has served as head of public defender operations at both w~ court and Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach. '-Muni c i pa I court jud,.1 receive $57 ,231 annually. Also on Wednesday, Gov. Brown named J . Michael Beecher. 43, of Newport Beach. to the west court vacancy created by Carter's transfer to the Laguna Niguel court. Brown says prison bonds not enough Carter said be was delighted with the governor's decision to reasc;ign him to a court oearer his Laguna Beach home; Beecher appeared ~equally pleased with bis appointment at a gathering with friends in Santa Ana. Carter was appointed to the west court bench several months ago. Prior to his appointment, he bandied major homicide prosecutions in the county District Attorney's Office. He will become the fourth Irvine league changes name and expands A name change and expanded boundaries are an store for the 585-member Greater lrvjne Industrial League. reports league Executive Direetor Todd Nicholson. The league membership has voted 267·lo·lj to chanae the name to the Industrial League or Orange County, a~nization that will accept members from throughout the county The league boundaries are now limited to a 10-mile radius of John Wa yne Airport. Nicholson said the changes will become official later this month when new incorporation papers are submitted to lbe stale. The changes, which Nicholson said are expected t9 increase league members hip to 700 , reflects a growing desire by firms outside of Irvine to join the organization, which researches issues affecting business and generally represents the tnteresta of the business community. SACRAMENTO CAP> -The $495 million prison bond issue on the June ballot is only a "down payment·· on t be prison construction California needs, and more funds will be requJred, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said. The Democratic governor told a conference of the California Organization of Police and Sheriffs that since the prison measure , which will be Proposition 1 on the June 8 ballot, passed the Legislature last year. estimates of the 1986 state prison population have ON T AP E -Former California Gov. Edmund G. "Pal" Brown Sr. says he remembers conversation taped by President John F. Kennedy following Brown's victory over Richard Nixon in 1962 gubernatorial election. Dual Voltage Travel Iron 110/220V dual voltage. travel tron with fokt-up handle, temperature settings. and Teflon plate. UL approved. Includes tra~I ctM t>y Franzus. Sale S 1688 ' increased from 35,000 inmates to 45,000. . He did not spell out ~) specific financine plan tor coostructina the extra celh, except to say that more ~y will be needed than PropoetffOO 1 will provide. , The state currently bu a\~ inmates in 10 instltutiqns designed for 24 ,000. i Brown, whose earlier ,to billion state and local prUoll 4Jid la~ P.nforrPml"nt olan WAS rejected by the Legislature, Ul'd a .. massive priaon bulldiDI program," is neede d :in California in the 1980s. County nixe8 plea to halt home project , The Orange County Board• of Supervisors has dented -p appeal by a Laguna Hilla homeowners group about Ille number or affordable bousln~ units beinl built In the area. I Cooteodlng that Laauna Hiils has received more than ill sbm of affordable housing and that A has tended to concentrate In ~e area. members of the ~ Hills Homeowners Associat.Jqo asked supervisors this week~fq deny a 96-home project by eie Mission Viejo Co. However, the supervisors, acting on a motion by Supervisor Thomas Riley, wtM)M fifth district includes the LuJn:a Hills area, voted unanimouslyto uphold the Orange County Planning Commissloq's approval of the project. I The 96 homes include 56 ~ of affordable housin1. deflne4u homes that can be purchued" qr rented by households earninl less than $36,000 a year. · , ... Orange Ooeet DAILY ptLOT/Ff'ld 0ay, Pebruary 6. 1982 ockman says aps will gain ates $2 billion GTON (AP) -1be ol Medicaid and wellare ams envisioned In .... , ..... dent Reaaan'a "new m" plan will result in a clal gain or more than to the states ln l_., ~t director David A. an bas said. man also told a Senate ffllllllttee on Thursday that the ures that all the states l!Mllft•ually will come out even lally, through what he "super revenue sharing." aaid that while the Reagan ........... rristration is willing to Mtl'ltl,•te over specific details of "the framework itself ~ be changed in any •u11u101uental way ... ' ~MHINGTON CAP> -Faced ~ l tnammoth stockpiles of ~s dairy products, the U1 government wants to !iway some of its butter in hme ways it-.. has been ~ lng of surplus cheese. 11U~our intention to relieve ~ ks of some of the older b ," said John Bode, the tulture Department's ~ assistant secretary for d consumer services. a test basis , the ~ment is agreeing to ute 40,000 pounds or butter to poor people m ·county area around ~loo, Io. wa. The project was osed by two Iowa licans -Rep. Cooper l'M s a n d Se n . Ch a r I es rr, ey. • 1 ~Y came in and asked, it l~ltp hke a good idea and we 1 Id," Bode said. t blic response is good and U lJW~hes develop, the free i fjbulion program will be lllnded nationwide, he said. Stockman's appearance before the Senate Governmental Arratrs-Committee was the ftnt conarresslonal alrin1 of Reagan's program. The plan calla for the federal government to take full responsibility for the Medicaid health care pro1ram for the needy while the states uaume control of food stamps and the btnest welfare proeram. "We estimate that this first component of the program -the swap -will mean a net financial gain to the states collectively in 1984, the first year, of a little over $2 bllllon and more in l~er years because of the projected growth of Medicaid," Stockman said. In the other part of the plan, .a federal programs will be turned over to the states and a trust fund totaling $28 billion wlU be set up from excise tax revenues and the windfall profits tax to help the states finance them. "As we envision the plan, during the Phase One period tt)ere will be a mandatory full pass-through or money from the. trust fund to local governments when states opt out of programs s uch as mass transit and community development block grants where the funds now go directly from Washington to cities and towns," he said. •'There would be a 15 percent pass·through for other programs except education, which is a special case in that schools are normally not financed by local governments but rather by separate school districts," he added. Sen. William V. Roth Jr .. R ·Del., chairman of the committee, said earlier that the American people want to learn how the plan will promote equity and fairness. ·'The redirection of national authority and power proposed in the president's plan would have been unthinkable had not the slates , ~n div id u a 11 y and collectively. established a remarkable record for fair. representative, efficient and responsive govern roent, · · Stockman said. DE-ICING THAT OLD MAN RIVER Leviticus. a towboat. breaks up huge chunks of ice 0 as it creeps through the clogged Mississippi River near Alton. Ill. The severe winter -~-....... has made all forms of travel difficult in the Midwest and East. Rising tension threatens Mideast calm NAQOURA. Lebanon CAP> - An unwritten cease.fire agreement has stopped the fighting in this Middle East bot spot since last July Israel and the Palestinian guerrillas accuse each other or provocations , however, and tensions are ris ing Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization that keeps about 15 ,000 guerrillas in South Lebanon, has accused Israel of "daily provocations" - including reconnaisance flights, shelling civilian fishing boats, night patrols with helic9pters and gunboats, and a live ammunition maneuver in the area late last month. Israeli Fore ign Minister Yitzhak Shamir claims a squad or Palestinian guerrillas who infiltrated Israel from Jordan and planted land mines last week violated the cease-fire agreement. Israeli officials also claim Palestinian guerrillas are · bringing large quantities of new weapons into South Lebanon. Arafat has often claimed Israel is preparing a strike against the guerrillas and cites a buildup of Israeli troops near the occupied Golan Heights as eviden~. · The Jerusalem Post on Monday sald in an analysis by its military correspondent that tensions may be building towards a confrontation. In Tel Aviv, Detense Minister Ariel Sharon was quoted as saying Wednesday that Israel is doinJ all it can to preserve the cease-fire in South Lebanon, but is also prepared to retaliate if its civilians are attacked. U.N. officials at peacekeeping t\eadquarters in Naqoura, 2"'1 miles from Israel's northern border, admit concern. But U.N. spok~man Timur Goksel said that since the cease-fire started on July 28, it "has held and there have been no firing incidents." Israel and the PLO agreed to the cease-fire after a l5·da.Y full-scale battle last July that killed or wounded 2,567 people on Lebanon's side or the border, according to PLO figures. The PLO says 237 more people were :.Wed July 17 when i sraeli planes bombed Beirut. Israeli tallies showed seven people killed in northern Israel, where many persons fled to avoid artillery shellinJ( in South Lebanon. PLO officials infist the cease-fire applies onl~ to the Lebanese border. while Israel asserts it covers all guerriJla activities against the Jewish state. ·"There was, I UHnk . an understanding without a reservation that the PLO would cease all activities against Israel ," Israe l 's ambass ador -des ighate to Washington, Moshe Arens, told reporters in Tel Aviv. Thus. be said, the Palestinian infiltration Crom Jordan was a "clear violation." U .N. officials say they have not detected any troop or guerrilla movements ahdicating an imminent connict, but that full-scale fighting could erupt with little warning. ,. ........... FARMLAND BILL -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. discusses farmland monitoring bill by Assemblyman Richard Lehman, 0 -Fresno, right, after s igning the measure this week. The bill, requiring the Department of Conservation to annually map and collect information on the amount or land converted to and from agriculture. is designed to help lawmakers keep a closer eye on the state's top industry ·Moons added to Saturn's list Voyager 2 pictures show. at least 4 more $atellites PASADENA <AP > - Scientists poring over pictures or Saturn transmitted by the Voyager 2 spacecraft say the ringed planet has at least four and possibly six more moons than previously known. The new s atellites bring Saturn's total to. 21 or 23 and help support the theory that the planet's rings were formed through collisions or comets or asteroids with its part-rock, part-ice moons, researchers at NASA 's Jet Propulsio~ Laboratory said thi s week. Planetary s cientists Stephen P . Synnott and Richard Terrile discovered the moons while examining computer-enhanced photographs from Voyager 2's Saturn fly-by last September. Each moon is no larger than 6 to 12 miles in diameter and appear in the photos as mere pinpoints or streaks or light. The discovery "helps us piece together the history or the rings ," Terrile said, "and Jenda s upport to the colhs ional theory" explainine the rings' genesis, which he developed with Gene Shoemaker of the U.S. Geological Society. ··w e're seeing a greater range or fragment sizes throughout the rings," said Terrile, "which i_s what you would expect to see if these were once larger objects that have been broken up." The four moons orbit Saturn at distances or 116,000 , 183,000, 217 ,000 and 235,000 miles out. Orange~ DAILY PILOT/Frldey, February 6, 1182 8 Recruitment defended Reports of CIA activit11 cause concern. at Stanford STANFORD (AP> -Reporta that the Central lntelll1ence A1ency has tried to recrult Stanford Unlveralty profeuon to feed lt Information have caused a furor at the school, but the CIA aays such work ls "not unusual." "The agency has a responalbility to do it and we do that at virtually every university around the United States," CIA •pokesman Dale Peterson sai~.1 thls week from Washington. tte said he could not say whether people at Stanford had been approached. Bernard Roth, protea.Or of mechanical en1lneerln1. aald that the CIA had approached him and that he knew of other faculty members who al.Jo bad been approached. "There are some who are doing it." he speculated. Stanford President Donald Kennedy said he would be concerned if faculty members were aasisting the CIA, but he added, "We have always been comfortable with our reliance on tbe 1ood JudameQt of our col-· leaiua." Faculty Senate PrHldent Da vld Abernethy aaid that tM would be concerned with the covert nature of help to the CIA and said be saw '•d.lfflculties lo not beln1 open wltb another person •bout such connectlona." A bemethy. a political acience professor, said reaearcbena lo Third World natlODI should not work with the CIA "lf only for the practical problem• lo credibility that would result down the line.'' Boy, 2 , mauled by pit bull Youngster requires 50 stit ches after attack by do g PLEASANTON (AP) -A 2-year-old boy playing in his yard was mauled by a large pit bull terrier, which ripped gashes in the youngster's face, hands and head that required more than 50 stitches, police reported. Justin Miller was treated at a local hospital after the attack this week, then released. Animal control omcers picked up the 6()-pound male dog that attacked Justin on Wednesday, and a s maller female which shares the dog 's pen. BOth were taken to th e pound for observation. "My son was outside playing near a mud puddle ... and my mom was watching him through the window,'' said the boy's mother , Sandy Torok . ··suddenly she beard him yelling and screaming out.side. She ran out and saw that this dog bad grabbed his head with hla teeth and was dragging him. ··She ran over and kicked the dog orr. then grabbed my son and ran for the house." Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear South Coast Plaza ln the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 0 -IU. lllYttOU>S T09ACCO CO. I ' f ! I • oranoe Coeat DAit. y PlLOT/Fflday, P•bruary45, 1982 t Regan backs bank, • • • • securities ties WASHINGTON (AP ) -Treuury Sect'etary Donald T. Re1an hu out.lined the Rea1an admlnJ1tration'I prOJ>OHl for lettlnl bank holdlnl companies underwrite municipal revenue boodl and offer mutual funds. The lqtalation would expand the powera of commercial banks and savings and loan associa\lona. In tatJmony before a Senate bankln1 subcommittee on Thursday, Regan sald the time bad come to remove some of the barriers to competition between the banking and securities industries. "The distinctions between these two industries have become increasingly blurred in recent years," he said. Regan's proposal would require bank holrung companies to set up subsidiaTies which would be able to offer mutual funds and underwrite municipal revenue bonds. Under the Regan plan, commercial banks with assets or less than $100 mitlion dollars and unaffiliated with a holding company would be allowed lo conduct the securities activities through bank subsidiaries. They would not be required to set up a holding company. Larger banks that are not tied to a holding company would have lo form a bank holding company. Bank holding companies own or control commercial banks. Approximately 5,400 banks already operate as subsidianes of bank holding companjes BANK TALK Treasury Secretary Donald T Regan said some barriers between banking and securities indus tries s hould be removed The proposal is part of wide.ranging banking legislation the Senate Banking Committee is studying. Current law prohibits banks from offering these securities services. Regan told the subcommittee that many consumers have s hifted their savings from banks and savings and loans to higher paying money market funds, which are not restricted in the amount of interest that they can pay. ·'This uneconomic allocation or resources to circumvent government restrictions is w ea kening depository institutions by concentrating their sources of funds and inconvenien<.•ing consumers by fragmenting their access to financial services." he said. THI AlllY SCHOOL A Catholic eo.rding High School fOt boys CAMP MOL Y CIOSS A Summef c.mp for boys g to 14 yurs old. Q>nducted by the Benedict1rie Monks of Cokndo in Southern Rockies. Country En- vironment near ski areas. DlalCTOI Of ADMISSl~S THI AlllY SCHOOL IOI HI CAMOH cm, COLOIADO 11282 ~ IJOJ) 27MHI -OI-,_ . ..__.,., ... ,......._~_. HIWPOIT llACH 1714) '6~2941 IN CALIFORNIA'S PALM SPRINGS AR£AJ A Great New Golf Course Resort Home Community Invites You! The Southern California desert's newest, most exciting resort home community is now underway on the Jack Ivey Ranch just 5 minutes from Eisenhower Hospital and Bob Hope Drive! Choice golf course locations now available ... a selection of over 20 different manufactured homes. ~Ml~ Pools, tennis, recreation... ~ desert vistas and sunshine. r L!J ~fret-coon.~ Off lntersute 1Q_~t_!(,!!~i£!~~----___ _ Write T ocby J~k Ivey OCDP Free aolf pass Included Write for color Jack Ivey Ranch Country Club P.O. Box8652,PalmSpnngs,Ca92263 "''"' ~nd !'TW tOUf lw<W huff' "nd rf'fftv.ation '"'Of""hnn brochure, map Name ---------- and reservation information Address --------- A l>M9lofl ol City _________ _ ~ State ____ Zip .. -THE EARL'S · -· ... ATIWO .................. .... ',( ,, .. , ~f<f••O ,....._ ,,..._ ·~ "C. • t'). " (.A• "!11 .... ~ ••• '\. "°"" ..... COITA •u641•1289 •ueo.._-.,,.,"* we.io495-0401 ?-=nc...._c.,...,.,.. • (l e1t °'9ee t i." P•• '' OPPOUUMTY tnocu CJft.-when you uae reault·lettinl Daily Pilot Clullfied -Ada to teach the Oranse Coast market. Phone MZ-5878 ----- Ladies, Free Houseplants 1,000 winners of 4" plants during Huntington Center Ladies Days thru Sun. Just check your driver lie. number. · ()ep anfront Lots The final 30 ·ocean front homesites. A walled and gated private residential community in San Clt!mc•nte. Private beac h and privatP Swim and Tennis Club. Interest only financing available 1714 ) 498-2830 or t213 1 277-9470. A-BEAUTIFUL BUY - OUR 1982 CIMARRON WE'RE A LOT MRE THAii A BELL • Y-WALL Valentine' 1 Art Show/Sale Great gifts from ~ Huntington Center dally thru Feb. 1 O. c• . Health costs targeted Foundation seeks. new tvays to finance, organize care 8y .JOHN CUNNIFr t.Ja ...... MIMI NEW YORK -In 1980 , Amerlcam 1pent '247 .2 bUUoo oo health care, an amount tbat accounted for 9.4 percent of the oatlon'1 nUre output of aoodl and tervtcea. What a bullpe11l Hou1ln1 and automobiles ml1bt 1et mir.d ln cyclical recessions every few yeart and 1tay there for many months at a time, but health care never does. Never. Each year families pay more for medicines and treatment& and hospital stays. Nol once In the past 15 years has the yearly Increase been less than 10.4 percent. The •hare or personal health care expenditures for the avera1e family ln 1980 was $2,850. It mlthl reach $8.000 by 1990. So relentless are the factors ln the cost riae that It seems any lowering of costs depends, of all things, on spendine more money. That is the conclusion reached by the RoMrt Wood Johnaon ·Foundation, wbkh bu offered up to $18.2 mllUon to belp cul health COltl. David Roten, president of the fouodaUOD, second ln alie only to the F o r d Foundation. utd it may be increas. lnaly d.i.fflcult to respond to medi ca l need s, especially those or the poor and cu••1"" elderly. Roaers ' notion is to concentrate on Innovative approaches to health care financing and changine the or1aniution and procedures of community health care services. Under bis plan. leaders of medical, insurance, business, labor and other groups would join together to investigate solutions. In the ttrat 1ta1e of tbe foundatJon'1 Pf'OIJ'lm, sraau ol up to tt00,000 Heb wUJ be ~ over 1.8 monthl to u many • 12 com munlllea to hel9 them develop projec:ta for loweriftt COila. In the 1ecood 1ta1•. up to 10 communtttes mtaht recelve 1rant1 or up to St.5 mJJUon eaeb to lmplement propoaed mulll·year projects. The sran&.1. he 11ld, w1ll be made to 1f.nl)e, non-profit enUUea that can 1bow they are able to mobtllie other eroupe u co-1ponsora. Two more qualificaUon1: The cooperative undertakinp must be in communities witb populations 250,000 or more, and co-1pon1ors mu1t provide matching funds equal to at leut 50 percent of the iranta. Rogers said that while t.be foundation had been developbl1 its plan for two years, it now finds the tlmine appropriate because of the reapon1ibility shift to local eovemJDent and the private 1ector. Coast firm to merge WTC Inc. of Newport Beach has released further Information regarding Its previously announced plan lo acquire Logistics Control Group International Ltd. ·DC BUllllB.1 will become president of wrc Air Freight. • Agreement has been reached that upon consummation of the acquisition, Abe J . Lieber, currently chairman of Logistics Control Group International Ltd., will become chairman and · chief executive officer of WTC Inc. chairman of WTC Inc., will become vice chairman of the company. Dwight Barnhart, currently president of Logistics Control Group International Ltd., will become president and chief operating officer of wrc- lnc. Richard D . Sa unders, currently president of WTC Inc .. UUraay1tem1 lac. of Irvine baa been awarded a $1.9 million contract by the U.S. Air Force's Ballistic Mi ssile Office to provide Integrated Lo1istics Engineering Support services related to the MX Weapon System The contract will be implemented at Norton Air Force Base Harry M . Baker, currently OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HEW YORK ZAPI ~omCIH ftV.~ I ntmtGs ~ "°' PeopEQI "" '°"" Strew(J Diii 24"-UPS AND DOWNS NASDAQ ~tlorls "''''" IJY> 14Y, I nltWlll '""' 1J'4 Pnrlt s Jl'llo J2V. luberu ,. ,..,., ..._,"' ,..__. !lids mwT•I 12\11 1•Y> I ••SoUI ~23 Petll-ts Ullo ~rEI 7 .... 1"" •ftd -· offH's ~ on Pep Ullo~ J .... 111., 19'.4 1N Pflll1Het ~Jl .. I ,.-. 21 market "'4IUn •• COf'cllt 21114 tCIVI J•rlco s 17111o ti Pl•rceSS 11'411'1fo IC I 1' lS'-Tllul'S. ~do nol ~ro.Tre 22'11122111o 1:ry~c1. .... ..... Plnkrtn ""' u .... TIME OC 1'111 ,.,., HEW YOltK IAP) -Tiie NI-Int 119' WUr,cl I ""' 114 )114 Jl'lt PlonHl8 ., __ . l::·. DV.~ ,nc,_rwcen...-up ~cllrOft ' 41/ot 1Celv1r I S-16 ..... Plesllne 1 ,...., 2' Jtllot • ... °"9<·-·C-mar11c1o-or COfl'Wn. •O... II~ 1'1.\ Kemen t 1.--17 PoHl• ~ '"' ec:umP '2 .,.... llo<h ----1.1181 ,,_ ... .. lsslon lot T_.,.y, l'(tM I 12111 I• :·~:r .... " ..... Pre.OM ~Miio TekmA ~21 ... llle most .,,. ~ IN moat .._.. Oft S\Oek 8lcl AJI< o ... , """. 11·1• ""'~ PnSteyn a 1'14 efllflt • "'"' 17 r:rcent Of cMnle ,,._.,_ of -AEL Incl 10.. 11 Kr,,,.,.11 AFAPnn • 11111 1J g:~~~' 14 1'\lo I~,.._ Proori> 1:\11 l'llo uA8 t .,..., JI orT~ AVM Cp 4" 4'111 " """ Ki;:Jnl I I~ PbSvHC 12Yo 12 .... ~~10T1 1'19 ts Ho t«url tr= -U .,,. IMI· :~r::~ ~111 ~l" Dewey El J )\II K G a 2114 Purtlen 2714 r7'1fo , ... ' ""9CI ...... encl-~ -, ....... ,.. 1111 OleCry1 u ~ ~~::.v IW. I~ Put DC~ 11\lo 1t Toyota 4''1fo '' dlff•renc• ._ 1111 C::lout clfflftt AclvRou JY, ~ Dl•nCru lS 3111> IOV.1~ r.allrC I• 16"' 'rrlcoPcl 21Yt Uy, bid prlo -,,_._., , .. 1 iw1u • Afl8tll s JO io.... OcKwU 1 11 11V. Kull< kt ,..,., " qotnPr ....... Tyeon,cl 12\lot 12:W. All<Oln< .a\.'t ........ Oollr(;n '"" 11 L•nc•ln 2:Jillt 14 Reycllm "' $1 UnM<Gll 1D '°"" Alie• ,._ J Dor.IDB ts UY, Lend It" '"' '"" Reymncl 22"' U\11 US Enr ~. UPI 'lmeru ll'Ao lf\11 Dr et'i>n 11'111 t2 un.co :is-.• .... tt ...... I J2\lo J2\ll US Sur 1Polo 1• "--~ ~"\ l"<t. "'"'" ~ ..... OVnll I 11"4 12 t::.i:, Wilt ...... ltoeCIE• J2\'t SJ US Trek 12 12\lo 1 TVI En 2¥. Up 1U AGrfft 1Wt 1"-Durlrn s 11"4 ,. I~ ts Ro«*My 20 fl .... UVe8all ~-, TVI 1#1 211\ + " Up 11.1 AlnGp I l714 •n. ~•tnvnc 1SV. 1• Lln8<11 ..... _ ROMIOfl ..... '""' ~: .. ~"J • '""' J Lvtll 1#1 f"' + S-1' Up 11.J AMkro1 ..,.,_ Econu11 11'11111 ... L~lr11 IJ\I• Ull'I Rouw t~" 1111'1 12\lo • llKlll"" '"' + ..... Up 1U IC JJ JJ"" Seclller ""' . ANellM \A IA"° EIPHEI IOI!\ 11 0'011 ... "" SefKO ,.__ ,. ... v .. IR ~u ' TRP En ,"' + ""' Up 1U AQuesr ~ .... E~ ~ ..... ValNtl I 22'1112211'1 • ICyC..U 1114 • 2 Up la.I 'IRHlll\9 .__ '"°' EleHuc:I -1°"9 E 1~ IS SIHelGd " ""' v .. Dus "" 10 7 Cl'llSlvr , .... . .... UP ll.O AWelO I II 10 E1Mocll ' 22 .... 2'1 pt '"' SY, StPeul SI SI.,._ v•"' '~ 14 .... H1s:a,.un "" + I Up 12.9 Al\ldlte W. ~ !:'Dev 12 .... 12 .... p 4$ 014 trlpH I """ ltV. VklraS4 ~::. Tee s '"" . 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Ne"9(: " Ml J XRG 2 ... -II'> Of! , ... 811(11: .... ICM t FullrHB io... 11 =Dte' '"""" NASDAQ_SUMMARY • ko1G""' o , .... -.., °" IU Buffets JIY, JI-311.a.utm ..... •Iii JResc ,. UV. s UnvS« 1 JV.,_ .... Of! IU ~~'t't.~ I~ 12111 no.vu Jl..i. Jllot H'l'Alrl • )\II ,_ • DKltOet J" -.., Oft IU , ,.,., g;R1Ett 15y, 17 N~kOG UV. 14'11 NEW YORK (API -Moel ecthte -· 1 G11Procl , .... -.... Ofl IU CPT s l~i.~ vE,n t11t N H olet 11v. """ IN<Ollfl1ltr stocks --=led lly NASO. • NevNk 7 1 Off IU Name Volu-"tlted C~ • RloVef'CI '"" -\II Ofl tu CalW1Sv ,,"" \II GreScn • " m• Hlellft A ~~ MCIC . . . 271,400 JJ »~ -10 Sflt~ J'h -.... Off 1U CenreclH ,_ ) Grey Adv 11 1• Hlellft I 42'h 4llllo 8urtH . . . 17',100 S.... 5"' • 14 II Bio Ul'I , .... -1 Oft 11.1 Cac>Ert I 1 1·1' Glllntst " " NoCerGs ll'ft UY, ~:r~;v 121'1 14 ~::.,o:',1," ~ 11/ot HwtHGa lll't 11 .... ~·•<le . ~· '"· 100 "" '"' ' ' . ' 12 Soe1B n ' Oft 11.1 ~,.. 11\lo 11" "'tPS ..... 16\lot -·· 1!2,100 2' 26\lo _, 1J lenEftQ 1 -14 ()fl 11.1 E111tsv ... 11'.JOO 7 '"' • "' " AclvComp 2\lt -"' Oft IOAI cerwcy u~s111 Ha"""h ,... , ... JllJI Jl'llt 22 ... '"'-' ... 10t,000 ~ UW. -\II " iclTeco ·~ -..... Off IOAI CIWlrR • JS ..... ~rpttow "" II-:;f:fy ', """' s~ CllrmS s 1~ IN ·~p .,.. .,_. 12\lo n:w. GreScn a .. 10.,lllO 17 ""' ..... " •tclbcl . --... Of! I0.11 C"'1HOU ' 11 11W. He IHI .,_. fl 11\11 t~ Melllrt •. ' tCIUOO 4S'lll ~ -116 11 'ti 1114 -IV. Oft .... c11m1. .. 1 ..... 17.., 1::!1.c' IS'lll 1"--3114 ·~.c .. ..-1N """ -II'> II UrtlD 0 t 21/ot -14 Ofl 10.0 O r .. •.OOO '"'. tt-1• OW2 " A"'rJ:""' 21'1 -"' Ofl '·' ci.sut1 17'1't " , .. ""' 41E 41\11 JI A1t J" -"' Off •.1 CllUllb AM~ HtllrclF ..... ~ 1 ,.,. Clrfko ... ' Holollftl 2"' "" 17'\ IM Ad¥8f1Ced 01 " A....,., un 7\11 -"" Off •.1 CltrSoGa ..., """ _,,., • Wt CA Int S SW. OKllnecl •••...•• S7S n Dorlft '"" "' Oft t.t Cll1UtA ,,. .... JS Horii Rs "' '"' ~ ..... 1Mlo 14 ¥MN ........ U7S n f~."' 10 _, Off t.I Clt1Ull ~ Hll't r~r:~7' 14.., ""' e:r I~~ *''-· J,111 1' I) -IV. Oft u HewlllgN . ,. u Cl'lllllfS s .... ..... Oft u C\erkJL .,.... 21 ..,..-xr .............. " ,. --1¥t "' Oft u C-Cp "" S lnfrelllcl . .., "' lo..... """ ........... ............. ~OlrTle ""' ""' ·-· ~UIA .._Ent 12 1214 Total ..... .... . , ... """-f1 $pHrlll 2'111 -"' Off u Mc>OM \It 11.JJ '"~<EM s.. "' ....... ,, -- ,. ' • t'!J ) /~I ... •-"~ .... ;t..._ _____ •I lllTll llllRITZ r WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI F" • T-r "'"" Ad>l•nuo o.<llMCI MS ~ 136 11• Vn<i..1'99<1 CJS ~ To1a11._ 11$t 1117 N.,., lllO'ls 14 " N•w low\ tO cJ -.. , AME• coo NEW YOAI( IAPI Feb.• ....... """•"<.., T°":l} .. J, O.cu...., lOJ JM VftCl\en(jlld 10t m Total IUW\ 10 ns ....... h'911i s 11 New ,,,_ l4 " METALS T.._.,..1 C•1>1>•• 1' e1 t•nh • Pouno v S oa~1111alloM l•H'2tonb a ~ th•< •t-CJ cen11 a--· oauw.,.., Tiii U 6111 ""-1•1• w .. ~ t -•lt It> Al•M""'"' 1•11 <Wll> a pound, N Y Sii¥•• Ml 1.0 lrov ouno. NY Comn "'°"' month cio..a Wad T--r 'I Orange Oout DAIL y PILOT/Friday, FebtUllY 5, 1982 Airline's arrogance far from neighborly Rising out ot the vortex of issues surrounding John Wuyne Airport is one that has more than one Orange County official troubled. The county's a tte mpt to develop a plan to regulate which commercial air carriers may serve the airport is mired in litigation in federal court. The carriers. sensing that things are s winging their way , are beginning to pressure the county to permit them to increase their existing flight levels. if they have flights, or to begin service, if they don't. PSA, operator of two flights daily, wants six more. Western. which also has two departures. wants two more America West, a new Phoenix-based air carrier, wants four s lots . So does Continenta l. If the airlines were to get what they've requested, 57 jets would depart each d ay from the airport 16 more than the 41 flights now permitted by county airport regulations. That would trans late into a 39 percent increase in the number of flights, and, accordingly, a 39 perr.ent increase in noise. The airlines' behavior recently has been out of order. At least one carrier, in essence, has told the county it will increase its service, regardless of what the county trunks about s uch a move That may or may not happen But the arrogance of the airhne. Pacific South west Airlines. s imply is something the county a nd those interested m airport affairs could do without . PSA seem s intent on buymg !tself a public relations problem 1t may have to live wit h for a long time. All of the air car riers give con s iderable lip se rvice to wanting to be good neighbors and do what is best for the county. Their recent actions belie those asse rtions. Bette r that the airlines cool their heels for the lime being and let the c·ourL-; rule on the access issue befor e moving ahead in such cavalier fashion Stick to agreement During pr e limin ary discussions about construction of t h e I rvine Meadow s Amphitheater at Lion Country Safari. there was much concern about locating s uch a facility under the flight path or the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station The concern was twofold pot e ntial h azard for the 10,000-member concert audiences in the event of an air mishap and the obvious likelihood of jet noise int e rfere n ce durin g t h e performances The Irvine City Council approved the amphitheater pl an only after mandating that the o p erat ors e nt er into an agreement with the Marine Corps to ensure there would be no jet overflights during concerts. It was agr eed that concerts could be held only on weekends. when the air st ation closes down flight operations . and ~not on week nights without special permission from the Mannes The agreement appears to have worked quite well But last week the amphitheater operators sought permission to stage 15 week·night concerts fJuring the coming season. · Marine officia ls, not s ur- prisingly. rejected the request on grounds of noise and potential s afety pro blems. They did. however. grant per'm issiot1t for additional concerts on federal holidays when there are no flight operations. The denial was absolutely valid. The initial concerns about combining ope n a ir mus ical performances with jet overflights are unchanged. The amphitheater operators should accept the t e rms under which the facility was authorized. and the ract that Marine operations and the safety of their audiences -have priority over incrf>ast>d revenues. Nuclear setbacks continue "When it rains 1t pours .. could be an apt s logan for the nation's nuclear power industry A recent spate of both economic and engineering disasters heaped more troubles on an a lready troubled industry. A tube rupture led to the release of radioactive steam al the Ginna plant in Ontario. N Y . , leading to a "site emergency." the second highest on a scale of four emergency classifications A steam leak led to the closure of the Vermont Yankee plant But the most serious mis hap t o hit the nukes was t h e termination or two plants in the const ru ctio n stage i n Washington . the 29th and 30th plants to be scrapped m the last • three years. Electricity customers in the • Pacific Northwest will be left holding a $7 billion bag. About 2 . million ratepayers of 88 utilities in Washington . Oregon, Idaho a nd Montana face r ate increases • of 50 percent to 300 percent to pay for project t ermination. The c lo su r e was bl amed on ·1 • management blunders, hi g h interest rates and doubts as to whether the pla nts were. needed at all. Over the next 30 years. those customers will have lo fork over $7 billion to pay off bonds for plants t hat will never generate• a watt or power. The two were m a group of five planned by the Washington Public Power Supply System <known as Whoops to critics 1 WPPS.S scrapped the two plants so it could continue borrowing the billions needed to fmish the remaining thre~ Already in a precarious financial bind. WPPSS could be hea ded for receivership if the termination 1s not orderly T hat would endanger other public works projects in the Northwest. However this sorry tale turns out, it is yet a noth.er serious setback for an industry with a long list of them. Only time will tell if the industry can recover from the accide nts, failu res and foulups. The outlook is not very bright Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex pressed Of'I tn1s page are tnose ot tne1r autnors ana art1sl s. Reader comment is 1nv1t • ed. Address The Datly Pilot, P 0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone t71'1 !: .641·'321. ,. :! LM. Boyd I Political families Q. Abigail Adams was the wife of i; one president, John, and the mother !i' of another , John Quincy. You knew ,, that. But can you name the woman (j who was the wife of one president cl aoa the crandmother of another? ii A. That would've been An na ·r Harrison , wtre of William Henry c, Harrison, 1randmotber of Ber\jamlo <1 Harrtaon. Politics is a famlly <i business, wh at? !• ~I ' < . My old clty editor would not have let me write llnca like lhla: "The gu with guts." "We move our tails tor you." "Get off the can and get on lhe stick." He would have thought them indelicate ii not vulgar. But then he never studied adveTtislng. One of the most difficult notiona to confir m is the t lalm that nobody blushes in lhe dark. Whatever records there be would indicate that Joan of Arc ate hardly anything except bits of bread dipped in red wine. ORANGE COAST TtlorMS P. Hale y i I •1 ,., A PubliSher t.! . ..llJ 111. ~~.~~.I 1 Editor I i . ~,.,.. ~ -.. t1w , .. , .... w..i .. , Barbara Krelblch 1: a.· '"'•MM&._.,_ t•-*14'" ... Ed I P Edi ,1 .. · •JtlO.Ca•MMa.CAnu. , ltor al ~ tor ·i ~~ ............. --· ... --...... ----... ------... ----.... -·--------------------.... ·~ .. 1 Extremists pressure Begin WAS HING TON The troubles between Israel and the United States are ''behind us," Secretary of State Alexander Haig has declared. Accordingly, the United States vetoed United Nations sanctions against Israel over the Golan Heights annexation. and Prime Minister Menachem Begin personally assured President Reagan that Israel would not break the truce m Lebanon unless "provoked." But there is still a residue of hard feelings against Begin inside the White House. The president's advisers blame the acerbic lsrae!J prime minister ror the Jack of communication between Washington and Tel Aviv over the annexation On the other hand , sources told my associate Ron McRae that Begin has his s upporters in som e unlikely places within the Reagan administration Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. Assistant Secretary of State Nicholas Ve\iotes and Middle East analysts in the intelligence agencies believe. Began is getting a bum rap on this one THEY VIEW BEGI N as of all things -a moderate in Israeli politics They're advising the White House that Begin's successor is likely to be even more intransigent and unpredictable P ersonally. Begin is a likeable and l·ongcn1al man . Hut he 1s under continuous pressure from extremist factions in lsrat·l. and must respond with tough talk and hardhne pohc1es to k<.•ep their '>Upport Herc are some examples of the pr<'ssures on He~m as ~ -JA-Cl-AN_D_IR-SO-N -~ prt•sented lJ> his reluctant but reahst1c dt.'fenders in the administration Though the Camp O;wid accords passl·d thl' lsraeh parhamenl. Begin "as the only member of his Qwn Cabinet who voted for them Ono m11lwn Is rae lis out of 3 2 million s igned p et1t1ons last December dcmanrhng that Begin stop the n•tum of tht• Sinai Lo Ef'!ypt One hundr ed thousand demonstrators calll.'d for the expansion· or li;ral'l1 ll'rritor~ lo its onetim e B1bhcal border!> from the Euphratt-s River on the cast lo the ~1le on the wt•s t Thi., would mt'lude nearl} half of Egy pl and mo~ t or Jordan. Syri ;1 Lebanon and Iraq In a pull of '''l'nndan "<'h1tnl studcnli-last November , 60 percent fa vorcd the radical right-wing Tehiya ( ·revival") party, which calls for the physical expulsion of non-J ews from brad and the occupied territories Settlers in the S10a1 village of Yam1t are threatening to secede from Israel and vow they'll resist any Jltt-mpt by tht• Israeli Army to force th<·m out Radical Jewis h terrorist groups havt.• attacked government offices with "'1oloto .. cocktails to protest the Sinai \\ 1thdrawal WITll ZEALOTS like these snapping al his he~s . Begin's annexation move Jnd his intemperate scolding of the l nitcd States are unders tandable if not part1(·ularly palatable, argue Wt'inberger and the othe rs. Begin dl'pc•nds on the extremists for his rawr thin parliamentar y majority - <1nd if hl' rails, his successor might be ll'ss able Lo resist their pressure. Whal Weinberger. Veliotes and the M 1ddle f:<i s t experts are advising Heagan to do is forget the personalities 1nvolvt:'d and address himself to the 1-,sues that d1v1de Israel and the United Stat<·s particularly the Palestinian question lt"s the iss ues that must be .tn'>'>!.<'rt.'tl 1r close ties are to be restored hl!l\\<.•en the two allies ffis clothes close t a disast e r area My clothes ar e in a terrible mess The truth of lhe s ituation I'm m came home lo me last night when I washed a batch of 19 socks. The laundry does my s hirts and my wife does my underwear along with the household stuff, but I have a few pairs of good wool socks and I don't like to have them go through the washing machine, so I let them pile up until my sock drawer is e mpty. then I wash them all at once. Last night, I hit a new high 1n unmatched socks I ended up w1th St:'vcn odd socks. Seven out of a possible 19 ' I'm going to give up trying to wear socks in pairs. ff they·re both brown or both blue, they're going to be a p1ur fro m n(\W on. rm not going lo worry about whether they·re exactly the same or not I've never known anyone who hated me because of my socks If I was look 1ng for . a Job. I suppose I'd wear matched socks but 1·m not and that·s the e nrl of 1t IT ISN'T JUSt m y socks, either As I look in my closet and m y bureau drawers. all I see 1s disaster. Two weeks ago, I had on my good new brown suit and, by mistake , I put a felt-lipped pen in the mside breast pocket without t he top on it. The cloth of the suit absorbed the ink from the pen and the first time l knew what I'd done was late in the day when I found a blue spot the size of a 50 cent piece on the front of the s uit just below the outside pQ<:ket Everyone around the office had a different idea about what I should do. Ont• said '>Oak 11 111 lemon 1u1ce W1•ll I don't u-;ually t•arry a lemon around with me <,<> I couldn t do that S<•meone else suggested cold watc•r The)' said I should kt•cp 1l wc•I until I got 11 to the cleaners On th<' way hnnH' I stopJH'd in at two t'l<.·ant:rl> Uolh or ltwrn <;a1d the) -AND-Y -RDD-NE-Y -~ couldn't do anything w 11 h 1t hecau!>t• 11 "a., \\l'l The n1•xl fla' I ll'ft 11 <•t <• third cleaner ;md ht' ·got tht• 1nk out bul the su11 '>!.Ill nevt:r lw the same It's no longer my good , n1''>!. bro'>!. n swt I could go anywhl'r<' 111 AROl:T HALF the s hirts tn my drawer arc !.17C· 16 and I haven't been comfortable in a 16 for four years My s1zt· 1., 161 2. It looks as 1f I have plenty of shirts but when I go to pick one out In the morning, I get one with a frayed collar. a missing button or the one with the brown smt ink on 1t Jf everything is perfect, it's a 16. This morning, after I found two socks that were reasonably close to looking the same in dim light, I put my shoes on. f'm always aware when a shoelace could go any d ay but in all my life I've nevc•r had the sense or foresight to «hangt.· m~ '>!.Orn s hoelaces before they hrc·ak Just as 1 ·m rus hing to get '>om l'wht•re I buy about five new neckties a year I huy e xpc·ns1ve ties at the pos t Christmas sales hut l seem to lose or ruin more than five ties a year Thc•re must be eight or nine very good '-Ilk tit's with little s pots on them h<.1ng1ng on the bark or my tie rack. I kt•ep orws with -.pots on t hem 1n a SJH'<'i<tl plat<• I never thr ow them out ;rncl I rwvt•r wear them On several 111Tas1ems I 'vc sprayed them with that spot l'lt•anN that has chalk powder in it. It oftt-n n•moves the grease spot and IPJVt'" .1 white chalk ma rk that nothing v.111 Wkt• out OOWNSTAIRS tn the hall closet I hJ' c· half .i dozen coals Halr a dozen mav S('('m hkc a lot but 1t isn·t if you've bet'n using the same t'loset for 30 years and nC\C'r threw a coat away. This morning I needed a wa rm raincoat. The prediction was for rain possibly turning lo s now with temperatures ranging in the mid Lo low JOs One of my trc·nchcoat type coats has two buttons m1s.,ini:t and is n't warm enough. The other has a hmng that lips in but the zipper's stuck and l can't gel it all the way in or all the way out There are days when I wish I was rich enough to throw out every single piece or clothing I own and go out with a couple of thousand dollars and start all over. Just to be safe, I might buy size 17 shirts Modern niusic lags b e hind modern art Often when a commentator says he is "puzzled" about a certain subject, he Is being falsely modest, a nd is just getting the reader to think along with him while he obliquely expounds his own point of view. But I am genuinely puzzled about something that f wish m y more IYlllY Hlllll artistically aophlstlcated readel'3 could enlighten me about. And that Is the dtfference lo acceptance and status between modern music and modern pa\ntlna. Modem music 11 hardly •layed at all ln the concert halls. 'the orchestral sodettes say thls ts because nobody wanta to attend these concerts Aud lencee want to bear the music th y are used to, which means the old cluslc and romanUc cornposer1 before the IOlh century. In the lleld of modern art J cuinot beUeve that mott people are Watu1ted wttb the abstract exp!'i lontm. or• prefer them to Rembrandt and Monet . Yet p111nters like Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock command mHLions for their canvases, and every art museum pants for an exhibit of their works A comparable composer, working in the modem vein, is lucky if one of his p1eces is publicly performed once a year . Even the members o f the orchestra aren't crazy about rehearsing and playif\IC his music. YET THERE IS no reason to believe that the field or ~erlous music doesn't produce at least the sam e proportion of first rate lalents that the Cield of painting does. Statistically, there should be a half-dozen or more contemporary composers who are sought after u fervently ns the top painters. Ooeft a canvas command a milUoo dollar& because it is a material object aa well as a pi cc or art. whl1 music cannot be bouabt and hung on a wall and traded as a physical commO<llty? Obviously, an original score a.lpod by a composer hll litll value compared with an ortslul canvas -even it if wne aiaded by a Mourt or a Beethoven. 11· tt t hat mu1lcal audtencts are ••mpty ctulle-r or dumber nr: mDn connntJooal lhan tho 1udlto for painting" Or are the newer composers rea lly far i nferior to t he mod ern painters" Whatever the reason, it does seem a pity that a serious composer bas to teach or m arry a rich wife in orcJer to pursue his Muse. M us1c 1s so integral a part o( our culture that it is hard to understand how the late Richard Rodgers. a Broadwa y m elodist, could have earned $100 million from his music, while at the sam e lime a Bartok dies in a hospital, sustained In his last days only by the charity of a conductor friend. Your reader wrltin t aboUt "lk'aYe JObA Schmits .. aaya. "T b• MariM cerpe must bt so proud orblm." I'm Mare tltey are. ~Y r l the aame ••1 be doe8. J .L .. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 5, 1982 too much to FICA? Joint ~ custody of dog Flex-a-Bed is the only comfortable place to read a scary story . APPEALS -Cult deprogr a mmer Theodore Patrick has asked the California Supreme Court to overturn hi s kidnapping conviction in the 1980 abduction of a cult member by h er family. Ladies Win See'• Candy 1.000winners 1-lb. tx>xes See's candy during Huntington Center ladies Days thru this Sun. Just ched< your driver lie. number. .. I DEA& PAT DUNN: I re:,... ..... time• la l•t, aad I UdU I •on Sedal S.e•rl&y &u <FICA) *'aa I to lut year. Howeullllld•tlflnNt.oo•wlafAIM • " HCHIHJ to ue .. .... .. label &lit eomee wit.la lite form• boodetf .J.E., o..ta Mna If you worked for two or more employers last year· and together they paid you more than $29,100 in wage•, YoU probably dld have too much Social Security wttbbeld. If the total amount withheld was more than $1,975.05 for the year. you are entitled to claim the excess on your Form lOtO or 1040A, U.S. Individual lncome Tax Return. The Internal Revenue Service claims that use of the peel-off label aavea proceasing time and speeds refunds. Be sure that the information on the label is correct. If it isn't, make a line through it and put the correct information directly on the label. Be sure to show an apartment number if you have one. Reminder for vets DEAR· READERS: The Veterans Administration is reminding veterans and their dependents that they shouldn't let a lost document prevent them from applying for VA benefits. VA will accept certified statements Crom applicants when doc uments needed to establish eligibility for benefits are lost. In the case of a marriage, this policy applies only to the first marriage for each partner. and there must be no contradictory information on file with the agency. Jn years past, VA bas required formal documentation t o s upport claim s for compenaattoo and education benefit• for vet~rana. widow• and orphaoed children. The a1ency now accepts a certified 1tatement re1arding the birth of a child or u proof of age and relationship ln dlsabWty cues. Veterans or dependents with questions about ellfibWty for beneftta are uraed to contact the VA Re&lonal Office ln West Los Angeles by phonln1 toll-free (800) 352·6592 or one of the national veterans oreanbations. Mail or~r awaited DEA.a PAT DUNN: I ordered two pea and pendl tetl wttla aamet blsertbed from Mall Order Marketbag early la November. My SS..ft cbeck was caabed Nov. ll, but tbe merchaad.be never arrived. Cu you ftnd out what happened? F.a., BuatlDston Beach Mail Order Marketing reports that your order was shipped, but it may have been lost in the mail. A refund check is being mailed to ·you within two weeks. It's doubtful that your order will be delivered, but MOM asks you to refuse delivery if your order does arrive. ___. • "Got n problem? Then wnte to Pat .._ 1 Dunn. Pat will cul red tape. getting " the answers and actl01I you need to • solve inequities in govemmerit and business. Mail y<rur questions to fat D14nn, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 156Q, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters°" possible will be answered. bu( phoned inqumes· or letters not including tM reader's Juli name. address and business hours· phone numbel' cannot be considered. This column appears daily er• cept Sundays." FRFSNO (AP> -A c u stody battle that dragged on for months between a divorced Fres no couple over 6-year-o ld Nellie haa been setUed. The pet dog wlU spend a year at a time with Albert Espinosal and then a year witn his ex-wife, Lorreen. Fresno Superior Court Judge John Fitch, a fellow dog owner, devised the joint custody plan after the Espinosas refused to compromise on the dog -their only bone of contention in the breakup. What happens when one of you can't put the book The Society for the down and the other wants to sleep? The electrically Prevention of Cruelty to adjustable Flex-a-Bed in twin sizes is the perfect Animals was asked for a answer. All other sizes. too. Try it at your dealer recomme nd a tion o n today. Bring a good book and put it to the real tesl. custody, but its report concluded both offered a f I n. ~-.A-Boo good h ome for the L\.!>A ~ shaggy canine. T he judge a l so LOUNG•~ RILAX --·~ ILHlll granted visitation rights 11 _ _Jrliiilil~~t...~«c~~a~_~...,~~·~..Ja~~a!!..J provided the Espinosas I~ could reach agreement. Mrs . Expinosa has cared for the dog since the couple's divorce a year ago. She'll have to turn Nellie over to Espinosa and expect her back in 1983. ... l6i1 ""' FIM Fumttur• encl ln .. rlor 0..lgn 1516 Newport Blvd. Co1ta ..... (71C) IC2-2050 OPEN SUNDAYS 12:30 to 5:00 Eckankar Your Vase or Mine? "We are living in the flesh , but our consciousness· can be in heaven via soul travel." ECKANKAR, The Key To Secret Worfda ~ Paul Twltchell For a Taped Message and scheduled free introductory talk, call 640-7299 Hunttngton Beach Pacific Coost Hwy. So of Pier Newport Beach 1400 Pacific Coast Hwy. Now Serving Beer & Wine 15 Convenient Locations tmlO - Aaron Modem Art at·Vase Value llmeles.s in appeal and dasslc In form, these beautiful ceramic vases blend gracefully In any contemporary or traditional set- ting. Brilliantly glazed in a variety of colors. these handsomely crafted vases create an elegant home for flowers, feathers. umbrellas, and more. Vase designs include ginger jars and urns. 12·30" tall. Small, Reg. 29.95 $21.88 Reg. 24.95 S 19.88 Medium , Reg. 39.95 $31.88. Large, Reg. 49.95 $41.88. (Styles may vary from store to store.) Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 5, 1982 -· Pinch camatiom /or biuhy gro':wth • Plnch back carnation plants to force buaby 1rowlh and an abundance ot blooms. New planta can allO be aet out ln the 1arden now • Prune any over-1rown rhododendron shrubs wltbln tho month even if It means sacririclng a few bloom•. It will 11row better this sprin1. rilling out the 1hrub. • Hydran1eas can be pruned to at least two to thn•-lell buds above tbe 1round. ' Wblter 1tandby1 that can be still planted ror color in a hurry are fairy primroses, pansies, vlolaa and calendulas. • Start tuberous be&onias indoors now so they'll be ready to put outdoors when the last frost Is past. Improve with flowers One of the simplest methods of improving any landscape is to plant flowers -annuals. primarily, which can be tucked into containers or into small plots of open ground to give quick color. Perennials and bulbs also have their place and \ . f~ffirnrn~m~rnIB Camellias' care ls topic The South Cout Garden club wiU meet al 10:30 a .m. Wednesday In the Three Arch Bay Clubhouse at ~ La Seoda, South La1una, to hear a program on "Care and Culture of Camellias and Azaleas." For more inrormatlon call 495-3334 or 768·7008. • Reiko Kawamura, instructor of the Ohara School of lkebana, will present a flower-arranging pro1ram at 10 a.m. Monday at 601 N . Baker St . Santa Ana. The program ls part of the Orange County Floral Arts Guild meeting The public is invited to attend. For information, call Mrs. Arthur Ruhlig at 544-1617. • The mornina "Green Thumb" pro&ram wUI Include a memben' "bragging table," where fnortie plants are brouaht for dllcUlllon and commentary. At 1 p.m .• the club will hold a business meet101. For information, call 644-0270. • T he Costa Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the National Fuchsia Society wtU meet at 7 JO p m Monday in the Commun,ty Center, 1845 Park Ave .. Costa Mesa. • Orange County Branch Cymbadium should be planted for their permanence even Begonias, fuchsias and brunfelsias though they provide color 1n seasonal periods of will be among the plants discussed Society meets at 8 p.m Thursday to hear Emerson Charles speak on the travels he has made to collect and study orchids Charles. who has been growing orchids since 1941 , also is known to have a n exceptional coll ect1on of paphiopedilums. The CymbidJum Society meets at 14351 Ward St.. Garden Grove '· the year. They will become something you can •tr,..... P11111t.., "'",..,. by Evelyn Weidner al the Laguna count on year aft~r year. TO SHOW -Robert Dugger of the San Clemente Garden Club shows Beach Garden Club Friday, Feb. 12 . Tbe beauty of annuals 1s that you can plant his Odontioda Cooksoniae which he'll display at the Cymbidium at 11 ~.m . in the Neighborhood some for starters and then do the rest of your Society s how Feb. 13 and 14 al Westminster Civic Center. Inset is · Congr~gatlonal Church. St Ann 's garden planning while they're already blooming Ougger's Wilsonara Southport Both plants are hybrids. Drive and Glenneyre. Laguna Beach. L Lo~ D • c: .... i r~\~ ~mi~ II ~.R~=,~=F=L~=.~=~ s~ • .-.-----imi-·i"iiiiviiiiAimi-Liiii~----NF-EiiiiiT-Bliiii"iiN.iiiiiiE1_ ... s4---~~iiii"ii-~i"ii'-.;·-----·-.... --------~ .... ~;iiiii, •iiii• ....... ii'ii' .... , ' • .. [-) l1jfrlita •s-.a.':rZ::t::!'!!514L1~~iu, DON'T FORGET TO CALL! ilrd ... n sho ~=~~~~ "FLOWERS BY DEBRA" !J ~ r FOR YOUR ''VALENTINES ( Pansies & Violas ~ r Ideal for Spr"'9 Color ~·rr \ ~ • POfty Pale Reg. 'I" .. / (' -~\ 'Now79c Free DehVet"Y .t.Ll ITEM SUBJEC TOCK o ..... ,...., le oood ll'tfough 2-1~2 Within • Wlliter Hotn:_Moa.-s.t. 7:00 ••.-5:0~ •• S-. t :OO ..-..5:00 ••· ~~:~es Uoyd's Nursery and Landscape Co. Inc • .nr.a• -20211 S. Newport 11.d. lat lay SU _ r.JJn • ' Costa Mesa CA 646-7441 • 2 C)d. 111.e Reg.' 11 • MOW I $~' ,~ . avmgs upt040% Men Win Lacles Days? 2.000 laclres win See"s candy 0< 4·· plants. Men can win other prizes up to $500 Jackpot at Huntington Center's driver lie. sweepstakes. Ends Sun . . Golly, Gee. O ur nursery people certainly are busy these days. It may be the slow season as far as n ature is concerned but right now is the time to prepare for the be"auty t hat co mes later. A few assists and preventive measures applied now will pay off beautifully next Spring and Summer . On the planting side there is still time for bulbs and bare root roses and fruit trees. As a matter of fact, if you h ave an y Evergr een Pears you s hould be spraying them for Fire Blight. They have to be t r ea t ed during th e bloom period. After blight sets in it's too late. Later, all you can do is shear off affected branches. Each time a cut is made the shears must be sterilized to prevent infecting other branches. It's a real bummer. Ask the nursery folks f o r directions on how to apply AtriMydn, the best lb.int for fire blipt. This is perfect timin1 if you want a lawn second to none or if you are repairtn~ an old one. You will be happy to learn abo\Jt our sod. It takes a little preparation of the soil to assure perfection but you will a1ree -it'a worth it. At Build & Grow we feature C alifornia's F inest Quality Southland Sod. "It's the Sod Moat Award -W l nnln1 Landscape Contractor• Prefer." Here la instant beJuty ralaed under the moat rlcidly aclentlflc aupervialon by Sothland Farm• horticulture apeclalilta. Small quantities, up to 100 sq. ft: are available at eltber store on Satul'Uy only. Your sod plantin• IUCC ... ii a11ured when you check wltb Build • Grow for QOW:bow. DAY" FLOWERS. WE'LL HAVE ALL YOUR FAVORITES! R.OWERS, MRANGEllENTS, CENTERPIECES, EVERYntlNO EXCEPT "THE SUPER MARKET KIND" CALI. NOW 145-0093 r----R•l •f:.l•ftl-----, r-----«•l'T;l1Ii]----,r-----{(1Jll;l1J!l----, I OHR lllU<:llLOAOt 11 ""OU!' oww· NEW ITI OOWHI I I TUAI 11 CAUfOflNIA LAAOE llZE I : ~"" :: AVOCADOS : I ORANGES I I LETTUCE I I II 4 00 I I 5 ..... s100 II f'Ol'I s1 49c HE.AD I I II I I LIMll 10 ~ I I Umll • Umll • I ·---------------' ·---------------"'·--------------.J COMPAU COMf'UI COMP AH r---"f (•l lf :.l•Trl-- - --, r-----[(•l•J;NlJ----, r-----«•J!I;ltl1l----, I ..._ f'MaH I I .. OYll C1fl/N"' 0000 11ZE I I I I TEXMM>9Y I I CARROTS 11 CELERY I l l: HEARTS GRAPEFRUIT I I 2 .=.49c II I : : : 3 •:u.:a. 29c 5 '°" s1 oo : I ~•.... I I u....tT-u...10 I •---------------' •---------------'L--------------.J .,_.., OA•\A •f(ll ....... .... lollOfll! flHONll 64~l2 ~ ~ 64~ "'1Y..-d~ 1601 Newport Blvd. a.ow, .. It.roll -.... c;i.,., "' ,_.._........,, 645-0032 '•r••••l••I•" ,._,__ .. L---··•-•••••••••••••••••-••••-••••••••-•••• ORDER EARLY-OUR FTD Ile~ ld fk1wers·· . Bouquet. If ;J1•l •• C9• ..... "°'"" ... "' • .,.... Illy fT1) CAU US ... USE YOUR CREDIT CARD I Florist Special I Two Indoor Plant• NEPHTHmS W"tte IUtterfty l "POTS llO.l .ffta.' II-' ....... c .. ..., .. ..... PHONE 546-5525 tian1ini CR~BGRASS CONTROL FOi ALL llAIS AMD DICHONDRA LAWNS •• Apply It now 14Ll. IA8 covas 2,000 SQ."· Prevents crabgrau and other w1tc11 whlle It rertlltzea. Do It now. Thia aumrMr wlll bl too lat11 l HOLDOUT Map locates Kouve li Is land in the Gulf of Corinth. an area which carried th(• influence of the Roman Empire long after it s 0 lallyPllat FRIDAY, FEB. S, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS Aegean Sea STATUTE MILES 100 0 KILOMETERS 100 BY PETER J. BALCH <£ 1982 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY dc>mlSL'. il<:C ordmg to historians who have d1Sl'OVl'rN i s ignificant clues among the ruins 82-3 83 85 ·----- UCI basketball team loses, but keeps a share of lead. BS. D 0 Roman Empire lived on Greek island carried traditions into 12th centtJ,ry • By REBECCA R. KIRTLAND ............... .-c -lenlcA> WASHING TON Classical civilization may have made its last stand against barbarian invasions on the barren is lands oCC the rugged coast or Boeotia in central Greece. Ruins rece ntly discovered above ground on tiny Kouveli Island in the Gulf of Corinth provide e vidence that the influence or the Roman Empire continued there until the eighth century A.D , and an an altered fashion well into the 12th century. The evidence indicates that s ome 60 t o 100 Kouve li inhabitants clung to their civilization while only two miles away the Greek mainland was unde r s i ege by Germanic invaders and later Slavs . ·'The material found there bridges the gap between ancient and m edieval ti mes," s aid his torian Timothy Gregory, director of the Ohio Boeotia Expedition fro m Oh io State Uoivers1ty Walls of some structures on the mile-long , one-half mile·wide is land stand more than 3 feet high, and the layout and street plan of the village are visible. ·'In many places In the eastern Mediterranean, you'll find ancient ruins and you'll find medieval ruins, but they are s eparated b y a break 1n civilization," Gregory said. "Here we have a community that seems to have survived the collapse of the Roman Empire and maintained continuity into the medieval period." R e lics found on Kouveli indicated that a prosperous and possibly peaceful community thrived until the eighth century and the advent of Arab piracy Up until that period, the island was most likely a marketplace for seagoing trade. Gregory said. ·'From the e ighth to 12th centuries, Kouveli appears to have become more of a beleaguered outpost but one that still maintained trading ties with o th e r part s or the Mediterranean," he continued. In add i tion t o finding arrowhe ads and proje ctile points from the Middle Ages, Gregory found fifth and sixth cent ury pottery from North Africa and 10th· 12th ce ntury pottery from the Constantinople are a "These shards show evidence of contact with the great centers o f Ro man and Byzantine cl vllizatlon, and this pottery would have· been acquired by free exchange and friendly means," he said. "But what la so unusual aboul Kouveli is the wealth or material so weU preserved aod spannlnc so many periods. Here we have a site one just does not ordinarily find from the classical world, a whole settlement visible rrom surface examination , without any excavation." Gregory and his team s urveyed virtually every square yard of the island and ma~ aerial photographs. The project was conducted under the authority of the American School of Classical Studies and supported by the National Geographic Society and the National Endowment for the Humanities. · Since the end of the 12th, century, Kouveli has not been inhabited. This may explain why these ruins have not been discovered earlier .. Also it is a true desert island, a desolate, inhospitable place with no water or trees," Gregory said. The Gulf is pep~ered with more barren rocky islands lhat Gregory hopes to investigat~ next summer. Four pilots gone, but Thunderbirds will fly on LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP> -The sleek red, white and blue jets and the men who flew them were to many the epitome or patriotic America, mesmerizing crowds from Battle Creek to Brooklyn, bolstering a sometimes-sagging national self-esteem. That, say defenders, is wh y the Air Force Thunderbirds must not die with the four offi cers who slammed into the dusty desert during a trainin& maneuver recently. "America's most priceless possession is its pride in itself," said Bob Gore, a team member from 1974 to 1977 who is with the Summa Corp. here . "Those guys were out there selling American pride." Air Force oCficials have said the Thunderbirds will continue, although the March 13 opener has been postponed and the 1982 schedule is in doubt. Four of the team's s ix pilots were killed in the recent tragedy. Memorial servic.es were held for Maj. Norm Lowry, 37. of Radford, Va. and Captains Mark Melancon, 31 , of Dayton, Ohio; Pete Peterson. 32. of Tuskegee, Ala. and Willie Mays, 32, o( Ripley. Tenn The wreckage had hardly cooled when. detractors began questioning the cost -in men and machines of the Thunderbird program and the companion Navy Blue Angels flight team. In their 29-year history the Thunderbirds have lost 25 aircraft and 19 pilots. The Blue Angels, formed in 1946 at the height of post·war patriotic euphoria, have lost 20 pilots and 33 aircraft. The worst tragedy involving a military aerobatic team prior to tbe cruh was tbe cottision of two Blue Angels F-4s in Lakehurst, N.J. The July 1973 crash killed two pilots and a crewman. Why the four Thunderbirds slammed into the desert at IDOf'le than 400 mph may never be known. A six-member investigative board spent the week at the site "kicking tin" -Air Force jargon for examining wreckage -in effort to learn the cause. ' Some Air Force officials say Melancon, Peterson and Mays may have followed Lowry into the ground, tbeir eyes riveted on his plane as they had been trained to do. But others say that is only partly true -that all the pilot.r'Ue supposed to watch their instruments and the ground. Meanwhile, while the Thunderbirds' 1982 season is in doubt, the Navy has said it will carry out its schedule of 73 shows at 42 locations. Each· year the two teams criss-c ross the country, entertaining mill ions in more than 100 cities ranging from Falmouth, Mass. to Rivers ide. Their season runs from March through November. They bristle at being called stunt pilots. and say the precision maneuvers they do, often at speeds exceedi ng 500 miles an-hour and in formation three feet apart. are maneuvers any fighter pilot learns early in biS career. The Thunderbirds say their 1981 season was witnessed by 8 miUion people despite being cut short by the deaths of two pilots in accidents in Ogden, Utah and Cleveland. Both the Air Force and spokesmen for the 140 Thunderbird alumni say the program is vital in selling the Air Force and drumming up patriotic support for America. Competition for the dozen pilot spots and the 160 c rewme n for the two t eams is highly competitive, with thousands applying annually. The Thunderbirds say they've been seen by 153 m1lhon people since they were formed. The Blue Angels, based in Pensacola, Fla .. peg their; attendance at more than 52 million people- worldwide. The Thunderbirds operate on a $6.3 million budget while the Blue Angels spend about S3 mil hon annually. Fuel costs are normally picked up by local show promoters -in most cues ser vice or veterans· groups. "If we can spend millions of dollars annually to maintain monuments in Washingtoo, surely we can s pend a few million annually on our future," Gore s aid. "If ever the excellence or the Thunderbirds needs to be promoted, it ia now." One or the Thunderbirds' solo pilot.I, Capt. Dale Cooke, echoed those sentiments in an e motional ne ws conference 24 hours after the crash. · "I wish you could have been with me at one of our shows last year," said Cooke, who new the slot position next to Peterson in the 1981 shows. "Eicht million people saw us last year. We 've seen bow it renews their sense of patriotism. That'1 what. we're all about" Youngsters l e arn how to protect themselves from abuse NEW YORK <AP> -In a large, bright room in Greenwich Village, boys and girls romp through what appears to be a typical gym class -tumbling, lifting weights, attacking a punching bag and sparring with their teacher. But these New York City children, aged 5 to 13, are doing more than exercise; they are participating in a novel, perhaps unique, program that teaches them "creative strategies" to protect themselves from harm. For some. the class comes loo late lo be preventive Five of the 10 attending a recent class have either been the v1ct1 ms or c lose friends of victims of a sexual assault. All are the children either of par e nt s dri ve n to rind reha bilitative help arter their child was physically abused or of parents who realize the value oC s elf.defense guidance before it's too late. The answer for them has been Childre n's Creative Safety ,,, ___ GETTING A KtcK -Barar Sommer, 7, boolS a bag'held by lnatructor Flora Colao in a New York program that leaches chUdroen to1protect themselves. • Pro gram , one or s everal programs oHered by the Safety and Fitness Exchange <SAFE>. a s hoestring operation started two years ago by three women trained 10 martial arts , education and psychology. Two are s urvivors of sexual assault. "I had an incident when I was a kid," say~ Tamar Hosansky, 26, after directing the class at A Safe Space, the group's educational cente r. •'That's why I'm most interes ted in working with kids." She holds a blac k belt in karate. The program's concept, a ccording to the co-founders, is to teach not only physical means of self-defense, but also to discuss assault in a non-alarmist way , teaching children assertiveness , what to watch out for and how to handle it. "Most parents don't want lo talk about this with their child because they don't want them not to trust and they really don't want to tell them what can happen " for fear they will become paranoid, according lo Pam Mc Donnell , a SAFE co-founder. ''But while you're waiting to get ready to te ll them, the attacker has no compunctions;• she said. Also, children on their own develop fears from the media and their friends that are worse than reality. The group auempts to dispel such common miaconceptlons as danger in the form of a stranger with candy, since statistics show most children are assaulted, harassed or molested by someone they know. A SAFE booklet on teachin1 personal ufety lo childreQ includes Ups: children have the naht to privac1; bad thin'8 can happen to lood J*>Pl•; children have the rl8hl to aay no, quesUOn authortty, not answer questions, scream, yell, make a scene, blte, bit and run away. Each week, the children come to A Sate Space for an hour of uercl.H and dlscual1on led by Ma. HOlanlky and Flora Colao, a rape COUDHlor who used to head the RaJ*7 Crbla Center at St Vincent ·s Hospital. There is tumbling and boxing -with shouting at the top of the lungs encouraged -geared to sharpen resp<>nse instincts. And there is the "what if" game, in which answers to such s c e n a rios as "what iC the doorman wants you to do something you're uncomfortable with," are worked out by the children and Ms . Colao. ·'Once we teach children the fa c t s a bout dang e rou s situations, we must teach them that in order to prevent danger, they must trust themselves and the ir ins tinct s." the SAFE booklet says . Katherine Brady , author of "Fathers Days," a true s tory abo ut incest , who travels. lectures and works with various social agencies dealing with adult rape and incest victims. says SAFE is "the only place I know or in the country that focuses on children." She is also the mother of Andrea, 9, and Stephanie, 11, who go to the Saturday classes that cost $S a week, but which are free to young vi ctims of assault. In addition to the Safe Space classes, SAFE also conducts seminars and works hops at private schools, businesses and community organizations. It has just received grants to work with the Girls Clubs of New York and the Girl Scouts. SAFE's arriliation with the New York Task Force on Rape bas also given it the beginning ol a relationship with the Board o( Education. One public school on Manhattan's Upper West Side has commissioned the group for an after-school program ln selC-defense "because seven ol their students had been assaulted," Ms. Hosansky said. "We hope in the future that our programs become more preventive," she added. OFFICIAL I OUVlNIRI -Otrtclally sanctJoned aouvenlrs or P.qpe John Paul n·s. planned visit to London are dtaptayed by Sally Harwood. The ltems Include T-shirta, ceramJcs, balloons, and medalUons. The ,pope•s vlllt bellna May 28. " . .. ... . .. . . ..... Orange Cout OAJLV PILOT/Frldey, February&, 1882 •ANH LAN>ERS •HEABCAEN •HOROSCOPE Relative's angry words can't change status DEAR ANN LANDERS: My problem: An Ohgry relative told someone I am ··not much of a Jew" because I do not keep kosher or follow other religious customs. Jt is true that I have not been in a s ynagogue or a temple in several years. but I consider myself Jewish. nevertheless. My relative's statement has gone from one mouth to another, and several people have told me recently they heard I turned Gentile. I am upset about this a nd would like to know what l can do to set the record straight. A VICTIM OF MALICE DEAR VIC: Relax. Your relatlve's mean mouth didn't change a thing. There is no way a Jew can become a Gentile. He can convert and marry out of hls faith - even become a priest or a nun, but all this simply means a conversion took place. He (or she) ls a converted Jew. Being Jewish Is more than embracing the faith, it's a matter of parentage. Even ln Israel if your mother is Jewish and your father Gentile, yoti are considered a Jew. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Pisces: Time to rebuild Saturday, Feb. 6 ARIES !Mar 21 -Apr 191 : Rece nt <:ontroversv is resolved Family member seeks reconciliation. Young person pays meaningful compliment. Be ready for c hange. TAURUS <Apr 20·May 20l · Individual who see m ed inflexible will finall y acquiesce to your request. You·11 have more ll'eway, prestige will rise and you'll be invited to social affair. GEMINI !May 21·June 20 l Obtain hint from Taurus message A\'oid scattering vour efforts. Someone actuallv wants to give you something for nothing turn on charm. show appreciation CANCER I June 21-July 22 , Good news concerns missing material and monev. You·11 be able to revise. review and rebuild on a more sohd s tructure LEO <July 23·Aug. 22 l · Lunar cycle emphasizes inde pendence. new starts. creative projects. money from s urprise source and domestic adjustment Timing. judgment on target you·11 be al right place at crucial moment. VIRGO 1 Aug 23·Sept 221 Avoid wishful thinking. see places. people as they are. not merely as you wish they might e xi st You s ucceed by working behind scenes You will receive credit due LIBRA I Sept. 23·0ct. 22 I. Some of your fondest hopes. wishes can be futrille d. You gain s upport from those who previously a ppeared cool. indifferent. You'll have more r espons ibility and greater chance for re ward. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: Morale is boosted by communication received from one you admire , res pect. Focus on community projects, civic affairs and possible political involvement SAGlTTARIUS <Nov 22-Dec 21> Change of scener y would be beneficial. Make inqui ries concerning possible journey, educational project or publishing endeavor. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19 » You get cooperation from family member or one who has m aterial necessary to finish Important tas k. Emphasis on finances . possible partners hip and intensified relationship AQUARIUS <Jan. 20 -Feb. 18 >: Perceive picture as a whole. leave fine points or details for another time.· Difference can be settled. humor is essential and display of versatility is a definite asset. Pl.SCF.S <Feb. 19· March ~ >: Review material, avoid rus hing to conclusions and initiate a rebuilding program. Focus on employment, special services, necessary chores and a dialogue wtth dependents. ·por SHOTS B.Y ~~SHLEIGH BRILLIANT IS Jb-1I@Hir A WAVE, OA. A PARTJCl.s, OR A :TW'tNKL~ ,, IN VOUR EVE-! DEAR ANN LANDERS: J just finis hed reading the letter from the man who said he attended a wedding that had to be the most far-out marriage ceremony that ever took place in modern times. I think J have him beat. In the fall of 1980 I worked with a woman who announced that she and her boyfriend were getting married on Halloween. The guests were required to come in costume or they would not be admitted. When the bride appeared. J almost went through the floor. She was dressed as a Christmas tree a star on the top of her head, draped in yards of tinsel, cover ed with pine boughs and loaded with ornaments. , The bridegroom came as Santa Claus with a white beard. rosy cheeks and a ··Ho. ho. ho" as he marched toward his "tree." They served witches· brew instead of punch and the wedding cake was decorated to represent both Halloween and Christmas orange and black icing on one side and green icing on the other. The bridegroom worked for an Indiana paper. They ran a three·column picture of the couple on Page 1 the following day You can print their names which arc --and . but don't print mine. -A HOOSIER WHO HAS SEEN IT ALL DEAR HOOSIER: I'm not printing any names, If you don't ml.nd. The letter is enough. You falled to mention II Santa and the Tree are still married. I'd Uke to know. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last Sunday I was tired from being up most of the night with a sick baby. so I slept late. When l got up, my husband was mad because I wasn 't on deck at 9 a.m. to fix him his u s ual lumbe rjac k Sunday special breakfast . Just when 1 started to s traighten the place. the doorbell rang unexpected company. I looked like h and the house was a mess. My husband blurted out , ·, . ~ _Allll_~_ia_a_ "Sorry the house 1s such a wreck. but m) wife hasn't given 1t a good cleaning s ince the baby came .. I was vcr~ hurt by that remark. After the company left. 1 told him exactly how I felt He said I should have apologized for the way t he house looked. and then he wo uldn't have had to say anything. What do YOU think'' IRON MOUNTAIN, MICH . MAD ON DEAR MAD : Whe n unexpected company comes and the house is a wreck, THEY should apologize. The lummox you're married to should not have been critical of you -in fact, it wouldn't hurt him to do a little housework and learn how to fix his own Sunday breakfast. • I -., 5 8 •. 7 LIP SERVICE Prints of celebrity lips wall be displayed ~next week at New York's Good Company Gallery for a Save the Children benefit. S imilar "lipographs" (lipstick prints) were auctioned in London recently for t he same charity. and one print brought SI ,500. Can you guess whose lips are pictured Pf ISOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER 'Everyman' roles lucky Q: Does Walter Matthau ever regret not bel.ng the handsome leading.man type? -Geraldine K .. Eugene, Oregon. A No ... , don·t have to be sorry about my nose getting any bigger or m y eyes getting s m a ller o r my jowls getting bigger," mouths Walter ... I have survived on the basis of knowing my trade and being lucky enough to be everyman. I'm the guy next door. the funny guy next door who trips over the lawn mower on his way to work in the morning ... Q: Before her untimely death, wasn't Natalie Wood talklng about the posslblllty of doing the life story of Vivien Leigh? - F . Jenkins, Pittsburgh. , A : No. It's her sister. Lana Wood. who asked Laurence Olivier for clearances on a proposed Vivien Leigh biography for television. Not that she wants to play the role. Lana. though once an actress. now works for producer Ron Samuels. She met Olivier through her late sister and her husband, Bob Wagner. Q: Anythlng to the rumor that Happy Hooker Xaviera Hollander Is gett1n1 married! If so, who's the bridegroom-to-be? -G.C., Laa Ve&••· A: He's a Sl·year-old British artist by the name of John Drummond. And Xaviera, who once claimed she had made love to more than 3,000 men, now sighs, '·For the first Ume I'm completely ln love. When you meet the rt•ht pel'IOI\," the ,.former Happy Hooker says, "you realize what yO'..&'ve been missing all your llf e.' • - 11 and which pair fetched Sl ,500'? HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Taxi ride too far? KATE CRAFT FOliND this m th(' Carme l Pine Cone's .. Carmel Pohl·e Lo~·· and. as a tax1.n1yer. 1s worried ··2 22 <t m A 53·ycar·old ~cw York man. stopped on suspicion of driving under lht• influenct•. was sent home in a taxi · .. \II tht• wa~· to New York .,.,., More gnus 111 a moment not only du \\ "' have those old L A bu~t·s stumbling around Town. om· of them. notes Walt G1achm1. !-.t1ll hear~ a s ign reading Walt'h lhl' Local Gnus at lhl' L .\ Zoo'·· :°':•) L A Zoo is not as n·dundant as S F Zoo "i\Jauuo3 ueas Zl ·KJJeH aiqqao 11 >t3.Jact <>a 01 ·1oos·1s> Ja88er >iaiw "6 .JOtAe.L 4l3QeZ!13 ·9 "!110.JCAP.d oue~Jn1 L ·s1AeQ <>nag ·9 ·qqi~ .\J.JP.8 ~ ·e110M!.1J. u4or t> ·daa.JlS J • .\Jaw ·c ·uos104:>!N >1aer z ·sp(3!4S 3>!00J8 I :sHMSUV ONWARD: Sing along with Stevt• G lowinsk1. "ho s:rn this bumpersnicker fla~hing past in San .Jose .. , Want a Mortgage· .Just L1kt· thl' Mortgage That They Gave to Dt•ar Old Dad_·· BAY CITY BOl'SCE: Tht• Boarding House. out therl' on Columbus. must be doing ok!i.\. dcspilc occasional dizzy spells David Allen has signed a string of stars for this ~ear .Jot• Williams an d the L1 meliters fi rst. t hcn Robb\· Short and .Jackie and Ro~ m :\larch. George Shearing in Aµnl 1 and gath•·nng nuts m Ma) 1 . ·111111111 By PHIL INTEALANDI of LagunaJ3each T ...-...... ( 11) ,/ " Joan Baez apµt•arecl at a Goldl'n G~t'· 1Gav 1 Busm<.'ss A-. ... oC' lunchl'on. and lht•n s an g at the Gay l\'kn·s Chorus dinm•r in th<• St Fran ei~ aflet "h1ch. sh(· told Kl'n Mal e~-. s hl' \\as ··fn11terl out ·· "Right! Make that o-eight-bundred-ish!" WHAT SEXT: About the gll\ on lht• Stanford campus wearing a T shirt emblazoned with ··CALI FORD.. that ·s Jo hn Cameron. a graduate student there after doing four at Cal Don ·t fool around with Assemblyman Curt•~ Tucker' Near the state Cap1toi. a kid poked a knife:> at his chest and snapped ··Gimme ~·our wallet:· at whic h Tuck reached for it and came up instead with a 38 which he jammed into tht.• kid 's mouth .. Start running:· advised o ur hero. ··and don't stop till next s~~ ' .. • GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deala. NORTH +Q715 ~ At754 O U •u WEST EAST •tUZ •4 ~QJIO ~&861 O J O Q7U •A&.871 •ltH5 SOlJTB • AIJlO 01 o A&IOHI •Q• Tht biddl~r: &.-.. W• N..cll EM& I 0 OW. 1 O P .. I• P• I• P ... ' ........ , .. ()ptnlnr lead: Klos of •. PtHimlat.a make iood bridp pl&J9n. TM1 'lfW't1 about what. mJ1ht. to wronr and otw1 8.ocl tohat.loot for ..... ~ t.lile7 qht tpciou.C.. Wm took advaaiap of tht vWHrallW~J' CO make• allaptlJ double. But t.llal did not prevent North·South from bidding 1moothly t.o their beat conlract. Not.ice that North responded cor· rectly, u though there had been no lntervenlion. Wett took two club tricks and then shifted to the queen of heart.a. Dedarer woa the ace ln dummy, and the con· iraet looked like a tboo-in. But two hJJb 1pade1 ln bnd revealed the '-1 bn&k. lt looked u ti all dtda.rer bad to do wu cuh hil high dlamonda and n1ff a diamond ln d\lmm7 to uaur• the con· tract. ff• could t~n draw trump• aad dalm tI>. rut. or th• trick.a. That would be ~•ll and rood U tlM ~mond.t 1pllt ~2. but tM double m.ad• It. qultt llk•l1 tbt \hat •ould ft4\ be tn ea... Dedattr cubed tI>. ltlAJ of d.lamondt, and· WHL't Jack connrmed kit r.an. Now lf d9danr CIOllUoued wlt.h WI IMOnd hiP diaJDoftCI, Welt WO\lld Nit Ud force dedartr •itb a hiii1. .anct d.cl&Nr would IOee coatrol of ta.. bud. Declarer's solution was most elegant. He continued with the ten of diamonds! It would not. help West to ruff. so he discarded a club. Eut won the queen and made the best return of a heart. But declarer ruffed and &imply continued to lead high· diamond1. West could ruff whenever he pleued. but dtdarer would oveM'uft with dummy'• queen, return to ht. ha11d with a trump. drawing W•at'a laat trump ln the pro- ceu, and the rest ol the tricks were hla. Tbe defendoni could acore only lwo cJuba and a diamond. I ii . • ·.: . • '. : ~ ! : I .. . t THE f"Mlll' · CIRCt8 by Bil Keane BIG GEORGE by Vtrgtl Partch (VIP) C:+ .,.,.. "It's an evergreen trM. YCXJ never get to see its skeleton." "I've figured out why the •Ir 11 so clHr. It's not • pre1l~ntl1t election ye1r." by Brad Anderson DEN~IS THE MEN..\CE Hank Ketct1um ~ "Can't you wait untll I'm out of the house before you crawl in there?" , H1 , HoNE'r'~ WHATS NEW?' GARt'lt:LD LOOK AT THAT 6€AUTIF'OL R.AIN60W, GAP-FIEL.P MOON Ml:LLINS ONE IH~ORY rs WE1RE: ALL ALLOTTED So MANY WORDS -ro SAY. .. ® ACAOSS st Olio nattwl 1 M<Mng e 1 Foolilfl tllk I Smut &4W• 10 c:a.i houM 87 Smlll gn>ucl 14 Aclor Gt.-ie &a toe ltM>W 11M: 15 Wint Clltler 2 wordl 1e PNpoe111on 10 Nine: Pref 17 Big term 71 AnlnlM .. ,AND As SOON AS IHEY1Rt: S.AID, OUR EXISTENCE ENDS. 19 Stride 72 Dr9W or Terry Will~~-~rN-1'1!11111 20 " --to 73 Klngl: Sp. my'*'1" 74 ,,_ 21 'cltge etiopt 7! Stlnkt 23 Heeth gll'IU9 25bcti DOWN 2t Engllnd'• 1 Tyrol peekl llleof -2 Lone 27 Keep beck ' logo 2t Holt1 4 -MnCtum 51 SllOOn n~ habltuee 31 Squabtltl 58elluUlt ........:~ IS~ title I Dolly M Stlow IOOfn 7 !m>tllfl M 'our:,,_ .,.-. 30 Mor9fllCtUltl IM~ 40a.blrcl •Jm~ 32Wown1ttm S5 F*1dl r1-~~~-_..._..._ 42~ ....... ......... tOTur.n ... ....., 11 ""'1ttfM 47.... ~ ........ t211Wt eo• ,,,_.girt u O..tttnoe .. ~ a ,.••ao a,..._.,..,. 14 ..... 24 Wlldllf ,; ~ 1'lrllll .f1 Cq • SI PrOCllllon st Ronlln '1 KltcNn it.In: .,.,,,, 2 worde 58 -n..a 3e EnctMe eo Unfr9lh .._ ..... ..._..._ • " 11 eo ea Pwfonnl 41T.. UVlllft 43........ .. WtWI 41Dlrt;t ........ •Clod! ...... ....... •'Mdl ' • l II , "WELL, YQJ ASKED. 11 THERE'S NOTHING LlKf A MEA.1..TM'V RE.SPECT FOR MOTHER NATURE LACEC' WrTM A ~~ "" l.ITTl.E GP.EEP Pl&\Nl'TS [ SHOULD TMIHK IT WOOLD 8E EASY TO "TRACK WSITS THIS TIME OF VEAA ... WELL, SLUOOO-HOW DO YOU UKE THAT NICE H OT CHILI I MADE? GORDO l H OW DO YOU RATE IT< HJtll~ CCVETIAJG1 ~5 ......---_JJ CltA't/Ai! TH£ ~ Flillf<JE ~ ~il1'JC:, IN HIS HE:Ali:.T FORA D4J,.Lv OltJ THE CJIALLl5·· 0 ft I I ' I by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Arriola .._;;;.. _______________ ~~~u.. .... ...M-....a.1"--..;:&..-" Fl:~k l' "INkERBt:A N l bv Tom Bat1uk DRIVER EDUCATION - ~IVER EDUCA110N 15 WHE.RE lJOC.) GET INTO A rN. Wl'lH "THREE. OTHE.R PEOPt.£ ~D AN IN~~TOR, AND DRIVE 5'.£)(.IJUJ WrTH A c.AUTlON Pl#D ~ 1HAT <XXJ tADrr APPmACH A6AIN (J.ITIL~ Hrr A&E Af"TV ••• IF qw MAKE rT ! by Kevin Fa an IM~1'UO ~ ~ l.lt'l"LE. lU.1c.A1'0R ON 1'~E. 9oru'f, ~E COOl.O AA~E A L11'fl.E ~ 6€.E..R CAt-l . by George Lemont e u 1"' so YOUR PAY W ON'"f" e>e A CO.M.Pl,...e°fe: WAS"f'f!, "7'00 CAN KE!e!P 'THA"f" L.l 'L.. W OOPeN S"f'ICK ANc::> "f'He! PAPeR NlfiH"f"le! / - FOR BETTER oa F•• •••Mt: by Lynn Johnston 1HENQ~'$VN ~sip•~~ WHO LEFT IHE. ~~sc::~R t'U-. "ff. 1'. .. . I ·: I j' I Onansa-Cout °"tl Y P1LOT/Frtdmy, Februaty &, 1982 ' SAVE s5000 •99Al IU:Cnlc CUSTOM "AM_91CAHA" SIDI x SIDI DISPEMS SIDE l x SIDE'S OPOft-..UME -----------~~-T M l YOUI CHOICI S!El~_. ________ __. _____ _ WHIRLPOOL av A.OOORMI J -~ CiET ·~~ •CHILLED ~ ' WATll •ICE CUIES llCiHT THIU THE DOOi SAVE MOW NMtn7 NOTIC• TOCRl:OITORS 0, aULIC TRANSt<IR Not le• If twretry otwn to <redltor• of Ille within _....., 1r ... 1terar1 tllel a l>ulk treMler 11 eboul to .,. m-on IMllk lrentfitr 11 ~to Mm .... on person•! property llerelneflH peraonel property lleretnefter clet<rlllocl. NOTICI TO CRllDITO'll 011 IUut TRA ... lf'l!lt ca.a. •1tt•• u.c.c.1 Not1<e l11tenit1y 11 ...... 10 cntctl10r1 ot Ille wltllln -'*' lr•l\llerorUI tllel • 1 Oesc:rlbed. Tiie nMNCtl ..,., C...tlneu -..u of Ill• Int•,,_ trel\aleror 01 •r• PANAYOTl5 ICAL.OGE .. OPOUL.OS, 21'0 ICrhlln Le ne, Coste Moe, Cellfwnlo. T"° IO<etlon In Colllor"I• of Ille c lllel uet .,.lva office or pr Inc lpet llu•lflttt elflce of the lntt11C1eCI IHll,.._ It: 1t7S PlecenUe A-. Cett• ...... Collfanole All etller lhl1t11eu nemu end edfrtUH llffd by Ille lllttllllef tren•-'°"""' tllroe .,..,. leat pe.c •• tar et knoWll 10 Ille l1tt•11-1r~-· HOf4E. Tiloe -C•I ... tlonlnela ...... flf ... ~ lr~fll Me· SUN HO KIM encl SUN I KIM. lltSJ Ce1ttr•ll• ltoed, • IH, Howellen 9 OerlleM,CA•li.. TM! .. -"' -1lMrot...,... •• e •••er•-•• 111 e•11•t•• ••: A11 q .-Ck..!.~-• ...-.11. ,, ... -. Jt flltllllure, flaturn, "11lpmt11t ellf IN~ h••-lltelld It IOU .... I et• t11J ll'lec.,.,I• Ave1111t. c .. 11 -.e,u...,,. Tiie ~ -loWll rt Ille Hlit tr...,,_W 91 •Ill lecetloll It II IC 'A IUltOl!lt. Tlldl M1611 llutll trllltlltt It lllt ...... to 0 -~ottlltaofflUMI htta II escr-l!ftterjltlM .. ltlt ., $0$ N, J n TllMlll A-. ..... I ... &.Ill.a Ana, CAftNftftf!r....,f'*-Ta, ,_, Tllll ....... , ..... , II t'*le<I to • CIHfanH ~ ~ ... c... .. ........... . ., ,. _ _.. ................. _ wltll wtlMI c»llN _,, .. "... •• ~ ·--·~ lllC .... N, I ,,... • ....,.,......_s-~. 9 a ft • ·~ CA ..,. CP,O. ._ ,,., latlU AM. CA "1111. Ml .. "" --tlllflt CJe lflll• -y •r ,,...,.., tMll M , ... , ... ,, U , lttt, wlllO It tlle ..................... <_f'IWtlelil .... ..-c ........... OAHD~ll.t• »HelUl'l1 ..... "" ...... ~ ............ CMll Dli"f ...... ,...... >. ... Tiie n--bull'""J -'"' of Ille l1tlendltd tr.,.,len>rs •re SUSAN L REES -BONNIE L BIEL.DUS, 2101 Her110r BoulevM'd, Costa Mew., C•lllo•nlo ti.2' tlla lo<etl"" '" Celllornl• of tlle c lltel ••ec.,llve olllc• prlnclpet 111111"•" ofll<• of Ill• ln tendtd tro119o,.... II. 270t He,_ Boulevard, Colla INM. Celltwnle 9i.16 PICTITIOUS aUSIMISS NIIMI ITATIMCNT Tiie lollowl"Q persOft h doing t>ualneu.,.: COSTA MESA COIN & JEWELRY EXCHANGE, 7426 Hewoort 81vCI., Cotta Mete. CA '26'7 ROii H...,.1, tu E JOlll, Cotta Me .. , CA '2•t1 Tiii• bualneu I• conclu<lect llY en lfldlvl-1. AOlfHMwt f'ICTtTtOUI IUMfllll NAMl ITATIMllMT Tiie 1011owlng .,.,.011 ta dol11 bullMHel: C ANO I INVESTMENTS, 2 lunrlM, lrvlne, CA '21U. c,...,., A Walker, Jr., t7 Svnrlw, t rvl11a, CA '271J Tllla bull11e11 11 c-uc:tect oy • lncllwldlMll. Clwtler A. Welker, Jr. Tllla tie-I w .. llfecl wllll I County Clerk of Orenp Coumy °"JOI\ 20, ltlJ Tlll1 ti.ti-I we• llled wlll\ I .. c"""" c-al 0r.,. Cou"'Y on Jwn 12. '"' .... ,., l'lllT7' "'*'"*'Or-Coetl Oelly Piiot~ Publl"'9cl Oranet CO.at Dolly Pttoe, .,.,. n, it . .._ J, 12, 1m Jl7.cl Jen IS, 22, Jt. F.O. 5, ,.., 2n-«2 1------------- • • f'ICTfTtOUt IVttMIM 11A1M ITATIUMltfT TM i.llewlfl9 ...,_ ere Ml ..,.,_ .. JU.TIN fYL.•R HA ll'IOAIHI 'IV •• , .. le,,e11<e ,.,..•oy, Ir...,., Cel-..lo '2714 C-4 CiMl'llon, lflt., • CMll.,111• ~.,,.,etllll. atD ..,,_. Parllwey, lrYIM,C~'2114 Thia liMdlMll It c-t•• 11'0' e cor-etlon. C4Clt-n,IM O.rryl M Ol'IMt. Vlt•~ Tlllt ,._.......,. w .. lllocl with "'9 Ceu111y Clerk M Orenee COllMy .,. JMuery 16. IC Pll!I .. JACll'°"-•tOH'I a IUCllLINO ........ Law , .. ,.,. .............. ........... C-Df'. .._. 9'Mtl, C•· "* .... t>Ualliell Oralltlt Coetl Oelly Pllol, ..... J, ltl "· ». '"' sa.i NU Illa lltc:T1TIOUI IUllMlll ...... ITATIMINT TIM tolloowlne ...,wna ere STET10N L.ANO CO . l TO I, 7 .. t Herll•Y AYen11e , Mldw•Y Clly, CMlfomlo ftl.il. JKll Oeen. QeMral Pert,...., l'MI Herlley Awe11ue, Midway Clly, c:.lltomle ftt.U. Thia llutolneJa la lltlnQ concluc lied by O llMli.ct _.Mnl\lp Jec:k0o9ft Tllla tla-lllocl wl111 tr. C-y Clerk of o.-.,. Counly on I' etwuery 2. lttt '1a.I ..,....IW!ed Or.,_ C:O.lt Oelly PllOC. Fft 5. 12. It, 1', 1"2 Mlf.41 PIC'TITIOUI CMlllNIU UMll tT ATIM41 .. T Tiie l•ll1wl11t P9"ftl 11 H lllt ......... PRllS ~T. 141'1 "r-1111 A ... "C" T.-1111. CA"*" Oe11lot INnlll Melton, IH Wot""' I 0 , C.-. M11M. CA '2'27 Tllll ....._. It <~ltf '' e11 llllllwllluel OelllelM lM!tefl '"'' ...,.....,. -lllect wltll Ille '-'' Clef'll ti o...,.. C-.IY ... .,.,. 11. ""· flt_, P111MlllNd Or ..... c..tt o.lly Pllel, Jell IS. tt. 2', ,.._ S, tt17 21442 ....... ,. PICTITIOUI IUllNIJI NAMl ITATIMINT Tiit Ioli.wing Ptf'MNll ••• ooln1 l>ullMU•a SP GROUP, 1'500 Red lilt! Aw-. trvlM, CellforJM• '111• Oa"gt Ca11>uttenu, Inc • • CelllOlllle ~Ion. 1"00 Rocl Hiii Aw-. lrYIM, Cellfornl• '211• Tllla bual .... I I• <-l•CI llY • cor-•lton Prea ..... 