HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-17 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • * • OUlll;E CUil YOUR HOMITDll DlllY PIPER WEDNESDAY ff BR UAR Y 11 icrn:.: ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Onofre gets loW-power iest license By DAVID KUTZMANN Of IM Dally~ ... Slaff Fuel-loading activities could begin in a matter or days at the newly built Unit 2 reactor at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Sta lion art er the fed e ral government approv e d a low -powe r testing license Tuesday. T h e--int erim lice nse was signed by Harold Denton, the U.S . Nuclear Regu.latory Commission 's director of licensmg, who is in CalifomiA _Watt • tours channel VENTURA !AP > -Interior Secretary Jam es Watt, a fr e quent target of environmentalists, flew over a marine sanc tuary and the nearby Santa Barbara Channel Tuesday t o get betler acquainted with offshore dri11ing in that area. Following the tour of the Channel Islands -a national park -and the Santa Barbara--· Channel where off-shore drilling takes place, he met with a i{YUp of reporters and told them That he has the solid backing of President Reagan as well as e very st ale governor except California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in his policies and actions. Watt, who is the administrator of offshore leasing and federal waters, said his g r eatest achievement since assuming his post has been lo restore the National Park Service. With the help of Congress, he said, he has doubled the budget for park restoration and has opened multiple use land for eqergy development. He added that coal production on federal land has increased. ·'Congress has been supportive for these changes in every instance," he· said. · Despite some clashes between Watt and Brown over offshore drilling, Walt had som e praise for the California governor. "I think that Brown was right in issuing, this past summer , 20 new drilling permits in the Santa Barbara Channel. .. this week lo attend new hearings on the Diablo Canyon nucleat power plant near San Luis Obispo. The low-power permit issued to Southern California Edison is similar to the license which Pacific Gas & Electric Co. received, and then had sus pended; for its two-reactor Dia blo plant on the Central California coast. Edison officials said fuel loading into Unit 2's reactor vessel may begin Thursday. It takes four weeks in all, possibly l on ger. to fully load the uranium-laden fuel rods . This means actual startup of t he l , 100-m ega walt reactor located three miles south or San Clemente wou1d take place in mid or late m a rch, u.tility spokesmen said. Edison spokes man Da ve Barron said Tuesday that no electricity would be generated by the newly built unit during its shakedown. The license only allows the loading of fuel, which THERE'S A CATCH TO THIS This t wosom(' appt'ar s to be s urf fis hing in s o litude al Aliso Beach Park But then • '~<'n' has been stored on the plant site s ince l a s t s umm e r , and activation of the re.actor at no more than five percent or full power. A full power license for Unit 2 is e xpected later this year, perhaps before the end of 16 weeks of low-power testing. Unit 3, which also is a 1,100 megawatt r e actor , 'is s chedu l e d for completion in 1983. o Th e newly expanded plant located three miles south of San Cle mente which includes the sm a ller. 14 ·yt•<Jr olct Unit I reac tor. has been opposed thr o u g h o ut li ce n s in g proceedings by critics who say emergency evacuation planning is inadt:quate and that geologic hazards e xceed pl ant design standards . These grou1>s 1nrluding the San Cle mente-baM.•d GUARD <Gro u ps n lll•d Ag a in s t Radi a t io n U angers 1 organization llxJgNI an appeal with the fed eral government last month to prevent low-power operation of the plant · -·· o.lly f'llel "-.., Oa.._, Starr plenty of otht•r anglers I r~·mg lh1.•1r h1l·k a long tht• O rangt• Co<i st shorchn<.· durini.t lht• four-da~ holula\ \H 't'kl·1ul Widow's sU~t of ·U.S. cleared Government attorneys say they won't appeal military issue By STEVE MITCHELL Of .... D.ity ,.... S4llff Federal attorneys say they won't appeal a court decision permitting a Laguna Nigue l worn an to sue the government for alleged pegligence in the de ath or he r Marine Corps husband who died of cancer five years ago. t he government.·· s he s aid today. Late last year the 9th U.S. our case for the Los Angeles district court." she said. Schultz named VP of Pilot company · Alice Broudy claims her husband. Maj. Charles Broudy, died of cancer of the lymph glands after e xpos ure lo radiation during atomic tests in Nevada in 1957. But, until last week's decision by federal attorneys not to seek an appeal to an earlier court ruling, she was unable to sue the government for negligence. Circuit Court in San Francisco said Mrs. Broudy can lake to trial her allegations that the government failed to warn her husband after his retirement in 1960 that radiation exposure from the A-bomb tests could result in health problems. But she did not consider the court decision a total victory until attorneys f o r the government announced las t The then-I.:ieutenant Broudy witnessed the Hood atmospheric atomic blast a quarter century ago and was approximately 5.000 yards from ground zero, say attorneys fo r the Laguna Niguel widow. An attorney contended that <See TESTS, Page A2 ) Banks raise L . Kay Schultz has been appointed vice president and director of operations of the Orange Coast Publis hing Company, it was announced today by Thomas P . Haley, publisher and chief executive officer. The Orange Coast Publishing Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Times Mirror Company, publishes the De.Uy Pilot, the lrvine Mirror and will begin publication of the Mlasion Viejo Mirror on March 10. Schultz joined Oran1e Coast Publishing on May 18, 1981 , as director of operations. "She will c ontinue lo hav e the rnponsiblllty foe financial operations, production operations, personnel and other s upport departments," Haley explained. Schultz earned a doctorate at East Texas University, a master'• de1ree from North Texat State Unl•eralty and a bachelor of 1clence de1ree .i llldlurray CoUeie. lbe bu held pn.tous aalet aad mana1emeat po1ltlo(al in the Human Reaources Dtvtaion ( . A•~OINTl!D -L. Ka y Schultz has been appointed vice president and director of operations of the Orange Coast Publlshln1 Company. of the Dallu Times Heraad, UM Times Mirror Co•p1a1 news~per in Dallu, Teua. "In essence, I've been suing the government for the past five years in order to be able to sue eek they w111 not appeal that warning. . ''Now we can begin preparing Recorder probed in air accident The rught data recorder and tapes of convenatlons between air traftlc controllers and the fli1ht crew.of an AjrCal jeUiner that clipped a high tension wire in Ontario Monday night were on their way today to the NaUonal Transportation Safety Board in Washington D.C. In vestlgators are hopin1 that • analysis ef t.he recorder clata •lid tbe tapes will s h~() addltto&al H1ht on why the Boeing m earrytn1 m people was about _, feet below the correct altitude dwinl a laftdini 1pproaeh at Ontario lnterut.lonal airport. Ofnciall ol ....... tbe ,.....,.. . Avtauan AdmlalltraUoD m tbe NTIB ha" e..an.ed that a na vlgational aid used by pilots in maintaining correct altitudes on landing approaches was not In operation at Ontario Monday night wh e n the incident ·Occurred. The ~ailed glide slope had been undergoing equipment chan1e for about two weeks, the FAA said. That fact waa known to both the Ontario alr traffic control tower penonn-el and the meht crew, the FAA said. After 1trlktn1 a ll1htntn1 arrestor wire atop 'a 250 feet tall s tandard s upportln1 hlsh tension electrical wires, pilot Tbomu Hill, 41, and copllot JOte Malol, 41. canceled their planned l•ndln1 and diverted the flltht to Loi An1elH. latemational Alrpol'\~ • pnm.e rate to. 17 perce11t By The Associated Press The prime rate jumped to 17 percent at several banks today as the chairman of the United States Leagqe o f Savings Associations complained high interest rates threaten to delay a recovery or the housing Industry While economists predicted the prime would jump from the 16.5 percent level adopted two weeks ago, they also said the s luggish econo m y s hould preve nt the latest increases from .continuing past the spring. The prime rate, the base upon which banks compute interest charges on short-term business loans to their most creditworthy customers. peaked al 21 .5 pel"Cent in December 1980 and tell as low as 15.5 percent in November. The latest surge In the prime rate, led by Chase Manh•ttan Bank, the nation's third largest commercial bank, came as interest rates rose for two key aources of bank funds L y nn Har ri s Hi ck s . a s pokesman for G UARD; said the N RC's issuance or t he low-power l i ce n se w as a "ver y i.hort-s1ghtcd " decis ion . Criti cs or the plant have contended it would be safer to convert the coastal powe r !\tali o n to a gas -o perated facility. Issuance or the interim permit was made possible in ea rly January when the U.S Atomic Sa fe ty and Licens ing Board ruled that the $3.3 billlon plant was earthquake sare. 4 .whales disrupt regatta S AN D I EGO CAP 1 - Yachts men say they watched. stunned. as four killer whales swam a mile into San Diego Bay , disrupting the a nnual regatta of the San Diego Yacht Club. ....,-placed the spinnaker upside down I was so excited." said Dennis Case. a real estate inves tor The whal es ' dors a l fins showed al least three feet above wate r, Case said , adding, "We didn't hang around." At leas t 10 other killer · whales were reported spotted, also on Monday, about 20 miles southwest of San Diego near the Co ronado Islands. Bill Simpson. a vice president o f Union Bank. was on a whale·watchlng trip on his son's 65-foot commercial sportfishing boat when the whales encircled a herd of sea lions. "I could lave to be 100 and I'd never see anothe r sight like it," Simpson said Tuesday. "They corfiered the lions and ale them. very meticulously. one by one. -They would ~rag one below the ~urface. completely clean up the ~craps, then move to another. Simpson. 43. said the sea lions tried to u.'icape but were herded back into the center of the circle. At fi rst. he said , ··w e were afraid to get too close but it was evident they Clhe killer whales) were very calm animals. They had absolutely no fear of the boat. It was as if they didn't even know we existed. but you just knew these were extremely in tuitive and in tel li gent animals." Simpson said he took pictures for two hours of the normally aloof species of whales, which a r e ra1 r l y common off the Pacific Northwest, and would give copies to the Hubbs Sea World Research lnslitute in San Diego. DRAIGI COAST WIATHIR Variable high c louds tonight. Low c louds T hur s d ay morning oth e rwis e fair. Lows tonight 40s to low sos. Highs Thursday 65 to 75. <Details Page A3). 'INSIDI TODAY T h e Lo ker• ended .a thre•-f10FTU! losing atrtok bSI lowering the boom on the Seattle SuperSonica .at the Forum. See Curt Seedtn'a report on P.oge DI. 11011 L.M...... AM .....,_ AM *"'C.. •• c.......... u 'CMek.. at ~ C..M c-tc• aa c .. w • aa ............. ...... AM ......... '., .. .... C:MI t • .. .. • .I • • • OUSTON <AP> -Joseph m~u,h ot Ne wport Beach1 cop. filmmak e r ana sl·Hutl\I author of frilly lice novels. says he d be ppy to run the police putn:aenl Jn the netlon·s h·lat~ dty even thou&h he er a_. tor the job~ 'A~r uvtng rud Thoma a m1*:-•• 'Blood and Money,' J&amed that in Houston one her 1eta murdered or get.I h." the author of "The Blue ig}lt" said in a statement l eit~~d .Tuesda y i n Los geles. 'I've been so bored lately I'm ~~. ady for e ither. The refore, I .., thusiastically accept. Have n , will travel." 9 Wambaugh is one of 11 current Q.f forme r law enforcement b~~fficers being considered for the st of police chief by Mayor athy Whitmir e . Seven 1 ndidates applied for tbe job, d the othe r four, including a mbaugh, were recommended ~;( various people. The mayor's 1; fTi ce would not say who had Scommended Wambaugh. When Mrs . Whitmire saw iwa mba ugh's nam e on the list of 't:lndida tes, "her only question ".O :a s . · W h o · s J o s e p h ~.ambau gh?' " said mayoral ~kesman Raul Reyes. lbrrwainbaugh. who also wrote J ·T h e Onio n Fie ld .·· ·'The C hoirboy s," "Th e N e w 1i~nturions" and "The Black ' a rble," formerly worked for t\ e L o s A n g e I e s ~P o I i-c e \'f~p arlm ent , a nd became a f'fl1tnma ker a fte r he bought back the film rights to ··The Onion )ft' Iii.. .. • WHY NOT? A uthor and ex-cop J oseph W a m bau gh ll'1YS he'd be · glad to t ake over the Ho us to n po licl' depa rtment. Field" from Columbia Pictures Us ing his money and that of investors. Wambaugh directed the 1979 film. which is about the m urde r of a policeman. • Lela Rol;lnt of Allen-Rola nt Public Relations in Los Angeles. wh ic h issue d Wa mbaugh 's s ta te ment, s aid the novelist f o und o ut a b o ut hi s r ecommendatTOn t hrough .the news media . "Joe knew not hing about 1t ," Milss Rolant Hid Tuesday Jay Alle n o f the public rehttlorus fim1 s aid Wambaugh wu In seclusloo working on a book. "He's working on a ne w book there 's no lille It's a new novel," Allen said. Wambaugh was with the Los Anaeles Police Department 14 years, 1nd wrote his rirsl three books, "The Ne w Centurions," ''Tbe Blue Knight" and "The On ion Field," based on bis e xperiences. Alle n s aid. He. eventually became a sergeant In the detective bureau or the city's Hollenbeck division. The search for a Houston police cruel began shortly after Mrs. Whitmire was elected 'in November. Police Chier B.K Jobnson stepped down and the ne w m ayor a pJ>ointed John Bales as acting police chief. Bales' name was not on the mayor's list of candidates but she insists he still is a candidate She a lso sa ys the 11 candidates are not "indicative of who :nay be under conside ration." She has not dis closed when she will make her selection T he chief directs a force of about 3,000 in this boom ing city or 1.7 million people . Nearly l ,000 ne wcom e r s m ove to Houston every week. With the rising population. c ri me a l s o h a s g r o wn Acc ordi ng to d e partme n t statistics. c rime in seven major categories mur d e r:, ra pe, bu rglary, larceny , robber y. a ssa ult a nd a uto the ft - inc reased 1.6 percent from 1979 to 1980 facific storms shift '.~ille:r: rai~ mi~ses norther~ pa~t of state SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A column of Pacific storms poised to a ttack Northern Calirornia has shifted northward after four days of rain that closed major highways, drove scores from their homes and contributed to 14 deaths. "Th a t s to rm w e we r e t.>xpecting to come in Friday will be. moving fa rther north." R'~ t ion a I We at he r Servic e JBokesman Randy Hartley s aid fliesday, expl aining that a high ~es s ure s yste m abov e the . cific was shunting the storms ay from t h e middle of Ca lifomfa. 2'WWith any luc k , we'll be 14bking at som e fair and dry •eather fo r the weekend," he -1tled. Despite a s pate of mudslides hmm the Pacific coast to the rl)dges of the Sierra, the storm "''"s far gentler than the Jan. 3-5 downpour that killed at least 31 'ffi11 c aused mo re than $80 IDAllion in damage. Officials said the deaths of 12 n~ple in fi ve sepa rate aircraft ~idents over the weekend may ~Ii.Ve been linked to the stormy weather and at least two people ~e believed drowned Monday on rain-swollen Deer Cr eek near Yoba City. ~lf\t least four fa milies fled l;boir homes when tons of rock and mud rolled down a hills ide five miles south of Watsonville Tuesd ay, brie fl y trapping one fa mily in their mobile home. Ron Ervin, 37, said he and his wife, Moira, had to fight through to ppled furniture and debris to pull their children, 2-year-old Ry a n and 4-year-old Alyssa, out or the mobile home to s afety. The 100.foot slide carried the home 25 feet from its base. P e opl e living along the Cos umnes River near Tbomton, s outh of Sacramento, were toad t o be ready to evacuate Tuesday. and four homes in the Drew Lake area of Santa Cruz County were flooded. Fou rteen people were evacuated from five homes ln San Francisco's residential Noe Valley area Monday w,hen ·a s mall slide rolled into the back of one house. Fire ·Department officials said it would be a week be fore the res idents could return. And so m e r e s id e nts o f s lide-prone hillsides south of San Fra ncisco in P acifica, whe re three children were buried ali ve in a J an. 4 slide. volunta rily left t heir homes . M a jor a nd mino r roads t hroughout the north state were blocked by collaps ing hillsides .Highway 1, rei:-ently reopened after a massive slide in the area in early J anua ry, was closed again Tuesday by slides south of Stinson Beach. Hh~hway 50. a main route for Sierra·bound skiers , was closed repeatedly by several s lides Tuesday. but was reopened to one lane of traffic. bv evenin~. From Page A1 TESTS. • • immediately following the blast. Broudy was ordered to march from his trench to ground zero in maneuvers. The trial, which Mrs. Broudy says should take place in about a year. "will be of monumental importance," she says, adding an estimated 200.000 veteraps were e xposed to radiation during tests between 1945 and 1962. In pre pa ring her case , the widow said s he faced obstacles from the Marine Corps and the Veterans Aciminis tration. who said they had no proof Maj. Broudy was ever a t the Nevada test site. But, s he s aid. records were found that show he was at the tes t location · · 1 had to prove he was there the hard way," she s aid ··A lot of people can't do that " f.ope speaks to witch doctors Pontiff identifies with bishops of Bertin in Africa tour OTONOU, Benin (AP ) - pe John Pa ul IJ celebrated ass in a soccer stadium ir.1 a rxist Benin today as a group witch doctors with fly whisks d bone-and-teeth necklaces keel o n , s haking their mulet.i. fi he pope began th~ Mass with reetfng in Fon, one of the 40 i fereitt ethnic languages of •nin. I.bout 20.000 people were 1fthe s tands. Speaking after the Mass to en in's six bishops. the pope ~d : "You are in a political and ial situation which I know ell by I personal > experience." 'until recently. the Catholic hurch has been under severe ression in Benin. Hundreds or children cheered nd waved flags a s the l ·year-old pope rode in an open a r lo the Cotonou soccer tadium from the airport. The pontiff was greeted on rrival from Nigeria by Benin resident Mathieu Kerekou. a flag .waving c rowd and a few people from neighboring Togo as a downpour was hed over this sultry West African ca pital. In his s~ch at the airport, Ke rekou condemned "foreign dom ination" in A(r ica a nd said tha t contrary to what one might hea r about Benin , it was a land where respect for fundamental human rights is guar anteed. H e al so sai d th a t the government exercises a "strict pos itive neutra lity" on the s u bject of religio us beliefs, whic h he called ··a personal c:hoice." In the afternoon, the pope flies t o G abon , an o the r form er French colony. for a two-day stay The pope will also visit Equa torial Guine a . a former S panis h co lony in whic h 90 percent of the 350,000 people are Catholics, before returning to the Vatican on l''riday. In Lagos, the pope s aid in a farewell after a rtve·d ay visit to Nigeria , "My final word is to a ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ClaHlfled adYe'1191nt 1141142·5'71 All ottt.r departlMnts M2..U21 Th~s P. Haley I'~ -Cl\'"' l oecu" .. Olli«t Robert N. Weed -Thomas A Murphine ldlW L Kay Schultz ..._,,_ -~ .. ONf .. _. Michael P. Harvey -...o..a. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~Ow-. Charlee H. Loos ..,...,.._ , . very s pec ial pe r son , t he Nigeria n child. It 1s lo each boy and girl of this great country that l leave my m essa ge of bro therhood , frie nds hi p and love." He told children a mong the crowd seeing him off at MurtaJa Muhammed Ai rport they s hould ·'treat others the way you would have them treat you. ··By acting this way. you will have more power than all the nuclera power stations in the world because you have the p o w er to bring pe a ce and ha ppiness to the world ," he said as traditional drummers beat on hollow logs and the crowd waved Vatican and Nigerian fl ags. He then called forward the child of a Nige rian official. hugged the youngster, turned a nd wa ved to the crowd and boarded his Alita lia Airbus for the flight to Benin -ending his fi ve-day ·visit to Black Africa's m ost popu)ous Jtation. During his visit to Niger:i.·-a, John Paul dre w the expectea huge crowds and avoided the moral and political subject ot g r e atest inte rest lo Black Africa, the racia l policy in whilt·ruled South Africa. John Paul, in his homtues at the papal Masses in Lagos, Onitsha, Kaduna and Ibadan, sp0ke ol Africa's n~ lo resist the temptations or materialism and to bolste r trldillonal values and family llfe. But he made no m ention ot racism or South Afrlca'1 •P•ftheld policy of racial separauon. aubjeca whlch -..-. prominent In hla ecldras to U.. dh>lomatte community ln Nairobi, Kenya, on his 1980 viait. l ' ' Al'W~ SENTENCED New Jerse~· Sen Ha rnson Williams .Jr anc1 his wife JeanNtc IL•a ve fC'<ll'ral <:ourt in l 'niond:.ilt.·. :">: Y . a ft e r he w<.1s st.•ntcnccd to three ~·t'c.tl'!-. in prison for a g n ·<.•1ng to a ecept a $12.fl m illion hnb<.• in tht• i\hscam cast· Judge rules home. community property LOS ANGELES <AP > The $2 .5 million h o use Fa rrah F awcett and Lee ,.,ajors sha red durin g t h e ir m ar ri age is community prope rty. a judge has ruled, but he said he wants more time to decide which of the m s hould hve there. Majors, 41 , star or ABC-TV's "The Fall Guy" and "The Six Million Dolla r Man.·· purchased the ho us e i n his n a m e for $191:1,000 May 1, 1973 He was living with Miss Fawcett. s tar of the "Charlie's Angels " series, ;rnd they mar ried lat er that y('ar Reagan, Volcker huddled WASHINGTON <AP> Two d a ys after President Reagan and Federal Reserve chairman Pa ul A. Volker met secreUy, a Wh ite Ho u s e s p okes ma n c o nfirme d t o d a y tha t the meeting took pl,uce. De puty White Ho use press !.ec r e tciry l.arr y Spe a k es, acfrowled ging t h a t t he t wo conferred Monday, said of the se crecy s u r r o undin g the co nfere nce "We t ho ug ht it be tte r they c arr y o n t hese d1scus!.ions outs ide the glare of public attention ·· M 1nim izing the differences over econom ic policy between R l'a g a n a nd Vol c k e r . th e presidential s pokesm a n sa id, .. We are generally preaching fro m the same pulpJt 110 our approach to t he econom y .. Speakes said he did not know what the two discussed at their last meeting, which until today only anonymous adm1nistrat10n sources would c:onf1rm took pl;.ice. It w;,is the fourth time Rl'agan and Volcker had met Whit e !lo use s po k e s m a n David Gergen. asked Tuesday why he gave no clue about a possible m eeti n g between Reagan a n d Volt'k cr afte r widespread ta lk about such a confere nce 1n r ec:ent days , rl'plied · "We Ju s t fe ll 1l '!i not necessarily helpful to have a run ning commenta r y fJ n ou r views toward the m o netary policy of HO inde pendent agency. Supe rior Court J udge Harry Shafer m ade the ruling Tuesday whe n he dissolved the couple 's gla morous Hollywood marriage Shafer said he will v1s1t the house before deciding whethe r Th ey began a re m odeling project costi·ng a n estim ated $1.5 mill ion They do ubled the floor space of the house from 5.000 to l0.000 squa re feet and added othe r impro.,eme nts . Shafer RELATED PHOTO -AS said this wa'S the "most telling" ,.. point in the case, calling lhe W t.• don'( f(.o('I 1t ·s-a ppropriate t hat evl'r v tim e then· 1s a (·onversat1~n of a routrnc nat ure ,. or a rt.>gular nature with the \ cha irman that we put that out .. the actTess ~r her' actor husband re n o vat ion . · ·no t j u s t an should be allowed to buy out the improvement. or even a massive other 's interes t in it. Both Miss overhaul ·· Fawcett. who continued to live "That's a new house," he said. there since their separation. and He said Majors was .entitled to Majors. in whose name the deed the $57,000 down payment he was recorded . want it. m a d e o n the hous e . but all Shafer said he wiU visit it at equity paid into the house since Wolcker urged Congress last .,., eek tu reduce the big budget defi cits lh<.11 Reagan projected for fi scal 198J and beyond lie a ttri bute d u r e cent rl!.>C 1n inte rest rates to nervousness a m on g le nders a hout fut ure budget deficits . an unspecified time a nd "hope t h e i r 1 9 7 3 m a r r i a g e i s· the Man Upstairs gives me the community property R ea gar\ <.1 nd his economic wisdom to do what's fair to two ad visers disagree. The,> have nice people " S h hit b f co m p I a 1 n t' d t h a t p oo r He said his decision would be op Y Ire m an agemt•nt of t he natio n 's a nno unced s hortly after the LOS ANGELES (AP> Two m oney supi>ly hy the Fede ral visit · fi re engines were casualties as Rl'se rvc has been respons ible S h a fe r a ls o ruled that a one rea r-e nded another at the for rising interest rates , and that $333,000 contract Miss Fawcett scene of a fire that caused an H e a ga n s u ppo rte d t ax c u ts had for production or a jewelry estimated -$2.5 million damage I a king cffN:t later this ycC1 r will item based on her fam e is a . to a fabric:cutting shop. city fire · g u a rant L' c an eco n o m 1 c community pro perty asset. s pokesman Ray Walker said. recover y ..;_........;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WIN.TER SALE CONTINUES Drexel Bishopsgate 11 The fl avor of ba Tudor manor house from the artists of Drexel Yo11 will be 1111r1qupef by lllP sp.1c1ous cttmosphere ;:inc l riulhPn11r "'Y""'i Drt»el' enr•clip~ t11cse rt'\/\ c11n1ng rooms w111 a111:,h 11p1,111 ..,11cr a<. 1 ~·r r111gtmre.pat1err1Pd l.1l) erops bold P.at lhy mo•d•n l" I r PllfOlf1 t1oor prir1els II c; rln •w111nq c.1p1 vrtl 1nq 1001< ,, < 1i. \; ,., 1 .,., inri r il- sol1clc; c;of1pnccl t>y d d 151rec;c;ed f1u1fwrinrl f1r11sh C0m1• , IL• 1 , 11.c;pr look .111d IOIH Old rnql,rnrl lod.1y1 ' • ·' . DrexSb. .. .... ,, Bv STEVE MITCHELi. °'"'• o.lty ~-..... In the Seattle a rea. he's known as th~ Mound of Sound. He's Wayne Cod)~. a radio and television sportscaster of s uch girth he once had to b<.' lifted by crane into a school st adium press box. He couldn't fit up the stairs. Wayne Cod y the Puget Pudge. whom. it wasyr~cc suggested, could be a center for the Seattle Supersonics ba5'ketball team he so faithfully covers for listeners of Kl RO Newsradio. "They said I'd take up so much room on the court that if a nyone tried to drive around me. they 'd be out of bounds ... ht• quipped in u rN·cnl telephone cha t. I learned about the behemoth sportscaster during a recent trip to Seattle. where billboards abound w~ the admonition "Wat c h Wa yne M1rcH1Eu. Disappear ... Wayne Co'ti~· is a -household word in St·ulllt• \\ ith almost as m a ny fa ns as the cit~"s Was hington llus k1es football t eam. He's embarked o n a six·month cam paign during which he intends to s hed 100 pounds. And hi s progress has been charted in newspapers. rad io and b~· word of mouth s ince he climbed onto a cargo sc<1IC' Jan. 7. topping the d igital read-out al 325 pounds T he "Great Wavne Codv Pat Off" has sparked offiC'e pools. s ide bl'ts. 0 p ledges' to fa\'orit e c harit1l's and p a r t i c i p a t i o n · b ~· m o r e l h a n 3 0 0 o v e r w t.• 1 g h t Washingtoni<rns who have joined Wayne on his diet As of this week . Wayne sa~·s he's lost 18 pounds H("" down six sizes an the trousers from 58 to 52 . and he has to pin his size 60 S!>Orlscoats m the back "I expected to lose 25 pounds by now ... :-.a~·._ Cod~ And it's not like he hasn't been t r~·in g. ".Basicully . I'm on a high protein diet. things ltk1• s teak. hard-boiled t•ggs. fish and turke~-. .. hC' s<ml And he drinks water Lots of water. And.iced tt•a ... ·' l have this cook who comes to m~· home Sht.· lnoks JUSt like Bo Derck ... he chuckll'd His new diet is a far en· from thl' 10 or li<> sodas ht• used to suck down each day'. C'hascd with pints and pants <if Baskin-Robbins ire cream. T he night before the Great We igh Off. he consumed five portions of c:ht.•rTies jubilet' at a banquet '.'lo more '.'low Waynt• isn't one of those obese peoplt• \\ho fer lo; so rry for himself Wh\', he says. he 's a lwayi. bcert able to look.in the mirror an the morning and like what he sees "If every tinw I called up a woman to ask for a date and I kept hear ing. ·f'm sorr~~. I han• to go tom~· uncle's funeral in Toledo.' then there might h;ive bel'n mon· pressure to lose weight." he sa~·s Not so. Fans a nd fnt•nds curr~· his favor . l'n 10,· has C'ompan~'. sl'ek his counsel So why participate in a highly publicized weight -loss program·• And why pledge to keep the weight off for six additional months after the J ul\' I deadline·• "We11.·· s ays he. "public!~· we're telling peoplt• it's beC'ause I huve a mild form of diu betes ancl the do('tors sav J'd better take off the weight .. -Which is t rue. he admits But privatel~'. Wa~·ne su~"!. he '!. doing at for lht• hucks "Tht• radio st at1'm ll' t't'" a rd in~ ml· · ht• s:.i~ ~. 0 sm ugl~· ... Fin:.in<·aall~· .. ~ By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OfllWOl#y .......... As some passengers would later recall, an unusual aspect of the Feb. 17. 1981. crash or an AirCal Jetliner at J ohn Wayne Airport was other passengers attempting ·to gather their carry-on luggage before fleeing the crumpled jet. With that exceptioh. the 31 passengers later interviewed by National Transportation Safety Board investigators had nothing but praise for the fli ght crew in clearing the Boeing 737 of 106 persons on board in what was described as record time. T o ma n y p asse n gers. evacuation of the aircraft as it rested on its belly on the west s ide of the a1rport·s s.•00-root long runway couldn't have happened soon enough .. They would learn from news reports that night that an ex pl osion rocked the plane's passenger cabin less than three hours after the crash. Fi ve rows of seats were destroyed The crash the first serious 1nc1dent in~olving a commercial Jetliner at John Wayne Airport oc·curred at 5·34 p.m. on a Tuesday , during a h eavy commul4'r period termed by one air traffic controller the "jet rush." Vis1b1l ity was 10 miles. winds were. blowing at a mere four knots and the air was a relatively war m 67 degrees when Flight 336 began its gradual descent into Orange County fo llowing an uneventful flight from San Jose. A Western Airlines Boeing 737 was landing ; a second AirCal Jet, Flight 931, was preparing to taxi onto the runway and takeoff. But in seconds ever ything changed. Air Traffi c Controller Jonathan Slipp, 32. of Anaheim. saw that insufficient distance existed between the incoming jet and the outbound flight. lie ordered the pilot or the arr 1 v1 ng aircrart to ·go.around,"' that is, abandon the la nd ing and circle the airport. Slipp told the pilot of the outbound aircraft to abort his takeoff " Flight 931 made it . flight 336 did not Its latl slammed into the runway The plane skidded down the tarmac, then spilled onto a dirt area not rar from the Orange Cou n ty Fire Warming trend OotUtal LIQhl, v.,l•ble wino• tht011Qh tont9M Af1«rnoon winos ••tt to to<llh•Hl I tot• llnol• w1lll 1 lo 1 •-wind w•VH Two lo • 100! wHltrly twell Co•tkdef•ble cloudlno• with nlQllt •nO momlno drluie LIQhl •••n •nd 1001 too V.S. s unimary MeltlnQ "'°"" .,,., contlnulno ••In Tundo ...-flood• • lhre•I to •r••s Of western N•vH•. nor1P'!Hn and •Hlern ICS.llo, '10<'-n Utah, I llinoh. T~nnes,•e G•orvt•-M•rv••no an0 VtrQtnla Thvnderttormt were u •ll•r•d lrom •oullluster n Mlululooi 10 northwHlem Gf!o•91•. anO rain ltll at \C •lle....i llOinlt •lon9 Ille tou1110f'n •no untrel All•ntlc to.st and from WyomlnQ llw'OUO" the tnltrmount•ln aru •M II~ nollwrn Pee Ille Coot TOd1y•s fcwecnl <•II• lor r.now In northern Minn.sot•. <h•nQll\Q lo frte1ln9 ran «rOH WIKCHtiin. low•r Mlcl119M\.,,., •IOn<I the CrHt Lalln, R•l11 w at ore<ticl~ for soull>M•ttr11 M inne\01• .cro-u wntern Tenntt.t1M alld Al1bema, 1"t Oflio Y•IM!y •nd •<rO\S PeMsytv•nt• Into centr•I Florido. Rain ..,., tortcHt lrom western ~.,,.. .c.roH ow nor1hern hall of t1w1 Pee Ill< coast HIQll• wlll ... In tht mid IHn• Wtdnud•y over northern New Enol•nd, ,..., 40 from SOU1htrn New eno1ano ecroH the Crt•t LallH ano In the low 80l lhroueh tlle t<'llanO Southwe.t 1n0 ooutllem TuH hm11«alurft •t midday Tuuclo ,._., rrom n In 81\IT\arcll, N O , to .0 In l rowmvllle. Tuu California SoutlMrn Ca!lforni• wlll c.ontlnw 10 ,,..,. c~.ot. clOucllMu t11r°"91' Thur~y with suttered n!QM and l!Wrnlnt <Mnl• cw very lltf\1 ••In A lltti. warmer T"""<HY .... ,,_ c ... nc. of rain lO .-rc ... t "'"""" tOftlQlll Or•ftOt Coont'f -lflland Vllltys Nr ......... wy 1 • ._ .... . un upect t»Ql>s •oo•v In Ille ~. M lo 1• Thvrlclay ..) Wnlfrly wino' IS.JO ml)ll at llmt' fn mountainir. HkJ"' toa•v In SOl,. S4 lo M Thur.0.Y LOW1 In 30s to mid ~. Wnl•rt• win<!\ ol IS.U ml)ll can bot noe<ltO 1n dewrh >ilQfl• 1ooay •nd Tllu..Oay 6S lo IS 1n northern O....rll, ,_, H 10 S1 Southern dtwrt hlQh• U to ... lo-n 50 10 Ml North•fn •l"d CMtral C•llforn1• will havo 1 clu rlnQ Ir-100ay, l>ul lncreulng clovd\ aQ•ln trom Ille norlh 1onlQlll wllh rain ...,,.adlng ooulh Thur.O.v, poulbly •• far •• northern oortton ol Central C.•llforni• A•in llkel't Oo.t~r "°'1Mrn mollfllalns -north._..I Snow level •.000 Ifft In.,.,,,, .. 1.000 ..... n '°""' Temperatures NATION HI Le AlbU(IUt M ,, Anchor.toe 01 ·06 Aillevlli. SS .. All.t nl• u SS Atlante Ctv '° <S 8•1timort" .. !O 81rmlft911m 11 SI 81\mar<lt ,. Cll 80-u so ., Bo•lon SI ., Buffalo • JI C,,..rl\tn SC 70 M CnarhtnWV s. •s '"""'""e s• J7 ChlcaQO 37 .M Clfltlnniltl ., ., ci.•1i.nc1 n JS Cotumt>us •• . , Oal·FIWth 1S .. ,........-------- Denver .. 33 Des MOIM• ~ JS Del roll ,, ,. El P•to ,s ,, F•lrlHnU ll .)0 Hanford so • Helena Sl lS >ionotvlu ,. ., t-iOU\IOn 71 '° lndnaoll• 0 )7 Jac9'i.rwlle llJ M Kan' C•IY ., • LasVe~o 10 "' llllle Ro M SS Loul1v1llt S6 ... Mamohl• ... SS Miami ,, ,. Mllwau~ .. JO tt Mpl ... St P J7 ,, Nalhvllte .. u New O~!!.""" !!. M .. -....i.i:--.~U..._R_f R_IP_DR_T .... ..... • • J s ,_, ......... ..... llM• Dlf I t SW I J SW I J SW J J w We're Listening ••• .. o aa New York SI 0'91 CllV ~ Omaha J(, Phlladphla &1 Phoenix I• PltUbufVI\ ~ Pllalld, M« 0 Ptlalld, Ort s• Raoid C••v SI Reno SI llichmono u Salt Lek~ S6 Seal tie S) SI Louis •• Wuninqln &S CALll'O!INI• A1111te Y•lley .. 8ne,.lleld II Bar\tow II 8u umon1 s• 8198ur S4 ll•l'I09 .. Blythe .. C1talln• ., Eure-a M Fresno .. L•ncu1 .. ., LOll9 Beach .. LOS Anoti.s u Marysvlll• .. Monrovia •• Montebtllo .. Monl•••'I' u Mt.Wilton SI Nffclltt IO Ntwpon BMch .. OakllnCI •s Onla.._ 6S Whal do you like about lhe Daily Pilot? What don't you like'· Call lhe number below and your message will be recorded. transcritM:ld and dC!llvered lo the appropriafe editor. Th.e slme 24·hour answerin1 ft'rvlce may be used to record let· tert to the edJtor on any topic. Mailbox contributors Must Include their name and telephone number for vtr1flcation. No clrculallon calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 S1 lS J'l 0 u ., 11 SI ,. ., so .. ., JI .. .. .. ., S1 Jj .. S1 SI SJ 51 s. St SI S6 ,. M) St JJ s., se S6 n • . . ~Orange Coast DAILY PILOTJWednesday. February 17, 1982 s Depurtment's crash/tire/rescue st aiion Within 30 seconds, fire m an were al the scene, s praying rire·retardanl foam on the plane. Passen ger s were being led away· The crash, in u bitter ironic twist. preceded by only 16 hours the start of a final public hearing before the county Board of Supervisors on a proposed master pl a n for airport expansion The plan was· event ually approved As commert1al Jl'll1ner accidents go, the crai.h one year ago today won 't make the history books . There were no fatalities in the crash of Flight 336 Thirty three persons were 1n1urcd. Four of the 1n1uries were lasted' as :-erious under f~deral air sarety standards One elderly man was held in a coronary care unit for three d ays and r eleased A male passenger in his 30s complained of internal patn, wa::; hos p1tallied for fou r days, and releat>t:d A 31 -year old man suffered a broken collarbone. A fourth passenger suffered bone chips in a knee. " Most or the 29 who suffered minor injurit-s experienced c·on tus10,ns or abrasions. the NTSB said in it!. fin al report of the accident. Sax lawsuits have been filed agains t AirCal and other derendants since the crash. The plane was demolished. Both engines were sheared from the wings followmg the impact. And the force of the touchdown left the fuseluge with a Jagged crack JUSt aft or the wings. Days after the crash. after the words Air California had been covered with paint. the plane was cut up into pieces and hauled away. About the same time. a team of s pecializ e d NTSB in vestigators. working under the direction of senior ai r safely investigator G T '"Tom '" McCarthy, was beginning to wind down its on·locat1on probe Working out of the Rodeway Inn not far from the airport. the team look statements rrom witnesses and the flight crew. walked the runway, inspected engines . gathered up the .all import ant rl1ght data recorder a n d tape s or cockpit-to·control tower con- versations. and relu rn cd to Was hington Nightly. McCarthy detailed each day's findings During one of those media briefings it was disclosed that the pilot or Flight .336. Don Clark, or Perris. received not one. but two. "go around" orders from the tower. H e r o r e the f or m a l investigation was concl uded. documents obtained under the Freedom or Information Act began to tell some of the story about why the plane crashed. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cntifled Gtmolo11iat. AGS PEARLY BLACK? hOtD~S LI happm'> Because most pearls are such a beauWul, lustrous white, we s peak or things white and be autiful as being "pearly white.'' Yet, all pearls are not while, Some , in fact, are black. The Black Jf.ip Oyster. whose home is the Society Islands of the South Pacific. produces black pearls. The Btack Lip produces oyster shells up to 14 Inches across. thes e are a m;ajor export Item of the islands. When the fisherman finds a pearl Inside one. he gets an extra bonus. Another source o f black pearls Is Baja California. Black pearls are produced when contaminated runoff from Baja's mountain ranges, which are rich ln copper and sliver ore, enten the gulf. Europeans first discovered t.be black pearla of In April. documents revealed that Clark, a pilot with 25,000 hours fl yi ng time, waited 15 seconds to act after being told by the controller to cancel his landing and circle the a1rPort Al the time , AtrCal refused c·omment on th11t ;nfo}'mation During that s m all. but s ignific.mt period, as the je1.4iner sank closer and closer to the ground. Clark. and co-pilot Ned Pederson. of lrvme, are heard on the flight recorder making i.tatcments on whether they can c:ompletc their land~ng Onl y three seconds arter lhl• r1 rlit go·around order, Clark. speaking to Pederson. said. "Can we hold ask him if wt.• can hold.'' A ftcr another rive seconds ela pscd. Federson radioed the lower and asked. · Ca n we land. tower"" The mci.~age was never hc<Jrd . The tran~miss1on was "stepped on" by a separate transmission UTat occurred on the same frequcn<'Y at the liamc time Sit pp. the controller. 1:-then heard lclltng the pilot of rhght 931 , which.was on Lhe runway, to abort his takeoff~ The pilot com plied, steering the aircraft down a turnout l<Jcatcd midway down lhc runway Tht·n Shpp implored Lhc crew of Flight 3J6. "Air Caufori>Ja 336. please go around sir. Tralrtc 1s going to abort o n lh'e departure.·· rtt·r the. second go-arow.iid u rd er . l he pi Io l is he a ~;ct commanding t he Co·pilot~ "gear uµ". that is. retract . e landing gear, an i11d1caliQn th t the crew was commencing lf}e go.around. ~ But it was too late. Six secoo s latt>r, the 1ctl10e r slammed in the runway. The NTSB, in a report issued 1-\ug HJ, faulted the flight cre,w ror not at.·kno wle d ging t~'.e c·o11troller's "go a round " order. It ~aid the first order was giv~,11 at a ti me when a go around would have been "successful if properly CJ(ecuted " .J AirCal broke its silence s urroundmg the crash after t1)e federal report was released. Clark was suspended for f<»j.T weeks without pay and reduced in rank to co· pilot for a year. . Clark. according to an airline s pokesman, now has passed all Federal Av1at1on Adm1nistra*1t tests to return to captain stal ancl 1s l 1n lbe process comple ting co pany administer e d evalua - tions , 11 c is scheduled td' return 'lj) thl' pilot's seat Saturday. the s pokb man said NB bottleneck's solutions given .. " •• Caltrans has unveiled two plans to ease tramc congestion on and around lhl' Arches Rridgc in Newport BcaC'h Marijua1ia, • • prostitution his platform Will Don Juan Pablo SerrC1no y Nicblas· mayoral campa1~n platform sell tn the..• city l)f Orange" Detailing his six poml!. · for en lightened cit) govl•rnmcnt :· the self-described shuman 1 ~ proposing: A city lottery and individual donations of time Ulld money to restore old downtown buildings Declaration of Weir Canvon 1n north Orange County as a regional parf< to be admm1stered bv the Juaneno Indians. · Immediate legalization of marijuana. described as "~ sacred medicinal plant " A ban on handguns City·controlled legalized prostitution. An end to production of nuclear arms . Ca1trans orric1al!> have beeo s tudying the int ercha nge at Pat.·1f1r Coast Highw ay and N l' w p <> r l R o u I e ,v a r d i r;i conjunction with six propos~ for :.i frec\\a~ along Newport Boull•varcl · One altematn e for Lhe Arches O\'erpass 1s tu do nothing~ Caltrans offic1db said But a pl;.tn that would cost ao eslamalcd $1 2 million would: Hemovl' the loop ramp from • southhound Newport BoulevaN11 to e asthound Pa c ric Co astt lltglrn ay W1d<.'n northbound Newport Boull'\'ard one lane from 32nd St n•l'I to the Channel Brid.ge. W 1 d e n r a m p f r o m. southbound Newport aoulevard to westbound P acifi c Coastl Highway and install a signal Another plan estimated to cost S2 7 million would: Include a ll of the fi rst plan. Widen the Arches Bridge from th<.' present four lo s;• lan('S Widen the wesls1de of ttl" Ch annel Bridge. including th; segment between the Arches and the Channel Bridge • Increase radius of nearby ramp$. () OMEG~ Omega makes beautiful use of time .. ... Baja during the Corte& conquest from which the Sea or Corte• tak~s lts name. Spaniards became rich barvestln1 black ·pearls near La Pas. Divers sUU brln1 up rare black pearl• MEMBER AM!RICAN GEM SOCIETY there. One necklace or· aucb 1823 NEWPORT' BLVO COSTA MESA black matched purl• ... 3S YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION recently valued at St mllllon. B•F11CAmer1c1rd-Mu1er Cherge PHONE~' ~~~~!!!!!~~~~ --. ' . . • O~ange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Februa~ 17, 1982 • • - ng ,HU$sein fears Baghdad defeat in war with Iran ltl~N Jorda n <A P> -"-8bt, te1aring an lraqi t tn the 16-month-o ld war al Iran will threaten the e region, has formed a w;;;;~·;;lgade ro • rnixup queried~ . ATLANTA (AP) -The judge m Wayne B. Williams' murder trial has ruled that defense lawyers will not be allowed to ·question the governor, former mayor and other officials about alleged political pressure to piecute the defendant. eanwh i l e, free ·la n ce p ographer Ter ry McMullin t ified Tuesday that two p ( ecution witnesses may have mistaken him for Williams at l s e~ne where a black t ager Terry Pue, 15, was f d slai n . The witness knowl~ged ~e looks nothing e W.Oliam~" but he said, e're both black and we're th photographers." Superi or Court Judg e arence Cooper q~ashed fe nse s ubpoenas for Gov. orge Busbee , former Mayor ynard Jackson, former state torney General Arthur Bolton, orgia ·,Bureau or Investigation rector-J>bil Peters and s b~'·s. ctli'~f legal ..aide, arles Tid\ll,ell. The quashing d be~n 'sought by attorneys for ~e named. efense lawyers said they nted to question the officials ul a "midnight meeting" at gove..rnor's mansion on June two 'ttays before Williams' a est. The defense contends the o icials put pressure on District torpex Lewis Slaton to secute Williams. tale officials have denied any itical pressure. fight alonaside the Iraqis, Jordanian officials say the special unit , known as the Yarmouk Force, will leave for the front in a matter of weeks. Hussein Is expected to per so nally l ead the expeditionary unit. The unit takes its name from a river in northern Jordan where the Arabs in ttie 7th century defeated forces of the Byzantine Em pi re. Despite the military fanfare, many view the force as symbolic since it is loo small to have much impact·on the war. Hussein's motives have not been explained officially Diplomats suggest that Iraq's fading fortunes on the battlefield since last fall and a recent Iranian-inspired coup attempt in Bahrain spurred him to act. I n a recent n e wspaper interview. Hussein warned that "the real probleiy is that the Iranian menace does not stop at Iraq but extends to the entire Arab region, particularly the P e rsian Gulf and the Arab peninsula." He called on all Arab stares tQ join bim in sending volunteer forces. A high-ranking Jordanian offi'cial, who declined to be President BAL HARBOUR. Fla. (AP 1 AFL-C IO Pres ident Lane Kirk l a nd ha s d e nounced Pr~sident Reagan·s budget and tax policies as .. Jonestown economics ... that administers economic Kool-Aid to the poor . and cJeprived.,. Kirkland made the statement at a new.s conference an hour after Vice President George Bu s h told members or the A FL-CIO executive council they were .. wrong lo o ppose us at every tum." Kirkland, describing for. reporters the res ponse he gave to Bus h's assertions. s aid he told him : .. Perhaps, it"s not voodoo idenlitled, said in another Interview the war options had been reduced to o nly t wo possibilities: an Iranian victory or a decisive breakthrough .by Iraq that would force Iran to negotiate. "An Iranian victory would signify the total destruction for the Iraqi army and people and we would hate lo see this possibility because it would m ean Iranians on our border," said the official. "We feel it is Jordan's duty to rally to help Iraq win a decisive battle to stop the bloodshed." Jordanian officials concede the volugteer force made up or army veterans . has been opposed .bY Palestinian~. who generally regard the war as undermining their own cause and wasting military resources that s hould be used agains t Israel. H igh casualties and the pressure of war contributions could aJso prove unpopular in the long run, diplomats contend. The move is also likely to hei g hten tensio n s with n e i g hboring Syria, which supports Iran. HANGING IN· THERE BUT BARELY An iH'C'1clent on lhtt Int l'rst alt' 211 ;)~~ hndgt• 1rf Hirmingham . Ala left truck h a n g ing pre~ ariously from overpass bridge. 25 feet off ,,,..,,.. ....... the g round bt'low Bui th{' drl\:1•r. \.\ho ~pent s o m <.' a n x 1 o u s m 1 n u t t•.., ti i n g 111 g t 11 t h 1 • w r.(' e k a g l'. " <• s rt·~ l' in· d Tut·!-. cl<n Ii ~ firl'fi ghlt>rs in a hook-and·laddl•r truc k · ------------------------------------------ . . ' blasted for 'Jonestown econonncs econo m1 cs , but Jonestown economics. Jonestown in Guyana was the sile of the November 1978 mass murder-suicide by more than 900 me m hers o f the Peoples Tem !'le Mos t died from drinking cyanide mixed in a fruit ·drink . but the brand of d r ink ha s never been establis hed. Bush used the term "voodoo economi cs " lo describe Reagan·s policies when they were competing for the R epu bli can pres idential nomination in 1980. Kirk land said Reagan's economic program :'admi.nisters economic Kool-Aid to the poor a nd the d e prive d and the une mployed ... I say it 's des tructive and harmful. not only to this generation but tn future ~enerations ... Asked wh e th er h e was charging that Reagan·s policies a re s u i'c id a I , Kirk I and r esponded ... Use your own word . . I don't suggest a perfect analogy . . . Thal was just a parting shot. I just said there was an element of Kool-Aid in it..' Reagan, seeking to improve relations witfi big labor in December, named Bush as the a dministration's prime contact with union leaders. Kirkland had said it was in this context that Bush was invited to this Florida resort city. ·Bush ~~ved one day after the A F I. · C I 0 . a c c e p t i-n-g l h e president's ··put up or s hut up .. challenge to his critics, proposed a n alternative economic plan. A major element of the fede ration's progr~m involves financing a military buildup on a pay -as.you-go basis with a progressive income s urtax to be levied against corporations and individuals. Bush told reporters following the private session that, .. the Ameri ca n p eo pl e are overburdened with taxes. and we don't think an answer is rais ing taxe:.. and the labor council doc~ .. We talked with gloves off Thn· told me wher e t h ey thought Wl' \\"l'rl· wrong and I told them "'here we thought they "'ere wnmg ... tht> vice president said "I told them I believe strongly in the Reagan program. I told them they were wrong to oppose us at t'verv turn on it There are many thing~ involved .. and we nl'L·d thc:ir s upµorl." he said Bus h ..,aid ht• f<1ulted labor l cadt·r~ for re fus ing to give Re<igan crl'd1t .. for bringing those interest rate!> down 25 percent 1n a program started four months ago ·· At the .Pilot, people make the difference. -, . . . . .. ' ' •. • . people like these in ad and Illarketing services . • · J /11\e flit· daily c/Ja/len9e of p1~1t m9 tn9el lier the hl!.<i/ prod 11ct 111 a 1111111rtwl a mo1111t 11/ time. I al~o 111."1· intermt.rlng with other peopll' trying t<1 dw tl1e slime.·· Pa_.t Tool. Co11 l.a..Mcsa.. Pat is rcspons1t)le for placing the ads throughout lht' newspaper and makil}~ s ur(• the~ an· in their proper s pots before goin~ lo press. Tht· ta .... k ... 1111' ... l' 1w11pll· 1wrlorm ill"l' m;in' Th;1t.., "h.' lht•\ ·n· -.11 1mp11rt;1 n111111:-S111111· <11 thl'tr \\ork 1.., -.t•1•n 111 tlw pap1•r Otlw1 I!-. «rtwi;d to tht· l'ilnt ·-. 111;1rkt·ltng 1•f111rh If tilt•\ 'n • 11111 \\ nt111 g -.f11r11•-. f11i · -.111·1·1.11 t <·at un· :-1'C'l 101h. I h1 •\ n· "nt 111g l"ClJl.' lor -.;dt•!-. brochun·-. 11 I hn 1·1· 111 !1 des 1g111ng ad~. 1 h1•\ ·,.c dt•..,1g11rn g till' Ill'\\ "PilPt'I' If lht•\ 1 ,. 11111 c<1ordi11at 1nl,! eommunil\' e\'ents 11kC' th1· :\nwnc;111 llonw s, r11pl11111' · Pops Conn.· rt . th<·' · n• si1ppl ~·ing ad n·rt •~er:-"11 h ' 1 ta I r t . ..,,"" r h mformation ronN•rnin/.! suC'h thing ... ;1!-. wht·n· Dail' Pilot n-.ttlt·r-. ..;hop If th.<.·~ ·rl' 1101 p rm id1ng ;1d\'t•rtist•r-. \~lh C'Ollll'" ol th1·11 ;111'> I h1 •\ 1 t· m;1king.M1n· tlw ;Hb an· running 111 tlw1r propl'I' pl;1t1· l-'111d111 g L1111tl 1woplt• "ho l'n.io.'· 1 ht•1r "nrk ma~ t ak1• lo11gt•r ;ind t·n .... 1 nior t' 11111 .11 I tu· Dail~· Pilot we kn'"' it ·s worth it bt•eaust• 1woph• do make· a cliffN1·1u·c·. Thi' manc19rmrr1I Ir t't1l s 1m11 rllllerenl/y 1/Ja11 cw11pliw1· r t'I' f't)(',. tmrl·ied TIH'(/ rl:'Sfll:'cl ,11n11 as n11 111d1t·1d11r1I rmd I n1 111 help 11011 11111 11 111111 ha l'l' prohl1•111.<: ·· Janine' Fiddf'lh. Santa J\na As SpcC'i;.il Scctinns Editor. Janin1.1 c·oordinates. d esigns a11<t t•dits all thl' P ilot·.._ a<lvcrtismg <ind s p<'l'ial .sect ions Daily Pilat ·IJI • ·· 1 11/.:1• tilt' /11/11/ ht'(°(/11.'t' II ' l"l't'(/( ll'l' ,Ill'/ /)/'11/t'.'iS/111/fi/ w,.· rt' concerned w1 tl1 deadlines. but there's also c111 empha.~is 011 being crealttlt' -and domg a good 1ob ·· Oia nt> Thomas. Costa Mesa Diane is a graphi~ arl ist lier dutit:"s indmfc• the• conceptualization and dt•sign of advcrt1s<'ments and salc•s br·ochures ''Where p~ople make the difference . ., · 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa 642·4321 , NEWPORT"BilCH ·•-COS'l'A MESA• IRVINE 1' HUNTINGToN BEACH •-FOUNTAIN VALLEY• LAGUNA BEACH .t • .. . \ -I Medfly ·hassle renewed Lawmakers wary of governor 's. new strategy SACRAMENTO t A P I Callromia-?s top medfly ftghters, claiming t h ey are n ow well-versed in the ways of aerial spraying, said Tuesday they will deliver the knockout punch to the pest this s umme r But pro-farming lawmakers on a key Senate panel, in a political blast al t he Brown a dministration's crcdibili_ty in the hand l in g of the M e diterra n ean fruit fl y infestation. said they feared a repeai of last year's eradication problems. . Hans Van Nes, deputy director of the state Department of Food a n d Agric ulture. told the Senate's A4riculture and Water Resou r.ces Comm ittee that officials ar;e in the mids t of d rafting a final battle pla~ against the Cruil fl y. That game pla n includes a s te p-by -s tep public dis~ure or details of the eradication effort, along with a 48-hour response lime for aerial Teddy Roosevelt's cousin dies at· 89 -CARMEL !AP > Nicholas Roosevelt. a cousin or President Theod ore Roosevelt and• a conservationis t , d ip'lo m at, newspaperma n and author, died Tuesday at the <\gC or 89 after a lengthy illness. Roosevelt, who s pent many of has early years al the Roosevelt family compound al Oyster Bay. Long Island. went lo Paris as al} a l la c hc al the American Embassy after graduating from Harvard in 1914 li e ser ved as a captain in World War I and became an a ide t o President Woodrow Wilson after 1t ended lie served as m1n1s t er to llungary for two years, then • traveled through the Far East and Europe as an ed itorial writer for the New York Times. In World War II he "as deputy director of the Office of War Information. Ile worked for 25 years as an editorial writer, first for t he old New York Tribune. later the Herald Tribune and the Times. During his last two years on the Times he was assis tant to the publisher and .then president of rad io station WQXR. lie and his late wife . Tir zah Gates Roosevelt , first visited Big Sur in the late 1930s. They bought property there and built a house at Point of Wh ales, a thousand feet above t he sea with a view stretching for miles along the rugged Monterey coastline. s praying in zones whe re the medfly has been detected. His comments came as medlly fiehters await possible new fly finds with the a llfival of warmer spring weather. But Sen. K e n Ma ddy , a Re public an w hos e F resno dis t r ict includes some of the state's lushest farmland, said the Brown adminis tration's c r edibility was called into question last year "when you came to us and told us what you wer e going to do and then didn't do it." M edfly eradication project officials promised In the spring of 1981 that the discovery of l~or more fertile flies would trigger aerial spraying, Maddy said . By April 23. 11 ferl lle m es were discovered . "b ut n othin g happened between Ap ril and J uly ." Aerial spr aying ultimately began on July 14, 1981 , al about \ a.m . in the Santa Clara Valley: following a widespread ground s p r aying and tree-str\ppirig effort. At its peak, the s praying covered about 1,300 square miles in various areas throughout the s tate, Currently about 200 s qua r e m iles in Northe rn Califo rnia are being sprayed every three weeks, while about 26 squa re miles in Southern California are sprayed weekly. But Van Nes told Ma ddy Tuesday he would "put his job on the line" to guar antee he woul<t .. "deliver" on fruit fly eradication efforts. adding that ~"we're going lo whip the medfly in t he end . . . " J erry Scribner, director of the eradication et'forts. said offi cials -a r e c hec king about 30,000 medfly t r aps weekly in the infested areas. and there are some 60,000 other traps in areas around the state. • . ,. ......... ·SHE'S FREE ,\('tress Farrah Fawcett leaves Los Angeles · Superior Court following Judge ll arr~· Shafer 's decision that lhl' S2 5 million home s he shared with ex hus band Lee Ma.1ors 1s community propert~-. lier marriage was dissolved TlH.'SChl~ onsrruatoru l1rt-llrimer (ages 4-6) Police seize brother of death suspect LOS ANGELES <AP) -The brother of the Armenian Immigrant accused of as s assinating Turlds b Consul Gene ral Kemal ArMtan was arrested Tuesday and cbarpd wltb the 1980 firebombing of Arikan's house. Harout Sassouni an , 20. pl e aded i nn ocent at his arraignment in Municipal Court on one count o( arson and _pne count of wrongful possession of a des t ructive device. Judge Samuel Mayerson set bilil at $1 million. T he judge scheduled a Marc.h t pr elim inary he a rin g for Sassounian, who "Yas being held in the county jail. His attorney Leon Kirakosian will enter a motion Thursday to reduce the bail for his client. Two firebom bs were hurled agains t Arik an ·s ho m e in fashionable Bel Air i"ll October 1980, but caused little damage and no injury. Sassounian was a.rrest ed a b o u t 10:30 a .m . wi tho ut incide nt at the Pasadena home where he lives with his family, police spokesman Al Fragoso s aid . His brother Ha npig "Harry" Sassounlan, 19. li ved al the same residence before his ar rest in connection with the J an. 28 a m bush slayin~ of Ar lk an. The A;i academic readiness program with emphasis on the performing arts " We're in stitches " Nrwport !lusir Qlon.s truato ru 1126 S.l. lrlstof 957-0211 GET READY FOR SPRING INVENTORY CLEARANCE To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad .... Call Now ~UG YARN' & SELECTED ITEMS 0%ott Feb. 181 191 20 EVERYTH ING 50% OFF 642-5671 (7.14) 759-0567 ht. JU STUDIES ON NEW ANTI-AGING ENZVME . . ' . l~xlde Dlsmutasel REVEAlEDI Ma;or breakth~ h in last decade of .medicine and health literally tuma back 1be-bands of time with this enzyme. Slowf down natural . aging pr~rinklest and lines smooth out-Avoids a facellftl If you're 40 look 20. if you 're 60, look 40 or 35. Give• hanging lkin more resiliency. Get fatigued less easily. Will help fiaht dise.... a110Ciated with aging. Heart attack. arthritis, cancer. and radiafion CX-Ray). - Superoxice Dismutale has been llC0811ible to physician• for about twO and a half ye.-. but it has only recently become available to the public In tablet form for less than 22• per day. Orange Cout DAIL. V PILOT/Wtdnt1d1y, Ftbfuary 171 1982 • NICE , UH, PET Teaching assistant Christine Mellon gets some tips on how to stro ke a seve n -foot South Afr ieun bo a constrictor from Cal State San Bernardino I ~ NUTRITION~ VITAMINS THOMPSON BU FFERED-C 1000 CALCIUM ASCORBATE $5 .45 90 TABLETS REG. 8.95 THOMPSON $5 .25 VITAPLEX MULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL 60 TABLETS REG. 8.95 RADIANCE ACIDOPHILUS •PLAIN FLAVOR $2 49 •STRAWBERRY • 16 FL. OZ .. (1 PINT) REG. 3.49 RADIANCE TIME RELEASE ' VITAMIN C 1500. M G. WITH ROSE HIPS SO TABLETS REG. 5.95 -$3.50 RICHLI FE NUTRI LIFE M ULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL , 60 CAPSULES REG. 8.95 $5 • 2·5 GROCE R I ES GAYLORD HAUSER SPIKE SEASONING NETWT.JOZ. 99( S&W SPRING VEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAIL 27( NET WT. 12 FL. OZ. HAIN NATURALS IMITATION CATSUP N ET WT. 14 OZ. $1.05 HEALTH VALLEY .. STONED WHEAT CRACKERS NO SALT NET WT. 61/:z OZ. 99(' CAROFFS CARROT CHIPS •SALTED . •UNSALTED $1 29 NET wt. S OZ. • • LUNCH COU NT E R Our own Chili with lots of Lean Ground Beef, topped with Cheese, and seasoned just right. Served with Com Bread or Muffin, au<l Honey Butter. $1.85 ~ ·\l ~ ·,· ni •• 11 t "'HI 111() 1qm 'JIJll profl•ssor Kennt•t h Dc<:roo duri;;g~q in st ruetor's el ass on d <.'velopang ra ppor~ ~UW,j c x o t u.· an i m <1 b . t• it ht· r fo r c a r e e r ef•~ . ·•"IQ confidence . '?.Im ,1( SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL PRODUCE BANANAS. 29( lb.~:~ . RUBY RED GRAPE FRU.IT t , 25( lb.·, 29C lb.::(). 18 FL. OZ . REG 3.SO $1.50 CONDITIONER 18 FL OZ REG. 3.75 BULK PRODUCT S SESAME CRUNCH BRAN FLAKES $1.75 lb. 19C lb. HEA L T H & BEAUTY Al OS Ml LL CREEK ALOE VERA CLEANSING BAR NET WT. 5 OZ. REG. 2.50 $1. 7 5 Ml LL CREEK ELASTIN SKIN ELASTICITY $5 50 TREATMENT CREME • • NET WT. 3.4 OZ. REG. 8.50 VITA MINDER POCKET PACK • FOR VITAMINS 85;. REG. 1.09 "" /~ l T A -DENA t)A IR Y OUR tow EVERYDAY '12 GAL;. MILK PRICES CERY.l'FIED RAW $1.12 •CERTIFIED NON FAT 87(' · HOMOGENIZED $1.01 LOW FAT · 95C NON FAT 78C INV ITE D . ffallcrina Gelsey Kirkland. former partner of Soviet defector Mikhail Baryshnikov. may accept an invitation to dance in the Sovjet l'nion next season. Oldgaine in the chips NEW YORK <AP) "Monopoly" has Joined the s pace age. Americ•a 's mos t ·popu lar board game , now 47 years old. will ge l u boo s t f rom electroni cs when Monopoly Playmaster is introduced in lhe summer Monopoly Playmaster \s a n e lectron i c accessory which speeds the pace or the game by electronically rolling the dice, selling up a.uctions of unowned property and lending money. To soup up the action. t-1-ic pla y ma s t er accompanies lhc moves with sounds and visual effects The game ~et:-. sta rted with mu:-.1c· that plays, "We 're m thr monev - A n d w h c n y o u ·g o bankrupt, yqu hear the bugle call "taps " T~e M onopo l y Pluymaslcr. which will go on the market t his s umm er , wa s introduced at the start o f the 79th a nnual American To:. Fair here In -w h1ch a bout 850 toy, game and decorations manufacturers a r e .. hawing t heir new product lines to more lhan 12.000 wholesale • .111d retail bu} ers from all over the world The price of the .game wus not announced. /\long with a host of lou d . m an d·wa r ping v ide o games, nc\\ comers to the world uf play include a nice, q uiet, s pongy Nerf pmgpong ball In the doll category. the re's a ~cxy, !>irenic, Ul-1nch · M <1c West." CO!-i t urned in a tightly fitt ed black taffeta gown with lace flounces, to go w i th 'th e trim n ew Brooke Shield!; doll Homework 'lwtline' helping ATLANTA <AP) -A pllot program designed to help s tudents "'1ith th e ir ho m e wqrk b y telephone appears to be working, teachers say. Sandy Pardue, an English teacher in the project. said ma n y callers needed only ba sic h e lp i n und ers tanding directions and then were ready\to tackle the as signlnent o n their own. More than 300 calls have come from around the state. said Heyward Thomas, a mathematics sp ecialist s upervis ing t h e project for the ~tlanla Public Schoo l System. A budget of $20,000 was set for the program from February until the school year ends In June. Tbe h o m ework· assistance telephone lloe -o .. CARE. !or Ca 11 a. Resource In 'i:ducal on. -ii avall,bl-between 5 p .m : and 8 p .m . Monday• through Thurlldays. "We're not prepared lo handl e tt'lvla questions or bar bets,·· 7homas saJd. ''And we areo'l prepared to bandle college. Just • about. anything -else, we-r can answer." Some students ' parenll a,pparenUy are unaware of th e telephone progra_m . • 'l'bomas uld. - . Ligllt Wine test has rintnen jumping. on .the bandwagon SAN FRANCISCO <AP} Ftrat, there wu U1h\ bc!er. Now, there 1• • lhc bt. wtne. Now, tbe companies are meetlna heaad on ln a n.-Uonal batUe for whut some winemakers believe mlaht amount to 15 percent of the $3 ~muon a year,(J.S. wine market. m arket e hortly with lla Light Chu bl~ trudlllon ot low {\lCohol wines v1·odurt'<l ln l!;uropc the Coc it Co la e mpir e. 111ld wlnemakt!NJ have been lmpreased by lh,ht beer coruiumpllon. whlch has rlsen 800 percent since 19'25 against a 19 percent Increase in total beer sales. It all ~1an quleUy ht l March, when Loe Hermano!J Ughl wln appear d ln a few select teat markets Wllhah six months, Taylor California Oell1r1, Sebftltlanl and Paul Masson wineries hud foUowed 1ull with their own low-calorie versiona of table wln~. ------ "We sold as much <Uah& wine) In two months as we expected to sell in &1ll months lri our L2 test markets," said Elliott Floe, president of Paul Masson. which ls expected to crack t~e natlonal The light wine has 49 calorie°' per 100 mlllllltcr serving . compart'd with 76 tor regular t11blc wine. Sonoma's SebasllanJ wine ry went natJonul thi month with its August Set)astianj Light . Country Wine. which-the company sees aa the continuation or a centuries-old "Wo uro very plc&1cd wlth our first six months sales," Sebustiani Hpokcsman William Pkrsol said. "We've done cs~claUy well In the Sun Rell and In the West It has been slower in New York and the Northea t , however " P1err(• Ferrari, spokesman for Taylor Cahforniu Cellars, P,art of "Our lnlenUon is to create a new wine category with broad appeal," ht! satd. adding, "The public's demand for llJth ll'r beverages is itrowang." VINYL TOTE BAG Great llltle bag lor sho1Jp1n9 poof br 1nt11nts wear -•.s1<; DISPOS~BlE ·~LIGHTERS W1H1 ad1u~ldblt flame Choose from asso•rPd color~ ·2~s1 BUY 2aSAVE 86c HOUSEHOLD ENVELOPES •116 '.·PM Of 100 • 1110 L(C.U. • PAil Of 50 BUY2.SAVES1.38 SELCO "l ·SIDED" BUY~aSAVE 59e GARDEN TOOLS • CULTIVATOR •WEEDER • TJtOWEL Wooden handles wllh tl0fe5 for convenient storage SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 8 oz. SIZE AD PRICES PREVAIL: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1 7th THRU SATURDAY, FEB. 20th C..U Tllll M?S'PU Liii '91 _, ~ TM .er• , .. ...,_ ..................... _ ...... ,. .... -..... -... -.................. 1 • 2 ... .. -=---:~ ·1 ............................... ,.,., .... ,. .............. ,,,,, .... ,..__ ~~ foE50% .. GEIERICS =~~~:y TELEPHO•E MAClt ARTHRITIS PAIN FotltlluU TAILETS Get lhe t1s1 relief Anacin gives lOO's ANACIN MlllMUM "ASPUtlN·fREE" STRENGTH ANACIN • 3 °" ANACIN • 3 (to TAILETS) (40 CAPSULES) YOUR CHOICE! Ciiill• CORTAID CREAM or OtNTMENT Elfecllvt relief tor :;:::2x2.99 C£fl111,J> PREPARATION H HemerrlMHclal Sllppositorles WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Master Card \ , . GORDON 'S 1>1STILLED LONDO~ GIN COUNT VASYA VODKA IONOOf 1.n~lt 6.99 FOSTER CREEK STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY IO PROOf l~:·lT. 8.99_ BLENDED SCOTCH 41Qi@il MENNEN I SPEED STICK DEODORANT .is~orled 'F Choose from 2 2 1 l(lrmulJ\ 0 2.5 oz. SIZE R • Ci\MJW MASSENGILL DISPOSABLE DOUCHE ----- BUY 2.SAVE~9e CONTAC COLD •.p. CAPSULES CUTEX 'I.ill (~l•cl• c, 1C IJlltl~ RMut.i1 o S• e11!,.0 4 oz. ~ZE BUY 2&SAVE 67c COLGATE TOOTHBRUSHES A•, r M~r u•n S<.f· • 11AHl 2~59c YOUR R CHOICE! BUY 2&SAVE 3oc ™ HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 10 VOLUMf J II'\ p SPECIAL! CURITY CURAD "OUCHLESS" BANDAGES Shter or P1as 1c BUY 21iSAVE soc CILLETIE SWIVEL DISPOSABLE RAZOR TTtel PAK OF 2 Glette m s~· m m BUY 2&5AVE 51.58 ' ALBERTO V05 HAIRSPRAY •AEROSOL (8.75 OL) • NON-AEROSOL (8 oz.) , .. ~122i8.99 ~~~·~l~~;:i~: 12° us~ 11' 9 SINGLES ~ 6 oz. SIZE • YOUR ll~$3 CHOICE! LR I .. SOYIUI OIL 4.75 o.z. IATMllZl BUY 2 &SAVE 75e ADUA·fRESH T«*THPAITI .. -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 Club 6reaks traditio.n FEBRUMY RITUANS _. Actress J o d I e lo"' o s t (' r r h earse s s o n g durlnl( filming of ,TV p r o d u r tlo n "Svengali" In New York. She hus been a t tc nctin g Yule Univer sity in Ne w lluvcn. CHI CAOO <A PI One of th~ c rtllcaf.lng President Reagan and nutwn's oldest conservation groups Interior Secretary J umes Watt. hus l.ir'Okt•n tradition unll cndorst.'<i a ··This admln1strut1on Is purposely conttressional cund1d nte, saying It and systemutlcally abolll1hlng the d i d RO b ccu u be k ea g a n p eople's r ight t o a healthy udm1n ii.tr utlon JJ o lict es a r e environment where that right even "a bolishing the people's right to a slightly Infri nges on the g r lvate healthy environment '' cor porate interest or the in ustrial CARPET SAtE The !19-yeur·old Sierra Club said it elite the White House cons! ers Its wo uld suppe>rt Rep. Sidney Yates, clients," the Sierra Club's president, lHll , who the cl ub said has a good J oseph Fontulne, said at a news record on environmental issues. conference anno unc in g Yates' The club, based in San Francisco, endorsement. has e n dorse d C'a nd ldate s In Yates Is from Chic ago and Is California state races before but until .chairman of the House Inte rior no w has refrained from national Appropriations Subcommittee. He ls ' po littcaJ endorsements opposed an his bid for renomination Through Feb. 22nd ~~~~.£~M!! 646-4838 968-8180 It has become more voc al of lute, in the March 16 prilllary by John ~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~========~==~~j=oi=ni=n~g~ot=he=r~c=o=ns=er~v~al=io=n~g~ro=u~ps:._:.:in___:M~c~C~a~ul~ey!.._~~~~~~~"---------------~------------• -- \. , T~rrltlc sav1n9s on Ju,.lor 1.-shlons! - .. WALK, DRIVE OR FLY TO THE , \ ': . } '• ------9 FREE BALLOONS • FREE PEPSI & POPCORN while supplies last 4DAYSONLY THURSDAY, FEB 18. THRU SUNDAY, FEB 21 _, Q SOUTH va CbAST Q: PLAZA m SAKER ~ 91r# WHERE: ..,f 3030 AJfN./AY, COSTA MESA HOW TO GET· THERE: From the 405 Fwy Norths Exit at the 55 Fwy toward New port Beachr exit .immediately at Baker Street. Baker will be the secopd signal. Left on Baker to Airway, right on Airway T / 4-mile. l'rom the 405 South: Exit at Bristol Street south, l /2-mile to Baker. Left on Baker to Airway, right on />.Jrway 1/4-mile. From the S!i l'Wy North a Exit at Baker Street, right on Baker to Airway. Right on Airway T / 4-mile. From the SS Fwy South: Exit at Baker Street, which will be the second signal. Left on· Bakerto/>.Jrway, right on Airway t/4-m{le. froJJ1Coron11 Del M•r:Take M acArthur or Jambortt to Bristol Street. Left on Bristol to Red Hill, right on Red Hill to Kalmus. Rl9ht on Kalmus to ~rway, left o~ Airway T /2-block. . s999_ 1599 JRS' DEnNIM JEANS ~ Assorted styles from Levi 's. Bnttarna. Chemin de Fer. M ade in the Shade 5-I I. 58 99-15 99 WESTERN BLOUSES Choose from a variety of styles and co lors Sizes S.M.L 5-1 I. . 5999-15 99 CORDS, CASUAL PANTS Save on a large selection from For Play. Chemin de Fer. Levi's. Brittania. 5-11 ... s599_ 1299 KNIT TOPS AND TEES Great styles by We Make Waves. Genesis. Lrghtrnng Bolt. Ardee. S,M.L. 58 99-1999 DRESSY BLOUSES Beautiful f ashron tops from Jonathan M artin. ... .. Langtry. S.M.L; 5-11 . 58 99-15 99 lADIES' SWEATERS Fashion sweaters from popular makers like Retc3(lgo. Genesis. Ardee. Cecrly. S,M,L. s599_ 1599 PLAID SKIRTS . Traditional skirts in assorted styles from An n / .. . ' Steven s. -ciass•c of Boston. 5-11. $9 99-15 99 FASHION KNICKERS A large selection of fun styles from For Play and SWAT. 5-11. .... Hurry in for best selection. Many styles, colors or sizes may be in short supply or ~ one-of-a-kind. All garments are sold as is. No refunds will be made. ueaccept Your · California Clothing Store -· MEA 1040 E Imperial Hwy. across from Brea Mall. n 41s29-gg14 , CllflflTOl/AlfTEllA 18600 Gndley, opposite Los Cerritos Mall. 21319'14-8883 FOU#FAI# VAU.EY 9380 Warntr Awr, Warner at the «JS Fwy. 7141964-3001 ,,.,_TOii IUCll 10111 Adams A~. BrooldNJrst l.Adams. 7141964·3323 LAil RJflEIT ~762 Mercury Rd. In the Lake Forest Center. 714/855-2318 ~ ~ 25252 Mclfltyre, '405 Fwy, La Pu exit. 7141586"'1100 OftMIOE 789 s Tustm Awr. Tustin at the Gardttn Gro~ Fwy. 1141~1791 PUBITE HIW 17851 E Co/Ima, NSt OI Put11tt HHls Md. 2131*4721 MWllSIOE 3502 Tyler, opposite Tyltr·Mlll. n41687-1322 SANTA AllA J430 S Bristol Awr. 114-mlle nortlJ. of South Coasf Plan, 7141957-8100 .,,.l#mR 15412 Golden.,st St. next to Golden West Collfloe. 7141898·5541 , 0 r. •• • . '• ti: 'I J:J ,, I 'I it '• ll r I I-' . , r .,1, , .. , 1, ,.~ I 'I •! t I/ ' I , I ... I . • U1 , .. . .. •I •I ,, _. . ' lt1 J , , l . 'I 'q I .. 3 I I I I ll . ',,, ,'1 ·'· 1.t 1rl I •tH ·r ' I :it • • v.2 ·~ C'i1•f 'OH hn • . '2 G •Oil .. ) ,3 V o " ''M . .. rr •' ) "" rfl' l I I Orang• Cout DAIL v Pll.OT tWtdnHday' F tbruary 17' , 982 11111111 ' Employees ~ind holiday lucrative ,R ti lull clerks ut area 11upcrmarkl'ls uppc urcd to b<' th e bl.: w1nncrtt in the Pres ident's Ouy hohd:iy PllY s weepstakes Local s upermurket c le rks were paid a regular duy's pay plus double·lime for working the Pr e sid ent 's Duy holida y, according to several Orange County s upe rmarket m anagers Since bas e pa y for an experienced clerk is about S9 an hour, supermarket employe~s. organized by the Retail Clerks U11lt>n, r ould have m"de iabout $216 for a day's work Monday Although supermarket clerk11 were being paid holiday scale, man y other worke rs toiled Monday for their regular daily sa lary. Employees at s everal local df'partmcnt stores, mcch1mics at auto repair shops as well as Houg Memorial Pres bytetian Hospital employees a ll were paid regular wages Monday , a s pot c heck showed . Ora nge County governme nt employees who worked Monday, on the other hand, received eight hours of C'Ornpe nsalion time. •Comp time also was l(runtc.-d to Orange C o u nt y She rllf'll D e p~rtment e mployees who repo rted for their normal Monday workday. Loca l police departments com puted holiday pay schedules by various me ans, including providing compensa tion time or u pay differential, a spot check of those agencies showed. WHAT MAKES OUR Construction money available at Heritage Bank. BEEPER R? Onl~ Answer Page offers you all this: · itt"Sidentlal • California's largest P.ag1ng agent · CommercJal Buildings: • Inexpensive·· fess than 75C a day. Takeouf <:ommihtlt"'nl required a long w Uh leases. • Wide-area coverage ·· 15 .000 square'miles. • A location near you, plus field representatives at your beck and call. •• • 24·hour service We never sleep • Free on limited beeping, delivery and fu ll maintenance. • Quantity di~counts. Con&a<1: ·Jt.·fl John~oo Keep in touch with home , office. answering service, school. kids. babysitter. etc Save time. gas and money. Call today for llteraturt and a free demonstration I ~th OmnAt' <:ounl}'tln ifc 714/S.-.t-40:--,() . "The better beeper" "WE-CARE" FOii All OF YOUR HEALTH NEEDS OPOI mat OAt fVEHIMG.WflUND 9:00 AM-9:00 P'M SHOPPING CENTER II•'. S pt•11d.1lrl1• lrtll 'ht•lf 1•11·tl ,.,,,.,, !I t• p 11' 1• I .1 I I Cl II , 1 \\\1,.r1a111' \.11 \.1•1 :-; l'l L<''1'1'' II il h I"'' ctl II\ rn~ int n·,1,,., I'• 11n1· t 11 J nl!t· ( 'nun1' l.111·,1111111 E \n •lknt J,!1•1111ul ll'.1 ,1• $1,250,000 Cash Down 91h 0/o Fuly Amortiz.ilMJ. 011 n t·1 \\ ril" l'J,,.... 11 wd '" :•11.1 I >.11h l'rlol l't I llo\ l:il~I l'o't" ""'·' t \ 'l..!1t.!1 •garden carts Model A's•· .. •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles·golf carts*model t rains*bikes *pianos·cars refrigerator s *skates·•••·· If It 's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Dally Piiot classified ad.call 642·.5678 and a friendly ad- viser will tietpyou turn your ' wheels into cash. @ fU~Sl\JEA Pl1lJE . 731-7777 Cdll 1011 rree 1 800 252 9161 Or call 1nlor1T1<111on for 1ne Answer Page olt1ce nearesl you ~,o~o MAKE ~~~~ BOOKKEEPING ~~ Easy Chetk·W!~'!~~R~~ing Program· Designed for Small Businesses! System as Shown • TRS-80 Model ID Desktop Computer • Line Printer VIlI For Checks, Reports • Check Writer-80"' Program Replace your pegboard system! Fill In the check on the screen, then print checks, expense summaries, and registers-and even reconcile statements. I ;ff. if.ii ,f fJ !1 SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER A DIVISION Of TANDY CORPOAATION OR PARTICIPATING DEALER PRICES MllV VARY AT INOIVIOUAL STORES ANO DEALERS ' ~ -"-''o ;, ~,\,.~~-C ~ AUSKI fT•MS ONSA~ ~-• SKIS ,,,. a SAVE SAVE 20-40 'la ~~ FROM SAVE ON WAS. llOW 20 'It TO 50 'ft Rossignol SM '285.00 '215.00 DI ALL 11111m Rossignol FP 270.00 199.00 FEATUM•: Roff•. Bogner. c. 8, Demetre. Heed, S.ae, Hot Gear. Mother K.,ena 8nd MORE YOllCA#'T IEATTHATI Rossignol CMV 260.00 195.00 K-2 510 245.00 149.00 K-2 610 250.00 169.00 mm M~ VI SL 290.00 119.00 Olin Mk IV Comp 280.00 " 210.00 Pre 1200 265.00 199.00 BOOTS r THIS couP<iGOOOFOR-$-,-, ONE DOLLAR l:.~~!~~~!1!..--~ All Nofdlca Boots All L:ange Boots All Salomon Boots Save Save Save 30\ 20\ 38\ ........... Jtl..ltth&•J:tlp.a. 1111...ltth.a.• .. ,... ...... , ........... ,... OBIE SPORTS LTD .. COIGIA IEl IAI 2831 Cout tfwy. Corona dll Mir, tA m-t100 .... 4708 Barranca Partway IMM.CA 512·1212 -Machine . • aid to blind By JOHN NEEDHAM Of Ille DMly f'tMll ... " The reedy. synthesized voice vibrating from the shoebox-site m achine certainly wouldn't confound a contralto, refresh a falsetto or make gung·ho a basso prof undo . But to legally bHnd students at Saddlebac k College's North C ampu s in Ir vine, t h at monotone croak is as welcome and pleasing a sound as an a cappella choir The machine is the IBM Audio Typing Unit !ATU>. commonly c a r 1 e d t h e t a I k i n g w o r d processor. And for the visually handicapped . the $5,000 unit m e ans the difference between having a normal . productive working life and being barred from the workplace. As an U\dividual types on an electric ty pewr)ter keyboard attached to the machine, each letter is read back . 'llowing the ope rator to hear what is being written on the page and listen for t y ping e rrors . The computcrlikc voice c an be rponitored eithe r through an ear phone or speake r. The talking unit also will tell 1ls vision-impaired ope rator how much room is left on the paper and what line is being typed In addition . lhl' s pace age wonder can read back entire hnes and s ing le wo rds of type written material, as well as individual letters Lis a lla uplfle1sch , a le gally blind 26·year o ld s ec retarial student at lhl· No rth Campus. said the ta lking word processor a llo" ~ her lo complete office t as ks tha t would othe rwise req u 1 re a s1J(hted pe rson OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND - , TALKING WORD PROCESSOR f.1...,;_i ll ;.iu p tflL•1sc:~. a lega lly blind student in Saddldnt <'k " ..,L·1·11·t ul 1al prn~ram operates the IBM Audio Typing I '1111 Thi· q1,1d111w tL-rl" a vision impairl'rl opcr c.i tor \\h;.it 1:-. h1 •111g '·' pt•rl Miss Hauptfleisch 1s serving an inte rns hip at the college as part of her training . Dixie Sta ndahl . bu s in ess science instructor al the North Campus, said a word processor is·essentially a compute r ·'You type something into the me mory and it will g ive it back when you ask for it." she said ·•While most word processors return a printe d s h eet of materjal for proof r eading. the ATU talks to you 1n letter-. or wo rds." S he said blind or v1!.uall) handicapped students hear "h<tl NASO LISTINGS thl' !.1ghtt.'d p1·r.,0 11 would see. .il low1ng l h l·m lo curre<:t , edit and l'l'\'IM' l vpewrrtll'n m a tcnal M.., St<Jntl hul '><lid working wllh thl· talking ""~1rd processor ' ht•lps v1 .. uall y h and icapped tndt \ 1dual-. gain ronTidencc in lht·11 a b 1l1t y to f un c t ion 1nd1•pt•n d <'ntl } 1n u n o ffice 'l(•lttn).! M s S t J ndahl s aid loc a l bu .. 1nc.,..,l . ..,, cnlouraged by f;l\o ral>h· 1.1" 1nn•nt1vt"s. have ,., 1>1 •'"'t'<I 1nt1·1 <"'l m pun·hasmg the· 11taC'h1111"' .;o blind t y pists anti \\Or<I prrH 1 ..,..,,,r.., C'an be h1 n·d N EW YOU.,. IAP 1 ftt• fOfl0·1111111n9 11.U "'o"'' I~ O-.tor tht' Counter \tO(k \ •OO 'IW•tr.tnt\ 'hdl t\tt11t 90nit uO ow mo'lit ono oown trw-f"t'\O\f ba~d on Of",<fl'nt of choniq. 1t9~rdl•\\ o• wolume t or t v-...,_,.,,. NO , .. ( Uf ,,, ... tr•Oif'Q twlO• \1 ar~ tn(I· uOt'd Nt1 ond ~ rrpnta(Jll> 1,.h,tnqit\ are-the O•"~'"'"'" t'W>fWM!n thl--Orf'Vtit>U~ (~Ag b•d on<,.""° Tu~ \ t.nt b•O oric~ Nt1t1tw .AtfHJ 'II (Jd( ,.,,., !><olC.IOA <I AO• r • u' RppF(\J I AMf'd.611 Ornn1ff\t\ Trn-.ol C,u1f""'ut (our1tr M•0--\1\ Om"'E~ A\lray Aui,-lntJ 9,,.,,.,.., ' E d QI[ •If • ,.,-.f\(1 lntlt;\t #wtrQ.tt1ri l 1t0f"'t- V1,dt• • Cnf'\\(o TomtO •In l '""'""' c ( lt'IC'• ., Vitti&,,.. Nil'*'• 11 ( trttn M tl'\')0-n ~¥mbT4 ""' OmrltTwl Mur.ir, M 11.r"'1 ""f"I """'~· !.ol:t1nlf En<~" ;,ytT!l:l 1 • 111 l rl(')th q .,.. ct~· H•ht••; M<,R r • NlwH (t'lfi'Or l '\ ""'tM• ' Chn1 ur1 M<1 .. 1ta ••hnPt ftr<'n·• ' t.Jf'ttnv lnln.IAit MO<IM w t NYAtrt N•(•I O ' UPS t -Hf (.!IQ i><t ' 1" ' • 9 J ,, .. s } .. r: , .. -, . ... 1 J ' I) • to 3 1 I lip 100 Up 19 I UP I& I Uo "l i V• 14 J UP ll l •• Up 110 1 • lip " 1 1 Up 11 6 ' Up t1 1 .. Up II 1 ' Up J.IH , Up 100 -Up. IOO UP 91 .._ Uo • .. Up q 1 • Up 9 t Up q 1 I UP I S i.• Up 1 1 Up 17 UP 1 I Up I ' • Up I t .. U p 71 OOWIOS l "' I "O P<t I \ l ' , .. 1 " I 1 ... .,. I'• )" 1. 11• 1 1 •• 0 11 2] 1 Otl 71 • , Ott 1~ o ' °'' 18 s Otr '1 • Ott 11 2 '. °'' lb l Off 16 1 • Ott 1S 1 I • OH IS 1 I'• OH 0 1 011 ii s '• OH 17 S -. Ott I) S 1.ouus .. Ott 110 OH 11 8 "Ott 11S I Ott 11 S Ott 111 Ott 111 Ott It I Ott 11 I Ott 11 t .. 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I OI Cu\ B• 6 1' I ll Roi Ea 1719 1168 C•Pll IJSS 1'•11!wnC S.I unev•ll Aborn F n~ ~t lncom S.'7 61) SP<ttl 11 411 Nl Cus Kl 618 1 •1 l u E• Sil 131 Gtwlll ... 1060 lwnC Ulu""••fl A V , · Mun 80 S 12 •.tt Fr•n-iln Grovp Cus Kl S,SI 6 01 N•u~rqor lltrm SPo< 1 1111 N\ USAA Gt q '16 NL Alututt 12 31 NL Con' Inv 11 00 11 31 AGE l O'I l J3 Co" SI 1' 81 16 19 En•9y IS 8' NL Scuadrr """°' vSAA Inc 9 07 NL Al!' .:.~""'11 ., u 11 :Ofli!•I G 1) 11 Nl ONTC 12 .. 1) . .0 Cus S3 6., 1 o; GuM<1 11 .. NI Com \I 11 I• Nl I Uni A<cu s SI Nl • . Cont ff\ul 6,. NL Grwlll 7 11 167 Cu• S• • •s s Al LlblV l 11 NL o,vt l .. 11 NL Unit Mut • 81 Nl ~?~; ·~ n ·: )~ C1ry C•P IJ Of> 1• 11 OPl•on s .. 6.10 lnl•rnl • 00 • l > Man"i ) II NI ln(Onl • •• NI :.Jno1oa runo' Ai""" F 16 SJ Nl 0.ol•w•n Group Viii\ • so • u Ta.Fr... Pann 11 6• Nl lnll FO 1611 NI ~C<m , ,. 191 A '8 T 0 1 eul IJ l' 1) S4 rncom 162 I IS 6 18 6 .. S<llU\ .. •I NL MMll ... NI Bond • 411 ~.cl A lrt!I ~ ~It II Oelew 1' '6 1• l' US Gov 6 21 6 16 M•ss 11 d 17 41' Nt•I GI II 01 NL SP«I d \J NI lntGlll ll 11 1'.,. ";."~"1"" i:OJ • 11 Ot l<ll 6 U • I I C•Pll I JS I., l O •nQlon C.•P N•wtlnc ' ,. Nl l •'.. " N( (on In< ~., 10 JO Am:p S" •.O hFre SJt Sfl EQult SO. SO Cp lOr 1001 ttO't Nt<hOI• ... l NL~urolyFvnt:I~ f 101K UOS 1A.10 A Mull 10 .. 11 n 01°•c"" '1~ '" TuFr SIO •. o. GolOfa 301 NL NE lnll .,, Nl 1 Bono ,., 111 Ho Inc "" llSS Bono 1016 l1 11 ' •P n Nl Funch In< GNl\llA 6 I• NL NE l"GI 8 8' Nl Euuty S 11 , 7• Inc om 8 66 9 '6 I Fd Inv 1 .. 1 1' OodC• 91 11 ll Nl Cm rct ''° &.S• Grow 8 01 Nl NovafO 11 IJ NL 1n•t\I '" I •1 Mun• S ,. s '1 Grwtl\ t U tO " Ooc!C• SI 11 00 Nl Ind Tr UNv•ll Ruh 1' 0 Nl NY Vtnt 6 S. 111 Ultr• • J9 • .. SctERQ _, n 8 9t lncom 171 • !oCi Orea Bur 11a6 Nl Piiot 1.'3 • ,. TaFOI I 00 Nl Nu•••n s 93 Nl ~le<ltO F--. 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M•o (. 4 eo s II 1nve\I tt •I IHI ONMA I ti Ht I A•• 11-..... 0f'I· "r<ll u.so "IL TuE• 112 ,,,, llHI< '·'° 10.n ~ ' •" 1 31 T I Ill ......... , ll•l N ,,-"' ....,..8 .. 111 H lcm 9 91 li•&; 1111 lnvlt 1.4' t.tt ~apll IS t7 11.0I mOO n '"~ • -• · '"' . t .O 0 _. • 11 1 Pionffr Fund vent 6JO 1.10 Moro t.ot, JI lr•com J ... 4 11 , .. n 1•· I • 11¥ lltdk I.JO NL qu lid .... •.2• Bond I.IS • 41 •• Eqty .,,,. 1J •1 MllH°V 1 )I "IL Stock L12 U 7 ~·ll~F t.tO TO,Jt lnv~I 1.3' I.IS "I Inc UI 1.20 Ful'!d l• 7' II IQ ~l&Gr I IO I JI MIJSllt u ~ NL llLC-Ot ,,,,, 14.13 • rt ••• NL In• "°' t .t7 10,M HI 011 • u t,51 11 ''" 11 '19 It 3.J tll In ti 61 14,. Mu Int • 01 NL 91..C In< 12 °' 1a.1• ... ~110'\ ··~ NL 11\Wtton o,,,.,.,, lnlTrm 9AS ..... Pl•n Ill• 1 .. 11 Nl w lnvs • SI 10 JS M111.11 , ,. NL 1::: ~ 1:-C =t A~ 1i'; "" :081 r., t·" i:: ~~1:y '·1~~rn ~ur:~ n·1' =u:.:::~~ 1!: ,rn gg:: :, ·rn ="t ~,.. 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I:; F\11111 7,!! • ,. ll¥e ?i'f"ifft .... )ljj Nl Wltc Ill( ~II .. o1... , ,. ,,. ~r.~. ui :t !~'™" ~ NI.. 2= 1; u: :::.. .1 ~ NL "'"v"' ,. ., u .. ·~ ,..~ ~'\ 1: 1-: ~: ~ ~~ =Lt "I:· US ~ _..,.,Of Onllflo lllCont ... \ :t ='11.: "m' Nl :.: ~a: =t Ht WI •.u •u ""'"" .. , .. .. ,,: '::!: ';,;; = :~ 4" t:.::, ... .... .... ,. N .. ,,.. "." Ml ~T~a , .. • ., Tllrlft Ltl NL , " NL I~ ,.., • .. c ...,.. • '"'""'' t,, "'Lt HL -..... S:. 1U; tt ,.~ ... ~ NL ~".,._• it Ta""' ua •OS 111'1'111 :H: ~ ~ s::iT.. ,.::1 Nl, U•~.,:i I '1 I'• "t> " DYM ~ .. '"I H 1&1 ;.T~ :-" !f I; tt = It.it 1' °' J!!.,tt11 tW NL ..!.... """ .. ~ 1f n ~1.. :::::: ffi = v •• or. ,~' t~ ~TI:-l H :t HI ...... ii: 14" ~.°" ;!-:. =~ ' . .. + l I· .. - Orange Coast DAILY Pll.OT/Wodnesday Fohruary 1 7 1967 A 9 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANS ACTION OUOfUIOlft llfCl.UOI U AOU OH lMI NIW YOIUI, MIDWIU ~A(l"C "I W, I OUON OITIOtT ANO (lllj(UfHUt tf0(1t laCl44MOU 41110 llll'Olfl 0 IY l Ml NA\O •'ID IHSTINlf ·' 1l'• J•• ... 'IO' .. \~ ... ~, ... <fl '". I) .. 18 • 41, " ~\\\ ,,,,,\; Auto 1naker ' sales d ecline NATION ( ~, 1 -~---------- 'I h1· l1H 111.q111 l ~ .111t11malwt' "'lit•I 11·d .1 7 jl\'I I'\ nl .... It-:. ch·c 11111 Ill t ft, 'II ,1 ICI ti.I\ .. .,, Jo'c•hr11.11 \ f 111111 the· llkt· pc•11111f ,, \ t J I oll!ft f 111,d l ,If Jll•-. fr 0111 Ft·h I to \H'rt· 11:! :>1:1 1111111•.111•d \\ 11 h 1.u. 0.11 111 '"'' '' l•'pfiru.ir' !!IHI 'J'l11 ... r """'' ,.,, lh• Y.•11,1 ., 11<" .1111~ inL' 111 llw ,,crnt p1.·11rnl '"'''., l!lftl \ ntlt'tl \uto \-\111 kc·r' Pr• '11!1 111 ''""' 1.1. 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It• s;- 011'!11111 ,1 1 1 ('1•11·1;,111 1111111111• rn• 111 1111111 'Ii 11111llt11n lht• pl t•\ 11111'-\•".II STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ,.,.ew VOA" AP °')tth ,. 1 ', •• lltnd nf't (~ntl I ""°" • ft1 I t I Plffl'w V<>t... C,I,., L I u h1•' , .. \tddlnQ n.ttiUrMlh .u rlUH• "''"' .. (Pl•MP SD' ,, , ~ £ .,, Koo .• n •• uv IRM ,, •• ~"'ny f'Ol"O •lf1 1 A.\{,I( tf"lv """c • 'NArr\ 4 ,.mf, ~•r 1 ~UOf't041 t ) \.iJ.J RC" I "'' '" ( • .nn ' \J.\ #(I; Jf4 ( ... n Mo1rwc. •ii 'r<i ' UrtOttr 1tl 4\t> v vi • '\ ,'\tumtv'Q 41~ ti I •, v.-r•E-ln'W', •0-. I()_ :. f4nch • ... 'I()() JI•• DOW JONES AVERAGES I• \ll)( .. , ~ .. ' WHA i STOCKS DID •.f ,. ' •I ,,., I ..... ' .. I tnn1011 4"J() SOO ,., .... AMERICAN LEADERS ~'~~_.~:/~ ~~t,, .. ~I ''·~ f ·~~n~; 1 h4tCl·nQ n.Jllnn.,lh .tf nlOH t~ jt \I ~lJP'C'lt'lf l'\O • 4Q),T<•O JI • I •nrt1t> Pit I " llb &iG H ._ HJlf( 4'n Q t J\ t/Jlt '",.._ w~nu 8 •1111 'M\ l l ot)ll,Ma>• ' Kl \: '"''"'"'0•• ... t>\ If ll'\Qff01I ~4 '91"l. 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"f tVt bkJ \11' ~-'~rd H•tt•v a H•rm•" ••'tlv Ufltth •1•.0t"'• l II '-0 ,,,. \I .,, ( "•·'~d .~., , ... , ... '1~•-"'" tt .,,. ,, \Cl ~ .... ,~ u1nl¥ '*"'''" •tVOt•t ••btl(At,..., UU Jll oil U •I SYMBOLS 4'I ......... ,.._, f '('M. N...., ~··f• fill·~· ~ (M,_l'WN "'Ot..a ... , Of,.,~.,.. ~ "'•tC\Yf'~"'' f>U~ ''" th• '"' ~...,..,~ II' ..,,.,,, ann"'. 1le1 l•11t v~ ~GA .. 1•i N ••l•t rJll~ Of Ollt"'•''lt '" I '••-V,,•fflO U •-.U\fll• .,_~I fl(J ·I'\ t~ ffHl\fW "IJ fOOIN'llM • 4.,, ... , .• (ff ····•\ "''"""' ··~ """" '""" ~~~' "'O•ct•~.io,~"'-' C.....*"M •• e••O '" _.,h•••,_f ti ~·"• o.:w..,,. ~ IJ • .,.., ttof' ". ot"'O'" ,, lioCI "•.O f~•. f9'fil f1" 1 .. "'C) Of'\ Ii.ft ••1111 .. {W ,... ••iun -"""' ., .,, .,, ..... ""' ,,,.., ,,_. Ill""' "~ bit C»id ·~ ,..., '" "' "'"'''•" .......... •it• ~~ 11" .,,..~ n r-;-.... ·••~ Oil ... "' '-•'!ft~ n """"',,. l"Y\ ,, ... " ~ ir._.....,., 11rev or ""n oft u 1\ -"'-· ., _..., 11 ~"""' .,_ MA,.._,l l•OYV ~HOii "/\ ....,..,.,,_.,e<<l'flt· ....... - M .. kM Ill .,.,,., t l troy or '410 00 Mt .;,.,.-;.•;;:•;: .. : :;,.. """"' ' (' - - kt) c .. CeHflt •fl w~.,.. t ••l,·0.,1••' -~,. Awttrle.ft tc.) crown, tfl07 1'0¥ Ot U H U -..., ...-W U11 •t u•M\ '"' Wtt....,. ...,,. ,tt oflf•. so -c. . .,. .. "°"'"1" , f .... , ... II"<• n4 .......... ,...,,..,.. ,., Souro o..t. ""'"'"' _.,.... _,,,_ __ "' .,..,,.. h -________________ ...._...;1i_...., __ tfrl Mf t f 11'9 ""''a t•t' t•• z.,.c11 11' J l• JI. 1•1'••'• ., • " n•, l•~I n 6 ))4 t)' • • 1 • lPlltl/111 JO It Ul IJ' • .. ,,,,~ • ,,. • ilO u" <. f.,Hlll\d I 1(li • fA ti" .. ' I ~---·- ./ 1 .. •• • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. February 17, 1982 Airp~rt study must ·avoid new legal traps Orange (.;ounly Supervisor .Ralph Chu·k seem s to be rcal'ting ·out of an tlbundancC' of cauti<n in urging a region a l a irport stud ~· co mmi ttee.' tn brou <l t>n i t s ,horizons. Clark has to lei the A vrnt ion W o rk Program Committel' of t hl· Southe rn California Assm·iataon o f Governme nts that its long e frort in finding a :,itc for a ma.101· new airport could be open lo legal attack if thl'rt' an· not certain changes in approach s p (' (' i r I (' a 11 ~· . (.' I <.I I' k h .concerned about the tnmm1tt<.•t· :-.. decision lo ng ago not to consider expansion of thC' Sl0n •n ma 1or comm e r cial a irports in thl' Southland . Thcv art· John Wavnc A i r p o r t • i. o s A n g t• 1· t' s I nt e rnati on al . On ta r io I nt e r national . Palmctal u In ternatio nal . L o n g Bl'ac h Airpo rt. Burbank A1rµort and Palm Springs lntl•rna tional F ailure lo <.0 o n s 1d er e nlarge·m ent of these f;,icililit•s to m eet future air transporlcitwn demands could :-.et the s tage for :.i laws uit . the premise being that th e comm1ltl'C failNI to exam11\l' a ll viable possi b1l1t1l'S Likt• 1t or not. cxp an::.wn of exis ting fa<.01hllt'!'> a:-.. oµposl'<I to co11s tn1l'l1<>n of a new a1qx1r1 tould b<.• viewecl lc•gu lly us .in ulterna.ilvt'. C:lu1·k tile d u n •rcut lcgul uction in whic h Supt'rio1· Coul'l .Judge Brute Sumne r rul(><t th(• t·ounty had fai le d to t.•xamint• a lternatives to t.·xpand111g J ohn Way ne Airport Tht.• :-.upt.·n·1-.or app arently fceb :-.uC'h a 1·11lmg tou ld be made lll re\ l'l :-it.· 11 a cl e q u a t l' a I t t.' ,. n a t 1 ' l' :.. t o cons truc tion of a II(''' <lll'l)nr t W<'l"l' not examm<•d T hl' SCA\. l'omm1tlt.'l' 1:-. 1waring l'on<.'111:-101\ of 1h :-.twh The al'tl\ l' hsl of sit1 .... for ;, regiona l airport mtludt•s Camp PendlNon 111 north San 1 Du·go Count~. Sant1uj.!o l'an~·on in tht.· Santa Ana :vlountu1n:-.. t.'a!-.l ol Orange. Chino lldb north ot Yor ba Lind a on th<.• Or;ing<.··St.111 B<11·11;1rdino ('ount ,. I in<.•: I ht• F,I Toro Marint• Cnri>s Air Stat u1n . an<l a loc<tlion off t he coast m·u r Long Bt.·ach Ha rbor. C la rk's suggestion prohahh should bl' heeded. rega rdlcs~ 111' prevailing o pinion o n the 1ssut· ol con s truct ing a new u1rporl Vl'rs u:-.. t•xpansion o f somt• or all t·xisltni.! one:-.. ft \\OU Id tw ~1 t ra~l·d~ f111' .' l'ill'S of drl a ilt•d s tud~ Ill go <lo\\ n tht.• dram 11 tht.· comm1ltt•t·"-. \\Ork Y.t.·rt.• found 111lw'11lrwn1hlt· along thl' lint·..., ('l:irf... h.1 0., Ml ).!~t.·Ste<I Enviro nrnental threat Tht· R<·agw1 <rdm1ni:-..t1 ;1111111·..., p r o p o s a I l u t· u ·t I h t• E n v 1 r o n 111 l' n t a I P r 11 t 1 • t t 1 n 11 Agenc~"s budgt•l h~ onl' th1nl 1:-. h eud t.•d for trouhll· 011 Ci1p1tol H ill. Arizona Rt•p ;\)orris l"rl;lll sa~·s flat l~-. "Thl' F.J>:\ 1s lwm g mugged in broad cla ~·hg hl. .. T he Rt•agan hudgl'I t.•alb l11r ~pending S9fil mill1011 ;i t thl' E l'\ in t hC' 198:! fi:...<·al \'l'<ll" "hkh b egins Oct ( That'..., a rl·clt1l'l10n of 12 pcrl'<.·nt ht•lo\\ th l' rurr\•nt budget 11f SI ~ bit hon and :!Ii percent lx.'IO\\ 1981 :-.1wnd111 g · The pro1x>:-..cd funding \\1111ld ~1t air prott•ct mn program:-.. I)\ W p e r cent. \\att.•r C')ualil~ program-. b ~· 2 I p l' n· l' n t a n cl \\ o u ! ti <· o m p l l· t l' I ' l' I 1 m 1 n ;1 t l' t h 1 • J>ro gram tn tont1ol 11111 .... l• p ollution The 11 .... <·al l!l8:! hud g\•I aut honws 8.fi4;) l'mplo~·t·l·:-.. a rl'duction o t 2.ifi 2 from thl· budgt'l ~t·ar that l'n<kd last St•pt 30. EPA Ad m1 11i:-.tralor .\nnl' Gorsuch. on(• of th<.· pn•:...ull'nt :-. more cont ro\·t.·rsiu I appoi11tt·l·:-.. insis ts therl' w ill ht· no m :1s..., f i r i n g s a I I h t· " g t· n c ~ R e tirement s and vnl untarY n•s ignations \\ill t akt• can· of th~· personne l cuts. s ht· t•la1m:-.. Rut t ho:-.(• 111 thl· agt•nt·~ believe the reduced bud get could require tht• chsm1s .... al of al lt·ast 700 employc•t•s and pt.·rhaps up tu L SOO. ;\h Gorstl<.'h. knm\ n a..., ·Th<.• 1 cc Quel'n .. in .... omt• qu;1rtl'I':-.. continues to insist t hl' a.e<.•m·' c·:.111 d o a bt•tl t.•r 1oh "1th l~'"l'I' r esources 1f s he• b 1ust g1H•n ~1 chance to n•or gantzt' 1t .\nd • ;q>pan·r11l~ :-..hl· ha..., :-trong :-..u pport lrom hnth thl· 111'\.'s1<k111 ;111<1 lntt•nor St•c·1t·t ;11\ .l:1111l'!'> Watt. who :-..hart•s twr · 1wg:ill\'\• \ I l ' \\ s () II I h l' :-.. ll Ii I l' t I I) I l'll \'I rnnml'nlal 1st:- l nclet•d . it "a:-. "1·11 known 111 t h l' a g l' n l' ·' t h ;1 1 p r ( 1 t • n ' 1 r o n m t• n I :r I l' m p I o ~ t • 1 • ..., had heen markl'd lnr 11hll\'1011 .... 0011 afll'r ht•r a ppurnl nwnt and man~. 111C'lud ing I" 11 t11 p ;1idt•:-.. tlepal'led \'Olt1nt:1rih ;1f1Pr pohc·~ ti is a gr(.'{'mt.•nt:-.. Th<.',. . a Ion g " 1 I h m :111' memlwr~ or ("ongn· ......... "l'l' lhl· Rl'ag.111 apprnal·h to lhl· a~l'llt'' ,j:-, a thinl~ tl1sgu1sl·d attempt tu rt•ndrr it tnl'fflott i \l'. I~"' 111g t11 bus int·ss and indusll' l'ompl.11nh :1hout EP.\ n ·gulat11111!'> Thes<.• .itl 1011:-.. h~ I ht• Hl•aga11 adm111istral1011 :rpp!'.1r lo II~· 111 lht• facl' ol :-..Iron'-! -.upµort lor <· I t• u n a 1 r :i n cl c· I l' an " :1 t l' 1· proJ,!ram:-.. among all ..,l•gml•nls ol the• l'lt•t·tor<1 t t• l'uli:-..l l'r f.011 II a rno.; n •port l'cl to ;1 m~·t•t ing nl California 1wwspapl'r p11hlis hl'I'" last Yr:idu). t hat mon· than l'l/.!hl of to voter:-.. in <.ill ag1• gr·oup..., f:I\ nr dean air 1·pquirt·nwnh J11CI t l<·a11 ·water n •quirl'ml·nt :--"" tough as or t'\'l'll tought•I' than tht.·.'· han· hel'n up to IHI\\ This would 1101 lw th" frr'il t 1 m t' p r o g r a m s h .1 ,. l' be l' n ,·irt uull~· d1...,mant krl 111 t tw nam¥ of hudgt•l l'lllling L"nfort unat<.•h . in I hl· <:a st• ol en\·ironnw11tal proll'tt1hn . lht• d<.1magl' ...,tart .... a..., """" a..., t' 1' n l r o I :-. a 1 t• l' a ..., t' cl . ;i n cl h,1tktraC'k111g to undo 11 mu~ not he ea:-.~· C'ongn• .... :-.. \\Ill ht.• \\t•ll adn:-..