HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-08 - Orange Coast Pilot-- * * • • • • Tokyo hotel lilaz·e claims 32 people TOKYO <AP> -A ftre raced lbroqb the two top noon "' the 10-1tory Hotel New Japan ln central Tokyo early t~d•r. killtn1 32 people and HJ'toUll1 iaJu.rilll more than two do.n othen. man boapitallsed with amoke inhalation. Some 50 other Americana from Hawaii escaped unhurt. Hotel manaaer Muao Hatano said 350 suests were booked into the 500·room hotel when the pre-dawn blue broke out. system. There were a limited number of aprtnlden on the ftnt ei1bi noors, but none on the top two floora that were devastated by the names, Hatano said. Entllabman under the name ol Steve Dicker. "We atUl don't know where Dicker t.a, whether be'• alive or not," JOooo said, "Tbat'1 why we cannot say anything about the ca UH of the fire.·· A number of forelanen were amon1 the vtctima, includiDI an American woman who wH badly hurt when she jumped four noon and. San Franclaco He aatd the financially troubled hotel could not acquire enou&h bank loans to cover the coat of a com lete a rlnlller ·After a aix-bour inspection, Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Sunio Kiono said there was a "hilh possibility" the fire began in a ninth Ooor Fire official.I also said the hotel in the busy All:aaall:a ni1htclub district was bullt with hollow spaces to the walls LIQUID ASSET STORED -Diemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda is a key stopover for water imported from Northern California and Colorado River destined for Orange County use. 1be next stop, through pipes of various local water agencies and with s mall additions from groundwater supplies, is the faucet. Water question kft to voters June 8 ballot will decide if massive system is massive enough By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM Dalty ...... , .... To astronauts in orbit around the Earttr just two man-made creations are visible -the Great Wall of China and the California Aqueduct, the pipeline that brings mu c h of Southern California's water to the area. The 444 miles of aqueduct underscores the importance of water to Southern California, and the enormous task of getting enough here lo fill the needs of the Southland's 13 million residents. It's an Importance that just does not register with most area residents, water officials say. "People think water comes from under the house," says Neil Cline, secretary-manager of the Orange County Water District. Though that perception may reflect reality in some other parts of the country, it most definitely is not the case in semi-arid Southern California and along most of the Orange Coast. In fact, most water that comes to the faucets, factories and farms of this area travels one of the longest, most energy-consuming, most man-made paths of any water supply in the world. Not surprisingly, creation and expansion of that system has spawned an intense and complex running political debat~. A major chapter of that debate, and what promises to be the moat bitterly-fought one yet, will unfold over PB.-HERAL CANAL VOTE c • ......-. ....... defined, hge 81 the next five months and climax in a referendum vote June 8. At stake are new additions to the syatem, which is known as the State Water Project. They have been called everything from essential to the future of Southern California to an ~necessary multi·bUllon dollar waste that benefits only big business. The proposed Peripheral Canal la just one of those additions. In order to understand bow we have arrived at th1s crossroads, it ls useful to know the water system as it exists and aa proponents of the expanalon would ltke to see it J?OW. Water that eventually reaches the Oran1e Coast falls from the •kY aa far aw~y u the moubtatns in tbe oortbemmoll partl of the state, nmnlnl into the Pit, Feather. Yuba, Bear and American riven, all of which feed into tbe la...., Sacramento River. Much of that water already baa been touched by human technolo11 even befoN lt reaches the upper Sacramf!DIO Rlver. Shasta Lab a.M Claire EQaJe !AU, two mualn reMrvolra that are tbe main boldlnl unttt of the federal Central Valley Project, upture tb• wat.r behind dam1 for releue into tbt Saera~. u needed to ft1l the oeedl Deity""' """9 .,., .., ..._ LAUNOERING WATER -Bob Ross of Diemer filtration plant in Yorba Linda checks flow into one or laundering devices which route water into filters inside building. Lake Oroville and the Oroville Dam oo the Feather River are the nortbtrn · anchort of the State Water Project whteb aerv• &out.hem Callfomta. Tbe lake hokla, wben run. mo ... thu enoqb water to meet all of Southern Calllorilla'a Deitda for a >'•ar. Wat. frOiD t.M dams of the 1tate and federal ~ II ... tel.Md Into the Sacral'OllllO Rh•r to iOin natural runOtf -·~towarittaie~ Joa=.::::....,.,. tbt SMrallMlltO U4 ii"" meet eutol Saa Prudleio IU~ TM Delta ftrlt emptlel Into the '-;&MD tbe Pactftc Oc:eu. of waterways and heavily-farmed islands about 40 miles wide, is lo much of the state's water s upply what a switchboard is to a telephone system. It is there that the state and federal water projects, with the exception or a shared reservoir 70 miles south, go their separate ways . Many communities around the Della draw their waler directly from it also. Water used by three-fourths of the state's residents nows through it. Like other estuaries, the Delta also is a key spawning area for much marine life and an important link in the life. cycles of many thousands of waterfowl. Additionally. it is a n important part of the recreational and sporting lives of many Californians, and it supports a $300 million -a -year agricultural industry. For all these reasons it also is a central fotus of the debate over expansion of the ~late Water Project.' particularly the Peripheral Canal question. On the south edge of the Delta. near the town of Byron Hot Springs, is a facility known as the CliCton Court Fore bay. The fore bay. a man-made water holding facility, feeds into six pumps which lift the Delta water 244 feet into the start of the California Aqueduct. The aqueduct is not the final piece of human involvement in carrying the water south, however. At several polnts along it huge pumps are needed to lift the water over hills and mountains. It is easily the most energy-consuming activity in the state. The biggest of the pumping plants, the Edmonston plant at the base of the Tehachapi Mountains, can lift up to two billion gallons of water a day 2t000 feet up over the mountains. Its daily energy consumption equals that of the city of San Francisco. Once over the Tehachapla the aqueduct splits into one branch leading into Los Angeles County and the East Branch, bringin1 water to Oran1e. San Bernardino, !Jlverslde and San Dte10 counties. Water beaded for the Orance Cout does not 10 to the end of the aqueduct at Perris Lake in Riverside County, but ta diverted from Lake Silverwood tn San Bernardino County throu1h a p6pellne to the Diemer Fllt.nUon Plant in Yorba Linda. Since water delivered down the aqu.c!uet la not the Oran•e Cout'• only source, the trip will end at the t>Mmer Plant for a moment in order to qulcklY tl'lce the rest of the 1qpply. · Tbe aecond major 1ource la the Colorado River, whlcb la tapped u It wlndl 1lon1 the Caltfornla·Arlaona border at Lake Havasu and delivered acro11 the 242·mlle Colorado River Aqueduct to Lake llatbew1 near Riverside. From there, water delt1oed l now requires fireproof blocb wbtcb milht have impeded the spread of the names, they said. Hotel Employees' Union spokesman Yukinori Anan attributed the disaster to the hotel's backward fire prevention system and understaffing. He said the hotel cut its staff from 300 in 1975 to 140 this year. Only ni ne room service workers, including two telephone operators, were on duty during the overnight shift, heaa1d. Officials aaid at least three people jumped to their deaths. One guest, Donald McGhee of Melbourne, Australia, said he saw a man clinging to a sheet dangling from a 9th rtoor window. .. Finally the flames got lo him <See TOKYO, Page AZ) Tough going predicted for Reagan budget WASHINGTON t AP > Reactions from Democrats and Republicans alike to lhe president's 1983 budget indicate the Reaganomic!> Express that roared through Congress last year will have to build up a lot more steam to make the grade this time Even th e Reagan congressional allies who were instrumental in the succession of budget battle victories last go-round doubt that his new spending plan calling for a $757 ~6 billion budget a nd a projected deficit or $91.5 billion will fare nearly so well m this election-year Congress. Deputy Senate Republican leader Ted Stevens of Alaska . in a reaction typical of several colleagues, commented · "I was Ju st sort of in a state or shock" after being briefed on the Reagan budget proposal Added Kansas Republican Bob D o le . S e nat e Finance Committee chairman: "I don't believe anybody realistically believes that we're going to a ecomplls h e ve r y thin g the president suggests I don't think we can tolerate a $92 billion deficit and that's an optimistic figure," he said ·'The Republicans I talk to . are frightened about the deficits ... said Dole, who also pre dicted Reagan's proposed further slashing of food stamp and other domesti c spending fa ce uphill battles Some Democrats spoke more hars hly of the budget being <See Bl10GET, Pagt' A.?) Services slated for Da¥id Baker Memorial funeral services will be held at 1 p.m . Wednesday at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana, for former Orange County Supervisor David Baker, who died Saturday at bis Southern California mountain cabin. He was 63. Mr. Baker, a native of Salt Lake City, se rved three four-year terms on the board of supervisors between 1962 and 1974. He served a s board chairman in 1967. The Garden Grove resident represented the second supervisorial district that. in addition to Garden Grove, included the cities or Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. A daughter, Laurie Baker, of Garden Grove, said Mr Balter died or a heart attack about 3 p.m. Saturday at bis cabin at Cedar Glen in the Lake Arrowhead area in the San Bernardino Mountains. After losing to Laurence Schmit in the 1974 second district election, Baker became a consultant in the waste disposal industry and spent much of his time at Cedar Glen working on his cabin, Ms. Baker said. Pri or to dereating then.Supervisor Willis Warner in the 1962 elections, Mr. Baker worked as a county employee. Baker flnst challenged Warner in 19S8, but lost. During his terms on the board, Mr. Baker was credited with being instrumental in formation of the Southern CaliJornia Association of Governments, a Ex-envoy Jock Whitney dies at 77 M~ET. N.Y. <AP> John Hay Whitney. the scion of a fabulously wealthy and dlltlnautabed family and ooe·tlme ambuaador to Great Britain, died today at North Sbore Hospital after an extended tllneu. He WU 77. Known as ••Jock," WhJtney waa an intematJonal polo pla)'er in tbe J.ICIOI, • movte producer in tbe '30s and •.oa wltb partner David 0 . SelanlcllL... and • diplomat in the 'SOI u l"reUdeat &lHabower'1 ambauador to the Cowt ol ~ Jamea,'11 ud ln tbe 'D tbe founder ana board cb1lrman of Whitney Communlcatlona Corp., an empire that bad u It n~ tbe New York KeraJd Trlbmae. A -aduate ol Groton, Yalt, CW WIDTN'l:Y, Pa1e A.I) ) • o.it.,~,...,~ SUCCUMBS Former Orange County Supervisor David Baker . 63 . died Saturdav at his mountain cabin · regional planning group made up o f city and county governments. and the Southern Ca lifornia Air Quality Management District. In 1973, then -Gov. Ronald Reagan appointed Mr. Baker to the state Solid Wa s te Management Board. ln addition to Ms. Baker, the former supervisor is s urvived by another daughter, Melissa Sweet , of Costa Mesa; a stepeon, Robert Bard, or West Los Angeles, and six sraodcbildren. Mr. Baker's wife, Jean, diet in 1973. DRllll CDllT lllTllR Variable cloudineu becoming mostly fair Tuesday. Hi&bs S6 to 14. Overntaht lows '5 to s.3. -, llSIDI TODAY "11811 y---~ ==-g ..... m ,.... . ... l' ' ' f -- I C~ol weather, drizzling to stay on coast · l>riia.ly. overcast aklea and brisk temperatures are expected to continue alone the Ora.nae Coast throu&h Tuesday with only an outside chance of any measurable rain. Cout residents awoke today to a brief downpour that soaked streeu, but hiked the seuoa's rainfall total by only a fraction. In Costa Mesa, accordin.a to Orange County Flood Control officials, the rain gauge showed that only .15 of an inch had dropped by 8 a.m. That brouebt the season total up to 8.71 inches, a fltun far ahead of last year'• 2.70 lnchel at the same time. The averaee coun\y rainfall at this time of year la 7 .8 lncbel. In HuoUniton Beach, weather watcher J . Sherman Denny calculated that only .12 ol an inch fell early today. Denny said today's drlule brinp Huntington 'a aeuoo total up to 8.40 inched compared to 4.93 inches laat year. ·'Thia storm even fooled the weather bureau ," Denny su1eested. "The forecast was for a clear afternoon Sunday and lo and behold it started ralnint." DIEi -John Hay Whitney, one-time ambassador to Great Britain, died today at 77. I Al' ......... '. STILL BURNING -Smoke continues to rise seriously injure d when fire s wept the Sen. Sieroty will retire California Hishway Patrol officen said the brief shower today is beine blamed for cauainc a tractor trailer truck to jackknife in the northbound lanes of the San Diego Freeway in Laiuna Hills. From Page Al I from the upper floors. of the New Japan Hotel building. Records s how 350 guests were in Tokyo a t dawn today as firemen direct booked into the 500-room hotel when the streams of water on the gutted building. At pre-dawn blaze broke out. i least 32 persons ~ed and .25 others were ___ _ SACRAMENTO CAP> -State Sen. Alan Sieroty, one of the most liberal members of the Legislature, says he will retire at the end of the year to "pursue some new directions ." WIDTNEY • • and Oxford, Whitney was one of the few men wbo could bout two grandfathers who had been presidential cabinet members. His mother's father, John Hay, was personal secretary and btocrapber of Abraham Llncoln and later secretary of atate under Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. I Stolen LA girl, 3, ; reunited with folks d PHILADELPHIA (AP) -cross-county adventure that 1 1 Little Natalee Cochran, warmly started Jan. 29, when Natalee cap, ran across a Philadelphia disappeared from a Los Angeles Uwrapped in a ski jacket and wool and her 19-year-old baby sitter : nternational Airport waiting s uburb. Mother and dauehter I l-toom and jumped into her flew home to Hawthorne, Cali!., "'"-tnotber's arms . this morning after spending the "Hi," the 3-year-old girl said, night in a local motel. ~}:l!imiling widely. Natalee was rescued Saturday ~ci: "Did you have a good time?" at the Ob Shaw Mot~) in Gap, .,~er mot.her asked, also smiling. P~ .• after the baby sttter, ~~Y .;t'ilf' The happy reunion Sunday F1nk~e .. 19, called sh.eriff s night followed a bizarre deputies an Carson, Calif., the 1;1 FBI said. California authorities ''yfJodi have charged Miss Finkle with ., es kidnappine and child stealing. !1 Doctors said Natalee was in :?pf nrissing ~j~air found ' ",;• The remains of two Orange ~ounty dune buggy enthusiasts : ~iissing since Nov. 4, 1981 were , J, , is covered Saturday aftemooo • y a biker in Brea CuyOft., east -~~ f Carbon Canyon Regional· . ,Park. )I A spokesman (or the Orange "'• ounty Sheriff's Department , eported the decomposed bodies ·" f John Slitterveer, 2S, of Santa ~ Ana, and 24-year-old Clark 1 ~ -Balsh, of Fullerton, were found ! in higt). dense brush not far from where their dune buggy pparemly went over a cliff. Parts of the dune bu11Y were rewn over the area, accordint tbe sheriff's department kesman. Sheriff's department earchers had searched successfully for the two men ce they first were reported issing last year. It appeared the dune buggy ad sailed from a dirt road over cliff and out 150 feet before niasbing into the ground. · 'Tbe road takes a real sharp ft turn and they went stralcbt lead of taking the turn," said eputy Phil Johnson. , . It appeared the two were ~ killed instantly , sheriff's i.;;.,. eputies said. ~t>~' . Two killed, 4 injured in bus crash VJCTORVlLLE (AP) -Two teen-agers died Sunday and at least 24 people were injured when a church-owned bus carrying approximately 27 high school students home from a weeke nd ca mping trip o verturned down an embankment. The bus apparenUy went out or control on a curved, steep grade on state Highway 18 near east of Victorville and hit a parked Ford Pinto. "Eighteen la a north-south, serpentine mountain biahway," said calllorn.la Hilhway Patrol Otricer Bob Nebls. "The particular trade this aceldmt occurred on ls a 16 percent gr~_de." good condition, although her co ngenital Illness. bydroce phaly , requires treatment for a buildup of fluid between the brain and the skull. The doctors said the girl was healthy enotlgb to fly home with her mother Monday to Hawthorne. Calif. Natalee's mother, Cathy, flew fr om Los Angeles to Philadelphia Ialernalioual Airport and was the last person off tbe plane. Natalee instantly recopbed ber and ran to her. Natalee had spent the last day and a half with David Malamey, senior FBI agent in Harrisbure, Pa., and his Wife, Linda. The couple, who have children aged 5 to 20, drove the girl to Philadelphia on Sunday. "S~ is a very cute little girt," Malamey said. ''She was in a very iood mood the whole time." Mrs. Cochran said her house bad "bee n so quiet while Natalee was away. It seemed li.ke an eternity.'' She said she bad known the baby sitter ror more than a year and said it was "quite a.shock that she would do this." Princess 'OK after tumble LONDON (AP> -A month-old account of bow a young woman fe ll down a couple or steps normally wouldn't be any big deal, but when the woman is pregnant with the ruture heir to the British throne, it's news in England. Buckingham Palace, learning that a newspaper planned to print a story on Princess Diana's fall at Sandringbam mansion in Norfolk, issued a statement Sunday night saying neither she nor her unborn child was harmed. The palace had planned no announcement until it was learned the Slln newspaper planned to carry a story today under the headline, "Pregnant -~i Falls Down Stairs." Landslide vote SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP> -Costa Rica's voters decided lt was Um• for a cban1e and elected ~year-old Lula Alber1o· Monce of the National Liberation Party pretldent by a . landslide. I ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Clauffled Mwrttef"9 7141142·1171 All other department. 142-4321 . -. "I ' . , MAIN OFFICE aJO Welt 941¥ It., COltl Mete, CA. Mell...,_.: loa IMO, Cata MeM, CA. ftta. • From Page Al TOKYO. • • and he dropped," said McGhee. "It was extremely bard to breathe and the situation was near panic," said McGbee's son Andrew, 25. "People were falling down the stain or the fire escape." Hundreds or firefighters using 88 pieces of equipment batUed the stubborn blaze for seven hours aft.er it started about 3:30 a.m. It-was declared out shortly before noon. "All that is left in some rooms are the bedsprings," said a fire department s pokesman who tour~the gutted floors. Most of the deaths were from asphyxiation, officials said. Reagan tours nation for budget help WASHINGTON CAP ) President Reagan, after starting bis day by asking congressional leadens to back his proposed new budget, ia flyin1 to the nation's heartland to campaign for bis "new r«;<Jeralis'11." Reaga n ·s schedule today included a morning meeting in the Oval Office with Democratic and Re publican le aders of Congress, followed immediately by a larger gathering or Capitol Hill Republicans in the White House family theater. Later the president was leavinJ on a two -day , three-state trip that kicks off a series of promotional forays to generate grassroots support of his plan for wide-ranging shifts or federal programs to state and local governments. • Thal could clear the way for Gray Davis, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s former chief of staff, to run for the upper house. Sieroty , a Los Anseles Democrat who has spent nearly 16 years in the Legislature, said Thursday he would devote bis time to other professional and personal interests N atlonal Weather Bureau officials said there ls a 30 percent chance of showers throut}i Tuesday, but that the driz1les will continue throuih mid-week. Temperatures, they said, should reach a blch or 80 degrees along the coast, dropping to about 53 degrees al night. J.oland temperatures are expected to be a rew degrees warmer. ff is paternal grandfather. William Courtney Whitney, who died ln 1904 , t h e year of Wh itney's birth in Ellsworth, Maine, was secretary of the Navy under President Grover Cleveland. ' Upon retiring from the London a mbassa do r s hip in 19S7, Whitney became board chairman Q f the communications firm, a wholly owned Whitney company that had earlier purchased Parade Magazine. Whitney also as s umed direction of the Herald Tribune, fulfilling an ambition to be a publisher that be first nurtured as an undergraduate contributor to a Yale literary maga:aine. The newspaper closed Aug. 15, 1966, after it had merged with the World Telegram & Sun and the Journal American, two other ailing newspapers. Surviving was the Paris-based conglomerate which bas grown to include radio and televhion s tation s, maga&ines, newspapers and a cable television franchise in )falne. Whitney's personal wealth was estimated at more than SlOO million and he lived on the grand scale of the very, very rich. · Home was a 500-acre Long I s land estate here c alled Greentree, which be inherited rrom ~ parents. He also owned an apartment ip Gracie Square in Manhattan, I. home at Saratoga, with a mile-long race track and stable a ccommodations for 60 horses; horse farms in Lexington, Ky. and Aiken, S.C.; a summer residence he built in 1949 on Fishers Island; a flat in London, and a 15,000-acre plantation at Thomasville, Ga., which he used for quail and duck shooting. The first event of that trip was a fund-raisin g program in Minneapolis for Sen. David, Durenburger -the Minnesota Republican who c hairs the intergovernmental relations subcommittee that will handle Reagan's "new federalism" Thorpe nwned proposal. ......, ..... .._.,, lttdlmN ...... Tuesday, the president will AUTO VBJSUS POLE -A small compact car driven by LONDON <AP> -Jeremy address state legislatures in Des Cynde Blomquist, 24, of Newport Beach struck an Edison Thorpe, a former leader of Moines, Iowa, and Indianapolis. pole Sunday e~ening and sheared it off' clean, leaving the Britain's Liberal Party who was Similar appearances are top part dangling from the wires. The accident at Bristol acquitted in a homosexual scheduled tentatively for next St~eet,. e~t. of Redhill Avenue, left Ms. Blomquist with murder case, today was named month in w yo m in g . New mmo~ InJunes. She was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial director of the British chapter or Mexico, Alabama, Tennessee Hospital for treatme nt and released. The pole was listed in Amnesty International, the and Oklahoma. c ritical condition. Nobel Peace Prize-winning The White House meetings ,.---------------------------.....;h::..u::...:m..:..;.,:;an;__r.;!ig:..:b:..;,.ts:...o.....;r._!g:...a_n_iz_a...;.ti_o_n_. __ this morning . were Reaean's first with coogressional leaders since the unveiling of his $7ST.6 billion budget, which projects a $91.5 billion deficit in fiscal 1983. * * * From Page Al BUDGET • • • formally submitted to Congress today. ·'There's a little ·Alice in Wonde rla nd' view to this budget," House Budget Committee Chairman James R. Jones of Oklahoma said. ''I think the task for Congress Is to honestly face reality." Although Jones said "the economic r ecovery will be thwarted" unless the deficit is redl.tced and pressure on Interest rates lessenir, he said both parties In Congress are ln a "stale of paralysis" and that no consensus on an alternate plan has materiallied. "There Is a possibility later this spring that leaders or both parties can get together to rewrite this budget In such a way that It meeu the economic problems head-on," said Jones. "That's probably what it's goin1 to take -It's goin1 to take a bipartisan conaensus." . He predicted Con1resa will rise above political bickertq and a how some · 'statesmanahip'' as it wreaUes with tbe economy. JI It doeln't, be aai4. tbere \rill likely bt a l°' or new faces on Capitol Htll after next November's elecUon . . .. { • l"f« $15 For 2 S.aalont Hew: Call For ReterVatlona 831~144 Limit: 20 people ... D1tly ......... '9....,A-.. WATER WORKFORCE -Gordon Elser holds permeable membrane in front of reverse osmosis cylinders used to clean water at Fountain Valley facility. Below, Bill Carter and Bob Ross work in control room at Diemer Plant. ' From Pag! A1 WATER • • • for the Oran1e1coaat also ia piped to the Diemer Plant. I Coastal cities south of Newport Beach, and lnllltld Oran1e County clUea from Irvine south, receive tbelr imported wa~r directly from the Diemer Plant after It ls treated there. Some of these communities, notably Irvine, alao ha\(e groundwater SURJ)llet that supplement! their Imported waCer. For Costa Mefa, Fountaln Valley and Orange Coast cities from Newport Beac;h north, ~er from the Diemer plant constitute just 75 percent of their supply. These ities, members of the Orange County ater District, 1et the remainder from underground aqul!ers fed by the Santa Ana River. The water ls captured by the dlatrict in Anaheim and allowed to soak through the ground Into the aquifers. The next stop, through the pipes of various local water agencies and with small additions f(om local groundwater supplies, is the faucet. As impressive , enormous and technologically marvelous as the system is, a debate now rages over whether it is enough to meet Southern California's future needs. The debate will without doubt become far more vocal, public and intense In the days between now and June 8, when voters stat ewide will decide the question What exactly is the question? Its title is Senate Bill 200, or SB 200, and 1t was passed by the sta·te Legislature and approved by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. in 1980. Opponents of the bill quickly gathered enough signatures to place approval of SB 200 before the voters. however. SB 200 is a huge package, the cost of which is one focus of the intense debate surrounding the issue, designed to expand State Water Project facilities to a size proponents say was envisioned when the project was approved by voters m 1959. Though the cost of the SB 200 package i s a s ubject of debate , a recently.formed coalition opposed to it seems content to use some pro-SB 200 estimates that the package, exclusive of the cost of servicing the debt through bond sales. will cost $5.4 billion in 1981 dollars. Facilities and programs authorized in SB 200. and the costs as estimated by the s tate Department of Water Resources. are: The Peripheral Canal, a 43-mile·long, earth·hned ditch that will deliver water from the Sacramento River near Hood, a community above the Delta, directly to the pumps at the Clifton Court Forebay Estimated cost Sl.3 billion. -The Los Vaqueros Reservoir. a huge bolding facility to be located in eastern Contra Costa County about eight miles west of the Clifton Court Fore bay Estimated cost $1.9 billion. The Glenn Reservoir/River Diversion Unit, located west of the Sacramento River about 100 miles north of Sacramento. It could hold enough water to fill all of Southern California's needs for three years. Estimated cost $1 .4 biJhon. -Enlargement of the Ea~t B{ancb of Clearing expected U.S. summary ~~~~~~-• ..,, c-. Telftperatur•• remelned below of llilf\1-n •I Umn. l.ocet 9VllY nro e<,,_ IN MrtlWm Pleltts frOlft winch In,,_...,, Coat .. 1,,.... H --------------------- Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1982 s Propositi~~.~.~~!~~:s~I Water Project wlll appear on the June baJJot u I Proposition 9, Seerelary of State Mareb Fon1 Eu's olftce announced last week. . l The question was auiJned a po1ltion number after Thursday's deadline r:: pl1dn1 } questions on the ballot, said spokesman Dwl1ht Allen. Allen aaid the exact wordina of the proposttlon and the summary explal.nln1 it to voters bu not yet been deelded. It la not yet known If Senate Bill 200 <or SB 200), the le1lalat1oo authoriz.lne the expansion, will be • mentioned by name. Though SB 200 was passed by lbe state Legislature and signed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. in July 1980, final approval bu been left up to the voters because opponent.a of the expansion 1athered enough siinatures to force a referendum. A package of environmental aafe1uarda lied to the State Water Project expansion, known as ' Proposition 8 when approved by voters In November 1980. needs no further direct action. But it is important to note that the environmental package goes in effect ONLY If SB 200/Proposilion 9 IB ap-: proved by voters in June. Appro-, val of expansion automatically triegers implementation of the environmental package. THE SYSTEM TODAY -Map shows the Sacramento River. the Delta <circled by broken line), and the major existing features or the State Water Project. the California Aqueduct near the Los Angeles·San Bernardino County line. Estimated cost S275 million. Facilities for the protection or the Suisun Marsh near the mouth or the Delta, a critical stopover point for many migrating waterfowl. Estimated cost $69 million. -Improved groundwater storage- utilization in the San Joaquin Valley. Southern California and the South San Francisco Bay Area. Estimated total cost $265 million. -Relocation of the intake of the Contra Costa Canal to the outlet of the Peripheral Canal Estimated cost $62 million. Other water transportation and transfer facilities, plus some water conservation and wastewater reclamation projects. Estimated cost more than $1U million. Attached to the entire SB 200 program is a package of environmental and wild river protections to be written into the state Constitution. already approved by voters in November 1980 as Proposition 8. Its long-range enforceability is also a s ubject of intense debate at present. Proposition 8 mandates that Delta water quality standards cannot be lowered unless approved by a majority of the state's voters or a two·thirds vote or the Legislature. It also states that the change in standards cannot "in any manner reduce the protection of the Delta or of fish and wildlife." The other major environmental protection mandated by Proposition 8 Is ~ ban on the damming of any of the state's officially designated "wild and scenic" rivers. which are located primarily in the north coast region·. unless authorized by popular vote or a two·thirds vote of the Legislature. In addition, the constitutional amendment sets a framework for speedy resolution of any le1a1 actiOOa wh\ch would siow comtrucUon of 'me , State Water Project. There's onJy one catch to the whole Proposition 8 package, aside from the debate over its enforceability. It can only go into effect if SB 200 is approved. Moft'-ID MrtMnl M ...... ~ Mrly to ''· ~ In -•ncl -'°' today,...,....,_ flvrr'" llfteiH'ed Movnt•lft .,._,. .-uv In -·~ ._ c-ral ""1,_a encl _, .. ,.. In 10I -----It 11 In wu 1cetter•d over ,,.. ci.ve1-c..........., O.l·Ft- Oeftftr n o J2 , .. n n s ts s 1• ·S 10 J S4 ,, Norfolk Ol<I• City Ome!wl Ori•ftdo ., JI n 17 ll •1 ll •1 REFRESHING SIGHT -Wide angle shot shows three of the five settling basins at Diemer Plant. Each is 18 feet deep and hoich 5.25 million gallons of water. c.mr.1 G<M c.. --..u. ... _ T FlorlOe, bill tll'" were fair Oftr tlle emperatures re1toftlle....., Later -Y . .,,.,.,.,._...,••re pndk-lor tlW -two-tlllrdt of !tie pie---.tMn1 ... " el ... Albefty ...... , ~ ....... .._... •ncl Al~ • ... ttu•e jfwwoo s ..,.. to'9U'lt A~rlllo for .... , ... ,n end •••l•rn r .... "'-... acrou .,. --11.slppl Valley "'"'"" .. lflto tM T-Valley. Atlanta S..-y ...... _.. P<"9dlcted over AUaflk Ctr o....., -,_.,.,., c.t1torn1a •ncl e.iu ........ Iha nor\Nt'n hall of Ill• AUenllc 91rml""'"' Cent. lltm•rclt Tem,.,_ .. -• ••"9<1ed "' lotM cllfftll 1-.. --l'Ot ... ,,......,.., ... ..... .. Gvlf c..1.-.. -.................... "' .. T-, ~ CetMonlle -tlW lwtlelo lftlaftll ~ CIWlrU1oftSC It_.... lft 1fle llng4ie dlolt.1 -CherlstnWV Into tM --• ...., tor Illa Cllar-nortllern lntermo11ntel11 reelon Cflk- ltlroutfl Ille "°'"""" Mii of lllo Clflc:l,,....I "-IM 1-.. -iNm Gftel u- Ml u ~II JI • 41 19 .. u 1' " o n n n ,.. JO H 1S ... " 10 • lO 12 01 » 11 • SI 16 1 n .. JS I ,, _, 21 ·J ,.. . °"-Detroit O<llutll El Peto FelrlNnb Herttwd He ..... -111111 ~t ... l .... ec>llS J KltllWlle J-11 Ke"' City ~.v..­ l.lttle ltoct. l.•A ... Leullvllle Memtlf\tl Ml .... 1 Mllw- ... Sl.P NHflVllle ....,o,_,. IWwYwti II t7 J2 .. 17 12 ,. ., .. M 1'·11 ,. . JO n 11 1 44 u 1' 17 .. 51 tl I 1' 1) ,, n S ·I ,. 10 n ,, "u .. JO """~ Pf>clenl• PlttslMlr'gll ,,,,_,,,,. 02 P1t-.Ore lt•pld City 10 ,._ ltk-- S.tt~lt• s.noi.eo s.n ,,,.., S.•ttte SI l.OUlt SIP·T ..... StSleMMll ~ T..c-Tvtte WW\11'9111 Wl<lllte C•tvary Edmon'°" Mont reel _. _...,. _ .,.......... ...... ,.. ~:r-------------------..... _______ --Otte•• .... , ... Toromo v- Wlnftl1M9 SURf Rf PORT Tides llNI ~IHI Pllallll l..io lflt <Mnt .................. ,,..,,,.., •.• .... _..,.. __ ,... .... Mtlell. To"'_..,"'"' Of9llM tflo Mtlen re111•• frem IS kl•• aore Ill ·~ • It ti .. ,, 4 01 u • ., ts J7 " ,. n .. ,. JO l " S1 ,. .. 44 JO It " ,, ... 1 ·11 ... n I .. u 1' ,. cJ JO ... 11 ·I ' 1 .1' :IO t ,OJ 1• ., 0 ·1 .t2 It ·I u u I 4 ... TODAY AtteMk C...ac.-.. OMoVelleT • .......... Mlflt., •71 ....... "•"" ·-... _iiiil ... -•·-----------9-:11, Re. Secaftll llllfl te:lf" "'· •.J California A •1'9M dllflc.e " .......... llM <,..itt 1"'9 ~erll Cellletftle'1 0.., .... ......., ............ ... ... ... ............. ._. ... .... ,,.._ . .. ... Dir z-1 I " t .., TUUOA'Y l'lrll low i :M 11.m. 1.a "'"°'""' t :• •.m. .., s.c.M... 4:ft 11.m. •l.1 Sellt• .... 1 I ft t .., lo<Md1"911 lt:•p.m. ... :::=.c-cv I .1 It I .,, I I u t , w We1re Listening ••• hi! ,.._ 6: .. 11.m, TllOllNJ, wb J:at "·"'· .....,,...,, .. ,.,"'·"*'· Mtl 1:Sle.m.T~. What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate edit.or. Ttle same 24 hour an1wertn1 service may be used to record let· tera to the. editor on any t~ic. Mallboi contributors m"1t include th,ir ~ame and telephont number for verification. No clrculatlon calls, please. Tell UJ what ·a on your mind tbi ~arrl~ c:x:mirlobla, . Knit ehirt bill CZMZI"wt.ar. ~tails and hzm.mczd. ekziw.e fbroctM or~~ . avat1abla. in 25 gtv.at cdclB. if bi hae cr'tl, hz ~ ~ WBntihlmeU. @)~~@)§~ 44 Fothlon 1-'<md • NftOJ)Oft 8eoch • 714/ 644-5070 1001 ~ Bllld •• ~ \1111Qge • 213/208-3273 l } .. s Orange Cout CAIL Y PILOT/Monday, Ftbruary 8, 1982 illillTI~OO~ Veto still strong U .N. weapon Many convinced organization could not have survj,ved 37 years without it UNITED NATIONS <AP> - Tbe veto power, frequently vlllfied by those who lack it, rem aina one of the most endurtnc remnants of a wartime alliance that brou1ht together the Western democracies and the Soviet Union. Both sides are convinced that the United Nations could not have survived these last 3'1 years without the veto. "We are strong on the veto," Soviet Ambassador Oleg A Troyanovsky told The Associated Press. "It is one of the pillars on which the United Nations rests." Troyanovsky recalls Foreign Minister Andre A. Gromyko's lecturing American delegates about the value of the veto after they had objected to one cast by the Soviets. ''Don't spit in the well. You may want to drink the water -- yourself one day." the Soviet envoy quoted Gromyko u saying. The United States has used the veto 33 times, most recently on Jan . 20 to block Arab recommendations for sanctions against Israel because of Its annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights. Syrian Ambassador Dia-AJlah El-Fattal denounced the US. action as an abuse of the veto power, charging the Americans were protecting ·'the aggressor from its victim .. T he latest American veto prompted the Arabs to demand an emergency special session of the 157 member General Assembly to demonstrate, as El Fattal said , that "the · American veto does not count " A General Assembly resolution calling for cutoff of Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ls Dangerous to Your Health. aid to Israel by members was approved Friday While backing the Syrians, the Soviets would be the first to concede the American veto does Indeed count. Under tbe U.N. Charter, only the JS -nation Security Council can adopt mandJtory sanctions, with the active or passive concurrence of all five permanent members - the United States, Britam, France. the Soviet Union and China. The Soviets are the veto champions, accounting for 115 of the 200 cast since 1946. Recent Soviet vetoes mclude those in 1980 to block Security Council resolutions c alling for the withdrawal of Soviet troops f rom Afghanistan and for economic sanctions against lran during the hostage cnsas. Britain and Chana both cast 19 and France 15 China bad only three vetoes one cast by lbe Nationalists when they held the seal before the recent election ror U N. secretary-general. Peking held out ror a Third World candidate and used its veto 16 times lo block Kurt Waldheim 's bid for an unprecedented third five-year term. Javier Perez de Cuellar of Peru emerged as the compromise choice. The veto power was suggested by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the 1945 Yalta Conference to overcome Soviet fears of being outvoted by the West in the emerging United Nations. CD @ Feb. 12 Pope John PaA .,.,..., .. en ~. N6g9ria. for frye d9y Yl9't Wll tour °"*"9-E.nugu, Kaduna, • lb.d.n. Feb. 17 Pope rravets k> Coeonou, Bemn,conhnu1ng Today, those most unhappy about the veto are among the 126 countries that have joined the United Nations since its founding in 1945 the wne day to Llbt•••. a.bon. @ @ Feb. 11 Pope travets to fqu9torl91 ~. reh.ll'WlQ to Ubl••• in the alternoon Br1t1s h Ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons shares the belief the United Nations would have gone lhe way of the defunct League of Nations without the big power veto Feb. 19 Pope retl6ns to Yetken flom UbtMtt ... .. ~ .. ---POPE'S TRIP MAPPED -Pope John Paul lI will begin ha::. week-long African visit Friday in Nigeria. and wall end it F eb 19. when he returns to the Vatican from Gabon Surplus land program opposed Environmentalists fear loss of public land WASHINGTON (A P) An adman1strat1on proposal to identify. and possibly sell , surplus government property is running into opposition from environmentalists who fear it could mean the !>ale of millions of acres of public land an the west The idea of unloading the property much of it land grew out of worries about the burgeoning federal debt It has been seized upon by western congressmen and activists in the "sagebrush rebellion," who are upset by the fact that the federal government controls enormous parts or many western states Some of that land as rich an mineral and timber reserves. "It's going to be a major national battle," predicted Terry Sopher. a pubhc lands spec1ahst for the Wilderness Society. Other environmental groups in Vol vcd in early skirmishing include the Audubon Society. the National Wildlife Federation and the Sierra Club A group of congressmen, led by Sen Charles Percy, R-111 , and Rep Larry Winn , R-Kan . have proposed that the federal government. which owns one of every three acres in the United States, inventory its holdings and assess their current market value Properties adentahed as surplus could then be auctioned to the highest bidder, with proceeds going to reduce the national debt. Estimates of how much the government could raise range up to $200 balhon Percy has scheduled a fo'eb. 25 hearing on the issue The proposal excludes the sale or national parks, monuments and historic sites But at apparently leaves open the possibility of selling vast holdings in national forests and land supervised by the .Bureau of Land Management The White House mentioned the idea an a "fact sheet" that accompanied President Reagan's State of the Union message last week. Earlier this week. Winn received a letter from Budget Director David A. Stockman, saying "the admmastration fully supports the spmt of this resolution." Stockman's letter said a review is under way "so that rederal assets which are not being put to the highest and best use can be transferred to other owners or converted to alternative uses with maximum economy to the government and benefit to the American people .. Nobody does it s#¥ Orange Coat OAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1982 s Judicial council powers approved by state court The Kern County Superior Court case involved Gregory Wright, who pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary. HIGH FLYING BIRO The SR·71B, the sole training version of Lockheed's SR-71 Blackbird, recently became the first of the reconnaissance aircraft lo complete 1.000 missions. The Af'W....., training Blackbird. based at Beale Air Force Base. Calif .. is believed to be the world's fastest aircraft at Mach 3 speeds and above SAN FRANCISCO <AP)-The stale Judicial Council, composed of Judies. lawyers, leatalators and lay people, Is lawfully empowered to establish standards judges must use ln determining criminal sentences, the California Supreme Court has ruled. In a 5·2 decision announced last week, the court said the state Legislature did not unlawfully delegate its authority when it broadened the Judicial Council's powers in the 1976 Determinate Sentencing Act. After a hearing, Superior Court Judge William Stone found one mitigating factor and four aggravating factors in the case and gave Wright the maximum sentence of two three.year concurrent terms. Wright appealed, claiming among other things that lists of mitigating and aggravating circumstances formulated by the Judicial Council were unlawful because that task should have been performed by the Legislature. Cocaine kingpin's sentence suspended The de~ision , written by Justice Allen Broussard, also held the adoption of two of the council's rules was legal under the state constitution. Chief Justice Rose Bird, chairman of the council by law, dissented in the opinion, saying the council "has improperly taken on the role of legislating in an area outside its constitutional functions." She was joined in dissent by Justice Stanley Mosk . In addition to giving guidance on criminal sentences, the council a l so formulates administrative judicial policies. recommends judicial. legislation and evaluates judicial issues The Supreme Court. however, disagreed and upheld Wright's sentence The 1976 Determinate Sent en cing Act directs the Judicial Council to "promote uniformity" in sentencing by adopting rules providing criteria for trial judges to consider in imposing a sentence within a lower or upper range The law also permits the council to adopt rules establishing circumstances in aggravation or mitigation relating lo the crime and defendant. SAN FRANCISCO <AP> A judge has suspended the 30-year prison sentence of convicted cocaine kingpin Arnold Katz under the condition he assist prosecutors in other federal cases. U.S . District Court Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ordered Katz be released from custody immediately and placed on probation for five years. He has been serving his time in a federal institution in the Boston area Terms of the probation, detatled late last week, include a requirement Katz cooperate with federal officials in the .. prosecution of any and all cases m which his testimony is deemed necessarv " Katz, 35, has been described by the Drug Enforcement Administration as one of the largest -1f not the largest - cocaine distributors in the CQuntry. He was sentenced Nov. 3 and has been in custody since. Al that time. the judge said she might reconsider the sentence if he decided to cooperate with the government in the next 120 days. The next day. hi s attorney filed a petition asking that his sentence be cul in half Katz pleaded guilty Sept. 4 to a count of conspiring to possess and distribute 286 pounds of cocaine and one count of possession with intent to distribute 88 pounds of cocaine He drew the maximum 15 years for each rount. Katz, whose late father was the mayor of Worcester. Mass .. had said hls refusal to cooperate with officials was made "with great consideration of fear for my family and myself " The judge during :;entencmg said Katz had the ability lo keep large amounts of drugs off the street "but is not willing to do this " and "n eve r once " mentioned fear previously as a reason A special parole term of five years. which could have resulted in serving his full term plus five more years in the event of a probation violation . also was suspended The prosecution s aid the Birth d~fects possibly tied to toxic chemical SAN JOSE (AP) Lorraine Ross has a baby with a defective heart. So does her neighbor. Susan Puppo Bobbie Jo Clifford, who lives nearby. had a miscarriage. So did her neighbor, Linda Giles. By late last week, the list of birth defcts, stillbirths and miscarriages in the Great Oaks Water District. which serves 16,500 south San Jose homes, had soared to 40 Legal machinery began cranking out a class-action lawsuit. And the nearby Fairc hild Ca mera and Instrument Corp., a computer electronics company. worked frantically to determine whether there was a link between the apparent cluster of birth defects and a toxic chemical that leaked from one of their underground tanks into the area ·s drinking water. "We have no proof Fa1rch1ld 1s responsible But we 'r e worried We don't have access to all the information about this, and we want to know what's going on," said Ms Ross. San Jose City Councilman Jerry Estrulh, who represents her area. agreed. ·'They want some answers and they deserve them. We don't want a Love Canal in our backyard in San Jose," he said. referring to the case of Hooker Chemical and Plas tics Corp . the New York company involved in dumping cancer -causing substances into an unfinished canal in a residential area. "It's too early to tell whether there is a cause-and ·effect relationship between the spill and the defects," Estruth added. ··But what happened in that neighborhood is tragic." Whether the tragedy 1s linked to the FairchJld spill has yet to be determined But when Ms. Ross heard about the spill last month, she thought enough of the possible connection to take her suspicions to the water company State and county officials have spent much of this week poring over county birth records that might help them decide whether the defects are related to the spill, which involved methyl chloroform, a toxic solvent used as a degreaser m lhe electronics industry. · "We don't believe there is any connection between the contamination and the birth defects, and we think that will be borne out in time," Fairchild spokesman John Salazar said. "We're working feverishly to gel some studies done that will give This is your world. This is your Winston. The only low tar built on taste. Winston Lights inston lJGt-ffS us an answer one way or the other, and we hope to have them in the next week But it may take longer " Fairchild has hired experts to study the chemical and has paid for testing of Great Oaks wells. which are interconnected , Salazar said. Fa1rch1ld also 1s underwrit.mg the cleanup. Salazar said the leak has been traced lo July 1980 and took months to reach the underground well 2.000 feel away. Company workers discovered the leak 1n a 50.000 gallon underground tank on Dec 4 government charges against Katz involved dru11t deals of between $15 million to $30 million They said the 286 pounds of cocaine he was accused of conspiring lo distribute would have brought 1n $26 million from co~ajne users Katz and a number of others were nabbed 1n a series of arrests which began June 23.•He was carrying $175,000 with him when he was arrested. In Cl II seven persons were 1nd1cted and most drew sentences . However. Ren an Uribe of Pembroke Pines, Fla .. ci Columbia national, failed lo show for trial and his $1 million bail wru. forfeited In pleading guilty Katz also agreed to forfeit a considerable amount of property, including a $200,000 home. a 60-foot boat worth $200,000 , a plane worth $250 .000 and at least $335,000 Watt called a 'pirate' SACRAMENTO <AP> State Resources Secretar y Huey J ohn son has called Secretary of the Interior James Watt a scoundr<>I and a pirate "Jn the classic pattern of a scoundrel. Watt has wrapped himself in the flag and cynically proceeds to plunder our stale." Johnson said in testimony prepared for a congressional committee LIGHTS 11 mg. "tar". O 9 mg. nicotine. LIGHTS lOO's 12 mg "tar". 0.9 mg. n1co1ine. av. per cigarette. FTC Repon OEC. '81. .-...'°I""".__ ... ...,. ......... ..-._. _______________________________________ ..... ______ _.. __ ____. • j Or1n99 Cout OAJL Y PILOT/Mondrf, February 8, 1982 Private plane facility outlook discouraging There can be no dispute that available foclllties for use by Orange County's private aviators are dfmlnishing. Several years ago, the general aviation or privat e aircraft airstrip in the Capistrano Valley near San Juan Capistrano was closed. Meadowlark Airport ln Huntington Beach is scheduled to be shut down, the victim of the same development pressures that led to the action in Capistrano. That leaves John Wayne Airport and Fullerton Airport as the two facilities in Orange County for use by owners or private aircraft. Both airports have long waiting lists of names of aviators wanting aircraft tie-down spaces. Orange County government has been studying potential locations £or a new general aviation airport for more than a year. It hired a consultant, established a broad -based advisory committee and solicited views from the county Airport Commission. Two weeks ago, the Airport Commission said a site at San Juan Creek, several miles east of the San Juan Capistrano city limits. should be given priority consideration. The airstrip siting issue now is destined for the county Board of Supervisors But when the board meets tomorrow. it is a virtual certainty no action will be taken. Instead, the board likely will impose a delay to permit public hearings on the San Juan site before the San Juan Capistrano City Council. Council members called for such hearings after being con!ronted last week with 200 angry residents. most of them solidly opposed to the· 1dea of having a general aviation airport in. as they say. "their backyards." Not only a re res idents against the airport. but clear opposition is coming from Rancho Mission Viejo It owns the property on which the site 1s located. We suspect the board. faced with the overwhe lm ing opposition, isn't going to be anxious to move ahead with consideration of the San Juan site. There have been suggestions from some county officials that board members will argue that expenditure of an estimated $17 to $20 million in these financially tight times to serve 600 private aircraft is not good public policy. particularly in light of s uch extreme opposition Such a position statemerft from the board under the current circumstances s hould not be surprising. Watt sidesteps law Interior Sec retary Ja mes Watt's talent for s tirring up ' trouble continues unabated. Last week he was sued for proceeding to rewrite regulations for coal strip mining operations to match his personal vi ews and then clas hed once more with Congress for refusing to let Interior De partment Officials brief congressional committee staff members prior to formal hearings as has been the custom. A suit filed b y the National Wildhfe Federation, the nation's largest environmental group contends that Watt's changes in s trip mining regulations would lead to increased water pollution. flooding . s oil e r osion a nd des truction of fish and wildlife habitat. Watt. who has given top priority to reforming the surface mining program . s ay s regulations writt e n by his predecessor under the Carter administration to enforce the 1977 Surface Mining Ac t are too cumbersome The federation seeks to have the regulations remain in effect until a full environmental impact report on proposed changes has been prepared. In the congressional ruckus. Watt refused to let members of his department confer with staff aides to Rep. John Seiberling, chairman of the House Interior Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks and Rep. Toby Moffett. chairman of the House Government Operations Subcommittee on Natural Resources . It has been the practice for congressional committee staff member s to meet with department representatives to • collect facts and figures that might be needed during formal hearings , then to give background briefings to member s of Congre ss participating in the hearings. Closing the door on pre-hearing briefings. Watt says he prefers to have all inquiries and oversight investigations carried out "in formal. 