0-., COffault.nlt Inc J tl'l'IU N Tudy Vic• Tl\11 -I WM fllocl •Ill\ Ille Counly Clerk of 0r.,... Ceunty °" J .,. ... .,. •• 1"2 Pl-7 Pllbllat.cl Or-Coed O•llY Pllol, J en H, ... S, 12, It, ttll 4'742. .. ...,.., PICTITIOUI aUllNIH NAMI ITATIMtlNT PIC'Ttnout lutlffM NAMetTATUllaWT TIM t.i_.... ,..._ ere ...... ... .... _., ' & T CONk>L. TINO IYITI•, I "'lier•. lrvlN. CA '2114 Or ltU<tlle·Mo ( ... " I .. INre, trwlN, CA "714 Mr>· ic..--...... c-.• Rlllefe, I rWlfle CA t2' U Tlllt...,_,,,~ ... llY.i! tlllllvieuel. It_._, Ultll Cltllfl Tlll1 IUIMWlt W• flloll 111'1111 ... C-yCler'llflfOr-.c-y.,.J.,., 17. '*· ""'* P11llll.,,.. Or ... Cot1t Delly flitet, Jen. H, ~. J, 12, It, lta ...a f'ICTITIOUI IUSfNIU NAMCITATIM.9 .. T Tiie fa4INl119 peflOlll ere 1te111e ..,,_, .. : MANAGElllllN T OIVILOl'MINT CONIULTAN-T$, UUI Plortdo Strul, 1 .. 1tt Ut, """11,..-IMcft. Celllerllle,,.. Allll L. ltrwetr, 20071 lw.,._ L.one, -u...-IMcll, c..111or111e .,_ Ht'-! L Wlw. 145t Sunny Creat °'Ive, Ful-.~t2JUS Tllh llwlnou 11 conctuctecl by • .....r.,__, ... -L.•.._, ....... Pl('T1ft_,. eutt•• UMI ITAT•NWT Th ltll_,,.. """ 11 ...... ..,.._ ... aw ASIOCIATU ..... MllCAtt- ••Yll . lie M . ~ llMUI, CA tlMI, Wllll•M L THIO, H• a.utll ltMtl'll.,t, LAt A•I", Coll,.,AI• .... WHllMI L..T....,. '"" ..,,_. ..,. '"'°" "''"' .. c-1., c;...,.., or ..... ~., .. .,.,.. u.nu. '1..., ,...., ... Or ... CMt4 Dally ,.. .... J•" "· 22, it,....., J, t• me f'ICTtl'tDUI IUllNH6 ..AMIS ITATIMllNT Th• ltll••'"' 11eraon I• 110111e ..... , ....... : SPOltTIPAGI! I fHEl 1 UU H••'"" ltwd, C•I• MeN, Cotti, .,.,, Oevlll AIM lootll, lfW Yale Clnte, ieel 1-1>, c.IH t014t Tlllt ---11 cendYCtef ..... an .-vlcluel OovldA ...... Tlllt aaa.-w .. ll+ocl with .. c-nlY Cten. flf 0r.,... '-"".,. .1 .... 4, 1'12 _,..., ....,..,,. Or .... C.. Delly Pllol, JOI\ 2' ,._ J. It, It, lttl SOO.t2 Tiiis ~ wea lllecl wlU. Ille Gounty Clorll ol Or-c-.ty on JM l!IL------------- 20, 1"2. ..a.a Ptt11U P"t>ll.,_, Or-c .. 11 Deity Pilot, JM. 22, tt, Fa J, 17, t.i S41.t2 NO,.ca OP APPUCATION TOIELLALCOttOUCIEVIRAOll a.a.a To w-.i tt """Y C-n Tiie tollowlft9 --· ere ....... --------------------------·! llolllM1ae1 PICTITIOUI IUllNllS OE L.OREAN ~TOR CARS OP Iii~ STAnMllMT C RACltf:lt aA .. REL ENTERPRISES, INC, 11 OllP4•"'9 lo tllO 0....,,,.,...1 of AkellOll< ..__ CMtrol lor "41" ON 5AL.E BEER & Wltl!E IPUI EAT PL.I to Mii ekOfoOlk b9ver09K et 1'115 Harbor. Fou<\taln Veno. PICTITIOUI IUstNHS N-. ITATIMSNT Th• followlnt peflOtll ere dolnQ bonlnot1•: SPAGHETTI POT loll!OIA, JtfO J Alrpert L.oop Orlve, Co•I• Mue, Gellfornl•~ ~I Pot trwest....,.11, In<,,• Celltornle <Of110t•tlon, JltO J Airport ~ Onw. COiia Mete, C .. lltorNa t2'1'. Tllll l>ullftffl 11 <Onclu<leCI lly • 'oroor •tlon ~ti Poi tnveslmem1, IM Tiii• ..... _ •• , llled wllll tlle County Clerk ol Or•n .. COu1tty on F--...,y t . tttt PtGae Publl.,_, Or ... Coe1I Oally Pitel, F.O 5, t7. It, i.. 1"2 ttt~ MOTICeOP I PUIUC NeRA•INO NOTICE 15 HEREaV GIVEN 1,..t • Pllbll< ........ wlll ... llelcl llY ,,_ Chy C-11 .,, ... City of c...i. Mew °" I Merell I . ltU, In Ille Ce.,11cll Cllemtlen of Chy H•ll. n Fair Or1w , Cocte -, Ill •:» pm , ot H -lh••••ll•r •• Pr9'1IUlll•, Otl Ille 1 fOllowlnt l\em RESOLUTIOH OF NECESSITY TO COHOE-a por11on of Ille Slroot • property, 20 IMI lly 190 faat, lor rltlll·Ol·w•Y l\OC"U" for 1torm dreln/olley prol•cl nortll of 17111 I Str .. t. ' Rt!SOLUTIOH OF NECESSITY TO CONDEMN • porllo" ol Ille I 1Cendall-Zl"91er ....-'1Y, JO l•I Oy •2 fHt. to• ri91M«·••Y nocea .. ry for s•rm drelll/etley projec:I -'II of 17111 st ... 1. NOTICE IS l'URTHER GIVEN IMI •• MICI lime -Pie<•. all ......... ..., 11tnon• mey .,....., •"" lie ,.•rd lly ttw City C-.cll °"IN •""-ttonecl m•tt•r EILEEN P PHINNEY, Clly Clerk Pullll.,_, Or .. Coell Oelly Plte4, F..,, S, 1"2 w:M2 AMfRICA, JOU S.E . Molll StrMI, Tiie foll-Int peflGlll ere dolnt Irv .... , Cell!ornle '271'. IMKIMU aa: Oe Lorun Motor Compeny, • McOONALl>SHOAE ANTIQUES. Mlclll9en corporotloft, 2t0 Peril JIOJ2 PHeO Volencle, Sen J11e n AvOll•, -Y-. N-Y-10017. c..p111r-. CA '267S. Thia b<l1l1tH1 la concN<t.cl by • Barry LYl\ll McOoneto, 7002 coroorallon. Cronh, MIMlon Viejo, CA""'· 0. L.orNn -C-ny 0••• Ect.orct Sllor•. 1103, POMO C.A. B,_,., Vice Pretlcltftt Valene le, Sen Ju.II Calllltr-. CA Thia llN"*ll •• fllocl Wltll Ille '2675. Counly Clerk of Or•nee COunly T11l1 bullneu 11 conctuCled Oy a J MWry 1', 1"2 geMrel ~. Ptin 8orry L. ynn Md>onetd Puttll.-Orenve Cont 0.lly Piiot, Tllll as.~ w .. lll•d wllll , ... Jon "· , .... 5, 12, "· tt12 ~ County Clerk of Or•ll99 Cou<\IY °" Dec >0.1•1 P17t'1U PuOlllNCI Or-Coetl Oell'r PllOC. Putlll.-Or-Cooal Delly PllOI, Feb. 5 1'12 '1H2 "CTITIOUS aUSINISS NAMI: STATIMENT Tll• 101'°"'1ne per'°"' ••• ctoln~ ............. IL.AYNEY ENTERPRISES, UJ Flt<ller. a.t. COi•• 1'1ew. c..111or..ia mu O•vlCI 0 Ble y"ey, H•U c;.,ec11ene. MIHloll Viet•. CelllorftMI .,. .. PICTITIOUI IUllHIU .. _. STATIMIMT Tiie lollowlnv .,.,..,.,, ••• dotnv IMlllneu .. TliE GARMENT DISTRICT AT NEWL/IHO CENTE ... lt.,O Buell llvll., li""'-lrietOft lleecll, Cettlonlla ..,... Jen H . F.O J, 12, It, 1"2 4'1MJ nw 0-IH S Helnea Tllllt, ID HwmmlnQOlrll Drive. CO&t• Meu, Cellto<nl.eti.• --------------Tl\11 tlutlnet• It uond.,Cltd ~an var,_ w "'°"'°*· n0t see"'°"' Ori.,., NewPOrl B .. cll, Calllornl• ,,.., Ro•tn A Stayert. l1t'1 l r ookllut11, liunttneto" B••CI\, C..llfotnl•'2'41 Tiii• l>uSllleli •• ConclllCtocl l>y • oener•I __..,,.p v-w Monnie Tllll Ile-wM lltecl wltl\ Ille Ceunh Cl•rll ot Or•.,.. Cow11ty on Jon ... ry10, 1m ' 1'111 .. Put>ll~ OrenQt Coetl Delly Piiot, J •n. U, tt, Foti. J, u. ttl2 3s..t2 H""'6f1 PICTITIOUI aUstNIH HAMI ITATllMINT Tiie 10ll-lft9 per'°"I ere dolnQ _,_ ... VISTA X·AAY L.ABOAATORY. 11102 , lrvlne Bouloerll, Sulle 102. Tustin, Cellfornl• ttMO Hanletter C-.•UOll, General Portiw<. 2100 Hortll Melfi Slroet, Santa Ana, Collfomlo '210t l'ICTITIOUI •llllNllS 11ntncorpor-M-lellOll -· -MAMaSTATU1dNT .... rtnar""9 The lel-1 ... --· are CIOlno CMneaS H•lnft. Tnnta. bu~neuoa. Tr.CharlHS H-Tru• AVERY SHELL, 1 ... 7 ComlM Tlolt a&a-1 wea lllOCI wltll - C•plalr•M. S•n JW" Coc>ltt taftO, c-nly , .. , .. of OrMQe C-Y Oii c.e!Uornle Feon.ery 7, 1tm Gr._-, P l'urtone. 6021 Toyon TerrK•. Y-llncle, Celllornle ntea Jemes O Sc:llmldl, 6012 Toyon Terr.u, Y-LI-. C•llfornle t1tea Tllll bu1l11H• II conClu<l•ll lly indlvl<lllela G,...,,. P F urtone Thi• Ito-I •• lllocl wltll Ille Counly Clerk of Ora11qe County Oii "t1U11 Pullll"'9d Or-C:O.ll Oelly PllOC, F.O S, 12, It, 26, 1"2 U242 S"4Jf'l7 NOTICI OP TRUSTll'S SALi NOS~M61 J ...... ,,. 17, tm Plltll7 NOTICE IS HEREBY Gt VEN THAT Pul>lla-Or-Coeat Deity Piiot, OH t<rldey, -2*1> Clay of ~. Jan. H , Feb. J, 12. 1t, 1"1 S0242. t"1, el ttw-.r of 11:00 a .rn • el South PICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATIMINT The lollowlno parsons 11 dolnQ llull,,.HH' STETSON LANO CO,, L. TO. 1- M•in Str•I, S"lle 110, HunllnQ\Oll B"'"· Ce11tor1110 "lAe front efllr-e to t.tw Or-Courrt\I OICI Court-In IN City of S.me An•. County of Or•"••· St•I• of P1mJC l9'f1C( n11 llvllMH 11 coMv<t..i 11,. • _____________ 1 11m1tec1 _,,.,.,,., R_,, ""-Smltl\, CEO, For ,,_ General PW1nor, S....t Sllorn, In< . e Celllornlo coriio<Mton, 1-Mein StrMt, SUlte 110, -inolon loecll, Celllomle~ C•llfor1tle, Sl•t•wlCI• Forecluure S."'l<H , Inc., ea SU«euor trvatM, wlll aell •I .,..lie •ucllon, lo tll• l\l911t1t -·tor totll In lewful mon•v of Ille united Stein, •II P•Y•lll• •I the lime of .. 1 •• thel cet1el11 , .. , _,,., 11-.ec1 In - Clly Of N--1 l•Kll. County Of Or•"••· State of Cetllornte, ••d deK r lboCI M lollOwS LOI 41 of Tr ec t No te2. " -....., r.coroe<I In 8-JO. P-It lncllltlve of Mltull•- Map1, In Ille Office of ltle Cownty RKot-of Mid County ..,_..,C--etlon ,.....t Kevlfl 0 ...... _. Pr..ident T.S.. NO. M91 Tllla --lllocl with "'9 Mona OP TRUITlll' SAU c -ty c1 .. 11 of Or-COUfttV °" °" ,....,_,, ». '"' et 11 ·• ....... J-rv ». tm flRIT ~TITL.E INSURANCE 1'1117M COMPANY, e CM!twnle c..._atton, Pultll"*I Or' ..... CMtC Oally Piiot, es TnoAee or Succea-T,...... ., JOI\ H. F.o 5. t7, It, 1"2 49S.a ~Iii-T,,,,..., of -c.n..ln ------------- o..d of Tnnt ·--by H & H GENERAL. PARTNERSHIP, e"d recorded September >. I U I u .------------- lnstrwment "'" ._, '" -u•. ....-t16 Of Offklel R-of or.,... Ceunty, c:.lltomle, anCI punu-1 to tl\at certain Notk• o4 Oefeult -EleetlOfl to Safi --.....r _ _,_ Octe«lor I), 1•1 es ln11r11-no. U7tl, '" -UW, oeee 12•, of Offktet Rocordl of Nici c-itv. wlll -· -~ to Mlct Deed of Tn.1t Mii et publk -tlon 1w celfl, lewflll _., of -United Stoles of America, •11,. meln •nl•-• lo First Amari<.,. Tltle tnaurano Compeny tocei.ci •I 114 Eeat """' StrMt. In Ille City of s.nta AM, Cellforftle, end that rf911t, lllle and lnt•n11t conveyed to Olld now lleld lly II ...-, Mid Deed of Trwtt In -~ UllMlled 111 Mkl Ceu"IY end State -rlll9cl 01 IXMtal'T "A" Tiie ••nd 11Jf•rr•C1 to '" 11111 tuMOlllM Is tll-111 h state of Cellfo+"lllo, C-. of Or ...... City of .......... ....,I• deacrl-.. , .. ._.. PARCEL. 5 ... IMwn on • PM"t,et m•p 111oc11n ._ 111. P-to ...., 11 of percet -In .,,. Office of Ille ~.,~ ...... ,_.,. Eacept -.,... Ml oll, oll ,......., ml.,...el1, "*-"el rlel!b, Mfufol ... rltllU, ~ otller llyclroc.,llon• by .... .__Mme"-· ....-l'Ml neom ..... .n ~_..._Ir­ ony ef tM !or ... lne ti.et moy be wltflln., ~ tN leM, ..__ wlttl Ille _,._. ........ 9nlltne. l'l'llftl"9, ··~ -"'9fotl"9 IMf'efw, --lftO ....... ..._.,,.Ille-I~ .. ~ leM., -..... 1-. ln<Wlfte ............ ~k., cllt'9(tMNlly Orlll •lld ....... '"""' .....,. ..,.,. ~ ...... -'" ...... 11.,, ell °' ... -II•. 1"""911 -~ Into, '""°""' or ecr-.,. .....,,.. •• Of tlle loM, end to ttonom well ..,."*'*' or .:llf'Ktl-ity ew111ec1 we111, ,_.. encl llNfb ...., end -., i..,.,..s tJ>e eai..tot llmlta lher .. f, encl 10 rectrlll, ,_. .. "nel, eq11lp, 1'1'1el11tel11, repelr, ~ -........... ,. ""'" -II• or .......... wltllout ,_ .... , the r'911t IO clrlfl, mlM, store, •• ,._ encl -••I• lllnull\ u. aurtoce or the u-r SOO fwt of Ille _,ec• Of tllO lend, H ~In Ille ..... fr.,,, -I ry I ne Comp•"", • Ml<lll9e11 c..._etlon, IUC:<-lly ..... ._ Wiit\ lrvlne lndldlf'lel ~. ,_.... Oct-It, 1'11 In llOell t~. P ... "7 ol0ffklol Rec-. Atao nc:• .,.,. -ell •-r ,.,.II lnte,..t lftef'el", no melter lleW ""4""9 .. Mid IMd, ...,_ wHfl .... rltfll ..., -.. t ........ *"'· reclrllt, ,_ -aeor..,,. -rom lftt lend er w cllwrt., -lie lllH --~. rlfllb fir~ 011.,--~,. .............. tty Or-• ....._, MICll -rttMt alu II lie re11arlo11, ••ertyl11e, epproprlellYe , llt•c•tellllt. ~.~._.,., Olllre«MI; M ~ ....,...,, -rltH .. OllW """' -wrftce .. ..,. 1.-...... .-Kite .. well rteMs. H ,. .. ,.,,.. 111 IN 0..-,,_ tM lrYlll• Ce111,•11r, • M lclllton corpor91Mfl, auc:c.-11\r llltf'99I' wllll lrvlne 1n111-.trl•I c -111••, re<e,_. one..t tf, "1t In ._ • -.-... ...,.,Ofrkl61111•-NlllM .. .._ .. tN lllMfl<IMy . , ...... ,....... .,,. ...... ...._. uc ... 1 JaCCO OSll•&.oHA&Nl, INC., c.,_ ~ & '#alll •t 1911t11 "J•u•r•e ltteet, L.•• Ante tea, c.l!M111e t9tt,Attl'I; V,t.ann., OINC\6-.. tt1t ..... '"91trt\I .... ,, ... .....,......,,...... .... _ HI •rltlnt'""' ... lllMflc!My wltlllll ~an.._• ""' .-~., •MllCll. klll .... Wiii M lftNt wltlletlt .... ..-., •••41MY. t.,,... .... '"'"'·"· .... tltle, ,._ ......... .. ,.. -.... 1)99119' r....., wlt:H.M.ffUl..,._.tM...,.... ltlllle tell CHI~/ OllllHHt • ._. 9M ........ _ .... "" .... ' kM'9ft fll W. .... kt If .... , trt.nt ... 08'N: ,...,., ... ,.. _.._.,_T-. ....._c.....,,a ~-..... ----,. . ... "" ..... .. ._ .... c.. .. (Nt..att .. ·-........ Or-. c-.-DlllY ~ ,. .... tt. "·,. ...... ""' NOTICll OP T•UITEl'S IA Le T S. No 1·71~10l4 Otl Frlcley, F-....,., 12, 1"2, el lwo 0'<100 PM:, et South Front Entr-• 01 ,,. Old Oronoe C-ty C_._, l1t Ille JOO 8tock on West S-le Ana Blvd., City al Sonle AM. Celllornlo, FIRST INTERSTATE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, Tru-or __ ,_ TrvttM -Ille Oeocl of Trvst m- lly E Weltff Scatl •fld Ge,..,.1 Scott. llutllend •l\CI wile, H T•nanh '" common -recor-September 24, tttO, •1 IMl~t N ..... r "4n, In look UJSI, P-tt47 ol Olflclet Recor111 of Orenvt c-1. ca111ornle. t l•en to wure M lndlb•drwu tf't IOYOf' of Unlt..i Colllof'lllo ._, e c e11to,..1e CarporeUon, 11y ,_ flf 111• 11•••<11 of urleln ollllt•llon• H<urecl lllerelly, llOtlCe OI Wlllcll ~N<ll w• '9<..-0 AUOllll 11, 1•1. .. 11111.......-.. -. >*2, "' --1 o... P999 nn. of wtd Offl<l•I Recercla, wltl Nit et .....,.k evctloft lo Ille 11'91wat w.dw lw cetfl, --In towful _., Of Ille Ullltocl ~ el the time Of ae•. ar lly ~ler'a <llKk frow11 lly • benll •ne-..CS In tlW 1•11erat -.111n9 11u1111ea1 In wold <-IY, SC..• Of CollfclnMe; wW tale IMll b9 -lrMMut wwr-. es to tllle, ~or eftt...,..MCOI, Ille lnlernt c_.,.."' --....,. ttot wlclT,,...__....,cltedoftrvstl" tM pr-opetty .,._'"Or-~. Gellfotn4e. _,._. ... All '""' ~In •-Mtue'9d In Ille city al N--t leech, Cow"IY Of Or ...... sa.te of Celllof'llle, cleacr._ estOllowS: Let J --portion of L.et 4 Of Trect H .. 901, In Ille City of N _ _, INCll, M -...... rec:Of'docl '" bOoll 21, peen U to u lnct111lve of Ml•ctll-llMOI, In Ille office of the ~ R«orcttr o4 Mkl c--,, d..,crllled .. fotlowl: l•tlnnl119 et Illa Nortlleesterly corner M ulcl Lot 4; ltlonce Westeny 15.00 fMI •IOllt the North•rly ll11e tMreof. -. ScMherly IO • point on Ill• Soutll•tly 1111• ol Hiii IOI, Nertllwealerty U.90 INI from Ille $outflteatorly corner ot wlcl IOI, •; tlltft<e ~ 11 tO Ifft •lone 1M Soutl'lerly tin• of aatll tol, lo Ill• ...._ .. *',, ,.,_ , .. ntof; tflOll<• NortlMea...,,y •tone tllO Soullle..Wrly tint Of w lct L.OI 4 to tM point of llotlnn"'V. I uepl lllet portlo" ol L.ol S Mt<rllled .. fOllews ........... •I -Nortll•MI c.orllef' .. Lot 5, lllof>C• Wftletty l.IOIWI •lonelM Nor1Mt1y llM Of ul*S; "-~ JI.JO ... , ....... """ ... E ..... ,,, llM .. L.•1 S; "--• l!eaterly t, IO IHI .-ell•I Wfllt 919 Nor'lflerty llM Of l.eld Lot J l'9 .. l ... rly llfte tMreef; lfleft<• -. 11 ................ 1elf Eetten\o llM, .. the polflt et 11t911111""' fllt ttrHt ederou e11d ttlln (--............ , If Mr, -' -r .. t ,_rtr "-Krt-..i 9"ff la ..,,,..... .. lie: "' v ............. Ne...,.n a.ctl. CA.,..,,. Tiit .......... T.,.... .._ .... e11y t .... ll't .... ,,,.,. --~ .. tMtll'..C ...... •Mll ...... <-............................... ..w .... 11 .... ....,..,.,.....,_ .... , ...... ltwtll9 ...... Ml t«unll rt Mill Owll ot Yrwt: .. .... dWtle ............. ., "" ,,,,......_ • .,,.... .. lie IM -flt M.-..s.. Tlld """9141 prlflC ... I O.lonco of ........ 1,...,... ell tllt ................ . ..._. .._ t.MI ., ,.,.._ ....._. ..... .,...,...,...u,_...,., -· Detell: J....,., ti,, .. "MT UtTlllSTAta IMNIC OP CA.l.IP0411Nt A, """'"· ~YUNITIO CAl.t,_tA eANlt ................... ···~........._ .... .i::. ............ '- A ..... ~ ... , ...... CltJt•t....,,,__. .. _...... .. M ,_... "' ..._ I e.-, Trwt Offktf' ........ AllCC-. AM&: ,,_ OMcs .... c.. ... ,_... •• .... ._ ...... ........ ~Or-. c-.. DllllX._....,.., _. •• n.lt.M.L,_ -~ Tllla ~la •"'9 cOftcluc:lecl lly • llmllect ..,_...P R....,,.., Smltll T"la lle...,_t 11'9d wltll tile County Clerk ol 0r.,.. c--, on Fecwu.ery 7, 1"2 '1etm Pvbl•.,_, Or-C:0.11 Deity Piiot, FOO 5, 12, 1t,26, 1S m., P~TIOUI avtlNIU NAMI STATEMINT Tiie lottowlne per10111 ••• 001119 bullneu~. MAN·TEC CONSUL TAN TS, M'2 Monteoo Drive, Hunt11191on lkecll, Coll tom le "'4t Albor1 Akllorll Roctrlo.,.a. 3''2 Montego Orlve, Hunllnoton 8••,11, C•lllOtNa.,..,. Petrlcl• A RodrlQUU, Ut2 Mo11tego Orlve, liunlin9ton IHCll, Celllornlet2'4t Tllh _,,.., 11 condlKtecl bY en lndlvld.,.., A R. Roclr!Qwe1 Tlllt ............ WM lllocl wltll Ille C°""'" Clerk ol Ore1199 Couftty °" J.,..,..,. 20, 1m. P11'111t Put>ll.,_, Or-C:O..I Delly PllOC, J .... n, n. F• 5, 11. ,.., 341~ PICTt1'10UI IUllNIU ...,_. ITATIMNT TIM lel-"'9 -IOlll ore dolnt ~-= 111 APOU.O ENTERPRISES Ill 'THE GLASS MaNOllRS, DU Otta, s-i. .... CoflfwNe""' Jecq.,.,,.. A"" •••11. 1t01 s Sy,......,.., 0, Senta Alie, Colltonll• '2701 Oele Pllllllp lea", Jtol S. S'tC<anlon, o. SMU AM, Colllonllo '2107 Tlllt llvalMH II C-<led by a ......... ,.;. ....... J«4utlYt1AMhon Tiiis .......,_. WM lllod wtt!I "'9 Cou11ty Clerll of Or•noe Couft'ly °" JMllMY IO, ltC. Plltl1t Pvt>llaMd or ..... CO.st Dolly Piiot, Jti11. U, Jt, l'tlb. S, U, 1"2 *4M2 Tiie llreet eadreu enll olll•r common OftlQr\ellon, If eny, of fie rea l pr-rty clff<rltte<I •bove It ~ '° 1111· Sll ~ J21\I> AC.«le N"'-1Beecll,CA Tiie ~ lr\Olt .. CllKl•lml Olly 11 .... lty tlw Ol\'O' lnc,orTKlneaS of tlwilreet~--·c­clelltnetlon,lf ..,,, .,_., twr•ln Se id wle wllt lie mede wltl•o"I covena•O or w•rr•fttY. ••Pfffl or Implied, l"f9W""'9 lit.le, -ws11on, or •1tCUMllr•nC•• to ••tllfy Ille "41 .. tlont M<urodll¥ _"".......,'to lloe pow Of .... c;onternd In that certel1t -of t"'ll ...... ~lier 11, tttO. e.cUVd ....... II L.,..,. P SIU<Hr •ncl E.._,. "'-SWdtr, H lrullor. to SI. PM11 TU• c ... peny, •• tr1111 .. 1or Concee><lon Fr-"· et et, ea l>tnoll<lery, to -ur• tfle wm of U0,000 00, wl111 lnterall ftwraon, H provl<Hd In Miii ,.....111. ectvancea, II •ny, undtt tr. lermt of Ml4 clHcl of trust, feff, "'°'991 -..,_, ot Ille 1r11 .... end of trvstt <~•led llV .. 1c1 -of lfln1, ..,., roc-.i an O<-• 3, "'°· ,,, -ll174, -12119 of ofllclal record• of Oro,... Co..n'Y, ~Of c.ellfornl•. TIM benefklory undltr Miii -of tn.n or _,,tty dltvtu. ll'f '"'°"of• llreKll or clef-Ill \fie Ge)lf9etlonl M<Urecl -ttly, llef"e-. eM(- encl dell--to Ille ""*'""'" • wrl11e11 11e<tore1i.n of clefeun etld *"'•"° for ...... -wrllleft notke of ......... -•IK'llon "' tell -.,.. t•rm1 Of ••Ill Claad of trust encl r ecorded October U . IHI •• lttM.--.... 17)41, "' -14", 01 .... 111, ., Offlclel reconla of Mid ,_.., Tiie tOlal el'l'IOunl of tlM 11npet11 M let0e• al IM -+oetton --11y Ille pr-t1y to .,. told, trw:tudl119 ullmeted CHU, ••P•nHt enll ectvences la U...214-90 • OATEOJ_., 71, 1"1 Sl•-lde Forectoewe Se"'ke1, IM . AS SAID TRUSTEE IV 508· STITUTIOflf R A J..,, AMI Vke Pf'ftldent St'U Cerrlk»I A-Cy..,..., C.A _. 111•1~ 11"11Jft7 P111>11"'9cl Or ..... Coetl Oelly Piiot. F.O. 5, 12, It, IS 524-tJ No." ttmft NOTICI 0, U.La 0, aaM. P~•TY AT PatYATa ""-• 5-terC-' ......... ~ ...... ~-~ .. Or-........................ .,..... NOTICE IS Hl!Rl!IV GIVEN tllM tlle _. ..... •Ill eel! et.,,.,. .. w6e. te IN 111St ............ ~ ...... , • .. ~--"" .. -ftlecl s..orter c:.un, ell 1tN1 rltlft, tllle, ,......., -...... ti tM _...,. Ill tM time " lillt dtelll.,... eH the ,....._ tltle, IM.....,... tlllll .. .-i. Ml oc.,tredr, ...,Mlellof 1-. w .............. --·In..,.,._ te. ,.... .. ... ~ .... ,,_Of~ .............. -lfl,.... ~ .... .,... llltMc.-tv•0r-.. , ...... ~.-.er-.. .............. $ECMT7Rtl•l'TWUl.1 n Nl-Y-•Hf__,.. ~Ive,....,._ -..Cll, CA tMSI. • s.111 .... w111occw.,.,..,._,,11, •• 111~•A..M.111 o .. .,,_._, et -• ............ C9W't. Tl:'IMS Of' &AL.a. AMiii "· °*""""· Jr., a ·--" .. ·-~ .,_ , ,......... "'°" ......... ,..., .._.., .. ,.. ...._... Ort .... U.0-._ ... ~ ......... , l.~l'nc» ............ . 1. o..-tt ----wltfllol •a.,.flleu•••"" .. .................. .-.. ·•---•a-o-M> ........ , ...... JIWT_.C Af ....... ................................ ~ ,, ..._ .. 0.._,_...,.., .. ......,I I . ~lttlT'Nll 0... te C*MllWI I IMll .-.is• ..... n... (J> ..... H..,.. .._.. .......................... ......,, ......... ....., ...... ~ .... , .. ...,..-..-. ... ----..... ,.... .................................. ..... AMllMlf#fllllcn111111t •111-1t4N .................. .... A-.~~ <.A .... ,, w Mft ... ,.._Ill.~ ... ·~~----Ill .......... _., ......... .. ~--.. _ .......... ~ .. ., ......... ...,,,.,.._ ..... ... ..................... ...._.., "· .... ,...,.. ..... .. _.. ........ ll(ait, ......................... .... .....,...wc.11••• .... •-~ ,.... ...... ,__ ... ,.... .......................... .. ................ OAHD~IS,"9.' AU.• ll. OtAM"'-fN. JR, ...... =--~· ...... ~ > 0r-.c....o.r ....... .-.............. ... It wasn't a total loss ·for UCI Anteaters may have suffered first PCAA setback, but so did Fresno St. HAD A CHANCE UCI 's Kevin Fuller was one or a number or Anteaters with an opportunity to wan Thursday's game but his jumper with six seconds left railed. ~ lb JOHN SEVANO ol .. MIY,...._.. All week lon1 the talk ln the PCAA centered around Suoday'a battle between UC Irvine and Fresno State. It was only logical as both basketball teams started the week 6·0 ln conference and 17·1 overall. Well, that first·place confrootatlon ia ~till going to take place ... it's juat the fieures are going to be aJlered a little bit. Rather than both teams 1olng ln 7-0 which everyone fi1ured they would UCI and Fresno State will enter their affair with identical 6·1 marks. That's right -6·1. You see, not only did the Anteaters stub their toe against visiting San Jose State 58-57 Thursday night, the Bulldogs, meanwhile, were getting the shocker of their season as Lona Beach Slate whipped 'em in overtime, 45-42. ~ ~1tandlng1 ~ ....... • &. • &. 6 I 0 I 6 I 0 I • I 11 ti • I 1' I I I 6 la I S 4 II I S t ti I I 1 ti would be a gross unders tatement. Actually, to put it in a better perspective, il was like a condemned man receivlng a last.second pardon from the governor. "We've got to make use or that now ," exclaimed forward Rainer Wulf. "It sure hurts because we could have been ln nrat place by ourselves." added Kevin Fuller. Indeed, the atin1 of Tbunsday'a loss a~ould be felt by the Anteaters for aome tltne. On three aeparate occasions UCJ had a chance to pull lt out down the at retch -only to come up empty. After a seesaw battle which aaw UCI play catch up for most or the contest, the Anteaters finally caught and paaaed the peaky Spartans (10-8, 4·3) with 8: 12 to play. UCI, wbJch went ahead 48-46 on a Kevin Ma1ee layin, quickly expanded the score to It.a bl11est leld of the ni&ht, 51-46, thanks to a Ben McDonald jumper and a Maiee-free throw. • But the Spartans wouldn't wilt, scorln.c the next six points, and the lead was tossed back and forth 1111tU the final agonizing mlnut.ea. A jumper by San J ose's Kevin Bowland with 2:30 remaining made the score 58-57 in favor or the Spartans and little did anyone realize at the time thoae would be the rtnal potnta ot the nl1ht. McDonald had a chance to put lJCJ back on top wtlh 2: 12 to play but milHd the front efld of a one·phaa-one. San Joae came away with the ball and then ran the clock down to 1: 10 before trylna to gl ve it away. UCI's first chance to wln came after a San Jose timeout. McDonald atole t.be Lnbo11nds pus and fed it to Fuller wbo waa brealdn1 with Randy Wbleldoe toward the basket. FuUer tried to aet a alley-oop pau t.o Whieldon atrukln1 down the right aide but a San Joee defender aot a piece of it and the ball bounced off Whleldon'a le& out of bounds. San Jose then took another timeout but was unabie to get the ball back ln play lo the alloted five seconds following and again UCI 1ot pouesslon. This time the Anteaters worked the clock down with Fuller tat1ng an <See UC IRVINE, Page Bl) To say a collective siJth of relief was exhaled in UCI 's locker room upon lt!arning of Fre~no State's demise ~------------------~~~~--------~~----------------...;._......;.. __________________________________________ ~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 5, 1982 U Life's a dr~g for Gary Beck El Toro driver vies in Winternationals By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .. .,..,, ...... 5Ufl POMONA -El Toro's Gary Beck feels he has an edge on the competition for this weekend's Winternalional drag races at the Los Angel es County Fairgrounds. Beck set an all-lime elapsed time record of 5.57 seconds in winning the National Hot Rod Association Winston World Finals at Orange County International Raceway last fall. He also finished second in the NHRA point s tandings to Jeb Allen of Long Beach. The OCIR meet was the last or the 1981 season and Beck had sorted out his car to run al peak performance at that lime "WE ARE RUNNING the same car here at Pomona that we ran al OCIR," Beck says. "It is only about six months old and we feel it is alive and ready to go. TOP FUELER El Toro's Gary Beck is among the favorite s at the NHRA Winle rnational s thi s weekend at the Los Angeles County fairgrounds. ··we won the Summemationals last year with a S. 7 run almost immediately and we ran a 5.63 at Indianapolis later in the summer. We are very happy with the car. "We've just pulled back over the winter and have all of our equipment ready for the season to come. Running that 5.57 al OCI R has our whole team excited abqut the 1982 season." Beck's car is owned by potato farmer Larry Minor and was built originally by AJ SwindahJ. Swindahl has also built a new top fuel dragster for Shirley Muldowney which will be debuted at Pomona this weekend. Swindahl, a Tacoma, Wash. chassis builder, has become the Calvin Klein of unlimited race cars during the pas t two seasons. Last year he built the cars that had the quickest qualifying times at 7 of 11 world championship races. SMALL WONDER why Beck and his crew, that includes chief mechanics Jerry Caldwell and Bill Waller of Hemet. feel they have an edge over their competition. They have a proven dragster while s ome of the others are running theirs for the first time. Beck, although he lives only a stone's throw from OCIR, says he will probably not be running al the track until the World Finals late in the year. "I'll be running in about 20 events this year that will include the NHRA and the International Hot Rod Association," Beck says. "AU of them are national events and take three or four days to complete. "We seldom test these cars and I am not involved with staging exhibitions." BECK STARTED his drag racing career by accident. He had been the Northwest division champion as a sportsman car racer and was serving as crew chief on the only competitive top <See BECK, Page B7) IN CbNTROL -Edison High goalie David Nolterieke goes to the ground to make sure he has possession or ball during Thursday night ·s Sunset League soccer match at Huntington Beach. At left is Dean Mullins of Edison, Ditty .......... ..,caiirt.. while Ocean View's John Frousiakis is looking on at right. Frousiakis scored the Seahawks' first goal in a game that ended in a 2-2 tie. See story. P age 86. Angels still lagging way behind • m a ·rms race Traditional rivalries top prep action ·How much support can the power-laden lineup give to.a very questionable -pitching staff? Poor Gene Autry. The Angels owner bas a stable full o r experienced thoroughbreds, but no veteran jockeys to drive them to the winner's circle. I mean it'a great to have a lineup of Rod Carew, Rick Burleson, Fred Lynn, Reggie Jackson , Don Baylor, Bobby Grich, etc., etc. But 'who's goln1 to get the outs . during the other half of the inning to brinl these 1uys to the plate? Even Manager Gene Mauch la skeptical. "I wlah I knew for sure ii our pttchlng wu goin1 to be OK," he said recenUy. Asked how IOl)I lt would take t.o evaluate what talent he bu, Mauch quipped: "About aeven montba." Mauch ls " Ulllure a1 probably the pltchlns ataff ltlell conceminc tbe future of 1182. Let'• bf honest, whatever rotaUoo Mauch decld'9 to uWi• *On't atrlte fear Into the heart.a of tbe OPJM)!altion. 1 lt'1 hud to lmqlne OW Autry bat •peat mon than $11.S mllllori m lt tree ···" (and UUll'• l'lot .... lndUdln1 the StJ.t mlllloD atvm Bur*Mill, c.,.. and L)oma. ucla a~uJrM bl tridll made po••lbl• bJ Uletr lmmbtftt tr ... ll ' ... ) ... -ODI Cl( tbee SPORTS ~UM NIST JOHN SEVANO to be a viable pitching probably not the Angela'. And, finally, "Act11ally, we're in a better position Travers is going to give it another try to win a divisional title than we are a By ROGER CARLSON after spending the year on a trainer's playoff," offered Mauch. "Over the of" .. .,_""...., table <sore a~. course of a season you have a lot of Championship and playoff These are the guys that Mauch hu to games to play with. Pitching is more stakes notwithstanding~ there rely on to help lead the Anaels to a Important in a short series." are some traditional rivalries pennant. , Mauch believes, considerin1 the highlighting tonl1ht'1 prep "We've got a pretty 1ood chance of An1els' situation, that the deslinated basketball menu which makee It getUng another pitcher,'' admitted hitter ls like an added pitcher to his ball one of the more attracUve of tbe Mauch, "but bow good he'll be I Juat club. regular campatp. don't know. I'd love to have a IUY wbo "The greatest advantaae to havma 8 It 'a Corona del Mar at won 15 games and threw 250 lnnnin11 DH ht with your pltohlne staff," be said. Newport Harbor ln the Sea View last year." "Unlike the National Leaaue where you Lea1ue, Ocean View at Fountain So would a dozen other teama. If the mlaht have to hit for your pitcher early Valley ln the Sumet Learue Mt season were to start tomorrow, In the tame, you can let your atlrter 80 Marina at HunUnstoo Beac:b ID however, here ia what Mauch'• rotaUon longer and never reach that eighth, another Sun1et cnaclal. •' ..,ould look like -Ken Fonch, Mike 'Dlfttb or tenth pitcher... All are rematcbee, ol COUJ'M, . Wilt,_ Angel Moreno, Bruce Kiaon, H the aeuon nean lll ftJuil 11t71?. That does mean a lot of wu.r·•nd·tear week before the Cll' play0ftl:1'l • The are a number of candidates for on your ftnt seven pltcben, t.bouab, Corona det Mar wu Ja lb• tlflh 1pot. Zahn la one poatbillty but and maybe that's wb1 the An1ell' tbree-polnt winner onr the a1 Mauch taJd: "He knows "' hu to •kipper la bavlnt air able bodied Sa1Jora In the fttit i'OuM, Oelille ' pltcb a lot better than be did lut year," Ulrowlna arms report to •Prins tratAIQ View haa beaten Fou•tiha ltellever Don Aaae 11 another, by Feb. u . Conditloaln1 wlll Valley by buOUt twtee (mee aktio\Wl that would leave Mauch ..tu. a undoubtedly play a maJOi' role thl• for the rouataha Valle) 1>11 bole tii the bullpen. The oUt.qder, year. ID•ltalloaal erowa) 1ti whoe•er It 11. woiuld be a lotlUl cbolcei Pec>ote, and the med.la •~7, ltk• H••llaltm BtMll .... •••·:' but nobody kDOWi it, or wbtn,~p wU to talk~about tbe pr.,un • ..._"'8 u a......., ltpe IMI a ~--~ar_._ri~v-~ ____ __..~_......., .. __,~="-' ........ ~_...----~<~S.....;..:..l~EV;;..;.;AN0;.;;;..;.~~••1•ii_>~-:-------._...._..~<8"-"'-'~Pa&P-"'"~~·-Pe~....,--~,~~-;.o.o~ ...... .. Orange Coaat OAll V PILOT/Friday. February 5, 1982 ~--------------------~ Fountain Valley pair head for W eetwood Fountain Valley Hl1h, which sent Eil Dllval Love to UCLA a year a10, is c•• sending two more football stars. Allhou1h Wednesday Is the day • for signing national letters of Intent, All-CIF • quarterback Matt Stevens and light end Grea Bolin, the 220-pound star who cleared the way for many of Rod Emery's 25 touchdowm, have commltt.ed themselves to Coach Terry Donahue and the Bruins "It 's just a great s ituation for them," says Fountain Valley Coach Mike Milner. "I'm really proud of our kids' choice." St.evens earned All-CIF honors as a junior and passed for 2,086 yards as a senior. Both were named to the first team on the Dally Pilot's All-Orange County snv•Ns team. Bolin caught 28 passes for 442 yards as a senior, but the biggest Item was his offensive blocking for Emery. Emery is still undecided, with Nevada-Las Vegas, Utah and Minnesota in the running. Another Baron being coveted is receiver Joel Seay, who is deciding between Utah, Princeton. Dartmouth, Harvard and Utah. Quote of the day Dave Overpeck, Indianapolis Star sportswriter, s izing up the Chicago Bulls:, "The Bulls are the bar girls of the NBA - they promise a lot and deliver little." Islanders win eeventh 1tralght Deal • Pohl• anapped • Iii lhird·period tie wlth • power-play ' 1oal at 5:'2, h1a second ·~ ol t.he came, and the New York falande,. def..-.d Waahln1ton, S·2 Tburadaf nl1ht for their seventh slral1ht Natlooa Hockey Lea1ue victory. The lllanden tied a club record for con1.ecutlve vtctorlea, 1et twice prevloualy . . . Center Kea& NUHo• scored lhree 1oala, th final, one on a power play with only 2:53 left1 to Uft Cal1ary Into a 4_. Ue with the New Yon Ran1er1, anapptnJ New York'• four ·eame road winnin1 atreak ... Bobby 8mltla. the fitth·leadlnc acorer in the NHL, tallied at 2:27 of the final period to rally Minnesota to a 3-3 tie wlth Philadelphia, ttxtendine the Flyers' winless streak to elght games ... Marie 01bone broke a 4-4 tie wlth a 1oal at 14:32 of the final period. to send Detroit to a 6-4 victory over Cblcaco . . . Barry Pedertoa, Brad Pull and Tom Ferpa scored withh\ el&ht minutes of each other in the second period, propelling Boston to a 5·2 win over Buffalo. Rams eet pre 1eaeon IChedule The Rams will face four AFC [!] opponents during the 1982 pre-season, 4 • the club announced Thursday. The Rams will face Denver in their first encounter Saturday, Aug. 14, at Anaheim Stadium. The team will then venture to Cleveland for a Thursday rught (Au1. 19, 7:30> affair before returning home to face Seattle <Sat., Aug. 28) and San Diego (Sat., Sept. 4). All games at Anaheim Stadium will begin at 7p.m . Lietzke makes late c harge Bnce Lletake ripped six strokes II off par on his last eieht holes and, with a 66, tied Forrest Feder for the first-round lead T hursday in the 41St Bini Crosby National Pro·Am Golf· Tournament. Lietzke has been in a deep slump in the early season, often bis moat productive of the year. Geor1e Bu.ms, who won the event in 1980, and Mark Lye were a single stroke off the lead at 67. Burns had what he termed a "mistake-free round'' at Pebble Beach, while Lye played at Spyglass Hill. It was another two strokes back to J ack NlekJaus, Tom Wat.soa, Scott Slmpsoe, C h ip Beck and Ben C renshaw, tied at 69. suns suffer fourth atraJght loee Gecwc• Genta aeored • potnta m and teammatAI Mike llfke..U added 27 and paced a third.quarter rally that helped the San Antonio Spun pin Phoenix with lts ·fourth ·eonaecuU~• loea. lll·Uia in tbe National Baaketball A11oclatlon T&uraday nicht. The Spun trailed 79-73 with 4:59 left In the third quarter when Gervin and Mitchell teamed for 13 point.a in a 15-& 5an Antonio IW'JC which 1ave the Spurs an 88~ adva.nta1e at the end of the period . . . In the only other NBA game Thursday, Indiana, sparked by Tom Owns and BUly hlpt wttb 19 point.a apiece, put elaht players In double rteurea and recorded its hlahest point total in two yean with a 131-114 victory over penver. Foster may be headed to New York The Cincinnati Reds said • Thursday that they had agreed in principle to trade slugaer ~eor1e Foster to the New York Meta The Reds eave the Mm permission to neeoUate a contract with the left fielder, who hasn't come to terms with Cincinnati, but the trade depends on the Mets signing Foster. who reportedly sought a multi-year pact or Sl million aMually In salary from the Reds in addition to a Sl million interest-free loan The Associated Press learned that the Mets have agreed to send three players to the Reds including a catche r and pitcher . Television. radio Following are the top sl)Orts events on TV tonight. Ratlnos are . ./ ' ' / excellent; / " ' worth watchlno; 1' fair;' forQet It. 6 8 p...m., Channel 5 ./ ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC at UCLA. Announcer: Joe Buttitta and Biii Walton. Whlle the Trojans won the first match between these two crosstown rivals, they will have a tough time dupllcatin9 the feat at Pauley Pavilion. UCLA, behind the play of Kenny Fields, has come on strono since that loss and last Friday defeated Oregon State with USC losino to the Beavers the next nloht. Dwioht Anderson Is the use catalyst. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Washington, 6 p m .. KLAC (S70); use at UCLA, 8 p.m ., KOAY !1S80l and KMPC (710). 49ers stun Fresno State Bulldogs /all in tuneup From AP dllpakhea -- LONG BEACH Guard Crate Hod1ea •cored six of his 12 points ln overtime Thunclay n11h\, leading Long Beach State to a 1hocldn1 U-42 Pacific Coast Athletic Asaoclation victory over 17th-ranked Fresno State. The 49ers, now 2·S In PCAA play and & U overall, brought a flve-game loain11trealt into the game at the Long Beach Arena. In their most recent outing, they had been cfobbered 97~1 by Nevada-Las Vegas. Fresno State fell to 6· 1 In conference action, tied with UC lrvme, and 17-2 on the season. The Bulldogs brought a 12-game winning streak into the game. Cel St•te Fullerton 7•, Pacific 85 STOCKTON Guard Leon Wood scored 28 points to lead Cal State Fullerton to a 74-65 victory over the Uruvers1ty of Pac1f1c. Fullerton, leading from the start, built a 36·27 edge at the half The closest Paci.fie got in the second half was 44·42 with ll Z7 remaining to play. UC Santa Barbara 83, Utah St. 82 LOGAN, Utah -Guard Michael Russell's steal and layup with 24 seconds remaining lifted UC Santa Barbara to a 63-62 victory over Utah Slate. Russell's play climaxed a late-game rally that started when the Gauchos trailed by 57-47 with 3:28 left to play. A rizona 58, Wethington St. 56 PULLMAN, Wash. Arizona's Greg Cook led the way for Arizona in the first half, while Donald Mellon led the charge in the second half to boost the Wildcats to a 58-56 win over the Washington State Cougars. Cook scored 12 of his 18 points in the first half -despite eight minutes worth of inactivity because of foul trouble. Mellon scored eight of his 14 points in the first 12 minutes or the seeond half Vanguards tr,i11mph Rustlers harbor new thoughts about 1982 With a crucial game against Azusa-Pacific awaiting Uus Saturday at 3 o'clock, tfle Southern California College basketball team tuned up in rme fashion with a 103-77 thrashing of visiting Hawaii Pacific Thursday night With experienced pit chers, har d hitt ers, GWC hopes to overcome Seah a wks The Vanguards, 15-6 overall, now await A·P for a home game which could have a great bearing on whether they'll be qualifying for the NAlA playoffs. B1 CURT SEED EN Of .. D....,l'l ... S ..... Some things never change. Take the Southern · Cal Conference baseball season. Each year, it seems, LA Harbor, perennially one of the toughest community college teams in the state. wins the first half of conference play. Quite often, Golden West College wins the second hall. . The two meet in the conference playoffs and guess who consistently makes it to the state tournament -LA Harbor. "I think LA Harbor has been in the atate playoffs four of the last five years," notes GWC Coach Fred Hoover "I think they've got the top program in Southern California right now." HOOVER'S RUSTLERS wilJ be out to change that this season, and he has the talent and experience to pull it off . GWC finis hed last season with a 19-9 conference record. The Rustlers were 21·16 overall. Their hopes of advancing to the state tournament were shattered in an 11-0 setback in last year's conference championship game. This year, with four returning pitchers back - Mullally' s goal earns OV tie ·Keith Mullally scored witb approximately 10 minutes remaining to give Ocean View a 2-2 tie with Edison In Sunset League men's soccer action al Huntington Beach High Thursday. Ed.lsoo bad come back from a 1-0 defecit to take a 2·1 lead before Mullally's goal lied it up. Seahawks goalie John Pedraja had a busy night in tbe nets, stopping 17 Edison shots. ln other Sunset action, Marina beat Fountain Valley, 3-2. while Huntington Beach and Westminster played to a 1-1 tie. The Vikings' victory puts them in a tie for the league lead wilh Fountain Valley. The leaders have 10 points, followed by Westminster with eight, Ocean View with seven, Edison with six and Huntington Beach with one. The Edison women's team produced a little ntore favorable results than their male counterparts, shutting out Westminster, 2-0. Kelli Winkler and Kim Walulik had one ·goal apiece for Edison while Charger goalie Me1 Cooper-just a sophomore-had 11 saves. The win keeps Edison unbeaten (6-0) in Sunset play. In other women's action, Laura Heizman's two goals paced Dana Hills to a 5-1 South Coast League win over Lag\lna Beach. Laurie Hagan, Kelli Thomas and Carolyn Dowsett each added eoals for the Dolphins. Dana Hills is now &-0-1 In league play Whale Watch all with a year of community college experience under their belts the Rustlers figure to be challenging the Seahawks once again. "We think we're playing pretty good. We won the (summer) Metro League. Pitching is the most solid thing we have right now. We're not hitting as well as I thought we would hit, though." Hoover says. Here's a look at the Rustlers by position: PITCHER -G WC bouta two top starters in Ron Hendricks and Rob Meyer. Meyer, a ·&4SEB4IL OUIUJOK .111 right-bander, was 6-2 last year. Hendrick.II was 4·1. The Rustlers also have Marc Crockett wbb will eltber be the third starter or a loot reliever. Short relief duties will be bandied by sophomore Beje Mahoe who wu 4-2 last season. In addition, the Rustlers have freshman Lanny DeRose, who redshirted last season. FIRST BASE -G WC lapped a familiar source, hamely Cypress College, ror Chuck Segel. The sophomore transfer hit .370 last season and will bat cleanup SECOND BASE Another transfer, Marty Boyd, who played at Santa Monica CC last year, will make up hall.of.the middle of the GWC infield. Boyd WAS_ a Metro League all-star this past summer. SHORTSTOP Bob Villarreal, a utility infielder last season for the Rustlers, should 1et the starting assignment. He's out of Sonora High. Six yachl8 clear cape Six Class A yachts were past Caho San Lucas Thursday and heading across the Gulr or California. on the last leg of the San Diego to M anzanillo race. Merlin, skippered by Mike SaUerlee, San Diego Yacht Club still held the elapsed time lead and was about 39 miles ahead of Fred Preiss' Christine, Pacific Mariners Yacht Club. The other four boats which had cleared the cape were the Santa Cruz-SOS, Hana Ho, Night Train, Secret Love and Octavia in that order. Armin Baertschi 's 40-foot sloop, Avanti, from Los Angeles Yacht Club was holding the overall and Class D handicap lead at Thursday's rollcall. A vanti was the overltll handicap winner in the 1980 M anzanillo race. ' Class handJcap leaders were Hana Ho, Class A; Bravura, Class B: Saeta, Class C, and AvanU, Class D. . s GRAND OPENING "'"' """ .. ,,. s REDWOOD 11101 a. H•rbor S.A. n l!) z 2 xi Merch .49 ft 0 I z 2 xi Mch Hrt .57 ft n :v . ITI 2 •I Cir Hr t 1.39 ft -4 l ITI 1 •l•t•Fnc1 .~7ea "D en + ••4 .. , •••·• a.,..,. "' .J ii -~ i•MI thru 2 / 7 en O~E N 0 :00 TO e:oo or 141·1111 TIDRD BASE -Freshman Bob Grandstaff, from Marina, is challenging last year's s tarter, Dan Larson for the position. "Larson can play anywhere· for us, actually," Hoover says. "He might even be our designated hitter." With a .406 batting average from last sea.son, Larson will. no doubt, be in the lineup somewhere. But not at third, if Grandstaff has his way. Averaging over 91 points a game, Southern California easily eclipsed that mark as four different players notched double figures. led by Rick Porras who scored all 23 of his points ln the second half. Mike Roberts and Mark Roche each chipped in with 18 as the Vanguards raced to an 11-point halftime margin and were never threatened. OUTFIELD -Curt Gervais, a second-team All-Southern Cal Conference selection, batted .356 last season. The Bolsa Grande graduate will probably be joined by freshman Doug Irvine out of Ocean View. and either freshmen John Altobelli (Newport Harbor) or Mike Wagner (Fountain Valley). Basketball score s CATCHER -Hoover's got a good one in sophomore Chris Schulz. The Ocean View High product belted seven homers last season while hitting at a .347 clip. He'll be backed up by Edison High graduate Steve Morello. The Rustlers open the pre-conference campaign with a pair of games with visiting College or Sequoias Thursday and Friday < 1: 30 p.m.> GWC begins conference play Thursday, March 4 at Cypress UCI wome n even record The UC Irvine women's basketball team evened its overall record at 11-11 with a 70-67 victory ovtrr United States International University at UCI Thursday night. Julie Baker enjoyed a personal-hilh 20-point performance, while Dawn ~uchanan had lS and Katherine Hamilton 13. U!l;I hosts Fresno State Saturday night. ~:.r S.n J~ St SI. UC lrv•M ~I LOftQ 8Mcll SI 0 Fl"ftl\O Sc •1 loll C•I Sui. Fullerlo<> I•, P.o:ll•< ·~ Pe_r_ I• P--SI Gonr-71, Loyal• _,y,,_nt •• S.n Ole9oSl.67, Air Foru n Wuhlnq!Oft ff, Ari,.,.,. St H "•ltona lol, W.sNnvton SI ~ Southern C.lllornl• Co1109e tOJ H•wall P.o:ltlc 11 Hev..S.(Aj V99411 IJ Hawaii 11 Whtlli.r M. Ce! LutNran st ' ........ UC Sante 8M't><•n6J, Utah SI U N Montaotlatt, W _, .. ,,. 11 -Tua .. ArlinqlOn •l. H TOH SI ., Steimen F A11>tin ... S.m Hou•lon 51. ~ M'""' lowe U , lr>di.na~ Ml<hlo-> ... Horthwt'\te•n'-1 MlnnHOC.11 73, Purcllle )Cl Oftlo SI. so. Mk hlo-n St •• Coll lllinol• •. WIK~n Sol Wlchlt• St ... Illinois St ~ Drake 'l. I lldlena SI .. Crel9-... W Tu.•SI .. Mkldle T-. SI U Akron Sl Tentwt-T..:h .. YC1Un9\to-St ~ s-. Ale ·lltrm~ 101 Miu ll•ll•v n C..,t_.,._ S...._,. IS lotl Eett C•all"" ._ Bac>tt•• U W.111 REPORT~~ Mountain HJgh Holiday Hill · Ski Sunrise Mt. Baldy Kratka Ridge Mt. Waterman Snow Summit Snow Valley Goldmine SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Snow deptb/lnebn Condit ions 18 hp 18 hp 6-18 hp 12·24 hp 36 hp 36 hp 36-60 hp 60 hp 36-48 hp CENTllAL CALIFORNIA June Mountain Mammoth Mountain Dodge Ridge 60 pp 108 pp 72 pp NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Llfb/cbaln 4C 2C FO FO FO FO FO FO 4C FO SC Mt. Reba 72·132 pp 7C Kirkwood 144-240 pp FO Sierra Ski Ranch 96 pp 6C Heavenly Valley 72 pp 21L Tahoe Ski Bowl 96-144 pp 2C Northstar 48· 13> pp FO Squaw Valley 13> pp 8L Alpine Meadows 94-t• pp lOC Boreal 168-192 pp 6C Homewood Sid Area 72-lSS pp 3C Conditions: hp -hardpack; pp -packed powder; pow - powder. Llfta/chairs: L -lifts; C -chain; FO -full operatJoo. Wiiiiam IL -'} • ~oe _ _, .. S FIOrlda ff. Gf!0<91a SI 41 V1ro1ni. Tech 101. VMI 1• East O.,q....,.. 1•. George W•\l>tngton ~ ., Rooen ~,,, .. , .. .,.1-st ,, Btnlley I•. Mal'Vard •I Man •dwwni Sol, SI eon.v ... ture PllhlMlf'Qll ... R-Ill-~ SI FrM><I\ H Y •. SI Fran<i\, Pa 7l SI Ptlt•'• st. ,._ HMnP\1\1,.. )Cl Wot Vlro•nia ff. Rutgers Sl Community college w-...~~· Ant•._ VelleY ,,, lfefttllfa .. Compton 11, Hanto<k '1 Gtend<lte 8', -park '1 o .... ,,, "·,..,yon, 10 !Mini• B•t»ra• Tr-T..:h~ Women ~ UC 1,.IM IO, USIU •1 use "· ucu." H .... Sc-. -u..-EdllOf\67 WeslMtMtarn Fountaifl V .. ley U, 0<•.., lltew lt Hunll"91on h«h 41, -•Ina 1' lelM CM9I L...- MiHIOft Vt.Jo ti. ~ HUii 11 .-.......u..-St JOM!lfl SJ, Miiiar 0.1 >t OUTSTANDINC VALUES! · H1W ltl2 VW IAllfT SIOAM Fully factory equipped Including 65 amp alt. & 4 lpMd trane. (Stk. 2875). (8183). SALi PRICI s5 MIW 1912 ISUIU SHOltTllD rtCllW This one It fully factort equipped lnciudlng a 4 epeed tranamlaalon. (Stk. 1347) (3857). SALIPIUCI 55595· Orange COllt DAILY Pfl.OT/Frlday, February&. 1882 SI, Cr08h.y goH, Lakers top TV F.romJ3pB5 BECK ••• fuel dra11ter ln Canada. Tbt car 's driver left the team two month.I before the end of the HUOO and Bffk toolrover. College basketball, figure skating.also on.agenda FromP!p85 Ho owned bit own car for four )'eara and spent three years befor, that wtth another owner. PREP ROUNDUP. • • Two week.a alter eamlne b1a unUmtted UcenH, he won the U.S. NaUonab at lndianapoUa. Then ln 19'14, he won the NHRA world championship. Sln~ that time, in seven years, ht baa flnlabed second three Umea includin& 1981, third once and fourth once. contender's role the last Ume out, 55-50. They're all billed for 7'30 starts -Including six other games involving area teams. Winless Westminster is faced with invading Edison 09·2 overall, 6·1 in league) In lhe other Sunset League issue, Laguna Beach (2-6) is at Dana Hills (4-4) in the South Coast League and Mater Dei <2·3) hosts Bi.shop Montgomery (3·2) in the Angelus League. The ba.Jance or the Sea View League includes Estancia (9-2) at University (7-4) in a major issue regarding title and playoff chances, Saddleback (0·11) at rast-closing Costa M~sa (7-4) and Irvine U ·lO ) at El Toro {2·9). Corona del Mar (10·1) has given Newport Harbor (8·3) a tough time in recent years, chalking up an 11 ·2 record in the past 12 seasons, including a rive overtime decision and one in double overtime. IN niE LAST seven years, only a SS-54 Newport Harbor victory in late '77 has kept CdM from further damage. · · 1n the past it's always been a one ·time thing (in non-league)," said Newport Ha rbor Coach Jerry DeBusk a fter his team's first-round league loss at Corona del Mar. ·'This time we can mark a spot for them." Awaiting Coach Jack Errion's league-leading Sea Kings will be the 6·7, 6-7 front of Byron Ball and Joe Seager , along with a supporting cast which includes Scott Liner , Brian Folk and Steve Pelletier, while the visitors counter with the best euard combination in the league <Chris Lynch and Mike Hess> and an excell ent outside shooting ability from all hands. Out.aide' ahootin& is Corona del Mar's bie weapon agatMt Z(fle defenses, while the Sea Kinp' tou&h man-to·man defense consistently holds rivals well belo w the i r c ustomary averages. Eleven o pponents have averaged 40.2 points per game against CdM in league play and when it's close at the end, the Sea Kings have s hown the ability to coqnect from out.side when going for the last shot. Meanwhile, at University, E s t a n c i a · s c"h a n c e s f o r contending for the title are in jeopardy. For that ma~er, so are University's chances for a playoff berth. ESTANCIA EDGED Brad Guess and Co., 50-48, in overtime in the first round and it rigilres to be just as close with the Eagles ' playmaker , Jerr Gardner keying Estancia, as opposed to Guess' 6-6 dominance of the interior with his 18.4 league scoring average. Fountain Valley, which has a winning percentage in excess of 90 percent in Sunset League play over the past 10 years, tries to solve the 6-9 \.11 presence of Ocean View's Jim Usevitch, who scored a personal high of 35 points against Edison Wednesday night. Fountain Valley's big item, in contrast, is the outside shooting of 6·3 guard Jeff Hughes, a 20-point plus contributor on a regular basis. And, it 's the 0 i 1 ~rs of Huntington Beach (5·2> and Marina's Vikings (3-4) once again, resuming a rivalry which over the years has produced thrillers. Jim Lane (19.7 ) lead s Huntington Beach. Beck says bis bligest tbr1ll in dra1 racing Is just bein1 ln the SPort. "Not many people have the OPPortunily to work at whal lbey llke to do." he says. "And It certainly beats havin1-to 10 back to work for a living." BEFORE HE turned to driving full-time, he was a bricklayer in the Seattle area. During the off-season, ,be has kept a hand in the trade by building a fish pond, outdoor grill and putting in walkways around his El Toro home. HE HAS NO though ls about r etiring fro m driving and turning his attentions to being a crew chief again. ''I'll stay with it as long as I reel I am capable of handling the car and putting It to its maximum speed," he says. And his edge <with a proven dragster> could put him in the winner's circle at Pomona this weekend. Qualifying runs continue through Saturday with an 11 o'clock start Sunday when champions will be crowned in top ruel, runny car, pro comp, competition, s uper stock, stock and super gas categories along with the oro stocks. CdM-Sailon taped Tonight's Sea View League ba s k e tball game between Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar will be taped by Teleprompter cable television to be s hown Sunday at 4:30 on Channels 24 and f<. · The game is being produced b y Newport Harbor High students and will be played in the Sailors' gym. FICTITtOU5 8USllHSS NM1Ut l'ICTITtOUI autt••U 9'AMeSTAT•MaNT l'ICTIT'IOUI •utt••IS •AMll5TAT8MSMT TM........,. __ ,.,....,.,. MAME STATIMIHT FICTITIOUS 8U51N•U T110 toll0wlft11 perMHIS ere clolnt NAMI: ST AT•MlllfT buslneues The lollowlno .,.rten Is •olnt U N I TE D S P E A K E A S ~neu as: ASSOCIATIOH. Jt10 Mein SI., Suite AL.ADOtN"S L.ANIP. 1'15 ._,HIM J», HwllllflOIOn 8Hc11. CA.,._ Awe-, C·t•. C-. -, eel ....... M<tntel ()ynemlu, In<., e c.ltfor'ftle m11 CO<Poretlon. 2110 Mein SI , Sult• US, A" n •be 11 e It O ISO n, 2 00 S HvntlnQton -h. CA.,.... 8eje,H._. &Ndl, CellfOrftle nMO. This busl11tts Is conductltd Dy • This bullMU I• eondu(lad "r .,. COfPOUllon. Individual ......... Dynamlc1.1nc: ..._, .. I(_ ~ LaO.ey Tiiis 11a-t wa fllod wt"' ... 59Ct.n.ry.TrN...,.. County Cieri< CJf Or-c--, on Tiiis -w•s lllltd with -Jefl ... l'y ?S. tm County c...-. ol Or-County on J .. F,,,, .. PUOll•-Or-Coetl 0.tly l'llot. Tllo l•ll•wlllt "rsofl II doing ---~ 8AL80A 8LU.S, 501 II!. 8oy ·-....... ~..., ._.., ... ....__ ,,. -S4rWt. "'--' 9eldl. ~..., Tlll1 ......... ls~1MbYOft .... ~-letloflo_t_ .",,,....... ,,,...,,., M. --n.1s ........... _ n1M wttll N c-1., °"11 .. ~-c-ty ... ~·.,.. ,.,.,. ~ °"""' C..t Delly "°'-Jell. 12. 2'. F• s. 11, 1ta so.a 27, , .. , F111"' Jefl. 2', Feb. S, 12, It. 1"2 .....,, -----------PuDll-Or-. CM it Dally Piiot, -'-•= WILLIAMS ANO OAVt5, tsSS W-A"9 .. ltt.F,,_...Ve119T. CA,,,_ J-w. F.__. 11n N- ~ .... H~ lleKll, CA....,. Wllll•-.... RHll, lllC., a C..I lf.,...le awpw.oon, t7a 8-1 Woy. .._,.,.~.CA ftMO. Tlllt llull-ts <~I .. h a ..Mrel ,.,, .. 11\doP. J-W.F ......... WlllleMa-Rylfl. CllC s-1Wllll-......._ Tllll .....,_. -n ..... Ill ... County Clet1l of Or.,.. C_,. on J ... Satutday'a TV, radio TELEVISION Noon <•> -COLLIG& BA81lftBALL DePauJ va . Marquette tn Milwaukee. 2 p.m. (2> -INTONATIONAL S&ATING CRAMPION881P8 -Sam• day coverap ol lbo 1982 European ficur• 1tatJn1 cbamplon1hlpa, taped at Lyon, France. Allo: tM world aprlnl 1peed 1kattn1 champlonahlpe, taped at AlJrmaa.r, the Netberlanda. ( •> -COU.EGE aASKETBALL -Arliona State at Wublncton State. ('J) - SUGA• aAY LEONAaD~s GOl.Dt:N GLOVES. 3 p.m. m -Pao BOWLING -The finals of lhe BPAA U.S. Open, taped at Houston. 3:30 p.m. (2) -GOLP -Third round play ln the 811 Crosby National Pro-am from Pebble Beach. 4:30p.m. (7)-WIDBWO&LDOPSPOaTS - Curreot world cup downblll leader Steve Podboraki and 1978 Olympic champion Frani Klammer are amon1 the competitora ln taped coverage of the world men'• downhill akUng championships at Schladmln1, Austria. Alto: the men's and ice dancing eventa In the U.S. fl1ure skating champ1onahips, taped at lodianapolla. 6 p.m . (50) -SPOaTS AMEalCA 'Hi1hUghts of the fiNlt North American open karate championship, taped in Connecticut RADIO Basketball -Cal State Fullerton at Utah State, 6:30 p.m., KWRM (13'70); San Jose State at Long Beach State, 7:35 p.m., KLON (88 FM). ' Hockey -Vancouver at Kings, 6:50 p.m., KPRZ (11.50). Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -NBA BASKETBALL -Lakers al Boston. 11 :30 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBAU. - St. John's vs. Louisville. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Notre Dame vs. UCLA at Pauley Pavilion. 1 :30 p.m. (2) ;-GOLF -Final round play in the Bing Crosby National Pro-am from Pebble Beach. (4 ) -SPO&TSW08LD -Tadasb.i llihan (15-0) defends bis WBA junior-middleweight UUe against Davey Moore (8-0) in a scheduled 15·round bout , taped Tuesday at Tokyo . <7 > - SUPEltSTA&S -A vast assortment of athletic talent ls on.di.splay in the third men's preliminary, ·taped at Key Biscayne, Fla. 2:30 p:m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WO&LD - The U.S. vs. Japan in a men's and women's gymnastics meet, taped at Hamamatsu, Japan. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE woaLD OF SPOaTS - Roberto Duran (74-2) attempts to become the third fighter in iess than a year to win titles in three different weight classes as be challenges WBC super welterweight champ Wilfred Benitei (42·1·1). 'Ole scheduled is.round bout was held in Las Vegas last Saturday. Also: The slalom competition in the world alpine skiing championships. 111CTinous •US1N•t1 l'ICTtnous •utt••u llAMe STATllMa.MT ...... ITA'YllM9111T The 1•11••1111 1>4rM11 11 1111111 Tiie t•ll•wl119 person Is fol11t ~-= --· VAN GENUS GLASSING. 1SJ'1 GLADI, Ja II!. 11'fl M . c.te -· "'"""UM, ..... '· Hwou.,.i ... CAftt.tJ. a.ell.~..... G ... ys S. -.-. 15 It.,. V-• All4ul R. -....... IHI N .. la _ _.. 9Mch. CA.,_, Clrcle ................ 9Mcll, CelllWNa Tiii• """"--11 COftOIK-by - n.41 llldlwlck.lel, Tllt1 ....,._ It ~led "' lift G~S. a.- IMI•-· Thia ............. -ICIOd with ti. ...... "· -~°""of Or ..... C-yOflJ .. This .......,_. -fll .. wllll 1fle 17. 1'12. c-1y Cttrt CJf Or .... c:-y °" 1'111 .. J~ •• "'2. ~ 0r..,.. c...a Delly """" 1'111 .. JM. If; ,..._,, It. "· 1"2 ._ Puoll-Or ..... c:.oeat Ooily f'llOt. J .... n, 29, "'-S. 11, Hill Jl$-G l'tft"1 I .....x 1111( llMMa 21, ,.., Jan. 2'. Fell. s. n, 1', 1t12 .....,_1----------- ...X 1111( ·------~-....,.... __________ , SUl'•aKMt CIOUaT 01' CM.ll'OllNIA Pullll-Or ..... Coe• Delly l'lloe. ..___________ l'tcnTIOUI ·~ ... .. .. ....,. couwrtol'atv•n•o• Jan "· ... s. 12, "· 1ta so1.a FICTITIOUS 8UMN•U ....-... STAT ..... WT ltOT'ICe Of' S.Al.e ..__ o.111&. OF ltlAL l'M>P•aTY ... 0 . ._ ,,. NOTICE OF DEATH OF ORA J. RACKER, AKA AT .. alVAT•IAUI l-,C..tmt O RA JEAN RACKER ........ ,... PLAINTIFI': DESERT VILLAGE-----.. -.--.-.. ----HOMEOWHEAS ASSOCIATION, • ....,.,. ANO OF PETITION TO tntheS.C-rlorCourtof-Sl.eteol Celllomla~t eorPOrallon. FICTITIOUS8USINUS ADMINISTER ESTATE ~·:~=::.:=.,:A~·:=.~ DEFE HDA NT TI CO R lllAMHTATEM•NT NO. A 111974. JOH N GALLI HA ... TONY PROPE1tT1Es coAP 01t AT10H , 11uT,,~,1o1 .. 1ow•no _""'' ar• -n• a <O<l>WMlon JOHN DOE C.A It L TC>tl, ·-. T o a I I h e i r s • 8ALLtNERO.c1ece-.ci JOH N DOE BRO-IE . .IOHN DOE THE SYHERGLENN G•ouP. beneficiaries creditors N•llce 1' ,.., • .., tlv.., that ..,. ABBATE. 1nd1vtdwa11y and dlll• mo c.......,. 0<1ve. SUl\91, "---' . . edit f ....... s....., wlU M(I .. ,.,, .......... C6R LTC>fol, BROWNE ' AlllATE. ke<ll. Ca0forn1•'2JMO and contingent er OrS 0 to lllo h..,_. __ ........ 1'*"<1 a perlner"'I•. MCI DOES I -Jt, Fines W. Sllaw, 1440? l!ut Ora J . Racker and persons to <-ll'INllloflot Ylcl S...-ler Court, llKhnl..... Dittmar Drive, Wlllt11or. Collfornta who may be otherwise •• •ttw"" t0111 O.y of ,.,......, suMMOHS '°'°1. I t -res ted in the will "12 •1 111• 011"• 01 Hunl ' c-1 ... ..,4 Harriett E. StrkkMllld,.,. Lt•l'd n "'/ ~ontlermaller, a Proleulonel NOTIC•I Y• ........ ..._Tllo l'I•<•. C-te-. Cellton>la._,. and or estate: Cor11oretlot1, 420 H••Por1 Center c-1 llMIY _... ....... -...._ aruee A. Conifte, ?62 Me9Mtl0. A petition has, been fited1 ~!:i~!;...~1~~\::.:":i =: ,_ ....._....,. -,.. ,...... COii•......., Ce1Hom1a aw by J une Lee 0 Connor n st.ie of Cellfor'Ne, •N ,,,. rltllt. t1t1e .,.... •..,.. ............ ,~ ,.._. G '---'· •m H-us S I C t f ..... Orl¥O. Legu"• Nlgval. Callfornl• the u per or our . o ~ ':!-::.. a1: "~':.i., u':: 11 ~ .,.,.,"' _ .,,. -.ice a1 ... m11. • ..._ STATW. ... MT TM lollowlflo ponoftl ere ...... TIM follOWlftt petMfll er• clol ... llWSlflou .. bonlneuet GltlE.Al WESTE:ltH Al.AltM co., ¥0NTCLAllt·CAN0GA ti, JUI !JUI Elllellleth We y. Tw1lln, IAll• Cl'9tl i..-. Lit Hwa. C•ltlof'lll.\ Colltomi.,_, '°6Jt. GreM -. ...... Ai.rm '-"· Den-.. 22•1 Lelle Crest Lene. In<., • CMlfomt• c...-etloll tJtsl Le H•llf•.CelltonW•«l6JI Ellu_w..,. Tu.tln,CAftllO Tllomes Le S<alu, 5'J:J Do•ll Tlllt l!Mnl""s Is <....,<tod lly • • ... ._, s..te ..... CellforM• tJIO.. < ........... O.flflll J. Ar<Nr. ,_, ~k• Greet Wnter11 Aler .. Drive. Y-Linde. Celllornla nt16. Com_.,. 111< Mlle11 SllrlP9t., Ill l'anOf'em• 0.--., J. -· Aul. 11...S ... ~. Cellfoml• '2U1 Soc .... ,.., Aloj1 <>*•. 202 s. .... 111 Str•I. Tiiis .....,_ •• lllod wlltl ... Senta -.a, CelKorllla tCMOS. Cou11ty Cltr1! of Or-Coo;ftly Oft Tiii• !Mnl""' Is eOftdu<tltd by • J_,.., is, 1m. -··· ~· ,..,,., Dall M&....a 1'""41-Or ..... c.a Oolly l'lloe, This st--•• n1oc1 ••Ill .,. JM "·Foll. s. n. "· tm ~. C-t1ty Cler1l of Or ..... c_, on ____ ..._ _____ _. J-rylt.1"2. Orange Coontyo!equest1~ .:: l11•rest -:. ..... ~ .,; Mid eltCN'MY lft 11\h metier,'°"~. Tiii• """""' " c-lfd by .,, that June Lee Connor ...... Ot<teted Ml K .. lred by ............ of IO promptly so , ... , ,, ... , wrltlOfl Ul\llKO(plf"-__ ....... otller th.. ~Otlkea .. appointed aS personal lew or Oltlet'WIM _.,_,"'-'Of In ,.._.,11-.l'Mybelli.clOflllmo. epert,,..,,,.p. 1~.!.!_L.'..:.....~ ,.,.,,.. Ola AVISOI U9'od Ill tlicllt ~. FIMI W. Shew ----represent at Ive to -ftlon10"'9tofulddk00-.•• 11 tr*-~ CIKllllr c .. 1r. ud. Tt111 •-• ., t11oc1 wlttl -...,,. r administer the estate of ~': :!:· ~--:.!° :,i•i:-= ,,., ... d1 ... c11 a .... ,. •• Qw• ud. t<1un1., c1er11 o1 0r-,_., on MttlC-.Du.a ...... Ora J . Racker (under the county , St•t• of Calllornla, =..:""'0V:. •dies. L .... JenuertU. tm ,.,.,111 Pubt1.':9~~'=c, l'ltoe, I n d 4t p en de n t ,.,ucutorly clffcrl-.. follows: SIUllOd.::Mllkllar•l<-lo• Pvllll_Or.,..Coes.tDollyPlloC. Jen.n,F.a.s.12,1t,1'l2 SIM.a. Administration of Estates 1-"· · 11n abog9d!O .. --•. ~ J ... "· ,.., s, 12.1t, 1t12 -, ____ _......_. ____ _ Act). The petition Is set for•;-::.:=:-===°: t1ecer10 lmmo4letema11t•, do•••• 1--------"_.. __ _ hearing in Dept No 3 at a11e1 n of Mbceu-M11Pt, record~ .... ,.... •. "' ..._.._ ..crtie, •1 ...., •at"' ·~ • · •IOUfl•, ~ -rOQlstrede • llompo. l"W- l'M:TITIOUS •uttM•ll llaMMl ITATaMaWT Th• .......... --· .... dol"f IMdl ..... .. SUKSET fl'U8, M6SS l'Kllk C-Hlgllwey, s..Mot llNdl, CACI~ .. ,.1 #AGGIE 'S l'U8, INC ., e ,,.., • ....,. --··· '"" Pocllk Coetl Hlghwey, SwnHI ltecll, Cal llOmle t0142 700 Civic Center Drive, of Ore1199 Coullty, Cellfornla •fld 1. TO THIE Dll'EHOANT: A c ... 11 i.-----------West In the City of Santa <...,.m....., .._ • 11151 •o..-v. c...,.p1e1n11111....,n•b'l1Nlllelnt1t ,ICTITIOUS M151N•U NAM8 STAttMeNT FICTITIOUS au11N•U Tiiis w.i ..... ii C_t .. by • 'c lif · F b 2• Gor•no ....... Cetlfornla.,..., ...... ,,-. 11 'l'M WWI•,,...... tllh Ana, a ornia on e . ... T....,..• o1 se1e cw. 1n 10wN1 _., 1 11 mus1 •llh"' • ,..,. llAMa 5TATSMaHT c..--eti.n. 1982 at 9 · 30 a m ot tlM Unlt.d Sla1" on <lflflnt\etlofl o1 .. .., • "°" • .=. The lollowlno .,.r1011 11 dol119 _. __ , The tollowftfg --s .,.. dolftt ,,,......,1 ll'\lb, Int. · · · sale or perl celft ond ••••nee eftlr 1111• ....,_,.Is_.....,°"' P9· --·-: .._.. Oe¥tl. IF YOU OBJECT to the u ld•fl<•d by note H<wred 11., lllewltlllN•~•Wfln.ti-WINlllAlt LTD., 1000 w..t C:.0.ll Hlpwey, ~ 9Htll, CA '"'1. ,OXX AHO ASSOCIATE5, UeJJ SllC--, grantlng of the petition, Morlo••• or Tru.i OMd on "'° 10 "" mmPalnt. U...... vow • M, Ou should either appear pro.,.,,., so sold. T.., "' cent of yowr ll•fewn ""' bo entered on Y emo111\Uldlobt._ltffwtthb+d ewfk •Uoll of .,. lll•lllllff, Md "111 Rolf E119en Inc., • C•llto1nla CcwP«•tloo\ IOGOw..t CO.SI HltllWey, New~ 8Mdl, CA '*1 Sprlngdelt. S11lt• C, Hunll111t•n Tlllt ...,_.. -fl• wltll n. lloe<ll, CA..... Cfw\IY Oe<1I of Or.... CAMlly ... at the hearing and state 81d1 °' ........ to be In wrlll"I .... court "'4IY .... ~· ...... ~ Fo .. -_......, • c.llfwMlt J"*9ry •• '"*· <CN'WMIOfl. t'°51 S.WI ...... loll• C. L.AWOll'tttealOf' your objections or file •N•be~etlM•forelellloflic. you 1 ... a..,... ... •fNfldld"' IN Tllll llvllllffl Is <-led Illy • H..,1"'911'1 ~. CA tlMt. ST ........ I.. CARI. 1'0M ltten objections with the et..,. llmo .,.., t11e ""'' ..-1e.-1on comp111111• which cow•• ,., .... 1" Wr , IM!nOfefld ........... ofMle 9arnl1llma11I Of We .. t , tailing Of corpou ti.. llo4f~llK C .... H_ Vko l"r'esldlnt Tlllt .......... Is <ollelu<IM lly o ........, .. U. <.._......_ MMt Vie..,._ court befOf'e the hearing. oa1oc1 1t11t U111 ci.yofJ_,.;,y ,.111 mo110 °'..,._,,.,or.,._ ,.., ... ....... ...._..... w..v-.~..- Your appearance may be JU11Y1t ... ...;.,.... ,_1tc11nl'hecOMP1•'"' J-L ,_. 1'1t1W In person or by your uu ....... "*""'111ra10< DeNld 01511~"'."o!!.': Tiii• at.I--fllecl wllll tfte Coulltt OHll GI 0r"'llt Gouflly Ofl JOll. ,,, ttlt, ~· "'*' ... OrMllt c... Dolly l'llol, attorney oft11eEllfttotM1c1~-. oe11dJu10.,., Tiiis •let--t!Md with u. J.,., n. 1'. F-. s. 11, 1• .,. I F YOU ARE A AhtrM~'::r~=~ a!QWIDl.H«MH C-ty Cl..t GI o.-.,.. Couflly on Jen. . • ~1~. I Fl-1 NU .. c R e 0 I T 0 R 0 r a Pulllllfllcl Or-c_. Delly Ptlol. '-:1.!:'::t ~ =" contingent creditor of the J ... tt. JO. P"• s. 1c S0M2 ~ .., ... l'ublllllM Or .... CDHt Dolly Picot. JOft IJ. 12. 2', Fell. J. 1"2 HIH1 Pub!IMM 0...,... C-t Delly l'llet. -.--,-ICTl-TJOUS--Mlll--.. -:.-:11~- J ... 11, n. 2', ,..... S, ttll u..al .... ITATllMllHT deceased, you must file ..,,.,.,.,..OrMltc-. Delly"'"" your claim with the court PllJC 1911( JM. 12, "~ S.L.!!, ,., _ llM2. or present it to the _,.,.. -1.-----------.. "tnfflOUl•USt••u 4 personal representativ '=m:'::'::' ,..... "'""' tuPH=~':,~C:.~:u•i.. MAMHTAHMaNT appointed by the COUrt Tllo fottowlng poraon h llolng PICTITtGUI ltUMM81S 111 Ille ~ ot N A#!ketl.,. I/Ill Tllo flllowl11t tt•rUn 11 f•lt1t within four months from "'*-·; .... nATilflMINT LIOMA•D SOKOi. WAIHIUMN, -•: .... of fl t I 0-"'VIO STl£ELI & ASSOCIATES. Tllo lolltwl111 por\Oll h fol no ROSI •U•Y W~, H..-. 900Y alOHT, UN1.CM1Tl!O, U. thef 1""""ttte rs s,~ncle iaCi.n.c,.......,.~.CA.-.ia. WtlMm•. .,..wueler°*'lltofN-. tut u111 llr .. t. coua M .... o e ers as prov ..-u n 011., Uww• GoftyM, 1u G_. MILMAi.K a1tGi.. , ... 8*eu.. CM&...,...•Mn•tt ...,....,,. Section 700 of the Probate A ... lf-..r1~.CA-.a.t. ea1a-..,CA"'21° o•••,..SMOWCMllll w11....,. "·,..._Jr., tat a .. Cod. of Callfornla. The ™• ....,.., k ~-...,.,, Lyle'""""...,__.., ... °"'•· ""~°"._. Stll It,._ C.• .,...., c;.tlttnlle ...,...,..,..._ -. C, C.. Miia, CA fMfJ. 1.•0..Ai.D totcOl WAIUAMAH 6 • time for filing claims wlll owa.Gtfl.,.. T111, ...,.....,, 11 cll'MM'" ,., ... •os• auav wAMa•MAN • ..--... '"''' MIMtA It CONtlc., .., "' not expire prior to four Tiiis ......_. w• fltod with ttw llldlvl-..i. tM wl ... 1111W n..-I ,.lltlell "1 Wt flflw ...... 1 months from the date of <-'"°"' .. °'"""''*""'..,J"'. "''' ~,,.:.·:..-witt1 "'* ~:":11':.g"!T.:'1:~:.'~':: Tlltt ....::::=:;.~::·'!:i..-. the hNrl09 noticed ebove. "· ,.,. ,.~ c;:..Mt~a.-e10r".,..c:.uo.ty"'J"'. &.•ON•• toec~ •Ata••MAN • Y c~-' 0r .... CelMtl ... YOU MAY EXAMINE ,,_....,0r....,CeMCOe11v l'tlt4. u.•• •01• Run w•aa••MAM , • ..,._-..,,.., .... the flle kept by tt-. court. , ... tt ..... i. "· "· ,. • ., •J141 .. ._. UOMARO STIRl..INO WATHI • p,,_ tfyouarelnterestedlntht -·-~0r .... c:ro.i1vPtttt. "ft'~=~•• ::1:.~~~o.11r=; estate, you may file a ,......~ .1M.u""n.Jt.~s. •1M11 ,,. •• ,.1..,.111 ... _11.., .,=:: request Wfth the COUrt \O I s; a: le 1 _._ l9fa 1nur hfort 11111 curl hi ....... retelve special notice of •::,:.rm:::::.,u ,._ ="= ;:.! ~ ~=: I0------------1 ht Inventory of estate T11e t•llew1i.9 "'"" '' "'"' •tenT1C1U111Utt•.,. MMct11, ..._" •• t'cltdl •.111~ HMlS ~of the .,.i1t1ons, ........... .... SfAT'UlalfT ..,. .... ..,. ... --t ...... "" accounts •nd report Ml'-J:ICOI P~MI. tem.... T•• 11111••11t ,.,..... •• ..... '"'°• ••"· .. , ..w .-m• ,., dfferlbed ift 5e(tton 1100. =...°"""""" rA tkfftt, ~ 'Tr'~ tsl.t • ._. QM19 "r.'::=':=."::f'::. of the c.tlfornla ProtNte '-•'-~n .• ••u ....... MMe.CA.... .....,., .. ...,_ .. ,...... Code 0. ...... ~ IM<ll, 09''"'°"'' Wttff-A. CIMl'I\ tllJ 1*'1. OM-. 111 01111 '"''• • ..._.,._,, If " t11A .... CA_,, .._, .. ~'•rn. ,..._.. • tllfll M1trwlt1, Remer, Tiiis ....... ~ .. -nf• ......... AMlll ... ..., .. <_.. ....... _ • ..._.., ... r111a...,_111~•· M•cDt1Hltl I MeMe1 ....., ..... , ......, ~ .... ,......,....., .. _. .. ..,..... ,. C t D I TII• ........... ,.... ._.,. Ttl1t ....._. -..., .,.. .,. o.-. .,,.. Tllo f .. ltwl119 tttr-II fot111 .....,M••: sw••T IATISf"ACTIOH, 1M""' '''"'· .......... 9Hctl, c.11 ..... 1• f"6i I(.., M. HoffleM, tM T111U11 AV ... llO. ~ ...... C..lftnMI .., . TMt~ .. _.....,., ... ....... l(.M. ........ Tlllt ........... -fli.I ..... C-IY ~ If Or .... c-wT llft 1 ,_"' ..... , .... ........ Or .. c... Oelly ...... .-.n.. ... ,.. •. ,,.. .,.... 5. wia l ' Att•~• at L:aw, M• ....,.._...,,..,... ~ ·--~a.• ,......,,.. , _ ,..ew .,. tr r ve' c-4'f awt.., or..,~• c-.tyClllflllfONll!IJ~.,,... ,.....";-....r l•ll• UU, .... ,., OICIMIW.a.YMo •• ,.. ........ .,,.... ~·--CA nut. ....-,_. .....,cewe • (°"""'C.-Oilf'I..... ...... Or-.--........ ....... Gt-. Olllll .... ,,... ........ 0.-.. c...e o.My ....... ,........ Or'lflll c.-°""" ...... .. "" .. ~ , ... ., ....... ,,. .. .... """' ....... ,... ..... ... .......... .,.,. .,... ......... ti........ • .. 11,i • ....-- aADIO Basketball Lakera at &o.t.oo, 9 a .m., KLAC <570>; Notre Dame al UCLA. n :ao a.m .. KMPC (710); Fre1no State vs. UC Irvine at Loot Beact1 Arena, l :M p.m., KWVE (108 FM). Hockey Montreal at Km.a. 0:50 p.m .• KPRZ ( 1150) UYCopener tops agenda By ALMON LOCKABEY 0.lly ................... Yachtsmen from all over Southern Callfornla will gather at Los Angeles Yacht Club Saturday to help celebrate the club's Slat openin1 day, followed by an afternoon of competition for some of the Southland's most coveted trophies. As "plush" yacht clubs go, LAYC does not fall in that category. It a till occupies the old one-room clubhouse at Fish Harbor on Terminal Island, but it still is considered one of the moat prestigloua yachting organiiations on the West Coast. After the colorful flag-raising ceremonies Saturday morning, Schuyler V. V. Hoffman III of Whittier will take over the helm as commodore for 1982. Other flag officers are A. Bayard Dod, Huntington Beach , vice commodore; 'Frank Ditmars, Palos Verdes Esuates, rear commodore; and Leon Cooper, Palos Verdes, fleet captain. The club's membership roster contains names from all over Southern California, including many from Orange County. Following the formal ceremonies LA YC wiU conduct races around the harbor, including the annual race for International Offshore Rule (IOR> yacbls for the Craig Trophy; the Flagship Trophy race for commodores of yacht clubs throughout Southern California ; a race for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet <PHRF) yachts, and a small boat regatta. A week followine the Midwinters LA YC will start its own ocean-racing series for the Whitney OOR>, Los ·Angeles Times <PHRF> and Todd Pacific <MORC and SBORA> trophies. * * * In oo. SCYA '(«Mino .... H ._. '*-k• ..,. Wlndjemmus Yacht Club -Ceh lln • to Port rece lfO lt . PH It F·AI Seturci.y; Pelos Vffdn Trl•nele r•U IPHRF·8, ¥0ACI S.t\lfdeY s..o.._. c~ (Ays YKl!t ChlCI Clessk WI-Wies. Saturday Coronado Yacllt Clvb Woodworth Serles llnvlletlonel Mncllcapl 5'#1dey Mission B•Y Yecllt ClvD -w1111ar S.ne\ tell e•-l Svftday Ou .. ~ Ye<h( CklCI Winier * * * 01...,.., S.rln, s..ndey S.Me a. ... A«."'9 Auo<laUOll -MIUIOll Sarlu (ell CIHtetl ~., Southwestern Y•<ht Clwb Flore Serla (PHRF) S..W-y. WI-Serles ,........_, s-Ny. Slt ver Gate Yacht Clut> -Pme ... r s.MM, S-,, ....... t ...... Ventur• Yacht Ctub -~'"' Seri.t• HO 3 CPHAF) S-.-,. WHll<oke Yech1 CIUtl -Winier Werm.;p llee•ll• ldln9h lesl Saturday 26th ANNUAL OVER 600 BOATS 300 ACCESSORY DISPLAYS c;,.t' th1·· :,,,,,..) t)()(l nlVA ttH· ·:. ( ·r I( l ', r ! I! 1~l 1 •xp1 ·11~,1.;1 • ')l)·fUlltH 400,000 SQ. FEET OF EVERYTHING THAT FLOATS FROM DINGHIES TO OCEAN-GOING YACHTS ~ · 2 ) · i • r' i I • .,, \ , I ! ':--1 I ) ( ( 1 , 'I I • ''· r , ! '• · I , •· ~ j ! 1 ' 1 t ( \ I' r ) \ i •, I I 1\ 1 ~ 11Flshlna WOrtd" wltli saltwater and freshwater ~shlng seminars .... water Skiing I Learn-to-Sall Schools . I • .... , ... • ... ·~ I . ' . ' . ' . ' • I ' : I . I • • I I I lv . ·~ , ,,:.1. . .. . ~ ~ I .. :·:J 11 •• ~ 1r;; c .. • -(_ > . NllA WISTl•N COMl'l•INCI l'..:111( Dt•i.i. .... u. u... G91dan State ,.._,, .. WLP'rtM JO u .... JI 14 .... u " .• I j l• , •. t• • PortlMIO S.n Dle90 ,. " '"' . .. ,, .Jll 17 .,.....OlvW. 5-1\An- Dtn,_.r JO 14 Mii - u 21 _j.U '"" "°"''°" Uta II nn.sot a KaMasClty Dell•• 14 1' l26 IJ\lt 14 JI J11 16\lt U JI 1'S 17 IASTl•N COM,lalNCI halon Pllli.dal ..... Wasllln9lon ..... Je,.,.y l'Mw Yorlt Mllw..,.._ Allelll.e lnc1'6N Detroit Cllkaeo Claval- AllMtk Dt .... lea » 11 ,, 14 22 22 21 24 JI U c;..tn10lvit191 JO 14 It J4 20 2' It • ,, v 10 ,. TlllnMy'a k-ln<JlaN 1JI, Oeft-llf San A-..0111, "-"1• IU T ........ ~ UUnal WMlllftGlon o... ....... 8oa1on New J-yal PN._lllN• O..rottatCN<.., Sa.-Antonloet K-CllY DallasetMllw--,..,_,,. ... Holalon Ulallall'wtl- New Y-at San Dteoo S.altla et Gokllfl Stet• COLLEGE .7511 - ... 2"" .JOI 11 .447 1t\lt .4$1 1l ta - Mt~ w 11 cJ2 11\lt 011\lt .n110 San JoM St. 51, UC lrvtne 57 SAN JOSa STATll -_.. 2, DI..., 4, M<Nealy 1', M.9rtln 0, lk>wi.M 4, W¥,,., 2, Brown a, Pllller a, VlfltOft n , U-o. Totals: 27._.. UC taYINI -Johnson 0, Fulle r •. Wiit.i-14, ~ ), W..H 2, Mc'*- J, M._11. Tot.ls 21 IS.IU7 Ha lftlt•w· JD.all Total fouls. San .JoM SUfa 14, UC lrvlne 14. SoCal Coll. 103, Hawaii Pac. n HAWAII PACl,IC TaPl>Y I, Trwflllo I, Ma_.. 12, llou J4, e.llay 1J, Parlt., J, Y-9 t , e.nallo 2 TOIAl!t )I IS.It 17. SOUTMllaN CAU-NIA COU.101 - Roberts ta. Pl~ I, -7, Roelle 11. Mort-•. Cwsl 11. Porret n . ROlll" 4, Cal-7, ReclllllO I lotMs » J1~110S.. H alt!Hne: SoCal. -.JS Total foult H-afl Peclfk D , Sout-.. Catlfor"'• C441aQ19 10; FwlM out: Trujillo (Hawaii PKHkl, -If, ... .,.,, Pacific), YO\lft9 (..._..I Pacllkl. Bartello (Haw.ii Paclfkl COLLEGE WOMEN UC lrvtne 70, USIU 87 USIU -w_,.., 4, Glaufwd U. MkNlle I, 8ry.ns l , Miiier IJ. Mc>r.-IJ, E~ t.Mor-la10 UC taVINE -Homlllon U. R..-11 •. 8..CNINn It, 8a1Ur 10, Roy J, Sim-10, Pen!lll t , Gomet • Totals 2t 14-2' 10. Helltlme: uc lrvlne, U.21. Total tcult USIU "•UC lrvlna 17 HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN St. JoHoh SS, Mater Del 3t MATaa Dlfl-It. ·-4, T. 11-1, KanMt•,Gor..-lQ. 5-1o7,J--4. Varhco6 TOIAl1 14._11)6 IT. JOMl'H -EOric:ll lJ. ~ J, Pro .. rl U, Holllft9tw«111 I, C14411or •. To4al1: 2011-11 U. . "-.......... ........ '* • 7 ,,_,, Hunll,,..... leecll H t 11 ll-47 T .... I Powlt' MMlna II, H-1 ....... IMcll It 'tn. Y.n.y 52, Ocean Y .. w 31 OC•M "Ill-S-.-I, 0"'4-t. We" •• Clw .. I, Wlllta U , 09,....,. I. ,. ..... , •-.»• ~NTAIM YAU.SY -...,_ 2, lkftll J, Pvcllallaol I. Ari-., I, Hufft<IW'nlcll J, Glfl1M11'1114, .......,.m 1, Devit ll. Tauls: 14 ... u . OcaanVlew 1c:-..,~7 '11 I,_. 'ountaln Yalhry I> IO 11 lt-42 Total ICMil1: O<H n v .. w It, 'ountalft V•ll•Y It; Fouled out· weoo 1oc .... v-1, Pwcllallll.I !Fownteln Valley, •rlH .. \Fountain Yallnl.. EcMaon 17, Weatmlnmr 22 WelTMIMT••-'"-I. ~lat. ~N t , JIA .... 0, Kln""'I I, .-0. Totalt : 94-14 tt. IDllOlt-K .......... 4, Houll J, T,.pl 10, Tenaw u. Oent4e'l9r I, i.osauo 12, llltrwr 4, Uclll.,.. I, Clla,_.. 0, K-l. Totals: JI ~1417 le-.., o.-ttn w .. 1m1 .. 1.. 1 1 4 i-a Edlton It • JO ~ Total "°"11'1' w.stmlM .. r 10, EdlMWI It. MIHIOn Ylefo 11. Lag. HHfa 31 MllltOMYls.H>-H .. ,.. ro. ~ "· R011tl9 JI, llum 14, Stnllll I , Clluplk J, A. Kelly J, E. KaKy 1. Totals· n 17.JI" LAOUlllA HILU -~ 10, Melfoafe< 2, A"'tln 2, Rotl!MGll J, CMln 10, KHnall 11. T 01a11: 17 :M l7 1c-..-,o....-n Mhslon VlejO 20 11 J1 !).-41 l...a9une Hlllt 4 U 2 16-.J7 Total foull; MIMIOn VlejO U, U.-HlllS 22. Fouleclout· Melhol.r (~Hlllsl. Women's toumanMnt (ail~) ~ ............. A,,... .. J-c11tf w~ Wllll• ... , ...... . Wendy T-1 .,.., Peanut Lou ....... w : DI-• F..-u def. """ Klyomura. ~. H , 7·t : ,.,.,,.,. SM!lfl dltl C,_la K-, W , ,, Men'• tournament l.t9-A .... 1 _____ ,....... "-t• Feiel d9f YkllOr ll'Kd, ...... 14 , p..,, Tcwn def. KWll\ c .......... 1.1.s •.. 1 .• Alef-ro c;.n..-i d9f --· Or-es. ............ a.tus Pra)ova oef. P•eto Arraya, l ·l , •..O; Zoltan Kuherikl def Antonio Z119are lll, .. 1 ... 2. Canadlan Challenge <•T--1 ·-..... Inn l..-U~l oet Jimmy C~ CO.JI, ...... .. J. ~ ... T-(1-11 dltf A~ p.,ana 10.11 ... 2. 7-S, .,_ M<Enr• <J~ll ital Vttet Genilaltl• 11·11, 1"4, 7-S Men's Tournament ,.,.,..,,_, ................. S.ndy -,_ dltf. T-Snlld ... 7 ...... ...... Wof"911 FlOall Olf Inoa-· .. 1. ._..; Andr• GomaJ oef *' PvrcaM, 7-S. W ; Jefln SMri dltf. Jay ~ ... , ... J. Kim WMTICll daf. Ille~. 4-4, W , ._... v .. Wlnlls.lly ..... Pllll Dent. M . M , W Cro!IW Ndonef Pro-Am I•,...-•, ,..,. .. ~ ~ ln;eeu.uM 11.._.. °""".... ~ ....... ".. ~ ktin........ ... ........ J•ll "kMIM ~~ ~ 9M~ •i-~8«11 ,....... T_W...., --~ Jeff T~ ,...,....,,. .Jfl OJ,alll M-»-1' Mefflt N-lllly IJ..lJ-10 o.ne LlttMf --~ J.tt Ml"""' ,...._,. o.11e el<Mltie._ »-»-1' .... Cllrl >7-»-111 Hal Sultln ~ T-l'llt V-1rw ,._,._,. Pal M(~ JS-»-71 ._., ........... >1-l-6-71 lrvca l)eo;lln ,._Jt-71 • ...,. --)4.31-11 1>911 ,_..., H-»-71 Jll'll SIM4Wlt lr·>t-71 ,_,., Jee-J7.,._71 HllMrt G,_ Js.»-11 Oaw• Stoctrton •»-11 J-y Miiier IS-»-71 Ma'1l O'MMt'a JJ.»-71 "'"' .__ »-»-71 1111 Catt. u.a.-71 ... OIMIW a.J1~71 """"-" ~71 Cralt s.-,.,._7, Cllftlt ser-. »-U-71 GI.-, Ollllert ,..._,., Lanny WedlllM )4.a-11 Tom Wei._ J7·U-72 Dannt Edwef.. •-72 Miii.a Mcwtsy :i..»-n 0 A Walllr'ln9 JWJ-12 Mautle Ver 8-U-ll-1'1 °'99 ,_, ... i.--12 Fred COUlllat 17-»-n Jim Oenl ,..,,,__" LlnclY Miiier ,..D-12 Jett Karn )4.i.--12 Jay C-U-Jt-7l t.annla c--..u-n Ron Strack )4.SJ-n larney T...,.,_. J7·»-73 Joe 19"*" ,._,.__n Oen,..,,. 3"J1-n Jeck•-•»-n OOU9 Tewe11 ,..u-n urryZ...., .v-n ... F...... ,..,,__,, ll••c-1 ,...,,__,, aot>Lunn )4.17-12 Tlfl'ISI"-,......_,, •obart w,...,,, -.-n ~rd~ •P-7l Tom Kiie ,._,._,,, Marll. ,.._I •»-n v .,ca HNINI' JS-Jt-7l J-C-)t.)1-71 H•,.,I• w-J7·»-7l J.,.Rauetl ~n MlllaPe<ll ~-n Funy loellef )7·»-ll Jay H"' U ·»-11 Gery Hallllff9 ,._)6-1) Go e-,._,._n Jolln LIAlf J7-J7-14 Miiia Raid ,,__,. JOlln FOUCIM JS-Jt-14 Jarry Pele ,._JS-7• '"" ,_.._,. ,......_" llay Fi.rel J1-J7-74 lrw• Douol•• )4.Jt-74 Illar ,.,.. ,..._,. Erk 8-,...,._,. lnic:a F~ l1·11-1• Jim Helfwd )1.---74 J-Adama JS..-IJ Ge0r9' ~ •SJ-U Barrv JaecMI J~H Miiier •-•11-1t LaMlllt T-k-l Llatr ... D.u.tzl<e • Strack-R."- G Hallbaf9-P.Pal• a O.vll,..8.Rms RW-•Vaia K Fer.,...J.LAI RC11rl·Jlrodla I c.11 .. T.Ktte.Sr. s.s•"'-P MKtr• M.HalalU.y·W.~ G. Llltl•·l.Golclw-J.Ran,,.,.J~ O.l11r....,.O ..... F .Fe~lar-R.R..tlN D EkNlll9'91'·P.t:ns.n.. M.Varll'\IWt"G .......... M.L,._"·"-lt.larr-C l'llllod '.Coo ..... M.UnMlwte G Oii ller1· R.Ge41> lf.D--42 1142-43 ~ »-,....... >--.. ,..,~ n42 ..... ..,.__.. ~1-U.J:J-.S U.12- J>..12--411 IJ.~ D·~ J:J~ llWll-65 ~ JI..,._..., 1).32--65 ~- LPQA tiourn•tMnt "" ............... , Mlylt"'9 ~ Petty....... ..._., ONMe.... ....... *'"•lt•o ~ ,_,.._., ,.. ........ .... ,........ ........... ~(...,.. ..,, ..... lally LlttM ,...._.. ( .... y Hiii .. M-19 JM.-c.n.. JWf-10 P-Olealn U-J$-1' o... ........ H-»-1t ........ ~." ... .....,. ~ .. ,,...., ,.)1-1'1 ........ ,.... ~ 0..-H. Wlllle a..aJ-11 .W,Ct ~I •»-11 "_,,...., ....,.. Mary Owyer' ll-M--71 hwr1.,o.~r »-»-11 Jana Cr""9r .,.,._,, Vwko ~ ...U-7t lonnla lrrtnt IJ..»-71 AIMotkO MIU9t ~71 Vicki SI.-, M-11-71 Kally '"II" ,._,._,, Jlllh Cl.,-Jl·lS-n Ke .. y V°""' U·J7-72 A ·~ J7.J.1-7' s.n«a.......... J7·U-n s... .. ....._ ... ,._,, Jan l'arrant -.,._,, Kyle O'Brien *1·»-n Kellll lllnUf ,...__,, s. larto1acc1111 JW7-n S.ndra Pwl Jl.M-n Allee Rli-JS.J7-1'1 Ayako~ •a.-n Katllr ,..._.,, :i..11-n Sandt'• '1HtNr -.u-n Muffin s .. 0...11.. ,,_,.._,, o.11111e Auol(k\ »»-n i..a-a Mw.-. 11·»-n C CllarOOnnler •»-n S.ndra ~" J7._,, Celt\'1' Slwrtl :i..11-n Amy AICott Jl·»-n Cllt'lt JOllMOn JS-._7l Lori HullhOld •»-n Sy-y Cunnlngflam J7·J7-1• Linda Hunt .,._14 Jo Ann Wa_, ...,._74 O.llOM Sl<IMar J1.J7 -74 K•l"y ~..,, •»-1• T-•sa _...., »-Jt-14 Alie• Miiier •»-1• Ha"Cf Rutlln ,._U-74 M J Smltll J7·17-7• N L-l·Mel!CWI J1.J7-74 11o0arta s-r •»-1• L•ura Hurlbut ~»-7• lelll So~ •»-74 VIClll Ta-lt-U-74 Pel Mayert J7·»-7S Myre v., -»-,._7S Kattly ~ Jt.»-U Julie S P,.,,. ~7S • • ..-•• Mo-,..,._75 Haner Wllllt ,._,._lj NHl ~J'•k-8o11on t, luffelo t HY lllendtn J, W~f'191on 2 Ml""'HCIU J, Plll-pNa J Oat roll I, Clllc a., 4 NY R*'9fn•,cat9arY• T.....-10-ca199ry at Wlnnl- Harlford al Color- Men's soccer MIOM ICMOC>l. 1 ... 2.0c.-Ylew2 EdltOft K001n9· Gr-.n I O'Cal.....,_ I Ocean View scoring Frou1l•kh I. Mullally I MwW'),_y.....,, H ......... 9-tll,W ......... r I Women's aocc:-r MIGtlSC~ 1 ... 2. ..... IAAwl Edl-K«lncl: WIMlar 1. W•lllll-. I O..NMll•.~-.. , Dena Hllll tc«lftt Helt,.,,.. J, H-" 1. T-.a11.~1 ......... ~KW1"9 We-' Barons stay atop Sunset From Page BS UC IRVINE. Huntington Beach, Edison also record wins Fountain Valley mih'ntained sole possession of the lead in the wild Sunset League women's basketball race Thursday night with a surprisingly easy win over Ocean View in the Barons' gym. The win in itself was not all that surprising. The 52-36 final margain was. Tuesday night, Ocean View had upset Edison to drop the Chargers out o( first place and it looked as if Fountain Valley would be in for a tough game against the upstart Seahawks. Sucb was Jiot the case. Huntington Beach beat Marina while ;Edison routed Westminster in other tiunset action. Here's how it went fountain Valley 52, Ocean View 3& The Barons outrebounded Ocean View y an overwhelming 57·22 margain to elp push their Sunset mark to 7-1. "We've been working on screening fut and getting position," Fountain alley coach Carol Strausburg said. Obviously, that work paid off. Senior forward Lisa Ginsbur1 led the "arons with 17 boards and 16 points rhlle also holding Ocean View's I WOMEN Tammy Webb to JUSt six points. Webb had 30 points Tuesday night in the Seahawks' upset of Edison. .. We played man-lo-man defense and Ginsberg was on he r CW ebb) , " Strausburg said. "Lisa just did a real good job holding her down.·' Deanne Davis had 12 points and 12 rebounds in suppo~ of Ginsburg. Pam White paced Ocean View with 15 points. Huntington Beach 47, Marina 39 Marina C 2-6) nearly pulled off a major upset, pulling to within three late in the fourth quarter before the Oilers scored the last five points to pull away. Marina's box-and-one defense was effective In holding Tammy Buckets - usually one of the Oilers biggest offensive threats -scoreless, but Kerri Carr ( 13), Cathy Townsend ( 11), and Betty Mendoza C12> combined to pick up the scoring slack. Betty Mendoza (12> and Tracey Clinkenbeard (11) were the major contributors. Marina's Sandy Corbett led all scorers with 17 points. • • 18-footer from the left wing with six seconds left. The ball caromed off the back iron, though, and was rebounded by San Jose. One would figure the opportunities end there -but they don't. · Jonathan Brown pulled down the rebound and was immediately fouled by the Anteaters with four seconds left.. Again, San Jose called timeout and tried lo set up an inbounds play from the side, but Michael Dixon's pass to a streaking Greg Vinson hit his teammate in the leg and wenl out of play underneath the Spartan basltel with two ticks remaining. UCl 's last hope came on a length-of-lbe·court pass from Wulf to Magee at the fr ee throw line. Amazingly, Magee got it with hardly any interference, whirled and shot a 12·foot jumper as the buuer sounded. Unfortunately for UCI, the ball bit the left side of the basket and fell harmlessly to the side "I guess three strikes and you· re out," said Fuller, trying to be philosdphical. "We just had so many chances. I thought my shot was in ... I thou~ht Kev's was going In ... I guess that's what happens sometimes." For the Anteaters, it's been happening a lot lately. it's just up until Thursday they've been able lo bit the final shots at the end. .. nteAnb TMU•IOA Y'I ••tu'-Tl I_ ....... , ... S 1 .. _..,., Ill HT aACI. ""'*'- Cllallfl1 llltllllal •• J ti ta I Wa,,... O.tw IMc...,_I t llO 4A OC l .... IL.illllel'lll If» Al" race• Pallte ~awef. J I 't O.....,..r, llaclne Oellt"t. Cll• ......,.ta, cauf1 01-.11 u -·· Aa lmpreMlw Time 1 IO tt• l•CC*O llAC•. t\lt 1111 llWIO' Caciture TN a..irlAI ( Dalell-'191 1 00 J IO l IO Daleware l-1 !H-leyl • 00 2 IO Mr enllluela"" (M<Hartwl 4 to Aho raced A lloyel Walcome, Ho1 Trach . Mal•lttc Fall, !.lecy J&, Moody C9"1aln Time I i.4/t U OAll.YDOUaLa t .. J I peld $11 to T1tl•011ACe.t1 ........ Mo*•tr ,,., .. (Dtla"-vel IS 20 I IO •·Ill T ... e AhoY CMtHarvuel 10 «> S to Wllltlln11 LO# IG .. nel J IO 1 A ltO ra<ao Velvet 8t1u, Miiiy'' Jet, !.llllla, Gata•1 C9". Gold Of Couna, Wllldt« Gall, Amtier Jen, All Marie, Jem CrHI Tlma 1 11 J/j '0U aTM aACa. t lwr~ Comman 0.... 10.1•-..-> t IO l to J IO Ill uh.ti--· (Mt Ha,_ I • 10 • 00 Jelll.ng "-l 1c..-.1 4 IO AllO receo --A.rtell•. One For Morn1n11. Jovlel Holly, lord'• Lu11e, Kaona, Easy Play, Na~°''' Tlma, I I04ft Ill PTM aACI. I 14 mllH on IU•I Slr K G~ (Slelnerl I SJ tO 4J 20 :i. 00 Prlncellln !Otlvar .. ) JO ltO JI ltO vaca1i-rc~1 1110 AllO rac.tcl• Amr-•. Par-.'• L•-r. M ulll, Blue Oa,,cer. Payu" Garlbt Land••-. 8~11 RHllY ,._ Tlma l GDJIS U IXACTA !1 .. 1 peld ~ ... , 00 SIXTH aACIE ""''°"'' Saa R111ta11 Run c Ptnco> n ltO 1 oo •.40 Tono (Oel.tllouu•v•I ! to J,IO Wlckao Hln.r CHenwnl •IO AllO reced V1t><11a<no. Fonll..O.. H• -S.m,Jlw.,I Time. 1.0'2 It laYINTM llACIE One mtle Tournament Star <Ce•l•-1 14 10 • 00 t «> lronie Liiy ''"""""""' I 00 • 00 Cour11y C-(HHrl.,) J ltO Alto recad ASk Ma H-. O<Nn !wt\ .... Star Mine, WlnglllQ 11. Graja Ouquew Time: I" U UIACTA C4-ll peld U26.j0 U PICK 1111 11·1·10.M ... I paid SIUOUO #Ill\ >la WllV\lnQ 11Ch 11 (five l>OrM>I U Piek SI• contolallon paid no1 20 with 145 wlMI ... lkUU Cfour horw11 U Pk a S•• \CUICll 'ontolaUon palO ""Ml '""" " wlnnln9 llek.et1 11'1•• horw. one s<ralcl\I EIOMTM •ACE. 4\IJ lurl0ft9• llOty C-lc.Jt.....S.) I 40 J 20 t ltO lmperlal L..aSl ( Plnceyl J llO 1 .IC) Llllle /iAo (Oel•-wY•I l 00 Alta reced Kippy, Proudetl B•. Ari_, Latia Time I· IS lfj NINTH llACE. I 1/16 mlla• Clllna llall !Hawley) • 40 I oo •JO The 819T 181ac:ll 6 40 tOO Bao llal'*Y !Cnill 17 "° Also racoed On Tht Pr-I. Ap..:lle k oul, SamlnOle Kid. Jean • Icy BIHi Blaek llatt Sir Sprua . Orlp Catlle Turf Aulhorlh . Homered Tim• I O J/J U IXACTA IHll peld $1'1.JO Atte-.e lt.019 Hoflywood Park TMUHDAY'S •ESUL n (l*"'tf!1.......,._u_ll••• Ill •IT 11~1. One mlle lrol -•Vlctory lParMrl IOIO tlO SltO Storm "'->Mf9r !Grvndyl ' llO •..O U-r c..-H (A,,dononl 4 00 Als.o recad ..... Cord PrlOrll• H 8orllon Wllllllay, ~ SI..-. Just A Hu>ll., ... No •••• o..19• Time J CIS 3/J. Sl(:OMD aACE. One m ile pece Sllwrt Sl•let (Parker I 4 40 J 40 J ltO Llolllnln Sllm (Gn.indy) 7 40 4.IO Prlfllm-!Goud,....,I 1 tO AllMI raced P•I•'• Pel, L•dY Slule. a-Papa Jove. LMMw, •Hunta" ~. F•r-•r 11111 e COl.Cll_, Time Jo:> 1/S U OAILV OOUILE tl·JJ peld \J7 JO l'OUllTM •AC:I. One lfllle ln>t l'-"'"4 (Wjll'6rn1l 17 .0 t 10 7.M leufll Jarwy CCIHll tt • Mt P .. a< .... o..l11t• .,..,,..,, .... AIM ra<M lanilrw, 4N1'1''6 Mat-, "-"" llo4IMY. _,.,. ........... '"-Wyn Der...,,""°"' R_. Tl-t OU/S l'IPTM •ACI. OM Mlle"'-• c oruoe c-1MM1anc11 t • • • Ml H H Cll-f (T-1 t.• IA Metter Value ''°'••> SM AtlO ra(ff' 8olllWll ,., Glory A, ,.. Hound, K'-Oot.Clle, Raui.n l'r61t. Wint., Prln<e A, ....... r a.ttar H, Gren A two Tlma 7 CDU S tt ellACTA l•Jl peld tl17 00 llXTM llACe. 0.. Mlle pece I:!-' Ro.$ to-.avt JI to 1 ltO UO S-.ky ,..._!..._I 4 40 J • Mr Gunll-!0.---1 Ste Aho raced Wild Caro, SoplllUl<aled Ledy, Slavonic Du~e. D .. hr, A~d'l'I Cl\aroar, Ila•• Form, Haney Andlt,,.,, Time· 2'012/S ts eXACTA I~" peld U.S.00. 51YeltTlt aACe. One mlla i>e<• Cep Dullalrw ( T-1 4010 2J 40 I• 40 C rNrua <Teulerl 11.20 12MI J-!Parttarl 540 •-L C'1 8yrd, Parllft9, J-Hondo. OverO•I• L•d. Cellnul, Ten Percenlar F.-y 5'11-•. Tim• t 00 J/j U IXACTA (S.JI paid s1,m 00 lllGHTH •ace. One mlla NC• SUmmer~(Ttttlerl 100 500 •tO 8re••wlnd 1w1111am1> 10 JO 1 tO Llltle Al"-Anne !A<k.,.,.,..,.) 11.• AllO r..:ao MIH Gay Glrl, Gallaudltl. SH9hl Of Hefta. B.-Bye Trecl, •. ._. '""'"· PurM S.rl-l·S.C-• s... H. -Hanover LOllw H._ I mul..tllekl Tim• I MJ/S NINTHllACIE Onemllepac.e Soutr.ern RllY1""' !KueC>l.,I 17 JO t 20 l.OO LMdLOOtft(Longol SOO J10 Double Gee H (Al>dar'°"I S 20 AllO raced Game Rocole. R..:ounc N, Rk llard H-...r, El"'-< N, AAdyt 5119-r. Kllr. -.._y Paplar Time J 01 IJ IXACTA ().JI paid Ml 10 U PICK SIX Cl~J-1-31 paid UO,tUllO wllll ... winnmo llellet (five __ , 12 Pie• !M• conto1.ilon pelO S.U1 • wllh 14 wlnnlno lklleh (~ llOf!IH) 'Y llNTH •aca. One mll• P..:• Jeu Fnllval CPerryl 43.20 14 to IJ.00 J•m .. Gr-(Anda•'°"I 3 • S ltO Renoml!~I J..O Al lo reud Cl••• Hlglll, T rlbule H. 1("19111 8r'91do N, At1clef•• Perry "-'-· B1ac11. e-N Adept Boy Time J O'l 115 U IX.ACTA <•11 peld131f 70 ""•-• s.m Thursc:t.y'a transac:Uon1 aASEaM.L A~~ MILWAUKEE 811EWERS -Announced Ill•• Tiied Bo"•Y. oulfleldtr. DwogM BerNrO. pit<""'. Slltve uu, cetcher. - BoC> Skut». outflelder. !lad --10 larmt He,_IL...- CHICAGO CUBS S19ned Jody Dev1' tal<ller MIU Gr>llo" •nd Dlek'* N .... pllcllet\ 5<ot1 Flel<""' -Pal T- 1111ielOe,. •nd Mel Hall, ovlll••d•r. to Ofte·Y••r contra< 1\ PITTSBURGH PIRATES -A,__acl 11\al Gary Ale.-r. c al<lle•. llacl <19'-lo lerm• on a one yea• contract f'OOTeALL NaU....1 F-11 L_,.. DETROIT LIONS -N•m•d Tad M•t<htbroct.a oti••n•v• coordt"•tor •ftd C1<141•1••b..ck <oach SOCCER -.. ,_... S.Cc• "-HEW YORK ARROWS -S19MC1 Or- Soml<. •-ard to • 1Wo-yearcontrec1 Win (rom Page 85 SEVANO ••• The win gives Huntington a 6-2 Sunset mark and keeps the Oilers in a tie for second with Edison. The two teams square off next Tuesday in the Charger gym. "It's been a long time," s&Jd Coach Bill Mulligan, referring to the last lime UCI lost. "l told my players I was proud of them. We came back and l thought we played well." a sweetheart of a trip from Stuart Andenon. 