HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-13 - Orange Coast PilotDeath in Africa: What really happened? !t.JJ!L'\2.LER The storv or how u 2().yenr old former Coslu M su rt•sldent u reluctant f'·rench Forel1n l.egjon l'ttrult died last wet"k In nol'theo l Africu reaches rrom Callforni&l's sunny shores to the bustUnl( bistros or Puris tmd beyond Rundall L. Let> wus klllcd f"eb. 3 when tht.• uirplunc· currying him and 30 of his fellow foreign lcglonnu1res crashed on o desert mountainside m [)J1'1outi. u tin~ Africun country near the mouth of the Red Sea. u l '.S. Stale Department spokesman has confirmed Though f.e (• s death 1s tragic m itself. It ts In the stor~ of how Let.• came to be on that plane. how he strug~led to return home. h<)\\ he was 1mprboncd and in the d1fficultu.•s hb n•lat1 vt.•s <ll'L' having n·ro\'ering has remains in which the real traged~· and 1rnn~ ol his death li~. Lee enlisted for a li\'e·~·car term m t ht.' Fn•n('h Foreign Legion ch1 ring a v1s1t to Pt1ns in -\pril 1981. a<'<'ording to Jt1rnt.•s Wt.•bb. press offin•r for the L'S. Statt.· Department s Burea u of Consular \ffa1 r<; ORANGI COAST . lie suld Lee hud enllstl'd uslna th(' nume "Luwn•nc·e Ll'on .. Webb explained thot urter enlisting, Lee appar<>ntl~· becamt• disenchanted with legion lifl'. uttemptl'd to l'~<.·upe tlnd was lmpr1soned In Oecemb('t' 1981 . he "us confm<'<I for 20 duys ror being al>sl'nt without l(lu,·c . Webh said A month later. L~e contacted the l ' S <:onsulut<.• lt1 Marseilles. France. and asked for help tn getting him discharged from the legion. Following an investigation . State De1Ju1·tmt.•nt offi<'ials in Washington. DC.. "determined he wtP .. ul legal age and had signed u lt.•gal und bmdmg contraC't anc1 the department could not interred<> in hts behulf: .)\'<·hh explained. Latt.•r in January. Lee's company was transforrro to DJibouti for a training mission On Ft•b 3. lhl' fo're nch mi litary transpo11 plan<> carr~ in~ Lee ancl 30 otht.•rs crasht.•d. ending the ~·oung C<.ilifornian·s lit\· :\low. Lt.·e ·s relatives :.Ir(' hoping to rt'C'O\.'l'r h1 -. n•mains. but French offir1uls arc say in~ 11 will take betwet'n four lo :-.1x months because l.t•e clid not t.•nlbt under his own name Webb 'iaid the St all' Department as working lo l'Xpedlte rt>turn of Lee's rl'm:.11n.i, Tht• dead mun's rclalhl's have scht>duh.•d <i rnt•mnl'Jal o,;t•n·icl1 for lhL· ont•t1me ("o:)ta Mesa fhgh Sc•hool stude11l at 11 a.m. Monday in the Prince of Peace liuthenin Church. 2987 Mesa Verde Drtve East Despite the off1d ul Stall' Depa rt ment \'t.'t'smn of "hat hu1>PL1ned to Randall Ll'l'. many qut.•st urns n·mu111 unanswered An aide to l' S Rep Robl•rt Badham. H Nt•\\ port llca('h. who has IJe<.•n involn'<I in tr~·rng lo obt<.11n Ll'l'"·· tl1sdrnrge smcl' October. suHI sh<.' und(•rstood I .t•t• ""' .. ..,h11ngha1t.'<I' into t.•n hstini;: in the l<·1wm \\hilt.• dnnk111~ .It a Paris hur This apparl'ntl~ dtspull'c.. the ollk1al f'ontt·11t1011 1h:1t 1.t.•t.• enhsted \Oluntanh Tht.• Badham aide said Lt.•t.• "wunt('(1 out \'t.•n hadh· and that he might have tried to escape. had been caught and imprisoned morn than once Whatever happent.•d to Ll·e. th<.• s1t11at10n h.1s C';tllM'd his fumil\' j.!l'l'iJ l clistrl'SS lib mother .Juch . "iaul 11 · h<.1-. be<.'I\ om» \H'('k of h(•l l." -.an<·l· tht.• I am1h ht.•<1rd ol 111, death YOUR HDMITIWN DAllY PAPJR SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY , CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS FRIENDS AID MESAN -Lisa Bover remains open. Fellow workers of the Costa Mesa hos pitalized with injuries sustained in resident are having a car wash today to help 12.500-foot fall when her parachute failed to with hospital expenses Mesan 's friends come through Co-workers raising money for skydiver's injuries 8) STEVE MITC'llELL Of Ille Oelly Piiat SleH One couldn't ask for a better bunch of friends That's what 20-year-old Lisa Boyer says of her co.workers at a Costa Mesa restaurant who are holdmg a car wash today to raise money for her hospital bills. Lisa 1s a patient at Loma Linda Uni versity Medical Center where she was admitted earlier this month a f ter SUr\'l\'lng a 12,500 foot fall wht'n her parachute failed to open The waitress was on her 54th J ump when her parachute malfunctioned Feb. 3 and s he fell into a sludge pond at a sewage treatment plant near P erris Ai rport, her descent slowed b~ a partiall y unfurled reserve chute. Lisa had Ju mped with two others. including a cook at the restaurant where s he works. at about dusk at the Perris Valley Parachute Center When her mam c hute didn't open she gave a des perate yank on her reserve chute, she s aid, then a no ther Finally the smaller c hute unfurled slightly ORINGI COAST WllTHIR Variable clouds through Sunday. Highs ranging from mid 60s at beaches, low 70s inland Lows 42 to 52. 118101 TODAY Stumped /or a Valtnhnt gift' A computtr at South CO<llt Plaza mGJ1 be ablt to htlp .,ou. Stt ~ A4 INDfl Cllllftti c ......... ~ c..-.... a. .... ........ ........ ' ......... I about 200 feet above the ground. Witnesses said s he hat the s ludge pond at about 80 mph Had the reserve chute remained unopened. she would have hit at about 125 mph. 11 <.'r plunge le ft her with com pressed vertebrae and internal injuries Doctors have placed permanent metal bars in her injured back She's requested a six-month leavt• of absence from The Big Yello .... Housl' near the corner of Harbor Boulevard and Baker Street an Costa Mesa while she recuperates Bui Ron Booth. manager of the restaurant. says she's got more to worr y about than recovering from her Injur ies ·'There as no insurance for s k} di\ crs." the restaurant boss said He said Meda-Cal will pack up a portion of her hospital bills. but friends and fellow workers want to raise enough money to reduce the remainder of the tab So they'll be out m bark of the restaurant all day today. washing cars at $2.50 a throw Di s hwas hers. busboys . waitresses. cooks. and many or her friends will be scrubbing hubcaps and squirting off the soap beginning at 8 a.m. In addition to today's car wash. Booth has set up a program among the waitresses whereby sales of extra desserts Watch fo r r eal estate guide The inaugural edition of Orange County Real Estate, a special, compact 20-paae guide to property sales and rentals, with valuable lip s for homeowners, appears ln today's Da lly Pilot. Thls week's guide features a story on leglalaUoo under Assembly Blll 781 which 1lves homeown~rs a br•ak upon installeUon of homo intulatlon. Orange County Real Estate wlll bl a reaular weekly feature as a bonus for Dally Pilot readers • ' and beverages to ct1stomers wall result in the r<'staurant chapping in $10 per shaft toward Lisa's medical balls. "She's a sweet Jirl and she's got hundreds of friends." Booth said "She's the mainstay of the restaurant and we r eally miss her." Lisa. who says she does n't know \.\hen she'll be released from the hospital. feels the same way about her friends. "I've got great friends," s he said from her hospital bed Four n a bbe d in j ewelry s tore burglary Four persons were arrested on sus picion of burglary by Irvine Police Friday a fter they allegedly teamed up in a, robbery attempt a l a Woodbridge jewelry store. The four, whose names were being withheld late Friday pending confirmation or their indenUties, reportedly ranged ln age from 22 to 26 and are from the Hollywood area. Police responding lo a silent burglar alarm at J anine'a Jewelry, 4630 Barranca Parkway, shortly after 4:30 p .m ., found the store open for business and the four inside. The s u s pects, three females and a male, allegedly were attempUna to remove keys to· jewelry display cases from the store's cuh register while distrac tin& owner Janine Kaulma11. Open house set The Amvcts veterans' or1enlzatton hH lnvlted the public to an open house and dedication of the oew Amveu State Servlro Foundation and Headquarters bulldtna In Anaheim . The dedication 11 slated for I p.m. today at the 1213 Dale St • site. El Salvador advisers weapons report asked WASHINGTON (AP > - President Reagan said Friday it was "understandable" that a group of U.S. military advisers in El Salvador was carrying M-16 rifles, but he was asking for a full report on whether they were permitted to do so. Salvador as soon as Congress reconvenes on Fe b. 22. After hou rs of reveris h consultation, the Pentagon iss ued a statement Friday s aying the m atter is under investigation. but that "the rules on carrying weapons as applied by the U.S. ambassador <Deane R . Hinton I a utho rized t he carrying or sidearms only.·· It was that statement the Defense Department tried lo withdraw. Defense officials. speaking· anonymously, said at first the. s ituation .,..as amb i guous because guida nce originally, provided by the Defense ancl, State departments allowed the advisers to choose amon& unspecified t y pe s o r ·'individual" weapons to ca·rry for self-defeni.e There was som e confusion over whether the advisers were supposed to be limited to pistols and the Defense Department tried to withdraw a statement that said they were. The Cable News Network aired videotape s howing several of the advisers armed with rifies, as weU as sidearms, whlle oo a mission Thursday. Asked about the report, Reagan aald: Money supply rise inay push rates up • "The only thing I can assume is they were for pe rsonal protection and I think that's understandable. I'm asking for a full report and we'll have one from the Defense Department." ·'The policy is that they do not engage in combat, nor were these gentlemen, as far as has been indicated, doing that at all," Reagan toJd reporters as he left ~ White House for a Camp David weekend. Sen. Paul Tsongas, D-Mass .. told CNN the tapes may have triggered a provision requiring the president lo report to Congress whenever U .S. m il ita r y per sonnel e nte r "situations where imminent involvement in hostihties is clearly indicated." Tsongas said he would ask for a report on the status of U.S. military personnel i n El NEW YORK <APJ -Two measures of the nation's money supply have spurted higher, the Federal Reserve Board reported Friday, and analysts said the resurgence of money growth wall keep interest rates high. Thomas Thomson, c h ief economist at Crocker National Ba nk in San Francisco. the nation's 12th largest bank, predicted the prime lending rate would jump "to 17 percent sometime next week .. from the current mdustrywide level of 16.5 percent The prime rate as t he base upon which banks compute interest charges on s hort·term bus iness loans to t h eir mos t creditworthy customers. Although there was no trading in government bonds Friday 1n observance o r Lin coln's Birthday, the late aftern()()l) mon ey·supply report sent the- dolla r higher against major rorcagn currencies High interest rates m the United States make dollar -denom inate d investments more attr active The Fed said a measure of runds readily available for s pending, known as M 1, Jumped $2 3 billion in the week ended Feb. 3 to a seasonally ad1usled $449.7 billion, more than wiping out two pre\ ious weekly declines and renewtng an explosive surge that began m No•ember Ml, formerly known as MlB, includes ca s h in circulation, travelers checks and deposits in checking-type accounts al financial institutions. The previous week's report on M 1 was revised downward by $200 m1lhon Doughnut shop worker's worst fears realized in slaying By RICHARD GREEN °' .... o.tty ...... ...., Pedro Alfaro had always worried that be might be injured in a robbery of the dou1hnut shop where be worked. The JO.year-old fathe r of five had been tied up and badJy frightened during a robbery about a year ago al a Winchell's Donut House in Orange, his wife said Friday. His fears continued when be was t ransferred lo the Winchell's shop in Irvine. He wanted to change jobs but couldn't find a new one that paid enough to support bis family. Alfaro's worst fears mate rialized early Thursday. While many of the police officers who often frequented the shop were busy at a fire, It is believed that someone entered the shop and placed an order. Alfaro was shot when be opened the cash resister. Ar. he slumped to the noor -the bullet havin1 pierced his heart - the robber escaped into the nl&bl witb leu than $100. "His luck just ran out," h1.a wife, Rosalba, said throush an interpreter Friday ln an interview in her Garden Grove apartment. "When your time comes, it. come1. •'The fam ily was v~ important to him. He'd rat.her work at a Job '#here he wouJd have to worry than take a Job that pald less." He dJdn't have a lot of free time, sat.cl Mn. Alfaro, who met and marrted her biwband in Mexico arid came wit.II him to the U.S. teveral years aao. "He worked six days a week," 1be aaJd, ber five children -J uan M., 10; Patricia, t; Pedro1 7; JOH M., 5 and SuJal, 3 -1atberin1 arouno her. "On bl.a day1 oft. he'd work on hla ear or 1orpeUmee watch 1port1 on tei.vlalon. He lilted the Dodaera and Femando Valensuela." Mra. Alfaro ~aid abe doaft't know •bat she'll Clo now for au~. However, tM a ownen in the El C.mlno Shoppb\t Center where the Wlncbell'• nop la located \a.a OpeMd a aaYjnp ~ fw U. , I . Alfaro family in the Merit Savings & Loan Association, 5392 Walnut Ave .. Irvine. Employees a nd s hop owners in the center at , Walnut Avenue and Jeffrey Road are being asked to donate to the savings account along with members of the public. Irvine police officers who frequented the Winchell's s hop remembered Alfaro as a "nice guy." In hopes of finding clues to the slaying, police investigators are asking anyone who may have been driving near the shopping center 1 between 3 and 3:30 a.m . to call police at 754-3730. Police said Friday afternoon they had little to go on. MURDIR VICTIM -This is the last p cture taken ol Petro Alfaro, hls wife Rosalba and youn1est child, Sujat, 3. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 -~Deficits wow~ lo.cal lawmakers Republi~ans Daunemeyer, Lungren want spendjng reductions 'B.Y DAVID IUJTZMANN O( ... ~ ........ Two membtra of Orant• County's GOP concreaatonal • detecaUon Indicated Friday they could not aupport the buao •d fl cll1 now contalned In \•pruldt nl Rea1an'1 s pendlnl pluns for liscol 1983. Jn aoparate speeches to m e mbers of a Re ubllcan 'or1anization t.11 n Anaheim, 'con1ressmen ' Dan Lungren. • "R · Lo n g Beach. and ·-•w 1111 am "Dannenmeyer. 1'R· Fullerton. said t h e 1 president is '<leading the ''nation in the economicall,y. Both men also praised Reagan ?for s tanding firm on not raising !Jtaxes. Speaking of Reagan's budget proposals now before Congress, Lungren said. "I'm hopeful we can take what the president has given us, and work on it" to reduce the projected def1c1t As the budget now s tands, there la an estimated deficit ot Aboul tel bllllon. Rcifcrrlnf to the r d ink in the prealdtnt 1 1pendln1 plans, Dannemeyer aald. "Thi• man has no intention of votlna for a bud1et wlth a deficit ot that maanitude." The Fullerton lawmaker said he had a list or 272 areas where cuts totaUna $52 bilUon could be made . And he said if Conaress really wanted to, It could balance the federal budget in only 60 days, assuming It was willing to "make th e accommodations necessary to do that." Both Dannemeyer and Lungren delivered their remar k s Friday lo a group known a s R e · publican Associates, which was holding its annua l luncheon meeting a l the Stadium ,.." ... .,.. Club in Anaheim. Absent from the meeting was ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHtlfled advertising 7141142·5e71 All other deper11Mnt1 142-4321 Thomas P Haley ,..,..,.. _a..£.....,.,,. O""'- Robert N. Weed ,.,__ Thomas A Murph1n~ Ecltlot Michael P. Harvey ....... ....,.0........ L Kay Schultz Offdo(Of~ MAIN OFFICE U0 WHI llay SL, Colt. Mtu, CA. AUii .--· lox 1M , C.U IMM, CA..,._ Coe>yrl.,.1 11G 0.--COfllt Publltlllng ~. HO MWl -!es, llutr•t-. edl-191 _,. or Mvttll-....... l'Nf_~ ,...._..•I"*" t.PKl91 penniulonof '~"I""-· R ep Rob ert Badham , R ·Newport Beach . who o r itlnally hud planned to attend. Onrnae County 's fourth representative in Washtnaton DC UI Jerry Patterson, D-Santa Ana. who told a separate aroup Thursday nlaht that he found Reagen's proposed $91 billion deficit "tral(lc " Lungren, whose district extends lnto Huntington Beach, said, "The challenge Is reaUy with us in Congress," explaining that legislators would either have to take action to control rederal spending or simply say that the government has a "lire * * * or Ila own" 1nd can't be controlh.>d. · Furthar spendlnai cut1, he indicated, would llkely come at the expense of social progrums , even though defense spendina also will come u n d e r scrutiny ··w e have no alternative LUNOHH to a national defense if the fedral government doesn't provide It." Lun${ren said * * * L eading b ank e rs rap d eficit plans SAN FRANCISCO <AP> Several U.S. banking figures slammed President Reagan's supply-side budget plans Friday, warning the plans could cause massive deficits and send the economy into an extended and possibly more dangerous recession. "The deficits threaten irreparable harm to our national economy," said George W. McKinney Jr .. senior vice president of Irving Trust Co. of New York. economy. light money and idle manufacturing capacity could even cause failing prices this • year, said Leland Prussia, c h airman of San Francisco-based Bank of America, the world's largest commercial bank Reagan 's s ucces s in conquering inflation "is going to be his legacy." predicted David M . Jones, vice president and economist for Aubrey Lanston and Co . of New York. .............. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr c....,.,.-~ Bernard Schulman ConlrOllW Charles H. Loos ... _....(_ Carol A Moofe s-s.ye- But like other experts speaking at the American Bankers Association's Bank In vestme nt s and Fund Management Con fer e n ce, McKinney predicted inflation would fall , perhaps dramatically. under the light money reign of Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker The depressed world A former Federal Reserve Bank economist. Jones said Volcker will not retreat from his vow to hold the growth or cash and checking deposits to only 2.S percent to S.S percent this year. But Jones warned that if the deficit isn't reduced, laking the strain off the financial markets. "the recession is going to get wors e and could becom e dangerous.·· PIGEON DROP Om· ol thl' rn<lll.' p1 gl•on :-. that I 11ul s ht.•llc.•r tn national monumt.'nh aro11nd \\'a...,hm.L{ton _ I><· c·oml'" 111 lor lanchng on hc.•ad ell :-.tat1ll' of Abraham Linn1ln .11 Lmt·olt1 \l<•monal The.· b1rcl \\a" m;.ik1ng hi" rc111111h during tl'l'l'mon\ ('Omml·mor.iting li:!rd .1nnl\ l'r ... ;in 111 I hl' llith presidl'ni ·s hi rt h • 17C&R. [).d(j~ • '$515 Mold9c:J E9QRocU • ltC&R. ke Mab< Ready • $538 Revenble Door1 • MuchMore • T a1ol Energy Sow..qS'f'tem OVER 50 SHERMAN CLAY STORES CELEBRATE PIANO&ORGAN WE OFFER OUR OWN CONVENIENT FINANCING CCMR IN. Al«> ~­~ :rEAMS Excellent S.lectlon of New and Used M•Jor Bra~d PIANOS •nd ORGANS FULL SIZE PIANOS AS LOW AS (7 EuyAay ~ ORGANS fran ·-sg_o___,4 ~ $~~~-~~ . .._..! WEEK•• ~ " "~~" L_j ....................... ··c.. ........ ,....., .... _ .. ___ ... ,_ .. __ , .... __ .. __ ---~ r.::c: ..:.'.In:":.... =:.=~ .... ----" . ----·-.. Save up to 38C1Jo on our best selling carpets. A tempting range of styles, colors and textures that give you the kind of selection you expect from Harlow's. Each and every item carrying a sale tag is from Harlow's regular.stock. Great value at the regular price-and sensational value during our Big S 1st-Anniversary celebration. You pt a 10 year Guarantee. Every item is exactly m advertised and covered for 10 years on product and installation. It's your guarantee that the money you invest will continue to bring you pleasure and compliments long after the savings have been forgotten. Enjoy a carpet designed for the f ashion<e>nscious at a price you can afford. It's made s995 of 1 OOct/o nylon fibets. e .... 111. This colorful sculpture with built- in pcrfonnance of 1000'/o Anso IV yams assure you of soil, stain & static prevention. '1095 e tq.yd. Olamourous cut and loop with Anso IV nylon construction promises exceptional soil and static shock prevention. s1195 • Ill· yd. Soft satiny plush, wonderfully rich, stylish and totally practical. Featuring biofresh yams for unbeatable odor and stain , protection in six 9 beaudful colors. 5 12. 51q.7d. Vibrant good looks and rugged perfonnance all wrapped up in one beautiful carpet. The multi- color yams are made of Antron Plus to assure qualitySlJ95 that lasts. e .... 111. A thick plush carpet styled ,n a wide selection of colors. Crafted of Antron yarns. A popular saxony plush with Antron III fibers for exceptional durability, even under tough traffic. $1895 • Ill· ,.t. Sale prices arc for carpet only and good only for a limited tJmc. ...••.............•.•.•••••.••••.••••.•.... $TORE HOURS: Mon thnl Sal 9:00 arn·$:)() pm Mon A Fri TIU 9 ....:.c-.. . -Conwnicnt Oedlt TmmA~ Harlow Carpets - ' GARDEN OAOVE 12802 Knott SlrHt 11 I'" HO Ci•r0.1' (lrO'lf ,,.,1 (714) ltt·H57 • (2'3) $94-H~ CERRITOS 11~ South StrMI ~ "°"' .... c--.....,_ (213t~ LONG BEACH 3.o E •th SlrMt IAuau llOl'I &Mrtl (213t 43M21• ,L.ACfNTIA 127 E Yort>e Linda 11 11• Wttl ot ll••ttMll (714) MU32t I COAONA D£l MAR 3838 East Coest HIQhwlY IM!Ott "-, f'fll Ctownt l'lltlNtl'ICI (714} 11).4443 HUNTINGTON BEACH 15073 Goldenwest C~•l'll Doll JOH ~ & Coco II 0'14) 193·1511 • (211) 5A·28t1 MISSION VIEJO 25098 Marguerite ...... Ralpl\ " ' (11~ 1•1444 ' ' -~...,...... For the first time 1lnce the E l1en9'ower admlnl1tratJon, ambassadora to Waahtn,wn are belna honored aa a aroup at Whlte House dJnnen About l60 1ueata, represenlln1 half the dlplomatJc corps, dined on 1upreme of smoked trout en aelee and te1l4erloln of veal Thursday nlsht. The other half is due Feb. 18. A1hraf Gborbal of Eeypt, the senior ambassador preaent Thursday, thanked Pte1lden t R eagan for resuming "a beautiful tradlllon. We appreciate tbia wonderful gesture . . You have our commitment to see you next year. same time." BROTHERLY LAUGH Presidential Counselor Edwin Meese III. right. and brother George. clerk in lhc Livermon• municipal court. share a chuckll' before a Lincoln De1y dinner of the .\lameda Count~ RC'µublH·an Part~ in Oakland. Former Beatie George Harrlsoo has been awarded an honorary citation for som ething he dad 10 years ago promote and perform in the "Concert for Bangladesh" tn New York. The concert Aug. 1, 1971 was designed to help needy c hildren in Bangladesh through UNICEF. the United Nations Ctuldren's Fund. Koch aa ys Sun Belt cities dull Sales or the concert tickets and record albums over the past decade have raised $10,750,000 for UNICEF Mayor Edward I. Koch said that if the publishing firm of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich wants to leave New York City for warmer chmes, there's not much that can be done. How ever, he t old reporters, "I would like to remind you facetiously that you are more apt to get skin cancer in those cities than in Bess Truma n has broken a hip, contracted pneumonia and suffered a mild stroke the past year. but her doctor says the oldest li ving former first lad y i s doing "beautifully'' on her 97th birthday and "may outlive us all." "Her mind is very_ alert," said Dr Wallace Graham, the Truman family doctor since 1945. "She likes to sit in P residert Reagan will extend his European trip this s pring to include stops an London, at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and Bonn, West Germany, for a NATO summit meeting, New York and those cities a re very dull " The publishing firm announced it would move its headquarters and some operations to San Diego and Orlando, Fla., because office space costs too much m the city, energy is too expensive, tax rates are too high and transportation is loo ~nretiable. the window and watch the children play. And she hkes a good joke ·· President H arry S Truman, who died in 1972 at age 88, referred to his wife as "The Boss," and she does not like to be pampered. "If I start to annoy her." Graham said , "she'll clench her fist and say, 'I'm in good health and that's all there 1s to it' " the White House announced Stops an Ve r sailles, France, for a seven·natlon economic summit conference, and in Rome for: an audience with Pope John Paul II were announced earlier. Hugh Downs, chairman of the U.S Committee for UNICEF, a n n o un ced Harrison's citation HONORED lt~ormC'r Beatk George Harrison has ht-en awarded a c1tat1on in :-.Jew York City for promoting and performing m a benefit for ne e d v children in Rangladesh more than 10 years ago Variable clouds Extended "'"""• Albuqut "'"'""'• All•l\I• All•ntc Cly B•lltmOf"• 81rm1nqhm 81\m•r-c9' Boow Si\-II IOf"tcHt tor tOCS.v trom the Bc»lon Horth••'' Into nor1hern M1c"19•n. 8Uft•lo cllM19ln9 to r•ln In WeSI Vlr9lnl•. Ch•rl\ln SC Vlr9lnl• -Nortl\ C•r041n• Aoln ta Ch••'''" wv lore<•tl from~ P•tfk North-•! ,,,. .. ,,... Into Id--Norti.m C•llloml•. Ch•<•90 wltll tnow In IM mou<\l•iM Cine innalt Some .-1n -.....,.. '' e>reOieled Ci.vet•nd for Arlron• •nd •owtllwu1ern C04wmbut Color-, -, ...... ll • ch...ce o1 O•t Fl Wiii .,_ In !he 0.kol•t with Sh0Wfl'1 O.nv•r poulble In \owthern FlorlO• Oet MolnH El--. It wlll lie Clur 10 ,..n1y O.troU cloudy Duluth Temperelurn .......... , ... """°"•I El PHO mldCMly Friday r.ngo<I from • IOw ol F •l•b•"*' s Ill '"'-· -• to. 1119'1 ol IS In H•rtlorO Fot1 M~. Fi. H• .. n• Honolulu ----------Houtton C alifo rnia V•rl•ble clOVCllneu tn Souli..rn Calltornl• -y. becom•n9 moitly cloudy Sl.tnO<tv Highs 1111s wttUJ\d In OnJ\Olf County r8n9ino lrem mid 60s •I ,,,. 119«i.t le iOw 70l onlancl •nt411 L-• '2 ton. 1n0n..,a1 Je<k!lnvll• K•n• City LHV-Llllle Aoo lCMllt•tl .. MemPfli1 Ml•ml NATION ,, -4l so ,. .. 1• .. ,. J7 u JI 23 S7 l.S " " 11 01 JJ lO ,, u SJ .. l7 IS ., 11 l1 09 JI II 1S °' JI 03 .. 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NOl1Mnl _,, """' U 10 62, 1-1 Joi le~-"'°"In-" dfterts .. ,o 74,1-···-· NortMm 8f'd Central C•lllornl• ·-.....· .............. -~~....._Rf _RIP_DR_T wlll haw ~ 111g11 cltucb IOCl•y R•ln ttWWdiftt -,,_, nor'lflWttl ., Swnday Petchy nl91tt •nd morlll"9 too '" Sen JOAQ<iln v •• i. y ............. .,000 ... , ." nor111, ·-'"' In <Ml181 S..r• ton19'11 -s-..,. ..., .... o.1._, •• ._ ... .4 ""' lolrf s-1 .. Kii A .... MH ~ Zum<t 1 2 10 sent• Monie• 1 1 11 H.,..porl 2 J II 5.tfl '*'9 C-y 2 J II )\11-IOr $uftMy. Sllghl ln<rHW In Wftl..-ly a ... 111. .... ...... , .... .... Ml• ~ I t SW 1 1 WSW , ' "' , ' w We're Listening ••• NtWPOr1 Bff<h OU l•nd Ont••lo P•lm Sl>f'ln9> P .. •O•n• PHoll-1 A fYf'f\tOt AeO Bluff AeOwOOCI Coly S.Cr•mento S.flnH S•n BtrMrOono S•nG•0ri.1 S•n oi.90 S.n Fr..-c:•KO ~nJOW S•nto AM S.nl• 8•rt>Mo S.n"\ Cru1 S""I• M•rla S.nl• lnlc• Stoc~lon T•....,. V•uo Therm•! Torr•n<.• Vum• Atn\t•rdam Atl>ens 8•"9".,. 8f'irul 8el9r•~ Berlin 8ru1i•I\ a· • .,,, C•tro C•r•<•' ,_""-" Out>41n Fr•nlolu<1 c;.,...,. H•ltlnkl HonqK- Jeruui.m Jo'bur9 Kiev Lima llt- l.-n M•Orld Manll• Motc- N•W 0.1111 Nicosia Rio ROf'M Sao P•ui. SI~ Stocltllolm T• ... I Tel AYIY TeltYo vi.nM Ol.OIAL ... so .0 ., M 03 .... " . .. .., M 0 S6 12 •l ., S• Jt u.., ... , 61 .. .. " SI 0 .. ,. It .. .. ., u ., .. 0 10 SS u l2 .. °' ,, " " so •I ... S4 ,.. ;o ,. 'O 7S ., so 0 ,, •• J7 st • ., .. •• 41 II W 0 JI ~ ,. so JO SJ H 16 JO SS S4 .. ,. II ff >l " H ._. s• ,. so •t S4 ,. .. ,, JO ,, 1t S4 " 0 100 .. ,, al .. 10 ti 1S J1 ,, .. S1 SI * ... , ,. n Whut do ~·ou ltke ~about the Daily Pilot' What don't you Uke? Call lh-e number below and your mes111e will ~ recorded. transcribechnd lie livered to UM approprlill editor. The same 24·hour an1wer1nt service may be used to record let- ters lo the tditor on any loplc. MaUbo1t contribulor1 must Include their name and telephone number for veriOcatlon. No ciroulatlon calls, pleau. , Tell UA what'• on your mind 642•6086 ,\' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 13, 1982 Council upset by job delay P erfor mance bond ordered on Mclfadden building By STEVE MARBLE oftt1eOM1•11'1 ........ Builder Rick Lawrence, who has spent years atrlving to renovate the old Mc Fadden\ Building near the Newport Pier. has been asked to put up 1.1 $75.000 performance bond on h1s project. City council members, who reviewed Lawrenre's plan, said they've grown weary waiting for the! Newport man to fhtlsh his projec.·t The council agreed Lawrence must m eet two deadlines to avoid losing the money They said he must complete the first floor or the lhree·slory structure by June and wrap up the entire project by September. Lawrence. who landed anitaal city approval on has project an Burger King death mistrial declared An Orange County Superior Court Judge has declared a mistrial in penalty proceedings against convicted murderer Dwayne Mc Kinney But the prosecutor says he will try once again to convince a j ury McKinney should die in the General plan inf orma lion Mesa topic The Costa Mesa City Council will meet Tuesday at 6 JO p m. to consider how to educate the community about the city's general plan. At a recent study session city council members discussed using existing interest groups and establishing neighborhood advisory groups. The plan approved by the city council last year includes 240 policies The council will now have to decide how to implement the plan and establish priorities for enacting the various policies The council will meet at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. Warehouse work starts Ground clearing has begun on the site of a new 7 ,000-square-foqt warehouse at Saddleback Colleee's South Campus in Mission Viejo College officials said the warehouse, beini built at a cost of .$260,000, will allow bulk purc*ses or supplies at a redu cost. The ilding, located on the tower campusr sho uld be completed by early summer. California gas chamber The Orange County jury deciding the fate of McKinney convicted or killing the night m anager or a Burger Kang an Orange d eadlocked 7 5 against imposing the death sentence The panel deh berated for about two days. A jury's decision an criminal matters must be unanimous. Judge Francisco Rra seno dec l ared the mi s trial this wc.•t•k after jurors rt.'portcd they were unable to reach unanimous agreement Ha s ruli ng does not a ffe ct McKinney's conviction. Even though the panel leaned toward a senten ce of life imprisonment without parole. prosecutor Tony Rackauckas strongly indicated he would push for a new pen<Jlly trial New state laws allow the rHoseculion to have a second opportunity lo seek the death sentence against a defendant. But Assistant Public Defender C hris Strople, McKinney's I a wyer . said the expand ed capital punishment laws do not require that the prosecution try once again. Mc Kinney. a n unemployed 21 ·year·old Ontario resident. was convicted or special death penally alle~ations relating to the death of Burger King night manager Walter Bell, 19 The victim was killed durmg a holdup of the Burger Kang on West C hapma n Avenu e an December 1980 Rackauckas had told the Jury lhal BeU was helpless and killed in cold-blooded fashion by the defendant during the robbery attempt. Strople, however . suggested that the evidence did not point conc lu sive ly to an execut1on·style slaying. Judge Briseno scheduled Feb 17 for furthe r proceedings in the case. 1974 , promised he'd meet the deudhn~ The McFadden Bu1ldtni to be renamed Lawrence Square is a trianguhtr·Shaped structure expected lo be the keystone of the pier area. The once brick structure, which has had a wood fence looped around most of it for several years, has served through the decades as ever ything from a hotel lo a collection of bait and·tackle shops. Lawrence plans lo reopen the • building with two restaurants, a two·story cocktail lounge and a hotel. "This wall be a real landmark," Lawrence told city le<adt•rs .. and good things take time .. .. But not that much lime," retorted Mayor Jackie Heather before leading a successful vole to impose the $75 ,000 bond Top-ranking fe male c op to r e tire One of Calafor n1a 's top ranking f emale law enforcement officer s . Orange County Sheriff's Department Ca pt . Barba ra Ayres of Fullerton. says she'll retire in April after more than 24 years of service Capt Ayres. 51 , the first woman an the she riff's department to achieve the ran~ of captain , serve d as commander an both the Personnel and Training Bureau and the Records Bureau, her present assignment. during her career In 1952, she began an law enforcement as a Los Angele.s County s heriff's deputy For three years, she was assigned le) patrol duty and spent thre4' more years on the jail detail. Followmg a Cave.year breal dc.•voted to raasang her two sons, Capt Ayres JOaned the Orange County Sheriff's Department in 19f>4 and was assigned to the women'!> jail Four yeari. later, Capt. Ayres achieved the rank or lieutenant and assumed command of the Personnel and Training Bureao. She as a member or the California Peace OUacer t' Association and the Women"'s Peace Officers' Association aJ1Cf has served on the executi,,t boards or both. Free Valet Parking Sunday, February 14th When you shop for your Valentine Bring )'OUr car to MaD entry between Bullock's & L Magnin 1 , Visit Compl!~er Valentine Gift C.enter Carowlel c:ourt_ • SOlJTH COAST PLAZA I . i ' • ' • ., ' 675-1171 By THOMA MUR P HI NE T hal 1s. you thsdosc it1 u for J~l 10 doll ars. The $45.000 0tllit1MMY ...... ,.... whisper to the opcratm· lhe sex stuff 1s mostly trinkets. known us LOVE IN A P RINT-OUT: and agl' or your lover and, very fine Jewelry Well, they've finally gone and 'quietly. how much you want to Mrs. Connt1lly ha d so much done lt. Thov'vc computerized s pend and hark' Cupid 's arrows success o n h er e l cctrol')'f c Cupid. whiz am id the el<'clronics' The shopping tnp th at s he stop~d Ar4' you st um p('d to find Just video screen lights up with love' back by Cupid video center and the rtght gift or love for your You get a video display printout ·asked the OJ>erat or what gifts of sweetheart for Va lentine's Duy that informs you th at there's a 10 love were available in the $6.000 this Sunday'' Arc you frantic m buck garter belt on sale at The range. the tender throes of romance but Intimate Collection. on th<• Uppe r "I d id t h at just in case th rashing in agony because of an Le\ el. som e bod y askl'd me what I unlo ving pocketbook·> For you. com pu t erized wanted for Valentine·s Day:· she Are you frustrated on the gift romancl' 1s just around thl• explained. front on how you m ight express corner. on the l 'pper Level. of L ove cl('arl\' i:, a manv your deepest e motions for that courst• pru.·ed ite~. · ' · ver y special love·• ONE CUSTOME R t'ROM THE G I FT COM P UTER 1s NEVER VOU TO WORRV. Costa l\1csu. Mrs Mar " Ann goin g to be in business out at the While it's getting down to the last Connelly. reported that she got a shopping mall r ight up to 5 p.m mome nts in the gift selection full list of gift goodies within her Sunday. for thost• lo\'ers v. ho are business for this Valentine's Da). pr icl' range, complett• with store still wnnging th t'ir hands and your intrepid correspondent will locations. in just thl' flicker of the ~earching their pocketbooks 1 bring modern lethnology to yow computl'r tub<.• know I had <m otht'r fiver hidden rescue. According to th<.' <:uµ1 d tn here somewhere Right in the heilrt of our tomputt•r installers, the If computenzed gift g1v111g O r a nge Coast area. Cupid has Comµull'r Learning Center of via Cupid rc::ill) catches on been installed inside a comput<•r Anaheim. morethan600offcrmgs Santa Claus better begin o ut at S o uth Coast P l aza of love are programmed in a up dating his att bl'for(' nt:xt shopping center in Costa Mesa price range rrom Sl to $45.000 .'.'Iovembcr rolls around As' the frustrated shoppmg Of course 1f vou huve $45.000 Maybe by the n. technology lover , all you need do is trot up to t~ drop on love. ):Ou ran prnbab:y will have so advanted that St. Cupid's happiness video screen hire C'up1d h1msl•lf for the day Nick could hook h is girt eomputer • 3295 Newport Boulevard Hew~ Beach, Callfomia VISA' (on Penlnsul• Acrou From Ctty Hell) out a t the shopping center and and buy ~our own eomµuter din•ctlv to the one that handles t ell the computer operator of Well, tht•re urc some bras::. vour crt.'Ci1t cards y our heart's desin• heart boxes in thl' computer hst · Ah . p1·o~l'l'S!> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~- -Tropi~I Fish• Fresh• Muine Aquuium Supplies Spedal Feb. 13, 1982 . Feb. 19, 1982 Scatophagus rubrt fons: 9.99 I am a brackish water fish frequenting the r iver mouths, estuaries and coast al waters of India, the Malay Archipelago, Northern Australia and the M elanesian Islands. I am flat and deep bodied, beautiful and fairly sociable. I am on sate at Aquatic Tropicals under the name "Ruby Scat" for onty9.99. 1510 W. Bake r• Coat• Meaa ..- -54~1391 •Comer Harbor & Baker liiii %/ty- ~Wm. Roberts Je J Lido vm we ers 3.424 Vioi o age pOrto, Newp0r1 8 eacli SAY JE TAIME VALENTINES DAY Make VALENTINES say not just "I LOVE YOO' but say "JE TAIME' For the French exemplifies the true meaning of romance. On Sunday Febuary I 4th the Pl.EASAl'ff PEASANT tn Newport Beach located at Mac Arther Square Will bring you"JE T AIME" in the true French meaning! The symbol of LOVE will be given to all the ladies on this special day A Rose that in all languages represents devotion. and orie ,;r-,--........- true love, "JE TAIME" DON'T JUST SAY "I LOVE YO<J" SAY "JE T AIME" TWO dirinet 9ellll0g5 will bl-olf Med ti,, r~ or#f. OtW at ~00 FM. and~ al 700 PM. 4251 Martingale Newport Beach (In MacArthur Square) Telephone (7 14) 955·2755 If it f I oats, hances are y.ou'll read abQut it in the Dally Pilat 642-4321 l II -=-. -mi -~ ~ iiliii -~ ~ -- i iiiii I ~ ~ NURSERY GARDEN SUPPLY DWARF CITRUS '8.98 reg, SALE s ga1 reo•1s.oo FANTASTIC ... 2 cu ft ROGERS POTIING MIX '8.98 '5.98 SELECTED SHADE 600/o OFF PATIO SAVINGS l># TREES 5·15gaJ. ROGERSSOILACTIVATOR 118.98 112.98 • 12' INDIAN HAWTHORNE • BANDINI 2-WAY '7.95 17.98 • TROPITONE rao . SALE '9 95 • rag, 113.50 • 24 # • TAOPI KAI • BANDIN! 2·WAY •17 95 114.95 • 42" TABLE SET '725.00 '379.00 ST AR JASMINE & • SS.98 • 20 # • 48" TABLE SET '758.00 '379.00 TEA TREE 5gal vatues to 113.50 • BANDINI SUPER BLADE '8 95 '5.30 • CHAISE "237.00 11815.00 40' SS.98 MARRAKESH BANDIN! SUPER BLADE . 112.95 '9.80 ESCALONIA 5 gal reo •12.00 42" TABLE SET '718.00 '430.00 14 # GERANIUM, AZALJs 48" TABLE SET '751 .00 1450.80 PAA SUPER CRAB 112.49 '9.99 vakles tD rJ. 75 CHAISE "172.00 '190.40 8 oz. & MARGUERITE '1.98 ORTH ONEX '3.70 • '4 98 DAISY 1 gal. CANTINA • • 16 oz . 48" SQ. RD. TABLE '966.00 '678.20 • STAR JASMINE, TEA, vakJes to '3. 98 • CHAISE '340.00 '255.00 ORTH ONEX 57.98 '5.98 TREE, D'MRF WHEELER!, BROWN JORDA N ORTHO SPRA YETIE '798 '5.80 BOXWOOD & LAVENDER 11.78 TAMIAMI BANDINI LAWN SPREADER 134 95 '25.00 STAR FLOWER 1 gal. 42 II LEG TABLE SET '779.00 '389.50 AMES® SHOVEL 113.99 '9.99 DIOSMA, ESCALONIA, values to '3 50 48" PED. TABLE SET 1855 00 '427.50 AMES® HOE 112 99 '8.99 NANOINAAND CHAISE '319.00 '199.00 • AMES® FLEX. RAKE '10.29 '7.99 • VARIGATED 18" SIDE TABLE 1110.00 '75.00 • WATERWANDS '5.98 51.48 • '9 98 • PITTOSPORUM 1 gal. MAUNA KEA • • COLOR PROD!l~TS 48" LEG TABLE '675.00 '612.50 • 51.69 • • COLOR PACKS reo. '2.69 CHAISE '389.00 '272.00 • • 10" RED CLAY POT '8.95 • 113.50 ENSIGN II 4" BEDDING PLANTS 5.69 42" LEG TABLE 1695.00 '417.00 REDWOOD CRATE •24 95 114.95 & PONY PACKS reg 11 19 • 48" LEG TABLE '731.00 1438.60 '29.00 14" HANGING BASKET '42 00 CHAISE '329 00 '209.00 INDOOR PLANTS UMBRELLA '289.00 '199.00 PO'ITERY SALE ICE CREAM SET LG.MEXICAN PEDESTAL 114 50 '7.60 reg, 30" TBU2 SIDE CHRS. '235.00 1179.96 • 22" 6" HOUSE PLANTS '10.95 '5.95 AW BERT • • MEXICAN LOW BOWL '22.00 '8.98 • 8" HOUSE PLANTS '28.95 '15.95 DANGARI • • 10" RED CLAY POT '4.70 '2.99 • TABLE/W 4 CHRS . '1.{13():00 '940. 00 • 6" CYCLAMEN '4.95 • *8.95 • • 10" RED CLAY SAUCER 11. 75 • • 13.00 BASKETS 2511/DOFF 12" AEDWCXXl PYRAMID BASKET '8.40 '5.98 FLORIST 2" x 6' '2.60 REDWOOD STAKE '3.60 VALENTINE ARRANGEMENT '21.95 14" MOSSED RD.BASKET •14.00 '8.50 reo '29.95 I 251/aOFF 20" BAIL HANGERWIEXT. 115.50 '8.98 SILK FLOWERS Pt~t•ll«tift llltU llltb t$ lllO tvblect 10 Qu•~t- 111e1 on 11•"4 "' 640-5800 Open 9 to 5 dolly • son Joaquin Hlllt Rood ot MacArthur Blvd • Acroaa from Fotnlon ltlond In Newport Beoch NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNtTURE • ANTl~UES .. Papers rap closed trials SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Firtt Amendment rl1hta WQUld be violated by a propo1ed rule closll\I parta ot federal criminal trials to the public and preu, Atwapaper olftclala bave tOJd a federal panel. The proposal was sharply crlticlaed by apokeamen ror The Asaoclated Presa Mana1in1 Edlton Aasociatlon, the Gannett Newspapers and the Loi AneeJes Times at a heartna befo~ a federal Judiclal Conference ad visor y subcommittee. The rule to prevent jury prejudice la being considered for 1ubml11lon to the U.S. Supreme Court, whicb c•n enact rules govemlng federal trials. · Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 .4.a ~ ................ ABA baCks pe~ion bill] WASHINGTON CAP) LeatalaUon that wuuld elve military retirement pay the same statua as other pensions in divorce decrees ls being endorsed by American Bar Association spokes men. Leaders ol the ABA 's family law s~cllon appeared before lhe Senate Armed Services personnel subcommittee to support a bill that effectively negates a rulina the U.S. Supreme Court handed down last June In that case, the court rul.S that divorce courts cannot conslder military retirement pay as ·., commWlal or marital oroperty when dlvldln& a.saets. However, Michael I!:. Barber ol the ., ABA said that rulln1 and laier onet , using It u a precedent "have left ln ' jeopardy thousands of property settlements '· Or1anizations of former military • : spouses have said many aervlce • •. wives have been left destitute after 1q they divorced because of the rullne. 1t; Volcker, Baldrige due 11• By The Aasoclated Press Here· are the scheduled guests for the Sunday tele vision interview programs. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul / Volckcr • • NBC , "Meet the Press," Commerce Secretary Malcolm ,'J Baldrige " I ,I Under the proposal, questloninJ of prospective jurors could be closed, alona with any pretrial hearing and any trial proceedlne taktna place outside the jury's presence lf jurors are not sequestered. But a '1earing always would p~ede any closure. And a complete record ol closed proc:eedlnas would be available after a verdict and arter all appeals are exhausted. The rule also allows a judae lo restrict who may attend proceedings and to impose a conditional attendance policy. GOING DOWN -Andy DeBord installs new pumps to measure gallons at a Modesto station where a gas war has driven prices down. Big-name brands have joined the competition and distributors say prices are the lowest in the nation. -ABC, "This Week With David Brinkley." Secretary of Stale Alexander Haig and Soviet arms control consultant Stanaslav Menshikov. -CBS, "Face the Nation," Upcoming Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes" Reports on incompetent doctors, '•' profile on publisher Malcolm Forbes •I and report on Mexico City. Children's Puppet Show R1ede's Marionettes Wiii provide fun, music and fantasy for the little ones. Huntington Center at 1-2-3-4 Fri thru Mon., FEBRUARY CARPET SALE Through Feb. 22nd ~~..!!!! .~~.!! 646-4838 961-8180 • • • ••.•••••••• ·l • • • •750 GM Reltatel Mew and demonstrator ·a 1 and ·a2 Cffatlons, • • • • • • • • e Cavaliers, I 0-30 Trucks! • • • • • • • • • .-----~---------------: •soo ! GM Reltatel • Mew and demonstrator •a 1 and ·a2 Chevettes, : Celebl itys, S-10 and e LUV pickups! • • LIMITED TIME ONLY! • • = • • • • • Get a terrific, dis· ~'\~ : counted HOW ARD deal : » ~ e PLUS REBAJE MOW! e 'IJ."(J ~ ·--------------T""----- ... ~ :~ \O : HOWARD : \\ ""' : Chevrolet :. • • • • • • Dove/Quail Sts., Newport Beach • (Hr. Jamblne, ~r, Bristol) : 714/833-0555 ••••••••••••••••• Special Valentines Dinner & Party UVE &ITERTAINMENT & DANCING Regular PriCM -No Cover Charge Relervatlon1 Suggested Presidents' Day WAllANl'Y • , • ft. TIAMI. • Jft.PADI • 2 ft. fllCT. 1WI • I ft.NOt9 MnlCI CT/IO'l1 . w.....,.._ •. r • ... ..,..._. ............. ~ ................ r •MA.-.A..._ ..... CK/200 ..... ", ... • ' Hr. '"' ...,. • 14D.J..... ti ........... • "-~:.w . .._ ......... s.... 0.5-' ..... 09 • c....-.au..., • W9"Wlty 2 '"' r.ts ' .... • ..,Sina I ~2~ I WAllAIMTY AUT~US VIDIO CAMERA 9,, DIAGOMAL COLOI AC/DC Model CT10911 . ... • STICl-IUCll 25" ClllSll.l Am , .... .. lE CllT8lS s u , E I v A L u E 11/J/I 1r am CT111a, 1111, • 1• 11 stick w.,...., Now REACH RCll Colorrrak . FOR REM~OT"E ~ipnlt locks the color on track 25" DIAGONAL Collrlnk . 2000 REMOTE CONTROLS '1'HE VHY HST ICA HAS TO OFHI" PllCl INCLHDIS DILIYllY.SIJ.W Me MC't DCWSIVI UT ..... WAUANTY. HUIDllOIMI Tiit • mous Y.U.-MOO&S 611C6tJ 6t7_.6"AUO .. STOCI a.... (IWt.J 6-HOUA VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER WHILE THEY LAST ICA MOD1L ..... DUAL IPIADll a SOUND CHAMN&S RCA '"-~•k "19:: -,s5~9 · WHY IUY AT AIC? I t046 IROOINUUT .. , ....... ""'"' Sele Prtc" ""' M.::::t • ICA 'a s.tea JOff ... "--.. Olllr o.. .. .,._,c...._.~ .. ShictL Ww H ... O• D-..., ....... 6M760. 7U, 761, 16f. 110. 111. uo. na. t4J. "'" ................ Of Al. At AIC Ow Prtc" ._.... .......... W..rmty .-1 Del"'J .-IS9Mply•T.U. Y-Int..,. An At AIC. A1k for termt • VlH or Ma1t~r Charge Accepted • 3 Year Picture Tube. 1 Yr. Parts, 1 Yr. Service Warranty on 1982 ColorTrak •nd System Ill Conso111 • Diltrtbutor Authorized Silrtlce on PremlMt • All Avalllbl• Modela 1n Stock • No Comml11loned Sa6etolf'tOnl • We Know Our Product Inside ~ Out Not Juat The Pflot • Quality • Integrity • ~· HUMTIM•TOM IMCH .,.._ ______ -t CAl.L t61-H2t Fiil PllCES .,.f 1, (I ,j; Al Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/S1turd1y, February 13, 1962 Last Pesort? Employee stock ownership keeps payroll, profits, plants. alive By THOMAS D. ELIAS As economtci problems cause. one California oomp~ny after another to announce plant closings or major ~lbac:P in both jobs and product lines, ome threatened workers are moving to ke matters into their own hands. To lhem, employee stock ownership iplans ( ESOPs > look more and more attractive as a way to keep plants open and hold onto their jobs. So far, ESOP attempts are under way at Kaiser Steel Corp. 's huge Fontana works, the only t\Jll-scale steel mill in the West, and at General Electric's Ontario flat iron plant. AT BOTH PLAN'l'S, company management has concluded that it can't make profits selling present product 1 lines, both because or the slow economic climate and outmoded equipment. the real aliment , the product mix." Alvln warns that If workers persist with a takeover plan, they could l03e all their severance pay and pension benefits. "The money for an ESOP doesn't just appear from nowhere," he said. But workers at both Kaiser and GE aren't being easily discouraged. In some families , two and three generations have earned their livings at the troubled plants and workers don't want their lifestyles changed overnight. The same, of course, is t rue of workers at other threatened facilities. rrom lumber mills in Northern California to mines In the Mojave Desert. They will be watching closely, and if their counterparts at Kaiser and GE survive. they will spur similar efforts elsewhere Thomas Elias, a free-lance columnut ba3ed m Santa Monaca. analyus north·80t.llh state 1Ssues. In both cases. most workers disagree and they're willing to bet large stakes that they can keep the plants operating profitably If their plans work. t housands or other threatened Califomi~ workers are sure to make similar efforts as other firms pull back in response to the recession. The Kaiser effort is being pursued most vigorously. If it succeeds. it would be the largest employee takeover in U.S. history. And Louis Kelao, the San Francisco economist whose 1961 book introduced the ESOP concept. thinks it Energy diet progress encouraging CAllf DRNIA FOCUS will work and is actively helping the attempt. "The employees are in a p0sition where they could make the company profitable." he said. "THEY ARE NOW its biggest cost. They may have to reduce the work force or cut fringe benefits but if 1t 's clearly in their long.term interest to make the company profitable, they can do it." Management disagrees. saying its studies show Kaiser's Fontana mill "absolutely cannot" be run profjtably. That's the same conclusion reached by GE officials. who say there 1s no longer demand for the metal flat irons they've made in Ontario since 1905. Lighter plastic irons, they say. are the products of the future. But workers at the two plants insist their bosses are wrong ... We know how " -t?. make steel profitably," says Jim ~mbowski , s pokesman for United Ste'l!workers Local No 2869. Lol!fll union leaders at Ontario believe metal Rat irons also are not completely 8 thing or the past. · Both union locals :.ay they may use the severance pay due to workers as part of the flnancmg to buy the plants Workers thus would be risking up to seven months wages in the employee buyout plans. THAT KIND OF ris k naturaJly produces some ske pti cs ·'The international union doesn't think an ESOP is feasible at Kaiser ... says Cass Alvin, a n offi c ial of the United Steelworkers Union "The bag problem at Kaiser now is that there is no market for its steel, since it sells mostly to the construction industry and they're at a standstill. An ESOP won't work at Fontana because it won't prescribe for Thu 13 a repnnt from the Town llaU Journal The remarks are by John F' Bookout Jr , pre~t and ctrie/ eucutive office r , Shell 01' Co Three years ago I would have s ounded an alarm in discussing America's energy situation. We were dangerously overdependent on foreign oil. Today, however, our energy outlook has brightened I first want to point out how and why America is making progress. Then, I will point out the warnlllg signals that we must look for in evaluating our energy situation. Three years ago we were suffering the consequences of an energy policy based uopon .. upside-down" priorities. a policy that stifled, not stimulated, domestic production PRESIDENT REAGAN recognized early the problem that was bedeviling the energy industry. He realized that the marketplace needed the chance to operate. We now have the outlines of a sound energy policy · energy costs moving toward their true market value; correct price signals to the public (natural gas being the remaining exception 1. supportive government policies on regulation and on capital formation , and increased access to government lands for badly needed domestic exploration. And. it's working. We need only remember the gasoline Imes of 1979 in the aftermath of the Iranian Re volution to picture how dangerously overdependent the United Stales was on foreign oil Since then. we have not been inconvenienced by foreign disruption What's happened ? Two key developments. First. due to the new energy policy, we now have the promise of greater supplies or domestic energy. Second. America is curbing its appetite for energy However p0sit1ve I may be, I can assure you that the problem is not yet resolved. We now have a breathing spell , an opportunity lo really take command of our energy sltuatJon. We should not forget the main reason why we are making progress in the energy situation The most important recent development in the field of energy is conservation. Nor should we forget how it came about. The marketplace accomplished what r h etoric and regulation failed to accomplish After hearing so much about the limits of energy s upply, we now hear about the limits of energy demand. Compare OPEC's production today with its 31 million barrels a day in 1979. Today OPEC is producing 20 million barrels a day a third less than its previous daily rate. In 1979 OPEC was supplying 60 percent or the Free World's oil demand. today its share is down to about 45 percent WHY IS OPEC producing 11 million fewer barrels of oil a dQy? We believe half of the reason can be assigned to conservation and to switchinc from oil to other sources of energy such as coal or nuclear The balance Is due to increased production or oil in non-OPEC countries. To get an idea of our lowered dependence on foreign oil. look at U.S. imports of oil. For 1981. imports have been running 13 percent below last year Oil imports in September were only S.7 million barrels a day, nearly 3 million barrels per day fewer than the 1979 average. Meanwhile. the federal government has taken advantage of this non-crisis situation to build up our Strategic Petroleum Reserves at a much faster rate adding to our national secunty We now have in storage about 225 million barrels or oil one-third or the 1989 target Gasoline sales tell the consumer story Since the peak year of 1978, gasoline demand has dropped about I l 'I,. It is still dropping. Half of the gain is due to more fuel·efficienl cars, the other half to reduced driving. In 1978 America depended on oil for almost one-half or our energy use: by 1990 we will count on oil for less than 40% of our energy consumption. As a result, America can anticipate a future not overly dependent on foreign oil. But there is an important IF TO REACH THE 1990s in a commanding energy position, America cannot neglect its domestic energy options · oil, natural gas, and coal. America must develop these national strengths. Oil imports can be kept lower only if production of domestic oil is kept at today's levels. That means that 25 percent of our total domestic oil production in 1990 must come from reserves that have yet to be discovered To find this oil we must accelerate the leasing or government lands for oil exploration. increase recovery from existing o il fields , and continue con s tructive public poli cies on regulation and taxation There are three vital requirements for establishing a proper energy position in the United States -lime. access and money. NEVERTHELESS, the vital ingredients are vulnerable They must be activated responsibl y and carefully by the public, the government, and energy companies. It 1s one thing to be m ade optimistic by our progress in curbing our nation's energy problem. ll is quite another thing to be lulled into complacency and to squander America's opportunity to protect against future energy crises. There are four warning signals that constitute an energy alert for the 1980s. First, watch for altempfa to btocle, curour. or derail efforts for the dnegulalion of the field of energy Such regulations have offered obstruction without protection. T hey have deprived America of valuable time needed lo develop domestic energy production. Cur r'enlly. any energy project must survive 37 yes-and-no decisions under the clean air act and 24 chances by the federal government to slow down or stop the project altogether THE SECOND warning signal 1s : watch for setbacks m o(fenng government land for energy e:rploratton The federal government is the nation's largest landowner. It owns one-third of the land in the United States and all offshore areas beyond state jurisdiction Althbugh only about 5 percent of government lands have been opened for energy production, these lands already provide 12 perce.nt of U.S oil production. 29 percent of natural gas production, and 8 percent of coal production Our bes t calculations suggest that these government lands hold a major portion of remaining domestic energy supplies Thus far. Secretary of Interior Watt has announced a speedup in the schedule or off-shore leases and the intention to offer more a reas for lease. This plan races some pockets of stiff opposition. so there 1s no guarantee that exploration can move ahead with the speed that is required The pnce of natural gas is still under strict governmental regulation. When inrJation is taken into account, consumers of natural gas are paying 1960s prices The past mistake of controlling oil prices should have taught us better So, third, watch for a failure to speed up the decontrol of natural gas pnces MARKETPLACE prices a fte r d econtrol will not only stimulate conservation. they will also generate the capital and create the atmosphere for the discoverv of more natural izas. All during the "70s. reserves were being drawn down. Increased drilling activity is :.howing that the drop in natural gas reserves can be halted. Phasing out controls on natural gas would make a major difference m funds available for domestic exploration and development. Finally, wa1ch for a tendency to use ta.ration of the oil industry as a means to balance the budget This idea is tempting to a number or stales and to people in Washington. too Jjncoln saved legacy amid crisis in principle By JEFFREY D. WALLIN Dr WaUm ii an associate profes::or of polihca and a member of the lruhtute /qr Philoaophu!al St~& at the Umvenity of Dolltu. In the aftermath of the fi ery trial of Ge ttysburg , Abraham Lincoln dedicated this nation to a 'new birth of freedom.·· Although it has been said that Lincoln, Like the founders of the nation. numbered amoni the "great men of the earth," it is also true that he was in many ways more characteristically American than most of our other heroes. The quiet and remote dignity of Washington, the intellectual precocity of Madison and Hamilton. the abiding 1 grace and personal charm of J efferson, all remind us, as do their laced and bewigged portraits, of the ancient regime they so successfully opp()Sed. I THE NATION that they founded. bow ever. was in signifi cant ways cliff erenl from themselves. It was less urban, less gracious, more robutt and earthy th•n an y~bing they knew. ORANGE COAST Tiit comment paJ• ol lht Dally ruot seek• lo lnform and 1tlmulai. ntadt" by pres nl· l.na a val"1t4.Y ol rommentary on toplu or IAtere~t and slaolficance from inform rd ob Hrvtn and 1pc>llamcn Thotnal P. Hal~. Publi3Mr s.turdlly, Febnl1ry 13, 1M2 • Abraham Lincoln. with his rust ic humor and deeply democratic instincts, em bodied the soul of an America founded in freedom by others. Lincoln's generation was the first generation bereft or the founders ' guidance When. at the age of 25, Lin coln assumed public office for the first time, only Madison still lived. But wilhm two years he, too. would die. By the lime of its maturity , Lincoln's generation would require a rededication to the principles o f the nation's rounding. The issue or slavery had so vexed the Union during the formative years of Lincoln's generation that the bedrock of American democracy, the conviction that ours was the task of displaytn1 before the entire world the fruits of fr~ government, had crumbled year by yea.r. There was a growing aentiment in the South that slavery must expand lnto the new territories. In the North there wu a corresponding fear of the consequences or attempting to prevent that expansion, odious though it was. Better, it was said by some in t.bt North, to accommodate the expansion ol slavery. Better perhaps. to agree that democracy can exist permanently o n a foundation of ala very, that de mocracy means no mo~ than the rltbt of a majority of any people anywh&re to do whatever lt wishes without reaard to any conalderatton or right or justice. U a majority ot the people of a territory, lt was nid, wlab to introduce s la\'erJ amoncat thematlves, wby perha1» that la tbelr rtpt. Better '\O accept &hete perveralona of tbe democratic faith ot tbe foundina falhen than to forcibly resilt the expan1Jon of 1lavery. For lhe South bad made it clear that it would rath~r abandon the vi.1..,11 ..uun acceptrtuch 6l realu\!lluu . .. BUT ACCORDING to Lincoln, the acceptance of these pervenl.ons by the people •l large would sound the death knell of the Union every bit as mudt a.a the scces!fon of the South. For the heart of the nation was the P"'nclplt of freedom. The p<;upl l "I> acc:t'ptM/1w c,( slavery on a permanent bull, Uncoln maJntaJ.ned, would mean that American <Mmocracy 1tood on no hlCber rround than base prejudice and naked Hll Interest. · Wel'e h not fol' the laau.