<•d lo appl~ tht• hrakl':-.. hl'lon· l hh J.!t.'l:-out ol h;111d ppioions e•pressed in the space a bove are t~of lhe Daily Pilot. Olher views e>c· pr~ssed on tn1s pc1ge art' those ot their autnqrs and ar11sl'> Reader (Ommen I is 1nv1t ed. Address Tne Daily Pilot. P.O. Box tS60, Co'>ta Mesa, CA 92626. Phone Ot-11 1641-4321 LM. Bo yd/ Witloi,m li~ longer • Surveytakers c hecked -out 4,000 widows and widowers as well a s that JJlany other people of retirement age '.J'hey teamed that the widowers are lar more likely than the widows to Ctie within a year or so after the Cieaths of their wives. But the widows .were no more likely to do so than lltill-married women in the s ame age bracket. Clearly. widows handle it p etter . generally . It was also Jearned, surprisingly. that widowers who remarry tend to live even longer ,. than m arried m en not widowed . .Wha l do you make of that? • •_Q. Don't possums play dead? A. No, air, they faint. Most engaged couples who break up their romances do so someUme between 9 p.m. an~ midnlght..Such is Tecorded In our Love and War man's rues. Wby t his t.ttne of night In so ORANGE COA ST Daily Pilat many instances? Ana lysts at first thought that liquo r might have som ethin g to do wi th it , but they learned that it also happens most frequently then among non-drinkers Q . Many a man in Norway bears lbe first name of "Odd." Why ? A. Comes from "oddi," originally a point or triangle of land, presumably where some ancestor lived. ls any household chore righUully the job of the husband but not the wife? If so, which chore? When • surveytakers put that query to a sizable sampUng of teen-agers, only one job was named by all: taking out the garbage. Stores that !'itaupen five_ nights a week do half of their business In the evening. Thomas P. Hatey Pub.llsher Thom.s A. Mu"rph1n• Editor Barbara Krelbfch Editorial Page Editor ~y CUBAN)! / ~· .. IN ~~ IMMIGR&JQN~ DE~MENT. ~[) nw TMI WlmAN5 DON'T REA<T TO M~E.ATMENT a=~[ CUB~ RHU6HS? I -1), 1 \ Two-house legislature best Sl'n Harr~ Kl't·ne. who hails from Mendocino County when• they grow pot bv the at•rt·s. has shaken up hr !> c-ollcagues with the announcC'm<'nl he 1~ pn•paririg a con!'>litutum<.11 amt•ndmcnt to uboh!>h tht·1n ll. he :-.aid. 1s part of hr:-. plan to m'(·1·haul !\laH· govt'rnmL·nt :rufl l'l'dUCC' l"ll!>lS 1'hl' ""!Jla n · as revt•a I cl.I by Keen<'. \\1Htld c-omb1n e lht• 14!0 member t" 11 hou..w l.l·grslature1nto a s ingle body 111 m nwm bcr!o This on(' move would t·ut the cosb. uf the Legislature by hair, he c·ontcncis Al.SO I ~ lllS plan 1s th4• 4·ltm1nat1r1n 11f I he pn•.;('nt dec-t l\'l' 11ff1ces of lH•utl'nant go\'c:rnor , controllt•r . lreu:-.urcr and 'oUIJl'rlntendenl of puhhc rnslnrtlmn. lie a lso 1.1.ourd merge the l'nn·l·rs1tv of t'alrfornaa 1.1.1th the :.l ate rol lt•gl':-. · • K l'l' n c . a St a n f o rd I a w !o <· ho 'J I graduate. is normally a straight. thtnkt•r but ht.· mus t have bl'en ~moking i.omt• homL· grown produl.'ls when he drcaml'CJ I his up. I le s hould have discussed 1t "'1th his old mentor. Appellate Justice .lo:-.L·ph Rattigan a former senator who c h t.• r1shed the Senate a nd would v1o l e nll~· Oi>JlO S1· a unicameral l<.'g 1~lalurl' Since hri. 1>ro1H>sals require a I" 11 third~ \'Oll' of both houses of the• l.4·g1slature and the m embers aren·l aoout to vote to abolish their own jobs. th<.•\ don't have the cjlance of the prnv1·1·h1al snowball 111 hell Still lhey :-.huu lrl bl' d1 sc-usi,ed b('fore t hey l' n g t· n <1 l' r t h l' s u p po r l o r so m e do good1·1·.., lrkl· C'ommon C"aus1.• and ll•ad lhl' puhli1· 111 believe lht• ideas <in· mt·ntonous :'\ 111 1 hat ht• 1:. IOO p1·11·1·n1 wrong Th1.· ol I 11·1· 11( 111•11t~·n<1nt go\ <·rnor should tw t•l1m111Jted ,..., II ha:. tn a dozen ot hL·r EARL WATIRS r, a -., .... ~, slUl'~ It 1s an office of no purpo:-.c, "1th11ul an) con:.l1tut1onal duties o r responsihilities Yet through busy work 1l ha~ grown to co:-.t thC' :.late more than SI rn1l11nn a year Whrlt.> there may be :-ittml' vahcl reason:. lo eli minatt• the office of s upn1ntenclent of public inslrut•tion no Si.l".1ngs wou ld be gatnt•d s tM't' he serves as director of th<.• state D " p a r t m t· n l or E d u c a t i o n T h e t•x 1stence of a controller. e lectl·d 1 ndc pendent o f t h e govern or. rs t•:.stmtral to assure that no unauthorized l'XPL'nch tures can ht• m adl' by the ad m tnisl ral!on Thl' lr<.·usurer. v. hether· t•ll·c·t1n• or not. 1s also an essenllal Job fort hL• •>H'r!>Cl.'10~ of the state's funds .b for the unit·ameral legislalurl', that 1:-. ;m old h;.rt wh1eh bas been tnt·d for ...,Ill' and found misfitting man) t1m1•!> l.idon· in tht· l.t•g1s1aturc .. The I :u·t thal all hut ont.• of the 50 s tales l:l\or th1• 1~11 hou:.e :.v:-.tem establishes IH·~ ong d<·balt· I ht• fut·l thal ll 1s what lhl· 111.·1111lt· \\.int The w1'>e founding f,1thl''"· 111 pr11v1cl1ng for a two.house C'o11g11·...,.,, knt.•\\ 1.1.1.·ll tht• value of check .11HI hJlann· in lt,g .... l:illng I F ('A l.I FOR~l \ 1.1.t•ri· lo bt'C'ome a 11111.• hou'>l' l.e~r-.laturc 11 would place in lhl' aln•ad' <11.1.t•..,om t· powers of the Spl·ak(·r Jn ohgarth) mon: fearsome than a d1tla t11r.,h1p lit· I'> only now t·1111l<1tnl'd from unrc'>lratnC'cl rule bv lhe t·\1:0.lc.·ntt• of lhl' Sl·nall' · Kl·t·nt· :.>;.t.Y'> h1 :-. proposah are de~11.~ncd to chnrnwl<: lht• luxury of toµ hl'a v~ st<.1lt• gon•rnmL•nt If he wants to <lo that h1.· :-.hriuld sl<Jrl lalkmg about l1m1lrn~ lhl: rt·nglh t)f the !>CSSIO nS and gt•ll ing rnl of thl• armv of aides and leg1slall\'l' p1llil1tal flunkies . some of ~horn undouhlt•dly h1.·lp('d him dream up his pro1>e1-,al..., A!> for merging lht· :-.lale c-olleges with th1· t 'n1 w r.,il' that ~1wld crt·ate an Nl1H·a1111nal 'hrl•rarrh\ 1.1.h1C'h would bankrupt llw ~tJlt• J\lrt•ady rons1dertng its elf above th1.· rule or the Legis la· ture and the people. a kingdom of i~ 01.1.n . lhc.• l "n1H•r:.1ty operates but nine campuses. c;r\l' lht!m the 19 s tate coll egt•s no1.1. all controlled by the Leg1slatun'. and there 1.1.ould be no way lo cont ml th{· exce~:.es of higher public t•duealH>n IRS missed mark on tax form help Due to budget cutharks. the IRS announced last week that henceforth t hL' onl y persons it will assist in filling out income tax forms are the blind. the 1 I I 1 I L· r a t c a n d l "n i t c d S l a l c !> C"ongn•ssmen. This is an oulrag(' Thl' blind no more ne('cl the help nf I HS ·traincd tax experts than you or I I kno1.1. a number of blind people and they arc intl'lligent, decent , honest citizens . perf('c tlY capable of an~weri ng the question:. on a F'orm 1040 as long as som cone 1s kind enough to read them aloud. They c~tainly don't require the st.•n ices of a federal bureaucrat for thal Tllfo~ SAM E lS assuredly equally true for Illiterat es llliteralC'S aren't ncct.·~sanly stupid History tells us or scort•s o f brillia nt illiterates For l·xamµlc. take Perseus. who slew the M cd us a through t he clever fs l of strategems , or Ulysses. who duped the drt.•ad Cyclops and outwitted the bew1tch1ng Sirells . ll 1s a well-known fact that neither Perseus nor Ulysses could read or write a word. Yet not once did either ask for an iota of help in filling out his tax forms. So why is the IRS wasting our ha rd earned lax m oney on these classl's of pt•opll' who arc no more deserving of llt'llJ than we'' Particularly when there an• so many elements of our soc iel~ who de:.1wrately need thar help'' Like h:rrdl'ned erimina1s ·1 Thrs mav come as a shock t6 \'Ou. bul there ar~ thous ands of hirdencd t rimtnals who have never filled out a ---i' IRTHOPPf ~ • tax form in their Ii ve!> Think what 1t 1.1. ould m('an 1f gentlemen like Jack rThree F'in~ers1 Oan1els were lo hear "Ba:.kins of the I RS. Mr. Fingers Ktndl\' enumerate the number of hits ~OU madt• during the fiscal year on Line 42B. deduct lhc cost of concrete from F orm SR li2 1a l and itemize the deµrccra t ron on your Thompson submachine gun by the double declining d1g1t method on Page l 27 ... It would mean billions in the federal Ult . that's what it would mean. Then there a rc those who fill out their t ux for ms but who do not do so t•orrf'ctly. Like my Uncle Freeman For IR \'t•tirs, l 'n<"lv Frt•eman has been 1lt·cl uc·l ing :r S51HI conl rr bul1on to the 1'1...,mo lll-~11'11 Sun Tanning Research ('pnlt•r 111 \\ hrl·h ht• nmln butes two \H•t•h of hr~ 11nH· t·.rC'h ...,ummer I tell him 111' 1•:1n 1 tlo 1hi" llc sa\'S, ··vou tl1111 't think ni' ltmL' ts wort.h S250 a \\ 4•1·k" . In <1dd1111111 lo hardrnl'd crim inals. ""l·aks, 4•ht•at:-. anti m\ l"ncle F'reeman . thl·r(· Jn· tht• frrt>nclless ""You always t<1 n lt•ll \\ho \uUr friends are:· ffi\' Cousin 1N;.rm1.· W1thheld 1 sav·s gr0Ul·h1I~. \\hl'n you patnt ~our house. mo\'C 111 m•t·d hl'lp filling out )our incoml' tu~ form-. ('oustn Wllhhel~. I hall' to ...,a, ha~ rll'\<'r painted his housc. mo,·l'd nr fill('d out an income tax form I.ET l'S SKI P 11\l'I the mentally hand1t',ll>l>l'd Stlffrn· 11 to !>a) there are unfort un:lll·h -.om1• people in this 1·11im1r~ \\ho haH• trouhlC' figuring out ~ lwt ht·r to flit• ~·orm 5500-C. 5500·K and or 5500 H 1f lht.•\ have a ··funded dcrc•rr1.•d c·ompt•11:.u11on plan lother than a S1mphf1cd Employl't' Pension> .. They proh~bh could ust• -.ornc help. Wise words for. presidents Thrs fouvc~ u~ with foreigne rs who don't understand EnRlis h and hard-core pro(•rastinators l1 kt• my Aunt Cora. whom I am prodding l'ven now lo get ht•r return in Sht.• prnlcsts that it's only Fl'hruary · Yt•s." I keep telling her:· "of 1!1>!2 l.:islh . lhl'rt• an• tht• st•x maniacs. My \' 1 fr. C:lynda. wan I!> to know why I 1 n t' I u tit' :. l' x m a n 1 a c s · · B e c a use ('\'l'ryone kno1.1. s." I r<.·pl~ loftily, "that st.•x mamuc:-ncerl heir> · Uepnnted by Request Wh at famous Ame r ica n fi gur e attacked merchants for exacting an "exorbitant price" for goods during wartime. and warned against allowing them to "amass fortunes upon the public ruin"? • Who also deelared. tl to be a universal cxperien<.'e of rnankind that no nation ~ IYDNIY HARRIS (J ncluding ours L "is to be trusted tu r t her than ll is bound b y its Inte rest.$"? Who wrote in 4 letter to a frie nd that the time., afford "too m a ny mchmchOly proofs of the decay of pubUc virtue"? Who complained that s peculators and l}f'Oflttcrs, for "the paltry considera tion of a little dJrty pelf." were tearlng apart the fabrtc ,of the nation "for their own aearandlzem enl and to •rallry t h eir own avarice," and •ondered whether we Americans wtll "at last become the vlcllm s of our own abomtnabJ l~t for 1ain"? Who.....nmcd us, •at the sam~ ttme, to "guard again!i l tl'ie im postures of pretended patriotism "? And went on to caution us that "overgrown military establishments are. under any form of government, inaus picious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hos tile" to our form or government? WHO DEPLOR E D the fact that "of all the animosities which bave existed a m ong m ankind , those which are caused by a difference or sentiments in r e ligion uppear t o b e t he m ost inveterate and distressing, a nd ought m ost or aJI lo be deprecated"? Who. when passion was llt'lll'1'unning high agaiml our former enemy, said, ·'The nation which lndulges. toward a nother a n h a bitual h atred , or a n habitual fondness. is In some degree a slave. It is a slaw to Its anim<>!'lty or to its affectio ns, elt he r of which is sufficient to lead it astray . . , ? And. finally, "My first wish I!! to see this plague of man.kind, war, banished from the earth." All lhest nre' the worda or the first pre ld nt of the United States. On this day, I commend you to read them carefully, and if you deemJt..proper, to send them to the 40th f>tesldent or the So lht•re you have rt Some hot\est. 1ntc•l hg1.•nt f{roups. such as the blind and the illiterate. don ·1 need IRS assistance in filing their mcomt· lax forms. And then there arc those who obvious)y do: ll arde n ed criminals. s n eaks. cheats. lhe fnt•ndless. the mentally handr c appt•d , tho!>e who don 't untlt•rslan d Engli s h . hard -cor e procrasl rnators. sex maniacs and United Stutes Con~reessmen 'lllllYIU Too bod 0Supervlso; Riley ls miffed to bear It called "Oranae County Airport." Som e of us arc Just as perturbed by lhe name he has fol t don It F.W.D. United ~t who Ju t poss\bly may o_., ow ,_... .... ...,....,, ... , ...-n ... • .. . ~ ........ ~,....O••'"" .... ""~'' ..... never h:t\tt' read them. -~--.,. • .....,,c. D.11,P11e1 _ INDUCTED Band leader Cab 'allnwa~· was inducted mto the Blac k Film Makers Hall of Fam t• at lh<' Oakland Paramollnl the<iter this "'t'l'k Puritans ~·irked by ·pers on MILLBORO, Va IAP > -The Millboro Puritan Club says it ain't too co n ce rn ed ab o ut grammat1t'al errors but wants lawmakers to keep the state and its a gencies from us ing the word "chairperson .. In an open le tter to the General Assembly. the club said its request s hould not be t ied to ·c o ntrove rsy over the Equal Rights Amend· ment. "Our womenfolk have c hopped our firewood, hauled our water, pulled our plows, fed us and bossed u s f o r gen · era tio ns, · · the le tte r s a id . "So there's no quest ion about the ir equality We I and they J have known about that a for a heck of a long time " The lette r said the dub members "ain't too co ncerne d a bo ut a g ra mmatica l error or two. but there have been some r ecent fa ds that do ir rit ate us right much "In ge n er al , w e believe that the term ·m a n,' a s used in the Bible and in literature eve r since. is a fine gen eric term for any Homo sapiens, male or f e mal e, and muc h preferable to the bland ·pe rson' or 'persons'." The letter assured the legislators that this "is not a sexist urge. Nope. our desire specifically is just to purge our idiom of abominations s uch as 'chairperson.· We s till be lieve the s alutatio n 'Madam Chairman' has a nice. mellow. lraditiona~ ring to it." 200 scouts • • a.ssist in cleanup A bout 200 Boy Scouts from the Inland Empire Boy Scout Council will take part in a volunteer cleanup of the Ortega Highway are a o f C le veland Natio n a l , Forest Saturday The s couts will be removing litter a long muc h-used areas or the highway from Lake Els inore to the Lower San Juan picnic area, officials said. Lunch for the crews is being donated by Car l Karcher Enterprises and the Alpha Beta Co. Participatina scouts wi I I be presented with certificates al a campfire program that evening. CAU'42·5'71 1nd let 1 lrtendly Ad ; • lie 35 • • coll on Men·, • Haothar groy in t.5 • oc~ed ,,za\ Sove now o nd woman s '" ouo " MATCHING FUlClD SHOIYS · · • · · ... S. BEL AIBIES CHEMIN BLANC -2!!- e 1 tat "°"" COAST ePIOOUCID IY mz• YIEAIOS -..-m WllU ITOCIS lAm .. I j \ Oranoe.Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. February 17, 1982 .. a.rtisllt hlicJ H //IA l1tll tt!llll 9'a111dt1 ..... 01 11f«t4 ~ tit\ II 1b ''~6 91•1'1 A \Ott14i l!lltlll # 1111 flk(f I\ //IA Wl\Ulldte •~ ~ ljlflCIQl •1 •Nft ..,.y~1'4ii•1010C',..01Wllwl"' II fGIJl lcul \IOlr \fliail411114dtl#lff Ml•-1•~ •lt1110i"'(llr wlrpe!Od" ,,...14.,,,"",_""'ll'Mto•r-t~t-l&ft,"'lllWt w1NIS111tfCcilM1t1tC..lt11~lllfOlll\llOf I 1ot...,,r;1.YA•111t ult111~~,.~1A11t 1111\&Jc W4llli1lr.I CIU1,,,.CMlllLW Mul1$0tlQ10«11l 1111Mc1.•r ... lllft ft flDUMllY 1-.tM ~ \I_.. 1W111Mt l~ett~I-\ MEN'S BASEBALL SHIRTS 4" WITlt SUIYIS IN TUM COlOIS REG. 5.99 Heother or whtte cotton/polyester. S·M·l IOU' SUU, TOOi ftG. 4. tt ......... 3." NYLON/ VINYL SPORTS SHOE TOU'DUPICTT~ ,,, PAT SS$ MOil FOi THIS QUAlITTl PAii Block uppan w11h white lrim. In o full ronga of men'• & boy•' sizes. ldeol for field sport,. 40WATI 60WATI 1SWATI lOOWATI TROUBL-SAVER BULBS raa°'·99c 4 YOUI fOI CltOICI Sove now on the light bulb with twice the lite of ordlnory l1gh1 bu Iba. Stock up I r LATCH HOOK RUG KITS ~!:~~ 5'' REG. 1.99 ti:. 20"•17", 18"•31", 10"•..0". or 11 v,~x:M" in o w ide cn1011men1 cl colors & potte<ns. Buy MVerol & S<Mt: 3-TIER MOAL HANGING BASKm Hong up your dlsplo~ for the world to see -;;..-metol mesh cof· lops ible boskets REG. 4.99 2!' 11 •I 7 heovy weight terry 1n I 00" • collon Pronh Solids or Jocquord\ 1/3 OFF SALE llG. 1.2' 60· 15' MUl.c.usrnt .. ftG. 1 .H •O· 1 ' 1 M .cpsmt .. ftG. 2.11120· 144 MIN. WSITTt .. • llG. 2.IUS· 144 •.1.TUa .. llG. 2.4 .. 0· 1 '4 ..... 1.TUQ .. Record your own mu''' ond •ounds with the\e Now' the time to 'tock up orid reolly sova I • TEXAS INST•UMENn SLIMLINE L.C.D. CALCULATOR 8-d lglt slimline po<~ ket ''re Hos i• key. •·key memory & outo off, 8ollerlas 1nclud~ -•m•Tt• lllACll NmJa. YALLIY ces1A llUA •W1 ........ ti 11• • 16'41 ........ &....,. •DIL '1111 -C.... _. _ _.,,.vllor help you pl1ce'""'"'o ... u_r ....,• ·---__ 1dTocTiiy -- •• , ...... .,...._ .,,.... .......... , ... _ .......... c.... ...... fllll_ _ _,_..,,_..,. ...... ---------"'JI ..... -------· ......... --~---• 11111........... .... ........... <ilMi • A 18 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, F19bru1ry 17, 1882 National Smoker StudY: , To date, only one low tar "Best-Tasting LowTar cigarette has proven it can I've Tried~~r .. ··equal or surpass th~ taste of In a separate_ part of this higher tar leaders. extensive new study, MERIT That cigarette: .. MERIT. smokers report that taste is a MERIT Qear.Qioice major factor in completing In New'Iests.' their successful switch from In impartial new tests higher tar brands. where brand identity Conlirmed: 9 out _oflO '.was concealed, the over.... former higher tar smokers say ·whelming majority of MERIT is an easy switch, that .smokers reported MERIT they didn't gi,ve up taste in taste equal to-o r better switching, and that MERIT \than-leading higher is the best--tasting low tar ' tar brands. they've ever tried. ~· Moreover, when tar levels ·· Year after year, in study ·~were revealed, 2 out of 3 after srudy, MERIT remains }.chose the MERIT combina.... unbeaten. The proven .taste · ··.tion of low tar:and good alternative. to higher.tar · ":Le:iste. smoking-is MERIT. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette; Smoking Is Oangerou~~o Your Health. 0 Philir MM'k Inc. l~l Kings : 7 mg "ta(' 0.5 mg nico,tine-100 's R"eg: 10 mg "tar:'0.7 mg nicottne-100's Men: 9 mg "tar:· 0.7 mg nicotine av. per cig~rette. FTC Report Oec'.81. .. • r • --· MERIT . Filter ~&lOO'S l .. Salvadorans accept war as w(ly of life By JOE FRAZIER AnecletM "'-• WrllW SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador '""""'Three years of increasingly bitter fighting has scarred this small Central American nation with corpses. d ynamit ed buildings, gutted vehicles and left Children without fathers. Refugees and peas1lnl!t now view the leftist guerrilla struggle as a way of life. Th e guerrillas, almost a curiosily in mid-1979, are pe rhaps not feared by the general population as much now as they were when they began their baltle to overthrow the · Trariquility in Morazan is temporary. . U .$.-supported civilian-military I junta. In some areas, the men have joined them. In the village of La Sociedad. • in the middle of no rtheast Moraza n province. l ong co n sidered a guerrtlla !itronghold, young women siPon a store porch and wait to' fill jugs from the only source or running water in town. T~e only men around are old. Wh ere .are the others? "They went lo the capital to work," says one. What kind of work? "A job." Doing what? "Working." At what? "He's in the capital working." I She looks down. This will not be discussed further. They are in the hills with the , guerrillas and she knows you know It. End of conve rsation. Town after town in Morazan is like that. " The Puente de Oro, the Golden Bridge, lies like a dead snake in the Lempa River. Guerrillas blew up the bridge, one of the most important in the country, last October. Pedestrians and vehicles now c ross on a narrow ratlroad bridge that parallels. it. An old lady in· a pink dress am bl es slowly over it and says the guerrillas moye around there whenever they want. "They say they're going to get this bridge too. Soon." she says. She picks cotton when there is work, she says, for about $5.50 pe r 100 pounds, a bout all a person can pick in a day that starts at 5 a.m. if the harvest is good, which it isn't right now. For three weeks she has been walking a couple of miles every day to collect her wages. She is alway~ told the money has not arrived. Tomorrow, she says, she will try again. She s ays guerrillas com e thro ugh her village of San Marcos Lempa all the time but that they don't bother anybody San Marcos Lempa is full of women arid kids. Wh e re a re the m en and teen-aged boys ? ·'T hey went away. They're working somewhere else." Where'? "Working." Outside San Miguel a dnver a nd his assistant laugh and cr ack Jokes as they change all four tires on their truck. Guerrillas had stopped them an hour earlier and shot out the tires. They shot up the gas tank TORN LIVES Mother holds eh1ld suff('ring from S<.'Vl'l'l' malnutrition. The~· i..lr c rcfug('(.•s in Si..lnta TcC"lu C'amp v is ited recent!~· b~· L'.S. St'nators P atriC'k Leah~· and Clay born Pell. IALVAOORANS TRAIN IN U.S. -American Special Forces officer leads some of 450-man contingent of El Salvadoran \ Diiiy Piiat CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 83 TELEVISION 89 READY, AIM,. . . .\ IOSmm howitzN •~ aim<.•d toward gue rrilla place me nts in mountain region of Usulatan province. Jueuaran is on mountain overlooking hills he ld by too. but the truck didn't explode. Hence the jokes Th~y say two men and two women. carrying submachine guns, took all the driver's money as a "war tax" the rebels' main fund·raising tactic t.h~e days. The road around San Miguel is littered with fire-gutted trucks and buses. In Morazan the government has a huge troop commitment, but the guerrillas move there with ease and claim to be in SISTERLY LOVE Young girl holds bab~· brother at Santa T e rlu-l'l'fllgl'<.' C"am p The.' arc t ,,.o of 1.000 r<.'fugN'S at th<.• camp. troops a s they arrive ut Fort Bragg. N.C. They will receive infantry training by U.S. Armu 7th S~cial Forces Group .• A suitcase that disappears? . Read Herb Caen on .Page B2. l a ) • A~W~ l{UCITillas. The cannons an• ulso pmntl'Ci at C'n:isl Ii~· "h<.·n· .... rmy pt•rsonncl hl'lit•n • suppli<.·~ ma~· h<.· brought in to thl' guerrillas control of it. The army is burning off the brushy hillsides to remove cover for the leftist troops. A perpetual haze Cills the hot, dry air. "Everything is q'uiet here," smiles a portly major at the barracks in San Francisco Gotera, the provincial capital of Morazao, as he Cinaers a crucifix around bis neck. Convoys have been moving in hundreds, probably thousands, of troops for the past couple of days. One gets the impression that the major's tranquility in Morazan is temporary. Peeling paint and a water jug mark the outer offices of the local "juzgado" or courthouse in Zacat~luca . The case or five national guardsmen accused of killing four American churchwomen is being processed here. As the judge mulls the evidence in his office. a barefoot boy with a trussed-up Iguana lizard strolls through offering his morning catch for s ale, price negotiable. Iguana is a delicacy here and those who-have tried it say it tastes something like chicken. Most visitors are willing to take their word for that. GETTING THE HANG OF IT Laborers work on ne" bridge across Rio Grande River in Usulatan urea aft<.'r old s tructurt• had been destroyed b~· guerrilla attacks The art•a is near site that American Marines currying '.\1-lfi rifl<.•s wer e filmed b~· Cubic News Network. Salvador aid nixed by church leaders WASHINGTON (AP ) - Nuroerous church leaders are reiterating their opposition to U.S . military aid to El Salvador's ruling Junta, and calling for -a medlatin1 approach. Wllh the U.S. admini.alration sleppinJ up it.s supplY or arms. Archbishop John I\. Roach, president of U.S. Ro mun Calhollc bishops, noted their stand a1alnst such ald, and sald: "If the United Slates Is to ptay any construcUve role in encUn1 the fratricidal confiict, It should be by strenllheninl the political will of thoee Willinl to diak>cue. not massively lncreasin1 the destructive capablllty or the armed forces. •'The real issue ln Central America is the demand for political, social and economic Justice by the people. . . " the panel said in a letter drafted to Presldflnt Rea1an. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday, February 17, 1962 •ANN LANDERS •HERB CAEN •HOROSCOPE Study of genes may help chronic depression DEAR ANN LANDERS. l suffer from depression a nd have periods when I am s uicidal. l have gone. on m y o wn, to the crisis unit of o ur loc al hos pital many times after overdosing. I sec a t herapist on ce a week and am a mcm be r of a group therapy "family." I live in feur that I wlll OD again and die waiting ror the doctor lo call me back. 1This a lmos t happened las t tim e because his receptionist didn't take me serious ly., I wish people would stop telling m e to pull myself together a nd .. hang in th ere ... They have no idea how hard I am trying . I know I a m not a lone . There arc thou~ands may be m illions like m <> .. I havc so much to~live for. but whe n J go into a d eep . black d epression. I can't fac(• the pain of li ving ~nd want to end it CJ 11. Can you tell m e something <.1bout the rcc<.•nt discovery of a gene that causes sever e d e pression '? If you say this is true. I would feel less ash a m ed a nd more ho peful that a t'urc might be found. Please repl~· SALEM READER • WAGONS H0 -0 -0 -M-E After tra\'eling 5.000 miles o\·er sen·r·al month!>. the \'rsionQuest wagon tra in headed into Elfried a. Ariz . its home ba!-ic. earl~· this m onth T he w~on train. \\'hlth tarried iO stiJff members a nd DEAR SALEM: According to the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Harve~· S ta ncer of the ('larke I nstitute o r Psychiatry In Toronto and Dr. Lowell Weitkamp of the University of Rochester have lde ntUied a gene on the sixth chromosome that they believe makt's people susceptible to chronic depression. Dr. lancer said doctor have known for many years that depression runs in· famllles, but they have not understood the ge n e ti c pattern . Now that th e troublemaking gene has been identified there is hope that the scientists can go on from there and find ways to p~vent as we ll as treat major psychiatric illnesses, alcoholis m and anti·social behavior. Both doctors warned against over-optimism, but it certainly looks promising. DEAR ANN LAN DERS A µcrson wh~ ranks several rungs abovl' me at m y p lat'c of e mployment h as a mind that is in t ht• g utter and a sense of humor tha t must tw connected to a sewer pipt• ., ....... ~·o un gst<.·r~ a ~ part of a rehabilitation program for troubled ~·oungsters. t r aveled through :\lontana . l dah~1 . Oregon and California. m ('(udmg lht• Orangt• Coast New start for Virgo Thursda~. F<•bruar~· IX ARiEs 1 :\l arch 21 :\pnl 19 1 Whllt hiJcl hecn nebulous ht•c·omt•s solid and ~nu m<.1kt.• t<Jl'l'l'r ach·am·t.• Fac ts an• a\'<Ji lable. some l'CS(•a rch IS nt.'tt'SSUI'\' hut \'Olli' \'i('\\'S will bt• \'('ri fi ed .and \'ou · 11 rt:ct•i ve «1ctdt>rl rt•cognit ion TACRl'S I :\pril 20-:vt<J~· 20 ,. Goocl moon a s pt.•c·t c01neicl cs \\ i th a ffu1rs of heart nt•alt\'it'. charis ma. s 1gnif1c<.1nt <'hangt.•s and acquisition nr luxur~ item or art ob1ec-t GE !\11 ~I 1 :\I a' 2 1 .. J un l' 20 1 \\'h a l appears on s urfacC' rrw~ ht• dccepttH· "l't•k to V<.'l'if\° infn1anat1on. t hec k ... ourc·es and bc.•come · uwan• of fin<1nc 1al status of thost• "ho makt.• f a nta s t1 t.· r l<.1 1ms " ·('ANC'ER dune 21-Juh· 22': Go s l<l\\. lit• low. Ix.• patient . ohse1·,·;rnt : pt•r s 1stent and bl' a\\ ilt'l' of legal rights and p t.•rmissions Ht.•lat1011 s h 1p 1nLt·ns 1f1t''· rt•s µons ibilitit•s 1nt·rt•ast• and "'"ml' of \'11\tr pt'l theories will hl· I t•S ll'CI Qlflilf By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna:Seach ~h ·-.... ,_......._ .... _,..,.._ 2 -17 "With your lobster, would y011 Hist die dealper bib .. the •t•ndard btb'!" • '\ HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO 1 .J ul~ 2:1-.\ug 221 Hoa<lblock tu progn'ss 1s rcmo\'ed a:-. \Oll <·ompll'tt.• ha:-.tl' ta~k~ S(•flse of securit' rs l'nham·Nl. r<.•n•nt los-. 1~ r<.'cm·<.•n•rl <rnrl' ~Oll \\'Ill IOt'CJtl' ln-.1 ob)('l't \'IRGO 1 Aug . 23-S<.·pl 221 You ma kt· nl'\\ start m nt•\\ d1re('t10n ~·uu·n, <Jbll' to l''Cprt•:-.s fet.•lin gs 111 cl ~·nam1 c. griJphil' m<J rrnl'r Cr<.·at ivc urgl' surgt•s t o fordront. relations hips intt•.n s if'~· a nd ~·ou 'll makl• c·nntact~ whith (•nhann• ran•<.•r potl'nlral. LIBRA c Sept. 23-0ct 221 · Focus on hnml' t•n\ aronml'nl. securat'. s <Jh.• o r lt•as 111 g o l propt.·rt ~ <md the t'nd ·of d1s pt1ll' ''1th famil~ m e mlwr Ym. n·gain sens e of clirC'ct u111 . mt u1t10n 1s hal'k on t ar~<.·t <J ncl an ad d1t 1ol}•tl soun·c of in C'nme ts n•;rl1zNI . C'ORPIO 10ct. 23·No\· 211: Li~ht tottC'h gain:-. nhjt'ctin• Be flexihll'. \'C'rsat ih.• and displ a~· St'nst.• of humor AC'C'l'nt on \'isits. trips. n·lutin's and itk a s w h ic'h c an be tran sformed into viable con cepts . SAGIITARn:s ( :'llO\' 22·Dec 211: Check S<Hll'C'e mutel'ial. read between the lines a nd b~ aware of s mall print. Lunar emphasis on money a nd you1· ability to s t rike puy dirt. A , virtual bonanza could be c lose a t hund. CAPR IC'ORN 1Dec . 22-Jan . 19 1: Popul arlt~· inC'reas<.•s. timing i mpro v~s . lo ng .uwaited c hanges occur and spect:.1 1 mem ber o( oppos it~ sex 1>lays significant ro.lt>. You hav<' oppnrtu'nity for fresh start. A Q AR I US 1 J :in. 20 · Feb. 18 1 • By i n v C! s t i fl ~1 t i n g . m a k rn g i n q u i r i c £ ll n d browsin~. ~·ou could locate a rare book . manuscript or art treasure Your s ense of perception is hl'IJthtc ncd. P ISCES 1 Feb. 19-Morch 20': Soml' p e r s o n s. although slnc erc. will mu ke promises that belong to neve r never hind und prohubl~· won't bt• fulfilled. Almost every day ht· hu~ u filthy 1okl' or sonH• gadget ' o r pictu1'(• or nudt· gimmtck tw must buy thrnu~h tht.• mail. I never see s uc h thin g:s for sale wht>n I s ho p I wish vou would tell m <.• ho\.\ to rt.•iJtt w h e n h e • s pr i n gs I h es l' I u s t (' I c> s s "surprises .. Please r<.•memtx.·r. I nel·d "" job. REVOLTED IN F LOROA DEAR REVOLT: Register nolhlng. No shock. No disgust. No amuseme nt. No awroval or disapproval. In other words. play dumb and walk away. DEAR ANN LAN DERS: A whrle baC'k you publis h<.•d a lellC'r from a woman who a s ked wha t ~·ou thoug ht about u pl'rson w ho sent gifts with th<.• prin· t<ig::-. s till atl a C'ht.•d I bell('\'l' \'Ou s<J1<1 it \\<Is .. gauche .. or somt.•thing i1 kt.• that Why'' When I s end gifts. I r<.•qut.•st that the s ale!-i slip ht• lt'ft 111 tht· ho:-. II lhl' per~on doesn 't C'are for rn~ ~l'l<.'l'liun. or woulrt pref l'r to hu \'l' ... onwthmg l'ISl'. th(• ~lip makl's 1t mueh <·as11•r for thl' n .·c·1peint as wt'll <JS lhl• sto r e q AMI l.AllDflS I anr MU<.· 'ou "ould Ix · horn I 1cd l)\ this. hut I ('ons1~1<·r it hont•..,1 and pra<.'l1l'ai (' a 1 <· to 1· o m m l' rt I ·• 0 I. I, I E 0 F 0 JI I-: Ll 'Si\S DEAR OP: Tht• lll<'asun• of a gifl is receiving something st>lc1etcd t•s pt.>cia lly for ~·ou . If you insist on b<·ing so practical, wh~ not ju)>l -,t•nd t ht• mont'.' '! Arc drugs OJ\ 1/ 11u11 h•11r11 7'111c lo cv11tr11/ /111'111·1 Cun tlle11he11'/ l1du" Tire w1su>er.\ ore m \1111 Lwukn 111'11 h1111k/,.t /Ju l.n11>d11w11 u11 /)ope f'rJr euc/1 f>i.111k/1•1 urrl1•n•cl o;end $2 p/11.~ u /OtH/ self t1rldrt•:o.wc/ \/111111>i•d t•111 t>/opt' • 37 cents postay<•1 111 1\1111 l.um/1·" /' <> Hur 11!195 ('hrc:(ly11 Ill /~Hill Lower but not lower FOR A SELF-CA;'lo;('El.l.l;'lo;(; 1n\ 1•11111111 L<Jura Dot\' and Lonnil' S\\t'lblon 110111111all' Amt·lr a E~rrhart l.uggal-(l' · tT I la·-. ;i\\ "·' a nd lll'\'l'I' t·omt•s bad'' t hl·~ 1111{\111·v :\ goodrt' t·ulll·d b~ Dnroth~ 11\·rtmg 111 till' PG&E Progress, thl' fla1 ·ks ht•t•I thut 1·onH·:- \\'ilh thl' utilil~"s supvrfallt'd Intl · \\'nuld \'OU likt• to takl' mun· tontrol o\ <'I' \ 11l11 irt rl il\· bill" p(;,u·: 1s offtonng :i I rt'l' kit lh<t1 ('1lltlcf h<.•lp ~ ou do 1ust that llo\\l'\ L'I' "u:-m g t he kit ma.' not lm\t'r ."llll" mont hi.' PG&E bill a brl but 1l should m~1kt· 11 Im' t·1 tha n 11 \\otlld nlht•r\\ISt' ht• Eh ' lll•llo hl'llO'' HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Those new \'o lks \\ agen hlllhoarcb ;1 n· making mt• forget about Saks \'th .\\l' ' clo~·ing "Where \n• a re all tht• thing-; .rnu a r<' ... The boards announrt• that ":"othing Else Is a \'W Rabbit .. Tl'Ul'. I'm s un• .\nd ~o what. IH'l'll' To llll'. .1 hrppu i-. hl•,llll iful nrnd1 prvl'l·r tht·111 tc1 -,\\Jib Thi ... m~1' lwlp l''pla1n rtw .\1111111 · '-<'tdpt111<· 11111--1<11· l>;I\ It'' I l;tl l Soml'I h1n;.: dl'l 111111·1\ l11ppo1<1 a h1111t 11 S.\~1-'R,\:\'Cl ~C '\'-'\: )1111 t·a n "'"P 1H·t·dl111g Chi('<> ... ;HI\ 1w.., K1 •ll \ \\'1·11· ;tl t l'I 11rd vr1 11 g 11 :i1·h1i--.11 S I-'· \trport ... l 11lt·111<1tic111:il 1{1111111 .rnd ll'l'l'l\111~ ('ht•t•/ \\lrll 011 ;1 ))111'11 11 \I\ 11•1•(11)1.!, IS th;1t .tll\h11(1\ \\ho 01d1·1-, l\,1(•1!11-, .111\\\hl'l'I' dt'"'l'I \l'' \\ h.it lw 1-!l'h Sort ol f-:....., Efl\ -.1g11 on •Bill'-. l>l'll 111 \\, .. ,, Port al :\l.1\ \\'!' (/Uldll' .tlHI F o11d111• ) 1111 . SLICE OF WRY : Ma:rnt•ll .\mold s uggests that William Bu<'klcy .Jr . fain''' flowe r o r the righ t wing. 1s an odd chmel' to act as host of the T\' st•nc~ bast•d "" E\'elyn Waug h 's c lass1C' Eng li s h t\11\ l'I · · Brides head Re \'isitt.•d. ·• . O n Page 543 or "Thl' l.l'ltt•rs of E\'l'I~ II Waugh :· we find thl' author" n ting to Torn D r i b e 1· g o n J u n t' fi ." I !} '' o :\ f t e r congratulating him on a mag aww artrelt· about right-wing m on•mt·nts . \Vaugh ash" Driberg. "Cun you ll'll nw dul \OU m ~nu r 1·esearc hes come arros:-. tlw 11.1mt• ol \.\'rn F BuC'klt•\· .Jr .. editor ol .1 '\;t•\\ York nl'O·MCC<Jr1fl~· magazinl' llillTil'CT '\;.it111n ;d R e\ 1e\' ·• flt• h<Js bN'n -;h11\\ ing nw g1\i.al.-,\ un~ought attention latl'h ,\ ~our .1rtl<'l1· m<Jdt• mt• c·urious llus lw ht•t•n ..,u 1wrnall\ ·guaclc<I' to bon· mL"' It \\nuld t•,pli1111 hrm ~EWS ITE.)1 1111111 \l.1111111·1 \ ~orth H1d1mo11d \\oman n·pn1 l1 •d lhl· tlll'rt ol hl'r pood It• :ind Si .ooo '' c 11·1 h 111 111 hl'I prnpl'l'I' I rom lwr homl' 0 11 Fncl:i~ \I 1s-.111j..?. :!Ion)! \\tlh tht· dog . \\:t:-. ;1 S."1lll HI m tnk l'tl:tt dotlw:-.. 'll'l'l'll. ll'lt•\ 1-.11111 ... .-,IHI In t•<J-,h .ind S !IHI Ill loud :-.l.lll1Jl'-I h1• 1111(\ llc'l'lh !.!l'I 11ppt•cl 1111 .lj.!:tlll If an~·t hing l'illl .\RT OEPT.: \r1 1:-.t :\1;1 rk H11t1111 s m•akt•d onl' nf hr-. eoll:igl's into tlw S I" .. \l ust.·um of :\locll'l'll \rt and IHllll! rt 1111 .1 "all in lhl' pl'rma1wnt ('Olll•(·t 1011 t.!,.illl'n \\ht'l't' 1t rt'matnl'cl for thn·t· d,l\s untrl .111 off1 ttal not1(·t•d it .. , put 1t lh<.'l'l'. l'\.pla111-. Ru bin. \\ho got hts p1 <·tun• had'. ·10 til'mQO?tratt' ho\\ tht• ml1Sl'lln1 1gn11n•-. lnc·•d artists .. For thn•t• d a~ s an~"·" POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANl SOMEBODY INSIDE ME DOESN'"r LIKE ME. :\n ob~t.·n·ation b~ tht• \\orld I amou" '>l'lllptor I lenr~· '.Vloon•. "T 1111 ma11~ pt•nplt· ""'·' 'hl'a utiful' '' hl•n till'~ l'l'ally nw~111 •ttJ •• ,.. •.•• ,, .... "' ,,. .... ""'• "•°'' .... 0 ,, ,, ~,_. t.·~C'I•"• $,!\Cf .••• I - GOREN ON BRIDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • AQ 105 <:::1 863 0 1052 .. 832 WEST EAST •a •9802 <:::1 4 <:;1 J15 O AU OIU91 +AKJ9754+6 SOUTH +K J Q AKQI092 0 Q8' +QlO The.bidding: 8etltli Weet NwQ Eut I Q I + p,_ Pue !<:'' ,. 1 <::1 ... 4 Q Pue p ....... Opening lead: KJn~ or +. We think we might be able I to 1olve the world'• energy problem• by barne11ing the amount of hot air that ia ex pended dally it post· mortems ever7where . Eave1drop on a typical dlecu .. lon aad tben decide for 7oun1tlf who'• right. Apinlt four hearta, w .. t led the ldni of dubt and con- Un\Md with the ac., on which Ea1t ahlffed a lo• apade . West continued with a club. Declarer ruffed and laid down the trump ace. When both defenders followed. declarer claimed six trump t ricks and four spades for his contract. "Why didn't you discard the nine of diamonds on the second club?" mour ned West. "I would have shifted to that suit and we would have taken two tricks to set the contract. "When I sluffed a low spade. it should · have been obvious to anyone that I wanted a diamond shift," retorted Eut. North added his two cent.a worth: "Partner don't you think that you had done enough and that you 19lgbl have pautd three heart\?" "I had 17 points."' South snorted. "Who asked you to bid with your flat six points?" The only . accurate state· ment was by North. Despite il.s 17 points, South's hand wu full of losers and hls Q·lO of dubl 1hould 'h&ve been die· cou.nt*9. North'• competitive ralH to three bum wat eminently correct. £ut was partlally cottect In IUHHUnr that W\•t. should have shirted to a dia· mond. After t he low spade discard. if East didn't have the king of diamonds. it look· ed as if l he contract could not be beaten. It was vital to cash tricks quickly West was also partt.v cor- rect though. East should have discarded a high dia· mond to make sure he got a shift to that suit . But all of the players overlooked the best defense. East should have ruffed the second cl\I)> aod shifted to the jack of diamonds! T hat would have netted three diamonds tricks and a two-trick set for the defenders. Rallt.er t.rl41e clab1 &Uo.P.•t U.e ~-try ... ~ lew-4e&I I.nip ...... ,. 0. tiler bow -e~ r•• 4ea't? Ct.arlet Gere•'• "Fear·DHI Brl41•" will tMela , •• tlM •tnt.fle• ... tudc9 of Ude fatt·paeed ae· doe .... tJirat ,....w •• die c ............... ,. ...... · "• • wr1 ... • ""'e,... .... 11.75 .. -o ........ Deal." care ol t ill• ..,,.,...,P.O. hallt, N..., ... , N.J. OTMt. ..... ~ _..,.w. &e New .. ,.,.t11ub. .. • .. THE t 'AMIL Y CIRCl'S by Bit Keane BIGGf~ORGE - 4 ... Orange Coas~ DAILY PILOTlwednesday, February 17, 1982 ••• by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) PUNl'T8 by Charles M. Sct1ulz WMICH 00 ~ TMIHK (( LASTS L.ON6f( IN LIFE, TME GOOP THIN65 Ol THE SAP THIN65? "' .'\ ~·~ c a ~ .., ·'· ·~~~, .. ~ Tt:lll BLE• Et:Dli M1Nt71H~~RJ;:,WIM~E. l'MOFF by Tom K. Ryan • Rl6H1 AF$R "fliE. S~PIJL.OIRE: soc1m MARCHll\J6 "ANP PLAYS SHOE 10 VAPW Cf1Y. ~ M'I 01..P mANSVl..VMJIA HOMf? by Jeff MacNelly \\See? They're all twins.11 "I hive 1 ftellng we're being followed." JIJSi fMI'£ IT OOT TO "AR'TMUJ' fUCK~CE." I• I I '-..._ 2. 17 by Brad Anderson ''Maybe if you got home at a decent hour, they wouldn't lock you out!" Jl DGE P \RKER THE ~AJUENDER 5AY5 1 5HOU\.D A5K YOU MY!:IELF AOOUT f!U'l'IN(> A DRINK 1 WIU. "(QU HAVE A DRINt\ MIS6, I l70N'I BEUE.V£ I ATE 1'14AT WHOLE. 0AG OF C.AT FOOO ACROSS I Dye 6 AbNnl 10 Oirecuon 14 Ovtf 15 "Goltyl" 16 lndlan nurse i 7 Parochial 18 Top-nolch 20 Ziegfeld. 10 51 Ge.man c11y S2 Waplli SS Abbey 58 Ruhr c11y 600111 61 Jewel 62 Increase 63 Give up 64 Languish 65 Rosier lriendt DOWN 21 Ant on I Leg part 23 Seael 2 Greel< COin 24 StOl)OVer 3 01 moving 26 Subtlety around 28 Honoted 4 Eggs 30 Nesls 5 Ttlts 31 C.,rlet 6 Vttry ti.id 3 2 L lncoln 7 Joi 2 worda 8 Gu: Pre! 38 8'act 9 Affirmetlve 37 Ptdettllt 10 S111We 38 Ntnt• 11 "11'1 - - ~ttve wortdl" 39 lJncoln..Cled 12 Gluta 42 Ltwn t3 Thlltlef « "'"""' 19 Spill• 45 Some roctc• 22 8er1h 4f G<eeted 25 Wllfl.'I •• P9rformlng ne!OhbOt 500fute 2e.~ 1'17 6£TTER JOO SOME OF THIS TUMMY OFF 45 Offspring ' 46 Shrub 29 Below 47 Malt• redres1 ..._.,._.,._.,._...,_ 30 Probo9CINS 48 Streellecl 32 Abomln1ted 49 Arthur COnlf ...... +-+-+-.,._ 33 Pein lnllilntl· blllty 51 SttCI cot1 341>ullone. 35 Intention• 37 Olmlnleh 40AWll • t lnlttutnentl •2~~ 43 Slckty 5e Crown 57 Flnlal 59 "My Gel -.·~ by Ferd & Tom Johnso n ' by Ernie Bushm1ller NO, PEEWEE--- YOU MEAN ICE HOCKEY I MEAN ICE HOOKY--- I JUST SAW S LUGGO PL AYING ICE HOOKY t'I: N K ,. " 11\ Kt~ R B'l:i\ N Dear BaniAlumni, This month's Alumni ~ spotlight is on Lester Luckameyer, class of '69. HE WON'T GO TO SCHOOL ON A DAY THI$ /CY Lester was just named vice president of regula - ti.on circumvention at tro Carcinoma Chemical Co.! , ,) ~o llJ00\.0 Hf.~R LE1 vs KEEP A O\JCK ~ ~~i ~ t "' ; t ; ? I RM NO\ R \ KNoW-rr-RLL . by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan -~·-------- l • • ... Orang9 Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, robruery 17, 1982 ~ Park City, Utah : a community of contrasts! Uy JANIN t•: f.'IDOEl.Kt: and Dt:NNIS ARP VAttK ('IT\', lltah This 1nl'kv mount:11n town, th.it hu!-. 11111.: hp1•11 c· o m f o 1 t <t b I t• 1 n ,1 Stl'li.011 ,., t n 1ng on a h<trd hat fut "'"·' 'l'ht•f'l' ma~ In• :. ii n• 1 a 11 d C:O !>IH't Ill lhl'lll th:tr Hock 1c·-. hut de•\ t•l111wr-. at P.11i.. ('1\\ Ski \rt'.1 I' ark \\ l'"I anti l>l'l'I \'<.t ill•\ -.k1 '""'"" """' then·., gold 111 t lH· n<:h in run-. for skilled 1111 l' rriwd wt t''. n·I axE>tl t•x pt·rh and h11tltl 111~ h<?glOlll'f'!-. Tht• run-. !-.hoot tlo w.n the 1101 1h and northc•a:-,1 l;11·111g flank-. ol B ,dd .111<1 H.tld E..igl1• '\l ou11ta1n .... t\111 1wai....., th.it -.1t m1111· than H.ooo fl·t•\ .1 ho\1' a "'11"111· ,HJc.· \ J I I l' \ • 11 1• u r l h t• 1·n1 r:111t·1· to .1 ''' 1 l'r 1111111· IHl<'kUt(t.', \\Ith a SI'( day 1111 ltt'kl'I . 111 a rl\'t• t.h1\ 11a1·l-.a~w w1lh lo4r days of 11 '1 !-. The seven and ">IX dµy t•d1tion St art!-. al S:!H3 JH·r 1n·rso11 an Spr.ing I April 3 to May :! 1 anti g1w-. t11 $HOO and ll J> for <'<'tta1n un11-. during C'h n..,tm.1 ... \ho 111 l '.11k ('ti\ ...., I' a I k \\ l'.., f "1-. I I l ' "II I l.111".a lc·d 11, 1• 11111111t1•., from lhc. c-rl\ l'at l-.\\\''I 11ft1•r ., 'kit r-. 1·1·111111111\ ,.., "1·11 .1 ... 1'\l'l'llt·111·1· l 'nl1k1• Dt•l'r Vulln'. l'ul'k\\-1'!--I pus hl'!-. for 1•1·01111111) Th<·t r aim 1s to tr) to prm·1de skier., Oil ltm11l•cl IHl<l~cl!-. thl· opport11111t y for qtwht.> .11 .111 .ifforclnhll· prit·t• Pur l-.\\1· ... t offi1·1.t1 ... t·l.11111 that lht· rn11111 ·~ i.ktt'I'' l>tt \'1• 111 a<·eom11d <.1t11111 1·11,h \\ 111 allo\\ :.in c·xlra d J \ OI \\\\) llll Ull' !-of Opt•-. a 111 h I I I 11 II ' I ' 1 1 I, I I \ \'tll,I)'<' 11•11 \\.ti Ill I lt•I pl a II l'.111 ol 11.11 I ! 11' ':k1 I ,\ 11·11 ., I ",. 1111 "di !11• a11 1•111.11 1•• d h 1111lt·1 I-. 11 • l.11 1111\ llllJll 1111hl1• h .11111 ''"It I "I I u "· I II II ti" (II I II I II tll I ""·'' 1111• 1111k 11111 I"" I I I ~ I p It l ,. .. I .. I ' fl Ill p I I I I' I \ fl .. " 1111d••1 •1111111.t 1•·11h111 • I •>Ill pit•\ I' .11 I, I ,, \ II I I ''" dt11t I lf111 • toft fl<olllol,1111 t t• l.1111 1111., \II 1111 "'I\• a e co -·· • 4 ••••••••• u 4 c 4 y 'i " (iET AWA Y? I\\ ~ lly @11'li} I )I ( Find .'-Our wav with us. f' 1 1 1 I I ,._ ,J,J Ne\vport II< .. ighls 'rravel Service ~11·1< 11•1 1111 :\ •llJ •' 11 \•'\!"l'•I \ U1,1«h •C'allforn1a92663 po\\dt•1 th,11 hlJ11l..t'I-. till' o,lope:-;11111 d l•c·111 ,111•-. th1• a-.p l' 1h1n l' I ht• 1111111· !-.hafb I 11 till.' LI Ul' '>I'll IL 1JI 1•l1t1 ... t .1pµ1·,1I t h1• 111.111 ..igt•llll'lll .11 D1·1"1 \'.till'\ h..i~ '11\\ 1.•d lo I 1 Ill 1 I . l h l' n ll Ill "l' r 11 I .,k I• '"" to 3,000 :"l:o 1m1· "111 h:t\t' to \\,111 l;•llJ.!l'l th.111 ll\l' lllllllllC!-. Ill Jiii I if I l11w \\.di-. Ul!-> \\Ill h:i \'l' \11 l.ikl· pol l1wk \;ic.1t111n1•1' ,II(' ,l(f\I 1tf Ill 1 l''•'I \I' fil l I 11 kl"! 11 d .I I -. I II .1 cl \ ,I 11 t t' P;irk\\t''I 11ft1·1..., Jll l \Pl'' nl ... kl tc·1 r.11n \\II h "'\'('11 tl1111hh· !'hJll ltfh 1-'01 tho"' \\ho pl t•ft•f :111 l• ... 1,1hl...,h1·d .,kr rt•!-.111t thi.11 h ..... h1·1·n ..1r11u11d 'llll'l' HJfi:I I twn I' a rk ('II\ Skt \r4'i.l , ... tht• pl iH'I' l'.111-. Ctt \ Ski An•.1 ., t1•11 ;11n 1-. 1d1.,t1 for .111 .t h I I I I \ I l' \ ,. I ... !'-.I\ I \ l' I J.! ft I I I :t ti., t I I 110\ 11·1· :1~ 1111t-rnwd1:.ll1 · a nd ·i,, 1·\1w11 • r.irnlilt- th r 1111 gh ""i'''n -. and " i II l' ... " ..... 1 lj I d \\ I ' .I t h I' r l ' d m I II I' hu 1 ld111 µ' and 111.1..:11t11t·l·11t \ 1-.tas I' ' I' I I II I I I •• Ill --------------------------------------- N (' -.1 I 1 'Cl ;.1 Ill I <I I h (' ... now <'<.1p1wd o,plt•11dor of l h (' \.\-,1 0, a\ di I ,111 g I' I' <I r k (' I I \ l "I .1 commu111t\ of t·11h trao,1., ( · h a rm 111 g \' 1c·t 111 1 an '-\l"Utllllt'!-. lhat \\I'll' built \\llh m1n111g nw111•\ bc•forc· the.• turn 11f lh1· c.·c•ntu rv ha \'t• hPt·n )Ol ll{'d h\ ('(i1Hl11n 1111111111 ' and o t h1·1 dl'\ t'111pm1·nh that arc.· thl' hallmark., 111 a bur~l'on111i.: n •o,111 t Of th1• thr1•e ... i..1 rc.·-.orh l•'<tlun·d .II l'ark t'ttv. l>t1·1 \,1114'\ 1., llw II I' ~\ l' !-. t 11 l' \\ ., ll'' t J 11 d HfT.,.,11 .... 1 D 1•1•1 \',tllt·\ '' I h I!-. \ I .1 1 ., II ff I(' I .1 I g 0 I l .. g I' t t h l' I I rnountJ 111 , .... p ,. "1 .i I I 1 cl 11 1 1 n.: \\ 1•1·l-.1·11d-. .ilid lt11l 1d:" ... \ ... " 11"•111 t fl1•1,. \.die\ ofll'I"., lhP f1n1• ... 1 Ill l111lgtll).! .111d d111011• ... Ill)\\ 11.1 1 I.. \ 111;11.:1• ·" lfl\ 11.1...,1· 11! till' lllt•Ulllillll o lf1•r' \\ho1I 1111ild 1111h 111 I .tllt•d I h1• \11 11"• f!1 .. , 111 1 a I 1 I 1•n 1 ti 111111,! Ttw \l.1t qH1.,a Ill''' .111rant .11 ""'''I I 1k1 \ tli.tL'I' 1111 111 ·!1 ti lh• h )1111 '""' 111a 1 k ,..., .1 J.!11urm1•t tl1 111 I ... tlt·I ··Ill llflll'I'\ lllJ.! 11\l'I Ill llllft•" or r 11 n ., I h 1 • 11 1 • \\ "la11 g hlrrh1111"' lift o p1·11., lll.iJ.!lltl11·1•nl ..,i.,, 11·11 .1111 for .111\1·ntu11111' sk lt'I' \lth1111g h l'ark\q·-.1 .i ....... 11111 1111111 lh 1· n11r111J1•1 •11 .... k11•1.., on the .,l•qw-. tl11• r 1•-.11rl hoa;.1 -, .1 ltll !'apat·tt) of 5.800 -.li.11·r., pe1 l111ur wit houl 1'111" lilt lt111·' 1'.11 k\11· ... 1 ,11-.o 11111·1., llHitl l-.1111~· \\llh 11111• l1.:h1t-d 1111i-. """"I II\ 1111 .. d1111hl1 1·h;111, 11)11 I ii Ill! •Ill l'r td.i \ .111 .J ....... 11cl,I\ 111 ).!h h 1 IH 11111-. ' ... \ I 1 •llll ' ..... , 111 1111 11111 t11.111 l.111 .111"11 .it lh1. IJ.1..,1 u{ I ht• "I 111•:1 I ht· H1·1I I' I II • I h ·' I I' I .... ·' \I lh'f l \.t1l11 1 111 IH1\11h1111 .... 1dl1•1 lh1• I I .1 \ ' I ' I I "ti • .. ... Ill " " I I I I " \ 11 I \ .1 t 111\lllllll 11111flt, .tll111d1f.lt 1'111 1 ., \\1111rJ 1111r11un1 ... \\ 1111 h f1".Jlur1· 1111 1 111 n J.! I 111·1o1 I at' c•., "pnt't()TI., II\ l rm-..ire.is. C"'Onl j)IP"flw n t el t.• g a 11 t C In tnp n l 11 ;ill 1110111-. I h 1· \' 1· 1 \ ., 1• 1· 1· I a I 1·ha ll1•11g1• 111 ti.>ll <.1t·r1·' of 11111•11 '"'"I 'k iln~ 111 tlw Sc·ot t .ind I up11t·1 lloy, h 1.. I I \ I ' 11 h I g h p1•1 l111111, lll'I ' dl.ttrltfh I \11• 111 llw111 t11pl1· ... and \\ t' ., I 1 · I II \ 11 II r I l' ,1 " 111111 ,.,, ~·1111d11l.1 p t fl\ 1d1· .11·1 , . .,., 111 I l.1h.., l.11 ~~1· .... 1 .,i.,, .i11•.1 l '.11 L. <"111 Sl-.1 ·\It .1 1"11\l'I :.! ;!IHI ,111 1•' 11n t ht l·.,1 ... lt'1 11 -.li11Jl'" nl I I I h ... \\ I ..... 1 I ( It \J.111111.1111, \ '"' ltl l 111'1\t•I ;ti l'.11 k < '11 \ Siu \11·a • ,....,,.., 11.11 111 q111 ti Ii 11 ~• I llld h11111•·110.1d• I 11 I I• ( '111111·1 S lo111 ltt I" 11111 I'll• 11111 '.o1 .. 1 tf ·'' 11 ... f'.tl k I 11 \ .11 I 1 I hi11 1'11!.111\ 1-.1 \111 II f f • I I ... 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I)(' I' I \'alll'.' 1:-d1•...igrwd for lhn ... 1· \1ho d11n·1 11111111 'hl'll111g Olll lll•l\lllllllll bu c· k., Io 1 111" '1 m 11 m plt•a:-,)ln• l111·pl ..i 11·~ <'111111 111111 ... tulh 1·q111pp1.·rl t1·lt•\ 1..,1110-..' 11·l1·ph11ne l..11 dwn.., th.11 1111'11ul1· .111d l.i1111cln r.11 111111... 11111l..1t.111• .ind t1 .... h1•' :\I II!'-I II f l h ,. I ht· ··h.il1·l -. """ 11111clo1111n111m <. ta :1\ 1• 1111\11!11111'" l.111 .11 Stlfl 1.t111111 ... 0 1 ho.i tut, .. .111 1~·h1 l11tlll'l11111rl'·.1 1111.111·tl111tlw 11111t ·11111 t••11 11 h111t·I " llf'111g \ d :11 ...... i..1111).! ... lll'll 1ol.11111• ol 111 1111'1 l',l"I' \ ,dlt•\' """'"' :-.~>11 1111 .1n ;111·11111m111l.1 J 1011-. .11tu11 · "11 t11r a d11ttl I:! \ .... 1-1 lift 111 kl"! .11 111<1 :-11110~1·1 "' for ,, f',1rk\\1'"I 1·11.,1 ... :)It 1111 "'111111 111111 11 '·, .inti 111 .idult "• lor .11·htlcl 1'.! l-'111 till' l!JXI X:.! "•ao.,on l'a1 k ('111 ha' t·\flill\ll('tl lh """'ll11.1l-.111g to ll\t'f ·•.10.11·11· .. "1th add1111111al , 11 \ •·l'.1.t.!" 1111 Sunrl\ ~ult· t :i I hHll· c '111 1111' F.Jt.·1• or 11111 ... 111·1 loll .11111 l'arlt·~ ·., I' .11 k "~· I.-tJJ t C tr1• lf•t I t II • 11' !-.h,.111 ••11 •111•, 11 olr1111 ·' ltl I\ 11111 .111ol 1111111•1' h I' Ill .1 11 I l'f<;t•\\ lt1 11 ft l '.11 I-. I it\ \I :-.h.11111011 '" .. ,1 )1 IO " I 111 \\ t 1 1 rat.: I 11-. i I•• ' 1 \ , "11 ii-, 1)1 ''" « ol , I For lht• -.l-.11·r. 1>1·1·1 \'allt•\ '"" 11ff1·1 lh•· llla'<1nw1n 111 ... i..1111g fun Th1rt' 111 thl' HO 11111' plannt•d .1r1· .tlrt•<tcl\ npc·ra1111J! "1th the• full rlo\\ t'l'lllJ.! or I hl· r1· .... nrt a clflll'O \'JI ... ,I\\ ii\ Tht· .., 1-. II fl 1. I ' I 1 ,11 I II 11 l.1 I'\ n Id 1• 1 .1 n <I '11t111 L:t· r .) \\11 \ ... t.11 111 on1 , f t >1·1·1 t h11" 111111 • '1· anti '" 0 1 111 I I'\ fl :1 II ., Ill II \\ h I l It 11 •' C ,1 11 l J.., I ... 111111111·1 flll th1 "'"' ,\11·,1 I II ""' ()ft II I' \\ti l l1l· t'lllll pit It•<! tl11' 'lllllOH'r I h 1., .1111 1111npl1•I<' th•· I I I .... I p h .J :-, l' () f l h t· :i "" 1 • ... ,, '" 11 I I ' dillt'I 'I.id Ill I'\ I ,111 I 500 35 MOTOR HOMES . ··~., ... ,.., •8••~ • 8,._,.bo,d W•"'Ct•r'°'1q• •Cn•m~ • Conhf\f't'll.tl C 'U•'f'' • Cron Countty •(I 0oflldo •EtKUI••"' •f.~,, .... .~,, • lt11•C• • lt1 P•lm1 M.-gni Va" .... llliicL ,~ .... • M4da" • Mon1t0f by Holiday R•mbltt1 • o. ..... l\CI • PK&A,,ow •Pronto • A4P¥C:Ofl • S.ndtM?t' • Sou1nwlnd • SPOt1t r:oac,, • Spont~' • Sw1n9.,, • T111n \ .dl1·1 ... r11nd11m1n111111... d ,1' p ,.., ... , ... in· ·""' ""I \I'"'' j h.11 I • 111\·ul\1' <I 't\Prl 111J!!hl ,l\,1tl,1hlt• ltl'.\ II i; 141/111 TRAVBLAND ~o~o~ different models to choose from. many ditferenl ttoorp(ans, colors and pnce ranges. acres ot Motomomes. Campers Trailer&. 5th Wheels Tent Trailers & Camper Shells. TRAVEL TRAILERS & PARK I MODELS - • All.l • Alt') Aly • A peR41•1 • A"to M.t•• .... .,,, .., C~• C•mo • C'pirst1 tno •C•n~ • COA1:hman • Ctt·flllf •Ht lv • t<om•oo • Kountry 4tt• • LllV'CI" • fwon • (u:;•I •"i1•ctoi~ .. Nu We .__1.u~· • ),.• P.,.o • p .. ., .. ,, .. If'~ • ~ 'f',lf\ ll"!t#tntho '"'' • '-\fa A ,,, ... • Prf>Wk:, • no"'d Runn~ • Royao lnh·,,,•Uon•I • Sha•la • Sunradil1 • Komfor1 • 'Quru1 • l(ounl"' •• ,. • f.rry • l,.OylOI' • Tr•Yel l~• • MObtffo T• n"9t • Wlelllnw•• 115 of the best known brands in lhe business Yoo can see touch. srt & sprawl in allot em. 30 compeht1ve, high volume-low overhead dealers make 11 easy to save 0 MINI MOTOR HOMES • 9,. • .,,.f ... ~ ..... , • 8rnu91>•"' ~ _...., •CtJ.te~n ~ U~ •Covn1ryCem..-1 '. :&==-A.2~ • Doll>""' ________,;,, ~ • £1 D<"edo • E tl•b4•~tvnflnl •Ha"'.-.' • tt<Jn.,.y • ll•t<.• • JitmtH>t,.... • ICountry A,.,... • ltuvt~ C•ett •L>Mr • MObt~ lr.hf'1"' • Mofteco • Morut0t by Holl""r Ronll>i.• • 0¥ttt1 "° • R•fty• • Spo'1.cr•tt ·~·fl·A~t • TW'J9.t • 1.:lq.t 4 fft)A • Town A Coun1ty • lt.t'!"\ A11~ • ''""'!,/"'" • lt#\' I r1.11 . "'""'",. • VAO.-• • W1nnflh•qo TENT TRAILERS • 9,.,,,."., • Starc".rAH • COft>men • Vf6nhnt" • Jeyro • V1tunq • Patom•no UTILITY TRAILERS COMMUTER & SHUITLE BUSES CAMPERS A CAMPER SHELLS ......_ ~' : :":': ~g, -s- • 8*tha-ny ~ • C"ulfOf'n H.ttd fciJl • Cu~tom IC.11 •fout W~ • ffber c .. ,,., • ~,M_,• •P1lq.-•m • RN\1 4 8 nu1 • Sii P.c •Snug'°" • StoO,l.tna •USA • Wi-•I._.,,, Wf'ICS.-..nt·\ VAN CONVERSION<; \ WIDE BODIES • Orovg,,.tm • s .. nqe, • ''•"" s,., • f,lf'lt V•n HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS • M~ .. , • Turnbow • Mon.101 oy H()l<day RMnblff PLUS ... LARGEST SELECTION OF USED R V.'S IN THE US A Motor Homot • Mlnt'1 • Travel Trelltrs • Campefl • Tent Trallera • 51h Wheels BUFFALO NICKEL RESTAURANT • KIDDIE KORRAL •• for the Youngatera Whitt You Shopt TENT TRAILER RENTALS • MOTOR HOME RENTALS • COMPETE RV SERVICE• LARGE PARTS & ACCESSORIES STORE! -, .. ... Corn 11. MISSIOll·FREE .ERS CHEOUES ) .. ~ra Offr·rs 'Them f, E:€ ln More Currencies A11yor '! EJse. 0 .. ... U.S. ; .. ~t. I•,! fot ; J•. 1 1lrJIJy l. 1 IVC.tn .. .. '~ i. > • • ... • ... ~: • : ·!i l I 11. 1 C1:ln ter. l ':·1. -,\V( ry, I I I '-f:' I•• 1 ,,, , PU I''"" •1tl11•J I ... '·· llf'lt tll ..... ti1t111Hhl1 ~ .... "' tll't·lll-'llhi •• •••• ,1&.. oi:: 111 th,,_ 111 /11 M•011·thlu• •hh•h1 • •t•· :, ,, ... 110 ut •• t "'' t •tu .... ,,.,., tlN111n.tlllff) w fd IJu1uold1. lu\.uruH .. t \l•h •u ... :l. tf .. ,,. tu.o 1t01I , '' .. "'''. ,,( 1u11ttnrr tout tw•nna !). (h-.11u11tut1, • '' dlnu • ttf l•tn .. ltf\ tuul t lutn-u trr '" hll\ furro ul nrH•U• ur l1tf'rt4q "'l'""''"' .. 'n I , 111 111 1)0 ftl.o-.r, au11f m•lt'•• 111 n 1tr• "'untf•n .....-•kln tmf14 •h• ti h't tfh • h""'' 4 .. ,.., UMll\ l'iln• ... r .. San Diego· has more to offer than the Zo 8)• NAN('\' llEWITT D•lly ''"" S11«t•I 5-cllont Writer Su n l>1cgo a \ acat1on<.>rs Jli..lradtsl'" · Y u u . v (' g o I l o b l' kulclrng," I thought lo nl\i-l'lf If I want lo look al anrnmb 1"11 drive lo l.agunc.1 l111Js. home uf I.ion Country Safari If I "'ant to <•n1oy an ocean \'l('W. I" II t•at luneh ut a rcst:rnranl overlooking Newport Ba.v (;in• nw a \H't'k in Ila\\ a11 Or t•vcn better. ~l ("flllSC to tht• ('..irihht·an Now that-. rn\ 1dt•:.i 111 ,1 v;wat111n jhll <ldlSl' But I""" \Hong :.ibout San l>wgo Tht•n· · s a lot moit• to tht· e1t' than St .i \\•>rid ,ind ttw Zoo T h l' m a1 11 r t o u ri s t attrac·tion ... in San Dit•go 111rl11d1• the• Sun Diego Zoo, onl' ol the largest /00'> 111 lhl' \\lll'ld \\1th m t•1 :1.~10 .1111rnab of 800 -.pt·tu•-. Sea World. an >!fl a1 11· rn·1-.111anum :.ind rna111w lilt• 1·1•ntcr \~1th ,, n 1 m ,, I ... h u " s . m.1nn1· 1111· l"\h1h1h r1d1·s .• 1 duldren s pl.1\ground and 1 t•s1•.ireh and tnC'flical l.111... San 1>11·gn Wild .\111rnal l'ark.·u p r rs l' n · t• for .., l' v • • r a I ran• Slll't'll'S of animals . Thl' ht"·\l plarc to st art th<· dl'l\il' is thmnlown at t hl· II roadway Pier on lta1 h111 l>11vc heading north Wh1h• at lht• Pier. 'ou rn 1ght "ant to visit thl· l\lant1mc Museum wh1<"h t·ons1sh of three ..,hips tht• Star of India, l h t• o I ck s l m c r r h a n l ' l' s i-I t· a f I o :.i l , t h e l't•rrvhc1ut lkrklt'v and t h l'. s l l' ii Ill p ()",'('I' t: d Mt•<ka. u luxury yaehl hutlt 111 Sl'utlund during 19(11 .\l ... o let1\·mg from the B1 oJdwa\ Pier are one- .ind two hour rru1scs of th1· harhor Or mavbc ~m1 \\Ould prd<•r taking a ha rho r l n p on l h l' I! l' n d l' 'I ' o u s . a bngantin1· square rigger \\ h 1 l' h · " a 1 I s o n t h e harbt>4' fur l\\o hours It I t' a v l' s f r o m t h c Sht•r,1lon I larbor Island dol·k Or \011 can t:.ikc a t r 1 p o n t h c padclll• \\ht•cler Bahia lklll' '' h1<:h lt'<l\'t's from l ht• Bah 1 a ltot c I dot k l' ' t• t \ ho 11 r u n l h e half hour · If ~ 011 re looking for <Ill llltl'l'l'Sllllg pl:JC'(' lO shop or t·;il . ynu should visit Seaport \'illagt>, a H at·rt• !-hopping and <I 1 n 1 n g c· o m p I e x ~­• •• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. February 17, 1982 •• Seven Seas Travel • Personal Service • Knowledgeable • Computerized ~ 714 )645·7777 . Ellicent 149-C Riverside Ave•Newport Beach S' 1:1.do ~ ~, :l.:n.c. 3404 via lido rzewpo-rt beach california 92663 Specializing in Cruises --------- COSTA MESA .TRAVEL AGENCY All • SIA • IAIL • CIUllll • TOUIS SINCf 1955 111' 0.. of Oranee c:...ty'a 1or.-trow! oeenc* 111' .... Newpotf t.odl, ~ lfoch, COtOftO o.I ""-· f.otuno, COlfo Meta, IMrle, Sol'IN Ano 111' 12 e11pe1ie11c9d trow! coumeton ~ ~ ,_ \OCllioft teMce . TlcUh, h°'9ll (Of ........... do"'9llk ' wottdwide I . NEVEi A SERVICE CHARGE I WE HOHOI MOST CUOIT CAIDS I 646-4431 I 230 E 17th ST., COSTA MESA (Ample Parking Rear of Building Calif. 1st Bank) a n d () I ti T 11 '' n • I h l' l111·a t wn uf t ht• f1 r~t J)l·rm JOl'llt r-:urop(•an ~l·ttlt·mt•nt 111 ''hat 1s no\\ (".ihforr11a , n· t·n·.at111g a harbors1de ~-------------------------------+------------------------------ \c·rorchng to Patricia ll..11 dl·n of Sun DH·gu ('011\ l'nt1on and \"1sitor., llu 11•;111. Old Tim n 1s San l>it•go ... nH1~ por11lar 1111111-.t allrnl't1on. I .>'I'd Tm\ n 1s 111sl \\hat tlw nanw 1mplit•s a It•\\ n 11•mm1-.c·Pnl of th1· rn lll I HOOs ~Lin v of t ht• b11tltl111gs \\t'f'l' Ill faC'l ln111t dunng tht· 1800'> inti h,1\1' 1•1tlwr het•n pn•..,1•1\.l'fl111 l't"'tort•cl l1wl111kd 111 Olcl To\\n '" t ht• olrl<'"l adobe still ... 1.1111l111g 111 S;1n Diego, \IH· ... 111· ... ol th(• f1r...i 1111 ,.,,..11111 and fort. lht' 1·11, s l1r .... l µubl1t: .., t' ho o I ho u s 1• and a m11l11tud1• ol 1nlt•rc·sting ... h11p .... incl rt'"' a111".inh B11t lht·11• ... ,1 lot mc11c tw .. 1111' to thl' t'll~ lh<1n 1 t-. Ii 1 rt hp I a c· c· L 1 kc· \l i ...... 111n San Diego Dt• \ I t'itl a t h I' f II " I o t t "" 1 I Cl I n I il ... 111 i ...... , fl n ... "hll'h \\as lo11ndl'cl in liti!t Or th<' (ah1tll11 '\/at 1~nat :\1om1mcnt on l'oinl lm11a Tilt· monunwnt 111!1·1.., .a .., pl'("l.ll"lfl .. II \IL'.\\ Ill the I'll) and tht• harbor 11 111rnml•m11t alt'" thl• • dl..,('fl\l'I \ of tlw c·oao;l ol l' .ii If o r n 1 a h ~ .J u J n H11t.h il!ut•1 C..1hnl111 The ... 11c• i..., t1b11 tlw home of t ht• h1 .... tone San D1t•J!n l.1ghth01hl' \\hll'll \\<IS first Ill 1n 18:15 Thl·rt• 1s also a \'11nt ,1gp pmnt to ohs1·n1· lhl' annual rn 1 g 1 .it 111 n .., 11 f gr a \' \\halt·s from lkl'cmbcr through t· ~IJruan , The· pt•rft·l·t rout<' f1>r i.:c t11n~ to Po111t Loma 1s t ht• 52 milt· scenic drl\ 1• Tht· <!rive offe1 s .... n"ltl l' h 1 <'at h ta k 1 n J.: \a·\\.., 11( the cit\ Jnd the Ol'l'illl a111I tnn.\'cn1entJy gut'" I hru11gh or b~ m<1nv of San lhcgn·s tittraC'tion.., -· ..,l'lt1ng uf a ct•ntury ago Tht· 'illa)!l' features fT\i•rt• than 70 ... hops and r1·...i.1ura11t.., 1n three cl 1 .., t 1 n 1· t 1 \ e p I a z a s dt•srgnt•d to c·apturt• lhl' look and ft•t·I of old ~11rnt1·rt·~. \'1e torran San F 1 .1 n c· 1 ... c· o a n d i radi11onal ;\1l•x1t'O 1-· 1 o m t h e Emahrc·adt·n1 tht· drl\'l' "'111 t c1kt• 'ou to II arbor I .incl ~hl·lt1·r 1:-landb. out I to thl• tip of Pc11nt Loma. to :\l 1-.-.11111 Ba) .\quallr I' ark ,\11 s-.1011 Ba) 1s a pl a' ground F1sh1ng . \\alt•r-.1<11ng boating :.ind gol11ng are ,all ... , ailabl1· hl'rt· :\11ss1on B:n ,.., abo th•· hnme of S\'<; Wmld Tlw drl\t' tht•n goes up through I.a Jolla and h <i t· k do" n I h r o u g h :'\I i-.-.um 11a~ again. so ' o u c· a n t u l a 1 on...,1<lt·rublt· amount of I 1h1· clrr\1• off in :\11ss1on I Ba' ll\ fullo"' 1ng the drl\ t· 111111 Old T1rnn I Jol'1'1t1ll Ohl To,.,..n . the driv<· '' 111d .... into Balhou P <1rk homt• of lhl' San l>tt•go Zoo Bui Balhoa 1•,trJ.. holcls man) other point-. ol intt•n•c;l L1kt• t ht• :\lu ... l•um of Art. the \lu<.C'um of ~an , lht· 'atural l11 story ~1 u ... l' 11 m a n d t h e lh>u lwn 11 Fl{'\.'l Spure Th c a I t· 1 :.in ct Se 1e11 r l' I 't•ntt•r From Balbo<.1 Park , thl' <In\'(' continues on through ctnwnto\\ll San 1>1t•g11 ;incl hack to the Emharc·.idern In <lo" n to"" n San ll1c•i::o \OU II find the c:as1<1mp Quarte r , a s1xll•en bh1rk :'llallon:.il ll 1stnr1c 01strirl. I t c·onta1ns the largest eoll<•tt1ons of Victorian J r t' h 1 t {' c· l u r c• 1 n S a n D1C'go 'IJeRtl£•d bctwetn tltt mountcun.'I 011 Cllt' east and the PClc1ftc on tlie west . San Diego ts the second largt•.'lt c1t11 m the State of Calrjomw W1 tll o c:ltmate tluit'.'I close to P"'f"CI all 11car rnund. Son• Dit>grJ ts tlw tdeal .'lp<>I for ar111 act11;1t11 Skiincj is Fantastic!!! ~~ Mwawtolh:-10411 base, new snow Snow Summit: 4511 base Sun Valey, Idaho: Park City, Utah: 7511 base,, .. new snow 9311 base, I" new snow Jackson Hole, I IO" base, Wyo.: 6" new snow J . Aspen, Coloraclo:S6"base ·-·squaw: 4' base, 8" new ~""° __,~ _ ____...____ snow Sales & Repairs 2 700 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach • Calif. 631-3280 Heavenly5.7• base, 1411 Valley: new snow NEWPORfl *SKI * COM PAN~ Rentals 2500 W. Coast Hwy. ·Newport Beach Calif. 631-3144 Ethel Moody gave more than 6,000 free blood pressure tests last year. . I Has yours been checked recently? + Lots of folks call Ethel, Miss Blood Pressure. because shes one of the Red Cross volunteers who gives free blood pressure tests Htgh blood pressure ts a silent disease.:· warns Ethel Generally, there are no symptoms The only way to tell if you ve got 11 is :o have your blood pressure taken·· A.bout 3S mill.ion Amencans have htc~h blood pres· sure It's a leadmg cause of stroke. heart disease and kidney problems. • Prompt treatment reduces that danger In most people, high blood pressure can be lowered and kept under control When was the las111me you had your blood pres· sure checked' If you can 1 remember it's been too long Call yow doctor Or call us American RedCI'088 Together, we can change things. we•tt give You S7oo to forget your next 7 pa71U.ents 7 MONTH.S. PAYMENTS • . Plus Income GUARANTEED We'll Pay ALL Repairs! Call Collect 714•559·4448 or 1 ·800-854-0399 Outside Calif. .. •• , •• DALE'S RV RENTALS, INC. Est. 1972 San Francisco • Denver • New York · Ft Lauderdale • Los Angeles • On Ou•llfylng AV• I PD Directly To Your B•nk ' To Learn More About A Vacation With Lots To See. Lots To Do. And :. __ -Lots to..Enjoy...Call UsJ~daY-----.....- IJN;Tff E-GO TRAVll SERVICE YOUR FULL SERVICE TRAVEL AGENCY IN THE SOUTH COAST PCAZA FOR RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION, CALL: ~2363 " ..... ~11.,.. er-. CM•• o.i1., flllol, , •. "·'4,Mef'dlt, It, ne -..i. 'ICTli"..a aUMNIU tt.,._tTAT11•NT Th• fo1tow1111 ,.rtol\ h hlno WeiMM•: IO• FAttltAN /FA•llAN PUll.ICAT I ONl/GA•Y I . ll.l.9'TON/JOHN I LLIOTT, UJS Wor111r A-. S..ltt F, ,._, .. ,, Yollty, <;.41o"'°' JAlllllS WAINW llllGH T "LANAGAN Ill, 7tt1 Nlm1'941 Drive, HllMll\tlOrl llMelt, CA ftM7, Thlt N!Mlt It <Olldliel9d 11\1 en Incl Iv 14\olltl, J-W F't-Tlllt "9""*" Wet ltlecl wllll t,_ c-1., c;11r11 Of Or•"tlt Covnt't on '"· tt, Ult. "'"" • Plil>llt-°'"""" Cot~I Delly Pilol, ...... 0 , '4, MercltJ, 10, .. ., 7S7"'2 • ll'U9UC AUCTIOlt llOT~O,IAUI 0, Nau< ,.CM'll•TY NlllU It N••~ t i¥" llltl I ... ,llfCllHlllt D••••tl'llllH ti Ill• MllllU"'"" a.Mii City Sc:llMI Oltlrkt. Wiii Mlf • '°'*k AllCllM .., the .... ~lw!Mll• ,.,._11y, fn<llHllllf• ...,. Mt .... te, , t..i l>kt. U• Trwo, t fltlll , .............. ,,. e...n_..cet k'-"""'"~e IATUlllOAY. ,_llllUAlllY ''· IWit; INl,ICTION l lH • "' , IALI STAlllTS t·• .. m.; LOii t. HAllllllY ~IAlllO tCHOOI.., 1001 CltAl.1111111 LAHI . HVNTfNGTOilil•e1 Ac H. CAl"O•NtA. All e•-•11-..ot'fH '"cert-.,,. ,_., ...... ,_ ....... ., .. .,.. .," ... fllCTITIOU,aUtOtlH ttAMa ,,., ...... , Tl•• lotlW lllf -Mftl llt t1.i114 ...,., ........ YI OLD I CLll\NINO l!ITAILllH.M I NT, U 711 Allclt' ,.,, •• ., .• o. L.--Hiii•. CA mu. 1 11100 SUM. INC., e Ct ll•"'• ,.,_••Mill. nDA-....... ...... tffcll, CA _,, Tiii• Ml-I• Ctftf\Kttf -~ e (tfllOf'•llaft l!lllQ0$UM. INC Oevld8.CM1'11, ""'"°"'' Tlllt ........... , ... lllecl wlllt Ii.. Ct1111t y Cltr\ t<1 Ot-Ctllfll'f Oii J _. H, 1'11 W<UMf\11 ....... All lttml lllt Ml4 ,1116M .,. 111 "ft It" -"wlw,. It" Milt, 1"11911.,_. °""""" c .. .st Delly Plltt, -... OINr"1INlll•111 ........... Jtll "· .... I, It. U, 1W7 41)4:1 Wfbll tf I~ H le lllt <-It .... tr '"-W IM w PW._ .. 1111 I'""• fOf ..... -no tlt lm ,., •ny •ll•w•nc• Or °'4Y<tl01\ uPo11 •uclt -------------t"""'41t Will be ,_ .. fff .,,., IN tuet-1\111>1111\e.t""" e<C.l)tecl ttOTICI Oft T•un1•·t 1ALI l.OAlt "°· ,., li'1y_..c '"lull ,.,,...I lie m-t• tlle , Oltlrl<t M Ille lime Of tM Mii, -Ille t r-et lflet time ""nottu "In e«ord with Sect*' tf tlw Celltw11le E-.etMfl c-. orNr Of Ille &o.rd of TrvJt"' ol II• Hunllnoton 8HCll Chy SCltoot DltlrlC1 , ....... 1~4 T.O SEllYICE COMflANY et ollly •-9nlld TNI'" -ti. lotlowlftt dtt<rl--Of trust WILL SELL Al PUlllC AUCTION TO THE HIGH E ST 81006 11 ,OR CASH CP•Y•blt •• llnM of tell '" tewlul money ol Ille United st•llll •II r'91tl, tilt• al\d ln11'9tt '4111,..Yecl '4 •nct now ,..Id l>V 11 vnOw .. .,, Deed of Trull In Ille prof)H1y 11e..inte11M -rl- Brl.,, G .. lel'IO, CN!rll Ol Ille c;ow,ntng Boera Dlllrkl, 0r .... c-1y, Calllor11I• Pvt>ll....., Oranoe Co.st D•lly Piiot, F.-11,?4,lta_ 7"'42. TAUSTOfl WAit REN E WORTH, e Jlngta m111 B E N EFICIA•Y HOSSEI N ITATIMalff ~ WITM•UWAI. ''"* li'A.nte .... IP O ... UTl .. UMM• fllCTITIOUt aUMMI .. MAMI , ... ~--Ml ...... •-•• • 1•11ere1 Ptrl.11er t rtm tllo •••lllertlllfl o,.rell119 1111-.r U1e llClllltll• M!Mh ,..,... ti Mffllt Smell """-' v_....,., lenrle• at -Plflllll, U.-.._II, CA .... , ... Ttl• tk tlllo11• •11atneo ••m• ---.., lllt ..,._.,., ........ on Jen JI. , ... In the C:e1111ty et Of•~ ~ult H•ll'I• e11d Addrtn 11! tll• PtrMn WltllOr-lnt: .Mer,11 l.'fllll l 11'worlll, IU ll'll•r•kt lley, L•Oull• IHCll, CA .,.,. """"' l.11<a ,OVM .Mer,11 L l llt_.. ,. '"4tt Pul>ll"*' Or.,... Coell Delly flllllt. Jt11 n • .ir .... >. •o. 11. "" •S4-a N""1• fltc:TITIOUS IUMttl•t NAME ST A TUollCMT Tit• lollowtng P••t"1 h folnt l>utlrleU H 1.0WAROS ENOINEERINO ANO CONSULT ING CO , HU YuUn Aven ... , C•te Mne, CA fle1'. MARK 1.0WAAOS, J074 Vjlll ... A .. nve. C.NI Mne. CA m» Tltlt bonlnMt Is ~Ofldu<lael tly All lllCll•kl\MI "'-r11 Edwy eb , HOME FIRES BURNING Dozens of wood stoves cast billows of smoke over a Lown east of Syracuse. N.Y . Sc ientists are studying how Ali' ......... much of a threat Co human health are the wood-burners. fllCTITIOUS IUSINEU ltAMAE STAT•M•ltT "ICTITfOUS IUSINIU Tit• following penon• r re oolnq ttAMAESTATaMl!ltT blislnena• B AN I HASH EM t •nd NAHIO S HAHAOKH V BANI HASHE MI, llutbend •Ml wife encl ALI A El.A BANI HASHEM!, their •on •nd NEGAR BANl·HASHE M I, lllelr da1191tt .. •II •• jOtftl 1-nt' Aecordlocl J ..-e t. ,,., Al l11ilr No. ,,.._. In -1"°'2, -!AO of Ofllctat Recoro• 111 Ille otfk • of 1lte AtcorCIH Thi• , .. ......,,, 'Was lllecl with UW C0<.11\IY Cler'll ol Or-County Oii Jen 10, 1"1 ""IJM Put>ll~lled Or-co .. 1 D•llY Piiot, J ... "· l'.O >. 10, "· • ., d 1-t21 NIUC •Ta The lollo•lftll pert0n• •r• dolnt1 HARBOR STAI\ MMtlNE, 160J.C I, ... ,_Fragrant but a hazard "'1•lnn1et: Superior Ave nue, Co st• M•se • SAIL AWAY 80AT REPAIRS, 1ttO C•lllornla '2U7 Witt 11111 St.-, >ta, Cftl• Mete, J olln P. Giie!\, •t~ -ro Orive, Cellf11rnlen.27. Rencllo P•tot YetclH, Cetllornl• ten74. Aol>.,t C. Scllmldl Sr., lJJt C .,ollne A Gtlc~. UU 8urr1l11g Tr-. c .. one, Calllorrtl• MQntro.Of'tve, Rancho f!•I°' V .. det, t1720 C•lllornlt 'OV4 O•vld L PlflroM St .• ,.,. OiaN , Tltlt butlnttl I\ <-"''"' l>y ... ol Ore nee C-ly, u.kl -of tru1t '-------------- dH<rllN•llle IOI-Ing or~y "ICTITIOUS •USIN•H l!XHl•IT "A" HA.Ml: STATl.MUIT PARCEL I: Unit No. 7 •> t ltown •nd Tiie lollowl'IO Ptrton It doing dttcrtbed In U. Condominium Pl•" l>•nlneu •• re<or-on July l, l'llO, In 8-1:i.st. • EMILY GAIL LIMITED, 7412·8 P age• 1 llJ lo 1211, lnC1u1lva, ol Sl•ler A-Huntonoton llNCll, CA Olflc lal Recordl of u.lcl COliftty. '2~1 W oOd smoke from heating stoves. a pollutant, experts $ay RIVtf\ldl. Celliomla 9"01 lncllvlduel F•-., Et Selem, ,.,. OlaN, .Jofln P Glkll Rl•trUde,Clllfornl•9"07 Tltll " .. _. Wet llled "'"" .... Thia t>UtlntH I• conduct•d by • Counly C••rk ol Or•n .. C0<.1nty on PARCEL t An undivided one E M ILY CO" WYETT , HO lltlrty·nlnllt 11/>tlll) tnler .. t H a P aulerlno Awn.,.. P 10.. C~t• MeM. ••n•nl In UWN'nofl 10 tltt , .. lnlArHl In CA tUU By The Associated Press The pall which som etimes • settles over Old Forge, N. Y .. the I c old es t haml e t in th e I Adirondack Mountains. looks 1 like fog ,but StJ'leUs like s moke. The acrid odor ma}' be a whilf Qf a growing pollution problem - wood-burning stoves. "When you 'r e driving into town now, there's almost a haze o n a co ld night when e ve r ybody's woo d s tove is churning away," says Robert Hall, Old Forge's to uris m dir-ector. Villagers in the New Guinea highlands who live in small. t. s moke·filled huts often contract 1 u n g disea ses by a ge 40. Researchers want to know if the s ame thing is happening in the tightly sealed modern American home. ~ ·'A lot of people think bu ming wood is som e how s uperior because It's more natura l," said Or. David Roll of the American Council on Science and Health. "There are tradeoffs wilh wood s toves just as there a re with nuclear power plants.·' A mod e rn w ood s tove produces 500 times as much carbon monoxide, 1,500 times as much particulate matter and 750 times as many hydrocarbons as an ojl rurnace to heat the same space. according to a 1980 study at Long Island's Brookhaven :; National Laboratory. Wood s moke has more than • 100 po llu tants, inc luding h ydrochlor ic acid, be nzolate p y rene , a n ingredient of cigarette s moke, sulfur oxides and p o lycyc li c org anic com pounds . The polycyclic compounds have been found to cause can cer in la bor atory ?' animals. ~ Although the rus h to install wood stoves an<r ftteplac.es has , s lo we d . t he En vironmental Protection Agency estimates 1.5 , mil lion a re bein g installed i annually nationwide. ~ The Air Pollution Control ..: Associa t ion s a ys burning of wo o d "i s c ontributing t: s ubstantially" to the violation of ;: clean-air standards. •• But in many states and cities, officials say they are reluctant ':.· to regt¥ate wood stoves without ! evidence that they are causing health problems. a· Missoula , Mont .. has pl aced i some restrictions on the use or ( wood stoves and fireplaces , blaming the m in part for temperature-inversion pollution that once blotted out the sun for ; nearly a month. New York State, with more than 600,000 wood' s toves, Is trying to reduce dependence on foreign oil by expanding energy production from wood by more than half iO the next 15 years. A draft state report admits the increase "may pose significant air pollution problems." The ski resort or Vail, Colo .. has restricted new homes to just o n e wood -f i r e d h e ate r or fi replace, a nd the southern Oregon cities or Medford and As hland ar~. c on s ide ring regulation of wood stoves during periods of air stagnation. In the Green Mountain village of Waterbury, Vt., researchers fro m the Harvard School of Public Health recently began . t es ting indoo r a ir. Some village rs will carry de vices mea suring the pollution they bre athe. ··Every time you open your stove you get a shot of smoke. Our question is. a re these·people killing themselves with wood stoves?" said Harvard doctoral s tudent Ken Sexton. Most studies of wood smoke have measured total suspended particulates -floating bits or ash and other solids -and found them within s afe levels . But Sexton said the re is some. evidence that wood s moke may be especially rich in respirable pa rticulates, the kind that penetrate deep into the lungs and cause disease. Respirable particul a tes are difficullt and e xpens ive lo m easur . Al so diffi cult lo meas ure a re the potentially harmful chemical ingredients or s mo ke , s uc h as po lycyclic organic compounds. Reca use the findings ar~ incomplete, government has established no health standards for respirable particulates and polycyclic organic compounds. A simple way of improving indoor air quality -a iring the house thoroughly once a da y - runs ag-.if)st th~ instincts of energy-conscious homeowners .. ..,..rel ,,..nnershlp. Fe1>r11ery 11 ,..,, Joan E. S<ltmldt Pl"'61 Tltlt --.. .... lllecl with the Publlllled Or-Coast D•llY PllOt, County Cl••" of Orange C.,._ly on Ftb 17, 14. Mer~lll, 10. 1"7 .. 1.o?. J ........ 20, ttl2 ,,,.,,11 · P11UC •TICE PllOllloltld Or ..... c .. Jt Deity Pll04, i.-----..----..----F.O. "· U, ~It l, 10, 1'72 7»«2. l'UtlJC llJC[ FICTITIOUS tUilNUS NA.ME STATIMINT Tiie lollowlng P•"on I• doing bv•lneuo NOTICEO,lltTEltOIO DESIGN BY MIMI, JU ~lrot, THN$,Elt AHO llAIUACK ll•ll::::~·~~:~::·,~"l.P(>ltart, Holk • I\ ~ 9lve<1 11\et c ... rt .. 11•1-1\1-Cahfornle '2607 Scllw•b I. Co .. Inc .. TrMSle,,.,, ol One Tith buvr>HI I• c.-U<ltCI l>Y In Second Stre.e, SAn Fr•nclKo, CA , lncllvklu•I lnlendt lo sell eerie In person•I Mery G. O'ICleff t property to NO~TH AMERICAN Thi• st••-· w~ 111.0 "'"" , .... F I NANCIAL COR PORAT IO N, County Clerlt of Or•nge County on Tren1le,H , •nd tltel Tr•n•lern Fet>ru .. ry 1 1"7 11\lends lo low l>a<lt 10 c ,..rlu ' l'lttm Scltweb I. Co., Inc, Tr..,deror, tM Pul>llslWCI Or-Co.SI Deily PllOt, said oertoeel propert.,. • oener•I Feb l •o. 11, u , ,.., SI~ det<rlptloft of -It I• al loll-I. to '-----"-------wll· Office lurl\llure encl ll•ture1 loc•led .i 450 Newoor! c ...... Drive, II 10., N--1 BNCll, CA , encl 1 ... 1 Mkl Mii Md 11-l>a(lt lr ... 1«llon Is lo be c ......... met..i on Ille >Otlt Cley 01 March. 1'1112 or "".,, •• 10 oo A M. et IN Otfke of llW T~sle ..... el 17755 Stele H19fNoey lS CNV o1 ¥1,,,.."'°41\, SlaleotM'-'°lt DATED this 9t1t clay o1 F91>f'Wl'I', 1"1 NORTH AMElllCAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION Tr .. --' &v· G•'Y Orotir>Q Pul>ll•lled Or-Co.•t Daily PllOt, f'.O. 11. 1'1112 1 Sl-07 PUIUC MOltE l'ICTITIOUS •UllNUS NA.ME STATEMENT Th• fo1towln9 P•r,on it do•n9 t>uslneu •• THE TERRACE GROUP, SO.. Apple Tr•. Irv"-. C•lilorn•• '111S Da vid E Mertln, )()It Apple lrff, lrvtft•, Callfornl• '271S Tiits bu•lntts I\ <Oftdu<led by 1n incllvlelu•t Oavkl r!. Mertln Tlllt \IAltmtrtl WU (lle<f wllll Ille Counh c .. ,,. ol Or-CO<.lnty on Jan JS, 1'9J '11lnl Pvt>llsheel Or""91"<0.•I O•lly PllOI. •ncl to Ille com..-Are• 01 Lot J ol Thi• bv\lntt• fl conc1"'1e<1 by •n T r•c t 10340, es per m ac> llled In Booll ondlvlduel 443. P-1J -U Of Mlt<ell•-• Emily C. Wyell Mept, rteOl'lb Of .. lcl County, u _,, Tltlt stalotmenl WM lllecl •Ith the term Is o.f....., in .,.. Art I< 1e enlltled C0<.1ntv Clert. of Or-CO<.lnt\' on Jen "O.llnlli.nt .. of IN Oe<l•rellon ol ,., ,,., Coven•nts. Cofld lllons a nd "' .. " Aestrk tlofls do9crt-In "SUBJECT Publl\-Or•nOe Co .. 1 Delly Pllol, TO·" be-1-"0.Clar•llon"I Fel> ), 10, 17, 2•, 1"2 SI._., PARCEL); E•sement\ .... i lortll In 1111 S•<tlons •nlltted "Cert•ln 1 E•Mmenls for o_ ... •ncl "SUPl>Orl, S.lltemenc •l\d Encroac.11..-100 ol IM Article entlllf<I "E• ........ 1' .. Of IN OKl•re11on MOC NOTICE l'ICTITlOUS eUSINIH NA.ME STATEMENT PARCEL t Eawmenl• •t s11c1t eAlemeno •re pertkutarty wt lor111 In Ille Artlcle ent•lled "E•wmenh" ol t"e Oe<t•r4t1on ot Covenent\1 ConOlltoM •nd Rulriclloru In "SUBJECT TO " belO• l lhe "M•\l•r Oect•rallon"l under Ill• Section lleedtng• In well Article entitled •• lotlow1 "Owners R!Qf>tt encl Dulin , Ullllliu end Cabtr letevhlol\ • ''S'odey.,d E•wn•e<>O, "5-t1 and Selltement, 'Encroac.ltrnenl,' •no "Community FacllltlH E•Mment •• T ht loll owing per>on It doing blislneu•s MICHAEL IC.AY'S OF NEWPORT BEACH, 410 w. Coasl Htonw•Y. SUll• A, NewPort ~ac.n. C•lilornl• '26'3 Micllael G Slncl•lr, U 7'1 VI• ~•n•re1, Min ion Viejo, Celllornl• 9'2'91 MIC,,_1 G Slnclt lr Thi\ UI...,_. ,. .. filed with llw Covnly Clerk of Or•~ C-nty on December 1', 1,.1 Ft7"9S .Publl\lled Or-Co.ii D•llV Piiot, J•n 17, Fltl> ), 10, 11, 1"1 •~\ PARCEL s EHement tor lngrftl, eore\\ •nd dr•inaor c>Uroow' ov•r 111•1 DOrtlon o1 Lot 1, Trac.I \O)U, •• per m•P IUtd in 8ool< 4'1 f'f-s 11 and JI ol Miuelleneoll'I Maps, Piil.iC ~ re<o,ds of Slid c-tY. depleted •s 1-------------Common R-•l' on Eallll>lt G of Ille O.c lar•liofl, es sucll HMment h more l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS p•rtk ulerty dH<riDeO In Secllon B, NA.ME STATEMENT Artlcte XIII of 1ne O.CtaratlOfl SlrHI Tiie tollowlng Ptr•on I• oo•ng ACldrus JS Wlndj•mm•r. lrvln•. DUSlneH •S C•ltlornla '2714 THE CERAMIC FACTORY, :M1' "Ill • \lrffl •dOrH• or common ""••I Mac Ar11t1.1r , S•nU A na, d•slgnatlOll i\ sllown •bove, no Catlfornla '210.. 11 • r r • n I Y " QI• en • • Io 11 • Llewelyn k\lt Smilll. ~ Dellote completflWHorcorreclneHl ' Aven.,. C~i. Mesa,Calll°"'la 916>1 Tl•• -1<10ry ..-r wkl Deed of '"'' bonlnen 11 cOfldUCled DY an T ru\I, by rM-. ol •"'"-•<It or delaun ondtvld ... t Whatever happerwd to fun whistling? flCTITIOUS 8USINESS HAME STATEMlltT Jen J 1, Fltl> l. 10, 11, 1"7 402.t? Piil.iC MOTICE Tiie following per.on1 •r• dotno . butlneu ... AM•,., tel SCIENTIFIC HATCHERIES, T HE 0 A I GI N Al 0 F TH IS 11>1 SCIENTIFIC HATCH l.ltlE S, NOTICE ' WAS FILED FOR ltolC .. t U? Eve!.,... Cir< ... Hunl"'9t0fl llECOllO OH JANUAllY ,., ltG, IN lleaclt,CAn.-THE OFFICT: OF THE ORANGE DALLAS.. EARi. WEAVEll, Pll.0 , COUNTY REC.ORDER In Ille ol>llQ<ltlon• >Kured lll•ret>y, Lle-lynSmtllt llerelolore •U<uted and dellverecl lo Tllos st•t-1 wti •lled wtllt the Ill• ullder•lgned • wrill•n O.Clarallon Co11nly Cterll of Or•noe County on ol Oetaull end Demand lor Sele. •ncl December 21. 1'11 wrllten -•c• ol t>reac.lt and ol electlon ,.17tJ17 to c•uw tne .-r•'9ned to 1111 Mild Publl>hed Ora,. Co.111 Deity Pilot, prop.,ly lo .. o.ry Mtlcl obl'9atlon"-J•n ,,, F.O >. 10, 17, ,.., 4~. •fld llte....it .. Ille -Mgnecl Clli- .. lcl norlu ol lw"NClt and of election to be recorma Ott-n . "" •• ln\lr No 1'lM In -1426S, -17ot, or wld Olfk lal Recordl PllUC •ICE BALTIMORE (AP) -Where did whistling go ? Robert Pond thinks it's been d rowned out by e lectronic e ntertainment in a time when people don't want to make tbeir own u.usic anymore. And. maybe spirits aren·i as light a. they were during whis tling's he yday ~ few decades ago. Try to whistle while frowning, Pond c:haUenges. "You just can't do it. "Whistlers are happy people," says the professor of metallurgy from JohnS'·Hopkins Univenity who competed last year in the national Whistle-Off, and speaks regularly on what he calls "the lost art." "l blame it on the electronic age," says the 63-year-old Pond. "Today. a young fellow can buy a transis tor radio for p ra c tically nothing ," he observes. "I thjnk the name of the game now is we need to be entertained." Duri ng' bis bo yhood in Franklin, Va .. Pond says, everybody wbistled. "People likPd good music," he says ..._ and it was a chaUenae. "Kids in those days," he el'ICI JANET CAOMt..E WEAVER, 11S1 NOTICE 0, OE,AUl T recalls, demonstrating, "They'd Ewetyne c1rc1•. H\A'ltlnlllon B•«", CA ~=~:~~~::,~~~~~~ say, ·can you whistle with your ., .... SCIENTIFIC HATCHERIES, AM.,., fingers?· 'Can you whistle with •Nc .. • ce1•1om1• ,...._.uon. •m .:t:E':~:t:A• your fist?. ~=~ ... Cl<ell, H .... llflglon BeKlt. CA titPOtlTAHT MOTICI "I don't re member when 1 Tiii$ lllalMs$ Is (-led by .,, ., VOUA P ROPERT Y IS IN . lncllvl0ue4-•C0fll0'9ll°'" FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU firs t started to whistle," Pond Dalles e.rt w..ver ,,. A E e E H 1 N o 1 N You 11 says klefltllk Hatcltffle,, 1,,C PAYMENTS. IT MAY BE SOLO • 0.UH €•r1 WH,,..., WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTIOH, encl But, like any musical talent, ""M""'t •ou m•y ..... l'1e .... , r1g111 10 brlno be WaS proud to give Credit to a Tltl1 IW'9nwll Wet filed wlllt llle yowr eccount lfl good Slendlllg by k d C°""ty Cter11 ol DreftOlt Covfttl' °"Jan.. ~Ylflo ell ol _... -· -pey-tt teacher -a moc ingbir . 11, 1t11 plu• "'""'".., c.ott.t •llCI .. .,...set As a boy, he had his appendix ,.111111 "''"'" 111 ... """""' •rom THE DATE removed. an Operatl·on that in' f'ubH....., Or ..... Coefl Dally Pllol, THIS NOTICE OF DEFAULT WAS F'et> 11, 14, JNrclt J, 10, 1"7 7~ RECOR OED Tiiis •mountls i1.lil.OO thos e days required a long i-------------e1o1J.,..,,,,.,, •• .__ ... 1+Hne,... . d r f t' unlll your eccounl ti.comes curre<tl. peno o rest or recupera ton. Piil.iC .-OC£ You m•y no1 ,. ... to pay ,,.. •nttr• "My playmates weren't about un11••d P0011on °'you, eccoun1, even to bang around with an invalid NMms 1"°"911 1u11 pey,.,..,, ,~ dem-. tnM.• bvl you '""'t pey ltt• emovm •••t.O -especially with school about 1tor1c1 Toc1teo1To11s ·i:~r '"'" ,._11,, irom ,,.. ciete 01 to start," he says. o,. 1uut , ... .,111 record•tlort o1 tllls oocurnent .wt1k1t It was a hot Virginia August lle<L •WI•• u .c .C.I d•I• Of recorclelloll -·" ,,.,._), d P d I e.d h Notke I•'*'""' otwn to <reclitors of unten the oblf.u.tton beo~ lorec•oMO an on was p ac m a ·pore ,.,. w1t1111t _.... _,, .. t1tat • 1>11111 .... ... I'd h kl b' d tre111ler Ii •bout to lie m•de or\ upon -mitt• ionOI' period. you II•,.. 'I l er, W ere 8 rnOC ng lr ,erHrlel property llerein•fltr only Ill• leQ•I rl9ht l~Uop Ille warbled overhead. _r..... toreclosur• l>y payl11g th• entire "H 'd bl d J'd The -lal -IMtlneu Mcltfts ~movnl ci.Mandeclbyyovrcreclltor e war e , an answer. ot Ill• ........., tntnlferertst ..... TO FINOOVT THE AMOUNT YOU Then I'd change it a little, and SANO l(OC)tt NAM. SE~ KYUNG :u:T/~Y,Eo: ~o ~R~A't~ 60: he'd ans we r ," the professoc HAM, 21• ".,._ aivc1 •• H, Coate FORECLOSURE. O R IF YOUR Said u.t• wlil be m-. l>ul wllllout tovef'\•nt °' W¥r•nty f'•P'"•ts Of' tm~ phed re-d11>9 li1t•. -M\SIOfl, or en- cumbrancn. topey IM r1rme1nlno prln- <•P•• ~m ol the r>OlelSI -urea by .. Id Deed or Trust, with lftteresl •• In .. ,d note provlcled eclvences, II MY under IM ltrm$ ol WICI Deed ol T rvtt. IH•, Clltroe• •nd H i>eMtS ol IM TrustM •nd ol Ille truttt , .. •t•d by wlel o..o ol Tr11st. Seid u.•• wllt 111 hold Oft w-.y, Fetiruary U , 1'17 •I l 00 p m,. et Ille Cllepmen A- enlr•n<e to Ille CIVIC c ... ter Bullellng 300 Eatt C~n A-. In UW city ofOre- AI l ite tlflW of the lnillel pW!k e tlon ol 1111• notke. the toi.t •movnt 01 tlle vnp-.ld l>•l•flCIP of Ill• obllQ•llon ..c11red l>v Ille •Dove CIHcrllMtd deed ol lru•I •Ml •lllm•led CMIS, ........... . •11C1 •dvences h U S.JU oo. To determine U. -nlno bid "°" m•y cell 1110 '31'°"4 0•1• J--..24,1"7 T 0 SenrluC-nY eSMICITnntM, ClftdySc-wr. AsshlenlSKret•rv OnlCltvBtvcl Well Or-.c a."661 ( 714) '""'211 Pul>ll•lled Or-Co .. 1 D•llY PllOI, Fet> l,10,11,1"1 S1M2 PllUC 1111C( be .... CA'9H77. s remem rs. T'llt -(•) .,,. bullllns edelrtS• PllOPElllTY IS IN FORl!CLO URE In the speeches he makes on ltl•lll-trwlnreehl •re:JAE-F Oii ANY OTH E R REA SON, Sf'S.Uflt ., 5. L•E. 1!. GENE Lil&, • St. Pevl, CONTACT: J•nM• Ale Ila rd VllOOS. NOltC.E 0' TllUSTW'l'S SAU! the "lost art," Pond explains ,,..,..,. CA'2714. 12'60 Huter. •213. G•dotft Gro..... ,01tecLOSu•E NO. llMl and de mons trates technique, ni.t .. _,,.,-1....,,tt1eretot1 c•n-:1e1 11u 1t11.1•1 on Frlo.f. Fel>t'uery ,., 1.a. •l NKfl ... 1f1 91fter•I .,, '""'It-. If YtiL hive a11y qunllons, you 11 00 • m , Tre nu m e rlc• Tiii• and tosses in Several definitions fltttwff 9llO ~f tr.._, tllo11t~o11te<t e tewye r or Ille lnlurence Comp•nv. • C•lllornl• Of hiS a Vocation. t e Id w 111 , I e e U , I ea u 11 o I d .. ,..,,,_ egefl( Y Wftlch mey ,..,,. corDOrellon H duly apeiofntld 'Trvs1w flCTITIOUS 8USINHS HA.ME STATEMENT T iie lollowlno pe non h doing t>u•ineu •• 81P ENTERPRISES. s.:J LAQVM CenyOfl W•y ll'N, CA '2'11 ALL.AN EDWARD MILLEA, s.J Legune CtnYort Wey, 11 ..... CA 91'21 Tltlt ..,.lne111 Is condlicted 11\f .., lndlvkl ... I All., Ectw .. d Miiier Tltll \lei-I w•• llled wlllt Ille County Clerto ol Or•nee CO<.lnly on Jen U, 1'9)t ,,,.,.,. Publl•lled 0r..-. Cool Daily Piiot. F•b l 10, 17, 14, 1"7 Us.el FICTITIOUS •USt'ltESS ltA.ME STATEMElfT The lollo•lng e>er.ons •r• doing bvllMUH AOVENTUllE TRAVEL, l lJ Forest Avenue. L•guna Be.cit, Calllor11I• m51. Adventr .,.•I. tncv • C•llloml• corpor1t1on, 337 Foreu Avenue, LAQUrta 8ffclt, Cell1oml• ttll l Tllh 1>u1lntt• Is cond ucted by • coroor•Uo" Adwtru'ew1, 1nc Mk'-1 J Plnlo, Prnldent B•llY w Fr eem•n. O•nte t H Nlnt>urg , S.Cty /TrHS. Tiiis •t•..,,_, wes flll!d wttll tne Cov11ty Cl•rll of Dr•nte CO<.lntY on Fltl>ruarv I, 1"2. "'11211 P111>tl1-0r""91 C.0.11 Delly Pllo4, ,b l.J.O 17, 14, 1'191 S""2. Wb• U' lmprtWemeMs end -nerll not ta ln111redy0Vf'loan ...-r •ncl f'U ......... lo 0.0 ol Ttu<I IS Ulg iS "an eXCUSe fOt ~11'9M Ortd II '-•tld .. ! JllO Hartior lleme,,.l>tr, YOU MA V LOSE recor-"'-Y l , 1'7• U lnllr No ~. , PllUC 1111C( puckering up if you 're not sure atvd.,H,C ... Mne,CAmn . l.EG AL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT boolt 11724, P•g• 113 ol Olllcl•I -------------. ' be kl d " h 1'he NIMU n--Dy Ille S11c1 TAl<E P•OMPT ACTION. Record$, eucuteCI by: Robert L. YOU re going tO SSe , e lreMleror(S)etMldloUlllonlt: &EST No ll<e ts 'hereby Ol••n tll•t Webtler -Sony• A. Webster os s ays . It's "a comfort walking CLl!ANE•s. c A v A L c A o E E s c " o w trv1to•1. 111 111e ollk• or the c-., tb h t d k Tllll 11!v111 ..,.,,,..,_ ,, ..,_l«I to tM COJIPOAA TION, • Ce lllorrfl• Recorder of Ot-Cou11ty, St•t• ol roug a Ceme ery On 8 &r UnlfotmCommettltlC-ktlort. cerpor•tlon. h duly eppolnled Celltornl•, WILi. SELL AT PUBLIC night." Tlltt .. IClbulklreMfltr lt l11-lo TllUSTEE uflder Ille lollo•lng AUCTION TO HIGHEST •tOOEA For teachers, preachers and I>• COrlW-led ., Ille office ol det<rl-O.Ool Trvtl FOR CASH (pey"'9 •I lkne .. Mle In SEllYICE ESCROW COMPANY, P.O. TAU$TOR: HEN·OEUL YEH, e l•wful ,,_.,of tM Ulllled SletHI et: politicians, Pond says, whisUing ••• '"· We*nlMttr, CA '11&1"" .. t int•• man, .. lo ... Urldlv lded .... toulll lront """"""•lo -Or•flOI! is ''a way lO get rid Of a lot Of hot etterMarcfll, 1''2. OM·llllrd Im-I, YEONG·SHI LU,• Cou11ty Oto CourtflOuM, City of S.nte • Tiie\ -•••tot tot llllrtg clelm1 111 single _mo,,, u to en undivided Ane, Sl•lt ol C•tltornla •II r lgftl, 1111• a1r Without Saying anything." tM eKtWW l"tfe,,_. te ,_rein Is Merell -third lntotrnt. -PETER K. DAI end lrtlffffl conw.,.. lo •llCI llOW llelO For hlmself, he says, it's "a s. ,..,, •ncl JANIE c. OIJ, ""•"" • .,., wtte, by It u .... seld Deed ol Tru~I In the h . .. So ,., • 11 .._ lo Mio ,,,_ at 111111 -· " ..... undM decl IH'Of'tf1Y "' ... *' In ,..., c-ty -Seer JOY. Trenafert•(•I ield tnlefldecl .,,....tlllnllfMrHt,ALL AS TENANTS Stale dtl<r1-•t:Loll4ol TrK1 No. T r i 11 in e a pie c & ca 11 s Tre111tttorh1 119" "'• tof•-•11• '" coMMON. . 4.JSA, in tt1e c1t1 of c~te Me ..... ' 1 ff Or a St a CC at 0 1 '' p 0 Od • S eddltltllel bUtl11eu namu •rtd IENEFICIAAY: JAMES RICHARD sl\oWn Ofl •~recorded In Boo41 204, f 1111*-wtthflol ... 11w .. yHrs IHI YILOOS.eMftolemt11. P•gH J1 en<I ll of mlscelleneous Whistling Sounds like duelint pe14: _... llECOAbe o Marcll 24, 1tt0, H mo•. record• ot Orange Counlv, ,,CTITIOUS 8USINass MAME STATa.MINT Tiie lollowlng oerso11 It d olr10 buslneu at· ALL ENTERTAINMENT TICKET •ncl TRAVEL SERVICE, 12141 Vellty View, Gef'dln G.....,., Celltomle '1641 Ow•"'" BMll, 10'6 E. 3rd Str .. t, Lor19 llNCll, C•lflornla '*'1 This business I• cOllCl"'led by •n lndlvldual 0.....,,,. ..... Tlll1 lfetl,,,.,.I w .. Iii.cl with Ille Count., Clerk Of Or•noe C0<.1nty on J ert111ry » .• .., '111"4 Publlthed Or-Co.•1 OaUy Piiot, Jert. 27, ~." 10, 17, 1"2 .01.a piccol05. I Detect,.~ 4, ••. tnttrwlMftt Ho. 17422. In -1uo. Celltornl•. JAE s. ~EE Pl91I u.., ol ()tllCl•I Mecorc11. '" .... T II• ...... ·-~dr•n Ari d ollltr I PllUC •TICl He bas been tryln1 to learn to l .OEHELEe office tt ,,.. Recorder 01 Or•n .. tommon dis~. 11 111y, Of .,,. ------------"spit-whistle,.. a technique he ,,,.,._,~-Co1111ty; SAID OEEO 0 , TltU$T .... pr-tty clocrll>ed el>Ov• IS PtCT1TIOUSaUM1t•U NS'1ns DeSCll llES: Uflll 10111 LOI I of Trecl Pli"'°"" '°lie' 102 DMINl11t , C.ie NAMI STA~MT beard performed at the "•••ci•-----H1.101eo ... por~..c..-d t11....a Mt ... ca1lfor'rtle. · Tll• 11110w111, ,.,10,, 1, .,,,., Wb'sUe-Off · Ca Cit N ___.,...._,...AwY .f16,,..... :ai...., A Of Mltctll-Tl\it ~ Trvstee ottcNilms l . m rson y ' e\'. I ... a.ca..... M•••· "' \tit oftlte .. ,... Covflty ..,., ll•lllllty IW tlly lncorrectnns of !Mnlneh •s: I last year. 1 •••:ll'&Mi,ca... •ec••••• of Or•t1t• Co11r11y, .,,.,,, .. ,........,...., • ...,common APIWORU>SUPf'\.Y,l.a•-~ "There was a woman •there'! ,~,~Or.,,..GoolfDe11vPttot, C•ltter1111. SA•P LAND" MC>J!I: ou1011•tlol'l,1fenv,s,,,...11ere1n. SttMl,&ldt.D,COlt•MeM.Cellloml• • • -161 FULl.Y ODC•tllO IH THE OEEO Seid .... will 111 -·bolt wll!IOVI tt•tt. WbO could hum One tune and •-------------OFT•USTA90VIMENTIONCO. covenent or werrtllfY. u•rnt or J1W9111H.ll-~ .. toweStrwt. whistle another at the same -.,.••nH SA100..ofTrutt11<-c8'W1n •mt111ec1.~11t11.--~'°"·°' ·~i,0·:_""~'\~.:~ ..._ ... llK Mii ...... ~ tfle ll04ie(sJ tw en<li-MUI, lit pey 11'9 refftellllt141 time," Pond says. , ____________ .... , ""_ .. ,.,._.. pnnc~• _.. °' 111e n.t•I•> MCwree 1nc1i.kkull: He plans to return for U'lis ""-THAT .,. ""'9fkle• ltlleNlt llfldef " .... Oled °' Tnat. -,,,..,..., Tltb ~ "~"';r ... wtttt .. 1 fllCTITIOUS Mllf .. IHt Mkl OM el T""' -1t1e ....... tells tlltr-, es provlcNd lft .... note!SI, y e a r ' s c o m p e t 1 t I o n l n •AM& n•T••"' wcvrld .._., .,. ,_.,, ._ .. by ...,."'"' 11 .,,.,, lll1dW t11t 1erm1 ... c ... 111Y Ctof'tl o1 ~ ""'"'Y "' September. I Tll• to110w1no "'""' '" .. ,,,, 1111 ....... ...,,...: '""' • ilWM(ll •• ... 1c1 OMC1 of'""*· ..... ~...., r>e<tl'lli.ao. 1"1• ,.,,,,,, Mt1l11 .. 1-.: •1141 Nleoift 111, tlle •ttoetton1 for HIMllMt ol lfte TrvshO end of Ille "I'm a ham at heart. That's IOUIOOH YON KA.NIAN, '"° ""'kll tu(fl Oled .. Tflllt .. ..CWll'f trvtll 'fffled ""Mid OM .. Tr1111. li'utlll"*8 er .... COeM Dally P• ~art of belna a teacher,'' ·~ -..~ ... ._~.1,..1M,cu:rm. ,.., ecc""'""' ,,.., ,....,,,_,Ml-._ ,,.. -,.........., ••••Mttld JM.: 11• ,..._~~· ":.••, _ _...a., Ondt Who's i....-n teacbin'• -, J()t4M •• ll'A•Kllt 11111-eto IMtll "' .... : Tiie llltl•ll-t of MM: Mt.at.JI. ~....;.. __ ....;..;;;;... _______ ,.. IJ"C'I: ._ ._ a..,,......_ .._II. CAft1tl. lftttrett, wllkll llK--Q(..,, Tiit Mlleflcle,., ~ Mid 0.0. of NaJC 1111( yeara. "Without metals, your I oouous A. tu•TON, '°" ,., 1 .. 1 •• ,,. •II 1111111•~111111 Tr111t ll•••••••r• uecw••• .,.. •;..=,,,....---------.-...' h ld ~ h l -....DtM,C:-.~C....... ... ..... "'...... ........... ............. "'"'."'"'""" ... teet ~ U•Y9 0 es, your lllOtaltT l . SMITH, UJU '""' .... ,. ....... ,. ...... Ill• OKJ•tetloll of oet..itl -~ pants would fall down. and you'd .... "*"·'-* ..... CA..... Ul'IOtrt ....... prtMnt Mllelltlory ,., ..... llM • wrlUM N .. k . ol be in the-basement," he s•vt ,,.1 w11._L1AM1..MMllM.~Emer•kl 11Mtr..Wo.cio1Tr1M,11etuoc-o.1e1111.,.. E19<tt.., te s.11. TM -.,v ¥" aeyOtM,.....-aMCll,CAtKft. Ollf NII_...• vld Olltr .......... llllNrt..,_. "'"" t•kl "'"ct Of bls VOC?aUon. .1•,.~•Y l. ltllMOH, u ltuff Tr\ltlff, • 11Wltte11 o.tl•roilori ol Oolewtt M9 lle<'tlell 10 lttt ee " •1d--a .u i le vw.1,...1~fl1tS. ~ .. ....._. ..... ,_.._. rw.--lilllWC-'Y ........ f'Mt c. en)' aUwet>Ctl lpprec a ' w. OllUt JOHHtTOM, UU .....,_. .... •kl Wl't ........... ~tl---bia Whllt1inl\the mOll, .,. says, ........................ """"~ T,,,,., .... o.e .. T.......... o....,,_.,11 ..... ''became the}' remember ..... , a.di.CA.... f.c11met1b ftMle!ICI.. ............ ~A AMSA•••tCA TITll -r·· .......... _ ,,, .. 1-ue.'' C:lt•"°"o Ill. KOL.ION, Niii • ..,... ...................... INIUlllANC9CO _ .... • _.., ._ ...._ .... ,...,...11r .... ~..... ......., • ..,. ... -~,.... ..... ,~ .. r.:ally talk to anUquee,••I Tlllt ......... t--.C ... " ... ,.., ..................... "'"... lr.ICWITO~VAN, P d I h .......... -..... ... .............. ..,...., "9ci ••· 19CnWV OD 18YI, ,.an a¥e a .._. .. ........, ee-...•trwe~v••--• T_,...lceflttt~c:a. mes••= u JOU know bow to "* ........ _ ..__ ........... ,, , ............. "nor•• ~.o ........ ••c•1...-1e1 c..y~ .. °'Mll~OllJlll. ""'"'· ...... ... -.. •-·•ar ta.a.t a.. .... ••• .._........,"""" • ,.,.,...._ r-... ~ua • _. .......... Or-.. C... Ditty~. ~ ONltlt ,_.belly...._ .,.......or.,.. C.-D96IY ,...._ I ,doll. I "·"" OATI:__.,,.... .... ..... CA .. ....... )'CMlftlpeGple," JM,lt,M.l,tt.1',19 ......... l.1','1,14,ftll ,.. M:l,'9.tr,• • --- -ar==-c -.;....;_,....;.. __ ;,....;:;..:;::=..::.:::.:..::.:.:.=.:i .:::&.::~:::!.--;.::llCllll.L __ ...... '--~-=-~~---:--~==..:.:~~~~__l,;.,__:_~~~~~- ; MQvie stuntman's " smash· r e -creations noti accidental llOLLYWOOD CAP> MOllt movleAttWllmen i!t&tge attid~ people could get killed m Alun Gibbs stages accidents people d(d get killed In. G i bbs Is a musc ul ar, chain.smoking 4l·year·old who has s pent 20 years as u movie stuntman doubUng stars such as Burl Reynolds in '"Smokey and the Bandit" and J ack Nicholson in "Chin a town" a nd '"The Bo rder." He has crashed cars, plunged off buildings and been set on fire more lime~ than he can re m ember wit hout ever • s uffering .m or e t ha n a few broken bones. . .. In recent years, however, Gibbs has added a new and perhaps even more hazardous s i d e line l o h i s wor k re-creating accidents that have r esulted in p erson a l inj ury la wsuits. "Rathe r than having two experts arguing what would ha ppen ·1f,' you have someone who can sa.y what really dtd ha ppen," says Oklahoma City attorney John Merritt. who has called on Gibbs' ser.vices for several cases ··otherwise. you ha ve physicists on each sid e m aking a lot or assumptions to co m e ·u p wit h p ap e r re-c rcations. · · In their first collaboration. Gibbs demolished a motorcycle to re·create an accident which had killed two people. The case never ca me to trial but the defendant . Harlcy·Dav1dson. sett led out or court for $174 .000 For another suit, Gibbs'piloted a Chevy Vega i;quarely Into a tmdgc-wl~. "\V e claim ed there was a defect In the s teering and their physicists claimed my cli ent had to have been speeding." Merritt said. "I believe we showed there w as n 't a n y s p e ed . T h e de monslrution Gibbs did proved the point. But the jury round there was no s peed a nd no defect. So we won the buttle but lost the wa r." A I though these stunts take him where others have not come back, Gibbs says he's in no hurry to die. He has not been hurt in any of the re·created crashes. "I try to be as sarc as I can ," he said in an in terview. "Just be ing macho does n't get it done. I s pend a lot of time o n preparation. a nd I me asur e everything out myself. These so-c<i ll ed physicists arc great for trials, but I've proved to myself too many tim es t h at their numbers arc JUSt that. numbers on paper.' G tbbs usually takes the stand lo relate what happened during the accident he re-created and often finds himself at odds-~i.t.h the defense attorneys. "They remind m e of charac- ter actors," he said . "But I don't lake it personally. They have a job to do. too. Some people want you to have a college degree, but I have 20 years of doing stunts ·and 1·m sti ll wa lk i n g A physi<:1st will tell you. 'The vch1tlc weighs this much and the ramp is at such and s uch an 'Zoot Suit' makers . sued for $5 million LOS ANGELES <AP > A woman who was convicted in connection with the "S leepy Lagoon" murders has filed a $5 m illion libel s uit against the m akers of a movie based on the infamous 1942 incident and its aftermath. Bertha Aguila r na m ed as defe nda nts Univers a l Studios and Luis Va ldez, who directed the film, "Zoot Suit,'' plus the Pacific Cinerama Dome theater where the movie premiered last Oc tober. Valdez a lso wrote the movie. which was based on his original play. Th e Los An ge les Supe rior Court suit, charged the movie MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ~--Ol .... ••""91410_,,, -·"""' ........ ~,,, ,.,,..,.