1Uke Jack.son, Lynn, Baylor and Carew ~ produce. Well, to a point, that's true. owever, if you're really lookin& for a ey to the '82 campaign, you really need to look no farther than that litUe '1ill in the middle of the diamond. • * • Last year the pitching staff wu 51·59 with a 3.70 ERA * • * f Jn namin& his atarllns rotation, M aucb \brew out youn11ter Mllre WiUI aa b1a No. 2 man. "l don't think I could be any more nervous than I wu lut year.''· said the 21.year-old rilht-bander of the obvious pre11ure before him. "I feel I'm that '1ood, ti be (Mauch> feelJ &bat way tck> tben lt't Ju1t 10 added coa.fldence boott.r to me. I "I mo. le don't knoW'how aood Moreno la ::Tut check be waa 15-1 lD • lllexiun Leque), and I'm sure ~ don't know how Sood I am. "I know l can win U 1amee at leut •d I'm prett:)' aure I can win 15. For ua to win a World Serlu or aQY\btnc elM "''rt l'Oinl to have to have lbreit MS uouncU5w ." Echon 87, Weatmlnater 22 Three Char1ers finished in double figures as Edison rebounded from Tuesday's upset loss to Ocean View with a rout of th~winleu Lions. Kim Tanabe paeed Ediaon with a game-high 15 points while Tina DenHeyer pulJed down 21 rebounds. Gail Guthrie waa bllh·acorer for Westm.lnater with nine points. · MIMlon Viejo 11, Lag .... 37 Mary MaclJ1an bad a 1ame-hlib 25 points and Cindy Rohrls added 21 to lead the Dtabloll to the easy South Cout LeaSQ wtn, their eithtb a1atnat no defeata. Mlulon VteJo la now 20·2 overall It. Ja 11ptt 53, Matet Ott M A11Pb lAape-leader St. JCJMPb Col out to a 28-12 haUUme lead and kept the ·pftaure oo la tM lffODd half to drop tile lloaatebl tow la i.asue pa.,. Ka~ Gonna played Ul for Mater Del, colleelh•I 10 potnu aad 17 reboundl. while Bn SnurlO added HVtn po6nta ud AJOD4a Varilco Md als. St .IQMPb &I DOW 'J.1 la ~UI jla,. Scott among milers to run Former UCI miler Steve Scott heads a world-class mUe field ln what could be the top event of toni&ht'• Ttmes Indoor Games at the Forum, betinnin1at7:30. Amon1 tbe bi& names Scott wlU be up again.st are Ireland'& Ray Flynn, already a four-time winner on the indoor circuit tbls aeaaon, Sydney Maree, third-fastest outdoor miler in history, and New Zealand's John .f'alker. Renaldo Nehemlah, world record holder in both the 50 and 80•)'ard hurdles, tops the liJt of tbe four futett hurdlers In 1111. OU.tr world record holden enter~ include: BUly· Obon (polo vault>: Mary 0tek¥ (IOO m....,. and mile> and Debbie BrUl (bish Jllmp). UC Irvine'• TOQY Well• 11 enter-.d lD tbt men'• 500·yard run. Well• waa Ulvlted to tbe meet alter flnlahlDa third la the 500-.m«er t\lD ln lut IDDllt.la'• Swlkill lnvt\aUoa:al. Come to Stuart Anderson's now through Valentine's Day and you may win a storybook adventure for two. Win a romantic weekend. Travel to San Francisco and be taken · to Napa Valley's fabulous Sitverado Country Club. Experience a breathtaking flig~t over the Napa _Valley in Stuart Anderson's championship class hot air balloon. Or win one of 71 second prizes: An intimate dinner for two at Stuart Anderson's. Bring your sweetheart to Stuart Anderson's Restaurants through February 14. Enjoy a great lunch or dinner and enter the once-in·a·llfetime Valentine contest. No "'"!we flt(euary. D•lf of trip to be fttennlntd with wlnMn F.ntr1nla must bf 21 oro!Oor IEALESTATE ArttAlt fot '•'" A,.,-tmtM• f0t '•If' llforhP•••I) lltA•~• PrQPtrt, CtmPlf'O Lot" t "..,.. .. rommtrr1-.J Po~n\ C.:ondiHYHftlYmli '•'• Uuplt'jh l 1110 ~h ~htobtM1t\td lNOmit Pr~rh lftdv.Mria• Proprrl' ....,.,.,~,. Mobl\t> Hftlt' Ttlr f'rh M<Mftln Ofur1 Nir.,rn~ ~..,~~"::'~oy IMol~lllt Prut> N...w~t1tM,f.1r•"' Atat t:r.l•tt fuh•nat af'At t..tletf' • •Ntd IDHALS f~tYttM,h("d ......,,,""' l f'furlH"tM-cl Hat.bn .... ,"' ut l "' \OfWoMINliift' t -.rA t~wvrn .. 1 "' r .. ,._W>~twrA r .. -....1"' °"'C*'•h h.tA "-""'"l"' 4 .. , ... ," ""'' l ftfwtn Apt, fvrfl ur I ""' ....... """""' ....... Hoitt. Mot~I, C""""' UOlfW' ~muM,...•t-. \ .,. ... """'"" ......... t."'-e,.,. C....1Jn tur It""' Othtt ....... fkouwu Kttt4 •I l.Wt•I JlrMi•f ~:.·~: .. •M"1 "'·"· ""''•'' BUSINESS. INVEST MEIU, FINANCE ttw_,,IW,,, !?Pf*'t '""''M1• •1ntf'd l'"nttMM OpPUn \ ln,itMm.nt \l.tMrd \IWW\ tu t..o..n MOM-' ~ ahtrd MortCHh TU '- ANNOUNCEMENTS. P£1SOllALS' LOST & FOUND AAtlOUIW'f'l'ntf'll\ l~r r.Kll Lft•I 'Ollf~ Lo.I• ......... , .. _ ... !i<J<1olClot.,. Tuu·I S£lVIC£S CMPlOYMENT & PmUATION ~hoot~ '"'trwth•Jt! JMV.•nttd li.ti-11•MN II • I MEICHAllOISE Mliq""' APP4t-arv-""" Aurhon tJd,~; ihttr1 .. 1 .. l •nwr•\' t<1111"'"" 111 I•<> 1ioc, ~.., .... 10 \Ql\I t'urmturf' t.. .. r.,,. '-ttr ....... tfouHf'lokt t ,r.,-,.J Jr•t-lt\ U\nl0tl ~lt'"tUfWf\ M1"u~l•MW1't M1"ftH•~, IA •"''"J ""'tf'•i ffl'rllrumf'nl" Uf'hn • '-f" 6 • 1~,up ""' ~--= ~~~~::.. Span• .. ~· Stan RNaW•'-' B..r ~·r..s .. H1f1 ""'"' BOATS & MAllNE EOUIPMOIT TIAMSPOUATION 4.1N"r•" l•~-~k> ft,.M °'""' ( .,, ,., ............. ::: ~(,:~\a~1:;1 Tt••k-f~ Tr•"') Tri'""'"' Llllll\ 4.-ioStt\tt'f fJ.11 .. AUTOMOBILE u ....... 1 Allhqw~ ~l•u11 ' RtttfaOon \ thl"h" Spwt' Rt1cf M1•I • t Wt\nlOn\h Tr~k' I.,,. At11wlAas1n.: 4111f.ua. """''''' AUTOS, IM'°ITlD tJtfWt'1t All• Jty.,..,, """' A__.teH"I"' IJIV. ~ Doh ... ··~rt.JI t•l•I ........ J#l(IUI ,_ l(.,. .... ~li ..... .. ,.. ... """' ....... 8':11 1111 lflill 0,.1 , ... ((. ........ ......... ·~yJt 11.11 ... ., .... ""'" ii..~ a;. ..... r., •• ........ \~~···· , .. \t. ., ........ , QTOS, fS[I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY .5, 1912 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification 8050 ad . ~-~~ •........... ~!~.~.~~ ....... ~~:.~~ ....... ~:!.~.~ ........ 1~:.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~:!.~.~ ........ ~~~ ........ ~.~.~ ...... . ~-1002 G~ IOOt""'"' IOOJ•IG.tr91 1002 ~ 1002 :o ... ra1 1002 CothlMtN 1024 ....... Olllucll 1040 ......••.••.••........• ··••·••·•····•••••····· •...................... , ..••.•.............•......•••.•...........•... ······················· ............................................. . TENNIS? SPOTLESS DREAM Tut> only Lot 1n C) pru~ 9 25% mn..11 MISA VBDI HOME No qualifying to EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY t'on~ San Clemt-ntl' • 0 r-....,..HSULA HOMIS I ~ 3bdrm,2bath,frplc,dbl make 1l yours. J ust across from both Trnni~ f<lslS1de unit• Three l Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm l .3 bath, ca ra & e , A · I con d ~900 Bar 148-0709 Court:. & Clubhouse Isl Bdrffi.'> assumable loirn mstr bdrm with ocean view .-.25,000. , Sl.l4,500 Owner will n · ·- llrn.> offered' Firm .il Onl) St7S.OOO (.'.Jll s11t111financ1nc GAZBOWITH Sl8S.OOO P~nniman & !iolS-9161 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. RoyMcC.nle,lltr. TIAIHOTTVI Co~anJ 8SI IOOO remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. 541·7729 4 BR . TOP COND _. ~'sHoffu: OHTHEWATEI 20": down seller ~111 can; Ill', AITU al 12' 1 OPEN ~OUSl REALTY ~· All r eal ei.tale Jd ,,., v e r l 1 s e d 1 n l h 1 ,, :. , newspaper is ~ubJe<'l 10 '"'" the Federal Fair Hoos ::: 111g Act or 1968 \\ h1ch 4 bdrm. 21 : baths plu~ 1--------·· iE ~: 1-~~~~~:~e~~n~~. l1mtta11on, or dis much rrwm~ l="CLl'OES LAND'~.ooo lalaoo lay Prop. Reolton •675-7060• cnm1nat1on ba~cd on lmlll!!!!!~ ... ----::: race. color, rel1g1Un, Sll9.-~-will~ke 11 )our~ :~ ~x~no~n~e~111~~11:0°~~,;~ Ch a rm 1 n i: I ll r \\ fireplace Call 111>\\ '~" any such prl'ferenn• Bkr841! ln09 :;;;: l1m11at1on. or d1 ~ 1':: rn min a lion .. '""' lh> • • • Paula loiley ~Jl Irvine A \l' WILL TRADE I r or home or lnrnme pru perty Sl~K l.'<llUt\' Ill J br lllurr, 1 nndu Stbtl mo J'~0111J bit· 100 im Of~. ,t)J "''' .:N.1 This newspaper will not knowmgl) 11rrepl any l)•1 advertising fur rc:il ~ estate wh11·h IS Ill \'IOIJ ~ lion oflhe la\\ Newport Beath , You are the \\ mn~r nt l\\O frt1e lll'kt'b 1Sl!l 1l01 175-5511 ~ ~·I Te~i•t I \aluelolhe 1'''"1--------CIRCUS VARGAS Laguna Hilb )1.i ll 111• SlORS: Adnrtinrs F~b 9 11 :-:;, ~ clwdl "'tir adi l'1t) Shoppm,1? l l•11t1·1 Ocean & Jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1.385.000 UDO ISLE HOMES Pr1m1> l.1do Nord bavfront. S bdrm, S bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LN»A l5U IAYflONT 1 Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, s bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! CARMA TIOH COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900.000. ' BILL GRUNDY , RF.ALTOR Joli Hoy\•tl" Or .,. '• ?, '17) blbl ••• daly CMd r;r.:rt tr• OrJn,:~ ~ . Feb 19 22 i1< ron lmrnedi tly. Tht To d a1m 11ckeh c'J ll "' DA.ILYPILOTasSWRtsl 6-1 2 56111 e '(t :!i'.! rd"t11tuph•\ 11 \\ i h t:cM1d I hllJlll llll( Ea.-h Ullll J Bd r m :! 11.i f .i m 1 Iv roorn rlo~t· to e,,.,: I 'thmi: JI $.l~"l ~I() COU Of NEW~T 1 .~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REALTORS RCTaylorCo ::'~ ~ for tM fint Tlcke~ must ho! ( l.11m1·1I U• 5 1 Coa•I "•• I °'' b F c-• del M•• '" i11corrtct i111ertlo1t Y t.>brudl"' 19 Hiii:? 175-5511 . ~::·I -.,. • * • I ::;·' SUMSET --------l '~" OPEN HOUSE ::;-:, HoMMs for s• Co~ & enju~ !ht' 'UR I !!' ••••••••••••••••••••••• settlng O\er Catalina 1,1 ::, , Get.'Cll I 002 from Spyglas~ 11111 Fri 1\11111••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 7PM 23 Ha ll \1 01111 ~;;I LOW INT. FIN. Ba~ BrUl'l' & \ 11 l.11• I -----· _ .. _ •• _._ I .a.v ... ,L .&.BLE B I 0 m g r e n ' (j ll " ti "' "' "' ~e§ 760·0297 YOU HA YE HERE That's right' Own this Both drarm1 & \\ armth newly decorated home 1--------10 Harbor \'tt\\ ll1lb ~~ m one or Costa Me~a·s VIEW LOT \t r 1um r1r .. 1Jt a r 1·'· "<111 rmest areas 4 Bdrm, 2 CORONA DEL MAR ~ 'k)lit:hl~ t lwctn>om~ & ~ bath. with great term~ Choll"t' location with ha' I famtl~ room plu, :I 1.1r 11~· FULi pnce. $129,.500 Call and tx·ean , II.'\\~ 75 , I i:arJJ(I' hk n\\Ol'f fur '"'' for details, 646 7171 fmancmi: SS95 ooo fir.I s.151UMlO Ft•e tl&1 64~9060 ,:~; Blurrs Lease option 2 br REA1 EST A TE '--1 IHVHTOIS i..-.: wide green..., 1 SlJ9 500 Look al this beach clo~e ;:, Bkr. 644-01.34 3 Bdrm. J bath housr M., GUI THIS! · Two 8\sumable loans Q.ASSIC TMHM A 1>i'"'"" ot Jnd sellt>r ass1'tanre 3 Bdrm lbalhm one of ll Jrbor lml',lmt•nl l"o \\tlh IS', down to Mission \'t~Ju ~ he,1 quJl1f1ed bu~1·1 areas Al.sume lo" m --------· $.!10.00o leresl rate lo.rn ,rnd 1~..-...ri'"w-------642-5200 seller \\Ill help r1nJnc~ -----, "" balance lncludt>' "l'I GONEw1lhlheWIND j PETE bar French door' lo Sbr ·Mansion · O'Aner • balrony and a ftrt>pil STF..AL THIS WK~U ' J BARRETT ;.. REALTY S159 fKX> Call for det .,11s $249.500 6' dn OWt :;:" 646-J17l :'\oquallf)tng' 957 0744 •lllllll~~~llllll'll-~· ... ~I ~ THE REAL ESTATli:RS llX1\ .. ~, "'3.\ ..i.o1 •M~ ~ VIEWTOWHHOMES ;:: Master swtes View of ... r.. Ocean & Night h,:hl~ ~~ ~el Area Parks. open ::; spaces $137 .ooo X Int •ci f'ln Hal or Pat Agt s -· 7SI 9905 673 7300 . ~" ""'' nil ...... •"'I VIEW VIEW BARG AIM! ~ Spectacular hidden 2 story home m l>eaut1ru1 Mesa Verde f.leganl t'O\'ered entry way . ;'~~ formal h\tng room and <J> d1n1ng, ramtl) room. ;: gourmet k1lrhen -1 huge •.J:• bdrm s. 3 bJlh~ :: beautiful\ 1e~· rrom rear yard As.,ume 'el) high loan Pnce $239,900 Ca II tllt 546-2313 , ... j~f-J:1 "'lilt! ._ 9l/4%LOAM 'tf\tll ,:· ... Rtd!Ktd $100,000 SPYGLASS BY OWNER FUii Pnce SS75,000 Monthly Payment $2999 SOUTIIPORT MODt'.L 6br t41'2ha 4100 5Q fl 2S 9ode11a Hay Call owner 759·0737 ~·.~ $89,000 ~:~ FHALOAH :i!. Only Sll.000 down, as ff'&> sume $89,CXX> FHA loan :;~• IS"°'"'· $1310 PIT! Sharp •a. 3 Bdnn. hardwood floor ~~ ho mt 1 n a super ,,... nei&hborhood Pnre on !i!1 ly il8Jll50 Call to see. ff.. 54&-2313 '11· .,. .. tlil fl» fl,. .,,,, tllll YIM '11\l tr.fl ''"' ,11, THE REAL ESTATERS • I J1r'40/o RHAHCIMG • Available on this brand new townhome! Featuring 2 master suites, enclosed garage & private courtyards, only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752· 7373 • $1000. * UIATl * on brand new townhome! Featur- ing privacy, 2 master swtes & den loft overlooking living rm at $123,950. 2670 San Mi guel Dr, Newport Beach . 759 1501 or 752-7373 • WATBflOMT HOME • • PR.IV A Tf HACH * Sensational 4 Br home smack on the water!! Featuring French doors, frpl, professionally de· corated & private SANDY BEACH. OnJy $249,000 & seller will carry ~% Joan at 13% ! ! 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 • S11PS TO IUCH * I O'Yo AMAMCIMG AY AIL.AILI Gorgeo~ 4 Br detaiJed home. 1 blk from oceal on FEE land only $299,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373 • TUITUIOCK * S 1219 Pa MONTH •• is all you pay when you .take over existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 Br exttwve detached home featur ing formal dininJ(, family room & frplc . 'Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373 MIWPOlr .. CH OMCI 2'70S.Mlglef0rht 17141 ,,,., .. , 1714t 712·7l7l ~ Walker: B lee 1111 llfltl 040-9900 SIBIT TRADES Cash. gems. or be creative on this comfortable 4 Br Spyglass family home on super corner lot. Asking $525,000. 759-9100 #2 C~attfllno Hewport Cltlhr ' . ~\~~ LIFE IN A GARDEN GARDIH PARI VILLAGE. at the cor- ner of Avocado and Fairview Rd . in Costa Mes a . truly oCCers a multitude of custom features within its 2 & 3 bedroom Cape Cod style co mmunity. Excellent ~ y"r. financ· ing with 131•<7r fixed rate loans available help make this develop· ment a highly s uccessful and a most pleasurable place to live. From $137.950. Furnished model~ open daily 10 :~ AM to dusk. Broker cooperation C.M. Office C.,. Offke 541-22)9 ~Q, '75-2lll ·~lj~JJ~) Q1~r'f ~~ '~ SllK & FINl1 HUMANE C A A 0 P B N E T R S T N E T V G A R S T N E l H B 0 P C k E l 0 T N I C G C H C A T I B E C I T S t U R T l A E E R H A M l I l T T H E l R U Y N T C U P T U U l 0 H E E Y A k F C C A D l H R A l U H S U H V R I 1 U l T I R V T A A F E U M T A 0 C N l E I R 0 EMORAOHNAATRLDGMUAA A N R R I T 0 D N P E T T E 6 E S T N M I T C 1 T E R E M 1 R H E N N 0 I E K E A I E M A R K Y 9 U H J A T P N J D R H H Y C G 8 t S C T t C H P 1 A N G D D S J M N E L t L T S M U M S M K EETOMPOANETTAKTTTU~ RH JUETAN OJSSAP .. OCHM ~ Hlddlilft ""'* ....... ~ ..... ...... up,.,... • ........,. And -llld * """' ~ ~ KW-.... ~ a.. """"9M ..... ..... ClllltllMI lllMttil • KIM C1 1ill'1 • ...... ,...... , .... ~.- HABOI Yrlftll llOADMOOI MHAYBDE YA.Cl.Hf -SB AHY TIMI For sale by owner As surtlf VA $67,000 at 10', 2 bdrm Mesa Verde con do~,CXX> 1~} 2380 View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights from th.is prestigious home with grand entry in Del Piso tile. 4 Br 2'h Ba Family Room, 2 Fplcs, Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home in a prime Corona del Mar neighborhood. Priced to sell $329,000 Leasehold. Owner will help finance. DAm.IMG ! llus flawless Easts1de Costa Mesa home offer1> 3 Bdrrns, 2 bath.s and 1s in excel cond Perfect for active family ltvmg or enterta1111ng An out stand1og value al SIS9,950. Owner \\Ill finance Call J uhn Campbell ror further Ill formation WIS&.IY M. TAYLOI CO .. UALTOlS 2111 s......-H•loecl MIWPOIT CIMRI. M.I. 644-4910 4 IB>IOOM HOME m Costa Mesa I yr home warranly and owner will aUISI Wllh flnlll\('lnl( Sl.20.000 Call 979 S.'.170 ALLSTATE R~LTORS YOUI WSI HOMI .. IAstaUfff U you need a 4·8drm, Z\t bMh, 1 •l«Y oear IC~, 1bopplnJ It ten nil dub, In one or Newport '1 flneat re· aldeSial areu, look no fwther, you have round lt. Tbia home does not beck up to lllY street and bu a lovely view of Catalina It even Palos Verdel. All " this ror imder SD,ooo. 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1022 ....................... ROGEIS REALTY 675-2311 WANTED, 2·3 BR tn 1--~~---- ShorechHs. Old Cd M. MESA YEIDE Bal Isle fef only p P 4BR. 3BA. Fam Rm 644-lllM Pool. Spa owe A:.SUmt' Bli Ow Exl.sllng Loans Eqwt) ner Srumng Straight Note DM Dlplu I or Trade Sl8S 000 8> Pnde oC ownership Ex Owner 9'19 5814 · tra widl' lot Best loca lion Priced under *VA I 11/J0/o * market $339 .500 3B R + Jl~ba 76K at 1·9'2-&'if!O ~u w poss S5500 dn. COUMTIY &!GLISH J>IUlonly _Bkr667 386J OOPLEX·4Br + 2Br I BlkeTo Buch yr new Good assumable $129,900 ~~umable fin . S398.000 Beau11full> upgraded 700 & 7091,, Orchid Call Wes1s1dl' Ranch !ilyle 851 913S for appt home . feature!. 3 ~~/bkr bedrooms. warm family IYOWNER Live m Corona del Mar for under S17S,000? IT IS POSSIBLE' 2 master BR, 21"2 ba, dtn mg-den condo. 2 fplc'i., 2 patios. dbl gar Pool. Jacuzn, tennis 640-~494 room with delightful bnck fireplace Cyprt'l>S tree lined rl'ar yard boasts mature rru1t trees and a pretty l'O\' ered patio Five m1nutel> lo OCEAN' See loda)' C.Sll9'19·~ !Al!SJ.. REALTORS Coda Mna I 024 LUSE OPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••• S4.000 MOYIH' OH UP a..t S 1,000 llH. Give yourseU Mesa SSOOcredffto Verde 111 "82 3 Bdrm 2 j Ba home w many extras ctwa pymt on cul-de-sac owe lrg 48'. 2Ba. F'rplr , pallO. 2nd T.D. Full price fenttd. dbl gar. bllns. SUt.SOO. 751.3191 dshwshr. etc Craduete-d c:::. SEIF T ~»HOP( H1 il ', payments 13 ', fixed rate. SIJ9.SOO 2960 Royal Palm Dr o ... ner bkr 642 7743 I Defer part of monthl> payment on Ba Ibo a FUIDOM HOUSE Island properly Low 3 & 1 Ba large yard POOL SPA HOME M E.5A DEL MAR 48R, 2BA, + upgrade~ Call for Appl THE ADRI AN CO S.911547 down or trade. 115.CXX> 641·0763, Agt -~n6RJtr. 1-RV ACCESS Great corner location m -------Mesa del Mar 4 Bdrm. MOPOIMTS family room , new ~ble LOGll I lolchen appliances. li.v St('1la to Bay. 3 Br. 2 Ba,· ely yard. Full price DN'ly remodeled. xlnl S142,000. 751-3191 long term r1nanc1ng . Owner Broker. Call Ed M1ppmon ror appt 673-01.88 C::::: SE U:: C T ..,., PROPE: R 1 ll t, SIOS,000 10'" down or le~!> As sume loans 3 bdrm house Nr be;irh 545-12Al 12.75% LOAM Assumable w 10 •, down 2 bdrm. 2 ba con do nr So Coast Plaza Cora. def M• I 022 * MESA YEIDE * Highly upgraded Adult WALKTOSURF $160,000 675-1771 lrvw 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DESHRATE! Woodbndge 3Br 2ba. I yr new Low down · as sume loans Need fast sale SUCCESS REALTY 549-7991 Uruversily Park4 BR. 2'; BA. Fam room. green· bell locauon. ~obble stone dnve & entry, many xtras' Must see• $175,000 w min dn 0 W C at I 2 '• r; Owner agnt 552 8046 or ( 702) SBS-8123 Ullivenity Partr 2BR 2ba, 2 rar garage. roiy frplc. nr schools . shop!, fwys Vacant. re ady for occupanc) Sl5S.~ 6441395_ 6«-6397 SPACIOUS AMD GRACIOUS 2 year old contemporary 1n Turtle Rock Vista 3 bdrm, 2 ba., rormal din rm & ram rm Qwel and pnvate area Moun tam and canyon views fantastic buy at 5299,000. Assume loans Very ltttle down to purchase If 523 CAM.0, Da· IRVM WOODIRIDGE CHATEAU 2 st) ('()(ldo. 2 ma ster br., +-den. 21,, ha Ex- tensive upgrades mcl a c llO"r Ctn al 13 5r, By owner~ 5.¥_ 5.282 Sal I ~:.l~than) l nine Turtle Rork Beauty 3 bdrm. neutral tones. for ma I dining room Fireplace tn Cami ly room Atnum Ctass t'Ol'ld w rantasllc terms Par1(1r Area Reall~ t 714) 581 1181 •••••••••••• •••••• •••• • WT1lf POOL A.ND SPA 1~ 000 S.S-1241 --------$5,000. DOWH Sc>actOUS 3 Bdrm 2 ba' - -IY OWHEI , Beautiful area s1s.ooo •VETS AnENTION• l"iltlerTOCt I dn Asking S240.000 Fondosutt Sale 2 Bdr, + Conv den. 1i. Sl6Q5/mo pymt PP Agt 1 Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm 2-Stary EJerance Lo Dn! Lo ,yntf! Ba. cnr lot. pool + spa. 766-70!9_ _ Fixer lmmrd occup Assume MEW CONDO $0 DN I Pnn~I , S4J 7023 Bkr $89,900 Shimmering pool & caress111g spa surrounds ttus 2 story elegant pnde O( OWRl'rSh1p garden \Illa Professionally de corated with warm earth tones thru·OUl Dreamy ma ster suite with extra h1deawa) t'loset space and e) e operung mirrors exist ftnanc. 1274.000 A_8!nl 631.s737 OWf 9M 0073 ---MO. COST A MESA I Gwrd 1002 G1Mral 1002l ,f Bdrm, immaculate •• ••• .... ••............ . ••. ••• .. •• .... •• ...... 1 "0wner to prov1de 12 75"; • . rmancmg' Sl4J.900 Ca II """""'...--=:::~-S4G-1151 LOVEI. Y UlllA ISU-WGE PlahdM"~''•......,•• ,.... tw ) ......_ A ...._weee" Iii .. ., .... '-" ......... + 4, .......... ,.. .............. ,,.... ....... ..., ·-..... .,pool I.,.. SI ,Jts,000. 6J 1·1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL E.STATt Soito IWN•. Ptwtny ~ 2436 W COiie H1.r.v 31S ~ l'M ~I e .. ch a.. w.111 6Jl·l4M '7Uttt '::~~, S@\l~~-L£t.tr~· :: -----141M .. aAT L POWlll •...... '-"°'"'-._ "'°......, _.,. ... lo. IO klMt .......... -els NAL FEX I r I I r I . TEJYT I 1 1 1 r j 8fffi: HITLiG I' I I I I -~·HERITAGE . • REALTORS ,_.. Yallty I 034 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Tri &..•ti Pool Ho. Owner will carry paper on lhul very emotional home. No expense has bttn spared in up~rad Ing Central air. huge master suite, 3 or 4 Bdrms. 3 baths Good locallon $187,500 OurTown Realty TIS-7SOI or 641 0399 As·you like 1t loft for an added bedroom or q11eter moments · has commanding view lo open staircase & enter ta111er's hv rm Hard lo Clnd at S89.900 Sma II pyml allows assumption or HI GH BALANCE 101.,1-int rate loan mt mo pays all Don't mwth1sone Call fast ' CENTURY 21 IWALK IN REALTY > 157-1121 ......... ... ltocll I 040 L.Jl-ltedt I 041 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARTlSfABOOE,lm1to By Ownn. Laguna beach. 3 Br, 2 Ba S110K. Beach 2 Story Otnn ~bouseSun 1 S 20612 Canyon Views 48R. ~ Ln , HB 960 2183 JBA ~ frpk's Compll'll' end liilaw Apl Lr& Lot Have aomethin1 lo sell' s:i:so.ooo Owner assist O&u&r>ed ads do 1l well "'l\lll(m&:. 4!4:..4119 1MM I 044 ........ I044 .............................................. WOGllAP II llTATa Auumable Loan 3 BR UncolD wtlh II LR. DI\, ram rm. n• ale ulit .. ~ ~ ID DIUlnl tait.blaaa ... U. lidat.nOI'. o...r wm .a. llUDeii. $174,500 LomlDe a.a 111-.(TlJ) \ I ~-------, __ _ oranoe Coe.t OM. y fatLOT/Fridey. Fet>NarY s. 1112 . --·i111 J- lllA&lalUI& Ca. Survived by b.11 wife C CODY C. BLAKESLEE, Barbare, Z 1t.1p.10N, John former realdent of Coat• and Mlcb.atl Burm, paren\I ..... • Ca befON movlna to Richard and ShJrley Bia kt Oklahoma. PllHd away on of Colorado, 1randfather P'tbruU'Y 1 ltla. SIM waa a Melvin C. BlU• ol Colorado formtr cradUU. ol Ettancla and 2 unola, O.vld C. Blake H11b Sebool. dua ot 1971. and Donald C. NcN ... She haa been a Federal M1morii\ .. rvlcet wlll be Court !Wporter for I yHra. held on PrtCS.y, February I, Sbt la 1urvlvtd by htr 1812 at 11.!0AM at Paclnc parent.I Paul and Wayneta View Chapel wtlh Rev. Jim Devln• cl Colla M•a. Ca., Burns of South Cout al1tar1 Caaey Car1111 of Commu~lty Ch urc h , Louillana and Courtney Newport Beach, offlclaUna. Car1lll of Oklahoma . Interment at Pacltlc View Cravealdc aervlcea were Memorial Patil. If friendl held on Thursday. February with cootribuUons May be 4, 1982 at 2:00PM at Harbor made to the Richard L Lawn Memorial Park. Blake Youth Scholarship Servlc~ under the direction F u n d • S o u t h C o a s t of Hartior Lawn-Mount OUve Com mun It)' Church. Mortuary or Costa Mesa Newport Beach. Pacific S40 $SS4. View Mortuary dlrectora Bl.AKE MANN RICHARD LESLIE ROBERT THOMAS BLAKE, aie 38, passed MANN, resident of Irvine. away on January 29, 1982. A Ca . Passed away on resident or Corona del Mar, February 1, 11182 He was a member of the Masonic ~ii;i;;;;;;::;:i:~=:ii::;;=::;;;;;:""' Lod1e of CUiver City-Foshay r ~ Lodge f467 F&AM. He was a IALTZ HaGHO" SMl"4 & TUTHILl WHTCLIFf' CHA"l 427 E 171h SI Cosla Mesa 646-9371 f'fHCI uonuas SMITHS' MOITUAaY 627 Main S1 Hun11nqton Bt:acn 536·6539 PACIHC 'ttlW MIMOllAL PAIK Cerretery Moriuary Chapel-Crematory J500 Pac1!1c View Drove Newoort Beach 644-:m>O McCC>awta MOITUAllES Laquna Beach 494-9415 Laquna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cao1s1rano . 495·1776 HAllOI LA WH-MT oun Mortuary• Cemelel'\I Crematory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa ~554 retired Major with tbe Rine 'Brl1ade, his Majesty's Army or Great Britain He is !survived by his wife Imogene of Irvine, Ca .. !daughter Barbara Stoemer k>f Laguna Beach. Ca .. brother Charles Mann of ~ndon, England Graveside !Services wlll be held on Friday. February 5, 1982 at "2 :00PM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park with Dr ;John Hurrman Sr , St. Andrew's Presbyter11n -Church of Newport Beach. officiati.ng. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount OUve Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554 Backed FRE.5NO <AP) -A Merced County woman bas been installed as president of California Women for Agriculture. Lynn Skinner of Dos Palos took office dw'i.nt tbe group's convention be re. .. MTnl NOTICSTO c••onoas OP Ml~ TaA.ltS ... a I~ &Wl•W U.C.C.I "HCI HOTHHS Nolle• It ll•••llY efn" to the llU. llOADWAY crot411on of JOl>n P. Prttlwkk & MOITUAIT Aoftd•ll B. H•1uon, Tr•ftsf•rors, I ---s ••~Clll.,.. 110 Broadwav Or., City o1 ,,,,.,,., e...ty °'Or-. Cosla Mesa SIAllt of c:.i~ -· • -IYeftM• &42·9 t 50 •• --'° ... -to J .... 11-01•11 • ., _________ l,_. H•1lrl •"d Mellllell H•rlrl, Tr•"',.'"'· -....,...,, ..,, .. , -----------1 It 2l7ti V\a ......... City of .. IHloft 'ICTITIOUS 8UIU1au MAMalTATaMalCT T~• lollowll\9 puso" It cloll\9 -1-•: STETSON l.AHO CO. lTD. II, 11 uoo M•I" s1r .. 1, 51111• 110. H11nU ...... 8-dl, C.etlfomle '6J& ROllWI M.. Smlltl. CEO, Few IN 0.-•I P-. s..n.t si.or.t. Inc .• • C.etlfor'l\le c~etloft, 1MCIO Melt\ StrMI, 5'llte 110. H<A'llfneton BMcll, Collfomlo'2M. Tlllt M1NP Is lle"'9 conclu<IH by o llmll.cl --..,1p AOlllrtM.. Smiltl lll•lo, County of Orange, 51•1• of Cellfornle TM ~ IO lie lr-'-'rW Is *tcr~ In _.. .. es. 411 ttock lfl ··-· fl~. _..,..,_, -.... wlll of -tu C-SNp ......_. lll\OWI\ M Cept. Joftn's I<• c ...... Gel .. y -*-91 IM»Cul""' ~ .. City of lrvlM, C--.. of 0.--. Stete of Cellfonlle. The llulll lr•ft•fer wlll •• cOl\wmrnRtct on or .._,. U.. U4h MY of F•llNWy, ttlt el 10:00 A.M.. et Gronr El(,_ Cor-•llon. •-Mdrus h ZMGD Rotkll9tcl Blvd. ~. 2H, El T-. c..llfof"lN. THAT THt: LAST OAT& P'Olll FILING CLAIMS 1$ 2·24'41. ~o f•r •t Is lll\OWI\ 10 Ille Tiii\ -flied wltll tr. C:O..flly Ctertr. of Or-~ on F.e.r-y J. 1"2 Tral\S..,_, ell -,_ ---i...i bl' IN Transfer~.., P1a.t llW pesl tlww Y•n ..-.: S.ftM PubO"*I Or-Conl Dolly Plio., 0.led: J-y 2t. 1"2. Fell. S, 12, It, 2'. ltlJ st:Mt. Jemll.otoft Nulrl "CTITIOUS BUSI IC HS IUIME ITATWM.NT Tl•• lollowlng ""o"\ ••• clolne ll11Sl~s1H. RAPIO MANUFACTURING, 111t H«111 c-. Ofangie, Cellfomlo n..,s Deft l •"V Eftluprl•••. • CollfOrnl• corpor•llOI\. 17., Horth cow, 0r.,..., c.i11on11. nMS. Aep1cl ~ulocl11rln9, 11\C., • Collfornl• c porotlon, 178' Horth c-. o..,.., lfonllo "'6S. This llvMMH It C-IH lly e -··· P«tnenNp. O.. lAflll £111~. O..lAflll.~ Tlllt ·--WM fli.d wm. IN C~nly C .. rll of Or•ftO* County on Felll'Ual'Y J, 1"2. o!Mlllliefl N&tfrl Tr ....... 0..-~ UMI a9dttleM 9"C. 5119 fN •IT-.~ WISl-H Pvbll"'9d a.-.,. CMR Delly Plio., F ... s. 1"2 N0\'1C9 INYITI ... BIOi ltECEIPT 0' PltOPOSALS: SHIM ,,,....., wlll lie rec.i-lly l"9 City '1f t"""9, Owner ol ti. w.n. In IN tlff!U f/f tlW <:My Clfftl, llK•"" •I 11He J9fft_.ff Ao•CI. lrvll\e, Cal119nN'21MunUl2:•0ll F__., 11, 1911 for Ill• con1lruc ll•n •I Dnl~ 1,.,,..-1.,111, Pl,,.,.... TrM u.ne Cn:l\ a.lft ........... 11. p,_, DEIClllPTIOH OF WO!tl(. TM PWti-Oronot COHI Delly Pllet, _ .... U•Kllta of , ... remov•I - F.cp. S. 12, It, 2'~ lta S-.:2.. ""1Ke ...... flf ., ulltlftt <Metl -Ill wllll MW Cllkll bMlt\ Cl>l\SlnKI ~ ~slon ___ ,....•u 1tr••I P•nm•nl Ol\cl slcl•••lk. -------------.~...-CMl*uct 24¥ l'ICP (0.,_I. Eanv•te NOTlCaOPIAU dr•lfl ... ~; fMCIHy Hlstlllt Nofk• II ....., 01 ..... ~ I• IUMtlM -..cw •. ""*'<1 "' mouw MC11ons J071 -Jan Of, .. Clvll c-HllUftt ...._ .. , ,,,_ -r· tr- ot Ill• St•t• of Celllorl\lo the let r•ciulr•CI; onCI rutore I••" 11ftd•rsl9Mcl, CARMEN. GULLO, Wffou. 1"'3 o.t. st..-. "-"loll\ v .. i..,.. ENGINEEl'l'S ESTIMATE:"' ... Cellforlllo t21GI, Coul\11 of Of..... OPINING 01' PAOl'OSAlS: TN wlll Mii •I pvbllc •U<llon •I Mid ,,,.._. will .. "'*kly _... -eddr .. set IO •..m on -.y, IN Mtl ....... et 2 ~m. on l'.tlntwy 11, ""2 et doy of Marcll, 1tcl, IM 101-1119 lfte •bew--1'-'I offlu of 1119 0.l(rlllecl ,._,.,., ~ ~. lt1S Y9<NM Motorcyc... M91or 0. T .... I N I NG c 0 NT A Ac T Ito. JSl~I; ~Ho • ._,.2142, OOCUMl!NTS: 11'9 _lfl<.et._.1 or• S.ld Ml• 11 for IM 1111rpoa of .ittlllff, "Or••neee fmprow....,.111, .. , .. ,.,., ... lien "' , .. ...,t!OMd for Conttrue1 ... of Pin.,. .. Tr• L•M 1-1,,. -..... II\ 1 ... ._ 9f C•tcll Bain l'l•I«•_., p,.19c1 5m Ito 2~1 logtttMr wit" cocts °' No. CI P SJO·tS Pl• ft s • nd .-Wr1""'9Mld•-of .... •P•C If lc•llOl\I .... •II contr•<I D...-ttlk,,,, CS., of F-.-Y. 1"2 419<.,,,_ ....., .. ...._. ,,_,, h CM..-Gllllo ~ ol '°'*k W..., City of P\lblkll9d Or-CMll Dolly Pli.t, lrvlM, 11100 J~ AMd, lrvlM, Fell. S, •• 641142. Cellfornl•. A ._.,.._.,.. ... of ------------• m.• win 11e d>oreeel,., N<ll .. , °' cle<U~ ,._ --Hket ... 1 wlllM ................. , ..... l<Nr .. -----------...... tll\J ... f PICTITIOUI BUSINaM ftltOPOS.Al C>UAAANTl!E Ire«\ : NAM91TATaM8MT ,,...... IMll .. ~--~ • ! ..!::.,.. .. .,.. .... --· .,.. "'"' :"-~=:== I ftlltSNICltlTY. Ull £"'9ft •tr, • 111(1<•...,.... '° H (tty .. l"'lfle C.. ~ CA'2U?. M • .,_,..._ tlMlll tlW ..... , H 1111 ·-· A. lte<'r. 211' ...... c-. ......... ~. Wiii ..,..,,.,..,. I Mnlt, CAWZJ. •-IM .. ~ --~ Ella. ........ I ... ,,. "°"· C..te •• W•rll111e11•1 C•Mtt•111•tl•11 I AMM,CAt'MD. 111--.... "'""9fl e 11111 .. ~ lllll Ml-11 Cond\Ktff •Y a fllltllful ........ -C• 9efl4 Ill tr. '""'-·~· ----~ ....... ... .._,A. It"" • ~ ..... L.-r ... ~ .... ..... T'Mt .......... wM Ill .. w"9I tM M .. .,._. f/f M ~Mt ef IM c-tY °"""°' ... c:-yeotJ• ............ l fJ, tm.. WAOa bTll! Al ,.....1...i " ( Pttt• .... '7111111 .. c.1--~ ....i .... °"""" c.. Dilly ....... Clllt, .,. o-r ,. ........... .. ............... ft. ... ,.. ~·· ................... , ... /111 ..... '" I .. iec411fty 111 lltllell .. --.... .. ---,..,......~.,...... .. ,.. ---~rw.a~~~-=·=-:....---1:--::11~1·~--::· -~ ........ .. effk .. 1111 .. o-.r-.... _ ......... IWIMAA"f Ofl .... ,....._ ft9 c.-.-IMll fllMlf'OISOCMtlMlllAlllCI ..... • _,,ti .... ~ tt -II J ,. ,,.... ......-. It tc....,... .. , ,, ... n. C....rect ... ttM .,., .. , ._.,.,. et tM '•tul•r C:ltr ~ .-r llllft _... .. INIY '*""" ......... ,.,_, .... ,... -.......... .-clnM ,,_1...,. Mlllt 0,_"'"" ...... ref¥let... relH ef ..... te ell WfflllllH 111•11111• •• ray llllltt aH M•lllllt ........... Ill U. ·-"'left el "'9 ......................... f/f Hty ....,,. ........ ~ AOlllllNIST"ATIOMI All Tiie tlllllll .. _,.,.~IN ...... ,...,_ ...... .,.., ,,_ ,.,.. ,... "'"""" ................................. ,..,.. ,..., ull "9!C..h .....,.._ .. c.Mefll&lMa ""tfc' ~. AYll: Schf9r, Miii, ~•'1"9, A ....... ,_,.DI"'--T...._. Mcfl.,..., .,._ NOUt ..... ,....._ A9M9"1.... on11r1 • ...,,.. ••H•\110. TIM fell &*at ef Ii.. .,._. ... ,,_ 0.-,_..... .,_ rllllll .. rt'9d ........ ..., .. ,_ 111 .. (1ty H~.-•t ell ..... te ••IH •11• Clllnl't Olllll9 tt 1' hM ~ c:.M . """"''""""" All • lllN. ...... ,...._. .... ..... ......... ., ... 0.., · 1n.111••·""'••1v .,.._. ...,., .. ,. Clly °"' Qlyf/11,_. OIWllllC.-._ C"Y ~ ,......._CllllOlllr..... ........--..CilBlt .......... ~· ..... ~-!" ... ~...... ~ 11 1. ..... c...-NTICI Ofl TltWTa•'I ........ , T.Lllla.Mlll Oii ,....,_,, .. , ... 8t t : It 9'dMll •·"'· "'f'fWllY ..... ·~:"'r .. Ille ... 0r-.. C-y • ._....M ..... ANBl'f&,._ ~--.. " ........,, t.M.l ""8, c....,...... W•ITtllN MUTUAi. C:Oa POltATION, • Cellftrftle '""'ttlell, • Tr.W w •I •l1illttMI ::.::!~ =-~=.:-:,:.~~"!! ""-'"-' -.... MIMaY M. O•IN, e ...... llllft. _... c...- trvller, ..c.,.... A...-11 a, Hit, •• 11111~....,,. -. an, 111 ._ 1 ..... Pe.. IOI, .. Offltlel l'lec., .. of 0re"'9 c-ic .... tellfornl•, wlll ...... "*lc~lelllelllt~INMr,.... Pl-c•, .. .,.... In 141WM ,,_., 91 1111 ~Or ..... CMM 0.h'r Pl:: Uflli. ....._at ............... n. P• S, 11, It, 1', 1te1 441 =~.!.:":: ::.. --..::. =t ': "'-..,._,,. ..,_., '" .... C-y _,, .............. ! A laASEHOlD alYAYI AS C:Al!ATl!D av : Ill AN UNlll!C:OAOl!O llASI DATIO -· -MAl'ICH 11, 1'7J, IXt:CUTID IY ____ .......... ___ .. _•lllK ____ lllZAIETH J PttlLLIPS, LOUIS« -I P HUTTON A .. 0 Ol!OltGE W. l"NMI PHllllPI, Al LIS$01tl, . . H NOT1Cltl W TltUITla'l IAl.I m•r• P••ll<11le rl'r clUCflHcl 111 .... Tl-tin EXHIBIT "A" "'1...:NCI lwreto ..... °" Tllur'Mrl, Merell ••••• •t 11:• ...... PWt ,.., .... •.m . IM .. IAIAL 8ANC:OltP, I axNt•IYuA" Colll•r11le terp•,•t .. 11, U clvly A LEASEHOLD llTATE AS ~--no-- -___.,. Cl'IEATEOBY '° o..CI of Trv.IC r«•niM J-I, ( 11 A11 ul\r.cera.4 l••M d•l•d '"'·" IMli'. Ho '°"'· llooll 1-. M9rc11 n . ms •• _...,'"' l!ll1Hett1 , .. ,. ltlO, ., Offlcl•I A•Ufdl, J. Pllllllps, L ... 1 .. P . Hullon .... uec ul•f 11y Peru I 1: 011e11 J c;.o,.. w. Pt1111•. •• IMMI'\, -by Mull•!• •ncl N•J•ll J Must•I• ll•l•·Wlcl• O•Y•l•P•fl. 11\C., • twsll•llf -wll• H jolftt -..t Cellfornl• ,.,._....,., M la-. let P..-ce1 2· Unl-ut S..rclll Inc. (.. Ille polod e11CI 11po11 Ill• lermt, S.or-c.11 ~1. Inc.I; Peru! I col\dltlon1 .,.,. c•w11.,.11 tllereln Ulll...,.... S.-ct., 11\C., , .. S.erdl cont.Ill-. • ......_...otum of wMctl lnter11ellone1, lftc.I P•rc•I • rKOfclecl Jurw s. 1'7S In ...., 1141, Unl,.., .. I Se.-ctl, Inc .. (-1 S.•rctl P•t• nt of 0111<1•1 l'l•cord•; 111 .. rnetlonel, Inc.I .. 11\tstorttl, Ill , ... ,.nc.. 11911\o ...,.....,. ,,,.. '° t"9 l"9 tffk• of 0. County l'l«ordw .. r«fl'd ,...,_, for f11ll 1*11<•~ So4c1 Or..... C-.,., Slet• of c:-4 lfclnlle m11n. rt llffec1 • POf1kln .. Lot I, T r.c I Will lelL AT PUBLIC AUCTI°" Ho. Ilsa TO HIGttlST 8100£1'1 FOR CASH UI An unr•corCl.CS IHM dot•f (NY•llM .. 11-...... II\ 1•.m.l Marcll IO, tf7S, •--wtoel ~ H-..t H _.,of h United Stotnl •t: U. W•k•llom. •• L•nor, •"cl lly lront of IMPEAIAl THRIFT ANO Slole·Wlclt D•nlOP•rl. Inc., • LOAN IMllldl~ el 102 WHI "'"' C911forlllo Cor'Dwllt.lon, M '--· 1W Slre•I. Tuslll\, C•lltornlo t2* •II Ille 1t•rlocl •ftd "'°" tM ter"''· "9tll. title -..,._ .. ,_.,..,... lo coftflllons .,,. cev.,.•nll tller•lft MCI - -b¥ It -Mid 0... of conte._, • ......__ 91 Wlll<ll Trust In e. _,,., Sit ... -II\ .... -clecl -'-S, tf7S lfl ..... ll<Gt, C"""1yMICISC.-rllleclH: Pee• "' of Olfl<l•I llHorft; PARCEL I: Ute 6 of l<KI no. HU, II\ ref•rence .... 119rttry rn9dt 110 IN tlw City of CMI• MH•, County of rttord ... ,..., for lvll ,,.,,kutors. Ofe119t, ~ of Coll!Offtlo, H -S.lcl ....ttert tltect • -1*' 91 LAI I, ._ r.<oNlcl lfl -_. -JJ, D Tr.ct 1191. Mid M ol ml9ce1'--. In tM l>I An uftrecor"f l••M dol•d offk• of -~ ·-•• of sold Mar<ll io. ms. •19Culef ~ w1111om county H W•ll•ll•m 01\CI D•rrlcll H. PARCEL 2 11'9 -fll •. 4S ,_of W•k•llem, .. lutort, ... cs .. , tM nor1fl MJ.tofeel af IN w9tl 1•oo Sl•l•·Wlcl• D•v•lopua, Inc., • 1•1 ot h _, 00.00 feet of lot J3, Celltw"" _,...etlcln, " ...._, let F•lrv19w F.....,., In tr. city 91 Cotto Ill• P••locl .,,cl upol\ ,,.. t•rmt, M9u, c.,flly of Or•l\09. Sl•I• of concllllons .,.Cl c•...,.•nt1 lllereln C.etltorfllo. ••per ....., r«o,_ In tonl•I-. • _.....,.., .. Wilkll -a • ...,.11 o1 mlsc»t1-• .....,.., ..cor...., J-s, "7S lfl ...., 1101, ln llleofile•of~-·ofMlcl P•e• ''°of 0111<1 •1 lt•corcl1; county. reto,.nc.. llel.. ....-19 Ille ,..,. PARCEL l : T"9 _,.., 41.1S -of ltl.,•ef for lull perll<ul•rt. S.ld , .. _,,, 2'1.1S .... o1 -•"' 1•.00 moll•rt .tte<t • ,....,..., of lAl4 '· !wt of 0. -4111.00 r..t ~ICM D , TrKI 81151. l'olrvl9w F-, In IN clly 'of C-te Tll9 ,,,._of -l..H..-fWtt sine• MOIM, county of Of•-· Stet• of pessocl 11'1' .,, 1 ... 1..-1 r«•- C941fornl., M -l'Mlll ..c•,_ In 4'<11 ), 1911 .. 1...c..-No. 561, II\ llMlll, ..... 11ol"'bcollo-...._ llooli. !Utt, pee• toe. Olllclot In llM offla ol -county 1'9Corwr of A.cord•. (-by -IM..--0 Of Ml4<outltY. rKOfcl). to J-A Certletl .... PAACEl 4: l..ol "of l•KI no. M.2$, ...... , ..... Cer'tloltt, II--wife In IM city ol c.te -· ,_., el • Jolfll 1~ 0r.,.., "9teflf c..llfwllle, .. _ -Tiie 1-., tlW '--llU i.lnc• roconMd In -1J0 ~ 1 I• 10 POSMd b¥ en IMCr..-1 recorWO lnctwlve ol ....._ In -oftk• Of ,,. Alt<ll I, "'1 ., IMlnHNM No 1'11, c-ly -of Mlcl<-Y (encl 11y o91er ~ Of r«Otd) lll• Jtrttt oCIClrns •ftd other lo M•rln• 811110, en u11111errl•d com.._.....,.....,,, H .,, of h ...i ...,....,, .,19.,, _,.._ "t .....,_\, _,..y -ri--w l.s ~ _ H.....,N. 0-, ,,.,...,_, ••• •lie: enuftdl¥...,"tlflt...-n10 Mlnftuolo , Co'1o Moe, PAACll 1: Alt ~ l/IUrcl c:.tlfWll!o lnl.,.M In -lo lei 1, Tract me. • 2114.211 .. 211a.21eo M•111•, c .. 1. 119, 1111., ,_... 111 ...., m . P .... Mau, Callfonll• 2' to 2' lllc.....,w, mltatl-..._ J2'1'I Turlock, CMIA -.0, C911fwllle lfl 1119 Offb of ._ c-ity ·~of Tiie ..,,.r~ T"*• CllKlelms MIClcOO#lty. °"" llMl!llly 1or .,Y 1-1Wl of Eac••llnt ttl•r•frem, 111111• I t .. ~ ........ - -c-lllro"'" IU ......... 011 Ill• ~.11 .. .,.,._, .. ,..111. ~...._ ...... ---'" ... S. ...... wlll lie medt, M -~ 1tttS, ..... "4, Offlclel ..... of cev•n•11l or w•rr.,,ly, ••l>'HI ., .. 1c1c~. • l"'l'li.Cl,.......,.tlllt;-llft,• PAACllt: Uftllll7,M"-..... ~-.to ... , IN remelftlftQ COl\clol'ftfMll-plOft r9ffrrM .. lft prlncltlef _, ol "'-""'" MC.,,... llY P•c•l 1-. Hid a... of Trust, wllll lnl•rftl TM ,_,_ --Jer - llwrHft, .. provlCMCI lfl .. 1c1 ...... _...... ..... H -If~ .. •: -.,oncH. ".....,, -"'9 ..,,,,, of JOI Pino Breoll, CHIO liillHe. .. Jcl 0... ol Tl"Ull, '-• c--_, c:.tllerftl9. ·-nMS of .,,. T ....... -.. -Sold .... Wiii i.. ...... wll-tn.tU c,_ 11'1 Mid o..ot ol T,....t, • .,, • .,1y .. to 111 .. POueui... H ,.... Ille -,..._Illy Htl-en<Ul'ftltrOllC .. , tor IM ...,,_ of toMUO,lM.a.. IMYl .. ltle*...,._._..,.....,..., TM l>Oftefklory .-..._ 0... of OMf lllC ....... IN'--._ flf Trust ll•••lolore •uc .. t•cl •"Cl u.1,_.,..., .. l/Wttc,.._.,, .......... lo .. ~ ........ _._ ........ .,,._!Mr ....... wltlll 0.Cl•etlon of Oef ... 11 -o.m..d Interest .. pr......, .......... ellf tlW fer S.I•, el\d • wr111.., Notlu ol _.kt IWWllMI .,... lftt-of h 0.l•ull .... EIKllOll lo S.11. Tiie Nolff MCured "" ............ ·-It llllMrt..,._. u-••Id Hotk e Of _,1,452.16. Oof~ll -l!le<tlon lo S.11 to IM 0.IH; ~ u. tta r«erwd II\ ... C--, ......,. Ille ,_I __ ...._.C..-.... ,.....,,, .. .__ ,. .. T ...... 0010 ~IS, 1'91 Onm19, Ca......, 1,,...1.1 (1MI 711~- 8.ncorit '" ... T,.... JeMflMC.V ..... l. V.,......lt..,. A-y M IOC1 T,_ .... Ottic- ue ... ~ ~ P111>H"'9d Or .. Coe•I Dolly Plio.. -.-.,...-.c.. tatMl77 F ... S U, lt, t.i S.142 (IUI ..... '"Dftl PWti-0.-.... eo. .. Doolly Piiot, F .... s. 12, It, lta sucz. CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidated Report of Condition of "CommerceBank" of Newport Beach, Orange County, and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of bUslness on December 31, 1981. State Bank No. 1216 Dollar Amounts in ThouSMMts ASSETS Cash and due from banks . . . . . . ....•..•...... 5,990 Investment securities (Market value S1,S74l ...................... 1,590 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell In domestic offices . . . . ' .. 13,930 a. Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) .......••... "3,190 b. Less : Reserve for possible loan losses ................ '69 Loans. net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42,721 Bank premises, F.F.&E. etc ................... 1,497 Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......•............ 966 TOT AL ASSETS .............................. 66,694 LIABILITIES ' TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ............ 58,272 Total demand deposits .......... 25.602 Total time & sa\llngs deposits ... 32,670 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES ..........•..•... 58,272 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase In domestic offices.......... . .. 5'7 Othtr llabllltles ............................... 1,349 TOTAL LIABILITIES <excluding subordinated notes and debentures) .......•••........•.... 60,218 SHARl!HOLDERS EQUITY Preferred stock No. shares outstanding -None Common stock a. No. shares authOrlzed 1 .000.000 b. No. shares outstan<ll"iJ 912,711 5, 966 TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL . , •.• , ••.... S,'66 Retained umtnos •..•••.............•.•••.....•. s10 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY .......••.• 6,416 TOTAL LIA61LITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS SQUIT-Y ..••••••••••.•..•. 66,6M TI'f undersl9ned S.mantha D. Ketchum. Sr. Vice Prtskltnt, Cashier and Da\lld T. Bla•enhom, Chief Executive Officer of the above-f\•med benk, Mch declares, for himself •ton. •nd not tor the other: I .,...,, Ptrsontl -nowlldae of tM m1Mrs contalntd In this repon. and ·I belle\lt that Heh statement In aald rtPor1 la tniie. each of U\• unde~ fOf' hfmtelf a!Otle end not fOf the otNr. ctrtlfJ91 ~r penalty of PffJUfY 11\at UM toe llOfno 11 tr1.11 end corr-ect. EOC\Md on Jen\llry 2', 1m It Newpcwt 8"d\, CellforNI •• /S/ S.maMf\.9 D. KetchUm Isl 0.Vkt T. 81Ml'"'*" ,.......er..c......, ............ ,· . .. ........ Wt °'*'......... ~~~.~~ ..... . ................................................................. , ••.•.••................... LAi,mlHa 1041 .......... 1141 Ma:•rflt-' 1069 ..... ..._, Ntf'lt*-JJOO ... •••••••••••• ••••• ••• •-•••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••'••••••••••• • •••••• ,_.Ille I t 00 P9' ....................... . ..................... . fAMOUS Br Obl wide aero .. from 1--------llAYllW Ri,i. oo Supenor ' Mobile Homa Space 2 Guard aattd comm1 Plattntia. SU.tSO tltt St , Tutti• Ave .. ~It, tennlt, view or Term1 Llli::t rent. Aft. C.M. AduJtt only. No C'ataJma, Nwpt Bay, etc 557 DOor96Z lM& &lftt. SJ.0000. Open h0ute Diil + 11<1 ft. ZBr + + 12144 Freedom, adlt lM6at.Sun. Break:fut with the breakers! White wale" view from larae deck. Bachelor • perfect beach home with fireplace. Tab over existiq loan + owner will help finance. Only $179,000. •.ooo In uparadcs, 3 park, walk to su~rmkt I'!!!!!!!!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! y r • n e w A • 111 n I m.sew>. Ast. "7 9390 or Motile Homl quiet adult lf,50,000 Call bltr Gene 912 IJll8 ~arll. Garden Grove Hill8'2-I0'19orl42·0200. NWPT BCH·2Br. pool, ~7.J00.•2'l2 • __ ...........__,__ • jacuzzi, bch. Sl0,000 th•t•DfNf'f, OO -·-Bkr/owoer87S.4010 letort 24 Newport Beacb pen· 111...._ 1200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Gale Mahon (714) a:U·6SOO thouse atudlo w /bdrm Acr.pfor -.,..._ isi.ooo equity . a•· •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ,ALM SPllM•S awn "8.000 at 11~ % DUOl liMCH 222' fairway lot on beaul $2$1( 2nd d~ or retinan 80 Acres for Sale. Can be aoU course. Discount for for r.e or! Owner I Agt I.Md for industrial pro-cuh. $48·2188 ev1. ALot L-.Portlt 101513 ·=1~.a:::l5::.._ ____ pertv , farming or PALM SPRINGS lBR .__ .. • ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• -ut •• .r_ or h ""'· 1 F ,.. __ .. P 1 ,,_-A ---..._ ________ HaJ1>or Rld&e Lucerne. an, ..... ,, your c 01ce rul y um ........ o. 00 • 1acre+bldtalte.cent·'" flit.ate Model. 1625,ooo •'1919 Jae, Tennis Wkly, ly alopln1 parcel s.hort W...., a.,.c. Home I.a Sl00,000 under C-rdal ~.!!WY, Yrly 645-8171 distanCe from tenn11 ' Private 4 bedroom, 2 I 11 10% d n O A...£of r--.. beach .. Ownr bu In bath home that shows ~a sa . ow . '9.,+y 16 0 '---·r eluded plans for custom l!M • model Over 1000 . terms 780-1977 ....................... '9opetfy 2550 villa. S175,000. Spec lASTILUFf ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--·•-·v'-··a• squan feet of decking k bd ..-ITlliCH &OI TOTAL ...,,..., icw with 1p1 overlooking Uptraded Lua 3 rm. rsn~ * * MISSION REALTY secluded creek and fam rm. den/4th bdrm, Hl&h vi11b1hty C·3 494-0731 woods. Formal dining CC:,:· 'JJJ/yr assuma ble Ocean view. 1.2() rt fron· nnwu PAYMENT "--Housa Sun ta0e. UH exislin& build· uunn 111.u•1YOW ... ll room , 2 c u s tom . v"""n "• · • 7vnross! 15 houses, au -" da l •pm 906 Aleppo •n• of 4000 sq rt or bw Id "6 Immaculate 3 Br 2ba flrepl.aces, plush carpet· y, ... ;0 .. ,000 .,,, rt Owner will run as apt complex ocean view home mg. wood pla.nlt flooring St Eileen Artukovick ~arry.$715.000 631·7300, Pos11.1ve Cbh flow Call Featura Large deck , in lutchen and nook Realty 720-0332 Real fordetalls. oall paneled den. Aa· a.re.a. and atrium off the ffarbol' Ridge, $ partner 1"'!!!!!!!!!!!!tor!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! iJ IWnlble loan and seller family room make this wan~ to build custom 1• ~Reibkrl1dtt. in 000 C 11 home a true delight. home. 759-0481. Co•do•l•l•••/Towit· ruianc &. s.119· 1 $314,000 with assumable ....... for.-1700 evesorwlr.nds"7·1l&6 fU"ll loan of IW,453 at JUSTll:DUCED ••••••••••••••••••••••• 551·3009 llO [)eareeOCEAN VU 12\lto/o Submit terms to 1\11 bloclr.s from beach NORTH LONG BEACH mtlbrrnu 11'\•),lrwi.. So. La1una. 5br tux owner andonly2yrsold Ocean Virginia home, almost new. Pvt. 76M51t Ylew. 2 & 3 bdrm units. Coontry Club Estateb comm. Million dollar Owner/aaent Three bdrm unit greal New3 br. 3 ba Condo For Sale or Trade By Owner. I Coronado Cayes I Waterfront I Yr Old JBR. 2BA Condo ~tpfor44'Boal ForHse or Condo Belwttn LA & San Clemente On or Nr Waler O:iys , 213 282 -0282 Evt', 213·576-0732 nelpbort\ood. A11ume 1"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for owner occupancy. IAlxury Oeror:ator 107M lit TD. Reduced I~ Owner financing nail Extras pnce, S515.000 Trade in ... hport •.ti I 06t Only l280.000 Ca II tod1y From $175.000 po!!.OwnerS»-2013. ....................... 979-5170 (714) 1147-7066 Mini Resort Atop MUSTSEE ALLSTATE Portofino's Peak. Spec-Ocun & bay vu. 4 Bdr 1,.. tacu.lar view bome with wtbonus-rm, pool, spa. Pld 6 property. 2 BR. 2 + oty lites. Prof decor REALTORS IJA . den , U b r ery As.swre 11 78'l: A areal .-.ooo. Superb owner value. $(29,000. Won't fiuncln1. Call owner tau. Patrick, a&t dl.rtctly, dy1, MS·ll66, ~1221 evs~ t1: 1•Top M-m 180 degree view of coast.line. 5 br. • ba, 4000 IQ ft. Prelti(iou.s ea led comm. Priv pool Hd j ac . llany other amenities. Owner will trade/cooperate w /Bkr 8n!ChW! 714-646-3916 Woods Cove, icrosa from sand, across from formrr Bette Davis re Adence. new Z Br, den, 3 81, jac •• master Ba. spa ocean view dec:k . 2 frpk., extensive views o8ll, abo&., koa, brass fmures, leaded glass, cmt. Yac, full sec. sys., Ml'THBGHTS SECLUDED CHAIM A private COftlemporary entatalnment home w /3 Bdrms. centr. kilch .. woodsy settinc. lots of glus, towerin& trees. and spa Room to ex pe.nd on • out -t alley ac:cesa. Beal '' in Hgts Priced at only $279.500. --I'm It. 20".4 down, OWC Canal Front. Newport bJl.;.;!J.S~ 494 -1235, Shores, 4 Br Den. 16..... 125,000down, Owner will IHVESTOR BARGAIN cany. Must sell• Make Wbitewa ter view, offer! Tenn.11. pool. walk BY OWNER·Exec JBr . 2Ba. formal dtn rm, ram nn, 2 frpks, oversz dbl allacbed gar, covered patio. bltn·varuum 5ys , comer Jot 1135.000 in as sumable loans Full pnce S198,000. 642-8663 orlv msg. .... of .. Yr! 6%~yOW'Mt'! Lovely 3 br N B. Golf Cou~ view home ' Appraued over 300K STEAL S249,5001 OWC Noquahfyi11g1 Hurry-call now 9$7-0744 ~VW.Hilt Spacious Family Horne: Many extras·Lge fee lot F1exible lerms $485.000 &r 67s-4494/548· 1300 Qs.om Baycrest home Sale by Owner. 4 Br + Den 3\11 Ba . pool & spa. all cabinets solid walnut Owner will fUWltt. S48 1798_ - Laruna Beach show to beach Agent 646-1044 Pmsula Poiltf ~. JBR 2'olaBA. spa, 2 or&f.5.280.\. 2 Br 2"2 ba + den home . decks, allyllgbt, Sta· IUIFfS New carpet, xlnl cond iqlau, partial solar. Sin&le story 3 Br 2ba Owner will consider long S350.000/S75,000 dn. Linda. Plan a SJOK escrow Will finance Some flexibility , no dn. Lona ttr:: f1nanc· 1415.000 Own1Agt ymtsJolm834·15'11 ine. "'111 pnce $212,500. m,5134 -- WSl/OPTIOM Owner Agt. 553-1006 I By owner. Oceanfront C.1 with ~ homes now SPACIOUS 4BR. 2BA, home 4 ~r + 2 rentals Oceanside. No. end Family Room Pool Cul Seller will carry TD h b . ' ' Price S775.000 Call Paul SC Plua. 3BR 2BA , as· sum 11.1~. S60K tst. owe 2nd. Submit terms. pooc 964 1988 __ _ OCEANSIDE unrurn studio apt Roof patio. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 2Br. new. On ocn, harbor & river views . Northcoast Condo S600 rro 730-7506. afl 6PM ~3363 H.B.4-PLEX Near beach By owner Pnnc1pals only Cash lowers pnce Comp sale 1225,000. 842·5763 Gre LAG-UMA lliCH 10 I.VI.its oo Glenneyre Ocean view. 2 blks to ocean. 1.oned for com m'I· 3 romm'I. 7 apls 9950.000 wt'JJJ''1 do Xlnl assum. financing owe Call Marta. "7-5t32 CM of State fll....,+y 2600 •••••••••••••••••••••••• BraUUlul 100 n x 200 ft frontace on scenic Rogue R1ver m Southern Oregon Trees. waler· sknng. close to town $40.000 PO Box 469 Grants Pass. Oregon !tYowtrCDM ~ 97526 1-.503-476·4491 Great rentals. r uced .... b~ llOO tol280,000! Call -.,. rft..9667 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----=~ ---Want a tax shelter' Sell t.c-'9opetiy 2000 my 1 12 year new tnplex •••••••••••••••••••••• • or exchange eqwty for INCOME condo or' Owner After 1 PROPERTY 714-160--0134 SPECIALIST Select from multiple un its Terms available lo s1.1t your lltt'ds. 714 641 0763 2925 College Avi Costa Mesa. CA~ ••• Coleftltho ~ Phalarope Court • Calta Mesa You are the winner or two free tickets \Sl9 00 1 value tolbe CllCUS YAIGil Laguna Hills Mall Feb. 9 11 Cit)' Shopping Center Orange Feb 19 22 Nut to bear · wit ~.~ I Martin. 644 7383 or whitewater Sall Sell. Clff Dr. W IYlAw I m.s.500 __ APPLE VALLEY lease or option Z / ..... REALTOR. •94·6364 / 3bdrm. 2ba, S385.000 . O,&UAT l·S Tax SMIMr To rlaim tickets. call 642 5678. eat 272 Tickets must be claimed by Febru~ry 19, 1982 • • * 1/11 $318 Lrg home w/remodeled Near new 4 plex 2 · kitdi, fam rm w/bar. gd 1144 '°" Chertn bdrm, 2 balh each unit SIHSATIOMAL fin av11I Call 642-6173, SltS,000 IH with rtreplare. enclosed Oreen v'"8 from U11s 2 ~5'»6 act ASSUM41U LOAMS pauo. garage 9"• '1 1st ...... ••••................... ~~ bdrm condo w1lh forthis4Bdrm3\.t balh Pos cash flow Now fireplace 61 decks.1•-------•I beautiful Portofino 100.500. Bill Grundy, Mloalsa-d 3106 Elev1torfrom1arage& MIWPOITCllST model in HARBOR Rltr,&7Ul61 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• c 0 mm u n It y p 0 0 1 Orun view 3 bdrm con· v 1 E w Se Pa r a l e •-.--------~ Ba)'fronl 3 Br. avail lhru ·-····················· SU\OllO do on private court h 1 1• 7101. on wkly or mo · Owner will furnish new mot er·ln · aw qrtrs. c.M. Ta SIMhr baslS dble gar. & bnck LOOIOMG FOL alrmst new carpeting, ... atyle7 This home .Sl.96,000. cloletopool.'319,500. 4-plea.Xlnlfmance. terr 64S-8787,7S2 !!!!_ air.es a statement for So. Calf, lfflly 305K. 8?5-0013/1·345·4123 ( 2 I 2 bdrm home s. ~':ctu~:.St:z::: 546-5605 6314194 5 unit, C.M. Apt. 1980 ~:'~t~~~u~e~· l>esiped for someone S. Cle•• I 076 pri('ed. 1248.000 owe. <;an be uni um 675-9667 wtlo ii accustomed lo en· ••••••••••••••••••••••• &f.5.2075 $48-5763 eoro.. .. Mer 3122 ler1ain.IJl1 oe a lavish Grwat ... .,..._.. ••••••• • ••• ••• • •. • •••• • acale. Localed in one of or starter Beach home. Upgraded 2Br 2ba, yard. Nieuel's mosl pre· SISOOOdn,noqualifyingon $100,000 iwu.mable VA carport , no dogs 1llgious coastal com· 2 BR & den, 2"2 ba con· loan. Asking $139,500 f135 rm ~~ 673 1181 munities. Large low rate do. Approx 12700 mo Dmn.is Nespor Agt CB INVCSTmCNT P~OPeRT1es MIU1218ble k>an Shown pmt.s. Walk to beach 49U628or498-4950 CodaMeso 1124 by appointment only &31-0633, 833-8100 W. AM I OIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •.ooo. .__.__ c-...... NIYACY--....,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~-~-Fr h 2 bdrm plus den condo. No qua!. 2 story 5 bdrm. Mesa Verde. 3bdrm. 2ba, lrg fam rm $850/mo Isl & last, ref'll. 548-63111 • ~. 556-0701 aft 5pm. ... view' dlarm. enc Security •uard, pools. loaded. $1111.500 Assume t'OISltry couaee + 1ueat • ,., PP ~ 00 estate size tot. tennis. $315,000 Assume 1144,000at 11 5...,. Completely remodeled, ~'XI Isl. Owner/Agt 0 m.mz Larry Nelson park-llke.Jrounds, so ff11·11111 H. 84()..8188 bwin1 f t trees. en· Fiii IOUS IOYCI trance courtyard. bncll Udo Island By Owner pMb,d«ltoverloolr.ln1 s · 3BR •BA ,....._~Ulna "'-finitely pacious • ~ ""',._ "' """ Home 0 n 58' Lot European In character Includes Architect 'a wttJI American creature plans for additional oomfort.~.000. Bedroom & Bonus ~ ¥' Room Plus Owner'• 1981 Rolls Royce Silver Clwd.11. Over $360,oop ln Assumable Loans at ••• Qi.i ....... ~ ..... Cll.1 12~% $580 ,000. 714'531-1823 HO QUALIFYIHG I ASSUME LOW. LOW DOWN 3 yr new dreamhouse. 3 Bd 2 BB. fsm rm. cul·de·sac. 2 car gar, lrg lot. beaut. Ir.itch., OWC. Lease OP· tian avail. Hurry. won 'l lu11 Susan Han. a&l sse.oo or Trs-.GILJ ~~A ~~•••••!!!~ 1_...._.. IOl2 UtoSP.MSatltSIJ11 ~ROMTUMIT C714t 4t .. I 117 ..,,.............. New3storybtachhae -1 .-.. • .. •••••••••••••• l91lCourtStreet with super view o •OCEAN VIEW• waves, rocu coast f.1 NI & u e I Sb ore• Walklnorcall qulaltt 2 Bdrm 2ba tonhouu , lar1ut 8'7W2tlor .. ~W sm.ooo. model SHt.000. ownr lll6 ~.._LI. ..;:....U::.:=:....------·~.: ......•••• ___ ..:4.:.'7~'-·· 111::..:7'""'"';..'' ---1 •VIEW HOUSE• Jbr,atla. Q,$00. ~per *********fl********"***** ten111.0ner.-.STO?. : Plll.'tllr raM YO • OCIAJROMT • ,,... C Ar : ~omOM ! ....._., ...... ,........._._ , • • 8dr, pvt C!OlllJD,, Gilly .... ..--.... ,.,_ it .. ,., trade. Ownr • C It,..,_ C.... • 1,._, : ExecuUve 3Br, fam . room, 2~ Bai SELL klJe Item• with 1 • Home. At Ole end of cul·de-sac o.t11 PUot Claulfltd •street with .lo.la of pri v a.c)'. l~M~, :.;.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ i Profe11lonall1 landacal*f, low : • m~ 7ud. Abo IOO + 1q ft deck : : •dJOUlln1 pool • openlDJ up to .. rt bumiful puoramlc ocean vieillw"" f OWN!RJAGT. •·* · f1a•tm .......... 114 ..................... , 1Md1Trfplt1ff SAM a.EM&m 1145,000 full price. 22~ down and lab over ex· islin& loans at 10~ Owner will ca rry straight note ror balance. ProJected negative less than S125 per ITI>. Unusual sla rter OllPOrtunity SIALllACH mo.ooo full price. 30'A down and owe balance at l~ ror 7 years. 2 .... blocks to the und. ~blearea. SAMQ.IMIMTI 1231,000 full price. 20% down and owe balance a& l2'1o for 5 1tat1. 12.50 sq.n. 3 Bdrm 2 bath owners unit. I years old. J blocb to Ule sud . C.W..JOHNTUCK ER 714-tJ4-t3tl ... wport lucll 31" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cennery Village Mobile Horne Park Furnished 2 Br. 2ba, pool. adlts. no pets, clo.w lo shops &c restaurants. $750 mo yr. ly inrl util. 673·3685 ·or ··~1648, 1·772·_-!:180=1 __ UDO ISLE chrm1 4Br 2Y,Ba, lg sunny patio, ~eraded. 11300/mo. B1U Gnmdy675-6181 Decorators 2BR, 2BA Bi& Canyon Twnhome. No Children/ Peta. 11100. Act ~ Enciilt•" ·~ Lovely 2 Br Zba, VlEW Con domin i um . Beautifully rur11l1bed, aanities include pool. sauna, exercise rm. Avail ""· Short or lool te(m. l1200per mo . aahitt Rlty. 79.1m 2200 ...... Ud •••• .i ... ...........•••...... --··• .. •••••••• .. • ._,.. 1102 llACHaVD L.-.... la B1a11ta Park 111d 1one4I com · muJt11toaui:iercl1l ,,. u,ezs 1q ft lot 1s W*blt ud oner wlll flHQct, Pull prlu -- ......................... :: a ' ')range Collt ONLY PILOT/Friday, FebrUllY 5, 1882 ~.~~.:!.~ ... ~.~~~~ .... ~.~!!:~~ .... ~.~:~~~ .... ~ .. ~.~·:.~~~ .. ;:::!:;;.~·:.~ .... ,~ .. !~.~ .... ~;.~;:.·.~.~ .... ~ .. ~.~.~: .... = ............ ~!!~ ._... lJOJ CethMftt lJJ4 ~,_... UH Mi'wporlleac.i. lUt L..J-lea 3741 C:O.Mete 31J4 C:O.toMtto 31J4 .,_ 3144 Ml...,.leocll 316t Havu1(eroom1n4bdrm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••·•••••••••••• borne, bout• priviltlfl. 38R 28A, frplc:, new 2 Br enclid a•r•ae LAKEFOREST2atory,3 Lwtwy atudlo, •P•. TV, • 3 Br Conde> nr SC Uulpd.18r,qwet. 1dlll, Oranaelre\! condo IBr. Spaclou1 I BR In No•urroker POO mo, p11nt 110 ,000 dn , Adwta.nope\4 SS251mo ,dm,Jbllh O?water. llGCAMYOH maid nrvlce, phonu. Plwi, SA Pool, 11pa. patlo,$250mo yrly '440 Pool, tenn1t £utbhl( Pool. Quiet, llt,lll&t.133-181' P lmu Aaent Rich mw. Wllaon 631 •89. new boat dock Avail I.. ua u r Io va three '1Swk. 499-2221 garaae. f150 &44-tll~ 873-Cl Ple.,ant aru' Slnate Niu Ila ht room ll StG--3BR-l \.I BA, n ~Pl: Feb. ll. · 7M.T900 ~roonu . Two b1th1 Pvt comm unit>'. 54.9-3mor&41 1460 2bdnn, lba,-;;ewly decor ~t.oci. 3141 ~~o Pet.a ~/mo kitchen priv Good 0 Joe ..... 1.1-...1 wallpaper-1kyllghls· Mlsapcwt leodl l26t ormal d1nln1 room Treuure Island 1'rlr Pit aer Adulta, no ~ta, n~w f'ned yrd, aar. no pell ....................... --F.astC.M. Yard Sta·S998 -3J06 •hin&led ext -rrplc·Ia yd· •••••00•••••••••••••••• edfUchly dttorated in mut· lRr ocnrront, ask In 11 I.)' dec. stove/refrl1. encl $496 ~~!!__ OCIAH a.ou... ~et 2 8r. 1 Bl 1ara11e. 2 ..... N e BR ah.adv ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• dbl *"SO/ 73 ,,,,.,.., 81& Canyon 2 Br 2 811 tones 3000 sq rt llM>O c 11 r "' ""' pool 1dult• no pets ..... , · • ' B•yfroot ~uh. 2 Br 2 &Ir." _mo _I_·--lr75/rm. Patrick. lie\ • J aruu I oft ma S le r rro • OWMr or pallo. ~. 979-«IO 2 fir 2 Bl. nu crpl!I, end MOit elegant apartment 1801' 15th. St. Apt G pvt bl. Kit. priv. pool. Ba 123 f, B•yfronl, Nice clean 2 Br. 1 Ba 7~_1221 bedroom 3 cu gua11e. af/::. m4I 4995247 or Mt"Sa Verde, 2 br, n~w gar, l child, no pets, bulldln~ in l.a~un.a ~rm.6427340 tennll. .64~·5846_ Balboa hl1nd. $1200 enclld garage.yard, new $2050 month. yearly l 1.3) 451 1481 -crpt, drpa, p11nt. Qwet ~10 644 ll<fl Beach Finest location in ~ -b ...,._ Motttt 41 OO winter $1400 annual paint" carpet Nu pets leue Coll 631·7300 F\mky tBR, All W1xxi area. CuJ·de·sac S415 I.. r II 3 8 r 2 Ya Ha town. Brt'athu1klng c. I or 2 r apts. I mt •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Herb, d11y1213 /418·3m S5SO t secu~1ty 25'4 IAYFIOMT RtaltOr. . Deck, Vra Garden., -..1936, 9116-1465 townhome, ocean vu, views All bit In&, heated rom beach Nv pda., 51.AlAalC MOT& Little laland 3 Br 21.; Bu Oranae. house A 2 story, 4 + bdrma. 2 View $475 Mo. Ut1I In-PALM MESAAPTS &11r, 2(rplca, W/O, $82.S. pool. suht guraae. aduJtsonti 642 2357 Wkly rentals now avail frplc, secluded patto 5482778 baths, r1replace , POOLHOME cld'd.497-4Z87 lSdlMeuDr. 759-9203 elevator Lease only DELUXE SPACIOUS SIOS Ir up Color TV $1250/mo Agent Dottie 3 bdrm twnhu, 21,1, ba. aor11eousview Pter11nd 3BRFmhome8kBay Ml:arporf .. och 3769 2 Br unfurn SU5 Bach Apt. pn w/pallo :o~up 3JOC1Jff Dr UDO 2Br 28a frplc& Phonet tn room 2214 87S-8000or64().0997 (pc, etc Nice S825 mo slip SJOOOpermo.Avall S~/moCallSuianne ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adulu only, C..:all btwn S220month Utllspd lrg paUo Adlls $1000 Newport l:llvd CM 5411-51.28 963 3011 Feb. 1 675·3'45 a nL OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 9-4 546-9860 5411.3343 l bdrm, fireplace, l11rge 6154159 ,. .. 7.,. C1flltt-leocll l2ll =-------Avail. W111ter. Weeki)'/ 2 HUGE Bedroom• deck. Ocean Vtew S600 --'""-~ 2bdrm hous• bv J• II 2 BR, 2 BA. loc 1n xlnt W ., Weslstd• I room b11C'h S ,......_...._ 3176 ....................... "' ~ .e er Monthly 673-7873 "' iro 494.5570 ca...-wnr HEID A. PLACE? C1pistrano P11l.sades lux, Park Adults pref No &Kit area Move tn now' ground Floor• f"'u lly ipt Rernae 1250/mo -••••••••••••••••••••••• Reu Weekly Rates omvws,brandnews1de pets Avail March l /mo67S.0941 Want something )ttra arpeted Bu1ll 1ns 646-4382 Mewpori-.och 31'9 NlCE 2 BEDROOM "'·tc .. •ft'"'les·Phon,... by side duplex 2 master $0/rm 642..J837 3276 :.pectal in a 2 Br SUPER Location • Over n.c .. -lor& I Br Apts All ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ment with view of ru '""'""' "" bdnns'.... lit t bch ---Townhouse. completely so Adults No Pets S385 .,. '"" pan1t PO .-· "Z" Ch11nnel Movies a":;... w11 o ,._.. V6y )234 ••••••••••••••••••••••• furn' 1895 Mo 760-9117 Mo Apply Apt .. E.. adult, no pets Pool bbq Mft NEW RT the golf couri.e, hills, Sandpiper, 196'1 Newport . ........, •••••••••••••••••••••• lmrmc Broadmoor 4Br 568-Wil.son646-4477 & enclad gara11ei. public tennta. courts Bl Col!ltaMesa 645.9137 4 Bdrm, 2 Ba near Mile Seavtew lrg 4 Br CK'ean 2ba home, sep d1111ng & VBlSA.ILlH SBS1mo 6312276 APARTMENTS behind property. 2 C..O., Mer 3222 Square Ava ti 2110 No $l600 p t k ram rm Ocean view Large Bachelor Nicely Newly deroraled large 2 enclosed carPorll>, all L.L.-.... 4175 •••••••••••••••••••••••pets 5795 mo , 5950 :U·7se.122'1mo •tic _. ~-a~~!.ner $960 mo furnished M:inv Br w1th pal10. pool. O.OPomt 3126 btall111S,laundryfac1ltty lnt..-t 2br, frplc:. pat to, nr security dePostl Our _,.....,, amenities ~ 645 1045 garage, kids OK , no ••B•• .. ••••••u•••••••• COUNTRY CLUB In 4 wut modern !>pan1sh ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fashion Island & ocean T 0 w n R e a 1 1 Y 4/5 ~r. 2 Ba Family rm . C 4 •• -_2ets SMOtiro &41 0763 t r near ocean, gura11~. LIVING IM lilyle bwldtng 2 adults lroww's Gr°'tr"' S7SOlease6401171 T75-7SOl /&4l·0399 D1m.ngr~.1blockfrom i:== 3425 OCUMFltOHT! -WTSIDE t~~:O~a Z~r611~1·;:31 • NEWPORT unly Nochtldrenorpets SrCrtz.ens __ s.6221 Charmrng 2BR. 1 BA , --N H. Htgh School 3 bdrm, 2 ba mo to mo plell.) S450 pt'r month y-....o.L-....•--'..i.. 4250 Frplc, Gar t650 Adults ~Oii .. oci. 324 SI 000 ' mo Agent ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'tllsummer S'ISO '-'15 mo I 2flr, I' 1Ha 1213)402 2657 <collect> BEACH Available February __ IUWJ_. NoPets A .646·0295 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 541·5032 Upper 2 Bdrm 11,, Bath 675·2_!10 twnhse, yd balrony Sharp 3 br very lrg Call owner 17 14 1 OCEANFRONT"i&·:·a;· Shoreclifrs Mo to mo Is!! 2 Br ii,, ba, fam rm. ltvtng rm, kitrhen, 2 fJ>!>, lgc yard Pets/kids ok $950. lst 1last . rers req 644-0164 5 Biils to ocean Elegant 2 Ha~ Rd 1 B So. Coast Plaza area, Ii< small pet OK. 1111 bllns. duplex. bit tnl, encl gar An adult communal) on 642 01311 B F I R ., D r t ge ease. 4 r, de<-k patio pool rec OCEANFRONT I br llll lndry rm This one won't Small child ok. Nr PCll h B k B S Avail. Wanter Week ly ~~mpf hm .. , ~~ J Ba. D,R. FR . study. S«untygaie $525 ' 6 IS, furn-ssso un last 1 e al' uy per ~llfl~n1ldt•d Mooth1..t!7~·7873 __ Ba Ce~ ~s rrps, , lughlyupgraded,fubvu, 615-5160 • 645.41144 furn ssoo wkdys TSl..MGMT642J603 &Mal~ $S2S 7306590 lacular Spa, 7 SWlnt· oru..fw-N"'*d 3900 PalmSpnngsarea<Mon· ar g ass. i.un guard gate. pool/tennis. -833 37'3, eves/ wknds ~Oii •-och 31.110 mmg poob. 8 lighted ten deck . db I car ~ r v $3200/mo. Bob or Dovie .,.,,.. ,. • ..., 2 BR. I'~ BA Studio Pool ·-....,. -.. rus courts, bike trails. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lerey CCI condo 3 BR 2 garage fullv ma1nl WES..,CLIFF ,....,.,_, Hot •· Id I ... •••••••••••••••••••• t t WI..............,_ ... ri.. Ba. furn w1atr1um . , ~Bl 1~1-1221 , .. l'O wa er. !(as Largt' 3 bdrm. 2 bath. p u 1 n g g re e n ~"' • yard Adulls.nopelS In Exceptionally neat ron heating p11d by Bachelors, l and 2 F\Jm & unfurn bdrm Golf. tennis Dady, qwre al 527 18th SI Sp~CIO':JS house Wllh do Ground level nr•coN BAY landlord Cov 'd porktng frpk. putlO, garaRe bedrooms apartmenb, apt All ulll pd All weekly & monthly rates Lge 3 BR 2\2 Ba w 'Pllllll' & gardener Sl ,050 mo 64().8510 : 760· 11689 960-6331 swtmnung pool 3 Br 2 Spac~ two bedroom:.. DU Walk lo shopping XJnt ~ 6759132· and townhouses from a!n!mlles 11460619 uvall 714 558·8001 ,...,~ h Ba Family rm frpk + T b h l Bdrm, month t u ur<.••16 Ohvc Tre". 2 bdrm, 11 , ha. $375 •urit $1000 th R 400-0 9-5PM,askforMar_k __ Sl'YGWSHILL Spectacul~r ocean vu, 3+ family, formal d11i 1ng, pool & s pa S'l(XX}/mo Gardener and pool cart' incl A~t 700.9333 ... u.e bch ome. IBR w 2 additional utility wo al s Private ,..,,,,.,. , ..,..., o permon gar. ktd ok, now • .,.,5 b d r m 5 N 1 ,. e 1 Y pallo Lovefv grounds & month, ulihties paid 2100College Ave +$375 deposit Gas pd On Jamboree At OOMI ,..,.. Ta .. -''--do 4 Br 5 OC RENTA~_]50-J;!,14 I and sr a Ped , auto pool. Adult complex . . an, ~-7367 r uo!&C c .. a S<ln Joaqwn ll11ls Road L.agwia Heach Motor Inn . rrun to Northstar S400 *"' ' ' St 000 mo Call De I N °·· h Bl & M "' d ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"" '""" ""'' · 3 Br ~1th garage Child & spnnlclers $12501 mo 111 Easy walk to sho~ and agl. 61~ Qwet I Br I Ba . new den Ad I ti. no pe 1 s _l7J4.>~4 1~ • 985 No Pac1f1C' Coast wk Tom 857 1668 small pet ok $650 mo clds gardener & pool bioka $670 month r.arpets & drapes, good I IB348S4 NO FEE' Apl & Condo Hwy. Laguna Beach Mammolh 3 bdrm rondo 5367979 sen ice 640 1327 . Yearly lease Broker, E side loc Mature Ot'luxe poob1de xtra rentals Villa Rentals Daily Weekly, Kitc·hen ~St!Olmght llOM E FOR RENT ~61!8_ {)(face 759 658] 631 mo I adults only S3SO l•H E large 2br 2 ba . bltns 675-4912 Brok~ -available Lo~ Wlnlt'r 499 5304 2 Bdrm S600 Fenct'd Blulf Be b It l8lh St. •4 t.bwhr JI l rntles bed ch rates 494.~ Be b s st green e ---Adults, no pels $450mo ,.....TH"' 1,.y1 Large 81g ar ca m. yiilrd & garagr Kids & loc & Decor' 3BR 2 ..... 21ottts 1 ~11362 "'" m; "' • Balboa Inn S90 & up pool lb1 color I\ 2 2:e~.m~~Acet~~~!~ pets welcome 5452000 1 2•,BA. Fam Rm $1000 HuntJngtonBeach New.I IAYTlMIYS 1 ~'""k .JBrz•,bll.2 car 1 ~': ~r~r!'.nldb~~~~t ~eekly Ktlchennette. frplcs . Sleeps 14 Carport Old CdM SS95 "&£!!1,noftt _ 7~6755930 PoOI. tennis. extras '" ....., ... oceanfront 67511740 ~16 m.l.260 JBr 2•, ba. enc gar dbl Bhlf Condo 4 bdrm 3 talore' $700 675·8252 I SPACIOUS I Br J 2 blkb from bc.Hh locau.'<I direct!) across Pvt ent no smokmg or ....,. to~ 4300 VERY NICE Frplt' beaut patio baths Sl200month .WWCottdoC.M. Calbrira11 c~11J~gs, hulk :;.:1:: 96891~: P 10 ~':~~~~~i::~f~teh d.nnlttng, prof M O\er ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 St) unit 3 BR den ' $700,mo Rosemary G ~·2607 2bdrm.2ba. Nr So Cbt tn c ose is was er h drm c,onl • alt&, new rarpettng. drapes. 40 ~ mo~0637 Prof Shr 2BR. 2BA CdM '964-4633 N B h E Plaza Waterfall!., ftrtplace.Rarage.pool& was I) rpc. poo k h b. & p E II •belBlkfrBch FPre( fplc,palto,gar S950 mo , ewport ear x laundry faC'llit\ Jae. Set' Rate close 10 tic en ra mets ap-\I nlr un11ngton lsl. last & sec dep A.:t ~°" ecuttve Home with pool streams. pool, spa rnc SPllClous sludoos one $4.5() mo 399 w Bay St. bearh. 6 mo new ss50 plJances This upstairs Harbour Lux. Gym. ~~II. fi75·9619 Ev~ 759-~ ~ 3242 &guest house Great for gar S7S07~~('1:)~• .tndlWObedroomapart-646-9113 968563:2 urutincludesaf1replace, TenntS. Pvt Rt•h S295 FEMALE 10 share ••••••••••••••••••••••• ctuld.ren; walk to Club '" menis FURNISHED mirrored bdrm closet 840-lOl7 spaclOUS 2 bedroom, 1 Costa Mfto 3224 Waterfront Broad moor House. srhool. green 2 hr, Iba, pool, JUC Nr So end UNFURNISHED. ----r;3;r:~hed ~ ~t~!urG: ~ ~ doon. & a spacious deck Female roommate want bath apartment in Hunt •••••••••••••••••••••••!' 2bdrm,·2ba . frpk. wet belts . Ideal family t•om Coast Plaza MacArthur S overlooking the ba) ed 2130 Kit pnv p\t mgton Beach S200 mo •"'""""'"'OF bar. dbl gar, shp avail, mun1ly Harbor Vie~ Villa~ 642 4662 Oakwood also ollers Jaruzzt. auna. pool. S~ month Uttbltes 10 bath. 3 BR home If B m;""m; t s1100 HomesCall7S910S8 -'AllUtil1tiesP1ld lfe81i8.AU tenni>. volleyh,dl, eluded For appt rall 960-0972. THELUCICY FEW I f7~41:,;>5.7111 mo IDIPortAbbe.y Plare 2 BR Condo Bca~·h & El 'lmmodl1to A.PA.RTMEHTS basketball. game room <7141720·2473 Mon Fri ~M~C1~5art 6PM or Share 4 bdrm home bet Rent to Costa Mesa·s A. RENTS18001mo or ll'ast• hs Avail 312182 S62S Occupancy Beautiful garden apts llunt Bch S46 0619 8-SPM Bay and Ocean Avail NEWEST gated 20 2Br,2'7BA. Frplc, 2 t'WI' ~1!4!jOl1able Call OJ 847 6535 or '$1MiHlonln Patios/decks Spa, heat Unfum 2Br Apl Adull:. _ llllCTOOCEA.M Febl 675·2637Jlf.!.!_!>..M_ Townhome VILLAGE gar. No Pets/Kids S600 c I Fr ·· 846-4485 Recreation paid Adults.nopets only.no1><•t.s LargelBR Utilpd Spot F\Jm bach w bath. 111 M 29 hardworking seeks COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br rm. S300Sec 842 4534 ~ 4 ~n\ ~e" port Tolll'Mw 2 BR 2 BA · SS2S 960 2675 less. Qwet 1450 2421 E cl refng & utll No ~I apl lo share w 1F 2', Ba 16001800sq rt or WATER onenled <'Ondo opt ' hr ease or •hLd.+od 3525 Ana Much More' ll8W W11--·-631 5583 ~ ... St 64 8 lotchen Pvt entranre 2132 "-118.42·4444 j G . Lux 8 b f tonw uy $1500 mo """-•-Foramonlh or a lite-__ Q\11' SSSO 2BR . 2BA. Mint '""" , 5,471 ...., pure U)tury arages, 2 r2 a, p. blltns. Tennis pool walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• PINEBLUFFAPTS (;ond Nr Sch Best St-e;;.-to ... -ach. 13 Br. S29S mo 675 0549 or FShr JSR Apt Avail Feb 21llh CM Area No Last or De~ 646·5413 hy~ro·tub& in master 2 car gar. tennis, pool beach Agent 6"s 1044 or DELUXE end un11. ltke ome Mooelsooenda•1Y Area. No Pets 833 3307 .-"" ~S-lnl.!l~k for Sue suite. dmin~ rooms. JaC, sec gate S82S mo 64.>~ new 2 BR 2 Ba frpl. 9amlo6omAdultsonly 2 Br 2 Ba Nu pets --1·2Br.bolhlrplcs S775& "~burning fireplaces. 714 673 4854~675·3335 ---· pool, gate, many xtras no oets Pal to, view. f rp lc. DRUXE 2 II, I IA. $650 per mo Im d M Rm 1 n N 1 C E m1cro-w a\ e ovens. lrYIM 3244 311 w/ .. at Slip 1\n\lll·S A lme ss75 No Oakwood iaeutti. gar . ga!> stove. nr bch. new /frplc. patio. macll!.al~67~2SQ'.IJ1Bl _ ~exM T~ PR~f~ a~~~e Gpnvadle patios & yards ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br,iba.$1900 _eeU.7752:580,1510796 Ga A.... ~.:.~1_-6107 enclk galr. dshbwlsher, 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, pool. Smkr. $185 + l!tll ar en er provided Twnhome new 3 br 3 ba Bruce Johnson 675·0Hl rden "'J'Grtments Beautiful 1 Br Apt Qwet srm e a arm. a cony frplc. 2 pnvale patios. 64().'1!145 ;!;~guant_; llfr~o·mmg Fonaslyh101n5 Pl. uo. g~r Park., pool. ...,., c.o. .... yo .... LS-"' • * * Newport Beach/No. bldg, near shops & :~~~~ .~~:5 be-fore ground level S6SO + de· I'!-u.... "" S9'75 833 9057 -"'" " ir; W IHCI buses 213 498 6786 or -.....,.,., ~ti m 1783. SS\.4985 lworblg fem 2S 40, '' Island 7 mmutes to SC Jac -~ · 2BR McLain Condo 25a>Newport Blvd ~ ~~~ I 213 597-0956 •, Blk to fkh 2BR. 28A. 3 bdrm i bath ~der~ blk bch. N B. unrum . Plaza or O ('Airport MOITHWOOD Sll.2Sper mo Call Gerry <Ast1 Mesa (71-4) 84s-1104 2BR IBA Old but Clean Gar, Adults $485 124 S700 ~ No rtuldren or oon smkr S27S 675 1706 Just east of Ntwport 3 bdrm, 2 ba. fireplace 673-7761or7601391 You are thr winner of 2248 Canyon Or No 2lllh Street 894 8287 Afier ~ 752 2841. 673 l6SO_ alt 4 Blvd & 5u of San Diego 1750 sq ft Ava1l 1mmed l,.'O free tickets tS19 00 1 Newport Beach/So Pets 2nd floor S390 5PM Rm nefded for rem ~ m f'rwyStarttnl(.itS900a llSOMoSS96207 4bdrm la5tbtufl home. \aluetothe 1700t61hS1 <-.--,BaC'helor BeaC'h ,\pl fant an Hhani:e for month 63l 543'1 2473 s1200 mo 644 1547 CIRCUS VA.IGA.S ()o,,e.,, •&1h1 __.,.a M~Co 641 1324 Q.OSETO IUCH I A\atl no"'. yrl) be babyi,1ttmg or hspkpit Orange Ave Co,ta For rent 4 bdrm . 64().8314 L.agunatltllsMall I (714)842·5113 E Sade cot) bdchf.'lor S62S mo 3Br 2Ba Apt $350 mo Call art 4pm 9578390 Mesa fireplace sk)ltghl, air Westcllff Sharp liie JBr Feb 9 11 1 apt w patio $375 l'lll 2 rdr garage Small 675-31411 E Side 2bdrm, new lhru cond cul de sar green q1.1et st. btg tree!> ~5. City Shopping <:enter --I ~ 631'4320 A.Bl C' h I Id o k Y a rd . !Br. I blk to bay & brh. Furn rm for rent '" out , rormal din . ~l~ltl\m/ehc~~!~ ~o ~~710 Orange IF\Jm2br,2ba,lgepat10.1 SS50.llR.21A. washer dryer hookup, $400mo lse 67J.6210or Newport. $250 mo :~~ak!~~~ ~~~~ 2 s:;sr :1dr~~a~lo re~s 2~~ ~ ~~sb!~:h vrryH~~lg To cla~~b l~~k~s call :nb~y& :.c~,~e~~ ~~rru:;~,~ ch~l:~e~9(~~ :rs::'~~~ ~:l:~:r I e;~~~~:.:9~n rn \U' ~emal: pref 645 34411 art ~ 7590000 hosp Nopets 64~9095 642 5678. ext 272 I or~tlerm.~._6350 5571634 WALK TO BEACH Upper2br. xtra lge rms Room for rhoenl inJ m) Tickets muat be da1'1lf'd I Laree lBR Util pd Spot ---S'ISOurly 642 3912 ocean view me ust a Lrg 4BR Exf.'t' Sl)le Lrg4bdrm pool home. 3 byFebruaryl9,1982 less Qwet $450.2421 E 3BR2ba.nopel~ <:lose tu Bachelor. stove &, -" few stepsfromthebeach Home In Pre re rred rar gar $950 mo Call Home. Npl Shores $750 • * * l6th St. 645_4718. sch o o Is & ( r w y refnge Gas & waler 'I H 1•ou're not rt'Jdtnl! the al V1ctona tn Laguna Residential Area CM rollect I 421 1371 Family Home. 3Br S90Q s.s25+ dep 1\\ ad now patd $300. mo 536 7979 hlll~ .id~ 111 Cla~,,1fled . Garage. fireplace. derk. Brand New. Ca rpels, R~ ... LS Bayfrt 38r dock S32SO 0..-ut lMfum 3600 Plush I Br Bach Pad ~22AS WALK TO BEACll 2 Br vou re m1~~'"~ J lot of nke ktlch, full bath. etr Drapes , & Pain\ ll:l"'O'"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quiet,pnvale Property n~"""' 111rorm ... 1wn a~ S3SO rtl1> nel( Oa\ld Throughout Ev ery IBr.lRa $650 LovelyhometnNewport Beautiful New cu~tom frontsonbay,2blhto 2BrTownhous~ f'lnp('t~ with stOVl' & r<'fngt• wdl.i~somt'gn•atbu\~ 495--0343 Fem to shr 3Br 2ba Bal Isle bayfronl apt ~ lM ill, s.12S+ut1I. 673 1388 Resp M F shr lg nu 3 br. Irvine hse S325 non smkr 552 4030 eves wlmds Roommate needed w Mng. to shr home tn CdM S200 mo 1st & last 760-llfl2n Rmmt Wanted M lo shr 2BR apt S200 Mo Please rail Geor,te_, 6ot2 6381 _ l..ido Waterfronl Luxury Condo Sltp avatl. 2BR JBA enormous rms F\Jm SSS0+116754140 EA.5TBLllFF N B Fem to shr w same furn 3 Br I 1'1 Ba condo $250 mo 759 1980. 54().4346 Room&WtndOlli JC:ar 2Br.1Ba $700 w31gbd,formaldmang Deluxe Dupleit 3BH. beach$475.&429666 Mature ad ult~ only Prhuleyard.smallpet -· Gar Fenced Ba rk Y jrrl 3 Br. 2 Ba Sl250 & fam rm Immaculate 28A f'rplc, C<'nlral Air. 14:15 rm 755 W lllth St : ok S42Strro 536·7979 _,,....,.......,,..wi-....-....,......,....,_...., ____ ....,_....,_..,...,.........,.""....,"""""-" Gardening Sen1re LeRa1sorRlly8338000 Sl500moyrlylse E)icl Dbl Garaites $850 ~llfl ~9507 1WALK TO UEACH I Br ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Orange Tree. Walt>r Woodbndgt> 2stry,2Br WalerfrontHomeslnr Mol.st.Last&SSOODep u..fwWt1wcf STIJNNINGlaqce2llr 2 Stovp & refr1ge Pets Subject to A p p, Ba Pool. spa. tennis 631 ·1400 Lo ca I e d at I 9 3 F: •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Ba garden apt . Pool & S350 rm I proval lmmed Occ & lake $675 mo Lease -------Virfi1n1a Call Sabn 1a11oor.-w1o 3107 rtt area S435 7111 WI 5367979 $1250 Mo 957-8914 759-0115, 915 7909 Loaded Jbr, frplc. gar, Real!t 714 778 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ St 2 Br ups la tr~ Apt near I 511 PA.RIC DRIVE New townhome, 3 hdrm. 3 pool.+ VIEW. now $695 OCEA.HFltOMT E side fourplex 2 Rr l Beach & F:ll~ $475 mo JBr, IBa. vacant, new ba, pallo . ..iarage Park QC RENTALS 750 3314 2 bdrm. 2 bath. new Ba. w lrg sunderk. gar I Waler Pilld Adults. no ~ & drps, tg yd, $750 &JclOOI P>Omo 67~~ Super Harbor10cean Vu pauit & carpel Ye11rly w laundry hookup pets CallS452000Agent I rm. Owner ~9-2042 WOODBRIDGE 3br 2ba 3 BR. 2 ba $1185 mo 2.39 lease S76S Call Lmda or Adults, no pt>l~ SSOO nnfee ----"-v ~ • •••••••• •• • • • • • •• • • • • • "TC"> 'Ken I ( p atrium. detached vo.:ean u 67~·-_ BA y FR o NT AG E . Art, 615 7060 _ ,..._ . ..._, S4 IS llCJ 2 ldrwt ~ Tw""°41H holT2 Gardener incl. nr 2 Br. 2 Ba w stone frplc. beacll. pier. prka. 2 BR Nu 2 & JBR, 2BA year!) L«e I BR. refng ind. no 2 kids ok All extras 3 bdrm. 2~ b~ view pool1lalce Yr lease $875 yrd . poo I & gar S'1SO .• 1 BR. S600 Adlts f'rplc. blt·tns. gar, park pets $375 Lndry fac1I f'root wi1t, pal10 Avail S795 1213 1 ·41 ~-'675 ~...:..67~~days UUI pd Ttll May 27 303 ing Close to bay & ~Hl'!L 2 10 173111 A K1>elson Sharp 3 br 2 ba Greentree Cambridge NewportSbrshome S7SO ~F.dBewaler18712866 OC!an~r!r675·4912 Quet lBRGarden Apl <Slater Ill 8e3l'h l pool spa, bbq Rar • 3bdrm. huge country Bayfrt3Brw dock SJZSO 2 bdrm rum 27th St Yr Ocean f'ront Lrg I BR. W ~· Carpels Bil tn 83l 9303 carpel. drapes new lutch. atnum off mslr 1 w rf H 1 I •'-II c 0~ c-....1 y I Ad It 01R f'r1dge SJ70 r.a~l u.._.._. kitchen S89S mo bdrm CORNER LOT ate ron631tl4o00mes nr lm,SAfi0615:J::?."" a ler 6 ..... ~ ... c. r Y u s Pd .Nr Bus & Shn:~ ,_H~ 3142 Isl/last $500 dcp d S725 ~ No Pets S600 Mo 3563 ,._. --- 556-7650 veg gar en 620°., Ch1bhouse A\' ~-64.> ••••••••• • • •• • • • • • • •• • • ~~ THE ILUFFS Studio apt. ptnc mt. pvt OCEAN FRO NT See 1br,1 ba condo. Jat-. pool. Guarrled gale tl'nn1!1 CHOICE E. SIDE University Park. 38R, One story, two bedroom . yd. pr kg Nons m k r Catalina every morning carport, o'loolung tennis courts. swlmmmg pool. 2Br, l~Ba, frplc. blln 2BA. S850 + Ser All two bath condo End un Open wttnds or ph l..A 1 Br for 1 person. non crts. run sec. So Coast ttle roof. cobble stone ran&e/oven, dshwshr. Arrent1es. 673·4141 or it. G<>rgeous greenbelt. wlcdys, (213)939-8397 or smoker please. $650/mo !Plaza area S47S·SS50, slreetto, on channeUI a.dja patio. Pool $600 mo . ~7-2n40A"' d . 1 h (213\ .... 367_ s. inclduUls.673·6372. urn or unfurn. Call cent manna nique -:.:.:A:.-Covere patio w t """ · 2BRS8SO ~~n;oo".0 pets 381 LOIJllM-.ocli 3248 skylight and indoor/out Bach. full kilch, $3.'iO yr· CoroMdtf M 3122 Ten.646-~631"8228 /mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• door carpet Adults only ly. incl utll Quiet. •••••••••••••!'!'••••••••All utilities pd. l.ge I 738 5022 3 BR 2 Ba. lge family OCUMFltOHT $925 month. Yearly mature, non smkr. STEP TO OCEAN. Most bdrmapt.newlydec. No 2BR.2•.1 BA CONDO room , gardener in 3'HrSecunty,•2mioff lease.Broker,631-7300 m561Kl. charminginoldCorona, pets Adults $300 SllSO/mo eluded. $795~~0·6161 pvt bch. fishing pier. CottaMna 3724 2 Br. 2 Ba. frplc, ocean 64.5-8579or960·3726 738 5022 OCRENTALS 2Br.adltsonly,nodogs ••••••••••••••••••••••• view from ~eek ........... oci. 3t40Hlilltiftcl0fthoch 3840 1·5 br's $200 lo $2000 1!.SO rm '714) 499·3816 IAYFIOMT C •C'. • DE ORO llM>O/mo. C.11 Anthony •••••••••••••••• •••••• • •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• ?SG-l3l~-Q.een 7 days Niguel Sho;:;s JBR. 2BA Pier nn<I slip for larg1 ~"' days. 642'5757· eves & ~~=====~========31'1 Lovely 3+ br. exec w Twhnhse Attached Gar. boat furnished six A.LLUTILJTIES PAIO ~-63L~ 111 fncd, yd. pur opt SSSO rrplc, lrg yrd Pvt Bch, bedrooms, five bot~s . 2 Br 2 Ba condo, encl gar. Compare before )'OU adul ms OC RF.N'l'ALS 7~ 3314 Tenrus, pool No Pets ,""911'1Tr room and den rent Custom design t.s. mo Eubldelgelbdrm.den, SB50rm496-~93 ,Tennis cou rts and features Pool. BBQ. ~8290 &arage, laundry factl . CH.ARM lBr 2ba, yard. beaches. Short tetrn or cov'rd garage, sur Cute 2BR IBA Frplc. bltns Pvt strttt fresh walk lo bch & pool years lease.}5500 rounded with plush good area , $600 paint. new crpt $4~ Ilse. Owner•99·3638 rmnUL Brok.er.w1·7300 lands<aping. Adult I.Iv mo I ye a r I y 8 r k r 832-D&after S pm 2BR Cottage w I (pie Ing al Ill best No pets 67S-4912 VlEWFROM Walk to Sch Ulll Pd ~et3Bfl.2t,Aa 8ACondo !Br.Cum from$465 Charming 2 Br I Ba EVERY RM MOO Mo 494.7675 or Pool, Sc>a. G•r. Smart BW. Wilson, 642·19'11 dlc>lex. frpk. 2 patios. New 2Br 2"'1ba , micro. 494·2968 arter 6PM or Decor. t1SO •0 · ?Si-ilOO lBR ADULTS no pets gar, no pel,S $750 $pa SISO. 541 4165, Wknd's Or49'2-«i0 ,'6kforAnn S35Q. mW. Jeth St #0 ..;.M0-.:;.;..;:;;>'38.;;;;;.. ____ _ STS-1781 a-1o11--a 3252 UDOISU ~lll2fi __ 1..at,e3Br2bawithdeclt, ua.ir.o.VllDE ~.,..,....., Perfoei.ABR +maids 1~.te--"' ~7 .. 0 bltina, Quiet area. ~ ....................... -......,,~ 9'IW ~ ~ 673-3900 3 Bdrm, 2 bl Fireplace, Cllt.llne Vu. Adll comm. On 75'. ~I & Sp1. All .......... ••••••••••••• -=='rt»=~::..:::::.=..:.. __ _ ditllwuher, ren red Gorfet!US 3 bdrm, 2 bl. Amen./New Frplc 's a· FIME~T ColfaW... JIJ4 y 1 rd . s 7 7 s m 0 Fplfr50493-~ Av1ll -Summer/Year !..t t L l 1 ........... •••••••••••• ........ u• "~7 -LeUf $2400 Mo Alt . .,. a e v ng. e:.........1--B Ba ..... w/6'ITTlfner. _.""' 4 , 2bdrm. 2ba townhouse, 675•12u after SPM . BaaUlll\11 park-Like 1ur· T.;'W,Z84r.~ L-5· 28t, 18a, nr SC Pina. din rm. rrplc, a/c, pool, )f"'4,&ut&44·9060 . roundinlt Terrared .._,t' ·1 u.:9.!Un· full sec, paol1J1p11. Jae .. petlo, gar dr opnr. pool. Sunken 1aa bbq, ~ ac., poo · ,,_ _, MJtaool .Mf..4529 Adultl only. S72S/mo N "'P 0 r l Cres t 1parltllng fountalna. Fireplace, pool , pvt 3 br, 2 bl houN, frplc, (1lflf7$.Tl71 wnhouse Newly Spadout roo m a . patio, dlahwa•her. on pr, lawn malnl. $750 and rivf bdrnu. rpeted •nd painted, 3 Separate dlnln1 area. E/alde, all In ll·lr1 2 Br. 141).7002 MO-t• landlcaped rard. Com· I 2~ ba. Walk lo w a I It . In c: I 0 . et.. prdtn apta. From $560 ~ ~ 2 Br. l~ munity poo ind spa, ~~=~=IA•:.ii homelike kitchen ' -=S5'1=-=·*=l ____ _ Ba. fl'Jl llcc •• f araie. inlcrowave oven. di• tmowd, aso mo, l yr cabUletl. Walk t.o Hunt· 12er. Adult, beamed cell· •tm .MWNI bw~. 2 or 3ba. Jeue. Chlldreo OK. lqt.OGCenter. 1 11\p, tene bar, retr11e. ___... -to W . Moo lbru 1"" l Bdrm-tum, $48$ Jiau o1 'Wood. No peu. HMtWtltaide M'Jl/mo. ~l evea wlte M). or54U401 Z15Ubplt St. "30/mo. 1~ Ir. l a.. pnp, 114..a Buean S.y 2 Br l Ba. AduJta.ooJ>N. $9-1111,IJNa. Jri;Jlldl«*. Ml~G Avail a.1 UJ June. "50 UtlliU.. Freel 1._Yr~.::.:.·= ~w~ m .. iailu::!:.. LAQUOO'AHERlllOSA ~l:-al~de'!d71:ve~ .. ,,,..,.,, I car I!' ..... .. anti. BLGCANYON, l8ll Pub1dt Lo. l blk d •Y . l f 1 OU b. v e •f~r. PHI, c O•tln 10 It.le ..,.."8.:•· W.ll•edl,lblkal.ol ~fotealt,re· ....... a&l.Mt Hitt/••· ••tr ,,~ lllllr ldttllmlflltudlots· -$· dll!O:!f!L Kennybunkport? Isn't that the boat that won The America's Cup in 75? ~~ If you're not 1llrt Who (or what) KtnllyQJ~ was. don't feel bad-you· rt not alone Kennytlunkport is one of 14 <istlnctMty dlfffpnt apartment tloofPans at SNwlnd Vilagt In Huntington Belch. Selwind Vi~ Is I rfSUt " tlXatj personaiied profesSonal pqnn1ng. The kind" lltlntion )'OU de:seM. A perfect blend rl nature Ind llvtng- nestled In I fomt with babbling brooks and quiet ponds, cqoled b9 natural ocean bl'Mze. Add to that tennis CXlUrts, swimming J¥)Ol:s. I jlc\Jlli 11\d a conwnlent IOcatton near shopping Ind ~ and )'01.i'w got • pta wi)'Oftl would proucly Clll homl.(Ewa ~) One and two '*'">OM. one and nwo bit.ti adult aplrtmnl trom $t'tJ,OO. ' . What a neat way to send a Valentine message to your sweetheart. wife, husband . parents, grandparents, boss. teacher. or friends. Your own personal message will appear m our special Love Lines columns Wednesday , February 10. Mail the ~O!'pon below .wit~ your message & payment to : Classified Love Lines, Irvine Mirror. p O. Box 1~60. Costa Mesa 92626 or call 642·1667 . and we will btll you. ----------------------------Please publish my Valentine message as written below on Wednesday, Feb. 10. (Write one word per space 3 Ii~ minimum. Compute charge at end of fine.) Additlonal llnes at 33( per llM. .99 ____ 1.32 ____ 1.15 ____ 1.18 ____ 2.31 Name ............................................. . Address ..............•............................. City . . . • . . . . . . Z1p ......•..••• P"°"9 ..........•... ;a ;r; ------ OIMQll COlll DAILY ptLQT/Frtdlf, Flbr\Wy &, 1112 ~/UJtli:ktlif Dt¥14t1 .. I I 1 ,... -,...... .... fill ....................... ~~~................ ....................... ....................... ....................... . ............................................ . .. WM:I I SOM NewYr'aSottlal' C~ ~ ORAPEIUES P'bnninJ On Bwlae": DUllP JOBS HOOSECL!ANING O.L MllllWl Palntln1 QUAUTY 8,U.IOAROOnNO CO ~II IMldenSlartOO upld ~1.~d1 C111tom made. Work 4Yn!:lp Ludlcaplna. 6Smal1Movln1Jobt ParttUme only. Bii Ca· Cwt won.UHJla.11 PIPtrln&/PalftUAs Thlonl1tOOllat<0 with «WAL ~~~=d'::t'o =.~:~;:::-f:'~ll1~Jr" Ht. g=.•Mri::.:!'°!i ~u:1~~E::u1:; .:,";:. su•lt _ w~:tlNT/~~:91 Yttttll Ja~llW.tmt ;r;;:::.~•batee. lJ..~Jh,0!!11 ~ ""est. Reas. .. ..................... an... Pnret $ire '° Pltaae. JOBS. uk for Randy, ....................... EXPERT SERVICE !!T.:'.=.~.......... ......,. ..... Cora »*2 5'9-2110 THOMPSON'S •• , •• ..-................ •2uorn+w11 Ml.auJ EXPERPR!PAR!R LOWRAT!S •BRYANT'S• "QualltyRoOti.nal'Or IOday ad FINE HOME CONCRETECONSTR. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Gardtnlna-Com pl. Q.IAMUP YOUI ACT Enrolled to practlu NU-BROOK SU-111~ Walk'over101 Remoul f'\neHomu "MS-OlCM In U.. IMPROVEMENTS Uc. •mm '42·1412 JAynexp. l\ally Uc'd' cluo up • ,,... b111.lia1 TODAY! Yardt&ara~e before the IRS Quality PAINTER NEEDS All'l)p!I. 642...:.._UU S 3 II fL DAI. y Addltiona • Remod1ll.n1 "'---t.. --iDlured. W ·5549 ror uaa.,.. lt.ema. ... at reas. ~t. Mt-JUI wORK-30 yn .. 8 lnt ~18....a. ..., ... ,.. __.. ,,.. 0 Micbael.._.L..,14 C1u·QI>, ~. 1 too \rll( . 1 ,._,....,._ ••••nn••••••••••••••• •nMllT cal,. ....................... DRYWALLTAPIN ft:C%' .831·1883 24hn) FEDERATED /ext.Acouttkce of:& ••u•uunun••o•tu BUDGETRATES/Llc'd •VICI -HanMD'eCenmlcTilt A.Utexturet' acouetlc CUSTOM GARDENING HauUna/clean·up, dirt, lncoma TnSorvlct Davia PainUn1 IMH PWTER PATCHING Low m.tn. Smljoba OK. DlllCTOIY ~ floon • Sf\owere ·Tuba Free•t. Kevin 17$-IOU R.td'l/O>mm'I ehrubttree trim. ett'. 83147llor appt. Pal.ntln1'1 lhe Game, Restuccoe. Int tut JO Freuat. lp!. 141·1581 DOl'fNOW! -•Hi.~1 Callanrtime972-4S39 m.cMul Cln•UJ!.lt3-3$7'7,XU Junk truh 8484984 Pederten'atheNamtl yn Neat PaulS4&-at17 5~ ... ._ .. 111 • ... ..&.-....~_..........._ -.......,._ .......,.QR•"SHOPP"'R ' . . --W.DM"I' U,. . .,__,.. Mi-08'2 ~ _.._._. U,. ..... -77""' ... '--_.,, ....................... n•i.. ""' ... TRE"""/SHRUBTRIM ' .. ___.. .Nutpatchet•texturn •••••• •••••••••••••••• ... -,,,.,....... .,., &VOl'RJCIAN -' ... ",._ ... ,,,..I I t """ ........... ,••••••••••• 11 d YourDallyPllot ----~-1 ...... ••••••••••••••••• ~· -pnc-""",..,.....,awnman . Gance"VdClean·ups BRICKWORK : Sm1tll Haepalntin1·co .1ra httf. f I lt INOOSTRIALSEWING Servlee Directory M-"AUC:OHSTI. Childcare, Full Time. rilbt, free allmatt on lndoOr~lan~lalilt Free at. "7·8271 Joba, Newport, Costa 7 yn exp, quality work. m'SPLASTERING lsClJTTINGoffabrica Reprttft\taUve Custom homes, rram· Monday ·Frlday MyCM lll"ltor1malljobt. Dom ale 4151 Detmlll.ion·Gradlne Mesa, lrvloe Refs 1.owrata.Dua846-18et AllTy,_ Int or Ext l"reeesUmatu 548..CWSO ~.o1• •~11,--"'J22 me. remodel, French Home.SlHr. Uc.•aMGl 871-0059 Laodsca.J·g·YdCln•""" LJ B PAINTING .... ~ -..--,...., ...__ .. Ii h •· t ... ., 01•" ~ ....... Transport. Aaphalt, con· 8'1S..3115. · · · ~8258 Free eat ~ 111!!!!1•!!!!1-!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!I ......... s .. y I ts .. P• 10 -· .... RESJDtCOMM'L Treelrim· -rt malat. -Qu·· 'TY RE•" _,..,.... 84136s.2 ,..... Crete & tree removal. Cullom Brick Maionry ~ · ,.,,. PLASrER &STUCCO •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Mel ..... coven · -a. .. gStnlcff 31 Y!'I HP,. Do my own JlmlSJ.OlZt Soll prep • planhng. Compl yard construe 4m'M5-93S3aft.S Re~ir Nojobtooaml ••SKYUGNTS•• •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• work. Uc d. AIM-1126 GARDEN SERVICE Operated equlp. Comm'I lion pool decks • Quality Paltltine at reas ~IM.S·4199 All Shu I oat ailed PtRQt.rUea·Ftn.Slrnu ...... •••••••••••••••••PEP GIRLS clean1n1 UC'DELECTRICIAN ,..._Trimm/Removal 6:llaid'l.W21W eoctoiures Local refs. rates. int, ext, ru, G p 6319255 Comp! Set·upaiServ cusrOMCABINETS aemce. H.omuOfflce• Qual.work ·Reaa.ratet M2·lllhlL4 MOVJNG ·HAULING ~12 comm, refs. Mike, '1 theg __!!!!_!!£!!....:::.::_· __ Rtaa. 540-~ Kit ' ban, car. units Apts. 541<0883 ~at S31·50T2Tom --.a Sen4ces DUMPING 115·$20/load Hart Masonry Brick, ~.._. ....................... Tit _.......,. Refa_645-652l/$49·I~ Ca•«ton.G......e TOPQUAUTY .......... •-•u•u•• 754-mo4~Mark Block, Concrete Ref. INT/EXTPAINTING DrainaclearedfromllO ...................... . -..,..-,._.. .,., ...... calworltat ....__..._.m•Rtmo I Uft.-.. •.at""" Qua.litywo-".Reu Plumbln1Re~1rs TILE INSTALLED ....................... ~,. ., ....................... ic..t .... ,n ff05l Ill va .. _.,. --· ... ""' t M M ........ IJ "'·-.. ~G ... ... Reas rat• $31 ~ Home o--• H ...a...-.a.... ""'--t. "'·ve547-4.281 ... eees . ...,.... A l'WJWt uaran~ ALLSTATEPAVING ....................... t4-I~ · . ._.n-eu;-g MasonryourSpec1alty' ,.,_..., ~ A~PLUMBING 6: Refs JohnM0-9217 SeaJcoatinc ·Stnping FlNE~NlSHWORK All ...... -. Uc, hooded, ElectricourSpedalty' 'JS.1185orfn.llM3 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Cl ·" d d BOGDANOVPAINTING Repairs. Comm tResad Rerrodellng/Doors hllng ex~ est " advice Clean quick, depend a· .. ....., Wm a REA.LL Y CLEAN b~e :i:;;y si:e'j~b a 16 yrs o c;. Top quality R~filNEC RE~~!:S. , = ;:::~~~t uc. 1397362 645-8181 Randy 720-1260 CdM Allen Coost lMtkel ble Wedo any size job ....................... HOUSE? Call Gineham •635-2345• Neat. St. Uc.~ Chuck 675 1408 Driveways, Parking Lot CHAR RENOVATING 49'7·5322/499~ •831·2345• TRACTOR, ideal for Glrl. Free est MS-5123 -EXPERT BRICK AND 645-0389/839-1886 ,.,..,..., M•191•..t . --- Repairs, Sealcoat1ng Int/ext, rab1nets, boat ADD'NS/REMODELING Roar Co•friet srmll acceu areu, 48" ROBIN'S CLEANING Masonry SmalJ jobs & QUALITY INT /EXT -••••••••• .. •••••••••••• 2S Yrs EJCp Free Est S&S Asphalt docks 2S11'$ 64!Jl~ Plans. Lic'd Georce ••••••••••••••••••••••• wide Kubota alllploader. Service-a thoroughly repairs Ftplc racings. uc'd. Refs. Free est NOPllTY Reasonable Work Guar ---=u""c'""63=HJ99 C:UsrC>MADDITIONS Pllmer&Son.s.~7 .. 32 Carpet & Lanoleum For SJ)hr lna 'd.642-5008 cleanhouse 540-0857 Refs 5Sl·4SM,760.7074 u646-l067H MAHAGIMIMT John492·3382 ......,.. Kttchtn re mod Additions. remodels, Home , Van & Motor Expertise Housekeeping LANDSCP /MASONRY Quality Ptg. Low wanter Oran4e Co. area 15 yrs T'"~lce ....................... Skylltes Keh Rill home improvement, ~.8'7..tS&SDave tti.dy9a• Suppllesfumished Concrete Uc.ins rates in effect. Honest, expenence.Callforinfo ..................... .. AGGRESSJV E LEGAL 646-0002 Wllldows. doors, patios, ir--.....a. llL...