• ot slavery, and the crlala In ;prlnclpl whlcb Lt 1l1nlfied for a people orl1lnaJly dedicated to the propoeillon that "all ........ ..... c1-. ...... J c:qual," the world . would now lake little note of Lincoln's public career But Lincoln possessed something or a "seeing eye" in moral matters. He was one of those rare men who have the ability to see through the surfaces or things to the profound issues or which they are sometimes mettly the reflection. When the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 repealed the Missouri Compromise, according to which slavery bad been restricted more or less to the states in which it already existed, Lincoln dedicated his public career to a single, dominating purpose. to see to it that slavery was again restricted and to rekindle in his own and ln subsequent generations, the conviction that American democracy is inseparably linked to human rl&bts. The rui&ed force of aoul within Lincoln. his dedication to the proposition that freedom cannot be divorced from justice, and bis sure belief that the source of both was to be found i n th e Decl"aration of Independence. allowed him to race the greatest lssue of his day. 1n Lln~oln'a view. the American peol>lt could not evade the necessity to chooM between the atem requir ment.a of liberty and an eaay and comfortable expansion of slavel')'. FOB UNOOLN the issue of Uberty was essentially an internal one. The ucrlfo;ed U\i~CbUJ to round Uu~ ~untry had bHo the l'fllUlt ol a fierce love ol UbertJ and• mortal aversion to deaPQtlim that overrode the natural dukH all mea a.ave for qUletude, ufety llbd penonal eomfClrt. Tbe aove of Uberty ttren;tbem mea'a ICMalt wWJe the hablll bf eue and U.. fHr of d lacord Weaken UMm Jt was Lincoln'• belief that only ll the· nation_,.. Jiu8 tiakened from wiUUn could the people lose their inherited liberties. But if the people remained strong, wrote Lincoln in 1838. "All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure or the earth <our own excepted) in their military chest: with a Bonaparte for a commander , could not by force, take a drink rrom the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years." Only one utterly blind to the Soviet military buildup or the last two decades could venture to say the same today. But if one were to search for the reasons behind our inability. or rat.her our unwillingness, to maintain ourselves as the strongest, as well as fteest nation on earth, we might well conclude that our external weaknesses are a sign of an internal weakness, a seismic fault, as it were, in the bedrock of our beliefs. WE SEEM TO be poised betwe6 those who would not defend freedom because they are uncertain or its worth and those who would not defend our freedom is a nation because they doubt the justness of IU cause. Lincoln's leaacy co,uists above ail In his teachini that the cause ol bua>a.n freedom and the ends ol American democracy are one and the nmt. It i• flttina that we remind ourwtw. ~hdl the endurt~ source ol LiDColll'a rreatoe:u ts ava.Uable to U1 tod,Q. We. oo less than the men of LIDeillll'• U.., are faced With lbe bw'dei fl ...._ the survival ol h'tedo~L'!!.r. • .... than they. wt.ti ftDd U. llUWllllUI te tD • only when we come ODn •1• .-appredm t.be llptty of ow ~ • ._ buenesa ()f' th•' of our .,,._,, Md the conaequencH ror •ti ••• every...rMre abuu.hl w• r•af . Tomorrow is a very special day ror anyone who is young at heart. Walt a m inute. All of Un cle Len's friends are youna, so everyone must have a sweetheart. Of course, when good old Uncle Len was but knee-hlgb to a grasshopper, every girl had the cooties. And girls thought boys were yukky. In this modern age. t guess girls must have something like a recombinant DNA organism. And who knows what boys have become. But on Valentine's Day all is forgotten and it's a day to forge new friendships or rekindle the ones you already have . Love is in the air and nary a lad or lass should miss this chance to find someone special • <Note to boys only: Always ca r ry a can o f industrial-str e ngth cootie retardant. Just in case ... > Enough with Un~le Len's shenanigans. It's contest time. The loveliest of the Valentine's Day card covers has to be the one submitted by Mary Walters. 15 , of Newport Beach. Mary takes first place and the $5 prize for her wonderful effort. Coming in second with a very nice card cover is Jaymi Ropp, 8, of Costa ~esa. Jaymi gets the $2 prize. And there's a special message with the entry. Jaymi wishes Julie Terry a Happy Valentine's Day. Honorable mentions go to Loren Foxx, 8, of Newport Beach. Jennifer Leavitt, 10, of Laguna Niguel and Brigitta Camara, Jay Arruda, 6, Sean Dunham, 7. and Christian Gomez. a ll o r Costa Mesa. Brigitta and Christian, however, get Uncle Len No-Nos for not including their age with their drawings. Remember everybody. age 1s very important. You don't want to have any big, funny people enter the contest. That wouldn't be fair. Uncle Len would like to express special thanks to friends who sent me personal Valentine messages. My best wishes to the Manz family of Costa Mes a . Bobby Foster, 6, of Newport Beach and to the entire class in Room 13 of Wilson School. Uncle Len will always be your friend, 365 days a year Also. Un cle Len 's friends s hould thank the big , funny people who put the newspaper together It was very nice of them to make a special effort to print the first and second place winners in red If Uncle Len ls good , maybe we'll be able to print .,. F'JRST PLACf; WIV\'ER \Jory \\'alter~ ul .'Veu.·~>rt Reach SECO.\'D Pl.AC'f: W/\:.\'£R .Ja11m1 Ropµ tit C11~1" \lesa more contest winners in color Wouldn't it be great to have pumpkins appear an orange and Christmas trees in green? For next week Uncle Len would like to see some pictures or your favorite cartoon ch aracter created by Walt Disney You can draw Mickey Mouse. Donald Duck . Snow White. one of the Seven Dwarfs. Dumbo or any other favorite Since these characters appear in many books and magazines. Uncle Len warns his friends not to trace any pictures All entries must be original Everyone has to have a fair chance, and tracing is just too easy Draw your pictures with black ink on a white piece or paper 4 inches square and send them to Uncle Len. Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1560. Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 so that they get to me by Wednesday Be seeing you In fellow pupi/,s they trust Future teachers guide 'blind' students in exercises FOREST GROVE. Ore. <APl -A Paciric University professor is putting the phrase. "blind trust," lo work in an education class. "Students of various ages are many times very dependent upon and put much trust in their teachers," says Dr. John L. Parker, associate professor of education. Parker has used an unusual exercise in his Introduction to Schooling class. a beginning course for students considering becoming teachers. He has his , s tudents learn the principle of "trust" by pairing the class, with one member or each d,uo b ei ng blindfolded and pretending he is blind. The other member must be·a guide for the blind student. "It Is a part of building trust in another person, which is an ....., ......... .., .......... GOOD LOOKIR -Broomba is an 18-month-old female Akita mix Who likes young peopl and i housebroken. She'll also a good watchdog. If you'd like to have a new friend, contact the Orange Count~ Humane Society. 21632 • Newland t .. Huntington Beach. Telephone 536-8480. integral part of the student-teacher relat1onshi~ ... he explains. Three of his students talked about the experiment after they had completed it. "Before 1 played the roles I did not realize what 1l would be like to be blind. nor what was involved in guidin" another person " says Pat Floweni of North 0Bend. Ore.. who thinks she has acquired the perspective or a teacher "You have to think of the child. not just your own narrow point of view.·· she says. Richard Albrecht of Fores t Grove says he thought when he started that the hard part or the assignment would be playing the blind student. But he soon found that the responsibility or being the guide was "more difficult and very lmt><>rtant." "I feel that the assignment vividly illustrated the role or the teacher -the trust that a teacher receives from his students, and the guidance that a teacher is expected to 1tve his students both in and out of the classroom." b~ says. . Another atuaent, Carl Mead of San Jose. CaJH., aald, "I kne>w th• campus like the back of my band , but when I waa blindfolded I became completely confused. ·'This shows wbat can b~n to a student when b• i• conf WJed, and how the teacher la the key to tbe ll\tdent'a pro1~• " The blind trust project .. one of aeveraJ reaU1Uc exeerlmentl .nd role·playl nt aaai1nment1 that. Parker u1e1 to introduce proapectlve teacher• 1to thelr choaen career ' Orange ~out OAILV PILOT/Saturd,y. February 13, 1882 Af I ·~ ........... PUCKER UP Four youngsters concentrate on blowin~ a kin~·s1zc soap bubble at an exhibit tn Boston's Childrcns Museum. • When ID Rome • • • Koreans expand language.programs to boost culture By EDWIN Q. WHJTE ·-··-..._ ..... SEOUL. South Korea Increased emphasis is being put on trying to teach South Korean youngsters to deal with a language other than their own. The Education M1n1stry recently announced plans to begin English language instruction from the fourth year of primary school, along with steps to increase the number and quality or foreign language teachers. English language classes are now mandatory from the seventh grade through college, with other languages, such as French. German and Japanese, optional. The new drt ve for greater fore ign-language competency has resulted in part from the personal interest of President Chu n Doo·hwan When he returned from a tour of the AS9oc1alion of Southeast Asian Nations <ASEANJ last summer. he said that one or the lh.ings that had impressed htm was the ability of people in that region to handle foreign languages. He called for etforts to• give Koreans the same capabilities. world scope 'l'he campaign also fits m with South Korea's ofCtcially proclaimed policies of further developing contacts with other countries tn the fields of culture. educallon and tourism as we ll as the economic Held. Then there was the dec1s1on naming Seoul as the site of the 1988 summer Olympic games. It has been noted that preparations for and the staging of that event will require dealing with an inrtux of non-Korean-speaking foreigners Many older Koreans speak Japanese as a result of Japan's colonial rule that ended with the close of World War II Among the hars h 1mpos1t1ons in that period were bans on the Korean language and the forcing of Korean s to t ake Japanese names. Many middle-aged Koreans have a knowledge of Englis h picked up during the 1950-53 Korean War and from the continuing American presence here. But while English study a lready is required in schools and 1t 1s a common sight 09 buses. subways and 1n cof~ee shops to see young people pormf! ovN English texts. there are complaints that they cannot really understand or express them ::.elves 1n a foreign language The new programs outlined by the Education Ministry would not make English 1nstruct1on from the fourth grade part of the regular curriculum. however Classes would be given once a week during extra·('Urricular act1v1ty periods. and the m1n1 st r y sa id the prt mary-school teaching would include memorization or simple Englt::.h <'Onversation and the singing of songs 1n English to make pupils familiar with the language The m1n1stry also announced plans to revise c·ollege programs to g1' e students greater ability to understand. speak, read and \\rile foreign languages. It said state run examinations would be gn en prospective t eachers to te::.t their unders_tand1ng and speaking. while about 500 present teachers will be sent annually to language institutes at ma1or un1vers1t1es for s1" months of mtensl\e stud~· Answers appear <upside down) below quiz (10 point• tor each ouHllon •ntwered c;orreclly) 1 As p1rt of his new budget, President Re.ig.in projected • S·ye.ir military budget of $1.64 l .. •·million b-billlon c-trillion 2 President Reag.in .id milled th.it the deficit for the 1983 fiscal ye.ir will re.ich almost $100 billion. TRUE OR FALSE: President Rug.in Hys the budget will be b.ilanced by 1985. l At 1 conference In .. l .. , Secret.iry of St.ite H1ig criticized Poland and the U.S.S.R. for violating human rights. 1-Paris, France b·Helsinkl, Finl.ind c-Madri~, Sp.im 4 During his recent visit, Egyptian President Mubar1k Hid the U.S. must open talks with (CHOOSE ONE: the Palestinians, Libya) ii there Is to be pe.ice in the Mlde1s1. 5 Luis Alberto Monge became the new Presl- ~nt of .. l .. a Central American democracy with serious economic problems. 1-Panama b-EI Salvador C·Costa RiCI newsname (10 polnl8 " 'CK.I can ldef'ltJfy tht. pe,.on In the new1) My country recently celebrated the third an· nlvenary of a revolution which led to the fall of the late Shah Moham· ~ Reu Pahlavi and my rise to power as the head of 1 fundament.illst Shiite Moslem rqlme. Who am I, and which country do I 1 t,. leadl matchwords 1-antennlal 2-centenarlan ><entury 4-tentlnel ~ware, corudous boa guard c: .. pel'10n who Is over 100 )'hrs old ckhe 100th anniversary newspicture (10 polnl8 II 'CK.I an•-r thl1 question c:on-.ctty) President Reagan traveled to Midwestern states recently to gain support for his 1983 budget which calls for cuts 1n social services ind other non-mlliury progr.ims. His pro)ected budget for the year WH S757.6 billion, a figure that Is '4.5 i>ercent (CHOOSE ONE: hlsher, lower) than the budget figure for 1982. peaplewalch/sportlight (2 polnl8 fOf HCh qufftJon an•-red COfl'Klly) 1 President Reasan delivered his budget mesSige to Congress on his 71st birthd1y. TRUE OR FALSE: He Is the first lf.S. president ever to re.ich th.it ase while sull in office 2 Specl1I concerts were held throughout the world to celebrate the lOOth ann1vernry of the birth of Igor Str1vlnsky, one of the century's greatest (CHOOSE ONE : concert violinisu, com· posers), 3 Juanita Castro, the (CHOOSE ONE: mother, sister) of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, took the Olth of allqlance to the U.S. and became an American citizen. She has lived here since 1964. 4 Former Boston Collqe athlete Ride Kuhn wu sentenced to 10 years In prison for consplrln1 to "fix" collqe (CHOOSE ONE: basketball, football) sameL s Steve Mah re won his first International giant slalom title at the World Alplne Siding Championships in Austria. Steve is the .. l .. of World Cup C::hamplon Phll Mahre. a-cousin b-twln brother c-son roundtable , lfftlty 4ltec ....... ( "° llC0'9) Do you II'" wllh PYesident R ... an that lar1e lncrea.es are needed In military spendln1 to protect the U.S.l Why Of why 5-Mntlent ..... period of 100 r"' notf YOUtt ICO.I! t1 10 100 Polf''--f~ IC0.-11 It to IO ,_... -la....,I •VIC. lno .. 311·12 H.&I '1u1awoqx qwnoqnu qtUOl•ifV !3MVNSM3N ' ~·~ :W.fUllAfld t'll·t :~·C ~3S1V~·Z ' :~·t :34~0'l•OM I -. ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/S•turday, Ftbruary 13. 1982 QUEENIE "Much too windy foe th.LI event." • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Sunday, Febnaary 14 By SYDNEY OMARR ARJES CMarch 2l·April 19): Love captures scenario -you're involved, you shake hands with Cupid. Specificall y. you share -problems. sorrows and JOYS Leo is in picture. You see with new eyes -one you took for granted will now become important to you TAURUS <April 20 May 20 Collect and analyze data. Take inventory. become aware of s piritual needs. Relationships come into focus One who "protected" you in past now requires "shelter." ~EMINI <May 21-June 20) · Leave fine points, details for tomorrow, Today you have permission to procrastinate! You'll get spiritual sustenance and second emotional wind Relative in transit will communicate CANCER <June 21-July 22> · Plans s ubject to change children could be involved. Focus on h?bbies, .... creative endeavors. ability to express views in graphic fashion You will have time to review, revise and imprint your own style. LEO CJuly 23-Aug 221' Activity centers on "familiar ground." including home base Family member expresses views Be attentive. You gain access lo information which leads to change of policy. Your position 1s more secuN! than originally anticipated. Y I R~O <A';Jg 23-Se pt 221 : Famil y relattonships dominate -domestic decisions are featured. If diplomatic, you overcome objections Message or call results in visit or short trip Gin purchase could be connected to hospital visit. LIBRA fSept. 23·0ct 22 > · Discussion or rinances is on agenda -· you'll discover ways to make budget "work.·· Define meanings, see places and people in realistic light. Whal seemed a lost cause can be successfully revived SCORPIO <Oct. 23 Nov 21 J. This can be your "power " day. Accent on personal involvement, responsibility. creat1v1ty and the obtaining of positive results . Relationship is intensified. timing is accurate SAGITTARIUS CNov 22·Dec. 21) Acclaim comes from "behind scenes." Results of recent m eeting or conference become evident Prestige rises -you sense pulse of public You'll know when to start and finish. CAPRICORN I Dec. 22-J an 19 >: Puzzle 1s solved. hopes and wishes are closer lo fulrillment Past mistake is rectified you have opportunity to make fresh start, to assert needs and to gain greater degl'ee or independence, freedom AQUARI US CJ an . 20-Feb 18 l F amily member will fulfill commitment, you'll be more confident, secure. You regain sense or diredion - morale is boosted by commendation from c~mmunity leader. PISCES <Feb. 19-M arch 20): Lines of com· m un i cation ope n : you reach more people, popularity increases. you win fnends and utilize powers of persuasion .. Accent on civic and political activity. You gain spiritual insights. you reach beyond distance and language barriers Firm goes public to def end :missile WASHINGTON (AP> -J ust as though there were more than one potential customer ror the deadly cruise missili. the McDonnell Douglas Corp. has taken to advertising its merits In popular magaz.ines read by millions .. A missile for a ll seasons." shouts the headline in a two-page ad in some editions or the current Newsweek magazine and in Time two weeks ago. Sherman L. Hislop, a vice president o( the fir m , said McDonnell Douglas got tired of criticism of the missile -and the sugaestion that snow or trees without leaves would cause it lo ao astr ay. McDonnell Douglas makes missi le euidance systems. "Every once In a while, so-called experts in various lnstJtutions come out of the woodwork and say, 'Hey, lt won't work.' •·Hislop said in a tele- phone interview from the company's St. Louis headquarters. "We are trylng to aet it across the country as a whole, to people who have concerns as to whether the 1ovemment buys good weapons, that the guidance system will work ln any cruise m issile." So the firm is runnina a two·page ad In Newsweek and Time. The cruise misslle ts a sub-sonic, Jet-powered cylloder, about 20 feet long, deslcned to deliver both nuclear and con\lentional lV•tbeads paat enemy defenses IL does so, according lo t.be McDonnell ad, "by matcblna the up1 i nd downs or ' lbe terrain over which It rues wttb lll atored map of that area." • The General Accohnt1n1 Offi~ laat year waraed that the 1y1tem may aot be accurete enou•b. lo bit tuaeu ln the Soviet Union. es~ly when t.bCre ls snow on tho pound or when tl'ft:S lOH thdr leave.a, • ' .. I - Plummer's lntemattonal contemporary Furniture Is on top because we give rock-bottom warehouse discounts on top · Qualltv fUmtture!' Shop and compare ! T9llk or RGttWOOd Wall unit • ...,tlSUC Wllt·un.tt Yllue In etthertwk or rosewooc11 YOU CM ml.xMCI ~ Dea.tMI, lfld ltttt Dvelton of money on tne most~ Wiii svstem WllllDtel In" Wide x 7&" Nan. Bottom Clblnet 19'' OMP. Toe> at»lnet 12Ya .. c:teeo. A. Teak Teak Teak $349val. $52Sval. $455val. $269 $249 $349 RoseWOOd ROseWOOd RoSewooCI $629val. $589val. $7S1va1. $475 $449 $575 Versatile drafting table for the stuOent or professional. Drawing boarO can be ralSed or IOWered and t1tts Dade and fortn. Featl.lres 2 comentent storaoe drawers. Rugged teak conmuctk>n. 51 Ya" x 27". $t09 VII. $649 Teen set wltll IOOlrcase and Matdllng oressers NIQht Stano. 3 dt'aWen 16X 19% X21 H A value at $99 Low Dresser. 4 drawers 29 v, x 16 x 28H AvaiueatSH9 •not1110wn1 H~ dresser. 6 arawers 29Y1X16X40H A value at $189 OOOble D~ner 8 a~w~ S8X16X28H A value atS249 Magazine Rack Teak & canvas construction Breaks down lntottsown malling cannister. !Included> S33value $15 White Patio Fumlture Outdoor oanlng S 62 Stacking chairs w1t'h29 table 35" dla plastic sla~ s S8S value. $42 value Outdoor stacking 24 Stacking tables 22 chairs s 17Y. Ola s S35 value $36 value •f0r$7'1 PLO A beauttrul piece Of f\Jmtture tnat getS your ente{talnment all tooetner Wittlin a compact wall area C23" X 18" x 38" HI and provides ample space for turntable. tuner. e track & LP album storaoe. Teak. $195 val Famous Design Leather Chair Tnls contemponrv deStgn wltn oak shell frame & caramel ~r teat.tier IS ~r1eet fOr IMng room. den or Office s399 Video value Is yours on th~ teak TV st2nd from oenmarkl tt measures l2Y•" x 15Y• .. x 18" tx> gtve vou the storaoe space you need at a price vou can afford! $119 val. r~. Tnese 0000 IOOldnQ, flame·oraln teak t>ook~ are a special direct tmPort purcnase and are an $ 99 unbeatat>le value Crafted of tt\e fl nest teak veneer wttn adJustat>le sneives. tnev measure 76' x 12v," x 35· Baek panels are constNCted wlt1l IA. ~tcnlng PVC Also avallable In rosewooo at sllghttv higher pnces FUnctk>NI and Wfltte contemporarv deston. La uer Dressers sturav constructJon for years of en)OVment. Mar-resistant top 19v. x 1sv, x$ 99 H S129vat 31 •1, · x 1sv, x 23·. H S16s 11a1 $125 scan Teak Pedestal Dining Table Eteoant 47" table tt\at extencts $ 369 to 69". Gorgeous WOOd-graln. A $559 value now at Inventory prtce White theV iast. --"'1FTT.rJllT""'lf"".1I'~,._ INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE N.U.GINA • 180 s. lake AVenue • C213> 449·&741 nwo btOdlS tOUCn Of co10r1001 WllT a.os we•• 12241 Wltshlre ltvd. • <213l a:zo.ma nwo blOdCI west Of IUndY' IP YALLIY • 122AO Shermln W.V. NO Hot~• C213l 765-<M01 11etw11n HOi't'wood FWV a a.auret canyon) UNTA W • 1540 E. ~ e C71C> 557-0611 Cblt Dwtf RG. on IWWDOf't FWVl IOUl'M MY• 23855 HIWtn<>me BIVd., Torrance• C215) 318·9473 coneb'Odc nortn Ofc:oastHWV> •Ille* NJO • Marvuertte Plau • <714> 495 -3252 ,...,.,crown Vlttev a Allef'Y PtcwV, Q1119110tol -IUllMYllOGlltol All f\Jmttu,.. cnlfted Of the~YfnMn-mMV~IN ~ln QrU)ftS fOteasy Piek up. Pl"lefS lflO merd'\andtM IUt>tect to stoCk on hind. D~Pllat SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT I TELEVISION 86 88 . UCI tries to get even in Fresno tonight. P.age B2. Sun hasn_.'t set yet for FV, Oilers, OV Seahawks , HB in rematch BY llM McCVRDIE o1 .. .,... ............ All Ocean View High Coach Jim Harris could do was sigh, shake his head and say, "Tomorrow will be unbelievable." There was a point in the 1982 Sunset League season when it appeared as if Harris wo~d run out or tomorrows. But Frtday night. Ocean View extended its season at least one more day and kept its playoff hopes alive with a 81·74 win over visiting Huntington Beach in the regular season finale. Now. in order to claim a CIF playoff berth, Ocean View mu.st win two more games today, thus meaning the Seahawks would have to win three games within a span of 24 hours to qualify for the playoffs. Sound impossible? It's not. Sonora High succeeded under identical circumstances last year to grab a spot in the 2-A playoffs. "I read about that and thought 'what a s1tuataon,"' Harris said It gets better. Ocean View and Huntington Beach, after battling back and forth until late in the final period Friday night, will get up this morning and do it all again. The two teams meet at 11 a.m at Edison High, with the winner to meet Fountain Valley al 1 pm. to decide the Sunset League 's third representative to the 4·A playoffs . Ocean View, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley all tied for third with 5.5 r ecords, forcing a coin Clip after Friday's games (See SEAHAWKS, Page 82> ..... ,, l A couple of the sporting world's most renowned athletes Rams qua rterback Dan Pastorini and Angel outfielder Reggie Jackson s hare the spotlight with a pair of beauties any team would like to add lo their roster. At left. actress Jill St. J ohn throws an off-season pass at Pastorini during recent filming of a new TV series called "Rooster.'· .Jackson. meanwhile. tries to avoid striking out with Penthouse Pet Corrine Alp hen at a prl!ss conf erencc in New York. SPARKPLUG Ediso n High's Jeff Stephens scored 23 points a s the Chargers won their first game ever at Fountain Valley High . 60-55 Edison finally wins at Fountain Valley ~ By ROGER CAllLSON o1 ... .,....,.. ..... They gave it everything they had, and lost, but It could have been a lot worse ror Fountain Valley High's Barons as the Sunset League basketball teammate and the Edison guard was Immediately fouled. Stepheru1 hit both free throws to 11ve the Chargers' a three-point bulge with 11 seconds left. and Mark Goudge eventually stole the ball and scored with four seconds left for the icing. race came to a conclusion Friday night. Champion Edison hune on to post a 60·55 decision, upping the Chareers' record to 9-1 in league, 22-2 overall aa they protected their No. 1 rankin& in the CIF 4-A and probably clinched the Fountain Valley had controlled the game from thP start, dominating the boards, defensively shut top seed in the upcomine playoffs. But for Fountain Valley, which was in it aU the way and had a shot at winning with 1S seconds to Todey'1ptayoff1chedule (•t Edleon High): 11 a .m.-Ocean View vs. Huntington Beech 7 p.m.-11 e.m. winner VI. Foun .. ln Valley go, a coinflip did a lot to ease the torment. Tnree teams finish in a three-way tie for third place in the Sunset League -the Barons, Ocean View and Huntington Beach -and it's the latter pair which must play again today ( 11 a .m .) at Edison to determine an opponent for Fountain Valley tonight (7 o'clock> at Edison. The survivor off Edison's inside attack and was playing its best basketball of the year. Jeff Hughes hit 13 of 27 and led all scorers with 27 points, while Villanueva and Keo Harter chipped in with 11 and 10 points. And sophomore Rolf Jacobs was superb defensively, limiting Edison's tough inside game with three blocked s hots and two steals. gets a playoff berth in the 4·A eliminations. The Barons did just about everything right as they tried to protect a 12-0 record against Edison m their own gym and with the secondS dwindling, Fountain Valley had the ball and was trailing, Hart.er had 18 rebounds and Jacobs had 11 as Fountain Valley dominated the boards. 56-55. But Jeff Stephens slapped the ball away as Alan Villanueva was looking for an open But as the game started toward its conclusion, the methodical Chargers began clicking ·rrom CSee CHARGERS, P11ge BZ> Estancia • Wl.IlS 'must' game Coin/lip also goes Eagles' troy By HOWARD L. HANDY Of !tie D .. y IJllMI Matt There was little doubt about which team had the most to gain by a victory Friday night and the Estancia High Eagles went out and proved themselves worthy of a co-championship of the Sea View League basketball scramble The Eagles posted a 59.37 decision over Newport Harbor in the regular season finale at home with a torrid third quart.er in which they outscored the Tars, l!>-1 But the fir st half was a different story. Coach Jerry DeBuslt's Tars fell behind, 18-8, then came roaring back to pull within two with 2:44 left in the half. That was as close as they could get, however ' "TIDS W A.S an intense game until Chris (Maydole> hit those shots in the third quarter," E s tancia Co ach Larr y Sunderman said. "They did a great job on us early in the game when they came battling back from an 18-8 deficit to pull within two. "We tried to run a little more an the Wrd quarter and we put our pressing defense to work better. 1 thought Jeff Gardner did a good job with his passes and Steve Kraiss went to the boards a lot more when Brian Midland got into foul trouble." For DeBusk and the Tars, it meant the end of the season. "We tried to play all or the se niors and the guys who deserved to play in the last game of the year," DeBusk said. ''We put a lot of reserves in when 1t became obvious we weren't going to win. ·'We have three s tarters returning next year and we have some other good young players coming up from our other teams." THE VICTO RY K EPT Es tancia m a first-place tie with Corona del Mar, a 47-43 wUUler over University Friday night. A coin flip to determine the No. l entry an the Cl F playoffs was won by the Eagles. The flip was made between the athletic directors of the two schools. In Friday night's game, the E agles went in front, 18-8 after the first period, then saw the Tars score the next 8 points. But M aydole hit from the comer before Byron Ball scored a pair of free throws for Newport's last hurrah. Nine-point period sends Lakers reeling With the Eagles playing a deliberate comer offense, trying to pull the Tars from their tight zone defense. the tempo slowed as the half ended with Estancia in front, 28-23. A combination of e rratic s hoo ting a nd a stubbo rn Estancia defens e limited Newport to a single point on the back end or a free thro w situation. The Tars hit O for 9 in the period from the floor and it was all over. They miss, an o-pportunity to climb over Seattle, and into first -place in the P.acific Division 8y CURT SEEDEN Of .. o.ltyl"l .. S- INGLEW00D -You could summon the entire Laker team, line ·em up on an ana lyst's couch and try to pinpoint their 100·94 defeat to the San Antonio Spurs. Each could give you a reason for the loss. but none could give you an excuse. The Lakers stumbled to their worst quarter of the year Friday night -a 9·point fiasco which triggered the Spurs' turnaround after they were down by as many as 15 in the second quarter -to hand Los Angeles its second straight defeat. Laguna Hills fires Gallo Chuck Gallo, who has been the head fOGtball coach at Laguna Hills High since the school beian in 1918, bas been relieved o( his duties. "The position is evaluated each year and we decided not to renew Chuck's contract," saya Laaul)a Hilla Principal Tom Tullar. GaJlo'a four.year record at Laguna H11ls reflects a 12-21 record. Hia fil'lt team wu 1'.t, follo•ed by le.HOU of •-'· 4.e and 3-1. Gallo, a former aaaistant coach at Million ViejO High and bud coecb at Servile ff lib in Anaheim, La a product of Wett Point.. He La re of the ftnaUIU for-iM y et St. Paul~ Turnovers, missed layups and a .364 shooting percentage all contributed lo the Lakers· de mise, which came on a night when Pacific Division-leading Seattle was handed a 103-100 defeat by lowly Dallas. With a sellout crowd of 17 .sos looking on, the Lakers were unc haracte ristically sour in more ways than one "We did outrebound them tonight " noted Laker forward Jamaal Wilkes. scanning over the stats after the game. "Oh God , we didn't shoot well at all ," he added after c atching the Lakers' 36-for-99 fi eld goal figures "We just cou l dn 't get untracked," added Coach Pat Riley. ""n\e third quarter was a nightmare.'· The Lakers started off well enough. With Wilkes scoring 13 points and Magic Johnson and Norm Nixon adding 10 apiece, Los Angeles held a 52·45 advantage at the half. Only a l ate spurt b y the Spurs prevented t he game from getting out of hand early. When Bob McAdoo sank a pair of free throws at 4:43 of the second quarter. the Lakers were s itting pretty with a 47-33 advantage. However, with the Spurs' Mark Olberding and George Gervin accounting for 8 points over the final four minutes, San Antonio forced itself back Into the game. Then came the third quarter. The Lakers hit 4 of 27 field goal attempts < .148 percentaee if you're figuring). Yet. somehow, they outrebounded t he Spurs in that quarter. 13-10. But Friday night's game was decided by shooting, and in particular, by six Spurs who hit in double figures. Gervin , who had 42 points Tuesday against Washington, settled for a game-high 27 . Forward Mike Mitchell added 24. Olberding. center Dave Corzine and reserve forward Gene Banks added 11 while Mike Bratz came off the bench to score 10. All of that occurred as the Lakers geared for their big rematch Sunday with the Boston Celtics on national television here a sobering thought if you are Pat Riley. "There are some areas that we're going to have to shore up," the Laker coach admitted. Asked lf a modest 10 points and 6 rebounds from Kareem Abdul-Jabbar played a part in the defeat, Riley added. "That isn't what hurt us. It was the (lack ofl execution of fast breaks, layups a nd shots we usually make. We had a great opportunity when we pressed them. though." Indeed, the Lakers did make things interesting In the closing minutes. Down, 94·85 with less than three minutes left, tbe Lakers staged a furious rally which pulled them to within two (96·94) when Jabbar scored his ninth and tenth points on a tip-in with 22 seconds remaining. The Lakers even had a chance to get even but Michael Cooper's long jump shot missed its mark. A pair of free throws by both Gervin and Olberding then sealed the Spurs' victory. Newport had trouble in turning the ball over on bad passes. steals by the Eagles and traveling violations. In all, the Tars gave the ball up 24 times during the night to 7 for the Eagles. KR~ HAD four steals to lead the Estancia team in this category while Gardner picked off two in the early going to set the tempo ror the night. Estancia put up 20 more shots tha n the Tars and hit 41 .5 percent from the field on 22 of 53. The Tars were 12 of 33 ror 37 percent. DeBusk summed it up before the game when he said: ''We knew we had a rebuilding year ahead of us. But when we had a little success along the way, we got a little greedy.·· Sea Kings topph} University, 4 7-43; clinch co-title By ROBB llUNSON of .. DIMY .... 14eff The visiting Sea Kings of Ccm>na del Mar Wsb used a very/roductive llnl quarter, and then hel on 11ainat a tough Unlv~rslty baaketbaU team , 41..Q, Friday night in the Sea View League fttlale. • With the win, CdM Ue. Est.anc.ia for the Sea View Leaicae crown, aa Estancia was a bil winner over Newport Harbor. CdM will enWI' the CIF playoffs u the SeJ View Leque'I No. 2 team. wblcb wh d.clded 1 by . a coin rup. "We played Juit bard enouch to wl.D.'~ aald See Kint Coach Ja.ck Err1on. "We expected a cloH 11rne." With Jual two mtnutes lei\, Unlvenlty stormed back into the 1ame, u the Trojans seored el&ht strai1bt polntl. And then with just 21 aeconda left, Cdll's Cbria Lynch wu aent to the free-throw line. He made one of t.wo, glvln1 the Sea Kings two-point lead. But a costly Univeralty turnover ended aQY hope for the Trojana. Mlk• He11 made a pair of Ire, throwl for CdM to cJoee all scortn1. • •'We had a 1ood sHaon," aald Untvendty Coach Jett Cunn&naum. "It ls unfortunate for our Hldon. TMy wanted lt (CIF playoff1) badly." Brad Guea sparked tM TroJam wkb 17 polntt and d rebounds, wbUe NOl'ln St.OllOtt edded 9 polita and 7 reboulMll. But turnovers proved costly, for the · Trojans, as they committed 14 durlnl the contest, while the visitors only had 3. "We had them (University) down, but let them off the hook," said Errion. "With (Hank> Goebel fouling out with stx mlnuta left, we had no one u bil u,, • Guus." T he Sea Kings Jumped out to an 18-10 first-quarter lead, paced by the 1boot1n1 of Chria Lynch. Lynch had au first quuter oint.s and 17 total for the Sea Kln1s. But Gueu managed only one buket durin1 the time Goebel wu out, while tHmmatet Stolaotr and Yon1 Chol plcked up the alack. Stolodf acored I fourth quarter polntl for U,nlveralty. But after University chanced its defense, CdM found it difficult to score. The Sea Kinp mana1ed but ala aecond quarter points, wbl~e · the Trojans "'-~red In 13 to cloee lbe 1ap to jmt one . at halftlme. "Un.lvenib' la a 1ood team ud the)' could represent lb• leafu• ln the playoff• u weU u any t.arn ~Id," 1 Hid Errioo. "Oueat ll a pod player." "We d1dn't 1tart the cam• very well," aatd CUnnlnlham. "They wen ICOrinl a1ainlt our sone def ei\le, ao " cbanttd lt to 1 man-on-mu, and that mlde-a bAc dlff erence. '' • Then CdM slatted lbe th1.rd quarter by <See c.11, .... Bl) • Who n e eds a course for a golf tourney? From AP d.llpatcbe• - LITTLE ROCK, Arlt. -There's ~ no aolf counse in Booneville, Ark., but that's not atopplna the town's Parks Commission from hol<lina a I'> f tournament to help bolster ils budget. "We're goina to lake some pastureland and, with a little bit of work, turn it into an acceptable 1olt course," said Don Law, a commission member. "The barbed wire wlll be a natural out-of-bounda. The hay baleit will play as a hazard. The cow patties. we'll play them as they lie. "ll should be fun and it should make for interesting club selection, but I've sot to be honest with you, I'm not going to wear my good aolf shoes.'' The commission's city budget was cul this year by $4,000, to $11 ,000. Rather than holding "bake sales or raffling quilts," Law said , the panel hit on a golf tournament to raise funds to repair a children's wading pool in the city park and set lip summer recreational programs in the community or 3,200 s)eople, 118 miles west of Little Rock. "We may be crazy, but we're just trying to get the kids something," Law said. The golf course will use about 140 acres or land owned by Newton Davis, whose son, John, also is a member of the commission. "We've driven over the land in a four-wheel drive vehicle," said Law. "It's sort of on a ridge. We're going to try to use the contours or the land. There are about four ponds." Quote of the day 1 Biiiy Gardner, manager of the Minnesota Twins, on club owner Calvin · Griffith: .. He doesn't sail boats. he doesn't sing songs and he doesn't ride horses, but he's a heck'or an owner." Gretzky moves closer to mark Wayne Gretzky scored his 70th ~ goal or the season and added two ' assists. and Matti Hagman and Paul Coffey scored 31 seconds apart late in the third period Friday night to give the Edmonton Oilers a 5-3 National Hockey Leatue victory over Washington. Gretzky is now within seven goals of tying Pbll Esposito's NHL league record ... Colorado center VeU-Pek.ka Ketola scored two second-period goals, igniting an eight-goal outburst that led Colorado to a 9-2 triumph over Quebec. The nine goals Ued a Rockies' record for most goals ma game. From Page 81 SEAHA WKS WIN. • • Nate win sixth In seven tries ••1 wllll••• acored a po1nt.t to • lead the New Jette)' Neu to tb&lr atxth victory lri seven sames, a 109-91 wln over Go&deo Slate ln the National aaaketball AMOCiatloa Frid•Y nJ•ht. The Neb, who opened thel1 uon with a 3 U record, have now Improved to 25.25 . . Rookie forward J ay Vlnc at scored 38 points, lnclud1n1 six in • row In the fourth pertod to put the came away. as Dallas khOCked orr Seattle, 103-100, the SupttrSonlcs' , seco nd atroi,t\t s Hb 1ac k . . Adria .. OaaUey, Rk key Grtta and Dur~u Grtln&h combined for 68 points to power Utah to a 129-114 triumph over Kansu Clty ... Forward Cedrk MuweU scored a eame-high 31 points and guard Nate WILLIA* "Tiny" Archib ald tallied el&hl ol his 16 points in the fourth quarter to pace Boston lo a 129-116 win in San Diego . . . Denni.I Jobnaon poured in 21 points. including a game-clinching free throw with 42 seconds left, as Phoenix held off Atlanta, 94-90. Bruins· comeback stops Arizona Reserve forward Darren Daye m scored 10 straight points in a 2:34 stretch of the second hair to spark UCLA to a come-from-behind 83-73 Pacillc-10 victory over Arizona Friday night. The Bruins, who trailed by as many as 13 points in the first half, battled back from a nine-point balftim~ deficit for their ninth straight triumph . . . Elsewhere in the Pac-10, California outscored Washington 8-1 in the last 3i,.; minutes or the game to upset the 19th-ranked Hus kies. ~4-50 . . Terry Cummings tallied 33 points and hauled down 19 rebounds to boost No. 3 De Paul to a 98-80 victory over Loyola of Cbicago. The Blue Demons chalked up their 17th straight victory while improving their overall record to 22·1 Forward Orlando Phillips scored 18 points to lead a balanced Pepperdine attack as the Waves remained unbeaten in the WCAC with a 73 59 v1<.'tory over visiting Gonzaga. North, Powers share lead Andy North scored a pair of II eagles on the way to a 3-under·par 69 that lied him with Journeyman Greg Powers for the se<.'ond-round lead Friday in the Hawaiian Open Golf Tournament in Honolulu Powers. who has yet to win in a career that started in 1971, moved up with a 66 that represented the best round of the tournament The pair l ea d Tom Watson by o ne stroke . Houts Stacy fired a 6-under-par 66 to take a one-stroke lead over Petty Sheehan in opening-round action of an LPGA tour event in St. Peter.sburg, Fla. . . Mary Decker, running away from her competition , electrified a crowd of more than 18,000 at Madison Square Garden in New York Friday, breaking world indoor bests in the women's mile al the Wanamaker M1llrose Games. Decker's mile time of 4:21.47 . erased by more than three se<.'onds the mark or 4 :24 6 she had established in Los Ans.teles on Jan. 22 From Page 81 CdM •.• to determine the special i>.1ayoff procedure. outscorint the Trojans "If we get through this and get to the playoffs. 8-2. as Lynch connected we're as good as anybody in there," Harris said. on three outside shots. The Seahawks needed some superior efforts The Sea Kings held a Friday night to force the tie. Here's a lol>k at some five-point advantage at or them: the start of the final -Dimitri Antonopoulos, relegated to the role quarter of the Seahawks' sixth man after starting earlier And then with the in the year, hit eighr of eight free throws in the score 34-30, Hess hit a fourth quarter to help Ocean View hold on to a 12-footer As University precarious lead. On the game. Ocean View hit 27 of _was advancing the ball 36 free throws (75 percent ), perhaps the Seahawks' upcourt, Hess stole the best performance or the year in a department ball. made a layup and which has given Harris fits. w a s f o u 1 e d in the -Scott De Brouwer, s hooting with remarkable process confidence. hit three straight clutch shots in the The referee ruled the fourth quarter and finished with 16 points foul intentional. so Hess -Jim Usevitch, leading the Seahawks with 10 was allowed two shots. He made both <a rebounds and 21 points before fouling out with 3:07 four-point plav >-which to play. The fact that the Seahawks had to play the final minutes without their 6-9 center makes the put CdM 10 the lead, other efforts all the more remarkable. 40-30. "We could have done -Mark Guest, coming off the bench in the well in the playorrs," fourth quarter to score four crucial points, said Cunningham_ "We including a fast-break layup in which he simply lost some tough games; outran three Oiler defenders the to go the length of Estancia in overtime. the court. Corona by 2, and now Huntington Beach was certainly not without its Corona by 4. But we share of outstanding performances Jim Lane had split with the other rour a game-high 29 points, 14 or which came in lhe teams ... fourth quarter. and 12 rebounds. Hess had l2 pomls and Billy Thompson bad 15 points in the fi rst half, four steals for the Sea including four-for-four from the field in the second Kings, and was four of quarter. and finished with 19 points while Bruce rive from the line. Ayres added 16 points. University allowed CdM There were others, both for Harris and Oiler 11 free throw attempts Coach Roy Miller. But Friday night the two in the fourth quarter, coaches went home hoping their teams would be wh1le gwing it none in ready to do it all again the first three quarters __ T_o_m_o_rr_o_w_. _______________ or play. Valentines Day at Chez Lautrec means "JE r AIME" Make ValenUnes Slft not ;uSl I LOVE YOO but say JE T AIME' FOi' the F rendl extmphfies the true meaning of romance. On Sunday Febuary 14th the '~z Lautrec in N~ IO.....! __ ,, Beach located on Udo Island. Will Bring you JE T AIME In the true French meaning! The symbol of love will be given to all the ladtes on thlS special day A rose that in all languoges represents devotion. and one true love. JE T AIME. EnJOY an ~entng 1n the quiet atmosphere of France. In Newport Beach For the finest in nouvelle cuisine call Chez Lautrec fOI' reserval.l<>ns today (714) 675-4904. uorn iust say I I~ you "'Y JE T i4.~£ 3421 Via Udo. Ncwpar\ See(O, (714) 675-4904 I ' UCl's final chance? Oddsmakers rate toni gh t's clash a 'pick-em' affair Special to I.be Dally PUo& FRESNO All week Iona Coach 8111 Mulll1an worried •bout Thursday nl1nt'a aame a11in1t San Jose Stott'. "Ir we don'~ beat them Thursd1ay," he said, "then there wont be a bl11arne Saturday." WELL, MULLIGAN and his UC lrvlne busketball team aot the victory they needed against the Spartana and now the Anteaters havt an even more dllficull task facine them If UCI entertains any hope for a piece of the PCAA UUe, IA victory toni&bt (8 o'clock> aaainst On radio tonight KVWE (108 FM) at 8 FrHno State here at Selland Arena would appear to be a necessity. Th-at won't be an easy task, however, and the Anteaters will be the nrst to tell you how dlJficult their chore wUI be. Foreign court or not, the oddsmakers have rated tonight's clash as dead even as Harrah's Reno Race and Sports book has established the game as a "pick-em" contest for the gamblers. IN THEIR 11 prior meetings, UCJ has yet to win one of them . UC l's most recent encounter with the Bulldogs results in a 55-49 overtime loss before a crowd in excess of 8,000 at the Long Beach Arena last Sunday. "l came out of that game like World War 111 had JUSt ended,·· admitted Mulligan. UCI, the nation's top shooting team from the field at 57 3 percent, fell prey lo Fresno State's defense I also No l in the land at 43.9 > during the contest The Anteat~rs shot a miserable 37 percent during their 45 minutes of basketball. And. to compound their problems, the usually reliable Kevan Magee and Randy Whieldon were the chief culprits. MAGEE SCORED 18 points a nd had 19 rebounds but was a poor 5 or 17 from the field <he's normally a 65 percent shooter >. Whieldon scored UCI's first two points but was never heard from Staub named player-coach NEW YORK <AP) Veteran Rusty Staub, mainly used as a pinch-hitter for the New York Mets last season, was named player-coach Friday by the National League Team. Staub, who will be playing in bis 20th major league season this year, will assist newly named hitting instructor Jim Frey and will be involved in Q&,ber coaching duttes assigned by Mets Manager George Bamberger. · · 1 appreciate George Bamberger's and General Manager Frank Cashen·s faith in me and I look forward to my new duties. but it's not going to take away from my desire to be on the field," said Staub, who will be 38 on April 1. "I am looking forward to putting in as much time on tbe field as possible." a1aln (fintthina l of 5) until he fouled out wllh 38 H conda left In the 1ame. What helped t.he Anteaters avoLd a alau1hter was some pretty 1ood defense of lh4'1r own which featu~ a lull-court preu from start to fintab. It'• likely Mulll1an will utilize a 1lmll1r 1trate1y tonight. "We 're tryln1 to take away an ed1e teama who 11low lt down on us think they have." said MuJllaan "Fresno 1s a lot qulcktr than we are, and we doo'l want to get into a 94·foot 1ame with them defensively . but we have lo do something " If the Anteaters do nothing else they 'd probably like to slow down Rod Hl&gins and Bobby DavlB. Higgins, although plagued by foul trouble In their first meetina. scored 12 pomts and grabbed 7 rebounds. Davis was the real killer, though, as he came off the bench to score 15 points, connecting on 7-of·9 shots from the field Fresno State is 8-1 in conference, 19·2 overall. The Bulldogs are also ranked in bolh wire services. UCI, meanwhile, 1s unranked but boasts an impressive 7-2 conference mark. 18·3 overall From Page 81 CHARGERS WIN • • • outside and at the line, while their man·to-man defense Limited the Barons to JUSt four points ( 2-for-9 from the field ) m the fourth quarter The Barons didn't get a free throw attempt in the second half as Stephens led the way with hi s perimeter shooting. Richard Chang, Edison's 6-6 All ·CW star, was held to 17 points and Rick D1Bernardo, bogged down by lhe Ou and the Barons' defense, was held to 8 points "Our motivation was the seedrng in the playoffs and the fact that no EdJson varsity had ever won here." said Edison Coach Barry Leigh. "But we're still not putting the ball in the hole ·· Edison was 23 for 57 Crom the field (40.4 percent> against the Barons' mat.chup zone but a great deal of the problem wasn't the Chargers' abilities as it was Fountain Valley's defense. . "It was probably our best game of the year ," said Barons Coach Dave Brown. "If they're the best team in the CIF then we're looking pretty good." Turning to the play of Hughes, who burned Edison again and again from outside, Brown said . "He's got to be the most under-recruited player I've ever seen." "He's a gamer," said Leigh, alluding to the play of Hughes, which had the Barons in the game all the way. At one point the Barons led by a 19-8 margm, but once Edison tied and went ahead on two free throws by Di.Bernardo ( 23-22 with 4 21 left in the half) it was a nip-and-tuck game Fountain Valley had a 55-53 lead with 5.13 left, but two free throws by Stephens and another gratis s hot by Mark Goudgt got Edison a lead which 1t protected the rest or the way. HYDRAULIC TWO TON INSPECTION 1 ltC. 3/4 DAIY SOCKET •• , I AXLE co11•-A-LONQ o...!!._AAO~ JACKS . ~ ~sc 110" •• 11 ILLUMaNATED °'~ U .OI ~1295 INSl"t:CTIONHllVICE 1 tOf\ H .H '1 : :'t'·~~:,-::.:1J~ u ·-ao.es HEAVY DVTY 1 PIECE WOOD SCREWDIUY•R iii s5ss I METAi. CASl I 1.!'.!U.M.! !t"..!!'1..Ati.Tl c ....... . STll•L MA CHET• 419 Marina H&ab'• VUdnp 1wept to their third 1tral1ht &mMt ba1ue vtetol')' to eam the lea1u•'• No. 2 berth ta the upcomlnJ CIF •·A baakelball I playoffs and _.at.er Del'• Monarchs cam• throuch wllh 1 tri11mph over vl1ltln1 Btahop Amat for Sille Anselua Lea1we'1 No. s apot Friday niaht. ff re'• howl\ went: I M•rlne 1e w .. tmln1ter 50 The Viktnp won 11 expected and they dld lt aa expected -•in« another balanced effort behind the play of Jobn Bel'l')', Scott FlUpek, Rick Smith I and Andy Klus1cnao. Berry led .all scorers with 19 points, Filipek added 18 from hla playmaklnl role, Smith contributed 11 and Klussman 10. Basketball scores ~ l. .,, ·The Vlkea ullll1ed a preu In puttlna W 1tmlnster away early and Filipek picked up 12 of hll 18 ln the first quarter u Marina rolled up a 23·8 margin. The victory 1tves Marina a M lea1ue record and the No. 2 1pot, leavln1 the No 3 berth to be ' declded today and tonlaht at Edison Hieh. between Ocean View. Huntlnaton Beach and Fountain Valley. "Boy, I'm glad l'm not In that," said a relieved Steve Popovich, Marina's coach. Westminster pared the deficit to 13 point.a in the final period, but then a couple of breakaway layins put the game on Ice for the high-flying Vikings. Mater Del 59, Bl1hop Am•t 51 MJtt Beeuw,aert OS) and Ron Tarbell (14) led the way for Mater Del, which used a 20·8 second quarter to catapult its way into the CIF 4·A playoffs as the No. 3 team from the An1etus League. Beeuwsaert scored nine or his 14 in the second quarter and Mike Fielder came off the bench for some clutch efforts in that same period. Vanguards break out Still gunning for a possible berth in the upcoming playoffs, the Southern California College basketball team notched a 101~ victory over LA Baptist Friday nl•ht in the Vanguards' gym . SoCaJ College broke a two-game losing streak in improving its overall record to 16·8, but only ~ in the NAlA District 3 Southern Division standings. , .. We have a key game tomorrow (tonight) ' against Claremont> a team we ·beat on a lasl·second shot the first time," said Vanguard assistant coach Jeff Mahlstead. ''Against Baptist, I thought we played an excellent transition game Cd that was a key." . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 Orange Coast, Rnstlers win . Orao1e Coaet Colle1e poet.ed Its second atralaht victory and Golden Weal hit lhe winner'• circle tor the second time In three outlnas In women '1 community colleae basketball action Friday The Pirates toppled Saddleback, 66·5S in the Gaucho &Ym wtth Krus Kroyeracortna 21 pointa. Oranae Coast went up by three with nine mlnules to play, went to a man-to-man defense and opened up a big lead. Karen Mark hit 14 points and Colleen Berry 13 for the Pirates wilh Cyndi Carroll scorinll 10 Golden West improved its record to 2·1 with Jill Guthrie hittina 23 points for the Rustlers. Carol Krikorian, a Costa Mesa High graduate, contributed 15 with Kelly Harrison scoring 13. Harrison also did an outstanding job in passing to teammates for scores and was the assist leader. . Golden West will host Citrus tonight al 7:30 an its next game with Orange Coast waitlng until Friday night to open action In the Southwestern tournament. Cal belts UC Irvine Rustlers sweep a double·header The University of California • <Berkeley) used the home run ball to defeat host UC Irvine Friday alternoon In a non·conference baseball outina on the Anteater field whale Golden W est took a dou ble·header from Colleae of Sequoias Cal belted f our homers including a pair by Dave Henzel to post a 9·2 decision and hand UCI its third defeat In five outings. Henzel started the fireworks in the first inning with a two-run blast. then added a three-run homer in the third to put the decision out of reach and give him five RBI for the day. UCI scored solo runs In the second and fourth innine, each with the aid of a double. In the second, Steve Barnard singled and scored on Steve Haworth's double. Then in the fourth, Mike Rupp singled and Barnard drove him home with a double. Cal's other home runs came on a solo blast by Mike Zahn in the sixth and a two-run shot b D D ChuUe Alvi1 In the •llhth. On the community colleae front. Golde. West won both ends of a double-header from visiting Colle1e of the Sequoias from VisaUa The Ruatlers took tbe first game, 7·4 with a strong relief performance by Scott Marsh, then came from behind to capture the second 1ame, 11 · 10, in 10 lnnina1. Quisenberry loses battle KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP> - The Kansas City Royals have won their sa}ary arbitration case against relief ace Dan Quisenberry. the team said Friday N~ terms were announced, but the Royals reportedly offered the s ide armed sinkerball specialist out of Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College about $300,000 for one year. while Quisenberry was seeking about $48),000. 1000 Winners r • -S"ee'"si!andy INTEREST ISAVAILAB (13.50/o A.P.A.), Details at the Sales Center Just check your drwer license at Huntington Center mall for 1-1 lb. boxei or SSOO Jackpot. Dailythru Feb. 15. I • If())( REBATE MONTH FIXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS ON ALL 13: 19" AND 25• COLOR TV SETS WITH ELECJRONIC TUNING AND SELECJED AUDIO PRODUCTS. A vi1w ... A practically maintenance-free /Hestyle, and Huntingtoll Beach, too! 2 &: 3 bedroom•, 2 a:a ~ trom $139,950to.S129,950 rup not to ecale (114) ffS.OHI (114) 968.7<1/1 . ' Model 6054 ,,_,JI nnw-116, IHI Model 5064 ..... Mee., 079.tl Special ~nee 5 8 6 9. 9 5 PLUS 560 REBA TE With Remote ControJ CHECK OUR · LOW SALE PRICES Then get an additional rebate from Ma9!aYox ... ....., l I . '• -(_ > . NBA WerHaNeote,•••NCI s .. 1111 ..... ..., ~"':' Goldl11Slilltt Safi 01890 Plldfk~ • I. M IS M 1' al 20 ,. ti H JI u n -...1>1¥lllell f'C1. 01 .... -....... Sl• • SU 1 .m 1 id ,.... Safi Antolllo HO<l\IOll 0.flver Utall Kat>M1Clty 0.11 .. JI 11 --Utt U2S u tJ S21 • 11 JI U. 14 1' JJ .J:21 ISll> IS il llJ 1' IASTlaNCONl'lalNCI Al&Mtk Ol•ll ... llOllOll Pllll-lpNa HewJtrwv W Hlli"Gllotl HtwYri JS IJ M 14 u" 24 24 u 27 , ........ 0 ........ Mllwe11ket Detroit 1nc11 .... AllAflta Cllk"90 ci.veland M H n • 20 .,, It • It JO II l1 F.W.'f'tk- Safl •-100. Lllten t4 Hew J-y lot, GolcMn Sl•ll tt D•lfn 103, SNtti. 100 Ul•ll12'. K-Clly 114 Pll.,.tlla'M, AllA ...... 'O Bollon 12', $.Ml D'-90 11' T.......-1G•- ll\CllAM •I CllWIMMI Portl-61 OMrolt Pl\11-11111• at H-York M11w..,.. .. •tCllk- Wa111l"9fOtl •I H~tOll Pllo.tlla alUlilll\ S•n DleOO 61 Oef!Yer 12' - 7(11 I .ioo " j()() " ·* IJ .7(11 - ~ IJ -14V. ... IA\'> .•m'> . mu Spurs 100, Lakert 94 SAN ANTONIO Mllcl'Htll l4. OlbeflJlng II, CorrlM "· Gervlll 27. -. •. PlleQley 2, BANIS 11, Br All 10, G Jollntofl 0 T atAts· 40 lt·2' 100 LOS ANGEL«S A""'IN' ,, wui.a u. AllOlll·J .,.,., 10, E J.,,._ It, HlaOll I•, Cooper 11. McAdoo t , L•ftlhber9ff 4. Jara.. I Tot•ls :i. tt·31 'M ScertltyO. ... " San AnlOlllO 21 l• 2' 2' -100 LO!i Af191!~ 22 JO t JJ 'M TllrM-Pl)lnl QOAI> Br•t1 FOlllld out - Corrine ToCAI loul• -SM Atltonlo "· LOI At>Qe le\ 22 T echtliUI -.. A -11,5115 NCAA LHdera KOttlNO F 1'9n PUA ... Hury Ketty, T .. Stllrfl. 22 w 140 -2'.A Kevin MatiM.UC IN 20 !OJ ll4 WO 77.0 a k ky ~Rlc.e 1l 24' IJ:2 ~ 21.0 0.fl Cllndr'llo, S.-. HI. It 11' t• 4't 2'.1 Quent111 o.lly ,USF U Jll ltt U4 JA, t Stt ... Bu'1t.I-20 1M UO .. D.A wrni. JacUOll,c..tiwy u 1 .. ""' DA Ste ... ._,Smlrd »IM IU 4'1 211 J• J•kUblek,Altl"Otl 21 ,., " ., 110 ,._,,., ~ Nl'Uwltrn. 21 , .. 103 A7S Z2A' Mar• Mt-.-a,c..I 20 tH " 4" 2U Wey,,. ~.Loyola 2t 112 l07 471 n..' D••• E lllt, Tem. 20 1M 1' ... , 22., TffTY C..,,,,,,ll'IQ!l,0.PMll 21 112 103 "' !U Aoller1 Wllllams ..... tn 11 IU ti Jft tt..l Mt•n McL.tMn,CAfl.Mlcll. 20 ltS Sl 4'2 tl 1 Ttrry TN91<1,llA'(lof 21 IW II 461 27 0 0.10111 .,,..,_.,use " t.o .,. •u JU ICe Mlh LYQM.H Te•.St 20 11A 17 OS Jl.t J• Oyk1lr•.-Ill JI IU 121 454 J1A ca..r.1 M<ltt WeldrOll,Pkllk 20 ll1 12' 400 10 2 L"'°" Wood.CS Ftrtn Jl '"' 1• 06 lt.t l'llLD GOAL PlaCINTAOI Mal'lltw-.-e,Cel Jim JMlln,WMI:• Frsl Al'8y Ct•rlOA,Lng.tllnCI Ortendo Plllllll>\. PIH'dl,,. Ktvln MegM,UC lrvlM 01'0 .... l'lrt. 10 17S 1'0 IO O 20 IOl tu ...., 21 1.0 JU lU 20 121 115 '5.A 20 l03 l II '5.J l'all THltO'# PlltCENTAOI 0 .. , ""' flirt. AOd Fost .... UCLA '' 51 '1 tS I Jerry Hotiolt, Fordl\em It SI 5" "4.4 Joe OylLJI••. W.Stern 111 21 121 1• n a J.c• Moon,--· " 12 .. '2. t Ktvlll Mc(;<'-~ It 7S 12 fl.S aE90UNDINO G N•. A ... WeyM ~-. L""°'e 1111 I 21 1'M 14.0 L.S.ati. ~. re .. , 20 1n IJ' Mark Mc~•. C81 10 2'1 IJ., Kovtn Maoioe, UC trvlne 20 »-I 1:1.2 Audie H.,,.,ls, Jae..._, 51 " 2.. IJ t 1a..n1 Stev.. Trvmoo, BYU 71 14' 11 • Well..:t llry.,,t, USF 23 U1 11.1 Ak f\erd Alld8non, UC 5"nte 8-e 20 1'1 IOt COLLEGE SoCal Coll. 101, LA B1ptlal 15 LA IAPTIST -Andi,_. ll. Wllllems 10, Steley 14, H¥,_ 20, TtrpSlre 2. O'fjHI 14, 8u0 4, Glllft6, Biii J TO(alt M 11·Ul5 SOUTMlaN CALll'OtllOA COU.EGll - Aoberh 17, Ptulmer 1. A«'lle 10, ~ I , Porr•, 21, Hollmenn 10, Corti I. A-• 12, Ae<lclkk 2, Wll50tl 4 Total• 42 11-tt 101 H•tftlme SoCAI. U-40 Tot•t loutJ; LA Bal>tl•I n . SOC.I College 11. Foutt'd CMll: Wllllem• I LA B•ptlsl) HIGH SCHOOL Edlaon 60, Fou ntain Valley 55 EDISOM -SleolleM 21, ~I, C,_. 11. B1n.-1 J, °'~'*'"° 1. -.. 2. """" O,MaJorO,F-0 Tatel• 2214-lHO l'OUNTAtN YALl.IY -\111 ....... ve II, HllOhH 17, H-IO, -.1 4, Jk-0, WlllttllAlrJ, l(uCloO ToCAI>; Hf.lUS Scan~ O.rten Edlton 1J 11 14 I~ FOUfltaln V8ti.y It 14 11 4-ff TolAI to<M· Edi_, IS. FOUt11Aln Velley IS Ocean View 81 , Htn. Beach 74 HUNTINGTON alACH L•,,. 2', TllOmp.-"· Avru "· Sll•Olttoro 1. Saleye 0, IMtto• 0, Mitt• 0, F•"llre 2. Total>: H t•2214. OCIAN VII'# 0.BrOll-1'. UMvl~ll 21 Ca rroll 11. Ju09e 14, Werner ~. ""~ 10, GUH1 • TO(als 2117_,. 11. k-r,o-mra HuntlfliltOll hach IS 10 u 36-IA Octetl v.... ,, 10 11 ,......, Totat 1o111> Hw141n91of1 h«ll 27, ~ Vin• 11, FO<lled O<lt: U•"""'" c0c-Vte•I. WtrMr COua11 Vlt•J. AyrH C Huntln9lon 8enclll , Sll•<"•fot• I HIH!t'""'°" llMcll I M81tne 71, Weatmlnat.r 60 ........ -Fii .. ti, ll«ry ''· '"'"" ''· ICl11UIT\afl tel, Tandy I, C'-'111 I. l'rle9 I, MUlor •• c:atldyO. Tolal1: D 10.12 ,., W•ITllllMSTalt -e.tlfl 11, 0-... W, Pettie l , Orem• t, flfkolel •. ,. ... , t , a1.USt.y•, N-1.SM'e-ryt. T•la: 1716-12 ». __. .. __....... M.trlft• u " 11 »-7• Wntltllniw I 10 tS 17_,. Ttt61 feull: Mllrlna 1'. w.tfllllft-lt; Te<IWtkttll tmltfl CMlltlna) Corona d9I .._, 47 Uftlwe,.lh 4' co•••• OIL ..... "''"'" 11, t~~~ ~~=.~·?.=':. ~'\'l 4J \llllYl•llTY aelCll"t J, M'f•O I, CM! .......... 0119• 11. L•rw•H. , ..... : Ot-U~ k-.. ~ c..-flll IM# 11 I• It U--41 UlllV9rolly tO I• It 1'-4 Total hKltt C9"1'W1 IHI Mat 14, Uftlv~.il'f tt l'twlOd eut 0-llel ICdMI. Stot.Mff cu"" Matfr Del H , Blahop Amat 11 llltff>ll' AMAT l"ltlllft 11, Ta-r J Allon 17, ~ti 1, l'rft<ott I,~ 2 r.1oi.·121iu1 MATI• De~ J, hrbett IS, ~ •. JecktOll II, ..... wuert U , l'le14H 7, """....., t ~ >. Pertltlt o, ""'-o. Ma .. lt-0 ToCAlt n tWI St k-.., Qloot"9n 9ttl'IOCI AINI II I II 1'""'41 ¥ater Del II M U t~ Total -ah.llap Am.I U , Maler Del II , FOlllecl 011t T-C916llOll AIMii, At ... C Blt!lop AINll. a-w ... rt CMttor Dell Cap. Vly. Chr. 41, Nwp. Chr. S4 CAN VAU.IY CM•llTtAH -'"""' lt, Wtl9"1 6, .,_ 0, Kfn9 t, Mel.troy IS Total• 11 J.12'1 NIWPC>ltT CMllllTIAN -H-erd 1l. KllPAlrtck •• Sc,,,_, •• F .... rto-.. KrOllO Toi.all UMM le.en~~ c.,o vo1i.v c1w11111... n ' 10 10-41 H••-' Cllrktlen t It 2 ~ Tol•t lollll' C-Vtlley Ctwltltell 10, Hew port Cllrhtl•n 1 S, Fouled eul Kllpetrkk CHewP>t11 HIGH SCttOOL STANDINGS Sun1etle1gue LMe-0-eM W L W I. UI-t I t2 J Marina • • IA ' HuntlnQIOll a..t<h ~ S t 1 12 Fountain Veli.l' ~ S IS t 0c .. flv-s s u 10 WHlmlMltf 0 10 2 1' T-Y'•tc-1~"8yeftAtElll-1 11 • m Huntt,.oton BHcll vs OcMn Vlt• I p m II • m wlnMr o Fo11t1tel11 Valley Sea View Leagua lfiMlf L ...... o-... • L • L E>lencte ,, 2 10 CoroM <Ill""'' 12 1 11 • C°'t• Mev 10 IS • Ntwport H-r I tl to Unlv•nlty • • ,. IO ft TOfO ) " • 11 SMldttb«k 2 11 11 lrvl,,. 1 I) ,, Angetua league (hall L ...... 0-.W • I. Servltt • 2 Bl~ MorltVo"'trv s > IMter Del • • Bl"'°P AINI ] s St PAUi 1 • Women COMMUNtT'I' CO\.LIGA o, ... ,..,. ... ~11u w L IS • ,. • 1J • • tO I .. OaANGI COAST Ettln90r 1. C•rrotl tO, Mal'll 14, Kroyer 21, Parto ... 4, BHry IJ. TotelS lDM .. SAODLIMCK -C>Mt-tS, Hkkl 2. J-IMI t, 9""°" S, Odum> 14, 'l'--V ti, Tote I> U S-IHS H•lltlme 2:Mll Total '°"'' Or-C08st IS. S-ltb«l 11 ~ W .. ll, Cernt .... CEllalTOS A-•90 1S Humphries •. Pope 7. Recker tt, WtfllVtt 1, L"'Y I, l.oCrol• I, ~1112 Tatel>. ,._,, .. GOLDIN WEST -Cltmenb 2. H.,rtre J. K rlkorlan IS. Gutllrlt 2l, Herrl'°" I), A.•MaeMn '• Aee 1, NW!-II Tot.Ii 1J.U 77. Halft ..... ; OGl<l8ft Wftl, M>-21. Tolet fooM• Con'llol 10, ~fl West •• Fouled out ¥allle•• IGolcNfl WHtl, Dunc"" CGoldln Wetll. Reck.,. IC~rtto.I. Santa Anfta PlllDAY'S •HU~TS c-. .. ..._,_ en .. _..., f't•IT RACa. •lw'°"9' L'C"P IV--6al 1' 60 t 00 • 10 '""' Sllt!M' COllv• .... I •. .., •.40 Superude CMtCM',..,J • 00 Alto ,..... ,......, 0 Checker's O'l!Nn. Joe's T,._, Jem MAtl M1<11t1i.·, o.-m. Eatr• Quick Tl,,,.. 1:11 •IS llCOMO IDACI. I 1/lt mllM crou c~•l s.• Sl•r Car.., tCn111 • 40 ,..., 7.0 00 M'11MY "84fa COllverMI Also ractod ..-.rOll. Flee! Auler, Sotv<e. Aoyel E•r1, TrMll< PettH11 Tt,,,.: 1:0 A/S. U DAILY DOU•LI !HI pekl Uf •. THl•D itACe. • lwlOflOS. • 00 Sir FUIWly C-IH8wltyl •-tO 4.40 MO FreedOm'• Hore CMtCa,.,Oll) 11.• 1.00 OW a.tt c:.y I &l«k I 10_., Alto ,_. llOld 'H Cte,,.r, HAllellllell Bro1Mf, "-lllO Jet. 01-A,e, Forty Etoll! Fec.ts. AllSe lo Conquer, Ttll DOii, Tt.et,l'fftC-iou>. Time. 1:11.0 l'OUaTH •ACE. 1 111' m1IH C0<1rt1vc- 1vetel\Ne4al • 20 > 10 uo May ... (5etrllrl ] tO ?Ml Gr ... I• ~ CASmu•Mf'lf J 20 AllO rKelt: J..-S Klndy, AMI M8 How Time: ~·4/5. U IXACTA (._11 PAld Ul.00 l'I nM RACI. 1111' mClff Mllftl I Plftuyl UO Pell" CMtGwronl AlllOdl,,.,_1........,1 S.10 l tO ... soo 7.10 BOidiy, AIM <Keel'. lltlle Sllell, Rim GMlbl, KlftO of Ille Rench Time; 1:45JIS, u•XACTA c•11 ...-iiase II lt TM RACI. •I; lurlOllQS. eM 0 ' Curry l~I • 40 UO J .0 c:.ueer'•~ C"-1'•1 140 uo utll,...... C4-I J 00 AllO nud: klUtl Wiii Oo, LfllOlo, 5-.e Leslie. H¥M ON, G4llden St,...t. Tll!IO: 1:•1/5. llYINTH aACI. •11> '"'*"' A·ScAri.tO' ~ lllpl\aml II 40 I.• S 10 A·P•ttutr IC.-.) 11 AO I., S :IOI Tl""' IOf' 11-lle<U CMCC:AtrOlll I AO A-<......,.,.try AllO ractod C•el o.n<t, F'19CN Fr.-. Eltl11la. Ile~ H-1. LAJH , Pet Word, ·-··'--n .... : 1: 11 115. $S IXACTA Ct·tl peld U1' SO. U '1CX ltX tJ.11...,_J.ll (Nljl Sl,.U.M •lttl • Wlllnlne lkll.U (ol• '*'-" u Plclt SI• conlOfetlofl ... Id SJI .to wlltl 1,42 wMlllfte tkllolt• Cllw Mrlnl 12 1<r9'dl , ...................... w4111 .. •lllflln9 lk'Wt• (l!Ne ...,_, -Kr•lclll. H~uca Olltlftllt"'• '"• CL ..... I IM Ml Me ... ... .... ,.._., ,~ ...... ~y---CT-.IHI ~ .... , ... i ....., 9-11, .. ·-· WINlll OM fllflt, 1'1¥111t T111yo, A._.,."-• IJ11fw.....-tw, Ol.9'-TllM. TIMO•J ·W U OAIL'f 00Ua1.a 1~•1 ,..,. Ne ot TtllllD •AC8. One Mli. Pk• ... '-''"' (Aulllftl • 20 > • ... H 14 Cll_, IT-I • tO , .. lletlfk o...r CCllfllwll I 20 A ... t.ud: Cltlef a•. lpk '•"'· , ... 11111 l'ort11no • ....,....., arett IMY H, l'roe1-11. ........ It .... TIM0111•111 U eXACTA ("10) palfl ~.:IO flOU•TN ltACI. One mli. trot Hluewey C~Mil s 40 ,. 1.0 . ,. ,. l-.Mo.._.c-..1 l'IJtoto-. Pel CWllllamt) AIM road' l...._llt. Feoi.n. ....... l4l(llW ~ .... ,,." C-y Ttme• t oa 111 uo .,,...y '"™ •ACa. One rnllO O.C• 0...C.,..SlM C~I HO JJO UO L C'1lyn1 C0.-.1 t .0 JOO Cleer Hltltl Cl~I UO Alto rend: BrvM N, Jau l'eallwet, ,.... .,_r, 0.... N. Lucky C¥d A Time t .Ot l/S m U IX ACTA It.JI P•ld ~ 00 SIXTH aACI. One mli. PACe Mltle• G CVef~I J • > M 2M l.yt1t11 I-IO.-I 11 00 UO Ketty t<-r CA ....... ) 7M AllO reced: R~ FIOw• -IAln Monterey 9,...,., F lolly Fr•"'· J-. Cruze, ••11'1 AllYtflm. Aftd'tl> c11eroer TlmO: 2:01 JI) U IXACTA CHI pelcl ,tJt SO sav1NTM ••CL°"" mll• tMK• Ailu Mee Faov CAUOitll s 00 I AO J.10 Loga11 Cllellc.e ISllff<1111I 17 40 •to Tr.,. TrlclA c....--1 • 00 AtlO raced H81 Cllerll, Terweler, Golde Meir, l'ell AtoflO. Kty_ J..,. Tl""' 1.012/S u IX ACTA 12 tJ peld n u 00 etGHTH aACI. One mite PK•· tndl•n s-tle CGouclt'ffuJ 10 tO 4 . .0 Genii• Miss CL. Wllll""'ll l tO Jotle'• Ciiek• CK. Wlttt-a) Aho rece<I: Poster Girt, ~llOflt Gol, Bye llye Artlle TlmA I jtJIS lllHTM ftACll. One mitt PK•· MArlc ""° CLoflllOI '·· J.00 1..0 SIO UO uo tuoTwo C~I Moody Bt .. CTOdllJ AtlO <keel. Tiit MM>trew>, S.. Ao,,.r. Brent 8•-er, ~orlnv Orlvt. Felllmtnlo, Andy .. S.C'-' Time t jtO U I XACTA ls-41 PAkl '11 10. U PICI( SIX IM·~2+St lleld U,OtUO with >I• wtMltlQ tkkell l•I• llorwst U Pkk Six COlllOIMIOtl peld \St 40 wlll\ 150 WIMl.ng llekt U lflvt l'pW>I. U PIO Sia ICtt lell consotetlon ~lo M2 20 "'"" JS wlMlng tlcatU ,..,..., --· one >cr•tc" or l"r• tlorw~ i.o>crelcllttl TlllTH aACI!. Ont mite sw<t PerllnQ CAUl>lnl • 10 > 20 2 • H• ""°"tr (Cr1)911At1 I I 00 S 40 MAPie Game CV•ll-lnQllemJ 4.00 AllO r.c.cl. Ble<k B.,,ntr, Aoy•I fdw ... d, J emu Gr•ll•n. Gyp1y Sem. Trlllul• • Cheri~ HeutrlnoAdlo> nme 1·01 O. U E XACTA l•SI pefo M• SO Altendenco-1,11' U.S . Natlonal Indoor , .. _,...,,, °""rttrllMt S ... ln Gtnt M8yer def l(t•ln Curr•n, l·S • ._,, Busler Monttrem rtof Ellot Tt"K lltr. •>. "'' J-Mc:Etwot -A-• T...,..r 7-0, .. ,, J-Krlell -VIies G¥\ile lU• 1-0 .... •> Men'• toumemenl c.tlt~,v •. 1 °"""'""""'' s....-. Wolltlo Flboll -John SAorl. l-0, 1-0, ._I, J-Lui• Clerc -Tom C8tn, .... •·> Woln9n'a loumament (etlC-tCltyl Q91rtorflMI S-.... M•rtlfte "'6vr•lllove dtl A,.,. Smith,._,, I 1 BArtwl"' -.er c»f AOYlyn F e1r-. 16.1 s .. , Men'• lo.ucainment let c.r ..... """"-' OW"9111Mlft ... lft E11<118 Olblll c»f A-VHMlln, .... •·2, Ae11t A""'1fott def Oevld Stevi.r • ._,, ._l, Erl< Fromm dtC Mlkt Bru-o. 7-0, ..... Zotten K-f del Fr-• S-r. 1 S, 1-0 CoUege AU..CAL TOUINAMlllT c et ""' 0-..1 UC lrvlM a, UC al-W. 1 s ....... Snyder CUCll dol Sllull • ._, 4-0 ._2, Hot.-CUClf lltf SIA<y, ._,, ... , Zo ... r IUCll def Sllenklryk, ... J. •-•. Ptrc;re~ IUC" dtf fotowerO .... 1 s Amor CUCll Ott Ducld'tr. 1 ~ M G••ber IUCll def ""'°" .. , .. , ~ Snyoer·Zolter IUCll dtf S11ull-!illtnklrY11. •·>, 1·S Stecy.Oudd'f IUCA I del G••Wr HtllOfl, ... ). •-> Amor Ptrcnt IUCll clef -erct.Ver99, 1 s, .. 2 UCt ........ t,UCS...U Crv1t , ....... Stlyclet (UCll *f Nlli.r, ..... "''· H-(UCll lltf Klerkn . ._,, M ..O. Zolle (UCll def . Oefln y , •·•. l ·O Creltred l . Ptrcrell CUCll --lltttt ... ,. "''·A,,_ tuCll lltf -· M ... 2 Gr•llM' tUCll def At>t•ml, ... J .... I ~ Stlyder·loller CUCll --ifllH·MIHtr, •·2, •.J, Gra lltr·Httton CUCI) def Hewmen·Oenny, ._,, M . Amor-Perc- CUCll -. Klerkll-Allr•m•. J-0 ... 1 ... J Community college t •• a1t11,,0._c ... u s ...... Feckletiy COCCI dtf. Scrl-r, ..... W; Str'Ol>f CSI clef 111"'9 ... ,, M , Otmll""d ISi def. A_.,., "''· H : eoM• COCCI clef • ltec ht-. 7-0, 7-0; lt•un COCCI dtf. LHtle, .. ). t ·7, •. ,, Slt Plltnt CSI •t. Sclllllt .... M>, .. , 0..... Ftdderty·Aehtolk IOCCI def. Sc rlllntr-Otmtleed, 6·1, ,.,, 6-l , StrOOI·~ ISi def, Bonf•B•-. •I. 0·6, t ·•· atectotlone·~llter ISi def Kim.Sc..._,, M , M , 1-0 Women cou.ao• UCt-1,CatMnN__...,.J , ....... Luh""'"" ICSNI def. Ma. Myer>. , ...... ,. Ket llt19 IUCll .... Row, '"°· .... NIJOOll tUCtl dlllf. "111, M , M . W , ftled90 IUCI ... , w..--. '"°· ..... Mel Myen CUCll dtl ,.•Id, '6-2, •·2. Sarr•no (UCtl def SclllllU,M ,M> ~ lullmen·Wooonouu tCSHI def MY•rt·Myen, .. 2. "'· l( .. tlno·M•ltory (UCll dtf. Reld ·Crulh, , .... •·O, 4·•, Hlaon·Elfed09 IUCtl cNf A-Piii. 0-0, W , ... 2. ,, .... -1• ...... -1• ,...,_,,. ., ,, -IJ!t ,...._, .. 7Nl-1 .. 12 .... -we 7wt-1• ... ,, _"" ... 11 -IAO n,..-we ... 71 1• 1M1-\AO ~-t• 1W.-MI 7Mt-WI ...n-wt U4t-141 1W't-Mt ,,..._ .. ... 7'-WI ,,,.,._ .. ,,,__WI "'"-WI ll.,.,.. ... Wf ,.,.,~y " ..... "" O••YH ...... t:r...c--.,,., 9MI! a1111e,_..,, o..r.e ...... TetrYO-T ... yCet• w_., "ltl"'41! JoM Ade"" P'r• .... C- ••Gt1Gllf Arnold Pe~ Mtr•O'-• Vefl<eHHfller Mlktlr- aect1l-- OwtC ........ 11 Jlma-• l'uuyl•ller Mat~ H8Y"• Mike Reid Cl\atlle Gt'""" Je<Otalll Jey Cudd Alcllard Z-OI Tim"..._ A Otlftle e-~ LArryHt'- £dS-Mike Pedl Ml~e HotlAftd NI llLt Motley IMO AOlll D••• &art B ruet Lltatle Biii .... " TomP111'1Hf ...... fllt Cle ........ Gery KOCll JetfMllcllell l!rlc ll•lten Sc,otl SteQtr Sktp011-f Bruce ~• Reoer Matlblt How•rd TwitlY HAii Irwin AIGtC1:1trQIOf MArk Plett R-rCelYln F ted Couplet Vlc1ort1n Open ,..,. '° ... ,, ,., ,.,, \Q ,,..,. ,., ,,.,. 14 7>70 ,., ,,.,, ,.., I .... 10 1f 11 IQ 11 It IQ 7~11 ,.., 1).tt 144 , .. ,. , .. It 1' 144 "71 144 7).71 , .. ll·IJ 114 72 7t ... '"'' I .. 1•71 1 .. ,,.,. , ... II 1' 14' 1"71 , ... , ... 70 , ... 1•11 -10 7S-70 IU 1HJ t•J 7' II -tO 1•11 IU , ... 10 7'·11 10 •t-7' t•S IMt ,., 71·7J !AS 1 .. 11 10 7HI 14S ,,,, 10 11..i 10 11-10 10 7J.7J 10 IJ.72 10 I-,. 1).7) I• 1J-IJ I .. 15-11 , .. 1 .. n I• 14-12 , .. 114• , .. 7).1) I .. , .. 71 , .. 12·1• , .. 1S11 , .. 1J.1J , .. 1•·11 ... Uit......,_,._•Mel Lee Trevino CUI.Al I~ t• Tre•w Mtean.id (Alitl 71..i tJt Mic,,... CIAY'Oft CA111I '1-n IJt .... $11.-'"""' 11..i ... Boe S-W IA1111) •~71 1.0 BUI OllN C ..... ) •t.11 140 J.,.,,, ,._., CCeftl 11·10 1•1 Ve ... Sol-.-.CAuol 71 70 141 Ctwlt T tckl>ff CA111 l •t-71 1'2 le" Stenley CAvtl 1t-7J 1'2 A 18• B°"""'9IOll t -h e I •t-71 1 '2 Aoll M<Heo4>-tAuO 1~1) 1.U Guy Wot5 .... llolmelAuO Jl.71 , .. Ted BAii CA"'l 7H1 , .. Gr"""m Ma.V. CAutl 1).11 , .. O""ld ~(-I 1•12 IU Grot H°""""' tAusl 1S.11 tO '""Hoot CAull '1·7J 145 M"• H.,_ CA.,.) tt-7' tU ..... , ~ , ..... 1 ,,.,. 145 Art a....it CUSAI 10.1• -t• Mike COl-ro CUSAI •t-11 W LPOA tournament tac St..._._., ..... I Hotlll SIAc'I' PtltyS- CllrlsJ-- JH,,...lttKtn S.ndt•H•ynW JoAM•C-r Beverly Klau CeroteC~lff PAlllr-y J,,,,,,A_ltl S.,.Fo09HN1n Delltlit Alllllfl IOllnleL- M J Smith ClftdyHlll P em G leUt<1 OOIGer ....... Vkt.IF..-oon C011nl8 Clletternl Myr•V.,.,,_ AltHndre A•lflllArd1 Donnel:-' Cindy Llncotn Kttll Ainller S.ndr• Pol,,_ MurltB'"' KetnyWhlt_., Bel•V KltlQ J6M 81Alo<k l lltrtwHHMOll M•n'a volleyball COU,EOE 32 J4 ... M.JJ_.I M>-n....a ,. )4 .. ,....,..... JS-ll .... lS-ll ... M>-ll-M JS-JO-M )4.3$-., JS-)4 .... ,..,. 10 lJ.lS 10 JS.lS-10 u...is-10 J1·M-11 Jt.U-71 J~71 JS-3'-11 J7 ·l>"'-11 )4.)7-11 lS.,.-11 Jt.U-71 )4.37 II M>-l S 1t )l.l) 11 JI.JO " Jt.U-71 )4.J7 -11 l+l7 71 or ... 911 c-t def LA """"'· IS-6, 12 IS. IS-.. 1J.I), 1S-U NHL ~LL(ON,lalN(I a.,.,...01 .... W L T 01' OA ... ··--C•l9••• VIII(..,..., KNaet (Otor- M tJ to Ill UI D JO 1J IJ 1• UI loJ It lt It 1'1 JOt IO " ,. t2 ,,, !ti ., 12 ,. • 11• u. » NerrllDi.tai.. Ml"MMIA ii LO<ll• Wlnnl- Cllk- TOf'OtltO Detroit n 11 " '" * .. 'U t6 t Ut t40 U 20 14 II 111 240 St 10 21 10 ,., ,.. • it te n no u. d .. ,. " 1'1 11" 4.1 WAUll CONl'aa111c1 PwlckDl•ltlM HYltlenc»n lS 11 • t ft Phllldelpllla JO 20 ) ,,. NYA•f19tf• ,, 11 ' 20] Pltllllurvfl ,, ,, ' tt) Wesltlfl9'0ll I• )J • 111 MMnlDMOOll Monlrtel 11 II 11 HO llOllOll n 11 1 1• Buft•to JO II • no Outlltc 11 ll 10 2M Harttoro " 2• IA •ts ,,,...,.,,(9 ... Cotor-• o...Oo< 2 EO"'°"leltl S '1¥•Slll119tcw. J T ......... aG- I( ha9t •I PlltlOuf'Qll PlllledelPllle •I HY lll•,_r> NY A""Ot" et H•rtforo Boston •I Cetoerv Wtnnl-al _,t,eet C:llk•90•1T•onto Oetroll It Mlnnewle V •n<-•t St. Lou!\ ~ f I ' I . .. Coffage C.M~ t, UC Irv ... l 114 7• 10t '5 lit ,. HJ SI t40 ., 1.0 ,. ltO " Ill .. 2A1 .. 21' .. C.lllornlA tOot 001 cm> t 10 0 UC lrvlM OtO 100 000-2 U J l1poi1to Julio Ill •nO Hov•ler, WOodMACI, Au!Nr ISJ. W•nv•• ttl - llernerd w l>PO•llo L Woodlteed 28 E-rd Cati, 88rMrd CUCt). Hawor111 IUCll tngltllart IUCll, HA Henrel t CCAll ZMW> le.II, AMa IC.II Community college l'IHTGAME ~Wftt7.~s• Coll ol ~l 000 OU 000~ 7 1 Golden WH1 000 ISO 01•-7 t l Cote. Abbott UI Weller t7 J •"d Mllttnbtrgtr . Meytrl, Mersl\ Ct l end Schull W-Mtyorl. L Cot• S-MA"" 1& Gr1.-•tt CGWCI SI.COMO GAME ~-11,~··· Coll of Sequol•• IOI 104 o:JO 0 to IS • Golden West 200 OOS 210 t-11 1J S MlluO••. LOtllf\a '" Hallly 171 -SO•tll, -k kl, Nie-171. Crock.ct Cll •nd Morello, Gervels 111 JB-L.,tofl CGWC I. Herron IStquolul. Sewell CSOQuole•I ~~· Cel Stete Fullerton 12-s. Arlr,,.,.. 1 San O'-St 12, Loyol.,. UCLA 1, Qt St Oamt"9119r Hill\ t Men'a aoecer HIGH SCHOOL a-NJ,U.--y1 E'tancl• ICOtl"9 Mor•no Uriuu PllllllP> University >c.or"'9 S.m•l'l.I c..-*'Mar 4, N--1 Ha..-I CotON del Mer scorln9 twCrim...-1. Helworln, H8QOP OCC picks up volleyball win The Orange Coast College men's volleyball team picked up its second win in as many outings Friday night with a 15·6, '12-15, 15·6, 12·15, 15-13 decision over LA Pierce. •• •••• -·,, -. -· I DeytOne 500 LIM"lf '"" tine~ let ..,,...,,., OaY' ... • Gr-""'''°""' UOO fM rl(t, Wftll CM ftumwr. IY'Pt ti <at Mid .,_.., •ltw ... •111lll\llht ~ 111'""' t atM1 l'•rMna, H• ti, ,,lltlH k•Nl•ll•. "' tll 2 H1rrvG .... He». llllcll .... , 1 Cele 'l'tf~, Ho 11, a111<• It_, 4 ................ l,eukll l ... L > Terry U.0..M, No .... l111Clt ~I • 01rl'911 Welttlp, HO II, lllkll .... , I 1.-,,Alll-.t Ho ... 8111CkJI .... I Joe awtt.1ne11, Ho 1. l lll<k ...... ' A .J l'ovt HO ti, Olcltnlflllle (llfl .. L 10 O•t• l •rn11 .. c11, No It, Pert Tlt-rl!fro t t Otvt Mere It Ho 71, lluio •-• 11 IC .... ,..tty No 42 P-IA< Gr- PtlM I) attk WlllOll, No ·~ OldlltlOllNle C:11t1•u " N•ll Bo11net1 No JI, Fort r 11unc1or1>4ro I~ Olcll &roo ks, No IJ . Ford Tllllndtrllird " AtOy A-No l. PofttlA< Gr ..... Pr la 17 J•met Sellttr, Ho S 8utcl< lt-t ti fttlolt Forbel-AOOln-. No ... &llkll "•0•1 It Rlllly W.Ml11<e No 12 a11lck A-I 20. 11111 ElllOlt. NO 9, Ford Ttt..nderlllrd. 21 Rk llerd Ptlly Ho '3 POllll..: Gr- Prla 'l2 ROii ll<luc""'d No 41, Bvl<k 11 ... t n JOdy Aldlty, HO.'°· Ford Tllundet111rd ,, Mor_!>.._rd. He tt, 9wtck It ..... H Tom5ntv• No l1 lukk Aeoet JI M•l'll Mer11n, Ho en, llut<k ·-I 11 J• Mllllt.•n No jO, PonllK Gr-Prl• '8 BobOy W•••k Ho •• llul<k A ... I 29 DOii""' Alh>Otl. No II Bul<k A-t JO TIQN Scott fjO ~ Bui<• A ... t JI G•rv 8•touon. No IS, POtllle< .... _ ,, L•I>.• 5-d. No ... Bul<k A ... I » J 0 M.:Ouff1t . No 70 P011!1ac Gr-Prl• >• GeoH Boolne. No. n. Buick At91I JS 81111t HArV•Y No JI 8ul<k A0118f ,. Lowell Cowell. fjo II Bukk A-I 31 Ott'"" C°'""'1 No O. BulCt A ... I. •. Ao., Sn>lln No 30. POlllla( G••lld l'rl• . J9 81>ddy Arr1nv1on, No u , Chrysler (O<dOOe 40 Jimmy ~ ..... No S2 Bu•o R-1 41 St.on 8Mrett, Ho t, Bu1<k A-I •2 lomm1 G•te . No ••. 'ord T"ul\Qtrb.,d Friday'• tran .. ctione tl.UlaALL .. _. ... ~ BAL TIMOAE ORIOLES -St9necl Al &umllry, outfit-to • , ... , .. , conlroct. S'9ned Oon -cllel Plt<lltr, lo•_.,..., '°"''"'' HEW YORK YANKEES S.,_. G.- Htl>Otl, pllcller N"119ul '--- MOH TA EAL EXPOS Sl ...... TMrf Fr•nco,.. Md Pet Rooney, owlfi.tdera; WellAct Jotwtlon, Brlld Mlllt, Mlt.t ~ •nd D""• Hosteller. ltlfletders; Tom w~ c«,,.,.. -Tom~.""" Smith, Biii s.tller, &oC> J•,.,,.. aM ,,... T •vlor, pCtic...,.. NEW YOAK METS HA,,,.., RllSty !>teut>. fir•-·• t>M.,.,-<H<h l'OOTIALL .. _. ............... OENVEA BRONCOS Sig,,.., Terry f l>IOll, H•t. Lundy -J°"" N-..n, wldt receivers. Aryltlqton J~. runnlnq b•O; Bruu 8y~. cenlt•-rd, G.._ G•k.,, llMIWKk .... -.... ,,.., vw--.. kleker GREEN BAY PACKERS H-lie Sctwwlker oftlf'>ivt coonlltlAlor SOCCI• N-""""""'81tSec<w~ VANCOUVER WHITECAPS Signed Cerl Vet•nltnt, torwerd, lo • 1IJ·.,.•• COOlltA<I COLLIOI DETROIT -F1ted Wlll18 M<C¥1er ....... bHkelb.oll coach, ltflKllve •I the -of -... '°" G AAHD CANl'ON COLLEGE -""*' J~ Arnot#. lltACI b..,kelb6tl CM<I\. lo e thtH·V••' contr4'C.t l(AHSAS N-J•mtt LHA'9 tll\letk Olre<lor Outside hitter Scott Friederichson , setter Greg Ovalle and middle blocker Steve Friedman paced the Pirates to the non·conrerence win. The five-set match lasted two and one-half hours . REMAINING '81s SOc off a dult ticket w ith a d OAAMGE COUNTY C9!oU~'l'9BAl!A GUN SHOW ••• a •• •• TMN!' na ·Sat., Feb . 13 & Sun., Feb. 14 ' . BUY-SELL-TRADE 250 TRADE TABLES Featuring Guns -AntiQue & Modem Ammo -War Relles & Surplus · Indian Artifacts -Rugs & Jewelry -Cnlnll COLLEGE BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs . FRESN01ST ATE 2-528i AUTOMATICS 2-320i 5 SPEEDS LASTMOHnt TO LEASE LEASE Ol IU'i! In Newport leech Roy Carver BMW· I 540 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEAOI. CA. 92660 714-640-6444 1 'Mlen did the American League last win • the All-Star Baseball Game? A 'Mlerecan Sports Fans· ~ A. Enjoy $100 Well Drinks & Beer from 4-7p.m.? 8. With Free Hors d'oeuvres? C. And Continuous Wide-Screen Satellite ~ports? 0 . With Great Food and Lunch Specials? dflONOOt:I S.lt:IOdS 3H1 'O dnONOOt:IS.LYOdSiH.1 '~ dOONOOt:l Ut:IOdS ilH.1 "8 dOONOOt:l 8.1':tOdl ilH.1 "'I •-9 'lt0Jl9() Ut ~L6l . . • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Fabrual)' 13, 1982 •• College basketball, golf: Today 's top TV • attractions ly HOWilD t . HANDY °' .. .,....,.... ..... F o llowlno .re the top Spe>rts events on TV today. R •t lngs e re : / " <1" excellent ; / 11 worth w e tc:hlng; 1 f•lr: <1 foroet It. Noon,Chan~et• ./ ./ ./ ./ • COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Virginia at Clemson Anl10Uncers: M arv Albert and Bucky Watters . The Virginia Cavaliers are ranked No 1 this w eek on both POiis and are leo by 7·4 center Ralph S ampson. ~ 2 p.m., Channel 4 11 GOLF: Hawaiian Open Announcers: Don Criqui, Bruce Devlin, Joon PUIUC MOW ,ICTITIOUS •ustNIH NAME STATE MENT Tl•• follo•lng person h doing llu"MU U OIRTV McKEEVERS, llO E .. t 111h St . C°'~ ~HI. C•. 92'1' EdwMd ~-. 10.0. U C..mDO Foun1•1n V•ll•Y. C• "'°' Tiii• builneso ll <on<lu< IHI by •n 1nc11vto ... 1 E-d8r.-r Thh •1•1-nl ••• fllO<I wtlll ,,,. Cou"1y Clerk of Or•nv-Coun1y on Janwiry n. 1"2 '1'1611 PubtlWWd Or-co .. I O•lly Pllol Jan. u, JO. f.i>. 6, u. 1912 4Do·t1 PVtUC llTICE ,.CTITIOUS auSINISS NAMI STATIMI NT Tll• lotlo•tng per\On• ••• dolno butlfteU et VALLEY CENTER ASSOCIATES, D00 lrvlM Awnue. S..ile '"· H-"°'1 8HCH. C.tlf0tnl• '2..0 Al~l"I J A.,.r, 1111 Gr•nvtlte HewDOrt &Mell, C•lll0<nl• tl..O H E ._ard, AMMQl1>9 Trust" under Oeclar•llon or TruSI 11'1 Marl"• Ortve. L•vun• 8e•ch, Caltlorni• t2'S1 Thi• Duslneu 11 conoucteo ll'r • llmlt.O &>artnen.hlp 4ll»r1 J "'-Thi• Itel-I ••1 flllt<I wllh '"" Counly Clerk 01 Orenge Counly on January 12. 1"1 KAIUEN M. CLA•K GIHON, DUNN a c •UTCMEll ... "......, c:....t« 0. ..... 1 ... N ......... ._,.,CAtH61 B roo 1e, Ch arlie Jones, Bob Goetbv end Jey R and olph. Andy North and Journeyman Greg Powers en ter t~ third round of this weekend's Hawaiian Open sh aring the lead after 36-hole totals of 138, • single shot ahead of Tom Watson, whO had six birdies en route to a 69 Friday -- 3:30 p.m., Channel 4 I I COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Ort'gon at Ort'gon State. Announcer s : Barry Thompkins and Steve Grad Lester Conner Is the scoring leader for the No 6 ranked Oregon State Beavers whO are tied with Washington for the Pacific 10 Conft'rence lead w ith a 10· 1 record. PVIUC •TICE P'ICTITtOUI aUSINISS NAMa STATaMI NT Tiie 1ollo•l"9 per\OM ere ootno Duslneue• SALEM·I, Jt OJ Selem S1reet, lr•IM, Celllornta '2114 Godlred Otu1en ltOJ Selem St'"'· I rvtne, C•ltlornl• t21U JO/In C A Cha1>9. 3"1 Hencsrta Sir HI, Irvine, Calllornl• '2114 This D<l•lnen Is conducted Dy • vener11 pan""""'P· Godlrec:t Oluteye Genetel p..,,,., Thh ll........,1 '"" Ill.a wl1h tne Counly Clerk ol Orenv-Counly on Jen1<ary 11, 1"2 MUNTa•avoss ""-"Muw , ... '•lrdllN Drive, hit•, .. ""' Office ... 11t11 tnl•, CAI-. '1111 NOTICE OP' N~•ISt"C*SfalLITY P'H1UI ,. .... 1 A 4:50 p.m., Ch•nnel 9 I I NHL HOCKEY: King s a t Penguins. Announcers: Bob M iiie r and Nick Nickson JOhn Paul Kelly and M arcel Dionne scored tying qoals Tt)ur~JY night as the Kings batllect~bfte...10 a SUhd Jtlll Both w llt be on ltle flrlno llne tonlQhfTn Pittsburgh 8 p.m., Channel 13 I./ I • COLLEGE BASKETBALL: USC at A rizona. Announcers: Tom Kelly and Pete Nt'well. Wayne Carlander, t he former Ocean View High All·CI F performer, is a starter as a freshman for the Trojans. OTHIR TELEVISION 3 P m (2) AUTO RACING 3.30 p.m (2) CIS SPOltTS SATURDAY S p.m . (7) WIDE WORLD Off Sl'ORTS M ichael Spinks I 18..()) deft'ndl his tight hea vyweight tltlt' against M ustaph a W assaJ• (24·0·1) In a scheduled lS-round bout taped at Atlentlc C ity, --6 pm. (SO> SPORTS AMl!AICA 11 p.m. (S) COLLEGE IASKETIALL UC LA at Arizona State. Taped. RADIO Basketball USC at Arizona, 6: 30 p.m ., I< DAY ( 1S80); UCLA at Arizona Sta te , 6: 30 r>.m., KM PC C710). UC Irvine at Fresn o St•te, 7:3S p.m., KWVE ( 108 F M ); Utah Sta te a t Cal State Fullerton, 1 ·JO Pm., KWRM (13701 ; Long S.c:h State e t San Jose State, 7 30 pm., KLON 188 FM ). Hockey Kings at Pittsburgh, 4 sop m .. KPRZ (1150) Nolle• I• hereby given lh•I lhe u<M1e<1tgnec1 wtll nol be re$ll0'11lble tor any O.llU 0t ll•billtl•• contracted DY ..,.,_ oChff t-myHll. on °' •lier thlt dale. Dated tnll 10th d<IV 01 Febru••• ,.., 0-..J.S-. ..... ~J ..... -.,. •lla.~s._.. ........ , ~....,.,..lv<I ..._. ~. c.. t266J Publl....O Or41n99 co .. 1 Oallv P11o1, Publilhed 0r-.. CNSI D•lty Ptlol. Publt•hed Or-C...$1 O•lly Pttot. Jan U. JO. F.i> ,, 1) 1"2 40S-12 J•n U . JO, F.i> '· 1J, 1"1 •10.C NIUC MOTICE P'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAMI STATEMa NT The follo•lng person I• Going Du\IMUH LISA"S CUSTOM OECOR, IU1 Bolin Clrcle HuntlnQlon Buch, C.lt1ornl1 ,_ S U ,llt lO • cou •T OP' CALl ,OllN IA, COUN TY 0, OllANGE 100 CtvlC C9'1tet' Onv• WHI P 0 . Bo•"' 2/0x6/8x.1 3/4~fRENCH DOORS 2/4x6/8xl~4 reg . 2/6x6/8x I l/4 127.60 2/8x6/8xl~4 reg. SALE FeD 11 13. 1', 1"2 • 14 • '1 P'ICTITIOUS auStNEU NAME STATEMENT Th• tollowlng person " dol,..g t>u•tneu M NEWPORT ROOFING, Jn E 1'111 Sir"'· CooU. Mew, Cllllornie t1'27 Ja~ Gusl.t Frl11. 391 E l•ltl Scr"I Coor.. MHA. C1ll10rnla t2'21 Thi' Duilneu 1$ conovc led bY en lndtvldual JamftG.FrH1 t1111 Sl•lement we• 111.a wllh Ille Counly Clerk ol O.•noo Ccwnly on Janwiry 11. 1"2 "'""' Publl\hed Or-GNll Dally Pllol. J.., 11. JO. FHI 4. IJ, 1'92 J., S2 PUil.JC llB:E l'tCTITIOUS auSINIH NAME STATEMENT Th• tollo*l"O person 1s dolnQ b<iAIMUM YOGURT coi.NECl •ON >.a VI• o,oflo i.o ,, i.ewport B••<h Celllornl• '2'» MohemmlO !.Moclt Fae1. 1tS41 E College Pleet. Apl H 31 Full•rloro. C•tllorni1 m:i1 L IW 51,._ C"""'l<k, all 80lln Ctrcle, HunllnQ1on Beach. Celllornl• 9?6 .. Thll Du>1neu I• conouc1..i by •n lncllVldual Lo .. 5 Cll9rne<k Tiii• Sl•l-1 ., .. lllod wi1h tll• Counh Clerk 01 0r .. nge Counly on J•nuery 11. 1912 ,.., ... PuDllS.hed Or•not CNSI D•lly Pllol, Jan J) JO. F.i> •. U. 1"2 - FICTITIOUS IUSINl!SS NAME STATIMENT The follow1n9 per,on 11-dou\Q busln•u ., HAPA HAOLE HAWAllAi. STYLE FOOOS. SOS Edgweler Bil-Clllfomoe9'2M1 Jo\•O" Arwtre\1 '61l Alb•core, Huntington 8Hc:ll, Calllorn•• .,.,.. '"'' bYSi~\ •S cOftduct..a by •n U'CllVldt.Wl J~A"<lres Thi\ •L.llame<ll w., llled wllh IN County Cler• o• Ore-C.ovnly on J•nwry 19 1'191 F111"4 Publl•,_ Ore"llO' Coa<I Delly P1lo1. JM> )0 f.t> • IJ 10 1"2 _.., 1~1~11~:nH• '' conou<t.o by '" i----.-,IUC __ 11111 _T1C_E ___ _ -.-s .. 1<11 FH• rv "" This >11-..1 w .. 111.a wllll the 1-------------Counh Clerk OI OrenQe Counly on Januerv 11, 1'111 ~1t11JJ PubllS.hed 0r"'9 CN>I Dally Ptlol, Jlft ll. JO. Fell '· 13 1"7 411"1 P'ICTITIOUS a uSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tl't• toUO*N'UJ De''°"' .,. d01n9 l>v>IMH •I JOCK STOP, 10S Malll B•ll><NI c111totnil n..1 A tch•rO Jenntnos 100S Wt"'t 8elb0• Boulevard •IC!' i.e,..POrl e .. ch, Cellf0tn1• 911143 Von Merit 100S WOI BalbH ~oul•v•rO a 109 Newoor-1 Beech C•llfortu• '16'3 T,,h bu\1n•s~ '' conducteo by • oener•t PArtMn~o AK P\ard JennH'CJ~ Tl\h st•t~""""' wiH hltM2 ••1h thil: C""nty Cltrk of 0••~ County O'I P'ICTITIOUI aUStNI H NAME STATIMI NT Tht lottow1no P•r•o,.. h dolno bu'•n•s1~ OlJFFtELO MAIUi.E OE.SIGN ttO W 111h St C.os .. M~. Cl .,.,, Mar"'911 Oulll•ICI Jr 411 CMl1 Mew S1 C°'t.I Mtt.1 C• 91'11 Thi\ """~' " condu<1t<I Dy en lnd1vlOu•I "'-"""" Oulnetd Jr Tftt\ \tAt~t we\ fll9d •Uf'I trw County C.lutl of Or•noe County Of' J•nuary 21 1"1 ,,,.,,.. Publl"1e0 Or-CN\1 Oe1ly Ptlo1 Jon JJ JO. Fell t , 13. '"1 Jl..a? PHUC lllOCE N0TICE O F D E AT H OF E . MALCOLM A NGELL, AK A MAL C OLM AN G ELL AN D O F S.nta AN. CA '2101 MA•lltAGE OP'YUQUEl PETITIONER JESUS VAZOUEZ RESPOi.OENT .KATHLEE N STONE VAZQUEZ SUMMONS tl'AMILY LAWI CASE NUMal ll D-NOTICll YH 111 .. --. TIM ,_, llllY <le<te. _.....,..-'-,_ ....... .,.•r<I ""'"' v-,........ wltlllll • <11y1. llAMIM t--lett lie-. II yew ........ -tlle Mvlce el u . ..,......"' .... -· ... --.. _..,.., .. -.,... r--elH4t..._ ti •"Y· ,..., lie lllM"' Ume. AYISOt Uste<I Ila •l<I• <11m.,•4••• El tr1M41al _. -.:htlr CltftW• U<I. Mii 1..-..otele • -•• U<I. ,_..... Mfttre * • lllllt. Lii 11 t .... NM<IM ........ SI U __ ... kltlf'elc••te• lllt • .......... _M_, ... _.. ll1cer1e tm-<1tal.eme1tle. •• HI• - .... _... •• leeM ..... •I !lay .......... ,._ -,..iotrMa • tltm". 1 TO THE RESPONOEi.T Tlla pellt'-r Nls 1110<! a peltliOtl concernt1>9 yeur merrt-It vou 1•11 to Ill• • ·~ within JO .S.y1 ot 111e .S.1• lh-1 IN• 1ummon1 I\ wr..., on ycw •-OM.ult ,,..Y De enlerH ano 1he court may tn1er a fueloment cont•lnlno tnjuncu .. or olher 0toers concerntno dlvt\lon of property. \OOUWI --1. <"'Id CllHOCIY, CNld •uPl>Or1. enorney fM>. costs. and •v<h o"'or relief 11 m•y De orOflted by "'- court T,.... 9•'"''"'ment of waoe1 1.i.1,,. Oil -Y 0< p,_.,., or ot- court eut_.,,.., P"~Mdl"O' mer """ rewft OATEOJ.....,.ylS 1"2 LEE A llRA NCH ci.r" 8y JEi.i.y V MOREi.O ~. L«UiM c T.,.... ,..,.., Anw,.., ne $. a.---.1 s1 ... 1 AM ... llft, CA t2t'4 C7141"1- An« .. y -al117t PuDll•hood Or•"ll'! CN'1 O"IY P1101 ftl> • 13 1d. 11 ,.., ~ PVIUC MOTICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~- P'ICTITIOOS I U51NESS i.AMI! STATEMEN T Tllo followlno pe,.on 11 do•nQ ttu11,,.,, ., Janu.,v 1t 1"1 ,,,.,... P E T I T I 0 N T 0 MIL LEAS SUPPL y 1U7 King••• I Court c .... 1. f.V ... Calltornt• •106 Sl•nley M Jf'r•nko '"< 1 C•hforn1• coroor•Uon 1IS7 1C1f\91~1 Ccwl"I. CO'Jll "Mw ca11forn•• 910• Publll""" 0rlfl90 C..,.\1 Delly Pllol A OM I NI S TE R ESTAT E Thi\ t:Ka•nf'n '' conducttd by • <OtPO<•l-Jen 30 F•C> • 13 1d 1997 •7Wl N O . A1121S6. sr..ni.y M Jef anko Inc Sl•nter M Jtr•n-o. PUil.JC MOOCE P'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAME STATll!MINT Th• followtng pe,.on 11 dolrog bu1lne1.1ai 111 GRAPHIC MAROCETINI; .,ROOUCTS Ill HE WPOIP CLASSIC BOOKS UI CHEMPHOTO CO .. S4J1 Cl-LllW lr•lne, CA 917tS KE NNETH R SMITH, SOI C•IO•De Lont, lrvlM, CA 917U Tiii• b<nlnes' 11 cond..clad by •n lndhld ... I oc:..,,..111R f>mlth Thi\ ,,, .. ,..,..., .... flied wllll ,,,. Co1m1y c .. ,,. Of Orenoe County on Jen ,. ,.., ,1t1M Pubtlshecl Or-CN.t Dally Ptlol, JM> 30, ""' •. 1l JO. 1"1 .,,.., PUIUC MOTICI P'ICTITIOUS aUSINIH MAME STATEMENT T&• loltowtno pe,.on Ii doing l>vlMn• .. C:Ai.OtO $HOTZ PHOTOGRAPHY ICANOI SHOTZ, IJ"S s..-· Line, Naws-1 B•ecl\. CA .,,.... LINDA HELEi. GAECK LER. 1)0 Su•••• UM, ..._WPO•I 8eecll CA 91WO • Tllh Du•tnes• II conou< led by en inOlvld ... I Lindi G..Ck .. r Tllll Jt••,..,...1 '"" 111.0 ••Ill i... C°""ty C .. '11 Of O<-Counh on J.,. ,., 1 .. J P'111M Pvbll,_ Or-Coa\I Delly Piiot, J•n JO F.t> 4 1l JO 1"2 •10-«J P'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAMI STATIMINT 111e lolto•lno penon II dotno Dut4MHU CUSTOM CARPENTRY, JOJI Coelldol. eotr.. MeM C.tltornia •»2' "-" w ... "'"· ll)11 Coolld9e. c~· llM\I, Cllilomt• .. ,. l lll• MINS• 11 condu<llCI by an tnclWIOIHI R_,W -ltV 'flllt .... _. ... flt.a .,.,. llW COIMty Cieri! •I 0•1"-C ... nty °" J-ry ''· ,.., ...... '*'lhld 0r-. C-st Dally PtlOt. Jell. u .•. , ...... IJ, tt'2 ,.,.., To all heirs , be nef ic1a r ies. c red 1 tors Pr•s10.n1 and cont1nnent creditors of Tiits •1•1-1 .... 111"" •••h 111e ' . ., C0<0nty Clerk ot O.en91 Counly on E . Malcolm Angell and F.oru•rrl. ,.., p e rs on s who may be ,,,11., ~i~r~~~~;~t:t~~~\ed 1n the F:;,u:"!~~~'""'' o•"Ys~~ A petit1ag has been filed by Lucille R Angell in the Superior Court of Orange "CTmousius1NHS County reques ting that NAMESTATIMINT Lucille R Angell be Tne 1011ow1no Mnon h dolno appointed as personal ""'~~·~~~ ENGI NEERING J060 rep resent at i v e t o i.e11on11 A .. nu• Co••• Mn• administer the estate of E c:.11torn1.,1'l7 M I A 11 ( C•l•ln E B•<k. 10.0 N•ttoMt, a colm nge under cos1eMew.ce111om1•nn1. t h e I n d e p e n d e n t T"'' Dv••nen " con0u<1•d by an Administration of Estates 1nc11via...1 Ac I I The pet ition is set for 1111, sr..~::;.:,.e .. :;<~11t<1 ••lh 111e hearing 1n Dept No. 3 at c.,..nty C1•rk o• Oraf>99 Ccwnh on 700 Civic Center Drtve. l"et>ru•ryl '"' ~t1H'1 West , in the City of San1a Put>ll•,_ Or•"9t c ... ,1 oe11~ Pttoc Ana, California on March F111, u 10. 11. ,.., u .. .., 10. 1982 at 9.30 am IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you shOuld either appear at the hearinq and state your ob1ect1ons or l tle written ob1ect1ons w1lh the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the court with in four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Section 700 of the P r obate Code of California The time fo r filing claims w ill n ot exp ire prior to four m o nths from the date of the h ear ing noticed above. YOU M AY EXAM I N E the file ker,t by the court. PUIUC M011CE P'ICTITIOUS IUSINI SS NAMI STATfiMI NT Th• to1tow1ng persoM ert doino ~in•n•' CAI PRECISION AOHESIVE PACKAGli.G CO (B) PAP. CO , S4 Plerpon1 Ori•• Co•le M•••· Calllornte 9161' Ter"" L.,,.,,. Gomer. toJ Laovna Or In. C0ton., Celltornla "110 Mery Jo o.IC9mpo, ,,,. a.c-.R T"°"wnc10.1, Celllornl• Tiii' """ntt• Is conducted by • 04'Mt•I par11Wril'llp· TL Gomer Tht1 1ui...-1 w• llllCI wlln a. Counly Cler~ of O.en90 COUllt• on l<•bruary l, 1'17 '1U* PIAllll>Ncl Ore ... c. .. 11 Delly Pll04. F.O •. 11, 10, >7. 1"1 SS~ STATEMINT 0, A•ANDONMINT o .. uno, "CTITIOUI au SI NESS NAME Tll• l otlowlflO P•'IOl\I ,, • .,. •bl~ the USI of 1111 lt<ltl'-t boHln .. ,_ THE WA•MtNOTON·CAllMA OROU ... ,.,., P'ttcll Ayenue. tr11t11e, CA'71t4. T"• P'tctlttous lu1111e11 N•m• , .... ,red to abow w• 11.-tn Of'.,... COUlllY on Aug 21, tt90 If yo u are nte rested In th• estate, y~ may flle a ••CTinouseusn••• request with the court to 'tll• ,:::=1!!A!:::11"11 do1110 receive speclal notice of CAltMA DIVEL.0 ,.R lt l (CAL"ORNIAI, l!K e Cel.._la COfPorMton, JtS MllrU. St,...t, 5ell "••llCltcd, CA t '10$. ~.. th e In vento r y of t'sta t t' 1 111 " 1 1t o c 1 A N s ·assets and of the petitions, ~~'"•cs. aw"•-· accounts and r e p o rts rw":::~~ -..._.., described In Section 1200.S 11111...,..vte~CA.'*1 of t~ C.llfomle Probate ffltt._...,_.-. <llldlle• ., ..,. Code. ,,,.._, ... ~~· • KHM & Dion, Attorney """ ......,... -..... e1t11 "" 1t L1w, uu w. Cnst cw.,. ,..,. ., °'""" '-""' M Hwy.L Suite 4011 Newport T"b ...,,.,,_, -<~"4 ..., a CtrlMW atlon C•rm t Oeve tt-••• (Cal"ornte) In< 0...M Moffe41, Vtt.~ T11n ......,_.. •• nlW wltfl fM Ct111\ly Cltr\ ff Of'•~ C.Vnty et! ....... ,!-. ........................... .... ~ ......... , .. ...._..._.,CA'*' .1~11.,... ,. ... leacn, CA t26U; tet. (714) "'* .... Or ... c;..,. Ollly " ... • 645-4044. ~,.,,. Jllfl. U, ............. ta, H•J ~t ... ~ .... CMtt Dalt, !°..!...1.:1.!t ........... °""'lit (eHt Oellf "''-'• ..... f!tll tt. U. "·I'll 1VN<1 "°" •.ta, to, '1. ,. -.., j f 111"11 I :io:i:i :io:i=i :1:11:'1 1' ~J '.10 :1:1:1:1 1 nna n nnn'1 N-2032 3/0x6/8x I l/4==1"-131 .10 RAISED PANEL DOORS ALE 2-8x6-8x I 3/4]-reg. 3-0x6-8x I l/4 112.50 RAISED PANEL DOORS SAE 2-8x6-8x I l/4} reg. 3-0x6-8x I l/4 121.15 2-6x6-8z I 3/4} reg 2-8x6-8x I 3/4 184. j 5 3-0x6-8x I l/4 SAL 12 DIAMOND CLEAR GLASS SALE 3-0x6-8x I l/4J 1 ~~75 12 DIAMOND ANIBER GLASS 2-6x6-8x I l/4} 2·8x6-8x 13/4 2~~B5 3-0x6-8x I l/4 ~ALE ----ao a SAL ~D~ ~ ~D~ 2/6x6/8xl3/4]-reg. 3 /Ox6 /8x I l/4 169.95 M2601-0PEH INSERTS FOXWOOO SALE E M2605A reg. 232.00 LHdld leveled Gtms ~ SALE "26051 Lea~Stai111d GletS reg. 109.00 UMl'llDTO STOQOM.....O OfllH 7 DAYS 54t•3073 HOUIS MOM.oSAT.M .... , ... 2969 CINTUIY PL. s5249 • O J!!? aw au o a a t a s a a 2 2 SS SE l&li&--Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1882 Nine 's the limit for t viviaddicts Hemingway 1gives perso nal best Nln wu lhe macic number t.biJ week a1 bolh lhe Dally Plan t addreaa and the movie riddle wenl unsolved, and the atatua of the at&ndlnas remains QUO. That means Ed kh· .11.. 111111 'fll merler 1t1ll rulta the trivial roott, wtth Aff•t H ln close pursuit Hopefully, the four ml11ln1 tt'lvladdlct.s wlll return U> create some more competition ln Trivia Bowl XXV. He.re's your latesl lop ten wltb some e.uy queauona and some, well, intere1Un1 ones. Dia in. 1. Jame.-Ercolani chanced his name lo become a teen heartthrob as wham? 2. Diet Smith can be found In what comic strip? 3 The song "Judy's Tum to Cry" was a sequel to what hit tURe of tbe Sixties? 4. The natives of their country call it Somen Tassavalta. What do we call it? 5. In the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" Joan Crawford was watching an old Joan Crawford movie on TV. Name it. 6. The U.S. space rocket project in "Meteor" was called Hercules. Name its Russian counterpart. 7. Who was the only pitcher to start -and lose -two all-star games in the same year? 8 Dr Dewey Maugham is the leading character in what play? 9. In the movie "Melvin and Howard," what was (a) the name or Paul Le Mat's song that Howard Hughes sani and (b> the music Mary Steenburgen danced to on television? 10. Bob envisioned a living fairy tale, but the star of his show climbed to greater heights in what movie? Last Week's Answers I. Bert Lahr <name change> 2. Popo (Gordo's rooster> 3 Ja~k Benny (cut that out) 4. Colgate (Gardol toothpaste) 5. 111 Wall St. (Daily Planet address) 6 "The Dark Deadline" ("Big Red One" novel> THE POP T THEATRE o 1 3-o2h(J EVERY MONDAY Al.L SEATS $2.00 UGO TOONAZZI rs ... "' '-c.,. AY• 1o1i.. In ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus FOUNTAIN VAU.EY •Ol!AHGE FQJntolnVottey Clnedome ._ ....... _ 839 1500 034-2553 CXJfl-.ev •~MC!!· TRIVIA BOWL XXV TANDINGS 1.•llllmMl'Wltl •2 t A9"1t .. lfl tO i. 0 ... , OW .. IH 0..,. Ctl 12 •· ¥•11 f'f'MI HaftlUCll .. ltl 47 s Hencv "'-t•J '1 6 TM~(tl •J 1 •a...-.~l)\.'tl II I. C•tlMI Kidd ltl te"°' t IUOW-W U II JOM 11-11 UI 20 11. •rtt1""'911M CJI 7 I ·-~"'..__ ..... _...,. _ _..... 7 Forrest Gr~& of Cincinnati <Super Bowl coach) 8. "Kind Lady" <Mary Herrles> 9 <a) "The Outrage" and <bl "A Fistful of Dollars" (remakes or Japanese movies) 10. "The Russians are COming, the Russians are Comine" (movie riddle> (~ JIOUr aniwert to TIUVIA. clo the DaU11 Pilot, Bor 1560, Costa Mtio 92626 .All entrlt• mwt be rtceiwd by Wtdnelfday, otherwiae hall the player'• la&t 1cort will be awordBdJ Mandrell quits variety show NASHVILLE, Tenn. <APl "Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters" won't be back on TV next season because its star, saying the show put a strain on her voice, is quitting. MCA Records s pokesman Jerry Bailey confirmed that Ms. Mandrell would not continue the TV program, which also featured her sisters Louise and Irlene. The Saturday night show en NBC, in its second season, has fallen in the Nielsen ratings this year. Ms . Mandrell recently returned to Tennessee from taping the final shows in California. "NBC's bosses were very nice about my decision not to return next season," Miss Mandrell said "They understood that my throat was weary from wear. A weekly show is no easy assignment." "NUMBER ONE PICTURE OFlliEYEAR ... " ioa-..-n ~ominated for IO .\cadem~· Awards including: BEST PICTURE -DRAMA BEST S(.REENPl.AY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Hrnrv Fondll One ohhc Yc-ar'l'I 10 Best. hhh1JIU)l /Int.' Wi~l!''ltl< AdllWt...,.. t '"""' ' t /Jui/r \.N'S Jmhlh ( rul )U IN Tl "'" R-' \I llt1•l1 ,,..,. Stlning VINCZNT PRICe ·FRANK LOVf.JOY PHYWSKIRK CAROU'N JONCS · FWJL PICZRNI CHAALCS 8RONSON-.,!SP ~11y(MN[ W1L6UR ~11y8RYAN l"OV J Olftickd by N100f Of 10T11 ~~'.!.~~~~ ·":'===~=o ......... ~ .... Br. 808 THOMAS A_.._..__...., HOLLYWOOD It all happened be c&uae tllmmaker Robert Town Hw a ma1aiine photoaraph of Marltil Hemln1way on a trampoline Now the 2().year.old aranddaughter or Ernest Hemln(way la starr ina in "Personal Best," for which she trained her lanky body to perform the pentathlon. The film Is being released this month by Warner Bros ., and movieaoers wall see Mils Hemingway ln athletic action and In the nude. . "Persohal Besl" aroused controversy during its rilming, and the talk will contmue with its release. Olympic women's coach Paul Ward declared · "The ho mosexual concept that Is presented in that movie 1s a detriment to women's track." Others took up the cry, and the University of Oregon placed restrictions on the film company when it shot the 1980 Olympic trials al Eugene The movie does indeed portray a les bian relationship between two competing pentathletes, Miss Hemineway and Patrice Donnelly, a member of the 1976 U.S. Olympic team. Here from her Idaho home for "Personal Best" publicity, Miss Hemingway played down the lesbian theme· ''It's a very nice story about human relationships, and I don't think at is offending at 1all. Do such things happen in athletics? I think they can happen between any two people who need each other at a particular time in their laves " The women athletes , as well as Kenny Moore, a forme r marathoner wh o pla ys Miss Hemingway's other lover. appear totally nude in various scenes. That was a new experience for Miss Hemingway, who remarked . "Robert handled it very well The set was closed, and the crew wtlre very sympathetic. I thank the other girls probably needed more encouragement than I N~Wt'~l~Y A I E I At A Six ine omes Martel H•m•nJ!"•'l PERM*AI. BOT IRI 12:30 3:00 s 30 e·oo 10·20 I.. rr.ri::~ I ~,,JltE , ...... _ ... ._, .... r::=et ... MA notes ===:I lliE 90RDER (RI 3:10 7:30 Who• Life ls It Any(R) 1:00 5 :20 9:40 N~t!mlexan~ (PG) ' 2· . 0~15 c:O no my 111'9 U• Only ·-~--·-.. .. ~ ..... ·· "-.. -.. .., . .,.,,. ... "-··-... t-....,., .... ~,-... 4 ..... ' ., .............. .. MAKING LOVE IRI H11to1y Of The World llRI Morgan f~11ch1ld IEDUCTIONI RI BODY Iii SOUL(A) 011v•·tns Open 6.30 NIGHTLY Uncler12fAEEUnlessNoted MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,. 04'ttt• .. "' ... rt""ll• • 10 --·-""""'°'""'"' 1'mltillll~IOf...........,0f .. 6C,,..,,.,, AUD ll'D Alf() !Bl 'ILMS ACCEIYE n.t SEAL OI TM£ MOflOli l'ICTUll!f COOl OI IELf llfOUlATl()fj HelpPNvent Birth Defeotl - The Natlon'a NumberOne CNldMealttl Problem. EXCLUSIVE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT did They're all athletes. anc1 they'rt1 not used to that sort ot thing." "Pt1rsonal Best" murkb lhe d1rertonal debut of Towne. Academy award wnler 1 "Chinatown") and n lifelong sports udd1ct lie wrote the scripl about the two athleles their hard dnving coach Scott GIMtn and their push toward excellence. Towne had despaired of finding an actress athletic enough (or the leadlne ro~ then he saw Miss Hemingway on the trampoline She auditioned w1·ll for the role <1nd appeared to have the physical quahr1cat11ms. thougtt her principal sport had been sk1111g She started training In Idaho, th<•n worked with noted coach Chuck Debus al Santa Mon ica Ctt} College Weight training added to pounds or mui.elt· lo h<'r slender 5 fool·lO frame "Tht1 tnunmg wai. suppost'<l to last three months , but it stretched to nine,· s ht-said "That worked out well for me, because I had more tame to get m shape Why the del<ty " First 1t was the artors' strike. Then Hobert couldn l find the other girl It would have l>een hard tu tram another actress. so hnally he picked an uthlete. Patnce She turned out to be a wonderful actress as well · · Admittedly an a<'lrcss b) arr1dent. Mariel Hemingway made her r1tm debut at 15 in "Lipstick" because Margau>. Hemingway .. relt more comfortable making lht• p1cturl' with her sis ter." Woody Al kn ca1it her as ht:. teen age sweetheart in "Manhattan" I "till don't know wh) . I l~ughed all .the w<.1~ through our first meeting · The role won hl·r an OseC1r nom1nutt0n as supporting actress Next for Mass Httmmgway Star 80," Bob Fosse's treatment of the lift-and death of Dorothy Stratten, the Playboy Playmate of the Month 0111117 TW(f'ITIETH CENTuqy FOX ,..em--wa-rd_s_s_OUTN __ C_O_A_S_T_ru_u_ SAT./SUN . TOWH CINTH 1·30. 3:45 ,.,__rwyAf llllJTOl 751 .. 184 6:00,8.15,10.15 .. a°'' ~:;,1 .. c~1.u1ono "'t + SAT. ONL y MIDNIGHT I B!SrPICTURE OF THE YEAR _....~rum C1tUc1 AWGld -HalioDa1 loarcS oi ansew Award WARREN BEA'ITY DIANE KEATON O)llf'(~l\!10H ' • C.'OP'll k;HT< MCMLUlll ~ IV 11'.IA~NT l'ICTUl l:S ft• ML lf!C".lll'S RCSCl!VtO !, 1 :_ .: Thie wMk you c1n ... REOS It ,,,. .. th11trH •tOWAllll """""'T lDWUIOl flUI nr• •C- --.,.., ,_. 01'° -v.,. ,,. "" °'-'" n~J lOWAMI c•MA wtlf ( .. _ ~ COHY l'UZA w .. _ ttt lUl TDWICOITDC•llAI C.U.Mno/~1 4114 NMftU ... 9'0,011 llllO•..-..a~ro-t••....._..,, •ACAOf.Mt Ml MICllS •-Wl<J wtM """"' -ano ;ou1 0-11 to tnY C*ffOfl'f\MC• al IM INAlf•• tftdtcal9Ct liitliOv• A UNIQUE AND PRO \IOCA TIVE HIM.. IRONIC~ FUNNY, CRAZY AND MO\llNG -l A<'K KROU.. Nt.'W'Stt'El!K ,,,~ - EXCLlJSI \IE ORANGE COUNTY ENGAGEMENT FRl.-SlJN. 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 8:40, IMO . edwards CINEMA CENTER Millott IOULIY AU AT ADAMS COSTA Ml.SA 979-4141 There's more to love than ... LOVE TWENTl~TH qNTURY-FOX Pr~nt~ A PROOUCTION'Of THE INDIEPROD COMPANY AN ARft1UR HILLER FILM MAKING LOVE MICHAE~ • ~ATE • HARRY ONTKEAN JACKSON HAMLIN WENDY HIHf ll ind ARTHUR Hill f>Toduced by Al~ ADLER and DANIEL MELNICK Screenplay by IARffr ~f"lpl.ER Scory by A. SCOTT BERG Directed by ART HUit HI LE~ MuJic by LEONARD ROSENMAN ........... _._...___~ COl.0-IY DllUll• i==....::===:.:=:i:-~ • ...,,._...,,.._.~"O• .. ~~­---lj(J~ NOW PLAYING AMANllM OHOlll 0"0¥1 1"¥Ull MllSIOll VllJO AlllllMI Oove In WestblOOk 879 9850 530 UOI Eowaid) Wooo111109e \l>et<> lw1n 1151 06~!> 830 6990 COITAMlU OAHOl UA C4nemas 540 OS94 uA cnv cioema 63• 391, "Two hours of non-stop thrills." -Fex Reed lllO ••MLI 4CCl,.,10 1-(Nt ..... tJltOAOIM(_ .. , ElltMI.-••-................ ~ .. ..,~-.J Plll.t.a,t'4A,1 ... MT-1:19.UI &.».tM.•-llll JAOC NICHOUON ., r P"llll:JI.•-..,.,_, ......... .. ~~i -·· .......... ...,.. ... "' ........... . 'AIR llw.M IAUHNUI AISHCE OF MAlltEBI , ....... ' .....•. , ... JlllCK NICHOUON " nm BORDER C!J ._t._ ... -.. ""-·-······-"WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY'" 1111 ...... -... 0 ""''*" .. ·-· ~rm "A sr-t lo,,. ft0'7·-" ..,....._ ifrf~f ~· Bl*~-· ~ "'-........... .. Ml ... Yl'OllOA 0 Un.&11 ... Mll-IO ~8 . , _ _.....,,.,_.,., ___ ... -~"·'---0 OM'tf'l.IM -..__., "WHOSE LIFE , ISIT PERSONAL ANYWAY'" BEST" IRI ,_.UN t Pll-4•. "'" ......... - ••·• '' •t • "FOUR FftllNDS' !Ill "'' -, ......... ,~,. l'MIC9~'1 "ONE FROM THf: HEART" ~ .... .., .. -.... _ ... "6t;i·:·sr F< "'H )'~JIU. -n· _,, ... ,. •11,Mt.tMfNt Orange Coast DAIL v PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 ., ,._.....utt I U 4 U , .. •••'fll'O) UCUNValc l.ilil!H4'iiij Tw1U11 S...11\ol l.lllc .... °'-. 137.0a40 MYMNMER WITH ANDRE ··-J ,, ........ Ill ~ IHTl:D """""" l!I ,., .. _. m•.•• ...... ,.._.,. ~-..... JOHN HURT "NIGHT CROSSING" , .. 01 ABS IC OF MALICE ,.... ............ .. ~ --. ...... ,. ... BODVHEAT Thia khool ls ow-home. CZOIQ! C. ICOTT 11 • , .. -....outn 1W7YMY """°" ....... TAPS ,......,., .. ";"09~=·111 ........... "BODY , .. _,_ HEAT" ......... ,..._ Ul,MI ""· .... llAft- Ntell _.,. lt!CMAAOlmCIJU• ... "MAKING "CANNERY LOVE" ROW" , .. , (PO) -···"· ••••.e<• __ , "NIGHT ca.q!fl_t-fa'' ...... -..... ~ .....,..., ... ...... BODY . HEftTI --........ ~---- rllUDT• 1.AlllMA IUClt -Fu SCMll Co.I UA Clly C-.W S2S 4U1 494 I SU 634 3911 ,.,_ -TOIY ,.,. WUT-TUI E,_tll WO-.ldgl fcllrnt ......,.., Mii UA Mal S•O 7444 SS1 06SS S70 1026 IU OS46 El TOllO Edw~uls SadOltCllcil Sil SHO OllAMI OrlnQe MJll 637 0340 ..._....-... .... ~ .... -...... ,...-...... --___...1 Uf'l 1111' AMYY/AY? .. ......... -·---_ ...... __ "IEDOCT10N .. 1111 """.,.,, -• • ---·.-..-·- Lo Mtrodo 01 lo1•c1ot11 •••·241100 _°"_ ::S: __ ,,__ -·-.....,_,,__ -------"REDS" -•1;81·•• .. '°"'_.. ...... ..,._. ----TOUWW- ---CANNERY ROW' - "RAID£RI OF Tt* LOST AIUt 1 1U1,N1,l.1'~.-.-•-........... - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN ,, ..,...,,,.... ..... ____ _ "ON OOLMN ~· -1.-•• ,. ..... , ........ 'oc1.1lly al Co"41•wo0d 21J/111·fll0 "CANNERY ROW' -. .................. ..,, .... -c-.. -"""'°" "TA"S" "9 ................ _ _°"_"""-_ ...... _ ~= .. ~ .. .=-i--c:..:.:- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH Will i< IN ,_,,... ·J --·-~ ·wotRI or TH! LOST """. , ... "'" __ ,,_,. V.GUN4 so. COAST WALK·IN 'REOS' -........... a::a -.oomwuo CAftMIOl- "MAl(ING LOVE .. 1111 , ........ 4;19.1 ..... ,. .. ,~_,.... --···--''Ct4AAIOT$ Of' fMI!" -... _ ... ._ __ 5oull'I Cooat Hlwoy ot troodwoY 494-1514 ·--,...,.._ ··THE FRENCH lll!UT'lHAHT'S "CA.NNl!llY ROW' .... _,.._ -----WOMAN"1111 TW·n&Ml.•.AI -· t •t. .-M, n l.- 'AClftC TllUTRU DRIVE·"' nMI' Mf£TS lllflC• -IUCll -5" .. l•I 0-t 61 HWOR l lVO DIUVf·lll 6 DUllGf DRIVE·lll 1Ulfll1'91Alll-t &l-t ltltf --IUOIOHl ll .. A1tt• .,....,. --....... i .... ~ •• 7:JO h • ,., .. 7·15 , ... , ,, ..... ...,,.. IMPO"TAMT NOTICE ' CMILORlN UNOlfl IZ Hill! iq,.,.. ...... .., • .., , ... ft1 • lO • Stl h• N.._ •:OO ,_ CM..$1 SOI*>•~ Mil CAii llAOIO IS IOllll 5'fNl8I •1' "° "" CAI Ml*! WITl4 tGlllT10lt ACaSSlll'f _.,.. ..-,. l'Qll1ltlU 1•M.l ~ ~ a CJt • M010 4N4HllM ANAHEIM DRIVf·IN 1...-y •t ol l•"'°" II 179·9150 ------~ THI! BODOEH S" "'l -··wHOtt'·1111 CUI( JI SOUllO fl f ~A f Afl• BUENA PARK DRIVf IN i--.. 4.,. Weil ol ict'IOll 121-4070 t\ f ~4., APll: LINCOLN 0111vE·IN l1n<o6n A¥e W•" Ol I Mlt 121-4070 I ''·lll'DNb* lo~ Ot990 ftwy OI --I (lo) ....... , ........... ~ .. GHOST STORY' 1111 -THE CHANOEUNO 1111 CIN(llSOUOIC) _. .. ,,_ __ .... "TltUE CONF£SSIOHS" 1111 -AICt4 AND FAMOUS tlll Cttll 11 )()\/Ill) ,_,.,.. --..-AUO 'RAIDERS OF Tt4E LOST Mil',._ ..... "VICTORY' - _ormc ..... UftMGl- "MAl(ING LOVE .. llll -'HISTOAY OF THE WORLD PARTONE'" llll ....... ,_. ---"'GHOST STORY0 ' II'! "' .. THE SEDUCTION'· 1111 962•2 ... 1 Ctlli " - ... .__""'_~_,",_~_6_;3_°' __ ) te..-.'*11 I .. ON OOlDfH '°"°'' ret 'ntl 1!1.ECTII~ .. ....J Ctlll ft SOUNO "lMfAtM4 1111 -..STRIHS",., .... "•TIR au.zv·· 1111 Cllll ·l'I SOUllO • H 4 J!' " LA HABRA Oh'l ~l IN -c~ _...,._ TA .. 9"-"' .. MODERN Pft<>eLEMS' tN11 Ctllt Jf SOUllO ------·~-­"THI! BODOl!NS" "" -·WN0¥"1111 CINI' 1-1 IOUllO , . ..,_,. ...... u----"ON OOLOl!N POND" !Nt • -......,. ____ a --''TMI! l!Ll!:CTIUC ~N" 4"t 17M .. I --- ., .. ·' ORANGE ('11 1VE IN "' ... MISSION O lllVf IN . . D IOMO 4 llO ltwrf •Stolt Coll• .. 551·7022 ---· "TMI 90ftDIR'' 1111 -"IM>tl~"UHS'' " f I ~----~-~--~r·-·P-~·~·_...••..-i!l"!'lllC•-,•••""""!•~~·~~~PZ .... 0211!' ... , .... a.t ..................... i .. 12 .... i .. ~2"3.............._ .. Orango Coasl DAii. Y PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 -M011•eo- lt00 (I) MOYll ••• "aw.1 WllHam" (1 .. 0) SM\ Wetenton, Jenny Aoutte< Ane< "" 11-...ln bOytrtenO IM-ht< I« an eduGatlon In lhe u.a , an Engllsh 01t1 l)eQln• • roclly romenc. wtth 1 •lklltlleot-~. llLOHOIE: EAT TO ntmllAT Dlbot.,, Hlrf)' MO lhe ~ ol Blondie pet- toml the tongl from lhllr .,oum "Ea1 To TM Beal" In w. video pt-t•tlon ltOO ..... IDIPfTY Tl.INTA.U< VllWPOINT MTUAOAY ~ I P\&.IC AFFAIRS NEWIMAKEA8 '82 M<MI • * "The Sleet< HOie" ( 1879) Mulmltlen Son.41. Aober1 FOfltet, Yve111 Mlmleu• The er... or 1 Mutil11c ~P di .. co11et1 1no1her ••n•• petctlld on lhe edge of • l«matton Wl\leh pYlt• 1ny- 1Nng ,_l>y inlO a gllnl \'old ..... time Ind ll(lacl CMM\OPlsl. 'PG' (l)MOY!a * * ~ "Back Ro1d1 (1881) Salty Field. Tommy L• Jonea A hOoklf and • down-on-hie-luck bo••• ....... Ind~ -t II• -ch of I,_ Ute 'R' UOa!HEW8 e:to. 8UHAl8E 8EME8T£A G THAT'SCAT 0 PAC!SETT£R8 Q AME.AICA: n.E 81DONO CEHTVAY 8) SH.AKOVT 9 CAPTIONED A8C NEW8 (I) YOICEOF AOIUCUl.TUAE I rrs YOUR BUSINESS OR. 8HUOOl.£S A OIFFEAENT KIND OF W...-.0 UMOW * * * * 'Picnic Al Hang- ing Rodi" (197 5) Rachel Roberti. Dominic Gu.rd In f\lm-of·l~tury Aus- trlllil. thr• young achool· gltts wwldet away lrom • eCflOOI picnic end t>eeom• loll in the bu Sh 'PG' 1:00 9 OUSTY'S TAIEEHOU8E I QI n.E F\JHT8TONE8 ING BLUE MAABLE D 0 1UPEAFR1EN08 -~GOUATI4 fJll YOGA FOfl HEAL TH Cll INTPNA T10HAL HOUR {C)M()VIE * *'~ "Sevin Women' ( 1eee1 Mite 8encton. Sue L)'On. Women with 11aty1ng badtgrOUnOI Ind poai- llona int_..11 In a Chi- -million ldlool 1:30 9 MARLO AHO n.E MAOeC MOVIE MACHINE G QISMURF8 • OR. 8HUOOLE8 8 0 NCHtE RICH I ecooevooo Q DAVEY AHO GOUAn. ID NEWS ti) UNOEAB'TAHOING HUMAN BEHAVIOR a:OO t> Cl) POf>EYt D TifE Alf"l.EMAH 0 MOVIE • •'A "Mexiean H•y.,de 11948) Bud AbbOlt ~OU Coete41o ID MOVIE * * "S1ow1way'' ( 19361 ShUley T 911\pll. Robert Young •. UNOEASTAHOINO SPACE ANO TIME CID MOVIE • * "The lngk>tlOu• fJas. t.,.d1" ( 19781 Bo S111nton. Fred Wllllamaon Two men tonn .,, unueuei tri.ndship dullng thll• eft0r11 to tu•· """" enemy attadla and 11\oienl death during tri. tumultuous de)'I of World W1ttll (l)MOVW * * 'h "Fll80" (19801 Dom O.LUIM, Anne Bencrotl A por11y compulalw .. ,., llnda th•t nothlnQ can ~ hll delffa f0< food unlN he leli. In loYe 'PG' ~ 8 (I) TARl.AN /LONE MNCJl!f' DQJKIDSUPEA POWPHOUf' I MT PATAC>l.. 11.AM:iH FOR A Cl!NTUAY Thll documMltety fllm is• Oflronologlcal ecc:oun1 of •dleeologlc:lll dllCOlllfiee •• the 17th oentuty Virginie plefttatton of Mertln'I Hun- d<ed end 118 ClOfl Mltle- ment 11 w o1111nholm1 T-. (C)MOYIE * * • "The Aep/1111 Jun- gte•' ( 1950) 8t•Nng Hay- deft. -'-wtlllrnor. The police -beltled by • crtmln1I mutermind'1 ~.4o11., robbery .MOYll '* • * ·•P.fe'1 Oregon" f181T) Helen~. Sl*- llJ W1nWL Wltfl the MIO Of I Clflut>by ~ dfegon ,__. Dion. .,. orpNn ~ "°"' .. Mlty .... temlly Md togetlllt VALENTINE Brnt h<'I' lkar dot''" t "han• thl' \'alt•nt 11w ~ Du~· mood of s1~ll'I Bl•ar and :\1ar11a 1111<1 Papa Ht>i)I' dunnj! Tht· H<'IL'n,1a1n RL•ar" \'all01\trn<', Spt't'litl. an al\1rnatt•<I mu-;u:,11 to a11· 111 ~tonight 011 K'.'JRC: 1 I• the iwo of •him ~ tor Maine 'O' t:OO. LEAVE IT TO eEAVlA ., w..LA AL5GAE G AMEAICAH OOVEAHMENT •.ao fJ (I) 8UG8 9UHNY I AOAOAUHNEA ea~ D OZZIE AHO HAARlfT D aJ THUHDARA I GOU>le GOt.O Q MOVIE * • '.<t 'Conque11 01 Sp1c1" 119551 Willer Brooke, Eric Fleming Jumy vok.tnl-• embatlt on • 1C>9C1acul1r IOU~ around Eanh In • m.an-maoe Ntlfllll ti) DONSDAY SI n.EGUn'AAWITH FREDERICK MOAD Ci) AMENCAN GOVEAHMEHT tO:OO 8 AOAICUl TVAE U.8 .A. D SHANANA D 0 FONZ I HAPPY OAY8GANO &J CAA CARE CEHT~ Cl) M0\11£ • • Westward Ho (1935) JoM Wayne, Shella MIMOtB &i) TH18 OlD HOUR '1l) VOTER'S PIP£UNE 'Sacramento O•lellne ' Jim Cooper 1n1erv11..,a State SenalO< Paul c.,. penter end Stale A~ btyman John LOWJS and Chet Wray a!COU . .EGE BA8KETBA1.l. Tuu-EJ Pno et Wyoming (B) DECOYS: POUCE UNOEA COVER George t(ennedy loolt• ., New Yonc C.ty's unoerco11- er pollcl crime unit• [$)MOVIE • • '.<t "Salem s Lot (1979) 01\lid Soul, Jamet M1son A no\191111 returnt 10 hi• l>oytM>oO hOme to pt11 1n end to lrout>led rnemori.. but !Inda lha1 • llniltet mystery lhroudl 1111 town 'PO' 10':30 D EVUMVHEAE 0 AMENCA'8 TOP TEN I :AEMCMN' WOOOCAAVEA'S WOAK.8HOf> '1l) PORTIWTII IN PASTB..8 (C)MOW * * •"" "The Cet And The Canery" ( 1939) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard In 0<der to collect their lnherilenCe. I lamtly mu•t epend the ~hi In 1 heunled houM 11:008 TARZAN e a WEEKEHO SP£CIAL "Scrul'ly" An orph•MKI puppy IMms the velue of k>yal lrteNSs IP.,, 1 )(R) o wooers WOAt<SHOP ID SOUL~ • 808.JOHES 8'il CAMPING OVT '1l) CAUJOAAPHY (H)UOVIE • • • '" "The Wey We W•••' (1973) B•rbr• Stralland, Robert RldfO<d A young COiiege COIJC)ll In the 1930t dltc0\191' lh81 their polltleal dlH .. eoc. we 11rong enough to jeap- ardlze lhelt mwn.ge @MOVIE ** "Thie le £Mt" (1981) Ooc:umentwy Alm toot-oe end dramatic r-...crutton• -uMd to lefl the elory of El* Preliay·• »le Ind cw.. 'PG' 11:30 8 Cl) 8lACK8T AA D 0 AME.NCAH MND8TAND I WIU>, WILO WOT NA8HVll..il MUSIC JUUA CHll.D AHO MON COMPNl'f Ci) OAUJGAAPHY f~ 8 Cl) TAOWCIHS IJQ)OOUEGE 8A8KET8AU. VirlJllllA .tt C"""-' 8 LOST,.. SPACE Judy wtn• 1 o-i-c11c apace beal1Y c:ont11t • MOVIE • • • "Broken Arrow" ('1960) "-St-. Jiff C"8l1dler In the 1810e, th41 COIKllQ9 ol I tc0Ut helpe bftng .,._ ~ M- -...,..,.. and the "°"" tlleA~ -~11 Reed l'Wi1 1111 Ille 10 - M.i1oy dvrlnO , oun bettie (f>ttt ,, ~ ..... ~ ''TN 0... Alt4 VMI Show'' !~ • "IUondlk• ,_. .. ( 1 .. 0) Jeff E.ut, Rod 8t.ig.r The )'OUf!g JllCk London 1111 out 10 IMlt hie tort~ du•· ~ :::ci ~ 'PO' * • • "Thal For1y11 Worn 811" ( 1950) Errol Flynn. ar-a.,_, 8Med on • n<>W1 t>y John Gaiaworthy A member ol • lllld vtcto- ,..,, t11nily becO<nM ec.n delo<Jtly •ttrllC1ed 10 ner n~'tllll\Oe (%)MOVIE "** "P~' 119801 Rootn WUll•ma, Shelley Ou•lll While ...,Ching for htl ftth« lhe ~·­ Ing Milot Ylsltl • quelnt l'lwnlet w!IMe he plcile up • loundllng end 1 llclnny --''-' PG' 12".aC> II Cl) TOM ANO .JE.AAY D W£EkEHO HEAOE.8 "Biiiy Kiimer Q MOVIE * * "The S.ndill" ( 1979) Robert Conrad. Jen M ichael Vincent • ADAM-12 • fl) COU.EGE FOR ~ Bruce Se11lon1 gl•es edvlcl on Mlectlng • dog Ind explaona Why obedi- ence tr81nll1g IS neoetaery (R) '1l) NEEDLECAAFT a l<I08WOAU> 1:00 fJ ()) 1CW1CKY KOALA 8 TME Ml.MSTEAS D MOVIE * * '"' "Girl Happy' ( 1965) EIYll P111tey, Shelley Faberes llt MOVIE • • l'I "The Cherge Al F .. lht< RIWf" ( 1953) Guy MMlilon, Vt<• Mlill 113 PORTAAIT8 IN~ PA8Tll.8 "The Benl<er' QI) OAOWINO YEARS "lnlroducllon To Child Oellllopment 0 MOVIE • • • "Th• Train Robbers" 11973) John Wayr>e. Ann-MatQfWI ®MOYIE • * "The Eltlc1or1" ( 1979) Vic Morrow. Jeulc• Harper Two young people move inlo • houM with lhe not0<loua rec>ulltkln of ~ the ONlh• ol eny- one d•rl11g 10 ,.,.. thlf• 'PO' 1:aG 1J Cl) 30 MIHUTU 8 F-TROOP O'Aourke. Ag8fn Ind Par· "*''er go undercover to nab • gunrun,,., wno 111 trld1ng with the Apecha fll) NOVA ''Flncling A V~ Severe! ll!Cllme of -. apeech dlaabllmes ret1te how •hey overceme lh.,r handicaps ~ GAOW1NO YEARS "Studyl11g ChOdren" 21)0 • KlOSWOfU.O F•tured 1n Int-with Alan Arkin, 1 report from ~lie. Pennsytvllnle on~ c:Nldren wno we !earning hOw 10 rld4t hotMl>ldc D at HAWAllAH OPEN S«nt-llnal round coY«Bg8 of thi1 toumement leetur- ing -of the 109 ~ in ptoleaionAI golf (from th41 WlllllM Country Club n.-Honolulu). 8 OIU.JBAH'S ISLAHO 0 MOVIE • • • "Donovan'• R•I" ( 18e3) John Wiyne, L• Marvin An ••-N•vy m1n ll'finO in the Soulh Pacifie with hie -femlly find• hie P"'*'-disrupted l>y tl'll errrvll of h1t daughl1< fr«n 1 Pf*YIOU• marr18Qe G UNOEMTANOINO HUMAN RHA VK>A "Human PaychOtogy' Cl) 81' A" TMK The Entlfpr!M, on 11• way hOme aner • long mlllk>n. 11 oelled to ln,,,..ligete tl'le dlUppeatanc:e of I Vulcan ~ * * • '" "Day FO< NIO"t' ( 19721 Jacqueline ei ... t Vlllenlln• Corl-. O!rect- ld by FrlnCOlt Trutl1u1 Tl'll 1tYM Ind loVll of film ~O<'ITllB ar1 lt:Udied In• mo11le-wlthln-1-mov1e 'PO' Cl)WCMl **"' "AMI Any Girt" ( 1969) SNrily Meclllne. o..M N""8n Job Ind l'lu.- blin6-hl.lnllng OCQIP'I' the lltne of • girt ,_iy 1trlvld • 1n ,._ voile City .MCMI CHAE LISTINGS ••14 "Sl>htmt" (18811 Ff.,. l ttng1111, L..i.y. Anne o-n. A rvUlllM bleGll INltlc• lflttq\lltt.a mo •tt8111P't to atop Ml ~ from dleoa¥· er1llQ the ..... bout9 of • PflC*eN •1•tt.M ..,. -pennlttfld to....._ 'PO' • CNJCT ICBSI • KNM: CNBCI e KTl.A llnd I e KAllC IABCI e ttflMB CC&SI e KMJ TV (l"CI I eKaTCAl(I e KrtV (llld ) • KCOP TV Clnd.) e KCET (PBS> e KOCEIP8$1 0 On TV l Z TV 14 HBO C ICl"'°"'HI 1f 1 tWOllU NY N.V 1!71 IWT8S> II IESPNI Cl l (Sftowtlm.I • Spo111on1 • ICablt N~' Nt\-rk) CZ>MOYll •••• "The Liit• INNI'' (tt11) Al1 ~. Liiy Tomllft A ....,._, prl- "99 ¥~bl-*• ,,,.. Md ,..,,..., wMrl he COi!* out of ~1 to ~·cat~to i ot1be91 temele ~ t:M I wmt YOU ....... ~ ·NWl~Y L80Ml4 u. OiOL.Det ~ • lilOYll • •• "TN OOOd, ftw a.ct Md The UOIY'' ( IN1) Cllflt luti!WOOd. l.N VIII Ckeef Tlv• \llOlent, dltlf· mined men teperet .. y ettem1>1 to retri.ve • l200.000 .,_,., • ...,...,°"" ··c.1me Vlatlma °'* 11 More Thi n lnough" Moddlnt Cettet 81tllmlnel lhe rn«el, ecNC4ll llnd )out- nJlllettc dilelnmM in\'OIYeCI In crime rec>ortlng G UNOIM'l'ANOIHO HUMAN let.\VK>ll' "The lreln" 9~ 90W\1M Tot.NII $ 116,000 Rot11d1 Op.n (frOlll lhl Ol<:k Webe< L.anee II\ FIQrlMll\t MC ) (H)MOVtt • • * "Tiie COmPlttllon" 11oao1 RlctlMd Or"Yf\IM Amy '"""° Two plenl•t• II 1 Sen Fr 1ne1tc;o mUllC c;ompellllon ltnd thll '""" low f0t Nall Oll'let c;on lllc1• with their ptOIMtlon• II l/Tlbltlonl 'PG' a.«1 e Cl) 8"0flT'I INOIAl: 9UICti ClMH Pote pollllon wtn,,.,1 Of ' lh41 IHI NASCAR cltc:ull compete In 11111 race (from O.yton1 lnl•rn1t1on1i Speedw1y, Oeyton1 Beec:h. Fie I 8 UTTU ""8CAL8 VAl.ENTINFI DAY 8P£CtAi "Night 'N GllN" ( 1937), "Pinch Singe<" I 19381. "Sprucln' Up" ( 11136), "TIV• Men In A Tub' 11938). "Teac111n SNu. (1935). Cl) MOVIE • ** "You're Neller Too Young" ( 19551 Oell'I Mer lln, Jerry LIWIS A lllltf conctucta his own -•ch wntle the pollCI look tor • llolln Olfl'I· fll TO ltE AHHOUNCEO 8!) HOME OAROEMER 3;30 fJ ()) 8POAT8 8ATVAOAY 15-round wee llglltwelghl Chemplonshlp boul bet-champion Alexi• o\rguello end J1m11 "Bul>-w · Bu-..e (from a..u monl, Te• ), Women a World Sp11d Sk811ng Chemplonahlpa (from 11\leU Wiii Glfm1nyl • 1epor1 on the qualifying recee lor tomorrow's Day tone S00 D COLI.EOE BASKETBALL Oregon et Oregon Stare 0 PROFE8SIONAL BOWLERS TOUR S 115,000 Rolalde Open flrom lhe Otek Webe1 Linea 1n Flonlunl MO ) ED MUNDOAEAL {!!) HOME GAAOENEA at MOVIE • *'"' "Coffee, Tee 0• Me" ( 19731 Katen Vliln llne John OeVldson A young 1t1warde11 1et1 1>6tween her ert111 aludent husblnd In Engllnd end ner medtc:al-studenl hut band In Cehlorn11 3:36 rl) MOVIE • • Second H•nd Heaf1a' 4:00Q KOJAK A ....,, Mii hlmMlf up for • ,..., llnd dOll 001 want the polk;e lo lnlerl.,.• fl) OYE W1lUE 'A Men t World IL• Pile bre)' WHiie end Papo teern •boul 11'141 world of splrllu- •Ullln 11om en elde<ly lecty Wl\O 1"'81 In the nelQhl>ot hood 0 m INTAOOUCING llCX.OOY (J) ENTERTAINMENT TONGHT An lnler._ wtlh Wayne "'-Ion • look et lhe m<>d- ellng in0u11ry IC,MOVIE • •'It SeYIO Women 119661 Anne Bancrott. Sue Lyon Women with var)•ng becllgrounda end pos1 lions 1nte<1el811 m • Ch• r\1$8 m1u1on 5'h00f '$ MOVIE • • ·~ Salem a lol p8791 01111d Soul, J1m1a Maaon A oove4ill r11vrn• 10 In l>OytlOod hon1e lo pu1 an end 10 troubled memorlea bUI finds lhll I 11ntll« mytllf)' shrouds hlatown PG' 0MOVIE * • "Bronco Biiiy'' 119801 Clint Eaetwood. Sondra Locke A for,,.,.. lhoe lllllm•n from New JerAey rMlizM h11 dr .. m of Pl<· f0fm1ng m I Wiid W11t lhOw 'PG' 4:30 fJi) SOCCER MADE IN OEAMAHY Austrte VI Buigatll Ii) INTAOOUC#fG lllCX.OOY 4.