~O~Ot l/ttt•C,..,.,,..,. ~ Al.l AGES AO .. ffTEO ~ Gene;al At.-o~I ALL ICJ !BJ ANO@ fllMS llECEIVE OiE S~ OI Oif ... OTIO!C "'CTUllE COOE OI SELf AEGULA TION was an invasion of privacy, inflicted emotional d istress and was libelous. Ms. Aguilar , who was 13 when ~h e was s e nten ced a s a n· .. accomplice in the case. claimed the movie indicated she had a ··t ack o f c h as tit y" a nd "'Im m oral a nd imp r o pe r conduct ... and that m any or her friends and fa mily me mbers learned of her prison sentence only upon seeing the movie. "Zoot S ui t " t o ld or the railroading of a Chicano gang into pr ison sente nc•s o n questionable murder c ha rges, wh ich led to the Zoot Suit riots. FIND YOUR NAME • 2 TICKETS WORTH S 19 9 Perforw•al Pridey, P.lt. 19 -M..-y, feat. 22 THI CITY SHOPPIN6 CINTM . 0,... · S..te AN PwJ ... City Dri•e hit l•et TICKETS available at Ctreus Va113u• locations and at all Tlcl<etron outlets. For more circus fnformatlon. call (71 .. J 821-70..0 • NEW SIDELINE Stuntman Al a n G ibbs r e -c r eat es aec iden~'\ t hat h ave resulted in p·e rsona l injury lawsuits. angle: but that doesn't always mea n that's the way things will work out." Gi bbs rs paid about $500 a day during movie work plus fees based on the difficulty or the stunt, or "gag," he's doing. He also often directs stunts for TV s h o ws and movies. a od is particularly pro ud of ne ver having a stunt ma n injured during a gag he's coordinated. A perfectionist about his work , Gibbs has nothing but contempt for some of the stunts he sees being done on television. "Da red evi ls -t o ta ll y unprofessiona l, .. he s norts . .. Anyone can do something once -if t hey're lucky. But can they do it 10 times. exactly in the same place each time? That's wha t film work requires." Married four' times and the rathe r of two daughters. Gibbs a cknowled ges t hat stunt men have a reputation as drinkers, bra wlers and wdma nizers. But he says he's grateful to director Ha l Needham for gelling him into s tunt work in th~ first rlace. · · 1t sure beats a 9 lo 5 job." he sa id. ··A job that's the same every day makes you old fast." .. Powell cre mated HOLLYWOOD <AP> -Stage and film star Eleanor Powell, who died o r c ancer last Thursday, was cre mated the following day, a spokeswoman said. The 69-year-old actress' close friend a nd bus iness agent , Eleanor Debus, s aid there wu no funeral se r vice at Miss Powell's request. Ipterment was in the (amlly crypt at Hollywood Memorial P rk. Ms. Debus said. . - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday. February 17, 1982 ·Spacek i;ets p~litical 'Missing ' deals wit1Lh dis appe a r ance of film~a ke~ By 808 THOMAS ._,,....~ ..... HOLLYWOOD -Sl~sy Spacek re m e mbers h e r trip t o Arfentina 11 few years ago: .-. "I was there doing pubUclt>' for 'Carrie.' and l really knew• nothlni about the politics of th<! country. I found out rrom peopJ' who told m e or friend• am relatives who h'd dlsappearedj, Also revealing was the fact th1 h l couldn't go anywhere without u bodyguard. Even '11hen I we1ht joggin& in the park, two ·mr~n with tuna went along with me f _ and had a lot oN rouble keepi & up!' T he ac tress' education In Lat in Amer ican politics • Nas furthe red with her new r; 1lm, "Missing," which she mad e in Mexico last year. Although the locale j,s n 't s pecified in the movie , the stol'y obvious ly 1 akes place in Chile. during the 1973 ove rthrow of t he A l·I '! n de government. The Poly g r a m -Uni versal release uses real na m t•s in tr acing the disappe ara r I CC of Char les Horman. a write !r and CHILEAN POLITICS Sissy Spacek 's lat est f ilm . ··Mi ssin g.·· t races th e• di s uµpea r a n rc of a film maker w ho wa~ taken r r o m h i s h o m l' b ~ t h c Chilean milil ar~ stveral of his pictures and hi.d been Impressed with them. He t old m e the 1 to r y or t h• Hormans. which he had rlrsl seen u a tiny news item. Then he read the book by Thomas Hauser and was c ert11 ln he wanted to make the movie. "I figured I had to talk politica with Costu-Gavrus. and he mus t h;ave thought, 'She's a perfect fool.' I 'I I a dmit that wba t appealed to me a bout the story was the relationship between the d a u g ht e r ·in -law a n d the father·in-law,'' the actress says. ··1 hadn't really been aware of what had happened in Chile, a nd J fe ll ashamed that I could be living in the United States and n ot be .a wa r e of w h at the government had been doing. If the story could affect me so strongly. I thought the movie might affect other people the sam e way." . Miss Spacek met Lemmon last year at the Academ y Awards. where she was a nominee for best actress for "Coal Miner's Daughter " He told her · .. I've got a thousand dolla rs on you to win." She did. filmma ker who was taken Crom military oppression, co-written his Santiago ho m e I >Y t he a nd direcled by an expert. in Next day, she left to begin filming "Missing" in Mexico City. where the film company greeted her ~th an eight-foot pinata m t he shape or Osc;.ir. Chilean military. His w lfe and p 0 I I t i ca 1 m e I o d r a m a : Cather. played by Miss Spacek Greek-born Costa-Gavras, who • a nd J ack Lemmon. ba ttlc the a 1 s 0 m a d e . : z . · · ··T h e country's rule rs -arid their Confession ·· and "Specia l American co-conspirato rs to Section ... You Con s.11 II. Fond It. Trade It With o Wonl Ad learn of the youna man" 3 fate. "I mer COsta eight months It is a powerful indic t ment of before the picture began." Miss ( M2 •5878 ) United States compli•~!~1t!y~w~it~h~~S£p~a~c~e~k~r!ec~a~l~l~s~·~·1~h~a~d~s~e~e~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T~~ ~~~- NC YW PLAYING AIWlllM IAROO QM l'ft llWI• MIUNM YllJO Anatltm 011ve In Westbrook Edw11ds Woodblldqe VllJO Twin 879 H SO S30 4401 SS1 06SS 830 6990 COSTA Ml.IA OU.al UA c.nem&s S•O OS94 UA City Cineml 634 3911 A Ullll\lt'lt\A&. MIO l'ICTV'lf c.,....,.. e 1tet DpUMVU\M. (tf\> ''UOtO\ ~ LAGUMAIUCM So.Ith C4.f\I 49• 1)14 OflMIGl UAC.ty~ 63• 3911 WUTMllllTlll UA~ 893 0546 OflAllGl 0."IQe M~" 631 0340 You don't have to be crazy t o live here ... but it helps. NOW PLAYING It thne spedllly Mlected tlteltres DU OAUll 81ea Pl&U 0.anQe "'~" S29 S339 637 0340 El '°"' OMllGI Edwatds ~blck 0!11191 0.rve In S8 I 5880 558 7022 COSTA •IA OU.- N~Wt' DA l~Y A INE At Al Si x Cine omes Maroel Hem1ngw•'t PE.-.N.llEST IRI 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 I ~1,.Jl'E , .. "_ -~-­~--==:::I lliE 80ffDER IRI 3·10 7 30 Who w L ife 11 It AnvlRI 1 :00 5.20 9:40 NI T C NGIPGI ~na At1111ander 12 2: : 17 :15 9:2 Eco~t1ng 1st Hour Only ... l.·~ -... ,. ~ _ .... ,, ... , . .... ·-... _.,,,, . .. -... , ·-........... """ .......... .. MAKING LOVE IRI H1llury Of The World llRI Morgan f 1.,ch1ld SEDUCTION IR I BODY & SOULtRI Center 1179 4141 634 3911 IRI le1W1<ds C-UA Ciiy Cinema '-~ tH• WHTManTUI t~e L' IPGI Edwards WOQdbriOge UA h m Cll!elTllS Ml~ 551 ous 891 1243 ,_; ................... ____ _ Oflve·in1 O~n 6.30 ~~I :.-:-.=.1 · Under12~~GteuLnYftSNoted 494 1514 . NEW! Fish Sandwich • Platter. 8 1. 99 Vou'lfto~e our crispy North Atlantic fish fillet on a warm t>akery bun with shredded lettuce! Complete with fresh cote slaw and golden fryes. it's great for lunch or anytime! Try our Chicken Sandwich Platter. tool • .... c.ta ... """ ... ., ......... "'"'"" .__ ..... .... Or n.si Coast DAILY PILOT/Wtdnesdey, Fe bru•ry 17, 1982 • Stag:e actors retire to 'villft' NO SERVICES I n .keeplni: \\ ilh \'i<•to1 ;J o r ~ · ~ " 111 . 11 o ENGLEWOU 0 , N J IAP> Actor John Ho,l,\und ond a arouv of friend~ oftl'n sat around after u Broudwuy pl. 1y and talked of ret1rlnt( to t ht Actors· Fund Home, where ti H'Y could sit on t h e porch an ti "carry on spacious private rooms, four duy rooms tlll\'d with untiquc furniture, a baby grand pluno and wulls coverl'd with old photoa ruphs und pluy btll!s h'ast flO :ind hUV(' t.•nrned their It vrng In th<' theater , M uc Rue :.u1d llollund, who ent e red Lht- hom1• about hCVl'rt yt•urs ago, WU!> Lht> one <'X<·epllon to the age hmtt. Muc Ruc tsatd Holland. a native of Mobllo. Alu . suffered a lraumal1C' stroke in 1963 which left hts right s ide paralyzed together .. servtl'e!. an· pla1uu·cl for t he Iott• aC'tur. l'r1 ~nc_~ ~1<l .Jot' f was fo und ch•ud in ha·, :-s u n l a M o n i t' ,1 J apur'tnw nt f<'rnla\' Holland. S.'J, Is the only one or h is circle now living at the nor thern New .l'ersey theater retirement hom e, which was the bene fi citKy of ;' spectacular benefit Sunday . l l Radio Cit y The average age of the 36 residents ls 82 They don't pay fM-their keep buL turn over tholr Socipl Security b't!nefits 1n excha n ge for 1:1 mo11 lh ly allowance and "the best food and the best medical care," said Robert MacRae, who manages the home with his wife. Gloria. The home was butll in 1960. and Lht> Percy Williams wing for vaudevlllc veterans was added in 1972. MacRue s aid \t provides nv nursing care and will admit only those who can lake care of thcmi.clves, he scud Music Hall. . And there a re 1 'IO porches at t r . t his sprawling h,.:>me on fi ve T o live al t h e h o m e maintained by the Actor's Fund of America, residents must be al acres or land . 8 \Jt there are ~~~~~~~~--;:::==============:;:::========~ You've never been scared 'til you 've been scared in T Hf: EVERY MONl )AV ALL SEATS $2.00 lJ¢o TOGHAUI IS"'' ol Lo Cot-.... ...ii.. 1 In -()RANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus ''Cousin- V.Y COMIC Couslne" tPGI Y CORONA Lll L MAH lf ere's more to love than ... ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CH10RALE in its 26th CONCERT SEASON Dr. Maurice Allard, Music Director . ) • ) with nationally renowr led "ELIJAH'' soloist David Ford t:.Ynri' Reid Gail Bubinbaum Richard Dastru~ > ·soprano Contralto tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday;.-February-2-7;· S-pn:i Santa Ana High School Auditorium 520 w. Walnut ·street; santa -Ana TICKET PRICES EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS Per•llllt Aw•rt-• t'tot.lu l Sat., Feb. 20, 1982 -9:00 am · 5:00 pm SI 00 Donation ut Gate DOOR PRIZES • FOOD AVAILABLE Brook hurst Varit'ly of Readers School • 98?1 C1lberlnl', Garden Grove. CA YOUTH TABLET-Now Available ... for less than 'J:l' per day See Our Ad on Page AS •BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Ptrform1nc11 bt lort 5:00 PM (Except Speclll En11111ement1 and Holidays) I /A MlllADA MAI I Muocso 01 to1•c1ons LA MIRADA WALM·IN 99•·2•00 .. WHO!! :;.1fU'.'!.~"?~n· .. ~ Oto-toe c aeon t..:>nn MllTTO. .,..,,_La.- 'SEOUCfl()H" 1111 -.. , -J '° I'•---~,, ...... ,.. _... °""'""' ..... JACll-"MAKINO LOVE'" 1111 ,._. L ••• .._ •• ..--.u .. i liOliiiUlTl&il MAlllAeliOM#OflO lll.tAt:ttAU..lJlll TAPS "' IJ 4t I 't I .. f It 19'-.. f:' _o. ____ o.., .. .- o., • ,..,..,.._. O_., ...... ..,... ,_""" ....... °""' .......... ,..._ ............. , REDS -n• •• •• YO\I OON l MAYI fO at CIUiZ'f fOLNI-'RAIDER~~~ ARK '"1 CANNERY ROW .-OJ ,, •.••.• , .. ,.._,.tt t \1 ......... 11 .. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN '' ~"°"' ltAf'MPi ... ..._,.... ..... ~ ''ON GOLDEN POND' ,,., , •••• ''· •••• , .•• 11tt1t CMOAOI C tcOn ---~ "TAPS ' -,~ ... ~ ............ .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUJH WALll IN ~GUNA ,ocull'f 01 ConCSl•woocs 213/531·9510 I 'OU 00W J MAVI tO el CtllAl"'r '°...,._ CANNERY ROW ''"°' UM l'Ot ... I U ,,. 'REDS -........... llllC'MU.l ONT1CUJI ...... ;..catoM MAKINO LOVE 1•1 " .. a•.1 •• • • •• ,. ... f ACAO«NY ~­ .._. Ctl!Oll A...0..,. OWlaldOlif CHARIOTS OF FIRE P01 1" '"'. u ... , ... SO . COAST WALK·IN South Coast .. , ... oy 01 11oocswoy 494-1514 YOU_,, M ft 10 .. CM.n '°.,.._ "CANNERY ROW -T\111·"9 ,_,. --ua.·--· t N0411111UTIOM THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN 101 TUI..,,_ 1 ,._, .. "'MllCMt t ,,, .... , ,, t:46 IMPORTANT NOTICl' CHllORIN UNOIA 12 fAEl! ~.,.., ..... ,,... 111 ... "''• , ti ' lD • \•• '"" ""' • 00 "" ~ SOUllO • 'OU4I '"' CA~ MOO 1~ Tl)Oo \l'INl(R If "° ;."' ~ IW)ol) W!T>t °'"10H ACCISSOllT OO$l1l()lj -MllG lM llOl!lAIU 1•AU OM!-A OIWf.WS l.10 ON All! MOIO AHlllHI~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,,..,.or t4 Of L•mOfl S• 179·9150 ,..ID AtfAlllll .,_,V'nil DOUC111L..U ·GHOST STORY .. , ...... THE CH.ANGELING 1111 Cllll '' SOUND ---. .. -I THE 800GEN s •• , I llllOM•l ot .. .a .,.., OU'\'AU. " .. "VENoM'-L C•Nl llM>UloO TRUE CONFESSIONS 11'1 ... .. RICH ANO FAMOUS " 1111 CINt I~"<> J. __ 811J HA P&h BUENA PARK DRIVE IN lll'COlll Ave Well ol C"°n 1,21·•070 8lll .. A PAWi LINCOLN DRIV E·IN ~11\COfn ••• ··"Of l f\On 121·4070 IOUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLO DRIVE·IN So " 01eoo llW"I of llOotlftll<ll Oo l 962·2411 'W ~ 'V r!l.4',fl Q HI -WAY 39 ORIVI IN , . .,_,.,_ "0.. GOLMN ~' 1Nt ",. I 'THE ELECTfUC HC>flSEMAN ..a1 Cfllt II SOUNO · llnAlM "'' ---"STRIP£&' 1111 ...... "ITIR CRMY I'll Clllt '1 SOUND ...... •i. .. LA HABRA 9~1Vf IH _ ....... -..... ·---171-1162 ,.~ .... i t NO-A~a MMUHtolf ~ AMtJI AU.8t RAIOE.AS OF THE LOST M K -..... VICTORY-- ~ O#fllfAM Caft .MCIS .. 'MAKINO LOVE 1111 ...... HISTORY OF THE WORLD PAATONE ttll ""m All AMiil Mllb.n"N OOUOLA1 OHOST STORY' 1111 ...... "THE SEDUCTION" 4'11 CINf It ~O\/NO e-~ i i.a So oi G.l<O.n G•o•~ ''""'°' 891·369j OI OOIOt C -n T..i.W. M\ITTOOt 'TAPS'' fl'GI ..... MODERN taROBLEMS' 1P01 =•NI " 10UllO -----·~---THE I ODGENS .. l ..... 'VENOM ' 1111 Cl'll 11 5011NO It llOMM.Al!Ot9 ... """' ... _ -·-"OH GOt.~~ POND - THI ILECTltlC ~EMA.N" .. ORANGE OlllVf·IH \.o"t0 A"O ,,_, • \fOte Co, e9e 551·7022 -.ottt ........ to •-toUft- "CANNt"Y "OW ' IN! " .. "THI DOOi M WAit" flll . , .. ' "ll"' M ISSION OlllVf IN . " 'ARTHUR 1111 ·-"SHA .. KY'8 MACHIN!" 1111 ... .. "I USTIN' LOOSI ' f111 '"'°'--"' "THI IORMR" tttl ""' '10 .. DIRLINI" '"9 llCl._I_ "QUEST FOA FIAI " ...... , .. ,.,,.111) -~ "NIQ~CROUING" ..._ r '""" ., comer collect ,lt ttrn('!> conve· n1ent to you by h11111ng your checil or money ordPr ready so Iha earner won 1 IH111p to cAll back Because th•:> voung person 111n business tor n1mo;elf or henicll pt.ase he rPady and watch that big smile which says Thonk you ' ..... ' ' r- -EVENIG- l:OOlee Nr#I OHAN.IE'I ANGILI I . n. ~ ltW>OW THa JEfRMOHI I HAWM~ •11 ... llWPOM • NllDU!CMn' Cl) C88NlW8 9 A8CNlW8 ~~NEWS • *"' "Salem'• Lot" ( 1079) David SOUi, J- Muon .• A novelial return. 10 Illa boyhood nome to put an end to troubled rnarnon.. bul llnd• 111•1 • slnl•I., mystery allrC)!.>da hla town. 'PG' 0MOW •a '°11f)JN;o Bdty' ( 1980\ Clint 'Eastwood. Sondra locka. A lormer slloa sai..man from New WMY reallZM hla drMm ol par· l«mlng In a Wild W•I snow 'PO' t:ao G) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER Bl KCET NEW88EAT: CAlJFOANIA CONOAE8SIONAL AEPORT mJ IM 181NE88 REPORT Cl)Q!NEWS 9 IAANEY MILLEA CID ITANDeNG ROOM ONLY "Liz.a: An EvenlnQ Wtth Liza Mlnnelll" The Siege and 1er-. auperatar di•· plays ner range ol ralanta In • concert appear8nC8 wtlll music ranging trom claask: bluea to Broadway Sh<>walopp«a. 7:00 8 CM NEWS 9 N8CNEWS 9 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Pinky luacade<o 1eturM to MllwaukM and finds her way beck lnlo Fonzie's "-1. (Part 1) • A8CNEW8 Cl YOU ASKED fOA IT '8 M 0 A•S0H Whan Hot Lipe think• .,. might be ptagnant, Iha only rabbit ava.llable lor Iha t•t la Radar's pat Fluf. ly g) JOKER'S WILD ·~EASY "Waight Control" Gueat Valeria Harper (RIO m OC<CAVETT Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH OJ) £NTERTAINMEHT TOHIOHT An inl.,_ wltll JamM Garner GI THE MUPP£T8 Guaal Joel Grey (aJMOVIE • • "S•P•••I• Waye" ( 1980) r<aren Black. Tony lo Blanco. A ~ cou- ple'• !allure lo eommunl- cale ,,..,1y r-.ills in lhe datructlOn ol tnalr mar. rlage 'R' 7:*> 8 2 ON TliE TOWN FNtured· a IOolt 11 Iha Hie of lllgh-1)11ced call glrla; • prollla ol veteran sport• announcer Chick Heam. • cave In Kanau 11111 hOU- aoma ol Hollywoocfa moat vakl•ble treuurM a a FAMILY F£uo 8 LAVEANE&SHIALEY &COMPANY Lavar,.. end Shirley !Nm 111a1 everyone 11 th• b1ewery mull undergo paycllological aaamln•· llOnl CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 l<NXT !CBSI 0 l<NBC I NBCI 0 Kl LA Uno I ID l<ABC !ABCl 0 KFMB <CASI 0 l<HJ TV (Ind l IIil r<CST <ABCJ dJ KllV (Ind I " a) l<COP lV I ln<J I fD KCEl <PBSJ ell r<OCE <Pil'il 0 l .. c ' 17 f $ 0 COOLING -Faye Grunt, star of "The Gr eatest American Hero ... takes a cooling walk on the beach while filming a series segment in St. Croix which is to air at 8 tonight on KABC (7 ). On TV Z·TV HBO !Conemd)/ <WORI NY NY <WTBSJ !ESPNI (!>howlom('J SQl>lliQlll 8 <Cable News Nelworlo.l + ... 4 • Orange Cont DAILY PILOTJWed~. '•bruary 17. 1982 • TUBE TOP~ERS KHJ IJ 8:00 "Rider on the Raln." • C hi11fns s us pens e s t ory about a mysterlous man stars Charles Bronson and JUI Ireland. KNXT e 8:30 ··The Two or us:· Br entwood agrees to Pose as Nan's husballd to rend off an old admirer. KABC fl 9:00 "Tht! 1"all Guy," Colt ls hired by a beautiful woman to find her brother before the mob kil ls hlm . KNBC e 10:00 "Quincy." Quincy tries to prove two deaths were caused by n crisis·level smog alert. .............. -.. -he IOwl.. "'' ..e(l)MCMI **~ "The l~O" ,....,, Jedi ~. ~ Duvel!. OlreGted Illy 9t.-Y Kubrldl. A Wl'IW ~l*ed•• wlftW ceretMer tcw ' ,_. .. -~.., heYnled. Cotoredo ..... .. ~ ..... .. .... and Gleltwyant ~ .on .• ,. .• 1: tO. lllOYIE * * • "Bue* And The Preactler'' ( 1072) ~ Poitier. Herry .......... , .• = . .........,. ~ ,,,,.~...,, ...... r= ••• "Popeye" (1990) Aoblrt Wllllarne. 8Mley Dwell. Wtllle ~ .., hie f8tl1er, Iha ........ Ing Milot vleltl • 411*"' ......... ha~up· loundllng lifld a •tMy I 111'1M11. 'PO' 1~, .... ........ 1:11 ~ * *'4 "TM Olr1 ,.,..,,, ~"(1074)~~ ~ ....... HMtlft. 1::11•..,. *** ''tt>-Ot TM Neftfl" (1*'9) "-Y·F4n--°"°"" ...... .lllCMI ''Who'• TNl KnoddrlO ,., My Ooot'r° (1N7) ~ ~. Zlna ....... A ~-Mnl .. .... Yoftl't Uttle ~ "-WW-bAe ....... .._ .. ....... .,. . ..-- wtltl~ t1101* WASP. a:. (JI) MO.VII .. ·~· ,, .. ,, ~ ...... ~ MIN. ,_ teen-egen ~ a frtgfltfuj ....,.,. .... camMl~W.-· ed tlr a deMenWd .... . .. Illa lftONitfOUI ..... .. .. ,.... , tM lllCMI * .,. "Band °' ,.,... .. (1HT) CWtr ~ 8ldfter Polller. An ........ ~ -.w ....... ~ t•11t1elft•n wtlo hH _....to COMM!. .. Cl:) lllOYIE **** ,'T ..... ,,.,., .......... l(IMkf, "-4• FWI. The ...,,... of • poor E119llah larl9er ~thewtcllrllf//I .. 18f!lllY'• elplradofti Md '*-' ....,.,. 'ff l:IOCl)oc-..DT0/11/e ... A~bOJMdllla ...,_ dtllll owr . .,.. d'°'°9e f**'9 "'-eon. (Z)lllOYIE * * * "Cfltld'1 'lay''-( 1172) ....... ....._, ...... art~. A ....... INIMer M a C.-tlo(e acllOOI .,__ .. **"' of an~~ tor. 'PO' ... (ll lllOYIE JOHN DARLING • • ''Hawtc Tiie Sleyw'' (1N1>Jecl< p..,_, John Tetry, M llhtnt1110Ue ...,,. .............. .. of ..... ., ..,..,.. 1.0 ............. --. ...,. ~-wM lllled .. .......... ~ .. .... . .......,_, ."°"" **'4 .......... (1M1) ''" Ufltllle, ~­AMe OooilR. A rvw.. blG _.... 111....- rlng ......... IO lllOp en (~ from dllclov· «Int ......... °'. ~ ........ ... ___, .. ._ •• PO' 4c10 (Jl)MCMI ........... ,._ .. ( ,.,., ,.,., O'Toole. David ,.._.. ... A oemiot gov- -""*" ....... "'-..,. ~ of • ,.,....,, oouo .. ,_. dl.MCMI •'4 "lllk~-Oon'I U." (1M1) ..._d ,,_., IM!la """· I Tla•,..d•w'• ......... "'•"'" .. QI) *. '!'f'lla lnglorioua .....,. .. (1t7t) Bo·-w . FrM W..neon. TWo -totm an un""* tnerldatllp duflnt IMlt ~-~~ ....... and vlolenl deeth dllttftf the tvmuttuou• deye el_... W• 11. r=-CC> .... "The.._. II Colnga" ( 1te3) Olrll 8oOilrde. ....,. '9racfly. A World W• fl.,__ oMoer, ~ C-d. rapeeled- ly a--......... wtlo ......,_. to hold 111191 • a -Pfleoner. .. Cll ••• "Lolla" (1"2) J-w-i. lue Lyon. ...., °" .. lloty by Via- .. NllDollov. A ........ ape! proe.aor looll• to a ..,..... }'OllnO ~ In an ellor1 to llld Mpsll ..... .9 * *~ "Tiie Herd W.;'' -,,_, hlrtdl Mc:OooNn, Lee Ven C... A lllr'9d ....-i llae tO ....... - -hit before he ean ,.........,_. --···~°"'· ..... (ft:ltt JclNI w.-. Amy """°"· cC> ..... ''The , rtaco Kid" (197'ft 0.. Wider. Hllrfl. "" For& A "'*" rebOI ""°' ....... 1rM11WC1 a wld......, ....,.._. .... .. • ~ "'* ................... Sen......_ ...... _ e MW OOllfl IOI lb" 'PO' • ft*** "Plonlc At Hefltllle ,_.... ( 1t76) ..... ...,,., OalM*I Quent. In tum-of • .._. tury AuelnMa, llWea youllf ectloolglrlt ... ~ "°"' • edlOOI planlc and .,_,. ... In .. """" 'PO' -® .......... ldcla ,._ .. (1tl0) ---........ Orsi c.w.on. Wiiie on tour, a T-country· WMtern ell'Olf' beOofll8ll ~ wte'I .. eacluctl\l9 ...,..., of hie~ -ltloulh he d icw.. hie ltay-et...,,,_ wife. 'PO' -Cl) ***"'''The Way We Were" ( 1173) Barbra ,.,....., ~ Aedfotd • A YQIMO oOlllQe C011Pte In the 1930e dlaoo¥S lfl4lf tMW P°'*"' .... _ -1ttOft1 ~to~ ardta INlr _,,.... 1 t::IO CCl ••• '"TM Aapt\el1 .iuf9e" ( tt50) llertlng Hayden ...... Whitmore. Tiie .,.. .,. ~ by • crlmlnel m•t.,111ltld'1 11a11 .. "er da'•~. •• * ''The IMnclM>la ....... WorNn'' (1980) Liiy T °"*'. Ctlartea Oro- din. A~ta~ll hard to cope .._, 9ha ~ beglr'8 to aMnlt ln..._'PO' 1l:tO •••••. Johnny Con- cho" (19541) frank Sinatra • K~ Wynn. A boMtful gambler overcom. hf• co.-dlce end ~ • llero 1n lhe .,.. o1 lhll E o4•WMltowfl * * "TM MM ,l'Oftl edo" (tM) ~ ,Otd, W....,,. Hotdell A i..ey ~ ...... Jwdee of tfW Coloredo Ter· ' ~ le _....IO IO tflOMl wflc>OOO-hle ~.I ...... "The TNtd o.(' ,, 11M4) o.oe p_.,.o~ ftl1abelh Aahl•lf Acl' emnee1aG le llGWNd "Y hie I wlM end CIOUlln of mwder• '!!I• -and'* dllld. ' Cll>** ''TM~•" ' (tt1t) Vie Morrow.~ H#per, Two young peopif -lr\10 . ,_with'"" notortou• ·~ ol-~ lhe dNIN of WIY• -dM"'O 10 11119 ,,_. 'PO' CZ)*•* "P~" ( 19801 AoOll\ Wllleir'M. Shelley Duvel!. While -etllng IOf .. llltMr. ,.,. 8'>111edl.-i~ Ing Mllor Wiii• • quaint MrNel .._.ha pkaa ~. foundltlt MCI e Mlnnlf • • .. thMrt. ·PO• , 1;00 Cl) * * * "Loilla" ( 1M2) • Jemee ..._,, Sue Lyon · ~ on Ille ltOfY '1y Via-1 Cllnllr Nabokov. A ~ lloecl proteM« look• 10 • wanoa young gltl In an .-ort to ftlWI ~ •••• "EMl"(1070) Kurt ""-'II, s..-i Htlb- i.y. EM• Preal4ry rl-lrom ~ and Obaeutlty to llChle"9 ,_ end tort~ • a euperstar mu.ical per; tocmer. 1:IO CC)•* "Aelum ~ ,_,. .. t:OI CZ> ••• "O.lry Rldee Again" ( 111311) JemH ' S'-wt. Marlena Dietrich • An unarmed deputy clNn• • up a et~ 1own . and cac>tur• the anac:- 1.ion. ol a loYely gwnblllig· hell host .... a:aoCID • * "TIMI 1~ e.tard1" {1078) 8o Sven- -· Fred WllbmlOfl. Two ,_, lorm an unusual " frlendahlp during their t aflorta IO _...,,. enemy ,. an.clla end Vi<>lenl death during the tumultuous t 11.ys of WOf'lcl War II ~ l::OO. * * 'n •'Hell On FrilCO Bey'' ( 1055) Alan Ladd. ~ Edwwd G RoblnlOfl A • lormar pollceman la '1lla9Md lrom prtaon end " .... out 10 dew hil name. a:. (I) * * "HllWll The llayer" (1081) Jack t Palenca, John Tarry Aro ! .--ituroua young m.n - aNlaU Iha akS of a band ol = ~~0~7=: t&-.. 1119 father and le " lidding .,, abbMa lor ran--? -· 1::11(%) **'"' "~ COiiar" (1971) Rld\ard Pryor, Har-• Y9'f Ken.I Tlv• lniatrated Oetrol1 auto fectOf')' WOf'k- .,. turn to crim., bringing 1'lafn lnlo more conflici Md potenli91 danger than ttiey-counted on 'R' •M• •• "Hawtl The ·Slayer" (1081) Jack Plllencla, John Tarry An edveneuroua young man enlllt9 the aid ol • band ol wwrlora 10 llgllt hia IMI unc:la, Iha overlord llll9d Illa lather and la hOlding an abt>eu lor ran· ~. . l:OO CC) * * * "The Aapllall Jungle" ( 1050) StwNng Heyden. J-Whitmore The poia ere balfled by • crlmlnal l'naalermlnd's l\alf·mlllk>n-dollar rob~ l::tO CID •• ~ "Little Boy Lost" (1978) Jofln HatgrUYAS. Nathan 0-. Ru1al Aua· t1111i.n larm«S embark on • -Ch to locate • •- ~-old !091 in ll>a bufh ·o· 1:11 CI> • • * "Which Way la Up?" ( 1077) Richard Pryor lon911e Met<• A MX· 9tanoed lrult picker Is c:auohl In a cornlt croullra ~ Illa union end tl>a mob. and • llypOCtltieal pt-=t1w !Inda ,__, In a llldlee' choir. by Armstrong & Batluk NOT ()NL..Y "TM~"T, &LIT ti COfo.l\ES W ITH A LrTTL.E ~N 51..tCKER ~ GAL05ME6 Foc:t -nE, ~y~ WHEN PHIL. P~EDtC-T'S SUNNY WEAnE I ~--~-~ ~ Love Canal story on TV tonight A part of Doumey that had been condemned served. as ~ale By .JERRY BUCK A .. T ......... Wr-.r LOS ANGELES -Three-lime Academy Award nomi~ee Mars ha Mason stars in "Loia Gibbs and the Love Canal" because a friend al CBS knew ahe was interested in doing work for television. Tht po-pula.f_ Olm. aclrna makes her TV movie debut at 9 tonight on ~XT (2) u a New York housewtfe who led the npt a1alnal haurdous chemicals dumped into a canal that wu filled in for 1 tebaol and home Illes. "I came to this becaute Jean Guest, a vice president at CBS, and I IO back a lon1 way:• says Mila Mason, currenUy atarrine in tbe theatrical tum "Only Bergerac" on public TV while workln1 in repertory theater in San Franelsco. SINCE SHE FREQUENTLY performs in works written by hfr husband, playwright Neil Simon, the was in the TV adaptation of "The Good Doctor." Two of her Oscar nomlnaUom came in plays he WTOte , "The Goodbye Girl," and "Chapter Two," ~b w11 about. thelr courtship. Her flrat nomination was for "Cinderella Liberty." governments. But she was able to train : herself and raise her consciousness. ; "When we met," tbe actress says. "I : kept trying to figure out who this • woman was in the beginning. She had : already changed when I met her. She : wu changed 200 percent by 'the : ·experience and wouJdn 'l give up any ol • it. .. THIS STAaTED OUT as a emotional Issue for her. but sM learned to speak confidenUy, ahe learned bow to i deal wtth the buruucracy and how lO l deal with u.e press." · When I La ... h.'' Por-"Loft Canal," a put ~ DoWDty that had been coodesnned f« a rr.w•y aerv.cl as .Jhe Love Canal area of Nia1ara Falll, N.V, It~ a larte secUoa of a1-Ddoned houMI, ad IOl¥ed tb• problem of the ... ..,_ ln tlM Illas MalOft says she was "in awe of Mr tn ~ Hspecta," and believes that she bad uhder1one a "courageous odyssey." r.Lols Glbbl and* Love Canal'' was wrltlea by Mlcbael Zagar and was dlrefted by'"Clean Jordan, whO also ~ lllfu Muon in ''Only When I Lau•h·' • She sugealed him for the job blcaue 1be wanted a di.rector with whom the felt comfortable. No.rtheUt. , Before the started tlM "°':•:'" M•oa ltudlednpo1'U Oii Jin. • c_::ee Ill-..'' and 08 MWI ...... ~· eJa• WAI a lilouMwlf9 wl motMr who •• drawn Into "' ..._ became of tbe Ulne11 al w own cbtkll'lft • \bole ot IMr M'=l'I· Al"°'U..,UC.l at nrtt. 'liiil me coe.t ._. tMtr wa..Jf wen uuHd 111 the ~ cllMbtnli t • oaat Canal . .. ... , ,. •-,---·-----~------·~'---- - I I 1 1 Orange,Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 'soUND VAtUES · youR CHOICE Of • It DASH l:iffi!!lt] a TRACK or CASSEm... STEREO TAPE PLAYER W11\I AM/FM RADIO , iiiiiiliiY~O~UR CHOICE Of 69~ I MOOR #Kl>-566 OR Kl>-SIS CO ·l Otl, nEATMEMT 119 R~M 1ntwnal ting•!"lle l.o<tion p,.,...,., oa<ff• LIMIT • YOUR I ..... ,~"'-'"°"0nd CHOICE I volve lt"-1 (A. _ CD .II ~C:l~nu~~ '/. and SWER • I~ ~.'!::'" • Compo11ble wirh oll power sreering fliick. CIJ-2 • Slops >qveok• and "'°'' leok1. • • Cond11tons rubber "'°'' to gvo<d og<Jln\I fluid Ion, 98 c I fOlMUlATED TO MAKE STtHING lASlllt, ou1ma. & SMOOTllH. '~~ PEP BOYS • HEAVY DUn AIR ADJUSTABLE ., SHOCK ABSORBERS ~ ', ADJUSTAIU FOR SMOOTH RIDE AND USE Wf11I MIY llAllJ M AIWSTAIU SlfOaS (olemon ,1 alR SHOCK PUMP • ln•toll 8rok• Silo.a Lin.d wittl Geftllin9 ''GatZZLY ULTRA" lining -Broke Pod1 lined wittl Genuine "8ENOIX" llnfng • Rebuild oll WhHI Cyllnct.n ond Collpen IEGUlAl7gc mt EA. asisroa97.C ' · "" EA. c:o.tm ..... "" .. ..._ -. .. COMlll W111 COMPllSSOI, All IC>Sl;fmWIS& .SfllKTIC*S ..,....,.._......_ •Resurface Drums ond ltotor1 • ltepock front Wheel Beoringt SCllWS ., ---· --· ....... ....., ......,. ...... .... _.. .............. . • Inspect Hydroullc System • 1nstoll New front S.011 • ln11oll New Return Springs or OIK lroke Hordwore • lle..:LSystem. ond Adel Fluid • Aoocl T Mt .Cor . Y• . YA ..... ilS..... ..... s.wtc. 1590 s: HARBOR BLVD. PHONE:.870·~700 m~!4.-AMERICA'S LARIEn AUTO nOIES 10912 .CATELLA NI£. KATEt.LA & EUCLID PHONE: 638-0863 AY THRU NDAY · Sehab1aespano1 LA MIRADA SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER 1A207 ROSECRANS AVE. 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS 15221 BEACH BLVD. PHONE: 944-6437 PHONE: 547.7471 PHON~ 893·85« .. OPIN MON. IHRU FRI. 8 A.M.-9 RM./SA'l I A.M.·6 RM./SUN. 9 AeMe•5 P.M •. . laity Pilat Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1982 OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPER MICROWAVE RECIPE SLIM GOURMET C2 C8 C9 C10 Just plain. vlttles !_t;!2'~~~0N Mamma was not a gourmet cook. By today's discriminating tastes. she was probably a pretty poor chef. somewh ere between m ess sergeant and the Colonel. Still. she raised five kids four snot-nosed, fre{'kle -faced boys and a stringy-haired wisp of a blonde - girl to adulthQOd. largely on what came out of the pond. the fo rest or the garden. Back in thos<.' days pre-World War II and into the earlv 1940s it was '"root hog o r die.': and when you were one o f seven s itting around a skimpy supper table it was with extreme caution that vou made a st a b for the last biscuit fo1 fear you mig ht e nd up with s• forks protruding from the bark of your hand. You had to be quick. agile and resourceful to s urvive. If vou were working a crop on shares' in south Georgia you learned . to fisl).. hunt and cultivate a vegetable garden. Otherwise. you sat down to an empty table at limes . So mamma wasn 'l a gourmet cook so what., Shl• s ure made those rollard greens and salt pork palatable She could t ake a s mall cat squirrel and make him taste like . well. like fried squirrel. And ·then there were the other things baked possum and sweet potatoes; red beans and rice: frog ·legs and turnip gr.eens: catfish and hush puppies: the lis t goes on. T hen there 1were those s pecial occasions like Saturda~· n ig ht s Saturday ni g hts we re great. be ca ~se we alwav s h a d a s t 0 re. bo u g ht s LI p per . ll s u 3 II ~· bologna on light brcud with a bit of salad dressing for taste Sometim es th ere were hamburgers on buns with mustard or fried salt·watcr fish tnothing but mull et would do > "Jnd pawn bread or grilled cornbread. Still. bologna s andwiches were the favo rite You rould whip up a couple of them real quick . plop down in fr o nt of the ol d battery-powered Philco and listen to Roy Acuff ~ing lhrough his nose from the stage of the Grand Ole Optf in Nashville You talk about Sat urdu~· Night Live With summer came a lol of work. but there was usually some time for fun. There were trot-lines to be set for late C1flernoon fi shing. A good trot line or a s tand or set hooks could yield a fine platter of fried catfish for suppc•r As autumn began to µamt the wood s a light s hade of orange. our thoughts ofter!lturned lo frogs not the fat little toad rumored to give you warts. but those 11'ng-legged croakers that kept ~·ou awake half the night. A night of gigging through the swamp could prov• to be just the ticket. It offered a night of s port. and frog legs fried deli<.'iousl ~· brown was about as c lose to gourmet eatmg as poor folks ever got. It seems our thou ghts were always of food not so much how it was prepared. but where it was coming from. You can live on a farm ~nd still grow up hungry. especially if the bread-winner in the family s hould have been an~thing but a farmer With winte r 's first hard frost came hog-killing tim_e. When the mercury plunged into the 20s. it was time to bring in those shoats that had been feas ting a ll s ummer long for this festive occasion. Folks came from miles around to help dress out those big beautiful hams. sides of bacon. s houlders a nd chops. T here was lots of g<X>d eating for a while backbones a nd rice. sausage and biscuits. liver pudding. blood pie a nd c hittlins. sometimes called chitterlings by city folks . Chittlins were som e thing you had to develop a tas te for It was usual!~· the grownups who ale them. because no kid tn his right mind would eat anything th.it cam<.' from the inside of a hog Mamma made c hittlins for Daddy He loved ·em. but none of the kids ever did. but then. mamma was never a gourmet cook. About all t hat's left of that kind of .t lifestvle is a memon'. Automation. and the J ohn Deere tractor put the s harecropper out of business and made farming profitable. Some where out there there might be a ma mma who still cooks over a wood stove and does her washing in an old cast iron pot. If there is. s he 's probably stuck so far back in th e Louisiana bayou or the Mississippi s wamps it takes t hree days to pipe suns h ine in to her About the only places in the countrv where the·old wavs are s till practi.ced is among the ba~·ou people. the Cajuns and the Crroles The~· have managed to c lin g to a way of life long s ince gobbled up b~· so-c alled progress ever~·wherc els<' They have their own language. music and. of course. their own food. And about this time ever~· ~·car t heir thoughts turn to gaiety thr et•lebration or Mardi Gras . From Mobile to New Orleans. the drinks will be stro ng and the food will be s picy. Nowhere in t he world will you be able to get seafood gumbo. red beans and ri<.'e and jambalaya to tas te like they do at Mardi Gras time. So mamma·s not a gourmet cook But then who cares when it tastes so good. • 'I'ake, a little lamb to dinner . . . C7 Recipes GUMBO, MY WAY Shrimp. 11 :i pounds. peekd ancl deaned C lams . 2 dozl'n . small fcil s te aming O~·sters. I •pint. s tewing Sll.l'. quick boiled 2 minutes Chicken. hon~· parts. :{ t'llp:-. <.'OOkl"<.I ,_ Sausage. 6 s mall links Minced C'lams. 2 s mall cans Clam juice. 8 ounCl' hnltlt• Mushrooms . I tup Onions. 2 l;,irgl' Garlic. 3 largl' clo\'l'!'t Green onions. 6 with tops Celery. 1 <'UP T omat(){'S. I ll.lrgl' can Green pepper. 1 largl' Red pepper. 3 pods. dnc·<l Okra. '1 pound fres h or frozl'n Cayenne peppl'I'. 1 , teaspoon 01 das h File gumbo. teaspoon Salt. to taste Pepper. to tasle To prepan•. saut1• in butter 11r margarinl'. mushroom~. onion!'t, gu rll<'. · green onions and <.'elcn· Add 1 1 cup flour and brown to mukt· mu Add tomatot.'!). one ('an of walt·1· a nd dam .1uiC'I:' Hnng to ~low boil and add -.hrimp. <'lam:.. ch il·kl·n. o~·ster~. sausa,:!l' c 1·ookcd and in s mall bites 1. okra. green p<.>ppcrs . rt' cl 1><· p 1><· rs and season 1 n gs S1 m ml·r tor two h<Hll''> Servl' O\ <.'r I It<' JAM BAI.A \'A Ri ce. I l'UP Onions. I t'Up. ('hoµpl'd Cl'll'r~. I ('Up . chopped Pork :-.a usagl'. 1 .! pound Bel'f. ~rou nd . 1 1 pound ChiC'ken. I l'UP lx1m·d \.\ path lfrd pcppt'I'. :) pods. dril'cl Grcl•n pcppl'I'. 1 larg<.• Cu,·t•nnl'. Dash Sait. Dash Peppl'I'. Dash rill· gumbo. ll'aspoon To µn.•µa l'l'. :-.iJ Ull' onions and l'('ll•n m huttt•r or margarm<.'. add (' h I l' kl' n . s au sag l' u n d be t.'f l.I n d brown Ac1c1 '' &Jll'I' < I ('Ups •. bnng 111 <• ho i I an cl pour 1 n n <' l' :\ d d -.l·a sonmg:-. a nd alln" to s 1mmt·r unt ii "all'I' 1s tookt•d out or l'll'C' b tl'IHler St>n'l' with n'<i hean!'t ;.ind -.mokl'<I pork :-.ausagl' R ED BEANS Red lwan!'t. two l'Ups dried Baron."" .... 11<·t•s <'hopped Salt Pcppt•r Hed P<'t>Pl'I'. :! pod-;. dried To prl'lli.ll'l'. soak hc·:ms overnight in c:ol d wall'I' Bro\\ n bacon in t r~·ing pan. acid lo s" cups of w;1tt•r and hring to boil .\dd beans and :-.el.lsoning und l'''°k until tendl•r Sl'n't• with .J;,imhala~·a and s aus;igl· FRIED FRO(; LEGS F rog ilogs. fi p;,i11· Flour Eggs. 2 \\hill'" onh Sall Pem><'r T o prc p;,irl'. makl:' a hghl batter ot l\\11 l'j..!g \\hill':-.. \\alt•r Jnd flour Du:-.t frog legs m cir~· flour. roll m b;,illcr and dust again Season and dC'l'P fr~· in pork lard until gol,kn hrO\\ n and lt'ndC'r Sl'l'\"l'S su< J CATFISH ASD ,. llt:SH Pt' PPI ES . Catfis h. Ii ml'dium Corn meal. 1 '.! r up ~·l•llnw ('om mt'<il. 1 '.! <'lllJ wh1ll' F lour. 1 :.! t'LIP whtlt• Buttermilk Onion. I minl't'd Garik . 2 t lovt•s. mint'l'U Baking powd<·r I tabl(•s 1>oon Salt . P l'PPl'I' Lard for fr~·ing To prt'µan.•. pla<.'l' all ing redients . <.':<tcpl c<.itfish. into large m1xmg bowl Stir into a i.tiff batter and set as ide 'A dash or hot sauCt' IS often good 1 A tlow halt e 1· to set I 0 minutes Dust catfish \\Ith Sl.llt. pl'PPl.'I' and additional \\'hill' rorn meal. Heal large fr~·ing pan with lard Spoon ll.'asµoon-sizl•d bulls of batter into grease and fr~· along with the catfbh until golden brown Serve with g r een s . ro lla rds pref l'ITl '<'I Setting customers. straight on nutrition facts By MARY JANE SCARCELLO O.My1>"9l~.-.. When custom ers al Market Basket stores reach ror a pound of hamburger or a bunch of carrots this month, they'll notice som elhing new has been added to produce and meat cases. While strips with bold black lettering now tell buyers exactly what nutritional values they receive for each servlng of fresh fruits, veget.ables and meals. ''Food is a large part of a family's budget, so It's critical to know what nutrients you're selling for your dollar," according to Ronald Deutsch, the Laguna lteach resident who spent months researcttin1 the project. The nationally kno wn nutrltibnlst has written such books u "The Nuts Amona the Berries" and "The FamUy G wde to Better Food and Better H .. lt.h," as well u a colle1e tut and other literature for profesek)nala. He worked with Kro1e r , parent company of the .. store ~Market Basket cbaln, to <MveJop the nutritional hbeltn1 program, which first appeared in Kroger stores in the East and Midwest last sprin~. • ·· u 's a fascinating possibility to reach such a huge audieoce and give a consumer the chance to make a nutritious choice," Deutsch said in an interview. "First we put the lnformation out there, and then we teach people what it mean•." Scientific research for the strips came from a data bank al M lchlgan State Uni verslty, where 66 nutrient factors for about 3,000 kinds of food have been recorded over the. past seven years. Assessment of nuvients waa done on a per-serving basis, wit.h meats indicating a before-and arter·cooking weight to show shrinkage. Calorie conteqt follows. and vitamin• and minerala are grouped according to •mount as "Unusual Source," "Very Good Source," "Good Soul'ee" and "Minor Source." Fiber, fat, cholesterol and IOdium a1ao a.re noted for buyers on Nltrided • diets. (Fruits and ve1etablea do not contain cholesterol>. "All meats are rl1ured as trimmed of outside fat," Deut1ch noted, ••and we're hoplnl people will rethink tome o ld l'lotlon.. For instance, chic ken Isn't necessarily leaner r or lower in calories and fats than pork. "Half a chicken fried without r e m ovi ng the akin and underlyjn1 fat will be HQ calories more than if the lkln la r._oved. and it lan't neceuartly betur for you t.han other meats. Cblcken ls a poor source of vltamlnt and mlDerala, becaUle it haa lta lron and fewer B vtt~mlqs\ so l\ abould be served w th • eafy, 1rHn vegetable. "Beef ls high in Iron. which mo•t people lack, and pork provides thJamine. Pork can be H lean u chicken if the out.skle fat is trimmed off, even if lt's done on the plate.'' . Besides the labeling strips, :o eutsch and t.he market chain 'h'he produced free brochures tellfnc about dJtrerent lYI* of food• wltb a 1matterln1 or hl1tory, nutriUonal lnformatJon, tips for' aelecUon and slorfnl u well•• recipe ldeu. Mary Beth Rattaem. Martel Basket'• dJrector or conawner affalra, 11ys UM pro'"m bu been a succesl with Kro1er custom ers beca u se the information ia available at the point of saJe. ··cons umer response s hows the strips do make a di fference ," Deutsch said. "Markets sell what people want lo buy, but a company has a right and obligation to share information on what they're buying." Some additions have been made in the informational strips for California, he noted , because Southland buyers have a wider c h oice of items than do Easterners. "About 90 percent of the avocados grown in Calirornia are sold here -they don't know m u c b about. guacamole in Toledo," he said. Other exotics more common locally include papayas and kiwi fruit, and coastal buyers choose from a wider variety ot fish. • 8ut Deutsch doesn't expect hi1 Information lo tum buyers into nutrlUon experts overnight. "I Just want to give people some auidelines to break up the conruslon and misconceptions," he ea.id ... There's no such thine as junk food just Junk dleta. "Let's race It. we don't Ju.st eat to survive We eat because rood appeals lo us. so we have lo make nutrition taste good." As an exa mple. Deursoh talked about a holiday stuffing recipe planned for brochures late this year. "Stuffing packages call for a la rge quantity or butter. which adds rat but n ot much nutrition," he pointed out. "I've rewritten it omittin1 the butter and salt but adding sausage and nuts. Fat and sodium levels remain the same. but nutrients are raised.'' He lamented o ld package directions on frozen vegetables a nd pasta calling for sailed water, which raised the sodium levels unnecessarily and noted that oil added to most packaged baking mixes coutd be cut ln half to lower calorie• wlt.hoUt harming lhe finished product. "We plan to update brochures and pass alon1 new informatioft aa more becomes •vaUable." he aald. "What I want lo do la break tbrou1b the myatny aurroundin1 nulrltlon far the avera1e consumer and open "P the world of roods " > J I -· _____...__.. -----• , Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 • Through un~harted regions of r~frigerators · By MAltY JANE SCARCEU.O D•My'lllle '_a ..... Many maeazlne artlcl 1 and even a few books lutely have been devoted to the ways we n·vcul our innermost thou1hts ln a non·verb1d fushaon Some experts rush lo analyze the colors people wear or use ltl Kome decorating to rutegorize personality types, Bright primary colors are supposed to Indicate active, high.energy people with a drive to succeed. Heavy use of dark. earth tones In r ugs and furniture. on the other hand, means either the person is quiet and reserved or just got a new puppy. Other scie ntists of human behavior interpret body movements and gestures. A person who sits forward in his chair during a conversation is interested in wbat you have to say. U he sits back wilh his arms folded, he's s ilenUy disagreeing with you. No one ventures an opinion on the listener who sits forward with folded arms. although it might mean he's about to break into a Russian dance. especiaUy if he's humming a gypsy song. Sociologists have explored so many areas of ST ART 1982 WI TH OUR RESOLUTION AND BOOK I NEVER PAY RETAIL . 1982 SECOND EDITION The only comprehensive guide to Discount Shopping in Orange County by Sue Lee ~ Starr Ph1ll1ps 251 stores in 31 cities V<t .... ul'Od on -Ol 0..ly Piiot Sun Jan 10 1~1 $6.50 plus $1 .15 postage. tax. and handling charge. $7.65 --------------------:Please send me ..... copies of I NEVER PAY RETAIL. I jenclosed 1s a check tor S . . • . . .....• I I ~ame · ·· I !Address I ! I !~1!ie .cheek. payable. to i .NEVER. PAf Wer AiL a~d ·.nil1i to : ;369 E 17th St .. Ste. 163A. CS6800. Costa Mesa, Ca. I • 92627 OP -2/ll/C --------~-----------~ pm••••••• COUPON •~•------- : 30' off ~!POUND i HONEY BAKED HAMS i GOOD THRU FEB. 2), 1982 WITH COUPON ONLY I GIFT CERTIFtr.ATFS I REDEEM.UUAMmMEAT •MV 1 HONEY IAKED HAM STORE IN U.S.A. Copyright1:> 1981 Honey Baked Ham, Inc. , . : . •• ••••••aCQVeOlti • •••••.!.ft'.., --------------------~ THE BEST THl/IG SINCE I SUCEO BREAD! : I I I , . I I I I I . . I I'W!f1r•L SUCEO FOi Mn SE1Wlllf 1 No puling. No tearing. No lost mh.Jte corvtng. I Honey Baked Hans ae slced around the bone In o spiral mamer so that each slce remains h I I ploce unti seN0d. Each slce Is unram In thlcicress I I and unfolds easly. I " I We Invented the si:*ol slced ham and we ttti< it reoty IS the best thng sirce slced bread. II serves !• gcqll ex~ pertectly and Is welcon"le ot I al occasions ... bo1h foord and lrtormol I E'very Horev Bol<ed Han 1s stowtv baked CNeK I 1 PJrQ9"t tlckoy chP$ and gazed with a delctous coatng of honey o~ Try a free sanple In I I orr-t one of o.x stcxes. Yo.x taste buds w1 bad<~ I •1 our claim. For tne perfect companion we· I suggest you try Honey Baked Ham's I I Mustard Sauce. It's the best thing since I I sliced ham. I I ONEY Ml(IO NAM I I -·-·3"00E COOlt~. (7'4)67).QOOO I I -· n-. Vlog&CAnler • 12'12 So.~ (Al 8a1Pood) • I I (7\4) (1.).5..2461 • • I 4,.... &11 TOW9tl'lolo ~ • '2400I ~ wav I I (AIE!Torollaod) • (7\4)&V.J822 I ww••-·I000911eoct1~(AtGa1111dn9Jfl to~·,> • I (714)~ 11 I -· 1419N lt.e"'1{Acroeafl'OmTovo!OdOorQl!I) • (714)W7-Q9tl0 • I .-...,. M34 Hwv m(Ronctlo~ ~Cl) • (7\4)346-39Q4"' ........ 5'J?~/'lt"Qt"1 Ave (r\Hc:rcrnml~ Ceo!«) • ·• I <714}•9681 4 -~~~'='='I O#I !l.'1!!.f!!!.~!! __ BUT Bf Tll llTCIEI our llves that most or us are afraid to move for (ear D stray twitch or 1rimace wlll live US UWll~. One area as yet untouched by nosy 11clentl11ts Is exploration and analysis or the uvoraee home refrigerator. . A person doesn't have to be a Sherlock Holmes to interpre t ~}le clues within the clammy walls. A single person's refrigerator Is easiest to spot. Never overloaded unless a party is planned, It genel'1llly holds only liquids: wine, beer, mineral water, salad dressing and an occasional bottle of orange juice. • The closest to solid food it contains is a jar o f organic peanut butle r , and th~ fruit-and-vegetable group is represented by two ·tired-looking limes and half a lemon with part of the peel mlssing. In direct cont r'ast is the overloaded refrigerator. A tired ham bone with a few shreds of meal clinging lo it, vies ror spa~e ·with covered plastic ~ontainers and bowls of every description. Fresh Bananas A lift of the lld11 and aluminum loU wlU ishow thu cont ·nts to be leltovert ol varylnl ages and s tage¥ of decay, but tht> Qwner won't part with \Mm, "becaU!le you never know when you'll nt.-ed""ir.> You've auessed It that person is your mother, and half the t1me she refers to her rerrhierator as the ice box, although the lee man quJt delivering to her nelehborhood In 19M. The ulUmat.e of coune, Is the totally emp~ reJrlaerator. No leftovers on little suucer11 irace Its interior, no fruit is allowed lo 1row old gracefully in.the produce drawer and cartons or m Ilk never sour on Its shelves. As soon :.s grocery sacks are unloaded and food put away, it mysteriously disappears even before the next meal can be cooked. It's not that the owners are immaculate housekeepers or compulsively elean and they're not on an intentional fast. They're parents of a teen·age boy who~e favorite phrase is. "When do we eat?" If he invites a friend over after school, they can wreak more havoc than a swarm of locusts or an army of driver ants attacking a corn field. Here's a recipe for chocolate cake good ror sending m hmchboxea or for snackln& after achool when the bordH hit. The best part ia the prcpanahon, because It's mixed right in thf> pan, and the only dirty dish left behind is the fork or spoon iued ror 1Wrnng • If you come home late In the afternoon :and can 't flnd the kid, rollOw the trail of chocolate cake crumbs to the room with the ~te reo bl as Una oul rock records. CRAZY CHOCOLATE CAKf: l ~ cups flour l cup sugar. 3 tablespoons cocoa l teaspoon baking soda 'h teaspoon salt Saft the dry ingredients above mto an 8·inch square pan, ungrcased. Mak-e 3 depressions m the mixture. Into on e depression put G tablespoons vegetable. oil. in another depression put I tablespoon vinegar and in the last depression put l teaspoon vanilla Pour 1 cup cool waler over il all and mix gently with a dinner fork or spoon until all dry Ingredients are moistened ~o not beat. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes. Ma~es a soft, moist, coarse-textured rake to eat plain, frost or '!Crve with vanilla ice cream. s Ill~& $1,000. · IOW EIJOY A GAME AID SAFEWAY LOW PllCES TOO! OVER $1(1~~00.00:0> II PRIZES AVAILABLE ooos ooos coos NUMMI l 13 21 CASH Of TICICU TICICnS flCICElS 1'11ZIS ... IU S 1 IN· I IN 1 IN .;.:~ :;:~ 25$ .. 2" ~I ,...,... 4 ~~1 "Jl.ooct -n-lfiO;oo<r 27,60 13,147 S 100 400 70.100 S,400 2.700 S SO 900 35.100 1.700 l .lSO S 2S l,l>SO 17 019 1 300 l>SS C~ llTAIU AT STOii SAFEWAY QUALITY PRODUCE Yellow Onions U.S. llt.1 3:. 99' Fresh Leeks U:t.S::-lb 59' ColeSlaw y.,y~ :.: 69' Fresh AWtados =· ~29• Crisp Carrots :,: 2~59• lb 89' ried Chicken = ........ *228 2 1o~ oast *159 sUCD -UYll ..... " o.t-t-4 •••• lb. Italian Squash =' .. 59' Bean Sprouts ~ lb,39' Tomatillos GrNI fOt ..,·59c lilulC<WI OISl!a Red Delicious Apples w~ 3:C 99c Russet Potatoes IJ s Ila I Mixed Floral Bouquets , Ill 39' Bunc1t s199 . --- Fresh Perch ·~::· lb. *1 99 --..... Sefewoy CM!llty ..... ..,114 """ C-1•• Cut SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Premium Ground Beef o-J:~*" IO '1" Smoked Picnics ~~ .. 1:1'.~ Ill 1111 s.ie-,~.., Beef Cube Steak •20 Masterpiece Ham Wllloll 130 a.I ,. '°"""' Ill . Boneless Roast S.ltwly OuMtr, 9MI '2" Skinless Franks ~ I-lb '1°' Aol<nd Tip II .,, "'9 IO OIUUno&. IOTmG TO "9CUSI DAIRY 6 BAKERY GROCERY 3C Lucerne Sour Cream ~ 99' 5'!Q La Rosa Unguini 16 01 49< P>g tE E Lucerne Fruit Drinks G.iuo;n't95' :-: Anthony Noodles 16 Cl 79< P>g : :•Lucerne Buttermilk tlaJI 95c _... ij (4 '399 Galioto _.., Yuban Instant Coffee Jlt ~ Honey Bran Bread w.~~11 • 14 Ol 89< _... H , A I J &t Ol s139 lo.it ~ ansen s pp e u1ce '''""'' 11on1r _... c· R II '•h W•r.u ~ 1nnamon o s F .... .., .c• ::?1 '1 29 ::: Clorox Liquid Bl.each t.,~ 69' :@ [>Mrs. Wright's Bagels 2 :\ s100 _... r 1~·0ll lM>r .-., 1de Detergent 11 .... , 11 49 01 '189 Boo .. Lii-Cerne Yogurt 3 *1 "~ con•" "9::'!" (llllSI ..... 8·01. °".,, st" Cartons c:-- LIQUOR 4~D WINE HEALTH6BEAUYY =: Riunite Wines .~:O 2 ~1500 C:-{•Conditioned Shampoo~·.~ l!.,~ 1179 J ~ Blue Nun Liebfraumilch r..o s3s1 ml ~Good News Razors ~ s179 3itCK Mondavi Vin Rose ] '2" l"" ~Visine Eye Drops ~ ~189 Boneless Tip Steak s.1i:i-=ily lb •2•• Sliced Bologna Slltw1'.lllMI jtMI 1-111. SIM\ B.oneless Stew Meat SlffWIY CMtfty '1" little Juan Burritos l·lb 114' I 2!i·Old Crow Straight P18!1 .._., ~ 35' •Scoresby Scotch Pr'!. 17$19" lll• 11~ 1999 :!'t•Silkience Deep Conditioner ~ 1319 ~Scope Mouthwash· ~";' = 1139 8Mt lb ~ -' .. -·-.. .-.. -~ ..... Cheddar\Cheis ~=-=· '""E::~ ·1• .... Welehtt .,. wrl9M'• ,:;,.. . .. . • l~· Gallo Rhine Wine ~----------------~ 1nt) SAFIWAY COUPOI (i:'I 1\J1J1_. .. 'AA'l11169' ~, I l-1>e1efl Crzm I I C.rtert ~I ·~' ..=.°'O".::i::i'~~"=-~)! ~A-1-------------~-ll~ ~----------------~ tfl/C.l SAMWAY COIPOI fl/C.)1 9\JIJ ___ ._,,, .... ___ ~]IJ. 1 E3 COLOI Plilf Fii.ii 1 I RlfE ~·~-; -..... -__ ,_, .. :::::i\!:::' .. fl/C.'\: -,-... -~'::"":'.' ... ,_.,,. \~ . .:.:.:=.~--------~ ..... c....-..i .................... cw,. ............................. . .... .. .. ,_ ~ 14417C...Dr .... , ..... ..... , - 1 I . • • • . , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17. 1982 IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS WHOLE BARBEQUED CHICKENS Approximate weight: 2 lb Reg81.69lb $l.39 lb Freahly Made Ranch POTATO SALAD · Reg $1.49 lb -$ l. l 9 lb . WISCONSIN LONGHORN CREESE Freebly cut and delldous! Reg $ 3 . 291 1> $ 2. 79 lb HORMEL CHOPPED BAM Reg$ 2 .9Slb $2~49 lb Bonaparte CREESE SPREADS Soz $2.99 FREE Samples Friday and Sat111¥y LARGE EGGS Reg $1.09 dozen 85 ¢ Good Stuff Whole Wheat BOT DOG AND HAMBURGER BUNS Reg 81.49 package 99 ¢ pkg Wigner DE-CAFFINATED TEA English Breakfast, Spice, Fruit and Spice, Onnamon ai\d Spice, and Earl Grey leas. 24pack Reg $2.25 $1.49 OF VALUE'S Fresh .JICAMA FRESH STRAWB~ AND ASPARAGIJS FROM THE lllVINE RANCH AVAILABLE DAILY 98¢ lb Hawaiian Grown . PINEAPPLE 29¢ lb Red Leaf or Boston LETTUCE 49¢ head Locally grown For dlpe, •lecle, and anecka. SUNKIST NAVEL Gabriele PASTA PILAF 8oz Rec 8L13 63~ CeJe.tJal ~nlngs Sleepy Tune BERBTEA 24 .,.ck Rea 81.89 99~ Irvine Ranch PEANUT BUTTER I lb contalner Rea 81.98 $ }.59 Hain NATURAL POTATO CHIPS s.lted or Unaalted. S oz Rec 81.29 75¢ ORAlVGES 29 ~ lb Barbara's Whole Wheat BAVARIAN PRETZELS 7 oz Rec 81.31 CORNN1JT PARTY MIX 79~ Bulk Only. Res 83.08 lb $ 2 .5 9 lb . Lundberg PremJum SHORT GRAIN RICE Bulk Only. Ress~ 39 ~ SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Rec$3.29lb $2.98 lb Boneleae PORK ROAST Rea$3.49lb $2.98 lb Stuffed PORKCBOPS Rea $2,29 $1.89 . Italian, German, and PoU.h SAUSAGE Reg 82.29 lb $1.89 lb Lean GROUND BEEF it.,s1.mb $1.49 .lb SIDE OF BEEF Average weight.: 375 lb. Cut and Wt'Spped FREEi . $1.39 ib HINDQUARTER OF BEEF Average weight: 200 lb. Cut and Wt'Spped FREE! -$1.69 lb Available at the Taatl.n -• ~ewport Beach stores olllyt Fresh RED SNAPPER Reg $2.49 lb $ l.89 lb Fresh SAND DABS Reg83.49lb $2.89 lb Fresh FILET OF SOLE Rea8SJl81b $4.98 lb HALIBUT STEAKS Reg$4.9Slb $3.98 lb Freab TROUT c • D Kain SNACK DIP MIXES Rieu Owae, Buttennllk. ~and Garik. Onion and ~ble flavors. IRVINE RANCH MIX · Bulk Only. Ret $3.25 lb $ 2·.59 lb Routed Reg$2.98 lb $1.69 lb . i YOGURT CONES Reg75C 59¢ SMOOTHIES 8oy9enbeny fteg $1.55 Available at the lbstin store only! Limit ~ts Reserved No Dealer Sales. 98¢ Store Hours: JO am 10 6 pm. Seven Days IRVINE STORE Reg49C 29~ PIS TA CBI OS Bulk Only. Res $4.st lb $ 2 .98 lb ADULT-PLEX 90-..,. Rq 810.&s $9.95 Where Tradition ;. Country Frea/aneu. 14002 Myford Road At Santa Ana Freeway 838-2851 TUSTIN STORE . 13152 Newport Avenue At Irvine Boulevard . 838-9570 S10tt HOMrs: 9 mn 10 8 pm. 5'wn Do,ys , ----- • Irvine Ranch Farmers Marketa Homemade SHEEP BREAD 24 oz loaf $1.19 Irvine Ranch Fannen Marketa 100% Natural APPLE STRUDEL 16oz ~ $1.99 Store Hours: 9 om to 9 pm. Se~n Do.ys COSTA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of Mesa Drive 631-4404 4 ' . I . i I • I I l 't ~ 0 Cf • I I I • I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. Fobruary 17, 1982 Stuffing fine for pork roast H risina food prices have you thinking twice berore onlcrlalnlng, Spin ach StuHud Pork Rout and Vegl'tliblc Porlc Stir l"ry are two Yo.tr-round f1t vontes t~t only l »1He ~x vagant .?al's because they c ~b i n e frozen vegetables und pork. t'l(.SL delicious inflation fighters on uny budget Spinach Stuffed Pork R oast turn s an inexpensive loin roast i nto u s urprisi n gly elegant entree with the simple addition of a flavorful s pinach s lurring. Quicltly made with frozen s pinach. onion and garlic. the dressing Is spread over the meat and rolled inside. A g l i s t e nin g o r a nge·soy baste tops the roast. Versat il e frozen s pin ach aJso takes center stage in a t angy horsera<\jsh sauce made with sour cr eam and dill. This chilled sauce is the perfect complement to the warm roast and th e h earty pork s andwich es yo u can make the next day if there are any leftovers. M a k e. l ti e f r o z e n spinach stuffing and the horseradish sauce the day before to cut down on preparation time the day of the party. Serve with crust y rolls , a leafy green salad. and a dessert of apples and cheese. Froze n vegetabl es also can turn two pork chops into a delightful. yet Inexpensive Oriental dinner for four. SPINACH STUFFED PORK ROAST 3 12 to 4 pound bonel~ pork-loin-roast Spinach Stuffing Orange.Soy Baste Horser adish-Spinas h Sauce BIURllT ClllllB i,, tCllSl)OOn sail 111 teasPOQn pepper Trim meal fr om bones. remove fat and cut meat 1nlo s trips ubout 2 inches long and '• inch wide!. Run hot w11ter over frozen vegetables to separate. drain well Cut Brussels s pr o uts in halve s le ngthwise Dissolve bouillon cube ln 1 ~ cup water and set as ide. Mix remaining :i.. cup water with sugur, cornstarch, a:urllc powdt·r and ginger ll eut l tablespoon oil in large skillet or wok. udd pork strips and brown well Add wutcr wi th bouillon c ube and brlnM to a boil: cover and turn heat low. Si nvncr I0· 15 minutes. uni ii meal 1s tender Un cover, ·ant.I cook about 5 minutes longer until l1qu 1d i s evapuratf'd , watching OVER 2, 700,000 l'luisuJ y to uvol o s t· o r 4· h I n ~ A d d rcmaininl( tabl,•111>uon oil , l't"lury and onion Stir fry until lightly brownt•tJ Add rroien vegctubll's , sprln k le with salt and pepper, and stir rry 3.5 minutes. until tendcr·cr1s1> Push to one s ide of the pan )\Jd the r emaining l4'1 uid mixture . and coo k . s tirring , until mlxturt• boils and thitkcn~ Toss lo~c·ther quit•klyr and serve at once M akt'l) 4.5 servings. ·INST ANT CASlf _AND --~··--- -FOQl)-PRlZES -- EVERYDAY LOW ·PRICES PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN VALUABLE PRIZES CZ - ELEGANT ENTREE Spin.11'11 ... 111llm~ lur .1 I' fl I K I 11 .1 .... 1 111 .I k l' .... t1111111l! .1 "Pt't'IJI Cl('t ... , lllll o--·_ WINNER Eugene J. Briggs Glendora Pr e pare Spinach Stuffing and Orange-Soy Baste. Spread s tuffing over inside surface of meat. Roll meat over to enclose filling and tie to hold in place Place roas t in shallow baking pan ~r1uh "ith 0 r a n g e · Soy B a s t e Roast in moderately s low oven (325 degr ees) 1 ho ur . B rush generously With baste. cover loosely with foiJ and continue roasting until tender. about 1 to 1114 hours longer. basting m eat several tim es during c o o k ing THOUSANDS OF WINNERS EA.CH WEEK . _, '(Thermometer should register 170 degrees I. Pour any remaining baste over meat Serve h o-t o r col d w i th Hor seradisfl ·Spin a ch Sauce. Ma kes 6 to 8 servings. S PI NAC H STUF FING : Defrost l packa.ge ! 12 ounces I frozen chopped spinach; squeeze out as muc h I i q u i d as· poss i b I e . Reserve ~ cup spinach for horseradish sauce. S a u t e 1~ c u p f i n e I y chopped onion and l s m a l l c love garlic . minced. in 3 tablespoons butter or margarine until soft.. Mix in 1 cup soft bread crumbs . 1'2 teasp.oon s alt and remaining spinach O R ANGE -S OY BASTE: Mix together 2 tabl espoons each orange juice. soy sauce and dry sherry with 1 tablespoon cats up. HORSERADISH·SPJN . ACH SAUCE : Blend together I cup dairy sour cream. 2 t ablespoons prepared horseradish, t teas poon prepared mus tard, •,. teas poon dried dill and ·~ teasJ>()on seasoned salt. Stir 1in the reserved 'h cu p un cooked spinach. Cover and chill. Makes about l'h cups. V EG~:.·· PORK s .nv l pac.lr age Cl O o unces e ach ) frozen brussel s sprouts . caulin owqr mad broccoli florets 2 pork cbOps (about 7 ounce ea(h ) or 8 ounces bo~ pork l chickeni. bouHton cube J 1.4 cups water J tablespoon brown augar 2 teaspoon s cornstarch v. teaspoon garlic powder '-ii teasppon ground tJn1er 1 2 tablespoons oil y, cup uun diaeonal 1llces celef1' · _ .l'\ ~ U_l) t· h t n fengthwise slices onion I • 1 I Here are just a few from the first week ..• LINDA PASKIN ~· -USIE Ml\YCOOPER "''"~-BWEIGOLD ""'~ BARBAAA SEU.f:R ~ " ..... 1r-o. JESSEMcJIN ·~"~ R.OEUTSCH ~ DEBI BIACK r)f_,...,. VIRGINIA EVANS "'··-MAAVLOO VEVEJA SHAAONRIOO 1.,....,. A.MOSS -°"'""' PEGGY EARNST ~tw~k~ Sl\RAH SHEARD -.., ... 0r1H~ USA SCHl'\IEOER ... ..,. . .,,.. """ H.E. PARK ......,.~,..."~ JUDY BROWN ·~-' .,,,.."' SUSAN CHENG .._....c_,..,ww K. YANCY ""'~ ,,,..,.., ..... JOSE SILVA A#-11,r ,...,. O.ORON ........ """' .. MARIA BENITE1. f ....... MO RMA FERNANDEZ I y- 1'\ARY ANN IA ROSA -.. L YOIA FERNANDEZ ,_ PEARL HORNBACK .... _ A. B COLUCCI .. , .. _, .... , DOROTHY PRESTON ' ... ""•l".-.IM• L.INDARAIN .,,~,..1 M~~tw• DAWN NOTES ",_.,.,J ~,..1.,~' MAAYMl\Y it ........ ~ .... IQ~\ ""'8Lf JOHl'!SON ··-KATI1ERVl"l CO!.f.MAN ' ........ JEAN OLSON ,,......,.. MRS.R.S.BROWN ,.._, QA8RIE1A SOAREi ,.,,. ... SVL V1A IUJER ._°""'"' LOISEOWARD ..... ...._ BRENOAREUTA "-'' """"' ~DAVIS ............... CAROL HANDLEY '-"''"""""' l'\AAIE OrTll\AN lnn., n..cf'I KATHY HORST 1~;1~ 0£L~R~j;SON R08tRT ';f, SHU9ARO I -v~Ril' ttARL£Y DOROTily 8ir'n.soN ~- D.W.POPE -IMU.MIUDt -JOANrT A HARRIS •r., ELIZA8ETH REDO 11 ....... LARRY SLOAN I IHI 4 f1YI/\ HAI L Al'\ANOA UJSAN JOY CROY .. • Hl:.Lf.N8UL . • OOOG ASH EL /'\.LYONS"" . V.LANDIS Hl~~ID>ER ~.~ '("' " MRS. CORDER ... . l.REAQAN ••r ,.,,_.,,,..,,. C.Cl.ARK "'--'"'"" '11\.t ...... JIM HILLIARD "'"'•"' ~""""" O.WARREM k.•nc..,~ . JACQOWNE TRElfT f• ... .,. .. l\Bf. Lf.EMON I'• -MEL VIN LINDBERG . . MRS L et:RTAORIA . JIMREEO ... D. HARKINS . -AVI KLEIN . " . .. r. DAVIS . ,, ... S.Sl'lllTH • ,,, .,., >"'" JANET M. FAOK ........ ..,.,,t,.i., RUTH HOOPER "" ~} .. f ti~ CAROUNA lABAANICK .,,....,..p.~ MARK Arl0£R ...-.... ,.~ B.Rost fTI1Etft~ JIMtooo ~-MARVELL. CRITELU -BARBAAA O'l'IEAl -TOMI Kll'fO -CARLCA.BLE -1.ARRYOOVER '4111'-''"'H 1, ANN IW'\EU.lA ••.r-.... ~~ BERNIE WATSO" c.,., ... ,.~ le!~ .... " D.1...e -L.~~ R<f!,2~ v-•a,000,000• eo..u..· ...... 0.. ca.t MedlM t-...., 4, lN:I ""'om'' '•l\Mt14 I\., ... . """ • r•·~,. •tt-v""-"'-"'•' • llif•\•••\"" .... (""•""H •oi l.-~ • lli't,., ... fl'M•tlll• ...,..,,,,.I • 1.,..".,.H."''•""""' ..... . . .. ........ -.. .... I,,. C• l_,.t.,_... ,__. . .,, ..... . ,_ ... "' ... ,~ ..... ,.iolfl ""' ....... ,,,,,, ............ ~. ............ #A........,._, ... , mtM. 000.11• «-...r "'"' ,.,J'*)lt't•'•" I "" '\l,~1(.1:\'1 .. "11'\l1' "' ! "' "'"~' :91 I •1 IW 'iOt ... , ... .. IA# ~ • .. .... . ...... " .. ... JU''\MO I • J ... '"' ., ,.., "OTl ~--............... --~=.-; ~ ~ M(TIOll _.Nill\ --...;... S I'\ JOHNSON ~.:!HAU SHIRLEY RIZZO '"'''*~ WCIU..E EVERETT t"t' ,., BECKY HART (MH""' STEPltEN ROBERTSON "" ..... l Ylf Wl\LKER f I tO. \ ~ J BADGER ~ J ' ' \ • .,.,, MICHAEL ROMAN . '• ·~ OARLE.NE FORT ' ..... ~ MILDRED PEVl\:"I ~ ~ "' ..... EDITH ARCHAMBEAU ' I' llARBARA BRAY I I • JA/l\ES CARR i ·.,n JEAMETT£ CRAWFORD , .. M. Pl\CXAAD ~ f 1, •. l'llRS. ClfMENT -lh..H• ~., ... L LASSMAR F\iff"'lo4P.,,., 01 MESseRSMITH ....... p .... KAREN WA.LTERS .... .. r .• , .. ._, LINDA !ARSON ..,, ,,,,.. ROBERTA BURGE ...... , .... ,f .. 1 SANORA ORLOFF ...,. ff' MARILYN GRAY •• t .. •V MJKf.AlLfN . . Pl\TRAMStY . . ,.... ... DONNA Kf.U.Y .,.. ..... JOHN LANO '''"'jr-nf,, ..• P.BRAMBLf C,1'11•'°"'•(11•""' NATALIEWALL\CE '"'hr.ti ·r•'1ot HELEN JOHN '.,... .. ~ KAREN EDWARDS ~ ... t.. r-.Lit R.CN\PBEU "ot"w ..... CT KUSl!CZKO ... . •41t L SOOOMI\ ...... ""* ....... D .WRIGHT ~~ ............ LOOISE lA MOTI1C: ~~"'r~~ JOA/1 CAR0£N """" JvA (~t.,V'I S<Jt DAVIS \.4 )yM\(~,fllt"lo A~KASEY THO~wlL~ '"""'.., Ve""-J0YC£ WILSON .,.~~"' ..... A.CHILOS , ......... ¥..., AL&tRTI\ JOHNSON ,~\......, SHAAONSTUn -JOHN SOOOMKY ..._ :::'~-==-r -··~-·-·----""~::r..::Eu:..::w.:,~ -------- JAY NOLAN ~-­..__8L~ 0 . STAU.ErtGS ... ,..,._-,.rr,~t\ SALL y DRAl<.E '"'"""1'--~" JOHN HOIJ'lf.S F.1'11.~0RE .......... B. WEISS RENEE OSTROV!:: ......,... PATRICIA YOONG -0. A. AE'fflOLDS .__, M. GARFUNKE.1. ........ G.~ SAO~~AT FRM El'1/'\AN .. , .... ESTUJ.L GUNK , .. ,. .. MARTHA SANCHEZ '""''"·--Jl\CK CRAMER fi.,. • ..,, .. L.£lA COTIE "'-1rN,• LEOGARfY .. ,,., ....... JERRY SUU.IVAN ,._.,.hit • ALICE ORTIZ ., ........... "" TONY S/l\ITH ··~·· DOROTHY TALLY ·•.-t.-••~ JOYCE WASSERM/'I J>f.,.,.11 .. ~ DIANE SLOvt::R '•• •i9H• MARIO ROORJ()OEZ ...,._,,. /l\AAY l'lf.OEl..SOH N ~""'.,,M LINDA REDONDO Y\ • ....._.. ... PAUL KESSICK ....,~Jw..-w ORACEWALL ................. VIRGINIA SANDERS CHAR~c)ITf BEU ... """•·>i• J. SCOTT -..~..;.,. A.S~OBE ........, ..... ~ .. KATHY MARCUS .. ,.,,,.... ,.. flW'fCES BOYER -OOROTlfY SALLON 11. ........ MARIA FONSECA llu< .... O.LHUOHES tluo-P£ARLBADER w,.,,,,~H ... SANDY FUOIL£ Woo.1!4Wlol~I• B.ROSS W~IK'• JNIETRIVAS H.~AY T ........ R081£ L. GEIFFVI Wl~N ·- J.AOLA .. _.. FRED DOUGLAS tw~"'----BARBARA COOTER B. BIRO '~· JANET TOAT '~""" .. ANO.REA MORGAN f•...,.,,. I JUSTIN RUTAN h ........ , .. PAULINE MILi.ARO ........... , ..... SARAEWOTT ,....,,. ... ,,~ .... JUNE SIMMONS fW,..,r#"111 RUTHl'llOSS '*~ ..... LESLIE IA/'INING ........ JEWE.Ll. MJTCH£U. r .• ,,..,.,., Cl.£0 l'll<JCK.ELRAG '"" ..,,,., .. BETTY FOLS()jll\ c.. ...... AL CASTRO < .. .,-~ VIRGIN IA l'llANASCO lfMbo, ( "'- C. WIUJAMS "iodc:"oeti::1&--.."' M. BLAKELY ~e>Jr>r'lduO....t\ CA THERINE Bl.ACK ~~~0..-f' SARAH PAPARILU\ M....,~h RUTI1COX "~P'e..t RACtiEL NORGE .........~ . JENtETTE CRAWFORD ....... ..._. NANCYREOD --· IMEU>AODEN ....... -. ROSEBUCW'l ....... _. W.GAPELS ... ,..tw... CAROLINE ZORN "'ii.)if'llt('ilk> M. RAPEl ,..,,.....,.., MARY SMITH -... ........ PAT THOMPSON llol!...i..id DEBORAH BARRY ,,.........,_ ROSEMARY HOOQ( "-_...,..,; MARY CHADWICK ..,...."'"-'• v. TI10"""5 ("~ AllltV'"'- J0$E ROORIGOEZ _.>_c~ .. Vtt14! CAAOL TVtNEY ..... °""'' JANE KRAUSE .... ~ DANWE8ST£R E~~YER FRAl'ICES SAVAQE ~°"{61.LS o..-LESTER JOMES o..._,. lO~NE THO~ JANCT Rll'tAl.DI _, .... J£.FF OLSON ' .. LORI AU\l'llE .. , 0 .1.AWSON j I • •• LIND~l~NER JIM HARRJSON 1·~· :>UE BRISSLfY ~ ,...,. G CAFFl'CEY ..... SITPtiEN ROGERS LORRAJN GOLDSMITH 't .... SHERRI A. FRY ' ... MARYO'NEAL ' -CN'IOI JOHNS ft(_ ... \/El/'\A COLE f •• ., l'IEWEWEIR I ¥"' GEORCECOLf LORICR~WELL ROSE 0P°8w P.RQLl/::G -o.-.o STEPHEN JONS SUzNj°N~RNS ~., ..... '° 8£C"~1' O.K£RR ............... M.L ~RRY ..... ,,.,.,, I'\. FREl'IOi -·-JOAl'frTA HAAVARO ""'°""" F.PRU<JER ~·~W'Q'J HELEN PERRY ----SANDI REBER c~o<>RE ~V'Q\filr\ M.JOHNSON CRl~'R'YN. '<'""IV...,. BERTHA PAXTON ,_ ........ 1'\ICHELI..f CARTER '""" .. ~ EJl\JlY ASHTON (---/1\ARIE RAl'W'1Z t._.v_.. OA\IE P£0£N ·--Tt:RESA QUIGLEY ,.,.,._ OEOROE JOHES '"-SHIRLEY CAZZONE '""""""' A.LSTt:WART t....- E.W. SMJTM ,.,,_ LUEU.AUNN ...... BOMNIE FRU."'IM ..._ C. HOOVER ..... I'\ CHESSER - KAYSl'\ITH M. NASH NANCY FORD .. .. . EVI\ ZAMORA £.ARL KELLY fAANCES WHf.A TON H41 '•-Sl\NDRA JUSTICL ., . MIClll\l.OL SCHMIDT ... D.R. YATES t( .... JOYCf f RAii\ I ' • K.COFFTY LOl'tAGEfR . ~YJ£.~~N ..., OEBRJt MASSO ., G.E. BALL . R,J.MIAY .. SHARON BARRE r 111,141., J. Sl\NOOVl\L ,,. ..... MAFJ:f L CAMACHO '' '" CYNDIE DONOVAM .. GEN[ P. CRAl'I ... ,._ ~ JEJ\11 BOGLE ....., ~w • JANET Pf.ASllf MARY DE BAUN , ... ROBEN BURN ._ .... CORRINE POLLARO . BETTYHOWFU MARG( FLZI[ I • I M.R.FROST "'""''"' PArn BRANDENBURG ., ... , 1 LOO KISf-,_._,' A.CUNDClA LOOIS HERNMOU th. K HOLBROOK "" .... VERA BISHOP .. ~ .......... J.PICARO . .... ._.. ... W.O.BROWN Pe.,....,_,. MJLDRCO WOOD ,_ ........ "' TONY l'llONT£.S 1w .... ~·~,, .. MARION COMMINGS 1+.-lf"tli.Mltf>.,f.U DIANE WENNINGl'.'.R R'.'lli'O~oN tw<-...,,,q•l .... N;, PATTY COOPER "'""' WILL COFFEY -CHOCI( NOWOTNY "' ... FLORENCE. REED ...... JH f 01\W~O"' p "ko<.IN/lf HI l"TYHl\"ISON ROSI\ 0<'110 1\ A MACOAlfN SHLRRYWICK l'\AHV "ION TcOMI RY l'I\ I MOORf hu"l"'ll Rl\..,Kl"I I S Ml"'I> "'IAR(;f RY "'lLSO"I "'\CKIE BOV.MA" D~ I HOl IANO Hlll~"llfH Df81S1'WYER Wl\OL wo1n L"llL Y RICO . JANfT RUSSO MAR<,ARrf 1\01 LJ'IN'j D RICF llARHY l!OGf R DAVl LA GRU P ul\RCll\ URLNOI\ !> ll"'f R C TltORSEN . SUZAl'INC CIOVAR£ ll.A 811 IESCOn !'o\AORI O<JKCV rt.BLANK I t\ ~""Jlt B MARCONI M 6 DfCI UC I INOA Pl\YNI V l>ADl0llA I RANK 011'\ARC 0 SPIROS MAUA<.ROS MARY LOO SPARK SHIR UC •THOMPSON . '. LINDAWAOC I• •"'I.I SHIRi EY COMPl\RONI TERESA. ;,Oi..LJ..N 0 JUNF. OAEEN • -~ \ .,,,. .. FRAl'IK BEAN R.Ro'stoN i,i.,,,,... HERMAN KLEIN ,.,_, l'llRS. 01\DlGAl't .. ...... PATRICIA J. Kl'llCHT ,....._ Play Vons s2.ooo.ooo Somethin' Extra Giveaway. Over 2,700.000 Instant Cash and Food Prizes. Here's your chance to win Somethin' Extra at Vons. And What a chance you've got\ to win one of our fabulous prizes. Including $SO,ooo. $ J o.ooo. $5.ooo. And s 1.000 cash. Plus hundreds of shopping sprees. 5000 s 10.00 gift certificates. 4000 Hams. 6000 Turkeys. And millions more. Over I 2, 700,000 prizes in all. And the winner could be you! There's nQ__purchase necessary. • • - outh rn-style cooking Blend of ~ultures resulted in distinctive cuisine Speedy " . meat loaf T h e cconomv and appetite appeal cir meat loaf have made it a family favorite. Now with thl' help of the m1cro,,..ave oven. 1t also 1s a ::.peedy entree. SAVORY ME AT LOA F C o m b i n e 1 1,2 p°'1nds ground beef. 1"J cup each crushed saltine crackers. c hopp e d celer y and c ho pped o nion Add •, cup ca t s up , I egg , ·~ teaspoon each thyme le<1ves and sage. mixing lightly but thoroughly Place in 9 inch round microwave safc baking dtslr-. pressing to make an indentation in top S p rinkle 1 14 to 112 teaspoons Topping Mix f see below) evenly over surface PRODUCE c~&crunchyC.m>ts &. .29 ...,.D"><l"!"t 39 Red laf (I( Butter Lettuce "' • ,.,.,,~\"\."\.~ 19 Radish or G~en Onions au • f04( +.fl.LA 't'•\U C'r Pink Grapefruit ,. •• ""t'A"""'-Jll[" Green Plpin Apples 5 ~.99 l8 .39 LO .29 HEALTH £,BEAUTY • > • 1 '-'Ill f"Cl <Al6 l'H)ff 2 19 Head & Shoulders Shampoo •• ~, ,-.C\ 4'"", .. Qf 'l""'"'af.Yl<. 20s Listerine Mouthwash t/"t"" I •f<, i "''"" J 77 Nutr1 Tonic Life Condltk>net DAIRY PRODUCl S ,_t O'<f en. -tO{\I\~ Jot.nston's Yogurts ~"""ff (I" .19'1'"'-"' lropicana o range Juice .35 )59 .79 SERVI Cf-SI AF OOD '.1.f\f.• ocean Perch Fllet ·~ ]89 ~~"lc';'n Halibut Steaks la 2 49 ' ~=~Rz;;~~~ 298 4~80X(l'!C\..ltt.S ·~· U"\IT 2 tP\«twM 00.. -"'9 poU 2.10) MEATS L""-l,,~~'IOC.lll:mllOTIOOIOll 209 6ed London Broll 5tlelks •• r~ "'"°" IU• llOTTOOl l!Oll'oQ I.US m Olf'l 98 Boneless Rump Roast •I • c~st~k• ,. 2 48 ~'Chii~'ttN'~t ll 139 f:"r1;;cm~rls LI 139 F~gc"tt~:fhlghs c1 .8 9 ~"j.(j(,..a<-~O!Wlf-•"'£51> 89 Chicken DrumstlCks " • "'°'°' IOlOUS .-OIO~ 69 Self·BastJng Turt<eys " • p:f ~;;l1n~ IA .55 8~~H.%"' ()IOllCJJ;~. 129 8~~p~~~ ,1 l 89 I> }59 DFLICATE-SSI N J55 .75 LIO(JOR ' l'MJ!'fJI llOTTl.L Sim Price l1ll VodQ 699 ~~~:;d:( 279 ~llOTTl.L C.nadlen C1ub Wh~ 699 ~~~..:1riq hui. tt ueur 799 ' .,,~. 1si...: 'JOI CUtty s.k Scotch 1799 Sill'~~ m e T111 8ourl>on lllCi )UT'U IOnu:--. l'ltC'TNl . ' .. Almeden ~ ChMlllt VO NS BAKE f<Y ']""<"-'""'"'.~It ~_o "\Hofted DOnuta "'*'~~~ .98 ~·a tWnlen Rola ~99 .89 199 I HO/I N f uons Yi=.~ QnpefNI Julee y:,;:i~~ tlOUrott~ Ronwt "-I WeMea \f:&~ Pl9tl F9ctt llf:~oo1~ .89 269 .89 219 .89 NO NONSENSE 99 ~J!itj2SE Pl! e RECllAll CllUEEN SIZ£ Sl<EER TO W~T GROCERIES GROCERIES ~~~Cock1a8 .79 o=~( .... ons etied Tomatoes .69 ~\rt eeans .39 ~""" tewed Tomatoes .49 ~eor;~ App Juice 169 ~~c~· }19 l.01 80• C"""'f.~Otlll.(!. Klee-A· Roni Rice l'\lxes 1~01 "~""-Co-it.Sl()("- Cherry Pie Alllng 1 eoz "1C fUIV' l()(, Ol 111.ll C><f.Ul 9·Uves Dry Cat Food t!<"''<l tlO"t/.. PUru Liquid Bleach ~cu-<< lll0'1U. Vons Glass Cleaner 'l')COVhl •OU I Job Squad Paper Towels .66 }59 .93 .54 .79 .79 OLD MILWAUKEE BEER I l OU...C£ I 2 P"'Ct\ U'\IT 2 tl'urd>eM-llmit ft9 pnct ).)91 279 Cover with waxed paper; mic rowave at Medium C325 watts> ap prox i mate l y 10 minutes <or at High 7 minutes. l Rotate dish '"J tu rn a n d continue cooking at Medium, uncovered . 10 to 14! minutes (or at High 5 to 7 m inutes ). Arr an ge sliced mushrooms rrom 1 jar (2~-ounces) over I.op-of loaf and sprinkle w ith 2 ta blespoo n s s hredded mozzarel la c heese. Microwave at M e d i um 30 to 45 seconds. Let stand 10 m inutes before cutting into wedge,c; and serving. 6 ser vings. ..... Ul'tt'TM Mitt. TMllC.l 'WID. l'O 11 10 N1 24. I 912. CM'-CZ I J) n9' 1400 ...,_ LOCAl10ft O/f 9TOlll ~ ~ l'IOT AU. mM NII> fWCla,. 119 NJ Pftc:TM AT vor., To make Topptng Mix. thorou&hly combine 2 tablespoons salt. 2 t eas poon• fl o ur, 1 teaspoon paprika and \'4 teaspoon pepper In a S'mlnt con a ner such us •salt sbl ker. 3l>4 W, IT" IT .. I l!IOO If . ..CO llW" 1'1 I If. I01'! IT .&.oeMCmD.Mlf bllOO ANDIM ~ M&.Dll llfTM.MNnmDOK.V. N)IT tTOM!a °""' I NI< ID~ 1 Di''l'I A~ 75-CT DISHPENSER PLATE Hua4111i..._ _....., .... ··~··· . c.... ..... 2.99 t• ~ 11'1t ..... 1M OfMte Awe \ 230Z. D<.JNCAN HINES fAMJLY S1ZE BROWNIES 1.41 220l. UJX DISHWASHINQ UQOIO ERA LIQUID LA<JNDRY \ 11d~ •''"" h'( •1,llb ,, 1.?. I 'I Ill"' • 1. II '1'111 ., "' . u q • 1 t) nR 1101 I> ,1 I ti' 1 !4 / 1l ) l11tb · 1nu ' ' I { im , u h ·r1T) : !>.,"I ., :•'t · ... ud 'I ii ·''" i11r.?. If. IT~ J!SI~ •:1.01\ •Up?. ., r i I • ''J ff 11)1 ,, f;?. • • • 11 ') :ma 1 1r1n IJ11d "11111 l h)ll 1; 'l 1rl l I 0 ~/'.6 1ld r.J 11ut 1 ·11t~ • leJ •II I J ') /<., •:40 I (l " lduJ i ori 'l :n q t.891 ol "(J 111,;t •• 'ti .ni41! :M ... 'I • n LIO IJ , ff It u 11'> •11011 •0 f -.,nuo ~------·---~--------~----------------------------- ce Orange Coost DAILY PILOT/Wednetlday, February 17, 1982 ifintet··pears in ·coffee cake. One of lhc cusic11t The ripeneu of a Cheddar cheese petal design over top. woys to lurn an orutnnry winter pear cannot be ~ cup ahortenfori Sp r Ink I e CI n n am on b r c u k f a s t I n lo· judged by ~!or alone. If~ cup milk Topping over peari; Komcthln(( S!>(lriu l Iii by ln1ttt.iu d , apply gentle 1 egg Bake 11t 375 degrees 30 to u d d Int( D tu is t y , thumb pressure .at lhe CIMamon Toppin& 35 minutes or until homt•made <'offee cuke. stem end. 1' the flesh ... •Ha lve and core pears. wood'n pick Inserted Tu kc lhh; Cheesy Pear yields slightly. the pear C ut each b a I f l n to near ~enter comes out Bre akfas t Cak <' for Is ripe, Juicy and ready eighths. Sift tol(ether l ~ clean . Serve warm. cxum plc. toenjoy cups fl<>ur, s ugar , Makes 6to8 servings. I•' aturln1' juicy, fresh C fl E It SY P EAR baking powde r. a nd salt . C I N N A M o N Western winter pears. BIUlAKFAST CAKE Cut i n c heese a nd TOPPING: Combine 't'J t he eye·uppeuling cofree 2 winter pears s h o rte n I n g . 8 e a t c u p packe d b r 0 w n cake has a delicious P-'.1 cups flour together mill( and egg. sugar. 2 tables poons flavor and spicy-sweet 3 tablespoons sugar Stir .tnto flour mixture each flour and butter or aroma that is certain fo 2 """ t eas l> o o n s until moistened. Spoon m a r ga r I n e and 1h nro~se morning bakingpowder into greased 9·inch teaspoon ground appetites. lf.a teaspoon salt round cake pan . cinnamon: mix well. SPICY TREAT Breakfast or brunch get s u fresh ,lasl t• wi th C heescy f'l'ar Brt>akfast Cakl• The luscious pear .. 1i4.1 c up g rated Arrange.pear wedges in Makes about l,A.a cup. ~ ~aes~~i~s~.a~~n;e~tg;ta~ ·---L-OW ______ E_R_P_Rl-CE_S_O_VE_R_A -i~~l:~E~d~:.:~di~; · . . · . LL rlavor accent for the ' T I I Th Dlft I ~o::~:·IBaTL~P~~c~:~~:~ I u A RANT EE D I :~=~\:i'!~i~~; ~ l op pin" whir h be.& k es :.:!, r:'.~U:t.,~ .. '~:,.·•:: ~.:'::~.~tat':"'~~'!: b :::"' t..O•H u t .. ~ hi t"-1 IW'\t , .. ""'OUl(f • • OVCf all. • 'L,,.1t Wlft••n M•1t ~••ttt.i<Hlt'l1Utte ,._...._ Ji'jlft / Serve wedges of the _,, ,..,,,..._ ............ .. freshly baked cake at PlllCfSEffECllVf WED fEI. 11 THAU TUES fEI 23 1911. All OllAIHIT'r RIG~lS flESERVEO 110 SALE TO 0£Al£RS OR FOR RESALEOA COMMERCIAL USE breakfast or brunch or at a m id ·morning coffee break. If lime is short. the cake can be made a day in advance and reheated in foil just before serv~ng. \ Western winter pears <'lln be the inspiration fo r man.x taste·templing me n us from br eakfast to late.night s nack. Among the best known winter pear varieties are the Anjou, Bose and Cornice. The all·purpose /\njou is in good supply from October into May Cooking with class -!Jc'Par men"C-Store Tri BROADWAY 1 Newport Beach will hold a class in Chinese cooking at 3 p .m . Friday . Marion Cun nin gha m . the Broa(lway 's cook -in·residence. wi ll tc:.ich Oriental fish and chicken dishes as well as toasted rice and an almond custard pie. Fee is $10, and reservations can be made by calling the s tore'9 executive s~cretary at 644-1212. WILLIAMS·SONOMA in South Coast Plaza wi 11 hold a c l uss in cook ing a complete Chinese dinner on Feb 23. Teacher will be Gerri G il liland , and reservat i ons and· Information is available at 75 \.1166. SHERMAN LIBRARY 1rnd Gardens in Corona df•l Mar will bagin a series of classes in international dinners begin ning March 2. Cuisine will include Italian . French . Me xican and Chinese fare. Registration fee is $20 per class, a nd I p r eregistratio n i!> requir ed. Call 673·2261 ror information ... --._,, KITCHEN THJNGS in Corona del Mar wall hold a class -"tomorrow In pates taught by Roy Pingo. He will instruct In fresh pasta Feb 25. Ka y Pastorius will t each a tourse in a food processor d inner o n Feb. 24 and a Greek dinner March 3. In s t ructor Betsy Moulton has completed a n advanced cookinA course with Julia Child an d will s h are adaptations of recipes on March 2 and 16. Call the store for menus. All the classes listed above are S20 each . and m ore information is available at the store. Call 67j·J444. F A S.SE RO 'S International Cookware in Corona del Mar wlU ' hold a class in French M oroccan cooking taught in French by J acquelin~ Hahn at 7 p. m . Friday. F~e is $18.~. A c lass in Spanis h cooking w111 feature paella . taught by Kay Pas torius at H a .m. t 'eb. 26. Cost ts $20. Call the store at 673·2343 for Info r mati on a nd reservations. MR. STOX restaurant in Anaheim will conduct a course in soups and desserts at 10 a.m. Feb. 25. 29 LB. LB. Red-X Produce U Grocery Discount Wine U Liquor Red·X Grocery Prices Red-X Me;."\t Prices m R·;,ril'~'dishes .19 161'\'oot ~o 4.97 '1+ ct;'~cid'i~c·t;;0se ID 2 • 49 '~ Reib'R~,~~Et lb 1 . 78 bu H! Sc~resby Scotch · m R;~r Leaf Lettuce .59 16 Plotl ~o 4.99 '1+ Ch·~;,~·~·s·;;;c~~ld s1i~K~• 5. 9 9 ~~ r~lp·sr;Yoin steak lh 2. 58 H ~·Ancienf Age m B~1il~:«ra~iscuits .20 ~ l urgullfy Ylft AHi l'wlk Cll1bl11 Of Ct11blts 2.89 Kr091r , 2 ::q 2. 89 '~ s'hc~~ lc~r~~""R'oa st ID 2 .1 8 1 5-ll Canto Mt . Wines "~ tff Nice 'N Cheesy P~9 m J~~oltcMt;;•;se .·59 !!+ C1iri1ctii~~;rwine 3.99 ' Jtmyni»ie • .99 Reg lhtO 01 lh1n 9·01 3 ffl Citrus Punch 117 U I ~H Oscar Mayer Bologna :::. 89 o-q llt ' DU Red·X Grocery Prices Save Up To 30% With No-Frills Cost Cutter Products! Red·X Meat Prices Cul O• French Sttlt Ii•••" ltlftJ m oerM1onte"carn 16·0! .48 "" m Coa~t Bath Soap · 5·01 .. 52 bll H! G~to~'ad ~m· o. 011n9• U•OI c. 75' bll °" ~;s~;et Peas .19 16·01 .33 un 64·11 1 29 bll • X Po~ti' & Beans 1~c~:· . 37 6 •::~; 1. 49 A T~~11Bags ·~~~ci 1. 49 U S 0 A Ch0ttt ffi Fresh Leg-0-Lamb Pool LOI• ffi Sirloin Roast FAMILY PACK Jry1n9 Ch1ckrn m Drumsticks Or Thighs IO 1.99 lb 1. 58 ~ .89 Health U Beauty Aid Sale ----~ow ... Look For Th-ese Special---- Nutritlonal Information Pamphlets! Red·X Seafood El Hot Dell • GOOO Ottt' &! StO•ts WtlM Hlll Ohl Offfl ~ T'vi;';;~tf~ltbiets ~ Ar;;t01o'othpaste ~ C~11mfort Pampers h1uly fllllts fl! Oil Qf Olay •.......... ns MUu&JI" I I m 1.lllNT I I 1' = ~1. I I SAVI i,:~~ :::.~-.~ •• 30·CI 1 69 pkg • 4 6·01 • 99 l•Ot • 5.69 ~ 3.99 -------~ IJ:IL'1:J1 TA8, IPIUft OR I * • COil• I ~= 1.49 I I ~11111lOllC .. hOtlllll~···· n-IVl!()t-'S( rllilullll!C I I Ol'°•1c -.vUloOH 1.Utet IA'Vtl ••tt•ll,_11 Oll((OIWOll l .. IO pon11111• fllfCll•IWIO ,,, • 1! 1111111 IUO '" U '"' A ••MDoJC COUPOM•-car-••••••• .. ~ Al~OllS I 1"' YCJ.tU: : I == -~~ I I VI 41110 ....... , Cl• '" Cl!,,_ •• ~ M -"HUl1'f mftlM '"" ci•monl•t t.tll\ ;00.,1 '~"' th11t Gr al ns ~~:~11.~,~~.1~:! ~::.1.~1o!~~~:.~ 0"'" ' 11 " '"'' '""'P'-1«1 tlflu ••At 0'''"" f\vfM1~ 1•11.1 bf!f'I btet PfOff m Al\d l(O!Wmlj' be•' ftUtn·M ll'ld MIMlll\ •ut flt .tOd Beef <••'"""' '""''"9 900• 0 .. 1 '"P·•q bftl '"' ,ooti,nQ bul rt.., p1mpb..-1 1.tlli about t1ltu\ 1nd ~11loll'fM ( Ct1tU\ U hMlf\ I NMl\1rtQ C1llH\ Cltr"U-S ~,..,O,AQ t11t11\ U4••nq ;nCJ \4'h+n• (lfl\f\ '"'' ..... ~ .. , '"'' '"°"' 111, ... ,,., ' 'f\te\f Cf'tfl\t & ptaltHt "ulltt*' Cheese t"tt't •• 1,,,..,,, •"" 'f'Mnt1111t\ ""IM>'1"t CP!tt1ot < .. 'mlif & \fh1ft4 c~ftlt• ;on 01 1n tattM' ~ M1t~tl 811ktt Golden 15 ~H ot Fried Chicken ·:~ 6. 99. • CHl(•l• O•< • • '-111lerey m Jack Cheese f.llltl 01 P1tllK ' ~ Fresh Red Snapper lb 1 . 79 • Whott !ij Fresh Catfish • lb 1. 49 ~~-------... ~ ~IOAlS~$S!lOll I ~-------., ~·-------.. ~I HEINZ I ~ sco1cHGV~~o I I SHAMPOO OR 304 . fUNH I : ·~1.991 •• "'"" b•ltl Dt "' l'fR<Ollf'tW I SAV• :;4,~~\j,~~:u:~n~•;~ I L .•• r11.., ... •NID-X COU'°'9 .. . ........ , ~UfF[llS_. I "" M~D I I m C ..... L'tDA I I ~1·. 79• I \1"11 Ol!I 1f ,,. t( ,..11 ... •• IA VI u11"4! 1•1 c"""• ,.. 1 11•~ • -Q ... UINI • l'AMIC I I 305 DIU.. PtCKLaa I I 306 PROTaCTOR • .;-1.s21 -r ·=·3 ·.20·: I <tMlf a"nt 11 ~u1.c1•'"* I I ll"" °"' 11 01 ON l'O !*"" I I SAVI °"' COllfl* , ... ·-· "'"'~ •AVIE --... ,_, (UltlM I • 0 wtn •It 11 111111 111u '" I I Tl wu 111 11 1w•u •Mn '..1" • • n "'' • t> ,,., -•IMl).X COUPON.... l•-.O.X COUll'OMW EB'·-----~·-:· ~-:::·n··, i 3t3 J;.~ : : a1• TOOTlf.AI : I ...... •llf' 10 011-..• °"' •• ll"'IOlllllOI , ..... ~ I uv• ~llli""' ... mu., Urlllltl IAVll •ct< .... , ... ,'"""" I .. An En1Usl'l high l tea will be taughl et lO •.m. March !. f''or m ore t nformaUen and class tnrollme&lt , ca ll 634~. L •• llft ... " -'"'""'_. ~ "'"' •MD--X COUPON• • ' t) •ltt I <10 Wit "' " 111111 IY" '~·· I•• ...,_.X COWOM• I •• Hff"1n wn 111 11 •~•11 J •• t '"'' flt 11 ••I ... ...,_XC~S4• I CCILGR--·~1· I ·=1-~ I I 1.00 :·~· ,, ···~ ••• •llll:M L'° :i:·.~·· ,, , ... '"'' "'---. ........ ~-• ...,.. COUflOllll ___ _ .. I . . -~·--· . -. . . · ELEGANCE -A boned lamb shoulder roast makes an attractive. inexpensive meal Lamb roast With vegetables ROLLED S HOULDE R with bouillon mixture. lamb, minced OF LAMB Continue cooking until ~~ cup minced onion WITHVEGETABLES lamb reaches desired J 1:i c ups grated 6 to 8 servings degree of doneness. Swiss cheese or Gruyere 1 boned, rolled and fl u N G A R 1 ·A N cheese minutes longer, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cut into wedges and serve immediately. tied lamb shoulder , 4 lo GOULASH 1 tablespoon flour 6 pounds 6 servings 4 eggs, beaten LAMB FRIE D .RICE Salt 2 pounds boneless l 1h cups half and 4 servings Pepper lamb. cut into t -inch half cream 1 1"' cups coo ked If• cup butter or cubes L leaspoon s alt lamb, diced margarine 1 I a r g e 0 n i 0 n . Few drops liquid hot 2 tab I es p 0 0 n s 1 beef bouillon cube chopped pepper sauce cooking oil 1 can (16 ounces> 1 tablespoon paprika . If• teas poon dry 4 cups cooked rice white onions, drained Dash or cayenne mustard Cmay be left oven 'h p o u n d pepper 'Ai teaspoon ground 1 c up fres h bean mushrooms v, cup beef bouillon nutmeg. sprouts 2 cups diced cooked 14 teaspoon caraway Bake pas try in oven 1 can (4 ounces) turnip seed preheated to 450 degrees mushrooms 2 packag es (9 2 c loves garlic. for 5 minutes. Remove •2 cup c ho pped o unces each I f rozen mas hed pastry from oven Mince wate r chestnuts Frenc h -st y le green 1 teaspoon sail lam b m food processor 12 cup sliced green beans, thawed 3 medium potatoes. or blender S prinkle onions Sprinkle lamb with cubed lamb evenl y ove r 3 tablespoons soy salt and pepper Place 1 green pepper. cut bottom of pastry shell. s auce I on rack in roasting pan. · t 1 · h · Mince onio n in food 2eggs, well beaten an o ·me pieces processor or bl ender. dd Roast in 325 degree oven 1 cup c h 0 pp e d S A lamb to heated oil {or Jl> to 35 minutes per c a n n e d 0 r fr e 5 h "prinkle oGnton evhenly In a large skillet or wok . . pound. or until meat tomatoes ?ver lam~ rate c eese Cook and stir until lamb therkor\teter rSJtLslers J ,n ui:~ c-h..e..a v y 1 n fo od P roe esso,.,r,.,.. ~i~_.Ug!JtJ~ browned A_..,,....._. ilO""oegrees fOr rare:·1so·5 a u c e Pan _w i t~h-spr~ .~Grt!eyehly rice, o ean s proljts. degrees for medium or tightfitting cover over onion Sprinkle mu s h 11ooms . water degrees for well-done. combine all ingredients'. ~k>"l~r over cheese. In chestnuts, onion and soy Meanwhile, melt butter Coverandcookover low bolo proce~so r or s au ce . Coo k ove r or margarine. Add heatfor 2 hours or until en er, co;nbme eggs, mediumheatforabout5 bouillon cube and cook m eat is ten d~r Add cream, salt, hot pepper minut'es. Pour eggs over over low heat, sti r ring wate r if necessary to s auce. musta rd a nd lamb mixture and cook, cons tantly, until bouillon avoid cooking dry . n u t m e g : b e a t stir ri ng constantly, until cube dissolves. About JO thoroughly. Pour liquid all the rice is thoroughly to 35 minutes before end J.AMB Q~ICHE mixture over cheese and coated with egg and the of lamb roasting time. 6servmgs . lamb. Bake at., 4 50 egg is set Do not arrange onion s. Pastry for 9·tnch degrees for about 15 o v e r coo k A d d mushrooms. turnips and qui c h e pan or d ee p minutes; reduce heat lo additional soy sauce if green beans around 9-inchpieplate 350 degreesandconlinue d es ired and se rve lamb. Brush ve~etables t 12 c.u.ps coo ked baking for about 30 immediately. 1 To enter handprtnr your name. address and zip code on an olhc1al entry form or a plain 3"ll: s· piece of paper Include with your entry the cash register rape from any grocery store and the Universal Product Code from on& label ol any ' . ~ . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. Februa~ 17, 1982 4·weeb -to From now until March 21, we're lightening up the price on light, crlsp.,dellcious Quaker Corn Bran. JU.St clip out tht• coupon below, and !>ave 20(. ~ ... UonfBran 0 1982 h~ Qu•ker Oet• Con1p•tt)'· of the lotlow1ng produets DEL MONTE HAWN1AN PUNCH CHUN KING. COLLEGE INN MY·T• FINE VERMONT MAIO. BAER RABBIT or MILKMATE or the name and Un1ver· sal Product Code Number of any ol the ab011e products handpnnted on a 3"x S"p1ece ot paper 2 Enter as oflen as you wish. but each entry must be mailed separately to CHECK·OUT SWEEP· STAKES. PO Box 2813 Westbury NY 11591 All entries must be rece111ed by June 30. 1982 3 BONUS' II you are 1udged a winner. for each addthonat proof of ourchase (label or name of PfodUCt and UPC t\andpnnted on a separale 3 • x 5" piece ol paper) You.include. you will reoe.11e 3free product coupons for that product L1m1t 5 add1· honal prools ol purchase or la~1m1tes per entry , . . . ~0~1\\ 4 Winners will be Mtected In ntndom dr-lngs conducted by N•lloNI JIJd91no Institute, Inc .• •n Independent ludglng OfV•nlutlon whose decision• •r• final on 111 IMltets rel•llno 10 this 1~es. Prize will be ex.cl dollar •mount· of the calh rev111er ta1>9, up lo $100. All Pflzes wm be -.rded •nd winners notified by m•il. Only one l)flt.e lo• l•mily Of household. Prizes •re nontntnlfentllfe and no substitutions ere •nowed. Tuel, ff •ny, •re the f91PC)flSlbillty Of the lndMdu•I winners. Winnen may be Hlted to e•ecu• itn attldftll of ellglblllty and r ....... s Sweepatakes open to residents or the u S . e1tcept employees and their tamlh" ol Del Monte Cor~ ration. its 1ff1hate1. aubsldufnes. 1dvert1s1ng aoenc1es. 1nd Don Jagoda Assoc111es. Inc Tn11 offer 11 void wherever oroh1blled, 1nd subte<:t to all federal, state ind local lawt • 6 No purc:Mse of •nr product lflted In Aule tt 1 ii n.c ••• .,,to~·· 7 Fof ..... ot mator wlMe!'I, Mnd. ~ addl 1111 den a•=: IO: CHECK·OUT WINNEAI UST, P.O. Bo1 2 , w.ebufy, NY 1101. :, 1\\"" . --·~i;~!! ~1; BONUS PRIZE! Enter with up to 5 l1bel1 or ltcslmlles and you may wln up to 15 products tree. ' . ,, .. , • J, .. ' I ' . 1 ' I I I I ti• .r: .. .. . ' ·'. JI' ·H :n ., ' , • •liil r.I 1t11i . '9~ t i. I 'I !l I. rt !H~ /1: l .J ---·-......--..-~-.....--------·-- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednt1d1y, February 17, 1982 . ~ J Check c~sh register for correct refunds By MARTIN Sl~OAN •: D t: A tt S U P Jo; R Mi\ tt K l':'l' SllOPPF.R Pit-use usk your rcudens to carefully cbt·ck their re1lster tapes to be sure that their coupons have btlen properly rung up. When I returned from the supermnrke t today, I glanced ut the register tape and was ..sturtled to. find that the coupons had been added to my t o tal instead o f s ubtracted from il. I guess thal the cashier forg o t t o pu s h the subtraction 'key. B ecau!>C' o f th e mistake, my grocery ball was $12.16 more than 1t s ho uld have been Of course. I returned to the su p ermarket immediately a nd the man age r qui ckly corrected the error, but it cost me time a nd gasoline So. m y adv1t·e to shoppers is to wate h the cash register like a h awk and to check everything again when you get home. You can't be too careful Gloria B . f rom Lowelville, Oh io. DEAR GLORIA I who le heartedJy agree with you $12.16 i!> a lot of money to lose over someone e lse's mistake. Even this large u s um can easily be overlooked when the tot al on your register tape pass<'s the $100 mark Herc are !tome taps to insure that well·planned savings aren't lost during a few moments or carelessness at thl' cash register Be sure tht're Is a price marking on every item you put into your • ..:. .:..Sh,opJling cart. .:UUS "".ill s a v e yo u t h c t 1 m t• required for the c·as.haer to check the pri<'e or the error that oft t•n occurs when the t•ash1<'r guesst•s at the price Watch each 1tt.>m as it is be ing rung u p Make sure that th<' pncc on the package 1!t thl' price that appears on the register daspla) tr the cashier as moving too quickl). a:-.k him or her to s low do"' n Put your salt• 11t·ms on the counter la::.l JOO pay special alll·ntwn to the m when the) art.' being rung up One or the most common C'rror-. is the ringing up of supermarket spCC'ldls at regular prices Do n 't put your m oney on the rheC'kout counter until the cashier as ks for 1t tr th1>st•'h11ls should disappear . they won 't be the l'as h1l·r ·s reponsibillt). SMART SHOPPER AWA RO The Smart Shopper Award gol'S to Freida Varmall or Baton Rouge, La H e r su per mark et a d vertised Maxy.ell House Blend on sale at $1.49 She bought three cans using three '10 cent coupons that the store doubled So. s he paid only S2 07 for all three cans When she got ·home. she sent in three proofs of purchase for a $1 refund. The fin al cost or the coffee was only Sl 07 "My m other and l JUSt started couponing a nd re funding," s he says, "and on our most recent s h o ppin g trip our sa vings with d ouble coupons were $41 .77 subtracted from a total of $137.83." Ms. Varmall and other s mart shoppers whose experie nces appear in this column receive a copy of m y refunding magazine. The National Supermarke t Shopper. Write to m e in care of this newspaper CU P 'N' FILE REF UNDS Cleaning P'roducts, Soaps, Paper Products, Bags Wraps <Fiie 10) Clip out this file anct keep It with s imilar cash·o ff coupons beverage refund offers with beverage coupons, fo.r exampl e . Start collecting t he neede d proofs of purchase whlle looking for the require d r efund forms at the supe r market . in n ewspaper s a nd magaiines, and whe n t r a d ing with friends . O ffers muy not b e available in all a reas of the country: Allow 10 weeks to rece ive ca9h refund llPlllllllT IHIPPll u totul vulue of $43 411 rerund forms • Thi~ o Her does n 't . 80RATEEP4 Free re,1ulr u Corm 0 f r o r R ec e I v e a VAROl.1-;v OF 48 ounce box o r .LONDON INC .. P 0 . Rorutt>em "'Send the Offer Send the o'rricial Doic 94294. Schuumburg. required rcrund form e ntry trom 111. 60 194. Receive St in and one box top from other Universal Product coupons. St'nd register Clorox 2 Expires June Code symbol fl"Om a receipts with the prices 30, 1982. 15 count. 3-m il G l ad of two Yardley Liquid DIAL SOAP Re fund. package. Expires Dec. Soups circled. Write the Receive a $1 refund. 31 , 1982. 1 Trash Bags o r three ·chase seals rrom aoy other liefty Tl'ash Bags. Expires April 30, 1982. 37 5-square foot cartons of Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap Explres May 31, 1982. Savi n gs " Bookl et Rece i ve a booklet conta1n1ng $2S 1n co upons and re fun d offers &!nu the required r e f u n d r ,, "r m . 0 n c UniversaJ Product Code symbol from any s1tc W is k, 1"1nul Tou ch , Concentrated All , Uov1•, Dishwasher All or Shield and 511 rent~ for J>O Hllt.' and handhn~ r-:xplrc~ April :lei. 1982 lft•rt' 1-. t1 rt:fund form lo wraH• for L Egg~ Con l rol Top U dund l>ffl·r. l'.O Box 4194. M11nt11'Pllo, M111n. ss:ws Thi., offl'I worth 50 <'l:n lg lo $2 l'xp1n•s M<t Y 31. 19H2 Universal Product Code Send the r e quire d H EFTY $2.50 Refund. numbers fro m the refund form and eight Receive $2.50 in Hefty bottlcsncxtto thcprices complet e la bels from coupon!.. Send the on each receipt. Expires Dial SOap. Expires May required refund fo rm REYNOLDS WRAP Refund. Receive a $1 coupon for Heavy Duly Reynolds Wrap. Send the required refund fot'm and t he word s "ll eavy Dut y " as printed in coral on the ope ning fl aps of two STATIC GUARD Trial Offer Rl!ceive a SJ r e fund Send th e r equired refund form and the of f ic ial proof-of-purcha se square from the cap or one specially m arked Sta t ic Guard can . Expires J une 1, 1982. Keep an eye on local govenrmenr March3l , l982. 31.1982. and two purchase seals W I SK. FINAL TOUCH, ALL, .DOVE, SHIELD "Blizzard of These offe rs re quire GLAD $1 Re fund from 30 count He ft y ----------------------'----------------------------------- • US 0 A Chooce SHI. 9oneteu Rob Cul SPENCER ROAST U S D A Cho1Ce ~t 9onele" llob Cut BRAISING RIBS U S 0 A Chooce Beef Mto•y 8FEF RIB BONES ER Ovtn lltodv MEAT· LOAF l8 3.49 l8 2 .89 l8 1.49 l8 1.89 tlCI ~EEFLIVER :~~;:c. 79 I ENDER • LB. :::~:~ ............... 2.09 SILKIENCE ) 01 lo•~" 2 01 Cr9'0f'I SllKIENCE MOISTURIZER VITAMIN E 2 .19 2.99 4.29 NORTHiiiHM1 iJUlm• fre•h Mountain Rainbow BOlllD t•OUI ,,,.,h CA I ALINA IQUID Heat & Eat Stuffed IOUMONTl•IY ... l8 2.•9 lB 1.19 18 .18 .l8 4.•9 ft;o;h F1ll•h oT 2 49 DOVI• IOLI l& • fre,1 •. Al1vf' • CHl•RY-alOlllCLAMS--tt .99 8ul~ or Pollot'\ DouNot f.cetd 22qo fat LEAN GROUND BEEF l& 1.89 l>O"il Not h crrd 15°1> ~ot LEANEST GROUND BEEF El Rancho RANCH STYLE BACON LB 2.19 l8 1.39 Fron n'D•frott.d. 8 12 fb COLOllAL 1111 IHUP ta 1.99 1e:.u:·oit1 . l8 3.99 Coo .. ecl o nd l'Hl.d OUGON BAY IH•IMI' l& 3.69 FtOH " •ln .. o Hull 01 Whole 2 89 llLVD IALMOll . l& • Ftot"" .t.lnM.on HALIBUT ITIAKI l& 2.49 r •Otf'n A.fo.l.o C;onte• C111 IALMOllMIAll---~.-19 Foll•• Fo1m• Freth 8oneleu Cordon 81eu STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST l& 2 .89 Fo1let Forms Frelh 9onel•11 W11h Oreuong STUFFED CHICKEN BRf,AST l& 2.89 U S 0 A Choice froien·Oefro•led LAMB SHANKS l& 1.69 IMPERIAL MARGARINE .59 .. 1-LB. STICK LIMIT 2 Melly loll. 15 Ct 13 Gal t.25 l '1 Pl S11901 .87 KITCHEN BAGS SNOOPY CONES .. 6 Ot Poneopple C.ropef~ R1'9 111 Ponk .99 -9 ' 01 .89 DH MONTE FRUIT J ICE BELL BRAND CORN CHI PS Suni~•~t' 16 ot Salted Un1ol1•d 0 Pt. 11 or Con1 .59 1.69 KRISPY CRACKERS DIET 7-UP, A & W, SU NKIST JR,, t.49 Job Squod .89 BORA TEEM JUMBO ROLL TOWELS \ ~1 Ii rl f) ")U .46 '1 '> '~ ,, "''"n , h 1.33 SAFEGUARD SOAP MOTHERS COOK IES 7 • OZ e LIMIT .. :r:.:: ....................... 33 II)') Ol (AN CAMPBELL'S 23 TOMA TO IOUP e '· t"f>()CS rJF t'tff f1Pl£~ ... 0\11 """ -·"" H,,.,. Coworofll•t• lo"C:"'° l().01 lo• 6 69 \ 12·0 Z. TEA • WOii TON lar9e lag .69 IKIN HAPI RICE CRACKERS Col t ot,. 1) b \ac.• BOTAN RICE 2.39 Ov•o1tv 11 01 c,.,. LYCHEE NUT .69 fatto to't• l2·0Z 89 '( H o""O" lt•d & w.i.,. 1 •·01 '~o 59 l•or "9 MAalAMltaUNll .. I• • INSTANT MISO SOUP .99 • EA. TOP CHOWMEIN ,,.. ..................... ________ ~~~------------, A!!HIOiMi~ :~~~~:~· 1.19 10 5·or Mi<rowove HUNGRY JACK POPCORN 10-or Shtomp VAN DE KAMP DINNER 20-01 Short Coke 21-01 8l0<k ForHt SARA LEE LA YER CAKE . 12·01 Oh 9oy. ChHs•. c11 ... ,, 9ocon STUrnD POTATOES 1.U 1.89 2.11 .19 iDll!IW!@j 32-01. Whole or Sliced • YLAllC 88 ·-.. CZ'" .. • .88 2 P0<k .PONl'S PIZZA CRUST 16-ot F..90 MOZZARELLA BALLS 2.19 Ookoto FOYmt , Holl Moon Rondom W•'9ht MILO LONGHORN CHEESE ... Le 2.