--....................... Trustworthy 957·8003 ""v~ """~_est 536 09_!_4 rehable 848·5648 and rates. *Expert Tree Pruning• n--.-. Ca l M ""L!" r•""" . ,,_,, •tl2 Commercial Landscape Representation Law of· • • • • • d r i v e w a Y s . r e · ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• rpen ry · asonry J•E PAJNTING .,_ Services 957-11388 fices,:Mhrs.545-8'22 TlredolPlamWalls'ln· plumbing, etc. L1r. •FRENCH DOORS• DR.ootinllg.StPJumblnTI,_ IMMACULATE Mo•lltg Compl.painting1nt1exl RE broiler will manage J-A-YETREECA-RE ~ff•t creast lht Valut & ~!7!.l. Pb96C).()63.5 -10 panes installed. 6' rywa . UCC.O· he ••••••••••••••••••••••• Freeesl. Low rates your office bldg an re· Beauty or Your Home JM~S ~ sUderO""n~ $150t'Om Rermdel. J.8.146-9990 ..... ~~~~Oflcfi•cles •A-I MOVIMG • Compl.handy~"n turn for offi'"e. B'-kpo Complete service and ••••••••••••••••••••••• With Th• R1c'"ness of 'fr.,_ ·pl (unpa""lnt 0 ) ~"'!...,. "--ral Maintenance ...,.,., .. v,S:1r,..., Q S 1 ""' ,. "' " d 10 ,. u .....,. """ '"""' Top uality pecia service serv.avail.5'8·!927 stump gnn mg. yrs TIR.OM YOUR C.AI ~dWood 496·6961 _ Free design freeesl · RepairaU>ecorat.ing care in hand!ing. ~yrs Uc.Ml.2000 Evs642.1305 ex~ I.Jc Ill! 640·9308 Instead of wax 40 mo C C B Room additions, tenant r.litwel..,..lltCJ •'='llty•Ray640-51ff LORRAINE'S HOME exp Competitive rates., a.fllll.W.g ......,..Tnming ~tean ups. wrty 1•"500717~0892 ustom urpentry Y improvement. in·••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ --~ """' ' . ,... . "Jay" (Formica&. surance work. decks, •SPECl•L• llOMEIMPROVEMENT SERVICE.REFS Nooverttme ~1353 -P-_,Lnaom ••J••D••H••orn•••R••ef•.•n•1s•h•1•n•;•• Monthyservi<'efreeest PROF. POLISHlNG Tllel 642 8809 or Call LI "' REPAIR·PLUMBING Own trans 962·0SlQ_e_.!.fi srARVING COLLEGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• · , · 1 · " 646 7556 Tony's Tree Service al your home or Answer Ad II 620 at pa~().~ Lie 313174 Any chair hand-stnpped Heat1n1. carpentry, Exp. lady. houseclean in& STUDENTS MOVING &lp~n¥! Painltog. Extr AnliQ114'.5. kit cabinets ~rv1£! bl.lsioess Rit'k 67>0344 642 UlO 24 hrs or reelued. 119 75 A •--ti'I Fr t N serv. Free est. Please CO Lie. l!Tl24 436 or 1nter, wallpapenng. Flnep11nU.!!1: 645·0664 --·-:L": REMODEL/ADD·ONS Touch Of Class In· e_., e. ee ea o call Carol. 646-MCr.! aft lnsw-ed 641.8427 E u r o P . e a n ...,_...._,I__, Tllltorillg llbpittt.g r~~ice &Carpentry L1c'd. t.eri ..... , 711 W mh St. J()bt.oosmall.645-2811 4.00. · , cr1flsmaosh1p. Un -_.,, ~r ••••••••••••••••••••••• _,..., ~.. R I . l W_ATCHUSGROW' beatablepn·ces960·1403 •••••••••••••••••••••••0 ·-.. ·-g•·relat-"'sk1lls •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 25 rs lrwm5482719 IA2CM ..... 7712 ep1 rs pain 1og ~auu• Gl .:'\I Babystl, our CM homes. I We Care Crpt Cleaners ~ . · ' · · ....... <'Blllenlr)° Cbnsllan, re' Exper Day Work STARVlNG ACTORS COMMEICIAL Credentialed. exp. car· yr &.up,anyllme Steamclean&uphols Condo 5• Structural, Goa••g llable897·9262 OUAL.ITT MOVINGCOMPANY ~ =STllAL U\g Specialmng grades 642·8482 646·57~ Truck mount unit Grad 1 n g · Enger Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• JACK OF ALL TRADES t8~s. reqwred > Fast &. Careful Lowest ••••••••••••••••••••••• DEUMG• 1 lhr4 644.7779 Bab~ Mon Fri Wort ~ar 645 37161 S'!.c.!!!!;1~7541~ Prof TREES I Call day or night, Days Eves Rates Law Allows MIC HANGINGd.SlO ROLL Turn lost or un~sed w1......1.-_ C'--'--- Newborn to 2 6 t Sh • I ~...-~~ T d d J .. 642 3299 645 (259 Visa Lie Ins 673 08S3 v~pptnM·Cg. ISC °'!f.a.91>!!. spa"" 1n•-a workabl• -__,, yrs o ampoo.,. steam c ean --oppe /remove , n 1 * ac .. 675-3014• __ .__ _ · ..... ~" "'"" " w ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• s~ CM 64.22995 Color bnghteners. wht Corporatioas pertcleanups,lawnsre R~ONABLE TopQuallly/Reas Rates r-....g _ UC PAPERHANGER area·rooms d1v1ded . ··t.ettheStmshine ln' INFANTS & UP cared crpts 10 m111. bleach ••••••••••••••••••••••• novaled 7~1-3476 PROMPT. FREE EST Pree bachelor homu ••••••••••••••••••••••• N b drywall. drop ceilings & CallSun.shme Window for, my c M home nr Hall, IJv din rms $15. c~· •nous WHY NOT ONE OF I ALMOST EVERY (213)'39-8907 Fine painting by Richard Jlonded & guar 0 JO trim carpentry lo com Ctearunj, Ltd S411·8853 '"'"'•·Pl c •1 'a g roo S7"" couch ~-" I "·---•· 13 r t.oosmallorloolarge pl"'·-"-llTomorJerr ""'' .. acenua, " 1 " m >IV, •·PARTNERSHIPS 1liE BEST' Simmons REPAIR NEEDED u....--tesner. exper re """" ... c. ins yrs o ""-t T 898 2728 ........,, ..... R....,IDENTIAL• 646-5759 $10. chr SS Cuar ehm "' G de ,..,, .,.,a. DAVE .. u ••• 7 ~IJ d .. , c 11 Jod I happy local customers .!:!.!.!..~ ony atfi61·29lJ or493 3886 • r..-> petodorCrptrepair FormedbyAttomeys ar _ning,...., . .....,. ~·.. agreer a 1 WALLPAPER AvglstySJO avg2sty BabysL~llng In my home 15 yrs exp Do work Reas. rates ~7 5700 K&D Land.scape M amt Masonry·Ca rpenlry-Tile --~ 9169 Thank O!!_ 631-4410 All kmd.s Free est. loofMg S4S Chns 957 8388 part lime Mon Wed Fri mr.>ell Refs 531 0101 C..... Woodwortiltcj Res1d1Comm Clean.up Plumb-RooflD~·Remod Housecleaning weekly . C.to. Pailltt.a Sil/roll. Lac 330986 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ClearV1ew Windows any age Colon1 551 1505 No Steam No Sham~ ....................... Lt Hau!!!!.&_5411·2489 Stoc~Drywal ~-8700 bi·monlhly. reha. reas 2S yrs exp Lie 4~1 Norm645--0880 S~EP~JRS,fOR ~ESS XJnt service. free est I will care for your infant. ,· Starn Sper1ahst Fast Crown mo u Id Ing , Garderung Wanted ta ctwood...,.. rates Stacey 646 3162 &oded Ins. Refs Color 1liE PAPER HANGER ex~n~e:eesta~70.27Jrs Ken 673-9018 ~l8 mos, FT/PT, my dry Free est 839·1S82 mantles, wall units, Mowll\g. edging, raking, ••••••••••••••••••••••• re( ex1_>ert 963-09ll D!£1t__ Pro( .quality worlt. C.M home.6Jll880 I -cabi.nets Hardwood swee ping Fr ee HARDWOODFLOORS 1liEBROOMSQUAD I'm Small My prices Freeest. Steve54H281 HuberRoofmg·alltypes SELL idle items with a Ha\•e somethmg to ~ell? I f'lnd what you want in solullons lo wood pro estimates 645·4372 or Beautifully cleaned Quality Reh able are small! CdM . NB New· recover decks Daily Pilot Classified CJ.!ssif1ed ads do 1l well Da1IL_P1lot Cla~s1heds blems. 631·1528 M>ST.J'l. and wued. 832-4881 Houseclearun&. 673·31.!I Exj>jl. Ron 673~77 Want r\d Results 642·5678 c 11411802 5'8-9734 Ad ~ .. u.,, 5005 ~!.~.~ ..... ~!~.~ ~~~ ......... !?.~~ !'!'!~ ......... ??.~~ ~~~ ......... ~!.5.~ ,.,=:.! ~ "} ...................... . •••••••••••••••••••••••!•-------COEDS.Would Love To Looely Tonight 1 Need Female Wanted Sensual Sd9oofs & I Party with You! Call Company? Call Monica Slim Temporary or l..,_Ho. 7005 IM1'Btol DISl&M Bnng your practice or st.art your b11Slness In Uus busy studio Large ._..to~ 4300 llftwtats to Share 4300 Office leatd 4400 C:O-.rdal ~~~Jyer ~!!>er !~me& ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 4475 Attrart 1veJr prt ced. FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal~ 642-5671 F roommate ~ 35 to shr M 1F for 3 BR hm in Lag. Costa Mesa. 250 sq n ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Terms avai 838-4209 l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lll!!!!!!ll' furn. F V apt w same, Och Ocean Vu, rrplc , s11te. S175/mo. Utils m Cl Property 2 Br. 1 Bl evs £12/rro 964 7127e~s i.a.!_d S330 mo~H246 cld. 779 W 19th St house in high traU.c I -Lost Please rtturn BSJ-8928. area o( Westside Costa 1 ~toL09 5025 ··ROSIE", spayed salt& South Laguna Ocean Condo lo shr 2br 24ba. Mesa Temfic for Anti ••••••••••••••••••••••• pepper Fem Schn~uzer Suie ol Highwa} Gated frplc. patio. close to rn. ,...., leocli loc... que Shop. Accounting I * * • liken from Lffper s An Area. Pool. P\•t En Bch OCCS285 631 76Q!! Luxury orrice suites <Xfice, Law Office, etc Geri Witt t.iques 130 Purple nylon trance. Bath. S295. + Compatible Female to avail. immed 1ust south Xlnt parlung Will dis roller. OC he 364155 UllL Must be empt, have share 2 Br I Ba Charm or 405 Frwy on high ex cuss remodehnit to swt , 160115th St. Apt C Dog needs med1callon refs 499·4722._!=v~ mgaPt 2blks fromCdM pot;ureBeach Blvd Full Approx 900 sq rt ex I NewportBe.ach Owntr heartbroken F. cluld ok , shr lux 4br bea<'h S300 -+ ,, ullls service Call agent eluding the ya rd Yoo are the wmner of Generous reward Dys condo I """'•100 ..... 6636 s•oo ~4 8 544 2 two frtt tickets IS19.00) 631~90. eHS aft 5, , poo , tennis, etc, u,.,.,, "'"' " mo ., . valuetolhe ~ S275.64S·5l23Nancr Femaleto~hare3brrum MEWPORTIEACH no.S629 I CllCUS~ARGAS Lost Gry whl med * * * ~~~hs~a W~~~b~~=~. AIRPORT Custom of· Offieeor LagunaH.illsMall haired Cat. nurry tail. DclHC Rhodes rmture. S350 -+ , 2 utals fices, 600 to 1800 sq ft le..ty s-... . Feb.~· 11 VIC. Mesa Dr & Santa 20!2WallaceApl C Ftom~pers/f near Costa Mesa Post CityShoppmgCenter Ana 1·28 Reward Costa Mesa 5$-1196, 170 8862 _!tullan Rlty 54-0.296() <Xfice MOO mo S4ll 5809 Orange ~ You are the winner or Adult responsible person -Feb l9. 22 -- two rree t1ckels 1$19 001 to shr pvt o<'ean canyon --------Mdtlltriall..tol 4500 To claim tickets. call Lost· Siall¥!se Cal, male. valuetolhe \'U home , Lag Reh execuplan N•••a·.·.~:·8•1•r:•h••:0-:,.,•5•q•• 642 5678, ext. 272. neutered , gray Cron CIRCUS V ilGAS SJS01mo t::ves 497 6072 ""'" ' """" T\ckets must be claimed eyed. "Marshmellow". Laguna Hills Mall ft. or less MIA zone,~ by February 19, 1982 Trade w 1 n d s L n . Feb 9 11 ~ "A ... wCOllCept" per sq ft Agent * * * Baycrest.NBRt::WARD City Shopp mg Center for l... 4350 FUU service/custom 54!:~ 646-9844 ' Orange 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• oCfice & desk space Industrial bldg. 6000 sq. MaM'J W.ttd 5030 Lost Parrot, sml green Feb. 19 22 Garage, storage only· full Nr. O.C. A111>ort ft w/sprinklers, lrg rear ••••••••••••••••••••••• du sit y Con u re. 11 B To claim tickets. call orpart.ial "SeetoAppreciate!" overtiead door & fenced C!O.OOO at ~"°· ~ecure area reward 848·16S9 8 272 891·1415daysonly dljo · d k buy, well established, -=-:c=..' '-"-·"-"--642·567 , ext 75&-8978 a in1111 pave par dentallab 645-2075 Found, Pommeran1an Tickets must be claimed Office l..... 4400 ing. Comer or Redhill Is -• dog, dntwn H e 1122 byFebruaryl9,1982 ....................... 3 office suite+ Paular1no. C M ~Trmt Calltoidenttfy,$43-0917 ---~ *-* um W~tchff, N.B7000sWanfl secretarial, reception & ~9671 Deidi 5035 F o u n d F e m a I e Share 2br apt w pool financial mst . . file areas. Avail in pre ~3000 sq fl by Npt •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Dobe bl k S250 mo. Gas & wtr pd 1.sl floor Agent54l·5032 slige loc. for 1mmed fwy & .OS rw 0 yKFrofm Wfllr~C.. &IMI,~rll~ppy, ac 642·5073or645·3026 EXECUTIVE sublease. Contact Betty $504 Mr ' e e e All types of mJ estate (TI4~1-0291 ~1-8928 IO\lestments aince 19411 Found : Gray while rem F Rmml shr Spacious SUITES F,... o-nt-5.000 sq rt in Cncz!! .. la long haired cat El 2BR, 2BA, Full Fae CM IN "' ""' .,... ·-Camino Dr, CM 540-4836 A .SJOO Ellen.5454356 tBITAGE ..wrolTCB4TB ~nal bldg Ava1l 1m WTDs Lost. REWARD for Resp Mature F 25 35 P'LAIA &c.e..tOfflce ~[ior more info call 642-2171 545-061 I Sibenan Huslty, 10 mos Needed lo shr 28R. 2BA New luxury office space S.OC. 1 k U • ( wt DOW HAS IU for 1111le. Vic Aven1ta de la 111C.dM.Sl25+ •,util in lrvine·s bus iest 500to•sqrt lnduruia Par nits or TD's RE Lons lOK &trella & Sierra, San __ _..;7..;..S0._3873 center' Easy Frwy ac Available for Lease lease ISOO. 1900• 3000 & Up No Credit Cbttk. No Clemente 492 6078, Prol. ZS.JS w/resp. Job lo cess Avail. now• Call CaU William F. Cole 3700.sq ft units. Avail Penalty. Dennisson As· 492-6570 w house m N.B Avail for details. for rroreinfonnation W°n'~~d. w°!~~t~~c!e soc. 67J..7311Los --'-t-: _m_e_d_s-u:e dog, Mar. l.1·178~ 551-1231 640.4210 t Cote" Realty space with carpets, HEIDCASH7 brown w/black. Looks M/F JO.SO to shr w/f' .• -11,,EOFFICES• drapes & wet·bars. Tust Deed mo ney lilresm.Colhe.751·1058. ONE BLK TO BEAOH _....,,. & Investment 36•·38' a sq. ft. Call available. 2nd or 3rd ...:R:.:.:EW=..:..;..:A.R=.:.:D::;..:. ___ _ Balboa Peninsula Pl. X From 1 room to 1400 sq. 640-5777 642-4463, Mon· Fri. 81:,_ TD's oo residential or In· lg 2 Bd 2 Bath Apt 1700 I\. From 11.15 asq. ft . No rt' We sen au ·ETS r. lease required. Adj. 5SO sq. ft. Industrial come prope iu . llUUW"L sq rt SJSO/mo yrly, ulil. St w k West handle a full range of Hll'WEIS pd. 673·5622 art 6PM . Ajrporter Inn. 2172 Du· 12) oCfices for rent, ap· orage · or · rmrteage coverage at M'1 730-0162ex 312Ann pont. Call AM. 83J.3223 proJC . .OOsq. fl . Avail im· C.M. 646-4.965. very compet.lt.lve rates. F1axen -Jetty · I 7TH •raHT rred. $375/mo. Superior ..... W..e.d 4600 Coulllleav to Broken. Bribe -Alight Spec. view, sec gate, ~ A C M 645-9709 1 pool, jar NB. S245tmo COSTA MESA ve., · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714 ·760·15Sl ask for BELLY +It. hsekpg. 7~ 9307 2 or 3 room office swles. Prilll! Newport Beach of· Mature Empl F Needs Steve or Duane. One disgruntled worker U ·1 fire. 944 sq. ft newly re Sm Apt Nr Busline. to another. "It looks to P Rmmt Over ~ Non ~IC. pl~ty of prkg. ti modeled beautiful 494-1332 •~__,,_/ me like the boss hu let smk:r, Refs req Ba I boa UICI Avail now Call ... _ ...... ....., .;_., __... all th h. 67J.1908 Rtalooomics 675-f700 ........ VI-....... fl .. •Ht/ ""I Hb/ en.Li ~.~CHS go to Ill .. p..,.,.. be l 3 b h t 600 "" ft. Mesa Verde ~rtrt BeBlvadch.336 504 .~ ~-Lod & ,.... ,../ ~· au r. o area.... '""'"..., , ..,.., ,.._.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fowld: Codt·a·poo, 001-tub, pvt yd, laun, fp , E S4S-4J23 a . 1237 sq I\. al Mr a sq. ....................... +•a• c ••th SI 00 le, Dobie Mill, Terrier CM U5·4293 or 8 5, ft. Private entranre. ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mix, Bau et, Great IJ5.5S7SBobS a•YFRO~T Sierra Me mt Co oU+• ..... , SOOS -1Ul.lo.UMT7 Ocie, Shellie, lruh •el· ftm. boulemate to shr 3 A " 641-1~. "••••••••••••••••••••• r-9'SWnA ur, Keeshoulld, 3 Pup· 8r towobouse, pool. Priaoffice.7ll0-9440. -=~::..::...-----Costa Men Laun· Pre1nancy teatin1. 2 pies. IRVINE ANIMAL ............. -more Lak• Ml'WPOITIEACH .., .. lK ......... permo mln.1Udeorearlydelec· CARE CENT"'R . -T IUU .. u~aT •rut.LSERVICE• ... ,... ··-. Uon.AUatbodsofblrth r. ronst area l3()0. + ulil "cnr-v S'14TS3. A&eot 7S4-!734 ' W.t47l l3l-8368 Ex«Ullve Suites bas of· N Offtu S..C. contlOI. Abortlon. 3' hr ficee available nr O.C. -Suites from $496" M fwd•... http line. Confidential. Pw H rl1 IJH Roommates needed to Airport, from S36S w tfuU •Brandl offke·ISO/mo Co needs UIO(lale with Wonwo'a Centtr, 1125 E. ••••••••••••••••••••••• INlre condo in beautiful SttVice 1vail1ble. Call c.117~ ~.000 to jotn ut. OC 17\hSt., IUOlalt. Att.lh MClllOQI Nffport Bhdfa. 1210. now for 1 month free. rtrm In fut e.pandlns 547.9495 0Deol4brudaf .. Ask for Henry. 1710 uaamtr78. ............, 4450 chemical neld. No up. Ador'a Worlotrl beirin. ~ Tdayuweell: /QUUSMAN RMMTE 28R lBA .. E.C.M. 1na 111>. &31-4'19' Dan ,.,. .. roo;nrnate to ahr 18r Ille, CdM. 1325 mo. t \t ulll. 8'13·2870 llaml"P M/P Ar P\lm La1una ludl <>Nan View %BR, 28A 0.. (JMOl ttoo No Wl.. 11 520 • 572 ft 11 00 per .... ••••••••••••••••••• neteuary will tuln. .., .... Peb .... h m b b • Gor1eou1 atr ia to ft .:r1' Bl. b. N B lloreor<lfice. l350aq. tt. Must have mana1emenl :',. 8.11. 0,.. . . cm-r you Jacunl sq. ·• re " · Mesa Verde Area ability and et art Im· ~., N. per •essJOn, ,,.., Loe I · 11 ' A&!n!MM032. 54$-4123 mediately $2 000 mo. HOprn. (?l')!!S::~. t oi:-.: 11ta.'."8! n1: <Xficespaceforrent,3l5BeacbStore, Newport. Sbouldmake~SOltllt C.Poel 1110 Amerlcard. Muter eq. ft. second floor. Walkt.rtfflc·prime loc•· '1! _Write Ad 1932 c/o ....................... tbar1t. American tx Pr.1t11iou• Weatcllff Uon! aoo sq. n. 87Ml85, o.uy PUot, PO Bo1 15eO Ride/car oool ~aated NB prua, o 1 n er• a 11 area $1.00 tQ. ft. Medical m.1401 eo.u Meu CA t2t28 8dl to Civtc rAoter LA. wtlcorm. 114/MH413. Bld&CallMM5Cll. """'°ITRYD Gi'f1naNarne,phonund I Start wort 7·1 AM IU2HatborBl.CK .-n 1 blllt t1tDe t.o ~ad to.5114 aft T PM ~~:, •:e1:i: Waottd: lauator for 'a.ta"-' IJH ed J'l..,ort Blvd ll'OW1nl drapery con· --••••• ......... .. C.0.ta 7tieu. • MJ..41'2, ~i»:=· ...... II , ...... .... ILWTYIHOP a..* •:T~fiala id.it "'" ID C.111. v.,..., ... c.. a a --~--.. ~to=-•= ..-11.JiMm . ~1.a:lo~'&':: ~s.-. w .. Mt eau .. lillll & Mi's dlCOITS• BAat•1snn 'ftlAM 1VEB I M HU "9~7 ( , Le s lie or Sylvia 953·1822 Lasting Relationship ••••••••••••••••••••••• Anytime. 761 9036 ___ Slrong prof-;;;-; de;.res Leave Message Adnan ~II thingi; fabi with Dail~ pretty sensual lady 18·35 645-1839 Sensual Shm $31.90/WK Ho( lunch CM Chns· Lian Preschool 646·5423 Pilot Want Adb days/rules 720-0296 I Guy Avera1e • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL : e 8 Days • 3 lines • 8 Dollars • • Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mall and 1t : e costs Just $8 -thats only a dollar a day' To qualify for this e special offer you must be a non-commercial user offering • e merchandise for sale up to saoo per ad arfd the price must e • be in your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e • needs eight days selling time or 1ust one e e Use one word 1n each box About 4 words make one • e ctass1f1ed line of type Minimum ad is 3 lines Please print • • plainly e • r-----------------------------, • •• • e I e e I • •' . e I I 1.00 e • : 10.eo • : ~ 13~20 : e I 15.IO e . ', . Add $2.60 for ••ch addltlon•l lln• for 8 tlmea • I • • I • • Pub lish my ad for 8 days starting e e Classification • • Name • • Address • • • • City Zip Phone • e Check or M.O. enclosed O • • Charge my ad to : • • • e 0 # Exp. e • • • e 0 # Exp. I e • L------------------------------1· • " r-----···· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·-·---·······i e • : 11111 NO POSTAGE : • • : NECESSARY : • • t IF MAILED : • .i· IN THE Q • • a. UNITED STATES -9 l> I. • ~ BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. e • W "ll!STClt.UPOMITNO l),COST01Ut.,CA1..1llOl!NIA ~ • • 9 i • s 0POSr.-.o£ wcu. Bf PACo ,.1,,COACs.su Is •. < renge 011t 11) Piiot : i Daily Pilat • • I I • e I lo• tMO • e • 330 w. ••ill. ! •. i e 1 Co1t1 Meu, CA 92121 ! • • • •• •••• ·~ Or.,_ COMt DAILY PILOT/Fnd1y, f tbrulty 5, 1982 MIW•sll. w " MIAaW.W 71M ~·...., JIM ~w...... 71H '!.~ .... ?!~ ........... -........ • ................. ;.;;r .. r.,-;,-. .. ,....... ... • ..... , ..... , ... , .. ••• ............... ., .. St i' St Uo Allen ..... o.a.-1 MIO• .. ~ HAIRDIESS!ft and NAMM• PJT offlu aulaltbeflt ~ ttart 1N.:ded tor 111b •Ill tatlt lltt nllUab&t. pJ*\1.14 &y cmalcwlat •ltb elltD· ~ :=m~~trne~ f\allt Part·Ttme. Applr Miim '°' rtdllteel "" lot promo loo to food "*· Id Nl loc. Ht1IU1 • SAL.l:Sne>PLI ram Mutt be 0 ,. 11 SbtU, 2500 Su Joa. rutal (alttpla 1 > ..vkw. ue lnqllArt pllfl avail Tbt Hair Look1nt for an txclUnl ~itd. etfirlenl. ' 0Hll11Rd Cd~ _ ttrr bet-.en \be bovn ot 2 ~.M2•Ml4 carHr lo tht retail pel'IOC\ablt SS ptr hr ~tb&ttti"ptr Md 5 PM. llO Dovt St. H ..a..... ~......_-clotbln1 fitldf Tblt •u.c632 ~..__ • ........ -Wltl reftrum '""' Newport Buch ,., .... ~ rapldty tllpandlna rttall ---_._ -5a llvt·lo eltuatton In 1$2-0MO _ Fu.II or Part·Ttaw No clot.blnubalnlllooltln' Ptr Secret1ry 1Typ1at Hl.llllnf.oc8cbllll991 On 111 Co wUb flO Oablnet Worker Wanted Sund1)'1 or Evtnin~ for brfabt, motivated, Cd. hrs.' &d Pay Call tall ct.lldtte. T'70-034l. 1o Qr PUiiy Equipped See Ste vt · H rtllablt people &o ftll the !!:F~2 ~Jobi ~w,-....... -7100 .MS.wU4t-IW ?'~~..! h 'cJ 0 • 118 po1ltlona of M1naaer Receptloo1at, part llnw, s HIYI -.__.ter "' Tl"alnM & Salespt<>ple. days, airport area. no ' ........ , ... , ...... CAFETERIA HOOSEHOLJ>HELPER X1nt tmployee bcntfita ~7~ Slit IOY5-41RLS ActOUDla Payable Per.nanant work, PIM· Pref.female atudent. 2 lncludln1 merchandltt---How would you Uke to Robert P. Warmln8\on t I me. re ma It, no hnlday M·f', Help new dlscounta Apply at. REC E PT I 0 I'/ IS '.I' I 1111111 much u SS0.00 • Comp 1 n y n e t d • wtflltQda. Home phone. 0 th ,·r NP t Ht 1 • UU&-..A... ::::• TYPIST Laauna 111111 'ttelt? Do you like drive 4fttf1ttlc Person In Ac· '13-440.\Eytt m ' .._...-. lesal firm Requtrea i.n rmvita. plcnlca, plua rount111 Department. C ...... rn m STOii 1142.a.s Hett._ . eeneral office •kills. ac· partl~. beach parties, Experienced required, -Housekeepers wanted, I t4280Cu1ver Dr. cunte typl1t. 61 wpm p1118 many other th1n11? Real&latePreferable f\111 me,overl8, full, l part time for Irvine.CA. minimum Cull Mrs ~youwouldprobabyl•----111111111~-Refrig, garage door Excellent Salary, Faahlonl1l1nd.NB small retirement hon14' WilJatart accepUn,11p Wlnalow ror ;ippt., probablytnJoy working SWArMHT opener, rork tumbler. Bmef\ta' working con 6'4·08!9_ in Laguna Beach. Must plicatlona 1''eb. l~t .. 8.17 ICIGO torus. !!:very Sunday, Sam· eltdronlc parts & test dit.lonslnCoeta Men Of. CWldCcu·• be ablt' to work some 9 m. RECIPT·TYrE QUAUFlCATIONS · 3pm, Oran&e . Coast equip., misc IOam m lice. Call Sally ror Ap ~le on the move Wtt'kends. Pleasant Medkal/Backomce SAfirmhaso~n1n"ror 1.0verl2yursofage. Chllt'ge,Falrview&A~· 2lst.J:.M~ pointment 966·1333, lovina. depend•· ~ing conditions For PIT, exp'd 1n EKG. receptionist/lyp1st 2. Neat, honeat and de ~ c:i:i: ~e~~y~s· f'unuture. dishes. misr IDE. ble,matureladytocare appt.call4!M·9US. -INJS Venl Puncture 5SWPM. plt'aunt peodable R hshld1tems,pl11nu S11t ACCOUNTS ror 2 school aae children Hou,,eiteeper. live in for s 644--0381_ penonallty a. ~ut ap· 3. Wort after school and Se 11 er es er\ a only 10·6 16072 Spr in '"'·I ho-M st .... yr boy & father Sun. -aranre Typing incl Saturdays boos/Info mgdaJe !_118, II B llCllV AILE u•d ..... u ""' Mon off. Non·smo)(er MB>ICAl OFftCE ~rrt'S & quotations CALL TODAY I $56·$880 - 5 FAM GARAGER Fan· wtk pncea Must see! 2111 Mon~ Vista, CM. Sat/Sun fitalt' -Salt' 1'"eb II-7th 8306 Laurelwood II B Beach/ EliJJ 962 1129 Cl.al avail for overnight Room. board , s al Exp'd fronl offlct' Some lite r1nanc1al 5J7-S936orS3152$7 --SAT/SUN9·5 Establlahed nport stays, dnvers lie" ref 675-3793 AM. 523 4920 penon for b11$y urol~eY duties Compt'llt1ve 8AMtolOPM _!28W 18thSl,C M ......... fl•m ...... ...·a Call M" Mllln ................ m.. ""''"' "'"' ... , I M!~.4.r ~ff L& q.'.'fu.l.'. :.~·~~i "'°""" """'"' .,._ fl!,_ Hp. "'"' good "" "'"m"" """' .....,. • • • -•• hop clert. Dullea art' rodt' &r CWWC.N/Hlbfo Housekeeper. live in, Good ~fits F'ullt1me. °"'--, C) Simpson at -replicas. rum. Y s h with auto from l ~ lo mature. some English, H 8 847.socM mun TliCHEI Nu dlx Whirlpool Wash I . Sc.d.n eqwp clolht'S & t'\t'r input lnvoicn & ras re-7 ~ 4 day & 3 days wk good pay. Ref &5Hl9S .. a.rea .;;..;;..;;___ $58 2603 lo arrange Pnvate school tearhu DI)' dul rm tbl. + more 51 71 Vichy Cr. yth1ng in bl wn 9158 G-lirll&t' Sale 216 2 1 s.4pm 618 21st Street. H B talley 1 tools b1kd etc ~ptsmtolBMSystems h PER AIDE Models & Escorts Ft'm J!rsonaltntervie-. 0 ( t l "-t123Mannt'Blnxtdr lniae Pelu·an A\e t btwn 34 Computer. prepare consecutively $3 ~ r HOUSEKEE "-'y Top SS o~ptionist, llt-:--typing, needt'd ut o i. a e "" d • Ell 1 f' v I rt "' Ide I A a ouple uu ~"' , --' l Is OK 640 1444 Villa e IM &73-6&53 You ar" the winnrr of G~1el "' IS monthly statemt'nts. +lransoost nqwrea rort' ry SI nc 642-48S2Artl2 fil1na. must ha'" par c~a__ _:__ -· ~ "°"O«J 7 .,...., ...,...., u.. t B h Part/lune " H ' two free tickets· tSl9oo1 Slit BAM ...,.. .,,, weekly salt's reports. pm ur..-.....,., 11'1 nun c $700/mo start + oppt'y TEENAGERS MUST SACRIFICE etc. Xlnt benefits & Otllvt'ry Onver, over 18, 842-7348aft 7pm MOTa 64().295() s~m. y A ve Apphancei., furniture, valuetolhe ESTATE'SALIE salary Non·smoker on· f/tune, bnng MVR 1690 Front olfict' clerk, Port --i..:: t~a~:rs. ~&~~::'for plants. bikes. misc 8062 CIRCUS Y ARGAS ~Year Old Temple City ly.IMSEquipment.2805 Placentia,C.M lnsurance Tm~._6423030 llSTAURAMT tht' Daily Piiot as SwlCir HB.f'r1.Sat8·5 LagunaH1llsMall EsUte China. Glai.~. Barranca Rd .. Irvine Delivery men over 18 for '%MSUUMCE Nunmg Waiter/sses service/ Salesmen tn different 960-2003 Feb 9 II Bottles Book~. Paper 55&-810l. LA. Times to homes in • CESSOI L~ kitchen personnel Exp. a~as. Now forming a l'ily Shopping Center Good s. St a m p s . E.0.E. C M. 3 am 6 am . r •" Fre11ch S4!r. Call Mark ·~ flea MarkeAt Bdargain• Orangt' Firearm.\. ell' f"ri 1Sat Responsible, self 311 ruu or part time S M 1026407092 crew be able to work 3 ga lore' n er sen f'eb.19 22 94 PM 1621 Bay c11rr Economy car reqwred starting indiv, lo pro-shifts Medication llt ~---• --hours, couple times a school. 1900 Port To claim l1l·kets. t·all Cirl'lt' NB No ..._Aulst..t To&ec. V.P. Invest men t Firm , Newport Beach, re quires strong Ad ministralave & Ex ecutive St'cretarial background Good skills. S/H reqwred Ex· trt'mely heavy worlt load. Fast-paced; de adline-0riented job Non smoker Call Carrol. 640-0123 No r o 11 e ct Ing cess lllSUrance annui· treatminls, good salary ----•---• week Good Money & Seabourne, N.R Sat, 642 5678. ext 272 Prevtt·ws $400-$450/mo. + bonus ty applications for &wortungcond. SAl'..ES 1'nps, Pnze5 l'onla!'t feb 6, 8·12 noon llshld Tickets must be l'launed ti46--0637 _ Fashion lls. investment MesaVerdeConv, Hosp AuistantMano~r Mr Gunther. 642 4324 1~ms. ski l'QWp, toys . byFt>bruary 19, 19"2 Golf dubs. b1ocle~. Dental ()(fit·e Manager, firm. Statistical ap fi61CenterSt .. C M f'orfun Nautical Gift & Exl2!.!_ -much more • • • !'hatr.\andottomans.TV NB. restorative prac· ptJtude, typing. 10 key 548·~ Clothing Store Ex T ....... 9P-nrtor FANTASTIC SALE Refrig, dressers, hghl and ocher nmc ~anti tice, seeks exper team reqlllred. Computer exp Parts & access. counter perit'nre preferred. full .(nswering ~rvice 7 3 LAGUNA BEACll fl), l'Omer shelves. kit ques F'r1 Sal 8·4 1884 onented md1v. looking preferred. Call. 640-0123 person, shipping & re tun! Charlles Locker shift. Many benehls Ex Sat/Sun 10 S Table~. at·ct-s. bookrse. bulletin Rhodei.CM for a highly responsible ceiving up necessary 675-623Cj perienre only 362 Third F'rt'nrh Colonial din br~ & misc. Sat Only Cllftilw l position returning a high Journey Man/ Sk 11 ls Hamson Boat Center. --1111111~~~~~~1 St_St_eC. La•una Bearh t'brs. couch. i.ew ma ch. 9 1 I I I o 1 a mo n d . Twftl!y F •r· I Io( l Xlnt rr -:.st:: 10" d Goodies from anllqut's eve es ~m -Mamtenanct' Man with Garden Grove. Dave or African art, rn &lboa bland d mge benefits 11600 + experienre Ln plumbmg, Tom SM-~ _ SALES Ta.EPHOHE SALES woven sisal rug, lam!>l> . to rlolh1ng Price to incentive 1( quallr1ed electncal & rarpentry Aggressive salespt-r~on f'l'f posit1011 open for J~ lul uteru.ils & more In tum &. app!Janl·es. Sal H'll 411 So Cooper 6312'90 _ work Full tune M F needed to Sl'll market I sertive person with past the Lane on Catahna 1 10 5. Sun 10 2 1!>671 Eloisa at 1-:urhd, Santa ~ .... •<tSIST•MT 7:lJ.4PM Salary com panT/JIM[ sales training m~lenal telephone sales ex betCrest&Brooks OranJ:t'.CM Ana ~'rTRDA. r';ime mensurate with t'X .U~R smlNG to businesses ~hr~ penenre Appl) In 15 FAMILY SAU Bent'fit for Nw11t Sucter lnt'I Sat/Sun II 4 478 £ 16th St , C M G1g11nllc l:Alllle Sale'' t.:verythin11 Go~•' • 3 Pt· Sol:a. SIOO Curner ,,. Thi. 110 llanaing L1aht. : $10 Marble Cle Tble, • llO 2 Bm & Wht Club ~ Chain. sso Ea ~ Drwr Dresser, S7S Vanity J. Th~ & Seat. SSO Twn • eds 0 Ea Desk S90 Singer Se"' mg M aC'h, S7S Fur l'oab, $75 & • SI.SO Wh~lrhair. $125 t:ollap Whl Ch;,r SISS Su r Walker SJO Tbl Linens. SI '>O to ~30 Loads or Garai:c Salt' Items' 5' to $15 Sul & Sun. 11 4PM llO Via Jo Genoa 1Lido1-11<1 N fl DESIGNERS JEANS· Nev. ne>t 2nd·~. !ill'· off. lrn11t• Clarai:c Sale S at .Sun \11~c > hou s!'hold 1Lf'ms s.52 0657 Yard Sale l(d~ slove:i, 0115,. furniture. hi1hld goocb Sat Surt 9 6 253 Hano~er St . <' M _ GARAGF. SAL E Sat Sun 730 I u~lln ,I Ave L' M l Bl"' n ISth & • 16th St~1 t:le•· self .-:! cleaning 0\ I'll rurn. ~'<I bmk., \'W mag>. plan!.\ & mllir __ A Ambitious PT, students Nr S .C. Plaza S4S-45S3 I penence Approx S8 $10 "'::--IUTMtt.t.1TS pions Unlimited. (al · r person al 1660 Plat·enlla OK. 3 :J0.3 JOPM I any -----per hr Apply m person 114Tr-v "• '"" Ward at 494·21IOS -• Ave C.M day) OutdrasstStanlfor DENTAi.ASST RDA btwn 8AM-12 Noon or SALARY+ BONL'S Sales TEXA.5 OIL COMPANY " , ,·,'ii '>t•1I ft!) '. 1 fo I 642-56 7 8 ,', • ' ~ 11, 11~'./'tJr ~ ~f r1 •p, '~1.t , p I, ' · . • -. cable TV rt4 Salary + exper, progress1\e pre send resume to. 7ll w KRS9am 12 2pm 4 F time :.a I es pt' rs on needs mature person for comm. Call Anthony ventat1 ve practice !7th. St Urut c .4 Costa NEWPORT BEACH nt't'ded 10 "'ork on short tnps surrounding ic._a.,_ 8050 (213) 4 34-0677 bfr 9AM , NBll!!!Jlll"ea 752 13~ Mesa. Ca 92627 For mtuview. call Balooa Island Musi be Costa Me sa Contact •""--• 8 005 licyclH 8020 F•altwt 1050 ~ ........... ~ --"'.Al\ 8388 bl t k uakends , ,....""f9"':a •••••••••••••• •••• ••• • •••••••• ••• • • all9PM Dentist .....,.. a e 0 wor "'n rustomers We train ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••··~ • Duung Rm table 4 chrs. 4 • A.R.C. Amt'nca Corp m Orfho.«DA Call Annalee al 7S2 6771 Write D L D1cker~on. Halllree di< wood SISO Ladles' sgl spd bike, 26 * 1r I BUY * * rmi; old Semi smoked Newport Beach bas a Fnergellc exper'd Assis N~:J?:":~~ orS73-4280 Pres . Southwe~tern Fr pro~ tv.n bt'd w nite v.hls. S4S Men's 3 sp~ Good used Furniture & gla~~ top bras~ legs. f /time opening In the tant net'ded for busy Pe rte r or 5 1m 11 a r PAIT TIME SALES Petroleum. Box 789. f't std $l50 964 6898 derrountable bike. 20 Appliances OR I v.·ill Chr ... lgt bro 11 n brass general services deplj · practice systems Long·term as· 6-9pm Expanding youth Immediate opening ror a ~°'1h.:.. Tx 76101 ~ h Is, $7 S. I 04 V 1 a sell or SEl..L ror You le gs $800 nt'" sell Calif. driver's he. req . 546-Sl70Ask forT~ sicrnment El Toro area rounsehng firm hh rull time reader ad TRAINEE Leaded glass T1Han) ~~~a_,.!'I B_ 673 4063 MASTBSAUCTION S470 bo 979 1674 ""'company benefits. no DETAILING sg"'34' ""r hr Ask for operungs for 3 5 sharp r . d W wilt t-hang Ing s hade ~ . a...1&.&.w, M....a......1 -1 1025 3 9625 d '--d h Id r;v .-~ 1 represenlal1\e or 1ns1 e • rG• beautlrul colors Must ----. vnmv•S 64~616, I 3. 511· h1 ea.,., rour . go e X. P e r n e c Sl.evt''S Deta1Llng needs Donna, outgoing mature rope sales p()SltlOn Must be Dynamic company seek· II 5J6.824S ft Ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• He n·ulon. SGS Ilea t c (714)833-3232, ext SO. hardworking clean cut, 556·8520 to motivate am itious assertive person with 1ng enthus1ast1c hard se a .._.OW 25'/FT lO ,.of.i, 1'l•w 5!111 l.o\ cirl·ulating 1m1tallon ~erry. E9ual Oppty. Al energetic detailer for 434! Birch St. Ste 213 U).IJ yr olds. t'all 2·Spm past telephone i.aleb ex· working 1nq1v1dual to Engl oak rhma cab · Redwood 2 x 6 llel'king, l''l'"" SKI! Sll'l'lit'r~. frplc, llke new. $60 ~ f1rmall"'.e Action longtt'rmemployement Newport Beach 642·4321.ext 343 Ask for perienre Appl,1 in learn operation of trophyorgun case.S450 4.~'long . also redwood $199 f .\C1'0HY!:l5757llll Queen Meehl headbrd. J Em '" Call 631-........ ""°"· 16'0 Pl"""' , "om"'d p" ot" R ODO .... l6l01 760 0031 food•• l~w"I P"" • "" I "'t: RS I' RING SJ> M "'' "' "'"" SS ; ARTIST WANTED M '" :-:--oQG L (i v E R A•<. C M ........ ,. C:. II "' ro~ -"oak "''°' I," J , m " K '" t:XTll lt'l RM m• n "" Mopl' "", •><k SIO ' dleageorretiredperson WANTED" Kennel help. • • • Sales. pillme. The Mole in1DP.LP298E 17th St ~ ~i:ne_,~§:.988S wl. 1ll'•l·r u~l'll, "'orlh Desk,$20 S48446J _: to do p/t1me work at (will tram) 957-8589 Lee McC...__11 P.....Up Peo,W Hole, Lido V1llal(e, u Costa M~a 642 06~1 76().&531 Chain •aws. Sl1hl 16" $530, ~a1 t! tKclt•I :-.Ot·H·hr Must sell' 56" round Ma-·h o me . Expr . 1n ----- ---t __,_, rlt wk -p ~ u~t'<I ((UCl'll ~' v.ort h 2 l • watercolors Ca 11 C DRIVERS. Cross counti;y 3210 Montana Ave N~. pa ime or _per. req_ 673 ~ WAITRESS Antique Prlm1t1Yt' ine $125 Homehte 10" S8S s:i99. l'a~h onl). t!lll dt•I pie Table v.11 , e~ve~ J S42·32«foriolerview N.o special lie reqd CostaMesa l.Sto2Shoursperweek. SEAMSTRF.SS tExpertl F time even1nl( Jelly Cabinet from PA PoulanZ7"$200 wkenu. l'suall\honll',i54iJ~ seats 10, 6 Ca ptains MacGregor Yachts. 1631 You are lht' winner of t'venmgs and pos~lbly lo work at home Cllll C waitress. mm 3 yrs din Xlnt cond &51 9049 Man rope 7S'Xl .. Sl~ j ~ chairs Make reasonable ~ Assemblt'rs We will Placenlta Costa Mt'Sa t~'O free ltcket.s 1$19 001 Saturday Expenenrein Azulay 542.3244 for 1n ner ex per Ref 5 re .__. IO 10 Toy~ Lnd er~ lire & &lfet. (rwtwood. ma pit' offer 83" exerut1~e desk • lra10 Apply 7 AM 1 --valuelDthe ad bu1ld1ng or pagt' 1 3 s N ...,.,_ .. u s hlS50 G "~·6569 fuusb 60 X 20 X 36 Sl4S with ~ return h1i;:h MacGregor Yachts. 1631 e.c:tro.lc TKll CIRCUS V AIGAS makeup desirablt' Ab1h I lt'rView qlllred App> pm 0 ••••••••••••••R•~••••• .:!!__ _. _ _IeR-Dining st't Fruit wood b<1ck leather t hair Placentia, Costa Mesa. Test. calibration. main Laguna Hills Mall ty to work rast and ac SICIETAJty ~~~Ilse~~~{ ~r!e;. AP~~~~E~VICE <;!~~~be:,: ~i:1c~~ra~.·~: red maple finish. 2 arm Make reasonablt' oHt'r tenance & repair ex per Feb. 9 -11 ruralely undt'r prt'ssurt' Mortgagt' Company in 1...atuna Be~r~ Wt' buy~ appliances alls Sl ea Nev.· Bidet chairs 4 side rhrs :n x $5 646 2931 An&CTIOH: i:s:_S4&-S344 CitySbopping Centt'r necnsal') Salar) de Newport Beach ha~ Wuellrecond .guar :ilh poli.sht'd brass hx "' 10 in lea\e\ $23~ 3pc sectional sofa re Ambitious boys and ENGINEER F~a~~e22 ~dba~ry e~.~:t•~:raen :tl;101~r oar;:~.~~tt~Z. I WAREHOUSE ~anres S-4910'77 I turt'S Ne"' polished 646-0ICn uphol hkc ne-.. .\l~o girls 1~13 years old. to IL."""----_._. 11 equal opportunity .. Lilts. eye for accuracy I WORICE.R h Surs Coldspot frostless brass towel bars & hx Freet.er SIOO 4 .rntique eas) chair must ~ell ··--'-one or two t'Yen an·.--To claim tickets. ca d "" R.ebef dmer Must ,I\ t' upnght rr~tt'r ~ h1to. t"-~-2272 I cha1r.1 S7S ea W1rkt'r m> 8S7 8412 """'" OrMtte -Lu.It 78 t 272 t'mployer Women an & Jtlent1on to detail lid Cal r D Lil H ft < ....... k d ings a week gettrng °""Q"I ~~!: m~t't! claimed m1nor1t1es art' en I Non smoker 'alary va 1 n\er<. · I.SJ cu rt. perl running S80 Board f't Lumber rourh m>~oa resst'r s· 'Ida, drk ~reen 11nnt newspapt'r subscrip Exper'tl Air udalily 82 rouragedtoapply I Sl.100 ''all Katie 497.mi rond, S27S or beM <>Her I' x.12·. 8'·12' length SlOO 64.>-overstuffed SIL~ Spec1ahst Im me 1ate by February 19 19 " ......A d ><« lions Transportation operung. S2S·JOK Costa • • •· Submit apphcat1ons at 64Q.93SO 640-5434 I Take all SllS Call Will Sofa 9. "'""" ('Of1 1hon 644 """" aod constant adult Mesaloc ------frootcouuter Metdweclii.e Mag.ic Cht'f Gas oven 645-Slll!l Country print. bro"'n Chandelher. s1211 End supervision provided AEROCOMPINC LEGAL ASSIST. ~Coast l~t ••••••••••••••••••••••• rangt' S200 bst & 17 r r C...rm& t.ones$1006447183 tables sso t•a Twin Call 3 to 5 ~PM · ask for 714 957 6596 _ Xlnl oppt'y for .take Piiot .-....... 1005 Kt'nmore refr1 g frzr llt 803 0 Loveseat w 2 cu~h1ons beds . S4S e:i Oe~1gner Andrea. 642·4321 , ext charge Legal Assistant l lo'f St. Newport each pro :::: ................ S225/bst Both xlnt rond , •• ~~••••••••••••• Sl 20 6' l'ourh wood kuig romfo 1 rt 1 i>r. ~hesets51~ 34.1 Escrow Home loan ex-Able to a..'ISU me a 11 fessl00.81 office desires 548 502S frame "' 3 rush1on~ $60 decor µ1 ow~ l • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!11!!!!!! I penence Part lime lo d 1 & Costa Mna. CA. vt'rsatile secretary with HIKONIS Ill 644 7700 start ~1hr &50 1201 respon indepen en? 11'!11!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~-· lint typing skills Salary WESTMINSTER 19 cu ft G F. refng, It . 3.S mm and 80 lens Xlnt 760-lrol with rorporate aw ,.,,.... ABBEY pmk, good cond SlSO. oond.$40084S·lSIO Girls bdrm set Bed w Girls l>rex1•lhc1rm se1 lO Auto Mechanic Wheel align Ill e mechanical Own tools 50% comm . HUN T AUTO CENTER. 1825 Laguna Cyn Rd La g Bch 494-3322, 833·~ A&ITO MECHANIC Expr'cl Must have own hand tools . Apply Newport Tirt' Center. JXX>E.CoastHwy,CdM. uanma Person Dt'eded to babysit 6tyr old girl 1 hr everyday, Moo·f'rt Will have to meet child after school at I :SSpm & kttp until approx 2 45pm MUST BE DEPEN DABLE MUST live within walking d1stanre to Stonecreek Elemen tary School, Wood bridge, Irvine. Please call $52 ·0461 after 5:~. Bankin& FITIMITaLEtl Exce1lent opportunity for experienced person In attractive Savinp & Loin. Immediate open Ing olfers varit'd duties. Call Linda 7S4· 1801 E.O.E Oran&e Coast Savings 1'100Adams, C.M ...,.ult .. Lie. required 4·day Wfflt, Wed-Sat Call, '4.Wl12 Beaity Posh Newport sa Ion seeb stylist. Pou. r~n t•I. Tele. 111m-6pm m.•. Be1ut1 Operator Ir Manicurist staUoN for 1e11e. F.V. location. $'10t•ll. Call Kath)' •1• evtt S4a-Ol88 b-MANICURIST. Aleo beauty oper. wtfollow Adams /Harbor (lllH• v .. area) 541-100$ a,at ClanlnJ. 8 lira pr wt •• pr hr. Fem. =-142-4713 Call BUSIOY• IOOll lllVJC& D!! ellllta for lltttl .................. lqllr. '"'· Oll&lilll JM! eT ,4CTT • ... Gfttra1 Offiu knowledge. I person PULSWIX v,...... ANTIQUE MALL 9&4·9833 ------hdbrd. mattres!I. end matl'hing p1ercs $500. non-smkg orfice in Work tt'mporary )Obs ?'0 29Y 117SJWestminsterAve COLDSal'\T DoCJl 8040 Ible. drssr w mirror a/1Spm84060!12 --- Newport Centt•r ckl6et.ohome !•------... -GARDENGROVE ""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• $500 080 6426173 aft GLASS TOP DINETTE 644-2644,_ days & nights VICKI HESTON .r...,.1.,.,. "'•Y/EXEC. Mo4·6103 froslfree 15 cu ft upright KE~HOND Pups AKC r.n. f'ull·hme. per ma nenl employment for am bilious person. 40 hr week, some nights & Sat Bookkeeping exp pre rt'm.>d Apply in person . ~~ls~A COSTA MESA __ GENERAL OFFICE Bookkeeping exp. hte typing, pit flex Call 9-1 m 641 0763 General IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ~g back into the 1ob martt't' •Ltte lndll$tnal •Mech Assemblers •Eltctronic Assemblers •Packing •Warehouse VICTOI Temporary ~rv1re $56-8520 Girl Friday for Develop· menl Firm. Must be self- s tarter & good with figures. ~nd Employ- ment history to 714 Adams Su ite 203 Hunt· in. Beach SECRETARY &ASSOCIATES ~ ,.,_ frttzer $210. Champs1re. MIF Pet & ~m h It S225. Cc)mplete Bedroom LEGAL 00 Personnel 1 Advert1smg _ 67s,.2400 sh 0 w p v l P 1 Y Peean DR sel. 4 c ri.. 1 ~. Mall box spnogs Laguna Hills Re cent ~·04 Dept has ope n•nl( per Spool Cabinet S500 I ed chma cab, cust tbl twn $80, full $90, Qn $130. Calif. probate ex PHC7I'OMODEL Allrac expansion N"'pl Bch AmerLoomS300IOBO RdngS100,WasherS9S. 2l3/lllHJ.45 art~ I pads. (.'Ompl $600 Bunks S200 . ALL pe.rience necessary. Ex-live needed ror full F'Lnanrtal sen1ce~ firm 964_4991 Dryt'r $85. all clean. COCl(E.R SPANIB. 642·l9l5.~&527 NE\' ER USED• ' cellenl typing & S /H figure modehng tn our Good typing. ~horthand ------~ ood S48·44BS 1 AKC pups. 2 black. have OldStuH & misc 770 O!kll skills req'd Call Mrs comm'I display ads No Strong exper req Non AMERICAN Sears 12 cu f\ upnght all shots SJ00 Or bsl ofr S800 for all Waterbed. Kini? Site, W 1 Winslow for appt, exper nee ~ndpholoto smokt'r Call 640-0123 PLAYER PIANO freeur, xlnt rond SlSO $5!·3.122· mow BalboaBhd Matching Ni 1otht Tbl. 83'7·lll60 PM Novelties. P () betwttn92. S800tOBO 964·499t 875-2144 •Poodl~ "R" P;ople • N....mnrtBeach Beaull(ul Solid Oak. Box 225S. Newport TWO OAK ANTIQUE I .,, --.. ..::-r MAIEAIUCK Beach , CA 92663 for DRESSERS.S12Sea Washers/dryers. ate TCups, Toy. $250 lo MOVING Must Sell' Oak Brand Ne ..... Sells or ,,. ST UT HEIE !(>£1 _ SE.Cn / ADMIM ~·S266 mode Is · SI O 0 u P t'iS() Pets Boarded & Br st 6 pc. ong S600. I SI 100 Sacri rice SSOO The Los .Angelt'S Times Ptr clerk typist, somt' Take charge person ror De I 1 "'er Y • II u a r Groomed_S46·~--Sac. ~ Pen Cft' tble Poker Tble fold able. is looking for well-bkkp'g helpful but not NB Advt'r Promotion COFfllTAILE Masterc~argt Visa. GSheppure brt'd pups w1wl unt, R1\•1era s(a bd I S7S 6.11 I~ -- groomed, enthus1ast1r ottesSaf)' Great work ( 1 rm T Y PI n g ~in~ 601.r118th Century G-2840K nis Parents from Gmny w/mtcbng sra & h sl. Sofa. f'lneCond 8' $225 people to earn up to ID atmospherf. NB Shorthand/Phones Sal. Oi~r Ship Hatch Cov New GE 24 cu rt rt'fng, Fmle 12 wks S250 $:l 12200 Sac, SllOO 545.3753 $40-S50perdayforarew H's 9 2 Call Jud y <IJ.l!ll642·~ _ _ erinlaidAbalont'shells s1debys1de,w 1cewatt'r 496-Ql62 dgls dn sl.SJSO Btn a-..&....- 1070 .. hours work as P time ou 1491 Have som«hing you want Ont' o( a kind Valued & ice maker 1n door --R 2S" Cir Cnsl T\' S195 ..... -..... , sales rep. Hours are -~--__, to sell! Classified ads do S 2 5 O 0 + S I 2 5 0 Paid 11460 sell S97S AKC Golden etnever I NO JUNK ALL MINT •••••••••••••··~:·••••• from 4pm.9pm & train Sell. things fut with Daily 71..,31-7660_ 955-22'72 9t05 pups. Champ Imes. CONDITION 966 5210 Huv} 14K 30 gold Pilot w t Ads it wt'll. 642-~. = · shots & wormed S19S -cham Paid S2000 Sell ing will be provided. an · 24 .. 15 .. LITTON ~7684 MUST SELi. complete $l(XXl ~ 2272 Your earnings a s a x ------- -rontents of home Anti Times sales rep. will be microwave oven. like GOLDEN RETRIEVER bg srreen TV all Emerald Jewelry. Buy based on a guaranteed new 190/080 646·7303 Fem .. 6 mos, AKC. S200. ~:~t'h,old items ·NB du't'Ctly from Importer. hourly wage of $3.50 + llUY APPLIANCES tolovmhghodmeM.84l7-n37t Sll-43~---~~o7~-~de Items.~. generous commissions. ~ Les 957.9133 2 Shep er a amu e Simmons hidubt'~. gd =-r d GMT 1 Since this is a new pro-( l ~ ) ) --W h pups 12 wks , de-~.1 1 . t s 150 Rolex SS/gol gram opportunities for . • Ref rig S2SO • as er· wormed all shots S25 '-'UllU, ye /gm pnn · master like new w /warr .. advancement are ex· 1 1 Dryer. Freezer. Dis 846-fB83 • 080.675-SlMevs/SaJ SL200 Dys 642 1387 ev 'cellent. Call now .for llNT hwasher SISO Ea, , MOVING MUSTSELL 6461030 rmre i.nformation about 646-5848 Golden Retnever & Blk Elaborate king s1ie - this great opportunity. Refrigerator. late model. Lab mix puppies, (6) waterbed ped est a I Beautirul Ladies Watc·h 5 Call Mon·Fri, 957·2361, v-clean,aulodefrost, ~~vail2·13 6425939 slyle, 12 ' drawers . Karats Diamonds so ·· ~·~ •Poodles "R" People• w/nurror. $42.S. 8' couch S3JSO 846~-. ext 1204 · IS5. 893-ll060 T·Cups. Toy. $250 to /queen sleeper. S32S For sale ~.ct diamond Refri 8 . frost r re e. SSSO Pets Boarded & 957-0089 ring, Si!.000 Call 646-6468 i Dal' P•111t ·····"''"' .......... :. { ,---~-~--.) ) lcemaker, like new, G du"__ aft 6 PM ~ -4415 roomr · ...... -..-Cornt'r eroup comp I --~rri::'!ator·Whirl~I. German Shep. pups. wltbl. S75 l.Jke new st'w .W.ary 1011 ~ Advertisilf Sies : i\':xper newspaper display salesperson-to ; handle key accounts for Orange Coast Daily : Pilot Salary, commiaslon and excellent ' beneflta. Growth opportunities for paaon : ~ with career ambitions. Send complete resume to Marji Fendel, PO Box 1580, Costa Jile:M CA Dal. No pbont' calls, please. An itquaJ Opportunity Employer ORANGE COAST DAtL Y 'PfLOT 330 *· IAY ST '.l~ COITA~~ ~· '2121 .,. ECIU.'l 11r"O'ITUNI' T lMP'W'l'Elt .: ·Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EcnincJs • Super Trffl' • Great Pr.fin CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT .... 842-4321 Side By Side. Harvest AKC. see parents, shots lfli n ch S60 S4ll 2St7 ••••••••••••••••• .. ··~ Gold. Ukt' New, pso complete for I yr w. all2. SOI . --vet's mtlflcate, AKC AllCOMPllS } llcydes IOJO papers at purchase. 127$ Modlttto. S. 1 hp Binks. lt0/220. with ....................... nqotiable. 979-1746 New mirrored cubes. ntw IWl & "°3H: will la· ~ 3·spd, excell. Golden Ret. Pups AKC. planters " tables clude2 hp. 3 ph. 2201~ ~. $16$. 1m Championship Titles e.zm rrotor. S250 or ~t otrt r. ~-8S2t e:Mill6l Sc.see "'-1 531-CZ Mam 3 apd SSO. Boys 10 10 .. 5 ..,_,orm ta marble cof· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~, epd sas l.ad1e1 Cen· ,.... .. ,. ~ '-table,8~dinrm aet ''Mootrewood T Saw. turian 10 spd S12S. Xlnt ....................... ·-f10 lO"Sean, R S.wJ! cond Daya 837 -3744 l.ov\lli companion, Judy, tnclUdiftl c ina cabinet, Ann Saw, SLSO. ao" Ot11.1 _ ,,;_ , 5 yr okS Cocker Spaniel sil~rw•~ ' Unenwart Tu, Hed1e Trimmer.~ --Sleve e-.9046 drawtn 2 match. end l»)'I Monaoose Bike $3$. d h tables <Utep table>. Ge· 100. mo Rally l01peed Mlxte '8$. Frtt to goo ome . nline Mapleroclter: 11 Mlu1l•1w HI ........ d. cond 790-Sbtphero croaa puppy, 3 coffee table • tnttan .................... .. """" . rro. Calt 76M05S ~ t t I d Bllte 18" boys or 1lrlt iltcl Pree· 8llt Lab Mill Pup. 3 le111: 11 o'ltra u e Uon akin, Sl.100 .. Zebra tralnlna wheel• .1lnt mo Old. Ve-Friendly. chair: 4 pc \ndoor, out· akin s.100. Sen or ttl~r tend . 157.2474 ...... _1 ... :;4PJI. door aectlonal: •ma II Nell 06aft»nd back blke •Int _.,,,v .. ..., <'Olton •rt• rup : tarce ' .t ond. JI UST SELL, IW•s• 1050 mi rror etc . CASH SACRIF 1275 Milt• ........................ ONLY!C'7~T1U . .,.. s.mnce! Kina Bed Wt MUST S&L BrM1 Hetdboarct. aoo MUST SB.L llah,acao1 double bed 080. ~Yet as U'1 YMa Jlla.1t'• Viral 'lritti iultrtH . Moon °'1llMr PS. lllllc fw,... ~,le~wlo BlcJdt ... aUrror Oft hfad fnimto to 10 fte.lat <a't1 (llcela.t Cond.) ...,.., llUY ........ .._ All 1:00 MOft·P\'I. •OIO ai:rm lft.t Le ., .. w ,_.OM ... NlMlw~••OM --........................ ... ........... Orange Coat DAILY P1LOT/Frtdty, FtbfUlrf a. 1982 1iia1 ° llB . t41••••• IOI "-10.-Iott ... ..._... t040 •lb. su,./ ._... HIO .._W.W tltO Mtos.-,orttd t.,a:uW ..,,,w . ~~~i1~:~~; ;;.~;·~;;·;;;·;:·:::;:. ~u .. ·.:;·0;~·~~i:~~· ·;~;·H··FO·······a·o··a··,·s··· .. ~! .......... !~!.~ ······················· ······················· ······················· ······················· ........... , ......... . -· H -1 out .. Cb1non 3$mm LR prl1bl. Xlat Tont WU W\11 Trldt MG for VW WI ... YOUI ... W '712 J.-f7JO W.cia••.. t74t •'9MI" and fla. Camera ll4S $4a·llM Nted• 1oma T1u1ln1. Skt.U.up&o10'Mlf\,Npt GOOOUSIDCAll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-•••• .. •••••••••••• wl~u.1: ~ -W20Z2 SlMlfl -II ana. Ma111land ac or? My1.hin1contldtffil . 1"Mottbc1H9t AMew....._.. 1'72MaCB»IS blela1 , .... 1 waltln& Slltrwood am/Cm tuner 40' ~'tl\S T1hltta11. hv• 8'13 Zl6A 4H-47JJ l•ff 1mthru 1• P..t Of y_. ~JU JIO . ..._. thlu, Beauty 1100 &.rper1co:r. • tr 911.t IOU aboard 1Up 1vall ('111. ~ 1 bl N ~ IMW'-rc .... 0 t.: cyl, yellow hardtop 4 d oor, • c d 1 n . SI.Ila llalrdr,tra and player rccor er HO ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• Ji.ldy or Harvry 841 UM~ • ~i!:·~:nn'~ r"'port ' Qlupf Low mllucr I brown 111 n Br c It fr --tit tbalrt mir MH114 Completfo Ski Set, ustd blwn •UM '6 PM "2 ~ f520 LftN C.U It Ume OWMC 114.000 AM/FM Powtt braltn. ~·~Yelandjlanu 4 chnlnJ rh.lln S'7~ 2 ~r : u:i0!°!'1~~1;: BOATSllOWSl't;l'IAI. ..___ u..--tOtO ....................... . t-4c!_~.~~!f!! 71' &44111:1 powtr stttr1nc. air con ·~ltllp,luampoo 110011 13$ 892 47U, & PolH SlSO Nordica Wtllm~ <.'u•l +$', -··-_,,. lt57T-ltrd r1;,';:.~-I '7V J11 XJSGT Z dr druonl.n1 lllc<ltZFZB > cau'::t::tor l21.3>•IMOI bootui&t!$"-M MO CallOllj> BltihOp&tS 001) ....................... All COllt'<.'lurs' #1 111 Or.,. c..-y VW f'_ f'_ loaded Eqwpnwnl Incl SADOlBACI IMW rl ... J()llNWAYNt:TENNIS saf719N 8 32' fish1n11 bo11t trawltir. nny STOR·GE C'onrourae l'OOdll1CJn 1 ~HuborBlvd 521-5333 1nrf, IUlO • r. P1W lll·2MO 4tJ..4t4f ~1-1.::P:.:o:S::.:..::Oc U..UBM~M BICRSJllP Kntaul Re111t<nslalom xlnt mMh.tnlc11I, 11ood UR " ll4n2) COSTA MESA ~ICOUMTY'S 20.000 mi, ytllowi blk '76 MBZ 30llD (dsl>. 4 dr. S 1 · Lltrnd~nt ~ 64230tl3 ~m 5kllS w/Tyroha rlrrtron1r,, O"ne1 Monthly boat & KV OM.Y !Jf·.15QO OLDfST S14•7so ~~ wkd)'b. llyellow,lmmac Jll.500 'afl.~1 So1:'ror .:.r Sliver um Coftrm1krr bindlnp & Scott poles, deeperat~Hkini S4000. 3lbrll~t for 1ny sin. 24 6'7~wkndJ MakeofferS44~-- Por lolo Call 13121 115 C&lder Lllho "Com SlOO S:& 9 men's boots & will talk C&ll 636 251) hr uc u rl t y. f r et WE PAY $ 1962 JAG 311 Mark JI . '71 MB 2llOD Diesel. xlnl l3Hlll Exl2Z39 po11lion " w rtr t carrier, SU 104 Vl11 ,78 27,,ft nAY'l"-'L',R h1unrhm1t & wn8 hina TOP DOLLAR ~?,n~oodSl,.,~01.iYONel'd' t'Olld,1nrf,p p 963 0926, • . -J1 Ulh~nlir1ly Sl9!1 c.oroova.673-4063 n "l•C prlYlltjlU . Newport "'«>"" .,.,., 7~0&U7. • ~VIES Stl 2739 ~G--...._ IOt"" "vktona" ~1> bnthce. Dunes. 1131 Back Bay FOR USED CARS Sales·Servlce-Leaamu ~ .s616 1975 2105 I ~'7 vvua "' Vfil'' radio, hnil lunk. I) N t e h "' ~nyour me.40chTV .,lLH ••••••••••••••••••••••• .•. hr· r ewpor eat·· AUHMAGHON IVt'CAR\IER ....._, 9732 -... h " uc•pt inder.<iutn1o:er ), 644~10 I w/.SOSEbody Loaded' conv ... ,m.... r movies 11 11 x13 11 ~so Mt'fl'~ Nordlca ~kl boot~. ~ 11mp gen , AM & ~'M H POK11AC/SUIAIU ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt Ptl' 833-0037 ••portaevenla. I pn ee 9646112 9 med. worn one ttme ltaCk!>tl"'<'OW1thtrail"r 2480H11rbor Rlvrl l{llS·RJICE ·&\ifW '74 JrnHn lle11lt·y lnatalled $59.9S& $99 9S sso 6.115«18673 1282 Call 646 2843 Will ~l'll COSTA MESA fl<Ow«lAlfrc>~aNTI' roadi.ter Divorce s11lt Must sell um JOO SD and 496·1111 Ftem·h Kl!>)t'~ nt>.irly ' h.ilunrt•oflo»n T,...ortatto. ltClllffMt..caGold S4f-4lOO 549 1457 -•,\0!11w16"0.,... dei.per11le Set' to JP l980300TD Xlnt t'ond --..-1-11-k-Sl...;o~le~Gorgeous thl' most delHt.ible SOlOFLEX ....................... lf57n..dtrttlrd • prl't' Cle1n Best uHer 7606285 ~.llvtr ror your Vulen seru.at1on your tvngue pS·nr'•l• Gym (or ......... I... ., !Aircraft 9110 11lree topi., rull 11<>wer. WEIUY '731MW ll61~1.493S2114 '78 300 CD Coupe ha:. ever e1q:lt'nl'nt·ed A Home S300 64S 029S "' LNYunt>r .iu«rt) ~11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wire wheeb ComplNely M 3.0CS COU'E '74 Jemen lli•nlt•\ $3000 Sunroof. Wire Wheeb • ~ Was Sl.000 Now Canlas) in rho~olate Skis f1scher Auslnan ~~l~~~I) ~,1100 o tt o ,artMr Wan~ rei;tored In Senior Cla)s Q.EA CARS 4 speed, be1ge1brown, OHO . Exlr;1Tank Sl7 7SO sa 7006 Order no" t;JI 7424 'A Gertst·h b1nd1n gb • 1 n 'l'WI, louded l)(' A I' Ill IL' d1Yl$1011 or tum A.MD TRUCK s PS, PB. alarm syslem 64.t lllllill 197 6494 :----' Natural ga; p.illO he.11er Nl''A Cond ~cm SSO S? ( la~~11· l'I 1 hri' 500 hr.. min Call Paul or llt'llllon Seri OU\ 10 AM F'M Blaupunkt t:x ....._.... 9738 bi z:.i SI. 1 Ownl'r 2 HMIHICW> S10 Lgemet.ilµ.illoum li6HT791 lrofl l'.n11rd) unie Jim 714 n 2 2266 or quinr-ool} ceUenlrondJt1on ~HIST ,__ ·membership S1S Rat' brella w 1abll' sso HM Xlnt wnd S11.oou \e1 213 629 S02I I SEE'lbc491BNQ1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOPI> AC: Ong Paint quetblll,sw1m,naut1lu' \.'1aCordma 673 4063 lY,Radio, Rtddlt' \'.srht !'hilt' 761-4519 ~.ctto HHANl>'lol-'t\> ~lra t'lt".in SlZ.9so 2lor.640-4200 Tom HIR.Stereo IOU NB orl.."Jllti75J217 IS'CcMtnanCOfto~ 1 I $12,995 l!llQ!ilfil1lr I-arm PP 494 6387 · J AYtfthro Soil Clb ••••••••••••••••••••••• 197 9 \ P 111 r 1 PMI S~2 7120 SADOl.UACI IMW S ~pd doth 1111 rad1.il 1 1 ~ 1911 MltsfS..toltlen! Mt<mbu~h111 Sl ~ll MARRIAGE ~Al.E Crua~t·r ~ 1-~lh ~.,1~11~ 31 O ur~. \\f FM,h·rt·u J1r 78450SL 4uruqueSpan Gallron~ 55982:13 Plonl·erstt'ret•'A turnta forn.Hll!Jl11111&(1,h1ni.t MoforiudlillH 9140 ClauJc'66 -HIGHIUYH I ·2 40 495.4949 andrmre'•wr1MS7!11 Mii 78 450SL (4 S"'a 6\.a 7111 Porl' REDE!.'OR,\ll"G l.1kl'I ble, luner .imp l'a'~ 2 \.Int runll $1H •11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••MG•* Top dollars ror Sporls '742002Tll ./ $7549 \1int l'ond S2s.oou gingeq1rs&vaM') lead ne"' Fore'I i.!rt•1•n i1nnl ~pk~. 2 ~land; & ,\udio KC72'42l''e' .. ~1111, '77Pl1CllMUPt-:L> Will Takt> Bl'i.I Offer can Bugs. l'ampt"r~ 97003J6pnvatepart\ Jl'S'I ONt: EXA"11't.l-I F.\ei.6732244 crystal, cinnabar Fr tinl'<I dry.; ood ud iela>) r;1b 5 mu uld t;uod l'ond S3250R0 Great Mtl'han11·.il Con !I • ud • ()!-" OL'R TR t:\1 E!\. 70 ~EL l'lo1>1>1t' Im naullcal, grand(alhn p.1 Sl"'Ki .71 ~""' r('L" ~ll'ST SJo:LL 5695 OHO i!(I, Wl•llu.ilt ·Ku Xlnl 5578393 d1llon All Ne"' Part' 14 1~.Ak(orlUS l'MC',H '791MW320f l>OLS SALE 1•f111·•.·s· mat cond dk oret-n u " 3~ """" "" 'AorthSI tKIO 641 lt>G-I Conlt JU hr, Slip .l\.til I •I ·1 h L' "' I d d '' " cloclt.s. paintings. ind1Jn I>..hw,hr good rund sso . · . . SI 1 !l~I WI u~:r; .it 11. r l!l'l'I HONDA EXP R f:Sl\ I n< C utr . t ~". r,lt· 1 JIM MARI MO ,() m1 Loa e Mu '' T II HO l' (i II ·1 II I S runs gd S7<MXI 497 S283 rugs, Plea )t.> rall Artdt>1·11he\1:li.>dm1rro1 Hl .\l!l 1·111t11r\ unl)l l 51'M 1n'll•S300 llelrnetS40 $175 Rerent 1unl'UI' I Vl"Ut1SW"'G....., wllPP SIO,SOOoHn WEf:K£Nl>''1 '8l 380SLC, 1~ory As 631·7393 Will sell ortrnrlr tbl I'd $1200 wll $4lHI lllOllth old under War !GI 7~9or 752 1323 (.';ill, Uay~, 499 3110 I. um'i"&>arhBl~d 494·67IS e' J _A 'urn-leJ"e (or? t03 176.5 ~~t,\.~.i .. '!;l~N22~111 IJkl• looh.ChartR~rt/ 9050 HI\ f:.'iPA SCOOT EH 497 ~2 ~;\l'b. 499 47 22 ln'NTINGTON HEAC.:11 ·74 BMW 2002 Exn•µt ,;;;>a-;:4 ""4 I 7~ o.1111 orli31 3320 'T · I A ~ • • .u--···· ... .,.. """"' " n " rond low m1 . air ronct, rop1ca quu ri um ~ MiKtn~ ••••••••••••••••••••••, • ~~K~:1·.Sl400 trHH> 1 l 842-2000 stereo Es perm II) 'Al•ll 191!!1~ I 'ff7 250SF. l'110\. rebll en~ lll>S old, 4S gal w ~land W.ted 8081 Mai:na\OX '1dl'o t•a,, I y "CHTI""~ .• 111626f. Jlle tiµm 1 .... 'f(,' TD flaplir. in maintained 495 5862 I I ~lilllil Whtie I.ilk top Askin~ Pwr gravel filler. hlr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• \111S rel·order. 1 OJ) 1>r11 " """ M l ~I 1 1 l '"" " " p WE MEED 2()jj ( !st SI I S:O,UCXIK30 13!'>7 nor lites. fully l'QWppt'll Wantrd Two 'SIOO" i:ramablt' $SOO ~ 9ti7J CONSULT AHTS I lllN'f . II II Jt'l'llnl'. ' Ill Mint C:ond111on rulh YOUR EXOTIC ·70 BMW 2800 blut' l'XI . C -1 . r•~ulihon $175 d F v 003 35311 I 79 4!'>1J SEL. likt· new, ost S325, SAC S95 Wt"Stern 11 a .... a11 M1l'ro Wll\t' 1' \' .tnll'll .( hJrtl·r 1'11 .. 1·r ~\ !' .. 111 49!114:~1 t'\lUJP!>t! & BRITISH CARS tan mter . pwr ~lt·ennJ:, San!a Ana ]14/953-4414 I IU,300 nu ll'a'e huy S48·0682 Lux Larke blUI' t•uupon~ nc1 100 hr~ or nl<l\ll'' 'A k '>;111 Brh h1.1 t%(1 I pwr bra"kes, A l' 4!.pd . slilcase &clolh1111( bug l'all .ifl !l.114t57!16 ty $159 fiJH >C7 24 Y11urh.111(111111.i ~lu/ ·~F'OROC:ABRIOLl':T 1 1 ~::r Am Fm Blaupunkl SJlt't'11J~t'lo\c tr.idr !!62Jt40 5491342 S rms old Co5l S4SO, ~t'll 9AM 9PM l'hartt•r !wr' 11" Sc " 91 SO Nt"t'd~ rl'slonng. x 'Int ~~fl stereo. Koni ~hlll·k~. xlnl of bll.'>llll'~~ 2 7 HI till 2311 ll!. JUl11 look~ & SIOO SCll-0682 sical 8083 Bt-:Al'TI Fl I. :.05 Ill \ loah, Sail 90 60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• c~llld ~ 675 317S M ('() n d S4 . 500 0 tt o l!llll I~ ;,i't/~.~60~~~~7tjjl SZ I u II l 6' 1C ~I a m00a r a~ "' •• ~."!~•••••••••• l'ol<>r T\' ).lie ~ , r \Hll •••••••••••••••• •• • •• .. 1980 HONDA 58 Au~lin lll'Jle) IOli ~WAS 191!!1~ l.raJ er t'al x Suwk1Mar..hall100Y.a11Cop) l\Sl41!f'l't'edt'll\t'n llufvur"inl("lll•hurftr HAWIC400 ~ 1006 Net•d' Lllth• ' 19781MW 11~~ it.\1F.RtEIH.!'>JllOI> 1.2Slra11blkeS484881 ''·•binel!>usrn"l'l'll•,tiun · 'J\'John,IHtiliHh Sti541l'all \nth lla.'O~l.\6.1•Mlm1lt·~& Work Hun~Llood'SIKUO JlllOWCoaslllw~ 630SCI DISCOUNT S8.tOlmi 'unrriof .. xtr.i •u " t l L" 11 N o .. h-l<Jnk 'en 1n· rel Orth Color Anal)'ler. Hei.i.lt'r Spkr Sl70UO lhul·k S:\t\1.1.STEIH:o 1' 11111 " I.II\£ '>;F\\ rirm Li i:t•rn .ewport ..... JC' Aulomat11· 'Ah11t• n•d SlllllJll~lltiffl brandoe'AS90'Aa)$1SO 111~11687 \\I ~\I F\••·111111 l..iwr • llt.7:! .-1111 1111 •fl;!3i l Y..i, ~l'l\15 ~U3IZli73KJlll 642!14I~ lt>alher allupllo11~ Ex I HEADOUARTERS C.llM2·5381 .. 11111 111..L't m ;i111111 rnu.'t ~di :'\UY. lur t't>llt>nl rnndllwn 1.o'A l.F\~:oH HL' 11 380SL llack flectnc Dryer 110 Volt' T~Yamaha ~ .'>Sllllll'.l M;J111111!ll ONLY SI 395 4~Drins 9550 WANTED! rrules A Mt.:ST CAH 5 ~ $7511 mr1 S750 dell\ers Washing Machine W.i1>h Student Good l'ond 411 l,Ju.i 111, !'>.i ti bu.i 1 BAUER MOTORS ;;•;.h::,·»~x;·;;;,:~·r:d~· Latt• model To~ot.1' .snd '>('r0038l A~A '.ti.A s:li 10 1 total p.s) ments Bas111 w1Cabinet, Eler USO 644 I096 loah,& Mari1te Tirr..-"hJlt 11 1" t!.111 •.cs llJrhor 61\d IJkg Shortbrd Au~ ful'I ~~1!~v"·~· l a 11 u ~ SA.Dll.EIACI IMW mazDa~ ~ Ill m11 do,t•d lt<ase tnc Water llealer All Offic•Ftl~ & I •pmut \1 11 Y. $1111111 1111"' 11 ll>.\I \ :\IESA t.snk loiided "' "(Ira' lll-2040 495.4949 ':"..:.. wo9o wort fine. S20 E.ich Lri:' Ecpi..-..t 8085 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GiJ ~>4~ 979 2500 dbl roll bar i:nll i:u;inl -l;t·nt·ra1 \utu Lt'i!Sinl! Sl~g Glass Door SJS •••••••••••••••••••••••jGeMnil 9010 l'omµ.·11111111 ,;IH1I .:. '"l l'llllllun~al'R.1511 dbl 2 rt'Jr bumpt'f ~••••••••••••!?.2.~ 2031( Isl SI n734311 Misc Garage Being de 200 llM ····~······· ••••••••••• SJtl' Si•u l1t·,1r11f1•1 i ,co•I t'11nd111un S:t'\11 ru~tom paint snoo TOYOTA-YOlYO San!a Ana 114/953 u14 MG 9742 ~~;,~e~03 311111 Hi\l'r TY,EWRITERS. ~!'Ct.\11".1~1~,r~·~ s\1!';' •..Ill m . \hN 'M·ll tilh 11~111 1il4 1~3 X51il H I JOpm IU6 ....._II•& GIAHJ DATSUN "!At ••••••••••••••••••••••• --Ml to S600 \ alul' """' ~T11,,,111. 1· \I t;~h ~7~.! \\J11lt~l .!... Iii .1 tllM1,11 -.1111~1 :~1 1hrt i\ ,1tt•t·I \If C••1•"4u• CLDDANCE SALE Steam Clean & Burll'r S2Ql 95 + la\ & 'er' ll'P ..__.._ . \\11111.uh' '"IUlll 111 Ir..: I h1k1 " hl•lrm· t. s~;.11 .liS Oodi:t• P'Ar Wi:n I~~ "-•o t 101 .. H O·t4'7 l.M a~ ATT&fTIOM M1chme~t~ $13()0 I A .. k a b" u l \\ (\rd ...,_., ~oilttettanc~/ ltr " ll.1 \II ·"' •• l tll l!r .ul 1..l I ~r.1 Rl·l·ent Urk & Or rm r IVlll:mll~ MG White Levelor:. nnnl 1213 1702tlliitl ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~1•r.111J 1980H0HDA 'llet.'<blr.. $21MMI 55!1ll21i Op 0 3f TON~F:Al'CO\'Elt l'rot·l.">l>or~ "Serv1c~ C1020 111,.111iuu'"" "''''" '" <h1·rhl 'Ir"' 1·lut1h T O II .. WE'VE OWNERS used76"x88" $40 I M :inn.-Elntnrian " · ·., · · Fits MG'~. 71 '81 644 7810 <t f1re (11m1turt· lor 'al1· I l~ii:n in,tall n·~rair :-..thcol 1.1ul 11111rl \.11 O~r Mt.st Tnacks 9560 Paid MOVED!·.,,..·• l~k~. t ha~r,, 1·unf t.i ~ual work ~9 25~0 \l1•t11r 11.11 , 11 .iclrllr S~ll How! ....................... !lle,·er used. S75 9xl8 Coleman patio ble. l'll' Sonw ne\f•r 1 Sr75!16:15:.?n Oni17.4l)(lmilt•' ·72 ford 1"250 <'umpt•r JOHFoMrSY0uuMr(,·a 5 r•0 M _ STWIY&YMM .. Mana1l.1JTI97 lvemsg enclosure SSUll Ilk() IL,Cd ns 7!'>111 Boak, Marin~ . ~.\n•llent 'h·'I"' Spe1·1al h\)" tit) "0011 ~OUTYI Syrs old you rt>muv1· llwd <ie)Mni·r \!di :120 I EqYPf"'nt 9030 Bot!,~•P'/ 9070 l'.tll~S.4mJafll•plll rJC'k. iert trurk fur rn11 Unc•Merc:u'J ~·~~~~~~~~'d m '!ll MGBCQn\'t'rt.New Fr ~~7 n•t·enll\ re1·111111 '''" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mu,.tSrll locla\ lrarlor Clt•Jn S2SOll 2626 Harbor Hlw1 f~~ End & Brks. Clutrh. Antiq ue WAGON"' iron ruhbt'r s:1so %11 'dll l·\Hm Hedl'rl''l & :! llP 1••••••••••• .. •••:•••••• KlltondJCBI:!:. aonmi. 642i6..ll 1 Cosla Mesa S4056JO 714/540·6410 rou• Runb G11od . $2100 wheels & hay RAKE r I' F.' 1 n r u d t' 0111 1111 ,...wport Manna nn·llent 1·11ni1 S625 ·11 l'hP\' 1 2T \'II .., 1lh "'410" ~ 2560 $1000 71484861!1-1Exet·u11't'll1ghbat·k :;~~llst'llwpar.itl'lv llJ..,.knY1nlhC.lt.11~:t1 l\~7161h 'hell Sl:ioo 'Willtrade MGfor\'Wor ~~G·~.:~·~MGI 9744 Wet.slits, turntable. :.ur hro"'n ''°'I 1;unl111kt" ' H ~lip l'p 111 .th 1111Sl'Zl'l\I GS5SUL Call641663S <:otxlRunninl(Car -,_.,,_=;.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• (boards . M X l(l'ar Oesk l'ha1r Oni: 1nt>r Diesel l:'ngine 4 "'1 51> Watt•r Pll'-'"r 111 l.1d11 101\m1le~Sli!'>il 66 Che'> p1d.up " 499.4722 '78 MGB ron\. Stereo bicycles, tennis rackt'ls S41JO Like nt''A S20o hp Pathfinder S350Ct S2S() 673 27)6 !16J 1Ji94 rampt-r shell nl'l'd~ I Ill\ loll.II II CtlU lllU 1411™ ras~ lo"' mileage. mint 6'>8618 213 592 lS73 &42-Sl75 641 6635 67 ~hp ""e"' 1111r1 111 h I"""'' 1.,. , 'Z "' or k S 9 ll 0 0 B II mnl $4600 \1u~t See Ca 11 n. ~..1 !I' S 11' '< """ "'1 ""' .,.,,1 Aut W t d ,·79 RX 7 GS ~nrf ~'I'd cm.,.,., Lov "°°" IBM l)pe\lonll'r 'Allh 19" ..,,vorn.·u .... usl e e'A pmatl'boalonl\ Xl.:\'TCO"I(') $ljOll ,..,_...,. OS an e alum 'Ahb brl! ~upN ~ ........ ela i rarr1afle S24S SC Banenl 2Z Wmrh $lSO 642464~ Call6421J917 Blk ~Ched.u,•h4 CASHf'AID! t I r S<O f'Cllltwa 9747 Helium Bouquet\ -·nuul n..1r1~b10 :.,,h Ass.orted Blo.rk~ 2082 n.. ("--~ (I)\" nu111r ···nu .•11'-0Rr1d u•11,, u.. --" IJ).llM ~ ereo f t'an I I Del d G I ( ,,_ .. r ~ ' ft \t Pl ( M rn ,...... ' ~ ...., " .. , ft.. nunrung or not sso lo ·-M-·-··---1147 iZ71 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Val~:~. 673~~~9 or 1·aseD1 ~ 1305 : Iers Jt'e I uig. choicr lor l p 111 s:i '71 HOHDA Cl 175 7511·:.>47 e" 8S7 4275 S75 to ~ Open Sun I iu-.......a.: 9739 PANTERA •.&. 8087 79 Honda Outboard 5420631.633i7511 IJkt•n.-... tUIUOm1 iJCht'' -1\\() Pl rt>blt d.ir-~'rrt·tov.•ni: ·~.,...,., Id J ,_.,.vn ~3 1 Red rampi JoM w-e r~ rrvtnr long !>hall 7•,hp . 540 5221 IJ91 3300 "C.OUL., ~0 air 4 '~11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • -1·· ·······················' $50ll 968 i559or 752 1323 Newport 8ei11·h bl•JI '"P 427 en!( but k1•1' trlt lle'A paint ne'A dull h I on &HGE "heel~. po'A-er antenna T...nClub l'arrnl ht•JUI d11ul1le for:.> ~I mn ii llarlt•) l>J\ltl"111 rrui;e ~6:.'fil BUY 'E l62(XI Fm.inuni: J\Jll 9'A & \lolndo"~ AM F'M Family Member~h1p or )l.'llO'Ahe.it1 \Ill( laml' 2 \\'on Rrdshanks 12 6 673 70flh l>r1 ... ~t·r 12m <T $.1000 fi2 Ft1rt111~1 M 64S-Z715 COUNTY'S ~lrreo tape, lo miles (er 644-1190 "' ra~t· & pl.1\ IJt'll \1 u'I mtr mriunt~. odr~ ,1111 Sip. Sa1IOOJI\ 26 JI, t•h·1 I 00 h(lfll, 1m-. Qni; r11111fit111n SElL 'EM 111 R2111 lfkhbk 5Spd I EXCLUSIVE an trl97 2i4 G51S Soowskis Vokol 180. Look MOii S.S5ill 673 3600 S700& SOOO 646 3631 & watl'r on dOl'klrel' 72 \111lo~u111 r ldm Jdn 642 299S TRADE 'EM 511\ m1 Great ShJ~" MAS ERA Tl ,onclt. 9750 bindings, Sroll pol11,, Seneg;il l'orr<tt .tnil U:ll!t' Trade your old )IUfr rorl Prk l(enl)lhm,:' 1q 8SOcr 180001111 Xrnnd i !I T II\ 0 I a I' I 'RESALE SALES' S2995 F.\t'S & Wknd ~ or."'LERSHIP'. • •••••••••••••••••••••• S 8 s 8 9 2 4 7 6 1 . 13 rm old $75 \ftN ,; nl·w good1 t') "'1 lh .a l'laM Best 10 '"'J•l S121Xl H91 4311 t•\t 516 . 1 1 1&..o,tom.i~td w -shtll. 1 ur I 443 W Ba>. C M fr61 ~ 1;A '70 !114. white rlean. gd (213)5988408 S41188611 <..11ASS1f1eddd 64lS..ill 6738711 '111111'\I 1 HI 1\7.140 5.9\Jfl mill'' .i kind must ser 471K)O Acros~rrom Wi!ll deh\er Jny'Aht·rt· rood S329S or bsl oHer 1 I Sl.3011 213 571 IH4 rru S41XXJ 54824SI IUlbmsFordpartsdept 79210 Air mlhe"orld'St'l'u~.11 ~7431 Allto1, H•w 9100 Avtos, Mew 9800 Autos. Mew 9100j4¥tos, Mtw 9800 \1 F1m 642 !1842S&S1 I · 64S 29&3 $3500 BEACH IMPORTS •••• • •••••• ••••••••••• • • • • ••• • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • ••• • • ••• • • • • • •••••••••• •••• • • • ••• • • • • • •• • • • • • • I ·;•; \ R 7!l I 910 CHEVY I 546 1624 848 Do\·e Slrcrl. N R 79 921 li<IOlll'ONlll'l IO'< i11 TOM p /U ~ ... 1~•••••••11 ·1a6u10Dan1usunbks~21111r1 ~!d rl I"''" lla7r~~·rOl~lo,do ~~r~1d . II k e ne"' RED ! SUBARU .. · · .i;,fn~1 ,rJ ~~l VD (;M<DE:.N GROVE -- ,. . FREE CMDIT IVALUATIOM (714)H4.0IOO Our Cr8dll $oecllll1t1 Clll lltlp you trrtl\Ot ll11111ClllQ S.~1 1!15 90~H .\ T. .11 r . f u II ""'A t• r . .. .... -"~ """ I}\/ ) r M po'At•r ,tt"t'nnl( ll<l'Al'r _...Romto 9705 ownr $19000R0631 1232 631•7170 LeaH or luy/Make Motor Homrs, Sale/ lirake:.. ra~,l'lll'. Maj!~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 79 DaL·;un 280ZX l ; ~ offer Rtnt/Stor~ 9160 llntl'<l i:la~' h1•1W75593 1978 GL Prkg Bl:1rk C:ol1I MerudH len~ 9740 (;t·ncral Auto Le:.ism)! ••••••••••••••••••••••• $5995 WA ROMEO Fiest orrrr IH''A 1111'' ••••••••••••••••••••••• fi73 4311 \~,\:-.Tl-.1> F1)1 c \lotoi O.R. HAAN 2000 SPIDER ~<X!55 t •Ml, prettr a IR_... 97SS ll11rr•· S.•nr 111f11 lo \ I llWd M ~ -l';mluc l'I 7011 ~ loohhi <!(12\1 r bt Sl . S \ SI \t•r blark t'Xl'l'llenl Ftfrari 97231 •rce ••••••••••••••••••••••• t l<1.1h Id m4112 541·4471 rond1t111n h 1•ril061Wl •••••••••••••••••••••••1 toan.w RE!l/At:LT C'r\LL TODAY '" ·72 Ferran Dino. 246C;T anythiftcJ .ts~? Off EH ;!) l ha\\!\ m11u111 ,, II VGM 9570 SA.DDLEIACI IMW 12.300 nll $23,800 or I O>mpare lloUM' or Im I ~to SI 000 Fl.Ill\ wlr n111t rool a1 r ••••••••••••• ••• • ••• •• • 83 20 O d i .ih.ur li5000on)! mi \1 fl\lng Sarn(ll"l'' .70 1 I· 4 495-4949 Ira e I HiS 81101 1 port.,D1re1"llea't'JndfW C HREIATE I t I S481"1 r Ford \':in Good t:onrl ....... .... 9709 00·4243 I fm) ~elll>lhlr pi mh 0 :0-: ALL NEW ( n '"""' irm Mak ()(( '"" 0473 'f 78 GTS D I a I 2 I J n r RENAL'LT 18 l's Trailers T 1 91 70 76 W1ndo"' Dodge \an 59 1\ustlll llealt') 6<.'~ I 4 Conrours Winner l.'..ea'e or 714 637 2333 11usorrer ends soon 549:.lii55i4~ · t' er....., ~··•••••••••••••••••••• Red/T°"l 714MERCEOES1,213 , • rGYf to miles. ~d paint 64S Spd Need\ He~lonn~ or bu,y t IAZll.111 ACT TODA y '' •••••••••••• •••••••• • • • W 17th S u cu 2244 S6SO 963 527:? General A l l s 23 TrJ1ler on the be al h in • 1· ·" ""'J u 0 .ea. ing E EnsenJda 'Allh 2ox10 13 ford JOO Van l'on IMW 97121 673·4~11 1974MHCE:DES NEWL CAR adrl111un ~000 S2ll 2179 \'t'rsllln Pd $96Clll SAl' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fiat 9725 IEHZ 450SEL Lht.~ 81 ~~'with sun ~JI /\ 1 . 1 S4SOO. SJ.000 orig m1 •••••••••••••••••••••••i Diamond rund111on I,.,,· i~rr1''."' .,,w,~,Srnk rerni: tJJ>('dt'rk & 1979ff&f Bamboo le.ither & roof.AM FM stereoand "'' n11e"' 1 1.111 .... "" ~00!!2 • "' 'll'rt'O IKl428 1 mo re 'I k 4 S ~ 1111<1 H.~i~.liH\t'~ 'ii G:.t c: \ .indura I Bl sr•DER 1' Sll,995 Serl61.348 Auto ~nice, Parh iwtutel 110 rust t•arpel ue wit 1 Ian in1er111r JIM SLEMOMS ORANGE COAST & Acc~uories 9400 .-i.cw on rebu1ll. S14.llOO CREVIER BMW ~.OOO LOW miles. "'.ire IMPORTS AMC/ JHf' I '••••••••••••••••••••••• Calltxwn78PM ONl.'t' wheels. AM FM IJOIQua1ISt REHAULT 631 W760 1\e &c~·az cassette & luggage rark N~WPORT BEACll 2S24 Harbor Blvd A.TT&ITIOM -S7.000rbt'sl oHer Call S49 ~ 64S mo Autos W.t.d 9590 IMW's Are •re! Dave al 6.17 1378 alter 6 - MG ••••••••••••••••••••••• A few rema1n1111t '81 J!:_m. urn MERCEDF.S Rf:Nz lolsRoyc• 9756 OWMRS Models & Demo1> are 220 D Automatir ••••••••••••••••••••••• TONNF.AUCOVER WflUY still available! We • • • 1 lransmlss1on and a ir Fits MG's, ·71 'Ill USED CARS & TRUCKS specialize in Europun I(•""• th V t a w i'Olldttiomng Thi~ ont' is Ncvl'r used. s7s COME IN OR dehvery and rlawltss IO Costa M•sa JUSl hke new 1215999) Mana6317797 lvemsi: CALLFOR prt>ownedBMW's • S599S Jim Ma rino fUi A,,RAISAL Where Customer Costa M•sa Vaks111agen.1142 2000 Cormier De Lillo Service Comes 1st ' You are the winner o( UTf IODY WORIC & CHEVROLET Sales Serv1ce·Lea5111g two free llckels 1s19 001 :-.r-:1.1 11111• 11 .. m, .... 11 h .1 pa1ntuptoSO', ollyour lS2llBEACllBLVD ~W lsl.SanlaAna valuetolhe ll.111\ 1'11111t1.t ,1(11•11 bot1~,h11pes1 5369832 HtrNTINGTONREACll 171418353171 CIRCUSVAlGAS \ti VW 'QI or lalrr VW trans 847 .. 017 or Closed Sunday Laguna Hills Mall axil' C.:\' JOmt.s & axles 549 3331 Feb 9 II 12 \Oil generator & --• OlyShoppingCenter shroud '66 Karmann Premium pnces Oranl(e Ghia trunk & t'ng1ne paid for any used car Feb 19 22 lids rear glass & 1fore1gnordomestit'I To claim llckets. call gauges 1300 eng case, lllgoodcond1l1on 642·S678, ext 272 rod' & heads 12) UiOO Stt Us First r Tickets musl be C'la1med heads. ne~ valves 27 It 2 by February 19. 1982 gal gas lank. approved MOOILS __ •_•_• type 644-6591 Hal 16 F'ial Wgn 128 All rbll 318 cu·· CHRYSLER HOW! Runs on Reg Sl800 engine. low m1 leagt, Chell •tr 1 .. , OBO IMll·27_06__ _ complete $4~0 Leave 1tlHHM .. o MO• 'fl BtaYa, 2 litre fuel UIJ, MessageMs-1839 11 4 9 UAL ITT warty, U,500 ml. Xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE TO HEADERS AND ADVERT£SERS The price or ttems advertised by vehlde dealtrs In tilt vehicle ! rlaultl ed advertising 1 columns dots not In· 1 elude any applicable Lu ' u~. trtnsfcr 1 t , finance CbtrN, r. lor aJr poUutlon C'Ofl· trol device certlllc1U01U or ltfaJu documentary preparatlon chartt• llD· 1111 otbenriM apedfied bf U. ldYtrtiMr. .!888 lla1ho1 lil\d l'u~t .1 \lt•,,1 ~40 0.1.IO \ltlen you 1·:111 l'hts~H1ed lo plure an ad. you 'rr us ~ured o( 11 (ri c• nd Iv wclrome and help In wordma your ad ror bc~t rrsponse Call No w! &aS678 To Place yollf "Fast Re111lt" Se"lct Directory ad ... Call Now 641-1671 MHI ' I I • 0 W M I 0 cond. mlO 752·2789 Ev AUTOMOIUS • wt1 54.5-4612 " ..., .. .,...... 'fl Fiat Spyder BSO, new •1 U " radials, good uphol, cass Ctl•COftltlit d tc k , f air c ond TODAY! JID/belofr. 7$4-9843 SAW • savtc1 .._. 9727 ...... ~ ...................... . S ... DDLa ... CK 1m HONDA cvcc A A A low mtltaff hltChback I IMW with •P•td J14a ......-trwmlsalCll>. Vtr, prtl· ._,. ty and euper clun. PIWT. <t8.IXM$). alt$ Jim iaMOMWllO Aytty Pllwy on 1•5 Marino Volluwaaen, 131·1MO 495-&tt = dr Accord, 11U1· OOMd Sundtyl roa1..:;::.-:iatt, btlow low • 1~ .. •t DEALER IN U.S.A. IUY'CARVER IODIOCE ~ JAA«IOll llO ~{!Ml<> ~ • .., ... '"°"'1~ CIOSfO WNOAYS ' ----~-----°""'°' COlllt OM.Y fltt.OT/frtdly, FtbrUlf'Y 51 1112 ~_........ . ~..... .......,.... ~ . .... ... i;'M. e ....... Mfl .. IUIUIN N llllMHH_H_. 9"M1eee~1Mi .... IJ F FIH llff .... H" .............. .!?... ~ •• .,. ........ ?!! ...... !!!:!. ..... -... .! .... ~ ............. !!.'.~ .................. !!.'.' ............... .!!~~ ?.? ... ~ ........ !!.~~. •11 YW lift 6 rtPt ltlt VW 1 1 -..lt. A II ¥Gl.¥0llALll '71 IJritra loacttd to 'n!JdDINarrita .,, IXCC*D 'fl CaU111 Suprtmt ... '71 left door. lit ~ I Met wt" 4 lNOltANOECOUNTYI mllttlti iew ltrakt1 AblolvttlJ M111tlf11I, T·TOP/IMJC 81f• ~ C,., blk, loldH • lid\. Wll&tnl alylt •Ill =tniil....._ aad _ .Stlrll.tTIOO F\rtmlat, f1wo Int., •AU.0"10HI• ,... ....au _ rtJm r« a&ptr 11.0. e...ae.TMaont Wll.•Ytel m.ma.•J!! •8111.rU, mllll Ht. WHl'W/TANINT .... ttl7 te. !Ml-ITit I 1 v. r '1 • ll • r p I ... ~ ~ .. llectra Sood COQd l Slcftftre p.500...... ,, -T_l4· l • -.............. . • VW CGOvertible. A <~>. sms. Jim OVERSWl>mY~.RY •ow••teoaeelden\a ,. amu.. io.dtd, 1lllt .._. ffH YlftltoHatdt~. W11 ~ dtluat R1bblt lhriao Volbwa1tn. !XP!RTS -.mlfait ' coed. lo ml -· PP, .....,;.. ........ ••••••• la wrttt. Body ud c:m\ltltlblt wltll I speed I080. 'llMek !ltd lll.a114/!!MD) , ii DMt a,.t NO auto. h'w 4a11111t. All elte e tna1ml11lon. 8ra1ll tm VW C.uertl~le. uaua MPwr .,J:.· '.'7t ltvlllt XlJlt road ~ burktta/mal., 1111 <*·YI. (ff,OOOori1ml). • t•MODll.I lrJHt. (lllZYV). ~a11itt River 1Uut YOUO • NS:tii at.ao,IOOsuvtr toe.I ~ltt.......,, .,. ~ • radiator, KUINOWlll t•tts Jim JhrilO :r: ...... C'Mvtrtl· •HltborBltd; t1r.ID·70N ' ., .. puap. v~ wbll 6 • , W..a.rvlet·IA .. lll I Ml·ao. b '..:tHL I! .. • t d COS't'Alll:SA ~ fflf ,..;..;...;...;;, fflJ ....................... ar.. DO lft &IUI. S..._ACI 't7 BIJa rebuilt 1'35CC lrtlll-•-very ttttllOJ 1~t,.t7 •••-•••• .. ••••••• .. • _, •n IANC::Hl90 new ldhrtor 1ood. Red1 • SUIAIU KVB ahoeu tt ' •twi>. (OUIU>. '9t5. ~ -~ '!__ COMTNLAn... ........ , ....... , ...... u,.. 1boek1 si700080 ••all. A areat dtal for .., Sq ~ k ntw re~. J 1 m 11 1 r 1 n 0 '7• IM-E, SztOO ,. ur Cemaro. All/fM ; · · maetiuie or perts 11le1 e IEW · 1911 IU.J040 .. , ... ,., CUilom l~i '!'~1im V.dkaw11tn,M2·2000. orbetlolfer w cpcr • r•. AC, Xlnt Cood. ... .... Mull .. u all toattber: T.,. '761 atmo, r= tranapo. 14 Super Beetle Bua. •tOIO fo~ ~r: b=I~:.:·:~ fGD0.&41-2708 '71 Tonao, New Urn Is t'JOO make ofr. Cell • .......... ~ ............ lluataeU OBOCall aunroof/Cllltom Inter/ ........ UM4 INlve•prot•ilonil. Cllllluolet ttJO C".J::1 eond. SHOO •iM4atl7:10em. • • 'll Toyota eeura ST u -a1-1011 nupaintPS0.545-3413 --. =s.ct._ ........ ••••••••••••••• -'74PlNTOWAGON. CLOSE OUT • celleat coad, 1 owner. 11'71 vw Bua A dynamite 1119 vw Bua 4 ipd air ~· .. ••u•••9•90•••1• I tll *....,MW 't I 'n ll1vertck 4 dr, leyl. 4 speed, alJ!r 1ood rood.. • • .151-14'4 7 · 1... rf AM irM • ' -ca..r.s;;:"'~ ftdOtY 1lr/1uto low ml, Wdmted. ,000. • pullfftltrw ""41peed sun • uu. ....................... C1•1ca ..,_.,. 1181t"N/wknd5a.a12 Jeff 1318 • i '11 IOR.enatne Toyota lnn1mlulon A11te Looks• f'\1111 like new. JDr I -' .. • 11SOO.C.Ue1blackburket brown/beiae orl1ln1l. '90)/bltolr.54MO».lv WUllt*MGforT M.wlllteclt Alrcaad..pwr.•letrlnl 'nGllANTORlNO 1173 Pinto, 4 apd.J. Id ·LEFT ¥1 . SI ..um.•m1spm. Sharp! (040582). $5895. m1a. 4"-4JJJ h ~ ltbnlla Ultwbeel ttc 4drWoa.StOOOfirm. mtltqe .•. C11l~ve • ~ 'Tl Corol I 1 . AT, ~~ M a r I n o io vw 9u1. Rblt ens " (Q IU ). ' &n.OIJhl\.Z:IOpm. ~21t'Aalkr 8 • wknda. • ~ wleal, "50/bat ol· &en, 142-2000. ~rand. Ori1. owner. .....~ ft 10 L M .. cw, SllH • ralcon V ... Auto. It . • •••• ••• •• ••• •• • .... • ••••• • f•.st.Sal4 iaaia.re1>1t,newp1lnt, ~.951-3727.Priear. -2u<XH1.ot""llM' HOWAIDCltt•rolet nn.$115DOBO~. "1S Pinto Station W11oa e 14 Toyota eeura. S.pd, lat.• rldiala. Flawleu. "II vw Bua, 1 pus, very ....................... CtN.•Mt--.• 540 CltOO Dove/Quall Sta. AIU:OOPM Gel. m11ase. very dean e Subtract rebates Indicated from 1m/(m, re1. 111. 1 p,450.•l-31112. ~ cood. Air rond. BAU ER NEWPORT BEACH 7J Ford LTD Wa100 ll500.m.1174 • these ~rices. a further pnce reduc-e ;; ~~.i. S 15 ~o . .., vw Rabbit Diesel! el Injection. IOM ?t"9etwoed HJ.OIH ~~~~· 1ood ..,.. tHO tionl ake as cash or use as part • •," ........ :546-27..... l>yaamiterustom2door $5,000. (213) SM-7W, Q&IUIUUU ........... ••••••••••••.payment! 11 Toyota Celka Supra w I l h 4 ape e d m..Deat487 Brou1bam . Extra SEEUSFflST! '77 T·Blrd. wht, 1Jl op· •PVRYDIXlntbody' • laded, eacellent cond. lnnlmlulon, roof rick, '74 Super Beetle. Excel 0 DES lhl.rp! Muat Hcriflce. Wehavea1oochelecUon doal Int. lthr ' moon imerior. NII peat~ ••••••••••••••~••••••••••• Priee•.ooo. and k>w miles. Sh11'1)! CCJnd. 4 spd. 1 owner. Best offer over •.ooo. of NEW Ir USED roof, like nu, m111t aell. obolCZ-5'77 • • •Clfld New 81 ChtYJ • 1151-1464 (3041.SM >. S5H5. Jim 44,000ml.$3500,495-5862 71U«)..T .. ~:'!::~Tpm Olevrolet.t! /OBO.ISl-9522 ltll PLYMOUTH 2 Dr ,.L.-. aM... HafcL.L....;. kl• 11 Toyota Celica ST Ex· Manno Volltsw11en, 'SS Squ1reb1ck , new ~-~ lf7llOID l&IAMTCPL • • • ~Y'Pnr IWIVC • rellent cond. Am /FM llG-ICIOO. paint, new brakes, reblt IT S8.IC110M llAMADA ..... AT, lir, power lteerin&. • ~r b::!i ~·t -=~ 55898 • llereo,l~~S7300 Mii&£16rorW . p:a,~~~5e?. volt. ~11~:~: ~d~r11ici0i~ ~il~n.tts~'"s~E~ C,'w~1e:o:e~~~~:~ e ~~ ..._cw, • T...... '767 4"-4722..... Must Sell. '74 Super Bee· Southern California! M UC H M O R E eel flau. white, SUPER • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... Ue:Rblteng.SeetoAP· AGAIN' MAIBS EQUIPMENT AND A a.EAN.sslir203110112i. ea-...1New'll CL-Ir. • 'T1 TR·7 lir. new brakes Ji'T7 VW Bus. A dyn1mite preclate$2500. 840-9112 CADILLAC 10 Citation. $3950. Silver GREAT PRICE!! 1 ! lie. • f1ll1U ._..,. •.tires. atereo/r .... lo 7 p11sen1er .•!th '79RlbbhDiesel. Deluxe 2llOOHarborBlvd. Red Int. 87K Ml. Call 0491.XA. 0.1.HMM c:.a.aH-H..&..L.L..--L 2 r I • , nu,IU00 ... ·2371 automatlc t~anamission, 4dr,51pd,atereo,AC,20 COSTAMESA Owner.497·2477 $2911 CHRYSLER /PLYMOUTJ • tt~9Vii ~ • •• 14 TR&. CA>llecton Car. ovemead, 11r condition· Gil l.alik. ZlK mi. $5800. • 540-1860 'a>CHEVETTE, sun roof, 0.1. HA.AM mi E. tstSt., S.A. e ~ri•~r•~ =i 56698 e Xlm~~ ~~t~~e"'f~"to~~~ :O~Eve•' 198 '78 Seville, ilnt cond, =Pta~7s~~· :m>E.1~:7·,s.A. 541-4471 • =~-Aebllle~ • (038134). $4995. Jim · . 82,000 ml, full elec. ltlOPLYMOUTH _, • '78TR7, Victory Edition. Marino Volksw11en. •."1S Beet.le lo m1. ori&. w/snd, RR front. 'ID Luv. De1tb Forres '81 Ford Station Wagon •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.ooo mi. Spoke whls, 1e2.3lCJO. ~new.-.~ must see SKYL Ks &31.a541or 549_.144. Sale. Unbelievable! 2100 nlAI aood. new tires. , CHAMP CUSTO~ • • ~ .._._ 'I I CL-• radials, 1m/fm CISI. '73 vw Bus. 1 Owner. ~ -· ,_, Ill. Lona bed. Auto. Jlm~1582 4 r{l., 4·a~ed, tWID· • anu rwW rrt:YJ Xlnt rond. $2900 .. Oean.$2500' '62Convert.Sbarpbody& ltlOCADIUAC A.btolutel)' Like New !! · atJr • AM /FM st~red • A ft-H...&-L.L..--L CtL.&1.;.-1. 565-1107. 675-9565.631-5397 paint . $3950 , Ph $6795 COWIDIVIW .•'7127 ...... "45 rallye wbeela . tmte ....,.-. ~ llUJIVl'lo •••41911 '770 um vw Duber. A super n4/41M-1131. Options include dual H21 ;~;:i~·v;;;;ijj;;,• ll~s~.E ciot~ in~e~l~r!. • ~ tw':! ':'tMi"= 57598 • ..... •••••••••••••••••• dean deluxe sedan '79 CA>nvert1ble, white, ~':!~1 Ir ;0a~~ Leather Int. All Pwr. hcalOYZl. • wtlitl& Rltllll S750. • 1180 V.W Rabbit A A u t 0 m 1 t i r Champapie F.diUon, lo ltnCHIYSLB Luxury Parlt11e Xlnt $JIN No.823111111803 ..._CW, dynanute custom 2 door trans1D1SSioo. air rondi· mllu1e. xlnt cond CHOICE OF 20' I (lA~Y). GltS COIDOIA Qnl 37K Mi 0 .1. HA.AM • ••••• •••H•••••••••••••••• wit h 4 s Pe e ~ tionlng, IJld stereo TM P«JO. 7&WSIO. "'"" AT, alr, full power, ~ CHRYSLEll/PLYMOUTI •Brand.._.~ 'I I CL-• transmission Sharp· sharpest one around. •Baja Bue. $12IOO/OBO. 1981 MAI S ..US/Fii stereo, linled ....... tt51 mi E. 1't St .. S.A • ~w --1 (753087) $4895 Jim (350TWX). $3495. Jim Call (213)92-3741 morn· CADILLAC 11a11 , sunroof. lilt ....................... 541-4471 eCL-v...aa... HafcLL.--L 2 r •• ~~o Volkswagen. Manno Volltsw1gen. inpbefonl11m. 211JOHarbor81vd. wbeel, cruise, MUST "I'S Multan& T-Top. Drlt P--"'--ftllli:'TftR ftlillllillllii •• _..._... ICZ-2000. ·ss vo111swagen CENJURYS COSTAllESA SEE!! LOADED w1nt Blllt. Xlnt Cond. s:noo -HH .~[',~~·.: 55M8 • lllB1VW.Sr!rocco.5speed lw &J• Bug, runs &ood. Fastbad:. Needs work. 540.1160 EQUIPMENT !! ! Or Beal. Call Eves. ~ .. ·••••••••••••••••••• Rate mo • tn.nsm.w10D, air condt· very clean, $1700 or best Good tr1D1 car. SllOO $6995 lidllTBF acum IO Fireblrd Formula. • Ho. 747111181150 ..._cw, lloning, stereo, ind 11. olfer.64.5-2.389 OBOIS'1·95IO 'fl9CPEdeV1LLE SJ4H ,. lllalt.ua. T top 1 t mded, 21,000 m1, fully • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• loya. Dynamite with low . Body fOUlh , nms oil. . O.I. HA.AM ooad, lir. smo • x n powered. Call Steve . miles 1.nd like new, 1977 VW Sc1rorco. A 1979 VW Bu& Conv 1 p . 175-•l CHRYSLER/PLYMOUTI ia-9463. •11218. •• •---' ...... W '81 Chevy •• (lCQx.580). S79H. Jim dynamite sport coupe owner. Showroom rood '78 Cpe de VIie, mint m>E lstSt. s A , 'IS Le Mans. Xtra Nice! ..-unu rw Marino Volksw11en, , .• ~ lltoansw m!le.11e. lr4 ~°'!-mi. '!.:..~.2,rm D1 CJIOJCEOF6! cond., branud nu r1di1l 54'1 .o147'1 . . •PB.~&-ClaR11l~..:~i •.ODO. • 'h -Ton LUY Pl-In-! ICZ-2000 ._,... mission, I v .......... ev ,_ w .... -.11 T/A ti--. spe·. ... •. nuto. """"". -9207 .. -......,, • '". • g y, new 1lloy1. Extra sharp. .." -.. . for sale with low down lt71C .. YSLB " • -tt70 110.8 engine, E78 r•. • .... BUG . ood bod conditl0nin1. stereo ind -•111t ?I These a~ ill uaed cars t~:ring suap·;~sio~, Btll<Xfer. 751·$194 ., • ild • Radio, 1t1p bumtiptr, 55998 paint, runs xlnt, SUOO. (878SPG>. '4995. Jim 9 p111encer w~ndow payments, ,8 month AM/FM 8-trk stereo, 111 ..,LEBEDAARLL~ON N ..... •••••••••••••••••• • .te. Albt'9 S6CJO. •10t1 Marino Volksw1gen, Van. Green w/wh1te top, financine 00 approved It.hr ~hol., full J::wer, .. '63 TB oril 57K $2950 '68 • No. 301418738. """<Wr • 1980 VW Sclrocco. A SC.2000. well .maintained, ~m credit. Fint payment, C67113~••09ete,r,9°!'5knMso/ne·vfers1' AT. factory air, full TB orig T7IC $1250 080 •••••••••••••••••••••••··· dyn.amil.e coupe with 5 '66 BAJA. IRS frame. dent m fmt. lmmac ID· Marc:h211t ! -power, power windowa. aUpwr.646-0389 • •Brand speed lr1.01miaaion, air cemerlines, wht spoke Wior. Dual·port en1.. &13-'1'119l =::, ~);c~'·,f:::1 '87, 1 ownr, 26K, orig. mi. New 18 I Chtvy • CODdhionin&, map, and whls.. 1&1Scr, ported ' runs strong, lots of ~ whitewall tires, whee •• lluatan1. 211. 2nd loedl!d. lile nu. • 2~ Cifalloft Hafcllba kt ~ Be(.~fRul) 817r!:511 polished beads. Zenith 7;r;m :..,fl500kda.;. 642~!:'!7umeall . = awen, tinted glua, 11.11· nature owner. Sharp, 541-0lll6 • Pwr ~. a& =-= v• C • • J i m M a r i n o 1 pr 'rront end • much, · dalawbe~.· ~raulber1., •. 1ntO .. NtJ~ '• tt74 • ~-.. · gtut. «e. e ..... ._ • ....,M;J • .... • cart> Muterrraft aeata, 'flbtds~ 1~· -1 OflflOITUMITY llack.p!S0 .... 1542 ·Iii mkror ""-· u, 56791 ., V..... • ... '"""" h '"""" 080 tnoeb oft.ea wllen JOU ·el. ... -.;; c-Llllt h ..,, ......... •••••••••••••• ~ .,__, ...... wa1en, ....... _,,,. mur more. -1 · Yttfo ' '77J IM~ DaU, OWNER-LIKE NEW . <lalllfiedt\dl~reallv '77 Vep Auto, 41K Mi. Ho D1M199 ..._CW, • Te!Jin& the most people MS-8881 dys ; 548-7857 -·•••.•• .. •••••••••••• cit UcMZWHA 1 SUl5.00. Beel Offer. • · possible Is 1mpor11nt lo eva. l9IO VOLVO ~ M4 • #I .. 0.-,.c-tr =. Uilt 0ruc:eo::.. $4111 umll"peopleto,.ople" Becoeditioe Radiator .• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• the success of 1ny '13 VW Bua. dnt ~ GL. T1lil la a delue 2111SHatbora•.,cL mrbt. o.LNAAM =--~:.~~lb b~&I :!: Ullt New. Call Doo • Brand New '81 Cllt•y • prage slle. Make sure .,..IJUl, Sl300. ·st Vw ledan. It II lMcW od ... ,._ ... ..,. YSLER PLY1IOUTli T •mt yours 11 l11ted In Hija, nn Id. bl&~ immaculate. (...-T5). COBTA lllSA / MMI! 0.J.lue your •·Have ..... =JOCnt=--t.b-iq-to_se_ll_!1 4-Dr. Chtvefte Hafdlback!. fil_~if 1ed . phone ~ires . $1200. i!:=~r:o.~no 919-251 -~l~J·IS.A. ~ ,rail today tiasslf~adJdoitwell ::,,,~.=: 55998. ~.~:.--: ....... !~ ~.~:: ....... ~ ~-~·--·~ ~.~---~ ~.~:: ....... ~ ~.~.~ ....... ~ ~.~ ...... ~ ~.·.~.~ ....... ~ • :· ~ .... cw, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SAOOLE:IACk VAUEY IMPORTS ORAMGE COUNTY'S NEWEST SUBARU DEALER! Now ... the .... that ha given you TYi,... •one of Southern caNfomia'1 IMdina BMW ....,_ ii adding ni£ FABULOUS LINE OF SUBARU ca• .. POIOUI •TRODICTORY IALI AND IAYI •IG ''' IALS OUR RECENT SURGE IN NEW CAlt(SALES'HAS LEFT US OVER· STOCKED. JUST LOOK AT THESE V ALUESI: ,.,,..,~ ........ .,.,~ ....... ~~ TRUCKS AND VANS ,,,~ ..,,~ :.-.. .., 10'IVta '9CI u, surwo. calllOtr tllell and '°" '"""' •mtJ01 was sun 1'71 OOOGI UM CMMGJI LOldld -auto. ar, bu<tet seats. sttnlO aiot. CNIW, cvstorn wntets and at'ft -must SNI • 1•KO wassuto 4697 7797 5497 ,,~ ........ :.-~ ..... SPECIALS .::.-.... ..::._.,~ ....... ~~ NEW 1982 RAMPAGE ooooe·• bmlO new 6982 soom 1J1C11 up -we rt todavl •15519 NEW 1982 RAM MISER PICK UP A tltlUCY -Wlltrl MD.. :::::::. 7682 IJOO l10attl eS7tOI NEW 1982 WINDJAMMER VAN CONVEISION lOClb.,... Ind Wlttl Ill ,,.. """tQulOrntfC 8982 l"1ct """'°" I SIOO · tactory Mite> •OOm "" 1U1C1 n ew NI¥~ lnCIUdlng tltwMtl CJ\lltl, PGWll'lllndDWI.,.,.... IOCb. IOlrtO '* Ind lftOt'tl ... , uzu WISSUfS .,. lllllCUIY ...... fllllJ CN NI I IUIW'OOfl ~ •erao tlClt MO MUOI fftONI • WIS1 WllH,111. 117'7 MCNtDA CIVIC ~ IWft ftll I t'flOf ~ •Ml SQA •US.ltOI. 2597 3597 3697 4797 4•7 e •Brand New '11 Chtvy e e LUV 1h ·Ton Pl~ Truck! e 110.e engine, Mikado • • opt tJCt. dtcOf epec: • ~.ora. etc. Rebate $6298 • • No.122211m>. .... • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e e Brand New 'I I Chtvy e RfCJllar Fleetal• Pickup! t • Air cond., SeollaO.te S.598 i • ~~ IPtfngs, etc. ~. • Ho. OS7IMl2. ..... ··························~ : elrand New ·a 1 Chevy . • • Citation 2-Door Hatchback! Nt~ . .,,., : =:.a,~:. 57198 .~························· e •Brand New '81 Chtvy e4-Wheel Drive LUV Picbp! Step bum~. 1tripe1, I ·~"L,eu111-..ce. 57691 • ~-21e&t88118. .... °"' •!••······················ e •Brand New '81 Chevy e Citation 4-Dr. Hatchback! • ~:11~8.Pttit ~r s749·1 • Rebt9 S750. ..... °"' No.9071Ml!04. ~ ........................ . • ··-Mtw •• ' ce.vy e T·Top ~ette COlpil • Air cond .. lull power, · e :.~12. SJ 5 991 • .....°"' ' ~···~········~ ........ . • • • • • • • ........... . • •• e1r== • • • • • •• ~!liJllilliilillll'ili .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Fri~. February 5, 1882 -. . H 1982 ESCORTS AND EXP's -OYER 70 TO CHOOSE FROM PLUS 24 MONTH EXTENDED \ ---- - I . THE BEST SMALL CAR OFFER • IN AMERICA PLUS 24 MONTH FREE LIMITED WAR 5°/o off the base sticker price _ 5°/o off from fUll MAINTENANCE 1·912 . * FAIRMONTS *MUSTANGS Theodore Robins Ford on any 1982 ESCORT or EXP. ~ ~ * GRANADAS FORD FACTORY REBA TE TO YOU! *VANS, TRUCKS (UPTO F-350) * CLUB WAGONS ! ~~~:~E~~ GIA I . DISCOU IS ! FORD MOTOR COMP.ANY CREDIT PRESENTS RED CARPET LEASING PL.AN -ON FORD REI.ATE VEHICLES -NO MONEY DOWN lo. appro•ed c,..ditJ NEW 1981 NEW 1981 NEW. (981 GRANADA FAIRMONT MUST.ANG -5800 5800 51000 ~ • under factory 1nvo1ce incl rebate -under factory invoice incl rebate under factoz;nvoice incl. rebate Plus dealer added options-, Plus dealer added o&J1ons Plus dee added o~ns Ser 206062. Stk 078-4 Ser 120224, Stk. S3 Ser. t toon. Stk. WE WILL . NOT BE UNDERSOLD *STOP *SHOP *AND SAVE! NEW 1980 MUST.ANG COMVEltTllU 51500 under actual dealer oost Ser 129512 ----. -~--:- ( )1\.\:\( ,, ( ,( )\~1! 'I..)\}( )~l (I )\ii·1 i I! l: l.l.\'i'--i !t )~ \1 .\( 1 .\/l~l ·: Chriltopher Reeve:: comes to television in ·s1'J,erman,' the popular movie abbut the man of steel. See 'On the Cover,' Page 2 .. Rock and roll's impossible dream lnaide TV, Page 8 Television not alu;ays passive Mayer's life seems 'Hope-less' See Mayer'a, Page 13 ·-t ! hidex 5'2 ----·- ::> • • .0 Televiews ....................... •... . . Page 2 £ ·On the Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. ... PCJQe 2 ~ Highlights · ....... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag~ 3 :g Sports ....... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 "-Inside TV .... , .............. , .......... Page g * Letters ...................... : ........... Page 8 ~ Word Game ............................ Page 8 r,v P1JZZli ......................••...... Page 8 ~ ,Daily Grids ............................ Page IO ii: ·Prime-Time Details .................... Page JO . ·Tube T~f?R!TS_ .......................... ~ge II 1 Cable SUbscrlption ............... · ... ·. !fage 1.8 l)autime Drama ........... , ............ Page 27' r.· -~j:--;.,.~-•. . · . " . ~ 1 . -(A 8 M<nne ~-..•...... • ................. ,age 2 • ~ .. . c... . . . . --~ -·-~ ------- · eKNXT (CBS) IW W. SUnset Blvd., ~a An•eles, Ca. I 9KNBC CNBC) i!°°° W. Alameda Ave., Burb~, Ca. ~ eKTLA (Ind.) 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. eKABC (ABC) 4151 Prospect Ave.,'Los Angel~. ~a. (8) KFllB <CBS) . 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. 8 KHJ-TV (Ind.) SSlS Melrose Ave.: Los Ang~les, Ca. (10) KCST (ABC) , 8330 Enetneer Rd., ~ Die10, Ca. . . eK'ITV (Ind.) 5746 W. SUnset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. I e KCOP·TV {Ind.) ; 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. : @ KCET 1PBS1 : 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles. Ca. 11 KOCE (PBS) . . 157« Golden West St., Hwitington Beach ~ .CDJ On·TV . • . tm Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. (%) Z.TV t Z938 Nebraska Ave., Santa Mon.lea. Ca. (JI). HBO "fljne-J':Be Blet,.:.~kefetttr ce.ilet, .N;y::-N:v-:-·\ <Cl· Cinemax> . Tlme·Life.Bldg., llockefellerCenter, N. Y., N. Y. I B <WOR) fif.Y.,N.Y. cm·-cnm> AU.Ota.,Ga. Cl) (ESPN) Cl> <SbowtJme> •• black ($) si>otlight ··<Cable News Network> 9*Plllt · MAIN Ol'FICE . . 330 west Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall .-reu: Box 19IO, Costa MIN, Ce., 926'6 Tll•tonOM: 642 1 JeleviewS -J Tekvision not always· passive ' , GEN. DOZIER ... Free once again. By MICHAEL OOUG~N OftlleOellyNll.... ' • Lying abed, sbiftin1 out of the alpha state. meditating on the dawn and its ambigious significance, when the clock radlo gentry clicks on to affirm the suspicion that it'a time w rise. Tbe disc jockey reads a news item, a little blurb about some general being releued in . . . Italy? A general in Italy is free? t Out from tbe covers and lDtO tbe robe. Soon will come tbe requisite wue--up·you-wutrel -shower and cup of binl cherry tea. But first the band reacbes for a knob and the 1-.incb screen blinks aJJve. Flicking the dial -"Good llo~g. America," "Today." There ba is -the Amencan Gener81 Doiier, bearded and bewil~red. alive and'unsbackled. Tbe time~ bis liberation: 2:36 a.m . (PST). Tbe time of our viewine: 7:40 a.m. Five boun earlier this NATO commander was a captive Of the Red Brigade. Now be ls bett in our bedroom to .ft&SSure.. us that a~ber diplomatic nightmare has ended. • We are reassured and not• little astounded. The immediacy of this medium ean onrwbelm, at times. As a teen-ager in the panbandle ot Oklahoma, my father saved the money earned "1'kin& on his family's catUe ranch to buy a radio. A simple radio. His dad was opposed to tbe Idea -what a frivolous expense (or a Calvtnlat farm kid. But be begrudgingly relented and the purchase was made. A week or so later, while a~nding to chores in the barn, my father was visited by his dad, who walked through the door with' a startled and bemused expresalon. ..You know what that damn thing just told us," be reported. "There was a bank robbery this morning in ll.linois." A certified miracle -oewa ol a distant crime on the day it was perpetrated! The radio took on a new context in that remot~ household, usuming its rigbtful place of honor as a conveyor of information. • See Television. Page I7 a . gm You too may believe that a man can Ry when the movie "Superman" makes its network television premiere as a two.part special Sunday and Monday at 8 p.m . on ABC (Channel 'l). Christopher Reeve atan u the )(an of Steel ID th1s 1978 molioo picture that ooased m.s mllUoa in Its first week of theatrical release and capt~ more than $a>O million In worldwide diltri6utlon. The comic book story turned lnto a major movie blockbuster spawned an equaUy successful sequel and "Superman Ill" is on its way. Heading the aU-1tar eat tn this tale of the · adventures of tbe OGI)' survivor of the planet Krypt.on is Karloll Brando u !upennan's father, Jor-El. He warns 1overiuneat elders of tbe planet's doom, tbou1h hil words meet wltb disbelief and outraae. Promising not to leave the planet, Jor·El dectU. with bis wife Lara (SUl•Mt.b York> to spirit their only child away in a ~paceahlp. Destination: Planet Earth where their son will have invincible strength and powers that far exceed those of mortal men . . . so tbe story 1oes. The destntction of the planet Krypton by a great cataclysm is one of the more spectacular scenes in the motioa picture. Dltedar Richard Donner bas created a world of lee and crystal from thLs story by Ilario Puzo, baled on the ltlOI comic strip tale launched by Jerry Sie1aJ and Joe Sbuater. On Earth -----·--·---· Hilhllghts for the Week • . z 2 2 Friday specials F&N.WWl,lta ~ 1.1>0 (8) H90 INEAK PMVEW: RllNJARY A ,_ he* lnlroctuc.e the movie•. 