-to Q NHl HOCKEY LOI Angeles King• va Ptttaburgl'I Penguina UIO IJ AMEAICA.H ADVENTVAE JI STAATAEJ< 8 WIOE WOAl.D OF UORT'I 15-round WBA light He111ywelghl Champion- ship bout be1-chempt on MlchHI Spink• and Muatala Wua•I• (from Alllntlc City, NJ ). Pool Ct1•mplon1 Trick Shol Wlurdry llrom Atlanllc City); a looll •I Sugw Ray Leonerd • next 1111• d1f1n11 1g1ln1t Bruce Finch • MOVIE "Oaltu Cowboy Cheer~• ti" f18llOI John O•Yldeon, leralne 811C)het1• Thi git•• P'• per• for • competition, but conllleta .,, .. that threat- en the aqu.O. e eouoGOLO Hott· Andy Gibb C000-1 Mentyn McCoo Oullt•· Joel Fllldeno, Chl1tto- ptllf Ctoee, Gllldy9 Knlgfll ind tl'la Plp1, Debby aoone. Jerry Reid. Glotia G~. Cfy9111 Gayle, B•· ~O!MeJt • 800CM MADI IN GIM&ANY AUltrla ..... eutoert• (I) M"A0 1°H l~MUC ''NwtbOlt Ct'UIM'' CR> flllOYll * • ..The BlllCll Holl" (1910) MuJ~ ~. "4>Nrt l"or•141f, Y"8ttl Mlmitull 1'fle CHW of • Muriltlo lil**l'llP di .. co11•r• 1not"er ntHI l*CMd on the ectoe of • TUBE TOPPERS KI\ nc f1 R 00 Kang s ( ., C)'.'!SlnJ.! Rill\ bl•ll('\'l'"i h <.··~ d1 ~c.·oq,•1't•d lta• ult 1mull' 1·m·ph111 sc· K"J BC «!) Ii :10 <: r,unps l,ikl·s on .in "ht•n tu: het·n11H·s <'Olll·gt• '' udt•nt Orw nl lht• Bo\' ll\ t•d11Jd ul toUl'"l'' •• lull t1mt• 111ght i... ~XT t) H flO 'Ttw P;in•rH Tl'.tp Ila.' ll'\ \1111-. pl.I\ s I\\ In'\\ ho h ,1q· Ill'\ 1·1 lll<'I until lhl'll dl\01 l't'd p.trc•nh "l'IHI them 10 till' -;:inw 'u111mL'I t'.illlfl K<H 'F: 59 10 oo .\thl111 !'11, l.10111 , \ll-1 It• ll:tg).!artl clisr11"''' tu, lilt' .111.t 1w1 lnrm:-\\>th hr'\\ tit• l.1·011.1 \\'1l11.111h tormatlon wNCll !>UH• 1ny- thl"O nearby Into 1 giant void Wflete tlma 1nd ap- c:elM to ex11t 'PO' (aJ MOVre .. B• 101or ound" 5:20 (%) 1114 HOUfl FOR LUNCH 11:10 fJ LAST CW THE WILD I =:UPOHA ClA88C "A fl.le 01 Two Clhea Lucie, Or Minette end L«ry are 1mOng thOM celled on 10 ••Illy when Ch"1ee Oatn•y is pu1 on tnll for lrua<>nable 1Ct1vl- 1-(Pll'I 21(R)Q Cl) WELCOME BACI(, KOTTER QJl WIDE WOAU> OF 8PORT8 15-round WBA llghl HHY;W*tght Ch1mp1on ship bout bet-Champ1 on MiettMI Spinka •nd Mu•••f• WHHja (lrorn All1nllc Clly NJ ), POOi Chemp1on1 l rtck Shot W111rdry flrom Atlan11c City) 1 1oo11 It Sugv Ray Leon•rd • neat 11116 defense age1na1 Bruce Finch (°C)MOVIE • * * '> "Tiie Cet And The Cenaty" ( 1939) Bob Hope Pauline GOddard In ordet to COlteCI their lnherllanc:e, • l1m11y mull spend Ille night In 1 l'teunted houlMJ (ZJMOVIE • • • · Popeye ( t980J Robin WMll1m1, Shelley Ouv1ll While ae•rch1ng for hi&, .. ,.., lhl S(>tnect\ .... 1ng sa•lor visits a ciuetnt harnlel wher1 he plclla up • foundlit19 Ind • slctnny ,_,_,.,PO -EVENNG- 8:00 1J ()) C88 NEWS a a NBC NEWS U MOVIE • • ·~ The Lind Thal Ttrne Forgot" ( 1975) Doug McCluta, SuMn Penhall- gon SuMvors trom 111 .AM!ed aubm1rtne Ind lhelr German cap1or1 land on 1n lllanct ruled by p<11t11a.- t0<lc animals Q) MOVIE • a'"° "Banny Hiii Thi Molton Plelure f 1979) Binny Hiit. Jea< Wright Binny I• )<>'ned by other Brltllh c:omedl811S IO< a ,,...,>OU• looll et 11te Ind tta compi.xltlll fD WERE YOU TMERE? 'The Bladt W11t Cowboy GllO<ge Efflaon todeo star Frank Gr_.w•y •nd fron- t-swoman Euntee Norrts Sh••• their ••pe<teneea of beil1g !>leek In the Wltl II lhl tum of the c:.ntury Q '1l) SPORTS AMERICA 'Kenluct<y Full.irtly Trott· •ng Claas1c·· $1MOVIE • • Haw!\ The Slayer ( 19811 Jack Palance John ferry An 1d•1nturous young man en11s11 lhe lld of a band ot w1rrt0rs to light his ev11 uncle tl'W! 0"9flO<d w1\0 killed ht• tether end 11 llOldlng 1n abbelt for ransom @MOVIE •• 'Doi Uoughtng' 119801 RObby 8enaon, Charles Durning A songwriting cab drtve< II aided by 8 tmerl monkey In p<ov111g hlmMll Innocent of e murder Cllat_il 'PG' 8:30 II .. (I) Q! NEWS D EHTERTAIHMENT THISWEE< lntervlewt with leonerd Nimoy Alan Alda, S..Hnne S~. Wiiiie Nelson and Cheryl Lldd &i) WHY IN THE WORLD? 1~ fJ IN 8E.AACH Of ... D WHERE WERE YOU? ID LAWRENCE WELK "Alverboel CrvtN" fD CHECKING IT OUT Fellurect · a r1POrl on IP'•Y paint Mlllflng, • p<o- llte of dlslgnlf 8et•y Gon- llla, In lnl....,..... with O•klend Reldefl hl•d c08Ch Tom Flor" {!!) MA TIN£E AT THE 8UOU Clyde Beltty and Cecille Perle .. 1l•r In Th• Lost Ju11gle" 11934) lhe ahO<°t tut>jeC1S Include 8 tre"91- ogue. • Shirley Tempi. lhOr1 Ind a certoon; 1nd Ctl9')1.. • ot "Junior 0- Men ' (RI Cl) IH SEARCH Of ... "E•• Braun" 9 PIOPtEI COURT a Tl4E"""'"" Oueat: Johnny Cuti (C)MOVIE • * * "Tl'll Ate>halt Jun gte" (19501 Sttr11ng Hay. den, J.,,_ Wl'lllmore Thi poliC,f -~llled by • crlmln1I mHtlt"11nd'• hlll-mllllon-dOlter robbery ®WOlerl QYMNAITICa "lnttrnetlon•I hem ~·· (D)Ot.YMND 1~• DANCI~ c.t.Otlty JUdOttl' Ronnie Sdlell, Jenllel Hlrrieon.. Alctl Mondtty Oullt Ru- i~ AT~ CJ) OltM! 'n9 NIW ,...,.. FMtlnd: a ctllld ""'° ,... er-·~-loet in 81\ ~ •• tour of the IOftw .,.,.... 111 me >"'et HOO: dllldren wt\O ~ oomput.nt blfOl"8 ll'9'f can f.-d °' ""1e. . ,, ... ,,.. ''The Myttl Of TN 8*plno G11n1 9 QAEGOUMAS Cit NEWICEHTEA WEE><LY Gue at Or Michael Reenick. 1 women a doc· 1or (%)MOVIE * * ·~ "Blue Collar" ( 1978J Richard Pryor Hervey Kettel Tht.. lru11ra1ecs Ollrolt au10 factory work •11 turn to crime, brt11glng them lnlO motl conlltet Ind potenllet dlllgl< lhen 111ey ev1< counted on 'R' 8:00 8 (J) WALT DISNEY 0.5nly 1 Valenllne Don &Id Duck' MICkly Mouae and Goofy are emong lh41 Disney 11811 INlured 1n • ..,,.. ot cartoon .. gnettes tooklng at the rocky road 10 romance 0 at THE BEAENSTAIN BEAAS' VALENTIHE SPECw. An~ted Brother 8- leatns lhet he llat a secret admtrlf. S1st81 Bear pl•ya Cupid end Papa BHr works on • big •llientine 10< Mama Bear D MOVIE * '"° '·Tiie 0r800ft LtWS ( 1978) Bruc;e L1 Caryn While Trie story of mert1e1 8'11 tier Bruce lM 11 told D l!Jl KING'S CA0681NO Biiiy belle•et he's dlacov- •• •d Iha ultimate r-hotM. 1nd Nen end Paul set out to recapture the rom8'IQI ol th.,, youth 0 MOVIE • • "Ralller•" 119731 Sam C'-. Eitllbeth Ch1Uvet • llllk• ••e>ert .,_ 10 hnd out why gr .. 1 drOllM of rattil<a .,. 1ttecklng peo. pie ID AFNCA'8 WE£PIHG .•• 8VT WHO'S UST£NIHG? Holl• Carol Ltlwrence Sllltl Mooneyhem G.-ta Efrem Zlmb•ll•I Jr Diii\ J~. Wlfflam Shalnet g) COl.L.EGE 9A8l<ETBAU. Arizona ,,. USC &I lff ON EARTH Conq.-1 Of The W81•t David Attenl>Orough IOolc1 ., lhe HIOUndlng ll•h dynal!y wnh 111 30 ooo dlt- letont IC>ICll8 O (ff)MOVW ••• ,.., "The W1v We Were" ( 19731 Berbra Slreiaand. Rober1 Aedl0<d A young college couple on Ille t930t dlSGOYer thal their pc>l1Ucal drftwences ere strong enough IO jlOP· ardize 11,.., mamage 0 MOVIE • • * ·Thi Compe11110n f 1980) Rleh••d Oreyfuu. Amy Irving Two pianists et a S1n Fr8tldeco mu..c competition find thal their love '°' l8Cll other con- 1\octs ...ith thett prol-...on al eml>flt0t1t PG l $JMOVIE • e • Popeye 11980) Robin Wllhams, Shetley Ouvell Whtie searching for hos l•tl'tet. the spinach-M t· 111g Slllor otlllfs • queml h•mlet .iw.t • he !)'Ck• up • toundMng end • llclnny -theatt PG' @MOVIE • • * "The Dogs 0 1 Wat" ( 19&0) CMtlopher Wtlll en. Tom Berengflf An .. being t0r1ur6d Ind dl90<1- .ci by In African dk:l8IO<, • mercenary 1a1ucn1 to lead • r8"'olult0n R' t :30 D 8 ONE OF THE BOYS Grrimi>a takll on 1n ove< lold or c:ourses Wf\en lie ~ • lull-hme nlghl college '1udent ~ 8NEAX PAEV1£WS Roger Eb&rt and G- s111tet review "Venom.' "The Vice Squad Ind "Zoot Sult 9':00 fJ ()) MOVIE • • • "Thi Parent Tr9')" ( 1961) Hlyley M tll•. MIU- ,_, O'Hara A pelr of ldenllcel IMna MP•rated by dfvo<ce plot lo rM1nlle their perenll blf0<1 their l•tller remarries O atBARSAAA MAN0AEU ANO THE MANOAEL.L 8'8nR8 Oueeta. L•rrv Galltn and lhot Gallln Brl>lnera Band Tom llnd Olck Smolhlf 1 D (1JJ LOVli BOAT A peuenger oll1tt • ,_.,d lo Ille ~ wN> can find him • wom1n. and a man ICCompanled by hit dowdy ~.tllf)' l8ffl lor I llOluptUOUI blonde c;J ID ntE SILENT CA181S H01t1· Slln ~. C.ol ~ Gumt• Miile Oouglu. Dick V8f1 Patten, Meur_, McOo-..,.n .GMAT NAFOAMANCO "lrld11ll11d Re11111ted Sebaetlln Age4nlt TM World" Sebeatlan e>onlln· ..,.. on 1'111 Pttll Of ..it· dlltNCtlon, tNlly er-. ~ to ...,. Olrtord r1tl'llf 1111n tubmfl to 1trlc1 ~(Pen4)Q G WOOCJWNGHT'I ~ "Utthe 0n MoOun" Roy unoetlllll demonetraf• MCI ~ ltlr.-•-(!:(Al * * * ''Wfllah W•y 11 Up?" (tt1T) Ndlltd Pf'/OI, Lon.I,_ Mct<N. A ••· •"""'90 tnill s**lf i. ceugrit In • oomle crotlllre .,.._ 111t. union 1!l0 tt1e Mob, ""° • l'\ypOclllllall preecitw .... ~ In I led'-. ohcMr • "' UO!~MWC * • * "Wl'lloh W•y Is Up 7" I tt71) "6clNlrd Prfw. Loneft• Mol<.e A MW· 1tarvld fruit plek« 11 CJIUOl'tt tn. cornlC OtOlllttl ~ hie union 81'141"41 mob, Ind • hy~lcel ptMChet llt\d• '-8111'1 In • i.di81' OhOlr 10;00 8 8 llLLY °""9T~ OOM&DY HOIJfl CW..11 Nell c.rt ... "°**' Contld • NIWI 9 ,NIT.AaY~ Mt "-It•'• ownerlhlp of lhe l8lend .. ~ilnged. ancs • v<>u"O wom1111 ...-. Ing I Plflec1 huebend 041{1 l'le6p trom • 01fW the If Md 11om • bOttle 9 D MOYie * * • ,.., 'Th• Iceman Cometl't I 19731 L• Mer vln, FtedttC ~areh 81Md on lhe pley by Eugt<le 0 NllH A treveflng lllM- man )<>In• thl regular• In 1 day or drinking and 1999C'-tn • 1912 1&1oon ID PORTRAIT OF A LEGlHO "St8'11eWon<let -~ NETWON< NtW8 f£I AMINCAH ll»t.AYHOUSE ·s.n.. 01 Humor Any Friend 01 NICllOIH NlcitJ4t- by'a i1 A Froend 01 Mine" In ~ •d•Pl•llon of Rey Bre~ry • .,,orl llory. a atr•nger In town teaches • young bOy some veluabll teNonl In lrlendlhlp Ind the po-• ol lh• 1mag1ne- tt0n 0 '1l) AUSTIN cm UMl'TS Merle Haggard d1ecu ... 1 his Ille and pe<lorma wlth his wtl• leon• w11111m1 end his band The Strangers IDMOVIE *. ··The lnglorlOUI BH· 1ard1" f 11178) Bo Sven.on. Fred Wiiiiamson Two~ IO<m .,, unusuet frtendshtp dunng lh411f et10r11 to tur- vlve enemy attacks and 11lolent dHth auring the lumuttuous days ot W0tld Wat II $JMOVIE • • Gaiutnl (1980) Dorothy Str111en A•lf)' Schreiber A robot IS made in the Image OI • belUltlul women Who donn t he.,• lltlY human fM11ngs 'R' @ MOVIE It* ·•My BloOdy Velen- llne" 119811 Peul Kllmlltl LO<I Helle< A lltnill lown ~·~01t.,r0t dunng lhetr annual Velen tine'• O•y dence 'R' 10:30 &J NEWS ti) NEWS IN REVIEW (())MOVIE • '" "Eyes 01 A Stranger · ft98tl Lauren T-. Jen- n1111r Juon Leigh An 1nqu11H••• TV reporter stal.lo.1 •madman reapons; ble for • ..,_ of r~ murderl R' 11.00 0 D f.I Cll ®l ~ NEWS U COLLEGE BA8KETBAU Atizona Sl•le ,,. UCLA ID M"A0 S•H The runk m1n m•k" • much-needed surgic al clamp tor 11'16 4077th end Klinger lhrows OUI HOI Lips' wedding rong Q) PAISONEA· CEU BLOQ< H 8el11 a murder hH • d••· matlC effect on the out come ol Mebnd• s tn•I &;) 8AAA)4 VAUGHAN IN COHCERT S1rlh V1ugh1n 1 lncom Pl/~ lllfMllhty tS IN· lured {!!) SOUHOSTAQE Tiie Manhattan Trans fer The IOl)hlSllClled lour member group pe<lorms 'Tuxedo Junction Twihgllt 2on4t and OHMl<S ltom Chicego ' Park West Theater fR) 0 C MOVIE • • '> Ponnoy·s Com- pleint" f 19721 Richard Bln)lmln K1ren Bleclc a.-on thl no....i by Ph1llp Roth A young J-- •1111 boy recounta his otlen hllar1ou1 and amorous acl.,.,,tures 10 hlS psychta- lrlst f 1:08 (})MASSAGE · THE TOUCH Of LOVE 11:30 fJ 8AAHA8Y JONE.8 D a!TWIUGHT THEATER Spec1ll guestt And en ensemble company per form 1 aoep opera q>ool Ind e drema tn whieh Ille 11om. "'-plays a miss '"9 ct11ract« D ABCNEWS ID MOVIE "011111 Cowboy C"-teedera W' f 1980) JOhn Oe'ltdaon lar11ne Stephenl (JJ MOVIE • • • Fty•ng no•••· 119421 John Wayne, Paul t(elty ®)MOVIE • • • • Chinatown ( 1974) Jack Nieh<>'•on F•ye Oun•w•y S BIZAAAE 'Home With Ptnoochto' @MOVIE • • * * All«ed S1a111 (19801 Wiiiiam Hurl, Blalr Btown A HarYerd SClen· lltl'' genetic •lruc:tutl II 91tered when h4I conduct& mlnd-••P•ndlno ••Perl- ments wllh llOletlon 11nh Ind P<>W*rlul helluclno- Q!"I 'R 11:36 CIJ LMT YEAll'I MODEL 8HOWCA8E 11~48· ..ov. • • •• "Flw EMy Plec- 11" !1810) JICk Nlchotaon. K-811Ctl A mlddle- C:IUI heel -gt-up 1'111 mullcel ~. lea-hit ptegnent glrttri.nd al\CI GOii oft to wor1t on .,, ol4 <WiMOvtE * *. "The CompeclllOn (INO) Alcherd OfeyfvM. Amy IM"G. TWo pl8ttlll1 II 1 $9'1 FrlndeCO mu.ic ~11IOll find tNI tMlt I0'4 for MCh other con- lkta ...... tNlr ~ 81 8'llblttone. 'PO' tllOO. <>NI elW MYCIND ''Tld411 w...... A MnOl OICl9fd *""" ot polo II elOf'8 In Mr ftOIM wNn sllf tlMnl • lldef WIW ...... (JVMOV9 * * ~ .. L.-oend °' LldY 81ue • ( lt1t) MevrMn lclflno, John ltnilh ™ .. lowtl'I o.iiou 1-.IOI'• .,. '°"*' 10 "° lhelf ... erll1• W9YI •-to Vletnem and Ille lhlrcl to II'/•-I car ... in HollywoOd CIJ MDYIE • • * "C•ddyshlOk" 1 lhO) 8111 Muttl!Y. ftodl'l9)' o.,.,fletd The demenl ed orowno• keeper ot 1 1w1nky country c:lub •BOii w., 808lnll 11'11 ~ Inhibiting 1'111 tutl 'A' C%JMOWI I •.,. "The Kida Ari Alrloflt" 11879) Thi WhO "'"" ot -ot the roe1< bend s per10,m1nc11 rewlllng their ootonou. ptOOIMty IQ< deltroylng tl'lelf eou1p<nen1 ano the wlla 1nt1c;1 of their dtummer. ttwl 1111 Keith Moon .,. 1n1tt'99'Md wtth inllr't-• ot lh• ~oup members 'PG 12"..30 a MOV11 • * • "Paper Moon' 119731 Ry1n O'Neil, Tllum O'Neil A young Ofph•n "ed<>pla" • Ill her t>y fol- lowing I IOt,,,_ lrtlt\d Of ht< moltier 111 hi• GOn· w1111 11c•p1dn during the OeorMllon ti) MOVIE • e °" "The Hoat•o• · ( 19671 01nny Merlina Don O'Kelty A 6-yeer-oto boy nldee out In • moving v1n unaw••I that the driver la• klller on hit wly 10 plCk up •hi CO<pte of his 111 .. t murder Ylcllm 1:00 D AOCt< CONCERT Guetta IMy $quilt Jose Fllie•ln<> 8 MOVIE * • 'China" I 111431 l0t11 11 Young, Aten l.Od Qt EVENING AT THE IUPAOV ~}MOVIE • * * 'Tlle Atphall Jun- gle' I 1950) Sterling Hay- den J-WhllmOfe The pollCe ere bellted Oy a cr1m1na1 ma111rm1nd'a hlll-mllllon-dOller robbery 1;308J MOVIE •••'It ' The lra1n' p965J Burt lancaa11r PIUI SGohlld 0 MOvte • • • . ParadlM Allly" ( 19781 Syiv11t« Stallone Arm1nd AM1nl1 Three scheming brother'• from lhe ~l's Kllc;hen Mellon OI N-Yori< Ctty combine 1'-tr•lls Of b<elns 811d brawn tn lhllt efforta to create beller llves tor lhemeelves PG 1:450 A8CNEW8 ($)MOVIE • • '.<t Fetao (1980) Dorn 0.lutM. Anne 81nCrOtl A portly compullt11YI .. tW llnd• Hull nolh<ng c1n dampen 1111 ~re t0< tood unul he falls In iove PG' 1·&0 ,l{, n.E GREAT PLfMUAE HI.MT Thia d0Cum8'1tary apec:lal 1r1vela to lhe f•rthest reachel of the WOrid In Hitch ol the ul11ma1e pleHUtll 11181 mone')I COO buy '!'MOYIE * • * * "The Lall Show f 1977) Ar1 C1ttney, lily lomlln A M850n4ld pr1- ve11 ~ encoun1er1 t>l8d<- mell and mu•d• when he eom11 oul of re11remen1 10 IOCll8 e CAI belonging 10 an otll>N1 female dlent 2:00Q!NEWS 2:30 t> D NEWS U MOVIE "Seven Wonderl Of Thi West" 11966) N8fr•led by Jacic Smith An 1Hmln1- 1ton of lh41 uneitplored ca\199, canyons. deMrls Ind mounlaina to uncove• the Ml/en grNlnt wond ers of the Americen West 2:50 H MOVIE e * > Power Play t 197~1 Peter O Toole. Oa.1d Hemmings A corrupt gov· .,nmen1 bee~ the tar- get of •military coup R 3:001) MOVIE ,, • '\ "Br..., 01 Hearts' ( 1935) Kelher•r>I ~burn Cherlll Boyer Two mutl clans encounter dlftlcu•ti.s whlfl lhtty lell 1n IO\ltl C,MOVIE • *'" "Seven Women 119661 Anne 8111Croll SlH! Lyon women wtlh "•'Y'"O beckgrounda and pos1 ltOt\1 tnlerrelale In I Ch•· ,_ mtMIOn IChool 3 2& I .f) t.t()ytE * • • "Popeye" 119801 Robin W~ll•m• Shelley Ouvlll Whtie -·chlng f(lt hll lllF\lr, lhe splnach-411 1ng ullOt vlSlls a qullnl hemll1 wt.ere ,... pick• up • toundllng •nO • tlctnny 1-lhelrl 'PG' 3:.30 ($) MOVIE • • 'G••u1n• 11980) Dorothy Str•tten, Awry Schrlfber A rObOt ~made In the t<n8ge Of a belullllll woman w1\0 dolln'I h8 .. 1ny human l•llnga 'R' OAOCK.BHOW Filmed highlights 01 the 1976 ··wrngs Oller Amer• ce tour by Paul McClfl ney And Wlngt includes per10<m•nca ol · M1yl>4I I'm Amazed," "Jet" and "Y .. l•dey" U well IS a '-llgflt alloW 4:300 MOVIE * * "()perltl<MI Heyllll" (19501 8111 Wllluma. Ann Rlltl'lerlO<d The All Force lend• tupporl 10 ••ncher'a wtloM cettle hlW ~ 11r8nOld in • fierce W>OW· • MOVtE • * • "I Met A MurdWer' 11939) J8mll MHOn, Pemell KllMnO When I l'\lnpeCkld ,.....,., ftnelly y1e1<11 to Ille lmpUlll ot k .. Ing I'll• neoofnO wit•, .,. llnde IWICtuwy lfom "'8 1-.,.,h • vouna ~ (C)wovli * * * "Whletl W#ly II Up?" ( ttn) Rletllrd Pf)or, LOMti. McKR A ..._ lllrvecl INlt ~ II ~t In • OOll1lc cr'Oellllre ~ ,. unlOfl end .,.. Mc*. end • l\)'POO'IMclll ~ .. ~In• ~·cllc*. 'ft' UI I::::."" TMIWLO • • * "Ctt••efl Anel c11ono·• .... , Mowt."' 11MO) AllNtf l~A M1tlft. T'*'9i ~ 'Correerrt, movie among events "'TllS HIDING PUCE:' a movie baaed on Oorrle ten BoOm•a Ute, wlll be 1bown al 7 t.onJthl at Melodyland, 10 Freedman Way 1 Anabelm. Admlsaion 11 free. A CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN MUSIC CONCE&T for youlha la to bealn at 7: 30 tonight ln the audltoriwn at LOyola Marymount Unlverslty. La Veta and Batavia 1lree"-ln Oranae. Oa. 1AN PIT·WATSON, a native of Scotladd w~o II a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary 11) Puadena, la to be suest preacher at the 10; lS a.m. aervlcf) Sunday at Community Presbyterian Church, 415 Forest Ave .. La1una Beach .. SUPERMAN OR SAMARITAN" is tllle or a talk at 10 :30 a .m . Sund&)' at the Unltarian-UDiversalisl Fellowship, 429 Cypress Drive, Laguna Beach. A TAPED TALK, "Universal Compassion and Global Crlsi.s," by the Dalal Lama of Tibet, will be played at 7:30 p.m Monday at Laguna Federal Savings and Loan. 24301 Paseo de Valencia, Laguna Hills. The presentation ls sponsored by the Theosophical Society in America. '"A DOLL COLLECTOR'S TOUR OF Europe" is title o! a program to be presented at 1 p.m. Tuesday for the Women's Fellowship or Neigbborhood Congregational Church at St. Ann's and Glenneyre, Laguna Beach. NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH and Truth Foundation will hold its monthly healing service, conducted by Dr Eleanor C. Jackson, at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at 1929 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. Information. call 646-1032. • 1:11a1m1 LIVING &~NO. • team of mualcal evan,clista, wtll rform at 7:30 pim. Sunday In the Crystal Cat edral, Chapruao Avenue and Lewl1 Street, Garden Grove. DR. JAMES TUNNEY. National Football Lea1ue referee, ia to speak at the Community Forum at 8 p.m Wednesday ln Shepherd of the Hilla United Church or Christ, 30121 Niruel Road, Laguna Niguel. His topic is ••Here's to tht Wlnners." Information, call 495·1310 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. ST. JOACHIM'S SCHOOL'S annual PTO auction is to be held at 7 p.m. Thursday at the school, 1964 Orange, Costa Mesa. AN ART AUCTION-and buffet bepns at 6:30 p. m. Friday at Montanoso Recreation Center, Montanoso Drive, Mission Viejo. The event ls sponsored by the Ladies Philoptochos Society of St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church. A PRE-LENTEN DINNER-DANCE IS TO be held at 6:30 p.m. Friday in the parish center of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 3233 Pacific View Drtve, Corona del Mar. EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS h1di6t A-F..0.al Sat., Feb. 20, 1982 -9:00 am· 5:00 pm Sl.00 Donation at Gate DOOR PRIZES * FOOD AVAILABLE Brookburst Variety of Readers School llZl Cadieriae, Garden Grove, CA ORANGE COAST Freedom of Worship An ... You've tried the rest, NOW try the BEST!" I••· Dr • .._, C. Jecboft M-~~h .... t Mewn..gM CllrWl9t Cliilrclt '-My s.r.ke ,; --Cllilrc• 1 .................... .... IO:lOA.M. "ToLove 11 To Uff .. Clllrdl OMcr. Int T....._ e .... M.M 646-IOJ2 llWA 646-HU 'fa!4HIN~TK>HA.l llol£SSAOE DIA.l bMo:31 ............ ~ Mlitktor'tMo.IU-6tlZ • ·Churcn o1sr. Matthew by the Sea (TraditioMJ Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each SUnday • 9:00 AM (Book ol Oonmxl Prayer · 1928) Church School provided MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona de/ Mar " n. a..._ Jwt Hdlhld -532-220 I ST. JOlafS T .. 8'1SCOPAL CMaCH SH COSTA MUA .., Street .. 0....,. ··-l:OO Holy Co~1•1l0tt I 0:00 Holy hcherht I 0:00 Se.day School _ ~u~care ....... C-.ttua4iplat,Ylc•· 154~2237 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 8AAMC'HES ~THE MOTHER CHURCH THE "AST CHURCH ~ C-l!'T SCIENT1S1 IN BOSTON "'ASSACHVSETlS "SOUL" Fabl..., 14th. 1 tu Co1to ~ -First ce..r-c. of Clritt, Scl1Mtet 2110 ........ Dr~ Celt• ...... Clllrdt & S-., ~ -I 0:00 A..M. ........... 2110W...Y ... Dr. t A.MA-.JO P.M. ~ ..... S.t. WM. 7-7:50 P.M.-f·f:JO P.M. '"• -FfnYtl.rd. of c-llriSt. Sdelltist ._.. sJ" ~ Waa11•• sdleOI 4161 Mldu .. _IMNrY•I C1-dl & s.a.y ScMel -I 0:00 A..M. CH4LD CAR(~ A f SUNDAY SERYICI 1 lwlllisgfw ...C. .:..... Ant Clwdl of Cllrflt, Sc ..... ... 'Cl.., ................ Clllrdt & ~ ~ -I 0:00 A..M. IHllat •-.-HIM• St. ~.._.-flerttc._... of e.me, us.-...on .. Clllrdt & ~Sc.._. -I 0:00 A..M. • ..... ._-2 ... ,..... .... Mewpart IMclt -Ant Clwdl of Cllrht, Sc ....... JJOJ VIII W., .....,_.. IHcll Clllrdt & S.., ScMlt -t:OO & I t:JO A.M • ...... ~JJllYle&.w. M--..s...-t A.M.·I P.M. T--7-tP.M. Clllld Cal'9 ~ T---• »11 ao" w '"' 8'udy r- Mewpart 1Md9-Sec09CI a.rd of amt. Sc ...... JIOOP•Hlc Ya-Dr., C_ .. ..._. Cllirdl & ~Sc.._. -I 0:00 A..M. ...... t ... -JIOO "I" L c..t Hwy .. C4M WID. IVIMIM• nsnMOMY t ....... s - I '.M. AU CHUICHIS AK .,. eo<Ooelly '"'""'o •o "'-"'* Cl>uteh - -.,,..,. .... _.._ ol1heA~- C .... C...~AfA~~ytCIS WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN OUKJt IJl41..a-A ... IM.lt .. S-D6ap '"'1· & W11t I ....... 4.1 -WC>aSHIP S8Y1C1S - l:JO & I 0:00 A.M. PASTOI JOll A. S~M pttoNI ltMZlt C ... ST C CH !Mluourl Synod) 760 Ylderie St .. c.... .... ~Y. T_..., ,....,_ Ul-1611 w6lsHtP SHYICl-alS .. I 1:00 AM. ..., ~ & ....... a--'11f ....... cairw-..._. Sclled-MMIM S...... Topic Feb. 14 .. ·~1fTJEf'llf.' -n. Can •111 of Lo••" ...... ""·,..., ._.. C HUlc;H OF RBJGIOUS SCIEM_CE Member of the United Church of Rellglou1 Science 8EM:LlffVll..UGI SUfTE 45 222' MAIN 8TllEET. HUNTINGTON 9EACH CA 12to11 ~ :";\101 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982 I •• Nuns' numbers down in U.S. BJL9&81'0NE ft •• , ........ HARTFORD, Conn. :._ Thelr t&mplt llfeab1t w11 ~ tn the way they recently celebrated 150 yeara of helplnf the poor and needy. Tht Slaten of Mercy joined toaether ln a meat of bread and soup and prayed th y can conUnue. Tk Mercy alslert, ,who lhrou_ab their bl1tory have wltbatood antl·Cathollc att..cb, croutd oceans and braved the American rtontter, now are ractn1 what may he a more complex 1tru11le for survival. lt la a numbers 1ame. . "The commitment 11 Just u stron,. In fact, I think with the chan.1es in Vatican II . . . It bas deepened awareness and commitment," uys Sister Mar1aret Crowley, the head of the Connecticut IP'OUP. But ln terms or numbers, she adds, the direction ls down. Althou1h there are 20,000 Mercy slat.era ln the world, the number in Connecticut hu been nearly halved in the past SO years to about 440. Nationally, the number of U.S. nun1 has shrunk by more than a third in the last 15 years to about 122.000. About 9,000 or them are Mercy sisters, their ranks 1tmtlarly reduced by the downward trend. They've chanced their methods and dress over tbeir century and a half, particularly since the r eforming 1962·65 Second Vatican Council. but their purpose remains lhe same. ln addltlon to the th"" ita.ntint -vows taken by rot1ower1 of a Roman Catholle order - chastity, poverty and obedience ,_ lbe Sllttn ot fdercy take a fourth, unique vow They ptedae thelr lives to servia.~ to cut for the poor, tht •lck, the alienated in IOC~ and tor tbose whose "Ufe potenlial hu In any way not bffn reallze<t." Over the years. the fourth vow hq meant everythtnJ from c1rin1 for cholera victlma to helpin1 handJca]>ped children adapt to a public acbool clusroom. \ Slater Patricia Gould, who workl for the Hartford Archdiocese's omce of Radio and Televlllion, exemplifies the community's JUodtrn adaptation to the needs or society. Twenty years aeo. she says, the sisters had no choice but lo become teachers In parochial schools. Today. although she cherishes the past teaching experience, she helps produce• educational t.elevision shows and makes public service announcements ror radio. Another or the slaters' innovations. intended lo ' expand their community, is lbelr lntroducUon of associate members. The program aUowa women who have not taken vows to pray and work wlth them. Married women are now allowed to join and men someday may be permitted. Sister Margaret says. Ir '-THE EARL'S It.---····"-....... -....... • SI \tf 11ft~· ~ South Coast Community Church !.•,voe• ,...,.. St Mn at v°"' Ooc:w ., ....... ,.....,.,., 'tf)WI ., ••• coau•u641-1289 ... ..._ ..... Ser:vices 8: 30 A .M . & 10: 15 A .M . Corona del Mar High School. 2101 Eastbluff Or .• Corona def Mar MISllON ~95-0401 -c.-~ .... lhft 00.,. FftrJ IOI A•_, """" I "'HOW TO BE A LOVER" Tim Timmoni, Speaking / Call 642-5678. Put a few word• to work for you. For Info: Call 644-dSO CH DffiECTORY ····-·· . A COllUL WllCOllE F10M T1I£ tnml CltUICtf OF CllllST COM91TYCSll ClllEUTIIW 61 I Helatl41fM A•a .. c-....... 644-7400 OOIMWW.I .... .,....._ IOA.M.-S..,W ...... C_ Sctlool _........., C.. MDClllll• CMIWTIM a.II J40St.Alat'•"-• .. GlllUllf"I, a...-.leedi 494-1061 JOHM M. HYMOUS MAIGAHT AMt4 llYMOU>S ............ 10.t..M.-~-...... Clwdl~&..._, ' HARIOI cttamAH CHURCH IDlac .... fllf Cllrtttl 2401 lnf.t If S... IMW '4~1711 :! ........ w....., IO A.M. .... s.-. .......... Attend The Church of Your Choice . 'Flltpnouth C l11~qn:t1l1f io11l1I C liurd1 3262 •OM> ST .. MIWP<>lrr llACH 642-2740 Sunday 5.nlu ~ I 0:30 A.M . "'fttAalS& 01 SIMMH" A Cor611 WelcOtM frOM THE UNITED METHODIST CHUICH Costa Mes. AISTUMTID MlntODIST CHURCH 19Jh St. & Harbor Blvd Cllerdl SdlMI t:JO Wonlllpl0:45 Challes 0 Clark Minister COSt1 Mesa N<i1tl -.as.A YllDI Huntington Besen AllT"""9 MITHOOISTCHUKH 2721 17th St. 53&-3537 wera111p~10:11-..,.,,_., c.... A• ...,,,,.,. Clwdl Sc~t:OO -. UMTID METHODIST CHURCH Huntington Beaeti North COMMUMrYY.....,. MITHODIST CHUKH 6ee2 Heil Ave. 842.,..81 w ...... ' ca-di Sclled 1:10 • I 0:00 A.M. ~.W....l.SMeil cAltSt cAUICA IYTHISIA Newi>Ort Beactt 1400 W. Balboa Blvd 673-3805 Rev Robert Shepard. Jr W...,... & C"-lt w..t t :JO A.M. ww., ,,.~'°" e-1-..... ... ,.M. w.,....s.r.iu l:JO Ii 10:00 l:~O ~ Sd•iflO:OO Fountain Valley MSTINllD MITHODIST CtUCH 18226 Bultwd St. tU.ntJ Or. Carroll E. Word. Minister w.,.., .. Clllrdl w... f'.JO~ ·--... CMllCN MIWPOIT CIHT'm UMl'Tm MITHODIST .................... c.... ....... 644"0741 ~RS"IP & CHURCH S0400l: -t:30 A.M. .. ' Rev."-' McMIKen Thrs Sunday W:orshrp In · ST. AHDllW'S PIHIYTBIAM CHUICH 600 St Andrews Road• Newport Beach.-631-2880 Dr. Jdal •. ~. Jr .. ,..._ Wenlllp S'"lcet -7:JCM:45 -4 I_!: 15 A.M. ....ow-... TOW AU WHOUMISS -IH STATUDw Dr. ,,. A. ........ Jr .. ,,...w.g PIOGIAMS 7:JO && kfwf1 tt1n1 lllld11 + tw: C:WW C... au.... ..,_.,"'"' .... a.aw I 0:15 ..,.,...W.ats Hin 6tlt Gr .. & Adlilt a..- AIC llctp• • '4S-UU PRESBY IERtAH OtURCH Of M COVBWIT HSO ,_..i.w Id., Costa MeM -557-JJ40 lrt1e1 A. "-'ii, Pntar Sunday Worship & Church Sct1001 8 30 & 1000A M Child Care A-.la1fab6e Christian Education Hour 9 00-tO·OO AM Worship -10 15 AM NUllKllY CAM "llOYIOCD AT ALL HllVICU CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. wt.-. Cosio MIN '4S-J It I We re A Gomg Glowing Growing Churcf'I SUMDA Y SHYICIS lllLI SlUDY t A..M. WOllSHIP I 0 A.M. I 6 f' ..M. •ttOHEST TO GOD" ·~ HAUOl 1~ T8ftl S ...... S-tcH F..u.y..... 1:11 P.M. • e , pp p a Alt ,...., Sen le• -·Rr-lt Md9y of ... -" 7:JOP.M. Rabbi Bernard.-l<tng Jamboree & Eastblull Or Music Arie Shikler Newport Beacn C.ltf Educator Nancy Levin Fer lwfw ao:itw c• 644-721> AI Y-- TEMPLE SHARON ~ (Conser11a1111e~ ¥ Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 Weat Hamllton, Costa Me .. , Callf. 92627 1714) 631-3262 Ull ..... s. -.La SHAllAT SBY'ICB Fri.-1, ,_..-s.t.-1 O:JO-. }11111 ti~ ~'" W 11rJ111• 1\1 'MARINERS CHURCH Rill( Orl/il111(. l'ro•itrlrrn,'l o 00 •m. Wurth1p •nd Sund.,y School (0 to bth Rr1tJtl 10 ts .a~B1bJe C~ssM !Ch11drtn & Adults) NEWPORT DATSUN WB'V llAl'I? WITH THB PURCHAM OFAHY NEW TRUCK AT N.wPORT DATSUN! BUY NOW AND SAR1 OffP IMDI naMIARY .. t992. 5 Speed, Cruise Control with Resume, AM/FM Stereo with Cassene, Alloy Wheels. AIC, Completely Loaded Ser 1432708 $12,998 . ., -GllAJID OPENING of Orange County's Newest SUBARU DEALER \ Now ... the dealer that has given you 71/2 years as one ~f Sol:'thern California's leading BMW dealers 1s adding the Fabulous Line of: SUBARU C--lllforow llll'llODUCl'O•Y SA&• AND SAY• BIG $$$$1 We hcne .._. • · · · -~ "-SUBARU New 1982 SUIARU IRA T! lllEDBISIVE. AND 8lll1 ~~~~~~~~ mS11YnmYt1ll We Still Offer What No Bank or Lease Company Can ( ....., ............. ....,. I ( o.. ..... s..tt11 ..... -· ...,... .. ,.... ......... fwflllt ·~ ... ...ea--&... ..... . n.r .... ' ,1 .... -.tc.llfhr -----. ..... BEACH IMPORTS ALFA ROMEO • PEUGEOT • SAAB • MASERATI EXCELLENT PRICES ON ALL NEW MODELS •.. SEE US NOW & SAVEi 174 PEUGEOT 504 Dietel Burgundy exterior (099MJO) A steal at only 174 PEUGEOT 504 Diesel. Blue exterior & low m11es1 (961MIG). Hurry! 177 SAAB 91GL s3995 4 , Speed transm1ss1on stereo, air cond111on1ng & low miles! (125TWJ) •74 BMW 2002 s4195 4 speed 1ransm11s1on , air cond1t1on1ng and stereo (856LWC) 54895 55895 '7 6 PEUGEOT 504 $ Diesel. 4 speed trans .. sunroof & 4595 '64 BENTLEY 53 SHARP' moonstone exianor (946$00) In '"MINT .. condition . . sliver and . Navy blue (217UMU). • '76 PEUGEOT 504 D1e1el engine with while exterior (357SLU~ Don t ml&S 1tl '78 PEUGEOT 504 Dlesel wapon Auto trans air cond . roo rack & AM·FM stereo (754UOi) '63 TRIUMPH TR3B With wire wheels and overdrh1e! CLASSIC' Professional restoration• • (VDR627) '40 CHEVY PICKUP ThlS one has been professlonally SUPERB' restored from the ground up! • (ZAE059) EXAMPLE: Ser. #229969 s I 13, 1982 BRAND llEW 1981 ·1-1000 OR f995 Down Plus Tax, License & Doc.mat.-y he AND ONLY 33 PEil MOMTH ••ca••• 5500 FACTORY REBATE PllCI MftL ...... ta. le. & he. .... IHl.M 0... ... SJH.H .... I I H.00 DMY Uc-c ....... IZ0.00 he-••• r Fee. -4 1100.0 ....., ....._ w • ..... f1f I If JI, ff Dew. P.,...t ..... .,. ...... -4 ltJ.JJ ~-"' t.r 60 ......_ S2otUO ,.._. c ........ U .l. 20.JJ'Y.. ~ ,.,_. ,.tc. 171~1,70 • .,,...--4 cn41t. . . BRAllD llEW 1981 POllllAC PHOElllX s OR 599 J Down Plus AND $ ONLY . SAU PllCI 1Ht5.00 ... ta. le. & D.c. Fff. IHl.00 Dew. ,._ SHUO tu. 1111.00 DMV ~ dl.rp, sza.oo Dec-••, '"· • snuo ._. twy ...... W • taW f1f 12262.ff D•-P..,...t, ceell er ...... 9M SIU.JJ ,.. ..... t.r 60 ......_ S2J4UO ~. c-... A.I.A. 20.Sl'Ml. ~ ~ priu StOU70 • .,,..Y-4 ~ 4 cyl.. -~·cted ..... AuloMatic 1r..-1sioft Front wt.HI .... Tax, License & Documtntary he 33 PER MOMTH EXAMPLE Ser '14t94S 94CWIMNG 57 50 FACIGRY REBA IE BRAllD NEW 1982 NllllAC 6000 FACTORY REBATE .. BRAllD llEW 1982 NllTIAC J-2080 s OR 5995 Down Plus AND $ ONLY Tax, License & Docunwntary FM 00 : PER MOMTH SAU NICI 166'5 ... ta. le. & Dec. .... StH.00 De-,a. S4tz.t0 ta. EXAMPLE: Ser. 11523863 1147.ot DM¥ 1cwe ct.rwt. 120.00 hc-Hl•r .... _. S71t.OO ,_..., .-... tw e ..... f1f SUJ4.ff 0...-,.,.... ..... er'"*• -4 SIJUO fllW .... fw 60 ....._ SJt70.00 ""-«• cllwp. A.I.A. JO,>""· Deh1r-4 ,..,_.. ,,_ SIO,JJUO • ..,,...., c,_., 5750 fACIORY REBATE --------------------------------------------------------- p Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1992. .. THE t'1'MILt' c1aca: by Bii Keane ."Ouch, Daddy! Your face needs a haircut I" ' ''9.\R,..\Dl'IKE by Brad Anderson "You m:ght as well turn the motor off ... you know how expensive gas isl" _ Jl'DGE P.\RIKt:R •t'-.U...-.&..: "G \H•'H:l.D A,, .,, ACROSS I ~· t Groggy -e Hotfooted 10 A~ -14 """'°' 9'11 0 52Cutle 58 Employed 57 Pronoun 58 "P•adlle lost .. IU1hor 80 Tumµt1 &30Y•eer11 " 15 Cfttty 65 Wtlgtlty 18 Glf1 In 1 song lie Sweettop ,-17 Roman roads 87 PtflOdl It 18 lJncom• ea Behind poilldtd ff Ago ,..20 Astrontutt' 70 Valley org. 7t0ftlctg• 21 Sec down ~:22 Bllcllen DOWN 23 Ocllnatm r~ Remnlntl 1 Gaunt ; -27 Mtdt 2 All ,.,. .... ~ ~ • • f "' s . : ) ~ i 0 UNITED Fe9ture Syndble F rldey' 1 Puz:rle SolYed _. unfllPPY ting «O. 21 Awaits 30 H«*lt 3 HMd ptrtOn 24 Mtldow -31 ~ ''V•H 4 8eect\ 2t Mild o.th 32 - -In"" 5 ''Ot<" 27 Ol¥en 51 Dlflttwd BIG G£0RGIE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) © "It'• my coffH b,.1k." DE:\:\IS THE ME~i\CE Hank Ketchum 0 ® by Harold Le Ooux 6AA4. l THINK YOU 6t400LO KNOW THAT A&eEY ANO 1 WEllE ~N A'f 'fHE HOTEi. l..OOKINC; FOft UNOA MAY! WE ~W Y0V O«IVE VP ~l'fH HEfl! by Jim Davis MY IVORY-STEMMED, MOTHffi-OF'-PEARL INLAID M£ER5CHAUM! by Ferd & Tom Johnson 5~TTLING UP, k/>.Yo? FIN~! PROVES )'0LJ1RE ,A GOOD Cf2Et>IT RISK . .-..-~ , ~· e Protto1e0 28 ~ s2 SlloddY 34 Uplift 7 YUQOWI City 2t ~roofs 53 S..· Prlf. N,.;.._.._ D*Owty • CtlOlln S3 "Aidt tM -54 Zodllc. tA0 90IM tr*' I Dowf9tde -" 5S btNIN U "'°'*1" 10llltf'Y~ 3Slfn !IDi.- <:.,a t1 AMly. • Jib ., "* d..... 2 wonll 37 Md otfln; t2 Pupil 7~ tt~ Ltt. 140Ct1Mt ..... _. DPIOll• edit 3tflrCMllclne .... ttw. , .............. Mr."°' 41 Milo 101 I ' ' "{l,;MBL£'1tE£08 1 ~ lME VALENTINE AOUTOR ~ OOR C~ IN SCMOQ. .. J 6TAAW TO 61VE OOT M VALENTINE5, A~P 60T Mt( HANO CAU6H'T IH TME 90)( ! TMAT~ TOO 8AO .. WEU., MAV6€ TO~ WILL se A SETTE'R OAV ... 6000 N16Hi ... "THIS MON'TH 1ME COVE'TEP l'L..KK FEA"THER c;oes 101Ht= -m11Je's WA~ CIN caMft>SER! 1HAT PEAK ~KER O'THf: CHIC SHRIEt<St: HOW'S 11FE.a.10 HAVE ~UR L..A1"ES1 Hli WA~ CftY' 01\J EVERVtJO~S t..IPS, CHIM? CHIM!RICCHICK&N,1 NAME: YOU INVIAN OF1HE MONTH! SHOE AUNT FRITZ I, MAY I GO TO THE MOVIES:;> by Charles M Schulz by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ern ie Bushm1ller SAWW t'l'~K ,. "l~IKt:RBEA:\ by Tom B~t1uk I~~~ ~R)RlHE lJH I ~ ~'T 6UPP05E ... Wl*'IN& lHe OCSTRJCT 1f1l...E. ~ BRABBLE 'fa&Atil<~ M.Allil C'oR 1W11\l4& Mi O'JER 1'o ~'fc" 1i 6AME,tif.&L SLEEPER BAG Hoh \'olk of ModC'-.to s hO\\ s som<• of I Ill' tin~ ha~-. for b<.•t•r h1• dcsJgned to kL•t·p ht•c•r l'ool on ('amp111g trips Tht•\· an· owrkt•t('(l lllHkr .1 h1•1•1 l1rm ~ loJ!o Little beer bag may brew bucks MODESTO <AP > Six packs or beer s n uggled into tiny s leeping bags may sound s trange, but a M odesto tent store own er th inks the idea can turn a profit Bob Valk is marketing n y lon bags that a r e just large e n ough to h o ld a s ix pack They have drawstrings at t h e opening and roam insulatJon inside. Valk, own er or Modesto Tent and Awn ing Co .. designed the bag to keep beer cool during a half-hour commute he and his wife, Mana, make each day into town Ron W hitehead, who own s an advertis ing agency in nearby Turlock, suggested that the cloth cooler looked like a s leeping bag o r just the right s ize for a n artesian . a mythical creature Olympia Brewmg Co created to promote the water used m its brew. The beer maker agreed to le t Valk market the coolers under the name "The Artesian Sleeping Bag' -with an O lympia logo underneath He then hired G.Q Security, a San L eandro parachute maker . to manufacture them More than 10,000 have been sold for $11 $12 s ince De<·ember. mostly in M odesto. Fresno and the San Francisco B ay Area Valk hopes to expand to other areas and states soon. He expects sales to c limb during the s pring "when people start getting out boats and picnic stuff ·' Jlis goal is to increase production from 800 to 2,000 a day and distribute some bags without the art esian label for usei. other than cooling beer ·1 hope 1t will go on beyond a fad." he said in a telephone inte rview 'It 1s a universal bag that can be used for a n ything It says on the box that 'only your 1maginat1on limits its use.' •• Valk ticked orr o t her uses h e has t h ought of for the bags camera equipment, baby bottle warmer. ice cream DOTH Nmcn GRIFFIN t-:" 111~ of l'.iln \ltu. l'J ADELAIDE T CRlft'I\; l'riq.ll(• r.1m1h ,1·nu·1•, "'" Jf:C 91 pall<.C'd a\\J\ on ht• hrlcl .ii ll•1h < r"'' Februar) 10 19R2 \ (111 flH'I C't•m 1•11•n . ('11lma. C.1 on r~s1denl of San Bl'm;.irdmn. Tue<;da~ Fehru..11, lfi l!l112 <.a M1,>.Gnrrmrortht·1Jdsta1 12 oo noon P11•r f 1· 4 year~ had rt·-.irled Jt the Rrother' lil'll llro<.111" '" Aa y'vl<'" Con ' al<''<'<'nl Mortuan or ('o-.lu :\lt•'a •Hospital m Co>.ta M<''a. Ca cl111·rtor' · "here '>h<' pa.,,C'd d.\\J\ Sht· LEF. '' ~un l\rd ti\ a ne11he\\ RANDALL I.\ M1\:'-I LEE, Paul llrN·ht nr lrvmt>. C':.i . 2 u re-;uknt ,,r ("o~ta Mt•,a, 1111• c 1•' ~ ant' Br e <'ht 11 r < • 3 . 11 a.,, e d a " ;i \ " n ln1.nt-(a .inf! Sh1rlrv .,.·1·bruan 3, 1982 in .1 plane l\t ('(ra\~l·n or Los Alto~. (.'a rrash O'l<l'r AfnC'a tit' IS and a :.1st er Gl'(ll l(IJ '" 1ff1:i '>lll \I\ 1"i ,,, hi' rather .John -------------..L Lei.-mnthcr .Juch l.c•c P1HCI IROTHIAS SMITHS' MOITUAllY 627 M•in St Hunltngton Beach 536-6539 rACIAC YllW MIMOllAl rMK Cerretery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 P.c1f1c View Drive Newpon Beach 64+2700 McCCMtNICll MOITUAl•S IAgunaBHCh ·~9415 Laiguna Hiiis 76&0933 San Juan C.p1strano •95-1n6 and sister M1chcllt• l..<'e ,111 of Costa Me:.a, Cu A Memorial :1cr\'1ce "111 be held on Monda) f'ebruan IS. 19112 ul 11 OOAM at Tht• Priori' or P1•acc Luther.in C:hur eh. 2987 :\1~a \'erdt• DnH' t:.1-.t <"o-..ta Mesa, Ca with ra,tor Onn RrC'ntro nfrtc1Jl111.I( In llt•u of rlm•l'r" thl' fJm1h· • t·i~ucstl. donat111n-.. be mad~ to a memor1JI runcl e"lubh&hl'•I 10 m"m"r" of Run1h lo Tht• l'nn1·1· of l'eat'e l.11thc•r.1n C"hur<'h .ind 'rhool Commissioned M a r i n e 2nd Lt Emmett S Conrecode. so n of Etlward J Conrecode of 240 16th Place. Costa Mesa. was co mmissio n e d upo n graduation from O fficer Candidate School at Quantico, Va. Orange Cout DAIL V PfLOT/Seturday. Fobruary 13, 1982 d . .I I Is an Incredible new way to save money every year .•. on purchases you make every day. All the convenience of a credit card and SAVES you MONEY! "CTtTIOUI aUSIHHI HAMl ITATIMINT T flt ltlltWlnt pef\•11 I• doil•t ll;ltlneu •• PAftl( WHOl.CiAt.I 10,t COfl'9•cl '""' C:06ta ~ .. CA ti•1' HfNlt'I' •UNO PARIC . IOU Cen<Ot41 Mr .. 1, <.. .. t• ~ ... CA ft•ie Tlllt ~· I• <-..Ci.cl llY ... lndlvllluef HenryluftO ... r~ Tiii• •let."""I WM flied wllll llw (t1111ty C.lerk ol Or-(OUllh .,. l'eD, 1"2 Pl~ Publla,,.,, 0r•f9 Coe" O•ll• Piiot, l'•D •. t>. J0, 11, 1"2 HMJ NMt»I •uP•atOlll COURT opr TH a UATI 0' CAL.,OllNIA IN AND flO• Tl.S (.OUNTY O• OltANOI C.Ala NO. •m • NOTl(.1 01' SAL• 01' alAI. P•Ol'llttY AT l'alVATS U'-• E>l•t• OI WAI.Tl• PAUL (rAVI N STA!tl( O.C•- Here are some of the benefits included In your membership without any addi· tional charges: NOTl{l 15 H(REIV C.IVIN INI on or ell., fewuery 24 1 .. 1 1rw llncM"i11n911· t\ tM<ulr I• OI tN Wiii 01 W4'LTElt PAUL GAV'N $T4'Rll dee. .. .., Wiii Mii •I I"'••••· •aft lo Ille lllQllell ,.., Dldd<rr \UbltCI le •1--------------1 <Onllrm•tlo<\ by Ille •OOvt enllll•o PlllJC •Ja Superior C:ourt, •II Ille rlQhl !Ille, --------------1 •ni.r .. 1 ""41 t•l•t• Of trw •c-1 •I $50.000 ACCIOENr INSURANCE1 ENTERTAINMENT OISCOONTS! HOTEL DISCOONTSI AUTOMOBILE DISCO<JNTS ! GROUP l.EGAl SERVICES I VACATION DISCO<JNTSI CAR RENTAL SAVINGS I MERCHANTS DISCO<JNTS ! Your Membership Fee is ONLY $29.95 ( 24 .95 for Senior Citizens) 667-0777 When )'OU complele the blank printed below you will be eligible lo~ Membership with an uncondilionc1I Money Back Guarantee t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00000000000000000 AODR!:SS ' 11) /11 NOTICa INVITING ••D• RaClllPT 01' l'ltOl'OS.AU· S.eltll pr-Ii lbklal wlfl IM received l>Y Ille City ol frvlnl, •ctlnq •• •"'' lor lhe (fly Of Irvin• Public Ftcllllfe\ CorH••llOn Owntr or llW wor•, In ltw o411Ct of llW (lly Clerk, IO<•led •I "JOO J •mllortt Ro•d, lrv•n•. C•lllornl• ftlt•, until 1 00 pm , on Mtrch3, ltl2 o•scall"TION 01' WORK Ti.. •ork It th•I of Pl\eM I o4 •n Oper•tlon• 5<1-r1 Fo<ll11y louted •I I~ r.....i Cenyon • .,....,. In the City ol lr•IM, C•lllornl• ,,,. work con1l•h ol con•trucU"U b<l1ldl"9'· fenclno •ncl ••lh 0••<1•no u111111u P••lno ••nd'< •plf!U wttll automelfc •rrfoetton •nd olller _., .. """' fmprovemtnh E11olnMr's Estlmete U 1 mllllon OPINIHO opr PROPOSALS· Tiie 1)1_...I, Wiii b9 PuOl1cly -1(1 •ncl ,..., •• J 00 pm , on Ma•<" ), ltn, In .... (lh OI tl"lllM Council Ch.amber\, 11100 J •mboree Ao•d lndnt C•lll•rnl• O•TAININO CO N T llA C T DOCUMENTS; Pl•ns, !>pecillullon• •nd •II Conl••<I Document• lor (on:1truct1an of '"* ()prr•Uon' Supoo,.1 Fec1ll!y CIP ~ m.ay De Obl••ne<l lrom the (lly o4 ,..,,.,,. Public WorH D•P•rtmenl, lto• McG.aw Avenue frv'ne. C•Oforn1• A nonre•utw:S•ble fff of UO 00 wlll b9 cll.arQl!CI '"' ucn Ml 01 oouun•nt' Ocx.~t' w•lf be m•Uf'd lor •n ..,.,lllOMI <"'1•9e ol $10 00 PROPOSAL OUARANTEI: E•cll O•OPOWI ""911 .... •<con-led by • <ertUll'd or C•il'tter s <~• or • bid In Ille •mount °' 1.,. 1101 i>eteenl of th• toe.ti b+d prlco oey•ble 10 llW 1n.1r~1 fllk'l11[)A ll City of •r••nt Public i<ecl1111u 0 CorPor•lfon •• • OU8f•nl .. lMI the Ulll Ml 0 ( HI Lt\ ~ "iC L ()~ olclcltr II Ill• pr_...1 ,. e<ctpted will enter Into • cOt?tr«t wit" tfte Owner '~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~-~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~~lor coMlrucllon 01 lh• Oi>er•llon• Suppar1 Feclllly In •«O•O•no """ C Ofl Ir •<t Ootumenh NOTICE INVITING •1DS RECEIPT 0, PROPOSALS: ~ele<I oropow1i fbi0'\1 •''* bt re<e•Y'tO DY tlle (tty ol INIM •ct•no "'•111nh '"' tN> City ot frv1nt Public Factllt•f'\ Corparallon Ow,,., of,,.. work In ltw olllct o4 ,,.. (tty Clerk loc.al~ •• 17200 J•mbor•• Ao1d. Irvi ne Ca11forn1• WIU uni" 1 00 1> m on Merth 10, ,.., OESCRIP1'10H OF WORI( Tiit won I• th.at ol ..... W I ol •n An•mel C•rt CmlH loultG •I 1512'1 Send Canyon •"•nut 1n tf'I• (llY of ''"I n~ C•lltorn14 l M wor .. con,t\U ot contlrutt1no bUlldln91 fMc•nQ •no w•th 9r•d1n9 uhl1t1t\ o•vlng ••nch<•Pl"G wnf'I •utom•t•< trnoaittO< •ncJ other epclUrtM•nt •morovefftenl~ Enoin"r' Eltfmatt '2 7 mllt10t1 OP.NINO 01' PROl'OSALS · Tllf prOC)OUl9 Wiii.,. PUOll<I• _,_ •nc r•ecl •11 00 p m on Merch 10 ""' u the City ol ,,.,,.,... Council CNmDer• 17200 JAmbore• Ro•O •rv•n• C•lllornl• PUIUC itm;E ~ICltTIOUS •uSINISS NAMl STATEMENT t "• totto wtnQ p~r\on '' 001'°'0 bu''°*'~ 4\ KELLER SOFTWARE llH Wt\I< hf! Or1••. !.ult• • 7!0 Nowparl 8f'tU" C•htorntl '1600 .: •m Ro bt rt Kttl•• ••~S S"•' U'\Qton Pt"'c~ NtwC>Qrt Bt•ch C•lllornta 9'11>6l Thi\ Dustnf'H '' conduttf'G by •n •nd1"1d~I te:1m R l(ell•r Thi\ \tat•""""' w•\ filed WIU\ IM Counlv Cl••~ 01 Oran0<> Countv on F•bru.trv J 1"91 Pt.tDl1\'WQ Of•not" Coest O•il• Pilot Feb • ll 10. 17, 1"'7 •10.fl l'ICTITIOUS •USINIUS NAME STATIMI NT fh• tollo••no P•r1on 1, 001 nQ bU\.tM'U • \ llD ITIM$. Btw Bid lor '°"'l•ucllOtl ot Oper•tlo"' Support rat 1111y P~w I with Otducllve -.uerMt• • t 4Covtreo Stor•o• 8u•fd1nv> •no AdOlllV• Attt'rt\•I• r: I l~•rt-MYM Bu11d1nQ- OWNIR~ RIGHTS RESERVED Tnt Owner re-wrw' 1"9 rton1 lo r•Jtt<f 11ny or •II «:lids. to w•1"• ttnw tntormel1ty ,,, • btd •"9d to rn•kt: •"'•td\ '" thof> tnl•re\t of ttw o-ri.r l'ROJECT ADMINISTRATION Ill~ tonlr41<t ''lo br ..arn'n1\trrM1 ~ tr.t City ol lrvl,,. •• •~" lor 1.-. City ol HVIM PubO< F.t<.tlitl•l (O'P<W•llon 4'11 QUll11on\ rtl•U .. 10 llllS P'Ol.C I Prill< 10 ll'e -nlllQ OI b•d~ \h•ll bf' Olre<l•d IO llW Proje<I ~n1~r City ol lrvfnf' 11141 7~ ll>'IO ' 1on.o OVleby Oeo.rty Cllv Cl~r~ C•IYOf l""iM •or Cltyo< I""""' PubU< F.c1tfl~ CorPof'•Uon PuDll\-Or-, ..... Oelly Pilol Ftb • tJ II 11 I~ •2'1 '1 PllUC NOTIE l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME !.T4'TEMINT llw Um• ol hh -"' -.all tlw r10111 Ill•• .,.., "''"'"' , ... t\lat• h••. by optr•tton ot I•* tr 6lt,•r•••• e<Qufroll Olllef !hen ot In -lllon lo lhel Of UK-nl •I tr. llm• ot llll O••th In •nc:I to O\•t <•rl•ln rtt•• uroperty lo<•l•<l 1n th• (lly ol 11untlnQIOfl 8Hch County oi Or•no-~1•t• ot C•Hfcwnt• commonly referr.n lo •• ''IJ Len.al C•r<I•, H...,tlnQton Beacll C•lilornl• oeurlbed es fOllow> Lot 11 Of T o«I No 1'0J H per m•p recor-In 8ao-,.S o-• 41 lhrou911 SO ln<lu\iv• 01 Ml>c•ll•'*"'> Me!>t. In the Otllc• OI I~• County Rteordtr ol Or•no• (ounh S.lt w1U be \Ubtt<.1 to currtn\ t••t1 coven•no, cona1110"'· t'e\trlct1on\, •twrv•IH>n• rl(lllh r19llh ol w.ty •"" ••Mrn•n" of te<oro TM P'009'1't' '' to be \.OIO on •n .n '' t>lil'I, eacf1)t ., to title Olle" lor '"" praperly m0;\I be 1n wr1t1nv •nd wlll t» rec•1wed •• 1n. ~,.,,of Int t•Hutrnc •t •.tt? L-•MI (ltt l• HunUnQtot\ Se.ch (•l1torru• or m•y i. llltG wllh ,,.. Cl•r-ol tht Suptorlor Cour1, or ~11ve1e<1 10 0\f' •)lt<utrla 4lt tne •bOv~ notf'd •OCl,.-f'\\ 1n Huntln<i'on &eac.h It •ny t•mt •fttt 1"41 flr\t ~•<•t.c:rt of 11\h nottce •nd l>flor• ,,,. m.tklnjj 011.-. wie ThP property wlfl ~ sold on • C•\t'I M,1, or a.f't ca'1\ ..,o pert c rl"d1t t"f' term\ Of ~h crtfdil to OP •<<•P1•bt• to tM unGH\'9'\f!O •nd 10 thf' Supencw Court Ten ~rctnt c 10 .... , or ,,,, amount IH<l i• to ecco,,,.,.ny 111t oll•• •nd Ill• IMlen<• lo IMP oe•d promptly I01low11>9 contlrnwloon ol t•ie Dy the courl T•ttl. rent\ oper•tlnQ •nO m•lnterwnc• 1ooenW>\ •nd prem1um1 on uuuranc• •<<•Pt•Ott lo lh• Purcf'\•wr S-twll be pror•t.0 ., o• ,,_ day ot tnt-rt-co,.o•no ot '"' convev~• T"• undlrn'OM<f rtwt ve\ tM , 19nt to ••Je-ct any and •II b•O\ prtor to•""'" of•" orOtr COtlftrrnlnq ,,_. t••• OAT E 0 i:.t><uer y 10 1'91 00R0 1HV V VINSON BOGG ES~. E •l'CUtrt~ PuDll\NO Qr-Coe•• 0•··· Polo! f•b 11 u " ,.., 10111 l'ICTITIOUS •USINIU NAMI STATEMENT TP\ ... to11ow•"O Pf'"'°"' •r• cto•nv t>Y\1nton •~ (,RAYON 1711 wu1 Co• .. H1o"w•v ~wpori 6f"acn. C•lltornl• '1~ J•mn L Grey •fMI A""<O G••Y 100• B••-Or••• COfON Otl Mer Calllorni• in.lS Thi\ bUSh''*ll '' c:ondlu(tf>d bo; an unlncoroor•te<I •\1oOC••tlOf'1 otntit '"'•" • 0•''~'11\+p J...,..L G••• 1111\ st•t-1 w.as loleO wllh IM County Ci.r~ of Or•ri9r County tW't J•nuery 18. 1'197 "111"5 Puf)h\"'90 ()r.,. (O.\t D•••• P11ot Jan 30 l'~b 6 IJ 10 l'il1 ••• 11 lUCllY I DRIVE IN DAIRY 1t11 w .. 1 EOl"9f• ~n1.a An• C•lllOrnla 9'1714 fht follo•1n9 CM"'~on, ar• do1no 1----...... -------- Yonq fCOOlo c .... •HU LO\ llot> F:ourtt•1n V•lt .. y (llifOrt\•• t11QI Du\lne\' •s "•e'l'l'ftovt ainl"'" N.AMI ITATIMINT Tiit fOllOwlfle _._.., are dolll• eusineuo L ANO \ Ofll Rt•Ul0-,) 1110 )"perlor A•tnu• Cf•h Mtu, Celll•rnl•fJt)t J tel NI SMllll ,., Merrill P1eu , .. ,.Me .. C.alllo-nl• tUJI Pelf• O uw, 11'01 ""1r11•r Ot1ve, wnt• Ane Ctllf0tn1a ttm Tllit &u•IMU I• COftdut lell D' • tener•I 041"1,_t'-"•U T.OM Smm1 ""' \1•1-1 •O Ille<! wllll lne County Cler' ul 0••"99 (OUMy on F•D• .. •rY J ""' l'ttJ.• P.,llll•lwcl Ot""Oe Co.t .. D••f¥ P1101, FeD •. I), 10 21 1 .. 1 .of_., fl lC'TtTIOUt IUSINISS NAME S1'AflMINT T nt lolfow•no oer son •• 001n\) IMnlne'' ., OIVORCI! CENIERS D,_ (4'l lf0RNIA llll Nor'lll RO<>. Suilo 100 hnl• Ane C•ll•orn•• 97101 J ••n GrHn•ooo •oo P•• k A'*'•"u• l•9U"• Bea<h (•h'O''"• UUI Th»'\ ~,.n~'" " conou<:•t<J Oy .-n lrwllvldu.al JH11Gr- t "'' "•t...-nenl •• , flllG ••th 11\t Cour>ly Cler\ ol Or•n91 Cuunly Ofl J•n11••Y 11 19'1 .. , .. .,, PuDli\.hfel Or•nQP Co.t\t O•ily Piiot fob • U.10 11 1'1111 --.1 PUIUt MOYlCE l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAMllSTATEMENl f ... f fOllO•lnQ Oet\On h do1n9 bu\ll'\.,, ., SUIOIM•T MACHINE '1110RKS 1'4)1 R1:0hlll Un•t 0 Ttiint•n C•lllorn•• 916IO Mori Eun> 12HS Pine L.au L•nf L.._t Forftt C•lllornl• ti.JO fht\ OU\•n~-. ., conou<tto c, 1 lim •l•d SMrtner\n•o Mor1on W Evans Ttu\ \t•t~rrwnt w•s hied w1tn tht (ounl., Clerk o• Oran~ Ce>unh on O•c•mbfof 1'f ''" F'7UH Pubi"lle<l Or•nQI! Coe>! O.a11, Pllol, J•n l>. >O, Feo • •> 1987 l* t'I fllCTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME nATEM£HT '"'° totto••nv OH\On'i .,. OOH\Q Ou\Uttt\ ., M4'RINE SERVICE5 UNLIMll EO 111 F R•v•r\ICS.. Drlv• N•wparl Be.c11 C.alllorn•• t1_.J G Bn•n Wnllt >O•" llubt B••bO• I \I~ C.•l1rornu~ ~,..,., Rob ... 8 Mur•I B1• w SunllO'lff'r No A1 4;•nl• Ana (•fito,.n•• qt?104 Tht\ O\l\lnf''\ I\ (Of\0U< t•a bf • Q•ner•I P•rtnt.:r\n1p G Brian Wiiiie Thi\ t,t•te,,...,..t w•1 t1lf'd ¥Jiit\ 1"4' Cou"t• Cttr .. o• Or•n9f Counh on J •nuar' n ,., .... , ... Publl\fW!<I Orano<" Co .. I 0•1ly P1lol J•n u >O Foe • •> 19'2 :kS-11 PUIUC llTIE "CTITIOUS •USl .. EU NAME STATE MENT The foUow 1nQ Pfr\On\ er• do•ng bUsineu •• GRAYCOM FIEl O SERVICE , ... S Rtl<...,, ~I.a An• C.a tJTOS E CS ,...•••on•• £ft< 1ron1c C4'1 t ut•to, S~rwtce ta C.••••orn•• corpar•l1on1, l"fjq S R•l<flf'I »nl• An• C.a tJIOS coroot•f•O" lCS onOut lf'd by • ...... .,, l'ICTITIOU. IW•ut NAMI ITATIMCNT T lie l•ll•wtne .. rtOll le •t111t 11;1111111 .... AfoC. f.NU RP!t1H,, ,.70 Or•U L-. Co.I• Mo .. CA m• Art,..., Porwr ttie °''o i... ... C•ll• Meta. U. ..,,,. f Ill• llol•l,.M I• t ondu( 14"1 t>y 4111 lndlVfdu•I An,,.., ..... IM lllh --· W .. 111 .. Wllll ltw Covnt1 (lef\ ol Or•noe C°"nty 941 Januttry It , 1t12 1'1111%1 Pullll•"" Or-CMM O•lly PllO\ J•n JJ » -F• • I) 1"2 "CTITIOUI IUSINIU NAMI STAT.MINT 411" 'h• IOllOwlnQ P•t\on I\ GOlnt """""' ., JOHN IONAOEO TILE ANQ REMODELING CO fl11E LAV ANQ !>CULLEAY, 19tl G••u I.Alie, Coat• Me"' C ellfomi• 9'1U• JOlln NlthOh llon•d•O JO• C.r••ntt•''• L• Puent• <•1tlou,1a "'4' r II ll llU\IM\\ I\ C OnclUC Uld DY •II fncllvlOuel JOhn&on-.. f fU\ 1t.\t-n"Wft1 •ft ti ... lllfttf\ (fM Counly Cl••-ol Or,.noe County Cl!' Follru.arv > 1981 .. ,'"'" Publl\,_ Or-Coa>I 0 .. ly P1lo4 ~ •b • I) 10 11 ,.., 5Sl-47 PUIUC llTU ORAlolOE 'OUNTY M4'R•OR MUNICIPAL COURT ... ,J_ ... , •• P O .. ttUlt ,. • ...,..., -·ca tt ... ,,., PLAINTIFF BANI( O f ~EWPORT. C•lllornl• corpar•llon OEFEN04'NT Ml(HAEL l GIBELllNO, •n 1nd1 e1011•I enf ooe s , llll'ouql\ S, lncluMYt SUMMONS CASI 4H7' NOTICE I YM havo --· Tiit < ... .rt lft•Y .......... lllet yw wl- y-llel ... -• -Y ......... wftlll11 • Myl. llNd ... lllt-llelew. II yo0; •1'11 lo -k Ille -10 Of H •llorntv.,., Ill•> ,.,,.lier, you Slloulel dO •o promptly \O th•I your wriltt• rtsPOnM. II •ny, m•v IM Ill.CS on time. AYISOI U-ha lido --··· El trt"-1 ,_ -.Cldlr <•tr• U& •I• •11dl••<I• a "'e•et ••• Ud, ,.,_.a ---.. • .W.L Le• le l•tonn..:i.. "tW lleW. Si u •It<! dHH tollcltar •I conte lo de un ·~ .,. HI• ••unto dOberi• l'l•c•rto imm~<U•t•m•n•e. de •\l• m•ner• w r~I• •t<rlt.41. •• hay •loune, _.,.\er r90!&tr..,. • llernpo. I TO THE OEl'ENOANT A Clvll compt•1nt n•' be•n feted by tf\4 Pl•lnllfl ~lnil you II you ,.,.,, to Otl•nd thh l•~•t "'°" mutt, wltf\111 >0 Oa.,1, •••• , "'" 'l.HY\moM It Mrvecf .,,. you Ille will\ "" s cour1 • wrlllell ,."'°" .. 10 Ille comOl.a•nt Unleu you 00 \O y"'41# oet...,n wlfl Ott-•nt•r.0 °" •PC>llc•tlon o< tr.. Pl•lnllll .,,., llllt court m•y Mier • 1~1 •Ge'"" you lor ,,,. ""~' oe'""ncled In ,,,. como111nt wtucn could re1ult '" Q•r '11\f\m•nt ot w•o•'· l•'ttUJ ot money or oroperty or otf'ltr rtlltf r~QUf'\ted tn ow cc>rn.,.••nt O•led No,,.,,._, 4 1911 J ,..ter....,. Cler11 K 1m E Gr enl, °""'1Y l(..,E,S_,,.... COR•ETT , S TEELMAN a DAVIDSON u1n _.,._ .,.,..,, s.1-. ne l"'IM,C• tJ1U Publ•\llt<I Or•noo Coesl Dally Piiot JAn 1J JO FotD t . IS 1tn 41•-tl O•T AIN I N G CO NTRA C1 DOCUMENlS PIMI\ Slle<•••<•llon• 1no •It Con1r•<t Oocumenh ror COf\\tTUCUon '1f tht I rYIM Antm•I (•rt Cenlet (IP~ m•y be obl••IW<I from .... (It'; of .,.,.. ...... PubtlC YwOTltt O•Olrfmf'nt 7I01 Mt GI• Av•nut lfvoM Calllornl• A nonrolun<1•bl• '" Of ISO 00 will IMP <"-'oe<I •or N<h ~· o• do<ument~ Oot""'*'t\ ""'° bf m•tled '"'.an -•l10rwlc"'1<90 o4 $1000 l'ROPOSAL GU AllANTEE E•cll pr090w1 ll\llll be .ccomoen1tG by • 0'1111.cl or c..,.1.,·, ....... Of e IMO _., 1n tne -o4 ten I 101 oercent ol ti.. total bicl l"'IU DeY•bl• 10 ,,.. Ct1Y o• ffvln• Pub11c F•c•llltf'• (OtC>Of'•tion a\ .. ouar•f\fff th•t Ow b'Odt' tf nt\ PfOQOS•I '' .cceotf'd w11 f'f\ttr into • contre<t wttn uw Owntt fOf <On\truc uon of CN Anun.at C•rf C•nttr 1n .C<Ot"o.nt• wllh Contr..C\ OO<umonl\ T Ms" bll\•n•u Is <ondV< t~o b'r' •n tnd1v1du•I SONSHINE ELECTRIC COii.\ P4'N., !OMS IC•l•m• Rlvtr Roea. Ur\lt 1 Fount•1n V•lf•Y C•,1forn1• STAllMENT 0, A•ANDON"'ENT W iima J Goniry FICTlTIOUS •USINISS 01' USE 01' ~r~••r• r ,0 ...,,., N-E STATEMENT Yonq KOOk(llO Thi\ \t•tt'f'TW'1tt w.ts I tttod ••tf't the County Cle•~ o Or.an91 County Ofl J.anu••Y 24, 1.,.; W7Ge ~nnM E .. <Ht<•I Ind '"'' • l'ICTITIOUS •USI NISS NAME Thi\ tt.at•nwnl "'"' ltloo .,1111 l?lt Tht lollo•1n9 otr<on h do1~9 Th~ fOHOW""'9 Ol'r\Of\ "•' lbl~ Counh Cltr• ot Or•~ County Oft bu'•MUff C•lltorru• corpor•1M>n 10.S K•l•m• R•••r lloecl Unll i Fou~•••n V•ll•Y .... UV o4 I ... h<llllOV\ bu\lnO• n•mt Janu••Y 11 ,,.,, 0 J A ORIGINAL!>, ,,,,, Fllcll.-Ml OWAV INDUSTRIES lSll• ~lt1Mll lrvlnt ,C• '2114 ~lllMI l'ubH•,_ Of.,. c;oeSI 0•11• Pllo4, C•lllornl.a 9'll'OI. Thh bv.tiMi.\ II C.Oft.CN(l•d bw • ~Hml Str-Mt. Mt4w•y (tty C•llfOf"'n•• PuDUll'tlG 0r..,. CO.it D••IY Ptlot o • ..,,o JOf\ft R•" t1•1' FUcf\ '2.•SS Jen 1J JO Fllb t u 1.., ™-fl lrvlnt C• '2.714 F.i> t . 1) 10 11 ,_ ~.., PHUC MOTIE corpOUl- Sonrl .. Ele<lrtUI Incl In( A_,vo Me".,. Cll>ef E•.c Off1<er TP\I\ lfat~1 w•\ fHf'd wltf\ thl (Ou"'• ci.rk ol o··~ Count., on rrrrrr.o 10 w~ fllflO '" 0'.tnQf' Countv 1ndt"tdWI '"" t ct1uov' bu''""'' n•mr I T"" ~'M"\\ t\ conducted t1y .,. ,...., I~ .~,.. PUIUC MOJl:E Oevlcl JOhn RolU Mk:-TllonW• 11•1l 11J1 e .. 1 Tiiis •t.a-1 wn ftl«I w1lll lfW l'ICTITIOUS •U"NISS NAN!l STATEMENT w.1 ..... 1 0r.,. ,.,,,..,,,,. 91 .. 7 l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS COllnly Clt•k o4 Or•noo Covn1, .,,. Th•\~' wH tonclu<lf<I DY •n NAME STATEMENT l'•b<u•ry IO !"'7 atD ITEMS 8-bid'°" COfl\lrucllon of Arum•• c.,. .. Ct'nt.-r Phaw I ..,,,,. D~ouct1v• AUern.tttf' • 1 CAn1met Hulln '""'( 8uilcllnQI eno AcldilMI Allern•1• •I ( 1(...,..1 C..al Run•I OWNlflt'S RIGHTS RISIRVEO HM Owf\•r ,.,....."""" ow rtQlht to '••t<' -'• or ell bo<k, to•••""'..,, 1rt1orme1l1y In a b to •nd to mak• •••rd\ In IM i"l•<ttl ol tr.. Owner PllOJECT ADMINISTRATION n.t contre< I " to i. _..,, ..... ,.., by ttw en, ol '"""" ••-"tort"" C•IY of tr ... IM Puttflc Facll1tlf\ (OtPOr•Uon AU Qu•sf1on\ rtl•f•vt-•o lhU pro1t<t Pf'•Ot" to"• apeNnq of Ota\. ,MU brP dtrPc le<' lo ll'w Prot«<t MAn~r (1tv Of lrvt°"' 17Ul 7So-ll>'OO • ION10Qlftb•, Ooou!Y C•h C•tr• C1tyol i"''"" T Pie tollowino perton '' oo•no bu,,,,.,,., POOL SERVICE$ 2 ... Soulll Co••• 111011••• L•oun• Buch Calllorn•• ntSI J•<I< Hu<Der1•, .. , Ron s1r .. 1 Co~111 M~w C.allfom•• •1'71 T"t$ t:M.11trtie'\\ '' Cond"Ctf'd DY • QeMr•f P¥1/WtShtp J.ac-HU10Pr1\ Trtt' \~tefnfont W•\ Ut.d WHh IM County ci.rk 01 Ounqt Counlv Ot1 F.On.i•rv 10 1.., ~, .. , P11blt\,_ Or-Coe\I Oaoly Pllol, F•I> I J 70 7' M.t•ch• 1'1117 •SI 11 Jenuarv lt. 1'97 lllCHARDA V•'l'IRICA A Prete-c._.u... A~yat&..aw 1'7•Vk-St. C•t•-.C..~ Publl\hed Or ... Coe\! O•ily Pllol Jan :IO Ftb • IJ 10 1..-J 51...n lndl.i<lu•I Mk:l\MI T-...s HaY\ Thi\ \t4'~t -~ t1fPd with IM County Clen OI 0••"9" Counh "" February 10, 1"1 FllOl>O PublllNO Or-(o;nt Oool• P•IOI Ffb IJ 10. 11, Mer<h •. ,.., ,,.,.1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF LILLIAN MAY ANGOVE NOTICE OF DEATH OF AKA LILLIAN MA E VIRGIL H . BENTLEY ANO OF PETITION TO ANG 0 VE AN 0 0 F ADMINISTER ESTATE PETITION TQ ADMINISTER ESTATE NO All2162· 110T1c1 o, Puu1c HIAR•NG NO. A112074. T o a I I h P i r s H'<>lllTHI T 0 a 1 1 he 1 r c beneficiaries crf'd•tor• PLAllNING ~-IUION 01' THI ~ Th• tollow1f"\O o•r\ons 1r• do1n9 ~'lf\f'~I I\. C ALIFORNl4' FLEET SERVICES J31 R..,,,.,... Piece C°'t.a Mt>•. C.lllornla '2.617 Oouo SOlberQ, l37 R•mO<Wt Pie<•, (O<le MK.I (.elllomt• t»J7 JoAnn Anvner,,_, Jll R•mone Pie<• CO\I• Mna C•lllornla t7U7 Thi• b<alneu ll COflduct•d by • ~notr•I o.trtrwr~hlp OouQSoti.ro Tht\ \t.atf'4'nrtf\I w•s hlMJ ••th tf'w County (lf'rtt 01 O'•"~ Count; Ot\ Janu.ry n. ,., FllUU Pubh\lllttd Ot•"Of' Co.st Dan _. Poot J•n 13 JO Fol> • 1l l'it1 Q.11 PUil.iC MOm ,.CTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STAlEMENT 'l'*I Pub111,_ Or-Coest O••IY Pilot F•ll 11 10. 27 Merell• ltll2 I,.., l'ICTITIOUS •USINIH NAME STATEMENT Th• fOllOW•no pef'\On\ •nr dOlhO 04.l'tn•\\ •s HILLGREN LIOVOR no E 11tll SI C°'t.a ~ U .,.,7 Wun K .. lo Vono S. c.._. 100f 4'rnol0 Aw Cost• Mew, C• m11 lhl' Du\•nft> ,, (Ot'Wlueled b¥ ... lndi"kJU..1 W"" K C llunQ Ttns 1t•te""'°"t w'9'\ tH.a ••1" h County Cl.,k or O••not" Count.-on F•b•u•ry •O ltl2 l'l&nfl l'ubhv.<l Or•nQt ( ... It O•lly Pile! F •b 13 XI 17 M•• • lt"2 650-41 fa< City Of lrvt,,. c1TYOl'l'OUfllTAtNVALLEY benPfic1anes. creditors and cootingPnt creditors of NOT•CE•SHEREBVG1vENtrw1 andcontingentcreditorsof Virq1I H Bentlpy and .,,. WeelrlHCMly F•1><uery ,, 1w2. •• Lillian May Angove and per s ons who may br ~ .. ~om:.~. \~1~\:;.~~~ ~!~~!;' persons w ho may be otherwise interested in thf' Thf' IOllowlno Pff\On I\ dOlnQ ·------------- Public Fec11l11 .. COt"OOl•tiOfl Pubfli.hod 0r'""9f Coe\I 0.11• Piiot, ~tb • I> II 11 1'1111 ·~ PHI.JC MOTtl Fount••n v.11., '"• Pt•nnlnQ o therwise interested in the will and/or PSlate Commln"3n "'111 "°"'•~le lle•••"Q w ill and/or estate ' A ""'tit1on has bf'en filed on Ille lollowinQ Item•· ""' PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF A petition has bePn filed by Dorothy Lee Bentley in THELANOVSEELE MENT OFT11E by Adalyn Angove the Superior Court of NOTICE INVITING •tOS GE NE RAL PUN" H ' L · th $ . RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS s .. i.o chenoe '" ,_ u .. OH•-'"'".,. 1,,. arwlC" in e uperior Orange County requrst1nq l"'OPOWI\ lb!Chl will De rtol....i by V•ll•Y PlennlnQ CommlMI°" for • Court of Orange County that Dorothy Lee BentlPy ''-City o11..,,1ne ect•no •• •9en" tor ch-1n ·-u .. «1M1.,..110t1 ,,,.,.,. r e Q u e s t 1 n g t h a I be appointed as personal ,,,. c11y o4 ••v•n• Publl< Fe.11111 .. c•h , L•no uu Element of '"• Adalyn Anqove Harwick represent a 1 1 v e to CorPOuloon, Owner oi lhe work In Ille Gener•I Pt.,. trom in<lutlrl•i to \inol• orr.ce o4 ,.,. City c1erk. 1001M1 •• ••mily '"1...,11.11..-11e ._.,.., 1or be appointed as personal admin1o;ter the E>st<1 te ol 11700 J•mbo•H Ru<!, ln11n1 t.Nunl~ll ecrn moreorlt'U rep resen t at iv e t 0 Virqil H Bentley (under ~;~c:;~•1:J" """' 2 00 0 "' on ...,..,.,.., -·•11Y..., ~•rDor Blvd .,,. administer the estate o f t h e I n de p e n de n I 0EscR1PT10N OF woRK Tr.. :11·~~!:'.:.'':"~v,::,~:..S'°"1.: Lillian May AngovP Adm1n1strat1on of Estate~ work I• 1"-t ol •n lnlerlm """1"'9 Sent• AM Al14r on IN ..... ,..,""''" (under the Independent Ac tl The petition IS set for Fec.111y ioc.1ec1 •1 1S02'1 s..wi Ceny.,,. Thi• P--1Y 1, ,.,,,,,., io.nt111ec1 • Administration of Estates hearing in Dept No 3 at Avt,,uf In lhf City ol Irvine •·---~Pettet,.., 144-H11' C•llforno• Jiit work con\1\1\ of 10NI CHANGI NO,.... Act) The petition IS set for 700 Civic Center Drive orlHlfnQ, MPl\ell -conc.-11 peVlnQ PrOC>OWI lnlll .. .., by Ille Fount•ln hearing in Dept. No. 3 at west, 1n the City of Santa pfpl119, s.rvfce 0•1•nd, ouo11n• V•llev Pl-•no eomm1u1on '° ,..'°,. 700 Civic Center Drive. Ana, California on March ~~::n;~,'~~~~<~1~:";~~.n':":! :!.~°Ti.:,"!':~~~~~~ West, in the City of Santa 10, 1982 at 9 30 a m o•tu •nd 1uc11 other 111m• not l"'O'-•Uon o1 .w11 .,,... ... •M -11 Ana, California on March IF YOU OBJECT to the mentioned llWll .,. ,..,..,,,,, by Ille of Ille Senta AM River from M•I J 1982 at 9• JO a m Contr•ct Oocumonh Englnur, Menulec1""1nQ Dltlrlcl to Rt (Ml11 ' . ' ' granting Of the petition E•Om•te '10.000 $1nele Femlly Rufdenll•ll-11• IF YOU OBJECT to the you should either appear OPENING OF PROPOSALS T.,. Momu 01S1r1c1 Tiii• propertv " granting of the petition at the hearing and state P~,,.,,..,..,.publfcly-•"" 1ur111er-ribtOMA•wuor'sPerc•1 you should eithe,. appear your obi"ectionc, or Iii<> rucl •IJOOp m,on-r<lllO ... e?,ln No IU ·HI 1' •nd <O,..,Prl \t\ at the hearing and StatE' ,.,. Cl!v o1 Irvine eau....:11 C"'1mN,. -ro•fmett1111..:rn written ob1ect1ons with thP 11200 J•mboru Ro•d. 1rvln• CONDITIOlll.AL USE P•llMIT NO your objections or Ille court before the hearing C•lllorn•• ,,. written ob1ect1ons with the o 11TA1N1 NG co NT R "c T Petition w.,,,111.., l>'f s1epn.., M bef h . Your appearance may be oocuMENTS Plen•.Soecmouons P•rh10-••••he10ooo••"•u•.,.,, court ore the earing In person or by your •nd .a11 contr.act oocumeni. ror tM•PPY Plu•I •• "" G••ll••o Your appearance may be attorney. buSlnU\ H "'ANA!> SVSTEMS, 2031 Lauri• L.an• Cost• llMW C• '1611 IC•llh J-1 GOia. 1031 La uflt L•ne. Costa Mew. c.e '2.611 Tiii\ Minn> " con<luetfd by fn lfMllV•duel K•llhJ Golay Tf\11 fl .. _,., .. Ille<! wllll lht County (ltf1l 01 Or•n~ Counly on J•,....•Yn. •t12 l'ttt-PuDll\lle<I Or-Coe\! Oe1ly Piiot J•n 13. JO. Feb 6 U , lt11 ,,._11 PUil.iC MOTtE l'ICTITIOUS •USINEU NAMI STATEMENT T "' followino pe'"" h 0011'\9 bu\lt'l.J\., THE TUNE UP SMOP, JOJO NtWPOM Bl•d , (Oil• ~w. C•lllorl\le ,,.,, Sl•P"tn G OoB IOOI• ••JI Gftnw ooo StrHI '""'"•· C.alltorn•• .,, .. Tiii\ bUslnH• " CC>n<IUC ,.., l>Y en lncltvlduel S~ G O.Boddl• Tiii\ •1•1-1 ••• Ille<! wllll I~ Countv Cler\ 01 Or•noe County on J•nu•ry 11, 1"1 """" Pubh\NO Or-Coe\I O•oly Pilot J•n J) JO, FotD • I) 19'1 lU 11 <Ofl•tructlon ol the lnt.,im Fuellllq .A14nwe in p e f S On 0 r by y 0 Ur FKllllY. (IP~"· mo.,. obi••-CONDITIONAL USI Pl•M•T NO attorney. I F y 0 u A R E A IN THE SUl'E••Oll COUH lrOI!' 1r. City ol ln1fne Publlc Wo•-• Mt C R E D I T 0 R Ol'CALl'°•NtA Department. 