9n -the-record hearings." Seiberling called Watt's actio n ··alarming and unprecedented" because it denies Congress access to needed information. He noted that a federal law affirms that the right of government employees. "individually or collectively to furnish information to either house of Congress or to a committee member thereof, mav not be interfered or denied... · Additionally. a 1972 Supreme Court decision has recognized the role of congress ional s taff members a s "critical to members" and s aid that role includes preparing for hearings . Watt's action . s ays the congressman. "appears to be based on a total misunders tanding or even a studied disregard of both the law and the tradition.·· Not coincidentally. perhaps, both committees involved in the dispute have been critical of Watt's policie s and have participated in congressional actions that have rebuffed some of hi s pro -d e vel o pment maneuvers. His chagrin may be understandable. His attempt to block congressional access to information affecting the public welfare is unacceptable. 9PJ.nlQnS expresSed .In t~e space above are tho~ of the Oally lPllot. Other views ex-,· pressed on this page are those of tneir authors and artists. Reader coml'neot is mv1t-ed. Address The Da11y Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 1714) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/Diplomatic wives The attltude ot the wife bas much to do with the success of the husband. You've beard that. No doubt it's true in many a field. But in nooe ls the wife'• aWtude more influential tba.n in t.be foreign service. A man in tbe dlplomatlc corps is not usually appointed lo a top job overaeaa unleaa be bas proved he cao handle tbe work. Aceordinc to t.boM •bo know about aucb maUen, if said appointee faila in that ualpmat, lt'1 uaually because the wife couldn't adjuat to the slrante aJtu.atioo. Q. lan't a allverback aortUa an albino! ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat A. No, sir, credit oot.blna more than old age to the silverback a gorilla with fl'AY bair oo its back. it•a always a sUverback that leada the gorilla gro1._1,p wilh the youo1 blackbacb pullln.11uard duty. Q . Whal'• "the disease of royalty"! A. You mean bleedini1 Otberwtae known a.a hemophilia. Some doc•. t.oo, have bemopbilla, lncldenta.lly. Records of mental bo1pltal1 tndlcate patJonta therein rearely complain of beadacbea. Th0Ma1 P. Haley Publlwr i T~ A. Miliiitlfte Editor BarlNtra Krelblclt Editorial P9ge Editor - ------- ~----··--- ... LEAKS?R BW.FEllllERS HJ GI kids denied heritage WASHINGTON -For most Americans, the Korean "police action" of 1950-54 is the forgotten war of this century -a bloody conflict that occurred between the entbuslutically supported World War II and the controversial involvement in Vietnam that tore the country apart. Unhappily. tbere is a less amualni reminder of the Korean War than "M . A .S. H." It is the thou.sands of children left behind by American Gia in Korea, products of the loneliness and human frailty that have marked every war since the world began. IN MANY CASES, tbe offspring of American soldiers and Korean women were abandoned by the GI fathers who either didn't know the kids had been born or didn't care. These hapless Korean-American children have been denied their right to immigratien into the United States by bureaucratic bluenoses. Legally. any child of an American parent is an American citizen, and thus entitled to come to this country. But legalistic nitpickers in the State and Justice Departments bave succeeded in denying this right to the children of American cithens who happened to be serving their country in Korea. Here are just a few examples, complied by my associate Lucette Lagnad«>, of the Korean-Americans wtH> are being kept out of this country because of bureaucratic officiomness: -Kim Young Mi is 28 yea.rs old. He waa tight-complexioned at birth, and recalls that as a small child his mother used to shave his head so that no one would spot his blonde bait and know that he was a despised "GI kid." Despite this precaution, Kim was easily Identified by his schoolmates as a Korean-American. His face still bears Q -JA-Cl-Al-D-IR-10-1 -~ the scars of the fights he got into as a child. When Kim's mother married after his American father left, his Korean stepfather made no secret of his detestation of the "half-breed'' in his f1mily. "We would be eating ou•· meals and all of a sudden my stepfather would point his finger at me and scream out that either he must die or I must die," Kim recalls. "Then he would reach across the table and beat me ... The boy would run out of the house and cry. Kim Nam Soon is 23. She looks more Korean than Caucasian, but she still suffered as a child. The neighbors looked down on her as an Amerasian "I was ridiculed at school and on the street," she remembers. She longs to come to the United States. -Lean Sum is 28. Unlike many Amerasians, he has a trade. He's a barber. But Koreans don't want him cutting their hair. They prefer to wait for an all-Korean barber. "Why do you abandon the mixed babies here?" Lean asks. Victor is another 28-year-old Korean-American. He fell m love with a Korean woman and wanted to marry her But her parents refused because he is of ··mixed blood" in their eyes. Understandably, he is desperate to come to the United States -"my father 's country" to escape bis hopeless situation FOR THE PAST three years. Rep Stewart McKinney, R-Conn .. an Air Force veteran, has tried to overcome the bureaucrats' opposition and get certain American -As ian offspring admitted to this country under relaxed immigration rules . Sen. Jeremiah Denton, R-Al a .. has also tried to liberalize the immigration policies. What McKinney and Denton are fighting is a bureaucratic bugbear: that ineltgible Eurasians might seek to take advantage or relaxed immigration policies to s neak into the United States. Th e y 're appare ntly afraid that half-Korean children of non-American fathe rs Australians, for example - will come to the United States ii we let the bars down to admit children of American soldiers. Meanwhile, the "half-breed" children suffer. Footnote The State Department "would like to see a solution to this very vexing human problem," said a spokeswoman. However, they would first Like to ftnd ··an effective means of determ1mng paternity." She noted that State Department officers would be hard pressed to "readily decide without documentary evidence years after tbe event" wh e ther a child had an American father ··w e are open to ideas." she concluded Assembly speakers wield new power One of t he events marking the ceremonies staged for the reopening of California's restored Capitol was the gathering of former Speakers of the Assembly who joined with current Speaker Willie Brown in the historic celebrations. Those In attendance were Bob Moretti, Bob Monagan, Jesse Unruh and Paul Peek. Three ot.bers, including tbe most senior, William Moseley Jones, and the most junior, Leo McCarthy, were absent as was Gordon Garland. JONES, NOW A southern California savings and loan executive, was Speaker during the 1937 session and was followed by Peek in 1939. Peek, now a retired Supreme Court justice, reigned briefly during the administration of Gov. Culbert L . Olson and was overthrown in a UMO special session by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in rebellion over Peek's unfailing loyalty to Olson's procrams. Calling themselves the "economy bloc" they elected Gordon Garland, now a lobbyist for dentists. He served until 1943 when Charles Lyon, deceased, was elected in a Republican takeover of the Assembly A succession of Republicans, Sam L. Collins, James W. Silliman, and Luther IARl WATIRS H. Lincoln, all now deceased, held sway over the Assembly until the election of Ralph M. Brown. also deceased. in 1959. In 1961 Jesse Unruh, now state tre11surer, was elected Speaker and ruled for eight years during which time he "professionalized" the Legislature converting it from a part-time, citizen legislature to one of full-time year around sessions. A mast.er politician, Unruh quickly made himself the most important Democrat in the state by usurping the Quotes fro Ill f alllous folk This is a quiz I don't exj>ed you to get many answers to, but it's am\Jsing to go through the files and recall what some famous people sald a dozen years ago. See how many of these quota you can identify: 1. "Motion pictures are made by groups of people. When Of\e IUY does ~ IYllR Ullll "' everything, it takes the fun out of it for everyone else." . 2. "Politics is t.oo lmport.ant to be left to the politicians. Businessmen must take a more active part in tbe a.ffainl of state." a. "1 don't lllte to look ~. J MVtr wH cruy about radio." 4. "One of the nicest U\lnp about our marrtace ii that I doo'l bave ta lie about where I've been. Tberi'a DO oe4d to. She tnowa ahe can (f·llJl me absolutely." s, "You mow, ln the next 10 yean I would rather m&et a Sirl and bave her tall in love with me Ulan make another f $100 million." 6. "I yearn for private life -the privacy, independence and the time for conlemplaUon that each of us needs. I view public office as an booorabJe but temporary privilege." 1. "Well. I'll tell you about my au life: I h•ven'l eot tlme for It. I'm thlnkinl about getting married so I can work It in." 8. "It is not rovernment, but the initiative of people actlnc on their own that makes a bettet world and, in so doln1. makes better people." ANSWERS: l. Warren Beatty (whose newest film, "Reds" ls produced by Beatty, dirf!ded by Beatty, co-written by Beatty, rtnanced by Beauy and st.an :,,eatt.y.) 2. Ronald Rea.ran. who never owned a buslnea. 3. Jack Benny, radio's most popular entertalner. 4 . Richard Burton, du&, his stoJ'my marrlaae to Elh.abeth Taylor. 5. Huah Hefner (if you belle•• this you'll bell••• an)'lblna.> e. Then -Gov. Paul LuaJt of Nevada, now Sen. Lax&lt, lbe ~ ttmpoc'ary public HJ'vant ln Amertnn. 1. SbeUey Wlnten <see her book). a. Vlce President Spiro Acnew. who certain.l)' dilplayed iolUatlve ae:t.lnc oo hla own. fun ct ions of the party's central committee officers. centralizing fund raising for the party under his control. Monagan, now executive director of the Califorma Manufaeturers Association, succeeded Unruh in 1969 wben lbe Republicans captured bnef control of the Assembly. He was replaced by Moretti in 1971 when the Democrats regained power Moretti, now in private business, stepped down m 1974 to run for governor and was succeeded by McCarthy who in turn was succeeded last year by Willie Brown Except for Monagan, each of the Speakers smce Unruh has expanded oo the fund-raising aspects of the office, rais ing millions to support the campaigns of incumbent Democratic Assemblymen and favored candidates. Each has also increased the numbers of aides and legislative staff, sometbina that was almost non-existent prior to Unruh. VI EWING THE opulence of the restored Capitol and the lavish sttit.e of offices now provided for the Speaker, Peek was quick to point out to Brown that until he became Speaker there was no office space for the post. "They provided me with an office of sorts by partilionmg off a part of what was then the rest room for lady members of the Assembly," he said. Noting the large office su.ites f« each of the members and the slsable atatfl enjoyed by each member, Peek observed that in his day no member bad any secretarial help at all let alone an office. ''Their deat in the AAembb Chamber was their office" be laid.. addlne that they dictated lettuw i'O pool secretaries from their deslm on t.be floor of the Assembly. ' F o r t o o m a n y· ' o a r 1 t b • AnU·De!amatioo l.ufOO bu Uled 1tl freedom (of 1peechL to dtllJ our freedom (ol 1peeeh). ..._, .......... .:::~· ............ ...... _....,,"""",.. -........ ... ' ............. , ... Dlilll, - IR' TARGET -Agnes deMille , 7 6, choreographer of "Brigadoon," says success is a problem and has complicated her relationship with the Internal Revenue Service . "I receive money from so many sources," she said. ~.Minority population • soaring .. SACRAMENTO (AP> s e v e r a 1 0 r California's minority groups, particularly the Hispanics, appear to be . growing raster than the white majority, s ays a state census expert. A ccording to 1980 c ensus figures, 19.2 percent or the state's population is or Spanish .. origin and 7.7 percent is :, black . Just ove r 66 ·p e r c ent a r e n o n · ·. Hispanic whites. In 1970, non-Hispanic whiles made up 73 .5 percent or the state's population , His panics totaled 15.5 percent and blacks 7 percent. Ameri can India ns, Chinese and Filipinos al s o app e are d t o regi s t e r s light p e r centage g ai n s. figures showed. Bill Sc h Qol i ng , director or the s tate's Cens us Da t a Center . s aid figures are not "totally comparable" because census officials ; used different counting ,'procedures in 1980. ''They think they got a better count in 1980," he . s aid. But he s aid it was probably correct blacks and Hispanics h a d registe red percentage gains. Th e r e we r e 15 .8 million non-His pa nic whiles in California in 1980, according to the cen s us, 1.8 million ; blacks and 4.5 million i·Hi s pan ics . That : compares to 14.7 million · non-Hispanic whites, 3.1 .·million Hispa nics and .. 1.4 million blacks in : .. 1970. I· ,.Sickle :;: cell lwpe :·offered r• CHAPEL HILL, N.C. lAP> -A new chemical · ~ . which researchers say . mig ht be the mos t , effective yet for treating ::. sickle cell 'anemia will ~ be given clinical trials . , b y doc lo r s a l th e, l 1,Jniverslty of North earolina at Chapel Hill ~ and other institut.ft>ns. ;, Scientists said they :· are joining researchers ~ •• in California, New York ·· and Mobile , Ala ., lo (·.evaluate cetie dil, a , comp o und f i r s t ~ . synthesized in France 20 :,1: years ago. Cetiedil was j : developed originally as r.r a muscle relaxant to j improve circulation to ~ .. the legs of patienta with c:· h ardening o f t h e (I· arteries. Because of ita .c • u cc es s an d it a e: additJooal properties as 1 •1 a loca l aneatbeUc , . . F r ench phyaiclan• speculated lt also might help cw-b tbe intense bouts ol pala that aickle cell victims periodically experience . > Shoplifting studied Experiment finds public indifferent CHICAGO (AP) -A dJl'tJ look b) a woman shopper waa the wont t.b1n1 that ~ to Uu-ee blfh school 1tudentl who stufted tbelr pockets at a suburban 1tore lD pl&ID view of 50 cuatomers as part of an experiment on 1hopUtun1. "They aot one dlrty look, but tbe reat of the cuatomera either look.cl away or walked away," said Richard Baran, marketlna teacbu at suburban Wheellnc High School. "I'm totally amued. I thou1ht maybe 15 percent would report them. The indifference unde rlies what we'r e seeing more and more -a society that doesn't want to get involved. It makes you wonder." The students, Gayle Youn&. Chris Mader and Scott Deerfield, stated the experiment ror three boun on a recent Sundiy. They crammed the pockets of their jacketa with candy. watch bands, magaaines, perfume and muc h m ore, including a hair-dryer. They left the store several times and waited outside to see if they wo uld be r e porte d . The n they returned, putting the loot on a table in the manager's office , and started all over again. "They must have taken $300 worth of mtrcb•nd.lM," aald Baran. "There were more than 100 cuatomers ln the l\Or• duriDI tbt tbNe houn, and at lf11t 50 of them HW the whole thin1. Many of them were 1tandln1 next to the abopllfters." Alan Sear, a co-<>wner of the store, 11 ve permla1Son to the studenta to e xperiment. Sear, a co-owner of the store, said bis employees are tralned to watch tor ahopllften and security includet mirrors and cameras. ''I know now that whatever I invested in security meaau.rea, it was not a waste of money," he said. "Not more than 2 percent ot shoplltters at the store are 1ettin1 away with it. We routinely catch them, and most are teen-acers pocketing cosmetics -eve and face makeups, and the lilte.1' He said the fact that no one reported the incidents was "a sad commentary, and a bl1 surprise." "But on a Sunday most of our shoppers are transients, they just drop in," be said. "During the week we have our regular customers, and they feel a certain responsibillty to the store. I'm sure it would have been different ii the experiment had been cond~cted then." Now theres no need to wait in line for a boardq~ora seat~nt when~ ftv United to or througb Chicago. Wh en you make your r eserva· tions, simply ask for United's Advance Check-In. You'll maJ& your seat sel~ lion then . And when you get your tickets, you 11 get boarding passes showing your assigned seat for every United flight on your trip. 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Seats are limited, so make your reservations early. Fares. restrictions and schedules subject to change. For reservations. call your Travel Agent. Or call United at 537-7521. Partners in Travel with Westin Holets. .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1882 ONLY ' FORD ESCORT FORD EXP Both Escort and EXP now have Ford care Coverage. Our best-selling Escort and our sporty two- seater EXP now both come with Ford Care Coverage. Ford Care Coverage is more than a commitment to quality, it:S the closest thing to cost-free drMng. Because for two years or 24,000 miles, virtually all you pay for is gas. For.dCare Coverage: • 1Wo years cost-free maintenance. For two years or 24,000 miles-whichever . comes first-all scheduled maintenance on your new Escort or EXP is free. That includes all parts, all labor. You don't pay a cent 1Woyears worl<manshlp warranty. For two years or 24,000 miles-again, whichever comes first-your new Escort or EXP is protected from virtually any problem. From clocks to cables to carburetors, you're covered. This limited warranty excludes accidents, abuse, tires and fluids between scheduled intervals. But everything else is covered. Everything. Ford Care Coverage. lt:S an offer without equal on any other small cars. And the offer doesn't end there. MaJor price breaks of fiundreds of dollan. Take delivery of a l 982 Escort or EXP by April 3 and you'll also get a 5% cash bonus off the base vehicle sticker price, direct from Ford1 This cash is yours to keep, or may be used against the down payment And it can amount to hundreds of dollars : S370 on EXP, up to S375 on the Escort GLX wagon. (Ford Care Coverage and cash offers good on new 1982 vehicles derlvered from your Ford Dealer between February 2 and April 3, 1982. Cash portion limited to one per customer.) Ford C.re Coverage. 11le closest thing to cost·fNe driving. More good news: $750 price breaks on other Ford cars and trucks.* Ford Care Coverage and cash make Escort and EXP two of the best small-car buys in America. And, right now, Ford has other great offers on other car and truck lines. Between now and April 3, Ford is offering S7SO price breaks on every new Mustang, Fairmont and Granada. Plus, 5750 price breaks on new vans, Club Wagons, Broncos and light conventional trucks. Dealer contribution may affect consumer cost. Ford is also offering, direct to you, a S750 price break on 1982 Ford Courier mini pickups. You can take these price breaks as a check, or you can apply them to your down payment. (Ford Care Coverage does not apply to vehicles which receive the 5750 price breaks.) •Amounts lower in Texas and lows1ana limit one per customer Take delivery from your paruc1pat1ng Ford Dealer between February 2 and ApnJ 3. 1982 I • I ·- Dally Piiat MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1982 CAVALCADE SPORTS STOCKS 82 83-6 87 Music, wit of .'Riders in the Sky' gives the West. a new dimension. 88. D ~ 0 Peripheral Canal: Package with strings 81 STEVE TIUPOU Of ... .,..., ......... An unllkel1 pair or coalJUon.a has rlaen to do battle over Senate Bill zoo. the proposed expansion of state water faclliUes that includes the Peripheral Canal. The coaUU001 defy cateaortzat1on alon1 realonal, poUUcal or apecial·~t Unet. While there is generally lhou1ht to be majority support for the expansion among Southern CaUfotnians and opposition arnona northerners, the lengthy liab of supporten displayed by botb sides show surpri1ln1 similarities. Farmers, businessmen, environmental grou1>5 and politicians of both parties can be found on both sides or tbe debate. Even the Sierra Club is split over the issue. • The two sides disagree sharply o•er almost every aspect of the Issue. Proponents say the package of new facilities i.s desperately needed if Southern Califorrua ts lo have adequate water supplies in the future. Opponents say the Southland will have more than enough water and wastes too much now. The two sides price the package at anywhere from $3 billion to $23 billion. 0 p.p o n e n t s p r e d l c t d i s a s t r o u s environmental impact from the project on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the heart of the state's water system . Propcnents sav the package would be an environmental boon there. Who would get water from an expanded project? Proponents say most Ot it would be used lo meet the expanding needs of Southern California's urban population. Opponents say the whole plan is just another way to get water to rlch tnland farmers at subsidiud rates. If all of this is confusin1 lo the voters who m"5l decide the issue June 8, it at least serves to underscore tl\e high stakes and compleXlty of the issue. What emerges from the rhetoric is a debate centered on three major issues: the need for the Peripheral Canal and other additions lo the vast State Wat.er Project, the environment.al impact of tbe package and its real cost. THE NEED The two sides, especially opponents of the expansion, have turned the debate over wbelher SB 200 facilities are needed into an examination of the way water is wied. priced and leplat.ed in the state. · Area officials point to expanding population plus the fact that Southern CaUfomia will &ose more than half tts 1.2 million acre·foot annual entitlement of Colorado River water in 1985 as evidence that new supplies from the California Aqueduct, which brings water south from the Sacramento Delta, will be needed. (An acre-foot, the amount of water needed to cover an acre lo a depth of one foot, is about 325,900 gallons.) The Metropolitan Water District, which supplies aJtnost all the Orange Coast's water through supplies from the California and the Colorado River aqueducts. does not currently use its full Colorado River entitlement, drawing about 700,000 acre-feet from each of the two aqueducts annually. '" However, MWD officials say that the cut in 1985 to 550,000 acre-feet a year, the result of a U.S. Supreme Court decision~iving the water to Arizona will be the start of real water deficits from that source. Possible legal settlements with Indian tribes are likely to further reduce MWD's share of t;olorado River water to 450,000 acre-feet a year. resulting in 1 250,000 acre.foot deficit from current usage once lhe cut goes into effect. At an official estimate of one acre-foot needed to serve a family of five for one year, that's enough water for 1.25 million people. The problem. say officials, is that existing facilities are only capable of delivering one million acre-feet of water a year from the north. The solution, they say, is to increase that capability by building the Peripheral Canal. Water officials paint a gloomy picture of waler scarcity if the canal is not built. "There will be substantial short.ages in dry years, and occasional shortages even in wet vears," says MWD General Mana~er Evan Griffith. "If you just add up simple numbers you'll find that you're not going to meet the needs of the people (without the canal)." Karl Kemp, general manager of the Mesa Consolidated Water District ln Costa Mesa, voiced an often-heard prediction of canal baekers when be predicted •ater ratioD.lnc and a forced chaaae of life st7le wtt.bout the canal. The lifestyle changes predicted by water officials raace from re1ulallon of lawn watering and car waarun1 to choosing between future industrial and residential expansion because there is not enough water to serve both needs. Without tbe Increased water deliVery. capacity afforded by the canal, Kemp says, ·'there are toing lo be choices lo be made and they're eoln.t to be tough ones." SB 200 oppoftenta scoff at the claims of lhe pro.canal people. 0~ such u Frleftds of the Earth, the newlJ·formed uti-eanal coaUUoo Calltomtana for a Fair Water Policy and The Worklna AlUance to Equalise Water Rates aU maintain that water Is tq\landered all over CaUfomia, eapeelally on the farm• that wie 85 percent of all water used in the state. Water wasce in the tmpertal Valley alone, where alle~Y. wasted water dralrdna Into the Salton Sea ........ Us ''"' '° tap6d.ly that. GU.rbJ farms are llooded, eqva.IJ 400,000 acnt.flM a year -more lban what will be lost wben Colorado Rlver eaUUemen&a ani cut. they aay. Tbat'arp...i Ncel"8 ~ trom wt.At to IDallt would be U ~ place -lbe 1t9te ~ ot Water Relourcet. wbOM top ontciali are ~Y pro-naal. A 1WOlt released in December by DWR'a Soutbent Dlst.rict lilied •·u.. Of Wa~r by Im~ 1rr1otion J>tstrict." ltetel th1l '811000 aere·fett' CJf•ater a )'ear cOuld be Hvld ll • the dlltrkt UHtade~flb fadDUa and f1rmen - • Martinez • Fairfield SITE OF CANAL -The location of the proposed Peripheral Canal. part of a package that is moving toward center stage as one of the hottest statewide political battles m years. 1s shown on above map of the Sacramento Delta. adopted several new water use practices. The report calls for a improved irrigation practices. lining of earthen canala, lnstallaUon of seepage recovery lines near the earthen canals, and elimination of excessive water deliveries to individual farms. If such conservation measures were Instituted in the lmperial Valley and other farmlnJ areu, and laws were modified to allow transfer of surplus water from federal to state water projects. there would be more Ulan enough water to meet Southern California's present and future needs, canal oppooeota say. The opponents also cite several other arguments lo support lheir contention that SB 200 facilities are not needed. They include: -The system of water pricing does not reflect the true value of water. and therefore encourages waste. -Water officials base delivery goals on contracts signed in the early 1960s, when the State Water Project was first authorized, and not on realistic projections of need -water laws do not address modern needs to transfer surplus water to places where it is needed and manage groundwater basins for the benefit of all who use them. A 1978 study of water use in the state, prepared for the slate Legislature by lhe Rand Corpcration of Santa Monica , stales similar conclUBions. ''There is no general state policy to e ncourage efficient use of water within CalifonUa, and in fact there are substantial Impediments to efficient use embodies in state water law, administr ation, and organizational behavior within the water industry," the study found. The study also contends that "there is an inherent tendency for overexpansion within the SWP," and that planning for future needs is too heavily dependent on old contracts The study states that water pricing and groundwater management policies lead farmers to use water based on what for them is sound economic planning, but is in reality uneconomical for society as a whole. The problem is that water pricing poUcies are not based on a free market and thus send the wrong signals lo farmers about whether to use water," lhe report states. ECOLOGY Environmental questions related to the SB 200 Issue have centered on the Peripheral Canal and protection for upstate water sources. Proponents say that four environmental problems in the Sacramento Delta. all of them at least partially caused by humans, could be corrected by the canal. They are: -Revene nows -literally the reversal of natural wate·r now caused when tbe bu1e water exporting pumps al the south end of the Della are in operation. The pumps' tucking action ia so strong that water nowtn1 out the weatem end of the Delta curia around an island there and at several other points and nows back lntothe Delta. -Saltwater intruaion, or the now of ocean Udea lnto the Delta when there is insufficlent freshwater outflow or because or the operation or the pumps. • -Dearaded Delta water quality caused by sallwater intrusion and •tricullural ~yp""9Qd9- wblcb now lnto the Wlter. -Dtcltnlnt fi1Jh populations caused by opuation of th• pumps,·wtrlch pull fry (amaU Ush> ud tbeJr food aupply out of Ute Delta and confute mllfatinJ flah on tht1r wa, to 1peWlll.n.S rrouncta b)' creatfns r•vene nows.. Canal proponents say the canal la dell1ned to d al with all of these problems. Because the canal would deUvtr water directly to the pumps from above the Delta, reverte fk>wa would bo tt'eatly dlminlabed and water qualJty tbr usera of the cllported water would be improved, since it would not travel through the Delta prior to export. they say. Delta water quality also would be improved, and salinity controlled, because the canal would have 14 release points from which water would be released into the Delta specifically for those two purposes. Finally. advanced screens at the canal intake plus less need to operate the Delta pumps would combine lo aid young and spawning ttsh. say tbe proponents. SB 200 pro ponen ts also say that environmental protec tion for Northern California rivers. the Delta and fisheries is written into Proposition 8 , a constitutional amendment that takes effect if SB 200 passes. Opponents say they doubt that anyone can deliver on the environmental protection promises. If a real water shortage comes to the state. the~ sav. the oowerful political clout of Southern atlifornia 's stat~wide voting majority would make Proposition 8 worthless (it can be repealed by popular vote l and may result in a shut-off of fresh water releases from the canal. Protections for fisheries touted by pro-canal forces also are an illusion, say th e opponents, because no proven technology ex15ts for fish screens lhat would save fry and hsh eggs to the manner proponents des en be. Opponents also cite what they fee l is a loophole in the fisheries protection provisions that promises only that fish will be maintained at "historical levels" in the Delta, without reference to a means for doing so. The provision would allow fish levels to be maintained by simply stocking the area with fish grown elsewhere if that became convenient, they say. SB 200 opponents add that past attempts by humans to "fine·tune" the environment. hke the canal plan, have usually failed. Canal proponents repond that they nave nothing to lose in the Delta. since its problems have been cuased b)' man ever since Chinese laborers began constructing a series of levees there in the 1850s. FINANCING The cost and financing of SB 200 faciJltles is the issue lhat anti-canal groups say they will campaign most heavily on when the campaign for the June 8 referendum begins They argue that the projected $5.4 billion price lag for SB 200, as estimated by the state Department of Water Resources, is too much lo spend even if it is not a low figure. as they suspect it Is. Tied ln with the anti·SB 200 argument that the whole package is not needed in the first pf ace, the project becomes the multi· billion dollar "boondoggle" thlll SB 200 opponents are fond or callin11 it. One or the methods of financing the project cited by waler officials revenue bonds -ls cal led intoq uestion by the opponents. A pamphlet issued by Californians for a Fair Water Polley asks "wiU the state be able to sell revenue bonds on the current market and at what rate? ... will water transported by the canal even be salable at such hl1h cost? ... why basn 'ta thorouah and d•talled coat / benefit analyst~ ever ken p'rformed by the state or any other 1overnment agency?" The ~mpblet also aJ.IU_esla Ula.t l1 the boncla and i.-o, other reva\le 90urcea for funclJna SB 200 cited by w•ter offtc1 • \1 dioo't cover coe&a "taxpayers stat.ewtde wUl pick up tht differenc . " Jt call• the chance of aoch • tborUalJ OCC\lrri.nl "llke.l1." A MetroPOlltAn Water Dlltnct bull.Un' to peopl4 speakJnc 1n behalf ot SB JOO remlndl• t.he1n lbat all COltl for 58 IOCI would be covved by e1e,})4tded IOUtc:a. ''Tbe State Water Project & .. never bad to rely on at.ate 1eneral hmds to r.pay aay of the .•• bond.a lJsued. Then are no atate taxea lnvolved in the flnanctns of t.bJI omlf'i"t .. One todirect <'Ost or the proJect that SB 200 opponents claim is hidden 1s the cost of ent!rgy to move the water from SB 200 facilities. "The canal was designed when oil to create electricity cost S2 per barrel. oil now costs up to $40 per barrel,' states a Californians for Fair Water Policy pamphlet "When the canal package is completed, the Stale Waler Project wiU use 10 billion kwh <kilowatt hours) or electricity per year, about as much power as used to 2 million homes annually. Mu ch of the required energy does not yet e xist "The demand for energy to pump a river or water uphill and backwards will be great and this new energy demand will be shat'ed by everyone in the slate in the form of higher utility rates and energy scarcity." But MWD General Man ager Evan Griffith, 1n a letter to MWD directors titled "Answers to Arguments Against the Peripheral Canal," disagrees. Gnffith says more than 90 percent or the power needed to run the State Water Project in the year 2000. after completion of the canal, will come from sources either now in operation or under construction Nearly 60 percent of the power ~ould come from SWP hydroelectnc plants. he says ··Because most of these plants were built in the 1960s and 1970s with pre-innat1on dollars, and because the project'~ hydroelectric energy is not lied to rismg fuel costs, the overall cost of e~e~g.y to run the project will always be s1gmf1canlly lower than the price of power sold by electric utilities," he said These issues. and probably quite a few more minor issues that are part of the complex state water picture, will in all likelihood be the subject of a large scale media blitz and public discussion in the next few months CAMPAIGN The first shots in lhe battle already have been fired -a mong them the public unveiling of Californians for a Fair Water Polley earlier this monlh and rhetoric by political candidates from Gov Edmund G Brown Jr to Lt Gov. Mike Curb on the subject MWD, barred as a public agency from direct partisan politicking, has launched a series of commercials starring comedian Joan Rivers urging water conservation because or the Colorado River shutoff. Opponents say the commercials were a thinly-disguised scare campaign aimed at getting people to think about the possibility or water shortages. • The battle promises to expand in coming months. Gordon Elser, information officer for the Orange County Water District, said MWD lawyers have advised that agency that It may legally become more involved in the debate because 1ls mandate Is to keep the water flowing for Southern California. The agency can argue that defeat of SB 200 would prevent it from fulfilling Its mission, the lawyers reportedly said. Canal opponents sa y that the defeat of SB 200 at the polls could trigger the reforms tbat1 they HY are needed in the state's water ayatem. Pusage or the package could be tbe first step in plans that will lead to the dammlnr ot UM sule's wild northern rivers, and perhaps even the Columbia and Yukon rtvera In Walhinaton State and Alaska. say the most J)el'1lmf1Uc oppooent.s. Like everythln1 else concerned wlt.h t.hl.a Issue, SB IOO backers see a different scenario lr the pach1e Is a pproved. "W •u be ln a better position ~nvlronme'ntally, economically and aoclally:• said Mes" Consolldattd Genertl Mana_., Kemp. . Perb•PI the onlJ thJq lhat la ce.rutn la tbal there will be much. mutb more said between now and Jun~ 8 ' I Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 8. 1982 •ANN LANDERS • ERMA BOMBECK ·. ·H~OSCOPE • apathetic condu~t outrages te~n DEAR ANN LANDERS: I a m a help to aet over such a terrible tragedy. - ll·year-old boy who lives in Rochester, SHOCKED A.ND ANGRY IN NEW YORK N.Y. I try to read your column every day. --- Nol..QIM:&. bave-1 teen anything -.bout a DEAR SHOCKED: I would aot Judge 1ubject I believe is very important. 1 am all teeD·asen by tbe unbelievably callous talkinl about tffn·•I .. murden. behavior of tlloM creeps ID CalllomJa. J ju.st read where a 14-year-old girl in Your concern about the parents la Callfomia was murdered by her teen.age evidence that tbere are many leDlltlve, boyfriend. The police out there, who have concerned teen·a1ers around. Tbe teen many bisarre murders, were appalled or1aahatlon I am recommendlag la tor lo learn that the girl's body had been pareata wbo bave lost chlldttn ln death. It viewed by a dozen of the murderer's ls Tbe C.Ompasslonate Frtends. There are ,friends and not a single one reported the many chapten In tbe Unlted States and crime to the police. Canada. Tbe address ot the national I cannot believe all teen·agers are this beadquarten ls P.O. Box 1347, Oak Brook, apathetic and uncaring. It is inconceivable Ill. SOSZJ. Those who are interested should that those kids put such a low price tag on write at once . Please enclose a a person's life. I am sure if you asked self.addressed, stamped legal·slze teen-agers in your reading audience what envelope. THEY would have done if they had been And thank you tor caring enough to asked to look at the dead body of a young write and express your outrage. girl by the kid who murdered her. most of them would tell you they would go immediately to the police and report it. DEAR ANN LANDERS: You didn't try very hard to help the mother of the small child whose birthday fell on Christmas. (He felt gypped because he always received one gift to cover both celebrations.> Do you know or any organization that might help the parents of teen-aeers who have been murdered? 1 hope there is one because these people really need a lot of ~Parents, take a how Every year. a child who is sick and tired or a mother shoving this column into her face and shouting, ''Read this! It's you!" will write and ask why l al ways take llMA IOMllCI . the parents' point of view and never the child's. AT WIT'S END Tb.is year's writer is from Long Beach and she says, "For so long you have written about children that do things that make their parents miserable. how about a few measly words to make parents feel like maybe they have done something right?" Signed: "T.H." • she borrowed and when the parents ask, "Have you any idea how much a camera like this cost and who i5' going to pay for it?" does ... and will. They've raised a winner when they point out to a son that his pants are ripped. his shirt is not ironed. the sole is coming off his shoe and his sweater is inside out. and he looks rotten . . . and he agrees with them. You're right, T.H. It must seem like there's no pleasing us. It's time for my yearly child-appreciation tribute. PARENTS HA VE DONE something right when they ask a child to bring them a glass of water from the kitchen and th'e child knows where the kitchen is. It's a good day for any parent when their child speaks to them in public. when they put gas in the car after they've used it. ask if you're watching a TV show before they flip the dial, do dishes when it isn't their night, and thank you for anything. They've done it when they get a birthday present on their birthday that their child bas bought with his own money. They've pulled it off when their child volunteers that she dropped the camera ITS A GOOD TIME for parents when their children tell them the truth when you're gonna kill 'em for it ... answer their parents without saying. '"What do you want?•' . . . shut the door in the winter because it makes their dad smile, or respect their mother's cold as they do their own . 'POT SHOTS B_Y~~SHLEIGH BRILLIANT I TRY TO Good kids are like sunsets. We take 'em for granted. Every morning they rise. Every evening they disappear. Most parents in a single lifetime will never imagine how hard they try to please us and how miserable they feel when they think they have failed. ~-TAKE '91F'E AS IT COMES, AND JUST HOPE IT KEEPS C.0MIN6. Take a good look at your kids. 1 mean really look at them . You've done a lot better than you think you did Now. tell them. GOREii 011 BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.l:-.U South, vulnerable, JOU hold: +l_,. OJ5" OllQ1 +Ill n. blddin1 bu proceeded: N_. PAK s..&11 WNt I o P .. J 1;;> P .. 'o r .. ' What do JOU bid now ? A. -Partner la interuted in slam, but be DMda to know about ap.ei6c toatrola. Had IM aimplJ wanted to find out !low many acea and ldop you lt.a•e, be could baYe uaed Blackwood. You have no ace to lhow, but four band ia too pod for JOU to eimply •Ip off at four hearta. We aur· pat you pinpoint your valuea b7 bidding five diamoncb. Q.t-Both vulnerable, u South you bold: +AITWI o t o 105 +&QJ5 Tiiie ai.ddinr ha.a pN>C:Mded: N_..Eut ... W..t 1 0 ,.._,. r .. a o r .. ' What do JOU bid now? A.-n. natural impul.M la to rebid your m-ard tpade nit lo e&M partaer'• jump plft WU partl7 bued OD a 1,U. ftt. But If It wun't, """M:tM aitht propel ~ put Jftl .. lpot -tkree DO tfUap. U )'CM& bkt tine DO U..p .... JOU wW warn puUaet &kt Jotl MYe DO lilt· i.s .., ...-,. of lat. "''" and U..t JM k" • Nt of "t0ft" ..,_fa &.a.. uoMd .Wt. U-8ot91 vulurabl•. u Soul) JOU Mid: •&tiff<='' OA ... •IUT ,........._ • ., ••••• it: ..... " ............ I o P.. lJllT I o ' ...... ,.a.w .. ., A. -Two 1pade1. Before you take ua to tuJt for malting a reverM bid oo i11.1ufficieot value., let ua 1tate that we would never have made that bid bad E.ut not interfered. We would tlmply have rebid diamonds aioce partner is unlikely to have four apade1. But •e m1l1t make aome aort of competitive effort, and two apadet ii the moet flelli· ble. Partner bu the option of correctlo1. puain1 or In· troducia1 dube, ii that hap- pen. to be hia long suit. Q.4-A• South, vulnerable, you hold: •JIM 1;;>JM! OAI +IU5 The bidding bu proceeded: ~ WMt Nwtll Eut I. P .. ! + p .. 1 What aeUon do you ~e? A.-Wbere do you want to go? You have a mlolmum openlo1 bid and partner bu 1bown a weak hand that doe1 oot contain a foW"C&l'd major. Pua. He abouJd uve at leut four pod clube, mon likely fiv•. 10 you an ln your beat •pot. Q.1-A• South, vulnerable. you bold.: H4 onm oQJ• •&Ja Ttle b6ddin1 hu proc:Mded: N_..S.. -...Welt I• Pu91NTP .. a• .,... t WUt act1oa do you \ab? A.-Pana.r't acdon la noc. fordQS. ud elfte. you bav• •boat .. lltU. .. JCXl·COllld for you.r one eo tr11mp ,..., .... •• •ould llCK Ink 70ta If 1" ei.n.d to lllUli--"' KowoY«r, ,oa 46 ha•• uMM lat.maedla&e ardl, wllldl auggeat a no trump contract. Your band could euily pro- duce the aame number or trick.a at no trump u al 1pade1, to we would venture thrff no trump. Q.8-Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: •14 OAI OA&e +AQIOllM Partner op.a• the bidding with one 1pade. What do you reapon.d? A. -UauaUy, we Hite to have a m with partner .. a condi· tioo for a jump fhift. But •e have 1uch a strong hand, and our euit 1110 good. that if we don't jump 1hilt Immediately. we might find it difficult to catch up later. Jump to three clutn. H partner rebicb three hearu or thrff 1padee, be content with th"" no trump. That wru alert partner to the fact that you have aU around valuea, rather than concen· Lrlled etrength in ju1t one or two 1ulta. • ..... , ~r••1e ... ~. ........ .....,_ ........................ o.u.,a-._.,. ... ,.. 4••'*' CltarlH Gero•'• "'••r•DeaJ lrl4-•" wW .... ,.. ............. ... ....._., ...... ,. ... .,. *'-................. .... ................... , ... ..,, .......... . ._. ILff .. ~­ D•al," c.are of &Ille ••• 0ftr, P.O ....... -M~PU . .,.._llWt.a ... ..,.... .. N..,.. ,., , .... I was born on Dec. 24, and my mother had the perfect solution. She 1ave me a "half-time" birthday party on June~. Why did.n 't you sugiest this to the troubled woman instead of giving her a sermon about teaching children gifts aren't important and it's how we treat people that counts'? You flubbed the dub. Babe. - GAITHERSBURG, MD. DEAR GAITHERS: At least 2,000 readers acqualnted me wlth tbe "half·Ume" birthday party. I bad never heard of It. Not a bad way tor Yuletide babies to beat the natal rap and end up wltb double loot. DEAR ANN LANDERS: l take strong exception to your reply to "Mr. Purse in Edmonton.•· I am a married man, 53 , and have carried a shoulder pocketbook for the past four years. I bought it in Europe when I saw many men using them. Mine is leather and looks like a camera case. I can carry my glasses, wallet, credit cards, comb, pills and handkerchief without loading down my pockets. At no time has anyone ever looked SURROUNDED -World chess champion Anatoly Karpov of the Sovief Union faced 15 players in a simultaneous match in the at me funny or asked to borrow my lipstick. Please rethink your answer. Pocketbooks make a lot of sense. l wouldn't give mine up for anything. -MR. PURSE IN PHILLY DEAR PIULL Y: Shoulder bags that look like camera cases -yes. Alligator and leopard-akin clutch·types -no. There's a big dllfereace. Are your parents too stnct' Hard to reach? Ann Landers' booklet ... Bugged By Parents? Ann Landers' booklet. ··Bugged By Parents' How to Get More Freedom:· could help you bndge the generation gap. Send SO cents with your request and a long . stamped . selfra.ddressed envelope to Ann Landers. P 0 Bor 119'JS. Chicago . Ill 60611 UNESCO building in Paris las t week Karpov won 12. drew two and lost one. Aries gets results ~ Tuesday, February 9 ARI~ <March 2I·April 19): Memos, messages and calls bring desired res ults. Key now is to communicate needs and to do so in direct. dynamic, graphic manner. TAURUS <April 20-May 20): Emotional pressure is relieved: you have more freedom, coldness is replaced by affection. Family reunion could be part of scenario. GEMINI <May 21 .June 201 : Spotlight on legal rights and permissions, land. territory. property and professional appraisal. CANCER (June 2l·July 221 · Telephone call or message results in short trip. Agreement reached m eans more responsibility and chance for greater rewards . Emphasis on promotion , production. ti m e -and-motion study. LEO <July 23 -Aug. 22 >: Added recognition due: you receive advance payment, royalty and you are able to communicate to wider audience. VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22 > · Focus on new start, added independence, creativity and ability to get to heart of matters. Take initiative. trust your own judgment. LIBRA <Sept . 23·0ct. 22>: Recent contact proves valuable ; you'll (&in advance information, have access to confidential data and you'll know what goes on behind scenes. Hunch proves accurate. SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21): Flurry of calls, invitations results in increased social activity. More people are interested in your views and you could be questioned by the media. Give full play to intellectual curiousity -find reasons for recent events. · ' SAGl'M'ABIUS <Nov. 22·Dec. 21 >: You'll be asked to review, revile, rebuild and to accept added responslblllty. Superior exp""'es confidence, talkl about possible promotion or bon~ Aquarius, Leo. Scorpio persons nsure promlneotly. CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Perceive motives, reject ·~perflclal explanations, look to future and Plan alieaid t • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA for travel. Be ready for change, a variety of sensations and written notice which contains good news. You'll be dealing with Gemini, Virgo. Sagittarius individuals. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Hidden costs come to tight. Be more aware o( financial requirements. taxes, leases and interest rates . Cons ultation with accountant may be necessary. Family member makes special request. Be diplomatic, but consider budget PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20 >: Work quietly behind scenes Check administrative reports. Define terms. see places and people in realistic light. Be aware of legal rights and permissions. Delay is temporary and will actually be to your advantage. .. BUllilogs' defense \-he big diff ereDce - Fresno, assumes lead. after win in OT 8yJOllN8EVANO °' .............. LONG BEACH Im mediately followin1 tu beart·brealdna overtime lou to Fresno State h•re Sunday afternooni the UC Irvine· basketba l team beld a .-even-minute, doaed·door, playen.only meet.Ina. None ol the partlclputl were wlllina to discu11 the aeask>n once the k>cker room doon were opened -bu\ lt wouldn't be too hard to speculate. Indeed, the Anteaters probably cave themselves a little pep talk. They needed one. Eotertnc Jut week's play ln a virtual deadlock with the Bulldo1s for first place, tbe Anteaten now find tbemselva with the unsavory tuk of bavina to beat the same two teams thia week they had just lost to al home. And, to makes matters wone, UCI can no longer claim a spot atop the PCAA 11tandin11. Tbe Bulldogs made sure that lofty position was strictly their own after pulling out a chilling ~ overtime decision before 8,456 at the Long Beach Arena. THE CONTEST WAS a classic confrontation between the nation's best shooting team <UCI> 4gainst the nation's top defensive squad (Fresno State). And, in the end, Fresno's defense won out. The Bulldogs threw a blanket around UCl's scoring duo of Kevin Magee and Randy Wbieldon. Magee, despite scoring 18 points <nine below bis aver age), was a miserable s of 17 from the field. Every time he got the baJl, tw.