•9 15 01 FRIGO RICOTTA CHEESE . 1•01 OltOHO .88 in 1i1e Dailj Pilat US 0 A Cho><• S.ef C.,uc~ Cvt 7·BONE ROAST tB 1.29 U S 0 A Choo<• S.ef Chvd. Cu• I 69 0 -SONE ROAST lB • U S 0 .t. Chooce Beel 8on•l•u Ct.ud Cv• 2 49 ROLLED SHOULDER CLOD lB • US 0 A Cho•<• Beef Center Cut A CHUCK STEAKS ta I .3Y ---FRllH-_,_--~ RED SNAPPER .PACIFIC I 2 9 FlllE IS UMITUH. LB. • t?,U!im!t~~ PLAIN 1 LABIL Q;\1 35 BEER ,~cl( • .. I, h" • ,, lAMBRUSCO t .79 ,,,. ... ,. -t:: 1 ... ~ .. COLONY CLASSIC2 49 WINE • Jvo<y LIMONI ti .25 NtClllFnmYl7DAYI ....... , THU91., ..... thru WID., na. 2•, 1912 r The following re fund ·~----.""'n-r--....-...nr+h-~.~ This week's offers hav~ 1 I ' 1' - ~7 -· ---r- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT Wednesday Febru ry I! 1982 C9 Cooking several diShes at once MICROWAVI COOKING J Jtcipe MOLNTAJN. llOM t. ('llOWUl•;R I I ('UP rant· I\· (' h11p1wo 0011111 A woot1 WU)' lo !HI ve t•nt>rgy doll ars 1s to t ook u meul an lhl' ovt•n ICDIDMY MIAlS When t wcl or lhrt.>c d I s h e s n r e 1· o o k t· d toaethcr ut the s:uoe kmpw atun" ll not only saves money .. but sa v«>s lime, and makci-. for a C'Ozy kitchen. too In one the m ain dis h as Ove n Fr ied Chic k e n wi th a light C'ri!>p coa t in g made• inexpens ively with corn s tarch , bread crumbs a nd seasonings. The s econd m l•u l centers around u Broccoli Quiche H<.iked with the Quiche 1s an Apple Cris p, the topp111 g for which is a blend of oats, corn swrch , sugar and margarine OVEN FRI ED CHICKEN '• cu p fine d ry bread crumbs 1 • cup corn starch 1 teaspoon salt I ll'ns1>00n paprika 1 , teaspoon pepper I broi lcr ·f ryer l'hlt•ken, cul in parts 3 tablespoons corn oil Into large plallllC b~ ml'l.1s urc bread C'rum bs, t•o rn s t urc h , s alt , p a prtka und p<'ppe r Shake togethl'r Place chtl'kl·n. 2 paec·t•s a t a time-. into plastic· bag. S ha kl' to c·oat thoroughly. Repcul with r emai ning c hi c ken . Pour l'Orn oil into 13 by 9 by 2 tnch baking pan. Arrange chicken in pan, skin side down. Dake in 400 d e gree oven 30 minutes. Turn {'hicken and continue baking 30 m anul<'s or until lende r." M akcs 4 scrv~ng!'> PEAR COBBLER 11" pounds < aboull rt p <: 11.e uri. p eel e d . Nouvelle cuisi.ne still hot in Paris figures, and the food they eat corresponds. Slt<'ed (5 C'UJ)'> I 1 • c up wull'r I tableSJ)()on ll'mon J ll i<'l' 1 ~ t"UP !>Ui.tar 2 tabll'!->p1xms C'orn starch 1~, teaspc1em ground cinnamon Ca k e Topping I recipe folio"'" I n la rgt• bowl l o!>S together pt•t1rs , wul<•r aod lemon ;uicC' In s mall bowl llttr togl•lht•r s ugar, corn lltarch und cinnamon Sprinkle over pe ar mixture . tos:-. to coat evenly Turn into 8 by 8 x 2 -int h baking dis h. Drop Cake Topping by s poonfuls onto pear m i xtur e . Rake i n 400-degree O\'t·n 35 to 45 minutes or until pear., an• tender and c-ru:-.t as golde n. Sl'I ve warm Makes 4 to Ii ::.ervings CAKE TOPPING In medium bowl stir togt•ther 1 1 <·up unsafkd flour. 1'.l cup sugar, 3 tablespoons corn stan•h, 1 :.t t e a s poon bak ing powder and 1 1 t.easpoon ll all. Wit h pa stry hlt>ncl1·1· or twu knl\ ,., <'lll Ill 2 lulilt·sporn1" 1·0111 11 11 111argur1n t• unt il co.i r::.t• cl'umbs form Stir an I ltghlly bt.·uten l·~~ until well blt•nd1·cl 8R0('('01.l ()lllC'llt: I 11 .1 <' k a g t' I I 0 U U 0 ( (' ... I C h 11 p (> (' d b r o l' t' o I 1 • t h J ..., c cl wt.'11 dra1m•<1 1 1 ~ 1·u ps 1·oarscly shn·dd1•tl Monter t'\ .I 11ck ('hl'l' ... l' . I I l' ll p r I n (' 1 ) choppt•d unu111 1 ~ l1:as poon drie d has ii lt•a vt•:-. 1 " lt•aspoon salt 1 .. ll'aspoon pepper I unhukcd <9 1neh1 IJUSll',\ 'hl'll :1 lablcspoon!'> t·orn sta rt·h l c·u p n11lk l eg~s. 11 g htl\ bealt•n In 'largt· bo .... 1 los::. lo ~ <' l h l' r IH o l' c· o I 1 C'ht•t•w 0111on. ba..,tl sail .rnd pt•ppt•r Spoon into pastr) sh<•ll In small bo'' I st11 1og-clhl•r {'Orn ... tarc·h and milk unttl -.m ooth Sti r tn 1:gJ;!s u n l 1 l "'l'l I blcndt·cl Pour over hrottolt m 1xlurt• Rukt· 111 :17a·llcgrt.•l' oven 45 manult•!> or until knife rnscrtt•d an c·cnte r comes Get Richer • . • • . . • • • . • . . . save on a 1 lb. can of MJB Premium Ground Coffee 40500 102930 • .•....••••••••............. LIMIT ONE COUPON PEA PURCHASE STORE COUPON CONSUME.A Oller 1om1111<1 lo one toupon Pf'' 1wrr.no~ Good o"IV on o,e1•rtt•t1on 10 you1 01oc1, n" ou•c"•s~ ot MJB Ptflm•um G1ound Coffee Anr 'ltn•, vt~ con•t11ute1 lr1uU GROCER PIHH •P<l9tlm th•• to.il>Oo at llM lace ••I.,. Oii -can ot MJ9 Premium G•ouncl <:41~• You w•ll be r.,~ •1 Int! •au value plus 7c for i'a,,dhf19 provKled you 1n11 conav,,.,., "••• compiled ,.,.,, I"• 1erm1 of ""' oll~r Coupon may nol be dU•Ql'ed OI 1r1nlletred by you -We "''" no1 honor •Memptro"• 1 noouQh oul oode •gene••• b<O ... tl etc You• customer mull pay a"y Hlt1 1a• Coupon •o•d •llere ll•eO pro111111ted ~r It 11r1c1ed ll'•O•CH 111ow11'9 your ou•chH•• of 1ulloc1eo1 1toc~ 10 co•tt coupon• pr11en1td lor rldemplion must be al'town on 11 Quttl Cnll •llut 11~ 01 one cenl FOf promp11eaemo11on -11 COUl)Ol'l 10 MJ8 Co PO Bo• 1Al7 Clinton Iowa !12132 EaplrH Mey JI, , .. , ~··!!> ·--&. fOl ·ir. ~u~ .-... .. ' .__ . . • . • • . . • . • • • . • . • • • . • .•........••............••.•......•.•.•...... STORE COUPON ' save 75c on a 3 lb. can of MJB Premlul'fl Ground Coffee 40500 102948 out 1·h•a11 I.et !'>land 5 lo l u m I n 11 I t· i, ht• f o re " l' 1 \ 1 n g M a k •·.., fl "11'1 v 111gs i\l'PU: ('ltlSP I '·· po11nch. <a boull ..ippld, 111•1·ll'd. sltl't!d < 5 eup:-. 1 .I tahlt•"<11e1om. huttc·r or n1a1 ~.111111• ~ tahk•spoons fl11111 I <:up 1111lk I 1·up c·h1ckc11 hr nth 1 I tl'Ul>j)()()li drh•cl "1.11(1' I I (l'il'J)()()O ('\•lt•r\ ,,If\ 1 .. t<·a:-.poon pcp111·1 I' ~~UP' cl1<•<:d put.1l 1ws 11·,111 ht· f11J11-"l1) I l'i.lll I 11, 111m1·1·' 1 "llll'I ota"lh, clr,11ncd l h '<l"lflCICIO I' hnpfJl•cl JIUf'>lt·~ 2 labll' ... J)OOOS "lllj.;UI 1 , teas1x1on ground g 111~('1' 1" leuspoon grou11d nutmeg 1 ! cup qu1t·k uuts 1 1 e u 11 f 1 r rn I \ PJl'kt•cl bruwn 'ug.11' ' 1 tUIJ eorn hllll C'l1 1 1 e u p t· 11 r n " 1 I mu1gan1w l'lac·c· .1ppl1•!'> 111 IH hv ts h.\ 2 llll'h huk111 g dish In ... rn .. 11 lluv.I "ll•r togt•lher 2 lJ~h.''>11111111-. ... ugar . i.i 1 n g c 1 ;1 n d n u l m l' g S prankh· ovt·1· u1,1Jk1>. tuss lo c·ou t 1•v1•nly In m e dium bowJ 'll l1r l 11getht•1 o a I!'> . hr o"' n ..,ugar an<I <·om st an·h With pasll y blcndt!r 01 2 knave:-. 1·ut 111 murgurinc until l'Oal'.,l' er umb., r II r m s I' r Ill k I e II \' l ' r J p p I t' ~ B J k l' 1 n :17 5 d l' g I l' I' II\ t' ll :15 rn1nutt•-, or until upph.•s an• kntlt•r S1·rv<.· wurm M .i kt•' 1, "'' 'lllJ.:!-> ('11m1J1ru· 11r11ot1. butl1·1 J lld flour 111 11 ~quart < J'>"1•roll• :-.u1t.1hl1.• fo1 a 11111•rnwuv1· ovNt Cook 2 n11nut<•s anll stir unlll -.rrwolh l.\lJr m milk, l'h1<·kl'n luoth "JJ.:I' 1·1·11 r' ,,111 111•p1>er and potutcw·s ( '11\1•1 v. 1th pJ.1-.11<· v.1.q1 111 wax<:d l>J111·1 uncl 1·•1•1k :1 m1111111· ... 111 .1n1t <'<>Ok 2 m 1nu1"' l1111g1·1 Add ... 111•1·111.1,h :md 1·ook I m1n11tl· Spr1Jiklt· v. 11 h p.11 ,,,.~ lwf1111· M•rvwg Mu kP' 1 -.1·rV!11 g!'> on Kleenex · Brand ·paper towels. ---~-----, 20¢offtwo 1 [~~~s of Kleenex·towels. I I ·----,' ,', :·~;":I 1,, .~.' '.· ·~'. ~ I 11 •I ~ ll>h ' ' 1 I I I 3 6 0 0 0 14 1 l 9 6 ' f• •f1 \\ ~I •. ·~..:. ____ ........ -----.;J ' No\\ get 201.' l>lt ''Ill 11 \ • 'll hu\ l\\O roll-, lll Kkl'llL'\ B 1;111d p 'lk'I to v. c I". I t \ a !..! r c; 11 , k, d , 111 , 1 !.! r 1..' o1 t l( m cl f n im t\~kc1h· '· • c ,-. Enterthe~ I 'FEEL~ER EVERY DAY OF THE MONTH' ~?:. • Sweepstakes! I I I JI I I• 11 'I I '' • '" llJKl MARCH .. ,. GRAND PRIZE : "-'INI \\lorllt "' • 11 hot lltr• II p1111 ' PIO 1111•'11Ill1lt1·' 1l1•11rl.1t ·''"'"' 31 FIRST PRIZES:'"'" I 1 ..... ,.,,, C..!1Ml\\lllllt11t 111\ "Ill' • 11! Ill" II prl/• 'p1r htfl•tl lllfl\I• J t·t "'""'' fr•• !011 ""'~' \t1\t tt.,·I h' lh·t t \•'I\ d,l\ of th• lltot1ll h"I 1111 111tllt '''" ••l••"''nl)l:l1~\ \\h,·1 '''"''" 1 \11ull~l\.~'.!fl'-1t1d~,,. tul••IH,fl1t 1lh •·fllt It 11111 llu \\I'• P't.1".••., •tr '-t~ 1111.i 1,\I rult·' h•' U1·1 111,111111 """' r----------------~--~------1 1 1 SA' 'E 2011 on .in,NEW rRHOOM 2011 1 1 "'V '¥-Br.iodl'roduch ~ I ''""'Ont• r1111po11 rrr p,,, ~·"t'' I I I I I I I STORE COUPON AND I SWEEPSTAKES EN TRY FORM I I "•·-------~-------------- 1 "'~1 .... ---------------------1 I '•"--------------"•ii.---'···--- : S10.IHAA11 --~----------"-------­ I Tn •u•01N1tull~ rn1 .. , th" Nrw ,,,.,,.J,.,,, Newh!fdombnnd~ 'Wrl'l1'1•~1'\ 14'(11•1•m lht• I 1lllj)ll1\ ht Aprtl I() L--r --, ~ -i ---.:..-, I l'Jlll m '""' """ l•l •vie\ Im llrfl 1n<11l m t>n•"' -L--1-~Ul-tOlft' I 11youdo1101 .. "h 11111\., ""' 1 oupnn tn ~nlrr 111<-,_.O,'•~I'' tilt• cov1ll111 " '''"' unJ1I 3'b Q Q Q i i b b i Q I ~' ~Ml..-r II l'llU .V .V .V "-----------_ ... _, ______________ _,,,, 1~2 '· .,, Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /WednHday. February 17, 1982 , Chicken pieces with stuffing can be easilY foiled 8 y 8 Alt8AllA GIBBONS the in1tredJ~ntt lo mukl' Sialt and vt-pver to Everybod y IOVt'S roll wrapped mu l n tnSt(' Slll ~auRMIT a tutrlna . but with courses foroneortwo. Optional 2 • today 'R busy lifestyle, FOILED CHICKEN tablespoons minced I tublespoon dried wh1lt• wine <or wut('rJ I 4 ou n ce can mu s hroom l'lt.'l'C S, undruin1•1I brcuslb, split smaller fa ml hes 1 and BREASTS WIT ll parsley s ma 11 er c h I ck e n s l • BREAD STUFf'fNG Combine celery. onion seasonings. Tc1V off 4 poultry with dressing 2 ribs celery, finely and water m a s mull squares or tt luminum baktnM tray und buk\' :J tuhlesp(Joni. minced frcbh lor I tu blcspoon cJrled > onion P I n (' h o ( 1m u It r y s cuson1ng or dried thy mt• <.'ornb1n<' i.turt1ng lngred1l0 11t s 1n u suucepun und ht•ut to botlint: Removt• from ht•u t, t•ovcr lightly und ~l"l tt!mh• 5 rrunull's or mor.- 1rnckct!t on u shallow lwk1nw lruy llukc ut 350 dt•.irt•t•l. for 40 lo 45 minutt.>!t , 01}cn tho Coal rlurin~ the last 10 m1nutc1> Makes four '\t•rv1n.:s. 3SO c<1lor1es l'llC'h • h a s b e c 0 m e a minced saucepan, cover tightly foil Olvide the stuffing holidays.only treat. 1 • cup minced onion and simmer 10 minutes umong the it sheets or · Today l tellyouhowto (or udditional Meanwhile , arrantic foll , mounded in the turn lean and luscious celery) c h 'i c k e n breasts middle. Arrange each of chicken breas t halves 'h cup water skin.side up under the 4 breast halves over into good, old-fashioned 2 frying chicken broiler. Broil. just until the stuffing. Fold over roast . chicken . with . breasts, split s ~in i s crisp and the foil, enclosing each dressing , t he easy . 4 slices dry bread, well-rendered of fat chicken breusl half in its low·calorie way. cubed Remove celery.onion own packet, with the Aluminum foil makes Pinch each; d ried mixture from the heat s tuffing . Arrange the ' about 40 tQ 45 mtnuh•i. ut 350 clegrN•s. Op(•n the packets during the lus t 10 m inutes Mukc11 rour ser vings , 330 t•ulur1es each. EASY n ULEIJ CHICKEN BR EASTS WITH MUSHROOM RICF. DRESil NG the JOb easy. These thyme. sa2e and savory and stir in bread and packets~ a ~~I~ recipes serve four . but I C•P•,..• •NJ••~;c;;:,1, ..... 1nc •u~lfi'l•• ........ uo;itwlifit.w .. ;n;;i ... ti .. -.•.;iJ;. l cup instant rice ·i-.~up water Salt (or :1easoned s o It l uncl pcpµcr, to tustc 01,t1onul 3 I ;J hll'S l>Ollll ~ tnlO ('t•ll fr11sh parsley 2 fryin~ c hi cken M e a n w h 1 l t• , b ri> w 11 chit-ken breast halvt•s under broiler u:1 dircct<.•d 1n prl•vi'ous rt·cipc Mound th e dn·ssing on •1 s hccb of foal , und urrun.:c cuc·h l'ht('ken breast hulf over 1 he dressing Fold ovt:r the~!!_ and arran~ th<.· J>oultri1 µleasers lhat WtJ n t malcf you unpleasrnyly 11lump' ror rnl1Jrw 11h11 rt>ctpea and diet tip.~. /1 ('11d a stamped sl'lj addressed envelope a11cJ 511 ce11ts to SL IM 1;01'HMET <'lllCKEN /J/Slli':S . /> 0 Hor 624 , .'i11artn N .I fl7H71 you could cut down on SHOP WITH NO LIMIT. Historic • rempe By TOM HOGE "'WI,..•• ..... WriC.r T he only dishes I have ever had markin g George Was hington's birthday were the pies and other desserts made from cherries, a fruit associated with a childhood misdeed. Which seems too bad, since our first president is said to have been a worth y trencherman who liked good foods and fine wines. A se nat or who attended a banq ue l given by the c hi e f executive wrote al the time that the meal led off with a soup, then went on to fis h, fowl, roa s ted and boiled meats and s moked ham. For dess e rt t hei:.e were apple pie. pudding. ice cream and jellies. Then, a range or fruits including watermelon. apples and peaches, but n.o ch.err Le.,s . And. finally, bowls of nuts Small wonder that ham was featured, since it was one of the most popular meats of the day. It was served in a _variety of ways. There was ham with pickled peaches. ham coated with corn meal, ham glazed with sugar and champagne sauce. fri ed ham with red gravy, ham loaf with mustard sauce. a nd ham with rayenne pepper and, of course, the famed Smithfield ham from Virginia. With nothing at hand but tripe, a variety meal frQ.m the stomach of steer or oxen . some peppercorns and a few table scraps. the cook dumped the lot into a big kettle or boiling water and offered up a silent prayer. The soup wa s an immediate s uccess and the elated chef named 1t Philadelphia Pepperpol I after his home town. P epperpot is popular to this day and you may wa·nt to try this recipe on Feb. 22. 2 veal shins 5 quarts water Salt 2 pounds boneless veal I l pound fresh tripe. cut fine 4 cups all purpose flour 4 cans (1012 ounces each> beef bouillon 4 cans 1101., ounces each> tomato soup 2 ou n ce s dry ver mouth 11. teas poon ~a ck pepper 14 teaspoon allspice 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced Simmer veal shins in 4 quarts water and 2 tablespoons salt 2 hours. Strain and add veal and tripe to t>roth. Simmer 2 hours, or till meats are tender. Cut veal into pieces and return to mixture. Cook fl our over low heat in s killet till golden brown. Blend in remaining water with flour and stir into veal brolb. Add bouillon. to m ato so up a n d vermouth . Simmer 1 hou r. Season with salt, pepper and allspice. Add eggs and s im mer 10 m inutes. Good with a chilled rose wine. Ma kes 10· 12 ser vings. Happy 1982 , 1 UllJT IMSMCE . ' 25th year ~ Anniversary Si._ '1' 1n the' If arbor Ard J;}-• f-..SllSllMCE .. .. ,ON....,...,& .....,... ..... c. .,~ 0 SU FRYING CHICKEN w nole Boov Zacky Farms ".58 BEEF BACK RIBS , .. 87 Frozen Defrosted SIRLOIN TIP STEAK .. 220 eoneiess Bonded Beef Rouno BANQUET MEAT PIES Frozen cn1<ken. Turkey or Beef B oz Box .33 ptLADY LEE 39 ct PEAS 1701 can . pt TOTINO'S 99· A> !~RTY Pl~.• 3 Varieties rSTAR-KIST 159 ~!;iM~~K T~~fz\can Water Of 011 Pack TOP SIRLOIN .. 248 STEAK Bonetess Bonaea Beef Loin WHOLE BEEF '"129 BRISKET BBO Te.a<; Style 7 9 LOS &onetess Bonded Beel PACIFIC .. 149 RED SNAPPER Frtsn Fiiiet AMERICAN CHEESE FOOD pt LUCKY A,~2o9KA GENERIC FRANKS lady Lee Sliced 12 oz Pkg 129 GENERICS, YOUR NO FRILLS CHOICE FOR GREATER SAVINGS. CRANBERRY 139 COCKTAIL ~IC 4801 Btl Oenerlcs I ook for 1hc briah1 }cllow padoec' in mir C.rncric )CCt1on. You11 rind mer 100 diffcrcn111Cm~ )'Ou u\C C\tr) d•>· prtctd 10 bring )OU con'i~1cn1I} grc111cr sa\ 1n1s 1h1n on} nahonal brand GENERIC 69 WAFFLES 11 Oz Doll • KqjBuys mean extra savlnlJS. Kc) Bu)\ art 11cms priced lxlow 1he1r n-dyday d11coun1 p11ets as• re uh of manufa~1urcrs' temporary promo1ion11l allov..1n«s or eiccep11onal purcha\e< You11 lind hundreds or Key Buy item' cHry time )'OU shop. ON EXTRA SAVINGS. • in, I e f"PILLSBURY 79 A ~~~esE M!~~~x • rCOTTAGE CHEESE LilOV ~ee nD• Cm 159 CROSS RIB .. 198 BLADE CUT 99 ROAST £ted~~K ROAS~0 • Boneless Bonded Beef Chuck LEG OF .. 198 LAMB SHOULDER 1s8 LAMB ROAST us o 11 cno.ce USDA ChOICe lb •Lamb 1110 cnoix LO 2 981 tlilmO Sl'lou!Oef ChOp<; LO I 781 QUARTER .. 101 LONDON .. 221 PORK LOIN BROIL STEAK 1nc1uoes Loin StrlOln Bon~s Bonded Beef Rouno B1il<le ano 1110 cu cs -~ ' NAVEL D'ANJOU MINNEOLA ORANGES PEARS TANGELOS Ben tor Eat1n9 Flavorful u S NO 1 Sun-1s1 JumbO Slzt , .. 25 , .. 39 , .. 33 FRESH ITALIAN TABLE STRAWBERRIES SQUASH . CARROTS CallfomlaFlnest U S No 1 122 oz eautt. , n1 excetltnt Oualltv R1cn In VJtilllltn "A" ..... 69 8Skt ... 49 ... 23 °"' "1t• "'Ot""'°" ll'Ol<v 9V.,.,,,.. tiwv orc .. ro 111 ,.,..,,., '"~' "'« n not ttft<t••• W\ s..n"t' •• °""" w~v '""wt• H t "f"u Tut\01"¥ ~-· 11 •UJ M'(1 \ ..... l \I'\ Ob'\.OO c Ount...-. .. 1 t v k a v g y f1 1 c A I ti s ti b F t: q " ti g G p ti J C• St a a Ct e s re Sl 8 ,, a p 1\1 ti 01 Jc M Cl J1 pc H f8 p ..... . Eggs add easy n~trition to diet M oi.t cooks wou Id Top with procci>s cheese swiss cheese slices. cut o r until unde r s ide 1s a 1ree that ewu ur e rood 11llcc, cul in h»if mto ttun strips golden brown Duke ut a m o n11 th e m oil dla,onally Garnlshwlth l 2'~ ou n ce Ja r ,325 degrees. 10 to 15 m ys t erlo u s a nd t o mato we d ges. i f s li ced m u 'h ruoms . m mutei. or until top Is versotllc Ingredients, desired. druined fi r m He m ove fro m ll d d 1 n g ma g 1 c t o P4ake11 8 servings. Combine t!IC'g yolks , ove n . m a k e u d eep hundreds o! recipes. milk and ~alt, beut until 1·reusc across center or When ble nded In the ALPINt.: thick and 1emo~colored top. Pla<'e mus hrooms baller. eggs give a cake OVEN OMELET A d d c h 1 v es a n d and re maining cheese fl uffiness. Brus hed on 6 eggs, separated two ·thirds ot cheese. on hulC or omelet. Slip bread dough, eggs add 2 tablespoons milk Fold into stifny beaten spatula underneath, lip cris pness. 'Ill teaspoon s alt egg whites. Pour into s klll e't to loosen and And eggs mixed wi th 2 l a b l c S P o o n s hot, well greased 10-inch gently fold om elet in Ol'ange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 II OVER EASY A n omdet bakt•d 111 t h<' ov('n puts ma~1<· 11'1lo Wl.!cldy nl<:_O.Ul'i I ~ ground beef will make chopped chives oven proof skillet. Cook half. ha m burgers more solid .---1 _S_·o_u_n_c_·e_..;;..p_a_c_ka...;g:::..e_o.;.;..v...;e:..:..r-=l-=-ow~h:..:e..::.a.:..L .:..:•O;..;m:..:,;.;.;10.;.;u:;.te.:.:s:.__M:...:a::.:.k:..:e.:.:..s..:.6..:.l(::_> .::.8.:.:.se:.:r:....:v..:.:in:.:!g~S°':.:... -=--==..,_--------------------------------- Eggs have been a part ' of e ve r ything (or so long; it seems they arc ta ken for granted and seldom get a chance to have their own s tarring r ole. Two recipes, "Alpine Ove n Ome l e t " a nd ··s unny Brunch Eggs," bring eggs out into the , limelight and to cook up some magic into weekly m enus, . But whethe r or not you arc featuring eggs as the main dish or as part of another recipe, you s hould be aware of the following egg triclts : Eggs s ho uld be s tor ed large end up in the refrigerator. Separate yolks from the whites whe n eggs a re cold .. -Beat egg whites at roo m t emperature for greater volume. -Eggs will not beat to their fullest volume if there's any rat on the bowl or on the beaters, or if any egg yolk 1s in Lhe whites Don't overheat egg whites, or the egg dish will tum out dry. It 's best t o co'lk eggs at low to medium temperatures. Whe n comb1n1ng eggs with hot mixtures. blend a little or the hot m i xture into the eggs before adding the rest or the mixture. This will a void curdling. Fina lly . for hard cooked eggs. run cold wat e r over th e m i mm e d iatelv ;:d t cr cook ing lo slop the cooking process Eggs a-re everything they're cracked up to be They are among the world's most nutritious foods. providing a good source of vitamins A a nd D. riboflavin and iron. Eggs provide fewer t han 100 calories per egg a nd a r e also high in protein. Scientists use eggs as a sta ndard for m easuring the protein quality in other foods One dozen large eggs e q ual 11h po unds o f p r o t e in -ri c h food Economically s peaking if large eggs are SI per dozen. that's 67 cents p er p o u n d f or :i n exee ll e n l sou rce o f protein. By the way. l.t.le .thr~e m ost co mm on egg carton sizes are· "Extra Large" <27 ounces per dozen >, "Large" 124 ounces per dozen >. or "Medium" 12 1 ounces per dozen). They can be found in a ny supe rma rket a nd are always in season. An d eggs should stay fresh for up to three weeks if kept in their origmal containers No wonde r br ilhanl people are sometimes referred to as eggheads You can do so m a ny smart things with this simplest foodstuff. In the recipes offered here, the trick is in the oven Both dishes are b a k e d r a t h e r th a n cooked atop the stove. T hi s tak es t h e h oc us -pocus out o f conventional egg dishes, es p e ciall y th ose can-be-difficult omelets . SUNNY BRUNCH EGGS •;cup milk .,, c up Sa 1 a d Dressing 8 eggs. beaten 'f.J c up c hopped pimiento If.I c up c h o ppe d green pepper v.i teaspoon salt 111 teaspoon pepper Am e ri ca n pas t eurized cheese food process Lettuce 8 tomato slices Gradually add milk to salad dresS'lng: stir in eggs, pimiento, green pepper and seasonings. Place s ix process cheese food slices in bottom or greased u~ x 7~·1nch baking dish; pour In egg mixture. Bake al 350 degrees, 30 minutes. Cul Into squares. For each serving. cover lettu~e. with tomato and eggs. ~ BEEF LARGE ENO Wh•n you shop S11t•r Bro1. too~ tor our Stater Savers Siii., S.••ri /nd•c•t• items wtuch h•v• o..n flMn a l{>Klal tam po1ary d•1coun1 by me m•nulKlflre1s W• PHI th•H HYlnfl& on ro you Oy furth•r t«JUC1rtg OU' ••ef>fd•y to•'°"' p11c•$ on hundreds of name bland •t•m1 ••ctt •ncJ ~v«y wH• uUc 11-0Z 11.19 tM>Z 11.19 L9 12.39 L913.29 STATER BROS LB MUC14UC* 7-IUST NU"<IUllD-.. IUSJ ALL FLAVORS FIVE ALIVE ROYAL GELATIN 12.02 FOfl LAUNDRY DASH ·nnER- ENT .oz .oz INITAlfT IYANET'IES OYAL PUDDIN. SIU.LLPllO Pms mmm 1 fti un ---n_.AfML ..-. • 21 -• 22 23 • -... • 111 11 n 24 ·i LARGE SWEET (COACHELLA VALLEY) GRAPEFRUIT VAGE F AHC'I I~ OOUll NAVll.S ORlllEI L9 33c APPLEEXIM ,.~RED DE:Sac liiii[oi-l.21c FRESH f£,.OUI CRISP I l8 Pl<O CARROTS ~29C LAROE FllESH SWEET HAWAllA" PllEIPPLE l.29c REGULAR OR BREAD PILLS- BURY FLOUR 5-LI 12..0Z I - 8 LB BAG EA • - •3~! ......... . . :'1/;,ff~ ·. . . . . . . . ·.-.· ... tTA'la tAWW• 9AWI Y• MDIZYI I ·Plan 'Your Menu With These Stater Savers!;< Taco S..EJ.: Taco s.tls .,.."'. / 19e11FF01 ~lO SPILLllAn r~, • ""' '1.23 ...., '1.29 -'1.13 •IOl&t ( ____ :-_01 ~_DC __ ._ .. $_1.7_9 J A· 1 Steak Salce t I PlllsllrJ G~ Iii -• Or1lp Cbile falsa S":>: t •00/ '1.61 · '"' '2.13 M OI 15C ''°'91' lltntiml Caffll & t , .°' '2.m • ..or'l.• Class PllS ~-t -'1.75 llnll QUI p.;:-• lllstll's .. =.o. • t lrlft .... ti= • W.Tallp I ... I.II ~ I Lll111i ~ • t .... 75' ... 94· ..., '1.13 .... •1• ... '18 _., .. .......... _____ ..,....._ ... ......,.,.,,__., __ ............... ._.; r 4 •• ,_.-,...w ..... ~........----•-.-v.....- u.c.ta 1• . 1nn.1 :r1r--~- ........ 'lJI _ .... •1• LB fl\JOY FARMS ...... Pattie& 12-0Z • FRESH SLICED Beef liver 89~. ••rule• dell ·-·-.. w-•1.., ,,.49C Al l A COtE SLAW FllUHCVT CllDllAI CllISE sucro ro OflDU• IOASTIUF ... 11.39 . .• 11.99 •••food l.11.79 ,lllSH CAJflSH '"°" llmlf ISH flll£1S FAlSH l~llRCIS PllCH Fll£TS l.11.89 l.11.99 -._ __ KLEENEX SORIQUE TISSUE 175-CT Swanson Frozen Entraas ~~ Fi$hl Salisbury T rk Veal/ ~ · ·' (~l ~ps S!~,k 1 , ,.~~ Spa.~~!ffi G~ 93c 73c 92c aac ' trazea I hlda Potatoes ~~ .. ~ flh. Slli~s ~ .,_.._,.. 54.oz••.83 10LB •3.99 1&0Z 79e . 32·0Z ••.29 16-0z 79° 618·0Z 89° 22.oz ••.•S . 6'·0z S4° I LIQUID CLEANER PINE FOREST OR REGULAR Alauc ............ -······· ............ 28-0Z ••. 76 ' AlGULAR MINI PADS Staylree ... .. so.cr•2.26 Beer, Wine & LlfJ•or I Mrs. PIUll A.VM.Aa.£ AT AU S'TMES eaJ'I' LOW. ~ • Frt• Coll.45 1111' •1toz~,.s 51.99 Scallll!S OIJ11pla Gold Beer 111110l~,.. SJ.49 Frill M c.ta Rossi Wl1es5~~~=~~·~:. s2.29 Fiiiets ,.oz11.88 Callo WI• IYAll<lf•U ~l •4.89 frill Flstt ,2 08 A.VM.Mi IN 5l'OAEIS Vol™ UOUOA UC9&B <H.~ Stieb ''oz • llnril flu I Fiiiets. . 1~ 1.89 --·~--~----.- • ' r Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 . 'Back to vegetable .flasics ' • _( • Recipe Jdeu for a one C>t two peraon household are etpecially popular. fet often dUtlcult to rind . M i niature cauorolea. combloa n\ltrltlou s dalry products with sarden ve1etablea, provide the ~~rfect balance of navor, color and teXl\lre -in conveniently small quantities.' GaFden Cheese Bake, a ve1etarian entree, is a bac k·to-basics dinner ldea desianed with a one or two person household ln mind. Tbe layer s of shredded cabbage, jack c.beese, <JDiona, carrots, mus hrooms and milk, bake to prefection In either the microwave or conventional oven. -Garden Cheese Bake is satis!yina enough for th e heartie s t of appetites, and b e enjoyed throughout the year. Cabba1e. carrots, onion and mushrooms •re always readily -1.\lailable-:-- Jn vegetarian meal planning, lbe proper balance ol nutrients is especially important. Protein, in particular. must be supplied Jn adequate amounts. Dairy 'products like milt, cottage cheese, yogurt and cheeses provide the body with high quality protein, vitamins and minerals, so necessary for maintaining good heal lb. GAllDEN CBE~EBilE <Microwave lleUMMI) 2 cups shredded cabbage ~ cup r)'opped onion '-" carrot, thinly sliced S mushrooms, sliced 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon butter lh cup milk 1 egg, beaten lh teaspoon salt lh teaspoon tarragon, crumbled 1 cup grated jack cheese Place cabbage in Prices • Jlllllp By LOUISE COOK ·-.. ·-·-· Grocery bills took a big jump last month, rising six times as fast as they did In the same m o nth of 1981 , a n Associated Press marketbasket survey shows. • .. The AP found that the· January rate of increase in the price of a random list of food and non.food p r o d u c t s w a s· th e steepest since June. Prices rose across the board, with more than one-third of all the items checked costing more at the end of January than th ey d id at the beginning. The AP survey covers 14 commonly pu rchased products . Prices were c h ecke d at one supermarket in each of 13 cities on March 1, 1973 and h ave bee n rechecked on or about th e s t a rt of eac h succeeding month. Among the findings of the latest survey: -The marketbasket bill went up during January' at the checklist store in eight cities, rising an average of 5.7 percent. The bill went down al t he checklist stor e in rive cities, dropping an average of 2.5 percent. Overall , there was an average increase of 1.2 percent in th~ marke tbaske t bills at the checklis t stores . -The Janu a ry increase was the biggest slnce June's 1.3 percent rfse. A year a go, in January 1981 , the average increase in the marketbuket bill was only two-tenths or 1 percent. Tbe Increase durin1 December 1981 was alto ·on1y two-tenths of 1 pere.nt. -Many of the increa•ee came al the dairy counter, and r~flected , in part, seasonal drops In prod'4ction. 'I'he price or a dozee eeo lncreued at the checkUst stores in nine cities, wblle a pound ol butter went up in 1lx dtles. In au. the pr1u ol dPt of tb• 14 Items cbecked by the AP went up at the check.Ult at.ou.-10-flve o mor• cities lut month . lllllUll l..quart slua cuaerole. Cook, uncovered, 2 ml.nutea on Hla Remove ha.If of cabba1e and Ht u1de. Combine oniol', carrot, musbrOQllla, flour and butt~ la 1.quart alus measure . Cook, uncovered, 4 minutes on Hiab, stirrint twice. Stir in milt, beaten eu, salt and tarraaon. Layer over cabbaae in casserole. Layer with mushrooms In butter over medium hilh beat S minutes. Stir in s tableapoone ttour, v. crated cheeae then leaapoon salt and ~ reserved.-eabbaa~-Cook,· teaspoon tarra1on, unccwered. 4 minui .. on crumbled.,Jdll,i.,...a~l....Kl1..­ H i 1 h . Let •hod 5 cabba1e ln 1ballow minutes before servtnc 1-quart batina dish. Garnish with carrot Layer wltb 1auteed curls and parsley, U ve1etables and cheese. de sired . Makes 2 Beat milt with eaa . aervino. Pour over cheeae layer. CONVENTIONAL Top with remai ninl METHOD: Jo1redieot cabbaee. Cover with a m o u n ts re m a i o aluminum foil. Bake lo unct\aneed except tor 375-dearee oven ,30 fiour, salt and tarra1on. minutes or until e11 Saute onion, carrot and mixture is set. Double Coupon Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manul AC· lurer's "cents oll" coupan and get double the savings when you purchase the item Nol to include "retailer", "free" or ·grocery purchase coupons or e•ceed the value ot the item Excludes liquor tobacco and dairy products limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon i nd limit 3 Ne•spaper Double Coupons per Customer. Co!'pon Effective Feb. 18 thru Feb. 24. 1982 USDA Choice Beef Round per lb. Limit 2 Per Customer per lb. Present this coupan along with any one Manufac lurer's "cents off" coupan and get double the savings when you purchase the item Nol 10 include retailer". "free" or "grocery purchase ·coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products limit One Item Per Manuf1cturer's Coupon and limit 3 Newspaper Double Cpupans per Customer. Coupon Effective Feb. 18 thru Feb. 24. 1982 4 Stick Frozen-Regular, French Blue Bonnet Margarine usoA Cholce·Beet Round lufc>A1 1 a g Boneless t~y Round Roast ~~ Ralphs or. uauan Green Beans. 12 oz. C1n Budweiser Beer Imported Scoresby Scotch •": 219 1.75 llr. gee btl. Purex Bleach . . MEA TlESS MEAL A C'a~scro l e or Vl'~c table ~ antj_ t'hl•t•sc 1s a pcrf ect dinnl•r for one or two. .. Double Coupon Prcscmt this coupon along with dny ont: Manutar. tu1cr s cents oft c.oupon and 91.:1 rJoubtP. the ">d11ncis when you purcl'lase thP item Not 1r, 1ni:lud,. rr,tailer Ire£: or qroc.cry purcnase coupcms or P1C(•et1 tl'le value ot tt1c otpm Exclude!> llQurJt 1rJti .. r.< r, cm<J <lo•' / orr.Jduc I<, Limit One Item Per Manufacturer's Coupon and Umll 3 Newspaper Double Coupons per Customer Coupon Eflective Feb. 18 lhru Feb. 24, 1982 Soft White-60, 75, 100 Watt PLAINWRAP Light Bulbs pkg. of 4 99 ~r,ecountry Stand'' 89 Mushrooms ~~~: • ~~i~t;.~f:p·s·::J 89 ~:::;·~=:~~· 165 '~~~·::~1as ~'. .39 K,.f..Sllced Food American Cheese 1 lb. pkg. Mort~~ues ·Frozen 73 •••••••••••••••9'ltMi•••••••••••••• ... ________ Pk_v_. __ ......__ •. Chilled-From Florida I Dinners •••• • Ii 4002 save .• on 5 I • Monterey J•ck or Mild Cheddar lake to lake Super Slze·Deodor•nt I I R I h r • Coast 101. • I 8 p S • . • I A11or1ed Fl•vors -~-.~-.~-, 1-co-~-~-y~-p-tom_•_b_.,_•___ i Orange Juice c1~. Off .:.:~~" I .Cheese 9oz. pkg. HI C Drlstan 219 I Limit One Item and One Coupon Per Customer · I fruit Drinks Capsules • coupon Effective Feb. 18 thru Feb. 24, 1982 '1 _____ .....,_........_....;;;;;;;o;;;---.,...--.......:-_ .......... ......_~---.--.....-.-.~;... .............. JCOUPON l•••••li•••••ll- Copyright 1M2 by Relph• Grocery Comp•ny. All Right• Aeterved. We teMtve the rig._t to limit or refUM 1afe1 ' to commercl•l deelera or •hole•elert. S..lftga ,.f•te to prevlou• WMll'• Relph• ptto., °' i.•t dete pncw to tntt .. I orlce muctlon exclu•I•• of .ctvefll•ed or sw~donal price•. .. I IMflll • 179 SI., Cllll llSA -w., il:ll•f lllS ---·-NS8 • ,..._ u.A IW 121t w 111"1ll'lf. .. lln. --....._ ••a:atnm ..--!!'!~i'Ril,-f • . lrn .. Prices effective Feb. 18 thru Feb.24,1982 AdMrtlaed Items In thl• ed •re the ••m• price or lower In •II atoret. Prtcea other than adfff11Nd pricH m•y ••ey ct.pending upon locel competition. coat factors or geographic locl\lon. _,.. •1 AMIS....,.,. IUCI 15411 S.. ....asT IUIMiu . CISfA •1 t JJm. .... -114Z ..... mRllT• IQCll lm._Mm· J.11 iii, H .. k I. IUJll; ,_,. Hlll'f -' .. -. ... re+ one•-•• o a e b-ooo r n m n-ae.,+..e,t en e +• n-.:ee llllyPlllt WEONESOAYJ FEB. 17, 1982 J -· 1 u 06 Boehne ( ing) up on tandetn surfin_g ----They're rated No. 1 in the world By JIM MtCURDIE Of ttM o.i1, ...... Slefl Meet Steve and Barrie Boehne, a happy California couple. Togethe r . they run their own business, they ha ve two healthy c hildren and Ii ve in the thriving community of Mission VieJo. And, once a year, they take a trip to Hawaii where Steve lifts his wife o verhead while the two hold their collective balance on a s urfboard a pproximately 10 feet long, riding Ha waiian s urf of up to 12 feet The Boehnes are ta ndem surfers, the best of a dying breed that they claim is beginning to show sign~ o[_ -ne w life. - Make that the very best. Back in De cembe r . the couple won the Offs hore Ta ndem Surfing contest held at Makaha Beach. Hawaii. It was the third time they had won the event. the most prestigious in the sport. The Maka ha meet will be televised this Saturday at 5 p.m. on ABC's Wide World of Sports. All this from a marriage made in t he P:lcific. A marriage that would never have taken place had Steve a nd Barrie not w a t c he d Wid e World of Sports as teen·agers. That was how ihey were first exposed to tandem surfing and t andem surfing is how they were first exposed to eac h other. Ba rrie , who was born in the Philippines but grew u p near the beache s of Santa Monic a . got interested after seeing the Makaha contest on television. She sta rted Lake rs lower • the boom By CURT SE EDEN '\ Of-0 .. ly 11'1 ... ~ . INGLEWOO D T uesday nig ht will be remem bered as m ore than just a night in which the Lakers rega ined the le ad in the NBA's Pacific Division. The Lakers · 108·101 victory over the Seattle Sonics will also go ~s the night Kareem Abdul-Jabbar got mad. guard Norm Nixon was rejuvenated. forward Bob McAdoo found a hom e and reserve forward Jim Brewer supplied the inspiration pun c h t h a t s n a pp ed a three-game losing s treak. It was also the night Laker Coach Pat Riley breathed a s igh of relief that was long overdue "l 'M TOTALLY delighted at the outcome I t hought there were stret ches that s howed the kind of team we wa nt to be, .. admitted Riley afte r the win, which moved his team one-half gam e ahead of the Sonics This 1 was a real confidence-builder fo r us tonight.·· 1 About the only disappointment T uesday night was the Forum c rowd 15,04 7 to be exact. After luring a sellout crowd of 17 .505 for Sunday's rematch with the Bos ton Celtics. the Lakers saved one of their best effo rts of the season for the all-important battle for fir s t place in the Pacific Di vision. But it wasn't easy. To begi n with, they suffered through a nother rocky third quarter the sam e quarter which had destroyed the m in their last three outings. The Lakers also survived a game-high 30 points from guard Gus William s and som e rugged play underneath the basket by the Sonics· Lonnie Shelton and James Donaldson. RILEY , I N an e ffo rt lo counter the two Seattle big men. sent in both McAdoo and Brewer as reinforcements with Jabbar. and the two did just what their coach asked of them. :·Yes, I think McAdoo was an excellent acquis ition ," Riley s aid . referring to the 6· 10 forward's 15 points. "It took some time, but by playoff time, Bob McAdoo is going to be a big factor for us." "It was m y best game," adde d Mc Adoo. ·'I'm jus t playing with a lot of confidence now.'' And playing with a team like the Lakers is what did the trick. tandem surfing at 17. before she actually knew how to swim. · "I was naive, I was young," she s aid. "l didn't know any better." Fortunately, her first partne r did. Pete Peterson, the premiere tandem ·Wh en she came up. her face was bloodied and her nose looked li ke i t was al mos t und er her eye.· surfe r of the late 60's . spotted Barrie and convinced her lo team up with him in the 1966 Ma k.aha event. Barrie adapted quickly to the water and w a ve s a s the pair w o nt.he cha mpionship. Late r . when a n injury forced Peterson to semi-retire fro m tande m su rfing, he introduced Barrie to Steve. who was in the m arket {Dr a ljindem partner. The introduction came in 1968. They finished second at Ma kaha in 1969. won the re in '71 and were married that year . St eve sturted surfing at age 15 and continued despite his family's move fr o m P a l o s Ver d e s t o Sa n Be rnardino. an area not exactly conducive to full time surfing. He m anaged to find a way to the beach on weekends to get his fill Eventually. the sport led him to his w.tfe. .. It's really a neat husba nd and WINNING FORM Stt•w ancl B <.1rrtt• Hoehn<• TandC'm SurfinJ! c·ham pionshap 1n ll;rn a11 la~I di!->pla~ tht• form that \\on lht•rn lht• Ofl s hon· ~·t·ar provided a few scary moments. wife s port ... Steve said of tandem s urfing ... Most guys, when they go surfing, they leave their girl friends on the bea{'h to watc h With tande m. you don't do that. .. Take the time they surfed Makaha with waves in excess of 12 feet. unde r. J was in good shape. If 1 wasn 't, I would have drowned Steve fina lly made at back out and pulled me out:· .. l got bounced off the board." While the sport has given them l r ue togethe rness. it_ has also Ba rrie explained ... I got caught outs ide. The waves kept coming and com in~ and I h~ ~~ keep_ goj ng More recently, Barrie s uffered a bro ken nose in the 11liltdle of the (Se.e.SURF.ER.S,...2age..Ol.>-'---- 'I don't know why I am here' But Georgia, what has that got to do wi.th the question? Whethe r Georgia Frontiere. Madame Ram. persists in a s crambling type of game in order to spend more lime unde r the mud pack or lo create an elusive image is not known, but it is lo the delight of the gentlemen of the working press on those occasions when they are able to bring her to gaff You see. as .Proprietress of the Los Angeles Ra ms. the lady is in a position to provide ans wers to the questions which aris& in the s urroundings of any sports franrhise. The nationa l m edia was treated lo the eltp~rience of Georgia's straightforward and candid demeanor during the trial last summer of the Los Angeles ColtseuJtl and Oakland Raiders versus the Nationa l Footb1Ul League. "You have been accused of having the phones in you r home bugged ... a TV reporter said. "and rec ording convers ations between yourself and com mis s ioner Pete Rozelle . Do you have a comment on this"· ..llello ·1 •• Ma dame Ra m replied. "I don·t know why I :-Jm here ·· 41 ENRICHED WITH THIS knowledge, the media went on to other matters. The local literati is excited this week about lunch with Madame Ra m at the Bel Air Hotel. The occas ion will honor former Ram Merlin Olsen's election lo the Pro Football Hall of Fame and while the journa lists are pleased to pay appropriate tribute to Ollie, they are more anxious to extract some a nswers from Madame Ram. Riding a public relations crest roughly in the same league as acne and inflation, Madame Ram too k heed of her advisers in summoning the media lo Bel Air. Orange County, where the Rams play, will send a delegation without comment. There is not hing in the Ram s ' contract with Anaheim which provides that ownership will visit more than eight lim es a year on game Sundays. At any rate . the media will seize upon the o pportunit y lo draw out ans wers to certain pr{'ssmg questions For instance. are the Rams ma king an effort to bring back quarterbar k Vince Ferragamo and where does the matter stand at the moment" SPORTS COl.UMNIST BUD I TUCKER . "Hello?" Madame Ram will r eply ... , don't kno w wh y I am here " If Ferragamo 1s not returned to the fold with the blessing of Madame Ram. will 1t be because Ferragamo's wife, Jodi, was ins ulting to Georgia when last they met and Vince 1s being punished accordingly ·1 .. Hello·1" Madame Ram will enlighten us ... I don't know why I am here ... Is there any truth to reports that head coach Ray Malavas i was g iven a new life with the organization only upon agreement tha t he would fire five of his assistants? ··Hello?" Madame Ram will reply .. , don·t know why I am here.·· WHAT IS THE STATUS or general manager Don Kloste rman? Has he been exiled from has office at Rams Park in Anaheim to a small and forlorn room at the Rams branch ticket office on Pico Boulevard? Does Klosterman, in fact. still occupy a pos ition of authority with the Rams" ··Hello"" Madame Ram will clear this matter up. ·· 1 don't know why I am here." Is there substance to reports that more a uthor ity indeed most of it -will in the future be in the hands of Madame Ram's ·hus band Dominic'' Does this mean that Dominic is giving up his career as a championship accordion player inn rder to run the Rams? "Hello?" Mada me Ram will reply "I don't know why I am he re ." You can see the we alth of information with which the press will depart. Sometime, between the cocktails and beef Wellington. someone may a sk Merl in Ols en how it feels to make the Hall of Fame. "Hello"" Merlin will reply "I don't know why I am here.·· • Fernando remains unsigned LOS ANG ELES CA P ) -There we r e no reports of progress Tue sday in t he negotiations b e t ween the Los Angel es Dodgers and pitcher Fernando Valenzuela, who starred in his"' rookie year and now apparently wants Sl million for 1982. The 21-year-old Mexic an's age nt. Tony DeM arco. said that. s igned or unsigned, the National Le ague 's Cy Yo ung Award winner would go to training camp wiCh the rest of the squad on Fe~. 24 . The World Serles champion Dodgers are believed to have offe red betw~n $350,000 and $400,000. Our feeling is that Fernando will go to camp as Long as they don't take it as a sign of w~akness . -Agent Tony O.Merco "beca use he has put on some weteht." Valenzuela, however, has been doing some pitching in Mexico. The Dodgers are believed to ha ve told their young star that With their offer he will be getUng twic e what an y other second-year player ever got, and it would be third highest on the team. He added to his win total in the postseason when he peat Houston in the fourth game of the Di vision Series ; woo the N a tion a l League pe nnant-c linching game over Montreal and s tarted t h e Do dgers toward t he Wo rld Series title with a victory in Game No. 3 aner they had lost the first two. Benirschke ordeal ends with surgery "I was determined to get back on to a winning team and not join a lowly team where I would score 30 pointa and lose," added McAdoo, who wu acquired earlier in the sea&on from New Jersey. ( ....,""...._"...., . ....._ "Our feeling," Oe Marco said, "is that Fernando will go to camp as long as they don't take it a s a si(n of ~akness. He'll go as a gesture or respect to the s port." The Dodgers weren't certain De.Marco would advise the 21 -ytar·old left.hander, also National League Rookie ot the Year ln 1981, to go to ump. To this DeMarco replied that if Valenzuela draws 9,'000 extra people each time be pitches, he should be paid for It. SAN DIEGO <AP ),._ San Diego Chargers place-kicker R olf Benlrschlu. whoo courageous comeback from a near-htal stomach virus inspired the nation, says new sur1ery bas ended bis tour.year ordeal. • Meanwhile, Brewer's ap· .,.arance was somewhat of a surprise. He d1d not play 11aln1t (8tt 1.AKBU, Pase 02> CLOSE QUARTERS Laker forward Jamaal Wilkes seems to pop up out of the middle or the crowd fol' lln eas\' la\'in Tu.esday night a~ainsl Seatll~. Magk Johnson looks tfke he's trying to help as l\e screens Bill Hanzlik I left > away from thl' ball. Wally Walker . his arms In the air . watchl·~ helpless!~· as Wilkes m akes the basket. "H 's common sense," one Dodg~okes mati said , As a 20·year-old rookie, Fer-nando posted a 13 ·'7 record and earned run average or 2.48. He led the majors in shutouts with elebt and ln s trikeouts with llO. During surcery on Jan. n, doclon removed tbe remainder or bis large inlelt.lhe and faund "lctrallve colllls not of Crobn'a Diaaaae. f , ~ -1 '13· i ' •• ,, I I • .. 1 J I • DI Orange Coast DAIL V PILOTM'edneaday1 February 17, 198~ -- · Hettinga's future ·up to the NCAA memorab1~bfrthday R oo ki e K e lly T rlpuc ka m ce l ebnt~d h lis 23rd birthday by scor ln& 30 Po nltl to lead 1> troll to • 111-109 vlcn>ry ovar H o ulto n , 11nappln11 the Rockets' eight-game winning st reak Trlpucka, whO ha:s been averaglna j ust under 30 point! In thu last seven ga mes. joined l(uord John LonA < 18 points 1 an a second· ha)( Cl ur,ry lhal ishol Detroit mlo a 104·94 lead ... E lsewhere an N HA action Tuesda y night , Kyle Macy i1core:d 10 of his 16 points in the fourth quarter and Alvin Ada m s directed u til(ht defense as Phoenix topped Chicago, 9 1·86 . . Way ne Coopt>r connected on a shot tu;· rutures go, T ed Hettinga's m from the corner w ith o ne is n 't ver y promisin g . T he 6 -7, s<.•co nd remaining and Dallas 200-pound senior fo rward who has . Jl-O.t .j!Ll>4tln-t.6 f r..o m J.a~- m tssed the ent1rc Northern Arilona ----Vlhct nt to beat th~ New York- University basketball season due to a broken Knacks, 112· I IO Eddie Johnson scored 29 fool , is currently petitioning the NCAA for an points to pact• Atlanta to u 102·91 victory over utra year or eligibilit y . The re's a s n ag, San Diego Alex English scor~ points however. He ttin g a s p ent three years a t a nd continul'<i his hot stre.Jl.k-ag"lftnst""6osas Saddleback College one playing baseba ll. two City, helping Denver to u 119-106 decis ion over basketball before joining the Kings. Englis h has a veraged JO points in the Lumberjacks in 1980. The ftve games ugainst the Kings . . F rank NCAA, under its rules and J ohnson hit u basket and free throw with 42 rcgulallons. thus consid ers seconds le ft to li ft Washington to a 100·97 1980 81 as Heltinga's last t riumph over Portland Clevela nd has year with this season being t r aded forward Reggie Johnso~ to Ka nsas City has extra year According lo for forward Cllrf Robinson in a one.for-one deal. thl• NCAA then, llellinga has R obinson , at 6·9, has been -averaging 20.2 points a p p are n ti y run o ut o f a game for the Kings since being acquired from }, options . But Hettinga a nd the New J ersey in the o ff.season J ohnson, also 6·9, university a re pointing out h as been averaging 9.7 points a nd S.4 rebounds HllTT•NGA that the senior didn't play a . J ay Vincent, a rookie forward for Dallas, minute in 1981 82. having broken his root during has been nam ed th<.' NBA's P layer of the Week. l hl' pre-season. Anyway. Hettinga 's fate is in the hands of the NCAA . NAU is hoping for a s p ecial dispensation, but its not real optimis tic, about it. Quo te of the day l>ct roil Hl•d Wings exec utive Jim Skinner, talking about a lack of desire on the part of today's hockey players : ·-rd like to '>C.'l' thc.•m carry a lunch pail for a 'ear. go to work al 6 am. every mo rning 111 u fal'lon and 'l'l' what 1t ·!> like to earn re;ilh l'arn S25 a dav You know our plaH·r•:onl\ Y.ork actually work 15 to :m mint1ll''> ,, du\ In a hot'key gal"'le or cuur~l'. thl'' ('1>u:it l'11m1ng to the game and '>llling dO\HI. drc.•ss1ng and thut But I don ·t st·~ I hat a~ "ork Gillies · two goals pace Islanders Clark Gillies scor~d two go~ls, rii.1 and th~ Ne" York Islanders defeated Pitts burg h. 6 2. lo move wit hin one game of t y1ng the.· N If r. record for 14 consecut1v(• victories T he defeat extended the Pengu in~· winless st reak lo e ight gam es, inC'l uding a pair of tics They a re a lso winless in their past 11 roud games. which include one tie .Elsewhere 1r1 NHL action T uesday night. P ie rre Mondou sco red his Sl'C'OOd goal al 7 35 of thc third period to lift Montreal lo a 3·3 lie with Colora do. s napping t he Canad iens ' winning streak at 11 gam es Thl' tie halte d Montreal's victory string one gam e s hy or thl' c:lub reC'ol'<J..or 12 sel In 1968 . Gil Pe rre ault a nd Dale McCourt each scored lo GILLIES lt'ad Buffalo to a 2· l decision over St Louis· The loss ext ended St. Louis' winless streak to sax gam es Miroslav 1-'rycer scored thr ee goals a nd added o ne assist whale teammate Pe ter Stastny contributed four a ssists in pat•ing Quebec to a 7.3 verdict over Winntp(•g Calgary's Ke vin LaVa lltt scored two power play goals to lead the Flame's to a 7-2 victory over llartford This strip show wasn't appreciated Mil.I. CHEEK. Orl' Two m baskL•lb;,ill l'out·ht:s at Sanltam High School wen: reprimanded Tuesday . for conduc:ting a pruc:lict' in which pfayers had to rcmovl' an artu:lc of c lothing eac h t im e they m issed the bas ket One girl who happened to be watching the p r a c lie<-' session complain e d t o sch ool a uthorities The Mill City (;ates school board voted 3-1 to n•pnmand ('oa('h Morns Snider a nd junior var:-1ly Coat·h Doug 0 Nt•al for the incident last Y.eek "'Thi'> sorl of thing does not meet educ·at1onal -.1;.,ndunb and eannol be tolerated 1n the futurl., thl· re-.olullon ~aid About 40 pl'r-.on~ att<.'ndcd the meeting. Some of thl•m brought a pet1t1on Y.ith lfi6 signaturts asking thal t ht· C'oachcs not be disc 1 plirwd .Cosmos.fire.their head coach He nnel> \\ebweilcr , who led the ('n:.m oe. into tY.o North Am<:rican Soeecr Ll'aglll' l'h<.1rnpwnshtp games in h1~ two Yl';.tr~ a:. ('oach. was fired by the team Tue!>duv bet•ausl' of ··d ivergent v iews as far a s thl· 1mm<'diatt' futun· o r the Cosmo s is conn·rnerl" ('arolann Yaslrzem ski, wife of Uo!>ton Rt•rl Sox 11utf1eldt.•r Carl \'aslnem ski, filNI for d1vorte T uesd ay after 22 years of marriagt• P1lC'hcr Tommy John, who st'llll•d his l'Ontract d 1sput<.' ear lier this week. and u trlmn1t.•d down Bob Walson (a loser of 23 pounds > both worked out for the firs t lime Tut•sday at l ht• :-.iew Yor k Yankees' sp ring training t'<i mµ in Fort Lauderdale. Fla Sid Gillman, Yoho rctirt•rl al the end or th e 1980 sca~on . 1:s comm~ b11ck as en assJsl11nt coach with l ht• Ph1ladt'lphia Eagll'S. t h e club annount·e d Gillman "-111 '>e r ve as the quarterback C1eld courh Television. rad 10 TV: No evenh ~cheduled RADIO: Hockey Was hington at Kings, 7 20 p.m . KP RZ f l l501 S ki Re port Southland mounta in s kt cond1t1ons. 9.43 a .m ., 12 43. 3 43. 7 43 p.m . KNX I 1070 1 'Presto! The Mets have a star A little hypnotism helped Foster come, a long way By Wll.L GRIMSl.E V AP 5-1•1 Cwn_..,I Did hy pnos1s_turn George Fos ter from an a nemic h iller in th<.' manors into a $10 m illion hom e run slugger' Whal Foster has done with t he bat since undergoing h} pno~1s indicates that it may have. a nd 1t could b<· credited wit h putting the onetime ha rd hitting outhclde r or the Cincinnati Reds into pos ition lo l>1gn with the New York Mets for one of t he richest contracts 1n baseball. THE MAN RESPONSIBLE for the magical trans 1t1 on wa s Dr Ro be r t B e rnstei n o r Indianapolis . who operated two hyr-notism c linics in the city When the Reds discovered Fosler was having trouble hilling his hat size. t hey sent him down to their Indianapolis farm team for more experience and development. The ycur w as 1973. He re Is t he ta le or ··Baseba ll SuC'cess T hrough Hypnotism'" Foster, born m T us caloosa , Ala .. c ame up lhrou~h the.• minors. had a brief stint with San Weaver ge~ f·ine, license revoked E SSEX. Md t AP I Ba ltimore O rioles Man ager Ear l Weaver was fined Sl.065 Tuesday for drunk driving by a Judge who indefinitely r evoked his driver's license and imposed a suspended sentc•nce Baltimore County J udge Gerard Witts t adt warned Weaver that he could race a Poss ible one· year Jail term If convicted 0( a tr affic violation an the n ext 18 months Weaver , who flew to Ba ltimore Crom Mi ami, whe re the Orioles open s pring tr aining this week . was placed on 18 months proba t ion . "Eight blocks caused all these problem s." sa id Weaver. who was ar rested last Aug ,_31 while d riving home from a restaurant. A police officer said Weaver s teered his car into the opposite lane or traffic and pulled him over to the slde of the road. Wc<wer parked his c ar on the side walk and refused to 9ign a eUation. .. , h ad a talk with my cl!. and It will never happen again," Weaver !!aid. "I have prayed for forgivenne s ror the wrong I've done behind the wheel of a car." • Witu tadt ordt'red Weaver not to drive until a court determin he Is "not to be a dan ger lo society •• Weaver 's fine inc luded Sl ,000 l or drunk drlvina. $30 for failure lo use • tum signal. $20 for --... ttttiftf*i'•~nd US ln ~O&t& .. ---- ' Francisco and came lo the Reds in 1971. A r aw. unfinished rookie. he was shunted to Indianapolis for more experience after h batted only .200 and hit only two home runs in 1972 ··11 e cam e to u:. 1n 1973 ," s a id M ax Schumacher. longtime gener al manager of the COMMENTARY American Assoc1a l1on club "He got off to a terrible start, batting 192 and stnktrJg out every third timl' al bat "HE LOOKED OKAY in workouts but had trouble making contact with the bat. Vern Ra pp <la ter St. Cardinal m a na~er aitlfllltor esently a Mont real coach I was our manager . He batted Foster fifth and s ixth in t he lineu p. .. Later. in des peration, he moved Foste r lo leadoff a nd told him JUSl lo 'play pe ppe r ' with the ball. try to get o n the best way he could. No way he looked likl' u s lugger P ersonally, we doubted he would ever mak1.• 1t " Well into the seaso n. word came down from the Cincinnati front orricc "The organization , "-l' never use personal names," Schumache r said that Foster should report to a Dr. Be rnstein. After a few weeks. it was another Foster who reported to l,hc ballpark He was bla sting the ball all over the place I le hit like a reinca rnation or Babe Ruth. "THE T R NA ROUNO was a m azing ,'' Schumacher recalled Tuesday, from his offices in Indianapolis "Before the end of the yea r. he had raised has average to .2G2, hit 15 home runs and batted in 60 runs "The Rl.-ds recalled him a nd he batted . '282 with four home runs in the last couple or weeks of the season. You know what ha ppened a fte r that. He became one of the le ading sluggers In the National Leal(ue." Basketball scores Co::P41 • 81ole to. Wttl,,_I )0 lot I Cel Liii._,., 71, LA 8ejlll\I 7S $011tller11 c,.i COllfOt •I . Clil 8Aptlll 1' Ar11,.P«lll< •'·""''"'I.om• o P.clfl< Cllrlttlt ll 10., CPlrltt Coll_ .. Mlnourl 100, •ow• SI. 71 ..... l'elr'f lelCI It, Ullo •t La Sali. t7, Hof\lrll tf Colvmlll• ~.""-Me"'"" 40 RlllOW\ 41, MHH<llVM41l 40 RIOtr n. Dn•I si $elCNI Hall •I, Con~ 1(.111 5' Tefl'\9M 1', l.tf•.-.Ut .. Tow-SC ... M l't4ft<I\, P• 70 Commumty .... ....... c.t~· c;,,. .. , ». OcMOtft.,.... .. .-1o ...... n. LA .... ,_, 4S s. .... .,,.,. ~. ~ ,.,... .. , c;c; Q l!••I L•• AftO•I•• 100, LA '\outllwnt IS -- Garvey says gap widened ' 1101.1.YWOOI>. Fla 1AP1 Ed l:ur·vt•\, t•Xl•1·ut1ve dlrector or t ht· Ni.1t111nal l"ootball League J>l a y1•rh AM111c1at10n, says he b1•l11·v 1·~ t h 1· ).lap betw<~~n pl 11yt•rs and 11wnt•rs probably w1dt·nt·d du1111g tht· fi rs t day of t al k s 1111 ;i n 1• w c· o 11\'ct1 v l' hafJ.lallllllJ.l agr t'l'llll'llt "lf .111) thing , wc.•'n· fu(.ther , l>tt1•t Hr.111 "'' "-t'rt' before we hl'ga n C.H v1•y su1d Tuesday •• r I ('I t h I' ' a I k i. • u I m(.' d a I p1 111l 11t·111i.: :i n 111I rucl to rt· pl ace Lh l· 111w that l·xp1res July 15, Y.1•11• 11·t·1·-.-.c·d untll 'l'hursday R E PR ES t:"ITATIV E S for hot h 'HIP-. nwt a hout two hours Tu1·~1hn 111111 n1r1g to discuss 111 oc·t·du1 .JI matters <Jnd arter a lunth h1,.al. rt•turnc·d for th<' -.1a1 t 111 .w111al fll'J.!11l1atwn:. But al11111 ... 1 as ...i1cin as thl' 11l'gntn1t111g lt:Jm'> ~ut down to c.·x t·hangc• 01u·11111g propo!:>als. the f11·st lla1 g.11n111 g st·~s 1 on w<Js flVf'I' .J 111·k U1111l,111 t"(t•t·ut1ve d I I l' I I " I II I I h I' N ... I. M a11ag1·m1·111 I '11\l tll'll. t·merged fr om lllC' 11:11 ga111mi.: room at lhl' D1pl11 111 .11 llttl<'I ks-. than an lwur ,illi:1 1111· .1IH:rn1111n session h c· g ;1 n ; 1 n ii 1 • x I' r c s s e d ti 1 ., a p 1 H' 1 n I n 11 • 11 t \\ 1 t h t h e ~Fl. I',\ ~ 111 opo-.al II 1· dt·-.c·1 ilwd lhl' prupos11I. v. h1d1 111d111l1·d a <11·m;rnd for a gr1.,111·1 p1 11·1·n1 <ig t· of the oY.nc·r-. g11 ,....., rc•\t·nue~. as <J .., .. rr .,1•1'111 1.: 1.1m1Jlrng I l·pagc ~Lil c. n I (' 111 \\ I I h \ l' r ~ I 1 l l It: '>IJl'I If 11 11 \ It \\ ,..,, 11111 .1 11 ad111onJI labor lfl llpCl,,d V. 1\1·11• \OU <iddrl'~S 1•1·1 t .1111 p1 uhknh und t•xpress il1•111.1111h .. .1111 I l•IOIO:Jn '.\ ~ I. I' \ I ' 1 <.· -. 1 cl <· n t G en c l l''h·•" nw:11rn hllc.·. crit1<·1zed t hl· o'' n1·r" "l>l'ntng propo~al '·'~ 111g 11 l,wkt·il .,uhstance :ind . oaiit Pl ... ,. _ _,G..-,Ame. .... t'o1ll111 i.: 1t .111 1n ~ull t o our OOKING FOR TWO -= l .. ntf'I (f"1'1tCI h .1 tt't"tn-~·hflttl-T}11hhttl"----ml'llrr;;, ... ---· ------· - the ~BA·~ :\o 2 all t ame "l'lll'l'I'. look~ !c11 t \\11111 ht'> c.11111· t11 l!h '.!6 µoint:-. <.a)!atn:il Sc.•;1\llt-Tttl·:.da~ night a t t lw F11r11111 f'h1 · 7 :! l'l'lllc.•r ;d:-;11 lwd (•1ght rl'1"1C1111Hb tn l1•:idtnJ.! th1.· l .. 1h.1·r ... tn .1 108-IOI \'H·l or~ From Page 01 l'PS llH\ S,\11> t h<· 211·m an :"\VI.I'.\ ~roup \\ h1<'11 altt·nded T t11·,cl:I\ .., -.1·-.s 1on . 11lso was 111 -.11l l•·cl th;1l Donlan h11d LAKERS BEAT SONICS • • • ;1111 \1·d 1\1lh 11nl ' fou r uther n1·go11 .1t11r-. 1wnt• of lht:m 11v.111'1 " rn a ,.,.prc·sent:.itive of :"I: Fl. ('11111111...,,1onl'r Pete H1111·ll1· \\ e h r 11111::ht in 10 actlV l' pla' <·•~ and a hargaming team \\1th full .111thw 11' t11 m·got1att· 1111 .lll th1· pla,t·rs Whal the~ t he Celtics . And, t he last t1me he p layed against the Sonics, he scored two points and added a respectable e ight rebounds in 28 m inutes. Tucsclay night ags1nst th~ Sonic!>. Urewer -.cored JUSt s ix points. but he.· controlled the boards "1th 12 rebounds in 22. minute:. of pla~ ing lime Five of the boards were at the offensive ~·nd . ·· tt rt•eb grc•a1 lo be buck 1n t hcrc.• I \\a!. hungry to tx• out there and to n t r1h u te s oml'th1ng .· Bre wl•r sa HI a ftt'rw:.ird .. T h (' <I I f r l' r e n (' l' .. T h l' different<' was that <.•vt•rvhocl \' pl:.iyed h ard und wt.• suslu1.m·d it all through the gam(• except lor a few instance~ when we wen t lo ~leep.· Brewer add ed T HOSE "INST AN('t:S" saw the Somes s liee a Laker 70·54 advanta gl' to R2 78 with less than a m inute rt.•maining m the third fl uarter W1lha ms "cored 10 of has 30 points 1n t ha t quarll'r Norm Nixon , meanwhile. accounted for eight or his 22 points an the ~amc quart er to l i g h tl~ counter W1ll1ams Nixon . who has com plamed or fatigue ever ~tnC'l' the All·slar break . sa11l ht's flol'lin~ a lot bettt'r noy. "It's about lime," he sauJ .. Tonight was a great night to com<.' out of a s lump But we're ~oing lo have our s purts I've always fell the best l ime to come out of them is the last 20 gam es. I'd rather go through l!I lh1:-. right now 1tht• s lump • thun do 11 20 gamt•s from noY. · J ARRAR . ~n:A:. 'Wllll.E , Y.On the bc1Hlc of lhl· giant<. The hurdl'r either .Jack S1 kma. S h c.:ll11n or Donald~on pushecl the mun· dcterm1nat1on h t• s hoY. t•d Jabbar hit 12 or 2fl shots from the f1t'ld and f1n1shc.•d lht• night "•lb. 26 pc11nls . lop~ on lhl' tt·am ll c also addl'd e1)!ht rehounds. :\I ag1c Johnson scored JUst 11 1mints. but hc had a M.'a~on·h1gh IH assist s and. ror good measure. 10 rebound!> S1kma and Shelton earh hud 18 p111nts for th<' Sonics. and Riley <·n·dit<.•d Brewer 's dt>fl?nst· fnr kt'l'ping the fi·8 Sht•llon undc•r 20 · 1 think Brewer rlOl'S flOl' or lhl' best defr•ns1ve JOh!> m lht• IC'a'-!U(' on Shelton I le f Bn•wl•r 1 1s a rt•vt.•lalion. lie t•a n board for you and he t'an really give you a h rt , .. Riley said • LAI( E It OllllllLE Your ... ndy d<lndy L•ile< Po<. ~•t wtwidule 1vi t 1.,rnq N~at F-r1de'( 'cantnt .,,,h th.ft P''Ul~IOlhd l&#r\ d' lhl F0t"'"' will bl' , .. ,.¥1\fl'd kK•lly b'r KHJ t(Nn~I ., Ot-~nnlno •• I 10 o m That ,,..."' IM l a•f'r\ will be wen on TV D~<' to-bile• ~HJ '' aho '"''f'W1\1nq T~'44Y n1qhl ' "'''',. •1ln lrw Son•t ~ 1n ~&ttl,.. Ptltl Snut" MQUtff'O by s.PaltW trof'tl S•n Dl<PQO l•\I .,,.,.111 '\1111 ""'"" t 10•fWO •f'wl> r IUb ~m1th who < _.m,. to ~dttl• for Armot1cl Hill And • 1'91 "•< und 'ound d'•" P•t' mu,1 '"'' .,.,, a fth•\•t ·" ~ prC>OdOly won t bro "'"aely to "4•\' until t hur\id-''r ~ (Ol'IK I with lt'\f' l •9'•r\ Prior to TUf"'\OtH' mqttt ... °""'" tn .. l•'~'' w~ .. , r.ln~ ... 1 trmd 1n ,,._ ~liA 1n otlP.n\fl' av"''d!Jtl'\Q 111 q P<>f"'' pPf Qllmf' HOWP-..fl'f ,~., ,. .. '•"' 1n ff'•m dfl'IMY dUOw •'lQ 1()8 'i OO~f"ll\ Pf>r ~~ W"Y th~ L ahN \ •o~H'tQ \Ut"dk In f®r ot tn•n fal\t f1-..f1 Qttmf'\ lt\fl' litli tiaf' f't•YP bti"Pn oulritbOV'\Ctlf'O bv their Oc>oonPnh T ~ tt".8m '' 1.fl-6 ""'ht"n tl"te-bdtllt" of thto board\ 1\ won Bu·t Loi AnQfl~'i ''tu~•" 1 t whM outrttbOundfod Pr~ to tnt-u v1~11 to lhr ~orum thiP Soni<' llvf'd • ntQhtm,,,-e fOf lhftt oam!'\ '" l tia11'9\ San A.nt~lo .. toustOf' ano t-"1tn lowly D•H•' h1Jn<k'CS ~•ttt• Ml•~li h 1 o 11 J.! h I \\ .1 " ' 1 r l u a 11 y a ... uh <·11mm1t11·1· c;u1d ps ha" Donlan ,,ml I hl' m ana~ement p1111111""t;";'i l s ought t o mak e l'OI n ·1·111111' .11111 adJU'>lment:- 111 t ht• l"Ul'l l'nt pla~ er contraet. \\ 1111 h t·\p11 t'' .J ul~ 15 But (;JI \C'\ ... :rnl ... ome or lhc 1·hang1·' -.ou.J.!ht tu tukc· aY.ay .1th ~inc·c·, the· union had made an lht• p:"I 11 \C'Jl''- Tlw union proposal reiterated t 111· pl.1 \l'I -. 1h·m and for a p1·rc•t•nt.1g1· nf j.(l'fl'>S revt•nues, hut d1d11 1 ...i•t a !0.pec1f1 c IH"t 1'1'11l.1~c· I 11~11'.tcl . 11 asks that m;111;11.:t·nw111 pnt\ ult· the union \\llh 111111t· 111rormat111n a nd ... 1.111:-t I<'!> T ilt: "llFl.f•.\ E ARLIER said 11 "1111lcl ~t·l'k .'l5 perl'cnt of n\\ n"r' gro~s n•n·nueo; Owners ha.\ t· 1'1:1111wcl I hut 42 percent a I r c· .1 rl \ I! o l'.., I 11 p I Cl ye r s · :-.alarlt.'s W1 · at<· l'll'fl:Jrt•d t1> discuss t lw l'l'l'!'••nl :lgl' that 1~ actually g11111g to pl.1~t·rs. and once Yoe 'l't' I ho'!· f11.!u rt''>. "e "111 pr t''l'nl cn11 .u·tual hargammg <I 1• m .1 n cl " .1' 111 th(' exact 11t"n·t•nt.1i.:1· thl' union proposal ... , .it l'fl () " Ill' r " ha \ l' C' d 11 l' d th c 1"11-m and ror n ·,·pnut' s haring unn·ali ... 111· hut union me mbers 1n:-1'-lt•cl T111•"'1:n lhal they Y.Ollldn t hac·k do~'n from th(· ('Ollt'l'l'l .. T hi· pl11l11s11 ph\' 1s dt.'finilely writll'n m stunt', l'pshaw told rt•portc.•rs • » Let US Do Our Total Fitness Thing for YOU • .. ... lal~~~oltpall * Aerobics * JCIDM'CiM • hbysitfflMJ • Jacum l$.IAC -lfflfS Prt-lbtal tn111i11 ti Jf9'lf1 r• tw a -....,, c.. ... ,. ll[llfilllCtS. T llS.·hln. ltl U1. RSJAC _. __ J612Mktl9 .... .,..., ... 551-4421 ..... IMVAC T -.......... ,., e.... ...... 557-4401 - , .. j BOARDS APLENTY Sl1•\ l' .incl HarriL· B11l'111H· d1,pl;" lht·11 -..11 rfhlwrd tn\ l'lllon ;II 1 lw1r -.ho p Dally PIJGt..l!NI• w a lcJllAd.Jt-.r 1n :\li ~:-1011 \'1l'I" Thl'~ an· thL· ll 11 -.. h o rt· T a n d l' m S u rf 1 n g l'11.1mp1111i-.. ol 11:1\\ ai1 , .. From Page 01 • • • December Mukuhu meet. Steve: "We got blasted by some buckwash and she went flying Whll<' s he wus In the air. she tried to tuck into a cannonbull and she hit hN no11e with hl'r knee. "When she came up, her (ace was bloodied and her nose looked like it wus almost under her eye l look her 1n and we gave her som e real strong asp1rm. After that, we went back out and s urfed Cor about 35 minutes," "I didn 't really reel It ,''· Barrie s aid "There was too much udrenaline that day." Harrie has also had 12 stitches in her c hm from 1t bump with a board und more stitches at the top or her scalp. At 94 pounds , s h e's more s us ceptible to injury rrom the powerful~urf "It's always her," Steve laughed. "I never gel hurt. Overall, l 'd say at 's a pretty sarc sport. if you know what you'r e dotn~ " · When 1t comes Lo wale r sports. this µair knows exactly what they're doing They own a s urf and water sports shop in Laguna Niguel. ··We 'll alway s kee p tandem s urfing." Steve s aid "We want to see lhl' sport grow "We'll even take people to the beach with us and help them learn .. May be some of their pupils will follow lhe example set by Steve and Barrie. May be ::.omc day then~ will be more than onl• Mr and Mrs tande m surfing. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, Februafy 17, 1982 o:a Top prOs ·invade Southland Riviera CC is. the sit e for this year's LA Open Thas t'i the Wt'f'k of the Lo~ Angeles OJ>t-n Whl•n Southl·rn <.:ultCornl:.t goll runs can gel II far:sl hand glimpn of their ravonte pro~ an uc·t 111n Wh1l1..· thl' Ravieru ('ountry C.:lub cour~e 1s u long wuy from this urea and parking is ul' the Veteran's llospltul In Sawtelle wath a bus rid<' Lo the course. it is the closest the top touring pros get to Orange County. Other thu11 the Cro11by Southern at lrvme Coast CC or the Southl'rn Calafornta PGA. at Lo~ Coyol<.'s, lall·r m the year . this is the big c hunc•e for area fan~ to vu.•w the pro~ m action The LA d'pl'n 1s considered by many as one of the top golf events or the year and indudc~ the following firsts a m ong ats achievements. It was the ft rsl t.'vent lo offer al least a $10,000 purse : it \\as the firs t civtc·sponsored 'I' PA tourname nt . 1t was lht! fi rsl go tr event to b1;• presented on television . und the first to be covt'f't•<l by radio 1-'0 R T HE TRI VIA EXPERTS, how much do you think Sam Snead would· have won with present day purses') The figure 1s 10 excess nf $8.5 million. Instead, he pocketed $620.126 during ht!. pro career li) ron Neb.on :.<.•l the record for most tour t•vcnb won m one sea~on when he captured I!! tn 1945, the• same• year hl' won 11 strai~ht , also a tour rerord Thl· lowest round ever recorded on the tour wus Al Geibcrgcr's S9 10 1977 This is the only l'Ompl'tttavl' ro und under flO C'vt•r rcl'Ordccl on the lour It C'arnl' tn the M emph1~ Class1<· Whal 1s morl' rar e• to gulf than a hole·Hl·one'! On lhl· pro tour. ~l's a double eal(h.• Thl•re wert.> 17 aC'es tn 1981 on the tour and only one double eagle Jam Thorpe made that one when h<· hll a drave. then a 4-iron into the cup on a 562·yard par 5 hole al thc LaJ t't Classic OOlF HOWARD L. HANDY INCIDf:NTALLV, THOSE WHO saw him pluy say that Chip Beck is a comer on the tour After playing an the Crosby Southern. HeC'k w(•nt lo lht· Nationul Pro-am ul Pebble Bcal'h und was amon.c the leaders for the first thn'l' day~. then hnas hed an a lae for 15th Ttwu la~l weekend tn llawai1, he was among the ll•aders on the final day and firusht•d third. p1C'k1n~ up $22,100. Another alumnus of the Crosby Southern. Rex Caldwell. ha5 alrt!ady exceeded his en lift' 1981 l'Urnings total by r1nt shing third tW&Ce this seai.un Ill' pac ked up $33,945 a year ago •.incl ha:. \\On $35.078 1n 1982 so far and the tour h;.is n't l'vcn ten the west coast. nut tf part or the ac•tion and being there 1s your nip of ka. lhl'n gel out Lo Ri v1era this \\ l't•kend AND DON'T FORGET to stop by the Etomc Golf Sw"1'g Analysis Center to check yuur swing lll·n·' \\ha t \OU gel for your $5 entry ll•c Thrt·l' s\\1ngs \\11111•11 you how far the ball ('CllTll'<I. the tt•mflO Of your SWIOj.(, the l'lubht·ufl speed, whcr<: the impact on the <'luhhN11l w11s , lhl' path the dubhead took lo lhl· hall and "hat lrnJt.'l'lbry the ball took after lt·a\tn~ lht• clubhead \' ou "111 rt.·c·e1 \'C u permanent record of )'IJ Ur S\\lll~ Whll'h . in turn. can be analyzed h~ your l'luh pro Home court edge? You've got to be kidding Ask anyont• whert.; hc'fl ltke to play his baskl'lball game on <Jn) level and 1l '!. a lead ptpl' cinch he II tell you the ol' home floor "111 be JUSl f1n1: Tht• hom l' l'Ollrl ad\'anlage was nm· nf the ll('m~ that made Newport ll a rbor l1 1gh's bas ketball fortunes ~p('ar .so bQghl a r('\\ w~ek;<; agn PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON Hut tht• 1982 prep basketball season has been an~ thing but ktnd to the home team lh1::. y car as 110(' \'ISttor after another treated the host ltl(c dJrt-- Tht' Sailors. of rourst'. arc on the s1dehncs no\\ :ts tht• Cl f' pla~offs hcgm , un;.ible to rnc:1kt· the top I hree in thl•tr ll'<ague d espite· a start wh1l'h found them winntnJ,\ al l 'nt\l'r'i lt\ a nd at Costa Mesa en m u t c to a 5 I rl•(·11rd all w ith the s ame results tn what have to be one or the biggest surprises of the s eason. The Sailors really defeated the mselves with icy s hooting an their own gym. But. it's been that "'ay all over the place. THEN ESTANCIA v1i.1 led the Satlorc; clungeon ;.ind who turns l'Old" Newport Harbor Next was Costa Mesa. lht.'n Corona dcl Mar. then University, Costa Mesa won at Es tancia and so dtd Corona del Mar. Es tancia did likewise. winoing at Costa !\1 esa and Corona del Mar University took Estancia into overtime al lhe latter's court before falling by two points and fell L~_guna Beach's Ri_Ddell wins area scoring title ' ~ There \\l'rt.' no change'> among lhl' top four Orange Coas t an•a prep haskclbull scoring stars during the final t"o \\eeks of regular season pla} Laguna Becsch H1gh's Neil ll Hi dell finis hc•d as lhe leader With a :!2 :J aver .1gt' Riddell . a fi I Ju nior gullnl and a st andout volll•y ball play(·r on the i\ rusts ' defondmg Cl F champ1onsh1µ learn. had a high game of 35 and '>l'ored an the 20s or better 19 times clurmg his ftnal basketball C'ampaign, \\ h1c h coven•d 23 games Runner up is Edison l1 1gh 's i\11 -C lF forward-center Richarrl <_)hang, who 1s al lbe 20 9 plateau for the season Chang had a high of 29 Jeff llughc~ and J im L"S<'\'t lch. the IC'aders for F ountain Valley and Ocean View. were an the 20-potnl range. 11 ughes finished the sea son with a W 5 average and had a high game or '.M. whale Uscv1lch "a-. al 20.0. sharing the hagh potnl honors fu r a srngle game 1351 with Riddell In a three way lie for r1fth al 19.0 arc Costa Me sa 's Ken Bardsley , Maler Dei's Malt Beeuwc;aert and I tnivers 1ty·., Brad Guess AREA SCOlllNG 11-i.r "'"" llMI , .... " 9 IP 4'9 Rldd•ll, Laciune 8e"ch H Sl) II l (Mnq Eq1.on n ol4JO 10 • Hucinn, Fcxml~•n 11•11~> 2l '11 IO S U~vtl<h, <><•"" VIC!w h S10 IO 0 Gut'\~ Untv.r~•h 74 4\6 t• 0 9,.,0.10 c ... i. -"' n 01 ,. o Beeuw,._r1 AMltr 0.1 >1 •II It 0 1.•n• Htn. B'•"' 1S llll 11 • 8all, N•wPor1H•r11o< 13 3'3 17 I l.vn< h Coron" Ol!I MM 11 l.tO •• 1 018~rn.,rOo. EOIMl'I 1• lU i. 0 F1llo•k, M.llrln• 1l l.. ISO ....... ' ........ 10 11l )S 10 18 6 J'l 10 110 )f 11 '' 1 n •• 18. ,, 14 19 . )J I 1t S It 11 II) J'l U I) I 31 .. 16) l3 10 13 6 ,. 10 16 l 10 !>f"dQrr Ne-woort .-..n:io' IJ 1~ I 0 u r 4 1J P'l••vn (OM 1t Ul I 0 1f I 6 14 G~bC'I Corona O.I Ml>r 21 16" 1 • 14 • 1 71 r OI~ N•woon H••bo• 7) ,,, I s .. • • 18 M•nn LaQUNI B•M.. ,, I•• 1 • ' I 3 " (4'f"-~' lrYll"li"" 10 UJ 7 1 14 1 1 11 Sl\Or 1 l..tQVN Be<K h l• 110 I I 10 6 0 1J Nf"4ii ,,,,.~ 10 U1 1 1 14 11 11 Whftrh•" F1n V~lltY 1S 111 •I t1 1 S IJ Bit •tf'r lrv1nt-10 US •I •• • • 1S F°"'' E l roro t & 101 • 1 IJ S • ti W•llon ..... OOIPl>oOt• , l) • s 1 6) 1 'olr~v~r '"''• M•w n 139 o J I• o l 14 (d"O" OcPan v ... w H 1)7 6 I 11 • s II Rt<M•• El To10 71 171 6 l 1' S' IS Hdi'"'"''' £1 Toro '' 11& & 1 11 S • 11 Srouott Un1v•r\1t¥ ll tJi.. ~ • 1l • 1 U 1.•r"'n UntvPr\11y 11 101 ) • II S) 73 Ro••u• WOOCIO<t~ 11 111 SI II Hol1tPIQ\W<>rlh COM 13 lo s I ' • 0 IS 5..tl•v• Hin BN<ll 14 1)1 S 1 11 1 1 IS P•,.• W~lm•n,1t• 21 11' ) 1 10 o 1 1J LtbYck SaddlebeO ,. 109 s I 13 s 3 • Mo<lonwn El Toro 18 93 S 7 11 3 f 11 G•.tm• W~1min,IOr 16 80 ) 0 • • 3 21 U\\tr v lrYIM 10 ,. • • .. • I 11 J•·~· ...... , 0.1 10 ,. • • • ls 11 01\on Coron• 0.1 M•• 1t ~ • • 17 J I 12 JOhn• lrv•M 11 19 • • 17 l • 10 H•rr•Q6n ..,.,n Bt•<" • 1' • • ) 0 0 10 Alllono-.10\ Ou.in Vtf'w 76 12l • 1 17 • S 10 HOD'" l"9Vn.11 8M<ll 7l 101 4 1 • l 2 ll 5.•lby Newl)Or1 HMbO• ,, 103 • , I• • • .. T•Ol>"r l.aqun.o BM<ll 70 ._ •I ' 6 2 10 F ••ldPr Mat_, Oet 1• JO • 1 1 '• 1J Mt Ath\ler Saoote"°"< • 19 SS • S 12 4 • 11 M•ll• Hin Bff<h 14 67 • • I t S 1f On(l1( \ Wtt-slm1ml~r 13 SI 4 4 1 1 0 t• ..,,,.Of', £•Toro I JO • l l 1 l II N 1< ota 1 WP'\1m•n\t~f' 10 I t • I 10 4 0 I N•w1on Fin V•llo I 1' • 1 ) 3 8 11 RuppOco.tnVtPW 2 I •O 1 00 . Brown Fin \/<1llty 11 •1 J' 0 0.0 11 Jaco"' Ftn llall~v H 9S 31 11 11 11 W•lman. S<tddleback 18 69 l I 10 l S 10 V<1nS1ttn1>uvw COM 1l 50 l I ' • • 10 Co1n•r Ocun v .. w o 21 JI l 2.7 9 Chomtk Mari11A 11 IO l • t JI II W1tl1•m\ Oce•n v .. w • l• l S 1 • 0 I Ft•M1'• Hin 8oacll 11 67 l • • IS 10 Burt. Fin V•lltv 8 11 3 • • 10 • 81n•\kt EOl'IO<' 13 IS J 3 10 7,l • Aou~" Woodbr>09f! 16 ).) ) l 8 0 lauqhlln S.dOl•bac• 8 1o l l 16 9 D•AV f•IM>C•a I 1l 3 J • o 12 Kr>,1y f In Vall•V 11 10 ) 1 1 I • ""''" Sadd .. 1>8<k 19 60 J I 11 JJ I p,.,tt1n\ Matf" [)fl., 1'0 f>1 l t 1 1 • • Mor Plano Wooclbf ·~ 1' sa 3 I II Jo Ec,wt•••r Fil\ 11•11•v If 43 J 1 4 • 1 13 T AMY, Ml>nPI• 1' SI l 0 10 1 l 10 Brandl "'""""°" Haroor 18 ~ J 0 II 1.• IJ o.o ••• ~. S<KIOl•IW<ll 10 30 JO I] 1.3 1S E nciland Npl H•rOOt • 21 3 0 6 J.I I NO . 1 Laguna Bt1 L1('h s '.\il1il tt1cldC'll l o p s l h t• ;i r l' a · ~ sc·oring list NO. 2 Edison ·s Richard Ch<Jng held on for the runn<'r·UP pos it aon. at Corona del Mar by only a two point margm, too IN TH E END, 1t finished JUSt about as figured in the Sea View League Estancia and Corona de l Mar were picked to finish I 2 and they tied for the lath~. Costa Mesa was tabbed for third and the Mus tangs f!lanagcd to do it after a terrible :;lart__ Newport Harbor and University were picked lo fantsh 4.5 and they tied for fourth: and the poor cousins -El Toro. Saddleback and Irvine hnashed to that order Once il began tl appeared Newport llarbor was underrukd a nd maybe Costa Mesa was ov(•rrated. but as the season wore on the talent !.cemed lo ~et lie What LurnC'd Mesa 's season around'' '"We had soml' tndiv1dual confrontations." says Coach Tim Pursel "I had some one.on-ones with some players and I thtnk it really helped ... Al one po tnt Mesa was 4-4 in league play, Sea View League has a (Jig night Corona del Mar High moved mto a tae for farsl place m the Sea View League men's soccer !.landings Tues day with a 3·0 wan over El Toro The wtn leaves the Sea Kings deadlocked with f:stancia at 9·2 I and sets up today's showdown l)('l ween the co l('aders on the Eagles' home fi eld Scott McC'nm.mon s cored l wo goals to give Corona del Mar all the offonse 1l needed a!> the Sea SOCCER Kmgs retorded their sixth s traight shutout. In other Sea View games played Tuesd ay. Saddleback edg('d Univers ity. l·O, while lr~e blanked Newport Harbor. 5·0 rn S unset League action, Edison edged llunltngton Heach. 2·1. Ocean View and Marina played lo a 3 3 lie and Fqunlain Valley beat Wes tminster, 2 I Fountain Valley and Marina are Lied for the league lead with 13 points going into Thu~sday night's re~ular season finales . In women's action. University wrapped up the Sea View title with a 1·0 wtn over El Toro The TroJans rematned unbeaten ( 12·0 J in league play Junior forward Karen Hardy got th(' game's only goal early in the second half. Saddle back got its firs t·ever women ·s soccer win with a l·O decision over Newport Harbor The victory avenges a 7-0 Newport route tn the last meeting between the two teams. t Laura Hernandez scored with about 15 minutes to play and Roadrunner goalie m ade two of her 17 saves in the final two minutes lo preserve the win. The 111naugural Win m akes Saddleback I 15 l overall In Sunset play , Westmtnsl('r rallied for a 2·1 win over Ocean View hl•aded nowhen· until the Mustangs rolled oH sax 't r;.11~ht VIC'tOrtl'S DEPRESSt:D? R EADY to toss m the towel'> "Yt•s, · admits Parsel "ll really was depressmg and I was wondering. But then it started fo build." ··Li .Just .iook some-\.ime-f0F-~hese-guys to jeH-- and to develop a team concept The overall play of J 1m Pl·l1ehows k1 m ay have been the difference. And . of course. Ken Bardsley gave us that glue He .,c·ored tn double figures for us in 50 'itraighl g;,a mes, dating b<jck to his sophomore year " The eml'rgence of Costa Mes a in the CIF 3·A µl:.i yoffs brin~s to mind t~e last lime the Mustangs were in the bas ketball ehmtnataons Thal was 1966 at Orange Coast College when 'I Long Beach Poly mvaded 10 a classic match of run.and-gun ba~ketball. When the smoke cleared the J ackrabb1ts wt· re faster than horses by a 109·81 mar~tn M('sa·s coach was Jules Gage * • • SOW, IF W~ CAN JUSl get the Sea Vtew Ll'ag ue s thinking cap on straight. Can you mwginc. if Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor, or L'n1versity. had tied for third place, they would ha vC' flipped a coin to determine who goes to the playoffs I \\Under \\hat the 1nd1v1dual players would hu vc thought of that., Play an entire y~ar. then flip CJ com I s uppo),e 1t 's easier to flip 'hptn than arrange for a playoff game You ha~ make a few phone calls. etc. The Sunset League would have no part in such a sy:acm It's on<' thing lo flip a coin to detetmine :.a league's No I team from the No 2 team. etc Hut "hy com fhp and end anyone's season with tl "hen the re 1s time lo s olve it on the floor" Huntington Beach High Coach Roy Mille r found himse lf tnvolvcd in a playoff game Saturday mornmg. aguinsl the s ame learn !Ocean View 1 he played Frtdas n1~hl. and his team was a 58·57 \'ICllm Of the SVSlCm Asked 1r he wished rt would have been a coin fhp. considering his team was eliminated on the floor. Mi lier responded . "No way We didn;l play an entire season 1ust lo ha\'e someone flap a coin about il " Amen • • • NOTES AND T HINGS Marina High has found someone lo fill a gap during the second week of the 1982 football season. The Vikings will trek to San Luis Obispo <sophomores. tool to duel the Ttg('r:. on the school's campus. The Yikes could have had a home game against St. John Bosco. but optl'd for t he trek north instead . Former Wes tmins ter H igh bas ketball coach Doug Stockham was in t he area on Friday, watching the Corona d('I Mar·Estancia skirmish. Stockham's San Gorgonio team is 25·0 and ranked and seeded No 2 in the Ct F 3-A playoffs High . . University volleyball coach Mike Puriti is camng it quits after the upcommg season ... Following the CIF basketball finals al Lo!lg Beach Arena March 6, tht• South('m Regionals of the slate championships w~I be at the same site from March 9·13 The s ta le ftnuls arc scheduled for the Oakland 'oh seum Marc h 19 Dana Hills High football coach Don DeGroote has resigned. Fottn~r. Woodb<ldQ4> 11 l>O IS 0 Smith Mann.it n lit U S Govd90. EdllOl'I 1• JIS 1l I O•nnP«'. s..ddltlMKll ot 21 llS IJ O 11 10 If . ,. 10 1J s 11 .. 111 ,. 11 11S 1t I 1B J'l 10 17l 30 If ,, • 11 Coo• Cos•• W..WI " .. , • • 4. 10 Aob•n\0/1 S.ddltb.K" 1 10 , • I 1.• • Gu~\! OcHnV .. w 1 10 1 • • 2 S I Kubo Fin ll•lltv 20 S. l I I JO I M•uttl, Fin V•ll•V 1' ~ t I • l.1 ' YOUTH TABLET-Now Available ... for less than 22' per day See Our Ad on Page AS Need New Furnishings-Home or Office? ThOmo,.,.., Hin Beach 1• -11 • Av•"· lrvl,,.. 14 17t 11 I St•Pfl•M , eotson 1• JOt 11 s G•rd11e r. Esten<!• 2• ~ 11 l Tarb4Pll, ~ter Otl 22 160 11 I H•rler FounlAtn 11•11.V tS m 11 1 M•yOOI• E•I-•• 14 1IO 11 I E•\ltn. Wolmln\I., It 111 11 I 8Hr'f M•rorut U ,.. 11 S RliheWrQPr CO\la Me"' lJ H• II l Rouse. Unover"1olv U H• 11 J Ca(I*, Saddlel»<ll 11 US 11 ' SMOlelOfO, Hin Dl'<t<h 2J 20 10 A P•tlchOw,itl, (0\1• Mew 13 2JI 10 J 1t.oovc1<11. Woodb•l<IQ4' n n1 10 J l-ll. El Toro 10 107 10 1 0.8•ou-OcHnVlew 1S 1"1• •I -My,,..~.U"'~~J')t-, Jae'"'" Mal" 0.1 u ?1• • • Oo•ni WHlmlPl\l~t 11 ?Oii • t •••ol, Htn B"~h H 1l1 • I Penetter. N..wpon HfrbOr n 109 • • Trio.en, El To-o 17 11~ • • ICrAIO , Ell-I• H lJl t J Tltt Etl_.. 2• tit t I Ptlll'lbt-C0\1a M"'<I 1' 110 I t Mldl•nG. £\1-ia H 10t t 1 lro1ovkll, lr•IM 10 OJ I 1 Vllhon~vf, "tn V•l~y U tu I• Dv0tet., 1.,.-e-11 t• '°' I• Jl/d9e. CkHft \/low 1• 711 t 4 1.11\tr, NtwpOl'I H•root 1• Ut I t IMltJlat::LJ:URr•' t&.JiU ...... Wlta, w-lc!Oe '' llS I J Al'T'Ot4, II T-1' '" I J H•o Coro,.. •• -n 111 • 1 lfHtMr ()( .... Vlrw U 101 I 1 Mo"<r .... s.ddl•llle<' 17 V t I • 10 1 " 1111)11 .. 111 " 10 111 71 10 Ill " .. •1• n 1J I I 7• IJ t I 1J 11 • 6 2J " •o • " 11 10 101" " 100 11 ,. ~- • Ill " 10 •• 10 11 11. 11 u •• 10 It 1 I 1' .. 10 . JI 14 •• ., 10 ,. ,. .. , ... .. . . ,. " . . " 10 •.l " ., 10, '° 11 1.0 11 12 ,, ....22 11 IJ IS 1• •• • • •• ., • • t1 IO • t 14 • rt • • C)d M<(•hlll, E<IM<la 17 0 2.t 17 f,I I leav•v. EOison 14 1' 1 I • 1.7 7 Monroe Univ•""' S If 1 8 S 1.1 • ~•Omo••. Npl HArbOr " SI , 1 1] ,.. • John•lon. E•tM>Cltt 11 4 2 1 tO 4.1 IS H••ll., Hin Bff<h IS fl 1 1 l 01 10 C••O• Hin Buch • •• 11 1 00 1 Pa1tl w .. 1mtP1\le• 1' SO 7 • M 2.7 6 ENROLi.HOW 8ur'e W-l(IQI! IS Jt 1 t I ' O•rr• 0cu n v1ew • u 1 • 2 J.o • Collfondo Gotr't Free LetlOll PrograM 8 uck O<Htl llW!w • JI 2 • I V • Aalc1111t Uftiy•r,11v 20 SO >s 13 '' 10 RAlrli..ICHO SAllili.I JOAQUlllili.I G F1e10,c ... 1• w1-0 11 21 1) • u • " " n Burhoo, CdM I 20 J .) • J.1 II R ~ Jim Eclt-lltr F'ln Vllv • IS ts t 1.0 • F COU SE 1 ;; Zumbo OcNft v,... _. U 1.S A _u _ • (hOI, Unl..e\lly 1J_4 1 • 11 _t. . .__J>-____ 1 ~:~~·:::!%~:~ ;: ;: : ~~ 1! .FREE LESSONS with ~, f.· MArt•I 1nolM • n 1 • I 2.1 • 1•l Cool< M•IHOel .. 0 JJ I ,,. 1 PURCHASE OF s2000 MOOrt. EdiSOll 11 2.S 1 3 • J.S I Mollo• Hin. BH<h 11 JI t t I I J I T Nv,,.,, we~f!\•ltt U l3 11 I J 1 I DISCOUlrli..I J 1 re1c1 C05i. ~.. u ., t 1 ,. 1 1 11 n FOftu"" U1g1Unae .. c11 n ., ti tt tt 11 RAlrli..IGE CARD W•ldruo L~llH<ll n .,. 1 I I t • I " l(lftU,,,_ COM 11 2S t I I f' • MOwr OcANnVlew l • to J 2.0 4 WHhlnoton. Edl.011 J • , 0 J u • $m1111. EdlfO" to J7 t t 10 t.O 1 Ne\~ln, -l•r ()el .Jt aJ 1... J t;t I ~-.i.a..-.i-..... ff.-+.. -' t.1 • -O•vt•, I.~ 8-11 It 11 I I 4 U I II•~•,...,, w"""'"' u tt 1 • I 1 • • PerH. El TMO II 16 1 S • I I S eo ...... C~• 11111e.. 1• i. 1 • • ,.. 1 8191. ~.,,,.. I) It 1 l 6 0.S 6 Present this ad and receive 3 Free "Lee T.revl"o-Bafle'when you enroll. . -- To Enroll Call SS I ·5522. BUYING TOURS will INTERIOR chauffeur you to Exclusive 'Decorator Only' Showrooms escorted by a professional designer. S ave u p . to 4 0 °/o ! C a 11 f o r reservationi & Cletails, 714/ 643-2863. , 1 I' -(. > . NBA Wf'STf AH COHFEAC HCE Ukert ~4tllP Portia no (,oldt'n 4it•tt Pf'!Ottn u S.tn ()1.,00 ~•n AntOl\Hl o.n ... t>r Hov .. 10..-1 lit.th P•<thL 01v"IOft w l 11 II l4 " ,. ,, }I 11 )I 11 t.t ., Mktwnt 01vt\ton 11 ' ,. JI ,, /J 1• JI Pel GB "' J ""' \ ..... 'HI ft I HI o 1 )I\ l\J 1 •ll "' ... } 0111.e\ u n lfdO\d .. llly lt. J t'.t t EASffAN COHFE AlHCE All•ftlK 01v1\19'\ 160\.t-.n i-"htlf'dPIOf\1 t w ,,h,,1Qtv'1 Nt•w lf''\#'f Nf'¥it '¥'C>H Md""'°d"~'"'­ Ot>trmt lnd1itntt A.II.in Id C P\11 dQO ( h·v+"l.,..1\CI j.f) It .. , .. 1 a 1'1 ,. • .. 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Ht ,,,,, I r ..1U1 .. n '\.II N nt fat ti t •ut.., ,,. .. 11• .. 11 t Anqt·lf•\ .. , .. l1•tnn1rrth At;•h' 1..tf.l.-:tr W1tlio"°' IMn" n A ,., (J4 COLLEGE SoCal College 98. Cal Baptist 72 SOUTHEAH CAll~OAHIA tOllEGC Ron. r f\ 1n J'luttuM" ''"'" , .. J'i Murf••n""' n ~ Qo( ,., ... n t "' ,, " Hfl,,ff11Hln th H r)t"' 1 I\ At'f'ldH' k J w.1~111 I T u1 •• 1 .... t I] u 18 CAl. 8APTfST /f,wt~wnr1t1 u lf.trlY u ~""W"r.IPI 11 \r~c"-1 ' t\rnr,..t:Jr1 If thMq 1 Wt1rC11 TOtdilt, .)0 1/ Jt 11 t-id!ft1mt" '11'i ~Ylho '"' ti Cr11111.,• Trt~t tout\. \out,....•n , IH"1" r ull,...Jl 11 C itl 8olr'tf1\1 IH Pac Chr 106 Christ College 69 CHRIST t0llEG£ "• Di.. • t-' -I M ._.ft"'• n 4 .,. ,,,,._,,, .. , , St"' di,.., 11 .-.ttrttt•.tr· t.t ' lb, ,,.., PACIFIC CHRISTI AH r·u"\ .... , ,,., t l Alk 8 M.f(,.•lu• '" J I '-·~t ~• -,, Oufh 1) (h~•\h·n,,.n t '\ 011 t. ""' t P'OY'n fl I ),.,, \t' ~ '" ,..., Hdltl1trt;. .&] ;t-. P f nlttt tou~" ,, rtu t.dl'\ 1• nf1•t1.}n t.rq• II'\ '1t4 t • COMMUNITY COLLEGE Cvpress 56 Golden West 49 OOLOIE:fri WEST u 4lton 1\ u.,..,., • tiou-.f'n ti t<1nq I J .. •I I hu ttiotn • fOltll\ 1• '1 11 .. v , CV,.af~S f~.,, • " 1 ~t.t.-ft1tyttt 4 'ltt4'tll " W1,1U i l v.ut II M 1 .. t t II fl••r<hh _. lh 1 o\.tl ii t 1 14 "4 H4'1fltotr r v•Ht·· JM t~ Tot~I toul' ofllO.·tt !ht '' ,,. ' \flHt'H •• Southern Cal Conlerenc.e (ont•"•ftC t O"Wtf'~ll w l w l I y(H~\\ II I II \dnt1• Morn( n' l (ouHte11 W•''' II I II M1Q HMWJu lA Soutnw~l ( .nt l 0., A1o•M·"t l lh Arn.~tJ~ L.l '" I\ II II II II I\ Ill I\ l A .,..tttbuf ") " Ill ,:,.cuy t Cutfnl'\ ' n' Ano1Jt ••• , ( ' di •th11" -Iv•• r l A ~"''H'"'' 1 11\,.,11""' , ( 1 C tJl't tf I /I. tt1Hf1> J.ol" H"'....a.. "'I .t.11 °'ArlQl•t4 't COMMUNITY COLLEQE WOMEN Golden West 90 Santa Ana 73 ')AN f A At./.. f;.. 1ti. I ;I .u & P•1t• .,.,r I i Md• I\ , .. GOLDEN Wl \r ·~ ... '" ... l(o 1 lt.t• I fl ti I ft I tft1t I t llJ • efl l1of1 ,\ 1o ... ,, .. t ••lof •• "' ,, r' I t/ '• t 1 t •I '\.tn•' """ 1, o n ""' 111 1 I w~ H 1• t '\011 ti I• ft Ai• 1oU NHL CAMP8Ellt0NFlNlNtl ~mythf' 01v1\10n w L 1 GI-GA P1' ltJHlf'\l!f r .tlq. r ll li/fth( HIVl'""f K11'\q\ '' 1 tin /ti AJ It 141 l"'titi \I , ' i• 1t"'i ~ * I I 118 Jt •) ,, .. ,1 N,,rr,.., 011ot1,1on 1 ·~ ' It\ ~·' ,.. ', ,,, l1t ti ,,.,,. """ .., iu..,., r " I :t'1..-'t." N• M'd lP'' • 1• .. t ,, .. 1t ....... ,, ,. r.11. " "' 1 I , •• "' .. h-.11f f\J • I ,t Tut"~• '~cot~ ... •.-IJ•t "" .. '"h.1'!\,.~,...-~·-1U .... --........ ~ .... ._ .. ~-­. "' • i·'. "·', •'li(.•"'CI\ f4 T I t ;f • u '"·' •" I 't 'II t I j (I • 1.•1,, ,, ' ,., M •11•1 t t '" h ,, ~· .. " ColleQ" I A , 1'• 1 ••• i ••fJ1.•'•1h•.". '''"" t A OCC seeks clia11ce Gauchos looking to get r evenge A Th l' f Ir ... t 0 r t \\ If ( I ll ('I" I ba~keth.ill g anH·'-for Or .111i.:1· ( 'oast C111lt•).!1• lop-. tonight ... ,If!'<• ('Ommuntt\· <·olh•).!1• ha ... kf'tball ciclton C'oac:h Tanth <:iltr... 1'11 at1·.., "'hn ha'•· -.1 ni ggl1·rl th rou)!h11ut lht• South <'oa...i ('onfl·rt r1t 1• rart•. m11..,t rlc•ft•at lht• tll\ .1rl1n}! c; r11:-. ... m1111t 1;r1ff1n"> t 11n 1ght 17 301 ancl thl•n "'r.1p up lt'.1)!11t pla~ with ,1 '1<·1111·, JI C..an l>w)!o ~cs<1 a Y.t•t·k from l11n1gh1 tf lh1· Bue-. l'nl<·rt:11n .in\ hop,.., 11f G WC won1~n stop ~anta Ana, 90-7 3 G o lden \\'t•">I I 'ollt•gt 11wd .1 1Jalanr1·d -.1·1ir1n g .11t;ll'k to hrt'CZ(' to a !II> 7:1 111111 ron f1·11•n1·1 win ovC'r Santa i\ne1 tn wom<'n ., bas kct hall at·tmn T11f'o.,da~ night tn the Hu~lll'r ..,· g\rn .J anet Ham:11·k1•1 0., rf!l 1 l".11111 Krikorian 1 l>l • .11'1 <;111 h1"' Iii• ;\>1;1re1a \1ath1·''" 111; o1nd K1·lil lla1 rison 1 I:!• .d i l1n1-.h1·d 111 d oublt· f1g11l'I'• l o hl'lp lh1· Hustler "> 1rnpr II\ 1• t hf' tr r 1·1·onl In I I l I Ji p I 11 •' I 11 l 11 I h i' S I ( !-th.111L!hn1•-.,\ t'l.i\ 11fl \' . ..., Ill \1,t It'll"> 11Jt«lll\\ h1l1· 1 11" 1 11 JI 1 l l H r 11 111 m 1· I !-t.Hldll'li.111' 1;.11wh•h r.1n i:.1111 '-lllllt' I I'\• 111.!l fnr 111)1• 11! lhf•tr ! \\ ~ ;\) h"I' •II I '1111f• I 1·n1·1• 111-ft".th .1t,:Jtll•I h1,. .. 1 I' !111111.1 1 ti .111 \t 11t·1 Iii•· I 11.il,. .. rn1i-.t 11t•f< .ii I 1111..,.,11111111 • I l"'i ~I ,tnd San 1111'1.!'I \lo..,,, 111 \I \\l'l'lo. Jnd tlwn hnp1• 1·,.1 r :111.., dr11p-. .J pall 111 111,ttl ;!.1m• .. 111 F1dl1·1 !11n .inti th• 1;111ltrh I h• 1'11,11••.., ,Ii 1r. <·11nll"rl•n«•' .incl l" 11 .,,1•1,tll \\Ill ha.·(Y 10 ""'JI " p.111 nf r all 111t·d fon ... 1111"> lnntrn• 1f th• '"'I'" 111 pr11loni.; I Ill' 11 '""""II I 11 I h 1 I r· f I I . 1 'II I• t t I II j.( (,,,,. ... nirortl' \1 1k1 \\h1lm tl">h .incl 1..tn \ \\ht\• ('t>rnhint·cl fo r IK 1111111t·· 111 lP;1d1n~ th•· <;nfftns to a "i!• i ll \ 1<'ton tt\'t•r the 1'1ra11· ... f) (' (' l' I• II II I I' I (' ti \\ I t h "If p h 11Ill111 1 • ..., \I 111 i• 111 ii 11 ( 'h I I'- I\ 1 ".1 • l • •. ,, ht1 ,, 1111·d .SI! pomls tn l111• f II .1 1111 "'llll Ht,\ l1•\ nPl.'th Jll'ol ~I 1111 I l' jJt1llllS 111 h1·1·111n1• 111·1·, >;,, :.! ~ill t1rrw -.r11rc•r IJJ">:-Olnl! Bruct' l h.iµm.in Y.hll pl:I\ ··d [111 I IH H lH s from 1 'Hif. I !lf~ \t 1';1l11m•11 S.1dtllt•h<H k <«111 a\ 1 nf,!1• a i..; .'>.! tlt.-lt·al to lht In\\ I• t'11ml'l.., ry 17, 198::! Community eollea• - CAHY tfllfOIL 'f04lllMAM•Nf ,_ ... , .. ,.,.., " ............... . l •t"10\ ~ lOllll 0. .. 11 CC l•l Qe ttllD'I It lO• m Clhulv. H•llt•O l•I C•11ll°'1 ) lOpm «•Otlh-"' Wf'<\t 'fl\ \Mkllr(Wf t •• Or.,-.,. <,,.,.. to 'A.I• '" l /I& f'••Hf' Ir\ Uf•"Ot H \t ~-I 01,.,... tW\lf I JOpo. 'rttl•Y \ G•m•• I ,., f1to ... 'U"\I Ur-tt •• " ( • ..,, ... , 'I\ ( lllV\ tWflof.ot-., lc,, ... 1 1t C fllfftfU\t IU W) •m ( ,_,I 110\ l OHV ....... h I C.,. *"'Hf>f ¥\ t 1hU' tC tl"-!Jil' ""''n4 .. , ... 'tfflt~'I I lO 1·t'tt .010 .. 0 Wt-\t \d01ll .. n•1 • '"''"' "' I A ~ .. ,c,, th•nQ• ( ., .. ,, ltn• r t-tl Ur•o~ <v.otJ '0 tU•"' <1010.-11 w,.,, \MM11 .. t;.u • ""'""•' "' l 4 '''•rt. t Of ,.nQ• ( <Ml\I winn• , •t Or •nutJ f 4Uf\tf 1 lOt• '" ~•tw.rdol_. 'O•m•' ti) )U • m C nn-.ol~Oon ,,., ( •rr1tu\) 1 lOll Ht ffrnftJJl1He i•I UtcmVt (N\ti I lO p "' (t,·•ff1f)IC6'\htp , .. , f t•frtlO\I Men s soccer HIGH SCHOOl C41M l ElfO#oO '1uon.1 O> 1 M.tr '' "' '"'' M l, 1n•uw.111 J ••.• ,.,,., t \.tOCUtlW< .. 1 Untw•r\•l'f' 0 Irwin•\ N .. vrpor1 H4tbet 0 Edi'°"' ) Hwf'hlHl•on a~.H n 1 I ti H 'I .t•r I.I f./1 tf• ti "''""'"' • vuf .-1 v 111 t '' •-) M uni • 1 ~ JU'f"f t O<••n VM'vr 1 M•"tn• J Womens soccer HIGH SCHOOL StloddWb.tc Ill I, "'••P10'1 f'Urbor O \.tll•tl· h.11 II Uf 1nu ... ' \tH••tl I Wt1tmo1\te1 l o,~.,. V ••• 1 0 ,.,.,, y,; w .._ ,, nt, Mic t1t• ltlr1 I I Un111•r\fty t ~I loroO U11\.11 111 , •my 'tJJ•\J• I Men s 1ournilmPnt t int Aoun<t 'J1nqh•\ ,, tt t11"t ,.., ..... tt r .,., t I; t ul I ,.•f\,l f,1 t df I "''' .. il't1 ft 'u t ,, . '"" 'I . , . ' ~ .. , ... tt t ",At<+ ,_.,, ..... ,, ,,, ,. , .. , . ,,,, t , .. It ltt M 1h ,, tel .. ~ lo .,, ,,,, .. ,""" ....... .. r4 ,,. I,,,.,, I h M.•tL At •> 1 ~.J,...J,. '4 I'"' ""' l•' ... '• R H ••I O• ~ WomPn s tournament t•t Ho~''°" F 1r\I Round "'"qi..\ u• H ... r tit I I' llu ""''"' "4 I'-1 "11 I\• U·ll 1ttw1 l" I• t I '/HI h• ,~, "",;, t l t4t I .11t·~ 1• f t .it¥• •t• .,,, f l J.. , F-'"' Aouno Oout:a•t'' I H"1 ,;,, tr• ~ tll ,, It I ti O• I I, \11'11~' IJlf·I Hf•, I,.. I "'' I ,, I Womens 1enn1s money leaders I ~·••hn11"4"W' 1111 ., fl,1rh,,\r" Pr.111 I I Ant111,1 ;,-..q., 4 l\fln• <.,,, H N1 n'l't' I 1tr•r111 t M1n1.t l1t1'""'"' , ........ , ~"" \,1 " ''"" n , f ,,.,. 4 PAmC.t1t11o Al u • l l\,l I ti• .. Colleqr , .. , ,,,, 'i\ ';\11 bl''''SJJ \1 .... •fl 1() 1' IL() I>, ... }; ., II "# ,• ·~ u< uv1ru· • ( •nomont M udd 1 J , •• ,, Nt t .. •V)• tit'"''' ~1rnc, U I n. t "' .. ) ''l "~·1<1 LMI ~t '" ••• 1•... • •I ., I "'' , I .,,. ...... .. GWC rally fall~ s hort; (~l1ar~ers win c:11td1·11 \\, . .,, ('11ll1·g1• rall11·d J,;11 I.. Ir 11111 .1 10 po111t h;ilft IOlt' ti• tint '" 11>· I \ 111 I ....... HI tht' final ty.o 111111ut1 •-. hut tlw C'harg(•r.., h1 ltl nn f111 .i i'i t!I Southt·rn < .tltfnr 111.1 1111l 1•11·1w1• win 1n h,1-.lt•·tlt.1lt .11l111n1111 ""''' ntf,!ht Tiii' 1<11 ... 111·1-. 111 ti thl' gJm< .11 11 \\Ith I Ill '" pl.I\ IJut .1f1t·r I >.1 1111 H11\\ 1·11 h.111 .1 -.h1,1 hluc k1·tl .111tl ( \Ill .. l flll\ (I \t•cl II 111111 " h.1-.k•·t 1.11ld1·n w, . ..,, l"oulrl not fl'( l l\1'1 I h1 111">'-dropo, (,ulrh-n Wt'-.I to ti 7 111 11111f1•11·n11· pla\ 19 !I o, 1• 1 .1 I l II u 1 < • ,, .1 < h .I 1 m ( I I l' (. II I It. I ti ... I I ' " Ill I ... ., \ I l I ,1-.,,111t•tl l'lf ;1 ... put Ill lh1• 1·11nfton rw1• pl.I\ 111 r... W<· II h1• llwr1· tt ., JU'>I a rnatt1·r11f \\hl'rt' \H• ll pla~ hnrnt• or :t~a\. · 1:1 t'l'llflt'h.l o;a1d Trutt•ll lt'atton lt"I Hu:o.llrr ... 1·111 ,.,.., "'ti h 1:1 point' "hilt• Art h 111~ h.1d 11 ,111rl l\11\\ t'll ad<ll·d 10 ( 'Jll t'"" .J utld Bt·arflo;ll'\ l<'d .tll 'I'll! \'I S \\ti h Iii IH•tnl'> Tht• \\ 1 n k ,ll t• p s t h t' (' h a· r g c r s 11nlll'ald1 11:1 O' 1n C'nnflorcncc pla\ and 1m11rnH'" thc•1r overall rt ronl tli 2 1 .1 ,.. (,oldt•fl We..,t "'rll host Loe; J\ng1•h·s <T l·'nriay mght at 7·30 o ........ U....,.d N Pt~tf'VH IU t• k-1 ,. '"" ''"' •A •z "'Dll'f'Al 1th t M 1 t•t Ct•l•t kf'tl(t., • J I \ ht" at· II"' 111 -. II tllt 11 001 ' •n.11 r .. u .. • v • • Commun11v tOlll'Qt• ~ o..iir•t 'ilJM•uO , • • ,,,., ·•I '' OtanM C °"''' • 1.11111 .. ,1,,,."' 1 ti I• 1hl• •It .. h t "I ·• ~ k1 fltt I It, 10(4 I I , 1., " ,, . ' ti Ill t 11 I 1 tJuoh•• I I ••II t 111 1101 101 It ,, , , l PGA rno1w~ 1•,u1t r ~ ''"°""'• r b ,. uA ""I fl.I I <f ¥ ..... ,, ,., ·~. . . .. . i ft I I 10 I i' I I • ""•' I I I ol .... .. ... ... ., ;..,">1"1,. Amr .. IT .,.-....,. ,.,..... t • ,.,,,., ... ,. I .t . ' I I tiolrlt•n Wt·~t had a n1m' potnl lead at halfl 1m1· .ind t urnt•tl th1 gaml' tnlo a rout<' h) oul">t'ur 1ng the Dons. 10 o. at the oul~l·t of the s econd half Santa t\na ., Blanche I hird~ f1n10,h1·d "11 h ,, game h1~h 32 p01nts Thi· < •• 1u1·hn-. .11 l pl;irc in till' .\J1:-.s111n \\1th an !l :.! rTt'nnl 111 ">C·ronri l"onfrn·nct• 111 tlw l;,i..,t r<'f.!Ular "l'<tson gam(• I of th<• ~t•r for tht• Ru ... ttcrs _ Pilot advertising is riood business for ., r\Jewi:;ort Se1...urit1es. "The response we have hod by running in the Sunday Pilot I hos been excellent." ... llol111e . .; .·ay Gerry '''''Y Cooney' • LS '\ I \\ •If" I • 11 I"' II" \\ " I IH I \ j,, I tit 11 .. I I I I I , It 11 I I' •• 1 I II I' II • I 11'•'11 I• Ill .. tJ •' ' . . , I I llt \ lltl .. fl,, l' ... "'" .. .. I I lit •ilt11•1 11\1• rtw t1hjt•(•t1vc IS to \ ' 11 I 11 I' h I' a V } W (' I g h l , t.o111q1111110.,h1p .ind ht··~ gmng to ti Io 11 \\ Ii ii • 1h1·r1 • "l'l' nll'd h ltle du11l11 th.it 1111· liout would bt-pul '"I lt.11111<11H11 t -.aul a formal '""' 111111 1·1r11·nl 011 tht.• ~talus of •Ii· 111°111 \\111 tu· rnadl· today or 111111 ,!f,I\ \ 11d tw ~ .11111'(1 I hat 1f there is • I'' t1•1111·11wnt, llrilmes could 111 111 \1111.1111111 •if 1tw1r contract 111 """ .111111twr fight bt-fore flll I 1111 '("lf\1111'~ I 111 • 111111 a1·t has u 60 day 1 1 11' • l.111..,1· during whic h time 1•11<1 f1ghtl·r tuuld have 11 •1f11 , 1 liout. a ... uurce said, 1 f 1111~· tli.11 llw 1·untrat·l would ''' 1111tl d11·cl tf till' bout wa:-. not ti lit I\ llllJlllhs tr il111•'' .1111 h1· hacl to fight 11 h 1., t '" 111 ">ha p1.· and I'' 0111•1!1,.., \\l'll' 'looking •11111 •1111· 1111 In<' lo fight" I• '' 1flli11tl1 o·irl ~ n1edals 11111.1 1·.,1111;111at 11 o f Costa \l 1 .1 11rl .i na·m hl•r of the \f, 1 "l'I 1 ...,,11111 ('lulJ of Irvine, 1 p• '" • d 11t11·1· gold m1.·dals in a ,,, l1•1111111·d '"'rn mt·et held in 11 I II I l'l t •111 I\ 11111,11 t.olll ol "o('Vl·nth grade 111it•·r 1 .11 fJ.I\ ,.., :\liddle School. L 11 I p!Jc •· 111 lht· 12 year old • o111 1•111' t1·amed with I I t \ t1f \1 t">'-lllO \'J('j0 t O 11 • ti 11 1 111mpd1t1on and '' 11.111 r •11 thl· 12 year old f1.t1 '""' th.JI part of the • • I It ut) I 111 •>r1 meet was 1" ••I •11 \\1111rn1:rs who.had 1 •i11111.tl 1·•1mpel1l1<>n5 in • 1' 111 1 .tl1lor111,1 and Anzona I .. 11 .... \ 11111.111"'" pr1·\111U">I~ had b.' L .iJlforni a '''" ;r ... ;1 m 't.>ar oTd -:-- r (,.~ sec , • 111.11 rl p.i-.1 <'al Baptis t. •h f'••ll·• l1·dth1·way Y.ith 25 ., .i.t • \\ h 1 I,. l\Ler k R oe he , 1 • 111111 •·ti .,., ,111d :'>-1 tk<' Roberts ol I' 1111 I l1tl11n.inn hurl 10 each 11 11.i pl 1 t C'ha rll':-. Bronson .di 1111 I"> \\tlh 26 plltnls II • ~ l I .111/\ h<irl 14 and I ..,, 'd· I I:• \ I I • I I I I rl .1 :!-n I g h l ' S II•• •rntn).! ~a m r. l he r •11 ,. t(.., \\Ill 11Jrwlude rcg4lar , 1111 pl.I\ 111 '' :\l ond<iy night • l • 111,111 .. 