2101 M<G•w Avenue. Petfll°" wbmitted by M•roe••I I F y 0 u A R E A 0 r a COUNTVOl'O•ANGI lrvfM,CA\ftoml• •-reluncl•blet .. Ad•ms lo OP•••••. M .. lcu c R E 0 IT 0 R 0 r a contingent creditor of the In,,. Mall ... ol "" .. 1c.uon o4 l'ICTITIOUS •USINIH NANIE STATIMINT The lollowlno II<"'"'" •rt doln9 butfn•n.a\ CO M"'ERCE PRINTERS l>Ol Herbor lllvd., c .. 1. -·Ce 9'1•17 TllC>me T-n. 2.SS Camelll• '-"-· (Ml•~ C• n.11 ConlltftC• A TOk .. 2U c-1118 Ln • C0<ta 11Mw. C• "617 ,.,,. bu\lneu '' conducted l>Y en lndlvlduel c.-tarceA T-•• Thi\ fl•W"-' •M hied wltll "'9 County Ciet11 o4 Oranoo Coullty on l'obruary 10 1982 l'tlBM Publl.,_ Or-Coesl 0 .. 1¥ P1lo4 FPI> U XI 17 March• ltll2 •S.a-C l'ICTlllOUS •tnlNIH NAMI STATIMINT The 10110 ... lno Pflr.ons .,. <1oint1 ; 04.H•n•'' ., \/AL JEAN, JIU W 8ell Rd., 4'n•llelm C• 92llW Ar1""' P 1.-. Jl.:J W 8•11 RCS.. """""Im, C• 92'04 e. ... rly R L-l•.:J W Ball Rd. ' AnelWtm C• fJ.IOO , Tfu1 bultn.ss ,,. tonO\olct•d by 1 • C>tMr•I partne,..,,fp t Ar11"'rP L•'-Thi\ It ... ,,_, w.. hied wltll Ille C°"nty Clen o4 Ore-C-1v °" F.oNarv 10, ltll2 .. , .... Publl"*I Or-Coell Delly Pl!ot F•t> u. JO. 21. Man:ll•. 1t112 es~ o4»soo..1110.c...,9fdtorH<"Mtt1 '"'4l<l' __ .,., .. 11111011r0011h11r11 contingent c reditor of the deceased, you must file CHARLES ••nHuR HOLBEN tor :'~::':1!:1':~:;'~1':o ..,.,t.11 "'.:~·o~ .. ~!ATION -PU Ctn deceased, you must file your claim w ith the court cNinveo4N-' PllUC 1111( P•Of'OS.llL GllARANTEE· ea'" !'LANNO.• your c laim with the court o r present i t t o the o•::=~:~~~uH ------------"'-"'1 ,,.. .. .,. .accorn-ied by• Pet111on 1ubm111ec1 1>v c Jolly or present it to the personal representative (CCl'im1 l'1CT1T1ousauS1NHS ~11,.on t!!_<...,,~_'.! ,c..,r.c,11.101°'-~cebln"1 ~11"1c~1~ 2r,~~o-11n,'1•1e' P',•.,.r personal representative appointed by the court WH EttE.AS CM4'RLES AAT11uR N-1 STATIMINT _._ ~ ~ -· .._ ., -· -•w ~-'t .. I f h f HOL91LN, PotlllOflU, flu lllell a The lollowfno "'''"' 11 dotn• o1 ,,,. 1oe.1 bid l"'ke "Y•"'• 10 ti. at 10Ho LawlOf\ River Aven ... tc appointed by the court WI " n our rnont s rom Petition wio1 '"• Cl.,.lt 01 11111 b<IS1~u1. Clly 01 lr'llne-Publlc Pec11111n perm11 111e 1..,1a11ot10<1ol•truo.-11 within four months from the date of first issuance Hoi1oret1•• court for •n Order SPOT TYPESETTING & =::,':',:.,:.::;,-::~':; !~ .. =T~~ .. --;:.';::'!!f.~ 0 , the date of first issuan ce of letters as provided In ~'::::'~:,P:•~~'::'~~' Hn~~E~o;: ~:~c"!t'.~c.~ .,.,. · U111t enter 111111 •~reel wltll "'9 Owner 11IOATIVa oac:u•ATION Of letters as provided In Section 700 Of the Probat e CHARLES ARTHUR HOLDEN; G11y L.wls ._.ft, ii1' UfllMMW, lor<Ofl•ll'U(tloneltr.1nterlmllwllnt l'or Iha"""' lclltMfflM wflh ·~ Section 700 of the Probate Cod e of California. The IT" OflOE•EO ll!et •II,,..._,, CottUolllt ... C..t2U.. Fecllfly 111 llCt--e w1111 C0111r«1 ••terltAI 1•1 NoOt• I• H-~ o.,,.., Code of California. The time for filing claims will i111oreti.ct '"IN _.,,...,.11..,, met••• Thi' ~' tt c--...., .., OcK11m...CS TMI ......., Oft Tlle tnltlel St""•· • . I ~' ...,. !Mt .._..,.. CIWf"t •I l""l•kl.._I 11 o , T f M~ eue ,.,. ,0 , Net•tl•• Oe<tar•tlon .... 11 .. ~ time for flllng claim s w ill not expire pr or to four to• • ""-°"Met-th a. ,..,, In "-c;.,y l . ._, <OflttN<tlon °' ,,. inter•"' """'no .,_,..,. n.. .,...,,_,., ,_, not expire prior to four months from the date of cwn•ton'I Of .,._.r1.._t No., 01 ,.,. Tlltt .. ...,.., we 111ee1 wlttl .,. Faclllty. 1tov1 .. Commfll" •111 <•1111"0' months from the date of the hetrlno noticed above. s.;parlor c-1 ef C..llto<nle, ~ty 01 county ci.<11 " o ... ,,.. C_.y• ... OWNl!'.R'S AIGMT .,_IHRVfO ~.~ .. el tM .......,11-"'-ltr .. lclfl '""'8-10 IW:Z Tt1e0w1w.., __ 1r.rloflttoroloct ;;;;;,kf.v.~Yit:ita~ .... the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE ~e:~~r~~ltt:::.= ·• . . ,.,._. -------------luy •• •11 111••· •• ••10 •nv THiii 1111An11u are .,.,n, YOU MAY EXAMINE the me kept by the court. """ 11 ..... Wit\' 1,. ,..111..., '°' Pvt1n11Wor.,.c..t1 o.i•y "'"" -• 19ta lnlonn•tlly 111 a 11•• •ftd to moo ..,.c .. ,.. _._,. i. ti. ,.,_,119 the flle k t b t .. ~ rt Cll•no• 01 Homo ,110111• 1101 b• Fell. 11.20.21.~h., lta w .. P't&ClllOfHMI llLl •OADWAY MCMITUAIT 1 I 0 8fOadwl!y eo.t.Mne 84~150 ,_ -•rd\ln1t1e l11Westet"'90w111r. L••• •• ,,,. ,,.,, of C•llf•rnl•, ep Y '""' cou . If you are Interested In the O••nlecl • 1------------1 PROJECTADM1N11T"AT10H n. o.¥em,,.,,. Clcl* u.oao" .._.Md If you are Interested In the estate, you may file a IT 11 "u"™'" o1'orRao .... , • 1 -• _ "C1ITtov11u1tHus <-r~ 1' te 111 -1••1t1erw.,, ,,. .,. ,...,...,.. \lt1t.v """"'<'"' c ... estate, you may file a request with tt· coort to ct111v •'IN•~ 1o St.-c-• r-••- ,,.. .:=1!!A:::,,~, d•'"' f,'!r,: ~=·::.:;:;."'~'::~!!: Tl•u1. request with the court to receive special 1lotlce of t""'""'d in 111e oe11, ""•' ------------- 11ut111<>M••· •11 qt1e111w .... 11 ... 1e t1111 tw•tect ..!!!°.!~ =.,~:!0,.T:,_ ':::...~ receive special notice of the Inventory of es tat~ ci:: .. =·.:1M":':"&;,.: C:'. ":.c::.~!:'~":ru A.F "· C'ACTttOHICS. '* s.e 1>tlor to '"' -lllflO"' bHJ• "'-'' 11t w111.,. ""'"..,...,I.I'll~ .... •., the Inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, ce111ot111• • ..,ce • ..... ,., '•111 Tu toll••'"' ,.,. .... I• •••nt :;:,~Oft .... C-t• MeM. eei1..,"'• =~w'.:.~1:,=~·c11Y '"• '"""' 11urlht 11 '"""., assetsandofthepetltlons, accounts ano reports wccou1 ... _.,.,,.., ......... w11M•au.; At_, "••nt HlnMr, •• k • ·-~ • .,.,.., !:~~~·.:"~e,:''~::.;·~ accounts and r e ports described In Section l200.S '°'0==~:'.'r;., 11.~~C:."=.i::::u;-t...,..,. ••llff ortw, C.t• -... eett,.,111. '"'°"'CltJtf ...,._1_,,..,., •• ...,..1 .. "''· described In Section 1200.5 of tht California Probate "°"41.0M ""'"""' 111.., t. ..,_., 1..n CNN IA&.TI •••• ~:i, ...._ 1, c_...., "" .. ~..i:.:~:... ~IH1'1tlll00, ~oJhe Cetlfornla Probate COde. =:~ ~~ .. ~..a:, ""' SMTH I mNLL 111e11t1ctue1. C..4lllloll ,.._.. c->•INrt t. M 11 an M . 0 o I t a I , •u·u.. ........ llldlvtdliM. ~CHAI'& ,111, .. :t~, .. wMll , .. "~'r.-: .. <;,-:, CMtt 0°11v .~::· "'*'"'"a-.... c-.1 0.11, ,.,..,., t"L· J.c:•lt Ha00U, Attom0 1 •Y Attorney at Law, sos crtv wooun,AM&&..0 • n.ucNH ~" ... ~ .. -~,. ... ,.. _ .. -E 1-n St ,... ,. • • ... • 1 1• 111.-1 aw, 1 vtr r ve, P•rkw•y Wes1 S"lt• ,000 ~ ,, .. -.-.. -.... , " c:e.inty ~,. °' .,.,....,.. "°""'' ... Suite a3 N-ha<" Or1n~1--111 ' ,:u.. · t 1' .., .... ..,.. ..._ __ c-•~ (leftl ., °".,. c..-, 41' c.o..t• Maa JMW1ry1'; "'' lllli Piil . ·--. , ' -. & .... , • • .. ...... .__.c..MfWlll..... ..__..,.. .. &46-9371 ""• Follow your team z'n the CA .; <71•> MJ.1'4t. <11•> m•. " .. ' ,, .. ~..... .,_ .. --------------~ ~ OI'-. C..tt 0.llY Pl194 . ~• .... Orentt Cillttt Otill; ~.... """i.11...., Or .... Coetl Otllj Jnot """""-°' ... ~ o.11y "'~ ~· .... Or .... ~ o.I•• ..... • ~·• ._,,,,.,n,•• .01.ct '----~~--------..;_.;;..;....;...__, __ ..:::..-..;...o~u,... •.r.ll.1• ..,.. ~" u ... .._ ~ J1111 u..-.M: .. , ,.. oMf ... u.-.11,M9rdl•,"9 ' Orange Oout DAIL v PILOT/Saturday, Ftbru•rx 13. 1982 I . I 1111111110 The marketplace on the Orange Coast .. 642-5618 Median income of Dally Pilot f amdle1 exceeds 134,000 a year. Your ad reochea the county's most affluent buying au· dtence INDEX -.............. I T t Mor'nr11.T--·1t •.-..o.air.......-... uoo ~ SJso l L.A-w__._... 707 HelpW-.ttd 7100ttetpW..+td 7100'.!!'f.~~ ..... !!.~! ......-.z1.1, NI ,.,.7 • •• .... ~ ~ wn~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l lt ,_ Y11r M, C.I :: ~ 5035 o.idi 50JS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• E:rtr1 Eam1n11. nfftd -••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I.oat Man 's 8ulovo SINCil t:S &a"luhJlou,t•kt~pcr liAHYSITTING Uarhn~ IOOIUCIEPH peoplt1 who havt 10.JS SattlH-C Watrh, SO years old Q>mp1lan11 J h~l or 1•lr111 With rderentta sel'h II mfl& old rnb 'J)(•r11l Newport 8e1eh ad l"lnlblt' houN per wttk All l)'PtS !f':t11 ~state ke,puk.:. al•o Gold bl ... ~iniill'' tll or live In )ltu1111un in 1on~01WloOllh1~n10111 vrrtl\IJlll a11eo1.·y need• C.ntam uptoSU SIOO• 642·5678 For Real Estate salts & rentals, please see today's special ESTATE pull-out section efsewhere in this paper. Daily Pilat BUSINESS. INY£ST MCllT, FINANCE .._,,,.....,." Of"* I tw.l'll•'W"-• ~ .,.,.,., ift, '°'' lhf"l OJ pt1fl ' IMt"'llmrM\\•rt• .. 11 \11,llh4'\ tol411tn "°"''"•'"N \4••1t.I#• Tl• ANNOUNC£M£NTS. PEISONALS & LOST & FOUND '"',..""1M""''n1, c. ., r,u t.rut''""' .. ......... t111r1.nd .. ",..,'' ....... t I IJJI"" fuHI SERVICES CM'LOYMENT & PRf'AUTION ''HA•· IMlrv1l1M1 Jvo " .... , ... , u .. ,.., "•'•tr-d \If. t MCRCHANOISC """'"''.,..... 't'V"I•"'<• 4wlfl"" ... ,,~ .. ~M1fl\t\1•1"t 1.,1 I .n..-•, 4 • -.u~1·t1 • 1 '•"' .... h"'J '"" t"rrhlW-h t,.,,,,.-'°itlt' U1lf'V' UiCMM"hi*d 11••111 J,...,M,, ""'""~" ~•dh«Wn. M1M""t1IAl"llMtil'I W1~ •ti•'""-..~"' •rT\"I """''"•' ''"'"'" •m t•hr-f" twrn j, t • •\ ,.... t>1•,._.,... Ut.111r1• ,.._..1111 M•1hm...., l1•M,•I ..... , "•'"' ~·I\ u' .,,.., ~•flf\40 • ..-.. ... ....._,, ...... . ..,, ........ l flri•"'' ....... '-•I ..,~·"· ....... ,, -. ..,..."',.,., .....,., ,., . ..,, TRANSPORTATION ''"' •" l •m1Ji11, , .. , ....... ~, .... hut.th "Olll'•IWrt•f' -...w H II' ""' •i4f~ w • .ivt ftrth '-'' ku' Tt.1l.1\ l••HI httlt'r\ t ttlil\ 4t1l11 "Wt\Ut 114n' AUTOMOBILE ,,..,....,. .-... ,. 11 .. "' "•'-"'\'"' .. '-••1 M,u, lif·•I , .. J\••ll•• ••• ...... \ •lfl Atot111 I,. .• ,,., \ , .. , .... nh·' AUTOS, IMPORTED ....... ,. "1 .. k. f01 \t;>l1 Aw.,11" lh •" 11\IV. ~~L"' V•\ ~ ...... •• , ....... '•·"· h11 .• ,. 1\11 nl.l1111t.t1. • v .. ,1. \l1 • 1. h. ~, ~ .. ... l ... .... l' .. .u ••• ...... 1,.,,,,, H•o•wU l~>tlh t(u1 k•.,tt ,... .. ,.. . ~ ~"'f I"''"• I \1•••\· 4.:t '""" ... ,., tLi • \,t·I ,. t '""'o .,.,, ... 1.1 II\'' 1, ' • ., .. 1 \ ""''" • AUTOS, NEW AUIOS. USCD "'"' ..... ,, .. ... tl!u '"' ,, ' ""' ...... .. .... .. .. ... ,,,, ·-· . ..... .. ,. .... ... WHOLESALE uivt'3tmentulnt•1.•l941l. RlnJ with i1ma ll •r rn1 Casuul l(l't to llt'lhrrh Ur1n~1: Co with n In" hn ti 30 12 noon uper Boukkrepcr Wffkde~ndln1ontime JEAH STOii prt"e1oua •tOnl!, In or Suereoful uttr11t'ti\I' 'l1\1llchlldl"{'O 770 0317 1-'rb 22 thru t'cb 26 Our MUJjt bt ublt to handlt f-'or complrlt inrorma Ownyourow11be11utlrul S,.CllhMc)ln oround Soot• Ana 3$-411 Send photo. bnef Youn11 morrtt'd m.i homl' or Po" >0 Ur& bookkttptnfC thru TU llOOC1115497N2 dw11~ner Jenn and 21MtTDa Courthouse. 2 8 82 ~enptlOll ro R ttcn6 Y>-OUldllkt.<oddJoblll'VI', CdMarr• t>73 ns7 l>ullell 1ndudt r rt t'emalt' t'lftterta, part aporhY>l'.tr ,lo rt 642·2171 545·061 I REWARD CallM69927 CM92627 & wkt>nd) tun do · Ar. AIR, b1llln~ l.'ll trrr.-, 11trmtnent poll 1o·11~h1ons from P.im. Wlr>OW llAS SU for l.11•t Jet bllll'k 1i111 It· vmf'IY or hand.vma Applymj)t'rson fo1i.yth tlon no weekend• C11l Inc , orreri; tht• un1n11c TD' RF. l OK . Bl •PROF ESCORTS* Jobs lrl2 ~ l'Vl'• .i~k liankln6' Adv tr I Id l n 8 I GI 7 873-4.oo aner6 Eves ., s. • uons. I Srnrnese Ut' •<·quln lll\M 4AM lorUill LOA.HSEC'Y Wmll'11ffDr Ste212 • opportunity to ~I'll na Up N0Cr1-dil Chl'l'k. No roller "Klkl Buy" Lost Mon Ft1 1140 !14:11 ~11t·ntncr Ill r•OC:l!U L-PUii tune sales person. honally known bn111d1> Pt'llllll> Ot'nni~\()0 As from l'llr 17th Tu:illn I 8aby1>1tlln11 Ol'1400rn It ma ('00\t'nltona A t•on for Country French wMlesall' d1r1•1·t to thl' 3()( 673 7311 CM HEWARI> M<IUl'!< U>NEl,\'OH BOR~:u' four ) r ~ "' \' htructton loan' l'rC' BOOKKEEPER· Store, lamb• n' hy puhllr $20.000 00 '" ... rlltA c ... SH? u~ ~5212, &46 ms ' Exl'llUll: l.idtl'' 14 tll I'll Brook hu ri-1 6i t II•~ ferrtd Con la ti Jton ACCOUNT AMT ~MOO rludes beg1nnml( '"'I'll n~g, " ~ d l b fl t blk tt1rta111 you Irv phnnt· !164 6112 ruler 7~ l!801. ~: O ~; ~alestalt Dev11lopm,.nt u~ Wf)1 fo.turt'' t>xh•111>1vl' Tru~t Dt>t'd munt•y · OW\· yg 3 · e, St!t11lnu11te&j.1honr••for l N•Jrse~ l\1d w.inl~ duy Orwll(el'oastS11vu1i:, firm requires 1n nm-u"'areh ... II Lruming prol(rurn, trip J\Utluhll' 2nd 01 3rdl "" wht,on rhea~. Plucen ddaib (';1thy J> 0 I.lo\ I work a' 1ompu111on. 1708 \dams, l M dnrdual with at ll'a,1 1 Laguna Bear ru to "'0 rkt'l o1111l ••rdnd 'fu·,on restdl'nllalortn ha&\\rlson 64Z~!l·I '""" 120. Sanln AnJ l'\ .. h···-'fuur 1· .. n•nf t•ldi·r Tirrr Rt'la1I Salt'~ Exp .. .., ,. -·o , ...... • u Yt.ir bookkeep1ni: f'~ Pref Coa~t H.ird.,are Oj.11•n1n11 11rumu11on' ro~ propertre\ We t'ouod ~·emale l • .ib pup !rl71M ly l.111 .. 11 r1'11·rl·n1 I'' pent'nt'l' PobttlOn rn ....... ,,.. 1 AbMllutdy no l·Om""tl h.tn<llr a full rJnt:e of bh1rk & wh1h· ~1.ill' 54!1 OJ7J Bankini: ··lud"• r•spon•1b1ht1t-~ ...,, .....,.. "' l\l'llll) (ir 11.,s • •• " ., oon wlltnl( f1rsl \jUJlll) rrortgage coveru11t' at Golf!t>n Rl'lrrn n Pleai1e call your mter ER mvolv1ng both construe HOTIL 11ll:'rrh11ndtRl' n•11· eompt>lltlvc rates New po r l I\ 11 Im o I 707 462 411:15 I lovi• you Http Wanttd 7100 Jll.l lion & property mgl f'toot olf1rt personnel FORIROCHURE <.'ourtesy to litukl'r~ Stll'lll'r 125 Me~u 1>1 •••••••••••••••••••••" t1ll.l.TIMf lllllnagernent arroun1 Needed at luxur) A.ND IHfORMA. TIOM 714 760 I 551 a~ k (or (. M 644 3656 M11n 40 tiO .illr i·nJu\ ~ A.CCOUMTIHG 1'00.11100 &\ allallll' m our m~ Please forward re Laguna Re arh Hotel Slt•,eorUuane F .. r .. ma I e l,ife Wented b\ 11n•1t\ "--· hC Pl ff Urnt! U> Contart Rick Elllotl IY MAIL o u n " "' , ,_.. J b (' I> 1 Cl.ERK ,,.,.., OJsl azJ 11 1rr 11, I I Au•tral1·.1n s.·h·phurcl uu\ aro, 1\'ll l' E r .• TRAMMELL CIWn ~~.77 ..... C..., t TOLL FRir.E .o.----~; ~ ' ' La"Ul)ll u •. l'h !l:!nl Newpor1 Ut'al'11 Pr 11,111•1 I .xprnt-n<·e .. Prl' t•rreu ('() _ ,.._ .. ~ ...... m• '"'Ill" n11•' lt1•1l 1·11ll11r .. ,. ..,..u • '· " ( 11 l K th Am ''"' 800.527 I 018 P---'a/ '"' ~ " I} M&lliJl(t'nll'nl r inn °' at· a . ' 179411"1lch rtd ..... • "'·-..... ! ... "" Joun Gmu11 Looktllj( for "'· II 1 t \ 1·111 "I''' •10 40llli • 11 • --& r.....;_...t """ ""'"' n~"w> et•ep 111fl1' r u " ' " Irvine C'I\ .,.,,,1. ,;,, 2920N MJ111St1et>I unt rvunu • Add1t111nal (;,ti, '1'11 ''I k l'I ~" • P T ·o found 14hrt1· ni i H'd ..... Jr" ,..0 ,•ktlJ' ... Jtltn" t'llWlltnl!' t'r 10111•, • I• ans ('ll;:l' 7~6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'It k ) ., l' ''" -: ... , ' > .. r)ptnl( 40 \\ P\I 1>.111) , l•--------•IAmowtcernt;,ts ~I 00 . U\ \ · mo o:.IJ I out o I '\ 1\<1101 I &nkmg Def· rh·d \1• CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ••••••••••••••• • ••• ••' 0 \l~a \rt'J 1714 ~<,;! 1'!00 l'Ollnl' ltl't'l'I hll' $!1!111 :-...~ b027 :.~· leClllty/lorber Shop •SPIRITUAL . Uespt•ralt· llH!I 111 11 rn1 Call 1151 !1277 Ht·lurt• ·;:~ CoronJ def ~t.1r hi") READIMG• l ~uund 2 ~mldOl!h.mJll' i:en1·1ou~ monl'l.tr\ Noon EOE So•lncp&Loon tll5 Town Centl'' Ill CASHIER/SA.LES HOUSEWARE DEPT. f\111 ttmr· i\ppl~ l 'ro" n llJrd"•m 3111i 1-. l'o.i't II"~ Cd~I •·• 14elf est U"l'rJlc•n IH15 S ~J !'.11n11111 Ht•Jl '1l'18"1:.'!.11·.,~~.wanb Ii. Ht•\I fnend CJll!JM 7111!11 ·--... --... --" .... .,..., Custa ~ksa, !121i;!h ~·: Super to1·a1111r1 1l\1,11 !:>an l'll'nll'ntt• 1!12 7~1t; ACCTG CLERk Jo.(lu.it Opportunin \IH' lll'1'(lr, 11111m le• F\J lh hc I Found bll~tlt> hu~ 'I l'ayablt's & r<'l!'t\,thl1•s I" loi ::~ i:ro"' .\n\lou' ,l'llt•r l>la1 k Cru.-1•r \'11 . 1 1-'0l>l IU rrunuJI !\-di:"" .mpo~er l'll0J11111g I.ad) Alhlt·lt•· ,,,, ~.00.1 PREGMAMT? thu1:k1e C'htC1'l' l'tUJ, Pmonal S•nlCH 5360 ron~lrntliOll Mll 1•:.lall· ---------1 rt1uti,hl.a1I~~-. ~IPt<' ,'. 11,1 l'llEGNANl'Y II B K!ll Gltiti •••••••••••••••••••••.. de1t•lo1>mt·n1 t·x11c•r11·111·,· Bootdteepirtg/ "on ru rr "' "' ar r.P JI 11 ·i·ES11,.1., 1 • • • 110"' \HUU'I A r 1• Cle-A. 5.51 -1"121 f••(IU/Jl(l al' t IUO ' H>l !'; [) S Jl 1l1 1111\ pre l'rrt'd . > ptn~. 10 .-.. • •· ~JA,.J. \BOHTIO\ ' · YALEHTIHE k e) b \ to u , I f., r ~" p t H , h Counl'r Clcrk for hu') ~ ... : ••• -~;j Mifwi/iJ:~ KIRTH<:O"ffROL f0~ker .;"'"< {\t~rh I t'\LL 'fon<omokl'r E\tt•llt•nl lu'l>l;JUrant Call f111 •Ii' nwd litb JO,\\! lil'\1 · ,... 24HrHeiLln~ ~inhi~e erner l'S,1 Tllt.SWEETllt1\llT'l j rompan\ h1tnd11' pornlrllt'nt.IAfiO:!Ol .11.. \lun~'rr1'.ircn64011l40 ~·· 6'?-}-81.W SAJ.9 95 l.ori:r C~ekapoo Ooxi<. I :?4 II It ES l' II II T Lul·ated 111 Nt•"purl lor\1gt orbookkt'tpi'r 314 f Co ., Gn•ul Dane. Ooh1e mr~.1 SERVICI' I Center $IOOO mo Offttol A.uhtont 1 . HtHwy.,CdM \\onlt'11's l'1•n1..r,112JE l!m•k) lnrnt'.J\ntmal Ol'TCALlONI' Rtdl("JYLld720 0101 IOOKKEEPER l'Xpt>rtl'nted 'l'"lmll lilh SI : l ltl Jo ''' 'I \ t o11t'l1•nl1·1 75-1 .l7'.H 714 G4l 1522 F lrmi: (111 ' H t ''" Be de h OffH •· I ti J' L· I L' l 11 firm \!111 ·.1 'r' ' '"r "t' l' k ~:' l ,. 111• n I l" •.............. nt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r OllJH r I'm II I l'. 11122•, NPT BL\ lJ Ant•"Ul' He:.lorJl111n .. ""' r ... u...., I ht ll I k \ ... R1>s11 lot r11mp11t1•1 ilfll uo;·lll' 11~ Opportunl'ty so 15 PSYCHIC & ""'II " 11 I ('0STA :'.! E!'. \ P~r1 'l1nlt' \l"Jh· IM1wr rnu•, ."'l'l.' r1·1· BIJ\ ('''''I 1.16 411fiH ,,, I °1;1•"1.rnd ~ltl':HJ1l1•11. ,\Sl\Al!Cll'TTllF rt I ~ u' ' .. ' "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• AstroloqyReadin9s AnlllJUl' Uu 111 K & lhru lnal hJlunn S1•11Cl OfXfi\I SfXHET\ln "'· ti Blk~ from l11•arh 2 f W1·~tflll1t>ll'Tll!l2 Hifi \ \1.1:'\TINES l>i\Y Hl"'iluriltrun !. F11lltl.t\• I I I .. , Cl ~hr PT Car 00 5123 HOUSREEPEI 5 dJ\ week. sona· ehrldt·ar\' Near bu~ l'urona del M ar 714 760 9422 HOUSB<EEPERS The St-Jthff Mott>I. 1661 So C', t H"' ~ L II 494 9717 Housewares Gourmet Lagun.i Ueach f'ull Ti!Tl(' Rl'ta1I Sales f.~p Pref Coa" llarrl14 ar1· .un 1403 INSUR1\\CE Exper ant il:.~r ~l.tnl ror rum m.>rual hnt'~ 14 ma 1or 1ru. brokt•rai:e frrm 1n :'llB . ~alar) l'Ofll rrer1.,urall' " 'rx pn for .i n a pp t 1• J 11 1 7 t I 1 1)4.t s.52:? ··· 1 I l''l & run 11t .. n11.d 25 Sl'Jo:t L\I 1,.u 1~5 rt''""''-' "' 'a ar) r1· e\j)l'r \re )nu lool\tnl: .. . hou.,t'S S!ll• :\Ott ""~" r,•nt \ 1, "' tJ I 1 e \ l>JJl F11u111I Sht'phl'rd l 11lh1· qi.nri•int>nl' I<• .Fl'lrl· ull fur ,1 rP10Jrdin1: < ;irt·l'r " !I f tn.tnl 111).: In\ l'''' I '.ll \.'ll(X \lrx \tnJ !Ilk & (i11hl \1t \IS\ \l'< I' I \l"I \I/\\ \(;,. II l.t'\' ~ \ .111Cit•mr rl Iii l i UIJl>l\ "1th \lnl flOll'nll,tl I L~ Secretory r ::·I l>l.r 714 !)'1 i'11Sh ! \\dhJ111l1·ll• \II \11 ll1~hl.ind ll•h T d 54501 ~mrrt'ltrt.>d <uupk 1111 w .. -i1l1lf l>r a·•u1 fot pt•r-tlfldl l(ro"th ,\I m!Tl(• ial<' openrn~ or ~.13 51!1'1 !WI .,--·1 il~J 88211 I "" Iii untl rnmplr' 111 (' \I I ~''"purl 1!1· •I• 11 1· \I 1i•111I!n1111111 ·• O 11 r ex per lt•.:al s.<'r ) trt '.;,. . • • • • • • • •, • • • • • i •. , ••,••<:·~;····,···s·k••, .. ••• Mamt~n.inl'e exµ r 1·•1 I 9'.)W rmdt•rn pr11i:t'"'' ~ •111' rapid" expand mg pre '" lnvestmt.r Lot•~' ~JO() llFWAlll> l.1hl \111• I '1 •Ul ,·10111•, t n·.1' 54:~11o.13:1 ~b 'nur <'V"'rl1w tn ~11g1ou' '\pt Bch la"' ;::. 'N.-dcj 5020 •• :.:~: ••• ~~ ...... ~ •••• ' ~latk 'hort h:.1n·d 1.11 111 ~uth1•rn !'.tl1f111111J IOOt<KUPER rnmplrm1:nl :· hri:hh firm \llJ!>l ht> ,di ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 II \II \\l',llllt11\h'I 1~ no" ,1\.11l,il1h 1111 \Tll::.'11\''T Lt\t• tn [' llmt Y,·ork at ht11m mtllJ\..tlt>d /.. ,t.;tllt'CI ~litrtt•r \IJ~ COJrd II I'll ('nrp " Iii p.ilntil ,.110q \tontt· \'''a ~ 1>-14:1 ~l !'~ SI 111lo•lr,1k1 1 1111\ 01 :.! month' '''"' cir-. ('.ill \n,wi•r \d : :i•ix 11, .i 111 X 1n1 h ... n t' f 11 per ReJI tAstate bark vntducL~ l 'l•tl tn Ir"' Ptnonals 'Oli2. founl.11ll \ .oll1·' .ihll'd prof "um.1 n 24h,....~2 431K• Pi.1lk,11!t' ind mt•d in'. l!round hl·lpful Sal;in ,.M hndge, llldnl!' .•\na FOUND ADS 5350 l'.\!1:!7111 6452JS7.or~l3442 ~"''r<"'nlJ"uofpr1·-'ur uyen (Jll llrlda I I •••••••••••••••••••••• ·1 B001111R.f.PR.R ... ~ ,... '" 9-5 , .... I • 1 ' St.1d1um 'l u~I re• llWlf &. ""-do nt & 1 ""~ c Iron ~1600 1r nuahlll'd i "'""' '' • .... e~pand Ll'l'.kJ~, ;;;:iX!l ARE FREE AHantis Massa9~ 01,,.,'0'(f'lft · ATIEHTIOH: Bu'\ ini.urJnn• 111111 NB 64•17922 ., LEG\I SEC'RETARY "I C Oj)l'n24hr~JdJI eporotiOft l\mlotttuu~ bo\, .1nd pam hd~ OPf'lllnl! fur l It II R I \:I MoMytoloan 5025 all 7d k . • ...................... , fast ~al·ed pl'r ... 11n \11 ()('nlr~l .aj!una I s e<'l'n a,_,_ __ /I t/ ; d}Sd>lt.'e or_..__._, !!Iris IO 13 )l'.tr' old to hand e ·•ceount·. p.·~J 0.....__RO... Calif prollale ex .. _,, n•ts ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\9 Cori:eou~ l?trls to,-k p ·' • nnv-A F: ... r:__..:... 2nrt TD to •1 mill .. , I 642-5678 am' r vou. Ja•·u· zzr. lntnlCHOft 70051 wor on~ or l"" '''"n bli> bunk depo~1l~ & ~:nl'ral't11•ex1lt'r·rt As~'' µenl'nt'I' necessary .1\ ~... nnanc;.,. • • P Pl' • · 111°1-;i wrrk "••ltllH' "' •·411ont t• ptn" & S II Ir [) '""Un3',.:··alsaswollas ••••••••••••••••••••••• " "' "0 ~n°' •t~tt•np•nh lanl 11°rd0 d for l1u,\. 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Slit\ l!ro" J>t•r m•• I .t!~11~11i.<. wekome 714 &45 3433 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Andn·a. ti42 4321, ,.,.., ~!I !19'.!3 ~tan $.'.> hrK.~U 1201 SHrd.i),0~.5891 Enc 1>41117fi3 \e,·nt ;;~~;;·;1~·~~··1~~·~·~·,~~ l..i"l !)mit. l.Jlk & br""· 2112 1tarbor81.CM ' CompaniontlJnvt-r. 3 nrs 343 1 .•••••••••••• --'a LI\ E 1-..; L'neml·um )r dt~rnunt ~ 11 mo 11 l'Jr k 1;ret'n l)r C'orona dNaiBly aHskpR 6t3k~~;i 9'J9 lirred \nuni: lad\ for IT~lml E\(,ft \\ l"· \"'>IS 7IJ'll "•'I \Id I l h I Id Linda' Vicki's Ph lits rea IA.IYSITIE:R • • ll~ht he~'l'kl'eprng. l..m SIG:'\ CO\! I'\\' ••I.' ED R .\TL incl 111 ht•o1rtlirok1·11 iW 8728 !t __ .. k Siller nc'f·rled 5 da \'~ 1,.:r IMMEDIATE OPEHIHG • Pl~ hlHTk' ReasonJ bit· \\ork out 111 \11111 """ ' "' r I •ESCORTS• XJ.nt lyptst 11"'""5 l41lf \<eek an our h11m1· tu''' I • '.ii.II'\ l':.tl .\Ir Ruh1n1. II •'F'ull\ \11~111111·11 REW.A.RD! I word processmit h.ick r 111 trt t Motor route in Prime Newport i;.io ·ns hon'' Sm.i ~11.1n re"l ·~'111, ''~um,d1IP 1 1 ·r 11 I Ill BACK&BETTt;R ground Brtl\' l'\'S I !lr mo o 1111 • • • -• rmmmg,, i •· ~n).!ra\ln).! n1.trh1n1• •\11 l'r1• l'.11n11·11 1 ,·,<'.,~'.,"';:·~;~::~ j:~'.1 1 'J'Hi\NEVER' 24 11RS 646-9104 8921115~ aft" e ill !leach arcJ Low mtlco; ap LOAHDEPT =·· f.ihrttollln); l.ihli·" f>1·n.11l\ \1rrm .. 1 l'I ,1n<l l'ldtn 669-0207 R r d Id ks &12lli71 • prox1matcl) 350 IU~tomer~ • bJ\tn)!,JndLoanA,,n ··• 1ll'\C'I l'llL' tn\ " mn \.'Htor ~k1i1 .111 11.!ll~ • \I c Outraltl e r~e .i > Ht · lialn"lltr "''1"1i·tl 1111 Weckda) hour~ 2 :~O 5 30pm • In( a I rd 1n -.:el4 port ••· nld" e ,1 .l1'd) I I '''' l "'1 1 1''a 1 emp ymenta~nimpa , 'd,n' IJl'f "•·•·k m1 • S &S 7 u m lllr;irhwi·k,ad\nJmrf • .. 9 11 1 ~' , T k 1 1 I Mb IJZ! t mon or hsekpr 1h.'e''' I homt 111 Turtll'rtid. :•"I at un Sam· am .-1tn1mu • ••• "'4 4 ~l' ' 01'" UI ,.. "P a ·r lllllt •I rt• a.>. !'aim Ps)'rh1c Rcadtn"S ting l gourml't 1·nok. old \'"Ill'· uo, 11r• I • amount of eollectin" For d<· .rnd r><·r,u;1'1\l' person ... ~>JO&ll~lll~I and shop JI hnnw ll' p.o.nROTRrw ... RO' ,.. r """"" "" I ... ,, ( .. '" ,,mple "ilh ll.otl\ Pilot """ ~ " • Past.present.future free to travel rl' I tatls l'Jll Rruce Carly 01 • 1· .11· rt 1 n · t•u :." l; \R \Gt.. b \U . .id" rn l'lm1f1ed Ad' \nrf 11 ~n;~, S~~~~eh,~ \ :1~!~~~k ,. .idnsor Marge ~.am BABYSITTER • Foster Ouell('l al 642 4321 I ~l'~~~hu~~ 1 ~;! lt:·!,1;11 0 lht· Dail\ !'tint bnn~ vou ha•e ~unwthrni: \(1 c:11·1•n 14 blittk heak 11-l 871 5110 Joume)manParnter \ldturp l\l\llli.j.lt'r>onlt • • I m('ll•UrJlt• ""ht\ ::· ~~~\ ~~:u!';nf\.P1~d~ t·~~1r.:~1 ~dr\r11,1~.~e1~~ ~l~~~~ri~!it:!~i~~l11" I ~~1~~J:5'.·~~1~Co11 ~~~~~ ~01T ,".,~~~ 1' ~~~~fn;02h~!ld~~n ~,'~I ·············· I f)l'nen~~1;-:Ji1fi{J6() phonl'IH2 ~1itllocl.i1' &t25678 1 f11len11al 97~9621 l.nuwhome 5S2·17fi3 ~~~.~:~~~~ ...... ~~ ............ ~~!'!~ ............. ,~~:~~~~~~! .. ~~ ............. 1 ~~ ............. 1~~!'!? .. ~··~···r~~~ .............. . ---... -----1 ~~\1~~~~e~ m~1 4h0,01'~ l'uqu m. , 11.1 ct,., k , JM BldcJ Sy"ems F'ormrni: O"n Hu~rn<·" H0\1E IMPIHJ\ ~. \H 'T "'j)\~.H£ '.~l1' .1 1 ,~ \' EXPf.RT ~Rll'I\ \\II FILL M f S4!i 111541(' \f J>JllO!. h 11'".''' l.11 rt Fll't•tle~ii.:n frt•H!.1 I 'r~ Exp LamhlJPtnR, REPAIR Pl,l "1lll~f1 J,~1 j~~<'~~: ,;¥~~j?·tm ~l.c.o>nl'\ :->in.ill J11h' ,& Papmn9 RoofinCJ ..••...........•....... ··········~············ LI< P\PtHll\,t,f-R ~RFP\IRSF'ORLESS fkinil1 cl !i. )!u;ir :\n 111b Shmi:lt\ flat 30 ) rs ft .lohnorH11·i..·1.•IJ21H ll••>m ddlllins ll.'nrnt c;rdns.: & Rmk Palm~ lle;it1ng, l'arµt•nln i : . · :'. rl'J)Jtr... h11t1. 1,1~1!'1:' rnECIAL ll,JbVSllttnR, ni·'ol-1.inrn lo I J I . • ' t:nl1I Prof St-I\ ICl' JI l'ICl, ule ~fl'l' t'~l ~o l HOBIN SCJ.~.1\ ... 1:'\11 H1•fs ss. 15.'>5. 11>0 .. ,. I loo 'ma II nrlo<da rl!4' <'.XP f'rl't' est i70 2725 Frei •·~I Tun: .~!Ill n:111 Huber Roofrng 1111 type~ M ) r~ M F' Exp d Co'lM'tSenict rmpr11vemt•n1 in I Pnft'S Sure In Pll'J~e JObloosmall 64521!11 St>n1r1· athuroughl) l.A.'illSCP MA.'1 <1,rn lJ 67 P D R.:tker flaroor &n OilCI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~uran('(' "ork rte• h I tious SIO oss-er ay \\e C'<ire Crpt ( 'lraner~ paU<h 4.'111 2115 b 1 !I & \\ ~: RC' pa Ifs pa In I In I! r ('JO l' I CortCp~lt' Lr< "'' \\ \I.I p \ r~:lt -.:e" rerO\er dl't'~> All ktnti~ Free e'l Lit •illll02 548.9,;µ ;l's ALL you pa) Bab>~lllrni: 1n m\ homl' Stram rltan <\. up hots ;;n soo; I 11 JIJ 171 I Gar rte n 1 n I: (' 11 mp I carpentr) Ch mt 1an. ''-' I 20 ~ r. Free l'~l ~JI, ll'!l l for a East Costa ~le~d ;irr.i Truck mount unit Draptri di•an up & free h.iuhnl! ll.ible1!97 9262 IMMACULATE Mo•inc) ~dayad ,\ges0.4Jud~ Sll!i28t> \\ork_guar ti15:!71fi H foru.,~bleitem~ JA(1\0F'/\lLTRADF:S I CltaninqSe!"'fices ••••••••••••••••••••• .. SI I roll Lil 3:10!1!!11 He rt Roofin :'olorm 645 <>1180 'Qu°Tty Roofm11. ~r nn. PAPER H,\Nl;t:R F'lnl' llome~ "645 01().1 Prof qu:iht~ "ork ~Tt'f'l"l Ste\eSli 42111 '"the ~tcy . . Shampoo & ~lt-..rn l'lt•JJI I t .. ~sru~i·d·r·J·;,:;;;!>··,·~1 :\lirh;iel IHS 6731 ('all day or nri:ht. HoO'lt'S 67!19755 Off1c,•o; • 1\Ht' MO\' I"\(; ~ \I' DAILY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Color bn~hll'n,•ri. "hi m) home b" ~1 C'rlizen Gardenrn~ \\ anlrd I •Jack 6i5 3014 • pnif lol4 r.ilt·~ (Ju11 k ,'LOT for all you need lo kno" l'rpts 10 n11n lilt Jt h \Int ref~ L"l' '"~' of ~I~ 111g. edi!tni.!. r .•kin)!. REl\SONA UIS d careful sen It e 552 11110 Ql..ALIT' about bankrupt1 \ l'all 1 •.. 11 1 rl S " • , 14 t' e p 1 n.: fo' r "r Home rll'anrng dl'pen .i I f'apt>nn~ Pa1n1rni: ROOFLEAKH•, •• rourtngh1 & Son Roorrn11. SEIYICE • ( ,.; w J\ JO rm~ 15 rahr1t·s rr('1• t•st PROMPT FRt:Ef.ST ble honl'Sl l'lraM·d to •A·I MOVIH.G • F'rl'el'lol JJnts55202Jl 114 83.~ llti, a\g room s;·~1 rouch ~~ I eslllllJte~ fi4s 4JU 1•r ALMOSTE\'Elt'r sausfarhon 55144!>4 ~mCJ DJo-W~g~y lkildtn s10. rhr s.s Guar thm n... alt ~smc RF.PAJRNEEDfm LIJRRAINF:·sumu. ~~~ ,~u.;~1~~~·1n.;"~'.~':~~ wP~'~·::~~\~·~~1;~11[, t~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Free u t 586 529~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• fX'lo<lor C'rpt n•pJtr ... ,w <.'l'STOM GARl>ENINC; DAVE645 4757 Sl::RVICE.. REFS Co lilt t' r \ts Bl'DGt:,I R \TES L1c'd Ask For S.dro FINE llO~H: 15 yrs e~p f>o "ork •l•l•R•t~.·\•l•l••·,~·,•,•1 •s•T•1•c•• Rts1d 'I Comm I ... ~ .... Ca~nt"' Tile 1 ""''Tl trans ""2 0•10 t•\ ~ ~~opo\ertmt!! 1~~. 135j ' ~. ) r~ r. a r) Gum Pf lo" min Sml Job~ 01\ Your Daily Pilot 1uPRO\'E'I E!llTS m\-setr Refs 531 OIOI '"' ' ~ · l1n unc: 893 JS7i, X i3 "~ '·' • V'" "" " . " ""' "" ...,..4Jb6 Fteerst Ins 641 iSRl Serv1re DtreC'ton "' " " ' ' • lh r>t>xp FUii\ h1 'd & .,... Plumb Roo tnR Rcffi!ld I Top Quahl\ Rt.'as Hate' STARVING .\CTOHS RepresentOlr\'e Atld1l1ons & Remodelrng ~oSteam No Shampoo rn..~ured ;,32 ~49 111EGRASSHOPP f.H SlUCl'O Dry14all 536 8100 I !'ref bacht'lor ho nil'\ :\IOVING rm1 p \\' Expert "JlllO\ trini: 111 Sew~/Alteratiot'll L .. "5671,•-'322 ccM• SlatnSJ>t'fl,lhq Fast I Completelawnmatnl EumpeanCraftsman C21Jt 4398907 f l & c r I l I stallalmn Hea~ pn1·(•s ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~ ..... .1 ..... Free c~t ~ 1582 Sedricol Indoor plant spet·1ahsl as are 0 .nwc•s. Con~ultanl J\~~•i:111m• nl INDUSTRIAL SEWING tw--------•I ~1 Do Brn's Home lmpto\ I TifL' HR')I) ... c"l'," Ratec; l..<1" Allows M l S8l 0<11>1\ • I' ea,.,,.t/Upflobtery ~:1~f;l!fit1c1:\N···;,~·(~t:d mtnirG424llSI andMatnt 964·5231.ifl 2 &u1h\~ ~~~hl;u Visa Ltt• ln3 6i308.~3 -..,_, &ClTI'INGoffabm·~ A.cc..H.cJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PtRQtrlies Ftn Stmt:. Compl Set up & Sen Reas. S40 5834 A.spWt ••••••••••••••••••••••• AllSJ'ATE PAVTNG Sealroaltnfl Stnpmf! Repairs Comm Res1d Uc 1»'7362 645-8181 Driveways, Parkin~ Lot Repa.irsJ. Sealcoaltnj( S&:>Asphalt --""u""· c ..... 631 4_199 ---•L COHTRACTOall •••••••••••••••• ••••••• niihl free 1•sl1mate on landsraprn~ Yd t'lnu1l~ llOME IMPRO\'EM f':NT 1 Housttleanrng 673 312l MOVING c.ill Stan mg I Plasftr/Rtpair Free l'Sltmates ~ (M5(J I .,., ... ,,_e14Yr'sS ..... ~1al'('r-nt II .._ l'rPelnm~Ex ...... rtmaint Tl n f St I 11 •••••••••••••••••••••••ca..,a......, ,ir •349892 , 7 1-.,,,.... ,~ • ·" l.ir,1.'\' or ~ma JO"" "" 1 e oors enc1ng Reliable Lad) 10 C'lt•an udt'nL' 014 r•ll•'' .i Pl.ASTER PA TC II I NG -, • ..,. ... uphot cleamni: Srntrh 1 Ltt· •'66621 6730359 Jim8Sl0129 Plumbing All~m11ll j llou~eorBoat \1-et>k free CM 9911:11;0 Restucros Int PXI ~11 ••••••••••••••••••••••· MocHAlECOHSTR. guard Preee~t 97288391 UC'l>ELECTRICIAN ~!owmi:. s10. $IS. $20 Jo&.rt 28yrsexp 9i9221i5 673866s or~1977 yn; l'lle3t r~ulS4S2!1n ••SKYLIGHTS•• Custom homes. fram ,.~ ll11ultng Dumprn~. R d II c-1 ti .. rno , remodel. Frenth _,..nt/Concret• Qua I v.ork lteas 1 all's a Y • ~ Han ) ma n Calh)' ~ Home &>n tl e~ p"'-60.... ~ h ~ \ .-.ue~ ns\ ii "" " frt.>e e~l 6JI 5072 Tum $15 S20 754.99o4. ll55 OI 5 Senrre roM n·11a1r~ _,, • .., eal patr "' 0 lextun•, Gre.11 Pnn·~ 631 925S doors. skyhj!ht~ & paltn •••••THO;irs(;~~~r·••• Mark ""tnlmo & ca,,....nln. 15 Compll•lr Hou,foc·lt•;tn •••••••••••••••••••••" Frftest. 8~3-1439 f !t- <0 l'rs 848 36S2 TOP Ql \LI n· .,.. " ·"' mg Ref~. 642 !Hi7S f\ne pa1nlrnl( h~ R lfh,1rd w . \ l'ONCRETE('ll\STR C:l4ctn~al ,.ork al ROTOTllLIN<, )rse'l:~r 646 -43Jli Smor Ltt rn~ 13 \f' uf 9'.-'-1-.. r._._._ u •:ll3J8:l i;.i211\82 r."' ' \ EGF:TABI r. Prefrrrn\lal Care or \our • _.._.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• _.,......,... e · fleas rate<o 531 5055 , • • • llOMf; RF.PAIRS I Po~~e~~H>n!i & lliinw happ)' local c11stom1•" ••••••••••••••••••••••• TILE l:'llSTAlLF.O ••••••••••••••••••••••• RESIDC'ONCHETEt GARDENS &lmpro\'eml'nt Thankyou fi314110 Dram~rlta redfromSlll AllKrnd~Guaranleed flNE FINISH WORK S~rt court.~ lk 3i41.167 Elr11 nr our S1>t•r1all \. Soll Prep 548 114!!6 Hea' Her E!~""~ Ref., fi4:! 3299. Plumbtn" Repair-. o..1. John ••0.9211 R d 1 o h !'Ir.in '}Utrk. drprnda ._, ._..., C tom Polftt~ " "''"' '" erm e ing 00" uni: b851 1961\ >14i 71}711 bit• Wr do Jn\ ~11,, Jnh MowtnR . ediirni:. 1 nm f'rei! (.";l Tom ft4S U7!H US Fr~ est "'1&M 642 903.1 ('•wtom (nramlC' TtlA Randy720 1260Cd ~! • T hi HOUSru-'E ...... 1 ... .._ 25 >"up L1r 4 !Ill ~, ... ~ • . Custom Cnnr n•t r r1• •f\31 2345• · ming w1ce mont ) • SR CITIZE~ Ol!'.t ~ "" ,....,. &nded Ins Ref\ l'1tlnt ATLAS PLt:M Bl 'l(i & Prompt 'itr\ F'reetlll Cl_MR•PROfESSION>\l tmveold&replarew1th f<f.~IDC0\1M 'l.JNI> DJCleanup_!-1661363 SMAU.LGEREPAIRS Exp7Sl73839i298i!I expcrt96JO!HJOu:k HEATING REl'AIR Chuck675 1408 Carpenlr) + Boat rfew Local ref~ 61511512 ·•i D Carden Main Re111d Preeeslurwte~ 54115427 E k RF.PLACE 645 IGllR .... )'r's E",vp "'raft "'··I docks 0 yr~ t>xp 11 my own Co 1 d Cl xp d llousc 1·1'pcr I'm Smnll M) pr11·l'~ ..., , r ... ,., AltorMp I 25 vr.s 645 3749 Chld Cart work Lir d Al 6~6 8126 mm " usl can· avail ll014 3 H'I 1•xp. are sma 11' Cd,1 . 'II R Pr_,,.,, M-mtwt Reasonable Work Gu.tr .......... ••••••••••••• • -ups & Tree Trim Free Cpntry, Hm rprs. drwl •-·· t I t f (' II d -r-· ' -·-'7· J hn 492 3382 AGGRIC'<'"I VE LEGAL CUSTOM AODITIONS •••••••••••••.•••••••••• Roor Co•tri-Ellt &U 1096 pn tn o. r n 11 foe up ,.,.. ra es. ~ n re ' a Ex.P. Ron 673 6477 ••••••••••••••••••••••• o ........., Childcare. tull Time ••7 " Manaat642 4i2J PROPrutTY ~talion Lawof K1tl'hen remod Mond3y.f'rid&\ \ht'M ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAPANESE yrd14rk, rra~ Jerry NE.LSO.~SPAINTl!\G IOI\ f"9S....lc• fices,~brs ~?l Sk>lites Ref<; 8111 Home ·s1Hr • • Carptt & Linoleum For GARDENER 9S.S3395 lilcomtTu lnt Ext Res1d Comm MA.HAGEMEHT ... ....__.... 646-<Xm 642.0162 Home, Van & Motor REASONABLE ........._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• i\roualir re1hngs Ref~. Oranj!e Co are11. 15 yrs -••••• Home 84!·4S95 Dave ""--"'·t 968 7 .... 9 ._..., EXP ER PREPARF.R IJc_'d Ftttest 837 26.17 expenenre Call for rnfo ••••••••••••••••••••••• r~~--.....1 rh.~~ ;ro ••••••••••••••••••••••• E II d ' nd TlredofPllunw1111s?tn __,.,,_..-.c11 for the best lilt & DUMPJOBS nro e to practice L.JBPAINTING 11 rate~ 19l0t4YOURCAR crease the Value '••••••••••••••••••••••• lrnoleum floonna. <'811 CifnerdStnfcH &SmallMov1ngJobs befott the IRS Qunhly QUAl,JTY REAS t6l4112 Instead ol wax 40 mo Beauty of Your llome PEP GIRLS rlean1n1t Gre1>1 675-4394 We're ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call MI~~ 1391 atrtas C'OSt 549 2418 La.....,645.9383111 6 !1'\Y 7S2..soo'7175Z·~2 With The R1chncs6 of service HomesOHtres· pmudofourwork! l'tttTrim&Removal --fED-ERATED 1 .. ,,_ Servl~atyourhome or / '·m.lnatedCablne•· -,Gtn•ral NwltwtRtfWt"""J 160-pa9Sor673·9043 't'()DAYI Yard/£11ra~e 4871for :ippl I Qualltywork Reas 1..-•~-RI .. *" .. "~•4 ""' "' ... • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·· --ctn.un, etr. I ton tru" Frtt_ est. Steve s.47 4281 ••••••••••••••••••••• J.D Horn Rcfinlshrn11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tr!'e Tnmm(l. clean upR, Monthy scn'tl't' free est 646 1rn Tonv's Tret Servi« uns1jhtly trtes rt ved' fenre, yard rt construcuon. Free est Emie9QjKS.J PROF. POLISHING SoUd Wood 496 QHll ~ S48·0G63 -Home Repairs Q.UM UP YOUR ACT ~('Om(' Tax ~rvtre INTtEXT PAINTING .,...~---· Cav!.!"...,.. Wood Skim or F'ormira •••••••••••••••••••••• Gfocl.g "T ' . ....... ,.,. ... ., 1 uni•·. ~l/549·1685 M D'NS 1REMODELING •SPEClndAL * d .... ••••••••••••••••••• '$ZS~ 1993_ili.hrsl _ BOGDANOV PAINTING #WP-"' Pl L 'd G Any chairtla !lrlppe :TRACTOR ideal ror n..moll"--Grad1n° •• ••••••••••••••• l6 Y'S 0 C. Top qvaUt> R *'='I ••.••••••••••••••••••••• ... : ................... Custo~ -Carpentry By ·ans •c eorge I d $19 7S A I · ""' ...,.. • ST•DvtN'' 0 • M Ne t St 1 334 ~ ... _,,, epoir Dt:LINQUENT• IBatiyslt,ourCM homes. I J "J1y". <Formica & Pil~r&Sons,~7·1832 I or rcjl ue • ' arnalJ ucm areas. Cll" Transport. Asphalt. ron "" J nn<'k uon a ie 9SO ............ •••••••••• Judir1al rorel'lo:surt11 Trwto..dl Anliques. kit ra1bintb ~ pa1nt1n1 645 0664 I yrlrup.anytlmr Tile) 642·8809 or Call Additions, remodels, Tourh Of Cius In , wm Kubotaskiploader. 'c~e & tree removal needtwork Brtrk, bl()(k _ _!45038918391886 • COMMBCIAL Haroldt' MrGralb fo;&q _!g·~J648~15'-An:.wer Ad U20 al home 1mprovem11nt, tcrie~·M711 W. l?th St. Sl>hr.Jns'd.642·5006 . 'Soil pre.JI & plantln~. or stont·patl~•. pla~-QUALITYINT1EXT /1NOUSTllAL ISi 1m Baby1itlin1 Mon·f ri 6'2-G>O..i.!4hrs WU'ldows. doors, pet101. li\2, .8'277IZ •• ;-~a!:s~~f~omrn I :!1~: :!fsfi~ lOOs Uc'd. Refs rree'tst I lfMOO ~ to 2 yn. 6 to ,.. .... ...-•• Counter lo"". d r Ive. w a Y • . t t -. . -• •Ml-1087• • Tur I t BJHGI d T .... ~""'0 \AUi•"".... ,,... I b t L "' 11 •-~RJCKWORK S II -n °5 or unuse ....... •••••••••••••••• J.l).Cll.I02118$ __ 1 Doon. Greeahouae wtn pium 1tig, t I' '" Carpent,, · Maaonry nau n.1 tlJ mov ma ~ty pt«· Low winter SPlc.! Into a work•ble Rtldln1' rtlaled •lt1lls. lwtllt119tou~urlnfant. dow1. Fin11b worlt m __ ll_fh960-083$ -TREES Raonn1·Plumbln1 lnr Tree work, gar Jobs, Ntwport, Costa I rates Jn tffcct. Hont>•I. area.room• divided. Cttdtllll1led, e11p. ur. J.lt lllOI f'T /PT my N7SM420 REMODEL/AOD·ONS Topped/rem>ved, c~al) DrywaJf-Stucco -Tile cleanu Free est lleH, Irvine . Refs reUa .841·5M8 drywall , d~ceillnaa 6 Ina. SC-iaUzlna aradn C.11. '.a1 . ..0 arpentr work'i 'Carpentry.Lic'd. lawnrtnov.751 11 · .1.B.841-~ n 7& --.--. 1 PAlm'ERNEEDS trim carpenll')'·to '°"' ltllrU64mt Ue'd ..iw..,., lori•I R.,.lr. ;J'o Job Too 21 . ,,..hi""""' J ~Ltndlrape lltlnl. 0-.11111111 .... ,.. -Cert lenlct -..,5,...,.~ WORK!""' Hp, loll -c.n Tom odtff · · mt a ~lllJp, Smi.D Yre«Eat ~who .SP le R.tllld/Coll\m CltlD·llP· ~ll •0tcoraUn1 ................... ~ ~~. depe b •· ext. ~uaHinp Ill JJIUor_~-3'1' ....._Cllr' ! L--. .-.an • .....,.,.. II .... ~P Halilin ·• ·~ •Ra 840-$144 Uflt/Comp••IOD ....... tlttjo . Davit ~-11• -...... ........ -......:..1peoplt .. ~~~_.,, •••••• - -'l'hlt'1wbltw. . -v ..... 1x~. TtQderLov. -m. • .. tt.tDI -kll ~....-PU•-...... ~II lllL ... ..,_·~a ,.._draw Ill tbt DA.11.Yf!.f!;:2L Y ...... SARI Ant 1om1thl!ll 1011 iriiCai., JW11. MMllO, Rave 1ometflln1 you Pl~ C'-!l"J ~.!~lwaya*(kU.. ~ ..... ..... Pilot Cluamed WllL .. a Dal!) PUot IDVICIDl~avR R 1•UD · WNll &o ..U? CWllned al~lU Mtua11 Sil .. to llll! Cla11UW --,_ --.~... •U. a hl.IM .._ ~·~::::!!i!!!~Q~"d"d~;;Ad.;;IU-;;M1f~·~!!~-~.U~·~~~~l !!!~~a!!~-~114~Mli!i .. ii""ii~ .. iiddo~·i"°i;'iHl:iMD:i!·~i;~iiiiiiiilii~~ .. li·~k~..i~L~¥1111iiii~~~~~iiiiliiii~~·PNL:::•p-=~iiii~.,~·;;r;Mr~Rtt====10iT f ..L._ -' t. 1 Cout DAILY PtLOT/Saturday, February 13. 1882 Cl Milil 11 W•... JIM w·.-...... 71M WiilliMI 1100 .. 0 c a ""'"••• eoso IOIO t4K1le1• toao INt e.;;Tt•• _,.. rlfllll~n IOI ~ to• ....................... ••••••••• .............. ,. ..... ,.............. .. ••••••••• ,."•••• • ................... .. ................ -............... •••• ••• • ••••••••••••••• ,.. ............... •• • ••••• .~~ • ife di Dolli ' Jut1\'t"l11':t1:d 10,,.._!!!!l!l!!~~~-i . a.ww..9 " •• JVSISYSTSHHS AP~~f:b~~~¢rcE iib;,it.·~io7'V:1~ph~t~. Mal\oaa111 ou • btd 8:."~~~t''o~ ~: • ~~~. :I w...i__.., rltll*i t 1 d R 11 Pdf " • I 11 11 1 • 1 e -AM We~ llHd 1ppll1nc:H Wide Anai. LenH• SW with m1 ltrua Noon Qmd.. I 'a New Ma t '7) W• t'Ur~ J lamp 1U~l11f 8Lcll't. El; ;J'tt ~b\: Mpm. !iP. tnuouth Hardw•re 0011 rm• t PAIT· TIMI Wettll l"fl'On4 , luar New Cond 145 .4199 , wpil!ld mlmr on h•ad ir.. 1541 J~ &H~ fbf Red'tfood Ofrltf C.ll l)a~ M4 ~ eo11neelln1 firm baa Full Ttme llP Prtr. lnttmaUol\ll Corpor11 a~"*· 54 ·SO'rl MS-42m board * •NIW• _. 0 DWP.llJ Counter. Table, pa.Id .SO. 1H Ol*lliip ror 3·5 aharp , Cout llarctware, tlon Nttd• LOtlll & Wuhf'ra1drytr1, lalr lllneu RBI?, 250mm. ~ODO 131 TMaf\I Mirw.cl,..,,....._ Sl.50 Small Cuh rt 5410S8t MAllAIUCI ~mature people ' tn...m Dtptndllblt M\'n ' modtl•. SI oo up Wrnm wldt! 11n111 ltna. .... _. ood f &ta Tibli. Paid~ 1l_1ur. IU 0 80 1 yr old tllt1ch1 atertu ITdTHal toimtTvalt amblllou•S•I•.• ~ •• ,' m1mt Womenl.otabSur\leys Delivery, suar 400mm Pt<nlu mt ~.m.iW l'O eeta 8ell1325 Coff Tbl ' ~'°20 w18trlt. amflD, sm 11le LOI Al11\U-itlrne1 1~1.1 rrotdl Call Upm. tnlnee. RetJll ' fabric Door to Door !Nu ~11 Mutucharllt' I v Isa &11~120 bit. 4/mo'• old. C<>•t sz.so Paid hOo. S~I S30;· PDU.JNK SKETCH 000 19" c•: color h lJ lookin1 rot well 14241,txt 343 AalUor ~requlrod. Sally . lnJI No Elt~ricnrt Rt' tm21MOK1n11s CANON L~nua 13Smm SeUJlll5S410S82 Nl&}lt Slan<b. P1tld St~ ol)'ourhomforbo111 SUO IMll7487 ltoOmed, 1nth111l11tlr ~1 · ~~tiooaC:"r~n:ntE~~~ Kelv1n11tor 193 cu rt f3Sl80.200mm1''40$90 Peea~ CoHu Tahlt Earh, Sell 122~ Eath fo1 fr11mln11 's t • JohnWa)'tll'Ttnnl~Club le to tarn up to Sa• trum Slt)() lo flOO Pl'r f1'01tlro freet~r UJI &lhnfVtlrUtied6430462 3>de f45,laraednmed Plu• Mltr. Cobo&. tlonrr). $75 Nl'wpurt fumaly m1mberah1p Pe' day for a raw PIOFISSIOMAL •~k f Ronuaett. C'a 11 to right. fut f~11 sheU11 n..-104 11\irror l20 546 1377 1'11ntrra 957 3063. Elll II u u s r It V 1 r h t 1TV1ke offt'r 644 11110 ra work 11 Pili me PAIT TIMI Ta.9'HOt41 SALIS day for lnterv1e1W C»ll t1r $300 S40 0302 ;;:;.•••••••••••••• ••• • ma~lt' d1n1n1 ~et. 2Z afttr 5PM ~ 2272 f'ortr»lll 875 ~IS ~.~:lp~0'1'~r~~· ~l.odtllver 011l)' $100.000 yrly potenllal Ktn11t8330543 UadyKtnnWJ~Wuh.,r&. KE~IOl\IOfuJM! AKC d~ 1•11 1.ablr \\llh 6 Lake ntow S 1mmu111 L1d1t'a , hu \It' a SCRJM.1,£TS Ins will i,. provided. Pilot 11110 route In Up t.o 2S'X romm. paid dryer, $200 £11 Scur~ U111m1altt'. M 1~· Ptt & cha n , 1 caplliln• ~hair Slteper Sofa. brown tone NAU O II TY LADY 'HSWEIS y LlllW'I• 8t1ll'h No col wkly Quallfled write· II• Tax Ace-+_. fri1e, SJ.SO Xlnl l'ond 1 how P v t pt y eo. dl'tllff' S25 • end print S3)0 ODO 11 5 Hon Party Laniienr. ,. our Htnlnaa " a *ting. Houra 13 30PM luds l>luah Nwpt Reh Irvine CPA Firm nct'<b a-2:122 213 an l.34Safl6pm l:ibl8~ea ln9.1650,ev\'1&31 0543 lo(lons. po11ons and lot s At<tu11l Khllka Tlnwa Hits rtp will be to 5·JOPM . Mon thru loc1111on Ahjor 1nrrn llll 1ndJv1dual with •P • 9611 8813 rmrt fun Call Ahi.011 oou.'lt' Suntln<' bued on 1 1uaranleed Pro and ($AM 10 7AM, live P.lan8: new c11r. prox. 2 year8 lu ex 19'Rtfri9!!"crtor Ycllowl.ab Mull' 13 P<" Serllonul (.'QUl'h, llUYRIRNITURE Ktl Ol7tl S111t .. , ltrp, NOTCH hourly wait of S3.~ + Sat &t Sun I Earn in Ks Haw11i1n varat1011, yrly penence for full llnw Wt: STI NG II () US t I Yr Lovl'n f\in oxi Din rm Set. $3SO Lt-b 9S7 8133 needed Thrr4' Ml' w rrw ny p('O swrous commissions per Sitt ur route Call bonuses Krn Brown pos1uon Salar> "om S.dt' b) s1dr Fr1hl frr1• PIO 557 4°"4 Kins Sue Ht•d. $1511 c 1 plr who ar .. mo\lng tu SWe lh11 ls a new pro &424.121,Bryan Holl»nd ~-rnensurotc ~•th l'XPt'r whit<' St9s 760 0!111111 Al\C rock11r S1111n1t'ls lkud Kiri•• S11.1· llt'ad Two twin bctb maple "t m v t' r l • c· u ..... ~ .. ,. Hell. tht•\' arc ....,.m opportun11le1 fur · Start ... ,~, 0"" .. " h"lld'"·llr·•·· ,10•1 fuut bhnd \11lanct ro.r ~hd1111t u..-,,.. adv1nre1Nnt arr tx s.1.11tSR,.. o...llR I&'' 1 .... , .... i',d t·ond n.11h lioor $100 c union r .. ~ -... """ rJV • Ruff Mil' io'or \'.ilen hoard, SHIO ~'.\1•1ut1vr • llV "" ' 1 """n~1oh•v1•1olt't II uul I ~ 51" .,.. oy '-<> ...... G 1t ~ tu1t·~ SlSO 113!12972 llff1n ''t''k ~100 "~,. "" 1 S75 Wl(JC crNO'l\'11 ct lent. Call now for Medical emer11rnr) 7$25611 rww .Lmdae Mul11,1l,ir SHrt•l•irlJI fu1$/00 'lereu, wH nut m>re 111lonna11on about r....u, ,~ l)'llems approved by TE A, c HER s . Ex I 2SCuSef'lll,P!!,~ Sl!UO reniale Uussetl, Dtsk, SllXJ Otlwr llem' 751 4658 1144 74111 Lat.ht'l> bkl boob llllt! 8 7 this 1re11 or.ponun1ty Needed, par't time Work U s Gove r m r n l . d h 1 I ..,.,., 7 mo~ old S200 !168 2522 l.u\tl) Birch Count I) IA'OO ~'rJnk, on~111.il 1111 ~Ill hl(ht 1u-1i:hl\ S& Call Mon· Fr • 9S7 2361. U to 2S hours per week, hospit1ls. doctors Art I· penence • pre sr 00 9~·2272 646 7672 1-"rt'n~h Dinan!( Set " h 1 o (. l1111o n $1 ~oo !l63 7460 ~ 1204 evenings and possibly cle 1n Retder's Digest, TSanea~~l'na ~. 001 81pe64r hr Eves Ext 2Z5 Beauuful Do~rmJn µup King Vodll'I ~ Si5 In pie i·hrurs s1.500645 9442 Pm:M JIJlt) t.75 5M!l !Ml'~hkin Per~iiJn Ku 1¢ Saturday Exrwonen"0 m N k T m .,. Fr h AK c r •" d dressn w mirrnr 595. l • " .,.6.. •. •. 1 MAMAG9/CLERIC "" " e w s wee · 1 e eeur, upng 1 1 ownr ~Y ' I' u ~ "1 I' rute sl1ind, $50 Twin l>ed Etegere) room ell\ 1dcn Washin~. rrlill'll ~. !Ir) 1;r Ii 5 ~. 1 .-.5o c.ar > .ftn.B &gifli. 640·7373 ~k~~Pil~~~i~a~I~ ~~.,.~ ~Magian~1n~Jeaslalevdl nigl T~ 9f>erotor older model $75 OHO x~~l~al:~~·~neof .. ,~\11..r, s:is. romer l(roup SlllS l' h rum" & I' I ;i "'I $51J ~ I olor I\ ~7.• ~~'!"!.~~·1·,1,n rh1·~~~~.5.~ An:s\\enng service j 3 ~58 afler S.Pm .. ~8 \lo 111( ht~ s I i!> •. ,, Ml) 3572 • ~ ~· • UV v •y _, MANICURIST ly IO work fai.t and ac· Otv1ce" lll&h u1come, shift Many bt-nl'f.'ls Ex Katche; range, whilt•, pnl'eS200 WI O.'IHI fl<\5-!1442 _ FfREWO~D Llkl' m•w n x 14 ere<'n Sculptured nails. Rent curately undtr pressure training For interview penene~ only 362 Third g.i:o, Ma1¢1c Chef, 111111 German Shepht·nl £'u1i. MOVING! MUST SELL! .m·.1 ru11 SIOO booth, $30/wk Be your necessary Saler) de· please t11ll 673 3235 . St St.e_C. Laguna &>.sch rood ct50 IM7 2tltl8 <'H' 1011 hne AKC bl'autifuJ! Elegant unu\t•d "'f J llfT Guld n Ju~ .tit\ 11.. e.12 4Fi !lbfl ~ ....,......, __ . 646.3313 pends on experience 851-6466 ., 1 S'"' .... ca"" .., ... 0 • ,, .. d ~a ~Int cond \111\t 't• 1 ,\fll'~:r isx2o uJlllwJI v .... ......,. The Daily Pilot IS an -Tllfl'HOHESA.LES ~"reezer upright repo uu t• """,,...,."°"" j ......., ai< u µicN~" rm SL'>Cl 847 3044 I OSI~(' I fo S~ Massage techntcaan equal opportunity SAJ..EliWOMAN F1'posat1onopenforas 4SOlb size Take O\'er 1r11Bulls,l'Kl' ..el~, <'on temJ1orarv 11h.1.:. xlnt cuml ~11111 '· • • , .A. · quit needed for busy N B of· employer Women and For Reputable Anllque sertive pe~on with post paymts on s16 82 mo 01 $IOO Ea '!Ofa & lol't' wJl cm14 liar 1·hu11) 30 111 1.111 H'x21t' off ~11111• tlr.i1w«\ '~tl b~~·~~~,~l~~~.: :!~I fice Newnnrt certificate minori· 11 es a re "n Shop W 1 I h b om e lelephono sa I As •x pad off bal 5274 Ii mo K4H630 9611 500!1 Sl300 "at nf1ct $450 lt-Jth\'r &. chronw rountl rod l.tUI• .111 KZI! 1 1 -,.... • ·knowledge of Aollques • " " ol GG 1 I Solid (lt't an 1·11Ht't' f< 1·nd h•1~t' S501·a &15 !111:! 1 ,, ,.,.1 Ii •Ii ht "''II I tun·~ 101 u1 1111: oeeded.5480407 cooragedtoappl) . pcrience Appl) In App1am·e 131!11 f'ltbulls 2Ff'nllllt''"'no6. tables ...... ·tll llll)h • nu"' II: I "" f)t~pl,IY l'a."I'~ ".Jt\111 1: Submit apphcallons at Part Time 00·7945 personal 1660 Placentia Ha rbor Bh•d r.c; ti week' P a1H·n .,~. 1 ?•". 1' 'J'\'Stu• l>inrnK fl\turi• N rn ,1111llt•t $10 111> 1 h1'''I room l'hatr' lh'.iUI\ MECHAHIC-A.UTO f A , ,. M s:n 63330pen Sun I> 4 t..c! """'' I '?"au ""' < 11 UI "1 ,m,f..e .:la~, 1·1' \I ,11' ,\ t.111 h 1h\ 1 lolht'' ,., tu , h 1 MacGregor Yachts. 1631 ronl counter SECRET il Y ""t '-"""" Srrok1• .il.i" tJ111H1t• .i·I 1 hrnn•.o Sl<IO M ·, •11 12 ::i "'.111.1:1 ~ 1+10 ;,1111 "·111111 •11 rill> l'" J ni Pl ~ Coott Someone "ho doe)n t R:fng lg apt size $165 frff toy.,_, 8045 mi ."fo Jun k. Jll mml hHh .wl11 tl1J1" nm _.!.._centia, Cost~_Mesa ,llot nund -.orkmg for a h\ (' TYPESETTER '~·~t t'-e 1• cut fl •17• I••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 mnd !M• !°>:!Ill ~wAA-8070 F11 ~ t q u ,1111 \ , '11.qq ron. ~h1·1\ l'~ und pl<111h MO,.....,IGHTI ? g R~··-w1h t k ompugraphll' 7700. ri.,.., "" " • " Bl k I ... , l':.tlpt•tinl! Iii.I' Ill'~ \l!!o.m.tkeup ,hampo11 ~ NG 30 loySt Ill ....,.~I OU J' rt> I !id k Gullrantt'ed ci; i\p ac cat.~ounit 'l'")t'I l11JndN1·Vo~11lld •l.1kflfl ••····~················ d 'Ill Tum your extra hours Cos C ' 111((, if you're worth 11 J ~~ 1:Js e·C~sla ~:'.~a phanct> 13191 11111101 female l'rl't' tu 1:0011 '>el M."''\ 1, l'uunl n ll!'t1rt Sh11ped Ult\ \1 0\1> 'lit miJt·r ~Jr l'.lt. to. I .ind h;ur prodU< t!t into H.B. 848 ~9~ to Mno, A.. girl office Exp1 111 c.:ii Ari or Sut> 979 :ls.II Blvd GG home 962 ll900 frJditiun.il ~1 li'J 111 \ft l'md.mt 12 ~l11llt.m1 :. H1-lni:1•rator 17 "II fl '"'I Coll 631 !17~ or ~y.age3S·60. Enghsh RECEPTIONIST \\anted ~H r t'ta11al uPPlb, ; . ''· • • I ' 111'1 CjOl.O llC'.lll \p pi r <uh•r j(tHlll 1'01111 If~ r~ 1;0\t rnrnt·nt N !!'auwe 641 9237 537 6333 I("· _ • 111 ... , :-itw 1 I ?PM IJ1,1mond1 Set 111111 .1 rr1Jk1•1 fro,I f11·c• c·u11 aher6 89116ll09 ~"J;;!,7a~~~g~~rt :!;~ I Opportunity + with fast ~;!':n'rc Front Off1 re ..ervtre lo ~hare offlt•c Open Sun 11 4 I 9 ..,, ks I ersonalc I\ i I ;1r1 'll1 t-\I I l•1f rm 't'l HI I pl Jl'l'd Jt SI mu ')i5o ~1 llumpt-r 1'1."11 I .11•1· S~ r P ju' L '~ t e d for cC pm. Mon .Fri No growing financ11I plan Secretar~ W .tnted i5 \p.iCe Will pro\ •dt> "ord I beaut~ 64-l lf11l n1Jt~ h•~i. I'll.Cl') \.IOU 1 0110 !Ifill J47J $75 ~''' 0224 .dt 1 1 .sJ..l9ti.OO. Jiuld for S•H housework or cook1n1 mng firm m Newport WPMArcurate General pror , l'Opy ITlllClunc &I Washer Z os dryer l ~\1J)~i.! \\ •1'11111 .:I ~IOliC»l:!Jhcr :ipm j UIM10"l~ lll•:l\\ l·H'Tl \ll•n, l'.1~hnwr1· 'lop• For lnlo call 1J t2 1 except for lmml'd. care ~ach. Need someone Of face. Organil:1t1ona l ~e hne in trade for special. low pme bot.ft ' uc N 't k IEST OFFER '\uj.!gel !'>t) le l'1·ndJnl h l'11,11 '1 ~5 I 1·c h11 11 -. 9311961 fat 2239 perta111ing to 6 mo old Wllh good a~anntt. Skills. & Word Prorr~~or le setrt'tannl duties only S33 mo Nev. ~upcr I nan ~;t;161~f. 5pni \1 1rro1 h.'t' dbl drt'\'t'r I Hrilhdnt 01 J mo nd ~ "I.I I' l urn T.thlt· 'I.!.~ SURPLUS PROP SA.LE baby Salary open Ref's typing & general offlcl' Experienre requirt>d 6'75-920I db model S10 dwn OA\ e , 2 end thb ,01111 wJlnut Tcitdl \\ T. z 73 <.I i\p I\ J'tll' ComlJI 1% ~I \1 1 • f h, lie( Call 4946005. after skills Slart1mmed Call $1100 Mo. + Benefits ia.a.-hCMclt GG Apphanre. 13191 Frt't' M Do~ Part I 00 I Simrmn'> ~rlhJ" d11lcb. p1,11,t'tl mt'r Jl2 111111 w J\ro1t.1:JW!llltt1tltnl!' ll~l°'('t fo~ lmb ~~ l 2!1.5 call496..:J281 641M482_btwn I 3,em Cootnct Mr Toko l'nil r,;;:~;••••••~••••••••••• Harbor RI v d . G G cll11 18" ~ 797b ;In''""' Su lid \\ .t ln111 'l:t't'll ~•> Or l10"1hll-~li5 1;-;·, •3; I '(.(1~f'2'u~"~f\1T~· RECErTIONIST ed lndu~trlt''l ~ 8005 s:J763330penSunll4 I . . 1lbldrl"-w r Hro"n\111\1 rr .. J1·77441Ji \1•VoJ•1t1flt.•.1rlt 1\lhlC'IH t'OLLEGr:lll'ilRICT Mun./ A.I~ FT h & 714 644·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slwhte El'll! !iellH mt\ I Im" )t'oJI I "' k1·r I 11 n i 1111 liUl.fl l!t'.I \\ ,\ u~· ( 'luli \!1 tnl1<·1\hlJ1 SI •n < ll'>lJ Ml'~a 556.57~ UVE·IN. non smoker, .toans~erp ones . St 1 , Freezer upright srno I )l m llnl(hl iwr.,1111all • lv.lbrd . .'!"''hl•·il1111111ttltl l:l'I s1il1· Hra11·1t·1 ~"''I hll'Jlll t).111:1:IJ! wkdays PM 5·7, Wknds &reel people Lite lyp Se.rv1ce .a11on Atten< nnt uiESTUINSTER \\ h •e15 b th I n l' II hol 5411 491i2 ''"' 8-46 J41ti 1111 L I 1•---7.17 PM No night work ing, IO·key by tout•h. Exp er d w 't. h r ~ n "• I s r.,.,, o c C(I ' ' a ., ~ -r ' Ouni o· SIKUo 11 'il111 ru Colfi.1 \l.1l,1•r I OY~ Cl-• 6450092 exp preferred Gooclco I ference:..da) shift S21S ABREY workgood 54844115 2R v.k uld G1•rmdn hlldmK twd douhl1 ·>I ii414Ji I~ 1.ifcli·rl.ithu t'vt11 llel1um U~u queti. I beneflls, medical ins ~k 6 days a v.et>k Sun Al\TIQL1E\1Al.L 1 Hefr111 froslf r!'I'. Shl'phertl, ll usk) m" 1 l'lran. 111 'lrtl1ond $.'>O ll)larrond EngaiH•menl ~ p11,11100 ·· " 1 1•1 , I ~l'lnrr~d. c.rt·at fur Nursing Call Rusty Peltl'an off Union Station. 11751 \\'l,~lmmsterAH• wrmaket hkt>nrw$25U 1 fcmalt'i. (uddl11 7526061 ~•'ddtn•• nri" Sl't "h•t•· '\ulhi·ntH If\ c.J!''.'i \:iJenUnt;!o , ....... sir.s ... ID"' R I I 714 Stiv.port Bewch &14 il51 (;,\ROEN GRO\'E I .... ..... f"'46 5194 I r" .. -.... 'I':"" li13-HU "" m;; "' m;; es aurants nc I 1 • 5~ .103 """......., ~l'.'E dining room tab It> I i;o d A t 51157 !05 • .ron·~1·'" I . Exper'd all s hifts ~9322 Sen1ce St.111on \lhn ti I RrfngerJlOr 9lO nr bt31 M1.~h lo~.ill~ i.:n·~ klll.' I ~ 4.' h JI r' $7 ~ f'or '""' \';il1•111rn .. ,, :-.r>1ma11"1nal(r.1ph ll,11 Kl5 Cubt1 \rd~ fill ~~~~I ~v Hosp Nwpl& Bch danl p T E\l'' ,i, """yr old bronzAor1ontal ollfflelr 5092 Blul' Ja~. l,Wll)lh!163oold ~1~~~r1> HEDRllO\I '..i l'"'u l.1huluu~ i,:tlt I .11lt1•'I JI t'h.•h JI •. 1;.111 .. 1.~ ~11'.~hl,tl~Jld' J\11'i~'~ ilCiCI I niyour.smile J0'" Wkentli. :-.eat JP ""' "' ' , """ 1lrt"St'I" •n1~hl \l.rnol llkl )1•llo11o ~ .. 11 Huh\ fr.1111111 l1cl1l1 .•I< ~ ~" ~1 & ~e~~~ G:i11 \t~~ RECB'TIOMIST I pearance & handv. nl Temple gong onh SllOO 1 [)ner $135 Sea" ~;t. 1 To Good Homr ~m.ill ht•<1dbiJr1f .\ 11 Jim 1101 d 1 n, ",1,, 1, " ~ ...i~o t>ll Ml'I DYNA GYM -Slone_G42 80« UGHT TYPIST mi: Appl) Z>90 ~e~ port ~8688 • . 1 Im. hkt> nl'v. 1 I.A>\ 1ng \!ale Dul! ,\If d ,, uh I 1 II t' 1l ' '1u11 rlt,umnd,, I IJ.r 111.11 i·l1 l I 111"\1 f 11'1 T.l<'I\ f IS J I l~kl' Ill'"' qs11 675 1:11111 Glarmrousl g1rlofflre Blvd A.mer Ouk lur 10 11402794 Shoti. l,11 Xlnl ~48ltiaftn~11111 ~11ft11115i1 1Vi 1 .. 11 Hc.d Slt•\•art Oil Ffs.D • 111 Newport Beach F:, Cabinet . $475 Onenl.il •:--•--1020 \\'Jtrhdoe 1 Do.ihou't' 1 1 d mt nd nn, 1 ., 1 \l 111 t .1 1 , \ 1· t l'OOLT \nt r. :-.olul 1 I Cllmg pos1l1on for lhl· Vases. $.IS SIS F'rench ~1~ 1 lnlc'd1548 3306 .. '." j I •• I I lJ. I w<e w«J I I ' I • L~ I SEIYICE MA.N nghl person 60vtl>m typ Student Jobs , •••••••••••• •••• ••••••• 10 "'r" t.:c>ld ~ht $150 I \ \ ~ ~ ,·cnt 1•r l 11n t . 1.mt1m """"'"J \ ..ilt ".i nut om p Must have ex per in thej mg. ab1lil} lo handle HEY ! ~tl~kx'k $250 OBO ! Bike 16" boys or 1:11 b m!'I D..irllog Shtlt1e l.hilsa Grn ch«• r~ s;:. ea $10 51XI 11,, utr '!IH '11114 w QUt'b ha I h Hsoo oalfaeld, dnller. pusher. busy phont'll. Excellent IOYS--GIRLS . . I tra1n1ng wheels x Int i.ma lhsh pup 7 mo<o i U.mp; $311 1142 ~!t Clmt' 11a I 'hrnnoi.! r ·• ph AIR COMPRESSOR i\31 2345 ~ 41110 etr and knowledge or rompany benefits liovo ~ould you hke lo A~u;.:uosb:r ffl~l cond S35 857 2474 female &U 1210 Quetn ,of .. ~In• Pt'I ht'c!UI . Jlrtl c ~Sii & PA.IMT POT I ~wood for Sale down hole tools X Int earn as much 3b sso oo a 646-1915 or l't u 1 r I M.m.s J spd SSO. Cloyi. 10 [Old En11I ml\ pupru·s. 1 ~:.Jrth tom·~ print, hkt I 111·~ Grw·n 1.inlcl 1;;!50 I 1 hp lltnk' l IO ~20 ~ rth I ~I ,t,1~klod -.t•a,oned benefits, bonus and ex Grubb & Elhs wet>k~ Do you ltke dnve -1 ~pd $65, Mans Sl·hwmn blk "ht, will look hk1• 1 llt'Vo' $40fll'all 1Wh !ffiH7 ' OHer; 1•17 s:r.:1 i: 11 Hml..~ pJml 1•11 ~ Oal.. ... , 111 ,ct.. , , , pense program Good Contact. Peggy Wall in rmvies, pirnirl>, prua ~ ~a\labl~& S prrd 10 spd $125 All in Xlnl I Olc1 ~:ngl ~lti IYl'•t ::,.,r;. hkt• nt'" ~m 1~ rn 1 "'":k ,t,r,11 firm ~·111 !l!!J:! ortf < .ill '1ur pm·~ opportunity with \ery 1714>8332900 parties. buch part:ei.. 55 ar c r.., 'r 0 l'ond8Ji37.Wt96 ">:,.ix I Fu . bed' ~i\ \I"'"'''' Mochinery 8078 700.12!:!1• progress1\•e sandcontrol I h h • so(a&l'hr.mmt i:ond Ill Sh ~ 8050 t ,.p•11111 !••••••••••••••••••••••• I Co Retail 'Th':nmayo~~~l~rptr~b~~) llall tree. ~1deb11.ird I . nes) ·1 c· ".1!1.n ! ....................... 1 1t•n1.,,1 · · llhw'~ r 111111 ,111,., ,.t '''"'""'it; br1'1•11nd 1.1:'\(,~l!l l-.J'\HTH.S THESOLUM m:inHhesl5"484314 lrwser,hp<,meno,zf, Kl'\G IN"\ERS l'Rl\I \1atrhml( cu111h A 101 l'o~i·r&h.tnllflM•' lld11w\ll~lllllll llJH um· n•1v. anr! n OILTOOL CORP A.uistant MC)" & prubabl} enJO) v.·orkmg A r 0. k . t 1 $18S Bl9 4720 ''XTRA• F'I R'-• • ("!eat .:110<1 , 111111 1.1 .. 11 i1·1't 1 •. ,11 j t l 1!H 151R> \.l'l\1 1 ,.f03hll llu>tL'h> c:~p I forus me a tuno lJJint> r.. "'mJllll'"" I IH MI I I• I I I · 'k I f 1 II 12 l 11 :12S4 Argosy Hunt Brh _, ersotwt• <./LALIFICAT!ONS S47S, Onenlal 'a~ .. ~ 545 jJ.ildnCJ Matttiok 8025 I M'l. ne\Cr u~ed ~orth > / ' ~ °' · · I I I"\(' o I 1'; Jo: I•• 1 1 r 11 '\~ \UiOI_ [>&..I I( ~·..,·1 \I I gt 1' 1 ,,. •~ 1 F'or Appl 714·891 97111 needed for ron 1 t' m 1 o,er 12 yl'ars of age & S75 Frencl1 wall t·lcwk ;-••••••••••• ••••• •••••• s.sJO. ~ac S24X del :'ole\l'r I ~ i447 \I. l'ldu, ..,, l'li:hh 11,1111 1 \\ \I.I t I IA\ I 1 ~.I It ll 11 l j , h 1 p ' 11o h l' ' I 213·49J·24!1 porary retail store Musi 2 Neat, honest and de S250 OHU 63l 5!179 HOW 25' /FT u.sed queen )l worl h Trundle lkd~ L1kt· '' v. l""Jml~ Slle•• ~ .. 11 • l I '.". ;. :.f 7 '.! fJ J' • " Mabol!.in\ ~Ill >h~~·· women·s~earb.it k .-'·' ~· n ""' "' · • $125"·· •·311101 R11ck ... cl l nt°'J" '11a1 th . ·I PART TIME bed)11am1e & ha1e good ... ndable Anl1quh• al d1 c >u l R"·'v.ood 2~6 &N·kin" I S399 cash onh S21H c1 .. 1 Orthopt'tlll '1 Jllr1• .. I 1., M~ .. t P\l 22.'I \fl.) $&1 <lH. Cl s111r11 \1:111 v. $425PERHOIJR ground E\p~rien t·e JWorkdftcrschool ,1nd pnlt"> Al~oi;1f1 item' 4 20'lung,,1lso rl'dwood l'suallyhonw 7s.&i:fio ,·,.:\.,, 1 -.\i• '•'\lt'IL~tnn, mlllpl i..11 , HH1111dllull'hPr llliwkt.11 onl(~.ll n111 r u"' 10 lo 20 hours a "eek need ooly <tpply Salary Saturd.a)s Fabnc & qwltrng >UIJ I fencmg Luv.e~t 11~11 1• 1Sof.1 lil'tl ~125 1 ~ Jhµ lph q 111111 1 ,1,11 hit l t .in1· Hnll••m \Ji•> ~3• --~ 8.:.>-12.~ or 2PM lo 6 +commission Please CALLTOOAY 1 plle~ 25•, off s .... eel l?Uar Jim or l\t'n **I BUY ** mo 1<h1n1: 1 hJ1r, li45ifilill ni .... , ~m I St•l!'>ku · ·•.>•' Using automated call or come in to 53'15936or53l·5~7 Swl.'et Spir11. 9932 an)tame 6469885 (l(lotl uwd rurnrtun· & $5U t>a ~11011 •!1·~1> llE'ltJr;u1t.il.1rn1~111 11 JJt~•"' 2:-011.-i. R1"'''l ~c.r rnachme & olso glueing Apropo, • 29. Far.h ton BA~ to lOPM llam1lton II n 'JG.I 1991 Plumbi Fixt Appltant•t•\ OR 1 ", 11 ' i.15<> '>pool I .1hh• ~1. nu bl.lilt· Sl2S • 1111 111 'tm i II 1193 oc.:.•1 lnstrwntnts 808 J rnatenal to1?elher Good Island. N B 644 21i52 $ • • sE:cl Bl 0~·7! • "t'll or St,! L for \ i111 ~ <025 '~ c111 i 111.11 l!>IXI \\ dll ~:lt·t I rte ••••••••••••• • • •• •• • • • • for college student or EOE PIJnn..: \our ('),1,1f11'<1 1 Wilh·P~hsht>dBrJ!>~ll\ MASTBtSA.UCTIOH KllrhenTb!rSS4 h\ Hn I ~~7~'""' , 1 ... 11n.1t11r \l.111 1)t lllne'3 f1ntl1•r ,'l'kr' MonPri.9-6646·9741 ere,c111 · · •OU nee ai;tun ° gr\ u , Jll •1111h1· Tll .R Et 11. i i -• AllXl111 wnclKoHtl 1<ll <;e1 C.RE~'l c·u li .1~l1o7<111 gwtarp1an11K.1'Jl1:?11 YOWlg housewnes Call Th ea.,, ..,, .iv for '' 00n·1 d t I dd I' u ,1mpk JU'l 1 lures plu~ Tall. B.i r' 64L •686 833·9625 ' Cha>.r S60 -i•ml t111,, s.10 I I ll1:J'"ri.11JI .. ~flt' I m1Xt r ohrH· c, ~t"nn --you 10 St!ll that bin d e "draw ra~1 when )'OU ...,~' ' j ~··II hi 111 \llU I' a In!(,, , ( au • Tradeyourold stufffor \ounolongt•ru~e Just placeanadmlheL>aily """"~"ni < Sl600SellSffiS<OtH>1 ?Hm,.11s1nped llPri 1ti.n l !l ,of;is '"" "'!1H l,111 lu1 \\l11Tf.dq1h.111h '-"'" '1111;1h.11•.1tl• 111 T1p-·11l,ra~·n1l,·•1uJll1•·r new ,.ood1es with a ad\Crlise 11 1n the Pilot Want Ad~' Call v.onh.11.~~J.tlfurf."1 r<' 9'i.52272. 9573063 1·~225 'iol.is S151ttltolh ""'Ill~ )Ill! ~lrqH't. .-1111.,t't.1,s1ftl'd \11 1111'11:.1 \IJ.:' .1ll 11th••t ~150 1'1•.J\l') 12th mt~ Oass11edad 642·~8 Qa.s:.!f!t;d'Call~2!>tiiH J!O"' ~25678 'Ul1' t;.1_y.,K e\'s !>-1115()21 $1Q9 F\('JOJ(' 'l~>t'.711>! I Lillli~;t~;;~ I p.irt• ;).~I 1~1Jll t'r ~t:1l' 1131 lif>.1 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line • Bring them or m•ll them with coffect caah to D•llY Piiot, 330 W. Bay St.. Co•t• Meu. CA. 92626 • Eich Item mu11 be priced •Ith no Item over $50. 20c pe• Hne -S1 .00 rnr 'mum • No livestock. produce or pl1nt1 • Ho comrnercl•I •da 11lowflt r our famous DIMES-A-LINE .. .... 0 DIMES-.~-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. ,,j ANTIQUE mahQaany ·ss PLYMOl,TH icrlll MA DAME A exander VW llaJa cxhau~l $C!!'i ~ Kii> S dirt h1k1• Y.1m;1h,. 'l \1\lf H "'Wh llf ptnt' Rf\10ll1':1.1'\\. Tutll•I ll UL \I E~ <i.:11~tl(1 do111 OA \ t '\PORT II r.i.11t QUEEN Box spnng and " bumper hood llnd dolls I! inch Little .ind 5 fu.: \V. rim' $5 fillrr run' ntt'<I' 1"<111. f11• "'"'cl $1.1 '"' .ill \m .. n1.111 'tJ111t.irc1 S't.\ ;irm' S..:• "t'" 11.ini·'I I brov.n nJl!Jh~de $50 mattress m ~s.8104 ~~~:~c~ ~~~ ~~ar~; fenders sso 65 rord Women girl~ $36 each e.irh "° llP \'W \'d\1'~ $Sil firm l>IS fM!lO I c:u1 ~t~ill' ch tllVol•Ml '"' .... all h111111 \lflk St '> Tl\11 I f 1ld rc~l!" hO<~>tl 1 ~tlh r; r I',. n (' h JI~ fl tJ o u T o o o R t h \an rear end S25 1 lug I Laune $45 Other II Inch and r{)(h $50 Harreb --1.1hl1· u1 1.1n111 11,,,,. SL~ 11 pJ 11 m rrrnt , lid 1n ~· I a n 3 111 r 1 ~ 11 I nllom.tn SJ.~ ll42 _ p a 10 American c estnut '6S Mustang rear end Madame Alexander carh and shroud and MAIU:-.iEl'I~ romwt!'tl S 11 111'<' 1h1ltl11•11' 1low1 cluor' 114rnxllt••n HatlH•'11111 ''"k anrl .-., - furnllure 4 Choirs. SIO cabinet~ SSO eac h S20 •65 Mustang dnors Dolli.S35each 8462920 .:encrator S50 R<'RS in clean f M .iu r~ l>1:cll iw•mwl$-l'I 1 ~,11 ~111 ,.,.,.111 rhu 111 Fold fauct'~ n••\\ "11h tlram 1 11.01111-.;c, M1\..ws::.1ie' each I Chaise. S20 Shutter doors Sl $10 ~s each 70 Muslanit Huntington Reach I pQwd er ~rail! S5 !Ox , \!J~} r~trJ~ 2 JI ~;;,11 1 ,nt h I' < 11111, ~·t .,..1 5-lin "'"" $2.~ r•uir S!5 flc~ln<·:1l •.o<'kl'l1' J lt I.~ 01..ot~ Jnd lo~ ttl 64-4·4579 12xl2 orange carpet in auto trans $25 '54 --. - -shoo1111g Jac ket '11e 41,j eJ l h If) gan ' ~ 1\1 C:araj!1· it.•11 h1t1i!"' S!l I h.•n111ni: I imp-.!..\ cJ1'h I for $1 "4.uba IJnk v.11h '"rnl1f" shin' panh 60 GALLON aquarium ,exceUenl rondil1on $25 Chevv standard trans REGINA Eleclnc broom S8 t.00> ROS of 45 l':il l mobile 40 rli Sci!. ( .1~h ll a1111"11 r • i.:• q Q1.11·r11 h1·d'f'' l'Jd h~~i.. fl.Irk Jnli .~·•Iv .. rlc ''."