> or three FTesoo State players were instantly around him either altering bis shot or slapping the ball away. "We had scouted their team and we knew the bulk of their scoring came from Kevin," said Bulldog forward Rod Higeim. "At that time we noticed a few things about bjm. We fell we could do some things to affect him on defense." [ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8. 1982 admitted Coach BUI Mulli1an. "l keep telling him not to put the ball down. Every time be does he gets in trouble." The mystery surround1n1 Whieldon ls another story. The sharp-shooting guard, who has hit for a hilh percentage du.rtn1 conference play, made UCl's first basket Sunday and then was never 'heard from again until he fouled out with 39 seconds to play in overtime. "The shots just weren't there," said a solemn Wbieldon, who was 1 of 5 from the floor He finished with just two points. 13 below his average. Actually, the s hots weren't there for a lot of Anteaters, who managed a paltry 37 percent ( 17 of 46) from the field ··we played hard and shot awful,'' summed up Mulligan. "Our intensity was good . . . our defense wa s good everything was good but our shooting." ASKED IF Fresno State's defense was a factor, Mulligan said: "We've had the same shots all year." J ncredibly. despite their anemic sJl()()ting, the Anteaters were in the game right to the nail-biting end. The reason for that is they played som~ pretty good defense of their own. Not noted for being stingy at the defensive end of the court, UC Irvine combined full-court pressure with a 3·2 or 2-1·2 zone defense underneath to disrupt Fresno State's offensive now. The flnt half aaw the lead change handa six llmes before the Bulldogs 08-2 overall, 8-l in conference> took a slim 24.23 lead to the dressing room at tbe intermission 1 2 UCI had jumpea out by as much as six in the early 101.na, but Fresno eventually came back to tie the score at 14-all. Bobby Davis' jumper wlth 4 -i seconds left gave the Bulldogs only their second lead of the first 20-minute period. l I 1 The second half virtually belonged to the Bulldogs. UCI assumed a quick 31-28 lead, but the Bulldogs scored 10 straight points during a s1x-mlnµte stretch to go ahead 38-31 with 6 41 to play J r l .. I A BASK ET AND two free throws by Kevin Full er, and two more free throws by Magee, made a game of it again as tile [ Anteaters crept to witbin one, 38-37. The Bulldogs managed to maintain the upper hand, though , and s till lead by a seemingly comfortable 43-38 with 2:42 left in regulation. But 1 the Anteaters got a basket by 1 Magee. another one from Rainer Wulf and, following a free / throw by Fresno 's Tyrone t Bradley (he also Missed ) one l, Ben McDonald scored a layin with 38 seconds -. <See FRESNO, Page 84) I l 1 BACKBOARD DUEL -UC Irvine's Ben McDonald shows a pained expression while fighting Fresno's Desi Barmoe ror a rebound Sunday at the Long Beach Arena. Teams battled into overtime before visiting Bulldogs finally prevailed. 55-49. Magee's worst habit is putting the ball on the floor once it's in his hands. This usually makes it easy for the opposit.ion to get a piece of it. ··For the four years I've had him Kevin has done that," t This the pits Celtics' Fitch • IS -- Boston coach fumes. as Lakers overcome huge third-quarter deficit to win BOSTON (AP> -Los Angeles may have been missing one of its offensive sparkplugs, but three others were firing with such precision that the Lakers sped past the sputtering Boston Celtics While Magic Johnson was in the shop for repairs to bis sprained arch, the Celtics found that they are the ones in need of a tuneup "THIS IS the pits," said Boston Coach Bill Fitch aft.er the Lakers roared from 20 points behind to take a 119-113 National Basketball Association victory Sunday. "We got beat with ever¥ lineup and every matchup.'' "We missed him (Johnson)," said Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley "But it's got lo be a tremendous confidence builder for us lo win without him." With 3: 10 gone in the third quarter. the Lakers traiJed 74-54. With 3 31 left in the game, they led 104-99 The 50-25 burst was rue led by the s hooting of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Michael Cooper and Jamaal Wilkes. Abdul-Jabbar scored 12 of his <>e ason-high 35 points in the fourth quarter, Cooper canned 16 of his season-high 31 in the same period, and Wilkes bit 20 of his 26 io the second half. "WE WERE being outplayed totally" as Bos ton built its 20-point bulge, said Riley "We got a real hot hand and that's going lo take care of a lot of things." While Boston maintained big leads, the Lakers were still able to make their shots, which gave them a psychological boost, Fitch said. "Once they got that confidence, it doesn't matter if you have that hand in their face. We let up on defense when we had that big lead," he said after Boston's four-game winning streak ended. Simons sees opening, takes it Stadler falls victim to the pitfalls of Pebble Beach "It was more patience than confidence," said Wilkes . "We didn't know we'd come back but we knew if we panicked we wouldn't come back." BOM'ON LED 40-27 after one quarter and 65-52 at baltllme. But a 10--0 spurt, beginning and ending with jumpers by Wilkes, put the Lakers ahead 96-93 with 7 24 left.. PEBBLE BEACH <AP) - Jim Simons said be "saw hope" when Craig Stadler made a double bogey. He saw it through some dark glasses, a couple -that's right, two of contact lenses and, almost certainly, indistinctly. He's legally blind without bis various corrective lenses. And the lenses were giving him trouble during the lasl two rounds of the 4lst Bing Crosby National Pro -Am Golf Tournament. But Simons shrugged off tbe discomfort, donned some dark glasses as protection against the weak rays of the sun filtering through clouds covering the Monterey Peninsula and, with a brilliant. final -round 66, overcame a five-shot deficit and won the old Crosby Clambake. ''I'm just as happy as I can be. My whole system ii toing 200 miles an hour and it'U take me at least two or tbrff days to calm down," the St-year-old Simons said after acqulrin1 only the third tiUe of his 11-year tour career. He won it witb a 2'74 total, 14 shots under par. But it didn't come eully. In fact, for much of the cool, buy aflel'QOOD it appeared It wouldn't come at -11. stadler. tbe man called "the Walrus" by h11 fellow pro&, see..S poised for another ~pina nmaway. He went ftYe aboU dead after onb seven ho.let of pla7 and Simons,' playtq wttb him, wu trytn1ton.ail4IDwD ....... ,.ac. money. "Crall. Sot off to such a pd start "mODI tald. "Ht made it loak euy. It wun't rullltlc to thlnt ol wlnnln' aad tben'• a lot of money for Heoiic1. ~· Then Sta411er, a fn9t . .._., winner at 'l'ucMJa, Arti., earlier thil year, put OM OYet a .. 0n tbe niDtb bole, made a doubl• bo1ey and Slmom ••aaw Mpe" through his burrung eyes. "The golf course has a whole lot of disaster holes out there. It's a matter of avoiding them." Simons said. And that's what happened. He avoided them and Stadler found them. The critical tumaroond came on the par-3 17th. Stadler snatched his tee shot lo the left,· over a cliff and down among the wave-washed rocks OD the beach of Carmel Bay. He bad to take an unplayable lie, eventually one-putted for bogey and Simons made birdie. It was a two-stroke swing that settled tbe issue. Stadler finished with a hard-won 70 that included four birdies, an eagle, two bogeys and a double bogey. He was second alone at 176. Nicklaus. second a week earlier, was third this lime, tied at 280 with Johnny Miller. Joe Inman. Rex Caldwell and Mike M.nrley. Miller. Caldwell and Morley had 5-under-par 67's at the picturesque Pebble Beach Golf Links, and Inman bad a 69. Masters champ Tom Watson shot a 68-282. Tom Kite, last year's leading money-winner, had an unusual absence from the top 10 finishers. He was 73-289. The victory, Simons· first in four years, was worth $54,000 from the total purse of $300,000. Baskets by Robert Parish, who paced Boston with 29 points, and M.L. Carr put Boston on top for the last time before AbduJ-Jabbar bit a reverse laytn that gave Los Angeles a 98-97 edge with 6:14 remaining. Abdul-Jabbar hit 16 of 20 field goal attempts, Cooper made 13 of 20 and Wilk4!tt sank 12 of 21 as they combined· for 92 points. Carr said the Celtics tended to sag on Abdul-Jabbar when he got the ball so he passed tt to loosely guarded teammates. No one else really got in the title chase. Jack. Nicklaus tried. But bi.a putting deserted him and finally kllled any lin1erlng hopes be may bave had with a three-putt bogey on the 16th. He bad a closina 70. Simons, who has a long history of eye troubles , said h is problems were heightened this week by the experimental use of two contact lenses in his left. eye, one · lo correct vision and the other to correct astigmatism. The piggy-back lenses, however, caused burnine in bls eyes, prohibited the eye from "breathine" and caused the 1065 of some tissue, Simons said. "There were two or three times when Boston defended beautifully and we worked the ball around to the open man and made the shots," Riley said. "We bad them where we wanted them and we let them off the boot," said Boston's Kevin McHale. "They went to the people who usually do it for them and they did it." TELLS THE STORY -UC Irvine reserve forward Kick Ciaccio (41) looks at the clock in despair while teammate Mark Spinn covers his eyes during the final seconds·of Sunday's overtime loss to Fresno State at the Long Beach Arena. \. Kings, Canadiens continue to go their separate rouies INGLEWOOD CAP> -Tbe Moatreal Canadiem continued '6 roll, aDd t.be Lo8 ADI•• Kino contilMMd to fokl. JIOD&Nal Coach Bob Deny. wbo used to eoaeb ti•• Ktn11, watebtd bis Canadlen1 ahte to a 1·2 National Hocke1 Lea1ue victory over Loa An1•l• Suoday nlibt In a 1an>e ln wbJch Montnal scored five Umea lo tho fiaa1 period: • "l=t the Kinas played lOOd for two ; IOIDI loto the thlra period it was anybod7'1 rame,-utd ..,,,, whose club bu won nine tn a row, tncludJnc HVett on the road "I don't tbtnk my feeJJnp have chanced toward the Klilp at all. l 1WI bne rmpeet for , Marcel Dlonnt, Cbarlle Simmer, Dave Taylor, Marlo Lessard and tbeotben. "They're sWl ln a sltuaUoa * male, the playoffs tn their divlllon and maybe things will happen for tbe beat. "Aa for us," Berry said, "we're just· taltlng it 1ame by 1ame. U we win our division, we'll be read1 for tbe playolfa." Los Anaeles hu won but two of Its last 21 1ames, 1oin1 2·11» lD that span. Montreal's Sten Sbutt ltd -t•e third·~ outburst a,aiut \be~ a~rln~Wletf u tbe Canaditnl roertd a•ay a 2-2Ue. Sbutt IOt bit flnt toal oft.be IAllM wltb H:511eft to ()lay, then.,....,,.. Rod Lanpay fired ill I 50-fOat alapMot to ave Montreal a 4·2 lead. T he C anadiens' Chris Nilan, defenaeman Robert Picard and Shutt tallied •lain in t.he final minutes. Goalt by PierH Mondou and Bob Gainey 1ave Montreal a 2.0 edle ln t.he first period, then Dan Bonar scored for the Km,a at 5:03 of tbe aecood. Los Antelel defenseman Larry M~by Ued lt at 2·J at 1 :12 of tb• final pertod. Aak•d about tbe Canadiena' turnaround that started them on the wln ttre~Berrt..aald: "We loat llt ~to Pblladelphla, then tu.med around and beat them ln their bulldtn1. And we also beat ~ for t.be first time and that •ta.rteid .. rollinl... . . klnal' uailtant Brad S.lwood, who la 1ul41nf U. IUnp ln the ab1tnce of "'l suspended head Coach Don Perry, wu abaktng his head after· the d1sastrowl third penoo. . "We had breakdowns all oveT tbe place, bad passes and thlncs we shouldn't be dolo1," said Selwoocl, who ts 1·1 thus far in bis stint as coach. ••we were in the game and then 1nkldeftl1 it almost seemed as if our confidence left UI I "You can't sJve them those cbapfel. ·Wfi seemed --ta-1et ·JMal1:.~ .. fo1'-·tbe- mlatak~ we 1ot •w•Y wttb earlier. There's no excuse for lt." Loa Aqelee' Dave Taylor tbcMllbt tho fttnit had t.he ••me won after they ~cored ear~ ln the fluJ atanaa. -- J , ' . I I J ' cliool gets dancers instead of players PN•AP~M LAJUtSP ~Calli. _ Offtclala m at Redwood Hilb Sebool tboulbt tM TalwaneM pvemment bed •sr-d to aond a Slrl.a' team to play buketball, tMat a e~tural dance troup 1bowed up l.Dltead. "So now we're fa~ wttb ftl\lrln1 out what to do for 2~ weeka," said pla buketball coach Duncan MacSwaln. "We took the Cirl.a down to the CYm Sunday to see if we could come up wilb a few athletes who could play buketball, but . , . " llacSwaln just •book h1a head. MacSwaln said Redwood's representaUves met the Taiwanese rtrla at the airport, formal lntrodu~ were made and pleaaantrlea were excban1ed. Everytbln1 waa fine until II acSwain asked to speak to the Taiwanese basketball coach. What be eot was a blank stare, be said. Somehow lbere was a mlxup during lbe year officials spent arranging for the visit. MacSwain said the visitin1 croup's interpreter explained that the Taiwanese goyemment sent a letter months ago advising Redwood officials of lbe cbanle in plan.a, a letter that MacSwain said was never received. Quote of the day Butcb Buchholz, execuUve director of the Association of Tennis Professionals, commenting on the proliferation of big-money events: "This year, being a tennis player is like playing a slot machine that keeps hitting three cherries." Gretzky closing in on record Wayne Gretzky closed in on a N ationai Hockey League season record with his 69th goal as Edmonton held off the New York Rangers Sunday. 8-4. Gretzky's third-period goal left him seven behind Pbll Esposito's single.season record of 76 with Boston in 1970-71 ... Ted Sulley blast~d in a pair of first-period goals in a 36-second span, as Chicago beat Minnesota. 5-2 ... Walt McKecbale, Jody G-,,e and Danny Gare each scored twice, whi" Mark Osborne got five assists as Detroit outlasted St. Lou.is. 8-5 ... Roolt:ie &17 A111Mm•1 shot lbat trlckeled into lbe Pittaburgh net with juat over a minute to go was the third Flyen' toal In the final 10 minutes and gave them a 5-4 victory over the Penautns ... B•tdl Geliq'1 two goals sparked the New York Islanders to a 7.3 triumph in Buffalo, the sixth strallht loss for lbe Sabres . . . Quebec's A-.. S&utay put a rebound in early in the third period aa the Nordiques rallied for a 5-5 tie with Waabiqton . . . G111 Qwfaard snapped a U.game scoring slump, with two goals and three aa.sLst.s u Calgary routed Toronto, 8·2. 'Bucks hot, but Suns not Sc.tt Ma)' •cored U polhts and Brl11 w1aaer. bad u or hfa 23 polnt• ln the fourth Qullrter. leadlnt the Milwaukee Bucks to a 107·92 victory over Pboenht Sunday nl1ht In the National Basketball A11ochatlon. The Buck.a won their fifth 1trat1ht 1ame while the Suna have now lost a seuon·hiCh alx In a row . . Elsewhere, Gu. WUUam11 »fool jum_p 1hot broke an 96-8e tie , and SeatUe. went on to defeat Sao Ole10. 99·97. keeplnf the SuperSonlcs ln front o the Laken by a half came ln t.M Paclfk Dlvialon ... World Free netted 31 points and Joe Barry Carroll chipped In with 22 to ignite Golden State to a 116·111 win over San Antonio ... Ray Wiiiiama scored 25 points as New •n Jersey raced past Cleveland, 110·94 . . . Moses Malone, averagJn1 28.9 point! entering the contest, pumped in 47 Sunday as Houston defeated Kansas City, 126·110 ... Bobby Jones and Mlke Bantoaa scored 45 points bet ween them as Philadelphia extended its winning streak to three aames with a 123 ·107 triumph over visiting Chicago ... Dan lsael and Alu Ea1ll1la combined for 56 points in Denver's 124 ·115 win over Washington ... Calvin Natt'• hoop with 1: 20 to go gave Portland the lead for good in the Blazers' 100·98 victory over New York. Reilly grabs wrestling crown Tim Reilly of Golden West ·• Coll ege was the heavyweight champion of the community college state wrestling tournament held in Stockton last weekend. Reilly topped Steven Ramirez of Butte in his final match. The team winner was Cbabol CoUege, which posted 127~ points, far. ahead or second-place College of the Sequoias. which had 74 ... Jobn Moffet of Costa Mesa was the winner in the 100-meter breutatroke in 1 :02.81 during the final day of the three-day Arena international swim meet In Paris Sunday . . . Dick Laffale made a solo run for the Top. Fuel title-at the Winternationals drag races at the Los Angeles Fairgrounds Sunday when Slt.lrley Maldotr9e7'1 car was sidelined with mechanical trouble. Muldowney, the ravorite to take the title, had the engine in her car quit just prior to the flnal round . Slugger George Foster has agreed to a five-year. S8.5 milUon contract which will bring him to the New York Mets, with the formal signing expected later this week. Television. radio Following are the top sparts events on TV tonight. Ratings are : • • • • excellent. worth watching; , , fair • forget it r.l 8 p .m .. Channel 9 ./ ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL~ Caltfornla at Oregon State. Announcers: Mike Walden and Pete Newell. Coming off a 10-point wm in Oregon Saturday. the Golden Bears w ill be hard-pressed to dupltcate the feat tonight again5' the 10th-ranked Beavers~ Cal is led by cenJer Mark McNamara. while OSU. lf>..3 overall, has been paced by Charlie Sitton. RADIO No events scheduled Bruins shade improving Irish UCLA scores fi1Mll seven points to win eighth straight LOS ANGELES (AP> - UCLA Coach Larry Farmer wasn't disappointed that his . Bruins, who trounced Notre Dame 75.49 two months ago, beat the Fighting Irish by only one point in the second game between the teams lbis seuoo. He was just glad to win. ''Any time you play a ball OCC plans biggies Orange Coast College's hopes of advancing to the South Coast Conference 's Shaughnessy basketball playoffs will probably be decid~d by this week's games. Here's how the action shapes up: T\llSOAY s.wu.n Cal C.....-• GolcleftWtltal LAH...-, 1 JOp m WUHl•SOAY s...cee1tc....__. Oraf19eCMst4" Ml. Sen antonlo, 7;J0p,m ~~. SM Ole9o CC M s.cldletlM:~. 1 • p m TNUllSOAY ~c:..c .. ...._. Ill lo H-at GotdM Wei\, 7 30 p m IATU'-DAY ._..cee,.c .. ...._. Grau~ et Or ..... C-1. 7 30 p m game and you strucgle and don't play well and you come out on top, you've got to be pleased," said Farmer after UCLA topped Notte Dame 48·47 in their nationally televised contest at Pauley Pavilion Sunday. "They're much better than lbe first time we played them." There seems to be little question about that. The lriab lost nine of their first 11 games, but have won five of their last eight, including upsets of a pair of highly rated teams, Idaho and Slln Francisco. "I think we've improved greatly since December," said Notre Dame Coach Dieaer Phelps. "We've taken our YOWll players and given them a chance to grow through the season. .. We've got people like North Carolina Stale and DePaul ahead of us and we're .still looking lo get into the NIT. I think we can do it, especially if we beat DePaul at home." Speaking of improvement, the Bruins have made a lot alnce winning just six of lbelr first 11 games. Sunday's victory was their eighth in a row. The triumph was also UCLA's fowtb · straight over Notre Dame. Mike Sanders led the Bruins, 14·5, with game-high totals ot20 points and eight rebounds, but the senior forward bad only two points and no rebound.a in the second ball. He was the ooly UCLA player lo score in double figures. Rod Foster added nine points for the Bruins. Carner holds on NORTif MIAMI BEACH, Fla. CAP> -JoAnne Oamer beat a steady path back to the clubhouse with a par 72 that held off bard·cbarcing Jo Ann Washam and 1ave Carner a 1-stroke victory Sunday in the LPGA Elizabeth Arden Cluaic. Ca mer, one of four players tied for second going into the final round, had three birdies and three bogey!. If you don't want to drink-THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST That's our business COSTA MESA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Call 642-2734 -AlcohOl'sm RecOYef'Y-§Al''Vtfl .... - . 301 Victoria Stf'Mt Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ~~~!.d.f<>t: MedJc•rw _ -• :J IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS -·- EXCUSE ME -UC Irvine 's Randy Wbieldon takes a little push from Bernard Thompson of Fresno St. during Sunday's ....., .......... CllllftMa."r PCAA crucial at the Long Beach Arena. Anteaters suffered second straight loss. dropping a 5.5-49 overtime decision. From Page 83 FRESNO OUTLASTS UCI • • • remaining to knot things al 44 apiece. The Bulldogs then worked for ttle last shot, but Donald Mason's 23-footer was short of the mark. In overtime, Wulf hit one of PCAA 1tandlng1 ca.or~. Overall W L W L Fresno $1.W I 1 1' 1 UC lrvltW 6 1 11 J Cat State Fut...,_ s J 11 11 San JOM Stata • • 10 9 L-Beacll Stale J s I 11 Pacific J S 7 13 Ulall Stat. 2 6 16 UC Santa llM~r• 1 6 13 T.....-Y'•G-n UC lrwllW at Sall Jow Slate LOftl hecll$'-"el ,.,_Sta .. Pac Ille •I Cal Slat• Fullerton Utall St.ale at UC Santa Bar~ra will depend on bow much pride they have. I know the coaches have pride." "l thought we played good until the overtime," added Magee , who grabbed 19 rebounds. "We had our 1bots them , too, we just missed 'em. "We've got a lot of pride here and we're going lo come back. We know what we have to do. We have our work cut out for us." "I thought we played hard the whole time," chipped in Wulf. "It's just when we had to score, or stop them from scoring, we couldn't. ·'Their defense wasn't as much as I thought-it would be. Half their defense is their s lowdown offense ... and anybody can do that." Davis scored 15 point! lo lead the Bulldogs, with Higgins chipping in 12. Besides Magee, McDonald and Fuller (10 each) were the only other Anteaters in double figures. ··I used to say that coaching was easier than working," concluded Mulligan, as he walked away from the media. "It's not." two free throws to give tbe Anteaters a brier 45-44 lead and then Davis and Fuller exchanged jumpers to make the count 47-<M. But Higgina 1av<> Fresno the lead for keeps with .. short jumper at 2: 58 or the period. Mesa to visit Irvine UCI got to within so~. but the Bulldogs hit their free throws while the Anteaters (17-3, 6-2) were missing four shots down the stretch. THE LOSS was the second in a row for the Anteaters, who dropped a close decision to San Jose Slate Thursday. UCI now must play the same two teams on the road this week, knowing another loss might take lbem out of the conference chase "How are these guys going lo react?" repeated Mulligan of a reporter's question. "I guess it It 's an abbreviated prep basketball schedule for Orange Coast area high school teams tonight Mater Dea is in action because of a postponement and two Sea Vacw League games are s cheduled to <1vo1d Friday's holiday routine Mater Oe1 13 3 > v1s 1ts cellar-dweller St Paul ct 41 in Angelus League action as the Monarchs try to break out of a tie for second place and clinch a Cl F 4·A playoff berth Costa Mesa, meanwhile, on a roll with an 8·4 Sea View League record. which has the Mus tangs tied for third place an league. is at Irvine Cl ·tl /, and El Toro 13·91 1s at Saddleback <O·l2 l. They're nil scheduled for 7:30 starts. Costa Mesa. w h1ch has not been a figure m the Clll: playoffs since 1966. has.. Irvine ( t 17 overall> tonight and El Toro at home Wednesday El Toro 11i 4· 15 overall Mesa 1s locked in a tie with Newport Harbor for third place a• Cff 3 A playoff qualifying s pot a nd Harbor <8·4. 13·8 overall > has Unaversitv 17 5. 13 9 > and Estancia 1 t0-2. 18 4 1 re maining on its schedule If the two lae for third pl ace ;1 coin flip would decide the playoff entry Soine changes in county Top I 0 Oranee County's prep basketball rankings underwent another shufOing foUowtna last week's games, but No. 1 and No. 2 remain uncbao1ed - Sunset League leader Edi.aon (20-2) and Sea View League leader Corona del Mar (15-3) held firm followin1 a successful week's action. Ocean View has bounced back to the No. 3 slot following its 55-44 victory over Fountain Valley, San Clemente, which started out badly in South Coast League play. has found its hithest ranlcinC of lbe season (No. 5) alter upping its record lo 18-t and Angelus Leaeue leader Servile, off its 15-8 mark, Ls now No. 4. Th1s week's schedule (lbe final of the reeular season> ls highlifhted by No. 8 Estancia at No. 2 Corona del Mar Wednesday nllbt and No. 1 Edison at No. 7 Fountain Valley Friday. Ocean View will have its No. 3 status tested twice, a1ainat unranked Marina Wednesday and unranked Huntington Beach Friday. Rankin1s notwithstanding, CIF 4·A playoff berths are at stake in each in.stance. DaUy Pllo&'a Top H Orange Couty Prep Buketball Poi. Team l. Edison 2. Corona del Mar 3. Ocean View 4. Servile S. San Clemente 6. Estancia 7. Fountain Valley 8. Brea-Olinda 9. Capistrano Valley 10. La Habra aeeord 20-2 16-3 13-9 15-8 lM 18-4 14-8 21·3 14-8 H-t COVER YOUR SEAT! With Classic Sheepskin Car Seat Covers Now up to 25070 Off! SIT ON IT AND .SMILE I GauchOs have new look .... nm UIU.'S ~·r.o -·-........ ,, '" ,,,_, \•f••U , ..... ftilflft• "' • ...., OoOf Saddle*k nhae looks to former assistant Brideweser ~~:.k:.;::941·~1211 ~ I • • ..... _ ~H-0401 ·-----~,. cvn SS&DBN TllJaJ) BASE -lrvioe Hllb sraduate Bob ... :::.c:::;-!:·::.. I 9' .. ....,,....... Perry hQ UM comer all t.o blmaefl. 111---------.. , • ._ ..... 1111 Wben Sadctleback CoU•1• opeu th• 1"2 .,__ _______ -"i community colle1• ba.Mball M8'0D at C.rrt~ seoaTSTOP -Returner Rua lM batted .•1 ... Tuffday, the Gauebol wW bave a new look. It 1 taat aeuon. Tbe Lacuna Hilla product ripped 2Sth yei;;. th I -· .. b doubl t t To Place your e t ~ ' f 111 f HVen et U le&IOD. Anniversary -sure,Jlm8rtdeweaerhubeeea &IO ar ace "Fast Result" 'f" .:-· mlh<'lla.rbor Areu around lbe Million Vl•Jo cJmPQI .J~~ttrtoP.tlt OtnnELI) -1'hll may be tbe Gaucboe' Service Directory _ seven years. But be'1 moVed from '~ 1tron1e1t area. Center-fielder Bob Gray ud ad . Call Now FMME.IS ~ Oaucboa' maaman thlt HUOll. teft·fielder Mark Swancoat are both returnen. Brideweaer, a former prol .. ioa1I pt11~r lD And both return a wealth of hittln1 talent. Gray 642·5671 ,. the New York Yan.kea' system, taka onr for batted .337 ln conference play lut aeuon and hf, JU •:!:.. ~ ~"' GAUCHO KEYS -An important factor for the success of new Saddleback College baseball coach Jim Brideweser CJeft> will be the play of catcher Rick Irwin <right). Irwin hit .352 last season. lont·lime coaeh Dlck Stuetal.. wbo stepped down added au home runt. He ll allo couidered the u f.7740 last aeaaoa after ta.kin• the uaucbol to tbe state beat defenalve fielder on the team. Swancoat 1----------_J...--------- Merlin's finish ' a slow one The first three yachts finl.abed within two hours of each other after 1,110 miles of sallin1 in the San Otego Manaanillo yacht race. The 67-foot Merlin finished at 2 :'1 p.m. Saturday for an elapsed time of 7 days, l hour, 41 minutes and 28 seconds, almost a full day behind her elapsed time record of 6 days, 2 hours in the 1978 race. playotfl for ooly the aecond Ume lD their blatory. : batted .318 Jut aeaaoo, collect.int three triples and . "It will be a challente," admtta Bride....,• four doubles durtn1 the campalp. He it • former who played h1I collece ball at USC undeT Rod All Sea Vlew Lea1ue atandout from Irvine Jti1b. B4SEB4IL OUI'UJOK .Ill Dedeaux. ··1 haven't done th.ll for quite• whlle." Brtdeweser bu inherited a team -or at leut the core of ooe -which weot 22·18 Jut aeuoo and collected the Mission Conference cbamploOlhip. "Potentially, we should be a pl'elty eood ball club," be says. "Defensively we're atron1 and we have more depth at pitching. That's aomethinc we've never bad before." So, with auistant coacbel llanball Adair and Mark Stowell lendin1 moral support, 'rtdeweser will take a look at these playen when the Gauchos begin defense of their conference ttUe: Rt1bt field will be up for crabs, wttb either Dale Hahn or BW Eatiqer 1ettln• the call. Both have community colle1e exeertence, bul not al Saddleback. Hahn, a Vllla Park (l'aduate, played one year at Santa Ana but sat out laat season. Eatln1er red-shirted at San Bernardino Valle~ last season. CATCHER -Returner Rick Irwin out of El Toro Hig.b, will handle the recelvtn1 duliu. Last fear as a freshman, Irwinbatled .352 and slugged four home runs. He'll be backed up by Santa Fe High graduate Jerry Ives. The Gauchos open Mission Conference play M arcb 9 a1ainst Chaffey. It's the One wins ARCADIA (AP> -Favored It's Tbe One Ziflgitt and Wright Contractors: Insurance costs rnung'• Contart ui. for compet1t1ve quotes ror L1abil1ty. Equipmenl , Property a nd Worker's Compensation Insurance We can also handle your bonding needs )'I j I \ 1Jt .l\rl liur llouln'.ml °ljftvp<'rl llr Jt h ( .1 'llf>l ~' '1141 /\)•)ti',\ The 84-foot Christine finished 31 minutes behind Merlin and the Santa Cruz-50 Hana Ho crossed the finish line an hour and 29 minutes PITCHERS -Brideweaer baa aeveral candidates, but be"ll probably use the t.bree·man rotation of Brad Kinney, Geor1e Bonilla and Crail Bryant. Kinney baa the most.community colle1e experience. The Dana Hilla Hl•b .1raduate compiled a 4-4 record lut aeuon, aCkllDC three saves. However, b.la 4.61 earned nm averace didn't draw any raves. Still, he recorded 70 strikeout.a lo 80 innings. Bonilla "did the best job for ua ln the fall," his coach says. Bryant, a Santa Ana College transfer, prepped at· Villa Park Hl1b. For relievers, Brideweser baa returner Doll Boudreau, San Bernardino Valley transfer Gary Euley and freshman Doug Sheets, who wu drafted lo the recent Winter Free Agent Draft. Sheets, out of Meridian High in Idaho, boaated a 1.80 ERA and captured the Strub Stakes for 4-year-olds Sunday ~-----------------== at Santa Anita with a stirring stretch drive that behind Christine. · The other three Santa Crua-SOs fl.Di.abed far behind Hana Ho. Night Train finished at midnight Saturday and Octavia and Secret Love finished shortly after 5 a.m. Sunday. four minutes apart. oit.. yecMS --•• •ott-.ces ll'Ofl'I -l!Ntll •I•·"'-SUflday _.. "-"•· a ; ll'nma-•. •• Warrior, Jt; TrawlMu. Jt; arewr•. •I; Av ... u. Q ~ ""'· •: L.-. s-. .. SI, ~. a. A ........... ::· ~ M· 119 laL U; 5"<1Nm, U; ML 'WNZl. SS;~ £-s. • ....... 'ri-.w-. •. s-t. •. 1....,...... •; ............ . 0...."Em. '2; Tom-, U; AMi99. •; ~ ... ; qaC ·-· 11 . Jump Up c:-tle, •; A-kit. IM; SUM41M Wind 11,,. <-' Skippers honored collected 10 victories. He abo batted .438. FlllST BASE -Casey Smith, who red-shirted last season, hit well enough during the summer LOS ANGEL~ -Newport Harbor skippers Metro League t.o earn the startin1 aasipment. picked up two major trophies in races around Los pulled him well in front of 5-1 shot Dorcaro. It's The Ooe, carryine second hi'b weiebt of 118 pounda and with Walter Guerra 10 the irons, was in contention all the way and took the lead on the turn for home. The son of Dewan won the l 'l•·mil~ race by four lenJlhs. The time was 2:00 2·5, far off the race record of 1: SI 2·S set by Spectacular Bid under 128 pounds two years ago. Dorcaro, a French-bred ridden by Eddie Delahoussaye, carried 115 pounds. He finisbed three lengths ln front of the loogsbot Roci: Softly. ridden by Kenny Black and carrying 115 pounds. Rock Softly went off at 45·1. The winner paid $4.40, $3.20 and $%'.llO. Dorcaro returned $6 and $3.80, and Rock Softly paid $4.80 to show. ~~~~~~~~t.~~~ctioo with Los Angeles grad~~~o~dy8~!ming ~!:1!0~~~°.e!!!i'f. Lopes trade apparently final LAYC traditionally puts up four trophies for "He's a good defensive second baseman with very its opening day races -the Craig Trophy for good speed," Brideweser notes. The Los Angeles Dodgen have apparently International Offshore Rule ratings , the finalized a trade that will send veteran second Vanderbilt Trophy for Performance Handicap baseman Davey Lopes to the Oakland A's for a minor Racing Fieet ratings, and the Flag~bip Trophy for USC wins racino title leagueabortatop. visiting commodores -also satled under the --e The A's were expected to make an PHRF rule, and the Walt Elliott Challenge Cup use, with skipper Rusa Silvestri, woo the announcement concerning the nine-year veteran sailed this year in Catalina-Z7 sloops. pacific Coast lntercolle1iate llatcb Racln1 today. Lopes, 35, bu three years left on bis contract This week send our FTD ~m'I'~ ~ YJgw~·· Bouquet. Valentine's Doy is Sunday. February 14. lrsromon11c And~)'10ll rhe rh1n9s ..,...,,~~ you've been ~31~~~~~,-~~ m eonin9 ro ~Y So coll or 111s.r us rodoy Oecouse every Volentine deser11es flowers Trophy winners in each class: Cbampiooship at Newport Beach Saturday and worth $.125,000 this seuoo, $350,000 in 1983 and cu io uol"t4v _ , a.iw. Okk ,..,., 1.Avc. 1. ,..._.....,-. Sunday with a score of eight wiDI and DO loaea. $425,000in 1SM4. i ._,..,.-.w ,...,. uvc. a lllwleft. uMco-.i. •o•vc ~ wu UC Santa Barbara '7-1; third was "It's a oew lease on life for me," said Lopes. -VAN=lt~T~Yv;_:.:.~s.°::~~~:.r.:=.·,~~.Ciil UC s;;'IMeco. 5-3, and fourth WU UCI,..... "(A's ' Manager) swr Martin ia one of tbe best • ~l~TltOf'+tv ...: '· 1-'''·-0f'lffltl\. NHYC: 2· J-. ,.,.. The -iau-;... .... 1 -ned ID Sldeldl CJau •'-mana•ers lo basebal . If not the best; and l"ll be In the Stonemill Business Pane 1 ~~ ..... ~~CY~C:·s.~c: ... ~·:N~,,.~M:b:O.~·:-:"~·K~H:Y:C·~.::::~:.:::~-~~~~-~~~~~ .. ~w ... ~~au~~~~~--------~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~-----~============:::::::::=;=:=========~~~~· WALT RLLIOT CHALLENGE CUP-C:-r. -Vott.Jlft\ ..,_, und,r lipt and n\lky wind CCJDCliUool. eittremelybappytoplayforhim. '' LAYC. j ORANGE CO<JNlY MASTER CHORALE in its 26th CONCERT SEASON Dr. Maurice Allard, Music Director presents • • Felix Mendelssohn with nationally renowned "ELLJAH" soloist · David Ford Lynn Reid Gall Dubinbaum Richard Dastrup Now's the time to join a Holiday Spa Health Club, while you can still take advantage of our 1981 rates. Plus 1/2 off on a short introductory course, and dis· counts on all our other mem· berships. You'll get all of this year's facilities, for last year's prices. With separate, individually specialized facilities and pro· grams for men and women, available every day. There's no better time than now to give Holiday Spa a try. So stop by today for a free guest tour. Hol~~ Health Club for Men and Women t/2 off 'hon c:our.t· nlll ava.ilabk ;u 1hrranLc: or ~t.-i-1 l~ Angdc:~ duh' Costa Mesa 2300 Harbor Blvd., 1Behmd Thrifty Drugi. 1714> 549-3368 Mission Viejo 24401 Alicia Pkwy. al San Diego Fret-way, <7141 770-0822 Orange 622 East Katelin Ave .. West of Tustin Ave .. 1714 > 639-:l441 Westminster 6757 We!:>tm1nster Avf! . .it Golden West.17141894-3387 lI 1V }I()()'] flOA NfM !NV OUR 1981 RATES LOOK GREAT l -ti Soprano Contralto • tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA --Safu11 ay, Feb ary 21, 8 pm ---I I '· Santa Ana High S hoot Auditorium 520 w. Walnut strleet, Santa Ana, . TICKET PRicEs AOOLT $ 7 .50 SENIOR CITIZEN and STCJDENT $4.50 For dckd tnforrTRIUOn, tall ~ Ofomle'BuSf"ness ~ (714) 53~153 or write to P.O. 6ox 3157, Anaheim, CA 92lK>3 A Pub/le S.W:. Sponaorthlp cl the <nnoe Coast °""Y Pilot • ' . ; < ~ l 4 . . . i ' . ! . I • : ~ ... .. ' .... ~ • • ill: Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Mondmy, February I, 1812 • SCOREBOARD • -{. >· NBA WHTlaM CC*Peae..ca ~--~ W L Poet. •• Seattle Jl tJ .717 L.ellen ll 14 l'OZ Yt Gokan ~-1' It m •Yt Portland 2' 1' S11 6Yt ,._.,la 24 JI SJl I Yt Sen Oleoo 14 JI .1'1 ltYt ~OI,,.. S.n An-:IO 1' ~ Oen••• n tt .iJJ s..., Houston u tt .sn • l(enMI ""' u JI Jlt U\o> UIAlll 1' ll lit IS .... IASTlllM CoetPeaet1ee A-Ol..W. 8ooloft ,. 12 m Pflll-lelf>le ,, 14 .701 , .... .... Jerwy n » .47' n wulll"91on n 14 .471 ti New York 22 2' .4ll IJ C-•IDIYll._ Mllweukw JJ 14 .-Atl•flle It Jj 411 12 Detroit JO J1 .a. tW. Inell-JO fl .42' UY> Clllc990 11 2t .JD 141'1 Cle ... end II 1! 1J9 J1 _, •• 1c.- .......... '"· 8o6ton llJ Phll-phla 113, CN<ego 107 O...wr tlA, W8Sll4.....,.. llS Mllw-w 107, -la fJ Hou•toftlM.IC.,....Clty llO Gol-SC-114, s... ...-1o 111 .... .-y 1 IO. Clew!-._ SHtt I e "· Sen 0""90 '1 Portl-100, ..... Yor1l ti T ........ a~-No 96"'" K-locl T..-y'aO- Lellen al Atlaftle • Mii•-• et lndiatle Cllk-et~rolt W•""......, et s... Antonio Go!-. Slate •I Ulell New York •I SHttle Houlton et Saft 0 .... Lekef"9119, C•ltic9113 LOS A .... l..llS -R-0, Wllll .. 2•. Abdlll-J-t 15, NI-tJ, ~ lt, ... _ •• Mc.-7, ,,__ 4, l.Andsbef'llll"J T~: .,._21-tS 11' aOSTO• -""-•-II to, 8 1r41 ti, Parish 2'. Arclllbeld II, Fer• IS, McHele IS, --), C.r 4, 11...., I , Fernal .... o, Al1>99 o, 8rHley o. Tatels· St •11 llJ Saft .., Oooer'9n Lot An99... 24 tt 2' 41-tlt 8ostol't ., 2' ti -llJ Tll~ -h -8lrd, An:N-. FO<d F.,locl OU1 -_._ Tiii.ei louts -Lot ..,,.. ... U , Boston 14 A -is.no COLLEGE Fresno St. 55. UC Irvine 49 ,.lllSNO nATI -"'_..,'·Meson S HI0111"5 12. Oa•I> IS T"°mp14ft • B•rmor• I. ArftOl<I) Totin 1' 1 10 SS UC lllVIMI J-0. Futle• to Wf\tPtdon J Tnornton '· Wull J McOo.,110 10 ~ II Toti•• 17 I~" " Rf'~~/~1t1~r;:·i.. :it f'\no 51•1• 1 ~ Jl To1a1 foul\ frf'\no Sl•I• 1' UC 1rv1,.. 15 F oul rd out T'homp~on c F-r f'V'IO St•tt I Wh1ttl00tt tUC .,...,,n.t, Collea• scores SATUllDAV"'S LAT£ SCOllU H•W•ll 4j Afr Fore• SS S.<ramefllO SI IS, UC De.,\ U SUNDAY'S SCOR 1ES ... , Fr••no SI H. UC lro•M tt (Oi i UCL.A 41 NOlrt D•me '1 MhlwHt LOUI •v•ll• 10 SI Jahfl • 60 -All Birmll")l\am ... S Al11W1ma 11 Murrey SI 60 All\.llft ~IY 61 11 oil (Ut Duou~ S6 Ruio.rs SO N i•o•r• "1. Moly C.ro5.s 11 M•rv,•nd ... Hohtra S• How top 20 fered H-t11e TOP f-y .. .,.., In Tiie Auocleliod Prwu' <olle90 bMUl.,.11 OOll lerl!dtt•ts-1 Mtuourl tit.II beet Color.-0 •SA. losl to -.. u •7-St. 1. Nor111 Cerollna ( 11·2 I IHI to Vlr9lnl• IHI; -I ~ .......... -....; -Clt-1'7..-J. Vl'91ftle (1' 1) -Nort1> C.Ollna 7'.,_, -VlrQlnl• TKh - 4 0.Peul f»ll -51 .-.,•1, P1 44-44,0T Deet11M~674' s ,_. 11711 -·~ ,,,., ou t Olllo 51• .....S, OT • Ml...,.tote (IS-0 bHI ~, • .,. n-so. '°''to,,,,,._ -.s.s. 7. Safi l"rencltco ll~l ... , to Nol,.. g;.-IS.., IOSI to Serita Clere n .JS, I Al-m·l l llMt Ml•lu._. s-. .. 66-43, Iott'° Mlt&I~ ,.... t IC-...:11.y CIS.SI IM1 .. A'*'"' 113-411; -T-n -47 10 ~ ,. ....... ,, _, ~ 111 .. 1. ti Tulu Cl .. J> beet Wichita St- •7S. 12. hut tls-41 IOSllO llko llM'; beet Southorn Methodist •f-i4; Iott t o ArllentMU•SS, OT U Woke ForHI l!S·SI Iott 10 :;.~ylancl 61 S6, beet c;.or91e Te<ll 0~4 A-(t .. ll .... Taut U·SS. IS. I-llt-21 beet-. ...... Arl- 71..0; ------•l-7'. 1'. T-11._.I ta.ttoMl•luWI S.S·U, OT, IOtt to Kentuclly n-47. 17 F,.._ Slate llMI -.. ~ 8-cA S&e'9 .&J.<12. OT; !IMC UC,,,,.._ Ss-49, OT II W"t Vlf"9lf>lo (It.ti -11,,...... ~SJ. -~ _......, 7~71 1• IC-~CIMI __ _ 7~. -Co!Of-U-•. (Itel Me"""'lt M-llJ.ll v1. St. L..oula. POd . llMI L.oullvflle 7~. OT. COLLICIKITANIMNCl9 P9cfftc.10 Coftt9N.-oe °""· ._ WCAC W L W L 11tl7J t I It J r I II 6 7 J w • 6SUtl 4 • ,. • J • • ti J • ' ti I t n 1 • 7 ti c;., ...... W L W L ~-... ,,, .. S... ~tMCllce , I ,. t Gen1a99 4ltll """...-.. 4 ' u • leftta Clere J 4 11 I tell 0.... J S t II Lrtel• t • I 11 $t. Mer('a I S 11 • WHtem A .... COftf9reftOlt c;.,, --• L •. '- Wyoml"9 t t 17 S H•••ll 7 1U4 SMO...-$t. 7 J t6 s Tu-at~ J t It J ~~y... s ' ,, • .. tall 4• '" __ .... J • " • c.6or.-St. 2 I T 11 Air fwce o t s IS SouttMHt Coftf9reM:ie Arkefl- Te""A&M , .... TCU Houst ... Te•n Tedi 8eylor •k• SMU cm . .._ W L W L 7 I t0 I • I U • . . " . • 4 " • ' s u • s s u 7 s s n • J11Jtl I t • 14 Big Eight Cont-.:r.-..._ W L W L Mlt-1 I t It I "-' $t. • I It 4 OllleNtfte M S I U 7 ~ ~ i lij c•r-t • • t1 Big T.n eont.rence c.M. --" L W L I-• t I 17 2 Ml........_. 7 J IS 4 lllltMlh 6 4 U • Inell-6 4 tJ 7 ~ • 4 • ,. OMoSt s s u I MkMoeft 4 •• ti Nortfl_... l 1 I ,, Mlcllfeeo\ l 7 l IS Wlw:onWI t t 4 M SoutMa91tem eont.rence C-'. ..... W L W L A-t J 17 J L .. tai-St t J tJ 7 .T--t J 14 • 1(~11.' I ' IS S Mtut~ 7 S tJ I "lltluf"ft s 1 " • Gew91• S 7 11 I Gewela s 7 " • v~ 4 • t1 • ,....... 2 • s " Ml ....... tl I " • M Attendc CoHt ~re"C... W L W L Vlrtl"'• 7 I H I N.Cerotlnio 7 I ti 2 Wekt ,_ S J IS S N. C•roHna 51 s 4 17 s Maryl-4 s u 1 ,....,_ J • " • OuU J6 I ll <>-91• T ecJ\ J t • t> 8tg &try Cont.rence c:-. ..... W L W L I defto I I tt 2 .... ...._,._ 7 I " S ~ 6 l 11 I ..... st. 4 s 10 11 --St • s • 14 •-St. 4 • IJ • ~St. J • tJ ,. ~..,...... ' • s" Metro Cont.g:r.::e .... W L W L Mel'fltlflla 51 6 I IS J Vlrf(nle h ell S J U S Florkle SI 4 l 10 1t Tiiie,. 4 l 11 6 L..oult•llle s 14 • ~t Louh I • IJ Clftcl-11 0 6 ti t Ml•-.irt V•lley ~'·'\:- 8r11411ey TVIM llllftOl1 5t Wk Mte St. -MetdcoS4 Or-s .111 ..... , , ........ .. w Te .. sse tMl.,.•51 w L W L I J IS I I 2 It l 1 4 II I . . ,. . s 4 ti • s • ti • S S t M , . . " l • • ,. I t 1 ta ...... lftde~·-"'* °'"~"' • L. . ' o.y-. -on... ---"'" ......... L.Mv ... lilot1ll , _ It Cln14-M. W.llllMh ,.._St. So.MIMluio.I Stetson Wit~ .. , Sl l.oulsiMe -·-· N.Care .. Wll~ 8-1•1 T-•· 111.<111ceeociro. s .c ... 11 ... c""''*"' MotreO.-us.111_ ...... Teu•IM """"'* v.,_.._ Nkllallalt. P.,.AINfkM GewtlaS4. Ulk•CDI .... '' ' II • 1S 7 IS 7 ti • tJ ' II t It • II t 11 • " . tJ IO tO • 11 ,. " .. ' ' " '' ,. 11 t II , n . ,. , 14 • 14 • It . " . " 4 " Community coll•a• atat• OOU>9• WHT T\7 .. ) 0 ..... A Helton U 4t7 t • Bowen 2S 4tl I 4 °""'' u "' ' 4 ICl"ll 2• ltO t 0 JacN>t JS 170 I I vet hart II U 7 ~ ,. '°' 1 Myles 21 110 St MertlflO 2 I 4 0 llevl1 • tt J I 8racltey • • 2 McGee l 4 ' OllAMOI COAST (11-IJI . "" 8"1ley 24 S>S G. ICrOM-24 Mt ·=~ ~! '~ T. l(rwtMlf1tldl 24 tit CellloUll ,.. • N•nMlft IS JI Hartel\ t7 H Maltllau IS 21 Olmalenle 7 4 IADOUUCtl ~~'71... lUf'Mf' !>odd1 WltnlitWlkl ~r .. MHc ... 11 .. .. ., Fu.< .. or e,., ... , Ground -- JS 4'3 I 103 1S -JS ,., II I SI " 141 II II 2J .. 11 ,. " .. • u Velentlne Reaette TllOPHY WIN .... 111 .... 11.t ,,. IJ J 11 , t .2 t .J 46 ,, J 1 2 s I. LI 00 14 Ill I G e ry Thorne IBCYCI. 1 0Hn FullOfl IS.SYCI. LASEii (101 -I J erry Hormel\ 19CVCl, 1.J«I-...., C""'5A), J.M. Plnc.ll...,, I BCYCI SNl~I: 10 I M. E."911"' IC8 YCI. SA80T A ,,, I Joann .. .,. ...... IBCYC). 2 O.wna COOft CNt4YCI. 3 Tim CHNI (8CYCI 1/t~S~ g.:::~ ~.v~r 5c1U·.-VE.'~';, Mart Franco ILIYCI ' Molly Slark C8CYCI SABOT C I t•I I Julie NOrmaft 18CYCl SABOT C 1 111 I Cemmfe Tlntliff (L.IYCI. 2 C•tllyGll""1 IL.IYCI SAllBOAll0 (41 1 Trev., 8e,..<ll<I CUYCI Canadian Challenge letT-1 ......... ~-....... LMd CMf .>olM\ Mclftroe, 1·S, ,_., I·•, I•> IU ... I Wllll llU .... ; MC Enroe wins JIS.0001 Men's tournament al Dellwrl ~PIMI Jolln ~· del """'et Gorn••. 4-4, • I ._. IS.Ori wins lSO.qGO Gomez wlnt U HIOO> ~"IMI ICevln Curr..,·Sle.,. OentOft .,., Kim Warwlek Pllll Oeftt, .... 6-4 Grand Prix tournament ····-··,.., 11 ..... ~IMI Gullle•mo Vito del Alejafl<Jro GaftHIWll .. 2. '"4 (VII•• wt~ uo.ooo. Gal\Hbel wlM $10,0001 wom.n·a tournament Cal Oetrelll SI ..... ~ .... , AnorH J-r ""' Mime Jau\On<, , .•.• '· 6 2 IJ••9•• ...... SJ0,000 Jau'IOn< WIM S•S.0001 ColleQe tournement l~IKUI CM-•1111' P•pperdlne S Geo'9'• • Ottle< llewtts SMU 1 Trtfllly IT•ull 1 lllllrd Plnel ,,...,_, •. Celltornl• 3 1111111 pla c e t T•aa• 6. H•rvard 1 l<On>Olallon! Santa Anita SUNDAY'S aelUL U (..,...of .... l' tllltHlll .. M ,,. .. 11 .. I PlllST uca . .,..,.,..... Ru"mu"ln CC.t__..I 4 .0 t 60 1.• My Dutct•u 10.1.,_u•rol J 40 , eo EHi•• GIOw ITorol s oo Alto rk9<1 Centvry'• IAdy. L.uOy Manely, Ee1ler TO>I, lll'AM>..,., Tr -r'l BHUIY, Oofwtle, NOOW MolOdy Time t Ot •IS seco..D 111.ce. • ""IOftO• ~11.-IOlhta?el 7.IO SAO •·• -lfteWIN lset-1 taAO 7Mt Taiyo 1vai...1w1a1 •·• Al•o reced· Gl9a11tl<. Truaton'1 Double, Neely, HIQ'I Eernlnvs, Proua Duke. 8ol41 l(hal, Vllofltl,. Lew, BOid 81tlm Tl,,.. t·tOttJ. SI DAIL. Y OOU8Ll 110-41 pekl Ill 00 TNlllD llACl. I I .. mllet Weter 8enll. ic .. 1-.1 4 .o 1 • t . .O COft11<le1n E1'1on CPlnce,1 J 10 J ... Nall•• Bello (Valen1uelel l.00 Alte rec .. : Sir Pele, ll•Hk Ancl Try Mltl'' M119k, For-er. Fl_ ... , Oerft'. 8errtc-. Time I 4JJ1S POU"Ttt llACa. 6 fvr'41f191 •rteM~IVIMllll ,.... ._.. ._. ~HMeHlll-....... 1 •M 4M Oree Met'• H.lldey IGHtlMINI S to Alto reieecl: S. Mv AOtftl, .. , .. O' Oemeteu~. T°""'kt, lllltteoe, Leu••'• Jet Tl,,.. 1 IO "'~TH llACa. H• "'lift on lurt J11rt1<-11• ll"l"'•11 >'I eo n :io • 4 C .... elllO-at (Volet\l ... lel 4 JO J ,00 PrllKel' Vartkl 1$ttllltel > JO Alto rec.eel: ZemP9rlfll, l"ort Veiete, F ell11lo1n Rtato11, CMftcey Bidder, Sllngtn(lty, TOM H•H, l'O<•et M<>n. ,-1,.t 91 Ille LIN. ThM . t:ot4/S. II allAC'TA l,_.1 tNld M>t to SIJlTN tlAC9. I "''mu ... Dell"°'"'' lc.t.eneNI , Ml l 90 uo ~ C.-IOIN9"'1 •·• •·• ·--Act(O-HI 1,00 AIM r~: J-·a Led,, Orenje Mvc"•clw, Melt te ..,..,."· s-t ~..,._·-·LA~--· T~. Time t·CU/S.. lu~•v• .. TN ltAC•. '"' lurlOllOI Oft -.~.,-~ IVeleft-) JM IM JM Tr-LUClll~I UO UO Ptrete L.-IGwrr•> l .60 Alto r.ced. A Sure Hll, SIYrp HOOfer. Olympic Glory, Yellow Mermal•d•. ......... ~ Tl-t IU IS U eXACTA IS.I paid S62 '° U ~ICK SIX l•·S·J.J 2·S> pelo s»,m.• - -• ......,. lk fltots Illa horwt> 12 PIO !>!• cOft•Ol•tton peto s •n oo wt• .. , w1""'"' uoeu 111 .. ,..,,...,, llOMTI4 llACI I'• mile• 11'1 Ttw ON 10...rnl • .cl J JO J .o Ooruro 1o.i-... .. ye l s oo J .o Rock '°"ly 181eckl 4 90 Alto rKl!d N .. 1 .. Tecllu, Prl11Cete1. "lend Wlllrl, llelnbo<Or COflnectlon, Oamu Time . J·OOJIS. NINTN llACI. 1111• mllo\ Jlm"'YTIW~IOWrrel Jt eo IUO L41 TIW A,...,..~ IV.._,...I s.• ... GeotMt 1--...1 t .tO AIW ,..., Soll ()I • Dodo Vl4 0. Rel. Herd to LH • .__., Sev•ll• &• "HUI, Ct* TI me Tl,,.•; 1 423/$. U IX ACTA CWI pel<I '373 SO Attendenc•. 41 ,132 Hollywood Perk MltlDAY'S 11a1uLTS (! .... ~--·~> ,,.ST RACI. Ono "'II• oe<• K"'911b ..,._ M csi...!' • uo i.• Clltot e• , .. ,..,......, •·• 4• 01•-lAlll CKe,,.....rJ S.R • Also rKod> Cout1-r'• ........ 8'9 Awey, ~ Mlftltler, Mr Gr- ..... ~ HI", c.die tUd Time 2 02 1/S SECOM• Rllet 0.. ...... .-e Gyp\y !)em CW1.,...-dl U JO • 90 J 1iO s.... ...... c:-cv......,., • ., 160 tlound ktr Glor'f A IG-1 sa Al'° rKacl W1noy M-N, Ad•PI Boy, Bl.,.~. IC""wyn N. lHY O V.G-•ISllwr Tlmt 2'011/S U DAIL T DOU•LI 14-41 pel<l .... .cl TNlllD •Ace.Ono"'"• P«• Garry Ayr 1-1 S.10 II JO too Sftecll. ~-k l~l too • liO OoftCertSIM IAIA>lfll 160 Al'o r•Ced C,.•mP•Qn• Prtft<•. FIU IOll N. L. c \ 8yrd, Armt>ro J•m~ Vl<ICU" ,,..,..,, Reuc,,.n R•ach Fo; TlloSlly Tim• 2 00711 '-2 IXACTA Cl-71 peto\.SU40 ,OUllTN llACf. One mil• PK• Hy 01•-1Goudr9eul S 41> 4 40 J .0 Goltten Gra.tlella Csi..rrffll 11 oo u oo 8eaut-.s Bolts lVell-lftgl>aml S .0 AIW rec.d Mei"lk IM-w. Anon Lily ldre, ""'-les.lk Aura, WIMI• ~ i~~:uv~:rrceL.~~~~ Nllty G•lllv, Miu Time 2 004/S Pl PTM llACI. 0... mlle paco Winter CNell• 18•yleu l It oo I 00 s Cl 5c rvmpy CGr-ml 6M J ., Cap Oullel,. CT-I I .0 Ah• rectct Irby lAn.t Jtr~mt•h' Boy, Stelk., Am., tr 0.an• Slor>e Plleftfem Don T Im• 2 00 J/S If I XACTA t•J> paid $107 00 SIXTM II.fl.Cl. One mil« P<Kt Marquh tGoudru ul 6 liO • 00 ) 00 Ancly> ~ ll.on901 • 40 J 10 T rlc hi Clle1'91r I A.Um\I • 4() Att.o recl'd ~rot.ty Huntf'r M V p frl\11 F-. .._.,, Moft O'Cal Amy Time I !ltl S '' IXACTA l!>-71 peld UJ 00 5eVIMTN llACI One mll• PK•. w 1 .. 1arlo ISl""'l • eo • eo J 40 lord Neu1rlflo 11..0ftOOI 1 IO • 60 Scotcll ~ llf11Mllllll s oo Alto rec.cl RKO\lfll "'· Not>!• lll"Q, See Ro.er N Allu Ma<Fat.r. Mee Adlo• " Bram bl., !><re ml> lo Sult•" Hano..-.r Tim• J 0021s IS I II.ACT A 11· •0l H id I Ill 00 etONTI4 llACe. 0... "''le oece ~rv:r Rl!d S.• J.00 UO Pull,._.... Ca.Mrl UO 2A ... ~ 1Gclu*9..,I 2.• ........... ~ ......... " 8'9Vkter.~ Time 1 •vs M11tT1t uca. 0no ...... ., •• Mkll 0.-..N l""*""I t • 2.10 J. It Gor ry JuNor I GeudrNu I J . .cl J It T"9---. N IClttf) I . 10 Aho r a c ed . Modern Touch ~,111~;,----JM • U aw.ACTA 17-41 1>114111 10 U .. ICll $IX 112 •SJ• 7l pe ld 11' lt7 00 wttll -w1Mln9 tlcll.ol (Ila hOf"Wll SJ Pick Sta <Ofttolellon paid U S .0 wllll '1 wlnnlfl9 tlckeh (llv• llOOHI ., ~c• SI• ..:retch COfltol•llon paid '" Gill wltll 71 wlnnln9 llOets (four hOrMI, or. Kr•tch or lhnle horse\. two .crm""I. Te MTN llACI. One mite pace llk• A~ (Mwllerl S .cl JliO l JO Erle,.111 CCrewfof'dl •.JO • 60 Tact H-ry c~er11 .. 1 • eo Al" racod Sfto• O•ftC• A, Mutll He no .. r. Hlgllle~d Byrd N. Torrid 8Hll. Ol"*lte He-r, Deep Woo4• Time: l:lllt 11s. U aXACTA 11 SI .....,MO 10 •n.-• •.•s1 Camel. Where a man belongs • .. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigerene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "ta('. 0 8 mg nicotine av. per c1garett1 by rte method. NHL c~eu.co.~•••11te• .....,...,...... W L TOP U Pa. Mt ..... aote St. louts WIMllMO Cllk .... T•-Delrolt JJIJttJl)!U. 10 24 11 ttJ 24' l.J 11Mtltt0211t 41 " 2t ti 217 ,.. 41 It M t JU U1 II ...... ow ... 22 17 " JM "' '° 1516 422tJf7"' JO U II -U. SI 10 ,. 10 J4j "" JO 1' 27 ll 21t U2 4S " Jt 10 "'' J:U «1 Cenadt.ns 7, Kings 2 Saft..,_.. Montroa l J O ~7 LotAr")lllH 0 I t 1 ~1n1-.. I -· ... G .... , ,. INat>ierl. , n 1 Monlteel. MOflttou 1' (Houle Gi"9•H I. It n "9Nnte1 -U"IJ••v: Mon, IS •• Hertty, t..A, 11·" s--.. J. L.os Anoe*• tloner t1 (~'1fewJ s Ol "-"... ... ....... -· meior: J JS, Welti.. t..A. major, 7.U , Trom111.,, Mot\, l 41 Kor.O. LA, J.47. 111utt, -. 11 11 T uu!Clull L.A. tJ ,_, MoftOou. ""°"·II S7 ™"" ......... 4 L.OS A"IJIOi.., L. M ....... y 17 (Oieot,.. T ey1or >. I IJ S Mor1lrtel, Sllul1 n <R l .. orou11111. s Ot • Montree l. L.•ftO••Y 4 (lelleur, A<tofll, 1;16 7 Moftlr••I NII.,. ) 0•-rl, ll S. L MonlrH I, Pie-I 14 .. ' -.tre ... Sltutt 13 ...... ....,I 17 11 "-"le• - ICorab, LA 14 «1 unowey -· It >o !if>o(\ Oft-· Montnel tS.t).11·>'1 L.OS Ar")lllnt 10.10.,. Goelln MoritrHI, W•mttey i..os An9flr>, ~rd A 12,JIO Weekend trensactJons SAllaALL .._... ........ 8AlflMORE ORIOL.ES An-ed l'Nll S.rnmy SI-art, T Im Stoddard. Mlk• Boddl<k•r. 8rooh Cerey -8111 Sw-rtv. pltchen, Gary R-.ku -Drungo He-. ou111o-.... -Oen Gr•....., •nO Wlllle Royster cetc-• • ...,,. --to term1 tor 1t12 OAICLANO "S -AIWIOUnC ... Ille! Rk•ey --.. _,.._, hn - a••rd"' a UIS-.,..r1y ui.ry by -•rbllretor SEATTlE MARINERS Signed Brl•n Allard -Jim -1tle. pllcllen, Terry Bulllno. c atcller , Jimmy And9r-. -Peut S.rne, lnfleld11ri.. to OM·'feer <0'1'tf"ili(h aA11t1£TSALL N•---Auecle-OlTROIT PISTONS -S'9Nc1 VerflOft Smllll, forwd lo • llHMy conlr<KI Placed Ed!>er JOIW\, torw•rd °" Ille lnJurod ....,.... llfil . HOClllY ---y ........ BUFFALO SA9A£S -C .. ltMO Peul Harri-.. eoe-. Oft welwn lrom PI It"'°' "91\ P ITTSBURGH PENGUINS Celled up Nick Rkcl. _,_, lrom lr1• et , ... A~ Hocny "-COL.Lao• BOISE STAT( -SutQefMled Jim Mel.,,..._, conter. lnd9flnlte1, HAMIL.TON AflflOUftCt d Ille rttlt n•llon of Ted Slrallord, heed lootballcGKh L. INCOLN Announc ed Ille ,..,..,._ of Cal ,,_, -fl'otMll coec11. s:1. -· -, 1 I I I I I I I I • 111111 CUil 11EAE ARE · Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Mond•y, F.Oru•ry 8, 1982 'S To keep up with ·all that's happening In Your eommunity you . need the Daily Pilot ••• every day AEASOrtS Wl1Y. • • Read all today's news, eve~y day Local, county, state, national and international events come to v.our /ififollow your team '-17/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast tiigh schools, three community colleges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the ~njoy your Sunday doorstep in the bright, ~­ light and lively Daily Pilot. ~Family Weekly, color comics, finance, the latest news and features about your community, your money and you highlight ®Keep an eye on ~oeal government No other newspaper brings. you more news of your city council, Daily Pilot sports staff. ~""' the interesting reading· ~LP11. 11tf\/0 packaged in your ~oft.'