11.:;1tn">I Pt Loma • I 1' It .1 """ I rnm the Southern I• •1 •ti 11 .... 1r11·t Ill y.,111 ,,, "''' 1111 lw '\IAplayoffs 1•1 I(" l'Y f() : 1 • ou· r11¥> brochure. I' chi ~ '.>U Olenly Thi' Alliance to Save Energy Box 51200. Washington. D.C. 20031 Lawrence Butler. Jr. Newport Securitie\ Corp Newporl Beach mJ Newport Sec•ritfu Corporatio1 l+\THE-;.LLIANCE T(} SAVE .E~ERGY r f .. . I ltl "!ol t • , -----·~-'-------.-...-------------------------------------- 1 Sl<llNO JOHN SEVANO J Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1.982 oa Goon ~elltality · golle Dave (Hammer) Sc hultz l as hes out.at hockey violence By WILL GRIMSl.E'V "l«ITIOUI e utiNHI NAMIHATllllYNT Tiit lfl .. •lnt HrHn• ere ...... bu•lnft\.. ,. Vl(>IO l'ARAOIU!, lit Uri "'"'· 'N""*'1 ... <h, C•llllrn1e D•""" A Yo11n9. atn llt< h ,,, .. , ~AM, Cttlltomte .,,., '•C'T•"°"' aua1a.1n NAMa STATIMaNT T lie lolltwlllf per Hll It dOlll. ............ S"M' EOUI PMflNT lllN1A L ANO At,.MAl T, 10. 1'11• t lroel Newpen a..vi. c..i1,..111. t1Mt I•"' <.ere••. ,.,, 1t111 ,., .. ,_ W••tmlnttwr, C•hlont .. ttt.IJ :A Mammoth Af'l,.ClllC-lifll f 11 Dave CTht> tlnmme r > c hulti. 011c~ the most l>rult8h of Ice l'lockey'11 bullies now born·ugain. i.t>€·~ Uttlt-ho 1X" of resculntc ice hockey fro m illl "goon .. nw ntulily 1>ro m o t1ona-I a ppearanc~IJ in C hicago ancJ M1nncaPoUs H E At.R•:AOY HAS done the Eastern scene. with TV and radio a ppearances In N e w York. Jlhlla dulphia and Was hington , O.C., and, since the Mulvey cast' b rok e, s ubmlUed lo numerous n e wspaper Intervie ws "'tvl w Knlor, >Oto "0' lr.Ofo'11 . ._,,.A,.., ceOfOf'"-'210J Yllh •11•lne•• 1, cotW1<1cl•• ., ,,..h, .. .,. .. °"""' " y °""° Tiii• IUl-1 w .. 1111111 with .,.. Covnty (Jerk Of Or•nllf C.OUlllY on ~•l>ru•rv II, 1'1t1 T11lt llW ..... t II <-IH h .,, ltWltvld...i ~C.•r< ... . Tiii, \i.te,._I ... Iii.ti with Ille Co11nty Ciera or Or•,,.. c.-ty °" "ellruery 11, t"2 """" ki adve nture "It 'i. newr txten s ny other way not for c lose to 40 years," s aid the 6·1, 190-pound on e time L·nfurcer of the Ph1l~elph1a l''lyers in tfie National llockt'y League ~eanwhlle, supporting Schultz's contention that t he hockey esta blis hment was satisfied with the status quo. n o big ¥roundswell for stricter l'IU.J PuOll\NO OrMtQt (OHi 0 .. lr PllOI. ,.ubll•-Or-CMll Oelly PllOI. "•I> 11, t•.1•141f<lt1. 10, 1"7 •1~ '"' H h . M.tHn t 10 ,.., 1"-tl Of course, ~here's a catch! "lt has degen erated 'into a sloppy. brawling mess Kids l('arn to right before they learn to s kate a nd shoot in t he j ur)ior leagues. They see the big pro:s do 11 They have to e mulate NOT IC~ 01' TltUSTll'S SAL€ t.-"-·-1 T.S-No.nt,... STATIMINTOl'A8AN00fOIMINf 011' UHOP l'l(TITIOUI eUllNIU l'IANll, l"or tho.;(· ..,k1 hulr~ who hav" been longinti tr ~o lo M;1mm11th th1;, 't-u1 hu1 f'ith1•r thought tht.• dri\ \' \,,..., 1011 lonJ!. tlw plunc• farf' too ~lt.'l'J' or the 1·1111n: tc 1p 11111 t'X.Jll'll'>IVl' tht• Oran~<: County \d\'1•1'11stn~ l-'1•cl\•1 at11111 10CAFJ and AOll (an a ffil1ut1011 of lh~ American Ad vertis i ng 1"1•11l-ral11111 1 hnvc put IOAL'lht!r a wcektmd at the m111.Jntain I l'"ort ul mo't too l'nt1cing tot u r n rlowr\ "T~fo: RECENT MULVEY case c reated a lot of mt•d1u attention. Critics howled for re form. But it'll all blow over and next week guys will be bopping e ach other with sticks and s lugging it out on the ice again ··T hey th ink 1t 's the way the game s ho uld be pla)ed · If you want to really hit a guy where i t hurts yQu s.,hould suspend him without pay. That would 1na ke hi m change his ways . -Dave Schultz rules s urfaced in Was hington . D .C . where governors and coach es gath ered for the NHL T D ~ERVICE COMPANY "' dulr •-n1eo ''"''"-·IN lottowono °""''--"' frli\I WILL SELL AT PUBLI C AV( !ION TO THE HI GHE ST BIDDER FOR <.ASH Cpnel>I<' et t•m• 01 •••• 111 1ew1u1 moMy OI llW Vnllod Sl•IH) ... rlollt. 1111• end h>lert<t <oMeyfd lo Anti now IMlld by 11,-r ""' 0-d ol rrust '" Ille pro"rty .,.r .. n<lflt• o .. crtlWCI r h• tollow1no P•t •on\ "••« •0."00ft4HI ,,. \l.W of ttMt fie hhO\U l>U\tneH,,..,.., HM I ENA OEVEL.OPMENT, •••U e.ec:n 81v0 , Ht.W1ll"910f'I Bc-.n CA'7 .. 7 The f fCt 1tlOY\ 8U\ln•\\ N•mt , el., red 10 •bO•• weio filed tn Or •nve County oro Aprll 'U. "'°· l'llt No Ft,..... E NA 0 EVE L 0 P-M £ N r CO RPORATION a (l lllorno• COtPOr•llon, P 0 8oa ll<t. C••dtlf. C•lllornt• '2007 The lh.1tcs j rt: f".t•b ;m 28 c l"nday Sunday> and for .1 tn<•rt• S1t1:l 1wr 1x.·r-.on. this 1~ what you'll get Hus I r.111i-p11rtttlllHI Cone or lh11~e luxury ' Violt>nt·e o n the rink gained lhe national All s tar game . · "I haven't heard muc h t alk about 1t," said Rodger Golllie b . ·the NHL pubijc it y director. "W e 're cons ta ntly tig hte ning the rules ." TRVSTOR MELVIN H SANCHEZ •llO KAREN B ~NCHEZ. ,.u,.,.,,., •r.ct w tl• •I jOtnl hH\Mh BE N EFICIARY LI NCOL N SERVICE CO RPOR ATION.• (Of'Pl>f•llOll HECTOR MARSACH. INC. • C1l1lorn•• CMPor•"°"· ••••1 8~41<11 81•G , HClnllnQldn 8H<n, CA .,'47 111.-.e''· not a Sl'hool bu~ 1 to and from M amm oth All thl' s p1nts yuui hody l'<Jn cons ume l>11llltl'I i(OIOg both \\ :.eys T\\o 111ghh of :H·t·ommodat1ons a t thl' San 'lonl.t t·ei11docnin1111n.., tn :\ljmm11th t m c ludes 1.1c·t11£1. 'aun.1 jnd rt•rrt•Jl11111 11M1111 1 Trnns portut1ei11 111 artcl ~1round M ammot h V>J l ilt' rhartt•rt•d h11s Sa111rd.1) 111ght dtn1w1 pa1·f\· t >pt 1ur1:1 I c ros ... t•ountr \ 'k 11ng t )t>llllnJI I lot ('rt•c•k Olllll\j.( Of c1111r'l'. \\ llh ac\\ I hin~ hkc lhl:,, I hl'fl' '> a 1':111 It Tlw group ..,11.l' " l11111tL·d lt• ltl pl'r~on!> and r<'"'I'\ ;.it1111l~ \\Ill ht· m<1d 1· o n a first l'Om e r.rs t ~l'n•:ll ba~1~ i\bo, l'tllllp mcnt n:ntals a nd lift lL<'kt·t:-;in· nnt 1n1'111dt·tl The hus \\ 111 <IL·p..111 lrom Cochnin t' Chase. l.1\ 1ngstorl ..11111 C'mnp • .mv tin lrv1ne 1 at 2 pm --fi'nda} ..1.nd \\ 1111 <·tu rn l..ite Sunda~ C\ t•ning ThoM· intl·n•,tNI can m ake nut u t.•h t.>l'k to OCA F J IHI 111ael to K 1m Toustgant COl'hrant• Chil"'" l.1 \'ingst1111 :1nrt Comp,rny. P 0 Box 19622. I 1 \'lllt• !1:?71:1 01 , lx.•ttl'r ~ l'l. l'all 752 fi171 • • * TllE SKll.l:'\E 'it:WSl.ETTER rn \Hekl~ 1 cport for ll1l'tha, ~k1 s hops ..and ~k1 t•lubs1 hds p1thlishe<I llll' \\ 1n11tnl! rl rink in the 1 hl· W11rld ;, lh·~t Brand~ \prl'.., ski drinks' l't1nlest h e ld t l'C'l'nth 1n l..1k1· T;1hot• 'l'hl; \\ tnnt·r \\ .1~ a 1·onl'Ol'l10n l'nl1tlt·rl. · Del'p l'rrn dt•r l'111H'h. fw 111ulal111n at \ht· Ea~lcs !':t'~I _LlW4(c. Ul-SllO\\ Lun.L CUJ.Jl.----__ ·-- Tht· fl't·1pt· l'L'atl~ ;,i~ fnlln~-. I 01 t \1lifor111a h1 ,11111\ I 111 \'otlk.i . I 01 \\ l11tt· <TC'rn•· ch· nwnth1· • Ill lt..;ht l"I t'JIH' tl1• (,I( ,II) 101 1n·,1m '" "' t•11.,1 m of t·11e·111111t ::! '('""I" of ll'f' Bl<•111l .ill 1111-(11•dw111' until .. cn11ol h Th1•n ;,en l' 111 a hr;1ncl\ 'n1ltt•1 \\ 1111 twu ..,kt ... ha pt• 1 ac;suming \ llU I an f111d th1 Ill I )\\\ 1111l-... llC'k' l'l.te·l·d (11 11111'1 I~: lhl' ''' 11/ll• 'lll'k~ lt>11k hkt• J '>kll'I \.\ho hJS faJl<.-11 111111 ,1 ...r1111Ao dl'lll ,\n\•\\a~ tlw m1xt u1t• 1.., s m11111h. potc·nt .tnd g11;11,111l1•1•d to \\,ol'ITI tht• r·m·kll•t., ol \rtllr hl'Jfl/ • • * S :SO\.\ Sl"tt~IT l:'IJ Oig Hear ha<, ..1nn11untrcl 1Ls J<'4t11~1l1011 of tht: l 'hin..a l 'l·uk S\..t R c:,,ort .11 llunlln~to11 l.uk1· Sno"' Summit Ski l'nrp ~ 111 oµer ..ill' ('tuna Pe..ik lllHkr ill! :-.ubs1diar). Sierra Summit. In<' " < 't11n;1 l't·uk 1~ .i nw1llum s1zt'<I da' 'lkt c.er1•.i lot· ;rt t•cl f,!) rnil1·;, north<'.1SI ()( Frt.•;,no on Stat 1· l1 1gh\\ a\ lliM s pothg ht r ecently when Paul Mulvey of the Los A n geles K1t1~s refused the orde r o f his coat'h, Don Perry, to lt•avc th e Kings' bench a nd join his t cammutes tn a brawl on the ice 'And d on 't dance ... 'Perry was quoted a s ~a) Ulg. ind1cat111~ tht' Ii 4 220-pounde r s hould go.out and JOtn the fight •·1 didn't want to be a hired assassin," Mulv ey t·ommt>ntcll For his ins ubordination, h e was ~hipped to Nl·w lluvcn in the minors . D :.ey:,, l:.et er. apparently pressured b y the Jtiunwhsllc out<'r~. J o hn Ziegler. NHL pres ident. ..,u~pl'nd<:d Llt•rr~ for 15 days and fined the Los Angeles club ss.ooo. ·As long as the re's fi~hlmg in h ockcy. I have to protc<'l my players." the coach <• l'k nowlNlgt:d Ju.st a s ljp o n th e wris t," con te nded Schultz · 1 r ~ llll wunt to n·ally hit a guy wher e it h urts you ~houlrl su.-.i.R·nd him w ithout pay That w ould make htm r hangt' hts wa~·s Schultz . born in Waldheim. Sask atch e w a n . 32 ) eurs ago, s aid he grew up on the fringe of poverty a nd took up hoc key to escape t h e life of his rather. an itinerant auto mech anic. .. , was a s hy, sca r ed kid," he said. ··once I hid 1111 t hl' benc h w hen a fight broke out." As h e worked )\is way up the ladder from 1u01o r hoc key to the minor leagues and finally to lhe N HL F lyers in 1972. h e h ad s hed some of his sh yness and learned to fe nd for him self physically . R.cordt'd Oct00tr 14, l'llO •• ln<tr No HS6'1. In -t)/91, P•l!e tsec> or 0111<1•1 Re<Ol'd\ '" 11\f offl<~ of Ill« RocorCMr or Or~91t Count•. ,..., OMO ot Hu\I dt\<rtbP\ tnt t ollowinnQ property PARCEL I LOC 1 of Tr.cl l'llO, In llW CllY OI Irvin• Countt of Or""qe St•t• of C•1ttorn1• ., oer m•p recorCMd tn l>OOt< :i.& P-• ' •no s. MllCtll•,,..,.,. ~!>'. In .... Olli(~ ol tt'• county re<orOPr ot \••d county PARCEL 2 Etwmonll u \u<h ••Mm•nl~ ar• cwrt1cular1~ "' tor1n '" IM 1rtic .. en1111.o "EH•"""'" ot l"• D•<l•r•tton o• COY•nanl\ ond1hons MW3 Ae\lr t<l•on\ re<Of'Ot<I ' boo~ .. , ... P•ll• 00 Oll1t1•I Tiii• """neu ••• conou<t•d b• " o•,,.,.11 p4lrlner\/11p He<lor M•rwcn. In< HKll>' -rw<.11 "'---' ENA OtveJoonwnt COfll D••IOW M,.11tf'\ p,,,_, Tn1• st•i.rrwnt wn hlllO wtlh '"" Counly ,,,,_ ot O•~nQt Covnly on Ftb II, 1"7 Pubh•""' 0r•"9<' CO<l\I D•••• Pilat fel> II ,, -rcll 2 10 ,.., IH., Record\, of w1d Count•. •1111 1ny NOTICE OF HIUSTEIE'S SALE 'IE GOT TH E h h . h F d •mtnOm«tl\ or •upple"""'h thereto NO.Gt1'V mess age w en 1s coac • r e unO•r •t<tlor\ lt<'ldl!IO• in iucn Artoci. on M•rc" 1s. 1.ei •• 10 oo " M. S h cro. told him : "You're not ve ry agile. You don't onllll•d .. follow\ .. o ..... ,. R•gllt> lnilde tnem.•l'llOOOyoll1wyot\Iill• k II Y h t t th " •nd Dutlu , Ut1l1llt\ •nd C11>le ln•urenc• comp1n• 1400 No111> s a te very we . ou ave o use you rs ren g . Ttl••••lon", ··sJ<M-..rd E•wm..,,i.·· &roeow•v 1n ,,,. C•tr 01 s1nt• An• Thus w as born h ockey's mos t notorious ·support •nd Sttll•me nt county 01 Or-!>•••(' 01 C•111o•n•• E nm« t' d ·c t CALIFORNIA RE CONVEY ANCE "l'nforcer... FM.~~,;~:..<E•~,.n ommuni y COMPANY • Ctlllorno• Corp0r•h0ft B y the lime t he Flyers won the Stanley Cup in EXCEPT THERHROM•llo11,g ... "'duly -nted Tr11\lff u~· tndl 1974 . more on muscle than skill, Sch ultz had :',~:;:·~: ;1:,•,;r0:;:~:.;.,~~~ ~~,.'.:~~ ~:~Ei;u;• .. ~:~. ~~~ :~ lr<JnSfOrmed h i m self into the high-Sticking, rlglll ot \urf<Kt' tHtlry a• r@Wlrved 1n lru~tor, nl<Otelfd Oft JMWry 18 1919 •: nvt: THOUSAND DOLLARS m ean s nothing bra wlinn s katin i> goon he secretly abhorred. IMlrum•nll ot recoro AOd"r" ' "'lnnru....,,I No 7'IO'l'l •n 8<>0~ IJ004 I b h h d I ' 'JI. S · f"' '°' Rob•n. trviM C•Morn14t?1 U P•Q• lJtl. of OU1c1•I AttorO\ ot In a (' u . \~ IC ea :,, in m 1 tons us pe n s1on It was ea~y to get caught up in thE' heady elixir Ill .. \lreet 10dre\\ or common Or•norc-rv Sl•lf Of C•lilornl• ml•an~ noth1n~ if ) ou :,,till get paid They should of fan uppluuse and adulalton . Schultz s a id, calm d .. t11n•11on " '"o .. n .oov• no unde• th• pow•• o• ,.,. '"*'"n uh.o d<x·k lht.> pa) o f pla)er!> who insist o n rough, off the ice . he became an animal once on skates. ~.!:P~~=~.~~t!~~·,;:o:~ 10 '" ~::'':,~~1='.!!~~~"K:.uvc;~"::~~ illegal tactics ·· and a dded thut he often looked in the mirr o r a nd T"• .,..,,.,K..,,. unoo• "'1d e>«o 0' ~~.:~i:;·r..~~~~·~-;:,~·.~·:W:1~~~:~ The :vi uh C' incident proved a boon for Schultz ~ ··1d. "T h1"s ('"n 't ... _ m e ... l ru\I l>y IH""' .... l>rH<h or Olll•ull I I J .:tu e<1 uc ln tn~ Ot>l"'6Uon\ tttvr&O t"'er•by. w•rrttnf'f ~AO!t\\ Of 1me> 1fO •\ o ~ h u onl \' lu~t Dcct>m her. m collaboratio n w ith ··They sa y you ha vc to pla y rough because "'1retotore u 0<11ted •no oettvered to 1111•· uw. ~"''"on °• ~n<Um~•n<•• h k · Sl f' hi · h t Ill D I •It ffQht, lltlr .ind 1nt~rttf no'# n.etcJ Oy \ll' t'\ \\rtler • an isc er, came o ut wit an that's what the rans want," Schultz s aid. "ll"s .~~0:n:t~·:,': .. ~1 ·.:; D:~.n~':;,. 11 o wen 1Mtee 1n •nd to •n~ l''Jl!os1vt• k1 '>S ·<.1n d t e ll book o n his own s upposedtosell t ickels ··Whosa ys''l thinkthere S•l••"""'"'\ennot•oofbreach-ro11ow1ng~••l>f<IP .. •M"•"•uar•o "111 ('(.' regrl'l ll'<I ('•mt r i but ions to the v io le nce o r d h Id f of tll'<t-to t.tu\oP lhe ur>Mr\M,)ned to 1" 111• •lorft.tKI Coun•v .,,., ~, ... to are thousan s or people out there w o wou pre er .. 11 .. ,0 pro~''• 1o .. ""• •••d •11 hoc·key with SUf:!J:!C'Sltons for returnin g tt to "a n s eein g clean . artistic h ockey the kind the 0.,,.0,.110n,. '""" tnr•ullr• •M DEScR1PT•O"' a rllSll(' ~port und•"'"""" cou...,d •••d not•to ot All "'"' ""''"n IAno '''"~'""in ow ~ merican kids s howed us in th e O lympics... l>rHCll -of tlt<l•on 10.,. •f<Or<kd State 01 C•hlorn1a Counly 01 OranQf! __ !he· ~111k_t1tl.~·d . 'Tht• ll!!mmer_._(:on.fessig.ns .<!.L ~------------"1------------~~o••"''""' ~. i11ei ennttr-_.-..1" P:~~oew •1_. .... ,_ ... , -;- .1 Jl oc~kcy !';nforCt'I" .°' <Jfrcad y iS in itS third rullJC llT1C( fllllX l9TC( l>OOk U2t1, PaQt 1'4, ol wld OHlt1•• Unil :1119. h '"°""n •no GeltMd on pl 111ll11A. A~~~~d~lf w~I bt m-llul witnoul 11••1 <••l.,n Conoom1noum Plan 'fhl'.) ll'll me It ·s hard. for s t9 res lo k eep the "'C'TITIOUS I USINE$S NS-ttm coven1n1 or w.arr•nly upren or •eocord~o Jutlt' 11 1411 •n Boot. 11111 book 1m the· s ht•I\ cs.· said Schultz, speak inJ? fro"' NAMl STATEMENT rr1CT1T1ous 1us1N1ss 1mpt.ed ~o..,g 1111e "°'"'"'°"·or ~·11• ·~·s 0' ~11'' ·•• Ruoro• 0' fr ( T ne followlno perton ;, ool"g NAME STATE MI NT er><umbt~H. 10 P"Y Ill« r....,•inlno ••nq~ ount> •11•o•n•• his homt• tn BuH:ilo, JUSI before fly ing 0 o r """"""••, Tf\e following penon• •rt Oolng prin<•P•' '""'of'"" nott ..cured l>y ~~'!.«;!.~!,..,I '4th 1ntP.r•" 1n •no I I I J MC C (rttkMnll•I llullOlng llul•n•U •\. WlO DH'<I ol Trust, ••II\ Inter•\! •• In to 1..01 1 ot T ra< 1 No 10131 "' '"own on Skiing conditions 0¥f' rn1gf\I r •1n\ twve < k>Wd Mt 8a•d• and S.1 Su.nrlM 1n tlW So<ltrwrn < •Uforn•a ~t•l'.R •r•• SOUTttlEltN CALIFOltNtA Mount••n HIQll llt-74 incM• w•I •nd h•rd p.M.k, •It h tt\ OCJien, K '"'"• 11 • .-•• 7• Iner..• nerd c>Artl. •11 llHiooen Snow S..mmil 11 1' lnctw• Nrd enO!f"'Oltl'OW Ktr•-n~teo lnclle• MrO IMI•• All IHI>_. HHVefllY \/ .. ley .. ln<N\ IWlrO O<Kil NO•TNl ltN CALll'OltNtA T •floe Slit Bowl J7·11' lncho hard P.t<k. Ski lr><ll,. fN(k t•>o lncM\ MrO tOftwlt•nll 11) JOSEPH -CART~Y AR80L SPECIALTIES, lltS Hid nolt provldPd ~•net\, II •ny. a Map •e<0<oeo'" -•a . P•9<'~ •& CONSULTI NG I Id ti 1 1 Sycemore Ave!'...,. Tu•lln. C•lllornl• unO•r rn. term• o1.,. d ol Tru\I .o,.1u1t•,,I, 7l<t ~:nt ·~.!.,.,..J:~~~ '76'0 'r'!.~1~"~n0'0<'~ •,~ t~u·~,~n•c~!.~~a ,.,..,~ ~~ ~ .. o:.:~-::.~:~7.1!1::~;. .~~;!~ N••POl1 e..ct\, C-'lfoml• '1'61. ....... ,!:~(. ~~-t~!.'c·.':;,~!~! .!!!•mor~ *•' ~d· :...:_·G Of ~r~ c _ ... ,~d .. , •• -e Wiii ~ w I Ht •• , tmprovipmenh lf\rrton. JOMOll Iliff MtCM111y, n. ,S.1"1 •• S";k,.; K•wele, JJ5':!.to"or ~•IO= MonGI• ~en t~ 1"2 at .. upt.n9 thertlrom Co..aomonoum J •m•1 Pl•c•, Newport Be•cll, Awnue. LOSAnQttn,C•llio.-nt•-1 00 Pm •I,;... C,,.pm•n Avtnur Unll\ lll tnrouon H• •n<lu\Ovt C4f1.:f:'"~~-I\ <-..Cleo oy •n 8 ~· '"""°"· 4StO Admlr•lly enlr.on<t to tho C••K C<"'ler 8u1td1119 louleo ,.,.,_ lllOlvlO~I. W•Y. M•rlM0.1 Rev, C•lllornl•901'1 100 Eut Cnapm•n Avtnut 1n lh• PARCEL J JoM1111 I. MtCM1hy Ken S.k•IOI. Ut Werwkk Aw· city ot Or-. C••rlorn•• An t«h•••ve ••••nwnl '°' P•'"•no Tiii\ Sl....,_t ,.,.,. lllecl with t"9 nut, Sovlll P-. C•lltornl• 91030. Al tne tlm" ol Ill• 1n111et PUOllutlon 4no "1•1Pd °"'~' O•t• 111~1 PGtl•on ~=~.;~~~ Or•n~ cou;::.: Aw~~~~I~1'.~~~~Er:~: ~:E~!~~~~:~~=~:·E:;;·~lli; ~:~~·~.'.~; ~~o~~;:'.~ .. ~. :~~]1~~= P•Ck •nd-.t "'°""" ~-Vttl•crv 11 .. lt>Cll .. lPrlftQ ~-v.iiey -c-. relfl. Mt ROM ,,_,,, 1nchn Pu~itlwd Or.,. CMft O•ify Pitot. Ro•d. ThOuwftd 0•"' C•l•forn•• tru't •nd f'sllrNtled <OSI\ ••Pl'"W~. SortnQ\ (onoominium rttorOfd AOfit ,..,., l'eCI 10 11,t•.-<llJ,1'92 •n-«t tll40 1nd 1dv•n< .. " •Hl19t.•1 To 11 •OS"'.,.,.,. l1M• -810 °1 Don ~. 1100 800.,., StrMt, Oelt•mtne IN OOtntno l>ICI •ou m"' Ofl•fl•I Rt<°'"' •no ,. re<O<'O.O Ma~ "'°"" au""''°°""" c.oldm•nP O~ 1nthl!• 1ot1 e>e<k, .,1, ••'1\ opein w•I \"OW M.tmmot" Mout\t•1f"l 11 tn<hiei oowdr r on \tS •n<~~ oowo.r and "ttrcJ P•t "' M t Af'bia eio-n• 1n<l'W\ twird p.«k IM'Ck Stkle _.,.,,, 1 .. 1nc ... 1 ,,_,., IMl<k Do..ner Sill Rtn<,, ~120 ln<M\ n.,d pttO AlplM -~ 175 lnc1W1 Mr<! Pa<k, llv. llftloe>en Suo.t' Bowl •» teo Inc he~ h•ro IMIC • ) lilt\_.. 8MUI IOlll10 •n< ..... ,..rd ,..0 .,,, ... •llllffi- Kello. W•wngoton•t•'7t ult 111.i S&o-<133 J 1'11 in l>oo• 1~' D"Qt '20 ot Tiii• D<l\lntu I• conoucleo ov • 011• F"°'uary 10 1481 Oll1<1a1 R..:IH'O• •nd rt •ocordto M•v limited pe..,,_Sflip r D S--r•t<• Com1>.1nv J. ••1" on ooo• 121>.0 P•o• Sii ot "CTITIOUS8USINE$$ Luc-y Lor•t•, G•n•r11 ••wld Tru\ltt Oll•t•"' RKo•d• of O••"O<' Counov NAME STATIMI NT P•rt,,er (hr°' T llllul C•t1torn1• ,,,.,.,,... .. ., rrtrrrMl 10 •• The toltow tn9 oerton\ .,. doin9 TtH1 t.t4thHT..,,t WiU •••ed With ,.... .,,.\·~· SP<.ret•rv ·o~cltU4ltton di\ CdrP0'1 \C),t( .... No l>ullnH\ H County C~rk of Or•n<;ie County on 36l3 cem.no ~· Aoo Soutn Su•tr 204 l.44 $••d ••-• " ""'""' Gel•"4!d S 0 U T H CO AST ENGI NE J•n11••Y IS. 1911 San D~90. C• 91>0I lllO M\crtbed in Ar1•<~\ II .tno 111 o• REBUILOERS,l0'2 Enterp<IM, Coste FllllrJ ""' SM-a111 ,,,. D•<••···-""'"'· C .. ilorni•,,.,. Pul>h\hecl Or•noo (ot\I D•ll• PllOt. Pubh\neo 0r"'1Q<' CO.OI Daily Pilot PARCEL 4 Rtmo•u Co,.,,p•ri• ~n<. • ~eo 10,l1.1.t,Marchl,14JI? ..,~ Feb 11 l.i Marc,,J.1'81 1ll-t1 •n:,.n,,0':.:,~c,!.u~~!_._..n•d•:n•:v~~no'00'1 .... ------~-~------------~--------------------------------------,C •lllorn1a corpor•l1on. l042 y • •y • • ¥-~ • •¥•"-Entf rpriw Co.ta Me1a1 C•hforru• ,,,_. Cornmon Area Cki\iQnatPO in ttv DIATH NDTICIS \th 111 \ K 1: \ H II \ It \ I I. I \l\ .... lff.\lf II Ill Ill ol \ • \\ 11111 I I l• . 11 h I . 1 I '." 11 I ,1\\,11 ••ll l·d,.1111' II 1•1~·· 1\11111 \p1 II • 1·•::1 111IJ.t\1 .. 11 <111111 :--h1 I 111 I \1·d II\ h1 I !111 l"11tcl \\ lllt.1111 '-••II• 111111,dtl \\ l<11lw11 JI 1.11i;111' '\ 1l.n1•1i1 .. 1 < •• 111 I p,111·111 \1 1 .111d \11. \t " I I 1111' I \\ l" I " II I t ...... 11:111•• 111•,11 h ( ... 111 11 lll't ( 'lt,1111 \\ J• I h .,j S,1 It 1 )j1 Ctt e 1 11111 \ 11 I ttt Neotune Societv RE~Tl()t; 8 JR.Al Al ';LO\ 646-7431 Our literature lell!i thf' ~i:n~i.4l r.tory o f our socoely , ..... C4 ... -....-c-- ,AClflC VIEW MEMOatAL '.tJllC Cerreterv Mortuc1rv Chapel-Crematory .l!>OO Pac1t1r V11»11o D'"'' Newpott Bc-acn 644 :1100 McCottMICX MORTUAltlfS l JO lHlci £\'·I• I 494 9415 L.1Quna I t.11 ... 768 093.1 San J uan Cao1-.1ra11\1 495 I 77h HillOI UW.._MT.-Ol.IVI Mortuarv • Cemetcrv Crematorv ,_ 1625 Gisler Ave Cos1a Mesa !>40 5!>!>4 ,.IY CI l lOTHIU H U. .. OADWAY MOaTUAaY 110 Bro. Ow;1V Co91a Mesa i;.2 9150 U L Tl IUGoHO~ SMITH & TUTHU.L WH TCU., CHArll 427 f 17\tl ~· C~t• Mes."! ~46'~371 NICl llOTHIH SMITHS' MOITUAIY 6'7 Mein S t Hun llnqton eeec:h !>36-6$39 • A '16'1• Nil.JC "'11C( PlllJC 111'£( Of< l•rAllOn \aid P.tu•ment b4t•n9 Tht\ t>u\•n•n 1\ COnclUCtitd by • turlt'ltr OPfln~O ttnd Ot-S<.rtt)~d 1n corQOr•ttOn Arhclf\ If •no 111 ot tnt: Ofo<--.r•t•on R•m!MIUC-• Int rr1CTITIOUSIUSINESS NOTICE OF DEATH OF Th• tolet amou'll ol tnr unP••O I ' I I Il l I I MK na.tR MtD•n,.1 NAMIESTATEMENT MARIES. WINT H E ISER 010'01~<1:~•,1 ~.1111•nc,.•.,.~nn•'~~·'.,',h1•m'a'0,:0 " I''" .. 1 11' I" "''''' I l'l111l1p ... ( '111111 ( • .!Ill•'' Ill f " 1n111-. .llll . Pre\!Ot'nl The IOllOWlf\Q Of•\011\ ... dOlftQ < n r --~·. < 1 11111t 1ttlil1," f 11,1 111 \ "' I 11 1111 t 1 .111il l(.111d \ L'I ,, 11tle hiltl11 11 :--lum h1·1 Tn1• .. ,., • ......,, w,. ti1.o "'''" ,,,. bu•lnen•• A N D OF P ETIT ION TO <O•I\ •• .,......,.. ""d M••nc" •• '"" II h 11 County Cler• -er Or•n~ Counoy °" SWEET CREA MS ICE CREAM ADMI NI ST ER ESTATE 11m• 01 '"" •nil•il t>ul>hUl•on o• '"" I "I' ,Ir ill \111 oil \\ 11•11•\•·t 111 .... 1111.1 \11.1 I ' 1111111 \1'11.tllrtll\\Ot" t'I •111 Ft1>ru1ryl,I~ P AR LO R,"' t l lh Strtet. NO .A112123. Nn,'1,<o"..."',n•IU!orm'al8t1o'n1w•ot"l"•l1u11~ \l• Ii· ti 'd1,1• I\,, I I,,., \I 11. \l1f ,11 111\ .. 1 \1111111.1\ Ft'l1111,ll\ l.i. 1!1>1:! Flnt.H ~unlln11tonBn<:n,Celilorni.•?M8 r ... .. """ >< \" '"'·'' .111<1 ..... 11 I I ,. ,, II 111 I I I • 111 .111" I 1111111 1:' IWI 1111011 ;,, .-, IHll'\I Pubh\l'ledOr•"Q<'(O.SI D•llV Piiot. Roberl~rtl'l,Jr 30'l70lnSlrut, • T 0 a I I h e I ,. s . deem• reh•Dle. l>ul lor .. 11.cn l•U\I .... \lo,lw.11 \II \lr·h• ,11 "•'" L1.111d1 hi1.l1111 S1·1\11·1· .. "ill al. llJ1I"" 1..11111 ~l11r111.11 1 Feb 10.11,1'.M•• J l'le7 u w1 H11n1tnQtonBN cn.c•111ornte'1M8 b e neficiaries. credi tors ~·~:,;:·:;,~~·:~":11:,,.;;;:;;, .-11 ... ,1 , . .,.1 1"1111 '''""' 1., h1ld "I• \\1•!1111·•11.1 \ I h;lfHI \I ,,,, ot lh1· ,,,;1~11~:::slnM•l\tOftd11ttedbY•n and contingent cred1torsot d~•·gn••-ot1he•bo .. o .. crol>t'O o1 1.111 .. i111 t1111•111•il1.1I• 1·111111,11' 1, l'IX:! .111!1·,11111·1111111 "·I" lll'ltl ••n PllUCllTICC Rollff1M41rton Jr M aree 5. Winthe1ser and P•oP4'•tr•• ).lqSt•umwooo "'"n' St h1111I 11ttl '"'' \\ ·'' .1 I 11111'\I .ti lf.11hq1 l,.1\\ll 1111•,fl.I\ h·h11t.11\ tr, l'.IX:! 1-------------Tlol\ ste~t *ft 111<'0 with tM p e r sons who may b e C•lifornr-•7714 ,.ICTITJOU• IUSUitlSS . -. S••d pt'OC>fttv '' bt'IAQ \010 tor ittw- \\I' 11 """"" ·• 11<' ""~".ii \11 1111011.ol C"lo.q11•I \\tlh al 111 IM•\\I ,11 SI .ln.1c-ll11n' NAMEST~TaM€NT Covnty c1er11. 01 Or•n<;ie Cournv °"otherwise interested 1n the ourpo., ot P••'"fl Ill• obtogatoon, I\ I ti' t .111d 11 1 .11 ("flt'I I 111 1• I 111 1' II I ._I' I I IC ' t'' l';ol h11lt1 l'h111 1•h l•'t1t,of Th• tollowplng pe"o" I\ dolno l'el>rueryl, l'-2 F1127t0 Wiii and/Or estate · H t urt'd by Uld OH<t OI Tnnl 1'"111tl't 11 ,,.,\"1· 11 ill lw hl'ltl 1111n11·d1 .111•1 \ t•ill11\\ 111).! 11111·1 1r11•111 11 ,,, ;;t 11 1111 1>u,1nnu• Publl•heclOr•• coe11 D•llY Pnot. A pe tition has been filed ~n,~~~~!,,),':.'s.~':1 t •l*'U• 0' ,,,. ' "" \\ 1·tlu1 ...... , I • ·111 "·"I I: ..... , \ ....... 111td1 •1 I ho• "" t•t·I "'" .... ,. I' II I,. h \'I I I'm t• 1 ,. r \ THE WHITLEY COMPANY. )tit. Fen 10, 17, u . M•r 3. ,.., .,,.., b J h A h bO lh D Puttm•n St•ffl. wilt' 115 (>:At• Me... y 0 n r e am 1n e 11fd Ftbtuarv 8 1~7 l!t~' .11 111 '"'\\I .11 l'.11 1111 111 II .11 1~11 I ·""t \1 1111111 011 \ t• I >i ,111c 1• t '.1 In I 11· 11 111 c-111orn1• '262' Superior Court o f O range ~=~ =~,;;~~~:. '" ,, \1 .. 1111.111c11 .• .,..i . .,111 \11111 11.11' 111 I .. ,1,1 \h• ... 1 llm"·1' 1111' 1.1m1h 11•11111·~h ,.,,, L Wf\itt•v. 1tts1 s.."""' Nll.IC•llf County r equesting t hat Bys..,.,,,..F.,,.,,.no It• 1 J .. • 1•h ~1 1 111>111 111 ·,-,;,1 <11111.1111111" 1,.. m.11lt· 111 1h1• P;:~,· w.-.t.Lavur\4IHlll•,c •111.,,rw• John Arc h ambo b e E•t<ut1v•Vi<•Prf'\•<M"\t 111111 111111 1111\ lllh Ill .ti Jflll,!'>0' S.1111lpq1\'I . lftt,11: lfo-.pllul T~I\ llu•lnr.u I\ tonOuc ted l>y •n STAT,!~"!~.!'TWNIET1tH•OHltl!WAL appointed as p e r sonal ~StCorblnAvmUP 1· ... 1111 \11·\\ \l•n1111 l.1I .1\1"" l'\ll. 1011'-..;s n\ ~.·1111·1·-.111111t•1 thl•tl11e•l't11111 1n01v1du•• Ol'E1t'Amo .. ~NDE1tf';CT~Tious repr ese n t a t 1vE' to ~~~,";:.:,·~"9'"' I'•' 1 k \ 1· \I fHll' I H ,. ·" It r1•,1rl1•111 111 Fount 11111 \',o lle•1 111 11 11 rtw11· 1..1\Hl ;\l1111n1 Uh \'I' Terri wnittey euSINISS NAMI adm i n i st e r the estate o f Pubtt~he<I Oo'an9t '°"''' D•llv Piiot l'.111111 \11\\ \111111111\ l ',1 l'.1,-.1•11 ,1\\,1\ 11fl\l •11·111.11·\ 111 ('"•l.1 \11·-.:1 Thi>\lale....,,l'fnlilt'Owllllll>e h lll>Or · S Fl)177'M.a n)1"'7 IJS.7 • • • , . County Cl••k ol Or•noe County °" T,,e lollOwlnq per'°" H w •wn M a r 'e . w I n I he I s er e •< I d11 .. 1101 hl/111.111 I'.! 111>1:.! Iii•\,,,.., 1111 11."tl Frbruerv&,1"1 u • O<'nual P•rtner lrom tlle !under the Independent \I .. \ \ , ... _H I IH· \ It' t' f'T""" I rt I' n I II I -R<r1.t::\' rrta.M r.~~:~.~:·.h':11:.~:~~tl:.11m~n:~r r~": Administration o f Estates .I \ I I\ I F,11 111 -..1 I ttl 1" •I .tll•lll 1111 .l."1 L " I I \ I' l'()ZL"\ I ''ltlt•ltl Pul>hllwd Or-C.0.\1 Ottlty Pllol 00 A t) Th t t I f •.• • • • \ .... l F•b 10.11,1' M.trcnJ,I~ ., ... , TYPESETTI NG R M •I 3176 c epe I ion IS c;e or \If-.\ \\Ill-II " 111• Ill "' ""'" 111 "•'' ,1 ll1t'lllhe•1 Ill 11f lh!Ollllj.!lllll lle.1C'h («1 PvllmenSlr-.S..lte ll5 C°'t•Me .... hearing in Dept NO J at NOTICEO,TRUSTEE'SSALE l l\111• t ,, l '.1 •'II""·" 1111 lh•· \1111·111 ,111 ~11\"l\'I' 111 l'.1'"''d :t\\J\ on S11nrlu~ C•~l~o;n:~c~~ou\ buitnu• neme 700 Civic Cente r Drive, T.S.No.ll·Stll l•'1· l11 11.11' I .I I !ti. ' 1111 • 11 l.11h1 11•;1111111 1-:111!1111·1·1' .11111 ,, Fe•hrna1·, 1 f. l!»I:! 111 K 111.;1·1' l'UtllC •TICE \l•tementtor the per1,,.ri111p w.s 111•4. w est, in the City of Santa • ~n .~~~h F~:Tnr~~n~o. C:, ~::! \ll ~'11'1 .•.• I'll.I Ill i ;11•11dalt• "'""''"'" "' lht• \m1·11<".1tl 11 11:-111\ul. Bl•llll111\l'I t'•• Oii De<tmber 2, '"°'"Ill« County of Ana C alifornia on March Tiiie ln•urtno Comp1ny 115 N c".1 '>11111\•·cl II\ h1' 1Aoi11 • lill'.I'\' 111,1111111• Iii-\\,I' ll1i1n :--Oml'mlwr 21 l!JU7 HI ,.,CTITIOUS8U$1NISS Or•nq<' 10 1'982at9 JO am ero.own. C•t• o1 S..nt• county of t NAMI. STATEMENT Full Neme •nd Addreu of lhe • : · · •·'II 11 1,1 1111, :--11 \ ,. .11111 ·""' a r111•111l11•r of 1111' l11n.1 l 'h1<•ugo, llhno" Shl• ('l!Oll' P••·-Wl ...... r•w..... IF YOU OBJ CCT to the Or•nv• rn lh• Stet<t Cl' C•hlorn11 I \I I ( •• I The lo11owln9 p•ro" h doing -· ,..., ""' <4 SAFECO TITL,E INSU RAN CE I "'' , \ 1111 I I I' I • "" ("luh ol \\,tl•m l',1 ,,, \.H'll lo Cah orniu Ill 11152 rom •lnHlH LIM A. BriM•. 1.01 ~Arthlir granting of the pelition . COMPANY • <Of'POf•llori ... Trli\IM I :I , " \ I I \ ·' " .1 ' I !I f .I... "I I ht' 111111 I I It I! I ,, n Ch ll' Jl::O. llhno1:-.md h \'l'Cl in Or•nvt D<!H• ..... GUEST 'eE. Blvd., 20,~i ~~A:.j;.~lllorn•• '710< you should eith er a ppear u,,.,.r , ... Dffd ol lru\I .. Kuled .,, 1-: ... 1·11111t111l11 ' ·' .rn•t "h11 l1 ·1 I l.trh11111 \11i:t1·1' 111· 11 ·" ,, II 1111t 111gton Bt•Jc·h. Ca. in ~;, 0••"9• Ave"Ue Co•1• -.. "tso.Jt a t the hear in. g and s ta. te :'.~~:~~~·,•. ,'!.";'~~d:~,::.~~:· ll.111111 111\11,,11111 \1t·111 l".1 "'l1·1an 111 \\01ltl \\itr II , -.11wP 1976 She• \.\as Chwl Le11c1ac11ar,.h-v.1s.asc.1umet Publlt11eOOr•nvt Coe11 De11yP1io1. your objections or file , .. ,11"..,''°'5Pt11e•Uot Olll<••• .111d ""''"'' .Jt11:--.i11.1r..tl 111l111l1·d Sf.111·-. \1r l-'111·1·" Op o•rutor 1111• l;l'l1l•r;e l Court,R•-si<H C•lllorn1e•?S06 Fe1>10.11.2•.M•rl.tM1 •1s-12 w ritte nobjections withthe Ar<o•dilt'l tlw otflct oltheRe<Md<!r 1'11 Im t .1 I· 11111 1 ti ·• 1111,., h.11111..: "''" ,.., ,,, ,, pilnt aml ll\'nam•l'!\ lor 211 \ '"'"'· -.Ill· Thi• 1>uilneu 1' <OflClv<led by an courl before the hearing o,.,'.?..',,•"011i'1 ~.~~n11v1n 1~1~~.~. 1>0Yr ·1111 ho • li··lil ,, I ll•'"·" •• 1atl111 01w1.1l111 lit'"·" 11'.1 .. ·' mt•nth1•1 or 1h1• lndlvldu•I -..... ftl'C ---·~ -··~· L.tkl• c11ar,.1.ay ,._ 111M: Your appearance may be P••form•nc• of oattgellon\ se<uroo r. 11111.111 It. l'tk' ,, ·, 1111'\I "'" .. I'll/I 111.:hto-1 .111d ·' Ht"''" l"l'\0 t1111l l.ul ht•1.1n Tiii\ ... ,.,,.,...,WM llleel will\,,.. in p e r son o r by your lll•••l>Y '"<ludtn11 '"' b•Uth o• ,11 1';11•1111 \h'\ \111111,11\ I >.:111\.\t'IJ.:hl tt11tl1•111l11 1111 l'h11r!'h f111t1lll11!IOO lk,o('h. Counll Clrr'O..of Or-oroFel><~ryl, ,.ICTITIOUS I USINESS dl•ull note.of nttll n ra.o I." ·' I" I I' ,, I I I I• \ I. \\ I h1 \II 1-'111 l I I l.1 \ llll! l1t•e•11 ( •• ·'ml J mt•rnht•r o f the '"1 .. ,.,.., NAME $T"TEMENT attorney. .:,lO .... :iocv..:n. no w)6.,;7..0 - \l 111I11,t1 \ '''"!'"'' llt•.1f h ,1 1t••urf1•n1 111 Sn\tlht•in 1>.n11{hh.•1'" ol ;'\:tll\\OJ)' in Publi•MO Or•ntl" County 0.lty Tll• 1011owln9 P•t1on ll doing IF Y 0 U ARE A u 212 p1gt 18•7 ol •••O Ollltt•• d11P1l111 ' I .ilel11n11.1,1ll t11, hit• ht• h u.tl l'hH'JJlfl, llltnOI)\ S11r \ll\c•d Pllol,Feb t0,t7,1•,M•rtll3.19'~""•tbtlsli:t',!°~ PROOIJCTIO NS, 2101 ( R 1E 0 I T 0 1R o fr a ~<~:::.:"~":0~~!1:..•~<:~':1~~ c:nttl"(; ·' 11111111at11111 Ill lht• ~11·1•1 h\ 2 ...ims. Gordo n R or •"""' F•lrvl•• Aven11•. Cost• Mu•. cont ngent cred tor 0 the mo,,.v of ,,.. Unllt'O Sl•ltt, wilhoul \ I''. I( 0 \ I \ t; \ I":--\11·1,ol \\'111 lo.1111: ,111<1 t ht• l1 11nttn1o,'l.on llt•ad1. Ca ,oml C•lllor,,t•'261' d eceased, YOU mus t file eny co..-or w..-r.,,ty, n""wo ti<llll\t: 11•,1111•111 111 (",,1,,11,, li11 ·"" 111ch1-.11 t1•' u .. lht• Ht•\' l .<'c ll Rru('n with thl' Piil.JC •Tll Oun E. O•m•rH, ,,., '"" your c laim with the courl or Implied" 10 1111•· PO•wuion. °' tld \la1 C'a 1>,..,,,.fl .1\1,1\ ""'' 111 thl' n.11111n lit> 1' ~all•m 1.uthrrun Ch urc·h Strfft.Rl~lde.C•ftfof'lll•etSOt o r Presenl i t t o t_h e ::~~n";b;:~~ic.~r.!t":,:'r~s~:; 1111 Fd111,,,11 II l'i>I~ stw 1, ,.111 \l\t'<I 11, h" \ult· l..iNdlt· Wl\illll'r ., brotht•r Ernl'~I l'1cnr1ous1us1Nus ,,,:1~•:,:,"""• 11 conduct..,°" •n personal representat ive OMOolTruR.ttw 1n1e ... •1<onveveo10 Mll'\l\e•d "' h•·I "'II' Holll'rl "' F11u111a111 \.lite•\' ('a II(') or C."hlru~o. llltnol~. u The .:~:.~!A::r~:n·~. dolno DMnE.o. ..... " appointe d by the court -.Id TruRM bY ... 1c1o..d 01 lrli\t ,,, I. uf ,..lornla ;11111 U11,111 ~: 111 cl u 1titht<·1 T<·i i 1 Moure· ol !oo iStl'r Ruth ll umml'I nf 111n1ne1us: co".:'::Y ~~: ~~..::!~C:~:Y '!: w ithin four '!lont~s from ~',0::~~~ ~:~~!~i'nc!~,0~~~:'Y•n°~ ll:t\\:.111. ctuui.:hlt'I'' Mu•ll'IW lluntini:ton lll'l•l'h. l'u .rntl f l111i<lu. 2 i:runclchilcl rcn . Ol1MAK1, m F'ANTASYLAND. Fftru••Yt.t.., the date of firs t issuance ducrlb•d,.. Tiie So11t11•tt••••Y 11 uh ha 1 cl a 11 cl Sh 11 1 •> n ~·:inc hon .li·rum\ St'I'\ IN'' H1 mn and ,\µr1l R1J1l'n. l>0th :::~ C• llornl• street, '°'1• MHA, CA ,., ..... ot letters as provided in 141 on '"' Of '"' No<'\,,..,.,,.,"' 1so Shp.1k1m h111h 11f \I 1d11i.:.111 ; ,qfl tw twit I on \\'\•dnt"•'t." 11f 11 untml(tnn llc'.1rh. Cu s ET su I( o KR 1 c KL. U H l"llbllihld 0r..,.. Co.tM 0•11• Puoi, Section 700 of. the Proba te ~::, :9'" ~·~·;~~'!. •;;.,::;: I! r ,1 11 fl,.h~IIf 1 ,. n ,1 11 cl 1 f"i•hrn.111 17 l'IR2 ut 5 301'\1 .rncl numt•roui. nll'<'\'' <tnd C•llfornl• s1,...1. Cott• Me'•· CA FM 10• 11' to.Me< '· "" •tMJ Code of Cal 1fornla. The Htlgllts 1n me Clly e1 Cott• Mew, A:•c;et lir;intltl,111~,hlo•i 1-'rnal JI llarhor 1.,11111 Mtm•trlJI 1wphc•\\S St!l'•kt>!! wall ht flt26 time for filing c laims w ill Co11nty •• Or•nt•. u H r mlp 1111\'I nll'lll '"1\11 t'" \.\ 111 Ill· rhu1>l'I Sl'1\1('l':1 uncle•t 1 hl' b l'I d t> n W <' d n r 'I d a) 1,,:1~1.:,!:si-~ " con\MtM °" "" ...C Illa not expire prior to four rnorded 1" eoo" •. P• .. u 0• h<'lfl Ill till' r:untl\' ptnl in tll l'l'l'll On Ill ll arh ot• Ft•hr11;.ary t7,1!1l12u1 2·001'M Setwllol(rlckl months from the ~te Of~:=·=.,.~'!;.:;.~!,~·ofHld M ('lHlll'\ ('1•1• .. 1 ('l'ltH'l l'r) La\\ 11 l\1011111 Ohn· Mortuor~ In 'l'rinlty Lullll'run t hu1'rh Tllll tl•-1 WM 111141 wltfl 1... STAT•MaNTOl'WIT"DllAWAL the h earlno noticed above. TIM llflfllld bolanu •M HllM•t• 01 ni'lroll \lll'hiJt.lll Tht• ol l'Mtu~ll'11u 5 IO ~S~. Pnmonu: C'u . wilh Pasto ~=n:y1~er• ot Or•"tt Ceuftl\I.,. l'1tOMf'AltTNedM1POPl1tAT1No • co'"··~~ eftd .,.,_ .. • ot f.imih "''llll'''' 111 lll'u 111 .'1 11.1.t-:R 1'11t•lv1n l.u n11cl11nd u n · · .,, .. , u:::~~O:' thyof1u1 M AY EXAMINE =~,!~i:'!.'!!:,i1!!~!f~·~' fh>\H'r' clon;11111n' II\• mt.tdi· C l.A H,.:(' :\l lLLl-:K . Pu s t o r Jl n\.\1•11 F'o l<' "'*'l-°'9ftllG ... o.11yl'ftel, TI1efll......._~,, ... 11110r•-lfe ekeptbythecourt. Tll11l•Ht.ooreuoee111er t 0 sh l' r 111.111 (;,,I cl t• n .. I l''ld \'nt or ~~·11 l>llr1 Rt•u(•h. orr1clattng lntt•rnwnl will Fn "· t•. ~Ill. 10 .. 1• ,.,.., n • ,.,,.,.1 P•rllltr '""' 1111 you are interested in the Cllmmotl M!tn•tlon If MIV, ..... (·~1r1n,1 clt•I '1l 11r. l '.1 c,1 p .. ..,,,,<I •''"'"\o n in P o mon:i Ccm ('ter.Y ll•••11•••11••0111••11,...,n•er111e state, you may f ile a , .. ,,,_,tvoeur11teo •ii.w tt .. " ... ~ llTICl 11e11t1o ... ~ ,.._ .. o,.•HO• re"uest with th c t t ~ ... , ... --· !kn•<''-'" 11nd1•1 llw 1h rl'rl111n F1•br11ar\' 1:1 1!1112 She \.\ u:t a F'ricndi; moy coll at Tod cou1o1r-y LEGAL CLINIC, ot •s N. ... e our 0 T"• ""*""'*' T"'''" 01,<1•1m, !JI llarht1r Lu"n ~luunl OliH· l'l'i.ldcnt. ,,, th1:. nreu loll\CI.' Mcmorlut Chnp('I, Pomona Tutllll A-....... lenM ... no_, CA. receive 5f)e(la l notice (.1 1117 •llllllllY .tor 11\YJIKOHt<INlii of \1111luar\ nf C11-.111 \fl .... 1 l!J:)2 and .1 11\1.'rrllwr of St <.:a .. today. l-'t•hr1111ry IS. 19H l'tc:TITIOU•l ll.10..... Tll• mnnou• 1111.r .... ; ...-m. 'he-inventory 0 -estafe Ille,,,, .. -..... ot ... r tllft\1114111 .•111' ........ c• .l111wh1m·~ Ctttholk Churt·h r1om 3 OOPM lo 9·00PM un "AMelTATIM••T ..... 0 ....... ..,, ', .. ,,.'*,-, ... ~··•11'" ssets and of the petitions "o''011T•,•lollo~!:'~"'r•ln , .~ Tilt tollow lnt "'1°" It doln• Ill 8' • 11 '"' '"°""''.. CCOUnlS Ind rapO t A .......,._,.., t-1100\'~K S ht• 1:-111tr\'i••1>d b) her Qn Wcdnexlll), ,..t'bru<ary l 't 1111eu<H: or.,.. r !. h1H1tc1•ry· 1C.ll.TH1t'l"f4 s ;\!,BF.RT,\ M ttcK>Vl':H , hu"b ·nd ltit•h urd f. 198a rrom ff·OOAM \0 l~: ~""°·PUWHl11111Mf'le(,Ulllt "vll H•1M •11d A~tttll lllt S~.rJbedlnSec:tlon1200.5 DAOOeTT,M~l4lf- n•!t1dcnt or lht• .S11ntt1 t\n,1 c htldrc l\., Hlt·h11rrl (' or noon In h NI or r!OV.<'t'JI th •• C•tt•MeM.Getlttf'lll•~ ....... WtlMrowlflt. MICHAEL"· f the California Probate Acl4lrtll. 1110 Jtll•n•" Wu . ltll'i1 for the Plll'll :lO vt•ari. 1°\•xas. Karlu Rudl'IWt•k flf (om I I r r e.{l u c 1' t , Hu11=1.::::C:-~°'::.,.,~•r "~:,~s=:;..~c:=:tk•,Wlo Ode. =·IN<.11.'CA, ,...,.._mo f''ln"rort;'!wny-nn rcl>l'lT!H'~ l\tnr \1'!'illt'., 0, T~oMU!I () contrThulf&\11 IX' made lo ti\ Tlllt MIM9 It <INMIH W M '!*Mel II ..... ,.. l~eco TllLI INtUllA NCe ., 1 M M t t"' f R 1 11141tvi.u.i: ,. ..... , I . A . aouveron, c: A .. v,.c..-.._,.,......, l l. 1982 ., II t' "'11 11 11 n a 1H au ru 1)0 " o . I.' s u r r e C' t o Oert•o Mt•• uwof(PKUOf' Attorney at Law • 20951 A •••o• JOJ w 1111 st, s111 UIHll•r\.\rltt•r ror Snf('n 'Jc•\.\p011 n1·uch, ('n. mnther Lu thtr>1n C l\ur('h . 981 Tiii• .. .._ -fl ... 'ttfttl , .. MICMA.L.111. .. AH l r oollhur1t Suitt 3 ••rlllfdlM, CA .,~. T•le-"- ln:.ur,11¥C' lor lh p:1 .. t t2 Mar.) " (.'onn\'11 of (.'umn11 II am i I ton . II unt i n Al o n C.vntv C:lorlt .. 0rdfl90 (Wiiiy -.............................. " .... t L. .. c& 1r1•1-.m1 \C1o11s Shi• '' ~un.u..00. lh <lei Mnr. C'o . t>rother Jolm B~ach C.i 92646 Todd ,..,.,.,.,u,ie un t Oft •tlCn. "" 11Y:.1C.-.-1to h · , "'""' ..... ._CA,... 1646• tel~D 4.....,.a.c.Po11ef'Y f'I' h u lurnfl M arvln oC fl t;onn1:l l o f l'il'WJH,rt Memorial t:hopel. Pomona, Nell.,.°"._. e-o.11, "''*· ""*""'-o...,... c-. 0.1.., "'-. ~ , .... ·Oet•• ... ..._ "'*"'"" 0r.,... ca.tt Oo11, ,., ... , ~1101;1 ,\n11 C>t, <'h1ltlrl•n. Bt·u<'h.Ca .iu11t~r Mur\ Ann dlr<'c10111 .1111.21,...,a,10,11,1• 49Nt. ,..._tt,1',M.~•.•• ttNt l'•.11,11.11, UM2 ,...,,u ,u ,Mett.111."'8 ..ua ' • ... . .. Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Wedneaday, February 17, 1982 J-\. 9.,1.1~. Pn tl ... t 1111• tl•lelMnt wM Ill .. with Ille Ce111nty C"rll. ol Or1noe County on Jen1o1•1y :it. 1"1, '1U1U1------------ P11llllt'*I Or1119t COltt O•lly Piiot. 1'•11 ). 10, 11, 24, t'lt'I UI U . 'tCTITIOUI •USINlll NAMI STATIM•NT Tiit ltllowlno 111oont ••t dolne b<ltlntU tl TH E LATEST THING. llU Ptt1t•IU Clrclt, HunlinQ(On ·-"· c.u,.,ni.~ Kim Adkin•, 1400 Eldtn, •10 H11nllllllfOll &.ffl'I, Celllorl\I• 92•71 Me'ty \.011 Wlllltm\, 1 1'1 P rtstwlo Clr<lt, Hw>llnvton B-"· Celllornltm4' Nick Wllll•l'nl. 11'7 Prt Uw lO Circle, H..,llnttel" &ttcl\, Cl lllornla ,,_ Tllll ~IMU Is CO"d11<1ed h • QeMr1l p"1Mfll\lo ·---------..--PfCf,TtTtoUI I UllllHS .. AM• IT ATUMlllT Tht IGl-1119 ""Of\S ••• dOlnt llllSlfltHtt . l t l ll EA\. PRO P E R TY MANAG~NT .. SERVICES; (b ) A P M , inn Mein 51, .. 1, S..llt a. lntlnt CA '7114. tTEllllN ALLEN MILLEA.'°' W, Btrkelt Y, S..tt AM, CA "1707. Tiii\ ~ It <-led by 111 IM l•ld ... t. 51t"911AH ... Mlller fhlt ..__I w•S fllecl wllll IM C01o1nty Cieri. ol Or•noe COlol"h Cl" Feb t t"2. PllUSJ PubllUWd Or-Co.st OtHy Piiot, Feb J, 10, 17, 1', 19G Ul.f'I Kl,,,..r·ly A Adkin\ •llJC •""·( .-... II . T111s si.t-i wH IUtO wlll\ tM ----"'----"-''---CO\ol,.ly c-Of IM°' ..... COllnty on -l'ICTITIOUS •us1N•H ,, Fttwvery 1, t"2, l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAM• STAT11MllllT ,ll'tDI NAMIJTATEMEN'J BISON AECOllOS, .Ol ·A htll P11bll11Wd Ora19 CM\! O•ll• Piiot. T l\t IOI low Int Pt non 11 dolnO Strut, Newoort 8••<11, Ct lllor,.11 Ftb. l, 10, 11, 1•, 1"2 SIJ,fl b•"'""' u • 92"3 ~L6 4 2 KA.THY HANSEN INTERIORS. Jolln Frtttk Rottlll , *-A »Ill w VI• \.ldo Nord, New....,, a .. ch, CA Slrttl, Newoorl 8ucll, Ct llfornlt D n~ n~ ---.. -1-C_T_IT_l_OU_S_l_U_S_lll_l_S_S ___ Lldo":o:.L:.i:.~ :;:.~:.~ :::; ...• ..:1~11~.:::.•1llff• Is COncl..Cted .,., •n I llAMI STATIMINT Thtl butlnu1 11 coM..cla<I by an JOlln Rotell<t Tiit lollowlnQ per\q,it I\ doing IM l•ld111t. • Tlllt Sllle"*lt wM filed with 1111 A bvsln.ssas. ICATH\.E.El\I M H-'NSEl\I County Clerk ol Oranoe County on GA EENWOOO'S MILL, tl •I• This, ........... w .. lllt>CI With '"" Ft orutryl, I'll?. Am Isled. Unll G. Founltln Vt llev. County Cltrlt of Ott,... Counly on Jan, '11Mtt Ctlllornl" 921Cll I, t"2 P11011111t>C1 Or•19 Co.wt Daily Piiot, Sust n Grnnwood, ••IS AQn1> "'"HJ Fttb tO, t7, 1•, Marcl\J, 1"2 Avenue, Nor1h HollyWOOd, c1111ornl1 Publlshtd Or•noe Ca.sl O•llv Pllol, ------------•-tM....aJ, I ".CW. Ftll. J, 10, 11, 14, I'll? S46-'1' " This bl,.1nen II <OncllolCltd by 1n 1------------ lndlvldual 1111111111' MlllTIC[ PIM.IC flm:( SUstn GrHnWOOd l"WWU\< .., Thi• llitle..-1 WM lllecl will\ the 1------------P'ICTITIOUS •UllNHS L Counly Cieri< of Or•nte COlolnly on l'ICTITIOUI eUSINESS NAME ST-'TEMl!NT Jtnuuy ,., ,.., NAME IT•TEMENT Tll• tollowlno l)e<l~I ••• dolno 1'111•1 TI\• folfOWl/IQ Pt,.on .. OOlnQ 1>U1lnM1 .. Publl\/wdOrenve Cont O•llY Ptlol, tM.t1lneun. EXECUPLAN, uu Lt nt lO J•n 17, Feb l, 10, II 1'97 H 1"1 PHOTOGRAPHERS WEST, l?lO A•tnue IS..lte Cl. Ir.IN. C•lll•rnlt Mo,.hnl Avenue Co1u Meu, '2114 y FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie tollowlnQ oer>on h dol"Q buslne11.as It EYES •WEST DEStGl\IS, 4020 8 1rc l\ Street Sull• 701. Nt wPorl Betel\, Ctl1fornl• '7660 JOEiien 5 K•YH. ll'J) Mtrlntr\ Ori••. Newoorl Buell C•lllorn1a 91660 Tiiis bull""'' " conclwcted by en tftCllYIOuai. ' JoE11.,. 5 t<evt1 Tllll iltl-t wll !tied wlll\ Ille County Cle11< ol Or•noe C01o111ty on Jtnu•rY H. 1"2. I F11117S Publl\IW<I Or•f\99 Co.ul D•llv Pllol, Jan 77. Feb l, 10. II. 1'91 ~ )-~------~--~ • PUIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATl!MENT Tiie to11ow1110 pe,.on is do1n9 t>ustnet.' ., MOBI LE SM-'LL -'l\ll MAL VETERINARY SERVICE .... Pooler, L•ount Bff<h, C•lllornla m~1 Ann Mtrloe Lwces, o "v 'Iii . 411 Popl•r l..•ouna tt••cn l.e11to'"'• 92451 Thi1 bu11n .. u '' conducted by •n ~rtOivtou•I Ann M LY<•S. 0 V.M Th11 ltal,,..._t was 111.0 will! 11\e ICounly Clerk of Or•-County .,,, Janu•rv 2S 1"1 FIU n • I Publl\IW<I Oranoe Ca.\! ot11v Pllol, Jen. 27 Feo l 10. 11. 1"1 u4..n 115-tl.S. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT T11e 10110•1n1 "'"°"' er• dolno b<lslneu 111 UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES OF OREGON, L TO , 1101 Owll Slrfft, N-Por1 S..cll. Celllornl• '1660 R-Zul<ln, ms Crou Cn!tl< Ltne, M&llbu C&lllornl<1 '°7U W Clarl< G••••1. ll Su lilano Orlvt, NewPOr1 llt•<ll, C•ltlornl• ~660 Rober1 8 Miium, 160I Ruth L&,,., NewPOr1 8NCI\, C•lllornl• """° Tiiis ooslneu Is conducted by • llmlted C>artntnlllp Roberl B. Miium, ~rt1 Par1ner Tiii• •tal-l ••• lllect with tlw Counly c i.r11 of Or1nge COlolnly .,,, Jtnuerv 1'. t"'2 . "'"'" Publtslled Or•noe Co.st Dally 111101. Feb l , 10 11 1•. 1"7 ss..n PUIUC MOOCl C•lllornla 9262' Chui•• p,_r1itt & lnve•l,,,.,,11, Jent Olan M<Cullouoft, 1110 Inc .. • 0.l•wtre <0<110••llO", l1JO Montana -'•ttnut Cost• Mesa, &lut Key, CM..,. Otl Mtr, Ctlllo<nl• C•lllom11m» nus / r111s busl,....s 11 conclwcteo by .,. Tl'll• ou11neu " conductt<I bY • incllvld""'I corpout- J 0 McCutlOuOll CllUltr ProptrllU ' Tiii\ 1t•tc,.,..,t -llled wllll the ln•eslme<>l1, Ir>< Cou,.ty Clerll of Or•"9t County on N L Clltlter, II P lntnl J tnu1ry U. 1"2. Operations P'111n t Tiii• st•l-1 w.s 1heo wltll Ille p PubhslWd 0r•"9t Co.JI Otily Piiot. C~•mty Clerll of Or•n~ Counly on ton 17. Feb l 10, 11, l.., 391-81 Fab I, 1'112 ,,.,... • Publl"*' Orenot Coest O•lly Pllol Feb 10. 11, l•. Merell J, 1"2 ~7 I N~ttJW Piil.JC sur.ElllOll C OUllT 01' tlm CALl,OllNIA, COUNTY o.-1------------ 0llANGIE FICTITIOUS •USINISS ~~~~~c c ENTElt 01t1vE WIEST NAME STATaMENT L SANTA ANA, CA '17tt Tl\e followlno per1ons a r• dolnQ MAltlllAOE Of' PETITIOttlER: bullMuu: AllY P'EIN HOTCHKISS SURFSIDE STEREO, 0 0 Nor1h RESPONDENT: JEl',REY ALLEN De \.t E1trell1, S•n Cltm•nl•, 0 HOTCHKISS C•lllornlt~n. SUMMONS Cl'AMILY LAW) JOH~ p Eiits, 1n i. P•lmtnlo CASIE llUM•Elt 0 IMMJ lr.lne, Ct Oloml• m u . NOTICE ! JUM v At>orab, 1ni. Palrnen10 You hive*""*· The cour1 m •y lrvtne, c;ei~14m14, ' deckle -Inst yO\ol woli-t yOlolr belot This b<dlneu Is co<>d1o1cted tly 1 T llMrd ""lets you ~ w1tl\ln JO teMre l pertnenlllp d•Yt AHd ·~ lnfOf'mtllon belO'#. June II. All9f'M II YOU Wl\I\ to -ll llW td•Kt ol .,. Tl\o\ '161trMnt WOI llled wltll Ille 1t10<nty '" 11\tt mtll.tr, you snoulcl dO County Cler-01 Orenoe Counly \0 Pf'Om911y 90 tn4'1 '°"'' rflpl>ftSI °' February• 1"2 11toecllft9,ll•nY. maybe ftled enti.n. f'llJM7 AVIS01 P1o1bll-Orenoe CO.ti Dt llV PllOI, UlleG Ill SldO demtnG•dO El FtO 10, 11, ,. -<Ill, 1"2 .i1.., tribunal oueot de<Mlir <Ofttra UO sin •••llt"Clt • ,_ ~ Ud ,._.,. NIUC •TICE denlro Ot JO <kl>. l.t• I• 1nlMm1<t0n c Q ... sl9w Sf U•led dHU IOllCll•• el conwio de HMI ... wn ·~ .,. ttt• 1wnto. deberta l'ICTITIOUS •USINliSS .. a<trlO lmmed••l•m•"lf de en• NAME ST•TE.MIN'T mtntr•, su r~• o tleQ.Koon, a l Tll• 1011ow1no per\0111 tr• dolnQ l\ty,.....IQune. --r1t91'1rlO<I a bUSlntt• ts L llemoo • p E A F 0 A M A N c E T I II E I TO THE RESPONDEl\IT COMPANY, l311t P•MO Ctr•ert, sen • Tl\e petnJOner 11,u Iii.a • pellllon Juan Cil0l1tr-. Ct lll0<nta tulS conu•l'lno YQ4Jr marrl-If '"" felt 1 .. 1erna1ton11 Tire Grovo ... u IO lllf a r-Within lO day• of Ille Wilshlre Boule•ard, S\olll• 470, 8ewrl'r date lllat tlltt summon• Is wr•.O Cl" Hills, Celltoml• lllnU A yov. your dehtult tneY bf Mt•f"ed •nd P•rform•"<" Tire, Inc • tht court mo enter a IUdQment Celtlornla coroou11on, J.Jllt P1 .. o C.Oftl••n•nQ fnjunchv• or oUwr cwdren Cervet•, S•n Ju.tn Ce phtreno. tone .. "'"II d•V lslon of proper,, Calllornl• m n spous•I sulJll()f1, clltld custocrv, clllld lnternellon•I T Ire Group s suooort attorney INS, cosh, •r>d swell Entr8CI Torti Int . G""•••I olhtr relief H m.oy oe or 1nteo by tM Pertner court Th• 9arn1\hmenl ot w•Q•\ J Slenlf'y Oorob9k. 11~ lno ot tnO?IY or property, or other Pr••ldtnt court tutl\Or'lled PfO<ffdlt>Qs may tl\O Tiii\ •tatt<Mnt wH flied wltll tr. ruull County Clen. of Or•noe COllnly Cl" Jen s OATEOOc1. 1•, 1'91 JO,, .. , LEE A. BRANCH, 1'111 .. Clerlt Pubh\l'ltd Or•not Co.tt Oally Piiot, '-8y Heney w.._..,, Ft!b 10, II, 7•, Mtrcll l, t"1 o.cMy .. ,.-i I Published Or-C.o..i 0 1fly Pilot, ~~ .. )1, Ff'b l . 10, 11 ,.., 4S~ Piil.iC •~E Mi !Im Ns.ttt .. AMI Jl't T•U NAMI ffATEMIENT FICTITIOUS •USllllSS F T.S.NO 1-lllOTICEMT•USTEE'SSALIE Tl!• lollowlno "uon1 •re dolno NOTICA! OF TllUSTIEES' SALi. T.S. N•. -· b<lslneu H On Merch 4, 1'112 t i II 00 • m Ftr\I On Merell l 1911, 11 10 00 i .m DTA·ll, 34S 8..._er Sl,..1, c .. ta Amer I<.,, Tfllt ln..,r•<><• c_, • V E II D u G o s E R v 1 c E Me .. , Celiloml• .,.,. Calllorn1a corporation n TrustH °' COii POllATION, a Ct lllor,.le OTA-II, • C•lllornla limited I Succenor Truslt• or Sub•llluled <O.PO<•U.., "'dvly ~nlad TnntM Plr1Mrtlllp, 34S ltller si ... 1. Costa Trustte. of 11111 cer111n Oee<I ot Tr1111 under --to Oeee of Trusl Me .. , Ctllloml• .,.,. uecutKI by Vincent J Su•aco, an recor--'llOlolSl n . 1•~. 11 '"" No Otl T •co, Inc • • Ctllfor,.lt 11nme rrled m•"· •nd recorded JO'•f. In bQ.,ll 1)11', PtQe 111S ol <orponllon. J.0 8..._tr St-t, Coslt Februery •. l"t " lnslrurnenl no Offkl•I Aecordl In the offk • of IM Me ... Catllo.-nl• fltJt E n10, In -1,..1, -... ol Oflkl•I COllnly ll«ordtr-s ol Orat199 County Tiii• llllslneu I• (Ondlol<IKI "' • Records of O..noe CO\olfttY. Ctlllornla. St• .. ol c..tlfwnl• e..clolled by KIRK llmlte<t pW!N nl'llP 1r>d p;.orlU""llO lhtt <trteln Notice of S LAM9 OTlyll, t Ct lllornlt Oefa1111 1nd Election 10 Sell WILL SELL -'T PUBLIC AUCTION pertner\Np lhere11.-r'KOl'ded Sfpi.mber •. 1'91 TO HIGHEST 9100EA FOR CASH Del TKO, Inc .. u ln\lr\lmenl no 9411, In boOI< 1010, IPtYtllle ti 11,... of ••I• In ltwful t Celllor"41corportllon, D peoe l:U., of Offlcltt Record~ ot uld money ol ti. United Slates> ti the Wt yne W. •rm u ron1, County, will uncttl •M Pu<w•nt 10 Nor111 lrOftt ..,tren<e ol tM County Pru l-1 1 said Oetd ol Trust 1e11 ti p11111rt COlolrll\ouM, 100 Ci.le C...ler Drive Thi• Sltl...,..,1 w• llled w!lh tllt auction tor ceJll. lewful mel"ty of u.. Wttl, Stnlt AM, Calllornlt , all rl9111 COlolnly Cieri< ol Oranoe Counly Cl" I United Sta~ of Amerlct, al the main 1111• Incl lnwett con,..yecl to end ,_ February 2, 1'112 entrtnce lo Flrtt Amerlon Tiiie lltkl by 11 ..-Mid 0..0 of Tr11s1 In l'lauat I ln'lur•nc• Companv •oc•ttd •I 114 tllt P'-'' sltwlecl In .. Id Cololnly P1o1tllltllecl Or-CM \I O•llY Piiot. EHi Fifth Sl,..,.t, '" the City ot S.nta •r>d 51• .. dlucrlbtocl es: Feo. 10, 11, 74, Mtrch 3. 1"2 ..._., An1, Ct llt0<nle, 11111111 rlQlll, llllt •M Loi SO ol Trtcl No •1, In the City lnltrtsl conveyed to •nd n-held by n ot NewPOl'1 llH<ll, In Ille county of PlllJC •TIE under sold Oted of Trust In lh• Ort<19t. st.It ol Ctlll0<"1•· " sllown 6 Pf'Ol"!rlY ~ll1o1tlecl In Wlcl County tlld Cl" I mar, rtcOr'dtd In -13', PtOel l Sltteclekrlllldts LoutolTract NO lo S. M Kell•-MIPS. records ol llMtM j 67'1, as slloWn on • mep recorded In Or•noe CO\olnlv. c.llfoml1. l'ICTITIOU$ IUllNIH &ooll U1, P999t n. 40 end 41 ol Tiit t lrtel tddreu •nd olller NAN STATl...-NT I Mh<•llan1ou1 Maps, recoros of ,...,,..'"' ~. II tfty, ef Ille The lotlowlno "''°"' .,, dolnt 0 ,11,1t ,_,..,, CeHfOf'nl•. •••I pr-rty dttcrlbecl ebovt 11 IMl1lntn 1t: I 4 E•<l9fh'I tMrelrom, ... miner•••. Plfrl»O<'tecl .... ,.,, lDJne A-... N A T I 0 N A L c 0 p y ..... oU ""'HydrO<artion ...OSl•nc.tt Ntwptr1 llMdl,CAllllornl•t2t60. COllPOAATION O f' SOUTHEllN 1111nclllft0Wwkll_0._1 d1Ptllol TIM"''°""'"" Tnm.t dfxlelm1 CALIFORNIA, l lCll Al""•' AWll.,., soo fttt, 1>111 w1111o111 tllt r19111 ol ..,, llltlllty '°' 111y ·-• of S..ltt 116, CeMt Mttt, CllllWftl• mi.. aw mm "''~··· ktl ~J• AP•f'HIWM\ .. "-"' flt .. -l'\.,.n1 aktUM'U rr°"'rt ~ ltmtttt\ l.oh ft)"'• 'ommtrt .. l Pr•M' l C'lftdiilmUW'-llft\ ~ .... OwpWu~ \ '"" ~W Uow~ tt br \ft>\ •d lflifOlfW' ''°'"'h IM~•ln•I f'rOpt'ft' Luh tor '41• 'lf•,..fln,p Trh l'r\~ \h.NQ(n °'''''' M• .. 1w1 !=:':Ji ~~''1:00 t~ ol ""'•' .. t-'r~,.. H11tw~ t•tPI .. (..t11\ .... knt •Atltlt t.-rh•nat l(.,,,f ·~'llltt "1Mrtf RfNULS UOV'f'"t t 10 ft1\.ftfd ·~.-;W!l l fllilth6'1'1.-d Uw~r. h WnVf l ttt l"'*"1ton1"m' t"'" laftdumln+lilff''t \ "' To-l'kN"" • 1,Hft fM.Mo-..~t ftl °"'*"' ..... bt.plt\f\ \ ,.. Aphtt;rA .\phlf'f~tA Apt .. hHAOI' til ""°"''' Mu.An 6 tik\•rd I ....... ~ Mf.ll•h 1. ..... tloftw• "-'mtnt-r M'°"'•h \itr.t• Mf'9t .... ., ....... lltW...tf •·••&~ lur RC'AI Offwt Rt1'1•1 ~~·h·9*•1 lflllllw\.lrt..tlAr••I "°'••• M ... .i, .... .,, "'"'" llt•.J~ BUSINESS, INVEST MOil, flttAllCE ~l,.,. ..... t~ ~IW"'t\••MPCI 1 ....... tew1111 r~1 , lft~NMrM • •nl.d \l.ufM!o\ h• Lu.~ MUi'W' '4•Mf'd \fnt1141l!t\ TO' AHNOUNCfMENTS. P£1SONALS & LOST l FOUND """'~"''"" ... "'"' C •t Poot Lra:el ,11fiff' t .... ' 1 ... ..t .~,.,~b "'(M;••I t lut,. Tr•\•1 SEaVICES Otl'LBYMEHT l PmmnoN vhoQI. lll .. trW"•tNti J\19'6.dt«"' , .... ~-·-f'lll \I' t MEitHANOISE ""' ... _._ I ~ ...... A...-i- Ktocut,,,... I ""'"""• "•'""•" ( ...... ,' t •"'"'"" ~ .... ,.,., t)pW\w turrw~ .. 1,.,., .. ~t.r 1 ....... I lowwt.Ad t .......... ,.,.,.,,, v ........ . \l.ch.1rwt\ \11v~U•"""'""" M1\ift1l••WUU" """'"' ... \lw"'••llft•lhttll•M t)flHt tw,.,• t •Jv111 p.,. l'1•l'MI'' ,,, ...... ~·•n-. M•f·•1n.-• t,p-•l•nJt r,,.,,d, !ifOtf J(r .. lounl h.r ~~fr.d111 lt1f 1 ... t"rt'h BOATS l MARINE EQUIPMENT t,rnt"f.t ~ilh M•1N 'rt\Hf' "°*'" M•WW • \f'Ht' eo.1 .. ,...., -..i .. H:f"lll t """" 8o•t\ '-11 ~ ...... ""'*"~ .............. '"' 8'wt-.'IN'•n TWSPOUATION ~,..,.,. t ~Uftp.1"' ~ff> Mrllll tlf'rth< Ca.u. -i.ti-o \acfor t ''~ 'itl«Ah WOIOf H• '-tr Nrlll tr .. tn1io r,.,,, !~~:.!!:·-~., ... AUTOMOBILE ~lo\l•••H• ftf't rr .. ttwft \ w"H. k~ "'iit-tt'"' "--... , •• ~,. .... I Of1\f1 fr"'\) \ •"" Aiil"l.«!&)•lt~ \l,illV. V.•Attfl AUTOS, IMPORHD t:•.wfllt \~11 K11nww lord• A\Dhn llt .ilr' 1111~ t;h' Uahun ... " ... t·,., 11.,.,.1, J • .,. .... J ....... K.rm.nnllh•,. .. , ... ~C'f'-r•l•··tk.n1 II\; Ill.ti ,,..., ,, .. ,t. P.wt,.,., .. _ ... ....... " .. Wbktoti M1A~ surfK• ...n . ., rew..-1 .. "" a.a IPle ,,,_. ..... H encl °"'91' c-L.F • Sims. Inc , • Otl•w•r• z from ea.. Ot u cw stt, 1 Limited dtlltMtlon, "tftY, .-~· corporeuon, 1100 Alrwey A""""· j Ptr1Mrtfllo, rKOtdtd Oc~r fl. 1'10 "10 ,,.,. •111 • !Miit, llwt w._ 5'111• 116. C..-.., CellfwN• tlt2' In loolt '4>7. P199 t.u ol Olllcll l COVeftet'I w .. .,,.tttY. ·~., • .,. Tiii• llutln.ss II conduc-• ., • 1 llt<.Ofdl. Implied, ,........... Ulle, ---·or t~etlofl_ Nef'llt 8f\d '*"'"'of tllt lleMfkltry en<11mllt-, ln<IYdl ... ftet, CM,._t L I". SlfM. Inc. lw•• liol ..... ff!• Tt• .. •l'h loin.._ \1h• el wl'I-....,..si IM .... 11 1111119 tfMI .. ,.._ Ol IN Trvtew tf1d of !tit \.,F. SlfM, Pr'ff..... t conducl•d• A rdt lll M S<llw111. lrv1b c,....il'fuldo..clofTnntto Tiiis ll"""*'t ••flied wltfl IN "'Nt ... , c/O C-lty .._ i.-, NY Ille ............. ~ ...... 1un11 of Count, Cten o1 0rlft9t CO\lftlY t11 • II< • ltOJ Oov• Sir"'· 511111 too, IN .... _...,. by .. 0.. .. Tt'Wlt f<Wllatl' 1 1"2 I .........,INK .... CA'2MO. • ••1t: su1.-..."""rMt1Wtfl\erieft · · """" t ~.1 01,.ct ..... le U.. ....,t pr-rly lr9m NI.ell U. ttlt et 11,JS 119r ennwn P11bll1NG Or ... CMt1 Delly Pl.... 5 All\ ney tie OlltalMcl by requettW.. umt ~Y,,.~_._ .... -6!!,,~..-. ..... c.tU1~ -"t ,8. I0, 17rM,Mel'cllJ.1912 j I -k 11 wrltllll '"'" tM ""-lltlll"t wltlllfl :'..:y ............... ~,~'::. '"!. ::::.. _ 461'42 \),idlll., 0 NYI """" ... ""' ..-.CttlOll If ,... ..., ......._.. ..-~ ---l'•n"'u llltl'041c•. S•vlftl• •11• LA•ll AIH<l•ll•n • --l,...,felo'I .......... AITISr Ml1 UTOS, ISEJ lald N ie 'Wiii be ...... """* tVettlll• ti •"41efMIMftl Wiii lie rw9UIJ llll( ~Mt olltntnf or werre111y, ••.,Hr" ,_1rw"' ~Y c.Ner't Clledt 1194 ---6 ~'ool'"""'"' m ptled, e1 It tllle, N~MH~ llr•'flll In -I~-9l Y .... ltrvlce PICTITIOUllUMN•U l~,,,~I• tllCWMnll<•t .. Mtllf'f .. C....,...etlon, teAM• ITATmMSNT ~~11 >•ldllC. 1kHt t11 tl\e note ~ nelt1 TM MMfltltry -Yid 0.. of Tiit ftllOWlnt "'°'°"' .,, _,,,, p;Jf le(VlM 9' .. 111 o.te of Tint, te wit· T' 1111 fl•r•••••ftl •11tc.11t•• •11• .......,.....: • ,:jlln."' ••tlm~tll....u.lltllMt oll• OKl~"'*'f ... M~tw C•ltoft ·-·Or.,., CMllWlllt .ll••tno •IOl,7U.t4, plo Ille fo~l•wlnt dtllvt,.._tet1Wllflllt"'9Nd1wrl"811 fl & S AU()CIATI$, IOIM ltfi J """°'" "'"~ ,t h II-et tM llllllol S.1e, llliii • "'""'f ..... ff Oetwtt '*'• .,..,._,, IW! 1(11111 llJ)l 1111 liW. lllM '"' llJI lt:lt INJ IOU ICMI 111!11 IGlll '"' ,. "" Ifft I IQol I ... lilll I"' .... 10 .tJ ~,., .. = WI) "" --""' .. --Id .. ~ l9U = ·= • tt;•US (ew .. 4. .. ._ ...... II Dlfllltl IM A__., l\Mlljl, ClllWlll• .,_, ll•MI oUllllutltfL" ""' .,.... -... ...-•"'*" ,.._.., Tiit 1 ..,..., «•., iii, o.c.i1, ,., .. llfftltn l ' I ::=.. .. O~TIO,...._,y l,.M9 •1tc"'9! ..... , .... ,....,... lit W Pflylllt S. HIM, 11111 "'""' ~11~ .... "'1 -l'l""'AMtltlCMI Tin .• ct11111, ""'" h ,..I .....,.,,Y It Avt nwt, t.01 Alemltot, c eut.,nl• 8 I f'\11111111< ~~I IC~Y,A ~ ....... U. , t11Je, .....,..,,,,111 .:ALljr.()IUflA • 0 J I • V I C I Ttlfa ....,,,_., It t~tef -y 1 ~•c• COlt~TION COltNttA"'°" llf!fftlMIWllflle. 1•111111111111 OANOAMlllOC> .................... _,W,o.c:.11 M/TMOttllRO,,,C•lt ..... , .. ._ Tl\11.....,.,.... -11• w1t11 .. :.. ~~-:,,. Dfted J-= ::= ~~~""" °'"* c-ty Oii ~nu e, Cl'tMIM vm... P-. .._....,. 0r-. CM1t o.11, ,....., .......,.. ar...,,. c.... o.iw l"tMli' ~Or""', ... DIH'I ,...._ ., ...... .,,..,.., .._ .,.._., • ..,,.-•• ••tt.u,..,~,,,. .,.. ---· - 11lia oewspaper wUJ not k.oowtnf ly accept 1ny advert 1101 for r ul mtate which Is in viola· Uanofthel1w. lllOIS: ....... .,.. ..... .a .... .. cw., .... report .,,. ......... ...,.n. DAILY rtlOT .,._, ....., for .... first htcorrect IHertlH .-,. ......... Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._,.... 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••• F\nd out about lhe hi&h· earning real estate ules career opportun1t1e1 with T H E REAL E.$TATERS Licens10g school fees completely relund1ble to school of )'OW' choice. Extensive sales tn.u11n1. For In fonmtioa1 call 7Sl-8191 9l/•%LOAH ~$100,000 SPYGLASS IYOWHER f\all Prlre Sm;OOO Monthly Payme11t 12999 SO\ITHPORT MODEL 6br/4~ba. 4100sq ft 25 Bodega Bay Call owner 759-0737 *** K94CAll 1008 Sea Ln. .... C:Oronadel Mar You a~ lhe wlnner of two free tickets ($19.001 valueto lhe CllCUSYAl~AS Passes will indlc1te loc1tion & ~rlorma nee dales To claim tickets. call 642,5678 . ext 272 ncuu mu.st be claimed by February t9. 1982 *** 9.25% F.astslde units Three 2 Bd.nm. usuma ble loin Only $175,000. Cal 64,S-9161 . OPEN HOUSE ' REAL TY / Ol~-.,:1~ Puh1 L 17S.55t ~--. J 0..-S.WS.el! New home w/~ levels for gracious livinc + guest qtrs & spa. Modem in every way. 4 Bdrm. llbr1ry & family rm Now offered 1t s.598.000 COLE OF NIWPORT ·RIAL TORS UULC .... lt••· C¥_del..., 175·5511 LUSI -.T HMI . wmt NWI Larfnt OH story 4 lldnn, lYtB bath bome ii IASTBLUPf. frtAtll dOOrt to ID endOMd front court 71rd from recently remohled r1mlly ldtcll.-u.a. Seplrat1 •nt.rtailunmt ..... '°' adultl • elllhfrH. ••·•••Propp ,. The marketplace on' the Orange Coast VllWTOWHHOMIS Muter auite1. View of Octan & Night ll1bt1. ~et Area. Parks, open apaces. $137 ,000. Xlnl Fin. Hal or Pat Act• m ·980S, 673-7300 RUFfS SINGU UYEl Lovely View -2 B~roell'li. 2 Bath -End Uni t -Decorator Wallpapers. Drapes -Plan tation Shutters -Su per FinanE'ng -Large Assum able Low I terest Loan -Shows Like A J el Price Reduced to $235,000. ·--.......... ,, 75g.9100 IJ 2 Co.rpor• Piao M•wport C...ter RESIDEHTIAl REAL ESTATE SEllVICES AU THIS FOi S 191,900? Lovely 4 BR detached Turtlerock home. Great condition. Neutral colors . Plantation -s h utte rs. beautiful landscaping. Good location & much more. How can vou m~s ? · IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 CHARJING OCEANFRONT ~,.... loailla. ..... 4 .ct 2 b.droot. nfh yoe c•l•'t chtptlcate today. Affar 1h•h .. $550,000. BEAUTIFUL ON WATER!- NEW EXEC! i..,.cc.w. ~ .ct CJOOd ·-~ "' tM1 WS1'1 & OfM" f9llly ..._ • tM wot.... Ci.Mc """'°" wHll 2 btd. + deti .ct lt.r9t IHdacoped patlo wltll 1po, ...... & fin ,.,. YOllr OWll boat lip ricJM out ywr dOor for 45' boat. Owatr wfl i..tp ~ for ... fltd bvytr. $611,000. Clll fff land. u 1-1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC RE.AL.EST A TE ~\ R .. nt.,\ P1Q011"•I\ M•~trwri1 24Jll ~ t06$1 H~ N~ .. 11(1<• Bo~h 01.1400 IRK & ""'1 JI~ M..ttiw A'" &Ibo.I IW.nd 67Mt00 CAVES G 0 S S T 0 I A l C l I A 0 H M S N D ITIM S TAR LEILMA ll M U T E R P S A C V T E E H N H R F 0 H E E R V A A A N H M G G E F R S V L T M V C R I 0 0 I A V R G T A E E I C E X L L T W H l A E E A C 0 U 0 T X 0 U t Y S A G A C B U l Y L L E S C R W A M K E B C T H E l A A 0 B L I A A E C E S M M A S T R B G R G H E L V D L S S l I I V D 0 W L M U Y T 0 G T C L A Y A L R E V H N Y I L 0 P S W E A E L T T V A l A H A L T A M I R A S V R 0 S S I C B C A 0 S E V A C A V A L S U L A 0 I R B H V A I T 0 M 0 G U 0 E I S R E G R 0 T CMDMlltra ~ luauxCM u Mammotll CM • Si .... CM Skyline '=~~· S©~~~-l&£~s· .... .... -i., CUT a. POlUll ------ ·--lollw1"'"" ._ ._..,, -" be-.... ,. ._ ..... .,.... _. PINMSULA HOMll '2113 Ml~R OPIH SAT&MOM l·S Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000. 1411 W. IA Y OPD' MOM I ·S West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, 1 remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. ., Oceanfront. jetty views. Marine rm . 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq. ft. Sl r385,000. UDO ISLE HOMES 708 VIA UDO NOID SAT/SUM 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. . ....- Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec rm., beam ceilings. $420,000 .. UMDA ISLE IA YF«OMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom, dark rm , den. $1,350,000! CAIMA TIOH COVE . Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1,900,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR q, ~. ·r·"· l" .. •, ~. o ·:i t.·~·1 WLS!.LY ~ TAYLOR CO. 10-.Al.T<Jl\S -..1111· 1~1.11; 816 CANYON CUSTOM ucmMG GOlF COUISE VI~ Elegance & dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th green of golf course. Top qualify craftsmanship tJtruout with finest woods . abundance of impo rted marble. crown moldings. 61"'2 baths . a ir cond .. 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious mslr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths. banquet size DR, fam rm and billiard tm . Call for appt to see or a color brochure. $2 ,150,000 including the land . Fina ncing. avail able. ~ _,, WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., lULTOIS 2111 Sclll Joolpiil Hila Rood MEWPOl'T CEtn'B. M.1. 644·4' I 0 . RCTaylorCo 640-9900 HADOl llDGI UDUCID S 140.000 . EnjQy the spectac ular view from this 4 Bd Lautremont Model home. Professionally decor ated a nd landscaped . Now priced at $729,500. A Dtv1s1on of flarbor lnvest~ent Co NiSfT1w1 One-of·a·klna excllin11 floor plan desianed for family Uvina. Pleasant end lnvltin& with w1rm ..... 1ota of brick end shake roof. Offered al lm.000. Call Ju n Ril· let for appointment to aee. 64J.5200 j PETE ' BARREn REALTY C0ttt8CtAL 2 stores. I block lo ~an. 25% down. Owner will carry balan<'e szt;S,0001 ..... ..,~. ....... •675-7060• ............ 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mer pan Oi mon&iY payment on Balboa Island property. Low down or trade. ....... .., ....... 615-21'6 a=,"' wifll flll..cma 3 BR 2ba or 2+ ~ud in owners unit · al.lo 2 br rental cottage. All in sharp cond w/exctl loca· tlan. Qwner will car_ry lee Zlld TD. Beat.buy in town for only SZIO.OIO . c.11644-7211 c.-.. M91 •ezi c... .. ew ltJJ •••t••ot•t••········· ~,;;..G .;,.u .;.;.H..,;O...;D"--'l l h'• hlrll. to llM cp!llldenol • ~- ' I Ii I : In y()ijf tlWinll When Yoll i.11 LUUY on= .. OM .... II ~_.__._.._, .;~ -ulll'Wl,lnUIJ'l.U .... ~1a.-CharmiDf-SOl&tbport mod.a 0 l M H E 0 1~ to "" end 111 ttva:'no w lbreathtakinc llO de.,.. view to-rlr-' ""!'~I ..;;1~1-f e c...-... ~·" .,... 'of oteaa, Catalina, Newport '--'---A..-'-· -"·--'-· ....1 ,., :' a1"::\!:, ":'f = Harbor • tOUtline vtlible from molt~. S la BR, 4~ bltlll, I car 111'111, pOol, IPI 6 _. ·"1·100,000 ~ Orange Cout DAILY Pf LOT tWtdnnday, February 17. 1982 .._..._.,. -._.. ....,_Wt .._..,_WI ............................................... · ........................ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ................. !.••• c.e. .. .._ toJ C....... IH4 ...... .._. 1t•M1,.rtlHclt 106t..._Pr .. rty JOH..._ .... ,_, MtM U24 INdJHt ........... J24tttsprtltM JHf ....................... ....................... .....•...•............. ....................... ....................... ....................... . ......................................................................................... . C:CllMllJ .. l!MMJSH ........... .......... . wnrna. !!~~!AL I' r , ..... Jl40 4 Br. ',,a.I condo .. I •ony JBr.rJ.fu ~··.:..~Id· ~l~BA. '"!~:. Vieeo•· ··R ~~Lal~C~~o ~~di +Bl', 1 wrnt POOL AND SPA This prlitlai loutlon .. ...,.. _"' JYa Coad. & ... r. &IHI, at· ....................... amen ea. oo. 1• .-... -1mo. '"""" \A . o-r t· .B-R ... 0 · · 1' .... Good uauma ble Slaatlow 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. ovtrlooklnc Main Bucb CONDO lached I tar carace. LookiDC for rttp. peraon D · evet 145-ZUI. • . llo. ns.act 1112' per mo. CaJI erry Ale1t•bl• flnHcln1. Btautlful area. Sl.5.000 bu 2 bdrma for only Enjoy ottaa and bay central a ir • beat. t.orwtfticel Br house 1 Nr S C Plua Zbr/lba a bdrm CCllldo. new cpt, LlfltwoodllllaH s Br. 17J.'T1tlor'TI0-13t1 •,ooo. 'Tot l 'Tot ~ dn. A1lt lnc $240,000 ID>,000. Call owner at ~I.ft this Jwil Uated 2 -.ooo. •SJ.000 lit. Will ml. from beach. Pool adulta. only '" condo' drpl, lridi. pool, tennla, t" a.. fam. rm. 2 ear Ord*t.Calll5l·tl3Hor Sla/M>pymt.PP.Aat. 4N-8J.a bdrm,2 bathwltbden, talte U .OOO down. 11uoa, jac. $400 /mo. Poola, apa1. No pets' handball, clbbu. No ..,.,..Oceaa•Canyon W!lAYoH • .OwMr/bllr. 1'().'719 ~ ...... IOU family room dlnlna ma •"* ll560.540-0t0'1/8$l·l35$ P1&1.Ullt,l11tl200 Yiew.Nopeta.flOM/mo. Lu:iurlou three Sl.OMDOWM --.....a t0•6 •••• .. ••• ... •••••••••••• ~.:.wfia~tpolacaeddl molarar! ~elWIDaolkntot BHceblt•·Pbllelx. MlcU91rtit• Jl6' Eaatllde a 84r 1 ~ ~ .7 .. 7133 Sierra Mamt . Co. bedrooma.ITlwo baths. "0-,.._ a •OCEAN VlEW• "u>UV .. • ••••'•••••••••••••••••• 1 b k d' a br. l~ ba, roced yd, Ml·l.Dt. rormal d n n1 room ...,._ .. •••••••••••••••~• .. •• N' I I u e I S h o r e a Uab&. Security auard, $175.000 OWC 8 Dn. . ~I ~t OR a noo' micro. 1875. lit. laat + 38R, ZBA, Parital Ocean Rlcbly decorated In mut· 2~'J!'nlfCd~ IBS~~DOdWM d Townhouse. L•raeat PoOl6JarU11I. 211-S·58l50 UDOUfNOtn IMl).•.l':t. · · SlOO. 213.575.4079 dya ; View Ho1t1e. C•nae to ed tone~. JOOOf •Cl· ft. · • · n, ll ..... conv en eon o Model. $21118,000. Owner •1.1••p•1Ua1Ps 2 i*l.Wm and den. 2 -nt.Cl·3141ev1 Bc:11.•1.eo / Jacuu1 ol mu ter l~be. cnr lot, pool + w/poot and spa . Mini •eui -""" bath private patio Immaculate 4 br, 3 ba, bedroom. a car 1araae. tpe, lmmed. occup. 1"8 0ttan view! $105,900. 30 1 \lllt.I, C.M ... 1339.SOO Available thro uiti Exec. home , 3 frplr, HOME FOMENT 2 bdrm SIOO. No •tepe, 12050 month. Yearly Sereude Terrace. A•· yr fi xed 14Wi'• loan! Lmt,.... -IOH Pride 01 owurahlp. 8/30/82 Sl 700 month mu1t rent. S985/mo. 3 :f:· $700. ~~3c't oceu v'-w 90$ Temple leau. Call Ul-7300, aume exlatlnc nnao. O.W.C.Ownr,831·6666 ....................... ownerwlllhelpfl.nance Broker'e.si.7300 . Avail. now. (805) ya 1•ara1e. J TerTaee • ...OlS. Realtor . ..... ::.:..:.i4 ooo=·..:::;O.!!W..:::;C:.:. 955:::..:-007::.!.!S~. ·!Ir.-.• a unlu, C.M ... $15S.OOO. • · ~or (714 > 997-lllOO peta we come. 545·2000 •• _ .._. •-.------¥119y 1034 Allwnl 12'1> Lr1 lat & U~ Dana Drive Coata A,cent,nofee. -.--":'""I""" l212i• COUNTIY84•USH ....................... owe. M • Exec3b ho ho I -•••••• .... •••••••••• POOtHOllE' DUPLEX°"Br + 2Br 1 ISTA'nS s.tlAM 10'4 7 It H t eta. · rs. w mew NieutlCowllrY Club,lux· 3BRFmbome8kBay yr new. Good aasuma bit ~y OWMH 4 Br. 2~ Ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~.· 'Aaauer:e exbt: Bir Cannn Nice clean 2 Br. 1 Ba . gar, patio, SPA ISOO unow 2 Br .. 2 Ba. lake $1200/mo cau Suzanne f1DUCins , S318_.000. 709" ~.<n> J:.. b~r~'a't'~~=~~. 2150Sq. Ft. SUPERB SANDPOINTE lnlftnanctnc" owe , oiC'lmnltoME enclsd i1*!_age. yarNd . 2~8:2"ea ALSSp :~;:14 ;~~!0~30 on 1f1oir ff~ acnt 709~ Orchid. ca 11 ina. S134 500 BE'M'ER THAN 4 bedroom 2~ bath WfTHYtlW new pa t"' carpet. o . . a. to -.. ~. amen es. Super Harbor/Ocean vu 851·91SS fo r a ppt 548 1904 MODEL ahowplace features a pets. ~ + security be1ch.18'15Jmo. l yr lse. -ldum. S795 furn. aBR 2 ba SlWmo !Ji Owoer/bllr. · HAS EVER VTHING fo rma I dloln1 room Eleaaol fumb hanis In· ~ Oran1e. house D, Call At\4, S36-3815. •1·7588, all SM1·5M2. Ocean Vu ·fJS.296'7 · t ...... 011leoc8' 1040 Cul·dH acatreet. area, family room, and 548·2778. IW.._ AT BEACH·"SHORES'' . OCEAN VllW ..... •••••••••••••••••• &ID &SaJI U Club brick fireplace. Newly ~ •. r.!/!~~:!:u!:.°1N~! Lc4rm bunaalow pet Hmt..,. ~ .... newer 4Br ram rm + IAYWCS ......... r.1c. SHOW ST OPPER" S2t0,<nlwWlS160,000 carpeted and freshly ., uUI id TODAV'....,c _..,.. ~6"'6 ..,_ .. _ 'ted I rwv"' "---c..-""'lln . .. ·-d luxury carpet pa ' ~.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...., nn. ·~a poo . new ~r10ust se . •Sweep· :-'"' g clean 3 Bdrm. at "'""' palnte ! Well m1 in· OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Waterfront Broidmoor spa. Wik to bch, tennis, Pier and allp for lar1e 1n1 oc:n & bay view. Lov· tn warm earth tones No No points or qualifying laiDed land.scaplna wrtb. Ov 1 .. .. 2bdr.. , 2ba f..,.I~ wet· aaun.as Jnalde 1uarded boat. Fu rnilhed aix ..i.. •er 3u.ea · ur · ""-· t 77n ""•7 I l' v 14.000 mo er ooas par.. very ... , · .,. ~. · ......... ~ fi b ths Q3 • , .,.. , spacious q~ ying nwl rees .,.....,.. a aree pa io area ery 640-4.SlB nice 3 br 2 ba • f le bar, dbl gar, slip avail, pte comm. $1100 mo """"""nu, 1ve • • family rm. CdM fee too. J~t $122,900. Bkr. Owner/Agent quiet tree-tined street. 1 .. ,_ .. from .. _1Ah. Dari· fam rm .:.en c~.8011>19 · pa ti 0. s 1 10 0 1m0 . (213) 78'-9613 dya. or dininl room and den. land. Only $375,000. 8411-0709 Located close to the "'"""' ~ ~ · _,.,,......., m4>fJS-7l7l. (7141495-5030evea. Tenn i1 courts and Joyce Waltze a 1t. AT R I u M EN T Ry 4BR, 2BA Home. Pool & park and South Coast 11 UlllT lni 1 Br house. Sips 4 OC·RENTALS • belcbea. ~ term or 6.11-UllS welcomesyou into thisl Spa . $10,000 Down. PIUJ. Must see to ap· Winter re ntal. U SO. 1·5br's S200toS2000 1"'-3244 Lo-........ 3255 yura lease. USOP Br+ family rm near col· Owner Carry Balance. pred ate! $163,400. Call APAIJMENJ Joyce.631·12e6 7»3314 7 days .............................................. ru>ntb. Broller,631-7300. I YR LUSE with option to buy. $5000 moves you in. $750/mo rent applies lo purchase or furniture. Dl.x. condo, pool, Jae, patio, bl.ks to ocean, compl. fu rn. CdM . 873·369 4 or -612 f 47 4-5291 for more information ......__ tor• B c 3BR Du 1 -Twnhome new 3 br 3 ba LAKE FOREST 2 story. 3 lege and shops. Only 586-6773,581·6234 !J19.ZlllO · COMPLEX ~voa s ag anyon p ex. 21618 Santa tlo · p k • 1· 'den 3 bath. o n water --------$129,900. Bkr.848·0709_ Me-rt•octi 1069 y!-~•~auLTOIS .. . .. Town.home. 2bdrm. 2b1. Ana Ave. Costa Mesa. f:c. sinf~~ ~.tt,;:'° · new boat dock! Avail: Oceanlroat 2 bdrm. 2 ba, ~r-· -~~ ~--_ V<ted most beautiful adult&. no pell. SllOO ~. -· F._._ 13 ...,,,. 7 ••. 7900 $850 mo . March thru 131/J ASSUMAILE ••••••••••••••••••••••• apartment complex in :646.o29S. Mll·5639 &S48·5707 Univeraity Park, 3BR, ""'• ........ "" · Ju.ne.673-t1928. Newly redecorated 4BR. NEWPORT HGTS Ol9er IHI •t.te Burbank by Chamber of........._~ Choiceeastside 2br 2BA. S:85<> + Sec. All ....._ VleJo 3267 BTF1.. 2Br, 2Ba . den. dbl r~ly rm. frplc, formal Gated drive. secluded 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Comme rce. Annual .._.u.twwllled W/(rpk petsok .... 5 Ament1es_ 673·4141 or ....................... oar r..,.lc wlk to bch dining rm, bonus rm. 2v, Bdr home + separate .............._ ........__1 .ll'Oll rents are $332 040 ....................... · · ~ 8S7·20t0Agt HOMES FOR RENT _.' '"" ' car gar. Take over motber·inla w q trs. ;:-S..._ llOO 'Pri~ Is $3,000,000 °t9x~ .... l.a.d' 3206 OC-RENTALS~·3314 Woodbtid e condo 2 br 3 Bdrms. SfJS. Fenced s9so mo 730·5945. 13"1% loan and owner $186,950. Terms. Rbl g;ro81) Owner will carry ••••••••••••••••••••••• S.C Plua/S.A !Br Iba. d ·gt 1 · 1. · yard5 "garages Kids & ~7=SZ..:..:5:.=.11:.:1---wi.U carry balance with Mlllllten. al!l ~l-1266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Iona term with 2S% Blyfront. beach. 2 Br. 2 $465, 2Br 2ba SSSO. 3 Br 2 en .111~1 • ~n!~c pa 10 • pets welcome . StS-2000. Blyshores 2 Br. furn. or ~down Only $227 500 12144 Freedom. edit down. Call Wiiiiam Cote Ba. 123 E. Ba yfront. b1 S67S. Pools, spas. a!,!!9·186 8 1r833. ·7......,010·T . -t no r.... lmfum. lar"e liv. rm. 2A Ca . ·0. · · park, walk to 1upermkt. 8albo l 1 d s 200 _,. ern ""' "" • ...Jl.t,1 0 m ....... wn 9 c! 7 r/Agt at Sl6.9150. Agt. 557.9390 or or Phil Wills at (7 14) a s an . I many extras. No f8' . -u · hr. guarded gate. st; ~,,,......, .._. -962-l8&8 640-5TT1. <Broker) winter. $1400 annual 967-0222 UMTAlS """pertlt9dl . 326' to bay. To July S1 . Herb, days 213/478·M77 2 Br l Ba "'·II ---2 br, l ba S700 •-••••••.••••••-••••••• 2 13 I 9 7 S S I 0 1 o IY OWMU IY OWMU · 2S. Alnitream wtroom • t C t' R alt · r u carpets. Harbor Ridge lease. 4 Br. . ~lexoo xtra wldelol, Reduced $89.600 55K $STEALS' 'across street r ro~I 0 e e y Attra.ctlve 2 Br. 2 Ba enclsd garage. renced 2br.2ba S900 ;i e.,D.R .. F.R .. sludy, 213/897-0488. prime location, flexible FllA, 3 br, 1.., ba. up~ •-low M--L•fl beach. Sl6()00 See at Hun" & lnveslmt>nl Avail. now thru June. bac k ya r d . pat 1 o . 2+ Fam. Rm, 2ba $1250 hiJhly uparided. fa b vu. Nwpt Terrace 2 br. 2 ba. financln&. S\39.SOO. graded townhome. Good -.-.... • tington by Sea Park 1 640-S7]7 9650/mo 675-9667 washer/dryer area No 3br2ba C.OSta Mesa Sl250 guard gate. poo. I/tennis end unit. $650/rno Jim 1·~8$Ml. BcachCa& 11 shoppmg N ~E:~.: ~u~ ~TB~; 21871 Newland. Spac~ eon.a .. M• 3222 ::rG.:/roo 548·5442 t·~ts!;:~~~~ s.m>trm. Bob or Oov1~ '7»-L22l, 642·0750 ColleW... 10241 aeu. betwee~ 19. w/boous rm.pool.spa+ 110 . H.B or call Loht.rs. 2200•••n• .. ••• .. •••••••••• --· -Y Koop,a&t 758·1221 4 bdr m. 3 ba exec ••••••••••••••••••••••• t 962-~. city II tes. Ats u me 1·73'7-!M66. 1 ....................... Spectacular ocean & city 3Br 2'°'18a ram rm din 2 BR. ni~ yard & trees. I -IAYN0MT Newport Crest Condo MOYIM'OMUP nt. 104 u .78<,t. Only $399,900 Like n;-w .78 Skyline Harbor Ridge, S partner lighta view from every m{ mode:.n kitche~ al· animal I child ok. Many features. SJ,000 , .... .,.with lOx""' bana'' wanted to build custom room. Large 2 Br frpk., ta~:._, ., ~ar gar ~ SS7S/mo. 1970 Maple Av. 2 story, 4 + bdrms. 2 rro Call 631·0460 Give yourself Mesa ••••••••••••••••••••••• Won't last PATRICK ;;;.,-cpt·g Loc':t~lbtk bome.75&-0481. ma n y amenities ~''25in"EldenAv~ Catt 548·322'7 baths . f~rep l ace . ~~ :;:~Y~::':.~ ~ •GREAT BUY t 'J°~E, agt 7S9-1221' from be~c h. S34.500. V~tura Keys luxury . lot sml/mo Call Anthony owiirm~ __ RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN ':r~v w. Pier an~ w~,;.~. ~~,~~·y:l~r cul-de-sac. OWC lrg 2nd . Lowe5t . pnced 3 Bdrm 2 13 / 9 l 9 2 9 7 7 o r with W\SUrpassed view days 642·S7s7• eves & ,...... y.Jta-323 Townhouse. split·level. 2 }et° l per mo Avai $750/mo + sec dep T.D. r..-11 pn·--s1"•.Lllft rcondo lD Woo·n •• IAde. 714/96(HS93eves of Channel. Space' as· wk.nd$63l·6630 --_, 4 Br. den. on golf course. . MS-1387 ru ~~ '" """ ~ . boa 0 h I b'-k •••••••••••••••• ••• •• • 0 2•~ Ba C · ~'-=:;.:..._ ___ _ • 751-31.91 20"'c down. balance at t. wner may e p "'2 ""' to bch. 3br, 3ba 4 Bdrm 2 Ba , lrg fenced n . A/ . view. S97S. I approx. 13~2~ Great for ~.~.~.~?.~! fUW>Ce. Please call Inez .+ lrg fam rm. frplt'. bit· yarct. new rug.s, frpk , 754-7900 I I G C A H Y 0 H C::. ',t I I ( 1 ""1"" i 'HI JPt H l tt '> MESAVBDE 3bdnn, 2 bath, frpk, dbl garaae. A·l cond . St.34,500. Owner will as· sist in financing. .., McCorcle, lltr. 541.7729 · 1st time buyer or in-Canal · Front. Newport 31 Acre par~ls tn Pines, 8Q5.65&.923& IUlSve·..!'ss350. /mo. 675·07~ al family home. no •-•--&.. ,2 .. 1 -CONDO vestor '"'' ~ ....,.... -vgm ~ "' 3 Br. full golf course Sbo,res . 4 Br. Oen. nr Yosemite S2000 lo C:Wof~ .SB2S.S48·1904 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 $109,900 SZS,OOOdown, Owner will ~.Only fe~ left 17141 PtopertJ 2550 L&e3 br .. 2• .. ba. fa m. rm, f+zwA'ow#-._ __ .._ 3•40 OCEAMFIOMT ~~.te;t~~.~4. ~~;4 AskforSali .552·0129 carry. Must sell! Make &Th-8&09 ••••••••••••••••••••••• de~. din. rm , frplr, -..,.---... 6 ~llLIHOMES !Bhtf c.ontto. 4 bdrm, 3 UJ...A"b off • T · 1 lk pat.to. 2 blks to ocean •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• """"" Bkr. "'"""ridge er . enntS,poo.wa · C 1411 ltn~ Sl.32S640-l4S4 SBlkstoocean.Eleganl 2 "2 m1ofpvt heh,~ hr baU..Sl200month Oce · 3 8 Cod R I to beach. Agent 646·1044 ;'9~ l600 331 Acres. 118 Acres i.n --· ---Br. Family Rm & Den. Sttllrity. lots oJ coves & 644·2607 ~~8~1f:se. ~I. ~e~· i:;.ce1~,~~. or64S-~. • ... ~ ............ Almonds. 202 Acr es Shorechffs roo tomo lse. lll50Mo.Plush crpts.21,<t rocb, 2Br adlts only Canal Front, Newport nis. Agent Mr. Cluk. .,., """" ~View Hlls 1..._.DUS Bare. $750.000. Sell or avail. indefinite, 2 Br. Ba. Cedar & glass. sun-only·no doc's. 4 to choos ~ Shores. 4 Br +. Lease or 642.3850 days 645.3370 4t2tBarranu l'k111):trvi•r SpaciousFamlly Home " TRIAL . Trad e . Bro k e r s 1"'.I Ba. ram rm, hv1ng deck , dbl: c ar pr v from.16.'iOtoSIOOO 1714,) option to buy $1500/mo eves · ------Ma.nyextras·Lgefeelot W .. 9o't1 Mesa.new h1gh Welcome . 552-8645, rm. kitchen. 2 fps, lge garage. tully maint 499-3816 Tennis. pool. walk to ...:c..=..:..·------* *WILL J.RADE! flexible terms $485,000 ::.1xiofire f:p&rirklers. 7SZ..7633 yardh Pets ok. pn vale y1rd. No pets lnqui re at Have something to se ti? belch. Agent &46· 1044 or Classified Ads. your one· Bkr675-4494/S48·1300 sq . arger. 1~ir-bear access $950 151 SZ718th.St.960-6331. Classifled ads doitwerl I MS-~. s!9.1!.!_ho_Htn°center Would ltke smaller Chuck Spiller . a gt __ ,......, &last,644·0164 --_ __.._ -"-".!: - HEWCOHDO SO DM ~j;~ i:,,ro~~yt>e':~,:ru~ &..GMODfioll 6.1l·l286 •• ~:!' ......... ~?~! 2F~!.:,~'"f!1c. P~.tio. nr .............................. . A 6315737 ho · S 4 Br.J8a. E'xec borne, 10 Acres avocados. ""'"""'u apduorean • gent. · view me 10 ant1ago gated courtyard. dbl Rancho Cal. 12<;;, int. 1750lease 640-1177 • MESAYBDE ~">;:'rs~r;1:·::"~~ Crplc, newly redec. in· I $165.000 Xlnt invest ZBR. IBA. F'tplc. Patio • 8-DAY W' • .:EK SPECIAL • For sale by owner. As· Ask rorChuck Side & out 10'1 assuma· 557-3288 I Gar. $700 Pl Sec Dtp r; • sume VA. S67.000 at 10~ • · ble loan. S27S.OOO StJOO 1WW H I •.......1 L1...1... Day ZlHS0-19'0 Eves. e 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars '"""" M"' V•nl«.0· (~iJllOOdbrld9e 2'!:"" "'"''"'· -"~' ll!AC ---..,... I • do. S99.ooo 7St·2380 S6 OOODo H1gh visibility c .3 I bdl•p 2100 --1-Yl' .. "'"'E e It s easy to place o 8 [Ja W k Cl f db I d 1 751-4330 leave message. Really ' ( w• Ckean. view. 120 ft. fron. t ....................... ·o. . b •UV\ft • y ur -y ee asst te y ma I an I • \'ersai Jes Studio Pen· tage UseextSltng bwld·1 Want a tax sheller~ Sell W\ option to uy ....,.,... costs Just $8 -that s only a dollar a day1 To Qualtly for this THIPllCE SS1·3000 thouse Condo High as· ingo(4000 cn ft.or build myl/l2yearnew triplex moves you'" $150 mo I ff t t ff • ISIH9HT! muarnua PllW>.I".'"~ sumabte loan Only lO<nl it O Ill or exchanie equity for rent applies to purchase • spec1a O er. you mus .>ea non-commercial user o ering • on this • Bdrm. fe~ced in *•WOODBRIDGE $111,900Call Jim · ~·ts 0oo w:,~~7~ 1 condo or? Owner. After7 or funuture Oeluxecon e merchandise for sale up to $800 per. ad. and the price must poothome ooa qwetc:ul· 979•5370or9G2__:9S9.2__ ~~r. · · · 1!4-760-07*34* * ~~~1 ·Je3a~'. ::~1P~· • be 1n your ad The co~.t stays the same whether your ad e de-sac in Eastside Costa Assumable loan Wilow u VACANT• * need e ht d s e ll t t Mesa A beautiful yard effttt1ve interest rate. 48R. 2'11BA, Fam rm. O.k. IN~LUMD ~1tf;474~S:1 673·3E94 or • s 19 ay S ing, ime o r JUS one • with a covered patio and Beautiful 3 Bdrm 2·sty Pool. 2 £rplc 's. Terms. PALM DESUT 514 Narcissus ,.,....,,,,_ u__ • • a cozy fireplace in the condo Asking Open Oatly 2242 SHOf!PIHGC!HTEI Corooal>fl Mar __.__ 3224 Use one word in eact1 box About 4 words make one livin g room. There IS $131.SOO Heatjter Lane S262·000· 34.<n>sq I\ rentable. 7 1"' You are the winner 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • class1f1ed line of type Minimum ad IS 3 lines Please pnnl • more! -Assumable Askfor SaliS520129 Also3BR. 2BA . Pool acres. Out of town twofree ticketstSl9.00> IEOHEOF • loan and an anxious [Uj]UL~A.1lo.. Id St92,SOO. Owner/Agt. owner. Sl,800,000Te-rms. value to the THELUCICY FIW • plainly seller. Only $169,900. lfl n'""'"r gc 955-0!09 ______ (714 ) 846·3278 , t213) CllCUSYAIGAS ~nt in Costa Mesa's • • Call979-S370 IJ• RHlly M.l-9552 Passes willlndicate NEW EST g a t ed 20 r:-------;----·-·---:--------------1 • ·JI LLS~" ·TE. 551-3090 C:O.doMl ... fTow•· tocauon ~ri:ormance ~o:i~~:,_;12Lz~~; e I • ' .M , ,. 4ttt8arrma Ph ).ln'inl' UDO ISLE .. ~~.~ •• ~?.~~ To claim tickets , call 2Yz Ba.16CJO.t800sq ft. or • I AIEALJQRS _; ' WOOOlaJDGE NORTifLONG BEACH 642·S678. ext. 272. pure luxury. Garages, • I • 0. ltie l.Wi• BARGAIN! Virginia Tkkets must be claimed hydro-tub& In master I • IOIOW.wtLSOM 2BR,&Oeo 2BA. C.ounlryClubEstates byFebruary 19.l982 suite. dining roo ms.. S OPEN SUN.12·'4 PANORAMIC New3br,3ba Condo * * * woodburningfirepl1ces, 1.00 I • $287,000 Luxury Decorator micr o.wa ve ovens, • 1 J 2 br, beamed ce.iling. re· Lakefroot View Extras SI 05 , 000 C I P z. one d private patios & yards 1 • rmdeled Large. valua· Pro f ess 1 on a 11 y Ptomsnc.ooo dllplex. 2 bdrm each.. Gardener provided • 10.SO I ble R2 lol. Ca n build 2 Lanchcaped. Beach & <;olt.r...._ " Oversized lot. 2 blks to El li I • rmre units. Ideal for re· Tennis Club Good m4>847·7066 hospital & other gen·1 ~g~ f~g if.~~i~! • 13.20 tired couple. Owner w11J Financing. Owner Of· S.C Plaza, 3BR 2BA. as· facilities. Xlnt potential. Island. 7 minutes to S.C. • I • ~~:fS:~~13>689-438•. reredat sm.ooom.8362 O'Wc:~1~·b,:~er~!· ~m~.:u~~~~ r:~\:~t ~F:~~;o~i e 15.IO 1 1 e OWNU YOU'LL StOlK.9&4·1988 OWCat l3%orexchange Blvd. "so. of San Diego • S2 • Ea.tJOY $SOOOODOW... Hunlin"'on Be ach·4Br. fo r O.C. prope rty . ~ .,._ .. 1 S900 Add .60for e1chaddltlon1llln1forltlm11 I AMAMCIMG ~ I.': " a• (TI4)9Z7·3S71. •• .. , . .,...., ng al • • Lovely 1 story 3Br 2ba the ree.li.ng of sptcious BY OwNER. Harbor l....,Ba twnhse. $92,500. ioonth. 63l·S439. 2473 • I borne + family rm & ness 115 you walk Into the R i d g e Co n d o SB,<nl to usume loan at 3 brbouse oo R2 lot in old Orange Ave • Costa • I • c.uyfireplace.spac re· livingroom from tbelog· "Renaissance" mdl. 3 13"'1~.C.11979-6519 CdM . suita ble f or Mesa. p bl'sh df c!d t t' I ar yard, jac. Desireable gia entry .. created by Br 3ba. den. Assuma ble IAIGAIM! d...,lex, excb. for income 2 Br. enclad gara~ • U I my a Or~ ays S ar ing • F.utalde Costa Mesa . open stairway and slid· s21s.ooo at 10.3%. VA a.... 2 B • properly or lou or ? Adulu.no peu.$525/mo. • Class1'f1'cat1'on_ I • $460,000 · terms negotla· · · .....,era. r. or • Value 2SOKM 979-1658 w I all dtslped for family ingglass doors 4 bdrms. ble 644-64216 Br. c.oodo. Agt. 981-2297. m . w lion. 631-4889. I • living. Call J o hn 2~ba.designed wltb the . HAVEZBr.2Baupgraded 4 Br. 3 Ba. hse .• frplc, • N e I Campbell for showing. family in mind. See this HAI.IOI llDGE lilcom PrOfllrty JOOO Newport Bcb Cando for fenced yard. No pets. am • ~sHALTY one before deciding on Lucerne -tale Model, ............. •••••••••• SUC.000 w/'63,000 net S7IO/mo. + dep. Aot. • Add 1 1 • "__. an,ytbin el $248 500 ""' H.B. 4-PLEX. 3 br, 2~ ba tqu1 • reSS ___ _ '75-JJU g se. ' . $580.000. Avail. now ! owner's unit, frplc. NEif> 3Br single fam 6'2·5122 • ------------------, ··-===•=I ~ Xlntterms:.760-lm. Supertaxbeneflts.2yrs residence in H.B. Lo•tlwH-1 e City Zip Phone • Wlbllt Yow w... DOVER SHOIES new. Only $39,000 dn. By w/slmila.r equity 'pay. 3 bdrm, ~ ba, water, r • Leue/optlon. 38R 2Ba 4 Br. Oen, 3 car garage •• Phil, af,9"12·9300·• ments under $700 mo. ganlener included. S79S. • Check or M.O. H nclosed D I lclot,nrS.C.Plaza +Ho bb y R oo m . 32U ·2YRSOLD SUNWESTREALTORS 2childok.644·2'178 • $12',tOO s420 ,ooo . Rea ltor HUNI'JNGTONBEACH 7a4m e1ean2Br.1Ba.duplex, • Charge my ad t o•: I 6 771 541-S647. f~~~~c:~~~d:~: TRADE for home on enclsd 1ar .. private • ~ I • 1253 tu 1heJter lat yr. UUdo, clear 9l50 acre cal· ~ J!OLETS. S48S & e 0 # __ Exp. I • ' WATmtFIOMT e ranch. or Bryant _,._._. I Call Phll, •&t1 '72·9300. Heed. Utah. Leued for Westside. 2 Br. 1 Ba . • • • PllY:.:=:.cH APPUYAU.IY CIWe, JU • oll. Low avail. ssso. Garace. • O # _ . Exp. 11 e f• Sliehr tu.el, bi"1 app~c. f:A>ts yard.. Kids oil. 641-0763, '!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~!~ .._. 1041 SensaUonasm.-.. onll4heBwr abolemer" Near new 4·plu. 2 !, ~~tin1 fl hsbmg. •bdrm, 3 ba, 2000 aq. ... • L--------·----------------------1 • ...: •••••••••••••••••••• \:& • • ....__ 2 .......... b _.. • .... .._ • " . .... I....& Featuringf'tenchdoora. =~ .. ~~ eac .!.~ W"'"""ED ff Lido t'Cado. Tennia, pool, etc. • r---------WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE --------------• ,,....,. trplc, prolesslonally de· .._ a.u-"'· enc~ NH. i GUMOCI Nr. Bes Bay. Many ex· t ,.. A UfMe comed • private SAN· Plilo. prap. 9'4" lit. la.le for Income proper· tnl. ms mo. Call Bob • I 1 • • ::=.~.::e~· ::::t ~~.:OE~c.~1ie~~~r. L~·:i::[i'1ooru~:;. ._:;z~ .. ~~ltedl 1u• • i 1.11111 ' NN~~;:RcvE ! • from lennil • cany M loan at 13~. , . • .................. ~................. • I. IF MAILED 1 • bt1cb. Ownr hu in· 'JS.~lor7$2.7f13. 5Unit.C.M.Bar1alnle11 , .i· INTHE o_ • ....... ~MW plaN ror cutom thin 10 yn okl. sz•.OOO • ~ UNITED STATE~ . POOODOWM ~~°i°°· Spec· owe a '°'. 3 tidnn, i bl, aew roof, . MISSION REALTY 162075 541·5183 II MACNAB •. ! BUSINf :SS REPLY LABEL : • :,:-.:~.ltMLllCall .. -0731 IUMITS w • i ""SfCLASHEIUi\lf'HO u CQ\fUllllA.CAllJ°"NIA i • = C?':r-aJt-n:. 7.11'1 HOSS • REAIJY .. !! ~;'rAOE Wa.l 8( PAID IY400MSSU ! • 16.llll . = ••una, spa, 1i---•--• ~~ :_-:,:4 .~~':::~ ·-· .. --• ~ 01111nge Co11t Dally Piiot e ~·a,.., ftaat-.decb.. all lbe .. -.. .. u n..c;o, ot .lSQ,lllll_ ~ I II ... .., 7,..,. it below lllltllkMI r.. Qmci Catla luier. IK aod owoer wmi I I •mt rett. ••••""' '-=..._U 8taci1tul HouM ID Hae. earr1. r1111 prtt•' • '*-wtlll ... mtllfl'. Nelpborllood lo NI. ••Call'maTO. QIMI ..... NC. -. mBA. ram llm. • • • • u -W 1111t t t -I Ct ''t.::" ~l!:i. =,·.,~ 011580 -...... a10w.111 •. tfl"W\3111 0.. ...... . 1 ..-. _.., ... Ofllt. ~ ......, w 1Co1t1 ,_..,CA 12121 -.•ra.lw ,.,, --.nA. _. ..... •a. . WAJftACTIOftf • • v ~ •••••••••••••• !'!?.':!'!.: ••••••••••••• ~~! .••••••••••.• ~ ......... ~ ............... ~~~.~~ ....... . DRYWALL/ACOOS1'1C 11fflORASSHOPPER Ciittry, Hm rpra dtwl Housecleanln I im tx •UHYANT'S• . ••SkYLIGHTS• • 1'yru11p.""Jlyllo'dlc Completelawnmalnl. potnai , roll ix up: Ocp Artl 111 0 b P Cwto.P~q Wulko~enn11Hemo\'.1I All Sm·~ ln•tulled Truck mount unll Ina · 53~5549 tndoorplant apeolallst yrdw rk. n•aa Jerry. .un ~..... cu• " e ra , 25 Y~ l'XP l..J~ 4~ii4 t All 1)'L 64~ 1343 Gl"\'at l1n1·t·'· 631 !1255 W_.... M• .. s Domlnk6d·.S51 ~~ ..--lt>ndt'd lru R(•r, tolur .unL -"'-~'1-lt.ctric~ ----Exp'd llouuk.up\:r, expcn 963001101l"lf; ~/ r 11W Shampoo Ct sttam rltan ...... •••••••••••••••• Mowln1, 110, 115, S20 Btn'• t.lalnttnancr St'r'' 1 11 1 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.Olot brl1htenert. wht EL~RICIAN -prtre Haulln&/ DumpinAt, Plurnb • F.ler • avai momtnas llr< I'm Sm11 ll l'th prn·t·~ l'&tpatchr&&1t·xturc111 TILt.INS'J'Al Lt.I> CHRWICI( & SOM crpta 10 min. bleach. riaht. free estimate on SlH20 754·9904, 955.0095 Carventl')' 11oorklnK. h<!nest rrli~ 1 u!1' ,11m11 ll' rdM · N ll Frtt t ltl· 1439 \II Kmds 1,u.ir .. nh'l·d 8utldersslncd1M1 H.all. liv /dln. rm.s 116, latetor1m1llJobs ~ Pamttne C&ll964523J ~ft5Rl'fs l11ll 63175!H.o ~;xpd Ronb'136477 l'l.A;,;f:Rf'ATClllM; Ref.. lohnlHO!llti t\ddllloot Rtrnodtllnl av& room 17.50 , COU<'h Uc 1396821 flJ-0359 Gardtn Main Res id --NF.l.~lNS PAINTING It l • ' Int ui° 311 l~tom l'N11m11 1111• Doors. windows, patio SJO. chr ~. Guu tlim. lJC'D ELECTRICIAN Comm lnduat Cleon· Hm6lcJ IRc0119 Tox Int F.xt Rt• id t'omm ' ~1:";1 l'uul5 15 ~177 1•ron111t wr' ~·r••f' ,.,1 t'Oveni •'ree est Rus Pl'( odor. Crpt rtp11r Qual. work Reiis. rates up• Ir Tree Trim Free ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• A~tu· 1·r11t 1111~ Rrri1. Y"' t.i < hur~ 1.1:l 111111 Lie 13109t2 S4_!_ll.10 1$ yrs exp. Do work Ft-est. ss1.un2Tom Ellt 8411096 •· DU1MPJORS Ex.PER PRt:PAR!o:R ll1·d f'rtll>e~t 1137 2631 -.~ If R r ~" 0 o """ -~· ---.. sma I Movin11 Jobw Enrolled to pr11rt H'I' , ,. 'IN . •---"f :~. y,, f;xp fr•·•· ~.,t t"INF. HOME m e . e 8• -1 1 I TOP QUALITY I JAPANESE 'Cull MIKE 646·1391 .:,., h IR . Q I L Ju l.AIN I . t'. ·~~~I·.,:. ·,~,:a~·r:d··,;;,;;:~r l<1•11, .. n,1l1h· Wot k Ciu,11 IMPROVEMJo:NTS NoSteam/NoShampoo Electrical workat GARDENER - -Ul"loret e S. uaity QLIAL!fY lU;A."'. onu '' ' • ,Johnl!l;!3'.lil:! AlkFors-dro Your Dally Pilot Strvlce Directory Representahvf Add1t1cw & Remodeling Stain Specialist. t'aat Reu. rates. 531·5055 REASONABLE a.UH UP YOUR ACT 1 1 at r~~E~~:;::,111 L;ircy 645 \13113 J/l G ~'r~~.~~~ith~~~~1'l!~~33 ctry:Fteeest.839·1582 El""'n'courSpecialh" FrttEst. 968·7989 TlnOOAY ! Yordt11aral(ke lncomeTaxServict' INTtEXTl'AIN'l'INC: ,,·r1 .. s1•1.t."l"I,''(,'& Tffts.t•ict • -• -~· • lJ I --c ·Up, etr. I ton true . Quall!)' work u1•11, "" ., v " •••••••••••••••••• • •• • ~ C..,.t/V ... Mty ~:.~.~::'/· J:rJO· n:,a , Sft'¥1Ctt ~ 631-l~ 124 hn1) &31·48711~ 8.J>.Pl. .. 'rl't't'lll Sh•H 54; 4:!111 llEATINli HHi\ I fl ~.~;~~~~,·~ :.:·1 1 t,i.:::'.':'.~1;, --lllAL~ •••••••••.ne.u.t..t_t~••••• "'"'n"'lltlon·Gradtn" f•"T ACCURATE flEl'l.At r M~ llillll ........ -• Ntwvr·s ~ial! Crpl •631·2345• .,... ., • ~ lK)(iOANO\' P'\INTl:>;<: s..n11 t, •111 1u101 Lie. •349892 770·6554 uphol. cleamng Scotch RESID COMM'l,tlND Transpart Asphalt, ron Income tax service your 16 yn. .0 r Top 4uothl' Pl'OpHty Man04Jemtnt Trt't' 1 n111111~· 'It.,,,; u11• 642-5671, •d l22 kc••"-9 ---auard. Free est. 972·883S ""yrs·~ 0o my ou•n crett> & tree rem(t\ al homt' b) ~pl 963 6821 "'"at St Ill 334950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ! ..., "' ~ Soll I •·~ ~l1~11h' .1·1'111• t •·1· •·.-• MocHAU COMSTl. wort Uc d Al 64&8126 prep & P untrni: W.0.W., 1~5 OJllll ~ lllll6 PROPERTY 1.11, 7'>1•• ·11111, ~ In, • Custom homes. fram Ct..t/C:O.C,...._ ---Operated eqwp l'ornm 'I ••••••••••••••••••••••• "l'ALITY l!'iT Jo:X'I MANAGEMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••• P/R QtrUH Fan Stmts Ing r•mod•I Fr•nch ••••••••••••••••••••••• •---eo .. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Realld'l 6427638 BRICKWORK s II " "i.•J\ltt ' .. "'. " · THOMPSON'S ,_.. ... ,...., TRACTOR. ideal for ma IJc"d Heh l-ht• 1·~1 or.001:1· t'o .tr1•J I~' r' doors. skylights & patio CONCRETE CONSTR •••••••••••~•••••••••• II <IJI" General haulmg & mu~ Job~. Nt-wport. Costa • •646 10fi7 • • "'IJt•nu111• (';,II 1111 111111 1"11!111'1i 1 ·1• 1 111'' "'1 1 '1' 1'' Compl Sel·UP & Sen 15. 540-5834 , • ..........,,,. covers 848·3652 · Carpet & Lmoleutn For srm •cNss areas. inc Tree work. gar Mesa, In tnl' Ref:. and 1.11•'' 1•1·11 1 "1111" "" ··~~·:~A0T,0E0•P•A•v••IN••c••• ,...a.t.......&M-L'--. . ' -.h I 'd '"2 r '"" ' u•.r 1 _,..... ----l..lc.11393383 642-8482 Home Van & Motor wldeKubot11sk1ploadtr l'leaflUP L'••~ "SI ...,.375 QuahtyPti:.l.ov. \lotnh·• 963 _, 182 1 1 ..... 1111•111,1 .. 11 1~111 ,,.......,, _.., -....,. R~ID CONCRETE+ Home.IMHS95 Dave. _ _,_r. ns '"·5006 714•842.4597 ratt"S in effl.'tt ll11111·s1 Sealcoating Stnptn" •••··~··••••••••••••••• Sport courts. Lie. 374067 - ----H ..... Masonry our Spc1•1<1lt 1' r't•hahle 11411 ~l-0<11! R _._11 ;n . Tnnt DHdl " Cab1J1ets &Carpentl')' For the best t ilt> &•Jfllll" HAULING student has Clean. lJlUl'k. dl'Pt!lltla emo-"9 "'epoir ..................... .. Repairs. Comm.• Res hi b &b85J.l966/847 70711 Unoleum flooring, .. 1111 •••••••••••••• .. •••••••• J l'l\INTt:n N Et:ns •••••••••••.••••••••••• • r>• 1.1.'\i •t· L.\I Small)O s &repaars • lge truck Lowest rate bit' Wedoanvs111• oh r ' r Uc 11397362 645·8181 G 675 439• W • r.-..nntr" Masonrv ' WORK' Jell r.; l'\"1 1111 COMMERCI "l I I 1 • I ----F'reeest 645 2003 CN1dCore reg · .. t' re ""''"" " J Prompt.Cull759 1!176 •631·2345 • '' · ,., .11~ 111.1 ruit·• '"111' Driveways. Parking Lot · · -••••••••••••••••••••••• £._roud _!!.f ~r w~~·---Roofin g Plumbing Thank you. John t'AI Atou,t1<' 1 ,·111111:' /IHDUSTRIAL 11~111111 ~ \11c,1 ,,1 h I "' Repai rs. Sealcoa11ni: Corpeftter Childcare, Full Time ir.-..1a.._ a.....a..:~&.1.-. Drywall Stucco · Tile EXPERT BRICI\ AND l>arn Pa1111111i: 11 ti 51111, l\EMODELIHG! "·'' 1. .i S '·SA ph It ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mond1y Friday My CM ..__... ,.... .. ._,..CJ Remodel. J B 646-9990 Ho.Kie.MIMI MaJ>OOry. Small JUb' & l'nlll""" ~t·u1l"1lt ; '" ~' I "' 5 a E'INE FlNISll WORK . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---•. .,, repair.. ~'tpk fat1ni:' ,., ' I 11111 1°'1 "1 "1111"' Tutonnn Llc631-419'1 r I Home Sl Hr General Mamlenar.ce ••••••••••••••••••••••• llt'I Int t•1(t n·I\ ll.1n,1 t hi "1 ---· Retrodeltng Doors hu.ng · "•1.0162 •SPECI _.L * Want a REALI. y CLEA-.; R~fs ~I 4555 760 1074 'P·" 1 111 11 ,; ""' K.; • •••••••••• ••••••••••••• "'....._._ R Cd """' A Repairs & Decorating 1;1f, 1111:1 •• 11 !11'\I ,111 J 1 "'"" •It, 1•1 • 11 u1.,111111 .\ "1,111 ,1 i,1 _._._,. and1720-1260 M -----Any chairhand·stnpped •Quahty•Ray6405IH HOL"SE•CallG1n11hum LAN~CI' M,\SONll\' itn\\,oll ihnpoo·itui• I\ 1 1 1 ............ ~ ..... ~ .... CHAR •PROF'ESSIONAL CS.-95erfic•s or reglued, $19.7S A Girl ~'rl'eest ~SSl23 loottt'll' Lil'. Ins PopenrKJ lnm 1,11V<'llln tu turn 11111·011•11'' "''' 1'11 AGGRESSl\ELEGALf Call>l'ntr) +Boat •••••••••••••••••••••• Tourh Of C'laH In HOME IMPROVEMENT ROHlN'SCl.EANIN(; 2o~r.. ~'tl'('l''t 53tl l/911 ••jL\~(;'j~(;°s:1;•1tc°>i~t• plt'lr1111 l"Jll loruur .l•lf 1111! '>I~ .ihft11 • ti HI•" Representation La\\ o docks 2Syrs 645-3749 p EP GIRLS c lean1n g teners. 711 W 17th St R EPAlR PLUM BING Semce a thorou11hl) I Custom Bn1·k. ~1001• .111~0! ;io11J fir I'll 114.u, t rh1 I t.t I ';;•1 fices .24hrs 54.58-122 · sem ce. Homes.Offices ll_A2_.C M 642_7712 lleat1nii. t•arpenlr)'. h 5 ( .... 7 Scn11p1111:tl1•t·1111pa111•i 1 1 11 1 111 .., 1 .,1111 ti \II MtOlllDti • • • • • Anl< ... o """1 _ "I~. "In f'rnn ""t. No clean _OUJW 4 I C.o..r Block. Conrrl'll' !-.1u1•1•11 \'I'"\ \IC ' I a• '•J"' 1 1 .. , I r.~ '""""""' "'"" u" n La Hr L'-L' t 5"fl I 1•11 ,,, •••• ··' Roofin9 I l.t•\j•I• l \ ,, ..... , • • 'l'lredofPa1n Walls?ln -~-"' JOb toosmall.64528_11 . IMM,.CUL,.TE IMol·~iftCJ,.,\'t:r..., • ~·-~ 1,1,. l',\l••:itlf,\,''''',L,'ll 1 It 11 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• crease the Vulue & Contractors.General '21 Ill "" \.. r... j~\_ ,. • •••••••••••••••••••••• , "lfl'(l'IJtl.l ~1 11111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAC""' OF~ ALLTRADES J ., 1•·1ri<1~1 •· .. u.·11· ,'·,, l''" H Fl' \IHS rn11 u .ss •Jt:111:.1.l! Instead of "'ax 40 mo With The R1rhness of ADD'NS1RE~ODELlNG TREES Call day or night. Homes 675".9755 Off1r ••••••••••••••••••••••• l<••~viu11111 too la11:1· Sh1ni:l1·... flotl :111 i r' Window Cl~anln9 TER.OM YOUR CAR Beauty of Your llomc •••••••••••••••••••••• ·" •• Ci..Ma S•rvlcts I • ~· "' "' '' wrtv. 752 5007_ 752-tl892 ., • °" I e 751 "•76 " " •••••••••••• ••••• • • • • • • SolJd '"ood •96_,,,.61 P_lans Lac d George Topped retno\'ed. clean •Ja1·k675 3014• mes es I "IC MOVl ... G ~'n'l•t·~t Ton~ !!~Ill 2;211 '''P r1t·1·•''' 77tJ 27:!5 :..:.:.t..:. -Pilme!&~~·~7.:.G932 UJ!i. awnr ns>~ :...""-REASONABLE Qwtkrar!!ful 5S20-llll Wi\Ll.l'APU< lft1l•·•ltuul 1n ~.111 1q1t' J,·111'1• """'h"'' h PROF POLISHING Laminated C<ibanels K&D Landsrape M amt PROMPT FREE EST LORRAINE'S HOME I j i\11 kind~ Fret' l')I \t•\\ rl'rn\ t'I cl1·1 ~... ' .111 :-.t111 11111 .. \\ i11olt1\\ Service al your home 11r Wood Sk10s or Formica JM~ SY!t.MI Resid Comm C1ea-n·op ALMOST EVERY SERVICE H El-'S •A-I MOVING• $It roll Ltt· JJtl'IJll; t.11 : Ill!!'•:! SIX ~1;31 C'lt ,111111 , 11,1 :'ii""-" ,1 hmllless R1ck1i750344 Lru_lS ti456S21549-168S f'reedes!gn freeest Lt Hauling 548.2489 REPAIR NEEDED Ov.11lrans 9620510e\~ Top Quaht\ Spe1·1,1l :'\orml:45-llt!llu "!I• \lunlhh 11._., 11 n, Custom C;i rpentry 8)' Room addtllons. tenant -DA \'E 64S 4757 Top Qua ht~ ReJ., Rall•a tJrl.' 111 hJndhnJ( 25 ''' I Hewpori Roofinq libysffHIKJ J t "' mica •-1mpro\ eme n t . 1n Gardening Comp I · p, .. 1 barh .. lorhornr... C''I> l'umiwttt1,,. rJlt'' m~:l'\PEll 11 \\Ci~.11 l)u;ilil\ H1111hn1 fiir •ltr..,11>~ ,·11 \I.• •••••••••••••••••••••• d'r ror oc d k I & fr~ ha ling ·1 (' TI • ' I' r 11 ' \ I I I • I I C• II )Uranre work. er s. l'ean up = · u "asotll)· all>l'ntry 1 e 1213143911907 :>;ooH'rtune /JO 13!'>3 I m qua 1 ~ ""'" hr11·ll11111t·' 1.a:.01111 '' '~· ••• Babysit. our CM homl'' I Tt c I 642 8809 or a ror u•able tlAm• Pl "R r R d L·1 I ... , \ ( .,-, .... , •• ' ( 1111 .•.•• 1(111• & \ . 'd •620 at patios ~ " ·' I um.,. oo ing-emo ,.,.,0 , I."'' ,\'"l'f)l'.S r t'l't'' ·' l' '·' • •. n 1, L"I L \L .... ~ yr up. anytime ~.~~~l()er,,,"h T1()..fk>67 Ltc 3l3174 Michael 645.5734 Stucro Drywall 536·8700 TIIE BROOM svt AD ~""' ·•U ~ \. I . '. '1111' •• " 642·8482 &165i5!J ,,..._...,. .,,. rs I - -(Juahl\' Reh.ibl\' ~IO\'l~Gco:i1P.\'.:' Vt .\I.II' ("1111rn1i:h1 ~"'"" 11 .. ,,.., '""" 1 •·111111 --. · • • . REMODEL ADD·ONS Gardening Wanted I HOME IMPROVEMENT ti,ou.s • 1 : n1.t f7J 3t<!I 1 Fast & c arl'ful J.o\\I''' l';1p1•11ni: l',1111p 11t.! l(uofm;. 1 .. 11 ,, .... 1•,., r Ii 111111 Babys1ll1ng Mon ~ri Cab111eb Countt-r lOJ>li, &Call>l'ntry Ltr"d 'Mo\\111g,edg1ng,rak1ng. Talefloors f'ent:ing -.treant ,' Rall'!. LI\\ ,\1)011' ~1 (' Fil'l'l''I .l.1111~~.~:?11~:11 r)o••·~~'I iljt,.'1~'"! 7111'1'1..'.'lt:I Newborn lo 2 yr::. 6 t111 Door... Greenhouse Wtn· 2S 'T'S lrwm 548-27191 s w c e pt n g . Fr t: e Plumbtnl( All small Cathy) llomt' Sen ll't'~ I \'ii.a I.tr In., li7:l llH~:I I . I . 5:30.Sl /hr.Cl\1 6422!t<JS , dows. Finish work } --estimntes 645·4372 orl Jobs 28)·rsexp.979226S Completl' l111u::.1•cle.rn Pointin l \\.11lp;q . .1t·1 11m1r.11•111t ~ Sc.tdblashn9 ~op • fak1·tinwtor1•l,1\ Lkd ch1ldc:are. "" 1111!1 . i!>l·4'120 Custom Woodworillll9 fi.l5.5737 R . 11 d mg R!'fi.. 64i! %75 ! 