~'' .inti \Uth SSO Stand SIO Plastic 12x12 bro"1l carpel $25 S40 ·Datsun Courier SI~ Ma) lag ~a~hmg 220 GR bullrti. $181 onh 5411 itHl Jft r I T111l1•1 S!I l:!f. I J 1•-11w1 I nllu~ Sl:i Tr JH'r\c• r11d s ... '-m.tll l'~1111 •.r 1 !.t Sll'l •5~111 2(1 _ plants. sand. pump, Rattan twm headboard and other httle truck machine S45 Gas dr)er Coleman ? burner 'love IZpm ,11t11ni.: i;:la'~ l11wr1 s.rn I 1•,lend~ <.'ll0111 $Pl Eue I hrolll·~ nev. szo 1101 - heater, net S20 '65 54 Antique bamboo diamond ()lated step S40 LampS5 Sea.rs<'ar ~ 645.9528 • -. ---I Dnuhit' ~1 1c11,:th Kl~•'• ~ h ct• r t1 r,t11 t>' llni;t 11•~!..~r 55 llt~i.k~ Bl < \'('I E . I adil'' M F ba kd k c hair S20 Antique bumpers Sl5 and S20 tQp carnl'r $25 <.lolhes -------:-OEW lari:r stuffrcl lt11n Htxl\fl $20 .\nt1r1u" 176rnx!•imll m "hilt· .. 11 kmd 25cS2 llant 3~pred S-15 ~H8739 11:s~~g T'!:! 4c sp:d bentv.ood chair $20 each 56 Ford diamond 50r SI T)pewnlcr S12 ANTIQLE v.alnul end I 271n h1g.h S30 r.111t.1r I huffrt $4!1 xv. c .d11illo I "'ckt·r "'·•J:l'rr f1h ovt'r I hnldt·ro. and pnts Ill<' Sl? I Co~ta ~ll·'a -- Hyrst shifters S5 each Antique tablecloths and plated rear bumper S2S Sel d1sht!l' $7 Books and ta hie $50 Magnavox Trump SI~ \ddrni: I St ret'I ('1o,l.1 :\1•·'·' lnil• I ·•m il si:. r"''' nrnrh 111111 hulclc·r. S2 . 20 gallon gas tank s15 d 0 ii ys from $ 1 S20 .67 Chevy pickup left putties SOc $1 549 0755 j 19tn portab\1· blal'k and machmr ~mnh I orona :>1R 91.-3 l t )th 1 ,.. J J! ,. 1 , 1 1r 1, 1' 111 l•ill!I .ind '< 11 v. ~ \ .\ \ 1 u' l o m lJ u 111 646-l4"7 Assorted lamps $5-$10 fender $31 Brand new 9am2pm 107 Danbor} ..,, hlle T \' S50 S20 Original hand ·' '"tun· "llh :! .,;, fii.il 1 "ood Jml mrl.il ~St inle11or 1abtnt'I wrlh Coffee pol electric S4 Courier lire and nm Lane Costa Mesa. Rollawa v double bed painted colorful 1mrrl)l ,Mr.11;s 10 ,Jlt"·.d llikc" ! ch:unSIS ~,15 069.1 L'!l-IO I ~.11u1d.1y !l3pm .2 1~.1, s ink .ind rrrbox $50 MEN'S SD dress, sport Toaster S4 3 foot stools 600x14Ll S2S '.54 Chevy S4S Sofa and matt'hmK $49 fi7568311 ne" t1r,..., nr~· ~t·at $4fl I lt1au1 Pla<t' 1·11,1:1 :.11')"~ Plat·r l o~la Table SS l>oublr bed shoes, like new $6 $3. ~. and SJO. Wooden end S25 40 11 ANT IQUE walnut end love seat $45 Ma~navo11 ----So , Rt'f'I 10 Rt'<'I l~pr I \tt>-a \!esJ fMS .'\991 $20 ~rreen tl'flt 9111? Fishing gear 2Sc $16. bowls aod trays ~$5 rear ga on tablt S.<io Magnavox 19 portable stereo $15 ITA LY ,5t)le chandelter l ~c~urdcr v.1th ~rea.kt•r ' -------I $25 18fi67 San Antonio. Electronic parts, tubes. As5orted ba~kets 50r S5 raghl gas water heater an<'h portable black and Redmer S12 50 S" •~el ~ T\ Roller ~art SIO $50 Ball\ swm14 hath • ~1 ·I TC' \SF: Samw nit c f' o u n 1 a' n \'a I I c \ solder, HD iron !Oc S6 Piclure frames and t.~~u/~at~~l~:te;~e whale telev1s1on $50 chair $5 Slt>rlinl? s ilver Aluminum rot ,ind pad tub rh.m.){i· ta ;t1 infant ~Oos h;ill $40 l .. ir111 1 11, 1 1 ·travt•li•r 2i;111 114 9fA l!nl 543.91132 pi ctures Sl ·S IO 548·8109 Rolla"ay double bed pin SI S EIHlr1 c SIO 548-3212 __ --~cal all forSlll '.>11·7~ ".il!m l\fll' h.tlhl•ru• h.11tl1.1<.c• S2 1 RollPr -- S1lverplateplatesS5 $10 S4S Sofa and matching popcorn popf>l'r SJ J , --f..~o \1ll 1quc• Mn1m I ,1,,11,., ,l\OI· rrwn' rn •, lllKF.S l.1d1t>' mt'n' KIUG size bed romplete and .s12 f'old up KJNG size headboard loYeseatScCS Magna\'OX 81rnder $3 Plex1gl11ss GIRLS Huff) h1k1 _o 2 GOOl\Yf<:AH Sno tires K~orl.1k "''"ti· ~~o ~2:i Ko~llni? h.111 bal': J s 10 'Jll'ed' :-.:amr with mattress. box s~opping cart S3 Twin 520 King size box portable stereo SI S rear ~ind ow f o r inch~ fi42~78 _ 700 l3 likl' nl'Vo s15 1;,:JOlf>'! j and ~ho<'~ wnmen• 111 , brantl' Extrd' Look springs, frame and size sheets $2 each springs <two halve!.> Recliner $12~ Swivel t'ompact lrurk s1 :; STEREO con ~ole l'.1rh T11o11 \f a.:~ El l -SIO Linoleum ~htlt'I ridenev. wrrrS200nu~ bedspread $40 cash Antique bowls and excellentrond1t100S20 ch,a1r S5SterEhlng -.1lver IM7·809S D1rn1shmotlem.walnut l "'•lhfililllJRemmicton FOL'H u~•·d lo1lt"' SIO brr .·k , Arm,lrong onlyS49each54118()61; only 548-5313 assorted dishes StO ond TV stand good shape P n $ l 5 e c I r 1 c -------sso 642 !317 tires wul1• track 'uJlt'r 1·.ich Tv.tt ut1hl) truck Solo1 um appn1\lmateh - ------ d 112 ~'Keefe and Merrit 17 Two h~red sheets, popcorn poppe~ SJ SKI bools !', and R SIS -------I 60 t1.1bell'4--. ~o BRi8 13 rackd4o each Camper lift, Ifill SI S Adding 6 f T 1 obogg .in S4 0 GOOD con Ilion. large built in gas range and 121nxl2an. used dear Blender $3 Plex1glass Tryolla ~ka bindings _ Goodyear pnl~ radi.il ,htofl s35 494 Old m~rhi ne. Rrmrnglnn Schwinn umc)Cle $50 ~~.~:pol~~rn':ssT~~ ovenSSOforboth Old ~assllle50ceachorSS re11r w1ndov. for with Solomon ~afely RAl>IAL\lrrs f'Ri0'<15. SIS Twomntcht'dsrts Newpt1nlvcl 'IJc•wpoal l ik1• nl'v. $20 MattrfSS. single S20 st~~dSS.545-3479 walnut double bed per doien <allpackaged l'Ompacl truck $1 5 straps$15 Childs Lange FR711xts.Sl5f'ach Nev. l1.1ggagr I "rt. 21m·n UP.ich <h.1n•l1•her. ra~l bnm11· Rerord album' soc frame $SO Saturday 1n original boxes1 847 H095 l(recn s ki suit and IS!ixlJ. SIO 185 701(14 $15 2nd,,., I p11·1r·., !-.>rl ---.int 1 pie 8 bulb. 114 Mans wool roat SIO MAPLE kitchen ca.btnl't 10·4pm. 282 Del Ma.r 673_.7111 -jarket S3I Round bard $5 631 3701 Costa Mesu r. a..,, n s p 11'i11l1•1 ~S FREEZER. oldtr <'he~t r_r).,t.i_I~ $50 .546 4_435 Man's 2 p1e<>e n'I\ y suit ..... Bar and stool.s set Ave .• Qi6ta Mesa Fair CHEVY '71 lruck parts s tand SI S Parroi s.16·~ SIS Sportjackcl.\SS SIO •" D · N rt Rad1'at r S40 A ' s Old k _ type, works fine $50 \"OOnE~' bab bed m. Day bed $10. Set rave across ewpo TWO pair new lad lea 0 1 r playpen IS 01 PLEASE l<'lephone Qr ---S4S-<W85 ~ •~ Y SSO All near new \1zes 40 ... 2 tire chains 110. Lamps Blvd toward Back Bay shoes. size ION 17 50 rompressor U S Air desk arm chair S3S. come after 2 OOPM GOODRICll st~l radial --------Bab' bed mallres5 SSO l medium> Material l ~ .... .. '1 :ii"" .. ... • .. SS·SlO. Chairs S2·SJO. bttomes Dtl Mar each One p11r bla<'k rondilloo condenser $35. Eureka l'lec-lnc broom AM I F M Mull 1 p I ex tires Pmx14 I llRRxl4 > Baby swing Sl5 lnf11nt Sl·S2 per yard 11 und 2 Tablet 1 5 -135 . MAPLE baby crib. and white drapes $7 Le(I front fender S50 llS. Six foot gold and s t r reo with record selSl5eaeh HL•ISSZO DOUBLE bed set S30 ~eat S3 Metal offi~e ydp1tttS> 1381Galwi)• b1 Headbotrds ind beds mittreis and sheets $50. P alest areen drepea Headll&hts S7 SO Small brown woven wood changer and speaker5 ~ether men~ lu1t1tllflf'. Vanity and Mirrof' Ul de~k UI Office awtv<'I Lane. Costa Mesa 1near ~~; S2·1lS Pictures S2·,IO White bl.Sslnelle with 120ln·x&4ln SU Slant pullm1n, complde, like shade S2S Trailer h1trb $4S Am Fm cll)('k , hghl two and three Mntor wt Two color telev1x1on~. chair $2() Queen me Harbor Blvd and Roker it•., Chlldrens and ldull hood mattress and lace board s12 Solid alab ~·;e~e~a•~,~~~!~~ ~l~~~e:<':~1o\iitdh~u~2~e 9~1r,\~e:0~:rd!:111s~ ~~~n:io~w1 ~:,~~~·n,~ ~~~d s:~.~ : 1~~:1~!~ ~~=~~ ~ ~i!~!~: Strttt1 MS-383t ___ ~·! c:lothlnc 2~·$5. To,s. skirt I" Diapers 13 door l>tStt8ln~ Pitcher valve S40 Bal'C<> nurse Mrtal step aLOol rha1r T> pt'wrlter port1ble Other luQ3\.'l' S..'i ~;it'h r.1Shmcre coat S30 t714> 644 7790 FIRM t"in saie mallrei;" .--Y. books. dishea 2k· 5 park••• Aner 10am handle deadbolt 135 oulllts. site 10 and 12 S5 ltO 673-m> SIS 8 track tape guts $8 7SI 3713 PI um b In" va Ives Aher tam 3102 Coral »1·2'47 202e1 Sprll(e, Fire screen. l l5. Men'• and $10 .Sh.lnaled dog , soc $1 50. Prun1n1 REVELED mirror SI$ and box spring UO Ave In allty, 4 blockl Santa Ana Heights off ski bool.l &M rack, size• ho II ae '50 . 1953 POWER mowrr 150 Variable strob llghl 112. cllprrrs $1 »S2 Steel Twant Full s11e metal we• t of SP Ir ts 8 lstol . 9 115 Pachinh 11me R bU "~t u I <>o I d in• bike • 50 15 Inch Utt and wheel Pl.A VHOUSE 6lb4rt US h t It S " 50 • W 1 rlter <'ha ar 120 bed frame SIS 642·3281 Ru11urant. Harbor r (!Ike plnbtlll uo . fA;~ c, ....,. • ..,csa. Automatic wuhtr • s.so: S20 8 traek sla'eO wtlh Maa rims SlO uch. Et!ctrl~ncolf~'"pot s.i. Writinf desk 125 Pinc --- Blvd. Costa Mesa. ROCKI NG chair 120. lO·Spm 646-5812 \ Dryer s,so. Push mower record r hanaer and H 11 b I t r a t • n d Men's bells 11 SI 50 drop ear Ubl~ S3S TURQUOL<;E ti\ IWlfa 1 .. OOERN round d1~ ... te Dynamkally tested car GAS stows 13> tnd SSO. 115 Electric ed&tr SIS. speakers SH Radio acce•soncs S5 f}()dl(f' ~fl handed IOlf rlubs M1bor1y 'lnglt bed rcvtrslblc <'uah1on11. "! .... _...._..Mb •:.'!' .. , lt'ftl l2S Baby Windup BABY stuff GM car Rcfriftrator SSO KJn1 Vuuum clean., '2S rontrol bu11dozer, a.~ •• 14in nms SIO for all t 13 etrh 2092 Wallaee US lothu SI $20 wood trim $50 Sln•lr "'' •naw ..... • """ Swln1 SS. Umbrella seat IJO. Porte crib $35. and doublt budboard Pr01>&ne tank ~ Boys SIO 21~ Ooc:tora C'irrlc, Motorcycle p.art.-. Sl·S5 I Ave Cost a Mesa t..e 8 lhtr hand bags oven 11111.dard stove, and yellow chain, ln ttroller 95. Goll"'''~' Cb1n1tn1 table SU. S 12 50 tub $ma H I bl.h s.w. Sttd spreader apt 0 Costa Meso BI kt car rl rr I Io • Sl·S6 Plrtutt' and prlnu •lectrlr $50 tfh24ft tHtllelll ~ StO. $JO. 551-Jm V1portz.er SS Carmtn tab I e • I J O 4 5 8 1 SlO Dlthwuber ISO. 642·'79 ¥otorrycle 1$0 2135 541·70ll SH20 IS plttt ~. ManlnltGft no ... Y\nyl ..U.'5LI nrlera ., Electric Broadway <bec1ty1.rd1. l Saturday afternoon ~rvblir. Cotti M•a WASHER S50. Antique dt.hn f15·.tr•ccl,an c1.11hloned t11ole1un , 81101 .......... _ .. SlS. II I RCEDES Bu 1 dock SS. !letU1c f11 MM481 I' only. 2%\ P'loftr Street, OOLF r luta, ri1ht hind V1$rta. M.eoG .. 1 ..... ,, S"O Wl•"'er wt 's" !: rd ha h wbltt bftcl pellma lifi .u ... -.. .._n ar•t1t0rlt1" Cu1lo1n $10. Braim bater Sl.5. r~•·llaa. ud left hand aeh • "'" • · ... 1· 10 . ._tu a, 1m ir-- -· 1 ColLt .._.. ea;,,, floor autr. laludtr llt. Hand SIATIBOAID. roller ""9.. US·S$0. C'arta ss.110. MEN'S 27 lnfb SdlWinll 1'0CbrS.O n.-.om. Monrovl1 (In 11l1y I ·-------- ITOVS • rt..•· l*ftd _..., ~ beaten, tltctric t.lt. tht• ramp. \4 plft, T.V'S blaek and white o.ta 11 ... s.M• , Vu1ll1 10-.peed, 100ct 0 ., ~•t•ffn 11 and ntb 'Yau Ooll lllM a ·p. lo ll1.1lat lld UO. MW for S• now •· Toaattr $1. 11ectrle lOft tall, 4ft wtde1 Cl\ ol portabltl; RCA 17\n l>J. 1b1pt 930 rqb, laU r•E year old KtlllMtt Slnd..Oilla ..... ! '*9• f..t" •• ,_ DNINr att SM ... Cect lloer ••ta ... rdl.o SIO. llecfrlt 'ftttt.i. Mil lftd luoh !ttrbtil·Carlaon lSln C.B. bbo, blO PQWtr S1ata Marta Strttt, va ruum cluner l$01 ti.IUllS, SJ 11lloa, ) liellcua..t •tilt DNb Prtac ... Df.1 c.n. ,.... ..... ,_aMn i~AO. CtOck pot pnmdl•clM9BIJ. SlO. Botb attd "Patt" uatt ias. CB. routala V1ll11. Dt11ut clock U . cttao. IT.st u~~. I"* Wut Mill OaO • .--..,....... ..... ,_ ................. 1 ......... u,m.' ldJutmet ...... ' llltella .... 7511 ·• --~-:1'1....... -..,... , __ __ l ~-~--~--~-------.---------------~ ~Cout DAILY PflOTJSatwday,,lbruary 13.1112 Mfet, lllfl1rftd ..... .., I rfMI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '717 w.rc...... t74t ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 179 HONOA cvcc I . HatchbHk 4 1pttd eOMI 450 SL tra.rwmiujc)n Thia on.tis I Ch1mp11ne Palomino vtry aha~ 1315XVB > llalti.r Cau, Alloys SJ8U Jim Marino Ori~ Own~r Muat V1Abw111t n 1142-2000 SI-II' '~ 5111 '77 Clvlr r~a 1101 35 ~ 300 St> &18 Snrf. An ITlJ>i MK ruoo . lhral'llt' Grry Im 73H.ioiim t79684tpm muul1tt 31 K M1 ll4 500 146 5792 '19 4dr Accord, rtd xlnt '81 SD. 5,000 ml. full fu· wnd. lllr, 5·800 42 K m1 tor)' wrnt)' & t'QU•p 'IT Muatan,. sell fur part1 Cal tanytimr 11 GMC CAMPER full)' ~.NZ~ eqi.ap. Verygoodcond 16,500 546 64JI I 9570 ••••••••••••••••••••••• io l• ton Ford Vain hc>rly. gd trans. tm.•s nda en!( ~~648t 77 210%2+2 t · 5..'7 42:1,S um 280'lX. bnaht red Auto, like new 640252 98,400 8'7S ~S $33,SOO 640 $192 '.J-f7l0 rOO 2IKlS 21 mpa llUIO ~ 111r. Jm fm Ml'ST ~·····~··············· SL'Ll I S3600 h ' 64 E l ypt' Juti Nev. ·" • ) .irv paint, nl'~ in tr. , Int 497 5<lkJ I LochtClothM GARAGE SA LE Sruh11 Wt'tswt 12 IJ W TV Wuher & 01)t4r Lov' ~al, Sewini: m,1l'hint', pair of mall'h•oi: l'hu1r5 MUCH MORE " ms Pwt ClandRe 'lill Sat 9·4PM SH 11170 Lou QI fabnl'. S yrd orl•--------·--... -----1~\ Dbl bf.d frarnt , wht SW4PMHT 1• 972) mech cond '7500, f'h i-m11••••-- smw '"' MiCEDES • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~w 1nd llkt' nrw (. tOii. I .ind l b ~for houst'hold Items Sat 9 3 2-407 4 Po9tt'r Old bolllu . Evtry Sunday, !lam SSAYIS.AVES Lots of sma II ~t urf 3fm. Ora nee Coast WITHUSEO PARTS 71GTS Rtd/To11 .__Ghia 9734 l&alOOTD Cont~1ur~ Winn(lr f.ellM' ••••••••••••• •••••• •• • Oplwns include sunroof Notlung over flS In al Collegt, Fa1rvil'w & Ari hl'l1>ortcd t·ar p11rt~ orbuy llAl.8311 70 Karnwn Gh1,i <:on &sterf'O 1102411 M11reliret Dr N(lwport Ura ch Moving. e\·erythinl( goel> tollect1 blel>, qualil\ r urn . I awn mo we r". edger. stereos. l111ens. pots, dtl>hes etc Sat Sun. !I !>pm 3771 I e) bl' h Ind IS 3 0 lnpon. Costa Mesa Ad IMPORT M1r11mar. 8.il Pen ITU.\51on free to buyers Al'TOSlJPPl.V 1.2-4 30Sat Sun Se 11 er R 0 en a 101 N Muncheste1 Gener.ti Autu Lt•.isini: vert Man) Xtra~ \"L'r) Slt,500 673 4311 ~17~ond Sac S3000 JIM SUMONS ill :ni GTS s1lvt'r blat·k IMPORTS SatSun 115PM Sl·uha Gear. BR Suite kt> & Roller Skates Golf l1ul:ti. 3143S.tmo.i l'M l I r Anahe1 m 776 ll!lcJO Giant Garage Bake Sale ions no. Eat whlle you Shop M6·~ SZll.~ 72 Karmunn Ghia Cun\ 1301 Quail Street 645~171 New lop. nt-" t1r1•, Sat & Sun Feb l3 & 14 735 -------• l.JTE BODY WORK & 1»11nl up to 50', off >our bod) shop e~I !136·9832 l MOOE:l.S IN STOCK ~tereo Huns c:n.11 NJ::WPORT BEAl'll 9725 54,500 962 6211 13).9100 • Hendri c ks. In 1n1• • <follow s1gnl> to Cul\ er~ Ferns I Sat tO 2. m1Sl" items clothes si 10 14 31211 Bennuda,C~ flltalt> Sal('. Some anti ques. all hous.-huld 1teml> 1:10 lmJ Lo•1 Court, NewpMt C're:.t 6.11 *118 Antiques. furn frames. TV "ames. p111~ poni: tbl, pool tbl Good ~tufr 51011 Mangohl 11n .i I ley >. CdM Sat , .. , "., JoannSt ,C M ASSISTANCE LEAGCE G I '-'--G TIIRlf'T SllOP Pre~t WAREHOUSE ir .xvul a rage Sule dent Birthday i.ale SO', Sal Sun 9 4pm Corner ( · .'llll6 llailMn 111\d SALE!!!! of Me~.i Vt>rde Tahiti ol Sat 10 2 505 J2nd St Autos for Sole Relll>drl C'onlrallor Dr c M N 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .,.,,J '"''•1 ~..io IU."lll Selim!! \t'cumulutt>11 BACK ALLL'Y SAi.".· HUGE GAR AG 1-; SAU: IM PO lffANT d.SahJJ:t'ltem~ "' r Sa Su F b 3 h h NlYI'lC'F.TO WUUY Pl us Tu11lb . L1oht~ 315 OrC'h1d CdM Sat & t n e I I 14t Rt:AOERSAND trSEDCARS&TtWC:l\S " Sun 10 4 !-'urn . misc ~ Pnnt•eton Dr CM ADVERTISERS COME IN OR Wood. Plumbing. t: hl~\ Athl0 11· l' ( s· C'A LL L'OR & Ml'Cll ~ORE ",.. ~...L.I 5..a-1 s-•-1 ~ ,• OI orm~ " The price of llt'nl) r ---See at GS 18131 Lake d rt d b h I FR.u. •PPtAl5Al E\'ERYTHINC GCH.:s " f'urn1tu"re knll' kn.it•\ point H B Fri Sat u \e 1se h) It' ll' t' .:;s,.. No Rea:.onablt> ()(ft•r n· l'll Sat Feb 13 from 8411 2632 dealers in t I! Vt'hldt' Cormier Del1llo fu.sed 1835 Y.h11t1er \\l' tO 30 t·> 4 Jt> t0242 t·lamf1l'lt udvt'r1.i.1n1< CHEVROLET 'A" 9. CM S.il Sun 9 3 1 JuhnMm' Ln Hun t Bch •WE'RE MO\'IN1;• ''' column~ does not tn t8211 BEACH BLVU !leer & Soft drink' pro I l\faPnoh.i & Adam~ l Co mt> & li l'I l ht' dude an} :.apphc11 bit• lll'NTINGTON BF:Al'll iided Olher' ha' e Sall•s . 0 GOODIES•" Sat II 4PM ' taxes. ht't'nw, tr.in,fer 847 6087 in tht>area thi:. ~ t>ekentl As" or t e d B 1 k r'. 2346 Cynthia Coun C\1 l~s. rinanl'l' t'harj!l.'1> • or NOW! Cltec• • ., 9••4 u ltctlH of DlMOt ••4 9UALITY 'll·OWMID AUTOMOllUS • ... ......... .,..... ......... C4orC-lft TODAY! SAUS • SYYICE WstHG SADDLEBACK 1 f'REt: GOLD lilt> 111 hou.wv.are,, ant1~ue slot Ot'F Santa Ana Slrt>l'l I ft't'S for air pallul1on rnn 549·3331 E\'ERYONf:• marhmr,, 1·unos1t1es & Blk l\ of 23rd Strt•rt tnil dt'v11·e t•ert1r1rat1<111~ ll'~W n:u:.t· .. 4101 0 l11Jur111 Arl Rt'llN·oratin ..., 11,. or dealer do1·umentan· 1 01 114~ ~ JU ITl Rat ••••••••••••••••••••••• --llllJl!-'91--•IC°:'~Ja 9716 1976 MERCEDES BENZ *FANfarfiC * .7;-~·n·t~1~··c:,~~~;002;i;· 2&C Anthracite Coupe M air Si.pd like nr~· Loadtd and 1m •FIATS• S2~ortrJdt> 559 7140 ma1 ul.ite t 1073391 ' $999~ Jim Ma rino HUGE SELECTIOtil Mmdo 9 7 31 V~kswagl'n, 1142 2000 PR6-0WMED ••••••••••••••• •••••••• t'73 un u.cE be 1981 11182 '" 4~ st offer FtATSporfCa" ~ Must i.l'll 1n 2 ~eeks sr1D£R~ & XI /9s 11 ~ I 49'J..50;1 Siim 5 30pm TOCH~~~E\flOM DISCOUNT ·~ ~~~~~1~i~!0~~· ExampJt>, HEAOOUARTER s rl $38,000 17141661 186ll '75 FIAT LEA.~: OR Hl'Y d)s. ~ 0879 I 24 SPIDER "i6 ~1rr<·edes JOOl> .. nrf. 5 ,peed. mini t'Und I xtra I.ink 58K mlleb o ~ n er . re r r a r 1 r ~ cl Sll .llOO ~ 8669 1141\'(1\ I $3995 9742 . JUST MOVED! N B 631 26110 Ong & repnxl .irt <!. I prep.irahon rharge~ un Good Running Car , \' l.arage :.ale lob uf Sterl'o t'<1u1p desk otht'rma.£c..Jle.iw. t'n.& ll'Slt othcrwi:.t• sperifil'd 499-47li MIS~TitJO 1 nuw. s tereo rqw.R,°L uL W1R>, t'htldrm·s ltt'm<,. Sat 9 4 2 Sea bland Or. hy lhe adH•rti,t'r I Ave Pl< olf 1.5 '77 FIAT fi~-furn ~OITI(' ant1qu1•' bt•d fralllt' 1863 l'orl I B>I? Canyon Twnhm~. General 9510 ry wy 124 SPIDER ATTENTION a~d rnl{et't1ble$ 1"11 Rt>nwtck l'I , NU Sat t'ord&Jamborec :'\ B •••••••••••••••••••••••l.AlllfotWant.d 9590 , 831·2CMO 495-'949 5 'Pd slt'H'lt ta:.:. MG E\'erythtng i:tll'' . C-Ooch. loH·~eat tJblr:. desk. T\'. stl'rt>o, be:d:. dress4?rs, ~asht>r clr}er IIll£C.. .l~"~l;tt~ pool tlrlt' Sat Sun. 9 5 546 117 1, 13121 Olyl!)j>ll' AH~ C:'l1 Garage Sale S.it Sun 9:, Ship'~ ~hl't-h BBQ. furnit ure. lO)~. l'lf 20251 Runmnii Spnn.1?~ IBrookh~rst & AdJm:.1 ~~01saePI 2~111 Po ' nnl~.!l.im 4pm ALLf.Y SALE' 6 I ....................... Closed Sundays I m.1)!<, ra1k.bt-.iut1luldk OWHEIS lle:rhe£a1&. Sun1;"'t11 ' Garage Sale Hand 1001~. CdM. s·at •it \11Uo~~ W'~I Trade MG ror \'\\' WEMEB> YOUR hh~·"l·o~1ll'r ~l'll kt-pl TONM;At.;CO\ ER $3-S:W P1pt' ~ rt>nt·he~. p:.imtin)?s, lo\~ l.ol"a ' or GOOD USED CAR! I lll>ISZOi f'its MC's, 71 81 Giant Yard Sall' S.it ~ 1dt' an~lr ~·n·n rhcs. 1 Junk · I 499-4722 Eves I Anythinl( rnns1der<'d j TM Most Excltinn j $4795 WE'VE Ne\l!r w.ed. $75 Feb 13th Jl9/\M 1!116 t't<· 40i E H.i). t'\1 I 1977thrul!l80 PwtOfYattr~ 1 ManaG3i 7797 liem!>g WallaL·e AH' C M 646*J36 Sell idle Items ~2 ~78 A-"--/ ~ 1 IMW ... _. .._ .... Or I '77 FIAT I MOVED I ... ,._'.!.-:.--~ ,..,~rM1h '00 :'ltGBCon,ert ~ew Fr .. :~~~ ........ !~.~~I I LHH CCKlld.. I 124 SPIDER n•" ' YISl1 -.. 1 End & Brks. Clutch ' l k M L IMWll llJl'lllJ! 14rl't>n ~1th t.111 ~ACIJTll Runs Good. $2100 1957 T-lird I I c a~n .. llllt'n11r. 5 spcl "ll'rt'll . SU 586 2560 Alt. Cnlle1·tors' lwy Or LHH <.1" mag~ mini eon1I us • Conroursl' 1"1111d1t1011 ' •I la C>r9l9f C-.ty l_y Ow~ Plan! I\< l'SI. I fOI ·;4 Midget \'er) Good 1147721 ~llJrl>lirBl\rl , 17141522·5333 $4995 . tffllTMl~:: Cood M~~~Sl99S Offic• F..miture & ·rv. Radio, looh, Renf/ ITransportatiOft • ONL y Sl6 too• cosTA ~1 F.!lA 1 ~ ~ '11:\ ,.,,,•111 '>•'11.nr; '" d r r1 r, 642-5678 ',', t11•'1 you .11J.1Prt ~I' •fl ltlt· rJ.1 '; p, ,! . Ecpipnent 8085 HiFi, Sttreo 8098 Chcrttr 90501°•00•:................ ' • ORAHGECOUNTY'S '78 F fA M • • MGI 9744 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Motoriwdlikts 9140 979·2500 I OLDEST IBTON1t:1 /9~ •R j••••••••••••••••••••••• Smllht:'orona l\pt>"'ntcr. REWTIFLI. !5 · !<(',\ Y•CHTl ... G ••••••••••••·~··••:•.••• WE PAY & _ . MGB CO:'\\' ~tint t'Ond ofhtl' mocl1•l l',e~ color T\' ~ah· 2 \C "rn ... " l!rnl MOTRON MOI l!:D TOP DOLLAR I '• I wd ~•th lht> rint-'t 141HllDSI cmuw~llll4 1978 0Jrk green. lo~ t·arbon r1bh11n ~1 00 i I\ S148 frcL•clchq·n .~ONS~LTANT~ Orandne~ S.U~ ~ll'rt~1 l'J5' onh 28 !l~J mllea)?e 26.000 Musi ,.., 1....,. I T\' John. 646 1 ,116 (. hartl'r I O\\ er & Sall 730 1467 I 11 " n e r m 1 I e ' see $4.500 640-6244 ~""" ' 1 Nl}l lkh 675l!l60 I· FORUSEDCARS 1i0Jl'Ol'1 Metudffhn1 9740 S (." Port type" ri 1 l'rlS rt sterL•o Ext ellt•nt Your Yt>Jr Hound 711 Pu('h Maii.1 M o1wd ALAM M .. Guou Sale, Ser11t·r l.1•.a\mi: $4295 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Optt 9 746 Coronamalll"\A rart nb j l"Oncl \\alout r.1hml'l Charter~r\I("(' !.lirror & L~t_l. C.ood p--1·c,""su"1·"Ru I rYVCARVER •Ml -'tra ••••••••••••••••••••••• bon (".I~ tncl \lmoi.t S200 545 l!Htill lo I rood $375 !>olti t41:1t ~·--' '66 """' ,.. ... 1~ I '79 rJ .. T ·--~·Mr... d '14 ~lant.i Opel Sl Cass, ne~S225 8384179e1 c \1a gna\O' turntJblt> oh.Sail 9060 Puch Nt'~port Mo Peel I ..-we 241l)llar rBlvd l{ll.,~·l\\llW n... taev erct ts AM FM $1200 amplifier '-tl'tPO, ••••••••••••••••••••••• MensCond LoM1 W1th 1 ••MG•• COSTA MF.St\ I t1o01-t1111 '4-.,.<1"'l• IEITOHEXl/9 toontw 673-8676 Banstk•rlflre.CJ"'~"391e ra.•;st'tteplaHr&8trad. WESTSAIL 32' 1.ot·k & Ral'k S425 Call i ~·:ellatTu.ak6ec·hBeJnist~alorc~oenr 549-4300 549.1457 ~• .... ~• .. ,64>°""" S 'pd. slt>reo ta':. .. ~tbt7 Pondw -IJpe plJ)('r $1511 j 4 factor) boat 3 l'yl l\ltchelll' 76096611 Jft "'~ If 3 s s I ( ~I) I 11 (ompafe llou:.e or Im !\); 1~7 1ohod:.l Lc.>Jded 2 boat ' SP\1 dihoo All "le~ Part-WE IUY '73 IMW 111.·.iul) t?ill\ II\ 1 ports D1ret1 lea~e and i;o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9750 Equipmrnt: .,. R''\("1tf•iri·r.i<k I\ ownerwanh.al'l11mand 2 "Ol I .. M p 1 Ind Clutrh tr,. F.tt· CLEAHCARS 3.0CSCOUPE $5495 rros 't'0~1blc· 1nml' 1975PORSCHE SuC<'n~ table~ .., ctn 111~ "" ' • "''' 1 bl "' o ll't ane u e1 s $175 Rerenl Tune up M TR C 4 spred. betl!l' bnrn n 0 1 a I 2 1 3 o 1 914 COUPE • • · · · ~ · ~ rl'n-.•lt• "Ontr·nl I 1 r <ll'l'l'P Jn) ~Pn~i t• Ill & II 'I· :h •d p · 1 C II l> •99 390 A D U KS PS J>0 tunnels "' t•on1 I!\ or' • otfer \t •)ur rloek Ernit-s er" at< t J1r a · a}!>. .. l. n alarm 'Y~h·m 714 !\IEHCt:nES " 213 Ssix'i!<I trans & A!\1 Jo'M etc . ~ ! d s~~ll. ~' l II fr \I I n II I' \ B " r In Slora~e JYr~ Lo MI 497 S3i2 Eve~ 49'.I 4i22 AM t'\I lllaupunkl •:, Wt .. , ... Wt ha•t ori\4 6.TI 2333 ~tereo lape rStk 37115 I Stwinc)E~pmrnt .fi1~"8391till101~ 711 ~41n ~\IP<,_Siuofnrl'J11 1't>llentt·ond1tion \llST 1\tSharp.st& R56~IZ01 Bagging marh folJmi: M1cro-~d\(' 1 \ \nt1n ~fl IJO l I G l S37H.\ fi,Jllfl.'it w .. •MEET&SHOW SF.f:'1hc-49ltl:'\Q• LowtstPrictd I 1979M.,.CEDES ONLYS55t5 h d l I , na HXJh,-.,11f~lo\1es~k ' '' P rJier _re.i 1· . I ll4T ..__ dt R~' S C 1·f EK mar . •n . ui. n.i St'\\ 111i: 1, s159 1,...,_872, ... "[". 1 l~te air xtras S1500 76 \ am.iha tOO St reel Antique Class1r molor f'9~t o un'" o. a 1 • I IOI WITHAM VW ma ch. ell • "-"' "'" " [V('!. 997 11:.'9 Bih Xlnt Cond :?IHMl Scooters h1rHle<o 1731 ' SI 2,995 ,\JI \'ehit'I~ CuJranteed lfNI 450SLC 7600 Westminster Ave Office, "-mg rquia. !lines~ !>om TnnJt~•~n l...i.-.er :t:l6i2 -.;0 ffiJ't l)rii:inJI Mile' ssoo Santa Ana \,t. l'o:.tJ SADDlEIACK IMW RJ.i,k bl<1rJ.. leathl'r Westminster mtntl:htfvift9:,. l!I ml!•~ l\ ~~·~ ~5080 I 6423Hl!before3P\I '1esa, Feb 14 For mfo l' --lll.Z040 495.4949 I DICK MILLER ~~ ... ~~~0 ~232~J11 "~' & Of·7HOltl-7551 De.,ks rha1rs ~<ales Stereo. $151 1139 172 /!Jll ttw.11 d3 SIG 74U NGH IUYER . Sl3 950 ,.H T;iria . ...clean ;in.d lime clock. Cit ~fAGN \ \'O\ 25 c•11l11r Puch Moxi $350 MUST St.:t.J. •I Top dollars ror Sp0r1~ !11 BM\\ 633CS1 5 ~p<l, RAT /lAHCl.A ' ma1ghl St3.750 t;, e) far West ACl('''orlt'!. T\" Best offl:r ~.1/( 1rn~ SACRIFICE !)4.S-874:S '55ChP\~ l'it•kup I Cars. Hugs, Camper!> ,afdn ht'll:l'. 'rlrf ~:!(Ml P.icto~· \uthomed JIM SLEMONS !1.l'i 4l29 S"""l d I II 1"11 ''h r•h "t JI :IJ ft Rhoadc•s ~11t1c1 fiUlt\ 'I k u"cuG 914's.Aud1 s mr 'b"~room <11n1l' S.il('<;&St°r\ltt' lJOl(JuJ1lStrel·t """n u~na .n D '-u ( ., JI 1' fr ~1otebera11t' \Int • ..,.,., :'' e...., . ...,i ,, Askforl C ~IGR 1 .~arr l01112J.i l31i'lm 1211 \\ \\Jm<·rS"l ~E\\PORlHEAl'll 169 Por~che 911T. xlnl lluntmgtonH<'J<h C ~laftertipm 1~~~1~~,.~;sn:\?1~~1.il~~ mnd$325mdrh.11nll.l4WhH4Dn•H 9550 JIMMIJUMO . I llm1lt'north lll-9300 me<h .iood boch . SALE HOl"RS Fri s .. 1 look & Morin• 1<11 :jlf, I Joe:~ f\42 581~ j ••••••••••••••••••••••• , VOLKSWAGEN i 17 53111 mu tan t\(11\ m1 I ill South Coasl PIJla ' I ~ ~· ofr 751 !1525 art ~P~ S~m22 \34 1J1:·~~. ~~ Ecpipnnt mnperl I an1J~l1t· hu~ 'I '10 F<>RD lltONCO 187ll Be ·h RI d I Auto. ~urf. Hlµ~kl . '10! 557-2132 1972 1\1 ERCf.OFS Hr-.;z •PM wknds b' Jppt ~all c3111~,·1·1 Gtntrd••••••••••••••••••9•0••1•0• •LASER I n .. , ... n lable lrn' S"OO .... .....,,,.,. XLT I .1~ ' e:ond S\12no ,31 .1212 , • .. • 'I• .. -5 91• 18 A~1 f'\• , , " " ,,,.11 11 ~ ~hitr likl' """"" 1 -I ""'"'ll'roa llVNTINGTONBE\Cll &16034~ 1 i2Jutomat1t·124 Seclan 2200 01<',el .\JI ' ~ · · • '• Bob ORO lall !:lhll 291i l.oad,d' V8 auto 142-2000 . • nin.'01\ Wiil 080 r.itl ungmal' Automat11· Jlr !Tlf!tp.unt.perf'ct t·ond ••••••••••••••••••••••• lirond llt'~ \tort'd tn Karen lran~. p~r st & brake' r • • •2 Ra' J r1<1 Ju tu I EH'Ss.\2 JOj, t•orxht1onin" and .;uper S6.UOO 831 9829 Desk metal. 'tint l"lllld 15'Col c sldl' H.it•hel. tlam I air rood t t h I WE MEED l dlTl Im .• ur $-1000 OHO • I 2 ~999 1--'lllS Ac r newl) paintl'd $i5 •man anot dt'JJl' Stl'H' 675fiti6! Motorcyci.s/ I ba kb k .. ~ ape, I YOUREXOTIC 17il3175<•\' F'1.1l 1970. 12·1 Spy1h•r i ean 'I • I $.'i!l!l~1 ". . s unr . Sten'O, $.5() 642 IWi SJOO .'i52 il!ll 1 Scooters 9 1 SO · c oc et i.eats 2 lon1• ·-. . l"llf1V. 5 ~IJC·i·d 1 o~nt>r J 1 m M a r 1 n u am rm cass. must sell I lrinda Out boa rrl i ; 111' )'JI l' mt·,~age ••••••••••••••-•••••••I paint. b1~ tires & m aii~ & UrTISH CARS iO BM\\ 2002 hkt• nc:.~ • Sl750 ORO 711 ~9'i 1569 \"aks~ ••gen 8-12 2t1tw1 Sts.950 P\1 ply 559 tl68j! ~~U~a::1~~\ l~a~;: 15Hr\onEn.: l;l)(lOORtl ~! l~~l1~:·11~!~~s"~;;~1 1980HONDA ~~seio~~~~~~u~l: [q '~ll~~J;.. ~:.~i~~I! t..1.::tH 1'\t'Jnd ,.eel.Pn1b I 1972MEICEDES I ~n~o~j~~,3~~~ 6~~~1 exec l}'JM' 6JIJSltH .if' -Ul7-49ti8 ~l!e.ir l!C><ICIC"ond S651l0 HAWK400 37761 rt,u :JJ021 1m t'1at850Sp\c1l·rt·on 250 12131 ms 1189 6pm lotlh.Maintfllance/ IJll"7~i721 I lfa~(lNJ.Y6.000milr~&, ONLYS9195 Dahun 9720 \'l'rt rebwltenJ!111l' Xlnl 4 door ,e<l,1 11 Brownmetal~·oodl!rair ~let 1020 1~ 1.11\E 'I,~.\\·· IOIW1THAMVW !••••••••••••••••••••••• llUlllSl.350 brn~n tJn ncrki·rTakeo\erlease.nodo~n top desk 5 dra~er' inr •••••••••••.•••••••••••• '41 Fr~rt Kttch I 19n3;~ i \\ J' ~I ll\I~ 'itnlWPstm1nster A\" 611UJ DATSUN 963 -~'.t \\I f\l Po~ .. r brJkt·' Jo,. n-.J payment' 924 file $75 64(H206 \lannt> f.lt'rtr11 1Jn G~ R~tion m11>1 'ell ~O\\ for We-;lmin~ler I M 71 Fiat 12~ Sp1 dl·r ·,1 po .... er sl<'t'nnJ? air con Po,-.,{ ht' ;9 646 2843 -Del;1gn install r•·J'l<11r ~6 GreJI hH• Jbo.ircl I OHL y S 1395 31~r~-ne~~.i~~1,~ 1 CLUDANC£ SAL[ 1•SJJ<l Greal Cond Run ' I cl111oom1? tht"0112FZB 1 I 7291 IT. sunroof Pets 8087 Qual ~ork ~1111:.211 \luq \l'I' St I~ 01111 , IAUER MOTORS 1 631·7880 893·75~ I I c;'.1~ ~os , l.M Goocl Ne"' l'.11111 '"'Top 1 SADDlEIACk IMW N1l.'e, not perft'rl •••••••••••••••••••••••1o..._ M . ll'rm..' Sl•J Prnperlll''J 292S HarborRh·d 174 Jt'<'P Waic11nrt'r .• 111 · • 1 _Mu'l Sl'll Bi•st llflt'r 831·2040 495 ... 9 .. 9 $8150 c21315922tl0 2 (' o ck at 1 e Is ~ I lo? un,, annt 1;';3-2.!lto COST>\ 1\1 f.SA cruse \.\1 F\l. rerent WANTED! ~Sli , , ~TOUght iron t'<il!t' s11~1 Ecpipnnt 9030 l" 1 ,5 9711 -, H o\nh,,JI on brakf'~ '.· . ' · I l!B> ~I ERn:rn:s Rf.~7.llt.tnaiM 9755 6737359 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,1IJ10il-t. ', nn 979-2500 trans 4 \\I>. all l..atern:>dt•ITuyotd\Jn1t HOftdo 9727 300CD 23.1100milt·~1··••••••••••••••••••••• . Se\)lor 9 rdfl < \ 1· 11.i 0 H \ llf htn~erl l cl Vol 1 0 b Ca 11 u, I 1 Sunroof. ~tn<lo~~ al Rt:NALILT PEARL COCK ATl~.J. lmlb capa<' Satli.. r111I mast fo.ed kl·el. roll<·r j ·79 Y.imaha DTl7S t:n unc't Ta intor, nt'~ TI>DA\''" •••••••••••••••:••••••• Joys. aux lank ai'J n• OPFER wl~erage.ta~Nl,AAO der. kt't'I +pump All furlinl(. 1·>.rl'llent ~.~~~. ?~t~:tr0e~t 5~~; ~~ hP7>l'\~·::fim~~ 11978 llONJ>A C \'Ccl rord<; t111~Je-.,. Perfrn .toSIOOO 64561W6 Sµ549309t!i Sl5.000213--H7!171 t 67S.Zl711 6425200 ~llarborBl\d HatC'hbark 4 speed, and Oh So n, .. ,n CASHRYATE ., ___ & n.-..5 8090 7 Sabot dm~h\ ~ oar' t. S1'1-/ • .73 J u · Costa \lesa l r Jn~ m 1 !I" Inn Io" I C748ln 1 $23 995 Jim 0", ALL NE"' ,..,_ -·r" ,..-n Yahama RD 100 Gd eep n aoonc.-1 auto I J M k '' n ••••••••••••••••••••••• nYllOrrTXJunl flberl(l.I\~ Docks 9070 d u .• I V8 lo ? p s" r H. fOYOfA.YOLYO 714/540·6410 m1 l'age lt'r) rretl) I arino \"nl ~~aj!1•n I RENAULT 1s 1 .. Baldwin Stud1.o Sl!OO $14S Swml(motormn11nt •••••••••••••••••••••• cMonl"-i"i'.!~{9681•x2!~.;is I air' st:r;:1· ..:lni · ,1 iJ' 1•uH...,..ll·• and s uprr t' e an 1142-2000 Thu;oHerends soon 2 13 3 R J J 'I 11 S or for 712hp hkc nu t'O!>l , us""' ..,.,. """ · · c 1 n c .. 1....... l980 OATSl'N Jl(l GX 21 11 R.IX645 > $399!1 Jim I 'Ill 180SLC 11nr' \, Ali TODA\'," 714 494 llt9t J.1•av1: ~ ~ell 5-15 7511!2.'>ll He~rtM~nna ·n~>Yamaha XS Man,· l3200 962·5950 "•"·tJO>wS40.t07 door "'11h air t•onditi~n M.anno \'ol k,~3£l'n ' sumele:ise ~S.CIOl1 Mesge i')\)?me Olch OrltJ "' Oa.~1c.MOnthb4fi05SI :<tras TOO )fufh lu "13t'ord30ll~~hl l>t11e mg 'terrorasseltt· f.\ S.t221nl I 7~·04lllor(>JJ3J2(1 :'\F:Y.LECAR Babv Grand ~011<1 looks ma nuf at lur.·rl. n n ••r " B Slip l"p 10 3" I I.isl. Sll50 ~s ~Sl8 ' \an Con.' «r""11 Pd Top Dollar ~':.·rn~haj' '0~4"~' 1 I '70 Honda Arl'nrll S11 blk 1 ·72 220 n 1 ~11rl "unrr 1•t1· I $5489 & ione. te~cher musl run . m l'Jr. S."l:>lJ firm \\ater J>O,.l't 01 l.ulo Yanl:lha IT. of( road, I ~. SAt ,"15!KI 53.IKM> Vol·k-1 m ·, J 1n° 1 .. m fm 8 Irk 3111\ m1 , $34511 · I this RI uimes with 'un • sell Also rnnsolt• µwno Sell car fol k('{'p en!( r .. r $2$() 673 2'i!'>6 never rae:ed '11 N r • ong mr Sink· .refrii:. Pai·d hw~gen. 842 200t1 Xlnt t'ond S.'ilOO ORO ' 642 i'i15 • mo<. AM FM slcreo and t~962-1635 nuneost~51115r1' ~e~~rt11eachboat,hrl $800 Firm 91iUOiR5. tipederk!l480682 1912 DATSL'~ 240Z 9623194 \tBZ~I. SllARI'' l '!'ore st k 011 sohd oak, 1vor) ke)!>. -673708fi ''*!Suzuki 250TS 400 m1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JOHHSON&SOH v.· •th 4 ~Peed cond AM 1-'Msler Mu~t . Mustseetoappree1al<' ORAMGfCO>.ST Ant>que f.\erell upnght or:.> $220 mo 96.1-l*ll, E\e I Tnids 9560 For Your Car ' I Dynamite rla<>s1l· toupe j '78 llonda Cl\ ll' Xlnt I Right mile ... e'ttra' 1 Serl61348 jllOO. 64S·S798 loahllp for rfllt HehnPt incl SIOOO OBO I 1979 CHEVROLET U.Colft..Mlf'Cury transm1ss1on in ,sha.rp · sell $317S, 644 8~21 j Makeorfer 12131275 1229 AMC/ JEii / Beautiful English Anti ~.~!.~~~~ ..... !~.~~ Pnroel~,n~xtto Rusly .~!ISQ!aflerSJ>m LUVPIQCUP 2826Hurhor8lvd' 1 condllion .. n 72EQF l !HON 8IC1\'1C.JUIO.sler "79 MBZ300D S18~or RB(AULT que piano. burl & inlaid c•rH fOD BOATS Pelican 11'1646·4419 MYam;,ha 4006 months Mikado longbed model Ccsta Mesa s.40-~30 i!i9~5 Jim84:~·nn Cass Xtrs$S800 f>\l Pt~ I take over lsc .. $1000 2!12A Harborm\d wood Must sell S400 ~ I\} ft Wanted Slip to Aecom old I~ M1 $1000 Firm. ISlk 37891 11x618891 1 --wagen, · 714-846-2100 Mmt rood 11411 7774 ~8023 64S 7770 ~Mochints 1092 5lHfH • Lr::i;t~f'':m P~!9 ~;J .:Su~i Gmo 4Cyl 16 1C:~~~!'J~w 'Aut~is~:~ted ~·.~ ... ~ ....... !~.~~ ~ ... ~ ... ~ ....... !~~~'~!·.~:.": ....... !~~~ ~!·.~ ... ~ ....... teoo ::.:::?•••••••••••••••• 78 2'7')ft BAYI.JNl'.H EH:s.l "94·7097 Val\'e Eng. Only 1400 Mi 7600Wealminslrr A" Runrung or not S!IO to ••••• SX Eltrtra •OOO. ong 'Victona" f1) bndgt-~·~ a\a1l up to 59 Ct In Xlot Cond New Westminster S75 lo~ Open Sun ~3!0 .... tNofer \64e6r 14~~ ed Y!iFh ,radio. ban tank. ~ \I Area $9 rt Call 6HtP~.lme1 .~~8638c. I'd Call aner 631•7HO 893•7551 days. ~89ee1~o33001K1n11 • ..,., '" on u.:pt mder.outnggers. rell.g) Pattison 1714' ~ _ ~amp.gen .AM&FMll 9M247J wkda)85 ,'78 Honda CX500 xlnt '71 CHEV 12 Ion. run~ Car orTruckNeerlcd stdi19 8091 trackstereo~ith trailer WANTf.l> SI f 980 runnmgrond $1200 good. must ~ell this wk havem>CASH ••••••••••••••••• •• ••• • Call '""2843 Will sell ' • IJ> or 1 ., • ., ' Sim OBO Herb 675 9606 Pr ski boots. hke nP~ .,...,. 3f Tra~ ler. no pets no ~ ....... 6Sll'7 _ . •846 5172 • Nord>caNo\·a.~1~ ~hl balanreofloan p.art1es64212J.4 'Ill Yama ha &SO maxim 82 T~ota 4X4 SRs $S0 752 6067 12 boat w shore mooring ·xlnt cood 5,400 m1 $1700 ~g 61500 Mi Sl 1,000. Aallos. IMport.d SporlWM)Goodt 8094 ~~,rr.~J!·Pn~~;!•:... ~n eatooa Island for _D&sPERATE_848·0001 Wknci·s E~~~:J~~;~so. ;:,;;;i;;;~ ........... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 494 5437 ale s:u ·34'16 Ho.I, Solt/ '80 Chevy Lu\ Death ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMGE COUHTY Jan z.c". bit ·s1. mint HELP! 1 ._,/Storac)t 9160 forces sale Unbeheva 1971 ,._ • C-n...-'o-I have 2 boat~ & only I ••.••••••••••••••••••••• ble' 2700 Mi. Long Bed -SHOW' •" condition, owner will berth. HJou would hkt 31 Explorer. 440 l>odge Auto Absolutely Like JJ.FA ltOMl!O fmantt 675 1752 I.ht llSe my beautiful mtr. generator, 25.000 ntw! ~. 968.7327 2000 srtDH Fii I l / 14 • 9 to S '72 TOLLYCRAF'T t.:x rlassic mtr yicht w cap· IJ\I Sips 4. clean. ready ~ Co --L 8 Silver/ bl1ek, txcellent lllW· s.tl· Tract. press Cruuer 24'. ~vs. tam' 1r you have 1 sl1' to roll Many xtras (7141 rDhl une,r .. cupdst condition lstrOOlllM) , .. ---Iii Ftituhna weapon11 of all 2.25 hp Mint cond Like 1 _. h / • • 6'2-3215 w s, am1 m CISs, S s · CALL TODAY !!! 'd I ar,.,.. enoug ior a .. ---739-6470/7711-6849 eras : sworm. coins. war new Cov stora11e. o bollt. let's make a deal. T~ Trani tl70 ..... ,..:_--Lon .... ..-SADDUIACI( IMW souven1n. antiques and hrs. sl,lll 4. galley. ht111l Ca~&7$-i71.Z ..... •••••••••••••••••• foo'ic""v£ I uev P~. lll!lUL 4f5-4f4! =•oi:.~e~~ec:~~~~ ~ull.trirt'M':;t!x~~!I ·~yLee. lovely' 18' Goldtn ~alcon rully &tlJs 673-l~~s grte Ml '707 ~rounds . C M Enter 714 584 4343 •• i!;ntsof!Quick ('Omfy !!!!t ~.:v\a1ned . xlnt -Ca. Sh II 8' L'k'" ••••u•u•••••••••••••• S2'Yourplck: ~.&46-9'2S •D mper e ' " '71 AUDI lOOLS. a uto. att3A off Arhneton St 0...-Secriflct A PNUM Sf'Owboal ; A 32ft 118> 5th wheel loaded New.~~ .. ~•ua rtd.io. good trans. 2prK244mid sk11 ~ea :ti fl Pareri\iktr 1867 Jo'ull Ra ct . or 1 x.lnlc:ond.~deout. beat ------968-TICM I pr Nord1r 1 boou Newport mooring 2 dblt Pttformanct·cntlser ctferm.t40f "79 Chev7 lT truck 8xl2 fZ-$.WSS2·o.w7 Staterooms Will fm or Moonn• for 4-0• w 122' --1take dump bed. Utll im Audi SOO«i. Xlnt bolh lllnus large t rum trade WonMrfuloppl'y boal.l7141673·7998John T ...... UHltr tUO boxf!I. All heavy duty. mechanlully and COS· •poUne. 7xl4 '. $400. back 714·&9922 BromlttYocht Bkr ............ ••••••••••• 23l~ml.$8000,&4S-~ :e.;!c~~as~akt over ~. f40 839-4720 33· 'T'rawltr, fg, d!fstl u..--·9090 V AM STYLE i3 f ·IOO prof. rebll, 302 lll·4713 1982 FWD DLWAQON .0., $¢000, 080 _.,. Cron tral~r, usy haul ,,_ C: suoo 168-SNO S.-642-l'"~ •••••••••••••••••••••• inC well balanced. •11 alt ... r ....__ •7tJ lfiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiiii•iiiiiiiiil•iiiiiii ;HJ; .. ••••••••••••••• ~ f L k I d " -_...., .. UST S E E T 0 u e. oc Inf ti. I _,..._-Sii d -...................... . ,....... W..ted 10 m.8001 •v .... n:vy vera o :ELIEVE: 4 uniq ue M ft Searey-Stf Im· -1 a4 plctlt) Iota of op· lt711MW pulsb 0 a II tons. neui.te ldtal rot fil· Mootblt boat • R v Whal Wonderf I. Id I tlOlll w1h ~one Ider 6SOSCI :.::· ~·:~J:.7. ~ort'l'Wlnf lnclN. 8 ~:c:-rrr: .''r;.~ ff S:O_pplnal ~.llf'at tnde-m.• AutomatTc, while/red Uatttbu Prencb .:'~~:;::r,:~~; l111ftchln1 t wathlaa ~r na1,.rt pe every• leetber, all~· El• ~·~ I c1:.1.· ,... f:!:1·1~~· :.;•::; a:.:.;,,,.~· T: ~:: ro°YP~ y =' A":t~'" c.'rl aod Orient.I 1116 C1Ullc Chrh Cuft Dr N wport BHcb ~ ad, call Hf·MTI Allubellforaboltbed ..,..1. _. rup. c.11 •ttrtr. sasoo. m tau. ttMilO · .. ._ • Clua1IW Ad· Ol.IAP uwm M"WACI ... w •·• RlTD lWl!fjpJOU. Ul.... ftMHt ll'.~---- ........ ... • .w .............. . ................. .. ........ "' ......... '" .. ~ , ........ \;;........... ····~...::·~·d·····n· •tlUlHMUl.S.l~ 1 pauuiel"~"'lt'~ '71 Volvt. Mull Hit. ,. ...u ... Dltttt Mint ._ El C.mloo~partln• aliolnltlelranamlta °" 1m/fe ••&:· auaroor. eond. Lo3'k mt, loaded. out, U'1, 41 1l'lll•· ,_ ov•rhtad air ind low •le. lat II l•kt1 tar '10 · belt...QfftrUI-1977 Uttl ml• cttan•t oo• 1n ..... THILAl .. ST 1 ~>' wen. l50 Vi. Aut.o. tra;:·nA!srats> town. (0311U). t4HS. &..-.. 11..;..;_.ji S&ICT1~ P.I. pb, llJ)./(M/CaH, nrw ..,.._.,IM'Ollla.t J l 'm M • r I n o -....-• or 1 l d 1 liNl.1.!lOOOororter Pvt ~71 •t9tt '•DA.RT. A~to, tall/ ~~1"'1.,._ VOlklwa•fft ••2.-••••••••n••••••••••••• 1 • mt • · ow "•·741?_ -• • ha. New batttry, --.OtuttOATS ...... ~ """"' ...... ' mil••&• C•dll11e1 In 'LlJ A 0 trana (MIO) 1·2311 tfl7 -·· •M•• ·-lt'l'IVWSclroc Special tOt Southti'nCllJtornlat 9925 ........ ••••••••••••• l9lr'I t7•Z Edition Wblt• 4 •Pttd ....................... MAIRS ...................... lt7f-SIOf91 tt40 tu 'ORD Pln\o .OI .. :~~················· t•ra•nd•m~·.·,1~. cc,•,u,etn~ WM &:Z 16 rot' .C&DIU..&C HilM HAS ITU Auto lrant. (~lZAl) -................ ,.... R II n a b 0 u t w i h ~tCOUMTY'S cmVROI. 't499S. Jim 4tt-4712 IYH lliiiO'Har6078lvd. YOUI SIUCTID ll~·~a~~~: ~~~a~''=~1~I::· ~ST lhrlno Volk1w11en, COSTAM~A lfll • ttlJ i~~~traS~Jt~f1 otJoba4,5.ST40 UHlll>. UHS. Jim SU8A~D~~LER .:.~ lert & ri&hl !~~~IM ~:v~.oe ·Loi 8d~,,O -I t-PLYr~:slr. o.a tt11-Sl4,1.~fl ~~~~~~o. :~l :::~ Vollt1~1en . door. "13 ten door "50 ~ ' a ~. x n Ill.OW FACTOIY A·•",l.rana uuNat> Sf00.17J:.11t7 PlnloRunabout. lA>l.o ....... w-•·m atyle whl ... "'DI 'EM cond Lo ml. SllU. -Ml sru s -""' -.... '""' ptlv11t.et.e pty 631 J11• or -oee1 '71 Torino, "ood "ond. • 4 • Air, trreo, r11N for Super Beetle 'RISAL! SALIS' 6'13-4220 • " 1::;.:UDIMG 49,000 ori& J;1, suoo or Tape. ull Pwr PP. ea.Ml·f1'4 441W"!iy <!:It ---,_ l!~Jr1b'1ffi" bltofrMZ-4981 S'1'3-91Jl.832·0341 1911VW Ca;er-A Acro11from ' "7SCADCDV,red,W/wbt MITSUllSHt 4s~(l 4271 ------lll2MODE:Lll 4)1\amite Pop.¥o~ with RotM'a.Ford~artadept llbr. C.brlop, all xt~a_sJ IMPOITSI '73 Capri. mech ex· '74 Pinto, new p11nt. H!RENOW!!! 1:., U l 1 •·•-uult Ad 500 cu. In. eng., aooo lfll HOlttltOMS ltll ... 111,?!t ttllrnt, /\M/F. ca11elte clean In Ii out S1800 SADOUIA.CI ~~:J:~·~5:;~~1~Y~ di '910 ~L08Qj59-~ . FA~R"EINV~IC E +~. Mu st sell S850 ~2381 Sales-Servk~Leaslng i.aoma c ransmuon. ~---or n cond orla own LO Auto.11'.JOl~I w/eq Gd trans 28130 Warren S38 9961, SUIAlU Marino Volkawaaen ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• C-... 9917 1911 IB.l· .... ..,S 1912 ... Slli~H O · .._...._ 9960 ,21~,.l\JI" .. ,1: ..... , ..... ....,... • I Century wa&on , V8, "'"' Auto tNO lz:isl7l 76C).07~ ,., .... 11.l!Ala!L .. ~~'1L':I _........,. AT run pwr AM I FM •• .. ••n•••••••• ••• •••• ~BELOW ••••••••••••• •••• • • • • •• 11 "'·-11 • d .,... · · · "1S Z29 showroom .. ond FA RV rNVOICE 'L..-....a.. 99 .. 5 '77 Arrow GT. 5 spd, air, ""'v a .. r .;>CUan . llh, l"°"l"e rark. 19,000 ... 000• ml all ex'tras' Ch k e II t .._._ .. M FM AW>. air. PB. PS. Xlnt .... • "" 1912 Lel"•O ... S ec o.ur xce, en ••••••••••••••••••••••• A • · $2495 4ff-4722 hff. I/ow ner miles. New _.P.i9o 957.oiJ79 . - " ~ette 1~ventory1 EZ '79 Llnroln Veraa11les e23231831·2750 Bnan 00.613·38~ brks & tires 15500 -· S2008ELOW hn 1va1l1ble We Light blue Xlnt eond '74 Ou$ter 6 cyl stk Toyota 97'5 980 VW Convertible. _540-8622or646-S.56. 0.•roltt 9920 FACTORY INVOICE L~AS E Co rvett es' l7000~1·2345, 645·4010 Am t FM Stereo 'tap~: ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0)1iamite Brar.ii Bronze Pvt party wants someone••••••••••••••••••••••• 1912 lalAMTS PriHOWces~~lrtiC2·17·82 '·t ~ 9952 New en. g. rlutr h. 1n '70Toyota Corolla w i t h s s p e e d to assumr lease on '81 SH US FIRST! $300 BELOW -D 4 lte•ro... .._.~ I.en $300 transmission Sharp! Century wgn. $266 mo We have a good selection FACTORY INVOICE Do Qu II su .. •••••••••••••••••••• • or. \'" top. receipts _Call642~-Excellent investment for 3 yrs, must have or NEW & USED 1912HOl110MS , Nr~j'am~ree. 1:1 Mus~~~ CTTdop.S37Dr00k ~~21 mpj! SJS50 '75 Toyota Ccllca GT: and great car! &ood_credlt 979-7693 Chevrolets ! (excluding Mizersl ' MacArthur ue. on -C1ean,oneowner Isl or 1886ZYV l $8295 Jim ~BELOW -U~5H 2~.~~st Call Eves. '72 Duster. auto, slant 6 fer at low bluebook Mari no Volkswage n. ~ 9915 FACTORY INVOICE --"""..._, Runs well. good tires <m-8422000 ·c··.:.:::.::·,·L·:·T·t::G···· 1982CHAMrs VETI't;'77 EX COND '66 Ford Mustang. Runs {74110806312860 ~-'"""~~9200. -· _, "'"'_. "' " S200BELOW T-TOPtRACK S8750 Well $1800 or Reas Of f1XER UPPER '73 VW Bus 1 Owner CAl>lll"'Cl FACTORY INVOICE •ALL OPTIONS• fer 752·21120art 5PM oatiac 9965 ·mTOYOTA $100 Clean. S2500 .., WlfT w TAN INT • 645_6846 675·~,831 5397 We spec1abze in eases 1982 SA.PPOIOS pp 714.551 0736 66 Must. convert, 289 -~ -198 0 v w R b b . for the business ex SlOOBELOW • · auto. xlnt cond. lst S3500 '111 CELICA SUPER a 1 I ecut1ve & professional MOW IS THE TIME FACTORY INVOICE 66 Corvette Roadbler takes MS 6669 S12958C8-0768 Loaded. xlnl cond l»'.flanute custom 4 door ~tt-•--'' w both Lops . 42i Cl D -. Ml-1464 with .auto mat 1 c ~·•Oft for Job seeker~ to l'hl.'ck 1982 IMPHIA.LS eng , 4 spd Very Good '65 CLASSIC rd 9970 82Toyota"'-li G-T-3100 transm1ss1on and air w 1912 th~ Daily Pilot llt!ll> FACTS15000RBYEINLlLOVWOICE Condilion Call after l17Sii.:wner 646 9498 ••••••.•••••••••••••••• . ...., ca . c 0 n d 1 t 1 0 n 1 n 8 Codilocs Wantffi clasblfit!allon H 6PM 55211638 '76 T Bird, hardtop. 47K rrules, Forced to sell (1BGJ463). $4995 Jim A hi Stock! the JOb you want 1' 1101 HAAN -' MOblle t955 rru . all power. l'iean. (714)~·1832 Marino Volkswagen. N ~ lhert' YOU m1gh1 <'on .CHRYSLER· eth '81 $l09mo ............... ,. ....... $3,000 556-8157 n..,. 9767 842·2000._ s-idt>r offlorin~ ~our PLYMOUTH $750 deliver& 48 mo 7~ Okfs "Cutlass Good •77 Thunderbird, beJUI •••••••••••••••••-'•••• Rabbit Diesel Drluxe CAOILI \ M!n1l·c~ v.1th an atl 111 MITSUBISHI c!OMd lease Glas:. top~. Cond Stereo SIOOO rood All xtras S3700 .. U1STR 7 11UspoUrt'!!uffpeAw 1 .sthha 0 1:,J>, 4dr.Sspd.stereo.AC,20 # 4 1 ,, lh e Job Wa nlt'd 2000Ef'irstSt.S.A loaded Total pym 'b MustSell'675-2279 962-~ ' w ·~ Galtanlt.2IKmi.SS800. /c«)t1.1111 .. 1l\l\11 ~1te~l1'_Phonr li42Stl78 $41-4471 SIUS0 2412Ser 79 Old's Culhi ~b All 997,. ly 29,000 miles .Must see 641 31*> SSS.0730 Eves & \ "i.' ..,..,.,, '>.W • •11.ll> Tht> r l t 1 h General Auto Leul>tnl( Xtras + Snrf CHER R v fCJD • to a ppr e c 1 a I e · · w a:, es 1 rdw 111 1 e '78 Lebaron. po~er steer 673-4311 CAR • $5 7 00 OB 0 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• (7050UC > 12995 J v.1mds Dennis ~ e:.I J OJll) 1'1lot mg. brakes. air, stereo. 96 · '77 Vega, auto, a c. ~ood Manno Volks wag~~ VW Diesel. A sharp Have something to sell'' c 1ais.,1r1e<1 Ad Call To gd cond S3SOO 842-3661 Sell thtn&S fast with Oa1ly • 968 li32or 3·9400 l'Ond S1900 or best offrr 8'2·2000 _ _ 1..5 di~l 4 door. 5 speed Cl~1f1ed ads do tl well .. !!!!H:l2·S678 _ Want Ads c~11642.5678 PIJ!it Want Adl> Classified Ads 642 5018 ~~73 i 4 TR6. 1 Woman dnv . ~~n~~~~~~~~01~;c1:~~ ~~ ... ~~•~••• 9810 A.altos. Mew 9800 .. ,: Hew 9iOO AMtos, Mew 9800 .AMtos. Mew t800 ~.Mew 9100 all orig, S2.750 080 super clean t366ZSSL ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &n-11A~ Eves. Wkends S5995 J 1 m Ma rt no TRJUMPH TR7 Con· Volks~nl842.:.2000 vertible . 5 s peed transrnwion, air condi '69 YW FASTIACI llonmg. stereo Super <>!!£L646-~ - Sharp! !729YNY I. $6995 975 VW Sc irorco. J i m M a r I n o Dynamite red 1porl ~olUw~e'!J!.42·2900 coupe. Air conditioning, SEXY EUROPEAN TR7 stereo. and alloys . Reblt. Sell or trade. Sharp! 1748UZU). $3995. ~J.7~11752·23S2 J i m M a r 1 n o . Volks~~nJW2.:.20ll> ~~::~ ...... !?!.~! Su~!oT~~!D~rakes. YW IUGS I runs great' $3200 PRISTINE BUGS I_ 900-3144 Eves 1 1960·s thru 1970's '74 DASHER WAGON . I All recondlttoned & food tires. g,r~t m p.g guaranteed. Will trade & Perfect cond1t1on S2,500. r In an c e. W E B U V 646-Q:!O'l.....MS·~ Dav~ BUGS! 1mv w BUS DIC IC MILLER lmmaculateCond1t1on MOTORS _ PhQlle 645·6788 ~ W. Warner Ave S A 'tll VW BaJa Bug . t83Scc 1----'L!l...L•:..Ul engine. new paint. FINAL brakes. tares. intenor 1 pc front end, buc kel seats. alum panels. CLEARANCE =1Le S2500 Andy "71 Super Bue. Clean. All remammg 1981 •RABBITS •DIESELS •VANS •PICKUPS • SCIROCCOS DEMO SALE • '81 SCIROCCOS • '81 RABBITS • '81 DIESELS • '81 CONVERTIBLES BOB WITHAM vw 71m Westminster Ave Westmmsler 638-7889 93-?55 I Runs Great~ $2000. --646-o:!Ot 642·3146 - '70 VAN. new motor & llres. am rm cass. good shape SJ87S best orfer Aft 5.~sst9 '73 Camper·Bus. xlnl mech. Many extras. S3500lbest orrer. _964·5128 536:7284 'IJI VW Bug Good Cond Runs Good Must Sell. Sl8750BO _552 6789 1982 * FAllMONTS *MUSTANGS I *GRAHADAS $ * VANS, TRUCKS WI TO Ml~ * CLUB WAGONS * BROtl:OS *COURIERS ** 1% eff ....... tttcktr ,,. .. adl.l 1"-.H tr.. .......... l'w4 • _, I ftl UCOIT or DP. 1111111111111111111111111111 FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU! NEW 1911 GIAMADA p•us 51000S.:y 1HE IEST SMAU. CAI OfRI IN.._A PLUS 24 Mlfl1I Fm Rll lUITEUICE WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD NEW 1910 MUSTANG COMYllTllU 515005-----..... ,1 PUBLIC NOTICE USED CAR CLEARANCE Thia I•• ten11lne Nit ro furn over our In~ toty. l..Ool thru ttlla lltf end you w111 ... au11er bero1l111 and t4.1Per cara. some are Pl1ctd below wholttalt blut boole, tome cert ere IOtded with tclUIPtntnt. our Nlff man1oer would rathtr vou buy tht car now thin Mnd It to tht auction later. Mott cars hive a ll month, ll.000 mll• warranty available at • amall txfra chtroe. Some can be bouoht tor only tax • l~nN 11 down PIYtnent. • ID •26187 BED TAG BED TAG BED TAG BED TAG r CLE.AB ARCE CLE.AllANCE CLE.AllANCE CLE.A.BANCE BEW 1981 ltBW 1988 1981 v.w. V.W.JETTA ISUZU PICK-UP VABAGONL l.o8ded with ultra m1rr0rs. tte down loak.8 PulJy equlpped, with steel belted rad1&ls, l..Dadec1 with deluxe cloth lntsrior. deluxe Pu.lly f'QU!ppt"I wtlh air 6 &pt!ed tr&nSmw1on and much morel custom wheels, AM PM. power O-Ont d.l8c package and much more• ttereo prep « mc,re bralale and morel List Price •9036 List Price •6444 List Price •7260 List Price •11740 SALE *7998 841.E *8898 SAI1E *8898 SAI1E •9998 •1040 •8491 You Save •8881 You Save •17481 Orange County SPECIAL ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT Legislation may require installation of energy devices By BETH BALDWIN Dally Pilot Spttlal Stttlofts Writer The California State Assembly recently voted 43·24 in favor of legislation requiring homes built before 1978 to install energy conservation devices. If passed by the Sen-ate. the legislation known as A 8 781 -Retrofit IMulation Legislation -would give homeowners a three to four year grace period to install celling insulation, weather stripping, a water heater blanket, a low flow showerbead, caulking and insulation or healing and cooling ducts. Those who retrofit the homes would file a certificate of completion with the local government. At the time of home transfer, if there is no filed certificate, or an escrow agreement to retrofit, the home becomes substandard. It would then be up to the local authorities to hold a proceeding through which a lien may be placed on the home. A lien is the right to take and bold or sell the property of a debtor as payment for a debt. The directors or the California Association of Realtors (CAR) voted to support the legislation introduced by Assemblyman Mel Levine, D-Santa Monica, because it would pre-empt stricter local ord1nances already law in California, according to Diane Pattison of the Newport Harbor/Costa Mesa Board of Realtors. Despite the directors' support, Realtors are "split down the middle on the retrofit iss11et" accordlna to Julie Stewart, public rel4tions manaeer f<W CAR. Stewart said supporters believe the legislation prnents a "workable situation.'' The alx items that retroflt requires and the additional five that may be used on the local level are technologically developed and onl1 need to be installed ii they are feasible and cost effective, she said. The biU also enliats "a b}sb delree ot voluntary compliance and unfformity that benefits taomeowners and Realtors alike," &he.added. Your Complete Guide To Real Estate Sales and Rentals Local Realtors are wholly against the legislation. Thirty·eight directors from the Newport Mesa district recently voted against the legislation. Four voted in favor. Pattison said much or the opposition IS to le&islation that 15 "too aeneral I can't think of one cue where a state agency has accomplished something better than a local agency would be able to," she said. Pattlaon said she is in favor or "custom-fit ordinances and voluntary compliance." . Pattison cited as an example of voluntary compliance an upcoming course for Realtors o n energy conservation. Co·sponsored by the San Diego Council of Real Estate Boards and the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, the course is designed to teach Realtors bow to advise clients to make their homes more enercy efficient. "Realtors are becoming increasingly aware of energy conservation measures. H all R ealtors are knowledgeable, it will diminish a need for state and local laws and will save money for Realtors' clients," Pattison said. Assemblywoman Marian Be,1esoo, R-Newport Beach, voted aealnat the legislation because sbe said she bad a problem with tbe monitoring and policing of the meuun. "I think the way we've been doing It with incentives and vwuntary compliance.Ls the way to ge~ people t.o coo.serve· enera," she said. The City Of Lo9 A,a1etes Department of Water and Power reportedly estimates that retrofilln1 a dwelllnt would. co1t between $300 and $500. Anaheim'• Planrlio• Department _For 11dvertlal119 l11for.•11tlo•, call Al·l671 · · \'OL. I NO. l Saturday, February 13, 1982 reportedJy estimated that it would cost $50 to $100 per unit for city compliance inspections. Besides being able to preclude strict local ordinances, CAR committees favor the legislation because evenly applied legislation is convenient to brokers who operate in two or more jurisdictions, according to a background paper submitted to the Legislative Committee of the California Association of Realtors. Philosophically, lbe background paper included the stand that if energy conservation is a state problem, then it would only be fair for au citizens to consent to' state-wide energy-efficient installation. INDEX Orang~ County Real Estate Your complete guide to real estate sales and rentals Contents Houses For Sale .......... 1002-1100 Real ~late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200-2900 Rentals .................. 3100-4650 SPECIAL FEATURE OPEN HOUSE DIRECTORY PAGES 10-11. • ~-q.~,a-0ra"llt County Reel Est ... JAn Advertlalng Supp.t.ment to tha OAIL-'tPllOTJSaturday, February 13. 1982 '"'Home protection plans " for resale home buyers By JAMES M. WOODARD Real Estate Column Copley News Service The demand for "home protection plan " <warranty) coverage for newly purchased resale (used> homes is heating up. And for good reason Consider the case of an Ulioo1S family who purchased a 12-year-0ld ho~e . It was apparently in shtp-s hape condition when purchased. But three months later the blower motor in the heating system stopped working. After an inspection by a couple of local heat.Ing contractors, it was determined the motor wouJd need to be replaced, along with other repairs in tbe beating system. The total cost came close to $2,000. This happened in mid-December -no time to be without a dependable healing system in Illinois. ll also came at a time when the BALBOA JACOBS REALTY 675-070 2'1f ~"'°" l'Yd., co~ 30tl! SAVE $500~00 If YOU HAVE C~ family's fmanciel tesources were at a low ebb. The rnovlna costa ba4 just been paid olf, and the bulftet was gl"OallinC under Ule Jtraln ol large inonthly paymenta on the new mortgage loan. With the help of a sympathetic relative, the family survived the financial crisis. But not without a firm pledge, "we'U never again buy a home without warranty cove.rage." This type of situation could create a major problem for any home bu yer today. No rmal costs of relocation and home purchasing leave little or no extra money for unexpected repairs a few weeks or months after move-in day. This is the primary reason why 80 percent of today's home buyers want home protection plan coverage for at least a year alter purchasing a resale home. This wu revealed in a suTvey, recently announced by the National Association of Realtors. II f 1 I •'I "I I ILOCKS 11.ac >It> a rcn~Jekd/u LUFFS SOUTH Ill ti\\\ dnpJt>). ~·r1 11d1 llOOt 1 .111 lt~I c ~lll'll!! r'nrn orut nt l ~ old l"d~l 1 h .. trtn 975 t((l ln most areas, a variety or plans are available. Tbe cost is usually a Ont-tiafe fee or premium or $2.50 to $309 . The coverage period is normaUy one year after closing or the sale transaction Elements covered are the functioning or mec hanical compooent.s _ -electrical, heating and plumbing systems. kitchen built·in_s, air conditioning umt, etc There lS often a $50 deductible per claim. Two basic types of plans are < 11 t he insurance -backed home protection plan, and 12) the non-Insurance warranty plan <or home maintenance contract). When shopping for lbe best possible plan, a home seller or buyer should be particularly sensitive to the fl.nanc1al stability of the firm offering the plan. Wh«her it's an insurance or warranty company, the offerer should have substantial financial reserves from \u which funds are drawn to pay claims. The availability or plans an a local area, and information about each plan, can usually be learned from a real estate broker who is actively involved in home sales 1n the local market Such plans are not only desired by home buyers Sellers also benefit from offering the coverage by ma1ting their home more saleable and avoiding hassles from a disgrunUed buyer after the sale_ The broker also' benefits from a more attractive property to market and less danger of "errors and omi ssions" legal problems. Even the lender likes the coverage because it lessens the risk of default in payments on the mortgage loan, thus makine the loan more secure. As interest rates lower a bit and home sales increase in 1982, the demand for warranty protection on resale homes will undoubtedly continue to increase. l! H• \I SUHANDSMOW ~750.000 Secluded waterfront home with 38' boat slip and Wide water view Conversation rirep1t 1n IJYing room. fireplace m huce master bdrm suite with 2 walk m cloaets 4 skylights, wet bar. beautilul plantation shutters lhruout. Don't mias this property Call for rinanc1ng possibilities. Condo in Vail, Colorado mcluded in package at this price. Truly a )car round pat·ka~e Don't mass it. l'all Coldwell Banker now 894 7521 szss.ooo SWIM. 5'*-M>l.F Spacious and elegant and location. All wrapped into this 4 Bedrm 2~ bath pool home Clase to fwy & shopping & golf course Features include huge ramilylliving rm. den and master bdrm w/fireplace Plus large bonus rm. Call 894 7521 IN-l.AW OUAITIU Located lD beaut1ruT Westminster Village Elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath has l bdrd and bath downstairs Large hving 'dming room. den wt wetbar & fireplace + 3 car garage Close to Westmmsler Mall and Fwy Asking $255,000 Call 894 7521 INVESTOIS SPECIAL 6+ bdrms an downtown Jluntmgton Beach' R 2 toned for 3 units Assume large lst Asking SlS0.000 Call 894 7521 TIADIUPTO TRJMDAD ISLAND Trin1dad Island home on water. Amenities include 40 ' dock. Italian hie, gorgeous spa with waterfall, many upgraded. Seller wishes to trade for Harbour rondo or orr water home Asking S72s.OOO Call 894-7521 TRADn10NM. B.EGAMCE $165,000 Gorgeous Showcase home Rose garden, ga1ebo accented spa plus 4 Bdrms. 3 bath!C, separate maids guest quilrtcrs Assumable loan Now listed $t65.000 Call 894·7521 Towerinl( tr~es + overalzed lot crN1tes the romance or a sel'luded mountain retreat Oramallt cntr~ Spactoui. II\ rm + formal dining \t .1 .. !>I\ e ht.>a~d ce1hnit.'> Billiard site f am 1rn " enterta1nt.>rs \lo et bur St-nous owner dro~ pn' (' to '228.500' Al't l.1i.1 l'dll 962-~85 llG&VACAMT Bnck courtyard entry enhanced by lush plantan&s Spacious floor plan offers sunshine kitchen with adjacent laundry room Farnlly room wtcor.y rirepJace. Solar healed pool, large cov patio, decking & fire·pll all in a very pri\•ate i.ettm~ Reduced to Sl55.000' Now vat•unt for fast possession' llurr> tall 962 S58."i $16,044! That·s all one needs to ~o subject to this loan balance! Hidden on quiet cul de sac sits this sharp family home Large open kitchen. Covered pallo Near new carpets & root Owner is ready to go at only $123,000! Hurry -can't last, call 962-5585 SHOWPLACE TWO IN ONE Tasteful, custom wall coverings enhance this spacious family home. 3 big bedrooms plus 37'Xl8'bonus game room complete with lull bath & bar. great for se~rale guest or in-law quarters Seller w1lhng to obtarn financing to fit your needs Just hst~ and anxk>us! Don't wait -call 962-S585 STEAL IT! $146,900 Sertous sellens olfer PoPUlar Parkside model situated on pnvate corner lot. Executive hvlng w/spaclous formal dine + family room w/cor.y fireplace. Gourmet kitchen Covered patio plus mini-orchard. New carpet & tiJe! Just llsted -act now. Call 962-5$85 SMART ST AIT S8J.900! Get oil on a smart atart in '82 with this spaciow end unit condo. Quiet courtyard location Sl0.000 down & owner will ctlrry balance With peymentS to fat your pocket book! At lhlS price and terms it can ·1 last! Hurry & call 962 5S85 COUNTRY CLUB ESTATE <~11 \our o"'n pool spa & puttmj! grt•en Stt•1it. tu ll'nnas and )(olf Treat }OUr:.df to rto:.ort hnng in this ~µat 111u~ t·ustom homt• Pnn'(I rar below rc.>1>lan•rm•n1 He ltn.1 l'all "''". 1.15 0303 NEWPORT TRIPLEX Onl\ 5205.000' fo'1xer as ideal Cur hand> man. hu1l<k•r or tn\ eslor I hlot•k w IJ:i.> Don l tMa\ l'all lo<la) 645 030'.I SI 22,000! MESA VERDE C.:iJO \OU hdl~\t' this lffll(• '" prC':>Uj!IOW. ~1t...,a \'crde'1 Owner 1:. un\1ous )OU .:uin' Sp.it1ou.., home with load~ of pn\ a<·) and t'J.'>) C'<1re ~ ard EnJO> (.'oo;ta Ml"l-a ~ be-.t J<hlrl'!>:. nu\lo • <.: d111;.i5 0303 EASTSIDE CHA RMB Is fresh as spnng' Bnck fireplace. plush carpets, hardwood noors Cheery kitchen Large covered bnck patio Separate garage Huge yard. Priced to sell rast. $135,000, hurry' Call 645-0303. TROPICAL SPl.BfDOR Gently swaymg palms beckon you EnJOY privacy and stth.1.non beside sparkling pond in your own back yard paradise. Frwl trees, separate storage area Charming home features brick fireplace plus 4 large bdrms Only $122,900 Call now. &15·0003 mETOllACH Approximately lt,.; males along regional trails. Exquisite townbome features tile entry, fireplace. 3 king size bdrma Charming covered patio and mini yard. Near acres of park and trails Taite advantage now of this terrific buy Call 645-0303 WIMILITOM WINNH! Exciting near new borne' Soaring cc11Jngs, 2 f1replares, wetbar. gourmet kitchen with !>Unny nook. spectacular master suite with s kylight. Loads of used brick enhance rountam. spa and gar.ebo Community pool. spa and tenms courts complete this wmner Fantastic opportunity' 1'o Sl~ call MS 0303 NEWPORT RIVIERA Ooh $129.500 ! Hu1ote townhome hm• COt) hrt•plal't'. <·hcen lamll~ room, rerro<ll-11!(1 kitchen King i.11e ma,ter suite Sunn\ 11n\o1tl'pal1n Communal\ pool.spa&ll·nn" Hcst l>u\ ' Call tWi 0303 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, 8:30AM TO 8PM W. Huntington Beach (714) ~7521 (213) 598-3328 at Edwards & Edin1er, H.B. E. Huntiniton Beach (714) 962-5585 (213) 592-1525 at Brookhurst & Garfield, H.B. Costa Mesa (114) 645-1383 at Hartl• l-. Cata Me~ . • ~ ·. I ' \ \ I I I \ 4---0range Coun1y Real E1t1te/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturdav. February 13. 1982- ~ c .... t Cal "' "' -:x: E- z 0 ~ N ~ z ,... .... -E--< u -c... "' "' < ..l u ~ z ex: :::> E-- ~· Vl ..... Cd .+.-) c: Q) ~ c: 0 • P"'4 ..,_, Cd c:.J Cd > ex: i! ~ :.: 0 0 ..J MOTIYAT9 s&.Lal!! says sell this gorgeou& 3 br townhome I Former mOdel features fplc, spa & redwood deck. Every br ti.s a patio. Only S165,000 FEE & Owner will carry paper. 759-1501 or 752·~. SILIS DISPHA Tl On the water. Price slashed $10,000 lo $214 900. ONLY .10% DOWN & owner will finance!! ~~1onally decorated with gourmet kitchen. •TUITUIOCI• SI .nt P11 MONTH is ~you pay when you takeover ~xisting 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br executive detached home. Featuring frml din, fmly rm & frplc . Only $213,500 FEE: 759-1501 or 752-7383. 11.s,-. IST T.D. Country charmer with cathedral open beam wood ceiliru?S, and hardwood floors. Only $12,900 ' down. 556-7~ •LOW, LOW IMTHIST IATIS• When you take over existing financing on super townhome ! Featuring 2 master suites. frplc & $137,500 price. 