( vS ··· planning commission, school and college districts and county government. ~Laugh, ery or get ~smart Keep up with nation- a 11 y ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and dJ shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save ti me, ef- fort and money. Sunday Daily Pilot. Enough to read - and enjoy. ---- (if}'Tune in to the' U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate television guide is published each weekday in the Daily Pi lot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in convenient, ea~y-to~ find grids. Get into the Daily Pilot D ·1 p·1 ' for only '4.00 per •onth. II J 111 -----------~~-~-~!~~~~-~~-~~:~~-~~-~~----------· 642-4321 1 delivered Daily Pilot every day. ':m;:,.cyl 1 : I'd like to enjoy the comfo~ts of a home ·.•· Ill~ 1 1 1 . -l If MlUO I ~------' Enclosed is $4.00 for one month. --------uNtT~01;,c.,u . ._ _____ _, I BUSINESS REPLY LABEL I . I ... ,. """"""''"" "COtU •U • (........... I _...___ __ -¥ame ···············....:...:..:...""'·:..:_-···~~·············--··· _ ~ .. u.••AC>•·-...... : I Address .. • ......................................... ,. . . . Or•nge CoHt O•ilY Pilot I : City .. ' .•......................... Phone ......... ' . . . . . ~==~s:.M, CA. 92626 : I I I · I I Signature . '............................................ CIRCULATION DEPT. I I I i-mF-Of'll•in.1Dlstric ..•..•...•.. -:-:-. . . . . ate .• :-:-:-:-.::-:-...... .._ -I I ' I -------~--------------------------------~-----------------· I Complete the coupon ... glue or tepe the prepeld label on .. n. envelope fOr mailing, or c•ll 642-4321 . Ask for Clrcul.tlon. • t .. ... I Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1982' iders ' bring western wit to Crazy Horse Near the be1lnnln1 of the IC\, Too Slim played theme aooa to ''Bonania" on hla race. Not to be ldont. Woody Paul tollowed wtth "Tbt WUUam U Ov rtur." rendered on hla ear. Vet. hla ear. en Ranter Douf1olned In for a little tbree-part. eek-al1ppln1 eyncop1t.ton. "RJdera ln the Sky" may~ Uke the Sona of Pioneers at Um es. they certainly try to. But re's more than a touch or Monty Python in this oLrdett ol all western croups. Much satire falls short or ill mark because oae dellverlng the barbs are less talented than elr targets. Thls isn't the case with Riders in the Sil v. who proved during a recent appearance In " '" RP·1rll 's r:olctf'n Bear bar that they can •• .: 111 .. :.h.dl hood~ a:. cleanly and prettily as that old backup group to Roy Rogers, which they parody with affectionate charm Attention to detail is key here. The props, for e~ample, are perfect -a cardboard cactus, a cow s~ull , a genuine tumbleweed and a "campfire" of logs surrounding a red light bulb adorn the stage. The trio wears cowboy outfits a la 1940s westerns. replete with six shooters and lawnwn's badges, neck bandannas and 10-gallon hats. The format of the routine is something like an old radio show, featuring music written by Tin Pan Alley types for the singing cowboys of yesteryear. It's been noted that Riders in the Sky, unlike most modern groups. stress the we&tern part of country western music. The Riders call their audience "buckaroos and buckerettes '' or "saddle pals." They weave preposterous tales <Too Slim tells of the time he lived with the rabbits, ultimately marrying a To Join BEFORE FEBRUARY 27 ff OR YOu-SA Vi n.sOI .. I .JOIN WDGllT WATCDU llSl'OU ... .., I 11 PAY ONLY $7.50 TO .JOIN AHO T1dN ONLY et WDIU.Y, NO CON11lACT9~ .. .,._ ......... -wtlll~ettier...._L WS..f ----~--­r!'------~ , .. oa A FRIEND SAVE s7.50 I .. I .JOIN WDGllT WATC1DR8 8&l'OllS Ra rt t 1 PAY ONLY s1 .so T O .101N I A.HD TID>C ONLY et WDJU.Y, NO CONTllACT8 I -_, ................. l9IQ •tlow-L .,_, I ._. ______ ... v ..... ......, • .u ... ,.. For Clasa lnl ormatloa Call: 835•5505 -- rabblt woman.) Th•)' offer usefw ••trail Upa" llke "alw1)'1 drink upstream from the herd." 1'bt)I tell bean jokes. AU proeeeda from tho1r perform1•cci11 10 to the ''Woody Paul Home for the MoNlly Retarded." • I But. humor uldt, the RJdert are an tnch,nt lna 1roup of 1ln1era and mualclan.s • Tbelr three- part harmony on traditional numbers like "Ha$>PY Trail• (Lo You)," "Red River Valley" and "~ck ln the Saddle A1aln" ls 01wless. And Ranier u1 <Green) possesses remarkable yodeling ablli lea that add spice to the melodies and ballads Even then. old songs tend to take on unusoal aspects in their h11nds Pecos Bill, we learn. smoked pot. And the Riders' original materi~I . while musically faithful to its inspirations. puts the west in a new dimension. In "'the true and painful story" of "How tbe Yodel Was Born," it is reveaJed that the first yodel was y~lped when a THf PO~ T THEA TRF ' • ~ t I .' ' ) ( I EVERY MONDAY At..L SEATS S2.00 UGO TOGNAlll 1s ... .1 l• c ... '"" ""'-" ·1 . In ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plut "Coustn- Couslne" (PO) .• .'' '" l ( l>AS I h1,v C:ORnNA D[l MAR .JACK NICHOLSON ... THE BORDER A UNIVlRV\A. 111<0 l'ICIUfll A IWW.O.M PCTlff l \ ~·lllC'lliia.··~-~ .................. c,.,...,._. ,,. .................. " NOW PLAYING ·. ~ : Ill cin ci.MA °'1'00I IS. ltl l Uc.I.MA W-H30S•6 OMllCt DlllYHll Orlflll 6Sf.10~1 lDWUOI CMIJU CHUJI AMC OMllGI MAU Cosll .._.tit '1'1 0r-. 6'7 OHO lDWAllDS SAllOUIACtl IUlllA 'AIUI Dll"i-111 £1 Ta10 Stl SHO il<>tnol Par• 871 4010 "° ., ..... 4((f,t(0f()a '"" lMOAGlMt .. t NwWt' OAl~Y A INE At A Six Cine omes .................................................................... . . . • • . . . Send a Valentine message to that speoal person in y<:AJr life. Put 1t in print in oor special love lines rolumns on Valentines Doy. Sunday. Feb. 14. Just fill in the form below, or coll us at 642-5678 and we'll bill you. But hurry, oll ads must be in <:AJr off ice no lot• than Fri<by, Feb. 12. : _______ ... _____________ •I Please publish my Valentine message as written below on • . • . Sunday, Feb 14 (Write one word per space 3 line minimum Compute charge at end of line.) Extra lines are s 1.00 each • S3.00 $4.00 S5.00 se.oo : NAME~~---~-~-~~~~~~~--• . • • . AOOR£8S _______ CtTY_ZIP __ _ . • • • . . Dfln·ine ()pen I : 30 NIOHTlV Undtr1 ZFR!EUnl-Noted cowboy wu bucked from hit hont and came down on th nddJe horn. Group leader Green play1 a metlculou1 rhythm &ult&r and 1eu th• moc.k•cbloct Wc>o ror tho lfOUP· He'• a former oral hlltonan at the County Music Foundatlon Hall of Fame In N11hvllle. Fred "Too Slim" LaBour, the dry·wltted baH player, is best known for hit unusual "varmlt dances," In which he more or leu re·creates the movements ot a rabbit or (think about lbia one) a three-toed sloth. Woody Paul <Chrisman) has a face Uke a young Fagln that becomes elfish and bllaaful wben he plays his fiddle licks. As a team, they are one of the most novel entertainment groups to come alon1 In some time. Despite appearances on "Austin City Llmlta" and at the Grand Ole Opry. Riders in the Sky bas yet to aualn star status. lt's only a matter of tlme. LIMOUSINE SERVICE TO 5"0W SUMMIT Phone 714 -496-2805 ..., •. ,. .. •BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm•nces before 5:00 PM (Eaetpt Special Engagtmtnts and Holidays) .;ciiTi" Oii ~ _ IJICll ... , ...,. .... , ........ .., ... "°'* ~' 1~Ma.-.M11 INOWa..1 -~...._ .. ~-,.. REOS' e •111·•• 1 "'SHARKY"S MAQflNE" 1111 .... I.A, t ......... a:a ........ --.. .... 1 'THE SEOUCTIOH" P-M. Mt 14 I U, ...,....,.._ 1 1e. ::.. , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN ---·-C--"'WH()Sf LIFE IS IT A .. YWAY~" •I::• --.. ..._. , ·~ ...... Ill "MOOHH ,.ROiiUitS" -_ .. , ........... ,_ .... -. ....... .. "f<>UR SEASONS" --.u, 1"1:11 ...... .... ....... 1:::11._ .... ocu1rv 01 Condlewooo 213/531·9580 ... .......,... ............. ,_.. "'OH GOLDEN PONO" CNI I ~:-:t t.., :::: ,:. "': .... __ ... ____ _ -.. ta•., .... , .. , ..... QllOflMll. c. aeon • r1MOrM'I' ~ ··TAPS l"<l1 ,, 46 J JI • u ._. , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALIC·IN Focutrv At 09' Amo __ Z_l--'-l /634·9Zl1 ......,..,..,.. '°"° ........ M.Ll-111 RAIOERS OF THE LOST ARK ••1•.•·•1.1Mntt -LAGUNA REOS'"1"<l1 . ........ ... SHARKY"S MACH!ffE" "' ............. VENOM' 1111 . ...... -......:41rta. ---ATLANTIC CITY'" "1 ., ..... 4 ......... ,, .. I -- -(:MllM .... a&.-~ CHARIOTS OF ,,_.E .. -' ............... ,,.,. so. COAST WALK·IN Soutn Coo11 H1woy 01 lroodwoy 494-1514 ---· "THE 90fUIER'" 1111 ........_, ... .. ...,, ............. a.tt, .. ,. ,.. __ ..... .--- .,,,,..~ RAGTIME -....,.., •• t-; • .... , ................. ... ... 6 15 • .. &:00 -· , ... •6 45 IMPOR fAIH NOTICl ' Ctlll OREN UNOEA 12"fRH' Hu fft lf'lt Warn .. M•rt U tw h i 5 30 • Sj l S.i1t H•1 4 30 PM r..i " -• ¥0.Jll Al< CAii ~IS rOUol 5'lJoADI • I() ... (All ll.\00) ,,_,.,, °"""' -CUSSClll ~ -IMIG AM l'QlllAIU , • -.i CJNl.fl OIW{41$ IJll Oil Ill' MOii ANAHlllll ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN f1ee-.o , 9' O' l•mon $t 179·9150 SHAR~ S .!"OllNE 1111 STRIPES f'll -BUSTIN" LOOSE" "'' BVINA PAllK BUENA PARK ORIVl ·IN llr.<:04n A"e Wett Of ll\O" 121 .. w 10 I UI NA PAllR LINCOLN DRIVl·IN t 1nco1n ••• We., Ot ,nolt 821·4070 '" Ail...1 ...... ,...,,. ..... ··ooooeYIE. EMMAHUELLf"' .. , -SECRETS .,, CllOI fl SOUND -Cheech & Chana:, HG~ ..... ChHCf> 6 Cha'% NHl lillo1lle"' \ P.., ... \4XJMU L u 1nsmo11e··1111 __ ._..... __ 'THE BOOGENS .. "1 -·VENOM" 1111 ··eoov ANO SOUL" .. I -"BOULEVARD NIGHTS'" "I •1•1•.1•w1Ju~~~;Jm;Jrif•'·"·'·--·ata~·-~¥=::·~ Son 01e90 ""'" ot ll<ooon"''' Oo l NUrT MOVIE"'.,, 962·2411 Clllf II SOUND -J.i:•~-~-°;_n1~_i_6~_'3_at_, __ 'ARTHUR",.... ...... -c 9e0n ._..,._ "TAll'S"'"' ...... ·STRIPES"' 1•1 ... .,. "THE CANNONIAU. RU..00 -STIR CRAZY f'll UTMMM ...,.._ ...... ,.,_. "ON GOLDEN POHO" - 'THE ELECTR.J'°9 *>RSfMAN"' CINf JISOV..O - IA HA&llA LA HABRA DRIVE IN :111t••----,.,......_ ___ ,.._ ··ooooeve. ~L1""' "lfCRETl''1111 Clllf fl SOV>10 ··--·--'ON OOU>EN '°"°'' '"' -_.,. ..... • '"°' .... • ""'"" -"'THE ElfCTfllC HOftSl!MAH'" - 17Ml62 QguH.I ORANGE DlllVf·IN ·~At.; llliflw ·~· • ~ Alif MISSION 0111 /t IN ~•uN '•'41. ..4 8t A ., WARNER DlllVl IN "'•'°'"""' .... ' llo .. Cotie9e 558·7022 ------00THe llOUCTION" 1111 -"LOOICP" '"' ---...... -11. DIAkO bf NMC*A -OUAROAIWM.D.U . . • • • • ~ Ol9dC or montY Otder encloled llllme . VISA Exp. Date ---Miit~ t Exp. Oet•--- • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Local , county, state, nat~l and international events come to ·11.qur doorstep . --.. in the bright, light and lively rlllll . ~-·· --. - WI NNERS Singer Ella Fitigerald and actor James Cagney were named man and woman of the year by Harvard's Hasty · Pudding Theatricals -Eva.G....;... --.. ...... HIM . -~ ....... ·~ ~01er...-n enctt11e VllfWll "*wmenlO ... fOtfll .... t\o\wl't Sym- phony No :S In I Flet ....,.,, • Opw ti (Z)MCMI • • * ~ "The Wey We Were " ( 11113) letbt• anlelnd. Aotiett "9dfOtG A ~ C1oi1e01 ~ In the 1~ dieoo-•Mt theilr poltbl .,.. __ -wono 9ftOUlfl ~,.. ., .. ,...., ,,..,.,... ..... Cl) HOUU CM.La Ctwt.y cM9c:owt't Ul.tt • hN'dtOIM ~·· ,,_ lldnW99 .. ~ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS . KABC • 8 00 -"Superman " Part 11 or t he Margot Kldder·Chrl!Stopher Reeve blockbuster is aired. KTLA e 8:00 "Br uc;e Li in New Guinea ... For Bruce l..i rans. 1:1 special treat. KNBC IJ 9·00 .. The T hird Annua l TV Gulde Special " A look at mem ora ble moments on T V during 1981. KABC fl 10 ·00 "O l ivia Newton-John· Let's Get Physlcul." A musical-vis ua l fantasy with mini movies t aped in London. Malibu and Los Angeles. See photo at left boyfnerld to .,.,... ' I OOT lllUt 1:11 e MCM1 • •• ··~·· LMw" 11eu1 o-oe ~o. (Hr'~ * • ·~ "PllCllllOt'o" ( tt73) ... MaC>ueen, 0..lln ~ A pelt of Oevl'e lellnd GOtWfc'ta 1PMC1 tlletr time plM\nlng ''*' MC4!pe UO(J)MCMI " • ""-" The a..y." (1111) Jd .. ....._. JOfln Terry, An adv.ntur°"' Jjl)Urlg !Niii .,..... the eld of a bend of w.mo.1 lo tight 1111 ..... unetl, tile ~o ""'° llllted hll tacn. encl II ho60lr'9 1111 ..,._,or,.,_ •• CZ> MOV19 Cl (tNt) JM-MllNlt Vin- e.I, ~""""" TWo .,... wtlO Md • dOW --w4tfl 1111..., ep-•" M CfllMlren ...it IN ...,_, lmnWMnt r.t\lm. 11:00 G * • "T ... h i 81rtnf°' _.. CtM7) Joel Mee,.... Vlrglnlil Meya • *** "Tiie ~· ...... (11M7) Clattl GaDM, Oeborall Ke" ••• "f lleH4*4MI .,.... .. ( 19") Ave Chtdner, An4ttorf1 fr~ ® *. "Thia le lMI" ,, .. ,, Oocurnenl~ f'llm IOOUIQ9 end Clnll'natle , .. Ctwtbw .... ~ to .., Ille atofy of e:Mt ,,,....,, • 1119 endoer-. (%) ••••• .,._ .. ( t979) I ~= HAWMAYMJ ~T I == PHYSICAL Olivia Newton-John stars I n an AB C s p ecia l , ··o t ivitt Newton-John Let 's Get Physical." at 10 tonight on KABC ( 7 > ~~-.roery. • tHO()( 0-,,.. HIW ''The ~ Of llber· l y" ,_Ob•<I HUf llH .. ploret Ille atr•UIQIM ert .... 0..1tgped -lhe .... 100 yew• lot ~ the reprMMd lrnegtoeUon. (R) tO:OO 8 (J) LOU GfWIT An olllclel oomplelnt eoeln•t 111e Trlb OOtMa tMrtor• • wetchdog com- mtttM on the ~ '-d- M by en unfrltndly Chllll • ganotter Ind • llllldy lherift OUrlng I murder ln¥Wttgatlon on Ille bOt· Oer. 11:*> • (I) aw.av Ne•htrt The Maualty 'IP'....0 dauOfl* of Ille oounlfy'a weltdwl ,,,_. denllal lllt'lllly oompltGMM Nw lt thtf'• •ttempta to conc:tuct the atfelra of 11tle. 'R' ** • * "Reglng Bull" ( 1NO) Rober1 0. Niro, Ct thy Mort"1y 8o•lng Clltrnplon Jelle La ~Oita'• •plltud• tor vlote nc• brlnge him -In Ille ring but dttfupll Illa P« aonal lite 'R' 4:11 a:i MOW! Nulauie KIMlll, Peter Flrlh The dM.IQlller of a poor Engllah farmer ~ tM llictlm ol ,.,., ltmlly'• MOitetlone eM '* own l>Muty 'R' t:GO <:e) * •• "f ile ~ell Jung6e" ( 10~1 Sterling Hayden, J-Whitmore TM pollce ere btffled by • crimtntl mHtermtnd'a llalf~ r<>Obety (SJ • e * "Thal Forwyt• Women • ( 1950) Errol Flynn, Greer G•raon BueO on • nowt by John Gaiawonhy A member Of • 11a1e1 Vletorlan tlln\ly becom•• ac•ndeloualy t ttr acted to '* niece·• llel>Cie ....... lAff..A. THON A _.....,, hoet end lout oomlC oontMtanta wno comp•t• e9alnet one another -!Mt~ In thl• r -.-o comedy ~ I ellow. occupy lhem; I baNn-U- --look at 1lle UM encl abuM of cocelne In ptOIM- eiOt\111 IC)Ona; • profile Of conltoveralel rock attt om. Oebourne ' (Z)MOVll! I •• "T .... From A Flying Trunk" D QI 'AMllY FEUO 8 LAWRHIE & SHIAL.EY &COMPANY 1:311 • WILCOME 8ACf<. I "°""" The gltla receft Ille prob· i.ma tlley teceo upon becoming,_,_ I Mr. WOOOman tlt'Mt-10 • cancel H<Wahedl'a spot on 8 EYEOHLA. ! ::-bed~~ecflo bee- • KDrT NEW88EAT: FMtut 4MI • vlall to a dude rench for nu01111, • report on Loe Angelea' worll hims; a look at • cure tor 1-deohe curN f ~ ~ • I I t • . • ' I I I I i r CAlJA)ANIA • OONCIM88IOtW. flllPORT • •lllNESS AEPOR1' (l)CltNEW9 @ ~Miu.ER (C)t«NfE * * W "Shoot Tiie Sun Down" ( 1980) CMttopher Well.en, Mergot Kidder. In 18:M, four 0Mt>et11e ....... Ma .-en old map to -ell lot burled gold 'PO' (I) THI! NEW YORK IMO l»'f'OFF ContNlenta from the New York .,.. vMI tor the Cllanoe to be lln.alistt In the "tN 1 Nttlonel 8lg Leif Oii." 1:00 8 ce8 NEWS I Nec:NEWS ~DAY8AOAIN • A8CNlW8 D YOU ASKED FOR IT FM IUfM "Hyman Snaka And Soor1)ian s..iiow. •. end 00Mexleo'1 Eaater eon. fir• Spect~ .. e w ·A·a·H Klinger end Father Mul- caihy rtek their Mwa to recowr atOlen medlc•I ~ from a nearby ~9CllOOI • J()KER"8 WILD • OVEAEASY GVMta Bob end Doloru Hope (R)O a CELE11A1TY euuaEYE • M•A•a•H Frank tllrowt llrl beck OUI tnO llC>PllM lor • Purple Heut white Hawkeye inouma Ille toss Of e frien<I end tend• en underage aoldlet hOme. • TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEN. I LEHAER REPORT '19 ON:AT PEAf'OAMANC£8 ·er1oe111etO Rev1111eo SebHtltn Agalnat Tlla World" S.baatien contln-uea on Na pe111 m Mlf. Oestruc11on. nne11y Cllooe- 1ng to leave 0.1f0fd rather tllen aubmlt to 11ric1 ~aion CP"1 4) 0 Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE An inttnllew wllll Marto Thomu. • vlelt to Super- ,...,,., crMtora at oc Comica (fl YOU ASKED FOfl IT FMtured "Human Snelce AnO Scorpion sw..__ .. an0 "Mexico'• Eaat8' Bon- r1re Spect.cular " (8.)ntEG~T PUMUMHUNT Thia documentery apec1a1 traV91• to Ille f81'11\esl reec:llM of 1"41 world m -ell of 111e ultm•t• ploaaur" thet money can buy tZ) Mil TOH BEAL.E'S MAO MAD WON..D ~ COMEDY 6D DICK CA YETT 0.-t· M....O Morgen (I) 1lC TN:. DOUGH 9 ENT'ERT AINMEHT lOHl8HT An lntenlteW wttll Chefyl LIMld a:oo. Wl MINJH QI THE MUPPET8 a.-1 Petula Clark (Q)MOVIE * * * * "Tffa" ( 1979) Nastutl• K1ntl<I, Peter A1'111. The Oaugllt8' of a p oor Engllall termer ~ the vlcilm of lier femily'• MPlr•tlona end lier own bffuty 'R' 0 KENNV LOOOIN8 Singef I tOnQWrtl• Kenny Loggin• perlorma mtny ol hie gr .. , ... hit• •• inelud· tng "~ I Call Yoo Friend" and "Keep The FW•" In tllla Concet1 teped at Ille S•nta Barbare County Bowl 1:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN FNtured tour aome ot the h-of 111•1 are aa fllmOU8 .. Ille pecJC)le """° ·CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT ICBS) D KNBC (NBCI 0 KTLA find) e KABC (ABCI e t<FMB ICBSI 0 KHJ T\/ (Incl I •KCST (ABCI 'e K TTV llnd I • KCOP·TV find I e t<CET (PBSI e t<OCE I PBSI (01 z., It fC'I CJ) illl (f r $ a Cl lac end Leo~ to gel nc11 quiClc by rnarlleting an unaol\'able puzzle create<! centuries ego by Mtflln e a l/TlU HCXJ8E ON TiiEPRAIAIE Hesler Sue'a Hlrenged llusbanO .,.rives In Walnut Orova and convince• Q\ettea anO Catollne to help lllm wln lier I.** O • MOVl£ "Bruce LI In New Gui..-" 8t'UoeLI 8 9 MOYIE • • • •;, "Superman" (Pen 2) ( 1978) Chrlatopller R .. ve. Margot 1<1ooer Mlld·m•nnereO reporler Cieri< Kenl lllwerte &n erch crnninal a p6ot 10 oe11roy Ille W .. t Coast With I L"'~•l) 8A8KET9AU On TV Z·TV HBO ((1Mma.) I WORI NY , NY <WTBSI (ESPNI !Showt1~) Sc>otlt911t (Cclble Ntws Network I Jost in time fo r Valentines Liquidation of BANKRUPT STOCK of F a shion Island J eweler SAVE 40°/o to 80°/o 50% OFF! Big Selection Weddtng & Engagement Rings. Precious Stones, Diamonds, Gold Ainge, Pend3"1S, and Earrings. 14 kt. & 18 kt. CMJns. Breoelets, and Charms. Many Custom UnutUal and One of a Kind lteme. "Pat 10" Cellfomle 119 Oregon ....... ~ An Interview wltll Mllr1o Thomu; • 111111 IO Super man'a c:rutora a1 OC Cornlea .., MOVll * • • "Cal\ill United Slttn Marallal" ( 1973) • .:lolln Weyne, Geo<ge Ken- nedy. A tough tewmen lrtck • down wtty bank robt>eta only to ftnd Ille IWO aon• lnllOl'ved with Ille ;"'GREAT PEAFOAMAHCE8 "BrtOeallatO Revtait•d Ser>Hllan Ag•lnat Tiie wor1c1·· SebaatMin conlln- ~ on hla petll of Mii· O.tructlon, llnally cl!Ooa- lng to INve Oxford rat'- th an aubml t to 11r1ct aupervWon. (Pllft 4)0 Cl) TOCUM8A MOUHTAIH A ,..,.. •• wrestling st8/ ove<comea the objectlont of his girlfriend. coect'I encl lather to react> ovt end help 1 dlndv•nttgeo blKk larnlty tCJMOVIE * * * * "Tfft I 1979) NulaH•• Kinskl P&ter F1rth Tht Otughter ol • poor Eng11111 •armer ~Ille V1Ctlm of lier 111m11y·s aaprat1on1 and llet own ~ty 'R' CSloa.t A comic look ti Ille C*'n- pllcetiona whlctl erlM Out· Ing • Htntard atudent'a birthday perty et Illa fami- ly· a South Pllli.deiphl• llOrne O MOW! • * 1"1 Tiie Shining" ( 19801 Jeck Nieholaon, Shelley Duvel! ~rected by Stanley Kubrlcic A for,,_ IChOolltec'-hired U t Wint.,. caretektf tor • remote, and apparently llaunte<I, Colortdo hotel, I• snowbound lt.'e wltll llb ...,,. and cielnlOyanl young too 'R' ~ IJ CJ) PRIVATt IENJA.MIN The lroopa at Fon 8'.0ley are order9d to •t-eM a reporter cllecklng out rumors ol l)Olute<I grouno -t• • AU IHTI-IE FAMILY Tiie lir-()(k I at Ille St Mc llou-.olO on New v..,·, e.. have no1111ng to do Wilh "Auld Leng Syne" b«:auM they're cauMO Dy Mlke"a habit Of making declllon$ Without COtllUlt· Ing Glori• m BERH8TEIH I BEETHOV£H ltonlll'O Bernstein anO Ille Vienna Phllll11tmonlc pe< • form Bee1lloven's Sym- pnony No 3 In E Flat Major Qoua 55 (~J MOVIE -I DeeHNS lt) OUvtA NEWT~ JOHH: LET'a OET PHYSICAL Ollvl• Nr#ton-John pt'e- 9Mtl• • unique mualeal·Yia- utl ltnlNy wtlh mlnl-mov· lea teped In Loodon, Mell· bu end Loe AnOlfte. S) PAC>Al.UIN AMENCAHAAT ·· JOlln Clymer" TM con· ttmpclf'ety ptlnltr of tht AmerlCM\ West ditc:uMM hi• ,_ lor becoming en tttllt end hit unueuat technlqVM 0 ©)MOVIE • • "Terror Train" ( 1'180) Ben J0nntoo. Jemie Lee Cunll. A cOllegt ffettrnl· ty'• New .......... muc:iue<· ede patty turna lnlo a nightmare w"9n • vlndlc· ttw gumt aterta klHlng of1 lhe perty-goen 'R' (S)MOVIE * *'h "Blow-Up" (11H!e) Oavld~,V­ Redgta.,.. When • young London pllologt~ llU aome of Illa plcturM blOwn up, lie Oiacollenl wtwll ~ 10 ~ • rnu(d« 10: ILi (HJ MOVIE *** "T"4t IOOlmtll..,. .. ( 1980) Ray si-t<ey, TCWllll FtlOahuh A meNpulall"9 m•n•ger u1e1 verloua ploya to cel•pult two ,.,__ llO"" 11'110 Poe> tinging IUlrdom 'PG' 10:IO • INOB'ENOEHT NETWOMNEWS fll TONY IAOWH'S JOUAHA&. "Cntla· Bleclta Kiiting Eecll 01.._~ Tony Brown t• .. en ~Ill took 81 lhe aocl•I phenomenon of blecil on black Crime Q'i> PAOf'll.£8 IN AMERICAH ART .. John Clyrrw<" The con· l~"'Y l)lalnttf ot tlle Arn«lcan WMI ell~ Illa ,_, tor becofNno ... .tilt end ,.,.. unutual tecllniqu. Q "~ FUtned lligMgMa of Ille 1978 'Wlnga 0vet Am«I· ca" tour by Paul Mc:Cart· ney Ano Wings Includes perl~ of "Mey!Mt rm ~· .. ~ .. end "YNterday u 'we41 u • Ml.-Ngtlt atlOw , 1:00 e e 8 (J) a a NlW8 0 SATURDAY NIGHT Hoet· &le Id.. GuNi Kate 8uah a Ko.wt Kojak flnd1 lllmaetf Ille object of • murder con· Ir act end Ille M>Ur oe ol contrO.,,tfty bel-n a lather end too m ntE JEFFEA80N8 Lout .. encl F'loret>GI lla¥e a figtll. leaYlng George In Ille lurell An tmblt~ ~.,., ordett the cremation of hla wife'• body •hat en llPPtt· ent r-t atteck (R} G QI THE aE8T OF CARIOH Gueala: Angle Oldcinaon, Mellsu Mtnen.ter 8uO GrMftll)en (RI 8 lfl MC Ne#& HtOHTUHe m ooo COUPl.E Wiien Felix ~ • member of Ille Civilian p~ n-..... havoc reigna tor Ctlminall Ind lnnocenl b)'91andeta 111111• tlJ LOW. AM£AICAH STYLE "LOY'I Ano Tiie 81g Game" Sorneone •• c:r-11ng •• brk)ge "Love And Tiie Second Time" ll'a tn. dll._ Oren wtlo ere concerned ~ Ille parents tt• out ltteona dele ID KCET NEW88EAT: CAl..JFOfMA ~ ~ ~ CAPTIONED A8C HEWS (C)MOVIE * * "Melvin And HowetO" ( 19110) Paul LeMtt, Juon Robaroa An otllerwlM unknown gaa lltllon •ttanclanl cta1m1 to be Ille rtQnttul ""' 10 Howuo Huglle1' bllllon Goller Mtate 'R' t 1:45 (OJ MOVIE • • 'h "B•ck Rotd•" (1911) Belly~. Tommy Lee Jew-. A hootttf eno a Oown-on-111 ... iuck boxer -end heed -· In Mtfdl of a ,_ Nfe 'R' -....otrr- 1~· IHANA NA au.t: Chubby Checker 8 111 MOVIE • * • "LOOklng For Mr Ooodbat" ( 1977) ~ Keeton. TUMdty Weld A ICllOolt••cller by O•y tpenOt lier nlghl• ...,en. Ing for tow in crowded 11n- gi. blll"a (P11tental dteer• fJon .ovlted) (RI 8 MOVIE ; • • • "The Fltrn-Flam Man'' (1987) George c Scott, Sue Lyon A con ttt· ISi and en Army o-i ... join loroea. end Ille olO man glwa tht boy • COUtM In fllmflemmlng tD MIKE DOUGLAS Gueeta· 8en V..-i, Pia l.Ald«a, Anoy Menn, Ftill't Brown. Bob Ander90t't •LOVE.~ STYLE "love And Tiie Otting Comput.,... M11tlon end Frencll MMI through t comcM• d•tlng MNlce love And Tht Hac>PY Couple.. Rober1 tries to borrow Ill• ex-apou .. for an~ rs)M<ME • • * "Flral F•rnlly' (19801 Giid• ~,_.Bob 12: ILi (.8) DECOY8.: POUCll UNOIROOW1' a-gt Kennedy loolla t i New Yotll Clty'I uncletCO"· er po11ce crtme unite. t2:i0 G QI LATE HeGHT WITH DAVID L.ETnAMAH Gueata llumortlt and r edlo I TV .. ,.,.,., Henry M0<gen, comic uleemen O....Clani 8 GEHE Al/TlfV m tNOEP£HOENT ..rWON<HEWS D MOYIE • " "Ole Laughing" ( 1980) Robby eenaon. CN11n Out nlng A aongWftt Ing cet> 0< Net II alOtO by 8 amttt monkey In ptO\flng lllmMll Innocent ol • murOer ctler 'PO' 12:40 e CE 8AHACEJ( t:OO G M<ME • • ··The Singing eo-- bOY". ( 1938) Gene Autty. LOia Wilde m SPEAKOVT tlJ MOVIE * • * "The Seiteoe inno- cent•" ( t9111) Anll!Ony Quinn, VOl<o Tani (%)MOYE ** ** "TNa' (1979) NUtUll• Klnakl, Peter Fll1h Tiie Oeugllter ol a poor Eng11111 fumer becomee the victim of lier lamlly'a eaplration1 and '* own i.e.;ty 'R' 1:1LI (Cl MCME "G-Glt1a P\ey" (B)MOVIE • * • "Clleech And Cllong'a Me•I M o.,,le" (1980) Richtrd .. ~ .. Merln. Thom•• Cllong Two potheeda h ave --atnt11 eoven-turee whtle roaming the ll!Mt• ol Loa AnOlfM In ~ 01 Ille "perlect 1:30 IT ~AIHM9" TC>MQHT An Int........ Wllll Cheryl Ladd QINEWS t:'6 (])MOYIE ••'A "Falao ' (1980) Dom O.lulM. Anne Banc:rolt A portly compulslw M ier ltnda tllat nothing can cSernpen Illa oeawe for food unt• lie fella In low ·PG' ~D NEWS 2:t5D NEWS 2:20 • HF#8 2:300 MOVE * * • '" "T"4t Wey WI were" (l9731 Bubre Slreluncl, Rot>ert AedlorO A young COllegt oouple In Ille 1t309 Oieoover tllet their polltlcal Olfter- are 1trong ~ to )eop- arOIH tlleit marrlege 2:46 {"CJ MOVIE ••• "Shoot The P\ar>o Player" I tte2) CMrlee Aznal!Ouf. M-Oubole A woman convince• lier once-lamoua mualclan * • "MefWI Ano Howatd" (1980) PM l.Al.-. Jaaon Roberda. An oth«wlM unknown gaa atallon •ltendallt clalma lO ~IN rlghlf\il heir IO Howlltd HughH · bit II on Oollat N late 'R' •:aoDMOYtE * • • ~ ··sotdter O f 0.ange" I 19791 EOwetd Fo•. SuaM Penheflgon Six ciaMmttN ti a Outell unl-tlty go their ~ '81e weya Whtf1 Wtr btNlll out 1n Eur099 'PG' T~•dafl'• Dflflll•e-Mo.,le• 1:00 ct) •tit*'"' "Dey For Nlgflt" ( 1972) Jecque6lne Blaaet, Valentina Cott- Olrected by Francola Truf. faut The ._ encl loY9 of him perlorrnata ere atud· led In a movi.wttllln·•· movie 'PO' 1:*> CID " * "The Jazz Sinoet" 119801 Nell Olemoncl. Leu· ,.,_ Olivter A New Yor~ canlor breella wttll ltunlty tradltlOn lnCI .... OUI tO find -... Poe> muaic etar. 'PO' 8:00 (!) • • • ''That Forayte Wom•n" (1950) Errol Flynn. GrH r G•raon 9uecl on • novel by JOlln Gtll'#Qrtlly. A member OI a ataMI Vk:torlan lemity becomes ecandalouaty ettract4MI to '-ntece · • "-• **~"Sphlnx"(I0811 Ft1lnlc l.M>geflt. Lesley· Anne Down A rutlllffl bled! m""ti an11qu111ee ring atttf'l1Plt to stoe> en EG'fptotogltl trom diacov· ering Ille whef•bouta Of a ptlc;.eleu Sl8IU8 she WU perrnitt4MI to view 'PG t:00 (CJ * * "MISftr Buddw-1 .. .. ..,; ** "U..Wlt .. " ( 1948) Bowery Boye, W~­ u_, Frembea A oange1er Mtl OUI 10 gel -alter 1lle 9oye tty '° ....... him trrMt.0. tO:GO (l:!J ... "The Bladt Hde" (1979) Mulmltlen Schetl. Robert Foret.,.. Yvette Mlmleux The crew of a Muriatic apeceehlp dla- covara enolher veaMI perc:fleO on the edge ol a lormetlon whk:tl ~ .,,-,. t 111ng ,_.by into a giant VOid where time and apeoe CMMIO-lat 'PG' Cl) * * ·~ "TM SNnlng . (1980) Jeck NlcholtOfl. ~Dwell. Ohcted by SteNey Kubtlc* A former act>OOlteacher Nred .. • Wint.,. ceretaktf 10< • remote, and apperenlly haunted, Colorado hotel la anowbounO thtfe WOii hla wtlit and ctlliNC>)'anl young son 'R' 0 • • The FWturn" 0 * *'h "Ocie To 8ltly Joe" ( 1978) Robby Ben· aon. Qlynnla O'Connor e...o on the aong by aoo- ble Gentry A tormented teen-eoer'• put ~­ ~ COfnC)licel• hit flt9t true romance 'PG' ~CID •• ·~ "Honeyaoc:kJe Rote" ( 1980) Wlllle '""°"• Dyan Cannon WhMe on tour. • Te... country· _,.,.n linQer beCOn>ee ln"ohled wlth the Mductiw Otuglller ol 1111 lldlllldt -tl!ough lie 11111 IO\lee Ilia slty-at-llome wife. 'PG' S:OO 8 * • * "The Proud Onea" ( 1956) Rooert Ryan. Vtrglnlt Mayo (C) * * "ThunderbirOa To The Reecue·· (t9e1) Pup- IMll• The l*OC• of five ~ cittly equip~ roctiet lhipa muat .... Ille 11\1.a of ~· tr1C>P4M1 on • aue>«aonlc trenaport 'G' " •• * '.+ "Sctrl_ .. (1932) Ptul Munl, Cleor"ge Rah A amall-lime llood- IUm ,,_ to Ille lop ol the llUp doting Pr0111bltlon. (Z) • * • ·~ "Lii Cege Aux Follea" 110701 Ugo T~ ntz:D, Mictl9I S.r ault A n40111e1ub owner tnas 10 prepare Ills tran.-lte loYtf tor • vtllt by hie '°" · • llancee • lather, the morale cornrnlMl<>ntt of Frenoe 'R' 3:30 CS) * * Htwto. The Sltyer ( 198 t I J•c• Patance JOlln Tatry An edventuroos young men en1111a tt\41 aid Of a bend ot -r10ta to fight llfa *"" uncle, Ille OY«lord wllO killed tl<a fathtf anO Ml hOldlne *' .,.,_ for ,.,._ aom 4:30 0 * e ~ "Plnehclltf GrtnO Prh1" A111ma1ed Aft... hrl car ~ IS stolen by an H~. 1 brlllltnt mech•ntc decldee to bullO an _, belle< rtelng mactwne end compel• ""'h "4s ,_,_, ·G· 4:46 (2) * * * '/\ 'Tiie Wey We Were" ( 1973) Barbre StreiaMct, Robert Redford A youne COiiege couple In the l llGOa di9GCW« Illa! their pdjllcal Oltftf~ are strong enough to )eop- 11tOIZe llle<r marrltge 1:00 Cii) * • . .., "l.tttle Boy Loet'' ( 1978) John H81gtMWS Nathan 0.-Rurtl Aus· traflan l11tmer1 embark on a seweh to toctle • •· )'eat~ tost In the buall ' • • 'FunllOuM" (11181) Elaarieth Ber'rldgi, Sylvla Mii•• Four t .. n.egera aotnd a trigllllul night in • ctrnlval lunhouM Inhabit· ed by • Otment4MI berk8' and hta monatroo• aon R' Cl> 8ANFOAO NfO 80H When Fred g•la • IOOllleche, he lnal9ta lllat Lamoni ltnd • white Oenll1t to ewe Nm JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk fD ODC CAVEIT t:OO IJ (I) M•A'8 'H Guest. tel re a a Mon• WUhbourne LOOK, 0RENDA ! l KNOW IH15 MUD· WRE6TLING SERIES IS JUST A CHE'AP 6R/l<e0f;R .•. '· I Cllartes Is 1Utf9'1ng !tom • 1001~ but •r•lu-to -•Oent1a1 e a THE THIRD ANNUAL TV GUIDE SPEC&Al. Lee R«Yllck. Aot>ert Gull· laume •nd Olclt Cav111 lloat 11111 apecltl look ti memor•ble momenta on TV dunng Ille year 1981 tD MERV OAIFRH . ~ ~wrTH 00008Y! "Turned LOOM" A man ••e>erleocea leeflnga ol r.w alt" being teid Off 1111 conatNC1ion jOC>. (Z)MCME • • * • "Touell Of Evil" ( t9!>8) Charlton Heeton. Or9QI\ W..... A Mulcan pallet l~or end Illa Am.le#! bride become Ille vlctlrnt ol I wne11tJme TM Change Starts When You Do ... The Time To Start Is Now .•• The Place ls -Powen"I Chanoe It All/ O.am&lleally omprove Ille wey You IOOll leet Incl llOIJNI 10 Olherl We• ....... ll'llt llllallQe Ealy Incl F"" .. en ~ You fOf Al c:lal-. -o:t:::::. end -IN ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN • COUNTRY, ORANGE .f~~~7 .. J28 )ohn 1COOe11 Powers ~OR COME IN TOOAY SENIOR CITIZENS $1.00 Hearing Test~ Set For Newport Beach ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given at Newport Beach Hearing Aid Center Mon., Feb. s. Tues., Feb. 9, Wed.,, F~b. 10 9 A.M. to 5 P.M . Rearing tests wi.U be conducted by a Hearing Aid ~ialist, who is Deemed by the CallfomJa State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dispenser . Anyone who baa trouble hearing or understanding ls welcome to a test emplotylns the latest electronic equipment which wUI detenntne tJis or her particular Josa. You wm see a modem heartng aid ao tiny tt fits totally wtthln the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HE ARING AID CENTER J600 West Coeat Highway Newport Beach 846-8266 CALL FOR AN APPOINTNENT TO AVOID W AJTING 0UT WE ONLY ~N -n:~ASH L IKE 11-tl'B A COUPLE Of= TIMES A YEAR ~ING-' 5WEeP5 ~NTH 10 GET IHE R~tNG6! A NO IHE IM~OVED RA"TIN G6 C,IVE U S 1 ..u;; R EVEJ'.IUE 10 00 1'HE KINO OF QUAl..ITY ~T~te5 IHAT MAKE. U6 P'ROUDAS .JOURN.e.L.15iS.' lfl.EVtSION IS T H E N:?. T OF COMPJ<\?"'115E ! AN<? IH15 WEEK 11''5 YO~ !URN 10 BE COM~OM15E0,1 FIXED KATE MORTGAGES FULLY AMORTIZED SECOND TRUST DEEDS CALL (714)754--1801 FOR CURRENT RATES ASK FOR: JENNIFER HEBNER W AN OPERATIONS MANAGER 1700 ADAMS A VE. COSTA MESA, CA , I 'I J . ~ .. 0,.. Cotet DAIL Y'PILOT/~, ftof.UlllW THI f~MILt' c1act1 by Bil Keane "I'm tired, too, and nobody is corrylng ME." Mr\RltlADl'KE by Brad Anderson "You're forgetting something. l'M the boss!" Jl"DGE PARKER As SAM DWPs LINDA MAY OFF AT r-==::---- HER HOTEl .TliE ~ ACTRE5& l<.lf6€5 HIM WARMLY ... ANO NEllHER ON°E 15 AWARE THAT THEY HAVE ~EN SEEN OY AOOE Y' "Woops. It'• going to be one of thoM dayt." by Harold Le Doux by Jim Davis , TtM8Ll•EID8 eN"reR LblSA LIX'K, INPIAN~ SAWEl7-r.::-----"""::-w Off SUPE:R·S~E' ... HE NEVER S°t'PS HE:R~~A ~Me Ft SHOE Utt:LE Ct9C7 ... WIL~ ~~MEW'™ ~Y~M~K? )'()t.J SAID ~U WERE GOING TO HANG MY PICTURE IN YOUR LtVING ROOM GORDO 6£E 'IOt.I ~ ow~. L.Of'l:Z/ "'K>JOW, rf WC)JLDIJ'"f .uitT '40l) ro co .MOl.E ~1E:JJ/ ~ ).slb.IT' J:JJOJ~! ~-£ .------......., IT~ n&' FIW.l.Y 60T IT AHl9e ! UA MAMA AA!! bY Ctiarln M. Schulz 6000 JOt<E5 AAE ~ON 81RD9! by Tom K. Ayan ft I I by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Amela ~ SA~ef fA"{ !PteL 140.0~ MORE F'l:OPLE' '"" = ~AIN ~' . ~b~i' by Tom Bat1uk tTNK ~ "INKERBEA~ 1UE IAEST\JIEW HI~ &1~5' BA51<€WU. 1tAM BEAT Pl(:B)N ~ Hl6H,5E.VEN- 1HAT UPS 1HE GOA1Ef1E5 RECDRD 10 FIVE AND 1HRE.E ON lfiE 4'EAR ... AND 1WlT't> FIVE MORE 6AMEb lHAN lWE BOQS1EJWI HA5 WON, I Mlbfff ADD! 10-FIVE, LM>T Nl6ITT ! '$.'MA c:soc-roR's w1~e!, OFFIC!!~ ... FOB •ET'llaOa roa ttoa11 HAYE\~~ AN"(lH\NG? by Kevin Fagan 1~.,-·~ 'fll.t WOflL.O's flS'fEST l1ME. f<>R bMNb Of OM A ~~\\('-; t l.JeE. 2-8 ~ -• ..._..__..~-~-._......_ ..... ~.,,,..,..,,,,,,,_,...,.. t .,..,,~ •• • ..... •l •••I .... I .-... 't .. _,,, ••"*•l6 #/' • -.v ... J .... - ' "' Guide to therapists DEAR READERS· When somethlng's on your mind, It helps to have someone to talk to. Otherwise, the tension of keeplnc It all Inside creates too much pressure, and that's not healthy. Ir you don't have anyone you can trust. or (eel your problems a re too big to share with friends, someone with specinl tr aining may be the ahswer. How can you locat e a professional therapist? It's somewhat like finding a good lawyer. This as an individual matter that requires some researc h. The National Institute of Mental Health has prepared a free booklet that provides lips on locatlng a qualified therapist and explains the different therapies available For a copy of "Guide to Mental Health Services." write to Consumer Information Center, Dept S41K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009 Refunds d e layed DEAR PAT DUNN: I submitted a claim for • refund OD 30 pairs or Levis OD the form that appeared In the newspaper. I've not yet r eceive d any reimbursement. What is holding up the refunds promised by a court decision? S.L., Costa Mesa A spokesman for the state attorney general said that a law Ci rm in San Francisco appealed the court decision and until a ruling is made on the appeal, disbursement of funds cannot be made. The spokesman added that everyone who had applied for a refund according to instructions within the time allowed for filing a claim can expect to receive the refund when the court rules on the appeal. In the meantime, the refund funds have been invested and are drawing interest (;u1 n problem·' Then wnte to Pat f>unn Pat will cu1 red tape gelling the answers and actwn you need lo solve rnequ111es in yovemmenl and bu.m1l'ss Mail your questions to Pat Dunn. At Your Sennce. Orange Coast Daily Pilot P (J Box /56() Costa Mesa. CA 92626 As many lellers a.~ possible will be answered. but phoned mqumes or letters not 1nclud1ng the readtr's full name. addres., ond hus1ness hours' phone number cannot be consuJered This column appears daily ex• cepl Sunday.~ ·· Historic document sl~d /or auction PHILADELPHIA <AP> A copy of the first printing of the Declaration of Independence, the Penn family's copy of the Charter of Pennsylvania and a hand·drawn map of the Mason·Dixon Ltne will be on the auction block at Chnstie's in New York on April 1. The three documents, among the most important in U.S. history. have been on deposit at tbe Historical Society or Pennsylvania for 25 years and are part or a collection or thousands or documents owned by descendants of Benjamin Chew, a Pennsylvania chief justice who lived from 1722 until 1810. The Declaration or Independence is one in the series or printings m ade the evening of J uly 4, 1776 and the next day by John Dunlap, a printer who turned out copies of t he original document that was hand·wr itlen by Thomas Je((erson. Stephen Massey, head or Christie's book department, said 21 such copies or the declaration are known to exist and the estimated value of the Chew copy is between $150,000 and $200,000. James Chew, 35, a s pokesman for the 20 Chew heirs, said the documents are being sold to raise money to satisfy the legal requirements of a family trust James E Mooney, Historical Society director, said that once the trust requirements are met, the remaining documents in the Chew collection can be donated to the society. "We should look at the bnght side, not the grim side," Mooney said. "The gift of the Chew family, which numbers hundreds or thousands of letters and documents, can only be made possible by selling the most valuable portion of the collection." r .. PUIClllOntaS SMITHS' MOITUAaY 627 M•in St Huntington Beach 536-6539 'ACIACY•W MIMORIM..PAaK Cernttery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View D1111e Newpcrt Beach 644-2700 .-coaMtar MOITU•••s L90un1 Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1strano •~tn6 "I HAUOa LAWN-Mr. oun MortUlllY • C.rnttery Cr~IOfY 1625 Gill« Ave . Cosr.MeM ~55S4 ,_Cl llOTMllS 1&.L•OAOWAY MOtlTUAaY t10 Br~ Colt• Mesa 6'2-91 50 Nuclear plants pressured WASHINGTON CAPl The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will co nsider enforcement action agains t 10 operating atomic power plants which missed a Feb. 1 deadline for installing systems to wa r n residents of a nuclear accident, says an NRC spokesman. Thirty-eigh t other nuclear plants met the dead l ine. t h e government has said. N R C s p o k esma n Fra n k In g r a m said action afain s t t he non·complymg facilities co uld ran ge fr om warnings to fines. The 10 pla n ts not m eetln a t he deadline were: Be a ver Valley and Peach Bottom in P e nnsylvan ia; Salem and Oyster Creek, New J ersey; Haddam Neck an d M il l stone, Connecticut; Ver mont Y a n kee . Verm on t : r P tl 1 r i m , Ma11achusetts; lndtan Point . New York, a nd fbncbo Stto, C1Ufomla. fo'RE.5NO <AP> -An automobile dealer and h 1 s dealership• 1 n Fresno and Tula r e counties were ordered to pay $1.2 mi llion in damages for semn, a used car as new. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday. February e. 1982 -~, .. I UP••• coun 0. TMI IYATI O"CALI~ .... ---c-.•o... •CM$C.....M¥eW ... .......... CA..,., Plellltlff CHllVIH)N U I A., IN(;, e Ceiltomi.t .,._....,." ~. l'l.IX PAVING & IHOINlllUNO. INC , all Atl1efle <tr••r•llt11. ltOal"T J INYOI"· THI OHi CAIUAL fY INSU•AHCt COM .. ANY, efl Ofllt ~riofl. OCi)ll I l"'-tft U. lnc:hl ...... Cro .. ·C•mpfe l11 e 111 OHIO CASUALTY INSU"AN<:I COM,.ANY. • cor-•IMI\ n. c ...... o.~ l'LIX "AVINO & I NOINll"INO. INC., e ll ArlHn• ctr•erelltn, "O•l"T J. I NVOlll IUMMONSCHI HCCMID AMINCNIDC~LAINT 6 4 2 CLASSl fl ED I INDEX .._..,_w. • •••••••••••••••••••••• I J ames a n d Helen Allen of Clovis claimed that they bouaht a used 1979 pickup sold as new from Ottmar Thom as· Dodee ·C h rya l er dealership in Selma , which went out o f business the following year. CAN NUMAtllt• rtam "°"c11 v .. ...,. .... -. ,.... • Tl Ptlct Y111 M, C1U ~ IOOllthlltrtil 1001 Snow job • raises hackles Qllf1 -· wetillt ........ ,... ....... ,_...,........,. ....... .,..,....... ....... .., ......... ............... ....... If , ..... .,. " -· ... eGvlc• of •11 •ttor1My Ill 111\lt meotter. Yell ....., .. • 10 promptly M 111•1 Y•11r wrlll•ll r•-M, 11 •"'· ,..., llt lllM on time, AYllOI U .... Ill ...... -, flll I I .................... -.""'·· ~i.·--u•....---. ... -...w. .. ....._...,. -..... . HOLYOKE, Mass (AP > -Contractor Jimmy Curran said he g o t tare d of being snowed, so he dished out retribution A used vehicle sale report was filed by the dealer on the t ruck, according to testimony 1n Fresno County Superior Cour t from senior investigators with the state Department of Motor Vehicles ti U•led .... Mll<ller t i<_,. .. II" ...._ .., ftle •-lo, dt0erl1 ll•<•rl• lml'lleellelomen(t. oe .... ll\IMU , ... ._. .. HCrlte. ti lley •19""8. ,.__•eel•"-e tleml'O I. TO THI Dt!Fl!NOANT A Clvll <•m•l111n1 "" ... ,. llltCI It' 11\t pl1lnllH 8091MI y-. II V... wbll lo ~ "'" lewwlt, ,.., mw. •1111111 • cllYI -r 1111• ._ la wrvH °" Y .... Ille willl INa <011'1 • wrllten rt9"f1M to l .. <on"IPlelnl Unle u YOll 00 to, ,_ Clef"'" will be tnlerlel on •PPll<1tlon ol 11W p111111111. -lllh <1111rt m.., -· • luclomtnt •ee'"" Curran claimed hP plowed s now al a downtown parking lot seven years without pay So, just aftt'r midnight he got revenge by dumping 25,000 cubic feet of snow a 5·foot rtu •mcE y.., for 1"9 ,.,.,, oemenoeo In ""' complelnt. wlllcll co111e1 r .. 1111 111 oun1111men1 01 w1911. l•klno 01 money or pr-fly Or oll•t• •11111 r~.,.111C1 In, .. <omt>lll11t deep layer over the OATEDJi.w It, IWI llCltOW NO. trJllCM LEE A 8R"NCH, NOTICI TOClllDITO•l Cltt1l lot. .. It's asinine," said lot owner M ic h ae l · Schwartz, who had to hire someone else to get rjd of the snow "[ can't believe Mr. Curran ordered the snow put there. He's a bu s iness man I t 's nothing more than a childish prank Sherman L1fl1g, a vice pr es ident with Schwartz's company, was identahed by Curran a s the p e r son who refused to pay bills totaling $2,000 Liftag refused comment ·1 loaded eve r y bucket myself," Curran said Several dump trucks delivere d the snow. which was spread over the lot by truck plows. witnesses said. Pinup boys on calendar K NOXVILLE, Tenn. <AP > A doze n University of Tennessee men, posa.ng on ca mpus lawns or near tennis courts and a swimming pool , are gracing calenda r s r ecentl y made available here. The color pi nups , photogr aphed a round cam pus last fall, are on sa le in some loca l bookshops, according to its producers, Richard and Chery l Cha ndler Crook. "There are sever al girlie calendars for m en. but not many with men for women." Mrs Crook said. "I felt like we were being left out " She said her favorite is pole.vaulter Greg Gundelach. who adorns April, but her pi ck for the cover wa s UT cheerleader Carl Lyle, who sits on a campus lawd in shorts and open shirt . Before UT began fall classes last September. the Crooks set out to find men willing to pose ··Ri c hard went to c ampus and just wandered around," his wi fe said "Only two said no." As for the high.cost of mod eling, Mrs. Crook said, "None of t hem asked to be paid and we prom ised them all a free calendar." Bird mess brings suit DETROIT (AP > A filling station operator is suing an out d oor advertlsin-g firm for m ore t h a n $10,000 because roosti n g pigeons are making a mess or his business. 0 1' IUU( TllANlf'l!ll By SHARON KUPKA is.ca.. '1tt-4111u .c .c .1 09puty Nolke 11 .... b, glY9ft locr9dllora of A .. D I! ltl ON, ""' .... A .. LIN " "9 within nemed P41'1lu 11111 • blllil CONNlltl •r•ntltr II •bout to be med• on !;':':!!:~c~-"" ... P•raone l ptoperty herelne lter L•A ...... CA•1' o.~~''::':mn •net ~1n .. 1 -r .. 1 ol. tePI. lb~1,11 6&.aa1 lhe Intended lren1f•ror1 ••• u -0.--. Caul Dellr Piiot. a "' R e A R " L o u • s E Feb.'·'· is. n. '* s~ 5HEFFLER/AAOETH G. ALMONO, 2200 H•rbot 8oultv1rd, COllo Mese. C1111ornl• The ,...._ -bu1lnH1 -· of 1"9 Int-tr-I~,,.. JOSE P T·rtU NOTICE 01' T•UITllf 'S I ALI T.S. .... 1 .. A EAL18AA8AAA REAL. "11 North Hencly Or-Cellfornle '2M1 Oft Fe_, l•. 1"'1. 01 10 00 • m . Tll•l lllt P.._11, per11nent "9re10 II oescriwci In 91nere1 u furnllurt. ttatutes •no equipment. 9oodwlU, tr•d•n•m•. ••••• •••t•hotct lmprov1......U, ltoo In tr--I• loc•ltd el 12W Herbor Bi>vi.urd. Cool• ~ Cel1forn11 A LLST ATE T"UST DEEO SERVICES. INC et ou1, •POOlnl.ci Tru11., --,....._,,. 10 o..ci ol Trull ,_.,._ s.pi.,,,.,.r JO. ••. " lnit NO 4«11', lft -IJ1'1, N9f I ... 01 Offkl•I Record'I 111 .,.. Offlet of 1r. c°""'' 'tecordt< ..-Or•noe county SI••• Of C•llfor1111 ••e<Ul•ct o, OONA TO GABRIELE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASti Cpe,e1>11el1111\4 of W le lfl lawtul "-Y of Ille Unit.CS Slllffl at IN lronl "'I"""' 10 1i. Ore-County '-ll'rouse. 100 Clvk C•lller Orin W111, S1 nt1 ""•· Calltornle •II rltM. 1111• -lnlerHt convey.cl lo -,_ i.10 by H ullCllr •810 OMCI of Trull 111 lllt pr-rty •lluated In U ICI c ... n1y •net $111• Tiit bu•lrwu n1me....., by the u ld trensfe rera et u lCI 1•<•11•11 h O"ANGE JULIE. Tlltl W ICI bul' lrenlltt IS 1ntfl\dH IO be contumm•t•d •t the otfJce of SEAi/iCE ESCROW COMPANY. P 0 Bu 1 II. W.wnlmter, Cellfomle 92613 °"or •"•r F•bruery H. 1911. Tll•l l .. l••l«Nt• tor 1111119 cl•lm• In the •\crow ref•rt•d to "•relr\ ts F .c>ruery U , 1"2 So fer .... ,_n lo WICI lntenci..i Trens"'~ wkl lnlendecl Tren••••on UWd Ille loll-Ing -11'°""1 bu•lntt• nemu --,.. ... , wllllln tJW lllrff v••rs IHI s>e>I NONE Otacrll)edes. Loi IJ In Bloo G of Tr eel No ~. 111 ti. City of COiie Me1e. C..,nly ol Orenoe. Slit• ol Celllornle. at per map rec..-In 8-1'. -· U •ncl 1' of Misc••"-~. In lllt oHke of t"9 ,_,.., reconier of •••o <_1, Tiii• bulk lr•n•'•' II •ubje<I to Ct llfo,1111 Uniform Commerclel c- *11on .... 0..: F---., J. Itel. Tl\e llr••I •doreu end Olher common °"'9nellon. II "''· of th• rtl l llr-t1y clHCfibed l boYI II il'llrporte<t lo 119 2SI flo•t'. Cosle ~ .... c • ._ .. JOWP. AHi, 8ar'bMe RH I, lnl-Tr-le,_ H •VICll lllCllOW COM .. ANY tcmhec:ll11YC1.. w-...-r.ca.-,._, TM ~ T~ .. doM:ltlmt lflY ll•blllly lor ""Y lncorrtclneu of ll>e tlrMI ---other common D•lly dotl ..... llofl.ll_,.-n .. ,_ln Publlll1•CI o,eno• Coa11 Pllol. F.c> I. 1"2 U4~. Seid sele wNI lie -· ""' •li'-1 ------------CO••"•"'°' ••rr•ntyf ••Pl•U Of lmPlle<I, ~title.-~ or •ncurnbr-""""""9 •-. <"9r91t -ea-f/A llw Trva.. Incl Ol I .. •onc:a CN' TllVST11-.1AL.1 t'1dll cr•-b'r' seid Oeeelof Tr11t1. 10 T S. Na ..... , pey l11ter ... tiler_, lrom "-"'' I T 0 $eltVICE COM"AM Y • -.Y ... , et 11 perc•nt P•tr tllnum 1~ == ~ ': ::~~ provlCllCI lfl Yid,_ .. , Phi• <C••ll •ncl AT "Vi l.IC AUCTION TO THE ""YldvertCMoftl.°"MwlDl lnte,...t T,.. i....ti..i.r., ..,.,., w lo o..ci ol tilOHlST a lOOEll IFO• CASH Trull 11.,elofort •••<ut•o tllCI IN••lt4e llC time "' Nie 1" lawflH ctellve,..., lo IN Ufld9nlOMO • wrll•n _, "'tfle UflltM tut.> ... r ...... o.<ltreflorlof °"--°""-'°' '" ...... --~·--s. "91d t.y It ........... O... f1f T.-1ft le, -I '"'"'., -le:• of 0.f•ull ttw 11(-'Y ....... .-..V ....,.ri.d· •rid £1K1'°" lo Sell T1'e u_,,._ TllUSTOlll. ltotll"T H. llAV . Uu.wel sekt Nofk• of 0.1..,11 '"" l lE N E FICIARV ; AllT HU" E. Ei.ttloft lo Sell to lie t'ICOto.cl 111 Ir. MERTZIEL a nd M ERLE J )<°""1Y -"• 1"-rul pr_,,, 1' MEllTZIEl.........., -•It• •• jol11I •occ:~:s J-yn, 1t12 ""'"'" lie. ..... ~ 1', 1'7' AllAele Tnii! D-ci Sef•ICu " ln1tr No. ZS.1> In -l>Ot of Inc Offl<l•I Rec-lft tfle offl<• flf ltw .. ~ICITruit" Recorde< °' o.-.,.. Ceunty; Mid""" I Fr-.c11 Anne Harris ol lruu CIH crlbH Ill• IOllOwlng AIA-INCI Slt<\elur• .,,_ny. I 0r 1 Tht lend rtlerreCI lo 111 lhh Publl•htd -Coau D•llv Pl o1. -rlnlee Is llt ... ltd ... , .. State •• Feb I •• U.1"2 "~ CelllOl"flle, County of Or--h cteK rlblel as follow\. PARCEL I: Ullll No "1. lfl "'9 City of N--1 e .. ch, County of Or.,119, St•• of Celltornle, a .,_ -dtkrllleel In tlle C-nlum Pl.,. t'ICorCl.a on OclOlltt M. 1'76. In -11921, N9t Jlf,OHklel Ak-ofN IClc.u..ly PAltCEL2 All ll"CllY'--ellflty·lllll"CI (lfD) l11l•rttt es a -· In com,,_ lfl U. IN lnl~ .. t In -lo 1"9 C- ,.,.. Of Loi I of Trect 9-, u -m .., llleCI In -l14, 11•0-t Jt to 4J lnclual ... Mltcet'-""-Pl. In 1"" off I<. .,. ... C:-ty Rec...-of wlCI (-ty, M tuell 1 .. m II -lneel In lfw Arll<le 9fltlhel ''Otflftlti..•• of tlle Dt<l•r•llarl "' c-..u. ~ ...... -Rotrlcllonl rtcor-., ()(- 16, .. , •• Ill -119J1, --.,. Oflklel "-::-of aalCI C:-., IThe '0.Cl•rellon .. I, -.,y ·~ .............. ~. EJICEf"T THl"ll'llOM 111 oll, .... ml11trel1 1ne1 01i., hyelroc•-•. IMI-e dlOCtl .,. jOO 1 .. 1, •-I IN rl9'1l Of ....... -~ ••• --... ,,..,,_.,.r_ ""'"CELJ EH•-Cll • llKll -llt ) l1tare -1k uler1, Mt lwttl 111 ti. Article entttlecl .. E-t " tf h Oac le r e llon u11der Ill• lecll•fl Ht eGllltltl lrl -h A~le entltl .. " loll-1· "UUlll ..... , .. 511~1 - tncroec""-t" -.. CoMl'lton A'" l • .. ment ... U he ltll llCI Orin , New.-rt 8tecll, CA PllUC llft( NOTICI Of' INTI NT ION TO LIASll "llOl"I! "TV NOTICI! IS HERE8Y GIVEN 11191 Ille FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL OISTAICT P\al C19<i.reel 1"9 lollowl119 Tiie bullellnos 1110 prop.,ty, e •ctustve Of tf'I• W•r•"O\ltl * T rtn1por1ellon. Fr•e rer Stora9e. Meln11-. -~•llOm lecllllle• rwS for1Y Pl<lltno _ .. lelleclflt lo ti. "°"" ""'<•. ou..n.1w ,_ •• M Olstrl<I Fec11111 ... •Ill not 119 -,,..,... 1i. delt of 111ecutlon of • 1 .. se by llW BoerCI unlll •POtoalmetelv )UM 10 1W3 lw Ol•lrlct -•llOM The bullelif9 contl11 of -bullelfno of appro•lmeltly 11.'4l0 _,.. ffft and 0111 r•loca l•bl• bulld lng ol •PC>ro•lmettly J,7111 squa,. ffft T,,. perking lecllltl11, U<lualw of lfw Ol•lrlct r<eclllt ... -fwly perkltlg _,,. eCIJecH!I lo ti. nor1h lenct .• ,.. con•IClertCI to be ln<lud•d In '"' minimum bid prl<• Tl•t tkhllllO IOllbt ll dlemonC11 •dle<ent IO 1"9 pro119r1, locele<I •• Ille corner ot Telbet1 •rid Newl•nd Slrtell, t(t 1111e1e' -r•I• •ere•m ... 1 -er• cot11ftMr.ci to bt a<llvt durlno 1"9 lttin Of IMM Ot .,.y ell19ft'I'-1"9...ol -.,.. "°'•pert of tr. ReoolullOfl o1 lnte11t to a.- The tloero .,. Trufl ... retol•fl lo rteu the feclllllu loce hCI •I Ll911111outa u ne, corMr .,. Telbert •nd Hewl8"d s1,....1, Fountelrl Valley. under IN tenm •1111 '-"'°"' llei.d In Ille R11ol11llon ol Ill• 8oerCI, Aetohlllon N_ 11...,. Tiie mlrll""'"' "-"'ly 1Mie pey. -ntc11. 1or.,,. ... m of,,,....,. .. ,. >NII Ml lie ... , thin ' SO per \QUe,. foot. T"-mllllinum monthly ,,.., peymenl(ll for ~I perloCl1 iney be eell"'lect by , .. c ......... ., "Ill e 1lrM1 _..., or c- d,.1e ,.1ll•11 la shown •b•o. fie we ,,e nty It e lve n •• I• Ill comole .. Mt.a or cOM'ec:tMul." n.. -llclwy ""*"Nici OMC1 Of Tl'\AI. by ,.. • .., Of I lw'Mcll or dtfMllt Ill Ille ollll9etlon1 H <ur•CI tll•rtlly, ~lotore .. tc~ -dtll-t• ttw "'•.,.... • wntt.n Oec:l«M..., Prlc• .,... -•-eoe rOflee'"' Of 0.fellft -0...-te. $.Me, -al Ille -of h le6N -loelhl A •rltt.,. Mlk'9 flf llrMcll -Of Of«tieol -wrlty ._it 11 ,_i,... I• .. ~ lo,.., .. W. WNINll11• to M41 NM j'°';llOttlbulldl"91,,lo<tooc~y ~ly i. .... ,ty Yid ... '-'....._ No co ... nflalon -II i. NICI e11y -...,..,_ .... _ ...,,.. ,_ llcensed reol n tate -~ lfl tllh .. 1e1 nollcefll llreoK,, _ _. ___ reoerci, enclt11en1N11 i.noe11C1uc1..,. .. •ec.-OcWller tt, "81 • IMtr ,....,, any ,,,_, Ill .. torntlnlne IN Ne l,._lft .... ICISJH9' IOM ....... ._..,._,.....,~ .. 1c10111c11111euorw 5t•l•d oropoult to IH tt ult kid .... wHI ......... llvt Wl111eut yCtn l ---·I-.., ... <•nne,.I or werrM t\r, .. .,.... .. •••t•lff Oflk•r II Ill• l'out1l•l11 l~lecl, ,._....,. tlttt,..........,., llla11a, kllool Olttrlct lf11ce t1on _11,,,_MCM. .. ,., -,_...... ,..,,... 1n1• 0.11 s1 ... 1. ,._,.1n .,lllclMI """' fll ... -(t i Mc1"'9lll v.11..,, Cllllfonlle, ftl'OI,"" le!wr tllM W UICI 0.. fA Tr"'4, W111\ 1,.._t .. l:OOp,m M Met\'.111, tM lnNllCl-~--...u M'f, •••••• •«•11111119 en, wrttttn '"'· <IMlf•tt ... ....... .. ... all fOf ............ ..,., ,.,_ - 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • Barry Seifman , t he lawyer represen tin g Fr oggy's F ill·Up Inc .. said the station operator b as paid numberous dry c l ea n i n g a nd c ar washing bills due to pigeons roostlna on 1 large billboard at the ser vice station. llllRt IN ....... •~ Dtell Of TruM. ~,,..._.Is, -........ OHIClr -II Tn,.t• -ef tM l!Wb Ct'MIM .. hes~....,,..,._ e wr'"911 llM UICI 0... fll ""-t, ......... wllf ... may tuWNt 1111 orel IMcf H""'"' .. lwlCI 911 T--,, "*-Y It, "It et a t le .. t fin 1Nr<1111 tile hl9fle1t !:00 ,.m I 1.C 9llt ~ ""-wrftlefl 1114t. 1"' llllMtt ,...,....iMt Mltall<e, W .. CIVIC OttoW .......... llllcNllitr fol' NOi feclllly llf ......... • lalt 0...-A-, lft Vlt City "'811 be ,....._ C. .. KIM Ille ""'" .. Ora.. of ...... _,. ........ 1181 "'~ At.._ UflW ef .. llllltet "*kattfll *ti .... by 11111 ... rCI., Of INt ,.._, ... tMal -• tlll T'lle ...... ef T,,,._ "'811 !Mlle 1111.alt .. IMCe of llM ellll .. tlN tlle dtl«Wl!Nti.tl et It wllelllef' to -II'" ............................... N ici feclllll" Wltlllll It ... . ttwt ..., ~ ua-. ,._., llfl•r r~ctt IMft. 1 1111 ana11ot 1, Ut,to.H . Tt ln'9f........,c:-tl'lllflttt1t.,.......1 ...................... _...,., ........ ..._.. ...... MIW& .. , tall CM•>•.-.. 1Aul•t111t 1v,.rlnlt11lle11t at tlle ON: MNllfY IL t• ...... ._ tfflcor, Mt. JMft ~. T.O. ••vice COMftANV ,l"llrcll<ttl .. A9tflt, .. ._.lltalll va1i.v 5 6 7 8 • ... Tr.-. r1c11 .. 