9 11.111111111: I 11· :1:!11"111 n 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .ind ,hop .•t hCJm1· It ' ~ & hip l'u t m spa derk~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--ay 5 an yman • • r 011r ·~··••••••••••••••••••• ~.I 11, 1 .. 1n (,11n1111 llll>Crfl<\'IJ--..1., .. .i stmple\\1lh ():111\ P1l111 ~are l'ompan1on~ . ::. u · · Cl!STOMHARDWOOD Cl'STOMGARDENI NG ' Serrn:e roof repairs. Prefere~t1allarrt1 > . 1r!nt-pa10l1111-!h' ll11'hanl t•t.t-O.i, 1,.,...,111111 :-,11111.,1,_,r JI\ i:ta•"i(it'tl , 11 , \nd 1r fenced yd 556 30911 patios f'r door~ Lac'd lntenors. bars. mantles. Res1d'I Comm 'I pmntm~ & i·arpentr) 15 Posses-;1on~ & .1.1t11.nt ~ Si.nor LI<' in' l:l 'r' of ~,,.,.,.,1 '"' •·II ;1x1 \OU ha'e ~umethmJ? lo Babysitting. ffi) humr . John orR1ck91932ltl libraries. <'ab1nels . Clnuys 893_3S77,X43 yrse'<pet 6464336 f.xp & Kef:. •·123.!\l!I happ) l111 alru-1umrr~ E\11t•n \\,1lk11\t-rt11)! 111 II II . fr11·ndh bot lunches fl I 'r!'-. H~1e "'U n·:u~ 111da\, bookcases. skylttes. Landscapmg-YdClnups SRCITIZES DISC &t54259.. Th..o.nk ~uu i;JI 41111 ,t,1ll.1t1011 Ht'J' Jmtt·~ .S1'.l.L ullt ltt'lll' \\ll h J C~a.,~1r1~ ~d \l\l·r .it M·F S.S·IOSOl' \I . lla!>:.iltt>tl \ti~' II not cust molding Refs l'ret>tnm·Expen mafht SMALL LGE REP<\IRS WANT ACTION ~ Ha\e SQmt>thing to :.ell" 1 'lllMlltotnt '"1~nmeul Ll.ith l'ilul l'lot"111•·•t 642 SGili --- 1 1 '0ti'n mii.srn.: tht",hcsl "•""""" J d.l 0129 Cl..,••tfed A .. • 64? •"78 C:'I tfied ... d1 t II !>Ill llS9ll \d 642 56i8 han:ami.mluv.n' ~ 1~ _ _ f'reeest1males 548 5427 ....., ..., #0 asst 1 a"" 01 _we leal ,Est:ate~th~ Corpplete. Orcinge Coast.. Market Place . ·. 1 • • . . ... ._.., • ......__ ..__, hu.fw'I-.. .._....;,t ..tsu..fw1'. ltOOftW 4000 1RtfttalstaShort 43001ReintalstoShon 4300 I.I-:. U L .-!_L _ _. &_.._...._ lr.,-lsMcl .................... tMcf .&.-·-··· u.rw.. lllf& -.......... .,....~ • ooo••oouuouooo u u ouououououo 00 u o o ~··· ftTllnW>ne"U .,....."""'rw>r11nll --r'. .,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . h ) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 ltt't •-'-3t40 Mt rt t.ocll 3869 U.1tuna Beach Motor Inn Soul l.a1:una 1 l'l'an l'rof to h.ut' " ,.,mt Ht-.riltoch 3269 lolboolsa-d 3706 ......__..... J76f c:..MW... JIJ4 c:o.t.MHo 824 -_,.011 ... 4IC• ~ ............ , 98.S No Partfrl' Coa..,t Sidi' or lltRh\\a~ 1,.1~1·d lux11n111i' ! Hr 111 l1·u· ··r---, ...... .., • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••'-••• •••••••••• h \r'· Poul P \ t f n t • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... •••••••••••••••••• H"' Laguna Beat: ,.J • '••nro~ '''"' ,, •BIG CAN YO:>;• I bdrm a\atl March 1st OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Speciow 2 Br. l Ba. $31$. 2 Br 1\lt Ba condo. pool; 2 BT l ba. nr Hunt llrbr Lariie IBR !ti pd Spot. Oath. Weeki\ Kllrhi•n trJn1 (' Hdth S!95 dllll'11tt11 !-to,, I• ·'I• 3BR 3BA \'1·e~ of thru June 19th Call A•ail W'mter. W\'dly/ 3Br,l'°'Ba.MZS.Laun· laimdry,patlo,babyOK. fnclglr.enrl patto.no less QtDel S450 2421 f. d~ait~ble to~ \\tnlt·r t"ltl \lu,tbe i:mpl h,t\• prt'1tJh f1Jil>t11 t..11011 Golf cou rsc s 1 ~ uo 83J.OOS7{e,esl. 673·6'900 Monthly 673-7873 dry fac pool. S41·9556 no pets. $.WO. Mgr. Diane pets S4:iO mo lsl last + l6lh St ~-4718 ntes 490294 rt'" l!l'l 4i;?H.\<'' sii~1 i~l 1i:-.·11i J 1 · -., 642-1602, Marguerite S250sec 842 3889 ' · I 846-5792 _ eaJl!l! --Want ,:omelbing i:tra ... OCCPMCYI ~31116 --I Versailles spar 2 br. 21Pvt ent no ~mok1n1: ur • • • Garoqes .... 2 BR 2ba condo 21 hr lalbooPIMtt.to 3707 speci11I ill a 2 Br. S.00/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Lar,e 2 br, 1 ba. new I ba, frplr. sec gal('. rlnnk1ng, quiet ~1 •111•r TSUSAHURlEY forltnt 4350 secunty. Liie pool, '>Pa ••••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouse. completely Adults, pool. beamed pelnl 41 drapes. dish· • •NEW• • i:J~bhs_!!~ f7SO SS7 1997 I 30 '28.; rm S~·06:17 I 31!121 \'ta lx•l;irdrs .ipt A •••••••••• ••••••••••••• $750 mo 754·4114 F:xl Wrnter Rentals "'IBlk fr fum!Sll'IS. Mo.1'°"9H7. ceilinc. laundry room. washer, gar, lndry far. •L,A$ lllSAS * 12 bdrm deluxe. yl'arly Workllli! rem . 25 40, 1, S..11 Juan t'ap1,trnnu c:dr<tl!t' $.'-.ti 11••llth :!x• I 322 wkdys , or 493 ti25S Bch IBR S460 2BR S5t5. OCEANFRONT 1 br till No peU. No last mo . /mo. 645.9884, m r Adil oriented apt I arross from. :.and 8111 blk brh. N n . uni um j '1111 :orf' the w1nn<'r uf 1 ... ..,,,111· 1 .ill 111• 1 1 l'\I ev1wknds ~_gle_, ?JO_ ~73 ~325 6· 1 $ h.irn· 1550 , un · reni, I ~ Br 2 Ba Townhouse n~ 2 Bedroom Pen 51so mo 730 41116 non smkr $2iS 675 litN. tv.1.f1l-t' 111 kt'ts 1 !!!I 1M1 ·~r,; .r.111 SHH!cutelbrnellr RAYF'RONTAGE~ach. furn·S:>OO . wkdys TSLMGlrlT 642-1603 peU $455/mo 675.iio74 2blksfrom ocean 1,Step;tobeal'h Jbdrm.2 .irt4 '.ilul'lvtht• Office Rentol 4400 bch,f11>1c,pet$.12S p1er.2 BrS7SO Ultl pd 833·3743, eves1wknds • 3 81'. Condo or s .c .I or~·7Q · paddlelenn1:.1·t~ baduplex S850mo yeur Furn rm for rt1nl 11, CIRCUSVARGAS ••••••••••••••••••••••• OC·RENTALS 7503314 Till 5 27 303 E i.D-642'1 Plaza, S.A. Pool, spa, -----.-balcon1esorbkyurd lylease ~7G985 1 'lle~porl $250 mu I Pd~"''\\tll111d11·aCI' 11.1, \\'t·,lohll \I< \\ 1111 NewTwnhome 2Br2Ba ~~ater.l~!..2866·-pnJe.S'150. APrMANAGER rarports · L.f~maleprrft>45 34411.ift hot.i11on&1:i.:rformJnil' !111.1n•1,11 "'c ;1 11 Ba C d ,. _ _._ 372 .. ~11h ~or64H460 1 Serru retired couple for all111tlpdexceptvlei WATEIFIONT I s datr' 1 t "'"'' '•'•·n• .,11 ;1 ,_ 2~~ · arpels, ri.pes. "'4ntV MtSG .. u.fwlli:tlwcl 16 urut complex an l' M No pets WITH DOCK To 'IJ1m 111 t..1•1, • <111 2 car garage. 1 mtlt-....................... ........................ Mamtenant'eexp req Atlanta Delav.arr. llR Real nire 2 Br 2 Ra 1 ~:! ~1.;11 t 'I .. -.. EXECUTIVE from buch A\iill 31 c.o.r.e.oEORO T1 IEIS A:>"' lc6oo p.,.-.i. 3'07 UT M 549 0433 17141536 4400 \\ :.p;i m mstr Ba bit m' SOllth loquno II•""'' mu,1 t11 ..i.11m1·•t SUITES '950/01>. 2131967 028S .\LLt'TILJTJES PAID .......... ............. G ,_, d I kttrh . frpl<'. dbl rar', (~can S1rle ofllti:h"·" h\ hhru.in l!I 1'•11~ h d Ous B 28R. lBA. arage. • ar . I I\ '4«*Mt h riMs t or OCEA1"4FIOMT SPACI I r St2.S mo Deposit 2br 2ba in 4 plex S475. gar<1Re. + 2 add111onal I Guard Gated ·\r~ot P•H•I • • • ~ 3300 Compare before you 2 bdrm. 2 bath, new Cathedral re1Ungs. walk 631 4398 v.·d hk up. prv pdttn. off st spares SIJOO "'" E)\trano e p,, Hath HERITAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• rent Cu~tom des ign paint & carpel Yearl> in rloset, dishwasher, EASTSIDF: enrlsdtiar 645·9-194 J.R.PropMq"·. I ~5 t l'ltl Mu:.t h~I PLAIA CdM 2 bdrm. 2 ba . 1fr11 . reaturi•s Pool. BBQ. lra~e $765 Call L111da err fireplare. Rarage. pool & ~ 67S 6173 1i75 66711 Em p I ' h ll I l' rt' r:. South loquno \ ''" 111\111 I ''"''I ·l•" f11>k.gar.S750permo <'01'rd l(ara~e. ~ur ,laundry r a c tlity tbr.400~qfl . l~eyard. DaUXE21R, llA 499-472'.!Eu•, lh't•anS1rll'orllt 1:h11a~ 111 1111111 1•11•1• ·1 76().834twknds .eH'' round ed with plus h Ar1·675·7()1lO__ S4S() rro.399W Bay St $360 548-4845 1 mile beach. (rplt· Beaut uplo(radl•d !bdrm t.u.inlGall'rl ·\rca Pool 11·111•1 ~.1" I 1\\1 11 ----landsrapiniz No pets Nu 2 & 3BR •. ~BA yearly. 646-9113 PALM MESA AP't'S e n <' Is d g a r a IZ e rondo. " treme ndou~ I . l'\t r11trant'f' l'\I HJ th • t·~ \\ .111 n .. 11 ' • .i C.ctu•l.M lBr furn lromS465 f'r!ll<'.bll-in.~.ga r,park t561 MesaDr dshwshcr blt 1ns smoke ' amen1t1es S550 mo I NewportB<'h,2·"~ homt' 5295 .. ltil ~1u,1 ht• 101cl1•t,11I' u.fwMWd 3425 365 \t Wilson. 642 1971 rng Close to bay & 2 Br unfum $425. 2 Br alarm b~lcon} . Water 752 2319 d)s 540 7576 \~I') IRe room w P_~t10 ~:mp I h ,j\ ,. r er, 551-1231 ~ 40-4230 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nev.h decor 1 Br dplx ~ea_!l_Brkrli 7S.49t2. furn S465 Adults Call paid '465 Before 8PM . e\es Nonsmkr $300 f;JI '215 I 4~ 4i22 E>e~ Quiet 1 emplyd adult lBR View or Bay & me8tiBJHI tlwn9·4 546-9860 9604614 MEPTUNEAYE Furn (.'M HM S211J I .. WISTCLIFF O\er 3S No pet~ S330 Ocean S500. ls\.& Last .a.•.a.•~1...au .. 5 Upsta1rs 2 br apt. encl 1 Br. r;:i,1r. patio. \'lulled 2 Br 2 Ba. f">~. aarage 645-Z4~ or Call \nsv.l•r Shr lrR lu~ hnlTl(' v. prof ExcepU"onally neat con n.... • · """-' "'~ 1 ·" " • 611 642 4300 ' 1 • 1 $48-1021 ""'I'· r I d garaoe. S385 mo Ca II Ntbngs. pool. adll I\ ng S62S rm_yrlv 548 5682 Pl'Nlll ,,, 3'\t ... It'll do. Ground lnrl 675-76l7Yearlv Rental Brault u gar en apts fl ep" S488S61 ~ 842.8807 f ~wpt Brh huusl' pn' ~mo 'lff.~i•t Two baths Pr"·atl' ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ,. S paid Adults,nopets •2 Br 1 Ba N r i..,.at.och 3841 yearty,S32S mo 631.nts --------• • DEl.UX E OFFICES• Frum I r .. 101 II(' lu !t~M• ·•1 II ~ um (J It. .1 I II \,1 l•'.1'1' lt'•lllll• 11 \olJ \11111•rt1 I 11111 'I ll11p11111 (',ill \\I •rn l':''.I Spacious two bedrooms OanoPoint 3716 .. B; Qwet LG~;iion 50 Palkls1decks Spa. heal =!__ m. ~ -Steps to bearh. I Br I nonsmkr.fum SJOO mo 1 patio. Lovely grounds & fA.tper neat. small 1 Br Yrds to ~cit love , 2BR.2 BA. S525 SC.Plaza, very clean ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631-5903 -I R o OM M A T E pool Adult complex \'ilia with courtyard, Fridge Sing le Adult DIW. Wilson 631·5583 ~ 646-4667 OCEAN FIOMT 3bdrm. 2ba duplex. i, ~!;YpoDa:tP~e~';11 tll'~~l I ftHDERS Easy walk lo shops and qwet no pets S39S mo $3SO yr 1 Y Le a se PlNE BLUFF APTS. •Spacious lbr, poolside MO!lt elegant apartment I block to beach " I Olclc~t & lariiest agenry I 7TH STREET banks · S670 mon 1 h 493-0ioo 675-31~--2 Br. 2 Ba. No pets. N e w I y d e c o r . bu1 I ding in Laguna 548-8083 P\'t BR~ BA S48·4077 ,\II <ltl'lll~ ~creenell "1th COST A MESA Yearly lease Broker. 1.:..__leoch l74I Small bacbel•.lpru.t"dS.337 Patio, view. frplc. landsl'aped garden apt. Beach Finest locatlonm ----Avail March Isl n:iom , phott)!;&•rerrrenre~ ~"' 1 11~1111 11ff111••111t1·' 631-7300. .....,..-yearly, utils '"' 1·acuui. gar .. gas stove. No pets. $340 A"enl town Breathtaktn" S..Clitwllh 3876 Bath, Garage. I uol., Crt'<ht~ l'usmopohtan \ 1 ail1·11t' 11fprt..~ I t1I •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1---k f 20 I E h • "' L!. h p .... 0 "<8 I \ I l I 11 •••••• .. •••!Lux. U'"" •tud10·. sp11, TV. b""' rom ocean $.\SS 631.0107 548--tl27 or 7_3_1-6829_ _ _ \1ews. All bit-Ills. heated ••••••••••••••••••••••• '!'tr en "' '"""''" I lrt11.ld \lnmtnR Am<'n< a 1111 '·11 1 "" ·1 ., 0 0~1bo Blvd ,-75 9562 -s• ... CLE.L.t~TE 'h Ht·;ilnnon111, 1;;~ 1.,1~• Large 2BR 3BA up maid service. phones. ""' a · > • • snTNNING large 2 Br. 2 t br, Adults. no pets 717 pool. subt garage. .n U'l'I~ QI.Del home for \loorktnl! TheTormrrov. S ov. graded, In Newpor\ Ter S1.!_S~jl_4~·2227 752-IBZS. • Ba garden apt., pool & W.ll!th St •D. SJ50 mo ele\·ator Lease onl) I Goll course ball view. 21 person 1'\trn room 111 •'i ofl • to all ne,,. 1~•· "' 11 \)\,.1 \1'11lo race. Rec fac . iacum. Large 2 Br J Ba rec area. S43S 710 W. DI & up 330 Cbtr Dr bedroom apt Bwll in~. C'.o!ita Mesa Nol under! clli:nts v. M nrt'd a place .1m1 li50/rm. + ut1I 64 2 3917_ S7501rm Refng1 ! tncld. 18th St 645-1.926 ~ carpets. drapes. 2 32years S48 5804' NEWPORT 641-1899 H~ tl:LJ Nopet.s. Savage 'N1lde & --------D.oPoW 381' enclosed carports. laun I 2 bdrm anddenNewport Co s-6606 E.s1de fou11>lex. 2 Br l ....................... *scporta.tldl 3169 dryfacility Twoadults 1Hohts,Motm 4100 --------1 BAYfRONT Beach Con do Near ·fr/ · Ba. w1lrg sundeck. gar )harp 3 br very I rg. ••••••••••••••••n••••• No pets .... en morlease o••••••••••••• •••.••••I Sha"' m) 3 RR 2 sty hme. . Pn rr ,. 3 "J Hoa H "tal $69< mo -t•z2 I d h k . ~ NB ..__ rh t nn1s rn• u II t r,, Ii•• I ospi · oJ Cor'OMldtlMw , ~ w/ aun ry oo up · duplex, b.lt·lns, encl gar. paa1 NEWPORT Available Immediately SEA.LARI( MOTa • · nr ..... a · " ' . Avail atonceS46-4pt •••••••••••••••• .. •••••• Adulls, no pets. $500 SmlU child ok Nr PCH "" Owner 1714)642-0l38 Wkly rentals now a\'Jtl S350 768-6380.1\3136111 l •"r.<IJ "'k'J 2.'111 'll ft AST AREA Near the ocean, lq: 2 Br. 7~.2550 & Malaga $495. 730·6590 COUMTIY CLUI -----Sl05 & up Color TV Shr 2RR. l'?BA apt Lai: ~wto• ~Ii~ mu l t11' 111 2\~·8:!.,A/C,pool,rec many ameni i'ies . Bachelor&lBr.Aplll.All or642-9761 UVIMG NICE 2 BEDROOM Phones an room 2274 R<-h $350 ~util <'Id ii!I W l~Hh !"It facil., sec. gates. no S750/mo. Days 644?·5757 . adult, no pets. Pool, bbq ~ •-" 3140 Bachelors. 1&2 bedroom apanment·with view of Newport Bl \'11 l'M 497 J&8 115l 892ll P 968 ,,,.2 _eves &wkods631·6t_i30_ & enclsd aarages . , _ _,, .... oc apts •-townhous•s. the golf course, hills, .. ~7 .. < .,_,, ·-·• ft (l l"l p•r · $530. P. .....,,, -• , .... •••••••••••••••••• • '" public tennis rour ts """' ....., MJle 18 25 ·"-'' ~ ·"· ''I • " 1 Newcoodo,lrv Lg 2hr. Cute 2BR IBA f',•plc. SJJS/mo.631·2276 2 bdrm, I\.\ ba, $375 FromSMQ.$1~644·1900 behind property. 2 On the be&rh. h<Ht·I 114lllhSt II '(I ft ~•i'•flmh \II iv. ba, f11>lc. pool Jae. Spec1ous s1ud1os one good area · C GOO IT +$375 deposit. Gas pd.!'«<> FEE! Apt & Condo enclosed carports, all rooms. ktlrhenette & tii3 2Wl 6733663 \,.:l'nl '>ll 5'1:1:• association dues incl . and twobedroom apar1 mo Ye a r I>' B "' k r ~~~ C~r'fo w n Nr Beach Bl a. Mc Fad-rentals Villa Rentals btaltins, laundry faclht) bath $290 t-S290 secun Mature r sbr v. ~amt> ll \ ,,\ l'\ll~T 'ht''' 1111 $675/mo Call after 6 meots FURNISHED 675-49l2. w/patio ac yard, up den.no ls8!1J...SIM ___£_>4912Broker _ in4unilmodemspan1sh ly deposit 2306 W furn 3 br. 2 ba Cd~1 :.>1•11u5iU Jt1() inrl:ill 857~1 Ind UNFURNISHED ~mo. 2 Br. I Ba. bi tns. wtbalcony &t cathedral Deluu poolside xtra Spac. l or 2 br apts, l ma style bwlcling. 2 adults Oceanfront. Newport hofl'l'. ~Hor master br l'tal 6qanitor 'liS 11211 fiiiuFls oa~wood also olfers pool, newly decorated. ceiling f11>lc. d/w, pool, larte 2br. 2 ba. bllns. from beach No pets. only No children or pets 8ea£_h.. 673-4154 & master ba 6i3 1561 1 ci ftt'qpare for 1 l'nt 385 •All Uhli1ies Plld Mature adults. No P cts. spa, car port. No pell, dawhr, l'°' miles beach: 642-23S7 pleas. $450 per month ltett HcM.s 4175 Pool Hm Br Ba S27S I sq ft ~ernn<I f llwr •tmmediale Af,7 60-U99 (9- 6 ) adultsonly.$46Sliup. Adult.s,nopeta$500mo.DELUXESPACIOUS Available February ....................... furn Avail No Prest11:~~ \\\•,111trf Soadoul four bedroom. three bath condo "Guadelupe" Model Near shopping and ldloola. Jllt5 mo. Year· ~Jeue. Broker631·7300 Occupency So.HWY.2BR,1BA,ll'vt il650Harla.S49·2447. 536-8382. Ll00.2 Br.2 8a.frplc:,& Call owner (714 1 lrowtl'1G,...HM Dnnk,Orugs S45·5105 aretS1 1 ~Q ft '1e11lt•,11 • $1 Miiiion In Dltr, Pal.lo. ~ pk11ie. QUIET ADULTS pver 35, Ll'll lbdrm condo, patio, lrg patio. Adlts $1000. 642·01'1. ~. Cltze~855.:_6~2l Mer 5PM Bldg rn 6501 Recreetlon qliet, Matu.r~ Its i>n· unfum l Br. lower. $340. wuh/dey , frplc, pool • 67~. 1'' lo share w 2 Super ly. Ref Req. 675·34•16· Beautl landscaping. No Jae, sec. &ale, close to FantasticOcnfrt vu! f...._l..tah USO clean well located N.B. 644-<197 -pets. LEEWARD APTS. beach, 6/mo. new , $5SO. Upptr2br, xtra lge rms. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~$375~.~7~·~~ 2 Br. Bay view. Close lo 2020 l'Ullerton, 631·0397. ~. f750)'!1y. 842·3912 Avail Winter. Weekly I NB Harbor Ridge Lux Zbdrm.2ba,nrSo.Coasl ~each. Avail. 3·ll. ...3b9 f\lmished&Uofum.l ·2•3 Stepato beach.2Br.1Va MonthJy.673-7873. ury Condo Tennis & Au.a. 980. Adults only nooets @Ofmo.S7S-ll006. "-~. 1700 1 fl. Spa Bdrm. Apts. Gym , Be, frp lc. Immaculate Pools KN\ + Uhl Call bd 2b ' \,uuuu \ J ae zal Sauna pool Palm Springs aru (Mon· -"' ~1.IU 2 rm,.. a 1a r ap, ·• pool lt'nnis 1 lk from u • • • ccad. tl50 173-2$07 A .... "................. tttty CC> condo 3 BR 2 ~b. 1~·9"2 or 640·2434 r :: Oakwood wabe{/cb:)'er. llOOfmo. back bay. 's1.ooo mo tennts.,Jvollty balt, S'1"• .3 B 2 B s~·w1 .... D Ba. furn W/atrlum Eves. ~ Garden &~menta ~~ Heliotrope Av1! "l·. bukttba • 11ame room. w /mo. r. a . ~ " "1111 1'111111111 lS25 ,....... ~. ..:r VICTORIAN : New· Hunt. B<'h.8*0819. Duplex., uPi>er. Newport VILLAGE Golf, tt nnls . Dally. Male rmmte to shr 3br ••h•••••••••••••••••" Newpof1 a..ct\/No. ,.__._....___ JIJ•t •1n L .. ~ 2 Br ... 11ar ssso. 2BR, 2BA, Mint Shores area . .Endsd ~--l'2 bdrm luxury weekly" monthly ratu house In tn•ine wt2 prn • • • 880trv1n1 ---y ~. .. .• Cond Nr Bch Bht prace,balc:ony.Submit ,_.. avail. 71'·U8·800 1 fess11nals Avtal 311 ~•Al.Ill l••teltll ._ .................... newCr))Ulcdrapes. bit· Area ·N Pet.a W.U07 ondUlclren•peu.. 1P'1inl4pl1n1.18drm 9-Q>M,askforMark. 551-!~8681 _ 'lG.riorAve#S rn4l 84 5-1104 laJU.lll. lnl. pal.lo •. Adolts. call 80i331° . 'TSLllGMT 642-l60I =~,;:b= 1~: Mamnoth 3bdrmcondo Ftm.to shart3bdrm'hse e. h Newport BNch/So. Nt1tlY decor. Gu pd, a.tween 1·$PM:63M120. •1110/niclil C.M mo. mo Day!! And Much More' SZ>S Mo Pm Alt' offtc·e parkm11 k1IC'htnt'lle spr 18600 M.un SI llunl 8ch 1>a1h J1rntr /\II u\11 pli I\\ 1111 nov. 'lil4 llWI 3133 •ll l',Tl:"GTO:" Rt:ACll• I 010 S/F s.ltt • • :i rm t1(e <>rr1cl'S Newport ac .11001"'th$t en"I ~r. d/waaher, _,"G"Vktori• $470 HU..,Tl..,•TO.., MIWW'OITCllST M40 +pools, tennia, ~-co"'"' You •n the winner of o .. ~ " " " '·--• h.rlrm 2u. ba~ w·•--atls, ...-.. , 0.. --640-30U, tves 64$·~$-a.~. s t 00) 109.'I" tt te•~l -i, • Adult1. no ..... y,, .... , • br, n'"':w ..... DIMS =.:.:..' :...':! ... ~r ..... f"'I" -· •"'""" two,._ Uc .... < 1 · (7~) 842-5113 ...... I05'13 19. -1o .... -"""""' "~ .,. ... ~ for cookln& • htatln1 , ..... SMrt 4l00 F Rm mt Shr ZBR . 28A i....-------~tolllt· p!!!. • ~. <l11111 paint. Qui_:l1 91*~ A~. Badl.Jor pool, tennlt, Cu1tom ~ n-om Sen OitlO ............. •••••••••• Apt. Lapna Bch Octan ,CllCUIYAl•AS IMSTAMTIMt ., ... Cll ·de·HC .. nOI • 1 Br ....... sasormo. a,ta. ct,,. wallpaper tr,,y clrht North Oft Pl'4ll Sbr DR. ZIA CdM VII. + util.414.flOI * •2 St:.iff Art'lt"I • • Wi:lb.u "'a1l11bl\' nnv.· l~t •ioor eau 1m 1M8 3133 PllliliWftti..Hate ' ... i!i-.lillllilillllil_tillll .. .,S/im. 1 Br. 1 8a. pet:.~n. 4t1·1•~•:11 CW.=~::<:i.S:,J::. ~~ E•t•,; Beach to McFadden H!lllDfrlkh.FPttf. Prof JO+llu'new>br.2 -..-aperfDrma•(9 Ad111t1 oaly, eulad • .._ U.W.-tonllcP1ddee a.uu,m.M11En1 be boult. 1 ml. t.o sc "AMlwC..Ct•t" .... ..,..., ,,..._ laooll·up, , r.taide For R-:l~~~ ..... re.J•c~: a. trp&c, pool, a to St1wl1d Vllla1t. Nlpnf. •lewllhhr lat Jllua, n1.-(1-!pm) f\llhtrvlt'ticusfom t; dm Ud.tU, uU *"yard. C.U fer ~/ ho•ptao, "Ida Htl Hell , '70111 f..~ p1tioa, ''°' .. CTM_,_ Hut.or Vlt• hmt ... ft.-Otoa.hr ti offke•delk1p1ct xecuplan· Mt·MH, u&. 272. ..... .., ur., I a • QlealM.•llD -+ .... 1111 WIMWA811 W/ .. •lt JO+ UTS. ra e ti beutli•l Jtfr.0 ,C.Airpor\ ,..__Mdll•d allOllT ..... /mo. lit '· IHl. ttUMr.:~· l1ll11d Rd ., t1 , r.n 6 ..,_. l Wra ... ,,__.... 6 •'--ot ...... ''llt•A"ndatt!" --~--II ~ --~ .. ~ * •• -.•"-All .aU M . A llnii-dill:'° MllT ~~.llT·•·~-lillii--illll ~:!!!"!!~-----~~!!~!!!!!!d~~~~Dllr ...... ..... ldi41 well ~ ... ...... ,...,.., .. , .... -. • I ~ I .. Dyer & M!'Pt fwy Pn vale off1re Slla re open space Parl1all) furn Tel Ans $350 mo 641-1391 •IPllmlAL lndwttlal bldg. 6000 sq. lldltl • It w/1pr1nllltrs, Ira rear 1815 s. El Camino Real, ovtdlead door It ftnced SM Cltmenle. 492-129'. ldJoinlnl paved park· P\1117 Uc. in1. Comer of Rtdhlll ~ -------• P111l1rlno. C.M. •••0 ••••••••• .. 1. i.aaaD llCl· ft. by Npt. "" • • f*)>. Front Utt llr. 0 'Ket ft .... '~ *-'1. 2 "llht 1t1nds. llitadboard and fra~. ldoul!Ml llOO. ~··lf1fttrSpm - -Neowport Beach Athletic Oub Membership. Sl20 833.9444 640·5332 -----Silver Um Coffee Maker. 116. Calder Litho "Com- pos it 1 on · · "' cert Auth~nt1 c1 t y SISS .. 5t1.2'7J11 CONCERT TICKETS J Otlls Rod Stl'll.'Hl AC1DC Cars Ntil Diatmnd. BM-8525 SOl · &PAIMTPOT , I .. illlll. llO 220. w1ti-5 pl. Btalts paint pot It ..... Dflnn.W 09e32 > • °"*" 5(; Flrebraoi\ .. Oltuxe teaOOBO F~~494·1580 NEWGOLDltCRYST,\L WALLCHANDt~l.IER tU·2UZ Da~·s . o~ "1 . .-. ut m An s ., Oun 2500 Wau l\lec.1tfC' Gtntrator. USO Or ••••Mt0tftr · ' I • Orange eoa1l DAil. y PtlOTNlldl'lllday, F1btUlfY 17. 1982 • I lot .... ......_ T rtllt ..._ ..,,rW ..._,_,,rild ~Uttd · .W...,_. -······· ·~ .. I 0 I ,.. tlJO ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••• •• • •• ••••••••••• • •••• ••••• ••••••• ,.... ••••••• •• •••••••••••••• • ............................................. . •••••••••••••,_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9720 • r-99"'~ ~ httbn Block ta· .................... .,,. c S./ ....................... WllUY ........ '740 V•w..,.. 9770 c..cllu HU__,... u bit. 4 Cane 8ottum M ... r•••;'c :':'a. t i JO A'--•-•6 llSED CAJ(S,TRUCKS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• ••tt••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cbal ... azoo l "·t..:"141 •-'-020 .. -COMEINOR '77 DallunKln•<:abwlth lf7eMERCEDES a.:Nz 1 91~ V~ Sdroi:cQ. c~ .... TIMG "19Cou.&t rXRS?.AC.Pwt . .,, ~ .... ~ · ~• ••n•••tt••••••••••••" ••MG•• CAU.f'OR Camp•r 11\!. m il"• 2lllOC. Anthracite Cou""'. Dynamite red •pott --'c'~-.--Cf PS. Brks •• eat. win Jdw. 2>Sltl' "6" Boot•. ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• Smlll camper ronmport Wiii Take Beat Ort ctr. "' · "'.. " · .. ~ Air • 1ndlt1 nln dows . Ante n 111u " 1100. 714'&93 0021 Marine Elt1('t r1t•mn truck, lt'e box. dinette, Grtal Mechanl<•al Con-FIH APPIAtlAL ola~toll\llCtlc. WOO or beat ;: :udl :te· a<~ 0d1 313:, ~':!o 0 ~d 111~ 0 y:: w~ 1prcl• lit In e1111ex Moon root. Xlnt Cond J()lln wa.:.,. 1''"nnt11 ''lu Des.lgM1nst11llilt'p1lr ~ 642·3413 dltlon .AJI New l'arts COrm1er·DeLlllo .er. oll6'166l0hvtl3. . '. 'U 995 for the• buslntu rx SUOO Pl' 857 ·84 34 '" " ... Qual workM&-2520 CHEVIOUT "" -S999& Ji m Marino Sh11.rp . (748UZ 1. $3 t'('utlvt'&prote11Sioru1l. t• fam ily mt-nibcrshtii. . · Fl~rglass camper •hell Incl Clutch, tt!I, to:tc. l8?1l BEACll ULVI> 1976 610, 4 tlr. M11u whl5. Volkswoa<'n,842·2000 J 1 m M 11 r I n o AnJ _!rn(' rl111k torffr G44 1190 ID4lh. MGriM 1otr '79 Courirr >. vc1 $175 Recent ·,·une up AC, lo ml. 123.50. Must •111 2*) SF. St 1 Volksw111(cn. 842 2000 LS'9t Sttedioll r....&... 9tl5 v .. , ... W•t•r"' .. <I. lnnu 11r.. ._... _ _. 9030 S4SO. ~ell S.100. 642 4627 Call. Daya, 499,3901, HUNTl~7N·C6TOOIN7 !;~ACIJ ll(lll. 644 7475 h. 1per <' ean. '"" "1• VW 1· ft .. I ht Of H.w 1'82 --r "" " " " "" v .. ' ...-r--"' ""15372 E 911 22 .. ... Gd mec . l'Ood Rea l(U8 w "" e ... r II •tt•••••••••••• ••• ••• •• 1nat1rl'S~ Hurl'!> u~ttl ·~·•••••••••••••••••••• Camper 8hell for ~hort v s. 4 ·47 '· 5 .. ,.331" 1 '712801_. $M00548·30& door. '73 left door S.~ Cocllocs '00 OAllT. Auto, rim Still tl'l30000 7 Sabotdln11hy w/out!>,& wide bed d omc~lil'. ., ~ Xlnt<.:ondltlon C°ll'M I --each Wt-stern style whl Mow ... Stoclll ·8pkrs New ba ttery. Wh 11 ('' S 1,... T 1, 0 t . rrotor mount. flberglasi. $175/0BO. $52 6420 '66 T-81rd convertible. l.ots of Xtrtn•' '82 3000 TURB O. Avail nms ror Super Beetle N()BE~~ Marter 1400.ph 001 2371 ".. $145. Sw~1111 motor mount -be-Juti/ul cu ! $.%50 or or ...... .,, •• ., J une New M ude to .. i., Mii 9744 fu~proor. i.lt•1•p:; 4, will for 'tl,hp. hkc nu ro11t ltd IM!ts 9140 trudc ~·0084 . ...., """" nr....,; 44811 Your Order Hill Dis .-.vea '7!1 Colt. ~low low Slut' Dllorh tu 11 Vun l\lt>r,•o Wl.!\tll $4~ 7518258 •••••••••••••••tt••tt•• 4 SALE <wnt. 731·0202 19tl0 VW Diegel A sharp (:1 ()ILi .. / , &ok. t•letrn. l'KlrllN Art Spt•u krrs & It e1· ord t-}I 1 Olrts 0 1 l'uch Newpurl Mu Pt-d. 4 W'httl DrhH t550 L9tl01.Jluc Metal It« !,."\ clll'llrl 4 door ~speed 2 30 & wknd~ any tune <:hJ.ln1ter 7&J.1>48!1 1ene. eta. re· Mens Cont.I LoM1 With ••••••••••••••••••••••• Outsun211-0ZXCoupl' ·~ M8Zsr SJ). ~·urbo tr1111smiu1on. fal'tory '"'"t• .. 1v,.1 8429114 $3000 'IO'<X Grccttn1t ('ard flK inanuf:.u·turet.1, n~vcr 1,cxk & Rut•k $4~ t'ull '73 l>'ord 300 4 wlil Drive Cu or Trurk Needed r.rund t uxury Pocka~l· esc-1. • 1 ver. Bl Int. uir condit1on1n1t and , "'" ,, '.111 •1•~> 9940 lurt>:. 2 Stattonar< FIK ':'"'· In t•ur, $3~ firm Michelle 760 911GO art Van Conversion I'd haw$1!00CAS ll Mmt i·ondi11f1n 35 000 + 29K Mi S31.7SO. l"irm. super clean <306ZSS> f:ord ttlreM Must Mo'~ Im Sell cur&kt·t•p rni: for Sl'M. SOOOO.SAC$4500.S3.000 •1146·5172• nules.$10,850.00480011 Call betweeo8AM&4.30 $5995. J im Marino THfLilGfST ••••••••••••••••••••••• min rost 548 511!5 ev!! -orll( mi. Sink. rt!Cr11t. 1 · . , PM. Weekdays Only Volkswao_en, 114l·200Q , SEUCTIOM '73 ('a prt. ml' d\, t'" midlatt'ly ' 'I Mah of L'\'IN"UD"" '79 ,. ,,,. '76 Yamaha 100 Str1•et ta1 ..... deck .o:•M·'""'" ... ._. , d 81 280ZX 2i 2 s SJ)t't'tl T 55_7-8419 Private l'a_rtv. -:JI_ -l't'llt'nl. AM r 1·assett(! for ~ ll770 r. " •· . ~ Ulke. Xlnl Concl 2 r-.,..., """"' --. mportt tOJJ. Xlnl eond, buy o1 ti~ :;.:. or I 11 l' mo-0•~1. Io" w t'q t;d Irons 2ll 30 '1'1'111 lo~14 . ~l t't'"~ II, t.011i:sh1tft Xlnl lond1 Original Mlleb ssoo Trucks 9560 ....................... I surl'1l'lllwst>552·gs5-I Mc; 9742 whiffdd@M(,fofvw rnilelf~'-Cadtllul'b in t-pg Must ~I $1150 t'()rnpll'll' $60 M b;~t or lu>O $36S 2 ' r..ii !4]~ before aPM •••••••••••••••••••••oo.A.udi 9707 •••••••••••••••OULU~ 499-4722 f<tts. Southe.rn..Ca'lJfJ:itOIJi ' ()fl(J rer &15·58!111 55 8t1S6 2 Motobeeane Mo Pt<dS • lr.d N 'II ••••••••••••••••••••••• FtrTari 9123 I MAIERS 700 0753 ·~JohnsonO umowr.l5 llts&Her Matched Pair c ...... Luv',~ L ' l9'19Audt~S.Xlntboth ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATIEHTIOM 1980 v w Rabbi! CADILLAC MUST SELL hp, SIS. xlntrond, $795 ln Storage 3Yrs. Lo Mi i 7';1 ( 8 ~j"f·1 mel'hanic·ally and Ms 71 GTS Red/Ta11 MG Oynam1terustom 4 door 2600 llarbor lll\'tl 1 ll!aullfut white \\t'C.h.lht" 536·1153, 536-5796 1~. MPG. $7()() for Pai'r ' 0 ~ metil'allv 'rllkt' Jl)v1•r Co11rourN W111111•r tease OW ..... 1!.RS COSTA u ''.S'A · ·1~s Falt~m 289 en ii. Auto tr:iru.. I'S. $400 '60 11242 "' .,,, Price. $6098 , GM rt• I•"•"" Nii.i·•.•IJ ~y llA'~"·t 1 nii; w 1 I h au I om .i t 1 1· m r 'dreSli , long slet'ves. EVINRUDE 1979 tl HP $37• rA ""3""•1 "'·· I ""·w "" "'"' TONNEAlfCQVL"f' t ·' 549 1860 . _ ., • · u• . ......., .... te.$.500. su t' price 1& j S:!l li lJ 1 A L "'' run5m1~s1on anu u 1r • • :..... _ _._ 99"5 'pearled lop, lare, ne\er Long shaft Xlnt c·ond ONLY SS598 era uto .eu~anii Fits MG's. ·71 '81 1• 11 n d it 1 11 n i 11 R ~vin " used Size 5 Sltp also M95. Call 552·8656 Puch Maxi $350 IMW 97 t z 673 4311 N d s75 1 C'J 9 r 99 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S200 968-5880aftl•r6r>m ---545-8743 HOWAROChttroltt ever use • 111 ' 463L $4 115 · 1111 Camaro I '7!1 Ltnroln Vtrsaillt·~ lo~ Powe 9040 Dove1Quu11Sts ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 n GTS s1lver,hlu1·k Mana631-7797 Ive msg Munno Vulkswaii1•11 •••••••••••••••••••••• lJuht blue Xlnt l'Ontl l"or Sale Ne\1 drapt•nes un, r f'r Motebt-l·ane Int NEWPORT BL~A('lf Sl!IUJOO IM2 ~-'iK 7.28 showroom 1•01111 S7000" 6.'ll 2345 645_4010 Sh""~. ro<ls ~.' · ..... h11m1•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond ~'l')C mcl l'hllln •. r. &· li45 8171 42 (""' 1111 . II t>Xt ra• . ... ~·~ "'" c•rH FOR BO'TS ..,_, "' 833-0555 y" ' • . 'OO MGBConvert New Fr '73 vw Huh I tlwn1·1 ·""' . a ' ' llns \\ roni: t'olurv IW " lock 642 !'>815 Rat 9725 End & Brks. Clut<•h . Clt>an. $2.SOO S500(J \157 06i l:I ._.,,tanc) 9952 tf178311 .536-8891 moped-(antustH' bu~· '71\CamperSht>ll !fLikt• •••••••••••••••••••••!•Runs Cood . S<!IUO &15·9565.631·53!17 ·m c11maroSS,35tlfli1:1 4 ~.:·••••••••••·~~··••/.• Neetl l'nnt1•r t•ompatabl, Dependablt> lt n~ $200 New $300. Sil6-251iO sprl, rac1 Raui:es. llkt• .li MustwR '!' I op Drk •-.11hA()plt'll OBO Call 9611 2!!17 642·4949 CREVIER BMW * * * MGI 1976 VW l~amp•·r A Ot'\\. S2500 or trade 11101· Xhtl ~oml ,S3700 Cu ll 9&1 5ti5:! ·75 27' ,{t BA y L IN.ER Karen '71$ Chel'.v IT truc·k llxl2 W . l 0 W A N C ~ 9744 dy1l • .irn1ll' lt'op Toµ, "ith Must ~et'' 1135 6G84 ~>..r~ n~ce.~I Ca 11 r;' c~, '\'1c•tona " I'll' bridge, The Ex ltin '82 27 Whltuy ••••••••••••••••••••••• au oma 11r ran~m1ss111n ""'""""' AM 1_G0 . 11o1• 1· 1 l' d \ llf' radw. b·atl tunk . Motorcycles/ stukt' dump bed Ult! c CJ Costa MHa MGR CONY Mint t'ontl Extra elt>an l·lfnd111on ·s1 Cumuro Z28. 4 1>pcc·1l. . , , • IN!lfekh a1r sol \ 1·i. ".ilk depth finder. outriv"crs. Scoottn 9150 boxes All heal'\' dut' BMW's An Hef'e! 1978 Dark gre<•n. low 1068969 1 S5!1!15 J 1 rn Met brown, I' W. Tilt ti6 Mu~I ton' al. 28!1. l',ngpro .. lhm Li'.·1·11t•l•)•J1 .... 23.000rnl flllllll•,jj'•.•.463'5 A few l'l'maintng '1:11 Yuu are the Wtllllt'r or I 2"000 M ., \' lk.. \\'het•I , Air. A"I L'•'' I auto.xlnt1•ond. lsl S3500 ,. .,.. " ,,, '><;.11np "en .A:'ll &FM8 ··,···················~· -"""' ~" r k llll l'al(t' ,,. us t narino I) S\\i!f.(t•fi " rll . ,... I I t "" " \ h IT orf roan · G Models & Demo~ arl• two ret• tu· !'IS 1$1!! llO J •• soo~·o· 0.~ 2000 . ' Sthr~· ('"•"' l'""I mil".' takes.1'45-~ --"' ou ' t>as1y run~µurt lrad.stereo w11h1ratler ama a . • 71 MC CAMPER rull\ ~1111 al'ailable' W1• q1luelolhe S<'e ..... ,,., ·6244 . ,,...,.· ... < ... u •w ""' ' ~~~all ti73·265-I Call 646 28-13 Will sell nHer r al'ed .M It NT' N!WP Very good l'Ond . I ·n MG B. c•lean SJ.500 "79 Rabbit Diesel f>cluxl' ~1111 I S IO ooo D a I~ 'Gil 6 t·yl. net'd:; work . \1.1 bala11~aorloan $800 f'1rm 9tiO· !7115, $6500 5 6 648 ~pec·1a IZI' in Europt·un CIRCUS VARGAS ~5$5711. EH•sC45 0!148. l?uod tran~ SKIHJ tlHO ~EELCllA IH .good u !l63·1801.E1•t> . . .4 . I dl'lil'erv and fla\\lt''' l'assc~wtll111tlwalt' ORO Days .C42·t>830.afl 4dr,5spd.sll'rt>o ·\C :w 9920 1155·279 t dys. 760·92K4 r11nd1t11111 Si;, '76 Ch<·l'y S1h era do pre-ownt'tt H~l\\ .. s lot:ition & Jlt'rlnrma 111.1, 4 30 6.11·4616 Gal tank 21 K mt s.51100 Chevrolet li73 ;!1,:i 1 ·iw.i Yamaha ~00 6 month~ 4x4 pickup. lots of op Wht•re Custonwr datl'' ti!!:~. !15511730r:11'' & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ell'!> Mink l f II I ti ~rSacrifice old.1950M1 SIUOt1F1rm \Ions. Will l'Ons1tler j St•rnrel'onwsht' To l'la1m ltrkets, C'all Opel 9746 wknd~ n"nn1s SEE US FIRST' 'f.6 ~1ustang. Xlnt Condr-. fmll" l0~1;ll ~1 l ~~'.~ 1:i' ~C'~~~a:~~,~~r 2 ~S::le ~-7958 lrade·m._892-50911 ; S<JIC's Semce l.eusm)! 642 56711, ex 1 in •••1•9••7••1••0••P•E••L••G••T•••• 1!1711 \'W ~l'trot·t·o Spl'l'tal \\'e han· a good ~d"ci 1orf ~:~a~Ye~;'/~~rta · r tin-e_s S!.l~~l 4tl3 ll!!l5 Statl.'room~ Will fin or ·711 Suiukt RM l25. orl 2te W Isl. Santa Ana Tu·kets mu~t be datrnt•d Edu ion .While 4 spt'ed 0 f ·!'\ ~= w & l's f. D l L·'lN L'o .... trade 11101111or-'ul (>ppt'.• road blkt' Xlnt <·ond '73 COURIER 17141 !135·3111 hy Februal) 19. 19112 Has llt'w patnl on a body transm1s~1on. <'assrue Chei·rolets • '""'.L-L!le 9955 ;~'1 'sx'.1"o"l'~1",,~1t1 h ~1~~1a111 714 OL'<J~992., , ' ' S4SO. OBO 646-2528 FO R PARTS ONI. y Closed Sunda.Y * * * Ill good contl11ion. runi. and i e r' l' It· a n ' ~ .. -u. '-" " ~" """ ' Alsoshellforshortbcd bul needs hOTile e~anc (-137\'RO l .,S4~~5 .Jiru ••••••••••••••••••••••• P\1 Pt) ll75:M;rn PCll"tMf-Wanted '8011k~onnd~awl.la.':'1'kr._,~1.lv9e~: CHEAP 536·9832 ·7C~ F1aMt X19X ,\)1 fM \\Ork $1~.Call5465967 Marmo \'olb1qi:t•11, '73DeftaRayole ror s11le HcfrtJ.:l' s.50 74 2• fl s SO < " • ·' "~ " ass ai:~., tras. Xlnt afler6 pm or 7i0·0321 0,2 ~.,..J Xlnt <"Ond 0\\nt'r Su • .earuy • ~m ~7-82211rnnep fl Cond SJ200 CM "''"" rn-C'haml'SI035 S48·8039 ~'t~Wa)?onSS110 ('all m.il·ulalt' ld(•al for f1~ .. nRD4001 k d '65JEEPWAGONEER EH•s.&Wknd 's4!1481i59 1work1andaskfor Sue 'bl\'W Hus.i:oodlran~& tirng ori•ru1!>1ng 111l'I N B 00 s an run~ ti l') I nel'ds work. b1·~t, Clean Maroon ·74 Oprl. 21 bod.\ , ,\ M FM t· u ~'. 1006 Old~ Torunado Chf)slt•1 Hoat 1';11g 11w . Slip Sl3lpermo + eqm great Man~· '·xtra:. offc•r Gn·g979%2t u............. 9727 d s d AM F"1 · runsgoodSSOO Sl20U &129300 I ,..__ oor I;' an. . ;J,'l.~m1 f.44 Z416eH'> '76 Monla. -1 l')I.5·~Pl'<'d . Call548·3203Hes Clt!l"lnt· sl;ir11•r. l:! Ill' I~ Op Ua~:. 55i 93:!7 orl ' · I '65l'ht>• 2':1'onSlk llt•tl •••••••••••••••••••••••! sterl.'o C'a S~ 4 spd , 1 1 l'.!.l'd nnll 1 t1m1•, liRl0500 "il Y;11n11haRD400 \'t·n S:Jooo All 1971.1 ll ONDA C\'CC manual Iran~ Sl2UO 1977VV. Bus Ad)n;imtll' O\\ nu. t'l'an. mags. 9 !>tcrto l\l'1imori·•urn•.. l'lt>an Sl750 c .. '511" J1r11 I MODELS Hatt hba('k 4 l)(••j ""'""' 6~3M~76 7 pa S~l'll l!t'r V.1th kun1s.S2.4SO 760 1:1iOl.I Pinto 957 \ I $77000 ~ .. ''" \ t;t OU,U\Nffil ''O'U • • • • • .., .,~, ••••••••••••••••••••••" !)le. P1111tel.'r r<'11·1\1•r 1 . ' •5-18·357l•• IN STOCK lransm1:.~11111 lo\\ automa_1111.ra.n:.m1""'"·1· ·BIO:\H.L\HLO 1979 FORD 1'11110 ~' akers Call ~l1l'k o1 ,2 347'lflLPntt~hlP 1•~1.111. 1',',1~1 "i9 II 0 Lowndl'i'. mtn! Vans 9S701 NOW! m1leal(t•. IC'f~ 11n·11 y Pe.igeot 9748 ll\erhea'.t au and Im• a t'.lom1. \'t'f)'rlcan Run ab o u l '"'I h anai!\.1 l'.!11 ' ' ru~ ~t·n. d 1·-. h ••••••••••••••••••••••• C and suro •r ·I • l ••••••••••••••••••••••• imlt>s llf'ane't une in ~250 847 51.U> . . t . . . . m1tTO\\.tl'C' :! stalltln:. l'Ull. o m1. "!~a~ .. r~I ·70 .1 .ton Ford \'an hod).I heck our good · .-• \ t ·' 1 9 l•mn tu:ll!l:J4) S~'l!lS aulolTUI 1c 1ran:;m1ss1on SCRAM.LETS i'l•iiport Ya r hl f '( ?Her 54930., da~'· !!d trans.llres ndst•nl( 1tltctlo11 of DIM01 ttHJX6-151 S3!l!I~ .Jtm l I 82s 1 ·~1 . ·· 'IIJNO\'Al<lr.l(tK>1l1·11g. Extra ~harp ,·ond1t10n rh.ingctii5 ll'IOO ;,.is.1002e1•es S5!W_ ~6.~1 011d 9UAL ITY Ma;1110 \"olb"aj.!1•11 . AREHEREI \·1;ks~ag~n.s'.i2r21~1011 11 hut nth radiator andll 1!39Jlii1 .S2995 J1111 ANSWE S '11. OW MED ~2IXXI • txKh \\Ork S350 h~I ofr ~larin o \olks \\a l(('n R 28' Cm Craft Exprt''' HONDA 360 '78 Ford \':in Et50 !001\ AUTOMOllLES. well ·79 4dr Arc:ord. ml xln1 Co~ tn and drt\'t' !he ·1G Bl'G '\Unrnur 1KI\ Cali Tt•rr.• 541· '1241; or 1142 2000 Pll'Oll' Stoke . I !11if; l', ,. a'n ' F J s I • r:x Coner $550 631 51!15 mt \'II t\ r . rs. 011 01 ottwr .. ..,,.... l'Olld. air. 5·spcl 42 K rn I lcadm11 cl1t>sel. A n11 la dt·an. gul(I. SJOOO !ltiO fiK'i5 • 'i4 Pinto Waf!on A(" llou!:h lti<hkn 1 :'>.ewport Slip. ask1n~ '79 Ka"asakiLTDHNNl l'hanl:(t' 1-:ver_\ ~111111 wtOlllObllK. StiAUO 675.8895 l)le for :mmed1ate dt• 642·7:!411 fWlt;u:l~:! • ,.--ett~ 9932 Gocod Ga~ Mi Runs • K1D1>1....;c I Slli.51~1 Tradt•\, Fm.:1111· ~mi. :<Int cond SJJOO 95i·llll05 Ari t'f C~I or Come In h\'erv I See whv 1woplt· 1""8 V\" c I bl \ _..,, G'-'--' DI'.<-cl "I (" J J I I I' I' 1·-·1s·"u .•r·~.t 19i9 llONDA l'.Vl'l' aril. s u-1t•·h.1n" lt> '" ,, on1l'r1 e ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""'" e.,.,n aul'. ,orn lt ~ h.ml to h.1\1' ('011 tnl(aloll . "· wl~' $2400 OBO 53113795 " TOD'"YI c " ' .. h h I liU" ,., d Sl"'WJ •9• 1·11u I ... • llatchba1·k 4 SJl l'l'd Peuo~t · super s arp \\ I le .. rr.TTE 'i7 EXCO!\U v.•n "'" • ~ . n firlt'fll'I' lit 1uur \hnnk '!!ti l'hn" cr • .rt ~I!' E\ WANTED l'vt JIOll'I\ I SALES~ SBVICE t 'l'h p,OOV l'On\'ert1tJI (• \\ llh onh TTClf' I' \C'-' ~u-50 ' 1980 HONDA ran.'lm1ss1on is ont· I' BEACH IMPORTS " " ""' . ....,_uth 9960 r wh1·n 1ou ll·ll h11n 1ness. l0Jcl1•1I m111t \'an .l'onn·r~1nn. lu 1111 LEASIHG \er; ,h~rp 1385X\'lll . 37.UOO mtlt•s rno281K I • Al.LOf'Tlll~S• .. , .. _ $11nwth1n1: 1h;1t h:1p l'oncl. t35 hr~ s:u.oou OwnerM1ut l'ash6733G22 s3995 ·Jim Marino ~Dovt•Str~et. Sti995 Jim ;ll ,1r 1n" WllTW T\~'l l'\T ~·-••••••••••••••••••••• P~11~·I I ' " 1 I h \(t -'"" '393 S-11 N ' SADDLEBACK NEW PORT n L'ACll \'"'k "t" J , '' 7, :\rrn" GT 5 ~pd. au · '" "·"" •'1' t' •Jim.~"'"' 1m OW. /luA W 9590 \'dks\\al:t'll,842·2tHlO n c. "'S\\al(en,>l-12'"K Pl' i U-55t0736 ,\'.\I F'.\1 52495 ~ys "1101\llJl].l:\1; l!l,'l'~ntun f'Aal for~.1ll' Onlv7.400mtlC':. OS anted IMW 752 0900 . , .... R 11 ''I h • · "' "' · 11 h ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~2 llonda &H1 Xlnl rond • 78 " a 1111. '< r " I r ...... ~ •8 1 5309 496 8313. !131 2750 Brian fA~. P0"1•rrlll atlJ 260 !IP. Mt'n·ur~ uu l r,xc-e ents ape Z140tM•l"U"'•fTE "b 1 tan. u1r ~r,•u1 !.tl'ri·o I"".:'::'-·"'"'"' . . mo ht•1ght S'!I 2 hl,1<11• S'i.:i tlri ,r . 1nb(•ar1I •nit Call559-9299afl6pm WE NEED YOUR "'"'..,. ne u1 I l'ng .in mp)! .Pondw 9750 42.00o rm Xlnt SJ~!l5 S15U cleltH'n? 48 mo llutderbird 9970 ~*ll>fl t~lllrd Grl'al f'ortd I '<i II ..........__ ... __ 5 Sale¥ GOOD USED CAR! 'KWY. St275. 536 34 IU 551 l""'' lh<•rtl" 1;.w 22 t7 d~c'<I lt·a.s1• G la~s tOJ!S. ••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• •• ~ ~ nvnr An.\'lhmo C'Ons1dcrt.>r1 . MISSION 'llUO I ~···············~······ ""' ' I d d r l I t ·--Th d I d b Mlscell--us Gn•g6753871i Rent/Stor~ 160 " Avery Pkwy offl-5 •--,·a 9736 65 Porsc·he 356( \Int rnork1 oa e o u p~m ' " un enir . l'liUl _...,.., -'7-1977 thru 1!1110 8JJ 'JIUn ~ c:ond 171 ~ 1 5411 S?l t Sl4.850 2-112 Ser l'ond ,\II \tr:i~. SJ7tHI Want~d 8081 \II O"ens Tahtt1<1n. 111 1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~ 495-4949 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 3 ~ -1!!7!1 \'\\' Cu n ~t·rl1hk 1;cn('rulAutoLl•,i-1nf! 962-~2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11board 'hp a\atl l'all. 25'Cha.~M~·ITIOUnlM II ~ '75 l.anttH Coupe. 2dr. \I I ·118.CJ D~n_ amt((• t 1.1:-'I.• '1 lii3·.t311 People who are seeking w ,, ~TED ~ ,. 1 11 r .llld\ or ll<tr\£'\ f..12 4Gl4. f\Jll> selr cont. roof arr. . k : Closed Sundays air. 5lipcl. like ne" Takeo\'l'r lease. no down. o 1 ". m ,, 11 ti .~ 1 I ' t 1 .1111 l'OH\'ETTE 4 •Pt't"d an apartment look rirst WORLD BOOKS 1.1.,~ l(wn .9AM&~l'.\1 rnba1r.65.000onit m1 S2.900ortrade 5~97140 lo" rm paylTll'nls 92-1 mctallt1· A11 cond1twn L 8., 1 . uiClassified Will your lh I'' 11,.tllll'l"-\llll<'ond.s.ll!00(1rm Pnr"rhe .79 646 .,.,1, 1 h 1,. .••. spt>r up 1011~ an ""J' •· ·~' B· .... s,R-'"/ ~....._ 9738 ~ · ..., . ., lit.I( •• s ~n·o: ~ " ... ea>lern 1•Jr. "h1L .. ad be there' To plare .....,. ......,. f>49-30!i. I 551-46.,!l TheMostbciti11g ......._ 1009XDS > $6!195 Jim " ... skol Charhr 90 50 • 1 "'or_,. c_.., 1 ........... ..... ....... '66 Porsche 912 850-1250 your ad, call 642-5678 lnstrumrnb 8083 •••••••••••••••• ••••• •• 'M 20' Broui:ha!!'I Sl!l,O<M1' Parl Of Your 1981 1982 4l3700/obo 548-3730 ~!.~!:.ixxn;' ,. oil"" a l!t•n ... -. U--...a Autos, Used 'Y "'CHTI ..... "" ~~ .. bes."':!.. oH~t ·' nl t·uni 292.111arbor Hl\'(I IMW Purc:h11se Or mazna ~ ""''' --_... ....................... " """' llJ'U.V"IOI I COSTAlt Jo~S \ , .... p t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tapco r:r .1ph11 •'<tll•t h m COM SULT ANTS • · ·• ' Leose Could~ '70 PORSCHE 914 o!I op·t11(J. 't"' t• ll• fl~ $150.Pra1·e,t:!1h1111\ t'harterPo"er&Sail Traden,TroYel 9170! 91?·_2500 McLarenBMW!! DISCOUNT 1 78.<mm1.a m fm1nda~h rmt·a~'l1k<-11'.·"s.<mu l · · -l'r, S.3.'>0 631 t751 ~l'I lkh 675 2%0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• B 0 L r.id10. $3200 , Trade 492 156(, • E ALI Ct;lT \H Ft•r11fr1 . ll'I•· Your Yt>ar Round SCAMP Tra\•el Tratlt•t WE PA y ·1 8Jo':.,~:~~a11! HEADQUARTERS 96-1·~ 1!11:10 \'W Smut'(.. \ raSlt>r G1hs11n ,\111111 Chartt•rSen1n•" and ne\\ Slh "heel :\II TOP DOLLAR (714) 522-5333 SLE~EOR~ti ' Renault 975S d~nam11e l'oupc "1th 5 All Used ~ "·ith '."',I t1 t•.IJ, riberglass. lll(ht "l'll(hl 4'~~ "4 I spet!d trani.m1ss111n. J1r 40 "'t"'"" '" ""~ ao~ s ·1 9060 F d •• 11 t 11 FOR USED c "RS ••••••••••••••••••••••• · <rn, at actOI'\' 1re1:t ,a 0 ..... NM .. ""NO"'N I ORANGECOUHTY'S Hf:~Al'LT l·o1l<hllonm.I(. ma 11~. and Car·s Here u .... Office Fumiturt & •••••••••••••••••.•••••• free 1:800-346 -1962 for "'"""' ... ~ ~~ Of FFR ~tereo Beautiful Bruni \.. L mu1e Ecpipme11t 808 WESTSAIL 32' free rnlor hrol'hu rt• POH1'1"C(.),$UB .. RU I OLDEST I I ~111111;1 to s1'000 ' Bronie t450ZSR ) Si2ll~ •t Or Below ~~~ I'>~ Used ••••••••••••••••-••• •• ··, 1 L'a•·lrJr\ 1111 .• 1 .~ 1., I S:\\'E BIG Bl Ci'-S ' "' .., I & VtJl l I S llp J 1 m M a r 1 n o ft ~ ' • a " 24~ liar r Oh d '• LU st l CASH REIA TE V1~kswa0en. 842 200(1 200 IBM rnl\o tbl l.0;11l1•d ~ hn~1 Auto Sttvice, Parts ('()STA M r:s,\ Sa .. Wholesale B B "- TYPEWRITERS. OWllef\\:lllb;tt'll1tildl1r1 &Acc~HoMH 9400 S49·4300 549-1 457 ntaAna 714/953-4414 °.N.A~L~f.W '67 BAJA. reblt 21Sik'I' LUE 17r\K WI~ .ii.50fl tn Y~Nl \ ·11u .. n11" \\tll aci·ept d"' ,,.n!>!blt• ••••••••••••••••••••••• s 1 "· ttr.NALL1 l81 s new tires ,h111·k, Blue W All (r \ I ' L. WE BUY . al'~ .wr111·e 1.1·a~tt11! This uffrr l'Odlt MKlll am1fm starno 1•11,111111 \.__/ S2t1) !15 .. I.I\ ,\ ,1•11 1,... o t'r l uu1 t 111·~ , rn11· I , , \sk .ilor1111 \\.,r1t M 1n111•\ lll-1 ATTEHTIOH CLEAHCARS R(Jy'Ct\R\fER W-: Al'TTODAY" mt O"~er m·u~I ,1•11 Book Sie l'tlk'l''~llr' I il 1 :i-~tl!>:! M"-.. .._.DTRUCKS D"~t c rY~.a~nAI " S2.500C:illll311101i Prices! 21'! -H'' IV' fl \i:IJ AJ"ll NJU...J NJl\...C:. lJIVIYV WE'VE :'II En' LE CAH Priced!, • '·''-'' IJ1.wr =13t:i:? '" ma 't OWNERS •:.-<,...,....,•.o1~wF• S5489 j'&IRUG .blat·k " rt'(l lnl. I L , Desk. met.ti \ln1 i•1111rt S77~<1RO TON:'\EAL'CO\'f.11 'ti\•""''°'",,.,,...,.... OYEDI: __. .. , this ·111 comes wtlh ~un I ~Int shape s~2:io or ne"'h JJ:itntul ~i.i K.10-tll'l'll •l.t Fit~MG's.'71 'l\I "Ti5301 11111 tan lit1K mt. roor.AM FM stereo and trade 83.'>·661.14 Slereti S5tl i;tl l~lli SACRIFICE Ne\'erusecl. SiS Aul•). ~urf lll1mk1 xlnt Sllf IY & YtSn • n more st k ·1 511 '76SCIROlTO 11==~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~ {l(ril'e Ot>'lk SJ1M1, 2 drv.r '.l:I ft Rhu.ide~ ,,110t1 ~lana6317797 h·emsg rood :S!l2iltl, 731 :1212 ~Aaurfl Serl61348 1~, m1. ,11,·rr. ma111 1'X 75 fOID s le~:il flit• cab $1i0 ~tin ~loop S7.'i!l\l 1)1 ('k Ila &l60344 , SH ORANGE COAST I tras ~S4200 o'so . 1650 .ehrSl5.Gi3U30!1 R2i·44fltl ('\'~ Grnn t .. ·;2 R<1 1:tflil .11110 • -~~~ AMC/JEEP/ m5.47;~ PINTO Telepho111• \fl'" 1•1111 jl K.'lt 7:i1fi '73 COURIER HIGH IUYER am fm, Jlr $4UIN> orm . YOUR .REMA.ULT 'iO', vw Sq bark 3000 . • \1a c:han e. GT~: 30lJll. ~4· <;rrl"t1\\11'11 Sloop. FORPARTS ONLY Top dollars for Sport ~ l'i'i131i51•1·s '*-XTM.UD• 2524 l;LarborBll'd 1 milt>son rl'bll eni:. new ,_11_94_u_M_x_1 ___________ "'l'"'-t brand fl(•\\ 111 ho\ ('11~1 II 1ra1l('r. 3 'Jll,, motor Alsoshellforshorlbed Ca~s. Bu~!> c.·amp1•1!> 1 '70 U~IW 2tlit2. lik1• flt•\\, ~·-··~ 549-tlO?J_ -645·77711 brakesSl,S()ll 540·3445 71 MEltC. s3375 $179 !15. sell $14!5 la 11 & .!(ear. 1((1111! t onrl si;s1H1 CHEAP 536 9S3? !114 s. Audi s all oni: ~lusl Sl'l' s.1.200 ~d ·~ .. _.. .. Royce 7!1 \'W \'un, 32,0(Ml m1. 1;.12 7572 A~k fur lltll C<ill6i5·ii21 A~I< for ll C :\1('1( t d <511-140 -· 97S6 runs· l6 rr1f1c-. lot' of COUGAR • J tlr ra (' " . ' 141\ IUl.I 11. tlSU •IU so UM •••••••• ••• •• •• • •• • • • • • ' METALD~:SI\& ('atahna 2.'>l!l71:17'i llon LITEBODYWORK & JIMMARINO ·1:11 RMW fi33l'St. 5 spd . xtras Si5lltl llRO S~;('RETAR \'DESK d<t t) R \'llF hin111•d PdUll·UP to 50', orr )'llUI VOUCSWAGEN ~afon he11(e. snrf :;200 ---#} DEAlfR IN U.S.A. 49!J·S641 .... '5_2527_"_> ___________ .... R11(hl dra\\t'" l.dl m;.1,1, hwtl kt•t'I. rullcr hod~ shop est 536 9832 18711 Be;i1•h Rl\'ll mt. ,how room ruud. ~s 18.m 9740 D l' N t: H l (i li Y , •79 ~ s t~pcwnter 0111·11 Pllll furlin)! l'\t t•lll·nf For Salt' Four Capri lll'~'TINGTO'.'i BEt\t'll warr 1131 R23~.l"31 7!16!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ F1ber~l11'~ ho<l~ 11 1<1p ! rVlllf 3475 ty~" nler ~ 1 •·,uh 111 $!fl UCJCJ 213 44111714 nim-;, m:.ke offer 842-2000 'Kl BMW 3201. Sport l'd •Ml, pnftr a fY"'tr r C_IY""t-J'"'1: st 11(1 \f.(~11•nii Slli!l5 h~• 1 LTD .11o. $!25 91).1 R(~)K Boot sr I Call 961! 2751 Ill ark. ROid H B!l 1m. used Mercedes I Ni...JL.J...,.. l'L../J\._.L ofr lmmarulat1• Work Pets 8087 0ocs'Ls'ps 9070 , WENEED. t mar. loaded R) appt. to anew ~~=~1• &1436S.'i.homt•S4ntl:!9J (689WCA) • YOUR EXOTIC I ~~~~----------. ~······················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• AlltosforSale I I ll ys fi45 1330 , C\:. ·~fist? CtOSIOSUNOAYS ·79 \'W Bu~. ltkt• new 7ffOID s4075 Ne'.#pGrt Marino •••••••••••••••""••••• & IRITISH CARS 7Gl.~8470 task for Ru•h > Compare House of Im· _ $6495 7 passeni:1•r s un • fliGfoN§ foil hfJ D<i. wk. m1inth 045.0551 lr..~OTPOrcTEA~ci 1 ports Direlt lease and 60 Sub.v 9762 rl. auto 646·69G8 LTD Persian rollHs. 0111• l~EW~' Dahun 9720 mos sensible pymts ....................... .57 \.W\'AN performance. 642 4653 ..... B Slip L'µ to :rn READERS AND ~R1TS ···c·1·A··N··1··o·A··r·s··u·N····· D ' a I 2 1 3 0 r -.. .....,,_E COU ... TY'S Needs work, llt'~l offr r (\0842'7) Water P<>\\CI' n r l.ulo ADVERTISERS 714/MERCEDES 1s 213 VftAnv " •79 fOID Sl-50. 6]3-2756 The priC'e of itemi. or714/637-2333 NEWEST 497•1909 s4175 advertised by vehiclt• CL[ HANCE SALE ----Authorized 1967 vw Sq11art'h;H'k cn1u1nA OOGallon Aquari um Boat slip for rtftt dealers in the l'ehic:lr • J1oo'w Coast Hwv LM Sl'BARU DEALER Nrw Enl(me. SIWO l\MIUI w WsterDraRun lizard. Prime toe nl!Xl to Ru GI\' N rt Ile h 1979 Ml!.aCEDES 964 ~ (821WXP) $7~ 080 551 0388 Pelican 714·646 4419 . rlassified advertising ewpo ar .. Ila -. c·olumns doe~ not in 642-9405 · IEH1450SLC ~ ~ Vdvo 9772 .--------------..... Sewift9MachinH 8092 Wantc:d Slip lo Mrom t'lude any applil·ubte WA .... TED'. ·•·.· . . Black1black leather. .·~' ~...,, .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'IOFOID s4175 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1mdate 49· Pwr Boat taxes. ltcensc. transfer "" ~unroo f . alloys & .. PINTO SX Electra 4UOO or11: Lung Term ~49 ·11466. ftts. financ:e rhar~es. Late• model Toyotai; and eassette. 123216>. #I VOLVO DEALER S300 Ne,er uset1 f.\'es,494·7097 feesfora1rpollullnn<'on-Vol1·os C;lll ui. ___ Sll,950 1982MO DELS INORA NGECOL'NTY' !07'ZAHI ~ _ bsl ofr 64tl 1468 Huntington Harbour Boat trol device C'ert1ficat1ons TODAY:!' 2845 Harbor Blvd JIM SLEMOMS llERE NOW!', I St.Ll!.S, SERVICr. l":!:":'"!:"!~~--'T--------t 8093 Sl111> Avail Huntington or dealer documentary Costa Mesa 1301 Quail Street Sales-Service-Leasing "' ii; ii; '10 FOID 4275 ~••••••••••••••••• Harbour Bay & Ra<'quet preparation charges un· NEWPORT BEACH SADOlHACk .AND L~IMG FAIRMONT Pr skt boots. hke new. Oub 714·846-7766 less otherwise speC'ifled 714/540-6410 831•9300 SUIARU OVERSEASl>'EC.lVER Y Nordics Nova. ~z 5. wht. lsth~;;_;Moonng to 50• i?ltheadvertiser. TOYOTA·YOLYO 1972 DATSUN 240Z J.ll·Z040 1'~4t EXPERTS (780ZSG) l~rt.7L~a·n!061~a7s. t75. used 4 tp1·onvt. Pty Pnme Lo<.'a· G9Mrall 9510 i u~.~:::.:•·• ~~m~te 4da~sl~ ~o~p~ 1!'722 MERCEDES BENZ T~ t765 WLEllCE , ............. 0 ........ ---S-46---·,--5--. Id ' • ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " 2 0 0 D i e s e I A I l -r-•• _ _7(4.84_6~9636 u•.uu., uo.uu transmisa1on in sharp •••••ttn•••••••••••••• VOLVO MJ!!~G . l'imes. Ty. 3600 bmd __ _ _ condition (772EQF > original! Automatic air '70ToyotaCorolla l96'i Harbor8\\'d 'n &s. Scott P n I es. 67' ~lip. Newport Bch.. I $3995. J im Ma ri n 0 conditioning and super $.100 COSTA MESA Dolomite size Io boots. private boat only or? Jop Dollar 1 Volkswagen. 842·2000 clean. <215999). $5995. Call 642-8926 646-tlOl 540.946 L Full pkg. $150 firm. 642-4644 4t9·472.2Evn Jim M 8 r i n ° '82ToyotaCelicaCT3.lOO 7fFllO s ' W-(}753.arter 5pm Paid Volkswagen,842-2000. miles. Forced to sell 1980 VOLVO Diesel. A 4 75 9 •oats. Spttd & ""1 380SLC. Ivory· . AS· m·> 892-1832 rare 264GL diesel Sl•dan ··~ER §i.wtlngGoods 80 4 s.d 9080 AIMtjt/lt1/ For You r Car! 0 " This one is loaded and """8 ;r.~···••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• Clialks 9520 JOHMSON&SON su~~~5f~~:3~320 Tn..,e. 9767 likenew (0984H). (tMtet8) llln~ss -large trb mk Work boal 2'1' diesel lgph •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• U..C•Mtrelff'Y ......... •••••••••••••• $11,995. J im Marino ~--------------...., fOUne. 7xl4'. S400 . nc 40 hp. Cedar Buda eng. 1957 T·llrd 2626Harbor Blvd, '73 MB 450SE, best orrer. tmTRlUMPH TR7 Con-Volkswagen. 842-2000. _ All *11cltl aubiect ot prior Ult. All plut tax. f!Ck,'40.&19·4720 -Sltmcash494-7634 Att:Collectors! Qista Mesa 540·563! Must sell in 2 weeks. vertib le. S s peed llc .. doc.&tmog ltes.Ofl9tt•pi•4l hou" 1V, -..Oi ..-.. sa--9090 Conrourse condition ' Prem'tum prices 55001,8am·S:30pm. transmission, air condi· , _!l!2!:!,0 1667~~0I" iia~ftttjiipublilcatiloni.iiiiijiiiiii lLlltr!! • ...__...._ tOtl -.... -r (14772). tionln&, s tereo. ~ ~·-· ,, . ., ~ .,_.., --•tt•••••••••••••••••••• paid tor any used car '80 MB 450SL 10 000 mi ..... •••••••••••••••••• ott. Y Sl6,toOI (foreian or domestic 1 It. green. tloOO siereo in: Sharp! (72SYNY >. 16995· 8~UTIFUL 2~" RCA ingood condltloo, cl. $311,000. (7\41661·1860 J I m M a r i n o 'Altol.Uttd IOiol' TV u lt. 2 yr wrn See U• First! 119llO DATSUN 310 GX. 2 !IYI; 49l·c.79. Volkswagen. 842·2000. •ttnueuhuuouau ~-lt•. f'teedclivery. Moothly boat It RV 1 door with air condition-itqm Stiling '76 TR7. ~ HO John's6'6-t188 storagt IOt any size, 24 -tn&.steTtO cassette. Ell· .. OM14SOSL nutng,more.Trade? ..................... . I -&ny Trlnatron h r security. tree tra Sharp! <OT4YZA). Champape. PalorillQo ·m."n.t/752·m2 ~· color tv, $275. tauncblRI' wubln• $4915 . Jim Mulno Luther. Cass. Alloys. ms11tIUMPH. A ahlrp _.,fJ.50 .... 4720 prlvlleaea. New po rt Valuwa&tn1842·2000. Oris Owner. Mu st TR7aportcoupewlthon· •rd Turntable. !Mia. U.H Battk Bay Plldni '"1 ClaMtf'lecl .,,, llO'ZX, bri•ht red. Sell!!!w..512'1 ly2t.•ml"'9. Mu1hee ·-~~~~-· Dr. Newport Bucb. ad 11 IO llJDple ··· Jlllt A••,. likenew ,. SD l Amptiflet • ,... ,.._10 atw • • tall a_. ~ ~ aoo 118. Sarf, An· t o a p_p r • e at• . • I tnd attreo. ....-,..•u1Mi.>10U ""'9251 lbrulte .Guy. Im · (70IO\JC) .... 5. Jim I .,.. lllllCoDd.I want for fut re-Him-~ 10 Mil? llUicu.llte. llK IU. M1rl10 Vo,bwa111 "-· IOllTI .... 0 'n.t~ltwtU. .......... ..._ I -~~--~--------~------.,.;..a-,.-.... ._ fll I I •• ,. Nt (JNI Si l /\'( I I .... ·,;.' ' ' ly f>A VID KtrnMANN °'*~ ........... Fuel·lo11din1 activities could begin in ll mattel"' of days at the newly built Unit 2 reactor at the San Onofre Nuclear Generatin& Station after the federal government approved a low-power testing license Tuesday. U .S . Nuclear Ke1ul1tory Commiuion'a director of licensing, who is in California lnlSWtek to atten~n1ew-beartnaa on the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant near San Luis The interim license was signed by Harold_ Denton, the llEIDS .Students calculate costumes By GLENN SCOTT Of Hie CMlly ~SW! It was tough to top Douglas Kelly for being a nerd. There he was sitting on a step in the plaza next to UC Irvine's Engineering Building, so inundated in computer printouts and calculators and a ssorted scientific junk he couldn't get to his feet to compete in a lineup of other students to be Big Nerd On Campus. So he just sat there mumbling and tinkering with his gear while the dozen or so others s trutted their greas y hair, peanut·butte r s mothered mouths, white s hirts with 15 pens jamm ed in ink-stained pockets and bus ted glasses repaired with the quintessential tape and Band-Aids. Way down at the bottom of this absent·minded mess sat our c hampion -or soon·to-be champion -wailing for his moment to launch his water rocket in a burst of "Gee, Mr. Wizard"' beauty to rain oyer the contestants and the ir If ell ow students who gathered Tuesday to orle their mos t familiar stereotype The nerd contest was. In effect, the opening ceremony for a week of tedium·breaking s cientific s illiness called Engineering Week. The idea behind the ne rd contest , as Master of Ceremonies Dr. Paul David Arthur explained, is lo provide "a little light-hearted spoof" of the stereotype or the engineering student. ~ Arthur's one-liners kept the crowd loose. He greeted one quiet student with : "My god. why weren't you in here? You're a natural." Ob~~. . The low-~wer permit luued to Southern California Ecllson ii similar to the license which Pacific Gas & Electric Co. received , and then had auapended, for ill two-reactor Diablo plant on the Central Callfomia~coast. _ __ Eaison officials said fuel loadln1 lnto Unit 2'a reactol" veaael mn be1i11 Thursday ·takes four weeks ln all, poeaibly lon1er, to fully load the uranlum·laden fuel rods. This means actual startup of the 1,100-meiawatt reactor located three miles south of San ' Clemente would take place in mid or late march, utility spokelmee aald. Edison spok esman Dave Barron said Tuesday that no electa:icity would be 1enerat.ed by the newly built unit during Its s hakedown. The license only aJlows the loading of fuel, which has t,leen stored on the plant site since last summer, and actlvatioo of the reactor at no But the me c hani c al engineering professor took as much abuse as he served and admitted ,ttliat engineering faculty members aren't allowed <See CONTEST, Page A2) COUNTING DoWN -Douglas Kelly gets set to launch a rocket during Big Nerd Dtlly .............. 9ery ....... on CaJjTlpus conte st Tuesday in UC lrvine·s Engineering Week . -4 killer whales disrupt regatta SAN DIEGO I AP ) - Yachtsmen sa~ they watched. stunned, as four killer whales swam a mile into San Diego Bay, disrupting the annual regatta of the San Diego Yacht Club. "I placed the spinnaker upside down I was so excited." said Dennis Case. a real e state investor. T he whales ' dors al fins showed at least three feet above water, Case said, adding, "We didn't hang around." At least 10 other killer whales were re~rted spotted, -111111 TllAY Tlae Lolcera ended .o thrtt'fO'M roang ltrtolc ~ lowtrfng ~ boom Oft the S~tti. SuperSonict .at tlae Ponam. S.e Curt Seedn'• r~ OAP.CJO' DI. 11111 ""' I •• ............ ..... ., .. _. ..... m:-,.. -.:: E.::.· = ,_.. IN --Al ---.. also on Mooc(ay, about .20 miles southwest of Sad Dleeo near the Coronado.Isl¥tds. ... --- Bill SimpSOll, a vice president of Union Bank, wai on a whale-wa,Cching trip po bls son's 65-foot cdtnmerctal sportfishin& boat when the whales encircled· a herd of sea lions. · "I could live to be 100 and I'd never see another siaht like It," Simpson said Tuesday. "They corn~red the Hons and ate Utem, very IJ)eticulously, one by one. Tbey ~d dnt one below the suit~, completely clean up the s~pe. then move to another. Simpson, '3 said the sea lions trled to escape but were herded decade or so, you see why people back into the center of the are excited.'' circle. Slli'll)SOn saJd be look pictures for two hours of the normally Al. first, he said, '"We . were a loof species of whales, which afraid to get loo close but it was ·are fairly common off the evident they (the killer whales) Pacific Northwest and would • were very calm animals. Tbey 1ive copies lo th~ Hubbs Sea had ablolutely no fear of tbe' World J\esearch Institute in San boat. 1t wu u if they didn't Diego. even know we existed, but 1(Ml · just knew these were extremely ·v d intuitive and intelligent r rau case animals." · ' Steve Leatherwood, a senior staff btologist at Hubbs, said. tbat when "we've bad onJy a handful of slihUn1s ln the last Dwinf the trial, prosecution wltffllel had depleted Baets u a Mii wilb no love for b1s acinc lft~er Wltb wbom he li•ed at 1 realdenee on Belboll penlnsdla. One nelpbor said he oaee heard Baets, who worked u a chemllt in JamaJca, te,nn bll mother, Janette , u a· "dalDllld old woman '' w ho abould hi .... llt 'Baet1, tatlf)1n1 tn Illa OWD lief--~ told the JUl'J dat be wu bMdlas h1t motMr'a requeet, "BarclaJ. Just put .... aWaJ," wbaD he 1d•ed ........... eylldde to ......... •• drll* IM .-samed Sept. 10. leDteDttnl WU SCbedUled for lfarcb~· -~__,-~~·- suspect testifies Golden Eagle Investm ent Co. president Ralph Mc Donald testified today be holds cash io exce11 of $10 mUlion but be told the proaec utor wbo was questioning him: I "Sir, if I keep 'olng, 1 will perjure myself with the IRS." As more than 50 Golden Eagle lnvestbn crowded into a small courtroom in South Oran1e County Municipal Court In Lacal N11uel UUs momin1, lie cl lnlJHl<ed q•estiona deaUns wllh Wit scope of his financial hold.lall. He la char1eCI wtu, 11 felony ·counts in ~nectitoa •lth •n alle1ed scheme to defraud la•etton who put money into his El Toro baled flrm. However. becauae Golden Ea1le la not incorporated, lf.cDonald b•• ao lt propriet.onbl~ of h1I ... .u. Tbe defendant. tree OD mo,ooo ball after It wu reduced tram Ji anlllton Monda'. could see bl• ball lncrtHt 111in at the (8ee 8lJltPECI', P..-Al>. ...... Ylll 11111111 UllY NPll more than five percent of ruu power. A full ~wer license~for Unit 2 is e xpected later this year, perhaps before the end or 16 weeks of low-power testing. Unit 3, which also is a 1.100 megawatt reacto r , is sc he duled for completion in 1983. The ne wly expanded plant located three miles south of San Cle m ente whic h includes the * * * •f s malle r , 14-ye ar-old Unit 1 r e a c tor. has been opposed throughout licensing proceedings by critics who say emerge ncy evacuation planning is inadequate and thal geologic · hazards exceed plant design standards. These groups including the San Cle mente -based GUARD <Groups Unite d Agains t <See ONOFRE, Page AZ> * * * Edison told to pay $3 million park fee By JOHN NEEDHAM Of tlle Dally P'llot Slaff T h e C aliforn ia Coas tal Commission has order ed the o wne r s of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to pay $3 milli o n for park improvements and dedicate an a dditional four acres t o Carlsbad State Park. Meet ing in Santa Barbara Tuesday. the commission voted 9 -1 t o r e qu i r e So uthern California Edison Co. to pay the $3 million for the development or 200 new campsites al San Onofre State Park. San Diego Gas & Electric Co . I co-o wner of the San Onofre powe r station 1 was ordered to transfer ownershi p of company own ed land localed n ext to Carlsbad State Pa rk The beach property is adjacent to an oil and gas fired po we r plant, ope rated by t he utility. M e l Nu tt e r . C o a s t al Commission vice c hairman. said today in Santa Ba rbara that Tuesday's a c tion serves to replace the more than two acres of beach lost to public use because of a chain link fence put up next to the San Onofre nuclear facility. Nutter said the majority of the commission held that the utility companies i g n o r e d th e conditions or a 1974 pe rmit allowing the construction of two new nu_clear generating plants at the site. He s aid the utilities had agreed to a st ipulation that public access be allowed to all be ach areas near the plants. However. recently signs have bee n pos ted and a fenc e constructed limiting access. Edis on s pokes m a n Dave Barron said the public's access lo the area was being res tricted under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandate. He said construction of the fence was o r dered by the r egulatory com mission as a condition or the issuance or an operating litense for the planll> llowever. Barron added that the coastal commission's action ordering the dedications from Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric was sa tisfactory "Generall y this requirement 1s pretty close to what we had offered ." Ba rron s aid . "The dedication of land at Carlsbad St a te Beach was a bit of a s urprise, but I don't think there will be a proble m .. But not all parties were happy with the commission ruling. Lyn llic ks, a member or the San Cle m e nte-based anti-nucle ar group, GUARD, said the public access restrictions point up the cla n gt-r of nuclear plant operation. She predicted that even more beach areas would be ruled out or bounds to the public She said loc a l e m e r genc y r es po nse a gencies would likely be ruled in capabl e o r no tify in g bea c hgoers 1f there were a nuclear emergency ·Watt def ends oil policy at Ai;.aheim Bv FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 6t Ille o.11y "'91 Slaff Interior Secretary James Watt says the goal of the Reagan administration is "lo be the st eward for Ame rica." To ihal end, the controversial cabinilt officer told art Anaheim audience,. Tuesday night. the administration is promoting policies aimed at ~veloping natur a l r esourc es ··f o r American and Americans." Walt's address. in which he at times sounde d m o r e like a minister than a government administrator, drew a standing ovation from more than 600 people attending a Sl 2S·per pe r son fund-raiser for Re p W i lliam D a nn e m eye r . R-Fullerton, a Watt enthusiast Themes includipg "spiritual freedom" a nd "God 's plan·· punctuated his remarks at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. Watt used the occas ion to defend administration policies aimed at increasing petroleum production from U.S. sources . "We have enough e nergy in America lo meet our needs for hundreds and hund red s or years." Watt said. ··We have n ever had an energy crisis in America ... We havt> had a government cris is ... the secretary said. lie promised, despite contrary predictions from his critics. that government would not employ a "m e at ax .. a pproach in developing resources on public lands "It Will be in an orderly w,py. through time. so we can be n e fit fro m the n a tural resources we have.·· .Watt m a1n tai n eJ that his anterior depa rtment inherited vast problems at the conclusion o f t he a dmin is tratio n of President Carter .. There was too much air pollution ... too much water pollution ... our parks were deteriorating ... our rish and wildlife refuges were •dete n oratlllg... Steps are being 't a ke n, he s aid. to res tore •exis ting national park facilities ·and wildlife refu ges. He did not ;address air and water pollution. 1':arlier Tuesday, Watt toured a reas offs hore or the £anta Barbara coast that are 'Oe'lng considered for oil drilling. Watt later told reporters that areas under federal jurisdiction will be opened for drilling. Schultz named VP of Pilot company L. Kay Schultz has been appointed vice itresident and director of operations of the Orange Coast Publis hing Company. it was announced today by Thomas P . Haley, publisher and chief executive officer. The Orange Coast Publishing Company, a wholly owned s ubsidiary or Times Mirror Company, publishes the Daily Pilot,..the Irvine Mirror and wlJI begin publication of the Mission ' Viejo Mirror on March 10. , Schultz joined Oran1e Coast Publl$hlng on May 18, 1981, as director of operations. "She will co ntinu e to have tbe reaponslbility for flnanctal operations , production operaUom, personnel and other aupport department•." Haley explained. (8H 8CR\JLTZ, Pate A.2) APPOINTED L . K11 y Schultz has been appointed vice president and cUrector,, of operations of the Orange Coast Publishin1 Company. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/We'dneaday. February 17, 19&2 ' · ~estigat_ors ~wait jet ree~rder data lnv•t.laaton ~re hoptn1 that analyals ol the recorder data llnd the tapes will s hed additlJ>nal light on why the Boeing 737 carryln& 1!2 people was about 500 feet below the correct llltitude during a landing approach at Ontario lntemat.ional airport. Omcials of both the Federal Aviation Admtnlatration and the NTSB have conJlrmed that a naviaauonal uid used by pilot.II ln maint'"'11og correct altitudes on landing approaches was not In operation at Ontario Monday nitht when the incident occurred. The so-called •Ude slope had been undcr1olna equipment chanaie tor about two weeka, the FAA aatd. That fact WU known to both the Ontario air traffic control tower pers0nnel and the fljghl crew, the FNA said. Alter strtkin.c a Hghtnlng .. arrestor wfr~ atop a 250 feet tall s tapdard supportina high temilon elcctrieul wire11, pilot ThomH Hall, 41, and copilot Jose Matot, 47, canceled tbelr planned landing and diverted the flight to Los Angeles. International Airport. Witch doctors hear Mass -Pope g*eets-Ben;in~S-bishops in-ethnic Fon ianguage b ·~-........ '•'SENTENCED New J ersey Sen. Harrison Williams Jr. and t-his wife J eanette leave federal court in Uniondale , N Y . after he was sentenced to three years in prison for agreeing ~Jo accept a $12.6 million bribe in the Abscam case. ;Pacific storms :sb:if t northward SAN FRANCISCO (AP l -A column of Pacific storms poised to attack Northern California has shifted northward after four days of rain that closed major highways, drove score5 from their homes and contributed to 14 deaths. 1 "; T•b et s to r m w e w e re ~pect.ing to come in Friday will ~e moving farther north.'' banks raise • . enm_e rate to :l 7 percent 11>.f The Associated. Press r, The prime rate jumped to 17 ptircent at several banks today as the chairman of the United ~Ha le s League of Savings ~ssoc iations complained high in"terest rates threaten to delay a rre co very o f th e h ousing l.f\dustry. 1,. While economists predicted the prime would jump from the ~.5 percent level adopted two weeks ago,. they also said the s luggis h econom y · should prevent the latest increases (.porn continuing past tbe spring. The prime rate, the base upon ~hich banks compute interest f,Jlarges on short-term ~usiness roans to their mos t creditworthy fl1stomers , peaked at 21.5 percehl in December 1980 and . i'ell as low as 15.5 percent in November. ·The latest surge in the prime te, led by Chase Manhattan ank, the nation's third largest mmercial bank , came as terest rates rose for two key urces of bank funds. Other banks raising the prime 17 were Bank of America, oyd~ Bank California and curit}' Pacific National Bank. . romPageA1 , CHULTZ. • • Schultz earned a doctorate at ast Texas University, a a ster's degree from North exas State University and a chelor of science degree at cMurray College. She bas held previous sales d management positions in Human Resources Division the Dallas Times Herald, the Imes Mirror Company w•paper in Dallas, Texas. ... Nat io n al Wea the r S e rvice spokesman Randy Hartley said Tuesday. explaining that a high pressure system above the Pacific was shunting the storms away from the middle or California. · "With a ny luc k. we'll be looking at some fair and dry weather for the weekend,'' he added. Despite a spate or mudslides from the Pacific coast to the ridges or the Sierra, the storm was far gentler than the Jan. 3-5 downpour that kille<l at least 31 and caused more t ha n $80 million in damage . Officials said the deaths or 12 people in five separate aircraft.-· accidents over the weekend may have been linked to the stormy weather and at least two people were believed drowned Monday on rain-swollen Deer Creek near Yuba City. At least four families fl ed their homes when tons of rock and mud :-oiled down a hills ide five miles south of Watsonville Tuesday, briefly trapping one family in their mobile home. Ron Ervin, 37, said he and his wife, Moira, had to fight through toppled furniture and debris to pull their children. 2-year -old Ryan and 4-year-old Alyssa. out of the mobile home to safecy. The 100-foot slide carried ll\e home 25 feet from its base, People living along the Cosumnes River near Thornton, south of Sacramento, were told to b e ready to evacuate Tuesday, and four homes in the Drew Lake area or Santa Cruz County were flooded. Fourtee n p eopl e were evacuated from five homes in San Francisco's residential ~ Valley area Monday when a small slide rolled into the back of one house. Fire Department officials said It would be a week before the residents c()uld return. And some r esidents of s lide-prone hillsides south of San Francisco in Pacifica, where three children were buried alive in a Jan. 4 slide, voluntarily left their homes. Major and min o r roads throughout the north state were blocked by collapsing hillsides.. Highway 1, recently reopened after a massive slide in the area in early. January. was closed again Tuesday by slides south of Stinson Beach. • Hi~hway 50, a main route for Sierra-bound skiers, was closed ·repeatedly by several slides Tuesday, but was r.eopened to Of\e lane of traffic bv evening .• o.-ANCIE COAST Dilly 'ilat c1 .. efflecl 11CMHtt9tnt 7141142·5171 Alt other ct.pertmene. 142-4321 Thomas P. Haley ..,_ -CllW ~ .. .,...,, omc .. Robert N. Weed ........... Thooes A. Murphlne (dlGr • L Kay Schultz \llal ......... -1111-. °' o,.. .. ._ Michaei P, Harvey ,.......,..,_.... Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~DI .... Charles H. Loos ............. MAINOfflCE .w .. a.,tt.,C..Mete, CA. ......... , ...... <:-.Mete. CA. ... ~ ..... ~..... ~11111111c........: =-I ...... _._ ... ••tt•owww• ~-~. .,. ,.,. r..c....,.. tpeclel ,.,,.,. ....... ~-· COTONOU, Benin (AP> - Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass in a soccer stadium tr.i Marxist Benin today as a group or witch doctors with fly whisks and bone-and-teeth necklaces looked on , s haking their amulets. The pope began the Mass with a greeting in Fon, one of the 40 different ethnic languages of Benin. About 20,000 people were in the stands. Speaking after the Mass to Benin's six bishops, the pope said : "You are in a political and social situation which I know well by (personal) experience.'' Until recently, the Catholic church has been under severe repression in Benin. Hundreds of children cheered a n 'd waved f 1 a gs as the 61-year-old pope rode in an open c ar to the Cotonou soccer stadium from the airport. The pontiff was greeted on arrival from Nigeria by Benin President Mathieu Kerekou, a fl ag-waving crowd and a few people from neighboring Togo as a downpour washed over this sultry West African capital. In his speech at the airport, Kerekou condemned "foreign domination" in Africa and said that contrary to what one might hear about .Benin, it was a land where respect for fundamental human rights is guaranteed. H e a ls o said that the government exercises a "strict positive neutrality" on the s ubject of religious beliefs, which he called "a personal choice." In the afternoon, the pope flies to Gabon, another former French colony, for a two-day stay. The pope will also visit Equatorial Guinea, a foro~er Spanish colony in which 90 percent of the 350,000 people are Catholics. before returning tQ the Vatican on Friday. In Lagos, the pope said fn a farewell after a five-day visit to Nigeria, "My final word is to a very s p ecia l person. the Nigerian child. It is to each boy and girl or this-great country that I leave my message of brotherhood, friendship and love." He told children among the crowd seeing him off at Murtala Muhammed Airport they should "treat others 'the way you would have them treat you. "By acting this way. you will have more power than all the nuclera power stations in the world because you have the power to bring peace and happiness to the world ," he said as traditionaJ drummer•; beat on Conditions -l!oor' priOr to landing? hollow logs and the crowd waved Vatican and Nigerian flags . He then called forward the child of a Nigerian offidal, hugged the youngster. turned and waved to tl\e crowd and boarded his Alitalia Airbus for thP. flight to Benin -ending his fi ve·day visit lo Black Africa's most populous nation. .: puring bis visit to Nigeria, John Paul drew the ex~ted huge crowds and avoided the moral and political subject or 'g r eates t interest to Black Africa, the racial policy in white-ruled South Africa. John Paul. in his homilies at the papal Masses in Lagos , Onitsha, Kadona and Ibadan, spoke of AlriCa 's need to resist the temptations of materialism and lo bolster ttaditional values and family life. But he made f\O mentioo or racis m or South Africa 's apa rtheid policy or racial. separation, subjects which were prominent in his address to the diplomatic c ommunity in Nairobl. Kenya, on his 1980 visit. Hi ghway 89 around Ule west edge or Lake Tahoe also was closed by slides. A fie rce burst or stormin~ knocked down 12 main p0wer poles in Kem County. leaving the California city without power. Schools were closed Tuesday and a 7 p.m. curfew • was impose9. The warm rains fell on snow up to t~ 8,000-root level in the Sierra, helping swell the runoff. . Bomb. s rip France BOSTON <AP> -Tapes. flight gave n o indication:: released today reveal that seven anything was amiss exceyt ror PARIS <~P) ·-Nineteen m\nutes before a World Airways one trans mission where his bombs exploded outside banks, DC-10 slid off a runway at Logan voice is heard to say. "World's post ofrtces1 •nd telephone InternC\tional Airport, another goiogofftheend." exchanges in Paris and airliner reported braking Subsequent attempts by the Versailles during the night. conditions at the airport were tower to contact the pilot were shattering Windows but causing "poor." unsuccessful. Ground controllers no injuries, <>fficials said today. "We had to go all the way to did not know at the time that the A s mall group of Corsican t h e end," the pilot or a cockpit of the jumbo jet bad nationalists claimed Northwest Orient plane reported broken off afler it plunged into responsibility, ~~cordif!.g to the to the tower after he landed that the harbor, dumping the night Agence France· Presse news WHY NOT? Author and ex-cop Joseph Wambaugh says he 'd be glad to take ove r the Houston po)i{'e depa rtment. WaIDbaugh Houston's top cop? HOUSTON CAP I J oseph Wambaugh of Newport Beach, ex -co p , filmmaker ·and best-selling author of gritty police novels , s ays he'd be happy to run the pol ice d e partment in t he nation 's fifth·largest city even though he never applied for the job. "After having read Thomas Thompson's 'Blood and Money ,' I've learned that in Houston-one either gets murdered or gets rich ," the author of "The Blue Knight" s aid in a sta tement releas ed Tuesd ay in Los Angeles. "I've b<.>en so bo red lately I'm ready for either. Therefore, I • enthusiastically acce pt. Ha ve gun . wi ll tr·avel. .. Wambaugh is one of 11 current or former law enforcement officers being considered for the post or police chief by Mayor Kathy Whi t mire . Seven candidates applied for the JOb, and the other four, including Wamhaugh , we re recommended by various people. The mayor's offi ce would not say who had recommended Wambaul'!h When Mrs . Whitmire s aw Wambaugh's name on the list of candidates, "her only question w a s ' W h O ' S J_ O.Ji fJl .h__ Wambaugli""r' .. said mayoral spokesman Raul Reyes. night or Jan. 23. crew into the water. agency. Minutes later. the Wo rld -·------------------------_..._ _______________ _ Airways jumbo jet with 210 people on board slid off the end of the same runway into the icy waters of Boston Harbor and broke apart as it attempted to land in freezing rain. Two passengers remain missing and are presumed drowned. T h e F e d eral Aviation Administration today released tapes of conversations between the tower at the harborside airport-and plan~s landing and taking off. The pilot of the World Airways From Page A1 SUSPECT. • • conclusion of a new hearing before Municipal Court Judge Dave Carter. Deputy District Attorney Tom Buc k asked for highe r bail Tues da y at arraignment proceedings for McDonald and co-defendant Du-id Siggins. Biggins is still in custody on $2 million bail set last week after S h e r iff 's D epar tment investigator s raided Golden Eagle offices. S e ized in that raid ·was · $825,000 in cash . McDonald, was called to the witness stand Tuesday lo testily on his own behalf. said a $65 mill ion personal assets figure given earlier was not correct. When asked by Buck if be had cash in excess of $10 million, he answered Yes, but added, "If I keep going, I'll perjure myself with the IRS." -811 DAVID. KUTZMANN From Page A1 ONOFRE •.• Radiation Dangers > organization -lodged an appeal with the federal government last moqth to prevent low-power operation or the plant. Lynn Harris Hicks, a spokesman for GUARD, said the NRC's issuance of the low-power license was a "very short-sighted'· decision. Crltrcs of -tbe plant ha.ve .collt.ended jt would be safer to con vert: the coastal power stat.IOI\ to ,a gu·operated raclllty. latuance of the interim eermit waa made poulble in early January when the U.S. Atomic Safety and Licellsln1 Board ruled that the $1U blllkm pl.ant was earthquake sale. WINTER SILE CONTINUES .. Drexel Bishopsgate 11 . ~The flavor of a Tudor manor house from the artists of Drexel You will be 1ntngued by tM spacious atmosphere. and au1hent1c styling' Drexel " enriches tliese new dining rooms with lavish detail such as her ringbone-patterned tabletops bold earthy motcJ1ngs l1nenfolcl door panels It's an 1nv1t1rJg . captivating look 1n oak veneer<; and o.:ik solids softened by a distressed fru1twood finish Come 1n tor ri closer look and tour Old England today' ' - Bv STEVE MITCHE Li. Of le.. INlty ..... Mafl In the Seattle area . he's known as the Mound of Sound. He's Wayne Cody. lt r adio and television sportscaster of such girth he once had to be fifted by crane into a school stadium press box. He couldn't fit up the stairs. Wayne Cody the Puget Pudge. whom. it was once s uggested, could be a center for the Seattle SuperSonics basketball team he so faithfully covers for listeners of KIRO Newsradio. "T hey said I'd take up so muc h room on the court that if anyone tried to d r ive around me. t hey'd be out of bounds." he quinped in a recent telep hone chat. I learned a bout t he behemoth s por t sca ster during a recent trip to Seattle , where bill boards abound with t h e admo n i t ion ··watc h Wa .v ne M1rc111LL Dis appear ·· Wayne Cody is a household word in Seattle wit h a lmost as many fans as the cit~•s Washington Huskies football team . .He's emba r ked on a six-month cam paign during which he intends to s hed IQO pounds . And his progress has been charted in newspapers. radio and b~· word of m outh since he clim bed onto a cargo sca le Jan. 7. topping the digita l read-out at 325 pounds. The ··Great Wayne Cody Fat orr· has sparked offtc·e pools. s idt' bets .. pled ges to favorite charities . und p a r t i c i p a t i o n b ~· m o r e l h a n 3 0 0 o v e r w e 1 g h t Washingtonians who have joined Wayne on his dit>t As of this wee k. Wa yne s ays he 's lost Hf pounds lie·~ down six sizes in the trousers from 58 to 52. and he ha~ to pin his size 60 S!)Ortscoats in the back. "I expected to lose 25 p<>unds by now ... sa~·s Cod~ And it;s not li ke he hasn't been trying. ··Basically. I'm on a high protein diet. things hkl· steak, ha rd -boiled eggs. fi sh and turkey ... he said And he drinks wate r Lots of water. And iced tca · · 1 have this cook who comes lo my heme.> She look~ just like Bo Derek ... he chuckled. His new diet is a far cry from the 10 or so sodas he used to suck down each day. chased with pints and pinl!'- of Baskin-Robbins ice c ream The night before thC' Great Weigh Off. he cons umed rive portions of c herries jubilee at a banquet. No more. 'Now Wavne isn 't one of those obese peopl(• who fceb sorry for himself. Why . he says. he's always been able to look in the mirror in the morning and like what he sees. "If every lime I called up a woman to as k for a datl' and I kept hcCJ ring. Tm sorry, I ha\'e to go to m y uncle s fune raJ in Toledo.' then there might have been morl· pressure to lose weight. .. he says. Not so. fans a nd fnends et1rr~· his favor . enjoy his comp:rn~. seek his counsel So wh~· participatl· in a higMy publicized "'eight los~ program·' And why pledge to keep the weight off for ~1x additional months after the July 1 deadline·• ··well ... says he. "public ly we·re telling pt>o µl t• 11 ·.., because 1 have a mild form of diabetes and the <lot'tor~ say I'd better take off the weight .. Which is true. he admits But privately. Wayne say·s he·s doing 1t fol' tlw bucks. "The radio s ta tion is rewar<lin~ me ... he sa~·~. sm ugl~·. · · F'inanciCJ 11~· -· By F RE DERICK SCHOEMEIO.. 0( , .. Oelly ...... SUff As so me passengers would later recall. an unusual aspect of the Feb. l7, l981, crash of an AirCal jetliner at J ohn Wayne Airport was ot her passe ngers atte mpting ·to gather t heir carry-on luggage Qefore fleeing the crumpled jet. With that exception, t he 31 passengers later interviewed by National Transportation Safety Board investigators had nothing but praise tor the flight crew in clearing the Boeing 737 of 106 persons on board in what was described as-recm;d time. To ma n y pa sse n ger s , evacuation of the aircraft as it rested on its belly on the west s ide or the air port's 5,700-foot long run wa y couldn 't have happened soon enough. T hey would learn from news repo rts that night t h at an ex p losion rocked the plane's passenger cabin less than three hours after the c rash. Five rows of scats we re destroyed. The crash the first serious incident involving a commercial Jetliner al John Wayne Airport occurred at 5:34 p.m. on a Tu esday, during a heavy com muter period t ermed by one a ir traffic controll er the "Jet rus h ... Visibility was 10 miles. winds were blowing at a mere four kn o ts a nd t he air was a rclat1vcly wa r m 67 d egrees when Flight 336 be gan its gradual descent into Or ange County following an uneventful flig ht from San J ose. A Westera Airlines Boeing 737 was landing; a second A1rCal jet . Flight 931 . was preparing to taxi onto the runway and takeorr. But in seconds everything c.·hunged Air Traffic Controller J onathan Slipp, 32, of Anaheim. saw that insufficient distance existed betwttn the incoming Jet a nd the outbound flight He ordered the pilot of the arr1 v 1ng aircraft to ·go around:· that is. abandon t h e landing a nd circle the airport Sh pp told the pilot of the outbound air craft to abort his takeoff Flight 931 made it; flight 336 did not I t s tad slammed into the runway. The plane skidded down the tarmac. then spilled onto a dirt ar ea not far from the Ora n ge Co unt y F ire Fo g due tonigi!:t • Coastal \l.,lal>le f'lt9h Cloudonen IPlr°"911 to nlghl Some lo• ciouellneu Th<lrSClay mo.nong otfte""'I~ l•lr Coutal -In 40l lnl•nCI In ~ co .. lal lllgh U. lnl-IS Waler 51 EIWWIW,., hghl nrl•l>le wind\ lonlQlll u c"' wesl 10 sovtllwnl I 10 " -nols In •llernoon• Wulerly 1w•ll• l to • ftt1 Foq one! low Clovcl• woulllern wateri IOlllghl U.S. s11.n1m ary A 111111 <Illy ol ••In uuild more floodlng In parn ol Ill• P•<lfl< Northwol tocio. •"d deMe log reeluc.O vl1lblllly to nHr iero In much of Kenlucky and TIMMHH. .llboul JOO rno4orl1h wert Sl••n<l.O T.,.lc:ley by aval~lle\ that bloc-eel Ille Tr1 n1-Can1C11 Hlgflwly In H'ltrn BrHllll Cotumc>I• oA City oHICl•h In Salmo'l!, ld•llo, near lh• Montan• !>Order. were 1>a1111no fl-lod.ty 1rom an Ice Jem °" Ille S.lmon Rlv1tr lh•I heve left lllt c ltv hall t>awmtnl •n<t other 1001 ta <l llllu covereCI wllll el>Out II lr><:htt of wete< But r••ldenll ot Wt lu r In M>Ulhwest lo.ho QOI • bf'Hk •boul • a.m ,......, Ml lu jam on lhe Wei .. , Rlvtr bf'Olle -waler •hlcll 11.o flooOeel • lerge •rt• .. ,1 ot the city 1Je9ar1 lo rec.cit _,..,, offk lalS .. Id tllay did,,.,. ·--Mowl JO tUIClt nll wllo .. .,. IOr<tCI lo tvac uett would lit Mlle lo rt1urn to .,,.,,_ Calif ornia Sulll•fl end wlnelb11rn .. H iiier rthmlt • Southern c.allfoml• t ... n .. 11-NY' after I -lod Of CIOud~ •nCI d rlnte. TM N.CloNI Wfflloe< Senlo l•Yi ,,,_. l'Of1ly c-r cefldlllOfts over tnett of tllt l"f9lcMI toelaY wlll lmprow lo mos tly sunny a nCI warmtt fllund1y. 111 ~ Celltomla mountaln1 •nCI .... -.... ,, •• -..... llOr111W~1 winch of IS lo JO mlltt per hWr •re •!&OK'-' 111rouo11 Tllul'Ml•y ~ .......... _, ........... loloncl.....,rtC1•1.' II YV11 do not ,,.._ '°"' ..... lly ~ ;)() t> 111 Call -P . •Ill ...,, '°"' CO()y "''' .,. - ~ en4 Sci~'' r: ... ::,r.-.... ~ '°"' ~"'-"': - with otat\KINllV '1ronQer QU\h In rnounl•ln SN•~ T f\t' mount•l n .,.,. h JQh lemper•lurH """ ~ mostly in llW SOs El-hor•. '"""' temper•tu•H •Ill t>e ..-lly In llw mid to.._, .0. IOO•Y. In llW ~ Tllu~v. •nd. "" w.,,,..., •n tht de-wrti Temperatures NI La ~, .llll>anv •• l5 .llll>uque 56 )6 .llmarlllo 5& l5 01 .llnchor~ , • .lllhevllle SA • JS 8 1rmlnghm •1 56 .. 8 1..,..rO ,. • eo1 .. ~ 43 ,. Boston •• 0 Br-nlvllt Mt 60 Buffalo 0 3A C11arl"n SC. 71 M 1t CharlstnWV 511 0 :IO Cllayenne 59 JS Cllk"° 17 Jl Clnclnn•ll •• le u Clevel•n<I ., '31 10 Columbu• .. 41 0 0.1-FI W!fl IS .0 Denver ... J9 OoMolnM J7 " 14 Oelroll JI 1t Duluth ,, 11 EI Poo 15 ~ l"•lrl>a'*' :'1 .JO_ 01 I • , @I!) ... ~ <•'• -\• _,,. immn "O•• "\ 0••~ •1 •••· Sb MllwaukM 30 ,. H•rllorCI ,. 3* Helena 5J l'I 01 Mpl.-5t.P 31 H Honolulu IO 73 NHllVllle l>I ,, )I New Orie-11 SS Houiton 71 "' lnelnapll' ., 1S SI Ntw Yorll~ SI 34 Ja<k\nvllt 13 ., ., Nor fol-67 43 6) K•n1 City 41 34 0 -1• Clly •1 .0 LaSVltl!M 70 .. Om•lle l6 37 Liiiie Rot-... " 33 Orlanelo ., 61 Loul\vllle H .... 3' PllllaCIC>flle 62 38 Meml>fll• " SI ,, Plloenls 76 SS Ml•ml ,, 7S Plll\l>urgh •6 JS .OI Piiand, Me •S 16 Pll•nCI, Ont s• ~ ,, k -2~Rf • R•no 51 JS RI PORT T_,., ..... • ...... .11"1/MH . ._,. ,...,._ ~ t'J. : J-.J '°'"° SS J,J 9"0d SS J.J _.. SS M ..-0 SS 1 , .. , ,. , , .. , ,. ' 1w ,. ,.. toOCI ,. ,, ..... ,. S:J1 a.m., LOW: I :GI p m ; Swell Cllrt<tloft: we're Listening ••• Salt Lekt S• 3A °' S.•ltle " 41 to 51 Louis J7 )4 SI SI P·T•"-II ~ .7' 5t SteM .. le ,. 10 Spoll•ne " ... Tucoon 7J " TulM 5J Cl Tides TOOAY S.C~hlQll 7 11p.m JJ Sec--11 t•pm l.• T"UHOAY "''"' "'°" s n • m. • 1 '9rst •-I .01 p.m 0.1 Stlt-lllQll 7•0p.m l ~ Sun "'" S:Jt pm., tlMS TlluncJ•y •:JS • m Moon rl111 tlWncJ•Y 1: 51 •·m • Mtt l •01p.m. What do you like about the Da lly Pilot ? What don't you like ? Call lhc number 'below and your mtasage will be recorded . tr anscribed and delivered to the appropriaCe editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to lhe editor on any topic. MallboJt c6ntributora must lnclu~ their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation tails, please. · Tell us what 's on your mJnd. 642·6086. • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, February 17, 1982 H /F ~ Department's crash/fire/rescue station. Within 30 seconds, ·fireman were at t he scene . spraying fire-returdant foam on the pla ne Passengers were being led away The crash, in a batter 1romc twist, preceded by only 16 hours the s tart of a final public hearing before the county Board of Supervisors on a proposed ma s t e r pl a n for airport expansion. T he plan was eventually approved A s commerc ial Jetliner a('cidents go. the crash one year ago today won 't m ake lhe history books There were no fatalities in the crash of Flight 336. Thirty -three persons wer e inju red. Four of the injuries we r e listed as serious under federal air safety standards. One elderly man was held in a coronary care un it for three days and released A male passenger 1n his 30s complamed o r internal pain , was hos· p1ta h zed for four days, and released. A 31 -year-old man s uffered a broken collarbone. A four th passenger suffe red bone chips in a knee Most of the 29 who suffe red min or inJurie s experienced contus ions or abrasions. the ;(JTSB said in its flnat report of the a ccident "' Six lawsuits have been filed a g ains t A1rCa l and other defendants s ince the crash T he plane w<.1 s demolished. Both engines were sheared from the wings following the impact. And the force of the touchdown le ft the fu selage with a jagged crack Just art of the wings. Days after the crash . after the words Air California had been covered with paint. the plane was cut up into pieces and ha uled away II".: In April, documenL, re vealed of Flight 336. "Air Califo~ that Clark, a piJot with 25,000 336, please go uround.sir. Tr hours rlying limt!, walled 15 as going l o a bo rt o n l t se('onds to a('t after bemg told departure." by the controller to cancel his After the second go-around landing and circle the airport or d e r . the pilot is h e ari At the time. AirCal rdused commanding the co-pilot to comment on th1tt .nformat1on "gear up". that is.--'&tract the During that s mall ;> but landin~ gear, an mdiation U,_ significant period. as the Jetliner the crew was commencing the sank closer and closer to the go-around. • ground, Clark. and co-pilot Ned But 1t was too late. Six see<>~ Pederson, of Irvine. are heard later. the jetliner slammed into on the flight recorder making t he runway. s tatements on whether they can Th(' NTSB. in a report issuea complete their landing. Aug 19, faulted the nigbt er• for not a c knowle d ging ttt,e Only three seconds after the controller's "go a round" ordeJ.. first go.around order , Clark, It said the fi rst order was giveO speaking to Pederson , said, at a lime when a go arouQo "Can we hold · · ask him U we would have been t'successful•J can · · hold ." properly executed ." ·:• After another five seconds Ai rCal broke its s il en ~ elapsed, Federson radioed the surrounding the crash afte r the tower and asked, "Can we land. federal report was re leased . tower '•" The message was never 1 d d f r heard. The tra ns miss ion was C ark was suspen e or our weeks without pay and reduced ·s tepped on·· by a separall' 1n rank to co-pilot for a year. tra nsmission that occurred on Clark. according to an airline the same frcqucnc~ at the sam(.' spokesman. now has passed all time Federal Av1at1on Administration Slipp. the controller, 1s then test:-. to return to captain status heard telling the pilot of Flight and 1~ 1n t he process of 931,whichwasontherunway.to ,. comp I ct 1 n g co nl>.· abort his takeoff. The PJIOt pan~ adm1n1 s t e r ed evalua · complied, steering the aircraft twn" down a turnout located midway Jlc 1s schJduled to return to down the runway thl• pilot'i. seat Saturday, the Then Slipp implored the crew spokl·~man ~aid N B bottleneck's solutions given Ca ltrans has un veiled two plans to ease traffic t•ongest1on on and around the Arches Bridge in Newport Beach . A bout the sa me time. a team o f s pec iali zed NTSB annstigators. \\-Ork1ng under the direction of s enior air safety 1n ves t1gator G T "Tom " McCarthy . was beginning to wind down its on-location probe . Marijuana, taltrans officials have been st ud ying the int erchange at Pac·1r1c Coas t Highway and ~cw p ort B o ul ev ar d i!J ('ftnjunct1un With S IX proposal's for a fn•e" a} along Newpor\ • Aoulev11rd One alternative for the Archef Ovl'rpass 1s to do nothing-, Callrans offit'1als s aid. But :a pla n that would cos t a'n l'Sl1mated SI 2 million would. Working out of the Rodeway Inn not far from the airport. the tea m took s tatements from witnesses and the night crew, walked the runway. inspected e n gin es. gathered up t he all -important fli g ht data recorder and t a p es of cockpit-to-contro l towe r con· versalions, and returned to Was hington Nightly. McCarthy detailed each day·s findings. During one or those media briefings it was disclosed that the pilot of Flight 336. Don C lark , of Perr is. received not one, but two, ··go around" orders from the tower. Before the f or m a l investigatio n was concluded, documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act began to tell some or the story about why lhe pla ne crashed. Gem Talk /ly J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified GtmoloRill. AGS PEARLY BLACK? how~· ti hoPJ>t"I' Because most pearls are such a beautiful, lustrous while, we ·s peak of t hings ...,bile a nd b e a uUful as bein g "pearly • while." Yet. a ll pearls are ool white, Some. in fact. are black. Tbe Black Lip Oyster , whose hom e ts the Sociely Islands of t he Sout h Pacific , produces black pearls. The Black Lip produces oyster she lls up to 14 inc hes acr oss. these are a m ajor expor t ite m o f t he islands. When the fisherman finds a pearl inside one, he ceta an extra bon us. Another source o f b I a c k p e 8'r ls is Baj a California . Bla ck pea rls are I produced whe n contam inated 1 runoff from Baja's mountain r a n ges, whic h are rich ln copper and sliver ore, enten t h e guU. E u rope ans flrat • • prostitutio1i his plat/ orm Will Don Juan Pablo Serrano y Nicblas· mayoral campaign platform sell in the city of Orange? Detailing his six points ·for t•nl1ghtened c it y gov('rnment. the self-descr ibed s haman 1s proposing : A city lottery an<l individuul donations of time and money to restore old downtown buildings Declar ation of Weir Canyon in north Orange County as a regional pa rk to be administered by the Juaneno Indians . Immediate legalizut1on of marijuana. d escribed a s ··a sacred medit"inal planP ·· A ban on handguns. City-controlled legalized prostitution An end to production of nuclear arms Hcmovt> the loop ramp rrolJ\! southhound Newport Boulevard tn t•.1st hound Pac fi e Coasr lt1gh\\a~ ' Widen northbound Newport Boult·varfl one lane from 32nd St rt'l't to lht• Channel Bridge. W1clen ramp from southbound Newport Boulevard to w(•stbound Paci fic Coast tlighway and install a signa l. Another plan estimated to cost ~2.7 million would : Include all of the first plan. Widen the,,Arches Bridge from lh<' prese nt fo ur to she lanes . Widen the westside of the Channel Bridge , including the segm ent between the Arches and the Channel Br idge. Increase radius of nearby ramps 0 OMEG~ Omega makes beautiful use of time ' discove~ the black pearla of Baja during tbe C9rte1 conquest from whJch lhe Sea of Corte• 1 lakO lb n ame. S p an iards 1 became rich harveatinl black •pearls near La Paa. Olvera aWl lbr\nt up rare black r earll MEMBER AMERICAN OEM SOCIETY 'there. One necklace 0 I UCb 1823 NEWPORT 8LVO COSTA ~SA 'black matched pearls WH 3& YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION recenUy valued at 11 mUUon. BankAmerlcard-Mnter Cn1r119 PHONE 5'8·:M01 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ f I 1 I I • \ -..... Po'Ush police nab ~ :/;50() in sweep Ii· I ~RSAW , Poland <AP> - Poliilh pollee detained 3,500 people lft a two-<lay sweep, the offloial news agency announced' tod~. It apP.eared to be the bl•test security operation since tnanial 1Jaw was imposed Dec. 13. 111 The official PAP news agency eaid during "Operation Calm" 25}~0 regular and volunteer po~men checked documents or .ooo civilians , 51,000 s hops, ~ 80 . 00 vehicles a nd 3,500 b l ~outs fo r "c rimin al eleinents," l\iJaid of those checked. 29.000 got "lectures," and 3.500 were de~ned or taken to police !lta!