1peclal1 and IPO'tl -u comlno to Home Boa Olftoe In Fet>n;.. e::ao ®·HUNTER'S GOU> Denger anCI udt-t embrotl a 13-yMr~ boy .. ha deee*etely-m. for Illa mlulng felt« (PW1 7) 7:00 (8) HUNTE.R'S GOU> Denger anCI ex.c11-t embfotl • 13-~~ boy .. ha deee*elely-a- tOt hil mlaaing lather. (P.n 8) AFTEJN)ON 12:30 (8) H90 SNEAK PMVIEW.FDNJARY A ,_ hoet lntroctuc.e tha movlea. apec:lata and IPO'tl _.. coming to Home Boa Office In Febtu- 5:GO ®·HUNT8" GOU> Denger end ~ embtol • 1S.,..~ boy .. ha deee*•lely -m. for Illa mlellng father. (Pw1 7) 5:30 (8) HUNTIR'8 80l.O Denger MCI ..a.-t wnlwol • ·~~ boy .. ha~tely ..u- fot hil mlellng fa!Mr. (PW1 at EVENNa t:OO (8)04ANDAA, THE llAaC l10PAN> Olf- CEYU* Earam Jayulnghe and F<edridl Steyne lter In ltlll ~ ....... In Ceylon. of a llOfy man wl"> - a leoperd cub from a tr• 1:111 pool (P9rt 1) t:OO G ""'°'~ SAWTUTHE9G 8AN08 0.-ta: T.,. Beneke end hi• Orc:heatre, Halen O'Connell and The Moder· ....... t::OO . 9 AUATNt · FMILYAEU> ...,_ lncludlng Bernie Kopall, Kurt n-nu anC1 . TomWopettakeon..,..... ._, by a-l..Ucd ••• s-and Honnwl Fell In • pnme time ~ of tha 09"9 lhow. • MAUNCa CHIVAUBt .... OWN WONl8 M-1cle CMvallar. one of tha greataat ent...._. In the wond, c:andlClly reftac:ta on hil life end WOtb In a ~ 8')0ken eutoblogr• pfly. 11:ao cm AOaCaHOW Aimed lllghlghta of tha 1978 "Wlnga Over ~ c;a" tour by Peul McCart- ney And Wlng9 lndudea perfOln .. icea of ··~ I'm AlnGied," "Jet" and "Y ..... day" and a laMr ~=ME>MI John ~ .,_ )'OU lhlng9 •lr8ngier than truth, lerg9I' than .... and -- than enytNng )'OUW --lnlhllanoot9~ ta1lon from tha Showtlme 812.8rr9 lbrary. 1:tl0 (8) H80 9NEAK PMVIEW: F'l!llfllWf( A ,_ hoal lntroducea Iha movlea. 1pectal1 and lpOtta _.. comlno 10 Home Box Office In Febnl- 4:41 ~ BIZAMEXVll John ~ lf)()W9 )'OU tNnga ltranger than tf\llh, larger than llfe, end zerller than ~ )'OU've -_ .... thlll 9'1COt'e sw-- tllllon from the Showtilne ~llbtmty Saturday specials RaAUARY .. ttl2 llllOMNa 7:t0. TOM STOPftAN> All Interview wlUI the Tony award-winning 8rttlah pleywright. wtMdl lndudea a eagrnent lrom one of hil moat rec;ent wortia. "Mac:koon'a Hamlet, Cahoot'• Mac.balCll," per- lomled under .. clrel:tlon el Sen Diego State ""'-'· Cif IHown. &.Oo.ca AT- A Ullrtc: ~ la .__. Ill -ol tha mejor -•ort.. .,.,.. end _.. of1 ... ... ~CMJ!ll /'.. A lo«* la tAlllen 111 tha - Ullve end .,_.iui otl palnllngl of tha .. ...._,,.. Attilt." l:tO. THI WOM.D ~THI mAVIR Cinematographer Dae Bartlett ~ the lie c:yde of -of nat\n'I moet lnduatrioua buldet9. the bMwr. NemMd by HefwyFonda. 11:ao•~ Thia dooumentary -.,_ tha plgfll of ,... from _. lorn Centre! Amet1ca who have fled to CalMom&a. AFICU:IOON t2:00. PETll The c:er.. of ClerineCJat P.ee Foum.ln la lrec:ed from hla roota In ObclelMd to 1161SW-I91atw• top lourllt lltv.cdon Of tha er-1Cfty. 1lll0. THI lil09T WHMMlllPEaES- OEOWAD ... ON John Houlton nerrat• a proftla of GeOtge 11.dam- eon, a man who ha apen1 tnCl9t of 1161 lie devoted to the c:at9 MCI antvW of wld Q1m9 In EMC Atrtc:a. 2:00. NATIONAL GeOGfW'MC 8"iaAL "Egypt:~ Fe. Eterni- ty'', The WOtb of"-II -leelured In • lo«* .. aome l'Mjor arc:h-. >kl Qlc el profec& wHdl --artng end pr-.w.g the leglcy of the ~ J)flseoha. Q 2:IO CC) M>aC8HOW F1tmed hlghllght• of Iha 1978 ''Winge o...r ~ ca" tour by P8UI Mceart- ~ 8lld Wlnga ~' '*"°"" .. 1C91 of "Maybe I'm /l.rnm!ad," "Jet" end "Y9tarday" .. wel aa 1 a.. tight lhow l"'99IQ e:ao (8) STANDNa ..c>oM ONLY "Liza: All Evening With Liza Mlrwlell'' The stage and --9Uj)lr'ltar .. P'eYI .... ,.,. of taMntl In • c:or-1 ecJPMi •ice wfttl ""'* ranging tram dMelc: ~ to Bloedwey ~ 1:00. LOMTTA LYNN 8"CIAL The ''Flret Lady of Cowl-- 1,00011 of Movies For Sale or Rent See the Video Experts at • • • ·' HAPPY BIRTHDAY, 'DAYS' -The ABC Television Network's perennial hit comedy series, "Happy Days" will celebrate its 200th telecast Tuesday at 8 p.m. on Channel 7 with the .. Hi Yo Fonzie Away" episode. The series. now in its eighth full season. feature~ (clockwise from top center> Marion Ross. Tom Bosley. Lynda Goodfriend. Al Molinaro, Ted McGinley. Anson Williams. Cathy Silvers. Scott Baio. Erin Moran and Henry Winkler. by" .. ''ca.I ....... Datgl'IW," "One'• On The .._.. 8lld oa.. .. In • pertuiwwice _..., .,,. Ill HlmnWl'•ln ""'°- .. (D)LMAT HN4MH'8 Rip T~ ... Cc*)y and '**~-~ to:OO. THI GOl.Dl:N /IM.~ T'B.IN90N "The eom.dlln• ~ AlloMr atan • WI 900- ttstic:al com6c: wtlo ""'- -• .,., by~ VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN · HERE • LORD OF THE RINGS IAnimatedl • ARST MONDAY IN OCTOIER/W ~~ftha.'! PHYSICAL COlivla Newton-JolmJ . . .. I • MOMMY DEAREST /Faye Dunaway • CONTINENT AL DIVIDE CJohn lelushil • PATBDITY /lurt Repolds • STARDUST MEMORfESJWoocty Allen • CAVE MAN tRlngo Starr)' • CAM«»mALL RUN Cl_. Reynolclsl . • HISTORY OF TH• WORLD CMel lrooksl • MASSACQ_AT CENTRAL l'.llGH Yl.-., .. ~f.\tL't .I~" Q COSTA MISA • 646~921 • • • J ' ..... ~~lg~llBtJ~ ~~-th~ W~ek 4:aG 0 JOHN CUMV'I aDAHClHO Olympic gold madel- wltlner Peggy Fleming and "Ice CapadM" lier Jo.Jo Starbudt Join Cu<ry lor thoa dlapley ol lllttlng ertlelry ~ Ol "M.ybe I'm ~ ... ".>91" end "Y....,d.y" • W9I • a !al« light--· t:ao • KATHY Thl9 atC>ty ol a hendf· cliC)ped high 9dloOI gltl ... 9'te pres--IO ... ve high 9dloOI end enw eoeega. •-on her outlook on life end c:oplr'Q ltYategia :1 li From Page 3 :. pertomw-of ''Maybe rm An\al'ed .... ••Jet•• and ~ ~ ·-v....-y· ..... . .. ..llgtlt .. . ~ t t:IO (JI) STAHDNI ROOM o ONLY _3 "An E-*'g Al The Moullrl Rouge" George Hemillon 11e>et1 en exciting -*'II ~om the Moulin "°'lgll In Perlateetunng~cce­t-, prcwocatlw den<> .,. end lopnoldl lnteme- tlonel vwt.ty ecta. 2:00 (1)8"0WTU! LOOKS AT ttlO I A Mtlrlc: look Is tlik411'1 et -ol Ille major -ltoriee. l*>C>le end _,., of 1880 4:10 (JI) STAHOING ROOM ONLY "Liza An E~ With Liza Mlnnelll" The .,. end ~ ~ ... pl9y9 her r.nge of a.lentt In • concert ~ with mu.6c ranging ~om dMalc ~ to 8'oeowey lflOWttopc>ere Sunday specials ~7.1M2 ~ 7:00 CJ) DOTTIE waT "$pedal OllMlry•' Dottle W-1 end Kenny Rogers per1orm -of her wper 11111, lndu&ng "Sorry," ''1..-.on In LNYlng'' end "America· T rllogy " 10:30 CllJ YOUNO PEOf>l.F8 8PEaAl. "Winnen" IHOWT1ME LOOKS EVENIHQ 8.-00 D WOMEN IN AOC« 'H AOU An rion.t end lntkNtt con-tk>tl with Mll9n ul'llque ~. Including Joan Jen. Ann and Nancy W~eon or ··Heart." GrMl41 Slicll. Christine McVle ot "Fleetwood Mac,. Chak1 Kahn and Kim Ctl'nee, wno live the fut p-i "-or rdCk 'n roll. 1:30 tD HIU.S OF OREEH, PALACE OF OOUl A look i. taken at the H111e Krishna·• New Vrlndaban Farm Community located In lhe 111111 ol WMI Virginia 11:46 CI) 8HOWTIME LOOK& AT1N1 The ,_. llorles. people and .,,., .. Of 198t ... l•tured In lhla yMt-end ,........ 1~., THE UHOEAOAOUNO CONHECTlOH 11:00 G CNSll • THE MOAN OF AFfltl!CA Stan Mooneyhem and Cerol l.ewrer>Ce hc»t - doc:umeni_,, on the more than llx million l*>C>le lrl Alrk:41 whO heve been ttlectad by war and drought and the rMUlla or aoch ..,.,,t, AFTERNOON 12:30 CS) 8HOWTIM£'S HOUYWOOO Bill Harrie hOlll a behind· ''---look et the tt<>- rlee and llare that make HOiiywood glitter 5:30 CJ) 8HOWTIMF8 HOU.YWOOO 8111 Htl'rla hoata a behind· I~ IOOlt ar lhe Sl<>- rlea end aters Iha! make Hollywood glitter EVENHO MOMMA'S BOY -Larry Hagman. the infamous J.R. Ewing of .. Dallas," joins his mother, .. Over·Easy .. co-host Mary Martin. and co-host Jim Hartz to discuss mother /child relationships and Hagman's early care·er. The program airs Tuesday at 5 p.m. on KOCE <Ch. 50 1 Thia docuf'nenlar, c:tlfon1- cles the poeltlon ol Chr1a- 11ana llvlng in comm<.ol)<ll· controlled natk>na Ari Llnkleller and Mra Alell· aandr Solthenltayn ara t .. IUtld Monday specials t:$O THE NEW YOAK BIO lAF'FOIFF Cont-anll rrorn Ille New Yor1t .,.. Ille tor the cf\ance lo be finalists on the "1981 National Big Leif Off." AT 11111 The -1tori.. l*>C)le and -· of 1981 ere fellllKed In this ~-4nd review. The ··Arlt Lady ol Coun- try" 9lngl ··Coe1 M1Mr'1 o.ugtiter," "One'• On The Wr(' end other hit• In a per1onnance taped u.... at H•reh '1 In Reno 2:00 • KATHY Thie ttory o1 a hand•- ~ high IChoOI gin, .. IM ~ to i.eve high Designer of the Week Every Sunday IChoOI end enter college. I~ on her outloolt on life end coping atr•tagies 3:00 m> 8ETTY 8ooP FESTIVAL Some or the bUI fllma or the lffeeletlble Betty Boop ere featured Including "Lii· tie King," "Crazy rn119n- Uon1" and ··uttre Pal." FOAUAAY I . 11112 MORN I NO 5:30 0 AOCKSHOW Fiimed hlghllgllll of Ille 11H6 "Wlngt 0..., Ametl- ce" tour by Peul McCert· ney And Wings Includes 1:00 0 ICEHNY LOOQIN8 Singer I aongwnter Kenny Logglna per1orma many or hi. grMleet ,.... -lnclud· Ing ··~ r c.11 You Friend" end "Keep The Fire" In this concert taped at th• Santa Berbara County Bowl. See Highlights. Page 9 What has been a bette·r investment than BUILDING? NOTHING!'. Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home; an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8532 I (213) 8()2.2688 21st CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 1004"> Financina Wt~* our work and completion date -.....-~ ................... * AU'lo.llfml llCOmDll• .MePLAYIACll * DOLIY C Me I MOlll ~llOM -~ ....... Q~-f••~•4!1;;.i1111,,, .. COUPON SP•CIAISI TDK T-120 SUPER AVIL YN VHS ... V.-T.- DCll.LIMI' COLOI AND SHAI' DITA& FOa ALL VHSKCOIDaS ~s13~ .u.at10-.~- MAXELL UDXL II C90 THE IMDUSTaY ST AMDilD IM A HIG+l-alAS tO MINUTE CASSITll ~ s3~ RECORD YOUR FAVORITE T.V. PROGRAMS..........._.M ........ :;, ........ ~"'A ..... ·=---n~ WITH AKAl'S . AMAZING ·vPS-7350 ~=:::~ _/ 01 CASSIT1l IN ,..-~ . £,,-;/, STOCll-OM.Y """' -....., · D · · ~ · ·-iq· I - i lA. e -,, AllAI . . --'Ir -"J J J :__J --~ --, II _J . -c ~ -i " ~ ~ I I I ....... THE ST ATE OF THE ART HOME/PORT AIU VIDEO IECOIDa! The new AKAi records and plays back 2 channel audio wtth Ootbye NRI Now you can record TV /FM simu~asts in stereol Or add a voice track ANO a music or second language track to your own !iv.action thotsf Or playback the new pre-recorded stereo q.ndtrack movtesl YOUf" stereo system can deliver the stereo sound! Other features include: • 6 IYIMT/7-DAY PllOelAMMAILI ,. ........ " ...... , ... I - • 2·SPllD 12/6 HOUm YHS __... ...., ... tc ..... •AC JDC OPHATIOM •• .. .,,._.. MICAD~,_.. •LOCI SYS11M ,. ..... ,--. ... ..... ,... .• ,. Alie .. eta ea: DOUUJTmft.I ~. YAllAILI S'llD/NIRI Fl.AMI, IMSTAMT · · 'IO•IAM LOCATI SYSTEM ••ti _., STOP BY FOR AN AMAZING DENDHSTRATKll ~: 5 13~! 1.at•••c-.• llSCWASlll . l.Jl•MPLl9 ·=UST s1s9 ..... 2••~ .. _., ---_... - § ..... lmll! .. ._ ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i - AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST· . AMC-JEEP ........ ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd: Costa Mesa -549-8023 . . SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW ... ·· 1540 Jamboree Road ·Newport Beach _:. 640-6444 . BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier \ L.a Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 ALLEN CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-DeLOREAN ' 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET -~ . . CONNELL CHEVROLET /2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa ·Mesa ~ 544-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 -i LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.56_30 · SANTA ANA .... LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 FRANK PROTO LINCOLN-MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 848-7739 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 . ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. .fJlaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 • I PONTIAC . . . BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-:-673-0900 MEISTER PORSCttE-~UDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS ·848 Dove s·treet Newport Beach -752-0900 -. TOYOTA .·EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA -- -- 1 • 18881 Beach Blvd. I Huntington Be~ch 847-8555 1 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARl~O VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd.. , ·Huntington Beacfi 42· 00 ' . VOLVO . EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 Friday sports £WNNI l:OO. COl LEGE IAIKn'Ml..l UCLA¥LUSC Saturday sports F'fMl.Wrt .. ttl2 MOMNI 10:00 Cit OOl&.£GE IASUfMU. TeKM-EI Puo at New ~ AFT8'NOOH 12=00 • Cit COi &..me 8AIKe'TMU o.Paul at Mwque«e 1:00 9 U.a.A. Y8. THE WOALD .. Ot. YWtC 8PCMTI (Premiere) The United Stet• nat1one1 boiUng teem te6<• on the natlon9I teem lrom 1"9 U S S.R., curr911tly r-*ed number 2 In the WOttd (lrom M-. cow). 2:.'00. ()) 8POATI 8"'CIAl.: INTEMATlONAL IKAT1NG ~ EuropNn Flgwe SUtlng Champlonahlp1 (from Lyon&. France): W0tld Sprint 8pffd Skating Chempionlhlpe (lrom All· -.the~). 8 OOILW llA8GTllAU Aflzone Stete at W-*1g- ton Stete -~MY L.EONNID't OOlDEN OlOVEI ,..9~ 80WLEM TC>Uft $131,000 BPM US Open f"om Big T-lMwe In Hou91on, T-.). 3:30 9 ()) BING CAOUY ~TOW. PAO-AM Thlrckound pie)' In thd prCH:llletlritf golf touma· tMnt (trom Pebble 8eecfl GOii llnU, Monterey. 4:30 e ~ WIDE WOM.D M 8PORT'I t982 United Stet• Figure 8Ullng ~...-. '-twine .,. -·a ~ ...,. end loe ~ ct.nc>lonahlela (from lndl- anapolla, Ind.); Wor1d Men'a Downhill Skiing Chemplonahlp (from Sc:HedlM1g. ~ • 80CC8' MADE .. GEMIANY Au9trle ..... Flnlend 5:00 e 80CC8' MADE .. GEMIANY Auattla VL Anland EWNWCI l:OO GD ll'Otln'8 AMERICA "Kllnltr. Fltat North Amer· lc:en Open" l';IO. Tite TENTH MAH Sunday sports F£8flUARY 7, 1ta MOfMNQ e:009()) NM MIQ'1"M.L.L Loe AngeMa L11kwa at 8oeton c.iuc. 11:30 8 CJ) NCAA M8ICETIAU St Jolwl'a at loulMle UQIOOILEGE BA8KETBAU Noire Oeme at UCL.A AFICUOON 1:00 Io 8"0RTUEAT 1:30 CJ) 11G CROUY NATIONAl PAO-AM FineHouncl pl.y In "* pro-celebrlty golf tourna- ment {.... lron'I Pebble e-cti Golf 1..11*9, Mon- -.y. Cellf .). •a 8POAT8WOAl..D 15-round WBA Junior Mlddta•aight ~ alllc> bout ~ c:Mmpl- Oft Davey M00te and TadHhl Mihara (lrom Tokyo. Jec>an): Woi'ld Pro Flgwe SUtlng Olwnpion- ahip (lrom ~.Md ) •O THE IUPEAITAAI C-1199 of the third OI lour men's qualllylng rounds; competitors Include Steve Mahr•. Mic:Nal Spinlul. Olia Bin:J- aong and Lou Ferrigno (lrom Key 8i8cllyne, FIL) 2:IO. 0 U.a.A. VL THE WON..D .. Ot. Y'MPIC 8POATI JACK IS BACK Jack LaLanne. the health and fitness king, is back on the s mall screen with a morning exercise show. The show airs weekdays on KHJ·TV <Ch. 9~ at The U.S. va. JapM In gym- neatlca (from HernM\ateu, Jec>an). S:OO '1IJ 8llGM RAY UONAllD'8 GOLDEH GLOYD N9w JerMy vs WellhinO- ton, O.C. 8:30. 0 WIDE WORLD M SPORT8 World Men'• Alpine Skiing ~-Slalom (from Sc:Nedmlng. A..,._ Irie). 5.-00 • GAEA TUT 8POAT'8 Ll!OSC>S EVENM) e:oo• AUJOMQNO HeOHUOHTI "Las Veau Orlll>d Pr'-" 7:00 (al NH\. HOaC:EY l.oa AngeMa Klnga .... Mont,... Cenadlena 11:30 • 8POAT'8 F1HAL Monday sports FBIAlJAAY •• 19a2 lVENNO l:OO 1J COUEOE llA8KET1W..l "Pee: 10" Cekfoml8 va. Oregon Tuesday sports ~·.1- IEYEMNQ l:OO G NBA 8A8KET8AU Atlenta ..__. ¥L Loa 8 a .m. He exercises daily on the show with his lovely wife, Elaine <left l. and Lezlie Allyn. AngeMllLMc .... 11:00 II NHL HOCKEY "34th Annual All-Star Getne'' Wednesday sports ~10.1.a EVENNI 1:ao CID WOli9t'8 OY'lllNAll1lC8 "lnterf)etlonel T••m ~---·· e:ao• .. _'il ~ "Wottd Settaa 1911 The CIMf> ~ The Yenll- -And The OodOlfW'' Lake rs vs. Celtics T h e d e fending National Bas ketball Association world champion Bosloo Celtics and p erennial powerhouse Los Angeles Lakers, Atlantic and Pacific Division leaders 1n their res pective Eastern and Western Confe rences, will be f ea tured in home-and-home games to be broadcast live by CBS Sports. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" l1arbor LaWQ ·Mount. Olive Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipment-Cremation, Pl<J,ns Available : 7 -I N r - 8 I GEORGE C SCOTT. He·s Fagm ·Letters ------ S i . .4 A dream of rock stardom By .JEFF PAR.KER of•o.tltNme ..... An inside look al lbe star-making machinery behind rock and roll bands. "Rock & Roll Dreams," will be telecast on NBC Feb. 21 . In lhi.a show. a look al a new group, The lnnocenta, will be offered. complete with documentary scenes and staged scenes of recording deals. creative conferences, wardrobe planning, a meeting with Albert King and finally. a live performance at Madame Wong's in Los Aneeles. Nell Boeart is promoUng lbe group and the show focuses on his relations and methods for trying to make rockstan out of the members of this band. Dick Clark produces . . . The 30th annual "Bake-Off Awards" will be presented Feb. 9 on CBS. Highli1bll of lhis broadcast, sponsored annually by Pillabury, lDclude 17-year old Janis Boyldn's priu-winning recipe for Peacheesy Pie in 1964 (she was the youngest grand prize winner ever>: the first male wlnner. Jack Melli in 1951 : a recipe for Sub-Meringue Pie submltted by a submarine chief steward in 1960; the sweeping "Tunnel of Fudge" victory that shook the cooking world in 1966: and the junior division winner in 1962, a 12-year old boy who invented a "cheeseburger casserole" ... George C. S<:olt and a company of young Hollywood actors are on location in London film in~ the television movie, "Oliver Twist." The story 1S based on the "Dickens tale or a man who commands a group o(pick-pockels, keeping them poor and in need of his power. CBS is planning a March 23 release for the project . . . Merlin Olsen. who went lrom tbe Rams' "fearsome foursome"" to a role as a minister in "F a ther Murphy," was honored with the NFL Alumni Career Achievement Award recently in Detroit. The award is presented annually to recent NFL retirees who demonstrate the higher values or football in later work -orofessionallsD}. teamwork. sportsmanship and public service . "Beyond Witch Mountain," a new sequel to Walt Dis ne y Studios· "Escape lo Witch Mountain," will follow the further adventures of two extraterrestrial children possesslng psychic gifts on "Wall Disney" Feb. 20. Returning in the role of Jason O'Day is Eddie Albert, joined by Efre m Zimbalist. Jr., J .D. Cannon and Noah Beery . . . "Fallen Angel," a movie about a youn1 girl's descent into the world of child pornography. will be rebroadcast March 10 on CBS. Tbe drama stars Melinda Dillon, Dana Hill and Richard Masur. The story revolves around a young girl's search for love and attention and the way a greedy See Rock. Page 21 Word game 7 I Pamela Sue reared in art colony FILL l)J Tl-IE Ml~SING L.E"TIEf<? ltJ If.ti: ''IV ~11 BELOW. IPIL-~I I ~IU I IEI l?m MARTIN FAN -Please tell me w~ere Pamela Sue MarUa ire• up ud a.ow old •be la. I tblak she does a woaderfaljoboa "Oyauty." The 29-year-old actress grew up amid the comfortable surroundings or Westport, Conn., which may have given her some insight into lhe character of Fallon Carrington Colby. SORRY, .CHIEF -Was &be aame of A1eat " oa "Get Smart" ever revealed to TV vlewen! . No. Agent 99 <Barbara Feldon> played it by numl>ers throughout the entire run of the aeries, even t.boygh her marrlage to Max <Don Adams> and subsequent motherhood. LITJ'LE PEOPLE -How old Is Alfalfa of "Tiie Llttle RaHalJ'"! I am I yean eld. b lte too old for me! latte sd.U la at.ow balMU! The sad fact is lbat Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer has been dead since 1959, when be was sbol and killed at the age or 33 over a $35 debt. He did slay in show TVpUzzle business after growing out of lbe "Our Gang" comedies (as they were originally caJ1ed), and later appeared in small roles in such films as "Track of the Cat" and "The Defiant Ones."· DISNEY DUMBO -lleeeatly "0.mbo" waa aired oa &be new CBS venloa of "Walt Diuey." My cblldrea, who were too youa1 to see It before lD theaien, loved every mtnate. Please satlsfY my curiosity -wben was tb.ls cbarmlng cartoon made? 'Ibey don't seem to make tbem like tbat any more. "Dumbo" was a war baby, born at the Disney studios in 1941. And you're right, they don't make them like that anymore -not even at Disney Productions. Send your lBtter1 to P~ O'Brin, United Feature SJl'ldkate, 200 Parle A~. Room 602, New York . N.Y. 10166. ACROSS 1,5 ~hown stare on 60 Minutes 12 Uke -of bricks 13 John -on Seacch for Tomorrow 14 MIM Ames· handbag 10 15 Role tor Haywood Nelson 18 I'm -Angel 19 Mr. Lelnsdorf'a lnslgne 20 Rise and - 21 Dregs along 23 Conway 25 Neighbor of Waah. 26 Poetic time 27 Tightly atruno 29 Part of USNA 30 All --Family 32 Sammy Snyder' a role 35 Gershwin 36 Peter Oe - 37 After expenses 38 -Juana 41 -Abner 42 Danny or Linda CA Aesop's vehicle 48 "Fe, fl,-. fum ... " 47 Miss Magnanl's slgn-olf 48 Producer ol Barney Miiier 49 Mr. Nelson'• algn-o1f 60 Actress Gene - 53.55 Pl1y• Ponch 56 S.. 63 AcroH 5e Sha·-·- DOWN Rick, on Magnum, P.1. 9 NIQ9f1an native ...... ~ ... \\HZ . I IAr\11 IDI IM~I trMAI I IPI I IRIYI IMIAISI INI MAI IMI 11A~7:~ ~ ~ARRNJGE THC ~ ~~-- £.EtrtlZS You FtllED IN ~., ib Sl'Ell °™€ ~ ~ A II"-· j l'MNlleral N A G i SITUATiot-1 ~ I I I I I .___.__! I __..___._~I ff ·~s ~1s-t1$1iW '~ hi!ra 'r'HVV~H CJ1/'Wt1 'ob ~/1it14 :~ J 3 Ring outcome 4 Flnlsh• & He wu The Sl'lootlat 6 Mear1 or Baxter 7 Perjure 8 Miss Scott's algn-oft 9 Bed Day -Black Rock 10 Vlet- 11 Shroyer'• show 16 -Goes T!lere 17 Publicize 21 Get the word 22 Reveal 2• -on the Bounty 29 Part of the UK 28 My -Sona 31 Have lunch 33 Stephanie -on Great Giidersieeve 3A Arlene on Mayberry, RFD 38 On• of Ctlarll1'1 Angela 42 Actress Mulgrew 43 Aumont's pals 44 -Fllntstone 45 Harper Valley star 48 Ut&Kary Items 51 Miss T1y1or·s ID 52 Mr. RouOdtree's sign-off 54 Mr. Aida's PJ decor SOLUTION ... _ ·Hl~llthts fortheWeek CUPID CALLING -Sarah Purcell and Skip Stephenson are on hand for a special Saint Valentine's Day edition of .. Real People" on NBC (Ch. 4> Wednesday at 8 p.m . Prom Page 4 7:IO (JI) THI GAEA T lllllAllR HUNT n.~IC*MI trftell to the fert'-t ~olthe~ln -.di Oii the uttim.t• ...... ltl8t mon.r C8n buy. l:OO (I) TO aMe A MOUNTAIN A ~wr.-ng..., O..COIW tM objKtlone °' hie glrtlrtend. coed\ and f•ttler to ~ out MCI help • dlHdv•nt•o•d blec* fllftly. (l)QB91 A come look el .. oom- pllcetiOftl wtlk::ll ... dur. lno • Harwrd ..,..,... blr1tldl¥ '*" at .. ,.,.,. If• 8outll PtlladetpHa lloMe. .... ntlna> ANNUM.TY-.. ...:w. '--Aenlidl, Robert Quit. .._and OW* c... llo9t .... apec:lal look .. -elite~ on TV dUrtftO ._)Wt 1N 1. *-•O ~NMTON­ JOHN: LIT'I GET' ~ ()Ha~.,,. ...,.. . ......,. ... ,. -~--"*"­..... "'~ ..... I'm Arnaud,'' "Jet" and "Y-.rday" .. well u a 1.-llght lftOW. 12: 15 (JI) OB)CW8: POUCE llNDMCOYP Geotge 1(-.dy loolta at New Yen Oty'1 undercov- • polce crtme units. Tuesday specials ~ ... ..., e:oo. Cl) MEW:A'8 ~AWAN>e Bob a.ti• hollla the 30th annual edlUon of tlll1 -di csemony, tMtur· Ing ~''* ....... wlltl the four ......... 11:00a:>~ Aimed hlgNlgtlt9 of the 1171 ''w.noe 0-Alnen- ca" tour by Paul Moeatt- ,,_, encl WlnlJI Include ~ of "Meybe I'm Alna:lled," "Jeta" aNd "Y..-day'' a Ml .. a '-light tllcJW 11:IO. "'1IR, PAUL & MARY The ~ foll tflo of the .-ty ·eo. perform meny of "'* dllMlo --...... __ ..,...,.._ N'ISUOON llu and Loa,,,,.... -· "°"**'°" • -.-,...... ~ °' .. .. ........... ,..,. ...... °""' ~ Wllt .. •••twe OI" ... "',_. ~ --ADAMIO!lf . eon, a ,.., who hat "*'' moet °' Na life deYoled to Ille car.. and _.....,.. of wlld game In e.t Afl1ca. '!00 (JI) THI OMATaT ec.tMDAL8 CW THE camMY Tha Profl.mo affair and IN murd.-of Si.nford ~ -among Ille ICandala of .,. century ptoftled by PlllrtdtO'...._ •=-a:>~ Fiimed lllghllgtlta of the 1871 ''Winge 0.... Amen. ca" IOUI' by Pau? Mceatt· "4't and Winge lndude ~of "Maybe I'"' Ama:l9d." .. Jeta" llNd "Y....,dlY" a well .. a ..... llght lflOW UO(I)~ LOOKI AT tllO A Mttrto kM* la taken et -of the major -11oriel.. peoC* and _.. of tNO. J IYBINO UO Cl) ntl LOI MM'" -~~ Conleetanta "°"' .... Loe AftOalee -..... '°' the oNl'°8 to be ftna1lilts In Iha " 1N 1 Nellonal 8lg Lalf Off." 11:11 (I) WHl\T't WI U l81CAI FellUed: a.ting•• lllleory encl OllMfll ... rocl mtdlclM .. • Rollllg .... OOftOlft; .. ... p!OfHllDiiel WOW .... 9 ~ ....................................... ~ ~ Westcliff Chiropractic Office PAM PORTERFIELD Chiropractic Assistant DR.ROBERTA.BADGER Chiropractor • LISTEN TO YOUR BODY Pain between Shoulders ~Frequent Headaches Stiffness Numooess or Pain in the Arms In Lower or Hands Back umbness Paint ul Joints or Pain m leg or Foot Cramps the legs If socnething's going wrong, it wi II tell you. FIH CONSULTATION NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS -~645-5300 ;> .....__ _____ _ 2G:t3 Westcllff Sr., Suite 108 Newport Beach (Mw coco'• et 11th I Irvine) ~ ..,, J : CT j !" -! My Md ......... ,.~.=.~--~ ........... ... tir. how to IMO~· Sff H(OMWttVNtflJt ·----... lllllillllll••··-~--aJ r l i -..,; i LM....... la...... I =I ~ ~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KA8C D LM ....... KFMB o -.... KCST m ...... KTTV m KOOP ti) KCET fD u.....- KOCE '9 ~ 700 ~ Toc»t, :, ~ ::a ~oodll TC>Oar, ~oon ::v =- ~ IO " Allllrc. Thn la The KJftoon Yoga Few it A W Fllnttton. Kirnt¥11 H1111n s: 00 0..Dly 9 AIATlme 30 Ab 1000~ 30 .. KNXT • LM ....... 100 T~. ao ~For TOll!Cmlll 200 ::'9 ao " 400=' ., ..... 500 ..... IO " s:~· 700 ces~ IO 20n 'OllTOMI 800 n.om.. OfHlmrd IO " NBCNews Flmly ~ Rldlwd Sirnmonl l..M\1111 To Women Kn.A •• LM ....... KA8C D u....-. O..Ull Tot.M ..... .. ..... " ABCNewl .. Peopil'• c-t KFMB e ....... MASH cas ..... ..... JIM Aipc)er Big Blue 8lkUr ~ YouAlked Forti ~ .. KCST I!) .. ..... t.ICJCWll'• LW KTTV m LM ....... McMe: "The Plr'Mt'' M.A.S.H MAS.H Jok .... Wiid TleTIC VIII KOCE ~ c..... &Co c..... &Co Aring Line oo ..... l lao cas~ ''Tiii ..... .. Slntord &San The Aoollill _t~Jf;~ we have Crearive Jewelers;1nc. hearts of gol ~;;::::;r:=!!:'::.~~, ~'~ ~-· £ ~e ~/~-~·~arm the heart of your valentine 2110 bet PadGc Coaat Htghway IBICau-with these pr~ious heart pendants Corona cMt Mar C.lffom1a ta25 S crafted of solid 14K yellow gold ... · ACROSS FROM SHERMAN GARDEN~ OAUP011H•A They are be-aullfUl and affordable .. •· -: .. ---~~\'IN-~ ~ (1J.4) 760-6766 :ITldaf• Details ---- ---- ~f.1tlt eWNNG 1•. HM'fl'V DAVI NJNH Some of the more memo- ,.,.. ~-of Alcnle, Potlle, Relpfl, Fonde lltld the Cunnlnghema ere r9Clllled • M•A•t•H Cheri•• Wlnclletlet ,~ • ~ to "" ~ ,..,_ begging""" to -hie lnlluencll to get him out ol lhe unit. • OVERFMY "Chron6c ..,_ .. GuMl' Merjotte Oultvle, wife of lhe lele Woody Guthrie (R) it 00< CAVETT OuMt: Tito Puente. 9 BIY'ERTANllEHT TONOHT An .,,..,... wllh l.JoMI Richie end .,,. Commo- dor• 8THE~ au.a:~ Anclrwws. CID THE OMATEST ~'1'THE cemMY (D)MOYE • • • • "TN Splrtt Of S\ Louie" (1957} .,_SW. ..... ~ HefNllon. 7:.iO 8 t ON THE TOWN ~.:-....lhepuJ· ding _.. ciomfng "°"' out.-aci-: ..,.,., • day wlttlTlny~·-~ ~320pound~ ty hunW; • • ... "' "' ~ • LAWMl,8t9LEY .. "'*"Jtl« i.-ne ... to help ~ In • grWld oCJ8ftlrlO ...... • M•A•l•N The doctors OONSlh '° ...... • ~ cobtel .._ llllllary ~ ---. ......... ._.. ........... • WAU.IT'MEJWl9( ··~Md~ au.at: ....., c. F.rnll ... ~--~· Ao9W s.cunai.. Inc. Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE The problimlN ... dlll'llMl- IM fenlllla ~pm..-.• pt'oflle of bind CCW1IJ'y mu8'C ... RofWlla...,.. (C)MOVIE * * • ''Stloo4 The Plano Pleyw" (1Ma) ~ AD-., .... DWlol9. (Z)MOVIE •••• "Aaglftt Bui" c ,..,, AoOat'I Oa Nro. --=-;:~"' HAUAN> ec-HoQo~entlaoal ~~-... °'*-• 8 tee MNaAZINI Sdleduled: • NPCW1 on how~--... gained ~ ~ now renk ~ .. wortd'a ""99t: • lootr-.. ptw.19 adoClttOM ~ "' .. ~ patWllli: • """' • on._._ OI klC* ~ "°" ~ peocM; ...... See Friday'1. Page 11 New designer sock doU pattem-mcludes. easy to read direchons for 16" doll Dress. pantaloons & shoes Snid $3.50 for pattern r PlU3 .35c postage & handling J to · ''Little Linda'' 9141 Kapoa Drive Hunt. Bch. 92646 • Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura • Sushi bar prepared by our ra mous J apanese Cher • Beer • Wine • Saki • Open 7 Da ys S pm 'tll Midnight 3840 E. Coast Hwy • Corons del M ar 0 > ,... ,... .,, 0 :D .,, :D . m· m m :D 0 · 0 % c: :D m .m < i: > -,... (714) 673-3933 •L SP 0 0 a c 3 CD ~ I 8 ~ c x ~ Tube Toppers KNBC ID 8 :00 -"NBC Magazine." A report on the stature of California wines is scheduled. KHJ I) 8 : 00 -.. Peter Marshall Salutes the Big Bands ." Tex Beneke. Helen O'Connell and the Moderna1res are among guests . KHJ I) 9:00 -"Maurice Chevalier : ln His Own Words." The world-famous entertainer reflects on his life and works. KOCE 9 9:30 and KCET @ 10 :30 ··Poland: Stop the Press." Interviews with Polish journalists are featured in an examination of censorship in Poland. fr!days Details F rom Page 10 on hie .._ end wor1(a In • wwm .tpOl<en eutol>logr .. phy • WALL fTMET WfB< to • edlool -'-9 children -laugh•--· e o 11N10N Kt-deddea to try the wild lide Qf llf• In the mi.- talcen belief ~t the hN only., ........ 10 ., ... 0 a PETE.A MAA8HAU 8AUITl8 Tii€ llO IWOI "&n«Qk10 And Glowing?"' ~===============::;;;;~::::, 0.-t: Mary c. Fwrell. w.. 11 G~•· T .. Benett• end hi• Orcheatra, Helen O'Connell end The Mode<· nalree ........ MAGAa.E How to maae money with your homemllde f9CIOM, lhe problema of • ditnlnu- 1"'9 ,__ Army private. Or Weeco on ....,. few ttMtlng gleuCOma; S-1 w_...., on collecting oldm~ • MOYIE * * '.\ "Flood I"' (1976) Robert Culp , Martin Miner ®..,.... • • • "The c:omp.tltlOn" (1980) ~ °'~· Amy lrtlnO Cl)MOYIE •• ',\ ''SnowtMlll ~·· ( 1172) Dean ~ Nanc:y Oleon O MOYIE * * • • "R-Ol"il Bull" ( 1980) Robert De Niro. Celf'lr Mottw1y. UO. (II CNN ALL NIGHT Gordon .. humlliated wMtl 1119 wlf9 ttlrowt him for • loop. • AU. .. THE FNltll. Y Edlttl end Atc:He calM hevoc: .. the hoeptt81 wMtl ~ la ebout to IWIV9 her bM1y.(Pen 2) 8D CNATMTY WfTM 81UMOVPI "Fred SmHh: Cof'pore1e Cr•tlvlty" BiM M~• ptolllaa ant,.-.,.. Fred Smlttl. Ille men ~' bte few Iha ~I ol Feder.i~.o H08 (1) DAUM J.R. '• aacttement owr hie lllteet cat1el dMI .. --lhedowed by hll annov· anca owr tk.te Ellen'• relc- lndled lrlenClehlp with Clift a.m.. 8 al MOC! AIN'I LAW Two Mende of Mc:Claln'• --io the *time "'*' • peW (1f youno thuge ttltl • crime wev. In the nelghbomoOd. e O AUATAA FNA.YRUD Heroea ~ Bernie Kopel!, Kuri Tilotnee end Tom Wopet take on vtllelna leed by s-luocl. Inge s-end Homlan Fell In • prime llrN vwWon of Iha glllM "'-· ·~ CHIYAl.9'! .... OWN WON>e ~~.-of the ...... .., ...... tN wortll, mndldly ""'9cta preeldent, 8teM1 Murray, RO.tar Sec:urltlea, Inc. '10 YO'TER'I PlflELIHE ··o.anoe County 1n w.,.. lngton" Jim Cooper tt...,... to Wahington O.C. lo 1n1ervi.w o.enoe County'• lour congr•••men on ._ att.c11ng """ COUit- ~ MOYiE • • "MaMn Attd Howerd" ( 1960) PM.ti LeMe1. JMC>n Robetdl.. HOG ..UITORY "P°'8nd: Stop The P.--t" lntarvlew9 wltll POIWI end W..iern jOUmllllata - leatured In an eurninetlon of !tie total W"9Np CW· rentty entorced In ~. (D>MOYIE ..... UAough Cu1" (IMO) Burt Aeynolda, Leeley- Mne ~ 9:41 CZ) MOVIE * *•IA "La Cege Awl Foltee" ( 1179) Ugo Toe>- nuzl. Mid* Seneull. 10:00 8 (I) FA&..OON CN8T Maggie di-. that an extort.lonlat la lerrltylng Faloon Cr..c WOf11...._ a GI CA8111 a co. c...-.. l*ed by • yowig men to Wldlcate hil deed ~· 15-Y9W-old fflW· dar~IOn. • 9 8TMCE FON:E Murphy oc-after ttvM -Minted for • --of ~ I murders. • CMATMTY WITH ILL MOY!N "Fred $midi: C«porate CreatlYlty" BIN MO)l9f• profMM entt....-. Fred Smlttl, the men ~ , t>6e for Iha de\ alopment of Feder81~.Q 10: 11 (8) MOYIE ••• ''Modem ""'"'-'' ( 111 t) AllHtrt Brooh . K .. tvyn Hanold. 10:80 8 Yount AND T.- lllUU "Joba Ano Economic 0.. eiopment" ~: SNr- ley I( Chlton, prMld9nt of the Cellfornle Statie ~ berdfC-C.. ...... 8T'Ofln' "Poland: Stop The ~ .. lnterMw9 wltfl PGllatl end Weetern toumellaU -'-tured In 111'1 ...,.,..Ion ol the total cen-.Np cw- ,.,.,11y enforced In Poland. i =-ui-M 111 lllCA ••14 "Baell. Road•" (1111t) ~ Allld, T°"""' i-Jon.. 11:00. IATUN>o\Y NIGHT Hole: lkdl ...,,,,. OuMt: -e.tteMldler. • tCOMIC -- HWltli PROBLEM? We can probably help Canpbell Hearing Aids In Montgomety Ward Bldg H..tt.gf0ttC ...... r ~·--· 898-4833 00 .. 11-~ _ .. KNXT tJ 00 .. 330 84ng Cti 600 CBS~ ...... ao .. 11 ...... - KN8C D .......... • Wlltlngton Stall Look AIU. ---- KOOP m \a~ KCET m \.-........ KOCE m> Shi NI NI Goldll Rold Va Bllketbll Clf Cir• M<Mr TNI Old Voter'1 ~ Portrmta lnP..W Allllriel'• T T111 The Munsters f . Trooe> Pirate" OfTbe ~· Gmd Runner Mtgelon" TIOl9 Ctntrll ''Tilt Tr.. lbm Tlulderr 8 PllO W•'re Btyond" Wooesc:r.'a ~; "LMIA Uttlt. UMA LIWI" Wldt Wortd Of Wlln V(••You? Omni ,, KFU8 0 ......... Tom And Kllldy Kom 30Mnil• In SNrcll Of .. Omni Wlcl World Of ARnllll Wld, Wild KHJ a .......... MO'M: "Sierra Biron" ..,.,.. "Strenge C..Of Dr.JS Va. McMn' Sliop New MeUCO Soul Show My ~ KCST m ..... HBC ,_, Tht Mupptt• T tlirl P9QPlt OUI Loog Hol Summtr'' MIMI "Big Jake" Pai Robllofl ATrfbult To An ..... Jtfll ... CNld Adlm-12 Adam-12 Movie "When Worlds Collide'' MIMI "Strenge ,_ WOtld" KOCE '1i> Introducing 8ialogy Introducing Made In Ora Upon • Germany AQllllc W..You Thlr•? Wtly ln The World? Mat.inee At The Bijou "West N SHOP ING, DINING -. -. ~ -- satwdaf s Details FfMUNW .. 1tll2 &VIMNG 7:00 Ill THE HAN)'( 90V8 I NANCYOIMW W'fliUm wtlel\ Netw:y at-o-• 1>9n- -~. the CMI .. pi.-GI*' by~ KO· cMnU. • LAWMNCE WBJ< ''In ~ WWI Law'' • QeaaNG IT OUT ~: ... Md(lnnon Ullk9 .... ~ peopl9 who ,... the..,..... lhelt home; AM CotMn •fiend• • ~ .. .,. lt9dl· llOnll ~ '&ch bit'lhdr( perty. • MATW&AT1"E -.DI F.-...ct: John Werne end a--,. ··ewiw· ~In ''w..t Of n. ~·· ( 1832); • 18112 c:at100n • #Mt a...,. 3 al ''Junior G-Men."(A) (I) ·~""-· "$plr1IV..,_ .. 8 THE lillJPNTI au.t; Jaye P. Motg1111 ~MOYIE .... .....,Buddwlng .. (Q)MOYW * * * "Al Night Long' l 1982) P•ltldt McGoohan a..ya... 7:309 ~RVUI ~ judgm Lou f«. nono. Clludl9 Lonow. e. .. .. MncN1 au.t s~ 8 (I) OllN: ntE NEW I""* I iEiR Featur9d: • ,_ ~ !Mt • revolullonlilng the epot't of ... end ttvtng, the pr~lng of ol4 llnd min.• in~.,, .. In 8raJI lhet pr~ gno- llM. -~ "£1 ua.tro Primltlvo S- l09" P\1rnllM) 88nt09 llnd Illa ora.tta -leetured. ~.~Of lnU9iCal piec:9 trOf'll 1N Antlllee I C.,lbbe•n and Lalin ~ di .. GOOD TAITE Featured· Jac:ll Whit• rWWil San a.go r•teu- rlll"IU end _..,.. cool< Ing ~n......,.. au.;,... ..... CZ> lillllCME * * * '4 "la 0.0-Aux Folee'' (1t7t) Ugo To0-..a. ti1ct111...,_. a:009(1)WM.T...V ''Tiie Cet "-Ou1w ___ .. An ........ r1111 tOlftClll cnllfl IMdl on EMii. (P8rt 2) ••a. fJ'THaeova. OtMt ... .JclrwtNfl .,. ~t.,lwedltolllayln col9ga .,... ~" .. him where 11 O.!IM from, ~ ttl9 IMlr9 to "** .... tie --It. • lillllCME ***14 "Tl'I• llrd•" 11M3) TiclP ....,__ Rod ;; ...... CllCllllG See Saturday't:-Page 13 I ' ~ Maye~'s life now seems 'Hope-less' By LYNDA BlltSCB When Claire Labine and Paul Mayer sold ''Ryan's Hope'' to ABC last year, we doubt they expected the move would break up their writine team-up, which eoes back many years. However, that's exactly what happened. ABC has decided to retain the services or Claire Labine and team her with several writers to produce "Ryan's Hope." As for Paul, he is no longer writing scripts for "Ryan's Hope," but we assume he will turn up on another daytime drama -not that he needs the money, however, since he w1ts given quite a hefty piece or change by the Alphabet network for "Ryan's Hope," which is its leadin& soap opera. We understand ABC Is gearing up for competition that may be coming Its way from the newly spruced-up "Search for Tomorrow" when it hits the NBC airwaves March 29. ABC is also aware of "Yowig and the Restless," which always runs a respectable fourth or fifth in daytime ratings, but bas oo plans to change the basic Ryan's Hope format, which is never at the top but also never at the bottom. A WIBLE BACK we told you that a market research company had done some testing to see how their clients feel about the soap operas. Well, the company is at It again, asking questions as to which shows you watch, which shows you feel move too quickly or slowly, do or don't have attractive characters, etc. The last time this market research poll was taken It centered on "General Hospital." This time it is an across-the-board soap opera study. The results are bfehly secret; however, we are trying our best to "break the code ... We might add that even learning that such research is going on ii no easy task. A NEW ENTERTAINMENT is about to bit the pay-TV airwaves. What's different about this one is that the prime target is original productions. Its off ertngs will include such thinp as "Sweeney Todd," "A Christmas Carol" and "Candida." Set to st.ar in one of their productions is Charita Bauer, who plays Bert on "The Guiding Light" and bu dorie so since that show started on TV in the 1950s. "TEXAS" HAS DECIDED to continue its ever-expanding .cast list. Elizabeth Berridge is playing Allison Linden, Ashley's younger sister; -Ernie Garrett is now being seen as Grant Wheeler's son Mark, who will be the president of World Oil. Berridge, a mere 19 years old, bas extensive. daytime and primetlme experience. Daytime fans have seen her on "One Life to Live," "As the World Tums" and "Guiding Light" in minor roles. ON A RECENT talk show. Tristan Rol[ers. who plays Scorpio on · 'General Hospital," seemed as bemused by the GH sci-fi storyline as anyone else. In fact. Rogers invited the fans who understood the most recent plot lines to please clue him in, and several other cast members as well. Q: Cu you please teU me wbat happened lo lrla from "Texu?" Wby did sbe leave the sbow! -J .P .• Coaway, S.C. A: Beverlee McKinsey has decided she is done with daytime TV for awhile. Even though the talented Beverlee was listed as the "star" or "Texas," it did little to boost the show's ratings. Beverlee has no present plans of returning to "Another World." Q: rm a lo7al fH of t.M olcl ''Peytoa Pia~ .. program -daytime and llltJlUl•e veralou. Aa aomebody wbo med to wattb It wlten UM Ilka of Mia Farrow and Ryaa o•Neal starred Im th nl1JhWme venloa. I waa very lateruied wltea dley cast tile daytlme abow. I was .. derta1 U yoa coald tell me wbo bad Ute part el A.JU.. la Ute afternoon wenloo. -Mr. ll.M.P., Wffl LafayeUe, lad. A: Kathy Glass. Jut seen as M .J . Carroll on "The Doctors," played AWson. Kathy dyed her medium-brown tres• blonde. She allo wu seen as tbe ~ J~y on ••One Ule to Ll~!t'.:_~ before that was Kim on "The Best ol Eftryuuna,'' • Tube Toppers . KTLAe 8:00 -"The Birds ... Alfred · Hitchcock movie about birds terrorizing a town stars Tippi Hedren. KNXT 8 9:00 -"Silver Streak." Gene Wilder stars in a nutty blend of comedy, romance. action and suspense as he becomes involved in murder on a cross-country train. KOCE 9 10:00 "Austin City Limits." Willie Nelson and Guy Clark are featured. satunlay• Details r'rom Page 12 Cerer ~ a c:Nafl on a ~ man WflO ..,.,_ quentty ,_ lot l.auNn, and PU aor-to Mot Wiiia lot a lligtt achool ~Mency •uminetlon II MOVIE "Honor Hospital" (1'116) MIChHI Gough, Robin Alltwlth. • MOVIE * * "lnvulon Of The Bee 01rl1" ( 11173) Wiiiiam Smith. Anitra Ford. ID UROHEAR™ "TN 9-rnlng Hordea"" OeWd Attent>otough !oc*I st IN 11range courting ~of no-..and lnaecll 0 (H)MOVIE * * * "All Night Long" ( 11162) Pa1ric:lt MeGooha." •• Seley Blair (l)MCMI * * * * "RllQlng Buh" ( 1880) RoOet1 0. Niro, Cethy Motlat1y lit LOMTTA LYNN 8PfGIAL The ''Flr91 Udy of Cour>- tr(' ... "Coel ... .,_.. o.ugtller," "One'• On The Wey" and oC'-Ill~ In a perlom-taped ..... at HWTah'lln~ l!.IO 0 al HAAP£R VAJ.J.Et Wlllle under hypnoel1 to 101• wel9lll, F"lora ~· • eonwrutlon about SteMa thst ~ her to become Slela'e beat friend G SNEAK PAIMlWI Roger Eber1 and Gene s.i .. ,......_ __ t lllme tNlt ~~ mlued 11\e flr1t time atound lnelucSlng "Fln-gan, .. "Gal• Of ,...._, .. and "The Onion R91d." (R) CO) UWAT HAMAH'I Rip Tlylor, 811 Colby and 01c1c Shewn -'-lured. HOG MOVIE * * * "Sliver StrHk" 1111111) Gelle Wlldtw, Jiii Cl•vt>ural\. 08MNMA MANDMl.l. ANO THE MANONLJ. a.TIR8 au.ta: Danny TllomM, 0..0...... 89 LOYllOAT ~ain StuellnQ ~ mllffllloe, 81 unaonll)Uloul ~ travela wltll hie vlrtfrlend and his 1*1· ner. and a IMI..., lnfU. rlllt• a women by counlng eno!Mr.Q .GNAT ~ "8rld .. h••d Ravl1ltad' The lllMk UQtl1 Of Dey" Seballlan reh1rn1 to adlool -·•tilr betlt °" '* -o.tfuctlon .,.., 1111 mo4Nf (Cllh .._.,., .U M Olltotd dOll to ~ Cl'* .. eon. ,,., tl_Q • lllloWQOOWlrVIO-fl•DfT'I "The RMe'1 Pfogr-" Roy ~ c:onltructl I OO*'~(R) .... ~~ (11110) Al#I Arttln. Mertln a.tum. (l:)MOYIE * *14 "'TM Friaco Kid" (111711) 0... Wilder, Harri-'°" FotO OMOYIE ** "Tllll 11 EMI" (1981) Oooumam.,-Y t: 10 (%)LAST YEA.A'S MOOEL HO(H)UOYIE • *~ "&clipa From Alea- ttu" ( 111111) Clint e-t- wood, p~ Mc:Goohlln. (a>MOVIE •14 "Up In Srno ... " (1111111 ~ and Chong. Edi. Adlml. (%)MOVIE * * * * "Raging Bull" 11IMIOI FloMr1 o. Niro, C.thyMonany 1HO 0 8 llLL Y CRYSTAL OOlom1V HOUR au.ta: Morgen Faltchlld, AoOtr1 urtc:fl, the Mlohat- 11111 Tr-'-. • 9 FAHTNIV l8lAHD "-"Y ~in.ts .. ,_~~ HdmM. Md Mr Ro9r11• .. IOICI by a women lhal ha Is ,,... '"'* of ,_ c:Nlcl 0 D MOVIE • *. "A.cl Rlvw"" (111-48) Jofln W..,a, Montgom«y' Clift. • PORTMIT~A U!GBIO "The 8-:tl Boys" • Tl4E GOU>IN AGE°' TILEVlllOH "The ~" Mickey Rooney ~ -.. aoo-ti.tk411 co"'6c who OW'- .. • ltM by dlMlurtno ~around'*" G AUST1N ClfY UYTI The legend8ty Wiile ...... eon and r ... tongwfltar I tlorytellar Guy Cllli1I W9 l'NtllfWd. IO:*I tl) MOVIE * * "Ho« T-8hlrt1" (llln) Ray Holltnd, 81~ Lawlor DMOVIE * ''WM'I That Knodtlng At My Door?" 'A' 11!00. M"A"l"H EwtyOM .. In ... yproer When ~ ftnd out &hat their -Ot"CY ~ ot 11g111 bultlia Wr"8 °"' to ~ .,, Ice CfWrTI Ghum. GD IOUNDl'TAGE "Ruper! Hoitn." (R)O (t)N>CQHOW Filmed lllgNlgtlts of .,. 191t '\Winge 0-Alnert- ca" tour b'f Paul Mcic.tt· ,.,, and Wll'Ot lncllldee petb1••Kll9 ~ ·~ rm~:· .. _.. llld "Y.....,,. ........ ... ..,...,_, (D)MCMa • ''Hot t..eoe" (1MO} ... Mt• ...... J ..... 8t . MOVII and VIDEO RECORDER ;; • , r,!»o., I EL I I N VIDEO GAME AND CARTRIDGE '14'!.,., • TAUAM 1"1 AJll MAM ...... •DI.MOU-.._. ••llAT......,.CAl'B • Hmon °' 1NI WOti.D rMTICMal........, •rA'9MT'f m.t•p "I 155-1070 • 2201 ....... 1103, ....... _........, ______ . _____ _ ---I& tta~r-· -··"'°•UL '~AR PET BARN ~ "/. "" . ,, ..... --. .. . . .. . '. ... . . . i ' f I I - M · .....,Grid s KNXT KNBC KTl.A AM IJ D D ............ ............ .....~ 7: Bulln9I ~Aird Top Joumll ThtAobot Cat I= Rlinbow Uttle Patcfl Rasclls s: .. Tllil la Popeye .. Thi Ult Altd His .. Odyaey Fnends .. .. 9: Blallblll News llollOl'I Con-.nc. .. CAita Meet The .. Va. Pr .. .. 10: LOIAngeles At One Mcwle; lake,. With "The Paul Princess .. Mmnl!y AndTht 11: .. Agieul1urel Pw1t1" .. USA .. Bllkltblll Blallblll .. ~ NoUe .. KNXT KNBC KTLA Pi\f IJ 0 " ............ ............ ............ 12: Vs Dlllle to.tin St. John's Vs $plCe UCLA .. " .. .. 1: .. .. The .. .. Munslers Bing ~WOl'ld F-Troop Croebv 2: Natlonll .. Gllgln's ~ .. !Mid Goll .. GllgM'• .. .. ~ 3: .. On MIMI: ~ "·Mc:Hate'• IMIOI ff'll Nl¥y'Jolnl ThtWlld ....u ThtAa-4: lnterflce Sunday Fon:e" .. .......,, " .. " .. .. 5: Fallie .. Star Hatlon .. Trt& cas..._ NBC ..... " .. .. .. 6: ..... ..... lMmt .. &SIW19y RgM lMmt .. Blcitt & SIWley . 00 IOMRitts P99COdi ~ 7"' ~ & St*tly .. lMmt ~ .. .. '8'*11¥ s: Atdlil N8CMovle: J.cques Bunlter "The ~.MAJ OneDly Dlyllle AIATN BllWI .. 9: """ !urat" Wild " Kingdom The " WOl'ld Of Jlftlrtonl " ~ 10: T'tCIPI' .. ..... JoM. .. .. M.D. .. .. .. .. ~ 11: ..... ..... P...itwa C8SNlwl " .. 8pcs. Anti .. 700 Roctlord N8CMowlt Ct.lb 12: Fiii "The .. Gqectr .. .. Ctvondll" .. Movie PS15 .. fine star~ KABC KFM8 l<HJ KC8T u 0 D a1) ............ ..°""' .....~ ... °""' "Is &#Idly KIMl!th Sundly Wntten MooWng ~ Mau Viewpoint ML.ooka " ThtWorld OnHulrl1lon Al l.eamfflg " Tomorrow PerlO!ltl Oral Lloyd Rex Olmenlions Roberl• Ogilvle Humbard Today's Family Meellrig KnowYOUI BlkWOl'nlfl Liie Ttm1 Bible Villa Bllketball Orll .. Alegi• Bo8ton Roblr1$ h CettJCS o.yOf Meet Thi .. Vs . o.c-y Press Hew loo Los Angeles Herald ~ter Aewe Liken Of Trurh Weeldy Kldt Art .. Robel1 Yng.PtoPl's People .. Schuller Specill Too " .. Chico Md " .. .. ThtMen ThillW.. Bllketblll Tiny Cole Basketball With L~ Whlttak• Notre KABC KFMB KHJ KCST u 0 D a!> ............ ""°""' ..... ~ IMO.,O ()Md Vs s-ch Dame ~ St John's . Vs Oncbonl .. The UCLA " " Butws " $potUbeel .. Teen " " Tlllt .. The Bing Wild, Sports World I Superstws Crosby Wiid .. National Weet " .. Pr~Am .. .. U.s.A Goll McMe .. Va. The .. '"Thi .. WOl'ld In .. HoundOI Sugar Ray Sports .. Thi Biik•· Leonard's Wldt F-The ville" Golden WoridOI Nation .. Gio- Sporta Victory Movie Movie: AISel "Horror "T en1aC1es" .. ~ Holplt .... .. Joumll Spot1I MAS.H .. .. Llglndl .. .. .. A9CHews WllC:ome .. .. .. Blcit,Kottw .. .. ..... CBSNewl Women In NBCNew .. .. Rodi Altd " Thtt'• ..... -Roi News Holywood .. .. .. Code llOMnrt• Alp Pelcoc:k Aid .. Wison SllQwcae .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. A8CMovle: Archie h" NBCMIWll ''Supermen'' Bunl<er WttHen "Thi Part 1 Oneo.y World Clay The .. AlA Tlmt Tomorrow Bubble .. Alice Or &nt'' .. .. Cho .. Thi er.Ill .. Jtflar1ont Of Ult .. Todey"s TflPI* Ernest .. FBI John. ~ .. .. M.O. .. .. .. .. .. News News World News .. .. Vblon .. A9CNewl Ftct The Cruudt NBCM<Mt MCMt: Hatloll .. '"Thi "ThlHMtt Movie Gangster lsA .. Chronicles'' Lonely .. PS15 Hll!ler'' .. .. KTTV KCOP KCET m Cl) m ............ ............ ..... ~ Oey()f Cartoons Yoga For Oleco...ery .. Health Jtnvny .. MIS!« Swaooart " Rogers .. .. Oye .. " Wl!Ue Ever .. History Of lncrMSllg .. A Sunbeam Feith .. Sesame Strte1 WOfld .. Tomorrow " .. .. .. The Humbard Lawmakers Jerry " Open F-.. " Mind " MOYit Muterpleoe .. "S1'angt Theltre Cllurdl In NlwWorld" "Flame Trees Thi Horne .. Ot Th*a" KTTV KOOP KCET m Cl) m IMMfllla LteMfllla ....~ MoY'I .. TheOuc:Nss "The OIOub SanPedro .. S11ee1 Bums'' .. .. .. Adam-n WhenThe .. .. Boat Mo-flt• Adlrn-12 Comesln ''Fi*'llng .. .. Star" M<Me-Kat~. " "Caplalrl .. Horatio Pr-tel " ~·· .. " .. American " " ~ ~ .. l t.. Week "The " lnflevMW Long Hol Movie WllA$treet Summer" ''Gly Week .. Pun-41" Washington .. .. Wlllt .. .. Ftnng .. .. LMle .. .. .. .. .. .. MASH S.111est1r Uie .. Gallc11ca Aroundlk The ,, Wlly ln ..llf1er'lons .. Th1World7 Sonny& .. Tutrilllnul't aw .. Egypt .. .. HlllOI .. .. Green Movie: Sold Mewl "Big Gold "Anding Jake" .. A Vea" .. .. .. .. Hit Mll1Wplece .. Haw Thelln .. .. "FltmtT,... .. OIThb" ..... INN News Meeting .. .. Of Minds Jerry JlrM!y .. FllMU Swaggart .. .. .. Top Of .. .. ThtWorid McMr T ... OITht 6'*111 "Thi ~ ~ Long Hot MO¥it' The~ Summer" ·w. OIOullt . . OI The Strwt . .. DMdt" .. KOCE ~ .......... • a.ec• Oii Patnhng Oil Painl.lf1Q WIShlogton Wlllt Wiil S1191t WMlt KOCE m ........... a.ec• MoYll "SonV*f S.lllllde" .. .. .. Matinee AITht 8ljOu '-Wiii OIThe OMde" Belly Boop Fesllvll .. .. " Ctmer• r~ .. Yldory Gardwl Thill Old Houle LuVegaa Grlllld Prill Chlc:krig "°"' Nooll "Hunt For Thll-olOn Klllr" Maslerpieoe Thea Int ·'Flarnt Trees OIThb" Arntr1cln ~ ''StnleOI Humor' Movll ''Gul!Mlr' s Trawls" .. .. .. Sunday• De ta tis • F9AUARY 1, 1912 Eva.G 1:00 D a P!AOOCf< 8HOWCA8f "l:Mtllt>ound" A gov.rn- menl olfleial wno wan11 10 l)(OV. the Ulllenal OI UFO. Clelalna the ail.en lllftlly CP-1 i) 9 1.AVSME & 8HIAl.EY &COMl'AHV SO• Pk>u1 talk• the 01111 lnlo l)fO\llng lNI they're u tougll•men. 8 9 CODERS> The Aorc:MlcS WI plagued by 1 _... ol mystettou• llw .. 11 Md llCtS of Vandel· IMI 6!) tKYIA "The Honl For The Leg.on '°""'' The Im .... lnYes-llgllllon laooc:hed by lhe Center lor DI-Control IO d*°-the mk:tobe responalblt for legion· nlir•'• "'-II tr~ 7:IO. LAWANE & 8HIAUY &<»MPAHV S1rg11nt Plout go11 AWOL end hldt9 ou1 In the Qlrta' 11Pef1menl ., HILL& Of' OAIEEH. PA&..ACE Of' GOLD A IOOll la i.lltn It the Hert Krllhnl'I N9w VMdtban Fenn Community localed In !hi 111119 of WMI Virginie (C)MOYE •**It ''Tht<:et And TM c-y· c 1938) 8ob Hope, PIUltttt Goddard. 7:AO (%.)CHARLIE aw>uH a.-ooDa~ "The Dey The Bubble Burst" c~ 5'ot>ert v~. ~d Crtnna 8 0 MOYIE * * .... "Sup9rmln" (Ptn 1) C 1911) Cllrl•topller AMYe, Mwgoc l<ldd9r. • MOYIE * .... "Big Jiik•" c 1871) Jolln W1yn1, Rlclltrd eooo.. e eouoGOLD Hott· A"'6y Gibb. Colloat Marllyn McCoo au.ta Oevo, Rktl Sptlngfltlcl. M1dtey Olley, Kool & the Geng, the Ullll ~ 8tnd. 0-ge CM1ln • HOYA "Finding A VOlot" S.-11 ~ 04 -tpMdl dl .. bllti.. ,...,. Mw they ~their~ it MAST8'NCE THEATRE ''The A1n1e Tr-Of Thl- llt· S.lwi" .... ftnda thtl lie cannot rllltrtli'I hit io.. tor L«ttot tny lor'OfF wt111t on ..,.,, with the Ptlmera Ind Tiiiy (Plrt 6) 0 (8)MOYtE * •• * "Raging lluft" C 1NO) Aobel1 0. Niro. Celhy Motttny. ())MOYIE •• "MIMn And Howtrd" CIMO) Peul l.AMtt, J_, Aoberdt. .MOYIE See Sunday's. Page 15 2823 east coast highway -675 .. 10 I 0 cora1a del mar .,., .• "'"' •.•• .;.,, ...... t . - • At Panache .. ot course. The latest warm upi, L~ warmeiS and You won't only ffft Great! Come CITY Got itall) Exeicise lam stytet Leotards, Tights, , ./ Parachute Pants! ~reat-You'll loo!< aaYoU are ... PANACHE 1(}5:30 221 MARINE BALBOA ISLAND 673-1810 rASK~cCsELI I Thll wee1c February 7 • Glorte ~ produce ol Genaal /bpllol, .............. -.............. .,.... • ~ 1*ae, ... ol Dalmt. ... .. wtlk:h ~ .... would --.... ti. tllnd ... ... your opportunity IO llilk any ~ any quelllon on yoor rnnd R-i wtw yow fieb,t rudln -1116dng. u. w.k -.ct ~ wee ., . RMILf WEBKD' The Sunday Magazine of the Dally Pilot KNBC 8 8:00 Bubble Burst." made-for-TV movie Crenna. "The Day the Premier e of a . starring Richard KTLA fl 8:00 .. Si.tpermarr." Part 1 o f the Margot Kidder-Christopher Reeve version is shown. KCOP C9 9:00 "Hee Haw ... Mickey Gilley tops lis t of guests. KNXT fJ 10: 00 ··Trapper John . M.D." Doctors confront a rare case of delayed puberty. From Page 14 • * * ''The Conlp9tltlon" (llMIO) ~d ~. (£1~ ** * • "Teu" (19791 Natua4a Klnllltl. Peter Anh. 9:309 (1) ONEOAYATA TIME Ann'• widowed mother fell• tor Francine'• hand· -and llllek Clivofoed l•thef. t:OO 8 Cl) AUCE Mel'• excitement owr hit mothet'• ~ to publlth • eootcl>OOlt .,. Cllmmed when he CliseoYera !hat hi& MC/91 c:hl1i recipe Is lndud· 9d • MlD KJNOOOM ··ni. Remerk1t>le Fatel· Ions" ti) HEEHAW Guff ta· Mickey Giii•>, John Hlltlorel, Ca<I Smith. Jlmrny Henley • MASTERPIECE THIATAE "ni. Flame Tr-Of Thl- ka. Satan" 1#1 llndt that he cannot ,...,..,, "" loW '°' l.ailtlce '1l'ff longer wNle on aalati with the P..,_.. llllCI Tiiiy (Part 61 Q 69 AMEAICAH PlAYMOUSE "&en. Of Humot: WhO Am I Thie Time?" Cl'lriato- plle( Walken anCI Suean Swandon portray actOfl In • Mlall town llWY wflo tell In love In • teleplay of Kurt Vonnegut Jf.'1 acdal~ ~-°'Y Q (C)MOWI! • * "5 Flngln Of DMth" ( 1973) LO Ueh, Weng Ping 9:IO 9 Cl) THE JEffENIOH8 George .. del•mlneel to get fameel go.pel ..... AndfM C<ouch to sing at JeAiea'• dltla1enlng. 10;00. Cl) ~JOHN. M.D • Ooc:tOfl Mcintyre anel Gal• conffont • ,_ - of Ollayed puberty and ~ VMll tM pan.nt'• motn.r 11 a m.p conllib- ut« to the probtem. 8 aJ TOOAY'&Fa "" F8I agent end!• under the t1raln of being under "deep _ .. fOt • IOng j)4WIOCI of time. • MEETING C# MN>8 6•-Allen c:ontlnuM hll ~ of populallon contrOI. tr• enterpt199 anCI MJdel MOftllt'Y wlttl MatOWel Sanger. Mshat· ma GanclN end Adem Stntth (Part 2) G MOVIE ••• .. ~, r, • ..,. .. ( 19301 Animal«! (D)MOVIE • • • "The Competition" (19801 Rictllllel Orevfull. Arny Irving ())MOVIE • • ·~ "Beek Road•" (tte11 Selly Aelel. T~ Laa.ion.. 10: 18 ® MO'JIE ..... "Botdettlne" 11080) Ctlatlea &onaon. BNno Klft)y 1C>:IO ct MOYIE • • • • "AeMKreeUon" (10801 Ellen Burstyn. Sam sn.p.ro 11:00 • TOf> CW THE WORlD COnt•tanta trom the Unit· ed Stat•, G<aa1 Britain end Auttralla c:ornpete In a QYlz program that t•t• IMlt ...,... ... In • wide v8riafyof~ (C)MO'JIE *••At "POt1nO)l't Com- plaint" ( 19721 Rldtard Benjamin. ~ 8laca. CZ)MO'JIE • * • ... "La Cage Awl Follel" (10791 Ugo Tog- nuzl. Michel Serr..it. Lorett.a Young set to •tar in two movies for tele1'ision HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Loretta Young, who has not appeared on television since 1962. will make two TV movies for Charles Fries Productions. ...... ~ ...... __.. HAYE YOU BEEM INJURED? •AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION ACdDENTS •PERSONAL. ACCIQENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you Obtain all That you are Legally Entitled. Call tor a FREE Consultation ano Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties. Including Insurance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices of 834-0133 24HIS R. STEVEN PETERS, INC. 601t4.P~C ...... Dr .. S...AM Sales • Leasing ASKO~~UT VALET ~~ too So. Coast Hwy •• Lapa leach 494-1 131 or 546-996 7 M-.: ......,.,._ 9.7, W. t.S. S... IM (213) 947-2828 hittier Dmnestic EmploJment Agenc Live-in liousekeepers, companions, babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews. "--It•,,,., ... In t.he first, she enacts t.he true-life story of Mother Angelica, who heads the Eternal World µ.......-....;-....-...:.-....:o.;.::.,..;....;;:;...~--------.... .,.._. Television Network and is superior of Our Lady of r•••••••••••••••••••• .. An gels Franciscan Monastery in Birmingham. I I Ala. I I In the second, "Potomac Jungle," she stars in I DICllTAL WATCH;... I a ncuonal story of the first woman president of tbe I :r., S8 ~ SJ I United States. ,._ 11 Day, date & time. 11 Valerie Harper and Cliff De Young star in the Par It er r e f I 11 . CBS movie "Aspng F.or It," now in production in I C o m P I e t e I Y I Shelter Island, N.Y. I 1uaran{eecl I Miss Harper pJays a recenUy divorced woman I ' ,.._..DWI••• !I I who returns to an isolated.Island, where sbe had I ~..... 3825 MacArthur 81\'i!. I ilWimliiii~-:.m-••-•--lilrrlliiiilir_ .. ~ spent many childhood summers, to find a new life. I / ,~,, \-Suite301,S.A. I De Young plays the local police chief who is L · / ....... · ... 1412 I ~~~------------------------------...:...--"'!:~at_t_ra_c_ted __ to __ be __ r_ . ...;. __ .;_ ____ _:. _______________ •.;;,..•.,:_•~·-..... -__ • __ •_• __ • __ •_• .... • __ •_•..:_• __ •_• __ • __ •_•_.~~. -·-·~~-··~=----=--------:-. --:-. ~-~~-. ~ I ----------------. -. -. . Piiot lV LOii , Frt<Hly, ,.eoruery o, lW<C ·a ..... ..... ...... . ..... i ...... ...... f N ....... 0 CD 00 " O') i111 f's ~ ·~ ..... ~ ...... 0 CD 00 --.:i ,, ·s I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 .( .. JJ : Ji ii ,E fill~ ii i ' : ,I : . .I .llJ .. 'f . .iJ n.s Ii .. i·~ i-< ... •i f ;i . .IJ i·~ i 'f 1t ·i ,,f, : ji z : : : % ·I . I ;1 r-,1 1 rm· · ;:i l ' •lit ~ -· r~t~ s-: ca : ,,~ .. ~ ~ ~1~ii ;:-> g> i ,,., ~ == :r t f! Ill '< ~ N ._,. OD ·N ~ ~ ~ii 11 f I , , I! J t<f i i~li fj :~ t: ,I : J .I If II ... f :: .I :;II ~i i•I f ilf ·IU 1s11 . : .i i•I : t i : I i "f Q : 1 : : • . JI .~ , .IJ , ,,I irtl ~f ii .. ii i~f i .L ·I f I:: .,,. ,,f 1 r1r1 i•2 :: ·I <§ f!ff ji t: iii i•2 : 1 : : : ,J • • f : c: .. f .,; l~il 0 .f igli !'~ >:f ~ :: J .. .I : t ,I gf fi ,,If Q4i "'~ i·~ ~ff j ,,Ii ,ji~ .f Jf i·~ : : : : ·~h i 'f ::fi . . . . i. .-Q . i : : J ,I . Je ii :~ 1111 ll'~ J ,, , ,,I c .. , . .,ij f ( ,i Ii .f i-<. •i f ;i ::ff : .IJ :~ :; l•I "fl : .~, Jcj x JC ii' : fi ,.. ' iif :: ,t , , ,I i rn ii-< ::f I ",i I ff ii :: ,, ,I " f if f -.(fl ~JP I' ~!i' : :s j i i ·~, I t : • : l : : f Gl : : : : ' '• fGl !. : . l. l!i'J. 'a. ill I : ~I 1ib: llQi: i ~ ,,. f i : : i! J 111; iif i fjji ,I ·~ :: ,I l~li ::ff : ,,( : .11 ~f r ~ Jill ·IU :: ·I :: .i Im~ : : : : "(2 ,eg - -.. . "'' f iii : : ,I .. if J;f l IC IC ;rr ::'I f iiJ [J " iiif "{I i·~ .If! 'II -·lji 'I ,f rrr i·~ ;. > '"' :0 ... -. f 1 ! Jc % •• \. -fii , ..... , ·I .r . .,, llif {~I~ , ,!I §'•r : ,(f ~111 .f ·f .~jl i·~ f iii ,, :~ ~llf ,f " iii' i•U J'! : : : : -l I J J &> . ~g1111 '; iii: ~ 1· tpli 1r1 · ·II llf' ilii 1p1 J ,ff {I(~ ~i . «r irii i ~ llf I : «f .. if f if f ljff ie~ :: j t : t : 11 a .- HH ~i :: I!., fUI 1n11 11 ·I f(ii ii ,, :t if ~fif llfl j!le q~s : : : : "fl f 11~ 1r11 r11 q~s -.. f N ~ ~:IN . ~ ~ ~ : ~ :: ; gl ~ i ~ 'l!c I ~ > . .Ii · H w < ~ a i i' -~ -w en rs:lf;i!f~iii~I. !ll~1•1 1 Ji 1 I;(!:tf;J1'i~ill!llll(~I;~~~1t!'Jf i §f;i~. lif•l1•11111;1 ~1 (;•11• 11 i i ~ ,. > !'-: 1·1 '''''lfl 111111 1 .. , '~, 11 11fl1§11·~ .i1 , 1111 .1,~ I h 8~,1 .ii·fl': isl · ;z jft; 111~·;~ ~ ~·11 I !!tb;U! Ii !~:~·%1 :ih~li! p r!i~jrfl '1t-~ 11 i( u I u~ 11 1~0 (.(111 1 '1·1 i .I "" > ~ ~ r! 8n "HM1i hid hti H I .!HJ.:; lb~l!J f~ . j . f ll!J '.1! ~ I . : I I ..• Television not passive FromPoge2 •1 srandfathet' never owned a televiaioa. not that 1 recall UlYW•Y. and be didn't Uve k>D& eooueb to see Lee Harvey Oswald die OD sereen or live remotes from tbe lunar plains. I don't know if he could have bandied it. Television is often, and ri&hUy, criticised as a passive medium, demandine oothina from the viewer other than a wUl.inpess to sit and be hypnotized. On occasion, tboueb, television assumes a critJcal role in our collectJve life. It was just over a fear •to, for example, tbat we watched an airplane land in Prankfurt, Germany, and diseorie a bedraaled batet. of fotmer bo.taees. late of t.be U.S. Embuay, Tehran. Oun wu not a paaaive relatlouhtp to Ul1a event; we were actively involved iD their return to society became, in a more than vicarious sense, we were tbe're ton~ that moment with them. Television makes ua players on the world state when any crisis looms laree or the uneKpected occun, a ln the Dozier rescue. We were transported to Kunich to share in the tension and trMl!QDellt llorror of the 19'11 Olympic Games sla.__. In \be put year we bave witneaed, penaaally. attemptal UHISIDations of • Pope and a president. It ISD't pou.ible to riew these UU.p and not become intemally mwlved. Our aenae of iDtereonneet.edneu, via mm at 5 or minicam live, ls belpt.ened, thoucb we mi&bt wt.sh otherwile. Tbat'a why Poland went into a blackout mode on the nipt marshal law wu deelared. (Format, we DOte, can be everything. When Poland was invaded by its own troops, one of the first televised confirmations came from BiU Mu_rray, who was back on "Saturday Night Live," ~ bmtin1. As the show ended, Murray spoke in somber tones of tanb and soldiers and a tragedy _ la U. wrb...Tho audlenct,. unabla to dlacrimlllate betw .. se:rloua and .Wy, laue:JMd at the....-.) Television In no way malte,s reality uneseapeble, however. It lln't intrusive; we have to cboole ita company, and there la that numbered dial with its array of options. Every staUon manager knows the phone banb will liaht up with complaints' as soon as a "MASH" rerun ls set aside for breaking news coverage. SWI, television can activate our participatory circuits faster and witla ,,.eater intensity than any other medium. That's the beauty -and the terror _.,it. au&. aoN.U.D: Four Navajo Indians wbo serv .. ID the llartDes durina Wedd Warn wtD recelft Presiditntial citatlooa from Rmald Reagan as tM result of a report on "Real People." Tbe quartet Of veterans were known as Navajo Code Talkers because they used their naUve laquqe to develop an unbreakable code during the war. But they remained unsunt unW lut Nov. 11, when they were featured oo the NBC proeram, "Real People" hosts ureed viewen to write the White House ii Uaey believed the Indians deserved formal reco~ition. Earlier Uaia month, the producers ol "Real People" received a letter from President Re11an. "I just wanted to drop you a note ud let you know of the publJc response to your reemt proeram on the N•••jo Code Talltera," wrote tbe chief e•eedthe. 'T..e reeelm ...... ftom all Oftl' Ule eOU11tr7 as~ tlaM''I .. .i" ~to these llariDll for their de.uteil IC'Vlce in World War IL ot coune. I tiave beea oaty too b8PP1 to do ao. '' Th.8l'1 tneredlble. AWARDS FO& KOCE: "Newtcbeck" Channel 50'• twice-a-week news program and the onlr news ltiow to focus e1cluaiftly on 01'an1e Cowaty, plclred up two Golden Milre Awards at the Raat.Televiaion Newa Asloclatloo of Southern California'• 32114 aanual honT>ra banquet Ja B•Yerly Hil.11. Wrttet-reporter Jere Witter wu booof'ed for "Best TV New. Writlnlf" In a piece about efforts of La1una Canjoo residents to set their city semces upsraded. '1be atoo-was presented throu1h the eyes of a child. KOCE also received tbe ·"Belt TV Videotape .. KABC e 8:00 -"Superman." Part II of the Margot Kidder-Christopher Reeve blockbuster is aired. KTLA e 8:00 -"Bruce Li in New Guinea." For Bruce Li rans. a special treat. KNBC e 9:00 -"The Third Annual TV Gulde Special." A look at memorable moments on TV during 1981. 200/oOFF -.,, .... 1ce ul. . WI lllYICI •L MMIS. KABC 8 10 :00 -.. Oliv)a Newton.John: Let's Get Physical." A musical-visual fantasy with mini·movies taped in London. Malibu and Los Angeles. · Heat"9g/ Air Conditionin9 From Page 16 and "Meldco'• EM!« eon.. .. 8pecUICIUl9r. '' ®DaCINAT ~-HUNT TNI doCl1menlM)' ll)ecW tnNell to ... fWtMlt ,..._ fll .. ~In --"' ... ...,.... .....,,_.,..~- buy. <Z)IA10N-.r9 IMDMAO WOM.D ~ c:amrY e:ooe-. ...... Zic.and Leo edlelN IO tel rtc:tl~by~M ~purzte~ ~.by foletln. eaumaHO&mON n.~ Hester au.11 •trenged hUlbend .,,._ In Welnut Orove, and convlncea a... end Cerolne to ............. Q • fllCMI "ltn.lc9 u In .... ow-·· ltweU. e a MOV9 •• ·~ "&lpermen" (Patt 21 ( 1971) Chrl1topher ,..,,.. ...,.,. IQdder • P.M. MAOAlJNI An im.M9w wttti Matto Thomas; I villl IO &.c*· mM'a °'Mt°" at DC Comlcl. .MOVtm * * * .. Cahlll: United Staeae MeraMI~ (1973) JoMW~o-_.~ nedy. .CMMT PMPOMUNcet "lklcleetlud "-ltlted: ....... AoMwt n. Wodd" f tt rt'M -~ .-on,.peltlofaafl. 545-5542 ... ltll t7t.a770 dellndon. llnelly "'-" Ing IO ._.. OdDrd ,..,_ Ulan 9U o 1trlc1 ~(hrt4tQ Cl) lOCU.A MOUNTAIN A...,.....-ng .. --·-... otlflCdonl of .. _..._,, ooedl and ,...., to ,_., out and help a dlaad'.lantagect blel:tl-..V. (J:)MOYm **** "T .. " (1979) ........ Klnl*l. ..... Flr1tl. Cl>-A comic look el IN com- ~ -'lldl --duf· Ing • Hatv#cl atudent'• birthday perty .... ,.. ly'I SouUI PllllacMlpNa ...... -~ • *" "Tlt• -81tlnlng" ( 1teo) ~aclt '*"°''°"· Sheley DuYalL DINded by ~l(ubftdl. 1:10 8 Cl) PIWATE ... J .... The troope at Fort Bradley -onMr9d lO ·--• raportat clleelllng ou1 ,_. of polut.d ground ..... • ALL .. THE FNll&.Y The~eta.StMc ~a 11'oect on...., YW'1 Eve lwft ~ lO do Wllfl "Mild L8'lg Syne" ----"'~by ........ of INklng d9clllOl'8 .....,. COfllUft.- 111'11 Gladil. COllPU1I GIOOll• Oii 1111 FOUowe.DOGS• . AYIUGI COlaTION CA ... wnTMtOMLA .. r=-;::_- ~­.aiMleANt.ue OIU•ICOUMTY -! .. I -in i .Q : t 1: ~ ~ _, ~ -!i a: . I --.:::::::-':> - IBE ON tl:IE GO WITH SONY SCOTCH VIDEO- CAS 511 IES 5 to.9·~ -~1~~ • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV• • AcM1t •Akal• TOK MOVIES• W>EO CAMER· *-vox •RCA• HltlChl M• WIOE SCREEN TV'S• e l"iltmanic e JVC •Sony ACCESSORIES• A9T Al.S • MQA •&.£. • CMsar CffN ~ HU TH.RS: 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 •Slt412-5 YOU'LL~ OUR~--· AT ••• .Cable Toppers ON·TV (0), NHl HOCKEY -The Los Angeles Kings take on the Canadiens of Montreal. SHOWTIM! (S), atZA"M xViH -John Byner shows you things stranger than truth. larger than life and zan~r than anything you have ever seen. CINEMAX (C), "OCtCIHOW -Filmed highlights of the 1976 "'Wings Over America .. tour by Paul McCartney and Wings. Cl)-ESPN (1)-Sbowtime ·-CNN ·00 -HBO ·-Spotlight ce:l -Cinemax ca> -On/Select CZ)-Z Channel Cl)-~OR (N.Y., N.Y.) @) -WTBS <Atlanta. Ga.) FBBRUARY i, 1912 nuDA-¥-EVENING -- 7:00 7:SO 1:00 l:SO I 9:00 l :SO 10:00 11:31 • fr_..,_ ~ ....... we.a-. .... .... CC) ..... c..c·• ...... ..._TM,_,..,.,.. IMDN"llllllwlW~ Cl) T-CoM'• Spof1s c.t• ~ilcu VI. USC ........ OCUVl.USC 00 ~••c.t.J ... ..,..~·· .. ca> .._-n.~OISll-· ........ c.e" Cl) ... c.r'. ..... "s.Mll~" .. • .... "SClrtla-C.'4 .. ........ . .. CZ> .. c..t·• .............. ...... ,_,_All..f .... (!) ....... ~ 1111w Yn IMc:ls YI. Sii 0.. a.rs o.t. Li.ts GlJ lln Mlllf-* .... ..,.. Sfirll IMI' FEBRUARY I , 1112 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 1:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 lO:SO • -.s s.oru Ptmlloo fr--.wts """ Stwll ~ ..,,. ........... MIN "1htfrnc:olW .. Cl) ......... a.so. Ys S.llt Carallll Spof1s c.it., ClllMiM llMbtlOllll , ... ,.,...... CJD ~"*'Onlr llo-M .•• ,, Ni&M lOIW" flllme: -~ r '°"' Altltru" cm ........ l .... U.. Al H1m111·s MoN. '"Up In s.M" Cl) ..... c.i·• ........... ..,,. • • llllM:01'llllCMI" ... ..... o..t'• ltfllb l,. s,.c.11 • ~ CZ> llllt\lllCM'• ._ 't.t c. • ro1a· ..... ~ ......... Cl) ....... NYa.,orb ,......., .... WresllMc ............ _ ... .,, (17) ~ ~AIW. ..,_ "C. fnt" -~ FEBRUARY 7, 1112 SVNDAY EVENING 1:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 hulwo ·.,..,,..-... -- . ,_ l'DRUARY I, 1912 . llONDAY EVENING 7:00 7:SO 1:00 l :SO 1:00 t:SO 10:00 10:30 • f-lllporti s,.rts ....... W.c..tllf ..... c..t·• llllMI· "Tm " Spotts CMtJr HDcMr lallpol TOW-' 00 .... c.r • Tiit Gttll "'-• i..nt ~ .. f ...... .._ .. Tm'" .. YoR Ill Litt Off hiiiAUARY I, 1112 . ,,Intl IA Y EVENING . I 7:0I 7:30 1:00 1:30 I t:OO 1:18 lO:IO 10:31 • ~llflfts s,.11 ........ we..., ,... .. CC) ..... , ....... eo.c •• ... "Tllt_.. .... ....... ~ . Cl) ...... llflF• SpwtlC... I w.wc..s-. ........ <II> ........ llt*"Tlltkl•" .... "Tiit c....-.· cm .. L.CTllt ..... '9" 1 ... " "Tiit Oltlla" (IJ lAlllUllOll llD...:"W.'•llf' .............. . • ~t..r• --='-s..oc~· ..... .,,.~ .. CZ> .............. 1 .... "'Star As Yoe l#t" .... (!) llldllJ: ~ '--c.t•• . ........_,.,. M lids Vs. Wies.rs.a ~OI-al -... Allltf-MoN: "Tiit c.-,...... ' FEBRUARY 10, 1112 WBDNESDA Y EVENING . 7:00 I 7:30 1:00 1:30 1:00 t:SO 10:00 I 10:30 • r-llflfts s,o,tJ .......... w Callllf ,... ...... CC) .... c...i·· *"'-'"YOI WllM4 Tt KMw AllollC Sa" ... "Tiit Cal w Tiit c-y· CE ,.....,, ___ Sl*bC... 8aWW: ~Vs. SI. ..... CB> .. T .. , ....... ,,........ llllrM: 111e ~ llstat8" , ..... cm .. ..,........ ~l .... lllCWo ..... -~·· Cl) llMlllllflllffOll lla:wrt lafM. TIIOll J. Wiilttfs .. .,.,.. a, ND1111wtst'' • lM f1911 Tiie eo-ly S.., Mow .. ,., .... Alty" ·-·~a-." CZ> ... CoM'• .... :''Tat" Cl) HtcMy: ..... Ylfl Ys. SI l-Cont'd ..... ._ ''Ollsy Kett)'Oll" @ llllMtbll ...... FEBRUARY 11, 1982 TllURSDAY EVENING 7:30 8:00 1:30 9:00 1:30 10:00 10:30 -That Gets You Right Where You Live! 7: .. PM ".Newport Now" 7:31 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage er ·'Citizens Forum" <alternate ~ondays) 7: .. PM ··Sound Orf" Wl'.DJlfaDAY 7:00 PM ··Newport Now·· TllUll8DAY 7:08 PM "Sound Off" 7:00 ~M "Newport Now" Our local programming lineup in· eludes the discussion series -··Sound Off", our interview show hosted by Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum,·· and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetings. Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Newport Now ... Our focus is on the issues that are happening around you , and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. FOR PROO~ INFORMATION CALL ('rM) 142•8797 ·" .-~~ -I !_ ~ -· ·-"' . I ________ _.. ___ ------· ---·-·----=-J ' , ' t - Pilot TV l09, Fridey, Februery 5, 1912 • 1m I I L'. ,1 ~~ .... ~ . ~~-· .......... , j; ~. • a 1 a 1 a .1 a 1 a 11 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a ~. · 1 a 1 a 11 a 11 a 1 a £ 1 11 ·\ ..... c:> (.0. rCX> -..:i ~ c:.n ..,. ~ ~ ~· . J. ..... 0 ·co QC) -..) I .. · I~ :~'~ ,f ·~ '' '' ·{fl ; ;:'' ,~ ·I . ' J ' ; ,I .HJ ' ·'I · .iJ n J ~~ ·~ i. § if ·I · .ff .f n . ' ' ' ' ,IJ i• § 1 · 1--~ ~ 1 11 11 ·1 f fJ ~ 1 · . 11 r I' I ~ ~ 1 i 1 -Ii' I I!'. f If 1• -, ~ · ·1} · .. •.. .. .. ·1 .. · .. · · · ...... _.1 .. i •. ~;~~ i,pJ : · ·•" .. ~: .:.:.·: .. ·1 i•I I "'1 I ~ llt,, \; "" J l: '("I • 1-:, ,-~-lj I lif Ji~.i l~ !if i j fl l 1• ff,.,~ ~ ' I ~· ~-,1 "'i f i i ' , f " , .. . .. : '""u! •t .. -ipi .. 'J 11 : '... .. -~:~ i'.12 '." , ~· ..r f!. 1 l " .. 1•2 I . ... 1u; .1 .. 1~ iHl~(it ~i .; .. .f .. :·~ . :.nJ•! .. u .. n .. fJ i • i it11 .. n .1a~ ..... u.r i• i I. -lf-1 f f ~ fii .. ,, zi'~ I I I ~ il ir ~( --4 •1: I i ~ ·i 111 'f 11 · '•[ ! . ' " ' ... If .. ,§ ~8 • 'f " . ·~" .. , .. 'I, .H, . JG 2 "fi .. ( l . fl! "l .. I J 1\3 2.. .. i> f f f I i' i Q' i i i ~ :r ~ j ~ i J i f or f f' f i> 11 ~ i;J ~ J I ~ > ~I i .. , .. z u .. . r f ~ f .. .. s i H l , .. t .... , ' t ... i . .. ., &• ii G l a I .. .. i .. • J ! i G l .,. fl .... 4 .1 .. 11 . .P .. If 11r J ·i · · .1 Hf ii · .p · · .1 · .if · ·~! J l\~ P''I ·Iii · · ·I · · · · · · .i J a~ " i'f iif i f ~1 ~1:1l c c r~f 1 iii i!'ll' !'ll' ~ii~ ·1 flE J~(-fi-rr 1 ,i~i i ; ."l t ,, , .. 1 ljil ·~'~if ,, ti lh! .. f ~ ,, ..... t ie~ , t f~ ! . i H II IS ;~ ·f'f 'f if .f .f .... Ufll~1~ .. u ijr .. u ijJl .f ·f .... U~I i 8 ~ 1:11 .f ·' lUf .f .. If Jl i 8'~ " .Iii ·J~i (lf I . J~ f 1n .f If .. I( fl(!: jJf I · ..... ~( H[i i 1 ~ llf I · . ~f · .if~iff If ff i m_S H(!fJ .1 . .sz .ur .Hif f ff iJH un .. rr ur . ·JI 1t~1 qei i ..... 'f iiU !~111rn 4, s ... I' \ ' c.o ''i''<-• "' • ·~ J • i' ~ ,._,-'\ ,. {,> I ~ ~ ... _,_.-'."" _ ;.. I . _ . i 1 . ... ,,.,.,ml·•Jf w•r1i:@11•11 ii :81l~ il'l'U(!1l'l··1n11if l''~§l!lr11m1•~1ieo r•11•'l'I! ~ ·I I i !· •,~frl J! t11J8 ~~;I· ~ ~l i~· 'rt~ '" 31 i I : 111 mu,i JI I ;9 · 1,,11 ~ I I ~ I " ···~:_·w_:r ;1t1 1I 1~1 1 '-dr'.~l!tti:~!l •11 !!;~1 -11 !~ !Pi. :h~~IH r 1d t1 1 !~ f 11.!I~ ~'th · Ji .i• .•• ~~•w '!d''! · fthf1 hrll m ,,~ l1f~ th k1 · r~ S B1Hll ~ 11 i a d!t ill , · ~- ... Rock 'n' roll's . impossible dream From Page 8 pornoerapher uaea that need for bis own purposes ... John Denver will host the 24th auual · Grammy Awards Feb. 24. Amons the performen and presenters will be Peter Allen, Pat Benetar. Burt Bacharacb, Al J arreau, Kenny Loaina, Anne Murray, Stevie Nicks, Lionel Richie, Carole Bayer Sager, Bill Wilbers and Christopher Cross . . . James Goldman, who wrote lbe lv acripl for "Oliver Twist," spoke recently oo the challenge of luming a 500-page novel into a teleplay. According to Goldman, "There are important scenes which a novelist will dash off in a few lines, but which a playwright wbo writes ln dialogue form, simply must expand or be bas missed a dramatic opportunity. There's a terribly important scene in lhe book ln which Fa&in is arrested. Now you can't be a playwright and be told the story of Oliver Twist without saying to yourself 'My God, there's a crucial event...J've got to do something with lhls scene: You have to compress SOO pages into a short span of time, but take scenes that weren't written very long and make lbem lbe bigb point of the slol'Y ... " Tb& debut of Mickey Rooney's "One of the Boys," the new NBC comedy, brought a 20.7 rating and a 32 share, making the show a "strong audience favorite," according to NBC . . . Believine lhat we need something "light" to lift our spirita, NBC News will tell us about blondes -from mygtique to reality -in "Second Sunday" Feb. 14 reporters will expJOTe lhe blonde phenomenon from Jean Harlow and Mae West to Dolly Parton and Joyce Brothers. and also explore blondeness in men, from the "blond-Aryan myth" lo lhe "Robert Redford cull" ... Barbara Mandrell, star of "Barbara Mandrell and lhe Mandrell Sisters," was chosen Favorite Female Country Vocalist at lbe recent American Music Awards ceremony in Los Angeles ... Randy Gardner will skate a solo performan ce on NBC's "Sportsworld" Sunday. Tai Babilonia was scheduled to join him in a duet, but she recenUy fell down a night of slain and burl her knee ... 10 public stations in commercial triala WASHINGTON CAP) -A special federal commission has selected 10 public television stations to run commercials as an experiment, but tumed down the idea for public radio. The commission said the fi.nl commercials could not appear until the stations satisfied it their experimen1' would not cause extra expenses or a loss of programming for other public TV stations around the country. The decision to proceed with either the radio or TV experiments had been in doubt before the 2~·hour meeting because of concerns about the reaction of employee unions. as well as potential copyright problems. . In the end, it was exactly those problems that prompted the Temporary Commission on Alternative Financing for Public Telecommunications to veto the radio experiment on a 6-3 vote, despite unanimous approval for the 10 television stations to go ahead. Congress empowered the special commission last summer to authorize a limited test as a way to explore other ways of raising money to compensate for federal budget cuta. To a much 1reater extent than public television, pubUc radio stations across the country rely on programs produced by a sm,le source -' Natioaal Public Radio. And NPR officials reported: the unions representing their employees were unwillin1 to maintain wage and other concenions now ln effect lf the organization was going to accept advert.isin&. "U you Judge the potential &•in for radio, and at the same Umo take a look at the potential for immedJate •lid l~·term damaie and loas, I think that t.be rilk la 1lmply too areat," said William Kltne. lhe resident and eneraJ manacer of Minnesota KTLA 8 8:00 -"Fists of Fury 11." Bruce Li demonstrates his Kung Fu defending his honor. KTTV . 8:00 -··P .M. Magazine ... A former Moonie tells about his escape from the Unification Church. KNXT 9 9 : 00 -.. Dangerous Company." Beau Bridges is star of made-for-TV movie premiere. KNBC IJ 10:00 "Flamingo Road:· Michael Tyrone bombs the Clarion's office. Tuesday• Details L From Page20 • P.W. MAGAZINE A former "Moont•'• .. ..,._~om u. ~ tlon Church; collegen lnjectloM lot ~ ..,..end __ • MOVIE • *. "Return Of The 89¥- ., .. (!Mel YIM lltynnet, Aobet1 Fuler • lft ON EARnt "eonq.,.t Of The Wet ..... Or.ltd Altenborougll loe*e Ill the •loundlng ""' ~with It• 30,000 dH- -.m "** 0 D NOVA "Anding A Voa .. S-el vlc:ltme of --epeedl dlublllt ... ,..,. how they owr-thelt~ ctJMOYlt: • • • . "The Aepflelt J;jn. gle" I 1860) SlwllnO Hay· den,J-~ Cl)MOVIE •*'At "Selem'• Loi" (1879) DeWI 8oul. ,,_ .. _. D MDYll ***'" .. Soldier 01 Orenge" I 1'79) fdwerd Fox, S-PeMe11oon e:ao • a LAYE1'NE a ...a l.AYwne IUW1I deltng • mem.d~ 0 Cl YOU Amcm FOA IT ~: "Pltenhe Atl.ee* Brazil"• ~ Of 0-tll .. • AU .. THEFAIA.Y Of Mdpe Arctlle bt"'09 04orta·· ltlle beby ,_ lor • QIM'9 of CM*., lllfftl tNboye. NO 8 Cl) MOYIE "Oangel'OUI COfflpany" (~) a-, Mdgee, c.'°981'00MI 8 CllMETMAVENae A tie.rt""' con "1181 trtee 10 1'91tlndte the blft.,..... r-~herend Mawricll. 8 111 THMFI OOVPNIY The rOOfTWNlt• 8'*\d • bucolc W91111end el Cin- dy'• -•·•term. O • YOU AIKED FOA IT FM!Ured: "~ C..,. tu~• World'• LergHt 8Nlke'' end "~ Of Ok~.·· • umYCAN PU~ • ...,.. Of Hwmor: """ ~ Of ~ NtcllJe. O(e .. A Friend Of Mine" In In ed41Pl•tton ol l'ley 8'edbury'• lhofl ttcwy, • lftreno« In -_,_. young boy IOfft9 vellJeblie ..._,. In fl1endelllp end IN~o#tfle~ don.Q CD>MOW • * * "Th• Ollenc• · (1873) 8-1 Connery, Tr> -~ . (%)MOW **.,.. "Stll!Y Al You An'' I IMO) MllfOlllo MMttolen- nl, ~ IOnlllL uo •Ill 100 a.a.R>ft coa.oRT Henly'• trtend CMtle. • praetlcal ..... com. '°" . ...... <li)MOYIE ***''The~" (INOI Alcfwd ~. Amo/ IMng. ~a a" 'IWDO M)AD MldlMI Tyrone bomti. IN Cletton'• °"'°' ~ Injuring Skipper end Allc:ie, end then ~ u,,., ..... • 9 HART TO HART Whit• on vecetlon In Hewell, Ule Hwte becOme entengled In • murder pio. lnYOMng • .,.,..,_ -detie of Jonethen'•. Q • PMWf Nf/D THE ~ "Ella Flt:rfi19fll4d" Ella AtJV«* dleQ-. '- ~ with ~ Prwtn end *"" -ol the old ._,... wltft her combo. ~..av. • •• ··n. ~ .. (!NO) 0-ge C Scott. TrWI Ven 0.-.. Cl)MOYIE • * 14. "The Sl'llnlng" ( INOI Jeca Htdlolllon, 61.-.y ~ Olreded tty Ste!Wy Kutlrtc*. eMCME * * "Ole laogNng" (1NO) Aotlby e.-i. ChetW Our'*1g. 10:eD. AMENCAN ~~ ·-s.n. Of .--: Ant Friend Of NldlolM NlcltJll. by'e la A Fftend Of Mine" In .,, edaptellOn of R9y &ildbury'• lflOrt ltOfY, • 11renger In IOOMI 1-'-• young boy -valUeble IMlonl In ~~ end the p-. of 1he ~ tlon 0 . 1Ct:ll (%) MOYll *... ''T-" (1119) ......... Klnltcl, ..... Arttl. 11:00• IATUIDAYNGHT Hoet. IClrk Oou9111. °'*"' lar!l 1 Dlllle • THIAUBSONI A~~ °" 1.~·· ---wlttl. llllclde ~ QMd ,_, 10•dNdly ........ etAWOM>AND90N FNd~lrwan entlqua p end .... IN ~ ..... Ille Nilgtlbof .,..,., ... . • DD<~YITT ... OuM; *Hon ....,... • UNONIMIH '~OfTheWMlltll" o.td A~ IOOl!I ll .,.. •oundltit 1111'1 ••.OOO•· f!wlydlll. (Jl)MCWll .... Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer . CALL64MJOO ~ l Ferc • ., ...... ,c. • ... WISTCUr. C .. IOPIACTIC OFRCI Dr ...... A; ..... 204J W..edlff .... W. IOI ... .,.,.. .... ..... c.c. .... ,,. ....... Mo.t lnsuranc. Accepted a "'•• . .,, ~ ~ r-.8 .,. .. a: ~ ~ • f7 .. c • ~ y. .. ! - - i--- - -.. . - ~., .. ._Grid = ., ---- KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C KFU8 KHJ KCST KtrV KCOP KCET KOCE IJ D a D 0 G m> m Cl) fD 89 :~ ....... "'-........ U.MflM ... .... ..D6111 ....... .. l*et ............ u.ue-e ....... ":!9c"C .,.. 1: Mor'*'ll . ..... .. a: .. .. .. .. 9: OneDly AIA Time Ab .. 10: The Pl'tcl ·~ .. 11: T.._.. .. YOlllQMd l'lllAlllllll . KNXT .PM • ........ 12: " AIT'he WOttd 1: T .... .. 9-dlFor Tomorrow 2: Guldno Ugllt .. .. 00 Aoc*tord 3so Flee .. .. 4: BlrM1 .... . Mt. .. s: ..... " " .. s: ..... .. 1: C8SNews 20n Tiii Town s: °*" 8rGIMI C8S MOOlle: ··~ ... 9: .. -.. w " 10: " " .. .. 11: ,.... .. C8S~ "Thll.IM 12: OITha Oood .. Guys" . .- T~ 700 Good Morrq The Todly c.e Morrq ..... Frooilll .. .. America .. Thnlt .. .. .. .. .. AWIN .. .. .. .. Sunl.'9 Jim .. .. .. .. San~ Bliek• .. .. Hot .. .. .. .. Flldge .. .. .. .. Regis llcMd A.M OneDly JP Dorllhul Pltil Slmmonl Loi At A T1ml LILAN .. llloc*· ~· ~ Alce Mlclmomilg .. bult8't T0Wom111 " LA .. WtllllOI Big lcM ThePrice .. Riclwd Fort\N Vf/llft Boat .. ~. .. 5mnons Battlllt111 " .. Blttleltlr• .. .. .. .. .. .. FtmMy T,..... Pellwotd PllllWO'd 8onMZI YOl"'l!Md Plue .. Ftud The Aastt.s Hl.rlt PU The . Ryln's .. Mlldl The Oodora .. Hope .. a.ne Doctors KHBC KTLA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST D • u e G m> Lee ..... ......... .... ........ llllD61f' ........... .. .,.... DlysOI T_, AIMy News MOOlle: Dlys Of OurU-Zani Ctlldr9n .. "Wom111 Our U- " ~ " AIThe In The .. .. Zani .. WOflcl Rein" AldW/I Hour Onelll Tums .. Another WOflcl ~ Tol.M .. .. World .. .. Search for News .. .. " .. Tomorrow .. .. r ... Jolwl Glnlf1ll Guldiflg lronlldt r-.. OIMdloll ~ Liglll .. .. " " .. .. .. " .. .. .. Oona1all . .. Mnc:flool John MOYie Hour " .. ~ OsYldson "D-Oty Magazine .. AlcNtd .. The Sixth .. smnons .. .. Of June" .. Bob ~ Newt .. .. Llttle NIWlllrt .. .. .. House er.. .. .. MA.SH .. OnThe talnmlnt .. " " .. Pl'lirie ..... Utdl ..... News l<ojllk News .. ..... " .. .. .. Onllla w .. .. .. .. fllolllrit .. .. .. .. ..... Ctllrll'• ..... C8SNews Whitt NBCNews .. ~ .. .. Sllldow .. .. .. News .. News .. .. .. .. .. .. NBCNlwl HappyDlys A8CNews Tic Tee You Allted The .. Ao*! .. Dough For., Muppets ~ Uoiwnt& EyeOn PM au-. femily Fu! ~ LA. IMICllZlna .. Fu! Riii ~ The Olll'lie MOOlle: Reel .,.,.,.. "&lier Tiii ar...... Brown '"Wlltn ~ 0.-0I Amn:lfl CBSM<Me: EWl)dly .. Dlllll" Htro "Hoop•" W•The .. Thefects .. The .. FowthOI The FICtS Oil.II .. fll " ~ ... Ol Lite Lo¥t. .. Guy .. Love. Sldrww .. H .. .. Sidnaw Olfty ..... ~ .. ..... QuWw:y .. " .. . .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. " .. ...... ~ ,.... ...... Kojlk ...... " Night .. .. .. .. T~ * ..... While .. Tonight .. Nlatllllnt &:.. .. . SlllNt Na Lo.t C8SMM ~ " .. .. ec. "'The Liii •0-0ty .. OIMd ~ H OITht Thelllll Dl¥lcl LltW1Mll " " hoocSGws" ()IJunt•• lttWmln Vi/IJIJtilt C0,,.,111t,J. .@ ~ -~ 80'" la the one multMlltamln POtent enough so one la Ill ~ hive to tllke Heh day. It contelna • hJghef ~ of the 8-Yltwnin COfTIP!ex then many 30 tabs Reg. $5.95 "at,.... .. formula. And It oontelna • t>aa.no.o vltemln and mlnetll formula. Mega 80 meet' veo«.ian ttandlnia. .w'4.90 60 tabs Reg. $10.95 --'8.95 While &JC>PfY Lastt Mfguef C"1oon Bugs ~ Amn:lfl Tl*! Bunny Alpaf1 ao...rnm.11 The Kat1oon Yoga For Oil ~onel KamiYll Hlllltl PelntlnQ ~ .. Milter Body .. Rooer• Buddlee Gentle Pooeye Villa Milter Ben ~ I~ llcM Aomptr 5-llt S.2-1 Lucy Room Street ConllCI e.wttched McMt: " Blctrlc .. "Looklno .. ·eomo..w IC>r-.nOI fOf Classoom Ecb:atlOl\ll ~ Danger'' TV Pr~~llJ GhoetAnd INNNlws .. Mn. MuW " " .. Super Low. Atrwl. Electric: .. PwyC.ds Sl)49 ~ .. ..... l.ow,AtrM MKHlil Blglb .. Sivia L ... MlrtJlt KTTV KOOP KCET KOCE m ti) m ~ .......... .... ........ ... ........ "=· McMI' McMe. Olclt e.i "The "Stage er..tt Sprouts Huc:bters" ~~:· 0-GED .. E.llY Gtl!m* .. .. a..room OnceUpon " .. TV A ClUlic .. .. .. Edocatlonal .. .. .. Pr ()per! Superman .. Tomorrow'• Line .. flll!llee The POf19Y9 .. Mill« Wlllons IRoaert Bugs Art OI s.u.ne 8oMy Bewig Strt111 Brady Scooby Fully Bunch Ooo HUf'llln .. Brady Kanoon 3-2-1 Cllligf tphy Bunch Kamtvll ConllCt The .. Mister MecNllll Mup9els .. Roaert Lehrer Incredible The Seune 0- HIAk FlntslOnll Str"' Elly .. Scooby .. PerloNil .. Ooo .. Flnatlca Tht Hawaii Business Needlectall Jelfersons FlYe-0 Report .. Welcome .. News 9usintsa Bedt, Kotter .. .. Aeport M.AS H Joker'• 0-Dick .. Wld E.uy Ctvet1 M.A SH TlcTIC MacHell °'91t Oouall Lehrer Ptr10fmlnClel PM M<Me: Great "Live From ~ .. The Performances Uncoln Wor1d Series Oeldly "Uve from Ctnt•- HtaNlahts Tr1Ck1t1" Llncoln An Evenlna Merv .. Center-With lahalt Gllfftn .. An E\lllling Ptftmln" .. .. With ltzfla E~At .. .. Ptrtmln'' Symphony ..... ..... Seerc:ll .. -.. .. F0tA .. .. INNNews Ctnh#y Pmin .. .. ,, And Tht The SlnfOtd OictC PU1~gll Jtfleraons &Son ~t Odd l CM,AtrM .... Captioned Couple Sivia .. A8C ..... Mille LO'l'I, AlrM ~ St)W .......... .. .. 8 I 8 ~\OG~ THE NATURAL WINE'• The pride. crattamanahlp and rare dedication to the traditional. natural wlnemaklng methoda of the EMILIO GUGLIELMO WINERY Is r-*lected In the rich character and superb t811e of their wlnea. Thia tl"llrd ge19tl0n winemalclng family oonalstenlly produces 1upenc>r prodUc'l9 worthy °' any nutntionally con- scious gourmet a...11t 33 _,_. Details f'BIMJM'( tO. tla ~ . 7:00. ~ Do\VI /14111/H FOl\lle trlee to win lhe "TMCfter Of The Y-" ewerd . G YOU AIKl!D FOR rT FMlured: "J~ Mon· ...,r, .. Ride." • M•A•a•H A.tanned al Ille poor phy9I- cal c:.ondltlon Of hie """ Col Potter deddle lo hold • M•A•S•H Olymplca • OWRMSY "Heeirtng" au.: flk>r..ce Hendar9on. (R) Q CD DICKCAWTT Gu.!: tMNon clMlgoet PwryE!lla. 9 INT'ERTANISfT TONOHT ,.,, lnieMew wtlh AIM A.Ida. Q) THE MUPP£T8 GuMt· Olen LMchman (D.)YOVIE •• "Hopacotch" (1980) Wallet M1ttnau. Glenda Jac:bon II UYE FROM Tl4a COMen'8HOP 7::IO 8 2 ON THE TOWN ,,._1urw a tttp to 111M1 lnCluOlng a I/Wt to Ille magnlfioenl Dome of The Roell and 1119 w .. 1 .. n Wiii, an arcMologlcal dig In tM ~ Gefllee ""'-• t"9 raldets Of ltie ,..., Loe1 Art! tMlve ~al wan., the fortr-OI M.uida and !he O.ad Sea and St•v• ._...Southern Caltlor. nla' • lnfluenca ori mod«n . ., ... 8 LAYSINE & 8HIRlEY &COMPANY While houM-litling in Mell- bu, IM (lhU throw I Wiid party • ~()Ml.A F .. tured: a visit to M ... rOM A--for a look a1 aome ur>U9Ual and luturls- tic t-*>m; • profile of lhe rodt band "Olngo BcMn· go", a look al lhe new Mflel "Police Squad" e w·A·a·H W"41n Franlc thr•t.,a lo ••ave, Hawkeye and Trepper find II_,. dou- ble duty for them and Invent a WllY to mM• him atey II!> GREAT ~ "LMI From Unooln c.n1 .. Art E11enlng Willi ltmall Perlman" Vlollnl1t ltztl•k Perlman perfOfml Mlec- tlon• by 8r1IMw and ~ delelotv\ wlOI ~ con- ~°' Oevld Zlntnen and tM N9w YOr11 Phlltllrmon- II;. (I) '·"'· MAGAZNE Peopta who l\lrth«ed their c.r-. by toeing weight:. m1r1 ""'° hopes to Mii fly-a-klta. YOU ASKED FOR rT FM!Und "JapeMM MOO\- at« Tr• Aide." M08(1) IHE'aAGOOO 8'(Aft. QWllJ!...,.... Anlm1ted. Woodllock See Wednesday's, Page 23 _..._.....,_.._ . ._. ---- Big Week. Small Price. For an EXTRA day, call today, .., 6'2·5678 .. OpMtl ... ,. ~-.. ··-.....,. 1ht MIW Dally Pilot 8·Day'Neek tt'S a PLUS WEEK Bl>ayS .3 "1.Jnes · 8 Dollani· '=::.-:.=:-....... ":."':'~ --·-~-........ ..,,,. :.-.-.... --...... " . "~ ~ Tube Toppers KHJ 0 8 : 00 .. When Every Day Was the Fourth of July." Heart-touching period movie is above average. KNXT fJ 8:30 .. Hooper .. Burt Reynolds plays a stunt man with a freewheeling lif estylc KABC fJ 9:00 ··The Fall Guy .. Colt searches for a bail-jumping special forces expert. KABC fJ 10 :00 .. Dynast y." Nick urges Krystle to move out and Alexis sends a poison pen letter to Blake. · \\1edne5"V5 Details From Page 22 ...,.. the dey ......, Pep- p«minl Patty Mtetl Ille regloNI ll!allng competi- tion.JAi D a REAL P9>PlE FulUl..S a couple wtio 1..:11 hOrllM>ldi riding 10 cerebral j)9l8y vlcllma, 97- ~-0ld till.,. wrlO _. Zleqf91d glrtt; • buuty pageMt lOr~ g MOYIE * * ""Enter The Game Of Oeslh"&n..U 8 (II THE GAEA TUT AMENCAN HERO Ralph ~II a e<ippled ~ ehuttle from e<Mh- lng Into Earlh. than ~ IOCltad 1n • ••ruo· gle with a terrifying •t-.. -y a uow * * * ""Whan Every Day WM Tiie Fourth Of July" (1978) Dean JonM, Katy ~­.P.M.M~ DlacOll9r hOw 10 Mnd a ltrip-1-t~: peo- ple wt)() lurttlw..S ttoalf car-. by loalng Might • UOYIE * * '"Tiie OMdl)' Tredo • an"' ( 1873) Ric:Nrd Hania. Rod Tay!CW • GREAT ~ ''l.IYa From L.lnCCltl Center Ari Ewnlrlg Wllh tlzl*< Paf1men" Vlol!f\111 ltJNll Penman parform8 M6ac- tlonl by Btanrn. and Man- dalMOtln ........ ~ con- ductor Oelltd Zlnman and the New Yo'11 Ptolllannon- ~ UOYIE ***~ "E~hlng You AJwaya Wanted To Know About Sell (But War• Afraid To All!)" ( 1872) Woody Allan, 0-Wilder Cl)lll.AMI ""Rlcllard Oaweor1'1 Mar- rlege" DMOYll! * * * "PatadlM Alla)'" C 1878) Sylvaltet Staltona, Armanc!Aaaanla CZ)MOYIE **** "TaH"" (1878) Naatuala Klrulkl, Peter Al1h UO 8 ()) MOVIE * * * "HCJ091'"" (1871) Burt Aaynolda. Jan· Mld\MI Vlncant ®"""" •• '"The ~ a- Wda" 1181111o a-. Fred WMllarnton CJ) L»'fl.A. THON A ~ too.I and lout comic cont .. tanta wt'lo c:ome>•I• agalnat one another -IMtured In Ihle Ulloel_., COfMdy gatM ll'OW. e:aoa an.,ACTacw UFI • AoorlllMIM Jo and ...., apllt up .,_, Tootte end .....,.. clitdde to follow llUll. •GI TMeP~ flAlt CCII\ .....-.. for • .,... CJ) WAaCY WON.D CW JONATHAN WINT'EA8 o-1: ~Betry. t:10 0 al LOVI.. 8IDHEY 1..8u<la dac:ldM to -In wlthller-~ S EWNNBAT 8YMPHON't' Saljl ~ oonduc1• .,,. 84*on •'*°'"I Orc:llM--111 In T ar1lnl' 1 Trump« eonc:-10 In 0 with F randl wtvoao Ma.ice Andta, and Tc:halkOWlcy·a Sym- phony No 4 In F. ~ 3e (A) a::l W<ME ••• ·~ ""The Cat And Thi CanMy" ( 1939) Bo«> Hope. PllUl911a Goddard ())MOYIE * * * "'NorUI By Nor1h-waat" (1859) Caty Grant. Eva Mana Saint. 10:00 D a QUINCY Quincy and a dlMnM attomay llgtot 10 c:haflQI tl'll lew to requlf• that mental!)' ill c:rimlnala - OU1 their _,tenoM aftet ii?.~· Nldl. allodlad by an un111- pec tad raac:tlon lrom 8191c• •t the Senate '-· lng8. urgaa Krystle to -out. and Alexia ~ a poiaof> pan letW to Blatt• • MAACHFOAA C&fTVRY Thia documentary l1lm la a c:Nonologic:el accoo.w>t ol WchHO'og6cal diec::o¥arill at the 17th C*'ltury Virginia plant.atlon ol Mettln'a Hun- dred and !ta core _,.,.. lnMlt at Wolatanholma T- (D)MOW "'Hltdlhll-" 9MOVll • • "Improper CfllMl*a" (tN1) Alen Arkin, Marietta Hertley 10: 11 CID MOYIE *** "An NlgM Long" (1881) Gane Hac:ltmM, Berbr• Strl!Nnd. 1C>.:a0 fil'i) PMV1N AMO TI1E PrTT88lJAQH "Ella Fllzgatald"" Elle Fltz9eralct di.cu-lier c:..-with Andre P...-An and lingl -of ,,.,. Old ta..ortt. with lier combo (R) t t:GO • 1.AT\JN)AY NIQH'T Ho9t-Tart Garr. Guaata· Tiie~· .. • l((),W( • A fomler ,._ YOttl Oly ~,..,. oollat'I • --,......, tor Kolak. • THE JIR'llEMOH8 George'• attMlpU to get out °' • pelrl6ng pal1y land tom In the lta1• mental l!Wtltvllon. -~AM080N Fred II bealdl ""'-" wNI\ .... ,.. Puarto --· neighbor~.~· -~Ym O\Mlt!--. (J:)MOVa *'*** "la.,011•r•" "'" ,, 10 .. , ........... 0.., ..._ .... ----.. ......... iiiiim~ .... ~ .... .-.--~---=-..iiii.r--iiilir~-.......-..... ..-.... ~ ................. .Al .... .:aill .... ..;;;m .... __ ~ fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaN 500/o OFF ENTIRE STOCK & SPECIALS ON SPRING PREVIEWS • "POPEYE" AND "BRIOGEm BARDOf' PANTS • RUffUD m.otJSES • PEASANT SKJRTS • BAntlNG SUITS • THE ROMANTIC LOOK • QICXEIS-.AU. COlORS • YVES OAHla DESIGNER PANTS • WM«JNG SHORTS • TAl.OlfO JACXETS ~ • GClD ACaHTEO aouSES I 7tD E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-673 I BUTTONS & BOWS BOUTIQUE M-W &SAT. ICMTHULRl.10-9 L.c.tM .. '-!