1 Olt trlct, l1tlt O•lt St , ..,.._*MHl1911 ,....,l•lft Vell ... Cellftml•, ttM , ......... ~ 0 141 .. >•1. Dlllaty etw.., ._ OetlCll ....._., •. 1'9t Or' ... ,CA... J-0 W...C 642·5678 NOUS£$ FOi SAU Wl .Sl.l'Y \ TAYLO:R CO. '6tr11Pft l a.1 ... 1.111d klliN , .......... l·.,...,-1 .. 0 l.,-~\11r r.e ... ". °""' """' tJT.,.. .. _ ... 111 ... ............. "' .. ~ .,,..,..,. ............ , 1.et-H1lh u.. .. ,i.""'f Mt\.WOfl \.,,o ~r:-~-:" S..J.,,,,,.~,.ftU ~*•A"• So l 8t.,.fli ~ ..... ti;.A. \lnt~~f'f ...................... HAL ESTATE AHh.lf fUf twS. 4,.,.,..., .... \ '°' ,_,.,,. =.':!!'W~n \ '•fl'Whh l'1t't ,.".,.. t """'""l•I f'r~ri • '~""•""i't \.tlc­ll\l;>k ..... \ l'Ul• ""'""" lk:N~'t IU bfo ~O' td '"""'""''''+"' IM\t..a11•Jt',1~rt\ ,,..._ ... lw ~ .. ,, \l~.t..1 .. 11,..., I rll l'r~· i\lowftOI I,_ ... n w ....... ,1 :::~1~ :;n1:'¥f,.,,. t9'A ~'-'•Ir l'o>t1 Hfl'Mhf" t .tirl'll\ ltfllU • H ... 1 ... 1•t• t \i hAn-..1 Wt •It "l<llh "•"lnl RENTALS f~N'f" .\tflM~l('ll\ I~~""""\ ,.111rn1 .. h41i lktWU't twfA 1• t Hf • '""" .. "''' ............ ,ft 'findrQn11•11111~1, t "' ,,,.,"'4Ai11o4· ... , .. lft MlillW\.t' t ft ,~, ..... ,,," l~~Pft'll ,.,. ~""' ~ ..... ' "'"''" ""'" h,, ...... i "' M1•""• k··'"· ....... .,. fl.iii la \to•ot.._ , . .,,. ... '"'"'• "'-"'"•' M.1.-.. 1 ' .... o ... k1 ... .i Mo1..t ••• 1 •. '4..1• •• ..,., ... ,,. k1 ... Ufl..-1 H11•_..1 ~ ......... k'"'"' I"'~"• H•N:•I .... -.... k11i.&,,1 'tl.tf'h'tl \t1.,. H• 11t1.,1 llUI IM IQll': 1011 IQQ •14• ID '°" Ill)< "'" IOU 1991 1$ IGlol '"' I .. lfl> tr.A 11111 .... 1-1• lt41l ,,, ... , ·~· lb l "''' •<w•• ..... .... 1 1 ..... IU• ., .. , /liO U•U , .. , llw /"d t :\.\I• """ .'1111 110 ! ...... ""' .... Lh + HI':/\ l.TOHS "J I j I I . I ~ 1 ·I f i DICOlA TOtt'S TIUllCI Subdued elegance New listing Near new 4 Bdrm & Fam Rm. Library with fire~Jace Spacious entry Form al dining Huge fam kitc hen A gourmet's delight Bright. cheerful faauly room with tlreplace. Heated pool & ~pa. $625,000 including land. See anytime WESUY N. TA YlOI CO,. IULTOIS 2111 S. H•loect MEWPOIT CEN'fa. 64 .. 4' I 0 $ XER-UPPERS S 32 ...... ·CorotHI "O" YACAMCllS F~ bf low market For s I up t:all R 1rk a une ]14 '760 7292 TENNIS? EQUAL HOUSING Thi' onl} Lot in Cyprus P OR T CdH San Cltmente 0 P UN IT Y.. arross from both Tennis ,.....,..,Notte.: Courts & Clubhouse 1st All rul Olatt' o1d ltfTlt' offered ' Farm at vert 1 s td 1 n I h 1 ~ UM.000 Penniman & l'll'WS_paper Ii SUbJl't'I lo ~pany ~1·1000 - • "' the Federal f'11r llous •-.-------• ..... mg AC't of 1968 wh1r h 1• :,: makes II 1lle11.-1 tu .id . .. II•• vertiM ··any preference llm1tat1on or du !_~:: r nm1nat1on bJ )td on .... rare. rolor rt>hgion "" sex or nal1on4I on111n :::· or an 111ten11on to m.ike "" an) ~uch prl'ft•1,.111 t' :~:· II m ll 1111 u n 11 r 1! 1' .... .. t•nm1nat1on COU>Weu BANl(C!RC $269,750 BUSINESS, INVEST MEMT. FINANCE This ~wi.p.tpt•r w 111 1111c knowingly Jt·repl ""' ad\•ert1s1nl( for rt•JI est.ate which " in 11nl.1 NEWPOIT IUCH l'rofess1onally derorat 1-d b) Jan T11ytor. this .iv..ird winning 3 BR home le.itures high btJm t'ell1n~s. wood floor.. & bnghl rheerful rotor.. Perfect for sma II f'\tit .. 1,..••IJV~t ·~ ..... ""••tl1-..t ·~ .. ,. .. ,,.. f., ,.,,.,.,., . 1111~1 ~ ......... <11'11111 "'"•' 1.1 l••,in \4•"1• \ ""'oh .. t \11•h•~· • I H" :::~ l!Ofl oft he I J v. ~:, ................. . AMNOUMCCM£NTS, PUSOMALS & LOST & FOUND "" lllOIS 1 famil) $133.000 can be '"' : Act.ffilHn .c.:.u~d for Z1 years al ~ checli tlwlr ods II '. Great Cmancmg ' cWy 9'd ,...pori er-644-9060 ron a-.dlotely. The DAil y ,.LOT OUINMI j-------""'•'1"11 • ""' ..... '., ····" ....... , ........ ., ..... ' .. _.,_, .... , ...... ,,1 ....... f 111111-. 1t,nd sm1m EM"-OYMEMT & '9£mATIOM '""""•" 1 .... u .. t•• ;..,r,ll.*"'" I l"'11°•.tN1°I \4'. MEICHAMDIS£ " ...... "'. "'"~ ...... . . ..,, .. ,,. ......... ~kftua:\.t•htt"'I i ""•1 • • t ., ... ,.11'1 hi I l~~·h1\. ~'llrrMIW' ···••.t• '"''' '"llf'llo• t , ....... ""ii.I •·•••h ,,.,,., U\ l.1\f"1dt•. "•• ~., .. ,, M ... t 1fl•"""'" M"'••ll•t11•~· ~.1•1t1•I "U•u .. 11-.,,, wn11 ,., llllllht ""'". ~ lftfll• l1rt• l'1•Alif'\ 4 Ut11'. .. •1• 'v-tt014-~., hiltt ......... ", ...... .. ...,1110 " ..... ,.,.111 u ... , .. .,. t\ "·J111 ll1t I 'Ct !111 BOUS &MHINE £0UIPMENT t,r~<t•I "''i!H""•lf'llil ,,, .. , ~h\l<ll'U"" t~Ntt+ i"1 ...... ,._., MM.1 ... krM t ~·"·I "•h ~., 1i1. .......... .,.. , .... ...... " .. d 6 '-t1 "'..,." ,...,,.,.,. JIAICSPORJ UIOM '''''•" '•"'"""' '•'• M1 ,.-t .... ., .. ' ... ,~ \h .... W•~lifl•r \fahwt ,,._..., '-i•At \141111ut It,.,.'''' "''" ,,., ...... tr ........ y, ........ ' hhh ""''''lip(\" ...... , ... AUTOMOBILE ... ,..., ., .4ftl1o1,tv. ... ', ...... " .. M ..... ,.., ... \t·ft1tfn ~oth M•t• feo•t t•,.nllht'"' : .. ,, \•'"' 4"4u ..... 0 111tt.: AV'•,. "••U.-.• AUTOS, IMPOIT(D Vt'twr•I AU• "'""""u \"'11 A"'~.nHul\) •.11• ~· o.t~ .. n ....... •••• ''-'• ,., .... , J"9ktf'I k1rm..nn ~h11 v ... ,..,. .. ~,*~"' .... "' '4v .II<.¥ °"'' '-""••• hv..:t'Ol ......... ~ ... o Kuti• •• \(• R"'" )e·--·-r., ... ,,..,,.,..,. ....... ;: .. \1ho ........ ;:·:. labilty for the fint C... J ::: !:,~rrect i111u tion l Of~ d) '' 675-SSt t.#f ..... !~.~~•~•••• •••• T ~ .......... ~?.~~! 7.~~· GB .. 1 THIS' t'dM duplu 11 wllh 11ood ""' · I rm.mnn.it f.:i rh unit J 0.ASSIC TMHM Rlirm ~ B11 f.:1m1h " J T!Orm 3 bo1th in un .. nl room l'IO't' lo 1•\1•r M1ss1on \ IC'J11' h1•,t \1h11111 dl S411l ooo area.s A.s)um. lu.,. 111 ll'rest r.:1tl l11J11 .1nil I COLE OF NIWPOAT seller will hrlfl fin.on• 1· REALTORS b;ilanre Int lud1•' w1•1 •·• bar. Frenl'h 1!11111, 111 I ::~. b;ilron) cmd J ftrt•J.11l 2SISI c ... 1Nwr. c~ • .,. ....... , .. ~. s~.000 Call for Ul'IJI" :;:: s.6-7171 075·55t, ~f WilfW-1 .. Ml .. .... ·~· .. .. , ... ., .. •It• •I .. '\ •I• ••• ... .. 1 ... j ,,; .. .,. I ... .. ' ~ .... I ..... ... ._, •'<lo• -· ...... i.(;j11 .... -· ... Great (am11\ homt• 1 ~· d"''Tl' 4 &Ir J t\,t i:111.111 llr lot ' Nnrlhv.uud super lerm~ Sl!i9 !toll Warner d!n !>!>!! !lllK• $891000 FHA LOAM 011ly Sii .OO<I do.,. n '' SUmt $89.000 ~·II\ IOJll 151 >', $1310 1'111 ~hJrp 3 Bdnn. hard.,.ood floor ho me 1 n J 'up 1• r neighborhood l'ru·t' on ly S99 950 Call 10 '''t' 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS A rottagr for two Woodbr1d11e 2 Bdrm1 lovel} cornt•r lol, 1.5% own. great finanl' ang. Sl49.000 Warn1•r agt S59 9400 STEPS TO NEWPORT HG TS It's 1 bargain' Sl28.~0 total pnt'e1 3 Adrm 2 bath, ram1ly room. bnrk fireplace. R 2 lot Room to build Alley arress Call us tor more 1n formation. 546 2313 I I CORON.A oa MAI DUPLD1 2 yrs new Owner built dupll'~. ·owners.. unit has 3 Bdrms. 3 baths. 3 s u ndecks. sky lights beamed reihngs & 3 rar garage Both units have woodburn1ng fireplaces Owner will ilSSISl SJ98,500 Or a lot ol cash? Then call clessllled Those things 1tklng up s~t In your home. 11ems you htven'I used In •oes. mav bt just wtitt someone else needs So give us 1 cell it's easy to use claaallled to 0-1 your hind• Of\ somtcaan 19!!1 ,._.....,. NEW NEWPORT CONDOS OWMr MYS .....-. tht pric• of -. U0,000!" Yo-. c• Wi• ..,.....,. .. tWt .....-opportwtlty lo o• ... , nor tlle boy oitd btocr.. st_o, br _, ... thew ... • .i• •-2111"' S . off lolboo ll•d. 'riced f,... SJ 19,000 ....... .as ... ....,.,. ... .,ti holntt wfttt 360• roof ~I _. )<. CJlftCJH. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. AfAI fSTAT( ...... """'"""""""''·~ 2011 W CoHI HIAl\O ,IS M.rn Au., N.wp..i s..... ~....,., T he au U says the opera tor even built a $12,000 ClnOpy, but the atat e Departme n t of A grlc uttu re ba a threatened to revoke his food dilpensln1 Ucenae anyway becauae lee and vendlnt machines •ren•t covered. .,,.,..... ( ............ _. ...... ~ ... c... o.lty ~ I ""91 ..... ar...,..c;..,. Dall, .... ~ L ______ ..l.:=======:i--.;...----.....&.--------. u,,...., '·'· • ..e 1,.-, '· u.tt.. ._ ..._ .,...... 67).6. ... • ···-~___,,--~ ........... ----..................... _.. ____ ........... lllPJ!9' ..................... ~!llllll----....................... ... -a Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Monday, Ftbruary 8, 1982 ,. ~· ~· .... ... ,I .. ,. .. 1111 .... , " ~. ~.~~ ........ ~~!.~~ ........ ~!~~.~~~~ ........ ~~.~~~ ....... ~~:.~~~ ....... ~!.~~~ ........ ,~~.~.~!~~ ...... ~~~~.~~~~ ..... . !~:::~., ........ !~~ !~'!:~~ .......... !~~~ ~~~ ....... , .. !?~~ =.~~~: ... !?.~~ ~~~.~~~.!?.~~ ~-~~~~.~~~ ... !?.~~ cc-,.:;, Loh/ 1500 ~~~ 2600 Ho.Mt Utrfw1M•hd •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 2 4 LorJIMa .. oc .. CostaM.ta 3241 PBIMSUU HOMES Remodeled, det>oruted 3 bdrm , 3 buth. mstr bdrm with ocean view $425.000 West Bay baylront Slip), for 2 boal)>, rcmodellod 3 bdrm, J bath $1 .200.000 Ot-ean & Jetty views. Manne room. ·I bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq ft $1,385.000 UDO ISU HOMES Pri!'l"P f.uin Nord b"vfr:ont 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat sli ps $1.500,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + h1rgl' ret·. rm. beam c<.'1hngs, $420.000. LNA ISLE IAYAlOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den. SI.350.000' CA.RNA TION COVE Spectacular bayfront ' 1ew 4 bath, 2 boat slips Sl ,900.000. lnlrm, BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR .1.ll Boy~1d(' 011v1· NB 67S· 6161 4 IEl>ROOM HOME I 111 Costa Mt•sa I) r h11m1· wurranty and 011 lll'r 11 1 I I a:.stsl 111th hnant 1ni: I $121U.OO Ca 11979 5370 ALLSTATE . -REALTORS I AO\IUU~ 011111·1 $K2UU d11n bu1:. I B1 , .. ,n1l11 111 l:JJ..t's area (luhtan1t111,.: \ JIUt' of $99.!11111 \\ J r111 I Jj..'\ 55!1 94111.1 -· FAIULOUS OCEAN VIEW Plus City Lig hts Ex r lu::.I\ (' Newport Bcal'h Spygla),s Beautiful Capd1orn Model W ~·our Bedrooms Plu.-. Fam1h Room Upgraded Courtyard ·w Pool & · Spa -One Of The Most Temfil' Views ln All Of Sp,\ gla s)> $750,000. E"'STSIDE SS,000. DOWN i\HTIST All<>!:":. I 011 Ill NPT HEIGHTS ..... H~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ff.AUTY! IYOWNER I :~:.~ht\t;~,;~1si'i11E~\s~l~1~:· SEC LU 0 E 0 1w~~.~::,~~:,~;·~"'~0 i.;11i r1~.J~1~1[~~:.1•10~~ ~1.~1.~:i'.~ ( hum1n113DJrrn i h11th • 1"••.T•rrau f • .:f\•t l.n 'llJl!HlO :!IK:I CHARM rm l"ithlll!O l\4 179~ti HC>l(Ut' Kt\l'r Ill ~·ulh1·111 ho11Y· 1n pnnw lot'.1111111 2 llJr • 1 OO\ •1l'll 1 '• SMALL DOW \ 11m 11h· 1•mh'm1'°' ·'' 1 t>rt>1wn Tr\' 11 tt 1 (irr11l (1na111·111i; 11·rm' & l'lll lot pool t 'P•1 N! mh•n,111111-.·nl h11111""' ·1 Coftwlwrclol k I . ,.,, t .J . .. 1.i1t.1hh• un tlm 001 101111.•d onup ,,,unw fa~i· 011'1 Ill', f'll' lldrr11. 11·1111 ~1tl'f1 ltroperty 1600 $..~'':,& ",':(i" 11::, 11~.~ 'w• 1111uu •l1f)tO" 1'111·1· l'\l~t flnan1 ~7 t nun lti.111 JHr I h.i I h1111l '"ul•\ '"ltll1" 1111, "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'. nt I' 11 , "' .. ~ ~ UY.l'·•~oo1·1 111111 .. .Jt1u11W.ilk111 , .. 11a' ... , ll'I:"" SI ti SOU llurr'r 1 all u' . .' . t'h•m "hi l. ,11111111111!! i:l.1~• 11111l1111~ tr1·1·' !17~ I ~13 1111 11'11 for t•ompll'l~ l11•tJrb \\'.A!lllfo.ll . l.I Ill{ 111Onl\2 1111111 l1t•t1th .11111,p.1 ll1~u1110 •. , NEWl'ORTIEACH R--""-· F ti<WJ 1111 Shur1•t11((~ Old l 11\1 J $111 .UOIJ ,\,~ ror J 1111 I p.11111 ·~• & 11111 t .ilh 1 I "'~h 1 ''1l11hl \ l' :I ~· ONM, 2700 THE REAL ESTATERS U..l lsl1• h-1· 11111) I' t• 'Ni:!Hf l'I ,.,1 .1111•" '"°''~I 111 llgt, tlt1·un 111·11 Uo rt fron 9n1Ye1 044 111.n I . . 0 1'11l'l'tl "' unl~ s:!l!l.'1IHI t.IJ.:I' I \I' l'\l~l111i: bull1f ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnlne I 044 !'11111 h;111,1 .1~'1 ti3t l"tih 1111: of1tM~h11 f1 u1 hlfl ltl to At re•~ •11111 .iii 0 ' Cou ....... RY IDJl'!..LISH 1111•• r () II llanrho (';ii I:! ' ml "' ~.. !••••••••••••••••••••••• .••'''l t 11111•r 111 ULPU.X-~81 I .!fir I Dl!Os•tR"TE '. Llrl} $il:10CMlf,Jl7IOO )1ti~OOO Xlnt lllll'•I .......... ~-----~ )t nl'~ Good ·'''um.,hh· .. ..-~ ~ fh·~tltcu M7 3288 ----'"u111.1bll• rr11.i11nn1• Wmdhnd~· 3111 "h.i R-..... Lt-"-GO \t.1111htlll'Wl!\ll' SJ ''Ill'\\ IA•ll do\\11 ·'' on.g U"l"' 5Lr \l Jrt,11111 1•111wr' !Ill ooo. 7ttt1 ~ ''"J ,1111...-l11J11' \1·1 .. I 1,,,, bdw.icw 2800 STf\l TlllSY.l\:'llll' Onhl~) ( illl ~ti .llJ.i 1111 ,,111 •••••-;;-;~1;•••••••••••• 'S2-ll.5oo 11• "'11 o\n av.vi wni•r 1 1 Sl n t:S.'i HI. \I. I' OLD 1\ .mt " ta\ 'hl·lt1·r ' St-II Noou<1llf\11~ !!~7 un~ ICostaMHa 1024 :>1!17•~11 ~•••1111 n1111u.1hl\111~· m1 NEWPORT ~LVD in~ I 12)t-ar Ill'" 11111Ji.,, ~ ....................... l'n111·r~11 • l'.u k I Bf(:! 'llH ,\ tl1•11 ~· .. li.1 1u11 l u1•·• II •'I J •> Ill l'M'h,10~1· 1•qu1I\ lt11 ._ ----._ ' 1f11 \1>111 u,• ~:•'11HI 11111 " ~. "I ' <1111 • • .1 • ( \II • FREEDOM HOUSE II,\ FJrn r1111m ,., .... ,, ,, ~ 11 I I 1 I . < 1·11nuuur 1111l'r "' • 0 <r:.L I .. 111111~ ".ilk l<• 111,1111 1.11 1 t 111 1!.' \\I 1 ·1" 1 WMf'. · r-mClflC nt9 • ., "'r 11• · tar" .. , "rll bt•lt 1111·,1 111111 11111111.. " L f 7117ti00 31 1'-l M 3 111 I II ,, II "' ,., • u 1;.:11 U.JJ 11.1.1 JHIN> •. I I' .. II ,1 I II 111 t 1111 ...... ' · irm ' '1 ~001 1.>-11 076'1 \ •\ ,111111· drt\l' & t·11tl\ • U111111 l111.111n•1f 111lh ih..irrni:r h.t' '1 "" """ I · · 1 !i n\1111 \llJ• ''u't "·1· Jasmine C~ell "''l•>11,>hl1· 110"11 11." Rentah Ill'\\ t'UJ'JX'r µlumhtOI( It $17~·1100 II 111111 tfn ;! h<frm fllU~ 1Ju1 l"CIJ\llO 1111.'lll ••••••••••••••••••••••• z rar .:Jrai.t,· "'"'°'' MESA VERDE 11 "' " .. t 1 ~· · u......--"-·mis._ _ _. I t \~ • 1 " ' -"t•rnnl1 ~u.1111 poul, $245 000 ~"' nni 11•: t:.l .. 111 U l 11! 3 hdr m 2 b.Jl h f 1 pk .1thl (h'11l'I .111111 5~:! 1111411 111 11·11111' S;J 1;, 1""' \"111111· COIO..., • 'p "CIFIC •••••••••• ••• •• • • • • • • • • 21Kt ~u11 ""' ,. s11J.ooo t: Jr .11: ,. ' 1 1·0" 11 111121 ~ s1:!:1 "'• ht 1111111·1 \i:t o.... t• •ro"R~s ~44 8567 Balboa Island 1106 st.Jt.:icll1 o ... 111·1 11111 ,,, • lfn :r.:n, 11 1;.i111i111x 1 R~ 6 • ••••••••••••••• •••••••• TRADITIONAL REALTY 631 -7370 '"tlil(lrlJlllllll-! ASSUM.LOANS I FRHROLLSROYCE 11---------1•:!• :!bdrm 11111111'' RoyMcCardle, Rltr. PATIO HOME l.1110 bl.11111 lh tl\1111·1 C d • . /T Slut! mo 111111 J11111• \11 548 7729 on om1n1um1 own 1111.il r1·n1 57;~1 1\ sx:111 • l'IJt1• tn '111111 and pl" Sp.1111111~ :1 1111 "II \ .. _... f I 1700. (',111 lH' urifurn 1;i'1 'Htf1i * MESA VERDE * \\ITll l'llOI \\fl 'ii'\ SJ1,1l IUll' J lltlr Ill L h.1 llt'JUllfUI <tfl'.t $l:t IM"t dn \,l..1111: ~!Iii ti Ill •$8000• I Sii~>:'. 1111q>1m1 l'I' \1!1 •REBATE• iW ltlll!i " n b r a 11 11 11 " 11 I HEW CONDO "'0 DN IO"-llhtllll('' F1•u!111111 ._: ., .,!.. l'n' an : m~1,11•1 ,1111"' ·\i;t•nt tdl .... 1. !1·11111, 111 1h" 1.11, 11 11111111· 11 11 .11, 1 .,1 nuonts or sa ~ o11fu l1 rnmm111111' l111 lt111t·, \1d1111 11 '.\j;1j•1:1jj:,·1~;,;•1i;."\i'it" CoronadelMar 3122 l•lrm ) IJ.tlft )I~' l•MI \''·'"' '"' .1<lil1l 1u11,il \ 111!1111.1 \.1llno11 111111111111 1\ 11111111 1,1111111 ,l'luh l 1.11,.. 1(1111111 l'I U\ II\\ 111 1 ' ~, ,· µ~:.. rv 'i514I t.ll /JOO . ~. . . . l'••I tt .. 11, 1111\ I I ~·"I I \1 II 1111 J .... 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IJ't n•t ' .~4H i..111 l ·~ J jllll ~'>Ii Oilll .11\ '1fllll ..,,,~on CHOICE E. SIDE :\on hi 11.,,. •.Hr ilrn .! ti,1 '~'"'!"1' 314 2 :!!Ir I ' •HJ frpk bltn 11 l'I bar 11111 ru 'ir '• I . . .· I l!JKh 11n " hill 111 \ "t ,t ~,., lud1·t.l ! llH , 111•11111 .I Bii "! hJ l"ompl1 11 " 11 h ti 111 I n L:. I ,1 Ill I I 1 hn·plJ1 ,. f• n1 1 , .... 1 ,\ "'.. ' I l'\\ s 1211 111111 t I\ t11<n1•r ;11 IJ;J -,;"it NEWPORT HGTS CUSTOM! .! htlrm \k~ .. \ 1·rd1 1 1111 Ju ~.IOI 7:,1 '.!!Ill SHARft EASTSIDE 6 PLEX ONLY 15°10 DOWN t111111·r 11111 1111.11111· tu 1111.1hf11·1I hu\11 \\111 1 .... 11 ... 1 f.'•••I h••lo.wr 1. Ullll> ' I 1.lr i.:.11 .1._:1 ' .1111ph• p.1rlw1, II. Im• 11 lun .. ·,.,:ru'~ Coll today 644-7 211 msa . ) . MESA VERDE I .1k1 fr1111t \ 11·" I' I II I I' ' I ti II .I I I I l..11111\1 .lfw•I H1·a.-l1 A I 1·11111\ l' I 11 h t 11111•1 F111.11w111~ 1111111·1 t tr t •. 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I \11 t1111 1u11d II II ti.'"' 111111 ' I •r 11 • t 111hlt I ,111tl • 11111 Ow>lexes/ Hort>Our rJnl-!l' 011.'n d3hwshr. • Units Solt 1800 j·,;~·~·;~ .............. 11r1tro Pool S6-00 mo . 1rp 1 r """I k • ' ••"••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 1 1 l .• .. I ,.,111 :. no pels 381 l(.1rdt:n1'r Sii', 11111 II II 1 l'I.~ \ t11\\nh11nw .t l\1 111.1 llJmilton ~!ill!! \ I I II "'•'' h'lllll' fJ\ I ........ 11 I ""1 '"111 1 1111111·1 I til l iH.ttl.!~i>x ~~'l:.1del¥l'lbdrmiden . Lake~st 3255 l'rlr>• qt.ii' 111111 I ,, '" I d I I 1 9 gJra~e. ~un ry 3<'l • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11111·1 p1111 1 "Ill)' '•"' Newport ~ach 316 hltru. Pvt strret f'rrsh l ... \K~; FOllEST 2 ,11111 :1 '\.:., 1 ••~o Kl'..' ;.:t.:1<" •·.,; ••••••••••••••••••••••• (JJ.lnl nttw t·rpl S4'>S I · LAGUNA 8 EAC H t .11111tn \ 111.11!• \111h1l1 R32 5lilbarter 5 pm " & 1f1•n J hath On 11 .11t·r lttn•t"•nl.li-11111111 ll11m·l'J1~F111111 h.·tf~ \IFWFHOM llt'"' h0Jt.1tn1I. \\Jd 1~. ,, '"" , 1,11. , .. 111 ""' 1 •• 111 .11111-.... ~\:FH\ n\1 Ft'h 1J S9.!.'> ;5t 7!•111 •••Ill /011<"1 '" '" 1"'1' d•'"' 1'.!. '11"1''" \·14 ·1i1r '., lt,1 11111111 Mewpori~ach 3269 111 I I 1uinru I · .IJ•l 1'"'1''111Jlll• '•'~I 11111 '1 ,,',J ';.11··1~ 1 I I t J 1, • h 111d ulll f,;'J .it.Ji\"• "' .r. l-K'I v ••••••••••••••••••••••• '!•.i10 1" ·u1 d11 \Int 1 ,,r, ll..\11 1;;"11101 '" • • llarhor Ht1ll!t' lr.t'l' 1 llr ,1 ·llrll 1111.1111 toH' I I\\ I :1 Ha tl H f' II ,tutf\ I di \l.111.1 1•1; :11.t" 1~ ..... 1•11111~.:!lll< :!II\ 111 ~ I MESA VERDE h1dhl1 UjJU(" .. 1·11 ( •IJ \ u I .tll\1111 I \\llflllflll' \11 I . , " """ 0 By own~r COM Dplx I' hilil, ,.11 1•,,,, ~I 11111 .I lldr 111 .! h.1 I· 11 t'f>l.11 t' l!Uard l!:Jtl' JJIKJI ll'll/\" 1,11•.11 rl'11l.d' 11di111d \1:,11.11o11•1.1 "''h"·"h1•1 _1,111 11·rl Sl!UI nto llobnr IJmu l••S.'11<•1 0 l .ill I I ,JI ti ~. I I 11111 " 75!112''1 n,•1 •11.1 , , ,11 hi' I II' I' \\ 111 II i;.1rtl.·ni-r .. .-. .. y, I ""P .1~ . - hno''""ll ,,,u, h.1\ 11,·,•.an . , IG C uyou lncC>tlY Prop«riy 2 000 ,, .. 111 ti .. 11~ 1.11. 1, .~ j:/fll t ll.1 nr "'\ I 1.11.1 I A,.. ,... ....................... lull "'' Ii""" '11·" OriGotfCoune •111 1111torl1· I 11111 f'I. ~itN1 vtli-11111\ ~-1:111 '"' 1:1!'1 3 lldrm' 2 , AJ p1•11 II fl t 1'1 I \ 1t1 ,• lt.1 { IJ\ 1•rt•d t•lll I\ 11 .. 111 lil h•.ttlt'ti i;l;t'' d11uhlt1 d1•01 1·ntr. 111 ,111111111 I"' 111.d lluni: runm t.1111>11 ro11111 Jru1 111111111• ·" ''" t;.IUllfll 'l 1,J,1111f J..1td\l'll :! 1hil1ln•n, luh rn• plu ht11-!t' ITl.1,ll·r "Hit• II 1lh 759-9100 l.1r..:1· pr'll .it1· '""""' ~ !lµ,J 111lh. lt1l.1I )II II ,ti'\ \ tllR 111 \ Lim Hm f't"'I '°'fl.I t l\\ l \••Ull·•· ~.\l'tlln! I'""" b11111 \ "'hJnnL Slr.111-!ht \1111 .., I r~1h l\111:, •M•1 It. 0\\llt'I •1;!!5~11 II. I" J•" I ""' • h11 .. t •>h 11f 11111 I .11J. ' 1111111'1 11!11·1111.: j.'l'tlt'lllth ,, I Ill t.1111'11' I tlll llllf"t h 1-. II I• ' ' I\ I( I• .·' ·'"I ol ,,., I I ll 11111o1l Lt t 1111 tl'• Ill' il1th• I UI IU,1 1 qti1t I "" 11 • I 111 t I I I tr I 1 '-t11•1l,i\ht·111lil :\I' 11''" 11111\ 'l't IMMI 1J11 ill .1ppl 11,11t ··i:t ••• ••tCl141 ~111~':~" 3 111 1"'1111"1111 1·1 lu ..! l;J h11u,1• I 1 tit JJI u111 & 1 t•nn1~ :-. .. 1111 \\.111 rlrunl 11 111111·• l!.JI .la~n. "~·11111• ,::-1 ~11 • dl.'t· \·a1·ant~t :!OO Mu 1i.11 t11M1 1 im 1"111 llMI.! "11' 11"·1 1 W~y M. Taylor Co. 1t 2Corpo1ate'9cna mu<,1 ,,.,. f11r 11111\ *VA 11 112% * J HH I 11• h.1 ii.I\ .11 d11l1h"''"' '"" .• "" t.d 1'11 ,11 .. 111111111111~ J'l)l!I l' I I \ II"""' Ill\ I l\11t11\ IH \I II "'' \\ 11· \\ I·"""''' 1 ~·''.'"111 \ '11111'.' ! Iii I Rl'altur' i.H ·1!1111 n•~fl'I 'Jl\1 lh,1 1111.,111 ll.1 1 I I fl It t.: II .11-! t He~C~ 3H 5l11111 l.dl 111111 ~~~~~~~1 f£'l!§itl~ 9''>1ip111 II flll" ~~'.11~1 dll pnn 11nl~ llkr 1;1;i ~1;.1 111 I I•• .... , I I f1d ii I.Ill 'I ' 't·~ 11111 'i:'to• 11~1 111 11111 "'~ ,,., •II< L1' I RCTaylorCo 640-9900 SPYGLASS s200,ooo UNDER MAUET Transferred st•llt•r sa's s ubmtl all offers on this huge 5 BR . Fam H m. 312 bath farmly home perfrel for entert aining. Compl ete with breathtaking \ te\\ 2 f1repliH·es dramatic· pool & '>PJ area and :l car garage lhts val'ant euslom I), now offered at les '> than replacement c·ost al SS95.000 Call for financing drtails RCTaylorCo 640-9900 C::. 5El EC l -1"" PROPE RT 1E5 MESA WOODS 111• a u t 1 I u I 1· u ' I 11 m l'JIJIOl"ll I lt1 11"11'1 I rr.1fHrnan r1•;tth ~1·1 s • 1 lh." .) lldr 2 Jl,1 h11rlll ·•IMrt IAJ\\•I~ ~Jlt"IH• & I hl-;mnl! tnut ln'l'' l.u11 r .. 11· m·11 111.111 J\ ail Full I pnu•Sl5!1.UOO i51 31!11 *CDM STARTER• ""'~~~lr ,~~~!.~9 ,, '•llllt lilll llllt•r1·\l I I l 11 / \ I I I .. ,.1 .• I • h1 ·' u 111 u I lo. 11 • h • n \11111\ 111·<1 ""' 111·1. ( lttl• ~\IUI I Jlllod ~a:>ll t~Ll§ib1 LEASE OP'TIOH $4,000 Within Yow Means Leow Optio11 J Hclrrn :!h.t lrplr Sl29,900 l.OCJll"O le och •.•••••.••••........... A Lot For A Lattt II rt • hftJ).! ·llt• ):1111 11 ''"I'll\): 11.111. h•ll l 1l"1.1nn 1111111 l1•1111h ,\ 1 ...... h t I\\ Ill h,t• Ill I h1tJ1•tf pl.Ill• 1111 I •l'JHl'.1 \ ill.t $17' 111111 -., .. ' 1.11·uf,u \ "'''" \ll"-"'fl 1\ HI. \I r\ I i.l 11j II T.UBEll, REALTO RS 111\H "'~~ t,1r ""' tlll< II\ ~.IHI 11\I l'u•I ' F111I I 1·1111- llp• 11 fJ.1111 ..''I' 11 .... 1111.. L.1111 ~··~ 1HMI \1,11 :tlll< ..'H \ 1'11111 """•••u ""'"'' \11 ., ~·tit\' f l WE ARE MOVING' • I. I "~ ti Ill I ,, hr I I( r II I 111 ., lo.1 , .. ._,, "·1 UP.t i\ .tl.1 I ftl •)1n1 ol 1111t111 fl ,, .. ff t h trutt1 H\\lh I , ••• ltNI Ill Ill.I ~I' Hiit I 1.1:1 i"tii Ii.II .k· It, 1'1 ' O.OSETO BEACH -.;Jl.1111 Ji li111 J., """' I I .II .llHl 1111\ \\1lli ' fl ol II ' I. 'I\ ~ I' '" . IMMI '"' nu l 1-. .it h l'1 ult !1 '"' •hd!t'r l•I '' I 1 I J'h 1I .1~1 'Ii! 'lltMI IMCOME PROPERTY SPECIALIST ... 1.·.1111111111111111111. 1111 11... 1. I Ill' ,I\ ,11l.1hJ,. '" "'ul \11111 rw•·cl'- ,/K1 NEIS.SER t'llll I/ \1111\) II It. 'II I t I "·I I ~'I.! I 1101 t \ \ 1 I 11 1.1 \11· ,1 t \ llhl I Htlllll\ l.llt h111 APPLE VALLEY \I 111 1 II • ' 1 1 · \ 1 ,• 1•'11' ~ llolr 111 11" "'"' "' Tax Sh.lter 1'11tor111•• p, .~ "1•1 1t I'-1 • r • " .f • 1 '• ,1, 1.," 1 pit, I 11 1J111 \ll"\\ ft11l Jt H 1t '\_')\'' .,IU i"'fll I 'h.ilh t ,111! 1111~( 1••il ,\ j'1"1 1•·rl\ '1111 .: 642-5200 .1111! l111•pl.1 .. 1·111 11• •·ii Own~r Finoncinq II \ ' • n I 1 ''' ·' • \'·•' 1 .. ~ ,1,11 , " 1-1 It 11 k, tt" ,\ \ '"" II •1"· "' 't-111'· ..,,;·. m11 IAYFROHT 'I. 1 n1:~ I 1 111 I ll.1 i:.11.1~·· .! ,10,... 1 • hdrm' ·• \,11ll l\11b11I. t.lt ll~h.I I h.tlh, f1r1·plJ1 t' HouJtt Unfumisht d I '1 '"" \ 11ntl11 l ltH• "l i:ori?•'nu , 11'" 1'11·r .1 nd 1 •••• .. ••• .. ••••• •• ••.••I 11 -~1 H1•.111t«I l l'rl111t.: ,hp SJ(Ot Vt'r 11111 ,\, ,111 GeMorol 3202 "•<r11"' : 1 '11 I>" 1 Feb 1 l•••••••••••••••••••••••I \o\ opf:n\·r Poul St'l I RENTALS l(u.!r•t-·"''~~f '. ~N~ "" ... St.•t l J 11 li.I t .~1.ll \ 1•.11h Wt•l'l..11 \\ "''''' . . I • I I fl1fr 11 \i•llJll•I t \111· 111.,HI • 111 I ll.1 l~.11h&_ ll.1tlH1,1 l'lllbtJj!.11,l~t \,1111 Ill'\\ ...tACOBS REALTY l'"!nl ~ '·'fllt'l '" 1" 1' -..;;J ~"4t • 't'I 111 I\ '' 1' PROPERTY . i11,111i:1· hnu"· ' MGRS. :.Iii r.~i. 675-6173 1!11 ~h.t 1.1111 1111 "'''·· iBolboo Island 32061 '...•:.r;.•"' lllt "'' ~1111.11.11 ~ ... 1111tl ,:rd11r .1.11 l1H5.I ••••••••••••••• ••• •••• • 1u' ·n".U 1.1•11 'II. 1~11fl11111 lw.H It ' Ill 1 I "" .. ..,.i "' · .)~ 11.1 t 1.t ~ ll.11I111n1 Foui!taift Valley 3234 H.tlh11• 1 '''1Jlhl )l!tlO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11111111 "111111 .11111u.1I 1 Bclnn ~HJ 111 11 \l 1lr lh 111 11.1~' .'.I.I 1;11 l~1i7 "'Qu.iri \\"'I .' 111 '" ~~~t:"~.~~~~.~~.'.~I I ·•lll'li clOll f'.1Ji,.1d1•, Ill\ "" '"' hr.mil 111·\\ '"h II\ '""' ol11pl1•\ ! 111,l'lt'I l•lrnt' h," 11,1lk 111 hrh Jh'l""' S';'4f1 11ht '!'-1t~J(I '''1unt' 1lq111,11 Our l IJ II " I( " .t I l \ i75 75111 '•'' 11.1~1·1 associated llllOKEllS-llEAl TORS JOH W l o<boo •II JOI I :. Br l I~ F.1m1h rm Oinmr: rm I him~ lr•1m \II ll11!h "t hunt s111011 m11 \1:,.n t ;,.i I ;~~1:! Bluff l'or11l11 t l11lr111 b,1tl"\,, SI~~"' n1n111h 1.11 'lier; I Jlldl ~r11n1 \1·'4111111 ~lort" 1 llr • I 1·."t' "' nplllHl 111 hu1 ~1:,1•1 mt1 f1•n111' 1111111 ".11 1.. '" 1 .. 'JI h \j.!l'r\I t;lh Jtlf I l•I 1>1~ ~Ii t '1J1t' t fir 1•: H.1 hor111 ,,,,,.,.,, ~1qu11, "'·'H11 ,. '1• t ·•~h flo" '\11\\ 1111 h ,11,1 111 . ., , "l'I" 1 1111111• "' • 1 111 '" '" • 1 ', , , ,1 ,., ,1111 Holl •.i 1111"1 ~on ~ach 3240 plurnh111 ,\ .:. ''' d11t·11h rh" d "1.1 IU t' \.j'0 1 l~M1.!~X ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~~YA~~L~~· ri\t~'I' 1..'·•11',\ 1110 \ :1111~ ,;·:·:·;',',:.', ·""" -·''-".·.·.1·.'.·'-----~.~!.~~[ ... ~~.~~ ~ 1,~;~~~~~:.'!,11~~1:., .. 1 SS55000 ~11.1i o l~·•ol• • "'"" "" C.M.Ta1Shelter h.ormon. •1111 Ill\ 1Jnl .1. ~.1r.1i:1 1\111, ,\ BIG CANYON LSE ..: Ii II \t. I .11 n < "r 1 .. ~I L'..'1 P•'I m• l .ill I;, I I\ h":.l ;:t,l 11r ';hU };t~•7 \\II\\ f.,,11 ~ 1 pr 11 .t l',111\1•11 \ 11 ·' di II Sc.lta Ana I 080 ~L:~·\~r., ~~:~'/'[1·;:~: •11 ,.1 tr11l1 1:Jr si •. 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THE ILUFFS SCUM-lETS ANSWHS . • 9l/4°"o L0AN o.,..m•r "'1111-.111\ p<1µt•r 11H1•r' ·11•1101~ pool 11.ilk ,,,.111,, ,111,11 11,,111 \lnthl), '11~ r.•t:1t11,1 Si~~1 •S:lmikpii l''11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 (;111 .:1,1111, i:ri•i•nhi•ll Re-ducedSI00,000 011 lhi.. H'r\ 1·m••t111nal tolll'arh i\t11•111ii1t;11111 1".,11.11 11i.1Mlt1 !'1•1.,11111111 OutofCounty Ont· hdrrn ~:.1 ~i-1 tl1• 'f\<11h.omt'.rll'" 3 111 ,lh;i I t 1111.11.d 1, .. 1111 .,..11 11 SUK & 'IN AUGUSTUS C R E 0 M L M L A I N 0 E T M L P E C L S L 0 I E R I P H E H A H 0 R V U I W A 8 G A A 0 L S U H A I V A T C 0 L L P R S l H Y E G N P M C E S 0 H 0 S E I Z U 0 R E 0 T 0 E L T P R P H E E ~ 8 Y T t K P P l A E 0 I E l I Y H S R M Y S H A M l H 0 R E C H F N 0 E 0 Q C K U T B 0 A P I 0 l R Y 0 T V A A 0 U N i A N P A A H C G Y T E R E S C I W R U J 0 T H T A H I N M E l A 0 P U J T A H R G E S I l A U 0 U E Y C A Y U V Y A U Y S C 0 K 0 A R R l S S E S I G l A l l E H R B W K Y 0 T R H T l I E R E U H W A G R 0 I N M L 0 T A C S 0 V S L A M R 0 £ N G U H C T E R De ... ll0111Mblpj1t ...... .... All""" ,,_..Gun ( llllOfTVW: o ....... SPYGLASS hon• 1'\111 1·~1wnM' ha~l ''ri;.t!"l:!llO;, 1111)(11111 IJ.\ St"' f',11 k Property 2550 ilupll'' Fi•r1ti•il '·1111 patio. )!.Jr P..irk IM•ul 'k~hl!ht Jn1l 1111l1H•f 11ut By Ow ..... ER hi.'t'O ~µarrit 111 "JIJ:Llrl .lu.'t '1Hr1111C llf' 111" 1111~1 'lllif \1"• la111t Sp,11 •' ...... ••••••••••••••••• l(rrlnr rnd cl 1wt Ill\ J.11 S9i5 mo 11.'lJ !1115i doortJ""•l \clufl, 11nh n in~ lt·nlral ,11r h11J!l' I 11 ~'I ·r full I'm·(' ~iS.000 ITUl'h'r ~Ult I' :1 tlr I Ill'\\ "' \ 11111 11\\ 11 \ II fl II I u I t ·' KH1i County !>'I! ill.'IJ b I.) iJOI l.r)! ~bdrm JXKll hom1 ·• 1 sns mn n I h \ l' .or" \1onthl\ P.i\ ITll'lll $29'1'l Btlr~ 3 liath' tiood I ::1,•I "·" lo 11'11 1wopl1 I iY. ·~II~• 'tllt \1 n" I Ill \1 rt'' 111 l'Jr )!Jr S950 mo \ .di ll'.t.'l' Hri~1·r h.11 i:11M1 !'\Ol'Tlil'uin \101>1-L l•U"'•l111n s111~ •. <l\I\ .1l1t1111 It,, 1111h ·' 1...... \lm11n11, :!O:? \111• t'Ult"lrmrott.il(l'll I '•---------·~u "'"' II k I • .,.,.. col l'11 I ~21 IJil ,,. l\hr 1• ,h~ 111MI "I rt Our Town lll.'.tll\ "'' l'l .t" 1111·11 .111 EXCITING 11.trt• $i50 000 !-It• ur pl.'ts o . to< .11 .w1.1 25 llodl'l(J 11.i) ii5 7501 or,;~ I oJ!l!I Pht1r1t'hl~ "'iiH * * I r I •• rt l' H r ti k ,. r' or RENTAl..S 150 331 l \\'oodbndj(t> :! 'l" .! llr Call ll\\ n1•r 75!1 01:n &tott Sale ~~ ••11 ~~~ m1• ;,:,2 ""I:, J lll'midell'tl 2 br w \\Ork I'' Ra l'1M1I 'P.J. t1•nn" IAYFlONT l"ine I 044 , lrviM I 04~ Wilh ur "ilhout rum 1 '~ "'~' shob l(ar. kid~ S4~>0 & lakt• 5615 mo 1.1'.ht' 1•1c1 .inrt ,1111 lur l.11 i:1• Balboa lfoland I 006 ••••••••••••• • • • • • •• ••• ••••••••••• • •• • • • • ••• • • ~Xfi4 (irt'rn1Jn1•r fl m 1n I * * 60K TOTAL CIC RE:N'r ALS 750 3314 159 0115. 975 7!10!1 h11a t F111 n 1, h 1·1t '" ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.J)!Una lhlb n1t't''' 5 ()('.Rfo:NTA l.S Nr11 htllnholfll• :i hit rm ~ lH.•drnom' fl\1' h.11h' [)('(er part nf mon1hll payment on Halho:i hland propert> Lov. dov.norlrade Iii Harduty, Rltr. 675-2866 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUST SEE (~tan & bll)' \ u 4 Rdr w bonus rm, pool, s pa + r1l) ht~ Prof decor Assume 11 78'. A great value $429,000 Won't tut. Pat rlrk , a1t Dir 4 llOROOMS + IONUS ROOM For the growmg f amlly 2 story W/4 BR 's. 3 BA. fam rm & bonus rm, 2 wet bars. dose to schools . parks & shopping Vaca nt & wail· ini for yo u. $J59,500 Mack Ha.Mon M1·8700 CT19 ) 'IJr&~i.af Parti DOWN PAYMENT 1so'~~f·S200~~1~!1s bJ 1>a1 110 garai:t• l'.irk ~·~~~1:1"t171\1 ~~:t ::1~1:1 Hr.111ttfttl 2Hli0 l\r\•11r'1 7Xl(ro<i'' 15 hOIN'' 0111 JIR 21 & poo $9tlOmo lii:l ll~K5 ht•arht•' Sh111t lt•rm ,.1 llm .!l\r 2H1 rli" 1, run a'i .ipt rnmpll'\ ·r A WOOOHHll><:~. :1h1 :!h.i ~t·ar, ll•.t"' S\!tllo thi· belt m low~ l'111otll\e rai-h flu" l'.i 11 ! '<'11 h rmold \u 1'1•h r p ill n um cll•t 111. ht· ii ' l I I ~ Hit I)\\ rmnlh Rrnk1·r 1;:11 nm M.wport leach ur• r Jt' • <'11 111' 11 horn:' Gard1•n1·r m1 I 01 •-------•• "··u l ful !Wl· r ~t II i) ~'rplr rh 1,.11: l'\t \rd .. L \' I ,.. :: f~ll k~t. f2'-t~ IJ~ 1 m ~i \\\\\~bridge 1 7~1 t't•~t1•r Sl1t•1•t 111•,11 r~l~I' I 1'11'1' Sim 12x10 M~tr Bdrm f:111·I R, I 1 01 .rJ2.~11111 ht ~ lh-p (>illlO Nr lloltl! 110~11 ca llJ I MG l:.12:1 3 lldr I 1 • 11.1 hit Ill' '"' ' Sl4.~•1 5~1 JOOO • :JIMtrm h11U'I' h1 ll1°llt'r hW:t\ht•r Jlolllll ltlll'I CLASSIC ., ... K•rr•nra l'k•" '"'"' l'Jllt. \tl111t~ prl'I '\11 rriik rlow 111 "h1H1I'"' t,lllll'I :11\H 21, I\,\ ('11111111 l'1M1I. S11u (iar Sma rl ll\'IW $7~1 m11 i:.11 'lllWI Ur ~·rz 11.'l!IU \,J.. (nr \1111 MOllLEHOME I Vt'b i\IJll \1.i rth I Jquat11 t 1•n1 .. r SALES F'or s.ilt• nr Tr Jilt Ill ~ m1 Mi! JK:r. .i11rd4•ni•r ind \1 .111 2706 1111rbor,Sll'20b A <?11nN 1 l'nrunJdo 4 Br 3 ll;J h•1· lq1h 00'4 ~I ~I~ 540.59l7 tuyC"i l Wulrrfron,t I Yr frnt•t'<I i.11d No I''''' Old 3BK. WA t ondo S7110 m11 1h•p 1\t:I 2Br Obi wide across from llugMs oh Supenor & Placentia. 12 2.950 Terms hkt renl A11t _M'r_QIO or 9Sz.tll68 Slip for 44· l.l-Oal t'or Ilse 642 ~722 or COndo Bclw<•«n I.I\ & San Clemente. On or Nr Water Day:1 , 213 282 0282 f. Vt , 213. $76 11732 ll111·l' ~nm~t h rni: ~ ou wunt lo :1dl' l'lai.-<1ftl'rl lids do 11 well ~i ~111 lEt«ALS t Rr. I till S.l..'>O 2 Br. l Bit $'100 2 Br. 2 Bit $9UQ 3 Br. 2 Bl 112SO Le Ratsor Rlty 133 8600 '\\ I' " v II r I ( r I' ' 1 T 11., n h 11"' 1· \ ,.,,, \\ l'JllJ''ll'fi .Intl 11.11nll'1l I l•lr!T\\ i 1 • h.1 \\.ilk lo lte•;wh. knn1~. 11001 'Ji·' Mtn1 01·1•11n '11·" 1\\ .111 tmn\•11 ~· mo. I \ r l l'u\' l'h tlc1r1•n ot\ &46-t644 or~5 14117 Want \ti I Mp• I r • -----------------·-----------. ........ Orange Coest OAJLY PILOT/Monday, Februaty S, 1982 FALL SPECIAL ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wt'C'Mrl' l'rpt t'ltllnt'O Slt•.11111'1t•i1 n & uvhul~ ·1 rurk mount untl H.... Ta ,.,.. ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOM1': IM PROV EM EN f ~· fJt PREPARER NELSONS PAINTIN G TIIE PAP•:R llANGJ.;tt REPAIRS J"OR Lt:SS ............•......... , llltYWAt.I. Al'OUSTIC TREES ~J,~, r.~!()~~J) 14) rn~p ~'\Ill\ ll1·'il & l'nvpc-d rt mo vcd t'X Ul~urt'\I ~J2 SM!l Jll'rt l'll'illl UP). h1 wnN I(' T1lt tloor1 l''ent·in11 rollt d to prtctlrt lnt1Ext Rt1td1t'omm f>rof .Qu•llly wurk Shlnilt'1, tl•t JO yrs Plumbma All sll\llll thll IRS Qu1hty At'OO!lllr ct11lin11~ ltttf". Prtecbt Stto\lt'S.7 4281 u p hHsl. 77o27zs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Work gua1 64~1 :n lb Sh111npoo & 1ltoam d1•a11 Colm lm11hll'fll1r~ 11 Ill 1·fllt~ Ill min hh·Jdt II.ill II\ cl111 r n" $15 oi\ it fl">rn S7 ;,11 111u1 h SIU 1ht s.5 (juJ1 t•hm lll't otk1r l'rpt rq1,111 Jobi 211 yn ('X(> 1179 2265 at u _roct. S.9 ~18 llr'd t'l'~ t'llt 1111 :W31 QllAl.JTY Ntwp0rt loofllHll 1-:umpe11n l'raCtama n I f £DERA1'tll l'AINT1':R N f: •:os Pai>tnn1C 1 l'olnlln11 · QuaUty Rootlna fOr 1>RY~.\1.1.·1 Al'INc; rK1vall'd m 3476 All 11·-tu1 l'' & ;11·011~tu• f ) Cur .i 30 d11y lid 1n tht· DAILY fJILOT CiEAWlCIC & SON Bw 111N~ ~11\t t' I 1147 Addtll<Hl' 11·moclt·lt1111 l>nor, WtrtdUW\ Jlclllll 1'11\C'r' f°'1'l'l' l'\l lh•.i• ~ 11 ·I Yr11 •.x11 Landnupmi; th'\' I' t K '\ 'tl7S Wllll I urmin¥ t wn llu~int·~~. Mu111111: Siii SIS. S2ll <.;1~1i: & Rnrk l'atlo~ ~n's llomrlmprov l•comr TuServ1ct WOftK 30ynnp Int fh't'est J11nalj5520'.!:11 f'lnt'Homu "IMSOllH M111nt 96-4 S231 urt 'i 1131 '4871 for lljpl flit Arowillc Ct'lltnl(~ ·-·-·...J l) p ... ..,... ... .--s ..... .., Hcrdwood Roon ++mtwy 11v11 111nttng IH7 51116 ............................................. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'<1tnlin1;'~thr<:.1mr •BRYANT'S • BUDG ETRATEStL1r'd llJUltni: l>urnp1n11 Gntd l'ror S..•n1l·e 111 SIS t'll 7S4 94»1 !1$S 110!15 Pnn·' Suit> to rln11l' SIAYICE DllECTOU C>Ol'f NOW' Lat •31W4i :.1•1 ;!1711 HARDWOOIH'LOORS BRICKWORK Sma ll Pfde!'len·~tht'N1111~' Wulko~cnnl( llelllO\l<ll Lo11 min SmlJobsOK Bedriccd l l; a 1dt•n1 n i: Comp I Be11ut1/ully clroned jobs, Newport. Cost.i uc 239$34 6-42 OIWZ All TJJX'6 642 1343 f'reeest IM 641 7581 Mark 1!11211!ib7!1&W I:: Ast. For SCllldro Your Darh Pr lot St!r\ 11·t' 1>1rt'<'tor1 1"1Nf. llOM f; IM l'ltOV EM f:Nl lot i\clchtmns & lll'rOOdl•hni: I~ \r' rxp 1>11 11111k '"Y'l'lf ltt•rs !I.I I ti IO I NuSh'am NvShurt111oc1 Stain SP1'l'1t1lt,l l·'u,1 ti!') ftrt' l'bl llJ:I I :'IK2 ••••••••••••••••••••••· <'lt•an up & frte haultng utld waxed K32 411KI Mtu l rv1nt· Rt'h L'l ... 'I I • b · Hllt'paintm10 roll 11rud •-A-JR-Ir Stwitg/ ... .._~, ~. •""-"I t l IAN prtnd Im ~II ll' tkms tJ7• 317• " "-·r-An'""""'"° n •h\ fr t t I M h I 64' ""3 H......_ " \ "· 7 Yl'li exp, quality work ••••••••••••• ••• • •••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ . l'l' l's 111111 t• on 1(' Ul' ., u• 4 -.., II .. R k I.AS p 'l\'lllNC' I art ~.asonry. rH' I "w r11tA• D"na 0 •0 1u"" P TER II · • lND'ISTRJAL SEWING a11:1• un.ni.ill Jiil>~ • •••••••••••• ••• ••••• • •• .., '° " .,.. """ ~ I Jc ~~I .;73 03541 (,,mk•ning Wanlt'd I DUMP JOBS Block, Concrete lld I.J R PAINTING Reslul·cos Int ut 30 &CUTTING.of fabn ci lll'Plt'~t>11t11l1\ ,: 642-5671, ... 322 K~tShampoo& Slt•a111 11 \q It 'h t'r 11100 It~ l'h.11 llad 't' \t1 J l'h.: Mo11 u1i: 1-.li.:m11 r.1k1111c & Sn\lll Mo\ int: Job• Lil' 318294 646-1597 QUALITY REAS yrs Neiit Paul 54S 2!177 f:'y-ffetlllllll tet $48 04SO I.It l>~,IM'THll l 1\N '11r1•p1111: Frt'<' (:"ll 'tlKL'c•"[J91 M S I • -,. 1 k 1 .. 11 i:.""" lSOnf) our pet1a I) Larrv 645 9""3 aft 6 1't'ol pillch~ & lt'XlUfl'\ ~ .... ua 11or ll'J\ fJll'' l'\l1111.1Lr' h4S IJ72 u1 C" k d I ., ..., -'"._.,... •'-,M•t-l L •1 '"72 Tt•n1 f'·" •7..., llAlll.INC: & Dl \ti' .iean, qwr ' tpen< 11 INT EXT PAl."''flN(,· r......... -A 193 1439 1 r1" ' "" "" • """ "1 JO&, a:ik for Randy lilr Wedo an)' sm• Job Qualtt>' work'.'Rea~ ~.;at~TER ;NG ··:·;:·;y••U•::_•HT••S••;-;•• MocHALf COHSTR. eo.,,.t/Uphol1ttry I 1-!1:.:~;~,~)~·~~·~ al I rt'~~~,~1~i·~!:.~~~llN<i ' &II 8427 •6l6·2345• 1-heest Ste\t'S47 4281 All Types IOI ud :xt All 5.'zu i ns t alle d (JI 13491192 • ccCMMtiftc) R1rk. b4l tll'll ..•.................... I' fl Qlrh('~ F111 Stmh <.'0111111 SC'! up & ~t'f\ ltc-a, s~o sx:u 1111: tt>nl<1drl Ft 1•11d1 Nt•wYr\Spt'l'IJI ' l'qil 1 I y y ,, Ma:.onry Small Jobs & 16 0 • 1' l L h l l . I ·1·"1111")Ul"lu ·1111\' O JA Jiu 1o:arai:~ lt'pa1 ... L'-pl<· r""lnu•, yr.. .c op qua 1tv PLA.STF.R&STUC:\'O TU... t ·u,tom llu1111·~. fr .im ••••••••••••••••••• ••••1 Hta~ rJI<'~ :1:JI ;,1155 1 t'ln UIX\ 11\13 3571. X ·13 a.. UM U1 , Y. o. UR,.A.CT, ~~X.P~:RT BRICK AND l!OGDANOV PAINTING 64S-82S8 f'rl't'l'~t Great Pnres. 631 92jS ("Jiii~. \k\ltl:hh & f!.11111 UfJ o r l'lllllnj( Srolt' 1 r." • '' ~'< • Gtfttrcll S I ,., " "' "'" •- I L'-~ I ,., ... 11 ,1111,.k 1 1 '"'CH l'ln up, t'll' I ton trwk l'"fs .. 14<«_,760_71174 Neat St ltc 334950 Repair No1obtoo~ml .t.~ <~1\l'l'b ~ 365~ ~uun "t'l' l'\I !Ii:! Kll:l'l ' •u · 1 t'f!<'llt a •••••••••••••••••••••" S2S 631 1993 12• h I "' N """-64S-O:IJ9 839·18116 645 4203 645 4199 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_.,..._, hll·\\e1h1an\,lll'Jt1h Tn>t•Tnm&Ht>mo\al r~ LANOS('P MASOJ\RY . . TILE INSTALLED ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cobinet Moiling Ctnent/Concr.tt •li;ll ;.'31'1• llumt• ltt-pa1r~ I r.HEJo~ SHRLJB TRIM 1·~"ret~ LI" 1n:. Q AL ITY INT EXT ~ -All Kinds Gu.iranteed Al.l.'iTATEP\\'l"\!; .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• .. ••••••••" 11• Gara0e&:YdCleanup~ 20)'::"'~~-nst'•~"09I' Lied Refi. F'ret't'~l ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ref' Jo'--"•09217 Tll()\t r •'fl", r.'111> l'U\1\1 l. I'll ib0 91~5or6730043 " · · '" rr._, ..,.,., , 0 •u1<,. St>alcoJtmg ~tr1111ng tT!\'fO~tl',\Hl,~.IS ... '... ll'reet'l>I 55711271 .. 6461067 •• OratnSrlearedfromSIO -R ('O'l;t'fll-Ir t'U"'l 11 :A> H' '''I' 1>11 Ill' 01111 Custom Ceram1cT1le u~P:~~m m ~~1·~;~1 1t~I, ~r·t\.S~i' r5~1:~s !Jc •J:i;on 1•1~ 1111(' , ;ork l.11 11 ,\Im 111211 ~ ...... 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Molur s:l0hrlr1,dt><12:.o06 l &Hl.'1>111'164276:18 •A·IMOVIMG• t'reee!.l Lo14 rall'' ~Man.....,.,..ftt John4923382 It d\7"t•l"'"1t'l\1 \J.ih S-ll!rlblhl ll11111t• K.111:,.1,1 1l.n1· H--t..-n . ,,....,...,,, -.,-T r.-· AttofMys Jll • "" < __ ,.,_ l1t'ntrJl haul111i: & mo\ Top Quality Spet·1.il Compl he1nd\ma11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rte .......-.. 1c• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tll\HHt/\tl\\rl''• Controctors,G•fttrol FrtttchOooN ••••••••••••••••••••••• ini: Tn•t' ,,.11rk l:•H i·aremhandhng 25)r' !>en1t·r PROPERTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• \CG R ESSI \ E l. tt. \ l 1111 "'' 1 .1 h1n<'l ~ 11 ... 11 •••••••••••• • •• ••. ••. •• ••••••••••••• •• • • • •• ••· Lirµt•ntn ," a~m n 1 l t' an up r r c· 1· l', 1 t'XP Com~llll\ c rail'\ Lat• 11412\100 E\ ~ ti-12 1305 MANAGEMENT •Expert Tree Pruning • Repr~entallon Lt14 11f tlt11·k, 25\1' ,,~: • .rit'I \I)[) 'iS 111'\lllllfl I"· •FHF,l ll l>OOll'I• lt1i0tt11g I lumb1n~ 7U 1142 4!1!17 Nuo\rrtune 730 IJSJ C'om~rr1al LandSciipe r I Ill '1111•'' Ill I II. l ,. 11~ .. 111 'Ill( r11 I PAINTER Nt:t:us Orange Co c1rra I~ \ r' .~ .... .-957 8388 ~~ ,, .,...,0 <TSIO~I \[Jllllll"' .... t I 57,1 II I I J II · ..._ ___ ,_ in • r. r WORK'30}r!>t'lC" 1nt l'Xpcnenl'e C.11 ur111l11 l'1[111l'I ..\ '""' :1.17 l.'1.I! 'le 1·r llllt'llllll-: .I I t'ltln l'fllll I' h-16 ~Ill ~tc'an CJ sm·r>·~NTS ... OVING .. rr~ rnm1n11. clt>an ups . fie~ .... hrs ct< "4'.'·" I ·'"' I I• ti 1, 1•111 ••c • • ' '1 t t ' •• "' ·' 'l'Cl t' I S"l'fl.R''ING C'OLL·~c·. L' Ir •1'<'1 . ·= .A.wfomoti t "11t•h1• 11 1 1• m 11 ti I 1 I 1 1 1 I " • ·~ ·" t'll.I Ac•oustrl' l'l'lltni:~ and nllt>~ " v -..1. It II I II II \dtl1111111' 11•11111d1•h I' 11np.1111 t·1 I' I I"' 1:1•nl'1alM11111Lenanc·c· W•••,.••••~····~·~·•.•••: CO Lit' !ITl24 436 I> p l u.•7 •tu•• 9638182 Monthyscrv1ce freeest ......... ••• •••• ••' •' • •1 \ I t'' c· ' I I Fu • llPp,111·, d.. lh•rur Jl111i.: I ant~ .n.~"\1.1.) .t I. ~.AN ln~ured 64 t·8427 av1s am Jn!( "~ ., "" • 646 75S6 Tony. s T ree TER..OMYOURCAR 1.11;1-~1;.> ionw irr11111111•1114•111 m1tu~Rtfiftishinq •lJ11ahl\•ll.1\li4llJl44 !ICllSI-. 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RtfinisltincJ ir.:ed~~t1al~."~exps ~a~ bw.1nt'Si. RP·kr>iS11J11 \\1th !ht· ll,Hl~1··" "'I J MBl"-'Systems '"'""Ill' l.t" 111 I II s HANGING Silt ROI.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ' sohll \\1•111 111, l~lhl ~"l-1·1·'11~i:11 ln•1.• 1,t l1•m·r~ '11 \\ 17th st )o >lt•"n1..1 M 2HI I VL'IJ L1t· In~ b/311853 StnppinK d1sr on pJµer J I) llom Rt'f1n1>hmg mg Spec1almng grades labys1ttift9 l11>l11m f'.1rpt<11tn II\ l(m111.11lcht1c11" 11·11.1111 =.\:!t'\l i,1.:771~ ltl'll•'11 ' f.1•11111111 1! IMMACULATE j P~ Vtsa MC 645!1:125 Anllques. k1t .t•..at11!1.<'b l thr4644 7779 ••••••••••• • ~ •• • • • • • • • • .J :n · , F 1111111, .1 It. 1 1111" ,, , t• 1111• 11 1 111 Gardr · c ·1f11t·n1r' Ch fl'' 1 •111 • "' Cltaniltg Service' .::::::? ••• ... •• •. ••... f'lnt• pamhng 645 Otiti4 Window CS.-ln9 Baby~il. uur l M llolllt'' I l'tlc• 1 Ii t~ 1011111 11r l ,ii I I 'lit Jill c I\ e11 I.. d1·c I.., ""'9 h,ihlt'll!l7 !l~li2 ltorllt'> 675 975.S Ofrl('t'S f'ne pc1tnllng b\ H 11·hard I.IC PAP[H llANt; EH llefnD~/R pa· •••••••• • •••••••• •••• •• )r&01~P2 ,;'.~yt1nw \11,l4t'r \ti :1;211 ,.r 11.111 .. , ....................... 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'. ' ' .'' , ,, Sii roll Lie· 330!lKli IT urn lo~t or unust'cl " ' " I!\ L\!\TS & l I' '.111·tl '>t 1-1~~1 Corporations I .111<1" .11J111i: 'ell 111111" \I ~Hl\'I f;\ EI<\' 1..0.HH \,l 'li.f: S 111. >~! F ~·'V c1 Run 673 &17 • Nurm 645 1J81111 )l>Jt'l' into J 14 orkJblt• ~ Chm 957·11388 for m) l' :\I hunh· 114 !•••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ln·c·lnni ~'Iii r1 111'"111 JH 1'.\111 :\l':t:OED Sl'.lt\ It I', In.t s 1 SUl'llt:ME PA INTIN(; Jrra room~ dn 1d1•d l'l.u-111.: J l'l .. "1r1o:d J<l I\ 19th & PIJl'l!ll (JtJ <'~I 1•,.,1•lt•\\fl11111•1·1lt•1·11f1l1 Jirnll~tlll~I [)1\\•.·1,·•<4-1<7 r(I 111 '"'"11•10 I IH6 573.'l I CORPORATIONS r "" " 11 ran' '"" ., l'\' lnl t•xt Wallpapl'r Wallpaper l'Ontr..il'lor & dr)11<11l. drop l'l'll1ni:~ & ,c" t'.I" a, d1all11i: \Our ·h11uld.tl\\,,1,d11·1 ~tl11 o\l'\ll'l'l;I HSllll':-. \1.1.,ctnr'\ C.1rpt•rlli) Tilt• T1111~11Jhl\ Rea:-f<Jlt•, Eurnµ1.·un ('rart~mJn Painting l.1C'J2ll24011l' tnm carpentry to rom 11ho111· 1:11t• u' J !'all f'111d \\h;1t '"u \\,tlll 111l '-<11 1c 1·lllr•·•l11r' 111th1 t11rn•·ilhi '""""'' l'lurnbllcM1f1ni: Hl'ffi<•ll Pri•f hJo·ht•lurhorm•' 1 l'nl>l'alabll' pr1l't'' 23 yr~ Car) Cumpf 1 plellon CallTomnrJrH w,. II do lht' r r ,t l>J1I' 1'1lC1l rlJ, 1111 .. 1 ll\ll.\ 1'11111 Ht·J~ r.itt-' i.li~i1W1 Stu1•rn Un11Jl15361171~1 r2 t3143989117 !l601403 r 1944366 Jl~l291Jor4!l3311116 1>1:!1'.ill Real Estate-the Coffiplete Orange Coast Market Place Rooms 4000 Houses•Unfvmis.htd ICandornitliWM IAplrimrnts fvmi,hed Aportm~nts ~ AparimHts Uwfw1L. Aportmtftts Uwfw1L. Apm tMrih IMfww. A,cw tMt•h Uwfw1L. IAport1H11ts ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Unfurni~d 3425 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~.~~ ... ?~.6.~ ····;·~~:;·~:~:···· ~~~.~.~~ ... ~?~~ ~~~~::: ....... ~!!.~ ~.~~~~~: ....... ?!.2.~ :C:!~~~:~: ....... ~~.2.~ ~~~.~~~.?!.~~ ~.~~.~.~~~.?!.~~,~~~~.~~~ ... ?!.~~ llt'Jt·on B..t1 .! llr 111.t 1lurr1m.,'lonU.·:i1h ''"' l'll~\\1'111·1·'1 .\Ill•• 1 llr 111ndo nr '< f1repla <'1' puul "'' ~l11~ll.1n111rt1h1·n1I Z lldrm 1•, ha. S37 S :!Hr upe>littrSApl nt•.ir 1Qwt•1ZAr 11\J i:JrJI:•' \1.11131 td Junt· '\li:111 111,111 tl·nni• •\fr ,1 \•.111 \\r11l1r \\c•l..I\ J•l.11J s \ Poot 'l'il patio th~h14a•ht•r un ~.1r I 1h1lll 1111 p1•h •s:t?S dl'po~11 <:.1~ ptl ll<'clth& Elh.., 5475 mu I pool arlult\, 1111 IJl'h (iuartl(~alt-d Mt C do C M \\,1111 ,,,rn,·111111~ "'·' !>4!132.12urh41 l.fh0 gard1me1ph Fr11111 S51olt lllH \lll'l,TS. 110 l>t'h f1t•n Adil~ r111 Pt'I' IX'L' Call!>4521~"1 •\!:l'l11 1•10 1 rm fi4l 1340 Balboa Inn $90 & up 11eekl> Krtchennette. v1.·ean front 675 8740 f'11 ent no smoking or dnnkmg, pror M over 40 S'l8S mo SS6 0637 11111 incl b15 91!2r-. ~al~rt· S7110rii5 Kl5:! j \lt1111hf\ 1,; I .w1.t i:.ira.:l' S'1SO E side .• Ill in~ Ir.:~ ttr s.'itu 1141 1111:1 Nr Bt•a(•h RI & \fr Fad Water paid Adult~. 11<1 I 111111 15th .. ~~ ,\µI II BIG <.:AN YON , 1 1 "' .,~" , a, ·1 1 j p1• 1 1., I 111 .1 ·• 111 ~ Hr \chill' 11,, '"'1' "''" 557 284 I ma i Ii '.\ tHth s1 =D I 89.14119-1 nu fl't' Spat· l or :.! br "pt~ 1 m1 l.irl(r 2Rd Fm Rm l~I K rm • 1~1 1 · '' 1 10 .. 11h1111" • """'"''' ' h 111'1 \lo\I rt•fr 11: 1•nt I ! Rr Adult he.il'Tll'd 11'11 1..1;, 1!1' .. !lt 'D;du·H· pu11h1dt• 'tr .1 • from ht>11ch No pt>l\ WorltUlg fem · 2j.4Q. '• l>e.inl·ll11n1\ oit.i Jt .. rlJ. • m '.'11('1, \l.1 M•'111 , 11,1t11•S.t:~1•17•1 11111 mg.' ~!'nt•h.ir rc·rnl(t \\ r1 lar1.•1.-?br ., b hltn $4ISli921dnn I adulbonl\ &122.1S7 blk bch. 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'C' s:J,K.'lfi. 1Slc1tl'r al l11•.11h I ~l.'ilr rm (JI! .111 tpm l I.int 1n XC'hJnge rur SI 1••1 1ra1 .... ind t "" 'c'" llii•t.I\ ,.~ •• ,,111 1~ 1·1.11, '"~' t 111.. 1 h 1 1 ' · 0 " r · 1 trpk :i Hr l', ha 2 <'Jr 11319ll3 fi15 314S h b ittma r hspkpa t...tS Jl~lll l.11 1· 111 A I Ir \pl:> \II unfurn I Br l1114er S.1111 , blk fr m h ·h j a ~~ ,. 11 .. l pi:r~•lt'd ~ \1.1 .1 1·1 l•K l.\'I f(ll'I 1 tor 1111 l'\1 ,\1 \H.~\ \t'I'-.1111111 ""l"'I' J'1H•I hhct llt·Jull hnll'<''JPlll~ :'llo l S, ' 11 1'•11 FXTRll ~IC ~ 11 lllr . I hlk to ha\.~ heh ll518390 DOVER SHORES 1 !'>41111·, I• ll.1 v. 1•,1 "t. 111111 ~··" 1111 '~''''"'·1 1 11 ,,_ ••1111,cl 1·.1r.1r.:1'' 111·h l.f.'~~'A·\HDAri·s 5timo ~!llto I b,i nrbcl\ ,;,r t,~t";.,,1 ~Im~, b~· 1'7:lt>;!tllcrr1Furn rm for renl 1n 'l;r rw,,. I bdrm lo.· l.1 rn I lnnl 'rel ~ '-10.1 :-,;-, I "r 11 ' .11 11 II ~ d \ • 111 11111 "I " ' I.'" ''I'• 11'1• 1.:11 lJil• ~'1211 t\Jll1•1111n. liJI 113\li l.t~ I bdrm rnndu µ.1110 S.Sl0536 2216 t lt"l li13 2493 't' v. pu rt S2 5 0 mo rm homo: 111 quil'l 1 .. n111-1'1111 ~~I'•' lii·n ·1c11 1•\1 """" .'1c11u.~111',,:'.!.'~'1 t tll hl 14 n ,, . .._11 :! ltr 11 I!·" l , \t ' ""llH 14J.,hdr\ frpl(' llltt1I&. FdnlJ,llcOinfrt,u fl'maleprl'l&l53448 aft ~ r l I u d c· 11 \\ c·, I t Ir I ( \l.1m \tr.i-~i.~ l.•'.c"' '7'•• "' '. ' '"'" \ihill' '"' l"'l!-s,nu r I: r '1 1 c l • JJ< 'l'l l:Jh' doM' lo 1 Bdrm S350 Nl'v. l'arpi•h l l pper 2br \Ira 1~1· rn1' 5 Gfll\t' t·urnw l chn rm "I' t 1 "n I' ' I I' I ' • . • • ,,._. '' ,,,.,"' .• 1,.,1 l.11 i:• [ .,,.,.r Lndr'\ rm I>\\ bl•Jth b m1 nt•14 SM10 pe11nt and dr JJlt·~ Mu"· Si50) rl~ 1>42J!:f12 •c,. 11 11 1, 1 1 \\ ,, 1 I.. ·l\r111 < tu • l.,c I~· I"'"' Jlr 14 rt h 1,,111,, 1.,,.,1 '"1 ~,577 ~u \to f..ll :l!ll.! 'ltlH 5632 no ref r 1 It (' J q>u rt Room for rent 1 n m} II br .. r~ " hrit·I.. t 111• .. 11 11111> ,\ , ... 11 II\ ··rt...... RRESIOE co FORT I .\dul•· 0 I I () t:I r x F lo. I' \(' l Ol s ocean \It'\\ humr Ju~t Cl hu~efam k1ll·h1•11 p,,,11 .1.1~11,\..lt 111~"·" 'll•Cln•• ..,,, .. 11 •'.11.•l!•' l.111, Ilk. 1111 M \P1 ~1\'\\l;ER t'\Jm1~h1-.l&L'11furn 1231 ~ n) nu pi•, or uuo 2 nr !Ha fri•lt&. •-.. ,51•1 \1 l"'' l'\:~•ll'Mth·tl111i.:1 l..tll!t' I Ill< dov.11 Sc•n111d1rt'd111uph· fur Htlrm ,,1,1, 1,·vrTI 1·h1ldren 5t'<'Ufll\ ti!' few ~teJt>£romtht llfarh 01 'pa "'· · 11 j l .c r j.!1• ~II H .t It \ ll I• >11 luni: lc·1 m 1,fl, '"'·'" • """ll $105 Gci dir;'!'l tu lrg pJlm .\1llh SlllC)(J al V11'lona in Laguna Wesley N. Taylor Co. g1 .ul1·tl. in '''" ""' t I •·1 I 'I 11 I II II I I' t EAST SIDE " l'J l 111 i\ \ .11 II "P It• u111l rnrnµlt·\ 111 l' '1 I J Jt'ut" · Sauna pool .-.., ......... n...•law .. , .. s1' "I~ 6i5 b:J.'19 Gara or f1r('pl..t"e. de<'k n I 'II le ( IL' I ·"I Ii ... 1 ••• i. .. 11\ ,\ •.• 1hnlr.1I ~1.111l11•n.1nc·1•t•\prc·q lt•nn1~ \ctll1•\l!all. """"""' ... "-,. ' ea tor' i,11 I. 11 lJrt• pc IC l·ll'lllll \)1uc·1 prn.•ll 1'111111•111 ~.~;, rm I '111 I' II.; I I I I I l!I 114'!'1 I k I II ' lll'rOSS from P.1nl1c .1 l~1kill;1vfrn11I :! tu l h:i Oll'l' k1trh full bath I'll '.Ill'·' 1°\ t.11tJr, [(111 , ~'~1 "~' '""'rd ' 1'117 t l I • 11' 1 11111 · · I I I r' io·i mi.: l)i t ' 14 1""' ·' · ·· "'' •·t iJ .:.inw ruom l1-·p1tal I I II SJ~O m11 nu" Oa' 1d -" " '"" ~ 1'r1 '"' I~ " \ ' ' • I 1.1 ,.,. I ''"' '.11 1"'11 "" .,,.,, llunt lllh IWti Olil'I "-"' n1·14 \ t t't'llf t'.cUI .• ' .. l.ri: l'JIH• \1 re" th•· T _ .. _.. I I• .11 lo 5'-1~, 1,1~ '"·'·" ,111.ill 1~·1 "" .Ill lollh• .uhilh """ ~11.:, .( 1111 Dono Point 3826 · t11.,11ti 'rl\ 1,,., ~·1;~ mo 495 t1343 'llrPt·t from 1l1 1d1 OwnmNSe lrnll"I 1111 1111• '"' v.11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnlnrn !llr \pt ,\clulh MAJUNERSWALK 1ii31283urhi5J!i51 l-la\t'n11·eroom1n4bdrm Wlfl'lll \rll Ht·ut :\l.cMr Unfurnished 3525 \,.,··•II••• \ '' 11 "1 1111 1.1., .'l.'~•ll.trl.i "111 :.i~i 'h.irµ 1 hr q•r) Ir)! CM1h no pet.:. IJI! 2 &JBR Tnv.nhou't' rn• •••••••••••• • • • • •" • • • • 1' ""' :!1111 JI\\ '1" " 1'-1 \II; \11 , 1 • 11,11 r "'"·' \ t·rtll-.u ''" :! H It ! duph-' hit '"' c·ntl l!•H !16112675 \partments Frph Fnd .! lid ~ bJ duµk' I rµh ~me ho~'e P~\ ile~es I ll~ I.I \ E Pm l '""' lrl.• ~\11 n Sl{,11 \lo i.1 ' '" .: 1111 I fl\ :"II 11tf 111 I ''"'I ll.1 ,.,,.I .:.ir lmmt•1I "' '"ia II fhilll ok '.'.'r I'll I $..~!>II 211 « 2RA Mint (;ar Pat10li &. 'rel '..r I ihh11 hr gar a~" SS 15 1i.':°1~:° ~~8814 00 mo 3llr ~1u1h.Jlla l~ n.·-.. 2 HR l ll.1 frl'I 'I" ~1:!.im11 '>-l!>i~lti &\lala.:a S5:!.5 73116!>90 C'ond N; "<'h Rt>\I llunt1ni:tnn llrl>r nl.I Agt 675 IM. HALI!O,\ I'" I I.I II p101I )!alt' m.111\ \11.1, A-~ II•~ ~ 1111•1 "lll'I ~·1' ' u · ('h Id OK a• c"'l7 :'<i1ce llRhl room It I 11r ~ H'.ll ,uh 11'.l'I' TuMin s .\ [11w $_',j,, \n ..-... ~ms h ,. "I 111.: 11 ,1 r rl I>\ Sµ:u :•''"I'\ :' llr I ' "·'·I ~Ofl Buch 3840 llrea Nn Pels 833 3307 1 ren .,..u "'" 1 San Ci.mt~ 3876 · • · S2 31~1 mo 11nf11r 11 or Unfurnished l.1111l111rtl I'm "11.11k111>• 1111111 'ar111irl p:rtlCI ••••••••••••••••••••••• or.uxE 2 IR I.... I H~°" I······················· k!khr!1 Prt.\ c.1><><1 lor. IH'h 775 :!.'i!lll i'il 117'11· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .... ~rs ·r1111 s l \ ..... • ... _,,...., • "I l' L' ~ ,. L· l) I< I) (I 'I r.ast l M "ard 548 S998 parualh furn t.1•:1111 \\all.. lo .h11pp1111-' ' ll'J• ~ .an a 11 '' l~iri.:e 3 hdrm 2 hath. nr lit•h nr11 frplc.palw. r Hartlow 3142••'. c.." "· " "brd Ix:-; R ,.. ref 1 ba\ fronl .\ 11114 • ~1tt Unfun1 3600 8dboal1lond 38 06 ~tt.:.St7t; 111111 11··• \\t·;!l.l:ri:,1!1117 frpk PJl111 i:ar.1g .. end .:ar dsh,,.~hrr 1•••••••••••••••••••••••1 JP<1rtme11ll41lh\11•11t1f ,-P . P halmn\\ 2ilkhl .:11.111.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• .. •••; ~t!111 ul1 .. 111• '" EASTSIDE 'Cini $62:"> 6159132 ~m>kr al.irm bal~·un' Gu.irded gate. trnn"I the golf i111ir'l' hill' hlk heh X mkl S22S IOI? nr14l~ il11 I nil [lt .1ut1ful 't'l4 lu,111111 Charmt11k 'u"'" p11\,tl1• ollli.lloi d Iba \dull~ $465 hdorr l'OUrts sw1mmmi: Po<>I publ11· lennr' tourh 6i5-5165 6i511J30 =3t4 immef1 nc1·1111.1n lll'l1J\t' ll11111 .. , 1111< I -111.tu. Hh ulll 111cl llll'Lr:'o. 2~ rm HUMT IM GT 0 HI llP~f 960~14 I Ille roof. cobble \lllnel behind prtq11•rl\ '.!Room $2"5 p,1entranre n ('onla<l ~ .t•··" 11;r, 24~ •. i..11, ;,3 1~ . -g, \ r""'" on r anne J J8 · · ' J "''"''"R or mg man l l.1\ f'rp1t.c .. ntr.tl \11 , ,r..:; 1•1'11111'1 lohihlol. S4i!'> G .. 80......,S t""' h 1 d I enclosed 1Jr1wrt II &-• w k mi: •ifftrc !1l-.jhitlr11 l'lwl l!hl f,Jiai:.1·' '.Ql,u BalbooPeninsulo 38 07 llfeStiBJIU I Sµa1111u' <\pts Ra1·hl'lor Q.OSETOIEACH ('(>nt to manna l 'nrqUl' bullllns l..tuntln l,u1ht~1 prrf LagBrh.4944459 onl) 1;.1;-,j(}c)(tf:\t ltd ''"ht L,"''~ S:1rHJl>c·11•. 1 1 ....................... ..P .. RTMEMTS llt•,1 '""' 21ir 11.it111 "'I Hr trom S3!11t mo S625 mi :!Br 2Ba flpt I 2HR SRSO mo 1114unitmoclt•rn,1>.1n"h l.c11.1lt>d .II 1•1:1 ,.. ,.. lllln~ lw.tml•cl l'l•iling Clo~t· 111 (; c; & San 2 ('.Jr i.:arai:t• Small I 738 5022 .;l\[e bu1hlin.: ~ .1d11lh l Roomate needed. ~lll'h ll1i:Ca11yonl'ond11 .1111 '"''lllld (;Iii S.lllC•f OCEANFRO NT n .... 11t1ful !!.trd1·11 .cjlh lh111 .1lln1·\\,r1rp'.l'!Jh.I D1t•i:n ~'rwy Halronl<''·I rh1 l 1l ok Yard. 2RR.2'1BA l'fl"'[)(I onl~ Nol'hilr1rt•110.rµ1·h 1 P.~·ailei;!;~O M1ne~al l\dt'r~de full1:olfcours1•\11 lt'.1'1' llc•.·111· ·,1• -,-, .. 11""1 ; ' litlrm .! h.1(h 111•11 I l'alUI'\ dt•('k .. s11.t h1'.1I Ill 1Hll11 I"' )lnl'h m1r l h I h k ' ,, I ~ ... , h "'" ....., ' J • • ,. "" 1 • u · • palm~. poo' JJl'U/71~. w.i' er 1 ryer oo u11 S850 _1 p t'a' ...,,,. 111..·r m11n1 utilita~ .. 9 l"•J J\a1I :! 15 1:11111 p.11n11'1. 1,1rpt·t \c.,111\ p:inl ·\dull' 110111·1\ ~ "I h •rdr \-'It I "" \ I hi • t ·~"" "' .. rfl, ' <•111 ' " " tenni' ! launr1n fal' a.ipptll hull! ins Call fur I .,38 50.,., I 1 o11 a 1· ro• ll 11.1 n l;4..til2-1Akr lo·."t·~n:. l'.1lll1111l111r 21111 ;>II \ ~1;!'i 1 Sl~ll • '' • Apartmtntsfvmishrd \ni:i~ii•.u "Ill\\ \\l 'll'!