~ons and fine d varying a m qunts, l l said 614 were sent to COUftJ.s. (J• Bfif!gia:n leader ~aes V.S. rates WIA SH I NG T 0 N < A P J Belgian Prime Minister Wilfried M e~ )& .. ~•ring the same m ag,e t1J •President Reagan th his · European colleagues ied to their last economic mit,,.lltteUng: Interest rates loo hfgtrin the United States. artens was dispatched to the ed States both as prim e ister and as president of the opean Comm on Market. ying concern about the $91.5 ion de ficit in R eagan 's s~ fiscal 1983 bu~get ., ~;:iJiip ("Rs probed . .. . .. ALIFAX, Nova Scotia <AP> Two separate Canadian esligations have been red into the sinking or the Id's la~gest oil rig in a North ntic storm that also sank a iet freighter. etween 116 and 121 people e believed dead in the two kings off Newfoundland d ay and Tuesday. and there eared to be no possibility any e survivors would be found Virginia nixes ERA by one vote RICHMOND. Va. <AP> -A nine-year battle for Virginia ratification of the Equal Rights Am endmenl~ed in def ea after supporters rell one short of the 21 votes needed for passage. Tuesday's dereat left the ERA st1 II three states short of the required 38 that must ratify it by June 30 if it is to become part or the U.S. Constitution Haig discusses Salvador troops WASHI NGTON <A P > Domestic opposition should not necessarily be what determines w h et h er the R eagan administration sends troops to El Salvador. Secreta ry of State Alexander M . Haig Jr said Tuesday night. He declared anew that the administration has no plans to do so. "If we were to determine our foreign policy based on the lowest common denominator of the national mood. I think we would be on very fallacious ground ." Haig said in a te levised appearance on t he MacNeil-Lehrer report on the PBS network Reagan chides Nicaragua envoy WASHINGTON <AP > - Casting aside the usual niceties. President Reagan welcomed Nicaragua's ne w a mbassador to the United States by scolding his government for "inviting ahen influences and philosophies into the hemisphere ... Fran cisco Fiallos Navarro responded to Reagan's blunt note with on e of his own. Al thoug h it was couched in diplomatic lang ua ge , his m essage was equally clear : Nicaragua. the ambassador said. will go its own way and take help from friends where it finds them. -Nancy to. ref use free clothes Politi~ai price too high to. accept contributions, she 1ays LOSS MOURNED Lee Str as tx.-rg. who taught lht' <.ic.·ting profession o big-name stars. has Nt•w York Cit\ Veteran Thespian dead at 80 NEW YORK <AP l -Lee Stras bcrg, the veteran actor and drama teacher kn ow n for p rom oting "method acting" whose students inc luded s uch st ars as Marlon Brand o and James Dean. died today of a heart attack. lie was 80. WASHINGTON <AP> -Nancy Rea1an, apparently flndlna the polltJcal price too hlfh, l1 eaytn1 thank• but no lhanka to any more free clothea from American designers. Aid" have acknowled1ed that her accept111ce of expenalve clotbln1, coupled with her recent purchase or MW chin11 for the White House, could have contributed to a perception that her h usband's administration cater1 to the rich. Mrs. Reagan did not tell reporters directly of her decision, but her press secretary, Sheila Tate. re1ayed word Tuesday that the ..,. -• • • first lady told her fa vorite ,.... ~ designers recently she wouldn't / _ ':-t be accepting t heir fashions a{lymore. Mrs. -Tate said she dtt! not know precisely whe n the designers were notified. S he said Mrs R eagan believed her efforts to help the fashion industry h ave been ••. misunderstood. adding that she NANCY 11uGAN will continue to donate clothes to American museums The decis ion to stop accepting free clothes comes about a m onth a fter the first lady's press office announced her proJect to gave some of her wardrobe to 13 museums It was the first public acknowledgment Mrs. Reagan had been receiving what undoubtedly amounted to several thousands of dollars wor:th of free clothes. Non e of Mrs. Reagan's aides would s ay when s he first began getting the original fash ions, how many she had received or how much they art: worth. Contrary to lht' official White House contention that Mrs. Rea1an'1 attemp\1 to help fHhlon Industry were mlaundertttood, 1&dmlnl1tratlon offlclals have acknowledged privately the m useum project basically was a way to mln1m1ze the public relations damaae the issue could cause. These officials , who requested anonymity. have said White House aides discovered M r11 Reagan was accepting the clothes durl.ng a general review of gift policy following the disclosure by rormer national security adviser Richard V. Allen that he had accepted two watches from Japanese friends. Allen subsequently resigned. For White House offlcials concerned with the presldenrs-tmage, the matter posed the delicate problem of how the clothes would ~ listed on the May lS-financial disclosure iorm required of h igh-ranking public orri'c1als and their spouses under the 1978 F;thacs in Government Law. That law requires that gifti. valued at $35 or more be made public. Apparently to .avoid having to list the total value of all the clothes , which could be embarrassing lo a n administration making deep cuts in social programs, the idea was conceived to cal} the clothes "loans" and to turn them over to museums after Mrs Reagfln wore them lt is s till unclear whether the president and his wife will list the value or the clothes on the form In addition, several tax experts have raised the possabilJty the Reagans may have to declare the value of the clothes as taxable income One administration official s aid recently that "the issue of rich vers us poor 1s something that we're sensitive to and something we are trying to add ress in a number of ways " fie cited. for example. "not emphasiz1nu glitte ring parties and that sort or thing ... 7 family members found slain Slras bcrg, who had appeared FARWELL. Mich. <APJ The bodies of seven The area 1s "all sealed off," Clare County Sunday in the "Night of lOO members of a Michigan family, including three Sheriff's Deputy Ro nald Beas ley s aid Stars" production at Radio Cit y children. were found strewn throuizh a rural .. Everybody'~ being kept awa) in a five-mile Music Hall. was stncken at 3:30 farmhouse and m a bullet riddled pickup truck. radius .. a .m PST at his a partment on Central Park We s t He was authorities reported today A state police spokesman s aid authorities were pronounced dead at Roosevelt A I-year-old girl survi ved the Tues day lookang for a 1980 Buick LeSabre stolen about the IJ os pital at 4 56 a . m PST. massacre at the home of a 53·yca r old mailman time of the k1lhngs from the home , 312 males west according to his s pokesman. and s chool board official described by a neighbor of the town of Farwe ll an Clare County in central J ohn Springer as "one of the best guys around " Mi chigan At the hospit al were his wife, Police. who sealed off the area. "ere seeking nders hcnff Uale lla~kin 1dent1hed two of the Ann a . his actress daugh ter at least one suspect but s aid no mot1 ve was victims as George W Post . 53. and his ware. Sus e1n and grown son John and immediately detea;mined Vaudrey. 42 Ne ighbors said the other victims his younl;( sons . David. II. and Sheriff Ghazey Aleck. who described the scene were Mrs Haggcrt and Helen Gaffney, daughters Adam. l2 as "gr uesome." sa id all the victims had been shot. of the PosLs. Ages and hometowns of the daughters Actor Al Pacano . one of the once with a shotgun were not immediately known The dead children ~many Mars who had studied '!it ranged in ages from 4 to 10 Slras bc,rg's r,...,owned Actor's Herb Barney. a neighbor. s aid ane of the slain · · "" Post was a mailman. part time farmer and Stu .. 1°(} also Wl.IS present u•omen. Garnetta llaggert, had returned to · " · · · · ., handyman and se rved as the Farwell school board SP r I. n g c r s aid rune r a L M1'ch1'gan from Florida recently and was involved • · " treasurer. ne1~hJi>c?rs said llis wife worked part arrangements had. not been in a divorce proceeding The cas e had been time in the school cafcteraa. a school spokesman c·om pktt•d . hut a me~rial scheduled to be heard today in Clare County said scr\'lce for Stras berg would be Cir cuit Court. according to Kathleen Dent, the llerb Barney. lht• Posts ' nearest neighbor', hC'ld at a ~cw York theater . site court clerk. and date to be announced described Post as "very peaceful " Born in Aus tri a on Nov 17, The slaughter was M1t•higan's worst since July "I jus t c an 't be lwvl' at , what happened," 1901 . Stra~berg came to the 14 , 1971. when eight Detroit residents were slain in Barney said "Geoq~c was one of the bes t guys L' n tl<'d States as _:a:_t:_:c:.::·c~n:_·a::.:g:e:.:~.:_ ___ a_· _d_r_u_g_. r_e_la_t_e_d_i_n_c_id_e_n_t_. ____________ a_· _ro_u_n_d_l_le_'_d_d_o_a_n-:y_th_i_n_g_for an._~_· l_lO_d_y_" ____ _ At the Pilot, people make the difference . . . people like these in ad ~nd marketing services. f '-' ) t • ... ,.. . • ... _ · · / like tht• da1l11 clu11/engc 11 f putt my togetJ1 er tlw bt>st product ma nunrmal am010 11 of trmt. I dlso lt:<e mt<•rm1rlr1g uJ1tl1 otller pen pie t rmn~1 tn rln t lie sary1e Pa Tool , Costa Mesa Pat is res pons ible for placihg the ad s th n\ughout th<.' m•ws pa per and makinf{ sut·c the~· ar(' in tht>ir proper spots hefon• goin~ 1n press Thl· t a:-.1-.:-. tht'"'' IH'opll· pl·rform arl' man' Th ~11 .., "II\ th1•\ 1 ,. -.o 1mp1Jrt;11111n 11 :-. So nw nt tht•1r \\ork 1:-. "l't'n 1111lw p.qw1 ( ll llt·1 1-. ('l'IH'a;ll to lhl' l'tlot'-. 111;1r k1•1111 J,.! l'lfnrh I t lht•\ ·rl' 1101 \\1'11111 1.! .,1or1t•-. lor 'IH't'1.tl tt•;itun· "l'C'11Cllh . lh1·\ ·n · \\l'il111g cop.\ for -.all':-. hrndu1 r1·.., It llw~ rt· 11111 dl•...,1g111n~ a1b. thl'' 'n • ck:-.1g111ng tht• nc·""f>LlPl't 11 lh1·' 11• 11111 tno rd111at111g t•omnwn1l' t'\'l'lll:-. 11kl• tht• .\n1l'nl';111 llnml' s, 1'1pll1111 ' Pop:-. t'om·t•rt. 1h1·~ ·n · ... uppl.' 1ng <.11h l'rl1sl•r-. ''1th\ ital n ·:-.1·;11 c•h inlorm:1t1011 <·1111t·1.•n1111 1! -.11<'h th111g:-. as \\hen· l>atl~ Ptlol n •ad1•1-. ..,110p Ii thn 'rl' 1101 prm ·1<llllJ.! .1<hl·rt1:-.1•r :-. \\llh l'llPll':-. ut' lh1•1r .111.., thl'\ 11· m ak111g :-.un· tlw act-. ,1rt· n 11111111g in lhl•1r pro1wr plal't' F111d111 g !.!rnul Pl'Oplt• \th11 t·n111\ lhl'll \\Ork ma~ takt' longt•r :ind 1·0-.1 11101 1· .i.111 .II l hl· Dail~ Pilot \\\' kn1l\\ 11 · .... \\Orth it bl•c aus e peoplt> do makt• a d 1Ht•rt•n1.·1·. ·Tl1e 11Qano4e111e11t trcc1ts '''"' rl1/ferc11t l11 than a11y placi' f'l'<' <'l'l'r workr rl Tht•11 respC'cl 111111 as a11 mrl1nd11nl arid I rlJ 111 help 11n11 0111 11 11011 have pmh/e,,1s Janin<' Fiddl'lkto. Santa A~a As Special S<-<.•t ion s Editor .. Janine coordinates. designs and l'dits all tht• Pilot 's adv<.>rt isin~ and spe<'i:tl st'rtions lailyPilat I /1 J.:1· tl1c• />1/111 llt'C.<lllM' II ' l'reat ive. yt.•I pw1t·.~s11111e1/ I\'!' rt> concerned u•1tl1 dead/mes. but tllere·s also 011 ernphasts 0 11 bemg c reat 11•1• and dnmg a good J<>b Oiane Thomas. Costa Mesa Oianl' as a graphic artis t H(.'1' duti<.'s include tht• l'Onccptualtzat ion ;ind dcsij!n of ad\'<.'1'1 is t•m<•nt s and s a il's brnchur<.'s ------ "Where p~ple make the differenc:!e." 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa 642-4321 NEWPORT BbCH •COSTA MESA• IRVTNE • HUNTINGToN BEACH• FOUNTAIN VALLEY• LAGUNA BEACH ,. I ' ~ I J I SLIDE DAMAGE .J im Lea h~· st a nds on steps a garage wi th the family game room a na w herr front door 1 lop , t·t·ntcn was hefore a washing appliances cras hing into the home mobile home was pushL·d back and partially Tuesday. Three straight days of rain ha\'c over by a huge mudslide in Salinas that sent loosened many hillsides in the area. ~~~~~----:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Book loans to schools backed " Texts would go to private, church institutions SACRA ME NTO (AP ) Despite the separation of church and slate, the state should be allowed to le nd tcxtooo~ to private and church schools , says a Senate committee A 6·2 Judiciary Committee vote Tucsdav end o r s ed a measure lo overturn last year's stale Supreme Court decision str ikin g down a S4 ·m 1lhon-a-year loan program as am proper statt> aid to religion. Two parochial school officials and a parent told the committee that denial of s tale aid was unfa ir to parents who pay taxes to s upport public schools that their children don't attend. U ..... marshals in 102 arrests LOS ANGELES 1AP1 S marshab took 102 fe deral fug1t1ves into custody, including 50 cons idered "armed and d angerous:· during a s pecial nine week crackdown , the Los Angeles Times said today. Rank robbers. drug s mugglers and probation violators were a m ong thos<' arres ted in a roundup dubbed Operation FIST II s ince seven federal m arshals were brought in to supplement nine regularly assigned lo Los Angeles. the ncwspaµer said Charges filed in niurder case DOWNEY 1A P 1 Police h ave fil ed murder c h arges aguinst Downey veterinarian Richard nramlage. who 101tially "'as h ailed a s a hero for surv1vmg two bullet wounds to the head. chas ing down has assailant and strangling him L ater a ccounts r evealed Bramlagc as an alleged animal abuser who told a newspaper he s niffed a drug used as a surgical an t'sth etic and h ad dru g dealings with Steve Prine, the man he killed. Bramlage. 31. of Pasadena w.as t•harged in Prine's death Tuesday after he failed to show up for a he detector test he onstruaturu llre-IJrimu (ages 4·6) A.i academic readiness program with emphasis on the performing arts Newport Mlusic <!lons eruatDrv 112' S.L lri.._. '57-0%1 I To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad .... Call Now 642-5671 .... l22 volunteered to take last week, s aid Downey Police Capt Peter Stone Bramlage's whereabouts were unknown. Lengihy burro dispute settled C HI NA LAKE NAVAL WEA PONS STATION. Calif IAP > The Navy s ettled a lengthy battle w ith a nimal lovers over the pro posed slaughter of wild burros at thls desert base by agr~eing to a round·up and private adoption ' program through the Fund for Ammals Cleveland Amory, founder and pr es ident of the a n ima l protection agenc~ called the removal of more than 4,000 wild burros "the larges t anim al rescue in American history. I think .. The conflict dated to March 1980 . whe n the Navy hired !:iharpshooters to kill more than 1 .000 burros in a n inter im e mergency plan. Protest agai11st rate hike set MARYSV ILLE tAP > A citizens· group is urging utility customt>rs in 12 Northe rn California counties to cut their power fo r one hour Friday to protest against rising costs. De borah Kardatske of Yuba Cit y said Tuesday the blackout is planned for 1 p.m to 8 p.m F riday New. higher rates went into effect on Dec. 30, and the bills are JUSt now a rriving. 0 Ribicoff slayer gets life term LOS ANGELES U\P > Deli ve r in g a sca thing con demnation alo ng with a sentence of life in prison without chance of parole. a Superior Court judge told the convicted murderer of a 23· year-old Herald E xam ine r e ditorial writer that if the iurv had voted for t he death sentence, it would have been "fair and jus t." F rederick Jerome Thomas, 22 convicted In December of fatall) shooting Sarai Ribicoff in the back after pus hing her down on a s idewalk during a robbery. squirmed in his chair as Judge Lawrence Ritlenbund referred bac k to his earliest crimes -..·always picking on the -younger boy" $25 million 'pot roasf held LOS ANGELES (A0P ) -Some $25 m\llion worth of high-grade ma ri.ibana went up in s moke Tuesday as Los Angeles police shredded and burned bales or evid e nce that h ad sent a distinctive odor through the first floor of their headquarters. officers said. Spokesman Rod Bernsen said t he 10 .993 po unds of grass burned unde r guard ·at a dump site in Santa Barbara County was "one of the biggest if not the biggest pol roast in the history of the department · · Bernsen said most of the grass came from four related s eizures Jan . 3. which in volved two boats · Marriage license fee hike backed SACR AME NTO I AP J Couples getting married would have to pay a nother $5 to fund s helters fo r victims of domestic violence. under a ball approved by a Senate committee. It would b e 'the second inc rease in marriage license fees in three years The fees were raised S8 last year lo pay for establi shment or the cente r s , which provide shelter for battered spouses and children. But Sen . Robe r t Presley. D-Riverside, said ]uesd ay the S8 increase wouldn't keep up with the innating costs of running the centers, whlch he sa id have been est a blished in nearly ever y count in California. " Wt'tt '" stitches " GET READY FOR SPRING INVENTORY CLEARANCE . Feb. 18 , 19, 20 EVERYTHI NG 50% OFF STUDIES ON NEW ANTI-AGING ENlYME 1~rox1c1e oismuiasel RMALEDI Major breakth h in last decade of medicine and health HterallY tums back the hands of time with thi1 enzyme. Slows down natural aging process Wrinkles. and lines amooth out-Avoidl a facelift! If you're 40 look 20. if you're eo. look 40 or 35. Give• hanging akin more resiliency. Get fatigued less easilY. Will help flaht diM_. auociated with aging. Heart attad<. arthritis, cancer. and radlaflon CX-Ray). Superoxice Dismutae hQ been acceaH>te to ph~ian9 for ~ two and a half ~ but it hal only recentty become av8ilable to the pUblk; In tablet fonn for le9a than 22c per day. • Or.,,. ,Cout DAILY PILOT iW•dnt1d1y, fiebruary 17, 1982 H/F Ki~Jer's parale . fight-. (1 \ n Public outcry may challenge statewide system \ .ti SAN QUENTIN (AP > - Convicted murderer and rapl1t WUllam Archie Fain today fae4Ml a parole board pre11ur.ct by townspeople and polJttciana to cancel hla parole date for a second time. The Fain cue has grown from an e motion -c harged local controversy i n Stanislaus County to an Issue with potential statewide implications a btut the parole system. "The' -centnl issue appears to be whether public anger i.s an adequate legal rea.son to cancel a prisoner's parole. Attorney General George Deukmejlan contends that the Board of Prison Terms has the power to withdraw Fain's parole, w h ic h had been scheduled for J an. 19. State Sen . Omer Ralru, D· Ventura, a candidate for attorney general, has taken a leading role in a campaign o rganized by the murder victim's relatives that has gathered 62.000 s ignatures dem anding that Fail• be kept in prison. On the other side. Fain's !awyer, Michael Satris of the non·prorit Prison Law Office, says, "If you allow the public lo dict~te to the board who gets out. you might as well not have a parole board.'' · Fain, now 36 .and deacrtbed unanimously by authorlUea as a model prisoner. told a GaM ell News Service reporter recently that "it Is possible for a man to change " and that he 1hould not be "11.lbjected to penalties to quell the public outcry.·• He said that It releaaed. he would probably move outside California with the woman he muried several years aao and her childre n. His lawyers say Fain has undergon e a r e ligiou s conversion in prison and has several job offers both in.side and outside the state. Fain was convicted of the unprovoke d 1967 murder of 17-year-old Mark Ulrich and the rape of two girls who wer e in a car with Ulrich on a road outside Oakdale, a farming town near Modesto. His death sent e nce was reverse1 because of an er ror in jury selection, and a second trial ended with a life sentence with possibil ity of parole for murder and 12 other felonies. including a 1969 escape. A parole board panel that included Ruth Rus hen, who has since become director of state prisons. recommended in 1975 that Fain be released in 1976, the ~ earlleat date he ·w., tU1lblk\J becauae of rehabJIU•UOP prison. An· outburst of 1n1er fro~ OakdaJe cot th• board t reconsider the decllt4"\ . Faln's appeal was refected bt' the state Supreme Court, wbleh agreed with tbeo -AUorn~ Gen eral Evette Younaer thMSb 'T public outcry was a pro~t~q reason f o r the board t~\l~ r econsidei-ils d-ed~k>n~ B.abo Younger, the board's lellill adviser. also told the board thatam public outcry alone wasn't an '' adequate reason to c anceff parole altogether bt62 As Fain's new parole "dat~ as advanced t o January 199).il~q because or good behavior iW 0 prison, a pproached , a ne~.O~ c ampa ign w.as m o unted fftl ' Oakdale, where m any resident§'ll? still reme mber the slain Youttil and the two rape victims. h>i T h e t'ampai gn pie ked u~<ih pol i tical steam when Rain\6 li! brought his Senate Judiclarl)'Mll Committee to Oakdale for an""> unusual hearing, and gained,~ legal weight when Deukmeji~ u who 1s seeking the Republkan n o m ina t ion for governo t;.J)"\ reve rsed Younger's advice anti said the board could cancel th•r parole date. ·~14"1 M ~· NUTRITION~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 ' u t 11'11 I I~ .. VITAMINS THOMPSON . BU FFERED.C 1000 CALCIUM ASCORBATE $5 45 90 TABLETS ~EG . 8.95 • THOMPSON $5.25 VITAPLEX MULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL 60 TABLETS REG. 8.95 RADIANCE ACIDOPHILU-S •PLAI N FLAVOR $2 49 •STRAWBERRY • 16 FL OZ. (1 PINT> REG. 3.49 RADIANCE TIME RELEASE VITAMIN c 1500 MG__ WITH ROSE HIPS $3 50 50 TABLETS REG. 5.95 • RICHLIFE NUTRI LIFE MULTI-VITAMIN MINERAL 60 CAPSULES REG. 8,95 $5 .25 GROCERIES . GAYLORD HAUSER SPIKE SEASONING NETWT.30Z. 99( S&W SPRING VEGE.TABLE JUICE COCKTAIL 27;- NET WT. 12 FL OZ. "' HAIN NATURALS IMITATION CATSUP NET WT. 14 OZ. HEALTH VALLEY STONED WHEAT CRACKERS NO SALT NET WT. 61h Ol. $1.05 99-C CAROFFS CARROT CHIPS •SALTED . •.UNSALTED $1 29 NET WT. S OZ. • LUNCH COUNTER Our own Chili with lots of Lean Ground Beef, topped ~i<h Cheese , an sca1one just right. Served with Corn Bread or Muffin, aud Hon y Butter. $1.85 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL PRODUCE BANANAS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT .. II? I Id ~ iq I ,, i 25( lb. 1 1 ;~ ,, o?. BEAN SPROUTS ·29( lb.: l'N --"""!""--~ ~p.~~ "~~ ~E.~ f \,\..\.. c.~E. ALOE VERA SHAMPOO 18 F L.·OZ. REG 3.50 $1.50 CONDITIONER BULK PRODUCTS BRAN FLAKES 19( lb. HEAL TH & BEAUTY AIDS MILLCREEK ALOE VERA CLEANSING BAR NET WT. 5 OZ. REG. 2.50 $1. 7 5 MfLL CREEK ELASTIN SKIN ELASTICITY $5 50 TREATMENT CREME • • NET WT. 3.4 OZ. REG. 8.50 VITA MINDER POCKET PACK FOR VITAMINS REG. 1.09 AL TA-DENA DAI RY 85( '~~---1.12 87C J1.01 495( 71( l4 I ~ I f'I. , <J6 . m 5ale ~ .. Effective tttru ~eb. 2"'9, 1912 NYSE COMPOSITE-TRAN ACTIONS OllOUTIONI IN(l.1101 TU OU0111 TMI ltlW YOa•, MIOWUT, l'ACt•IC l'I W, IOtTDll, 01 T•OtT ANO ClllCINNlllfl llOC• lllCllANIU 6110 alPOllYIO &'THI ljAtO ANO INtTINIT - h it\ Ntl Wiit Nt• h tn l'ltl •t t" IOI Seti.. Ntl I' I nd1 Clo.. C"9 P f h.cl• Clo" (1\0 P l "°' Ctou t "9 '" I l\Q\ CIOH Cf\9 PI! llCI• ('to.. (ng OVC•" • I .. 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M + \A tte(1•M 101 101/i t I'll llMfMH I U • St ,.,,__ ,, ~lrlftl .to ' 111 l44+ 14 5' t 40 • llU *3•11+ 14 tfftl 11 t "4 151\ • 14 t U t 6 " ~.. • Qre•• ..... .. s M ..... "'''"', .n , n In&+ "' llMrtool ... ,. 4t ~· " li'etllt u~ .• I lllt714-.. SiPK , ,JI 10 ' 1-... • ltWO .,. n 42. • ... ' ,, 1• ,, .. + " °"~ .41111 • • ,,_ .... Hellll. .... ) ''i ... . .. Mefl!C • .n • • .... "' "''•r I .. ,, ,. S1V.. ... !!!-· .. • J1 U'1t. ... nDa l.lt I JO .,,.. I I ua " -"' ........ ,,. ',. 11 • " "9~ ' . ~. ,,.. Mat ..... uo f7 "" ............. "° • 11 ,. 17"..... ~1: .1' I 1:14 ·~ , "'' ·-. "' ... _,.,,..,..:... II O'i' I .... -.lll'M _,.. •• • IJW.+ .. Hetrlftll..021 ~ -\>\ Ma.tttot .lOU n 17 + W. 11111111"911 ... S 610 U \4-"' &','If 6 ,; 11'-' : t.IE JM It .... , • 1"'1 'ff• ~.--• ~ •ll'llllllM• .. • ff .... t+ttmll' .a ' • "' MrlMI 110 ltt n + • ll"lllteai 2 • ,., ,,._" 1,., ~ 21 _.,,. w111E 11f e.to •. oo .a .... It.-.. =P t.» 1 Mitt 21 .. + '-~ 4 1'llt • "' Mofll' l.!I 10 n1 1"-+ ll'tlllR" iM d90 ,._. + -. • • Wh<ll'L. 1 It 6 101 1,~ r.: • ~ " _. ''S 1 It + i•• .._rtlllt Ut • S2I ,.... ~ M9rtM ,, tt 6 tS JIM-11111111! .. 44.' tJljo »'l -~ i • ""' + "' Wltcll'$ t .. 6 ,. 1'" • 111r • rates rise IATlll ~,,_r ----- Treai;ury blll rnlcrt:st rates rolje for lhe sixth time ht as many weeks, n.•achint a f1vP·month high Six-month T bills were :-.old al an average diRcount rutt-of 14.36 1lcn.·cnt. compared wtlh 13 93 percent 011 fo'C'b ti Thr('t_roOnth bills sold .a 1.tn uveruRe rate of 14 7 pt'rccnt, c·om parcd with ""f<I 09 pen:ent last week Brun.'iwlck Corp. i.:ml \ht· Delaware Chan{'t:ry Court has s tnyrtl Whlttakf'r Corp. from proceeding In 1l:s lawl>u1t f1l1:d ·1 ut•sday attempting lo enJom the dt~J>Osition of Urunsw1ck 's Sherwood Medical Group to American llomf' Products Corp. The Delc1w<1re court stayed Whittaker in its lawsuit on the grounds that the 1s:-.ut.•!» r~11 scd tn Whittaker's Delaware corn plaint arl! hdore the Federal District Court in Ch1ca~o Production in U S. factories and n11ncs rell 3 Pl'rcent in January, lht· biggest r1eclint> sin e·£' spring of 1980 and an 1n<11calton the rece!>st0n was worsening last month Thl' Federal Reserve Board said the drop tn national output '" January was the largest of six consecult vt· monthly declines , a nd indust rial produrt1on !'>tood al one pcrn•ntagc Point h ... tow thc lt1wt•st le vet of lhl' 19RO rl't'l''i!»urn .sT~D~E~~-------------- Security l'al'irlc Nation:.! Bank has signed an agret•ment to pun:hasc RMJ Securities Curp , a small !Jut tnflut·nt1 JI Wall Strel•l hrokcrage The bank dir1 not relcaM: lht· pric·1· or other details of the (llanned tak<"OVl'r J <wanes<' haM·d Hrtdi.:cstont' Tire Co of Amcri<'a Inc ha:-. agr t•vd w 1Jrtllc11>le to buy a Nashville 1 ruck tire plant from Firt·!»IOnt-Tire and Rubber Co. for S52 m11l1on a Hridi.:cst onc :.pokt-sman said Nri 1m mt·dt;itc• l'ff1•1·t nn th<' 1.000 v.urkfur<·<· ,., CXJH'f'll•d EARNINGS Greatwest fl ol>pitals lne. of S<tn ta Ana reported a ti7 percent mt-rec.i:.t• in revcmues and a 139 percent advance tn nt·l carnmgs for the first quarter t.>nded Dec 31 The c•om pany sattl 1ts revenuei. Jumped to S25 l million from $15 mill10n tn lht> hke quaner a year ago. while net t•arnmgs increased L11 $873.000 from S:\65. ()()() Western Digital Corp. M Irvine for the second fi scal quartt-r uf 1982 ended Uf'c 31 had net revenue soar 56 µt•rc·ent w S9.4 milhon from $f; m1l11on in last year':. liklo quarter Net cc.irn111gs total<'d $231 ,000, up 43 pcrrcnt over last ycar·~ $llll ,OOO Rampa rt General Inc. of Irvine ror the quarter ended Dec 31 1ncurrc<l a net loss of SI I m1lhon. ur 40 cenl'> a share, comparL'CI with u profit or $75.000. or J C'l'nts. for th<' likl' quarter last yPar Sail's for tht' 11uarH•r of $2 8 m1lhrm compared v.1th $4 8 mtllton Lucky Stores l n~.'s sales for th(' year ended Jan 3 1 increased 11 p(:r<'<'nl lo $7 2 btllton from $6 4 billion. and n1·l t-HrrMngl> Rained 6 percent 10 S95 S m1llinn from $90 t m1l11on in 1980 Nonhrop Corp. reported 1981 O€'l 1nt'ome of $47 9 mtllton. or SJ 31 a shan'. down S8fl. J m11lwn , ur $6.04 a sha re 1n 1980 Sales adva ncC>d to u record $1 99 t>tllton. up from Sl.66 billion. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT OOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS "'E w ;oii•'1i.P1 r ,,.,, Oow J"""' ··~ tor l~• f,b If\ STOCI(~ "f W YOR• IAPI l•t> 16 Aavarwfod ~Chnf'd Un(,,~nQC"O Tot.-1 1\\..-,. Nf'w t"HOh' N'* tow.., f "°". IOl ... 42• 110) ' "\ NtW v(IRK 1AP1 I ··n I• Ach•tt n4.. <'.I t)fo<l1n..a Unc:l"la"Qf'd lot•• .,\uit\ Ntiw h 1qM '"°"• II\ 1'8 ))(> ••) Pr•v ll<Jt •!O """ tllJI • 'O ~rfv d•Y '"' loS )40 ) .. '• N •w IUw \ • ~ • lt GOLD COINS ''ii. "' • I . ,, "' "' I'> 1·~· , .... .. '"' I 1'1• tl· .. 2 11 o .. '"' PCI OH 110 Ott 10,I OH 101 Off 10 S Otl .. ()ti ., Off .. Ott t I on t0 on ., °" " Off 7J ()fl I~ Ott 71 f.: 70 • • •1 Ofl , , Ott .. t>fl A ' N!W YORK CA"'t f'fl<H late T11ttd.ty of told<°'"'-(-reel wlll1 , ''"Y't ptl<• IC~. 1 lroy ot .. '11'1 IS, Off tUO. ............ I troy Of .~ It oHtt '° MealC.M so --. 1 l troy oa., M 14.1S, _, '*·" A--100 ,,_, .., trey 01 ' '1» ts, .nu.-. METALS NEW YORK •AP met•I Ortt n 100tl'f C•,tt•t 11~ 80 ( ""h • &>ound <Jl'\11n•t•Of'\ L•H 1f.J2 <•n~ • oouno !,ht< •U <lf'MSc tl! oound d .. llVf'ttt>d Tlr• l1 4121 ,.,.,.l•I\ w ... ~ coml>O\•I~ tn Ah1ml11-lf>.ll <•nh • DOUna N V M•r<uryU7\00~1 flAO l'lallnvm Utot> 00 lrov 01 N • SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS IY TM A-IAWf 1'.-.tt S.i.<tea -"' ootc1oric~\1oa .. us ~; ,,_nln•fl••t10U1' '° Ul>tcl 71 L.•"'"'1: •lle-t1s1no U I• 00. 011 " n P.,I•: Ull 44, o•f 10 IS ,.,..,_,_,: U lt ot. olf S7.01 Z•rlcll Ult lta1119 U ll 00. Ori '1 oa Did '37& OOuk"" H•114v £ ""m•n IOtllv d•lly quot•I Ill• 00, o« SI H ..... _. ton•• O•llv OWl•I "'' 00, oH "1S E....-...· lonh l•llv t!UOl•I lebr1ulecl Utt IO offll JI SYMBOLS " i I•'-' "" • · • .. ... .. .., I to 7 tn ,..... .. • trl I fl tl'I-14 WI~ t .. S 1H tt-.-"' r 1 i,._ Dl!Mllfl.10 •• tlll '"' .... ""'lll'f t'.o 1 1"'• ~ MM'yltt .JOQ 7' ~ I ll'llll~llfUJ .t .. A ... $ .. rot 11 ~ Mw•-. Wef•W• ~ s •I '•'-•-. -:-, 1 J ~, ~ Mllrn ..... IM.. . ..... WI , . ... ,., ... -1 .... _ 0. • , " " .... ,,.. ..... , .... °' --.... .. ... .. ...., 12 JI ,. .. --· • ,1 .. 1• llf J Jli' .. "' CJ.-.... M + ~ IWWlll't .M1'1Jle G\4o +.., M9tte P6t0 12' ,.__, .. !'lllrw. 1 •• 1 n M ..... StwW" t I• tt\<\t l\ ....,ll't 1 itdl ...... 1------------------------------- 1 t .. .,..,,:: "' ~ 1 u 111 u~ ..... "'JK" ff"' 10 ';! ~ Mnenlt u111 ., n • " ll'llltMt t • • """ • v. 15vc 1. 10 n n" 1-. !NolWtll 1:. ,. "' .-• 1, 1 .. _.,_., 1 :-ta n • .. tt•• UI• ... ,. ..... '-Ml.I 1 6 IJt '"'·····HI~ . s 4t _... l.>S. 7 lt 11~• ll'lllllllCf ·•' 41 ,,.._,,. •VCJ: I mo i'l ....-llft10 l ~ lwvc~b 40ji .a ;~· ~,x,,11• J S112t lll .. t•'f'.• 40 6 • U'> • • • ' .. ~" I •• di ,.....,_"' HjYoll • s tO " , • Mawvll .. .. .... ••• 11'1111~ I ' I ,. ... --'... • I "''' .. w.titlr • 1 ."' ... Wy (I .. 1~ ~ I\ itT•A .. 1, • ""' lolo fflllll" '° 1,1 JI• ,12:~ • .. .,,.. .... ~ llfO t,tt •. 119 ,....._ -H ...... '.. • 10 ..... _ -.c;p 1... • 10 ,."" ... ""'' J JO • U1t ,. -ft •• I) • ' "". "' Wrltl• 1.-Gl\11> .. ~:.",.. .• $ • It + ,., 11 .. c. U• j • 11-.. ... ffO ' ,. ,, I • • lllTlllTDI BllCH I f DUITlll VllllY CAVALCADE 8 2 COM ICS aa9 TELEVISION 9 • Weekend desti~ions f or Getting Away :s2 outlined on Rage 84. n Valley officials mull Mile Square name change Fountain VaJley city officials ..... who say they were caught off guard by a proposal to rename Mile Square Regional Park, have asked for opinions from local residents and bus iness people on the impact of the proposed change. Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark proposed Tuesday that Ule county park. located within the city boundaries, be renamed in memory of the late David Baker , a former supervisor. · Bak~r died F eb. 6, following a heart attack. He represented the second supe rvisorial district, which includes Seal Beach. Huntington Bead\ and Garden Grove, from 1962 through 1974. In 1967. he served as board chairman. . In suggesting the name change, Clark said, "Supervisor Baker worked throughout his 12 years on the board of s upervisors to make Mile SAND SLALOM -Greg Wilson. 8, of Huntington Reach dives into the soft sand near the Huntington Beach Pier where he and some of his friends practiced diving. j umping Square Regional Park a reality and to fulfill his dream of developing parks near m ajor population areas." The supervisors unanimously-- a pp roved Clark's motion to schedule a March 3 hearing on \he matter. At the Fountain Valley City Council meeting Tuesday night, Mayor Ben Nielsen said he had lea rned of the name change proposal onJy when a reporter called him earlier in the day. He asked Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce officials to help determine what Impact the name change miitllbl.Ye on busines~ near the park. that incorporate "Mile Square" Into their names or who advertise themselves as being located near Mlle Square P ark, Nielsen also asked that local residents convey their views on the name change to City Hall . oe1ty "'-' "-"""' eitry -and flipping down a small sand gull~·. The water may hav<' bt•cn cold. but the sand was fine. Scout's courage remembered Memoria l pla nned for Hunt ington youth killed in traffic accident By PHIL SNEIDER MAN Oftlle D...., ...._. Sl.afl Keeping pace with his Boy .-,cout buddies was a difficult, .often frustrating challenge for Paul Conger. who had debilitating kidney problems. I Yet in mastering the physical trials required to become an Eagle Scout, the Huntington Beach youth de monstrated a I refusal to let his affliction limit his enioyment of life. I P a· u I ' s t r i u m p h w a s short·lived. In September, 1979, at age 18, be died in a traffic I acr.ident when a motorist ran a stop sign and struck his fa mily's pickup broadside. Now. 21h years late r . a permanent memorial to Paul Conger is nearing corBplelion at the Lost Va1Jey Reservation in San Diego County. near Warner Hot Springs. The tribute is a n outdoor chapel cons tructed largely through donations from Rallili Clock. president of Clock Construction Company of Irvine, and his employees. Additional construction help is coming from Huntington Beach Boy Scout Troop I. to· which Paul once belon~ed. .................. RE•••I RID -Marge and Norman Conger of Huntington Beach hold a picture of their son, Paul, killed in a traffic "" accident alter achiev1ng Eagle Scout rank despite severe health problems. A memorial to Paul ls nearing _completion . Clock. who is a vice president of the Orange County Boy Scout Council, learned or the project while accompanying an Irvine troop to camp at Lost Valley Vl5t summer. "I volunteered to have our company do an estimate and get a list of materials required for the chapel," Clock said. "Then I discussed it with our people and we decided to make it a joint venture of the company and its employees." Clock paid several employees while they constructed t he chapel. They did further work on their own time, he said. · A basic A-frame structure has been completed. It will house the chapel's altar. Troop I Scouts are planning to build a wall and seating for the chapel. Scouting officials are hoping for a Memorial Day dedication ceremony at Lost Valley. which is the Orange County Council's campgrounds, used by about 450 Boy Scout troops. The chapel will ~erve as a permanent reminder of Paul Con-ger's dedication to seouHng and his courage in battling continuing medical problems. Born with only one kidney and that one defective, Paul. coped with infection, surgery, pain and general weakness throughout his life. When Paul 's condition worsened in 1976\ his father donated a k i dney . The transplant failed, however, and Paul was forced to endure dialysis treatments on a kidney machine two or three times a week. But Paul remained active in scouting, completing a 60-mile bike trip even though it took him more than twice as long as his fellow Scouts. Though his physical strength was limited, he was able to earn his canoeine and swimming merit badges. In the summ er of 1979, be graduated from Hun Ungto~ Beach Hlgh School a nd made plans t.o take dJesel mechanics courses at Golden West Collese. He also was awarded his Easle Seoul badge. In September, Paul's plans were crushed by the traffic accident, which occurred on Highway 38 in Mentone as the Conger family was returning from a weekend backpacking trip in the mountains. Paul, the driver of the pickup truck, was the only me mber of his family killed-in the accident. His father, Norm Conger, recalls that scouting was important to Paul. ··Because of Paul's medical problems. sports were not a good outlet for him... he said. "But scouti ng offered ca marad e ri e that was wholesome and a lot of fun. "He could achieve at his own pace in scouting, whereas in other things the competition might have been frustrating or overwhelming. "The boys who knew him had an admiration for Paul because of the way he overcame the odds." The Congers are pleased with the campgrounds memorial planned for Paul. "We chose a chapel for a cou.ple of reasons," his mother Marge said. "First, because it would be a religious memorial. Second. because it was ·a project the kids in the troop could get involved in." The Congers continue to be active in scouting. Norm Conger currently is scoutmaster of Huntington Beach Troop I. to which Paul once belonged. Identity told of man slain Huntlngton Beach police have released the identity of a man slain Sunday during the alleged burglary or a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy's local home. T he shooting victim was identified as Robert Hunter Bryan\, 21, described as a traosient who had lived moel recenUy in Anaheim with two others accused in the break-in. Bryant's identity was wAthheld several days because of difficulty locating ram ily memben. before the county's March 3 hearing. Counctlman Eugene Van Dask said officials should look into a· metb~ of preserving the ''Mile Square" name while honoring Baker as well. He said "Mile Square Baker Park" might be an option. Co uncilwoman Barbara Brown said s he has mi>ted feelings regarding the proposal and will be seeking comments from local r esid e(\ts and businesses. She noted that the c\ty 's population has tripled shlce Baker 's involvement in establishing Mlle Square and said many residents may not be famlllar with his cootributio.ns. "It would be nice if we could come up with some ••rt of compromise to honor David Baker and also preserv• the name Mile Squ,re." Mr11. Brown said. P(ite lltial hopeful ·tells of pressure By GLENN SCOTT Of tk Delly 1"11111 $\tfl ·rrvine Mayor David Sills has acknowledged he bas received pressure to drop a possible challen~e to state Assemblyman Nolan Fri2zelle in the June 8 Republican primary election. But Sills said the pressure bas come from party leaders he considers already in Frizzelle's camp.so it won't influence his decision on whether to seek the 69th District seat. Perhaps the most powerful of the callers ha s b,een Assemblyman Robert Naylor of Menlo Park, wflo re<:ently took over as the Assembly minority party leader. Naylor has called Sills twice asking him not to run, he said. Sills, however ;1"lrft! he has received more encouragement than discouragement. He termed Naylor and the others allies of Frizzelle who belong to the "protect-the-Incumbent" Club. Frizzelle predicted last week after Sills filed a notice of intent to r un that the Irvine mayor would encounter discourageme nt from party leaders who don't want a fight in the primaries. He said major financial donors who contributed large sums to get him elected wouldn't look kindly at an intramural tug-of-war that would drain campaign funds better saved to battle a Democratic nt\rninee. But Sills said Tuesday his exploratory effort~ to · gain s upport have been promi..;ing. He spoke Saturd.iy to the Lincoln Club, a group of established Republicans. and ·'there were no questions aimed at trying to persuade me not to run," he said . Calling proposals to improve transportation systems a "very s ubstantive issue" in the e lection, Sills said he also has talked to leaders of the Orange Co unt y Transportation Coalition , a g r oup of the county's largest employers intent on passing legislation to create better freeways Blufftop park fund grows by $50,00Q Huntington Beach officials have added $50.000 of city money to help develop a blufftop park overlooking Bolsa Chica State Beach. Local busine~ses and citizens donated $80,000 to the park fund last year when city officials launched a cash-raising drive to get community support for the ocean view park. The total fund now stands at $130,000, say city officials. However. they say another $135,000 is needed to completely develop the park. About $18,500 of the cash will be. used lo hire architectural landscapers to plan futu re development of the mile-long, site between 11th Street on the beach side of Pacific Coast Highway, city officials say. About 75 trees, 150 shrubs. an irrigation system and possibly benches and tables will be purchased with the remaining $110,000, says Mike Multari, coastal.planner for the c ity. Development of the park could begin in late spring or next fall , say city officials. The area now is lined with oil p i p e I i n es , b u t 1 o c a.I o i I companies must remov.e the pipelines because of a recent city ordinance intended to beautify / oil operations in the city. City offici als had earlier specul a t ed that state park development funds available to the city couldn't be used on the blufftop park because it's on state beach land. But Multari says City Attorney Gail Hutton's office recently approved the expenditure. "T h~r e was s uch an outpouring of support from the community that the City Council also felt obligated to add money to the fund, .. Mullari said. "With this visible support and city commitment, it's possible other government agencies .could donate grants to future development of the site," be said . •Job. a id offered aenion Senior citizens who want assistance1 in finding full or part-time employment can register at the Huntington Beitch Senior Center, 17th Street and Orange Avenue, or at the Westminster Senior Cen ter, 8200 Westminster Ave. A senior aide who can assist in matching an older resident's skills with a job ii) the community will be on duty Mondays and Tuesdays at the Weslfllinster Center. ·Wednesdays and Fridays at the Huntington Beac!t center. • Wome~'• Club g ive• 1~holar1hip• T he Huntington Beach Women's Club has given '100 lo tbe Huntin1ton Bhcb Union High School District for student scholarships. Slllrlee Earley, scholarship and school priorities ch airman for t he cl.u b: presented the check t.o scnoot board trustees at a recent meeting. •Drill team clinic 1cheduled T0 he Huntington Beach Hilb School Drill Team la ho1tln1 its second annual Drill Team Teacbln1 CUNc for elementary, junior hip and h1'b ICboola llrll llvtftl in d i1trict boundarla. Studenta In Seal BeaC!b, Wut min1ter. F ountain Valley and RuntlnltM Be1c~ qu1Ufy for the clinic on Saturday, Feb. 20, fropl 9 •. m. to 3 p.m. In the hiCb ac .. ool 1Ym, say district olticlall, F'ee 11 t3 per girl and refresh ment s will b e available, school officials aay. For turther information, C1ll IM·3338. . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~--l'~~~~- r I I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHdav, February 17, 1982 HOME FIRES BURNING [)()zcns of wood stoves ras billows of smolcl' over u town east of Syracuse. N \"' Sr1entisls url' stud~·in~ how """" much of a threat lf> human wood-burners Fragrant hut a haza~d Wood smoke from heating stoves.a pollutant, experts say By The Associated Press The p.all which sometimes settles over Old Forge, N.Y .. the co ldest hamlet in the Adirondack Mountains, looks like fog but smells like smoke. The acrid odor may be a whiff of a growing pollution problem - wood-burning stoves. "When you're driving into town now. there's almost a haze o n a co ld n ig ht when e verybody 1s wood stove is churning away," says Robert Hall , Old Forge's tourism director. Villagers in the New Guinea highlands who live in small, s moke·filled huts often contract I u n g diseases by age 40. Researchers want to know if the same lhing is happening in the tightly sealed modern American home. "A lot of peqple think burning wood i~ som e how .s uperior because it's more natural." said Dr David Roll of the American Council on Science and Health. ·'There are tradeoffs with wood stoves just as there are with nuclear power plants ." A modern w-0od s tove produces 500 times as much carbon monoxide, 1,500 times as much partfoulate matter and 750 limes as many ftydrocarbons as an oil furnace to beat the same space. according to a 1980 study at Long Island's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Wood smoke has more than 100 pollutants . including hydrochloric acid, benzolate pyrene. an ingredient of cigarette smoke, sulfur oxides· a nd polycyc li c orgapic compounds . The polycyclic compounds have been found to cause c ancer in laboratory animals. Although the rush to install wood stoves and fireplaces bas slowed, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates 1.5 million are being installed annually nationwide. The Air Pollution Control Association says burning of wood "is contrib utin g substantially" to the violation of clean-air standards ' A~ ......... But in many states and cities. officials say they are reluctant lo regulate wood stoves without evidence that they are causing health proble ms. Missoula. Mont .. h·as placed some restrictions on the use of wood stoves and fireplaces. bl a m ing them in part for temperaturc·inversion pollution that once blotted out the sun for nearly a month. New York State, with more than 600,000 wood stoves. is trying lo reduce dependence on foreign oil by expanding energy production from wood by more than half in the next 15 years. A draft sta te report admits the increase "may pose significant air pollution problems ." The ski resort of Vail, Colo .. has restricted new homes to just one wood-fired heate r or fireplace, and the southe rn Oregon cities of Medford and As h I and are considering regulation of wood stoves during periods of air stagnation. On e or the las t things House Majority Leader Hale Boggs to ld his daughter before he vanished in 1972 . was to get into Politics . B ot h hi s daughter , Barbara Sigmund, and his wife, Undy Boggs, took the adv i ~. Now they may become the first moth e r -daughter congressional t ea m in history. Accompanied by her mother, a Democrat who has repre s ented sout h ern Louisiana since shortly after her husband disappeared in a small plane in Alaska. Mrs. Sigmund, 42. announced her candidacy in the Democratic primary in the newly created 7th District in central New Jersey. British singer Shirley Bassey, best known for her rendition or the theme song of the James Bond movie '·Goldfinger." was listed in fair co nditi o n after undergoing exploratory s urgery, hospital officials said in Los Angeles. Miss Bassey. 45 , was admitted to Cedars-Sinai Hospital Thurs da y and underwent s urgery a day later, said Tess Griffin, a s p o keswoma n for the hospital. LIVING DOLL Actress Brooke Shields displays the fas hion dolls modeled after her during a TV ·talk show appearance. The 111 :i ·inch replicas of the 16-year-old starlet sell for $1 2. President Leonid Brezhnev needed assistance in walking and wept at services for his long-time friend. Col. Gen. Kon1tantl11 Grusbevoy, the Soviet army's chief political officer for the Moscow district. Tennessee sets a7tew-JOng Soviet te levision showed Brezhnev weeping and em bracing an elderly woman dressed in black, apparenUy a relative of the general, -at the funeral in a Moscow military club. The Tennessee Statehouse was rocking when ltu~ Osborne Brothers pulled out their guitars on the House floor, their feet stompln' to a hand-clappln · tune that legislators quickly adopted as t he new state song. After warming up In the clerks' office" the Osbomes performed "Rocky .Top,"' written by BoucDeaH Bryallt and Felice Br-yaa&, to a packed audience of Ll1bts, tek!vision cameras and 315 attendanta.. all were there when Alm•tR .. -ard walked down the alale on lb~ a r m ol he r tat h e r e\W'JT .. lie~ fll•banl. representatives and seoators. lt is an ode to the •mog-free, down-home Tennessee hills. With the first bar of the song lawmak ers and spectators were clapping their hands whi)e the Osbomes played thei guitar, banjo, mandolin and fiddle. The legislators must have liked what they heard. They approved 97-0 a bill to make the tune the filth state sona. The guest list for drinks and hors d 'oeuvres with Maryland Gov . Harr)' H•Sltes includes a prison lnmate, a rirst grader and • tired aovemment worker. They are among those chosen by legislator David Shapiro ti-om 136 people who watch 1 broadcast or the wrote to say why they'd like ceremony over the next two to aeeak to the governor. Sunday1, •~pekeeMR-flH''---..!!~apiro ·~ for essays-Oft the evangeU.t said. the subject after being Ma. Humbard, 22, wed advised to'lnvlte six people to ·.,.... Wape OarU.1, 21, a a March l reception with t~t•vilton liehUn1 director HUJ.hee and tu. wife. Cer tlle Ham bard famJly Also on Shaplro•a auett list ......... wldch broadcaa\I a are a mllft twtce convicted of ~ 'f.'! show tbroull*al drunken driving, a 1lrl1' t••: UPJ~.M States and 1chool teacher and a ,....114 bandkapped war vete.ran "ICTITIOUI 8VllNIM NAMelTATIMaNT I Tll .. tall•wl11t ,_, .. ,. I• ••t11t Mlfwtt• VI C 'S L ANOI C .Al'I MAINTINANCI, JU AIOerl ~IKO, CMte ._... Co!Horlllo "'21 Vl<W l.M $11YO. t» AIW1 Piece. Cetto IMM, CellloMW. _,, Tiii• llWl!Nt• II <etMllK .... by Oii ....iv~ Vk w 1.M Sltye Tlllt .._. •• Iii .. wll,. ... CAlllllY Cltrtt ef Or•fltlt C°""IY Oii .. tltnMlry 11, •• "'"* PuotllMf 0r.,.,.. cee.-o .. 1y Piiot, ..... 11, U, INKll 2, 10, 1ta ......,. "lCTITIOUI MlllNlff .. Mii ITATIMllNT Tiie followtn9 perton 11 dolllO 1111111,.u u : 909 FAllllAN/F AllltAN Pua1.tCATIOHSIG AllV •• ELLISTON/JOHN l!l.LIOTT,' OU Wer11er AW-. SUI!• '" Fovn1at11 V ott.y, CAftX-. JAMES WAINWlt tG HT "LANAGAN 111, ll'n Htmt11d Drive, H11111)"91.,. IMKI\, CA .,._.1, Tiii• llUtlllftt h c-uc: led by on lllCllvklllAI J-WF~ Tll~ IUllHMftl wot 111.0 wlln lllt c-ty Cler" OI Oro1199 c ............ Feb.11, l- Pl.,..J .. ~UllUC AUCTI091 NOTICIO .. IAl.I OP fll'U8UC PIHN'IHY N•llte Ir IMrelly .. ...., tfl~ UW ~11rcllo•l110 0•11•""''111 •• 111e H..,.11,.....ee.11 City k""' Olttrkt, wilt Mif e '°'*k A..Cllor\ lor llw Sole el iWpWt "-""· 111(1~ "'' .... llmll ...... ,..., PoO V• T•IK,, • U11rltlll ~l•t1••· 011c1 o ••••• ._,,,,......, ~ """'''llf"•· IATUllDA.V, .. ee1tUAltY 17, l'G; INSPECTION I )0 om .. SAl.E STAltTS t ·JO em . LO" ~ HAltltY L .. AltO SCHOOi.. IOOI CllAIME,_ LANI, HUNTIHOTON 9EACH, CAl.1 .. 0ltHIA All • ._....111"°'-.cr In c•rt• •1141 •tf'loval .,. IN f'tifOllJlblllly of Ille -cnttwl ~ All lltm1 .,. IOld tfl a11 "at It" -"wlltre It" Nfll, •1111 tM Ol•lrkl m.i.n no vuoronlM, ••II"" or llftlllt.O •• to tM condlllOll at lllllftl tar llW OI' 1111•-of IN Item• lot Yle, -no ''•Im tor eny tllO!l'f•nct rw Cled..Cllon """ tuth ••-O• wtll be c-lelertd en., IN IUC(tlffUI bid hel -occepled Pay-In 11111 m•lll be m-lo Ille Dtslrl,1 ol lht llme ol tt>e Yle, •NI,,,. •qulplfteflt ,_....,al ll•tl lime Tiii• llOtl<e II In occOtd wllll Stell.., MS20 Of lllt Colllornlt EOucAtlon Cocle. 8y or!Mr of llw SO.rd of TrutlMt ol Ill• H11nllno1on BH<h Clly Scllool Ol•lrlcl BrlOtl GarlOl>CI, Cieri! ol tl>e Gow•nlno B .. ro DISlrt<I, 0tOll9' C°""'"· C•.lllornla P110ll>llld Or-C .. •I Dolly Piiot. Feo 11 24, 1912 1jt.tl ~11bll1Ncl Or-C09tl Dolly Piiot, F.., 11. 24. ,,..,c,. '· 10, 1.., u1-a,1----MUC---91m--, ---- l'ICTITIOUS euStNllU , NAMll STATlla.lUIT The lot1ow1no 119''°"' .,. dolno 0..•lllH•ot• SAIL AWAY BOAT RCPAIAS, WO WHI 1'1h Slrttl, J9B, COll• MelO, Catllotnl• n•v. Robert C Schmid! Sr , n2t Burning TrM, Coron•. c o lltornl• '1720. Oovld l Pen<OM Sr "" Dl•llO, RIYtrlidt, Collloml• '1JOI Fo_., El Solem. '111' Dione. lllverslde, Colltornla tlSOI. Tllll OU•ln•u I• conducted by a geno,.I partnership: Joon E Schmidt l'ICTITIOUS IUSINllH NAMI STATEMllNT Tiie lollowlno ...,..,., rre ootno INlinHl Ol HARBOR STAR MARINE, 1.0l-C Superior Av•nu•. Cote• Meta, Colllorlllo mn Jolln P Giie.-. •i.J Manero On••. Ra11<110 P•IOI Verdel. Colllornla 9017', C orollne A GI•<-. •2•3 -nero,D<lve. Aancno Pa~ Verde•. Coll torn lo '!0714 Thi• o...ln~• I• COndUCl•d Dy on lndl•IOYOI. Joh<I P Glk- Thlt tlolemenl "'H littd wllh Ille County Cler-ol Orange County on February 11, 1"7. 1'111"1 PuOll•llld Ounoe cool Oaily Piiot, Feb. ll.H .Mer<11l.10, l'lt2 611.fl, Thi• slol-1 w•• llleo wllh Ille c ... nly Cler-ol Orange COUlllY 011 JanYOry 20, ltln. rnu11 PUil.JC MOTICE Pubtl~ Ot-C .. ll O•lty Pllot,1.-------------Feb ll,24,Merch2, l0, 1971 7~ NOTICI 01' INTINDID TltAHSFElt ANO l.IASll9AC1t Nolle• IJ ~eoy Ol•en tllol CN riH S<"'w•O & Co , Inc, Tr..,tleror. ol One Second Sir~. S.n Frencluo, CA . l11lendt lo H ll certoln pertono l properly to NO RTH AMERICAN F I NANCIAL CORPORATION, Tr•nsferee. •nO Ot•t Tre111feree 1111end1 to leoM o.c.-10 Cllorlu Schwob & Co., Inc • TrOllllerar. IM u ld personal prope•ty, o 9'n•rel -rlptron of wflleh k •• follows. to wit: Office lurnlture onet ll•l11ru tocoteo et ttO .._por1 CenlH Orlw PICTITIOUS IUSINHS NAME STATIMENT Th• IClllowlno person " doing O..•lneu ot OE~IGN BV MIMI, 31S Soophlre. llalboo IMOllO, Colilorn10 ., .. , Mery G O'Klflle llS S.ponore. Belboo hi-Celtlornla ,,.., Thi• °""'""' I\ conduc t&d by on lnetl•lcl11•I ,,..,.., G O' IC oette TMI U•lefNftl '""' llleo wllh Ille County Clerk ol O••noe Counl'y on Februory I 1"7 FllUJ1 Publl.-Oronve CO<ISI D•ll• Pltot. Feb l . 10, 11, H "" SI~ • 10., H-1 BNc:h, CA . and INI ------------ .\Old .... -•NMIWIO tr•n-llon I• to be c..,wmmeted .., the JC>lh ooy of Morell, "'2 cw ..,.., , at 10 oo A M 01 tM ollke of lllt TrOllSlerff, ol IJISS Sl•lt HIO"Wty SS. City ol Minneopofl•. Stole ol M lnnHOtO DATED lhh tlh doy of FeO<YOrY. "" NOR'TH AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION Tr_,51.,. By· G•ry Dreyllno Publls'*! Or-COH I O•llv Pilot. Feb II. 1911 7se-t2 FICTITIOUS 9USINllSS NAMI STATllMINT FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT fl•• lollow)F'IO per\on Is 001n9 .,.. ........ . THE TERRACE GROUP. SOI• Apple Tree, lrYIM . C•lllO•ni• .,71~ O••kl E ,,..l'tln, !OM A111>le 'T rtt, 1 r•tne. Colltornte tll!S This ~inen '' conoucttd Oy en inOM d1101 0.vi<I E Martin Tl'll• tlol.,.,.,.nt wH llleo with tM Counly Cle•-ol 0••"99 Counly on Jan 2S l .. , F111n1 PuOlllllld Or0119t Coast Oally P•IOt. Jell 27. Feo l . 10. 11. ,.., •ONl1 TM lollowln9 .,.....,.., ere Oolno 1------------- AMa.s.J t>uilneM .. Il l SC.IEHTIFIC HATCHERIES, IOI SCIENTIFIC HATCHElttES INC., IUl EftlyM Circle, H""'"'"°" Beech.~ .... DALLAS EARi. WEAVER P11 0 , and JANET CllOMl.E W£AllEll, llS1 EY.ty,.. Clr<te. Hun11n91on e..<h, CA '1Ml. SCIENTIFIC H ATCHERIES, INC., o Ctlllomlo c.,._011 .... llS2 Evelyne Circle, Hunllft9t0n Beech, CA '2"46 Tiiis llUWNn I• conduct.., Oy •n lllOllftctv.1-• <01'110t•11on Otlt. E.ort w ..... Sclenllllc HolCloeneJ. Inc 0."HE•r1WM .. r "'9lklilnl This 1W-I wa• Ill"' wltll lllt CO<lllty Cler11 ol Or•llOO Counly on Jon 11. "" THE O ll lGI NA l. O F T H IS NOTICE WAS FILED F OR RECORD OH JANUARV U, Itel, lff 1 HE OFFICE OF THE ORANGE COUNTY RECOAOEA NOTICE OF OEFAUl.f AND 111.l!CTIOH TO Sfll UNDEll DEEOOF TllUST AMe.K> S~F NO.lmt ltlE' ~llH/LUIDAI lMl'OttTANT NOTICE IF YOUR PROPERTY 15 IN FOREGl.OSURE BECAUSE VOU ARE B E H I N D I N VOU R P AYMENTS. fl MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION. •net you moy ,,. .. "" fe9al r1Qht 10 t>r"'9 yo11r occ ... n1 1n -" ttonotno Dy oayln9 011 01.,.,.,, p~ oue poymH1ts plu• .,.rmltled c0>ts end .. _, l'llUIS wllhln lhtft ..-..... om THE DATE. Publllllld Orenot c .. st Dolly Piiot, THIS NOTICE OF OE FAULT WAS Feo "· 24,Morth l, IO,"" 1»-12 RECORDED Thi• •mount .. $1 ,?UOO l-------------I "ol Jenu6ry 24. 1'92 onet wlll lncrHM until yOVf' Mcount be<omn curr.nt. You m•y not h.avt to CMY ow tntire uno••O POrt•on of your account. •ven PllUC •TIC£ NS.tins tllOUOh lull payment wn demanded. 17Jtl.lt Out you """' P<IY the amount •l•l&d NOTICa TOCltaOITOltS •Dove . -o .. 9UL.k TltANSl'•lt Alter lllrte montlll lrom IM clOte ol (Seu. • ._. .. "7 u .c.C.) rec:oroeuon Of lt!I• doc.ument wtllcn Hetkels~glW11tocredllonof dote of •tc~OOUon •-rs he,...,,.I. , ... wltl'tlll '*"" ...,_,.. "'°' • .,..,_. YlllUS UM Oblit)Ollon tlelt19 forKIOM4 treniler 11 ob01it to tie med• 011 11P0<11"•ml1to t""90rperlod,youhow perso1101 properly h•r•l11oll•r only Ille ••o•I "O"' 10 llOP "" detcrlbtd. foreclosure by paytno the entire Tiie -Isl oncl bllslness oocs .... s o"'°""t OelNlllOed oy YOUI < reollor ol tlle l11tendecl tr•n•lerortll ore; TO FINO OUT THE ~UNT YOU SANO lt()()I( NAM, SEOH KYUNG MUST PAY, OR TO ARRANGE FOR NAM, JllO HarOor 81Yd., H, Cosio P A Y M E N T T 0 S T 0 P Mase CAti77 FORECLOSUR E, O R IF YOUR ~ -lll encl Minot\ oddrHt PllOPEllTY IS IN FORECl.OSURE Of ltte lftWftd90 IAftlft,..(•) are JAE F 0 A AN V 0 THE R RE A SON . s. LEE, e. GENE LEI, ' $1 Poul, CONT ACT J.,.,.,. Riche rd Vlloos. t,.,,lne, CA f271' 12160 He-. • 211. Grdell Gro ... Tll .. IN _.ty per11....,1,,.reto11 CA '1-. tel 11"1 t1f,1"2- dH<rlbed Ill 9'Mrol °'' turnllura, II you hove ony qu••llon•. you llat11ru OllCI ewl-', ,,_,.,,.,.,., \ho11ld contoct o lowyer or the 90odwlll leote, IOOlehold 00 .. mment 099fl<Y wlllch may hew lmorovenwnt• •1111 'o~,,.,.1 nol 10 '"''"'o r--1oan <Oft'IP.teOlldlslOCtleclal•2llOHeroor lttmtmber. YOU MAY LOSE lllvd., H, Ccalt ,,..,., CA n•n LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 MOT Tht IKel,l!Ht n--by Ille wlO TAK~ PROMPT ACTION. tron1lerorC1l •lseldloc:o1IOlll• BEST Noll<• I• hereby 0 1 .. en that CLEANERS ' C A V A l C A 0 E E S C R 0 W 'Tlllt blllll trMder 11 tuble<I lo lllt CORPO RATION, o Colllornl• Unll0tmCommerc:lol C-Stcll011. corporation, I• duty •ppolnltd Thalsoidbulklronlferlslntencleolo TRUSTEE under Ille lollowlno be con1ummoled •I lh• olllu ol 0.Krlbed Oeedol Tru•t· SERVICE ESCAOW COMPANY, PO. TllU!>TOR; HEN·GEUl. YEH, t 9ox 211, W.,tm!Mter, CA t26'3.., or \Ingle m•n. u lo •n 11ndl•ld•d etter Morell I, 1"2 one·thlfd lnterell, VEOHG·SHI LU, a Tl'tel lhe llllt dale IOI' lllln9 clolm• In •lnole -men, es to an undl•lcled the •K""" .... ,,ed to herein I• Morch -llllrd lnta-.st, •net PETER I(. OAI s, Itel. end JANIE C OAI. llu.O.nd end wlle, So tor os Is __ ,. 10 Y id Int•-es 101n1 ....-•• H IO en undlvlcMcl TrentleroeCt l \Old Intended -lfllrd lnltrell, ALL AS TENANTS Tron1ftror t.i used lhe lollowln9 IN COMMON. oddlllo11et bullneu nomes end BENEFICIARY: JAMES RICHARO -•esMS within the thrM yeors IHI lllLGOS, • stnote men. PUt.L.!!!!ft9. RECOllDEO Mtrch 14, lttO, os Oeled ,...._y 4 1912 lnttrll-"°-27'2:1, 1" -1U4S JAE$ l.EE p.t99 IWI -Ultt<l•I ~llC-, In lhe IE. OIEHIE I.EE I office of Ille Recorder 01 Oranve ,....,...Tr-~ Co1111ty; SAID Dl!l!D OF TRUST NSttns OESCltt8D: Ullft JO In l.Ol I Of TrllCI Ho. IOI .. , os"" Mop racorclH In OoM H•v•c• ltCltOWCOM~ANY ,,., "'"1J ..... D Of Mltc•ll- Mm 8Mdt ~ Mops. Ill Ille office of Ille C0<111ly .....,....._,""...., lltcordtr of Or•11ge Co1111ty, F .. ~71Wctltll0r.,.. CM.A o.lty ~llot, CotUor11le . SAID I.AND IS MORE • • 761 "VI.LY DHClt19ED IN TIU DEED OF TltUST A80VE MIHTIOHl'O. SAID o.cl of Trvst M<UNt c~elll obll"'t'-lnel"°"'t Ille -•Cll '°' .... wm Of tlU00.00. THAT .. llentflclol '""'"' _, ••Id 0... .. """' - -obl~tons M<llr'M ...,.., .,. ~,., Mtd '" Ille 111• lliei•; THAT o brM<ll ol, •!Id .. ,_I Ill, ,,,. o&ll0tllefl1 for Wllltll well°"' Of Trldt I• tKWlty "'' o""""'° '" "'8t """*'' "''""' -11 "'-OI: Tiie lnslellment Of lllWHI, '11111<11 Deceme M O<t-r ''· ttll, ond •II 1ubuquenl lflllAlll~ THAT lly rtHOll llltrttl, lllt 11nfer1IJMf. prett11I Mfltllclary """'' ... o..ci ol Trllt\, llOJ uecllted -.. 11~ ..... Id Ollly -'"'" Tzvtt .. _. o wrltt""-~loll.Jllf o.fwn lllld °"""'"'.., .... , ..., .,.. ..... , ... wlltl told cNIY 9"0lnttcl Trvt• -o.fl of TMI -ell "'"'"'"'" wf•1\Cl11e 011t1e•U•11• tKll .... ""'"'· ............. --· M..-, -.Clef't Ill _... -!WM .... ,...., llMllll•l'I' .... -"'.,.. -.... .-:.. -...... ,...., •lea •c-.. ..-~ ........ .. 1othty 1110 011llt•ll•f\1 1eoret1 .... ,....,. OA Tl: ,.,,,.,., 1t. ,_,, J-911(11119 VilttM ~ ONllet c... !>ally ""~ ...... tt. "·"' ,. .MNll ... .,.,. l'ICTITIOUI 9UllNHS NAMelTATaMINT TU toltowlftt ,,,.,...,, ••• clol,,. ~··· VE OL DE Cl.IAH I N O IUA91.t$HMINT. t'711 Allclt Portiwn •• o. L~ Hllll, CA.,.,,, 1 ltGO SUM. INC, a Call!Oflll• Ctt,.,01*'-J10 A-"I", 11..-... 9MCh,CAMl'1 fllls butillfff II C-ll<tH lly o (Ol'-•llon EllGOSUM, IN<; O.vld e Clo••. P....io...t Thll ft.-•• Ill.,. with"'-County Cler11 Of Or ... County M J.,. tt, I .. , ...... ,. ~uOll"'" Or 0119t C09•1 Dolly PllOt, J en. 21, Fetl. J, 10. 11, 1"1 •U-tt MOTIC' o .. T1tun1111•1 •Al.• \.OAN NO. tMa T.S. Me.71Ml·J T 0 $ERVICI! COMPANV et d uly •PPOlnted '"'"" under lllt tollowln9 deKrltled -., of trull WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO-.lHI! HIGH EST 8100Ell l'OA ~SH (poyeble •I time of .... 111 1owl11I lftOMY ol Ille United Sloletl ell r'911t, title ono "''""' COll'feY"' to end ,..,. held by II ...... Y id OMcl of Tr11tl In Ille propef'ty 1wre1n1o11.,. o..crltled TllUSTOR· WARREN E WOllTH, o lln9'• mon 9ENE FICI AllV HOSSEIN BANl·HASHEMI •nd NAH IO SHAHllOKHV BANI HA5 HEMI, llu•O•nd 41110 wll• •nd All REZA llANl·HASHEMI, l htlr >On e nd NEG AR llANl·HA~HEMI, their d•UOhler oll ot j0tnl ltn0nt• IT A TIMl.llT 011 WITNHAW.U. "'"*""., ........ ~ · o"""" ... u .. oa• ... CTITtOUt MlllNIU ....... Tiie,........ """'°" l\of wit"*._ Ot e telltrll p•rt11er lrOM Ill• 11•rl11•t1lllp eoerallllt UllffJ Ille fl~llllelll 111/llMH "°"" Of Mffile SM•ll NlllNI V-11\ary SMvkt ti * ~ .... ,. L..-8Mcll. CA ft6SI ~1.Tll• llttlll•u• '"''"'" 11ome .. a .. M .... ..,. .... ~ ... f .... a11 J an M. Hto In Ille c ... 111y OI o ••• f ull Hame on• Addr•O Of lllt P•''°" w1111c1r .... 111t M•r<lo Lynn ltlhworlh, 1'2 tmerald ea,, l.•11o1ne 9H<ll, CA 9'6$1 AMM L11<•1,0VM • ,,_.,tit l. Ellt-111 "Ul•tt P111111.-Or-Co81t Delly Pltot. Jell ti, FtO ), 10, 17, 1"2 4~ ' NS.'1* "CTITIOUS aUllNllS NAMalTATllMINT Th• followtnv pe,.on It dol119 builnt U OI EOWAllOS ENGIHEElllNG ANO CONSULTING CO . 3014 Vult.on A •en .... Ccalo "'-'°• CA.,.,. MAlllC EDWAllOS. >07• V11•011 A••nw. COii• -... CA mi. Tiiis o...ineu " ,_,"° Dy •n ltMll•ldYOI MO<a ~owordi Thi• sltl-1 wo\ 111.0 wllll Ille County Clerk ol 0r._ County on J.,.. 10 1 .. 2 Flf11S6 Puoll"'9d Or-c .. ,, O•lly PilOt, J on 11, Fe!> ), 10 11, 1"2 02..i " Ro<ordod June •. l"I n ln1tr No '""°in trooll 14092, -~of Otllclat Roc.ordl In Ille office of IM Ro<order of Or•noe County wld dM<I ol ''"'' 1-------------IMKrlt>tt tllt lol-1110 Pl'--1Y , ICTITIOUS 8USINISS EXHla lT "A" NAME STATEMENT PARCEL I Unit No I 01 •hown end The lollowi119 per\on il dot119 dn<rlbed In llM Conoomlnium Plan O..\iMn •• reco•-on Jyly 1, tM>. In BOOI< 1>6S2. EMILY GAIL l.IMITED, 102·8 Peou 1111 10 UJI, lnc1 .. ,1 ... 01 Sl•ler A.......,. Hun11noton Beoch. CA Olfl<lal Ro<orM OI wld c-1y . .,.41 PARCEL J· An undl•lded one E M l~Y COll WYETT, SSC lhlrty.nlnlh l113"hl lnler.-1 •• • Poul•rlno A_.l)f, P '°'· C.,.to Mew, tenon! In common In Ille'" l"terttl In CA •7•7• •net to ,,,. Common Area ol LOI 1 ol This IN>lneu Is conouc1ed Oy an Tract 10340. ot per map llled in Book lnd t•ldual '63, p-IJ '"° 14 ol MIK•ll•neou• Emlly c Wyell M•P•. recorM ol wld Coun1y .• , IM<l'I Thi• "•leme<1t wos lllf<I wltn IN term l$ dltllnecl In Ille Ar11Cle onlllled County Cltr~ Of Ore119'! Counly on J Oll "Oelinlllons" of Ult O.Clarouon of ?'I 1"1 Co••,,•nlt, Condit l o"' ono Attlrlctlon\ OH<rlbed In "SUBJEC'T Flllttt Publls'*I Oren(lel CCNISI O•ilY Piiot, TO "t>etow llhe "Oeclerollon"I PARCEL l Eti.mffllJ •• \ei lorth In the Sections enllllttd "Ct r l•ln Eewments for Ow11tr1' onet "SuPPOrl. ~ltlement end Encroo<hment ol Ill• Feb l , 10, 11. 24. 1"1 5U ... 7 Article tnlttled "EowmtnU' Of the l'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS 0.Clorollon NAME STATEMENT PARCEL 4 Eawm•nU ., \ut" Tht foflow tnQ Pt,.'\.On ts dolno eewm•nb •rt "rtKut•rty s,el fortn in INtin•\\H ,,.,. Ank .. enltlled Eo .. rnentt" Of MICHAEL KAY'~ OF' NEWPORT the Otclerollon ol Conn•nlt BEACH. 410 w c .. ~1 Hl9'1woy, Suile Cond1l1ons And Ru1r1ct1on• 1n A Newport Beech Colllornl•'1.~ 'SUBJECT TO ' ttelOw IN "MoMe• MlchMI G SlnclAlr, 167•\ Vto Oect•ratlon·•) uf'\d~r th• Section L•n•r•'· Ml\s1on V••lo# C•Htornt• l'le.odlnts In ...ch Article en4111•d u nHt IOI lows "Owne" Alo"" ono Dvtle•, a. M.c,,..1 G s1nctolr Ultlllles and C•bl• Tete•lllon. ' Thi\ si.10,._,, w•• 111eo wllh lllt "Sldeyord Eosemenll. "S..-rt and County c .. ,. ol 0r•"9t County .., Sotllemtnl," "Encroocllment," Oft4. OectlTIDH7' 1"1 "Community Feclltlles f•Mmtnl " Ft7.., PARCEL S E0..,.,4'111 tor lnOf'HS, PuOlllllecl Or-c .. u Dolly Pllol, ~~;:-:o~:. :·~~·~ f,::."~s:.v:~ J en n. Fet> l . 10 u, "" 4~ per mop llled '" 8ooli -.1. p ... , 11 ono 11. or MllC•ll•ne~s M•P•. Nil.IC •Ttf record• of wld Count y, dePKted u 1 ____________ _ Common A-•Y on E•hlbll G of the Oeclarotlor!, as""" HMmonl I• more PICTITIOUS •USINEU porliculerly dMc.rlbed In Section B. NAMI! STATEMENT Artie lo lllll ol trw O<lclorotl.., Slrfft Tn• loilow1n9 ~r\on •• 001ng Adorn• lS WlnOJemmer, lr•lne, Ou•lnou• Celllornlat21U THE CERAMIC FACTOAV, :M19 ·~(If a strH1 aoores\ or common W•\I M•t •rtht1r , S•nt• An•4 desfo na tton 1s shown 11bov•, no C•llfornl• 91104 ,. o r r a n l y 1 s o 1 v t n • • Io I I s Lltwf'lyn Beth Smith, )2)4 O••ol• comptete ... uor correclMHI ' A••nuo, Coste MOW. C•hlornla ,,.,. Tho be~lcl•ry under Wld D .. o 01 Tnl• business •• conouct..i Oy •n Trust, by •NllOn of o brHcn or !Mfoult 1nol•I011•I II' lh• 01>0941t1on• •ec:ured tneraby, lle-lynSmllh heretofore oxeculed And dell•t<td to Tnts ll•l-1 .... , •Ilea wllh trw lht 11noerstoneo • written Oec••••li.., Co11n11 Clerlt. 01 Or•n9e Counly on ol Default -Demond for Sole, •no O.cember 2'. '"' wrllt•n nolk• of l>l'eocn eno ol tltcllon Fl7m7 lo <•uw lhe ut>der>lllfttd lo ••II Wld P110lllllld 0r•"99 c .. 11 Doily Ptlol. properh lo \Olltly wld OOllO•llont, Jon 11 Feo 3 10. 11. 1912 •441. •net lhereofler 1tw Unde<t l9f'lecl UUMCI w ld notk• of breocn •nd Of et.clton to be rtCOI'-Oct-r n . 1 .. 1 Ol l"'lr No n:l5& tn -l~S, ooqe l70f of ••Id Olllct0I Rec.orM Solo .... wlll tie -bul wll"°"I covtnant OT w•r-r•nt• t•pr-•H OI' tm pit~. re911d1ftQ tll ... PMWS~n. or en C\lr\1br•nc:n. lOP9Y th« r•m•1n1noQPrln <lP•• wm of llM notthl MCureo Dy W td OH<! of Tr11sl, with lnltrHI •• In s.10 f\Ot~ prov.o.d. advltnGe\ 11 .ny 11neter lite ~ms ol wld O"" ol Trutt, lee•. <ht•~• end upensH ot '"• T ruilff ono ol tllt lru•ts <rHted by •••o Deed ol Tr<rtt Sold w .. will tie held on -.Y. l"et>rvor'f 2• 1"1 et 2:00 p.m .• ol llw C,,.1>m•n A.renve entr•nc•. lolhe Ct•>< Center Bulldl~. 300 EHi CNpmon A-. 1 ... the city ol Oro119t. Al the 11""' ol II\• 1n1llo1 Pulllluli.., Of tnl• nollce. ttw IOI•• amount 01 '"e unpaid O.ttence ol lhe obll9•tlon MCured by the above oeKrltteO dffd O! tru\I •no esllm•ted co•ts. '"""'"'· ""O advoncu Is U S,l ll oo lo deltrmtne the openlllQ bid, you moy <•11111419374966 O•lt J..,u.11ry?•.111t1 T.O Ser•lceCom"'9nY OIWi<ITNl!ft, ClnoyS<'noono•er. Alli llM'll S<Kretorv OneCllyBIVO Wot <>r-.c .. .,... 11141 as.c. Publlshed Or-c .... O•lly Ptlol. F .. b.J 10.11,1"2 Sl ... 7 FICTITIOUS 9USINEU NAM£ STATEMENT l l"lt tot1ow1n<1 perso" '' do1n9 bu\IMHtU 81P ENTERPRISES. Sl>l l.AQUN Conyon Wrr. Brwo. CA tt•21 AllAN EOWAAO MILLEA, Sl>l l 09uno C_,yon W•v BrH. CA.,.,, • Thll DoNMl\ " cONNct..i l>'t an 1ndiv~u•I Allen EOWord Miiier ""' •lot-I WO\ Ille<! with Ille County Cieri! Of OrOllQe c ounty on J on IS 1911 Flll-Publl\,_ Ore,. CCNISI O•llv Piiot, F~b l 10, 11. 24, ,._,, SS~ FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT , The lollo••ol"O per\On. .,. oolng t>\l\IM\S •S ADllEN'TURE TRAVE l., U2 Fores.t Avenue L•ouna Be•<h. C•lllornl• '11>St Ad•enlr•vol, Inc ,. • Colllornle corporellon. U1 Foru1 A•en11e , Loouna llM<ll, Collloml• '1.S l Thi• IN•lneu " cond11cteo by • COtPO•Otlon Ad~tr.-..1 In< MICl\MI J Pinto Pr ....... I B•lty W Fr•em•n ~ Piil.iC •Tt£ l'ICTITIOUS eUSINESS NAMll STATEMENT The 1011owln9 person 11 dolno .,,. ....... " ALL ENTERTAINMENT TICKET •net TRAVEL SERI/ICE, 121-41 V•lley View, G..-Gro ... C..lltornl• '1~1 Oweyne Beek, 10.. E. Jns SlrMt. Lono Beech. Celllornlo ._, Thi• bullneu I• conducteo by'-an lndlvldYOI. OweyM Beek Thlt llale,.,...I w .. lllfd "l!lh tllt CO<lnly Clerk ol 0••!'199 County Oii J•nuery U , ltln. ir111n• P11bll•Ncl Or-C .. \I Dolly Piiot, Jon 27, Flt>. 3, 10, 11. t"2 007""1 I ,.i•m .. --··---.. Orange Coaet DAILY Pf LOT/Wednesday, February t 7, '982 SKIING JOHN SEVANO Goon mentality gone lllCTtTIOUI lftllll•H NAMI t1ATl•NT Tiie IOllewlnf jte(Mflt •re o.iftt ~·-( _...u_11111_1 "C'rl'rtOUI autrNIM N~tTATaM&JtT tho IOllOWlft Q Ptr •O" ,, dotne ... lfltHM Dave r Hammer J Schultz lashes out. at hockey violence v101cJ PAltA Oll •. cu Urd St(•I, Mewttr1 ... Ch, Celltornl•. oen11r• A Vo11no. nu 11r<11 $1r .. t, ..,.. Ant. Calltornte t 1701 Floyd w Kaylor, ~010 "O" lra4fore. SMta Ane. Calllorftla t2'91 fllh 111n1n .. , It condwcred lilY h~lwlOwli IAM' IOUIPMaN T ltC NTAL AHO Al-HALT, 10• )4f" Str .. c, Mowoo'1 IHcll. C.lllo+'nle ~t Mammoth ski adventure Of course , there's a catch! 1''01 lhtt:.l' ski buffi> who have been longing l(, ~o to MJmmoth this year but l'ithcr tho ught the d11 vt• \\ ui. too lonl(. the plunt> fur\' too steep or the l'nt1n• trip too 1•x1wn>11v1" t lw Orange Cou nty Advt>rt1s1ng f1•d<'ration 10f'AF1 and ADll <an a fr1l1at1on o f the American Advertising fo'cdl'1atmn1 hu\e put together a weekend i.t the mountain n·sort almost loo t•nt1c1ng lo turn down 1 ht• dJt<.•s Jre }o'eb 26 ~ I Friday Sunday I and for a ml'l'l' SI05 µer pcri.on. lhis is what you'll get · llus transportation (one of those luxury hust">. not u i;chool l>us1 to and·from Mammoth All tlw -;pirits your body c:un consum1• l>inrwr ~<ling lx>th ways 'l\1.oo ni ghts of accornmodat1oni> ut the San ~1 t111t1 contlom1niums m Mammoth I includes J,1<•t11.11 . 'oJUna .rnd rcNeatwn r1l0m 1 TrJOSf>0rt.it1on 1n and :irtlUrHI Mammoth via till' d1J1 tcn:d bus Sut urda~ 111ght dinner pa rt~ <>pt um..i I r rnss countr~ skung Opttun:il llot Crc<'k outing llf l'C1Ur'>1.'. with anything lrkt· tllll\ thl'rl'S a <'atch Th1• group "rzc 1s limited to <10 persons and rcscr\'at1ons will bt• rnadt• on a first com<'. first scrvl•tl bul-.1:-. Also, cqu1pmcnl rentals and lift tiC'kt'ls arc nol included The bu~ "111 depart from Cochrane Chase. L1v1ngston and Compuny tin l rvrncJ a t 2 pm ~ Frida> crnd will I l'turn lat(' Sund<i) cvcnmg Those rnll'l l'slcd can make out a check to ()(',\F and 111;111 to Kim Tousrgant. Cochrant.> Chu st' LI\ 1ngst•m and Com pan~. P 0 Hox 19622. lr\'lrtl' !12113 Or. bcllt·r )t'l. call 752 11171 • l'llE SKJL.INE NEWSLETTER lJ wcc·kly I C'pOl'l for mcdi<1, ski ShOp5. ano sk1 clubs I has publi~hed the winning drink in th<.' "The World's lfrs t Brandy Apres-sk1 dnnks" contest held r crently 111 Lake Tahoe • The· wmm·r y, as a toncot·llon en tit led "Deep p,,,, der 1'11nch . formulation at the E:igles :-.lesl t.oun~c 1r1 Srum l)lrtl. l'lah Tlw I l11·11x· r cads as follOY."1 I 01 C'altfornra br.rnd) I 111 \ndka I 111. y, l11k c·n·nu• dl' m1·nttw I • ()/ light C'rt'l11l' di' (':.ll':ltl :i II/ C'l'l'il Ill 1 • 01 c•r1-.1m of l'•H·o1111t 2 Sl'C" >ps of l('C HlcJHJ 11ll 111gn•dlt'11I!\ 1111111 s moolh Thr:n, s erve tn .1 hi.m<b :-;111ftt·r \\1 th two skr shaµc 1as.'>um1ng you <•an find them s\1.11.1.lt• ... 11tks P l<iced pr 01wrl~ 1 ht• "IWllllt: 'otack., l•)(>~ lrkl' ;i -.krer who hal\ fallt•n 111111 ,1 'n"" drift \n, y,;" lhl· m1xtun• 1s smooth potent and I! 11.11 .1111 t•1•tl I Cl \\ J rm tht· ( 0( k lt·'o or \ llllf ht·Jt t • • • SNO\\ Sl ~UUT (~ Brg lkar has ann1>Unt<.'d 1l'o <1C'!flll'ol11on nf the f'hina Pc•ak Ski Resort at lluntmgton 1.akl' Snoy, Summit Ski Corp will oµer a t<.• ('h1na Peak under 1t.s suh~1d1ary. Sierra Summrt , lnl' Ch1nu l'(•ak Iii .1 medium .... 11.f'd ll:i\. ski area lo<•at1·u Ii.) mrlcH northl•ast 1if Frc>!;nn on State f1 1ghY.U\ 168 DIATH RDTICIS 1100\ I R \I 10:11 I\ \I 11011\ VII I '''ii" Ill !If ..... 1111.1 \11,1 .1 111'.I (111 UH "" t .«I ,, ·' ' t•.,, , d .1\\.i\ 1111 FPhn1a1' I 1 1 •1x:• ..., 11,: ",,' ;1 n II 11 d I I \\ 11 I t • I I 11 1 !-> ,if 1 " 111 111 ,llllT 1111 1111' I'·''' I.! I I ,II' !'>hi • I• 'Ill\ I\ 1•d hi 11 1•1 h11,h.1111l \l,1111 11 of -\,111 \ I \11,1 (.I 1 hll1l1 1•11 l'h1ll1 11 111 !'1111111 I ,1 .l.rn11·• •I 111,1111 I .1 .1111( l!;ind1 I loo\ 1·1 11f '·"'' ·' \11J l " 111•1 't'lt'I \l.11'\ \tc \I ,II I h i Neotune Societv CR,Mfi"TION 8URl"l "TSE" "' I """' I ' I 111 .l'lld •1 .. 11dtl1Jld 11 11 ...... ,, ... , ,, 1·1 • II• ltl "" \\ • •l111••cl.11 I• .. i.111.111 1. l !IX..' 11 I ·~lf~\1 "' IL11 l•11 l..1\\11 \I, 1111111.tl l 'h .11111 \\ll h 111111!111'111 ,,., \ 11'1 1111111 '"'' ,, folio\\ 1111! s. I\ I .... II 1d1•1 I h1 d 1ll't l1 1111 "~ 1,.1\\fl ;\11111111 Clh1. \l•lf' •!!~~I \11 ... 1 "" ...... 1 'DEATHS ELSEWHERE 64&7431 !'\H\IEI. •\I'• Ou1 lrteraturq, tells lhe 'it holu' ltoo'f•\1•11. w:1 ,1 complete story of our ' 1111"111 11 I I' 1 1 '1111· 11 r soc1e1y 1h1·nct111 r 1l110"'' •·11 :i111J .1 14.,_ C4-.-,..-c:--<1111'1 t\al111111-.1 d1pl11111.1I ~==----:~~~~~~~ Ill \\.,,·1.1111 . Ill.Ill·"'" .111th111 itll'rt r 111''"·" ,.AClffC VIEW ME.MORI.AL, .... Cc"'-'terv Mo11 ti.1•v Chapel·Cremalory 1':)()() Pac1t1c V1Pw D•, ;.J N1•wpor1 Beac n &44 2100 McCOllMIOC MORTUARIES l auuna 8PdCh 494 941 5 Laaun.1 H111~ 7b8 093J 5an Juan Cal)•~ttdllO 495 1nn HAJll O. L.4WK-MT. OLIVE Mortuarv • Cerrelel'\I C1ema1ory 1625 G1s1e1 Ave Cosra Me~a 540 5554 II\(, 1-:ltSTO\\' Intl • \I' R 11 l1lh I< TN•tor. !II "htt IK'< .llTll' .in 111\1·11I01 ,11111 llllfll-.(ll.Jl1'1 I.It'll I hnu.:h h~· '' .J.., hlrnclr·d tn ,, 11111 homcl ,1•·t 1111•111 . d11•tl :\1111111,l\ "\"\!->\St II\' "" I"" f.'lmt•r I. 1•1t•r""'· H'1 a 1\,111-. . .-I '1l 1 ph1l,1111ht11p1,I 11111 l11r nw1 1 h.11r111.111 •11 \ 1·1111•• I n ,1 111.1 kl'1 >I 't•11tl111~ 111at h1111' d11•tl ''""''·" l\\;\'i\!--<'lr\ \111 \P ltr l r n F11r1•,m11n R1wn('rr. ,1 ph·l,1nthrcip1:.t "ho tl111111lt•tl n101·1• lhan SIR mllllon to cultura l 1n~titut111n'I In th!• :\t11l"l'KI, c11('tl Monet av. Sll.\'~tt !'PHI"\(;, M<f 1 1\ )' 1 R I (' h :. r fl R , K('r11hnc>r, 61!. "hn 1hr('rl t•fl ril"\C'lnpmrnt of lhr "iii\')· !I swtt-lhtt ,.:u1dt>tJ n.iv1i;iulion ~> sh'm tlll'<i ;\l ouclt1't By Wll.L GRIMSLt;Y Al' ltoClalC~I Du\te <The llammcr> Schultz. once lhe m0itl brutl~h of ICl' hockey's bullies now born.again, set>s ll tllc hope or resculn1.t ice hockey from its "goon" mentality. '"It's never been any other ·way not for close to 40 years," said the 6·1, 190-pound onetime l•nforcer of thtl PhiladdJJhia f''lyens In the National Jlockt.•y League "It has degene rated lnt.o a sloppy. brawling mess Kids learn to fi g ht before they learn to skate und shoot in the junior leagues. They see the big 1>r0:1 do 1t They l\;1v ·to e mulate. "THE RECENT M ULVEY case created a lot of rnedrn attention Cr itics howled for reform . But it'll a ll blow over and next week guys will be bopping each other with sticks and slugging It out on the ice again "Tht>y think it's the way the game sho uld be played." Violence on the rink gamed the natio nal spotlight recently when ~uul Mulvey of the Los Angeles Kings re fused the order of his coach. Don Pt'rry, to leave the Kings' bench a nd join his teammates rn u brawl on the ice. - "And don't danc·e," 'Perry was quoted ac saying, 1nd1 talrng the 6-4 220.pounder should go out and JOlll the fight ·1 didn't y,ant to be a hired assassin." Mulvey tommented F'or his ins ubordination, he was sh1ppNt to New llaven in the mrnors · Days later. apparently pressured by the Journahst1c outcry, John Ziegler , NHL president, suspt•nded Perry for I 5 days and fi ned the Los Angc•les club $5.000. "As long as there's fighting in hockey. I ha Vl' to protect my players," the coach atknowledged .. Just ct slap on the wris t." contended Schultz. · If you "unt to really hit a guy where it hurts you '\hould suspend him without pay. That would make him c hange his ways. "FIVE T HOUSAND DOLLARS means nothing to a club. \\h1ch deals rn millions Suspension mcuns nothing rf ) ou still get paid. They should a lso do<'k t.hc pay or players who msist on rough, tllt.>gal ta<.'l1cs." The Mulvey incident proved a boon for Schultz "'ho only last December. in coll aboration with h11C'key writer Stan Fischler, came out with an l'Xp!os1ve k1 s->·a nd tell book o n hi s own stnl'l' regretted con tributions to the violence or Ml' key "ith suggcst10ns for returning it to "an arl1st1r s1w1rt .. Th<.' txw1k trtl<.'d. "The Ham m1.;r Confessions of a ll oC'kc~ Enforcer ," already 1s m its third pnnting Tht') t •II m<.' at s hard for stores to keep the book on the s ht'lves." sard Schultz, s peakinJ?: from his home in Buffalo. just before flying off for Skiing c~nditions Ov~rr11ont r••n\ h4'vf novd Mt Baldy •nd S&• ~vn•IW" 1n '"" Soulhtrn C•tttorni• McM.tnt•ln •r•• ~OUTHl!RN CALI l'OllNIA Mount•tn H•Qfi 1t 2• 1n<~t w~t ••O h•rO o~o •111111\ -... ,., •• A10IJif' 111• HlCM\ n•rd PAI .. .ell llfh O(M'n Snow Sumtn11 11 l~ 1n<l'W\ "''o p.f( ti .al'\d -.t V'IOW Snow Vaht'V 11--4 1n( ,..,.\ \pnnq \nGW •II IUU OC>ff\ Goldmlnt' 41• '"'""' •Oii e>ac,, •11 1111\ootn CE NTRAi.CALiFORNiA JuM Mouflta1n u 18 tn<N>\ """"" wtt ,.now M11mmo1n Moun•••n 12 .ncn.,s powd,.• on "~ int M\ powMr •nd "•rO pad. Ml q~ 60 Ut •n<I"'\ ""'d O•O •nd ••t:• s.now l(lrkwood '*"0 1n<ntt• h•"O e>•rk All 1111\ -H .. nnly Vallo ea 1ncne• rwro P•<• NOATHERN CALll'OllMIA T •hoe Ski Bowl ll ,,. ln<Mi IWrO P•<k S~I ln<lone !MIO SQu•~ V•ll~y M t Row """' SllOf' .Miollnt••n tt4 inc N s h•td 0110 Oonn•r !>111 R•n<h 6().110 ln<!lt'' ~arO P•O Alpine Me-... lH tnCl\U hatO P•<k. llV9 htt\-SUQIH 0-1 11~1.0 •n<.-• ~••d o•<• 311ft~oe>en Bo•ul llJl.UO In<~ h.tro o•<l ~ .... •lllllli- Voll eyl1all le agues The Nt·wport Beach Recreation Department is formrn~ volleyball leagues. with games to be played in the Corona del Mar High gym , beginning Tuesday, March 16 Tt•ams rn men's A and B. co-ed and women's divis ions will play one nig ht per week for ;1pprox1malt•ly 11 weeks Game times will be 6:30. 7 45 und 9 pm Men's play starts on the 16th while y,o men's and co-ed divisions will begin play Wednesday. March 17. Heg1strat1on materials may be obtained at ('1t) Hall. Parks. Beac hes a nd Recr eation Dc1>artment, 3300 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach. For furtht•r information call 640·2271. Leathern eck Marathon se t More than 1,000 runne rs are expected to· participate rn the 5th Annual Leatherneck Marathon, Saturday. May 8 at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station The 26 mile 385·vard marathon will be on a level course approve·d by The Athletic Congres~ and encompassing the El Toro base a nd lhe MCAS helicopter station in Tus tin. The Leatherneck Trophy will be presented to the winner and a certificate of completion will be given to all fi nishers Entrv blanks may be obtained by sending a self addressed , s ta m ped e nvelope to the L e a thern eck Ma rathon , CtO Cus todian , Recreation Fund, MCAS. El Toro, Santa Ana. Ca. 92709 or b) callin~ Station Training at 559-3115. Costa Mesa surf e r honored Felipe Lana has been named the winner of the Duke Kahanamoku Trophy, American surfing's most prestigious a ward. by the American Surfing Association. Lana . a 23-year-old Costa Mesa res ident, wa~ given the nwnrd in recognition of his work In both hls nati ve Argentina and in the United States to ad vance the cause of Olympic surfing. Lana has been an a mateur world champion surfer each of the past three years and has served on t he Board or Governors of the ASA, devoting much of h is efforts to helping surfing become an Olympic sport. pro m o tion a l appearances lo Chlcaao •nd MlnneapoJIJS. • HE ALREADY pi.AS done the Eutern scene. with TV dnd radio nppearance11 In New York. Philadelphia and Wa hangton, D.C , and . since the Mulvey case broke, s ubmitted to numerous newspaper interviews. Meanwhile , supJ>Orling Schultz's contention that the hockey establishment was sausned with the status quo, no big grounds well for stricter l f you i-ront to really hit a guy· where it hurts you should suspend hi m without pay. That would make hi m change his UXlys . -Dave Schultz r ules surfaced i n Was hington . O.C. where governors and coaches gathered ror the NHL All·star game. "I haven't heard much talk about it," said Rodger Gottlie b , the NHL publicity director, "We're consta ntly tightening the rules.•· Schulti. born in Wa ldheim. Saskatchewan. 32 years ugo, said he grew up on the fringe or poverty and took up hocke,Y to escape the Ufe or his 'ather, an 1t1nerant auto m echanic. "I was a s hy. scared kid." he said. "Once I hid on the bench whe n a fight broke out " As he worked his way up the ladder from 1un1or hockev to the minor lea~ues and finally to the NHL Flyers in 1972, he had shed some of his shyness and learned to rend for himself physically. H E G()T THE message .when his coach, Fred Shero. told him: "You're not very agile. You don't skate very well . You have to use your strength." Thus was born hockey's mos t notorious "enforcer." .. By the lime t he Flyers won t he Stanley Cup in 1974. more on muscle than skill, Schultz had t rans formed himself into the high.stic king . brawling skating goon he secretly abhorred. It was easy to get caught up in the heady elixir of fan applause and adulation. Schultz s aid, calm off the ice. he became an animal once on skates. a nd added t hat he often looked in the mirror and said. "This can't be m e." "They say you have to play rough because that's what the fans .vant," Schultz said. "It's supposed to sell tickets. "Who says? I think there a re thousands of people out there who would prefer -seeing clean . artistic hockey -the kind the America n kids showed us in the Olympics " l'CC:TITIOUS aUllNIUS NAMIE STATaMIEHT The tollow1n9 perton It OolnQ DUS Inns •1 NMttft l'ICTITl~S •us111us HAMIE STATIEMIENT Thi' followlnca per\On• •re dolno bu\IMOUH AABOL SPECIALTI ES, 130 Syumo•e AYfftU(', Tustin. Celllornl• '1!>80 O.Wt A VOU"ll Tlllt ............ w" 111.-1 with rt.. c-ty Clor\ If O•anoe Counly .., FQr1.ttrv II, 1itl l•m O•r,1•. 7tll Ulh llr••t. wutmlnt .. r, C•llfo+'ni• .,.., llllt M int'• It tondV(IM llY 611 INllvldual t.rn Oe•de a . thlt •lelill......,I w .. fl-with U.. c ... 111, Clerk If OtM\91 ,_,, to\ Fte>tlll'l' II, '"' l'llnU f'la.J P11Dll\MCI Or.,.._ CO.JI Oally Pllol, PUOllWIM OrllllOI CMll O•lly PllOt, "•II "· tA. Marcnt. •O. 1'81 tl~I? F..O 17, )4, March l , 10, 1'11 l s..tt NOTtCa 0111 T•USTta•• ULI &AMNa.*"11 T.•.Ne.1Jl-T O. SEAVIC:E c;oMPAMV n 011ty •ppolnled Tr ...... lll)dltr ,,,. lollowlno 00.Crlbed Oled ol lruH WILL SELL AT PUllLIC AUCTIO N TO THE HIGHEST 8 10 0£11 FOR CASH IPO•lllo al llm. OI Hlo In lawlul mono al tr.. Unli.G Statet) ••I rftllt, Ciiio and 1n1.,..1 <-•Yed to and now MIO lly II -wlO °"° OI Ttu>I In Ille l>t-rty ,,...tlftel1ar -•ll>ed TAUSTOll MELVIN H SANCHEl •nG ICAlll!M 9 SANCHEZ, '"""'"'4 and .... H IOlnl 1-ll BEMEFICIAAY LIN COL N SERVI CE CO RPOAAT IO N, a (Of'"°' •Uon Re<oro. Oct-• 1•. 1..0 •• ""tr Mo. is~. In -um. -rseo 01 0111<1•1 Re<O<dt In Ille Office ol IPW Recoro.r ol Oran91 Councy, .. kl - of tru\I d•H' lb•\ the foltowfno or-rly PARCEL 1 l.ol 1 ot Tre<I "90, 1n llw CICy Of lrvlM, County ol OrMlOt. St•t• OI Calllornl•. H oer M•O rec:or~ 1n -i... oaoo• 4 and S, MIK•ll•-~ on .... ofllce 01 the county recoroer or w1<1 counh PARCEL 1 Eawmenh •• wen ••wmenu •nt ~111cu••rly 14' to,..th 1n rne artt<lo *"""" E•~...,.nl\ of '"'' Oee:l•r•llon of Cov•nent,. Condltio"' ...., ~•~•1C11on> •t<o•Oeo in book 111 ... P•G• 00, Olflclal Ae<ord~. ot Uitd County with •nv •meodmef"lt\ or ~uPO•trmHth t~rtto. undA!r H<llon hea01n11i 1n \U<h Artie•• enUUed .u follow\. "Owneo Ru~ht\ •nd Ou11u. Ulilll•u ano C•Dle hlev11lon", "SICMyarO E.uemenls", · Suoport a no ~elll•m•n l " "Encroachment" •nd ·Communit y Ft<illl!O EawmMI' EXCE~ THEAErAOM all Oii QH, minerat\ a nd otJMr nydrot•rbon~. IWIOW • -Of 500 feet wlll\OUI , .... rigihl ot \urfa<e "'''~ a\ r•wrvtG fn ln\trunMnh o1 r•COrd Addre\\ 4 Robin. trvi~ Ca11fo"'•• 411•• IT A TIM&NT 01' AIAN~MaNT OllUllOll lllCTITIOUI 1u1111nt NAiii'• Thi follOw lne P•"On\ ht vo aba,.doMO IN UM oc llw lltllllOu• bu'1nffl""""' HM I ENA Ol'Vl!'LOPMENT, i.1'1 eaac11 91¥<1 , .. ..,.on91on e.ac11 CA t2M7 The Flcllllo11• ••nlneu N•me referred to atoove Wa\ llleo In O••""' 1 County on Ae><ll H '"°· Flit Mo Fll6MI E NA OEVELOPM[ .. l COR POAATION a Calllorn ta t0toorat-. P 0 801 134, C•1011f Calllornla 91001 HE CTOR MA RSACH, INC • C•lllornl• c0<oor•llon, •• 162 8ta< n Blvd . Hunllnqton B-h, CA 'l?t47 Thi• buM"ftS ... conouc1e0 1>~ • O•,..r•I pM1ne"hi1> HK tOt Marw(h, Int HK1or """"°'II. Ptnldtnl ENA 0."'lqPt•>enl Corp O.vkS W M•urer. p,.,_, TtU\ ,, •. ..,,..,., ••\ tHeCI w1tn ,..., County Cler~ ol Or•n111 Councy on Feb 11 1"1 Publls,... 0<•"9t (O.\I Oaoly PolOI F~b 11 1' l'Mrch 1 10 I_, IH 11 PUILIC MOTIE NOTICE 01' TllUSTEE'S SALi MO. G11471 On Maren 1~. ,..,, 01 10 00 " M 1n\1dt t~ m.ttn lobby ot lttw~•" T If.. 1 lnsuran<• Comoanv l•OO .. Orlh Bro.Oway, u\ IM C11y of ~•n•• ""• County ol O<anot. SC•IP Of Callfornl• CALIFORNI A RECONVJ!'YANCE COMPANY .• Calllorn1• Coroorahon o ouly -nt.O Ttu\lff vnoer lh•I cert•1n 0..d 01 Tru\t •••<ul•O by JAMES P FEELEY a ilnQ~ m•n •• tru\lor re<Ofclld on JMWfy ti ••19 •• ln\lrument No 110'>' on 800• 13004, • Pao• 1311 ot Olh<1•I Record• or O' anq• County S1a1e of C•htorn+• t If • \tre-et aOOft'\ or common dt \19n•t1on •'\ \.h ow n at>o•e no w•rr•ntv '' v•v•n a \ to ti~ completeneu 0, corre<tn•" 1 und•r tht Powtr of \•I• th•re1n Th oeneik .. ry under .. 10 Oeeo o• conl••neo, will ,,.11 al OUbh< •u<l1on to • IM tuonttt b100tr tor C•\n, O•Y•D•t .. t Tn.1\t. bY rtaion ol •Or~•<" or default• ow time Of w kt 1n t•wtut moMy ot tht: '"· the Ot>l•Q.•tlon\ \etured th~reby, United !Jt•te\ Of Arl'\•r,c.-w1tnov1 ' h•retotofe eae<uted •nCI oeuv•reo 10 warr•nly ••Pren or implltd •' 10 ~~To~":,•'~':t':u~I •.:;1~:~~~<1~;; 'ftit u\e. 00\~Uton Of encumbf'•n<~s. S.I•, •Ml wriU•n tw>h<• of brt•<.f\ •no ~tu ~i1~l~!1~1\•,r:\;:~''~~t :~: ':'dt~! ot ele<tk>n to c.auw thit unOtf\IQn.a to follo•lnQ dr\<nblid Pf'~r1't \tiu.tt•o ••II Uid or-rly to Hl .. ty UIO In .... afort'W•O Co.H\ly -Sl•I• lo ob hQ•t•Oft\ •nd there•fter trH wit unOerslQM<I Uu\00 1•10 noltce ol DESCRIPTION bf••<"~ of ete(t.oft to C>e recora.cs A ll 1~1 ctr1~1n tM\d sHu•tH 1n '""' Movembe< S. "'' ai instr No .OSI on Statt' of ,.,,forn•• (Ou,,ly or Or.-i~ -U112, 0"9P '"· ol .. .., Oltl<lal City ol ltYI,.. Ofl<••be<l H IOllO•• A<0<oro1 PARCEL t Solla wie ..... be m-. ""' wllflOul u"'' ~ •• '"°"'" •no O.flnea on cov•tt•nt or ••"'•"IV. ••Pr•'' or th•t cr rt,.n Conc:tomH,•um Pl•n 1mo11ec1. ~Ofno till•, 00\ .. n-. or recordt'O Juno n 1'18 •n Book 11n1 '"cumbfanc:e\, to ~Y tf\it rem•ln•"'Q o•v• l1•0 ot Oft1c1•I R~cord\ ot orln<lo•I sum Of tM not• \OCuroO by Oranot Coun1v Calilorni• said 0...0 oC Trull, with lnltrHI ., 1n PARCEi. 1 \atd M te orovktf!d .0¥encn. It any, An uncllvto«t i u 1h 1nttrf'st •n •ncJ II) J MC C lrttslOOntlat DUllOIRQ consullantl 111 JOSEPH McCA RTHY CONSULTING lrolOenll.tl bullOlno .. on!tulf•"'· 13~ S•1nt J•me1 P••c•, Newoort BMCtl, Callfoml• '1111>3. unOtt tM lerm\ Of W•d Offd af Tru\t. to Lot 1 of Tr.ct No l0U1 a\ \hown on too, tharou ano UfHn\e\ of the • Meo re<orOO<I "' booll •76, o•on .. Lucky Lor•ll. 136S Sycamore Trust.., .no ol lht tru"• crHIA!O Dy 10 ~ of Ml\Cellan«>u\ Ma~. ,.,0,0, Avenue, TUllln, CelllOrnlatl.-0. HIO 0-of Trull SollO Hie Wiii be ot Or•n9" County Celllor"1a t-lr>tt JCKee>h Iliff McCarthy, 7JA S.lnl J •m t\ Pl•<e . Newpo rt B••<h C••Hornt• "2663 ' l "•\ bu\f~H f\ <.onc:IUCt..C O't •" lndl'WIOu•I ~· McCartny Thi\ stalen\t'nl WIK 111.0 Wllh 11\t County Cte•ll. or Dr•noe County "" FH>1 uary I 1"2 Sal<•e l(awa ta , 31U Stontr MIO on Monday, ~rcn IS, 1"2 al wol l\ a ll omptovom•nh lhf!••On Avenue, Las A"llllol. C•lllorllla 90066. 2:00 Om al th<> Crwoman Avtnut eauocino llwtefrom ConOom1n1um B ~a tverwn, 060 Admlr•lty entrance 10 Che ClvlC Ct'nler Bu•ldlnq, Un oh JIJ throuol> JS. in( 1u.,•e Way, M•rln.a Gel Ao. Calltoml• tcnfl JOO Eur Chaom•n Avenue In lhe oocaieo lher-. n·-.~~~~:a~·~~S. 'ca~:o'-:n~•k•c~· city ol Or.,.qe1 Callforn1• PA AC EL 3 -' ~· _..._ ¥"*' At If\~ t me ot •~ 1n1ti•t putt11cehOl'I An ••Cklo\l•t t•\t>mf"nl fo, o.trk•no ArbOI So«lafll••. 13'S SY<.,,_,. o• lhl\ -kt ,,,. ,.,.., a"""""' o1 '"" ano •Pl•teo our"°"'' o••• '"•' oon•on AY•nu. TU\U". C•lltOrl'\i•'1..0 uno•td b•IAl'\C• ot th•obt•v•taon o• lot 1 Of W•d ,,.,, No '01)1 cH GffrQe Hubert, ?IS Wt•l J.,.n •Kur«ObYlht•bonoescrtbe<ldff<lot \ho wn on E•n•D•I A 10 In• Ro•O Thou,•nd O•lu C•lttorni• 1t\1St and f'\.tlm•lf<I CO\.t,_ ••°'"'"'· Df'<.t•r•toi of A~tr•<ft0t'1o tor T~ '1lto0 <1no •O•a nco " '1Sl,I•• •I To Sorin91 C~ln1um ,.COtclt'O "P"I Don A-uo. 1100 BIOyO Street, oetermlne llw ooen•no boO you may 71 1'11, In boo~ l7~• cwqe t70 01 K•l•o, WHhlnqlon ... 16 ca1111 i.1 S&4-&13:I Ollt<••I Re<OtO\ •no,. •HOtOPd May Thll bulinUl II conOucted by a O•te Ff'O<'ue•TvOlO <~'18rv1•<• Com~•n•. 3 .. ,., 1n book 1704• o~ 8X) ol llm1ltO e>artnershlO --• FICTITIOl.ISaUSINESS LllCkV Lo1all. Gontral A\Uid Trullee Oct•clal RecorO\ of Otano<' Co.inty NAMIE STATEMENT Parlnor Chrl\ T al•lu• Callfornl~ ChfrooMn•r retorr•O lo •• The totlow1,,Q per\on1 er• dolnQ Th'' statef'J'ef\t w•1 hteo •Ith ttw -An•"•nt S.Cret•r~ 'OeclaraOon' •\ t •rOO"' \C)1U•\ No bu\1nu' a\ County Cl•r~ ol O••noe Counfy on 3'33 C•mino 01'1 Rio S....lh Suite~ lAt Said •u•mMll " lurtl,..r '"''""° s 0 u l H CO A s T ENG'"' E J•nu•ry '~· '"' San OIOQO C• 9710I ano oucrlbeO In Ari•<~• II •no Ill OI RE BUILDERS.~, Emerortw. Cost• l'lllS7J ,, .. , Sl4-t281 ..... 0•<••···-Mt' .. Calllorn.a '1~ Publl11\eO OranQe Co"'I Oalty Piiot, Publl\htO Or.tnQe CoHI 0 .. lly P>IOI, PARCEL• Almo•u Como•nv Inc .• F 11 l .., ... .., Feb 11 1',Ma•Chl,1,., 7~ A non·•oc•u.,vt e•••menl lor Cal.Corn•• coroorallon JOH ell 10,1, •.March .1 . 1n9rtn ~n ..-.•not'n1ov.,,...,to• &le•orl~ (0\1• Moe California 1------------,.... lht Common "••• cH\<QnaleO 1n 1ne ,,.,. _.,. llTIC( PllllC •11Cl D•<••r•t•o~ \a10 .. , .. ment iwonQ ,,..1, bu''"''' 1,, conducted by • ,.-....., '"''ther o•••"-O •"o d•\crtO•d 1n corporioon Ar1•ct•~ ti~ IU of t"'t Oe<t•r•••on R•mw..C-•tnc l'ICTITl~••u1111ass NO TICE OF DEATH OF Tn• Col•• •mount ot In• uno••O M•<hHIR McD.,.••'. NAMESTATIEMIENT MARIE S. WINTHEISER pt1n<1p•I IMl~n<• •n<•••" •~•eon PrP\ldfnt The tottowlnQ per\otn er• dotng 0 toQflhrr w1tn t••W>n•bl¥ ~\11ma1t-o Tn1> il•tt~I ••• 11100 ,.1th rrw lklslnHUl AND OF PETITION T tO\h ••Otn~""" •Ov•ncoi •I 1no County Clerk ol OranQ<! County on SWEET CRE,.MS ICE CREAM ADMINISTER ESTATE 11m• of llw 1n1l1•• pJblocation ol '"'' F•Dru•ryl, 1"'1 l'llt .. S ~!~n'vi~ ~~.'ca'u~;r~last~~ •I. NO. A 112123. N~,~~i;:~~.~..,'.~~~ •r>JCn tn• 1 '"''.,. Publl•htO Or•RQ<! (CN•I D•llY Pilot, Robert Martin, Jr , lOtlOlh Street, T 0 a I I h e I r s . Ottm\ r•h•bl•. Dul tor .. n.,n ,, ...... Frb 10 11,1•,Ma• J,1911 .,.,., HuntlnotonBN<h.C•llfornl••?.... beneficiaries. c reditors ~k!t'r;:/~~~·~~·o;:,::;;:;~,:'.~ 1,,;1~11~u'::)lntt• 1' conduc t.a DY •n and contingent creditors of dt'slgno11on of 11-. above dHt"bt'O Robert Martin Jr Marie S. W1nthe1ser and oroo•r1v " :IA• Strtamwooo lr••n• h b Cahforn1•'771• Tl•I• 11ae...-c ... flllHI with tne per s 0 n s w 0 m a y e S••O oroe>e'1Y " 1»1nq \Old IO< .,,.. Tnt ::E~~!!!:~:::r Oolno ~~:~~~~ O••noe CO< ;::I,: ~nf~~~~~:"::t~~~t:d in the ~~~~~~·o 0~/~~~9 ri~~oob~:11~1;~~~ bu\IM \U S PubllSlled 0..."90 COHI Dally PllOI, A tit' n haS be n t'led oncluOong f .. , anil uoen•n ot IM THEWHITLEV COMPAMV,)176 Ftt>l0,17,t•.-3.1"2 .,~ b Jpeh IAO h boe . 'th Trust~-olSai. Pullman Streei, S..lle IU <:'Ala Me... Y 0 n re am In e Daltd F-uaryl 1"81 ca1irornie '7U• ------------Superior Court O! Orange ~=~ =~:;~~~:;. Terri 1. WM••v. H•s1 s.,,..,.., Piil.iC •11Cl Cou nty requesting that BvS..iMno "°'""""° p;::,· Wnt, l.MNN Hllli, C•lllorni• •.------------J 0 h n A r c h a m b 0 be E>.ecul••• Voe• PtttoOf<nt Thi\ DU\lntu" <onGIKltO II\' •n STATIMINTOl'WI THOltAWAL aRPOinted a s pe r sonal '4SICorl>lnA•MU4' l'ltOM l'A•TNlltSHff' f Northrl09t CA '1318 ln(llvlOu•I OPIEltATINO UNOl'.lt llfCTITIOUS r e p r es e n t a t v e ' 0 111:11101 n'sa no,. ila::~":'".::!~ylll•O wllh trw aUSI Nl'.H NAMIE ad ministe r the estate Of Publlshf'OOf<1nQt Coa\I Oa11yPll01 Counly Cler~ or Orange County on Thi lollOWlno perton h .. wllllOr•wn M a r i e s w I nth e j s e r Ftb 17 ,., Mtrch l. l'lf1 1))., Fobruery l,t"2. u • o•n•r•I pucner fr om lh• (under the Independent "'-oartnerihlo ooerat1n11 und er Ch• Adm'rnr'stratr'on of Estates ' llctlllou• bu•lneu name of THE Pubh\lwdO.-CoasiOallyPllOI, TYPE SET TING AOOM •I 1176 Ac t).The .... titionrssetfor NIUC NOTICE Ftb 10, l),t•,Mar<hl 1"2 .1...., ... ~ Pullman SlrMI, S..lle llS, Coste Mew, hearing in Dept. NO J al NOTICE 01' TllUSTEIE'S SALE 1-------------icallforl'tlat»» 00 (' · C 0 TS NI tl·-NIUC •TIE Tiit ll<tlllOU\ buslnn• n•me 7 IVIC enter rrve. i-------------1•'•temomlortl\e"'1ne"111owHl l!e4 West, in the City of Santa • ~ .':"~~\'!m'Tm~n':, °! ~=: on i>K...-•. ,.., 1" ,,,. Covnty ot Ana. California on March Tiiie IMur•,.o Company, u s N l'ICTITl~SaUSINIESS Or•nQe. 10 1982 at 9•30'-m Bro.ctwey, City d Santa County 01 NAME 'TATIEMIENT Full Meme and AOdrtU of tr.. ' ' ~ ' Or•noe in Cht Sl•te 01 Calllorn•• T1>e Collowlno person" dofno PerM>f\Wl-ewlno: IF YOU OBJECT to the SAFE CO TIT LE INSU RAN CE srnuus LIN A. Briner, 1601 M«Ar11>ur granting of the petition, COMPANV,•cor-•llon,••T"'"" 0••"111 0.H•..,, GUEST HOME, Blvd., 20K, s..ta Anaj t ellfomla ttnM YO U ShOUld either appear uf\Mr IN 0e..i ol Tru\I Ue<uleG by 2'1t Oranoe Avenue, Ce>1I• "°""· I-.! LIM A. Br ner II i-•i at th hearing and Sta te PACIFIC SON!>.• llmlteo o•nMr..,.11>, NH -e rec:orO.dJ~ 11, 1911 Mdocum•nl "0 Ltll<I• Charnehky, 15'05 ce1ume1 Pulllltlled0r'"'91 Coast D•11Y PllOI, your objections or f ile 1M11 1n -t«>ttPaoe •Uof omc1a1 cour1, Alv.,,klt, Calltornta t2SO.. Feb to, 11. u, 'Mr >. ,.., 6IMl written objections with the RecorO• In !he offl<• oe '"' Recoroer Thi\ b<l\l~•U I• conducteo by an . ot Ora nr.ie Councv Calllorn1• DY 1ndl•ldu11 court before the hearrng. , .. ..,n of dtfaull In 1,., oaym.,;, 0, Le11<1ac1W1r,.tt•r Piil.iC llTICl Your appearance may be o<'rform•n<• oe ob11o 11on• ,ecureo Thi• il•lt,,_1 wa. meo with lht in p erson o r by your lht'reDy 1nc1uotn o the bruch or County Cttr1t ol 0••"111 on F.Wuary I. lllCTITl®S aUSINIESS It a.fault, nocko oe whlch was r11<oroeo ,.., NAMa STAT•M•NT a orney 10110111 a• OOC-1 no 3'"11 In -1111 0...,. Th• followlnQ pet100 11 Oo•nQ 1 F Y 0 U A R E A 1011 oaQt 11•1 or 1010 01."<tal PublltheO Or•nQ« County ally bus! c R E D I T 0 R a Aeconlt Wiii .. " ., oubllc •ucllon 1o .e!IOI. ftb.10.11,l•.-c.lll_l'll i:t•.:r· PAOOOCTIOHS ,,,, . . 0,.. 11\e ,l\IQIWll -tor <•ii>"' lawtul •J0.11 F•lr .. row Av10 111. Co11a Meu, contingent creditor of the moMy °' "" u .... c.., St•tn, w1tl\ou1 ..-------------• catttornra~ deceased, you m ust f ile •nY co"tNnt or w..-r•nh ... ~..., PllJC llT1C£ Oun E Oem., ... t70 Hlh your claim with the court M 1mp1~ es to tltto. oossusion or Slrffl, •1~1oe. C•llfoNlla ttSOt 0 r p r e Sen t I t t 0 t ti e encumbran<n , tor lhe ouroose or l'ICllTIOUS au.iNaH NAM• UAT•M•NT The Collowl"O peraon 11 dolno builOUllH: Ill AMICI; (ti FANTASVV.NO, ;Q.14 C•llfomte Sl'"4, C04ta Mesa, CA .,.,.. SE TSUKO ICRICK L, UH Calllornla Strfft, C04l1 Meta, CA '1'16 Tiit• ~ntn Ii Concl\ICM<I 1'Y .,. llldllll0 ... 1 letM*alCrlc-1 Tiiis 1111-was fl..., wltll IN c-tv CIOrtt af 0.1,... '9UfttY °" ""' '·'* Tiiis butlnou I• c-..Cted lly an Ptvl"O OOlloatlont M<ured DY .. ICI ll\CllwlO~•. per son al representa t Ive l>ffcl of Trwt. t1>t 1nt1rot1 conwreo to ONn e:. o............ appointed by the court .. 