~' ... c..-Mnt Te C ...... ~ ~;;;;;;;;;:=::;:~~-=-==::;;;;;;;;;;;;:~ Jbuth Coast Repertory The 81-82 Season "''--..... A quaint castle on the Italian RiVl&ra ia the locale fcx this witty expe>se of the theatre. Thia laug~a-minute romp. full of frivolity end ribald repartee. is Hie comedy for theatre-lovers ..-.CHOW PLAYING:..--1 -J..12flwCMgt1,.., 14 I -Mainstage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m . Limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center [)ive. Coeta Mesa. CA 92628 For ti<:Mt lnformatfon or reaervatlore. alll (714) 967-4033 1 t I I I I I I• ... _ • • - n .. 11111~11••• 8ild ,.,.11 ,, . ~ -... ·--· t AM 2 D . --~ 1 000 The Prlct ·~· ao 11 00 Tatti.c.... ~d ao v aung w n.. The...... Ooc:Wr1 00 .. l2ao MThe Wortd oo T"'"" 1 IO s-ttl F« Tomonow 400 :: ao ..... 700 CBSNftt ao 20n The Town 800 ~ PJ. ao 10:~ . KNBC D ............ TUM .. FM!t .. . "' KA8C • .......... KFMB II ;; ....... KC8T ·• .. ..... KTIV m ............ KOOP • ..... ....... flk:Nrd A.M OnlDly Jeclt Oon8hut ll..ove RomC* s..M i-2-1 SlrMIOIW Loe At A Time LI Uni " Lucy Room Str.C Cont.a t..¥1" Ange111 00 Aloi Midmorning " 9-ilcMd McMe " a..-tc To Women " LA .. .. "l..oole In .. . ComolnY Big Lowe The Price • " ~d I er.m Of lolldon" a.room Edlallol\lt V*f Boet II~ •• I '' Simmont '*'ril '' TV Progr 0 lmrilg 0 " .. Batlllltlrl Gholt And INN Newl " KTLA D Twilght Zone T~ Zone ..... Onll.dt Tol.M EdgtOI ~· ~·· Court 20·20 VOIJllll And T rNMt The Atstltss Hunt .. Yltdl .. Glint KFMB 0 leDiltO AaThe World Turne SNrdlFor Tomorrow MASH CBS ..... MllJ'Ulll, P.1 lrontldl - Movie "Dey Of The Oolclhin" YouAlked Forlt 8ullN)ot The~" News . KCST al) ..'*"° Texas Uttlt House OnThe Prlirtt N8CNftt Ollfrent Stroll• GmMA 8rW Mii Muir KTTV m ............ McMt: "Red Oust" MASH MAS H KCOP m ............ Through Coleot" Jolt•'• Wtld Tlc TIC OouQll Sanfofd &Son UW.,Amtt. SIWI 'The E. s. Carpenter Co"- eertitied Public Accountant Call or write t<>dav for a , lflll_ Mf ~ Qa9AMl%&M to help minimize your 1981 Taxes -' Full IM{V~ ecoountlng, tax plannlng and return p,.1. paratlon f0< lndlYlduala and buelMINI. s-'dl For A Cen~ . - KOCE m II .!.c't SntM Previews P«1rlhs In Pastel The UwmatrS HOIST ....WW1t,.a ~ 1lOO. ~DAYS AGAIN Aldlle .... • • det9 10 --' • Ho9JwOod 9tarla1 to " eotloof• ·~.Cit)' oanot. G YOU MKll> fOR IT Faelured: ··~ Bee'• Death ...U." &ltd "Med- co'• Mom And Pop Gun-powder SpedK!IW .•. • M•A•a•H The 4017911 .. ~tooltlnO alt., wouncMd ICorean ~--•lf*'r194t o-069t pule Into C8mj). • DICllC CAWTT au.: llanca. di 191T'MTMamn ~ Alt ......... wtth auz-aor-.. al THI ""'"'8 ou.c; lartdy Dunc:an (l:)MOVll •••• "T .. " (1171) ~ l(JNl(I, Pel« ArUI. (D)MOVll •• "Hlgll co..m,y-(11181) '""'°"'r 9oCtclftl. lhSa "-'-Cl) THI AT\NfrA 9IG ~°"" Co1u .. tant• ''°"' th• ~ .,.. • '°' the ~ to be llNliatt In Ille" tte 1 Ndonll Big LaH Oft." 1:IO. I ON THI TOWN ~:•look .... df. ~~ IM daMtl of ac:tOf Bot> Crane; vllllt C-. an 11 112..,..-old .,,.. wftO ._ 11'1 a ...... In Wood- land Hiia: an attemj)t to detM#lk IM myUw aboUI 91V9td-. • LAVIMI & 8HlfUY & OOtltl'AH't 8pecMI ~ at •rod. ~··patty ca&.e ~ • l't'I ON L.A. ~· a "road lt1C> wl9ll the ~ buMlea a f900'1 on dr_,. Inter· pratatlol'I: • looll at the ,_ trend of natcitling with -oOlc: dendng • M•A•a •H Alter 8 bad Ml9IOn in the 0 R., Haw41• quNr ... -41'1 Frank CW9r ,_ ~ quaolaa. then find• -of Illa own 1>911ent1 le einlllng ..... (J)P.M.~ htllncl the --at Tl/'1 "Hiii Streat etuae"; • Yltllt to Amerlea•a ~ate oaciltll -Henney, "-"'· ;-~ AIKED FOR rT Featvt9d: .. ~ a..' DMd'I ....... and ....... , co'• MOfll And Pop Gun- powder Spacteoulat .• CID WHAT ON EARTH? ~ WlllM 11111• 811 antet1altllnQ look at men and,.WOtld W 8 (J) MAQHUM,P.L M'9f'U"ll )Olns a pro loot blll 1Mfft In tr"alnlng to pnMet II\ ~ ~ M\O See ThuTSday·s. Page 25 TUNE UP :PfCIAL! C2 WIMS OM. Yi) s25 + ,AITI • Metlt ~Cen Wll ,..,. yow" cer ot ,_. ....,, '*9lr111 or ••c•tl••· Ml•or or , ~ ............. . TRIPLE C. ::.:1f10J1r. + StO ,.~-. -~-:.::. '7J$ > " __ , .:....,=;....,:;__ -~· -··--~-------------- llRIP0/11 IATIUll W.111 T1 It Y11r #t h1111 "'"' 11 °""' C.1llyl S.. II Te.llf .. · • Alt °"'"" h••-~~ M. s.11911 ii& . e5' DOVE STREET • NEWPOAT BEACH • (714) 833-13 Making a start ii pro6abty the m<>R important fCep toward~ .L. • • 'al There 11 a way to take u1e uuo step and know you're on the ~t 11'9ck towvd a r::teular. xbeduled 1avi~. J ult join the Pa_>JO" Slivinp Plan al work. A little it ta.ken ou.t OI cw:h s->'Check towvd the purchue of t;.S. Savinel Bonda. You don't have to WotT) about makinc a lpecial d!'on to put IOl'llCthinc aside NCh oevday. It's aD done fCK )'OU. Aut.omaticaD)·. · Tiie bucks ltat1 pilina up. the in1erett "'°"'..,and you realiu )ou'\·c found one IW'C'f ll"C W8) to 11&\'e. \Vlwo11 I/OU IJl•I ll0'1 Of l/(llff l<IUll,11• Into IJ S Sa~l•llol.• S.md• Vo"·,... lw/pln,11 In build 11 l>r'IRl11rr fulurY fnr "'"" l'llu11tru tllld for v11ur~lf -11...--ot ... Delfl' ~llOI lt.:J -.. ,.,._,...,,. Council Taker~ . ~k\::I illA_merica. le Petit c:ate lalcery & CaferlllCJ * Open Fer Breakfast •Brunch• tunch • Quiches, Crepes. Salads • Sandwiches • Fresh Soups Daily • Fresh Croissants and Pastries Daily • Gourmet Coffees • Teas • Candies Special Brunches Sat. and Sun. All Food Available for Takeout 514W.l .. 1•"9d. ..... ~. kr11 67UIJI , 7:00-J:OO T-.rS.. tc:a..M •ha ••tel Tube Toppers KHJ 0 8:00 "THE Wa ckiest Ship in the Army." Ricky Nelson and Ja<;k .. Lemmon star in a comedy·drama set m , World War 11. . .. KABC fl 9:00 -"Barney M1ll~r. Harris and Dietrich stay_ locked up m a motel room with a key witness to a gang murder. KABC fl 9:30 .. Taxi." Jim considers adopting an 8·year·old runaway. .. 0 KNXT 8 10 :00 "Nurse.. rugs are missing on a regular basis from Mary's floor. From Page 24 .. being ..tc\imb9d by "" "'*--· eta FAiia e.-o·. ....tlonlhlC> With his tatNr .. strained wMl'I he tall• an .n.~ Job to hall> out et ~-•MOYIE • • .. Five Fl11ger1 01 Death" (1071) Lo Llell. W~Plng.. 8 <11 MOMN«J ...oy All ot Mone· 1 tnemOflea ot brth ... ~ by Or90n ....., Mofle neglect• "" Job of repottlng beck to his ~~of family raaponelblltea D MOVIE * * * .. The Wecklesl SNc> In The Army'' (1961) J eck lMnmon, Rldly Neleotl • P.M. MAGAlJHE ~Ind tl'le -at• Tv· ... Hiii Streat BluM"; • 11\91t to Am«lee01 choco- late cec>ltal -Henlley. ~enla. • MOVIE ..... .._ .. ( 1075) l(if11 Oouglae. an.c. Dem G SMENC PflEVIEWI Roger Ebert end Gene SIM!a4 ,...... "Venom," 0'The Vloa Squed'' and iifr,~J~.~:r * * •~ .. Sc•nn•r• .. ( 1911) .Hinnlt« O'Neill. Petrloll McGoohan. Cl)MOW * * * * "R90lng Bull" (1M0} AoOatl De Nlo'o, Cecfly Moriar1Y .MOYll • * *... "The Elepnan1 MM" ( 1880) Jofw\ Hur( ~ ... --lttlCZ)MCME . *.. "Aaalno lklll" ( ,_, Aot19t o. Niro, a:ao;"a"::. IUDOB 1<19'• ded hall • spat wlltl ...... and .... ,..... wlltl NI aon at the SuaM .. Antllony HoMl. Q • AU. .. nte ,NIA.Y "~··•--meymlM ... oppof1llnlty tor a pro- motion ---of "" -etMeOLO~ Bob VIia .,_ hOw to water11<oof • ~ and lnetlll • _..,.... and tr..t8lldlng c:hln>ney. i.~IN PA8TB.I ··~eon·· t:00 a a OIFF'AENT 1""*81 Arnold ..... tl'le 90hOol bully on • pflol'le !'le ,,,.._ tallenty ~ to be deed and .... """ tlllactly ..... ..,..otl*tl.o •• IMNm'( ........ ....,.. Md o.ncti .... lodled llP In • ""'*" ,_ .... _.,.._to. .... ,..,,.. .... ~ .. ....,. ,_ A .... CJMcs. (Pwt 2) 0 • INEAK flMYEW8 Roger Ebert and Gane Biiiiei ,..,..,. ·-v-:· ·'The Vice Sq.'8d'' end "Zoot Sult •• • MM""IU"'U•IOCE~ ntfATAE "The Aeme Tr-Of Thi· k•: a.tart" 11111 find• that he cannot , .. , .... "" io... '°' Lenlca My longer while on Mlllrt wttll the Pelmera and Tiiiy (Pert 11) O _ (1).}MOVIE * • ~ .. Beck Ro•oa· 1191111 Sally FWd. Tommy l•~ H08fll TAXI Jom conalOer'I adopting • ~ 8-,.at-old.Q • 8HOQ( ~TME NEW ·'The Threahold Of Uber· ty.. Robert HughH explof• the atrataglea ..., ,,.. ~~the ... , 100 Y9W• tot opening the repr....O imeglnetlon (RI 1HO 8 Cl) HUME 0ruga -found to be mlMing on • l'9gUIW belia !Tom the medlcel room on Meri.•"°°' GCll ...... 8TP&T M..IJU c.c>t• Furlllo -U-'°' Ille lllUrderer of a young blecll publlc d.iendet. LeAue nebe • drug deei.r and Fey ~enardentfrelnln· let. ®MDVII ....... •••• "AeolnQ ...... (1tl0) Aotiett De Niro, Cettly~ . -· MWUVTOWal .... c:nMaa 0-by trytllg to ....-.......... on....,..~on ..... c:lenta...., ..... fPwt 3 of~ • THI l.NMIAICIN Couupondenta Lind• Wertheimer end Collla Aoberta Jo111 Paul IM!e fOf an up-to-~• eum- mert of Conoteulonel actlllfttM. <P.~Cteopelfa ,,_ .. 11on1 r-. Dobaon. Shell9y WlnterL (l)MOVIE ** -~ T-Slllrtt" (tOn) Rey Holland. Stephenie Ulwtot. ewow ** * "Popeye" (1980) Robin Wllltem•. Shelley Dwell CZ)MOVIE ***'It .. LA C-0-Aux Folea" (10701 Ugo Toe>-rm· Mlc:flel Serr9Ult '':AIO. &Al\MDAY NQMT Hoell Jiii Clayl>Vtgll • 0..-.. Eddie~ • -~ ~ MM IO _, IWO MM .... • 11111-.. on C'lhrtlllNlla ha. Pilf•ohuQuiltSbp HAS MOVEQfO COSTA MESA *GRAND OPENING* JANUAR 'l"''S Salon of Beauty The Total look by Newport's finest Artists offering: • Hatr9fYling • Jullettee • Malncures •MMe-op • Mlllce-up Lessons • Facials • Pedicures • SQ.ilptvfed Nails Sculptured Nails 2 sets for the price of one valued at $55.00 2400 E. Pacific Coast Highway. Suite."A" Newport Beach. Across from Cano s Restaurant (714) 645-3418 ' I I I I I I r- 1 ,. 16 --~ ! Hltbllthts -. • ~ for the Week 2 ..0 • "-From Page9 l::IO Cl) C009CIS GOD TO nta HOUn'Al. Cookie flnde the ho9pltAll • _, pl-. bul --by ..... the Nip of Mr tNnda. 4.«ICl)~TO~ Q ..... Flof1d9 .. ....., ,...., ~Md~tor Mike wfto ll'IUlll OClfM _, one-wtltl .. Q.tbM '*- 1999 Wednesday specials ~10.1• t.IOMltQ .., Cl) 00N.nT0 AHO 80N A 1-.ge bOy llnd hie fMlw dellt'I ~ ~ c:flOloM f**'O !tie eon, HO(Jl),...WM THI tlito8 '** C.....tt ~.,. dec•d• of the OrHI Oeclt--'on. whlc:h Meo o-w '*111 to r9dlo, l9Yletl ~ ITIOlll:llll llnd the lll1«buO AfiEH.oc:>H t;OO. JOHN CUMY'I IC8»HCINO Olymplc gold med•I· ...,,_ P9gg)I Fleming Wld "Ice~ .. stw JoJo 8tatt>IG join Cutry tor Ihle ~al •Mlllg .,...tY !:ao®ICM KNITOIOfAl•&•ilOM::llNllN AHO AHNE~Y Two of~· hOt· .... .... pertoml • med· ley of "*' gr .. ,., hits, pll'9 .,.. E~ 8rottwr1 dueit of "l.A4 " a. Me ... uo. AfTIMQtOOl .-.:ML "The Unforghr••bl• s.er.t" A -0Mtr0'19 ,_ cMugl\ .... OOl!flOll- ln '-by~to-~ ttlefi'f'• ...... Q • lMI Alff OIF ...a AA.LY~ Or. Leo ._... hlgflly Mdt'T«I ec>eM• llnd ~~proM­ -•USC.~1111 ... ~~of ··~ '/Olll fellow humWI being." a:tOOWFIMCMOOL INCW. "The Unforghr••b•• Secnt" A -o.lr0'19 her deuClf!W'• COllflc*I09 lnherby~tolw~ theglrhfelller Q Cl) COOIQI QOl.8 TO nta "°'"1'AL COollle ... the hoeplt ... 9CSY P*:e but --by with the help al Mr fl'lenda 4:00 (I) Wll.DOMI TO WW.U, QIWNoe Florida le deluded with ~ Wld probMme f« .... wflo muet OOIN to one-with ,. Cuber! '*1- t::IO Gr'"' IU&. PU' A~ f.,,.,_ '°'"" Of'pNned __, untll II 11 --to~'°' ...... ~ .. (l)Tt41 NOtATON -~°"' Cofll .. l9ntl from the "°""'°" ....... '°' tN ~ '° be Anelletl In 1M "1111 NMb'W Big la1I ()fl .. a:eoe(l) .... AGOOD llCATI. OtWW..--.cMN Afltl\lt•t•d. WOodltOClt --1M dlly -..i Pep-,.,.. Pllllty ..... .. ,........ ........ ~ ._,._, -·IMl!Dt~A <*fUIW ,,... ···~-·· - KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KOOP KCET KOCE A•• • ·II • • a IJ m .. ~ • • _ ..... ~ AJ.V.l ........ ........... ........... ........... .. 1111111 ... ........ •1111111 ......... .......... .......... ·';!! 1: ~ T~ 700 Good Mcnq Thi Tocil? ClftoGll 8ugl .... CM> Mor'*'o ..... ffocldll To.I ~ ""*' " " .. Arnn:a . Thnll . Thi Klrtocln YOgilFclr OI " .. " .. .. AW., .. flnlltonll l<.wnMI ..... 'P..a.a a: " " .. .. 2'Ul*P Jldl .. ~ " lllglb Body .. tt " H SM~ Lal.llWll .. .. .... ...... " " Hoe .. .1111 .. o.1lle ~ WI ..... " .. : Flldae .. N a.. .. Ben IA191P ·Aaan 9: Onellly =· Rk:Nrd A.M. Oi'tl Olly .. Ooneftul ILM ~ a-... ~2-f AIATlml 8llnmone Loe AIA Timi .. .. Lucy Aool!I 8'r9ll ContlCt Ab Bloc*· laewelt ~ Ab Midmorning " e.ftcltld ~ " Blc*tc .. bulllrl To Women .. LA. .. .. ·~Thi .. ~ Thi Pric» WlllllOf Ilg LM Thi Pric» .. Rk:tsd IOr..-nOf ....,.. a..oom Thi*" FotUll BOit .. 8amlnolll ..... TV AmMclrll 10: .. ~ ........... V*!_ .. ·~ .. a.u.t .. Gltoet And MoM .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Ml'I. Ml.ir "PlllOI .. ·-11: Tlllltllal P-.otd eon.m Fdy YOlllg And r ...... P-.otd ~ TlllSeddW' Wily In ,, .. PU .. Feud Thi~ Hum PU Paye.de .. TlllWOl1d? .. YIMll!And Thi .. Ryln'• .. Miid\ Thi ..... INH,_. MICHlll .. Thi .... Doctcn .. Hope .. 0-. Dcc1ort .. .. l.lfv-. " .. OlytOf T~ AIMy ..... MoM Oe';IOf MoM "°"* Olea .. 12: OurU. Zone Olldrtn " "Aogwe OurU. ·~·· ''Wlngl CMtt .. AIThl " Wortd • .. 1: Tl.Ille AMlher WOl1d 8-dl.f« " Tomorrow .. 2: Guiding T..- IJl1tt .. .. .. " " 3: Flocttord Ooneftul f1el .. . .. " .. klllY Bob 4: ... ......, ..... Eftter. .. tam.It 5: ..... ..... .. ChrOI~ -·Of ~dleco.-IM mt the 171" OMtury Virginie !Mnmtloft of ...,,.. •• Hlft. chd Md !ti ....... ment el W<*tentlc>ll'M T-, 1:1D ® 8TANDMa f'O()M ONLY .• ,.,, E-*'g At The....,., "°'199'' 0-V-Hlmlton ........ ucMIG~ ·-the Mouln Aol9I In ...,. ~ levWI co.- ~ pr--.. dMc;- .. 9ltd topnoCdl im.m. tlafWll --ecu.. Thursday specials ~11,tea t:OO CJD HANIOHMT1AN NltE •re MAGIC ADYIN"fUM Animated. A bOy Md girt find MM!nture with • --Of ~ iltOrytilll· .. lndUdlllO the fllftOUI _, l*oved .._ Ctwl9- ll•n .,,.,__ t::IO CID WHAT OH IMTM'P ~ w.... ... 1111 Mtwt9111611g look .. mM llnd "" lllOtld l:OO. l&MCH P'C>R A C8ITUIW T1* *""-l9')' fllm ... dWOI~ IOCOUnt Of ~_,......_. .. at IN 1 ntl oeM\jry VlrVfnll plllfltdoll of Mer1in'• ~ ....... _.. ..... IMllC llt WOllateo:>lolme T-. .:eo(Jl)er.,... f'OC>M OllLY ··u. ,.,. ~ With u.. ...,.... 1'tle ..... .,.._....,.,.., __ ...,...,,..., ..... .. .. .. ~ .. AIThl "*" Zone .. WOl1d .. Heu Onel.Ht Twne " ~ Tol.M .. H .. s-dlfor ~. .. .. TOlllOn'OW Jolw1 a...i Guiding lronlidJI Oevld9ol'I HoaPt.11 Uc1tt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. EdgeOf John McMI: .. • DIWiaOn "AMiii Rlc:Nrd "'°Pie'• .. Aloi-.'' SlrnmcN Ccut .. .. ~ ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. M.A.S.H .. .. .. .. .. Ul1ll ..... ..... Koi- Hol.-. .. .. .. OnThl .. .. .. ,,,.. .. .. .. .. " (lfAll cw " " .. lea." e. .. Ano4Nr .. " a.roam H WOl1d .. .. TV .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. TIXll Open SupermM .. °'*" " Unt .. " T1g .. Thi ~ " ..... . Wlllona . !Roan Hour . 8'iga <>nr..~ a... ~ .. lllmr AClll* .... 8rld>/ Hec*ll Tole " " Ul1ll HcMI OnThl ~ ..... .. .. .. EMO , .... 8rld>/ Kartoon EUdt Klmlwl Thi .. Mupptb .. lncnclbll Thi Hulk Rnlltorm .. Soooby .. Ooo (I) OOTT1R WEIT "S9ec*I Deltwty'' Dottle W.t llnd ~ Roger• perlOtm -Of ,_ 9'ipet "'''· lftdudjng "Sot'ry, .. ··~ In LNY!ng"" llnd ,, Amenc:. T t1logy .• 7:00 laJ THE ATLANTA 9'0 LN'f'Off Conteat•nt1 from lh• Atl9nl9 -* lot IN ~ 10 be finelill9 In Annowlcld .. S-2-1 W-1 CCIMld c:or...:t ..... Olea IAoan CMll s-ne <>w. Strwt Ealy .. lrtl6Cle .. Sto1y the "198 1 Netlorull Big lalf Oft." Ma CJD n4e LAIT AWAJllJ4 IHOW Oe11tO Steinb9rg noeta .,, rr-... 1 perody °' , .... llleed~-- 4:00 Cl)~ LOOe<.9 ATt•1 The -1torle9, peoQle llnd _,_ of 1981 we ... tuted In lhia ~.4ftd ........ ••• Mayer 'Hope-les~' From Page 13 one or ABC's less prorlt.ble ventura into daytime, which also starred stase and screen actress Geraldine Fitzgerald. Q: Caa you tell me .a.. pl a ya Lac as oa "You& aDCI &be llatleu," u4 also kb marital at.atu1! -1.C., Barta&. Wada. A: Tom Ligon created tbe role of Lucas. He is married to a writer, and they h.ave a bi·coastal marriage, with Tom residing ln Los Angeles and his wire Kathy spendtns much of the year in New York. They have no chlld.reo. r Q: I'm an older penoa who objects to the FROM LINCOLN CENTER -Violinist ltzhak Perlman (right> performs in concert with the New York Philharmonic under the baton of guest conductor David Zinman. music director or the Rochester Philharmonic. in a live telecast rrom Avery Fisher Hall Wednesday at 8 p.m. on KOCE (Ch. 50 1. mualc played duba& TV Hd talk IMws -a.ad the aetora droppla1 their •oteea 10 7ou caa't underataad what they're aa1ta1. Tbta la fu dl.fferent from wlte• TV ltu1.ed. Wll.at lllappeDed to the shows &bat uaed to eare about tltetr faas enoagb ao Ula& .you e..kl '-ear every word! -llln. M.D., Yorktowa Rd1t.&1, N.Y. A: Some performers affect a certa.in style that drives not only the viewers but the producers crazy -It is the "mumble" technique of acting. It may work in the movies, but It usually doesn't work on daytime. Also, as we stated before, there In .__,~­ with mu.le r9nQ1n9 fl-om j:IMllc '*-to lr08dwey ~OCJP81'9. ,, ..... JOUN&A'., are engineers who are carefuJ about balancing ~Y"e Hvnter-OllUll music and the sound of the performers• voices so lflCflofe -.. Of the that the music doesn't blanket wbat ta being said. __. -• -••IOllY If you reel lbat the mualc: Is overpowering the llOllOMO AINftml'i i.-.. dialogue-, we auuat that you wrtte tbe producers ::·• ..::-=. ':: d1rec1 Uylh. While they like the ldea ot dramatic gr•m• for tHO·l1: mus c, ey too are MON interest41d in what tbeir oeom. E11ott 11oat11. actors are aaytng . ..... " ·~ .. .........-~ '. ·-.J ·~J· .~1 ~iJoq ~, !NO I• i.tnill q11 ~ 'CTl .. l :3 '1U ar nJJ 3il\0 Luke sees Laura's apparition By L VNDA IDRSCH AU. MY CfULDREN: Nina gets over her anger concemina Dauy taking S2S,OOO check from Palmer. When confronted by Nina about not having other chiJdren, Daisy does not admit PaJmer wasn·t a ble to. but suggests to Myn she may reveal Palmer's sterility someday Having purchased Sensualle, Kent want£ to rare Brandon, but Lars vetoes 1t. Erica refuses a rur coat Kent sends her al a TV station and Ill later stunned to lear~ that Kent ls her new boss ANOTHER WORLD: Ada wa nts to be the ombudsman ror children involved In · crime. Bob and Quinn's involvement is deepening, with hls asking her lo become a role modeJ for the black community Pele tells his mother he wants to leave town. Alice goes to Hany and tells him she reels Diana and Pete should be allowed lo continue their relationship. Sally cives Diana moral support in her relationship with Pele · AS 11fE WORLD TVRNS: Reallung that David cannot gel Cynthia out of his mind, Ellen tells David they should separate, and she plans to take her own apartment. Barbara tells James that she does not buy hlS st.ory about his drug involve.menL Wben the daugbler or James' nanny visits Oakdale. he asks her to move in with them against Barbara's wishes DAYS Of OUR LIVES: Everyone ls stunned when Alex announces that he plans to wed Mary Neil warns Mary that Alex only wants her corporation and nothing else ThriUed that Eugene Bradford has been identified as the strangler, Don and Roman feel they sbould lake Marlena to dinner. but both want the eo1a1emenl oo the same evening Stephano tells Alex lhal Alex wiU be under bis thumb just as Stuart Wyland was. Stuart tells Evan that he is the only one wbo can save him from going lo prtaon. Stephano takes an interest In Julie and offers to buy Doug's place, but Doug turns down the offer. Mickey encourages Maggie lo fight for custody or the baby. DOCTORS: When Lee Ann locks herself in Mona's bathroom, only Katie can coax her out. Lee Ann hospitalized for obeervalion. M.J. becomes head nurse in the ho&pltaJ'1 chlklren'g wing and wonders ii Matt is avoiding her. Jeff and Mike to work al trauma center When Natalie muses to give Billy her diary, he searches her apartment for It. EDGE Of' NIGHT: While siding with Sky. Raven falls down on lhe tralJ. Sky picks up the unconscious Raven and prepares lo throw her over the precipice. Raven suddenly regains consciousness A shot rings out, killinl Sky. Raven makes out a ski-masked figure with a rifle disappearing into the Alps Damien ls sick over Sky's death, since he reels he will never be able to find Jefrersoo Brown or prove his Cather's innocence. Raven keeps the secret that Sky was ~ally Jefferson Brown. GENEaAL HOSPITAL: Luke. touilly frustra~ by his inability to ftnd Laura. believes he sees her on Ole ship's deck. but ll is only an apparition. Jackie spots her s1Ster, Laura T, and devises a plot to get in touch with her Mel accidentally breaks the spell and Laura remembers David's dirty scheme and her part tn 1t. When Alan has problem with impotftlce he goes for a checkup and Steve suggests a psychiatrist. Alan goes lo see Dr Kats, who begins to delve into Alan's relaUon~hip with women.. Monka discovers Alan has bad a checkup aod worries about him. Monica takes mansion off market. Heat.her tells Joe she wants marriage, not just to be a mistress. Joe angry when he learns Heather tricked her mother out or SlSO In order to buy a fancy dress to tum Joe on, and when Joe 1Sn't turned on, she eoes out w:ith Scotty. During surgery for hysterectomy, Bradshaw almost kills Ruby and Anne wants to report it. but Noah bep her not to. Thinking Steve is having an affair, Audrey moves in with Jessie GUIDING LIGHT: In court, Came reveals htt past. She was mamed lo Todd McKenzie. an accountant who worked al the same firm as Diane. On the day Carrie learned she was preenant, Todd M.cK.en:dc commited suicide because Diane had involved him in a fraud and when he lried to scrape money up lo pay back the firm, Diane abllcooded with it. Came was so devastated by this that she became emotionally unbalanced and wben her child was born she was unable lo care for him. She gave the child lo Mr. and Mrs. Long under the agreement that they would always ralte him u Todd McKenzie Jr. The cue 1oes to the jury. When Morsan!s picture aho'ft 11p In a fashion ma1a%ine she la offered a modeli.DI job. Quint is an1ry with Nola ..rben she discovers dw aUnr cradle ln b.il 1aboratory, I.Allie Anne and Joeh ftnally meet, aod be recalls her put u Candy, a Sao J'rMdaeo call strl w~ apnt wu And,y Nol'TU. old un '° UVB: Larrr' ltanda up MUnt at tbe A PRETTY NEW FACE Love ly and talented Demi Moore has been cast in the key role of Jackie Templeton in ABC's top-rated daytime drama ... General Hospital," which airs weekdays at 2 p.m. on Channel 7. altar and she wonders what to do with ber hfe since she reels 1he has no marketable skills. Larry avoids everyone except Karen, and he gets her to come over to the house. Karen is stunned by Larry's bi.urn behavior and backs off when he suggests be still loves her and tries to get her iJlto the bedroom. M11rco and Karen admit their love for each other. but Karen cannot igno~ her vulnerability where her reeUnp for Larry are concerned. Ivan gets Winslow Sandburg to get Marco out of jaU. The DA is upset since Sanburg went over her bead to do so, and she in.tends to get Marco at any cost. Marco is a.mazed when upon bis release be ia &Ive.a the tey lo an eicpenslve hole1 room and a stack of cash. RYAN'S HOP E: Surrmng blood pobonin& due lo the scratch on her arm from the Marlt Kara bracetet, Ma.eve reels she is dyfn1 and sends for Jill lheve reveals to JiU that she was not Edmond Coleridle'1 adopted daul)tter but his UJepUmate cblld.--Ro1er and JIU a.tt lhrlUed by the biological tie, but Faith is ul)Ht. She rneals that she always felt comfort In knowing lhal Edmond Colertdce was her father and not Jill's, and that has ~n taken from her. Maeve recovers. but Wes Leonard decides to play the story In the newspapel"I to give a new twist lo the mummy's cune. SEilCB roa TOMoaaow : As Roeer Lee ljes desperately ill from Reye't syndrome. Cissy rnat• a pilgrimage to I.he children's nursery and recalls the child's Infancy. Lee tries to assure her that everything will be a.JI right While Travls la boldln1 a press conference at the Hartford Inn, an explos100 con off, leavina Janet and several others injured Jo is trapped in the basement TEXAS: Ashley intends to protect Grecory from Mr Hannibal's lnformalion. Allison makes herself valuable at World 011 11nd also comes on lo Ryan Miles has excluded Brett rrom his search for lhe fire compass Ruby and Lurlene lose Beau's corpae, but Steven MarshalJ discovers It. Miles wakes up In jall: he reallies be musts~ Ruby again. Ag'ainst Mhley'a wlshes, Justin considers returning to racing lo promote Marshall Oil and Impress Gregory. YOlJNO AND TllE R ES'l1.£88: 08.DQY ta.Ir• Patti Into hJt apartment and sbe contemplates her rel&UoMhip with Jack. When Patti refuses to lllt*l to Dan.ny'a 1uu..uon lhal ahe move back home, he telll Jut where she la, leelllll that Juk can send herb.ck to Carl and 'Kary. Carl'• pi•cNna out la.cit ._Y «lat him bia )ob on the poUce foree. · • GRAN D OPENING SPEC IAL FREE l-IAIRCUT w~ you buy Cellophanes Color Perm/Wave Also stt us abour London's rop currcnr NC"W Wave hair scylcs. '20 1 30 14 0 FREE CONSULTATION PtuUJp, a color specialist from London, joins our scyling ream. C.omr ma wim caarc oc ca io ow opeo1Ur ta pdal. We look bwaid co teeioJ you at 763 Baker (let. 8mf • Brillol} . 540-3855 C..Mma 17 18 Friday movies t _J t:OO {I) •. *14 wOft 1llit ~ T_, .. (1llO) 0.. ~. Ftwlk 8lnlrta. A 11111 of ..... """ up 1lltth e tu.I .._ Ind .,, ll'ltlvopoto- gi9t .. ftlld e ~ gift .._ C*ltut• .. dllpllyed In the aibowey. e:ao •••• ,. .. ~ .. ( 1832) Paul Munl, o.otg. Aalt. A lflloll..tlml hood- lum ,._ to the toe» of Ult MIO duftng "'1INOlllon. 1:00 cm • • • • "Thi Spirit °' St. &.oull" (tMn ,,_ 8......n_ Mumry Hlmlllon. In 1127, a... A. Und· bergh ~ the "'- men IO tt, ~oCI .aro. the Atleflllc ~ to P•· ... ?:IO CC) ••• "5'1oot Thi Pl1110 Pleyer" ( 1112) CtlMila ~. Mn Duboll. A _, con- ~ '* onc:e--llllTIOUI muelclen boyfriend to lltempt • COll'llbldl. CZ> •• * • "R.glng Bull" (19801 Aober1 0. Niro, Cathy Moriarty Bolling cnempon Jake u Motl•'• eptltude for vlolenee bt1ngl him --In the nno but dlenlpia 111a per. eon.tffe 'A' l:GO ••• ·~ "Flood!" ( 1978) Robert Culp, Merlln Miiner. Two helicopter plk>ta "*' 8ld 10 • ernlll t-devlat•*I by • llood IOl*owlng IN ootlapee of en ~dim. CH} * * * "The Competi-tion" (1980) AleNtd Orey. Ml, Amy I~ T-.o piln- lall •t • Sen Frenollco rnU9lc competition find !hit their loYe for Mdl otlW conftlc1I with thllt prote .. lonel emblllona •,PO' ()). ··~ "Snowbll ExpreN" (1972) Deen ~ Nllq Ol9otl A NMw Yortl~­ vellll ... to Ole Roclclel In M lttempt tO 11 .... llbii -~ *'-' Mw.11ed. 'G' ....... ~ .... (1MO) AoCler1 De Nro. c.ttly Mof18rty. &axing ~ JMI u Motta'• eptllude for vlotenee bt1ngl '*" -In Ole rtno but dllruQtt .. pet• -*'""-'A' t:OO CC) •• ''MeMn And How- erd" ( 1111D) Peut lAMel, J-AoMrdl. An Olflw· .._ "'*-OM 11ltl0n lnendlflt c:Wrne to .,. the rtghttul hell' to H-d Hugh••' btlllon dofler ....._.A' .. cm • .... "Rough Cut" (1tl0) Burt~ .._ ..,_Anne Down. A 8fttlafl IOC8llte ""-.,, lmwne- tlonlll ...... tNlf CM ot ,.,.,,.1ttoheitp,_.._. sao.000.000 1n ~ 'PO' Ml(%)** *'4 "l.8 C-oe AUil Folll"' (19711) lJOO T09- l'WIJl. Mahll ........ A ,.... °""'*"*to P"'f>l"9 ,. Ir••' .at• io.. '°'.*'by,._.. •• flene11'1 felher, the --oonvMMbllt of Ft9nCI& .,.. 10: ti <ID ••• "Modmm ,___.. (tMt) A11e11 ...... Kdwyft ........ ......... _..,..,...._ ~ .. .., Md!,.,,. '-' ... _he~'tt' ........ w ........... CMe1) ~ ,_, TC!fM!y &a--.AllCMIMrMde '-•=-·· tlW c:lllllCI .... gllV9 up fof ~.~._... •. 'R' t1:00(C) ·~ ·~ Glrtl ~· "*'.(I) ••.. ,,. ConeNte ~·· (1979) Jwry "'90. Tom Sel!ldt. TWo .... -.di '°' e ~ .. _who_ lrytng IO .,_,.. I llllglr wnen .,.~~ ~(RI (%) * ... Ab. SWiii Allee" tt:IO <ID·~ "The Ju:z SlnOer'' (1880) ...... Diamond, Lau-,_ ()IMw. A New Yortl eentor bfMkt wtth '8lnll)' trldlllon In Ne ci.ir. to bl • pop 111U11o lllllf. 'PO' ~. • •'4 "TM Oey Thi Fllfl c-Out" ( 11N17) C•ndic. lergen, Tom Couf1eney. Two pilot• Mltctl tor • la.1 atomic bomll drOCIC*I ,_ • Gtlllll rmott lllwld . CJ)**** "Altered St81M" (1NO) Wllllam Hul1, ~ Brown. A Her- v11d tdantl.t'• oenetle •truetur• .. lllerld ...... ,,. conducU mlnd-upllncl- lng IJ(perlmenta wllh laoll-- tlon llnkl and powerlul ~·A' 12-.30 Cl:) * * * "Thi P.uword .. C«w-oe" (1983) Dirk Boa-de, MMI PlnlC:tiy. A Wor1d W• II BntW'I olflelt. Cher1-C-d, '9pllled· ly outwlt9 the Mala who •llempt to hold him .. • -priaon.. 0 ****"Altered Stat•" (1980) Wiiiiam Hur1, 81111 Brown. A H1t· Vlfd 1Cienti91't gene11e •truc:t;ure .. lhlrld ...... ,,. oondueta mlnd .. JCPl"d- lng upwlmenta wll.h .,... tlon ~ and poll¥arful heluc:inogenl. . A' 1:00 •• * * "Good Tlmet" (1987) Sonny and Cher. George Sanders Two young linglr'8 ..,.,. for movte aterdom until one of them r..n:z.a thll the drewn tney not bl I prectl- Cll one. • * * "Fenny'' ( 1M U ......a a-..-. LMll Ceron. A young Fr'MC:tl gift .... In tow wtth • bQ)' wtlo 00-'° -""""' .. llndl out .... Pfeonent. • ~''PIM 9 From <Mer ...,_ .. (1158) a.. Lugoet ... Mone MdOnnon. UfOI oontM•io Sltllllgl !Meblt· "'* from an "'*"°""' ... lnwda &rth. t:41CI)••··~ .. (1980) 11111 MUrnoy, Rodney ~-TM dement· ed Of'OU"da-41eeper of e 1wanlfy country club Wlgll -IQlllnlt the gopNrl lnhlbftlng 1118 tUl'f. 'A' I:*> 8 * * * "Pete 'N' Tlllll'' (1t72) Walter toletth4MI, C.ol 8urnett A m.rled --drift IPWt an. "'* -dlll. but tow -~ bflnoa them bldltooe""'. ~•·••'1'MWtl'' (1N1)~d "°°9r,tw· ry Morglln. Petty prejU- --dlllllCIW "'*' e bl•ell child beeom11 ~Ille ..... CC) * * W1'M Nlgflt POf. ..,.. (tt'74) ~ ...,.,., Ctiertotte Rwnpllng. A blzwre relalloftllllp I• r--.n.ct ~ • '°"'* IS omc.r ll'ld e lorm•r concentration _.., prtaon. .._ !My ..... ~ dlellCI In • ho"1I .......... ,_. ®••··~And Cllont'• Nut Movte" (1110t ~ ''Cilleldl" ....,.... "*"* Qlong. X• M'9d£2 --- TOGETHERNESS -The joint investigative efforts of father and son, Brian Devlin (Rock Hudson, right> and Nick Corsello <Jack Scana > lead to the arrest of murderous jewel thief Tanya Marinakov 1Juliet Prowse). who tried to frame Nick for murder of her mentor in the premiere e pisode of "The De vlin Connection" on NBC <Ch. 4> at 10 p.m. turM while roernlng the strwts ol LOI Angielll In -eh of the "perfect hlfh " 'A' 0 *** "9To5"(1INIO) "-Fond1, Dolly P1tton Thr .. working women rebel 8g8lnlt the6r 1Ubju- Q9llon by I rtllll ehluvlnlat boll 'PO' CZ)**** "T-"(1979) .......... Klnalll, ~­ Anh The deughter of I poor Engllth termer .,_._ the Ctim of her t~· ..prdont Ind ,__beluty.'A' •• • "fW'ly Bom" ( 1'3e) WllllM'll Gatgln . Clalre Dodd l:iO • * • '4 "Under The Yum 't'um T1'91" (11N13) Jedi t.rnfnon, Ceroj l~. To -·e~-­,... ~try Ml'9 logMhw plltoNclly, but the lrrlflOlrlMiol .,_._ CGfnlcm wfllft ... lend- lord "* Ndl.tclng the ~lldy . 4:t0 CH> ••• "Modern ~ .. (11111) Albert lroolfa, Kaltwyn Hlfrold. A lltm editor tr111 r9')Mt· Idly IO ...., beolf the '-t ot h "°"*'he io-_ 'A' ..... ..,,.. The Man e>o.n" ct•n tc.ent T~. P.Wle Claittl. lc(Mfencl Ysdl!W~to ~e ........ (C) •• "0. °' F\wy'' ...,.,.... ~ Vhlalt ,.,_ All ~ of the ~ ...,... of OllOI Md dlltNctloft .,. ltud-- lld. ...... "Tiie Outmlidr' ( tttl) SterlnQ ~. Cnlg WllaOfl A ~ ...... ,,...,... to Nor1fwn ltWrtd lo )Oltt .,.. R\lgOla tor .,,...ldliim. 'A' Saturday movies ~ ••atM11(ifW' _., ( 1978) Ron How1td, Chris- tophlf Non111. A r-.c8r driver Clllwnt through lnwll ~ ltyiag to win polnta with the gift wtlo i. the object of his llfee11onL .... .., * * "The "-edlbll Slwlnlflng Wommn" ( 1980) Liiy Tomlin, CNtlel Gro- din. A~-ftndl It l\lt'd to ~ ~ 11'11 IUddlnly begins to Wink lnllz9.'PO' 7:00 (C) * • "MMler Budctw- ~·~ .... All Nloht Long" (1M2) ... ~ Mc:iGootlen • 8eUy 8&llr. A jeelout ~--IOe-trtd of,.~ by eom- prooni9ilig h men·1 .-. 1:80 (%) * * * '4 "Le C-oe Awi Fott." t1Jo19) U00 T09- 1\11Ul, Mk:hll SenUt. A nlghtdUtl owner trlle to s>r..-. .. .,___ ... io-'°'. vWt by hit _.. .• Ilene:••'• father, the --OOll'lmllaloollr of Fninoe. 'A' l!OO • * • • .,. "Thi Biren" (1"3) TlciP ......... Rod T~. 8IMd on the ltory by o.piw. du MIUl1w. For -..._'-On, ... tlodca Of blrdl It** an llOfeled Cetllorn .. --'°""' • "Horror tbp!t.r• ( 1t7S) M1c11e11 Gougll, ~ Alllwttll. •• * ''llwellaft Of.,,.. .. O." (1t1S) w..n 8rtllttl. An11re Foret Yowig womtrl ..... "*" --~ ~ ...... INlle .,..___ lo ...... ~ .. -. <ID ••• "All~ Long" (1912) ........ MoOoohen, 89t9Y llelr. A ,._,.,. ~--IOOl(rtd ofNaooq1 W11t1~oom-&r-'°h-·e .... . ...... """" .. .. ( ,_, Ao9ert 0. *'°' ~ ~-lolllflt ~~ ... .._. .. e, ... ~ f«W ..,,~ ..,.tMl ..... lhtlle 9:GO. * ** "8'-SlfMll" (117 .. Oel'9 Wiider ... Cleybur9h A mlld- mennered bootl editor unwltttngty becomes lnVOlll9d In ,_ ll'ld lntr1gu9 .... ltdlng e trlln ~ Loe ,..,.... Ind CNcego.(R) (I) • * • "Catcft-22'' (1t701 Alen Min. Mwtln 8.-..n A group of All Foroa ~ dllgllMld wllh the rotation ey91ern ll'ld lhl IUblla lnaMlty ot ,..., commanders 11op It nothing to e-t dlec:hwgea. CC) * * ~ "Thi Frleco Kid" ( 1979) 0-Wiider, Harri- _.. FOfd. A POlilfl rlbbl ,.,. ....,..,, lnvol\led In wlt4 ''°""" mludven-tur11 wllh • dertng berlk rc>bblf whel'i hi trlMlll to San Fraoc:llco to tlke - I MW congregetlon 'PO' ..., •• ''Thlt •• !Ma" ( 1981) Ooeumentary. Alm 1001101 Ind drarnalle reer•tlorw 111 U9ld to tel the etory of Elvia Prlllly'a .. >'tlJ ear.. 'PG' t:ao (H) * * 'h "Eac:ape From Aleatrez" C 1979) Cllnt E••l•OOd, Petrick MeGOC>Nn A hltdened c;onvtct, l'lllKned after his '"'t eecape lrom "lhl Rodi," ,,..,,_ to tweel< out lglln ·PO' cm * ~ "Up 1n Slnol!•" (1978) OIMdl end ~ Edie Miine TllitO drifWI Imbert!°". CtOll-CIOUntty lflp, frustrating the Mow end meeclng en odd _,_ ment of eh1rac1er1 111ong thlqy 'A' CZ) •••• "Alglng Bull" (19801 Aober1 0. Nlto, C11hy Morl.,ty Boxing cMmplon Jllke Ui Mott1'1 1plltude lor vlotence brlngl him -In \hi ring but diaru9t• .. per. '°'*llfl· 'R' 10:00 •••• "Rid River"' (11Mt) John Wtr(f'tl. Mont· oomery Cllf1 A young mlt'I ll'ld .. ltepfethlr ci-nel owir Ille rout• of their e.t- dl drlw to.:ao ()) * * "Hot T -$NrU" ( 1977) A1y Hollend, StepNnll Lawb. A 1.-..m OWl'W mdng betllf.~ deddll to ettrect mlle petr-by hOldlng W11 T· IHr1 eontll\a. 'A' • * "Who'I The! l<rlodt· ~At My Ooor1" 'A' 11:00 cm• "Hoc l..egl" 11te0) 8erblra 8111, J...ie St. Jeme1. An 1mbllloua edverlltlng 1111c:utlv• ltope It noUllnQ IO land I tucwetM ...... hoe6lry 1 t:IO SC::•~ "Battll Of Thi Bulge" (111M) Henry F- da, AoOert ~ Hindered by bed ...... ~ troope '""' e ~ Germen offen1lv1 by d"' •a!lllio e btllllnt 11r11- ~* *'4 "81Q JeM" (tt71) Jotw\ w..-. ~ we! 8oonl A grtlmd IMft °' ... w.. ..... both the A""" •nd th• T••u ~ In .... "'°"" to locete hit lfld111pl)4ld ~ "f:ent/tt Plot" (tt'7t) Bltblre H8"11, lr1'08 Dim. A~ Md-Ul~boy­ fl'llnd ll9l'Ctl '°' • ~ ,...., who II e prol II 191 ~ .. ,, .... *** '"TM"tfllln ~ .. (1t~) JoM w.,_. MnMai ...... A ........ 1114dow '*-... ....., to ...,.,... ,... ~ dOIWa In told ......... IMebW Nd Mlol'l Na~- 1HI (I) ••• ""ti. CMll ........... ,......,. to hit M!Mt ~.,.., ltmlng. men In the rtno. but lalla to find lhl ~ M IOUglil •• * '" ''Til9 OutllcMr" ( 1971) Stertng Heyden Ctelg vv-on. A young ~....,...IO Nonhlrn .....,., 10 join the atruggte I« llldepaldl!ICI. 'R' CZ) • * '4 "PMntom Of Thi P1radlel" (1974) Paul WlmalM, W..,.,, Aniey A dedk,..ed rodt 'n' rOll ~~•dls­ llglnd medrnln hlunllng 1 tM>uloul rodl club alter hi II IWMdtad ou1 ot his life'• -"· .,. ... boral• roe* can11ta. ·PO· 12:.IO. * * ''They SIVIC! Hit· llr'a 8'lln .. ( 1984) Wlltw Stoc:kw. Audrey c.1<1 A hend1ul of TIWd Relc:fl 1oy. ...... WIQM I 1111-dltc:h efforl to geln world IUptemKy by abduc11nQ I piomlo111t American leiln- tlllt M pet1 of their nefWI· -plOt. (JI) * • "FricMy Thi 13111 Cuao) Belsy Pllmer. Adrl· -~ Thi 'IOPlfWlO of • aummer camp. doeed 20 ,..,. ..U., alter thUMI mwder•. attrect1 1 Vlndic:· live llfller wtio knifes unsu.pec:tlng IMn-lgfWS 'A' (I) * * "The lnerldlbll Shrinldng W°"""" (1980) lJly T oonlin, aiertM Gr o din. A ~te linda 11 herd to cope ~ - IUddenly ~ to W ink 1n-...·PO· 1:00 9 • * • ·~ "Tn.te Gnt" (IHI) John Weyne, Glen Cempbell. II. tnerlllll and • T-RMger help• young girl woo II Hiking r.-..no- upon Chow wtlo eau11<1 the dMth of her lalher ~••"Performance·· (1970) ,,_ Fox, Mid. Jegger. A hood °" the tun trom the mob ftnda sanctu--r 11'1 the hOml OI I burned-out former rod< stet. 'A' t:IO. * ..... "Hello, Oollyl (1970) ~· Strelslnd Weller Mellheu. An Irr~ IMtdlmeker deddll tN1 the molt 9Ult· al* tpOI-. IOf I eenltn- ker-~ .. herMlf (Z)••'4~AaYou ,.,. .. (1980) Mer'08llo Mu- trOlmml, Nllalllil KlnUcl A mentad. ~ ,,,.,. lr'llbll1ll on. an allw ...,_ • ~ gift wf'IO may be~ to him. 'A' 2:00. ** "A Soder Nlmld Joe'' (1970) O..W. Sllran. lAncl JeflrlM.. An Amlrlcln deeerter trom Vletnem bec:orrlll tnvolYed with the unda WOl1d In Rome. tOI (JI) • • "TN Return" (19t1) Jen-Mlc:hMI Vin· cant, Cybill Shlc>tterd. Two people who hid I doll encountw wltti en lliltl ~ u ehltdten ..... ........ Imminent ,..,,.,.. a:.. *. ''Ollataincl" ( 1975) Paul BenjAll'lln, Jemn Wooda. Aft Alrrrr 11r9M"I alfleMg • ........ er1lls .......... ~*' by ml untlapoy ~ .. !, ••.. .._.At . Cefttral HIQh" ( 19781 ~ si-.. Aoblr1 C#rMIM. A~ for -.. ~ .,.., . pnnll """ .... too f .. -puled Oii the qulller ~ by e 9"0l4I of botM ~ fnlnda. .,.. (I)•• "HotT....._ .. pt77) f'a~ Motlend, 911~._.i,....,,A....,-n ....... ~oY ...... '°..,,..,,.... -~~ Sh Maintinance Free WINDOWS For Life! ARE YOUR WINDOWS ... 0XlllZ£D -DUE TO OCEAN AIR INFLUENCE? DRAFTY & COLD, CAUSING HIGH FUEL BILLS? EXPENSIVE TO PAINT & MAINTAIN? . DANGEROUS TO CLEAN? • ARE YOU FED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW PANES? SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY· WITH 1000/o RIGID PVC FRAME WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS YES, PUASE SEHD ME MOU IHFOllMATIOH ON: 0 llGID PVC WINDOWS CJ PATIO DOORS NAME: ................................ Phone.( .... ) ............. . ADDRESS: ........•............................................... CITY: .............................• STATE: ...... ZIP: ............ . Eich Corporation L.A. TROCAL• WINDOW DIVISION -AnN. MR. W. KINDOR I I 08 W. Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041 12131 254-6885 r;:=:============================~~ A~~IJ?/ /JtJud , ffe1/1il (&I 1912 ·WINTER AVAILABLE* * * *LIMITED NUMBER COIPOIATE AND IEGULAI MEMBERSHIPS COU'OaATI .,...HSHIP'S have full club prlvllegla Including a tax advantage Members frequently UH our attractive facilities tor banquets, oo.rd meetings. client luncheons end social 11Ct1vitles (rnlnlmum 2 famillff) IMUlM ~ for families and single people .,.. offered in a variety of membership pcograma 1ncludlng ext~ Jr. pn>gr81M 12 yrs. and up. Wedding !'1ICIC)tions and private pertles are 1 specialty at N.B T C .. for members only. 11MEW 11 **** A•oetc MIMIHSHIP Taught 1n our Aerobic Teaching Center by Phll Johnson with 12 years experi90Ce In physical fitness 1150 initiation lee includes 2 months tree or 24' claatee PLUS 6 months of enjoying a fAM.CMll SOCtAL UN. 1100 Initiation fee wlll be applied to any other type membership at tU.T.C. TRAHSIBAlll for 6 momths only Jew ••w and experience the "good hfe ·· Find out why the N B T.C. hee been 1ucoe9fully .. tlsfying 111 memberl for the. paet 17 yea19. For membership application and Information. pleue call our s.t DlrKter • .,....... ......... ~ .. ;/fflt~tl )Je4t'A c.$1'#/Ud .'f!M 2601 EAS~LUFF ORNE, NEWPORT BEACH . CALtF *""'~ --............. _ 1 j t9 I l • r-----------------------------------.. ~ ·JoHNBr.ORSEa C.arErCo. The Oldest Floorcovering Retailer in Southern California Family Own'ed ~. Serving California \!I) Since 1879 • . -:;braperU!:J • Ving/ 5-looring anJ 'WooJ Par'l~t Conlracl • Co~rcia/ • f<.,uJ.ntia/. COSIA MESA ~ l I I I r 'i F - - Sunday movies u. ....... "The 8-1 Pedro ._.. (1977).Jaftry [)Nee, Jofln~~Flw young man with ,,_. INa- dom tMn funda Illar• • bMtarad boet In C&lttomla ID * .... "&in v-.; s..n.de'' (llM1) Sonia Henle, Miiton Ber1e. The meneger of Glenn ...... bend .. ,,. ldltMI ...,.., 1-1 .... ~ol• Noi~· -,..... wfto ~ hllpp9na IO Ila e Pf'lllbrellMar. <B>•••"TM~ lloft" (1M0) RlclWd ~ iu.. A'!'/ '""10-'t"° P'ln-.... .. • s.n~ mumlc ~ find tMI .... low far -" otl.-contf• with "'* proftalonal amblllone. •PG' ())••• .......... Mcnnt'' ( 11111)) (dwlrd WoodM!rd. ,,_ ~ ..... ,..., .... _..,._ _, '° ~ on England'• lllda In -9oer Wat diedde IO tlgN N 8oer ~ Oft tMlr OW!' .,,.. CZl•••··~aur '11111)) ~ De Nro, Qllltly ~-~ ~ Jlllca L.I Mona .. ap1lh1d• for vlolanc• bflngl hn --In ... ltnQ but d~ hll .,.,. '°"" .... 'R' di. **. "AlilMIQ ..... ,,. l!MI ,,_..,, ..,. blna:.it.A~. part·ln~Ua11 faMll)' la ........... ,......,,, ... ............. <J::l•••·m.~ .. ~-(*It Ditti .................. A ~ ............ a--~:9111 t TWENTIES TEEN Emmy winner Blanche Baker ( "HQlocaust .. > stars as a spirited teen-ager who smuggles "hooch" in a baby carriage during Prohibition in .. The Day the Bubble Burst .·· a world premiere drama to be broadcast on NBC ICh. 4l Sunday at 8 p. m. Keir Dullea. GM)' loclt- woOd. Asttoneuta ... , 10 llnd Ille alletl lnlelllgenoe ~ tot • puzzling lunar monol1ll ""'-' con- tend with .. Moboerd cornprter INt le trying lo lalta oonttOI of tllalr ...... ~(CJ • "Klondll• ~ .. (1980) Jatf Eu1, Rod Steiger The young Jadt London 89ta out to ..... 1111 fortune during tha Gold ~.·PG' ,_ (}j) * * * "The Temll MonUt" (1979) Cerol Bur- nett. K.ith MltcMIL A mkt- d19--oect, ~ -~ pr90Mftl and daddea to lcMP Ola baby •***''M~Of The People" ( 1tT7) a .... ~a...Dwn- lng. 8-.d on ~·· pley . The dttzena ol • lfMI town llnt epplalld than ~··loc-'~ fO< declatlng ,,. local llol IPflnQI Uf1Ufe due to p01- 1u11on. ·o· .. Cl) * ...... .>t/AltNff l!ledl To OI'' (1'72) ~. v~ o1 l.1111 MIMell. Paul lynda. OOfotlly ,__ 10 IN Laid of OI Md~---­of .. ~Wltdloltfla w.t.. 1;19 (C) * * * M ''llla c.t Md The c.-f' ,,_, .. Hope, Paulat1a Goddard. In oro. to collct INlt lnhattt-.• ·~ rnuat ~ tM night In • '*'"1· aOllOl#M. ... a "'Tiie ~n.~ .,.. .... ~ (~) 9'obo ert v..,., ~ CrM- M. Tlla ........... .,. Ol6efl ••• , .... ---a.--.-. ....... ,. ...... "*'N ~ 1) (1911t Cllftp: ·~ ,_..,., ...... ICldM .............. r•por••' Cte1ll K.,.t -·~·· • ~~~Mott··· aptttt.1441 '°' vtolanc:a bftnea hli'ft -In the mo w dllnlot• .. per. fll'wl .... 'R' it:A1 cm • • • i.. "Oona Flot Attd Har Two Huabanda"' ( 1t1t) Sonia Braga. JON W-... A young 8rulllen -·· boring MCOfWI marNgil .. ~ by tha an1Yal of lier flrlt l'tu8-- &1Md'• paalllonat• gno.i 'fl' ~ (C} ** * "Wl1ic:ll W•y Is Up?" I ttT7) Alc:Nro Pryol, lonana Wet<• A M•· •tW¥ad fruit piclctf II C&l8M In • oomlc: CtOMflr• ~ hill union end Iha Mob, and • hypoc:rltic:al pt-="« !Inda haa--. In • 19diea' choir. 'R" 2:111® ••'Al "Carny" (1980) Joella ~.,. Gary Buaay An ad.,.,_turoua young woman joir\I a c«niv•I troupe end ....... •bout the hidden emotion• and t.Qatratlona behind the eurl-~ of ,,,. perbrners. "R' 2:AICC) •• "6 Fingar• Of Didi" (1973) Lo Uen. Weng Ping. A young CN- -kung fu atudant mu- 1wa hill 811 to become • leading eicpart and nai.on- al ~ (%) **** "2001 A s.,_ OdyaMy" 119681 Keir Oullaa. Gary Lock wood. Allronauta _,, to find Illa ellan lntelligenca raepoilllbll fO< • puz:zllnQ lunar monolith must con· &and wlll'I .. on-ooat 0 CGmPUW that le 1ry;ng to ... ~of tllalr _... 3:IO cm • • "'Ttla AmaDng Adv91tww Of Joe 90 ~ A. lllllglcel in_... lion ar\&blaa • -.y.ar-ol<I boy IO bacoma a apaaal egenl tor Iha Wond lnlllffi· *"""°'1l. 'G • .. * "8ronc:o Billy" ( 1980) Cllnt Eaatwooo. 8onMa 't.oc:U. A lorrne< 11\oe lalalman from Hew JatM¥ r.-i-1111 dream of parlot mlog in a Wold Westahow.'PG' tilO® ••'Al "Zulu0.- (1980) Burt L.anc111e1 ....., O'Toola. The Eng11sn W998 • blttar strugole 11Qa1n1t 11'8 Zulu nauon in 19t1Mlentu!y Atrica. ·PG' 4.:*) CC) • * • i.. "T'ha Cet Ano The c.tt.y'' ( 19.38) Bob Ho9e. P..-.n& Goddatd In order to CXJllac:1 1het1 lnhatltWtce, • family ""'" ~ Illa night In • ,,..,,.,. ed~ Monday movies f9UARYe.1991 lWMIG ei00 (%)*a "T ... From A Fly· ~'tn.N" t:aO CC)**" "Shool The Sun 0-." (1NO) CMalophet w._, Metgot l(lddet tn lt3t, tour __. •• ml$- tlta -an old m8') to IMrCltl tor burled gold 'PO' 1:00 cm.••• ·'T-.. 11979> .......... klMkt. ,..,., Rrtft. The deughl• °' • poor Enoll•ll farmer ~ Illa 1ltdlm of ,,., tamllv'• .,iratlonl _, --~ty ·A' ... "8ruce U In New Guin M"BNcaU. eO•••'A "Super- ,_ .. (Pan 2>(1978) CMt- topller Aaava, Margo! ICldci.t. Miid-mannered r•portar Clark Kent "-"' an at"Ctl c::rilftlnal' • plot to d91tf'CJ1 Iha Waal COlloll wfth • glenl -111-r.. ~ ·~ tklltad ............. (1973) .......... Gaorol 1(-. ,.,..,. A touafl llwmM ,,.. ~ wly bal* ~e Moote. Page 3 Wherever )'Oil busy 1t1nerary lakes )'OU ... for buslll8SS « pleme, before )'OU go -pWi astop to Pat abley's. For ll years now -Pat Marley, hmself, aid associates cootllltl8 to present men's fashms that emre 111 dress or casual! Now we've ext~ to ladies· tr~tionals! We alwdys have a hideaway sale ~tars 111 the attic roan. Plus all arllllld the store you'll find tnxpecled collectibles aid gift items ftl lllY special grtt! __.,,,_.:==-.. The Look of Satisfaction Old fashioned courtesy and sensitivity to your needs Complete line of Victory Quintessence eye wear available Owner Operated Under new ownership All New quality custom eye wear All New quality sunglasses All New fair prices All Rx's filled accurately OPTICAL FASHION CINTEB NEWPORT 3417 Via Lido, Via Lido Plaza Newport Beach CA 673-1 883 i~.~'6~ ~ 'I 5: . It t- ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH• Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday ...... -,... ---.... ·--, 31 ~ ~ < ,.... ~ ~ I .. I 0: , • :< I ~ I .. a I c • I -< I Y' I -I i N at i----· I I - .... Stre!Mnd, Robef'I ReclfOf'd. A )'OUtlQ college couple In the 1930s ~ that their pojllleal dlff•encee -auong enough to lec>c>- •Clllie thelt lftlln'lege. 3:15 (8) • * "Thll i. EMs" (1981)~ Rim footage end clramatle ,.. cr .. Uona are UMd to t .. the ltcwy of EMe ~·· life and C6lles. ~. '** "Fort W0'1h" (1H1) A8'\dolph Scott, OeYld Brian. A guNlinget· 1urned-new•pepermen flndll that hll pr-. wttll • 11111-shOC>t• le still rn«e .rteccNe Olen wcwdl In ~...,, ............ meni.. ~-··~"Behind The Newe" ( 11MO) Lloyd Nolen, Dorl• Devenport A cr"8edlng ... ·~­..,_ corrvptlon in 1'119 town'• government. 4: ti a::l * * * 'ii "Dey Fe. Hight" (1972) J~ ~. v-.nttna <:«1-. Olt9cted by Fr 8"Coie T rvl- f aut. The ii-end io-ot film p.-1~ we a1ud- led In • movi.wl1hln .... ITIOYle. ·PG' •=-II • • • • "Regtng &11' ( tHO) Rober1 o. Nwo. C.thy Moflany. 8011ing c:t\emplol1 ,,... Le Molt• .• aptitude for vtotence briflge him -In lhe r1ng bv1 dl.uc>ta ,.... per. 90nal Ille. 'R' -. Announcing . The Marriott Tennis Oub Pi . l • Limited Membenhip Available ~Beach • .,,\\orriotf Hotel&. • No lnitiatioo Fee • I 0 Champiomhip Courts • Full Club House Facilities • RobynRay - Director c:i Tennis Tennis Club 900 Newport Centu Drive Newport Buch, CA 92660 ------------------ The Performing Arts Association of Orange County presents John Alexander, Director Three B's and a Unicorn Bach ................ Singet dem Herm (Motet No. 1) Britten ...................... Hymn to Saint Cecilia Brahms ....... · ............... Llebeslieder Waltzes The Unicorn .............................. Menotti A charming program of varied chamber works featuring BALLET PACIFICA original choreography by Lila Zall and members of the Irvine Chamber Symphony All seats reserved: ·s10.oo. $7.00 and $5.00 Senior/student -$2.00 discount Saturday, February 20 , 8:30 p.m . Santa Ana High School Auditorium 520 West Walnut Street For further information. write or call P.O. Box 1891 , Santa Ana, CA 92701 , (714) 542-1790 MasterCard or VISA, Group Discounts A publlc service sponsorship of the Orange Coast .w~JJQJ.. • ot ;a • -~ c1«> ~"iwv-, ... L...M..ilQl~.MllAlll .... ~----................. .....,, ....... __ .................................. __ ., • 4nlron Pl.,.. nylon oole ,,_ ~-tn __.and ••n '"'' twu -"'°'""''°" l•om •n "O'/WlO -IC lllOCks • ~-"' eot'91ructoon ol ,.,. ,,. ""-• '" •~nee ..... ""'""' • Saelf OOIOr•ona wtlt IOO ai IO(lll OI lt"'9 -llMuly 10 -- • ""'"'" Plus '¥0'> pole Ms _..,,.,.,_ .. ,, --protec:"on ,...,,..~-- • lwrunous u .10f1y const,uc. ft()n ___ _,,to --• 5'lblle ...... ~ .. -ons "' ... __,_.,"'9 _,.._ . ""''°"Ill "vton "'.,._ •.oc>eilenl~-­"'°"'O_sn! ... llloc l>'Olletl ... • Eacl"'QICUlptureo__.,, ~-· ""'""""'91t ncll i.&tu<ll .,......_. , u~ nc.-'"""~ ~!One-~ .... _..,, llO!h CM<* ---o1111e-s14~ • C:-.nuove ,_,, ""'°" °'°""'" out•wic1ono , .. ,.,.. telenloO<l -.... , .. ncy °"" • wi..t--·e,.....~ .... onv flylong ... OOOUlar IWICle • 13,,_,l!_.,oona_...., """-lor .....,_.., _ .. "'900! ..... • r...,.., .. ,,, DuPont TellOn• C.-~ISIMIC~ ,,.. SJJS~ Sale Runs thru 2/22 PRICE INQ.UDES INSTALLATION & PADDING WITH NZX 3600 PADDING - I St.' ~!~le Gulde-fOr the weeli· 'S' :ll l From_ Page 32 ... ~ ~ "°"' c-........ IOldwl -*" 'O of ,.._ YOftl °'1 ~ -c IMlr tr9lta of ~--Md u. W-ln...,~to ~ crM.. .,.. ._ lor ..J ""-• ...... • 'PO' > CZ> •• * * ''T-" (1t7t) I-H•U n'n KINILI, Pwler "'111. lll9 ...... of • poor IEngllalt fatm•r becomet .. .tctlm of her twlllv'• ... atb.. and •own~.'R' e:ao •(I) • * * "Hooper" ( 1178) Burt Alyno6da. .-,.. Michael Vincent. The r9lgnlng king of prot.- lk>nlll 1tunttnan, under 11'-9 from • hOt oorn- petitor and • demWldlng clfector. Itek• hie ... In • ~cw ... (R) CID * * , 'The lnglortoua &Mtwda" (1t78) 8o 8_,.. -.. Ff'ed W...-. Two -fof'll'I an uni-' frl9ndlhlp during t....., "'°'1• lo IUr"1lwl ~ attack.a Md ~ da9th dutlng IN tumultuoua ~of WOf1d Ww II. t:ao CC> • * *" "TM cm And Tiie ean.y· 11839) 8oO Hope, p....,. Goddard. In cwder to oolact 1Mlr .,,,..,..,_, • r.mly ~ ~ "" nlgtll In • ..,,,._ .,,__ Cl> * ** "Hot1h By Hoitt .... (1t58) Cary Onint, Ewi .._. a.inc. All actw.tlallig men'a ... la c:fl9flgild dr..uc.lly wtien he la rnlilbkM lor a CIA IO:OOr.-~·· • i, •. .....,,.,.. a-. ,..... (1911) A.Ian Attlln, ....... ....,. ....... of ml1underatandlng1 ca.. • aodal --to ....,.ct !ht s-,..,-o1c1 ~ of • ...,.,....., ~ .. Iha YICtlntl of dlld --.·PO' *"CID • * * .. ,.. NIOM LOl>g" ( 1te 1) Gefle "-c*men. awtwa Str9Mnd. Ahw being damOled from OOI· por9 aecutMI to dwln- *"9 night ~. • mid lh-aged -·· Rt. ltyla and ---turned ~OWllL 'R' UM CC>•*•* "Sa)'onat9" ( 1957) Marton 8'Mdo. Rad luttonL All ~ ... -._ • po6grw'lt .,,.., wlttl the ... pertotmw of • .,_ ,,..,._ K*'9 ~. (%) * * • • "AaQlno Bui" ·~ Aobtr't 0. ..,.,, CMfly Moriarty. 8olllng ~••LA Mona'• aplltud• tor vlotenca tlf1"gt '*" -In 1he ,-. but dllnlpt.a .. per- __. •• R' u:ao • ••~·'fht~Of lll9 Good ()up" ( 1171) Robert Culp, Denni• Ougln. All .wng oflloar'• ~ .,..., lntO .,. ~..._10 ..... .. ptnalon.,..,..... (~ ••••• ''Aeglng Bui" ,,..,, Ao09rt De Niro, ~ Mortar'1· ~ aMmplorl .,.., I.A Mon•'• aptitude tor vlot•nce llft9'*91-lnlM ,-. but dlnrupta hie per-_. ..... ,.. t tM CID * * "f1tcMy ni. 13111•· (ttlO) a..., ,..,.,, ~ """ IClng. The t9CIC**'9 of.~ Gimp, doeed . .,... ........ ..,.. ,,..,.,.., --• ..trldloo-11 .. 11..., WM knlM "'* ............... ·w <II> • " "Up In 8"w*e" Ctt7~ Clieedl Md a.., Edit AcMrN. ,_ ~ .......,_ on 8 OI I 11 oCIOQMy .... ~ ..... lrtd .,... ., ., ~ -----~ --~ ~ -- "'*"' Of c:Mt~ alonO ttlewey.'A' Cl>•••• ·Marwt Stet•" (1tl0} lN-.m Hurt. .. lll'own. A tw· Wini ac:lanUlt'• ..-ic 9'luctuN .. ....,.. ""'" .. oondllctl ~ Ing eq1*1 lme1111 with leOla- tion tMkl and powerM halludnoOanL 'R' tt.1IO. * •• "D-Oey, lll9 8bctfl Of June'' (1958) Rob- .,, Teylot, Ak:herd TOdd. .... their r06el In the Nor- mandy lnvMion toom olol- ., • two mlllMy otncera MCtl ,........ their ...,.,. •• --of the git! lhey both low. 12:30 ••••• "Monqy ~" 11931) Mane 8'0lhera. Thelma Todd. FOUtl It~ lty 10 9vold ttie Uhorltlea on an _ .... 1• •. *. "The Mleatl" (1911) Clw1I Gabtl. MM!-¥' Mottoe. A )'O'ltlQ dlvor· oee "91it1 egelNt the crv-.ny 1-.d In lhe roundup of wld~ •• * "The DaMrt S0"9" ( 1153) Kathryn °'9yaon. Gordon ... ~ A proMalor IMdl a double '"' when he ~-• groe.ip to 911poee en 1'111 A.reblledar. 1:10• ***"A Big Hand For The Uttte l.ldY'' (ttee) H•nry Fond•. Joanna W~ A P*'ll*tulll loeer'• wlta men-oaa to win tMlclk their IOM NW9 lnec.rd~ 1::90 CC} * * * ''Whletl Way II Up?" ( tl11) AlchenS Pryor. &..onena Md<ee. A --l'lMWd mill I**• .. ceugtit In • comic oroteflr• '*-t .._ uNan Md IN Moe>, Md • hypoalttlcel ~llnda~ln• i.dlea' c:holr. 'R' Cl)••"s-et~·· ~ girt. foroed to WOf'k on a ~ plantation. mellea oMria to ... her r-. aga6rlSI the men In cflerge. 'A' ~-** "C.oaplnda" (1951) John Peyne. Ahor>- da Aamlng. A 9t11p'1 ~ t.111 encountera perl wtwn he anemp19 to ,_ hie .,.., ltllp and .... io-. • *. "MIMn And How-lrd" (1NO) ..... LefoUI, ,,_ AllMrdla. Alt o4hw· .._ unknown gee 9*lllon anendmnt c:lelnia to be 'Ille rtgl'ltM ... 10 HowarO Hugh"' bUllOn dollar _....,'R' a:IO. ***IA-"Biiiy Budd" ( 1H2) Aobatl R)'an, T--StMIC>. Saeed on the ncMll by ...,_ ...... .... The ~ 9tNC>- gle ~ good _, ellll .. ~ by the con- ~ ~ ·~ ..... or _, hie cwe1 command· '!!II°"'°"· CHl *. ''TN Aelum" ( 1111) Jan Mk:Nilf Vin- cent, Cybil SNpMrd. Two P*Oflle ~ Nd • cloae ---wftfl"" ..... ..,_,.,, u chlldfen ..... ttle ...... Imminent ,...,., 1:9(%) ****''Touch Of Evll" (1968) Cflaf1ton Hea- ton,~ W ..... A Meld- CM polloe lnnpector and flll American bride beoOme the ¥leUme of • Mlllllttlftl ~ Md • ...,,.,....,. ____ _ det '"*"'81tr>n on the bonW. --···•·MMOnA ltrtno" (1HO) lmeat 8or9nln1, Kerwin ........ ,,. ............ ..... '° rWl'llllft Mf*"'9 ...., the lton Oun.in .._...~­ e.u.a. .. ~ ...... "f:llor1nof• ContpMlnt" ( 1972) All:Nrd ~.~Blee*. 11..s on 1he "°""" by Ptlllp Roth. A young Jew. "" boy ,_ti hla °"""' hlfatloul and -OUI ~-lo hill paydlle- trlft. Cl) * *"' "s-wtlel Expr"'" (1t72) Dean JonM, Nancy Olaon. A New Vortl eccoi#'ltllnt tra- wllF .... to the Aodllea In an •"'"'Pt to modlmla "" dllePdaled akl ,_. he lnhwlled ·a · a. CID • • •"' .. '"" Elaplwlt Man" ( 1980) Jofln Hurt, Mtflony Hopl<lnl A ~ cated ph)'•lelan talc" under hll wing • horrlbly deformed 11'181\ ""'°'* llf• """ then Nd ~ epent In ct-.p ,,.. eldllt>itlolia. 'PO' 4:00. * ·~ "Araon l'or Hire" ("611 st-Btodle. Tom Hubbard. An -gang -under inv.11ga11on ••**"Mew!Stt..u" ( 11173) H""9y l(eltel, Rob- .,, De Niro. A amal-tlme flOod and '* lrreapol~ l'rtlnd """ plenty of trJ>Ubll In New Y0ttc'1 Little ltMy 'R' 4:1a (%) ***~"La Caige Aux Fo1191" (11179) Ugo Tog.. nc:r.I, Mldlal Setrault. A ~-.. trtll to prepare hie tr1111u_.... IOYW for a~ by hie llOn'I ll•ncee' 1 lat hat, tfl• morm _,...., o1 F~'R' Thursday movies ...... "The Mwwloul Land Of Or'' Some ~ ,.,,.., lnhabltllll• of the Lind OI Oz help a )'CC#'O boy and hla wooderl l'rtlnd In Ihle Mined ... pro- duction by the Chll«en'a Thtat.-Co(ftpeny and 8dloot. ·a· t:aO CZ> .... Allee, 8-' Aloi" flOO CC)**** "T-" ( 1179) .......... Kinllll, Petit' Ar1h. lll9 ~ ol • poor Engll•fl larn1ar ~ .. *'""of,.., fMllY• NPl'ationl end herown~.'R' cm • • "Hlgll eoun11y" ( 1t81) Tlmottl)' aou-. Unda Purl Alt ~ OOIMct and hla twd- cepped glttfr1afMI ftee to the ,,_.alna. 'PO' e:OO. * * "FM flnOlr9 Of °'*"'" ( 111711 Lo Ulfl, Wang Ping. • * * * ''TN Weddlel Ship In The Arm(' (1M11 .,.. ~. Rldcy .... eon. A mllftt 9'llp and tnw prOOll to be~ In ......wno a Wottd WW II bettte. • * * * "P-'' (11175) Klf1I OougMa. an-Dern. "" ernblttoua mar'ltllll ciut• •pMtioff9U'dw .... ilnd ~ llCt08E the Soulfl.. .... In .... tnenlel* pvt• .,,. of po.-. CID***"' "&c:.wlerl" (1M1) ..lannlfer O'Neill. Patrlcll McOooflan. A lethal co11tllct arlH• .......,, !WO .,... Cl'OUCll °'people wt.-*""~ n•ry p1yofllo pow1r1 lndude ... IMty .., di ~1" Cl>•••• ... ._....,... (tteO) ~ De Miro. c... ......_ ....... dwaplon .... La Motta .. apllt\lde for vlol.,= ..,. ... _Ill ""' llUI ........ ,... -* ......... •••• "' "The Beph.ant Min" ( 1t80) Johll Hurt, Anttlony Hoc*lna. A dedi- cated phyalclan take• under hie wing • horribly dtformed man '"'-... untll """ ...., ~ epenl In ct-.p ..... exhlbltlonl. 'PO' I: 11 C2) •• *. "Raging Bull" ( 1NO) Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty 8oltJng ohemplon .Mae La Mon• •• 1.ptllud1 tor vlolence b'1nge him ~ In the rtrig but ~ hie per- ~· ·A' t:GO cm • • .... "8ack Roede" ( 1N 1) Sally Raid, T Ofl'lm)' Lee .ton. A IMM*er and a down-On-hla-luca bo"" _. end ltMd -t In ~ofarww .... 'A' ~CID •• ** "Raging W " (tteO) Robert De Niro. Cath¥ Mof'larty 8o11.lng ohemplon Jake La Motl•'• apt11ud1 tor violence brlnga him -In the rtrig but dl9upta hie per- IOnlFl IN. 'A' tO";m CC) **'A "Cleopatra Jonea" ( 19731 Tamar• ~.~Win ..... A llare•trlllned f«Mle agent tor IN Unli.d Stat• ~it in.a to .,,_.. up "" lla09I dnio CIC*"" lion. 'PO' CIJ * * "Hot T -&wtl" (19771 Ray Holland, St~ L..-lof. A'-" --1-*'0 bel*f\IPlcy daddea to Mlt9d me6e petronl by hddlng we1 T • 9hlrt cont-.. 'R' •••• "Popeye'' (1111()) Aollllr\ WllelM, 8'*"r Dwll. wtlle ~tot hie tattler, lhl eplnecfMet- lnt ........... quaint ............ he plcka I.IP. foundllno and • aklnny am Mtt.w"' .. •PQ• CZ> ...... "I.A Caoa Aux F(lllee" (1t79) Ugo TOQ-nam, Michal Serrault A nlghtdub ~ lttel to Pf9J)lff hll ~· !Over for • vlllt by hill eon'• llanc••'• lather. the tnOf'ltl convWllalOI • ol Frmnoe,'R' 11:00 cm * * 'h "Sc>Hnx" ( 108 t I Frank ~ LAeiey- ,.,_ Down. A "'""- bid. mertiet antlqultlea ring attampb to ltop en ~.,_~ ertng the ... eebout9 of • ~ltatuelhe­ permltted to ...... 'PO' 12:00 •• * * ''Thi Olly Of lll9 Dolphln" (11173) 0-0-c. Scott, T'rWI Van O.W... A group ot dolpt*-. -kllS-NPP*d trom "'* ll'llner by MbolMn who ere ~ to blow UC1 • yedll carT)tno "" preal-dant of ttle U.S. CC} * * "M91Ucft At Central High" ( 1t78) ~~~ Cllrfadlne. A CNMde for -. .,.... 9fter • prank "'*' _. too .., -puled °" "" quieter .,.,.,... by • ~ ot bend hlglMdlod ..... 'R' . CJ) •• "MeMll Md How- f/fd'' (1MO) ,...... L.aMat, Jt9ofl Ao09rdl. All otfler· .... "'*-gee ltedon llttlndMt dllml '° ...... rtgl'ltM ...., '° ~ Huglte1' blll!Ofl dollar ........... tt:tO CBl .... ~ .. ( 1911) EIZabelt\ ...,.,.., 81/Mt ...... ,_ ...,.. ...,. ~. fnohtM fllOllC In • oemlw.I ~ ~ lnflebltld by • 0.-Md bMllt 8lld hie ............... ,,_. (I) ...... ·-nw w., w. 222 ,gg, LI 2. ,,.,...~ ........ TRICKS OF THE TRADE -Burt Reynolds stars as tt1e king or Hollywood stuntmen. Sally Field is his girlfriend, Jan Michael Vincent plays an ambitious rival. and Robert Klein is a n overly demanding director in "Hooper." The action drama will be broadcast Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. on CB.5 <Ch. 21 . Pictured are Field and Reynolds <top>. Reynolds and Klein (center>. and Field, Reynolds and Vincent. Iha lt30a dlacower tt\111 lflllr poltlcll dlf'9l•ioea -wcwig ~to jeop-wdllll 11'* ,,,.,.,...._ 12:IO . •••IA-"HotM ~ .,.. .. (1932} M9'll 8rotMn, Tflelma Todd. OrOUClltO .. _.,,.......of •coeaoa. • * * '"Thia la EMI" (1181) Oocumentaty. ""' footage and di'*'-'* ,. Cteetlona -.... to .. the mtory ot ~ ~· ... llld -· ""°' , •••• "Ale Of'ffle~ en 0-" (1 .. ) Yul 8t)Mlr, Ct-.. °'-· All A"'4lftotln 9'0fet llO'ftl lrllllr9al ........... IQ rtno Mth .. "°"' loot· lalld v er'd. •• *'4 "MonCena" (1te01 EMI flwm, Allillte &mlth. W..ithy cMtle""" era Vy to .aop I .... ""°'* '""" lftO'<l4r1g hie herde Into aattae count1y. 1:t0 ...... ''Tiii .... Md Tllt~"(1881)\/trlo _,. ""°'-Jotw\ ICerr, A """ _...,.. hie dllld ....... ~wtllrl hie ..... and .. io-try tO drM '*" lnMM. 1-~··•·"'-tThe "'"~· (1tt2) a.. ,,,.,..,_., ..... 22: &idle: lftuetoleft ~ •• ltWnpt•~-t•<Hl ••'4 "Zulu Oewn" (18801 Burt l.ancuter. ,,_., O'Toole. The EngMah -oe • bitter struggll ...., the Zulu nallon In 1~ Atnca. 'PG' Cl)** "Oeyw Of Fury" ...,.,.... by V1nCent Pnca A looll la taken at thl tl*lge ttlet ttw.aten our ""°· "°"' "*"'-1atlng "'1hquek• to unblllav· ..,._air collllonl. 'PO' t:IO ••• * ........ 1a1anc1·· {1'51) "'°"" P9ynl. ....., ...... A fOnMr PfOl*CU" '°' .. ___.. to ttldt dowrl • .......,,. ~ nrbt. 11$Et1Jdtt ~ "' IWnetMtNla~--ld .... --..., lnbml-llon. •*** "w..tStreeta" (1t73) Herwy ec.IMI, Rob- .,, De Nlru. A _..time flOod Md hie ...... ; lllbll Mend find~ ot VOUbll In New Yort1'1 Uttte """ 'R' 1:10 CZ> • * •• "RIO'no llufl" (1M0} ~ De NlrO • ~ Motier1y. Bolling ~-•l.aMon•'• aptitude tor vlotenc• llm08 """ ---In the ,.. .... .,__ .. per· ... .... ... c r.z a, ..........o.. Aoewo, -::::::::::~::::~ ~--FREE extra transmitter with garage door opener Stanley Digital "High Security" Radio controls -three signals '"--~. l I . ' • ·rDay or Night Prompt, courteous -· ~~'I . conscientious service. STANLEY ~;:::::=:JI~~::: Spr1Rg1 • •• Doon • lepoln 1!!lllla·--"Le•dlng fnalall•r ot Auloma11c - ~ Door Openera In 018ng• County" . IRVINE.DOOR COMPANY S.Iea & Service lnsu~d. B:nded & !!!: ~~rl N!. 312361 'I= ESCAPE TO THE MARRIOTT 1llls ye.ar make VALENTINE'S DAY a weekend qffairl Spend Valentine's weekend at the Newpcxt Beach Marric4 OS,.C.-a.l*bMil -Nql~to .,,,.... PKct doa "°' ... &.-Ind .. Mim--todwwl ..,... llUllCt. ,, 11 \ I 'i .. , : f 1 1 I I' ; ',, '' . I \ J, : . I I : J J, '' . J 1 '1 • 11 \ I • I JOIN U8 FRIDAY & SATURDAY \(Jldel\ ~ I I NIGHT FOR LIVE JA12. 111-*»00 -I I . FEATURING THE 3131 s. BRISTOL t I • _LES CZllllER DUO COSTA MESA I L-••••••••••••••••••••••••--·•••- ····•··········•·····•····••••·······•••••····•····················· . . -• • • • • ~~ • • • Send a Valentine message to that special person in yoor life. Put it in print in our special low lines a>lumns on Valentines Doy, Sunday, Feb. 14. Just fill in the form bek>w, ~ coll us at 642..5678 and we'll bill you. But huny, all ads must be in our office no later than Friday, Feb. 12 =---------------------• : Plw PUblilh my Valentine ,,,.. •• •• written below on : Sundllv. Feb. 14. <Write one word per apace. 3 line minimum. . : Compute ciwge at end of llne.) • $3.00 M.00 15.00 18.00 . • • . • • • • • • . . • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Extra lines are 11 .00 each : • • NAME~-~---------.----: • AOORESS ______ CtTY _ZtP__ : • PHON.._------------------• ~=~~order enck>Md ..;a; ill~ VIM EJcp.DD--..... ~· &p. o.t.-- ... - _,. NOW AT TWO LOCATIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY HUNTillTOM BElCH and SANTA ANA CA.IVa STORE Mo. 2117 ._.. .... U•cc:. Cnhr 21JIS...lrh... ..w ...... . s ....... ,....711-4771 CAIYB. STORE Mo. 2200 ....,-.s .. 1rwtietc...... 16171 ..... C:Wc• ....... " .. " ........... . .......... O.tJ70 • CAaYa..TNl ICI CUAM •ACTOH II you come Into Carvel thinking you wl II find a lew varleti.t of Ice cream cot'8I and that Is all ... have we 90t a surprise for youl A Carvel 11ore Is an Ice cream factory. a fountain ind an Ice cre1m supermarket. We have an array of loe cream cakes. lee cream noveltlH , shakes, sundaes. banana barges, Md cones in soft and hard flavora. All the above 11 always available and 1tways lrash. Since we make the Ice cream at the store. we NEVER run outll Providing Retail and Wholesale Opportunities Since 1934 ... A Proven Success! Moat Ice Cre•m• .,. m•d• wtth gr•nul•ted •uG•r. C•rv•I uaea only fructose, the n•tur•l .... tner. · Moel Ice Cr•••• ... •rillftil fata In their emu191ftera,·•t•blln,.., •nc:t flavortnga; C•rvel does NOTI WE ARE CURREN:'.FL:Y SEE·KING QUALIEIED PEOPL:E TO OWN AND OPERATE T-HEl-R OWN CARVEL ICE CREAM STORE IN OR~NGE C0UN:T.Y. C~oice li:aiens Tllr•~•out Tiie County · FINANCING AVAILABLE · FOR INFORMATION ON YOUR FUfURE WITH ('~., • I ·RJNE (714) 545-81·11 --- eekender ........... !r .......... IWAN SOMQ -WallydBoag performs for the final tim~ after a 26-year career as chief attraction in Dis neylan 's vaudeville-style Golden Horseshoe Revue. INSIDE 'The Border.' reviewed A complete movie guide New, expanded Live Gigs Page 7 Goodbye, Mr .Hoag I A Disneyland star packs his rubber chicken and leaves Rv JOEL C. DON ~o.lly ......... Disneyland has always managed to offer something for everybody. But the Magic Kingdom lost a le·gacy last week -a performer who would blast you with squirt guns. spit out a mouthful of ··teeth." sculpt colorful balloons into whimsical animals and tell some of the best groaners and irreverent puns this side of Anaheim ... All for a good laugh·or an uproarious guffaw. · Wally Boag, the center attraction of Frontierland's Golden Horseshoe Revue. retired his act and all the commensurate yuk-yuks after more than a quarter-century of non-stop high jinks (26.62 years to be exact). Performing five days a week. at least three-times a day. Boag figures he's don& the card trick gag, played the-comical Pecos Bill and a traveling salesman and popped his wig off for more than 32,000 out of nearly 40,000 productions. The "Guinness Book of World Recqrds" set aside a special place for the Golden Horseshoe Revue as the longest running stage production in show b~iness history. It was good steady work for a former vaudeville performer whose longest previous gig lasted 54 weeks. And it wasn't easy to part with the magical world created by Walt Disney in 1955. Though he left to move on to another career, Boag held back his emotions as he performed tl1s act the last time for friends, relatives, fellow actoTS and Disneyland executives. "I was just terribly excited; it was like the opening night," he said. "Except I was more at ease. because I knew what I was going to do. I threw in a lot of thines I hadn't planned on. "I was very near tears a couple of times but I fought it off with humor." Boag was happy to see Ullian Disney at the special perfonnance and telegrams were sent by show business friends such as Steve Martin, Julie Andrews and Muppet creator Jim Henson. Lucille Ball s howed her gratitude by accepting the invitation for the farewell show. It was a final performance replete with all the gags and stunts that has made Boag a mentor for many a comic. Sitting in a plush high-rise office of his new employer, Tom Carter Enterprises of Newport Beafb, Boag pulled a ballOOD from his coat pocket where others would reach for their business card. "I always carry them," he said, eyeing one of his trademarks. "I never know when I'm loin< to meet a crying kid." 8oai will serve as live entertainment Sc~Boog.~2 I ~ •.• Boag leaves Disneyland 2 Prom Page I : producer for the firm. orcanizine •hows for a ,; planned 1,000-room hotel and casino on 1 83·ecre • ~ site in Las Vegas. Called Huck's Landini, Lbe if project will offer a family brand of entertainment, ~ with a blend of burlesque and vaudeville -Boae's ~ lifetime calling. • The 61·year-old Boas beean bis career in Lbe 1 early '40s as a hoofer and comic in nightclubs and ~ vaudeville theaters. He played Radio City Mu.sic ~ Hall, the Hippodrome and Palladium in London as ci:: well as theaters in Paris, Australia and New Zealand. A 1941 London musical called "Starlite Roor· included Bou and introduced a newcomer lo the stage named Julie Andrews. They remain friends to this day. He joined the MGM stables and bad film credita with 'Ufhrill of A Romance," "Without Love," "Twice, Blessed" and "It's Always Fair Weather." Performer.friend Don Novis su11ested Boag to Walt Disney as a potential comic for a show in the new theme park. Disney auclilloned the performer at a film soundstage and hired him with the proviso that be "clean up" some of the material from his nightclub routine. After all, be was to perform in a family park "saloon" offering the bes{ 100.proof soda pop in town. Boag went on to do the voice of Jose the parrot DlverSIOns ln the Encbanled Tiki Room attraction and did. some of tbe high-stepping lip as a stunt-double for Fred MacMurray in 'The Absent-Minded Professor" and "Son of Flubbet." .. For the first year or so all the people I knew wanLed to see Disneyland so I wound up beini a tour IUWe," he said. "The fint live years of otneyland waa Ute a private club for au the emj>loyeee. We au knew each other and we were strivttti to aueeeed." He cave a young lad named Steve Martin a chance lo perform when the budding comic worked in a park masic shop. And be got a chance to IGell star .on TV's "The Muppet Show," a performmee be cberllbes above many others in bis 40 years lo the business. Boal a1IO set ap the saloon abow at Disney World in Florida and worked on the eompany's planned amuaement oark in Tobo. He feel& a aU,bt twtace u be drives to work put U.. Mauerbom from blia Fullertoa bome. He bu a UfeUme pus to the park and la a member of tJ\e Orestl&'ioul Golden Ears Club. But be looks forward lo combininc adult and cbildren's entertainment for tbe Laa Vecas jlevelopment. "Tom Carter has some of the potenUal that Disn.ey bad -it'll be like startlllc over again;' be explained. "But I sWI hope to spit aome more teeth when I eet a chance.'' TAA YEUNG SALESMAN -Wally Boag as be looked when the Golden Horseshoe Revue and Disneyland first opened in ~. Boag's show started with gunfire. a few gags and a handful of balloons. ----- ------------------------------------- C-PlAYS-------"FUNG," a comedy about premaritaJ and extramarital romance, winds up with final performances tonight and Saturday at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse on the Orange County Fairgrounds. Curtain is 8:30 with reservations taken at 754-5159. "ANGEL STREET," the stage version of the movie "GasUgbt," continues this weekend and next at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, ln the Seaclilf Village Center, Main Street and Yorktown A venue, Huntington Beach. Performances Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Feb. 13. Call 847-4465 for reservations. "SEND ME NO FLOWEllS." a comedy in tbe Rock Hudson-Doris Day mold, opens lbis weekend at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente. Performances are fiven Thursdays lbroogb Saturdays at.B p.m . until Feb. 27 with reservaUons at 492-0465. , ~'Al.Fil.ED THE GREAT," a mystery drama, is on stage tonight and Saturday at tJC Irvine's Little Theater. Curtain is 8 p.m. with ticketa available by calling 833-6617. "DIVISION STREET," ~ comedy about Sixties people coming of age, opens tonight at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vlata St., Costa Mesa. Tbe show runs 1bunclays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 unW Feb. 27, with ticket lnformaUoo at 831·5110. "WHAT AaE YOU DOING IN ft UFET" winds up its stay at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente, this weekend, and the Rodgen and Hammerstein musical USOUTll PAClftC' aniva Tu~y. playlnl tbrouib April 11. ReservaUoM are being taken at '92-99:i0. ''TU SEVEN·YEAR ITCH," George Axelrod's comedy atbout a middle·•I• man who f alla for a girl ball bis aee, closes Lh1I weekend at Westminster Community Theater, 7772 Maple St., Weatminlater. Curtain ta 8 :30 p .m. with performancea Frida.ya and Saturda)'I. ''TllE PLAYS THI! TlllNG,'' a comedy about tM theater, continues throuab Feb. l' at South Co11t Repertory, W Town CtnMr Drive, Colla Mesa. Performances ftiC.bUy except Moodul at 8 p.m. and at a:• weekend afternoou. For tlcteta, call 957-40SS. "OOME BLOW Y()UR BO&N.'' Neil Simon's first comedy, continues for the MiasJon Viejo Playhouse at the Forum Viejo Playhouse at the Forum Theater oa Lbe Festival of Arta Grounds in Laauna Beach, Curtain ia 8:30 p.m . "1days and Saturdays through Feb. 28, with reservations bein1 taken at 830-9252. "ROMANTIC COMEDY.'' a story of intimate collaboration by a playwrittni couple continues at Laguna Moult.on Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Performances wlll be given at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays until Feb. 13. llesel'vetioos 494-07'3. "80~," 1 new Britlab drama closes this weekend on the Second Stare of South Coa~t) Repertory. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Curtaln is 8 :30 nichtly except Mondays with weekend maUnees at3 p.m. RelervaUons 957-4033. urrs NEVBa TOO LATE," a comedy about lhe effect of a late·ln~llfe pregnancy, opens Sa.tu.rday for two weekends pre_sented by the brama Gro.lp of the Jewish Community Center of South Orange County with performances at the center, M Broadway,~ Beach. Curtain is 7:30 p.m. Saturday ud Sunday with a matinee at 1 :30 p.m. this Sunday. Reservations, caJJ 837-5554. "TBB BOURGEOIS GENTLEMAN," a comedy written by Moliere to entertain lbe court ot Louis XIV, plays Wednead.ay through Saturday at OC ll'vtne. 'l'lcbta, call 833-41811. -MUSIC------ "ISllAEL IN EGYPT," Handel's oratorio, will be performed by the Irvine Symphony Orchestra conducted by Joseph Bela Huuti at 2 p.m . Sunday at Valley Hl&h School, 1801 S. GreenvUle, Santa Ana. Ttckets, call 530-6636. RECORDING ARTISTS Yukiko Kamel, a violinist; Milton Thomas, a ~. and Dom Stevenson, a pianist; will perfotrn in a free concert at 3 :30 p.m . Sunday at Sunny Wilt' Performing Ana Ceat.er, Sunny Hilla Hiib School, FuUerton. lnformaUon, 529-7'758. IAME8 GAIAWAY, called "the mu Wkb tM 1otdeil-ffute:" wUl be ~esf arillt at l :lf p.m. Saturday wlt.b the Lot Antelet 'PbJlbll'1Dolale Orcbflltra per(ormtnc at Santa Au J11cb SeMol Auditorium, S. W. Walnut, SUta Alaa. 'nektt lnformatiop, ~1. A.N 'ALLSAXOPHONE QUilTET and Ballet Unlimited ~am up at 8 toni&ht and Saturday to perfoq:n tt Golden West Colleu. Ticket informati<ln, lll!M-6070. THE KING'S SING£U ol London England, will perform at a p.m. Saturday in the Orance Coast College Auditorium, Costa lleaa. Tbe group's repertoire includes 18th century Engllab, French, Italian Scottish Sl>aniah and German music plus barbers~op barmoniea and contemporary songs. lntormaUoo, call 55f.5527. CHAPMAN COLLEGE CBA•BER ORCRES'l'llA, Concert Choir and College Sin1en will perform at 8 p.m . Tuesday ln the school's ·Bertea Hall, 333 N . Glassell st.: Orance. Admission ls free. WINDTETTE, a woodwind enaembJe, wtll perform at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Laguna Mouhoo Community Playhouse, Laguna Beach. Tickeu, call ( 213) 424-4958. GtJITARIST GBULDO VUPAa trOID Rio de Janeiro will perform at I p.m. S-U, wtt.b ja11men Moaclr Sotos and Justo almano lD Plummer Auditorium, FulJertoo Cobep, Ill &. Chapman Ave., FulJertoD. lDlormatloa, call 871-8884. AN OPEN JURIED OT EXBIBnlOM A.NJ) COMPE'ITl10N opens today tb.rouch March 1 et Long Beach Gallery, 325 Golden Sbore DriYe, Lona Beach. Information, (213) US-5995. AN AJlT AUCl'ION will be bolted at UC 1"1De at 6 :30 p.m. Saturday in UCl'a Pine Arta Villace. Information, caH 833.C.7. "CENTIUC Z: BA&BA&A IL\BTEN" la Lbe title of a photoeraphy exhlbtion by Orance Cout College instructor Barbara Kasten on display Monday through March 7 at the Art Museum Gallery of CallfornJa at Cal State Lone Beach. . Gallery bouts are nooo to ' p.m. and S to 8 p.m. Mondaya throup Thunclaya IDd hom nooa to ' p.m. Fridays and 1t.o5 p.m. s-6Qa. PINB A8T C4PA81LIT1kl OF TBlt COinpu&et will bl d1•aii1Udll .._ 4 to I p.m -"HMM•1 m Ute Or..,. CMit Coll•ce. "' Sn Dfverdons. Po~ 4 ·-- MoYJes ----------------------------~--- A new side of Nicholson • ID 'The Border' .:!! ~ ~ l .. => ~ ~ :::' o. .. "Th~ Bordu." atarrfftg Jack Nichol8on, i& ratN R .and ii ~.at Edwards Harbor Twin, Wood~ and Cin~ma Vi~jo and th~ S01'th C<>a$t Theat~ in LoQuno ~. By JEFF PAUER OftMo.ll't,..... ..... In .. The Border," Jack Nicholson plays Charlie Smitb, a border patrolman who is fed up wlt.b bis job. The story opens io Los Angeles, where Charlie makes mandatory raids on garment district warehouses and arrests a minimum number of aliens to fill his quota. He chooses the most able·bodied males to bust, knowing that they're most capable of sneaking back across the border again to reclaim their jobs. Charlie is almost apologetic in a gruff kind of way . he's going through the motions white wishing he didn't have to. His idea or a better life is to rejoin the U.S. Forest Service, but his wife Marcy <Valerie Perrine> won't hear of it She welcomes him home to his disheveled trailer and throws a TV dinner into lhe oven. She's sick of L.A. and she's got a duplex all picked out in El Paso. When they pack up and head east for the border town, Charlie isn't moving ahead in life, he's just stepping sideways. what's going on, he's too disgusted to continue, but getting off tbe bandwagon is a lot harder than getting on it. ''The Border'' is a tough, unglorious look at a man so belittled by his surroundin1s tbat he can hardly see above them to find some act of redemption. When Charlie rounds up a young Mexican madonna and child ( Elpidia Carillo), he's drawn to her beautiful, innocent hopelessness. She's trying to escape her country; he's trying to escape bis conscience. Maria's child is stolen ror sale in the United States and Charlie tries to get her across the border to find it. He makes the payoff to the coyote <a slang term for the smuggler> and sees that Maria is part of a protected group But even Charlie's good deeds backfire; you can almost see the bad karma hovering over bjm when the plan blows up in his face around him, but in · 'Tlie Border,•' ~ he's left the superiority out. Charlie ; isn't chaste and Nicholson doesn't 2 play him that way. He's rough, tired S and fed up. When Charlie has to "' shoot it out with his former friends, ·- Nicholson plays panic, not cunning. ~ He holds his pistol like it feels bad in N bis hand. like he wishes he bad no relation with it. Nicholson unveils something in "The Border" that I've never seen before: at the end he smiles at Maria and for the first time, there's no lechery in it, no malice. Great smiJe, great moment. good movie. ln El Paso, Marcy runs amok with credit, ordering a swimming pool, waterbed and complete furnishings on Charlie·s cards. His old rnend Cat (Harvey Keitel ) is a border patrolman too and he shows Charlie the ropes in El Paso. The ropes are that the officers push back hordes of Mexicans trying to cross t.be Rio Grande River every day, and take money to let certain groups go through. • The border guards are in cahoots with a local smuggler and a Mexican on the Juarez side of the border who recruits the human cargo. Lives are bought and sold; entire fleets of ··wets" are set up as decoys to be captured by' the honest patrolmen, while downriver the people protected by payoffs sneak across untouched. Competing smugglers, Mexicans who try to bring drugs across and any other threats to the security of the system are taken into the desert and shot. By the lime Charlie figures out Tony' Richardson has directed "'The Border" with a wonderful restraint and control. The corruption seems to ooze from the "frames -tbe movie is shot in harsh, unforgiving tones. There's an unstaged look to "The Border" that comes from fluid pacing and Richardson's accurate sense or the anti-romance he·s working with. The Juarez scenes capture the poverty and desperation of those Mexicans who are wilting to risk their lives for jobs, but don't linger on their hardship There's a sordid underbelly to the whole situation loo. but Richardson doesn't play up the ugliness. To Charlie, there's a certain attraction in t.be simple mess these people are in - they're up to their necks in poverty and he's up to his neck in debt and everything that's admirable and pitiable in these people, be sees in Maria. Nobody around Charlie seems to give a damn about what's happening, and the damn that Charhe gives isn't sentimental or idealistic. There's a natural urgency in his need ·to "feel good about something, sometime," and he's not about to congratulate himself for it. Neither is the movie. Charlie's a small man doing small things, and Intermission BORDER COP -Jack Nicholson hates his work in latest movie "The Border" doesn't betray that sma llness with the overt>lown sentiments or chest·swellfng panoramas that movie makers throw at us when there's nothing happening in the story. This movie doesn't try to one-up it.sell; it doesn't have to. Jack Nicholson is great at playing characters who don't like themselves and it's hard to imagine anyone doing a better job with Charlie Smith. He seems more contained than in his last major parts ("The Shining," "The Postman Always Rings Twice"). less attuned to the cameras and more involved in lhe characters around bim. Nicholson is a great one for looking superior and a little sick at what's happening King's Singers due at OCC The King 's Singers a London·based group of classically trained male vocalists who perform English madrigals and French canons in the traditional style, wnt appear Saturday at 8 p m in the Orange Coast College Auditorium The group consists or two countertenors, a tenor. two baritones and a bass singer. It originated at King's College, Cambridge, 13 years ago and has since gamed a large following throughout England. as well as the United States. Australia, Germany and Japan. The King's Singers repertoire 1.0.cludes 16th century English. French. Italian, Scottish, Spanish and German music, as well as barbershop harmonies and contemporary songs. Members include Anthony Holt, J eremy Jackson, Simon Carrington, Brian Kay. Bill Ives and Alastair Hume. Reserved seats, at $10, $8 and $6, are on sale in the OCC ticket office in the college's Administration Building. The office is ·open unW 7 p.m. today and Saturday from 8 a .m . to noon. Phone purchases, using Visa or MasterCard, can be made by calling $5527 SCR stages Shakespeare for local student groups By TOM TITUS Of .. o.oy ,_ ,_ For the past 13 of its 17 years on the Orange Coast, South Coast Repertory has turned local young people on to the classics once each season. Usually lhe fare is Shakespearean, and this year's offering is no exception. It's "Henry IV. Part J.'' to be offered ror a apecial week of petformances Feb. 23·28 for high school and college students. According to SCR artistic dlrector Davld Emmes, the theater's Living Theater Project "oUers students a rare opportunity to tap the insights of theater professioaals and ••in a deeper appreciation or Sbakespeart's dtamat.ic 8eniut." tn adclltJon to the perfonnance, student 1roupi1 wlll partlclpat.o 1o a post-performance 3Ctor-audience discussion aod a theater tour u well IS receiving atady coldei to th• SCR produdlon. John Allision, who studied with England's Royal Shakespeare Company, is directing "Henry IV, Part l," which features Tom Hill as Falstaff, David Darlow as Hot.spur and David Cbemel as Prince Hal. Wayne Grace, an SCR company m ember. will play Kjng Henry. Living Theater Project performances are Tuesday through Saturday at 8 p.m .• Sunday at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. from the 23rd lo t.be 1.8t.h and tlckets are.priced at $6. a considerable discoun{ from regular admlsslon, tabbed at $10 and $15. Call the box office al 957·4033 for information and student group reservations. • • ORANGE COAST College will play host Sunday to tt\e Proylaional Theater of Los Anaeles and El Teat.ro de ra E.<Jperanza of Santa Barbera, which will comblne for an original billn1Ual play. "The Tecolote vtslons." • Tbe ufairy tale for grownups" reflects the multicultural heritage, arl forms and social concerns of tbe people of California. It's now traveling the stale under the sponsorship of the California Arts Council. Curtain time will be 8 p.m . in the college auditorium, and tickets may be ordered by calling 556·5527 • BACKSTAGE A paragraph in a recent column announcing tbe cast of "Bleacher Bums" at Newport Theater Arts Center was dropped due to space requirements and the names of the cast members were omitted .. they are Philip Polk. Larry O'Connor, Alison Brown, Dean Nichols. Lenn Belanger, Jim Boeke, Richard Palla1lo, Marale Schwarts, Chuck Cooper and Rob f<llnovicb, under lhe direction of Patricia Terry . . • the show opens Feb. 19 at the t.beater. 2501 Cliff Drlve, Newport Beach . I ' ~ Dlftrslons i-·--··. . .. ---. j From~2 ~ Auditorium, Costa lleaa. Information, call r;. 5S6-SS27. :3! ~ . "PEOPLB OF TIU: SUN: llu and Coemoa in ,,c:~ Pre-Columbian Mexico," an exlaibition documenting the civlllaations of pre-Cohambian ~ Mexi~ la oa display~ May 31 at Bowen 1 Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Sula Ana. Museum ~ hours are 10 a .m. to S p,m. TuesdQs tbrouab R Saturdays and from noon to S p.m. 5-ays. 0:: -FILMS------ "EYE OF THE NEEDLE" will be shown at 7 and 9: 30 tonight and Saturday night in Science Lecture Hall at UC Irvine. Information, call 833-5548. "aEBEu.&ON" by Masaki Kobayubi and "Does Ka Den" by Alrira Kurosawa are to be shown at 8:30 and 8:15 p.m. Saturday in the Social Science Hall at UC Irvine. Information. call 833-6922. -ETC.------ cmcus V AaGA.S, featuring more than 100 circus stars and 150 exotic animals, is to perform Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Laguna Hills Mall, San Diego Freeway at El Toro Road. THE ZlST GOLDEN WEST BLUBGaA~ Music Festival is set for Saturday and Sunday at Silver Lakes Park, five mUes north of Corona in Rivel'Slde County. Festival gates open at noon today. Show Umes are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Information, call 726-3498. THE JAD. GENERNl10N will perform at a dance from 1:30 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Elks Lodge, 4101 E. Willow St., Long Beach. THE NEIGBB081JOOD CHORUS AND Onbeslra from Pasadena will perform at 5 p.m. Sunday at the Lagu.na Beacb Museum or Art, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. at South Coast Plau·Hotel, CO.ta Mesa. 1be ev1=nt is sponsored by the Central Ora.op County Artl Council. Information, call 731-8380. -9NCLES------------.. PAat:NTS1ineotrr PA&TNEU Orance Coast chapter wtll have a Valentine's dance at 9 p.m. today in Costa llesa. For information, call 892-0732. SINGLES DANCE sponsored by Miss Aolie's Singles Danee Club will be held at I:~ p.m. toay at the American Legion Ballroom in Orange. For information, call 772-GSS. RUMAN EMOTIONS wUI be the theme of a two-day seminar sponsored by the Singles Ministry of Lake Hills Community Church today at 7 p.m. and all day Saturday. Leader will be psychologist David Stoop. For information, call 837-77251. CENTD Q.UB SINGLES will have a sociaJ at 6 · p.m. Sunday in Newport Beach. Speaker will be author Ann Martin. Cost is $5. For information, call 975-0700. 1 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FRiDA Y FILM SERIES Feb. 3 I 5 ApocatypM Now Feb. 10 I 12 Manhattan Feb. 17 A 19 Raging Bull Feb. 24 I 21 Hlllr Met. I a .5 "2001" ...,, 10 I 12 Last Tango In Par11 Met. 17 a 19 Lenny Mar. 24 a 21 Satyrlcon OCC FORUM -Fairview a Arlington, Costa Meu FRIDAYS -7:30 p.m. •nd Wffnffd•yt • 2 p.m. AdmlHlon: $2.00 -Serles Ticket $13.00 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7-1 PM O,..ge ~ Colleae Aucltortum m» ,...,, ..... cO& ...... ~ RESERVED SEA TS: S5 In Advance; 14 At Door TICKITl/M11 .. rctwge-Vlu: ..... 1127 lailyPilat classified ads phone 642-5678 CIVIC BALLET OF SOUTHE.RN California and the Creative Society will entertain at the third annual Sweethearts for the Arts Awards dinner and auction at 4 p.m. Sunday A KITCHEN SO BEAUTIFUL When it comes to Sunday Brunch Our French Chef is really Beaucoup. Exquisi1c: pare:. salmon furn«.~~. cdalr.1. Our d lc:f nnTr knowi. when to s.ay finis. Ami nd chc:r \\~II mu This Sonday huft'n i~ a Cahulous array-of fruits. !Salads. t'fQC'. c:ncrt~"'I -from the pl\JUdc:s( of bout culslne 10 the honic:'lt of f:arm kict·hen rnokt'n' Ack.I che 91»rld<' of rompllmcntar} c:ha~ and che ~1rummJng of l'ltnllU~ mariachi. No won<kr ~"<'l')i>O<' calks ahou1 lhls hrunch-whro 1ht'y finally'""' t-alifltt. Fc:2rurcd ~ Sundiy in the c:lcpnt ~ HMO a.m m 2::"> pm. THE REGISTRY HOTEL 18800 M9CAtthur Buulawd. Irvine 7S2.8777 v our ·friends will hate it I ABSENCE OJ' •ALJCB: Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A ca.relul atudy of the power of the press and its couequeaces, directed by Sidney Pollack. The PG rattnc LI for adult language. BEAU PE8E: Rated R, a French adult comedy written and directed by Bertrand Blier. Tbe R rating is for aclult altuationl. BODY BEAT: Rated R , atarrinl William Hurt as a buqll.ng, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Tu mer as the femme fatale. ThLI sexy. devious mystery talta place in a ftctitioua Florida town so bot that people in cafes order lced t.eu two at a ·ume. Directed by Lawrence Kudan u an boll)age to film noir, the R ratin1 comes from brief nudity; salty langua1e and a 1eneral alr of at.eamlneu. THE BOOGENS: Rated R, atara Rebecca Baldini aod Fred NcCarnm in a supernatural tale of horror. Directed by Jama L. Conway, from a script by David O"Malley and Bob Hunt. The R rating is for violence. THE BORD Ea: Rated R, stars Jack Nicholson as Charlie Smith, a border guard who moves from Los Angeles to El Paao in hope of startinl a new life. Harvey Keitel, Valerie Perrine and Warren Oates also star. The script was written by Deric Washburn, Walon Green and David Freeman; tbe direction ia by Tony Richardson. The R rating is for stron1 language and violence. BUDDY BUDDY: Rated R, with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau. An encounter between a suicidal network censor and a moti hitman, ftlmed in Riverside. The R ratin1 is for language. CllAIUOTS OF FlllE: Rated PG •nd starring Ben Cross and Ian Cbarlesoo as runners in the 1924 Olympiad where they run races for different reasons but manage to win just the same. A rousing synthesiser soundtrack by Vaneelis. The & Josef Friedlrich "Y" . PllSPClllll IOl.DIRWIGB nial ·. .. ttbtn PG rating must be for its lofty themes: there ii no nudity. no violence and very little offensive laniuage. COllE BA VE COFFEE WITll US: Rated R, ia an Italian comedy directed by. Alberto Lattuada. The R rating is for adult situations. DEATH VALLEY: Rated R, stars Paul LeMat and Catherine Hicks. R ratina is foe violence. EVILSPEA.K: Rated R, st.an Clint Howard and Joeepb Cortese in a tale of reven1e and terror. Directed by Eric Weston from a story by Joseph Garofalo. The R rating is for violence. FOUR FalENDS: Rated R, stars Craig Wasson, Jodi Tbelen, lliebael Budd.lest.oft and.Jim Metder in a study of a group of friends whose lives span the turbulence of the 1.llOa. Steve Tesich wrote the screenplay. and Arthur Penn directed. The R rating ta for adult aituat.iona. '..