°)l(J no p1·' . mo 4!Hll llell HohJ l.ill ul4nll 11 1 111.1.....1....1. u....a....t.. 4100. ~~·~:::;.'0 ~1.!:'~.t. •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• \u:!,\ 11111 .!II\ \o·irh 1 .~l'P•Fl:r':'~.I' ~·;.T~· 548Z7fi.~ J:?'ll'ahnllu•f> j llll<'a lleil.846_1323 TSUIGMT b42 ltl03 l ~~~~ ..... ?~.~~1 64201311 :::::":;=:-:::: ••••••••• St51WI rtltl h31 KIOOI ldboa Pettiftsu Q 3707 ~ r1•lo hll Ill' ~al 11.11 I.. ;! !Ir l 11.J '" lll'h .. • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • ••••••••• •• ••••••• •• • • • .. ........... ••• • • • • • •• • .. ocr: ..... FRO ... T ~nt· Fun1i•htd I su~ ... MOTB. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~" "' IJnfurfti Md l 9 0 Ol """" I 5 Br hnmt• J llJ ll.1d1 full k1ld1 S.'1'!41'1 illl! t'lttM' tu hJ\ <\ l'.1t1n \ 11·11 rrplc· : Moe.I ele~ant aparlrn1•nt 1 ••~••••••••~•••••••••• Wkly rentals n014 a \ail Ea,lblulf $12110 mo I> 1111·1 ulil 1)1111'1 rlf r.rn !lr~rt.7.'l 1'11~ J.1~·111~.r. ~ill I:•"''"\'' . M...::, : buildinj! an Lal(una $10.S & up Color TV 1144 J~7nr641t ll:111 m;i 1111 I'. nun <o'm I.. r <b•Jn ~'ronl l.ri: I 1111 I S.'X>.~ 1~11 ii1u7 •• ~ • • Beach finest lut·ut1on 1n S E A W I N D Phones tn room 2274 PENTl-I OUSI-: \'ll.L \ h73~51141 1~1 ~rplc . \rh \dull, l~·a1111f11l l llr \pt 1)1111·1 1 : town. Breathtak1n~ VILLAGE Newport lll\'d CM HAI.RO·\ 1 bdrm 1 ilt•n ,. __ t M 37 24 \ 11 1'1•h $1i!lll \I,, hltl~ '""" , ho 11~ & 1 : I ~1 , ~ Send O Volen1tne mes.sage lo lhol • \t{'ws i\11 bit m~ hC'att'd 646 ?.,.445 ~ 0 t10 1.i3 111:•1 hu't'' ~l.l t!IK hillh ur I 0 ;J;/-~~ special person tn y<>Jr life Put 11 in •• pool. subt Karai:r :'t<l'14 1&2 b<lrm lu\ur' rJX. . panoramu (k 1'.lll ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l:l ·11 ~1)1 • r.. r l ... IL -r ele\ator LeJ .. ~ c1nl· I .1r1ult apt~ m It JllJO' I I HEB> A ,LACE? .i n d Ba \ \ 1 1 " 'i111d10 '"' l>1•t 11r fu1 n 11.11111, .• I' 11· 1 I 111 ' • ·'· ' t • I -' •...:.. prtnl in OUf spec10 <Nelmes wiumns ' • "·I r ~ .... , .. 111 Rt>as Weeki\ Rates Siyhl!hts lh~h Snllfll\ I'"' .1tr jlilll•• W.1lc r t.. <;:It;.) ITV• s1n1:l1· \1t111l '.!llR 111 \ Olil h111 ( le .111 • ... I' r\~J,:J. 00 aen11nes Doy, Sunday, Fet>. 14 = * Dl3 from S570 fol4 nhou,1• Kitchenettes Phone' -,. ._-f V • S8SO & up 3JO t'hff Dr "'rm rum~,. ' l rm $750lw 6467010 ~···' paHI s.11111 llltt r'M• 1•·1 :-.,1\,ll!t' \\1lilc· ~ :!:!Ill l'.lll\1111 [)1 '" ' ~:J-: l111rn $MO. Jl""" ll'O ·z Channel MO\l('!t IQ'RHY ' :lhr r.~l'r 111 f.16 !it'll> 1·11 t.i.. ...... l'eh :!ntl lle111r ~:1!111 -·~~I' ' Just fill rn lhe form below, or coll : t bdrm. hreplacl·. IJri:1· "''· "·••rrf.ill' llOncb. Sandp1pN. 1967 Nt>\\port ror11na.kulv1·tS.'l.'lo ~cjot1 Beoch 3740 1'1·r111 1'111111 lllll 11p i"I !',11•rraM111.1<'u •·41132~ • 'C/ t :J o1 usot 642·5678 ondwe llbtllyou.But • de<'k. Ol'ean \'1ev. $6011 i;a~lm l'ookmi:& h1"11 RI Costa Me~a64591J7 oc ttt:NTAI. 7511:1:11 1 ....................... hrwhl <'ht·•·11111 \dth I S550.31R,2BA hurry,ollodsmust be rnouroffrce no : rm 494 ss7o 1nK pairl rrom San On the beHh. hotel HB ' Fl .... EST no l'l'I $·1!1~• \c .. 111, FJm1ly 2 rh1ltlrl'll Ill\ .'..·: ~ -~ lo hon f .L.. F ..... ,, • Orean f'ronl. ll!H 1 Ote~o f'rw~ llmrNorth rooms. k1ll'hencll<' & Sane, __ _.., 3276 • • S n 1;'75 7'1!1fiorfH:l ll'll 'I/ p 1 ~n 'l'lllH f ' lef I nw y, .:\/ I, : den In Old Med \.'1lla 011 un Real'h to ~k t'Jddl'll I hath S290 +S290 ~r<'un rrmrm Spanr~h r~tc1tc l.1\ m.:' . ' ~ c ' '•" . . · l1 ff{)\ l k ht W ~t F I •••• .. •••••••••••••••" l!t.•autlful part.. hkt• ,11 r 1.r~ 211H Ill\ sunllk I S.'i1 163.f : 1 ·er oo IOI! Orran I •n e!>t on . c Jr drn t~ deposit 2306 W lmmae Rroadmnor tflr roundinus Ti•rrai t•tl f;ltl rm \rh ·-'"t.·1.111~11., JRR 2ba llOJK'h (lo!>!• tu : Ftplc, Leaded 11mdol4,, tu Sea\\1nrl \ lllai:1· ()('eanfronl Nl'"P11rl 2ba ho-v•n dtnin" ~ " Ci ,_,. .. 1-•, 1 -••. carport. lrttS P\ I lkh •it41893 51~ I Heal·h 673 41S4 ""' ,,. " PoOI Sunkt·n !!·" hlK[ •U$"' r1<iJ.!l' "·'" •1 'l' h 11 o I~ ! fr 14 \ s ram rm Oct•Jn \II'\\ d : ---------------------: .. ~~~ Prrf $!150 Mo Wi_......__, ... ,.. D-&......__. 4175 ,parkltni: l11u11IJ1n~ Conlftodel Mor 382 2 S..52.'i+ l'P 1\\.111 no11 .....,..,._,. .. ~..-"' • !""',.._... Gardener S!l~ll mn spar 1 0 u , 1 0 11 rn , ••••••••••••••• • ••• ••.. ~~2245 : P1ease pobhsh my Valentine message as written below on : ~'\rm & unfur n hclrm •••••••••••••••••••• ••• «11357 Scparatr drnit • r a sn·pro l F\~ M , Sunday Feb 14 (Writeone word perspace 3hnem1n1mum : ~rta.och 3169 .ipt i\11 uttl vcl ,\II •-.... '•G~H"' ...__~ r:..,,.1_ .. _d or · 1 I! '1 t' • · 11 · ' ' oM 2 Rr TownlHlll~t· Nu flt'lS •• Compule ctiame at end of hne I ·: :::;;.:................ .·1mr•n1t1f•, "•f1' '"'il1,I ........ ~11':."un•. • .,.,21 .--.rv n.... w .1lk 1n ,.,,"''"· chilrllllll~llllllcl ('111c111a . Maturi! aclults uni\' I ... ''"" ·~ '"" '·' ·' .,,, .. UitfwWs.htd 3300 homt•llk<' k1tc•h1·n & 2 111 2 Ila f1ph uc-1'.111 K?S rro 755 W ll!lh St : " : • PARK NE.WPORT Roo... 4000 Vocaffolil..toh 42SCJ •••••••••••••••••••••" (';11>1nel~ Walk lo ll11n1 1 1l'14 f 1·" 1~1 11,.1 ~ fi46 9507 I • · ct r · · COUMTIY CLUI •••••••••• ••• •• '••' •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:S1de CM 2 br. 1 b.1 m 1nll!on t•ntt•t 911MI rm I JI! \11th111n lsn. ~'NINC' lrq?r 2 Br 2 : : 1.11.:una Heath Motur Inn tll'~i\:lii''tlOST 2 Ci ~ Hr rm break nook 1lhl I Hdrm lu111 ~~ dJ\~ ~2 5i5i 1 \I'' &. Ba • ;arde~ ;pl nt\l\l & I . . UYING 911.' .So Pai·tfll l'oJ,1 I '. \ ,111 Winh•r Wt'<'kl.\ itar yrd itrdnr $1150 v.kncbti.'.1161i3tt rt't' area $43.'i [i(i' w • S3 00 : Ba rhelors. 1&2 b<'dronm 1114~ l.i111?unJ Bt·ai h :\lnnthh 673 7117:1 »i42Sl \clull~ 11n11t•l\ "II 'It 1 1 St • : apUlc townhouses Oc1il\' Wet•kh l\llC'hi•n , •· \ 't1htll':. f'n•r' • r :.. i <'On< n. t•nt i?ar IHth , : S4 00 • From SMO-SIOOO 644 1900 J\iltl11bll• 1.;,\\ 14 ml1•r J.ilm S~~ni.ts ar1•11 t Mon. c.dotNRi-Jdulb 5!75 "~' 1 •. "rle fourpl('X, :I Hr I I : • It'!'('\ l t I ('IJfitlo 3 llll i •&.....&.-f-1.-d 3 .. 2S llO K29t I • S .. 00 ,· """ fEE '. Apt. & 1·11nd11 rail':. 4!M S2!M · UlnWlt-"' l.f\.Ul'INTA l lf.llMO~A ' &1. w lr11. i.undtrk. l(ar • .., 1"" " Ila furn 11 a trium •u•••••••••••••••••••• 111211 Parks1r1r l.11 I hlk rutt• 2111t lllA fr 1t1r w laund ry hook up I · 1600 : rentals. Villt1 Rrntul~ i"emale roornmah• w11nt (;ou lt•nn 1~ l>:d h w uf llearh 3hlk,S or i:ootl art•u $1.1111 Adults. nn P<'I~ s~oo ! : E~trahnesare S 100each : I 6Ts..912 s rokC'r cd 2130 Kit pnv pvt \\t't•kl~ &month!> r ah·~ WHTCLIFF Erlanger mn ~t·arly ll1kr 752~ I · : Larll'!l8R Uttlpd Spot bath 3 HR ho!Tlt' HR .1\,111 i l-t ss1111u111 f.~rrptlOf'lally neat l'On 147.544 f &75 4912 Lile 1 BR. rcCnK rnt'I. nn , • NAME , less Q\.Det S450 2421 ~; l250 rm C•ll aft 6PM or !l ~l'M.11,k for )t.rk do G rnund It'\ c·I I-.. t'hilrm1n11 2 Rr I 11.1 pet,; s.ns l,ndry f;ml : : lflh St ~ 4118 llPM964 190$ \o Tuhul'l'on1k1 4 l'r :, Sp;tc1~ two IK'drooms _,.... a.och 3741 d le:it ( k. 2 t ~ 2J7S • AOOAESS CtT'l' __ ZIP__ • g_,.... l hr h 1 J H Prot f' s hJ ··-Two ba lh• Pr 1\ate ••••••••••••••••••••••• up . rp PJlll' l· '. • 1.'2.-Br.~hf•rp<'I"• S77S ~· Rmmt Shr Hmt. mm tn .ott "'"' ~"" " ... _ t.... TV 1ur. nn pets 1750 br ... d I • PHONE : ""' '" • 18A. No Peta No \\k TomM7 lfiM pstlo Lovely grounds & u.CJLUI')' ~ uulO, ~p... 640 :M39 l • 1 ... ron o. Jae. poo ... : IJ ft • S6SO p I 'hlld ft ~I Adult com plex ma id !lt'rvlrt . phont·s. rarport, n'lookm• trnms ~ : ring or ma• 0 • H mo m C rtn 11 1. d st 1$ wk 49t-2227 ms full aec So C'oaat [J Cheek 0< rnonev Old¥ •nc:tosed Diiiy Pillt · f!'tculaw 673-2:50'7 "l(l 64'-84 ay walk to shOp!I an ,. .... MIN )8 J4 Pl • 14 1550 : C1 Bill IM :, Sb H I o ut I R R i n '' d M R m In N I (' L', b1nh S870 month ~vnky !BR. All Wood • au area 75 · : ,v1SA up Ott•--" r Y•arly 1 .. 11 .. Brokt r. Derk, V•• Gard•n ···~~~··•••••••••••••furn or unfurn Call • O • 1tbhif Pool. Qultt. Ouple• To r rotM11tur\• .. .. .. .. ., .. -.~"JUUll 2 Br. l Ba s.19$ 1 ..... .u.. -e .... 1 9?,.. • Mltl~ • u p O.• -gi w ~St • P,easant 1 SI I DMllO VIC'W 1475 Mo Ut1I rn l 8r 1~81.$42$ Laun ~---..L "" .__ : COt1tMeM.CA~: eru ftK f q11tt M t' Rfb, Non '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!'_j rld'd 4'1-4117 drt/at...fWll 5"·9$St WantAdjtesult 842 5678 ................................... , ........... , ..................... • I ~No Ptta ~/mo :~ Sl&S + Util M11mm1th 3 bdrm rundo ~·SI Ill nll(ht 499 $JIM Llltl(<' lh• ltu r uhtlt\ pool t bl. rotor I\. 2 frplu. Slt'l'Pll 14 ~l t IJffM111pW.W " _ ......................................... . ~!~.·.~ ..... !!~ !!t.~~~ ... ~ ..... ?!.':! 71H . .................... . ~rt w11tH. 1 full, 1 paf1 ti mt tor •~II rtilrtn1tlrt borne In l.a&Wl• Buch Mutt bt able to wort 1ome weektnd1. Pleaaant worklnl coodltlOM. For ljlllt t tll d ... t.SI -• *:l~IS/ &•£ rarr N.8. Company baa ID .. r11u lmmtd. ope11tn1 lot • ................. .._ ,. .............. ....._ "•ft mature, Hlf motivated ----. .. 100-.. --. 4100 Ofl9..... ...... 440 Sa'1111tttill ..... 4IOO NC ptnon, esper. In lltndl· ...................................................... "'"_ ......... _.."............. ....................... 64J.N7I 1n1 au 1dm1n. •ect ·r PNl4SllrllR, 28A CdM Rttp Mature P 15·H G 1C1 ft. ... IJ) offtH1 for NII&., IP· lndult.rial b&d1. 8000 aq. In ludl =.~ ~~:~: Prtf ln~Cdu to 1hr 28R, 2BA ua '"* totaq. ft. Avail Im ft. w/1prinki.n. lr1 rear ::.'~l)O:Je~~:·. • _..!!!.,_ "' 132.$ • \'I utll mM. 1171/rno Superior CMthe1d door l ftnced klil1t 11 ii '-n nu.na. In addition wlll FtMALl to aha rt 1!>1113 ~ Att.,C.11 MS-t1ot. adJo!ninl paved park· lat vk ZOU1 '·palm 1 bate de a 11n1 ...... M--I bedroom I ..-ln&. Comer of Redhlll ft Hunt.l.n .. on Beach, Sat wlcuatomer by phon'"' t:;th':;:rtment ln Hu'n C M houle. F 2S 35 ahr Ell ve fl· 2 """tea w /warehou11 pa u I a r 1 n 0 • c M .. "'' i..•-Btt h IZOO t wtF. 1v11I 1mmed 1200 nce1 1valla ar O.C. .._.. tvall, wet bar. utU 549-117l JRan!WZ3rd.A R Ds.reen5 .. ~2Jl8a!. ~~I l&ltt ordtr 4' --c mo + utlll &42 ~ .......... *--••= lacl. Nr fwy a l OC .. v " v TilK'3 •other related 94'12 -"''""''" •rvm J.aJOOO ..,, ft b .., t 53M7$1 ~r functlont. Xlnt ......... .----·_ Bhlfa 1235/mo Pnv1te service av~. U Airport, lm med oc ..... '¥ ••P Ad.min altllll required Share t bdrm ho;;;-bet bath ' bdrm kitchen now ror I •Illa &It upucy, $590 mo . fwy ' t05 fwy. From Loat. Gry wht med. Include ellher S/H or lllY ud Ocean, Avail """ 6'° 1877 548 ~at Lllat:D-lf1t. 16Ga8 $Sot Mr . 0 •Keefe ba1red Cat, nutty tall, a-...t writln& and ra1t hf> l.t7S-2UT afte PM ~ -~ 53> • S72 . .. ti 09 "1119 Newport Beach of· &Sl-81128 vie. Mesa Dr ' Santa a~ypln1. Lite bk1tpn1 FSllrlBRApt.AvallFeb Pror. Mt F nvt-r 30 to ft .:A·ittt-: I/.:; bMhq.ft.oewb're· For ~ntS,000 1q ft in· Ana . 1 28· Reward experlenct a + llh. CM Area. No Last ~rt 2 O:a~h to~d~. ~ent'5'a.-. • · · .. d1l1d, beautiful. dultrial bld11. Avall Im· 1 S4S-ot82 ~11. or .64e-&413 $300 an nl d• u11I• rvn I Mutl1MI08 med for more info call l.olt·SlamueCat,alllle, APT u. ANAGER NB...J ' ~ a UI ee apace •• ,...... ~11 neutered, 1r1y Cross ... H.';b'o:"J~:~l•h";~: 114J.7332. aq. rt HtoU ""'· lndwlrlal Park Units for eyed "Mar1hmellow", Seml·retired cour,le, for w 1f1"' 30 + 13 H . 2BR NB Apt to a hare w / Prutlflo111 WntdHf MIWfOIT CIMTll lease 1500 1900 3000 , T q dew 1 n d 8 L n , lS unit romplex n C M ~ fe11111le over~ $t97 so ~~~lltiiuJ e Jlll&IOfflce 3700 sq ft ' units' Avail Blycrest. NB REWARD Mainten=~P req + "'-Utll 00 7460 aft ~ L ~ br immed occupancy 1146-9144 ~~teap~~l~mesbr. m I001o1IOOO eq n. Ava1la· Office ' warehouse l...olt: Parrot, sml 1reen ARTISI' WANTED Mid M Non Smolttr 2B R SZ551lo-Priv•wefftet/ *f0rLeue space with carpets, dusky Conure, H B. die a1e or retired person /rm.914·7127 evs lBA Apt $200/mo tst & ~J~tt..~a.1• Call Wm. f .Cole drapes & wet· bars area,reward.8t8·1M9 to do p/llme work al South La1uoa Ocean last+ Sec Dep Stephen ._ ~l ~di. fw relnf t 38r.38r a sq ft Call home Ex Pr In Side ol Hl1hway. Gated 751.4139 afler Sp_m Dail)' Jtatr. Aft.W,. rm ,,orffllj 10~ 642-'463 M .fy ·a.s Lost : REWARD for watercolors Ca I I C Area, Pool. Pvt En · Avail.oow!('J'U,.._.UI tCote Realty 1 on 1. • Siberian Husky, 10 mos. 642-l244for1ntervlew trance, Bath. 1295, + M/F Shr 2.800 sq ft Lux 5.SO sq. fl. Industrial male. Vic Avenita de la Ass' M -- UUJ. Mu1t be em pl , have h.m nr SC Plaza. S3SO & Investment Storage · Work . West Estrella & Sierra San istant anaeer --6. -•722 E Mo. Rm fr sm furn. L.o11"S777 C.M. 646-4965. Clemente 49"·e078 Assistant Import Salee •TIA._.. ves. ~~ _.. ~0 • · Manager. $1950 Mo. 2 F. child ok, shr lux 4br -execuai-\fon ..... W.ted 4600 Yrs Sales Management condo, pool, tennis, etr, Gs-.s ~ ...... ...._. 44 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_....... 5350 Exp. Speak. Read & S27S.M.S-5123N1ncy forlewt 4lSO "AM.wC -5 Mature Empl F Needs ....................... Write German & F Rmmt ahr Spacious ....................... FuUaervi ~:%r ;;;;c;.;i;.:·u;~~··f;-Sm Apt Nr Busline Attanffs Mau:,-~nglish Coordinate 2.BR, 2BA. Full Far CM Garage, storage only, full olfi • .. ~.. Ill ,._.Verde Are.a 494.u32 Optn 2' hr1 a da Marltetin& Procedures or partial ce IK'aa •pate. d It Assist in Formulattn& .Ellen,S4S·43.56 891.141~da sonl Nr.O.C.Ait11C>rt 545-4123 Retpons prof Woman 7 aysawee Policy & Planning or Prol. 25-lS w/resp job to -"SeelOAppredate!" Beach Store. Newport deatres garaie apt · 69 Goreeous girls 10 Sales & Communicate sbr house In N.B. Avail Do.Mt Gorocie 19-1171 Walk trafric.pnme loca euest house or small eamper you Jacuzzi, with Suppliers. Take ad M 11778 """"' forstorageonllyHHB .. _ house lo rent in Nwpt S.W'la Localsaswellas EDD G ar . ......v uun! llOO sq. ft. 67S·41M, , ·do t 0 u r 1· 5 1 s B a n k to 1001 S rant 99).""•" ~ 5"""' ... area. Have rds. s M/F 31)..~ to shr w/F """"'·_, '""-3 orrice 1ull1 + ID"MOl. Americard, Ma ster Ave. A. Santa Ana ONE BLK TO BEACH. Office R...tol 4400 secretarial, rettptloft • 673-5!166 ---Charee, American Ex· DOT 163 117·014 Ad Balboa Peninsula Pt. X ••••••••••••••••••••••• file areu. Av.ti IR ,,.. SpMIWPOli ho ltT ILVD ..... 1/IR•Ht/ Press, Diners a 11 Paid for by Emplo1er 1&2 Bdr. 2 Bath Apt. 1700 1617 WestrbH. NB Want stiee loc. for hn•d. t 1 p. 600 sq fl ~ welcome 7141645·3433 Attention Home makers sq ft. S3SO/mo yrly, util. financial inst 7000s.f. ~~~=~tad 9ttty: :a=r~:~=~ r~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2112Harbor Bl. GM_ Need 3 people who have pd. 613·5622 aft 6PM Isl floor Ajent~l 5032 · c.o.ta Mesa. 642.4382, ..-.a 10.lS Oex hrs per week All BS FREE 1nt~C•m1ne baaed company aeeka individual with experience review1n1 output, magnetic tape control and co-otd.lnatlon cl reports etc 11Us PO&ltioo olfer1 an excellent salary, 6 mooth reviews and hu II 3 day week, 7 .»8pm ....... 752-0301 L11bt ==d only reqwrement for this fine Fashion lsla{ld outstanding benefit• and excellent chance for advancement Startine salary S~ up .......... 752-0301 73()..0t62ex312Ann NNewport ~lad.ch. * N •sm Oppart.lty 5005 I M.da & V1'•1r1·•s g~~~ to S6 S81hr Spec view. sec gate. EXECUTIVE ewport u v *· U., Store 1200 ft , busy, 2330 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UI "" pool, JIC. N. B $24S/ mo SUITES tm. ~sq ft. at IS' a sq Nwpt Blvd, C.M Prkg Cost a Mes a La u n dSCORTS * ~ ? lt Mekpg 760-9307 IN ft Pnvate ntrance •tmo 8'7S.l7S8 dry·SllK gross per mo BACK & BETI'ER AnlHTIOH: B ealfoulNtQ:., rua1:i.'r""*'0 t f 1 c e F Rmmt Over 25 Non HHUTAGE Sierra M1mt Co · 641-0763,Agent 1llANEVER' 24HRS Amb1t1ous boys and overlooking tbe water smltr, Refs req Balboa Pl.Ali &4J.133t. N~~\1:~ ~o~ offa~e Wanted Investor for 661 Ou9·t~~0117 girls 10.U years old, to and yacht harbor seeks 673-1908 New luxury office space MEWPOITllACN or retail. n......n rafters growine drapery con· work one or two even stable, well·groomed 1n Irvine 's busies t •F'UU.SERVICI• n-enb ~.,.., ·I cem DysMS-4764,eves 1ngs a w('ek gtlt1ng individual with MICHRISTlANRMMTE t't'nter' Easy Frwy ac· -.....--:re• . c rs, exposed 548277S&S37·2789 Female Wanted Sensual newspaper subscrip mln1mum2yearsoffice 2BR1BA.,E C.M cess Avail nuw' Call .-"~ bridt.llOOsq ft +10001 ------'Slim Temporary or tions Transportation background 1nrluding $2Umo 631·4796Dan ford.eta1ls . •Suitesfrom aq ft . fn cd Y rd BEAUTY SHOP Lasting Relationship and cons tant adult typing. ThlS u an Female roommate lo shr 551·1 231 6 40-4230 •Branchoffice-•tmo. Owntr/Agt 673·5369. Very busy shop in C M · Leave Message Adnan supervision provided excellent opportunity to 2Br Me, CdM. $325 mo. I -Call TIU40I C:-rdal I 848·~/1:_349·4l39 645·1839 Sensual Slam Call J to S JOPM . ask for Join a go ahead + ~ util 673 2670 •DB.UXE OFFtCES• --............ 4475 JANlTORIALSERVICE C!..u}'_Avera.{e Andrea, 642 4321, ext company with fine M ~ --I benefits and start1n& om/eves .. om l room to 1400 sq COIOMA Dk WM ·-••••••••••••••••••••' •Something you can do llU II.AIR 343 nlary to Sl.200 Rmml Wanted Sl80 Mo ft From SI 1S a sq ft No 2252 sq. ft. la N~~ Cl Property 2 Br I Ba yourself tn Hunltneton Bearh ~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!11!!!11!!!!'!!!!!~•1 ltJto Jo11Mo11 HB. Call Scott lease requ1 red AdJ Balboa Savillp hihl· bouae in high traffic •Perfect Husband & PLEASE CAU. HEii i Aut M h • 752-0JOI 848-0872 A1rporter Inn 2172 Du Al ndltl la aru of Westside Costa Wife business --~ --0 eC GftlC I ~t Call AM 833·3223 ing. . r co ill._:: .!i Mesa. Tenific for Anti •2roules av11lable Palm Psychic Readings Whee I a I 1 g n I 1 t e Pool borne, master " ba - -j~i:.f·atutll ~r foot. quie Sbop, Accounting Sl2.000 Per Year Past present. future mechanical Own tools $275. No dnnk drugs. 17THSTIEn Maydivide. r-ance Law Office etc $4.SOOReqwred advisor S0'7< comm llUNT ~5l~after 5 00 C0$TAMESA XW Parking. Wili dis $24,000PerYear 7 14 8 7 I S I 2 0 . AUTO CENTER. 1825 M/Ftoshr28dr28aapt, 2or3room offlceswtes. cuuremodelingtosuil. S9.000Reqwred ~:4f58·L~c *·C Laguna Cyn Rd Lag HB. $2~/mo Tammy AC,plenty ofprkg Ut1I ~~· 900 sq. n ex · ~MC -2!.4.!~~722 fi' .. -netiaalings. vt0< on lkh494·3322,833·8966 Dys 8•6 3321 ev6 s ar.rl Avail now Call I th d "'"' " · · ~ n1 e ya r MDMytoL.oca 5025 . BABYSITTER in our 84().2235 Realonom1rs 67S·6700 SSOO/mo . 548 ·S44 2 ........................ r.ltlllo::~•& holl'W!forl~yrold. For Rmmte wanted. Share BAYfROMT TJO.XZ9 _ _ ftr.--.tto. ocras1onal i.horl term home, Dana Pt. non · Prune office 760 9440 ta6J*1elltewhd 4500 ....................... ovem1ght.s 6732129 smllr, Fem. S295 util tn· ----••••••••••••••••••••••• R £.LOANS Sdtook& Babysitter My Home cl &Sl-8525, 831·8626 Calla Mesa, 250 sq fl A Dtmton of N.8 . 3!nS Birrh. 8860 sq • ...._.._ 7005 With 6 Yr Old G 1rl M/f 's to shr lge hous~ Sllle $175 mo Ullls an Harbol-Investmtftl Olt ft. or k!ss. BUA zone. SO-••••••••••••••••••••••• 5.JOAM ·7 4S AM 3 or 4 C.M Own rm &. ba cld 779 W 19th St per sq ft Agent ZndTD'sfromSI0,000 'll.fo/WIC Momtngsperweelt Vic /rm &&>6109 aft s 85U928 541.5032. $10,000.$500,000 Irvine & Mesa On Vt Up to 15 yrs fully Hot uncb M Chns CM. 646-4&1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL 8 Days • 3 Lines • I Dofllre Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Class1f1ed by mail. and 1t costs 1ust S8 -that s only a dollar a day' To Qualtfy for this special offer you must be a non-commercial user o 1~g ~rchand1se tor sale up to S800 per ad and the pr e must b€ in your ad The cost stays the same whet your ad needs eight days selltng time or 1ust one Use one word 1n each box About 4 words make one classified line o f lype Minimum ad 1s 3 ltnes Please pnnt plainly r-----------------------------, l I t------+-------+--------+----~fiiiiii"ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i I I ~~~---+-~~---+--~~__....~~--~..-;; I 1i-------+-------+--------+--~--~ ...... ----~ '~------+------+------+-~---+---10_.eo____. I 1~m \i--------+--------+--------+--------+-...... ....-.;~ I 11.IO 11--~~_J,~~~-'-~~~..J.-~--...--.. ....... ~-----4 I Add S2.60 for Heh addttlonal lln• tot I ONI 1---------------------------------------J I , Publish my ad for 8 days starting _________ _ Class1f1cat1on _______________ _ Name ___ --:---------~-~--- Address~~~~~~~~~------~~~~- City Zip __ Phone ___ __ Check or M.O enclosed O Charge my ad to 0 ~ # ____________ ....... ._Exp. __ : 0. # Exp. __ • L------------------~--__.._~~-----·•" r·--·-·-·-WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ••···-······1 : i 111111 ":J~STA~: i • I If MAIUO I '· INTHE ~ • f UNITIO STATES ~I i· e f BUS INESS REPLY LABEL .. • ~ > f"llUT CLASS P[l!MIT HD IJ COSTA MUA, CALll'C)4tHIA ~ • 9 x • I •o• 15e0 • 330 W. lay St. e I Co1t1 Me11, CA t2l21 ·• . ~ ... ••••••••••••••••••• aimrt1z.ed tst TD's lJ8n Preschool 646-~23 SI00,000.$500.000 Jc* W.ted, 7 075 Income & comm'I Banking TaLER Newport orrice seeks (2) full·time Tellers. Ex perience preferred. but will train with strong cashierin11 experience U intettsted please app ly at H Corporate Plaza. Coast Highway. WESTBM Fa>EIAL SAVINGS 114 Corporate Plaza Coast HJ11hw1y Newport Beach, CA E.0 .E.MIF CalU.to ..... obo•t Clerlcol ;r~r, FWd Allcltor 4 year degree 1n accounting and I 2 yurs expenence with public accounllng firm or bank Savings & Loan aud1t1ng barltground Major holding company orren tremendous advancement opportunity potential, excellent benefits and startJ.ng salary lo $26K CalC.-ry 752-030r s.c. ... , Beautlful beach localed bank seeks ellpertenced co mmercial and in stallment loan secretary to work 1n small branch. Company often excellent benefits and 1rowth potentJal. ~2-0cro7 Ttlln Hne several operungs for Sav\np and Loan Tellers within Or1n1e County. All very stable companies orferlng excellent benelltJ and job pcteot.lat: c;;'uCW IOOll. .. llperienefd, Ptr. ~for appt. rall, Montruatrhurt/ Jrl. BUSBOY• ROOM SERVICE Day 1hlfta for hotel tfllllurtot l!:xp.ir pref Contact Jan 491-4471, ell 2'7$ <.:AF!TtJUA Pmnan1nt work, p11rt time , Femtle, n o Wttkendl Home phone. 67~Eves CMldC.N Couple on lhe move ~ loving. depend•· ble, mature lady to care for 2 school a1e children in their borne Must be avail for overn111ht stays, dnvers he & ref req'd Call Mrs Miller _675 311113 CLBICAl. Leadin1 peat control co nM.da f/ltme 1eneral or. flee penonnel. Entry INSURANCE·E•~r trrt aulatant for tom merclal lints w1maJor lnl broken.. firm 1n NB . salary r om 11"1.'l\Suralt w/Uptr, for ~~pt t all 17141 -- ln1urance T%NSUIANCE CHSOlt Responsi ble. self 1tartui1 1nd1v , to pro reu 111Jur11nce annu1 ty apphcat1ons for Fashion lb investment firm Statistical •P· ptitude, typ1nc. 10 key requtred Computer exp ptt(erred. Call, 640·0123. level position. Typing re· INT D...,.Olt quired Office exper • ~ • helpful Call Charlie Access design Will train lntv M:T 1W. 979-6021 between 9·12 on ~7 12u Tuelday. Journey Man 1Sit1 lls Oe!Jvery Dnver. over 18, Maintenance Man with f/tJme, brine MVR 1690 expenence'" plumbtng. Placentia, C.M _ electncal It carpentry DENTALASST1RDA v.«tt Full time M F exper, progressive pre 1 :l>-4PM Salary com veotat1ve practice mensurate w1lh e1 - NB Irvine area. 752· 1320 penence Approx S8·SIO per hr Apply tn person Dt.hll Ofc MCT btwn SAM 12 Noon or Enthus , efficient & or send resume to 711 W gan w/bkpg exp 4 day 17th St Unit C·4 Costa wk. Pd var & hohdays M~Ca 92627 C.M s.46·3000. Dentist OrftM>.aDA Energetic exper'd Assis tant needed for bus) practice 546-5170 Ask for T~m DETAILING Steve's Det.a11Jng needs hardworktng clean rut. energetic detailer for long term employement Call631~ "DOG LOVER WANTED" Kennel help. (will l!~in ) 957 ·8589 - Btc:tt'Ollic T "" Test, calibration. main t.en.ance & repair exper r~S46~ B.ECTROMIC ASSEMBLER Challenging position for person with at least 2 years electronic as sembly ex per or equivalent Call 714 ·85S ·9230 for 1 n terv1ew Escrow1Home loan ex penence Part lime to St4irt $..') 1hr 850· 1201 GENERALOfflCE Bookkeepin g exp. hte I typing, p t flex Call 9 lpm~l-0763 _ Ge48Al. OFFtC E Leading pest control co needs fit a me genera I or Cu:e personnel Entry level pos1t1on Typing rt> qwred Office exper helpful Call Charlie ~l between 9 12 on LEGAL ASSIST. X Int oppl 'y for take· rharge Le&al Assistant Able to assume all respon independently & with corporate law knowledgt I person non smkg orf1 ct In Newport Ce nter 644 2644. days & n1gMs LEGAL SECRETARY Laguna Hills Recent <:aid probate ex penence necessary Ex relltnt typing &. S:H sktlls req'd Call Mrs Wi nslow ror appt . 811 1(160 1ght Offi ce Light Hsehld Dulles S3SO Hr 3 8_Hr da)S 960 S891 Enc MA.KE A IUCK STA.RT HYE 1lie Los Angeles Tunes s looking for well groomed. enthus1astit· people to earn up to $4().~ per day for a rew hours work as P• time sales rep Hours are from 4pm 9pm & train- ing will be provided Your earnings as a T11~s sales rep will be based on a guaranteed houri) v. age or S3 ~ + gellt'rous commissions. Sance Uus 1s a new pro· gram opportunities for advancement are ex rellenl. Ca II now for rrore mformauon about thJS great opportumty Call Mon F'ri . 9~7 2361. ext 1204 . Tuesdar ~ S.rny General AuJtlClllh IMMEDI ATE ,il 200 OPENINGS GettJng back into the JOb MOMTH ma r1cet • •All promotions from •L1telndustnal v.1th1n •Tran sp •Mech Assemblers Bonuse) •Paid \'aca- •F.lertron1c Assemblers t1ons •Profit Sh ar •Packing mg •Young, Sharp peo •Warehouse pie pref VICTOR 1714)961-3555 Temporary Sen l<'C Ml'd1ral Ba('k oHire SSS 8520 P T. exp 'd 1n EKG GtMral Offict INJS Ven1 Puncture I SM Olli F\tll time. permanent MOTEL employment ror am I bilious person. 4o hr f'ronl office clerk Part v.'ttk. some nights & Sat Time. 642 3030 Bookkeeping exp pre INUl'Sin1t ferred Apply m person L VH t............L. I •~ I 3 II full or part t11ne ~ Y .,_.MOii I shills Med1 rat1on & SOlfrHCOA.ST PLAZA treatments. good salary COSTA MESA &workmg<'ond GIRL FRIDAY Balboa Peninsula Type. non smoker. good skills. I refs. sal. neg Med ms Super Detail Person• .£73-3581 HcrdworeSolu Full or Part.Time No Sundays or Evenings See Stevt .. H W Wright Co 126 Rochester CM. HOMEMAKERS Telephe>M interviewers needed by national market research hrm for varied su r vey studJes No selling. Part t1mt evenings & Mtltend.s Hourly pay Reply lll own handwnt tn8. include your phone number. to Trendex. P.O. Box 85703. Los An eles CA 90072. Ho!Mkeeper, live an for 5 yr boy It father. Sun. Mon off. Non·smoker. Room, board . sal 675 3793 AM, 523·492C PM HOUSBHPHS The Seaclitr Motel. 1661 So. Cst Hwy , L 8 *-9711. Mesa Verde Conv Hosp 661 Center St., C M S48 5585 PAIT TIME 6-9pm Expanding youth counseling hrm has opentngs for 3-5 sharp outgomg mature people to motivate amb1t1ous 10.13 yr olds Call 2·5pm 642·4321. ext 343 Ask for Andrea . ,.....,.,~ Needed. par\ time. Work 1S to 25 hours per week. evenincs and possibly Saturday Expenence m ad building or page makeup desirable Ab1h ly lo work fast and ar curately under pressure necessary Salary de· pends on experience The Daily Pilot is an equal opp ortunit y employer Women and minorities are en - rouraJed to apply Submit apphc1tioos at front <'OUnter. :~. CosleMtM.CA. .. • Orangt COllt OM.'.Y PtLOT/Monday, Ftbruaty 8, 1982 WlllW 11"-W.... JIM~ ,_ R a IOH -........... ,, •• , ... , ... _,................ f OJO ·-••••••••••••••• ................ ••••••• N.llolll BAL /ART Int dttlan TYPIST "' ..... ,, .. , .... a.JM! •Aod&I Mla, re 14 '"' Wa10Mer. air. Wbr\ ttcr1Por1ry jolN or ulu b1tklr11d Att11t1te 50 ~m. te tar. -=-~t=~'. \ipbol, llkt new. Al10 M.fM. AKIJl'M. rertnt tiiwtohomt. -='~\ Xlnl 11f~m':. C' wttll. N•Ptnl "" C••• 141•4111 !..~J cbalr, m•l tell overl11ll on brako. ~~~~ ~!ill n . w -ra . i:.:::1u. AJp1J• IJ ----' ~~C:~reen -pr-int, ~~:':i>. ~.: .. Po,·. ~!~ MO-MOO s.ltl • ._ I04t OYentlired • ttrb•hoMI 11.oooml. l'HCll'OMOO•:L·AUtlt• fttlmt ulupeuon JtM ;.;t;••-ttu••••••••••• M44sss 13.000. PP 5481184e or 110 llt'tded for hill ne•dtd to worll oa soontCO p ZA Ka:BROND h.Pt. AKC --:..;::=---~ .... n,ur. modtlina • our Bilboa l1J1nd Muat bt COSTA M aia..,1lrt. Mtr . PtU Sofa l\ofCoftd.J' szz TNdtt t U O {'(lft'llft'J play adll. No •*to work wttllendt --... --s ab ow . Pvt pt y ' l4'S.S711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'...._. &-.J.rfed "ti' ntc'.Stndphototo Call Annal" at 7SJ·ml WAHRH ~l•M.MhtUpm. ----F d r ... n ,. --......... ..,..__ ~ t l I I -..... ~ .... n.~ u tt " or "7\1 ..... mper ••••••••••••••••••••••• JI. , Novelli••· P.O. orv .... -. r mt f v • 0 0 I G Shep. pure bred pupe. "'-"""""" 111• rtu ~I I hv dty wood au uu. Newport s•LES wa.ltreaa.mln.3/y~din Ptretltl from Gmny. 'Bo1 Spri.np. Top or ._ca . y (4 AHw loRo '705 Hoch. CA. 92143 for "' ntr upcr Ref• re· Pmlt u wlta. SUO the Line. S Paid. "511 ~;~0&rt :!'i':.~ 0~~: ••••••••••••••••••,•••• an't lmmtdiateopenltl& for a qlir-1 Appl1 Hpm, No ._ AakJn StN.1834770 ; _ec.7'11 1971 r .,. · full·llmt rudtr ad phonecallt Jollylloaer. ,, 1 1 1 • ; .t.1 1u 10M&O •1 ~ltrk typist, 1omt ,..etl\lt\111eforln1ldt 400 so. Cout Hwy, AKC Golden Retriever ora Vt 1111 •0 1 7 'ff Cht11y pickup w -.,-,.. ~ bkllp1 helpful bul not '*' poaltlon. Mual bt Ll&unaBurh. pupt, Champ. llnu, Good rood. Cold & eamper shell, ne1:di1 2000SPIDlA ~. Ore.l work· HMrtlYe peraon with ----l2IOCa It wormed 1195. brownl1S8404341 Say "I Love You'' to your special someone with a work . 1900 OBO Sll11t•r1 black. l•iu·tlll•nt 1n1 11tmo1phert. NB *' le-lt....,.fte aalu ex· WAllHOUSI 5'5-•. 4 n. redwood roffee ta Valentine's Dav NJ in the Dally Pilot Classified Love 642-XMi t'Und1uon t1tr1JOGA4 • Hu 9 2 Ca II Judy polu[e'""A_pply in WOU8 GOLDEN RETRIEVER bit 4/n\1't°'d Coat $250 ; Lines for only $1 a line (3 line mfnimum). -Blk-'IO-Cbe' Luv 04 CAJJ. TODAY "' ~~491 PtrtOQ, lMO Plaernlia ReUef driller. Muat have Fttn, 6 root, AKC. szoo. Sell 548-taZ _ 1 · Lorru. Mike Read, wkdyt. SAOOUIACI IMW Ptrimt, 7 days, 2 hra Ave .. Q.M 111lid c.11r. Dri11en Lit. to tiome .M7-7m Fonnlc• din. rm tablt , 6 , If your ad is found to be the most creative by our panel 1_s-~1.1...~vsss14215 IJl-2040 495.4949 dull'J. AM dtllvery. l. A. • -4'7-1741 pbol chair• end • f 'ud 'II -ce'" $100 to spend on your Tilll!a. SlllO/wk. L»sun1t SaMa. p/tlme. The Mole 2 Sbep.httd·Malamutt . u · • O I ges, you '"' 1-.e · · • • 7 8 T oyo t 11 p u . -'-I t707 Beach. 64 84M. Holt. Udo VUla&e. u YOUM6 PIOPLI pupa. 12 wk s , de . tables. misc. lampa. dl•· ValentfM. of course. cusjomized w11hell. 1 of ••••••••••••••••••••••• __ per. '!9 17~. •'ast &rowiD& Oranae wormed. all a bots 12$ 118, ~gl bed rrame. ltll 8 kind. must see 47 .ooo ·.i. As~umr ll'aM'. Aud 1 P1T ofrlre asaiatant • Coontycompanynffds ..._, l.(ens1la. twin sprp & 14000548 245 ~S 1mmac lu11dt'•I, v.'lnttd for mental help SEAMSTRESS \Expertl 23pos1Uon1 rilled. mattttun. bed/divan. !!'I · 1 no rmpey do\\n l~I & a. alcoholism treatment to wortl at home. Call C. •Martlet1n& ... •Secretar1a GCIA*n Retneve~ & Blk eome antiques, chairs, ·~ ford ~T truck L1kt' last roo lllrt'.id) paid program. Must be or Azulay 642.3244 for In· •DeUvery & other post. ·Lab mix puppies, (61 many misc. Items new Has ulil utihly Day6, 714 851 1114t, ganiied. effirttnt, & t.ervlew tions. 1315. Avall2·13.642·5939 ~ w/lool boxu along E\l':>, 714 642 5723 personable SS per hr. Secretary MOIXPll.MIC. •Poodles "R" People• Pecan CotrH Table ,!.tdts Bestofr.S48 0832 ·11 AUDI tOOLS 11u10 641-41632 ___ __ Dynamic Front Of face U. ,_ ..... T·Cups, Toy, $250 to :1Dxfl&" $45, largt rramed v-9570 radJO. good .,110, Ptr "S;crelary tTypisl. Secretary Wanted 75 ,11200 $$50. Pets Boarded & mil'T'Or $20. ~1377 '•. . .• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S650 lltiH i:ICH Gd. hn & dd. Pay Call WPM ~crurate, General Groomtd. &te-2848 Mov1n1r Sacnf1rt>' '70 aft. 6PM 67~4242 Office. Oraanlzatlonal Ger ma 0 Shep pups . Solid maple dining. set. Milc1l•1out IOIO ., .. ,OWH' t040 ~:l.,.~/ fOC'd Van Good Cond IMW 971 i Stills. & Word Processor MONTH AK drop leaf table with 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• .. ••• .. •••••••••••• 9 150 Make Offer 8S9 0473 ••••••••••••••••••••••L Receptaonist. part tune. 5 Eiperienre required 1714,96._5453 C. see pare11ta. shots rhalrs, I captains chair W S ••••••••••••••••••••••• days, airport area. no SllOO M a. f complete for 1 yr w S2SO. dtts!ler $25 , 2 end DYNA GYM l H fOI BOAJ · 0 · + ...,ne Ill ....._ ~ • 11 .... , "•rtlfacat•, A.KC aNI l980 l2.S YZ t . 75.2-511l Contact Ml' Toko. Unit www ta• N "' u 0 ... ables" ea Uke new $150 67S-vuv 5l6-tl9 I Recepbonist ed I ndustrie s ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• PAPtn•lpurthase.S27S 988--6813 Rer~agerator .-12~ ..____ XLr.1f~~1~· Part-time weekends, 7l4·6'4·980S ....,.., HOS nteotiable. 9'19-1746 ~Salt 1055 Draperies, books, end 40' Owens Tahitian, live· help for Clubhouse or <r-tt i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Golderl Ret. Pups A.KC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tables. toys, baby 11board slip a11a1l Call, ·~~rrle1200y DCaC11ldS3000son fice. Call. 673-6170 Mon· '""' .-.a Leaded &lau Tiffany 1~ Championship T1tle11 YARD SALE-I Wk. bldg clothes. dishes. misc Judy or Harvey 642-4644. "'=x Fri Girl Friday. Secre.tary hang In a shades . 49Mlll materials. Too much lo kitchen items. garden lhTI . 9 AM' 5 PM __ ~--__ w I Book k e e P • n g beautiful colors. Must Yellow Lab. Male list. 1213 w Comde. SA tools. ho5es and much '79 Yamaha DTt75 En· RECEPTIONIST / Knowledge. Rerepl1on sellS36-834Saft.6 IYr.Lo111'nfun, much more' 1730Santa '78 271i'Jft BAYLINER duro Dirt/street new TYPIST. Laguna Hills Ex p e r 1 e n r e & .,.,_ b Sat. Feb. 13, lO AM till ' An A C t M tires, looks nu $675. legal firm Requires Shorthand. For Presi ic.ugl. oak china ra ·· $300. ~1~ Old di.shes, auto parts. a ve. os a esa "11ictoria" Fly bridge, 87s.23'18 generaJ office skills. ar-dent & Controller or trophy or aun cue. 145o AKC Chesapeake Bay nusr. items, neat things, 645-~. VllF radio. bait tank. ---- curate typl!lt. 61 wpm &tabllshed Real Es tale 080 <pcUS50). 760-9031 Retriev'er, male. I yr rus. p rares 1213 ut. ... 1 depth r111der. outnggers. '81 KZ440 5,900 miles minimum. Call Mrs Development Company :m yr old bronu onental okl trained. Very reas a&cconnacll Lft c M ---•••• 35amp gen .. AM & FM 8 $UOO 213 SH· 1359 Winslow for appl, in Fashion lsland.•Hot 1 Temple aong only $800' to 'good home. Loves · · · W..ted 1011 lrackstereow1thtrailer M F47_14·64.2·9842S&Sl &17-1060 1 Man l Girl Orrice S4().86llll kids Ir wtr. Call btwn Jtwelrt 1070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 646·2843. Will sell '76 XR75 Restaurant 644·8141 7PM-IPM 831"'7&0 •••••• .. •••··~·•••••••• Wanted· Two "SJOO" bllance ol loa.n GOOD CONDITION Male or Female. Fu II or A me r 0 a k C u r 1 0 Emerald Jewelry. Buy Western Hawa11 part l I me . APP l y SICIETAIY CIV billet . $475 ~entahl AKC Cocker Spaniels. directly from Importer coupons. '79 Bayliner Liberty. 20.. S3:!S __ 495·9028 l0.12AM. The Rotissene. Mort&a&e Company in ues, $45-$75 rreor 8"r. MIF. For Valen Custom Made Items Call afl. s.842 5796. SOh rs. S9BOO Io BO 'T1 Yahama RD 400, Gd 211iOBnslolSl.C.M. Newport Beach has :i-!'5979Clork, szso. 080 Unes.SlS0.838-2972 A.pet ?M-4009 - -~'·al (714j97().22.SO. rond Many extras -------•I opening for a Secretary • ,. .. .,,. IOSO, M•tl 1'1 toll~... IOU --M~tSell~968 2586 - S ... LIS with good organiiataon Atifi•cn 1010 ....................... ....................... 1979 Apollo Ca bin MolwHws,Sole/ "" skills. eye for accuracy ••••••••••••••••••••••• I BUY I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cnaser. 25' Fully equip .... /Storoge tl60 Aunt.IM....,. & attention to detail HARBOR AREA * * * * • Allt COMPIESSOI T,....t Y .. IM for nav1gat1on & fishing. ••••••••••••••••••••••• For fun N1utiral Cit\ & Non-smoker, salary APPUANCRSERVlCt: Good uaed Fumalure & I 'hp Bink 1101220 -lh Student. Good Co nd xlnt rond Sl8.900 25'Chassas-mount M H Clothing Store Ex SUOO. C.11 Kalie, We buy used appliances AppUances OR l will 1• •. w! SISO 644-1096 812 7242eves1 wknds FUiiy self·cont, roof air, perlence preferred. full 640-93:i0 -Wesellrerond .. guar. stllorSELLforYou newgun&hoses:walltn ---b "<()()() · tin.CharUesLocker. '•-... -----•I u•c'fllS•UCTION l clude2hp.3ph.220/440 0fficeh...._..& !Century Mahoga n y ca air ...... ong.m1, ,1~ 1 aepllanca. 549.3077 ~ "' rroW...~orbesloffer ~~ 1015 Clauic, 1964 Resorter 1ll1t cood, 14800 firm. SICllTAIYfEXEC. Wasbentdryers. late 6~ l .. 6,lll-t62_5__, 5JJ.9132.. ....................... ~.200 ~3414 _. 54.9-3077,S57·~ __ SALIS Peraonoel/Ad11ert1slng models , 1100 up 311Clas.New.$98.Lov 20011M ......... .__., T~Tronl 9170 n..... hu opening n.r De I 1 11 er y • C u a r ll ••• SI ~ITRaS -"""'"" ,... eaea -eepers. Mhc:1l&1M1 1010 • ''"~"" '"" ~ tOSO ....................... .. Aagreulve salesperson expansion · Nwpt Bch Masterrbarce/ V 1s1 $191. FACTORY 957·5708 :::; ................... S500 lo S600 Value ~ow ....................... 23 Tr11leron the beach tn oeeded lo sell market. 11\Dancial services farm 636-2840 Kln&• E d h 20 10· I KING INNERSPRING LOSlNG LEASE. quit S2S.95 -t tax & ser111ei! y.t.CHTIM6 nsena a w1l x sala tnilnin& 1Ntleriel Good typinf, shorthand. .... .. IS" UTTO"' "" lddat' """"" ..... 2179 b l Cb ~-.. N "'"x 1~ EXTRAFlRMmattress linfbusineas.selhngoul A.all about W ord c,,....•111y•MTS ~:""-"""~ -~ ~o'lie~~. c.iiM';I ;;.,~r~~!it r~o-of::i microwue 011en. like let. ne11er used. worth AU. suppllff and fax Proteuors ai~~:W;&sail 'al 31' Alrstream. Twin Wild at '1M·ZllOS bd~ ,_2. new, $190/080. 646-7303 $5.10, sac. IZ41 del. Nenr lures inducltng · <213l 702-1670 Npt. ~b. 175.2960 bds, nice a. dean $6400 SALIS-AIT Art'Sales ror home or or. flee. F\JU/part lime for creative person. Will train P'or inteniew. Jaclyn 7S8-94S5, 9-Spm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I I IUY APPUAMCIS used queen 11. worth Dlsplay rues, wailing anre fu,,:;itu~e for -;ale "Your Year Round 090. &sl-4172 E11es __ La 9$7.al33 s;wt. cash only, S218 del. ~oorn chairs. Beauty Desks. rh•irs. ('Onf ta Charter Sen.tire" .__.__ Uffl 9110 SICTY/ADMIM home, 754-7350 Salon ~a1rdryers a~d ble. elr. Sqme nner -·~· ty Take char&e penoo for Refrig_ ~o .. Washer. hydraulic chairs. mar· UMd. 77~7501 loafs. Sal 9060 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• N.8. Ad11er. Promotion Dryer. Freeitr · Dis· MUST SILL rors. thel11es and plants --------••••••••••••••••••••••• VAN STYLE firm Ty p in g / hwasber $150. Ea Mitlogaey double bed Also. make·up, shampoo Used Gestetner Mdl 320 Lastt • 1H72 with no-CrGft trailer. easy haul- ShortbaodtPhones. Sal 646-SIMB wllh mattress Moon andhairproduclS. recently rerond Ne._. mastm5080 lni. well-balanrPd. 1gl cpn.64.2·4097 Refrigerator. late model. shaped mirror on head-Call631·97S4or rubber $350 960·5141 830-0891 axle Locking drs Sales Sewers 11ery clean. ayto defrost. boerd. arter6~ PP l <.:ompetil~ Sabot 2-Set ~tOB0.67~1 __ JOIN A SUCCESSFUL. SAMPLI MAl(EI S15S. 1193-9060 15000BO 131·7797 aft 6 MO"IES Exerut111e High bark. Sail~ S600 Best ocrer .. ~ict, Psh 0 R f . f l r l' brown vinyl Gunlocke 640-43J7 & .t..-~ • ......1-. 9,.00 NATI NW1DE llmtanctonBch898-J991 e rig . r os ree , anyourhome.40chTV Desk Chair On~ over "'"'~ ...... j SALES TEAM acemaker, like new. l.0¥ele*l w/2 cushions C01'1Yel1ert-; 24 hr mollies $400 Like new S200 Sabot Good Cond Saal. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Be one of over 600 ari •&udent--•Jo•bs----•1125().Stll-4485 f120. ••13tou~t,.:c;;: & sport.a ennts I prire 2131592_1573 Motor. Oars, Paddle. •-------•i dependent sales agents HIY! ~rrigerator·Whirlpool. :.,.;.,• nil · 1 instllled.$S99SlcS99.95 IBM lyi>ewriter wath 19. ~S,_9!i:J-!2!2 ~-_ ._nat'tlOM selling products or the Side By Side. Ha"at __ -~1111 carriage 1245 S t ( 2 Phoenix Sabots with MG Thos. D Murphy Co .. a IOYs-GllLS Gc*1. Lilt New, $350. GUii bdrm let. Bed w I Bear Cat 2SO Scan"•r. ~~nual port a bl• w tth ln11ler Ustd t wire 0--as p~ 111 specialty ad· How would you IJke to ..... brd mall d '"" ,,_ "' • .,,. """ E "" e·-81 m·-h as sso oo a Kelvin a tor 19 3 tu rt -· ress., en SZ50 Ctlinon 35mm SLR rase $30. ~ 13«1 ......-:m6 11es TONNE.AU COVER \'ert1sing since 1888 ~" ""' ~ tble. dnsr w/m1rror Ca 11.c .. ..., ...... -Through our sales forrt. week! Do you hke dn11e rroslleu rree&er UP · '* 080 '42·8173 an ~'}!· ..., ................ Smith Corona tyPfwnter. WESTSAIL 32' Fits MG'•. '71 'SI we provide imprinted in rro11ies. picnics, pizza rigtit. fast frttu sbelf1 !pm I Laon skin. Sl.800 . Zebra office model U ~es l '74 f'actory boat. 3 ryl NeYerused. 175 calenders. s pecialty parties, beach parties. t,yrS.100.540-0302 Old~fli . -sllin S500 Sell or trade rarbon ribbon StOO vohodsl. Loadt'd 2boat Mana631-7797 lvemsg items and exec ut 1 ve plus many other things~ lkydas IOJ m19c I Neil. Stll-7234 owner wants action and gilts to their rustomers 'Then you would probaby .. •••••••••••• .. •••••• 1110:'°a.'fi.!!'etvd. __ 2!3 962 83S5 Pets · IOU v.1JI arrept .iny sensible UTllODY WOii & This 1s your bag op ~bly enJOy working !bys M~ Bike 11$. rt Beach Ten .assorted Stora ice ••••••••••••••••••••••• o<rer At our dork Ernie I peint·up lo 50•: off your :.S~ !~dg~ti~~~d QU~FICATIONS: RallylOspttdMl:rtellS. MOVING Ill t Sell' Ok C.btnels S20·SSO. Oak Parrot. beaul double ~411~~4~J Bk r ~stg>_esl SJ6.98~ _ income from repeal or· I. Oller 12 years ohge. &th d. rond. 7~ er st • .:C' ori~ · ~ ~h Slt>. ~9-14l7 -yellowlEad, yn~. talJI(' ders. Commissions are 2. Neat. honest and de Bike 16" bo)'I or &irts incl See. S-. Pm e re tbl~ f1R£WOOO FOR SAL •Jlcage & playpen Must C.:ATALI N.A Z'I. mboard. IA.Wosfor Sale ""'d immediately. If you -A·ble training wheels 1lnt w/wl ·-•. RIY..,.a sra bd Dela vered /starked ~II~ 6_73 3600 ratt rrutse. Nwpt moor-I ,.._... ~·~ cond 13$ 1157 2474 \11.M-no:• l.ftO 9S3~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• want independence and 3. Wortl aner school and · · w/mtchec afa & l111t. Seasoned Oa k cord S200. Senegal Parrot and l'aite ::.o·_ ---· IMPORTANT a selling career contact · S.lurdays MUST SELL Ofjc s:z2ttl. Sac. 11100. AYO cord SIOO 1 t or '• 13 rm old S75 Aner 6 loah. Sllpa/ NOTICE TO John E. Morrissey, CALLTODAY ' :M"YoungMan'sVarsa· Scnlld gl!ldn sl,$350.Btn ~!_a_!!1~7601290 548·8868 Docb 9070 READERSANO Phone 602625·7335, 2851 S37-S936orS31·S257 ty Schwinn Bicycle ZS" Cir Cnsl TV, $195. MntS..tolehn! P'lanoi&n-1090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADVERTISERS So. Camino El Greco. 8AM to lOPM G IE II Co d NO JUNK ALL MINT _., .,.... u... _. M......1--The price of items Green Valley, Arizona S ray xce ent n . I CONDiJTION """·5210 4 unique Span. Galleons ....................... twwpoh --d '8>. Aft 500 Mon-Fra -""""'--14 51, 6'2 71,1 Porr WANTED Mason Oa.wk.f!!>nlh646·~ a vertased by vehicle 85614· 962-8174 MUST SELL complete mnger1·ars & vases. lead Hamhn "rand piano dealers tn the \'ehirle tu .. ~. " · • N B Slip Up to 36. ~Jass fi.ed d t " CHER contents of home_ Anll crystal, n1nnabar, Fr x.lnt cond. l11ory keys ' 1 a ver ism,, 10 Spd bakt Sears. good ' Water/power. nr Lido I d t '76 W111dow Dodge Van LD nuJes, gd pa1111 64S Yj 17lti.~!:g•! 64S 2244 '7 1 GMC Vandura (whlte1 no rusl <'llrJWt, J0,000 oo rebwlt. Sl,400 Call btwn 7PM 81'M ONLY 631·9760 73 Ford, conv lo malt'~. auto. aar. gd cond ~?.:_3890 A.WosW..ted 95t0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WINHDYOUR GOOO USEO CAR! A nythi.nc ronsiden•d . 19'T1 thru I 980 &. CREVIER BMW ne bcitiltq ·12 IMW's A,.. J4~! A rew rema1nin1: 'Kl Models & Uemo' an· still available ' We spec11lue Ill EuroPt-Jn dth\tl') and ftawlt-~'> pre-0wned BMW'~ Wht're Customer Servare Colllt':. Isl' Sale:. Sen 1te·Ll'as1n1: 2C8 W Isl. Sanla An..i <714 1 835 3171 ~~ • Clost'dSunday ·~ ·-111111111-.9& ,, I la e>r_,, <:.-y 2925 Harbor Blvd • COSTA MESA -979-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AU.NMAGMOM rOHTIAC/SUIAIU 2'80Hartior Blvd COSTA MESA 549-4300 549·1457 WEIUY CUAMCAltS AND TRUCKS COM~Ell C~EVROLET " .. '" ff.,rhn! IC\d , 'r-. I ' \I~:-. \ S4~1200 Nl6HIUYH Top dollars for' Sport~ Cars. Bugs. Campers. 914's, Aucll 's AskforU C MGH JIMMAllMO VOU(SWAGEH 18'711 Beach Bh d H'UNTINGTON BEACll 14J:l Cl00 WEMEEIS YOUIEXOTIC &•mSHCAIS Id 3100W Coai.l 11~) Newport Bearh 642-9405 1912 MOOflS HYE MOW! C 1 .. ,. oer 9otd 1tl.ctloe of DIMOt 011 cl QUALI TY r a 1 .0 WMI O AUTOMOll IS • wel ................. .......... ca1~c .. 1tt TODAY! UUS· savict lliSIMG SADDLEBACK IMW 21402 MAlOUUITI r rWY. MISSI°" VllJ() Avery Pkwy ott 1·5 131-2'MO 495-949 Closed Sundays ne Most bcitiitcJ Pert Of Yow IMW PwchoH O r &..GHCoetldl, Mclaren BMW!! luyOrLH H •1 Ow PhoM "41ft! _(7 I 4t _522-51)3 ORANGE COUNTY 'S &' Sale-. St-n 1rt' Lt'a~ani: IDY'CARVER Classified Ads 642-5678 Pri111te school teacher conditionl70 ques. bi111rreen TV. all nautical. grandrather Call rollect. 1·324·752S 250 673-27!»6 ro umns oes no tn· needed. Oul or state 499-J439. household Items NB clocks. pallltlll8S. indian e11_!S _ ---elude any a pphrable WANTED ! I0..15 !0a. &\1\\1 ~~!CN-Jli'g..'J "(#<.,...AV ... OC>.,..... I e tf it's got e handles credentials OK 646 1444 541--4314 rugs. PI ease ca 11 a.u..., I09l 67' slap. Newpe>rt Br h.. taxes. license. transfer Late rmdel Toyotas and · Ladies' sgl spd bike. 26" 6317393 w11 II t d -.., Pflllate boat only fees. hnanct charges. v 1 1 Ttll I 9pe at wfll!I S4S Men's 3 spd Simmon.s h1deabed. gd i ·, I se or ra e ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642.4644 fees for air pollution COD· II o v o s Ca I u s '73 IMW Ann ftri!:' Se;.;i~.3 dermuntable bike. 20" cand, yel/gm print. siso or_._ --Kneassl Reasensla lorn -trol de111ce rert1r1rat1ons TODAY!~' shift. Many benefiu. Ex· w his, S7 5. 104 V la 080. 675-1165 en/Sat. Electric Dryer 110 Volts. ~m skils w tTyrohn P'1 Cherry Cove moor-or dealer dorunwntary I 3.0CS COUPE • you'll grab a sale • faster in • Daily Pilot e classified e ads.can t 642·5678 perience only 362 Third CorG>11a, N.B. '73-COSl MOVING-MUST SELL Washinc Machine. Wash bindulgs & Scott poles ~· dioice lor Up lo SJ. pn!91.f'atioo charges un· 4 speed betite bru-' 11 "' .,,.C Laouna n.a~h Elaborate ktn•1.s1ze 8as111 wlC.binet. Elec· SJOO Sz 9 men's boots & ·al:Jl,633-7750 . •-· ...... rw15• e ·pe~1r·a-"' PS. PB. alarm !!)slrm .,.. ~ L " °" ' a.....t......_ M•1r'• 1025 " ~ """" " ' n.i A•I L·~· n1 k L· -_, n waterbed. pedestal tnc Water Heeler. All carrier. SlS 104 Via Newport Beach boat slip ~lhead11ertaser 1-..;T.;;;O-.l~O.;.;T•;.·.;..;•Ol;.:.;Y.::O;...._. " r.'• o aupun l r.x TBB'HOHESALES ••••••••••••••••••••••• style. 12 ~rawers . WOC'tfine.S20Earh Lrg Cordo11a.673·4063 forJO' S2SOtmo G~ 9510 ,, .. ...,... ... " I ttllent l'Ond1t1on "dl !>i'I Ftrpositlonopenforas HOW25c/fT wtmlrror.M25.8'courh Sldng Glass Door. 1.15. ~Goods 809,. 673-_'1086.· ._..... c......... SF.E'lh<'4918N<J1 sertive penon with past Redwood Zx8 ftecklng, /queen sleeper. 1325 . Misc. Garage Being de· ..,.... • ..., .. Sil Sa.Ibo ls 26' 36' 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "u .. t lOl • UO·••u I ,..dllud to I h I moll·s'L-"' 3810 R1·11er ••••••••••••••••••••••• llll 1 a · e ec ---------..i te ep one sa es tx 4-20' long: also redwood 9157·1!189 u.... OLOr.o orv &walerondork free ,. Sl2,9tS perience Apply in fenrina. Lowest price Corner group r ompl NB 67H703 S .......,. Prt'geveryth1ng's Isl Will Trade MG ror VW I Premium pnre~ 'ADDLHACI( IMW rv~~l l660 Plarent1a guar Jam or Ken wltbl.175.Liken~sew Lo••lalooet ~p~e 64~~S for rlassBestinNwpt or' 4H_472Zl••i 1' ~~~:~~~~~:i,~1~~ 831·2040 495.4949 anytune.~98&5 ing madL tlO. 548--2!»17 Helium Bouquets ----673-87ll'til8PM attz. D 1. d G f TV Rocio. 111good<'ood1t1on. '791MW 320i e 1vere . real or • 1098 Slipi available. Newport .. -11 / ---See Us First' Lo mt Loaill'tl llu~I Slcrlfice! Jtlng Bed WI Valentines ' tlR. Steno Arches Marina ~· " Brass Headbond, $300 673-4419 •••••••••••••••••••••• 642·4644 Clilasks MOii pp SI0.500 oftt'r OBO. Boobhelves. W ----=:.:.::....:..: Mu~ro-wave TV anten ------•••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ~94 flilS PAN AM 2 for l coupons. na. lOOhrsofmovaes wk lothlpfor,.... 19S7T-lird =.::J~I~~:; ~r~=~ countries. ly 1159 638·8724 Prlmelor,nnttoRusty Alt:CoOectors! "l::s~~ I IUY PUltMITUltl · . 9AM-9PM Pelican. 714·646-4419 Concourse rondit ion! Automa ltl'. \\ h11e rrd ( ( ___ cc-.. : ... i_> __ , ) c (--""'!!c----, > 'tlewspaper Carriers for ~outes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach I -ac.7 •133 Snowb'ndsiltis Vokol 180. Look BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA --. u--tOtO (14772). leather dll option~ Ex ..,.. ..., .. 1 nr1. Scotl poles. color 1V sale 2 yr wm· ---r -.. S8 5 8 9 2 47 6 4 : Sl"" <-'-d 1. •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• -.. Y SI 6,900! cellt,Jtt rond1t1on l.011o Dlrung Rm uble/4 chrs. 4 m>S old. Semi smoked alass top/brass legs. Chrs lgt brown/brass legs. HOO new, sell smtbo. m 1174 2 Brown striped Hertulon Sola& Sl50 (both) 540-5021 5¥1' ltldeabed couch. gold Herculon, HS. Hut clrculatln1 imitation frptt. like new, MO. Queerl Medit. headbrd, 2l3lS68-IM08 ly -·rite e 111ery . --------•! .!8118 lt.11 h111 111\d nule:1 A \1l'ST <"AH · < iv Joho'•6i6·!1.8L_ llY .STORAGE r11,1J '"·~.1 .~111 n.1.M1 s::'~u•c• IMW Monthly boat & RV USED~~:~iRUt'KS 831-2040 495.4949 storage for any SIU!, 24 hr security, rree COMEINOR launrhin& & wuhlog CALL F'OR prlvllegea. Newport ..._ ______ •I FaHA.,,lAISAL Dunes. 1131 Back Bay ,... Cormier Dt>Ltllo Or Newport Beach. a..lc ''6 CHEVIOLfT &M-0510 *•MG•'* 18211 BEACH BLVD I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ W'all Takt Btst Orter HUNTINGTON RF.At'll G~at Mechanical Con· 147-6017 or dlllon. All New Par15 Incl Clutch. trs. Et<' 549-l ll I S.115 Recent Tune·up. l•-------Call. Daya. 499·3901. 497.sr72. E11n. 499-4722 IBUY CARS! C~H!!! 673-1705 Dahlllt •na ••••••••••••••••••••••• GIANT DATSUN CLEARANCE s·ALE • 2MS llwrhor Kl\cl (~til ~flol\U 714/540-6410 '79210 Air moo )46.JQ& '712401 ~~ $4'1'34\ 1111 O.U\la 110 ct.tuct .W-.&1 M t'M t .... lt • Ml• -----·· l • ------ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 81 1982 ._.,NtrW .._.b rrW AIMi. lllf•"" ...._ ......... . ....._ ,..,n.; w.i; .......... Afti. .......... MIM.UtM W.. u..4 ..... I I I 111tMlfffftt•••,••• ........ -;i .......... ._ •• t••••••••••••••t•eeeeee ••••••••• 1............. . ...................... ., tlteee••t•t•• .. •tllll•• lltlllllllllllllllllll •Mtlltllt••tllllllllll .... llfftlt•11•tt••t•tt MH••• .. tteeeeeett•• ,_,.. t7JJ ..._. t7• ..... ,._ '740.. t74J ..... f116 T~ t7'1 Y•••tt t770 C:.-.. ttll Qw+1tilif ft2t HH ...................•... ·~· ... ··••··•••········ .............................................................. , ....... ;;;;:;~ ......................................................................................................... . 'Jl•ts IMlf• ............. WllOIOoo11ert.tlewrr •tMalfl., i• TRt. Colle(ton Cu. ·• BIJa Bua. run• 1000. CONr9eft.ATIM• •._..Mtw'll -:_:11:i\iel·•· alnt o..e.n ..._,, C.ut ............. End • lrh. Clutch. VU! '" $.A.' Xlft&Cond. s.woo Vtl)' dean. 11100 or ti.at CADtLUC7 aw=:: ' ia-..G. ••·(lA.111.ll ... ..._ Run• Good. tl100 14%7114 offer !U-239 We •PKlallui In ltutt 2 I .• ......._ Cl1.14lc1 PIJ O--.IA11&olAuU11 ..... -.. , · 1!_1'IO 1• TM. 1 Woman drh , 'fW IUS, 71 lor the l>utlnen H Air coat. p.-r. •leertna PB.•· AW>, Rut0rtdl ·---ll'Mll:.: 1 ~re HoLae of Im· n...1 all ort1. 12.760 080 i punnaer window ~~v16proltt1lon1l •bt1h1.tlltwheel,etc BHt<Xftr.751·U.. llOltt DI~ le11e and tlO ....,..,. fn.Ud E Wll da O L3:leltdto. 1•1~a1-1 mo• ltnalble vmt• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• _, Vtl. en Van ~ w/whltt top. '" .... -·· . 