10 Trusi. bY wio o.oo o1Trust 1,. Tiii• Nl9mM'lt w.s 111eo with .,,. within four months from properly s11.,.fed 1n ,,.., County o1 eou111v Clorlt or or_,.. COUf\lY on Oreno•, Statt or Cellfornl• al'to 11.-r11erve.1.., th~ date of first issuance ciucrlb•O u . Tiit sou111wu 1ar1y .,, ..... of letters as provided in 16s 01s fft1 o1 '"-Mortll-•l•r•v 150 PuDlllNd er-. Co.UI D•fly PllOt, Section 700 of the Probate ftol 01 the SOulh .. •lerly two eno F111. io, "·''·MM. J. lt11 ••Mi Code of Catlfornla. The ~":,: :':. °'cr'i:' ~uc:.1:'=. time for flllng claims will County of oranoe. u ••• mao not e>epire prior to four rtcor••• In •••It '· pao• n •f months from the date of Mlt<•l•-. ~ ~ores• •1 uld ~_.,.. C-y, CetlM<nla STATU.NTOf'WITMDlAWA'-the hearing noticed above. Tl>t l#Wtlllf llNM• -Hllft\alt of f'ltOM l'MTM ........ OPl •ATIN• co•tt, ---.... ~ .. ai Of UMHRf'tCTITtOUI YOU MAY EXAMINE 11111att11 12. ,.., '' ~.,,.w, "'o •Vlf .. IMNAM• th fll " b •IMUfttwfll lnc-Ufttll_ ....... '1HCI HOTHIU HU •OAPWAf MORTUARY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 Jazz player T.S .. Monk dead at 61 T"M ...-.... ...-11a w.__ e e "ept Y the court. Tiie '" .. ' .,d,.u •"• olll•f .. • e•11er11 ,,,.,,.., ''°"' "'* If you are Interested In the commo11 *'""*'°"· tt ~•· o1 .,. "'rtntrtfllp -,.·""' vn••' Ill• state you may f ii e it , .. , jlr-rly dt•(rlll ....... ,, ~=~ ~ ~':1~ ~~~o:, reques t with the court tl> lkl;:':::=;:".-.. •IKlafmJ 1.un liiiHOH SMITH a TUTHILL WHTCl..lff CHA,.I. 427 ~ t11h SI Costa Mesa 6•6·9371 ENGLEWOOI), N .. J. a nd r h y l h m I c gave all his sons highly .--------- (A p l Thelo n101fS-mnoTittonHhat led to-um.rsuai names. M1>n~ Sphere Monk, 61. a jan th e ne w jau s t y le. has a son, Thelonloos lanovator. pianist and bebop. S.phere Jr., and a com pos r, ~died to d ay M o n k • w h o s e dauaht.er who uses the ~--•after sutrcrlna a stroke best-known composition nlckname Boo Boo. Feb 5 according to an was "Round Midnight," After performlnc all o trici.)1 at Englewood b e & a n to acquire over Europe in 1972 ln • Hospital. populartty in the J9SOI group that lncludtod "°Cl llOY'HHS ~'·MOITUA&Y 827 Main SI ~trnQton Bueti 63'6539 • Monk was one of a rew after many year a or Sonny StlU. and Dlny Jan slayers b e fore oe alect OUleaple and Wll C!alled Worl War '11 , who He was bom i.n Rocky thtGiant&ofJai"Mon~ worked on th harmonic Mount, N.C. His faUu~r r e ttred . l'ICTfTIOUS 8Vlttf .. HAMAI ITAT.MllN'T T II• followl111 ""on I• eolftt IMKlllfft ff! I0-1'~. 1H W.. 17111 ltt'M\ Uflit I ,. CM ...... C:-.....,.,... .,._ Oa~roll Mlrt, 1a ~. •'1 HIHltlllfMll ~. CM'-"le 'IM7, Tllh ..,.._ k < ......... ff\ IMl•leuel! 0.1'911,.. "''' .......................... c.-"'• Cloftl • °'°""' ~ ... ,_,,,U.t• ........ ~..-Or ..... (81111 Qtelly "'"'· ,..,,n,,..a,1t,11.• ..-. Tml""'-· ......... AM.CA. receive special notice of •"• 11at1111tv.., any 1~_,~ o1 ~nnttton-ftstnen·111 i nventory o stclte ,,......,.,......,.._._'""'""'1111 _ 1i.1emt11t1ettMl*'--•••lllof ssets and of the petitions ~1~.11a11v.~"""'" ~.::;.~· 7• me 111 111• c..i111' 11 ccounts and reportt. ~~~~~.~·c~THnN s. ""'' 1ur11e •11• A•lfr•n o1 ti.. escrlbld In Sectlqn 1200.5 0Aooen,a11-1ec1_ ,..,_ WMNlr"'""' MICHAIL ,.. the Callfornla Pr~te •••rut. 1110 J•"""" w..,, PAltlt, '"'I, l'llfilc~ Pleet, W.. ode &....,.... 9-11. CA. T'..,_ 11141 l ·l ... l .... Afte1,C:A"10I, ' *-lltl Mlelwtl',Perr IAf'eCO TIT'-1 llUUIA .. CI i . A. lou ver on <OMPM1Y,1cau -.T..-. LAWO~Of' ~~ ..... ............................... Attorney at L•• nts{ A .. nu >•> • •111 •• • s. .. rHk9t urtt S.itte 3, r~~i CA , .. h ; '--:-'· H •Rt~tH h l f"• CA 1 .., -...--1e•t.. • MW.~ ......... ~ °':it~"oet" "'* .......... Ol'MllP c-Oeltt "'*' ,. .... n. •, ..,.. .... U,1t,Mlrl:lll,1• ..... ,.. ,. . . I I I '.,ea, _,..Sintce Dry..i ..,_. H•'w-H1~tde-9 .. ,... l.-vll ---•••wet ••• e. t• It e •• t t. e • ........ •••• t• I e • e e • e e • ••t •t •t ._.tee et t t t tt. t t ;;z.~;; •• , ••te .. • t e •• • t ffettt t t t t t t t It t t e t I e • a t • t t t • t • t t t I t t t t t t t e t. t tt t t t t t It It t t t t t t It t t t t • • t • • • • • • t • • t • t • • • • • t • • ~Ill 1 P'otallyounffdtoknow ft'eCareCrpt Cleantrt DRYWAJJ./ACOUS11C ntEGRAS HOPPER t)mll)' llm rprt drwl Hcuetl •Rlt\'ANTli• ••SICYLIGHTS•• ~ 1boutballkni,tcy,eall Sltamclean•tUphol1. 1'ff'Ullp f\illyUc'dlt C«c:\pMtelaHmalnt pntni. r ntl ix up , t\.... ~f_!.ninJ.,l llll U P C•fOftl,.tlftQ WalkoH•l"lnl!Rtmo\ltl All S111•' lni.lJllt-J l l ~fJ Per Dll 7141m.etez Tnackmountunit lnlwf!d S32_SS49 lndoorplantapec1allst yrdwrk. ru a Jerry. ;;:' .... cul11 c Debra. 25 yrs t!XfJ L1r 4039-4 1 AllT)pt>s li4:! i:H3 C'rt'at l'11rt'' 6311175~ ~ ... ..,.. Work 1&ar. &45-3'7 l& IAlcMcll Domlnlr '42·4851 SM 3395 -8on&d Ins Rds Color ' lAIJ.)'oup )' ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• Shaft'lpoo' ateam cltan. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mowlo&, SlO. SIS• $20. Btn'sMalntttnanrt Serv £xp'd Houaekeept r , l'Xptrt 963 0'.lll U1ck "-ttr/ltpetlr Tit rora C.o'°' br1&htenertf •ht El..ECTftlCIAN pnced Haullnc/ Dumpln&. Plumb • Elcc • l\'tlil mornin•s Hard I'm Smalt My vrh·<'& ••-••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 30d~ ad GllWI~ & $~ rri>ta • 10 mln. beach. rflht. rrtt ettlmate on SU-flO. 75' 9904. 955.0095 C111'1>'ntry we>tkln11. honn l. relia au small• (.'dM N R Nt'iat patcht & lr'<tun·' TIU. IN:,'fALl.P.O in e 8ulldtra inc.l Hiii. Uvfdin. rma SU: Alfweotam11lljobt. Mari Painting CallH-t 5231 ble. Ref1 C'11ll 63t 7~00 E~'d Rou673.6477 Frfft•t. lf).1439 AllKmtht,iW1rllnh•td DAILY =oos ::modfllna avi room ST._~; couch Ur ·~J '13·0359 Garden lhin Reaid. all s NELSONS PAINTING l'LA'>Tf:R PAT(.'lllN(; Ht>I• .lohn 1140 9217 PILOT l'Overa'.~ff;;::~!~: SlO: chr ~. Guar ellm UC'DELECTRlCIAN Comm. lndu1l Clean......... --.Tu Int f;ict Hrstd t'omm Hestu<'<'O• Int i•xt 30 rustomC'1·r11m11·Tilr •VICI Uc. ULO!H!. ~·2170 J)tl~r. Crpt repair. Qual. work. Reas. rates I up1 & Trff Trim Free •oo•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••" A~'OOSli<' t•c1hng~ fll'f~. yr~ "wlll ruul S~S 2977 l'rompt il'n l•rrt! .. ,, DtllCTOIY lS yn exp. Do work Free est. 63l·S<r72Tom ~l 641-lOW DUMP JOBS EXJlER PRE PAR £H Uc'd r'r~et 837 21l37 ~-l'hllC'k i;7~ l40H 0011NOW• IM~rJ~~~Mi::~TS m elf.Rl'fs.S31·010t TOPQUA.UTY I JAPANESE 'c~W'Ja~~v:6~~i~s Enrolled to pra<'ticc L J.a PAINTING :~ .............. 2:1\'r,d:xp F1l't!1':!.t ... ,_S..a NoSteam/NoShampoo Electrtcalworkot GARDEN ER ----before lhr lnS ~oallty QUALJ'fY H~;,\S l>rainHll'artdlrom$111 Ht·~malilt•Work Gu11r Your Dally Piiot Additions & Remodeling St•inSpeciaUat. Fast Re•!!. r.ta. S31·~S • REASONABLE a.UM UP YOUR ACT 1.!1 r~BJ ~t $49 ~-11! Lurryfl4~!1383 uft Ii Plumb•n•• Rt•µ111r' Johu ·l92 3382 ServlceOirectory ~ N dry.Freeetl.839·1582 £lettrlcourSpeclalty! 1 ~-~l. . 968·798! TODAY ! Yard/g11r1111r I FEDERATED INTIEXTPAINTINC: ~'rt•t't''' M&~l l}42U03J·Tl'ffS.1"11tt Representative ~ C ...... /Uplaolshry Clean quick dependa· Ser.I cln·iu>. etc. 1 ton trul'k. lnco~TaxServicr "<tuaht} work Hi·a~ .\1'1.AS f'Lt'Mlll N<; & ...................... . 64~5671,td322 ~,,.."-"L~ ••••••••••••••••••••••· ble.Wedoaoyilzejob. •••••••••••• .. ~! ...... $2$.6.1J.1993 (24hrs> 6:!!-487lfoi:.!Jfl>t. f'reeest St1·,rM74~Kl 111-:A'rlNti Ht:11Alll ·~.xp1·rtTn•t•l'1u111n11 • Acea fMt ' ' NewYr'sSpecial!Crpt •631·234~• TreeTrim&Removal Demolit1on·Grad1n11 FAST -ACCURATE: l.l(X',D/\NO\'f'\IN'fl .. <'• ltEl'l.,\Ct; t.4:1 11.HK Cumn°'•mall.j1111'r111w Ur. '34~ nO "'"'~ uphol. cleaning Scotch R""''D cou Ho R · Transport. Asphalt. "OO· lnro ..... tax •ervl"e your " ~1' ll't'' !1:11 K.'IKH ••••••••••••••••••••••• """'" """"" rd Fr "'-I o0¥'L/IND me epa1rs • .... " ' . IC JCN O.C: To1> 11uahl> Prwt11y M°"""'tmtnt --.---SU• . ee est. 972·8839 ..... ... exo Do 16()."""•or ..... ""'•3 crete & tre<' removal home b anpt 963 6821 ... A S -r-· --, 'rn~ ·1 n111111" < 11·.in u11~ M•HALI COMSH. • Ml y.,, -"~· my own ___ .. __ .,_, .. _ • ...,.._ -c -,..,at t ht· 334t1SO .................. ..... ,.. "" Custom homes, fram. C...t/COKrett work. Uc d Al 643-8126 -Soil prep & planunii 64!>-IXJl!9 83!1 1118G 'ROrlERTY Mo11lh\ ~· f\ in· fri·1· <''' . d Operatedeqwp Comm'I 1 filli i5.~ti Ton' I rn P/R QlrUea-Fin. Slmts C.ompl. Set up & Serv Reu S40 S8J.I ing. remo el. Frtn~h •••••TffOMPSON~S .... , RoorCo•trhMJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Resid "l.642·7638 IJ ALITY INT EX'I MAMAGEMEHT !-ii•nt1i· doors. skyhghls & patio OONCRETECONSTR •••••••••••••••••••••• TRA CTOR, Ideal for Lll"'d Kefi. Fti!l'C\I lh"anl(t' C'o Ull'J I~ H' ..... covers 848·36S2 · Carpel & Linoleum For bmall access areas. 48'' General hauling & mu\ ••_646totii •• t'X!Jt'nc1111· (\illfor11110 turn11h-11··111•1 "•'"ll'' •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..Jl..J......JI.---Lie. 1393383 642-8482 Home. Van & Motor wade Kubota skiploader 1n& Tree work. aar .mdr;alt•' (i1!ll ld1111p.\ Im.: ALLSTATE PA VING '--"MakMcJ RESID.CONCRETE+ ~ 847 4595 Da\•e P>hr lns'd 642·5006 rleanup Free ul ~aht> Ptg Lo" "1111t'r l..t\\nrt•nu\ '.l.ll.lr.Hl Stalcoallng. Stnping ••••o•O•••••••• ••• •• • c-.. courts Lie 374067 ----------714-842-4.591 rates in erte11 llunt''I 963-8182 ( 1 Repairs Comm Resid C..b1nets &Carpentry &b8Sl·'""'" 847 1078 For the best t lie & HmldV-• Ma.sool")' uurSpet·ialt>' rt'llahle 8411 ~ ,,_dti /R al TNSt Deeds U 397362 64 Small ~i... & repairs wvu linoleum floorina. call ••••••••••••••••••••••• HA\JLING student has Clean. qwrk dl'pentf:l f 1 ..,. "'E ~ "CJ •p r .................. ••••, C.I • ~8181 Fr~...,tpnn 64•.2()()3 rt...a...1Care "' lgetruck Lowest rate blt \Vfdoan.\SIZf)Ob >\N s EHX~,.DS .... , ............ , ••••• , 1>"11 \"{•\T ""'"'" ,, ~ Greg 67S 4394 We're Cal'pentr) ;Masonry "()!!"' 30 r. " r Driveways. Parlung Lot ----~of Prompt Call 7S9·1976 •631 2345• " n 'l'1> t'\JJ 111' COMMIEJlCIAL Jud1nJH1t1n111,1111·' ,.__ t ••••••••••••••••••••••• our 'Work 1 Roofing· Plumbing Th k J h "XI • ~ .. ,,,. 1 "llln"· RepatrS,Sealcoatin1: .......,.. • ., Childcare: Full Time ---Drywall Stucco-Tile -an you. on EXPERT BR ICK ANU ~ "'""" ' ' .,.. /INDUSTRIAL ll,11ul1H \ld;i.iih hq S &S Asphalt ...... ~ ..... , ........ ~ Monday ·Friday My CM ........... ltflltlllli19 emodel J.B. 646-9990 u-...._ia-&.... Mason!) StnJll Joli~ & l>J\I~ Pamtin1t l!H ~list, AEMODELJHG! 11 .• 1 1771 l.i,.631 '199 FI NEFlNISHWORK Ho S1Hr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----..-.____., L'-1 f l"olll.'1•r studl'nl 7 I'" 1·~ 'T I I • _., R me ,._ I M 1 repairs rip 1· artnJ:S " urn Ol\I ur unu,1•1 T_ ... _...Jn __ ...._..___ emodehng Doors hung · · •SPECl"'L• \Knera am enar.re ••••••••••••••··~··~... IJ('r Int ei.t 11•(, lbna "'un 9 ..........,. Randt 720 l260CdM 642·0162 "' . Repairs & Decorat1nii Wanta REALLY CLEAN Ref~ SSI 4SSS. 7f.O 7074 'l>Jrr 111111 " "111 lo.,ll1h ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. ... Ser-fl Anycha1rhand·~lnpped ·~ah_!1•Ray 640.5144 HOUS!•CallGingham LA.~OSC'P 'M ASONHY f;46ll!Waft91'\l .irrJ 11111n1, ll111ll11l l jj;;,j1~;;~~:;~;.~.;·j.~j!:· AGGRESSlVELEGA I. l1lAR•PROFESS10NAL 9 CH or reglued . Sl9 7S A ---Girl Frttcst 6455123 Cont'ret" I.i t .in• r-nnn dr)"Jll.J1•11111•1l111~~~ t'rr'Clrntlalfd "'"' 1.ir R l . L f Carpentry+Boal •••••••••••••••••••••• Touch o r Cl ass In HOMEIMPROVEMENT --~ -~ ..,.... .. ~ t nt I I nep~~hrall~.~ .,,2a2w 0 "'-·ks 25"rS '"C.J7•9 PE"P ~IRLS clean. in g tene-. 711 w 171h St REPAIR·PLUMBING ROBIN"SCLEANING . 20)rs ~·reee~I 536 O'JM ....................... nm. i·.i'}>l" 11 " '"111 1111: ~pi·n.il111111• 1•1;i1.h' ces.... $ ........ .,.. ........ , .,.,,, .. ·~ Se h hi llANGINC SHI HOLi. plt'\t(Jll Lill 111111 HI .l1•rr I th1 I ·~11 7;j~1 • ..: • .. • * -service. Homes·OH1ces •A2 c M. 642.7712 llea11n g, carpentry . rvu~ al oroull ) Custom Bm•k, Stunt'. Stnpµini: th 1, 10 I> tp r alt.Ji I 2!.113 111 1•1;1 :.11011: 1 1 ,. 11 ..,_ff•• Tired or Pl ain Walls' In· Apt.s.S41Hl663 -. -eler, Liie. Free est. No .£!~~.!_e. 540·0857 lllU<'k,CmH'rt>tc. Stu1·ro \•1sA ~1L' ~ 'li45 !1;·~5 ut111 ,.,,,,1111•h \ •••••••••••••• .. •••••••crease the Value &eo..trodon,Gttt•ral Gcrdtnlttg JObt~s~ll.645·~8_!1 _ IMM .... CUL~E I n ... r~~'recf.,t 54_994l!2 RoofinC) 11··11·1, II\ 111 l'111· T-~vouac•R Ile r H .••••••••••••••••••••••• JACKOFALLTRADE~S "' Lil" PAl'Ert ll.\N(a:n ..... _ .. ···~·· ......... ~·· \\ ;•11·d1·1111il (.dt l.1'1111 .......,..,.... '"' auly o Yaur ome •••••••••••••••••••••• -t.4ovi.... , ... d d & '' 1 HLPAll!SH>lll "SS Instead or WD)( 40 mo With The Richness or ADD'NSIREMODELING TREES Calldayornighl. ci...i.ca Str•ic•• .. .., ... n .. guar ·•0 JO I " • ...... :.11~1 11~;:• T ......1 e<I Homes67S'.97SS0rrires ••••••••••0 ••••••"'" tno~mallortoolurg.-Sh1ni:lt'"· II.ii Jll 1 r' I -----Pilmer&Sons.SS7-6932 l?'·lawnrenov.7Sl ·3476 '"' " wrty. 752·50071152·0892 Solid Wood 496·6961 Plans. Lic'd. George op.,.,..tremov , clean ·~ack 67S·3014• I "IC MOVl .... G free l'lil T11n.1 !Ml :mit1 e~I' ~'rN· t·~t i70 :?725 Window Cleanin9 PROF. POLISHING Laminated Cabinets REASONABLE LORRAINE'S HOME Qw(•k 1•a1 i:ful S52 fl-1111 WALLPA p~;11 llulJl.'1 ltoofu\1.! ull t 1 l'l'' , .. j;.~jt1;.~~,;~~1;1~;1~j1~ ••' Strvice al your homenr WoodSktnsorFormtta JMaa..&..S~telM K&Dl,.andscupeMamt PROMPT.FREEEST REFS Allk d F 1 ~t•\\rCt0\er 111·1 k" bminess. Rick 61S 0344 UOJts. 64s.6~21 ~9-_168S_ F'r"" ~gnifree est Res1d/Comm Clean up ALMOST EVERY SERVICE •A·I MOVING• Sil inoll 51. r~~.~~81' l.1" a '1 l"''~J '. IM •• ~, •• , tall ~111,h1111• \\ in1lo\\ -Room"'"'a"""dd1"t1·ons, tena'nt UHauling S4S·2489 REPAIR NEEDED . Qwnl~ans 962 OS IOe,·~ Top Qualil) S11t.'1'1:1i I ,./orm :•r ,,.,,,,~ ' • • ""-""' ~ " <"h•J1tll11: I t•I 'llK 10$.'.i:J ......._""'--Cu!>tom Carpentry By E T Qu 1 R R I h di "S I ·' &15·11880 :!I.I \11111thh 1'1 ... 1uunl _,.,,,~ improveme nt. in Garde ning Com pl . DAV 645-47~7___ op a1ly eas att'~ t•arl· in nn tnl( ' )r~ ~wportRoofinq B:b;;1r;;·c~;h~~;~· 1 ~.~:i ·~2 1~~~c~a t sur.ance work. decks. clean up & free hauhng Masonry·Ca rpentry·Tile Pref bachelor homt>i. I el<p Comix•11111t• ralc' TIIF: PAPEH II\ '-:(i EH tlUaltt\ Huofml' for •II r'>lllt :-. 11 \I.• yr&up.anyt1me An sv.er Ad 11620 a t patios for usable1lems Plu mt>-Rooring-Remod __ !2_1=!!439·8907 :'.OO\erttme i3013:>3 I P~or QUJh\\ \\1'.!'k l I r1111•1l11111t'' 1.15111111 \\~· 1,,, ~·" Ill:.,, 642·8482,646S7S9 642QJO 24hrs 1-TIC>-80[7_Llc313_!74 M1chael 6456734 I Stuccc>-Dr)'W8ll S36-8700 TiiEBROOMSQL'A() S'fAll\'IMlA('T()lt~ ~h"t'e\I ~···\dl i uo 1!110~ Ir,... ...15 lhn,•1' .. 1111111 Babysitting Mon fri Cabmels Counter -,-OPs. REMODEL•ADD-<?NS Gardentnl? Wanted HOM!:: IMPRO VEMENT Quaht>° Reliable I MO\'ING C0\1 p \ \ y Ql ,\Lin l"uunnl(ht ~~or. 111111•·, \pt ,\I '1111,111 " Newborn to 2 ) r~ 6 lo Door'\. Greenhouse V. IO· &Carpeolr)' LI<' d MOWllljt. edj!ml(. r~kmg, Tile noors . f encing :~ecl,~antn~s67J 3121 I ~~~!... \~·~r~w~ .... ~·o~..-~I ~) .~ .. ~nn~ J~~-.. ~~~· ii;!:ll r 11.'f' ri-lltnol In). ~111. 1:?'1' ~:;\\ .. ~~ ~·1.: '•·r I lt·.1111111.' S:30.Slhr CM 642 299S do\\~ F101sh work 25p'S lrwmS48-2719jS v.ee p1 n1? f ree Plumbtnl?·All small Cathys .ome en1l"t•:. \'llla l.1cln,t;7308.'3 '. ~ Lic'd childcare. lo\lng: 7>1 4420 ~ )ioodw~;9 l ~~les 64~ 4372 ori 1 Jobs 28) rs u p_ 979·~~ Complete llousedran .,........_ ''i•Jllpapt>r cnn11.11111r /• Sc.tc:l>lastin9 ~op 1 Jkl lime to n•l.n Care&companmnsh1n.Cu•tom •pa derk s,••u••••••••••••••••••• Ra···s Ha nd •man mg Jtefs.5429675 _,,...., Jtnlml!l.ll3211:.'l11111 ....................... •nd,hopJthom" 11 , " "' ;;, """'STO~I GAR DE~JNG ,, ,; ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·•J c· t t Ul IX'L'T t1 \It~ I I .ui '° fencedyd.SS63098 patios Fr doors L1c'd. CUSTOM HARDW OOD '-'-• • ' Sen1re 'roof repairs Preferent1alCare of )1>Ur Fml.'PJ10t1ni:b) Hirh.int 1 -)ri-·~n '""'JI "· n · 11 ' ,1mplt "llh Oa1h Pilot ~bysithng. m\ htllJW . John or R1rk 979-32_1~ _ lntenors. bars. mantles. Rt>!tld"I Co.mm 'I paint mg & carpenlr> 15 Possession~ & llume Sinor t.1c· 11.-13 H' ur I l9H361i I .Q\\ miu Sml Jllh' 4 ~~ . Clas<1flrd .\d'i \nd 1f hot lunrhes 0 ~ , r~ llJ\l' ,0u rt·Jcl loda\ , libraries. cabin e ts. _Cln 1193 3S77.' X_:!!. }rsexper 646-~...:. Exp. & Kds b42 3299. happ) lot•a1rn,111mer' h1lt!rt "all11111·rt111-? in hl'1'1''1 '"' 1•11 '"'"1 )OU ha\t' something to M·F.54.S·IOSOC M · ', CIJ,~tfll'<l Ads' If not bookcases .. skyhtei .. 1 Landscaptng·YdClnups SRCITIZEN DISC 64S~ ThJnlo.,uu t131 1110 >t:.illat1on ltl'•1' µ111l'' ~UJ. tdlt.> t1t•m, \\llh .i \t:ll tall a rr1end ~y . . -1 ~uu rt· misstnA t~e hes• cust molding Re fs Treetnm-Expert munl SMALL LGE REPAIRS WANT ACTION' lia~e someuung 10 st!ll' Consultant \"11:nmPnl ll;Hh l'lloi n ... ,,1111.11 t. lds,~hed .\d \:1~er at Sell idle 1te~ 642 5678 baq1J1ns in town! ~ __ ~ 851·01.29 Free estunates. S4S-$427 _qassif~2'<h 642 5678 ~·1ass1f1ed ads do 1t_~ll 581 85\lO \d . t t>U 5bil! - HouHsU•hnis.hed ~..ts"9,..,slt.d Ap4wlow•hf'w11ita.d ......... Af Apaul•llh~ ..,_IMCtthUodww. IOGflll 4000 RffttafstoShart OOORffttals toSh~ 4300 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ····••••···•··••······· tWwport luch 3269 lolboolslaltd l706 Mtwport •acla 176' c:.lllMIM 3124 CoetaMfta 3124 twliwl•leadt 3840 Mewpottleoch 3169 Laguna Bearh Motor Inn S?uth Lai:unj Oc·c•an Pru( to ,h,1rl· " ,Jnw ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 985 No. Partf1t• Coa~t Sade of lla~hY.a) G:t.ll•d lu\unuu' 2 Hr tn h·\c·I •BIG CANYON • lbd.rm avail March 1st OCEANFRONT 2 &i 4 Br. ~ 2 Br. 1 Ba. $3195. 2 Br l"'i Ba ~do, pool. 2 Br 1 ba, nr .Hunt Hr br Large IBR Util pd. Spot llwy. Laguna ~_earh Area Pn11l p, l Fn ,. on d 11 " ' 1" 11 t. 3BR. 3BA . V11.'w of thru J une 19th Call Avail Winter. Weekly/ 3Br.l~Bl."25.Laun-lat.mdry,patio,baby.OK. Qiclgar.enclpatlo.no less Qwet S450 2421 E Dall). W~kl~. Kiti-hcn l r.~~~~us!1f~.h~rh52p195h,t1~ ou1w11t111·' "'"tu JI' Golrcourse St201l 833-~7 fevesl, 673·6900 Moollll¥.67J.78'73. dryfac.1pool.541-ts.56 nopet.a.$500.Mgr,Diane pets$450lmo Isl /last .+-t6thSt 645-•118 a\a1lable Lo\\ \\Inter pn"\·1atl.' ll..rttur 1\111111 846-5792 (JeaM~ Wanl something lllra ~~;!!22. Marguerite 12SOsec. M2·;!889 rates 49'1-S29-t ref!> 19!l 4i22 ~:,I.'~ $40• i59 11.'\~ 2 BR .2ba condo 24 hr lcllMMlr.,.,. 1707 s pecial In a 2 Br. !!91mo0C2 ~1 YBal _..-Versailles spar 2 br 2 P\1 ent no smok1n1: ur • * * ... L I 'Tl •• _ .. ___ ·-1~ -• -· • ·--.2 1 1 ba new I ba. frplr. sec gate. 'dnnking QW4't. M O\er ra:a~ HURLEY Gcroqe, A)50 secun.,,. ge poo · l>Pa 0 ••••••-••••••••••••• .o .. ......_..., compocte..,. Ad Ila pool beamed ._._. • ' · MEW I bl\<! S7SO 557 1997 gu;~A forllenf "' S7SO/mo 754 ,..,14 E~t Winter Rentals lot Blk rr rum! S11115. Mo. 7&0-9117. ~ ' I d paint & rapes. dish· * * * * <' u e :.> S2&5 rro s.s6 063i 31921 \1.1 Bel,1rdt~ Jl'I \ .... , ........... ••• •• •• l2'l wkdys, or 4936255 Reh IBRS460 2BRSMS. OCEANFRONT b .11 1. al.Ill ry room. wubu. gar, lndry rac. •tASUJSAS• 12 bdrm deluxe. yearl) Working fem . 2540 '3nJu.1nCJPl'tran1> t.Jr.•i:• ~1'• ll••nlh '""l evlwknds Stnale gX> 673·9325 1 r ti No pets. No laat mo. ~/mo.~9884. mgr Ad.It oriented apt arross from sand Bal blk brh. s B unfurn You are thr "inner of l.J .~Jll, 1 l'\1 R • ---6-15, f urn-SS50. un· ra. -2Bedroom p ., ... • SHH! cute lbr near bch, ffl)lc. pet $325 OC·RENTALS 7SO 3314 NewTwnhome 2 Br 2 Ba 2..., Ba. Carpels. drapes. 2 car garage, I milt from beach. Avail 3 I RAYFRONTAG Ebeach. fur n -SSOO wkdys TSLMGMT M2·1eo3 l'2Br.2Ba.Townhouse.no 2blksfrom O<'ean en •• somo730 -l6 nonsmkr $275 6751illl> tv.11frl't't11l.l•h Sl9m1 ·~,::.tu pier. 2 Br S7SO. UUI pd 833·3743, eves/ wltnds )'8(. C«ldo SC pets MSS/mo. 675-8074 paddle tennis cts Ster& to bearh 3 bdrm. 2 art 4 'ahw to thl• Offke hntal Tlil 5 27 303 E ~ * IU.~ nr · or5Z7·7408. ba.lconiesorbkyard I ba duplex SSSO mo)ear furn rm for rl'nl 1n CIRCUS VARGAS Ed.Jev.'at.er 1..:8112866. ~*:e.s7~ Pool. spa. APT MANAGER -carports l)lea:.eSS7 6985 I :-ie "port . s2su m<• l'~e~"1llmd11·Jtt' j;,j:\\·:.:;1~1;i, .. ,·1~·\,·:~~ Costo Me$O 3724 Af! lwilh ~or641-1460 I Sfnu·ret.ired couple for all ulll pd exrept elec I WATBFROMT ;emale pref 645 34411 aft ll1\'dllon ~~~orni.tni •' ftnJIH 1,il in 1 :1111•1< t 4400 ................. ...... U.fw lli.llltd 16 unit complex in C M No pets WITH DOCX 1 1 , 1 hi f11M11 \)!t·nl -, 11 11•:1. CASADEORO . w.:;;;.:.;.;; .. iio1 UTTtMtds Mamten~~~p.req AU~4~~~~.llli I Real nire 2 Br 2 Ba · --G~2\~.1~ ll~.~\h 2~d.) EXECUTIVE ALLLiTILITIES PAID ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------v. spa tn mslr Ra. bit 1n l Soulll Loqu11a 1'11 kd' mo,11>1, l;11m\·1I SUITES SPACIOUS l Br. 2BR. !BA. Garage. Yard I k11rh . frplr . dbl car ' Ckean Side oflilich" J) hi Fl'hru.ir. 1!1 l!lK~ /mo. 213/967·0288 ~_. r.rwiilwd or Comp a re before you OCIEAMFIOHT C..lhedral ceilings. walk $425 •mo Deposit 2br 2ba 1n 4·plex $475. Jldral?r. + 2 add1t1onal I Guard Gatt'd Arl'.i Pool I • • • I\ •••••••••••••••••••"" renl Custom design 2 bdrm, 2 bath. new rn closet. dishwasher, 631-4~ ~ W·d hk-up. prv patto.1 o<r~t space~ $1300 P\1 Entranrr p,l Hath HERITAGE CdM 2 bdrm. 2 ba. den. features Pool , BBQ. Fe~!~~a~1\1~~:r~~ f1replace,garage,pool& EASTSIDE ~r~gar 645-9494 J.R.f'ropMqn. 11 $295 + 1'111 \l u~l hi:' PLAZA UwfwWllltd 3300 Crplc.gar.S750permo cov'rd garage, sur Art 675-7060 laundry fa c ility lbr,400 sQ!l.lge yard. DIELUXE 2IR,llA fiiS6173 li7S6670 Em pl .. h1J\1' rrr~ I Soutt.L~a \1•111u"11'""'''I'·''' 700.834Jwkn!!s.t'\"es rounded with plush · · S450 rro 399W Ba y St s:lf!J.5411:4!1~~ _ 1 mile beur h frplc Eleaul upgraded !bdrm 499-4722EH·~ On•an Stdl' of llJ?h\\,l) 1n l1 "''' ' l"""··I landscaping No pets Nu 2 & 3BR. 2BA yearly d d Guard Galeil \reJ 1'1101. '1•11!1'1' I .1,1 I· 1 \\' ·" C~)~d I Br furn from S465 Frplc, blt·ins, gar, park· 646-9113 PALM MESA APTS t' n r I s d g a r a g e . ron o. wit reme n ous N Bch 2 h p,1 f:ntrJlll"t.' p, I Aa th '<''' '' .111 II"" 1 ·.•II u.rwws--· 3425 36.5 W Wilson. 642-1971 ing. Ch>se lo bay & 1561MesaDr dshwsher.blt ·tns.~moke l amenities $550 mo I ewport . st~ oml.' S295 + l"til \1 u't tll' lorrl1•1.11I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean. Brkr675_.4912. 2 Br. unfurn. $425 2 Br alarm balcony Water I 7~2 2319 dis . HO 7576 \t'ry lge room \\ palm Em P 1 h j , 1, r 1, r, --11111111!!1!11!!~1!11!1~-·I Newly decor I Br dplx. Cum 54& Adults Call paid ~ Before 8PM .j e'es Nonsf!1kr $300 631 72!5 499_4;22 EH'~ WISTCLIFF Quiet l emplyd adult tBR . View of Bay & mt!8tiB..AU tlwn9-4 5-46-9860 ~14. ....Ef'TU .... ., •yr. Furn CM HM $210 I 551-1 231 640·4230 • DB.UX E OFFIC IES • F'tom I mom up to 2tNk• -<I ft r'rnm SI lit a 11 It \o h-J"t' '"'1\111"'1 \111 '"l"•rtcr Inn •1;~ Duponl l0 Jll \\1 KlJ l.!23 ..,.......,.;,,. 11 neat con O\t'r JS No pets. Sl30. Ocean. SSOO. lst & Last .......... M-.9S U la. 2 b 1 1 B f 1 1 d " ""'"' " 645-2435 or Call Ans" er --------""''"~oa Y 5'18 l02I Dep _.._, .,...., ps 1rs rap . enc . Ir. rp c,palto.vaute 2 Br 2 Ba.frp k,garage. P611642.4300 ~lrgluxhome v. prof do. Ground I e' e I 372 - 6 67~7617 Yearly Rental Beaut1ru1 garden apls garage, $38S mo Ca II reil.tngs. pool. adlt h ng S62S moyrlv S48 5682 1 ----pern>n 1st 111q & dep Spacious two bedrooms 0...aPcMutt lBR Qui . Patlos•decks Spa, heat art 6pm.S4S-856l. ~-842-8807 Steps to b;;;h. 1-B Nwpt Sch. house pm ~m.i 9668419 Two baths. P ri' ate ••••• .. •••••••• •••• •••• · ·et Location SO pa.id. Adults, no pets. 2 B 1 B N r non-smkr. furn. SJOO mo 1 patio Lovely grounds & Super neat small I Br Yrds lo Bch. Stove. 2BR.2 BA SS25 • r a r i...,..leoch 3141 vearl) S325 mo 6311215 --------• pool Adult complex \'11111 "1th courl)'ard. Fridge. Single Adult 398 w Wilson 631-ss&3 S.C.Plan, very clean °••••••••••••••••••••• 631 5S03 1 ------1 Easy wa 10 5 ops an quaet. no pets S39S mo . · PINE BLUFF APTS ~ " rm. 2 a u. P ex. ' lady Light hsehld pm lk h d S3SO Yr ly Le ase ~.646-4667. ocr.•o..JflO ..... T 3bd b-d I I INewporlapl to empl , banks. $670 month 493-<WI03 675-3148 2 Br 2 Ba No pets. •Spacious lbr, poolside Most elegant apart meat bloc:k to bearh Pvt BR & BA 548 4077 , Yearly lease Broker. Small b b I S337 Newl y d eco r . building in Lagun a 5488083 ---- 631-7300. l..olJ-a leach 37 41 yearly. au~il: ~ra.id. 1., Patio. view· f rlp le· landscaped garden apl Beach ftoe~t IO<'e t1on in I Av1.1I Marrh Isl Room •••••••••I'• .. ••••••••••••••••••• block E Jacuu1. gar · gas 5 ove, No pets $340. Agent town Breat hlak1ng S.C:..-Ulte 3176 Bath. Garagt Pool. Luxury studio, spa. TV . Crom ocean. 201 · SSSS. 631-6107 5'8-4827 or 731-6829. Views All blt·ins. healed ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kltchen Pnv $411-80!>8 maid service, phones. Balboa Blvd. 675-9562. """"'""'NG I 2-B 2 b T ·----Large 2BR 3BA up graded. in Newport Ter race.. Rec fac., ,acuzu. '650/mo + Ultl 642·3917_ 2 bdrm and den Newport Beach Condo. Near Hoag Hospital. $69~ mo. Avail at once M6·4l31 SllSwk 499.22T/ 7~EB25 -7•v""' arge r I br. Adults. no pets. 717 pool. s u l gara ge, SAHClEMIH IE !Quiet home for 9.orkmR La . · • 8 1 8 Ba garden apt., pool &i w 18th St. ID. S350 mo. elevator Lease only Goll course hill view. 2 person. fUm room in tge ' r · a rec. aru S43S 710 W MS-1926 eo & up 330 CliH Dr bedroom apt Built·IOS, Costa Mesa Nol under f151:J/r.ro. Rehige lncld. 18th St · 4.94-Ql. r a rpe ts , d rapes . 2 32 ~a.rs. 5411.5804 No ~ls. Savage Wilde & E.1.d--f--I 2 B 1 O..Polllt 3126 enclosed carports, laun· --CO 67~ •1 e ourp ex. r ....................... tewport leacll 3869 ..i~ r I""' T d It ~ M-&-1.. 4100 . . Ba. wtlrg sundeck. gar i harp 3 br very lrg. u••••••n••••••••••••• "'I ac1 "1· wo a u s . .._ .,._ . Coro.adelM• 3822 w/laundry hookup. duplex,blt·ins.enclgar. PIDINEWPORT No pets $450mo/lease. '"•••••••••••••••••••• ........................ Adults. no pets. SSOO. Small child ok. Nr PCH ,. Available immediately. SE.AL.ARK MOTIEL SO. COAST AHA Nw the.qceao, lrg 2 Br. 752-2550 & MaJaga. S49S. 730.6590 Owner 17l4 )642-0138. Wkly rentals now avail 2Br,1Bl.AIC.pool.rec .......... many a menit i e s . 83chelor&1Br.Apta.All or642·9761 QOUMTIUVIJaCLUI NlC E 2 BEDROOM SI~ & up Color TV facil., sec. gales. no S'ISO/rm. Days 642·S7S7. adult. no pets Pool, bbq ,. apartment w1Lh view or Phones in room. 2274 . P.P. 968·3652 _!ves &wknds631·M30 & enclsd gara.ges ......... oeleaclt 1140 a8!~h:lloo'!,.ht&2ous'!'sd.room the golf course, hills, Newpo rt Blvd CM C t 2BR IBA F I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... "' "" " bl' 646-__ 7445 New condo, Irv Lg 2 br. u e . rp c, $.'85/mo 631·2276 2 bdrm, l Yl ba, $375 From$S40-S1000 644·1900 pu ic tennis cour ts IV• ba, '"'IC, pool!)ar. Specious sludtosone g ood are a. S60 0 ...., d 't 0 pd behind prope rl y. 2 On the beach . hotel .... ,.,.iaU~~ dues inrl . and two bedroom apart· mo I ye a r I y Br k r AllSIOI COMFORT + .... 5 eposi · 81 · 00 FEE! Apt. & Condo enclosed carports. all rooms, kitchenette & _...,. ""< •01.2. Liir•• l 8 R down Nr Beach Bl &r Mc Fad· rentals. Villa Rentals built;" •. laundry facllit~· bath S290 + 5290 secun $67S/mo Call after 6 ments FURNISHED .,,.,....,, YI! den nopeta89J.41194 675-49l2B k u.., ' IS7Gl end UNFURNISHED. ~mo.2 Br.18a..bftns. /pa~fo fr yard. up · ro er. ln4unitmodem spanish ty deposit. 2306 W na1ou1 Sc>ecltM four bedroom. three bath condo "Guadelupe" Model Nur sboppln& and ICboola.11195 mo. Year· lY ltue. Broker '31· 7300 fbdrm. 2 ba, or So. Coast Plau. '900. Adulla only. dtl OakwOOd also olfe•J • All Utllitiea Pllcl ·1mmedlal• Occvs-nc-t • '1 Million In ~ Arid Much More' For a month, or 1 hit· nme Models ooen dally 9am lo 6om Adults onlY no peas pool, newly decorated. w/batoony • rathtdral Deluxe JJOOlslde-xtr-a-Spac. 1or2 br apta. 1 ml style building. 2 adults Oceanfront. Ne wport Mature adults. No pet... ceihng fri>k, d/w, pool, larer 2br. 2 ba. bltns. from beach No pets only. No children or pets Beoeh. 673 415' A&l, 700.ll.99 (Ml spa. car port. No pets. dawbr. I~ mUes beach: 642·2357 pleas MSO per month ........... -· adults only. ~ " up. Adukl. no pets. SSOOmo. OELUX E SPACIOUS Aval11ble February -tto.1 4175 So HWY 28R lBA Pvt """"Ha la .......n ~... ic:M ~ ......................... . · · · · --r ._........ _._, UDO. 28r. 2 Ba. fri>lc & Ca I I owner t 714 ) Dltr, Patio. encl pltng. QUIET ADULTS over 3S, Lrg tbdrm condo, patio, lrg palio. Adlts. SlOOO. 642-01.38. ..._,., Gf'Olf H• qt.iet, Mature adults Oft· unlum 1 Br. lower. $340. wash/dry, fri>k. pool It 61WB. 2 b r. near o c ean . &-. Ci1letls 855-6221 ly. Ref Req. 67S-344fi, Btat.tl landauping. No Jae, aee. &•le. close to Fant.astk Oen ht vu: $375/mo. lit fr laat mo fKlllo. ltewhlh 4250 6"4187 pets. LEEWARD APTS. beach. 8/mo. new, $$$0. Upptr 2br, xtra lge rma. 332 Elidno Ln. S.C. Ste ••n••••••••••••••••••" 2 Br. Bay view. Close to 2020 f\tllerton1 e.:n--0397. •5632. rl . .,,., -12 ltlana e.r in A . JC. OCEANFRONT 2 &i 4 Or beacb. Avai l. 3 ·1. v.v-A ail Wi te W kl / /m:>. S7~9006. 4 .... 3 be ~ f ~l~uG :·;3 !lepa to beacll. 2 Br. l VJ *f lwlh ,.. ...... d v · . ~3·~3 et Y %bdnrr. 2tra gu apt, COndo, 1700 IQ ft. Spa J ~ s i\I · -..,· Ba, frplc. lmmaculat. •Ulfw ht.4 ltOO ~ Olkwood .,,~ ..... ,~et '""""/mo ~· tennis. 1 blk rrom ICUJI • I Ill, f'VV • C'Olld. '850 m.2507 Alt ....................... Palm Spnnp area (Mon· _. • -· .. b 1 •1 ooo mo \tnnlt. volleyb1 ll, · -· ttrey· CC> rondo 3 BR 2 G.r,.~ •-rt-tJ -~ Heliotrope AV'"'. c~lc.:,_ a . • ' . .__ll s~ 6 Wlllt..ID U1P11....-"""' ,_,.. .. i/fil ._ buket ... , aame room. $725/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. ""' " Ba , furn. w/1trlum --·-••••• .. ••• NwpcwtBeecl\/No. ~. nu: VlCTORIAN: New· lUlt.Bch.84&-0618. Duplex, upper, Newport VILLAGE Golf. tennis Daily, * * • ~ ~~i' c;..MtM 1124 Ly decor. 2 Br wtcar .• $5$0. 2BR. 2BA, Mint =• ~ t~~~ Nh-1"2 bdrm luJU1ry ~11r. •7~.f?~~1j.~~l~~ r ...... , '"8ksd1•111 1521 SAMDtA•Allll (7M)M6-t104 ....................... new crptaftdrapea,blt· Cond. Nr Bcb .. Bul onc~•.,!ia aptaln14phana.lBdrm 8'SPM,ukrocMark. ia9upertorAvelS 1a1•1u. IN, petio. Adurt.a. Call ~~!oPeta.'33-uat. TSLllGMT M2·1SOI rromMO.lbdrmfrom . ·~rt Beech NeWl)Of1 &Moh/So. Newly clw>r. 011 pd. betwteO 1.SPM. 6311·4120. --9$70, Townhou1t rrom MamJmlll 3 bdrm rondo. You an Ult winner of 1700 161h S• encl ar. d/wuher, 81'7 ''0"Vktorta 1!70 Hu MT IM• T 0 H ~T CllST $S40 + pools, t•nnll. •1110/ni11l'lt. _ ,..,,.~~OOl ~·~~__:. ~ ~a •111toeet Uldrm 2\U ~ IOOMMATIE FtMDIERS Olde~t & largest agenr) I 7TH STRIEIET All rllcnt.s ~creened "uh COST A MIESA IJh<lt~ & rdert'nres '111 3 10"01 nHin "Uth'' Credits <.:osmopohtan \ I (II• nl' 111 prk1 I 111 Good Moming \ITl('nra. ind''·"'""" l.111 TheTomorro" Sho"' llt'<tlonom11·s lli.) 1,1110 •'1 oH• lo all nev. 14•• "I fl \le'a \ 1•r1h• cUents who need a plare ' Jft'J HIEWPORT 641·1199 I MS 4121 Share my3 8R 2styhme, I BAYFRONT NB. nr beach. tennis Pntn' nrflt·c (ii"\ 1003 $350 768-6l.IO. 631 361!1 C.ll!.ta Me'''· :.!Sll "I ft Shr 2.BR. l':RA apt 1.ng Stulr SliS 11111 \Ith 111 Bch $350 + ut1I I cld ii!! \\ l!Hh St 497 3M8 ~I 892ll Male 18 2S 114 J8th St NH 61! 2601. 6i3 3663 5211 & ~i2 sq ft SI 1~1 p1•r 'Cl It ~i:i R1rl'h '.: II \~t·nt ~I Sll32 Mature f shr " !tU mt' I l>1\ \·\POINT' hl'~I h>• rum 3 br, 2 ba Cd M 2\XI lo~l Jl jl) ind JI! ham:. S301Hor mu 1er hr L'til dq11n1tnr 97~ 11~1 & master ba. 673 1561 1 Clf1<'qpace for rent. ~S Pool Hm Br Ba S275 I sq ft ~ernnd floor Furn Avail N o Prrst11>?1ous Wt>~lrl1 ff Drink1Drug11 $4S SIOS Jf\'J SI OOsq rt :'11rri1(«1l After~PM l:lldjl t'l.lll64S-6SOI f to share w 12 Supttr clean well located N B rondo S37Smo 67S 9643 NB·Harbor R1dgf 1.,ux ury Condo Tennis &i Pools. ~ + Uhl Call ~b. 752-~ or 640 2434 Ev~ Male rmmte to shr 3br hou.w in Irvine w/2 pro fesslonals. Avail 311. M~IS61 SSl 868!:_ re.m. t.o share 3 bdrm hat C.M. Sl50. mo . l>aya ms Mo-Pm ate offl1·e park1n1: k1trhent'lle spr lllliOO Main St Hunt Bch Da1h Jantr All ut1I pd A'all no~ 111141848 3133 •H LNT I NGTO:'>t BEACH• 1080 S/f S.ltt • • 3 Pr1,a(r <lflicrl' • •2 StJff Area~ • • Wetbar A\lllablt nov. Isl t'loor ' . . ' Yllal•lbe f!f!.Ki.51773. . rtPt. c1rpa paint. Quiet 1 ~ AJIU. Bat,,., c:ondo. Wet bar, rrplc, for ~I 6 btatlna , ...... se.. 4100 F Rmmt Sbr 2BR. 2BA ______ _ ... ~ . e ~~·AS INSTANT"' •r••· Cul-cJe•llC, No1 • l Br. From $180/mo. !'091, tennla. Custom = From San DttJO ....................... ~. Laaun• Bcb. Ocean ,,·'· ....... -:.:~e. ... _______ "'"mo. 1 Br.la-. r:.·· MTS. 4H·1tH:1 Clot• to O.G •• llD :r-.:-.·a~~:rr .... :hdro"11:;~:c1:: ':t:r:.Z:~~~!'-V\I. +1411.4'4.elO& xecuplan · ...... _ Molts oaly. Hl'lad 1411. = .,,...,. llllcoaAel, wbd.m'sDO u. Wtll oa llcFMdtn -..~ 11$.Mlt Ens Prol. a+ ahr new> br. 2 -...................... s.talde rot Rtet/UI· I ,..., Jacuail, . St l cl VIII ,. bl houM, l ml. to SC ........ c.c ... .. Tetllm Udell. call imll JHd. Call for ,.._,_...,,181'1 • 11uiry fee. a.1hple,pool,l to ••• •I•· Nlpnf.imltwWah.rl .. Plaaa.1Sl.W<"!fm) f\il1Mrvlcecu1fom Ml-IHI, 11&. an. , L :.uar., 10 Ud1. Oil Bell, lolu ~~ =ot· 1r0Hd (TM--Hnbor View laome .mt.•dtlttpac. Mlll-~-tlal•4 ~II]' 1•. bl • leal. O!l!!/lllU,•1111. I ; • + .... llU •/Idell H+ UU. ~:-:~'°~'; ~ Nr O.C.Ailptrt .,Mi_,_ M1.. 11..~TaJ "''~a Id., ti. W °""""11A•• :.;,,•11 :. "':''°=late!" :..... ;::,.'° ..u.t ::.;. ............... _ .... .... . .. ----~-··---........ ·-~ ---~· ~ . • ... llllll lllCl/IDUTH CDIBT D1HyPH1t CAVALCADE 82 CO M ICS . 83 TELEV ISION 89 , - Week.end destinations for Getting A troy ,' 82 outlined on Rage 84. U.S. attorneys won't appeal Niguel widow's suit By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. Delly Nit .... Federal attorneys say they won't appeal a court decision permitting' a Laguna Nieuel woman to sue the government for alleged negligence in the dealt\ of her Marine Corps husband who died or cancer five years a~o. Alice Broudy cla ims her husband, Maj. Charles Broudy, died of cancer of the lymph glands after exposure to radiation during atomic tests in Nevada in 1957. But, until last week's decision by federal attorneys not to seek an appeal to an earlier court ruling, she was unable to sue the government for negligence. "In essence, I've been suing the government for the past five years in order lo be able to sue the government," s he said today. Laguna city huSes hike fare 5 cents Lagunans under 7 yei!rs of age, or over 65, won't feel the effect of fare increases on the city's bus lines next summer. But others will have to dig a little deeper for change come July l. Laguna Beach City Council members approved a rate hike Tuesday that will see the basic bus fare raJsed from 3S cents to •o cents. And riders who depended on Police call e nd8 on happy 'note' Laguna Beach police were ~ailed to the corner of Mermaid and Third streets early TUetday mornlnc after a caller reported beartn1 loud screams from the area. But the poUce report on the Lncldent lhoWI thin11 were not all tbat dramaUc: ·'Subject tbou1bl lo be In diltre1e found to be 'ainatnc for Jo1.' "the repett read. the 6:45 p.m. bus will have to get to the slops earlier. or find other means of trans portation beginning this summer. That's because that evening trip has been eliminated due lo low ridership fi~ures. The fare increase and the drop in service come as a result of expected c uts in federal assistance for the municipal bus line, as well as drops In fare box revenues compared to operating expenses next year. Asslatanl City Manager Terry Brandl told the council the raUo between revenue• and operating expenses ls expected to drop from 36 percent lo 31 percent next year -even with t he changes approved Tuesday. He said-the fare increase can be eXi>ecled to add $5,000 more to the city's contrlbuUon to the system, and the termination of the 6:45 p.m. trips wUl also help. But, be warned, federal lranspe>rtalion funds will be cut nut. year u the 1overnment. be&lna to reduce Its level of u1i1tance lo the proll'am. ' - Late last year the 9th U.S. Circuit Court in San Franctsc6 said Mrs. Broudy can take to trial her allegations that th~ government failed to warn her husband after his retirement in 1960 that radiation exposure from the A-bomb tests could result in health problems. But she did not consider the court decision a total victory until attorneys f o r the government announced last week they will not appeal that warning. "Now we can begln preparing our cue for the Los Aneeles district court," she said. The then-Lieutenant Broudy witnessed the Hood atmospheric atomic blast a quarter century ago and was approximately 5,000 yards from ground zero, say attorneys for the Laguna Ni~uel widow. An attorney contended that immediately following the blast, Broudy was ordered to march from his trench to ground zero in maneuvers. The trial, which Mrs. Broudy says should take place In about a year, "will be of monumental importance," she says. adding an estimated 200,000 veterans were exposed to radiation duriog tests between 1945 and 1962. In preparing he r case, the widow said she faced obstacles from the Marine Corps and the Veterans Administration, who said they bad no proof Maj. Broudy was ever at the Nevada test site. But. she said, records were found that show he was at the test location. "I had to prove he was there the hard way," she said. "A lot of people can't do that .. Lalld prices egg ranchers out By R ICHARD GREEN Of tlM o.i1, l'li.c S\I" Paul and Lucile Haupert's "mom and pop" chicken rancn north of Irvine continues to hold its own financially. but mom and pop don't have a lot of faith in the future of the 60,000-bird operation. "I '11 probably get out in a year or so." said Haupert. •'The land's just getting too valuable." Al so, chi cke n ranches are generally incompatible with residehlial neighborhoods. a fa ctor that has contributed to the clos ure of 146 such ranches in the county since 1960, Haupert said Throughout Orange County, the whiz of automobiles has replace.d the clucks of chickens. But at Haupert 's Poultry Ranch. 7983 Irvine Blvd .. the sights. sounds a nd. yes. the unpleasant s mells of cJiicken ranching continue for the time being anyway. Haupert says his spread is one of onlx four operating in the county. Two of those -Dairy Fresh and Harvey Shunk's - are located nearby on Irvine Boulevard. Lest there be any confusion. these ranches are concerned primarily with eggs. Once the hens are about 2 years old. they are sold ror· use in such products as chicken pot pies -they are too old and tough to be used as frying chickens. The raising of fryers , which isn't done in Orange County. is a whole dilferent ball game, explains Haupert. This is the way Haupe rt's bus iness works: · -One-day-old hens are bought, debeaked (so they won't hurt each other) and placed in heated shelters for four weeks. -After two more weeks of shelter without heat they are then moved to wire pens. -By-the time they are 20 weeks old, they will be laying eggs and at 24 weeks they are producing marketable eggs which are sold to a distributor. -At about 2 years of age, the c hickens cease to be productive egg layers and are sold. But there is more than this lo the chicken ranching. . For one thing, there is the fertilizer chicke ns also pro· duce. This is sold to farmers.· Much of it is spread on fields in Irvine. The key to keeping down the s mell of this material before it is collected is making s ure it is dry. said Haupert. If it gets wet. watch out. Not only will it smell awful, but mes will come. And where there are flies, there will soon be health department officials, observed Haupert, noting he ha s n 't had these sort s of problems in quite a while. For another thing, there is the birds' skittish nature. "They could be singing away. laying eggs and a crow comes by." said Haupert. "They quiet down fast and it's silent." Something that sca res chickens as much as crows is another predator: the coyote. "We've had coyotes come in here and bite up into the cages, .. said Haupert. "They can't get the whole hens. but they get legs and make the hens bleed to death." And, there are little tricks lo chicken ranching. "We keep the lights on for 16 hours a day so that the hens keep their productivity up." Haupert said. "We used to have the lights on 24 hours before the cost of electricity went up." And so has the cost of feed and othe r essentials to the chicken ~nching business. Things have changed quite a bit s ince Haupert leased his 10 acres from the Irvine Company in 1963. And . like other ag ri cultu ral and livestock .operations in the 'county, c hicken ran.ching is falling victim to progress. •Scho ol ch ief to address League Capistrano Unlfied School District Superintendent Jer ome T bo rns l ey will address the Feb. 24 meeting of the League of Women Voters in San Clemente. The topic of Thornsley's talk will be. the effect of recent federal and state legislation on public schools. The meeting will be held at the home of M.arie Slarr, 314 Ave. Adobe. Thom.sley wiJI also speak at a second meeting or the league Feb. 2S in I.,aguna Niguel. That session wlll be held at the home of Mary Carhan, 31286 Grande Vista. •Scouts paint c urb addreaa ea l ... aguna Beach's police explorer scouts will paint your address on the curb or gar age door for $4. · The roar-inch high bum bers help police, fire and paramedJc crews find your address quickly In case of an emergency. Explorers will also paint address numbers on commercial buildings for S7. Proceeds go toward uniforms and equipment for the explorer post. For reservations, call 497-6161. • Ho1p ital a u x iliary to mee t Members of the South Coast Medical Center auxiliary will hold t heir annual meetln1 Monday al lO :• a.m. at the El Adobe restauran t ln San Juan Capistrano. Tickets to the luncheon meetln1 are $7.20 and reservaUons may be made by malling a check to the auxiliary , 31872 Coast Hi1hwa.y. SOuth Laauna. A social hour la 1cheduled for 11:30 a .m . For more l n formatlon , call t he auxUlary at -.1111. o.lty l'I ... ,._ •Y CIMlrttt ._, S HELLING OUT -Coop~ an· liJ;!ht l•cl Iii hour:-.1 eta ' ~o h<.·n~ will kl'l'I> lh<.·1r pmdu{'tl\·11 ~ up Laguna delays vote on bluffs proposal The fate of a proposed retail center and time·s hare hotel on the bluffs adjacent to Main Be~h Park was postponed for two weeks Tuesday night. Lagunan Mike Goodwin wants to construct a three-story structure at 611 South Coast Highway that would contain .t hree retail shops on th e highway and 2S lime-share hotel units above and behind the stores. He received approval from the. city's Board or Adjuatment earlier this year, but Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick appealed that decision, citing the mass o: the walls on either side or tbe proposed 25,000-square-(oot structure. Thief strikes in Laguna A cat bur&lar who slipped lnto a Laauna Beach motel early Tuesday escaped with S2,•l5 ln belonain&• as the occupants slept. · Police said Bradisb Ntcholaa. of w •lnut, reported the theft of watchel, rinca, a camera, and bia wallet from the v•cauon · Vllla1e motel on South Coast ~ Hlabway at about 4: ao Tuelda.y momtna. But. due to the absence of Councilman William Wilcoxen Tues day night, it became evident the City Council would be deaalocked on the proposal. a nd lhe issue was postponed until the full council could hear it. Fitzpatrick's appeal came despite endorsemen t by the stale Coastal Commission. and a requirement for 53 parting spaces lo be located on the three-parcel lot abutting the bluffs. Shrubbery, • • • 1rngat1on due at park Jahraus Park. localed on the inland side of Cliff Drive in Laauna Beach, will 1et. some additional shrubbery following City Council action Tuesday. The council approved the low bid or $15,085 ror the inatallation or an lnil•Uon system and no shrubl to the ball·ac:re park. The peenery, bolh hllllecua and oleander Dlanta, wUI nu tn the exlaUnl billalde of lhe park. The low '*Ider wq John C. &tWD of Dana Pobat. Sla .._, landtc:ape ftrm1 1ubmltted bidl, • wt\b the hl,._t betnt •,•. r ' • EE a a ::r .. os.otCOMt DAILY PILOTtWednelday, February 17, 19'2' lDvt1tlptora are hoplnt U..t analylta ol lll• recorder data and the llpea will a bed additional lttbt on why the Boelnt m carrylns 122 people was about 500 feet below the correct altllude durln1 a landing approach at Ontario International alrPort. .. ~ .......... :SENTENCED -New Jer sey Sen. Harrison Williams Jr. and his wife Jeanette leave federal court in Uniondale. N .Y .. ·.after he was sentenced to three year s in prison for agreeing Ito accept a $12.6 million bribe tn the Abscam case ~acif ic storms 'Shi/ t northward SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -A column of Pacific storms poised to attack Northern California has shifted northward after four days ot rain thAl closed major highways, drove stores from their homes and contributed to 14 deatM. ·'That storm we were €9cpecting to come ln Friday wlll tJe moving f arther nprth," b n Banks r aise ~ • pnm_e r ate to I~ p e r cent I M T~ Associated Prus . fTJie prime rate jumped to 17 percent at several banks today as the chairman of the United States League of Sav\ogs A!ssociations complained high interest rates threaten to delay a recovery of the housing ibdustry. 1-While economists predicted the prime would jump (rotti the l.tl.S perc~t level ~ two weeks -co. they al.io said the s luggi'b economy sboa1d '"'e\!eol the latest i,ncre!des fl'om continuing pa'!lt Uie spnng. • The prime rate, the Hae upOn which banks compute interest ~arges on short-term ba..tness lpanil to their most creditworthy c ustomers , peaked at zt.s J)f:'rcent in Decem beT 1980 and fell as low as 15.5 percent in Novernber. · be latest surge in the Wi~ le. led br Chase Mlfnhhtian nlq the nation's third &ar,est mmercial bank, ~Jme as rest rates rose fott twO key .... ol bank funds. ~ .-er banks raialnt the prime 17 were Bank of A .. erica, oyda Bank CalHol"bla and urity Pacific National Banlt om Page Al CHULTZ·. ·~ National Weather Service spokesman Randy Hartley said Tuesday, explaining that a high pressure s-ys tem above the Pacific was shunting the storms away from the middle or California. ... Despite a spate of mudslides from the Pacific coast to the ridges of the Sierra. the storm was far gentler than the Jan. 3·5 downpour that killed at least 31 a nd caused more than $80 milll?n in damage Officials said the deaths of 12 people in five separate aircraft accident.a over the weekend may have been linked lo the stormy weather and at least two people were believed drowned Monday on rain.swollen Deer Creek near Yuba City . At least four Camilies fled their homes when tons of rock and mud rolled down a hillside five miles south of Watsonville Tuesday. briefly trapping one family in their mobile home. Ron Ervin, 37 , said he and his wife, Moira, had to fight through toppled furnJfure and debris to pull their children, 2-year·old Ryan and 4-year-old Alyssa, out of the mobile home to safety. From PageA1 CO NTEST. • • to compete as nerds. ''We've been dis barred because of years of practice," he joked. Kelly won what every engineering student needs for being BNOC: a new calculator. Second place finisher Debra Valle. playing tbe disorganized "Marbena;• won a case of beer and third-placer Tim Yamasaki, who couldn't seem to clos·e his mouth, wOD a dinner at a local delicatessen. Lat~r in the day. students dropp~d eggs in self-made containers from 10 stories above the plaza. Tbe idea was to wrap them so they didn't break. S9J>homore Jlob .Marsh won the ~il'ht1tlh earned a doctorate at -contest by wrapping four eggs in aat Texas Uni verelt1. a a cQtn starch solution. None aater't detree from"'1'orth broke. xaa Slate Unlverti~ a M arah, tt turned out, is a ebelor o( science at humanities major. He was llon'ay Colle~ rather proud of that, and be hu held preYloal sales besetched reporters to include d mana1ement positions In the lnformation in their newa Haman Reeou.,_._ avta6on reports. tbe Dallu 'nme. Ket.ad, tbe He may not be an englneertnc l me 1 11 lr r or Co• p • n Y student, ·but he may yet quallly w....,.,. ln Dallas. Ta•. u a nerd. 1'd9aP.Ha .. y • 4 .....,_0.1:._.... ..... mflllltlrt N.WMd CleMMecl eclwetth1h4 71....U·Mn ................ MMa21 Officials of both the Federal A vlaUon Adminlatration and the NTSB have confirmed that a navigational aid u.sed by pilots In m&intalnlna correct altltudet on landing approaches was not In operation at Ontario Monday nleht whe n the Incident occurred. The so-called glide 1lope had been underaotn1 equlpment change for about two weeb, the FAA aald. That fact was known to both the Ontario air tratric control tower personnel and the flight crew, the FAA said. After str ikin11 a liehtnlng arrestor wire atop a 250 feet tall s tandard 1upportln1 blth tension electrical wires, pUot Thomas Hall. 41, and copilot J ose Mato., 41, canceled their planned landing and diverted the flight to Los Angeles. International Airport. Brown signs tax bills Measuresintende<fto cut growmg budget deficit SACRAMENTO <AP> Accusing Re publicans of plotting to "bankrupt" the state for political purposes, Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. signed today a package of tax accelerations and spending cuts intended to eliminate a growing deficit in the state's $25 bilUon budiet. , The Democratic governor said the three measures, estimated to b.oos t short ·t~rm s tate revenues by $165 million and cut spending by $112 million, put the state in the black again by about $106 million. But Brown said if the state's economic downturn continues, he has another $500 milllQn in delayed payments of state bills and speedups in tax collections ready to bridge that gal>. "This is 'not a fiscal problem. It is a political problem ... it's a short-term cash management problem," Brown said of the slate's budget woes. Brown d e f en d ed t he temporary budget measures he s igned today -and those pending if the economy worsens -as justifiable on the grounds that the recession is temporary, and that when the economy rebounds plenty of tax revenues will be available to build a healthy surplus again without a. permanent tax increa4e. Among other things, the bills signed today by Brown shift $107 million in unspent funds from highway. construction , worker benefit &J)d other funds to · the state general fund, cul $S rrtillion from welfare, increase interest penalties on delinquent taxes and speed collection of sales taxes from California's 200 biggest retailers. Surrounded by Democratic leaders of the Legislature as he s igned t h e three budget 'measures al a news conference, Brown harshly attacked the Republicans who refused to vote for three budget measures. ·'The· Democratic leadership of •both houses has performed exceedingly well in piloting these bills through some very o bstreperous waters. The ,..Republicans have an apparent "'g~ plan -at least some of l~~m~ -to bankrupt the state and cripple our state finances a nd ther eby c reate some political capital for them.'' Brown said. Brown said the Republicans - particularly in the s tate A sse m bly, where GOP opposition was stiffest to the. m e a s ure s was "irresponsible." especially since the measures "were in the From Page A1 SUS P ECT. • • conclusion of a new hearing before Municipal Court Judge Da ve Carter Deputy District Attorney Tom Buck asked for higher bail Tues da y at arraignmen t proceedings for McDonald and co-defendant David Biggins. Biggins is sun in custody on $2 million bail set last week after S h e riff 's Dep a rtm e nt investigators raided Golden Eagle offices. Seized in that $825,000 in cash. McDonald, was caned to the witness stand Tuesday to testify on his own bebalf, said a $65 million personal assets figure given earlier was not correct. W'l\en asked by Buel< Tr h e nad - cash in excess of $10 milUon, he answered Yes, but added, "If I keep goingf I'll perjure myself with the IRS." -BJI DAVID.KUTZMANN From PageA1 ONOFRE. • • Radiation Dangers) organization -lodfed an appeal with the federal government Jut month to prevent low-power operation of the plant. Lynn Harris Hlcls , a spokesman for GUARD, saldJ.he NRC's issuance of the low-po,.er license was a "very short-sighted" decision. CriUcs of the plant bne contended it would be safer to conver'f the coa1tal power station to a SU-operated facility. hauance ()f lhe lntertm permit waa made pouible In Hrly January when lhe U.S. Atomlc Safety and Ltc:enahtt Board ruled that the t3.I billion plllDt wu earthquake 1af.e. t Republican tradition of cutting government.·· The governor added that if statp revenues again fall below e ~i m a tes , a s l ti e y h a v e repeatedly the past eight months, he has another list of s top-gap m easures ready to keep the budget in balance. Specifically, he said, he could delay until after the start of the new fiscal year his signing of a Medi-Cal deficietlcy bill costing about $180 million. Brown said another $200 m iJlion in sales tax collections slated for July could be speeded to June to balance the current budget, and he has another $140 million In miscenaneous cuts in other areas. He said he wasn't worried about such one-time measures as collecting July taxes in June to end t~e flacal year June 30 in balance because "the economy will pick up. The surplus will grow again. The only question is when." Conditions 'poor' prior to landing? BOSTON (AP> -Tapes released today reveal that seven minutes before a World Airways DC-10 slid off a runway at Logan International Airport, another a I rllner reporte d braking conditions at the airport were "poor.'' "We had to go all the way to the end,'' the pilot of a Northwest Orient plane reported to the tower after he landed that night or Jan. 23. _ Minutes later. the World Airways jumbo jet with 210 people on board slid off the end of the same runway into the icy waters of Boston Harbor and broke apart as it attempted to land In freezing rain. Two passengers remain missing and are presumed dr'owned. The Federal Aviation Administration to<lay releued tapes of conversations between the tower at the harborslde airport and planes landing and taking off. The pilot of the World Airways flight gave no indication anything was amiss except for one transmission w..he.J:.e....his voice is heard to say, "World's going off the end." : Subsequent attempts by the tower to contact the pilot were unsuccessful. Ground controllers did not know at the time that the cock pit of the jumbo jet had broken off after it plunged into the harbor, dumping the flight crew into the water. Following the. pilot's last transmission, a controller in the tower was heard to say, "World 30 heavy <wide-body aircraft>, World 30 heavy towet confik'm you rolled ofr the end of rtmway IS· Right.'' 't'he accident is under investigation by the National Transportttion Safety Board. Tbat agency has · not released lapt!s of conversations inside the plane's cockpit .. The Northwest Orient airliner landed on the runwa y approximately seven minutes befo,.e the World Airways flight. and its pilot discussed runway conditions and an engin e problem with the ground controller. The controller said on the transcript, ·'Northwest 42 . You copy. I don't see anything now, but I did see a couple, ah, names from the rear of your aircraft." WHY .f'«>T? Author and cx·cop Joseph Wambaugh says he'd be glad to take over the Ho us t on police d ~partment ' Warnhaugh Hous ton's top c op? HO USTON IAP > -Joseph Wambaugh of Newport Beach. ex ·c op , film mak er a nd bes t -selling author or gritty police nove ls. says he'd be h app y to run the police department in the nation's fifth-largest city even though he never apphed for the job. .. After having read Thomas Thompson's 'Blood and Money.' "' I've learned that in Houston one either gels murdered or gels rich," the author of "The Blue Knight" said in a statement · r e I eased Tuesd ay i~ Los Angeles. "I've been so bored lately I'm ready fo r either . Therefore. I enthusiastiC4111Y accept Have gun, will travel " Wambaugh 1s one of 11 current or forme r law e nforcement officers being considered for the post of police chief by Mayor K a thy Whitmire. S e ve n candidates applied for the job . and the other four. includmg Wambaugh, were recommended by various people. The mayor's offi ce would not say who had recommended Warn bau~h. When .Mrs. Whitmire s aw Wambaugh's name on the list or candidates, "her only question wa s 'Wh o's J os eph Wam baugh?' •· said mayoral spokesman Raul Reyes. ' WINTER SALE CONTINUES Drexel E3ishopsgate 11 The flavo( of a Tudor manor house from the artists of Drexel ; 1 IRVlll . D1HyPH1t CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 89 Weekend destiuations for Getting At4'<ly :s2 outl.ined on P.age 84. a a Governor aspirant runs on shoestring lh GLENN SCOTI' OI • 0.-. Niii ._.. J ohn Garamendl, Democratic candidate for governor, does not have the most polished advance team ln politics, but it may be the m ost loyal. brochures, answering questions about h.is son's accomplishments and philosophies Mrs. Garamendi, meanwhile, chipped in information and searched through her bag to read some of John's written comments on the issues. "You'd better watch out, mother, you'll get yourself caught," her husband warned her as s he began explaining John's s upport or the death penalty. In the hour before John finally arrived, the parents had recapped the names of early Basque governors of California (Ray is Basque; Mary Jane is Irish and Italian in heritage>. explained how John had joined the Peace Corps because he li kes to help ,people, mentioned his MBA degree from Harvard and noted that In comparison to Southern California freeways, John has a dirt road to his ranch house. "Perhaps next lime we ml1ht be a little more entertaining," said the relieved father as John finally arrived from a lesson in freeway congestion. The candid ate introduced himself individually to the dozen or so curious fo lks who had The outspok e n Stockton senator and cattle rancher is considered a great underdog in a battle to overcome the well-oiled campaign of Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley. And as underdogs often do, Garamendi relies on all the volunteers he can find. . \ Irvine Hig h m liral unveile d When he was late Tuesday for a s peech at UC Irvine the advance team given the task of warming up the audience of about 18 people was his parents. R ay and M ary Jane Garamendi quickly cautioned their listeners they had never before spoken to a group on J ohn's behalf and just as soon wouldn't try to def end h is viewpoints. But their son turned out to be an hour late and they could only talk about John's past so long. · Eventually ; Garamendi's father was standing in front of the audience, his huge rancher's hands fiddling with a bunch of Irvine residents will gel a chance lonight aad Thursday to v iew and comment o n a student-painted mural that has aroused strong opinions at Irvine High School. The mural will be on display in t he school's theater, or auditorium, from 3 p.m . to 8 p.m . today and T hursday. A school spokesman said viewers will be asked to fill out .. reaction sheets" to help officials decide whethe r to hang t he artwork permanently to The theater l'an be reached from the Walnut Street parking lot by laking the stair way near the s wimming pool and gymnasium The gym is to the right of the stairway, the theater to the left. The Irvine Unified School Dis trict's Board of Trustees decided last week to give residents a chance to judge the mural and to offer opinions to Principal Gary Norton. At issue is whether a design in one corner of the 47-foot-long mural is demeaning or cruel to blacks by picturing lhree hooded men below a b\ack figure. Some people opposed to the design have said it is loo suggestive of racist actions, while defenders say it is meant to depict the a n g u ish and inequalities blacks experienced. In the center or the mural, titled "One World. One People," persons of various ethnic stock are pictured s urroundin g the glo b e in a disp l ay of brotherhood. No 'speedup' for Irvine Center Rejec.tion of NeUJ[JOrt expansion won't affect company's future project The dem ise of Irvine Company plans to expand New}>Ort Center won't mean cons truction will s t a rt any f aster o n the \.. company's billion-dollar Irvine Center commercial project. This is "the assessment of com pany spokes m a n Martin Brower , who said the more than $120 million the company was to s pe nd on New po rt Cen ter · expans ion isn't immediately available to hasten the start of construction on Irvine Center. "It's not like we now have a bunch or money piled up," Brower said. •'That $120 million was to be spent over eight years or more." The Newport Beac h City CotmcU rescinded the expansion plan Feb. 9 al the requesl of company representatives who feared the plan would fail lo win adequate public support in a cit ywide vote that had been scheduled for June. The company now must wait a y-ear before submitting a new plan for expansion of Newport Center . Company spokesman Brower said availability of cash isn't the only fact.or in determining when constructfoo will start on Irvine Center. . He noted that commitments have yet to be announced by department stores willing to locate in the center. lie added that a development agreement has yet to be reached between the Irvine City Council and company concern ing Irvine Center. "I don't want to see Irvine Center built at the expense of Newport Center." said Irvine city Councilman Art Anthony, "but I'd li ke to see Irvine Center built." He explained the anticipated sales t.ax revenue from Irvine Center will pay for city services req u ired b y ex t e n sive residential development planned for Irvine. Antho ny said h e hoped company money freed by the demise of its Newport Center expansion plan can now be applied to Irvine Cente r , proposed for a 450-acre triangle of land in Irvine formed by the Santa Ana. San Diego and Laguna freeways. T he Irvine Company was granted zoning for Irvine Center in 1975 , but has delayed construction on the center. which was originally supposed to ooen in 1979. M-eanwhile, the Mission Viejo Mall has opened its doors in south Orange County, which is also served by the Laguna Hills Mall. Fashion Island in Newport Center and South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa would also be competition fo r Irvine Center. ··when Irvine Center was first discussed, people thought there wouldn't be enough people In the Saddleback Valley /Irvine area to support a major shopping center, but a lot of things have happened since t hen,·· said Anthony. "The Board of Supervisors has approved t he Aliso Viejo, Whiting Ra nc h and Plano Trabuco project in the area and the Irvine a'feas of Northwood and Woodbridge are growing. Villages 12 and 14 are being considered for development in Irvine. "The way I look al it. the s hopping cente r people shouldn't be worried now the people are there. What's been keeping Irvine Cent er f r om being developed in my opinion to the cost or money. ··Large-sea le construction projects have been extremely expensive <to finance 1. I would presume the c,gmpany had the m oney to go a head with its Newport Center expansion. I'd h ope the company would reconsider and that the Irvine Center project could proceed now." Company spokesman Brower sai d the compa n y h as committed $13 million for flood control and freeway ramps to serve the Irvine Center. He said the company hopes construction can s tart on some phases of the project as early as next year and that portions of Irvine Center can open in 1984 when lhe freeway improvements are completed. Irvine Center would include six million square feet or offices and two million square-feet of retail development. including an en closed mall rivaling South Coast Plaza. Three hotels also are planned for Irvine Center. Scout's courage remembered ·· Mem or ial planned for Huntington. youth killed in t r affic acciaent By PIUL SNEIDER MAN Of .... D.ity ~ --Keeping pace with his Boy Scout buddies was a difficult, ,often frustrating challenge for Paul Co n ge r , wh o h a d debilitating kidney problems. Yet in mastering the physical trials required to become an Eagle Scout, the Huntington Beach youth de monstrated a refusal to let his affliction Umit his enjoyment of life. Paul 's triumph was short·lived. In September, 1979. al age 18. he died in !! traffic accident when a motorist ran a stop sign and s truck his family's pickup broadside Now. 2 1'2 ye a r s I ate r . a perm anent memorial to Paul Conger is nearing completion at the Lost Valley Reservation in San Diego County, near Warner Hot Springs. The tribute is a n outdoor ..., .......... RlmrlllRSD -Marge and Norman Conger of Huntln~n Beach hold 1 picture of their son , Paul. killed Ln a traffic accident after achieving Eaale Scout rank despite severe beattb problems. A memorial to Paul ls nea.ring compleUon. c hape l constructed largely through donations from Ralph Clock , presid e nt o f Cl?ck Construction Company of Irvine, and hjs employees. Additional construction help is coming from Huntington Beach Boy Seoul Troop I. to which Paul once belon~ed. Clock, who is a vice president of the Orange County Boy Scout Council learned of the project while accompanying an Irvine troop to camp at Lost Valley last summer. "l volunteered lo have our company do an estimate and get a list of materials required for the chapel," Clock s aid. "Then I discussed it with our people and we decided to make it a joint venture of the company and its employees." Clock paid several empjpyees while they consnucted th~ c hapel. They did further work on their own time, he said. A basic A-frame structure has been completed. It will house the chapel's altar. Troop I Scouts are planning to build a wall and seating for the chapel. Scouting officials are hoping for a Memorial Day dedication ceremony at Lost Valley. which Is the Orange County Counctl's campgrounds. used by about 450 Boy Scout t roops. The chapel will serve as a permanent reminde r of Paul Conger's dedication lo scouting a nd h is courage in battling continuing medical problems . Bom with only one· kidney and that one defective, Paul coped with Infection, surgery, pain and general weakness throughout his life. Whe n Paul 's condition worsened '-1976, bis rather d o n a t e d a k t d n e Y . T h~ transplant falJed. however. and Paul was rorced to endure dlaly1t1 treatments on a lrld:My machine two or lhrM Um~ a week." But Paul remain.cl active ln scoutlna. completlna • 80-mlle bike trip even thou1h It took him f I more than twice as long as his fellow Scouts. Though his physical strength was limited, he was able to earn his canoeing a nd s wimming merit badges. In the summer of 1979, he graduated from Huntington Beach High School and made plans lo take diesel mechanics courses at Golden West College. He also was awarded his Eagle Scout badge. In September. Paul's plans were crushed by the traffic accident, which occurred on Highway 38 in Mentone as the Conger family was returning from a weekend backpacking trip in the mountains. Paul. the driver of the pickup truck. was the only member of his family killed In the accident. His fathe r , Norm Conger, recalls that scouting was important lo Paul. "Because of Paul's medtcal problems. sports were not a good ouUet for him," he said. "But sco ullng o ff e r e d ca marad e rie that wa s wholesome and a lot of fun. · "He could achieve at his own pace in scouting, whereas in oth er things the competition might have been frustrating or overwhelming. ·'The boys who kne w him had an admiration for Paul because of the way he overcame the odds." The Congers are pleased with the campgrounds m e morial planned for Paul. "We chose a chapel for a couple of reasona," his mot.her Marge said. "First, because It would be a rellrlous memorial. Second, because It was a proJMt the kids ln the troop could cet Involved l n." The Con.ten continue to be active ln 1coutin1. Norm Conc•r currently ia acoutmaattr of Hvntlnstoa Beach ~ I, to which Paul C)OCt belon1 . waited the hour, and then gave the candid responses which so fa r h a ve dis tinguis he d bis campaJgn. "He relnterated his opposition to the legblati ve bill lo construct the P eriphe ral Cana l through the San Joaquin Delta, callin.I it wasteful and ecologically risky. Garamendl, Senate m ajority leader, also s aid he won't s upport ne w m easures for raising state revenue until welfare and Medi-Cal programs are reformed to reduce services an d control numbers of recipients. Until then, he s aid, new re venue simply would be absorbed by those programs. Garamendl calls himself a "New Democrat" and says he differs from many Republicans in his belief that government has a role in ensuring a progressive • and h.ealthy economy. And he 1 says he's willing to take the political heat. "More than anything else, in leading you create an attitude," he said. But next time. son. don't be late. o.llr,..... Ii.ff"-"' CANDIDATE Lesson in freeway congestion made gubernatorial hopeful John Garamendi an hour late for speech at UC J rvine. Group , firm/ace leasehold .deadline By STEVE MARBLE Of HI• Dally Pl6llt IYff Working under a 10-day deadline, residents of the tiny community of Newport Shores and Signal Landma rk remained locked ln a dispute today over th e v al u e o f land that homeowners now lease from the firm . T he West Newport residents, who have banded together as the Committee of 400, complain that Signal is trying to sell off its leasehold land at highl y inflated prices. Residents hav~ been given until Feb. 28 lo make up their minds whether to purchase their leased land or wail until 1984 when the leases come up for readjustment. The re are 320 families in Newport Shores affected by the offer . J e nn y Quinn , a Shores resi d e nt and committee member, describes the situation in her neighborhood as "a Catch 22." She said that Signal , which valued her property at $25,500 five years ago, now wants her to pay $225, IOO for the lot. . . She maintains that the value of her lot is only a fraction of Signal's asking price. T he catch. she said, is that if resid ents wait. they'll be hit with high lease fees in 1984. O ff icials from Signal , a former oil company which has only once before offered lo sell its land in the Shores, insist they will not n egotia te w ith hom eowners or the committee. They a lso said that the asking prices on the lots are just that a nd do not represent "a 'fair market value." The Committee of 400 , mem bers say, is a copy of the Committee of 4 .000. a group representing h o m e owne r s leasing land in Newport and Irvine from the Irvine Company Mrs . Quinn said the two groups are in communication with each other but are not officially linked. With 10 days left before the purchase offer expires, residents of Newport Shores describe what they say are feelings of panic and anger But some said th ey have d eve l oped a "wail·and·see" altit ude. •Irvine wom en named to board Susan Laza and Susan Waggener, both of Irvine. were elcted lo 'm em - ber ship on the board of directors or Planned Parenthood Association of Ora nge County at the non-profit health agency's annual meeting. James Wit m er, also of Irvine, is a member or the board. Affiliated with P lanned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation's largest provider of family planning se rvice s, Planned Parenthood Association of O r a nge Co unt y offers con traceptive ser vices. p r eg n a n cy testing , counseling and education at its m ain clinic in Santa Ana and in satellite clinics in Costa Mesa, Mission Viejo and Stanton. •Uni High teacher 1elected J ames L Slilaaaoa, science instructor at University H11h School , Irvine, has been selected by the American Society for Microblolon to assist in the preparation of laboratory exercises for use in elementary and secondary schools . Purpose of the laboratory exercises is three fold: 1. To encourage teachers, not formally trained ln microbiology, to uae the exerciaes more frequently in tbeir science instruction. 2. To provide the teacher with certain basic and necessary Information about safet y and techniques used in the laboratory, and 3. To stimulate student Inte r est in t he study .of mic robiology and related sciences. Teachers Interes te d in obtainin1 the laboratory exerci~es when they are completed may write the Science Department , University High School, 4771 Cam pus Dnve, Irvine. CA .. 92715. • Job-1earch •e minar •lated Sadftleback Colleae'a Community Servlcea Department at the North C ampus In I rvine wlJI sponaor a Job seattb Mtalnar Salurd~ from 9 a.m. to 3 p..m. The aemlnar l• chalptd to aaslat lndividuall ~ho are aMlllnc employmeot, ud for other1 wbo wou_ld llll• to ':if~ove their Job aearc:b I . The atx·bour s ession, conducted by a o,e rt Deeaa a, co\.l,.oae •yr at Saddfeback Collece, niDll, IDdudel lect\ares, pa.rticlput preaentatlons, Idea and experieace eac:banaea and m•ek lntervlewa ualna vleole'-'· Tbe M llr ._ Hmlllar la US , and lacl•d•1 all materlall. To ,........ or for more tn.formaUon call 551-taOO,e....._lll. ' . .... l ·---------------- 1111111:1111 llllyPllat CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 89 Weekend destiuations for Getting Away ,'82 outlined on P.age 84. Developer nixess meeting with Newport's '400' Slcnal Landmark reportedly has ·rejected a final request by a aroup of Ne wport Beach homeowners to meet and settle a growing dis pute o ver land values jn Newport Shores. Affected residents in the tiny West Newport neighborhood, who have banded together u the Committee of 400, said they're now prepared to consider other types of action. The land dispute was touched off in late January when Signal mad e a one -m o nth o ff e r permitting residents in Newport Shores to purchase their leased land. The purchase offer expires next week and residents claim that so fa r, there have been no take rs. The struggle pits residents who claim tt\ey're being asked to pay lnflated prices tor their leased land against a firm that h as said it is unwalllng to negotiate on the land prices. Residents have the choice of buying their lots or continuing to lease them with the provision th a t a ll gr o und lea1es in' Newport Shores will be adjusted upward In 1984. Signal has not been avail able for comment. • Bill Thibault, leader of the newly formed committee and a Shores resident. said officiaJs from the former oil company had promised t o set up a meeting by Monday. He said committee leaders this week were unabl e to reach Signal officials for confir mation and are taking that as a sign of rejection. Th ibault sai d a ffect e d residents now are being asked to gel involved in a long -term cam3aign to fo r ce Signal to reconsider Its asking price for the lots He said the campaign likely wm involve exploring Jeglslatlve and lefal avenues as well u becom ng involved with the Co mmi ttee o r 4 ,000 , a hom eowner group doing battle with the Irvine Company over leasehold land. Thibault said the Committee or 400 is not taking a stand on whethe r resl,dents s hould or shouldn't purchase their leased land under the SignaJ offer. A number of r esidents In Newport. Shores have expreued worry that ii families purchue their lots. the hlgb prices wUl aet a precedent for 1984 when the leases are adjusted. In 1984, Shores homeowners will be asked to pay 6 percent of the rair market va lue or their leased land. Newport 'loser' in center flap Chamber president lambastes scuttling of expansion plans Del .......... - AIMEMBEfU:o Ma rge and Norma n Conger of Huntington Beach hold a picture of their son. Paul. killed in a traffic accident after achieving Eagle Scout rank despite severe health pro blem s. A m e morial to P aul is nearinJ? completion . BY STEVE MARBLE cJt ttie .,..., "-' s .. " As Ca ro l South sees it, Ne wport Beach came up a loser whe n t he Newpor t Cente r e xpansion plan was repealed this month. "It was an excellent master pla n for the center a nd the community and we lost it," says the first woman president of the Ne wport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. She blames a "m yopic" minority ror the undoing or the $123 million Irvine Com pany p la n whic h wo uld h a ve expanded the center with offi ce buildings, a residentia l high.rise and a luxury hotel. 1 The center project, under the threat of a refe rendum. was repealed by the Newport Beach City Council at the request or the Irvine Company. which feared its project would have come up a •loser if put to an election test. "The Irvine Company li kely wil l have to bring ba ck its proj ect in a piecemeal style and we 'll never have the clout we did f or exacting r oa d im provements." the c hamber leader s!lyS. Scout's courage cited Memorial planned for Huntington boy killed in crash By PHIL SNEIDERMAN OftM .... yNMSUfl Keeping pace with his Boy Scout buddies was a difficult, .often frustrating challenge for Paul Con ge r . wh o had debilitating kidney problems. Yet in mastering the physical trials required lo become an Eagle Scout, the Huntington Beach youth de mons trated a refusaJ to l~t his afniclion limit his enjoyment of life. P a· u I • s t r i u m p h w a s short-lived. In September , 1979, at age 18, he died in a traffic accident when a motorist r~a slop sign and struck his ramily'~ pickup broadside. Now. 2 1h years later, a pe rmanent memor ial to Paul Conger is nearing completion at the Lost Valley Reservation in San Diego County, near Warner Hot Springs. The tribut e is an o utdoor c ha pel construc te d la r1ely through donations from Ralph Clock, president of Clock Construction Company or Irvine·, and his employees. AddJt.ional cons truction help is comin1 from Huntington Beach Boy Scout Troop I, to which Paul once belon~ed- Clock. who is a vice president Ski mask thief takes $.IJ,000 ' "' in Costa Mesa A 27-year-old waitress told Costa Mesa police she wiis robbed of $8,000 at South Coast Plaza shopping mall by a man wearing a ski mask. De bra Estes. an employee at the mall's Back Bay Rowing Club restaurant , was eri roule i'o a Bank of America al 10:20 a.m. in the shopping center when she was robbed, police said. The Newport Beach woman had stopped at a restroom located along a corridor leading to the parking lot when she was struck in the face by a man wearing a ski mask, police said. The bandit , described as 6 feet tall with medium build, fl ed with the bank bag stuffed with four d ays worth o f d e p osi t s. according to reports . Teachers to vote - on 6 percent hike Leaders of the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers voted Tuesday to recommend that ill 850 members a c cept the district's 6 percent pay offer. Teachers were scheduled to 10 to the polls today at Estancia Hl1h School. Sayin1 that a strike would coat teachers too much, union leader Bill Cue said the union's' executive board voted 3·2 to recommend acceptance ol tae district's .. last, beat and final" offer made Jut week. Last November teachers voted by a marpn of J.1 to tum down the dlatrtct'a t "rcent pay ofter after the unton bad recommended reJeetJon ol &he offer. "I rather antJelpat• t.laat \My will onu a1aiR follew tit• reeommendaUon ol UM .... unioft membership," Hid c-... Earlier tbh montb a fact-ftnd.tnt panel, called 19 to mediate the po· dlapute, recommended that UM cllltrict•s 850 teache r s r eceive a 6.5• perc~nt pay hike. Union leaders had sought a 9 p e rcent pay inc r e ase, but indicated that they would be willing to accept the 6,S fh~ure. · Cue said the executive· board voted to recommend acceptance of the district's 6 percent offer because the difference In sala6 represented by the on e-hair percent increase would amount lo $147 for the highest pald teacher. "I 'm disappointed and dl11usted by the ldfa." said Cue. .. But the practicality of the matter is that we're talking about recommending a strike that would deprive a teacher in one day ot the aatna that could be achievc.d. · · Su,erlntendent John Nicoll uld he was pleased by the executive board 's recommendation and hoped that the pay dispute could be r.-olveclQulckJy. ... of the Orange County Boy Scout Council, learned of the project while accompanying an Irvine troop to camp at Lost Valley la.St summer "I volunteered lo have our com pany do an estimate and get a list or materials required for the chapel." Clock said. "Then I discussed it with our people and we decided to make it a joint venture of the company and its employees." Clock paid sever al employees while t hey cons truct ed t he cha pel. They did further work on their own time, he said. A basic A·frame structure has been completed. ll will house the chapel's altar. Troop I Scouts are planning to build a wall and seating for the chapel. Scouting officials are hoping for a Memorial Day dedication ceremony at Lost Valley. which is the Orange County Council's campgrounds. used by about 450 Boy Scout troops. The chapel will serve as a pe r manent reminder of Paul Conger's dedication to scouting and his courage in battling continuing medical problems. Born with only one kidney and that one defective, Paul coped with infection. surgery, pain and general weakness throughout his life. · N-M trustees vote to.sell Mesa parcel Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees voted Tuesday night to put 10 acres or surplus property in Costa Mesa up for sale for $3 million. An e arHer effort by the district to rind ill buyer tor the Wakeham school site failed to draw a sinl)e proposal when it was orte.red at $3.S mllllon. The district purchu ed 30 ac res near Smalle y Road, Secretariat Circle and Fuchsia Lane in 1967 for the construction of an elementary and middle sc hool. But decl i ning enrollments left the district with no need tor new buUdin11. Instead the district sold 10 acres <:A the property to the Ctt.y of Costa Mha In 1974 for W akebam Park and another 10 acrel' in 1977 to Folley ContlricUoft Co. The district wt II be1ln acceptinl bidl on the property . Ju\)'7. The Irvine Company had agreed to bankroll $8 million worth of road improvements as well as "speeding up" a $25 million r oa d p r oject as a condition of a pproval. "We'll never get a deal like that again,'"MrsJ>o.uth says. She says th e r efe re ndum group has lost c redibility in dealing with t he s ubject of traffic in Newport Beach. "The Irony of it all," she says, "is that we 're at the center of these rapidly growing areas and we'll get the traffic e ven ii no m ore building is allowed Jn Newport." The cha mber leader says her organazataon now is preparing for the November city council race when fou r of the seven council seats will be up for grabs~ "It 's man d atory," s he "In the future," she goes on, advises. "that we keep a council "whe n t his group addresses majority that is ded icated to balanced growth." "We 'll .never She says the chamber is still fo rmula ting pl ans on how involved it should become in the council election. get ,a deal that again.'' l .k ~ The l,300·member chamber, t e the ne w presid e nt says, is expanding its political watchdog role with the addition of government a ffairs leade r Beverl y Nestande to its staff. tra ffic, we'll remember that Mrs. South says the chamber they're the ones that killed the now has the ability to monitor c i Ly 's be s-l e h an c e fo r --legislation in both Sacrament6 improvements." and Washington, D.C .. and She says one of the chamber's goals now ls to "make the stable elem ent in the community more visible." a d vise pot entially affected m embers on what could be coming down the road. • CRITICAL New p o rt c ha mb~r p r eside nt Carol So uth bl ames "m ~·o p ic m inorit y " for defeat or Newport Center expansion plan ... -Mu . South. the chamber's 15th president and a government· relations official for an Irvine archltecturaJ and land use firm, says the end to the Newport Center project will mean a loss of business for the beach city. Restaurant sale off She says there's a business shift away from the beach city to Irvine and Costa Mesa where development is taking place at t he "expens e .. of Newport Center. OwQef'S or a wpular Corona del Mar nightspot say they'll continue on with their food and co c ktail bus iness despite ongoing problems with city officials. A.T. Leo's became a sore spot las t year with nearby residents and Newport Beach city officials who went to court at one point in • an effort to close the 3901 E Coast Highway establishment. Al Mayo, general partner for a group o r i n ve s t o r s that pur.chased the large restaurant site last spring, recently had admitted that his colleagues we r e thinking of selling the restaurant to a man who wanted to turn the place into a bout.ique. NEWPORT GIRLS' FINALISTS -Kathy Culver (left). Tina Easterling, Sherie Littlefi e ld and Sandy Sorge a ll of Newport Beach have bee n selected as the finalists in this year 's Miss Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach competition . The winne r will be picked during ceremonies Friday at the Long Beach Elks Club. Miss Toyota will be present in-the winnt-r 's circle April 4 at the conclusion or the Gr and Prix. N-M school income loss seen Report says district will lose $12 million over 5 years 'the Newport Mesa Unified School District will lose more than $12 mlllion in Income durln1 the next five years, according to a recently released citizen.a' committee report. The Educational Jleaourcea Advisory Committee, comprised of about 50 parents, teachers and administrators, -orked 10 month• compllln1 the report coverln1 financet . acbool clo1ure1, curriculum and epeclal education. Truatees will meet tont1ht to con1lder the committee'• recommendation• on .-cbool • cloaura at 7:30 at Ute Harper l Community Center, 425 !:. 18th St. The committee 's rec - ommendations to help oftaet · the expected loss of funds · primarily due to declinlnt enrollment will be considered b)' trustees later. • Tho1e recom mendatlo'na tnclude: -ClOM unneeded tehooll and . convtrt tht 1ltt11 to UMt that maxlmlle tbe dLltrict'a lntome. -Provide an lncenUve plan to encour11e teachen to r~lrt early. -9tud1 the curNnt co.t ot. orovlclln1 •~lal Hrvlcea to • refugees and review the apeclal education proJrams. -Establish an energy conservation program in the district. Last year's utility bill "'" $2 million. • -Develop an anU·nnclalilm, pro1ram tbat 'VOUld force nnda.11 to make ....utut.lon for dam191d diltrietproperty. Slnce 11'11 llll'Ollment tn the dittrict bu dropped .,, 1.000. It went from a blp of•• ta•• to tt,000 tbal year. rar:;t lime UM co.t of .._ a student bu lncrelMd fNID to 12,111, ucord tn1 to the ~ . .--------.,....,-=,-,~---~-- .,. Orange Cout-DAIL y PllOT/WednHd•y. Febru•ry , 7. '982 N ~· .;---------------------------------------------------~ ................... . NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS tUOTATIONt !ltCLUDI T••oo Diii , ....... VOii(, MIOWUT, l'AC ll'IC, lllW. MITOlll. DI flOlf ••O CJlllCllllNATI UOCll •FMA .. U AlllO llllOHIO '" 'fltl llUD ,UIO 1Nnt1111 f k in Ntl SalH Ntl ~It• Ntl 1:'11;·~·~~-;""t:'.= ~ ·;r:i '1;:~.;~~ ef~~;.~'fica~~~ s.1.. N•• : ti, · ·• Uy,. ~ laM ·i ,~ .... ~·.~s· 112 • ,•• ~ .. ,,,., C:<G .. C"O •..ftl· . ""' '""' n, n 1 i. -.... I 1 ,.._ v. .,, t ' H • \It ~ 1 .. , "" • "" ,...,,,.. II 'tt -"' 11, 1,.. l~"tJf-li' L~ 1't0 'l t 1;,_ \It f '' U • • Mttllr t 10 S ft~: 1\lt _. I 1 !O " ... :t' A 210t 1lll0 ti ... 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S 11'- StAllUI I ll '" U$lF pf? 1S • n '> • • StafAlt . .011 111 27~ t '-Utllolnl I II I~• '• Seal,._ I ... 6 1J:t 2'''°' + 14 U141Pl 1 20 I ~ It SH l190 Sl 16 Sl4 Jl -l't UtPl Pf l.ID l 1IV. Stal"I 1.Ji 1 Jm 141.\ t V. UtPL p , tO .0 lt''I "' S.C~ac 2.20 S 1«11 JS \lo UIPL pl 1 ;Ill • IS"° Std<o .44 I 44l 2111> • ,,_ UIPl Pl 2 0. 1 H m:LI 60 1t ft 1~ --V-V -~I M 1 40 20 VF Cp 1 «> 6 ID }.)'°' ... ... 1 • 2'4 U-"" Vtltro :n s W "'' =~ -411~ 1~ ~~::::: ~::J~~ I~~ II~ .:~• •o SlttllO 1.IO • ,,. ~ 14 llarco n .11 1 J1 .,.,.. Sitt i'f t.17t ' 14 ,....._. -\141rl•n st 10 t7S 2t .. + 1V. ·" s S1 12~ " ..,.,. 40 1 " ..... • .... •fl.IS .. S 19"" + 14 Vtteo 20 IJ 71 IJ\l'I -. "'910 .. 1.40 • • S IS -\lo V-. S 2 .. ~t AD 6 • t ..... + '6 Vn!S41 t.... J l t Yt• ,,_ Sit<"-IA I 4' 10'4-" V~m • tt U 121 1011. _. Sl9flll ... I "' 21 .... VaEPw I JO 7 104 11\lo ~ > 10 4' 1'\4-~ VtEii1 tO . 1 19" t \.\ $!r'll""1J .It • t• 14~ •• ,. VaE J 1.11 . 1l00 SO • It. S4m""1 ·" 11 1$( "4+ 1111 var pf7 4S • uo .,.,. "' !!!'.!!!' !Oii , "' I~ v. vornedo . u ''" , \0 ~~ ~lw l: ~ ~ ~~~::'~ ,: : '! m~: tt ""'""' .JO • d .,,...._ " -w-w -Sfll!t11111 ,. • n• ""+ -. WICO• 1. U 6 ' tll't ~ S1M11111 :in,,. .e + 1111 wa•11 '""° . a20 >tv. , 111 1 J .J IJI' + 14 WK'>Ov 1 U 1 6 ,,_ 14 ,· 1 Bl 1~ ~ :ac::r .. ~ IJ 11~+·;,t i .. tt _. r.21 + 14 w~111llO(t 14 1, f.5' 1f v. v. ~ • IJ 1114. 14 w Mart .n N 11t .,-. I ~ ,.. .. WIM'1 pl It 2'\11>. • " .-•• "" W•llf'n t I 41 2>'-• 1' .. a r• V. W..Hl!ttl.'2 . 10l 11~• Vt fl0 1 •• • 171 1 + Vo WalCh .. 11 1 lllii '- 111 1 • 4 1 + ~ '#41!\Jm 1 It lit ''°" I .a • 14 11'-·• ._ W=ltJ .tO . 10J io.... 'i.t Dow Jones Final OFF. -3.71 CLOSING 827.82 • rates rise UTlll ~------ Treasury bill interest rate~ rose for the s ixth lame in as many weeks. reaching a five month high. Six-month T bills were sold at an average discount rate or 14.36 percent, compared with 13.93 percent on r eb R Three·month btlls sold at an average rate of 14 .74 µercent. compared with 14 09 percent last week Production an S facton<'!t and mine!> fe ll 3 percent In January. the biggest decline s mce spring of 1980 and an indication thE' recession was worsening last month The Fedcr<t l Heser ve Board said the drop in national output m J anuary was the largest or six consecuti ve m onthly decl ines. a nd industrial production stood al one percentage point below the lowest level of the 1980 re«t>ssion STATE B,.. ____ _ St>curUy Pacific NationaJ Bank has s igned an agreement to purchase RMJ Securities Corp , a small but influential Wa ll Street brokerage The bank did not relt'ase the price or other details or the planned t akc.•over J ap<mcse-based Brad~estone Tire Co of America Inc has agreed i11 µnnc1ple lo bu. a Nashville truck tire plant from Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. for S52 mi llion, a Bridgeston e s pfJkes man said No imm ed1al t' e ffl'<'l on lht· t ,000 workforre 1s expected IARlllGS ~ Greatwest Hoi.pitals Inc. of Santa Ana reported a 67 percent increase m revenues a nd a 139 percent advance an net earnmgs for the first quarter ended Dec :n The company sa id its revenues Jumped to S2!U million from $15 million m the like quarter a ~ear ago, whJlc net eetrningi. increased lo $873,000 from $365,000. Western Digital Corp. of Irvine for the second fi scal quart('r of 1982 ended Oer. 31 had net revenue soar 56 percent tu $9 4 millron from $6 mlllton in last year's lrkc quarter '.'lei t•<trnm~!. totaled $231.000. up 43 µercent over la~l }ear '> Slfit .000 Rampart General Inc. of Irvine for the quarter ended Dec 31 incurred a net loss of SI I mllhon. or 40 cents a share, compared with a profit of $75.000. or 3 cent$. for the hke quarte r las t year Sales for the quarter or $2 8 million compared with $4 8 m1lhon Lucky Swres lnc.'s s<tles for the yea r ended JiJTt - 31 increased 11 pe rcent to $7 2 billion from $6.4 billion. and net earnings gained 6 percent to $95 5 milhon from $90 4 million in 1980. Northrop Corp. reported 1981 net income of S47 9 million . or $3.31 "a share. down $86. I million, or $6 04 a share m 1980 Sales advanced to a record Sl 99 b1lhon. up from $1 66 billion. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS Amer T~T IBM Mtlltl Inc; Norton Sim Pen11toll SmllN!llne MGIC lllY Gen MolO"i EtJI 1Cod41- Euori' PhlllPtPltl Am Alrlln ~:~i:.~. SurtAoeo IOI 'IOO S9t.t00 s...ooo jOl,600 •97, 100 .... 000 "' aoo Jtt,200 JM,>00 •• 600 "'100 »•,200 :m,ooo ]I' 100 31~ 100 SI I • &2'• • °'11 1S • ~. ~,I.. ......... eta~ •1'• .q ' 351• ... 6• •• ~ JI"' ~ J6•· "' 11 •• .. • ti ,. '• 21.. ·~ tt' t I 1, UPS AND DOWNS Ul'S ..... Cl\Q "'• . '" JI~ ... 111, • " " ... . 11•'1 .. ... '""' . " .... ~ ,..., . .,. 111,1., .. ''• "•"· • tl4 ,.. . .. 1~ ') • I ' U1 I • '" ...... 1•11 ,.,... . '- 17 • t ,..,. . . .. OOl#MS 1.411\,, ~. 1GOLD COINS 121'> ,,, ,.. 1'· ) '. 1~ ... Jt;\ '• '"" -,.. Sl4 --,.. """ 1111 1614 -, •• 711) -,.., """ -'"' "" -IV. . .,, , .... -"" ,,,... '" 21\'t -""' Pct Up U t uo 12 0 UP '• Up t I Up It Up I I Up I l Up 11 Up I 1 Up 11 Up 1 1 Up It Up & I Up • S Up • • UP '3 Uo 6 J l'<I Oii II 0 Oii I l Oft I 1 ()It 7 1 Oii I S Off I • OH •I Oii 6 1 Oii 's Oii 6 s ()It 6 l Oii 6 I Oii 6 0 Oii s. Ott s. °'' s 6 011 's NEW VOAlt IAPI Pti<'et 1411e TunUt; af told col111, c-nodwllh Frlelty'• P•k-• I(......,...., 11~y 01., P'J 1$, off •>.SO ~ INf, 1 troy ot .. "*-"· otl U..50. Me•k ... '° -· ' 2 ,..., ...... ,. "· tff un . A_... 1o6 <-. ., 1~r o• un n , 9'I i1 so N{W Y()Af\ ,,.p, Sa'9t nO(>n J>#t4'A tt'i.J "-t Ct'W'Of of '"-t•' ""Ct'I •4.1 ,,,_ A,""4tH(.#' °>h1'. • ~~, ... I.Alt ""°'"" "'•' ort• '• ,, .,..,. .. tfW" NV T•,,_ A j(Jll 'IOO lA • SupronE"ll • 10lo JOO 3' WtnQ 8 13'1 100 ll', Tetr1Tch t '16.000 11... d Oomt Ptrl s ~ 'IOO e .. ~:~g: ::~ 1k .. : Oorcl\J1G•s o 100 11 •· •, CcrcltlC ... 700 • Intl 81>-nol 0 100 ~ • .. METALS NEW "'OAK 1AP1 mft't•I Ofl(tr\H.~• C••~•r """-10 <f'"'h 4 oounn v S ()tSt•n•ttOn\ LU4 ?•11 (rnl\. PC>""O l ift( ., (f'nh. pouno o"••vflr""' Tift '1 (171 ~l•I• w-.• <ompo.,1• lb .,.,,.......,.,.,,..,,,..,h•-.no N .,. More •rt \.11S 00 "'' II•>~ 1'1•11"-\JCt6 00 lroy CH N y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS By Tiie •-lalW Pr"' S<!IM te<I world QOIO PrlC~\ IOCl•Y Le....,. mor11•nq 11a1no \JIS so up Ml ts Le-olt•moon1 .. 1noUHOO,ollll lS "•rls. \.11). .. Oii Ml I\ Frt111lllwl• \JI•~. Oii '1 01 lllricll: L-Uatnq iJ1J 00. olf II 00 bid ur• oo •"'eel H•ndy & M•'"'•" fOt"tly d•flv auot•J '31• 00 Oil t1 H ( ........... tonly d•ily qllOl•I \JI• 00 oH \t H E....-.i· (only O<!•ly a\IOl•I ,.~., ... S3'l JO, Off \I II SYMBOLS " ~ 1 M. ~ """·,.: m ll"'"" I . t: '"•·" MACCM .1220 ~II \4 :•'d'f",u-.2! m r.~·Yl , 1. .... ".~,., .. ~:t: . 11 ~ ~· ~ .. "" g·~ I~":: l:J ;fy.. ~ .. :m1 · ... tu .. ":" ·• +"' " .r It tlilo • I " C 1 .. 12~ ., \lo ll'.vt41111 I. .. !11'1 11\t+" ~ , ~a u -" W•r I , .. t~ .... 1 • ff:• .. w , lt?tn' ~· 14 _I 'ti • "'° WM!!~L IA ttt Ii~ t:ttlo-"" l ' 617 1'•+ "'° Watllqt t .. 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