__._· .. j came Fiii· '<;;folJen ~~. .Z;J~a~~~ CBUM CHtlESE MANDMIN DISHES Specializing In Oinese A Lo Corte Dishes . c~Tch. Oln(lec 011~ • Food To T1ke Out ! 4711 • ou•1 · " ,JOJJ ...,_ 11"4. f710.717 • 110·50ff COSTA M1SA ~-· .~...... . .. '42·7112 • Hl·ftl I f? now Appeari!q '1 STillTH aocl JOilES 830pm-t-00pm\ 333) W Coast Hiahway Newpon Beach, California. 5 ,, i ~ r t THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN: _i Rated R, stars Meryl St.reep in the role of the ~ heartbroken and beatttireakln1 French :ti Lieutenant's woman and Jeremy Irons u the a: Victorian 1entleman who gambles hLI love and ~ reputation on ber. The Victorian love story la i intercut with another plot: the modern day ftlm 2 crew makin1 a movie of "The French Lieutenant's I! Woman" ha• its own romantic dramas and ~ downfalls which are meant to compare and ~ contra.st with the Victorian sequence. The R rat.inc • is for adult sexual aituations. J::; GALLJPOU: Rated R, stars Mel Gibson and Mark Lee u two youn1 Australian aold.lera who fight in the traeic battle at Gallipoli in World War I. The R ratinJ LI for_!angua1e and violence. Gll06T STOaY: Rated R, atara Fred Astaire, Melvyn Doug.las, Douglas Fairbanka Jr. and John Houseman. The R rating is for nudity and adult situations. See Currently. Page 6 Charbroiled to perfection, this skewered combination of thick top sirloin steak and plump shrimp is serwd with rice pilaf and a broiled skewer of ftt.sh mushrooms, onions a be1J peppers. plus your choke of dam chowder. soup of the day or mixed green salad and a half loaf of warm bread & butter. *«l...Ut• :OfMI-_.,, ,.,."-' """ ... ~ --BJWUalAST • LUNCH • DINNElt Codltaa. "JoOy Hour" dally from 4pm to ?pm featurtna Buccanea Buclcet codctaUs and complimentary hors d'ocuvrcs ' ' ----- 6 ! Currently saeenlllll , I From Page 5 E .L . Doctorow's 1975 novel, which weaves "'" historical characters -Harry Thaw, Stanford ~ MODE&N P&OULE•S: Rated PG. stars White, Evelyn Nesbit, J. P. Mor1an -into tbe Chevy Chue u a bard-luck air traffic controller lives of wbat tries very bard to be a typical ~ who receives telekinetic powen when nuclear American family. The PG rat.tne ts for nudity and . waste ls spUled onto his new car, and Patti some violence. j D' ArbanviUe as bla 1irlfriend who sees him .; through these trying times. The PG rating is for 1 lancuaae and adult situations. ~ 11Y DINNE& WITH ANDllE: Rated R, is an ~ intimate dinner conversation between playwri1ht Wallace Shawn and film director Andre Gregory. A cerebral romp. The R rating is for langua1e. NEIGHBOU: Rated R, stars John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd as a mismatched pair of neighbors on what begins as a qulet suburban street. Aykroyd's Vic is a patboloiical liar and cheat who drives the conservative Belushi crazy. The~ ratiJlc is for language and ~dull situations.,;. NIGIR CROSSING: Rated PG , stars John Hurt, Jane Alexander, Doug MeKeon, Beau Bridges and Glynnis O'Connor as a German family trytni lo escape across tbe iroD curtain by ballocn. Directed by Delbert Mann. The PG ratki1 ia for adult situations. ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an a&ing couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He'• filled wltb anxieties about death ; she's interminably cheerful. They bicker politely unW the arrival of their daughter (Jane Fonda), ber latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly bJ Dabney Coleman) and his 13-yeaN>ld boy. The PG ratin1 ls tor lancuaae. PENNIES FaOM BEAVEN: Rated R, stars Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters in a throwback lo 1930's musicals. Set against the • depression, the story is serious, even a litUe black. The R rating is for adult situations. aAGftME: Rated PG, a screen venlon ol NOW Y"CfDR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NIW nt.EASIS FORT APACHE/THE BRONX CANNONBALL RUN GO TELL THE SPARTANS AND GOD CREATED WOMAN' TILL MAR/AGE DO US PART RICHARD PRYOR-LIVE IN CONCERT A HUGI SILICTION Of MOVIE HITS IHQ~ •NOSTALGIA• llUOIOUS • CHIUl91HS • ADUlT TANS 111 ENI ~h StrHt C•• MH.. CMllouw 12621 m •J "'·•TOI',, a1-1., ~S FlfOM tfAl.>H'S REDS: Rated PG, stars Warren Beatty u John Reed, the American journalist, and Diane Keaton as Louise Bryant, who becomes bis wife. The PG ratinl is for language and adult situations. &OU.OVER: Rated R, stars Jane Fonda al)d Kris Kristofferson in a tale of international lntrlgue and puslon, Not for those wh9 expect heavy action or violence. The R ratini is for ftult situations and wlgar language. THE SEDUCl'ION: Rated R, stars Morgan Fairchild, Michael Sarruln, Vince F.dwards and Andrew Stevena. The R rating la for adult slluatJons and some nudity. SllARKY'S MACHINE: Rate~rR, atars Burt Reynolds as a tough cop caught between a corrupt department and ever-present bad euya. The ~ rating is for violence and laneuage. _ _ ' TAPS: Rated PG, stars nmotby Huttoo and Geor1e C, Scott. The PG rating is for violence. TIDEF: Rated R, stars James Caan as a high-tech Chicago burglar wbO stakiS hii new wife, child and lite on one last heist. The R ratin1 ls for violence and language. TllUE CONFESSIONS: Rated R, is a study in Catholic guilt aDd existential angulsb, embodied by Robert DeNiro u a manipulative monsilDOr and Robert Duvall as his brother, a detective. Tbe 1tteen play was written by John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion, based on Dunne's novel. wblcb ID , turn was baaed on the Black Dahlia murder in.Loa. Angeles in UM7. The R rating is for lanpage and adult situations. Al's Garage; '«xJr DenJm Sf ore A. Levi "501~ Shrink·k>-nt basic denim. 8. Lee Rider. S~t leg denim. c. l...+-b-Man. ~ detlln\ 0. CoMn l(letn, 14 oz. denim. TIME BANDITS: Rated PG, 1tan JohD Cleeae, David Warner, Sean Connery and Shelley Duvall in a bizarre tale of time travel bf. a rapacious ganc of dwarfs and a you:ng En&lilh boy. The PG rating la for adult situations . THEY ALL LAUGHED: Rated PG, st.an Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gauara, John Ritt.er and Dorothy S~atten in a romantic comedy set in Manhattan. Peter Bogdanovich directed from hla own scri~ The PG rating is for adult situations and lancuaee. THE WOMAN NEXT DOOR: Rated R, ia. ~e latest movie by French director Francois Truffaut. The R rating ii for adult $ituatlou. Ballet Pacifica· sets three worb ... Dance wons in three entirely c11lferenlStyres will comprise• Ballet Pacifica'a second membership program at the Laguna Moulton Playbouse oo Feb. 14 at 4 p.m. and Feb. 15 at 8 p.m . Featured will be the all-time clusle 'Les Sylphldes." 1t wu flnrt presented by Diachllev's BaJlet Russe at the Theatre de Cbat.elet in Paris on June 2, 1909. Ballet Paciflca'a principal dancen are Kristi Moorhead, Jocelyn Vodovoi, Sandra Winiesld and Robert Woods. "Para Un Gentilbombre" was cboreocrapbed by Jill Sweet for Ballet Paciftca in 1973. The music is Fantasia Para Un Gentilbombre by J. llodrl10. The work exhibits the Spanish fi8V01" ot ~ music using the classical ballet idiom. It la eompriled of several variations which display tiveJy, gentle, light and touching momenta' through the movement. The third work, "A Careleaa Ease~" is a carefree, plotleaa..work with a •tiihlJau flavor. It WU c-..rapbed ln l• by Katiay Kabil to mu.sic by Claude Bolltnc. --,or further information, call 714~1271. ~~@~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-7030 7 .,.L .. l.~ .. ~ .. -.G_.~lilli.__ .. _. ................. m!!!m!l ... 1& ... a•z•:a•2•2 ........................ i AJaPOaTE& INN l8700 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine -833-2770 Lei.surely Brothers Tues . .Sat Wed.·Sat. BEN BllOWN'S BOAaDWALX Newport Beach -644-~ Huntlnitoo Beach -Costa Mesa -642-9855 1S16 S. Cout Highway Bobbi Lane 162-9010 Bob Gully Band Laauna Beach -494-8588 Tuea . .S.L Secrets Fri.-Sat. Carol Cole Mark Davidson Tues.-SaL James Harman Band Thurs.·Sal. Sun.-Moo. Wed.-Sat. J .,, $ Fresh Wind Sun.-Mon. 31106 S. Coast Highway South Lacuna -499-~ Hut Sut Ralston Wed.·Sat. BOB BU&NS BOOTLEGGERS CALABASH IANUING ,, ......:37~F~as~hJon==~l~sl=an=d=--~~~....:.:185~28~8e::..:;;;:•~ch;.:..::.B~lv~d~~~-...-1.1s.9.E •.• 17th ... St_. ___ • _______ s_e_e_G .... igs .... _P_a.ge-..8 ____ ..,._.& ALISIO'S 1670 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa -642·8293 Tony Bri&ht Mon.-Sat. Richard Cruz Big Band Sun. ANCIENT MAIUNEB 607 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach -646-0201 Nitelire Wed.·Sal Merlin Sun.·Tues. BAXTEa'S 14346 Culver Dnve Irvine -857·2103 Jer.ry Valentine Tues.·Sal BAXTER'S STREET 4647 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach 540·2475 Baxter Street Singers 7 nights a week BEACHBALL 2116 Ocean Front Newport Beach -673·5894 Stan Orlow BILBO BAGGINS Mesa Verde Shopping Center Cos ta Mesa 545-1718 Heroes Wed.·Thurs Listen Fri.-Sat. Terry Rickard Sun BLACK ANGUS 17S20 Brookhursl St. Fountain Valley -968-4477 Cheaters Tues.-Sun. BLUE BEAT CAFE 107 2ut Place Newport Beach -675-3333 Mark & Eric Fri.-Sat. Erk Merianthal Sun. Thlllepe Wed.-Thurs. BLUE PARROT South Coast Plaza Hotel Costa Mesa 540-2500 Carolyn Stone.cloud Mon.·Sat. -------NOW PLAYING--......,-- r Rodgen & ~mmerateln'• Soo1li fl\Cifi~ Director/Choreographer John Spindler One of the great musicak:omedy successes of all time, SOUTH ~IRC ts a blend of touching wartime romance and explosive GI humor, llCCOmpanied by one of the greatest collectlons of song hits mr found In one show: ''I'm l91 Lowt Wltll A WoMlllflf 8'y" ...... M•••• l!Wlltlt" ''n.e'a ....... Ullll A...... -Y .... 1'111 ...... mt'' ''flft a-..... ftll-.......... Of My itllr'T • ...... ..... , 2 2 L.':.n BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR -Mew Toa l"Dm otlk:aAwmd tlalklD<d loald of llntew Awmd ~3D~ TNe _.JOU ca-. ... REDS et theM ........ ·-~ _ ... ,...._ ...,..._ ... .fflO .............. ......,.~~ _ _...., -.... ~P\Ma .......... _ ........ -C... ... 1'MI~ .. -.. ~------ 1 ./ltCllMll/f ______ ...... ,..._""" .......... , . ,. .. _ ...... _ ............... _ . 2 .s -! ' I I I 1 I I t I .!Liw Gia f From P~ 7 caoss aoADS -- ~ CANNDY 180SO Brookbunt St. ii' 3010 Lafayette Ave. Fountain Valley -963-6711 Newport Beac~S-5777 UpruinJ Tues.-Sat. ~ Tim, Carolyn & Sue • Wed.&t. C&OWN HOVSE 1 John & Pegcy 32802 S. Coast Highway Sun.· Tues. Laruna Nliuel -4tt-2626 C&AZY BOSSE Addie Freeman 1580 Brookbollow Drive Tuet.&t. ~ Santa Ana..-~1512 R Gerald K.ay Band G: Fii.·Sat. {nit Spota & Platters Sun. Cheyenne Mon. Gerald Ray Band Tues.-Sat. Asleep at the Wheel Sun. 1aa•1it1a ............ ....... ~ ·---...., ..... ---0.llw I ., a WWW. CllYSTAL SALOON 1700 Placentia Ave. Costa Men -646-757 l Call for information DANA TIL\1)Ea 3'1SO S. Coalt.Hlahway Dana Polnl -413-2lll03 Chris Reillinl Tuea.-Sat. NOW PLAYING IMA ~ IUClt •WPOIT IUCI* Brea Plaza £dwlnrs CiMJml Udo 52WS3t 848-0311 873·8350 -· COITAW I.. ORI• Edwlld'I South Edwltd's Woodbridge CllftldDmt Coast Plaza 541-2711 551·0855 834-2553 It TW Edwwd'I 5'cllllack 581 ·5880 111 I DELANEY'S 630 Lido Park Drive Newi>ort Beach -875-314.S Honey Bees FIVE caoWNS aESTAURANT GOLDEN BEAil 306 Coast Highway Huntington Beach - 536-9600 New Mouritaln Fri. Strange Daze Sat. Commander Cody Sun. 3801 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar -780-0331 Mary Lou O'Toole Tues.-Sat. Showcase Sineen Sun.-Mon. The Friends Band & Ioternallonal Re11ae All·Stars Wed. GAUGVINS 696 S. Coast Highway Mackey Seary & Shine Thurs. La run a Beach -41M-01S2 Sonny Evaro RA&POON BENaY'S 2SOl2 Del Prado Tues.-Sat. Olis Fuller Sun.·Moo. Dau Poklt -493-2933 Juonebue Frl.-Sat. · "Masterful" -LA. Times, Shella e.nson "Wonderful" -Newsweek hUgailne. Jack KrOft ~ ======-===~===;;;======= 01ARP1f OF f1RE 111(}1 • &..MIO~,.,.,.,..,. .......... ---o·---.._,,_ ........ ..........,. ............. ·~ .: HOTEL LAGUNA 425 S. Cout Kighway Laruna Beach-'94-1151 Gino & Bill Tues.-Sat. Charlie Romano Sun .. Mon. Garrbon4t Baker Tues . .Sat. Garriloo Sun.·Mon. JEREIUAll'S STEAKHOUSE 2 HUNGaYnGER 3201 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar -675-7575 Nathan1bom 8901 Warner Ave. Huntingt.oo Beach - 848·2662 Tues.·Sat. JCHABOD'S 18582 Beach Blvd. HuntingtOn Beach 541-6331 IVY HOUSE 384 Forest Ave. Ukiah Wed.-Sat. JOSE MUaPHYS 114 McFadden Place Newport Beach -67S.1094 Lost Angeles Wed.·Sat. Chris Gaffney Band Sun .. Tues. Laguna Beach -494·9491 See Gigs. Page 9 NOW PLAYING ...-e.TII -~ ----CIUT ftAZA ......., "3.os.4t .,... u1ass ,...,.. _. Nm1C-nD1UT Clllll lllu 7St 4114 lltllll ._. (71414141614 ::.":--=:. I ~-----.... --..-·-1 . ,,,__ ... ___ . JNJ( t«HOLSON • ,,. : • • ~ • J • ~ No--~------HARVEY KEl1'B. \NBE i BWIE VJIEN 04VES _,,.. El.PIDIA CARRIU.O _.,,~------__ ....,....., ___ ., .. ~ ._ __ _.... -·--· .__..,"°"'~ ............. .,...._._ ..... ~------ ,. • • Li.w ..... G_ltl~~•--------------------------i From Poge8 Thom Sharp J.P. MAC'S 'T'Ue8.-Sun. 10142 Adams Ave. MeCOIUllCK'S LANDING Hunlinlten Beach - 963.7121 3180 Airway Ave. _ Newport Beach -546-9880 Young, Cole & Paugh Wed.·Sat. Skylar Brotbe~ Wed.-Sat. D.C. Manbo IAFFSTOP Sun.·Tues. 2122 Bristol St. MEDLEY'S Santa Ana -751·7867 187~ Broollhurst St Tim Jones Founlain Valley -983-2386 Dally Pike Voice Peter Crabbe Frl.-Sat Fri.-Sun. Youns. Cole & Paugh Mark Miller Sun. Ronny Kenney Blm Bam NOWPLAYINO _ ... _TII CloUl PlAU _.... S-C.Wl'IM•C..•-=~·* \~ 7111 --·-·!--·~ 0r-. u. mJ ...... "'.:a ............. ,. _p ________ .. I·----·-.. ··-··-! ECONOMY SEATING $2.50 'til 3:00 PM EXC~" SPCCIAL ENOAOEMEHTS Nono Werren Beatty Dianne Keaton REDS (PG) 12:30 4:30 9,30 NoP-. No Economy S..111 Rict..rd Dreyfuss Ml-UFflS IT AllYaY (R) 12:38 3:00 5:30 !;0019;29 CllAIU01S OF ARE (PG) 12:30 2:50 5:15 7:45 10:10 Jaclc Nicholson IORDU (R) SHOWS AT 1 :00 3:1 0 5:20 7:30 9:40 JIM Alexander ... Btid CHT CM!:a;I (PGI 12:30 2:40 5:00 7 :15 9:20 ~ .... ,..._Ol"r Aewoluliorwy CINE·FI SOUND 11 Oriw-in llfow vo ... AMC• A.ioo IS vow ~-If no AM -r..too wtth ..,,"°" k_., ..,..,...,.,It<• .. yew -AM 'ortalllo Gt0r11 C. Scott TAii (PG) C ' 'Rm(PGJ Mo•n Fairchild THE IEDICTIO• (RJ ..._.Telll(R) Jlclc Nicbotson ...... (R) Also flllyint_ .... llllill(R) Jlyntk•= IODY MD l ( R) m.m. .. Y .. (R) Mon . Jerry Valentine Bob Gully Mon. Tues. MUI.BOONS Bill Medley 202 Newport Center Drive Wed.·Thurs. Newport Beach -64CM110 llll880ual Jerry Sl~gins CO•PROIOSE Tues . .sa . 23020 Laite Forest Dr La1una Hills -SSS-4248 NIEWPOltTEa INN Teue 1107 J amboree Road Tues.-Sat Newport Beacb -64"1700 Dancln1 NifhUy MOONaA&D Back Staie &8542 MacArthur Blvd. Fri.·Sat. Irvine -m.t800 Biil Wript Schu4man fr Hinds Sun.·Thurs. Tues.-Sat. Don CbaUieJd *BARGAIN MATINEES* Mond•r t.hru S•tunl•r All Per1ormance1 before 5:00 PM (&ce,l S,ecill bp .. wts 1M Holays) -C.~·---...:·~i:.t:::- W'fl•wr 1 1 a •uae ... • --TMnA --y ------.,·------"Ill.DI" •ta.-- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN ... --·--"ON OOU>EN P'ONO" r11 ·--. .,..,,. ... _ -C.~·--­.. ,~ .. .,.. .............. -.- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN --·--"IWOOI M ntR LOST MC" ----tti. ... I I -----"Ml~lll Of TMI LOST ARI<" ----•ta·---------''WHOlll LR ea rT ANftAYr ___ ,,.,_ "' "" ·-_ .. T __ _ M Y._t ... -.- '~ MAIOMI"" -Pllll.MT.t __ _ ------o cvlty OI COIWSl••OOO 213/131·9510 ''SHAAKY .. ~ ... ·---'WNOlll" " -- -----"CMAJUOTS CW,_.. r11 __ .............. -lovltlCOCHIMi,rO\' J ~·~ ___ ... ""'_ ---·· ---.,~... ·~ .... ·--~ ...... -.--.....--.-MT.--.-.ra- Mon.·Sat. Bob Motine Tuea .. Sat. PANHANDLEa 34130 S. Coast Hi1hway Dana Point -881~ Bytes Frl.·Mon. Rebel Roclten Tues.·Wed. J. Harris Band Tburs.-Sat. PLANIDIOUSE 6060 Warner Ave. Huntinitcn Beach - 842-5111 a" A ~• I -.,, ANAHEIM ORIVE·IH ~··•"-• ,,....l(J ·"SHAMn~ .. - b , to.Iii •ti P t BUENA PARK OlllVf IN lH>CoM A" Well of ·-IJM010 11.tlif D..i"M !.oft ~,..., ot "°'"""'(So I ff2·2411 Bobby Ir Rlrth Tues.-Sat PLANllBOtJSIE 188'72 Buch Blvd. Huntlnitcn Beach -964-2786 J immy Wat.&on Tues . .sat. PLUM JOI 25192 Cabot Road UIUN Hilla -&30-8220 Bill Baker Tues . ..S.t. See Gigs. Page 10 .... ------''00009ft, ~.,,.,,., ...... -"UCMT9"t1t c• fl 10l,lllO l·'Qeedl. ~llEii llfiiiii' I ''O!Mdl. aiioiz ......... .. . ..~ ...... ·~· .. ... . - --~·-·· "Tlttl! ~ .. " "ftNOll" ... ~·--'·­--.:eoov ANO IOUL" ... -"90UlnAIU> ......,.. ..... ---· ''THE 80NlfR""" -"CHEEat a CMOMO'S NIXTMOVll"ftl Cllll II SOIJloO -'9ocll~ So OI J G.w-Gt-11_, 891·3693 """'"""" ""' _, "ITIUNAl"t111 -"ITiltC~ .. _, I -C.MOYT·---"TAPS" --'"TME CANNOMAU. ltUW' -.... _____ .... _____ _ ''ON~ P'OND" r11 I ''GOOOaft. ~,_.,I r tit ''THE ll.KT9'1C ..... ,...... "KalflS" ... Cllll ff ......, .... • Cllll fl SOlllll> " •4 "',. ~ ... LA HABRA Df/IV! '"' .. --·--''ON GOl.MN fl'OMO" --_ ... ,.. -.,. • --"TME f.liC'llUC ttelfttOIAN'',... 17MM2 - "' ,. ~-. OQANGE OQIVHN I "TME ICUCT1C* ---...·-··· -''lltl eooc.NI"... I ''9EC ANO THI LONB.Y -wo.M"t1t -"W".. c~CMN.~·e ... i"t •• • ... MISSION OQIVHN . . •• •4 •• ,. • WAQNER Oll:\l IN ---·--.• .,.. UDUCTIOH'' .. -"LOOICP"- --M&.-aOtAM.OINNMOMA -OUAlllDAllNI DM f!.OONicuiW i ~ .... ~ ~ .... g.. ~ c .5 -! - ,,. IO_ ~l,iY.e.Gl@ ~ 2 From Page9 .Q Newport Beach 675-2244 Live J ibe :_ RONSTAM"S >. 719 w. l9lh St Wed -Sun. ~ Costa Mesa -642-2973 REGISTRY HOTEL ;t Pocketful ..: Tues.-Sat. ~ QUIETWOMAN 18800 MacArthur Blvd. Irvine 752-8777 Fantasia i 3224 E. Coast Highway Mon Sat. .Jit Corona del Mar 640·7440 : Greg Leisz & BUI Ma resh RENDEZVOUS 7492 Edinger Ave Huntington Beach - 847-4300 _ F~i & Sat. .2 Bill Sampson ii: Mon.·Tues Willie & Beth Wed.-Thurs. RED ONION 2406 Newport Blvd. Dame Tues. Sun. REUBEN'S lSSS Adams Ave ...... --... ~-- "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OF THE YEAR ... tm the whole tamUy." -JOG. lllGll. AIC-n ...... .,~ .. 6.1 ... ow..-..... BESTPICIURE-ORAMA . BEST DIRECTOR . MukRydcll BEST SCREENPLAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR HcnryPonda One of the Year'• 10 Bat. n..Mowatn' /Cll/b/Mt Clrro/l/N. Y. Dt:tJJy Nftl.• jtuMtb CWlll1'0R·1V Ra lhlwl/N. Y. Dt:tJJy N'"w Jo.I JltlliltdlABC1V SiNrr.r~n,,.. NomM Md.tlbt Sloop/ ~Doi* M.,,mM /lob 711om-.IA.A J~ LyotU/Wl'IXIOIN Stftc.t KJIJn/VfNBW·1V hwl ,,,,,.,./A.P. Costa Mesa -540 9672 Roo BuUer Tues.·Sat SANDPIPER tt83 S . Coast Highway Laguna Beach 494 4694 Tapestry Fri.-Sat Will Brady Band Sun.-Tucs. Bytes Wed -Sat STUDIO CAFE 100 Main Street Balboa Peninsula 675-7760 - Call for informatton SUTTER'S MILL 7891 Warner Ave Huntington Beach 848-8860 Steel Breer.e Tues. Sat Sidewinder Sun ·Mon SWIZZLESTICK 19022 Brookhurst St Huntington Beach 968-5022 Roy Dee Cinamon Creek Band Tues.-Sat TERRY'S 2901 Harbor Blvd. I Fountain Valley 754·9963 Call Cor Information T.C. PEPPERCORN'S 8052 Stark St Huntington Beach 842·5535 Shy Tues ·Sal WAREHOUSE 3450 Via Oporto Newport Beach 673 4700 Steve McClintock Tues.-Sal Harold Payne Sun.-Mon WHISTLE STOP 31952 Del Obispo San Juan Capistrano 493·2227 Lloyd Roland Wed.-Sun. WHITEHOUSE 340 S. Coast Highway Laguna Beach -494 808R Jay Harns Band Sat Jack Rather Sun Mighty Flyers Mon.·Tues Funk Bunnies Wed.·Sat. Q(J ARE WEIA»ME TO mw.ums THEATRES NEWEST ADDITION l»W.ulll8 TOWN~ Cl~ -·IN SOUT B -CO~T PIAZA. THE MOST BEAIJTIFIJL THEATRE IN THE WORLD IN CINEMA #2 ••• 1llE MURDER Of 1llE CENI\JR\' ••• 1llE SCANnu. OF 1llE CENI\JR\' ... 1llE lDIE AFFAIR OF 1llE CENJ\JRV •.. AND 1llE CENnJRY WAS Jt5T BE.GINNING . PllESENTED IN 4-TaACK : DOUl'W STEllEOPBONIC SOIJND • : ........................................................... .. i IN CINEMA #3 ••• IN Cl NEMA #4 ••• BURT LANCASTER • • .. • .. • • • • • l~EllS P~PICTVW_,.I ·~ mA'ft'T · Dl.AJla DA'l'Olf · SDWAaD me••NW _.,~·JACK W-... PAUl.-VIM> --~IT~ m FRI . 1:00 SAT ./SUN. 1 :00, 4:45, 8:45 SUSAN SARANDON ATLAXTIC ~ A p~!o~XCTUAE FRI. 1:30, 10:40 SAT./SUN. 2:15, 8:30, 10:40 As the temperotvre rises. the suspense begins. 8DDVHE8T 0 WIWAM HI.MT [!) edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA TOWN CENTER CINEMAS .. .. • .. • .. • • • •• • • : I. George c. Scot_t In "TAPS" (l'OI 0 BOOGENES" ..,.,. "EVIL SPEAK" II. "ARTHUR""'" "TIME BANDITS" (PGI EVERY MONDAY ALL SEA TS 12.00 UGcftOGfWzi (Slw .. "\.e c.,.. ......... , "' •crn-ar..,1M-»11 -~ ....... ffs.416441 _ ...... ar..,. $$1.m2 ORANGE COUNTY. PREMIERE plua "Cousin- . Couslne" ''°' ~ ---cana 111e-mu Cllll 1111111•1•4141 Oranft '37..,.. -·-......... , ......... er.,ou1 "'° a-hrfc121-4010 ------ JOHN HURT '1NIGHT CROSSING" ,. ,. ..... UU.YNLI Al\~ICE IWJCE ·==· JOHN HURT "NIGHT _CROS..llH.G" <NJ ... , .. ... .. -....... ... ,... ... ---f'dw.Hch (INF MA ' 546-3102 SNEAK PREVIEW FRIDAY I: -----. • nw.ird•, I l[l') UNf MA • · : . 673-SJ~O --"WHOSE LJFE IS IT ANYWAY?" 1111 u ... ! .. - ,_ II . I ... , . -. . - _, I I •• I ' I , 'Underbelly of Aa:ierica ' surprises ~illionaire I ' ,, ay1anADLD ................. ,..._. •UMY Corona del Mar to tbe dark, bu med-out center ol the South Bronx, N. Y., is a Iona. loot way ~ pby1tcaUy and 1plritually. Ju1t bow far l1 what Hlf·deacrlbed millionaire and raconteur Jlm Wood set out to discover. For the Hcond Ume in two yeart, WI 45-year-old Corona del Mar real t1tate broker turned writer hu •bed the Weat Cout trapptn11 ot succeaa, aucb aa that ever.present Mercedes-Bena, ln favor ot the backpack and the humbler modes ot travel flnt lmmortallied ln the beat writings of Jack Kerouac durlne the 1950s. By bus, train, plane and, of course, even the thumb, Wood spent 10 days last October hnmersb\1 hJmHlf ln what ht hoped would be the "undtrbelly" of America. By train to t..ramle, Wyo.; by Greyhound to Omaha, Neb.: by plan• w Madiloo, Wll. and by thwnb to Rockford, JU. and oo to polnta ea1t, Wood toraed hlmaelt on the 1ICbll. aouoda and tales of America on tht road. "J wanted to 1et ln touch wttb the ~al worta, to flnd out what wu happenin1," H.ld Wood, who complained that bl1 hometown la aomeUmet too provincial. SetUns as his 1oal to "get lnto situations," Wood explained he hoped to witneu a brawl, a mu11tng or a gana fltht. But to his surprise, this was not to be. "I thought I'd see more or the underbelly and I didn't. People were decent, carlns and conscientious." he a aid. Hls journey, iabout which he La wriline an ORAIHil COAST FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1982 article for &aqulre maaaalne, lncluded 1toP1 in Chlca10, Valaparal10. Ind., Lancaater and Coatavtlle, pa.. and New York City, betides lhoH placet already menUoaed. The culmlnatlon ot the trip came when Wood ran ln and completed the New York City marathon. But, thou1h runntn1 ln the marathon W'll excllln1. Wood said, the hours he 1pent tourln1 1lucn areas ot the South Bronx were much more memorable. "It almost looked like another planet," Wood aa1d or the South Bronx nelthborhood he walked throush. Burned and abandoned bulldinas and the rusted hulks ol automobiles puntuate the concrete wuteland. And the people he encountered lead Jives totally detached from "our" world, he said. ·'These people, I would say. appeared to enjoy Ule more than a lot of people in our gilded planned communitaea," Wood 1u11estec1. "They ar4' not trapped in lhe American dream and I dtdn't Jet the reeUn1 they were depreued." As he wandered down the alum streets of the neighborhood Wood said ho 1uddenly found himself ouulde of an Immaculately manicured school bulldlna. Havtna always wanted to vlllt a 1hetto school, Wood, who served u president of the Corona del Mar PTA ror two term.a, walked ln . and wu .warmly greeted by a man who offered to show him around. As It turned out, this ehelto, s lum-neighborhood e le me ntary school impressed him more than the schools he La familiar with In California. "Tttal school could compare to any school.'' Wood said. "I would choose that school for my <See AMERICA'S, Pue .U) * * * * * YOUR HOMITDWI DAllY PIPIR ORANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS I' . • ' Nuke alert • sirens confuse residents By DA V1D JCUT'ZMANN OltMO..., ........... Last week's test of Southern California Edison Co. 's $2 million emergency siren system for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is producing mixed reviews. In particular. San Clemente city officials are concerned about a survey which showed that 89 out or 136 residents telephoned after the test were wasure how to respond in the event of an emergency. The 40-siren system, located in Chutist saved by sludge By JODI CADENHEAD OflMDellJ ......... Authorities are crediting a 2-foot pond of sludge with saving the life o! a Costa Mesa woman skydiver who fell 12,500 feet when her main parachute failed to open Wednesday. Lisa Boyer, 20, Is listed In satisfactory condition today at Loma Linda University Medical Center where she was taken following surgery for a kidney injury and a fractured pelvis at Hemet Valley Hospital. Ms. Boyer and three friends took off from Perris Airport at about 5 p.m. in an attempt to make a four·way hookup from 12,500 feet, according to Lu Land, office manager at the Perris Valley Parachute Center. Ms. Boyer, a Costa Mesa waitress, pulled her main chute ripcor.d at 3,000 reel, but it failed to open. A reserve chute was activated only a few seconds before she landed in a pond at the Perris Sewage Disposal Plant. "It was the sludge she fell in that saved her life," said Ms. Land. "Six feet over and she would have been gone It was a lucky, lucky thing." Witnesses estimated that the 5-foot woman struck the surface or the sludge pond at about 80 mph. Ir the reserve chute had not opened the speed would have been more like 125 mph, said Ms. Land. Ms . Land said that the parachutist refused to let anyone touch her until paramedics arrived. "The ract that she was in all that cold gunk restricted the bleeding and the pain," said Ms. Land. The Closing Conne ction • • .Traffic atory 'due Sunday The traffic Jam baa become a fact of life ln Oran1e County. Duplte road con1eatton, new retldent.a continue to mlsrate Into the county to settle in hl•h-denalty nel1bborhooda ln central dtlea and ln new planned communittt1 to the aouth. Faced with dltcouractnc outlooh tor fu ndlnc from outaitt. the county. local olficiall are re-evaluatln• the CCM.mty'a ltantportllioD rutun. ID s.d&J'• Dally t»ilot, fOU C&D learil wbal tbt7 are dolnc to keep Or•••• Count1 '1 lll'mr'alll~ •JNtnl lnOYIDI- communities within 10 miles of the nuclear generating station, was tested in full force last Friday. Southern California Edison Co. officials, however, have downplayed any problems which the test of the emergency warning system may have disclosed. The sirens, required by the federal government before the new 1100-megawatl reactors can be licensed at San Onofre, are meant to ::.!ert residents to tum on radios or televisions in the event or an emergency. About 100,000 people live in communities within the 10-miJe emergency planning zone which surrounds the plant. The coastal reactors are located about three miles south or San Clemente. In a report to his city council Wednesday night, Fire Chief Ron Coleman said his principal concern was what to do about residents in San Clemente who heard the sirens and didn't know how to respond. The results or the ci ty survey showed that out of 136 people phoned at random, 20 said they didn 'l hear the sirens and 116 said they heard the sirens Eighty-nine said they d1dn 't know what the sirens meant The fire chief explained that the city would need to work on a beefed·up public education program so residents would know what to do in the event of an emergency. The council, after hearing Coleman·s presentation, voted to recommend that Edison Co. provide radio receivers for ANSWER COMING LJC' Irvine students Rick Bvrens <left> and Hugo Jimenez. me mbers or school College Bowl team. concentrate on a bonus quesllon Thursday during exhibition match with faculty UC/fac ulty d ef eat A ll Stars Scene reminiscent of old televised 'College Bowl' By GLENN SCOTT Of tlle DMIJ ...... S .... A collegiate basketball team mlsht laugh its way through a 5-0n·S game against a faculty squad but UCI lettermen in a separate "varsity sport or the mind" learned that memory doesn't deteriorate as fast as muscle. A serious but confident all·star squad or UCI students squared off al noon Thursday' against a group or faculty members on campus in the resurrected competition called the College Bowl. It's a new version of the old, televised ' college sport for eggheads. formerly known as the "General Electric College Bowl." which was on TV Sunday afternoons back in the 1960s. High scorers during intramural competition during the past two weeks, the all-star squad met the faculty to train for the regional collegiate championships Saturday at the University of the Pacific in Stockton. Staged in a packed room in the University Center, the scene was reminiscent of the old televised contests in which the bluered. <See COLLEGE, Page AZ) home and office use that would be activated in the event of an emergency. The home alarms would be activated by a signal from City Hall Edison officials have mailed out at various times since last summer brochures which tell residents within 10 miles of the plant s ite what to do m an emergency Further mailings are planned. officials said. In an interview Thursday, utility vice president Kenneth Baskin said it appeared that only ··minor adjustments or changes" would be necessary lo the sirens Baskin said the sound level of some sirens was not as high 8f ex pected by four or fiv' decibels He also said that several sirens ran longer thd thev should have while otheri ran for a shorter time The Edison official said iJ would take another "week Of two" to full y analyze the results of the tests. <See SIRENS, Page .U> Economy cited ; UC Irvine • m signup boost UC Irvine. like many other universities in California, is e¥periencing a sudden surge in applications that officials say appears to be tied to the uncertain economic conditions. UC I had a 30 percent increase in f all 1982 enrollment applications during th e November 1981 "open-filing Whiting verdict delayed A U.S. District Court Judge has delayed until Monday announcement of verdicts m ~ case in which two Orange County men are accused ot v iolating federal law by allegedly failing to list the 2,700·acre Whiting Ranch in El Toro as an asset in a bankruptcy proceeding. Judge Matthew Byrne Jr , sitting on the Los Angeles federal bench , had been scheduled to issue the verdicts Thursday afternoon. Byrne notified attorneys Thursday that the announcement would be delayed. The judge took the case under submission after four days of testimony. The trial was conducted before the court without a jury Kent Rogers and attorney Jacob Peilte were charged in an 11 ·count indictment with attempting to circumvent federal law in the mid·l970s. period ," said Dr James Dunning, admissions officer. That rise made UCJ one of the leaders among all UC campuses for percentage increnes of applications Dunning said the UC systemwide increase in November-was 14 percent. UC l's increase comes a year after it experienced a separate 25 percent increase in 1981 enrollment applications . "That was the first shock.'' he said Although Dunning says UCl's rapid increase is partly due to its maturation as a well-rounded university. the sudden interest in a college education is not restricted to UCI or the UC system At Cal Stale Fullerton, the rate of applications is up SO percent and at Cal State Los Angeles it is up 40 percent, according to The Associated Press "In a time or recession, it is a hell of a lot easier lo go to college than to get a job," noted R . Fred Zucker. admissions director at private Pomona College, where applications are up this year by 17 percent. At UCl, the increase dropped lo slightly more than 20 percent during January. Dunning said noting that "stringent controls~ were placed o n popular job·oriented majors such as engineer ing and computer sciences. ORANGI COAST WIATHll Debts force Laker to shut doors Variable clouds today, becoming fair tonight and Saturday. Local northeast ' winds 15 to 25 mph in areas below the canyons late this afternoon through Saturday. HJghs both days 60 to 66. Lows tonight 48 to 54. LONDON (AP) -SJr Freddie enterprise triumphs, was "sad" Laker, knighted for pioneerin1 after hearina of the collapse, a low-cost rti•bts acro11 the spokesman at 10 Downing St. Atlantic, closed Laker Atrwa11 said. t o d a y b e c a u 1 e o f A ScotUah family ot five insurmountable debts of more emlgralina to New Zealand was than $300 million. unable to board their Laker FUsbts were turned back and fllaht at Gatwick for Los hundreds' or pa11ensera were Anteles. stranded . Tears flowed from "We were celebratlnl only a Lahr 1tafl, proudly weartna raw boura • 110. 1oln1 away to the alrllne's crimson and black start a new llfe. It looks as unlforma, at Gatwick :Airport tbou1b it could have been a bit aoutbolLondon. premature ," said Davtd "lt'a hit everyone, rnate -McM\&rtle. • Uke a amuk in the mouth," wd ') A Laker rught that had left . one counter auendaot amon1 ' M aocbeater for TenerJf e juat tbe 2$0 Laker emplOyees Who b e t o r • t b e m o r n 1 n a •Ill Join. the three mlllloft Jobi., announcement turned around 1D 8rtta1D. 12 7 percent 'of UM and returned to En(land. wort twee. T w o h u a d r e d o t b e r Prhbe Mlnl1ter lhrf;k:: M1nche1tar pllHnaen were Tlllatetiir. wbo ofta clted l~aller'• New York-London 11 a .. enmpleofboWfrel fare ~(' •us wbea be introduced his Skytraln service in 1966 -half the cheapest rate elsewhere. Before he went bust the fare was stlll among the cheapest -$168. The airline's statement said, ·'Sir Freddie would like to thank the enormous support he bas received from the public over the years, and hopes that with th• detnlle or his alrUne lhe benefits 1atned ror the ordJnary traveler will not be lo•t·'' lt 1aJd the Clydesdale Bank w11 uked to appoint a receiver and manaaer to take over the line's financial lffaln. The announcement ended •monlhl ol 1petul1UOO aboUt UM future ol Laker AlrWaya, .t\lcb last year accounted tor IS pe.rtent of all air tr.me between Brttaln and United Stat•. Aa recently as Tuesday, La teer had said "m y financial problems are over." He said he bad raised $111 million with McDoMell Douglas Finance Corp . and the Clydesdale Bank of Scotland to reschedule repayment of loans to a consortium of 13 British banks and the American Export-Impe>rt Bank. But observers said que1Uona about the financlni plan aroae In the U.S. and BrftJsh tlnancJal communities. ''Eventa took a sudden and dramatic tum" W~lday and it became evident tbat th• alrllnt could not continue ln bu• loe11. tbe ompany'• 1tatement aald, •ltbout elabofaUoD. _../\ INSIDI TODAY Dilneylond haa lo1t a • le(10CJI -WaU11 Boog. He 1lol r e t i r e d .a n o c t o I commmtunde .,.pk ·•~ 26 11eor1. 41 ~ park'• Coldn ~· Hor1eahoe Rewe. (Storv. photo Wn~ cowr.) 1,. 11011 -----,._.,..__., -. u~s. jobless ;,~ate declines f~Jllprisingly W ~GTON' (AP) -The StaU.Stlca lndlcated the revenal Hnatlon '1 Joble111 rate of recent sharp rhea ln .UAHl*=ttdly dipped from 8.1 unemployment may have lpeteent to 8.5 percent last resulted from the declining moa.-.1 poulbly because there buJlnesa activity. wer• fewer extra employees ''Many of the industries that b l r • .cl d u r l n 1 t b e typically lay people off were so ."reeea.lcm-plasued holidays to be depresaed they bad no extra 1Uald olf, lb January, the Labor people to lay off," said Deborah a. DepattaieQt. said today. Klein. ,1 The national joble11 rate She noted that traditional ~declined three-tenths of a rising joblessness followtne the bperceotace point as the number Christmas holiday ahopploe of people out ot work fell by season was reversed this year ~270,000. because many retail stol"fS had /,. The California r ate rose from not brought extra people onto GUnman holdfug hostages MEMPJUS. Tenn. (AP> -A man •boH aon dled of leukemia in 1980 while under the care of a prominent cancer apeclallst held the doctor and two others hot taae today, more than 24 hours after walklo1 into a hospital with a large·caliber pistol. Or. Paul Bowman, an expert oo leukemia, was taken bosta1e with a nune and a psycbolo,USt lo an examlnatloo rooan Thursday afternoon. Police ne1otiatora talked with the gunman, idenUfLed u Jean Claude Goulet. a bout 30, throughout the night. !Jo.S perceot Co 8.7. the payroll. :1. Ovt;rall, 9.2 million Americans "Because firms didn't hire aa were out of work ln January as many people as they usually do the labor force s hrank by in December, they didn't lay off 300,000. as many," Ms. Klein said. Ao analyst with the In tes timony before the TRASH CLEANUP -Workmen were expected today to continue with effort to haul up to five tons of litter and garbage out or the Balboa Island home of 78·year-old Grace Lee. The .,...., ..... .__,, lM ,,_ widow was round earlier this week under a layer of trash in her living room. Police said she 'd been dead at least a week. Goulet seized the hostages while most of t he hospital e mployees were attending cer e monies marking lbe founding of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 20 years aco by entertainer Danny Thomas, authorities said. "He 's been smoking a marijuana cigarette," police Chief Inspect.or A.L. Williams said today. "He's calm now ... He's sort of mellow." department's Bureau of Labor congressional Joint 'coqomlc: I ~ Rockies, Committee, the commiasloner ot labor statistics, Janel Norwood, noted that layoffs traditionally rise substantially in January. "as employers in the private sector pare down their payrolls after the holiday season and the goods-producing sector . especially construction, is affected by winter weather. Bids sought for trash removal Goulet also was given a pack of playing cards, and he and the captives reportedly played poker. I 1Midwest cold fi.ilitensif i es Home of deceased Bal Isle woman filled with litter .~ By TIMI Auoclated Preu A cold front brought the Rockies weather fit only for skiing and put the Midwest on warnin1 for another onslaught of subzero cold and snow. The storm dumped snow over the northern Rockies and the band was beading toward the , upper Plains to the northern •11Great Lakes. ·I Moisture rising oU the Great .f, ,Salt Lake wafted and froze into Janow that sprinkled th e ~northwest comer of Utah, the %+National Weather Service aaid. 'Up to 15 inches of snow fell on , the Ali;.ski resort east of Silt '" ~,Lake City, and a fresh blanket of ·~•powder covered storm-buffeted I'.' Illinois. ~ . O' Wind.II whipping to 80 mph as ; recorded by the University of ~Ulab sent the wind-chill factor to "'SO below in BountUul in northern . ~Ulab. Temperatures feU to new lows in Colorado, Minnesota and Wyoming. It was 36 below in Butte. Mont.. t oday . The mercury hit 41 below tn Df!troit Lakes, Minn.. and 30 below at Dul\llh, Minn • retords for the date. Every maJor weather recording station In Montana .,1.bad double-digit r eadings of ~'.below ~~ b: !bui\day night. ., . 1 , ~ From Page A1 "This may be due, at least in part, to the already high unemployment levels in those industries whic h t y pitally contribute to the January unemployment increase." Ms. Norwood indicated the decline in the 'size of the labor force may have resulted from fewer people seeking jobs during bad weather. At the White House, deputy presidential press secretary Pete Roussel said , "We're viewing the figures today with caution, in view of the severe weather during the month." From Page A1 SIRENS • • • Opponents of the power plant filed an appeal with the govern.men\ to prevent issuance of the license. In a survey of its own, Edi.son consultants phoned ·about 400 bousebolds in the emer1eocy planning zooe. Tbe reaulta of that survey are now beln1 tabulated. ln a related area, Baskin said Edison Co. could receive lta low-power test license for newly built unit 2 at San Onofre by next week or the week aft.er. A Balboa Island attorney was seeking bids today lo determine how much it will cost to remove up to five tons of trash from the still-cluttered Coral Street home of Grace E . Lee. The 78-year-old widow was found dead this week in ber island home under several feet o f ga rb age and litter. Investigators believe she'd been dead at least a week. The cause of death bas not been determined. Officials said foul play is not suspected. C.A. Higbie, the attorney who wrote Mrs. Lee's most recent will. said he is being pressed to have the house cleaned out for health and fire hazard reasons. "It 's goi n g lo b e a monumen t al task ," he commented today, "and it's not ~olng to be cheap." Newport Beac-h police officers and city workmen hauled an estimated five tons of old newspapers, half.·eaten food and thrift store ilepis out of the house Tuesday before finding the woman. slumped in a qomer of her living room next to a wall beater. Mrs. Lee bad been reported miHIDI a week earlier by oei1bbors wbo crew worried wbeo they did DOI see her for several days. Nelebbors described the woman aa a creature of habit wbo took daily walks, usually COLLEGE BOWL AT UC IRVINE • • • clean-cul Ivy Leaguers pounded their buuers to answer "10-point tossups" as if lbelr internships depended on it The students looked a bit different Thursday. A couple wore sweatahirts. One forgot to shave. But they bad the same faraway look of intensity -as if they were trying to keep 200 lltUe hatches to their memory open at tbe same time. • Sitting al one table, identified by cards by their first names. were students Walter Blume, Alexll cain. Rich Byrens, Hueo Jimenez and alternate Trey Hadad. At tbe other table. identified by last names, were faculty members· James Danziger , Patrick Healey, Linda Georitanna and Joseph DiMento. Squeer.ed into the remaining space were moderator Terry Lewis, an associate dean of students, a scorer, Um er and about three dozen students who hung on each question and answer with aoU-professorlal fervor. No one seemed to think the faculty bad a cbaila, Including the team members, wbo com_plained during lntroductloos or the diaacJvantaee of a declining brain cell count. But the faculty won anyway. 135 to 95. It was their superior knowledge of the heroes of past and print -a curious collection of characters Including Pericles, Sinbad, Cal>laln Nemo, Socrates and Wlonle the Pooh -that made the difference. "I thought the~'d be really 1troo1 in the humanities," admitted loslne all-al.Ir Alexis Calo, wbo as a blatory major wu the •Ir team member not stu~a math oc science. • UCI is kno~ u a scbool with 1troo1 proarams in math and acleoce, a0 It iln't unuaual tbe team la loaded ln tbc*e fteJda. But Blume, the bearded captain, said the lack of an even dlatributlon amon1 dlselp~ could hurt. AltboQsb they l<11t, tbe all-stars bad their mofQentl Tbunday. Blume tcored a symbolic' alam dunl over a red-faced Healey by fint ldentifylna the characterlltics of a cell. Healey ii a profeuor of cell bloloo. . Delly N.e ..... "..., ........ PRESSURE MOUNTS Linda Georgianna, teacher or compar ative literature at UC Irvi n e. s hows co n centr~ti on while answering questions. After the contest, tbe all-stars shrugged off suggestions they are among the university's "brains.'' Byreos candidly admitted his grade point averaee ls only a abade above a "C." · ''lbla iJ easy for me because I don't have to do any work," be said. "Writing a paper - that's too bard." So why the interest? Try competition. "We'll have nine hours lo the car on the way up there," said Blume. "We'll quiz each other lbe whole way.'· Viet memorial deeign approved going to an island restaurant for breakfast and then to one of several Oranee Coast senior citizen centers. Hieble said the woman was wealthy. owniDJ several pieces of property and reportedly having several savings accounts -one with a balance in excess of $100,000. He said the will won't be read until the O r ange County Coroner's office establis hes a cause of death. Coroner's deputies said it could be two months before they pinpoint the cause of death because of extensive lab tests they now intend lo conduct. The tests, they said, would show ii the woman had been taking1lD1 medicine or drugs. Investigators said it Is "very unlikely'' the woman may have contracted some sort of infection from the years' worth of trash stacked in her house . Newport Officer Tim Newman said aome of the trash ln ber home. piled from floor to ceiling in some rooms, was nearly 15 years oJd. He said letters were found that were postmarked in the mid-a>s and that old newspapers dated baclt nearly as far. Neighbors said the woman reportedly bad a ne phew in Costa Mesa and several sisters. But, lbey said, the relatives From Page A1 apparently never visited the woman. "She never let anyone in the house," said Newman. Dimes drive sets report on treatment The 1981 annual report of the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, which pay special attention to prenatal treatment, is now available in Orange Countv. , The r eport includes a discussion of two pio neering cases in which s urgeons successfully treated fetuses for serious defects. a urinary tract malfunction a nd an enzyme deficiency. The report also h as a breakdown of how funds were spent on research in 1981 and the effects of inflation on spending pr og rams, said Dorot h y Sutherland, executive director of the Orange County Chapter in Santa Ana. Reports can be obtained by contacting the office al 111 West Dyer Road, Swte 10-G. Santa Ana , 92707. Tbe tele-phone number is 979-2270. •'They seem to ba ve developed a real comradeship," Williams said. Hospital s pokesman Jerry C hipman sai d Goulet's 8-year-old son, Robert, died of leukemia in December 1980 after being treated at St. Jude. Police and hospital officials s aid Goulet was a Canadian native who no w l ives in LaPlace. La .. about 25 miles west of New Orleans. Goulet's ex·wife. Phyllis Goulet. wbo lives at Wapakoneta, Ohio, with two other children , was called \.0 Memphis. Mrs. Goulet said she tried to warn Bowman, her son's favorite doctor, when her ex-husband became depressed on the anniversary of the boy's death while visiting the family during the Christmas holidays. She said she was never able to reach Bowman and then quit trying the next day when her ex -hus band got over his depression · "He didn't like St. Jude," she s aid "He doesn't Like anything anymore." The hostages in addition to Bowman. chief of the hospital's leukemia servi ce, were identified as nurse Jean Marie Cox a nd psycbologist Joe Cummings A fourth hostage, Dr. George Marten, 64, a psychiatrist, was released about five hours after being laken prisoner. AMERICA'S 'UNDERBELLY' • • • own kids. there was a greateflotensily there, a sincerity ln learning. It was so contrary to what· I expected." Wood said he visited several classrooms at P.S. 50 and was asked questions by students, including one question. which he said really floored him· "Did you travel on an empty stomach?" Following bis visit to the school. Wood, disheveled and dirty aner 10 days on the road, hopped on a subway to Manhattan and strode into the posh Mayfair· Regency Hotel to meet his wife, his yearly adventure nearly complete. Bv then. Wood said he was ready to become bis "real" self once again. "I like both sides of the coin," he admitted. Once reunited with his wife, Wendy, he renewed his friendship with NBC news correspondent Tom Brokaw, .an old friend. and was cheered on as he ran the marathon by actor Robert Redford, a chum dating to his junior high school days. Truly. the other side of the coin. Asked why be takes s uch unusual trips, Wood commented simply. "That's what making money means to me -the freedom to do what you want." He added. "it's relaxing and offers spiritual replenishment.·· $. First Time Skiers * Mew Ski School ••• lfta.., . Q s~. ~, ~ .,~~ h ~IQ ;JI ~i91,,_;'tt,j • PM: $15. For~ S.talona H .. : Call For Reeervattona · e:u.31 .. . LW: 20 people ---·------· .,, ......... ROMP IN THE RAIN Actor Mickey Rooney . left . and Harve Presnell clown it up in the rain prior to their Broadway matinee in New York. Rooney's show. "Sugar Babies,'' is playin g across the street from Presnell's "Annie." The two have become great friends. Plumber win• $3.3 million in lottery A 46-year-old plumber has won $3.35 million In the New York Lotto lottery Carmine Serrano or Queens, announced as the winner, bought his winning ticket at Carl Mlller'a lobby newsstand at 1180 Sixth A 17-year-old scientist Crom Memphis, Tenn , has bee n selected by a youth magazine as All -American Girl of the Year Cataala Gregory received a $4,000 scholarship in the co mpe t ition , wh ich i s d esigned to "focus the nation's attention on teen-age achievers from 12 to 18 whose outstanding talents are worth y o f public acclaim.'' The 4-year-old contest is s pon sored by Teen Magazine and the Noxell Corp. Danuta Walesa, wire or inte rned Solidarity ch1er Lech Walesa, has had a baby girl , their seventh child. Avenue. Serrano works about a block away as a plumber in an office building. The record Lotto winner , Louis Eisenberg, who won $5 million in November, bought hi s ticket at th e same newsstand. inrormed sources said in Warsaw. The child was born Jan Z1 in the Baltic port of Gdansk and has not yet received a name, the sources said. T he Vi r ginia General Assembly co mmended Lennie Skulnik for heroism in rescuing a woman from the Potomac River after the Air Florida jetliner crash Jan. 13. Skutnik, 29, of Lorton, Va., was given a standing ovation before t h e House of Delegates and state Senate as a reso l ution was unanimously adopted lauding ht s "unselfi s h act o r bravery .. I Tb• fame ud C'ODlroveny of madam-turn1d·m•1•r Ian, MufoN may follow btr beyond the fr•ff u a • "dill.1 Of • •uh" .. ,.. 'AP over ber t1' mUUon wlll, 1111 attomey .......... BtlU 1ald Uaat ,_ Dlttll Ow•• .. of Ian ltafat11 M•. Stanford'• dillnJMrltea ton, plan• to conte1t the wlll, whtch leavea tbt bulk of Ma. Stanford'• e.tate to frtendl. 111. Stanford, one of San Francl1co'1 q,oat famous madama who lat.er beea.ant mayor of Sausallto, dled ' Monday of heart failure at a1e 78. Tbe will, 1iped IHt July, left nothlnC to Owen, only tt to 1randsoft Mlcllaael 0-W.. and Sl,000 to her adopted dauahter, Mara ••U•d• Owea. Gossip columnist Dick M aarlce, who admitted belpinl fake an after-the-fact prediction of Prealdeat &ea1an'1 aasasainatioo attempt with psychic Tamara Raad, (lied for bankruptcy in federal court in Laa Vegu. Documents filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court stated Maurice owes $372,54<> and has no income. Maurice, who once hosted a cable television program a nd wrote a syndicated newspaper column, lost those joba following the phony assassination attempt prediction. · TAKEN ILL -Singer Chubby Checker. 40 , father of "The Twist " dance . is in a Columbia, Mo .. hospital for treatment of pneumonia. His condition was described as "s atisfactory " -Fair, cool and 'Windy Coastal Mostly fair •nd cool throu911 S.t11rclay. L«•I nor111 to ~MUI winds IS to :IO mpfl with locally stre1n99r 91&b btlOW t,. .,.uet '"" canyont. Huntlnqton-,..wPOr1 .,,a ttmpef•tur.1 with• hlgll al .0 and a -of47. El-,.., from Point Conc91)1'°" to IM MHlcan llOnler -out Ml mllea· ll9111 va rlable winos 11e<om1no -.st .., toUtllwHt • .. tt knots l•I• tod•y and Sat11rtl•Y Wfftorty -IS al 1 to I !Mt Wind -"" I .., • fwt ~ cloutll-conUn1111111 .,.,,., ,.,.,,.,.,n COHtal --• '°"""' V.S. summary A wlftw swm piled a new layer of anew an tll• Hutllern Aoc•y Mountelfta ~ anti llH"9ad _.. over tlle nOO'tl•ern and western llfClloM fll the .,.....,. PllMM and Into tlte ~ltlllcll V .. I..,. Tlle....._., ....... _,_oln a h\'119 tKt.loft fll u. Miion. '""" u. Mrtllem -centr.i Aockift to lite _,G..-ulln. F,..tlne ~LUie llltl on .,.r11 of «*ntrol TeUI, Md lot and tlrlule llafnpefetl tr-tert In IM tl•to'a toutfttm tip. Stiles -• cloudy over ••stern Teut end from u. -Mhalnlppl Voll.., to .,. ._ ON<> VelleY. A ..., .,,._.. nnow• owr Flof'l49 Md tlle WIPP9f oroet u-.a fOl more """""· Scott..O -•• forec:.st '"" In t ... tley lrotn tlle Ol'Mt B•ln ocrou tM -tllefn "oclll••· tllo totltll«n Plolnt olld 111,.UOll IM ,.....,.., .W h GfNt Lakft. "•In -~ -Ille Gull C:.st """""'Ult T--V .. leY lo e.. .... _ ........... Sult·Hro te..,pe,.turea were ~tntN ~ Pl91,., with ,.... .... lft .. -.1or tlle Mi-st, ... ~ ,. .... .,.. .,.. '"'"'"· 1119 ............ ONo v .. ...,. moat fll T•-.... H O<eot ... ,ft wore ~ ........ ..,.. .. "'°'In"" ......... T~...,_ _,, -y ,.,... fNfll • .,.._ In Mto, Moft. t• 1• Ill ic.., .... fll&. Extended f oreca.t California F•lr wNl,.r wH pr~lctt!(j for molt of Southern Catiforn1 • on S.IU•MY. wltll ~y "'""" in ..,,.,. ., .. , v ... l•DM clou01"9H Is npec;t..S In COHl•I ... 9M. 1nt....-ate v•ll•Y• •nd a long llM cout•I s10,,.1 ol mo""t.in are4't ..nll tonl(IM. when 5'11H wlll bKonM ,, .. ,, Kcordl"9 to llte Nat-WNllle< Sffvlu A lllgll of M Is predlctKI in Lo• Angtlff In the s.n i:.......-. S... ~bflel encl S.n ~MrCllllO v.ileY\, hlQM will lie from,. .. .S. Highs In tfle s.m. 8• .... ra and v..,,.,,. C.....Cy coemt ....... ,,,. S.nt• Monb hY area and L- Be•cll and Ora n9• Co11nty m1tropo11tan He•s wlll range i.t-n Ml -.._ Loul MrtllNll wlrldl of 15 to tS """'MW expected In a reH llel-canyons from S.nta -lu to V-• i-. s.llH'CMIY. Temperatures AMl<tny Altiuque Am4"1UO AtN¥llle Allan .. Atlante Ct\f •••ti,,,_ llnnlnotwn 811mercll Bolton Browns vii• C9'arl1tnSC CllOyenno Cllk"9 Clll<lnnMI Cte'Hloncl CetumlMA Oal·"t Wttl Oen ... r OesMoiMt Ootrott Oututll fl PaM Morttortl NATION "' .... Pell .. 13 • II 10 .j 01' S7 l7 n >1 so ,. ... 27 " n . ·I .JI 52 u 61 so 65 s. .7 .25 ~ ,~ -~ u 1t 21 u JI n ·I ·1' I 0 .ti 12 .J 03 2 ·1'7 " . .. " ~---- Heltf\A ._ ...... HOuston I ndf\94>1 i. Jaosnvtle l<llMClty Uls V419M Little AOO l oulsvllle Mel'l'tl>hil MleMI Mllw ... lt .. Mplt·St P Nesl'tvllle NewOrlt- lffwYort< NC>ffolk Otil• Clly Onul>a Or••-Pllll~ PllOenl• Plth!KI .... pt(ancl, ,,.. ptlond.On A•pld City AIM S.11 Lake S.•ttle St LO<lls St P-Te,,_ 5tSt•-le s.otl- Tulw .......... " .... ---,,,. (~.: .. # .. v --hU~6., Wt61 ... I \It# I HQ.A&"'' o.......• c..-- I ·17 76 .. .. " 15 " 7J s. • > 1' so • 12 ,. ,, )I 1' JO JO 71 72 06 11 • OJ ·I ·11 01 ,.. J2 n o " ,. St M ,. . , .... 11 .. 0 ,. 6j ,. n 11 47 II ., 27 .. ,. :IA 17 20 l .01 • JO ,. 12 ,, .. . " 21 '° 20 .. Wesllln91ft Wk lllta CAU~tA e.l>.wlfleld 11.,- Eure•• ,.,._ Lane•-L.M A .... I• -rynllte ..... , .. Oalll- Pa•"*-Red BIUfl A-Ctty Seer_... s.11 ... , s..oi.eo San Fr.w>ellco Sant•..,,.,. Softt• Mari. 5eoct11on Tllormol Bora._ Bio BNr , ........ c.t•llrta l Oftl llMCll ~·a Mt.W119on ....... .,...,Md! omwi. Pelm5-t11191 Po..-... s.n ........... so D , 0 n Sl .. ., li .. ,. S6 J2 M n s. ,.. S6 0 51 JO n J7 S7 40 St D " J7 .. 52 S6 .. ff 42 '° w 71 " •5 ., ,. 4 It .. '° •t ., ... " 42 • ... • .. • 11 .. .... •• s.n.-. " 0 Sao!to Crvt ..... T-V81141¥ ,, n CMADA C...'Y ,, .. ~ -4 41 ~ >t -1 oa.wo -~ ~ ·II •9 ~ .... iilliilil-1 ..... DR_f ...... Rl_PD_RT_ Tide1 ------~~~~----·------------------~--~--~------ Orange~ CWLV PILOT/Frtd1y, '•bru1ry a, 1112 11 new bus nontes set CoUnty tranatt dUtrict to introduce change,s Sunday Bepwn1 !Sunda1. U.. o._.. County Tran1lt Dtttrlct will introduce what It hopet aN u new and improved bu.I rout.et ln Oran1e County. The route improvtmtntl, aecordlnf to Ralpb et.rlr, OCl'D board cbalrman, "wlll heh> meet pauen1er demancf, Improve aerrice and ftnerat.e addJtlonal fare box revenue.'' He adde4 that route chanlfll made ~ch February, Juee and September are intended to reflect seasonal cbanlH in travel patterns and respond to new transit needs. One new route and five improved roulln1 acbedulea affecting the Oran1e Cout are included in the plan: -New Route 21 will provide l~al service between C~s and Huntlneton Beach •l• Valley View and Sprln1dale wtth a 60-minute frequency 6 a .m. to 6 p.m. Monday throucb Frtay. Service will include 1toP1 at Cypress College and Hl1h lcbool, Butna Park, J..01 Alamlto1 , Garden Grove, Weatmlnlter Mall and Marina ffilh School. -Route 33, wbtch operatet between Fullerton and Huntlncton Beach via Ma1nolla, wlll now run at 30·minute intervals weekdays between 9 a .m. and 3 p.m. Stopa included arfi in Anaheim , Stanton1 Garden Grove, Westminster ana Fountain Valley. -Route 35, operatinc between Fullerton IJ)d Huntlnaton Beach via Brookhurst, will feature an increased number of dally trips. Stops are in Garden Grove, Westminster , Anaheim , Fountain Valley and at Hufhes Aircraft and Mile Square Park. -Route 31, operating between La Habra and Huntington Beach via Euclid, will now run at 30-minute intervals from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Stops are in Fullerton, Anaheim Plaza, Garden Grove, Santa Ana , Fountain Valley and at Five Pointl Plaia and· MU. .. uatt Park. -Route 10, operatin1 lD ff un tln1too B• acb alonJ Edln1tr, will now run at l~·mlnui. tlltervaU frb.ql I a.m. to 6 p.m. wffkdaya. S.OP. are a\ Hunt1n1ton ff arbour, Goldeo Weat Colle1e . Huntln1ton Center, Fountain ValltY and Mlle Square Park. -Route ii, opereUn1 between Santa Ana and San Clemeot.e vi• PJHO de Valencia, will no~ n.Q) at 45-minute lntervah from t a.m . to 9 p.m. on Sundaya. St.opt are al Sant.a Ana Civic/Center, Irvine, La1una Hllla Mall, Saddleback Hospital, Lapna Niauel, South CouAtY Court, Monarch Bay, Dana Point, D o heny Slate Park and Capistrano Beach. Fares are 75 cents durlnl rusb hours (6-9 a.m. and 3·6 p.m. weekdays) and 60 cents at all other limes. One-way express route fare is $1.50. NB man, Lagunan named Brown appoints pair to fill county court vacancies We s t Oran1e County Municipal Court Judge David Carter of Laguna Beach has been appointed to a vacancy on the South Or•n1e County Municipal Court bench by Gov Edmund G. Brown Jr. judge at south court, joining judges Blair Barnette. John Grlffin and Richard Hamilton. Beecher now holds a ranking position in the county Public Defender's Office. In the past, ·ba,lhas served as head o( public defender operations at both west court and Harbor M.uolclpal Court in NeWpOrt Beach. Muni cip al court judges receive $57,231 aMually. Also on Wednesday , Gov. Brown name d J . M icbael Beecher, 43, of Newport Beach, to the west court vacancy created by Carter 's transfer to the Laguna Niguel court. Brown says prison bonds not enough Carter said he was delighted with the governor's decision to re~ssign him to a court nearer his Laguna Beac h home ; Beecher appeared equally pleased with bis appointment at a eathering with friends in Santa Ana. Carter was appointed to the west court bench several months ago. Prior lo his appointment. he bandied major homicide prosecutions in the county District Attorney's Office. He will become the fourth Irvine league changes name and expands A name change and expanded boundaries are in store for the 585-member Gr eater Irvine Industrial League, reports league Executive Director Todd Nicholson. The league membership has voted 267-to-ij to change the name to the Industrial League of Orange County, an organization that will accept members from throughout the county The league boundaries a re now limited lo a lO·mUe radius or J ohn Wayne Airport. Nicholson said the changes will become official later this month when new incorporation papers are submitted to the state. The changes. which Nicholson said are expected lo increase league membersblp lo 700. reflects a growing desire by firms outside of Irvine to join the organitatlon, which researches issues affecting business and 1enerally represents the lnteresta or the business community. ' SACRAMENTO (AP) -The $495 million prison bond issue on the June ballot is only a "down payment" on t h e prison construction California needs, and more funds will be required, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. said. The Democratic governor told a conference of the California Organization of Police and Sheriffs that since lbe prison measu re, which will be Proposition 1 on the June 8 ballot, passed the Legislature last year, estimates of the 1986 state prison population have ON TAPE -Form e r California Gov . Edmund G "Pat"' Brown Sr. says he remembers conversation taped by President John F. Kennedy following Brown·s victory over Richa rd Nixon an 1962 gu be rn atorial election. DucJI Voltage Travel Iron 1f0/220V d~ vottagre trMI Iron with ~ handle, temperature settings, end Teflon plate. UL approlied. Includes traYal case by Franzue. Sate increased from 35,000 inmates to 45,000 He did not s pell out any specific financing pr~ for construcling the exttt cells, except to say that more money will be needed than Proposition 1 will provide. The state currently bas 29,ooO inmates in 10 institutions designed for 24,000. Brown, whose earlier $10 billion state and local prison and law enforcement plan waf rejected by the Legislature, said a ··massive prison building prog ram ," is 'needed in California in the 1980s. County nixes plea to halt home project The Orange County Board cl S upervM!lors has denied an a ppeal by a Laguna Hills homeowners group about the number or affordable housing units being built in the area. Contendin11 that Laguna Hills has received more than its share or arrordable housing and that it has tended to concentrate in one area. members of the Laguna Hills Homeowners Association asked supervisors this week to deny a 96-home project by the Mission Viejo Co. However , the supervisors , acti n g on a m otion by Supervisor Thomas Riley, whose fiflh d istrict includes the Laguna Hills area, voted unanimously to u phold the Orange County Planning Co mmi ssion 's approval of the project. The 96 homes include SS units of affordable housing, defined as homes that can be purchased or rented by households earning less than $36,000 a year. c: ..... i Britain restricts I credits to Poland. LONDON <AP> -8rltalni announced today it wlll not frant any new financial credits to Poland and wlll restrict movemesit.a of Pou'ah and Soxtet di;tomata to protest martial faw In oland. ritain thus became the first NATO country to announce Individual measures against the Polish military re6fime and the Soviet Union sine' President Re1tgan anno'unced sanctions against the two governments ana called for other NATO members to follow suit. WASHINGTON <AP> -The State Department and the FBI are refusing to say if espionage prompted the expulsion this week of Maj. Gen. Vasiliy I. Chitov, the highest ranking military officer at the Soviet Embassy. the Washington Post and NBC-TV have quoted sources as saying Chitov had sensitive, incriminating documents in his possession when he was apprehended by five U.S. agents last weekend after a high-speed car chase through Washington. .-dead found in hotel asha SHAWNEE, Okla. (AP > - Rescue workers wbo pulled six charred bodies from a basement after a hotel collapsed in 9().foot flames say they do not expect to find more victims. Firefighters worked for nine hours Thursday to douse the flames before they were able to search the two-story brick building. Assistant City Fire Marshal James Wyatt said the hotel did not have fire or smoke alarms. lllMing limits backetl in Senate WASHINGTON (AP) Already worried that Congress is about lo strip federal courts of jurisdiction over controversial social issues, ljberals lost their fir~t big battle. i~ _th~ ~nate -:- on a proposa1 to um1t bwslot an school deselregation cases. In what could be a hint of declsiona to come on such matters as abortion and school prayer, a coalition of 36 Republicans and 22 Democrat.a joined to approve an amendment Thursday that would sharply Umit busing as a tool to desegregate public schools. The vote was 58-38. U.S. olfen Rwt ..... treaty bid WASHINGTON (AP) -The Reagan adD)inistration, striving to counter Soviet charges that it is "foot-dragging'' on arms control, bas submitted a formal draft treaty to Moscow on reducing medium.range nuclear weapons targeted on Europe. President Reagan announced the proposal Thursday and called it "a major contribution to security. stabiUty and peace." ~production declinea again DETROIT <AP> -The number of workers' on open-ended layoff in the U.S. auto industry inched upward as production dropped again this week, according to industry reports Thursday. The five major domestic automakers said the number of indefinite layoffs was up to 245,900 from the 243,500 reported last week, while temporary layoffs fell to 60,025 from rast week 's 80,175. Senate de/ealll 'W ban attempt WASHINGTON <AP> -The Senated voted 92 to 3 Thursday against pulling the plug on a p I an by Majority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. to permit televised sessions, but a political battle still threatened to keep the chamber off the tube. A dispute over who would control ·the cameras - Democrats don't want the decisions made by Republicans, especially in this congressional election year -kept the Senate 'I;V plan in jeopardy. • ..,..,... __ ....... _.......,_ .... ~FK tapings • for: memoirs, staffers say ........... SHELTERED -Eddy Wade warms up with a cup of coffee in the basement of the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Denver. About 150 homeless people found refuge from the below-zero cold. BOSTON (AP> -President K•nnedy'a decision to tape White House conversations secretly was influenced by staff members who den!ed their roles in plaMJng the tailed Bay of Pl1s Invasion. two close Kennedy aid~ speculate. "I think it had something to do with why he set the thing up," Evelyn Lincoln. Kennedy's personal secretary, said this morning in an interview on NBC's "Today" show. Mrs. Lincoln repeated, however, that it was Kennedy's sense of history that was the primary reason for installing a system to allow recording of meetings and telephone conversations. "All we did during the time we worked with him was to record everything we possibly could so he could have them for ·bis memoirs after he left the White House," she said Thursday night in an interview on the ABC News program "Nightline." "In July of 1962 (when the taping started). was when the Cuban crisis was starting and he wanted to record that," she said on ·'Today,·· referring to Kennedy's showdown with the Soviet Union over missiles in Cuba. Thursday, after the extent of Kennedy's White House tapes was revealed, the John F . Kennedy Library, where the recordings are housed, released a 29-page index of names of scores of people whose talks Reagan to expand FHA loans Boost to housing industry won't affect mortgage rates WASHINGTON CAP) -ln a move to bolster the sagging housing industry. the Reagan administration plans to propose expanding popular FHA home loan guarantees to cover variable rate and other non-conve.ntional mortgages. The proposal to amend the Housing Act of 1934 will be disclosed as part of President Reagan's 1983 budget plan . Department of Housing and Urban Development officials said Thursday. But the budget plan, to be unveile d Monday , will not include any direct measures to reduce record mortgage rates, which industry officials have blamed for slumping house sales, White House officiala said. BY. insuring m0.rtgage5 tbat lenders might otherwise be unwilling to extend, the Federal Housing Administration has enabled millions of Americans to buy their own homes. One HUD official, who asked not to be identified, said the administration's legislative proposal is designed to place more emphasis on helping first-time homebuyers secure mortgages. with the Uth president were secretly recorded. Some of those who were recorded in telephone conversatlorus or personal cbata with Kennedy said they were outraged. Pierre Salinger, Kennedy's pre's secretary, theorized the system was begun alter the unsucceaful invasion of Cuba in 1961 because Kennedy "was quite outraged at this effort of people d isassoc iating themselves from something that they had been centrally involved in." "And I think that may have been a motivation for the starting of tapes ... so that be could have an accurate record when he sat down and wrote hls view," Salinger said. The former press secretary, now a correspondent for ABC News, said he was un,ware of the tapes unti~ the Kennedy family announceQL their existence in 1973. . Mrs. Lincoln said Kennedy never listened to the tapes, and that she placed them in a safe in a locked White House room. She said she had the only key and was the only one who knew the safe's combination. Sen. Russell B. Long, D-La .. one of tho s e whose conversations with the late president were recorded secretly, said: "I consider it highly improper for anyone to record the conversation of a friend without informing the friend that a recording is being made." Former Secretary of State ·Dean Rusk disagreed, saying: "I don't understand what all tb.e • • shouting is about." "I didn't mind if the whole world heard what I had to say," said former Mississippi Gov. Ross R. Barnett, recalling many telephone conversations with Kennedy during the forced integration of the University of Missi~sippi. Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert S. McNamara, agreed with Rusk. "It doesrft bother me one way or another ," McNamara told The New York Times. "I never said a thing to him I wasn 't willing to stand by.'' J Orange Co8it DAILY PILOT/Friday. Febr(Jary &, 1982 H / F ~ffi~~ KCET -'-IV to sell Hollywood studio LOS ANGELES <Ai') - Public televtalon ataUon KCET ll aelllq ill Hollywood studio and cutun1 six executives' •alariea 10 percent to offset a 1 "critical cash position," cbief ! financial otflcer Sheldon Auerbach said. That financial retrenchment follows recent layoffs for 20 employees, but KCET president James Lop~r stressed that cbannef 28 is not going out of business. Tbe station wants between $15 and $18 million tor its Sunset Boulevard o ff ices and production facility. Northrop to buy idled Ford plant LOS ANGELES <AP) Northrop Corp. will pay Ford Motor Co. $65 million this April for a closed factory in suburban Pico Rivera. a spokesman for the aerospace company said. The a utomaker closed the sprawling one-story plant in January 1980, laying off 1,670 workers. Northrop will retool it for airplane or aircraft component production expected to begin next fall, the spokesman said. We•tern .4 irline•. gee. aecond loan LOS ANGELES <AP> - Western Airlines won another $19 million loan a nd a four-month waiver of technical default on its existing $90 million debt as it struggles for a comeback after two years or, heavy losses. The Los Angeles-based carrier pledged 29 aircraft in its 70-plane fleet as collateral for the 90-day loans from banks and two Insurance companies. as well as its previous de bt, a spokesman said Thursday. Hi.panic named aa replacement SACRAMENTO (AP ) -Slate Health and Welfare Secretary Mario Obledo, the highest-ranking Hispanic ever to se~ve in a California governor's cabanet, wau t>e repiaced by another Hiapanic. Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. accepted Obl~do'• reatpaUon "with regret' Thursday, and named Douglas X. Patino director of the Employment Development Qepartment, to succeed him. High court vieua $9 million award SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A $9 million damage award against Ford Motor-o. stemming from a 1970 accident that partially paralyzed a teen-ager will be reviewed by the California Supreme Court. The court agreed Thursday to review the case of James Hasson who was severely injured when the 1966 Lincoln Continental he was driving crashed into a fountain at the bottom of a steep, winding Los Angeles road. .~ ........ BEST OF WORST -Entertainer Barbara Mandrell accepts trophy from fashion designer Mr Blackwell. playfull~ d ecked out in bandages. cast and crutch. during presentation in Los Angeles Thursday. Miss Mandrell topped Mr. Blackwell':; annual .. worst-dressed .. list this year and proved she was a good sport about it by accepting the award. New Yor~'s Citicorp wooing Calif omia SACRAMENTO <AP) -Slate records show David Roberti, state Senate president pro tem. was treated to a $3',341 week· end for four in Manhattan by Citicorp as part of the company's $76 ,000 lobbying campaign to open full-service branches in California. The Los Angeles Democrat, chairman or the powerful Senate Rules Committee, also received some of the $14,500 Citicorp gave California politicians in 1981, secretary or state records show. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley also were beneficiaries. Citicorp, plirent of the nation's second-largest bank, has an extensive leasing business in California, but f edera l r egulaflons against interstate• banking prohibit it from taking deposits. However, the legislature may pass "reciprocal banking" measures so out-of-state banks can OPf'n full-service branches. Citicorp has pressed for such a measure for several years amid s trong opposition .from California bankers. Although Roberti initially said he and his aide, Cliff Berg, traveled lo New York with their wives only for "breakfast and dinner," he later acknowledged the group stayed at the Waldorf·Astoria last June 18 to 21. "They didn 't ask me to sponsor a bill ," he said. "They want to tell me how serious they are about investi~g in California." "In terms of the social policies of Callfomia. there may be real advantage s to having out-of-stale banks here," he added. Robe rti refused lo say "whether l or someone else" would sponsor a r eciprocal banking measure but conceded he has had '"on -a nd -off discussions" with Citicorp representatives. Feds ease press~e • • on smog mspect1on SACRAMENTO (AP) -'rt.. reder•l 1overnment, havln1 froaen $178 million due California because i\ lacks annual vehicle •mol lnspecliona, now 1ay1 once every two years will be enouah. That m~ans the bUI pending to require annual Inspection will be "a lmost Impossible" to 1et through the Leg111lature, said the author, Sen. Robert Presley, 0 -Riverslde. The word of the U.S . Environmental Protection Agency 's new bi e nnial inspection requirement came Thursday from the chairman of the Assembly Transportation Cpmmittee, Bruce Young, D ·Cerritos . An EPA spokeswoman in San Francisco confirmed it. t'resley·s SB33 to require annual inspections won a minimum passing 21·13 Senate vote in August. It is now awaiting a hearing before Young's committee. Similar to legislation that has been defeated for several years. the bill would requite annual inspections in the Fresno, San Diego, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Fraoctaco •tell to ensure that antl·1mo1 devlCM are work in& properly. Presley said, ''Politically, I think the EPA bu placed us in a situation where the chances ot getting annual motor vehicle Inspections throu1h IAalslature are almost Impossible. U inspection every two yean will meet EPA requirements and wil l reduce air pollution sl1nilicanlly, then I will be willlna to amend my bill." Legislators opposln1 annual inspections fear the dlspleuurl9 or constituent.a who would have to foot the $10 inspection cost, plus potential repair bills of $50 to $100. Under Presley's bill, motorist.a would be required to obtain proof of inspection from certified service stations in order to register their cars. The measure would go into effect In January 1983. In Ue cember 1980, Kt'A officials said California faced a cutoff of as much as $850 million in federal sewage and hil)lway construction funds if the state did not adopt annual inspections to meet the requirements of the federal Clean Air Act. Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 0 1992 R..J. IH'fNOU>I lOaAC()O CO. •• ~~----..... -----~·------~~-~~~-~---~----- ' ,.1 DOING BUSINESS UtJDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? ·., ~ou hive juat fl .. d your new FlctltJoua BualneH Name •nd have not yet aubmltted It for publlcatton, pl•••• don't forget that the limitation 1a· 30 d•ye from dllte of ftllnO. ... The D,AJL Y PILOT wllt ptlbllah your atatement for it3t:sp. Our clrcul•tJon Include• tAe entire Orange Coast area end legal notice• 9pPe•r In •II e'dltion1. In Ofder to eubmff your etatement for publlcli)lol\ Mnd appfOpfiate copr and a check to THE DAILY PILOT, P.O. lo• ueo, Co•ta Meaa, CA. 12121. We'll dO ·ttMt reat. Fol ln.fonnatton •bo.-t leglll adv1rttelng s>fe••• caH 142..t.321 ,xt. 332. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES _ • NEW YORKCAP) FIMI Oow..J~ avqs. AMERICAN LEADERS -"' -... .... , . "' .... ..... . "' ., . .., ,, • 114 ...... •I H~ YONICIA"I ~Its, '""" P'K• at>d Ml G'*'Ott of IM let! ~I active Amerk.., Sloe.. E•<""-,,_ lredlnt MtfOftlllly el ,,_.. llWn '1 Wa119 8 Jn,-M"-'-P.iroL.ew 2'0,.00 u -. • "-Dome Ptrl , 101.500 '""" v. ll•r1RG 17,AOO 414 I"" 1J1n11 ,,_ "·JOO Wt "" ' Arnet.flt 11,700 U9--" , HouOllTr 7',AOO 10'~ + 14 . tfl! (Otn I 11,AOO I•-+ ..... Tubo•JM~ s s 6',JOO 2-.$u1Won Enci s 6S .500 JO • 14 10< Tl't..r11$y, Fet> t STOCKS 0.... Hillll "-C-Cllll JO 1no ._" es' ,. m 11 141 o.o ue 10 T rn us II a51 • Ml ... w.~ I 17 U VII IOI ll t07 .. IOS ll 10.AJ-OA' u s1,. m., m,. m.to mu-o.:lll ,...,.., . .,. ... Tran ,_..,.lOO Ullls 7C),.aD •S Stk 1,174.toO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI F•tl 4 Pnv """•"""" T-y ';J, !ti 0.<llMO a. .,. u II( .... "91<1 41) G7 Tota l I-11$6 ,.,, Ntw lllgm ,. ,. Ht• lo~ 10 C) Wl!Af ""'U DID NE W YORK (API rtti 4 -... .,,,.11(.., T-J; OecllnM lOl UIKN"OOCI 10t Tote ! It-'41 !flew l'tf9M s ,. ... ,_, J4 METALS T-.ay c.,.,., 1' 11 ctnu • oound •.tln•1'- ul4 J0.:11c•nl••~ ll~ C) Unll a pound, dell wertd Tia $1 651' MeUIS W• ~tit lb Al10nli-tl 7~1t<..,h•........, H Y Mff<wy 19. Pt< llU .. l'l.tl..,_ \MO 00 troy 01 . H V o.z1, Dl 226 ns II .. u.s l Handy IL HaH'Mfl, '8.•per trov -• I --... 1111111111 BllCI If IUITlll VllllY Diiiy Piiat FRIDAY, FEB. S, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS 02-3 B3 BS I I I UCl basketball team loses, but keeps a share of lead. 85. Valley district trustees rule on middle school By PIOL 8NEIDERMAN °' .. .,..,,. ....... Upper level Fountain Valley School District students should have the option or attending elther a separate middle school (grades six through eight) or a kindergarten through eighth grade school. That was the middle ground approved Thursday night by district trustees, who have been poncjering whether to establish separate middle schools or to continue the present s ystem of offering kindergarten through eighth grade at each school. An earlier plan to offer only kindergarten through fifth grade and middJe schools had drawn mixed reactions from parents. Superintendent Bill Fisher's plan. which was adopted by the boud, calls for dividing the district into three areas, each having a mixture of kindergarten through fifth and kindergarten through eighth grade middJe schools PaTents would have the option of sending their children to any of the schools, as space permits. Under Fisher's plan, the r eo rganization will be coordinated with four school closures, all lo be phased in gradually over three years, beginning in September. Because the upcoming school c los ures and reorganization could drastically increase the district's busing costs, the trustees approved a related proposal that will lengthen the distance younger students must h ve from school to qualify for busing The new bus mg guidelines, ROCK STARS Students at Fountain Valley's Masuda School s taged their own roc k co n c ert of sort s la s t week Performers dressed like the stars they mimicked, lip-synching lyrics as the music was played over s peakers Lisa Hubble. 13. !top photos l imitates Be linda Carlis le of the Go-Go's, while Rose Apadaca offers her rendition of Rod Stewart. 16 seek council seats Ex-administrator, 2 city workers, 4 incumbents run By PATRICK KENNEDY Of .. Dlt., ........... I A fired city administrator, two city employees and four incumbents are among 16 candidates who've filed for four seats in the Huntington Beach City Council election on ApriJ 13. Two of the council candidates also were unsuccessful in the I 1980 -election and are sulng the I city for allegedly miscounting ballots. In the city's other race, Don , Bonfa, CoftDer city attorney for • , 12 years, is challen1in1 ~incumbent City Attorney Gall Hutton. ln 1&78, Mr•. Hutton 1 soundly defeated Bonfa. The fiUn1 deadline for candidates wu Thursday at 5 p.m. Council candidate and former , city admlnlatrator Floyd "Bud" hlllto WU f1red tn AUIUll 1980 by tM ~ Councll on a S.2' ~ l0t al "lack of leaderahlp." .. His firing followed nepollSm charges by the Orange County Manpower Commission auditor that his daughter , daughter-in-law, and nephew were employed in the city"s job training program in violation or federal regulations. Belsito cur r ently is a develeper's consultant in Oranize. Also joining the council race are city employees Frank Mirjabangir , a planning engineer, and Betty Clark, a librarian. If elected they must quit their jobs, according to City Clerk Alicia Wentworth. Ms. Wentworth says state law doesn't forbid municipal employees from runnin1 but states it would be a confiict or inlel'est to serve on the council and be employed by the city. Running as lncumbeo'ta are Ruth Bailey, Doi\ MacAllis~r. John Thomas and Bob N andic. Candidates Dan Mahaffey, a planning commissioner and businessman, and Ed Zschoche, _a business man . also ran unsuccessfully in 1980 and sued the city three days later for allegedly Incorrectly counting ballots by hand after computers broke down on election night. The 4th District Court of Ap- peals in San Diego rejected the suit, but Mahaffey says it's betne appealed to the state Supreme Court. He said Cou ncilman T homas is providing financial assistance. Other council candidates Include Jay Stou\, financial auditor; Dean Albri1ht, naval yard electrician: Mark Juer1e1. college student: Re Stevena, certified nurslna assistant: Mlcbael Music, woodworker; John Valentlno, quality assurance repre-entatlve: and Steve Schumacher , bu1ineuman. effective ln September, are: -Kindergarten through second grade students, who now qualify for busing if they live three-fourths or a mile from school, will have to live one mile away to qualify. -Students In grades three through five, who now must Uve one mile from school to qualify. will have to Uve l ~ mllea away. -Sixth through ei1hth grade students. who now receive district transportation if they live one mile from school , will no longer be bused. The 1rade level reo.-1anizatlon and busin1 proposals both sparked extensive debate amon1 the trustees, and both were adopted by oarrow 3·2 mare:tna. On the plan to offer a mixture of kinder1arten through fifth and kindergarten throu1h el&bth grade and middle schools, trustees Cheryl Norton, Ro1er Belgen and Suzanne Moore voted in favor, while Carol Mohan and James Woest opposed. The following timeline was approved by trustees : -In the 1982·83 school year,~ close two scl)oola and convert : one other to a middJe acbool. : -In 1'188-84, close one school ; and convert another to a mlddlo : school. : In liM-85, close one acbool : and convert another to a middle school. The district, which now bu 17 schools, then will have three. sections, each containing one middle school, two or three K-8 schools and one or more K-! schools. Mobile home feud stirs ! Proposed Huntington conversion ordinance attacked Owners of mobile home parks in Huntington Beach have attacked a proposed conversion ordinance as too costly and an unconstitutional form of rent control. The proposal seeks to set guidelines over changing the use of mobile home parks . It's scheduled for public hearings before planning commissioners in two weeks and City Council members next month. Tenants in the city's 19 mobile home parks strongly support the proposal and have organized into lobbying groups, but until the City Council meeting last Monday. park owners had stayed in the background ''The proposal seeks to take over park owners' property and in effect tum mobile home parks into public utilities, by making it too costly to change the use," says attorney Robert Coldren, representative of three park owners However, local tenants say a protective ordinance is needed to protect their investments in mobile homes. The proposal requires that landlords pay all costs to relocate evi·cted tenants if there's a space available within 100 miles or. if the tenant agrees, within 500 miles. City officials estimate costs to relocate a single coach at Huntington frees • • msurance tapings Huntington Beach officials have released a video tape of a recent City Council meeting to insurance agents who protested that the city has too much control over cable television. The taped meeting was shown live to 10,000 Huntington Beach homes over the civic affairs channel of Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems. It dealt with proposals for the city to get involved in the home insurance business. But when insurance agents tried to get a copy of the tape from Dickinson officials were told they must get city permission. Wes Bannister, an ins urance agent and a city planning commissioner, protested. He said the tape should be available to the public and free of government control. Councilwoman Ruth Bailey says c ity officials were concerned that the "tape would be misused" so they stipulated Monday that it not be edited. However, she says that wiU be hard lo control. City officials say guidelines are being considered for future broadcasts of City Council meetings , including the s uggestion that sessions be filmed live without creation of a video tape for later use. Councilman Ron Pattinson cast the only vote against releasing the tape because be said the City Council shouldn't be involved in that decision. Bannister says insurance agents we.nted the tape because he says it will show insurance agents in other cities how to fight similar proposals. At the meeting, City Cowicil members tabled the proposal after bearing objections from insurance agents and other business owners. City Oouncil members ruled Monday that the insurance agents must pay for a copy or the tape and sign copyright restrictions against charging admission to view the filmed meeting. between $2,000 and $3,000. If there are no vacancies within 100 miles or a coach la too, old to be moved or accepted at another park , the proposal: requires the landlord to buy thei coach. Further. the purcbue price ia · to be evaluated as if the mobile home had a space in a park. City officials say a coach In a park ii , worth nearly 10 times a coach by itself City planners generally I estimate the value of used. mobile homes in a park at between $20,000 and $50,000. The proposal also states that a landlord must give tenant.a a year's advance not.ice of evicUon 1 and can't increase rents durtn1 that time. Attorney Coldren says that •t : an average of 10 mobile homes to an acre and with each valued' at $50,000, It would cost a park j owner half a mUlion dollars to , buy the coaches to plan other uses for his property. "Ir a park owneJ\ wants to 10 out of business he can't because it would be too expensive," Coldren said. "And l don't know of any one-year rent freeze that's been approved by the courts ·· He contends that mobile home parks initially were conceived as "temi:>orary uses" for land and that the city is attemptin1 to make park owners provide a permanent form of low-cost housing. However, he maintains that most mobile home parks won't be converting to other uses. Tenants at Huntington Shores Mobile Home Park disagree. ·They received eviction notices last year effective this November and they started the lobbying effort for a protective ordinance that's bringing this issue to a head. Three file for Valley council posts •Hospital chief due honors Three candidates have filed nomination papers to run in Fountain Valley's April 13 city council election. Seven other residents have taken out nomination papers but had not returned them as of early today. The normal deadline for return of candidate papers was 5 p.m. Thursday. But because two incumbents, Al Holllnden and Eugene Van Dask, have dec¥fed not to run, the deadline has been extended to S p.m. Tuesday. Three council seats are at stake. Candidates who have returned their nominations papers, which must contain the names of at least 20 re1istered Fountain Valley voters, are Mayor Ben Nielsen. who is seekinf a seeood term on the council; Betty Mignanelli, former Fountaln Valley School Dlllrict trustee; and Fred Vosa, another former school board member and current pl~g commissioner. Two former city employeu are amon1 the potenUal candldatet with papers 1Ull out. They are former city manaaer Jam es Neal and former police chief Charles ''Mlke'' Mlchaelll. Others wttb papera aWI out are Roy Rod.era, a truck, company maoa1er ; Ken Holland, a teacher; Dao Morton, 1. 