7 ....... II D I a I 2 1 f' 0 r tf71 0PB. •T ........ t710 well ma1ntaintd. am Of ltl2 MewOllfr 11191 Jdr,r:/ -,:_17., , .. , ..... RC""-I a·· Hu MW ..... int on a........... • .......... .__ .......... dent in fml lrom11· In C•••u HOW.AID Clile.,,.. ... "'s. r.u......, 1 .., .-.,....,, ft tt nor Ou1l port en1 . Mow a. Stocll! Dove/Quill su. 'M llu1tan1. 211, 2nd Jim-------bUl needl IOMlt fft(blt •H••••••••••~•u U••• door. '73 len door ~ power l25()0 842 113117 11ft ~ 1••.11_Aaa1 toe*, "750 Me-1.542 or114/G'7·m.1 111 rood COQdltlon. nlllJ s.ti.rw t762 ··~ VW It ' ri(lht run• atrona. Iola of 'N~ NEWPORTBEACH maturt owner. Sharp, lf7'MllC•IS waft. Call M&-$N? after ~IC Y'S Ndl.. WKlcm •tyle whl 7pm wkd1v1. 11nyllnw (' •-•• 1 -,._ e p m or no 0321 11a. lot &lper Beetle I a..... Hll t739 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMGE COUMTY•s EXQ.USIVE _.. .. ·-·., (woftl MIWIST SllDH.5419744 wkndl , J J , SH us FllSTI :.::.:::: ........... . Opbona Lntlude 1unroor -Authonud -----•7,Sc ...... -co ,,,.,1\111-•tll\d Wthavea1oochelectlon .75 Cutlua Supreme hltl'f0.0Cl2411 '74 Manta Opel. St Cu~. SUBARUOEALiR Wiftlf2idrorVW ~ 1 .... 1.•""'"'' '>J<l'llOO o f N!W ' USED ~ c-, bllt, loaded Slt,500 AM/FM. $1600 Loedtcl .... ... Chtvroitca• PP'' ......... au JIM SUMOHS -~3-8111 ~....i....~ 4ff-4722 hH. tllh wtel! lMPOITS '730pel, • apd. 1m1fm .......... ~ 1 -_ 111s~.mmo '79AHtwood PWo ttl7 l301Qua11Street nu. sunroof, 11ood ~ ·ee BAJA. IRS friune , 1979 VW Bu1 Conv I Brou1ham . Extra •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• POI oood ~76'311Sl 1911 11 h k owntr Showroom rond aharp! Musi sawrlce vt Pinto Hat.chback. Wu NEW RT BEACH ---1912 MODt:LS ~~r nea, w t spod t' l9.000 ml S7.000 firm Da Brat offer ovt>r S9,000 In wrerll. Body and IU-t300 ,.... t710 .HERE NOW I" ""·-· IUStc. pone • 714-640-~ after lj>~ ltamr cama1e. All elae ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'ml~ ••••••••••••• .......... polished headJ. Zt-nith 67S-D5 ev 760-3430 r: 1971 PORSCHE Sala·Sttv1ce Le111ln1t rarb. Mutrrrralt stwts, . .,.. BUG THlWGIEST S1 Chevy 2 dr hardtop OK -VI 147,000orl~ ml), '714SOSL '72, 1utomatir aedan, MASEIATI nm OK, tlDO. 080. Call Dlil.llSHIP!. II B '784SOSL Mint Cood. S2B.OOO SADDLHACI "" new Inoa " raduitor, fl IT I pc front tnd l much. GOOOCONDITION SB.ICTIOH SLSOOlbstofr. pump, very cood whl.a 6 SUIAIU much rmre. $3200/0 80 64218717 or late mo del. low s.411083'2 ures, no broken alau. l t'I yours for only IJl-2040 491-4949 ~-Wt dy11 . HIM6S7 m1lu1e Cad11lars in ,. _ _,,,,,_ t9J2 Interior 1ood. Red• EwslQ..3DIZT We'll deliver anywhere Eves 87J..2344 ._.. mtheworld! See us at ..IM*.,.......,.. ____ _.....~~~~·TS "JO 2816EL Cluslc. Im mac. COQd. dk 1reen nllll d. 17000. 497-5283 "11Handa cir Accord, sun· .. Dove Street, N.B. roofbl.';ulate, below 75Z.ot00 'Bl 380SLC. ivory As • low . 1.911 Harbor Blvd • C M su~ le~ 71U7Mlll Ul-7170 758-0481or631·3320 ...... 97l2M~.... 9740 '67~SEConv,reblttng -•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• White blk top. Asking ~emen Healey S3000 lf72 MUCIDH ~13S? 644-ll68 250 76P~S040 ----".;;..;....;='----1 4 door . s e d • n ' 4 sp. Alf:. snrf. can. ...... 97]1 brown/t an Becker •IJ'.l!.rond.646·6297 -••••••••••••••••••••• AM/FM Power brakes, '68 230, 111. auto, looks & 1981-1982 power steenna. air con runs 1ood S2 l 00 dlt.ioo.ing. (11c082FZBl &C2-~!..~ 9780 UDDUIACK IMW. '11 llOS&. llocli IJl-2040 495-4949 S750/tro. $750 dtlivers "15 MBZ lOOD (chi>. 4 dr, $311,000 total payments, ltyellow, 1mmac. $11 ,500 411 mo c losed lease Mueolfer 546-03 10041901 DISCOUNT ~AITEIS OR BUY Must se.111979 300 SD and General Auto Leasing u-.1300ro Xlnl. rond l'1J.43u 76G-Q.BS .... t742 '67 230 SL I Owner· 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '4114 Top1. AC. Ong Paint TT9n10 ""4 , X~ra Clean. $12,950 A H Firm. PP 494-6387. ~ ll!??t!ll 1·568-1917 OWNllS ~ TONNEAUCOVER 1ft2J [ ,_.St The fastest draw in the Fits MG's, '71·'81 D» · 11 • West. . a 0111ly P1 lot Never used, ft5 SaaAnl n4~14 Oasstfied Ad Call To I Maria63l·T797 lvemsg • . .. dl.)'642·5678 • ATLAS CHRYSLER..ft.YMOUTH SGl0/0 8.0. and needi ---l. evs YCll•o 9771 Suuthe r _....wnw a n(hl front fender Call T.,... 9165 , --••••••••••••••••••••••• m Call ornia' ••••••••••••••••••••••• avail A 1reat deal for Jot at 17141 493.6261 •••••••••••••••••··~··• 14 BUG, &ood body. new # 1 YOlYO DlALU MAIHS V~ EX COND Qdwllr or pana aaltt . -----11 To)'OUI Cellca Su.r1 paint, nan.a xlnt. SISOO. INORANGECOUNTV • CADILLAC TTOP/ CK 11'750 Mullt eeU all together. 7tt21 llD! Loiided. euellrnt "ond 494·~1 2600Harbor Blvd *AU: PTIONS• ftOO. make olr Call S 1peed, like new . PnrelB.000 um VW Bus. 4 apd. air s.uiu SUYICI COSTAMESA WHTW1TANJNT •SM4aft7 l0pm. t91MZJN> 8511464 sunrf, AMI FM ('111Si _., 540 1860 VP 714-SSl·OU• '74PINTOWAGON LHM or l-r/M911e '73 eoroc;a, body " tarH l...oolts' run11 like new ov•:tl'f~W~ftiRY • F.-d H40 4 apt«!, air, good cond . ....... &ood rond, needa major lll90011Mtofr S40-8039, Iv EXPERTS '89CPEdeVILLE ••••••••••••••••••••••• butdenled $1,000. General Auto Le151n1 tn1. work. $300 OBO msg~ &dy rough, runs ok '12 Maven rk • dr. 6ryl Jeff '94·1318 873-4.lll 146-3-.s an 5 '76 vw Bus. 9 ~SS Vt'r)' IAlLE Ill S2SO 675 9961 factory atr/IUto low mi. 11"3 Pinto •• spd . ad .... 9755 11 Toyota Cehca ST Ea &ood cond Air rond YOlYO '78 Seville. loaded. xlnt !!250eve/wkndS48·8972 miltqe llOO Call Steve ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~t r ond Am1•'M !.."oooel 1n1J2e1c3t11'!.n96 791108~ 1966HarborBlvd mnd. lo m1 18995. PP. '72GRANTORlNO !!ca2t,!ner 6 & wknda. RENAULT """~" 1 owner. $7300 -· " · '" COSTA MESA 631·3114 '673-4220 4 dr Wen. SIOOO firm '"~ ..., OFFER 851·1464 979-3t60ext4I? 64'-UOJ 540.9467 631-01.Jhft 2.30pm '73 Pinto Station Wa&on . , ... -65 Squarrback. new ·79 Seville. Xlnt rond ,..... 1 1 •to SI 000 i.> unback Cehra. su1 33K. SIO,SOO Silver local 'M Falron V-8. Auto It vu. nu age, very r ean CASH IHA Tl root. alllomahr . stereo pa111t. new brakes. re bit ~Used car 11.11 7034 runs $350 OBO 646-0320 SUOO 675-11674 __ -- ON ALL NEW Tan M.SOO 640· 1671, m1. twin rarbs. 12 volt AflS:OOPM l2200/0BO 64S 5916 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Seville. blk/0 ray mt, RENAULT lB l's 546-3&29~ • ---. "-"ii 990 I JS.000 mi. ne~ tires 'Tl T Bird. wbl. all op PClllfiec HH 'llusolfertndssoon ,....,.. t76'7 "19RabbttDltsel CHluxr ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIO.IOO or takt O\er lions inr llhr' moon••••••••••••••••••••••• ACT TODAY '' ••••••••••••••••••••••• G~· S •r:,1·;1t:rt0. ~f,;!l le~ Call 640 8167 19.5 root. like ou. must sell '80 F1reb1rd Formula. NEWLE<.:AR SS4H uu. '81 tomes With SUn· rool. AM/FM stereo and mo re s t k 4 s 8 Ser 161.3411. ~I COAST AMC/JfB/ Ut(AULT ~ Harbor Blvd ~ 64~77701 Have something to sell! C!assmed ads do 1t wel I. I 71 TR 7 air. new brakts tan mi. _,.,., Wlll trade MG for ' Mon f'ri 1 $36.W/OBO 851 9522 loaded, 21,000 m1. tully " tires slereo/cass lo 141.Jm!O. 955 0730 Ev ta II 4ff-4722 lYH • '--~--9,.115 powered Ca II Steve. nu. ss.300. 848·2371 • wkndl. Denn.I;!__ -• •l.9216. ----·79 Co lbl h -c-ro 9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -. --------Sell tlunoi. fast with Da1h nvrrt f . w 1tr. · L I v II ~Le Mans Xtra Nice' .. ,..,_ Ed 1 ,.~ tt 15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 78 mco n ers11 ts _,,, 080 Piiot W1111t ,_\d~ ...... mpacne itaon. 0 ....__ Le th I t All P _,., To Place your .. Fast Result" Service Diredory ad . . Call Now 642-5671 bt. )JJ mileaie. xlnt cond •••••••••••••••••••••••i i Whitt Camaro fixer • er n wr · '7900. TSO·~ __ ·78 c d VII t upper. as 1s. $450 CASH. Luxury Package Xlnt gg..9207 rond.~bra~ud n~· r~11~1 _M,1'8·5,631·1733 Joa!1_ Cond 37~.~!~ '73GRANDPRIX ·~~~ S~l~Br~· wl'i-wall T A tires. spec a..f'Olet 9920 _....,._ °"""' ~:.~for pickup beforettam touring suspension. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 9952 -"".~=o....;;.=--- AM1FM Birk stereo all '71 CL-ill-....................... n • :Mid 9970 It.hr uphol . full power. -••-'18 Mustang T· Top Ork ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Pettr. wknd~ eves Power steering, power Blue Xlnl Cond S3700 '76 T·Bird. hardtop, 47K 673-8409. 9.5 Mon fra brakes. gd rond. runs Or Bes t Call Evts , ml .. all power. clean. m 7991 Xlnl t950894"552 842·9463 Sl,000. ~U7 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • MEWPOllT DATSUN IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC COSTA MESA DATSUN 2929 liart>or Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5"6-1934 3 blocks eouth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete 1body shop. Sat•. Service Parts. Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A.M. fo S 30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to S P.M. on Saturday 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bnstol behind V1c- tort1 Station. Sat". Service, Leasing & Parts. Aeet dht- counts to the public 13600 Beach Blvd Westm1nste< Tel 892-6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Safes. Service. Parts 284'5 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 5"(H).410 Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mile So 405 • IE.A CH IMPOtrTS 'l &48 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel 752--0900 Call us, we're the 1pec1allsts for Alfa Romeo . Peugeot, Saab & MHaratl • THEODOREROlaHSFORD • NAIEllS CADIUAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 540-9100 Orange County s Larges< Cadlttac dealer. Sales. Sefvtoe Leu· Ing • DAVID J . PHILUPS ~UtCX.f'ONTIACMA%DA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway • SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach ~ .............. ,...! .. SALES HOURS Mon -Fri 9-7. Sat 9-S, Sun 10-4 4'94-1131 5"6-9967 • SUNSET FORD, IMC. (Home of Withe the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd , Westminstef Tel 636-4010 • • SAMT A AMA DATSUN DGM LEASING, IMC. 730 W 19th St . Coste Mesa 642·19"4' Modern aates, aerv1ce. perts, body. paint & tire depta. Competltlve rates on tease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd., Coate Mesa. 642--0010 or ~11 l..lguna Hills 837·2•00 2001 E. 17th StrHt. Se~ta Ana Tel 558·781 I Your- Or1ginal Oed1c1ted Datsun Deelef. You re 1n for a surpnse at DGM Leasing. • JOHNSON Ir SOM UNCOlH MBCORY 2928 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-5630 57 Y1ar1 d fr*1dty famuy sel"ilce -Orange County'• oldest I.in· ooln·Me~ury de'alershlp • SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Hatbor Blvd .. Coate M..a. Tel 5'40-0330 RV MNlce 1pte1et11ta, c.uttom van con\191'1iona. • Tel. • G) CHICK IVUSON roll5CH6-AUD'9VW 41 5 E. Cout Hwy .. Newport BMch. 873-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with these three great makel under one roof' • ALAN M•GNOM rotnlAC-SUIAJU 2"80 Harbor Blvd .. Co•C. Mela. Tel ~. Sel .... Service, Leasing "Mr. Ooodwrench." 0 HOUSI OF 1...-otn'S MllCml519fl .... ~. Lee.a.t 8882 Menchetter Blvd , Buena Park (on Senta Ana Frww1y). nke heel\ 81¥d Clttraml) -sharp right on Mench9tter. DIAL MER.CEDES (213 or 71•) 837·2333 . . • MIRACU MAJDA We'119 movedl Our new location ia 1425 Baker Street, Coeta Mesa. Tel. 5"5-3334. Stop by & \llllt our brand new llhowroom and He why we're the 11 Mazda deeltr In South«n C.lllornla Sales. Service, Parts and Leasing • ANAHEIM MAZDA "o.tr o.c. ...... De4w .... "'" 5-D .._ C:.." 601 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 958-1820. Just north of Senta Ana Frwy, on ANhelrn Btvd. C.11 us flrwtf 'WE ARE HARD TO ANO--eUT WORTH ITI" • SADDLllACK IMW/~U 2&402 Marguerite Pkwy.,Avery Pk~. •It We ottw whet no bank Or 1 .... oompehy can: 1. E•pertly stelfed. mo9t modet"n aervlc• & perts dtpl; 2 On• of the Southltnd • moat ••per1encecs. $Ilea l i...ln~=· 3 Elimination or ti\• middleman by lelllng dufer . 831-2CMO 496 1849 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONT ACT YouR DAILY PILOT R~P. ° CONHB.L CHEVIOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd., Co11f Mela. ~ 20 years •rvfng Orange County! SelN, 1...ing. NrVloe. call 64e~t200; 1ptelal perta llne; 5*-9400: body shop line; 754-0400. • ROY CAIYU IOU.S IOYCl-IMW 1540 JamborH Road. Newport BNch. ~Se••. Service. Parta And LHalng. COHSIDH IT SOI.DI UNd cars era in demand end Mii Q"dlty when edvertlNd In cJasaifled To piece your private pwty lld. cell Salty~ •642-5678 t J1 * • • • • YDUI HDMITDWN UllY PIPER M o N D AV n 1u111Anv H '1t :1 :) ORANGE COUNT V. C AL I ~ OHNIA 25 CENTS ''Budget Express' f~ces tough going WASHINGTON (AP> - React.ions from Democrat.a and Republlcana alike to the preaident'a 1883 budJet indicate the Reac-.nomlca Express that roared tbrou1h Con1re11 lut year will have to build up a lot more steam to make the ,rade this time. budget battle victories laat 1o·round doubt that bla new spending plan -callln1 tor a $757 .6 billion budset and a projected deficit of $91.5 bUUon -wlll tare nearly so well In th1a election-year Con,ress. after being briefed on the Reagan bud1et proposal. Added Kansas Republican Bob Dole, Senate Finance Committee chairman: "I don't believe anybody realistically believes that we're going to accomplish everything the president suggest.a . . . . I don't think we can tolerate a $92 billion deficit -and that's an optimistic ttiure," he said. ·'The Republlcana 1 talk to . . are rri1htened about the deficits," said Dole, who also predicted Rea1an's proposed further slaahin1 of food stamp and other domestie spending face uphill battles. Even the Rea1an congressional allies who were Instrumental in the succession of Deputy Senate Republican leader Ted Stevens of Alaska, in a reaction typical of several colleagues, commented: "I wu just sort of in a state of shock" Some Democrats .spoke more barshl,Y of the budget being formally submitted to Congress today. "There's a little ·Alice in LIQUID ASSET STORED -Diemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda is a key stopover for water imported from Northern California and Colorado River destined for Orange County use. The next st.op, through pipes or various local water agencies and with small additions from groundwater supplies, is the faucet. Water question kft to voters June 8 ballot will decide if massive system is massive enough By STEVE TRIPOLI Of .. Delly .... ~ To astronauts in orbit around the Earth just t\vo man-made creations are visible -the Great Wall of China and the California Aqueduct, the pipeline that brings much of Southern California'• water to the area. The 444 miles or aqueduct underscores the importance or water to Southern California, and the enormous task or getting enough here to rm the needs of the Southland's 13 milllon residents. It's an importance that just does not register with most area residents. water officials say. "People think water comes from under the house," says Neil Cline, secretary-manager or the Orange County Water District. Though that perception may reflect reality in some other parts of the country, it most definitely is not the case in semi-arid Southern California and along most of the Orange Coast. In fact, most water that comes to the faucets, factories and farms or this area travels one of the longest, most energy-consuming, most man-made paths or any water supply in the world. Not surprisingly, creation and expansion of that system bas spawned an intense and complex running political debate. A major chapter of that debate, and what promi.ses to be the most bitterly-fought one yet, will unfold over PERIPHERAL CANAL VOTE Campelgn ....... defined, Pege 81 the next five months and climax in a referendum vote June 8. Al stake are new additions to the system, which ls known as the State Water Project. They have been called everything from essential to the future of Southern California to an unnecessary multi-billion dollar waste that benefits only big business. The proposed Peripheral CanaJ is just one of those additions. In order to understand how we have arrived at this crossroads, It is useful to know the water aystem as it ellista and as propooenta of the expansion would like to aee it crow. Water that eventually reaches the Oran1e Cout falls from the sky aa far away as the moul'ltaina In the northernmost parts of the state, runnin& into the Pit, Feather, Yuba, Bear and American riven, all of which feed into tbe larcer Sacramento River. llucb of that water already bu been touched by human tecbnolo1Y even before it reaches the upper Sacramento River. Shut.a Lake and Claire EnC)e Lek•. two maulv• reaervoira that a.re UM main holdin1 unJta of the federal Central Valley Project, capturt tb• water behind clams for releue into the Sacramento u needed to ftll the nMCll oftbe Central Valley. ' • I o.I" ..... "919 ., 0..,--- LAUNOEAING WATER -Bob Ross or Diemer filtration plant in Yorba Linda checks flow into one of laundering . devices which route water into filters inside building. Lake Oroville and the Oroville Dam on the Feather River are U\e northem anchors of the State Water Project wbich serves Soutbem Calllornia. The lake holds. when tun, more than enouch water to meet all of Southern Callfomla'1 needa for a year. Water from the dams of the atate and federal project• ta releued lnto the Sacramento lllver to joln natural ruootf 00 a trtp toward tbe Sa~ Joa= ~L wbere UM-SeerallMllltO and ~it"rwnMiltMltolSu Praaei9co Ba1; Tbe Delta ftnt •....U-tn~ tbe INV, UMD tbe Paclftc Oeea. The Delta, a ...,.,..hly trlancuJar mate I of waterways and heavily-farmed islands about 40 miles wide, is to much of the state's water supply what a switchboard 111 to a telephone system. It is there that the state and federal water projects. with the exception of a shared r~rvoir 70 miles south, go their sepa rate ways. Many communities around the Della draw their water directly from it also. Water used by three-fourths or the state's residents flows through it. Like other estuaries, the Delta also is a key spawning area for much marine life and an important link in the life cycles or many thousands or waterfowl. Additionally, it is an important part or the recreational and sporting lives of many Californians, and it supports a $300 million-a -year agricultural industry. For all these reasons It also is a central focus of the debate over expansion or the State Water Project,' particularly the Peripheral Canal question. On the south edge of the Delta, near the town of Byron Hot Springs, is a facility known as the Clifton Court Fore bay. The fore bay. a man-made water holding facility, feeds into six pumps which lift the Della water ~ reel into the start of the California Aqueduct. The aqueduct is not the final piece of human involvement in carrying the water south, however. At several points along lt huge pumps are needed to lift the water over hills and mountains. It is easily the most energy-consuming activity in the state. . The biggest of the pumping plants, the Edmonston plant at the base or the Tehachapi Mountains, can lift up to two billion gallons of water a day 2,000 f~t up over the mountains. Its daily energy consumption equals that of the city of San Francisco. Once over the Tebacbapis the aqueduct splits into one branch leadinl into Los Angeles County and the East Branch, bringing water to Oran1e, San Bernardino, Riverside and San Diec<> counties. Wat.er beaded for the Oraqe Cout does not go to the end of the aqueduct at Perris Lake in Riverside County, bu.tis diverted from Lake Silverwood ln San Bernardino County th.rou1b a pipeline to the Dlemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda .. Since water delivered down the aqueduct la not the Oran1• Cout'1 Oftly source, the trip will end at the Diemer Plant for a moment in order to quickb' trace the test of the supply. The second major source l• tht Colorado River, •hieb is tapped .. it winds alone tba CaUfornla-Ariaoaa border at Lake Hanau and delivered acro11 tb• Mt·mlle Colorado River Aqueduct to Latt ••thews near Rtvenlde. From &Mre, water destined {See ""Ta.a· .... .U> • .. Wonderland' vtew to this budget ,'' House Budget Committee Chairman James R. Jones of Okhthoma said "I think the task for Congress 1s to honestly face reality.'' Although Jones said "the economic recovery will be thwarted" unless the deficit is reduced and pressure on interest rates lessens, he said both parties in Congress are in a "state of paralysis" and that no consensus on an alternate plan has matenaUzed. "There ts a poss1bihty later this spring that leaders or both parties can get together to rewrite this budget in such a way that it meets the economic problems head-on," said Jones. "That's probably what it's gol.ne Lo take -it's going to take a (See BUDGE1, Page AZ) 32 lives lost in Tokyo hotel fire disaster TOKYO <APl -A fire raced through the two top floors or the 10-story Hotel New Japan in central Tokyo early today, killing 32 people and serioualy injuring more than two dozen others. A number of foreigners were among the victims, including an American woman who was badly hurt when she jumped four floors and a San Francisco man hospitalized with smoke inhalation. Some 50 other Americans from Hawaii escaped unhurt Hotel manager Masao Hataoo said 350 guests were booked into the 500-room hote l when the pre-dawn blaze broke out. He satd the financially troubled hotel could not acquire enough bank loans to cover the cost of a complete sprinkler system. There were a limited number of sprinklers on the lint eight floors, but none on the top two floors that were devastated by the flames, Hatano s aid. After a six-hour inspection, Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Sunio Kiono said there was a "high possibility" the fire began in a ninth floor room that was reserved by an Englishman under the name of Steve Dicker. "We still don't know where Dicker is, whether he's alive or not," K.iono said , "That's why we cannot say anything about the cause of the fire." Fire officials also said the hote l in the busy Akasaka <See TOKYO, Page AZ> Services slated for David Baker Memorial funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Santa Ana, for former Orange County Supervisor David Baker, who died Saturday al his Southern California mountain cabin. He was 63. Mr. Baker, a native of Salt Lake City, served three four-year terms on the board of supervisors between 1962 and 1974 . He served as board chairman in 1967. The Garden Grove resident represented the seco nd supervisorial district that, in addition lo Garden Grove, included the cities of Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. A daughter, Laurie Baker, of Garden Grove. said Mr. Baker died of a heart attack about 3 p.m . Saturday al his cabin at Ce dar Glen in the Lake Arrowhead area in the San Bernardino Mountains. After losing to Laurence Schmit in the 1974 second district election, Baker became a consultant in the waste disposal industry and spent much of his time at Cedar Glen working on his cabin, Ms. Baker said. Prior to defeating then-Supervisor Willis Warner in the 1962 elections, Mr. Baker worked as a county employee. Baker fl.rst challenged Warner in 1958, but lost. During his terms on the board, Mr. Baker was credited with being instrumental in formation of the Southern California Association of Governments, a Ex-envoy Jock Whitney 'dies at 77 M~tt. N.Y. <AP) John Hay Whitney, the scion of a fabulously wealthy and dhttn1utsbed family and one-time ambassador to Great Britain, died today at North Shore Holpita1 after an ext.ended illness. He WU.TT. Known u "Jock," Whitney wa1 an international polo player in \be uaoe. a movie •producer ln the 'IOI and '40s with partner David 0 . Selanick, and a diplomat in the '50I aa Prelident l:lHnbower'a ambassador to the Court ot St. James, and in tbe 'eGI the founder and board chairman of Wbllney CommualeaUon1 Corp .• an empire thM bad u tt n.,.hlp tbe N11r Yort Herald Tribune. A 1JW1uate of Grotoa, Yale, (>Jee WIDTNl:Y 1 Pa1e AZ) D...., ...... , ......... SUCCUMBS Former Oranj?e County Supervisor David Baker . 63 . died Saturda ' at his mountain cabin · regional planning group made up of city and county governments, and tbe Southern Califo rnia Air Quality Management District. In 1973. then-Gov. Ronald' Reagan appointed Mr. Baker to the stale Solid Waste Management Board. In addition to Ms. Baker, the former supervisor is survived by anothe r daughter. Melissa Sweet, of Costa Mesa; a stepson, Robert Bard, of West Los Angeles, and six grandchildren. Mr. Baker's wife, Jean, died in 1973. ORAIGI CUST WIATIHR Variable cloudiness becoming mostly fair Tuesday. Highs S6 to 64. Overnight lows 4S to 53. :! llDfl 1-1 ... ' .. . ~, e:r·E ............. ?!!!! ..... .::· ............. ==-~ ....., Al ••••• Piiblic to ·ffile I mUr8.l fiae 8y a101AAD GREEN °'............... . Creators •nd c~ica of an Irvine lt.l•b School mural have •creed to dlaplay It publlcl)' and let the people decide whether It should be put •P permanently at the school, 1t was announced today. R uaty Kennedy, executl ve dlrector of the Orange County Hu~ Relations Commisalon. said the proposal will be considered Wednesday by the ' Irvine Unified School Diatrlct trustees. 1cho0I admlnbtratora. h•ven't ~en worked out but p u.mably the '" x ?-foot mural, whlcb bu been criticized •• b•ln1 offensive to blacb, would be -· displayed this week in a public place. Viewers would be asked to write what they thought of the artwork and whether it should be permanently displayed at Irvine Hl&h. He said the exact details of the &agreement, reached Friday by 1 lconcemed parents, teachers and I i ew lease Tbe school trustees would then review Ule public commeota and decide the u_Jtimate fate of the mural, tbe most controversial portion of which ls a panel depicting black people being consumed by names emanatin1 from the hoods of Ku Klux Klansmen, said Kennedy. Irvine High School teachers ,Mildred Miller and Grenada Gaston, both black, said this panel was offensive after the student-created mural was privately displayed last October. ~ or Irvine arbershop ! The Irvine Company 1. decided to extend by five years the commercial lease of the University Park Barber Stylists shop in Irvine, it was announced today. The company decision reverses an earlier one calling for cancellation of the lease. Company spokes man Dan arlsson and shop owner Jim Anderson confirmed that the ew lease would be signed in a :30 p.m. ceremony today. Its earlter decision to cancel nderson 's lease drew angry rilicism from Anderson, rus us tomers and other s hop owners who said they feared 'heir own leases might be £pnceled. ~t Company spokesmen said the ~ riginal decision to cancel the arber shop's lease grew out of ~desire to increase foot traffic o the University Park Shopping 1 enter. k Carlsson said that an In and qut Photo shop was to have litis placed the barber shop r(nstead, the photo shop will now '~ located in another place in t he shopping center. 1. r ~arrested 1bfter fight ~lnSan]uan "Jft A San Juan Capiitrano man • ~as listed in stable condition !'l'Oday at Mission Communjty Hospital in Mission Viejo after _fUffering a fractured skull in a : fight Saturday. ' • According to Orange County heriff's deputies, Enrique nsaga, 22. suffered the skull ture during a fight with five en al about 1 :20 p.m. at his me, 3104 CalJe San Diego. Also injured in the fight was onsaga 's brother. Francisco onsaga , 25, a s heriff's okesman said, wbo was ated at Mission Community ospilal for head lacerations, l wasn't hospitalized. Arrested on suspicion of tempted murder rouowing the ghl were Antonio Barrera ailon, 21, and Filberto Flores, , both of Dana Point. the eriff's spokesman said. Also arrested were Trinadad alDonaldo. 22: David Soto Jla mirez, 23; and Paulino ~eyna, 22. All three are from ~an Juan Capistrano. Planes crash ix perish HOMESTEAD, lt'la. (AP> - wo small airplanes crashed in e Everglades west of this ulh Florida city. killing al ast six people. police said ay. They said no survivors were und. • The planes , o n e a ngle-engine and the other a ln-engjne, apparently crashed about 5 p.m. Sunday, but the reckaaes were not discovered til this morning. Jim Baab, a spokesman for "h e M e tr o · D a d e po I i c e epartment, said the planes pparently collided while turning from a seafood stivaJ al Everglades City on lorida's southwest coast. This i mpres sio n was confirmed b.y some black parents who later viewed the mural, school officials said. Meanwhile, the 17 students of various racial backgrounds who prepared the mural and Bruce Baron, their faculty adviser who directed say it is worthy of permanent display al the school, whicf\ has a 26 percent minority enrollment. Students began preparing the mural in the Call of 1980. The project was funded by the stale School Improvement Program. It was intended to promote racial unity at the school. Officials called in the Orange County Human Re!Ations Commission to school district headquarters Friday to mediate the dispute between the mural creators and critics. From Page A1 BUDGET • • • bipartisan consensus.·· . He predicted Congress will rise above political bickering a nd sho w so m e "statesmanship" as it wrestles 't'ith the ecenomy. If it doesn't, he said, there will likely be a lot of new faces on Capitol Hill after next November's election. Jones said bis goals in an alternate budget would include a smaller deficit, adequate funds ror education. job programs and other "human capital needs." spreading the budget reductions around more fairly and scaling down Reagan 's proposed defense buildup -which calls for $221. l billion in Pentagon spending for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. Top administration officials countered Sunday that there is little room for change in what$ Reagan is proposing for the budget without damaging the economy. "The president still has strong s upport in the country." said Reagan counselor Edwin Meese Ill . "l would nev e r underestimate the ability of this preside nt to mobilize the American people behind his policies." Council gets NB's Banning Ranch plan ' Newport Beach City Council members are expected tonight to informally approve a modified version of a plan to develop a 75-acre chunk of West Newport's Banning Ranch. Council members reported they will attempt to pinpoint some middle ground between what the developer is seeking and what neighborine residents are asking for. The two sides are sharply divided and the Ranch plan has e merge d as the most controversial development package of the year in Newport . Beeco Ltd., owners of brushy undeveloped land, want permission to build 239 homes and 730,000 square feet of indusUiaJ and office buUdinp. Residents , many belna members of a group known as tbe West Newport Leg,lllatlve Alliance, want homes to be built· at a less dense ratio, less Industrial building and no office structUTeS. ORANGE COAST Dally Piiat ClaHlhd ~alnt 114M2-M1'1 All otfMtf ~r1mentt 142.q21 'Cool weather, 0.., ................... ...... AUTO VERSUS POLE -A small compact car, driven by Cynde Blomquist, 24, of Newport .Beach, struck an Edison pole SWlday evening and sheared it off clean, leaving the top part dangling from the wires. The accident at Bristol Street. east of R<.•rl Hill Avenue. left Ms Blomquist with minor injuries. She was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital for treatment and released. The pole was listed in critical condition. StOlen LA girl, 3, reunited with folks PHILADELPHIA (AP > - LitUe Natalee Cochran, warmly wrapped in a ski jacket and wool cap, ran across a Philadelphia International AirpQrl waiting room and jumped into her mother's arms "Hi," the 3-year-old girl said. smiling widely. "Did you have a good time?" her mother asked, also s miling. The happy reunion Sunday cross-county adventure that started Jan. 29, when Natalee and her 19-year-old baby sitter disappeared fro~ Los Anieles SERVICES HELD Services were scheduled to bC' hdd toda y f o r I sa dore .J Schneider. 79. of Irvine Irvine worker for senjors dies at 79 Funeral ~rvices were held today for senior citizen activist Isadore J . Schneider, 79, of Irvine, who died Sunday. Mr. Schneider was a member of the Irvine Senior Council, the American Association of Retired Persons, the Jewish Federation Council and the Lions Club. He participated In the WhJte House. Conference on Aging. He was active in planning for the Irvine· Senior Center. an $800,000 project completed more than two years ago. He often attended Irvine City Council meetings and spoke about Issues affecting senior cltiiens. He was an attorney for North American AviaUon in Downey before relirlng 19 years ago. Mr Schnelder ls survived by his wlfe, Ruth; son, Robert of Tustin; daughters Mildred Schreiber of New York, N.Y., and Alice Beaton of Los Anaeles. He is also survived by two s\sters and one brother, all or Provtdence, 1\.1., the city where Mr. Schllelder was born. Funeral aervlcea were under the dlrectlon of Harbor Lawn-Mount OUve Mortuary or Costa Mesa. suburb. Mother and daughter flew home lo Hawthorne, Calif., this morning aft.er spending the night in a local motel. Natalee was rescued Saturday al the Ob Shaw Motel in Gap, Pa. after the baby sitter, Jody Fin.kle, 19. called sheriff's deputies in Carson, Calif., the FBI said. California authorities have charged Miss Fi,nkle with kidnapping and child steallng. Doctors said Natalee was in good condition, altbou1h her congenital illness. h yd rocephal y, requires treatment for a buildup of fluid between the brain and the skull. The doctors said the girl was healthy enough lo fly home with her mother Monday lo Hawthorne, Calif. Natalee's mother. Cathy, flew from Los Angeles to Philadelphia International Airport and was the last person off the plane. Natalee instantly recognized her and ran to ber. Natalee had s pent the last day and a half with David MaJarney, senior FBI agent in Harnsbure. Pa , and his wife. Linda. The couple, who have children aged 5 to 20, drove the girl to Philadelphia on Sunday. "She is a very cute little girl," Malamey said. "She was in a very good mood the whole time." Mrs. Cochran said her house had "been so quiet while Natalee was away. It seemed like an eternity." She said she had known the baby sitter for more than a year and said it was "quite a shock that she would do th ... IS. drizzling to stay on coast Urlally, overcHl aklea and brtak temperaturea are expected .to conUnve aJoa1 the Or°'e Coast t.hrouah Tuesday with only an outside chance of any measurable rain. Cout resldenta awoke today to a brief downpour that aoaked streets, but hiked the aeuoa's ralnfall total by only a fraction. ln Costa Mesa, accordin1 to Oran1e County Flood Cootrol offlciala, the rain 1•u1e showed that only .15 of an inch bad dropped by 8 •.m. That brou&bt the season total up to 6.71 inches, • n1ure far ahead of last year's 2.70 ind.a at the same time. Tbe average county rainfall at this time of year la 7 .6 inches. In HunUnaton Beach, weather watcher J . Sherman Denny calculated that only .12 of an inch fell early today. Denny said today's driztle brings Huntington'• season total up to 6 . .0 inches compared to 4.93 inches last year. ·'Thia storm even fooled the weather bureau ," Denny suggested. "The forecast was for a clear afternoon Sunday and lo and behold il started rain.in&." Calilornia Highway Patrol officers said the brief shower today is being blamed for causing a tractor trailer truck to jackknife in the northbound lanes of the San Diego Freeway in Laguna Hills. N ali9nal Weather Bureau officials said there is a 30 percent chance of showers From Page A1 TOKYO. • • nightclub district was buJ.lt with hollow spaces in the walls between rooms. The fire code now requires fireproof blocks which might have impeded the spread of the names, they said. Hotel Employe~,s' Union spokesman Yukinori Anan attributed the msaster lo the hotel's backward fire 'prevention system and underst.tfln&-He said the hotel cut its staff fn}cp 300 in 1975 to 140 thi5 year. , Only nine room s ervice workers, including two telephone operators, were on duty during the overnjght shill, be said. · Officials said at least three people jumped to their dea~. One guest, Donald McGhee or Melbourne, Australia, said he saw a man clinging to a sheet dangling from a 9th rloor window. "Finally the names got to him and be dropped," said McGhee. "It was extremely hard to breathe and the situation was near panic," said &kGbee's son Andrew, 25. "People were falling down the stairs of the fire escape." Hundreds of firefighters using 88 pieces of equipment battled the stubborn blaze for seven hours alter it started about 3:30 a.m . It was declared out shortly before ooon. •'All that is left in some rooms are the bedsprings," said a fire department spokesman who toured the gutted floors. Most of the deaths were from asphyxiation, officials said. through Tuesday, but that the drinles wtu continue through mid-week. Temperatures, they said, should reach a hlgh of 80 de1rees alone the coast, dropping to about S3 degrees at night. Inland temperatures are expected lo be a few degrees warmer. ·Bodies of nllssing pair found The remains or two Orange County dune buggy enthusiasts missing since Nov. 4, 1981 were discovered Saturday afternoon by a hiker in Brea Canyon, east of Carbon Canyon Regional Park. A spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department reported the decomposed bodies of John Sliltkerveer, 25, of Santa An a, and 24 -year-old Clark Baish, of Fullerton, were found in bigb, dens~ brush not far from where their dun e buggy apparently went over a cliff. Parts or the dune buggy were strewn over the area, according to the sh'eriff's department spokesman. Sheriff's department searchers bad searched unsuccessfully for the two men since they first were reported missing last year. It appeared the dune buggy had sailed from a dirt road over a cliff and out 150 feet before smashing into the ground. "The road takes a real sharp left turn and they went straight instead of taking the tum," said Deputy Phil Johnson. It appeared the two were killed instantly , s heriff's deputies said. From Page A1 wmTNEY • • and Oxford, Whitney was ooe of the few men who cou.ld boast two grandfathers who had been presidential cabinet members. His mother's father. Johll Hay, was personal secretary and biographer of Abraham Lincoln and later secretary of state under Presidents McKinl~y and Theodore Roosevelt. His paternal grandfather, William Courtney Whitney, who died in 1904 , the year of Whitney's birth in Ellsworth, Maine, was secretary or the Navy under President Grover Cleveland. Upon retiring from the London Qmbassado r s hip in 1957 , Whitne y became board chairman or the communications firm, a wholly owned Whitney company that had earlier purchased Parade Magazine. Wbitn'ey also assumed direction of the Herald Tribune, fulfilling an ambition lo be a publisher that he first nurtured as an undergraduate contributor to a Yale literary magazine. The newspaper closed Aug. IS, 1966, after it had merged with the World Telegram & Sun and the Journal American, two other ailing newspapers. ~ $15 For 2 Sessions Hewt Call For AeMfVatlon1 831-3144 LW: 20 people Dmty ...... ~..., .. , .. ...._ WATER WORKFORCE -Gordon Elser holds permeable membrane in front of reverse osmosis cylinders used to clean water at Fountain Valley facility. Below. Bill Carter and Bob Ross work in control room al Diemer Plant. From PageA1 WATER • • • for the Oran1e CoHt al10 la piped to the Dltmer Plant. Coastal cltlea south of Newport Beach, and Inland Orange County dtiet from Irvine south, receive thelr' imported water directly from the Diemer Plant after It is treated there. Some of these communltlea, notably Irvine, also have groundwater suppllea that supplement their imported water. For Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and Orange Coast cltiea from Newport Beach north, water from the Diemer plant constitutes just 75 percent of their supply. These cities, members of the Orange County Water District, 1et the remainder from underground aqullers fed by the Sa.nta Ana River. The water Is captured by the district ln Anaheim and allowed to soak through the ground Into the aquifers The next stop, through the pipes of various local waler agencies and with small additions Crom local groundwater supplies, Is the faucet. As impressive, e no rmous and technologically marvelous as the system is, a debate now rages over whether 1t ts enough to meet Southern California's future needs. The debate will without doubt become far more voc1:.I, public and intense in the days between now a nd June 8, when voters s tatewide will decide the question. What exactly is the question? Its title 1s Senate Bill 200, or SB 200, a nd it was passed b y the state Legislature and approved by Gov Edmund G. Brown Jr in 1980. Opponents of the bill quickly gathered enough signatures to place approval of S B 200 before the voters, however. SB 200 1s a huge package, the cost of which is one focus of the intense debate surrounding the issue. designed to expand State Water Project facilities to a s ize propone nts say was envisioned when the project was approved by voters in 1959 Though the cost of the SB 200 package 1s a subject o f d e bat e . a recently.formed coalition opposed lo it seems content lo use some pro-SB 200 estimates that the package, exclusive of the cost of servicing the debt through bond sales, will cost $5.4 billion m 1981 dollars Fac1lilles and programs authorized in SB 200, and the costs as estimated by t he state Dep a rtme nt o f Water Resources. are T h e P e r 1 p h e r a I C a n· a I • a 43-mtle-long, earth-lined ditch that will deliver water from the Sacramento Ri ver near Hood. a community above the Delta , directly to the pumps at the Clifton Court Forebay Estimated cost $1 .3 billion The Los Vaqueros Reservoir, a huge holding fac1hty to be located m easte rn Contra Costa County about eight miles west of the Clifton Court Forebay. Estimated cost $1.9 billion. The Gle nn Rese rvoir /River 01 version Unit. located west of the Sacr amento Ri ver about 100 miles north of Sacramento It could hold enough water to fill all of Southern California's needs for three year!>. Estimllted cost SU billion Enlargement of the East Branch of Showers to continue Coastal Ll911t ••rt•l>I• winos n1011t •nd rno r n l n Q hou r i bf't om t nca IOVtll-Slerly I to 16 knoh w ith 1 to J foot wind ••v•' 1n ••ternoo•u tflr00>9ll Tue.cl•y 0... IO IWO loot IOVtll-rly --41 Mollly cloudy t11rou9h Tund•y wilh • ltw ll9ht IMw•r' U.S. summary Temper•tur .. rem•lneCI t>elow nre IKl"OM Ille -1Nm Pl•IM from ~ ... _,_,....,,~ .... 1y .... , ........ -"""''" ,._ ... ahead of • •••~ uppe r lewel 0 1\lurb•n<• c ould r••urn lhroUQllout the -Th• N•I-Wfft,,.r ~Ykt said r•lnl•ll m11111t ,.._,,. loftlO"I ...., Twtd•y ~ .,,..,.,nt\. 1ilfl0Utd be wry UoM from the Oi-9'1"lred •N!Mr n1ltm, wttl<h wH ok-•no up •ur~• of mol\turt trom M'OUwr Wffthe-.. >Yltt m •outed H" •nd nor1" Ol H•w•ll Oct •sionaf Ught \now tho••rs ,_.,. lortu>I -•.000 fffl In Ille Soutllern C•lllornl• mounl•in• lllr0U9hT.....S.v Extended forecast \ -,, • 0 .. d f'd anmII ---=== LHV99M ... ts Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1982 H/F Proposition number: 9 The referendum on expanalon of the State I Water Project wUl appear on the Jwie ballot .. 1 Propoeltion 9, Secretary of State March P'on1 Eu's otftce aMounced IHt week. . The question wH aaalsnect a propoetuoo number alter Thursday'• deadline for placln& questions on the ballot, said spokesman Dwl1ht Allen. Allen said the exact wordlnl of the proposition and the summary explalnln1 ll to voters hu not yet been decided It la not yet known if Senate BUI 200 <or SB 200), the leglalatioo authorizing the expanalon, wUI be mentioned by name. . Though SB 200 was passed by the state Legislature and signed by Gov. Edmund G. ' Brown Jr. ln July 1980, final approval has been left up to the voters becauae opponent.a of the expansion gathered enough signatures to force a referendum. A package of environmental safeguards tied to the State Water Project expansion, known as ' Proposition 8 when approved by voters In November 1980. needs no further direct action. But it ts important to note that the environmental package goes ln effect ONLY if SB 200/Proposition 9 is ap- proved by voters in June . Appro-) val of expansion automatically \ triggers implementation of the environmental package. t ~ . • t r I ~ THE SYSTEM TODAY -Map shows the Sacramento River . the Delta (circled by broken line l. and the major existing features of the State Water Project. the California Aqueduct near the Los Angeles-San Bernardino County line Estimated cost $275 million Facilities for the protection of the Suis un Marsh near the mouth or the Delta, a critica l stopover point for many migrating waterfowl. Estimated cost S69 million. -Improved g roundwater storage· utilization in the San Joaquin Valley, Southern California and the South San Francisco Bay Area Estimated total cost $265 million Relocation of the intake of the Contra Costa Canal to the outlet of the Peripheral Canal Es timated cost $62 m1lhon. Other wate r transportation and transfer facilities. plus some water con ser va ti o n and wastewater reclamation projects. E stimated cost more than $115 million. Attached to the entire SB 200 program 1s a package of environmental and wild river protections lo be written into the s tate Constitution. already approved by vote rs in November 1980 as Proposition 8 Its long.range enforceability is also a subject of mtense de bate at present. Proposition 8 mandates that Delta water quality s tandards cannot be lowered unless approved by a majority of the state's voters or a two-thirds vote of the Legislature It a lso states that the change ln s tandards cannot "1n any manner reduce the protection of the Delta or of fish and wildlife " T h e other m a jor environmental protection mandated by Proposition 8 Ls 3 ba n on the dammmg of any of the state's offt c1ally designated "wild and s ce nic " rivers . whic h are located primarily in the north coast region-. unless authorized by popular vote or a t wo·thirds vote of the Legislature In addition . the c onstitution$1 a m endment sets a framework fdr speedy resolution of any legal actions which would slow construction of tbe State Water Project. There's only one catch to the whole Proposition 8 package. aside from the debate over its enforceability. It can only go into effect if SB 200 is approved. ovtr central Arlzon• •net -•tern -.... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Con,tder•bl• ctoudln•S\ throu9tt TU<tM!Ay w1tll a ltw llQhl lhowtr> or 1prtnkl.-,, ,.., <N st•I •ftd mount•ln ArtH Hf91> <-Ml> In the cs.wrt •ro• Lttllt l.,.._Alurt ell- lrownsvllt BuffelO c,,.rtnonsc C~ltlnWV c ... .,._ Clllc ... ClnelllftMI Cit,,.._ Columbul 0.1-Ft- Otnwr .. J3 ,. 1 JJ .. )! • n .7 21 ., Little !lock LotA .... le " .. 11 REFRESHING SIGHT st -Wide angle shot Diemer Plant. Each is 18 feet deep and holds 5.25 million gallons of water . ...... WU I CAtlertCI OYtr lllt Cflltr•I Wt C.----tf'ft Louisville Jl • MemPlllt " u ~':::'tiM~ _.. ,.,, o ...... , .. -----------)ol • Ml•ml ,. n ¥11w..,1Lee ' .. ..!;~·~ ':':~ '::':'~.::~ Temperatures Ille pla ..... -.....UWrn l'Mltt ol h " 0 n 1 .. n MtJl~St.P Nasllvlli. Hew Or- .. to 11 tJ SJ JS .. « ... , -...... wflllt ,_,., •ncl a few U...dlo --=•r1 wen fo~t for 10utller11 •nd ..... , .. T .. u IKfffS 9111 -MIMbS~ Valley Into t11e r-11.ii., 5'1MJ ...... --P"dkteel -r 0.....,. -_,..,.,. C.,lforftla •net Ille nor1...,n h.tll of tllt All•nll< C-t. Tem"''"""" -e UIM<ltd lo cllmb 1-9111 tot-Hs '" FIOf'14a, Ula Gulf CoHt. _,.,,.,.,. -..aem THn, ~ Caltfoml• -tllt 1111-~ """""' In IN Mftole Cllolts •net Int• Ill• t--•• Sff" for tlw 11ortller11 fftttrmoulll•ln ra9lon .............. --·II Mii Of , .. ~IM I ...... _,..,.,, Greet l..Ak" MCI--... New~. _..,le 111 ..... _..,.,....,.IM_ Attafttlc c:..t ec,_ Ille Ofllt v .. ..,, oM MVUl<.,.trol p1a111s Imo tM COl!trol ... _..,. ~-. l'«tiH _____ .., ..... ., ... ........ Tflft,.,--... of9UM Ille ,...,.,. ro111•-from tS '91•• 1tro 111 ~ Mlfll, .. u"" ........... lloectl, ..... California LOS AHOELH IAPI -s.telllto ... ..., p1e1urn llldlcn """' ·11o114 rel11 1110-0 wlllcll "!OVed Into S.Uttlom Col...,..... ~Y toNy - Dllr ........ "'Y ......... , ' ---- Alti.ny Albuqw Amerlllo AM-... ........... At1•11ta Atl•ntc etv llattlmore llrml ..... lllsmarcll ..... --- ... u ~. JI t 41 10 .. tJ " " .. , u n n )ol 20 1' u .. " 10 4 ,. 11 01 J3 " °"-"'" O.trell Duluth El PelO Felrti.nkl Hertford ......... ._,.,,)' -. .... lncllletlfl$ Jec:Ullvlle J-•u ltent City " ' u s " ., to J S4 21 JI 77 l2 It 11 11 " " .. ,. 2' ·II ,, . lO IS 11 7 ~ SURf RIPORT T_,.a ... ...,.... 1 t I 1 t t I I I I ·-..... ---------- ·We're Listening ••• .02 tO HewYO<lt ., 20 CALll'OllHIA Bek.,lll•ICI '° SI Eur•k• ,, :a. ~r,,no H 4S L•n<•iter , .. ., Los A"9fltS u ~ M4ory1•llle ,. fl O•kl•nd ,, 0 PHO Robin '° u ReCIWOOd City ,. '° S«r-S7 u S.llnas '° .. Sen Oltoo 6l SI S•n Fr...cltco ,. " S.nl• B-r• ' '° • Berstow SJ ll 119 Bear <l , .. Ills"°" .. 17 C•l•lln• ... .. L•ktAr..-..i 0 26 LOft9 BH<ll 62 47 -nrovi. 6l .. Tides TOOAY $9cefld...... 10:.. ...... u TVUOAY l'lnt -J:U e.m. t.J l'lrltllltlft ,, ••• m. u ~IOW 4!bjt.m. ·1.1 lec .... Ntll IO:•tt.M. •.6 Sllfl ,,_ 6:4f •.m. TUHHy, .... S:Jt jt.M . ..... ,... •:11 ""'· _,, ... 7:Sta.m.T~. What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Cal1 the number below and your message wlll be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the ..,propriate editor. The same 24-hour answerina service may be used to record let· ten lo the editor on any topic Mailbox contr1but91"1 must lncludt their name and teJepllo"e number for verlflcatlon. No clrculation call$, please. Tell us what's on your m nd. 642•6086 L shows three or the five settling ' •• basins at our Polo 1ntczrlock, ... thi ~arrlrl'mt a:mirtobla. knit eh\rt hill~~ ~toils and bzmmrzrl, ~fbrod:M.or~'WU!r. 6V&1abla. in 25 gnz.o.t cnlcl5. if bz hae cnz, hz rnrry ~ want ihlmeU . ~(go@@)~~ 44 Foahlon lllond • N~ &och • 714/644·50'10 1001 WatUlood Blud. • ~ \Jllkige • 2J3/20IJ-#1S ., l A4 H/F Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. February 8. 1982 WillU~ffi[~J !Reagan risks rebellion Remams firm on tax cuts. and military expansion WASHINGTON <AP > NllllD lllllYBIS Prnldent Reasan la prepand to lft8 rt.at a Republican rebellion ln Consreaa and political embarruament. ln public rather dazed Congress a budget plan than trade bh tax cut.s and a with deficita averaging a record mualve mlllt.ary expansion for $91 bllllon a year from 1982 smaller bud1et deflclta. through UIM and a plea "to shWl retreat'· from his tax -cut When lt became obvlous lut prescription for economic year that be could not slash recovery. peraonal tax rates, launch a A c co rd I n I t o m a n y record increase in defense in d e p end ent estimates, apendlq and balance the budget Reagan's budget deficits couJd by 198', Reagan abandoned the soar above $100 billion a year balanced budget without because Congress is certain t.o hesitancy. reject some, if not most, of the Even ln recent weeks, when it administration's $56 billion became clear he was facing the package of budget savings for lar1est deficits in history, 1983. Without the savings, and our security-based defenae pro1rama are right and neceHar y for long-run peace and prosperity, and must not be tampered with in a vain attempt to cure deficits ln the short nm." But re-educating a Congress facing re-elecUon in nine months will be no easy task for a president who declared one year aao OD the floor of the House: "We know now that ioflatlon results from all that deficit spending." Reagan's Republican allies in Congress, describing themselves as "frightened" and "in shock," spoke over the weekend about rewriting the budget to increase taxes and cut defense spendinl(. Reagan resisted his advisers' deficits would swell to $147 ur1inp t.o seek higher taxes and billion in l983 and $167 billion in Congressional Democrats, cuta in his Pentagon budget. 