759-1501or752.7373 * I 2.9'1o tMTIUST * HAllOI VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den frplc & ~! ! Low interest financing available'. $241,500. FEE. 759-1501or752·5353. $12.toO DOWN Takeover $~<XX> loan at 11.5%. Hardwood floors open beamed wood ceilings. A real charmer! 556-7035 •S&La DISPHA Tl• I 2'h4"-AMAMC1Me-S pa c io us Rancho San Joaqgin townbome w7PANORAMJC GOLF COURSE VIEW ! Featuring 2 br & den, wet bar, frplc , etc ... Price slashed for quick sale & will help finance!! 759-1501or752·7f73. •WATaflOHT HOME* ,_AftllACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring french doors"· fr~lc L_professionally decorated & private SANDI BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD! 759-1501or752-5353. 4-ftlX Prime rental area. $60,<XX> down & owner will finance at 12%. Try straight note. $224,900. 963·5671 •S~TOllACH• 1"'-llMAMCM AV AIL Gorgeous 4 br detached home 1 blk from ocean on FEE land. Only $299,000. 759-1501or752-5353 . *"'°"* •IBATI• On brand new rownbome! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft overlooking Uv rm. Only $123,950. 759-1501 or 752-~. J~CllB ••Pl.AM 4•• Extremely POPUlar 3 br plan featuring magnificent dewrating, ·fplc, gourmet island kitctien, frml din, fm)y rm & in-noose laundry. All this Ir more for only '385,000 FEE. 759-1501or752-5353. * PAHOl•MIC WATRRONr YllW * * * SICcmTY ........ * Breathtaking view from professionally decorated PEN'IllOUSE! I Featuring 2 master suite, pool, tecmitJ, all amenities. "50,000 FEE. 79-1501 or 752-7373. raANfRONT-SUPEl DETAIL fllllt _ .. ,. ... wtlt oricjilal OWIMf'I wlto Wit ,.;. • tWr -... s.p.rior "Ht ._. oc... •lew fro.a ttila l t.•droo• ,111 bHH roo• llo••· S .. 1rfor c amtnctioa. OW csry flnt TD for tti. rfQM INyer. $125,000. '31·1400.1I04 w. ~. YOONG BALBOA OCEANFRONT Profllllrn., dtcoral9d tuatfn IMHM ~J:.~' old. Stcl•dtd ed _..,Mite wltti apo. flrtplect Hd VIEW . Fo., totel IMMa• ... great ....,.-..g _... • ., .. ..t Cllll Arr •ti ...._ S7ts,OOO. '11-1400. IJll I. ..._llYc&. ***** MASllRCENT UOO ISLE P..-fldloe .. nery ... oe Udo t.a.. """-~ '"9cli 4 ... ~ Jl/1 IHlttis, l flre,.•u, ''••t•tl•• ...... n. bresa fhrtwea. Herdwoocl flfff'S, hwtiftll tllH, gol4H oell at.WC.., ..tdahHJ well cOYerlttCJ•· ......_. _. wffla .. ed flnpleu. '•dlClftd ltr IOCJl"S ......._View ,,._ ..... 1111tt SU0,000. Ul-1400. BAYFRONT~ BEDROOMS U.1•1t.chd .,.. ............... YleW from ... .,.. _. _r:m ._. wltti .... llftdl .......... for two SS' yec•ts. CH•HIHt tocotlo• Hcl ..,.cWr ......... r-. ••eted ..... ,..... ..,. ...,, fwlllr room,._ ...................... w .. ..... f111pl1t• ................. ... of • A ""'Y C I fou tliWI floor .... w111t • ...... of prfYecyt S l,tS0.000 ......... .,,.,400. BEAUTIFUL ON WATEl!-NEW EXE£! ... ICC~...,-~t.fltl9ftlk ........ fmly ......... w.hr. Ca.le ililriar witta 2 bec1. + ._ ed lertt ._dtu,.d ,.110 wltlt ,, •• ........ ,..v ........... .., ,...., ... ,_...,for 45' ...... o ... .. ~ ...... ,.,. ..w IMlytr. UIUOO. • fM ....._ 6il0 1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ~£BfA" Slit.: ~. '"""''"Mow .. ; "'"' m~,,,,. ~WW '7Utlt r - f ROM TOP TO BOTTOM THE FINEST HOMES IN NEWPORT BEACH FOR SALE • Harbor Island Custom .. ~.000.000 4 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Linda Isle Custom . . . . . $3.600.000 6 Bedrooms -5"7 Baths •Harbor Ridge Cu'stom $2,300.000 4 Bedrooms -4"7 Baths •Big Canyon . . ...... $1 ,800,000 6 Bedrooms 41'1 Baths • Big Canyon . . . . . ...... $1 ,750,000 2 Bedrooms -21h Baths •Harbor Ridge Custom . Sl.595.000 4 Bedrooms 3L2 Baths • Big Canyon . . . . . . . $1 .595,000 6 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Dover Shores Area ...... $1 ,200,000 4 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Big Canyon . . . ......... $895,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths •Big Canyon ............. $659.000 3 Bedrooms -2112 Baths • Lido Village . .. . . ....... $595,000 2 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Newport Island Area ...... $.545,000 7 Bedrooms -5 Baths • Big Canyon .............. $500,000 3 Bedrooms -3 Baths • Villa Balboa .............. $249,500 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths • Newport Crest ............ $225,000 4 Bedrooms -21"2 Baths • Newport Crest . . . . . . . . $165,000 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths • Westcliff ................ $129,500 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths FOR LEASE • Balboa Peninsula $3000 per month 4 Bedrooms -4 Baths • Big Canyon ...... $2,600 per month 3 Bedrooms -2i,.; Baths • Villa Balboa ...... StroO per month 2 Bedrooms -2 Baths •Waterfront ...... $1100 peT month 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths 2075 San Joaquin Hiiia Ad. Acrou from llG CANYON Newport Beech ~m 642-5678 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED 64~5678 WES! 1·y ~ TAYLOR CO. HEA 1.TOHs -..iu t' W·Hl llG CANYON IROADMOOI NEW EXCLUSIYf $750,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms. Family Rm wlfireplace. Form al Dining Rm, V 2 Baths Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & window coverings New marble entry. Lovely pool & spa . Spacious yard F. I <1 txm.1 l t• senm t v s y !'> t t' m 14 IURMIMG TREE ROAD OPIH SUH 1-5 816 CANYON CUSTOM EXC"1MG GOlf COURSE VIEW Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality eraftsmanship thruout with finest wobds, abund ance of imported marble1 crown moldings, 61'2 baths. air "'~ond ., 3 wet bats + more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR. fam rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a color brochure. $2 .150,000 incl uding the land . Financing available Will ('Onsider '\ellin~ full~· furnished NEWLY LISTED ''YBUIUIS" Spectacular Deane H omes "Versailles" located on largest lot of all Deane Homes. Beautiful golf course view ! Professionally landscaped yard. Private park-like setting. Lovely lge pool and spa. Attracti ve gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fountain . Marble foyer with glittering chandelier. 4 Bdnns, Den. Formal Din Rm. 41"2 Ba. $950,000 including the land. HillOI VU HILLS llOADMOOI VACANr-s& A.HY TIMI View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, 21h Ba. Family Room. 2 Fplcs, Community Pool & Parks. Ideal family home. Priced to sell $420,000 including land, or S3:l>,OOO Leasehold. Only $665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help finance. 1251 SUIRJHI WAY UT/SUM 1·5 DICOUTO.'S MASTBPtECI Elegance best describes this near new 4 Bdnn & Fam Rm. Library with fireplace. Spacious entry. Form al 1 dining. Huge kitchen w/abundance of counter space. Gourmet's delight. Bright, cheerf'll fa mily Toom w /Ci replace. Healed pool & spa. S62S,OOO including land. Do~er Shores. 1200 11.UE 'iUM I.AHi OP8' SVM I 05 HAllOI YllW -HU&I Y AID Quiet, park-like setting. 119' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle .tennis and pbol. Great for orchard. Picturesque cuJ de sac street. 3 Bdnns Fam Rm. $3'79,500 Incl. Uie land. See now. 1211 QY WIST OPIN SUM l·S J Story~-~ lttlllcff 4 Bdrms 2 "Ba in upper. 2 Bdrrm lower. 2 Fireplaces. ~me ocean view. Owner carry T.D. of $220,000 at 13%, Mtw low ,nee S2ff,IOO WISUY M. TAYlOI co.. llALTOIS I 'llllSli~--- MIWf'Olt CIMia B 64-MtlO -Orange County Real Estate/An Advert!ing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13. 1982--1 Pete Barrett Real presents 6000/SUPER ANANCING OM IALIOA PENINSULA Owner will carry second 3 Bdrms, 3 baths, dining room: fireplace, gas BBQ in patio -m move-in condition! $495,000 Call Bill Gold for all the details. CLOSE TO IUCH44UMTIHGTOH Two assumable loans plus seller financing with 15c-~ down . 3 Bdrms, 3 baths, near new $210.000 CaU Jackie PeMey for the details. FANTASTIC VIEW--«IMGS ROAD Owner will assist with your purchase of this large 4 Bdrm home. With pool and spa Land 1s included! OHered for $600,000 Call Jean Ritter for appt to see. GAL.UY DIJYl IM DOVEi SHORES Super finandng available at low interest rate! 3 Bdrms, formal dining room and cozy den. Spacious grounds with custom patio and spa for entertaining. $399,500. Contact Ann Peters to see this one. IA YflOMT'S-aEADY FOi HMODa Financing already to go! Pier and boat slip for each move in now . or take advantage of great opportunity offered here . Call Jeff Bertuleit !or details on these two. SUMMY CA.Pf CC>O-IALIOA Owner will assist right buyer rn obtaining this cute 2 Bdrm, family room home. Picket fence, dormer windows add welcome. J325,000 . Call Barbara Van to see. IAUOA DUPLD-44.A Y TUDE Cute 2 Bdrm Plus 2 Bdrm home m heart of tow n. Ow ner offe rs exceHent opportunity to right investor or user. $289,500. Call Linda Oetb for further information. coaOMA Dll. MAR-VIEW Laree assumable loans on this 4 Bdrin, family room formal dining room home. Beauti/uiiy cared for. owner may trade. $429,000. Contact Ann Peters for details. "CAii SllllS .. -stNGU STORY Owner may carry primary loan on this vacant 3 Bdrm borne m seldom available location. Much to off er with large green areas, big trees, pool and clubhouse. $14S,OOO. Call Eileen Dinwiddie to see. TWO ~MU POtMT Owner will finance Utis hie to qualirted buyer. Gr'fat Balboa Iocition. unusual opeortunity. $339.000. Contact Btu Gold. . SPACIOUs COMDO-f41WPOIT All inclusive trust deed available. Ground floor 2 Bdrm in custom adult complex. Easy walk to shops. $l~!i:°· Call Jane Frazee for de Pfl BARRETI REALTY . ' ' RCTayloa·Co 640-9CJOO NEWPORT BEACH AREA 100/o DOWN OI LIASI onlOM this lovely 4 BR 3 BA Tradewinds Model ! Sales price reduced to '495.000 for fast sale, excellent financing available. Immediate occupancy . Call for financing details IMPICCAIU From this rare Delmar model 3 BR , 2 ba with formal dr & fam room, fabulous mountain and city light views Motivated seller will assist with financing. Ofrered at $549,000. WHAT A VtlW From this magnificent 3 BR, FR. 2h BA Casablanca model in the Crest phase of Harbor Ridge. Offered at $625,000 with Low interest assumable financing YOU CAN STOP MOW This beautirul 4 BR 3 BA home has it all - magnificent view, parquet floors , large custom designed family room ,/lus exceptional assumable financing. AJI this coul be yours for only $299,950. Call now for further mformation on this fabulous new listing. HAllOl llDH ..UCID S 140,000 Enjoy the spectacular view from this 4 Bd Lautremont Model home. Professionally decorated and la~caped. Now priced at $729,500 COSTA MESA AREA SIA ILUffS Just listed 3 BR, fam rm, 2~ ba tastefully decorated famil y home with Dramatic pool & spa complex. Offered at $?29,000. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR LU TO IMfllTAIM7 We have the perfect setting with 3 comfortable bedrooms, open & flowing floor plan, secluded pool & spa an;d elegant decor. Offered at $389,500 with good fmancmg. HUNTINGTON BEACH STAITB INYISTMIMT Choice 2BR condo with new carpets, pool and great assumable financing. Priced to sell at only $1~,850. Call now! SANTA ANA AIEA NIAi S. COAST Pl.Ali Super tri-level condo with 3 comfortable BRs and owner financing. Priced at $122,900. ftYrY•DOWM on this close to all 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Amazing at $73,000. Hurry! DANA POINT 121.000 Moves you In to this lovely 2 BR, 2 ba with ocean vie~. Reduced for quick sal@ to $159195G. Try lease option! :r: E- z 0 o · ~ M I 0 tn tn M z 0 -E-~ l.J -ta. -en C/'l < ...J u c E- 7. a:: :; E- -~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------------.... -------------&-:orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 13, 1982- % 0 -f-o u CiJ Vl rf) -:c f-o z - 0 0 ~ ~ z 0 -f-o < u -ti. -rf) in < ....l u g z c:i:: ~ f-o - C'--. Q) ....... ro rn ~ 0 ~ rn Q) 8 0 =r: Q) ,...... • ..-4 .a 0 ~ c:i:: ~ <.:> z -~ 0 0 ....l • • We deal in real estate t--~~ ~ But our real business ~ • IS PEOPLE Real estate is not just "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home . It's helping someone who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose, place and price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh - borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's helping protect the rights o! home- owners by becoming politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes- sionals, but our r.eal business is people. A put)Cic ter\lice of the ..., ... Claaifieda 642·5678 . • .- ·--------- * NEW THIS WEEI Open Saturday 1 to 5 PM * COUNTRY ELEGANCE LittJe Is.* C..._, ~· & ••HJ •corator -.ffy la tlih 3 bed .._ wfftl brick patio i "-ct. doon. Aho .. Md + lllllch .... conltr. Easy steps to lay. $575,000. 67l·6'00. 1510 Abalone Plaa, lal ... * BALBOA ISWfD ADORABLE! * Ind. M-. & ...,.... • tWs 3 bed. Mm ... ..., ..... UY• • it .... w.., I h or yoee c• bli&d a MW Cape Ced. "-.. liN:Wed In price. S.. tMs ........ If 205 Tope. SllS,000 '31·1400. WATERFRONT--tAPE COD Tiiis la • ..... Cape Cod Nlidettce by cMONtor a.clttdl99 sfcNHd ad ekW p. bridl cmd ..._, TohllJ coorilllhd .... lawlo.1 Wt1ltlt1 "'t .... 4 ~ 2 f-llr room wllll~a:c.. wt VIEW. i. .... Uttle....., n.., for 2 boats. $150,000 FH. 673-6900. 124 ...... c.al. lat ... IMMACULATE/FRESH BALBOA IS. 0.. of ...... priced ...... -.... ........... al .... Spotless 2 bed. + brldi p1111o. szts.ooo. '7J.6too. 111 Mcrilt ••• NEW NEWPORT CONDOS ~ .................. ... SI0.000!" Y• cm hlM ed\etlup of ..... .,., ~ to °" .., -.. bay -beoQ. Stop"' ....... ......... off ..... ~d. Priced tro. Sllt,000,..._ .......... .._ ... , ..._. w,.. 360 c&.,,.. reof .,.. -J.aro 91"9"-631-1400. it 1/21 \lftttSf. fR(lfJ ROW~ Vu Prt 'I ................... . 7S ft. ,,......, 2 l•t•I lofs .. c1 ,.... Y1IW of ec.-.... lefty. !1r9r Mlwplrt ...... tee ...... C .... ro.d .,..uty of by90M days-wood ....... :d' .......... row. s 1 .no.ooo. '1I·1400. 1024 Oc•• ~cl.OM. UHFROHT -&aiae Cod e.... ~ ..... 0c.e ....... • ....., ,. ...... d 2 -..~ for :·· ..... of • ....,..._. SI00,000 ._ ....., wll ceny. $09,IOO. 6)1·1400. Ul4 W. oc ...... PDlllSIU BAYFRONJ -f11 ... _, lflCm wtltl fweyer VllW __. pcM dllll. Two ....., I .... , •• ,.. ...... 9"••'Y· ........ ... of St00.000, $1,HO,M -0... wll• t•11.tz4W . ..,HM400 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ltlAL UTA Tl ~ ....... ,...,.,"' ......... ' .,. KJto w Co.I """' m Merw ,..,. ~ ltllh IWbol..,., ,,.... .,,..,. -Orange County ~ea}~st~te~An !~rtising Supplem_ent to the DAI~.'!:_ PILOT/Saturday, Febru~ 13, 1-.-1 JL\H.ll<)R RE.,LTY CORONA DB. MAI DUPLU Just listed! Super location 2 blocks from shopping. Smaller duplex with great fix up potential. 2 bdrm. house and 1 bdrm. apartment over the garage. The best duplex buy in town at $289,500. Owner will finance with just 253 down. aufFS COMDO Large 4 bdrm. "C" Plan priced to sell at $299,500 L.H. terrific terms! Only 10% down to a 12'142% 30 year fixed rate loan. Sheltered enclosed patio overlooks the attractive swimming pool. Spacious living room has slump s tone fireplace. Large kitchen with eating area. OCEAH & IA Y YEWS Only one of its kind ! Large home site in prime Corona del Mar location. Ocean and bay views . Large enough to accommodate up to 4 homes or 1 spectacular estate. 75% financing available. $1,950,000. LAND SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO What a spot for a horse ranch! Gently sloping 5.5 acre parcels with a view from Saddleback to the ocean. Secluded in an area of luxury homes and onJy minutes from town. Owner will finance or exchange. $695,000. SAN IEINAIOIMO &.J Higbly visibility apartment site on Highland Ave. near the cross town fwy. 7.3 acres approved for condos and surrounded by development. Out of state owner says "Sell!" Asking $2,100,000 . ISi.A VIVEIOS 1228 acre island located in the middJe of some of the finest fishing grounds in the world. Spectacular development potential with generous tax incentives from the Republic or Panama. $5,000,000. INVESTMENTS SHOPflt .. CINTll Corner of West 19th St. and Maple in C.OSta Mesa. Clean stip center 100% occupied. Offered with exceptional owner finan cing. $477,000 L.H. CCMaCW. ....... On Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 100% occupied With 3 apartments and popular Mione's Restaurant. Asking $498,000 with attractive tenm. 675-3411 OUTSTAMDING VAJ.Ul! Immaculate 3 Bdrm LUSK built home in Harbor View Hills. Master Bdrm suite. family room, kitchen & breakfast nook look out on one of the lovelieit yards in Corona del Mar. Lowest price in area $299,500 UI or $378,000 Fee. You make the choice .. Maxine Propp YOU OWN 1HE LAHD IN CORO ... HIGHLAMDS. 3 Bdrm home with lots of blue water VIEW. Addi on potential. Large lot. Excellent financing'. available. Call for appointment $350,000. Mary· Von Geldern WSI IUILT HOME WITH VIEW! Largest one story 4 Bdrm, 2lr2 bath home in EASTBLUFF. French doors to an enclosed Cront court yard from recently remodeled family kitchen area . Separate entertainment areas for adults & children. $299,000. Maxine Propp Fil IN llVIME THRACE! Charming 3 bedrm home on comer location with formal dining room , spacious family room and patio. Workshop in garag~. Call about great financing. $395,000 Bev Wiltse SOUND OF1HE SURF WITH WHITE WATH VIEW! Steps to the beach. Custom ouilt 4 Bdrm home, large deck, street to street lot. A must see $685,000. Maxine Propp P'llDI OF Owt&SHIPI 3 ·Bdrm , 2 bath condo in great Costa Mesa location. Large assumable 1st and owner will earn a second. Try low down. Act Now. Only $134,950. Harriet Spencer CONDO IN SOUTH COAST VILUSI 2 Bdrm, 2 bath adult condo in top condition. Security and alJ the amenities. Super financing only $96.000. Bev White •(In i.k spen' siv) not high in price: reaaon able coet: claasified advertising PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS (ONDOMINIUMS 0,. s.t/S. 'z,. .. Z6otllodl S.... A.-A,... ~MN . 1'ruly elegant 2 Br ·2Ya baths tor 1139,500 and 2 Bdrm 2ba homes for 129,500. •••••••••••••• • 10% Down w/payments as low as $889 per mo. • VA financing · seller will take back 2.nd to lower payments. S 0111tC•,_·~ 146-NOl-Hl-61t4 .. ... z ..... ...., -E-(..) tzJ en IJJ -x E- z - C'. ~ Cl) _... _... C'd > s:: ·~ C'd ~ s:: ::'$ 0 ~ z ~ en ::> 0 :t < c:i: ~ c.:> z -~ 0 0 ..J Haw IOCll!~ to ldl? I Sell UUftp fast with Dally---• • Qllllfied ads I well. ~"~ -~~:.. . ... • I l •' • &-orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 13, 1982- 7. ...... - :i: E- z t-o 0 ,.-1 z ,,... -c-< v -er, (/) < ' -u C'-. ro ~ ~ r:n s:::: ·~ s:::: a> ~ Ctj 0 ~ ~ Ctj ~ z 0 8j :J 0 :c < a: 0 Cw 0 z -~ 0 0 ..J tt should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water feels right on your hands . Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for a free booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you wherever you live. A public service of the lllJl'lll Clllliftedl 842·5678 REALTOR ® ' --------------------------------===--Or===ange=ii•eou..:;."~-.R~eal===Es=ta=~=/~A=n=Ad=ve==rti=si=n~g-S~up~p=le~m-•_nt_t_o.th•e•O•~-L-Y•P•IL~O-~-/S=a=tu•ro=ay~,=F~et>..-~13,1~ ~.~~ ............ ~~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~!!.~ ........ ~~.~ ........ !!~~~.~!-!!mw•-' ~~.~ ... _! .. •~ . Glwd 1002 •••r• 1002 ~ 100 ,..._.. 1002....... .IOOJ .G•r.t IOOJ . ....................... .........•..........••. .....••••••••••••••••. . ....•................. ······!••·············· ...................•••• PIMINSULA "· :•X•C•H•A•N•G•I New deluxe 4 Br w/~ep. TRADE/SWAP fam. rm. Formaldm1ng. 0..'Mf'I may trade: \U 3 car earaae. 3 lrpl. Npt Hets bomt ror ID ' OPEN SUN J·S 1505 come. notes, low down, MIRAMAR. tw,000. equity ~.000+. 121 3 Br EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY . 67J.t060 on Pee land, steps to Puf,ishlr's Hoffee: All real estate ad· vert1sed 1n lh1s newspaper 15 sub1ect to the Federal F11r Hous 11111 Art of 1968 wb1rh makes 1t Illegal to ad vertise "any preference, limitation . or dis· crtminahon based on race, color. re Ii g Ion. sex. or naliQflal ongin. or an in~t.ioo to make any sur.b preference. limitation, or dis· criminatioo." This newapeper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is 111 viola· tiooof tbe law THE ~EAL ESTATER'3 $89,000 FHA LOAN Only Sll.000 down. as · Sum! S89.000 FHA loan. 151,"'r, Sl310 PITI. Sharp 3 Bdrm. hardwood lloor home 10 a s uper netghbotilodd Pnre on· ly $99.~ Call to see, 546-ZU3 r1-wa1 GlilTHIS ONE Only 11.~ tor $100,000 assumable loans buys • -------•I gourmet kit ch., sor· BtlOIS: AdYHifHn ........ ct.Kia .... ods daily .. ~rt .,.. Nn -.dltllety. TH DAILY PILOT oss-t Wlilty fOf' tlM flnt l•corrtct IHtrtlo• .,. ' • DOING .. ·:·:: BUSINESS .:.: UNDER A ..... FICTITIOUS NAME? • e Daily Pilot e classifieds • wortcfor you. Call , • 642·5678 e forquick e cash sales. I ForClasslrted Ad ACTION C11ll a DailY Pilot AO.VISOR &42-5678 rounded by a 3 Bdrm house, lrg lot. RV I<'· cess. noquahlyine. SZSK down. $1050 Pld /mo rroves you in. Don't de· lay, rail Diana today, Diana P1etenpol·Volpe 5S9·lMOO TllllfalltMli11$bl on die or..-C4lllt MILY PllDT CLASSIFIED ADS ,., Cort w It, find It, T rode It Wlltl o Wont AO (142-5878 ) °"' (II Wfk• .. ~ ... al beach. $200,000 eqUiry. P .000. OWC for 10 yrs. can Diana Cappel. agt 631· 1266 lnttrested m my exchange program, ull i SUPER! SHARP! I U you·re fl.ISSy, see this one' Very private 2 Bdrm 2 bath condo Laree laving area. highly upgraded , skylights, 2 nreplaett. 2 car g~raae . Only $124.900. Call to see. $46-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS $•INVESTORS SPECIAL•$ Low dwn, no points, no qualiryina. (I) ' Br 2-sty, dbl gar. Sle»,000. Prin oaly. (2) E.slde condo. 2 mstr suites, dbl au. frpk • sis.ooo dwn. owe 2nd. Diana Cappel. aet at.1.286 •IAYFIOMT• IOAT SLIP SSSS,000 wow• Lowest priced bayfront home ON BALBOA COVES. Large 4 bdrm, 3 bath. doublt' littplatoe, covered patio plus much more! Will AITD or trade for F.utb.hlfs · Bayshore~ or! ....... .,~op. ....... •675-7060• F• Ad Acti1n cau a ·=· &42-5111 llVINE TfllACE OfWt HOUSI IATUIDA Y tel 141J Seu 1•1 r.,..., '"· Ttrr. sunny, llgbt and bright and ne% on the market with brick front, side and rear patios, Hardwood parquet floors ~· Excellent location -Jess than 00 100 paces from $$ Million dollar homes. Realistically priced at S36S ,OOO with combination o f assumable and owner finan cing. Call 644·721\ . ., ~ ..._ OCWROtlT Gated Communi ty Of "The Shores." Custom-Built 4 Bedroom Home On White Sandy Beach. High Beam Ceilings, Graceful Circular Staircase . Owner Will Help' Finance. $1""50~ - 751-9100 uc.,.. ... ,... ... ..,..c ....... FOREVER VIEW! °'OCEAN A •HT U4iHTS OPIM SPACH & PADS llAMD MEW TOWMHOMES Deluxe, 2 master suites, large airy rooms. Great financing. Country atmosphere in Costa Mesa. All fo r · the low price of: Sll7,000 & Sllf,000 HAL flt PAT IAUB AGTS. 67J..7JOO OftlH HOUSE SAT.-SUM. 1-4 ll77'PAC9RC llHD OF Wl.SOMJ SIR£ STORY PEIFECTION This 2 Bdrm. den <or 3 Bdrm> has it a 11 ! Open beamed ceilings. est m s hutters. mirrored doors. central air. formal dining room, enormous wrap-around patio b.v Rogers Gardens and much more! Superb decor th r\j()ut this Newport finer townhome Must be sold. Submit on your terms. Now only $255,000! Call MAHCY IMHIHIMO 759-1?21 (644-6636-Res.) GORGEOUS SUNSETS--IOOL--SPA 3 Bdrm Ca lH. ranch. gated fo r ~rivacy Views. thru walls o( glass. 2 fireplaces. family room. formal dining room. nook & more! View from secluded mstr suite. sunsets. Newport & beyond. Minimum down. Anxious owner. Assisted financing. Now only $298,500 ! Call NANCY IMIHMIMO. ownr agt 759-1221 (644-6636-Res. > • 75,.1221 644-663' R&"Mt\X of Newport Beach T ---"""=~ --~ IOI SAT/U 12-4 211-.a.alsl t1W QAm .U TUDOI UnsUrpassed quality, superbly de· signed with the touch of Old World charm. Featuring solid oak floors, finest oak cabinets, vaulted beamed ceilings, river roc k fireplace and ~xtensive-use of beveled leaded glass. Three bedrooms , including private master suite, 3 baths, fa m ily room, formal dining room plus ex· pansive roof de ck. Excellent Island location. $647,500675-4000. ----- Af.SIOENTIAl AEAl ESTATE SERVICES IXCIPnOtWLY elACIOUS IAYClaST Home extraoniinaire ! Spacious 4 BR. overlooking sparkling pool & spa. Bevelea Blass entry. Parquet floors in Fam. Rm . Remodeled tile kitchen with garden win~ow eating area. Assumable f 1rst & owner will carry large second. "95,ooo. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644~060 z 0 -t; w Vl Vl -:r: !- z 00 ~ 0 .--4 z 0 f: < u ta. (al (/) :.i .... ..... :r: < ci:: 0 ta. (.!> z -:.= 0 0 ..J te.--orange County Real Estate/An Advertlstno Supplement to the DAtLY PILOT/Saturaay, February 13, 1982- HOUSES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM 4031 N. Park Cirr .. Greentree. lrv. 552-5884 $128,900 &It/Sun 12 5 313 Alta Ln .. Costa Mesa 675-1771 Sll9.900 Sal 1-4 t"4!72 Old Mill <Gmtree) Irv 759-9100 $124.500 Sal 1-5 4 Melody Ln CWdbrg> Irvine 675-5511 $149.<lPO Sat Sun 1·5 * 1100 RuUand Rd lf7 <Westclf> NB · 642·5200 $144.000 Sat Sun 1-S 614 Larkspur. Corona del Mar 731-5900 $235,000 Sal 1-5 2~ Clm Dr. <Clfhvn ) NB 673--8550 $429.000 Sat 12-3 397 Bay\•iew. Costa Mesa 96.1-6767 $210.000 Sat/Sun 1·3 * •22706 Campanet. Mission Viejo 96.1-6767 S229,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2 U ~ FAM RM or DEN 1940 Wh1lller. Costa Mesa 642-7677 S121.000 Sat Sun 1-S iis Oakgrove. lWdbrg1 Irv 551-:n>o Sl86,900 Sat Sun 1-5 #7 La Serena. RSJ, Irvine 759·1501 $180,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2512 Santa Ana Ave #E, C M 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1 5 4951 Hemlock. Univ. Pk, Irv. 644·9060 $179.900 Sun 1-4 4521 Tremont, Cam eo Shores. CdM 644·9060 $595,000· Fee Sa l :30-4 · 30 2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek. Cd.M 644 -9060 Sun 1 ·5 4521 Tremont. Cameo Shores. CdM 644·9060 $595.000 Sat Sun 1-4 3 BEDROOM 616 MarigQ)d, Corona del Mar 640-4521 $395,000 Sat /Sun 1·6 2189 Vista Entrada, Npt Bch 759-1221 $255,000 Sat 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Bl <BalPen > NB l-52A-5980 Sl.495,000 Sa •Sun 1-5 3 Woodland, WB 644-6:m SL59.900 Sat 1-5 17 Pt. Sur Dr .. Spygl~s. CdM 644..QOO $465,000 Sat 1-4 : 30 418 San Bernardino. Npt Bch "631·12Ai6 $279.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 * * 1418 W. Bay, Penin Pt, NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Moo 1·5 •425 Gloucester (Cape Series> CM 642-5200 $145,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 •1880 Maui. Costa Mesa 631·1266 $320,000 Sa 12:30-4·30 9 R ue Grand Vallee. Big Cyn, NB 644-6200 S599,1.~ Sat/Sun 1·5 325 Rochester. uma Mesa 645-9096 $152,000 Sat 1: 30-4 : 30 ~ Republic. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $1251000 Sat/Sun 1-4 212 Via Eboli, Ltdo Isle, NB ~7000 $487.234 Sat/Sun 1·4 This Weekend ! Ke ep this handy d irec tory with you this wuke nd a s you go house-hunting. All the locations listed below .re described in greater detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons advertising open houses for sale or rent In The Dally Piiot may list such information in these columns each Saturday and Sunday. l·BEOROOM 1245 Blue Gum, Newport Brh 645-9850 or 548 0581 Sat Sun 12-4 2415 Nov ia. Bluffs. N B. 644-9060 S315,000 Sun 1-5 420 DeSola Terracc. Corona del Mar· 675-3411 S.'l.50.000 Sat Sun 1·5 3 IR phas FAM RM or DEH 542 Harbor J:.l Dr f Prom Bay •NB 759-9100 Sl.400,000 Sa l-4 Sn 1 5 5 J asmine Cr~k 1Jasmn Ck I CdM 552-2000 S440.000 Sat Sun 1-4 1900Commodore Hd Hc..l\cr est. NB 631·1476 SJ60.000 · Sal Sun I 5 211 Opal. Balboa Island. NB 675-4000 $647.500 Sat Sun 12-4 1515 Cumberland (Westcliff) NB 540-1151 S240.000 Sat Sun 12-4 209 291.h St .. Newport Beach 752-1920 S290.000 Sat 1·5 3 BR plus FAM RM orDfH 21i35 Solona \\.'a). Laguna Hcac·h 494-289-1 SJ.15.000 Sun l 4 2001 Yacht R~olutt>. ~pl H('h 759·1221 $489,000 Sat 1 5 •16 Mom111g V1e\\. Turtlcrock. Irv. 979-8866 S347.500 Sat 12-Ou!->k 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675·5511 $349.500 Sat Sun 1-5 2113 Mirarruir. Penm. Pt . NB 675-6161 S425.0<X> Sat Mon 1·5 • 1087 L Glen C1rde Co~ta Mesa 640-9900 S229.ooo Sal 12-5 1842 Port Westbournc. HVH. NB 759-1501 S24 l.500 Fee Sat Sun 12·5 907 Van Ness. Costa l\tesa 759-1501 $165.000 Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd .. Chffhaven, NB 759-1501 Sat 1·5 2612 Redlands <Ea~ts1de ) CM 642-6368 $149,900 Sal/Sun 1·5 lnvestm "\ With all the interest in real estate as an investment, don't forget that you you'll be living. Sure, resale value is important, but so are your housing n balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REA Each one is required to be a real estate professional, actively engaged in r publicly committed to a written Code of Ethics. REAL TORS® are expe in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. It could also take a heap o' lookin'. Before you start, call a REAL TOR® first. ID REAlTOR 11 ---Orange County Real Estate/Ari Ad'le"fslng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. February 13, 1982-11 3 IR plus FAM RM or Or.. 267 Robinhood, Costa Mesa 675-2311 $159.950 Sun 1·5 15521 Sandusky Ln .. Westminster 963-6767 $179.250 Sat/Sun 1·5 13 Satinwood <Village 1) Irv. 675-3411 $173.000 Sut1Sun 1·5 •204 Via Eboli. Lido Jsle. N.8 ll4i·9060 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl. Bal. Penin. NB f>44·9060 $795.000 Sat Sun 1·4 • •3000 Ocean Blvd .. CdM 644-9060 S695.000 Sun l 5 4931 Hemlock. Unt\ Pk. lr\'lnC 644-9060 Sl93.000·Fee Sat 1-5 1218 Key West. Hrbr \'u. CdM IH4 4910 $.T79.~ Sun 1-5 21'1 Amethyst. Balboa Island 644-9060 $498.000 Sun 1-5 2345 16th St. (Nwpt Hgts > NB 645 o:m S259.000 Sat 10· t 2298 Redlands. <Back Bay> N B. 631-1851 $259,000 Sat Sun 12·5 • 1472 Galaxy Dr .. Dover Sh.rs. NB 1)42 25l0 S739.000-fee Sat1Sun 1-5 l IR ... GUEST 211 Waterfrool. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $569,000 Sat 12·4 41EDROOM 1207 Sussex Ln <W cliff> !'IB 759-9100 $275.000 Sat 1-5 222 CoraJ. Balboa Island fi75 6921 $539,000 Sat Sun 1-5 9676 Azalea. Fountain Valley 548-l!le» Sl34.000 Sat Sun 12·5 •2828 Tabago P late. Costa Mesa 556 0197 $175.000 Sat Sun 11·4 760 \'ia Lido Soud. Lido Isle. NB 673 0060 5575.000 Sun 1-5 4 IR~ FAM RM or Or.. • 1020 Whitesails Way, CdM 759-1221 $399.900 Sat1Sun 1-5 nt ome is also where ds now. For a good ORS®. I estate, and enced 4 IR pkts FAM RM cw Del 16231 Woodstock Ln . Hunl. Beach 846·104_2 $~900 S~/Sen 1-4 2006 Windward Ln. Baycrest. N.B . 642-8235 s.135, 000 Sat l ·4 1505 Miramar, Perun. pt,', N.B. 673-9060 $6.55,000 Sun 1·5 1647 Reef View Cir <Spygls Rdg > caM 644-6200 $395,000 Sat 12-4 3 Kensington Ct. Hrbr Rdg. N. B. 644-6200 s.575,000 Sat 1·5 2006 Windward Ln. <Baycrest> NB 642-823.5 · $335,000 Sat 1·4 •2779Tem Cir <Mesa Verde> CM 751·3191 $239,000 Sa 1Sun Mon 1-5 333 Poppy. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $598.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isl. NB 673-2556or675-3048 Sat Sun 1-5 3202 Delaware Pl • Mesa Verde, CM 545-9'l58 $139.500 Sat Sun 11 ·5 620 I Burnham Ulntg Crest ) H B 847 6061 $21.S.OOO Sal1Sun 1·5 20521 Montauk Cr, Huntington Beach 962-9597 $227,500 Sat/Sun 10.5 • 1818 Port Manlelgh, HVH, N B 759-1501 $399,000·Fee Sun 12-4 :30 1033Wh.iteSa1ls. Corona del Mar 760-1756 $397,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr., OoverSbores, N.B. 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 :30 16231 Woodstoc~Ln., Huntington Bcb 846-1040 $164,900 Sat/Sun 11-5 18 Cherry Hills, BiJ Cyn. N.B. 644-9060 $1,395,000 Sat l·S • • 1617 Bayside Dr, Yacht.smans Cove Corona del Mar 644-9060 $1, 795,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1807 NewportHlllS Dr, lJVH. ~. 644-4910 $345,000-Fee Sat Sun 1-5 1200 Blue Gum Ln. <Dover Shores) NB 644-4910 $625.000 Sun 1·5 14 BumingTree Road (Big Canyon > NB 644-4910 $750.000 Sun 1-5 1251 Surlline Way <Harbor Vu> CdM 644-4910 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ---·•;.IT.,_ •• --. . . -_ · •-~--. __._~~r.-...,..~ - - -----· -= --"'-_: ~z-·~-----=-_-:.,,.,...:..____..& ~ ---..--_ ..... ,:.'------=-·~·-~ -~ .. : -..... , 4 IR plus FAM RM or De. l l40Sea Bluff, Costa Mesa 552·1714 $269,500 Sat Sun 1-5 .. 5 IEOROOM ••7~Via LidoNord, Lido Isle. 'JB 675-6161 Sl.500,000 Sun l 5 l 5 IR~ FAM RM or DEN 1930 Port Ctielsea, Newport Beach 49"1·1840 $450,000 Sal Sun 1·4 126 Via Lorca. Lido Isle. NB 673 7:nJ Sun 1-5 2074 pt Bristol <HVlfms > NH 673-7761 $298,000-fee S un 1-5 • 1133 Highland. Westcliff. NR 644-6200 $415,000 Sat 1-5 • •9'l Linda Isle, Newport Bch 644-9060 $990,000 Sun 12·4 .30 1956 Flpmingo <Mesa Verde 1 CM 645-0.'m $215,000 Sat l ·4 6 IR plul FAM RM or DEN 25 Bodega Bay, Spyglass Hill. NB 759-0737 $575,000 Sat/Sun 12-5: 30 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE BACHELOR • 100 Scholz Plaza #205. Versailles 673 7:nJ S97 .900 Sun 1-4 2 IEDROOM 2600 Block Santa Ana Ave. CM 631-6194 S129.500 Sal Sun 11·5 •300Cagney Ln., itlOl. Versailles 673-7:l>O $1Z7.000 Sun 1-4 •25Canyonlsland. BigC)n. NB 673-7:nJ $265,000 Sun 1·4 :30 2277 Pacific Ave . Costa Mesa 673-7:l>O $137,000 Sal/Sun 1·4 411 1 2 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $295,()(X'l Sat Sun 1-5 2277 Pacific Ave . Costa Mesa 673 7:.10 SIRS,000 Sat Sun H 24 15 Novta. Bluffs. N B 644 9060 S315,()()() Sun 1 5 2 IR ~ FAM RM cw DEN * 19Curl Dr .. Jasmine Creek. CdM 640 1515 1·728-5151 . Sat1Sun 11·4 to Crest Circle. Corena del Mar 673-8494 $165.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •503 Avenida Campana. Blurfs, N .B. 673-7:nJ S395.000 Sun 1-5 2 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 Sun 1·5 501 St. Andrews. Nwpl Hts. N.B. 673-7~ Sat/Sun 1·4 l IEOROOM 411 DahJia. Coronwdel Mar 675-5511 $335.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 IEDROOM •700 Lido Park Dr US. Can.Vig, NB 673-7:l>O $62.500 Sun 1-4 * Poel ** w ......... *** W1b:fw .. ltPoel -- • r 0 0 :ii:: -z c;') "I] 0 ,, > x 0 c CJ) ['l -z ~ ~ (J'Q c: =s ~ Oj ro ~ ~ ::r . "" ... • -i c: ,, z -i 0 () r > CJ) CJ) ,... "I] -() > -i -0 z li-l 0 ~ ,,, . 00 -z -i x -CJ) CJ) t9' g 0 z - . -.,,. ---~ .,, IB . REALTOR If you're in the market for a home of your own, you're probably in the market for a home loan, too. A conventional mortgage is usually the first kind that comes to mind, but other altern atives do exist. • These include• privately in su red lo'ans •GI-insured loans• FHA/HUD*- insured loans • Farmers Home Administration loans •urban "homestead" loan s e "house-to-house0 ' loans • variable interest rate loa ns •graduated payment mortgages and eHUD's subsidized homeownership program. l To learn about these possibilities, tal k to a member of th e NATIONAL ASSOCIAT ION OF REAL TORS® before you start loo~ing. REAL TORS® are real estate professionals, and forms of financing are part of their expertise. They ca n tell you what's available in your community, and how you can qualify. Creative fin ancing could make the difference between a home that's just right and one that's just affordab le. For valuable advice.and assistance, ca ll a REALTOR® today. , *Federal Hou sing Administration/U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Renewal A public service of the .., .... • Classlfieds 842-5678 --Orange County Real Estate/An Adve~ising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982-13 Ho.Mt for Wt tto.Ms For Wt HcMlwl for w. Ho.Mt for Wt HotMs for Wt HottMt For Wt tto.Mt for W. ....................... ....................... . .............................................. ······················· ............................................. . G1•ral 1002 ~ 1002 G1•r.t 1002 Gntrd 1002 Ge•r.t 1002 GtMnll 1002' •••rlll 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SPACIOUS TOWNHOME! 1be besl m Mbs1on Vie JO Have that open feel mg in lhis lar~ 3 Bdrm 3 bath home Includes wetbar, rirepit. Frenl'h doors and much more Great terms a\·a1l11ble. call for details. 646 1l71 THE ~EAL ESTATERS ---- FORECLOSURE! Two prime lrg hume~ w pools in exeell cond1 lion. Great terms. Mu\l' in today Patrick Tenore, agl 759 1221 Re Max •OCEAN VIEW* GREATTEIMS! E )(Cellenl low interest rmanemg ' The ultimate, romanlil' charmer! F.n· J OY 2 b eautiful f1re'p laces. Frent·h doors. and hard14ood floon Wood deck O\ er looks stream and ot'ean view' Private Bea('h Only $345,000 m Corona tlel Mar, call 673-SSSO rt Wit 520,000 DOWN! TWO beauties. 3 Br 2 BJ t o wohome s Onl) SHS,000 le $149,900 with terms Patndc Tenore. agt 758:1221 Re1Max LUCKYll $13.000 down, $1300 pr rro Buy toda> on the lJlh! Cozy 3 Bdr + pool &spa 751-3191 *•UNIQUE IN EASTBLUFF /THE BLUFFS lOYaY FAMILY HOME. spa, patio, 3 BR 2 BA, fplc, skylights IL new carpet. All thls and you own your own land. $329,000. ~IN EVBY INCH, this 4 BR + bonus rm borne that was just remodeled includes fplc & air cond. The Bluffs, $275,000. GWT GUIN 1ars. See this 3 BR 2 Ba single story condo in The Bluffs. 2 patios and the owne r may help finance. $157 ,500 U~IVUl t1 MfS REALTORS. 675'·60QO 2443 U•I Coatl Hlghtuy. Co1ona d~I Mar WI ..... 17 Of THI UST u~s IN TOWN Class1ried salespeople I New in town' Daily Pilot I Ir.now how to say 11 , classifieds can help you right Call us today at meet many of your Selling anything with a 642·567~ for a~s1stance needs, a~ help you find Daily Pilot Ciassified Ad in placing and wording good neighbors fast IS a simple matter I your ad for the best Call IM-2-4321 ror home 1..~_!all~:~_8 results dehvery ol Uus sectlOll FABULOUS VIEWS -IN CdM Owner rmancing With commanding, magnificent views of the Pacific aand Newport's Bay, this beautiful residence is an exceptional combination of fine design and uncompromising quality. 4 Bedrooms -3 baths. gourmet kitchen, inviting swimming pool and other numerous amenities make this an outstanding value at $975,000. VERY CHARMING -IN COSTA MESA Owner r1111cing Lovely one-story 3 Bedroom 2 bath hOme plus family room & cozy wood-burning fireplace, spacious rear yard, and jacuzzi in desirable East.side Costa Mesa -all designed for family entertainment. You are invited to an Open House this Sunday, February 14th, from 1 Pm to S Pm. 267 Robinhood. Priced to sell at $159,950. Call John Campbell THE llUFfS-011.Y $119,580!! Asswne l.st Trust Deed at very low interest! Beautifully papered and paneled throughout. 3 spacious bedrooms. Very quiet location. Walk to sparkling pool. THE REAL ESTATE RS CAU. 67J.1550 EXEC. -GOLF ESTA TE NOW $673,000 A SUPER value! Custom golf estate home. 200 ' fairway frontage' 5 BR. 4"'2 BA, formal din . rm., recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs, fam rm. sundeck porch, pool. Panoramic views from most rooms. 3 car gar. Storage ga lore. Call Bob Licata, 759-1221 3 BEDROOM CUSJOM 13% PRIVATE LOAN! Owner fin a nced no le nd e r qualifying! Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry brick frpl. Tiled kitchen. Pantry. Family rm. Water filter and softener Spa. Enclosed off street RV pad. Giant patio. Storage shed . Fruit trees and much more!! Just $169,000! Call Bob Licata 759-1221 R&I M ~ af Newport Beach .RESIOENTIAL R£Al. ESTATE SERVICES OPEN IN IC CANYON II Clsrl'f .. &.t SAT 1-1 1 story custom home on golf course. 4 bdrm, f amity rm, beautifully designed & decorated by Canterbury Interiors. Financing available. Sl,395,000. LUCY IOSI IN NEWPORT CENTER 644:g()6() CHOOSE-ONE 1 Br. Santa Ana ................ $72.000 3 Br, C.M ................... $113,000 3 Br, Santa Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000 2 Br, C.M .................. $126,500 3 Br, C.M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $129,500 3 Br, Hunt. Bch condo . . . . . $129,900 3 Br.SA H . . $137,000 3 Br, Npt Bch . . . . . $215.000 All of these properties offer owner assisted financing Call us now for a viewing appointment. REDUCED lOK Fi ve pride of ownership E. side units. New price IS $.139,500 and owner will help with fmancing. There are two 2 Bdrm uni ts and three 1 Bdrm units. Call now. j BEST IN BLUFFS The following 5 beautiful end unit homes IMCWDE THE LAND Ala UPP£tt 3 bdrm expanded . front row view, S350.000 2945 Quedada OPEN. 3 bdrm. 212 bath. large enc losed patlOS, $279,500. App 't. I LEVB.. l year new. 2 bdrm. 2 ba th App't 3 bdrm, 21'2 bath. 1982 Vista Ca ud al. $325,000. OPEN. LARGES? I UYa. 3 bdrm , fam. rm. Lge enclosed patios. $289,000. App't. HELEN B. DOWD REALTORS. INC. 644·0 I 34 ·r~·! I· Y \ I 1\YLOR CO. !{!-:Al.TUI\~ ·.itll\ l!HI> GllAT ASSUMAIU RMAMCIHG Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdrms, fam . rm .. 312 ba. Ideal ~uest or teenager's private suite. Private spa. Community pool. Security system. $345.000 including the land. $52,000 dn . Owner help finance. Vacant. See anytime. MIWPOIT HI.LS Dll SAT /SUM I ·I z c t; C&J en :::: f- z C'. CTj _... ~ rJl c ·~ c: Q) ~ ~ 0 ,0 ....... ~ ~ z 0 Cal fJ) ::> 0 x -1: a: ~ (.!) z. ~ -..., -::s - 14---0range County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOTJSaturday, February 13, 1982- z 0 ~ M 0 ~ 7. 0 f-< u [&.. (/'} (/'} ~ .... u 0 f- 7. a: :..; f- ~· ~ Q) _.. _.. C'j > ~ ·~ C'j +-> ~ :::5 0 ~ z w r.tl ::> 0 ::r: < a: ~ c.:> z -::it: 0 0 ..J "-" hr Wt ..._..for Wt Hoa.. for Wt -...... For W. ttom..t For W. Ho.Mt For Sek Ho.tMs For We ············~········· ······················~ ........................ ,_. ........ , ............ ·~····················· ....•.................. ·····••········•·••···• •••ti 100 ,&•••ti 100 Ga•r• 100 ~••r'll 10021 Ge•r• 100 G1•ollll IOOZ GeMnii IOOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t••••••••••!••········· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~··W::cr.a.~ --- c......~ Lcwtlr , .... •tylitcJ, c•tl•tdrel ctltl19t, ....... llltcMel. Al .. So. of Hwy locolt. ,.. ...... l ldnft. sus.ooo. a ... .-. 2 ... $295.000 or b•y botli for $605,000. 411-411 1/2 Dalila. CdM. MoU.tWd Worriet Uost Illas btH f'fo _.,tltd .ct b flxtd for 25 yn. ToNir ,.. M'wtd lnille Terrect l ... l ..... , w /feally rooa. 00.500. 1416 S.• •• TttTOCt ·cou Oii NEW"ORT RDA.TOM Htl«-~.._.,. C.-4191 .... 675·5511 THE HICE tsllGHT on this 4 Bdrm, fenced 1n pool home on a quiet cul· de·uc in Eut.side Costa Mesa A beautiful ba~k yard wiUI covered patio and a oozy fireplace in the living room. There is more! -Assumable loans and an anxious seller. Only $188,900 CaU m.sno PALM SPRINGS WJ,700 F\&rn. Condo oo Goll Clb Dr. Auume u~ lat Pbooe 320·95 44 or 511-3113. RAN CHO MIRAGE SIU50 2 Br. hie w /pool. Cee lud. auuma bl ea ? Pboae 320-UH or .iw uk ror ARTX 'y OU 'll lite the low COit ol a elaulfltd ad -wllethr rHtlaa or bQl•I or Hlll•I· A UWt111111•••11la th D1ll1 PIJot'a cl...an.d ..... NEWPORT HEIGHTS C\Wom, near new & gorgeous tbruout Cape Cod. 4 Bdrm, family rm, formal dining rm, 2 brick fireplaces, 3 decks with ocean peek. $450,000 and terms. IAUOA Nice 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, near everything. Asking only $245,000 with super financing. DUPLEX One block to beach. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + l Bdrm 1 B~. built-ins & fireplace in each unit. 4 car garage & owner will finance entire balance after a small down payment. $315,000. OCEANFRONT Like new duplex -3 & 2 Bdrm 2 Ba each unit -on the sand, will take small down or trade and carry the entire balance. $695,000 -best deal on the wate.r. JACOBS REALTY '7M'70 2' It "' ....... 11¥cl. COl'Mt' 30ttl You've Arrived at ... HARBORISUND Custmn Waterfront Home Once in a great wbite a very important home in Newport Beach comes available for sale and purchase. This year, this home will be the most import.ant residential property to come available. Featuring lour large bedrooms (1 separate guest quarters with kitchen and full bath). five full batha and a waterfront view of Newport's Main Channel, th.is 5000 sq ft home has it all. Situated on early 1/6 of an acre, the property offers an expansive grass yard to oblige the host and bosteas with one of the most beautiful settings in the world for entertaining. The pier and slip will accommodate any boat up to 100' in length wltb room for secondary boat.1. If JOU are truly interested in, and have the fmancial capabilities lQ acquire one of THE most important homes to ever come available in Newport Beach. please call William F. COTE or your own broker for an appointment. The price is $5 million. 20'75 San Joaquin tlat Ad. Acron from Ito CANYON Newponleedt 840-5177 nMMSULA HOMIS 211HllAMAR OPEH S.AT&MON 1-5 Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath. rnstr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000. 1411 W. IAY OPEH MOM 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385,000. UDO ISi.i HOMES 708 VIA UDO NOID S.AT/SUM l·S Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm , 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420,000 UNO.A ISLE I.A YfROHTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm. den. $1 ,350,000' CAIHATIOH COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. s1.9oo,ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.11 Bcr•d• Dr.11,· NB 615 biol ·~ LISTINGS BY SUzANNE SHULER l.AYCllST IEST IUY Four bedroom family home in beautiful Bay crest. "I van Well&" quality built throughout. Lovely island kitchen. Spacious rooms. Great home for entertaining. $335,000. qp. I to 4 SahrdaJ 2006 w ............ DILHIHTFUL IAC:I 1.AY CUSTOM POOL Ha.. -Three bedroom - huge corner lot. Low dowa fanwtic terms. '200,000. Sale or lease. WISTCUfF All.A -HIW USTIMG -Three bedroom family home in most prestigious Newport location. Superb pool and patio area. Priced to sell fast. $249,000. UMDll MAlllT -llG CAMYOM Md.AIM TOWMHOMI - 1bree bedroom -immaculate - two story -amenitjes plus and seller financing available. $215,000. MA,UUFICEMT FIEMCH MIDITlllAMIAN M.AHSION located in most pretigious private community with unparalleled ocean and Catalina views. Approx. 6500 sq. ft . of total luxW')'. Call now for complete details. $8..~1000. MJ.12JI 671-3441 • l.AHK IEPO -1 l'Yo WllLUff 2 story, 5 bdrm, comer lot 20% down. bank offers 13% new loan for 30 years . This home nei!ds some TLC and save $$$! Call for details, other terms avaHable. New listing! HIWPOIT CONDOS Studios, 1 & 2 bdrms, from $88,000 and up. All have good assumable loans with low down payments. Pool , rec. room , sub-parking, sauna & jacuzzi, and some with ocean views. MOlll.i HOMES NEWPORT IUCH Live near the bay at affordable prices. 2 bdnn, 2 bath, pool and rec. room. Well maintained. Priced from $37,500 lo $62,500. 40 F&T OF UDO ISU and you get 4 bdrm plus 3 car garage, bay, beach, tennis courts, yacht club and a lot of other amenities. Owner in East and wiU look at any reasonable offer. WOOOlllDGE TOWNHOUSE Im maculate 3 bdrm, 21h bath. Largest Parkside model. Family r oom. Fabulous recreationa l facilities. inc luded lakes. pools. tenn is . Assumable loan. Owner motivated. NEWPORT CREST 3 bdrm condo with ocean view. Pool & tenn is, walk to beach. Owner to furnish new carpet. Owner will carry large 2nd. $195,000. B.IG.AHCE OH UDO 5 bdrm, custom decorated, is an exceptional va lue. Formal dining room and family room. Lite, airy and spacious. NEWPORT CREST End umt Plan 2 Immaculate split level 2 bdrm, 21h bath, dining room, 3 decks. Steps to pool and tennis. Only $179,500. ______ _.....<'. '-· ,5 Pfm.US S.ACHS PROUD&. Y PRISIHTS ".A S84S.ATIOl'W. SUt4SH1ME HOMf" This 3 Bdrm 2 bath beauty features: remodeled kitchen with Oak cabinets, all new appliances. formal dining area overlooking secluded covered patio and fenced yard fo r inform al entertaining. Remodeled bathrooms. earthtone carpets with customized drapes & wall cove rings. All this and a (>rice under $125,000 ! You are inVlted to preview. 2245 REPUBLIC, CM. Sat/Sun 1·5 or for special showing contact agent. Phyllis Sachs, 546·23,13 -Orange Coonty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13. 1982-IS Hoawi For Salt tt.IH for Selle HMMa For 54* HouK'I For 5* Ho.1.-1 For S. HowMi For Sde Ho.IHI For 5* 6;;.;;;··········ioo~ i•~·1~i;d ...... ioo~ c;,:;;d;.·.:;;···;;;iil ~;~;·······~~;; ~·~·······~~;~1 •c:.:•~~;.··ia4·o ·;;:;.·············;~~·~ .............................................. ··~;.;~~.·~~·~~~1·~~~\···. o¥iHE"ti"WiU:.FiH: ····~~;;~;;~······1 ···;;~·;~·~~-:,·,···· ·····;;;:;:·~·;:;;;.-··· GORGEOUS & f>!,!rt'r p;irt or monthl~ •JAS~llll;I:. Utn:I\. r~ tnl rate no 11u11hf\ 11\\l' .it 11' • 3Br I •.Ba U>mplett the purrha~t.' beys )OU II bouttfully BAYVIEW pa)rnt nl on llalboa OW\ \t.TFl\,\;\O:h 1n.: ~l\rloan tuh':Sllcl I~· add-un. fl'Jllr great later Wev.111 v.ork v.tth 14>graded 3 8d 2 Ba sgl Complt'lt-rl'dl'rnt Jtt•\I l\liind 11rupt·rt> Lov. 64<l IMS I 728 51SI I'• HJ appro~ lllSI• "<I kl( \~~umr SIU31\ 101111 }our raJ.h & hud&rt ~ family delarht>d homt 8a)">tclt• c·oq· ~ llR do1"110•lr.ult' OHTHECLIFF ft ron\ementl) loc.att-1l l .1t 14 SIZ8.5011 lh Br 2Ba how.1• Sll6.!AIO Asking Sl34.900 Call 1ll'fl Jlt•nt h11u•1• \ .,n 1111 Harduty, Rltr. n<'a r NB shop 111 n,.; 1>'4ner !">4.5 71'-11 l'all "°"' tine k1•ll I< f; Peg Dameron 11 gt pool cp,1 pn lw.iC'h 675-2166 Oct.'anfrunl lot lit-~1 Sl~.000 CJll quid l't.'1! ~~ oOO UOW~ 311'1rm. 900-540'l 55-!MOO lAJks ltl..1· 11111111'1 <i rl'JI l<X·atiuo tn Cd~I lll v. n Oameroo . .igt ~!I ~oo 2H.i nt'"' roof & 1•pt Ill/ o ,, t SUM "ILE ai.~umJblt-II\ ~··· B~ owner J i-, br 2 ba . Poppy & l'ornsdllll St \l u~t """' c .. 11 now ! 2 '0 ~ "' dov.11or6month~111Jt1Ct11 Jll remod Cop!Jt'r btTl~IE ON :'111\1 ' Will ~I' 1 l\ve14l~ rederoratcil e' Grt>.ith· 1 i·1lui t'tl 1111 plumb. lath & plaster sell or trade for inrn111c • 24 ecutl\·e in La \ut'~ta mot1\.alt'd hu\t't $3IU,<XXlG?J!'>gJ!l property llr:indon •~l)0\\'1'• 4BH 2ba. fantth rm $484.(00 l'><>hl>ll' f'r.111 ~nberg5:!:1_7020 I \ppm)C ~s PITI pvnll frpk. rrml d1111nj! rm Marnab lrv1n1• Rralt\ TWO STORY Rtff:DOM HOUSE "" !'lt•.in 3 ,Be home bonus rm. 211 rnr i:ur ~-8235 1 bdrn1 31,, hath~. SS,OOODOWH 3Br 1B11 lariw~a1d l'nn1·nnly ~37U2.1Bkr Take O\'er 13'1'• loan OPEN SAT 2 S brt>akfa.:.I rm ftrepla~e IY OWNER ~.tro 641 U763. At!I I Mfta V dt H with$40,000dov.n • • many e)(tras S539,00U IRVIMf TEIRACE er omr OPEN SAT SUN 10·5 IOl8 loy11dt 222 Coral Open Sat ~un 2bdr. + Conv den. MESA VERDE Lovely.., 3BR + bonus ™I Montauk Circle Co•tEast 15, v.eek d•F a"pl> 13•ba, cnr lot, pool+ Jlid 2b th ( 1 dtil room or Office. 2+ Ba. Call Jim 979 S370 or ..,_ ~ •-L , r . d rm. a rp r • 1 M 1 c r o , P r o r 962.&NT ,_.wpon ...,ac.. L~nl'r Al(! spa, 1mme oreu11 1531i garage . A I l'ond L.andsraped i"rt!llrh j ?' 675·00:!1 Serenade Terran·. At> I Sl3UOO ownpr will as Uoors Ice MJkH. 2 ~ •---.. ---•I sume exeJ>ltng (1nun e sist mfmunctn& "'-pie's. <">35000, Ownor ·~H•-'-'!"I' Oft lalloa P.-sulo I 007 1274.IXX> owe. 955.0073 n .... ' ___..... I 042 I OOr'o DOWM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Roy McCGrdle, Rltr. Aruuous Will Hel p with •••••••••••••• ••••••••• RtdilctdPymts Penln Pt home 2Br.2•, 9'JIO<SALE 548-7729 fmancing 3182 C'ountr> BEST BU\ Trinidad I For 3 Yeon ba, den Mint 1·ond, nev. J BR 2 Ba. ocean stdl' or Club Drive 645 ·9777 lsld. Prime toe 38r 3ba. 2 outstanding Nt>v.pan r pt All upgradt:l> hv.)' Reasonable term,. *MESA VEIDE * CW.-ner Brkr 01>en Sun OWC at w·, ant Bkr Hetght5 ronde>l> J BR. <>wTier "Ill rons1der long pnnconly 673 15'il \\1Tif POOL AND SPA 1·3 TomGother 646·9~ 1 212 ba. lgt> yJrd~ & tsl'ro~ & will finanre MAUICOND02Br 2811 SP H paUOS 5175,<XX> Walking ~~iJ~ Uv. ner Al(t on ocean m l\1he1 i''ull) ~~~tu1 3 a~;m SI~~ .~0:-IA ,~ M~~~el ~••••••••••••!?.~~ ! di.staru:etol>hopp1n11 furn an rent.;I pool, prof dn Asking $210 OIJO Mar Call for Detail!> -..ay $13 500 Du OPEHSAT/SUH 12·4 CoroeodtfMar 1022 operated L1rrnriuu~ SI~ rropymt Pl' \l(t THEADRIANCO """ • " l270GLEST.,CM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl45.1XX>Lov.dnv. \ITr> 100-1~ ••~7•,. . $1090/MOP&I TAICE YOUR PICK at 1211'" Chaml' of a -buys this 3'8drm sgl sty VIEW-VIEW Newport Bearh l UH 21 l ba L'Ondo Fnrm11 I dining room. plus h\ tn~ room v.11h ftreplart Laq.:e IOX28 balrun) "' oreim 'iev. $'.!~.ooo CUSTOM NEWPORT fftnch Tudor Homt J BR. family room. Mn. formal dmmi: room 11nd breakfast nook 3 fireplaces. french doors and windows thruoul Pri~ to sell, S395.000 Agt. 631-5661 I 00/o DOWN g a r de n s p o t .\itenl 631 5737 SllJ . .500 Isl TD 3 Bdr. w pvt patio, dbl de· bfeume Lo own II.iv.au HEWC~DO SODM I VAASSUMAILE I Siroke Tree townhome 3 pnl1lt' duple'<t:o Cull Owner !!f.. 7~~77 By ov.ner 1.,,.0 2bdrm .ipprox •, ar. qwet cul-I tached gar, cenlr atr. Oarrell Par.h. 759 1221 ,,.._.Cllrr houses on 1 lot A)uma de sac. ranyon \'U, det'orator colors and for rrore details "'" rr r •· h N Oreanfront lol. lst tune ble II« 1st T 0 OW(' $121.000 Ownr1al(t warm 1reug ts ur OLD CDM $5000 COUNTRY CHARMER It's lrue·SSOOO 1s the op 1100 or buy now This 3 Bdr family rm + 3 Ba ho~. 1 blk to beach. on romer lot. w m1n1 \'U Owner is flexible Ca II k .__ p & 42nd Asking Sl25.00<I 642·7677 pool. spa , tennis I ~t~~ si.1ae:iPf:?c3 with 25.000 dwn 20lh & 3 BR. upgraded. E Side $135.000 Don't del•>. tion in CdM Will sell or Poaxlna 640. 7464 home Great loan. great caU Dia~ Wday trade ror income proper MESA VERDE termi.. seller .inxwu!t Diana Pielenpol Volpe ty Brandon Rosenbtrg. for sale b>' owner As Agt Cal 1 545 8320 ~-9400 6-14-7~. agt sume VA 167.000 at 10'~ evstwknds CdM Chanatr Duplex WITH RHAHCIMG 2bdrm Mesa Verde ron IOIOW. WILSON do S99.000 H l 2380 OPEN SUN 12·4 7514330 leave message 2 br. beamed reeling. re· *VA I flf20/o * tmdeled Large . valua· JBR+l',ba, 76K at ble R2 1.ot. Can bwld 2 tmre wuts Ideal for re· S8S6plll w poss SSSOO dn, ti__. ,..,.ml•, Own•r will * •LAKEFRONT HOME -------•I Diana Cappel, ag\ for rmrt' f1n:mdng mfo 3 BR. 2 bath or 2+ guest m owner's unit also 2 Bdrm Rental Collage. All in sharp condition w/u cellent location Owner Will rarry lge 2nd T D Best buy an town for only $280, IXX> l Bk 667 3863 '"" ·--.. "' "' One of a kind prime pnnon~ r finanr• (21~)689-4384, "' " Woodbridge location. CUSTOM E.SIDE 'D4J.54S-290L Owner bas moved out IAY VIEW Udo Isle 4 Br on lrg <'Or ner lot. Separate 2 Brun 11 over garage l.rg 10111 interest loan 0 PE:•( SL'N 15 1r.o\ I\ ~Ol'D ~5.(XXJ 67).9060 CAU64 ... 721 I BYOWHER BAO<BAY HOME OPEN THIS WEEKEND and is anxious to sell TR T 0 SELL' Large 1297.IXX> Y 100/o DOWH beaulrful home. i1 Ownr bldr has spared Eastside cul de sac ~i ~bridge no expense in this new. St<ll.000 Ajt 642 6368 Re h uruque country Enghsh i U 4 8d 3 Ba home 3000 sq DanoPoW I 026 551 ·3000 ft ol IUXUI} lJ v1ng W too ••••••••••••••••••••••• tm&rta•U P'tt•), lnlN RVMt>a'< UruvtrSily Park 4 BR. 2~ BA. Fam room. green· belt location. cobble stone dri ve & en try. many xtras ! Mu st see' $1 75.000 w1 min dn 0 W C a t I 2 t • '1 Owner/agnt 552-8046 or (702) 588 8123 SB.LER SLASHES PRICE $6000 Only Sl29,900 for this 3 8dr 1 level Smoke Tree townhome wtcentr air pvt pauo, dbl gar. frplc. or pool spa tennLS 10".t dwn $1080 P& I 1mo Don't delay, call Diana Laday Diana Pletenpol Volpe 55-9400 SALE BY OWNER 2 br "Stafford" in G rtentree Many up gr~ featurl'l!. Loe: on cul de sac. Selling for Sl21l.900 assumable ranancing Call SS2-5884 OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 12 5 4'Xll N. Park Circle <nr Culver !Walnut> **Will TRADE! Would lite s ma lier lrvW property for the equity in my beautiful view home 1n Santiago Canyon I yr new. zoned for bol"lfS, 311>0 sq ft Ask for Cburk \\bodbrldgt Ruhg DAVIDSON REALTY NEW" Cd M CST&! BLT 2300 sq n Wlk to belt 38r 311Ba , 1:1rrular :.t.a1rway. skylites. grdn windows . As king 13115,000. --- -many amenities to hst SS,000 DOWM COIMTRY ENGLISH Aslung $315.000. f or pvt I BR and (()ft\' den rondo ONLY $4400 DH 551·3000 bll)'I you an immac 2 tmBarrnu "i•>.l"'w Bd, AIC condo w tall WANTlD: ljq\jd pannn to com plttt custom Newport Beadlbome. Fiil.AND! • Ttemendous prom t.o s:hatt' Call Bkr 714 1 760-1292 an}'ti ~.:. PREVIEW Ow Mtw Usffnas lovely remodeled ~mt, fantastic ltitrhen. huge L.R .• Fam. Rm s.ns.000 1837 Comrrodore Rd, NB Shawn byA~lnt""nl Oeeoralor Showhouat FabWo\ls cnstr bedroom PI0.000 Including land. IJOOConurodort Rd. NB O,...W/S..1·5 6ll·f47' rpi:.ur WINDS c;~c:.~rv OPEN Sat/Sun 1~6 616 Muigold ~l '3'7-8778 MOTICI! 315 &r 3151'1 Larkspur ii for ule &r any reasona · ble orfer will ~ con- sidered. Buyer responsl blt ror (lnanrlna. Jua.11nt Sa Iler. aict,. 75&-1121 DUPLEX-4Br + 2Br. l s howLng call Glen wpool and spa Mani yr new. Good assumable -Warth a SS8-t400 ocean view! SIOS.900 30 financing. $398.000 709 & yr hxed 14 1 > ~ loan' 70912 Orchid Ca ll • • OW.C.Ownr,631-6666 851 ·9135 for appt . ~v•i..... 1014 <:>.ne~ !>k~ - -•••••••••••• ~! ••••••••• WW TO IEACH AU THIS IM 1Y OWHfl OPEN SAT. 1 5 MBA VllDI 4 bdrm. 2 ba large yard. 61• Larkspur, Charmmg For SUC,.500 Living rm. Z.000 dn. Grtat financ- fucer-upper, encl patio 25xl7 f\ Dining L llxlO ing. $134 • .500 coold be darling garden fl Eat in kitchen + 3 Mfl.1904 room. can build unal Bdrm 1a, Ba. above garage Assume Agent_ 556-6516 H ..... oa leach I 040 lge loan. owe 2nd Agt . COLLEGE PK 3BR ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sa 73 5900 4br 3ba nr. brh. SlSSK. ta, 1· Nr. all schools. AIC, Gar SlSK dn. OWC $1200 mo. Vltw-Hbr-OctOft Dr Opnr. Nu Roor. Gr8dpymnts,9621227" Sotar pool /spa, 4 bdrm. S83.000 In auumablt 9113-82 s.'m.500 Sam Afi =ii:.~ No quill· A~R.:;;EAL==--ST-EA_L_! Sper- l-~~~S~~~un w.,,.,, M. Toyaot-C• ucular 4 Br near the COUMTIYEMGLISH Raltors 644.491•0 Harbour with. ever-• ._ _______ •I --Y1hlna new All it needs DUPLEX-4Br + ZBr. I •• FOUi HOUSI 48R Pool H~ In Mtta Is you. Best lot1t1on, ~~ma~fi~::ci:~~ AtOMTHElfACH I ~:.r: f°C:..(;.l;°!: ~128 .tOO Bkr $398,000 709 & 709'~ 3 bdrm, 11• ba. slrttt tol Murb More' Drive BJ, Orchid Call Ml 9W for alley lot. an mil hon 2828Tabago Place. Then PllSTIGl 1100 ~ Owner bier. dollar neuthborhood 1 Call for Appl to Set. 4 Bdrm. 2V.ba. ram rm, WANTED 2 3BR In m .ooo. I 957-0959 Open House dinrm,2car11r. Pnced Shorclilfs, Old CdM. Bal ~ -. 1 Sit/Sun ll-4PM Prtced to atll' $164.900. Ownr Isle. Fee only PP • -i' RiCL' to Sell at $175.000 flnan avail w/25';( dn 644-1004 EiF":"AL ...,; W/A11umable Loans Ca II •PP OW r I aat .. ....., .. E I eooeera~ with~· •10t0/934.a2 THI !:6-.. ' ! IHletd S7000 ll1/24IY0 ~ 4 BR + pool own tr Seller w/llnance 20'l dn. soutn0t4 CG12 m ·104() lf'Hlftrrtd, will h Ip 4 B.R.. (am rm. came nn, ' 1!111 _______ w/rlnen. GU.000 8201 Burnham • in tbt ,.,, •lt•t• Uaoe'#homet LcpaUo Eiletft. ·~-•tm ~-=1~c::? ::~ · **CUL.OE-SAC Dameron •&l 559-9400 2 Bdrm Woodbnd&e con do. Try lease option W/$20,000 dwn Two U · cdleot usumablt loans. <>Pl Huse Sunday 1-4. 8 tfollow1ten. $124,000 DESraAn ! ~u Elinor, ss1-aooo Woodbridge 3Br 2ba. l I ~ yr new. Low down as· ~i ~Dr1df' sume loans. Need fut Rullt sale. SUCCE&Ci REALTY SSl·311t 54!J.'1991 ,41Zt lf1'HH Ptlwy,l"llw llCIMTl Y "DOI.LID UP" New landscaping! New paint! New ca~! New owner needed . 4 BR.1 near lake. Owner will carry I& 2Dd al about one-third markel rates. Phone for details. $239.500 Fee Rose Gammon '1~·1414 CU13> E-v w if. (/) -:t !- z 0 0 r-4 r-4 z 0 -!-< u -Cf; v; < , -v ~ z 0::: ::> !- ~~·~,s.~u'rct~;ur •r.t.,1«\\1,~~.~'fflJ rm+•Br. $U1,IOO Al· iilnd w&ai'iou want I ..!!!!1YiLJ:Jna.lil!!i!lWlEll.:....J.._. _____________ --1.-'=1.d----------...L=lltat=:e=N=tn~76Wt7=..::~7=-=:......1.~Da~iW~.~~J~-ot-~gau~--~--~l~~~~~!~:.l-~(lltllifled~~~Adil~::::!:IU~·~97~t~··~llll~M!t~::dCaJ~l~tg.~51T!!!!_~·------• - I ,,.- l~ange County Real Estate/An Advert1S1ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13. 1982-. -- z ...... E-u w 'f: :r. ::t E- z 0 0 (,o M I 0 ~ ~ M 7. ,..., ....... E-< , ....,, t.r.. (/) (/) < ..J u ...... .... E- z 0:: :...> E- C'-. ...., c Q) ~ 0 ...., VJ Q) ~ Q) _.. ~ :1 0 ex: f t;l z f2 c 0 .J ...... For Wt • Ho.Ml For Wt tto..ft For Wt ~For Wt HcMtMt For W. HMMt For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt •.•••••••...........•.••.•...••......••••..... ••••••················· •..............•.............................. ·······••···················•···········•······· ~ t 04_.. L.,_ ltodl I041 t --leach I OU LAlllt For.tt I 055 t .. ....r'lff leocll I 06' Mlaporl ltodl I Ht ... aiport a.odl I 06' ~ ............ r-••••••••••••••••••••••• ., ..•..•.•..•......••••.......••.............. ·······················1······················· .......................•••.•.•........•...... DYNA.MIC fi.ntutir buy ' North AtMalltleach Canal Front. Newport DISTRESS SALE Bt'aut 2 Br l'OOdu W~..._. H tnd 3 bd, 2 ba. lge h\'. Th . I I PAIUCWOOD Shores. 4 Br Den Brand new J Hr 3 Ra in "" .ilnum Worth seeing ~...,.. -r l ........ , I!!. pnre ess OCjjlJOn EST"TIS N II .... I II lo\Ortho .. nmg ,\i.i.UmJ Sellen offer II variety of I'll ."'" st arta + gue)t overloolune Main Bearh "" S2S.000do\ln. Olo\ner '*Ill Jlt J(ls .,.,aut1 u ) Jµ· bl ln $20 000 d k rinur1ng alternall\'es quarters Walk to bearh has 2 bdrm!!. ror onl) 4 Br 21• Bit ral'T) Must ~ell' ~take painted Prirt>d way e S 85 oOO ~o er~ l Goreeous 3 Br 2•. ba Assume loun Owner S220 ooo C.111 Olo\ner al 2150Sq Pt o<rer ' Tennill. l'OOl. walk below markel Sl7!1.000 at I · Pl.'~ · un homr witb numerous up· help f1nan~e $279,500 .s4 Bl38 BETl'ER '!'llAN to beOl'h Ai:ent 646 1044 Jeanne Sa II er, a gt ¥ f 10A Spm('· ~~ ~1\Jll grades Cul de·nr st Peg Allen Rltr, 494·7578 MODfo.I. or&tS-~ 7~ 1221 us'" ve a ' '"' Jl6tstePstothelake ot' PANORAMIC ll~EVERYTIHNG I A~ 768-9438 rered at ms ooo OPEN WY RMAHCING wtfTEWATH VIEW cul de sar street PRIVATE 15 AC. HOUSE Sunday l·Sat:I A 2 bdrm condo with 3br fam rm, 211 b.i, Sun&Saillll'lub PARK ~Rrlr:~c°"hhml.' NorthCo\e room for outdoor entt'r rM:w rrpb & dl'pll As I S?IO,OOOlo\llhS160.000 2 m~lr Bdr ~. each 1 gated court)ard. dtol Wayne Stewart, Agt taining Great invest sum11ble $98,000 bl at at l2'' I' own Ba . I0' 1 '• as I Hartaol-VI Hin.. rrplr. newly redt>1' 111 646 8816 ment PoWnllal with i~s 10 4':. For '11 le b ~ No pmntsor qua hr) 1111! sum loan. Only $126.900 •w •sa bid!.' & out 10' . .i~~um,1 --large assumable loan at O'*ller S219.000 770 0347 Joho, agt 631 1266 Sp.moos Famil> Holll(' ble loan S275.000 Sl300 WOODlllDGl les.s than current rates n.c 675 5320 l'\ 15'! IZ\lb Owner AJ?ent Many extras Lge ree lot per~ 7 • ., 2550 0.. lt.t Lale Owner says i.ubmll all ~, F1eiuble term~ $485.000 "~ "' 28R. & ~n 2BA. olftrs $138.500 OHCE IN I •BR 2BA Home Pool & I I Bkr67S 4.494 5411 1300 PANORAMIC COASTRO'(Al AILUEMOOM 1 Spa $10,000 Down ASSUMABLE12•, LOAN LakefrontV1ew Spectacular view or Wearepm1legedtoor 1 Owner Carr> Jfalam·e 1 --I a\allablt> on this P r o r e s s 1 o n a I I y waves breaking on thl' rer a home that 1\ truh ~ t>713 s&l 6234 Mew lavfrotlt hotnt N l' "" p o r t B r 11 1· h Landscaped Bei1t·h & sand rrom this 3 bdrm "STANDING AL.ONE·' Sl.4~.oob easvterms' Ver:.111lles tondo Tennis Club Good ~-.1lhJcaruragt Stnkang rontemporar)l"'4iuioaViejo 1067 ~dork.ft•f':.1mple BHhelor unit 1s a F1naar1ng. Owner or on large lot Situated ardutttture 1n 2 stor> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·524 S980 r~r model and com· feredat 1297 OOOSS2·8362 near homes pnced from design reature!! 3 bdrm Owner Desperatr' .._.EWPORT HGTS plel e ly up IC r 11ded·1 $500,IXXH0Sl.000,000.1t IS form dining rm noo1 2 bdrm rondo. long term " Recreational ra<·ihlles WOODIRIDGENEW the least expensl\ e plan sen-I'd b> 21,I rinancmg at le!"' mtl're~I MOVE RIGHT IN include 1mma cul.ite 2 bdrm and den. highly horrr 1.i!ted Its nOl <1s baths I rate ;ivail Lill owner Pmac) & ~eclu~1on are l'lubhouse and d rnstal u Pg rad e d P ri r e luge nor as prttt) but II i.o-.er slttptng I\ 1 has 58I ll06 'IOOll' ol the anwmltl's dear Slo\ 1mmm~ POOL' I Sl98.000. 17' • dn Single h11 e.Xl'ellent owner sunny ms tr s u 1 t e Mt-rt leach I 069 you II l-0\e m lh1' 3 Bdr Just SI06.000 Cdll for de story. fully shuttered. financing. S29S..tloo w dressing area, sep ••• ~~•••••••••••••••• homt w spa. lO,.t>nng twls 979.2390 rireplare, atrium. nr OCUHFROHT bath & FREN C H 3 BR 3 Ba home in tret>s troom for ex TAAIEU.,~ULTORS pool and leMis Best pnced for ocean DOORS THAT OP EN Ba)shore gated rom pans1on Seller~ ha\t' ~ 0660 frool in Laguna' This 4 TO p RI\' p AT I 0 . munll' Has 2 ~unn) lm\ed Assume loan ot B~w~e~r ?c:~;~~~~t lnlhtlullsof Tunlerock bdrm & ram1I) room CUSTOM ORNATE patios and Olo\ner Sll0.000atl08r, Calltol Selll'r will ·rarry TD 3 Br. + ram rm. up· ~ overlooks Camed BANISTER leads lo up w flnanre $349,SOO ste. Diana, agt 631 1266 Price rns.000 Call Paul graded, Plan B. $347,500. Whiskey Cove & has per h'I comprised of Open Sunday Is Marlin. 646 8402 or ~gent 9'19_-8866 ma gn i r1 ren t v 1ew s II r a c i o us I 1 \ rm 26.St Cresh1e"' 1144 7387 Tow.._.HOME Own en mol n ated w v.alls or glaios. Y. OOD AG! M4·2282 n S791S.OOO CEILING & EXPOSED DOVEi SHOllS DELIGHTS .. :...__. BEAMS, MASSIVE OOVERSHORES Elle.HOME °'.-~..-ST 0 NE FR PLC & UDO ISLE Med stylecou.nyard F.asy bvmg ran barely ":\.,'Ml4Kti¥~-. ~'RENCH DOORS which 4 Br Den. Formal Din IAYFIOHT Pool. jaruzzi. ovt>rlooks describe this beautirul 3 "'"'""' open to EXPANSIVE mit Room. 2 ftreplares. ba> Oalaxy Dr l"ormal bdrm, 2 ba townhome SUN PORCH Gleammg 3 car gara.it + la rge Sl,000,000 Dining Rm 2 Crplrs Take over loans 10110......_ ~tepsaver kitchen. A Hobby Room Pool sized Charming 2 Bdrm plus fr.rJ.OOOrtt t'1rtplare. rent air ~-°"-' TRUE CULINARY lot beaut land~caped den 2batb.poerandshp 0025106464848 rood.. chmate rontrol. DELIGHT. h.is 1t all . Olo\ner will as~1sl al to arromodate 40' boat extensive serur11y 17141494-1177 from microwave to rinancing.Only$420.000 North side For an ap· system Easy r are trash compactor & ib OpenSat Sunl4 30 po111tl1ll'nttos11eth1su· landscaping plus 11 Jl.nt a step from form RobiNOn ·Realtor elusive property. rall -------magn1r1rl'nt vie" dull!' rm 548-5647 ~11.Sl COLDWeu. BANl(eRC R!l!l,000 You'll find exltns1ve use --------111 , r al wood. glass. rer11m1c #:,& • HERITAGE Lagma•odt 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• tiles & oak cahinetry throughout this JUSl completed qualtty homt H that ~on·t do 1t. a quabfied buyer may TAKE OVER APPROX. $274.000 00 IN F.XISTING FINAN - CING AT Y. ELL BELOW CU RRENT MARKET RATES. Of !emf at only. $335,000 f\JLL PRICE! CALL MISSION REALTY 9llS So. Cst Hwy. Laiuna . • REALTORS NEWPORT HG TS Gated drive. secluded 5 Bdr home + st par a le ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mother 1nl.tlo\ qtrs 1186,950. Terms R bl Milliken. agt 631 1266 $STEAL$ lelowMarbt! 15' FROM SAND Two 2 Bdr w orean \'US & new decor Great pnce Patnt:k Tt>nore, a@_ 758-1221. Re Max SICYRISE CONDO ON THE BAV fRONT with unbehe\ able \It''* $475.000 Bu<tt slq1 available OMELEFT Ool) Peninsula Point Ol-eanfront Just beach. no s1de,..alk 1795.000 or mikeorr 675-8676 675-8444 $89,000 CONDO Balcon>. m·eun new. guarded gale. \Ub terranean parktng. ele&ant clubhouse & gy m. M1Al110 Realty ~~aslt for Lori °'91 SAT /SUH I 2· 5 IYOWHB s,.ctac..tar M.wponHOIMWitti C omtry Fnttcll Chann We ha\'l' !>part>d no ,., ~ m this ne"' I) 1 t· modeltd JBR 211 \ homt All ne"' 11ourml'l kllrh & fam rm 'ohct oak cabml'I~ "" llah.m Ille. f"tenrh door~ &. "" '" dolo\s , thruout Pror land~caped, lrll t•orner "-RV access ~.000 lo\1lh a rombindtltJn of low interest auum kllll\5 & ov.-ner rman<'IDI! ?298 REDLANDS :'\ R NEAR BACK RAY 631 1851 631 ~7 Courtesy lo Brk ri. MIWOH DOLLAR PRO,HTY JiAl ten minutes from Newport Cenltr. > c1 fpels I 1ke t•<111nlr> Sli50.000 assuma bit• JI 14' 1'. Owner lo\llhng tr ext·h fCK unique proper\)' Nt>wpon . Laguna Areai; Panoram1t· white "'il\l'I \ll'lo\S from even room Must be set'n lo he ~!Jeved' S8SO.OOO Call 646 :1116 for bnx·hure Harbor \.'1elo\ llomt'' ~ br. ~1ew. xlnl c·r lot $4.50,l'OO 494· 1840 $6,000 Down Versailles Studio Pen thou.w Condo l hgh 0\ sumable loan Onh 1119.800 Ca II J i m ~6370 ort62·9S97 SAUIYOWMB Immaculate 3 Br 2ba orean view home feawres. Large deck, oak paneled den. As· aumable loan and seller rinandng. $319,000 Call eves or wknds 491-2766 Now 1s the time to iovesl in Country Club living We have seve ral marvelous properties surrounding the prt- stJgious El Niguel Coun try Oub. Prices range from Condol at $137 .500 lo cUltom 4 BR. estates at P .000. Wt also bave tome view loU available on which to build your dream home. Tee o(( toward the future with ucellent financing availability C7141~4-07lJ_ ........... 1052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCU....OHT WSl/OPT10N A REAL BEAUTY, oct:in i ba)' vu. 4 Bdr w boalafrm. pool. spa+ city Illes. Assume 11 78<"; Only '399,IOO. Won't last. Open Sat/Sun l·S PATRICK TENORE, agt 7~L221. 1llO-l1Q'l FUEROU.S ROYCE Lido Island By Owner. Spacious 3BR. 2BA Home OA S6 · Lot. Jnclud.es Architect ·s plans for add1t1on1I Bedroom & Bonus Room Plus Owner's 1961 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II. Over $360.000 in Assumable Loans at l 2 ~. '4 s 5 6 0 . 0 0 0 • 2!!_M9-1623 RCTaylorCo 6 40 ()C'QQ 17 I 4t495·9444 ---A steal! Sparklinf 3 bd, 2 ba condo. frpl. beami..-------• cell .• patio, el gara1e. pool, rlubhouse Owner carry loan SU9.000 Pe1 Allen. Rltr 494· 7578 People who need People That's what lhe DAJLYPILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY iullabout! 4 Bdr. pv( comm . only $.1500/mo trade Ownr l-861 ·0ll13 •OCEAN VIEW• Niguel Shores Townhouse Largest Model. 1289.000 Owner 493-9411 LUSIOPTIOM t1r ct.S...it 28r. 2Ba Twn'-e. SS.000 dwn. $100 mo. rent, 1 ~r ~ at .$17$,000 Apply I rt« U> Ptll'dtue price. Aau.maf>le 90,000 Joan 11t IOl•~ + paper ~n ls. 31372 Abanita ; 4'3-<8t~r -I l..arJtlt Unb Point Gorr 1 Coone home Open Sat! Ir ~. Assumable t3'l j wrs..w.ooo cash. Som.000. OwMr 496· 1505 P rln c. oel March lo your pbont to place a fail acting c: luli!ied ad Just call 843·5'78. U a new house will ease your sprln11 revtr. tum to these pagea for fast rt Uef. Need to sell your old house' Call us at M2·5618 to place an ad, or call your friendly REALTOR. HAllOI IJDGE CUSTOM Elegant ~ountry Estate on ~ acres m most prestigious gated community. Over 6000 sl f of quality has every amenity for formal a nd famil} Ji vi ng & entertainini;. Includes sparkling pool. jacum. sauna. sports cou rt . g a m•e rm & m aid · s qr l rs Luxurious master wmg + 4 other bedrooms, ea. w 1 pvt bath . $2,tQ>.~. •67S.S9~• 36.11 E. Coast Hwy c.orona del Mar tlW SPYGLASS MANSION Over ~ sq.ft. of elegance and warmth fill this quality custom , blgh on bill in prest1gjous Spyglass. Features include 5 bedrooms, Ubr~ family room , 5th baths, ma &cent pool & spa and private elevator. Enjoy spectacular viers1 magnificent cabinetry and leaaeo glass throughout. Shown by appointment to those who are truly the discriminating. --Orange County Reat Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY Pl~OT/S!!_urd ..._..Forw. tto..nForw. .._..ForWt Ot11er•~&hlh OliwlM...,. ....,.._ o...ra ... &hlt• ..................................................................... ······················~ ....................... ,~ 2300 ····················!· ~!.~~~ ... !~~ ~~~ ... !!~.! ~.~~.~ ... !~~ o.,:.~ t IOO ~!':~!!!!! .. !~ S::u"i ;t;p;•in .. c;:t: a.::=w;, 2IOO --------•l'9"!!!1~~!1P.!!~!f!!!'l"'~!'l!'l!l'lllllll!-ll'!l•l!lll• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I UtlTS Mess. 34,250 sq n R·4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPECTACUL.Aa 111 + It rew. ~lof!:t.wCCNtdo HB.4·PLEX , prop.UnderSllsqft Lg 3brhouleonR21otinold Harbor Ridge Condo Br 3 Ba . Condo in Elegant Enallsh motif Near beach By ov.·ner · 7.1 XaGIOSS dn. Estate carry bal. Cd M. suitabl e for wilh3bdrms.den,ore11n Newport Crest. Tennis, c r own mould ing, Principals oply. Cub High demand rental Bkr. duplex,exch forincoll'\e & ba)• views. Many. pooJ & spa S249,000 Call handcarved lrplc, shut-lowers pnce. Comp sale area. Assume existing 548·7~ property or lots or ~ many upgrades Call to Delores for lerms TSL ters, brass appts, etc. 2 R25.000 842-5763 Gree fuwiclng of $150,000 at :;:-t• o~~ Value250KM 979·1658 t""• •11 C-0"entr). N B. PropertJes.642·IJ03. .... 2ba full seA 10'" ----IO"l: and owner will ••· .._.-., --- S;9S .OOO• Brokerl':======= ~ a\lui.ue opt ·'-._Property 2000 rarry Full price ..._. 2400...,. 6»7000. Im OPIH UT /SUH I z,.4 1283.250 9SS-1120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S240 ooocau m."70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1515 c~. NI . ~:·n~~~E~~~t~r1:;1~~ A 'LL f'TA TE d~l:1~~~~uuL ;;:;;;·;;;,:.;;;······ Mowhtt.effmtob.y ... u. •• ~ .... rttt of tlle worid fllMls .. Ii $195,000 WESTCLIFF. S240.000. S.,,.. &!per tax benefits. 2 yrs _ ~ I,. goU rourse. Discount for •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Lovely 3 Bdrm plus ~tr..o 1071 new. Only S39.000dn. By Ar•• Tft&S rash.S48·2l~evs Coro.o .. Mar 3122 family room, located m ••••••••••••••••••••••• !el!· PhllJ.!8.h.9'72·9300 ...-1vn ••••••••••••••••••••••• presh11ous Westcliff F.fastfc Starter 32U 2YRSOLD <Mofeo.ty UPCJ11ded 2Br 2ba. yard. Mtnutes to the beach 2 BR 2ba home m area HUNTINGTON BEACH 9¥4% Propet'ty 2550 cu po rt • no dogs· Ollner arunous and will wilh lake Pool, rec lac1l $2,472K FtP $312.000 dn FUily assumable Nwpt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.IS/mo. A 673·1181 helpwithtbefmanring. avall -ool.ySlOll,000. tau.to beach. "Pride" Hgts tn-plex, $250,000 OCE.ANSl DE unfu~n SOUl'HOF HIGHWAY for an appointment lo Log.o VllocJe R.i 12S'h tax shelter 1st yr BYCO. INC. 64~·2251 studio apt. Roof patio. 3br house. nice yard see. ca!l~mt 497-1761 Call Phil, a1,rt.p~9~ Cute Walk to Bch 4·Plex. j 2Br, new Onocn, harbor 3:14 Marigold. 760-0907 I Be 1 mo n t He I g ht s & r I v er v I e w i. -... AM • OIO INCOME $175 000 owe sr, On I Northcoa.sl Condo S600 ........ leoch 314 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PROPERTY 213-592·59:50 III> 730 7506, afl 6P M ••••••••••••••••• •••••• No qual s Bd 2 sty 645-3363 Loolang for resp. person · · ' • HERITAGE . • REALTORS Loaded. $18,000 dwn. SPECIALIST OCEANSIDE -ktra~ I torentnicel Br house I 9'1'l. PIP L. Nelson SltappMc) Cuter 320 Acres 118 A . n\i. from beach. Pool, . r. 2 a. m:mz Select from multiple un· For Sale. Clreat Invest· Almo ds. 202 c~es '" sauna, Jae. s•oo1mo. • AsAl!llf Loc.1. '-========1 See lhis 4 bdrm 311 bath I" beautiful Portoftn o rmdel tn Harbor VteOA Separate mother m lav. qrtrs. almosl oe"A cpl·~. ckRtopool $319.~ s.ttMtw Calif. R.olty S46-5t05 631-6194 each unU, rlose to Mkt ~ ·-·-· its Terms available t.o n · c res 968-0046 B s k t W i l I s u m HO (iM.IALIFtHG slit your needs. ment & Terms 1 2M Bare S'/50.000 Sell or I ---- rTEr winter rent 117.~ 3Br + exercise RSI 061_!_ Mr Rossi Trade . 8 r o k er s I Ml•.,.arl le-odl lt 6t bldg, lg yd Agt m -1242, J Welrome 552·8645, .-•••••• .. ••••••••••••• CA.~AL FRONT. pnce ~1732 ~ IMViSTOlS 752-7633 rt'dured to S259.~ 4 Br ,,_. 4 Cos M 3 Ba Owner ftn ancmg. Bdrmllll•ts m ta esa. 3 SAVESSJ.000 UDOIAYFIO owners unit Take North San Diego County 2 bedroom and den 2 walk to beach. °"""Real &tat. l'/'1L.1AWJl;M ~ over f111ancing. Approx· 3 AAre Horse Ran"h / Hlllfa&Crai90'l rin ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ imately 4 years old Le~n Grove. Wlth ~~t~i1:~1~attehrpoa~~oh NEW LISTING DOQ(~~gt2°' R.E. ~Ho.• 1100 ~1~!:!;~ve m .ooo 4BR. 2BA Home Close 6130182. s1.100 month. Presenting llarbor .._••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• CoslaMesa.C• LU6Sl(71:RU3 ILITY to Ocean & Freeways Broltet',6317300 Rd .., 12x44Freedom,adlt ,..,. -~4 -RURRY'"'DottieAgt I ge's rmest "Jodelle" 3 Br 2' Ba I r I 134 ......... 726·_"""'• -rmdel. This home offer~ , . re am1 Y park, walk lo supermkl ----2 Ottae Uhaes .-.; ~ luxwy and comforl for rm. IT\.'itr swlt 209 29th ll6.950. Agt . 557-9390 or APPLE VALLEY Side by side Buy one or MMdoclao Coost. theamuent.3BR 2'1 ba. St. 5290.000 Quail Pl.a<"e 962-~ -TuShehr both.Huge low int loans' Bridge Beam Rustic fonnaldtnrng rm.onda ~rt1es 752-1920 , 2S' Alrstteam w/room, Near new 4 plex. 2 to lake over. Try ZOor 3BR.2BA.OteanView.2 panoramic view of all or 1·-------•1 across s treet rrom bdrm, 2 bath each umt 25'1 down As k Ing Acres w1Bcb Access Ne"-1>0rt and the blue UDO ISLE beach $6000. Stt at Hun· with fireplace. enclosed $290.000 el. Pnn only Good Terms. $149.000 pacific Your mqwne-s tlngton by Sea Park, patio, garage 9~r. lsl R_ls Agt.St9-l.366 (707)937-0t23 arewelrome S795.000 21871 Newland, Space Pos cash fl ow No't' ~Farm HolsteinRealtv 81DGllNf. 110. H.B or ca ll $159,500 Bill Grundy,1-lllml!!!J!ll!!J~N!l!ll!I ..--.. Gn>Yes ' 2700 CALL DAN BJRif M Al 1·73'7·946&. RJtr,67~161 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 966-9051 640.76'5 2 bdrm. I bath , new s unit:C M-Apt. 1980 ADIDJMENT 1 IO Acres avocados $287,000 carpel & drapes . priced $248,0000WC. rllll R.ncho Cal. 12'4: inl Beautiful adult park. ~2075 W&-5713 COMPLEX $165,000 X Int invest ••VACANT•• 4BR. 21,BA, Fam rm, Pool, 2 frplc's. Terms Open Da i ly 2242 Heat.her Lane S2fi2.000 AIJo 38R. 2BA. Pool $192,500 Owner Agl 9M-Oll09 Col for dehlils BURR WHITE REALTOR , INC . 6H-4630 C:WC. St. °"Lido 3 Bdrm. Ii, ba. 3 car --------1 gar. GREAT POTEN 'nAL. Slt9,500 . '7S.t771 lowspa_!e_~t 646-8612 s Unit, C.M Bargain lt!s V~ed "most beautiful" 557.32111 Like new '78 Skyline. than 10 yrs old. $238,000 FAU.11001 12x40with 10x25 cabana, c::JWC apartment complex In 3,000 sq.fl. country d Burbank by Chamber or oew cpt'g. Locate I blk 645-20'15 548·5763 Commerce Annual estate on 4 .5 acre from beach $34 ,500. ------gl"05S rents are $332,040 avocado grove. Upstairs 2 I 3 9 l 9 . 2 9 7 7 o r IMYfSTOl SPECIAL Prieoe is S3.000.000 1915 360 deg studio, wood 714/960-4593eves Xlnt rond. 3Br, 2Ba. at Own 11 ded:ing. spa. xlnt tax Db,_ tacbed 2 car garage. cross> er wi carry advaQtages & terms .... w1~ 2 br. 2 ba, •t· central air & heal. lone term with 25'1 tractive 5 Star park For down Call William Cote $437,000. Ranch Acres ~Ills: ~·8703~ _ :':i:CX: S~~O~ i:i·~:~I~ or Phil Wills al (7)4) Really, 7~3150 67J..761l ~sm. !Broker ) Ital a .. 2 Br & sunroom. N 8. lar,epatio&porch. P.P. 2U/J3S.~ Bir Canton EXEdmVElfOMl WITHVIEW Elepnt funushmgs 10· eluding piano, pool ta- ble. fine antiques. New luxwy carpet $4,000mo 640-4518 Bh.tCs 3 BR, fam rm. 6·9 1111s. Mint cond. Nice location. Ast. 760-9!!8 •••••••••••••••••••••• 320 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ba)'fronl. beach, 2 Br. 2 Ba. 123 E. Bayfront, Balboa Island 11200 winter. $1400 annual. Herb da 2ll/471-3S7'1. 100/oDOWM Prestigious beach area, wlk to water. 3Br. 38a, 1unroom. eourmet kit. 11nt 111ot. OPEN UOUSE U45 8WEGUM SAT!SUNt.i-4 Aet. 64S-9850ori48-0681 s Slar part 10 Laeuna hllla, 1248sq ft, 2br, 2ba, 137 . 586-3846 COLDWeu BANl(eRO t ·, al hd•ge 2IOO Cote Re ty ••••••••••••••••••••••' I & lnvestmetit Want a tax shelter? Sell 640-5777 my 1112 year new triplex ••••• .. ••••••••• ••• •••• ________ ,_1 or e1chanae equity for Lee 3 BR 2v. Ba w /patio LottforSde 2200 ~~hner. Af\er 7 6 1ardener. Sl.050 mo. c.... .. w.r. 1%22 Dir so I fl IE SD.l! SACllRCE! ~· bayftcmt w/docts & beach. 6 bedroom home. $f15J..OOO DOWN & SELLER WILL CAnRY BAL ANCE AT 6% IN'I'EfilSr ONLY 2 YEARS! $1, 700,CO> land included. ~lll!lllllll~."4WUI ... _ .... ..,,.,_" ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• ~to· 76C)..8889 HarborRidge,S pannerSl05,000C1P zoned 2BR , t BA. F r plc, C-rclal .....,.,.., 1600 TVmMUUX wanted lo b111ld custom duplex. 2 bdrm each Beamed Cei lings to.ox '"'"• home. 7Sll-04Bt. 0v~1z.ec1 lat. 2 blu t~ CaJllQlt. Old CdM ~5 . ....................... ..-wP'OlTWCH Hi&h viglblllty C·3. Ocean view. 12.0 ft . Cron· ~gt. Use existing build· in& ol 4000 sq. ft. or build 10,000 sq. ft. Owner wiU ~lS.000. 631·7300, Pnde ol ownertblp. 7 0 Vemura Keys lu1ury lot bos.P.'t;&l " other &~n I ?»IJllO Cap. rate. Large lat TD, wilh WISurpasud view facilities. Xlnt potential ..._111.!11~1!11!11111111111--• usu ma ble 9. 75 'k of Channel. Space 65' Good cond. Retirement .-CHOICILEASIS Ow ner will carry bolt Owner may hel comm. $70.000 equity. balance with~ down r~. PJe.ase call ln/z OWCat 13~ orexcban&e 3 bdrm, 2 bath home, Lariitunils,quaUtycon· Q.W.923' for O.C property frplc, Z car 1ara1e lno structton Prhale pool ln4>9:Z7· 78. doca> IM5 access. Priced to sell, Lah.., S. 2 ZOO Leh fw S. 2 200 won't last. Call John .......... •••••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••• CH~oMl•llts/Tow•· ..... for ... 1700 ....................... NOl11fLONG BEACH Vi .. 1'der, 834·9393 LA&UHAIUCH OCl4M YllW ....... I l9"•DOWM Take over uistln1 loaAs, uni sq.ft 3 BR pl1.11 a 1e111 units i.11 Country Cfut:~tates New 3 br. 3 ba Condo LuxW')' Decorator Extras From 1175 ooo separate bulldlne. 3 t71'l w.7066 1 bl~kJ to the beach. -1 Price Juat reduce.d S.C. Plaza, 3BR 2BA, H ·. •.ooo for fast aale sum lLl'k. S60K tst, j Sellerwantuttlon. Call OWC2*1. Submlt terms. I JOHN TUCKER OlK.114-1988 I 714-134-tltl HunUn&\on Buch·•Br, 11M36-f7H l!r\• twnhn, •u oo. ,._ ______ , a.oeo to usu'"-loan at 1• ~'if. ~ll 97US19 SELL W.. .._ wdJ vt tometllin~ to se . Dally Pilot Claaatn ~td eds t o It l!tll. VILU PAB CusUlm lot near milUGn S homes. 210 de1ree view and IU]Jtrb ftnanclnj ~ced to sell •t '385,000. Blllfs, 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Pool, lean il. 2 car iar-.e.9850. JMmitle Creel, Plan $, 3 ~.a belb, fam. I'm ., .,...._. • 101Dt ocean ... moo. Vlll•ct home Just ort Ocean. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, detoontor rrab. frplc. 2 car prqe. 11800 :z c E Cal r/) r/) x £- 7. • ·- L I IS--orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February l3. 1982- z 0 -t; (.al VJ VJ -::c 1-- z 0 0 M ~ z ,..., ...,, -1--<( u -ta. ~ <( ..J u ~ z a: :...; 1-- -::r:: c c ..J Uefw.w.ct u.tw_... · ...... u. .. ir.tw41 • ..._.._ .. ~ ...._.u.t.wtsa.H .. .._...,.,_&tut ttwnu.,. .. -.. .............................................. ~ ................... .., ...................... !••• ................... ~··· ............................................. . C... .. Mw lJU CodeMna 1224 t ..... •ltti'ol2( Ml•,.,tlHQ 'U't •11..,.rtlteclt iut Ml '"tlMdl 3Ut ............ 32'9 ··••·················· .......•............••. ...................... .....•...•..•.••••.... ...................... .... ......................................... . Soectarulllr ocean & city NrSo.Coast Plaz.a 3br.2 3 br. 1~. ba. C~~ yd. 2RR. l'iBA. rf'Jllc. v1, .... <:anal Fro8nt, Newwrt Ore:Wmnt 2 bdrm. 2hb:a, H~=I ~l~B 1~a':1n~:, llahts view from rvery ba. ram . din . llv. rm micro SS'I~. llll. last t New C•rvet Oldtr Cot ~res. 4 r + Leate or $8$0 mo. March I ru SllSO lSo *7 room. Large 2 Br frplc. w1frple. bnt-k fe11ced yd. tlOO. 213·5~5·4071 dys . lllif· es Mo. 875·1>34!! option lo buy. S1500111M). J~. m tll28 rm mo. many amenities 2 ca.r aar S77S 992 714-621·3141evs for lea~2 bdrm. 2 ba Tenrus. pool, walk to BTFl.ZBr.2Bu,11en.dbl HcriNlrYitwtto... $l2001rm Call Anthony Carnation 640-6140 llOME f'OR RENT Lo\el) Laguna Buch ~~A11eot 646 104-4 or jplr. ffl)lt'. \Ilk 10 IH'h Suptt 4 Br 21, Ba Ju~• days 64257S7. e\'l's & 4bdrm.3ba.2000sq rt 3 Bdrm S700 f'rn1·11d home •ith washer SSSO mo 730 59~5. redecorattd. doH ll wknds631-6630 condo Tenn11 .. pool, etc. yard & garage Kids & dryer. swimmlllll pool. llG CANYON LSI 752-5111 pool & park 11350 mo 2bdrm, l11ba. Crplr. I '' Nr Ba1·k Bay M an)~· pets welrorne. ~S2000. l'tr. parllally rum S92S 2R R McLain Condo Ba,yshores 2 Br rum or 1nrludin1: i:ardener blocks lo ol·ean 316 lras $775 mo C.11 Bob Al(mt.nofee mi 494-3980 Sll2Spermo Call Gerl'} ldum larce liv rm 24 tl4().Ul3S J asm1pt $7SO mo ~ 38rdlx<"ondo.SeaSpra) Lar~\lood&llla,sJBr 673-TI61or760-l397 hr guarded gate. ~l•Pfi SHH'r~lbrne3t 67S-4117 Spar1ou, 28R \11th Oe\-dov on Brookhurst. 21 2 Ba ram rm 2 rar lo bay To Jul> $750. bch.frplt'.Pfl~ 1, block to heh. Jbr. 3ba Pnvale Puuo S485 mo I mt 10 bl·h. srr gate. Rara~e Ocean & Canyon IJ(i CAMYOM 2 13 9 7 S · S l 0 I u r OC·RENTALS 750 3814 tlrgramrm.frplc.hlt 1036 M1)~1on Dr •A pool.J:it'.hl(hlt-dtenn1l>. 11ev. No~l:. SIO'JS mo Luxurious three 2l3W7·0488 SalloA.a 3210 ms $1350 mo 67S0704 9516073 t•lblbe l(al> ~ "lr pd Sierra M.:ml Co bedroo~ T\lo bath' NwptTerrace2br 2ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lvern?ss lmlTlt'd l)('cupant·> 56SOI &111324 F'ormal dining room end unit. MSG mo Jim HOME FOR RENT Lee 3 br. 212 ba. ram rm. LEASE OPTION rm Yrl> be 642 4661 JBR. 2BA. Pant al Ot•e11n Richly decorated 1n mut 759-1221, 642-0750 3 Bdrm. $750 Fenced den. din rm. (rplr. 2-4-S IDRM Exl'l'Jbnho" hom<>" \'ww House Close 10 ed tones 3000 sq rt .i bdrm. 3 b a ell' r yard & garage Kid~ & I paho 2 blks lo ot·ean FIOMS4000 gar.11at10.SPAS600 I lkh 6.1-1460 Ja1·un1 orr mllbttrl Ne"port Crest Condo P'ls v.elromt ~5·2000 lll2S 640-1411-4 SS6 6Sl6 OC RE!'<TAL.<i 7SO 331• I 2 bdrm $8IXI No step:. bedroom 3 rar garage Many futures Sl.000 ~geot.~fee Small J br home in old \IEW fROM EVt:RY ~°" I uc.Y.in viev. ~Temple S20S-O month Yearl) rm.C.11631-0460 4 Br 2 Ba 01n1ng rm, CdM. frplt. yard. dble RM HartMiw 3242 Ttrrace 494 0154 lease Call 631 73oo. Newport Crest Elegant 2000 sq fl Newly I'll oar. $700 mo 979· 16S8 New 2br. 2' 2ba condo. ••••••••••••••• • ••••••• 2 l:lt houtie "'ith garage 3 Realtor Huge master suite t 21 ~cor a Led S750 mo R micro. bpa, S8SO Walerlronl Bro<1dmour blocks rrom beach Br &211Ba Xtr•ilarge ~6423.S46-6249 nJasm111e 2bdrm.drn S41-41~.67S lilll 2bdnn 2l>a lrplt', wet I A\llll tmmed SlSO mo POOLHOME ram rm \lot'l·bJr frplr. Soullll.CllJ-o 3216 1"-ba S900 ltan nu Nr SC Plaza. 2hr 11><1 . bar. dbl i:.ir slip ll\'atl I 497 l85i2 JBRFmho~ Bk Bay pool. tennis etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• [lflS 644-.flllO adults only 5e<' i·ondo pa 11 o $I I o o m 11 Sl200 mo Call Suzanl\f S 1000 mo 631 168 7. ! 2 Br rondo Spect arular SHARP• 3 BR. den. (pit. Pools. spas No pets 17141675 7171 l.cliJIM Miquel 3252 67S·341S agnt 4!n-lll03 I ocean v1e\I Cloi.e to pauo. gar S950 mo 'rst. ~ S4G-0107 1151 llJSS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Super Harbor Ocean Vu w Npt Nr beach 2br · beilch " !!hoppinl( $700. last. He dep .igt l"1M 3244 2bdrm 2ba to•nhou~e BR ba 85 239 kd Mortt.iideCM ••••••••••••••••••••••• dinrm.frplr a r. pool J .2 Sil mo house.frpk.p.llto.~rl) 4974067,97S411S7v. )~. 73' 1234 3 bdrm 2 (ull ba lt>nt·cd Twnhom..· Ol!IO 3 br. 3 ba . JJC'. pallo. itar dr upor (~ean Vu 67S 2961 S7SO mo t ser dep 499 2328 Coda~ 3224 yard Jnd 11ar $6ZS ITKI patio. i:111 Puk. pool. Adults only S72S mo 645 L'.187 WHhlliitstff 3291 ••••••••••••. •• ••• ••• •• 645-9177 Jar 117S mo !133 oos7 '114167S-717 I THI ILUFfS I I G C A M T 0 M ••••••••••••••••••••••• llOHIOf Eas~lde 3 Bdr 1•, UJ l'n11er:.111 P<1rk 3BR OCEA..,.FROHT <h>slA>r).t\IObedroom. COHDO HOMEfORRENT en t• I b,. l k ~ ,1 1 d 28A $115(1 + Sel' \II " l\IO bath rondo End un 3 Br full golf coursr 3 Bdrm. $625 Fenl'ed THE LUCKY ffW .. htldrAn ""l' Ill\ s700 Al!ll•nt•t'~ 1173 414 t or l.ri: 4 6dr P\t <·omm 11 Gor)?eou.~ i:reenbell , l"nnis ,,,.,.1 ~pa yard & garag(' K1d11 & Rent in Costa M esa~ ' ..-,,.. ,, lennt~. 11001 Cll' a\ all l'O\'Drad patio with Vte\I, < • ,...... • • • ""'• welrome ~s 2000 S40-3666 ""' 167 2CMO ""1 b ..-• ft lease St300 64 1 7424 ... ~ NEWEST gated 20 "'' Option JlOS!>t lt' ..i.;>hghlandindooroul u .. ,. ,\gent,noree Townhome VILLAG t: ~tesa del \tt1r HHl 2BA 2 RI" +-dt•n·i•nndu on Siin SJSOO mu 0" n I'' door carpet Adults onh ""' I COMMUN ITY 2 & 3 Br Washer & Oner Tll f. Jo;iqutn li?•>ll ntur'e I ~l Oe!3 s925 month y earl) The RluH'i Lo1ell 3 Br HoeiMt F.,,..d or 21 1 Ba 1600 1800i.q It or ADRIAN CO ~911547 A 1 J t I \I Jr t 4' 1 e' Ntl{uel Counln C'luh. 1u, lease Broker.631 7300 + fam rm 21i Ba \11th ~ 3300 pure lukury Gara.:('~ 752 ~I unoll!> 2 Br 2 liJ lake lari:(' "Jlll'd in palt0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• hydro lub6 1n mai.ter Larat 'lavroo11t DB.UXf COMDO 1 tr" rondo 011 l(oll Non :.moker pi t'ferred 1 £-5ide CM 2 br I ba din suite. dtntnl( room~ + 3Blt' 2HA. Bil ms. 1 11 so Pt'l ~ $9l'IO mo rm break nook. lihl "-k. <:pt~. d"'!' Pool I bdrm in spauou' loll I JtNJ~ A JITK'nlltl'~ 1 .. YFIO...... d ., d r S6SO \loodbuminjlfirepldl'l'' "I' .,... l(rt'tnhouM•\ltndo\I, munfum S79Sfurn "' "' 731~1 f,ar.)r .,..rn mirr0-\1-J\ e 0' en• " i.nr. i:rdnr. \ltr pd enc:d palH>. t•enlral air. 17li66.a'15ti61 S642 Pier an~ shp for lari:r Ol-ean \'le"' 3 Br Condo ~4253 pri\ale pataos & yards aJO mo 645 4089 fix· A~ n pool s11a ten ~~~loomsF u rnr1'~~ebdat~h1•x. Annual lease. pool., ten Waterfront l'd)1 2bdrm. Gardener pronded Brand new 2 lh 4•011do on ni<, Nt·u N~rth~ood l•Fonst 32SS u.:ur " ~ nts Aitenl Mr CIJrk l!ba lu~ .iplS Both spat•t Elegant h\lnl( onl~ IS Elden Sl ••••••••••••••••••••••• d101n1t 111om and den 642.:f!SO da\S 645 33;0 11, .ial Adults prer No minutes rmm fa~htun 5-111 ltll Shovprni: Center USO l.\Kl::FORt::ST2,tor~ 3 Tennis courts Jnd • pel~ Alli 673 Sl70 Island. 7 minutes tu S <: pt'r rm t SSSO dep + Siii ~ dt'n. 3 bath On "Jltr bearhes Short term or e\t!l. 8.:11~ Plaza or 0 C Airport lmma1·ulalt• I hr :1 ha ned1l t•hcl'k Rod nc'\I ho<\t doc·k ' A\ail \l'ars lea st SSSOO _________ , J~t ea!>t or Newvorl F:xe1· hom~· 3 11 pie'. i52 5712. 551 6611 A.:l Fell 13 S9'lS 754 7900 imnlh Broker. 631 7300 IEACOH •• y Blvd & so of San 01a"o must rent s1.o7s mo 2 bf mndn I' 1 bJ Wood . • • ••••••-•-• h -'" A1atl nu\I il1\0S 1 .. 1MIMOftVM.,. 3267 2 Br2Baho~onl e ll~CAMYON 3 bdrm 21 > b.i pool Jnd tennis. i.erurtl' $1 lllft rmifiOU883 Fr.) Stan1ni: al $90!1 .i · bndJ:l', <111 upJ:rJul'~ r-J fir ~lud~ 3 8'1.11( bay w (').l'lllOR \ 1rws o( monlh b3t S4J9 2473 rr7fAI~~; •1;~11r~I-~ $750 ~ 887~ !li!I ;1111111 •••H(l"\i~~;;)R0Rj.;NT0•• HALBOA HAY Cl.l'R islands and main chan· OranRI! Ait• . ('u)l.l Mesa Turtlr Hod~ IJ1. <!'·ha 3 Hdrm' ~75 f'l'ncell I or 2 'l'ar sub ll'a''' n1'I Comm Lenna). r.1esa c.let' homr \\ alk to p..r k \Jr!~~ "ar<1,t.tei. l\td' &. S2 JOU mo unfurn ur beJl'hl.') & docb lk' CdM 2 bdrm :.! h.1 rh'n frplt i:ar $i!l4• pt-r nll• i60~l\lknth l'lt'' 2 Br l'nl hd 1(<1r<1J:l· Adults. no rwti. S52S mo mw Wtbon 631 "889 3 RR Z Ba lite famtl) room. i.:.irdener 1n rluded S79S mo 640 6161 SJOO & S32S Cott age Duplex. I Br. I "'1th sauna & fenred yard No pet.\ 213 471 1671 ~\l'~ 311,llA Newly rmdld No Pt't~ New Bit ins " OW. f'rl>lc. etr Lrg P ..-t y rd 723 Center Street S72.S rm 1st t Dep A1a1l Mar. I 646 6423 • Br J Ba hse . frpk. fenced yard No peL~ S7*> mo + dep Alli 642.5722 MESA VlttDE 3 Bd rm 2 bath ''"'place. da~h" ai;hrr rured y.1rd With gardener S77S mo Ph 545-2S74 N11-e dean 2 Hr l fl,1 " r I )("' IJUI~ & lt'nnl~ Ciurdl•nl'r lll't.' "'elro!Tlt' "-15 2000 p.irt1all~ rum beJul there or on) S21 '" 11r end~d J!Jr<ll!<' 1 ord ind ~ltM)O mo \\.iii \ji?l'nt noh't' ha\ front & 1 te\I 2 rmnlh ne"' PJtnl & uirpel ~.. M11r I 975 4622 1•1) & IJail'om~ 2 70!hf.211Jrk pels SS~ t i-e1·u111~ "'kll•h 552 1136 I Mtwporl leoclt 3269 in it. n'r"' I~ d1•1• l'n11 2544 llrani:c. hOUll(' [) ••••••••••••••••••••••• •314. 1mrnrd lK'l'UIJUn ~-ms 2 ~to~ 4 BR 3 bJlh lloirhol' R1dgl' le3\e 4 Br FR "'""' f' 1 & C1 Conla<1 t;.in ll'••\ L"4rm bunoalou ""I " _, mo in. J Ba. 0 R. f H . stud). ..I" " I 'I f' " " ft ,... I s1<n d l M mg uutre " . ,, on ri Ulll paid. TODAY S39S .. ~ t-"" eposl • JC l\a,:hl)' te>&r•ded. Cab \'U. Ofll) 64S sooo Ext 161 OC RENTA LS 750 3314 Nib ll'\1ne Rl'all) Mack guard gate. pool tennis. Han~SSl ·8700 $3\mlm> Bob or Dovie BAYFRONT <:ONDO Li: 0C RENTALS "'undh .1 z 3 BR Koop a"' 759 1221 2Br. 28a. \Cl' hldll $87S I <'-•'• . ..,0010 ..,000 " nul(e Slon • o:-· I di ""'.,... • 2•1 bu. dtn rm mod rm Anu "°"A l~ on 1SO.l314 7da)s kitt·h f'rplc" i\ c )ard llGCAMYOM Iv 675677S Cho•«' eaMs1<1e 2br H1ghl) upitraded. m brsp 0.. GoH CCMtrtt w frpk. pel.S ok S48S 1 lo pool. lake S89S "kda I 3Ja!.3:!:.ms1 ,: T:'n'n.,BllNePuoo1,1 OC·RENTA l.S 7SO 3314 Zll t129 7983. 213 !l90 1760 , ...... "' • ft dee Vacant $1.200 Mo ~°" leocll 3240 Woodbridge rondo 2 hr W~ M. TeykM-Co. ••••••••••••••••••••••• end unit. rnl'I llJtto. Realtors &44·49111 S Blksto oc•eun Elei:anl 2 anul Mar I S.'>85 Br Family Rm & Den 1133 9186 833 7010 Tern ~Mo Plushcrpb.2': ot.-:F.Rf1ELD 3 RR 2' Ba C~Jr &""Rl;,isi;, sun &i . t"nh~ A C. 2 car drrk . dbl ('a r pr' aar.p;ilio 575011'0 Al(t garage, fully matnt. 7591234 PRIVATE PARK 2 Br2Ba.162.S 3 BrZ'i ~ SlOO Sml ptt ffill)'bt' 1131·1266. John. al(l New~1ort Crt'lil, rloi.e to ponl & tenni!> court~ 3 BR. 241 ba. lllt entr, trash rmplr $950 mo Poss1bll! be opt w bu> 673· 7300 or ~48 3216 C';aml a~ Wt"tlrhrr Shurp lg JBr. qu1tl ,l, htll trus. S99S mo 646 671t9. 631·2177 RCTaylorCo j ).! .J ; JtX) BAYSHORES Cozy l'Ott~ge \llth 3 BR. or 2 11nd den Eal tn kitchen, 2 rar gar . in rids W D. Reff'.lg. PVt beat•h Sl2.SO mo yrly Rarrett Riiy. Ann Peters 642~ 3400 ........•..•........... fUll oceun \ 1e" 2 BR 2 Ba furn beaut m1rro\la\t~. O\erlook1ni: pool area SISOO mo Lse opl 673 1300 or $48 3216 Carol. ut SUPER Vt\t:ATIO:-. RATE Exclusive lnd111n Wells Condo. pool. spa. golf. ttnnis. prof df roruted 2Br sip' 6 OQ.USIYE Wknd \lkly monlhl~ IAYSIDfCOVE rates 1114 1 549 19311 Ra"' + bt>aul Columbia w1cdys. 1114I~~130 model.full derk + wattr, C oeda tLJ.ia \'lN Lat 2 BR + dt'n I Ulifurwil9iitd l42S yard No Ptl' lnqwrc-111 ~ 18t.h St 960-6331 rplc. 1•aul1td rlgi, 2 rat ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar Lovely llrt·or for ~aul 2bdrm c·ondo imst dl,cnminalin& I pnmt S.C Plua lo(' nuuofuJ 3 bdrm. 21• ba le\el S1800 mo lsr A.it "aterfalls ~lrt-am> RIHTALS IO\lllhomt' with Orun 160-8617 pa. poul SHOO mo 2br.lba $700 l&JfttOMT 1tt'\I 1 ftrtplel'tS. E TBLlJIL'f (71''~90\9 6750~0 2br.2ba S900 2 SW"': 4 + bdrms. 2 i.AS r iery up ~IYhJ : ._ h~ 1 1 mclO!ied 2 t•ar garagt l{raded :i BR fom rm. 2+t'am Rm.2ba Sl2501• 11111 11. trtp ace. Rlt •n~. neutral. " " 2, .. A Sl350 I ~•· --------- :i Rr with 11araae l'hlld & =~ ok. SGSO mo 3br2baCostaMnn$12501 ~t'OU5\'iC!w Plet;llld l"P(lngS800mo 7S99203 '""· mn · WUTCl.IFf 3Br Z' 2 .ba. enc 1uir dbl. lbc. 2b3 IA« Reh 11000 I slip SJOOO ptr mo Mail ""1· l:lob 1147 SOIO t:x«'pttoollll~ neal 1·on lo•~HOft! Frplr. beaut pa110 LtRallOl'Rll.>633~ Ftb I HEWPORTHGTS 3 llr 2'• HJ "'<•lk lo do Ground le1('I 3 bdrm, ba. "3lt>r '!.!,~.,,"!? Rru;rmnr) G •-ltoch 3248 , 5 Dd. «11•n fomtl) rm beat·h + h•nn" ixiol &t Spar101~ two l'ledroom~ ferdtner rnl'luded S79S ...... ._... --r-I avail 3 1. t lllk to Niii! !-pa S!IOO mo l':i 111 T"'o b;iths flri 1 <111· 2chlldok 644·2778 2 bdrm rnncln Ill'" 1:pl. •••••••••••••••••••••••, Prts. rhalri OK 3000 • 'q Oelort'!< TSI. rro11t•r11l'S polio U.11el) icruund' A. Ck!an 2 Br I Ba dupl('~ drps. fndic. !)001 ll'nnaa. OCEANFIOMT fl SISOO mo \l.n l(o ~ lfiOJ pool Aduh C'Ompll'' endsd itar. pm all• handh•ll. t'lbhsl' No MOllLIHOMES • leutoptl(ln Ollin11 111:1 •RIGl'A'llYO'li• f.aS> walk to ~hops and y1rd NO PETS S48S & pets. ~ l•t. la1>I 1200 12 m1 ol p\'t b1·h. 24 hr·-------• 63H.266 3BH . 3B i\. \'lcw of b1,1nks S670 month IOS.~·6680. dep7e87833 5f('Urlt)'.Jlltsoft'O\'C~&I B11.if t:ondo. 4 bdrm. 3 Golfrour'c $1ZllO Yearl) lease Broker Wnta1de. 2 Br I Ua rocks. 2Br · adlls only· ha~ 11200 month 1146·5792 '11 7300 avail SSSO C:1r111;r. LWIOf'TIOM only nodoa. Ho rhoos<' 6'4·2607 • BR 2b» cundo. 24 hr -------• rd Kl ...... ••1 0163 • ._S .-.... from .o·io SIOOO 17141 · " ya_ _WI_""· .,...,. ._.,. -.aie Ill\'!! somtth1na >ou S«Unty. Lat pool. spa Mat h 1 4 Br. a & condo. many MOM 54000 want to sell! Clusj(ltd ~ octian v10 .· 2 Br 21, 1'150 mo ?M 4114 F.xl • your • opp DC amenltlu uoo. Dys 55f-~le WANT ACTION! ad.t dO 1t well -Cell 8'I Condo. Cu. 845 2$82 m wltdys. or 493 625S e~alerby llS1fti I.he Dally ._ __ _.·_:m~=~:;;:r=.v:.:'':.:84S~-=·24::.:39:_~St;;:ll:;:ld1::;•:1t::e:;"";;;=842=~;c:::<..1\a:=M=ii=:ed::A:;:ds~'4==3';11:::JWN(jW~~·.;;;142~·:;$C7::8x..:==....L..::.'.:.Meo~!eOO..;:.· ----=:...:.:J. tv wknds • I Pilata..iftedMa. -Orange County Real Estate/An Ad~ertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, February 13, 1982-ll . --. - C~[' '1 .. lw•FwllllMd #.f 1ui•Ul6n. Apwlw•h.,.._ AfNwt 1.tru.tw.. Al ...... ......_ u.fwa. · ...... lllsM<I l4.25 ·'····················· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ······.···············~ ....................... Mtwpotiltcd 376' .... , .... 3807 CotfaMna 3124 eo.t.Met.e 3124 HillHINl•ltedl 3140.,.,.. 3144 Larat 2BR 3BA up· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &raded, In Newport Ter-Want somethin& xtra Srrell, new I br bay apt, E.side rourplex. 2 Br 1 $550. 2BR. 28A, Mint l BR CondoonC~ek race. Rec fac .. Jocuui, s pecl31 'in a 2 Br. $550 utlls pd 129 Ba, wtlrg sundeck, gar Nice 2 Br. Apt New Cond. Nr Bch Be s t Pool. tennis. a /( 16.W/~u~J 6423917 Townhouse. completely Editew'ater l-~·7190 w/laundry hookup. paint. no· drapes. Area. No Pets 833-3307, Adults, no pels Like f_um" S89S. ~o. 7~9117. Sma II bachelor. S337 Adults. no pe\s SSOO Catllft S42Stmo. bt + 642-1339 ~~ Evs 67H003, V&UIALIOA Attrartive condo. Modem security b111ld- lnc. Ocean view. t bedroom & convertible den. Adults only Yearly lease. ssoo. month Realtor. 631-7300. 2 Bdnn, 2 Ba. pr Soulb Coast Plaza S600 mo Adult~~ 54.5-124 I 2 bdrm and den Newport Bea(h Condo. Near Hoag Hospital. 5695 "'°·I Avail ~l~~~ 546-4131 so. COAST AllA I 2 Br. 1 Ba, AIC. pool. rec fa(il., sec gates, no ~· l\.10 .. J\P.1168-3652 l.&.t..t_ .. ,..,.,lhd ....................... ..... .a..d 3706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ovel,y large 3Br Iba Nr 11\1 rkets. ba> 1r1ew. frpk, short term or } rly. No pets. S775 yrly ~r61.~1 lbdrm avail March 1st thru June 19th Call 111-9057 (eves l, 673·6900 .Q~• .... .... ,..,. 3707 ....................... BAY FRONTAGE. beach. pier. prkg, 2 BR me .. I BR. S600 Adlts UW pd Till May 27 303 ~-~~~~~er 1·871·2866 OCEANfRONT l br till yearly, utils paid. 11 752.2550 sec. &32-l766 DB.UXEZ II. t IA --- 6-15 , furn-S550. un· blocltfromoeean.201E. QUletlBRG~rdenApt Lrg2Br.FR,frplc,liv· nrbch new/frpk,patio ....... odl 3141 furn $500 wk d ys Balboa Blvd. 875·9562. W/w Carpets. Bit In in& rm, lq; kitch .. encl. gar, dshwsher, .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 833·3743, eves wknds 752.1»25 -·-OtR, Fridge. 1370. Gas ctuldren, no pell $550 smoke alarm. balcony . OCEAH FIOMT ~--•Large 2 Br I Ba Pd. Nr Bus & Shops 836-1732226~erSt Adults. $465 before Most elegant apartment $750 rm Rt!Cn&e 1ncld. 66-3563 Easts1de 1 Bdrm SPM,960-4614 build1n' In Laguna No pets. Savage Wilde & Bachelor & 1 Br Apls All $300 /mo No pets, no ------Beach. Finest kx'alion 1n Co;67S-6606 adult.nopets.Pool.bbq k.llchen. Call ·between HUNTINGTON town. Breathtaking & eocls<f gara ge~. 8-5 7522197 GAlDEHS views.All bit-ms, heated 3122 $395/mo.631·22J6 28'r g, Ba condo, pool, Spac10US Apls. Bachelor pool , subt garage, ••••••••••••••••••••••• laundry, palio. baby OK, & I Br. From $3.SO/mo. elevator Lease only STW TO OCEAN M05t RUS.IDE COMFORT no pets $SOO Mgr. Diane Close to G G. & San ~ & up 330 Cliff Dr. llllllllJ•••••• clwmtn&inoldCorona, Large 1 BR down Dieeo Frwy. Balconies, «M-8083 2 Bt. 2 Ba. frpk, ocean wipatlo & yard, up 642·1602, Marguerite pati0&. pools, jacuzzis. VIEW. one bdrm. block NO LEASE REQUIRED lclec:bll studioa, one and IWO bedroom "*1· menta. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also otters 'All Utllltlea ftlid . .,, ........ ~ • '1 Mllllol1 In R«t"Mtion And Much Mote' For a month or 1 hfe- bme MoOels opetl dally 9am IO 6cXn Mulls only no pets Oekwood Garden Apartments Newport Beech/No. 880 Irvine (It 16th) (7W) 645-1'04 Newport &e.ch/So. 1700 16th St 10over II 16111) (714)642-5113 Yi e w l r om d eck· I w/balcony & cathedral s.t0-361!6 tennis & laundry far t.obexh ~mo. SllOO/mo Call Anthony ceiling. frplc d/w, pool, Bachelor Apt Adult only 490 1 He 1 I , Bo Is a days &42-57S7. e\•es & spa. car port. No pets. $275/mo A\•all no'4' <llic.1He11,846·1323 ___ 494•557o -wtmds631~ adults only. 1465 & up m.8997 EXTRA NICE 2 bdrm, I Lrg 28R, lBA. Orn Vu, 2l650 Harla. 549-2447. 2 bdrm, 1 ba garaoe ••75 ba. nr "Ah. Yd. Ut1·1 Pd Gar. Wik Lo Two/ B(b. Cute 2BR IBA . Frplc, --N SoCo Pl• .,. "''. $650 114 High Dr. good area , $600 2Br.l8a.S450/mo.New· ear 1st an.1st $.'51DW.2216___ $5(1Z2 mo I Ye a r I Y 8 r k r ly redecorated.. Adults. anddep. SIB Jennifer Ln 2 Br 1 ba. nr Huot. Hrbr. 175-4912 Dishwasher, a/c, gas & 631-0560 ind ear. encl patio. no ... wpotf IMdl 3t6t DELUXE 3 Br. 2i,, Ba. water paid. Balcony, car 11..arje 2 br, l ba. new pets ~/mo. l,st/lasl + ••••••••••••••••••••••• Block from bea(h. port. pool, party room. pa1ot & drapes, dish· ~sec 1423189 PIDI NEWPORT 1118.S/tm 759-1301. aft 5 elevator. Call after washer, gar. lndry fa c, · · -,. 644-:!578,64G-6l75. HAM Casa Granada. $4.50/mo.645-9884, mgr_ *•MEW•* APARTMENTS S560mo. 2 Br, l Ba. bltos, 979-l9l1 .: 2Br.28a Townhouse, no •W lllSAS• pool, newly de(orated. QUIET ADULTS over 35, pets. MSS/ino 675-80'74 Adil oriented apt Mat11tt adults. No pets unlum 1 Br. lower S340. or527-7Q . 2 Bedroom ~60-1199 19-6> __ Beaut I land.sup ma. No NEW BREED APTS 2 blks from ocean So. HWY 2.BR, IBA . Pvt =·~~:rf~~l~S BACH. from S350. Frplc, paddle tennis cts Fntr, Palio. encl pkng, • · rec room, pool, 1acun1, balconies or bkyard COUNTRY CLUI UVIMGIH NEWPORT BEACH q11et, Mature adults on· APT MANAGER gas & water p11d urports 11. Ref Req. 675 3446, Serru-retiffii couple. for Adults. no pets ~93 all utJI pd except elec An adult rommuort} 00 644-0997 16 unit complex in C M Ham11t~r·~_!:::. .a11 No pets the Bad Bay. Spe( f1aU1tenancee.xp. req DmaPoiftt 3126 Atlanta-Delaware, HB tacular Spa, 7 swim Coda Meta 3124 ..__ 549.0433_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• me) ~54400 milf'g pools. 8 lighted ten· ••••••••••••••••••••••• I II. 2 II. 3 II. 4 lh. 3 ba Sharp 3 br \'ery lrg nis ~ru, bike trails, NAwlv d~r-Gas ,.,c Condo. 1700 aq ft Spa duplex. bit ins. encl gar MAIJNEIS WAU< P u l 1 n g g r e e n ~ ' ""'v · ,,... Small h Id ok N PCH Lr Ba chelors, 1 and 2 encl gar d washer. pool, tmnu, I blk from c I . r &2&3Br Townhouse bedroo013 apartments, pool. bbq Adults, no ba(k bay Sl,000 mo & Malaga 5495. 730-&m Apartments. Frplc, Encl _eets.OO 5073_ 55l·2'8l or~97..!L__ _ Gar, Polios & Vrd. Nr and townhouses from ColhlMeso J7241.._ _____ .,,,. ....................... i ... ,,.Oft leocll lt40 Hunt in &ton Hr br S540loS1000per month IMSTAMTIMI AVAILHOW •••••:;';••••••••••••••• CbiJdren O~ 84<Mi807 OnJamboree At $375/mo 1 Br l Ba Large I Br c .. rport. 2 bdrm. 1'2 ba. $375 2br2ba to •·plex. $475, SanJoaqwnHillsRoad CASA DE ORO Versailles \'1ev. of the Adults only. en clsd pool & laundry Adult. +$375 deposit. Gas pd 1 w-d hk·up, pn• patio, __ 1]_1Cl6'4·l900 ALL UTILITIES PAii> Ol'ean. 2BR. 2BA, Nicely garage, washer hook up. no pets. S39S + $265 de· Nr Beach Bl & M(fad enclsd gar. 645-9494. NO FEE! Apt & Condo f\Jm SB50 Mo. 642·S46S sma II yard. Ca II for posit 931 W. 19th St ~ no~ 893.4894 ----rentals. Villa Rentals Compare before you appl. • ~-0492 .... _1 1 .d ~-__ 67H912 Broker rent. C1•stom design .. ..-nts TSLMGMT 642·1603 ESlde cot)' bachelor :ipt U1: uxe poo 81 e xtra H.t.1• 3142 reat.ures Pool. BBQ . ...-;-Lf~_ ... _.. ~4""""' 2 Br, l Ba SJ9S w fncd patio. 1375 Ut1I dslargehr2br. 2 bl a ... ~ltnhs, ••••••••••••••••••••••••-------• · d ~ ..,....~..,..,. .vi v.o • l', m1 ei. .,.,a( Guarded irate. tennis OHTHEIAY! cov r garage, sur. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. p., Ba s.cr. Laun-_,..._631·•320_Agt_ Adults lS •CJ\<\ • One of 8 kind luxury ded ·th I h • no pe · ..,.,.,mo oowts, swimming pool, ~ . wi P us lalboaltlmtd 3106 dryfac .. ~l.548·9556 ntE VICTORIAN New· 536-8362 • tile roof, cobble stone apts. 2 bdrm, I bath apt aping. No pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1uua. OCCP.... y ly deror 2 Br w g:ir , ""'·-'·hed & u f 2 3 ~•--' h I d' loc<ited directly across l Br. rur'!' from S46S 1 Br parti:illy rurn apt _._ "C ! new crpt.s & drapes. bit· rw1= o urn I· ""~·on c anne a Jll· 3ISW.~1~. M2·1117! Vearll' lease SSOOmo S400mo 2 Br l 81 d Bdrm Apts. Gym . c:entlomarina Unique fromthe ReubenE Lee ' Adults, pool. beamed lllS, patio A ults Call Jatun1. Sauna. pool. 2BRSBSO mo Just remodeled with 0-P.. 3726 Call673-$!.l;_ (ethng, laundry room bet'4-eenlSPM 6364120 tennis, \•olleyba ll , 738·5022 new urpetmg, drapes . ....... •••••••••••••••• 1a11oap_. )107 ~.pets. No last mo. 667 "'G"~cJ.~n_a_ S4TO basketball, game room . H.... le--L-Jl40 kitthen cabinets & •P· S.,-oeat, small 1 Rr. t•· oAh. ... ., 9 oa -.. pllances. This upstairs VIiia witb courtyard. ....................... EASTSIDE Iunt. ~ ...... -06\ . __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ • .., DO -'•. """Imo. ocu .... aw'll.-TSL MG MT 642-1603 l Br, lrg yard. 220 unit includes• Cirepla(e, --.--..-~ IOA,w,"""' ,.._,AM Sl •• mirrored bdrm closet ..xi. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, new * 3 Br Condo or S.C .......,, esa ~ioimo K b k t? -----paint & carpet Yearlv Plaza. S.A. Pool. spa, _963-7~.64G-7814 _ enne Uil P0f . doon & a spadous declt H I ,. ltectl 3740 lease · ' overlooking the bay d #• $765. Call Linda Or garage $750. 1 br, l ba apt. Jae. pool, fsn 't that the horse that WOn $1800 month. UUlilies in· -· .. ••••••••••••••••• Art,875-7060 _549-3232or641-l460_ ........... rt o'lookrng tenols 1 --· ·--~-.... The Triple Crown in '72? c uded. For appt. rail H.1.'tFIHEST Nu2&3BR.2BA. yearly. PALMMESAAPTS crta, full sec. So Coast -(714)720·2473 Mon Fri ~b [ltlte Living! Frplc. blt·ins. gar, park· "81 Mesa Or. Plua area. No pets. $475 ~~ 1-SPM Bta..UUJ park-like sur-in1 Close to bay & 2 Br unlurn $42S unfurn Call Teri. l ~'f-...:J roundln11 Terra(ed orttn Brkr67H912 AduJls only, call btwo m ,Gll.a228. lf)<ltl'renotuoho (or what)K~po11 pool. Sonken gas bbq, u;ely 3·9r·2s;.: yrly M . 546-9860. _ BF.AUTIFUL2 Br. 2 Ba W05. dotl'tf..1 bod -)'Oll'r• not alone. 1parkliog fountains. lease, 1 blk from beocb, Beaut. 2bdrm condo, Mesa Verde 1100 sq n. K~ i\ one of I~ distinctively Spacious r oo ms -~'"'°:~3·~10 _ prime S.C. Plau loc. fpl(, lndry, dlsbw1hr. aff...,.ClflCJ'lmerifloorplcnotSeowindVloQI ~':~~odi~ii:s!rt':: BAYFRONT CONDO·LI Waterfalls, strums. encl05ed 11rage. $575. in !VlincJori&.ochSeowindViocJe iso~ homelike kit(ben & 2Br, 2.Ba, stt bldg. $875 spa, pool. UOOt mo 3ll11Glnger. 645-3144· _ of lody ~ Po*iional Pbwin9. C*blnets. Walk i. Runt ITD. ,\vall now. Adlll on· (71,)rfS.9019: 67S·OS40....:_ 2bdrm. Iba w /yrd, $476. The W of ottemon ')(Ill cJ..ve. lnjlonOlnter Jt.!llif77-2:_._ Clllld~ok; 11Jolbdrm, A P'Jfect bletdof nolll• ond lving- 1 Bdrm-fum. l<IM PtM.. Point: lBR upstrs $4lO w/yrd & gar . nestiedinoforwwilhbabb&nqbroobond ~t bright cheerful Adlts, •l!•·•'IU 545-ms _____ pordi, cooled by nalld ocean breeus. Add 10 NoPets no pet $495 yearly. APAITM81TS Spa( lBR. DW . WI lhciterm~swirmrqpi>Ols.ojoc...Oord UUllties Fret! .!!!:_7986or673-lli4___ Beautiful 11rden apts. Clolet.s PIJh res. Pool. o~ 1oc411on nea ~and I PaUo&/decks. Spll, btat Patio, BBQ. l$l & Dep. _........_..and · LA QlTlNTA llF.'RMOSA ~ 2 ..._ 2 ba paid. Adutta. no pell. ~645-«ll....;,...;.;~l;;._____ _.,,_, .. _. )'DU 119 90' 0 f.:'· anyone WOIAd 16211 Parblde Ln, t blk Bill Ins, Hreplare. 2BR.28A. $525 Mela Verde, 2 br. ne# ~colhome.(£...n ~port!) ' W. ol B .. cb, 3 blks S of Adults recommended, 3118 W. Wilaon 631·SS83 crpt, drw. paint. Qwel and two bedroom one and !'#0 bath Edin&er I ftO pets. 5625 Looted PINEBLUFFAPTS. area. Cul ·de·SI ~ No apa•11•" from 141lOOO - 147°5441 Dh&8alboa.6?S..aM2 _ 2 Br 2 Ba. No pets. pet1. $475. 498 1936, '' -md !LtifMltllCit --)741: tBR View of Bay & Patio, view, frplc , _-._146S_. ____ _ _....,.....•••••••••••••·' ~n. $500. 1.Sl & Last. jacuul, 1ar., ias stove, 5ludto house w/pvt·1d It 111 Hu VllllOf lA&x~ studio, spa, TV.~ 67S:7617 Yearly Rental ~ &ll-6107 patio. elec. pd, Nwpt 1111id ~rvke. phones. I - ----aBR Zba, no pet& Close to 642-1292 wt.5m7 __ , lBR. <Met LocaUon 50 sehools 4 frwy. MIS • 2bdrm lba bit-Ina Yrcb lo Bch. Stova. Av.U..w ..._S ... ...._;, ' ' Mln,.rt•oct. J76' Prldae. Sln&le Adult. • -_..,....,, &a~, no pets, , -•••H••n•u ••••uu $HO. Vtly Leue. STUNNTNGtarc•tBr.2 .ea-8157,548·'291. _ Laret lBR. Util pd Spot· less. Q\iet. $450. 2421 E lBth St. 6'5·4718 Spac. 1 or 2 br apts. 1 m1 from bea(h No pets M2-23S7 DELUXf4SPACIOUS UDO. 2 Br. 2 Ba. fri>lc fi Ire pello Adll5. 11000. mes 1'e lBr+~. Yrly $450, lltflatt+S300 seturity. Adll.4. pool, encl gar. new~ Ml-_501J __ !hpa to bea(h 2 Br. I'" Ba, f'l>le. Immaculate t'Ond. ~· l'!S-~ ~" ~ Sp.clom 3 BR 2 Ba, rplt. decks, 11r, llSO. --~l!J~t 2Br Zba, ~•n vu. f'l>~. VenaUlts. Pool. SIOO. ~115S;_l51~ ~' wbo nttd People 11l1t'1 wblt the z 0 -~ w ell ell -x E- z c.o 0 0 ~ z 0 -E-< u -Ci.. -~ < ..J u g z a: ::;) E- ,, ()CEANFAONT 2 • 4 Br. '1$-!HI Ba. p tdtn •Pt .. pool 6 S.chelor, 1 peraon, AtMI. Wintu. Weeki.)' I rte. art.a. $415. 110 W. llLiliU.S paid i side DO ~.m-~ _ !fll!lAdHetp? 142-5fll l!lh.Q. .SZZS/m0.""SUs DAILY PILOT SERYICEDIRECTORT ._ __ • baUabou\! - • - i:.. .. .. - L .. - .. -. - ~range County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL'{ PILOT/Saturday. Febtuaty 13. 198:2- z 0 -G C&l en en -:t .... z - 0 0 ~ f"'"'4 z 0 f:: < u -t&. -~ < ,.J u ~ z c:z: :::::> .... C'-. ~ ~ M Q) ~ 0 M ~ VJ VJ Q) = ...... VJ =' ~ a: ~ ~ :z -::ic: 0 g I 'A,atm .. a...,.., ,Afalm•hUlfwta. a-&IMrd 4050 ..... toShart 4300 ...,.tosa.. 000 Offk.l ... ol 4400 Office..., 4400 t; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ma ,.,. ltedl 3Ht S.Cl11• .. • 317' Ambulatory Lady undet 2 miuvall S2~ + utils, Pool Hm Br Ba S275 an~ space for rent. 38S IUSIHUS ADDUSS ...... ••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••• .. •••••••••~years, laree aura~ S2ro wo•n bath Nr f'urn Ava i l No sq rt second floor Answering & ma tl 2 br, near ocean . uve pnvate room. ex 81.'arh' Ada~ Prtr Onnk 1Drup. 545·5105 Prest1g1ous Weatclirr Hn·1ce., conferenr t> WoolayCW. 1375 mo. tst & I.st mo . rept1onally olce area. younger woman or col Arter5PM areall.OOsq It Medical room AdJ. OC Airport ~~lollOOO. 631·6000 332 Dmno Ln. S.C. See trart~rnc .979·9656 le~gal 9607874eves Udo lsle. Rm ;ba. clean. ~ldg call~·6501. SlOO_mo_._7!4.851-1342 2BR. IBA. (rple. g:ir. Nr ~anagerlnApt •C Haihtl,Mottfs 4100 Shr lrg lux home w pror qwet, M F. non smkr .___.Tl~"CH ...._.. • ...., 4450 Bch 34th St S500 Yrly ••••••••••••••••••••••• penon lst. last & dep $350 mo + utJI 675 !M49. 1"'1111:"~" -•••••••••••••••••••••• • &11-1335 ,Ap_t .... ~ SIALAIKMOTB. S26Smo 9668479 S7~2M>O •FULLSERVICE• 51.oreor()(fice 1350sq fl S725 mo 3 Br 2 Ba . -~ l900 Wkly rentals now avail Fshr3Brapt Avail Feb R~mmate to shr. M P.tOffic•Spoct MesaVerdeArea Ouplex.upper,NewPort ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• SIOS&up Color TV 20 CM area Price over 35. mature . •Suitesfrom$495 ~123 Shores area Enclsd WffflltrffA9h Phones 1n room 22'74 negotiable No last or emplo)'ed. libera l •Brlnd'lollitt-S90 mo C:O-rdol garage. balcon> Submit Furn & wifum I bdrm Nn•port Bhd CM dep 646-5413 ~16 _Ca~~ --..... 4475 onrluldn>n&pets apt All ul1l pd. All 646-7445 Orun view. on the ~ ~-c-1t1t ••••••••••••••••••••••• TSLMGMT 642-1603 amrnilin. 846·0619 on the bearh. hotel n 1 rs"'""'"' 5"1tlift CI Pro~rt)' 2 Br I Ba --beach. Resp m f shr oll .&...... --' 41150 b-..a.......t.Offkt bo 1 b gh Ira(( r ~n CIEST R-4000 rooms. kltchenettc &. d .. ....-.... ~ ..-U.st' n 1 1 ns;n.-v -con ° ~· m:i tu re '" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sooc area ol Wt!Sts1de Costa Luxury 3 bdrm, 21 .. bath ..... -................ bath $290 + S290 secur: S350 mo + 'i u l ti Laree sangle garaite on 500 to 20lld' sq 1t Availa-Mesa Ternr1r for Anti· rondo Wet bar. frplc.'. Laguna Beach Motor Inn, ly deposit 2306 Y. 67H86·9am or pm Ins Corona del Mar bit ror Lease que Shop. Acrounting pool, tennis Custom 985 No Pac1rir Coast Oceanfront. Newport M F to shr house 1n SlOOrro 760-9151 CaU Wm. f . COll' Clfitt, Law Office. etc rrpts. drps. wallpaper, ~[' ~~g~r3 ~ea~h. Bench. 673'4154 Laguna Niguel. avilll Garage S50 month 2864 j ror mort information Xlnl parlung Will dis etc S89S mo E\'eS & y, ee » itc en Rtst tto.1 4175 2 lS. noNmkr 4~·0909 La Salle Call after 6PM t Cote' n -altry cuu remodeling to swt •bids 673 S820 available Lo• "inter ••••••••••••••••••••••• M F' t.o shr 3br 2ba hst I 957-2740 nc A~x. 900 sq. n ex zbch.m. 2ba, frplc. p(>ol. 2 rates 4!M-S294 lrowlt'1G~H• blk rm 1oc~ 1250 mo Offk.R--'al 4400 & lnnstment r uding the y1ard k"I. patios. ground Balboa Jnn S90 & up Sr. Citzens 85$-6221 1--t + l I ".u 1370 --" ..... "5777 $500 1 mo . 548 -5'4 2. kl K. h + .,.. ; U I ,,..,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• _.. .,..,. ._ vel ... u. + dep 1242 wtt y 1tr ennl!tte, ·· -· • 4250 1 .. 17 w 1 rr N 8 u 1 '-=========! ••~---Ru l I ::d Rd . I l OO!an front 675-8740 v~ R... f Exee shr furn NB apt " ntc I • .. lint 11 T.»l7S3. 551 4985 Balbo I 90 •-••••••••••••••••••••••• w honest emplyd M F' financial 1nsl 7000s ( .......__ Loc....&1-Office tw a nn. I • up OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Non·smkr, PoOl •j11c etc lSl. IJoor Agent~ I 5032 rT-. ...._ ltaty Saloa Versailles spac 2 br. 2 ba. frplr. sec g;i~. l'lubhse S7SO. 557 199'7' 2 bdrm deluxe. ye11rl) acl'Q65 from sand B.i I Pen.S750mo. 730-4816 -. S400 Clean I BR, purl furn. '' bllt to brh No peU. I adll I gar sp.ire lnq 120 36lh St. WATYROMT WITHDOCIC Real nice 2 Br 2 911 w spa in mstr Ba. bit 1n kltc·h , frplr, dbl car garage. + 2 additional elf· st sp;H·es SllOO J.l. Prop Mf¥'l. m-6173 675 G670 VERSAIUES S47S. gate guard. pool. spa. Glenn 64:-$316. 8111 l?!-QllM BPaut. upgraded lbdrm rondo. w •tremendous amenities $550 mo 752·2319 Q)S : 540 7576 l'\'ts 3176 ....................... SAM Q.EMEMTI Goll course bill view. 2 bedroom apt. Built ins. carpets. drapes. 2 mrloled ClfllOl'tS, laun dry facility Two adults No j)etS.. $450 mo lease Available Immediately. Owne!J7141642-0_1_;18 2 Br l'i Ba, earage. laun· dry. bllt. to bucb. m 1mo. 974-?~ NICE 2 BEDROOM apartJntnt wllh ¥1ew or the Coif course. balls. public tennis court• behind property. 2 enclO&ed carports. all IM.lltins, laundry facility lo 4 unit modem spanlsh tty" b\ildinc. 2 adults only. No children or pell plus. $450 per month. Available February Call owner 17141 ~ ---Adult Studio. Stove. rdric. utJI. rusmo. ~.!!!?_Ye UI ~-0180 Adull aludio, sto\•e , rerri1. 11tlls. S24S I mo. IS2S move-in, ~0180 ' weekly. J'•tchennette. Avail Wintrr. Weeki; 112S-~. K1m833-t030 -~~d~r~~~ Space. near CosUI Meu Post nttanfronl.675·8740 Mon1hly __ 673·78'13 For Rent unrurn T•o EXECUTIVE •67~9510• an_ce~mo ~·~ ~. ent no smoking or Palm Sprine.s area I Mon apt.s. 2 BR ·s " g11r , no SUITES 2400 SQ fl. w 6 offices. 3 dnnkin11. M O¥er 40 tett) CCI rondo 3 BR 2 tids. S400 mo Isl & lot IN balhl. air cond . park S28S mo~ Ba. furn " atrium 541·1665 HERITAGE ICOUllV1t4E ing. w Costa Mesa Wor1nn11 fem .. 2540, •, Golf. tennis. Dally. PL.Ali IMDUS'\PARK S1560mo.675·3568 blk lx'h. N B . unrurn . weekly & monthly rates R 0 0 ._. ._. " T E New luxury omce spare 2400 sq rt total 900 sq - non smkr 127561S1706 a\ail 714 558·8001 '"''"',. 1n ln1ne's bus1tsl l'l.deluxeorrit'f t500sq l .Ja:tlsltll ..... 4500 all 4 9-SP•t. ask for Mark FfMDElS <'enler' Easy Fr~> ar ft warehouse ••••••••••••••••••••••• PVT ENT BA For No Tahoe Condo. 4 Br. s Oldest & largest agenl'Y cess Avail now' Call Cowtfty to l riln NB., 31175 Birch lll60 sq qUlel on the 00 prof . hs .,00 All l'lienls srrttned with fordet.atb 171411~1 •760 ft or 'ess MIA tone. 5&' ., nun to Nort tar ... photos"r?rerences "-. per 5q _ fl Age nt non smltr, rers. S22S .. t Tom85H668 Credits Cosmopohl•n 551~1231 640.4230 KOUCMEI 1 541 5032.. C.'M ~8502 Mammoth 3 bdrm l'Ondo C.cod Morning Anwnra. •DB.UXE OFACES• MEWPOIT tndt.ISlnal bldg, 60GO sq RM. $215 + Sec Lndry &SllO rughl Tiie Tomorrow Show Pl-om I room to 1400 sq. Elegant Exec swtes in ft. wispnnklers. lrg rear Far S Hs's fr Sand · 499·5304 •'t oH• to all ntw ft Pl'omSU5asq. fl No prestigious lor lnrl ove111ead door & fenced Leave Message 675·8205 Large Big Bear rubin, d1entswhooeedaplare lease required Adj secretarial. rfr ep· lld.)Oinmg paved park Room for Re o t 1 n pool tbl. rolor t'. 2 HEWPORT 641-llff Alfll(lrter lnn. 2172 Du IJorUJlt. telephone ,mb & inc. Corner of Redhill & Beautiful lmne Home frplu. Sleeps 14 ~.CallAM .833-3223 more Otes Crom $436 Paularino. CM with Married Couple $45>41116. mo On call oks Sl6S 54t-9671;_ Call~3311l , f M 2S-30sbare 3BR 2BA 17TH SnHT mo THE H EA D . Palm Desert Condo P P bse 1 blk from Bch COSTA MESA QUARTERS C 0 M -J.200.3000 sq rt by !'\pt rental. Wontere) C.C 2 S2SO 675-35811 2 or 3 room office swtes PANIES A profeu1onal fwy &. 4~ fwy From t .......... L.... bdrm Bu 642-6500 1 A c p•-t of ..... 1 Utt' I 1504 Mr. 0 ·Keef" "'-aa-nSl .. -ollllfiahwav t~833-9'199 SifW'freChnsuanremae. · on•Y P1" eoqronment 1714 1 &5-8928 v.:u ""' " ' looking ror same to ihr mcl. Avail. now. Call 851-0681 '--·-Guard Gal~ Area Pool . ._..to sa..r. 4300 spaclOWI 2BR 28A apt ln !te_~lonomirs 675-6700 Laguna Bch 500 sq ft . lndl.9trial Park Un1ls for ~ Dltrance. Pvt Bath. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CM.$300'mo 637-340S 600 SQ ft Mesa v~ de d S leale. 1500. 1900 3000 & S295 + Util Must be Pro( Shr 2BR 2BA Cd M -· r 1350 333 3r treet 3700 sq. ft . units A\111 Em PI , ha' e re rs Hw 1 Blk rr Sch F Pref Shan my 3 BR 2 51> hme · area. 545-4123 213-313-ZW ror 1mmed occupanr> 49M722 Eves ~$311, 67S 9619 EH!S NS. nr bearh. tenn1~ Two Officn Office & warehouSl' I s;iso. 768-6380. 631-3618 BAYFRO._.T S27S small omc·e. $310 apace with c11rpets Rm wipvt ent . kit & lndr') priv. Ullla incl Pref F E side C M ~··~an.6.30. NBprof.malewllshrlgt> Shr28R.2BA.Apt CM " drapes & wel bars ~a~~~~t V~~: ~~f5e ~le~ud~n~ n ~~; ;i r:amr:~: : 1 : ft ~e:~~~~:0~1 a~ f!~~ ~~ :·;,.~!:../.'_a.fall Newport Bch.2sty home . Vfri l&e room w patio. Non smltr $300, 83M'21S Rn;i S50 Week. Student Pref. Newport Beach ---646-%M4 Mtf Room with pri\ ba Fllmtshed home S275 mo + 12 ulil. Brent ~l .. - Furn CM HM $210 &Q.,M:JS or Call Aruwer 16~1 642~ • Womne rem. 25-35 split level condo or Hoac Hospital. privileges pgol. S250 + util lat.1ast. ~O!l .... - 1ro-Olm 754-<E Sllte. Sl7S ITlO Ul1ls In 848·3392 South Lagunll Ocean MIF urlusive 3 BR cld. 779 W 19lh St. S4de of Highway Gated Parle N~rt Twnhse ~~· •'°'"'Port ldt * Area. Pool, P\•l En Vu back Bay Jun~&5'12sq ft .1100per ,,.5.nin trance, Bath. 1295. + 'ft1>,,,.... ,. -.& B h N B -...... _..._ Ulll. Must be empl. have ,,.._,.., sq.''-·_,,, Ir<' .. r..,., Vl'TR'• tpece refs 499-4722 Eva MIF to shr 3 br Duplex. ~541·~· • Wtntro. $4'5 Adul~-m"""•ibl~ .,..rson SlSO. mo H B. Avail. 1m-DANA POINT's best loc • "-ell offlc• StO ,.....,_ ... ~ mrd. 842-SOIS 2llO'to500' at70'ind all to shr pvt ~an canyon u I & 97• 1 20 \IU home. Lag Bch Sbr 2BR. 1118A apt Lag ti . Janitor " I ~'~-_Evest97-6!'72 Bd\. S3SO + utll. O\arming N.B hse·incl bdrmlbath. gar, lndry. ph, utU, pool. tennis. non-smkr. Sll15 mo fi!l~-- 2BR NB Apt to share w' rema" over tS ll97.SO + '' Util. ~74'0 an ff!n· --·- ~97·~ S2S5 Mo-Pri¥ale om re• parktn11kltcheoette ape 18600Main St.Hunt Bch. Dally Jantr. All ulll pd A nil. now! 1714 >841·3133 MIF to shr 4 br 212 ba house on beach. N B ~.:.!n:imed 631 -22'10 Res p rema le 25-35 to share plush 2 bdrm. 2 ba. NB condo. s.ns + '* ulil MEWPOIT IUCH alter S and wteknds AIRPORT. Custom of-~ fices. 000 to 1800 sq n. MtF charmlna 2 Br. P'romtorper11f. Pnme Newport Beach of- fice. Newly remodeled. beautirut Ca II Mark ~ ~·M~tFwy Private office Sriare optn spare Pattially furn Tel Ans. S3$0 mo. 641-1391 Offire apace on busy NN1J0rt Blvd Approx. COMST. CllCU 2500 sq. ft. unil inrl. 322 sq ft. cl office + 5lOO sq ft. fenced asphalt CO\ ttedyard. c-t.sy to lrtn _E~~l.1~1·4160 · 1000 sq rt orrtcf &i warehouse . carpeted. olbead door. (rwy clost. ~.~) ...... 4550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Luse secure aara~e sparf for storage sso •mo. Call C.J 75-~~-CdM. Gara1e Sloraee ror Car. ssomo. ---~~-Sbal'f 2 BR In N.B. On lhe S.-"- tdl.. wtoctan view 2$ Ckeu Side oflfl&bway yn . + S4001me yrly. CUardGated Area Pool. ~J~~~ PVl Dltraace. P\lt Batll t'\trn. room in Colla C9S + \1til. Must be • sq n. S440 mo . lfl· .... w_... 4600 l'ldl utlls. 2ASO Newport ........... •••••••••••• Corona ~I Mar auest .~11111 !\JtJ.. ~2960 houle wlftplc l300 + i--------I Q5'_NNm. - Prol. Women seeks re llrtd Lady to llV1! l.n CdM home with son & dop Rent ne101iable. exeeuplan Blvd. Costa Mesa. Stt Rapons. pro(. Woman M~IJ~· _ desires a•ra•e apt .. Men. Quiet room for Empl. have feh . woft.iA1 ptnOft, NOt un ~Eves ~~l!·~-~ 5!1CM. , ______ _ m.«Nl. ••Mtwc..~· Newport Beach near C\,·lt _..,,_ ..... m H~I Hosp. 1000 sq ft .• .... .... • 1'~ ' -5f<'Ol1d floor olftC'f-a. am. office ii desk spare pie parking, well ma in· Ent Costa Mes a . Pleasant Room. Light Kitchen Privlleees Reap F. 25 yn pref, to ahr Nt. O.C. All"POrt talned bldg. Vicky days Make your aboppln& nlce2Br Condowtsamt. ''Sttt.oAppreclai.!" 11 4 645·4800 . ens eaaltrby u.a1aJ the Dally ! CM . S2SO + 1, util 79·88'71 71' 613-3112. lel\' e auut house or small bolM to l"f'nt In Nwpt Lido area. Ha¥e ref& !1M181_ -- OARAGE. Corona del Mar area. C. ll 67S· l 113S Want Adi Call 642-5618 Yal!I: Ml.-e _ • ___ _ P\lctaa.tli .. Adl. ~~.eves • 111.---·-.. ---·1 !fttSSI~ . I .... For cldditional classifieCI advertisi11CJ, please see Section C. . ·: . . -. . • "--