1em lnvettment bualMUman: Felix Rocha , a U.S . 1mmt1ratlon Servit• tnve1t11ator; and Jamu Crei&hton, a coolde abop OWMr. Dr. Harold Kravtla, chief of staff at Fountain Valley Community Hospital and a long·lime leader in Oranee County's Jewish Community, will be honored at a tribute breakfast Sunday at Temple Beth Emel in Anaheim. Kravitz, a Costa Mesa resident, will receive the Merit Aw a rd of 'the University of Judaism. Los Angeles. He ls a former president of the temple and now is president of the Jewiah Studies Institute, an adult education proiram sponsored by the temple. Guest speaker at the tribute breakfast will be Edward M. Tenenbaum, executive director of the United Synago1ue of America. Pacific Southwest Region. •Travel writing claa1_ offered A six·session workshop on travel writing will be offered at Golden West College ln Huntington Beach, beglnnlng Tuesday. The course will be offered Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9 :30 p.m . in Colle1e Center Room 209. The relistration fee is sic>. Teach.int the aeries will be Au 'hn111, travel editor few the Rellater. She will ofter Ups on bow to write, then sell truel articles. No previous .w rl tint experience ii required. • 16 top •tudeni. honored. Sixteen local atudenta have been honored as January "Studenta of the Month" by their achoola and the trustees of the Runttn1ton Beacb Union Hi&h School Dlldlct. t.1• lfeadera•. diatrict apokeawoman, aa11 tb• •• n tor 1tudent1 were recoantaed for their "all-around achlevtmtnta" lncludllll acadtmlc ~. utra·currlcular actlvltl .. and community Hnice. Studeotl lncltadit: Dtllltt MeO..-, and 8nlel A,... Hunun1ton ,Beacb Hilb School: Wead)' ,.... and , .................. -= Pam lie,....._,. aD4 'hUle. <>c•an View; ..... llW...., M,nla Ren Hd 1'111 Vaa ~ w .. tmbllter. • •teltelle CeUIH aad Qarlea y~ Edlao.: a., N••••• and Yalerl• MataJaa, l'ountalD Vallef; lltllJ Tiner and 0..,1• &nf n» W&Dtenbura, Ud Laaane ilJll•Ha, 6trtet owdanee Cena«. NIA .,. • .,.. ... co..,•••11e• ~-Dt ...... s. .. u. ~ GolWfl $leto l'N91'11• ... ~ S...Olaot • L. ~t. •• JO 11 .... •1 ...... UllJllS UltSJI• 14 It ·"' • •• 11 .Jn 11 ......... OI,,.._ Safi AfllWtle O......r JO .. All - 24 JI ill tVI "°"'"'"' Ulall t2 2J ... K-•Ctty Delles U1'.116Ulll 14 JI .Jll 1tVI ll II .m 11 11AST••111 COM l'••INCI A--*DI ....... a.-. ""llMtlpflle W•Sfl lftfloll ..... J_y HawY- SJ II ,, 14 n n JI 14 JI !' C-V.IDI ...... ~ ......... Alleftle lnclleM O.troll Chk090 c ...... _ JO 14 It 14 10 • It • 11 J1 10 ,. ,........,..~ lrw:tlene IJI. Oenwr 11• Sen A-..0111, Pfloenl• 111 , ........ ~ L.e .. an at WeSfllnglon Oeftwr aC BotlOll Haw Jene, et Phll-tphl• Detroit ti CN<ego $an Anlonlo el K-1 (llV OelluelMltw-.. "-fll•etHoulton Ulell et Por11...0 New Y-•t Sen Dla90 SHttlaet~Slela COlLEOE HO - ... 2111 ·'°°" •1 12YI ID 1J .ta -441 - '" 11 . m llVI • .00 11VI n1 20 Sen JoM St. 51, UC lrvtne 57 IAM ~ STAT• -Moor• 1, Dixon 4, M<NHIY It, Mlltllft 0, 8owtano t , W.,._ 1, 8row11 I, ""I"' I, VI"'°" 11, Utllofl o , ...... ,u .... UC l•YCMI JohftlOft 0, l'ullar I , Wlllaldon 14, ThorMOl'I >. WuH 2 M<C>ofwtct J, Ma9M JI. Totals 21 1~11 U Hetttlme JO.all TOlet to.As· S.. JOM St.It 14. UC lrv- 11 SoC•I Coll. 103, Haw•ll P•c. n NAWAll l'ACIJI( -Tl~y •• Trullllo' Mautoff 12, llou 2•, Ballar 12. Peril .. J, v...,.. t. a.t•lot Totata JI IS.It 17. IOUTNl•M CAUl"OttNIA COL.~lel - llOllertt it. Plulmar I , -1. lloc .. 11. Mort-•. c.orti 11. PoNes n. ll-' 4, Cal~ 1, ltaddlck I Totel.: 3' Jl~l IOI, Hetttlme: Soeel. •l5. Total ...... H-ell Pacllk S>, ~ Clllfotfll• c.11..,. 20. Foulacl out Trujillo IH•••ll Pecilkl. --" IH•well Pactll<I. YOUl'IO ,._., Pacllkl, Bert•llo (Hewell Paclll<I COLLEGE WOMEN UC lrvtne 70, USIU 87 USIU -w.,,._ 4, GlaulOflf IS, Mk hatlo I, llryens l, NUllor 1l, Mor-12, E-..lnore 2,_,...,.,o UC t•\111111 -H""'lllorl tl. R-11 4, Buche...., IS, Baller 10, Roy 2, SlmPtorl IO, PMllll 2. Goma1 • Toe.cs H 14 n 10 Helttlme: UC,,.,.,,., l4-tt Tote! fouls USIU It, UC 1,,,1,. 11 HIGH saiOOL WOMEN St. JoMDh 53, Meter 0.1 3e MATl8' Dil-K lellar 4, T 8-.r I, ICl'-1 4, Gornwl 10, ~ 1, J...,.._, 4, VWIKat T-1 14t-11>t ST.'°""" -Edf'kll n . S..-J. Prollerl u , Holllr>p..th •. Cuseter 4. T-.tt: 20 11 11 S3 '""'.., .. ""' Mllrlfta II I 1 I~ H1111tll'lf14lfl BMcll 1• t II 11-J ToUI '°"'': MMina ll. HUl'lllllfll*'\ ... II "· ,.n, V.itey 12, Ooeen Vie• M oc•M Vlfl ""* •. Oaell-.. WMIO •• (MM I, Wlllle IS, O.""lft I Tetalti ttN:a-. ftOU•l1'.llll VAt.L.eY -11.w.. I, 9wl:ll I, ~It. A#I .... I, Hllfhc"'"ldl J, 0.,...,,.,.. 14.. WM!tlem t, De•lt U . Tet .. 1. 14 +U2. "-"~ O<Hri Vltw • 7 11 II .a l'l!ll!Mlf\V...... U tO II I.._..., Tetal ""''' OU.ft Vltw II, ,,_,. Vellty 2t; ,..... wt: ·-COc-V-1, l'uCll•hkl Cl'ouftta l11 Valley, Arl•CI .. (!'-tall!Vllltyl l!dl90n 17, WfftlNft ... r 22 W•ITMIMIT•lt-,,_ I. Owt"'le t, ~-a. Jiai.. o. 1(-1 J, J-•. , .. 111:t+un. •DISO.-K ....... •. Houll S, TreoC IO. T...-1S, o.nttl.,... t, ~ U, llttfttr ~l~~I-I . CMw• 0, K-, TN!t JI SC..'9Qmftln WHtrnl-1 t 4 )-D Edltoft It t It D-47 Toi.al fol.tit. WM!ml-r 10, EcllMft 1' Mlallon Viejo 11, Lea. HNI• 37 MISSION Vl•JO-Harre fo. Mad1941'1 H, •111\rlo 21, Blum 14, Smith 6, (hupj~ 1, A l(ally 2, E. Kelly I Totels: n 11·JI 11. LAGUNA HILU -S'-llen 10, Mal- l. Au1lln 2, llOlll-2. Chain 10, 1(-1111. Tote It: 11 U J7. k-.~0.---AlllUlon Viejo 10 11 21 n-tl ~aHllls 4 U 2 ,.......,., Totet IOUla: Mlulon Viejo 13, 1..eoune Hiii• 22; FouleCIO&ll: Methofw ('--Hllltl Women'• tournement (eto.w.ltl *-............ AnorM .,_ dtl w-, -lie, ... 2, M , w.My T...-1 dltf ,.__,. Loula, ... 1. W, 01-e F......-U oet. AM Kl'rOffture. M . t• 1-S; AnM Smlltt ""' Cl-le IC-W M Men'• toum•ment (el8-A .... 1 ~""-' ,,_.., Faiol def Vk tor PKct, M . 1•. p..,11'orre def. teevlll ,..,.,.., ... ,, 1·i , ... 2.; Alolenclro GallieMI ""'· ~I Orentn, M , M ; 8elus Prej0uJ1 clef. Pablo Arrev•. •·l . •·O; Zoll•" Kullarz~I d•t AfllOftlO Z119are111 .... 2 .... 2. Cenadlen Ch•ll•nve CMT...-1 ..... ._ t"en Landi (2-41 dltf. Jimmy c-• C0-21. M , '°J; Ro5coa T.,,,,.r 11·11 ""'· Adr'-PenetUI l~I. •1. M ; JoM M<Eftr• 12'41 def Vltfl Garvtal11s CMl, 7-4, 1·i . Men'• Toumement IMO.WWI ................ SenclY -~ dllf. T-SrMll, ... 1, M , M ; Wol• Alla-~ 9nKe .._.., •1. M ; A--GefN•Clef. -~H. M . W; JoM s.i *'·Jay ......... t4, t4; Kim WllNl<k dlt. 1"9 -· ..._ ~ M ; v .. WINbaly Cllll. 1'9111 0-, M , 1·S, W Crouw Ndon., ftro-Am 1a ........... , l'·trr.U ,..,,,., JWit-46 lno<•l.lttlt.e JI.._.. 0Mt9e..,,. ~ Mef'll l.l"f ........, ktettl,....n .......... JtcttNkll... ~ ..,.c,....,_ ~ Olltt-.C. ......... Temw.-.i ......., J ... ,..._ ,...__,. ,,..0. .. 1 ~ _,,,, Hellll*y IS4$--11 0-1.lttlw ·~ Jtfl Mttcllell ~ Ona •l<Mllltl'lllf JWIS-10 "" CWI U-»-10 H el "'"°" IS.as-JO Timmy VltllMIN M-M-111 .... , ~0-.. U.»-11 -..., W ... IM 11·M-11 ttvu O.Yllft Jt.J2-11 ~--....,_,t Dell ....... »-•-11 Jim Sl-• 11·_,I '-tM JK-11·M-11 HW.rtO-U-»-11 o. .. lliodl10n »»-JI ,,_, Mitter IS-»-11 ,,..,.. O'MNtt Uo»-11 Jim...... •»-JI Biii CMfee U4-11 ... 01141f ... Jf-11 Sc.ell Hecfl ·~· C,.lt S~ ~-11 Cllrtl• sw-. •»-n Gllilty 01199rt ~ LAIMY W ... IM ~n TomWaltMl!f l1·JS-72 Oellfty 1!-a »-»-n Mika---, ..,_,._,, O.A. Waleriflt JH7-n _..,,. v .. ,,_ »-11-n c;,...._.. •»-n ...... c...... )J.JS-72 Jim Deni ,..,.,_,, Lindy Miiiar Jt.»-n Jeff Kern »-»-n JeyClldcl Js.-n Lannla C""'-t• •»-n 11•61re0 »-11-73 larMyT--,, • .._,, Joe Inman >4~11 Deft PON i...v-n J ao11..,,., •as-n Ooll9 rawa11 i...n-n Larry lltQlar •11-n llod ........... ,..,,_,, Ru ca1-. >t->7-n eOll LUM •JJ-n Tim Sim-~n Robert W.....,. Jt-JS-n L-re1~ i...u-n Tom Kiie ,,_,.._,, Merk PM11 »-»-n Vane• HW,,., J~ JoM c-,,.,._,, H1n1le Ward J1.,..._n JoeReuatt ~ Ml .. Pack a...v-n Fuuy z..1i.. ,,..,._n Jay H ees >s.»-n Gery H•ll-o Jt.S.-n Gay•-....,._,, JoM Llstar l1·l1-14 Mlke•alcl ~74 J°""FOUGl'i' J~U Jerry Pela Jt.lS-14 lllkMas~la ,.._,. Rey l'fo¥d l1·l1-14 lnK• Oouolaa ,.._,. Rey B.,r ·-1• Erk letten ,.__,. lr\ICe l'lol.,,., 11·31-1• Jim Neiford ,.__,. JoM AO.... JS-41>-J i o--.. c-. lt-37-75 leuy Jee<MI 3S-41>-7i Miiiar BMbtr »-J7-1S LMlll .. T-Sc.aon 1 .Ll.,n•O.U-ka II Slrec:k·ll ~ G.Hell~PPele B.0.Yll,,.8.llCIOS It ........ 11 . .., ... , K.,-arQ<.11-J lM ll.C11rl·J .llredla I C•ll-T l(tlit,S.- S.Slm-1'.-• M.H•tllU.'J'"W.~ 0 LllU..·8.0oldwoCM J .11-.J.Mehwwy o .111rM.J.OIMel "·"··~· "-!Cnl O.Ek~·l'.E.- M.V•~*""" M.l. ....... HIMI •.IM'r<."*-... c ....... •v.w.t• G.OM_, .•• o.. ,..»42 ll·D--41 )O.l)..--4J )$.,._.. ~ ~II_., 12.n ...... ..,....... )4..11-46 ~ swt-..s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JI~ awl-tiS ~ UIQA eownemeftt ........................ ..... ,.Ille ........ .. .,..,....... ......... OMllM.... ......... ........... ., ~ J-•i..11 ~ a.ck,,_,_ ......... ~c.-IW1• .... ,L.ltlle .......... c ..... "'" ... ,._,. ~c-awS--10 l'em Oi.t.t IW>-1' Deltl........ ~ .... 11Uo..mi111 ~ ,.,.,....., ·~ ....... ,,lit.... ~ OMMH.-,._,,_,, J•orc• ICtlrOlienlll ..,._,, """"'"-~1 IMry DW¥tf' ., • .._,, le¥•1Y I) .C-• JS-»-11 )_,,....,. ,, . ....,, "'*·~ •»-11 9eftnlt l'VMI U.»-71 Atwll• H....,_ ,._.,_,. Vklll 11~ ,._,,_,I Kelly l'lllb M-»-1"1 Jlld\I Clertt IMllS-1> Kettly YOlllll JJ.J1-1t A. ltalftherlll l'·l>-1> sand•• ... .,.... 11·»-n ...... ~ . ....,, Jlft ,..,,.,,. .. ...... ,, l(yle0'8'1tn .,.~ ICallll •lnMr a..»-n s, 8er10lac<lftl IS-J7-12 Seftdr•Poll ,._,._,, Allee lln->~J7-12 .Ayako oi.--,..,._,, Kelfty "'°"'"'ell a...JJ-1> ~,.,_ .. u-,, Mufflft S.-Orlllft 11·»---n o.1191a Au1Cl11 ..,,,_n .__. ,,,.,,-.. J7·»--1> c. ( ... ,.,.,....., »H-1> S.nd•• $tlllt.k h ,, • ._.,, c~.~ ,...,,_,, Amy AkoCt ,, • .._,, ("'l•J-u..-11 Lori Hu-.. U-1> Sydney C"""lnONm »·11--.1• Linde H...i .. »-74 Jo Ann wwwn .. .._,, O.llOla Sii...... 11·11-14 Kellly MCMullall .. .._,, ThffeM HaMiofl a.»-U AllGa Miiier i...»-U Nan< y Rubefl ,._,,._,. M.J. Smlllo J7·J1-14 N. L-1-llon >1.J7-U R-rla Scleer .. .._,. Laure Hurlbut tf.U-14 Btth So-Jt-lt-1• Ykltl Tabor ... U-14 Pet Marar• JJ·»-n Myre Ven -»-3' /j Kelhy Whltwortll 3' 'II> n Jull• s. Pyne 36 >Y n 11••1141•• Moll1'0» ... ,._15 Heft< v Wfll'9 ,._,._Ii NHl ~'f•ker-ft Bostons. lklllalo 2 NY It~ i, Wesltl"OIOft 2 Ml-), Pl>l~l>Ne > Oatrol••.~· NY 11-rt•.CMoerY• , ........ 0- c .1 .. ,., .. """'"""9 Hartl-el Colw- .._,..,~r NIGft KHOO\. ll ... 1. Ge.-\llew J Edi-. KOf'lno: Gr-m I, O'C.Cl""en I 0<••" View ·~orlftO ' ,.,Oll•l•kh I, -ll•tlyl MettM J, ..-.... v-. J H-.....e.0!1, .......... rl Women'• eoccer H!Ott SCHOOL. 1( ...... 11 ........ Edi-.....,. .... , WIMlat 1, WelllNk 1 a... ....... ~ ... 111 0.... Hlllt _. ..... Hal-2, H-I r-. .. I, o-.tt 1 L.l9Uft9 llMdl KOf'l"O --I Barons stay atop Sunset FromPage85 ucmVINE. "Jluntirigton Beach, Edison also record wins Fountain Valley maintained sole possession of the lead in the wild Sunset League women 's basketball race Thursday night with a surprisingly easy win over Ocean View in the Barons' gym. The win in itself was not all that surprising. The 52·36 final margain was. • Tuesday night, Ocean View bad upset Edison to drop the Chargers out of first .place and it looked as if Fountain I Valley would be in for a tough game again!t the upstart Seabawks. Such was not the case. Huntington Beach beat Marina while Edison routed Westminster in other Sunset action Here's how it went. Fount•ln Valley 52, Oce•n View 36 The Barons outrebounded Ocean View by an overwhelming 57·22 margaln to help push their Sunset mark to 7·1. "We've been working on screening out and getting position," Fountain 1 Valley coach Carol Strausbura said. j Obviously, that work paid off. Senior forward Lisa Ginsburg led the , Barons with 17 boards and 16 polnb while also holding Ocean View's ' From Page BS WOMEN Tammy Webb to just six points. Webb had 30 points Tuesday night in the Seabawks' upset of Edison. "We played man-to-man defense and Ginsberg was on her (Webb)." Strausburg said. "Lisa just did a real good job holding her down.'' Deanne Davis had 12 points and 12 rebounds in support of Ginsburg. Pam While paced Ocean View with 15 points. Huntington B••ch 47, Mann• 39 Marina (2·6) nearly pulled off a major upset, pulling to within three late in the fourth quarter before the Oilers scored the last five points to pull away Marina's box-and-one defense was effective in holding Tam my Buckels - usually one or the Oilers biegest offensive threats -scoreless, but Kerri Carr ( 13 >. Cathy Townsend (11). and Betty Mendoza (12) combined to pick up the scoring slack. Betty Mendoza (12) and Tracey Clinkenbeard (11) were the major contributors. Marina's Sandy Corbell led all scorers with 17 polnu. • • 18-footer from the left wing with six seconds Jett. The ball caromed off tbe back iron, though, and was rebounded by San Jose. One would figure the opportunities end there -but they don't. · Jonathan Brown pulled down the rebound and was immediately fouled by the Anteaters with four seeonds left. Again, San Jose called timeout and tried to set up an inbounds play from the side. but Michael Dixon's pass to a streaking Greg Vin.son hit his teammate in the leg and went out of play underneath the Spartan basket with two ticks remaining. UCl 's last hope came o n a length-Of-the-court pass from Wulf to Magee at the free throw line. Amazingly, Magee got it with hardly any interference, whirled and shot a 12-foot jumper as the buzzer SOl,Dlded. Unfortunately for UCI, the ball hit the left side of the basket and fell harmlessly to the side. ''l guess three strikes and you're out.'' said Fuller, trying lo be phHosopbical. "We just had so many chances. I thought my shot was ln . . . I thouJi(ht Kev's was going in . . . I guess that's what happens sometimes." For the Anteaters. it ·s been happening a lot lately, it's just up until Thursday they've been able to bit the final shots at the end. lefttaAnb TftUltlOAY't ltatvL.Tt I_.,.....,_, ............. l'ClttlllACm.tlW ...... Chell! .. Clllllllel ~ • alt Ja I Wtftfll DIC* (Mt ....... I S • 4 40 0 C I• ... (Uflleml IJ JO Altt reca411 Palll• Pawer, J I '• O.utMer, 11Aitl"9 OatltM, Cll• s.m .. 111. Cturt D-. ltL.e Hate, Aa l""'nflw Tlma I IU/J l•COMO lt.Aea '" IUl'IOftO\ (#IUU Ti. ~rlAI 10.le!IWMeY'tl 7.00 UO tM Dalawere I-• CH-leyl I 00 IAO Mr Eftl._.,,,. IMcHe._I 4 to AllO rec•CI· A Royel W•ICOm•, Hot Treckt. Maltttl< Fell, 51<1<'1' Jo. MOod't C•tel11. Tlma. t.l••ts Q DAILY DOUILI 1 .. 21 pekl ttl .0 TMl•D •ACI. t IU1''°"9fo Mooatty ltalM I 0.laflollMeye I I 120 1 IO 4 IO hk• Ahoy CMcH•-1 10 40 ua Whltll"O LOW «> ... rr•I 2 IO Also rec:ao· Vel••I 11r1u . Miiiy'' J•t, SC111Ce, Gale's C<111. Gold Of Courte, WI- Gell, Ame.er Jet1. All -lo. Jem Crtsl Tlma I 112/S l'OU •TM •ACI. t lurl0ft9l. Comm•ft'OMt 10.tahou.wyet •IO l eo 2 IO Bllutul _,_, CMCHer-1 4 10 4 GO Jelll119 Angel CC.~I • • Alto rec.eo: --Arla«•. 0... l'w Morftl119, Jovlt l Holly Lord't Leule. IC-•. Easy Pl•'· N••<Olit Tlma I IO 115. l'll'TN •AC•.11.c. m11ator11ur1 Sir K G-IS...,,...I ts.1.:IO 43 10 M 00 Prtnc .. ln COllvarftl 30 Ml 21 .0 Ve<ell-r CC•l-1 t> JO Alto raced Amr-. Person's L-r. Mufti Blue O•nc•r, P e yun. G•rlbl, lal\drH•. llfSOhlwall, RHlfy N- Tlm• 2 001/5. U I XACTA (I.ft pal<! $4~ 00 SIXTH •ACI. • turk>nq' Se• RutlMI Run (Pln<HI 21 Ml I 00 • 40 ToNO C0.C•1-S .. 1"tl S IO J 10 Wicked Hiner (Hensen t • IO Also recad· VM<hacno. Flnll-. H•-. Sem.Jlwenl. T lme. 1'ot2/i. SEVENTH •ACE. Orw mile. Tour.,e........i Sier (CHl•-1 14 IO 9 00 tAO Bronre Lii' IA-.. nl 7.00 t.CIO Counly Canon IHewleyl U.O Alto raced· AslC Me "'°"'· Oo•n Sun .. 1, Si.Ir Mlrw, Wl"OlllO II, G••I• o_.. Time I 3' "I XACTA (4-21 paid sm !O n l'ICK SIX IJ.1·10-7-µI paid , ... eo with sl• ......,1119 tl<kets Cit•• nor .. 11 12 P IO Sia <.Oftso!•llon pato "°' 20 wllll 115 w1Mlft9 Ckk_,s (four horvtl 12 PIO Sia H •etch COlllOlellon P•IO ,, t1 eo '""" 11 Wl.,nln9 ll<Utl Clll,.. llo<SM OM \cr•l<h) lllGHTit •ACE t 'h furlon9\ Rosy Cloud CC..:1.-1 I 40 l 20 J toll lmpertel L.Ms CPtncey) J 10 2 40 llllle Mo c0et1-..wyel l 00 Alto reucl Kippy P..-1 BM ArlMft L.,11 Tlma I U l/S IONTH •ACE 111 .. mlle• Chll\• Btall CH-leyl 9 40 5 00 4 20 The 819 T (Ble<kl • 40 • 00 Beck Beile, !(Nil 12.40 Alto re<ed On The Pr-I, Apache Sc°"' S.mlnola Kid, J ...... ICY Bini, Bleck Ball Sir Spruce Drip Ces11e Tur1 "lull>OfllY H...,.,.., Tlma 1 423/S. ts IXACTA 11 .. 1pa1011'7 !O Att•-·· 19.019 Hollywood Perk TNU•SDAV'S RESULTS 1111119' 17 ...... lie~• .......... 1 l'l•ST •ACE. Cl!l9 mile trot ko«>le Victory IPerkarl 10.IO t .IO S . .O Slorm Mff»n9tr IGrundyl 9 IO •IO U-r Crust N (,.,_..,.., •.00 AllO raced: Holy Cwd, Prlof'lty N, eor-- WlllUley, ~" Star, J"'I A Hulllu N, No Bel.GUI•• Time 2 CQ 315 SI COMO •ACE. 0... mile pace $11,,ars 54-(Per11.,I • 40 l 40 J .0 Ll9'1t"I" Sllm ccnin0,1 1 oo •IO PrlftCm-COOllOr'e4111) 2 .0 Alto ,.,.. Pele's Pet, L•OY SIU ... •·Pepe Joye, L.arNu, e Hunte" ~ Fer-eyllltl. •-couplad Tlma 2-03115. U DAii. Y DOUILE (1.)) IMl•d t.3710 ----- TNl•D uetl. Oilt Mita-. C-Cr.-I..,_ IT..itrl 11• tM 4At AMyt Aiit IOtMtl • • ... AlfNMl .... (~11 •• Al•• .... ~·.~.-.., Del• ....... J ....... ~ .--. ,..... •14tt , ..... J .. I/, U lllAC'TA <~JI pel4ll t t• ,. l'OUrnt •AC• ON Miia 1..c • ...,,,_.. CW)Nl..,tl 17.. t • 1M ...,_J.,-•y CCttttl t2 .. IA .......... °"'YI'• .~ • ._.,I ... AIM re<M T•fttl"9, A114Y'I M•I-, "-Y •Ollney Marrs Win Sane. 1"-Wyfl DMf'lley, $molly lt .. I n,,.. J OIU1t l'I PTH •ACI ON mlla INIC• C.,,.,._ C...-IMedlenellt • •·• JM H H Cll-r (Ttd4111 J to IA Mattar Vtllle (l'llrfl , ... Al .. •e<ff .._ 'or OIOry A. l'ta Hound, Klnot Double. lleuti.11 '°'•t. WI...., l'rlno A, Na••r a..1 .. N, Oren Attro. Time· i ·o2211 U eXACTA C•>I pelcl ,,,, 00 llXTH •AC•. ON mlla P«• E'-IAoYSIO-..eul tt• ltO 4AO S....ky "'9te C8ekarl 4 00 J 10 ~ GUii R-I°"""* I S JO Also rec•d Wiid Card, SapllhlluCed Led,, Sl••OftlC Duke, 0 .. ker, AftdY• Charoer. Rare l'onn, Neno a,..,..., Tim• 1 012/S U IXACTA CM I petdU4J 00 SIYINTM •Ac•. Cl!l9 mll• ~. CepOuNIMCT....,I .o• D.O u-. C4iolo• Crearue cT.ularl 11 JO UAO ArmbroJ-(Partlarl s-. Alto rec.. L C's lyrd, Par11,,., J- Hoftdo. O•erClelt L•d. Celll\ul. Ta n Pere..,, .. l'rotty $11.1-r Tim• 1 00)/5 u llUCTA IHI NICI,, m ao I IONTH •AC& ON mllo pace S..mm.,~CTeuler) 100 SOO 44.o Br .. kwlftd (Wllflemll 10 10 •-*> Liiii• Ati.. Anne CA<k.,menl IJ.00 Alto rec:ed Ml•• Gey Glrl, G•ll-Sll9hl Of HenO, l,a 81"1 Traci, 1·8->le L•H, Pun• S4r1ft0i, I Super -N, -.. Hano•••. l.Ollle H...,,v., I moJl.,.I lleld Tim• I ff 71j NINTH •ACI. 0... mll•peo !>outherft Rhythm (l(.,.blarl 12 10 s 10 J.00 Lord LoOM I l.ongol i 00 J 10 Oolible 0.. N IAndarSOftl l .20 Alto rec.H G ..... RoClt>la, Raco-N, Rk llerd Hano .. r. El Me< N, Aftdyt 5111-r. Kllr, MOSI H-y P\:lpl•r Time 2.01 Q IX ACTA CJ.ii paid $4110 U l'ICll SIX 11...._S I >I paid UO.tUM With OfW wlmlnQ ti<lt•I CllW hor-1 12 PIO Sia c..,.totetlOfl paid MJ5 IO wltll 1' wlnftl"9 Ikkela Clour horsesl TIMTN •ACI. Cl!l9 mlle pace Jen l'attlvel CP!tnyt •l 10 14 IO U.00 J•mn Gret1en CAndtrSOlll J 10 ! .0 R-ml 1Gou0raaul >II> At10 r•<•d Cl .. , Nl9ht, Trlllult N, ICnlQlll BrlQedt N Ar-.• Perrv. "-°°'°· llla<k B-H AdaOI Boy Time l 02 111 U E XACTA 1•71 paidtJe0 10 Aner-.ce sm Ttturtdey·a tr•nHctlona IAH•ALL A"-luAL- MILWAUICEE BREWERS -A,,,_ed I llet T heO Bosley outltelOer. Ow toll! 8•rfterd, pltc-. Si. ... Lake, ceCchar, - Boo Sk..0.. out11oldar. 111<1 •9'eed to Cerms NetleAelle ..... CHIC"IG-0 CUBS Slonad Jodv Davi•. cetcner, Mlk• Grllll" end Okkla Noln, Pll<h•rt, S<ol1 Fletcher -P•t T-, lnlletd•" el\d Mel Hell, oulllelOar, to -Y .. r Corllre<I\ PITTSBURGH PIRATES AMOunCA<I Chat Gery Ala•-•. cetcller, l'l""-"" 'o lerm• on•.,._.,.., cor11rec1 l'OOTIALL N.-....il'-llL- DETROIT LIONS Nemed Ted M•'<,,ibfOd• offen11ve toordil••tor •M au•rtt ro.<ll (Ol<h SOCCER ""'°let l,.._I«<"' L ...... NEW Y~K ARROWS Si9M<I Oreoen S•mlc. ,.,...,d, toe,._ .. ., •• , contrec:I. Wm iSEVANO. I • • The win gives Huntington a 6·2 Sunset mark and keeps the Oilers ln a tie for second with Edison. The two teams square off next Tuesday in the Charger gym. "It's been a long time," said Coach Bill Mulligan, referring to the last time UCI lost. "I told my players I was proud of them. We came back and I thought we played well." a sweetheart of a trip from Stuart Andenon. like Jackson, Lynn, Baylor and Carew to produce. Well, to a polnt, that's true. ~However, if you're really looldnC for a 1 key to the '82 campaign, you really need to look no farther than that little I bill in the middle of the diamond. • * •. I Last year the pitching staff was 51·59 with a 3.70 ERA • • • Jn namins, bis startina rotation, Mauch threw out youncster Mike Witt! u Ills No. 2 man. "I doo't t.h.lnk I could be any more nervoue than I wu lut year," sald lbe 21-year-old rilbt-bander ot.tbe obftoul pressure before him. ··1 reel I'm tllat tood, If be (Mauch) (eelt th8t wa7 tdo then ll'a juet an added conlid4'1lce booste:r to me. "I mow peocia. don't know bow aood Mbreno II (a' llt check ba wu is.a In \be Mule.an Leal\MI), ... I'm tve tbey ••t ltDow how aood I am. •11 bJoW t can win 12 1amc11 at leut d I'm pretty 1ure I can wtia 1$. Pw ua • to wtn a World Serles or &QJWna elM • 're aoinl to have to bave ta..... suye ~D415Wtu.'' Edlaon 87, We•tmln•t•r 22 Three Chargers finished in double figures as Edison rebounded from Tuesday's upset loss to Ocean View with a rout oC the wlnles1 Lions. Kim Tanabe paced Edl.aon with a game-high 15 points while Tina Denffeyer pulled down 21 rebounds. Gall G.-tbrle WH hl1h·•corer ror Westminster wilb nine pointa. Mlalon VleJo a1 . Lag. Hiii• 37 Mary Madi1an had • 1arM·hieb ~ polota and Cindy Robrt1 added %1 to lead the DtablOI to U.. easy South Cout Lua~ win, their eJcblh aclinlt no ctefilat.e. Mi11ion Viejo le now 20.-f o•erall. It JoMph 53, Mater Del M Anplus Leacue·leader St. JOMpb Cot out to a 31H2 balftlm• lead ud lrept tbt ·prt1aure on in tbe eeeoad baU to drop the Man.archa to 5-S in lt'ape play. I.at.by Gorman played well for Mater Del, eollecttn• 10 point• and n rebounds, whlle En Sanurlo added H'feD pomtl and Alooda Varllco had slx. St. Josepb ii now 7-1 ltl ~tlUI pillJ. Scott among milers to run Former UCI miler Steve Scott heads a world-class mile field ln what could be tbe top event of tonight's Times Indoor Games at the Forum, bePnnlnt at 7:80. Amona the big names Scott will be up acainst are Ireland'• Ray Flynn, 'already a four-time winner on the indoor circuit this aeaaon, Sydney Maree, tbiJ'd·Castest outdoor mller in history. and New Zealand'• John Walur. Renaldo Nebemiab, world record holder in both the 50 and 60·yard hurdles. tops the Uet of the four futeat hurdlen ln 11111. Other worJct record holden entered include: Btlly· Olaon (pole vault>: Mary Deckec (800 met.en and mile) and O.bble Brtll <hl1h jump>. UC lrvtne'1 ToQJ Well• It ent.er.d Ill the men's S00-1ard run. Well• was ln.vlted to the mfft after ft.nilbhll thl.rd lo tbe 500-llMW' ru.D \D Ian monlb'I Sunkllt tnYltatiOllal. Come to Stuart Anderson's now through Valentine's Day and you may win a storybook adventure for two . Win a romantic weekend. Travel to San Francisco and be tak~n • to Napa Valley's fabulous Silverado Country Club. Experience a breathtaking flight over the Napa Valley in Stuart Anderson 's championship class ~ot air balloon. Or win one of 71 second prires: An intimate dinner for two at Stuart Anderson's. Bring your sweetheart to Stuart Anderson's Restaurants through February 14. Enjoy a great lunch or dinner and enter the once· in-a-lifetime Valentine contest. NolQlfllla 1\RfQllY.1>lre ofrrtpl~Jnecl wllh wTnnel'I tntrama mutt be iro~r FOUNTAIN VALLEY• SANTA ANA• OAAD!N GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM "'' MANN R08£RT THOMAS MANN.:. reelcknt of Irvin•. Ca. ya11acl away on J•br11•1')' l , 1982. Ht waa • mam btr of the M .. onlc Lodi• ol CUiver Clty.re11hay Lodtt t4l1 FUM Ht waa a retired M"°r wU.h lbt Rine Brlaadt, hla MaJeaty't Army of Crtat Brltafn H1 la 1urvlved by h it wire I mo1ene of lrvloa. Ca .. dauabter Barbar• Stoemer ol La11.1na Beach. Ca., brother Charita Mann of London, £.njland. Graveside aervlcn Friday, February s. 1982 at 2:00PM at Herbor Lawn Memorial Park with Or John Huffman Sr.. St Andrew's Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach, ofllciaUna. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary ol Costa Mesa. S40·5554. BIACKSTOCK VERA BLACKSTOCK. resident or Newport Beach, .._,..-~---------------- Otange COU1 DAILY PtLOT/Frldey. February 5. 1812 .. , PlCTlneut •uttw•ta ..._tTATl .. JeT C"'--C a . , pa a a• d aw a y on Tiie ... tewlltt •-• .,.. OOI"• •ottcm Ott T•vn••'• tALa Jani.Ill')' ao. ltrl Survlved -t-~; MlllllOIOH. ..,, Clf<le Oft ,~ .. ~~ t ; IS .. , ... by l bt'Other O.Or1• Capps Orin,~ ... ,,., ce11fe•11•• '"".,.· •_!~,!:.!'~~~. and 1avaral nlacea and ~ • .... -------ncphowt. S.rvlc" Frida~ wtH._ e>1r11 ....,,ca-. ..a1 ....... ...,. AM ....... .,.._ February ~l llU at 2:00P ~:.:~~· N••P••I Inell, ~=··•...._.y,IMteMe, 'l Paclllc view Chapel wll .., ,.,,.,.,., ~11-. ..,, w • 1 T a " N • u T v A L Rav J m O I 11 more ctrct• ortn. N••,.•I 1nc11. co• ll'OaAttON , • cettt.,111• un I t l'' be '41".,........ (.,... ..... ,,,..... w .._.,"'" offlch1 1. ntermen w c11,., ~·•caM", ..a1 ctrcte Tr11t1H, llMtr UM "" et '""' at Paclflc Vlew Memorial ortn, ....,,.,. ... ,11, <•'"''"'• HHvtH w MA•tNA ,.,,,N, "' p a r k . P a c I t l r v I e w '*' ""_,,.., --tll4I HIN•v N. Mort1.11ry dlrcctora "''' ....._ 1• ~~ •• • ~::';, ',.":':-T.,_,~ .. ':'.~ COLBY teMf•• ~e1111,10-'""""'*" .... 1tn. '" ..,... ,_., DOROTHY CLAYTON '"'' ......,._, •• 11..-*"" .. ,. ... 1u1. et 0t11c1e1 •teerlft of COLBY, a SS.year retldent e-1y c•,. ot o. • .,.. '9unty '" Of•nee c-v. CellftrMe. .t11 M11 al 1'*'-Vl. ,.. j1Ue41c Hd14'1 .. h ~...., * of Newport Beach. Ca • " .. <••· ...,....,. "'1.wfvl -Y-'"" passed away on February 3, ~'"*' 0r-Coe•• 1>a11y "''°'· un1tM s..... at "" u-....... u• 1982. Born December 17, l'ee.s.11 .... t•.1• 44.a. ''"•""''°" ... ~"..--11e.-.,, 1920 In Los An1etes, Ca. =d~U:.:::'!:~~ Survived by her husband -Mtte.••"'*M: John e ColU· dauabter " Ll!AHHoLo 1n.-T• u rt h C C•EATIO ,llY ; Ctl AN Janel E .. son atop er . UNll£CO•DED L&ASI OATEO Colby. slaters Enid Beechler Pia.I mfll MUCH 11. ms. ex.cuno av and Gloria Georae and an ------------i euuaETH J "'"''-L'""· LOU•H aunt Louisiana Dart. She '"""' "' HUTTON AND oeo•o1 w ll'HILl..lll'S, AS LEHOIU, ... H was a graduate of MOT•c•0ttT•un•e•1tALa more urt1u1terly du"•••• In Occidental College and a .... ''"'"' l!XH1a1T "A" 111tec11t11 lier.to .... k I Oii ~. Mertll 4, 1'12, al I I:• made e 1*11\ereof, well· nown water co or e.m. tMPl!lllAL eANCOllf'. • eXMlllT"A" artist Memorial services C•llfer11I• urperello11, .. c1111y A Ll!ASllllOLO ESTATI AS will be held on Salurday. ~" ... Tl'Vlt99..,... Md --Cltl!ATE'O av: February 6, 1982 at 11 :OOAM to Deed ol T'"11 rKo.-ci J1i11• 1• I 11 Afl ""'e<orded IHH ut..i '"'°jjji;ji;;;;:;;:;;:;;;:;:;;;ii:;;:;:=;:;;;;:;;;;::-1 .. 1 H Inn'. No. 101'0, ...... , .. , March 12, lt1S, OlllKwlacl 1tY £11.netll ·· ot Pacific View Mortuary 11••• 1t10. of Otllcl•• llacorcl•. J . Pllllllp•, Laultt ,. HwttOft encl IAlTl IHGllO" SMITH & TUTHILl W1$TCL.lff CHA'IL Chapel lnlermenl at Pacific ue<11t•C1 1ty Pere•• 1. Gii••• J. a.or .. w ""'"'"· •• ~ -..., View Memorial Park , M111l•t• •llCI N•l•h J. M11•t•I•, St•••·Whl• oeolopart, 111c., • 11119',.nd atld wife H joint ten.,11; C•lltornl• t.otl*'•lloft, H La-. fer Newport Beach. In lieu of P•te•I 1: unt-..i SNrc11 111e. ,_ '"• 11er1oe1 e11e1 1111411 th• term•, 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 nowers contributions may s. ... <11 l~I. lllC.); l'ercet J: conclltlont encl co•e ... nlt 111arel11 be made to the American u111 ... rM1 SNml, tnc., 1e111oe Sa•«" '°""''-.•.......,_of*'"'" f>tUCl .. OTHU\ SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hun11no1on Bt:ac11 536 6539 rAClffC YllW MlMOllA.l rAa• Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory J.500 Pacific View Drove Newoort Beach 644 2700 McCC>aMIQC MORTUAlllS Laouna Beach 494·9415 Laouna Hulls 768·0933 San Juan Cao1strano •95 1776 HAlllotl L.AWH-MT. OLIYI Morluary • CemetetV Cremarory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa ~5554 Cancer Soclet't Pac1f1c 1un1111.•.,'"..,•11!.~~. ·,~·.',.!~,r~~c411· recorclod J-'· 1"'''"...,.. 11e11. _..,. ·----f'•t• t21 of Olfldel llecorot ; View Mortuary directors. 111"r11e11c1M1, '"'" .. 1nntorhl. 1n rof•,..ne• .. ..,. llef'eltY m.cie to 111e 'DEATHS .ELSEWHERE HOLLYWOOD CAP> - Actress Sue Carol Ladd, 72. wife of the late actor Alan Ladd. died Thursday Since her husband's death. Mrs. Ladd had been running several famaJy enterpnses ' in Palm Springs ALEXANDRIA. Va IAP1 -Strindellow Barr, 85 an educalor and author, died Tuesday. He became president of St. John's College in Annapolis. Md .. in 1937, and held the post until 1946. Ille ottlc• of tN C-IY Raco<-et record tllereot for tvtl pel1k•~•n setcl Of• .... c-t'f. Stet• Of Callf°""9, -"-" effec1. -11on ol Loi'· Tract WILL SEU AT l'UBl.IC AUCTION Ho.ltil TO HIGHEST 8100£11 1'011 CASH 121 An Ullre<oroao ..... O•l•cl lpeyellle al II-of wl• lft lewflll Merell 10, 1'7S, •uc:uteci c,y Hullert H. moMV ol lie United St•lftl al: 1M W•ll•h•m, •• lenor. eno Dy front of IMPIElllAI. TH•IFT ANO $1ale-WIC1e O••elope,., 111< , e LOAN \MlllC11"9 el 102 Wett Finl Ceilto,,>la tan-e11on, es ...._, 1er StrHI, Tomin, Calllornlt 92..o •II Ill• period and UllGll Ille termt, rlQllt, llOe -IMMHI conveyecl to condlllo11t encl cow11anh tllereln encl now llelCI by II -s.tlO ~of cOfltelnecl, • _,,__m of wllkfl Trvtl In IN ,,_ny llllllli.cl 111 HICI re<Of'clled J""" S, lt1S 111 ...... 11421, C:-y-SlellecleKrilteCIH; ,..,. tJI of 0111<1 •1 It•<••••. PA•CIEI. I: U.. •of tract no. UO, In refetell(.t llelnt ........, ,,..... .. Ille , .. City of Cott• Mau, c-ty of record ,,....,, for '"" 11M1lc11ler•. Orenee. ~· of t.allfornle, •• ,., Salcl mattan elfocl • pOrUGn Of Loi I, mae» recotmct In -304 ll09llS 12, » Tract llst -M ol ml-11-s ~. In the IJl An 11nrecorcled lees.t .. l•CI offk• of \lie _., r~r of laid Merell tO, tf1s. •..c-lll'Y Wiiiiam c:-ty. H Wellellam encl Oerrlcll H. PAllCIEl l ; Tiie wulll •.•S -of W•ll.ellam, •• Lauort, encl lty tlM north :Ml jO feet of IM wnt 110.00 Sl•l•·Wlcl• D•nlopert, 111c., • l•t ot ... HSI •111.00 f•I of IOt SJ. Cellfor11I• corpotWlloft, •• Le-. for Felrvlew Fatmt, In II• city of Coste Ill• period e110 upe11 ,,.. term1, Mua, county el Ora"'9. State of condlllont encl <•••n•11I• llMreln Celltornla, et per map recorded 111 COlltel,..,, a .._.,11911"" of whkll boOll t, -11 of mlK•ll-• """'• recorded .Jt1t11 s. 1t1S Ill ...,.. 1 ICl1, In Illa offlCa Of <-•Y re<oroer of takl P•t• uo of Otllclel ••coro1; c-ty ret.teMa llelnt meCle to IN recotcl f'AlllCEL J. TN tOuth • 7J Net of tllereot fer full p9'tlc11lart. S.ld tlle "°"" M.7S -of lfW-' llOOO mallen .ifect • po<tlon of l.01 1, t•t of -.... 4111.00 feel .. IOI SJ, Traci • 951. Felr•lew ,....,,,,, In Ille dty of Colle Tiie lnl_. of 1fW ~ hff tlMe MeH, county Of Ore.,.., State of llHMd by en Instrument rec:ercled Calltornl-. as P9f """ tee..-In April I, l'1t • ,,..,,,..,..,. No. 5'1, In -·.-1lofm1Kella-1m-. book IH1t, P•t• IOI, Offlclel In IM olfk• of -,_,,, !'korde< Of Re<orcl1, ,_Dy otller In~• of ulclc-. record), lo Je~ A. Carllett allCI PAlllC£L 4: LOI 1' of tract no J6lS, Howell -~. --wife In IN city ol Co11a MeW. ~Y et ff IOlnt •-· MM!,. Or.,,.., Alte ol t.allfornla. ••Pet m• TM 1~n1 of .,.. L-hff tin<• NOTICE TOC1te01TO•~ recordecl Ill -1>0 p-1 lo 10 Pt•Mcl DY .., lnslru"""'I recor-01' auL.K TltA.,.1'•111 lnchnl,.. of .._ '" u. Oflk• of the Aprll 1, "" •• instrvmant NO u11. ttea. •"1•"7 u.c.c.1 county recorder of Hid county Canel DY -'"'"""*'° of recor<ll f'tYCI UOTHllS Notice 1$ llereDy glv•n lo th• Tfte 11ree1 edclreu end other 10 Marin• 81111n, en u11marrleCI llU. .. OADWAY creditors of Jofln I' PrHIWl<k & common""'9Ntlon,lfanyoflher•I wornen.•to..,undl-Vlll,.._I, MOITUAIY Rondell 8. Ha11•on, T r•nsferors. ~y cleKri-_,.. 11 """°"'eel -Henry H Gaall, • •lnele ,,_, .. ta 110 Broa<lwav I -.. llUllness-• I• t•UO Cuh•• to tie· ., uncllvldld Yt llltatMI. Or., City of lrvlN, County of Ot...... UIO Mlnnuole, Cotta Men. PARCEL 1: An llftdlvlclod 1/113rd Costa Mesa Ste" 01 Gallfornla that • bulk tre111ta• Cellfoml• 1111.,,..1 111 -10 Let 1, Trecl -. • 642·9150 11 about to lie rnede to Jemll.Olell 2174·217 ... 217•21IO Maple, Cosle ..... Map~ In a-iSJ, ...... .. _________ £,; N••lrl t111C1 Mallheh Nerlrl , -.Gallloml• t•tot61ntiu.lve,mllC»ll-- Tren1fe,...., -~· -au *21t Twtock. C.0.te -· Gal-.W. "'u. office of .. ~••-et •• um Via _._., City ol Wtlloft TIW ...... , u.,... r.-#tcltlmt Yid ,_.., Vhtlo, Coo111tv of 0r0ft99, State of tny 11.-i11ty for MY I~• of £acepllne lflerefrom, """' 1 C•llfornla. tlle ..... ~Md .... ~ "''°"'" 1U, •• tllOWll Oft , ... T"9 ...-f't'f to bt tr~ Is .....-.. H.,.,.,, _..,., c-lllkoM pt., ,_..... Ill aodL ~ICTITIOUS aul!NIE~ CIHCrllMCI Ill _ .. M All •ledl In S.N -wtll .. -· .,.,. ~ 121\S ...... "4. OffklM ll«Mdl of N-IE STATIEMUfT Ir-. It-, -'-' .W toeCI cewe11ent or werrellly, ••ll"·ftl ., aalf ~-"f. The lollowlne perton I• clol111 •Ill of !Ml lco Creem ~ ~ ,..,..,..,,..... .... tltlo;..-IM,at f'AACSLJ: Uftltt7,et-onlle bllSIM» n : 11now11 H CllP\. J_., In Cttem ell<......, ..:ill, It pey .. -"""' cCHWIOmlnulum .,..,_ rot•"" t• In STETSON LANO co I.TO 11 , G•llef-~al 14d>Cut .... o.-.. ,,. ... _ .......... -..., f'attettmow. ,1uoo Main Street, Sult• 110, CityoflrvtM.~OIOr.,...,lUille .... 0... ef Trulll. wllll lnteresl ni. street.,._ ..-1or cemmon Hu..unv-IMactl, Celltor'nlo ~& Of Cel~. .,.._, • _.... Ill MW ..... cllttloMIDI. If .,.,., H _,...neci .. Ila. A~ M. Smith, CEO . ...,,, -The D11lk tra111tar Wiii De ...,-., II.,,.,, -... '-ef UH ll'lne 8roo,, Cotta Mete, GeMrel Partner, 5'.w>MI Shont•. Inc., COllWMrnMICI Oii or ....... -.. CIOy ul4I DoOll fll TNll ...... ,_...... GallfOrftla. • Cetlfor11ia corooratloft, ta.oo Mell\ ol Febr\.lert, tta et tt:• A.•. 9t a.....-fll h TNlllole Mf fll h Selcl ule will N ""-wll....,t Strefl, ~ 1t0 . ._,......,.. 8aacll, Grover Etc,_ Corporali.., .._ tNlb ~"' MN OttO af Trw1. werralltY es to Utle PMMMlen 0t Cellfomla n.& -Hi IS DIOO •oellfleM SI.., *· W -..,.... ,_....Y .. ...,..... etK11m.,•11Cft. fer IM 1111'"90 of Tfllt ~ Is Delftt conctll(lecl try 2N, El T-. Celltor'nlo. THAT THE " .. $10,JW.& HYllll a.~ wcwed by Mid e llmlle(I ~. LAST OATIE FO• FILING CL.AIMS IS TIM ~ -self 09oCI Of Detf 1MNf11ot ti.._-.......... ROOM'IM Srnllll l-14-12 • Tr111t llarotelore •••<11tod eftCI _,rv.--of .. 1..-cr-llY TlllSJl•-tflledwllhtlWCouruly So fer •• 11 kno w11 to 1110 ••....O•hw_.a..,..•wr1ll!tll Mid.....,..,_~. wltll C .. r1l of~ C°"""' an F~ 2, Trantle.-, all ......... _.,. .... OtelM ..... o1 Def-... °""'9l'cl ._-.. 1 M !lf'Oridled _ ..... aftcl .. 1"1 ~ -br IN Tr-.in Nr fH Selo, aftf e Wl'ltttft lt .. ko ol ..... kl prtnclt* -1111..-of -Pta.t lhePt•l...,_Y_..,.,,.,_, Oofautt...., l!lectl., ta Sell. TM Notn wcurecl ltY .. Id dllecl. t-11 Publl...., Or-Coetl Daily Piiot, OoteCI· J-vtt. 1"2. ...... ,. ...... ~utod Nld Nelke .. ..1,A.$1.1 .. Feb. S, 11, It, U . lta H>C. Jemll.()lah Na~rl Ool ... lt Md IEloetlon to Sall 10 Ila OateCI J_., », 1'1:2 Met~ Nazlrl recorclecl lft .. cowuty -tlle r .. 1 w-......,... C.W..W.,._ T........, ,,_,.,IS.__. 1111. ~St. Ck'e.., •tc,_ Oele: J_., U, 1"2 °"""'' eo. -1 -----------DMt II~ ...... Me. JN 1-lel C7141 nt-41• PICTITIOUS IUSO••U N-IE STATEM•NT The foll0w"'9 .,.....,. •• ,.. ootne DUtlnHaM RAPIO MANUFACTUlllNG, 17" North c-. Or•""'· Cellfornla f1'&S, Oen l ene IEnterprltet, a C•lltornla corp0rat1on, 171t Nortll c-. Or-. Cet--..Ce'2MS. Aeplcl Men11fect11rtne, In< .. • Callfornl• corp0ratloft, t71t Nortll Cno, Or-., Galllor'llle '*5. Tiii• tlutlftftS •• cancl11d .. •Y • ....... ~ Don Lant 1!1'11-1-. Oen ........ ~ Tiiis -• w• flied wlttt h Cownty Clerk of Or~ C-'Y -Fet>Nar\' 2, 1'92. l'ICTJTtOUS IVl'MllU "AIMITAT9MelfT The fellowl"9 ,_,_, Ut ...... IMdlMltM: ll'E•SNICICETY, !,It aldeft •I, GMte,......,. CA '2llil7 NeMy A. Karr, ISM I!._,, ee.t.t MoM,C1''*7. •ll••i.tll ..... , • .,.. ... 11. (WU MaM,CA~. Tllla NI-It <~ •Y • .~...,_... .._-,.A.Karr Tiiie .......,_. -ti ... *"" '1M ~YC-.flf0r .... ~eft.I•. 11.1-. IEIT-.~ 8~ n_.T...- ~..JS .....,.c.v-~ v.,.....K..,. Pul>ll.,_, 0r"'9t C-Oally PllDI, A_, .. feet ,,_Sole OM<ar Feo. s. 1"2 ,,. ... _.,Dr. Publl.-Or-Coe•I Dally Piiot, ,_., 9-'Y Mlllt, Co. tatt-1171 Feb. S, 11, It, 1"2 ,.HD -----------CJtf) ..... Sll'SUttt ""4MWIM Or-Coast Oelly Piiot, Fee s. 12, "· ,,., su.a CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION consolidated R eport of Condition of "CommerceBank" of NewPort Beach. Orange County, and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on December 31, 1981. State Bank No. 1216 Dollar Amounts in Thousands ASSETS Cash and due from banks . . . . . . . .. • . • .. • .. S.990 Investment securities (Market value $1 ,57•> ........................ 1,590 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices ... a. Loans. Total (excluding unearned Income> .............. 43,190 b. Less: Reserve for 13,930 possible loan losses . . .....•..... 469 Loans. net .............................. . . 42,721 Bank premises. F .F.&E. etc .................... 1,497 Other assets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 966 TOT AL ASSETS...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...... 66,694 LIABILITIES • TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ............ 58,272 Total demand deposits .......... 25,602 Total time & savings deposits ... 32,670 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC ANO FOREIGN OFFICES.......... • .•.... 58,272 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under •oree~nts to repurchase In domestic offices .......•...•... 597 Other llabllltles ................................ 1,3'9 TOTAL LIABILITIES cexcludlng subordinated notes and debent\,\res) •...••..•......•..••.•. 60.218 SHAAEHOLDERS EQUITY Prtftrr*' stock No. shires outstanding -None Common stock a. No. ™'" au"'°'IHd 1 )#j)#j ---- ......,.,w. Olllrlttl•t.tt ~!~.~~ ..... . .•..•...•..•.••••......•••........•..•..... ._. .......•.•.......... , ......................... . LtifMIMdl 1041 LlfllllNdi 1048 ... ~,...... '°'' ......... ....... .... .................................................................... ,.,,. 1100 ,.. JJH .............................................. FAMOU$ Br Dbl wide 1rros1 rrom 1----ml!11111-• YICTOllA. llACM SIAYllW llilbn on Superior • Moblk Home Space 2. Ouard 1attd comm; Plauntla. S22.950 211t St, Tu.attn Ave .. poo11• tt0nll. view o Terms Ukt rtnl AJl. C.M Adult. oal1 No Cat.auna. Nwpt Bay. elc. M'f.9310or9S2·18G8 pet.I. SJ0,000. Open house m> + aq tl. 2Br + + 12144 Fre;dom . adll lMSaUiSwa Breakfast with the breakers! White water view from taree deck. Bachelor . perfect beach bome with fireplace. Take over exiatinc loan + owner will help finance. Only $179,000. Call Gale Mahon (71•> 831·~ .,,000 In up1ndet, 3 part, walk to aupermkl Yr• n,, w A • k In I m 950 All ~7 .9390 or Mobile Home quiet adult ~.000. Call bkr. Gene ~-· park. Garden Grove Hlll'4U079or6'2·0200. NWPTBcH·2Br. pool. S11,2IOO.-.JU% COLDWti I.AMiii IBlltNTW. S8YICIS •O.C.•°' Fen.• ~rr~~~:,~:J1'0°'000 U=l>ntft· J400 Newport Beach pen· •-. "--•-'-IZOO •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• t.houae studio w /bdrm _........,..""" -atta. m.ooo equity ... ....................... PALM SPl.IM•S sum sa.ooo al 11 \4 '\. DUDI IAMCH 222' laarway lot on beaut 12$K ~due or reflnan 60 Acres for Sale. can be golf coone. Disrounl for I OH tor r.e or? Owner I Agt i.-ect for industrial pro· cash. ~·2188 en. ~~--~~••••tttt•••• 131"111 perty. rarm1ng or PALM SPRINGS IBR """"' _.... •-------mi Harbor Rld1e Lucerne. anJ1,h.ing o1 your cho1re fully fwn. Condo. Pool. lacre +bldg site, genl· r-&tau Model. '62S.OOO. •'1919 Jae. Tennis Wkly, ty 1loptng parcel s.hort W~ lltflKt Hoa is Sl00,000 under C-rcW Mnthly, Yrly. 6U·8111 distance from lennts & Private • bedroom. 2 ai 1° 10~ d ,.__., beacb. ·ownr has 1n bath home that shows appr 11 own. Ps•rty 1600 o.tof-r ~1uded pl•"• for custom Xlnl.lfrms. 7ao.m7 ....................... r..,.rti., 2550 " .... lib a model. Over 1000 villa. Sl75,000. Spec W ... 1 UFf •••••0 •••••••••••••••• square feet of decking •-....---111t'"'CH lacularviews! wilh spa overlooking Upe.nded l:uJk 3bdrm. ,..,.,,..~"' ~ * •&OI TOTAL MISSION REALTY secluded creek and fam rm. den/Uh bdrm. Hl1h visabihly. C 3 t9t--0731 woods formal dtn1n1 pool 'X!Jyr assumable Ocean view 120 ft fron · OOYfM PAYMENT Yow ... EI room . 2 c ustom loan. Open House, Sun· lage.Useexisttngbwld bo 11 SA.LI I " fireplaces, plush carpel-day, 14pm. 906 Aleppo lnl of 4000 sq ft or bwld 1X&rou' U uns, a lmmaculale 3 Br 2ba St. Eileen Artukovick l0,000 sq fl Owner will run as apl complex ocean view home llli. wood plank noori.n1 17"000 6317300 Pol1lJve rash now Call Fealwa: Large deck, in k1lchen and nook Realty: 720-0332 __ ~ ""· · • fordetaJl.s. oak paneled den As are.a. and alrium off the Harbor R1dce. $ partner i]ur.........IL.rf .. _ awmble loan and seller family room make this wan!A!d lo build cuslom ~I nv¥WllJ•_,,.. financing. S3lt.OOO Call home 1 true deli&bl hoc:re 759-0481 C:O.dHIUtl• .. /Tow•· •-·lei $314.<nl with assumable · i.o..t fOf' .-1700 IS4I evesorruda4'7·27&6 first loan of $159.453 al JUSTllDUCED ......... ,............. 551·3MO · 1.IODepeeOCEAN VU l2U,.,%. Submil terms to 1°"1 block.II from beach NORTIILONG BEACH cmlarrHu l'tn•y.lrvlM So. Laguna. Sbr lux O'lliller. andonly2ynold Ocean Virginia home, almo1l new. Pvt 76M519 \'ltw 2 & 3 bdrm units Country Club E.\latH For Sale or Trade By comm. M1lllon dollar Ownertagent Thrtt bdrm umt grul New 3br, 3 ba Condo Owner I Coronado nel&hbortiood. Auume for owner occupancy. Luxury Decorator Cayes >Waterfront 1 Yr 1111/8% lit TD. Reduced Owner financing avo1I Extras Old 38R. 2BA Condo price. s:i115,000. Trade In Mu"POrt ltedi I 069 Onl>· $280,000 Call today From sm.ooo !'~~!~0L~: pm.OwnerW..2013. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9'J9..S370 <714>!'7 7066 San Clemente On or Nr Mani Reaorl Alop MUSTSEE ALL$T"TE S.C.Plua,3BR 2BA.as Waler Days . PortoflDO's Peak Spec· Ocean & bay vu, 4 Bdr 1,. sum 11 l~. S60K Isl. 213 282 0282 Eve . taal1ar view home wilh w/bor11.1.;rm, pool, spa. • _ OWC2nd. Subm1l lerm11 2l3 57" ""32 pool ti property. 2 BR . 2 + oty lites. Prof decor AEALTOAS 101.K 964-1988 ....,, BA. den. library Asslllll!U78<:'r Agreat ~.000. Superb owner value $429,000. Won'l BY OWNER-Exec 3Br. Dleltut/ flnaacin1. Call owner last. Patri ck. agt 2Ba.formaldinrm.fam UiiitsS. OCEANSIDE unfurn studio apt. Roof patio, 1100 2Br. new On ocn. harbor directly, dys, 545-1166. 7»1221 rm. 2 frplcs. oversi dbl evsa.4252 attached gar. covered RFIM~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• H.B. 4·PLEX & river vie ws Northcoast Condo. S600 rro 730·7506. afl &PM ~3363 __ Mo.e•Top u..- patio, bltn.vacuum sys. comer lol $135.000 tn as- sumable loans full pnce Sl98.000 642 8663 Near beach By owner. Principals only Cash lowers pnce Comp sale ms~s~ Greg o.tofStah Ploperty 1600 180 degree view or coutline. 5 br. 4 ba, 4000 sq l\. Presti1lous I ated comm PnY pool and Jae Meny other amenities Owner will Lrade/cooperate w /Bkr Brodture 714-646·3916 tiflTHEIGHTS SECLUDED orlvmsg. L.AfiUHA llA.CH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....-of the Yr! 6%6.-ly o...r. 10 units on 0 lenn~yre Ocean view. 2 blks to ocean Zoned for com m'I 3 comm'I. 7 apts 1850,<nl wf"XJ': dn Xlnl assum financing owe Call Marta. 497 Sl32 ~aullful 100 ft x 200 ft. CHAIM A pnvate contemporary enlt!rtammenl home w /3 Bdrms. renlr ltitch woodsy setting. lots or glass. lowenog lree~. and spe Room lO ex pend on & out + alley atteSS. Best al m Hgts U>vely 3 br N. 8 Golf Coone view home 1 Appraised over 300K STEAL S2@.S00° owe No quahfymg I ~all now 957·07~ ~ OWMr CDM DDla Greal renlals. red'ured to~.000° Call fronla1e on scenic Rogue River ID Southern Oregon Trees. waler· skiing, close to town $40.000 PO Box 469 GranlS Pass. Oregon 975'216. I 503-476-449_1 __ Red&tah b t p llOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woods CoYe, icr0$5 fro; sand, across from f~r Bette Davis re. aidenre. no 2 Br. dtn, 3 Bt. jac., master Ba. spa ocean view deck , 2 h'plc.. extensive views a.It. 1111boe .. ltoa, brass ranures. leaded glass. cell var. full ff<'. sys .. ~ tWtMw-View Hfls Spacious family Home Many extras·Lge fee lot F1exible lerms 5485.000 Bk r 675-4494 / 548..:_1300 Want a tax shelter! ~II ._Property ZOOO my 1 12 fear new lriplex •••••••••••••••••• • ••• • or exchange eqwly for ----'m-'. 9667 -CUstom Baycresl home Sa.le by Owner. 4 Br + I Den 3"1 Ba. pool & spa. all cabinet s sol• d walnut Owner will finance 548-8798 INCOME l"OOdoor~ Owner After 1 PROPERTY ill.. 7rio 07~ --$735 K. 2IO'Jo down. OWC Canal Front. Newporl bfl~a .s~ 494·1235. Shores. • Br Den. ~...... 125.000down. Owner will INVESTOR BARGAIN carry MUJt sell• Make While• a ter v 1 e w . offer! ·Tennis. pool. walk Laguna Beach show lo be1ch. Agent 646-1044 piece. 3.BR 2.,.,BA. spa, 2 or~2.806. decks, skyhgbt. sl• llUffS Ptftilnula Point 2 Br 2L1 ba + den home New carpet. xlnt cond Owner wlllroR&fder loot! escrow Will finance. $41S,000 Own l Agl 67~51!4 mglus. partial solar, I Single. 5100 i Br 2be S.U0.000/S.?S.~O.O dn Unda Plan. spa, $30K Some flextbihty. no dn Long term rinanr yents Jolm 134•1578 -in&, F\Jll pnce $212.SOO L.EASE/Ol'TIOM ~ . ~1006 By owner Oceanfront C·I with 2 homes oow SPACIOUS 4BR, 2BA. home 4 Br + 2 rentals. Oceanside, No end Faauly Room. Pool. Cul Seller will carry TD Neill lo beach. w1lh de-SK.~ Pnce S'77S,000 Call Paul SPECIALIST Select from mulhple un 1ls Terms available to ~lit your needs 714 641 0763 292S Colll.'l(l' A\'l' Costa Me-.:i CA~ whilewaler Sall Sell. --1 Martin. 644 7383 or lease or option z ClffDr. W/YMw J 673-5500 APPUVAUEY REALTOR . 494 6364/ Jbdrm. 2ba. $385,000 or&4 SAT 1·5 Tax Sktter C!rl 531111 ug home wlremodeled Near new 4 plex 2 • lat.ch, fam rm w1bar, gd 1144 Port Cllortn bdrm, 2 bath each unit SIHSATIOMAL fin avail. Call 642-6173, $195,000 IH with fireplace. enclosl'rl Ocee views from lh18 2 646-SCXl6 agt. ASSUM.A.ILi LOAHS patio. garage 9i,r1 l)t, bdrm condo w1lh forlhis4Bd.rm3',bath Pos cash rlow Now .... * ColHll lttbo ~ Phalarope Court Costa Mesa You are lhe winner of t11oo free llckets ISl9 001 valut' lO I.he CIRCUSV.Ala.AS L;iiuna HI tis Ma II Feb 9 II Cit) Shopping Center Orange Feb. 19 22 To C'la1m tickets. call 64 2 5678. exl 272 Tickets must be claimed by Fl'bruary 19, 1982 * * * .......•............... ..........•..•••....... 1106 fireplace " decks ~-CREST beautiful Portofano Sut.SOO. Bill Grundy Elevatorfromgarage& 1"15""~"' model 1n HARBOR Rllr,675-6161;___ •••••••••••0 ••••••tt•• c 0 mm u n It y p 0 0 1 • Ocean view 3 bdrm con V 1 E W Se P 3 r a l e Bayfront 3 Br. avail. lhru $2.45,000. do on privale rourl mother 10 law qrtrs.1•--------11 7101. on wkly or mo LOOIOMc. FOL Owner will fun11sh new alrrosl new ca,.,....ttno, C.M. Ta SMiier basis dble gar, ti brick 000 ·"" " 4-plex. Xlnl finance t ~ 752 St81 .slyle! Tb1s home • · doselopool. $3l9.SOO. m<.. 675-007311.34s-4123 ~ _ _,____:_ makes a statement for So. Coif. IHlty I 2 l 2 bdrm home s. ~·:1~;~r~:: ~5605 6ll41t4 5 unit. C M. Apt 1980 =rr:il~~st,~e.~ besiped for someone S.O.•• 1076 priced.$248,0000WC Ca_nbeunfum 675·1617. wtlo is acC\lll.Omed lo en· •••••••0 •tt••••••..... 116-2075 548·5763 CotoRa .. M• l I lZ t.ertainlng on a lavish Great ... ...._.. --------~ •••••••••••• ••••••••••• sale. Located In one of or starter Beach home. Upgraded 2Br 2ba, yard. Nl1uel 'a most Pre· SSOOOdn. no quaUCying on $100.<m assumable VA. carport. no dogs stlgloUJ coaalal com· 2 BR 6 den, 2i,., ba con· loan. Asking $1 39,500 S73Sfrro. A 67J.l..!!!_ rmmities. Laree low rale do. Approx $270-0 mo Dennis Nespor Agl asaumallle loan. Shown pints. Walk lo beach 49MQ8or498-4950 ColhlMeM l1Z4 by appointmenl only. 631--06.13, 1133-8100 s.tle A.M 1 OIO CB INV<?STmeNT P~OPCRTt<?S sae.ooo. ...... _.__ c-..&. PllYACY -~ ...... ••••••••••••••••• ·--1111-Fr h 2 bdrm plus den rondo. No qua.I. 2 story S bdrm. ... view' charm. enc Stturity guard. pools. loeded. Sl•.soo A.asume CIOUllUy rotta1e + ruest 000 l .... pp 1muae Cll estate size lot. tennb. 13U,OOO. Assume $144, at 1 ... ,.,. Completely remodeled, ~..-.lit. Owner/Agl 0 G33S2Larry Nelson ~lkeJrounds, so 8117-373'1,H.MMlaa M09'JALIFYIMG/ ~gc!u~~b:c't AtlEIOU.SIOYCE ASSUME peilol. deck ovtrlooltang Udo Island By Owner LOW LOW DOWN 3 yr lhe coastline. Oeflnllely Spacious 3BR_. 28 A newdreamhouse. 3 8d 2 Home. On S6 Lol Ba fam rm rul-de·sac F.uropean in character Includes Arrhllect 's 2 car car. lrg lot. beaut'. with American crealurt plana ror addlllonal lrltch.. owe. Lease op- mrafor1. $S2S,OOO. Bedroom • Bonu.a t.lon avail. Hurry. won't Room. Plus Owner s last! Susan Han. act 1981 Rolls Royce Sllv~r 5Si400or77$-41U 1191&0.-...... Clol.d II. Over PiO.~ tn Asaumable Loans at 12~~ ssso .ooo . .._.Tri""" SA.H Q.IMant 1145.000 Cull price. 22~ down and take over ex· isling loens at 10<'{ Owner will carry slraight nole for balance Projecled nerative less lhu $12.S per mo. Unusual starter ~unily. SIA.I.MACH sao.ooo full price. 30'l: down and owe balance at l"' for 7 years. 2i,., blocks to lhe sand i...-a..u~ -·· .:.™=: .. =...::1623=----- '7141494-1177 ~=ULA ~~•••••!!!~ ...;;;===~-......----i Fashionable atta. 1_...__. IOIZ uto5P.MSatlaSun OCIAIROMTUMtT -.--~ NewlllofY beacbhse wltb aup"'r view of ...... •••••• n••• • ••• • • lJU Court Street "' .. oc1AN YI EW • Walk In or call wava, rocu, coaat.. E•· N 11 u 1 I Shores S'75-mlor•·aUl qulallt 2 Bdrm Jba lOWllbOUH ' lar1ut t:m,ooo. model szn.ooo. ownr ... ....... ""1 L.epll v-... u -::..~HOUSE• ... , ..... " .......... n 49 '"17'1 lbr,2bl. StJl,500. Soper ************ *****"******* SA.HQ.EM&m m1.ooo ruu prtee. 20~ down and owe balance lit lB ror s years. 1250 sq.ft. a Bdrm 2 bath aonen Wllt. I years old. a~'° the sand. CAU.JOKN TUCK ER 114-134-tltl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde. 3bdrm. 2ba, lrg ram rm. $850/mo. 1st ti lasl. ref's. S41Gl . 9-Spm 1 $56--0701 aft ~m . ........... lt6t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cannery Village Mobile Home Park Furnished 2 Br. 2ba. pool. adlta. no pets, rl06e to shops & r5l1Uranl.S. 1750 mo yr ly incl uti I 673-3685 or l-~1648, 1.m .1eo1 UDO ISLE ~hrmg 4Br 211t8a. lg sunny patio, '-"graded. $1300/mo. Bill Gnindy 67Wl6l Decorators 2BR. 2BA Bl& Canyon Twnhome. No Children/ Pets. SHOO Af.64&429$ ........ tta: Lovely 2 Br 2ba, VIEW Condominiu m . Buut1ru11y han1l1btd, anmnltlcs Include pool, uuna. eurclat rm. Avail now Sbon or '°"' term. S1D per lnO. Cheshlre Rlty. T!l-ll!I b. No. ahares outstanding 912,781 5,966 • T~TAl..CONTRiBUl'&O CAPL:f.AL.~--~-·~·· .S,96tt.. Rttalrwd •amlngs ••..•.•...•...•................ 510 ~~·~s101. • _.. llEMI YO ; == : ,,...c, ., • TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ........... 6,'76 TOTAL LtABtLITIES.ANO SHAR~OLOERS EQUITY .................... ,694 TM underilgned1 samanthe D. Ketchum, Sr. Vlc• PrtMdtnt, C.sh1.,. and David T. 81entcenh0m, Chief executlv• Officer of the a~med .,.nk, tKh dlca.m, for tllmseH alone and not for the other; I N~ personal knowtedgt of tM matten contained In thl1 report, and I belleve tt\at e.tctl stattmtnt In said ''"" lt·tru.. Each « the undtrt~or hims.If alont and not for the°""'· certifies penalty of l*'Jury tNt ~ fon90fnQ 11 true• corr.ct. Executed on Jenu.ry 2', 1912 1t NtwPOf't leKh, C.llfornla. Ill SementM 0 . ;chUfT\ /s/DMldT.91ef~ ,......ore-.. c... ..... """,. .. 4 8*, p¥t eoftlm •• only • r.11 S,.. •/II .a I .-0/tDO trade. Owt1r • C ht T ... c..t. 1•• 111 : ExecuUve 38r, ram. room. 2~ Ba SELL Wit lteros w t a : ff At '" -.1 of l d • o.tlY Ptlot c1a11Ultd ome. u.1e ~uu cu • e·aac: Nl .•treel wltb Joli or privacy.:· • Profe11lon1ll.Y. laodscaped, low •·~JIN.~ + tea ft deck• ,_.._..z==uaae : 1djo(Jllq pool i openJn1 up to : ,....,...c. ., be1udful paDQramlc: ocean view.• on • OWNER /AGT. '585v000. * a wL 1 : ... _.. .._...,..,,.: . ........................ . ------ I ' I I • lnlerior de•ign cl~• offered An eveninJ class in interior desl10 wlll be offered beginnins Tuesday through the Capistrano Adult School's •Pring semester pro1ram. The class will meet Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Room 4 at the adult school center, 31422 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. Interested students may enroll at the first claaa meeting with the instructor.' For more information call the school office at 493--0658. • Saddleback aeta benefit walk The Saddleback College Learning Assistance Program i.s seeking pledges of financial support for each mile walked by its tutors and staff members during a benefit walk Sunday. Called a Lap-A-Thon, the fundralsing event is a 10-mile trek through Mission Viejo' and El Toro. Each walker is be ing asked to gather pledges of $1 or mort: per mile walked from friends, relntives and others in the community. Budget restrictions have severely curtailed the program's activities, which· could be cut altogether within a month if outside support isn't forthcomin1. officials say . For information , call Mike Merrifield at 831-4519. •Conaumer claaae• offered The Capistran o Adult School is offering free home consumer education classes covering decorative creations and mach ine · quilting. The decorative creations class will be held Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in r oom B-10 at Capistrano Valley High School, 26301 Via Escolar, Mission Viejo. Students may register on the first night of class. A quilling course is scheduled at the same time beginning April 12. For more information call the adult school at 493-0658. • Writing coune 1cheduled The fundamentals of writing for publication will be taught in a beginning writing class sponsored by the Capistrano Adult School. The class, which begins Monday, will meet from 9 a.m . to noon for 17 weeks. Sessions are held in Room 16A at the adult school center , 31422 Ca minq. Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. There is no fee and students may enroll at the f i r s t c I a..s s . For m ore information call 493--0658. . llllJ Plllt FRIDAY, FEB. S, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS -- 82-3 83 BS UCI basketball team loses, but keeps a share of lead. BS. 0 ~ D Lagunans given slide damages Four couples win court case, will share $716,000 in Bluebird Canyon suit An Oran1e County Superior Court Jury haa awarded f7lt,OOO in dama1ea to four La1una Beach couples whose homes in Bluebird Canyon were damaged when they slipped on their foundations followin1 landslldlnl in' early 1978 during heavy winter raln.9. The jury In Judie James F. Judge's courtroom returned with its verdict Thursday after Council candidates list grows The llst of Laguna Beach residents seeking City Council seats in the April 13 election has grown to 11 candidates. City Clerk Verna Rollinger said today that Terry Klein, an urban planner. had taken out candidacy papers Thursday. There are three council terms up for election. The filing deadline for non -incumbents was automatically extended from Thursday to next Tuesday when current councilmen Howard Dawson and Bill Wilcoxen didn't file papers in the race. Wilcoxen had previously announced that he wouldn't seek election to the council. The long -time Laguna Beach attorney was appointed to serve out the unexpired term of former Mayor Wayne Baglln, who moved to Saudi Arabia last s ummer. Dawson, a stock broker, is serving out his fourth year on the City Council. He had earlier indicated he "most like-ly" wouldn't seek election to a second term, but made no formal announcement. nearly week-long deliberations that belan Monday. Held liable for 70 percent of the damages was the Bluebird Glen-Art Jenkins partnership, developers of the homes on Keller Way. Also found liable were soil geologi.sts John Merrill and John Nevin, ordered to pay 4 percent, ci vii engineer Peter Pfedler, ordered to pay 18.5 percent. William Nix, president of Cal-West Engineering, ordered to pay 2.5 percent, and Cal-West itself, ordered to pay 5 percent. Awarded the damages by the jury were four couples who owned homes on Keller Way. They were Phil and Marilyn Johnson, given $145,700 by the jury; Vern and Karen Atwater, awarded $191,000; Jeffrey and Ann Brown , who received $189,600, and Kerri King and Mike Maxsenti. who were awarded $173,700. In addition. each of the couples received $4 ,000 in punitive damages Tustin attorney Marjorie Day, who represented the developers, Bluebird Glen, said an appeal of the de cision 1s under consideration. Ms. Day said her clients could first ask the judge lo ad1ust the award downward or make a motion for a new trial. An appeal would go to the state·s 4th District court of Appeals in San Bernardino. The homes an question buckled on their foundations during heavy rains in February 1978. This was about eight months before about 50 homes fell victim to landsliding in nearby portions of Bluebird Canyon in October 1978. The jury ruled that the developers were negligent for putting in inadequate drainage systems for the hillside homes, which were built in 1973. Ms.• Day said it was the position of the defendants that 0.ly __ ,_ LANDSLID~ AREA Four Laguna couples. whose homes in Bluebird Canyon were among those damaged in 1978 landslides. were awarded $716.000 m damages by an Orange County Superior Court JUr~· c hange s mad e by th e homeowne r s them s elves negated the e ffect s or the drainage systems She had argued before the jury that retaining walls built along the backyards were engineered to also serve as drains. However , she claimed that the homeowners raised the level or their ba c k ya rds, blocking the holes so water could not drain out The j ury. however. found otherwise. holding that the h o me o wner s were not responsible for the landslide damage thfH occurred. Three of th e four homes are unmhabilable. ~ The size of the jury award was s ubs tantially less than that sought by attorneys for the ho meowners . Several of the defendants, in fa ct, complained afterward that much or their awards would be eaten away by lawyers fees · Rites held for Lagunan Frank Patrick Trustees outline pact proposal Conversion ordinance attacked· Funeral services were scheduled to be held today for long-time Laguna Beach resident Frank L. Patrick, who died Tuesday following an illness. He was 93. A 24-year resident of Laguna Beach, Mr. Patrick, formerly of Santa Ana, was a member or the ' First Congregational Church. He was a 32nd Degree Mason, a Shriner and a member of the Elks. Mr. Patrick is survived by his wife, Zola ; two daughters, Eleanor Gilbert of Prescott, Arizona and Elizabeth Dye of Glendale ; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services were scheduled at Ray Family Mortuary in Laguna Beach. A private burial followed at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. Laguna Beach Unified Scbool. District teachers, 1peech therapists and counselors would be affected in vartowa decrees under the initial trustee contract proposal for the 1982-83 school year. The entire package equals a 5 percent increase for the year. However, the increase is broken into two parts, one being a cash settlement and the other applied to the district salary schedule, which varies according to the employee. Certificated employees have not yet responded to the proposal. The proposal, outlined by sc hool board members Thursday, would award all certificated employees a one-time cash settlement of 2 percent. The money would come from private funds donated by the Laguna Beach Education Foundatioo whkh have not been contributed for specific purposes. The second part of the proposal provides a 3 percent increase to the employees' salary schedule, bringing it to the median level of salary schedules for other Orange County unified school districts. Under thi.s formula, employee raises would vary according to how their current salary is matched to the countywide median salary for their wage-earning category, or step in class. Employees whose salaries are far below the median figure would receive the highest increases, while those with salaries nearer the median will not receive u high an increase. Steps in class are calculated according to the number of Delly Pll•• ...,_. .. •Y Petrlcll O'o-11 GROOMING AIDES - Dogs and students alike were pampered late last week in grooming demonstrations at the Coas tline Regional Occupation Program <C ROP I vocational day at Huntington Beach High School. CROP is an occupational training program for high school students in Huntit)gtoo Beach. Newport Beach . Costa Mesa, Irvine, Saddleback Valley and Tustin. At left, Hooper Hooligan. an Irish wolfhounc:\, offers a paw in thanks after being brushed by owner· Ellen Kroll and high' school senior Christine Maize . Joyce Powell, from Richards Beauty College or Costa Mesa, works on a new hair able for 10th (!'ad-er Roma Hall. years of service and also the number of coUeae units earned School Superlntentlent Bob Sanchis said district pre Ii minary figures place Laguna's senior teachers the farthest away from the county median salary figure. sugges ting that they will be receiving the highest raises if the proposal is agreed to. Sanch1s said fringe benefits are the same as In the 1980 contract. with no reductions proposed. The current wage and benefit contract. which provided a 12.S. percent raise over two years, will expire in July. H e said the district has proposed that leaves or absence be granted for one-year periods only, except in cases of a medical e mergency or other emergency situation in the new contract. . He said this would avoid confusion and allow the d1stnct to hire a replacement for the entire year. rather than for a few months. The district is also proposing a new system for layoffs. At present, certificated employees can only be laid off if there are d eclining enrollments or programs are eliminated Trustees have proposed a new layoff c:a tegory which provides that if the district experiences a lack of funding employees may be laid off. Sc hool board members stressed that their proposal 1s contingent on state allotments remaining the s ame. If a curtailment of funding were to occur, they said the district would have to rescind its offer Owners of mobile home parks in Hunt ington Beach have attacked a proposed conversidn ordmance as too costly and an unconstitutional form of rent control The propos al seeks to set guidehnf'S over changing the use of moblle home parks. It's !!Cheduled for public hearings before planning commissioners in two weeks and City Council members next month. Tenants in the city·s 19 mobile home parks strongly support the proposal and have organized mto lobbymg groups, but until the City Council meeting last Monday, park owner s had stayed in the background. ·'The proposal seeks to take over park owners' property and in effect tum mobile home parks into public utilities. by making it too costly to change the use," says attorney Robert Coldren, representau ve of three park owners. However. local tenants say a protective ordinance is needed to protect their investments in mobile homes. The proposal requires that landlords pay all costs to r e locate evicted tenants if there's a space available within 100 miles or . if the tenant agrees. within 500 miles. City officials estimate costs to relocate a single coach at 1 between $2,000 and $3,000. If there are no vacancies within 100 miles or a coach i.s too old lo be moved or accepted al another park. the proposal requires the landlord to bey the coach. Further, the purchase price is to be evaluated as if the mobile 1 home' had a space in a part. City officials say a coach ln a park La worth nearly 10 times a coach by itself. City planners generally estimate the value of used mobile homes ln a park at between $20,000 and $50,000. The proposal also states that a landlord must glve tenants a year's advance notice of eviction and can 'l increase rentl durina that time. A\tomey Coldren H)'S that at an avera1e of 10 mobllfl homes to an acre and wllb each valued at $50,000 it wo\lld coat a part owaet h;I, a million dollafJ to buy the coaches to plan otbet- uaea tor h1.s property. "If a park owner want.a to '° out of bualneM he can•t beca .. It wottld be too t&penalve, 0 Coldren Mk:l. , I 111111 Deity l'tlll -"Gert • ......_ CONTROVERSIAL MURAL This 47 by 7-foot mural 1below1 at lrvme High School remains under lock and key because of panel <above l depicting blacks being consumed b~ flames emanatinj! from the hoods of Ku Klux Klansmen Lagunans awarded landslide damages An Orange County Superior Court jury has awarded $716,000 in damages to four Laguna Beach c()uples whose homes m Bluebird Canyon were damaged when they slipped on their foundat ions following landsliding in early 1978 during heavy winter rains. The jury in Judge James F. Judge's courtroom returned with its verdict Thursday after nearly week-long deli be rations that began Monday. Held liable for 70 percent of the damages was the Bluebird Glen-Art Jenkins partnership, developers of the homes on Keller Way. Also found liable were soil geologists John Merrill and John Nevin, ordered to pay 4 percent, civil engineer Pele!:. Pfedler, ordered to pay 18 5 percent: William Nix, president of Cal-West Engineering. ordered to pay 2.5 percent, and Cal-West itself, ordered to pay 5 percent Awarded the damages by the jury were four couples who owned homes on Keller Way They were Phil and Marilyn Johnson, given $145,700 by the jury: Vern and Karen Atwater, awarded $191 ,000: Jeffrey and Ann Brown , who received $189 ,600, and Kerri King and Mike Maxsenli, who were awarded $173,700. In addition, each of the couples r ecei ~ed $4 ,000 in punitive damages. Tustin attorney Marjorie Day, who represented the developers, Bluebird Glen, said an appeal of the decision is' under consideration. Ms. Day said her clients cou.Jd first ask the judge to adjust the award downward or make a motion for a new trial. An appeal would go to the state's 4th District court of Appeals in San Bernardino. The homes in question buckled on their foundations during heavy rams in February 1978. This was about eight months before ab<S'Ut 50 homes fell victim to landsliding in nearby portions of Bluebird Canyon in October 1978 The Jury ruled that the developers were negligent for putting in inadequate drainage systems in 1973. Ms Day said it was the position of the defendants that changes made by the homeowners themselves negated the effects or the drainage systems She had argued before the Jury that retaining walls built along the backyards were en J;?meered to also serve u drains. However, she claimed that the homeowners raised the level of their back yards, blocking the holes so water could not drain out. The jury, however, found otherwise. holding that the hom eowners were not responsible for the lands lide damage that occurred. Dally Pilat FR IOAY, FEB. S, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS 82-3 BJ 85 UCI basketball team loses, but keeps a share of lea4. B5. 0 0 ' Mural stirs Irvine High furor Black teachers, -parents declare. artwork def)icting. Ku Klux. Klan offensive ~ A mural lnlended to promote night Irvme Unified School percent minority enrollment, by money from the state School racial unity at Irvine High Distrlct trustees m eeting and said Norton. Improvement Progr~m and that Sc ho o 1 ha s sparked a voiced his objections to the Seventeen students of various professional mur1Jhst Manuel controversy as some parents mural on racial grounds. racial <backgrounds began work Hernandez Trujillo provided: and teachers contend it is The mural, which remains on the mural in the fall or 1980 ass1stan<'e. offensive to blacks. under lock and key in one ol the under the direction of Bruce The mural, originalJy iotendecJ Concerned parents, teachers, offices of the Social Studies Baron, the multi -cultural to hang inside the school's: administrators and a Building al Irvine HiJth , directoroflhescbool,andschool Humamties Building,willnolbe: representative of the Orange ironically started out as a counselor Bill Beecham, said publaely displayed until th~ Cou nty Human Relations proJecl lo promote racial unity Norton. controvers>'. surroundmg it is Commission were meeting today at the school, whtch has a 26 He said the prpject was funded res<Hved, said Norton. to see if the 47-foot by 7-foot "There ts no way we 're going mural can be c hanged or N d al to put something up that's goin~ displayed in such a way as to ewport car e er to affect emotionally a makeit agreeableloitscreators s1gnif1ca nt group of our and critics community," he said ··1 don't At issue is one mural panel hit • have the solution. It's not easy." depicting black people being on smog 188Ue Mural director Baron said that consumed by flames emanating the mural shouldn't be changed from the hoods of Ku Klux "There are a number of black Klansmen. A Newport Beach car Board for months. folks who support the mural " Irvine High School teachers importer who offers hard-to-find The board contends Trend is he said. "A lot of the bla~k Mildred Miller and Grenada Ferraris and Mercedes-Benz has offering expensive foreign cars, students feel like they are being Gaston, both black, said this been ordered to halt selling many priced over $100 ,000, that ramrodded. The students feel panel was offensive after the expensive European imports do not comply with state l ike they haven 't had an mural was privately displayed that do not meet California smog emission standards. opportunity to have it fairly last October, said Gary Norton, laws. , Attorney Leo Aregian , displayed. The students don't Irvine High School principal. The temporary injunction was representing Trend, called the want to c h an g e it and I About eight black parents issued Thursday in Los Angeles decision "just a technicality" represent the student view." were called in to view the mural Superior Court against Trend but said he'll probably appeal The Irvine Unified School andtheybasicallyconrir medlhe Imports , 1200 w Coast thedecisionanvwav. , District Trustees will consider teachers' impression, Norton Highway Aregian has· maintained the the mural issue when they meet said Eugene Cook, a parent of air board 1s picking on his client Wednesday al 7 30 p m . in an Irvine High School student, The car lot has been under fire because of pressure from auto Lakeside Middle School, 3 oppeared at the Wednesday from the state Air Resources manufacturers. • Lemongrass, Irvine Homeowners irked _... at land buy 'offer' ? By STEVE MARBLE gathered to review their 0t11MD""'" ... s-dilemma : A sense of surprise was "Has anyone told Signal that sweepingthetinycommunityof we 're 1n the middle of a o.llyHetStd~ LANDSLIDE AREA -Four Laguna couples, whose homes in Bluebird Canyon were among those damaged in 1978 landslides. were awarded $716.000 in damages by an Orange County Superior Court jury. Newport Shores this week where recession?" one woman asked residents have been given a the crowd of more than 100. one-mont'h opportunity to The ~·month offer, which purchase land they lease from a expires Feb 26 allows residents former oil firm. either to pur~hase the land Many of the ~ewport Beach under their homes or to continue homeowners said they were leasing it stu~ned _when they opened their The catch 1s, residents pointed mail th1~ week and saw how out, that the land leases come up mu~h Signal Landmark was for readjustment m l9S4 when asking for the lots. homeowners will be asked to Several reported that lots they pay 6 percent of the appraised thought were w~rth less than value of their leased land. $100 ,000 were bemg offered for A number of the residents said m?.re th3:n S300,.<><><;>. . .. they are being given a choice They re sticking it to us, between two evils -paying loo ~om~ented one man Thursday much for the land now or evenmg at the Newport .Shores waiting to 1984 and being socked c lubhouse where res idents with huge lease fee hikes. • 23 I rvine 1t ude11U hooored Twenty-three students Jane L Davis, Susannah L from Irvine have been placed Eades Bou try, Craig W. on the Dean's Honor List for Franzen a nd Bruce N . the Fall 1981semester at Cal <tauger. Stale Fullerton. To qualify, Jeffrey T. Hanle, Joanne each student earned at least M. Ling, Joellen Moore. a 3.5 grade-point average on Bonnie J . Nelson, William V a 4-point grade scale at Cal O'Dell , Mary E . Seils, Irvine teen enters ple a in burglary c ase Office term law fought State Fullerton. Sandra G. Shahinian, Karen The students are Roger C. D. Sheppard, Tamara L Beaumont, Steve L. Brown, Sicard, Julie A. Stangl, Lisa Karen L. Bryant, Sharon L. Wojkowski and Ching Y . An 18-year-old Irvine resident, who was arrested in a darkened Carl's lr. restaurant with the' help of a police dog, has pleaded innocent lo a commercial burglary_ ~barge. Darrell Scott Enola, 15051 Vichy Circle, entered the plea t.biJ week in Harbor Municipal Court. A pre-trial hearlna wu set for Tuesday. According lo police, Ennis was found ttldlna ln a trash can inshle Carl'• Jr., •no Irvine Blvd., .tan. 20 by tho police doC from the Tu1Un Police Department. trvlo• police aouabt the help of the canlne and its handler after two Irvine patrolmen aaw someoee movtnc Inside the restaurant •l 2 a .m. Enni.s, wbo suffered bltel oo the ano and noee, wu treated ln Tultln Community ffoepftal and then booted into Oraqe County JaU cm IUlpidon ol cosamerdal buralart, ~ce aaid. Mesa one of 54 cities to change election dates By JODI CADENHEAD Of -o.IJy -M.llft The right of city officials lo extend their own terms of office was challenged this week by an attorney in San Pranclsco who is seeking a hearing before the state Supreme Court. Costa Me5a is one ot M Cities In the stale lo take advantage of Senate Bill 230 that allows city council members lo cbll.{\le their election dates lo coincide with stale primary Ol' 1eneral elections. The Costa Mesa City Council voted Nov. 16 to chan1e city elections from Aprll lo November, thereby extendin1 the terms of all tlve memben, two of whom would have been up for re~leetion ln Aprtl. Altomey Lynda Mertyn of San Franchco aaid lbat th• extenaiooa are uncomtitutional and deny voters tbt rlpl to YOW. ··I think it goes against our whole democratic society lo have elected officials in office vole to extend their own terms of omce," she ~aid. Irvine get s grant funds The Clly of Irvine was awarded $2.1 million in grants slnce last July and applied for an additlonal $28.2 million, city offlclalt have announced. Information contained in tbe quarterly report on aranta lndlcatM! that the blHeJSt arant the clty bas received aince July waa U15 000 In federal community development funds. The blueat iranl the city it applylna for ls a $20 million rrant trom the PubUc UllliUea Commission to p~ ror railroad overcrwe.lnp la trvtne. Ms . Martyn contends it is in conflict with the Political Reform Act of 1974 that forbids elected officials from v0Un1 on financial matters affecting them . Citizens ln Pacifica, Garden Grove, South San Francisco and San Bruno have joined t.be suit. Costa Mesa City Attorney Tom Wood said tbia week it ia unlikely that the stale Supreme Court will decide to hear the. cas• after having denied the pell lion. Assistant city manaaer Allan Roeder· ••Id that the city will save about $19,000 by holdln1 the· election in November instead ol April .because or reduced printing COit& for ballotl. Orange County Re1t1trar Al Olson estimated that voter turnout In the city could increue from an aver•1• "of .... ' than a> percent to an eaUmai.d 70percet. Close, John T. Cooke, Judy Wu , all of Irvine, also A. Covey, Thomas J . Darcy. earned spots on the list. •Ir-Vine l ibrary get.a book. The University Park Branch Library in Irvine has collected more than 3,000 books in Chinese, it has been announced. It also subscribes to magazines and newspapers in Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese. For more information call 552-1602. • UCI director to plan talk Bila Petersen, director of teacher education at UC Irvine, will glve a speech entitled, "Preparln1 Toa ch era for the 2lat Century." at 9:30 a .m . Feb. 22 in Room 220 of the Social Science Tower at UCI. The rree-to-the-public speech is sponsored by the UCI Town and Gown society. For more information call 64•·2941or644·22:i6. • UCI 1late• cancer ,,.,,_po1ium Head and neck cucer Will be dllcuaaed ln a UC Jrvtrie aympoelum Saturday rtom 8 a .m . to S p.m . ln the Hyatt Anaheim HOtel. T.b• free pro1rem 1 1~ by tJCl Collete ar MeclJclne and the UC Cancer l\eaearch Coordinat1n1 Committee, ii dulped ror pbyalclans, medical studentl and othera ln the medical com numlty. • --~ •• '-Jl'lllt ~ FRIDAY, FEB. S, 1982 0 UCI basketball team ~ CAVALCADE 82-3 loses, but keeps 0 .4 IQlll ·ClllT COMICS 83 a share of lead. BS. SPORTS BS ... ., •I Chance to buy land surpris.es Shores residents By STEVE MARBLE or .. Deity,....,..., A aenae of surprise was sweepina the tiny community of Newport Shores this week where residents have been given a one·month opportunity to purchase land they lease from a former oil firm. Many of the Newport Beach homeowners said they were stunned when they opened thetr mail this week and saw bow much Si9nal Landmark was asklnc for lbe lots. Several reported that lots they thought· were worth less than $100 ,000 were being offered for more than $300,000. . "They're slicking it to us," Major cities join Mesa rezone fight nrhe city of San Francisco has joined San Jose in asking the state Supreme Court to consider a lower court ruling affecting the rezoning of 68 acres in north Costa Mesa. Offices set on Mes a 's Ward s ite A company in partnership with C.J . Segerstrom & Sons bas purchased a commercial site south of the family-owned South Coast Plaza shopping center for the construction of an office. The purchase of the property by California Pacific Properties marks a change from the Segerstrom family 's past developments. The 185·store shopping mall and the high rise offices at Town Center are north of the San Diego Freewav. The company hasn't ventured south of the freeway heretofore with major developments. Officials from California Pacific in Irvine told Costa Mesa planning officials they are planning on tearing down the now·closed Montgomery Ward and Co. store at the Bristol Street and San Diego location and constructing office buildings. Montgomery Ward officials blamed stiff competition from the sprawling shopping center for going out of business last December. For the past two years another developer has tried unsuccessfully to win City Council approval for the construction or office buildings ranging in height from 6 to 14 stories. Homeowners have objected to the proposals. Jim Gianulias, part owner of the four·acre s ite located adjacent to the 13.6 acre Ward site, said his company was one of three attempting to purchase the Ward store property. He confirmed that California Pacific Properties was the successful bidder. Currently the city allows only a JO.foot height limitation for any construction south of the San Diego Freeway The Costa Mesa City Council voted Jan. 6 not to appeal the Dec 1 ruling by the 4th District Court of Appeals that had overturned a voter initiative used to block the development of more than 650 homes and apartments near South Coast Plaza. Two days later San Jose city attorney Bob Logan filed an appeal to the high court, saying he was concerned that the lower co urt ruling could set a precedent throughout the state. Buck Delvanthal, a deputy city attorney in San Franisco, said he sent a letter Tuesday to lt\e s tate Supreme Court supporting Logan's request. Jn hi s letter Delvanthal contended that the appellate decis ion would lessen th·e chances of voters to use the initiative process to rezone land. Costa Mesa city attorney Tom Wood said he was disappointed that San Francisco has decided to join in the request for an appeal. .. I · m sorry to see it," said Wood. "The city council voted not to ask the state Supreme Court to hear the case and one additional city asking to hear it 1s going lo increase the chances that 1t might do so.·· The San Jose attorney said be has also requested s upport from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. He pointed out that it is the second time San Jose bas filed an appeal to the state Supreme Court regarding the property owned by th e Arnet Development Company and South Coast Plaza. In 1979 San Jose was also joined by San Francisco 1llld Alameda when the first appellate ruling was challenged in the state Supreme Court. But the Supreme Court overturned the appellate ruling in April,. 1980 The case was then returned lo the 4th District Court of Appeals for further consideration, and· ruled Dec. 1 the initiative ordinance discriminated against the developer. Logan said he expects to hear before March 1 whether or not the state Supreme Court agrees to hear the case. If the Court agrees to hear the case the initiative rezoning the properly to single family development will remain in effect until a final decision is made. said Wood. commented one man Thursday eventn1 at lbe Newport Shores clubhouse where residents gathered to review their dilemma. "Has anyone told.Signal that we're in the middle of a recession?" one woman asked the crowd of more than 100 . The one· month offer, which expires Feb. 26, allows residents either to purchase the land under their homes or to conUnue leasln1 it. The catch is, residents polnted out, that the land leases come up for rea<ljustment in 1984 when homeowners will be aaked to pay 6 percent or the appraised _., ............ ..,a....- FIRE DAMAGE Costa Mesa fire officials todav are blaming a can of gasoline kept near a water heater on· a fire that damaged the storage room at the rear of Ou~emos Restaurant at 547 W 19th St. Thursday at s· 20 p.m Damage is estimated at $800. Dorothy .Colby, 61, noted artist, dies Artist Dorothy Clayton Colby, a JJ.year resident of Newport Beach, has died at the age of 61. Mrs . Colby was active in Newport Beach area civic groups and gained local recognition for her watercolor work. She served as advertising director for Hierwood Shutt~rs. She died Wednesday. She was born in Los Angeles and was graduated from Occidental College. She also attended the Los Angeles Art Da lly Pll•t Pll•tH ., Pat rick O'o-11 GROOMING AIDES - Dogs and students alike were pampered late last week in grooming demonstrations at the Coastline Regiohal Occupation Program <C ROP I vocational day at Huntington Beach High School. CROP is an occupational training program for high school students in Huntington Beach. Newport Beach , Costa Mesa, Irvine, Saddleback Valley and Tµstin. At left, Hooper Hooligan, an Irish wolfhound, offers a paw in t hanks after bejng br ushed by owner·· Ellen Kroll and high s c h.o o I s e n i o r Ch rlsttne Ma lze. Joyce Powell, from R ich ards Beauty Col leg' of Costa Mesa. works on a n ew hair style for 10th 1rader Roma Hall. Center and worked· during World War II as an illustra.J.or. She 1s survived by her husband, John B Colby; daughter Janet E and son Christopher C. Colby; sisters Enid Beechler and Gloria George; and aunt Louisiana Dart. Memorial services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. in Pacific View Mortuary chapel. The family suggests contributions be made to the American Cancer Societv. value of their leased land. A number of the residents said they are being given a choice between two evils -paylng too much ror the land now or waitlng to 1984 and beln1 socked with huge lease fee hikes. Offlciats from Slgna\ Landmark have not been available this week to comment on the matter. Affected residents Thursday night couldn't resist pointin1 out the parallel between their plight and that of Newport Beach and Irvine residents leasing land from the Irvine Company. One of the speakers Thursday was Barbara Young, leader of the Committee of 4,000 -a group claiming to represent up to 4 ,000 homeowners leasing land from the Irvine Company. "Just remember," s he told the crowd, "the laws are for the people and if the laws aren't fair. they should be changed." The one·month offer is only the second time Signal has offered to sell its property in Newport Shores. a 23·year-0ld neighborhood in West Newport tucked between Pacific Coast Highway and the Newport Channel In 1976 , 80 of the 420 homeowners in the community bought their leased land from Si1nal. The offer to buy, tbou1h, ' reportedly wu withdrawn alter six months. Don Borthwick, a fireman, was one of those that bou1ht hls land. He said he bou1ht it even though he felt Signal was ukin1 too much. 1 ... I felt like I had a gun to my head," he said, "but I bought It 1 anyway because I felt It might be my only opportunity to 1et it. .. Borthwick said he paid $40,000 1 for his land. He said he has a 1 neighbor who passed up a chance to get his land in 1976 for $25,000 and now is being asked to . pay $230,000 for the same land. Others al the meeting said their land has been valued as high as $328,000. They said they believe it's worth only a fraction of that. Signal is offering to help residents finance purchases with a seven.year 13 percent loan that is amortized over 30 years. Newport Shores residents now are reportedly payin& flat monthly lease fees of $23. The 1984 readjustment, residents said, could send that figure into the thousands of dollars. MO$t or the residents at the Thukday meeting said they are unsure what to do. Mesa firm may drop judgment pursuit By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of .. Delly l't ... S- A Costa Mesa-based savings and loan company isn't likely to pursue a Sl,600 court judgment against a widowed Laotian mother or six evicted from a Santa Ana condominium during a foreclos ure proceeding she knew nothing about. Roger Saevig, a Newport Beach attorney who represents Orange Coast Savings and Loan, said he has recommended company officials not pursue the judgment against Pia Kue, 35. 0 'And I've been told they'll follow my recommendation." Saevig said today. Mrs. Kue was renting the condominium from Tony Crowe when Orange Coast initiated foreclos ure proceedings after Crowe defaulted on mortgage payments. Mrs. Kue who does not speak English, continued to make $400 monthly rent payments to Crowe because she apparently was unable to understand notices that payments should have gone to Or'l,J\ge Coast. Mrs. Kue was evicted from the unit in January after Orange Coast regained possession or the property for subsequent sale. The woman and her six chjldren have been living with relatives while officials of the Catholic Immigration and Resettlement Center in Santa Ana found them a new home. The Kue family is scheduled to move to a new apartment next week. • Saev1g said Mrs . Kue and Crowe, the former owner, were named in the $1,600 unlawful detainer judgment issued in Central Orange Co unty Municipal Court. The attorney said payment of the judgment by Crowe will be pursued, although Crowe's :-"'hereabouts currently are unknown. Saevig noted that he is giving a personal contribution or $200 lo the resettlement center to assist volunteers there. Dick Read, president of Orange Coast Savings. said Mrs. Kue's plight became lost in the complexities of the foreclosure proceedings. "ll 's not our. business to throw widows with children out," Read said. Irvine g e t s grant funds The City of Irvine was awarded $2.1 million in grants since last July and applied for an additional $28.2 million, city officials have announced. Information contained in the quarterly report on grants indicated that the biggest grant the city has received since July was $515 ,000 in federal community development funds. The. biggest grant the city is applying for is a $20 milli<in grant from the Public Utilities Com mission to pay for railroad overcrossings in Irvine. Se lling limits ordered for car d e ale r A Newport Beach car Importer who offers hard·to-find Ferraris and Mercedes-Benz has been ordered to halt selling expensive European Imports that do not meet California smog laws . The temporary injunction was issued Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court against Trend !imports, 1200 W . Coast Highway. The car lot has been under fire from the state Air Resources Board for months. The board contends Trend is offering expensive foreien can, many priced over $100,000, that do not comply with state emlsalon standards. Attorney Leo Are1ian, \ representinl Trend, called the decision "Ju.st a technicality" but aaid . he'll probably appeal the decl.si~ anyway. _ Areglan bas maintained the air board ls picklna on his client because ot pressure from auto ·manufacturers. :Art Fair correction TIM OouUlne An Fair at tbe _ ..... Vtrc»-LMrnlAI C.t.r WU held Jut weebod. A Dally P llot article p ublh btd WedaMda, lladtcated that tbe , event waa to be laeld t .. 11 weekmd .