1984· meanwhile, were reviving their "Our budget deficits will be campaign to rescind at least Today, this conservative large,"Reagan saidwithablt of part of the t hree -year , 23 Republican president who understatement in a message percent cut in individual tax promised lo tame the federal accompanying his budget. "But rates that the president won in budget is sending an already our mcentive-mmded tax policy 1981 ~~~~~~~~~~~"--___;:_~~=-~~- -...... "•"' UNTIMELY DEA TH Susan Cummings, 17 , a terminal cancer patient, gave birth to a son, Brian. who was addicted to morphine Cancer victim dies, leaves child behind BROCKTON, Mass CAP) - Brian will never know ha s mother, but he will know her sacrifice. Susan Cummings, 17, unwed and a former runaway, had terminal cancer and knew if she had her baby. 1t would hasten her death. "She was very much aware the baby would shorten her lire ," her r ather . Bernie Cummings, told the Brockton Enterprise m a story published Sunday. "But she got a chance to see h.im, that's what kept her ahve. "You couldn't put into words the s truggle she went through. I think she left Brian as a piece of herself,'' Cummings said. Brian was born prematurely on Nov 25, weighing barely three pounds and addicted t.o the morphine that deadened his mother's pain during her final days. Susan died Jan 30 Cummings, 42, and his wile, Marilyn, 39 the parents of four other children have custody of Brian Brian is no longer addicted but he 1s stlll in Boston's Children's llo!ipital. plagued with hyahne membrane disease -the disease that killed a child of President John F Kennedy .and living from onl' day to the next Poland, Soviets strengthen ties WARSAW, Poland (AP> - The military re1&lme announced plans today t.o increue Poland'• economic ties wltb the Soviet bloc and tough new conditions for trate union activity. At the same time, Poles were warned for the first time that bread may be rationed. University campuses opened today for the first time since martial law was Imposed Dec. 13. At Warsaw Univer sity. students attended lectures on martial law regulations, the news agency PAP said. Israel condemns U.N. resolution By The Assocl.ated PreH Israel's government has rejected the United Na lions' "malicious recommendation" to punish it for annexing Syria's Golan Heights by cutting off all military, trade and diplomatic ties. Al the same time, Syrian President Hafez Assad vowed Sunday to "shed blood" to st.op what he called a U.S.-Zionist plot to control the ! iddle East. Shuttle Columbia ahead of schedule CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. <AP) Kennedy Space Center technicians, ahead of schedule with electrical connection checks, hope to roll the space s huttle Columbia out to its launch pad a day early Meanwhile, NASA officials, pleased Wlth President Reagan's proposed $6.6 billion space budget for the next fiscal year, announced a schedule that tncludes six shuttle launches in the fi scal year beginnmg Oct. 1 Auto n 1orkers set to resume talks DEARBORN, Mich. <AP> After a week of studying Ford Motor Co's cost-reduction proposal, negotiators for the United Auto Workers say they're ready to begin demanding changes "We now have pretty well explored the company proposal," UAW Vice President Donald Ephlin said Saturday. Skytrain demue spurs rate hikes LONDON CAP) Trans-Atlantic air fares could soar by as much aa 30 percent within the next three months aa airlines seek rate hlkea following the crash of Sir Freddie Laker's cheap-seat Skytrain service, British newspapers reported today. The remainlne tra.na-Atlaotic airlines have begun filing rate hike requests Ith the British Ci vii Aviation authorit y, the papers said. They are citing a slump in business brought on by the recession, as well as rising costs. Convict admits to 'slaying 1~' PUNTA GORDA, Fla. (AP> - A paroled convict has confessed to killing at least 12 people in five states within the last three weeks, police say Robert Dale Henderson, 36. of Eckmansville, Ohio, who s urrendered to police Saturday, is being held without bond m the Charlotte County Jail Saudis welcome U.S. secretary RIYADH, Saudi Arabia CAP) -Vis iting U S Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger conferred here today with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al·FaasaJ on bilateral relations and "issues of mutual interest," the Saudi Press Agency said . W em berger is on the third day of a visit to the oil-rich kingdom. His talks are centering on security problems facing the Saudis and their allies an the Persian Gulf. 2 ships collide in Mexico gulf M lAMI CAP> Two merchant ships collided early today in the Gulf of Mexico about 150 miles west of Key West. Fla., fo rcing the crew of one of the vessels to abandon srup, the Coast Guard reported. There were no immediate reports of injuries. Nobody does it rzdl2 ~ ~ \ ' ' _J Orange Coast DAIL y PILOT/Monday. February 8. , 982 H/F A• -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ~UillU~ Natalie Wood film production resumes CULVER CITY (AP> -had apparently been playln1 l'Umlna of "Brainltorm," idled with matches in the motor home 1lnce Natalie Wood's death, was when the fire beean, aaid $£t. 1lated to resumo today and the Carl Mehr of the Footbill director says "no one will ever Division. detect that Natalie ta ml.u1n1 Ja;led ant•-n••ke from any part of the picture." .. .. • .... Fllmln1 was baited followtne t l ~ d M iss Wood's accidental pro es ers Jree drowning off Catalina faland last p L EA SA NT O N ( A P ) Nov. 29 durln' a Tbankseivtne Anti-nuclear bomb protesters weekend yachtinl expedition. jailed in connection with last Ylsa Wood, who co-starred ln week 's demonstration and tbe science fiction film with blockade at the Lawrence Christopher Walken and Cliff Livermore Laboratory have Robertson, had completed 35 been released from the Santa days of shooting and was Rita Rehabilitation Center. scheduled for only four more The 30 m e mbe r s or the when she died, Trumbull said. Livermore Action Group who For the film as a whole, 13 days chose five·day s entences at the of a 60-day shooting schedule Alameda County Jail rather remained undone. than community service were Search pressed . released Sunday. Sheriff's Sgt. Bill Smith said. for missing tot Arson suspected CONCORD <AP> -Police • B /0 have intensified their search for in ay area ires 2-year-old Tara Burke, who was SAN FRANCISCO <AP> snatched from the parking lot or Fire investigator s s a y they a Concord auto s upply store believe someone deliberately set while her pare nts w e re fo ur weekend fires that SEARCHING FOR VICTIMS -Los Angeles firefighters search through the burned out upper fl oors of a five-story apartme nt building looking for more victims of a fire ............ Sunday that killed at least three people and injured eight others, three critically. Some residents we re forced to j ump from the burning building. shopping. d es tro yed one home and Police s aid a teen-ager damaged three othe rs in the s • II d LA f • wearing a blue baseball cap cit y's Mission District. ta1rwe s pre a Ire kidnapped the child Saturday No injuries were reported in while her 9-year-old brother . the blazes, which erupted in a $1 hillionl state tax Li hike due?[ LOS ANGELES (AP> -If l California la to maintain lu current level of public health benefit.a ln the wake of Presi- dent Rea1an:s planned budiet 1~ changes, the state may have to 3 raise taxes by U billion, is California officials say. dJ The problem in the "new m federallam" budeet is that while 111 Waahineton would pay the full cost of Medicaid for the poor ln return for states taking •~ responsibility for the cost of food •q a ta mp s and we I fare •• , California's Med1 ·Cal provides 1a more benefits than Washington !d would cover, the officials -au d Democrats -told the Los uf Angeles Times, which carried the story Sunday In U184, the year the s wap of M1 financial responsibilities is~ schedule d , the diffe rence between what Washington would 111 p a y f o r M e d I c a I d a n d I!> California's cos t to maintain current benefits would be $'115 fl million,StaleControllerKenCory q s aid. d State senate majority leader, - Democrat John Garamendi of Walnut Grove, put the figure even higher: $800 million. Another extra $370 million expense to be borne by the state, Cory said, would be for food s tamp and welfare outlays. Cory estimated the 1984 cost at $2.4 billion -$370 million more than the White House estimate. Jeremy,lookedoninfear. si x -blo c k ar e a S unda y, 3 d" 11 · · d ' J...J,._ tJ..."'t / t · "We were getting ready to authorities said ie' zn1ure zn ~e l/;U orces some 0 ]Ump LA . walk out or the store when Fire Lt Paul Murray said the LOS ANGELES (AP> -A fire A 27-year-old woman who fell "'People were screaming and 3Irp0rt ~~~e:,Y ~:e~tyo ~k a~~r~~~~: fires. which caused an estimated that killed three people in a to her death was identified as saying they were stuck and that $260,000 damage, were believed hote l -apartment building and c 0 n c e p c i 0 n L 0 bo s . s aid ther e were names ," said Robert criticized I Elizabeth Burke, the children's set by one person who roamed forced some or the 130 resi'dents 'd Cl · w Bo mother, said on Sunday. Mrs. the 'ghbo h d d 1 investigato r 's a1 e arissa . yer, a t enant "Then the Burke and her husband, Steve nei r 0 0 • ran om Y to jump out wmdows was spread Delacorte of the Los Angeles firemen came with the ladders LOS ANGELES <AP l -Los t or ching debris . by an inside stairwell that acted County coroner's o ffice . A and started to res cue people." Angeles International Airport Burke, were inside an auto F supply storewhenthe abduction ootballers save like a chimney, investigators 5·week-old baby who died in a David Mills. 28. said he has beenlistedas oneofthefive took place. s ay fall fro m the building was Jumped from the building, hit a worst airports in the country in U'Oman a'ter 'all Eleven people were injured in identified as Antonio Campos. pl astic awning a nd s uffered the view or president of the Motor home blaze ;/ 1 J' the fire, which broke out in the Aviation Safety Institute . VALLEJO <AP> -A woman fi ve-storv building early Sunday. Authorities we re trying to some cuts. John Galipault, who heads the k 0 lls b 5 who authorities say apparently Some people jumped when identify the third victim , a man "'All I saw was JUSt a pack of non-profit, private organization, l oy, leaped 146 feet off the Carquinez they found lhe central staircase whose cha rred body was found smoke. I felt the heat and smoke said his rating was based on air LOS ANGELES <AP) -Two Bridge was saved by former and ablaze, but others made it down on the top floor of the 45-year-0ld at my back," he said. "The traffic control, r unway and passing Los Angeles Police current members of the Oakland a back staircase that remained building bathroom window was halfway a 1 r port des ign , d is aster Department sergeants failed in Ra iders football te am who were ietact, fire investigator John A police officer caught open. and 1 JUSt went through " preparedness , congestion and their bid to pull a 5-year -old boy fishing nearby in a boat. Holloway said. another infant by the hair when Boyer said he heard his smo''e weather. The veteran aviator from the names of a burning Thewoman,LindaThengvaJI Hesaidthe fireis believedto a womantossedthechild outa det ector goi ng off . a nd the a l so li s ted S an Diego , motor home, officials said. of Chico, was listed in stable but have started in the second floor, window. an officer said ma nager knocked on his door. Washington National, St. Louis Moses Go nzales, of the c r it i-cal condition at Vallejo a bove the partially underground "He was knocking on as many and Cleveland's Hopkins at the Pacoima area, died in the blaze GeneraJ Hospital where officials first floor of the 00-unit brick Eight to 10 people leaped from doors as he could. When he got bottom of the rankings. Sunday afte r the officers' said she underwent s urgery for bu i Id in g. whi c h rent e d the building after the blaze to the fifth floor he couldn't get Chicago's O'Hare, the nation's unavailing rescue attempt. The internaJ injuries and was treated apa rtments by t he day. week or broke out. s aid fire department to the front of the building busiest airport, ranked as the ~-bo~y.___and~_his_·~4_._y_ea_r_-o~ld~b_roth~_e_r~~fo_r_a~b_ro_k_e_n_s_h_o_u_ld_e_r_.~~~~~-m_o_n_t_h~~~~~~~~~~~~spo~k_e_s_m_an~T~o_ny~D_i_Do~m_e_n_i_co_.~~~be_c_a_u_s_e_o_f_th_e~n_a_m_e_s_._··~~~~~be_st,Gallpa_u_l_t_sa_i_d_.~~~~- better. , This is your world. This is your Winston. The only low tar built on taste. Winston Lights inston L\G\-ffS C IM111.J. "C•NOUll fOllACCO ~ Wins to uG1-rrs 'LIGHTS 11 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. n1cotina. LIGHTS lOO's· 12 mg. "tar". 0.9 mg. nicoune. av. per cigarette. FTC Report DEC. 'Bl. l .. Orange Coat OAJLV PILOT/Monday, February 8, 1882 NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS OUOT&TIOIO l~UO& T•&Ol-liJ• '"· .... •0•11 .... o .. n . l'&C:ll'IC, , ••• tonOtt, OITIOlf &110 Cllt(lltll&TI noc• laC:tlAllOU&llO 111 llOUID IT, ... ll&iO AltO INtTlllllT ~ .. ,. Super Bo wl stock g u ide tr you trusl ln past performance. you 1bould have lnveated heavily lo the 1tock market aMr tbe San Francisco •rs won the Super Bowl. Why! Because In the U previou1 Super Bowls, the followlna relation.ships have been clearly etl.abllahed: 1. lr a tum from the National Jo~ootball Conference <or any team from lh~ old National Football League) wins, tbe market goes up lhat year. For example: when Green Bay won ln 191'7, th• market went up 20 percent: when Dalla.a woo ln 1972, the market went up lS percent: when Pittsburgh won ln 197S and 1980, the market w-ent up 31 percent and 26 percent, respectively. 2. If a team from ... lhe Amerlcun Football Conference wins , the stock market goes down. For examples: when the New York Jets won in 1969, the market went down 11 lllTll IDIRITZ 1 percent; when Miami won in 1974, the market went down 30 percent; when Oakland won In 1977 and 1981, the market went down 11 percent and 10 percent. respectively. This correlation has held for 14 of the 15 previous Super Bowls. The onJy exception occurred in 1970 when Kansas City won. The market ahouJd have gone down but instead finished up by 0.1 percent for the year -virtually a dead heat with 1989. The Super Bowl as a stock market predictor ls explained in a ne'w book just published by Bobbs-Merrill, "How lo Cash ln on the Coming Stock Market Boom!" The author is Myron Kandel, who writes a syndicated business column and serves as rinancial editor of the Cable News Network. Kandel is the perfect person to write a book under this title because he 1s basically an optimist. He always looks -and hopes -for the best. His book contains a good deal of stock market lore. In addition to discovering the Super Bowl connection, you find these other patterns: What's the best month for investing, based on the s tock market performance over the past 28 years' January. December Ctbe year-end rally> is not bad either. Whal 's the worst monlh for investjng? June. May and October are no great shakes, either. What's the best day to invest? Friday. It goes up more often on that day than any other. What's the worst day? Monday. The market invariably goes down on that day. -The stock market's two strongest consecutive days are the Wednesday and Thursday prior to Easter Sunday. Over the past two decades the market has usually scored impressive gains on those days. -What's the \>est hour? Monday between 1 and 2 p.m . The market really shoots up then. But maybe the reason it does is that the worst hour is between noon and 1 p.m. on Mondays. A number of Wall Street hotshots contribute brief essays of advice in Kandel's book. See If you can detect a pattern. William M. LeFevre <Purcell, Graham): "The only two emotions consistenUy exhibited in the stock market are fear and greed .... Much of the investing public, in this fear-and-greed syndrome. buys at the top because their greed tells them the stock is going even higher. and they sell at the bottom. because their fear tells them there is no bottom. This is why the general public consistently loses in the market. This is aJso why large retail brokerage firms are consistently training new salesmen. Each market cycle cleans out another bunch of customers, and usually takes the customers' men with them." ln the end, Kandel calls on six Wall Street types to recommend the six best stocks for "1982 and beyon.d." The 36 they chose are: MCI. Harris Corp .. C ullinane Data Base Systems, Bio-Rad , Chem·Nuclear Systems, Weyerhauser, Amerada Hess, Honeywell , Litton, Missouri Pacific, Northwest Industries. Teledyne. National Education Corp., Times Fiber Communitations. Dun & Bradstreet. The Children's Place. Oak Industries, Dennison Mfg .. On·Line Media, Rovac Corp., General Ener·Tech. Jenex Gold, Silver Seal. Thunder Mountain Gold, Evans Products. Hercules, Bally, Black & Dttker. Jim Walter. Sears-Roebuck, Comdata Network. Community Psychiatric Centers. Doyle Dane Bernbach, General Binding, Quotron Systems. ar,.. U .S SurgicaJ Corp. . What ever happened to all the blue chips? Gol~ metals quotations Gold By The Aasocla&ed Prus Selected world gold prices Monday· , ,_..: morning fixinc $381.SO. off S2. 7S. LGadoa: afternoon fixing $379. 7S, off $4.SO. Parts: $377.25, off $4.lS. Frutfart: $383.00, off $3.SO. Zarklll: Late fixing $380.00, off $2.00 bid. $383 00 asked. Hudy le Rarmaa: (only daily quote> $379.7S, off $4.SO EnceO.ard: <onJy daily quote> $379.75, off $4.SO. Eacelhard: <only daily quote> fabricated $398 74, oil $4.72 Metals NEW YORK CAP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices Monday. Copper 19-81 cents a pound, U.S. destinations. Lead 3()..32 cents a pound. !bte 43 cents a pound, dellvel'ed . ...,. $7.5851 Metals Week C?Omposite lb. Alllllllllum 76-7'7 centa a pound, N.Y. Gold $379.75 per U"OY ounce, HandJ' &r Harman onty daily quote. Mereuy $380.00 per Oaak. Pladftm $380.00 troy 01., N.Y Silver Bandy & Harman. $8..391$ per troy ounce. 642~321 Oirfd or col#ct. to~to~r MmdOWft poprr. ,,.. . . llally Hit -I I Guide to therapists DEAR READERS; When somethJng's on your mind, It helps to have someone to talk to. Otherwise the tension of keeping It ill inside creates' too much pressure, and that's not healthy. If you don't have anyone you can trust, or feel your problems are too big to share with friends, someone with special training may be the answer. How c an you locate a pro fessional therapist? lt's somewhat like finding a good lawyer . This 1s an individual matter that requires som e r esearch The National Institute of Mental Health has prepared a free booklet that provides lips on locating a qualified therapist and explains the different therapies available. For a copy of "Guide to Mental Health Services," write to Consumer Information Center, Dept. 541K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Refunds delayed DEAR PAT DUNN: I submitted a claim for a refund on JO pairs of Levis on lJle form that appeared ln the newspaper. I 've not yet received any reimbursement. What Is holding up the refunds promised by a court decision? S.L., Costa Mesa A s po kesma n for the slate attorney general said that a law firm in San Francisco appealed the court decision and until a ruling is made on the appeal, disbursement of funds cannot be made The spokesman added that everyone who had a pphed for a refund a ccording to instructions within the time allowed for filing a claim can expect to receive the rerund when the court r ules on the appeal In the meantime, the refl.!nd funds have been invested a nd are drawing interest Got u prohlem'' Then wnte tu Par Dunn Pat will rur red tape getting the answt>rs and action you need Co solve mequ1t1e11 rn government and husmess Mail yooJr questums tu Pat Dunn. Al Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot . I' o HoI 1560 Costa Mua c A 92626 As many letters as possible will be answered. but phoned inquines or letter.• not including thP reader's full name. addres~ and business hours phone number cannot be consulered This CrJlumn appears daily t'.l· cept Sunday~ .. DllTH NDTICIS LOVE Santa Ana, Ca , Pam Jones WILLIAM MARS HALL of Irvine. Ca. grandsons 1-0 VE , a res 1 dent of Daniel Brougut> of Anaheim Newport Beach. Ca Passed Ca and Donald Carr or away on Februar) 6 1982 F" r e., no . CJ Jn d I 3 Born September 16, 1908 1n g re al gr.! n d ch 1 Id re n Indianapolis . Indiana Graveside sen1ce!> will be S11rviv"'1 hv hoc woff' Esther held on Tuesda~. Februar) or Newport Bt>ach Ca . 9, 1982 at H<trbor Lawn daughter Sharon Rasm!t or Memorial Park Services Costa Mesa. Ca 'ons undt.>r the d1rc•ct1on of George Love or San F"er llarbor Lawn Mount Olive nando. Ca and Louis Love Mortuorv or Costa Mt>sa Srwwjob • raises hackles H OLYOKE , Mass <AP ) -Con t ractor Jimmy Curran said he got tired o f being s nowed, so he dished out retri button. C urran c la ime d he p lo w e d s n ow at a d owntown parking lot seven years witho ut pay. So, Jus t arter midnight he got revenge by dumping 25,000 cubic feet or s now a s-root deep layer over the lot. "It's asinine," s aid lot o wn er Mi c ha e l S<.'hwartz, who had lo hire someone else to get rid of the snow "I can't believe Mr. Cu rr a n ordered the s now put there He's a b usiness m an lt's nothing m ore th an a ch1ld1sh prank Sherman L1ftig, a vice pre si dent with Schwartz's compan y, was 1denttf1ed by Curran as t h e p e r son who refused to pay bills tot aling $2,000 L1ft1g rerused comment "I loaded every bucket m yself." Curran said . Several dump trucks delivered the snow , whic h was spread over the lot by truc k plows, w itnesses said Pinup boys on calendar KNOXVILLE, Tenn l AP > A doz e n University of Tennessee me,1. posing o n campus lawns or near t e nnis courts a nd a s wimming pool , are grac ing calendars recently made available here The colo r pinups, or Oregon, ali.o 12 grand 540 5554 children . hrot her John Love or Santa Barbara, Ca . George Love or Alhambr;i, Ca . sisters F.vu Buser or Glendale Ca , Elizabeth Mahoney or Jnd1an11 , llelen Deggendors or Walnut Creek. Ca Funeral services will be held on Tut•sday. February 9. 1982 al 2 OOPM at Pac1C1c V1ev. Mortuar} Chapel v.1th the Crescenta Valley Masonic Lodge IJ652 F&AM orflc1ating In heu of flower s memorial contributions may be made to the Masonic Home Pac1f1c V1ev. Morguan LEMON photographed around liirPrtors GARDNER EDNA M ARIE GAR ONER. resident or Costa Mesa. Ca Passed away on February 5. 1982 She 1s survived b~ her daughters Helen Carr or Fr esno. Ca . grand d aul!hters Linda Carr of Texas. Jan Patton or JOSEPH WILLIAM campus last fall, are on LEMON. ai.(e 68. rei.1dent of s ale i n some l ocal Costa Mesa, Ca Passed bookshops, according to away on February 7. 1982 in its producer s, Ric hard Chapman llosp1tal. Orangt•. and Che r yl C handle r Ca Surv1n•d by his wife Crook. Margaret , son Rru!'t' of "There a r e several We:.lminster. Ca , :.ester Kathryn Wilt or Rettendorf. girlie calenda r s for lov.a lie retired 1n 1976 m en, but not many with from lntcrstatC' Electronic!> m en for women," Mrs 1n Anaheim. Ca where he Cr ook said . "I re lt hke wa!> an engineer He was born we we re being lert out." in C;inton. Missouri Ill' She said her favorit e mar r 1 e d Mar I! are l is pole· vaulter Greg Schroeder or Davenport. Gundelach, who adorns lov. a m Chicago m 1937 During World War 11 he ApriJ , but her pick for served m the United States l h e co v e r w as UT Nav) as a Quartermaster chee rleader Carl Ly le, 2nd Class The body v. as who sits on a campus cremated Services by the lawn in s horts and open :>!eptune Society shirt. J O H ~E~RI~ B I L L 1 Before UT began fall PERGRIN. 3 resilient or classes last September, Costa Mesa. for 23 years Ht' the Crooks set out to find passed away on Saturday m en willing to pose February 6, 1982 al Hoag ·'Richa rd went to ------------..,Memorial Hospit al He is campus and ju s l survived by his wire or 44 wandered around,'' his '•, P'IHCI MOTHllS SMfTHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St ltlntlngton Beach 536-6539 r4CJAC¥taW MIMOIWrAal Cetretery Mortuary Chapel-Cremalory 3500 Pac1f1c V•-Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOltMta MOITUAl•S Laguna Beach 4~15 Laguna Htlll 768-0933 San Juan C.ptStrano 495-1 n6 I HA.llOI LAW~WT. OUH Monwwy. C.mtlttry Cren.irory 1625 G11ler Ave .. Costa Mesa 540-5564 ,_CllaOTMIU .... OUWAY MOttTUAllY 110 Btolldwiry eo.taMaa &42-9t50 .. , years. Opal Marie. his son wife said. "Only two John Pcrgr1n and 'd .. daul(hter·in·faw Kathy of sai no. . San Diego, Ca . a sister As f?r the high·cost of Julia Mae Topolesk1 or Big m odeling, Mrs . C rook Bear Lake. Ca . brothers said, "None or them Da vid nr Philadelphia. asked to be paid and we Pennsylvania and Murr m promised them a ll a free Pomona, C:a Cremation and cale ndar." burial at sea bv the llleptunf' Society SCHNEIDER ISADORE J SCHNEIDER. resident of Irvine. Ca Passed away on Februar) 7. 1982 He was a member or the Lions Club, The Amencan Association or Retired Persons. e member or the Jewish Federation Council and many other orga niz ation s H e Is survived by his wife Ruth or Jrvlne. Ca .. sons Robert of Tuat1n. Ca . daughter Mildred Schreiber of New York City, New York and Allte Beaton or Los Angeles. Ca .. s grandchildren, also survived by 2 sisters and I brother all or Frovldence, Rhode Island. Funerail urvlces will be held on Monday. February 8, 1982 at 2.00PM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Services under the direction o r Harbor Lawd·Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa 540·5554. DEATHS ELSEWHERE NEW YORK <AP> Henry 8*arlb Morpa, 81 , a founding partner of the Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. investment bankina firm and grandson or J, Pierpont Morgan, died Sunday LONDON (AP) -Peter Opae, u;s, an expert on folklore of childhood and co·publlsher of the Oxford Dictionary or Nursery Rhymes, died Friday. STOCKTON <AP) -I«*• laHbe, 65, the off-camera voice for aev«"ral Chuck Barrla·produced 1ame ahowa, has died tn Stotktoo CORONADO CAP) -A rosary wUI be recited at Sacred Heart Catholic Church tllnl•ht for Pnadl W. ..~-&ey..Wa, a n.waman who died lJl • hospital Sltu.rdaJ aft.er a Iona lllneu ff~ ••• at Fine set for auto fraud fo'RESNO <AP> -An automobile dealer and his d ealerships in Fresno and Tular~ counties were ordered to pa y $1 .2 m illion in damages for selUng a used car as new. J l(mes llnd Helen Allen of Clovis claimed that they bou1ht a used 1979 pickup sold as new from Ottmar Thomas' Dodge .Chrysler dealership in Selma, which w e nt out of business the following year A used vehicle sale report was riled by the dealer o n the truck, according to testimony 1n Fres n o Co unt y Superior Court from senior investigators with the s tale Department of Motor Vehicles. PVIUC lllTCE •KllOW HO. 17111CM NOTICI TOClllOITOllS Of' IUU( TaANSJ'l 11 NMlnt IUPallCMl C:OUIT Ofl TM• lf.t.fl OflCAU ... NIA .... c-. ......... NI Chllr C.-Mft W• ltNA ... CA'°" fllelllllff• CH•Yf!OH U t A , INC, e C•ll,.rllie ~9'leol •t ~' H•X "AVINO I. INOIN•llllNO, I NC. ell ArlHll• t •••••ellt11, llOll•T J. $NYOlll, THI OHi CAIUAI. TY INW•ANC• CO# .. ANY, ... Olllo ~'11911, 0011 I Ulr-1! U, 111< ..... w . Cro .. ·Compl•l11e111 · OH 10 CASUAL TY I N$UllANCI COMl'ANY, • tOf'IDO'•Mfl n . Crot .. o.f9M91111 · FLU! PAVING I. INOIN.llllNO. I NC., en Arlftne <•••tr•tlen, lllOllllT J, INYOlll. IUMMONI Ofe HCONP AMI M090 C"°'6oCOMPLAIMT CAM NUMalll: Nm NOTtC•I Y .. MW ... -n. <~-.--............ ...... ~ .................. ,......__ ..... •n. ...... ....,.,,,. ..... -.... II you wttll '° ... , IPW -k • Ill en tltOf'IMy In 11>11 ....Uer, YOll .,,.., .... to promolly M tll•I your wrltttn ... ........ If....,, -y Ille IU..tll ll- AYllOI U.-i 1111 U.. ••••••· II .,.... ----<-• u-. .. .-...u. • - -v•. ,...... ............ L.Mi.11t-. ... -·-· SI UJIH 0.-IOll<lt., el <Oft .. lo .. un ~ "" ffte etufltO, detierle "•<•rlo 1mm.cll•t.e-.,t•. ft •ti• m-r•. w ._"-ncrlte, .i f\ey •lolHMI, --reotttrede. llem ... I. TO TH£ OEFEHOAHT A <lwll comple lnt "" -n tlleo lly lh• P1el11lltf '911n~ \fOU II you wtt'° te defenel 11>1• i.wwlt, you m.nl wllhlr\ • d.ly• _, thh tum.._. 11 i.tveCI Oft you, lllo With It.ii t0U'1 e wrltttfl ''""'°nse lo IPW ~ln1 Unleu you do to, 11111• defeult wlll be enterlOCI on eppllcetlon OI IN plelnllfl, •nCI lhla courl mey ..,.., • IUCIOmenl •G•lnlt you for the ,...lief oema-In ti.. comp1e1111, which could "'ult In Qernls,,ment O! W•QH, IOlnO O! moft1ty O< P<-ty o• oll•er rallof requested In trw complalnl OA TEO J-1', 1'11. LEE A, BRANCH, Clo'11 By SHAlllON l(VPl(A, Oeclllty IS.CL Uot•111u.c.c.1 AND •• SON, Mt~ .. A 1111.11'1 & Hollo Is,., • .,.,, Ql•tft 10 cr.0110 .. ot CONNE•S the w llllin .....-pe'1 let '"'' • t>ulk '4Hte 11,. enc..r •-'""u lr•n•ler I• eboul 10 tM meoe on 611 wutM..,~ oer\on•I P•oporly h e r elnefler l.asA_..,CA .. 11 Cle>< rlbeel fet. 12UI 6&Mlt Tl\e n•met eno bu•ln011 •CIClrH• of Publlthed Or-Coetl Delly Piiot ~"~ l~l~t~"CIR l~en~f~o~ .. •;•£Feb I I. U,:11, 1"2 UH ? SHEFFLER/AROETH G Al.MOHO, ~~~~~~~~~~~--I 1100 Htrtio< 8ouloverd, Cosla INW. PllUC ~ Celllorl>I• '"' Ntnrl'to ~ b4Ji1nets .OOre'i of 1"9 Into,,_ lrentteree. ere JOSE P R £AL BARBARA REAL, «R Horth Henoy Or-. C•llle><nla .,..! Thal 1"9 on>«>erty "'"""'"'' "9<eto 11 cMs<rtbe<t in 91Pn.r•1 ., turnrlu,..e. ll•lur" encl equipment, QOOClwlll, tr•O•n•me. leese, •••tef\oto omprove,.,,..,.,, 1lock on tr--Is IO<•t•O •I 1100 H•rttor 8oulev•rd, Co.te Mele, C•llton•la The bU>l,,.u •>eme Used lly Ille s.tlCI tre11tlerou '1 U ICI locetlon ts OlllANGE JUI.IE. '"" wlO bulk tren11u h lnlenOecl lo b• consumm•t•d •• t~ otti<• of SERVICE ESCROW COMPANY. P 0 llo• 111 We•tmln•t••. Cellfornla 91.al °"or elter Febr'Uary 26, 19C2 That 1"9 "" cMle lor llllng clelms In .,,. •'trow referred to herein h ~tb•uarylS, 1"2 So f., " Is known lo w id lnttftcle<I T ransfer .. s wlcl lnlenele<I Trantforon u...i 11\e 1011-1n9 •OCllllonal buslnn• l'\•mt\ M\d tMjd,.uei wttnln the thrff \'Uf\ IHt pest NONE Thll bulk ,,.,. ... , Is >UbflO(I 10 Cellto1nl• Unolorm Commercl•I Coele '-tllon ''°' o.t.d· F--..,., ), Itel. JOMP Rut, B~eRut, tntenoed Tr•nsft,.-fft. SEllVICll EKlllOW COM~ANY 14212 -cl\ a1vf. 111'-.it.t«, Ce 91.a ._, T·7'U NOTICE OJ' TIIUSTll'I IALI Ts ... 11• On Fer.n..y 2•. 1"1 •I 10 Of • m . A LLST A TE T RUST 0E£0 SERVICES, INC •• Cluly •-lftlecl TruslH Uftdo< end""'' ... "' lo !>MCI of Tru>t r~ ~r lO llllO, •• ln>I No ..011. In -IJ161, pege '"' of Ottl<lelj!KorCll In h otflo Of 1he County 'I«.,,.., OI Or-County, Steu o! Celllorn,. •H<U ltCI by 00NATO GA8RIELE WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOA CASH (peyeb,. el lime ot s.elo on lewful monwy of tro. Uftilecl Sl•tHI 111 IN ttont enlr!W\Ce lo 1"9 Ore-Counly Cout1,_w, 100 Civic Center Orin Wot, Se nt• An• Calllotnl• ell ri9111, 1itl• -1ntertt1 (OflVOed to --"910 by II unci.r UICI OMd Of Tru>I In IM Pr-'1y sltueteCI In .. 10.coun1Y eno Stele dHCtlbed .. Loi ll In BIO<k G of T "ICI No St4, 1n 1"9 City ot Cosl• ~ ... Counly of OranQe, St•I• of C•llfotnl•. o .,., mep ••<.,,Cle<! In -" oeQet lS •nCI u of MIKWI"'-Me"' In .... Offk• Ol 1"9 counly re<ortlu ot .-!Cl <°""tY Th• \tr•et •ddre1\ •nd oth•,. common mM9"'•hon, It .,.,.~ of th• r••t propiert,. dttt.rtbeid •bov• fl purp0rt..S to be 1SI Flow••. Co.t• M«w. Celllorfti• Publl1hed Or•,.G• Coeu PllOt. Fet> I, 1"7 T ... .....,...\lgneCI l FU\lwot Cllj(lelms eny h ebol11Y !or any 1ncorro<1ness o• llw •lrHt ~ -ol"9r <..,.,,.,,... Oe loy dHIQ,..tiOft,lt.,,y,.,,_,.,..,..1n 61'.., Seid wle wlll be ...-. bui wit......, ------------co"Wen •nt or w•rr•"tY ••P'•'' or omploed . .._CltnQ llllt, PotMHIOf\. or en<umllrencH, ln<IUC1i119 f•s <l',.•Ge• aM ._....,~ 01 the Tr.nlft •nd Of II• NOTIC«MTllUSTE&'S IAl.E '"'"' ete-by w ld OMdof TtiAI lo T s No 6'0!»1 pey onl .. HI .,.,_, from AllQU'1 I T 0 SEaVICf COMPANY ft CIUly '"' el 11 percenl per •nnum " --4fttecl T--tPW lol-ln9 proviOe<I In WICI noletlf plu1 tOSh ano •tcr'--01 lrVll WILi. SELL ..,y aClvencMof $1,0Mo '4 with inltml AT PUi i.iC AUCTION TO THE TM -fleler' _, wlcl Deed of Hl(;HEST BIOOElll FOA CASH Trust ""•lofort ... t uled enCI (P"••lll• et time Of wlo II\ lewtul dellver..i to the undenlQNd • wrtn1n money ol tlw Ulll'-0 Stetal ell rltlM, Decleretlon o4 Default •nCI o.m-for '1111• eno ,_. .. , C-ywd '° --Seit -e, -'"'"" NoH<o of Oefeull ""'Cl bf It -Wk! OWd Of Trust In 1n0 'e1ec11on 10 Sell T"" underslgneo tlle ..,_,., -•IMfler -rtbeel ceustCI s.elCI Notlu ot Oeltull enCI T RUSTOlll R09ERT H. lllAU ElectlOn to Sell 10 bt recoreltd In lhe BENEFICIARY AllTHUR E. county .,,,.,. If\• rtel oroo-rty I> M £ R T z E L a "d "' E A L E J 'iout..s MERTZEL, ""'°""° -•It• H jotnt' Oett J ......... n .1"1 tt11•nl> RecorOtd l>ec•mbe• ''· •m Alli!•"' T•u.i Oft<! Stt•lcu H ll'Jtt Ho 1lJ67J In -I-Of 11\C Oflklel RtcCW'cll In ,,,. Oflk• Of trw 15 wld T•u'1M RecorOer ol 0r.,.. County,•--F1encl1 A,..."'"'' ol lru1I CIHcrlbet 1111 lollowl11g Avta-lzedS111ntlu•• ""-''' Publ .. hecl Or-COHI Oelly 1>1101. Tiie lend relerreCI lo In t"ls Feb 1 t . u. l"2 •61,.7 -••nl" II 11t ... 1eo In "" Stele of Celllornle, c-ttv of Or--11 Oetc rllleel .. loll~ PARCELi Ullll No 6.), In -City of N--1 e .. clt, C-ty of Orenv-, Stele Of NOTICll Of' INTINTIOfe TO LEASE '"110PlaTY Ctlltornla, a.--doer'-In NOTICE IS Hf AEBY GIVEN tf\el '"' CO-..llllHft Pt_, rec...-°" oo Ocl-r 1'. tf7•. Ill -11'1!, -the FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCH L DISTRICT"-dl<le,..., the fOll-lftQ )14,0 fflelel RKCW'lllOfMlclC-y. Tiit bullCllnQI •nCI properly, PAlllCEl.l txtlu>lve ot the We,.,,ouu, "" unellvldecl.,,. tlQflty·t"'nl 111131 Tn nsporlellon, "'""' Slore91, lllltrul M •_.In com,,_ In lhe Melntel\tf\te -oi.<etlon\ ltclllllo• fff ,.,,., .. , 111 -10 llw c-•nCI forty partliftg -" ec11ec.,.1 10 ArH ol l..Ol 1 Of Trett ....... H Pe< m.., 11,.. ""'11\ ~· otPWrwlM .,.,._ •• Ille" lft -J74, Peon n lo 0 lhe Oltlro<I F~llltlH, will nol .,_ lnchial,.., Mltcell_,. ~. Ill "" ,_.,.., trom 11w dolt• of eA<utl"" of • offl<o of .. c-.ty R«....,. ol ....,. 1 .... by the loens unlll eppro1lmettly County, M IUCh term 11 dell-In tN jJ..,. lO l"3 lor Ol>1rlc1 -•tlOnl Artl<le Wiii-"Oeflttltl-" of lfM TM t)..i1e111191 con1hl Of -bulldlng O.Cltrlliloft o1 c:-..nts. Condit-of •PC>rolll"ltlely IJ,* -re '"t •nCI ••llrl<U.. ,_..,._. °" ~ enCI one ••IOt •l•ble bullC1ln9 of H, ""· In ._... 11ft1, -• Of •oe>•o•lmettly l ,7'0 oqua,.. fMt Tht Olfklel II«-°' Wld c-.ty (The perkln9 tec.lllllH , u <lu1lve of 11\e "Oe<lertClon"I. -""Y .,,...-Ol•l<l<I Fec.lllllH -tol"fy P9r1ilflQ or ........ uons tttereto. SC>e< .. ec!JKH>I 10 lhe north •enc•. •rt EXCEP'T THEAEJ'AOM ell oll, Off, cont ld.,tCI to be ln<luCleCI In Ille mln•r•I• •nct otrwr ttvdr0<ertlofts, minimum blCI ptlu The u l1tlnt1 ••-• """"of JOO twt, wltllout ttte >Ollbell dla.-.o,, •Cllecent to Ille rlQlll of tuft«• Oftlry, H ~ Ill •ptoperty lo<tloCI •t the corner of l11slrvmeflb of re<-IT •lb•rt •nel New lend Street\, are PARCl!L 3 unCltr MPtrate <tQtHmenl encl ero E•M""""l•I • wth .. ._IC•I jcon1ld•reel to "' ectlve clu•ln9 1rw 11/•re pertlt vttrly WI lortlt In tN term of , .. ,. or eny uten1l-IPWrwt At11tle flltltlell "E-ts" of IN enCI ere not• pert of IPW RetolutlOfl OI Oecter•llon under th• Secllon lntenl lolffw HUCllnQ(•I In wch Artl<lo entitled .. Tho Soens OI Tr.m .. , •ftOI~ 10 loll-•· "Utllltlff", "S.nlemtnt •"" 1eeu the feclllllu lo<eleCI •I £11<roec-t'' -"eomn-Al"M LIQl\lhoute UllW. '"'"'' of T .... t1 E•sement" encl Newl-Strffts, Founteln ll•ltn, U See hlenCI Drive. Hew1>0r1 unci.r the lerms enCI condition• >!•led e .. ch, CA In I"« Rnolullon of lht lloerCI, "(II • '1,...1 _...,or com,..._ RetolutlonNllmbe•l2-"1 dnlonetlon •• show11 e110 .. , nc The minimum ,._tltty ..... pey werrenly 11 t1 lve" •• 1.~ ltt ment(sl. '-IN ltrm Of the IM .. 111, compt•-• or correct,..ul. n.. •hell noc Ile 11., titan 1 '° .,., sq.,.,.. -ll<l"'Y ....., wkl °'9d -' Tr1nt, toot TIM ml11lmum "'°"tltly IHH by re•-Oii • ~or d9feult 1" the Peymtntltl for ~t Ptrloclt ollllt•tlont ucured 1111''11'· mey be ectliAleCI by lllo COlltwner 119rettfert •ac--dlll...,_, te Price llldlla ......., ,.,.,"'° re'lt<liltd .,,. •MM4 ...... • wntaft ~IMllltoot at Ille .,,., ol "" .. _ -ledl•I A of o.f--'*-"' for Sale, -wt'ltlefl ~· M W..Cll -.t ••«-tee"'ltY .,._., h ,_,, ... to be P'4d le ~W ............... I• Mii MM for botll llllllCllllOl Pl'lor '-OC:CllNll(y 11(...,ty tie .ecltty ..ict ...... ,...... No <_.,lnlOft lltell lit Hid eny -~ ._ •*" ll¥Ad <-licensed ,..., 01tet• -.. '" O•ls Mid llOlke of --of etec11eft ti ,_,.., ..... .,..,.. -II be no -.CllOft Ille ,_K.,. .. ()(...., 11, "91 ti IMtr lroftl eny -• In detjlf'lfllnlng - No 1Ma lft _. ICIS) -IOOil, 04 h~ ,.._i1119 b14dtr Mid Offl<lel .___ s.oeled prol>Ol•ls to l••H telf Self .... wlll '9 ........... wm.. 1P-1yl1Hl Mvtl Ile rec.el-.,., ltte ce .. nent or ••"""''• ,1..,..11 et d•l•t•loel otfker •t IM J'o-teln ~ltd ,.,_,... tttlo ,........, or IV•tl•v SchOol Ol1trlct lllwcelltn _,..,..:,OIQ&. i. ,., '111e ---Center, tnio °"' '''"'· "Olllltelll l(IMI .... """of t11t _.(I) l«illf'et Volley, C•~ • .,,_ no loler tlltft lll'f .... o.M .. Trllll,""" IM-1.. t:OO p,m, Oii Mt«fl 1, I*. lftu141.,....,...,...,.._,lf_.,, ltfore ac<e1tll110 e11y wrltte11 ...., 1111..,,,... ...... 0..., Trwt, ~···· ............ ltfkOf' ""'' f"'' <llor9H a.Ml •11110111tt .t ti. <•II tor orel lllcNlrtt A"y ""°" ..,.. Trwt• -" ttw t"'9h ~'"*' .. •"-' t\erotofon tllllfnlttod • wrttt.n 11111 Ml4 O.. tf Tl'lltl. IMd M40 wltl • mn twllm" ell tfllt llNI .wc ... lne .,, llllftl .,. T.,....,, "*-' tt. t• •I •I IHat five potetflt the hltt\011 t:• jt.1'11., et ttw ~ A-written *· Tiie "'-""' ,."°",..._ tlltreMe, .. Ille Clotk c.Mlf' luffelfta. illffof fW M<ll IM:lllly to ... It .... .. let'°""""*' ·-· Ill tflt Cit>, SMll 0. ~ to el!Kwte tPW '°"" ., ~ of ...... ...,. ... "* "" ...........,. Al 11111 lime GI ._ lnlUdl ,_.le.et'-' 11Mn ........ by tlllt ... ,., .. INI Mtb, 11W '9UI _.. ef IN Tllo ...,.. ef T"*'" ""'II 19\eM 11111to lf "left<e ef Ille tMllOllOft IM -~loll H te wflottlef M ....... ..,.,. ......... ,... ..... IHM ..... ••1111 ... •lllWll , ... .,. ..,,.. ... .......__ ~ ....... ..._,,_.. .. ...... •11tl e4ln1t<ot 11 .... tO.H . Tt lnf9mwideil ~ U. ~· ....,.,.... ... --.......... _, .................. J«ll MIMbll, ul4 0141 .,.... 1Aatlllent S..Mrl11t•114lenl ., Oto O.lit• ,--... U, ... ...... .... tfOter, Ml. '"" ,_,.,..,, T.O M"VICI COMl'MfY ,,._,l'CMtlllt """'t. ...,.,...... VOiiey 6 4 2· • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 I Cl 1 INDEX Hom.a fer Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Te'*' y.., u, can ....... IOOfKMI-.- 642-5678 NllSES FOi SALE C-tMfel a.i. .... 1 .... •t-P~•Mvt1 t..1'"4ruo ••tlfrl t'W-.... \111 c ... w ... °""' ,., ... [IT•• , ..... t.\aJk\ ""*~ .. ~ ... -ho• u .......... i..,.,..H•ll• .....,_,, ..... .. , ..... \ .. ,. ~r:~:::' ~ JtH• c '""~" .... 'iiMl.1 AAI 'Wol ...... _ . ..., .... "hlmUhtf'' _ .. , ........ ,..,,. tUl ESTATE Acru a• '"' '•'4" 4 ... rift'Wftltr. lot "·l• MfMtl PrU.Wfh tkouwt..11 l'fottifll) (fmitltr\ ,,. .. l,\~· C 1.WTlft1tru•I l'r\>Pf'rt\ C anOum+.-•u'H" '•Ir lNpW•.,~ l ru111~•I• l~lubrMmofl l~Uftwl1r•~rl\ lr":h; .. 11, .. 1 ••,,..,_,h l;thfi" , .. h' Mutwt .. ill'I• 1th I',~• \lo,ir1ll'I llrli "ti th w11 ···~"'" ····~ t~nfliNnl\ flt1it1 IMwl\t•h•huv "•""~ ••rn1• 111011 • Mr•i • "t.11· t ,, -..,, .. ,, th •t t•l•I• "•1'11111 t!NTALS lioiN•t•,"'11.,..,,_, ..... ~\•ltitffll ... .,, , .. ""'"*" t-.ir,. "'I ,.1 I '""°'~H .. W"•• twr" t 1.,.,,..uniwn ... t "' 1-.•t1rit-tv• .. llA•N·1 I ft1 1 1 ........... . ·~._.,,. ".,. .. ··"'" "'" '~!._ ... ~ .... •tt•tt•• ' ... , t(, • .,, .• ktllO•fto l Mt••t I 11·411\ \l.c,h 1,.,_ •I tl•ot\• • '-f'I·""' I Mo•tl.t• '"''"''-"" k ...... 1 .. th•ll•I 1,, ..,.,, .. ......... 'j" "' "' ,,,, ..... tc ....... t\w1o1n. ·• k''°' .. t trw\.w .. 111,.1 K1111 ... 1 ~ .. .,, ... k1M<fl•"4<fM1"I \J,.,, Hi·"' 11• BUSINESS, INVESI· MENT, FINANCE ~·It~· j~~' Uw .. 11ti .. .,'4.1"'"' j1\\1''°'"11oOI 0!•!••11 \ lnh .. 1n._ni ~ .. 11h1I ""'""''"I ~· .. o ,, ... ~ \ """h1.f "······· "' .. ANNOUNCEMENTS. PHSONALS & lOST & FOUND A•·••"'iol• 1 "" rtt t ., ,,, ... l•c•'' '" • ...... ,' ...... "'' .~,.. .... ~, ""'••• I ... ,,. lt .. u SEIYIC£S ..... , .. ,., ,,. UIPlOTM£NT & PIEPAUTIOH "'~•If Ir 11 '-"I• ~ Juflit. .. ..-, .1 , ....... ~."" ... " ... MEICNANOISE " ... , .. ",, ....... . \Vt h••I " .. 1,1ii h1i11Mmo "•11 '* .t I •"• •• • t •1w1t••j•1 I I ... ....... t111 hi \•JW •v•ndvt• .... , ••• '411 "'"'~" , .. ~ ... ho .. 111 ..... 1 J, •till I JI I'~""' • \I•• ~,1,.1 1 M1 ... r10•••r~· ... , .. , ..... ~ ... ,. ~ .... ,, .. , \4i,~n .1111,llijtl•I Ill , .. , .. ' t '"" ~ t ''"~'' I''°'~ I'••"'"" l '' .~11· 'it••"• '4 •• "'"" V•hn.._r .... 1 .... ,.,,"''"'"'\II'"'' ... ''" ~:·.r:... ........ .._,,,..,1 BOATS & MARIN( EOUl,MENT 11+"-r•l ,_....,, .,.,,. "" '•#I "'1•t · \f.iorn.o t 't'i'I ~ .. ,,~,t ....... Mtw I"'•''°' ...... h '411 .... h..._.,., ........ \ "'""·~·"· ......... ..,.,.. .. , TUHSPOmTION ,,,.,.,. ( •'""""" '-'* tt. ,_. .... .,, .. ,. \hbMitl•ofth \IMit"' I \I,,., ",,._.," \lutor llm• "Vk fc111u ''••""''' l'••fl tr.11n ... I 11hh ,_,.., tvnu,. f•.,1-. AUTOMOBIU ~, ..... ,.~ Aftl .... "'"' I 1., • .,11-. "''1l .. t1tMHl\dtu l1• ~-·~ ""'" k··· 4 Yrht·rt U1••f'" ''"' ,, \ ""• Atit111 l,..•••A• A_,.ut W •"'''' AUTOS, IMPOITEO 1,,,.,...,,., ""•"'..,..." ,_. .. ..\vth" llPlh I ~II" tt.f O•h\&A ~~,, .,, .. ,., ·~,. J • .,:-..1 '"' .... ""'""'"•'-•·· ••tff• • .,.,,tt ....... ,., 1111 11<01 \!llWI '•fl4tf • llN.:fl!Vt ""'""' Afl-Mtt .. Kolb 9'0\o ""'" ~.~ ~i.... Totol• T, ........ \4Ah•1i:f'ft ,, ... ''"'"''•' ~'ljt ·~·" MTIS. ltEW AUTOS, USlD \.•ft• .. •• \'o1m.rv ,,,.,,.... """)•tfl l'v#Mi \'eftCUtffttllil lHf\~t·• ''"··· f:i .. ........ LA•• . .... , .. •""' lj-. ........ ,_ r.-•.-t• ..-.. ~ ... ...... IQQI llD lllir. IOI• liMJ 1.:iu IU IG IU. .... , ... 10¥ 1111111 I~ 111a: ... '"" '"" IQ!Ol I .. 1• .... IUll ..... .... lll<I I•" l'UI '"'' li\al IW 13'11 ~HI .'l•fl UJOI ,, .. t'-•1 .!.\ .. .... ... ... U!"1 ... ··~ '" ... r~ ... ... ... ,,,. ~· S XER-UPPERS S 32 ....... Corott• "O" VACANCIES •· 1 below markrt For ~411 up ca ll R 1('k olrO'lltne 1!!'760 7292 TENNIS? EQUAL HOUSING I T11f only Lot in Cyprus OPPORTUNITY Co\4! San Clemente ..... acl'063 Crom both TeMu Wshw't Hotlu: Courts & Clubhouse lst All real l!~latt' Jd tune offered' Firm at vert1sed •n th1!> SIM.000 Penniman & ~paper ·~ subJl!ct lo C.Om.Hni. Ml 1000 __ the Federal F.i1r llou) ,._-_______ _ 111i Act or 1968 wh1rh 1• makes 11 1lle11.1I to o1d verteM · any prererenre hm1tal1on or d" <'nm1nat1on b.l!>l'd on rart' rolur. rl'llJ(1on COLDWeu. BANl(eRC "" sex. or nauonJf onl(in :::: or an uitent1on lo ma kr ,_ "' any such pr!'f1•1 ••111·1· l•ti ..... hm1ta11on. or 111, rnminC1t1on " I nus new!>paper "111 lltlf knowingl) arrepl Jn~ iidvert 1s1n !! ror f ea I $269,750 NEWPORT HACH 'OI est.ate which ·~ 1n 1111IJ ::;·; IJo!l oflhe I a" Pror~s1onall)' derorat 1~1 by Jan Taylor. this dWJrd winnini: J BR home ft'alure3 high beam rt•1hngs. wood noor.; & bn~ht rhet>rful t•olon. Perfert for sma II C.im1I} SIJJ,000 ran be ~urned ror 27 ye.irs at 11 Great r1nanr1ng I 'Ill.'' •\.."'· ... ""· BUOIS: Adnrti1tn ~ ch.ell ffleir ads cWly .cf ~ri er- ron .._diat.ty. Th. DAILY PILOT outlfnlts 644-9060 ,;·: ~ fw th. flnt Cela 1 ~: lacorrect iuertion Of NeWl*t, ~J) .. Olly. :::::;-, 11 ~·~ l~*!'.~ ... iclo2, r c,..... .. : ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~M GD ..,1 THIS'. CdM duplex 11 141'\h icood ""' r1n.mrmg EJrh unit 3 CLASSIC TMHM Bdrm 2 Ba ram ii> 3 l!CJrm 3 bath 111 one of nH1m Close to '' 1·r M1ss1on \ 1eJ11' h1•,1 \1h1111!JI 5-110.000 areas Assunw lo" 10 lt'rt'st rale !11Jr1 Jnol COl.E OF NEWPORT •·•· seller "'II help C111.1nn• REALTORS "" balance lndull1•, 14 •·t "" bar. frenrh ll111ir' to :~, balrony and ,, I 11 q111 ""' $l!i9,000 <.:all Cur d1•1 ;1 ii\ .... ... . .. ,.,q ... .... •I '" ..... .... -· 646·7171 Great fam1I) honw I~ dwn 1 4 Bdr 3 Ha ..e11!J n tic lot ' :'olorth"""'I super term' St~!I !1011 Wal'Tlt'r .ij?t S5!I 'I IOll $89[000 FHA OAM Only SI 1.000 do14 n J' sumP $89.000 Flit\ loan 151,r, $1310 PITI Sharp I 3 Bdrm. hard""'wi floor home 1n d 'upcr lll!1ghbortiood l'ni e on ly '119,950 Call to 'et' 546-2313 A ('O t t.ig1• f or two Woodbridl(e 2 BdrmJ lovely 1·ornl'r lot, l~'k own. great rinanc 1ng Sl49,000 Warner agt SS9·9400 STIPSTO NEWPORT HG TS It's a bargain ' $128.900 toltl pncei 3 Bdrm 2 bath, !amdy room . bnck ftreplace, R·2 lot Room to build Alley acress Call us for more 1n romw lion. 546-2313 U1 Sf[, c-1 "••· c .......... .. 875·551 1 CORONA DB. MAR DWUX! 2 ) rs new Owner built duplu, "owners" unrt hu 3 Bdrms. 3 balm. 3 sundecks. skylights. beamed ce1hngs & 3 car ga raRe Both uml5 have l4 00dbu rn1ng r1replaees Owner will iSSISt Sl98.500 Or a lot of cash? Then call CIHSlhed Those things taking up space In your home, Items you have n'I used 1n ages, may b8 Just what someont else needs. So gl .... us . ull lt'aeaayto use cluslll.cl to, get your tlanda Of'I someeun • ~~ ......... ..,. NEW NEWPORT CONDOS OWMf' 14111 rtdtlct "' prkt of ... SS0.0001" Y• cm , ... , ......... of fMs ,...., ~ lo OM .., Her the oy H btad1. Sto, by_, ... ..__,..at211·Zl5 l ttll St. off lalboe ll•d. Priced ff'9• Sllt,000, ..._ 9ts ... .....,. te. MOit .._ wft 360" roof ....... .... )oar 9ft9H. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC Rf.Al U TATt 8 ..... T~ ld1 .. 1 OIUrlCI, 11211 OU II., ...... ~ ~ .. "' v.1,..,, Ctlllomlt, .,,., ----~~ ,,,.,.., .... , --.. ~ 0...<tty .......... , 0....:,__..,•,Hll ...... ?,_ ..,... ._ .... "'-•w ~ 14lO w c ~ Hw-.1 m Miit1111 ,..,. ~' 11t ... 11 &ilhe ~ ~_.. ~-::.=: .-a= ~AM ......... cir... a..°""",...... 1'11114 .... ar.,... aim Delly ....... L _____ ..Jl==;:a9:=•::;:::-===1.....:--..;:..-----"----;-----. u,,..., 1,1, M ,.. ,. ..... u.n. ._ ...a. • UM• 67Wftt .. Or1nge CoU1 DAILY PILOT/Monday. F bruary 8. 1982 N Dow Jones final DOWN 17.60 CLOSING 833.43 ~ Super Bowl stock guide lf you truM 1n rrn:;l performance. you 1>hould have invc!>lt'<l twav11\ 1n tht• -:tock rnarkel after the San fo"r;rnt·a">lO 49t·r~ w•m ttw Super Bowl Why'' Becaui.e 1n the 15 prt•vic1u., ~uper f\o"'ls. the following rl'lat1on),h1ps ha.vt· lwl·n cl<.>arlv t>stabhsht>d I If a lt•.1m rrom the National Football Conrert'nrt· 1111 an\ tt!am from the old National Fool ball Lt'agu1'1 wans~ the market goef> up that year f''or example "ht•n Green Ba~ won in 1967. the market \l.ent up 20 pC'rcent. when Dallas won in 1972. the markc•t wt•nt up I f1 pt•f'<'••nl. when Pittsburgh Wl)n in 1975 and l!JHll, lht• m11rkct Wt'nt up 31 percent and ~5 pcrc<•nt . l'l''.'>IH·ct1v1•l} ~ If u karn from the 1\mt'l'lran Football <..:onfl'rcnrc "ins. thl' :-l ock m Jr k t•t goes do" o 1''111 t''<drnples "hen 1h1· Nl·w York .lt•ts \\1tn Ill 1969 . the m ,1 rkcl IA <•nl do" n 11 \~ llllll lllUWIU p1•1·1·1•nt. wh(•n M1am1 won in 1974 the mJrkel went do" n :111 perct•nl wht•n Oakl:Jnd won in 1!177 and 19RI lht• mt1rkt•l wt•nt down 11 perct•nt and lU percen•, l'l'' pCl'l 1 Vl'I y This correlation has held for 14 of the 15 1Jrev1ous Su1wr BoY.b Thl' onl) cxcPpl1on occurred in 1970 wht•n Kunsas l'llv """ The market should have gone do" n liut instr<Jd t 1111shed up b~ 0 I l)(.'rcent for the \eo;1r \lrtuulh J dt·.1d heal with 1969 · Thl· Sut>t.'r ·no" I u-. a stock market predictor as t'\1JIJ1ned 1n J n1•y, book 1usl publish~d by Bohh" Ml'I 1·111 !lo\\ to C,1).h In on thl' Coming Stock M J 1 kl'I Boom· Tht• author 1s Myron K anclel. who "nh·-. J .,, rtchl·atl'cl busrm·ss c·olumn ;rnd sC'rves as f11wnC'1al t't11tor of lh<· C'ahle N1·ws NNwork Kandel as I he ix·rft·rt p1 ri.on LO "rite J hook under 1 his title bcrauM· tw ,... bJSl1'o1ll) an 11pl1m1st lie alway!> looks and ho~!. for tht• bt•)>t H1)> book l'Ontam:-. a j.!ood dt-al of 'tock market lore. In add1t11m to drHo,·enng' thl' Super Bowl c·onnN'l1011 . you fmrt these otht>r paltern' What'., the b(•)>t month for 1nve'>ttng based on thl' i.toc:k market 11erformanrt> ove1 the past 28 vean.·• Januan ON·<-mber llhl' ~t'ar end rallv1 as Olll had I'll h1•1 . • WhJt ., thc-\\or:-.t month for anve~tmg " June Ma\' and Ot·tolw1 an• no great shakes. t•1ther · What·, tht· ht•'t d:iy to mvesl" f"nda~ It gcJei. up mor t' ofll'n on that da~ than any other What s Lhe wor)>I day' Mm1cl a~ Th<' market mvarrably g()(•s <11 '" n on 1 hat d;.n Tht.• ... 101k m ... rket's t"o strong(-st consecutive d..i~., an· tht• Wednesday an<l Thursday pnor t o t-:J .. tcr SundJ~ o,·c1 the p:i-.1 tY.O decades the m.11 k1·r i. ... ._ u-.uall) -.ron•d 1mpr('s'\1v1? ~a1ns on those d,1y-. \\ hdl ., the best h11u1 Monda) hcl" een I and 2 p m Tlw m.11 kt•! r t•all} shoo!)> up then Rut maybe thC' n•aso11 1t d!tl'" "' that the worst hour is between nnon Jllll 1 p rn on Mond<t)S STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT MGIC'"• Pfll'\ntf)tt E •COO " Mo!>ol' PPhl10~tr AC4 19M 4"'t'rT&l \t<10•lll\CI ~r.:;~ I Sm·th,l1Nl Am A1,.fln TfCl\lnll IJfAllP.c_ '"1 tJ(_Y 118 10') ,,.\JOU •S• Q(fl •Ill .IOC • 16 )00 '10 Ol'O ll•llJ j!,J "') lJ'-tiJ 1:4 t:C JP ?l)J )Ill J0'1 YJ7 Sl)J 7'\ \111 'Kl • ll • ' •• 18 I I'• I ti'... 1 (") • t • \1 t ... I• • n • '• ""' .. '. II)• n. I • UPS AND DOWNS ul'S l"''', • .rn.y. u: 1'11 "'• I 10•. • uo .. ~ • UD 1 ~ 11 ' • I 1 • Jo ') UD • l Up bl I ' • "'• .. 1)\, '• Uri l 8 '• U1 S 8 • Up SI VI' SS ' It'• Uo S • VP I l U"9 '• JO t ,. t Up 48 Uo 4 • 771, , •• U 't • "' I • Uo 4 l ]I I t • l..IO • 1 ~~~ : t ~! Vo JI VO l 8 OOWNS • ·~~.. ~'it. o.r·-., , )1 1 I t ()II 10 4 10°. 7'• Off 10 0 lf•t I • Ott qq u·. t • Ott I 8 ,,.. , ... ()fl "' a .. oi1 a & 11"'t 1'• 0 11 ~b ,.. .. , 1 Ofl 8 s • ' ~ ()II I ] ,,. • '• Ott • ) 10'• 1 • 011 8 l s"' , Otf a 1 tA • 11. Off I 1 4 .. •• ()ti •• 1', 1.; g:: n I ' t , ()ff 11 Support the ~~..QLQjr;nes clp AMERICAN LEADERS '* w f"()AA 1"'1Pt S•ie• t\•>l'W" C)F><I" .,..., "'' Q'W'IOt °' ,,.. ~ "'O\l ., , .... ,.~,, .... .,..<~ (""~ +\Ii~ 1•.n hlJ "' ..... ,. -•• ~· ''*" •• ~:!.;"?:.~ oN4"oQ 8 <;up•QAE"'I .,..ouO••T• MIC!'\ E ' A•-0• Oort.P"t\t::,d\ All A~\ T .,.,,..,ao,.r METALS " . ~ . >• • 1". " . th. • 18 • IA • n NEW YORI!; 1API !:.oot nonffrf'OU\. ,,,,.., •• prt(tt Mc;and4y C••••r t• It tfl'nf\ • onun" US ftf''f1nittt1on\ l.•MI lO l7 ',.nb • UCNnd Utt< 0 <•M\. f)OWl"ld ctPt•Y•tfoO f l" \I W)t ~t•I\ W....,. .. ( OfT'DCJl'1t• IQ AlumlflWt\I• 11 < ... f~. "°""" N • G•hf \J 1 1) ()/Pr troy ourw • H•M ... &. H•rm411n onty d.11ly QUOt• -·~•\:.1 00~·"•"' Ptah '""'" UfJO DC.' troy 01 ~ Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS I.-"-nrnQfl•lnQUlll j() Ofl I),, "---.,.,......., l lalno '31' n ofl \o 10 ,..,k un u ot• "' » ,, ... '"""' llll 00 off" j() tartcll: l•I• fl•l"Q \llO 00 Oil '7 00 bid llll 00•~.0 H•,.ay & H.,11\.,. l""I• cl•llY q<l(l!•I '31' H 011 '4 IO I! ......... ICl'lly d•llY OUOl•I \J1' IS oo '" j() (,......_ ICl'lly cl•ll• QUOl•I l•ll<•<o- \M,. ottlA n SYMBOLS '